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Phoenix,New York 13135 for ACRES AMERICAN,INCORPORATED Liberty Bank Building,Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 - - SUMMARY The vegetation/habitat types found in the Upper Susitna River Basin and the floodplain down to Talkeetna ~ere described,classified,and mapped. Reconnaissance of many locations throughout the study area was made in summer 1980 to obtain information on species composition and community structure.Ocular estimates of the cover of each species in each layer of vegetation were made,and these data were used to classify the vege- tation according to the system developed by Viereck and Dyrness (1980). High altitude (U2)color infrared photography and LANDSAT imagery were used to map the vegetation cover types.Maps were produced at the scales of 1:250,000 and 1 :24,000 for the entire basin and direct impact areas,respectively.Additionally,the area extending 16 km in any direction from the proposed impoundment areas is in the process of being mapped at a scale of 1:63,360.A 1:24,000 scale map of apparent wet- lands was also produced,based on the 1 :24,000 scale vegetation map and the wetlands classification system (Cowardin et ~.1979)used by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. Results of reconnaissance surveys of the vegetation/habitat types show that at least 243 species in 130 genera and 55 families are present in the Upper Susitna River Basin.Of these 21 represented extensions of the previously known ranges ?f the species.Special effort was made to locate any species which are currently under review by theU.S.Fish and Wildlife Serivce for possible status as endangered or threatened. Although some potential habitats of these species were located,none of the species were found.Foot and helicopter surveys were also made of several lakes and ponds within the direct impact areas to determine the composition and structure of plant communities occurring in or near the water. The major vegetation/habitat types found in the study area are low mixed shrub,woodland and open black spruce,sedge-grass tundra,mat and cushion tundra,and birch shrub.These vegetation/habitat types are typical of what is found covering vast areas of Alaska and northern Canada.Characteristically,these types are found on cold,wet soils ARLISAla,,,i,,,R L "b ,,1'.<:\.esour.1 rary o.f ...ces .Ui."'f'.J fCH 11"a--I'Si\,.,''."<-<on ervl n...f.n hi ~r;H.'.f:'.."'.1 k ces.,~,,-~as a -- .- and exhibit slow or stunted growth.Less than 3%of the area is vege- tated by deciduous or mixed conifer-deciduous forests which,by con- trast,have more robust growth characteristics.Deciduous and mixed conifer-deciduous forests occur primarily along the Susitna River where soils are better drained and a longer growing season exists.Conse- quently,a large portion of deciduous and mixed forests found in the study area will be destroyed by the proposed impoundments.Other vege- tation/habitat types --mixed shrub,birch shrub,tall shrub,and spruce --will also be lost by inundation,but in small degree relative to their availability across the entire Upper Susitna River Basin. If that vegetation/habitat which is destroyed is found to have con- siderable importance as browse for moose,there may be some opportunity to create replacement browse supplies in adjacent areas either by burning or by clearing to stimulate regrowth of palatable shrubs. Generally speaking,however,losses of vegetation can not be mitigated. However,in those situations where the vegetation is only temporarily destroyed (eg:construction sitesy roads,and borrow sites)revegetation by mulching and seeding with native -species may quickly restore ground cover.Natural revegetation following fertilization also appears prom- ising in mitigating temporary losses of vegetation. - TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES Page 1 -INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------1 2 -METHODS --------------------------------------------------------2 2.1 -Definition of Study Area ---------------------------------2 2.2 -Vegetation Cover/Habitat Mapping -------------------------2 2.3 -Qualitative Assessments ----------------------------------4 2.3.1 -Sampling Locations -------------------------------------4 2.3.2 -Vegetation Characteristics -----~-----------------------7 2.3A3 -Physical Characteristics -------------------------------7 2.3.4 -Wildlife Habitat ---------------------------------------8 2.3.5 -Wetlands -----------------------------------------------9 2.4 -Endangered and Threatened Species ------------------------9 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE STUDY -----------------------11 3.1 -Introduction ---------------------------------------------11 3.2 -General Description of Study Area ------------------------11 3.3 -Floristics -----------------------------------------------13 3.4 -Preliminary Vegetation/Habitat Type Maps -----------------13 3.5 -Preliminary Vegetation/Habitat Type Descriptions ---------28 3.5.1 -Forest Types -------------------------------------------28 3.5.2 -Tundra Types ----------------------------------.;.--------46 3.5.3 -Shrubland Types ----------------------------------------53 3.5.4 -Herbaceous Types ---------------------------------------60 3.5.5 -Unvegetated Types --~-----------------------------------61 3.6 -Wetlands ---------------~---------------------------------61 3.6.1 -Identification and Mapping of Wetlands -----------------61 3.6.2 -Vascular Aquatic Plants --------------------------------62 -Introduction -----------------------------------------62 -Results and Discussion -------------------------------66 3.7 -Endangered,Threatened,Rare,and Noteworthy Species -----71 3.7.1 -Endangered,Threatened,and Rare Species ---------------71 3.7.2 -Noteworthy Species -------------------~-----------------78 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT ----------------.;.-----------------------------82 4.1 -Construction Impacts -------------------------------------82 4.2 -Operation Impacts ----------------------------------------84 4.2.1 -Impoundment Areas --------------------------------------84 4.2.2 -Downstream Floodplain ----------------------------------84 5 -MITIGATION -----------------------------------------------------86 5.1 -Avoidance ------------------------------------------------86 5.2 -Compensation ---~-----------------------------------------86 6 -REFERENCES -----------------------------------------------------88 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED ------------------------------------------92 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.Vegetation/habitat types (and sample location numbers) sampled in Upper Susitna River Basin,1980.----------------5 2.Preliminary list of plant species,identified during summer 1980 in Upper Susitna River Basin.-------------------------14 3.Hectares and percentage of total area covered by vegetation/ habitat types on 1 :250,000 scale map (Figure 3).-----------25 4.Hectares of different vegetation types to be impacted compared with total nectares of those types in the entire Upper Susitna River Basin.---------------------------------26 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in woodland conifer vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.---------------------------------31 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open conifer vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.---------------------------------30 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open black spruce vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------------------------------33 5. ,- 6.- ,~ft!J,.7. 8.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open white spruce vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------------------------------34 9.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed deciduous forest (birch and balsam poplar)vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-----------------------------------------------------37 10.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open birch deciduous forest vegetation/ habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-----------------38 11.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed balsam poplar forest vegetation/ habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-----------------40 12.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed birch deciduous forest vegetation/ habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-----------------41 13.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed aspen forest vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------------------------------42 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed mixed conifer deciduous forest vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------44 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open mixed conifer deciduous forest vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------45 16.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in wet sedge-grass tundra vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-------------------------48 17.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in mesic sedge-grass tundra vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-------------------------49 18.Plant species list in herbaceous alpine tundra in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980.------------------------51 ~Table 14.- 15. ~ - - - 19.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed mat and cushion tundra vegetation/ habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.-----------------52 20.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed tall alder vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.--------------------~---------54 - 21.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open tall alder vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.---------------------~--------56 22.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed low shrub vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.------------------------------57 23.Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in open low shrub vegetation/habitat type in Upper Susitna River Basin.---------------------------------58 24.Vegetation and wetland classes found in the proposed Susitna impoundment and borrow areas.------------------------------63 25.Aquatic plant survey,Susitna Hydroelectric Project,August 1980.------------------------------------------------------67 26.List of endangered and threatened plant species sought in the August 1980 survey.------------------------------------73 27.Vascular plant species in the Upper Susitna River Basin which are outside their range as reported by Hulten (1968).-79 - LIST OF FIGURES ~1. 2. 1""" 3. 4. 5. fl- 6. 7.- 8. 9.- ,~ Page Vegetation mapping areas of Upper Susitna River Basin.------3 Sample locations.-------------------------------------------6 Vegetation map of Upper Susitna River Basin.----~---back pocket Vegetation map of proposed Susitna Hydroelectric impact areas.----------------------------------------accompanying maps Wetland map of Susitna Hydroelectric Project impoundment and borrow areas.---------------------------------accompanying maps Locations of lakes and ponds surveyed for vascular aquatic plants in August 1980.--------------------------------------65 Schematic representation of the dominant vegetation associated with many lakes and ponds of the Upper Susitna Basin.------------------------------------------------------72 Areas surveyed for threatened and endangered species in the Susitna-West Fork Glacier area.----------------~------------75 Areas surveyed for threatened and endangered species in the Watana Creek-Susitna River area.----------------------------77 ,.... - - 1 -INTRODUCTION The overall objective of the Plant Ecology Studies is to map and char- acterize the vegetation/habitat types occurring in the areas to be affected by the proposed Susitna Hydroelectri~Project,predict impacts that will result from the proposed facilities,and to provide prelim- inary mitigation options.Specifically,during 1980 our objectives were to produce preliminary vegetation maps and qualitative descriptions of each vegetation type mapped.Additionally,we were to survey the Upper Susitna River impact areas for plant species currently being reviewed by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service for protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.' .,-1 - -- .- - 2 -t·1ETHODS 2.1 -Definition of Study Area The area of study during 1980 included all of the Upper Susitna River drainage and the floodplain of the Susitna River from Gold Creek to Talkeetna.Some portions of this area were studied more intensively than others.The scale at which the different areas were mapped is presented on Figure 1 and gives some indication of how the study effort was distributed;more attention was given to areas that were mapped at .larger scales,since these are the areas of direct impact. 2.2 -Vegetation Cover/Habitat Mapping Vegetation of the entire Upper Susitna River drainage (Figure 1)was mapped at a scale of 1:250,000.Vegetation adjacent to and within 16 km of the Upper Susitna River was mapped at a scale of 1 :63,360.The vegetation within the proposed impact areas (i.e.,impoundments,areas within 0.8 km of impoundments,floodplain from Portage Creek to Talkeetna, and borrow sites)was mapped at a scale of 1:24,000.The classification system developed by Viereck and Dyrness (1980)was utilized in the mapping effort. to1apping at all three scales began with the entire Upper Susitna River drainage being subdivided into major physiographic regions by the inter- pretation of winter and summer LANDSAT imagery.Vegetation units on 1:120,000 scale high altitude (U-2)color infra-red (erR)photography of representative areas of each physiographic region were then delineated and identified according to Viereck and Dyrness (1980).The 1 :120,000 scale prints,with attached overlays,were then taken into the field and as many delineated vegetation units verified as possible;field checks were distributed across each of the major physiographic regions,with em- phasis being placed on those vegetation types which were IllOSt difficult 2 1 1 )')1 })1 .,~l I -..~1 1 »1, ::..~rII.l~......!'~,.. "'\~ TO CANTWELL- ...:-....~:.~.l:. '.W'. ·.mrl\ KEy' mii:!:i'!i}ii!ii!:!;tl 111111111 W22L1 ,J'fI':"':~J4:\t, SCALES 1:2.4,000 1:63,360 1:250,000 SCALE ,.,.........==:J o :I 10 '1:1 20 MILES ·1 I Arn 'l,·t r 1-r 1~,\"\,-\.~ r~/. !';; .......-.../I.~>).. (7'~,A!'' (.WEST A'J', 10/1~~~) A ) I'"(\\A,"'i) ( BASIN.BOUNDARY r<'r~l\~~':)...'I""~*'.,~""\<\1\1,'\\,,{~,,-..(.1- -$-<Il'l'~~.\\',-(,,",,It~'::"-."~....CREE .?"'...;~O ~C-.......'\U1"\'E K DENALI HIGHWAY ~ ....c:...~',,~-,~~EE'I;.·4f ~ ",,';j 111111111 "":::.!R«lY ,,i'l 11111.I1l1t 1111 ,..I _#~:s -.";:;.:;J--y ""-;;1--- ......:::J~ ..,,:;,""'"--e:;.:..-, :'\ .~ y ~3"11111111 \'~..i '[r1 ""';:.)."" -<V J ~~L..>..j ~~ (/~ ~.F?~Y.SUSITNA .\).~ i LAKE y'~~~ V y .(j LOUISE: r,~~.I-LJ-l...L..L L.L ~LJ It'1tv IJ.FIGURE IY~II VEGETATION MAPPING AREAS (l2L ,0./L~.f<'(L..IJ.J\,UI UPPER SUSIT~:RIVER BASIN w ":;{' - .- r I to interpret on aerial photography;helicopter availability also was a factor in determining which areas could be checked.Enlargements of the 1:120,000 scale eIR photography at the 1 :24,000 and 1 :63,360 scales were obtained as transparencies,and vegetation units were then redelineated on mylar overlays.The 1 :250,000 scale mapping was done on an overlay of a summer LANDSAT image;in each case,field-checked copies of the 1:120,000 scale eIR prints were consulted for more accurate delineation of vegetation types.Experience gained during the summer in inter- preting the tones and textures of eIR prints was also used in the re- mapping of the vegetation.Finally,overlay maps were traced on subdued positive transparencies of corresponding USGS topographic maps,thus producing final maps which could later be duplicated.The 1:63,360 scale map has not reached this final stage of completion. 2.3 -Qualitative Assessments 2.3.1 -Sampling Locations Reconnaissance level surveys were made of each major vegetation type.Areas surveyed were selected based on the aerial photo- graphy.Some areas were chosen because we were unsure of what vegetation type was represented by certain colors and textures on the photographs.Others were selected because more sample points were needed in a particular vegetation type.The desired number of sample points in a vegetation type was based on extent of that type and on severity of impact from the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.In other words,more points were sampled in vegetation types of large extent and in the impoundment areas.The actual .sample area was chosen because of its homogeneity.The size of an area sampled depended on the size of the homogeneous area,the number of people sampling the area,and the available time.The areas and types sampled during the 1980 field season (June,July, and August)are indicated on Table 1 and Figure 2. 4 Table 1 Vegetation/habitat types (and sample location numbers)sampled in Upper Susitna River Basin,1980. Vegetation/habitat Type Mat and cushion tundra Sedge-grass tundra Herbaceous tundra Wet sedge-grass Open black spruce Woodland black spruce Open white spruce Woodland white spruce Closed birch forest Open birch forest Closed balsam poplar Open balsam poplar Closed aspen Closed mixed conifer-deciduous forest Open mixed conifer-deciduous forest Closed tall shrub Open tall shrub Low shrub Willow shrub Sample Location Number a/ 1-8 9-10 11 12-14 15-17 18-22 23-27 28 29-32 33-34 35-36 37 38 39-41 42-49 50-52 53 54-62 63-64 """"I ~Sample locations are given in Figure 2. 5 J]~-lJ J I "...__"....I ..J ..J ...._--~".. j TO CANTWELL_ J 2.0MILES I 1510 SCALE 5o Figure 2. Vegetation/habitat types sample locations in Upper Susitna River Basin~1980. J I i r~_~,---'\.I"./..-.....,'\ ,..._/., )'I ".II ,I J \ L,\",.",-r" I \ I IIWEST"",(~O1>I'n ~\. I ,~ J C"I 2.3.2 -Vegetation Characteristics Species composition and community structure information was collected at each area sampled.Ocular estimates were made of the cover of each plant species in each layer of vegetation.Cover is the vertical projection of living plant parts on the ground and is measured as a percentage of area covered.The ground layer consisted of all herbaceous species and all woody species less than 0.5 m tall.The shrub layer consisted of woody species taller than 0.5 m but less than 2.5 cm dbh (diameter breast height).Under- story vegetation was woody species between 2.5 cm and 10.0 cm dbh. Overstory vegetation consisted of species larger than 10.0 cm dbh. "Shrub layer"refers to a layer of vegetation whereas the term "s hrub ll refers to the life form of woody species not considered trees such as Betula glandu10sa,~.nana,Alnus spp.,Empetrum nigrum,and others.Some tall shrubs such as Alnus may be taller than short trees such as Picea mariana which occurred scattered in wet areas.Hence,height is not a good distinguishing charac- teristic for these life forms in this vegetation. A woody species could occur in anyone or combination of layers in a given stand.Cover was also estimated for each layer of vege- tation without regard to species.Cover values are not additive because of overlapping layers.In other words,if a species has 15%shrub layer cover and a 10%ground layer cover,its overall cover would be at least 15%but may be less than 25%if parts of the taller individuals occur above the shorter individuals. Similarly,the sum of the cover percentages in a stand may exceed 100%. 2.3.3 -Physical Characteristics The objective of this portion of the qualitative assessment was to collect data that would describe characteristics of the physical 7 .- environment which could be closely associated with the occurrence of a particular vegetation/wildlife habitat type.One person on the survey team was assigned to record the physical variables at each site where the vegetation was described.Elevation was deter- mined from topographic maps or the altimeter of the helicopter. Degree of slope typical of the site was measured with an ABNEY level.Aspect was determined with the use of a compass and re- corded in degrees.Position was also recorded with reference to elevational location of the site with respect to the land form on which it occurs (e.g.canyon site;mid,upper,or lower level; mountain top;etc.). Soil pits were dug whenever time permitted,and the horizons of each described in terms of depth,texture,color,wetness,and structure.Texture and color were described in common soil clas- sification terms.Wetness was recorded as saturated,wet,moist, or dry.The pits were dug to a depth of at least 30 cm or until frost or rock was encountered.Parent material was identified in each case.In addition,core samples of approximately 20 cm depth were taken from 5 to 8 locations within the site.The samples were placed in a common plastic bag,labelled,and sealed for later texture and chemical analysis.They were stored in a cool place. 2.3.4 -Wildlife Habitat The focus of this part of the qualitative assessment was descrip- tion of ungulate habitat values for each community/habitat type. Secondarily,record was made of presence or sign of other wildlife species,such as birds,small mammals,and bears. Available browse,browse utilization,browse vigor,pellet groups, and comments relative to wildlife habit~t were recorded.Specifics are discussed in the Plant Ecology Procedures Manual (p.13). 8 2.3.5 -Wetlands All land within the proposed impact areas was also classified according to Cowardin et~.(1979)into appropriate wetland classes.A map delineating wetland types was constructed using the vegetation/habitat maps following the same procedures given in Section 2.2.The only difference was that the vegetation units were replaced with appropriate wetland classes.This was done with little consideration of soil moisture conditions,since this infor~ mation was mostly unavailable to us.Presence of steep slope and likely good drainage was interpreted to rule out classification as wetland in some cases where the vegetation cover did indicate the possibility of wetland.Obviously,this is a very risky procedure without actual soils data for interpretation. Foot surveys were made of several ponds and lakes and their peri- pheral wet areas within the impoundment areas and adjacent uplands. During the surveys,species composition,dominance and total cover (relative to amount of water)were estimated.Elevation,estimated rooting depth,and width of surrounding wetland were recorded. Surrounding wetland was limited by definition to the Lacustrine- Limnetic-Emergent Wetland-Vascular wetland class of Cowardin et~. (1979).Many of the remaining ponds and lakes,not surveyed on foot,were examined by helicopter overflights to ensure similarity among ponds and to search for new species. 2.4 -Endangered and Threatened Species No plant species are presently officially listed for Alaska by federal or state authorities as endangered or threatened,however,37 are cur- rently under review by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USF&WS 1980).Most of these species were also discussed by Murray (1980).The general habitat requirements and occurrence of these plant species were known from previous taxonomic and ecological studies in Alaska and from 9 information on the Alaskan flora by Hulten (1968).Following a review of this information and contact \"lith local experts,10 species 'that could possib1y occur in the phytogeographic region of the Upper Susitna River were identified.Potential habitat for these species was then selected for closer investigation. In August 1980,a helicopter and foot survey was made of each of the selected areas.Special attention was given to micro sites where the species in question might occur.Since calophytic species could possibly occur,soils having free carbonates were located by using geologic maps which indicated calcareous rock materials and by testing with 10%hydro- chloric acid. 10 r- I I'"'"", 3 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF BASELINE STUDV 3.1 -Introduction During summer 1980,preliminary maps and descriptions of vegetation/ habitat types were constructed for approximately 4 million acres of forest,shrub and tundra lands in the Upper Susitna River Basin. Vegetation/habitat information includes descriptions of flora,threat- ened and endangered species,physical site characteristics,wetlands, and aquatic species. 3.2 -General Description of Study Area The Upper Susitna River Basin is located in the Pacific Mountain physio- graphic division in southcentral Alaska (Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska 1973).The Susitna River drains parts of the Alaska Range on the north and parts of the Talkeetna Mountains on the south.Many areas along the east-west portion of the river,between the confluences of Portage Creek and the Oshetna River,are steep and covered with conifer,deciduous,and mixed conifer and deciduous forests. Flat benches occur at the tops of these banks and usually contain low shrub or woodland conifer communities.Low mountains rise from these benches and are covered by sedge-grass tundra and mat and cushion tundra. The southeastern portion of the study area between the Susitna River and Lake Louise is characterized by extensive flat areas covered with low shrubland and woodland conifer communities which are often intermixed and difficult to distinguish in the field or on aerial photographs because of intergradations.The area along the Susitna River between the ~~aclaren River and the Denali Highway is covered with woodland and open spruce stands. Farther east the area has more low shrubland cover. The Clearwater Mountains north of the Denali Highway have extensive tundra vegetation.The floodplain of the Susitna River north of the 11 ".., ,,,,,", .. Denali Highway has woodland spruce and willow stands.The Alaska Range contains most of the permanent snowfields and glaciers in the study area. The steep portions and some adjacent areas along the east-west portions of the river are considered in the closed spruce-hardwood forest type of Viereck and Little (1972),the moderately high mixed evergreen and deciduous forest map unit of Spetzman (1963),and the upland spruce hardwood forest of the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission of Alaska (1973).This type of vegetation is found mainly along rivers in the southcentral and interior regions of the state. The benches bordering the east-west portion of the river and the area around the Maclaren River are classified as moist tundra in all three of the previously mentioned maps.This moist tundra classification in- cludes herbaceous meadows as well as shrub dominated areas.These areas occur around the Brooks Range,on the Seward Peninsula,and near the Killuck Mountains. The extensive flats in the lower Oshetna River and Lake Louise areas are considered open,low growing spruce forests by Viereck and Little (1972), low mixed evergreen and deciduous forests by Spetzman (1963),and low- land spruce-hardwood forests by the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission of Alaska (1973).Viereck and Little's (1972)description appears most appropriate since the area is covered primarily by spruce stands with treeless bogs.This type generally occurs just above the closed spruce-hardwood stands (Viereck and Little 1972)or the bottom- land spruce poplar stands (Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Com- mission of Alaska 1973). The vegetation along the lower mountains and the lower slopes of the higher mountains was classified as alpine tundra by Viereck and Little (1972)and the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission (1973) and barren and sparse dry tundra by Spetzman (1963).Some of these areas were mapped as rock while other areas were mapped as sedge-grass tundra or mat and cushion tundra in this study,whereas the previous 12 -I maps included the rock in the alpine tundra.Some areas which were mapped as rock do have some important pioneering species growing in crevices,but the plants provided neglible ground cover.This vege- tation grows on mountains throughout the state. 3.3 -Floristics Table 2 contains a preliminary list of plant species which have been tentatively identified from the Upper Susitna River Basin.There are 243 vascular plant species occurring in 130 genera in 55 families.Some collected specimens have yet to be identified and others need to be verified by experts in the field.This is particularly true for the Carex and Salix genera.The families which contained the most species were Compositae,Salicaceae,Rosaceae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,and Ericaceae.The Salicaceae family was also important from the standpoint of canopy cover,wildlife usage,and pioneering on gravel bars,whereas the Compositae contributed relatively minor cover.The genus Salix contained 17 species,tentatively,while Carex had 10 species and Saxifraga had 9 species. Seven genera of lichen which included at least 11 species were identi- fied while five taxa of mosses were identified.More extensive work on lichens and mosses will likely identify many more species of mosses and lichens. 3.4 -Preliminary Vegetation/Habitat Type Maps The two vegetation/habitat maps that have been produced to date are the 1:250,000 scale (Figure 3 -see back packet)and 1 :24,000 scale (Figure 4 -see accompanying map).The 1:63,360 scale map is currently nearing completion. It should be noted that there is seldom a distinct line of demarcation between vegetation/habitat types when viewed on aerial photographs or in 13 Table 2 Preliminary list of plant ~pecies,identified during summer 1980 in Upper Susitna River Basin.- Pteridophyta Aspidiaceae Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.)Gray Dryopteris fragrans (L.)Schott Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.)Newm. Athyriaceae Cystopteris fragilis (L.)Bernh. Cystopteris montana (Lam.)Bernh. Woodsia alpina (Bolton)S.F.Gray Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense L. Equisetum fluviatile L.ampl.Ehrh. Equisetum pratense L. Equisetum silvaticum L. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Isoetaceae Isoetes muricata Our. Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium alpinum L. Lycopodium annotinum L. Lycopodium clavatum L. Lycopodium complanatum L. Lycopodium selago L.ssp.selago Gymnospermae Cupressaceae Juniperus communis L. Pinaceae Picea glauca (Moench)Voss Picea mariana (Mill.)Britt., Sterns &Pogg. 14 Shield fern Fragrant shield-fern Oak-fern Fragile-fern Mountain fragile-fern Alpine woodsia Meadow horsetail Swamp horseta i1 Meadow horsetail Woodland horsetail Variegated scouring-rush Quillwort Alpine clubmoss Stiff clubmoss Running clubmoss Ground cedar Fir clubmoss Common juniper White spruce Black spruce .- - Monocotyledoneae Cyperaceae Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. Carex bigelowii Torr. Carex cap;llar;s L. Carex concinna R.Br. Carex f;lifolia Nutt. Carex limosa L. Carex loliacea L. Carex membranacea Hook. Carex podocarpa C.B.Clarke Carex rhynchophysa C.A.Mey. Carex spp. Er;ophorum angustifolium Honck. Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe Er;ophorum vaginatwn L. Tr;chophorum caespitosum (L.) Hartm. Gramineae Agropyron Spa Agrostis scabra Willd. Afrost;s Spa A opecurus alpinus Sm. Arctagrostis latifolia (R.Br.) Griseb. ,Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv. Calamagrostis purpurascens R.Br. Danthonia intermed;a Vasey Oeschampsis/·atropurpurea (Wahlenb.) Scheel~ Deschampsia caespitosa (L.)Beauv. Festuca alta;ca Trin. Festuca rubra L.Call. Hierochloe alpina (Swartz)Roem.& Schult. Hierochloe odorata (L.)Wahlenb. Phleum commutatum Gandoger Poa arct;ca R.Br. Poa palustris L. Trisetum spicatum (L.)Richter Iridaceae Iris setosa Pel las 15 Water sedge Bigelow sedge Hairlike sedge Low northern sedge Thread-leaf sedge Shore sedge Sedge Fragile sedge Short-stalk sedge Sedge Sedge Tall cottongrass White cottongrass Tussock cottongrass Tufted clubrush Wheatgrass Tickle grass Bent grass Mountain foxtail Polargrass Bluejoint Purple reedgrass Timber oatgrass Mountain hairgrass Tufted hairgrass Fescue grass Red fescue Alpine holygrass Vanilla grass Timothy Arctic bluegrass Bluegrass Downy oatgrass Wi 1d i ri s Juncaceae Juncus arcticus Willd. Juncus castaneus Sm. Juncus drummondii E.r1ey. Juncus mertensianus Bong. Luzula campestri~/(L.)DC. ex DC.&Lam.- Luzula confusa Lindeb. Luzula multiflora (Retz.)Lej. Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.)Desv. Luzula tundricola Gorodk. Luzula wahlenbergii Rupr. Li 1i aceae Lloydia serotina (L.)Rchb. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.)DC. Tofieldia coccinea Richards Tofieldia eusjlla (Michx.)Pers. Veratrum vlride Ait. Zygadenus elegans Pursh Orchidaceae Platanthera convallariaefolia (Fisch.)Lindl. Platanthera hyperborea (L.)Lindl. Potamogetomaceae Potamogeton epihydrous Raf. Potamogeton filiformis Pers. Potamogeton gramineus L. Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes Sparganiaceae Sparganium angustifolium ~ichx. Dicotyledoneae Araliaceae Echinopanax horridum (Sm.) Decne.&Planch. 16 Arctic rush Chestnut rush Drummond rush ~1ertens rush Woodrush Northern woodrush Woodrush Small-flowered woodrush Tundra woodrush Wahlenberg woodrush Alp lily Cucumber root Northern asphodel Scotch asphodel Helebore Elegant death camas Orchis family Orchis family Nuttall pondweed Filiform pondweed Pondweed Clasping-leaf pondweed Robbins pondweed Narrow-leaved burreed Devil 's club Betulaceaef/ Alnus crispa (Ait.)Pursh Alnus sinuata (Reg.)Rydb. Betula glandulosa Michx. Betul a nana L. Betula ~dentalis Hook. Betula papyrifera Marsh. Boragi naceae Mertensia raniculata (Ait.)G.Don Myosotis a pestris F.W.Schmidt Callitrichaceae Callitriche hermaphroditica L. Callitriche verna L. Campanulaceae Campanula lasiocarpa Cham. Caprifoliaceae Linnaea borealis L. Viburnum edule (Michx.)Raf. Caryophyllaceae Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydb.)House Silene acaulis L. Stellaria sp. wi Ihelmsia physodes (Fisch.)McNeill Compositae Achillea borealis Bong. Achillea sibirica Ledeb. Antennaria alpina (L.)Gaertn. Antennaria monocephala DC. Antennaria rosea Greene Arnica amplexicaulis Nutt.ssp.prima f"1aguire Arnica frigida C.A.Mey. Arnica lessingii Gree~e Artemisia alaskana Rydb. Artemisia arctica Less. Artemisia tilesii Ledeb. Aster sibiricus L. Erigeron humilis Graham Hferacium triste Willd. Petasites frigidus (L.)Franch. Petasites sagittatus (Banks)Gray 17 American green alder Sitka alder Resin birch Dwarf arctic birch Water birch Paper birch Tall bluebell Forget-me-not Water starwort Vernal water-starwort Mountain harebell Twin-flower High bush cranberry Alpine sandwort ~1oss campion Starwort ~1erckia YarrO\'i Siberian yarrow Alpine pussytoes Pussy toes Pussy toes Arnica Arnica Arnica Alaska wormwood Wormwood Wormwood Si beri an-aster Fleabane daisy Woolly hawkweed Arctic sweet coltsfoot Arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot - - Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.) Fedtsch. Senecio Tugens Richards. Senecio sheldonensis Pors. Solidago multiradiata Ait. Taraxacum sp. Cornaceae Cornus canadensis L. Crassulaceae Sedum rosea (L.)Scop. Cruciferae Cardamine bellidifolia L. Cardamine pratensis L. Ca rdami ne umbe 11 ata Greene Draba nivalis L;ljebl. Draba stenoloba Ledeb. Diapensiaceae Diapensia lapponica L. Elaeagnaceae Shepherdia canadensis (L.)Nutt. Empetraceae Empetrum nigrum L. Ericaceae Andromeda polifolia L. Arctostaphylos alpina (L.)Spreng. Arctostaphylos rubra (Rehd.&Wilson) Fern. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.)Spreng. Cassiope tetragona(L.)D.Don c/.Ledum decumbens (Ait.)Small- Ledum groenlandicum Oeder Lo;seleur;a procumbens (L.)Desv. Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz. Rhododendron lapponicum (L.)Wahlenb. Vaccinium caeseitosum Michx. Vacc;n;um uli~lnosum L. Vaccinium v;tls-idaea L. 18 Ragwort Rag\'JOrt Sheldon groundsel Northern goldenrod Dandelion Bunchberry Roseroot Alpine bittercress Cuckoo flower Bittercress Rockcress Rockcress Diapensia Soapberry Crowberry Bog rosemary Alpine bearberry Red-fruit bearberry Bearberry Four angle mountain heather Northern Labrador tea Labrador tea Alpine azalea Swamp cranberry Lapland rosebay Dwarf blueberry Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Fumariaceae Corydalis pauciflora (Steph.)Pers. Gentianaceae Gentiana glauca Pall. Gentiana propingua Richards. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Swertia perennis L. Geraniaceae Geranium erianthum DC. Haloragaceae Hippuris vulgaris L. Leguminosae Astragalus aboriginumb,ichards. Astragalus alpinus L.- Astragalus umbel latus Bunge Hedysarum alpinum L. Lupinus arcticus S.Wats. Oxytropis maydelliana Trautv. Oxytropis nigrescens (Pall.)Fisch. Oxytropis viscida Nutt. Lentibulariaceae Pin~uicula villosa L. Utrlcularia vUlgaris L. Myricaceae ~1yri ca gale L. Nymphaceae Nuphar polysepalum Engelm. Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium L. Epilobium latifolium L. Epilobium palustre L. 19 Few-flowered corydalis Glaucous gentian Gentian Buckbean Gentian Northern geranium Common marestail Milk-vetch rHl k-vetch t1i 1k-vetch Alpine sweet-vetch Arctic 1upine Maydell oxytrope Blackish oxytrope Vlscid oxytrope Hairy butterwort Common bladderwort Sweet gale Yellow pond lily Fireweed Dwarf fireweed Swamp willow-herb .... r, - Orobanchaceae Boschniakia rossica (Cham.&Schlecht.)Fedtsch. Polemoniaceae Polemonium acutiflorum Willd. Polygonaceae Oxyria digtna (L.)Hill Polygonumistorta L. Polygonum viviparum L. Rumex arcticus Trautv. Rumex sp. Portulacaceae Claytonia sarmentosa C.A.Mey. Primulaceae Dodecatheon frigidum Cham.& Schlecht. Primula cunei folia Ledeb. Trientalis europaea L. pyrolaceae Pyrola grandiflora Radius Pyro 1a mi nor L. pyrola secunda L. Ranunculaceae Aconitum delphinifolium DC. Anemone narcissiflora L. Anemone parviflora Michx. Caltha leptose ala DC. Ranuncu us confervoides (E.Fries) E.Fries Ranunculus nivalis L. Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt. Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenb. Ranunculus sp. Tha 1i ctrum a1pi num L. Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turcz. 20 Poque Jacob's ladder t~ounta in sorrel Meadow bistort Alpine bistort Arctic dock Dock Spring-beauty Northern shooting star Wedge-leaf primrose -...Arctic starflower Large-flower wintergreen Lesser wintergreen One-sided wintergreen Monkshood Anemone Northern anemone Mountain marsh-marigold Hater crowfoot Snow buttercup Western buttercup Pygmy buttercup Buttercup Arctic meadowrue Few-flower meadowrue .- Rosaceae Dryas drummondii Richards. Dryas octopetala L. Geum ross;;(R.Br.)Ser. LUetkea pectinata (Pursh)Ktze. Potentilla biflora Willd. Potentilla fruticosa L. Potentilla hyparctica Malte Potent;lla palustris (L.)Scop~ Rosa acicularis Lindl. RUDUs arcticus L. Rubus chamaemorus L. Rubus i daeus L. Rubus pedatus Sill. Sanguisorba stipulata Raf. Sibbald;a procumbens L. Sorbus scopul;na Greene Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid. Rubiaceae Galium boreale L. Galium trifidum L. SalicaceaeY Populus balsamifera L. Populus tremuloides Michx. Salix alaxensis (Anderss.)COy. Salix arbusculoides Anderss. Salix arctic~Pall. Salix barclayi Anderss. Salix brachycarpa Nutt. Salix fuscescens Andefss. Salix glauca L. Salix lanata L.subsp.richardsonii (Hook)A.Skwortz. Salix monticola Bebb Salix novae-angliae Anderss. Salix phlebophylla Anderss. Salix planifolia Pursh ssp. pl anifol ia Salix lanifolia Pursh ssp. pulchra Cham.)Argus Salix polaris Wahlenb. Salix reticulata L. Salix rotundifolia Trautv. Salix scouleriana Barratt Salix sp. 21 Drummond mountain-avens White mountain-avens Ross avens Luetkea Two-flower cinquefoil Shrubby cinquefoil Arctic cinquefoil Marsh cinquefoil Prickly rose Nagoon berry Cloudberry Raspberry Five-leaf bramble Sitka burnet Sibbaldia Western mountain ash Beauverd spirea Northern bedstraw Small bedstraw Balsam popular Quaking aspen Fel tl eaf wi 11 ow Littletree willow Arctic willow Barcl ay wi 11 ow Barren-ground willow Alaska bog willow Grayleaf willow Richardson willow Park wi 11 ow Tall blueberry willow Skeletonleaf willow Diamondleaf willow Diamondleaf willow Polar willow Netl eaf wi 11 ow Least willow Scoul er wi 11 ow Willow - Santalaceae Geocaulon lividum (Richards.)Fern. Saxifragaceae Boykinia richardsonii (Hook.)Gray Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D.Don)Ser. Parnassia palustris L. Ribes triste Pall. Saxifraga bronchialis L. Saxifraga davurica Willd. Saxifraga foliolosa R.Br. Saxifraga hieracifolia Waldst.&Kit. Saxifraga lyallii Engler Saxifraga oppositifolia L. Saxifraga punctata L. Saxifraga serpYllifolia Pursh Saxifraga tricuspidata Rottb. Scrophulariaceae Castilleja caudata (Pennell)Rebr. Pedicularis capitata Adams Pedicularis kanei Durand Pedicularis labradorica Wirsing Pedicularis parviflora J.E.Sm.var. parviflora Pedicularis sudetica Will~. Pedicularis verticillata L. Veronica wormskjoldii Roem.&Schult. Umbelliferae Angelica lucida L. Heracleum lanatum Michx. Valerianaceae Valeriana capitata Pall. Violaceae Viola epipsila Ledeb. 22 Sandalwood Richardson boykinia Leather-leaf saxifrage Northern Grass-of-Parnassus Red currant Spotted saxifrage Saxifrage Foliose saxifrage Hawkweed-leaf saxifrage Red-stem saxifrage Purple mountain saxifrage Brook saxifrage Thyme-leaf saxifrage Three-tooth saxifrage Pale indian paintbrush Capitate lousewort Kane lousewort Labrador lousewort Lousewort Lousewort Whorled lousewort Alpine speedwell Wild celery Cow parsnip Capitate valerian Harsh violet ,~ ,~ .- Nonvascular Plant Specles Lichens Cetraria cucullata (Bell.)Ach. Cetraria islandica (L.)Ach. Cetraria nivalis (L.)Ach. Cetraria richardsoni;Hook. Cetraria spp. Cladonia alpetris (L.)Rabenh. Cladonia mitis Sandst. Cladonia rangiferina (L.)Web. Cladonia spp. Dactylina arctica (Hook.)Nyl. Nephroma spp. Peltigera spp. Stereocaulon paschale (L.)Hoffm. Thamnolia spp. Mosses eli ma ci um s p. Hypnum spp.and other feather mos§,s Paludella sguarrosa (Hedw.)Brid.- Polytrichum spp. Ptilium crista-castrensis (Hedw.)DeNot. Sphagnum spp. Rhacomitrium spp. ~Vascular plant species nomenclature according to Hulten (1968) except where noted.Lichen nomenclature according to Thomson (1979).Moss nomenclature according to Conard (1979). bl Nomenclature according to Welsh (1974). ~Nomenclature according to Viereck and Little (1972). ~Nomenclature according to Crum (1976). 23 --I the field.The delineation of vegetation/habitat types does,therefore, require constant judgment as to the boundaries of each type.Another important factor that should be considered in using the maps is that there is a smallest mappable unit for each scale map~The smallest units which can be mapped for the 1 :250,000 scale and 1:24,000 scale maps are approximately 16 hectares and 4 hectares,respectively.Some mapping units on the larger scale maps (1:24,000 and 1 :63,360)are more specific than those on the smaller scale (1:250,000)but most are the same.The main differences resulted by eliminating complexes and delineating the forested areas by dominant tree species on the larger scale maps.Smaller areas could be delineated on the larger scale maps. The Viereck and Dyrness (1980)preliminary classification was used for the mapping and offered a standard nomenclature which other studies on the Susitna project could also use and have reproducible results.Level III names were·used in most cases.However,Level IV names were used for forested areas on the 1:24,000 and 1 :63,360 maps.In most cases the key presented by Viereck and Dyrness (1980)was adequate for clas- sification only at Levels I thro'ugh III,presumably because the clas- sification is preliminary and lacks sufficient information to consis- tently identify vegetation at Levels IV and V.Also,U-2 aerial imagery is not consistently interpretable at lower hierarchical levels in this preliminary classification.For these reasons,Level III was used. The vegetation types which occurred,their total hectares,and the percent of area covered are reported in Table 3 (1 :250,000)and Table 4 (1:24,000 scale maps);Table 4 gives the hectares and percentages for each reservoir.The Devil Canyon and Watana dam locations with pool elevations of 457 meters (1500 feet)and 671 meters (2200 feet),respec- tively were assumed in these area determinations. Level I types (which are based predominantly on life forms)that occur- red in the Upper Susitna River Basin were Forest,Tundra,and Shrubland (Table 3).Forest communities were those with at least 10%cover by tree species regardless of how tall the individual trees were.Shrub- land communities had at least 25%cover of erect to decumbent shrubs but 24 25 1 ~~·-l Table 4 l }]1 Hectares of different vegetation types to be impacted compared with total hectares of those types in the entire Upper Susitna River Basin.Number in parentheses is the percent of the vegetation type as found in the entire Upper Basin. l • - were not located above or beyond the tree limit.Tundra stands were those communities found above or beyond the limit of trees and were dominated by shrub or herbaceous species. Figure 3 illustrates the general overall distribution of different vegetation/habitat types,and Table 3 gives rough percentages for cover by each type.However,it should be remembered that much detail is lost at the relatively small scale of Figure 3.Figure 4,on the other hand, is larger scaled and allows inclusion of more detail,but it covers only a limited portion of the Upper Susitna River Basin,namely,the impact areas.Consequently,Table 4 is constructed to provide some indication of the cover of vegetation/habitat types within the impact areas relative to the total cover of those types across the entire basin.As alluded to above,however,there are some problems with this approach.For ex- ample,because closed birch forests were often too small to be delineated at the smaller scale (Figure 3),but were circumscribab1e at the larger scale (Figure 4),there is an apparent discrepancy in the total number of hectares of that type when computed from each map. Overall,however,Figure 3 does give a fair description of the distri- bution and relative abundance of each vegetation/habitat type.Conifer forests cover approximately 19%of the basin.They occupy a wide range of sites,from the flood plains to the mountains,but they seldom occur above 975 m elevation. Deciduous forests --birch,aspen,and balsam poplar --and mixed conifer -deciduous forests are much more restricted in distribution and together cover only 2.5%of the area.As can be seen from Figure 3,these vegetation/habitat types are found primarily on south facing slopes below 700 m elevation and in the Susitna River Valley below Devil Canyon.Balsam poplar stands,in particular,are found only on the flood plain (Figure 4). Tundra vegetation/habitat types are generally located above or beyond the limit of forests.Approximately 24%of the basin is covered with 27 tundra (Table 3).Roughly half of the tundra is dominated by mesic or wet sedge-grass vegetation/habitat types (Table 3).These generally occur in the mountainous regions of the basin (Figure 3).Closely associated with the mesic sedge-grass type is the mat and cushion tundra (Figure 3).Mat and cushion tundra and complexes of mat and cushion/ sedge-grass tundra represent most of the remaining tundra situations (Table 3). Shrubland is the largest overall group of vegetation/habitat types occurring in the Upper Susitna River Basin,covering almost 40%of the total area (Table 3).Thirty percent is covered by shrub birch and willow.These vegetation/habitat types are found at intermediate and low elevations throughout the basin,but primarily on the broad flat areas in the central,southern,and northeastern portions of the basin (Figure 3).Tall shrub,dominated by alder,is the other principle component of the shrubland,occupying approximately 8%of the basin.As can be seen from Figures 3 and 4,this type is found in steep terrain throughout the basin,and in large expanses at the western end of the basin near Portage Creek. Un vegetated areas (15%of the total area)consist primarily of rock, snow,and ice,which are comllon at the highest elevations (i .e.the mountain types). 3.5 -Preliminary Vegetation/Habitat Type Descriptions 3.5.1 -Forest Types Forest vegetation/habitat types were located at the lower eleva- tions of the study area.The average elevation of sampled areas was 523 m.This type was divided according to the dominant tree types (conifer,deciduous,or mixed)and then by tree crown cover percent.Deciduo~s and conifer types had at least 75%of the tree 28 - cover provided by deciduous or conifer trees,respectively.The woodland type had between 10%and 25%tree cover and was only observed for conifer stands.Open stands contained 25%to 50%tree cover while closed stands had over 50%tree cover.The boundary percentage between open and closed types was chosen as 50%rather than the 60%that Viereck and Dyrness (1980)used since it was easier to estimate on the aerial photography and in the field. Field estimates were performed best from the air because the Venetian blind effect of the trees caused overestimates from the ground. Conifer,deciduous,and mixed stands were observed in the field with open canopies while only deciduous and mixed stands with closed canopies were located in the field.One closed conifer area appeared on the aerial photography in the Lake Louise area but was not field checked.All forested stands had almost complete vege- tation cover with 80%to 95%ground layer cover. Spruce stands were dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca)or black spruce (Picea mariana)and contained a well-developed ground layer which accounted for most of the vegetation cover (Tables 5 and 6).Overstory provided almost one-fourth cover in open stands but was almost negligible in the woodland stands.Open stands contained trees at least several meters tall while woodland stands were usually a collection of scattered,stunted trees.Hence,open spruce had more overstory cover than woodland spruce.Shrub layer provided more cover in the woodland stands than in open stands (Tables 5 and 6). Feather mosses covered as much ground as the trees in the open spruce stands (Table 5).Low shrubs,such as crowberry (Empetrum nigrum),northern Labrador tea (Ledum decumbens),bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum),and mountain cranberry (Vaccinium vitis- idaea)accounted for much of the woody ground layer.Important herbaceous species included bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) 29 Table 5· Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical/strata,and plant species in open conifer vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea glauca White spruce Picea mariana Black spruce -- Category Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Picea mariana Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Pi cea mad ana Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Mosses,unidentified Feather moSses Ptilium spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledum decumbens Vaccinium uliginosum Vacc;n;um vitis-;daea Equ;setumarvense Esu;setum s;lvaticum Llnnaea borealis Picea mariana Calamagrost;s canadensis White spruce Black spruce White spruce Black spruce Feather moss Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Meadow horsetail Woodland horsetail Twinflower Black spruce Bluejoint Average Cover (%)£1 98 24 24 2 10 3 2 5 1 3 94 11 29 13 6 5 7 6 6 8 8 1 14 ~Number of areas sampled was 9. !V Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 30 Table 6 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical st~?ta,and plant species in woodland conifer vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea mariana Black spruce ~- Category Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea mariana Ground layer (<0.5 m tall) Feather mosses Sphagnum spp. Empetrurri ni grum Ledum decumbens Ledum groen1andicum Vaccinium u1iginosum Equisetum silvaticum Rubus arcticus Rubus chamaemorus Picea mariana Carex bigelowii Carex spp. White spruce Black spruce Feather moss Sphagnum moss Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Labrador tea Bog blueberry Woodland horsetail Nagoon berry C10udberry Black spruce Bigelow sedge Sedge Average Cover {%)b/ 99 1 12 11 17 15 93 5 62 8 5 5 23 10 15 5 3 7 6 ~Number of areas sampled was 6. ~Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 31 I'·... and horsetails (Equisetum spp.).Open spruce stands were usually found on slopes or f1at1ands·a1ong the rivers at elevations aver- aging 487 m. Woodland spruce stands had sphagnum mosses (Sphagnum spp.)as the most important species providing ground cover (Table 6).All woodland stands that were visited were black spruce.This vege- tation/habitat type was usually found on the relatively level benches where soils were poorly drained.Average elevation of sampled areas was 620 m.Usually these trees were too small to qualify for the overstory layer,which requires trunks with >10 cm .dbh.Maximum heights were less than 2 m in some areas.Important ground layer species included sedges (Carex spp.),woodland horse- tail (Equisetum silvaticum),and low shrubs similar to those found in the open spruce stands.Slightly over 30 identified species were encountered in the woodland spruce vegetation/habitat type. Woodland spruce sites graded into boggy areas where tree cover might be less than 10%and the vegetation resembled muskegs.Low birch shrub stands and woodland spruce were frequently difficult to distinguish in the field because birch stands sometimes had scat- tered trees which sometimes produced almost 10%cover.The small size of trees created similar textures on the aerial photography for woodland spruce and low birch shrub sites.These areas were difficult to distinguish on the photographs since they had similar colors (dark gray)and textures. The structure of the layers for open black and white spruce stands was similar except that white spruce stands contained more over- story,a reflection of the generally larger size of white spruce trees (Tables 7 and 8).These units were mapped only on the 1:24,000 and 1:63,360 scale maps.The overstory in open white spruce stands was less variable among stands than was the overstory in black spruce stands.Maximum overstory heights of trees in open black spruce types varied from about 5 to 11 m while white spruce 32 Table 7 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strS;a,and plant species in open black spruce vegetation/habitat type=in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Average b Cover (%)-.1 96 14 13 5 10 4 5 7 8 2 93 34 30 7 14 14 10- 15 12 7 4 Feather moss Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Woodland horsetail Willow Black spruce White spruce Black spruce White spruce Black spruce Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Picea mariana Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea mariana Black spruce Salix spp.Willow Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Mosses,unidentified Feather mosses 'Cladonia spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledum decumbens Vacc;nium ul;g;nosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Equ;setum silvaticum Salix spp. Picea mariana Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Picea mariana ~Number of areas sampled was 3. EI Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 33 F I I .Table 8 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strsja,and plant species in open white spruce vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. <2.5 cm dbh) White spruce American green alder Prickly rose ,~ - Category Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Alnus sinuata Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall, Picea glauca Alnus criSta Rosa acicuaris Ground layer (<0.5 m tall) Feather mosses Ptilium spp. Equisetum arvense Equisetum silvaticum Linnaea borealis Betula ~landulosa Rosa aClcularis caramagrostis canadensis White spruce White spruce Sitka alder Feather moss Meadow horseta i1 t Woodland horsetail Twi nfl ower Resin bi rch Prickly rose Bl uejoint Average Cover (%)lY' 100 35 35 11 3 6 4 1 4 3 94 30 24 11 6 15 6 5 23 ~Number of areas sampled was 5. lY'Included only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 34 """ .- - - stands reached heights of 20 m.Most of the black spruce tree cover was contained in the shrub layer while the white spruce cover was concentrated in the overstory layer.Black spruce stands contained low shrubs such as crowberry,northern Labrador tea,bog blueberry,and mountain cranberry in the ground layer,while prickly rose (Rosa acicularis)and bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis)were the most important ground layer species in open white spruce.Twin-flower (Linnaea borealis)was fairly important in the white spruce stands,but was not observed in the black spruce stands,possibly reflecting a preference for better-drained soils.-Thirty to 35 identified species were encountered in each of these mapping units. White spruce sites usually had better-drained soils than black spruce sites.Viereck (1970)reported that moss developed in white spruce stands and acted as an insulating layer on the soils.The soils became colder and permafrost developed.Black spruce was /better adapted to cold soils than white spruce,so it replaced white spruce.As the permafrost develops and the soil became more poorly drained,black.spruce vegetation was replaced by bog vege- tation.Hence,vegetation in black spruce stands resembled bog or muskeg vegetation while the associated species in white spruce stands were more closely related to earlier deciduous successional stands.Apparently woodland black spruce and bogs alternate in temporal and spatial succession (Drury 1956).Observations in the Upper Susitna River Basin,particularly around Fog Lakes and Lake Louise,seemed to support this. Viereck (1970)reported northern Labrador tea,Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum),bog blueberry,mountain cranberry,and sphagnum and feather mosses to be important species in black spruce stands along the Chena River in interior Alaska.These were also impor- tant in the Upper Susitna River Basin.However,crowberry,nagoon- berry,and woodland horsetail were important in black spruce stands in our study but were not reported along the Chena River by Viereck (1970). 35 - - - Meadow horsetail (Equisetum arvense)and feather mosses provided significant amounts of cover in white spruce stands along the Chena River (Viereck 1970)and in the Upper Susitna River Basin but bluejoint,twinflower,and ptilium crista-castrensis were appar- ently more important along the Susitna River than along the Chena. Hettinger and Janz (1974)reported that feather mosses were impor- tant in the ground layer of white spruce stands in northeastern Alaska,which agreed with our results.However,they found crow- berry to be an important species,but this accounted for less than 2%cover in the Susitna stands. Among black spruce stands,those occupying significant slopes (8 - 10°)appeared to be more productive of browse species,and in fact, had noticeably greater use by moose.Browse production was low relative to other vegetation,but it had incurred heavy use,sug- gesting such stands may be important areas for cover during severe weather.Open black spruce stands on the flats were generally very poor in terms of forage production,but some caribou sign was present.Skoog (1968)considered this type to represent a good supply of terrestrial forage lichens for caribou in winter. Deciduous forest vegetation usually had a greater overstory cover than spruce stands,possibly because an individual tree had more foliage cover.These types were restricted mostly to the steep banks and floodplain along the river.Elevations averaged 582 m with closed stands occurring at average elevations of 560 m and open stands at 625 m.They had almost complete vegetation cover and a well-developed ground layer.The overstory layer in closed stands covered almost three-fourths of the area but only about three-eighths in open stands (Tables 9 and 10).Overstory was sometimes 15 m tall.Neither the shrub layer nor the understory layer was of major importance.Important woody species in the ground layer in both types included crowberry,northern Labrador tea,bog blueberry,and mountain cranberry.Open stands appeared to have more woody cover in the ground layer than did the closed 36 ------_._"""'~~,~---------------------- Table 9 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant species in closed d~7iduous forest (birch and balsam poplar)vege- tation/habitat typ~in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Average Cover (%)!Y 99 76 4 54 20 7 3 4 1 5 2 4 1 90 26 5 9 15 20 10 - 5 38 1 19 10 6 White spruce Paper birch Ba1 sam poplar Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Woodland horsetail Bunchberry Balsam poplar B1 uejoint Oak-fern Tall bluebell White spruce Paper birch Balsam poplar <2.5 cm dbh) White spruce Paper birch Balsam poplar Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Pt i 1i um s pp•- Po1ytrichum spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledum decumbens Vaccinium u1iginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Equisetum silvaticum Cornus canadensis Po tu1US balsamifera Ca amagrostis canadensis Gymnocarpium dryopteris Mertensia panicu1ata Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Populus balsamifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula paptrifera Populus ba samifera Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall, Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Populus balsamifera ~Number of areas sampled was 4. !Y Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. F- i 37 Table 10 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and pl,nt species in open birch deciduous forest vegetation/habitat type- in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Average Cover (%)Q/ 99 38 3 38 6 1 6 5 2 2 95 10 20 12 30 26 11 5 3 White spruce Paper birch Northern Labrador tea Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Bunchberry Pri ckly rose White spruce White spruce Paper birch Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea glauca White spruce Betula papYrifera Paper birch Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Polytrichum spp. Ledum decumbens Ledum ~roenlandicum Vaccinlum uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cornus canadensis Rosa acicularis P'l"C'ea .9..!au ca Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papYrifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula Eapyrifera ~Number of areas sampled was 2. Q/Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. r- I r-, 38 .- stands.Closed stands had more herbaceous components such as bunchberry (Cornus canadensis),bluejoint,and oak-fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris).Approximately 16 identified species were encountered in open deciduous forest types while about 31 were found in closed deciduous forests. Closed deciduous stands were further separated on the larger scale maps according to the dominant species:balsam poplar (PopuluS balsamifera)and paper birch (Betula papyrifera).Closed balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera)generally occurred on islands in the river or flat areas alongside the riv~r.It was usually the first tree successional stage in vegetation development on alluvial deposits.The trees provided about three-fourths cover (Table 11). The ground layer was well developed and included bunchberry,crow- berry,northern Labrador tea,bog blueberry,and mountain cran- berry.These areas contained about 14 species which were encoun- tered and identified. Closed paper birch (Betula papyrifera)stands occurred on steep, usually south-facing slopes.The vertical layer structure is similar to the closed balsam poplar stands:three-fourths over- story,a well-developed ground layer,and relatively unimportant shrub and understory layers (Table 12).The most important ground layer species were bunchberry,bog blueberry,bluejoint,and oak- fern.Approximately 25 species were encountered and identified. Closed trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides)stands were usually found on the upper portions of dry,south-facing slopes.These areas were rarely large enough to sample and were not large enough to map.The general structure was similar to other closed decid- uous stands in that there were a well-developed overstory and and ground layer but insignificant shrub and understory layers (Table 13). Hettinger and Janz (1974)reported mountain cranberry and bluejoint as major species in bitch forest stands in northeastern Alaska, 39 Table 11 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and PA?nt species in closed balsam poplar forest vegetation/habitat type- in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Average b Cover (%)J 80 75 5 5 10 5 85 20 5 30 40 40 20 40 1 5 99 Balsam poplar Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Bunchberry Balsam poplar Beauverd spiraea White spruce Balsam poplar Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Populus balsamifera Balsam poplar Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Pti1ium spp.- Po1ytrichum spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledum decumbens Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cornus canadensis Populus balsamifera Spiraea beauverdiana Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Populus balsamifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Populus balsamifera- ~Number of areas sampled was 1. b/Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. - 40 - Table 12 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plan; species in closed birch deciduous forest vegetation/habitat type~ in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Avera~e Cover {%)!Y 99 73 8 68 9 5 3 3 1 3 95 15 5 15 5 10 16 38 20 10 Gog blueberry Mountain cranberry Woodland horsetail Bunchberry Bl uejoint Oak-fern Tall bluebell White spruce Paper birch White spruce Paper birch Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea glauca White spruce Betula papyrifera Paper birch Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Ptilium spp.- Polytrichum spp. Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-;daea Equisetum s;lvat;cum Cornus canadensis Calamagrost;s canadensis Gymnocarpium dryopter;s Mertensia paniculata Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Piceaglauca Betula papYrifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera - a/Number of areas sampled was 2. b/Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. ".... - 41 Table 13 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,~?d plant specles in closed aspen deciduous vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. <2.5 cm dbh) White spruce Paper birch Resin birch Prickly rose Willow Trembling aspen - Category Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Betula papyrifera Populus tremuloides Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Betula papyrifera Populus tremuloides Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall, Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Betula glandulosa Rosa acicularis saTTx spp. Populus tremuloides Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Ptil ium spp.- Polytrichum spp. Ledum decumbens Vaccinium ulirinosum Linnaea borea is Cornus canadensis Mertensia paniculata Epilobium angustifolium Geocaulon lividum Spiraea beauverdiana Vaccinium vitis-idaea Betula nana Viburnum edulis Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodium clavatum Paper birch Trembling aspen Paper birch Trembling aspen Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Twinflower Bunchberry Tall bluebell Fireweed Sandalwood Beauverd spiraea Mountain cranberry Dwarf arctic birch Highbush cranberry Stiff clubmoss Running clubmoss Average Cover (%)EI 99 80 5 80 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 85 5 5 20 10 5 80 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 - a/Number of areas sampled was 1. EI Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 42 - - ~,\ ...- which was in agreement with the Susitna results.However,feather- mosses and alder shrubs which they also found to be important,were -insignificant in the Susitna area.The undergrowth in the Susitna stands was taller .than that pictured in Hettinger and Janz's (1974) publication.The Susitna stands contained bunchberry,northern Labrador tea,Labrador tea,and bog blueberry as important species which were not considered important in the other study.Both studies repo~ted that birch stands occurred on disturbed sites with southern exposures. The mixed conifer deciduous vegetation/habitat types had over$tory cover intermediate between that for spruce stands and that for deciduous stands.Elevations for mixed conifer deciduous forests averaged 466 m with closed stands having a mean elevation near 425 m and open stands occurring around·482 m.Most of the larger stands occurred on slopes downstream from Tsusena Creek.These were probably successional stands which developed as spruce trees replaced deciduous trees.All obse~ved stands were mixtures of paper birch and white spruce,but other types might exist.Cover in these vegetation/habitat types was almost complete with a well- developed ground layer containing important amounts of bluejoint, bunchberry,woodland horsetail,and Ptilium (Tables 14 and 15). Overstory cover in closed mixed stands was about 60%while that in open mixed stands was 38%.The height of the overstory was some- times up to 20 m.The shrub layer was more important in the open stands,mostly as a result of tall blueberry willow (Salix novae- angliae).Bog blueberry was an important ground species in the open mixed stands.About 40 identified vascular plant species were encountered in 'open mixed stands while about 29 were found in•closed mixed stands. In general,the deciduous and the mixed conifer and deciduous forests appeared to represent a relatively poor forage resource for moose and caribou.This was particularly true in the closed stands.Steep slopes often associated with these types might be 43 Table 14 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant specA,s in closed mixed conifer deciduous forest vegetation/habitat typ~in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Average b Cover (%)J 98 60 33 35 8 3 4 4 3 88 40 3 8 24 13 7 30 White spruce Paper birch White spruce Paper birch Crowberry Mountain cranberry Woodland horsetail Bunchberry Nagoon berry 81uejoint Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Picea glauca White spruce Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Pti1 ium spp.-:- Empetrum nigrum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Equisetum si1vaticum Cornus canadensis Rubus arcticus Calamagrostis canadensis a/Number of areas sampled was 3. 'pi Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. - 44 Table 15 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plant spec!7s in open mixed conifer deciduous forest vegetation/habitat typ~in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. ~Number of areas sampled was 8• .Iv'Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. <2.5 cm dbh) White spruce Paper birch Tall blueberry willow- - -. ~. Category Total vegetation Overstory (<10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall, Picea glauca Betula papyrifera Salix novae-ang1iae Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Feather mosses Pti1ium spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledum decum ens Vaccinium uli~inosum Vaccinium vitls-idaea Equisetum silvaticum Cornus canadensis Picea glauca Calamagrostis canadensis Gymnocarpium dryopteris White spruce Paper birch Wh ite s pru ce Paper birch Feather mosses Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberry Woodland horsetail Bunchberry Hhite spruce B1uejoint Oak-fern Average Cover {%).Iv' 100 38 20 12 7 5 1 17 2 2 11 79 18 34 6 6 16 9 3 13 2 11 8 " -45 partially responsible for the low preference by ungulates as well. Natural records of browsing intensity,as indicated by the struc- ture of paper birch suckers,suggested.these types may incur heavy use in severe winters.Skoog (1968)stated that these types were little used by caribou at any time of the year.The frequency of berry-filled bear scats in this type in spring suggested it might be an important food resource for black bears as they come out of winter torpor.However,the open nature of the understory vege- tation made sighting of fecal piles easier and positively biased comparison with other types. Forested communities in the Upper Susitna River Basin were similar to those described by Viereck (1975).Black spruce generally occurred in wetter sites than white spruce while deciduous or mixed forests occurred on warmer sites.Closed forests occurred on warmer sites also.The drier of these closed sites were usually deciduous while the moister ones were mixed or dominated by spruce. Deciduous and mixed forest stands were considered earlier succes- sional stages of the conifer stands (Viereck 1970,1975,and Hettinger and Janz 1974). Prickly rose was reported to be an important species in balsam poplar stands along the Chena River (Viereck 1970)and in north- eastern Alaska (Hettinger and Janz 1974)as well as in white spruce stands along the Chena River (Viereck 1970).However,it accounted for less than 8%cover in open white spruce stands and less than 5% cover in the closed balsam poplar stands in the Upper Susitna River Basin. 3.5.2 -Tundra Types Tundra communities usually occurred above the present limit of tree growth.Most of the well-vegetated communities occurred on flat to gently sloping areas while sparser vegetation occurred on steep or rocky terrain.Approximately 70 identified vascular plant species 46 were encountered in these types.Four distinct subtypes occurred in areas large enough to map:wet sedge-grass tundra,mesic sedge- grass tundra,herbaceous alpine tundra,and closed mat and cushion tundra communities.Aspects of tundra vegetation/habitat types were variable. Wet sedge-grass tundra communities occurred in wet,depressed areas with poor drainage at an average elevation of 587 m.They had almost complete total vegetation cover with most of it occurring in the ground layer (Table 16).Nineteen identified species were encountered.The most important herbaceous species were two species of sedge,especially water sedge (Carex aquatilis),blue- joint,and sphagnum as well as several other unidentified mosses~ The shrub layer,when it was present,contained scattered indi- viduals of willow (Salix spp.).Wet sedge-grass communities could potentially contain up to 10%cover of erect shrubs.There was usually a large amount of organic matter in these soils and some- times there was a thick organic layer on top of mineral soil. Mesic sedge-grass tundra generally occurred on rolling uplands with well-drained soils at an average elevation of 1372 m.In some areas the soils were well-developed,but in other areas the soil occurred as patches alternating with rocks.Nine identified species were encountered.Total vegetation cover was between half and three-fourths of the area (Table 17).All vegetation was low in the ground layer and usually less than 30 cm tall.Bigelow sedge (Carex bige10wii)was the most common species and accounted for almost half of the total vegetation cover. Two types of herbaceous alpine tundra occurred in the Upper Susitna River Basin,although only one occurred in areas sufficiently large to map.The herb-sedge communities occurred at higher elevations near the glaciers,particularly the West Fork Glacier at an ele- vation of 1295 m,where there were gentle slopes of fairly we11- drained soils which were relatively well developed.They were 47 Table 16 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,S?d plant species in wet sedge-grass tundra vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Sphagnum moss Alaska bog willow Bl uejoint Water sedge Bigelow sedge Sedge Category Total vegetation Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) .Salix pulchra Diamondleaf willow Salix spp.Willow Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Mosses,unidentified Sphagnum spp. Salix fuscescens Calamagrostis canadensis Carex aquatilis Carex bigelowii Carex spp. Average Cover {%)b/ 99 13 8 5 86 20 22 5 14 38 23 - ~Number of areas sampled was 3. ~Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 48 Tab1 e 17 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,anR/p1ant species in mesic sedge-grass tundra vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. ,~ Category Total vegetation Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Po1ytrichum spp. Salix spp. Carex bige10wii Carex spp. Willow Bigelow sedge Sedge Average Cover (%).!Y 65 65 5 13 30 4 ~Number of areas sampled was 2. b/Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 49 basically a mineral soil but contained about 5%organic matter. Some of the soil may have developed from loess blown from the glacier surface.Approximately 42 identified species were en- countered in the one area that was visited.Vegetation cover was almost complete,but cover was dispersed evenly among the many species present so that no group of species dominated the area (Table 18).No estimates were made of cover because of the com- plexity of the vegetation.All vegetation occurred in the ground layer.The other type of herbaceous alpine community was found in small,isolated rocky areas that were too small to map or to sample.Small forbs and sometimes shrubs grew in the pockets of mineral soil imbedded between th~rocks. The fourth type of tundra community was the mat and cushion tundra which was found at higher elevations (1013 m)on dry,windy ridges. Vegetation covered about three-fourths of the area and was usually less than 20 to 30 cm tall (Table 19).Vegetation consisted pre- dominantly of lichens and low mat-forming shrubs.Soils were shallow and coarse. Diverse wildlife occupied the high elevation tundra communities in summer.Most obvious were caribou,black and brown bears,ptarmigan, hoary marmots,and arctic ground squirrels.Whimbrel pairs were frequently spotted here in early summer.Bear scats indicated over-wintered berries were the major attractant of bears in June although many squirrel dens were found which had been excavated by bears.Caribou were more frequently sighted in the sedge-grass tundra than in any other type.Skoog (1968)considered sedge-grass tundra to be important year-round range for caribou in this region. He considered mat and cushion tundra to be more important as a winter forage supply,since its wind swept condition generally kept it relatively snow-free. Wet sedge-grass communities,more common below tree line,showed use by moose where browse was available.Otherwise,its importance was 50 ...... .-. Table 18 Plant species list in herbaceous alpine tundra in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980.~ Category Lycopodium alpinum Polytrichum spp. Salix polaris Salix reticulata Petasites frigidus Rumex arcticus Sanguisorba stipulata Sedum rosea Calamagrostis purpurascens Carex bigelowii Eriophorum angustifolium Anemone narcissiflora Diapensia lapponica Luzula confusa Luzula tundricola Valeriana capitata Aster sibiricus Senecio atropurpeus Saxifragatricuseidata Aconitum delphinlfolium Sibbaldia procumbens Deschampsia caespitosa Polygonum bistorta Salix rotundifolia Campanula lasiocarpa Artemisia arctica Myosotis alpestris Cassiope tetragona Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodium selago Boykinia richardsonii Festuca rubra Silene acaulis Epilobium latifolium Veronica wormskjoldii Carex filifolia Polemonium acutiflorum Salix phlebophylla Juncus sp. Caltha leptosepala Phleum commutatum Equisetum sp. ~Number of areas sampled was 1. 51 Table 19 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical strata,and plaR; species in closed mat and cushion tundra vegetation/habitat type- in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Category Total vegetation Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Lichens,unidentified C1adonia spp. Empetrum nigrum Ledulll decumbens Vaccinium uliginosum Arctostaphylos spp. Betula glandu10sa Betula nana Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Bog blueberry Bearberry Resin birch Dwarf arctic birch Average Cover (%).!Y 78 78 14 8 8 7 8 7 6 10 ~Number of areas sampled was 8. .!Y Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 52 r"" I more closely associated with wading birds and beaver,where topo- graphy allowed dam building.In many cases,the wet sedge-grass vegetation was likely the result of beaver activity. 3.5.3 -Shrubland Types Shrubland vegetation/habitat types were the most prevalent types in the Upper Susitna River Basin.They generally occurred at higher elevations than forest communities but at lower elevations than tundra types.Most areas,particularly the low shrub,were found on extensive,fairly level benches at mid-elevations throughout the upper basin.Less extensive areas,usually tall shrub,were found on steep slopes above the river.Two main types were found:tall and low shrub with each being further divided into closed and open types by the percentage shrub cover.Approximately 65 identified species were encountered in this overall type.Aspects of the shrubland vegetation/habitat types were variable. Tall shrub communities were dominated by alder (Alnus sinuata)and were found mostly on steep slopes above the river or sometimes above the flat benches with an average elevation of 573 m.~Many of these stands were 2 to 4 m tall.Approximately 25 identified species were encountered in either the closed or open alder stands. Alder stands frequently occurred as stringers through other vege- tation/habitat types along the slopes by the river.Many areas also contained alder as a ring around a mountain at a certain elevation or a strip alonQ a river drainage as at Portage Creek. The closed stands had almost complete vegetation cover with the ground layer and understory each accounting for most of the cover (Table 20).Portions of some of these stands were like thickets. Alder provided the most cover with bluejoint and woodland horsetail accounting for most of the ground layer cover. Only one open alder stand was visited,but it had less vegetation cover than the closed alder sites with most of the vegetation being 53 Table 20 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical str~;a,and plant specles in closed tall alder vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. <2.5 cm dbh) Sitka alder American green alder Currant ~ , Category Total vegetation Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Alnus sinuata Alnus crispa Shrub layer {>0.5 m tall, Alnus sinuata Alnus crispa Ribes spp. Ground layer (<0.5 m tall) Equisetum siTvaticum Ribes spp. Alnus sinuata CalamagrQstis canadensis Sitka alder American green alder Woodland horsetail Currant Sitka alder Bluejoint Average b Cover {%)...1 96 57 25 32 38 28 10 8 62 31 8 7 35 ""'"I ~Number of areas sampled was 3. ~Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 54 ..... in the understory layer (Table 21).Bluejoint was the most im- portant ground layer species.White spruce was !Jresent in the overstory and understory.A mixture of alder with white spruce probably indicated that this was a successional stand. Hanson's (1953)description of alder types was similar to those found in the Upper Susitna River Basin in that these thickets occurred on well-drained slopes and·varied from 1-to 4-m tall. Bluejoint was a dominant ground layer species in many cases. Beauverd spiraea (Spiraea beauverdiana)and bog blueberry were also mentioned as important species.Hanson (1953)observed birch shrubs (Betula spp.)as an important species in alder stands,but the areas encountered along the Upper Susitna River Basin did not contain any observed birch shrubs.In contrast,the Susitna stands contained important quantities of woodland horsetail.Hettinger and Janz (1974)similarly observed that alder stands occurred on steeper slopes and older riparian sites. Squirrel,hare,and moose signs were relatively prevalent in these stands.One alder stand located on a slope of the Susitna Canyon (RllE,T29N)\'Ias very heavily used by moose.Currant (Ribes spp.) appeared to be highly preferred browse in this stand.Willow was important browse in all stands,and certain individuals of American green alder (Alnus crispa)were heavily browsed. Low shrub communities were found on the extensive relatively flat benches where soils were frequently wet and gleyed but usually lacking standing water (except for willow types).Average ele- vation was about 781 m.Over 40 identified species were encoun- tered in this vegetation/habitat type.Subtypes included birch, willow,and a mixture of the two.Because of the gradations between the subtypes,descriptions were very general.Both open and closed stands had almost complete vegetation cover (Tables 22 and 23).The ground and shrub layers contributed similar amount of cover in closed stands while the ground layer provided most of the cover in the open communities.Shrub layer cover estimates might 55 Table 21 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical s£yata,and plant species in open tall alder vegetation/habitat typ~in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. ~Nurnber of areas sampled was 1. ~Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. Shrub layer (>0.5 III tall,<2.5 Clll dbh) Alnus sinuata Sitka alder ,~- - - Category Total vegetation Overstory (>10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Understory (2.5 -10 cm dbh) Picea glauca Alnus sinuata Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Linnaea borealis Alnus sinuata Calamagrostis canadensis White spruce White spruce Sitka alder Twi nfl ower Sitka alder Bluejoint Average b Cover {%)J 85 10 10 45 5 40 10 10 25 5 5 10 56 - --I Table 22 Cove~percentages for total vegetation,vertical sta7 ta,and plant specles in closed low shrub vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Feather moss Crowberry Northern Labrador tea Labrador tea Bog blueberry Mountain cranberr}{ Red-fruit bearberry Resin birch Dwarf arctic birch - Category Total vegetation Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Betula glandulosa Resin birch Salix pulchra Diamondleaf willow Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Mosses,unidentified Feather mosses Empetrum nigrum Ledum decumbens Ledum groenlandicum Vaccinium uliginosum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Arctostaphylos rubra Betula glandulosa Betula nana Average b Cover (%)-.1 93 42 10 8 52 17 6 7 18 4 8 8 6 34 9 - ~Number of areas sampled was 10. ~Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 57 Table 23 Cover percentages for total vegetation,vertical ~;rata,and plant species in open low shrub vegetation/habitat type-in Upper Susitna River Basin in summer 1980. Feather moss Labrador tea Bog blueberry Resin birch Water sedge Category Total vegetation Shrub layer (>0.5 m tall,<2.5 cm dbh) Betula glandulosa Resin birch Ground layer «0.5 m tall) Feather mosses Ledum groenlandicum Vaccinium uliginosum Betula glandulosa Carex aquatilis Average b Cover (%)-1 100 17 5 83 13 5 15 15 43 - ~Number of areas sampled was 2. QI Includes only those species with at least 5%cover in anyone area sampled. 58 I~ - be high because of problems in estimating cover from the ground, the same problem encountered in the forest types. Birch shrub stands were usually dominated by resin birch (Betula glandu10sa)about 1.0 m tall and contained several other species of low shrubs,especially northern Labrador tea.Mosses contributed an important amount of cover.In some stands,there was a buildup of soil and debris around the bases of each birch shrub clump creating a large amount of microrelief.Sometimes the stands were dense like a thicket while others had large openings between individual birch shrubs.Scattered black spruce occurred in some stands contributing almost 10%cover.Hence,low shrub and wood- land black spruce stands were difficult to distinguish on the ground and on the aerial photography.The two species of birch shrub,resin (Betula glandu10sa)and dwarf arctic birch (~.nana), were sometimes difficult to distinguish based on leaf shape and plant height.Viereck (1966)commented on this problem,also. Willow stands were usually found in wetter areas,frequently with standing water.Water sedge was the important herbaceous species in these stands.Because of the wetness,these communities were usually less diverse than birch shrub stands.Willows frequently had soil and debris built up at their bases also with standing or running water in the troughs. t Birch shrub communities apparently received moderate use by moose most of the year.However,it was obvious that stands with more willow were preferred.Indeed,willow stands received greater use than any other vegetation type.Fe1t1eaf willow (Salix a1axensis) and diamond1 eaf wi 11 ow C~..planifo1 ia)\l/ere heavi 1y uti1 i zed in most areas. Caribou sign were also frequent in birch communities.Skoog (1968) found that leaves of resin birch were important food for caribou in summer,and in winter,lichens were important.He found that 59 ,.".. caribou feed on willows in spring and fall and considered willow stands important to the ecology of caribou.We agree with this, but specify that this is apparently true only for stands found above the rim of the river canyon. Low shrub vegetation/habitat types were common in northwestern (Hanson 1953)and northeastern Alaska (Hettinger and Janz 1974)as well as in the Upper Susitna River Basin.The 80st important associated species in the birch shrub stands was bog blueberry while mosses and lichens contributed large amounts of cover. Crowberry was also common in all three studies as well as Viereck's (1966)study on the Muldrow Glacier.The birch-willow type which Hanson (1953)described is 2 to 3 m or more tall,while Susitna birch-willow stands were usually less than 1.5 m tall.Birch shrub stands near the Muldrow Glacier in the Interior were 1.0 to 1.5 m tall (Viereck 1966),which was similar to the Susitna stands. Similar associated species included northern Labrador tea and bog blueberry (Hanson 1953 and Hettinger and Janz 1974).Mountain cranberry was important in northeastern Alaska and the Susitna area,but not in the northwestern part of the state. 3.5.4 -Herbaceous Types Two herbaceous types also existed but were not described on field reconnaissance sheets.Grasslands dominated by b1uejoint were present on level to sloping areas at lower elevations along the river and along the Portage Creek drainage.Herbaceous pioneer communities were present on gravel and sand bars that had recently become vegetated.These soils had little organic matter and often had a large amount of cobbles.Pioneer species included horsetails (Eguisetum spp.),lupines (Lupinus spp.),and alpine sweetvetch (Hedysarum a1pinum). 60 -' - .- - 3.5.5 -Unvegetated Types There are three classes of unvegetated areas depicted on the maps:water,rock,and snow and ice.Lakes and streams were included in the water category.Lakes were generally found along flat benches and ranged in size from small ponds to large lakes such as Big Lake.Rock was those areas of bedrock or deposited geologic materials which had little or no vascular vegetation growing on or in them.Rock occurred as outcroppings at high elevations or along steep cliffs along the river or as unconsoli- dated gravel in newly deposited river bars.Snow and ice include permanent snowfields and glaciers.Glaciers and permanent snow- fields were most common at the northern end of the study area in the Alaska Range although some did occur near the southern boundary in the Talkeetna Mountains. 3.6 -Wetlands 3.6.1 -Identification and mapping of wetlands Recently,the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service adopted (USF&WS 1980) the wetland classification system described by Cowardin et ~. (1979).The primary purpose of this classification is to provide a basis for conducting inventory and evaluation of wetland portions of ecosystems,so they can be managed more logically.The classi- fication was not designed to define the jurisdiction of government agencies (USF&WS 1980).As Cowardin et~.(1979)state,"There is no single,correct,indisputable,ecologically sound definition of wetlands,primarily because of the diversity of wetlands and be- cause the demarcation between dry and wet environments lies along a conti nuum". 61 - With the above in mind,we attempted to use the classification of Cowardin et~.(1979)to map and classify the wetlands within the proposed impoundment areas and floodplain below the Devil Canyon dam site to Talkeetna.However,it was apparent that many of the wetland classes given by this classification could not be identi- fied solely from aerial photography.Specifically,we could not classify riverine or most lacustrine systems without on-ground sampling of bottom and shore materials.Consequently,these were classified simply as lake,pond,river,or stream.Table 24 lists the vretland classes and corresponding vegetation types (from Viereck and Dyrness 1980)by the landscape that was actually mapped. The map of wetlands (Figure 5,see accompanying maps)does not delineate all the wetlands occurring in the area,nor are the boundaries precise which are given.This is in part due to re- strictions imposed by scale (many wetlands are smaller than what can be legibly mapped),but is also due to the fact that boundaries are graded and obscure,even when viewed from the ground.The Alaska District Corps of Engineers (1979)encountered the same problems when they attempted to map much of the wetlands of the same area in 1979.They concluded that detailed maps would have been lI ex tremely difficult"to produce,because the wetlands are highly integrated with non-wetlands,and because plant species composition in wet and non-wetlands is similar,differing only in the quantities of individuals.Additionally,they,as we, found that many non-wetland areas can contain free water.This was especially true during the unusually wet summer of 1980. 3.6.2 -Vascular Aquatic Plants -Introduction The objective of this study was to assess the aquatic vascular plants growing within the adjacent to ponds and lakes in the area 62 Table 24 Vegetation and wetland classes found in the proposed Susitna impoundment and borrow areas. 63 ,.... ,~ .- of study.The area of study extended from Devil Canyon to the confluence of the Oshetna River.Selected ponds and lakes within the impoundment area as 'Ilell as on the adjacent upl and plateau areas were evaluated.Twenty-four lakes and ponds were assessed from the ground (Figure 6).Helicopter overflights were made of many of the remaining lakes and ponds in the area to ensure simi- larity among ponds and to search for new species. During each ground stop the species growing within and adjacent to the body of \'/ater were recorded.Notes were kept on the types of species encountered (floating,submergent,etc.)and where the species commonly occurred (bank,shallows,deep water,etc.). The species were divided into "true"aquatics and II bank II species. Although there is no good definition of aquatic plants,"true" aquatic plants are defined here as those growing directly in water or immediately adjacent to water.Species that dominated the banks or periphery of the ponds or that frequently occurred on floating mats were considered 11bank"species.All the species recorded are considered hydrophytes. For each species a subjective evaluation was made as to whether it was dominant,common,or sparse in each area in which it was found. Total estimated cover of aquatic vegetation (relative to the total amount of water),surrounding wetland width,and elevation were also recorded for each water body assessed. The wetland area,as defined here,is primarily restricted to the wet sedge-grass tundra type presented in the vegetation/habitat cover maps,or the Lacustrine-Limnetic-Emergent Wetland-Vascular wetland class of Cowardin et al.(1979). The Susitna River itself and its tributaries were not specifically assessed for aquatic plants.Because of the high velocity of the tributaries and the velocity and sediment load of the mainstream Susitna,they are nearly devoid of aquatic vascular plants. 64 >~-J l 1 )1 1 }1 j ]J J j Lo._, 10 15510 I<ILOMETER5 MILES _...-.-SUSITNA BASIN BOUNDARY o~---- 5 0 --"('d \I C It~/~-:.~~_}~/;.~"'"~.'"""''-_/./(Jv ';,.'...d .....•//'.C":>I:?'\.r---.~..l",~•,'.""\"~...I\..I .r----.,.....J'"',~!~~"y'\......-.J \I I -'.....-t ~\.'""..'.'......,~A~·.\./j.l.").~y '.J.?r"'C--.-.\"-..)i]o.•)~II_~.,,,T /'d.__t1 J ~~)-'-f {.?-[.~""r:'::"t.¢~~~.''.'\'-l ------. (~",,\.\\~6W_~ Figure 6 Locations of lakes and ponds surveyed for vascular aquatic plants in August 1980. - .- -Results and Discussion There are very few ponds and lakes within the impoundment areas. Most of the water bodies occur on the upland plateau between the edge of the river canyon and the surrounding mountain.There are a countless number of lakes in the large flats of the Upper Susitna Basin,such as those in the southeastern portion of the upper basin in the Lake Louise area.Most of the lakes and ponds immediately adjacent to the impoundment area are classified according to Cowardin et~.(1979)as:Lacustrine-Limnetic-Unconsolidated Bottom or Aquatic bed;or Lacustrine-Littoral-Aquatic Bed or Uncon- solidated Bottom. The dominant Ittrue"aquatic species of the water bodies were: horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile),bur reed (Sparganium angustifolium), sedge (Carex aguatilis),yellow pond lily (Nuphar polysepalum), mare's tail (Hippuris vulgaris),and bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris)(Table 25). Bur reed and yellow pond lily probably contributed more to total cover than all other species combined.Yellow pond lily,which is a submerged species with large floating leaves,was particularly prominent and formed vast beds in several water bodies.It did not occur along the edges of ponds,but appeared to grow best at depths ranging from 0.6 to 2.1 m.As a result,a band of yellow pond lily frequently occurred around the lake away from the shore in the area between the shallows and deep water.Bur"reed,on the other hand, frequently dominated the shallows of the ponds which were about 0.15 to 0.60 m in depth.Horsetail,mare1s tail,and bladderwort were also common in these shallows.Horsetail was common on rocky bottoms where little other vegetation occurred.Bladderwort appeared to be more prominent in shallows with a mud bottom or a bottom of organic matter. Dominant "bank"or edge species included:horsetail,reed bent grass (Calamagrostis canadensis),cotton grass (Eriophorum spp.), 66 }1 )}1 )}}]})}1 j )i Table 25 Jlquatic Plant Survey,Susitna Hydroelectric Project.llLl!1JSt 1980 SPECIES Pond or Lcte (#) "'TRUE"JlQ.U\TICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cl imaciun sp.--M:lss d(a)c Isoetes lIlJricata --Quilll'tlJrt s Equisetun fllNiatile --Horsetail d d d c d s s Sparganiun angustifoliun --Bur rem c d d d d d d c d c c d s s c c c Potamgeton sp.--Pond.o.eed (narlU'l-leaved)c c s Potamgeton sp.--Pond.o.ea:l (broad-leaved)s s c d Potamgeton Robb ins ii --Ponck!a:l d Potamgeton fil ifonnis --Pona.-.eect s s Eriophorun spp.--Cotton grass s Carex aquat j 1is --Sed~d d c c d d c d NUJt1ar IXllysepahm --Yellcw IXlnd 1ily c d d d d d c d d d d c d d d d d Ranuncu 1us confervo ides --Buttercup c d d s s s s Potentilla palustris --Marsh fivefin~r s Ca 11 itriche vema --Water starl'tlJrt d HipPUris vulgaris --Mare's tail c c s d c c s s s ~yanthes trifol iata --Buckbean s utricularia vulgaris --Bladderl'tlJrt c d c c d d s s d a.d=dJninant.c=ccrmnn.s=sparse 1 1 )1 })1 )l }')J j 1 -~ Tible 25 (Cont') SPECIES Pool or Lc*e (#) IB1W<"SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (a) Spha~spp.--Sphagrun nnss c d d Equisetun fluviatile --Horsetail d d d s \tlods ia sp.--W:lods ia s Ca lanagrostis canadensis --Reed bent !Tass d d d c c s ErioJitorun spp.--Cottoo grass d d c d d d c s d c Carex sp.--Sedge d d d Carex aquat i 1is --Sedge d d d d d d d d d d s d d d d d d d d d Carex rhyncop,y.;a --Sedge s c Iris setosa --Iris s--- Sal ix sp.--WillCM c s s Potentilla palustris --Marsh fivefinger c d c c d c c d c s s c d c JllldrarEda pol ifo 1ia --Andrareda c M:nyanthes trifo1i ata --Buckbean s c c d s c a.d=daninant,c=eamon,s=sparse }}1 1 )1 -)')I ;1 1 1 -1 1 '.Cill.e 25 (ll:nt.') RIrl cr late (J) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (6) Total Cover (%)<1 <5 -0-1 --10-20 <5 -0-5 0-1 1-5 1-2 ID-9O 80-100 50-60 1-5 0-1 5-10 40-50 15 2o-:Jl 20-35 10-20 Surrounding Wetland 0 2-3 3-6 &'J 3-6 3-6 2-9 15-:Jl 0-3 15-25 3-5 15-:Jl 15-25 30-45 3-15 1-2 2-3 0 &'J 12-15 3-6 2-3width(Meters)-- Elevation (Feet)1950 1700 2m 2m 2180 2180 2llOO 1950 1950 1975 2m mel 2410 2J4O 1850 2m Dill 2750 1800 :m:l 2250 2560 2575 2560 b.data rot recorded - F'. sedge (Carex aguatilis),marsh fivefinger (Potentilla palustris) and buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata).Sedge probably contributed more to total cover than all other edge species combined.It was the prevalent species of the pond shallows from about 0 -0.3 m in depth,along the pond periphery,and,also on floating mats,which were sometimes present. The same species'were encountered in many of the water bodies of the area.The one exception was the aquatic vegetation of Watana Lake.This lake was dominated solely by pondweed (Potamogeton Robbinsii).This pondweed is a submerged rooted aquatic species that grew in water from about 1.2 to 2.4 m in depth.Hulten (1968) reports that this species is known from his area of study,but it has only been collected once at Summit.Welsh (1974)indicates that it is known from southcentral Alaska,but evidently rare.The reason for the lack of other vascular plants in Watana Lake and the presence of Potamogeton Robbinsii is not understood;although at 914 m elevation,this lake had the highest elevation of any water body assessed. Total cover of aquatic vegetation and the width of the surrounding emergent wetland area varied from pond to pond (Table 25).Total cover appeared to vary depending upon the proportionate amount of open water (i n general,more than 2.1 m in depth)to shallow water present in each pond.The higher the percent of shallow water the greater the area that sufficient light could penetrate to the bottom and,as a result,the higher the cover of aquatic plants. This trend is valid in general,although lakes and ponds above 945. m in elevation usually had sparse aquatic vegetation cover regard- less of the bottom morphology.Rocky substrate and rock ledges also appeared to limit the amount of aquatic vegetation cover. The amount of associated emergent wetland area,which was dominated by sedge and other common bank species,appeared to be related to surrounding topography,bottom morphology and the age of the water 70 ..... body.Steep slopes or topographic relief around the water body limited the amount of associated emergent wetland.Ponds in de- pressions in relatively flat terrain had a well developed asso- ciated wetland around them.Organic matter developed as the water bodies became older and probably increased the periphery area dominated by emergent wetlands.A floating mat of vegetation was sometimes a'part of the associated emergent wetland.These mats developed over a layer of water and were dominated by sedge, sphagnum moss,and common bank species. A summary of the dominant aquatic species and factors influencing their location in and around many of the water bodies in the Upper Susitna Basin is presented in Figure 7.The existence and size of each zone indi~ated varies from pond to pond,although the general trends of the area are presented. 3.7 -Endangered,Threatened,Rare,and Noteworthy Species 3.7.1 -Endangered,Threatened,and Rare Species No plant species are presently officially listed for Alaska by federal or state authorities as endangered or threatened,however 37 species are currently under review by the U.S.Fish and Wild- life Service (USF&WS 1980)for possible protection under the Endangered Sped es Act of 1973.A recent pub 1i cati on by Murray (1980)discusses the h~bitat,distribution,and key traits of most of these species. A list of species (Table 26)extracted from Murray (1980)was believed to be the most likely plants of this category to be found in the Susitna River drainage,and in the landscape modified by the construction of the proposed dams and hydroelectric power plants . Since the upper reaches of the drainage were expected to be the least impacted,the major portion of the survey was devoted to the 71 1 1 -,]B -»J )l l )1 , ...J N OPEN WATER ZONE -usually greater than 2.)m in depth -little to no aquatic vegetation FIGURE 7 DEEP WATER ZONE -water from 0.6 to 2.)m in depth -usually dominated by yellow pond lily -size variable depending on bottom morphology SHALLOW WATER ZONE -water 0.)5 to 0.6 m in depth -usually dominated by bur reed, horsetail,mare's tail,and bladderwort -size variable depending on bottom morphology -species composition influenced by \substrate~EMERGENT WETLAND PERIPHERY -water from ground surface to Oo3m in depth -may contain a floating mat of vegetation -dominants include sedge,cotton grass, reed bent grass,marsh fivefinger, buckbean,and sphagnum moss -size influenced by bottom morphology and surrounding topography A SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DOMINANT VEGETATION ASSOCIATED WITH MANY OF THE LAKES AND PONDS OF THE UPPER SUSITNA BASIN. Table 26 List of endangered and threatened plant species~sought in the August 1980 survey. Species and Habitat Unofficial Status b/ Smelowskia pyriformis Drury &Rollins Threatened species North American endemic calcareous scree,talus,in upper Kuskikwim R.drainage Aster yukonensis Cronq.Endangered species North American endemic river banks,dry streambeds,river delta sands and gravels Kluane Lake,Koyukuk River. Montia bostockii (A.E.Porsild)S.L.Welsh Endangered species North American endemic wet,alpine meadows,St.Elias Mtns.,~Jrangell Mtns. Papaver alboroseum Hult.Endangered species Amphi-Beringian well-drained alpine tundra,Wrangell Mtns.,St.Elias Mtns. Cook Inlet lowlands,Alaska Range Podistera yukonensis Math &Const.Endangered species North American endemic S.facing rocky slopes,grasslands at low elevations, Eagle area,Yukon border Smelowskia borealis (Greene)Drury &Rollins Endangered species var.villosa North American endemic alpine calcareous scree,Mt.McKinley Park,Alaska Range Taraxacum carneocoloratum Nels.Endangered species North American endemic alpine rocky slopes,Alaska Range,Yukon Olgilvie Mtns. Other Endangered Species Possibilities: Cryptantha shackletteana Eriogonum flavum var.aquilinum Erysimum asperum var.angus tatum Upper Yukon River Eagle,Alaska Upper Yukon River a/Species information and status from Murray (1980). b/All species,except Papaver alboroseum,are under review by the U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service for possible protection under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. 73 - study of potential habitats in and around the impoundments.The general habitat requirements and occurrence of these plant species were known from a previous taxonomic and ecological study in Alaska,and from information given by Hulten (1968). Field searches were made in potential habitats in August 1980.The late date of the survey may have made the detection of the spectes difficult although all are perennials,and the late vegetative stages should have still been present in the phytomass. The field survey was conducted in three main areas:1)the upper drainage basin,alpine areas near the Susitna and West Fork Glaciers, 2)the lowlands of the upper drainage basin,Maclaren and Tyone Rivers,ridges,terraces,and periglacial features,and 3)the lower drainage,outcrops,and promontories along the Susitna River near Watana Creek,Kosina Creek;and gravel bars in the river bed. As several of the-endangered species and the only threatened species (Sme10wskia pyriformis)favored well-drained,rocky or scree slopes,this habitat was surveyed in the steep valleys adjacent to the Susitna and West Fork Glaciers,Figure 8.Typical alpine tundra vegetation prevailed on most of the sc~ee slopes studied. A helicopter and foot survey was made of the upper basin of the Susitna drainage and its tributaries.These rivers meander widely in this area and are re-working glacial-fluvial deposits.There are numerous lakes and ox-bow ponds,and periglacial features are abundant.Well-drained,sandy and gravelly ridges and terraces in this area would provide suitable habitat for several of the species being sought (Table 24).None of the endangered and threatened plant species were found in the upper basin lowland survey which was not exhaustive in extent considering the large area involved. Additional field work may be justified in this area. 74 - .... Figure 8 Areas surveyed for threatened and endangered species in the Susitna-West Fork Glacier area. The major portion of the endangered and threatened plant survey was conducted in the Susitna River drainage adjacent to and upstream from the Watana Camp site to the confluence of the Susitna River and the Oshetna River.A trip was made downstream as far as Devil Canyon and two large gravel bars within the river bed were surveyed. These gravel bars are rather vigorously eroded and the vegetation is primarily confined to the dense growth of spruce,hardwoods, shrubs,and grasses on the stable,elevated portion of the bar. Few invader species were observed on bare gravel and silt. Since several of the species being sought were recognized calci- philes,calcareous rock materials were surveyed from geologic maps of the area.Field tests were made with 10%hydrochloric acid which indicates by effervescence the presence of free carbonates. The included maps (Figures 8 and 9)show the locations of the outcrops surveyed in the Watana Creek-Oshetna River area with calcareous outcrops being indicated,and the alpine areas surveyed. Three calcareous areas were found in the survey,one of which was indicated on the geologic maps consulted.The first calcareous area encountered was on the northwest slopes of Mt.Watana at an altitude of approximately 1128 m.An outlier ridge with light colored rock outcrops in this area and a report of marine fossils in the area made it a likely habitat for calciphilic species.The light gray rocks on this ridge gave a positive test for carbonates and two recognized calciphiles were found in the area,Saxifraga oppositifolia and Rhododendron lapponicum.None of the plant species on the endangered or threatened list were found. The second calcareous outcrop encountered in the survey of poten- tial habitats in which the endangered and threatened species might be found was located on the south side of the Susitna River,just east of the confluence of Kosina Creek and the Susitna River.A series of low,grey domes occur on the westfacing slope of an unnamed prominence at an elevation of 1006 m (Figure 9).These 76 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 ]1 - -- ~, - domes of calcareous rock were apparently distinct from the main mass of rocks composing the main peak which was acidic by test. The Kosina Creek calcareous area had several calciphilic species such as Saxifraga oppositifolia and Rhododendron lapponiculll.A sterile collection of Taraxacum was collected adjacent to the largest calcareous dome and it is the only potential representative of the threatened and endangered species group encountered in the 1980 survey.A third calcareous prominence was encountered in the survey of peaks in the middle Susitna River drainage.This area is on the north side of the Susitna River,on the west side of Watana Creek,approximately 7.24 km west of the creek at an altitude of 671 m.No threatened species were observed on the gravelly domes in this area. In summary,the only plant species observed and collected during 1980 which could have belonged to any of the endangered or threat- ened taxa was a collection of Taraxacum made near Kosina Creek on calcareous rocks and soils.This site was at an elevation of 1006 m,and is far above any possible impact from the impoundments. 3.7.2 -Noteworthy Species Twenty-one vascular plant species were encountered during the summer of 1980 in the Upper Susitna Riv~r basin which were outside the ranges indicated by Hulten (1968)(Table 27).Some of these species may have been reported in the area in the 12 years since Hulten1s publication.Some of these range extensions are the result of more intensive botanical surveys in the area while some may represent an actual enlargement of the range for some species. Because the Upper Susitna River drainage is not extremely well- represented in existing plant collections,range extensions,and some new records may be expected from any botanical surveys in the area.The Upper Susitna River drainage may represent a unique 78 r- , - -, - ".", - Table 27 Vascular plant species in the Upper Susitna River Basin which are outside their range as reported by Hulten (1968). Equisetum fluviatile Lycopodium selago ssp.selago a/L~copodiu~complanatum -Plcea manana Carex filifolia Danthonia intermedia Luzula wahlenbergii Veratrum viride Plantanthera convallariaefolia Plantanthera hyperborea Echinopanax horridum a/Senecio sheldonensis -Myrica ~ Ranuncu~occidentalis a/Potentilla biflora -Rubus idaeus . Rubus pedatus Galium triflorum Pedicularis kanei kanei Pedicu1aris parviflorus Potamogeton robbinsii ~Viereck and Little (1972)include the Upper Susitna River Basin in the range of this species. 79 - - phytogeographic region in that the lowlands habitats of the Cook Inlet and Talkeetna River valley extend into the upper basin of the Susitna drainage and make contact with the arctic-alpine habitats and flora of the Alaska Range.Alpine habitats close to maritime locations in central Alaska have unique assemblages of plant species,especially those called the amphi-Beringian floristic element.A representative example of this floristic type may be seen at Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Mountains. Two of these species represent significant range extensions: Senecio she1donensis and Danthonia intermedia.S.she1donensis had not previously been reported in the state except possibly in the Skagway area (Hulten 1968).Our specimen was collected in a mesic midgrass community in August near upper Portage Creek,but has not yet been verified.There is at least one other informal report of the species occurring in the study area.Welsh (1974)reports that the species occurs in the southern Yukon and northern British Columbia. Danthonia intermedia was found in August in the grass portion of a mosaic of low birch and grass communities in the low shrub areas between the Maclaren River and the Denali Highway.Previous re- cordings of the species occurred near the upper end of Cook Inlet and the Skagway area (Hu1ten 1968).Moreover,the only other representative of the genus in the state,Q.spicata,has only been reported from near Ketchikan.This would represent a significant extension of the genus although Q.intermedia was found in only the one location in our study area.Welsh (1974),on the other hand, reports the occurrence of Q.intermedia in southcentra1 Alaska with no specific locations mentioned. Potamogeton robbinsii,a submerged rooted aquatic was found in Watana Lake.There has been limited collection of this species in Alaska.Hulten (1968)reports it from his area of study,but it has only been collected once at Summit.Welsh (1974)indicates that it is known from southcentra1 Alaska,but evidently rare. 80 - ..... The distribution of Picea mariana should also be noted since Hu1ten (1968)includes areas north and ,south of the Upper Susitna River in the range,but does not include the study area.Viereck and Little (1972),however,do include the Susitna drainage in their distri- bution map.This tree is one of the most common species in the study area. Most other species on the list represent only slight range exten- sions.Most of these are extensions to the north (more inland) from their previous observations.P1antanthera hyperborea and Myrica ~extensions include sites between areas that were previously included in the range.Potenti11a bif10ra and Pedicu1aris kanei Durand kanei extensions were south of the previously reported range.Both of these species were found on calcareous outcroppings (Kosina Creek and Mt.Watana,respectively)while looking for endangered species.These species are probably more adapted to the drier environment associated with the interior or with calcareous outcroppings in the Upper Susitna River Basin. 81 - - - 4 -IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4.1 -Construction Impacts Assuming the plan developed by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers (1978), it is obvious that the major impact of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on vegetation will be the elimination of area from different vegeta- tion/habitat types.The hectares of each vegetation/habitat type to be impacted are presented in comparison with the total hectares of those types in the entire Upper Susitna River Basin (Table 4). If proposed maximum pool elevations are required,the Devil Canyon (1500 ft elevation)and Watana (2200 ft elevation)reservoirs will inundate /' 3603 and 15,885 ha of area respectively;2753 and 13,669 ha,respectively, are vegetated (Table 4).A total of 18,109 ha of vegetation will be lost if all borrow areas (outside the impoundment areas)are also totally utilized.Borrow sites may eventually be revegetated,however. The 18,109 ha of impacted vegetation .represents roughly 1.2%of the total vegetated area in the Upper Susitna River Basin. Assuming maximum impact in the impoundment and borrow areas,the vege- tation/habitat types which will be lost (and the apparent %each is of the total available in the entire basin)are presented in Table 4.As discussed in Section 3.4 Preliminary Vegetation/Habitat Type Maps, problems created by comparing maps of two different scales resulted in apparent percentages of overlap which are highly inflated for the com- parison of birch forests in the impact areas with that of their avail- ability in the overall basin.However,it can safely be said that birch forests will be substantially impacted by the project,relatively more so than any other vegetation/habitat type.The only other types which would receive relatively substantial impact are open and closed coni- fer-deciduous forests and open and closed balsam poplar stands. The access road or railroad will destroy an additional 150-300 ha of vegetation,depending on the route selected,and assuming access is from 82 -I one direction only and 30 m wide roadbed.Three-hundred hectares is roughly equal to 0.02%of the vegetation in the entire basin.The primary vegetation types to be affected are mat and cushion tundra, sedge-grass tundra,birch shrub1and and woodland spruce.Preliminary observations indicate that the alternative routes are well below the elevation where potential threatened or endangered species might occur. The impact these losses of vegetation will have on the food supply for wildlife can only be hypothesized or extrapolated from the literature. The principal losses of vegetation impactment for large mammals will likely be in terms of reduced berry supply for black bears and reduced browse for moose.Skoog (l968)did not consider vegetation/habitat types to be of much value for caribou when located on the steep sides or bottoms of the Susitna River canyon. Our own observations suggest that the berry resources which will be inundated may be of primary importance to the black bears in early spring.South-facing slopes of the canyon are the first to become free of snow,at which time,much of the previous year's berry crop is available to bears coming out of winter torpor. The impact of the Devil Canyon reservoir on moose browse supply would probably be minimal since the topography is steep and receives rela- tively light use by moose.The impact of the Watana reservoir could be more substantial,not only because it is larger,but because it also receives at least moderate use by moose.It is not yet clear whether or not this area is critical to overwintering moose.Ballard (1980)states that moose use of the Watana Creek area occurred prior to March in winter (1979-1980).In early November 1980,willow stands along Watana Creek and porti ons of the Susitna Ri ver vl/i thi n the Watana impoundment area had already been heavily browsed by moose.In both years,temper- atures were higher than normal in November,and in early November 1980 snow accumulations were light.Consequently,it appears that browse supplies in the bottoms of the Susitna River Canyon and its tributaries may already be depleted before they would have much value as a browse 83 - - reserve in late winter or during severe winters.Additional information on moose populations and impact is provided in the annual reports pro- duced by ADF&G and Dr.Richard Taber. 4.2 -Operation Impacts 4.2.1 -Impoundment Areas The Susitna Hydroelectric Project is located in a region of dis- continuous permafrost.Consequently,we believe there is potential for large earthflows and slumps,especially on north-facing slopes, as the relatively warm reservoirs thaw adjacent permafrost.This type of disturbance will most likely occur on black spruce sites and may lead to their replacement,in places,by alder stands and possibly open paper birch stands.Bank erosion may also result from wave action and altered subsurface drainage. 4.2.2 -Downstream Floodplain Impacts on the downstream floodplain have not been adequately considered since vegetation studies are not planned for that area until summer 1981.Preliminary thoughts are that the impacts on vegetation will be relatively slight in the reach from Devil Canyon to the Chulitna River,because this portion of the river is chan- nelized most of its length,and aerial photography indicates rela- tively little variations in area affected by fluctuating water levels.Comparisons of 1951 aerial photography (1 :4000 scale)with 1980 photographs (1:4000 scale)indicates very little shifting of banks or islands during the past 30 years. Downstream from the Chulitna River to Delta Islands,considerably more shifting of the river has occurred.In this reach plant 84 -- - communities are in more varied stages of succession;the effects of fluctuating water levels are apparently greater.However,the extent to which moderated flows of the Susitna River,above the Chulitna River,affect the periodicity and intensity of flooding in the lower portion will need to be determined before we can appro- priately predict impacts on the vegetation. 85 f~, - - .- 5 -tHTIGATION 5.1 -Avoidance Some vegetation in the vicinity of access roads,ancillary facilities and reservoir facilities could likely be protected from damage during the environmental studies and construction.This will require planning and regulation of unnecessary activities,especially those involving heavy machinery and ATV use during summer and fall. 5.2 -Compensation Vegetation in the impoundment areas will obviously be erased.However, some access-road cuts,borrow areas,or other ancillary facilities may be revegetated upon completion of construction.Natural revegetation may be adequate in most cases.Indeed,the current philosophy of those connected with pipeline development in Alaska is that natural revege- tation is desirable,providing soils with suitable physical and chemical properties are in place where revegetation is to occur.Often,ferti- lization is all that is needed before good natural revegetation will occur.The apparent utility of this approach,coupled with the fact that Native ownership of part of the lands prefers revegetation to be natural,makes this approach most desirable.However,there may be some sites where potential wind or water erosion or aesthetic considerations would require more intensive revegetation practices,involving mulching and/or reseeding with native or introduced species. There appears to be good potential for increasing forage supplies in areas adjacent to Watana Creek.We found considerable evidence sug- gesting that past wildfires had stimulated growth of willow and birch species.These areas have since received heavy use by moose. 86 - - Of all the vegetation types in the Watana Creek area,we believe that woodland and open spruce stands hold the greatest potential for moose habitat development,because,in their climax condition,they are rela- tively unproductive of most kinds of wildlife habitat.Black spruce stands reverted to an early successional stage would not necessarily be the most valuable habitat of those already existing,but they would represent the type with the least tradeoff in type conversion. Much more work is needed to determine which kinds of sites would show the best response to manipulation.If fire should be the tool used to bring about a type conversion,then conditions should be determined which result in the greatest removal of overlying moss and provide for good establishment of desirable plant species. Compensation for moose browse which may be lost along the floodplain downstream from the Devil Canyon dam site appears to have the greatest potential of any compensatory action.There,removal of later suc- cessional vegetation (i.e.mature balsam poplar and spruce stands)might effectively be accomplished through logging and/or fire.Indeed,we suspect that more moose browse could be produced than is currently growing there.Winter timber harvest and burning of slash could likely pay its own way. These types of habitat manipulation have not been studied on forest lands in southcentral Alaska other than to document the effects of wildfires.Consequently,a number of small test burns and clearings would be highly advantageous for establishing which techniques and conditions are most effective.Also,it will be important to determine the extent to which other animal species might be displaced through this type of habitat manipulation. 87 - 6 -REFERENCES Floristic/Botanical Works: Argus,G.W.1973.The genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon.National Museum of Natural Sciences Publications in Bota~y,No.2.Ottawa. 279 p. Batten,A.R.,D.F.Murray,and J.C.Dawe.1979.Threatened and endangered plants in selected areas of the BLM Fortymile planning unit,Alaska.BLM-Alaska Tech.Rep.3.127 p. Conard,H.A.1979.How to know the mosses and liverworts.Wm.C. 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USF&WS Pub.FWS/BS-79/3l. *Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission of Alaska.1973.Major ecosystems of Alaska (map). Kuchler,A.W.1967.Vegetation mapping.Ronald Press,,New York . Kuchler,A.W.1964.Where is what?Bio-Science 14(7):39-41. McCormick,J.1978.Ecology and regulation of freshwater wetlands. IN:Freshwater Wetlands:Ecological Processes and Management PotentialTR.E.Good,D.F.Whigham,and R.L.Simpson,eds.),p.341-355. Academic Press,New York. *Mueller-Dubois,D.and H.Ellenberg.1974.Aims and methods of vegetation ecology.John Wiley and Sons,New York.547 p. 90 ,.,.. - *Payne,D.P.1975.Introduction to aerial photography for natural resource management.Oregon State University Press.324 p. Sochava,V.1975.The content of vegetation maps and how to enrich it. XII International Botanical Congress,Section 8,Ecological Botany. Paper for Presentation at Symposium:Logical Principles of Construction and Improvement of Information Content of Vegetation Maps. *Spetzman,L.A.1963.Terrain study of Alaska,Part V:Vegetation.Engineer Intelligence Study.Office,Chief of Engineers,Dept.of the Army, Washi ngton,D.C.(map). *U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,1980.Notice.Federal Register,Vol. 45,No.193. *Viereck,L.A.and C.T.Dyrness.1980.A preliminary classification for vegetation of Alaska.Pacific N.W.Forest and Range Exp. Sta.,Gen.Tech.Rep.PNW-106.38 p. *Walker,D.A.,P.J.Webber,and V.Komarkova.1979.A large scale (1:6000)vegetation mapping method for northern taiga.Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research.Unpublished manuscript.48 p. Other: *Ballard,W.1980.Upstream moose studies.Quarterly Report,Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Environmental Studies. *Rost,G.R.and J.A.Bailey.1979.Distribution of mule deer and elk in relation to roads.J.Wildl.Manage.43(3):634-641. Skoog,R.O.1968.Ecology of the caribou in Alaska.Ph.D.Dissertation. University of California,Berkeley. *U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.1978.Plan of study for Susitna hydro power feasibility analysis.U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Alaska District. *Wallmo,O.C.,D.F.Reed,and L.H.Carpenter.1976.Alteration of mule deer habitat by wildfire,logging,highways,agriculture,and housing developments,p.37-47.IN:Mule deer decline in the West --a symposium.Utah Agric.-rxp.Sta.Pub.134 p. *Ward,A.L.1979.Dispersed recreation impact on big game resource. IN:Dispersed recreation and natural resource management --a symposium.College of Natural Resources,Utah State University, Logan.(in press). *References actually cited in this report. 91 7 -AUTHORITIES CONTACTED Federal Agencies: Bureau of Land Management Anchorage,Alaska Steve Talbot,Ecologist -Letter from B.Collins 29 Sept.1980;request of plant species list of Watana Mtn.area." Paula Krebs,Remote Sensing Specialist -Telephone call from B.Collins 9 July 1980;request for preliminary vegetation map of the Denali study. Forest Service (Forest and Range Exp.Station) Anchorage,Alaska Fred Larson,Research Forester -Visit from B.Collins and P.Scorup 8 May 1980;requesting cooperative agreement for inventory and analysis of plant communities in the upper Susitna basin. Forest Service (Forest and Range Exp.Station) Fairbanks,Alaska Leslie Viereck,Plant Ecologist -21 May 1980;met with B.Collins (in Anchorage at ALMCTF meeting)to discuss need for a hierarchical classification of Alaska vegetation. Soil Conservation Service Weymeth Long,Director of State Office -15 May 1980;hand delivered letter of cooperative agree- ment to obtain approval for cooperative st~dy of vegetation in upper Susitna basin. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Salt Lake City,Utah Lola Britton, File Manager - 6 May 1980,21 July 1980;orders for CIR imagery of th~ upper Susitna basin. -19 Feb 1980;telephone call from J.McKendrick to discuss availability of CIR imagery covering upper Susitna basin. -10,11,18 June 1980;telephone calls from B.Collins arranging for CIR imagery. 92 Fish and Wildlife Service Kenai,Alaska Wayne Regelin,Research Biologist -27 May 1980;visit from B.Collins and J.McKendrick discussing techniques for assessment of moose browse production and utilization. State Agencies: Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game Paul Arneson,Biologist Suzanne Miller,Statistician -13 May 1980;met with B.Collins to discuss needs of lower Susitna moose habitat study. - 6 June 1980;met in the field with B.Collins to test techniques for sampling moose browse production/ utilization. Charles Swartz,Biologist -27 May 1980;met with B.Collins and J.McKendrick to discuss methods for evaluating moose habitat and nutritional value of browse species. Loca 1 Agenci es : Matanuska-Susitna Borough Lee Wyatt,Acting Borough Manager - 8 May 1980;letter from B.Collins to request cooperative purchase of 1:63,360 scale CIR photography of upper Susitna basin .. 93