HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA435~... "_'·,t ,..~ ;', ..'; .,"~-' ;.'.~. :, ...... "r' '.,.; '-";'-. .:·i~._..-.........,.:.~ Disea·s~····.:ebbl .:"". Technical Information Center,Office of Public Affairs ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION Gas Bu ..'...- ,~~~2.~;i._i~'~A'_'_:~"'~i_~."-~~,:~._.....;.;.."-,,"~;~,-,,.>-_.....--'.....:'-'-'~'_ ..... - - - Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main encry under title: Gas bubble disease. "Conf·7410B." Includes index. Supt.of Docs.no.:ER 1.ll:CONF-7410B 1:Gas bubble disease in fish-Congresses.I.Fickeisen.D.H. II.Schneider,"'ark Joseph,1942·Ill.Battelle Memorial Instituce.Columbus.Ohio,Pacific Northwest Laboratory,Richland, Wash.IV.United States,Atomic Energy Commission.Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research. (DNLM:1.Gas poisoning-<;ongresses.2.Water pollution, Chemical-Congresses.QH90.A3 G246 1974) SH177.G3G37 597',02'4 75·619327 ISBN 0-87079-{1234 Available as CONF·741033 for $6.00 (foreign,$8.50)from National Technical Information Service U.S.Department of Commerce Springfield,Virginia 22161 ERDA Distribution Category UC·12 Composed by Battelle,Pacific Northwest laboratories Richland.WashingtOfl Printed in the United States of America ERDA Technical Information Center.Oak Ridge,Tennessee February 1976 s t{s £t8.q T~ p.._.\Ql.S ,A-d.·S no-4~s ..... ,- CONF-741033 Gas Bubble Disease Proceedings of-a Workshop held at Richland,Washington, October 8-9,1974 Cosponsored by Battelle,Pacific Northwest Laboratories,and U.S.Atomic Energy Commission Editors D.H.Fickeisen and M.J.Schneider 1976 ARLIS .Alaska Resources LIbrary &Infonnation SeTVlces Anchorage,Alaska Published by Technical Information Center,Office of Public Affairs Energy Research and Development Administration Foreword We are happy to host the Nitrogen Task Force and other interagency participants of this workshop on gas bubble disease.Six years ago,Battelle first participated in a tripartite research program of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),the Na- tional Marine Fisheries Service,and the Atomic Energy Commission involving many of the people here today.One needs only to compare·the state of knowledge on gas bubble disease at the time of the tripartite study·with this workshop proceedings in order to fully appreciate the extent to which refinement and accurate delineation of the super- saturation problem has taken place."In 1971,the effects of gas bubble disease seemed to be con- founded with those of other stressors;in the present series of papers,we now see it as a quite lethal factor initiated at a fairly critical level of supersaturation. We also know a good deal about its pathology.With the limited resources available to investigators of gas supersaturation effects,the findings here repre- sent significant accomplishments. Several participants have identified areas of uncertainty requiring continuing research during the years ahead.I would like to comment on several points.In listening to the past two days'delibera- tions,I believe that four areas require early atten- tion.They require early attention because data useful in practical applications to minimize gas bubble mortality will depend in a key way on our understanding of the underlying processes.First,it seems to me that determinations are needed of the vertical distributions of fishes with respect to gas supersaturation,especially at periods of high runoff in the river system of the Columbia,for example.To too large an extent,models in use are approxima- tions that need fairly systematic validation for each application.Appropriate field effort,as was de- 'fPA-Co/umbia River Thermal Effects Study Vol.1 -Biological Effects Studies.January 1971 VoL 2 -Temperature Prediction Studies,January 1971 scribed yesterday,is time-consuming and hence expensive when applied to validation purposes.It is also necessary,considering the confoundment caused by possible habitat preferences of fish. Second,field effort should be directed to estab- lishing systematically the population pressures and habitat preferences of various fish.Fish seem to have limited ability to distinguish levels or to detect critical levels of gas supersaturation,per se;thus, it is not difficult to see how mortality in salmonids exposed to low levels of gas supersaturation might be greatly aggravated by flight to avoid predation by squawfish,for example. Third,pressure-equilibration relationships in fish need to be better defined at physiological levels. We need to keep in mind the experience of hyper- baric physiologists in other fields;namely that tissue gas equilibration,while varying inversely with pres- sure and time,is probably a multi-compartmental process showing widely differing rate constants. Thus,a small compartment,slow in equilibrating, may trigger a neurological incapacitation during decompression even though the body fluids,gener- ally,seem to be equilibrated at the lower pressure. Certain delayed effects,also described in the past two days,may have a similar explanation. In the papers and the round table discussions that follow,a number of related ideas are developed. If past progress is a guide,I look forward in our future meetings to definitive explanations of these problems affecting hydroelectric power development. Burton E.Vaughan,Manager Ecosystems Department Battelle,Pacific Northwest laboratories iii - Preface Gas bubble disease resulting from exposure of aquatic organisms to water supersaturated with dissolved gas was described some 100 years ago, but only in the past decade has a serious problem been recognized in a natural river system.Opera- tion of spillways at hydroelectric generating facili- ties on the Columbia River and its major tributaries results in entrainment of air into the·river water, increasing the dissolved gas content to supersatu- rated levels.The resulting gas bubble disease is a factor contributing to observed declines in salmo- nid fish stocks.Even more recently,a widespread gas bubble disease problem has been realized with fish kills in steam generating station discharge plumes,both at freshwater and marine sites.In these cases,supersaturation is caused by the de- crease in gas solubility which accompanies heating of water used to cool condensers. In the past several years,intensive research efforts have been undertaken by several agencies in the Pacific Northwest.These projects have been broadly scoped with major goals of prediction of gas levels and their effects,reduction of impacts on populations of aquatic biota,and development of national water quality criteria and standards. Many of these studies have progressed to a point of having a sufficient data base to begin drawing major conclusions and we have been encouraged by work in other regions.The Nitrogen Task Force has served as an informal forum for exchange of ideas and development of plans for future work, but we felt a need for a Gas Bubble Disease Work- shop to draw together on-going research within the Pacific Northwest as well as other regions.The workshop format included formal presentation of papers printed herein and a series of informal round table discussions charged with determining research needs in specific areas of interest.Notes of the round table discussions are also included herein.It is with the hope of stimulating further research efforts and providing a comprehensive view of on-going projects that we present these proceedings. The success of the Gas Bubble Disease Work- shop was certainly due to the efforts of participants for which we thank them.Those who accepted our invitations to co-chair round table discussions con- tributed significantly to the workshop.Additionally, many Battelle-Northwest staff members contributed significantly to the workshop,and their aid is also appreciated.In particular,J.C.Montgomery,R.W. Hanf,Jr.,J.c.Mourich,and J.L.Helbling deserve special recognition for their hard work. Duane H.Fickeisen Mark J.Schneider Richland,Washington November 1975 For Battelle-Northwest and the Division of Bio- medical and Environmental Research of the Energy Research and Development Administration. v Gas Bubble Disease of Salmonids:Variation in Oxygen-Nitrogen Ratio with Constant Total Gas Pressu re 85 R.R.Rucker Effect of Gas Bubble Disease on Lateral line Function in Juvenile Steelhead Trout 89 M.H.Schiewe,D.D.Weber Effects of Stress on Salmonid Blood Clotting Mechanisms 93 E.Casilfas,L.Smith.B.G.D'Aoust Changes in Blood Chemistry of Juvenile Steelhead,Salmo gairdneri,Following Sublethal Exposure to Nitrogen Supersaturation 96 T.W.Newcomb Continuous Monitoring of Total Dissolved Gases,a Feasibility Study 101 T.F.Jenkins An Electronic Monitor for Total Dissolved Gas Pressure B.G.D'Aoust,R.White,H.Seibold 106 Round Table Discussions 111 Biological Studies:laboratory Orientation 112 A.V.Nebeker,D.H.Fickeisen Biological Studies:Field Orientation ,114 W.Ebel,R.McConnell Analytical Methods.... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...116 M.J.Schneider,B.G.D'Aoust Physics of Dissolved Gases and Engineering Solutions , ,,.118 G.C Richardson,R.Baca Water Quality Standards.. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...120 R.L.Rufifson,R.Pine list of Participants 121 Index viii 123 - -- Contents Foreword iii Preface v Effe,&s oflong-Term Exposure to Supersaturation of Dissolved Atmospheric Gases on Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout in Deep and Shallow TestTanks 1 ;,,E.M.Dawley,M.Schiewe,B:Monk Gas Supersaturation Research National Marine Fisheries Service Prescott Facility-1971 to 1974 11 T.H.Blahm,B.McConnell,G.R.Snyder Equipment and Techniques for Monitoring the Vertical Distribution of Fish in Shallow Water 20 W.Marshall Dissolved Gas Supersaturation:Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island Dam,Washington 24 D.E.Weitkamp Supersaturation and Fishery Observations in Selected Alpine Oregon Streams 37 G.R.Bouck Some Effects of Excess Dissolved Gas on Squawfish,Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson),......................................................41 W.W.Bentley,E.M.Dawley,T.W.Newcomb Responses of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)to Supersaturation at One Atmosphere 47 D.Beyer,B.G.D'Aoust,L.Smith Effects of Gas Supersaturated Water on Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrates 51 A.V.Nebeker,D.G.Stevens,J.R.Brett A Study of the Pathogenesis of Gas Bubble Disease in Steelhead Trout (Sa/mo gairdneri)...........................................................................•...66 R.K.Stroud,A.V.Nebeker effect of Temperature on Tolerance to Dissolved Gas Supersaturation of Black Bullhead,Jetalurus me/as 72 D.H.Fickeisen;J.C Montgomery,R.W.Hanf,Jr. Gas Bubble Disease Mortality of Atlantic Menhaden,Brevoortia Tyrannus,at a Coastal Nuclear Power Plant 75 R.A.Marcello,Jr.,R.B.Fairbanks Observations on the Effects of Gas Embolism in Captured Adult Menhaden 81 A.Clay,A.Barker,S.Testaverde,R.Marcel/o,G.C.McLeod vii IE.M.Dawley M.Schiewe B.Monk Effects of Long- Term Exposure to Supersaturation of Dissolved Atmospheric Gases on Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout in Deef)and Shallow Test Tanks - ABSTRACT Bioassays in shallow (0.25 m)and deep (2.5 m)tanks with dis- solved atmospheric gas concentrations ranging from 100 to 127%of saturation in water at 10°C were conducted to deter- mine the lethal and sublethal effects on juvenile fall chinook Oncorhynchus tschawYlscha and steelhead trout Sa/mo gairdneri. Juvenile fall chinook (38.7 to 41.3 mm)were much more resistant to supersaturation than juvenile steelhead (164 to 196 mm).Chinook tested in the shallow tanks at 120%of super- saturation incurred 500A".mortality after 22 days,whereas steel- head tested at the same level incurred 500A".mortality in 30 hr. Gas bubble disease signs were noted on mortalities and on live subsamples taken every 28 days.Vertical distribution of both chinook and steel head groups in the deep tanks appeared to compensate for about 10%and 10 to 15%,respectively,of effec- tive saturation.Average depths of the fish tested in deep tanks increased with increase"gas concentration.Significant differ- ences in growth and condition factor were not found between stressed and control fish during the test period. Effects of supersaturation of dissolved atmo- spheric gases on freshwater fishes have been studied by many irivestigatorssince the late 1800's. The current problem of supersaturation in the Columbia and Snake:Rivers (Ebel,1969;Beiningen and Ebel,1970;Ebel,1971;Meekin and Allen,1974) has resulted in renewed interest in effects of super- saturation on fish,and a great deal of research has recently been accomplished by fisheries and other agencies in the Pacific Northwest.Information on the resistance of indigenous fish species to high gas concentrations is well-documented for expo- sure in shallow water for short periods of time (Rucker and Tuttle,1948;Harvey and Cooper,1962; Coutant and Genoway,1968;Bouck,et aJ.,1970;Ebel, Dawley,and Monk,1971;Bouck,1972;Blahm, McConnell,and Snyder,1973;Fickeisen,et aI.,1973; Dawley and Ebel,1974)but there are still many un- Jnswered questions regarding the effects of chronic low-level exposure on survival.Fish may be subjected to low levels of supersaturation in two ways.They may inhabit water areas where they cannot com- pensate for gas saturation by sounding,or they may inhabit deep water areas where hydrostatic pressure offsets the effects of high gas levels. The National Marine Fisheries Service,funded in part by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)in 1972,began investigations of chronic effects of long-term exposure of juvenile fall chi- nook to various low levels of supersaturation.In this report we describe those effects observed from deep and shallow water tanks on juvenile fall chi- nook salmon Oncorhynchus tschawytscha,and juve- nile steelhead trout,Sa/mo gairdneri. MATERIALS AND METHODS Two bioassays of dissolved gas were conducted at the Northwest Fisheries Center (Seattle,WA).The first was completed in 1973 using fall chinook sal- mon as the test animals,and the second in 1974 using steel head trout.Assays consisted of 20 simultaneous tests of chinook and 18 simultaneous tests of steel- head,in fresh water at 10°C,with various concen- trations of dissolvee gas in deep and shallow water tanks.At termination of the tests,surviving fish were divided into two groups;one group was trans- ferred directly to salt water to assess the effects of Dawley,Schiewe,and Monk:National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle,Washington. 1 ,olIaj;Ift - stress from supersaturation on their ability to trans- fer to salt water;a second group was examined for signs of gas bubble disease.Groups of chinook and one group of steel head exhibiting signs were then placed in equilibrated water (100%T.D.G.)for a 2-week recovery period and subsequently re- examined for signs of gas bubble disease. Deep water tanks were 2.44 m (8 ft)deep which provided a maximum hydrostatic compensation of 0.27 atm or 27%of saturation,and shallow tanks were 0.24 m (10 in.)deep providing only 0.025 atm of pressure compensation or 2.5%of saturation.The shallow water tests on both chinook salmon and steel head trout consisted of two replicates at 120, 115,110,105,and 100%(control)total dissolved gas (T.D.G.).Deep water tests with chinook salmon included tests at 127%(1 tank),124%(1 tank),120% (2 tanks),115%(2 tanks),110%(2 tanks),105% (1 tank),and 100%(1 tank).Deep water tests with steel head trout consisted of two replicates at 127%, 1200,.{"115%and at 110%T.D.G.(Previous work indicated that tests at 110%of saturation in deep tanks could serve as a quasi-control). juvenile fall chinook were acquired from the Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery in early February 1973 as buttoned up fry for Use in the first experiment,and juvenile steelhead were captured during their seaward migration down the Snake River on April 30,1974,for use in the second bio- assay conducted in 1974.Steel head were 1+yr of age.Chinook and steelhead populations were ac- climated to our laboratory water system at 10°C, for 19 and 6 days,respectively,prior to testing. Before initiation of tests,random samples were taken from each population to obtain average weights,lengths,and condition factors (Table 1). The bioassay with chinook began February 20, 1973,with the introduction of 220 fish per tank and was terminated on July 8 (127 days of ex- posure to concentrations of dissolved gas plus 13 days of subsequent tests).Steefhead tests began May 6,1974,with the introduction of about 80 fish per tank;these were terminated after 21 days (7 days of exposure to concentrations of dissolved gases plus 14 days of subsequent tests). Once testing began,each tank was examined four times daily for the first 4 days followed by three,two,or one times daily throughout the re- mainder of the test period.During each observa- tion mortalities were removed,their length and weight recorded,and signs of gas bubble disease noted.Vertical distribution of the fish in each deep tank was also noted in percentage of total popula- tion at four levels of depth;0-0.6 m,0.6-1 m,1.2- 1.8 m,and 1.8-25 m.Subsampling of each test group for condition factor and disease signs was done each 28 days at a rate of 10%(but not less 2 Dawley,Schiewe,Monk TABLE 1 Meilns ilnd Stilndud Deyiiltlons 01 Weights, Lengths,ilnd Condition Filctors of Rilndomly Silmpled filII Chinook ilnd Steelheild Tilken from Test POpuliltions Before Testing Filii chinook n 60 64 n 24 26 29 26 than five individuals)of the surviving population. Fish from each subsample were weighed,mea- sured and examined for signs of gas bubble dis- ease (none were returned to the tests).Fish were fed an Oregon Moist Pellet@ ration 5 days a week, at a rate of 4%of body weight/day.Rations for each test tank were corrected daily for numbers of surviving fish and corrected each 28 days for weight change (calculated from size of fish sub- sampled every 4 weeks). Dechlorinated water from the Seattle dty water system which is supplied by the Cedar River was used in these tests.Temperature was main- tained at 10°±0.5°C,by mixing hot (27°C)a'nd cold (7°C)water in a reservoir tank.Water for the shallow tank system was supersaturated by inject- ing 0.5 Qlmin air and 0.23 elmin ~into the suction side oEtwo centrifugal pumps which were plumbed with a recirculation loop to two closed receivers (52 gal each).Hydraulic pressure within the receivers was maintained at 2.1 kg/cm 2 (30 psi)where dis- solved gas content was increased to about 122% of saturation T.O.G.(Fig.1).Water for the deep tank system was recirculated by,a pump through an open reservoir tank 9 m deep x 3 m in diameter which was tapped at the bottom for distribution to the test tanks.Air and oxygen were injected into the recirculating pump at about 2.0 £Imin and 0.2 £/min respectively.This resulted in a stable satura- tion level of 128%T.D.G.Both sources supplied individual test tanks through PVC lines which directed the supersaturated water to a vertical stack of aluminum trays (28 x 41 cm)placed 5 to 10 cm above one another.One half of each tray was perforated with 500-3 mm holes and the per- ;;. ~,I j..•..•....:'..'~.."·'r BACK PR{SSURt: VAll'E FIG.1 Schematic drawing of system used to produce water supersaturated with dissolved abnospheric gas in shallow water tanks. RESULTS Lethal Effects of Dissolved Gas Chinook groups held at 120010 and 115%of saturation in the shallow tanks and at 127%and 124%in the deep tanks sustained substantial mor- tality (67%-97%)after 60 days of exposure.By the same time,13%mortality had occurred in groups held at 110%in shallow tanks and 4%had occurred in groups held at 120%in deep tanks.Mortality was insignificant in groups held at lower gas con- centrations.Curves of accumulative mortality for all test groups are shown in Fig.2.Average cumula- tive mortality in the control tanks was minimal (3%)for the first 60 days,but by day 127 had sharply increased to 26.3%in the shallow tanks and 13.6%in the deep tanks. A change in normal feeding response and swim- ming behavior of chinook groups (both deep and shallow)was noticed on day 64 of the test.We be- lieve these changes resulted from an infedion caused by Cytophaga psychrophila.All groups (test and control)were taken from test tanks and bathed in a 10 ppm solution of terramycin for 1 hr.A supple- ment to the daily ration of 0.5%oxytetracycline was administered for the following 10 days,and after a 2-week interval another 0.5%supplement was added for 10 days.After the second treatment (day 1(0)the fish in all tanks behaved normally. Steel head groups held at 120%and 115%of satu- ration in shallow tanks developed substantial mor- tality within 7 days,100%and 57%respectively, "'Trade names referred to in this publication are not an endorse- ment of commercial products by the National Marine Fisheries Service. Dissolved gas analyses were made on each tank at least once each weekday for the first 2·weeks, then a minimum of twice each week for the rest of the test period.Procedures were identical to Dawley and Ebel (1974).A gas chromatograph was calibrated for nitrogen and argon using a modified manometric blood gas analysis apparatus (Van Slyke and Neill, 1924).The modified Winkler procedure (A.P.H.A., 1971)was used for analysis of oxygen concentrations. Water samples were collected by use of a siphon tube from the middle of the water column in the shallow tanks and from the surface of the deep tanks. Gas concentrations remained steady throughout the test periods and mean values for each tank did not change more than 1%on a weekly basis with stan- dard deviations for both tests less than 2.6% T.D.G.overall (Table 3).Samples were taken from the top,middle and bottom of the water column of the deep tanks several times and gas concentrations were found to be uniform throughout the tank. EQUILIBRATION lRAYS AIR EQUILIBRATION AIR PR{SSUR{ TANJ:. forated ends alternated to produce a back and forth flow of water f~om tray to tray.Water was then collected in a plexiglass box (18 in.x 18 in. x 10 in.deep)with a false bottom of porous poly- ethylene plate through which air was passed.The level of supersaturation desired for each test tank was maintained by regulating the number of per- forated trays and the amount of air supplied to the collection boxes.Water from each box was gravity fed to a test tank through a vinyl tube,end- ing at the water surface.A flow rate of 7.5 £Imin was maintained which created a circulation at about 0.2 m/sec within the test tank. Test tanks were made of green tinted fiber- glass,1.2 m in diameter and of two heights,0.6 m and 3.0 m (shallow,deep),holding about 270 and 2700 9.of water,respedively.A plexiglass window extended from the top to the bottom of the deep tanks allowing observations to be made over the entire water column.Curtains covered the windows and were removed only at times of obser- vation.Water drained from the bottom of these tanks through an external standpipe. lighting was controlled with time clocks to simulate natural sunrise and sunset and light inten- sity at the surface of each test tank was from 10 to 20 lumens/ft2 during full intensity periods. Water quality determinations for parameters other than dissolved oxygen and nitrogen were made before testing began and once each week or once every 4 weeks depending on the parameter measured (Table 2).Analysis procedures were those of A.P.H.A.,Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water,1971. The monthly measurements were made by per- sonnel of the State of Washington Department of Ecology using a P &E 303®atomic absorption spec- trophotometer.All concentrations of heavy metals or other potentially dangerous compounds fell below potential danger levels to salmon and steel- head (McKee and Wolf,1969). - ..... Long-Term Exposure of Sa/monids 3 TABLE 2 Range of Concentrations in mgliof Water Quality PUilmeters Measured of Wilter from Testing Filcilities During the Period February 2O-'une 25,1973 and MilY 6-21,1974 Test tanks Shallow .;-- Pilrilmeler 100%105%.110%115%120%100%105%110%115%120%125%128% 6.7-6.9 6.7-7.1 6.7-7.0 ..... Tot.Hard.18-21 Tot.Alk.10-15 pH 7.0-7.3 6.9-7.1 NH,.05 .05 Cll .02 Zn ,n.d. Cu n.d. ed n.d. Pb n.d. Cd n.d. 6.8-7.1 .05 Weekly measurements 20 19-21 12-13 10-13 6.8-6.9 6.9-7.1 6.9-7.3 7.0-7.3 6.9-7.1 6.8-7.1 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .02 .02 Monthly measurements n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. .os .05 .os n.d.=nondetectableon Perkins and Elmer 303~atomic absorption spectrophotometer.Measurements made by Washington State Department of Ecology,Olympia,Washington. NOTE:Other ~rameters measured prior to testing:e02(1.2-2.0),chloride (4-6),cyanide (.021,fluoride (,9-1),iron (.1-.6), nitrate (.03),nitrite (.003),phenol (.011.potassium (.2-11.sulfate (3). Measurements made by Environmental Protection Agency,Redmond,Washington. fIG.3 Mortality versus time curves for juvenile steelhead exposed to various concentrations of dissolved atmospheric gas in shallow (0.25 m)and deep (2.5 m)water tanks at 10°C. ____0 DEEP __e SHAUOW 20 100 .----------:..----------------~'(/ j !e / 105% 110% 120 140 I 1l5~ I r--' ./105% SHAllOW TANKS - ---DEEP TANKS 100 >->-=-~III 0:: 0 ~ >-z...60u Q<' ~ "":> >-::s 40 :::>~::>u 20 0 0 20 40 ,.... - .-and the two groups at 127%in the deep tanks aver- aged 25%mortality (Fig.3).Control mortality was 2%and was not used to adjust test mortality curves. ..... FIG.2 Mortality versus time curves (combined replicates cor- rected for mortality of control tests)for juvenile fall chinook ex- posed to various concentrations of dissolved atmospheric gas in shallow (0.25 m)and deep (2.5 m)water tanks at 10°C. Progression of Gas Bubble Disease The frequency of occu rrence of most gas bubble disease signs increa~ed with increasing levels of supersaturation.The fall chinook mor- talities incurred the highest incident rate for cutaneous blisters on the head and mouth and for occlusion of gill filaments.Mortalities from 120% and 115%shallow and from 127"k,deep tanks showed 40-70%·incidence of these signs.Other signs which increased with increasing levels of supersaturation but with lower frequencies of occurrence were:heart occlusions (14 to 34%). blisters in the connective tissue surrounding the eye,and blisters between the fin rays (Fig.4). In research by Dawley and Ebel (1974),the appearance of gas emboli in the lateral line was the first external sign of gas bubble disease to develop on spring chinook exposed to various levels of supersaturation.We,however,observed that gas emboli in the lateral Iine of both fall chi- nook and steel head trout mortalities were not prevalent within any group,but did appear in high percentage (50-100%)on the biological (live)sub- samples from all test groups.Scattered bubbles (less than 15%of the lateral line)also appeared on most mortalities from the control groups.We cannot account for this observation and for that reason only •HEAD e GillS 100 l o MOUTH*FINS x HEART +EYE 'V ABDOMEN 80 6 BODY SURFACE Ul -T LATERAL LINEz <.:>en .-_.i!:-3 60 I- .__.........e :1: /__-0-...:. !!l 10 /e/-"'O LL 1-Zw 110 -I,L'...··...*ua:w / I v-:::~"t<~i.~xa. 201-I!~(/A:::-<_; ~.,~.,oR "~~/~6+/".'.z.""~,~~.,~J:l~T_._T 0 _.---=:;:;::-...~I 100 105 110 115 120 125 TEST UEVEl (%OF SATURATION) FIG.4 Frequency (%)of dead juvenile chinook bearing gas bubble disease signs from shallow (0.25 m)test tanks al various levels of dissolved gas. ascribe this sign to gas bubble disease when more than 15%of the lateral line appears occluded. Disease signs on live fish sampled generally appeared in rates and patterns similar to those recorded on dead fish removed from the same test concentrations.However,emboli in branchial arteries.gill filaments,and the heart were rarely observed on live subsamples,but were prevalent Long-Term Exposure of Salmonids 5 .:~ 1601«1 o IJ£EP •SHAllCM III 100 DAYS 6DIII \- f\\~r\~J j ~.i---- 100 0 105 124 127 0.6 Q.&1~ ~1.0 ~L2 x lL Ul!l 1.6 1.8 192'1)94'1 S'/69 1'l 899'1 10911912'1 DAYS AGo 7 Me.Jn depth durins d.llylisbt hours of sroups of juvenile chinook held in 2.5 m deep t~nlcs ~t concentr.lltions of 100,lOS. 110.11S.120.124..lind 127%of S.lItur.lltion--.ner"sed for periods of 10 d~ys over 127 d~ys. FIG.6 Frequency (%)of delod juvenile chinook beuing selected sn bubble disene signs from sh.llllow (0.25 m)versus deep (2.5 m)test t~nb ~t nrious levels of dissolved sa. FIC.5 Exposure times to 25%mortality of juvenile chinook held .lit nrious levels of S.lIS in deep (2.5 m)versus sh.llllow w.lIter (0.25 m)t.llnks. ci O£EPI'JATER TESTS :-SHALLOW T£STS ~III l>BLISTERS ON HEA.D ~•BLISTER IN MOOTH ~70 0 OCCWS ION OF Gl Ll l> ~:FI~~/NTS:/==-;r=::::.:::::: ';;;4J .'1 ,0.... ~30 ....,..,a ,. i:/:/o_~~::::;;~>/ ~0 "--,,- 100 lOS 110 115 120 124 lZ7 T£ST LEVEll'!.Of SATURATION Of TOG. on mortalities examined immediately after death, indicating these signs are directly associated with the death of the animal. The trends in gas bubble disease signs noted on the steelhead differed from those recorded dur- ing tests with the fall chinook salmon.Two differ- ences were: 1.Heart and gill emboli occurred in almost 100%of the dead steelhead,whereas these signs were rarely noted in dead chinook,suggesting that decomposition of the fall chinook quickly masked these signs. 2.Incidence rates of certain signs were directly associated with duration of the test.live and dead steel head at test termination showed light incidence of exophthalmia,cutaneous bubbles on the head and in the buccal cavity,and no signs of bubbles on the body surface,whereas the chi- nook,subjected to supersaturation for a much longer duration,showed high incidence of these signs. Also,gas bubbles between the fin rays were not prevalent on fall chinook,yet showed very high in- cidence on steelhead mortalities and live subsamples after 7 days exposure to high supersaturation. Effects of Water Depth When mortality rates in the deep tanks are compared to those in the shallow tanks (Fig.2 and 3),the average depth of the chinook and steel- head groups in the deep tanks appears to have compensated for about 10%and 10-15%,respec· tively,of effective saturation.Fig.5 shows that the time to 25%mortality of fall chinook at various levels of dissolved gas concentrations in the deep tanks were comparable to time in the shallow tanks at a 9.5 to 10'%lower effective saturation (Le. 25%mortality was reached at 30 days of exposure in the deep tanks at 124%and in the shatlow tanks at 115%).Also a comparison of incidence and degree of G.B.D.signs on dead chinook between deep versus shallow tanks indicates an effective decrease in supersaturation of 12 to 15%(Fig.6). Vertical distributions of chinook groups for the first 3 days of the test were variable and not significandy different from one gas level to the next.After 3 days.however.the fish groups at higher saturation levels maintained a greater depth than those at the lower levels and main- tained this difference the entire test periOd (Fig. 7).Steelhead freshwater tests showed similar results.i.e,mean depth increased with increasing gas concentrations. Night observations showed a depth shift downward of approximately 0.3 m (O.18-{).42 m) for each of the test species at each saturation level (Fig.8 and 9).The increased depth trend with 6 Dawley,Schiewe.Monk - ,.,.. BOTTOM 0 r--SURFACE 0.5 Vi i ""i 0....•0 0t::i 1.0 -~il ••0x 0kil6il••.....ilc 6 ""15 6~(0:00Xl-1l59<lIGHTEO • =1200-l859:: UNLIGHIED il =1<m-0559 2..0 - 2.5 100 lOS 110 US lZO TEST l£VEL ''10 OF SATURATION) 124 m These were examined to 1)determine if certain size portions of the population were more suscepti- ble to gas bubble disease and,2)detect any variations in growth caused by chronic exposure to the various levels of saturation. ,Condition factors of mortalities occurring within a 16-day range of the monthly subsamples (e.g.,day of subsample..t.8 days)were compared,by means of a student's T-test,with the mean condition factor of these same subsamples.The mortalities in the 110, 115 and 120%saturation shallow tanks and in the 124 and 127%deep tanks had condition factors sig- nificantly higher than the live subsamples (t =3.78, 32 df,P (0.001,t =3.87,27 df,P (0.001;for deep and shallow tanks,respectively).Thus,the larger fish with higher condition factor died at a signifi- cantly higher rate at these concentrations. higher dissolved gas concentration noted during daytime observations also occurred at night. FIG.9 Mean depth of juvenile steelhead groups in 2.5 m deep tanb at dissolyed gas concentrations of 110,115,120,and 127%of lliIturation-ayeraged for 2 segments of the day over 15 days. FIG.8 Mean depths of juvenile chinook groups in 2.5 m deep tanks at dissolved gas concentrations of 100, 105,110,115,120, 124,and 127%of saturation-averaged for 3 segments of the day over 30 days. Effects of Transfer to Salt Water Subsamples of survivors from combined replicates of all test groups (chinook and steel- head)were placed into salt water at 25 ppt salinity at 10°C,to determine whether prior exposure to various levels of dissolved gases affected the Long-Term Exposure of Sa/monids 7 Recovery From Gas Bubble Disease At completion of the freshwater phase of testing, chinook and steeJhead groups still surviving re- tained signs of gas bubble disease similar to those noted on the monthly subsamples (described earlier). Subsamples of chinook tested at 110%of saturation in shallow tanks and at 110,115 and 120%in deep tanks were placed in fresh water at 100%saturation for recovery observations.A portion of each of these test groups had sustained significant mortalities from gas bubble disease,other groups not included in the recovery tests had no observable signs of gas bubble disease.All subsamples sustained mortalities from 10-16%in the 2-week re'covery period (group size 27-48 fish).However,these mortalities could not be attributed to gas bubble disease.After 2 weeks,the survivors no longer exhibited outward signs with exception of one fish with a hemorrhaged eye and another with bubbles in the orbit. Eleven steelhead surviving the deep test tanks set at 127",.6 saturation were placed in a shallow tank at 100%saturation.After 3 days,examina- tion indicated that cutaneous blisters had decreased both in size and number.(e.g••5 mm blisters had decreased in size to 2 mm and 20 blisters on the operculum decreased to 4).These fish were subsequently placed in water at 105% of saturation and all signs remained the same after another 4 days,at which time fish were released. Mortality did not occur in the 7-dayrecovery period. o w (weight in grams)x 105 L3 (fork length in millimeters) K= ,----------SURFACE---------,o 0.5 L1GHIEO 0.0600-1859 UNLlGHTED.c.=lc;ro.0559 Vi """"1.0..... ""~ x 1.5 ~..... "-....c 0 0""~a -<::t. 6 il 2.0 2.5 BOTTOM 100 105 110 115 TEST l£VEL ''10 OF SATURATION) Effect of Gas Supersaturation on Condition Factor Weight and length data obtained from the live subsamples and the fresh mortalities were used to calculate a condition factor "K"where:. - - .,... ~~----'-------------:;.'" 7060 NMFS 42mm 30 40 so NUMBER OF OA YS 70 f- ,, ,t:!, o 115'-TOG " j \,£t.(,3mm I 112%TOG " ro f-67mm /"1/i ~112%TOG I 0 ' ~so ~"li ,tt' ~.<;>"~40 f.I ,t IX •0 ,~~3Q t.·I'p',4Omm.· 112STDG ~ ,Q C,'\'I' III ~!J c//,.-~=-;{ 10 lv'.i ..."NMFS--.""42mm " <;>,11".-~-J:]/1l0'r0 TOG.....----o -o 10 20 abi1lity of these fish to make this tranSItion.Chi- nook groups of 50 fish from each gas level and from each series (deep and shallow)were trans- ferred on test day 127.A combined total of 98% mortality occurred in 3 days.Only 8 fish survived for a longer time;1 fish from the 105%shallow tank and 7 fish (14%)from the 1100,{,deep tank;these lasted the entire 13 days.Results of a statistical comparison of fork lengths of the survivors (X = 67.3 mm)to those of mortalities (X =52.5 mm) indicate a definite size correlation with ability to make the transfer (T =5.73,46 df,P <0.001).This suggests that the majority of the experimental stock had not yet reached smolting size and their ability to transfer to salt water was thus severely lessened. Steelhead test groups were likewise subsampled and groups of 10 to 20 fish were placed into salt wat,er.Mortality varied from 0-16 with no correla- tion to previous stress experience.However,a size comparison between mortalities and survivors indi- cated that mortalities were the smaller of the popu- lation (T =1.925,51 df,P <0.06)again suggesting that the dead fish may not have been up to smolting size. DISCUSSION Tes:t Results The mortality curves (Fig.2 and 3)may be affected by synergistic effect of C.psychrophila after day 64;however,incidence rate and types of gas bubble disease signs of dead fish showed no apparent difference for individual tests between the first 60 days and ~he last 67 days indicating that the 'effect was not large.We,therefore,assume the mortality curves (adjusted for control mortality) are generally representative of death rates caused by gas bubble disease at the dissolved gas con- centrations indicated.The first 60 days have no qualifications,but the last 67 days may represent a fish stock with less than normal tolerance to excess dissolved gas pressure. As shown in Fig.10,the death rates and curve shapes correlate well with experiments done by Meekin and Turner (1974),in which they exposed 67, 53,and 40 mm fall chinook to 122%N1,+Ar plus 74% 02 ('112%T.D.G.).Fish tested by these researchers showed a definite inverse correlation between resisf.ance times in supersaturated conditions and age and growth.larger fish (53 mm,67 mm)suc- cumbed much more rapidly than 40 mm fish, tested at the same level of percent saturation (T.D.G.). This same trend was also shown by Shirahata (1966),testing rainbow trout from hatching to fry stage.From this evidence we conclupe that the times to death at indicated gas concentrations pre- sented here are typical for these spE'cies at this size,and that the increase in mortality rates of fall 8 Dawley,Schiewe,Monk FIG.10 Mortality versus time cUrYes for bio~y 0'dissolyed gas in shililow tilnlcs (0.25 m or less)ilt 122%N:+At ilnd 74%0' uturiltion 0:(resulting in 112%T.D.G.)with 'illl chinook at nnous sizes (Meekin and Turner 1974)and curves at 115 and 110%T.D.G.with fall chinook at 42 mm (NMFS data). chinook groups as the experiment progressed was mainly commensurate with aging and growth. In tests done by Dawley and Ebel (1974)the re- sistance times of steel head in shallow water tanks at 115%supersaturation was 400"16 longer than our tests with steelhead at the same saturation level. Fish tested at that time were hatchery reared and smaller (130 mm compared to 180 mm)which is probably the reason for their greater resistance. The order of magnitude of this difference,how- ever,is small compared to the 1-to 2-month dif- ferences in resistance times we observed between fall chinook and steelhead.This difference correlated Nell with data by Meekin and Turner (1974t which also indicates that fall chinook were more tolerant to exposure to supersaturation than were steelhead of comparable size and age.This same order of ranking was noted by Ebel,Dawley,Monk (1971) and Dawley and Ebel (1974). Some prominent signs of gas bubble disease .occurred on dead chinook in association with certain stages in physical development or stress experi- ence.Cutaneous blisters in the buccal cavity and on the body surface and hemorrhages in and around the eye required more time to develop than other - .- signs,thus did not exist on mortalities from the higher test levels because of shorter time duration. Therefore,incidence rate was lower but is entirely dependent on the time under stress.Exophthalmia appeared frequently in the 3rd and 4th months, similar in incidence to blisters on the head.Blisters at the mid-line of the vertical surface occurred fre- quently on chinook mortalities taken from the deep and shallow tanks at the highest levels.This fre- quency decreased,however,as testing progressed and by the 4th month there was no evidence of this sign;it appeared to be related to recent yolk absorp- tion.Blisters between the fin rays occurred at a very low incidence (40%)at the highest test levels com- pared to what had been previously observed by other investigations in other tests with la,:ger salmon ids of other races and species. Comparison of condition factors between live and dead fish seems to indicate that the larger fish were more susceptible to gas bubble disease.This agrees with earlier research by Shirahata (1966)and Meekin and Turner (1974).The species tested by these researchers (rainbow trout,salmon,and steel- head,respectively),became less tolerant with age and growth,starting as button up fry. Although a portion of the test groups in the deep tanks remained at sufficient depth to increase their resistance time,the depth did not provide sufficient compensation to prevent mortality,par- ticularly at levels above 120% The mortality rates and G.B.D.signs of both speciE~s also indicated that less hydrostatic compen- sation was derived due to depth disposition than expected when the mean depth of the fish groups is considered.Thus,individual fish must move sub- stantially from the observed mean depth of the test lot.If this did not occur t the effect of hydrostatic compensation would have resulted in a calculated reduction in effective supersaturation of 12-16%for chinook and 17-20%for steelhead.Since the actual mortality rates indicated that only a 10%and 10~15% (chinook and steelhead,respectively)reduction occurred,we can assume that the fish were moving randomly about within the tank. Application to the River Environment Certain observations made during these bio- assays have important implications relative to the experience of naturally migrating populations of juvenile salmonids.The Columbia River system is of major concern in our research efforts,thus the following discussion is centered on the implica- tions ~o fish in the Columbia. Most areas where'salmon and steelhead incubate and develop in the Columbia River system are located above dams and,therefore,would be little affected by supersaturation.However,spring chinook and steel head on tributaries of the Willam- ette River,a major tributary of the Columbia, make heavy use of areas below dams.Also,hatch- ery water sources in some instances are either below dams that may produce supersaturation during the rearing period or are taken from wells yielding water with high dissolved gas content.In these instances the early stages of life such as the period of incubation become quite important. Data from our bioassays and others-Shirahata (1969)and Meekin and Turner (1974)-indicate that: 1)yolk sac fry sustain injuries at low levels of dis- solved gas which become fatal as the yolk is nearly absorbed;and 2)that after fry have "buttoned up" tolerance to supersaturation becomes quite high but decreases gradually thereafter until "time of seaward migration.Nebeker (1973)indicated that tolerance of adult salmon ids to supersaturation is slightly less than that of juvenile migrants.Sig- nificant changes in tolerance at various life stages obviously occur and the effect varies de- pending on the life stage.Equilibration of hatchery water sources is thus extremely important at cer- tain stages of fish development.AI!;o,spillway discharges at certain times will have more'effect on survival of downstream juvenile migrants than at others,thus management policies should consider the changing effects of these discharges. The spring freshet on the 10wer'Columbia and Snake Rivers coincides with juvenile salmonid outmigrations as well as some adult upstream migrations.Freshet conditions are variable from year to year,but heavy spillway discharges usually occur every year for some duration creating super- saturation from 120%to 1400..1>.During years of high flow these levels occur throughout long stretches of the river (650 km and more),resulting in long-term exposure of some stocks.Rates of juve- nile migration indicate that at least 26 days is required for travel from Little Goose Dam to the Columbia River estuary during the highest flows. Thus,even if fish are compensating for super- saturation by sounding a significant portion of the population is subjected to levels of dissolved gas supersaturation exceeding 120%. Data on depth distribution of migrating juve- nile fish within the Snake River near Lower Monu- mental Dam (Smith 1974)indicate that 58%of the chinook and 36%of the steel head were in the upper 3.7 m of the water column.Mean depths for these portions of the migrating stocks were 1.30 m.and 1.33 m,respectively.This would compensate for 14.5-14.6%effective saturation,'which means that at higher levels of supersaturation (135%or greater)both stocks of fish would be exposed to levels of gas concentration above 120%for at least 28 days during periods of high flow. Long-Term Exposure of Salmonids 9 These bioassays have shown that although both the fall chinook and steel head tend to remain at greater depths with increasing levels of super- saturation,they are unable to totally compensate for dissolved gas concentrations above 120%. Therefore,it is imperative that corrective measures to reduce supersaturation be implemented as soon as possible to reduce mortality. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Bioassays in shallow (0.25 m)and deep (2.5 m) tanks with dissolved nitrogen and argon gas con- centrations ranging from 100 to 127%of saturation were conducted to determine lethal and sublethal effects on juvenile faU chinook salmon and steel- head trout.Throughout the test,mortalities and live subsamples were weighed,measured,and examined for signs of gas bubble disease.After exposures of 127 days (fall chinook)and 7 days (steelhead),remaining groups of fish were:1) put into saltwater tanks to determine the ability to transfer to salt water;or 2)put into equilibrated water (100%T.D.G.)to determine the ability to recover from gas bubble disease. We concluded from these experiments that: 1)~gnificant mortality of juvenile fall chi- nook commences at about 115%of supersaturation (T.D.G.)in shallow tanks where hydrostatic com- pensation is not possible and at about 124%in deep tanks where compensation is possible. 2)Significant mortality of juvenile steelhead commences at about 115%in shallow tanks and at about 127%in deep tanks where hydrostatic com- pensation is possible.'. 3)Tolerance to supersatuation of atmo- spheric gas of both fall chinook and steelhead decreases with age and growth. 4)Emboli in branchial arteries,gill fila- ments,and the heart were rarely observed on live subsamples,but were prevalent on mortalities indicating these signs are directly associated with the dei~th of the animal. 5)The average depth maintained by chinook and steelhead groups when allowed to sound com- pensated for about 10%and 10 to 15%(respec- tively)of the saturation value measured and com- puted on the basis of surface (760 mm)pressure. 6)Both fall chinook and steelhead with signs of gas bubble disease are able to recover from e:lC.posure to supersaturation. .7)Exposure to various levels of supersatura- tion does not seem to affect the ability of steelhead to transfer to salt water;data on effect of expo- sure to supersaturation on ability of fall chinook to transfer to salt water were inconclusive. 10 Dawley,Schiewe.Monk REfER~CES Amencan Public Health Association.1971.Standard Methods for Ihe ExamillCltion of Water and Wastewater.Thirteenth Edition.New York,N.Y.674 pp. Beiningen,K.T.and W.J.Ebel.1970.Effect of John Day Dam on dissolved nitrogen concentralions and salmon in Ihe Colum- bia River,1968;,Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.99:664-671. Blahm,T.H.,R.J.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1973.Effect of Gas 6upersaturaled Columbia River Water on the Survival of Juvenile Salmonids.National Marine Fisheries Service,Prescott Field Station.(Un pub.Ms.)61 pp.(Processed). Bouck,G.R.1972.Effects of Gas Supersaturation on Salmon in the Columbia River.Paper presented at Ecological Society of America Symposium,August 1972.29 pp. Bouck,G.R.1970.Gas Bubble Disease in Adult Columbia River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).Pacific Northwest laboratory,Federal Water Quality Administration,Corvallis, Oregon,June 1970 (Unpub.Ms.)11 pp. Coutant,C.C.and R.G.Genoway.1968.An Exploratory Study of Interaction of Increased Temperature and Nitroge,n Super- saturation on Mortality of Adult Salmanids.BNWL-1529, Battelle-Nonhwest,Richland,Washington. Dawley,E.M.and W.J.Ebel.Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Various Levels of Nitrogen and Argon Supersaturation on Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.National Marine Fisheries Service.(Ms;in prepration). Ebel,W.J.1969,Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and ils effects on salmon and steelhead trout.Fish.Bull. 68:(1):1-11. Ebel,W.J.19n.Dissolved Nitrogen Concentrations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers in 1970 and Their Effea.on Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.NOAA Tech.Report 5SRF-646. 7 pp. Ebel,W.J.,E.M.Dawley and B.H.Monk.1971.Thermal tolerance of jwenile salmon in relation to nitrogen super- saturalion.Fish.8ull.69:833-843. Fickeisen.D.H.,J.C.Montgomery and M.J.Schneider.1973. Tolerance of Selecled Fish Species to Atmospheric Gas Super- saturalion.Unpublished data presented at A.F .5.meeting, Orlando,Florida. Harvey,E.N.and A.C.Cooper.1962.Origin and Treatment of a Supersaturated River Water.Inti.Pacific Salmon Fish. Comm.Prog.Rpt.No.9,19 pp. McKee,J.E.and M.W.Wolf.,1963.Water QualityiCriteria, 2nd Edition,Resources Agency of California State Water Quality Control Board,Pub.No.J-A.550 pp. Meekin,T.K.and R.L Allen.1974.Nilrogen Saturation Levels in the Mid-depth Columbia River,1965-19n.Wash.Dept.Fish., Tech.Rpt.12,pp.32-77. Meek!n,T.K.and 8.K.Turner.1973.Tolerance of Salmonid Eggs,Juveniles and Squawfish 10 Supersalurated Nitrogen. Wash.Dept.Fish.,Tech.Rpl.12,pp.78-126. Nebeker,A.V.'.1973.Environmental Protection Agency Progress Report,Western Fish Toxicology Stalion,EPA,Corvallis, Oregon. Rucker,R. R.and E.M.Tuttle.1948.Removal of excess nitrogen in a hatchery waler supply.Prog.Fish.Cult.10:88-90. Shirahata,5.1966.Experiments on nitrogen gas disease with rainbow trout fry.Fresh.Fish.Res.lab.B!JI'.15(2):197-211. (In Japan,with Eng!.Sun.). Smith,J.R.197-4.Distribution of seaward-migraling chinook salmon and sleelhead troul in the Snake River above Lower Monumental Dam.Marine Fisheries Review,Vol.36,No.8, August 1974. Van Slyke,D.D.and I.M.Neill.1924.The determinations of gases in blood and olher solutions by vacuum extraction and manometric measurement.I.J.of BioI.Chern.61(2):523-574. I T.H.Blahm B.McConnell G.R.Snyder In 1969 the National Marine Fisheries Service ini- tiated "on-site"environmental research on the lower Columbia River.The research facility (Snyder,Blahm,McConnell,1970)is housed on two 33.5 x 10 m (110 x 32 ft)barges moored near Pres- cott,Oregon.(Fig.1). .Research on the effect of nitrogen supersatura- tion was begun in 1971.The primary emphasis ~has been on bioassay of prevailing Columbia River water at the site;however,several other types of tests have been conducted e.g.avoidance and detection of gas supersaturation,vertical depth distribution of fish,intermittent exposure to super- saturated and equilibrated N2 levels.In addition to the biological tests,daily N2 monitoring at Prescott has been done since 1971;also in relation to monitoring,a study was initiated (in 1974)to determine the gas equilibration characteristics in the Columbia River between The Dalles Dam and Prescott,Oregon.Exploratory tests have been done, and will continue,on O 2 consumption and stamina of fish in relation to N2 saturation.The effects of hydrostatic pressure on the survival of N2 stressed fish is also being examined.Results of the explora- tory tests will not be included in this report. The objective of this summary report is to out- line representative tests and results to demonstrate the types and diversity of studies completed at the Prescott Facility. Test results included herein are brief descrip- tions of general samplings from the total effort; more detailed information will be made available on request.A list of published and non-published data will be included in this report.Following is the sequence in which the various projects will be discussed: Gas Supersatura- tion Research National Marine Fisheries Service Prescott Facility-1971 to 1974 OREGON 1WA"INOm ABSTRACT In 1969,the NMFS constructed a field facility for "on-site"en- vironment,al testing.The facility is housed on two 110 x 32 foot barges moored on the Columbia River near Prescott,Oregon (RM 72).Research on the effects of nitrogen supersaturation was begun in 1971.Survival is better in the 2.5-m deep tanks than in 1-m deep tanks.Results of tests done in "shallow"test tanks are not representative of what might occur in the river,as fish are not restricted to "shallow"depths.Intermittent exposure to high (130,120,ilnd 110%)and equilibrated (110%)levels of N2 satura- tion generally enhanced test fish survival over that recorded for fish held in constant high levels.Preliminary tests indicate that the fish are not able to detect and avoid lethal conditions of supersaturation.Dissolved gas levels have been monitored at Prescott since 19n. ~- ,~ - - - FIG.1 Lower Columbia River and locale of Prescott Field Facility. Blahm,McConnell,and Snyder:Environmental Conservation Division,National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle,Washing- ton. 11 - - -~ '1.Biological A.Intermittent exposure to supersatu- rated and equilibrated N z levels B.Detection and avoidance of N z super- saturated water C.Bioassay of prevailing Columbia River conditions 1.deep versus shallow tanks 2.artificially created N 2 levels D.Description of the vertical distribu- tion of fish using depth sounding gear 2.Physical Monitoring A.Daily gas saturation levels at Prescott B.Gas equilibration characteristics in the Columbia River between The Dalles Dam and Prescott,Oregon INTI:RMITTENT EXPOSURE The intermittent exposure tests were planned to assess the effect of intermittently exposing fish to either 130,120,110 or 100%N z saturation.Infor- mation from these tests would help determine if manipulation of water flows (spill)at dams could possibly afford the fish some relief from gas super- saturated water conditions during critical N z periods. Groups of at least 10 fish were held in separate 175 ~tanks in which the N z levels 130,120,110, and 100%saturated were alternately switched as per tine following diagram: Percent N z 130 120 110 t t t 100 100 100 The time cycle,in two test tanks,was based on 24 hr, e.g.CIne tank,8 hr at 130%and 16 hr at 100%and the other,16 hr at 130%and 8 hr at 100%Nz;the same pattern was used for the 120 and 110%N z tests. The switching was done by valving,which elimi- nated handling the fish.Test temperatures were between 10 and 13°C.The alternating cycle was continued for 192 hr (8 days).For this report the results of the 130%to 100%Nz tests are used to present the general results.Table 1 summarizes the results of intermittent exposure to 130 and 100%N z• Compiled in Table 1 is the time (hr)to 50 and 100% mortality when the fish were exposed to 130%N z for 24,16,and 8 hr. With the exception of steel head and white- fish the 16-or 8-hr exposure enhanced survival time to 50%mortality over that recorded for a constant (24-hr)exposure to 130%N z•At the 100% mortality level the 16-or 8-hr exposure enhanced survival of all species over that recorded.for fish held constantly at 130%N z (Table 1). DETECTION AND AVOIDANCE OF N2 SUPERSATURATION Juvenile salmonids are being tested at the Prescott Facility to determine if they can detect and/or avoid Nz supersaturation.Homogenous groups of fish are introduced into the end of a test tank (Fig.2)which provides a lateral choice of two channels,one containing diSSOlved nitrogen at 130%saturation and the other at 102%saturation. Water depth in the channels is maintained at 0.33 m to eliminate the effects of hydrostatic pressure. External influences are minimized by placing cur- tains around the test tanks and by limiting inspec- tion and water sampling to twice daily.Test dura- tion is 192 hr or until 50%mortality occurs.A ·f TABLE 1 nme in hr to 50 and 100%Mortality for Fish Subjected to 130%N1 Saturiltion for Either 24.16,or 8 he of EKh 24-hr Cycle Durins 192-hr Intermittent Exposure Test.The fISh were ilkematel,.exposed to 130 ilnd 100%Nz,. ,.... -- -largemouth bass Rainbow Chinook Cutthroat Whitefish Coho Steel head 50%MorU6ty 100%Morblity Number of hr during NCh 24-hr cycle that fish were subjected to 13O%NJ 24 16 8 24 16 .,8 Tune-hr nme -hr 93.5 173.5 47.0 69.5 117.5 141.5 • 24.0 120.0 •48.0 •• 24.0 72.0 103.5 39.0 •• 23.5 13.5 •13.5 47.5 22.0 ..78.0 16.0 16.0 •31.0 12 BEahm.McConnell.Snyder COLUMBIA RIVER WATER 130%N2 102%N2 I I I I I IIIIII, I II 130%102% I 1 I I I I I i I I I , t t 124%108% DRAIN o FIG.2 Plan view of 1.5 x 3.3 m tank used to determine if juve- nile fish can detect and avoid Nz supersaturated water. replicate test is conducted (using fish from the same population)by switching the "high"N2 and "low"N2 channels.A sample of 20 fish is used for each test. Preliminary tests have been conducted on two species of fish;juvenile steelhead trout and fall chinook salmon.During the first test 5001..,of the steel head died in 42.5 hr;in the replicate test a 50%mortality was reached in 43 hr.The survivors from both tests had external gas bubble disease symptoms.No mortalities occurred in the two replicate chinook tests (within 192 hr)and only 10%showed external N2 symptoms.These two preliminary tests indicate that the juvenile steel· head did not avoid the high gas concentration while fall chinook salmon did.Results from the intermittent exposure tests in Table 1 of this report show juvenile steel head to be less tolerant to con- centrations of dissolved nitrogen than chinook. N2 BIOASSAY TESTS Two types of N2 bioassays have been con- ducted at the Prescott Facility since 1971:1) tests using deep (1.8 x 2.5 m)and shallow (1.8 x 1 m)test tanks at prevailing river levels 6f N 2 and 2)tests using small 175 P .tanks (0.33 m water depths)at constant N2 levels of 130,120, 110, and 100%saturation. Mortality in Deep and Shallow Tanks The primary objective of these tests was to determine if water depth enhanced fish survival. Table 2 summarizes the species used,number of fish in each test,test duration,range and average nitrogen levels and the total percent mortality that occurred during the test.The N 2 levels,as indicated in Table 2,were either created artificially.or were TABLE 2.Summary of the Numbers of Each Species Held in the Three Tanks (Two Each 1-m Deep and a 2.5-m Deep Tank)Used for Bioassay Tests at the Prescott Facility.Included in the table is the number of days the fish were held and the Nz saturations.The percent mortality that occurred in each tank is shown for each spec:ies. Test tank water depth Percent Nz Number Range Species of fISh 1 m t 1m 2.5 m Duration during test Average Percent Mortality Cutthroat 50 10 60 40 59 119 -136 124 Cutthroat 50 8 40 27 49 112 -130 120 Steelhead 80 10 80 6 55 112 -129 120 R2 Chinook 9S 0 80 11 SS 112 -129 120 R Smelt 7S 30 100 40 12 119 -122 121 Smelt 50 24 100 23 5 117 -121 119 R Crappie 50 0 0 0 20 117 -123 120 R Squawfish 20 0 0 0 35 115·124 120 'Control tank gas equilibrated 2R =natura[ly occurring river levels Research at Prescott 13 TABLE 3 Species and nme,in hr,to 50%Mortality for Groups of F'1Sh Held at 130,120,110,and 100%Nz Saturation. Included is a ranking from most to least tolerant. to 130%N2 saturation.The ranking changes at the 120%level,but not drastically (Table 3).These tests reflect general trends.and one could sur- mise that the synergistic effect of various stresses (temperature,disease.maturity. etc.)could alter the pattern derived from these series of tests. DESCRIPTION OF VERTICAL DISTRI- BUTION OF FISH USING DEPTH SOUNDING GEAR In 1972 a Benmar depth sounder was modified for use in a 1.8 x 3 m redwood test tank.Pre- liminary tests in the tank indicated that the sound- ing gear would work satisfactorily to determine depth distribution of fish.After examining the resulting tapes of several 24-hr tests we found that the fish were generally below 1 m water depth (this would enhance their survival from that in a 1 m deep tank).Two transducers were used in the test tank;one at the water surface and one on the bottom.A printer/counter system provided a fish count for each 0.6 m interval of water in the 2.5 m tank.(A description of the technical aspects of the system is attached to th is report.) The next step was to test this equipment in the river.The two-transducer;arrangement was modified to a 10-transducer array (Fig.3)which could be placed on the bottom of the river at gently sloping beaches.This configuration was used at two locations near Prescott for a total of 75 hr during day and night.Fig.4 summarizes the results:of 776 fish approximately 72%were detected between 0.9 to 2.1 m (3 and 7 ft).Many more fish were detected during darkness than day- light.While species could not be differentiated by the sounder.a minimum seine effort (2 sets)on the •=No 50%mortality level 1 Number in parenthesis indicates ranking of tolerance .-~ * * * * * * * * * 100 * * * * * * * * * 110120 *(1) *(2) 141.5 (5) *(3) 119.5 (6) SO.5 (8) •(4) 72.0 (9) 30.0 (7) Percent Nz saturation nme to 50%mortality -hr 93.5 (1)1 55.0 (2) 47.0 (3) 24.0 (4) 24.0 (5) 23.0 (6) 22.0 (7) 16.0 (8) 5.5 (9) 130 Largemouth bass Crappie Rainbow Chinook Cutthroat Whitefish Coho Steel head Smelt Species the naturally prevailing Columbia River levels dur- ing the test.The shallow control tank was supplied with gas equilibrated Columbia River water.The following is a list of water quality parameters that were monitored in each test tank during the N-2 bioassay studies: "I.Dissolved oxygen -02 2.Nitrogen gas-N 2 3.Carbon dioxide-C02 4.Ammonia-NH] 5.Conductivity 6.Alkalinity 7.Turbidity 8.pH With the exception of N2 ,all parameters re- mained within safe biological ranges throughout test period. Examining Table 2,we see that survival was better in the deep tanks.This is what one would expect knowing that as hydrostatic pressure increases (with water depth)the percent of nitro- gen decreases.In these tests the crappie and squawfish were the most tolerant while the smelt were the least tolerant.Within the salmonids tested,the cutthroat were slightly more tolerant than either the chinook or steelhead,while the latter two species showed comparable tolerance. These general conclusions apply only to the N2 level!.as indicated in Table 2. Small)Tanks-130,120,110,and 100% N~S;aturation The tests in the 175 ~tanks were designed to provide added information on the effect of nitro- gen on fish survival.Thirteen bioassay tests have been done with nine species.GrouPs of from 5 to 20 fish were held in separate tanks at 130, 120, 110,cmd 100%N2 saturation.Each test was con- tinued for 192 hr during which mortality was recorded.As with the preceding tests (deep versus shallow tanks)water quality parameters remained in acceptable biological ranges with the exception of Ni.Test temperatures were between 10 and 13°C..Table 3 summarizes the species of fish used and It he time (hr)to 50%mortality at 130 and 120%N~saturation.The 50%death level was not reached in any of the 110%N2 saturation tests nor did any mortality occur in the 100%N~sat- urated control tests.Bass and crappie were·the most tolerant of the species used in these tests while smelt were the least tolerant.At the 130% N~level the rainbow and steelhead trout were the most and least tolerant,respectively,of the salm- onid species.The remaining salmon ids,including whitefish,seemed to be grouped at around 24 hr survival for 50%of the test animals subjected - - - 14 B.'ahm.McConnell,Snyder FIG.3 Phl~to of lG-transducer sonic array and recorder. 120 lID III 120 lWl 5.0 FEB MAR APR MAV JUN JUL AUG 12.5 ---SPILL DISCHARGE -N2ANDAr l, 10.0 ,\/-_... I \ 1.5 ,\ t \ I \ 5.0 I I ·River mile (RM),rather than river kilometer,is used in this report because most current references do not include the metric equivalent. FIG.5 Weekly averages of Bonneville "spill"and percent N. saturation at Prescott,Oregon. GAS SA TURA TlON LEVELS AT PRESCOTT, OREGON-1971 ..1974 Since January 1971 approximately 1,000 Columbia River water samples have been analyzed for gas content.During this period samples have been taken twice weekly from the Oregon side of the Columbia River (RM 72)·;daily samples were taken when the N2 level exceeded 110%.The highest level recorded at Prescott was 136.6% Ni (132.6%total gas saturation)on June 25,1974. Nitrogen concentrations in the lower Columbia River exceeded the provisional standard (110% N2)each month from November 1973 through August 1974.Additional information was obtained from samples taken weekly on a hori- zontal transect of the river.N2 saturations on the Washington side of the river are usually higher than on the Oregon side;highest levels are gen- erally recorded from the ship channel. The saturation levels at Prescott,Oregon,are influenced by the volume of water being spilled at :Bonneville Dam,for example,when weekly aver- age spillway discharges at Bonneville reaches 4.247 KCMS (150 KCFS)the N2 saturation levels at Prescott exceed 115%(Fig.5).Gas saturation levels during the first 8 months of 1972 and 1974 are cOl!lparable (Fig.6);both being associated with 4O-yr high-water flows.In 1973 N2 levels were considerably less than in previous years;outflow was 69%of a 15-yr average. The data collected from this sampling pro- gram is tabulated and stored in the Corps of Engi- neers,North Pacific Divisions'ADP system. --...-::::'"~-- ""--"~~.. DAYliGHT 40 60 III 100 120 I.., MJMBER OF FISH 20 beaches netted 37 juvenile chinook,21 crappie,17 perch,16 stickleback,9 flounder,2 peamouth chub and a whitefish.This indicates that the "sounder" results can be approximately quantified for species composition with a minimum beach seining effort. We feel this method of determining vertical fish distribution will eliminate some of the problems associated with gill netting. FIG.4 Numbers of fish detected (at 0.33 m intervals)by sonic gear during 75 hr of operation at Columbia River beaches near Prescott,Oregon. ,~ """" - Of-0.3 0.3i-0.6 0.6-0.9 0.11-1.2 1.2-L5 1.5-1.8 1.11-2.1 ;:;; '"~2.11-2.4 2.11-2.7 :z:t:11-0.3~ '"0.]-0.3l':!-<0.<,-0.93: 0.'1-1.2 1.:1-1.5 ~~ 1.:5-1.8 1.Il-2.1 2.1-2.4 2.4'2.7 - Research at Prescott 15 - - ...... 130,...-------------------, - ---1974 125 ---1m --Icm FIG.6 Ten-d;ay uerilge Nt lilS level ilt Prescott,Creson. )anuilry Ithrough ~1972.1973 and 1974. GAS EQU ILiBRA rlON CHARACT.ERISTICS IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER BETWEEN THE DALL£:S DAM AND ASTORIA,OREGON Tw()surveys were done during 1974 to deter- mine the mixing characteristics and rate of gas equilibration in the Columbia River between The Dalles Dam and Astoria,Oregon.One survey was done between Bonneville Dam and Prescott on April 9 and 10 and another between The Dalles Dam and Astoria during June 11 to 14,1974. Methods An 18-ft survey boat floated with the water mass following a 2.4-m long buoy which lwas.sub- merged except for the top 0.6 m;the buoy was equipped with a light for night drifting.Transec- tional and/or single water samples were taken at least every 10-12 river miles (Fig.7)and returned to Prescott for analysis.Time delay on the samples,between collection and analysis,was never more than 12 hr. Mixing and Equilibration Between Bonneville and Prescott-April 1974 Table 4 is a summary of the results of the survey.The "f1oae'time between BonnevillE and Prescott was apprOXimately 26 hr.The-average total outflow from Bonneville Dam was 8.1 KCMS (286 KCFS)during this period.Bonneville fore- bay and power house samples each showed 115% N2 saturation at the beginning of the survey. The N2 saturation in the spill race (3 transect sam· pies)ranged from 123 to 130".-6.Table 4 shows side- to-side mixing (within error of analysis)at Rooster Rock (RM 130),approximately 15 miles down river from Bonneville Dam.Below Vancouver the N2 values were apparently influenced (decreased) by the inflow from the Willamette River.The N2 level decreased approximately 10%between Bonne- ville and Prescott. 16 Blahm.McConnell.Snyder AG.7 s.mpling lontions used during il study to determine giIS equilibriltion ch.nKteristics in the Columbiil River between The Dillies 0.-~"sIoria.Ot'egon. ", ~'. :;:- WASHINGTON STEVENSON BONNEVI U£DAM t 145 ;.::::;::::::::;:::;;:::::;-~:::::::::~ 1«1.2 WILLAMETTE RIVER OREGON - TABLE 4.Percent Nz Saturation of Water Samples Taken Between Bonneville Dam and Prescott,Oregon;the Survey was Done on April 9-10,1974.The average water flow past Bonneville Dam during this period wu 8.1 KCMS (286 KCfS). Mixin,;and Equilibration Between The Dalles and Astoria-June 1974 This sampling effort was begun on June 11 at The Dalles (RM 192)and completed on June 14 at Astoria"Oregon (RM 14).No significant equilibra- tion occurred in the 46-mile reservoir between The Dalles and Bonneville Dams (Table 5).Spill- way discharge at The Dalles was held constant at 6.8 KCMS (239 KCFS)for a 7 hr period prior to the start of the survey;total outflow during this period was 10.07 KCMS (379 KCFS).The average total flow at The Dalles on June 10-11 was 10.1 KCMS (386 KCFS)while the average spill was 4.8 KCMS (170 KCFS).In reference to nitrogen level the flow seems to be mixed (side-to-side)immedi- ately below the dam and remains so to the Bonne- ville forebay. After CI 22-hr time lapse the survey was con- tinued from Bonneville to Astoria on June 12. The Bonneville forebay and power house samples Research at Prescott 17 115.6 116.0 112.2 115.0 112.7 114.0 118.2 118.5 118.2 112.9 116.0 117.3 115.7 117.0 124.0 118.5 115.0 122.1 127.1 118.2 120.5 120.8 114.7 123.0 127.1 129.5 114.9 18.0 ml/Q % 17.3 17.3 17.7 17.5 18.1 18.3 18.1 17.7 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.8 18.85 18.4 18.1 18.3 19.3 19.2 19.9 20.2 17.95 17.95 19.1 19.8 17.9 8.1 8.4 8.0 7.6 8.1 8.0 8.2 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.0 7.9 Temp. 7.8 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 8.0 06:20 23:05 09:00 02:35 Time of sample 09:05 08:25 08:35 17:00 08:10 19:40 07:35 11:15 08:20 Center Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Location in river Center Ore. Center Wash. Center Ore. Center Wash. Center Center 99.0 72.0 88.0 78.5 River mile 101.0 107.0 118.5 140.2 144.4 130.0 145.0 145.0 146.0 Vancouver Morgan Turn April 10 Sauvie Prescott Above Willamette River Kalama Rooster Rock Dodson Troutdale Tanner Creek April 9 Bonneville Forebay Bonneville Power House Sample site Bonneville Spillway I~ TABLE S.Percent N~SOIturiltion of W.;aler SOImples Tilken Betweea The O.iiJ1es .;and AstOriil,-Oregon.The sUl'Yey w;;as done on June 11-14,1974.The ilVerilse w.;atel'flow past both The Dillies ilnd BonnewiUe D.ilIIIS w;;as .;approllim.;ately 11.3 KCMS (_KCfS). River Loc.;ation TIme of N2 Silmplesite mile ...river S.ilI11ple Temp.miil % June 11 The Dalles 192.0 Wash.06:50 13.5 17.6 127.2 Docks 189.0 Ore.06:55 13.4 17.6 126.9 Center 13.4 17.8 128.3 I~Wash.07:00 13.4 17.7 127.6 Crates Point 187.0 Ore.07:10 13.4 17J 127.6 Center 13.4 17.6 126.9 Wash.07:15 13.4 17J 127.6 Lyle 160'181.0 Ore.07:35 13.5 17.0 122.8 marker "56"Center 13.4 17.5 126.2 Wash.07:45 13.4 17.0 1226-Bingen 171.0 Ore.08:05 13.6 17.5 126.7 Center 13.5 17.5 126.4 Wash.08:10 13.5 17.5 126.4 Cook.161.0 Ore.08:3{)13.5 17.4 125.7 Center 13.5 17.5 126.4 Wash.08:40 13.4 17.5 126.2 Stevenson 150.0 Ore.09:05 13.6 17.1 123.8 Center 09:10 13.5 17.6 127.2 Wash.09:15 13.4 17.6 126.9,- Bonneville 146.0 Ore.09:35 133 17.6 126.7 Forebay Center 13.2 17.6 126.4 Wash.09:25 13.4 17.6 126.9 June 12 ApprollilNtely 22-hr Ii~Ltpse Bonneville 146.0 Center 07:40 13.6 16.4 118.8 Forebay-Bonneville 145.0 Center 08:50 13.8 16.5 120.0 Powet"House Bonneville 145.0 Ore.08:55 13.8 18.6 135.3 Spillway Tanner Creek 144.4 Ore.09:10 13.8 16.9 122.9 Center 13.8 17.4 126.5 Wash.09:15 13.8 19.7 143.3 18 Blahm.McConnell.Snyder ~... were approximately the sam'e,119 and 120%Ni. respectively (Table 5);while the three transect spiHrace samples ranged from 135 to 142%Nz. Side-to-side mixing had apparently occurred at Rooster Rock (RM 130).As with the April survey there was an approximate 10%decrease in N2 level between Bonneville and Prescott and about 18%between Bonneville Dam and Astoria,Oregon. ThE~Bonneville average total flow during June 12- 14 was 11.7 KCMS (413 KCFS)while the average spill was 8:1 KCMS (286 KCFS). In summary it was noted that:1)during both surveys side-to-side mixing,in reference to N1 level,occurred at Rooster Rock,15 river miles below Bonneville Dam,2)both surveys showed approximately 10%equilibration between Bonne- ville Dam and Prescott,Oregon,3)18 to 20% equilibration occurred between Bonneville Dam and Astoria,Oregon,4)no significant gas equili- bration occurred between The Dalles and Bonneville Dams,and 5)side-to-side mixing was charac- teristic in all transects between The Dalles and Bonneville forebay.These conclusions should be considered valid only in relation to flows (total and spill)which occurred during the surveys. TABLE S.(Continued) Sample site RiYer mile location in riYer TIme of umple Temp.mill % - Dodson Rooster Rock Troutdale Vancouver Above Willamette River Willamette River Morgan Turn Sauvie 1 June 13 Kalama Prescott Eagle Cliff June 14 Astoria 140.2 130.0 118.5 107:(J 101.0 103.0 99.0 68.0 78.0 72.0 51.0 14.0 Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Center Center Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. Ore. Center Wash. 09:45 09:55 13:10 13:15 13:20 16:05 16:10 16:15 18:15 18:17 18:20 19:55 .20:10 20:50 20:55 21:00 06:25 06:20 06:15 08:35 08:25 08:20 15:00 14:55 14:50 07:50 08:10 08:20 13.8 13.8 13.8 14.6 14.2 14.2 14.8 14.4 14.4 15.0 14.6 14.7 14.8 15.8 14.6 14.6 14.4 14.4 14.2 14.3 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.9 14.6 14.5 15.0 14.4 14.3 18.0 18.5 19.1 18.6 18.6 16.7 16.5 16.7 16.1 16.4 16.5 18.2 16.9 17.9 18.1 18.3 17.3 17.5 16.9 16.6 17.4 17.5 16.8 16.8 16.6 15.5 15.3 15.7 130.9 134.5 136.9 137.5 136.4 137.4 136.1 137.6 134.8 136.0 136.9 135.0 127.8 132.3 133.8 134.6 127.3 126.3 124.2 126.4 126.0 128.6 124.9 124.2 122.4 115.4 112.6 115.4 - -~ 'Sample omitted by error REFERENCES Snyder,G.R.,T.H.Blahm and R.J.McConnell.1970.Floating Laboratory for Study of Aquatic Organisms and Their Environ- ment.U.S.Dept.of Comm.fish.Ore.356. Reports Emanating from Prescott Blahm,T.H.R.j.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1974.Effect of Gas :Supersaturated Columbia River Water on the Survival of Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon.SSR-F (in press). Blahm,T.H.,R.j.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1972.Gas Supersaturation Research.1972 Report to North Pacific Division Corps of Engineers DACW57·72F:60 pp. Blahm,T.H.,R.j.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1973.Gas Supersaturation Research.1973 Report to North Pacific Division Corps of Engineers DACW57-73F:19 pp. Blahm,T.H.,R.j.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1973.Gas Supersaturation Research.1974 Report to North Pacific Division Corps of Engineers DACW57-74F:33 pp. McConnell,R.I.,T.H.Blahm and l.G.Davis.1974.Daily Concentrations of Dissolved Gas in the Lower Columbia River at Prescott,Oregon 1971-1974.National Marine FisheriesSer_ vice.Seattle,Washington. McConnell,R.J.and T.H.Blahm.1974.Occurrence of Fish Near the Kalama Nuclear Power Plant Site.Columbia River October 1970-0ctober 1973.National Marine Fisheries Service; Completion Report to Clark and Cowlitz County PUD's:22 pp. Research at Prescott 19 J.......•..._f~..·c' ~- •W.Marshall 112 IN ":YW':""'":''f ~,'--,'-..,,"~"~:T 5 IN L-- ---'~:1CHARTPAPER- -100 AGo 1 A typical moving-stylus depth sounder ~hogram when the lransducet'is used inside a 10-fl deep test tank. depth display to the full 5 in.,the stylus must move across the paper at a speed 10 times faster than before.Construction of a mechanical train to move the stylus this fast is practically impossible. The Benmar DR-680®sounder eliminates prob- lems associated with a moving-stylus·recorder _by using 320 individual non-moving stylii.A 400kHz carrier frequency provides high resolution of small targets;individually detected fish are precisely recorded (Fig.2).Custom-made wide beam trans- ducers were obtained from Webster Transducers and provided a detection cone with a base diameter of 3 ft in an 8·ft deep by 6-ft diameter test tank (Fig.3). PREI.IMINARY TESTS In May 1973,a series of 24-hr tests was con- ducted with juvenile coho salmon in the 8-ft deep /l.1arshaU:Marine Fish and Shellfish Division.National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle.W<lshington. eTra-de names referred to in this publication do not imply en- dorsement of commercial products by National Marine Fisheries Service. ABSTRACT A rE~ording echo sounder was modified to scan multiple custom transducers to record the depth distribution of fishes.The sys- tem has been used in tanks as well as the Columbia River and eliminates the objections that other sampling methods influence deplth distribution. Bioassay tests condutted at the NMFS Prescott Facility in 1972 revealed that salmonids tested in 8-ft deep wooden tanks survive the stress of gas SUpE~rsaturated water more readily than fish tested in shallower tanks (Blahm,1972).The hydrostatic pressure of the water at depths effectively prevents gas bubbles from forming in the organs of the ex- posE~d fish.Therefore,few mortalities occur. This paper describes an acoustic counting sys- tem developed to provide information on the vertical distribution of Columbia River fishes.Because of the river's turbidity and various practical problems involved with employing fishing gear,an acoustic system was considered a desirable alternative to possible optical or direct capture methods.The acoustic system was initially developed to record the vertical distribution of fish in the Prescott lab- oratory's 8-ft test tanks.later,equipment was developed to monitor the vertical distribution of fish occurring along river beaches near Prescott. ECHOSOUNDER LIMiTATIONS [)epth sounding equipment has been used suc- cessfully for locating fish for both sport and com- merdaJ fishing.However,the use of conventional recording depth sounders to indicate the depth of fish in shallow water (0 to 10 ft)is difficult because of mlechanical limitations.The minimum full chart depth displayed by a single-stylus sounder is typi- cally 100 ft.If 5-in.wide chart paper is used,fish at depths to 10 ft wilt be displayed in a O.5-in.wide section of the chart (Fig.1).If there are many fish. reeon:fed in this 0.5-in.space,it is difficult to dif- ferentiate individual fish.To spread this 0-to 10-ft Equipment and T'ech n iq ues for Monitoring the Vertical Distribution of Fish in Shallow Water 20 - """ fiG.2 An echogrU'l from the Benmar DR~showing indi- vidual targets of J-in.long cohc.salmon.Water depth is 8 ft. Individual targets of fish could have been manually counted to quantify the percentages of fish in specific depth intervals;however,this proved to be difficult because there were approximately 300 fish in the test tank.. COUNTER/PRINTER SYSTEM An electronic target echo counter and tape printer system were designed and constructed so that the numbers of fish at specific depth intervals could be quantified and recorded automatically. This system was constructed with standard tran- sistor-transistor-Iogic gates on printed circuit boards manufactured at the Prescott Facility.The printer used was the Model B5-102 Moduprinter® manufactured by Practical Awtomation,Inc. Two transducers were used with the counter system so that a maximum volume of water inside the tank could be sampled.One transducer was mounted at the bottom of the tank;the other just beneath the water surface.Four detection areas were defined in the intersecting detection cones (Fig.4).Because the entire volume of the tank is not sampled,all results of the tests are based on the assumption of homogenous horizontal distribution of fish in the tank. Basic operation of the counter/printer system is illustrated by the timing diagram in Fig.5.The instrument can be programmed to generate a trigger pulse once every 5,10,20,or 60 min.Whenever this pulse occurs,it turns on the sounder,auto- matically switches to the top transducer,and initiates the control logic for the counting of a sample.Forty sec after this pulse occurs,the con- trol logic activates electronic counters #3 and #4. During a sampling period of 1 sec,all fish echos REDWOOD //TANK r-----~-+-+_~T..NSOUCER T 8' ...... fig.3 Transducer in test I:iIInk showing conical detection yolumes of original trilnsducelr (slNded)and the Webster wide beilm trilnsduce,. test tank.The transducer was mounted at the bottom of the tank so that as much as possible of the water at the top of the tank could be monitored for fish. The sounder was a<:tivated for approximately 2.5 min once each hour by an electrical timer.The resulting echograms revealed two distind depth behavior patterns:1)during daylight hours the fish were quite active and homogenously distributed below 2 ft,2)at night the fish concentrated at mid- depth (2 to 6 ft deep)and were inadive. COUNTER 1 COUNTER 2 fiG.4 Detection areas inside the intersecting conical detection yolumes. Monitoring Vertical Distribution 21 FIG.S Basic:liming diagnm of the elec:.tronic counter/printer system. ---.,---,~--..-. ......~ -"-_.~-~~....'~', AG.6 Photograph of the la-transducer anilY. AG.7 The eJectronic sequencer used with !he 10 transducers. These tests demonstrated that the Benmar@ sounder could be used effectively for monitoring the depth of fish in shallow water. MONITORING THE VERTICAL DISTRIBU- TION OF FISH IN THE LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER An attempt to use the sounder from a boat in the river was unsuccessful.The presence of the boat seemed to "spook"the fish and very few were detected.Subsequently an array of 10 transducers, mounted on an aluminum sled (Fig.6),was placed on the bottom of the river to overcome this problem. An eledronic sequencer,with transistor-tran- sistor-Iogic gates and relays (fig.7),was designed to serially switch the sounder output to each trans- ducer.Fig.8 is a block diagram of this unit~ III L 110 I : , )0 ~SO TIME IS£CONOSI n 10 _____,-fl _ __________----Ifl- ___________-JIL BOTTOM CCUlll PRINf 1IfS£T COUll1US TOPCWIII TRICCUPlJIS£n~_ J RESULTS OF TANK TESTS During 1974,separ,iite tests were conduded continuously for a week to monitor the diel depth behavior of squawfish,smelt,crappie,and cutthroat trout in the test tank.IFor these tests,the trigger pulse was programmed to count a sample once an hour,day and night.Fish depth data were recorded by the automatic countl:!r/printer system;the task of manually counting fish echos was eliminated. Data from the tapes were tabulated and standardized to compensate for the unequal water volumes of the detection areas (Fig.4)"Although some variation was observed.in the results of these tests,all species generally avoided the top 2 ft of the tank and tended to concentrate in the middle areas. The test tank environment is obviously different from that of the river;however,we did not have to contend with the problem of false echo!.caused by other fish or debris. 22 Marshall detected by the sounder in the lower half of the tank are counted and stored·in the counters (Fig.4).Sixty transmit pulses occur during this sample period;thereforl:!,a single fish in detedion area #3 for the sampling period would result in the number 60 being stored in counter #3.Two fish in the area would resu It in the number 120 being stored in the counter.The sounder transmit pulse width is 50 psec.At a velocity of sound in water of 5000 ftl sec,this represents a distance of 3 in.Therefore, two fish closer together than 3 in.could possibly be deteded as a single fish by the sounder.Fifty sec after the trigger pulse,the bottom transducer is automatically switched to the sounder and after a 1Q-sec delay the second sampling period is used for counting the number of fish echos in detection areas #1 and #:2 (Fig.4).Seventy sec after the:trigger pulse the data stored in the counters is printed on the chart paper.The counters are then reset to zero and the sounder and control circuits are turned off.When the next trigger pulse occurs, the sequence is repeated!. I~ ...., ,""" ..... r---------------------------- ---- ---, I +12 I I I I VOLTAGE : REGULATOR ! I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I .J ~ CABLE TO SOONOER FIG.8 Schematic diagram of the electronic sequencer. The sled is anchored underwater on a gently sloping beach with the transducers "looking"up- wards (Fig.9).Cables from each transducer are connected to the sequencer on the beach.A single coaxial cable connects the sequencer to the sounder. After the gear is in position on the beach,the sounder is set to record for 5 min once an hour. Each transducer is gated on for 10 sec.The re- sulting echogram is a series of "stair step"patterns because of the different depth of each trans- ducer (Fig.10).The counter/printer system has not been adapted for automatically recording data from the transducer array and the fish echos must be counted manually. This system proved to be reliable and relatively trouble free.Data on the vertical distribution of fish in a natural environment was collected and reported on by the staff of the Prescott Facility (Blahm, McConnell,and Snyder,11974). FIG.9 Transducer array in position underwater with the elec- tronics equipment on the beach. FIG.10 An echogram from the transducer array instaUed underwater on a sloping beach. REFERENC-=S Blahm,T.H.1972.Gas Supersaturation Research.Report to North Pacific Divisic~>n,U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Blahm,T.H.,McConnell,R.).and Snyder,G.R.1974.Gas Supersaturation Research 1972-1974.National Marine Fisheries Service,Prescott Field Station. Monitoring Vertical Distribution 23 ,,~ Disso IVE~d Gas ID,E.Weitkamp Supersaturation: Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Is~and Dam,Washington ..- - ~- ABSTRACT Three live cage bioassays using juvenile chinook salmon (0.rshawytscha)were conducted in supersaturated Columbia River water at the Rock Island Dam fore bay.The tests of 10 and 20 days'duration utilized volition,specific depth,and inter- mittent exposure cages whi'ch were suspended between the sur- face and a depth of 4 m.lhe volition cages extended from the surface to depths of 2.3,and 4 m.The four specific depth cages were 1 m deep cages suspended at 1 m intervals between the surface and a depth of 4 m.Iintermittent expoSures were achieved by raising and lowering three 1 m deep cages in the water column daily to change Ithe actual level of supersaturation experienced by the test fish .. At total dissolved gas supersaturations of about 120%in the reservoir water,significant mortalities were encountered only in fish held within 1 m of Ilhe surface.Fish held within 2 m of the water's surface for a period of 16 hr per day suffered significant monalities only when the supersaturation rose to about 125%and above.The effects of supersaturations above about 125%appear to be much greater than supersaturations below this level.Fish allow~~to seek the depth of their choice in the 4 m deep volition cage did not suffer monalities at satura- tions of 119%and 128%,all.hough some developed gas bubble disease lesions.Most fish showing slight to severe gas bubble disease lesions were able to recover when placed at a depth of 3 to 4 m in the supersaturatE!d water. One of the obvious means of determining the effect of a given water quallity parameter on fish is the bioassay experiment.This technique has been applied to the investilgation of the effects of dis- solved gas supersaturation on fish.Bioassays in gas supersaturated water have been conducted by many workers under both artificial laboratory and natural field conditions.Most of the experimental work dealing with the effects of dissolved gas supersaturation has been conducted in the labora- tory using artificially supersaturated water or,in some cases,supersaturated Columbia River water in shallow tanks.Several live cage bioassays study- ing the effects of depth in relation to supersatura- tion have been conducted in the Columbia and Snake Rivers by EbeJ (1969 and 1970)and Meekin and Turner (1974). 24 The live cage bioassays conducted by Ebel at Priest Rapids and Ice Harbor Dams tested varying high levels of supersaturation.The nitrogen levels during the three Priest Rapids tests in 1967 ranged from a high of 143%at the start of the first test to 118%at the end of the third test.The 1970 Ice Harbor tests exposed juvenile chinook for 7 days to nitrogen levels of 127%to 134%.At some time dur- ing most of these tests,supersaturations of 1300.ki or greater were experienced.It is therefore difficult to determine if the mortalities resulted from the highest levels encountered or from continuous levels above 120%or 125%. The following study was therefore designed to test juvenile chinook under similar field conditions at lower,but more consistent levels of supersatura- tion.The snowpack of the 1973-74 winter was sufficient to ensure at least moderate levels of supersaturation in the mid region of the Columbia River during the 1974 runoff period.The study was conducted at Rock Island Dam on the mid Columbia. Favorable weather and water conditions allowed the levels of supersaturation to remain quite con- stant at the test location during test periods. The study was also designed to test the effect of intermittent daily exposures to gas supersaturation. It is believed that under natural conditions juve- nile saJmonids and other fish are most likely ex- posed to high gas levels on an intermittent basis. In some areas this is due,in part,to the inter- mittent production of supersaturation conditions, as the spill may occur intermittently at dams on smaller rivers.In certain areas,such as the mid and lower Columbia River,however,supersaturation can be present continuously for several months at a time.Fish are intermittently exposed to this con- tinous supersaturation by their vertical move- ments in the water column.The live cage bioassay Weitkamp:Parametrix,Inc.,Environmental Services Section, Seattle,Washington. ", L fiG.1 Schematic of fish Rve cages used in supersaturation bioassays showing the depths occupied by the various uges. FIG.2 Live cages being assembled ;at the study site;1 m inter- mittent exposure and fixed depth cages.and 3 m volition cage are shown. a zippered opening at the bottom of one side.When the cages were raised each day,these openings permitted removal of dead fish from the bottom of the cage.These openings also permitted observa- ~ion of the test fish in shallow water when the cages were raised.The specific depth and intermittent- exposure cages were provided with additional zip- pered openings on the top for introducing the fish into the cages.The assembled frames and nets are shown in Fig.2. Two cages were suspended within each float. This provided a minimum distance of 1-1/2 ft between cages in the same float and about 6 ft between cages in adjacent floats.Fig.3 shows the cage and float assemblies in position adjacent to a barge in the Rock Island forebay. Test Periods The first test was conducted for a period of 10 days while the second and third tests were extended to 20 days each.Because Ebel's (1969 and 1970)previous experiments were conducted for AIO-[m 8tH IHrr 16hr ,---j .--,.---1 I t I I I I I I,, I I I II I I 1 I I,I ]-4m I I \ : I I'----'-~fr 160M 12hr 8hrIIATl-4mIlNIERMlmNIEXPOSUR£ D-4m D-lm 0-2m D-lm l-2m 2-lm WAlER u::_"'[]DIpm 2m-Utj 3m - 'm- \VQITlON II FIXEDDEPnl PROCEDURES Location of Study A major objective of the dissolved gas bio- assays was to test the survival of fish in water con- taining moderate,but relatively constant,levels of supersaturation under natural conditions.The Rock Island Dam forebay on the mid region of the Columbia River was chosen as a site where these conditions could be obtained during the""'1974 runoff period.This dam provided <l location where the live cages could be placed in water at least 20 ft deep and with a desirable current (0.1 to 0.5 m/sec). The moderate current ensured good circulation of water through the live cages without stressing the test fish. Submerged Cages The cages used to conduct the supersaturation bioassays were of three basic types,volition,fixed- depth,and intermittent-exposure.All of the cages were constructed with horizontal dimensions of 4 ft by 4 ft.The volition cages extended from the surface to depths of 2,3,Clnd 4 m.The four fixed- depth cages were each 1 m deep and were placed at depths of 0 to 1 m,1 to 2 m,2 to 3 m and 3 to 4 m. Following the first test,the 3 to 4 m cage was used for testing the recovery of fish showing signs of gas bubble disease (GBD).The intermittent-expo- sure cages were also 1 m deep,but were constructed so that they could be placed at desired depths between 0 to 1 m and 3 to 4 m.In the first test,the upper depth of the intermittent-exposure cages was 1 to 2 m.The upper depth was raised to 0 to 1 m for Tests "and III.The lower depth was 3 to 4 m for all three tests.A schematic of the various live cages is shown in Fig.1. The cages were constructed with a framework of 1 in.angle aluminum held together by stainless and cadmium plated bolts and nuts.Diagonals of 1/2 in.aluminum conduit were used to stabilize the deeper cages.The frames for the volition and fixed-depth cages were constructed with 6-ft cross pieces at the top to suspend the cages within the floats.Suspension of the intermittent-exposure cages was accomplished by placing removable 6-ft pieces of aluminum tubing horizontally under the cross pieces which were located at the appro- priate depths. Knotless nylon netting of 1/2 in.stretched mesh was used to enclose the cages.Each cage had tests were designed to investigate this type of intermittent exposure that fish experience as they undergo diel migrations in continuously super- saturated reservoirs.Intermjttent exposure due to daily changes in depth should,at least theoreti- cally,reduce the effects of supersaturation. -- .- Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 25 - - - - FIG.3 Assembled liwe agel;in f~ts.Note extended frame of raised intermittent-exposure 4:age in background. periods of 7 to 12 days.it was felt that tests of 10 days'duration would be practical.However,the mortality rates of the first test were much lower than originally anticipated.so the second and third tests were lengthened ito 20 days. Fish Used The juvenile chinook salmon used in these tests were provided by the Washington Department of Fisheries from its ha.tchery facilities at the Wells Spawning Channel.Much of the success of these tests can be attributed to the excellent condition of these upper Columbia.River summer run chinook salmon.The fish were free of complicating diseases and appeared very healthy when placed in the live cages.The fish showed no signs of smolting at the time they were placed in the live cages.The fish had an average fork length of 97 mm in Test I,105 mm in Test II,and 112 mm in Test 111.One hundred fish were placed in each of the 1 m deep cages.Between 100 and 200 fish were placed in the deeper volition cages,depending on the number of fish provided. Feeding of Fish No food was given to the fish during Tests I and III.The fish used in Test II were fed from the 26 Weitkamp 11th day to the end of the test period.It was decided to begin feeding the Test II fish with Oregon Moist Pellets@ when some began to show signs of starva- tion.They were fed at times when the cages were brought to the surface to check mortalities.It was hoped that feeding the fish only when the cages were raised would prevent an artificial depth dis- tribution in the volition cages that might occur with surface feeding when the cages were at their normal depth.Although feeding with the cages near the surface was successful,it did appear to cause at least some of the fish to spend more time near the surface.For this reason no feeding was attempted in Test III. Mortalities Each live cage was raised and checked for mortalities between 0800 and 1100 daily"'for each test.During this period the cage was held with its bottom several inches below the water's surface so that the fish cou Id be observed for signs of gas bubble disease (GBD)or any other problems that might occur.This procedure permitted close obser- vation of the fish each day without unduly stressing the fish.The procedure also permitted cleaning and inspection of the cage netting.Dead fish float- ing in the cages that extended to the surface were also removed at 1600,2000,and 2400 hr when the depth of the intermittent-exposure cages was changed.All three of the intermittent-exposure cages were lowered to a depth of 3 to 4 m at 0800 each day.One of the cages was then raised to the surface position at 1600.2000,and 2400 hr to pro- vide the surface exposures of 16,12 and 8 hr, respectively. The mortalities were checked immediately following their removal from the cages for external signs of GBD.The locations of external emboli and hemorrhages were recorded as well as the fish length.The abdominal cavities of all mortalities were checked for internal signs of GBD and the presence of food in the digestive tract. Dissolved Gas Analysis During the morning inspection of the live cages,the dissolved gas levels present in the fore- bay were measured using a Weiss satlJrometer.The measured saturations given in this report are most likely lower than the levels actually present in the forebay water.An on-site comparison of the satu- rometer used in this study was made with several other saturometers,indicating readings were 1% to 3%low.Routine monitoring by the Chelan County PUD indicated that supersaturation in the study area ranged from 120%to 131%during the test periods.The saturometer readings were also taken at a time of day when river supersaturations were near their lowest level.A 24-hr monitoring 0-lm 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 DAYS FIC.4 Test I,total dissolved gas levels and %cumulative mortalities for the 0 to 1 m cage,May 24 10 June 3,1974.No mortalities occurred in the other cages. These temperatures were recorded between 0800 and 1000 hr.Some days surface water tempera- tures were a degree or more higher later in the day. Secchi disc readings taken during this test ranged from 0.91 to 1.22 m. In Test I no fish were lost due to handling stress.The first mortaility occurred during the 2nd day in the 0 to 1 m fixed.;.depth cage.The mortality rate iflcreased somewhat in the 0 to 1 m cage after the 4th day,reaching a cumulative mortality of 53% at the end of 10 days.A single mortality occurred in the 2 to 3 m fixed-depth cage during this test. This single mortality was obviously due to trauma, not to GBD.No mortalities occurred in any of the other cages during this 10-day test.The percent cumulative mortality during this test is shown in Fig.4,and Table 1 lists the daily cumulative mor- tality for Test I. The surviving fish were examined for signs of GBD at the end of the test.Ninety percent of the survivors in the 0 to 1 m cage showed some signs of GBD.These varied from a few bubbles in one fin to bubbles in most fins,the head,and mouth,as well as hemorrhaging at the base of the fins.In the 1 to 2 m cage 15%of the fish showed signs of GBD. Only 3%of the fish in the 0 to 2 m cage showed signs.In both cages the signs of GBD were re- stricted to bubbles in the caudal fins. Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 27 130 z0 125;::-<""120:::II-<'"115~ no 100 80 ~ ~ ""60i ~ ~;::40<~ :E :::I (.) 20 00 2 RESULTS Test I The fish for the first live cage bioassay were placed into the cages in the Rock Island forebay on May 24,1974.At this time,the total dissolved gas saturation in the rivler water was 122%.During the first 4 days of the study the saturations remained near 122%.The saturations then dropped to about 120%,and remained near 120%for the remaining 6 days of the test.The total dissolved gas levels measured at the study location are shown in Fig.4. Saturometer readings were also taken inside the cages during all three tests.Saturations inside the cages were not more than 1%of saturation lower than the readings for the surrounding water. The water temperatures which were recorded daily during Test I ranged from 10AOC to 10.9°C. study conducted in the Rock Island forebay by the Chelan County PUD in August 1974,showed that dissolved gas levels change by about 3%of satura- tion during a 24-hr period.The lowest gas levels during this 24-hr period occurred between 0300 and 0900 hr,which includes the time that the gas content was measured during the live-cage tests. Some daily variation in Ithe gas levels observed in the live-cage bioassay is due to differences in the water temperature which varied according to the time of day during which measurements were taken. A number of times during the tests,dissolved gas supersaturations were measured inside some of the cages.Th is was done to detect any measur- able effect of the cages on the gas content of the water as it passed through the cages.....The gas con- tent of the water inside the cages was always lower than that of the water outside of the cage by less than 1%of saturation. Dissolved oxygen levels were measured by the Winkler method.Water temperatures were measured at the surface using a mercury thermom- eter accurate to 1:.0.1 0c.Light penetration readings were taken daily adjacent to the cages using a Secchidisc. An attempt was made to record the fish depths inside the 0 to 4 m volition cage.A Benmar DR-681@ echo sounder with a minimum range of o to 50 ft was used to make the recordings.The DR-681 was the only shallow water echo sounder ,that could be acquired for these tests.No useful \ ecordings were obtain~~d with the echo sounder "'""due to apparent interferen~e from the cages. As the depth distriibution of the fish in the .olition cages was of considerable importance,an ""'"tempt was also made to observe the fish using uba gear.Even with a strong underwater light, he diver was unable to observe any of the fish due o the turbidity of the river water. .- .... - TABLE 1 Yes'l I,Percent Cumulatiye Morbllity Due to Gas Bubble Disease in Juyenile Chinook 5.1lmon bPOSlI!d to 119%to 123%Supersatur~tion ~t Rock IsI~nd FOle~y,M~y 24 to June 3,1974. ~Holdinl Cage depth (meters) time 1-2 m and 3-4 m ' (d~ys)0-4m G-3m G-2m 6-1 m 1-2 m 2-3 m 3-4m t 16 +8 t 12 +12 t B +16, 2 1 3 2 4 4-5 14 6 21 7 23 8 35 """9 42 10 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 Survivors with GBD lesions (%)0 0 3 90 15 0 e 0 0 0 1 tindicates hr/day at 1-2 m depth,}indicates hr/day at 3-4 m depth. Most of the survlvmg fish with evidence of GBD were placed in the 3 to 4 m cage to determine if they could recover.A few of the severely affected fish died before the cage was submerged.The remainder were held as part of the second experi- ment.All surviving fish with no indication of GBD were released in the Rock Island forebay. first in the 0 to 1 m cage (Table 2).The daily mor- ality rate in Test II (Fig.5)was similar,but not as consistent as that of Test I.The rate at which mor- talities occurred in the 0 to 1 m cage between FIG.5 Yest II.toQI dissolved SillS levels iIInd %cumubtive IIlOIUlities pNter th~n 1%'01'ill CiIIges,June 5-25,1974. O~---l.._....I-_L..---l.-e:::::..:==:..=I:=:"='=::l....ii=--.Io24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 DAYS ,. I 20 130 z 125!2-<Ca:120::>-<VI 115III 110 100 G-lm G-2m III G-3m ~-.-h6t8~-60 _......+12t12a: ~ III ~;::.to<=l :E::> C,,) Test II The total dissolved g;as saturation of the river water at the beginning of the second test (June 5) was down to 120%(Fig.5)as measured at the test site.By the 4th day (June 9),the gas.saturation had risen to 122%,and remained constant until the 10th day when it rose to 123%.During the last 11 days (June 15 to 25)of the test,the saturation varied between 123%and 126%. The water temperatuflE~s at the beginning of the second test remained near 10.7°C for the first 3 days.During the remainder of the test the water temperatures showed a steady increase of about 0.2°C per day,reaching 14°C by the end of the test. The light penetration decreased considerably dur- ing the last half of the ~;econd test.For the first 8 days,the Seechi disc readings ranged from 0.91 m to 1.22 m.During the la!it half of the test,Secchi disc readings decreased to 033 to 0.61 m. Two fish were lost at the beginning of this test, apparently due to handling stress.The other test fish showed no signs of GBD at the time of these mortalities.The mortalities occurring due to GBD during the second test did not begin until the 6th day.As in the previous test.mortalities occurred 28 Weitkamp -~ TABLE 2 Tesll II,Percent Cumulative Mortality Due to Gas Bubble Disease in Juvenile Chinook Salmon Expo!ied to 120%to 126%Supersaturation at Rock Island Forebay,June 5-25,1974. Recovery ~m Wm ~m ~m Mm Mm ~m Cage depth (meters) 0-1 m and 3-4 m' 116 +8 112 ,J..12 18 ,p6 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 7 12 2 4 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 18 30 31 36 43 54 72 74 77 81 84 85 88 2 2 3 3 8 11 17 1 1 2 2 3 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Holding time (days)- Survivors with GBD lesions (%)38 64 77 91 o 2 9 69 24 15 1 1indicates hr/day at 0-1 m d.~pth.findicates hr/day at 3-4 m depth *Approximately 1/2 of the fish lost through small tear in cage. days 5 and 14 during Test II was very close to that of the same cage between days 2 and 10 during Test I.The mortality rate in the 0 to 1 m cage of Test II appeared essentially the same as that of the same cage in Test I,e):cept that it began about 3 days later.A cumulative mortality of 53%was reached on day 10 of Test I,and a similar mortality of 54%was reached on day 13 of Test II. .The mortality rate in the 0 to 1 m cage de· creased during the last 6 days of Test II.From day 14 to the end of the test,the cumulative mortal- ity only increased from 7'2%to 88%All but one of the fish remaining in the 0 to 1 m cage at the end of the test showed signs of GBD. Unlike the first 10-day test,mortalities oc- curred in a number of thl:!other cages during Test II. These mortalities began to occur prior to 10 days, but at a very low rate (Table 2).The 0 to 3 m cage lost one of 200 fish on the 8th day.No other mor- talities occurred in this cage until the 16th day.No mortalities occurred in the 0 to 4 m cage during Test 11.The size of the test group in the 0 to 4 m cage was reduced around the 18th day when slightly more than half of the group was lost through a small tear in the netting.The 0 to 3 m cage fish experienced a few mortalities during the last 5 days with a final cumulative mortality of 3%. Mortalities began to occur in the 0 to 2 m cage on the 14th day and increased to 17%at the end of Test II. A portion of the survivors in each of the three volition cages showed signs of GBD.In the 0 to 4 m cage 38%of the survivors showed indications of GBD,as did 64%of those in the 0 to 3 m cage and n%in the 0 to 2 m cage. Only a single mortality occurred in each of the two fixed-depth cages between 1 and 3 m.In the 1 to 2 m cage a fish died on the last day,and in the 2 to 3 m cage a mortality occurred on the 13th day. No survivors in the 1 to 2 m cage showed signs of GBD;however,2%of those in the 2 to 3 m cage had GBD. Some mortalities occurred in each of the intermittent-exposure cages which were raised to a depth of 0 to 1 m in Test II rather than to 1 to 2 m as in Test I.In the cage spending 16 hr/day at the Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 29 '.~ FIG.6 Test III,total dissolved gas lewels and %cumulative mortalities for the wolidon and fRed depth cages,rune 28 to July 18.1974. j ~l ---O-lm -----0-2m •••••••••lr3m ---2-3m ---I-2m ___J-- --,-~,--_t--_-,*_r I,__I _J j"'..._.J-"'--'_J,J- j-J I r-PO,~,. I ••~:""••• o La-L..E;:::-=i..:4 =..1:6=-=8:"=±10="==1J:=2=--:t14:=-~1:=6 =-=7:18:=-==:ZO==' DAYS Mortalities also occurred in the two fixed- depth cages between 1 and 3 m,but at a much lower rate than in the 0 to 1 m cage.In the 1 to 2 m cage mortalities first occurred on the 9th day of, the test (Table 3).In this cage the mortalities then remained constant giving a cumulative mortality of 70%at the end of 20 days.In the 2 to 3 m cage,a single fish died with signs of GBD on the 2nd day. No other mortalities occurred in this cage.Thirty- three percent of the survivors in the 1 to 2 m cage showed signs of GBD,while none of the survivors in the 2 to 3 m cage showed GBD lesions. Fish in the shallowest volition cage began to suffer mortalities on the 2nd day (Fig.6).After a high mortality of 17%between the 2nd and 3rdday, the mortality continued at a relatively constant rate.The cumulative mortality at the end of the test was 61%in this cage (Table 3).In the 0 to 3 m cage,the first mortality did not occur until the 5th day.and only 7.5%had died at the end of the test. No mortalities of any kind occurred in the 0 to 4 m cage during the 20-day test period.Signs of GBD were present in 85%of the survivors in the 0 to 2 m cage,35%in the 0 to 3 m cage,and in only 8%of the survivors in the 0 to 4 m cage.The 8%with GBD lesions in the 0 to 4 m cage had only slight signs, usually only a few bubbles in a single location. 80 ~ ;;i.... ""60~ rIt...::-....~O<~ ~::> <.) 20 130 z 1250;:::: <""120::>....<'"115rIt 110 100 30 Weitkamp surface and 8 hr/day at 3 to 4 m the first mortality occurred on the 9th day with the cumulative mor- tality reaching 12%by the end of the 20-day test. Mortalities did not occur until the 18th day in the other two intermittent-exposure cages.The cumu- lative mortalities at the end of the test were 4%in the cage spending 12 hr/day at the surface and 1% in the cage spending 8 hr/day at the surface. The portion of the survivors showing signs of GBD was related to the length of the surface expo- sure.Signs of GBD were found in 69%of the sur- vivors in the cage spending 16 hr/day at the sur- face,24%in the 12 hr/day exposure cage,and 15% in the 8 hr/day exposure cage. In Test II the 3 to 4 m cage was used to test the recovery of fish from Test I that showed signs of GBD.These fish began to suffer mortalities on the 7th day,and had a 10%cumulative mortality after 20 days.None of the fish in the recovery cage died after the 12th day. These mortalities appeared to be due to severe fungal infections resulting indirectly from GBD. All dead fish had the caudal fin completely eroded, and were covered with fungus as far forward as the anus and dorsal fin.Most of the fish placed in the recovery cage lost all sligns of GBD by the end of Test II.Only 9%of the surviving fish in this cage showed any signs ofGBD when they were released. The remaining signs were slight cases of exoph- thalmia.Bubbles and hemorrhages were not ob- served in any of these fish at the time of their release. Test III The supersaturation of the water at the test site in Rock Island forebay at the initiation of the third test was much higher than at the beginning of the two previous tests.During the first 9 days the supersaturation dropped slightly and ranged from 120%to 125%at the end of the test. During the third test.water temperatures were also higher than th'ey had been during the two previous tests.At the beginning of Test III,the sur- face water was 143°C.lrhe temperature continued to show a steady incr,ease throughout the test, reaching 16.1°C at the end.Unlike the previous tests.light penetration showed a steady increase through the third test.Secchi disc readings were at OJ6 m at the beginning and reached 1.89 m near the end of the test. The initial mortalities occurring in most of the cages during the thinj test were considerably higher than in the two previous tests.In the 0 to 1 m cage 6%of the fj~~h had died with signs of GBD (Fig.6).Eighty-three percent were dead by the end of the 2nd day.and aU test fish had died with GBD lesions by the 3rd day. ~, - ",.,. TABLE 3 Tesl lilt,Percenl Cumulative Mortality Due 10 (las Bubbre Disease In Juvenile Chinook Sillmon Exposed 10 120%10128%Supel'5illuralion OIl Rock Island Forebay,June 2810 July 18,1974. Holding Cage depth (meIers' 0-1 m and 3-4 m'time Recovery (days)0o4m O..3m 0·2 m 6-1m 1-2 m 2-3 m 34m t16 ~8 t12 ,j,.12 t 8 p' 1 6 3 2 3 83 1 21 9 3 17 100 1 45 20 1 4 21 1 48 22 1 5 0.5 23 1 52 23 1 6 0.5 26 1 2 57 27 3 7 0.5 28 1 2 61 27 3 8 1.0 30 1 2 64 28 3 9 3.0 35 3 1 2 68 35 5 10 4.0 42 5 1 2 68 35 7 11 4.5 43 6 1 2 68 38 7 12 4.5 45 7 1 5 68 38 7 13 5.0 48 10 1 5 68 38 7 14 5.5 51 10 1 5 68 38 7 15 6.0 52 11 1 5 68 38 7 16 7.0 55 17 1 6 68 38 7 17 7.0 57 22 1 7 68 38 7 18 7.5 57 24 1 8 68 38 7 19 7.5 60 29 1 10 68 38 7 20 0 7.5 61 30 1 13 70 39 7 Survivors with GBD lesions (%)8 35 85 33 0 5 4 0 0 1 tindicates hr/day at 0-1 m depth,~indicates hr/day at 3-4 m depth The fish in the intermittent-exposure cages suffered much higher mortalities during the third test than during the two previous tests.Almost all of these mortalities occurred during the first half of the test.In the cage occupying the 0 to 1 m depth for 16 hr/day,the fish began to die with evidence of GBD on the 1st day (Fig.7).This mortality reached 45%by the 3rd day and then leveled off. At 9 days the mortality in this cage was 68%and this only increased to 70%at the.end of 20 days. The mortality in the 12 hr/day cage was similar to that of the 16 hr/daycage,but at a lower rate.In the 12 hr/day cage,the mortality was 20%by the 3rd day and 35%by the 9th day.The final cumula- tive mortality in this cage was 39%.The first death in the 8 hr/day exposure cage occurred on the 3rd day.This cage suffered a much lower mortality than the other intermittent-exposure cages at only 7%in the first 10 days.No additional mortalities occurred in the 8 hr/day exposure cage. A number of wild fi!;h residing in the area of the live cages were examined for signs of GBD. One or more juvenile chinook salmon about 40 to 80 mm long were trapped on top of the deeper live cages each day as the cages were raised to check for mortalities.These small chinooks were residing around the Jive cages from late May to the end of the 3rd test on July 18.Three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)were also common around the live cages.These fish were occasionally trapped on top of the cages,but many were captured with a dip net when they were at the reservoir's surface. As many as 15 sticklebacks were captured at one time in the evening when they were normally found at the surface.None of the juvenile chinooks or the sticklebacks captured adjacent to the live cages showed any signs of GBD.It is uncertain how many fish were checked as the fish were returned to the reservoir and some were undoubtedly captured more than once. DISCUSSION Objective The major objective of this study was to test the effects of naturally occurring moderate levels of dissolved gas supersaturation (120 to 130%)on juvenile salmonids.This objective was achieved in field experiments consisting of one la-day test and Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 31 .t.;-. Intermittent-Exposure The occurrence of GBD was also directly re- lated to the daily duration of exposure to super- saturation resulting from raising and lowering fish in the water column in the intermittent-exposure cages.As with the deeper volition cages,both mor- talities and the percentage of survivors with signs of GBD were lower than those occurring in the 0 to 1 m cage.In both of the 2O-day tests,the 16 hr/day near-surface exposure cage had cumulative mor..! talities and percentages of survivors with signs of GBD that were more than twice those of the fish receiving only 12 hr/day of exposure at the sur- face.Those fish receiving only 8 hr/day of exposure experienced monalities and showed evidence of GBD only when the supersaturation ranged from 123%to 128%,as occurred during the last 10 days of Test I and during the first 18 days of Test II. Depth Effect The distinct mitigating effects of small differ- ences in depth was demonstrated by these three live cage tests.In Tests I and II,at supersaturations of 119%to 123%,only fish restricted within 1 m of the surface suffered mortalities during the first 10 days.In Test II the fish held within 2 and within 3 m of the surface experienced 17%and 3%mor- talities,respectively,during the last 10 days of the 20-day test when the supersaturation varied be- tween 123%and 126%.The number of survivors with signs of GBD was likewise directly related to the depth at which the fish were restricted,and thus their exposure to supersaturation.Those fish exposed to effectively decreased supersaturation levels,due to the greater depth of their cage,had both more survivors and a smaller percentage of survivors with signs of GBD . It is highly significant that no fish were killed by supersaturation in the 0 to 4 m volition cage during any of the three tests at saturations of 120% to 128%.The number of fish in this cage with signs of GBD was low,ranging from 0%at the end of the first test to 33%at the end of the second test.The lack of mortalities and low incidence of GBD in this cage is of panicular importance,as these are the test conditions most representative of what actually occurs in the reservoirs with unrestricted fish move- ment.Yet it should be noted that even in this 0 to 4 m cage,fish are confined in shallower water than they normally occupy in the reservoirs according to available depth distribution data.If juvenile chi- nooks are able to tolerate supersaturations between 120%and 128%in this cage for a period of 20 days, it is highly likely that they would do at least as well without the restraints of the cage during their normal migration. 10 12 14 16 18 20 DAYS r-------....r- .------------_:- _..J".J I("-__I,_I j- l ...----r----- :r-,.J...~...""- :J -----tI6 p ---+12,12 ..8.16 o 0 2 4 20 FIG.7 Test III.toU!disso'lfed gOIS Jewels ind %cumubtiYe morWities for the intermitllent -exposure Citges.June 28 to July 18,1974. no 1..-._ 100 two 2a-day tests.The presence of nearly constant levels of supersaturation in the 120%to 130%range, combined with the,uSle of healthy test fish,per- mitted the accurate determination of the biological effects of a narrow ranEre of supersaturation,rather than those resulting from a wide range of super- saturation.The gas levels tested werE~.also of par- ticular significance as they were approximately equal to the highest levels suggested in any pre- vious repons as permissible without producing GBD (Egusa,1959 and Shirahata,1966). This study concentrated on the mitigating effect that a fish's depth in the water column has on the level of supersaturation which it can tolerate. Since most fish in a reselrvoir occupy depths greater than 1 m most of the time,they should theoreti- caUy be able to withstand higher levels of super- saturation than indicated for depths of less than 1 m.The increase in pressure associated with this increase in depth of 1 m reduces the in situ super- saturation value by about 10%(Leman,19n).Thus, fish deeper than 1 m would be subjected to no more than 110%saturation when the surface saturation is 120%.This apparentlly explains why fish con- tinue to survive in reservoir areas experiencing high levels of supersaturation well above 130%in surface waters. 130 .--------.-----------, ~125 ~---~!5120~ ~11S .... '"'" .... - "'" - 32 Weitkamp Effect Above and Below 125%Saturation Although quite constant levels of supersatura- tion were experienced during the three tests,the slight variations in the supersaturation of the .....reservoir were significant,as demonstrated by the resulting mortalities.During the first test and the first half of the second test,the supersaturation remained below 123%.Almost all mortalities during ~this time occurred in the 0 to 1 m fixed-depth cage. For the second half of Test III land the first half of Test III,the supersaturation rose to between 124% -and 128%,dropping to 123%on only one day. During this period of higher gas content,mortali- ties occurred in most of thecages.Again during the second half of Test III,few mortalities occurred in ~any cage except the 1 to 2 m fixed-depth "'Cage.The level of supersaturation during this last period had again dropped to between 120%and 125%. """These results indicate that juvenile chinook remaining below a depth of1 m can only be ex- pected to suffer significant mortalities over a 20- _day period when supersaturation is above 123%. Fish held within 1 m of the surface for no more than 16 hr/day also suffered significant mortalities only when the supersaturation rose to about 125%or .-higher.At supersaturations of about 125%and higher there was a marked increase in mortalities of fish which spent 8 hr/day or more within 1 m of .....the surface,and also in fish which were held con- tinuously between 1 and 2 m.These mortalities were reduced in fish which received not more than 16 hr/day of surface exposure when the super--saturation dropped below 125%.Fish held between 1 and 2 m appear to suffer mortalities only after exposures of 9 or 10 days at supersaturations near 125%.This is indicated by comparing the mortalities in the 1 to 2 m fixed-depth cage of Tests II and III. In Test II only a single mortality occurred in the _1 to 2 m cage on the last day after 10 days of expo- sure to supersaturations between 124%and 126%. In Test 1/1 the mortalities in the 1 to 2 m cage began on the 9th day following exposures to supersatura- -tions of 125%to 128%. The percentage of survivors having signs of GBD in the intermittent-exposure cages at the end _of Tests II and III is another indication of the effects of supersaturations below 125%as contrasted to those above 125%.At the end of Test II,GBD lesions were present in 15%,24%,.and 69%of the survivors from the 8 hr/day,12 hr/c1ay and 16 hr/day near- surface exposure cages,respectively.The super- saturation was low (120 to 123%)during the first .-.10 days of Test II,but higher (124 to 126%)during the last 10 days of this test.At the end of Test III, signs of GBD were absent in the survivors from the 8 hr/day and 12 hr/day exposure cages,and signs I"'"were present in only 4%of the survivors from the 16 hr/day exposure cage.The supersaturation was between 125%and 128%during the first 10 days of this test,but dropped to between 120%and 125% during the last 10 days.A comparison of these two tests indicates that fish spending any appreciable time in water less than 1 m deep are affected by supersaturation above 125%,but recover rapidly when it drops below 125%. As indicated above,there appears to be a sig- nificant difference in the effects of supersaturations above and below about 125%.Above 125%the effects of supersaturation are much greater pro- ducing GSO faster in a greater percent of test fish and in fish held in deeper water.Supersaturations below about 125%appear to produce GBD only in fish held within 1 m of the surface at least for expo- sure periods of about 10 days. Severe Mortality in 0 to 1 Meter Cage The severe mortality.that occurred in the 0 to 1 ,m fixed-depth cage of Test III cannot be fully explained.This 100%mortality within 3 days occurred at supersaturations (125 to 128%)that were only slightly higher than the supersaturations (123 to 126%)present during the last 10 days of Test II.The final cumulative mortality for the same cage in Test II was 88%. There are several factors that may have influ- enced the sensitivity of the Test III fish.They may have been stressed more than the fish used in pre- vious tests due to high atmospheric temperatures during their transport to the test site.There was, however,no indication that the fish were stressed when they were placed in the cages.The fish in Test II/were slightly larger than those of Test II.It .is doubtful that this slight size difference was suffi- cient to alter the sensitivity of the test fish to pro- duce the great differences between Tests 11 and III mortalities. The only real differences observed between the two tests are the supersaturations at the beginning of each test and the water temperatures during the tests.The water temperatures during the first few days of Test III were less than 1°C higher than dur- ing the last few days of Test II.It seems unlikely that this slight increase in temperature would have been responsible for thf:-much higher mortality rate during the first few days of Test III.Test II had lower supersaturation initially (1200.-b),rising to the higher levels only during the last half of the test; higher levels of supersaturation (125 to 126%) were present at the beginning of Test III.The fish may have been seeking a way out of the cage dur- ing the first few days,and were therefore spending more time near the top of the cage at the time of the high supersaturations in Test III,whereas by the time the highest supersaturations occurred in Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 33 - ,~ ,~ - Test II,the fish may have adjusted to the cage.The Test III population was also reduced by about 50% by the time of the highest supersaturation,enabling the population to occupy a smaller space,perhaps near the cage bottom. Depth Distribution in 0 to 4 Meter Cage It was hoped that some additional information on the depth distribution of juvenile salmon ids could be gained by recording the depths occupied by the fish in the 0 to 4 m volition cage.However, the depth distribution of the fish in the 0 to 4 m cage could not be dletermined by either electronic means or by direct observation.The depth distri- bution can be estimated by comparing the cumula- tive mortalities and the percent of survivors with signs of GBD in this volition cage to the mortali- ties and survivors in the fixed-depth and intermit- tent-exposure cages.The comparisons of mortali- ties strongly suggest that the fish in the 0 to 4 m cage remained somewhat below a depth of 1 m most of the time during all three tests.In the third test,both the mortalities and the percent of sur- vivors with GBD in the 1 to 2 m cage were greater than those in the 0 t.o 4 m cage.Both mortalities and the percentages of survivors with signs of GBD were greater in all of the intermittent-exposure cages than in the 0 to 4 m cage during Tests II and III.These data indicate that the fish in the 0 to 4 m volition cage spent something less than 8 con- tinuous hr/day above a depth of 1 m. Gas Bubble Disease Lesions An attempt was made to correlate the obvious external GBD lesions (symptoms,signs)with the severity of the disease in each of the three tests. The appearance of bubbles along the lateral line was not used due to the difficulty of detecting this lesion in the field.In most fish the gas bubbles almost always appeared first between the rays of the caudal fin (Fig.8).Fish with bubbles in this fin only were considered to have slight GBD lesions. Bubbles appeared next most frequently in the dor- sal fin,followed by the anal (Fig.9)and paired fins. Bubbles were also,in several instances,observed in the adipose fin.Fish with bubbles in several fins and/or a few bubbles on the head,or with a mild case of exophthalmia were considered to have moderate GBD lesions.Bubbles on the head (Fig.10)generally occurred only after several of the fins were involved.In the area of the head,bubbles appeared on the opercles,jaws,around the eyes and inside the mouth.In very severe cases,the head appeared to be a foamy mass due to the bub- bles covering all surfaces (Fig.11). Exophthalmia has often been considered to be a classic indication of GBD.In these live cage tests, 34 Weitkamp FIG.8 Bubbles in the aud.J1 fin of a ju¥enile chinook.This is USWlJly the first indication of ps bubble diseOlSe. FIG.9 Numerous bubbles in the anal fin of a ju¥enile chinook. AG.10 The head of a juvenile chinook showing numerous bubbles .il'Ound the eyes.mouth.and the opercIe. - - - FtG.11 Severe signs of gas bubble disease with ellophth~lmia of the Ieh ere,accompanied by hemorrhaging and bubbles uound the eye. exophthalmia was present in about 20%of the fish with GBD lesions.Meekin (1974)found exoph- thalmia in about 5%of the juvenile chinook suc- cumbing to GBD in a similar study.It occurred both as the only sign of GBD,and with other signs of GBDsuch as hemorrhages and bubbles (Fig.12). Hemorrhages occurred most frequently at the base of the paired fins,but also occurred around the eyes,in the jaws,gills and opercles,and occasion- ally at the base of the anal and dorsal fins.Hemor- rhage at the base of tlhe caudal fin was not ob- served.Those fish possessing hemorrhages,exoph- thalmia and/or extensHve bubbles on the head were considered to have severe GBD lesions. Although many of the mortalities displayed severe GBD lesions,"it was not uncommon for fish with only slight or moderate indications of GBD to "die.It appears that the severity of the external lesions is not a good indicator of the length of sur- vival or of probable mortality.Some fish with extremely severe external signs of GBD survived the 2O-day test and recovered. Recovery from GBD The apparent ability of fish exhibiting GBD lesions to recover has been reported in several studies (Gorham,1901:;Rucker and Hodgeboom, 1953;Rukavina and Varenika,1956,and Ebel et aI.,1971).Pauley and Nakatani (1967),however, questioned the apparent ability of fish to recover stating that recovery was probably related to the level of supersaturation,duration of exposure,and water temperatures,as well as the size and species. The destructive tissue changes that Pauley and Nakatani described as part of the early stages of GBD are inconsistent with recovery of the fish. Due to the significance of recovery of fish with GBD,the 3 to 401 fixed-depth cage was converted to a recovery cage in Tests"and 1/1.The fish placed FIG.12 Exophthalmia,gas bubbles,and hemorrh~ging around the eye of a juvenile chinook salmon with severe signs of gas bubble disease. in this cage during each test possessed a variety of GBD lesions ranging from a few bubbles in one fin to extensive bubbles in most fins and the head,as well as hemorrhages and exophthalmia.Most of the fish placed in the recovery cage displayed at least moderate GBD lesions (bubbles present in several fins). The recovery of fish with evidence of GBD is also indicated by the survivors of the 0 to 4 m voli- tion cage in Tests 1/and III.At the end of Test II, follOWing 10 days of supersaturation between 123% and 126%,GBD lesions were present in 33%of the survivors.During Test HI saturations ranged from 125%to 128%during the first 10 days and then dropped to between 120%and 125%.Only 8%of the jurvivors of the 0 to 4 m cage showed evidence of GBD at the end of Test 111.If saturations of 123% to 126%for 10 days produced GBD lesions in 33%of the 0 to 4 m cage fish during Test II,it is likely that a similar portion of the fish were affected during the first 10 days of Test 1\1 when saturations were even higher.If a third of the fish were affected during the first half of Test III,then most of them subse- quently recovered and lost all external evidence of GBD during the last 10 days of this test when satura- tions did not exceed 125%. A few mortalities did occur in the recovery cage during both Test II and III (lOOk,and 13%,respec- tively).The dead fish for the most part did not appear to have died as a direct result of GBD as did the majority of mortalities in the other cages.Most of the mortalities in the recovery cage developed fungal infections of the caudal fin (Fig.13)which were apparently secondary infections due to gas bubble damage.The remaining mortalities in the recovery cage either showed hemorrhage in the Live Cage Bioassays at Rock Island 35 - Re.1)Eroded caudal f..,and funpl growth typical of fish that did not recoftl'from ps bubble disease. area of the gills and eyes or no signs of GBD.Some of the mortalities still shc)wed bubbles in the roof of the mouth although all other external indications of GBo had disappeared" The loss of only about 10%of the fish with GBD in the recovery cage indicates most of the fish showing GBD lesions are able to survive and re- cover within a 2O-<iay period.This recovery appears to be complete in most cases.Only 9%and 5%of the fish in the recovery cage of Tests II and III, respectively,showed any indication of GBo after 20 days.This experiment indicates recovery of the majority of fish with GBD lesions when they are subjected to increased water pressure.It is not known if the same effect 'Would be derived by plac- ing the sick fish in saturated water 'at the same depth or pressure as they occupied when they acquired the disease.No attempt was made to correlate survival with the severity of the GBD lesions at the beginning of these tests.The presence of hemorrhages in some of the survivors from the recovery cage is an indication that some of the fish that began the test with severe signs of GBo had lost some of the signs of GBD and recovered and survived for 20 days. Previous Uve Cage Studies The results of this live cage study are quite similar to the results of Meekin and Turner (1974). Meekin and Turner tested juvenile chinook in river 36 Weitkamp water with nitrogen supersaturation at 124%and an oxygen supersaturation of 117%(about 120% total dissolved gas).In their study most fish held within 0.61 m (2 ft)at the surface died with GBD lesions within 7 days.Juvenile chinook held at 1.52 to 213 m (5 to 7 ft)for 14 days had few mor- alities (4 to 16%)and the fish held at 2.44 to 3.05 m (8 to 10 ft)had no mortalities or survivors with GBO lesions. Ebel's Priest Rapids (1967)and Ice Harbor (1971) live cage studies indicated juvenile chinook must remain below 2.5 m to be free of GBO symptoms. The difference between Ebel's results and the re- sults of this study appear to be due to the higher levels of supersaturation experienced in Ebel's studies.In Ebel's studies nitrogen supersaturation reached 127%to 143%during the various tests. These higher nitrogen supersaturations would provide total dissolved gas saturations of about 125%or higher.The higher supersaturations in Ebel's tests would account for the greater mor- talities,according to the more severe effects of supersaturations of 125%and higher indicated by our 1974 study. REFERENCES Ebel,W.J.1969.Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and its effect on salmon and steelhead trout.Fish.Bu//., 68:1-11. Ebel,W.].19n.Dissolved Nitrogen Concentrations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers in 1970 and Their Effect on Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.NOAA Tech.Report SSRF~,7 pp. Egusa.S.1959.The gas disease of fish due to excess of nitrogen.Hiroshima U.,Jour.Fae.Fish.An.Husb.,2:157-182. leman,B.1971.A Discussion of Nitrogen-Supersaturation of Columbia River Water in Relationship 10 Basic Phenomenon and the Physical laws of Gases.Presented at the Association of Power Biologists Conference.sept.22,1971,Wenatchee, Washington,Unpublished. Meekin.T.K.and 8.K.Turner.1974.Tolerance of Salmonid Eggs,Juveniles,and Squawfish to Supersaturated Nitrogen. Wash.Dept.fish .•Tech.Rpt.12,pp.78-126. Pauley,G_8.and R.E.Nakatani.1967.Histopathology of "gas bubble"disease in salmon fingerlings.Jour.Fish.Res. Bd.~Can.,24:867-871. Rucker.R. R.and K.Hodgeboom.1953.Observations on gas bubble disease of fish.Prog.Fish.Cult.,15:24-26. Rukavina,J.and D.Varenika.1956.Air bubble disease of trout of the source of the river Sosna.Acta Ichthyologica Bosniae et Hercegovinae,fditum 1,x(7):5-12 (from Renfro, 1973). Shirahata,S.1966.Experiments on nitrogen gas disease with rainbow trout fry.Bull.Fresh.Fish.Res.lab.,15(2): 197-211. '.". 'i' ·G.R.Bouck Bouck:U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,Western Fish Toxicology Station,Corvallis.Oregon. 37 Several years experience with the lethality of supersaturation has led the author to the conclusion that the typical laboratory testing program is not sufficiently robust to meet its ultimate purpose.For example,the laboratory testing circumstance typi- cally uses the "worst possible"conditions that a fish might conceivably experience,such as crowded conditions,shallow water,continuous exposure and .frequent disturbances.Moreover,the nutritional, immunological,and acclimation state of the test fish is typically unknown.All of these reasons emphasize the need for evaluating the problem in situ. Attempts to determine the impact of supersatu- ration in the Columbia and Snake Rivers have been frustrated,if not stym!ed,by the magnitude of the required resources and efforts needed for its accom- plishment.Detection Iimits for supersaturation mortality therein are frightful,because ocean mor- tality kills upwards of 98%of the salmon;hence a slight change in marine survival can have major effects on the adult salmon run.Mortality detection limits are stiJl bad in the Columbia River where a flow of 250 x 103 efs discharges about 1.35 trillion Ib of water per day;this would require a daily kill of 13,500 lb of fish to achieve a 1 ppm detection limit.Adult fish passage records at dams help reduce the detection limit,but the accuracy of these records has been disputed and in any event they fail to indicate the cause of death.Thus,it would seem that the circumstances in a small supersaturated stream might present the required blend of natural circumstances and appropriate size which might overcome most of the previously listed objections. A fortuitous fish kill and subsequent investiga- tion in the Klamath Basin revealed that several Alpine Oregon streams were naturally supersatu- rated.This in turn generated further studies which are still in progress.Therefore,this is a preliminary report. SlJpersatlJration and FishE~ry Observations in Selected Alpine Oregon Streams ABSTRACT Several Alpine Oregon streams were sampled and found to con- tain excess levels of dissolved g,as tension.Effects of this natu- rally supersaturated water on hatchery operations-and results of sampling of natural populations of aquatic organisms are presented. Hyperbaric dissolved gas pressures may occur natu- rally in streams for one or more of several reasons. These reasons include geothermal heating of groundwater (Egusa,1959),solar or seasonal heat- ing of lakes and reservoirs (Harvey,1967),water falls (Harvey and Cooper,1962),photosynthesis (Renfro,1963)and high stream velocity (Lindroth, 1957).While these sources of supersaturation have existed since time began and have been studied to some extent by researchers,there has been rela- tively little study of the biological impact of natu- rally occu rring supersatu ration on wild aquatic organisms.Conversely most of the supersaturation bioassay research has been done in hatchery,Iive- box,or laboratory circtJlmstances.Therefore,it seemed prudent to investigate the limnology and fishery biology of naturailly occurring supersatura- tion,as is described in this report. Although supersaturation may be a new water quality parameter to many people,it is not a new phenomenon to fish or aquatic invertebrates in general.During eutrophic periods of our geological history,photosynthetically produced high oxygen supersaturations must have occurred countless times and impacted the evolving aquatic fauna. In this regard,it is interesting to note that Rucker's (1974)study provides strong evidence that fishes tolerate oxygen supersaturation much better than they tolerate nitrogen supersaturation (given iso- baric total dissolved gas pressures in either case). Likewise,many trout and salmon streams are derived completely from springs that discharge geothermally heated,hen ,ce usually supersaturated groundwater.Such streams present a naturally existing opportunity for studying the impact of supersaturation on aquatic life,and as such,provide an opportunity for a much needed field verification of laboratory bioassay data. - - SPRING -i t I J--------------- able between the springs and in one instance ranges from 6°C t011°C(42-51°F)'within 100 m of each~other. There are many spring-fed rivers in this basin, but only five are being monitored at present.These are Spring Creek,Williamson River,Crooked Creek, Fort Cr.eek and Wood River.Additionally,the springs supplying water to the Klamath Hatchery are being monitored.Each of these is discussed below,and the data are presented in Table 1. Klamath Hatchery Spring and Crooked Creek Circumstances at the Klamath Hatchery have been of concern for some time because several fish kills have occurred previously and were attributed to gas bubble disease.Another kill began in early August of 1974;Eagle lake rainbow trout of fry size were dying and emboli were evident in the afferent arteries of the gills.Few emphysema were evident. Dying fish were cultured for common infectious disease agents but the results were all negative.The possibility of involvement with chemical toxicity was not ruled out,but its likelihood was remote. Therefore,it was concluded that the fish were dying of gas bubble disease from supersaturation. The suspect water supply is drawn from the North settling basin which is uncovered and con- tains several springs.Total dissolved gas pressure was about 50 mm Hg above air pressure (aP)or about 1.076 atm.In the raceways where fish were dying,the 6P was on Iy 35 mm Hg above air pressure or about 1.053 atm.Possibly as many as 25%of these fry died at these relatively low hyperbaric levels. Remedial action was taken to degas the water by cascading it into buckets and almost immediately thereafter the fish kill abated. Many springs contribute to Crooked Creek in addition to the hyperbaric hatchery effluent.Dis- solved gas pressures were measured about 1 mile below the hatchery and showed a.:lP of 46 mrn Hg or about 1.070 atm.As noted above,a slightly lower level of supersaturation was found in the hatchery where fish were dying of gas bubble disease. Gas pressures were measured again at about monthly intervals.The August and September data indicate that total dissolved gas pressure in the spring is dropping gradual/y,i.e.,6P=50-48-36. Possibly this trend will prove to be a cyclic pattern because fish kills here have occurred both earlier and later than August.Whatever the case,these resu Its ind icate tha t the d isso Ived gas pressu re in this spring water can vary significantly without an equally evident change in temperature. Damage to fish or invertebrates in this stream was not-readily apparent by qualitative observations. Trout were feeding in the stream at the surface and their light color did not indicate stress.Examination of the benthic fauna revealed sculpins,larval I TOO£MJLT OREGON PROJECT o AR£A US·~ OSUGAR 1---" Hill s123 •:s.>..\lPLlr-<G SlAllON SCAl! ,\Inn--o AG.1 Proie<t _.m.p. J8 Rouck DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA The upper Klamath Basin of Oregon is the general study area (Fig.1)with surrounding peaks ranging to about 10,000 ft above sea level.The basin floor is situated at about 4100 above sea level.This area is located between Crater lake and Klamath lake at about 42°40'north latitude and 121°56' west longitude.The terrain was formed mainly by volcanic activity which resulted in various deposi- tions of ash,lava,and pumice and was modified by glaciation and errosion.Most of the watershed does not appear to have noteworthy amounts of organic material in the soil and th is is covered primarily by lodgepole pine at upper elevations and ponderosa pine at lower elevations.Altitude increases rapidly from the valley (basin)floor to the top of steep- sided foothills.Human habitation is very scarce except on the valley floor where a few cattle ranches or summer homes dot the area.The nearest settle- ments are Chiloquin and Ft.Klamath. Many springs can be found at the base of these steep-sided hills.Typically the springs have a basin area 10 m or more across,and collectively discharge several hundred gpm of crystal clear water.These discharges form rivers which flow swiftly across the valley floor into Agency lake or Klamath lake.The water is alkaline ranging from pH 7.4-8.0,but is poorly buffered with only about 3()"40 ppm total alkalinity (as CaC03).Dissolved oxygen in the spring wate~is typically above 90%of the saturation value for that altitude.Water temperatures are rather vari~ - .~ - - lamprey,and abundance of invertebrates including stonefly and mayfly nymphs,caddis fly larvae, midge larvae,snails,and sponges. Fort Creek This stream originates from springs similar to Crooked Creek.The August samplings showed dis- solved gas levels (LW)of 36 mm Hg (1.055 atm}and this was 27 mm Hg (1.043)in September.rhese levels may indicate a pattern of declining gas levels. Fort Creek has a reputation for being a good trout stream,but neither the fish nor the inverte- brate fauna were sampled. Wood River This isa stream which is both too swift and deep to wade safely.Its total gas saturation I~vel has been about 1.050 atm in both August and September. The fish and invertebrates in it were not sampled. Spring Creek This stream arises from springs in a basin about 2 km long and perhaps 100 m wide.At its outlet,the discharge is at most a few hund red cubic feet per second and like Wood River,it is generally too deep and swift to wade safely.It flows less than 1 km and joins the Williamson River. Supersaturation in A/pine Streams 39 - - - - - - The situation in this large but shallow spring basin is somewhat similar to that of a lake and it has a diurnal change both in temperature and in dissolved gas pressure.During August and Septem- ber,early morning water temperatures were about GOC,and the saturation level was hardly above air pressure (1.012 atm).As the sun rose,water tem- peratures climbed rapid Iy to goC and the dissolved gas level reached 78-80 mm Hg (1.108 atm or higher). Shortly after the sun set,the water cooled and gas levels returned to normal. Much of the spring basin is rather shallow and trout of a/l sizes can be seen.Dead fish have been seen on the basin bottom,but fishermen are the suspected cause because it is a popular place to fish. Trout fry in shallow water were observed to be light colored in the morning and darkened by late after- noon,indicating stress.Some of these fry were "pinheaded"indicating possible fasting.However, human residents report that trout have been seen spawning in this basin each fall (brook trout?)and spring (rainbow trout?).. The invertebrate fauna was extremely abundant in this apparently very productive stream.Bottom samples contained mayfly nymphs,stonefly nymphs,caddis larvae,midge larvae,limpets, snails,leeches,and oligocheates.Apparently,this potentially lethal supersaturation is not having a devastating effect in its diurnal form. Williamson River This stream was sampled only once in August and it was slightly hyposaturated at that time.It is famous for its good trout fishing and it has a prodi- gious benthic invertebrate population. DISCUSSION Supersaturation in the Klamath Basin streams begins with cold rain and melting snow percolating into the ground thus recharging aquifers,but in so doing,the water is geothermally warmed enough to supersaturate most of its dissolved gases.Dissolved oxygen levels were near saturation values which according to Rucker (1974)may diminish the like- lihood of gas bubble disease.Even so,the result of supersaturation has been significant mortality from gas bubble disease in the hatchery (at 105%).Even higher levels of supersaturation (107%)occur con- tinuously below the hatchery in Crooked Creek and still higher levels ("0%)occur diurnally in Spring Creek.The impact to the wild fish is still undeter- mined but wild trout are present and feed during 40 Bouck supersaturation apparently reproducing (judging from the presence of trout fry).Also,freshwater invertebrate populations were well represented with desirable types being present in abundance. It is possible that the low saturation levels which killed fish in the hatchery are being aggra- vated by solar heating of their bodies as well as by heating of the water.These waters are crystal clear and since sunshine can be very intense,sunburning of the fish has been a significant problem in previous years.Since it is theoretically possible to raise the gas pressure within the fish by solar heating,sun- shine may convert an otherwise tolerable gas pres- sure into an internally lethal gas pressure.If so,it might account for the fish mortality in the hatchery raceway. This leaves the unanswp.red question as to why the wild fish (and invertebrates)seem to be thriving at higher gas levels than killed their hatchery counterparts.One possibility is that present bioassay methods result in hypersensitivity among the test fish.For example,it seems rather unlikely that a wild fish could expose itself continuously for 10 days to a given uncompensated lethal hyperbaric dis- solved gas level.One can th ink of other possible factors,but whatever they may be,one sees a sig- nificantly different problem when they compare hatchery and laboratory bioassays to instream conditions.After these phenomena are given further study the results may shed some much needed light both on "backgrou nd"levels of supersaturation and on how much supersaturation is too much in nature. REFERENCES Bouck,G.R.,D.W.Bridges,J.P.Clugston,P.Cufpin,R.Eisler, D.Hansen,J.S.Hughes,H.E.Johnson,D.Narver and N.Rath- burn.1974.A Survey of Manpower,Funding,and Biological Research in Water Pollution Abatemel'lt Among Natural Re- source Agencies of Canada and the United States.Unpublished Report of the Water Quality Committee,American Fisheries Society. Egusa,S.1959.The gas disease of fish due to excess nitrogen. Hiroshima Univ.j.Fac.Fish.An.Hush.2:157-1~2 Harvey,H.H.1967.Supersaturation of lake water with a pre- caution to hatchery usage.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.96:194-201. Harvey,H.H.and A.C.Cooper.1962.Origin and Treatment of a Supersaturated River Water.Inti.Pacific Salmon Fish. Comm.Prog.Rpt.No.9,19 pp. Lindroth,A.1957.Abiogenic gas supersaturation of a river water.Archiv.:Fur Hydrobiologic.53:589-597. Renfro,W.C.1963.Gas-bubble mortality of fishes in Galves- ton Bay,Texas.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.92:320-322. Rucker,R. R.1974.Gas-bubble Disease of Sa/monids:Varia- tion in Oxygen-Nitrogen Ratio with Constant Total Gas Pres- sure.National Marine Fish.Ser.Project Completion Report. 12 pp.(Mimeo). IDAHO <---J....-lo12 UTILE GOOSE" ICE HARBOR ~ SNAKE RIVER ~ WASH I NGTON Bentley,Dawley,and Newcomb:National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle,Washington. fiG.1 Vicinity map showing Iociltion of Lower Monumental and Little Goose Dams. prey influences their selectivity of daily food intake (Thompson,1959).Thompson found that approxi- mately 63%had empty stomachs and only 7.5% showed any evidence of eating juvenile salmon. Hamilton et al.(1970),in the Lake Merwin investi- gation,found that 70%of the stomachs examined were empty,but concluded at the end of his study, that predation precluded the use of the Lake Merwin Reservoir as a rearing area for coho salmon.Brett and McConnell (1950)used an estimated consump- tion rate of 140 salmon fingerlings per squawfish per year,a figure which was accepted as reasonable, to account for calculated losses of sockeye juveniles from lakelse lake,British Columbia.If we use these figures for the Snake River during a 45-day juvenile outmigration,each adult squawfish might consume I.W.W.Bentley E.M.Dawley T.W.Newcomb ABSTRACT In the spring of 1974,large numbers of squawfish were en- countered in the Snake River between Lower Monumental and Little Goose Dams ..Squawfish exh ibited gas bubble disease symptoms within 1 week after the onset of 125 to 135%satu- ration.A 12·day bioassay in shallow tanks to determine tolerance levels and resistance times at various gas concentrations was conducted.We found squawfish to be similar to juvenile salmon and steelhead trout in their resistance to supersaturated con- centrations of dissolved gas.Feeding response changed after stress to high concentrations of dissolved gas.Average daily food consumption of test groups decreased with increased supersaturation.Squawfish captured in the field during periods of high supersaturation were less abundant and only a small por- tion of them had been feeding compared with survey results taken during lower supersaturation.Nitrogen supersaturation could be an important factor in assessing the effects of predation on juvenile salmonid migrants in the Columbia River system. Some Effects of Excess Dissolved Gas on Squawfish)Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson) ,~ , Squawfish have attracted the interest of many investigators in the past,primarily because they have been regarded as an efficient predator.Our attention was focused on them as being one of the possible causes of mortality of seaward migrating juvenile salmon and steelhead trout in the Snake River. In the spring of 1974 large numbers of squaw- fish were encountered in the Snake River between Lower Monumental and Little Goose Dams (Fig.1). At this time,an abnormally high runoff occurred, resulting in high nitrogen gas concentrations of prolonged duration (Table 1).The squawfish ex- hibited gas bubble disease symptoms within 1 week after the onset of high gas saturation.laboratory experiments and field observation were conducted to determine the tolerance of squawfish to super- saturation of dissolved gas and how it affected their food intake or predation rate.We wish to report on ;here'aspects and discuss problems that may require ....../further clarification. /Predation and eating habits have been examined by several investigators.Squawfish in the Columbia River were determined to be opportunists in their eating habits and,by and large,the availability of 41 "'-1 moving upstream to potential spawning areas of rip-rap dikes adjacent to the dam.I n addition to learning something of their movements,we wished to gain some knowledge regarding the numbers of squawfish in that section of the river.Also,purse seining at the dam during and after spill might tell us whether there would be any change in behavior or response to high nitrogen levels.In this area, seining began on April 24 and concluded on August 8. Since we wished to tag and recover the fish in this area of the dam,we did not sacrifice the fish for stomach analysis but examined the stomachs by firmly pressing the lower ventral area and working forward to the pectoral area. Water samples were taken biweekly·by air- craft;dissolved gas values were determined in our Seattle laboratory by techniques described by Ebel (1969)and Beiningen and Ebel (1970). Six laboratory tests were conducted where dis- solved gas concentrations averaged 126.1,120.4,· 117.2 and 99.8%of saturation of total dissolved gas (T.D.G.).Average variation from the desired test concentration was ±1.1%of T.D.G.Test duration was 12 days.Simultaneous replicates were made of tests at 117,110 and 100%saturation. All test tanks were 12 m in diameter with water depths of 25 em (hydrostatic compensation 0.025 atm of pressure,or about 2.5%of saturation decrease).Water flow was maintained at 7.5 IZ/min at 10°±1°C.Tests were conducted with about 10 fish per tank over 12 days starting April 17,1974. Mean size of the test fish at introduction was 364 mm and 534 g.Test fish were starved for 16 days prior to testing.A sample population was fed to deter- mine the maximum weight of food an unstressed fish might consume in a 2-week period.A mixed diet of live steel head (average size -21 g,80 mm) and dead smelt (average size -30 g,170 mm)was used.On the basis of food intake of the sample TABLE 1 Temperature,Oisso/Yed Gases.Spill and Toyl Wate!'Flow (in Thousands of c.f.s.)at ~ Lower Monumental and Uttle Goose DiUIIS from April to August.1974.DaY obtained by biweekly airplane ffights and analyzed by staff in SeaRle. Little Goose Dam forebay Lower Monument~1 Dam forebay Date Temp°C(F)%O~%N z ToO.Co SpiU ToL flow'Temp°C(F)%0'2 %N~T.O.C.Spill Tot.flow 4/19 8.3(46.9)99.6 101.4 101.0 86.0 131.0 8.5(47.3)117.8 122.1 120.9 83.0 150.0 4/23 9.6(49.1)102.5 106.8 105.8 61.0 130.0 9.9(49.8)130.8 U4.6 133.3 59.0 126.0 5/7 11.6(52.9)105.9 110.3 109.2 96.0 162.0 12.1(53.8)130.8 135.8 134.2 95.0 164.0 5/21 11.4(52.5):98.5 104.1 102.8 17.0 83.0 11.3(52.3)114.2 121.5 119.7 15.0 80.0 6/4 12.2(54.0)99.2 102.9 102.0 92.0 161.0 11.9(53.4)127.9 141.1 137.7 90.0 159.0 6/19 12.8(55.0)102.4 111.5 109.4 228.0 300.0 12.5(54.5)128.7 143.8 140.0 220.0 294.0 7/2 16.9(62.4)99.5 106.8 105.1 0.0 126.0 16.7(62.1)124.6 131.8 129.8 66.0 133.0 7/16 17.4(63.3)103.4 106.7 105.9 19.0 63.0 19.0(66.2)102.4 106.4 105.5 3.0 68.0 7/30 24.5(76.1)117.7 110.3 111.5 0.0 47.0 23.2(73.6)110.3 106.7 107.2 0.0 44.0 8/13 21.7{71.1)99.4 104.9 103.7 0.0 44.0 21.7(71.1)101.8 105.8 104.9 0.0 43.0 17.4 salmonids causing a loss of 5.2 million finger- lings if a population of 300,000 squawfish exists for the stretch of the river between Ice Harbor to little Goose Dam. The effects of dissolved gas on squawfish had been examined by Meekin and Turner (1974)and Blahm (1974).Blahm's results indicate that squaw- fish were more resistant than juvenile salmonids when stressed with supersaturation.Meekin and Turner indicated slig'ltly less tolerance than sal- monids and that predation ability was substantially reduced when they were in supersaturated ~ondi­ tions.We attempted to place specific values On the dissolved gas tolerance of the squawfish,to substan- tiate and enumerate changes in the predation rate, and to discern if any correlations exist between laboratory experiments and field observations. TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS Squawfish for our laboratory experiment in Seattle were captured in a Lake Merwin trap in- stalled in the Palouse River arm at Lyons Ferry, Washington.This unit was identical to those described by Hamilton et al.(1970)in the lake Merwin study in the lewis River.Purse seining at little Goose Dam was accomplished with a seine 15-ft deep and 525-ft long operated from a power- driven barge similar to that described by Durkin and Park (1969).This shallow net was employed because of the depth limitations near the navigation locks and spill gates where we concentrated much of our effort. All squawfish were tagged with a Floy anchor tag,FD 67@,and released.Besides the tag,some were branded using the liquid nitrogen technique ,-described by Mighell (1969);none were fin-clipped or operculum-perforated. We purse seined at little Goose Dam tailrace ,-under the assumption that squawfish would be 42 Bentley,Dawley,Newcomb - - - Juvenile F.chinook 42mm 0.4 g 10°C 7 day 22 day 57 day 106 day 20 day 47 day Effects on Squawfish 43 Juvenile S.chinook 120 mm 15 8 15°C LE"LE~ 19 hr 27 hr 11 hr 14 hr >35 day >35 day 100 FIG.2 Gas bubble disease symptoms in northern squawfish with increasing T.D.G.saturation. VI ~00 Ii: :E>- VI E 60a:: :I: Vl u.. u.. o 40 ~..... ~ It 100 2J 120%saturation test and many survIVing the 117% T.D.G.tests.Gill emboli were not detected in squaw- fish exposed to lower saturation. Active feeding decreased from an average of 14.3 g food per fish per day for squawfish exposed to 100%saturation down to 2.3 g food per fish per day for squawfish exposed to 120%T.D.G.satura- tion (Fig.3).These data indicate that feeding would be reduced by 50%at about 115%saturation.Below test saturations of 120%,squawfish showed a pref- erence for live steelhead over the dead smelt (Fig.4). The number of test days the ration of live steelhead was consumed was reduced about 40%when test fish were exposed to 117%T.D.G.saturation.Squaw- Juvenile steelhead 135mm 208 15°C tEll 26 hr 33 hr 10 hr 13 hr >35 day >35 day LE II LE~ Squawfish 364mm 534 8· 10°C 4.8 day >12 day 41 hr 9.7 day 19 hr 20 hr >12 day >12 day TABLE 2 A Comparison of Lethal Exposure Times (or Squawfish and Potential Salmonid Prey with 2.5%Hydrostatic Compensation 110 115 117 120 126 Percent saturation (T.D.G.) population we established a daily ration for test -groups of four dead smelt and one live steelhead fingerling.One-half of the smelt introduced as food were cut in half to accommodate the smaller _squawfish. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION _Laboratory Bioassay Substantial squawfish mortality occurred in tests at 126,120 and 117%saturation.One hundred percent mortality occurred in 20 hours at the 126% I""'"level;60%loss occurred within the 12-day test period at the 120%level;and 32%at 117%saturation. Mortality from gas bubble disease did not occur at ,_110,107 or 100%T.D.G.saturation.Lethal exposure times for 10 and 50%mortality (LE 10 and-'lE so )for squawfish are compared in Table 2 with LE,o and LE 50 values established (Dawley and Ebel,1974 and -Dawley et aI.,1975)for potential salmonid prey.It is evident that squawfish are somewhat more toler- ant than juvenile steelhead and spring chinook, """but have much less resistance than fall chinook fry. Gas bubble disease signs were found in all fish exposed to 126,120 and 117%T.D.G.saturations. Eighty-nine percent of the squawfish exposed to 110%saturation also had gross signs of gas bubble disease;one of ten fish exposed to 107%T.D.G.satu- ration exhibited signs.No signs were noted at 100% ""'"T.D.G.saturation (Fig.2).Gross gas bubble disease signs included hemorrhage and subcutaneous blisters present over large areas of their bodies.All fish showing signs of gas bubble disease exhibited grossly distended blisters between the fin rays. Exophthalmia ("pop-eye")occurred in only two experimental fish.Gaseous emboli were noted in the blood vessels of at least one gill arch in all gas bubble disease mortalities.Emboli were also ob- served in the gills of all squawfish surviving the - - 1,.0 - >= C3 I 10.0 V> ~ E S' z 0 ~ :E t!A::::l V>\:2 0 5.0u 0 00"- .::. OL-__l..--__l-__.L-__--'-_-----l 100 110 120 PERCENT SATURATl0!'iJIT.O.G.I FIG.J Feeding inhibition of northern sqUilwllSh on a weight of food basis. in the reservoir of lower Monumental Dam on the Snake River the dissolved gas level remained near 140%for an extended period of time this year and if the predatory squawfish had maintained an average daily depth of 276 m (9 ft),the effective saturation would have been 110%-low enough to allow the squawfish safe sojourn with no effective curtailing of predatory capacities.during experiments done earlier at the Prescott Field Station (Blahm,1974), as well as those reported here,the squawfish tended to reside on the bottom of the tanks.How- ever,this behavior may be an artifact due to the unnatural conditions of the laboratory test tanks. Nevertheless,the behavior of remaining on the bottom of the tanks changed the effective satura- tion value of the Prescott 1 m depth test from 119.7 to 109.1%T.G.P.and the 25 m test from 119.8 to 95.8%T.G.P.saturation.As a result,no mortality was reported in tests at Prescott,but gas bubble disease signs were apparent on all fish from the 1 m test after 35 days. Seattle and Prescott data suggest that knowl- edge of the depth distribution is needed on the squawfish before its role as a juvenile salmonid predator can be correctly defined. Merwin Trap a Purse Seine Fish taken in our Merwin trap located in the Palouse River arm from January 1 to August 12, 1974,numbered 80,060 (Table 3).Squawfish totaled 16,626,with the majority taken in April,May and June,when dissolved gas saturation,temperatures and water flows were increasing (Table 1).Large numbers of squawfish may have concentrated in the Palouse River arm to escape the high dissolved gases in the Snake River.The Palouse River arm was sampled on July 2,1974,and showed 106.8% nitrogen saturation at 21.7°C (71.1 Q F).Recaptures of marked fish released in the vicinity of the trap were 1,590,indicating that a high percentage remained in the area.Purse seining the navigation locks and spill area at Uttle Goose Dam captured 2,101 squawfish which were tagged and released. Fifty-five of those marked at the purse seine were subsequently recaptured in the seine at Little Goose Dam;and 97 that had been marked at the M~rwin trap,over 11 miles downriver,were also taken in the seine at Little Goose Dam.Thirteen that were tagged at the dam appeared in the trap.One 370 mm squawfish marked at the trap made a round trip to the dam and back to the trap.Approximately 300 of the 1,590 recaptures at the trap were multiple recaptures.One 359 mm squawfish appeared in the trap 10 times. Tagged recoveries showing movements between lyons Ferry and Little Goose Dam indicate that high nitrogen values in surface waters appear to be OL..-.l..-__..l..-__..J-__....L._-...J 100 110 lZl PERCOO SATURATION H.O.G.\ 100 ~-__ fish held at 120%saturation ate live steelhead only on the first test day. Lethargy exhibited by the highly stressed fish may be of significance in regard to squawfish preda- tion on juvenile salmonids migrating down the Columbia and Snake Rivers.However,the average water depth inhabited by squaw fish may compen- sate for the effects of supersaturation.For example, 44 Bentley.Dawley,Newcomb AGo 4 SeIedWe feeding inhibition of .-them sq~wfish-%oi test cL1ys when ration is compietely consumed. ,- - VI aJ>- ~ l- F"'" V>•I=!60 .::."-0 I-Z..... Ua: ~«l TABLE 3 Summary of Merwin Trap Catch at Lyons Ferry in the Snake River, ~T~January to August,1914 . 'an.30 Apr.5 May 29 'une 21 July 30 ""'"Species to to to to to Totals Apr.4 May 28 'une 26 July 24 Aug.12 Chinook,Oncorhynchus lschawytscha 1 1 4 0 0 6 ~Coho.Oncorhynchus kisUlch 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sockeye,Oncorhynchus nerka 0 1 1 0 0 2 Steelhead,Salmo gairdneri 21 14 10 0 1 46 Shad,A/osa sapidissima 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~Squawfish,Ptychocheilus oregonensis 1475 6685 7944 240 282 16626 Whitefish,Prosopium wil/iamsoni 6 16 0 0 0 22 Yellow bullhead,Ictalurus natalis 692 488 320 380 92 1972 Sucker,Catostomus macrochei!us 340 5288 14343 2617 4192 26780 Crappie,Pomoxis annu/aris 6273 11655 3764 3136 1347 26175 Yellow perch,Perca flavescens 125 123 21 138 20 427 Sunfish,Lepomis sp.5 6 5 25 15 56 Shiner,Notropis sp.51 58 73 15 6 203 Madtom,Noturus gyrinus 11 1 0 8 0 20 Bluegill,Lepomis sp.18 6 42 17 9 92 Chiselmouth,Acrocheilus a/ulaceus 195 950 1211 64 182 2602 Carp,Cyprinus sp.209 201 816 293 272 1791 Channel catfish,Ictalurus punctatus 59 504 884 1212 462 3121 Dolly varden,Sa/velinus malrna 4 '1 1 0 0 6 Chub,Hybopsis sp.20 0 1 0 0 21 Bass l.M.,Microplerus salmon ides 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bass S.M.,Microplerus do/omieui 0 4 5 0 2 11 Lamprey,Entosphenus lriden/atus 1 0 0 0 0 1 Sturgeon,Acipenser sp.0 2 0 2 0 4 Peamouth,My/ocheUus caurinus 0 1 48 11 8 68 Sucker,Unident.,Caloslomus sp.0 5 7 1 0 13 Total fish 80060 seine set were '11.7,indicating that there were few available.When dissolved gas saturation returned FIG.5 Bimodal length frequency of squawfish taken by purse seine in the tailrace at Little Goose Dam from 'uly 31st to August 8,1914. - - avoided during transience,but whether the squaw- fish were able to detect and avoid this area is unknown.The depth they normally inhabit may be sufficient to adequately compensate for the levels of supersaturation which occurred. Length frequencies of those taken in the trap were different from those captured in the purse seine.In Fig.5 a bimodal frequency is shown for fish sampled at little Goose Dam in July and August with the lesser mode which is similar to the length frequency of fish sampled at the trap (Fig.6).In the upper mode a group of squawfish,between 300 and 460 mm,had not been encountered before,suggest- ing that they may represent an entirely different population.One population may be reservoir spawners and the other tributary spawners.We have had tags turned in from.the Palouse and Tucannon Rivers,the mouth of the Snake River and the Columbia River at Kennewick,Washington. Purse Seine -Feeding Purse seine catch at Little Goose Dam is shown in Table 4.When dissolved gas saturation was high, 176 squawfish were taken;five showed evidence of feeding.The numbers of squawfish taken per purse 90 ro 70 ::t:60 '"u: u..500 ~.... <10a:> :E ::::l Z 30 20 10 ~~rHlf 200 240 200 320 360 LENGTH (mm) N =519 X=266.6 mm N =973 X=345.8 mm 400 Effects on Squawfish 45 TABLE 4 Pune Seine Results from Ciltches in the Tililrilce of UttIe Goose Dilm,1974 FIG.6 Length frequency of sqiRwfish taken in Merwin lrilp i1t Lyons Ferry in June,1974. :,••;!(.••., -;":- j .iff ration returned to normal they moved in to feed on whatever was available,which was mainly lamprey ammocetes.On the other hand,it is possible that large numbers of squawfish may have been present, but below the depth of our net where they would also be at sufficient depth to compensate for gas supersaturation and thus be safe from the disease. We donot know if they are at this depth.Thus,what appeared to be a response to high nitrogen levels could be the result of normal behavior patterns in the vicinity of spill gates and turbine discharge draft tubes at dams.It is evident,however,that those squawfish taken during high dissolved gas saturation were not effective predators. REFERENCES Beiningen,K.T.,and W.J.Ebel.1970.Effect of John Day Dam on dissolved nitrogen concentrations and salmon in the Columbia River,1968.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.99:664-6n.' Blahm,T.1974.Squawfish Bioas.say.Bonneville Power Ad- ministration Quarterly Report,National Macine Fisheries Service,Prescott Field Station,unprocessed. Brett,J.R.and J.A.McConnell 1950.Lakelse Lake sockeye survival,Jour.Fish.Res.Bd.,Can.8(2):83-110. Dawley,E.M.and W.J.Ebel.1973.Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Various Levels of Nitrogen and Argon Supersatura- tiOfl Ofl Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.National Marine Fisheries Service Bulletin.In press. Dawley.E.M.,M.Schiewe.B.Monk and F.Ossiander.1975. Effect of Long-term Exposure to Supersaturation of Dissolved A.tmospheric Gases on Juvenile Chinook Salmon and St.eelhead Trout in Deep and Shallow Tanks.National Marine Fisheries Service Bulletin,Seattle,Washington.(Ms.in preparation). Ebel,W.J.1969.Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and irs effect on salmon and steelhead trout.Fish.Bull. 68:1-11. Hamilton,J.A.R••L.O.Rothfus,N.W.Erho,and J.D.Remington. 1970 Use of Hydroelectric Reservoir for the Rearing of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).Wash.Dept.Fish .•Research Bull.No.9,6S pp. Meekin,T.k.and B.k.Turner.1974.Tolerance of Sa/monid Eggs,Juveniles and Squawfish to Supersaturated Nitrogen. Wash.Dept.Fish.,Tech.RpL No.12,pp.78-126 (9 figures, 15 tables,9 references). MigheU,J.l.1969.Rapid cold-branding of salmon and trout with liquid nitrogen.Jour.Fish.Res.Bd.,Can.26:2765-2769. Thompson,R.B.1959.Food fo the squaw fish.Pr.ychocheilus oregonensis (Richardson)of the lower Columbia River.Fish. Bull.60(159):43-58. CONCLUSION Laboratory studies indicated that adult squaw- fish are susceptible to supersaturation of atmospheric gas at or exceeding 117%and exposure to these levels significantly reduced their food intake. Field studies indicated that exposure of squaw- fish to supersaturation could be an important factor in assessing the effects of predation on juvenile salmonid migrants in the Columbia River but more information is needed on their movement,behavior and depth distribution before an accurate assess- ment can be made. 260 300 340 LENGTH (mm) 220 I 1111 Sets ~mple size Food 2 3 none 4 26 1 unident. 1 22 none 2 12 none 3 17 2 unident. 2 18 none 1 78 2 unident. 15 176 5 llJ per set 2 26 lamprey 3 398 lamprey 4 125 lamprey 1 542 lamprey and 1 699 unident. 1 145 fish 12 1935 161.2 per set N =897 X:264.1 mm to normal,catches increased to 1,935 in 5 days of seining with an increase to 161.2 fish per set.All fish checked in the latter sample showed evidence of feeding heavily on lamprey ammocetes Entosphenus tridentatus,(Gairdner). We might interpret the presence or absence of squawfish in the tailrace at Little Goose Dam as being influenced by high dissolved gases.Satura- tion in the spill and adjacent areas around the dam tended to keep squawfish away;and after gas satu- 46 Bentley,Dawley,Newcomb July 17 IfI!"ltiIi,18 31 August 2 6 8 Dille -April 24 25 May 3 16 30 31 July 12 ~ 160 c- 140 ~ :I:120 f- Vl....... ......100 - 0 ~00 -UJ to :2: ::l Z 60 c- 40 ~ 20 ~ 0 I"'" MATERIALS AND METHODS Pressure Chamber A 4-Q stainless steel pressure chamber,capable of withstanding 10 atm test levels,was used for our tests (Fig.1).The chamber has viewing end- plates,sampling ports,and attached pressure Beyer,Smith:University of Washington,and D'Aoust:Virginia Mason Research Center,Seattle,Washington. Contribution Number 409,College of Fisheries,Seattle,Washing- ton. °In these studies,the terms depth,atmosphere (atm),and pres- sure are interrelated as follows:1 atm =34 It of fresh water =14.7 Ib/in 2• In our studies,we have been investigating the responses of salmon ids to acute supersaturations (greater than 150%saturation)to determine the relationships among supersaturation,gas uptake, and death due to bubble formation. To study these relationships,we have exposed fish to three separate types of supersaturation conditions (internal,external,and a combination of both).The direction of net gas movement (air in these tests)in and out of the fish and the initial site of supersaturation imposed on the fish were varied in each condition.Internal supersaturations were produced by decompression from saturation where a net outward movement of gas occurred as the fish was desaturated.In the external tests,fish were placed in supersaturated water,and thus the net movement of gas was inward.When the inter- nal and external conditions were combined,the supersaturation occurred both inside and outside the fish and there was initially no significant net .movement of gas except that allowed by bubble formation in the pressure chamber.Our pre- liminary studies have centered on the differences in the occurrence of bubble formation among these three types of supersaturations ("treatments"). 10.Beyer B.G.D'Aoust L.Smith -Responses of Coho Salmon ~ (Oncorhynchus kisutch)to ~Supersaturation at One Atmosphere Since Marsh and Gorham (1905)implicated excess dissolved gas as the causative agent of gas bubble disease in fish,most studies of the problem have centered around:1)defining the critical levels at which problems due to supersaturation arise,and 2)describing occurrences of and solutions to specific outbreaks of the disease.It seems,how- ever,that some very interesting and important studies may have been overlooked.These other studies involve the actual dynamics of gas bubble formation within fish tissues and the relationship of bubbles to gas uptake and elimination rates.One only needs to look at the example of fish dying due to supersaturations of around 110 to 120%total gas pressure.Such saturations in human divers are readily tolerated and according to current practice (U.S.Navy,1973),staged decompression from satu- rations of less than 200%of 1 atm (dives of less than 30 ft)*is not needed.Therefore,the sensitivity of fish to gas bubble disease appears to be somewhat anomalous to the response of air breathing animals (including man)to gas supersaturation imposed by decompression,primarily because the fish are affected at such low levels. ABSTRACT While saturation limits of 110-120%have been established as minimum lethal levels,mortalities may not be entirely related """to gas saturation or desaturation rates.To compare maximum saturation times and.capacities for inert gas with bubble forma- tion,groups of small coho salmon (60·100 mm)were exposed to supersaturations that were induced either internally (by .....decompression)or externally (by placing fish in supersaturated water).A minimum of 1 hr at depth was required to obtain maxi- mum lethality from decompression.Assuming maximum lethality was associated with maximum gas absorbed for anyone decom- --pression,it was concluded that for any given gas pressure,satu- ration was completed within 60 to 90 min.Thus,the well- documented lethal times of 24 hr or more for an over-saturation of 122%of 1 atm(Meekin and Turner,1974)indicate a time lag .....in achieving maximum effect which cannot be related to gas satu- ration or desaturation rates.The external supersaturations showed that 2.50 to 500%total gas pressure would result in com- plete mortality in 10 to 30 min. 47 .-, ..... fiG.1.four-i pressure ch~mber used to test the responses of s.almonids to Yilrious supersaturiloon conditions.Chamber is mounted on lilting Uble whkh facilitates handling of fish. gauges and f10wmeters for mon itoring and regulating the conditions to which the fish are exposed.The chamber is mounted on a tilting table which facili- tates the transfer of fish in and out of the chamber. Test Evaluation The procedure to estimate time to complete saturation of critical tissues and organ systems (tissues and organs that are of vital importance to the fish,e.g.heart)has been an acute bioassay tech- niqu~where coho salmon (60 to 100 mm)were exposed to a certain supersaturation condition and a dive score taken of the response.The dive score was calculated as follows:2 points for a dead fish, 1 point for loss of equilibrium and 0 for neither of these.Signs of distress such as increased irritability, excitement,and rapid ventilation were not counted. Most of the fish responded to the given stress either within 30 min.or at some time much later (hrs). Therefore,dive scores were recorded at 15 and 30 min after any particular exposure,and an average of the two scores was used for data. A gross autopsy of mortalities was conducted to locate the bubbles within the fish tissues to deter- mine if there were differences in the pathologies caused by the different procedures used to impose supersaturations in the fish. Internal Supersaturation To create internal saturation,the fish were placed in the chamber and saturated at various depths (by bubbling gases under pressure through the dlamber at 2 \Umin).*After various lengths of time (exposure)at depth,the fish were rapidly de- compressed to the surface at 100 ft/min,removed 48 Beyer,D'Aoust,Smith from the chamber,placed in water containing gas at 1 atm,and a dive score recorded. External Supersaturation In this series of tests,coho (at surface satura- tion)were placed directly tnto supersaturated water and dive scores recorded.Initial saturation levels ranged from 200 to 700%of one surface value,but due to mechanical manipulation of the chamber and oxygen consumption by the fish,these levels decreased during the test.In these preliminary tests, no additional gas was added to compensate for the decrease. Combined External and Internal Supersaturation During the internal supersaturation tests,the gas in the fish was allowed to diffuse outward into fresh water when the fish was removed from the chamber.If this outward diffusion was eliminated for short periods of time,more gas should remain in the fish and the severity of bubble formation and its effects should increase.To minimize this out- ward movement of gases,fish were saturated at depth (100 ft only in these tests)as in the internal supersaturation tests,but instead of placing the fish in water containing gases at 1 atm,the fish were held in the chamber (in the supersaturated water) for various lengths of time (up to 15 min)and a dive score recorded. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Internal Supersaturation As the pressure of saturation and resulting supersaturation after decompression were increased, the response increased as reflected by the dive scores (Fig.2).No signsof bubble disease were noted after decompressions from 66 ft (300%saturation).At 100 ft no scores were recorded;however,these fish were on the threshold of distress because any additional stress such as an induced fright response applied to the fish after decompression resulted in signs of bubbles.At pressures greater than 100 ft,dive scores increased at each level until 100%mortality was reached at decompressions from 200 ft (700%saturation).From 60 to 90 min exposure was required to obtain maximum lethality from decompression from anyone depth (e.g.,no significantly greater increase in percent "As pressure is increa~ed,water and tissues can keep greater amounts of gas in solution (according to C (concentration) =P (pressure)x c (solubility),if gas is bubbled through fresh water at 34 ft.the water will take up approximately twice the concentration of gas found in water at the surface). .".; ',I""! -. ~ 100% 700% l00"'{' 400% 66% 250% {) 200% %Dive Score External and Internal Supersaturation When the supersaturation gradient between the fish and the water was eliminated by simul- taneously internally and externally supersaturating the fish,·the response was increased (Fig.3).These results indicate that the longer the fish are held in supersaturated water after decompression,the greater the dive score.The occurrence of bubbles in this series of tests was similar to the internal super- saturation with bubbles found throughout the tisssues . Response of Coho to Supersaturation 49 COMMENTS AND SlJMMARY From the results of these acute tests,it is clear that bubble formation can be induced by two Initial level of supersaturation TABLE 1 Responses of Coho Salmon to Acute External Supersaturations.N =20 fish (10 fish x 2 tests at each saturation). Bubbles were found in relation to the degree of perfusion of a particular tissue,indicating the importance of total gas transport.The frequency of occurrence was much higher in the blood than in the white muscle and fat.As the depth of exposure was increased,there was obvious increase in fre- quency of bubble formation in all tissues.Bubbles in the blood were probably the most critical to the fish because these bubbles cut off circulation to other organs and systems,occluded the gills,and frequently filled the chambers of the heart. External Supersaturation Fish were more susceptible to external than internal supersaturation (Table 1)'with fish dying at 250%saturation (a concentration approximately equal to water saturated at 50 ft)in 30 min.Most of our results with this method were preliminary, but it appears that a slightly different mechanism related to the direction of the supersaturation gradient and the total volume of gas available accounts for this increased response.Also,in con- trast to the internal supersaturations,bubbles were primarily found in the dorsal aorta,coronary artery,and in the heart.Very few bubbles were found within the organs and tissues,mainly because the bubbles in the circulatory system were effective in causing death long before any bubbles were able to form in the other tissues. 200 FTl100%SAT,I i .----.----.t i_~__, l~.-1";FTlcro%SAT.l T I I ~ T I 133FT I I .----~::15OJ~,SA Ll 1r------r \OOFn4OO'1o SAT.I ~60 00 m EXPOSURE Wtf (MINUTES) dive score was observed after 60 to 90 min at 133 ft; a stress producing a 35%dive score).Theoreti- cally,it takes the same time period for a tissue to reach equilibrium at 1 atm (total gas pressure) as it does at 5 atm.This arises from the fact that although a greater amount of gas must go into solution in the fish's tissues,the rate increases proportionally to the gradient and thus the total saturation time remains the same.Therefore, assuming maximum lethality.is associated with maximum gas absorbed for any given gas pres- su re,it was concluded that saturation of critical tissues was completed within 60 to 90 min for this size fish.Since this time of equilibration,as indicated above,should apply to any saturation level,the well-documented lethal times of 1 day or more for a saturation of 122%(Meekin and Turner,1974)indicates a time lag in achieving maximum effect which cannot be related to gas saturation or desaturation rates per se,but also involves the amount of gas transfer.Inother words, the critical tissues of fish that die from long-term c~ronic bioassays (greater than 10 hr)are satu- rated after only 60 to 90 min of exposure.There- fore,other factors related to gas bubble formation, growth,and effects within the tissues are causing the mortalities.Other potential mechanisms are unclear at this time but additional studies by our group (Casillas,Smith,and D'Aoust,1975)are investigating possibilities such as alterations in the blood clotting mechanism and/or dissemi- nated intravascular coagulation which has been recently implicated in the sequelae of decompres- sion sickness in man (DCIEM Conference,1973). ~~ ...e:;'"0u '"... ==60c.... Z...u 40'"~ 20 0 0 FIG.2 Responses of coho salmon to decompressions (internal supersaturations)from various depths.Exposure time indicates the length of time the fish were maintained at any particular depth before decompression.The initial saturation is indicated in parentheses.N =15 fish (3 tests x 5 fish per test),ranges indicated by yertical broken lines. -- .- ".." - - - f""""" 100 o lSM1NUTES 8l I 5 MINUTESI• ~-;-I II oMINUTES 0 I u T t ... '"60 ,I I....:6--9 0:::I Q I..... '/'I J.' ~~if/~~u .--•.-r'"Q I .,lo.,_~ 20 j '~~• /•J. 0 0 15 30 45 60 ~1<!3 EXPOSURE Tip,<[lMlNUlESI FIG.3 Preliminary results of intem~and exterru.11y c0m- bined supergturatiom.Exposure time indiates the length of time the fISh were INintained ill deptb(100 ft only in dIese tests)before decompression.Zero,50 oand 15 min indicoate the length of time the fISh were hekl in supergluroated wOlter nter decompression-Most doaL1 points represent 30 fISh (10 fISh l[3 tests)oand ranges olIre indinted by verticoal broken lines.Where no vemul lines olIppeollr,only one test WH conducted and N =10 fish. separate procedures·and the combination of the two is somewhat more effective than either taken alone.Use of these different procedures explains the anomaly between human diving physiology and the problems fish encounter naturally.It is the internal saturation that parallels human diving decompressions.The interesting and significant difference between man and fish is that fish of this size are actually more tolerant of supersatura- tion (400 versus 200%)than are humans.As long as a fish is allowed the opportunity and sufficient time to eliminate the gas,it can survive high internal supersaturation. The fish has no opportunity to eliminate gas when either exposed to external supersaturation or exposed simultaneously to internal and exter- nal supersaturation.Thus,the effects of the latter treatment are synergistic.Furthermore,the bubbles do not necessarily have to be found throughout the fish,nor does the fish have to be anywhere near fully saturated;bubbles in the coronary arteries are sufficient to cause death. To summarize our studies and put the results into perspeaive,several statements can be made: 1.Equilibration of highly perfused tissues of coho salmon (60-100 mm)occurs in 60 to 90 min at any saturation.Therefore,below a certain satu- "Temperature-induced bubbles will be examined in future studies. 50 Beyer,D'Aoust,Smith ration level (less than 150%)mortalities cannot be directly related to equilibration time only because death in these chronic tests occurs hours or even days after equilibration is reached.The total amount of gas necessary to cause mortality is a critical factor but it is unclear at this time what other factors are involved in the chronic tests. 2.Fish can withstand high supersaturations for short periods as long as they are able to elimi- nate the excess gas. 3.Depth is critical in keeping gas in solution. If a fish in a river sounds he can redissolve bubbles. Water often has the same gas concentration throughout the water column (due to turbulent mixing).Therefore,a sounding fish may redis- solve the bubble,but will not be able to eliminate the gas and will still be supersaturated on surfac- ing again.If,however,the fish (at the surface) swims into an area of non~upersaturated water (e.g.,another stream)he can desaturate quite easily although some sublethal effects may be incurred due to the previous supersaturation (e.g., fish that we have exposed to sublethal supersatura- tions are extremely susceptible to disease).If the fish stays at depth all of the time,no bubbles should appear. FUTURE STUDIES The main emphasis in our future studies will be to investigate further the relationship of gas saturation rates and bubble formation to different sizes,temperatures,activity rates,and other gases; resolye the differences between our acute test results and ch ronic tests (the time lag):and explore the additional mechanisms (blood clotting,etc.) that could be related to this time lag. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by National Institute of Health Grant #Hl 16254-02. REFERENCES Ackles,K.N.,ed.1973.Blood Bubble Interaction in Decom- pression Sickness.Def.and Civillnst.Envir.Med.Proc.,302 pp. Marsh.M.C.and F.P.Gorham.1905.The gas disease in fishes.:In:R.eport 01 the Bureau 01 fisheries.1904.pp.343-376. Meekin,T.K.and 8.K.Turner.1974.Tolerance of salmonid eggs,juveniles.and squawfish to supersaturated nitrogen.In: Nitrogen Supersaturation Investigations in the Mid-Columbia River.Wash.Dept.Fish.,Tech.Rpt.12.pp.87-a8. U.S.Navy.1973.U.S.Navy Diving·MailUal (Vol.1), NAVSHIPS 0994-001-9010.Washington,D.C. t . and fish:Daphnia magna;western crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus;three stoneflies,Acro- neuria californica,Acroneuria pacifica,and Ptero- narcys californica;and juvenile steel head,Salmo gairdneri. Nebeker,Stevens,and Brett:U.5.Environmental Protection Agency,Western Fish Toxicology Station,Corvallis,Oregon. FIG.1 View of interior of test tank showing open tank and net cages for isolating craytish. MATERIALS AND METHODS Physical Cond itions Five 6000-~fiberglass tanks,60 cm deep,were used for maintaining four different levels of super- saturated water and one saturated control (Fig.1). A supersaturation generator system (Fig.2)was used to control the gas level in each tank.Test water was obtained·from two wells located about 30 m from the WiJlamette River.Water was chilled, aerated to saturation,heated to a given tempera- ture with immersion hea,ters,pumped under IA.V.Nebeker D.G.Stevens J.R.Brett The effects of supersaturated water on fish,the so-called gas bubble disease (GBo),have been familiar to aquarium and hatchery workers for many years (Marsh and Gorham,1905;Embody,1934; Rucker and Hodgeboom,1953).Supersaturated water (up to 150%total dissolved gas)created by dams on the Columbia River,and its effect on fish, have recently been described by Westgard (1964), Pauley and Nakatani (1967),Ebel (1969),and others. Three recent literature reviews (Rucker,1972;Weit- kamp and Katz,1973;and Bouck,1974)adequately summarize previous work on gas bubble disease and supersatu rated water problems.laboratory studies have been conducted recently by Blahm et al.(1973)and Bouck et al.(1973)to determine comparative sensitivity of va rious fish species to supersaturated water,but little work has been completed with fish-food organisms,especially freshwater invetebrates. This study was conducted to determine the effects of various levels of supersaturated water on the following freshwater aquatic insects,crustacea, Effects of Gas Supersaturated Water on Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrates ABSTRACT Tests with the stoneflies Acroneuria californica,Acroneuria pacifica,and Pteronarcys californica;Daphnia magna;crayfish (Pacifastacus /eniuscu/us);and young steelhead trout (Sa/mo gairdneri)were conducted to determine the sensitivity of fresh- water insects,crustacea,and fish to gas supersaturated water. 5toneflies and crayfish were tolerant of supersaturation levels (125%)that killed trout;however,survival was similar in Daphnia and trout.Crayfish died at 150"k and 140%;some deaths and sublethal signs occurred at 130%.5toneflies were immobilized at 135%and exhibited buoyancy problems at 125%,but were unaffected at 115%.Daphnia were killed at 120%and exhibited partial mortality at 115%;air in the gut caused food blockage and subsequent starvation.Bubbles were observed in body fluid and tissues,and general body distention occurred before death in Daphnia,crayfish and stoneflies.The open circulatory system of invertelbrates,relatively simple compared to fish,appeared to be the main reason for the greater tolerance of insects and crustacea to gas bubble disease.They do not have the complex capillary blood vessel system of fish which is rapidly blocked Iby bubbles,or emboli,that form in the blood. - - ..... 51 EXPOSURE TANK - ~--=..:_------- AIR ESCAPE VENT / Gas,Chemical,and Data Analyses A Weiss saturometer (fig.4),modified and adapted as a routine analytical laboratory instru- ment,was used for measuring total dissolved gas pressures in \the exposure tanks (Table 1).It was calibrated and checked periodically with the Van Slyke Gas Analyzer and the Winkler method for dis- solved oxygen.Several saturometer sensors,gauges, and a mercury manometer were compared periodi- cally to ensure accuracy.The formula:BP +~P -VP/BP x 100 =%saturation,where BP =Barometric Pressure,~P =Saturometer reading,and VP =Water Vapor Pressure,was used to calculate total percent satu ration. back to normal atmospheric pressure.The degree of supersaturation was controlled by the amount of compressed air added to the water. Test animals were either allowed to move about freely in the open tank or were restricted to four net cages (Fig.1)or to stainless steel wire cages (Nebeker and Lemke,1968)suspended in the water.Two sizes of wire cages,7.5 cm in diameter by 12.5 cm high,and 20 an in diameter by 25 cm high,were used.They were shaped like a standard cylindrical tin can with a screen bottom on the large cage and one set of small cages and a petri dish bottom on the other set of small cages. The water in Tank 1 was supersaturated at 125%total gas saturation and was used for testing directly and also as a water source for siphoning into other smaller tanks and aquaria holding addi- tional test animals.Water flowing at a rate of 9 Qlmin (Tank la -500 Q),and 6.3Qlmin (Tanks lb, 1c,ld -19 Q)through the siphon lines from Tank 1 maintained the smaller tanks at 125%. ~:. RETENTION 1 TANK .\ PUMP TURBUlENCE lOOP IA I R+WA TEID HEATER WELL -e:=I:=::::;"l WATER ~+-__~ AGo 3 Dii1sr-of supet'Siltura.tion generiltor system. AIR LINE AIR COMPR£SSED COMPR£SSOR GAS AERATION TANK pressure,and mixed with compressed air (Fig.3). Water and any remaining air not in solution flowed through the retention tank where excess air was vented off.Test water then flowed into the exposure tank,where it became supersaturated when released FIG.2 Su~f'5ilturiU:ion &eneriltor system where ilir ilnd wiltet' ilre mixed under pressure to produce required percentilSe of loul gas SItI~f'5ilturill:ion. - - ~, - 52 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett "'"" 5 148.8 1.1 147.3 to 150.4 4 135.5 0.4 135.0 to 135.9 3 119.2 1.1 118.0 to 120.0 3 115.4 0.6 114.8 to 115.9 3 114.8 0.4 114.4 to 115.3 3 108.7 0.6 108.1 to 109.3 5 140.6 1.4 139.0 to 142.0 5 130.5 1.1 129.0 to 131.8 5 119.4 0.5 118.6 to 120.0 N Mean.±.SO Range 45 124.7 0.7 123.2 to 126.3 21 141.4 1.5 139.0 to 143.6 25 130.2 1.2 128.0 to 131.8 29 119.4 0.8 117.6 to 120.9 3 150.4 1.2 149.1 to 151.2 45 124.7 0.7 123.2 to 126.3 10 139.9 0.9 138.0 to 141.3 12 119.3 0.8 117.6 to 120.9 11 150.9 1.1 148.8 10 152.6 7 139.8 1.1 138.0 to 141.3 10 128.6 1.4 126.6 to 130.7 10 119.1 0.8 117.6 to 120.0 5 150.2 0.9 148.8 to 151.2 Measured total gas saturation (%)Z 125 135 150 140 130 120 150 125 140 130 120 150 120 :115 115 110 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1403 2 130 3 120 1 2 3 4 9 7 8 5 4 3 6 2 Nominal total gas Test Test saturation No.'chamber (%) Daphnia Test Methods Known-age Daphnia magna from cultures main- tained at the Western Fish Toxicology Station (WFTS)were used for testing.Rearing cultures were maintained at 15 ±2°C on a 12-hr photoperiod with one white-light and one Grow-Lux fluorescent bulb. They were held in 3.8-~glass jars and fed a com- bination of Oregon Moist Pellets®,pulverized in water,and a mixed algae culture.Water was changed biweekly.All Daphnia were transferred with a large dropper from their rearing jars into a transfer beaker and then gently poured into the test cages.They were fed twice daily during testing and had food in their guts when placed in the super- saturated water.Lack of a heart beat or movement when disturbed was used as the criterion for death. TABLE 1 Nominal and Measured Test Levels of Total Gas Saturation 'Test No.=WFTS Test No.:1=31,1 =34,1 =38,~=8,2'"29, 6 =30 7 =32 8 =8 9 =39. iAnaly;is with \Veiss'Sc;turometer. 3Control tanks remained near 100%at all times. 'BOOk animals Were accidentally killed. PRESSURE GAUGE ..GAS P!:.RMEA BLE MEM3RAN£ "~..(TUBING) SA TU ROMETE R The well water was relatively soft with the following mean chemical characteristics:hard- ness,34 mg/2,alkalinity (as CaCOJ ),31 mg/2; pH,6.7.The pH increased to 7.2 to 7.4 after water aeration.Complete analyses of test water were summarized by Samuelson (1975).flow rates into the test tanks were set at 38 Vmin,and water velocity varied from less than 3.0 cm/sec inside the cages to up to 21 cm/sec in the open tank. Deaths and signs of GBD were observed and recorded daily,or more often during Daphnia expo- sures,and data were analyzed according to methods modified from Sprague (1969).Time to death was plotted on graph paper.For Daphnia each point represented the average of duplicate tests at the given concentration.For crayfish each point repre- sented an individual crayfish.Time to 50%death was determined by using straight-line graphical interpolation on log-probit paper,where each death in each test replicate was plotted,a line fitted through the points,and SOCk.death determined where the line crossed 50%mortality.Lethal thresh- old mortality concentrations were determined by plotting time to 50%and 20%death at each test con- centration for Daphnia and time to 20%death for crayfish. fiG.4 D~gram of modified Weiss saturometer• ""'" - - - .... - ,..... Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 53 TABLE 2 MeMi TIme to SO%and 20%Death for Daphnia,Steelhead,Crayfish,and Insects quate.The screen served as a suitable substrate so no additional material was placed in the cages. "Not ochieved-Insufficienl number of deoths. 'Determined from straight-line plots on log-probit graph paper. '130'\,onimals were accidentally killed. 35 • • • • • 38 45 48 • 22 137 49 122 66 131 92 72 82 454 130 40 Mean time' to 20% deadt (hr} • 50 • • • • 91 65 71 93 165 123 330 94 210 130 123 101 Mean time' toSO% death (hr} 150 125 120 130 140 120 130 140 150 110 115 120 125 120 130 140 150 1202 140 150 125 115 120 135 Nominal percentage 541 lul'a tion 9 (Inse<IS) 8 (Insects) 5 (Crayfish) 4 (Crayfish) 6 (Crayfish) 7 (Crayfish) 3 (Daphnia) 2 (Daphnia) 1 (Daphnia) 4 (Sleelhead) Test number (test animal) RESULTS Daphnia Tests Test 1 Young non-egg-carrying adults were tested for 96 hr at 140%,HOOk"120"k"and 100%total dis- solved gas at 12°C (Table 1)and were held in the 20 by 25 em wire cages.Ten Daphnia were placed in each cage,with one cage immersed in each of the four exposure tanks. Time to 50%death (Table 2)determined at 140% total dissolved gas was 71 hr.When the test was 54 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett Crayfish Test Methods Crayfish used in Test 4 were collected from Beaver Creek in Benton County,Oregon;those in Tests 5,6,and 7 were collected from the Alsea River in Benton County,Oregon.Before testing,crayfish were held in aquaria with aeration and continual flow-through of water and were fed young salmon that had died in other supenaturation tests.The test gas levels were set at the desired percentage, and the crayfish were taken directly from the hold- ing tanks (11 to 12°C)and placed in the open tanks, in the net cages,in the large screen cages,or in Tank la,depending on test needs. Observations on the Branchiobdellid Annelid worms living on the crayfish exoskeleton were recorded but no detailed tests were conducted with them. Fish Test Methods Twenty young steelhead trout (SaJmo gairdneri) were tested for 2 weeks with crayfish and aquatic insects at 125%.Time to death was determined,and weight,length,and sublethal signs of GBD were recorded.Five young sockeye salmon were also tested with crayfish at 140%. Insect Test Methods Thestoneflies used were collected from the Calapooia River,5 miles upstream from Holly,Unn County,Oregon,and were placed in holding tanks with flowing water and adequate water movement. They were acclimated to test water and temperature (12°C)for at least 24 hr before testing.Three 19-~ aquaria,17.5 em deep,were used as test chambers for Test 8,two containing water supersaturated at 125%and one with saturated (100%)water as a con- trol.Siphon lines delivered water to each aquarium, maintaining adequate water movement to simulate stream flow required by stoneflies.Rocks and stkks were placed on the aquaria bottoms for substrate. Test 9 was conducted in the large tanks.Two cylindrical stainless steel wire cages (20 em in diam- eter by 25 em high)were suspended near the water surface in the open current (21 em/sec)in each tank so water movement through the cage would be ade- The small screen cages with petri dish bottoms were ideal for Daphnia as they provided minimal current, and food retention was not a problem.Water flow through the cages was sufficient to circulate the test water and maintain gas levels but not disturb the Daphnia.The cages were hung on the outer lip' .of the tank in the open current (Test 1),sheltered from the current (Test 2),and on the net cages in the center of the tank (Test 3)where the water velocity was less than 5 em/sec. - - - - Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 55 TABLE J Daphnia Mortality After 96 hr at 140%,130%, 120%,and 100%Total Gas Saturation at 12°C,and Observed Signs of Gas Bubble Disease'(Test 1). 2 dead,but with live young,no bubbles Signs of gas bubble disease (GBD) (8 =Bubbles) Test 3 Daphnia were tested at 120".-b,115%,110%, and 100%saturation at 12°C for 1 week.Two 7.5 by 12.5 cm screen cages with petri dish bottoms At 150%all were alive after 24 hr but many had air in the gut and brood pouch and were swim- ming at the surface.The first deaths occurred at 52 to 53 hr at 150%and 140%,indicating a delayed lethal effect not directly attributable to blockage of vital fluids,as in fish (Table 4).Mean time for 50% death at 150%was 101 hr.Mean time to 50%death was 123 hr at 140".-b saturation,and all had died at 198 hr.Fifty percent were dead after 130 hr at 130%, and many had air in the gut and were held at the water surface (Table 4).Mean time to 50%death at 120%was 210 hr (Table 3),and 70%were dead when the test was terminated after 264 hr (Fig.7). No bubbles apparent 4 small B clinging externally Many B-in gut,brood pouch and under carapace 2 B under carapace,some fungus No B-carrying 2 small eggs Gut full of air No B,carrying embryos Gut full of air,B in brood pouch with 2 young Gut 4/5 full of air,carrying several young Gut 1/2 full of air,carrying several young No internal B,3-4 clinging externally One B inside carapace -body badly fungused One B inside carapace -fungused Fungused Fungused Fungused . No bubbles or fungus Gut full of air -fungused Gut full of air,no heart beat,slight movement of appendages Gut full of air,heart beating well,carrying ephyppia (2 eggs) One B im.ide carapace -body fungused No B -lying on cage bottom B in brood pouch.fungused B in gut and carapace 3-4 B under carapace No bubbles One B under carapace Body badly fungused No heart beat -no B,slight movement,half out of molt Food in fore-and midgut,B filling hindgut,B in brood pouch crowding 3 young Test 2 Young non-egg-carrying adults were tested at 150%,140%,130%,120".-b,and 100%total dissolved gas at 12°C for 11 days and were held in the 7.5 by 12.5 cm screen cages sheltered from direct current by a larger screen cage (Fig.6).Ten Daphnia were placed in each cage,and two cages were immersed in each of the five exposure tanks. terminated 80".-b were dead after 96 hr (Table 3),and 50%had observable bubbles in the gut or brood pouch (Fig.5).Time to 50".-b death at 130%was 65 hr, and 80%were dead after 96 hr.Ten percent at 140% and 130%were carrying eggs.The time at which 50%died at 120%saturation was 91 hr.Sixty per- cent were dead after 96 hr at 120%and all were carrying young,indicating much better reproduction at the lower gas level (Fig.6). - - .-Percentage Daphnia TIme to saturation No.death (hr) ~140%1 40 2 40 3 64 4 64 5 64 6 70 7 70 8 88 9 96* 10 96**, 130%1 40 2 40 ~3 40 4 64 5 64 6 64 ~7 70 8 88 9 96* 10 96**--120%1 40 2 40 3 64-4 88 5 88 6 91 7 96** 8 96**r-9 96** 10 96** 100%1-10 Controls-(Control) 'WFTS Test No.31. ·Barely Alive -96 hr ,.-··Alive and Active -96 hr. - 100 10 8)/()1'In OA PHN IA ....60 ~4~1~'"~40 £/1~/-END OF TEST 0 >-100 140'>1lJ"I....!L---.:....._0.....l5O'.lo"...?0_0-0-°i;:8) 0:N ;(0/l2O'..........ja....60 ::E .....L -:f//.-~/0 .-.I....40 4>./.-z ()_...;,c::0 /END Of lEST .1....20u 0: .../I....00. 160 200 240 100 I 8)",,12OS .., 60 .-.--.I ....•I_END Of lEST '".-~40 ./____f 1l5~ 20 0 .~v llll'ro 0 40 8)120 160 Tlh£IHOIJRSI ..... - FIG.5 Dapbn~with ilir bubbles in the gut (upper and lower ilnimills);center i1nitnill without ilir bubbles is control FIG.6 TIme 10 deilth for Daphnia magna exposed 10 110%" 115%,120%,130%,140%.and 150%tolill dissolved gas saturiltion (Test 1,2 and 3). TABLE 4.Daphnia Mortality After 11 DilYS ilt 150%,140%,130%.120%,and 100%Total GiiS Saturiltion of 12°C,and Observed Signs of Gas Bubble Disease'(Test 2). 56 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett - ,,.... Percenlilge saturation 150% Cage A Tank 4 1SO"A. Cage B Tank 4 140% Cage A Tank 1 Dilpbniil TIme to Signs of gilS bubble diseilse (GBD) No.death (hr)(B =Bubbles) 1 72 No B,gut with food 2 102 Gut full of air,B under carapace 3 102 B in brood pouch and under carapace 4 102 B in gut and brood pouch 5 102 3 B under carapace 6 102 B under carapace 7 102 B uncer carapace 8 102 B under carapace 9 119 Small B under carapace 10 150 No apparent GBD 1 52 No obviousB.some fungus1 2 72 B in gut and brood pouch 3 102 B under carapace.fungus 4 102 B in gut and brood pouch 5 102 B in gut 6 102 B under carapace 7 119 Gut 3/4 full of air.B in brood pouch and under carapace 8 119 4-5 small B under carapace 9 150 5-6 small B under carapace 10 150 No apparent GBD 1 53 large B filling brood pouch,some fungus 2 53 large B in brood pouch 3 102 Gut full of air,large B in brood pouch,B under carapace 4 102 B in brood pouch and under carapace 5 102 2 small B under carapace 6 150 No apparenl GBD 7 150 Gut and brood pouch full of air 8 150 1 B under carapace,some fungus 9 150 No apparent GBD 10 198 2 small B under carapace TABLE 4 (continued) ,~ Percentage Daphnia Time to Signs of gas bubble disease (GBD) saturation No.death (hr)(B =Bubbles) 140%1 53 No apparent GBD,fungus Cage B 2 77 B in gut and brood pouch.fungus Tank 1 3 102 B under carapace 4 119 Brood pouch full of air .~5 119 Gut full of air 6 119 No apparent GBD,fungus 7 150 No apparent GBD 8 150 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented ,-9 150 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 10 150 No apparent G8D,tissues fragmented 130%1 77 No apparent GBD,fungus Cage A 2 77 No apparent GBD,fungus ~Tank 2 3 .102 Air in gut,1 B under carapace,fungus 4 150 No apparent G8D 5 150 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 6 169 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 7 169 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 8 217 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 9 243 No apparent GBD,tissues fragmented 10 lost Apparently disintegrated2 ~130%1 78 No apparent G8D,fungus Cage 8 2 78 No apparent G8D Tank 2 3 102 Gut full of air 4 119 No apparent GBD 5 119 No apparent G8D 6 119 No apparent GBD 7 150 Big B in brood pouch separating carapace halves,gut 1/2 full of air 8 150 Large B separating carapace,gut full of air 9 169 No apparent GBD 10 198 No apparent G8D 120%1 150 No B,fragmented,fungus Cage A 2 150 No B,fragmented,fungus Tank 3 3 150 No B,fragmented,fungus 4 150 1 small 8 under carapace 5 243 B in gut and brood pouch 6 264 No apparent G8D 7-10 264*No apparent GBD 120%1 102 No 8,fungus Cage 8 2 119 No .8 Tank 3 3 150 No 8,carapace torn 4 150 No B,fragmented 5 169 3 small B under carapace 6 217 No apparent GBo 7 243 2 small B under carapace~8 264 No apparent GBD 9-10 264*No apparent G8D 100%1 150 Carapace torn I""'"Control 2-10 264*No apparent GBD Cage A lank 5 100%1-3 150 3 lost or fragmented Control 4-10 264*No apparent GBo Cage B Tank 8 F'~ 'WFTS Test No.34 'Fungus begins growing on Daphnia soon after death...,..#Alive after 11 days. Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 57- ,- - ~ 00 DAPHNIA d >-1Il j .'l2$ P-I I .....70<o /. P-60""liS H',-;t.0 50:E ----0--\--- P-«I o •185 HR.mzf.t<IORTAlITY....30u ""oj if....20a. 10 0 •'I I I I I 1 60 1Il1lXl ISO em 300 Tl ....1E (HOURS) FIG.7 Tune to SO%de~th of Daphnia magna ~t 130%~nd 120% total dissolYed g.1S wtur~tion. were suspended in each exposure tank,and five Daphnia,10 days old,were placed in each cage. About half the Daphnia were beginning to develop eggs in the brood pouch. The first death occurred after 48 hr at 120% (Table 5),and air was observed in the gut.One Daphnia,the only one observed during these tests, had a small bubble in the body fluid of the head next to the eye.fifty percent were dead after 93 hr at 120%;bubbles were observed in the gut and on the carapace of several survivors.The food eaten by Daphnia was unable to pass through the gut when air bubbles were present,and many Daphnia apparently died of starvation.At 115%saturation 30%had died when the test was terminated after 170 hr of exposure.Eighty-five percent were carry- ing eggs or young after 96 hr.Mean time to 20% death was determined to be 137 hr. At 110%the first and only death occurred after 48 hr,but there was no evidence of GBD and it had young in the brood pouch.Sixty percent were carry- ing young after 96 hr of exposure.Only 10%were dead when the test was terminated after 170 hr, but one was at the surface with a large bubble in the brood pouch. lethal threshold concentrations for Daphnia in gas supersaturated water were determined by using the time to 50'%and 20%death.The saturation per- centage at which 50%were no longer killed was near 128%.The level at which less than 20%of the Daphnia were killed,a possible safe level,was near 111%total dissolved gas (Fig.8). Crayfish Tests Test 4 The water in Tank 1 was supersaturated at 125%total gas saturation and used both for test- ing and as a water source for siphoning into Tank 1a 58 Nebeker.5te...ens.Brett where crayfish were tested with young steel head. Tank 2 was used as a control and contained satli- rated water.All tanks were maintained at 12°C. Crayfish were placed in the net cages in Tank 1 (fig.1)and in Tank1a;water flowing at a rate of. 9 Vmin maintained Tank 1a at 125%.Four large; crayfish (30 to 40 g)were placed in net cage C of Tank 1 and 10 medium-sized crayfish (20-30 g) were placed in net cage D.Three medium-sized and 11 small crayfish (10 to 15 g)were placed in Tank 1a (with steelhead).They were exposed for 12 days. Test 4 was a survey test at 125%total gas saturation to compare the susceptibility of crayfish, "....insects,and fish.No signs of GBD were observed in trayfish,but the fish died rapidly at 125%(Table 6) and all but one were dead after 12 days. r-Test 5 Crayfish were tested at 150%total gas saturation to determine their tolerance and to expose 10 animals at a high gas level and observe ......signs of GBD in individual animals.The test expo- sure·lasted 6 days,at which time all animals had died. One male died after 23 hr and was necropsied to determine signs of GBD.Gills were"slide- mounted along with those of a control animal that was sacrificed.Bubbles were readily apparent in -the gills of crayfish from 150%,but no bubbles were observed in gills of the control animal.Three more male crayfish (No.2,3,4)were moribund after 40 hr. __They were removed from supersaturated water and placed in saturated water to observe them for pos- sible recovery.The others remaining in the tank were sluggish and unresponsive.Bubbles were in -the body fluids of the moribund crayfish and they could be seen easily through membranous joints (Fig.9)and the ventral abdom inal sternites.There .....were no bubbles in the control animals.The three moribund crayfish (No.2,3,4)showed no recovery Tank 1 Tank 1a Fish chamber B with crayfish3 1 10 10 2 14 14 3 18 18 4 38 18 5 48 25 6 48 27 7 50 27 6 54 30 9 54 30 10 75 32 11 75 36 12 95 38 13 116 48 14 121 54 15 125 119 16 142 120 17 142 121 16 166 142 19 190 195 20 268 224 (alive) TABLE 6 Time to Death of Young Steelhead Trout Tested Concurrently with Crayfish and Insects to Verify Lethality of Test Water at 125%Total Gu Saturation (Test 8)1 'WFTS Test No.6. 2No crayfish or insect deaths occurred during the time period of this test at 125%. Time to deatb in saturated water after 24 h r;one was dead,but there were stil/a few slight movements of abdomi- nal appendages in the other two. Crayfish No.5 was moribund after 47 hr and was sacrificed for necropsy.There were bubbles under the membrane between the carapace and abdominal tergites (Fig.9).The body cavity was opened,and many bubbles were found in the body fluids,and lodged between the internal membranes, organs,and muscles;there were also bubbles in the heart.Bubbles were very conspicuous in the gills (slide mount)and the main gill rib (Fig.10).Bubbles were also obvious in the body fluid of the plates protecting and lying with the gills. Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 59 DAPHNIA 110 120 IXl 140 -150 PERCl:NT SUPERSAnJRATlON _-A--1 Ef!D Q.F~S!._ I I I I \2O'fo,, \ \ ~,° • '0,.~ "'''''--8 ~----8----0 275 250 Vi"""llB=~:::; ~150 0 :lE ~ 0 100... ~;::: 50 fiG.8 Threshold concentration detennined for Daphnia magna by using times to 50%imd 20%mortality to plot the cunes. ..... ~. - .- FIG.!I Dors.J1 view of crilyflSh.leh:with bubbles under the distended membrilne between the CHapilCe i1nd the mdomiRilI segments.Right:control FIG.10 Crilyfish giRs showing bubbles inside the gil mid-rib i1nd filaments. Crayfish No.6 was alive after 47 hr,but was unable to control chelapods or to pinch.Crayfish No.7 was alive and,with difficulty,was able to manipulate chelapods.Crayfish No.8,9,and 10 were alive and able to swim with good coordination. Another large male,necropsied after 64 hr,was turgid and swollen from internal pressures of gas and from water taken up because of osmotic imbalance (generalized stress reaction in inverte- brates).Many bubbles were present in the body fluid,gills.and associated structures;bubbles could also be seen through the abdominalsternites.One crayfish died after 88 hr;three remained alive.Bub- bles were conspicuous in the body fluid of the dead crayfish and could be seen through the body wall. 60 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett They could be observed through the thin portions of the exoskeleton,legs,ven tral abdominal ster- nites,and membranous joints.The last three cray- fish were dead after 6 days. Water supersaturated at 150%total dissolved gas,acutely lethal to trout in less than an hour (Nebeker,unpublished data),was acutely debilitat- ing to crayfish,though·not immediately lethal,as they remained in an advanced state of immobility with no coordinated movements for several days after a possible "ecological death point"was reached. Test 6 Crayfish were tested at 150%,140%,130%, 120%,and 100%total dissolved gas saturation at 12°C for 30 days (Table 7).Ten crayfish were exposed to each gas level,five each in two of the four net cages in each tank.An additional 10 cray- fish were placed in the open tank at 150%saturation. Two stainless steel wire cages were also suspended in the test water in each tank,and one crayfish was placed in each cage. Thirty percent were dead after 40 hr (Fig.11) at 150%,and many bubbles were readily apparent in the body fluid,gills and other tissues.There was no correlation between crayfish size and time to death in any of the tests.All were dead after 96 hr at 150%.Fifty percent were dead after 330 hr (Table 2)at 1~,and most exhibited some degree of bubbles in body fluids and tissues (Fig.9 and 10).There was an obvious difference in feeding behavior between crayfish at 1~and controls, (100%)after 96 hr.Crayfish at 140%moved slowly or hardly at all,whereas the controls jumped and swam when startled and moved about freely when disturbed.All crayfish tested at 140%were dead after 595 hr (24 days). Two crayfish died at 130%,one after 215 hr and one after 453 hr (Table 7);both had bubbles in their body fluid.No crayfish died at 120%during the 30-day test,and no changes were apparent in feed- ing behavior when compared to control animals. Water supersaturated at 120%was apparently safe for crayfish over a 30-day period. Bubbles were abundant in the small branchioh- dellid worms Jiving on the carapace of the test cray.;. fish from 140%,but were not present in those from control water.The five young sockeye salmon placed in 140%were immediately affected;one had died,one had lost equilibrium,and one had hemor- rhage popeye after 4 hr of exposure. Test 7 Crayfish were tested at 150%,140%,130%, 120%,and 100%total dissolved gas saturation at 12°C for 2 weeks.Males and females were tested separately with five males in one net cage and five females in another,giving a total of 10 crayfish per gas level. 500200300400 TIME (HOU RSl 100 1~~I~~ -e----------..---------...----\-f? ell CRAYfiSH 0/I o~1 ~: /0 END OF TEST-I ..___0 1 e °130'1.Io~I /IoIo~C::::r::::~_L.....I..---L.--"-_L___.L___.l_L.......1JJ o >-100... ...z ~40 0:: w c..20 fiG.11 Time to death for the crayfish Pacifastacus teniu5Cu/us exposed to 120%,130%,140%,and 150%total dissolved gas (Test 6). The first death occurred after 49 hr of exposure at 150%,and many bubbles were observed in the ""'"body fluids.Fifty percent were dead at 150%after 123 hr (Table 2),and all had bubbles in the body fluids (Table 8).There was no difference in the sus- ceptibility of males and females and all were dead -after 262 hr of exposure.Fifty percent had died at 140%after 165 hr and all had bubbles in the tissues and body flUids.All had died after 329 hr (2 weeks) _when the test was terminated.Crayfish exposed to 130%were accidentally killed and no data were obtained.No deaths occurred at 120%,and no apparent signs of GSD were observed during the 2':week exposure period. A lethal threshold concentration for crayfish in supersaturated water was determined by using time to 20%death as the criterion (Fig.12).The thresh- old concentration where crayfish were apparently safe,at least for 30 days,was near 127%total dis- solved gas. _700;:-------~--~-\--QlO_OF.1E~-- ,VI <>:is 6lXJ L :5 >-I- ::;.!~~\ ~CRAYFISH o I-200~~ I-• I 1'-----'O,I-._--J'--_---l__---l__---I.__~ o 110 120 130 140 150 PERCENT SUPERSAl\IRATlON fiG.12 Threshold conc:entriltion determined for the crayfISh Pacifastacus leniu5Cu/us. Insect Tests Test 8 The stonefly species Pteronarcys californica and Acroneuria pacifica were tested at 125%total dissolved gas saturation for 12 days at 12°C to determine their comparative sensitivity with cray- fish and young steelhead trout.Ten stoneflies,five Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 61 - .- late instar nymphs of each species,were placed in each test chamber.All stoneflies appeared well adjusted to the test system.Bubbles were seen adhering to stoneflies during the first few hours after supersaturated water was introduced into the aquaria.Three hours after the test began two Acroneuria were floating and covered with bubbles; the other animals also had bubbles adhering to their bodies.They were checked every 4 hr during the next 2.days and were apparently unaffected.How- ever.Acroneuria had a few bubbles clinging exter- nally.One Acroneuria successfully molted after 24 hr at 125%and appeared normal.Most Acro- neuria had some bubbles clinging to them.and they would periodically rise to the surface when they lost hold of the substrate,but would manage to get back to the bottom as many bubbles would burst when they sHuck the water surface.Pteronarcys had few bubbles on the external body wall,but did have many small bubbles adhering to the ventral tracheal gill masses (Fig.13);however,bubbles did not appear to greatly affect behavior or movements. 62 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett FIG.13 Venttill view of stonefty with bubbles on the gills. All stoneflies were on the rock substrates and were alive after 96 hr with no abnormal behavior patterns,abdominal distention,or signs of stress; only one Acroneuria was observed with a few bub- bles on it.All were apparently unaffected after 8 days,but on day 11 one Acroneuria was at the surface and was unable to get to the bottom because of gas bubbles.Its body was partially distended and had external bubbles among the gills.On the 12th day one Acroneuria in Tank lb and one in Tank 1c were at the water surface and their bodies were partially distended.Bubbles buoyed them to the sur- face and they became trapped in the aquaria cor- ners.This would not have occurred in streams where substrate would be more suitable than the slick glass surface.However,they would.be more vulnerable to predators in nature as they would float to the surface more frequently because of their additional buoyancy.All stoneflies were alive and apparently unharmed after 12 days'exposure at 125%saturation. Test 9 The stonefly species Acroneuria californica was tested at 135%.120%,115%,and 100%total dis- solved gas saturation.Ten late instar nymphs were tested for 11 days at 12°C at each gas level. No effects on stoneflies were observed after 96 hr at 120%,115%,and 100%saturation.A few bubbles were observed on the stoneflies,but caused no difficulties.At 96 hr the gas in Tank 1,120%, was reset to 135%and left at that level for the remaining 7 days of the test.One stonefly molted successfully at 100 hr when the gas (130%)was in transition between 120%and 135%. The stoneflies appeared unaffected after 48 hr at 135%.However,after 120 hr of exposure,two Acroneuria in cage A had distended bodies but were active when disturbed.Two stoneflies in cage B also had distended bodies and one was having dif- ficulty moving normally.Controls were normal and showed no signs of GBD.Stoneflies were held at 115%for 10 days without any observable effect. Those at 1135%were more sluggish than the controls and thosE~at 115%and had bubbles adhering to their external body wall.Two stonefJies in cage A, 135%,were full of air bubbles;the bubbles were concentrated in the body fluids of the thorax at the base of the legs and gills.Their bodies were fully distended,appearing expanded like balloons.A small midge living on one stonefly was filled with air,also looking like a tiny balloon.Two stoneflies in cage B,135%,also had bubbles in the body fluids, and their bodies were distended to the capacity of the body wall.Bubbles were visible through the body wall at the base of the legs,the gills,and also scattered throughout the body fluids,such as in the mandibles,etc. The stoneflies in 135%were removed from the supersaturated water after 7 days'exposure and placed in control water.After 4 hr no bubbles could be found in the body fluids and the insects were no longer distended,although they were still somewhat sluggish.They were able to recover from short periods of relatively high levels of supersaturated water.Thus stoneflies are much less susceptible to gas-supersaturated water than are fish,especially salmon and trout,but the floating and unnatural buoyancy may be important in increasing drift and. predation. DISCUSSION Insects and crayfish were more tolerant of gas supersaturated water than any of several fish spe- cies tested (Nebeker,unpublished data).Daphnia, although able to withstand short exposures,were unable to avoid the problem of food blockage by air in the gut and died at levels similar to those that affected young salmon.Only one instance was observed where an air bubble was seen in the body fluid of Daphnia,and the heart was never observed to be impaired by emboli.The circulatory system of Daphnia is so simple that the problem of capillary blood-vessel blockage by air,crucial to fish,was nonexistent.The open circulatory systems of the insects and crayfish,though more complex than that of Daphnia,are relatively simple compared to fish and appeared to be the main reason for the greater tolerance of invertebrates to supersatura- tion.The external exoskeleton apparently prevents much of the surface injury and secondary infections that are common to fish exposed to supersaturated water (Nebeker and Brett,1975). The few reports of GBD in invertebrates that have been found are generally incidental observa- tions of bubbles on or in the tissues,and little or no quantitative gas data are given.Gorham (1901) reported that scallops,hydroids,and squids showed signs of GBD.Evans and Walder (1969)used the shrimp Crangon crangon to study bubble formation under decompression because its transparent exo- skeleton allowed any bubbles formed to be immedi- ately seen.The shrimp,when subjected to 400 kglcm2 for 10 min and then removed,were not as active as before exposu re but rapidly recovered without apparent harm.The stoneflies in the pres- ent study responded similarly,although exposure conditions and purposes were quite different. Hughes (1968)reported gas bubble disease in lob- sters when exposed to water supersaturated by air leaking into the hatchery water supply,but no gas levels were given.The occurrence of GBD in three species of bivalve molluscs was described ~y Malouf et al.(1972),but dissolved gas levels again were not given.Massive blisters were formed on the Effects on Freshwater {nvertebrates 63 I~ valves of oysters,and bubbles were observed in gill filaments.The cause,increased water tempera- ture with subsequent supersaturation of dissolved gas,is a common occurrence and surely is respon- sible for much more damage to aquatic animals than is documented in the literature.Gas bubble disease in larval and juvenile brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus)was recently described by Lightner et aJ.(1974).Stage II protozoeal,larval shrimp developed the disease after being placed in water warmed in a closed heater that did not allow excess gas to escape.Ten percent of the shrimp were affected (5%died)and had gas bub- bles under the carapace and either in the gut or the hemocael surrounding the gut.No saturation levels were given.Most freshwater invertebrates are probably less sensitive to GBD than fish, although there are exceptions,like Daphnia.In general,if fish are protected by reasonable water quality standards,the invertebrates will probably be protected also.However,further work should be done with important freshwater and marine inverte- brate species to determine their comparative toler- ance and to define their most sensitive life stages. CONCLUSIONS Daphnia magna was affected by gas-saturated water ~115%.Signs of gas bubble disease ranged from no obvious effects to massive air bubbles in the gut,brood pouch,and under the carapace.Bub- bles were rarely observ~d in the body fluid.Death in most cases was due to physical blockage of the gut by air emboli,with subsequent starvation.The most obvious sign of gas bubble disease was the buoyancy created by bubbles,which caused the Daphnia to float at the water surface.The heart was apparently unaffected. Crayfish were tolerant of supersaturated water and were alive with no apparent effects at 120% and 125%,levels that were lethal to the young steel head trout tested with them.Bubbles were found in body fluids,gills and other tissues of cray- fish that died at 140%and 150%total gas pressure. They were more resistant to supersaturated water than any of the 12 fish species tested at the Western Fish Toxicology Station (Nebeker,unpublished data). Aquatic insects.represented by the three stone- fly species.were also comparatively tolerant of gas- supersaturated water.No deaths occurred at 125%, but some insects were immobilized and had air bub- bles in the body fluids.They recovered rapidly (4 hr)when transferred from supersaturated to saturated water.Increased buoyancy was observed and coukl increase mortality of insects from predation. The open circulatory system of invertebrates, 64 Nebeker,Stevens,Brett relatively simple compared to fish,appeared to be the main reason for the greater tolerance of insects and crustacea to gas bubble disease.They do not have the complex capillary-blood-vessel system of fish,which is rapidly blocked by the bubbles or emboli that form in the blood. The tough exoskeleton of insects and crustacea prevents much of the surface injury and secondary infections that are common to fish exposed to supersatu rated water. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Mike McCarthy,jim Fendrick, and Lynn Jones,Oregon State university student aids,for help with the numerous gas and water- chemistry analyses;Robert Rulifson for the initial saturometer and aid during construction and use of the present models;and Earl Dawley and Larry Davis for assistance with saturometer calibration. We also thank Dee Boczkiewicz,Don Samuelson, Gerald Bouck,Gary Chapman,and Ronald Garton for assistance and Robert Trippel for help with construction and operation of test equipment. REFERENCES Blahm,T.H.,R.J.McConnell and G.R.Snyder.1973.Effect of Gas Supersaturated Columbia River Water on Survival of Juvenile Sa/monids.Final Report,Part 1.National Marine Fisheries Service,Prescott Field Station,60 pp. Bouck,G.R.1974'.Total dissolved gas pressure.In:Water Quality Criteria.National Academy of Sciences.(in press) pp.13S-139. Bouck,G.-R.,A.V.Nebeker and D.G.Stevens.1973.Acute Lethality of Supersaturation to Pacific Salmonids and Other Species.Task 04 Completion Report.EPA,Western Fish Toxi- cology Station,Corvallis,Oregon (Unpublished). Ebel,W.J.1969.Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and its effect on salmon and steelhead trout.Fish.Bull. 68:1-11. Embody,G.C.1934.Relation of temperature to the incubation period of eggs of four species of trout.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc. 64:281-292. Evans,A.and D.N.Walder.1969.Significance of gas micro- nuclei in the aetiology of decompression sickness.NalUre 222: 251-252. Gorham,F.P.1901.The gas bubble disease of fish and its cause.In:Bull.U.s.Fish.Comm.1899.19:33-37. Hughes J.T.1968.Grow your own lobsters commerdally. Ocean Industry 3(2):46-49. Lightner.D.V.,B.R.Salser and R.S.Wheeler.1974.Gas- bubble disease in the brown shrimp (Peaaeus aztecus).Aqua- cuhure 4:81-34. Malouf,R.,R.Keck,D.Maurer and C.Epifanio.19n.Occur- rence of gas bubble disease in three species of bivalve mol· luscs.J.Fish.Res.Bd.,Can.29:588-589. Marsh,M.C.and F.P.Gorham.1905.The gas disease in fishes.In:Repcw-t of the Bureau of Fisheries 1904,pp.343-376. Nebeker,A.V.and J.R.Brett.1975.Effects of Gas Super- saturated Water on Survival of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Smolts (in press). Nebeker,A.V.and A.E.Lemke.1968.Preliminary studies on the tolerance of aquatic insects to heated waters.J.Kansas Entomo/.Soc.41(3):413-418. Pauley,G.B.and R.E.Nakatani.1967.Histopathology of "gas bubble"disease in salmon fingerlings.J.Fish.Res.Bd., Can.24:867-871. Rucker,R.R.1972.Gas Bubble Disease of Sa/monids:A Critical Review.Bur.Sport Fish.Wild/.,Tech.Paper.11 pp. Rucker,R.JR.and K.Hodgeboom.1953.Observations on gas bubble disease of fish.Prog.Fish.Cult.15:24-26. Samuelson,D.1975.Seasonal Comparison of Basic Water Quality for the Western Fish Toxicology Station,the Willamette River and Major Western Oregon Rivers (1972-1974).Western Fish Toxicology Station,Corvallis,Oregon (in press). Sprague,J.B.1969.Measurement of pollutant toxicity to fish. I.Bioassay methods for acute toxicity.Water Res.3:793-821. Weitkamp,D.E.and M.Katz.1973.Resource and literature review.Dissolved Gas Supersaturation and Gas Bubble Disease. Seattle Marine laboratory.Seattle,Washington.60 pp. Westgard,R.L.1964.Physical and biological aspects of gas bubble disease in impounded adult chinook salmon at McNary spawning channel.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.93:306-309. Effects on Freshwater Invertebrates 65 I R.K.Stroud A.V.Nebeker-A Study of the Pathogenesis of Gas Bubble Disease in Steel head Trout (Sa/rna gairdneri) .-. - - ABSTRACT Steelhead trout were exposed to supersaturated water and randomly removed for necropsy at predetermined intervals. Lesions included emphysema of fins and opercular,gas emboli, exophthalmia,and hemorrhaging.The hypothesis that death from gas bubble disease is due to hemostasis due to blockage of blood flow by emboli was supported by the necropsy results.A "cascading bubble effect"is described to explain bubble formation. Although gas bubble disease (GBD)in salmonid fish has been studied extensively in connedion with supersaturation of the Columbia River by hydro- electric projects,few studies of the pathogenesis of GBD have been reported.Observations of lesions such as emphysema of the fins and body,exoph- thalmia,gas emboli within the circulatory,system, gill hemorrhage,and others have been made on fish exposed to supersaturated water in hatcheries, under experimental conditions,and in natural situ- ations (Bouck et al.,1970;Ebel,1969;Harvey and Smith,1961;Marsh and Gorham,1905;Rucker and Hodgeboom,1953;Rucker,1972;Shirahata,1966; Wyatt and Beiningen,1971).Observations in these studies were primarily made on fish that had died or were near death. This study attempts to document the events leading to the death of fish and describe the sequence of developmen t and incidence of certain gross lesions in juvenile steelhead trout (Sa/mo gairdneri)continuously exposed to three levels of supersaturated water in shallow tanks. MATERIALS AND METHODS Steelhead trout obtained as eyed-eggs from the Alsea Hatchery of the Oregon Wildlife Commis- sion were raised for experimental purposes at the Western Fish Toxicology Station,Corvallis,Oregon. These fish ranged from 17 to 24 em fork length,with the majority of fish in the 18 to 20 cm range at the time of use. 66 The experimental apparatus consisted of four 12-£1 (3.75 m)diameter circular tanks containing well water supersaturated to various levels by con- trolled air injection.Water in the tanks was main- tained at a depth of 24 in.(60 cm)and lO°e.A more detailed description of the experimental tanks and method of supersaturation has been reported else- where (Nebeker and Stevens,1975).Supersaturation levels were monitored daily with a Weiss saturom- eter.Supersaturation levels were maintained within ~1%of 120%,115%and 110%which were the three exposure levels used in this experiment.A 100% saturated tank was used as a control. A four-compartment submersible cage was placed in the center of each ofthe four tanks.Thirty- eight randomly selected fish were divided into four lots and placed in the four compartments of the cage in the 120%supersaturated water.Twenty- nine fish were similarly caged in 115%water,29 in 110%and 12 in 100%.Although caging fish in this manner prevented access to peripheral areas of the tank where the water current was greatest,it did facilitate sampling of fish. Random samples consisting of five fish were taken from each tank at predetermined intervals to check the development of lesions associated with GBD.The fish were immediately placed in a high concentration of MS222.Complete anesthesia was achieved in less than 2 min.The water used as a vehicle for the MS222 was dipped from the same tanks from which the fish were taken.This proce- dure kept the fish continually exposed to the same level of supersaturation until they were necropsied. Sampling intervals varied according to previously Stroud:~partment oi Veterinary MediCine,Oregon State University.Corvallis.Oregon;and Nebeker:United States Environmental PrOlec1,on Agency.Western Fish Toxicology Laboratory.Corvalli,.Oregon "'"' acquired lC50 data (that level at which 50%died) for the various saturation levels so that specimens could be obtained which would be in progressive stages of the syndrome. Each fish was measured and examined for external gross lesions.A gill arch was cut to observe if gas emboli were present within the conus arteri- osis and the ventral aorta.An entire gill arch was removed and examined under a dissecting micro- scope for evidence of gas emboli in the afferent lamellar gill vessels.The body cavity was opened and the heart,kidneys,liver,and internal vessels were examined for the presence of gas emboli and other pathology.Samples of the fins,gills,various internal organs,and the head were preserved in Bouin's solution for histological examination.These observations are the subject of another report and are not included here. At 120%supersaturation,19 fish died during the 54-hI"experiment.Those fish which died during the daywere examined in the afternoon of that day. Fish that died during the night were examined the following morning.There was no more than a 12-hr maximum time between death and necropsy.All dead fish remained in the supersaturated water until necropsied.Necropsy procedures were the same as for the sampled fish. RESULTS Occurrence of major gross lesions at selected time intervals is presented in Tables'.l,2,and 3.The lesions in fish still alive when sampled are com- pared to lesions in fish that died.Two fish sampled while still alive after 20-hr exposure were in terminal convulsions.These fish contained gas emboli within the afferent gill vessels,heart and major vessels. Only one other fish sampled while alive in 120% supersaturated water contained gas emboli.This fish did not appear to be in terminal convulsions. Gas emboli were in the gills,heart and major ves- sels in all fish dying of GBD,but were not observed in fish sampled alive except for the three mentioned above.Because mortality did not occur in the groups .exposed to 115%and 110%supersaturation (after TABLE 1 Occurrence of Lesions in Live Steelhead (Sa/rna gairdneri)Smolts Exposed to 120%Supersaturation Level and Sampled After B,20,30,and 42 hr Compared with Fish Dead from the Effects of 120%Supersaturation at lB-,JO-,40-,and 54-hr Exposure Fish alive Fish dead Time sampled,hr 8 20 30 42 Total 18 30 40 54 Total --Number of fish in sample 5 6 3 4 18 7 3 4 5 19 '". Number with emphysema of: "'""tail 2 3 6 2 3 4 4 13 anal fin 1 3 5 1 3 1 5 pelvic fill 3 1 5 4 2 2 1 9 pectoral fin 2 1 3 4 2 1 2 9 dorsal fin.....operculum 2 1 4 Number having gas emboli in: afferent gill vessels 2*3 7 3 3 5 18 conus awteriosis 2*2 6 3 3 4 16 atrium 3 1 1 2 7 other vessels or tissues 2 1 1 4-Number with: exophthalmia 1 1 hemorrhage from gil!2 1 2 5 fin hyperemia 1 1 2 stomach filled with food 4 4 3 1 12 4 3 1 3 11 intestine filled with food 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 6 ~excess mucus in intestine 1 1 1 1 2 3 7 other eye pathology ~"fish in terminal convulsions when sampled. Pathogenesis of Gas Bubble Disease 67 TABUl .Occurrence of Lesions in Steelhe~d (Sa/mo gairdnenl Smolts Exposed 10 115% Supel'Sillurated Water ~nd S~mpled After 45,93.143,216.255,~nd 336 hr Number of hr of exposure 45 93 143 216 255 336 Tol~1 Number of fish in s.Jmple 5 5 5 5 5 4 29 Number with emphysema of: tail 3 4 2 5 1 16-anal fin 1 2 1 3 7 pelvic fin 1 1 1 1 4 pectoral fin 1 2 2 1 7 dorsal fin 1 1 .-operculum 1 1 1 3 6 Number having gas emboli in: afferent gill vessels """conus arteriosis alrium olher vessels or tissues 1·1 Number with: exophthalmia 2 1 1 2 6 hemorrhage from gills 1 1 fin hyperemia 2 1 2 5 stomach filled with food 2 1 3 inlestine fil·led with food 2 3 5 excess mucus in intestine 1 1 3 5 other eye pathology ·Under peritoneum along kidney. TABU 3 Occurrence of Lesions in Steelhead (Sa/mo gairdneri)Smolts Exposed to 110% Supenalur~ted W~ter ~nd ~mpled After 69,142,213.310,360,and 408 hr Number of hr of exposure 69 142 213 310 360 408 To~1 Number of fish in umple 5 5 5 5 5 4 2'9 Number with emphysema of: tail anal fin pelvic fin pectoral fin donal fin operculum 2 1 3 6 Number having gas emboli in: afferent gill 'Je5Se1s conus arteriosis atrium other vessels or tissues Number with: exophthalmia hemorrhage from gi lis 2 3 4 5 3 17 fin hyperemia stomach filled with food intestine filled with food 3 3 excess mucus in intestine 3 4 3 10.-other eye pathology 1·3··\.'.,,..7 ·Corneal opacity. ··Hemorrhage in anterior chamber of at least one eye. 68 Stroud,Nebeker- DISCUSSION The cause of death of fish by acute GBD has.....been reported by many investigators as hemostasis. This is caused by blockage of blood flow tllrough the heart and gills from the accumulation of gas emboli -within the capillaries of the gills and results in anoxia and death.Th is study supports this conclu- sion.All fish that died at 120%supersaturation level ,_had large accumulations of gas emboli in the heart, ventral aorta,and gills.However,with the exception - -- 336 and 408 hr,respectively),direct comparisons could not be made with those that died after expo- sure to 120%.However,visible gas emboli were not found in the heart,gills,or major vessels of any fish exposed to 115%and 110%supersaturated water.Emboli were absent in the controls. At 120%and 115%supersaturation,gas accumu- lations in the interray membranous tissue (emphy- sema)and within the venules adjacent to the carti- lagenous rays appeared more often in the tail than in similar locations in the anal,dorsal,and paired fins.Gross emphysema did not develop in the fins of fish exposed for over 408 hr {17 days}to 110% supersaturation.Subcutaneous emphysema along the opercula was found in a significant number of fish from all three levels and apparently is associ- ated wit\h longer periods of exposure than that necessary to produce emphysema of t\he fins.Fin and tail emphysema is apparently a more acute lesion and is associated with high levels of supersaturation. Exophthalmia,a lesion frequently associated with GBD,occurred in six fish after 93 hr exposure to 115%supersatu ration.Exophthalmia associated with GBD is caused by the accumulation of gas within the fatty tissues of the periorbital space, resulting in abnormal protrusion of the eye.Other ocular lesions including blood in the anterior cham- ber were seen on Iy at 110%supersaturation after long periods of exposure. The entire group of fish were fed immediately prior to the experiment,but not during the experi- ment.This afforded an opportunity to observe the effects of supersaturation stress on intestinal motil- ity.According to Klontz,·food should pass through the stomach and intestinal tract of trout in 8 to 10 h'r depending on the water temperature.Food· consisting of Oregon Moist Pellets@ was retained in the stomach for up to 54 hr at 120016 and 93 hr at 115%.Food observed in the stomach appeared to have undergone little change due to the digestive process.A simi lar delay in the emptying of the intestine was also observed.Controls and fish held at 110%did not have undigested food in the stomach when necropsied.'The intestines of many fish also contained an excess of thick bile-stained mucus. of two fish in terminal convu Isions and one fish that appeared norma I,fish exposed to 120%and sampled prior to death did not have visible accumulations of gas within major vessels,heart or gills.Visible emboli were not seen in any fish at 115%or 110% levels.Based on these observations,the formation and/or migration of macroscopic emboli within the blood vascular system appears to be an acute terminal or near terminal phenomenon.Otherwise, gradual accumulation of gas emboli would be visible in the gill filaments of fish still alive under super- saturated conditions.No such lesions were found in this experiment. The data indicate that initiation of bubble growth from pre-existing nuclei and/or bubble dis- lodgement from -the periphery of the body may occur under certain physiological conditions that can trigger a "cascading bubble effect"of emboli into the gill capillaries with resultant \hemostasis. The physiological conditions involved in the initi- .ation of this apparently irreversible cascading effect are unknown for fish.Many studies have been con- ducted on mammalian systems in connection with decompression sickness or the "bends."Similar studies should be done to define the physiological processes occurring in fish dying of GBD and find- ings shou Id be considered in the determination of acceptable levels of supersaturation. For example,supersaturation levels as high as 120%may be tolerated by some salmonid fish under certain circumstances,whereas levels as low as 115%may be acutely lethal under a different set of conditions.Circumstances that force fish to swim rapidly while in sublethal supersaturated water such as excessive water flow,flight from predators,etc., may initiate the "cascading bubble effect"through increased muscu Jar activity.Muscular activity is known to contribute greatly to the development and release of visible gas emboli in cats during decompression experiments (Harvey,1944b).The .effect of muscular activity was especially important at the lower levels of pressure change.The explana- tion given by Harvey is that muscular contraction favors bubble formation by further reducing the hydrostatic pressure causing the formation of large vapor cavities into which gas can diffuse.If the vapor cavity persists long enough,a visible gas bubble can be formed in liquids with low gas ten- sion.The bubble may gradually dissolve,but before this happens,it might move into the general circu- lation.Gas accumulations are known to form in muscle even at relatively low levels of supersatura- tion or decompression (D'Aoust,1974;Stroud et aI., 1975). ·Personal communrcatlon,George W,Klontz.Professor of Fisheries.University of Idaho,Moscow,Idaho. Pathogenesis of Gas Bubble Disease 69 ...... ..,.. I ,.,.,. Another explanation of bubble formation related to muscular activity is that an increase in blood temperature as it passes from the gills to the systemic circulation causes dissolved gas to come out of solution (Marsh and Gorham,1905).Increased muscular activity causes a rise in body heat even in poikilothermic animals. This experiment and ·others have shown that fish in supersaturation experiments frequently die of gas embolism shortly after disturbances such as netting live fish,removing dead fish,taking super- saturation measurements with the Weiss saturom- eter,etc.This is probably due to the "cascading bubble effect"initiated by muscular activity or excitement as a response by the fish to the distur- bance of the environment. If muscular activity or stress precipitates the formation andlor release of gas nuclei from peripheral vessels,it can be assumed that gas emboli may be present in the blood vascular system prior to the activity.Gas-filled venules were seen in the fins of fish exposed to 120%and 115%levels of supelrsaturation prior to the appearance of emboli in the gills.At 110%supersaturation,similar obser- vations have been made in previous experiments, but were not seen in this experiment.Undoubtedly, gas emboli exist in venu les th rough out the rest of the body,but are most easily demonstrated histo- logically in the fin and ta il. Supersaturation levels causing tissue emphy- sema and the development of gas emboli in peripheral locations such as the fins may vary from 130%to 110'X,or below.However,the severity and rate of developmen t of such external lesions as bub- bles in the fins and tail and subcutaneous emphy- sema on the body surface seem to have a direct relationship to time of exposure as well as the level of supersaturation (Le.,lesions develop more rapidly at 120%than at 115%).Fish dying of gas embolism at 120%supersaturation had a greater incidence of fully developed lesions than surviving fish even though exposure times were approxi- mately equal.This indicates that fish which were more susceptible to extemal lesion development may also be more prone to the "cascading bubble effect." The incidence of extemal bubbles in steel head trout is greater in the tail than in the fins.It has been reported from physical models that bubbles tend to form along lines of material stress (Harvey et aI.,1944a).Material stress may be related to swimming movement.The tail has a greater fre- quency of movement than the fins when fish are in moving water.Therefore,it is possible that increased evidence of gas blisters in the tail is due to increased movement.Similarly,the high incidence of emphy- sema on the opercula may be related to mobility. 70 Stroud.Nebeker If muscular activity is as important a factor in emboli formation and release from peripheralloca- tions in fish as Harvey indicates it is for mammalian species,then the results of static water supersatura- tion bioassays should be carefully examined and compared to bioassays done in systems requiring fish to swim against a current.Direct comparison of supersaturation tolerances of salmonids in static water versus situations where fish are forced to swim have not been reported.Fig.1 shows the results of such a study in largemouth bass (Microp- terns sa Imo ides)where a significant difference in tolerance to supersaturated water developed (Bouck et aI.,1975).Such experiments on salmonids would provide data more representative of GBD in wild fish and would be useful to determine permissible supersaturation levels. Another interesting aspect of the pathogenesis of GBD indicated by this data is that exposure to sublethal levels of supersatu rated water may cause decreased peristaltic movement of the gastro- intestinal tract.Food was held in the stomach of test fish (up to 54 hr at 120%and 93 hr at 115%) much longer than could normally be expected. In mammals,stimulation of the sympathetic ner- vous system by stress factors can slow passage of food in the gastrointestinal tract (Guyton,1966). High protein food may tend to "ferment"during this period of delayed passage through the gut. This process may permit the abnormal buildup of gas,pathogenic bacteria,toxic products,heat,or other causes of irritation which could damage the intestinal lining.Excess dark bile-stained mucus with some hyperemia of the intestinal surface which was seen at necropsy in this experiment indicates intestinal irritation.Such damage may 100 15°C o~ /0--- >-lIJ 0 ......0 SWIMMING.- .....0 ...... -<;::/"I-60""0 .--0 p::;: "iI-0 0'z «l 0--....•u _0'.....-.""....•Q..20 •__-RESTI NG.-- a 0 FIG.1 Effects of swimming activity on the mortality of lilrgt!!:c~ mouth b.ss (Micropterus sa/moidesj in wilter supersa.turated.to c' 1~"; .... .... .... result in an increased chance of systemic bacterial infection from foci of infection in devitalized areas of the gut. Although the sample size is small,data from this experiment indicate that several aspects of the pathogenesis of GBD need further investigation.A study of factors contributing to the acute death of fish through blockage of the circulatory system by gas emboli is needed to determine if proposed per- missible supersaturation levels will assure survival of fish concurrently stressed by multiple factors. A second study designed to investigate disease susceptibility in fish surviving sublethal supersatu- ration levels is needed.Vibriosis,a septisemic bacterial disease of salmon,is present within the saltwater estuaries of the Oregon Coast and may cause high mortalities in salmonid fish (Cisar and Fryer,)969).Present knowledge indicates that this disease invades the fish through the gastrointestinal tract.If the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract is signifkantly disturbed by sublethal supersatura- tion levels,vibriosis or other fish pathogens may cause increased losses. REfERENCES Bouck,G.R.,G.A.Chapman,P.W.Schneider,Jr.and D.G. Stevens.1970.Observations on Gas Bubble Disease in Adult Columbia River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).Pacific Northwest laboratory,Federal Water Quality Administration, Corvallis,Oregon,June 1970 (unpublished manuscript)19 pp. Bouck,G.R.,A.V.Nebeker,and D.G.Stevens.1975.Acute Lethality of Supersaturation to Pacific Salmonids and Other Species.Western Fish Toxicology Station,EPA,Corvallis, Oregon (unpublished report). Cisar,J.O.and J.l.Fryer.1969.An epizootic of vibriosis in chinook salmon.Bull.Wildlife Disease Assoc.,5:73-76. D'Aoust,B.G.and l.Smith.1974.Bends in fish.Camp. Biochem.Physio/.,49A:311-321. Ebel,W.J.1969.Supef5aturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and its effect on salmon and steel head trout.Fish.Bull., 68:1-11. Guyton,A.C.1966.Text book of Medical Physiology,3rd edition,W B.Saunders Co.,Philadelphia,PA,/(p.876),11182 pp. Harvey,E.N.,D.K.Barnes,W.D.McElroy,A.H.Whiteley, D.C.Pease and K.W.Cooper..1944a.Bubble formation in animals.I.Physical factors.}.Cell and Compo Physio/.,24: 1-n. Harvey,E.N.,W.D.McElroy,A.H.Whiteley,G.H.Warren and D.C.Pease.1944b.Bubble formation in animals.III.An analysis of gas tension and hydrostatic pressure in cats.J.Cell and Compo Physiol.24:117-132. Harvey,H.H.and S.B.Smith.1961.Supersaturation of the water supply and occurrence of gas bubble disease at Cultus lake Trout Hatchery.Can.Fish.Culturist,30:39-46. Marsh,M.C.and F.P.Gorham.1905.The gas disease in fishes.In:Report of the Bureau of Fisheries,1904,p.343·376. Nebeker,A.V.and D.G.Stevens.1975.lethal and sublethal effects of gas supersaturated water on fresh water aquatic invertebrates.Proceedings of the Gas Bubble Disease Workshop, October 8-9,1974,Battelle-Northwest,Richland,Washington. Rucker,R.R.1972.Gas Bubble Disease of Sa/monids:A Critical Review.Bur.Sport Fish.Wild!.,Tech.Paper,11 pp. Rucker,R. R.and K.Hodgeboom.1953.Observations on gas bubble disease of fish.Prog.Fish.Cult.,15:24-26. Shirahata,S.1966.Experiments on nitrogen gas disease with rainbow trout fry.Bull.Fresh.Fish.Res.lab.,15(2):197-211. Stroud,R.K.,G.R.Bouck and A.V.Nebeker.1975.Pathology of acute and chronic exposure of salmonid fishes to super- saturated water.In:Chemistry and Physics of Aqueous Gas Solution Symposium,Toronto,May 11-16,1975 (submitted). Wyatt,E.J.and K.T.Beiningen.1971.Nitrogen gas bubble disease related to a hatchery water supply from the forebay of a high head re-regulating dam.Fish Commission of Oregon Research Report,];3-12. Pathogenesis of Gas Bubble Disease 77 ] 1 1 Fickeisen.Montgomery.and Hanf:Battelle-Northwest, systems Department.Richland.Washington. of the Columbia River in the McNary Wildlife Refuge at Burbank,Washington.The common stock was held in circular tanks receiving flowing Columbia River water and were fed trout pellets.As required for prophylaxis,the stocks were treated with mala- chite and with Diquot as well as fed pellets contain- ing antibiotics.Prior to being tested,the required number of fish were brought to the test temperature at a rate of 1°C per day.They were held at the test temperature for a period of at least 10 days.Tem- perature fluctuation during this acclimation period was Jess than 1°C.Throughout the holding period all of the stock tanks were heavily aerated and experience has shown that under these conditions gas tensions range generally between 95 and 105% of equilibrium value. ,Water supersaturated with atmospheric gases was generated in a pressure vessel which received an air-water mixture at about 40 psig.Control of the dissolved gas tension was provided by an adjust- able standpipe with a float valve to release excess gas,thereby permitting an adjustable head space of air over the water by adjusting the backpressure and turnover time,and by adjusting the rate of air inflow. The testing facility consisted of four rectangular tanks,each 1.17 by 0.46 m with the water level maintained at a depth of 35 cm to minimize hydro- static pressure compensation for excess gas tension.. One of the tanks was supplied with water from the supersaturation system.Two of them recelved- supersaturated water mixed with normally saturated; water to control gas tension,and the founh tank; was a control and received normally saturated' water.Turnover time in each tank was calculated to: be less than 20 min based on the flow rate.Tem-' perature in all tanks was maintained within O.SoC 10.H.Fickeisen J.C.Montgomery R.W.Hant Jr. ABSTRACT Black bullhead.Icta/urus me/as,were acclimated to 8,12,16.and 20°C in Columbia River water,and were tested at each of the acclimation temperatures to determine acute tolerance to dis- solved atmospheric gas tensions in excess of equilibrium satura- tion.The data were subjected to probit analysis and mean 96-hr TL 50 values were 126.7%of equilibrium saturation at 8°C,125.1% at 12"C,123.8%at 16°C,and 124.4%at 20°C,indicating a slightly elevated tolerance at the lowest test temperature.These values, while indicating a statistically significant difference in tolerance, do not indicate an ecologically significant effect of temperature on acute tolerance of black bullhead in the range of tem- peratures tested. Preliminary bioassays of tolerances of several seleded freshwater teleost species to dissolved atmospheric gas supersaturation which were con- dUded at 20°C (Fickeisen,Schneider,and Mont- gomery,1973)demonstrated an apparently lower tolerance for the species having "cold water" preferenda than for the "warm water"species tested.In addition,for several years the literature has held that increased temperature decreases tolerance to supersaturated dissolved gases,but little experimental evidence has been available, especially for non-salmon ids (Anonymous,1971; Weitkamp and Katz,1973).We therefore began an extensive series of acute bioassays of the effect of excess atmospheric gas tension at different tem- peratures on black bullhead (Ieta/uTus me/as), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus),and rain- bow trout (Sa/me gairdneri).Tests were to be con- dUdedi under non-shock conditions,that is,the fish were to be acclimated to the test temperature prior to exposure to supersaturation_This paper is a progress repon of studies that are continuing,and describes the effects of temperature on tolerance of black bullhead. MATERIALS AND METHODS Adult black bullhead were collected by beach seine and by hook and line from a backwater pond 72 Effect of Temperature on Tolerance to Dissolved Gas Supersaturation of Black Bullhead,Icta/urus me/as - ..... ,j' !, 135 135 135 105 110 115 120 125 130 GAS SATURATION (MEAN TOTAL 01SSCtv£0 GASt 105 110 115 120·125 130 GAS SATURATION (MEAN TOTAl DISSQVED GASI lOS 110 115 120 125 130 GAS SATURATION IMEAN TOTAL DISSQV£D GASI EACH POINT REPRES£NTS 10 INDIVIDUAlS nOTAl'&II EACH POINt REPRESENTS 10 INDIVIDUALS nOTAL'&II l.Or-----~--------~,.."...---.., 9b-tlOURS •.16°C EACH POINT REPRESENTS 10 INDIVIDUAlS (TOTAL'1601 0.0 L-_....J...."--_..L-_---'I.-_-'-""-........L-_---'__.... 100 0.0 L..-_-J.-........_.J.-_---l__-'-......._lI.o.."---......__... ~oo 0.0 1-_-.l...__..l-_---l__-l.__...Jl.-__......_-1 100 ~0.8 ~ '"~O.b ~ 2 li 0.4 ~oa: "- 1.0 .----------------"7""--.., 9b-HOURS.ItC tension may,however,dictate that each potentially affected area be independently assessed prior to instigating mitigation plans. FIG.1 Acute bioass.JIYs of dissolved gas tolerances of Ictalurus me/as (Black Bullhead)at B°C. 0.2 0.2 FIG.3 Acute bioass.JIys of dissolved gas tolerances of Icta/urus melas (Black Bullhead)Oil 16°e. Effect of Temperature on Tolerance 73 1.0..---------------------, ~0.8 -';!:: ~O.b ~ 2 ~0.4 o '""- FIG.2 Acule bioassays of dissolved gas tolerances of Ictalurus me/as (Black Bullhead)at l20 e. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gross necropsies demonstrated that in nearly _aI/cases examined the cause of death was clearly gas bubble disease,manifest by massive cardiac blockage by emboli.Emphysema and petechial hemorrhaging were commonly observed as was the -presence of emboli in blood vessels,gills,and organs.Cases of not clearly gas bubble disease mortalities were due to indeterminant causes,but -.were likely due to unobserved gas embolism.In no case were there any mortalities in the control tank and at the termination of the test control fish showed no external signs of gas bubble disease while they -were common among survivors which were exposed ,to supersaturated water. Plots of proportional mortality against total gas ,-tension for each of the test temperatures are shown in Fig.1 through 4.It is important to note that the curves are quite steep,indicating a narrow range .-between non-lethal and lethal levels of gas tension. This factor could be significant in planning mitiga- tion activities and in defining water quality standards as even a relatively small decrease in dissolved gas .-content might have a large effect on resulting mor- tality,provided that the new,lower gas tension was below the lethal threshold.Species differences in ,-tolerance and depth distribution as it relates to hydrostatic pressure compensation for excess gas of the desired test temperature and was continuously recorded. During a test 10 fish were placed in each of the four troughs receiving artificially supersaturated water generated by injecting compressed air into r-water under pressure in a receiver.The tanks were covered with black plastic to minimize dis- turbing effects of wet lab activity.Troughs were checked at least daily for mortalities which were I"""removed.About one-third of the mortalities were randomly selected for gross necropsy to determine cause of death.At least th ree times during each """4 day test dissolved gas tension was measured using the Weiss saturometer with a mechanical shaker. Water temperature was also recorded as was baro- ___metric pressure using a mercurial barom~Jer.From these data the percentage of equilibrium saturation was computed for total dissolved gases.In addition, dissolved oxygen was measured by Winkler ,-.titration,and pH was measured once during each test.At each temperature it was necessary to run replicate tests varying the gas tensions somewhat in order to obtain a sufficient data base for probit analysis to determine TL so values.In most cases, three tests were required at each temperature. Mean gas tensions and mortalities at the end of ~96-hr were analyzed by computer probit anaJys,js to determine fiducial limits about the fitted curve of proportional mortality versus total gas saturation. 128 Vi ~... 5 126.... z i 124 '"""~ % is!122y:.... tion temperature not equal to test temperature). and supersaturation,it is probable that a different effect would be observed. 120 '--_-L--..l._L-..J--..L---l._L-...L-....J...--'_.l..--'----!::"--' 12 16 TEMPERATURE !TEST AND ACCLllMlION,°0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research on which this paper is based was reported under Atomic Energy Commission Con- tract Number AT(45-1)-1830. REFERENCES Anonymous.1971.Columbia River Thermal Effecls Study. Volume 1:Biological Studies.Environmental Protedion Agency.In Cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission and the National Marine Fisheries Service.102 pp. Fickeisen,D.H.,M.J.Schneider and J.C.Montgomery.1973. Tolerance of Selected Fish Species to Almospheric Gas Super- saturation.American Fisheries Society 103rd Annual Meeting, Orlando,Florida,Seplember 10-12,1973.BNWL-SA-4794. Weitkamp.D.E.and ,\-1.Katz.1973.Resource and Litera- ture Review of Dissolved Gas Supersaturation in Relation to the Columbia and Snake River Fishery Resources.Report to the Northwest Utilities Cooperative by Seattle Marine Labor atories. fiG.5 Effect of temperature on tolerance of Ictalurus mefas (Slack Bullhead)to excess dissolved g<1S tension.Bars represent liduciallimits <1bout the R;e nlue. Q lOS 110 Il5 120 125 130 CAS SA TURA liON jlllA.!11 TO TAL IllS SOt YEO CA SI 0.0 '--__....J.__...L.__.l-_.....,J__...u.__....J..._---' 100 0.2 'l6-HOUR S.2Ifc =:0.8 EACH POINT REPRESENTS 10 INDIVIDUAlS ~(TOTAl.•1201 !0.6 <Czo ------------- Q;:0.4 ~oeo: C1. F:ig.5 is a plot of the 96-:hr Tl so values with their fiducial limits at each of the test temperatures.The tolerance at the lowest test temperature is statis- tically significantly greater than that at the higher temperatures.It is important to note that the dif- ferences are small and not of ecological significance as greater perturbations in gas tension take place over short periods of time in nature.An active fish moving vertically in the water column will also experience greater changes in the compensatory effect of hydrostatic pressure. Tests with rainbow trout are continuing,but we are able to report that at 20°C the TL5()is about 118% total gas supersaturation,a value significantly lower than that for black bullhead,both from a statistical and an ecological basis. To summarize our findings,the effect of tem- perature within the range tested has little effect on tolerance of black bullhead acclimated to the test temperature.Future tests are planned at tempera- tures ranging up to 30°C.However,if exposed to the combined effects of a thermal shock (acclima- to .--------------"..----....".---, 74 Fickeisen,Montgomery,Hanf FIG...Acute b~5QYS of dissolved g~.oIerillnces of IClafurus melas (Sbd Sullhe<1d)ill'20 D C. - - """ .- i I I,I ~I I..I 1 :I,i ,I i 1·1 1 j water is subjected to a substantial temperature increase upon passage through a power plant con- denser system without allowing equilibration with the atmosphere,the water will become gas super- saturated.The return to normal saturation levels under such conditions by gaseous diffusion across the air-water interface appears to be a slow process and usually does not take place before the discharge water is again cooled to ambient by entrainment mixing and heat loss to the atmosphere.Fishes attracted to heated effluents supersaturated with dissolved gases may develop gas bubble disease and are subject to possible mortality. Mortality of fish due to gas bubble disease in the heated effluent of power plants has been observed (DeMont and Miller,1971;Marcello and Strawn,1973).However,with only a few reported cases of gas bubble disease mortality of fish in the thermal effluents of power generating stations, documentation of all such incidents is needed to enhance our understanding of what environmental conditions and power plant design features and modes of operation may lead to gas bubble mortal- ity of fish.This paper documents a substantial mor- tality of Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, that occurred in the discharge channel and thermal plume of Boston Edison Company's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 during April 8 through 24,1973. Marcello:Boston Edison Company,Nuclear Engineering Department,Environmental Sciences Group,Boston,Massa- chusetts;Fairbanks:Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources,Division of Marine Fisheries,Sandwich,Massa- chusetts. PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER ST AnON Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is situated on the western shore of Cape Cod Bay in the town of I R.A.M.arcello,Jr. R.B.FairbanksGasBubble Disease Mortality of Atlantic Menhaden,BrevoortiaTyrannus"at a Coastal Nuclear Power Plant ABSTRACT A substantial mortality of Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyran- nus,occurred in the discharge channel and discharge plume area of the Boston Edison Company's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 during the period April 8 through April 24,1973. Gas bubble disease was implicated as the cause of their death. ¥easurements of dissolved gas concentration of the station's intake and discharge water during this fish mortality are pre- sented.Observations on the behavior and results of the patho- logical elCamination of menhaden afflicted with gas embolism are discussed. Water supersaturated with dissolved gases can have detrimental effects on fish and other aquatic organ- isms.The manifestation of these effects in fish is generaHy referred to as gas bubble disease.While fish appear to tolerate mild cases of gas bubble disease,extreme cases have resulted in mortalities (Marsh and Gorham,1905;Woodbury,1942;Renfro, 1963;Ebel,1969;Beiningen and Ebel,1970;DeMont and Miller,1971;and others). Gaseous supersaturation of natural waters has been attributed to increased photosynthetic activity (Woodbury,1942;Renfro,1963),the falling of water into plunge basins below dam spillways (Harvey and Cooper,1962;Ebel,1969;Beiningen and Ebel,1970), and the drawing in of air at water pump intakes, leaky pipelines,and similar situations (Marsh and Gorham,1905;Harvey and Smith,1961).More recently the passage of cooling water through the circulating water systems of electric power gener- ating stations has also been identified as having the potential for creating gas-supersaturated conditions in the cooling water discharge (DeMont and Miller, 1971 ). Dissolved gas supersaturation in the thermal effluent of a power plant can occur due to the inverse relationship between temperature and gas solubility in water.When natural waters are at or near saturation levels with dissolved gases and the I~ 75 RG.1 PiJrrim Nuclear Power Sutioa Unit 1 site plan.Arilbic numerals indicilte wiltet'samplins mtions. 76 Marcello,Fairbanks channel by Pilgrim Station personnel on April 6, 1973.It was not until April 8,1973,however,that Pilgrim personnel began to observe several mori- bund menhaden in the discharge effluent.By April 9,1973,the number of menhaden observed in the discharge channel dying and exhibiting signs of stress characterized primarily by erratic and unco- ordinated movements had increased substantially, and as a result the Massachuse"tts Division of Marine Fisheries was notified that a fish kill was in progress at Pilgrim Station.With the exception of two adult menhaden collected on the station's intake screens on March 15,1973,no menhaden had been recorded prior to April 6,1973,in the vicinity of the station during routine biological sampling conducted by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries throughout the winter months.Menhaden do not usually appear in the Cape Cod Bay region until May and generally depart by November. Based on visual observations it was estimated that several thousand menhaden were in the dis- charge channel and an additional 75,000 to 100,000 were schooling immediately off the discharge chan- nel in the thermal plume where water temperatures ranged between 50°F and 62°F.The fish were MENBADEN MORTALITY Following a several-day station outage,the Pil- grim reactor was restarted and the generator phased to gridl on April 6,1973.During startup operation and until full power level was achieved,the tem- perature of the discharge water increased an aver- age 0.5°F/hr above that at the intake.Small num- bersof live menhaden were seen in the discharge Plymouth,Massachusetts (Fig.1).The Pilgrim nuc- lear unit is a direct cycle boiling water reactor with a design power rating of 1998 MWt and a net power output of 655 MWe.The station uses once-through cooling with an open channel surface jet discharge system.Water used for condenser cooling is drawn from Cape Cod'Bay at a normal rate of about 310,000 gpm which removes about 4.5 x 109 Btu/hr of heat from the condenser resulting tn a water temperature increase of about 29°F above the water temperature at the intake.The cooling water is returned to Cape Cod Bay via a 900-ft!discharge channel at velocities varying from about 2 fps (MHW)to 8 fps (MlW).The general configuration of the intake,discharge channel and breakwater jetties os shown in Fig.1. .- - - approximately 30 to 40 cm in total length and about 500 g in weight. Menhaden from the discharge effluent dis- played two apparent external lesions,i.e.,hemor- rhage and subcutaneous emphysema.Subcutaneous emphysema were evident between the fin rays of all body fins especially the dorsal and pectorals (Fig.2)and within the oral cavity.Subcutaneous ecchymoses (0.5 to 2 cm in size)were evident in various body locations but particularly frequent about the head.In addition,some evidence of pro- nounced exophthalmos was also observed.Fre- quently menhaden in the thermal effluent were ob- served jumping clear of the water and propelling themselves rapidly along the water surface on their sides.Just prior to death,the fish became dis- oriented and gyrated below or on the water surface. On the basis of the external symptoms displayed and the aberrant behavior observed,gas bubble disease was diagnosed as the cause of the menhaden mortalities.At least 90%of the menhaden in the dis- charge channel and thermal plume displayed external symptoms of gas bubble disease. On April 11,1973,several moribund menhaden were transported to the University of Rhode Island, Sea Grant Marine Pathology laboratory for confir- mation of the gas bubble disease diagnosis and to ensure that no other infectious disease processes were involved in the menhaden mortality.Cultures of kidney,liver,and skin lesions from moribund and recently dead menhaden were made in Zobells Marine Broth and cultured at room temperature;no growth was observed after 48 hr.Sections of gill, heart,liver,spleen,kidney,pancreas,stomach and intestine were made and were within normal ranges. Decalcified cross sections of the cephalic area were examined for olfactory and lateral line changes and no significant lesions were noted.Sections of the brain and meninges revealed congestion and foci of hemorrhage compatible with vascular damage. Blood cells were also found free within the ven- tricles.Based on these findings,Wolke (1973)con- curred with the gas bubble disease diagnosis and concluded that the menhaden died from gas emboli resulting in cerebral anoxia and hemorrhage. An attempt was made to obtain measurements of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen of Pilgrim Station intake and discharge water by gas chromatography. Dissolved gas levels in replicate samples varied substantially,however.In addition,comparison of dissolved oxygen measurements determined by gas .chromatography with those determined by Winkler titration (which showed good agreement between replicate samples)revealed such large discrepancies that the validity of analyses by gas chromatography in this instance are questionable and are not presented. Dissolved oxygen concentrations of intake and discharge waters were measured throughout the period menhaden mortality was occurring.Sampling 1:" i ,...., - - FIG.2 Subcutaneous emphysema between rays of d01'Q1 fin of adult menhaden (photo courtesy of R.E.Wolke,University of Rhode Island,Kingston,Rhode Island). Menhaden Mortality at a Power Plant 77 'Saturations calculated from solubility data reported by Weiss (1970)for a salinity of 30 ppt. Wolter DissoI"ed oXygen Time temperature concentration Soltura6on Date Stiltion (Iu)(F)(mg/l)(%) TABLE 1 Dissol"ed Oxysen Concentration and Percent Soituration of Pilgrn Nuclear Power Stiltion Intake and Discharse Wolter DurinS the April 1973 Menhaden Mortality 96 97 110 105 109 108 95 127 122 129 142 136 136' 95 125 101 132 134 112 108 129 126 118 103 123 122 136 122 112 109 143 138 137 141 104 104 123 124 120 10.2 7.2 10.4 10.6 10.0 10.2 10.2 11.0 9.8 9.6 10.5 10.6 10.0 10.2 10.2 9.8 10.6 10.0 10.3 9.8 9.9 10.1 10.4 10.9 10.5 10.6 11.2 9.7 9.9 9.7 9.9 9.7 10.2 9.5 9.9 9.5 11.7 10.6 10.1 9.2 8.8 8.8 9.4 9.0 9.1 9.8 9.1 9.2 42.5 62.0 59.5 69.0 63.0 48.5 50.9 73.0 74.7 73.0 73.4 44.4 43.9 57.2 57.2 SO.O 43.9 42.8 55.0 49.5 54.1 49.1 44.5 65.5 65.5 52.5 70.0 70.0 <46.0 74.0 73.0 4<1.7 72.0 n.5 47.0 74.0 73.0 April 18 1 1230 3 1233 3 1400 4 1220 4 1250 April 20 1 1140 1 1530 3 1145 3 1500 4 1123 4 1450 April 21 1 1132 2 1140 3 "10 4 1055 6 1150 April22 1 1420 2 1430 5 1435 7 1445 8 1450 9 1445 April 23 1 1351 3 1345 4 1335 April 24 1 1308 3 1300 4 1253 April 26 1 1323 3 1330 4 1315 April 27 1 0845 3 08S0 4 0840 April 30 1 1230 3 1225 4 1213 April12 1 No sample 3 1340 69.0 4 1350 68.0 5 1530 60.0 April13 1 1227 41.0 3 1250 68.0 4 1300 68.0 5 1400 52.0 April 17 1 1130 43.0 3 1110 68.0 4 1115 68.0 5 1215 54.0 stations are shown in Fig.1.Water samples were collected just beneath the surface with a Van Dorn bottle,chemically fixed and analyzed for dissolved oxygen by the Winkler method (APHA,1965).Water temperatures at the time of sample collection were obtained using an ARA electronic thermometer. Saturation levels were calculated using a solubility curve from the data of Weiss (1970). In general,all dissolved oxygen measurements showed that Pilgrim Station intake waters during the menhaden mortality were near saturation (Table 1).Dissolved oxygen saturation levels in the discharge channel and thermal plume usually ranged from 120%to 140%. Mortality of menhaden continued until April 24,1973.However,after April 19,1973,an apparent decline in mortality occurred.Estimates of menhaden mortality rates were made on several occasions during the observed fish kill.Severely stressed and dead menhaden were collected on the surface of the thermal plume during 15-min periods. Time collections of menhaden averaged 10.7 fish per period (range of 5 to 17 fish per period)or about 0.7 fish per min.For each fish collected at the water surface at least two additional menhaden were observed in distress beneath the water surface that were not collected.Applying an approximate minimum mortality rate of about 2.7 fish per min, an estimated 43,000 menhaden died due to gas bubble disease during the period April 9 through April 19,1973. An attempt was made to decrease gas satura- tion levels in the discharge water to those believed to be non-lethal to menhaden (i.e.,less than about 120%and 130%saturation for nitrogen and oxygen, respectively)based on the tolerance observations of a related species,Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus),reported by Stickney (1968). The Massachusetts Water Resources Commission (Division of Water Pollution Control)requested that beginning April 20,1973,Boston Edison Company reduce Pilgrim Station power level by approximately 50%so that the temperature differential between intake and discharge water would not exceed 15°F. During the load reduction,studies of the dissolved gas concentration and saturation of the station intake and discharge water would be conducted.In compliance with the Water Resources Commission's request,pjlgrim Station power level reduction began at 2400 hr EST on April 20.1973,and by 0600 hr EST on April 21.1973,the station output was 300 MW gross (.1t condenser =14.85°F)and remained approximately the same until 2145 ...hr on April 22, 1973,when the Water Resources Commission per- mitted Boston Edison Company to begin increasing the station power level back to full capacity.During the station power reduction,discharge dissolved 78 Marcello,Fairbanks .- - -- - oxygen saturation levels were reduced.Menhaden in the thermal plume still displayed external symp- toms of gas bubble disease,but very little mortality was observed. Field observations of the menhaden continued on April 23 and 24,1973;and although the majority of fish still displayed symptoms of gas bubble dis- ease,they appeared to be more responsive.ind in somewhat better condition. The area around and underthe surface thermal plume was examined on April 23,1973,utili;zing SCUBA.A large school of pollock (Pollachius virens) was observed along the interface between the ambient water and the thermal effluent.Tempera- tures where the pollock concentrated ranged between 44°and 48°F.The pollock appeared in good condition,were actively feeding,and showed no external symptoms of gas bubble disease.Other fishes observed and showing no sign of gas bubble disease were striped bass (Morone saxatilis),short- horn sculpin (Myoxocepha/us scorpius),and sea raven (Hemitripterus americanus).No lobster (Homarus americanus)were sighted but cancer crabs (Cancer spp.)and green crabs (Carcinus maenas)were common and feeding upon decom- posing menhaden on the ocean bottom. Attempts to remove the school of menhaden from the discharge area by commercial fisherman using purse seines were unsuccessful due to the presence of several large boulders in the discharge area and also the high velocity of the cooling water discharge which interferred with normal methods of purse seining.The school of menhaden was last observed in the thermal plume area on April 27, 1973. Another large school of asiult menhaden (esti- mated 200,000 to 300,000 fish(was observed in the Pilgrim Station thermal plume in early July 1973. The menhaden remained in the vicinity of the sta· ,-tion discharge for about 1 day.During the 1-day observation,no menhaden mortality was noted, although a few menhaden were observed propelling themselves on their sides on the water surface and at times jumping clear of the water.None of the several menhaden examined showed external signs of gas bubble disease.The menhaden were con- I"""centrated in the thermal plume where water tern· peratures ranged from 68°F to 82°F.Dissolved oxy- gen concentrations and percent saturation at the .-periphery of the school of fish ranged from 9.6 to 9.9 mg/Q and 124%to 146%,respectively. As of the end of September 1974,no large schools of adult menhaden had been sighted in the l~immediate vicinity of the station discharge.It should also be noted,however,that from October 1973 until August 1974,Pilgrim Station has been at .-.reduced power or not operating,due to refueling, maintenance and contested licensing hearings regarding a change in the fuel design. DISCUSSION Since the Pilgrim Station menhaden mortality, concern over the potential problem of gas bubble disease at coastal electric generating stations has increased.Recognizing that fishes are attracted to power plant thermal discharges which may be supersaturated with dissolved gases,it has become obvious that the tolerance of important species to gas supersaturation needs to be determined. Such studies on the tolerance of menhaden to supersaturation at varying water temperatures are currently being conducted (Clay et aI.,1974).Sub· sequent experiments will attempt to determine the recovery rates of menhaden after exposure to supersaturation as well as determining the impor- tance of other factors (e.g.physiological stress due to extreme activity levels)in modifying the toler- ance of menhaden to gas supersaturation. Other considerations include the ability of some fishes to detect and avoid water supersaturated with dissolved gases.Meldrim,Gift and Petrosky (1973a and 1973b)found that the behavioral responses of some freshwater fish to supersaturated conditions varied with the species.They noted that the yellow perch (Perca flavescens)showed no definitive response to supersaturated water while the silvery minnow (Hybognathus nuchalis),golden shiner (Notemigonus cryso{eucas),and the satinfin shiner (Notropis ana/ostanus)were very responsive to supersaturated conditions.Stickney (1968) observed that the Atlantic herring (a species related to menhaden)definitely tended to avoid gas-super- saturated water,but only when saturation levels were high enough to produce gas bubble disease. It is possible that menhaden are also capable of detecting and avoid ing supersaturated environments. The ability of fish to detect and avoid super· saturated environments may be altered by other factors,however.Meldrim et al.(1973b)have reported that the behavioral response of the golden shiner to supersaturated conditions may change depending on the water temperature associated with the exposure.They noted that the golden shiner usually avoided gas supersaturations that exceeded 110%.However,when temperature increases of soc and 10°C are associated with the supersaturated conditions,temperature preference of golden shiner overrides avoidance of the super- saturation.It seems likely that similar behavior occurred during the menhaden incident described in this paper,i.e.,the preference for above ambi- ent temperatures within the discharge channel and Menhaden Mortality at a Power Plant 79 ..~ ! \ I 1 .... -- .- thermal plume may have negated a menhaden avoidance of the gas-supersaturated cooling water dis<:harge. REfERENCES APHA.1965.Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water Including Bottom Sediments and Sludges. Amer.Pub!.Health Assoc.12 ed. Beiningen,K.T.and W.J.Ebel.1970.Effect of John Day Dam on dissolved nitrogen concentrations and salmon in the Colum- bia River.1968.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc.99:664-671. Clay,A.,A.Barker,S.Testaverde,R.Marcello and G.C.Mcleod. 1974.Observations on the effects of gas embolism in captured adult menhaden.In:Proceedings of the Gas Bubble Disease Workshop,October 8-9,1974.Richland,Washington. DeMont,D.J.and R.W.Miller.1971.First reported incidence of gas bubble disease in the heated effluent of a steam gener- ating station.In:Proc.25th Ann.Conf.S.E.Assoc.Game and Fish Comm. Ebel.W.J.1969.Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River and its effect on salmon and steelhead trout.Fish.Bull. 68:1-11. Harvey.H.H.and A.C.Cooper.1962.Origin and Treatment of a Supersaturated River Water.Inti.Pacific Salmon Fish. Comm.Prog.Rpt.9,19 pp. Harvey.H.H.and S.B.Smith.1961.Supersaturation of the water supply and occurrence of gas bubble disease at Cultus Lake trout hatchery.Can.Fish.Cult.30:39-47 . 80 Marcello,Fairbanks Marcello.R.A.and K.Strawn.1973.The Cage Culture of Some Marine Fishes in the Intake and Discharge Canals of a Steam- Electric Generating Station,Galveston Bay,Texas.Sea Grant Report TAMU-SG-72-206.267 pp. Marsh,M.C.and F.P.Gorham.1905.The gas disease in fishes, In:Report of the Bureau of Fisheries,1904,p.345-376. Meldrim.J.W.,J.J.Gift,and B.R.Petrosky.1973a.Responses of Several Freshwater Fishes to Waters Containing Various Levels of Gas Supersaturation.Ichthyological Associates, mimeo report,15 pp. Meldrim,I.W.,J.J.Gift,and B.R.Petrosky,1973b.Responses of Several Freshwater Fishes to Waters Containing Various Levels of Gas Supersaturation.I.A Comparison of Two Differ- ent Methods for Achieving Supersaturation.II.The Effect of Increased Temperature Associated with Gas Supersaturation on the Response.Ichthyological Associates,mimeo report.15 pp. Renfro.W.C.1963.Gas-bubble mortality of fishes in Galveston Bay,Texas.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc.92:320-322. Stickney,A.P.1968.Supersaturation of atmospheric gases in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Main.Fish.Bull.67:117-123. Weiss.R.F.1970.The solubility of nitrogen,oxygen,and argon in water and sea water.Deep Sea Res.,17:721-735. Wolke,R.E.1973.Necropsy Report,Accession #8174,Uni- versity of Rhode Island.Dept.Animal Pathology,Kingston, Rhode Island.1 p. Woodbury.L.A.1942.A sudden mortality of fishes accom- panying a supersaturation of oxygen in Lake Waubesa.Wis- consin.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc.71 :112-117. A.Clay A.Barker S.Testaverde R.Marcello G.C.McLeod .rDbservations on r-the Effects of Gas Embolism ~ in Captured Adult Menhaden I'I. I ";!I ~! f 'I-, r ,I- "I ,1 ABSTRACT The problems of entrapped fish in effluent water of power plants prompted a study of the parameters that induce gas embolism in "'"'adult menhaden.Adult menhaden were captured by purse seining in early summer on route to the warmer headwaters of Boston Harbor and maintained in tanks at the New England Aquarium. Supersaturation of the waters in experimental tanks was de- .....Iiberately induced and the behavior and certain histological indices studied at a range of temperature,salinity,and super- saturation. The occasion of menhaden mortality in the effluent _of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts (Marcelfo and Fairbanks,1974), -prompted an investigation of the cause,and a search for practical solutions to avoid future de- struction of adult menhaden.If,indeed.supersatura- tion of gases in the discharge canal of power plants induces gas embolism in fish,a number of engineer- _ing solutions are possible.An initial step in develop- ing such solutions is to rigorously define the range of environmental conditions that induce gas bubble disease in a menhaden population. Unfortunately,investigations of the environ- mental conditions that induce gas embolism have been hampered by an inability to hold adult men- haden in captivity.This may seem strange in view of the numbers of Atlantic menhaden caught and processed each year,but realistic in view of the fact that menhaden are considered a trash fishery whose main use is for fertilizer and cat food.Thus, there has not been any emphasis or effort to main- tain or stock menhaden as a potential sports fishery, nor even to hold adult menhaden for display or research purposes.Consequently,a reliable capture and maintenance program had to be developed.A project was undertaken that incorporated three phases:to capture and maintain a stock of men- haden for testing purposes;to determine lethal levels of supersaturation at various temperatures; and ,to identify pathological symptoms at these saturation levels. The Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, is a pelagic,euryhaline species.It ranges along the entire eastern United States coastline from Maine to Florida.The general migration pattern includes a northward migration in the spring and summer months from the southern waters.In the early fall, the schools begin to move from the northern areas to the southern portions of the coast.Tremendous schools appear off North Carolina in November and December,where they remain until late spring (Nicholson and Higham,1966). CAPTURE AND MAINTENANCE Adult Atlantic menhaden were captured by commercial purse seiners in Boston Harbor during July 1974.Since menhaden are an easily excitable fish and once entrapped may become extensively damaged by contact with the seine,observations- were made aboard a carrier vessel to determine the best means of collection. The purse seine set consists of a carrier vessel and a purse boat.A spotter plane locates the school and directs the purse boat in setting the net.When the school is encircled,lead weights are released to close the net and trap the fish.The net is hauled aboard the purse boat with the aid of a hydraulic power block until the school is concentrated into the heavily constructed pocket of the seine,called the bunt.Then the carrier vessel comes alongside the bunt,the fish are further "dried up,"and brailed into the fish hold of the carrier vessel. From our observations,it was determined that the best time to transfer the menhaden was as soon as the carrier vessel was secured adjacent to the bunt.The fish were then transferred from the bunt with a dip net into an aerated,2.4-m diameter tank Clay,Barker,Testaverde:New England Aquarium Corporation, Boston,Massachusetts;with Marcello and Mcleod:Boston Edison Company,Boston,Massachusetts. 81 occurred in some fish,from bright silver to black, possibly indicating thermal stress.Reduced feeding behavior and sluggishness were also noted.Salinity remained between 30 and 32 ppt,pH was maintained between 7.5 and 7.8,and dissolved oxygen between 6 and 7 ppm.Ammonia levels rose for 3 weeks to a maximum of 3.5 ppm until the bacterial population in the biological filter was established.Values then steadily declined to a stable level of 0.225 ppm and the nitrate levels subsequently rose from 0.5 ppm to a maximum of 2.5 ppm.Nitrite also rose from 0.006 ppm to 1.5 ppm during the same period. Water changes were made as necessary to keep nitrate and nitrite levels below 3 ppm NOr and 1.5 ppm NO~. 40 psi COOLING BATH AI R \'RfT ~SATIJRATlON CHAMBER 'U 50 GAlLONS PRESSURE GAUGE BAll VALVE TESTTANK 145 GALLONS TESTING PROCEDURE Fish were removed as needed to perform tests, and a control was run at each saturation.Twelve fish were used in each experiment,six in the test tank and six in the control.The test and control tanks were 145-gal capacity with the test tank attached to a 50-gal pressure chamber detailed in Fig.2.The pressure chamber was constructed of 60 cm diameter PVC pipe.A 3/4 hp pump provided· water circu lation through the pressure chamber and a ball valve on the return line to the test tank pro- vided control of pressure and water flow.Original experiments used a venturi method of aeration in the pressure chamber;however,in later experi- ments an air compressor was added-to allow for higher saturations. The temperature,dissolved oxygen,and dis- solved gas pressure were measured at regular intervals during the experiment in both the control fiG.2 Supers.JItur.tion testing system. RAPID SAND FILlER 60 GAUMIN BIOLOGICAL FILlERS 12 GAUMINJFI LTER aboard our collecting vessel,R.V.Shrock.Approxi- mately 150 fish were transported to the holding facility at the New England Aquarium. The holding facility (Fig.1)incorporated three biological filters to break down nitrogenous waste products and a mechanical filter to remove particu- late matter.Water was gravity siphoned into the biological filters,and then air lifted back into the tank.The mechanical filter pumped water from the bottom center of the tank through a sand filter and back into the tank at about 60 gal/min flow.This return line helps in aeration of the tank as well as creation of a current which appears to aid in the schooling behavior of the fish.The walls of the holding facility were painted black,a technique which reduces the likelihood offish colliding with the walls (Hettler).The fish were fed finely grained food 4 to 5 times a day;total daily intake was approximately 5%of their body weight.Experimen- tation with various food sizes indicated that Purina@ tropical fish food gave the most efficient feeding since it remained in the water column long enough for maximum consumption. No immediate losses were noted due to handling and transfer.However,during the first 2 weeks a total of 34 fish,or 21:%,died,possibly from the effects of net damage.Since that time only three additional fish have died.Standard water quality parameters were measured on a regular basis.During July and August the temperature remained about 20°C,but as cold weather set in the temperature steadily dropped to noe,and an abrupt color change FIG.1 ~holdins fKility. 82 Clay.Barker,Testaverde.Marcello,McLeod - AGE,YR %Saturation Observations Pathology N 2 Total OJ Appearance of gas bubbles in: 100 95 70 None apparent.None apparent. lOS 95 75 Some mucus,erratic None apparent. swimming,body color change noted in 1 fish, no deaths in 96 hI. 110 107 102 Some mucus,erratic Eyes.intestines, swimming,body color pyloric caeca,and change noted in 2 fish,mesentery. 2 died within 96 hr. 120 110 85 Mucus,erratic Eyes,intestines, 'swimming,'death pyloric caeca,roof in 24 hr.of mouth,bulbus arteriosis,fins, operculum.gill arterioles. TABLE 1 Etiology of Gas Bubble Disease in Menhaden at nce At 110%saturation nitrogen,behavioral changes similar to those observed at 105%were noted. Necropsies showed some evidence of emboli in the intestines,the pyloric caeca,the operculum,and the eye.Two fish died within 96hr,one during the 3rd day and one between the 3rd and 4th days. At 120%nitrogen saturation,death occurred within 24 hr with classic symptoms of gas bubble disease displayed.Evidence of exophthalmia was Gas Embolism in Adult Menhaden 83 RESULTS The necropsies of control specimens showed no apparent external or internal symptoms of gas bubble disease.However,as can be seen in Table 1, increased nitrogen saturation increased the evi- dence of gas emboli at 22°C.At 105%saturation nitrogen,all test specimens lived for 96 hr with no pathological evidence of gas bubble disease.How- ever,observations conducted during the course of the experiment showed definite behavioral changes in the test fish in comparison with the control fish. The test fish were excreting mucus,swimming erratically,and more excitable than the control fish. Body color change was also apparent on some test fish. since capture,fish length ranged from 225 to 310 mm,the average weight was 304 g,46%were males and 54%were females.The majority of fish, 60%,were age two,20%age three,17.3%age four, and 2.7%age five. J 5 o FEMILE "MALE T =observed temperature in 0C. O 2 =oxygen concentration in mg/Q B02 =Bunsen solubility coeffident for oxygen PH 0 =partial pressure of water vapor as 2 a function of temperature where anrl AP ==saturometer reading Patm +AP Total dissolved gas %saturation =Patm where Patm =atmospheric pressure at time and altitude of satu,rometer reading FIG.3 Menhaden age determination. %N2 sat ={(Patm +AP)_[02 l22.41 rnJlm mOle-) [s02 \32.00 mg/m mole and test tanks.Dissolved gas pressure was measured with a Weiss saturometer made by Eco Enterprises, and the nitrogen saturation and total dissolved gas saturation calculated according to the equations; As the test fish died,necropsies were performed as soon as possible.Weight,fork length,sex and sexual maturation were determined and age esti- mated using a modification of a graph by C.E. Richards (1969)(Fig.3).Of the 77 which have died ,~ - - ,~ apparent in some of the fish.Emboli were also apparent in all high saturation test specimens in the pyloric caeca,intestines,eye,operculum,roof of mouth,epithelium of dorsal fin,mesentery,and gill arterioles.In two cases the bulbus arteriosis was greatly distended,apparently by the presence of an embolus. CONCLUSIONS Preliminary results indicated that adult men- haden could be maintained,with care,for an extended period of time.Results also showed that gross symptoms of gas bubble disease could be induced in menhaden at high levels .of nitrogen saturation.A probable threshold toxic effect for adult menhaden exists between 115%and 120% nitrogen saturation at n°e.further testing at other temperatures will be necessary to define a relation- ship between nitrogen saturation,toxicity and tem- perature.We also intend to explore the tolerance and recovery capabilities of menhaden to the effects of intermittent exposure to supersaturation levels of 120%to 130%nitrogen. 84 Clay,Barker,Testa verde.Marcello,Mcleod ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research project was funded by Boston Edison Company,Boston,Massachusetts.The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical advice of Dr.Alan V.Nebeker of the Western fish.Tox. lab.,Corvallis,Oregon,the assistance of Captain John Russo and the crew of the Agatha &Patricia in collecting the fish,and the assistance of Captain Rodney Swift and the Research Vessel Shrock. REFERENCES Heltler,William F.Personal communication. Marcello,R.A.,Jr.and R.B.Fairbanks.1974.Gas Bubble Disease Mortality of Atlantic Menhaden.Brevoortia tyrannus, al a Coastal Nuclear Power Plant Presented at Gas Bubble Disease Workshop,Richland,Washington. Nicholson.W.R.and J.R.Higham,Jr.1966.Age and Size Composilion of lhe Menhaden Catch Along the Atlantic Coast of the United Stales,1962;With a Brief Review of the Com- mercial Fishery.U.S.Fish Wild!.Serv.,Spec.Sci.Rep.Fish. (527),24 pp. Reinljes,J.W.1969.Synopsis of Biological Data on Atlantic Menhaden,8revoortia tyrannus.U.S.Fish.Wild!.Serv.Ore. (320). i3as Bubble IR.R.Rucker -Disease of r-Salmonids:Variation in Oxygen- .Nitrogen Ratio with Constant Total -Gas Pressure J""':ABSTRACT Coho salmon fingerlings were subjected to a total gas pressure 01 119%at 13.6°C with the O;;Nl varying from 50%/136%to 229%1 90%.The small fish {3.6 to 6 cm)were the most resistant and the -larger fish {6 to 10 cm)the least resistant to gas bubble disease at the gas concentrations used.A drastic decrease in lethal effect of individual ratios of 02 to N2 occurred between 159%0~/109% N2 and 173%Ol/105%N2 at the same total gas pressure (119%). f".IJllll A review of the literature regarding gas bubble dis- -ease can be found in a recent publication by Rucker (1972);one in press by the National Academy of Science (1972);and an unpublished report by Weit- ""'"kamp and Katz (1973).Most discussions on gas bub- ble disease have dealt with the inert gas,nitrogen; oxygen was given a secondary role.It is important to know the relationship of nitrogen and oxygen """"when we are concerned with the total gas pressure in water.Where water becomes aerated at da.ms or falls,both oxygen and nitrogen are about equally --saturated when expressed as a percentage.When oxygen is removed from water by metabolic and chemical action,or when oxygen is added to the _water by photosynthesis,there is a definite change in the ratio of oxygen and the inert gases (mainly nitrogen with some argon,ett.).This present study shows the effect of varying the oxygen and nitro- -gen ratio in water on fingerling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)while maintaining a constant total gas pressure. GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS The primary purpose of these experiments was to determine differenoes in lethality of various gas ratios of oxygen and nitrogen at a constant total gas pressure of 119"k.I also wished to deter- mine whether there was al difference in suscepti- bility between sizes and stocks of juvenile coho. Also to be examined was the effect of reducing the oxygen while holding the nitrogen constant. juvenile coho salmon averaging 6 cm in length, obtained from the Quilcene National Fish Hatchery, Quilcene,Washington,and the Montlake Labo- ratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle,Washington,were used during all the tests concerning differences in lethality of 02/N2 ratios. During these tests temperatures were 13.6°C.:!:. 0.1°C.Gas concentrations usually varied very slightly from the desired ratios.The tank facility consisted of six troughs,two of which were used to hold experimental fish at normal saturation (100%) and two pairs of troughs used to test fish at differ- ent gas ratios. Control of gas concentrations and the test apparatus is described in a subsequent section.Dur- ing initial testing of the gas control system,I deter- mined that a ratio of 114%02 to 121%N2 could be achieved by merely allowing air to be sucked into the intake side of the recirculation pump.Since this gas ratio did not require injection of either oxygen or nitrogen,the resultant concentration (114%02 and 121%N2)was used as a quasi control for com- parison with the other gas ratios.Several replicates were completed at this concentration.This ratio and concentration were also used to test for differ- ences in size and stock and to provide base line data in determining effect of reduced oxygen con- centration while maintaining a constant nitrogen level. In all the tests free carbon dioxide was found near normal,about 2 ppm.Oxygen is expressed as "0/'and the inert gases as "Nt. Rucker:Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division,National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle.Washington. 85 "I -----------------,,--------------------------------------- TABLE 1 Time 10 Deilth (OilYS)01 Juvenile Coho Sillmon (6 em) Exposed to 119%TotoJ.l Gis SupersillluroJ.lion oJ.t Different Leveh 01 ~oJ.nd N1 in 13.6°C Wilter Rilnge ",,,erilge RoJ.nse Averilse so 133 1.8 to 1.9 1.9 3.2 to 4.0 3.7 75 131 1.8 to 2.7 2.3 3.5 to 4.3 3.9 114 121 3.2 to 4.1 3.8 6.3 to 7.3 6.9 159 109 3.2 to 5.3 4.5 6.5 to 9.1 8.2 173 105 33.5 to 35.3 34.4 192 100 32.(}1 229 90 WS eoncenntion, %SiltuRodon 0 1 N) Effect of Variation in 02/N 2 Ratios Times to death (lE 25 and LE so)of juvenile coho salmon at various concentrations of 02 and Nz during constant total gas saturation of 119% appear in Table 1 and are shown graphically in Fig.2.With one exception (192"'A.O 2 and 100%Nz), all increases in ratio of Oz to Nz resulted in in- creased tolerance to the total gas saturation.A marked increase in tolerance to total gas pressure occurred between concentrations of 159/109 and 173/105%saturation of Oz and Nz (Fig.3). 'Not reached,28%mortality in 39 days. l()ne replicate reached,24%mortality in 30 days, the other 25'%in 32 days. lNot reached,test concluded at 33 days. 'Not reached,20%monality in 35 days. Effect of Size and Stock A number of tests were carried out in the water containing 114%02 and 121%N z to determine effect of size and stock of fish on susceptibility to gas supersaturation (Table 2).Two groups of 3.8 cm coho from the Montlake Laboratory which had just added to the system.The spout (12)at the top of the towers was to direct possible overflow water back into the system. Inside dimensions of troughs in the fish hold- ing area (13)were 104.5 x 23.5 x 20 cm high.Water depth was maintained at 14 cm.Each trough could be separated into three compartments with screens -"A"was at the inflow end of the trough,"B" middle,and "C"outflow end.In a few cases a com- partment was dividedlongitudinal/y so that two groups of fish could be subjected to almost identical conditions. 86 Rucker The number of days.to kill 25%of the fish at the different gas levels is expressed as the lethal exposure-LE2s,and to kill 50%-lEso • FIG.1 ApsNqIul for subjedns 6sh 10 consunt-Iemperltul'e, lIowins water wifola definite Clxyg_II'Id nitrosen contenL TEST APPARATUS Apparatus shown in Fig.1 was us.ed to produce water with a definite oxygen and nitrogen content. The tank (1)was divided so that two experiments could be carried on simultaneously with the same equipment.Water was circulated by a centrifugal pump (2)with a valve (3)on the effluent side to cause a controlled back pressure as read on a gauge (4).This created a vacuum on the inflow side (5)so that air could be introduced into the water with either oxygen or nitrogen (6)through a "Y" tube.Circulation of the water caused an increase in temperature which was maintained at approxi- mately 13.6°C by means of a refrigeration system (7)and recorded on a thermograph (8).Water level in the tank was maintained by float valves (9). Each trough was supplied with 1 \:per min of water regulated with flowmeters (10).The water used was from the municipal supply,was quite soft, and was passed through activated charcoal to re- move the chlorine.A greater depth of water was needed for absorption of the gases than was af- forded by the tank (1),so two towers (11)were - - .1 I.: ,. A B C C,C', Percent oxygen 113 110 105 105 105 Percent total gas pressure 119 116 117 '17 117 LE zs in days 2.5 3.6 3.6 4.2 5.4 LE so in days 3.3 5.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 TABLE 3 Mortality of 8.5 cm Coho Salmon Subjected to a Constant Temperature (13.6°qand 121%N,with a Variation in Oxygen Tension Trough compartments produced LE 2s 's of 15.1 and 18.3 days.LE so was reached in 24.7 and 30 days.Averages of the above place lEis at 16.7 and lE Iso at 27.4 days. Five groups of fish,approximately 10 cm long, from the Montlake laboratory were then tested. The average for all groups gave an lE'25 of 2.1 days and an LI:50 of 2.6 days. Three groups of 10 cm fish from the Quilcene National Fish Hatchery were similarly tested.Aver- ages were 2.9 days for lE 25 and 4.2 days for LE'so. These results indicate that the larger fingerlings are definitely more subject to harm from excess air in the water than the smaller fish.These data agree with those of Meekin and Turner (1974). Although the data are limited,there appears to be little difference between susceptibility of the Montlake and Quilcene stocks. Effect of Reduced O 2 Concentration on Mortality Rate Fish held in compartments in a trough utilize oxygen so that the w::lter in compartment "c"(out- flow end)would have less oxygen than in compart- ment "A"(inflow end).Compartment "8"in the central part of the trough would have 02 levels somewhere between those in "A"and "C".Nitrogen levels in these compartments,however,were the same.To demonstrate the effect of reduced oxygen in relation to gas bubble disease,48 coho of 8.5 cm fork length were randomly distributed into com- partments "A","B",and "C".Two additional repli- cates of the "c"compartment tests were run using 32 coho (8.5 cm)in each trial.These are listed as C 1 and C 2 in Table 3. Inspection of these da ta indicates that when 121'7'0 N 2 is maintained,oxygen plays a more sig- nificant role above 110%than below 110%. Some of the data obtained when the oxygen- nitrogen ratio tests were done also illustrated the Oxygen-Nitrogen Ratio Variation 87 2.9 4.2 2.1 2.6 'lo02 'N2 A 50 B8 8 15 m C 114 121 0 1~9 109 E 113 105 F 192 100 C m 9D 27.4 16.7 Not reached in 30 days 16.9 40 o lE so tJ. 30 tJ.1.£25 :r.... ~I Q 20 NOT RE~CHED-....'0....I VI , >- ~I I 10 , 0-4O-~::::::6___6 tJ.-a t N2 -O 138 131 121 109 105 100 '00 2 -0 so 75 114 159 173 192 TABLE 2 Resistance of Juyenile Coho Salmon to Gas Supersaturation (114%O'a +121%fll,)in Relation to Size and Stock of Fish.Lethal exposure leyels (LEu and LE',.)in days to death,water temperahJre 13.6°C +O.l°C and test duration 30 days Days to deat1l1 by size and stock 3.8 em 4.6 em 10 em 10 em t Montlake Quikene Montlake Quilcene FIG.3 Relationship between O,ifN a leyels and time to death 01 6 cm coho salmon fingerlings at 13./jOC and total gas concentra- tion of 119%. DAYS started feeding were initially tested.One group of 96 fish reached LE'2s in 22.9 days and LE 3Q after 30 days.The other group of 50 fish reached LE 25 .in 10.9 days.No fu rther losses occu rred until the 27th day.Lossat 30 days was 34%.Averages of the two groups place LE 25 at 16.9 days.Average loss at 30 days was 32%. Two groups of 4.6 cm fish from the Quilcene National Fish Hatchery were also tested.These tests FIG.2 Mortality pattern of 6 cm coho salmon reared at different .-Ol/N1leyeis at 13.6°C with a 119%toltal gas pressure. ....Lethal exposure LE 2s LE so ~ ..... - """ ...... -- effect of reduced oxygen on the mortality rate.This was apparent in the experiment using 173%Oz and 105%Nz.At 173%O 2 there were losses of 26%and 30%in 39 days,whereas slightly larger fish at the lower end of the troughs subjected to 169%O 2 had losses of only 7%in 39 days. PATHOLOGY Generally,the fish died quite suddenly in the higher nitrogen concentrations.Never was tissue damage or any progressive pathology demonstrated. The fish always seemed to die from gas embolism restricting the flow of blood through the gills.When the nitrogen was near normal and the oxygen quite high,the fish were moribund for many days before succumbing.These fish had blebs in the mouth which interfered with feeding and caused emaciation. SUMMARY Coho salmon fingeirlings were subjected to a total gas pressure of 119%at 13.6°C with the Oz/N z varying from 50%1138%to 229%/90%.The small fish (3.8 to 6 cm}were the most resistant and the larger fish (8 to 10 cm)the least resistant to gas bubble disease at the gas concentrations used.A drastic decrease in lethal effect of individual ratios 88 Rucker of Oz to N2 occurred between 159%Oz/10go,-b Nzand 173%Oz/105%N2 at the same total gas pressure (119%). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Facilities for this work were furnished by the Western Fish Disease laboratory,Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife,Seattle,Washington.The work was started when the author was an employee of this organization. The pathology was studied by William T. Yasutake,pathologist,Western Fish Disease laboratory. REFERENCES Anonymous.1974.Total dissolved gases (supersaturation).In: Water Quality Criteria.National Academy of Science Publica- tion.(In press)pp.135-139. Meekin,T.K.and B.K.Turner.1974.Tolerance of Salmonid Eggs.Juveniles,and Squawfish to Supersaturated Nitrogen. Wash.Dept.Fish.,Tech.Rpt.No.12,pp.78-126. Rucker.R.R.1972.Gas Bubble Disease of Salmonids:A Critical Review.Technical Papers of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife.Number 58.11 pp. Weitkamp,D.E.and M.Katz.1973.Resource and Litera- ture Review of Dissolved Gas Supersaturation in Relation to the Columbia and Snake River Fishery Resources.To North- west Utilities Cooperative.55 pp. Eff f G 1M.H.Schiewe-.ect 0 Jas D.D.Weber -Bubble Disease on Lateral Line Function in Juvenile Steelhead Trout ~, - .., Schiewe and Weber:National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle, Washington. FIG.1 Testins ~ppar~tU5 for monitoring qter~1 line response of steelhead trout.The black disc .tdjacent.to the glass bulb stimulator is a monitoring hydrophone;and the two electrodes bene.tth the head 01 the fish are for volume conduction recording of EKG. 89 MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental fish were hatchery-reared juve- nile steelhead trout,Sa/mo gairdneri,from a uniform population with a mean length and weight of 202 mm and 74 g respectively.All fish were acclimated and tested at a temperature of between BOC and 15°C.The limited temperature range was used because of the dependency of saturation on temperature. The fish support system,for monitoring both control and stressed fish,is shown in Fig.1.Equili- brated water was supplied from a dechlorinated tap water source.Supersaturated water was generated by passing water from the same source through a high pressure pump operated under back pressure. Mortality of fish resulting from gas bubble disease has been extensively stud ied and documented (see review by Rucker,1972).Death results from occlu- sion of major vessels by gas emboli when the total dissolved gas pressure of the water environment (PN z +POz +PAr)exceeds approximately 110%of atmospheric saturation.In addition,some recent studies suggest the possibility of gas bubble disease contributing indirectly to mortality (CoutQnt and Genoway,1968;Newcomb,1974;Schiewe,1974). Under close observation,the first visible sign of gas bubble disease in fish is the presence of gas emboli in the continuous scale pockets that form the trunk lateral line.These scale pockets contain the hair cell receptor mechanism of this sensory system.Although controversy still exists concerning the exact function of thl~lateral line system,it is generally recognized that it responds to near field water displacements (Harris and Van Bergeijk, 1962).Behavioral studies (Disler,1960;Dijkgraaf, 1962)tend to support the theory that the lateral line serves as a "distant touch"sensory modality for predator-prey relatlonsh ips,schooling,and obstacle localization. Impairment of a sensory system with such an important role in fish behavior could adversely affect survival.This paper reports eledrophysio- logical studies designed to assess the effect of gas bubble disease on lateral line function. ~ABSTRACT Normal lateral line response of juvenile steelhead trout,Sa/mo gairdneri,to a standardized set of stimuli was compared with the response of fish affected by gas bubble disease.Electro- physiological monitoring of individual afferent nerve fibers showed that as gas emboli formed in the scale pockets of the trunk lateral line of stressed fish,the ability to respond to stimuli was either diminished or completely disappeared.Fur- ther testing demonstrated that this sensory loss is reversible and that upon return to equilibrated water,accompanied by the disappearance of the gas emboli,normal function was regained. This sublethal effect of gas bubble disease on the lateral line sensory system may be an important element contributing to indirect mortality. - •..''. o o 8Trade names are used to simplify description;no endorsement is implied. AG.2 Spontaneous activity of sinsle lateral Roe nerwe flberI- and ~of scales innenated.Dil'"derived from"fish aa:fio.'' IIWltM utd tested ilt 13<><:to 15OC.Resression line (y =2.49'+,4.29X N =21)p;1I'ilIMh!rs estimaam using reduced IIIiljor axis tech- niques from Millet'mel Kohn (1962). l2Dr-------------------, o 100 20 control fish (maintained on equiHbrated wate~~ and 10 stressed fish which were maintained~'orit equilibrated water for a short acclimation period<:,. and then shifted to supersaturated water.·,Signs·Qf:':~ gas bubble disease began to appear in thestressedi f fish within 2 to 6 hr.This protocol enabled us to' characterize nerve fibers of fish,whoselateraUirle; showed three'distinct stages of gas bubble occur.J" rence:no bubble formation,partial bubble forma,"~ tion,and complete bubble formation:'>.'>'t'i None of the control fish maintainec:lin equilil', bra ted water developed gas emboli in lateral line:} scale pockets.All spontaneously active fibers were? responsive to light touch,surface waves,and; pulsed water displacements generated by the glass,' bulb stimulator.Corresponding sensorY,lulits \v~}~!: easily located and sponta'ne(jus\iCtivlty,'cor~erated with number of scales in the sensOry unit.,','':.:';- The scale pockets of the trunk lateral line of, stressed fish would progressively fill with gas emboli until complete occlusion occurred.All fibers isolated and characterized under a state of com- plete occlusion did not respond to any form of stimuli except firm pressure on a limited number of scales.The number of scales reacting to stimula- tion did not correspond to the observed spontaneous activity (Fig.3). 90 Schiewe,Weber RESULTS AND DISCUSSION,· Our initialstudH!S indicated that individual afferent lateral line nerve fibers would 'innervate receptors in 1 to 26 scale poCkets to form a sensory unit.The resting or spontaneous activity rate of an isolated fiber was directly dependent on the num- ber of scales comprising,that sensory unit (Fig.2). This fact became a uSE~ful criteria in support of our findings. Activity from over 150 fibers was recorded in Compressed air was metered into the intake side of the pump to create:the desired saturation level. Supersaturated water was maintained at 118 .:t.4% of atmospheric saturation in the test range of HOC to 15°C.Analysis procedures were the gas chromato- graphic methods of Swinnerton et al.(1962)modi- fied by Ebel (1969). Anesthesia was accomplished with tricaine methanesulfonate followed by gallamine tri- ethiodide at the rate IOf 0.6 mg/10 g bOdy weight. At'opercular arrest the fish was moved to the testing apparatus where water (equilibrated or super- saturated)was forced over the gills at the rate of 1 21min.If the heart rate,monitored by volume conduction EKG,fell below normal for a given temperature,the experiment waS terminated..' Water level:in'the-testing apparatus was adjusted to provide an unsubmerged area 2-to 3 cm posterior to the operculum.In this area the lateral line nerve bundle was dissected out and placed over a silver,spoon-shaped indifferent electrode.Phos- phate-buffered saline was used to both bathe the exposed nerve and te>fill the depression of the spoon.Individual nervle fibers were then teased out and draped over an uninsulated,electrolytically sharpened,stainless'steel hook electrode for recording. ,Initial recording Qif nerve activity during isola- tion was done with a Tektroni~model 565 dual beam oscilloscope coupled with a loudspeaker. Further study and documentation were accomplished by transfer of the recording to a Tektronix'8 model 5103N storage oscille>st=Ope with a Polaroid'8 camera attachment. Normal response pattem was based on the abi,lity of the associated,receptors to'respond to varying degrees of stimulatiOn.Once a fiber was isolated,the corresponding :receptor response was measured by application of light touch,surface waves,and pulsed wa~er displacements.The pulsed water displacements were generated by a 1 cm glass bulb attached t<i.the,cone,of an'8-in.loud- speaker driven by a WclYeteek8'rnodeI144 HF sweep generator.During testing .the-bulbwciS',positioned 5 mm above the appropr~~,r~ptorS;., :.~:,:.:::,.- - ,- """' ANTERIOR SUPRASCAlAR PORE CUPUlA FIG.4 Juvenile steelhead trout trunk laten!nne showing! complete gas bubble ocdusion.A..Anterior suprascaw pore. B.Posterior infrascaqr pore..- o o PARTIAL OCCWSION •TOTAL OCCWSION 4 8 12-16 211 NUMBER OF ACTIVE SCAlfS IN SENSORY UNIT AG.3 SponQneous activity of single lateral line nene fiben from gas stressed fish and corrll!5ponding number of scales dkiting neur..1 ..ctivity.Regression line represents spontaneous activity of fiben from control fish at 13°C to 15°C and is the s..me as shown in fig.2. ·131-- 100 0 Q .~~u...lI}!I'"""~ '"...-~(i)~o· ~ '"o~5...«l I·"...~0 i:;8.'".2Il ..0 ~·0/0 - - - Twenty-two fibers WE~re isolated and charac- terized under conditions of partial bubble formation. Fifty percent responded normally in all respects, and upon localization of the sensory units no emboli were visible.The rremaining fibers behaved as did those fibers isolated when emboli formation was complete.In addition to the inability to match spontaneous activity to the number of scales in the sensory unit,the limited number of scales that did respond to firm pressure either contained or were - adjacent to scales with gas emboli._ We additionally isolated and characterized nerve fibers from three fish that were maintained 3 consecutive days in the test apparatus.On days 1 and 3 support was with equilibrated water and day 2 was with gas supersaturated water.This procedure provided for an evaluation of any residual effects the gas emboli may have on the functioning of the sensory units.Results showed a return to normal response patterns as the emboli disappeared 16 to 20 hrafter return to equilibrated water. In fish showing signs of gas bubble disease, the reduced ability of the trunk lateral line sensory units to respond to stimuli appears to be mechanical in nature.Fig.4 is a photomicrograph of a section of the trunk lateral line of a juvenile steel head trout that exhibits complete occlusion with gas emboli. A longitudinal section through this area would appear as in Fig.5.The physical presence of the gas emboli probably acts directly on the cupula rendering it immobile.This cupular immobility pre- FIG.5 longitudinal section through a tOQlly occluded liateral line. vents the shearing displacement action necessary to stimulat~the hair cell receptors.Although we never monitored nerve fibers from the numerous cephalic branches of the lateral line,morphological and visual observations indicate that these receptors are equally affected.This being the case,the ability of an affected fish to detect and localize predators, or stationary objects may be impaired.This would have a definite adverse affect on survival. From mark and recovery experiments,Ray- mond (1970)estimated that survival of downstream migrating salmonidsin the Snake River basin between 1964-68 was nearly 100%.Following dam construction and resultant high concentrations of . dissolved gas (during periods of heavy spilling·at dams)in the water of the lower Snake River,sur~ vival of downstream migrants dropped to 30%. Considering factors of fish tolerance,behavior.and gas concentration,Ebel (1973)estimated that 60% of the total 1970 mortality was due to direct effects of gas ·bubble disease.Predation and mortality associated with dam passage accounted for the remaining 40%of the loss.We believe that a large proportion of the mortality attributed to these non- specific causes was probably an indirect effect of gas bubble disease through impairment of the lateral line sensory system. ,r i ,~ Lateral Line Function 91 - ..... REfERENCES Coutant,C C.and R.G.Genoway.1968.Final Report on an ,Exploratory Study of Interaction of Increased Temperature and Nitrogen Supersaturation on Mortality of Adult Salmonids. Battelle Memorial Institute,Pacific Northwest'laboratories, Richland,Washington.28'pp.(Processed). Dijkgraaf,'S.1962.The functioning and significance of the lateral line organs.BioI.R.ev.38(1):51-105. Oisler,N.N.'1960.Organy chUVslVsistemy bokovoi linii i Utli znachenie v'povedenii ryb (Lateral Line 5ense Organs and Their Importance ;n,Fish Behavior);Izd.Akad.NAUK SSSR, MoScow.(TransL Israel Program SCi.Transl.,19n).328 p., -avail.Nat!.Tech.lnt Serv.,Springfield,VA~as mQ.S4021. Ebel,W.'J."1969.',,Supersaturation of nitrogen in the Columbia River andits'effect on salmon and steelhead trotit.fish.Bull.:6B(1):1~11.,-:--,,':'c''7::" £bel,W}J..1973/Relations between fish behavior,'bioassay information,and dissolved gas concentrations on survival of ,jUvenile salmon and steelhead trout in Snake River;In:Western Prog.53rdAnn;Cant..West Assoc.State Game and fish Comm. .pp..5~6-527..~;. Harris,G.G.and W.A.van Bergeijk.1962.Evidences that the 92 Schiewe,Weber lateral line organ responds to near-field displacements of sound in water.J.Acoust.Soc.Amer.34(12):1631·1841. Miller and Kohn.1962.Statistical Analysis in the Geological Sciences.John Wiley and Sons,Inc.New York.483 pp. Newcomb,T.W.In Press.Changes in juvenile steelhead (Salmo gain/neri)blood chemistry following sublethal exposure to various levels of nitrogen supersaturation.J.Fish.R.es.Bd., Can. 'Raymond,H.l.1970.A Summary of the 1969 and 1970 Out- migration of Juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead from the Snake R.iver.NOAA,National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle, Washington.Unpub/.Ms.14 pp (Processed). Rucker,R.R.1972 Gas Bubble Disease of Sa/monids:A Critical Review.U.s.Fish.Wild!.Serv.,Bur.Sport Fish.Wild\., Tech.Pap.58."pp. SChiewe,M.H.1974.Influence of dissolved atmospheric gas on swimming performance of juvenile chinook salmon.Trans. Am.Fish.Soc.103:n7-721. Swinnerton,J.W.,V.J.linnenbom,and C H.Cheek.1962 Determination of dissolved gases in aqueous solutions by gas chromatography.AnaLChem.34:483-485. I E.Casillas l.Smith B.G.D'Aoust Effects of Stress on Salmonid Blood Clotting Mechanisms - ABSTRACT Enhancement of blood dotting functions is a possible factor which could k~i11 fish following stress resulting from exposure to supersaturation.During examination of various ...hematological parameters in rainbow trout which were subjected to stress from exercise,blood coagulation timeswerefound to decrease to 45% of the original pre-stress vallJles within a half hour after the termination of the stress period.Thrombocyte counts were found to increase three-to fourfold in the same period.Hemato- crits and blood plasma glucose also rose significantly with respect to the stress applied.Red blood cell and white blood cell counts,however,did not increase in response to thestresser. The degree of the responses observed were compared between members of a wild trout population from Chester Morse,Wash- ington,and hatchery-reared Donaldson-strain rainbow trout. The wild strain showed a mOrE!rapid return to pre-stress condi- tions than the hatchery-reared trout.Based on very preliminary experiments,the responses of the clotting mechanisms in Pacific salmon are similar and probably change even more rapidly than in rainbow trout.This variability in the blood coagulation rate is proposed as a mechanism to avoid disseminated intravascular coagulation (D.I.C.)in the poorly perfused muscles of fish. Experiments in this area are continuing. Most of the bioassays regarding gas bubble disease have ~reported that the incipient lethal dose ot supersaturation for salmon ids kept in shallow water is in the vicinity of 120%saturation for expoS,.ures of more than 24hr (Meekin and Turner,1974).Work reported by Beyer,D'Aoust,and Smith (this confer- ence)indicated that 6 cm fish come to equilibrium with the gas content of its environment in less than 2 hr.Based on these results,maximum lethality should occur soon after 2 hr of exposure to any supersaturation level,which however,is only the case at high levelsuperscuuration.It therefore seems reasonable to propose that some other mecha- nism(s)in addition to or instead of simple bubble formation operate·to cause mortality in fish during long-term exposure to low levels of supersaturation. One such factor-blood clots-will be presented in this report as a possible contributing factor in making low-level :supers,aturations eventually lethal. METHODS Rainbow trout from the University of Washing- ton hatchery (Donaldson strain)and from Lake Chester.Morse (an undisturbed watershed 30 miles east of Seattle)were used in all of the experiments. A typical trout from the hatchery was about 700 g in weight,12 to 14 months of age.and reared 0rl a commercial diet of Oregon Moist Pellets@.The trout from Lake Chester Morse were of similar size and· weight,but of unknown age and diet.They were captured by hook and line and transported to our .university laboratory in oxygenated tanks.They 'were kept in the lab in running lake water for at least 2 weeks before being used in experiments. To perform an experiment,a plastic tube was inserted into the dorsal aorta and anchored in the nasal cartilages using the method of Smith and Bell (1964).MS-222 anesthetic,but no anticoagulants, was used during the surgery,and then a recovery period of 48 hr was allowed before beginning an experiment.Stress was produced by placing a hook in the caudal peduncle and producing vigorous activity by the fish for 2 min,after which the fish exhibited strong signs of fatigue.One blood sample was taken before the stress period and additional samples were taken for up to 5 hr afterwards.Blood samples were replaced with an equal volume of physiological saline,with the total blood volume removed by sampling being less than 5%of the fish's total blood volume.Blood samples used to determine clotting time were collected into non- heparinized capillary tubes,while those samples used for other analyses were collected into hepa- rinized tubes.Analyses included determination of red and white cell counts,thrombocyte count, hematocrit,and plasma glucose concentration.'. Control fish were treated exactly the same as the experimental fish except for the omission of the period of stress.· RESULTS The decrease in blood clotting times for the stressed fish are shown in Fig.1 and are nearly the same in both strains of fish,except that the ----.,-.--.. Casillas and Smith:University of Washington,Seattle,Washing- ton;and D'Aoust:Virginia Mason Research Center,Seattle, Washington. 93 T I R=4-------- T I ~LDSON STAAIN AAINBOW TROUT lAKE QIESlER MORSE:RA INBOW'TlIQJT llO TIN(IMINJTESI ,STRfSS 1 fIG.]Effect of stress ;and repeilled Ampling on ,lhe number of drculilling thromboc:ytesin the wild trout;_messed ' group;-'-,-control groUp.Each point represents ,the meiln i~ III TIN(IMIMlTESl 3<>+211~;: ""<:;;+10 ~ ~0 ~u #,-10 0- 0: ~~-211 :I: fiG.'4 Percent cMnse of hem;alocrits from initW levels in. response to stress for iI hiltchery boUt;-stressed group;. --control poup.E.Jch point represents the meiln .±.Le. fiG.5 Percent dNtnse of hem;alocrits from 'initYI IeftIs in~;',:, response to,stress '01 ..wild trout;---stressed group;;.); --control poup.Uch point represents the moo .±.s.e.Li,i Asterisk (-)indialtes sipifiunt difference from control ~~=D.05). -------- IllR\l.J)SCIIj STRAIN RAINBOW TlIQJT 131 nr.t:IMlfIJID) lID nNE aullJ1(Sl 94 Casillas,Smith,D'Aoust hatchery trout maintain a hypercoagulable condi- tion for at least 5 hr.The corresponding increase in numbers of thrombocytes is shown in Fig.2 and 3.While the hematocrits increased (Fig.4 and 5), neither the counts of red cells nor white cells increased,suggesting that the increased hemato- crits resulted from increased cell volume.This phenomenon has been observed before (Sovio and Nyholm,1973)when red cells were exposed to low Ozlevels. Increases in plasma glucose have been identi- fied as an indicator of the degree of stress in humans and also in rainbow trout (Wedemeyer,1972).The fiG.1 Effect of stress and repeilled Sillllpling on blood dotting limes in iI hiltcherytl'OlIt (lop)ilnd iI wild b'out (bottom); -stressed group;--conlrol group.E.Jch point represents the mem .±.s.e.Asterisk ('")indiates signifkilnt difference from initiill levels (P =0.05). fiG.'2 Effect of stftss ;and repe.1Ited s.ampIins on the number of circulatins dtromlJoqtles in iI hAtchery trout;--stressed poup;_conbol poup.bdI point represents the mean.±.s.e. Aslerisk (-)indicilks sipifiGlnt diffeleuce from initiiII Ieftls [P =US). DQN,f,LDSlW SlV.IN AAINBOW TROOT 81 210 Q lAKE O£SlER MORSE AAINBON TROOT T §ro u;190 I Q n.3 -'CD 60~I ~ u 170 ---!-5!1...<!;!!!150 1'l 41~..;:III '"~110 s:~u0 90 CD:::eu0 10 Q ""§:I:0-0...Ill) TIME tMlNJTESI ~-, .... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Contribution number 408,College of Fisheries, Seattle,Washington.Supported by NIH Grant #Hl 16254-02. REFERENCES Meekin,T.K.and B.K.Turner.1974.Tolerance of salmonid eggs,juveniles,and squawfish to supersaturated nitrogen. In:Nitrogen Supersaturation Investigations.in the Mid- Columbia River,Wash.Dept.Fish.Tech.Rpt.12,pp.78-126. Smith,L.S,and G.R.Bel!.1964.A technique for prolonged blood sampling in free-swimming salmon.J.Fish.Res.Bd., Can.21(4):711-717... Sovio,A.and K.Nyholm.1973.'Notes on hematocrit deter- minations on Rainbow Trout,Sa/mo gairdneri.Aquaculture 2: 31-35. Wedemeyer,G.1972.Some physiological consequences of handling stress in the juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)and steelhead trout (Sa/mo gairdnerl).J.Fish.Res. Bd.Can.29:1780-1783. of the tissues supplied by the vessel and the dura~,. tion of the bubble,the fish may die quickly,at the;: one extreme,or not die at all,at the other extreme"" Once a blood vessel is blocked by a bubble,itis; also highly.probable'that a clot will form there.': The likelihood of clot formation and having the c10f spread further once it has begun would be greatly increased,we believe,by the presence of the clotting " enhancement response induced by the shock of bubble formation.The problem .caused by clotting is further aggravated by the slow rate of blood flow found in the white muscle of fish.Once a,clot is formed,the severity of the resulting damage to tissue due to intravascular'coagulation increases. Such dots might take a week or more to be removed. Once theblood vessel is blocked long enough;the tissue downstream from the'blockage dies,with the degree of importance depending'again on which tissue is involved.We believe it is significant that many of the juvenile coho which were used in our decompression studies and which survived the decompression with few or no symptoms of gas bubble disease died a week later with severe tail rot. Finally our results suggest that the mechanisms· involved in the pathology and mortality associated with formation of bubbles in fish chronically exposed to low-level supersaturation are more com- plex than can be simply explained by simple bubble formation.The role of sublethal changes by the fish in response to supersaturation may eventually be shown to be as important to the survival of Columbia River salmon as the lethal effects which have been the subject of most recent studies. 300 -==-f lAKE CHESTER MORSE RAINBOW TROUT lll) 1'111£lMINUTES) 010 30 60 70 60 !y[,L't-_l--_-,~ T .r E so -·--...T'"-1-- - - - - - - - - - - ---- - --l~r-r ..cr-n=4 i§«l'----!-'-........_...J....__.........__--'-.l-J ~...on :3 IlII 3 u 90 Q 9... FIG.6 Effect of stress and repeated sampling on blood glucose levels in a hatchery trout (tll)p)and a wild trout (bottom); -stressed group;--control group.Each point represents the mean .t.s.e.Asterisk (*)indicates significant difference from initial level (P =0.05). DISCUSSION Our results clearly demonstrate the presence of increased blood clotting rates in salmon ids after periods of stress.The presence of increased num- bers of thrombocytes at the same time was also shown,but whether or not they cause the change in clotting function is not clear.However,their greater availability would enhance the ability of the clotting system to IProduce the initial "plug" of cells at a woiJnd site 1:0 minimize any blood loss. The increases in blood glucose during the experi- ments showed that the degrees of stress imposed on the fish were physiologically significant.The changes in blood '..glucose may also indicate that hatchery fish could be Iless resistant to stress than wild fish., ,The significance of the blood clotting system in relation to the gas bubble problems of fish is still speculative and largely extrapolated from what is known about clotting problems in people.It is highly probable that the major immediate effect of bubbles arising from external supersaturation is to block blood vessels.Depending on the importance changes in plasma glucose are shown in Fig.6 and verify that a physiologically significant stress was imposed on the fish.Another difference between the hatchery and wild fish was that the blood glu- cose in the wild fish returned to normal after 3 hr and stabilized there,while the blood glucose for the hatchery trout remained unstabilized for the dura- tion of the sampling periiod (5 hr). 50 «l'--_...I....L"""-"_--l-__,--'-__---L .J...J ,J!I'IIllilIII I~ Blood Clotting Mechanisms 95 Newcomb:National Marine Fisheries Service,Seanle,W ington.,' ·B.G.D'Aoust,Reseaf(:h Biologist,Hyperbaric laborato Virginia fl,1ason Research Center,Seattle.Washington. MATERIALS AND METHODS '"., The fish used in these experiments were,st head trout,Sa/mo gairdneri,provided .by the;W ington State Department of Game Hatche,' point potential long-range problems encountered . by the juvenile sa,lmonid such as ingestion and' assimilation of food,predator avoidance,locomo-" tion,homing behavior,fecundity,and the quantity'" and quality of subsequent fertilized eggs andfry~~ In addition,measuring these blood chemistry char:.."<!· acteristics may allow in situ evaluation of nitrog~tr· gas supersaturation stress response both singIY'ilnct~: in combination with other normally-occurringi! stressors (e.g.passage through turbines)which· occur to the juvenile salmonid on its downstr~~.' ~•:-.'_J'~t;..migration.5'1.' This blood chemistry experiment represe:nts;\ an extension of a bioassay by Dawley and Ebel·(M$)j;: which was designed to provide a variety of lethal;:? and sublethal biological criteria which would her' form the basis for an EPA provisional water qua~, standard.The primary goal was the establishm," of a series of lDso values.Secondary goal.s:W changes in voluntary swimming performance,·:: blood chemistry characteristics which migh(',g some estimate of sublethal stress response to" bubble disease.'"~ •T.W.Newcomb 96 One major water pollution problem of the Colum- bia and Snake Rivers is atmospheric gas super- saturation which produces gas bubble disease in fish. Gas emboli form in the fish's supersaturated blood in some as yet undefined mannerJD'Aoust,· personal communication).Gas emboli·may then lodge at a variety of sites throughout the fish's body. These emboli can then limit delivery of oxygen and removal of camoodioxide and toxic metabo- li,es from the.affected tissues and organs.Persis- tence of this physiological condition will lead to the ultimate death of the fish. A number of mortality studies with nitrogen gas supersaturation have been made on juvenile salmon ids,but little work has been published on the sublethal effects (Dawley and Ebel,MS).Sub- lethal effects from gas supersaturation may cause alterations in the fish's blood chemistry which can be used as tools to determine the degree of stress. These blood chemical measurements may help pin- ABSTRACT Groups of juvenile steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri)were exposed for 35 days to various (103.105.110,and 116%sublethal nitrogen plus argon saturations.Pooled serum samples were analyzed for Ca,Na.PO.,K.CI,albumin,total protein,choles- terol.alkaline phosphata~~.glucore,urea,uric add,total bili- rubin,lactate dehydrogenase and serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase.An increase in serum potassium and phosphate, and a decline in serum albumin.calcium,cholesterol,total protein and alkaline phosphatase were noted in steelhead ex- posed to 116%nitrogen (N z +Ar)saturation (total atmospheric gas saturation 110%).No major changes in blood chemistry were obrerved at nitrogen satufOltions of 110%or less. Changes in Blood Chemistry of Juvenile Steelhead,Sa/rna gairdneri, Following Sublethal Exposure to Nitrogen Supersaturation """ ,~- .... Aberdeen,WA.They weighed 20.S i 6.3 g and mea- sured 132 .!:.17 mm in fork length at the completion of these tests.Fish were acclimated to water tem- peratures of 1S.0iO.SoC (SOC per week with 2 weeks. at 1S°C)in acclimation tanks described by Ebel et al.(1971),and Dawley and Ebel (MS).Fish were fed once each day a maintenance ration of Oregon Moist Pellets®. Fish were exposed to various nitrogen super- saturation levels in shallow rectangular tanks (Dawley and Ebel,MS)with water 23 em deep Jrom the same source as used in the acclimation tanks. Tests were performed at 15.0.!:.0.S6°C at nitrogen gas (N 2 +Ar)saturations of 103.5,105.4,110.1,and 116.0 .!:.2.0%as calculated from Weiss (1970).These nitrogen saturations corresponded ta~total ga~ pressure (TGP)Saturations (N 2 +Ar +O 2)of .99.9, 102.0,105.9 .md 110.2%.Mean oxygen saturations ranged between 87.5 and 90.5%.fish were continued on the same maintenance ration of Oregon Moist Pellets®during these tests. Sixty fish were taken concurrently from the acclimation tanks and placed in each of three experimental and three control tanks (102.0 versus 99.9;105.9 versus 99.9;and 110.2 versus 99.9%TGP). Tests at each saturation level were continued until 35 days had elapsed (the 3S-day'test period was chosen to parallel the average exposure time of seaward migrant steelhead passing downstream through the nitrogen srupersaturated waters of the lower Snake and Columbia Rivers).At this time, each fish was given an individual voluntary swim- ming performance test (2 to 5 min)in an inclined vee trough against a water current of 1.28 m/sec (15.0 .!.0.5°C)(Schiewe,in press). A variety of experimental limitations dictated that these fish must be used in the !iwimming performance test before being used in the present blood chemistry work.Therefore,to minimize short-term blood chemistry changes due to the swimming challenge, each experimental and'control group was placed in a control tank for 24 hr before blood sampling (Grant and Mehrle,1972;'WeUs,1932;Nakano and Tomlinson,1967;and Hill and Fromm,19GB). Fish were then individually anesthetized with neutralized .MS-222 .(tricaine methanesulfonate) (Wedemeyer,1970a)'~ina concentration sufficient to reach plane three anesthesia (Klontz and Smith, 1964),[in about S min).The fork length of each fish was measured.Blood ,/Vas then collected from the severed caudal peduncle and processed after the method of Miles and Smith (1968)except that plain hematocrit tubes were used to obtain serum.These fish were then weighed and examined for signs of gas bubble disease (Dawley and Ebet MS).Indi- vidual serum samples were pooled within each ex- perimental or control group and immediately sealed and frozen at O°C until chemical analysis was performed.Pooling was necessary to make up the minimum sample volume needed for the following analysis. A Technicon®SMA 12-60 (Sequential Multiple Analyzer)was used to determine serum calcium, phosphate,glucose,urea,uric acid,cholesterol, total protein,total bilirubin,alkaline phosphatase (AP-ase),lactate dehydrogenase (lDH)and glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT).All samples were run sequentially with a reference synthetic serum (General Diagnostic's Calibrate Automated "lock-in"),while three control synthetic sera (General Diagnostic's Calibrate)were used to cali- brate the output of each of the 12 channefs.Mea- surement error was less than 1.0%with the excep- tion of cholesterol and LDH which·were 1.2%. Serum calcium was determined by the method of Kesler and Wolfman '(1964)as modified by Techni- con®.Inorganic phosphate was detected by a ,Technicon®modification of the method of Fiske and .Subbarow (1925).Glucose was detected by a modification of the procedures of Brown (1961), and Bittner and McCleary (1963).Urea nitrogen was determined by a modification of the method of Marsh et al.(1965).Uric acid is measured by a Technicon®modification of the cupric-neocuproine procedure originally described by'Bittner et al. (1963).A Technicon®modification of the Lieberman- Burchard reagent was used in the direct determina- tion of serum cholesterol.Total protein was quantitated by the Technicon®modification of the biuret reaction.The HABA anionic dye {[(2-(4' -hydroxyazobenzene)benzoic acid)]J used in the Technicon®SMA 12160 was unusable for salmonid albumin,and a manual procedure using the brom- cresol green method of Doumas et al.(1971)was substituted in these experiments.The method for the estimation of total bilirubin is based on a Tech- nicon®modification of the procedure of Jandrassik and Grof (1938).Alkaline phosphatase was deter- mined by a modification of the King-Armstrong procedure developed by Marsh et al.(1959).lDH was measured by a method based on the procedure of Hochella and Weinhouse (1965).SGOT was quantitated after the procedure of Morgenstern et al.(1966). Serum sodium'and potassium were measured ona Corning Model 170 digital flame photometer, while serum chloride was determined by the method of Schales and Schales (1941).Correlation coeffi- cients were calculated for all of the above blood characteristics along with oxygen,nitrogen and TGP saturations,and mean wet weight and fork length. .Water analysis for n itrogenand oxygen were performed daily in each test tank using the methods Changes in Blood Chemistry 97 DISCUSSION It is important to distinguish between blood chemistry changes due to chronic as opposed to acute (short-term)stressors (Wedemeyer,1970b). Much of the literature on salmonid blood chemistry is concerned only with acute stressors;those applied over 1 hr to 1 week (Cardwell et aI.,1970;Miles and Smith,1968;and Wedemeyer,1970,19n,and 1972).Because no mortality occurred over the 35-day test at 116%nitrogen (110%TGP),the author only considered chronic stressor responses in this discus- sion.The chronic stress noted at 110%TGJ1is particularly significant because 110%TGP saturation. is the level presently suggested by EPA as apro~ visional water quality standard (Rulifson,·personal communication).," Two mechanisms have been invoked in an attempt to explain gas bubble disease.These mechanisms are gas embolism of the heart,gills or other vital portions of the blood system (Marsh and Gorham,1905;and Dawley and Ebel,MS},a.nd starvation due to blebs in the lining of the mouth preventing ingestion of food (Dawley and Ebel.M~l.,(,~ A 50%reduction in serum glucose was indicat~\~: by Robertson et at,1962,when rainbo.....troutw~*.:' starved.Similarly,albumin (Booke,1964)and total protein (PhiJIips,et,al.,1960)decreased in ;prook " trout,Sa/ve/imJs fontina/is.,,_-'1'"'-"". Emboli may be enviSioned to block arteries::~!:l,(r-', veins in a variety of critical tissues and'or8~~, which would result in local or systemic hy~~,< respiratory acidosis and necrosis from the buildup ,.>' of toxic wastes.The gills,brain,heart and kidney C:':', are four such critical sites.Short-term hypoxia was In addition to potassium,a decrease in albumin was negatively correlated with an increase in phosphate (r=-0.62;P <0.05),and positively corre- lated with decreases in cholesterol (r =0.97;P <0.01) and total protein (r =0.90;P <0.01).' No correlation (P <0.5)could be drawn between, oxygen,nitrogen or TGP saturation and mean weight or length.. A 46%incidence of external gas bubble disease signs were noted in steelhead exposed to 116.0%" nitrogen saturation,while no external signs were observed at lower saturations.These signs were, largely in the form of -lateral line bubbles with a' lower incidence of blebs appearing in the dorsal- and caudal fins.No mortalities occurred these tests (Dawley and Ebel,MS). ~~~~,;;~~~Ii<on s!!!!gi §~§ i:illIWlJ #K5 ~1(,0 ~ ~1.31 ~us '"'"~tOO 0 iE 0.0 !LO ~U.,.;z- go 10.0 E (,0 ::e ::e ::>:::> §9.0 ;;:;3.S'"<<u 6&.0 ~10 RESULTS Alteration from control mean values (>30)were observed in 7 of 16 blood characteristics in juvenile steel head exposed'to 116.0%nitrogen saturation, while meaningful changes _in these 16 substances were ,not noted'illt .rOwef:Saturations (Fig.1).'An increaSe in concentratiOns,of potassium arid phos- phate were noted at 116.0%nitrogen saturation, while decreases in concentration were noted in albumin,calcium,cholesterol,AP-ase and total protein.Decrease iin serum calcium was positively correlated with delcreases in cholesterol (r =0.86; P <0.05)and albumin (r =0.95;P <0.01),and negatively correlated with an increase in potassium (r =-OJ?;P <0.05). #15e.,. z 3.0~g:2.5 gz.o l-J",......I-JL..-L~~_.....- of Beiningen (197:3)and Ebel (1969).Weekly mea- surements of total alkalinity (16 to 20 ppm),total hardness (10 to 21 ppm),carbon dioxide (1.2 to 2.0 ppm),chlorine~T chloramine «0.02 ppm)and pH (6.8 to 7.3)were made according to Tarus et al. (1971).Calcium (6.4 to 6.7 ppm)and potassium (0.3 to 1.0 ppm)were determined monthly by flame spectrophometer (Dawley and Ebel,MS). .- L - l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I""'" I HGo 1 ,..."serum c1"-'isay ~with i~ N 2 +N salurMions.Conlb'Ol (1~N 2 +Al)...1IeS _mHII and nnce. 98 Newcomb --~.'". - ,~ - - - shown to cause severe hemoconcentration,a dou- bling of serum phosphate,a 600-b increase in serum glucose and an uncomp1ensated respiratory acidosis in menhaden,Brevoortiill tyrannus (Hall et aI.,1926). Extreme hypoxia in the brown bullhead,Ictalurus nebulosus,and the American eel,AnguiJ/a rostrata, in fresh water,resulted in severe albuminemia (Bieter,1931).Hunn (1969)found that rainbow trout subjected to hypoxic stress showed a doubling of plasma phosphate. Juvenile steelhead stressed for 35 days at 116.0% nitrogen saturation show no significant decrease in mean weight or length when compared to other test groups.These data would tend to support the hypoxia argument at thl~expense of the starvation proposition.Hypoxia should show anjncrease in serum cholesterol (Wedemeyer,1970a),but the present data suggest that cholesterol in fact declines in steel head exposed to 116.0%nitrogen saturation. While steelhead exposed to 116.00-6 nitrogen satura- tion alter their serum concentrations of phosphate (Hunn,1969)and calcium (Wedemeyer,1971)in a manner consistent with the hypoxia thesis,compar- able data for the starvation interpretation is missing. In reciprocal fashion,decreases in albumin and total protein are known (Phillips et aI.,1960)following a period of starvation,but comparable data for chronic hypoxia is needed.Steelhead serum potas- sium and AP-ase levels need to be determined for both chronic hypoxia and starvation. Further work will be necessary to ascertain whether these signs reflect hypoxia and tissue necrosis,starvation or some generalized.stressor response. REfERENCES Beiningen,K.T.and W.].Ebel.1971.Dissolved Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen and Related Water Temperatures in the Columbia and Lower Snake Rivers,1965-1969.NOAA,National Marine fisheries Service,Data Rpt.No.56,60 pp. Bieter,R.N.1931.Albuminuria in glomerular and aglomerular fish.J.Pharm.and Exper.TIlerap.43(3):407-412. Bittner,D.l.,S.G;Hall and M.L.McCleary.1963.A method for determination of uric acid,using the curpic-phenanthro/ine indicator system.Am.J.Clin.Path.40:423-24. Bittner,D.L.and M.L.McCleary..1963.The cupric-phenan- throline chelate in the determination of monosaccharides in whole blood.Am.j.Clin.Path.40:423. Booke,H.E.1964.Blood serum protein and calcium levels in yearling brook trout.Progressive Fish Cull.26:107-110. Brown,M.E.1961.Ultracmicro sugar determination using 2,9- dimethyl -1,10-phenanthroline hydrochloride (neocuproine). Diabetes.10:60-62. Cardwell,R.D.,J.B.Saddler and L.S.Smith.1970.Hemato- logical effects of Dennison tagging upon juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscka)..Compo Biochem.Physio/.38A: 497-508. Dawley,E.M.and W.J.Ebel.Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Various Levels of Nitrogen and Argon Supersaturation on juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.National Marine Fisheries Service.(Ms.in preparation). Doumas,B.T.,W.A.Watson and H.G.Biggs.1971.Albumin standards and the measurement of serum albumin with bromcresol green.Clin.Chim.Acta.31 :87. Ebel,W.J.,E.M.Dawley and B.H.Monk.1971.Thermal tolerance of juvenile Pacific salmon and steelhead trout in relation to supersaturation of nitrogen gas.Fish.Bull.69(4): 833-843. Fiske,C.H.and Y.5ubbarow.1925.The colorimetric deter- mination of phosphorus.}.Bioi.Chern.66:375-400. Grant,B.F.and P.M.Mehrle.1973.Endrin toxicosis in rain~ bow trout (Salmo gairdneri).).Fish.Res.Bd~Can.30:31-40. Hall,F.G.1928.Blood concentration in marine fishes.}.Bioi. Chern.76(3):623-631. Hill,C.W.and P.O.Fromm.1968.Response of the interrenal gland of rainbow trout (Sa/mo gairdneri)to stress.Gen.Compo Endocrino!.11:69-77. HocheIla,N.J.and S.Weinhouse.1965.Automated assay of lactate dehydrogenase in urine.AnaL Biochem.13:322-35. Hunn,J.B.1969.Chemical composition of rainbow trout urine following acute hypoxic stress.Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc. 98(1):20-22. Jandrassik,l.and P.Grof.1938.Vereinfachte photometrische methoden zur bestimmung des blutbilirubins.Biochem.Z.297: 81-89. Kesler,G.and M.Wolfman.1964.An automated procedure for the simultaneous determination of calcium and phosphorus. Clin.Chem.10:686-703. Klontz,G.W.and L.S.Smith.1968.Methods of using fish as biological research subjects.In:Methods of Animal Experi- mentation,Vol.Ill.Ed.by W.J.Gay,New York:Academic Press,pp.333-385. 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Wedmeyer,G.A.1970b.The role of stress in the disease Changes in Blood Chemistry 99 resistance of fishes.In:A Symposium on Disease of Fishes and Shellfish,Ed.by S.F.Sniezko,Amer.Fish.Soc.Special Pub!.No.5.Sept.,1970.pp.30-34. Wedemeyer,G.A.1971.The stress of formalin treatments in rainbow trout (Sa/roo gairdneri)and coho salmon (Oncorhyn- chus kisutch).}.Fish.Res.Bd.•Can.28(12):1899-1904. Wedemeyer,G.A.1972.Some physiological consequences of handling stress in the juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus 100 'Newcomb kisutch)and steelhead trout (Sa/mo gairdneri).}.Fish. Res.Bd••Can.29(12):1780-1783. Weiss,R.F.1970.The solubility of nitrogen,oxygen and argon in water and seawater.Deep Sea Res.17:721-735. Wells,N.A.1932.The importance of the time element in the determination of the respiratory metabolism of fishes.Proc. Nat.Acad.Sci.,Wash.18:580-585. ,- Continuous IT.F.Jenkins Monitoring of Total Dissolved Gases} a Feasibi Iity Study - ABSTRACT A preliminary investigation was undertaken to determine jf a continuous analyzer could be configured to monitor dissolved gases in natural waters.A three-component system was designed consisting of a pumping system,a continuous stripper,and a detector.Prototypes of the first two components were assembled and evaluated under field conditions.Based upon these results, it is possible to configure an unattended,near-continuous monitor to measure total dissolved gas concentration in natural waters. The symptoms of gas bubble disease were first observed in fish by Gorham (1901)at Woods Hole, Massachusetts.These symptoms include the forma- tion of gas bubbles in the blood vessels,behind the eyes,and in the fins.Death can be caused directly by gas blockages within the circulatory system or indirectly by blindness or infections that enter the system through associated breaks in the skin. In a later paper,Marsh and Gorham (1905) explored the cause of this disease and associated it with supersaturated levels of dissolved gases in the aquaria waters.Gas bubbles occurring in diseased fish were found to contain primarily nitrogen.They concluded that supersaturated levels of nitrogen gas were primarily responsible for the development of the aforementioned symptoms.Subsequent research,has generallyi substantiated their conclu- sions.Under certain unusual circumstances,how- ever:.an extremely high level of oxygen (Plehn, 1924;Woodbury,1941)i~;also capable of producing these effects.It is the common view today that, while nitrogen is undoubtedly the major contributor to this problem,its effect will be felt only when both it and the total gas concentration·are in supersaturation. Recently the Environmental Protection Agency has published its proposed water quality guidelines (Vol.1,1973).The proposed maximum acceptable value for dissolved gas pressure is 110%of existing atmospheric pressure.While this value will be dis- cussed and may be changed,EPA's concern in this area is clear. The Army Corps of Engineers'recent water quality directive will require all districts to maintain adequate surveillance on all pertinent water quality parameters.This will undoubtedly apply to dissolved gas levels in the Pacific North- west where potential problems have already been 'identified. The three state-of-the-art methods currentlyus~d to measure dissolved gases are:the Van Slyke, method,gas chromatography using a Swinnerton strippi ng chamber (Swinnerton,1962),and the saturometer.The Van Slyke method is a well-known technique in which water samples are introduced, the dissolved gases liberated by a combination of chemical and physical means,and the pressure change measured with a manometer.From the combination of this pressure change and the known volume of the system,a total dissolved,gas concen- tration can be calculated.Individual dissolved gases can also be found by the addition of chemicals which specifically remove individual components of the released gas,thereby reducing the pressure. The gas chromatographic method involves the use of a Swinnerton stripping chamber.A known volume of water is injected into the chamber,a con- tinuous supply of helium gas strips the dissolved gases from the water,and the stripped gases are directed onto a gas chromatographic column.The column most frequently used is molecular sieve SA, which separates the individual components by molec~, ular size.Each component elutes'individually from the column and passes through a thermal condu·c~ tivitydetector whose output is recorded on a strip chart recorder.The area under each peak on the Jenkins:Earth Sciences Branch,Research Division"Cold Regio~s Research Engineering Laboratory,U.S.Army Corps of Engi- neers,Hanover,New Hampshire. -Because of the equilibrium solubility of atmospheric gases, tOlal gas concentration may be closely approximated by con- sidering only nitrogen and oxygen. 101 '1'1',I IIiI, HlJ :1I: !! I 1 1 1 1 L L I",c,;L 1'-' [ i':'"-:- ~: chart is proportional to the concentration of each component in the original water sample. The saturometer,unlike the other two methods, is designed to measure total gas pressure in situ and consists of a length of semipermeable silastic tubing which is attached to a pressure gauge.The tubing is inserted in the river and after gas equili- bration across the tubing is achieved,the gas pressure is measured directly. While the Van Slyke and gas chromatographic methods of measuring dissolved gas levels are appropriate for small-scale research studies,they are not suitable for long-term monitoring of dis- solved gas levels.Water samples must be collected, returned quickly and carefully to the laboratory, and "analyzed by highly trained individuals at a relatively sophisticated laboratory.Routine moni- toring at a large number of locations using either of these methods would be both inconvenient and expensive. The saturometer,however,has been designed primarily for routine monitoring.It is manually operated,relatively inexpensive and designed for use by individuals with limited training.However, investigators are somewhat skeptical about the quality of the data acquired using this device.This skepticism results primarily from the variability of the results obtained using different devices.This may be due in part to allowing an insufficient amount of time for this system to come to equilib- rium.Fifteen to 30 min is commonly required,with the last small change in pressure being the most time consuming.High pressure teaks are also fre- quent occurrences and are difficult to detect and eliminate.If these problems are satisfactorily solved,this instrument may be the most useful of the currently available devices for routine monitor- ing.The three methods described above are manual techniques which do not lend themselves to unattended operation as would be required to inter- face with automatic data collection equipment.No device capable of unattended monitoring of dis- solved gases is currently available.Should such a device become available,it wO!lld certainly be the most convenient and perhaps the most cost effective way of maintaining a large monitoring program.As a result of this need,the Seattle District,Corps of Engineers,asked CRREl to investigate the possi- bility of configuring a monitoring device capable of unattended operation and incorPoration in a data collection network. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Basicatly,two different approaches can be envisioned with regard to constructing an unattended monitoring system.One could either measure total gas content of the water in situ or the 102 Jenkins gas could be removed quantitatively from the water and analyzed in the gaseous state.While the firSt approach would be ideal,the number of applicable' methods are quite limited.Since any device used must be capable of measuring both oxygen and' nitrogen the in situ dissolved oxygen electrodes in ' common use are not sufficient.In addition the possibility of monitoring dissolved nitrogen in i a : similar manner is very remote.In fact,the only current in situ approach which merits consideration for unattended operation is one which physically, measures total gas pressure,like the saturometer.'; On the other hand,if the gases were removed;;:!'; from the water matrix,many current state-of-the-art.'; chemical detection techniques are applicable.These';( include many common techniques such as;"g!~;1 chromatography,mass spectroscopy,and",optiql:;::2 spectroscopy,as well as various less expensive .. specific gas detectors.However,the use of any of these methods requires a satisfactory solution to, two problems:1)River water must be supplied on a continuous basis to an external device while sam- ple integrity is maintained with respect to total gas concentration;2)Dissolved gases must be quanti- tatively stripped from the continuously supplied water sample. Faced with two alternatives,a limited time schedule and a small budget,a decision was required' on whether to pursue the in situ or gas phase monitoring approach.While the in situ method of directly sensing total gas pressure as'in the saturometer has some obvious advantages,the problems identified with manual operation of the ' saturometer would be even more significant for unattended use.While these problems are potentially solvable,the more novel second alternative,with a wider choice of detectors,seemed to have a higher probability of success and was thus chosen for addi:-·' tional study.With this in mind,the FY-74 feasibility study was directed toward developing prototype' systems to solve the two problems previously me~:­ tioned.Although time did not allow for the develop:",c; ment of a prototype detector system,it was hoped,{' that a specific detector,which was both applicable and relatively inexpensive,could be identifiedfof .' future development. SYSTEM CONFIGURAliON Pumping'System Initial discussions with Corps personnel"at libby Dam,Montana,indicated that significant problems had been encountered in attempting'to pump river water supersaturated with dissolved,, gases.Bubble formation within the pump lines was so intense that the water supplied became efferves- cent.After discussions with CRREl engineers:,'a: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Following construction,preliminary testing of the stripper was conducted at CRREl.Tap water containing 10 to 12 ppm of dissolved oxygen was continuously passed through the device.Water at the outflow was collected under an inert atmosphere and analyzed for residual dissolved oxygen content by the classical Winkler method.levels consistently less than 0.5 ppm were found.While this trace of dissolved oxygen was always present,it could have been introduced by dissolved oxygen within the reagents or explained by problems in maintaining a totally oxygen-free environment during the 10-min period required to collect the sample. The pumping system was also configured within the laboratory and under visual inspection did not seem to produce bubbles within the pump lines. Complete checkout was impossible,however,since a large supply of water supersaturated with gases was not readily available. Final checkout of both systems was conducted in the field at the National Marine Fisheries Service Environmental Research laboratory at Prescott, Oregon.This facility (Fig.2)is located on a barge in the Columbia River,35 miles downstream from Portland,with easy access to river water having high gas levels.The field configuration included a submersible pump which was maintained about 1 ft beneath the water,the stripping chamber,and a portable gas chromatograph to be used as a detec- tion system (Fig.3 and 4)< While the system was in operation,water sam- ples were withdrawn with a liquid syringe from a septum cap (Point A,Fig.3)located on the system just upstream from the water control valve,and from the river -near the location of the submersible pump.The dissolved gas content of these samples Water In ·6-!-"- Water Out pumping system was configured based upon a cen- trifugal type submersible pump.The system included a control valve at thl~farthest downstream point where sample integrity was required.The back pressure in the lines caused by this control valve would maintain a high equilibrium gas solubility and thus reduce the tendency toward bubble forma- tion.This valve would also serve to maintain -control over the flow rate of water continuously supplied by the pump. Int.rna~MoIMt T.UOIl 8ean ll9, Stripper Unit While attempts were being made to devise a system to remove dissolved gases quantitatively from a continuously supplied water sample,a device developed by Dr.D.Williams and R.J(Miller (1962) at the Naval Research laboratory was discovered. This device was an adaptation of the spinning disc oxygenator used in the medical field to oxygenate blood during open heart surgery.A device con- figured for medical application was obtained from Mary Hitchcock Hospital,Hanover,New Hampshire, and tested.The results were so encouraging that a stripper _device spedfk to our application was con- structed based on the design parameters published by Williams and Miller (1962)(Fig.1). Motor' - fiG.1 DiOlgrOlm of stripper unit _-The principle of operation is as follows.A con- tinuous water sample is introduced to the device (Fig.1).A water level approximately 1/3 of capacity is maintained in the device prior to outflow.A con- tinuous -supply of helium carrier gas circulates through the stripper.During operation,the motor, magnetically coupled to the internal shaft,rotates the internal Mylar discs at several hundred rpm. As the discs rotate through the water,a thin film is spread over the surface and carried into the helium headspace.This thin film rapidly equilibrates with the headspace,which is essentially devoid of air. Since this thin film and the air involved are con- tinuously removed,ra.pid and efficient gas stripping is achieved.FIG.2.Prescott enyironmental field station. Continuous Monitoring 103 FIG.6 Proposed monitor configuration. I 1•l ! il ,1 .r~~He',.",;--L-J --Cctrie.r Go'S ,Gos FlOW ..Co"I,,,1 Unft rh.rtnGI ConduCllvirV Ott.ctor.\ Somple i=1eferel'lCF Cell Cell '..ren' I i Flow Conl",l IVa/".__ I ZeroGas--~ Aulom01ic 3-WQ1 VQllle REFERENCES Gorham,F.P.1901.The gas bubble disease of fish and its cause.In:Bul/.U.S.fish.Commission,1899,vol 19,pp.33-37. Marsh,M.C.and F.P.Gorham.1905.The gas disease in fishes.In:Report of the Bureau of fisheries,1904,pp.343-376. Plehn,M.1924.Praktikum der Fischkrankheiten.Handbuch der Binnen fisherei Mittel Europas,1 :301-479.. Proposed Criteria for Water Quality,vol 1,October 1973,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,pp;102-103. Swinnerton,J.W.,A.J.linnenbom,and C.H.Cheek.1962 Determination of dissolved gases in aqueous solutions by gas chromatography,Anal.Chem.,34:483-485. Williams,D.D.and R.R.Miller.1962.An instrument for on-stream stripping and gas chromatographic determination of gases in liquids,Anal.Chem.34:657-659. Woodbury,l.A.1941.A sudden mortality of fishes accom- panying a supersaturation of oxygen in lake Waubesa,Wise., Trans.Am.fish.Soc.,n:112-117. 1 Water Flow '---~ I ·C.n".,Un"jL--o--._-Veo' Wote ...Level Control Unit From Submersible Pump cation of this system the following areas must be investigated:1)The detector design must be refined,a prototype assembled,and the system validated under field conditions;2)The electronic systems required for detector operation,tempera- ture control,flow cycling,and signal processing must be designed and configured;and 3)Systems to maintain a higher degree of control on flow rates within the stripper unit must be designed and implemented. Should a system be required to quantitate a single component of the gas matrix,a more specific detector would be required but the remainder of the system would be largely applicable. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of this investigation confirm the feasibility of developing an unattended monitoring system for dissolved gas1es.The next step is to actually configure a prototype system for.field validation.A diagram of a specific system,which utilizes a thermal condu1ctivity detector for total gas measurement,is shown in Fig.6.Prior to fabri- Instrument Development,Model 512)was used. Quantitative results were obtained using a sampling loop and a thermal conductivity detector and com- paring the output to that obtained when running a calibration gas. The major problem encountered in obtaining accurate measurements involved maintaining pre- cise knowledge of the wa,ter and gas flow rates in the stripper unit.Specifilcally the value obtained from the output of the gas chromatograph must be adjusted using a factor based upon the ratio of the water and gas flow rates.If the gas and water flow rates can be maintained at an identical value,the concentration of dissolved!gas found in the carrier stream is equivalent to that in the river water ~~~- The difficulty encountered maintaining con- stant flow rates resulted from changes of resistance in the gas flow system.These changes occurred as the drying tube picked up water,resulting in a higher gas head pressure in the stripper and a lower water flow rate through the system.The second problem was encountered when the valve on the gas chromatograph sampling Ipop was switched, sending a gas sample into the GC column.When this was done,the resistanlce on the gas flow system was also changed,resulting in a different head pressure in the stripper.This caused a change in water and gas flow rates as well as a change in the water level in the stripper. In spite of these difficulties,when the system was manually operated with extreme care,reason- ably constant flow rates could be maintained.Values obtained under these conditions were compared with those found by injecting river water samples into the Swinnerton chamber of the gas chromato- graph.The values obtained for dissolved nitrogen were 21.1 ppm by the stripper system and 20.7 ppm by the Swinnerton method.While we were unable to compare these methodologies over an extended period,the results are quite encouraging. ..... ..... ..... --Continuous Monitoring 105 Sample Tak""From Point A On Pump Line FlOW Control Valve Helium r--~J--CarrierGas '------8 Water With Dissolved Gases Removed River Sample 194 196 /97 199 198 186 Nitroqen 92 94 94 94 93 93 , O.ygeo Flow rates used in these tests were approximately 8 ml/min of water and 22 mllmin of helium.When the system was operating under these conditions, samples were taken from the output of the stripper (Point B,Fig.3)and analyzed for residual dissolved gas content with the Hewlett Packard8 gas chromato- graph previously described.Generally,no peaks were detectable on the strip chart.In a few casesj an extremely small peak was observed but was too small to be detected by the digital integrator.These results indicate that the stripper was quantitatively removing dissolved gas from the continuous water sample and transferring this gas to the helium' carrier stream. The final phase of the field test was to deter- mine whether a detector could sense the amount of dissolved gases in the carrier stream and from this accurately quantitate the dissolved gas level in the river.The majority of the experimental diffi- culties were encountered in this phase.Since time did not permit fabrication of a detector specific for this task,a portable gas chromatograph (Analyti«:al RG.5 Chromiltogrilm oi dissolved pses in river wilter i1nd continuously pumped Silmple. Drying Tulle A Septum Cop For Woter Withdrawal From Submersible Pump Flow Control Valve GC Gas StreamSampiing--"'-=:""=":':"=:":":':""--l:.:H---{ Loop Containing Dissolved Gases Re.3 Field instrumental configuriltion• RG.4 System in operillion. Vent Standard Gas was analyzed with a gas chromatograph (Hewlett Packard Model 5700A8)equipped with a Swinnerton stripping chamber (Swinnerton,LinnenbOm,and Cheek,1962).The results are shown in Fig.5.Both the.strip charts and a digital integrator on-line to the gaS chromatograph indicated the samples to be identicil with:resped to dissolvedl1itrogenand oxygen.Hence the pumping'system·was indeed supplying water to the stripper with dissolved gas concentrations equal to those in the'river itself. The next step in the field test was to determine the stripper's efficiency in dissolved gas removal. Published information (Williams and Miller,1962) regarding operation of the stripper unit indicated that 100%stripping efficiency was found when the flow rate ratio of heliUm/water was maintained between 10 and 0.5 for flow rates up to 100 cc/min. 104 Jenkins .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... .... #602-105)is particularly suitable for this application._. since its small diameter provides optimal surface,: .';.::~"/;~7ta::~~:~d,~fti~~e~~;~s~f :Ub~~bl:~de~:~i~~L~•.:~"j~ other communicating with the diaphragm or sensi~," tive element of a low dead-space pressure trans- ducer,the pressure of all gases and vapors in the water contacting the tubing will,at equilibrium,be measured.A most important consideration in design,then,is elimination of dead-space.This, involves both the choice of the appropriate pressure transducer and the design of a low dead-space connection of the tubing to the pressure transducer. DESICN The unit described has been designed for minimal expense,simplicity of fabrication, and ,," ease of operation.Its basic design also allows individual modifications according to the needs· and/or preferences of the user.., Fig.1a indicates the complete parts and mate- rials necessary for construction of the unit.Cat~­ logue sources and numbers are given as the part is described. Pressure Transducer and Probe Assembly A National Semiconducto~LX 1601 AF inte';' grated-circuit pressure transducer which measureS from 10 psia to 20 psia appears ideal for the rcll:,ge in dissolved gas pressure likely to be encountere(B in the field.However,there are many additional models and makes to choose from.The pressure,> transducer is shown (Fig.1b)mounted on a 3/16 in., brass Swagelock8 O-seal connector fitting (B-0300-' 1-20R)using two O-rings (Parker 1/16 in.-0(8)' instead of the metal ferrules which are normally7. used.The Swagelock fitting (Fig.13)is adapted to the pressure transducer nipple diameter by drilling with a #7 (0.201)drill.In addition it is advisable, D'Aoust,White and Seibold:Virginia Mason Research Center, Seattle.Washington. I,B.G.D'Aoust R.White H.Seibold ABSTRACT The environmental and biomedical problem of supersaturation of dissolved gas and the research related to it has produced a need for a more effident means-of measuring and monitoring total dissolved gas pressur,e than those now in use.A modification of the Weiss saturometer is described which equilibrates within 8 min.is portable and can be operated remotely in a recording mode.The basic unit is inexpensive.easily constructed out of available components and allows many options in design so that such units can be custom-made to specific needs.It has been field-tested and is oJrrently in use. The environmental problem of supersaturation of rivers, lakes and streams due to naturally or man- induced excess runoff and/or temperature increases has created an urgent need for a less expensive and more efficient and reliable means of monitoring total dissolved gases then is presently available.In this paper we describe the design and function of a basic instrument which involves several modifi- cations of the original Weiss saturometer which has been used and evaluated for the past 3 yr in the northwestern United States.It is based on the use of a watertight plastic tube across which dissolved gases exchange according to their partial pressures and the total pressure is measured manometrically (as described by Enos et aI.,1965,in studies of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on dissolved gases). We have replaced the large dead-space Bourden tube gauge with a low dead-space solid state elec- tronic pressure transducer to facilitate both porta- bility and remote monitoring.This ability to monitor a particular location inexpensively should provide more useful and meaningful information at much less public and private expense. An Ele<:tronic Monitc)r for Tot;al Dissolved Gas Pressure PRINCIPlE OF OPERAnON Since the devic1~measures total dissolved gas tension or partial pressure,we propose the term "tensionometer"as .a more accurate description of what is actually being measured.The basic prin- ciple uses the fact thelt most gases and vapors diffuse rather quickly through thin layers of most plastics, one of which (silicon rubber in the form of Dow- Corning medical grade silastic8 tubing,catalogue ~. .l ~ " ~ ...... - 1 1 106 ~, ,.".. - FIG.1 a Complete-parts and materiah to cons~et electronic tensloOOmeler.-VOMmeter on right can be used to read output (Vo')of deyke.Parts and suJ'Plies are described Indiyidually In , lext. AG.1c Unit completed with approximately 30 It of cable.R1 and R2 (see text)are on lower two comers of aluminum box; switch (51)is in center below readout (V0)jacks.Hair curler spool to hold silastic:is ShOWlI1 without perforated metal protector. though not essential,to machine a part of the Swagelock fitting insert to extend into the nipple of the pressure transducer as shown in Fig.2a so it occupies most of the dead space of the pressure transducer nipple.The other end of the machined rod holds a 2 in.length of #25 hypodermic stock to connect to the siilastic tubing.Care must be taken when constructing and assembling this part of the unit to avoid the risk of stressing or punc- turing the silastic fluid-isolating membrane of the pressure transducer (Fig.la). The Swage lock fitting is screwed into a brass insert (Fig).1b and 2a)which is constructed of FIG.:1b PVC threaded pipe union which senes •submefsible , probe housing shown with brass insert containl..SwagelOc:k' fitting In which pressure transducer (LX 1601A.f)Is mounted." FIG.1d Same as 1C but with digital YOM meter connected to output Yo' 1/8 in.plate 2-3/4 in.in diameter,soldered or brazed to a 1 in.length of 1-5/80.0.brass bar stock which has been machined to an 1.0.of 1 in.to receive the Swagelock fitting. This brass adapter fits inside a schedule 80 PVC 1-1/2 in.threaded plastic pipe union as shown in Fig.2a and 1d.Approximately 10 ft of silastic tube is wound around a plastic hair curler (TipTop@) #5840/X,Faberge Inc.,Omaha,Nebraska)and one end is tightly knotted and/or plugged with a short, smooth length of nylon fishing line.The other end of the silastic tubing is strain-relieved on the side of the hair curler by a loose knot or RTV adhesive Electronic Monitor 107 -IMIN-r 7.5 MIN RE.wJVAL I 136~SAT'N ---+-t FIG.2d Reeordingof appl'Oilch to maximum read"mg taken in the N.M.f.5.Mon~lce Laboratory in Seattle.Final pn!55Ufe mea- sured (referred to surfxe)was 136%Aluration reached in 7.5 min and WillS reproduced in three consecutive triilh.Notice the more rapid retum 10 equilibrium folowing removal of the probe because of the physically c&fferentO(ps/membrane/ps)diffusiOn sitwdons. FIG.2b Circuitry showing bitttery operation:Reg..1M 340-15 National Semiconductor 15 volt regulator.51,three position switch for on/off and bitttery or regulilted voltage reading;R1,' 2000 ohm 10 tum helipot.~SOOO ohm 10 lum heIipot.~, 2000 ohm (1/4 watt)resistor.PO'pressure transducer.Yo,jacks where output or bitttery voltage is measured. r=Ii"_~_1_!1-.-l--L._+- R.:...1---I.--".h-.-1 The terminals of the pressure transducer are> connected to the waterproof three-wire neoprene-c' covered cabte (Belden 19229,18-3 5JO Rancho.;,, prenel8l )by constructing a small five-wireclip.< from one side of an in-line integrated circuitlC: socket.Only the ground (pin 2),supply (pin 5)and output (pin 1)terminals of the chip are used in this,. configuration and are connected to the cable by 5 in.of small flexible #20 hookup wire.The cabte attachment to the PVC union is both waterproofed and strain-relieved by means of a plastic cord grip,,; FLUID ISQATOR LX 160lAF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER SWAGROCK O-SEAl mE CONNECTOR B-3QO-I-20R o.S LO L5 50 +VQTS 100 150 200 mm Hg V ,: :C ci • &/B ./A :~/,:. I P /~//.IN 10 mV .~.dP •mm I-t:J -,-......~_.---+--- / l5 lQ/1t !faI• A<:~: B<:~~; C <R l 948 R2 933 AMBIENT PR£SSURE , L625"BAR STOCK-'-----, UP/'R..ATE BRASS O.R. SOLDER 0.020 S. S.'\ FIG.h Detail of mounting of pressure trmsducer in Swagelock fitting and brass insert.The ~tter is most NSiIy constructed by first mKhining theilNr stock to correct dimensions mel then adding the 01/1 in.plate.The ceotel'~er of the 0Swagelock fitting can be _mined from 1/4 in.brus rod and the 0.020 s.s. apil~ry soldered inside it. which ,does not occlude the lumen of the tube and the other end is attached to the protruding end of the staintess steel capitlary.The hair curler is fastened (with a hose damp)to the machined end of a pvc pipe ptug which threads directly into the PVC union.A cylinder of perforated metal is in turn hose-clamped directly to the latter to protect the silastic tube.This construction facilitates carry- ing several prewound "spare membranes"in field studies so that replacement,if necessary.can be accomplished in minutes. 108 D'Aoust,White,Seibold FIG.2c A~tiYe CalibAtion slopes for Yo',t,to read in mm Hg where 1 mm Hg ,=10 mY.a.to read in inches of mercury where 1 in.mercury =UO mY .et inches of mercury =Yo I(10. C,to read in percent 5UpeI'Y.IuAIion where 10%SUpersatuAtion =100 mY,the pen:entase extes of undersatUration =Yo I(100. The latter cMibration "throws _ay"most of the preuure semi- me output and is iIlUordiiI'lsly less KOIrate. I ,.,..l .I' j: -. connector (1/2 in.male pipe,catalogue #2672, Thomas and Betts,Elizabeth,New Jersey)which screws into the 1-1/2 in.to 1/2 in.PVC reducing bushing (Fig.1)and Ifirmly strain-relieves the heavy cable.Teflon tape is used in all of the threaded con- nections to assure a watertight seal. ELECTRON ICS There are many options available in the power supply and the readout circu itry used.That which is described is offered only as a starting point but provides a reasonably inexpensive,efficient unit. Fig.2b indicates the circuitry used,all of which, save the cable and the pressure transducer,is con- tained in a cast aluminum box (BUD #CU-247)as shown in Figs.1a,1c,and 1d.The uJlit is powered by a DC source bet.lVeen 18 and 30 volts.This can be from two -to four 9-volt transistor batteries or two larger 12-volt batteries.A DC power supply is desirable for laboratory calibration since it saves battery life. The DC source shown in Fig.2b supplies a regu- lator (LM 34015 National Semiconductor)which maintains a constant 15 volts.This voltage is fur- ther dropped by resistors R3 and R1 to vary the offset voltage of the transducer against which the output voltage of the pressure transducer-itself attenuated by R2-is measured.Any VOM multi- meter of at least 20,000 ohms/volt will suffice to measure Vo 'Ten-turn small helipots are used for R1 (2K)and R2 (5K).It is desirable to have either the regulator voltage or the battery voltage read- able by ":leans of the two position switch 51. Calibration Fig.2c is a curve showing several different ways the device can be calibrated.The voltage measured can accurately indicate (by sh ifting a decimal)either millimeters of mercury pressure,inches of mercury pressure,or percent saturation,referred to baro- metric pressure (B);a reading of zero volts is equiva- lent to ambient pressure.Approximate helipot dial settings are given for R1 .and R2 associated·with the three calibration graphs assuming B =760 mm Hg.These will vary slightly with the altitude and ambient pressures prevailing during use,and it is recommended that the instrument be thoroughly calibrated with a number of different slope and pressure settings prior to use.The pressure trans- ducer itself is sensitive enough to act as a barom- eter and/or altimeter. Maximum accuracy is obtained when dV/dP is maximal;that is,maximum voltage per unit pressure.In the experience with the unit thus far it appears most feasible to calibrate in terms of 10 mV/mm of mercury so that millimeters of mer- cury can be read directly by multiplying by 100.It is of course feasible to integrate into the unit a digi- tal voltmeter for readout.However,this involves considerably greater expense not only for the DVM but also for the more sophisticated power supplies to run it.Applications oriented toward monitoring and telemetry over long time periods may justify such further sophistication. Use of the Unit Since the measurement of supersaturation always suffers from the uncertainty that a physically unstable situation is being measured,several notes of caution are in order for the use of these instru- ments.As with other units,agitation is necessary to remove bubbles from the silastic tubing to pro- vide the pressure reading.However,when super-· saturation is not present,equilibrium Occurs without agitation within 8 min.Fig.2d is a curve showing the titne course of pressure buildup in the tube following immersion of the probe in approximately 30 ft of supersaturated water in the tower operated by the National Marine Fisheries Service in Seattle. The reading shown in Fig.2d is 136%saturation and required 7.5 min to reach this value,which was reproduced on three consecutive measurements.It is clear that if the depth of water which is to be measured is at least 10 ft it should be possible to measure supersaturations as high as 33%relative to the surface without haVing to agitate the probe. It appears that in most field situations it would be sufficient to measure at a depth of 15 ft and,pro- vided the assumption of vertical mixing was valid, agitation should not be necessary.This should give data of greater reliability than that afforded by using existing units in a large sample of water. Further,these units are not efficient because of the large amount of tubing necessary to counteract their large dead space.Since the tubing also acts as growth sites for bubbles,adding more of it to counteract a large dead volume is of questionable benefit.Comparison of the present unit with that commercially available on single samples of super- saturated tap water has shown that the latter can under-read by as much as 40%of the maximum value shown by the un it described here. It is important in comparing these devices to other quantitative modes of analysis such as the Van Slyke and/or gas chromatography to keep in mind that,where supersaturation exists in the water being analyzed,tensionometers can underestimate the total dissolved gas content and quantitative methods can overestimate the dissolved gas tension because of the possible presence of microbubbles. Use of either measurement to estimate the other with solubility tables (Weiss,1970)must be inter- preted with caution.It is also emphasized that the only reliable measurements where supersaturation Electronic Monitor 109 I j J J,.' J'.'. :.,.' 1 1 is present are those taken under conditions of steady-state where the readings stabilize and are reproducible.For purposes of natural water manage- ment it appears most desirable to more continuously monitor dissolved gas tension at different locations to accurately quantify and delimit the problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This resear<:h was supported by USPHS grants #Hl 12015,#Hl 14801,to the Virginia Mason Research Center,Seattle,Washington,and Career Award K04 Hl 70543 to B.G.D'Aoust. We thank Bruce Monk of the National Marine Fisheries Service,Montlake Laboratory,for the use of the supersaturation test tower.The .author's 110 D'Aoust,White,Seibold original interest in this problem was sparked by a meeting in January 1971 between Dr.Robert Rucker (1972)of the Western Fish Disease Lab and Dr.Mer- rill Spencer,then director of Virginia Mason Research Center. REFERENCES Enns,T.,P.F.Scholander and E.D.Bradstreet.1965.Effect of the hydrostatic pressure on gases dissolved in water.}.Phys. Chern.19:389. Rucker,R.1972.Gas Bubble Disease:A Crititcal Review. Bur.Sport Fish.and Wildl.Tech.Paper No.58.U.S.Dept.of the Interior. Weiss,R.F.1970.The solubility of nitrogen,oxygen and argon in water and sea water.Deep Sea Res.17:721. Round Table Discussions WATER QUALITY STANDARDS DISSOLVED GASES ANALYSIS ~~:~~NMENTAL ~ELECTROLYTIC STANDARDIZATION l ,GAS CHROMATOGRAPH SATUROMETER I \";WINKLER \~VANSLYKE DISSOLVED GAS ~ ANALYSIS RESEARCH NEEDS IN DISSOLVED GAS STUDIES (MITIGATION)"...,/............... "STEAM ELECTRIC THERMAL DAIMS ./NATURA~/NTS EFFECTS +,\ 1 """AIR ENTRAINMENT ""\THERMALSUB-LETHAL INiREMENT LETHAL 1 FIELD __DISSOLVED'~A~>::.A~'"..:"1:''"i1~~00_ DEI'TH 1 THEORY DISTRIBUTION ~CRITICAL EXPOSURE INTERMITTENT ,,/""'-. EXPOSURE 'It..I POPULATION EFFECT GAS TRANSFER "'" RATE _'\., Informal round table discussions were held dealing with several topic areas related to gas bubble disease.The co-chairmen of each discussion were asked to establish an agenda and lead the discus- sion with goals of determining the current state of knowledge and identifying research needs in the. subject area.A diagram of research areas (Fig.1) was presented as a basis for discussion. Participants were asked to select from four topic areas:biological studies,physical and engineering studies,analytical problems,and water quality criteria.The biological studies were subdivided into groups dealing with field and laboratory oriented studies that were held concur- rently as were sessions on analytical problems and physical and engineering stud ies. The following summaries of each of the dis- cussions were prepared from notes and tapes of the sessions and we hope they accurately represent a generalconcensus of the participants'opinions. .~ FIG.1 Research areas in dissolved gas studies 1 111 """ Biological Studies: Laboratory Orient<ltion laboratory studies of the effects of dissolved gas supersaturation on aquatic organisms have been designed primarily to determine acute tolerance using death as an endpoint. Gas supersaturation is an immediate and urgent problem in the Columbia River system, particularly with regard to salmonid resources, requiring management decisions on a time scale which precludes long-term or basic studies of the effects of dissolved gas supersaturation on aquatic biota.We have by necessity focused on short-term experiments designed to answer questions of lethal levels of gas saturation,in most cases during acute experiments.These tests assume that once exposed to excess dissolved gas an organism becomes and remains supersaturated.However, two other contingencies exist:the gas solubility may be increased (i.e.,by sounding to increase hydrostatic pressure or by decreasing the tempera- ture)or the tissue dissolved gas content may be decreased (by re-equilibration with water having a lower dissolved gas tension).If neither of these occurs,the excess gas will leave solution and form gas-phase bubbles causing gas bubble disease. Hydrostatic pressure increases gas phase partial pressures such that the gas saturation level of an organism decreases as it moves to a deeper location.Most river systems subject to artificial supersaturation are deep enough to permit this pressure compensatio1n,but the behavior of fishes exposed to supersaturation is poorly understood. Factors other than gas levels (e.g.,light,tempera- ture,prey density,pressure)may cause a depth- selective response.Trauma due to gas bubble disease may be another stimulus affecting depth distribution.Diadromous species are forced to surface when passing over dams,decompressing, and perhaps producing gas bubble disease when the hydrostatic pressure decreases. Dissolved gases move down a gradient of gas tension:the external gas tensions must be less than the internal tension at the exchange surface for a net outward flux of gas to take place. There is some evidence that the rate of equili- bration between organisms and water is rapid,with 112 Round Table Discussion I Co-Chairmen A.V.Nebeker D.H.Fickeisen equilibration nearly complete in a matter of 1 to 2 hr.Re-equilibration is also rather rapid;however, in the Columbia River system re-equilibration during the spillway operating season ,is not feasible: under present operating schemes as 'essentially the ' entire system is artificially supersaturated for ex- tended periods. During acute tolerance tests we have recog- nized that additional information on swimming depth distribution,behavioral responses to gas supersaturation,and effects of intermittent expo- sure to excess dissolved gases is needed.long- term and basic studies dealing with sublethal and chronic effects at the population and ecosystems level rather than limited to the individual level should also be undertaken.Specific research needs identified during the discussion include: •Sublethal and chronic effects of exposure to gas supersaturated water.Effects on fecundity, predator-prey relationships,and sensory physiology require further study.' •Combined stressor ,effects.More informa- tion is needed detailing effects of temperatur~, fish disease,and operations of hydroelectric facili- ties acting with gas supersaturation.It is quite possible that these and other factors act syner- gistically to increase the magnitude of their indivi- dua I effects. •Gas bubble formation trigger mechanisms. Initial experiments and a review of available data indicate that mechanisms triggering bubble forma- tion are multiple and differ in acute and chro'nic tests.Basic physiological research is required to,' define trigger mechanisms,effects of internal body" pressures and nucleation sites,and factors resulting," in bubble size stabilization.Differences in'indivi- dual gases also require attention. •Detection of and response to gas super- saturation.Evidence regarding the ability of fishes to respond to supersaturation is conflicting.Some Nebeker:U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis. Oregon;and Fickeisen:Battelle-Northwest,Ecosystems De- panment,Richland.Washington. ,- ..... ".... estuarine species appear to avoid water containing dissolved oxygen tensions in e>;.cess of 110%of atmospheric pressure,while other species do not appear to respond to elevated gas tensions.Simple selection chambers should be employed in addi- tional tests with several species. In addition,the following acute tests are needed: •Intermittent exposure.Selective spilling such that only a portion of a river system is super- saturated might alleviate the effect of gas super- saturation on diadromous fishes.About 2 yr ago the Nitrogen Task Force recommended that the feasibility of spilling "slugs"of water and the effect of the anticipated intermittent exposure be investigated.Additionally,diadromous species are subject to decreases in hydrostatic pressure when they pass over dams.Although some inter- mittent exposure data is being collected,additional studies are needed. •Acute tolerance.Data are available des- cribing the tolerance of freshwater fishes to dis- solved gas supersaturation;however,tolerances of aquatic invertebrates and marine organisms to acute exposure are poorly defined at present. The session closed with a plea for basic re- search aimed at determining long-term population and ecosystems effects and for some immediate cooperative solution to maintain the Columbia River system's salmonid resources. Round Table Discussion 113 Biological Studies: Field ()rientation I Co-Chairmen W.Ebel R.McConnell J J 1 J 1 L.~ji. During the review of past research and throughout the discussion of current research,a consensus of opinion was developed concerning several points. A general summary of these points is as follows: •Both adult and juvenile fish populations suffer substantial mortalities if exposed for a suffi- cient duration at levels exceeding 120%saturation even though they have the option to sound and compensate for supersaturation. •Adult mortalities that have occurred at Bonneville Dam since 1955 have been related to gas bubble disease and,in 1968,20,000 adult chinook were estimated lost in the vicinity of John Day Dam. •Spawning ground surveys in the Columbia and Snake Rivers have indicated a recent decline in numbers of redds and these can be directly related to years when supersaturation was high. •Percentage adult return of steelhead and spring and summer chinook to the Snake River have steadily declined since 1970,in spite of in- creased production by hatcheries. •Mortality of juvenile populations of sal- monids varies between dams and the cause of ,mortality changes,diepending on the flow and the type of dam the fIsh must pass through.During high flow years the majority of the mortalities can be attributed to N 2 supersaturation.However, in low flow years such as 1973,all mortality had to be the result of delays in migration rate,predation, and passage through turbines.It was the consensus that an extremely low flow year such as 1973 created much great~~r mortality to juveniles than high flow years when supersaturation is present. For example.Raymond (NMFS)estimated the juvenile loss of chinook from the salmon River in Idaho to Ice Harbor Dam was about 50%in 19n and 70%in 1972 (both high flow years)while in 1973 {a low flow year with no supersaturation}mortality was about 88%. •Resident fish species and invertebrate population also are affected by gas bubble disease. Eighteen species of fish in the lower Columbia River have been obs.erved with gas bubble disease and invertebrate species diversity below libby Dam has been reduced Ileaving primarily one species (Chironomus sp.). •Knowledge of depth distribution of fish 114 Round Table Discussion species is important when attempting to assess mortality that might be caused by exposure to supersaturation of N2 •When levels of 130%are recorded at surface pressures,juvenile salmon in the Snake River are still subjected to levels of at least 118%,even after accounting for the hydro- static compensation indicated by their average depth distribution.Studies of depth distribution by Mains and Smith (1954-55)indicated that 44%of the outmigrant chinook were in the top 2.5 ft of water and 68%were near shore.Studies of depth distribution at lower Monumental by Smith (1973) indicated 34%of the juvenile chinook and 27%of the steelhead were in the top 5 ft of water.Prelimi- nary tests to determine depth distribution in the lower Columbia by use of a sonic fish detector indicated 58%were in the top 5 ft. All three studies indicated more fish move- ment occurred during the night hours. •live cage studies done by Parametrix were in agreement with past live cage studies.No mor- tality occurred in a vertical cage even though levels rose to 125%saturation.It was pointed out that other live cage studies done earlier resulted in sub.;, stantial mortalities in the volitional cage (as high as 60%in the Snake River)but levels of satura- tion were as high as 135 to 140%. •Intermittent exposure of juvenile salmon increases survival over that recorded for constant exposure to high levels of supersaturation. •Recovery of exposed juveniles with obvious symptoms of gas bubble disease does occur but nonlethal exposure of adults usually results in death from secondary infection from some other disease such as Columnaris. •Studies to evaluate devices for .reducing N 2 concentrations indicate that spillway deflectors are the best solution to date.All data obtained indicate that they reduce N2 levels substantially from what would occur with the standard spil1way and no adverse effects to either juveniles or adults passing through or in the vicinity of the devices could be detected. Ebel:National Marine Fisheries Service.Seattle.Washington; and McConnell:Nalional Marine Service Fisheries.Longview. Washington. .- •Transportation studies indicate that sur- vival of chinook and steelhead can be increased from 10 to 400%by collecting juveniles at the upper dam and transporting them to locations below Bonneville Dam. The following areas were indicated by the group as areas where research should be continued or,if not already in progress,should be started. •Transportation studies should continue. •Survival data should be continually ob- tained to determine changes in survival rates that occur at various flows as spillway deflectors are installed. •Additional hodzontal and vertical distribu- tion data are needed for both salmonid and resident species to estimate what happens to ,the food chain and predafor-prey rE!lations when the biomass is subjected to Varying degrees of exposure to super- saturation of N 2 • •Additional data on tolerance of adult sal- monids to supersaturation of N 2 are needed.Several species have not been tested and additional bio- assays should be conducted. •Observations of the Kootenai River below libby Dam should continue to obtain data on degree of recovery of the ecosystem after N2 levels are reduced. •Studies to define effect of long-term sub- lethal exposures on survival and productivity are needed. •Synergistic effects of other factors on toler- ance to supersaturation are unknown and some investigation is needed. A final general comment was made and gener- ally agreed upon,and that was:"We have enough information now to proceed with correction of the problem and spillway deflectors should be installed as soon as possible.There is little need to delay installation while additional nebulous information is obtained." Round Table Discussion 115 F""""'- Analytical Metho-ds I Co-Chairmen M.J.Schneider B.G.D'Aoust For total gases excluding water vapor relative to moist air,use water barometric +saturometer vapor pressure pressure pressureSaturation=-,;"..-_._--,;"..---....._-- barometric pressure Methods of dissolved gas quantification were dis- cussed and compared.Presently available methods report data for a single discrete sample and each has unique features making the selection depen- dent on intended use of the data,operator skill, and equipment cost.In addition,the two methods being developed for continuous and semi-continu- ous unattended monitoring were discussed as was the need for such capabilities.Each of the methods will be treated separcltely below. The Weiss saturometer or tensionometer mea- sures total dissolved gas tension directly.Dissolved gases are permitted to diffuse across a semi- permeable membrane into a closed,gas-filled space connected to a pressure sensor.The design most commonly used consists of a coil of Silastic@l tubing inside a protective cage which is submerged in the water being analyzed.The tubing is con- neded to a pressure gauge providing total dis- solved gas pressure including water vapor relative to the surface atmospheric pressure.A positive pressure,therefore,represents a supersaturated condition. Three different Irormulae have been used to compute the percentage of equilibrium saturation. If the degree of total dissolved gas saturation (in- cluding water vapor pressure)relative to moist air is desired,use the formula: barometric pressure (3) water vapor pressure water vapor pressure barometric pressure x 100 barometric saturometer pressure +pressure Saturation = And for the degree of total gas saturation excluding water vapor relative to dry air,use: Equation (2)correlates with values normally re- ported in the literature for other methods;however, the appropriate formula to use depends on the intended use of the data.In any case,the baro- metric pressure and water temperature should be reported with data obtained with the saturometer to permit conversion between values. Advantages of the saturometer include low ,cost and capability of use in the field.It is readily portable and provides data on site.It does not, however,provide data for individual gases and requires running a simultaneous Winkler titration to determine oxygen concentration so that sepa- rate gas data may be computed.Several partici- pants were critical of the instrument due to prob· lems arising from the relatively long equilibration time (approximately 20 min)and the need to vigo- rously agitate the instrument during this equilibra- tion time.It was agreed that the operator must be familiar with potential problems including leaks and the equilibration time and must conscientiously use the saturometer. Dr.Brian 0'Aoust suggested that the concept of the saturometer has not been thoroughly explored through radical design changes including reducing the volume of the dead space in the tubing and pressure sensor.As little as 2 in.of tubing may be (1)x 100 saturometer+pressure barometric pressure Saturation = -- .... - x 100.(2) SChneider:Battelle-Northwest.Ecosystems Department,Rich- land,W~hington;and D'Aoust:Virginia Mason Research Center,Seattle.Washington. 116 Round Table Discussion - - .-. - successfully used rather than the 100 to 300 ft com- monly used.Tubing dead space may be reduced by inserting stainless steel wire.Use of a pressure transducer in place of the gauge adapts the satu- rometer for continuous monitoring (see paper by D'Aoust,this conference).In addition,a technique for pre-pressurization of the saturometer to the expected final reading was discussed.This aids in reducing the equilibration time. The microgasometric method of Scholander et al.(Bioi.Bult.109:328-334;1955)was mentioned as being intermediate in difficulty between the saturometer and Van Sryke methods.The apparatus is portable and can be used in the field;however, it does not appear to have been widely used in gas bubble disease rese,arch and may deserve further investigation. The Van Slyke manometric method has been widely used in conjunction with a Winkler titration to report data on oxygen and nitrogen saturation. It is generally agreed to require high-level compe- tence to operate and is not readily portable.In addition,mercury is used in relatively large quan- tities presenting a health-safety problem.Partici- pants agreed,however,that it is a highly accurate method and is useful for calibration of other methods,as well as for primary data collection. Gas chromatography offers several advantages including rapid analysis of multiple samples.It is not portable and is relatively costly although it was reported that Carle offers a suitable chromato- graph for Jess than $1000 (without integration). Use of electronic peak area integration greatly increases accuracy and precision.A disadvantage is the requirement for calibration with each use; however,development of a simplified electrolytic calibration is continuing and a recently developed ultrasonic detector offered by Tracor is claimed to eliminate external calibration for gas analysis. Finally,a technique of continuous monitoring devices indicated that additional research in this area is needed and that the capability would be useful for determining the dissolved gas regime in the river. Round Table Discussion 117 L L Physics of ICO~~~~i~:~~rdson R.BacaDissolvedGases and Engineering Solutions PHYSICS OF NITROGEN SUPERSATURATION The condition of supersaturation occurs when water falling over a spillwiily entrains large volumes of air as it plunges into the stilling basin.Atmospheric gases are driven into solution by the high pressure of the impacting water.Because the condition of supersaturation is a chemically unstable condi- tion,a natural degasification process occurs which releases the excess g.IS in solution.The rate of gas release across the air-water interface is generally controlled by atmospheric pressure and water tem- perature.The degasification rate can be estimated from the relation: MODELING OF GAS REGIMES There are two distinct gas regimes which require modeling,namely the near-field and far-field re- gimes.The near-field program involves describing the processes of entrainment and supersaturation which occur in the stilling basin.This problem represents a considerable challenge to any modeling effort because it involves a description of a highly turbulent phenomenon.The far-field problem refers to the problem of describing motion and distribu- tion of nitrogen-supersaturated water given the level of supersaturation at the stilling basin.This problem has been modeled with considerable success using one-dimensional transport models. C s =23 -0.55808 T +0.00763 T 1 (2) where the temperature,T,is given in degrees centigrade.The rate coefficient,k,is a function of temperature,the degree of turbulence and the interfacial area over which the gas transfer occurs. One of numerous correlations for k proposed in the literature is the relation: where C is the concentration of dissolved nitrogen (N 2 ),Cs.the equilibrium saturation level and k is a rate coefficient.The saturation concentration is principally a function of temperature.At 1 atm pressure,the nitrogen solubility data is adequately described by the relatiion: - Sr =k(C-C s) k l zU 1.028 (T-20) hJ (1) (3) MITIGATION ACTIVITIES Consideration of methods to reduce the levels of dissolved gas supersaturation in the Columbia- Snake River systems caused by operation of hydro- electric facilities led the Corps of Engineers to two approaches:A reduction in spill volume and modifi- cation of spillways to reduce the degree of air entrainment to stilling basin depths.Several methods of achieving these goals were discussed,including: •Additional upstream storage reservoirs to reduce the flow during the run-off season and re- lease the water later in the year.However,there is much opposition to construction of additional dams due to their anticipated environmental impact. •Increase water flow through power houses, thereby reducing the volume passing over the spill- way.There are two methods to do this;either by installing additional generators in skeleton bays of the Snake River dams or by passing water through the skeleton bays which have no turbines.Both approaches have been used,but present plans are to install a full complement of turbines by 1979. The use of slotted bulkheads to break the force of the water was tested and successfully aided in re- where Dz is the film diffusion coefficient,U is the average flow velocity and h the mean water depth. 118 Round Table Discussion Richardson:Corps of Engineel'5.Walla Walla Washington; and Baca:Battelle-Northwest,Richland,Washington. ..- dudng levels of supersaturation;however,fish pas- sage through the bulkheads resulted in a high (50%) mortality rate and their use was discontinued during periods of downstream salmonid migration. •Spillway deflectors to reduce plunging were designed and tested.These have resulted in a substantial reduction of saturation levels below the spillways,and the deflectors are planned for in- stallation at several dams in the next few years.The deflectors are designed to break the fall of spilling water and deflect the water and entrained air across the surface of the stilling basin rather than per- mitting it to plunge to depths where hydrostatic pressure forces the air to dissolve into the water.A constraint on the design was to permit normal plunge basin operation during very hjgh flow years to dissipate the energy of the spilled water and pre- vent structural damage to the dam.Thus,the de- flectors were designed for a 1-in-10-yr flood.Tests indicated up to a 15%reduction in saturation values when the forebay was normally saturated and a 10 to 20%degasification when the forebay was super- saturated at Lower Monumental Dam.Tests of coho, chinook,and steelhead survival passing over normal spillway bays and those with deflectors indicated results ranging from no significant dif- ference to greatly improved survival with the deflectors. A final method of mitigation which was dis- cussed was transportation of salmon ids around the dams.In this scheme,which has been tested with good results,screening devices are installed before the turbines of an upstream dam and downstream migrants transported by truck to a location below Bonneville Dam.Initial tests are favorable with a greatly increased rate-of-return.Estimates are that 40%of the migrants could be captured at a given Snake River dam,meaning that about two million chinook and two to three million steel head would be transported.Research on screening con- figuration is continuing to minimize capture dam- age (primarily scaling). Round Table Discussion 119 .~.. J; J .f H.'.'.'.JJ Water Quality Standards Based on a review of 20 papers dealing with the biological effects of total dissolved gas supersatu- ration on aquatic organisms,a group consisting of Rob RuJifson,Ron Pine.Ed Quan,and Gene Ralston representing EPA and state regulatory agen- cies of Washington,Oregon and Idaho,respec- tively,concluded that total dissolved gas super- saturation is only one of many factors affecting the fisheries of a river system where hydroelectric projects are involved.During high flow years supersaturation is a predominant factor causing juvenile mortalities.Prototype tests with spillway deflectors indicate they contribute minimally to total losses;however,it is generally agreed that the 110%level of total dissolved gas supersatura- tion will probably never be reached.A level of 115% supersaturation can be tolerated by juvenile sal- monids considering the compensatory effects of hydrostatic pressure and travel time in the river system which will act to minimize mortality.There- fore,the group conciluded,"the total dissolved gas standard in the Columbia and Snake Rivers could be raised,to 115%without causing significant mortal ities." Comments and discussion were solicited from the round table participants and the resulting dis- cussion raised several questions concerning the appropriateness of the value 115%as a criterion to provide reasonable protection of the most desir- able water use and the riverine ecosystem as well as attributes of a strong enforceable water quality standard. There was no !iubstantial opposition to the recommendation of "115%as a criterion for protec- tion of juvenile salmcmids from direct lethal effects, but it was suggested that the proposed value would not adequately protect shallow water resident organisms,in partlicular,invertebrate benthos which are important food chain organisms,and that 110%would provide reasonable protection for them.In addition,levels below 115%may re- sult in as yet undefined sublethal effects.On the other hand,several suggested that even higher levels would protect fishes in some locations given sufficient hydrostatic pressure compensation,but detailed knowledge IOf depth distribution of fishes is not yet available. 120 Round Table Discussion I Co-Chairmen R.L.Rulifson R.Pine Provisions suggested for inclusion in an en- forceable standard included: •Methodology:to be employed in measuring dissolved gas levels.This should include computa- tions,sampling locations,and exclusion of water vapor pressure from total gas tension calculations. •The area or extent of permitted levels of excess dissolved gas tension should be defined, including the zone allowed for mixing of power- house and spillway waters. •Deviations from a basic enforcement level might be permitted for a specified duration. •Temperature might be a factor involved in a standard if studies of combined effects indicate a synergistic effect of supersaturation and tem- perature. • A flexible system might be developed which would provide a separate enforcement level for each site based on species composition,water depth,and minimum practicable dissolved gas levels. •Relevancy to regions beyond the Pacific Northwest should be considered carefully as the standard or criteria may become nationally accepted. A general consensus was that a level of 115% would protect salmonid fishes migrating through the Columbia-Snake River systems but that a lower level (110%)should be adopted as a criterion for protection of shallow-water benthos.As an en- forceable standard,115%total gas saturation appeared to be agreeable for the Columbia-Snake River system as a realistically enforceable value except during particularly high flow years. Rulifson:United States Environmental Protection Agency,Water Quality Management Section,Seattle,Was~ington;.and Pine: Washington Department of Ecology.Olympia,Washington. List of Participants Dick Allen Ron Bush Duane H.Fickeisen Washington Dept.of Fisheries Corps of Engineers Battelle-Northwest-Wenatchee,WA Seattle,WA Richland,WA Bob D.Anderson Alexander Ciesluk Ronald R.Garton Washington Water Power Texas Instruments Environmental Protection ~Spokane,WA Buchanan,N.Y.Agency-~ Corvallis,OR Chuck Apts M.J.R.Clark Battelle-Northwest,Water Resources Service Chuck Gibson Sequim,WA Victoria,B.C Battelle-Northwest Sequim,WA Henry Aus Alice M.Clay Washington State University New England Aquarium Earl E.Gjelde Albrook lab Boston,MA Bonneville Power Admin. Pullman,WA Portland,OR..-Brian G.D'Aoust Robert Baca Virginia Mason Research Robert H.Gray Battelle-NorthwE!st Center Battelle-Northwest .-Richland,WA Seattle,WA Richland,WA C E.Bagnall Donald Danielski Floyd Hall Grant County PUD Yankee Atomic Electric Co.Corps of Engineers ,1Il1~Ephrata,WA Westboro,MA Portland,OR Constance von Barloewen larry Davis R.W.Hanf,Jr. ,-B.C Fish &Wildlife u.s.National Marine Fisheries Battelle-Northwest I Victoria,B.C longview,WA Richland,WA Ron Bates John Douglas Donald Hauck Seattle City light Washington Game Dept.Chelan PUD Seattle,WA Olympia,WA Wenatchee,WA ..-CD.Becker Paul F.X.Dunigan William F.Hettler Batte II e-Northwest U.S.Atomic Energy Commission U.S.National Marine Fisheries Richland,WA Richland,WA Atlantic Estuarine Fisheries Center ~Kirk Beiningen Wes Ebel Beaufort,N.CI Oregon Fish Commission U.S.National Marine Fisheries Clackamas,OR Seattle,WA Thomas Jenkins•U.S.Army,.- W.W.Bentley Mike Erho Cold Regions Research & U.S.National Marine Fisheries Douglas County PUD Engineering lab .-Pasco,WA Wenatchee,WA Hanover,N.H . Donald Beyer R.B.Fairbanks Charles Junge Fisheries Research Institute Mass.Division of Marine Fisheries Commission Oregon ~University of Washington Fisheries Clackamas,OR~ Seattle,WA Sandwich,MA 121 ~, ,..-~ Stan Katkansky Bruce Monk Lynwood S.Smith Portland General Electric U.s.National Marine Fisheries Fisheries Research Institute Portland,OR Seattle,WA University of Washington Seattle,WA Steve Kiesser Jerry C.Montgomery,- Battelle-Northwest Battelle-Northwest Wendell E.Smith Sequim,WA Richland,WA Idaho Power Co. Boise,10 Kenneth B.Kral Alan V.Nebeker Tacoma City Light Environmental Protection George R.Snyder Tacoma,WA Agency U.s.National Marine Fisheries ..-Corvallis,OR Seattle,WA Morris Larson Corps of Engineers Tim Newcomb Richard Stroud Portland,OR U.S.National Marine Fisheries Dept.of Veterinary Medicine ~Seattle,WA Oregon State University David l.legg Corvallis,OR Corps of Engineers Thomas l.Page ~Portland,OR Ba ttelle-Northwest John S.Thompson Richland,WA Corps of Engineers Bernie Leman Seattle,WA Chelan PUD Ron Pine Wenatchee,WA Washington Dept.of Ecology Burton E;Vaughan Olympia,WA Battelle-Northwest Rocco A.Marcello Richland,WA ~Boston Edison Co.G.C.Richardson Boston,MA Corps of Engineers Charles R.Weaver Walla Walla,WA U.S.National Marine Fisheries Bruce May Portland,OR Montana Dept.of Fish &Game Robert R.Rucker libby,MT u.s.National Marine Fisheries Douglas Weber Seattle,WA U.s.National Marine Fisheries.-Daniel Mayercek Seattle,WA Texas Instruments Robert l.Rulifson Buchanan,N.Y.Environmental Protection Edward Weiss Agency Pacific Power &Light Robert McConnell Water Quality Management Portland,OR U.S.National Marine Fisheries Section Longview,WA Seattle,WA Donald Weitkamp Parametrix,Inc. Tom Meekin Bill Sandeen Seattle,WA Washington Dept.of Fisheries Federal Power Commission Olympia,WA San francisco,CA John W.Meldrim Mark J.Schneider Ichthyological Associates Battelle-Northwest Middletown,MD Richland,WA ,~ 122 Participams Index Avoidance,11,75 Blood chemistrY',96 Blood dotting mechanisms,93 Cascading bubble effect.66 Condition factor,1 Continuous monitoring,gCls stripping, 101 tensiometer (saturometer),106 Degasification rate,'1 Depth compensation,chinook salmon,1,11,24 crappie,11 cutthroat trout,11 smelt,11 steel head trout,1,11 Detection and avoidance,1',75 Echogram,20 Equilibration rate,fish-water,47 water-air.11 Exercise,effect on toleranc:e,66 Gas bubble formation dynamics,47 Intermittent exposure,chinook salmon,",24 coho salmon," cutthroat trout,'1 largemouth bass,11 rainbow trout,l' steelhead trout,11 whitefish,11 Jntestinal motility,66 lateral line function,89 live cage bioassay,24 Naturally occurring super- saturation,37 Oxygen-nitrogen ratio,effect on tolerance,85 Pathogenesis,aquatic invertebrates, 51 chinook salmon,24 menhaden.75,8' steel head,66 Power plant discharge,gas supersaturation,75 Predation,41 Pumping supersaturated water.101 Recovery from gas bubble disease, 1,24 Size,effect on tolerance,85 Smoltification,1 Stomach content analysis,41 Temperature.effect on tolerance.72 Tolerance of,black bullhead.72 chinook salmon,1.11,24 coho salmon.'1 crappie.11 crayfish.51 cutthroat trout,11 daphnids,51 largemouth bass,l' menhaden,a1 rainbow trout,l' smelt,'1 sQuawfish,4' steel head trout,"11,51 stoneflies,51 whitefish,11 Vertical distribution of fish,1.20 NOTICE This book was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government.Neither the United States nor the United States Energy Research and Development Administration,nor any of their employees,nor any of their contractors,subcontractors,or their employees,makes any warranty,express or implied,or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy. completeness or usefulness of any information,apparatus,product or process disclosed,or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. 123 1 L ,....'" 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U.S.Department of Commerce.Springfiefd.Virginia 22161 Reactor'Kinetics and Control [TID-76621.1964.$6.00 Noise Analysis in Nudear Systems (TID-7679I,1964.$6.00 Radioac:tive Fallout from NudearWeapons Tests (CONF-765).1965.$6.00 Radioae-tive Pharmaceutic:als (CONF-651111 1,1966.$6.00 Neutrorl Dynamics and Control (CONF·6504131,1966.$6.00 Luminescence Dosimetry (CONF-6506371.1967.$6.00 Neutro~1 Noise,Waves.and Pulse Propagation (CONF·6602061.1967.56.00 Use of C:omputers in Analysis of Experimental Data and the Control of Nuclear Facilities (CONF-6605271.1967,$6.00 Comparrments.Pools.and Spaces in Medic:al Physiology (CONF·661010J.1967.56.00 Thoriun'Fuet Cyde [CONF-6605241,1968,$6.00 Radioisl:lt0pe5 in Medicine:In Vitro Studies (CONF -671111).1968,$6.00 Abund81rtt Nudear Energy (CONF·68081 0),1969.$6.00 Fast BuI'St Reactors (CONF·690102).1969.$6.00 Biologic,a1lmplicationsofthe Nuclear Age (CONF·6903031.1969.56.00 Radiation Biology of the Fetal and Juvenile Mammal (CON F·690501I.1969,$6.00 Inhalatic)I1 Carcinogenesis (CON F·691 00 1).1970,$6.00 MyetoJWoIiferative Disorders of Animals and Man (CONF·680529).1970.$9.00 Medicai Radionuclides:Radiation Dose and Effects (CONF-691212I,1970.56.00 Morphology of Experimental Respiratory Carcinogenesis (CONF·700501 ).1970.S6.00 Precipiurtion Scavenging (1910\(CONF.700601\'1970.$6.00 Neutron Standards _dFlux Normalization (CON F·701 002\.1971.$6.00 Survival of Food Crops and Livestock in the Event of Nudear War (CON F-700909 I,1971,$9.00 Biomed~~Implic:ations of Radiostrontium Exposure ICONF·71 0201),1972.56.00 Radiation-Induced Voids in Metals (CON F-710601 I.1972,$9.00 Clinical lJses of Raclionudides:Critical Comparison with Other Technique'l (CONF -7111 all,1972, $13.60 Interactive Bibliographic Systems (CONF·711010J,1973.$7.60 Radionuoclide Carcinogenesis rCONF-7205051.1973.$13.60 Carbon and the Biosphere (CONF·72051 0).1973,$1060 Technoklg'f of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Experiments and the Engineering Aspects of Fusion Reactors ICONF·7211111.1974.$16.60 Thermal Ecology iCONF·7305051,1974.$13.60 The CeUCyde in Matignancy and Immunity (CONF·731oo5J.1975.$13.60 MammaJi_Cells:Probes and Problems (CONF·731 0071.1975.$7.60 Cooiing T_Enlrironment-1914ICONF.7403Q21.1975.$13.60 Minenf C:Ydinll in Southeastern Ecosystems ICONF-7405131,1975.$13.60 Radiatiorl and the Lymphatic System (CONF-7409301.1976.$9.00 -