HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA425f 11<. 1425 .sa A23 no.425 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2-SURVEYS AND SITE FACILITIES SUBTASK 2.13 MARKETABILITY AND DISPOSAL STUDY FOR RESERVOIR AREA FINAL MARCH 1982 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Cou:--t Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone: (716) 853-7525 ..... 0') v N l!) 00 0 0 0 .l!) l!) """" (Y') (Y') ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT MARKETABILITY AND DISPOSAL STUDY FOR RESERVOIR AREA TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES 1 • INTRODUCTION 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope of Work 2. 2 -Previous Studies 2.3 -Methods of Wood Disposal 2.4 -Applicability of Logging Systems 2.5 -Conclusions and Recommendations 3 -METHODS OF WOOD DISPOSAL 4-APPLICABILITY OF LOGGING SYSTEMS 5 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ARLIS 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 3-1 4-1 5-1 IK. -!'{26 ,sr ;J:1..3 /ll). t./2~ - i - Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Anchorage, Alaska LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 1 Methods of Wood Disposal, and Associated Advantages and Disadvantages 3-2 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Logging Systems 4-2 -ii - 1 -INTRODUCTION The basic purpose of this subtask is to lay the groundwork for the cost consideration and evaluation of the various parameters involved in the removal of the timber from the reservoirs. This subtask will identify the alternate logging systems that could be utilized in the clearing process, the various methods of disposing of the timber, and the various environmental considerations associated with the fiber removal. All of these factors are intended to provide a focus for the cost estimates for the reservoir clearing subtask (2.14) to follow. This subtask, 2.13, serves as the link between the forest inventory data and the costing tasks. Hopefully, it will provide means to evaluate the costs and benefits of various disposal approaches, harvesting systems, and their associated environmental affects. Due to the very limited budget for this task, effort has concentrated on the identification and description of the various parameters, and identifying a literature base to assist in the actual costing analysis. susi11 /f 1 - 1 2 -SUMMARY 2. 1 -Scope of Work This subtask involved considerable professional judgment based upon past experience, the data gathered in Subtask 2. 12, aerial overflights of the reservoirs 1 and a cursory review of the literature identified in the Bibliography. Various individuals were also contacted for their impressions regarding the marketability of the wood. Due to the limited budget available for this effort, some emphasis was placed on assembling a beginning bibliography to provide the clearing cost estimators with more firm evaluation parameters. 2.2 -Previous Studies Due to the limited commerciality of the timber present, most of the fiber can be considered wood waste. The subject of logging residue management has· become of major concern within only the last ten years. As a result, relatively little research work has been completed on the subject. A literature base is just beginning to be developed. Very little wood waste research has been conducted under Alaskan conditions except for limited areas in Southeast Alaska. There is no waste management work in Interior Ala·ska that can be applied to the Susitna River case before us. Consequently 1 the compiled bibliography for this report constitutes the basis for this subtask. 2.3 -Methods of Wood Disposal Potential methods of wood disposal include burning 1 burial 1 marketing, chipping, rafting down the Susitna River. It is quite possible that various combinations of some of these techniques will be utilized, with various approaches in use at the same time at various locations. susi11/g 2 2.4 -Applicability of Logging Systems The combination of steep terrain, moderate-light tree stocking levels, small trees, erosive potential of the reservoir slopes, remoteness, and very restricted access to the reservoirs are major factors affecting the choice of harvesting systems to be utilized for this project. Such systems include high lead, skyline, tractor, whole tree logging with or without chippers, balloon and helicopter. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages and set of conditions under which its use is optimized. 2. 5 -Conclusions and Recommendations Present market demand for the timber at Susitna is low; however, world wood demand fluctuates considerably. It is expected that the best approach to follow in disposal of the wood is one which minimizes cost. Transportation and logging costs will be astronomical. Environmental controls will greatly affect clearing costs. This portion of the study requires much more detailed analysis. It is extremely important to define what the acceptable wood residue I eve! wi II be for the clearing process. susi11/g 2 -2 3 -METHODS OF WOOD DISPOSAL Table 1 is essentially a listing of various ways of disposing of the wood from the Devil Canyon and Watana Reservoirs combined with relevant comments. An attempt has been made to be practical, and rely upon the literature base as well as reason and common sense. It is quite possible that various combinations of techniques will be utilized, with several different approaches in use at one time at various locations. This list will need considerable refinement in the costing sub task to follow. susi11/h 3 - 1 Method of Disposal Burning Burial Marketing TABLE 1 METHODS OF WOOD DISPOSAL, AND ASSOCIATED ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages 0 Energy Potential 0 Eiiminates Transport, Equipment, Processing Costs 0 Eiiminates Insect Build- ups in Slash 0 Eiiminates Insect Buitd- ups in Slash 0 Monetary Return 0 lmproved Resource Use Options Disadvantages 0 Wildfire Hazard 0 Smoke/ Air Quality Degradation 0 Loss of Commercial Timber 0 Potential for 11 Hard Burning" Soil 0 Potential Changes in Water Chemistry 0 lncreased Soil Disturbance/ Erosion 0 Equipment Intensive 0 Soi I Leachates 0 Loss of Commercial Uses of Timber 0 Requires Restoration 0 Additional Administrative Costs 0 1 ntensive Management 0 High Logging, Equipment, Transport, Processing Costs susi11/h 3 - 2 TABLE 1 • CONTINUED Method of Disposal Chipping Rafting susi11/h Advantages 0 Reduces Logging 1 Trans- port Costs 0 Unifies Product, Easier Handling 0 Eiiminates Insect Build- ups in Slash 0 Low Transport Cost 3 - 3 Disadvantages 0 Residue Clogs Streams 1 Increases BOD, Warm Temperatures 0 8undles Break, Lose Wood, Clog Stream 0 Reduce Stream Aesthetics 0 lncrease Stream BOD, Warm Temperatures 4 -APPLICABILITY OF LOGGING SYSTEMS There are a variety of methods that can be utilized to harvest timber. Each has its own set of conditions under which its use is optimized .. in terms of cost and time efficiency, terrain suitability, minimization of waste, least environmental damage, etc. The steep terrain, moderate-light stocking levels, small trees, erosive potential of the reservoir slopes, remoteness and very limited access of the reservoir areas present some very difficuit and costly parameters in the selection and utilization of appropriate harvesting approaches. Table 2 identifies systems of potential use at Devil Canyon and Watana Reservoirs, and their associated advantages and disadvantages. It is quite possible that any number and combination of systems may be operating on this project at one time. susi11/i 4 - 1 TABLE 2 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VARIOUS LOGGING SYSTEMS Logging System High Lead Skyline Whole Tree and/or Chipping Balloon Helicopter susi11/i Advantages 0 Use on Steep Terrain 0 Use on Steep Terrain 0 Minimal Soil Erosion 0 Minimize Handling 0 Very Efficient 0 Unrestricted Access 0 Unrestricted Access 4 - 2 Disadvantages 0 Some Soil Erosion 0 Expensive Equipment 0 Use More Efficient on Larger, High Value Species 0 Requires Set-up Time 0 Requires Special Expertise 0 Requires Set-up Time 0 Expensive Equipment 0 Use More Efficient on Larger, High Value Species 0 Requires Special Expertise 0 Requires Flat Terrain 0 Road System or Good Stand Access Required 0 Expensive Equipment 0 Very Expensive 0 Requires Essentially Calm Air to Operate 0 Very Expensive 0 Use More Efficient on Larger, High Value Species 0 Use Limited in Moderate Winds 5 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In drawing some conclusions and making some recommendations regarding this subtask, there are a few basic realities about utilizing large quantities of wood fiber that shoutd be kept in mind. The principal goals are to maximize the dollar return from the wood source and/or minimize the cost of disposing of it, guarding at all times environmental quality in the process. Present world wood fiber demand is down considerably. Many Asian markets for Southeast Alaskan wood chips, cants, and roundlog exports are at such a low level at present that most lumbering and processing operations in the state are either shut down or on a reduced work schedule. The forest industry in the Pacific Northwest is presently suffering many shutdowns as high bank lending rates choke the homebuilding industry. These interest rates have also affected building demand in the Far East, which is down considerably. However, the demand for wood fiber fluctuates considerably 1 and in the future, demand will rise and activity will increase. These economic realities affect the use of Susitna Project wood fiber in that demand for this material is extremely low now, with more readily available and improved quality wood obtainable (from Southeast Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, for example) when the market improves; yet these conditions can change in a few years. Demand for large quantities of ·wood fiber is very cyclic and the prices fluctuate dramatically over short periods of time (months, and years). With these general comments in mind, the following conclusions regarding use of the timber in the Devil Canyon and Watana Reservoirs are offered. susi11/j General quality of the material present is low 1 and marketability is expected to be minimal. It is anticipated that the best approach to follow in disposal should focus on minimizing the ~ of clearing. 5 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It is expected that various disposal techniques and logging systems can be utilized, perhaps different approaches at various locations. Breakage of timber and loss into the river may cause problems in the logging process. Transportation and logging costs will be astronomical. Restricted access will be a major problem. Defect in the wood appears to be minimal, which improves marketability. Although wood quality is generally low, the large volume available (20-40 million cubic feet) can be attractive to potential users. Environmental controls will probably have a great effect on clearing costs. Erosive potential of clearing is considerable. Recommendations regarding the clearing process are as follows: 0 0 0 susi11 /j This portion of the project requires considerably more detailed study. It is extremely important to define what the acceptable wood residue level will be for the clearing process, rather than require~ materials to be removed. Careful attention should be given to the aesthetics of the clearing operations in the vicinity of the final reservoir operating levels (eventual shoreline). 5 - 2 0 0 susi11/j Areas adjacent to the reservoirs should be managed so as to minimize disturbance of wildlife habitat. Careful attention should be given to utilizing much of the wood 11 on-site11 and minimize disposal costs by providing energy for construction camp operations. 5 - 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Region, J. Sturgeon, Wood ~ & Fuel, Juneau, February, 1979. 2. Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Assessment of Biomass Conversion to Energy for Delta Agricultural Project, Contract No. 2311203755, October, 1979. 3. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office, J. K. Pearce, Forest Engineering Handbook, 1961. 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X, James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., Forest Harvest, Residue Treatment, Reforestation & Protection of Water Quality, EPA 910/9-76-020, April, 1976. 5. U.S. Forest Service, Institute of Northern Forestry, L.F. Hanks and C. W. Swanson, Lumber Grade Yields from Paper Birch and Balsam Poplar Logs in the Susitna River Valley, Alaska, Research Paper PNW-51, Juneau, 1967. 6. U.S. Forest Service, Institute of Northern Forestry, K.M. Hegg, Forest Resources of the Susitna Val ley, Alaska, PNW-32, Juneau, 1970. 7. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, J. H. Beuter, Timber Value - A Matter of Choice. A Study of How End Use Assumptions Affect Timber Values, PNW-118, Portland, 1971. susi9/q - l - 8. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 0. P. Cramer, ed., Environmental Effects of Forest Residues Management in the Pacific Northwest. A State-of-Knowledge Compendium, General Technical Report, PNW-24, Portland, 1974. 9. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, J. M. Pierovich et. al. , Forest Residues Management Guidelines for the Pacific Northwest, General Technical 8,eport PNW-33, Portland, 1975. 10. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, R.H. Ruth and A.S. Harris, Forest Residues in Hemlock-Spruce Forests of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska -A State-of-Knowledge Review With Recommenda- tions for Residue Management, General Technical Report PNW-39, Portland, 1975. 11. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, J. B. Grantham, Energy Potential of Forest Residue, Proceedings of the Northwest Forest Fire Council 1976 Annual Meeting, Olympia, Washington, 1976. 12. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, T. C. Adams and R. C. Smith, Review of the Logging Residue Problem and Its Reduction Through Marketing Practices, General Technical Report PNW-48, Portland, 1976. 13. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, B. B. Bare and B. F. An holt, Selecting Forest Residue Treatment Alternatives Using Goal Programming, General Technical Report PNW-43, Portland, 1976. susi9/q - 2 - 14. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, F. R. Ward and H. R. Mclean, Burying Forest· Residue -An Alternative Treatment, Reserach Note PNW-270, Portland, 1976. 15. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, C.N. Mann, Running Skyline Systems for Harvesting Timber ~ Steep Terrain 1 Paper presented at the Earthmoving Industry Conference, Central Illinois Section, Peoria, April 18-20, 1977. 16. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, J.O. Howard, Wood for Energy in the Pacific Northwest: An Overview 1 General Technical Report PNW-94, Portland, 1979. 17. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, T.C. Adams, Logging Costs for ~ ~ of Intensive Residue Removal, Research Note PNW-347, Portland, 1980. 18. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station 1 T. C. Adams, Managing Logging Residue Under the Timber Sale Contract, Research Note PNW-348, Portland, 1980. 19. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, M.D. Bryant, Evaluation of Large, Organic Debris After Timber Harvest: Maybeso Creek, 1949 to 1978, General Technical Report PNW-101, Portland, 1980. susi9/q - 3 - 20. University of Alaska, School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, Alaska Humanities Forum, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, North American Forest Lands at Latitudes North of 60 Degrees, Proceedings of a Symposium at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, September 19-22, 1977. 21. University of Missouri Columbia, School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, R. C. Smith, Potential Economic Development of Forest Resources in Interior Alaska, FS-PNW Grant Number 82, November, 1980. susi9/q ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Servu::es Anchorage~ Alaska - 4 -