HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA442I I ! - ·- ·.- - - - - - §z;J &-: TK PtlS ~>~ 423 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT }1o, 4Lf~ TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY HYDRAULIC AND ICE STUDIES MARCH 1982 Prepared with: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Telephone: (907) 279-0483 Hi\~Zf~.: ... E fB!_~,~8~«::c~· Susitna Joint Vonture Document Number - - - - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY HYDRAULIC AND ICE STUDIES TABLE 0 F CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 INTRODUCTION 1 . 1 Objectives 1 . 2 -Report Contents 2 -SUMMARY 2. 1 -Open Water Studies 2.2 -Ice Studies 3 -SCOPE OF STUDY . 3.1 . -Related Field Data Collection 3.2 -Open Water Analyses 3.3 ~ Ice Process Analyses 4 -OPEN WATER ANALYSES Description of River System 4.1 4.2 - 4.3 4.4 Approach to Open Water Analyses Development of Roughness Coefficients Results 5 -ICE PROCESS ANALYSES 5. 1 Field Observations 5.2 -Modeling of Ice Processes 5. 3 Results of Simulation Studies 5. 4 -Reservoir Ice Cover 6 -REFERENCES AR~LIS Al · L ·~-... . aska Re:~ luraT'.I {', 1 . · ::;;t..)ttrces PAGE iii v 1-1 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-3 4-5 4-13 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-5 5-6 6-1 Cl. nformation S"" . Anchorag.n .. l · vrvJces "'' i\ aska - j - - -ATTACHMENT A -STAGE-DISCHARGE RATING CURVES, STUDY REACH OBSERVATION SITES ATTACHMENT B -COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS, PLOTTED ON UPPER SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS . ATTACHMENT C -COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS, PLOTTED ON MIDDLE SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS -· - - - -ii - .r~ ·- LIST OF TABLES Number 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 Title River Miles and Thalweg Elevations for Upper Susitna River Cross~Sections River Miles and Thalweg Elevations for Middle Susitna River Cross~Sections Streamflows Used by Sub~Reach, Upper Susitna Streamflows Used by Sub-Reach, Middle Susitna Variation in Water Surface Elevation between Channels (Flow Less Than 10,000 cfs) Variation in Water Surface Elevation between Channels (Flow Greater Than 21,000 cfs) Middle Susitna River Water Level Observation Sites Upper Susitna River ·water Level Observation Sites Hydraulic Parameters and Manning's n Values Computed at LRX-35 (Sherman) for Observed Flows Criteria for Selection of Manning's n for Overbank Areas, Middle Susitna River ·Bed Material Distribution Analysis, Middle Susitna River Cross-Sections ( LRX's), Manning's n Values Computed from Bed Particle Sizes Assumed Manning's n Values at Middle Susitna Cross-Sections Assumed Manning's n Values at Upper Susitna Cross-Sections Comparison of Observed and Computed Water Surface Elevations, Upper Susitna Study Reach -iii - Page 4-16 4-17 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 _4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-32 LIST OF TABLES -(Continued) Number 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5. Title Summary Printout Table -Upper Susitna (Low Flows) Summary Printout Table -Upper Susitna (High Flows) Comparison of Observed and Computed Water Surface Elevations, Middle Susitna Study Reach Summary Printout Table -Middle Susitna (Low Flows) Summary Printout Table -Middle Susitna (High Flows) Calibration Coefficients used in tCESIM Comparison of H EC-2 and ICES I M Backwater Routine Results Estimated Ice Cover Progression Above Talkeetna Observed River Staging during Ice Cover Formation ·-1980 Estimated Water Levels at Selected River Sections -iv - - 4-33 4-36 - 4-39 4-40 4-46 5-8 5-9 -5-10 5-11 - 5-12 - - ···~. ,.~ - - - ....... - LIST OF FIGURES Number Plate 1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 Title River Cross-Section Location Map River Cross-Section Locations Longitudinal River Profile from Deadman Creek to Devil Creek Longitudinal River Profile from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna Manning 1 s N as a Function of Discharge, Middle Susitna River Longitudinal Thermal Profiles, Post-Project and Natural Conditions Estimated Ice Cover Development in Watana Reservoir - v - Back Folder 4-52 4-56 4-57 4-58 5-13 5-14 - - 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 -Objectives The objective of this task was to study the Susitna River reach below ~he proposed dams to establish the natural streamflow regime and predict post-project changes. It was. decided that the best way to this was to mathematically model the river reach below the proposed damsites. With a model that is calibrated and verified to mathematically interpret river hydraulics, specific river reaches can be investigated and results delivered in a timely manner to interested parties. The Corps of Engineers HEC-2 model has been used for this purpose. The model was calibrated under pre-project flow conditions and is capable of simulating river hydraulics under proposed post-project flows. Model results include water surface elevations and hydraulic data which are used for several companion studies such as: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Systems Operations Studies Ice Cover Process Model River Morphology Studies Flood Studies Fisheries Studies Vegetation Studies Navigation Studies 1.2 -Report Contents This report includes a summary in Section 2 of the analyses performed and results obtained in both the hydraulic and the ice studies. The scope of work of each portion is discussed in Section 3, along with the type of field data collected for each. Section 4 details the hydraulic analyses, describing the river system and the study reaches, the study approach used, the method for selecting Manning's n values, and the computation results. The summary printout tables give values for all the pertinent hydraulic parameters at all surveyed river cross-sections. The ice processes analyses are described in Section 5, and Section 6 gives the references used for the analysis and report. Attachments provide stage-discharge rating curves at all the water level observation sites (Attachment A) and cross-section plots for both study reaches with computed water surface elevations marked (Attachments B and C). s9/h 1 - 1 - i,...._ 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Open Water Studies The open water hydraulic analysis was performed with the HEC-2 Water Surface Profile computer model of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Two river reaches were analyzed: (1) the Upper Susitna Study Reach from Deadman Creek down to Devil Creek, containing the Watana damsite; and (2) the Middle Susitna Study Reach from the outlet of Devil Canyon down to the Susitna- Chulitna confluence. Four river discharges were used to calibrate the model for each study reach, and two additional flows were used to verify the calibration. The upper reach flows ranged from 8100 to 46,400 cfs (at the Watana streamgage). The range of flow used for computations on the Middle Susitna was from 9700 to 52,000 cfs (observed at the Gold Creek gage). Channel flows upstream and downstream of the gaging ~ites were adjusted up or down based on drainage area. The upper limit in each case closely coincided with the mean annual peak flow. .This level, represented by bank-full stage, was the upper boundary on the scope of the present study. The Susitna River is heavily laden with sediment, and both study reaches have numerous islands, gravel bars, and split-channel conditions . This is more prevalent in the Middle Susitna reach, and two flow regimes were analyzed there -one for low flows and one for high flows.· The low-flow regime was characterized by restriction of flow from certain side channels which were blocked off at their upstream ends by a gravel 11 berm 11 • The cutoff flow between high and low was estimated to be 20,000 cfs. The computer program uses the Manning equation for its computations. The Manning n, or roughness coefficient, was specified as an average value for the channel portion of ·each cross-section. Initial values were estimated by preliminary hydraulic calculations with observed flow conditions and adjusted based on local bed material, vegetation, channel geometry, and flow level. The range in coefficients for the 11 base11 flows (opening parenthesis) (8, 100 cfs in the upper reach and 9700 cfs in the middle Susitna) was from 0.040 to 0.060 and from 0.030 to 0.055 in the upper and middle reaches, respectively. N values at all sections were reduced for higher flows, in accordance with the observed trend. The final results from the water surface computations are presented in two forms: (1) the summary printout tables in Section 4, and (2) marked water surface elevations on plots of each cross-section· in Attachments B and C to the report. s14/k 2 -1 Some prudence is required in interpreting the output results from the analysis. Uncertainties in field measurements of hydrographic and topographic parameters and limitations of the HEC-2 model itself limit the precision of the final answers. The computed water surface elevations, however, are expected to be accurate to within 0.5 foot of the true elevations in most cases and to within 1.0 foot at almost every cros.s-section (except as discussed below). Potential problem areas where observed and computed water levels may not agree closely are at points widely separated from the observation sites and also at islands, sloughs, side channels, and river bends._ The model, of necessity 1 assumes a uniform water surface all the way across the cross-section 1 a situation not always present under natural conditions. Further refinement of the model is possible, concentrating primarily on definition of water surface elevations in side channel areas. Additional field surveys would be necessary to determine the channel goemetry at the upper ends of the cut-off channels and to more closely identify the discharge or stage at which vario1,.1s channels of importance "open up 11 to main-channel flow. 2.2 -Ice Studies The purpose of the ice studies was to simulate the river ice regime under natural and post-project conditions in the reach between Talkeetna and the proposed damsites. Acres• in-house computer simulation models were used in the studies. Results of the open water analyses, as de.scribed in Section 2.1, and field ice observation data (see "Ice Observations", R&M, 1981b) were input to the model for calibration purposes. The analyses indicate that ice regime in the river reach above Talkeetna will be significantly altered after the projects are commissioned. When Watana development is on-line, it· is expected that the ice cover formation above Talkeetna will be delayed by 2 to 3 weeks to the middle of December and will progress about 15 miles (to about LRX-15) by the end of January. It is unlikely that any significant ice cover will exist above this section under average weather conditions. With both Watana and Devil Canyon Dams commissioned, it appears that little ice cover will form above Talkeetna except close to the Chulitna confluence in late January. Ice formation in the reservoirs will commence around the middle of October, as under natural conditions in the river, and reach a stable level by the end of January. It has not been possible to estimate, with any accuracy, the post-project ice regime in the river below the Talkeetna confluence. Field observations of the freeze-up phenomena in 1980 s14/k 2 - 2 - - ...... """'!.·. -· - - - - . """' - ·- - - indicate that about 80 percent of the frazil ice below the confluence is generated by the Susitna River. With both the projects in place, there is likely to be a significant drop in the amount of frazil ice generated in the Susitna River above the confluence, thus delaying the ice cover formation in the lower river. Under natural conditions, the river ice breakup starts around mid-May with increases in air temperature and river discharge. Since the Susitna is a south-flowing river, breakup usually starts close to the river mouth and works its way up the river, thus reducing serious ice jamming in the river. The breakup is generally a mechanical process involving largely the physical movement of ice downstream with increased discharge. Partial thermal decay accompanies this process to accelerate breakup. However, under post-project conditions, the in-place thermal decay of the ice cover, at least above Talkeetna, is expected by the end of March. The effect of warmer waters from the reservoirs, coupled with higher air temperatures, would cause almost in-place melting of ice in the main stem a few weeks before the natu raJ breakup in the Talkeetna, the Chulitna, and the lower tributaries. More detaHed river observation, cross-section surveys, and data collection in the lower river will be needed to model the lower river ice processes and to assess the effects of the projects in the reach. s14/k 2 - 3 - 3 -SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of hydraulic and ice studies performed on two reaches of the Susitna River. The two study reaches were (1) the 25-mile reach between Deadman Creek and Devil Creek, 90 percent of which is downstream of the proposed Watana Damsite, and (2) the 52-mile reach between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna, all of which is below the proposed Devil Canyon Damsite. They are referred to in this report as (1) the Upper Susitna Study Reach (or Upper Susitna), and (2) the Middle Susitna Study Reach (or Middle Susitna), respectively (11 Lower Susitna11 generally refers to the river downstream of Talkeetna). Analysis consisted essentially of collecting field data, of operating a computer water surface profile model, and of operating a computer ice cover process model. 3.1 -Related Field Data Collection Field data required for hydraulic analyses were topographic and hydrographic information at river cross-sections, water-surface elevations at selected sites for a range of discharges, and qualitative information on vegetation and bed material. The ice analyses utilized the cross-section data and also required air temperature and water temperature data; timing, location, and extent of ice accumulations and bridging during freezeup and breakup; and site-specific hydraulic data from freezeup and breakup. Site-specific hydraulic data consisted of open-water width, surface velocity, water surface elevation, rate of rise of the water surface, and ice pan thickness. Cross-section surveys on the Upper Susitna were made in March 1981 by drilling holes through the ice cover. The lower reach (i.e. Middle Susitna) was surveyed' prior to and during freezeup in the fall of 1980. More detailed description of the field methods and the summarized survey data are presented in the report, 11 Hydrographic Surveys 11 (R&M, 1981a). Water elevation data were collected at crest-stage recorder . sites periodically through the study period. The ice observations from fall 1980, winter 1980-81, and spring 1981 are contained in the report, 11 1ce Observations 11 ( R&M, 198'1b). Subsequent ice observations are to be reported in an addendum to the 1981 report. 3. 2 -Open Water Analyses The hydraulic analyses were done using the HEC-2 water surface profile model developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the U.S. Army Corps of Enigneers. Model calibration and verification were made with data collected at crest-stage and continuous recorders located in the study reaches. Three s13/a 3 - 1 crest-stage recorders and a continuous streamgage were established on the Upper Susitna. Six crest gages were installed on the Middle Susitna, and the USGS had a continuous· recorder at Gold Creek. Stage levels were measured at each site in the two reaches for several river discharges. Four flows were used to calibrate the models, and two additional ones were used to verify it, making a total of six different flows for each study reach. The scope of the study was limited to flows at or below bank-full conditions. Thus, no overbank floods were analyzed. Flood frequency analysis (R&M, 1981d) indicated that the mean annual flood for Gold Creek was 49,500 cfs. Observed peaks in the summers of 1980 and 1981 were just slightly higher than the mean annual peak flow. Both happened to roughly coincide with top-of-bank flows., so the this flow condition was well defined. Two versions of the model were necessary to adequately describe the river behavior in the Middle Susitna reach. This was because two regimes were apparent, a low-flow regime and a high-flow regime. Examination of aerial photos and field conditions revealed a number of side channels and sloughs that received substantial river flow at high discharges but negligible flow below a certain threshold value. Thus, a high-flow version was set up wherein river flow was permitted in these channels, and another, low-flow version was set up assuming no flow there. The threshold was estimated at 20,000 cfs for the Middle Susitna. 3.3 -Ice Process Analyses Acres• in-house computer models -were used to analyze the ice regime of the two river reaches above Talkeetna up to the damsites under natural and post-project conditions using field data collected during the river freezeup/breakup in 1980-81 and open water calculations as discussed in Section 3. 2. Estimates of ice cover formation and development in the reservoirs were made using standard heat balance equations. Jt has not been possible to analyze ice regime below the Talkeetna confluence under natural or post-project conditions due to lack of field data and river cross sections. However, an attempt has been made to estimate qualitatively the effect of the proposed projects on the ice regime of the river in the lower reach. Salient details of the analyses are presented in Section 5. s13/a 3 - 2 ....... - -· ~J - - •• f.'.'lllZ1 'F 4-HYDRAULIC ANALYSES The hydraulic analyses involved assessment of river hydraulic data collected during the study period and computation of water surface profiles in two study reaches for a range of discharges. This portion of the report describes the analyses performed and the results obtained. It is organized to first give a brief description of the Susitna River system and the two study reaches, followed by discussion of the study approach and detailed information on development of the roughness coefficients used in the computer model. Finally, Section 4.4 discusses the results. , 4.1 -Description of River System 4.1.1 General s3/b The Susitna River drainage basin is the sixth largest system in Alaska. From the terminus of Susitna Glacier to its mouth in Cook Inlet, the Susitna River flows 320 miles and drains 19,600 square miles. Major tributaries include the Talkeetna, Chulitna, and Yentna Rivers. Plate 1 in the back folder shows the river location and regional topography for the lower 230 miles. River cross-section locations are shown in greater detail on Figure 4.1. Tributaries in the northern portions of the basin originate in the glaciers of the eastern Alaska Range. The East and West Forks of the Susitna and the Maclaren River join the mainstem Susitna River above river mile 260 and contribute roughly 38 percent of the average annual streamflow at Gold Creek. Streamflow is characterized by moderate to high flows between May and September and low flows from October to April. High summer discharges result from snowmelt, rainfall, and glacial melt. Winter flows consist almost entirely of groundwater inflow. Freeze-up starts in the higher regions in early October, and most of the river is ice-free by early to mid-May. Below the glaciers, the braided channel traverses a high plateau consisting of aggraded alluvial sediment and then meanders south for several miles to the Oshetna River confluence. There it takes a sharp turn west and flows though a steeply cut, degrading channel down to Gold Creek. The Watana and Devil Canyon damsites are both located in this latter reach. Below Gold Creek, the river follows a fairly straight course-that alternates between single and split channels until joined by the Chulitna River just above Talkeetna. Joined shortly thereafter by the 4 - 1 Talkeetna River, the Lower Susitna flows on a lower gradient than the upper river. It flows primarily through widely braided channels over its last 97 miles to Cook Inlet. Vegetation i'n the basin is predominately muskeg in poorly-drained valley bottom soils, white spruce and grasses in well-drained upland soils, and alpine tundra in steep, rocky soils above timberline. 4.1.2 Upper Susitna Study Reach The reach of river from Deadman Creek, 2 miles above the Watana Damsite, to Devil Creek, 23 miles below the damsite, is charact~rized by a narrow, steep-walled canyon and a moderately steep overall river gradient (12.1 feet/mile). Figure 4. 2 shows the profile of the thalweg through the study reach, and Table 4.1 gives the river mile and thalweg elevation for each cross-section. There are generally narrow floodplains and a few vegetated islands within the reach. The river width varies from 200 to 300 feet at the narrowest to 1000 to 2000 feet at several islands. One particularly steep local reach just above the damsite has a channel gradient of 48 feet per mile over its half-mile length. This reach, between cross-sections 103 and 104, is quite broad, in addition to being steep. The depth of flow is comparatively shallow, and standing waves are common in the vicinity. Flow is thus close to critical much of the time. 4.1.3 Middle Susitna Study Reach s3/b After emerging from Devil Canyon one mile below the Devil Canyon Damsite, the Susitna Rive·r broadens somewhat but is. still essentially confined to a canyon as far down as Gold Creek, 13.5 miles downstream. Below Gold Creek, the valley widens, bounded still between high hills on each side. River width is less than 300 feet in some sections at the upper end, and it expands to almost 3000 feet wide n.ear the confluence with the Chulitna. Quite a number of islands and gravel bars exist throughout the reach. Flow alternates between a single channel and split channels through its 52-mile extent. The bed profile of the entire reach is plotted in Figure 4.3, with the pertinent data tabulated in Table 4.2. 4 - 2 - - - '- - - . """ - - - - A ten-mile river reach between Devil Creek and about a mile below the Devil Canyon damsite could not be surveyed due to steep gradients and significant rapids. During the winter of 1980-81, however, a longitudinal river survey through Devil Canyon from upstream of the damsite for a distance of 8400 feet was completed. Salient results of the survey have been incorporated in the analyses presented below. 4.2 -Approach to Open Water Analyses The primary approach of the hydraulic analyses was to use the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles computer model to compute water surface elevations and hydraulic parameters at numerous points of interest through a range of pre-project and expected post-project discharges. The H EC-2 computer model was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). The standard step method is used to compute water surface profiles, using the Bernoulli Theorem for total energy at a cross-section and the Manning equation for friction head loss between river cross-sections. The program is widely used in hydraulic engineering studies. A detailed description is not provided here. If desired, details of the program may be obtained from the program users manual. The program version of November 1976 (updated April 1980) was used for the current study. Surveying of the river cross-sections comprised the major data- collection effort. The Upper Susitna Study Reach had 23 surveyed cross-sections over 25 miles. A total of 68 cross-sections was surveyed on the Middle Susitna Study Reach. As two of these were below the Susitna-Chu litna confluence and hence outside the scope of this analysis, only 66 cross-sections were used in the water surface profile computations. Periodic measurements of water surface elevations were made at crest gage and streamgage sites. These data were used in the calibration and verification of the computer model for both study reaches. The Manning roughness coefficient was an important input parameter to define at each river cross-section. Values used herein were selected based on observed hydraulic conditions (i.e. known water surface elevations at various discharges), and adjusted with consideration for bed mate'rial, vegetation, channel geometry, and other factors. An inverse relationship of 11 n 11 value with discharge was observed and incorporated into the modeling process. The procedure adopted is described in Section 4.3. s13/b 4 - 3 River lengths between cross-sections and general bank features were determined from aerial photographs and enlarged topographic maps. Maps at scales of 1 11 = 400' and 1 11 = 200' were used on the upper reach, which encompasses channel areas that will be inundated by the proposed reservoirs. Photos enlarged to a scale of 1., = 500' were used for the Middle Susitna. The model was calibrated at four separate discharges for each study reach. These calibration flows ranged from 8,100 to 46,400 cfs at Watana for the upper reach and from 9, 700 to 52,000 cfs at Gold Creek on the Middle Susitna. The model parameters were adjusted slightly as necessary to obtain agreement between the observed and computed stages within acceptable limits. The criterion for acceptability was deviation of not more than 0.5 feet. Agreert;~ent of the computed and observed water surface elevations to within this limit was sought and attained in most cases. The calibrated model was verified for each reach with two additional stream discharges. Flows used in the computations were adjusted above and below the gage sites, based on drainage area, to account for tributary inflow. The flows used for each sub-reach are listed in Tables 4.3 and 4.4. The HEC-2 program provides an excellent tool for computing water surface profiles in open-channel flow conditions. However, as does any model, it makes certain assumptions to facilitate calculation. In order to best interpret the results of the analysis, the assumptions and limitations should be understood. A few of these relevant to the current study reaches are briefly discussed below. First, the program assumes a uniform, level water surface across a given cross-section. While this is necessary to perform the analysis within reasonable computation time and cost, it is not always a true condition in the river itself. Especially at river bends, there may be quite a disparity in water level from one side of the cross-section to the other. The difference depends on river width, velocity, and radius of bend. Also, in the case of multiple channels at a cross-section, each channel may realistically have a slightly different water surface elevation, as illustrated in Tables 4.5 and 4. 6. The model, however, assumes it to be uniform across. Thus, care should be taken in interpreting the computed results in channel bends and and multiple channels. Another concern in certain portions of both study reaches was occasional overbank areas that were at lower elevations than the bank or, in some cases, below the bed of the main channel itself. Many of these areas were not hydraulically connected to the channel at lower discharges, if at all, so they were not included in the flow computations. In such situations, 11 ground levees 11 were s3/b 4 - 4 - - -· - - -. - - - -· '~. ..... - -- - used on the appropriate bank. Ground levees are imaginary levees with their tops at ground level to confine the flow to the channel until the levee (bank) is overtopped. Once the bank is overtopped, however, the model assumes complete hydraulic connection of the low area with the channel .. It was not always appropriate to permit full flow in all the lower areas, so in some cases the 11 1evee11 was left in place even at higher flow. Also, as noted above, some side channels were effectively blocked off at low flows by upstream 11 berms, 11 which were overtopped at higher flows. Definition of this condition required the use of the two models for each study reach, one permitting flow in the side channels and the other restricting it to the main channel . One final point regards the velocity computed by the model at each cross-section. This value is the mean flow velocity, averaged across the entire flow area. Field observations would most likely indicate faster flow in the center of the channel at the water surface and slower velocities at all the boundaries, but the mean is useful as an indicator of magnitude and for comparisons between cross-sections. Analysis results include water surface elevations and other hydraulic parameters at each of the cross-sections for both study reaches. No bridge or culvert analyses were required since the only bridge in either of the study reaches, the Alaska Railroad bridge at Gold Creek, was far above the bank-full level. 4.3 -Development of Roughness Coefficients The computer program HEC-2 uses the Standard Step Method described by Chow (1959) to compute the water surface profile of a river where the discharge, geometry, and channel roughness are known or can be assumed. The model uses Bernoulli's Theorem for the total energy at each cross-section and the Manning formula for the friction head loss between cross-sections. Discharges can be defined fairly well either by calculation or by direct measurement. Cross-section geometry and distances between cross-sections can similarly· be determined quite ctosely by field surveys and measurements on aerial photos. However, estimation of channel roughness coefficients (Manniflg 1s 11 n 11 ) cannot be done by direct measurement. Engineering judgment must be applied and estimates made based on past experience. Manning•s roughness coefficient varies with type and amount of vegetation encountered by the flow, relative size of bed material, channel shape, degree of meandering, and river stage, so the HEC-2 program permits definition of the 11 n 11 values in any of three different manners. Each of these was used at one time or another in the Susitna Project hydraulic analysis; their use is described in the following three sections. s3/b 4 - 5 The Middle Susitna study reach had more data readily available at the start of the hydraulic analysis. Thus, it was selected as the initial reach. Roughness coefficients were developed for the Middle Susitna reach, then experience from that analysis was used to estimate the n values in the Upper Susitna reach. (a) Variation of Manning•s n with Stage s3/b When preliminary hydraulic computations were performed on several reaches of the Susitna River (Giessel, 1981), substantial variation of n value with stage (or discharge) was indicated. Over a range in flow from 3,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) up to 34,000 cfs in the vicinity of Gold Creek, Marning•s n varied from 0.090 down to 0.035. The n is higher at low flaws because the water depth decreases relative to the size of the bed material, increasing the effects of channel roughness. The H EC-2 program allows input of n-vs. -stage data through the use of NV data input cards (HEC, 1976), in which a rating table is specified and effective roughness coefficients given for the corresponding water surface elevations at each cross-section. However, the results from HEC-2 were to be used to help verify. the ICESIM ice simulation model, which does nat have prov1s1ans far directly varying Manning's n with stage. Consequently 1 changes in n values with stage had to be made either by an adjustment coefficient or by directly changing n values at different flaw stages,· although several runs of HEC-2 were made initially to assess the potential of using the NV cards. Problems were encountered at several crass-sections with the assumed water surface elevations falling outside the range of elevations on the NV cards. In view of the need to have comparable data bases for both HEC-2 and ICESIM, the use of NV cards was nat pursued further. However, the analysis of n-vs. -stage is pertinent to the final Manning n values, and is presented below. N Value Determination The first step in the definition of n values was calculation of hydraulic parameters at certain cross-sections where water-surface elevations (W. S. E.) had been observed. The hydraulic parameters of area 1 wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius were computed from the surveyed cross-section geometry and known W. S. E. at each of the water-observation sites listed in Table 4. 7 (the sites for the Upper Susitna are listed in Table 4. 8). A program prepared for the HP-25 hand-held calculator (Croley, 1977) was 4 - 6 -' - .... - ,_ - r ' s13/b used for the computations. Mean daily streamflows at Gold Creek for the dates of observation were obtained from the USGS rating table or from USGS records and assumed roughly equal to the flow at each of the crest gage sites (some error was expected with this assumption, but analysis indicated it would probably be only about 6% high at the upper end -Portage Creek -and about 3% low at the Susitna-Chulitna confluence). The friction slope at the cross-section was assumed approximately equal to the average bed slope over the reach from the next-upstream cross- section to the next-downstream cross-section (this assumption is adequate as a first approximation but it is less valid at high flows, with the friction slope increasing rapidly. Also, some problems were believed introduced by the presence of adverse bed slopes at a few of the cross-sections). Then, using an inverted form of the Manning equation: n = 1.49 AR 213 \ s where: Q n = A= R = s = Q= Manning roughness coefficient, cross-sectional area, hudraulic radius, friction slope, and discharge, n values were computed for each flow and correspond- ing observed W .S. E. The results for a sample cross- section ( LRX-35) are shown in Table 4. 9. The computed n values were plotted against corresponding flows for comparison. Very consistent variation was noted for four of the six cross-sections plotted, which can be seen in Figure 4.4. LRX-9 had higher computed n values than did the others. LRX-4 has several islands and channels, and consequently probably has a poorly-defined stage-discharge relationship, especially for stages observed on the far left bank (where the crest gage site is located). For the four consistent plots, however, an "average" curve was drawn in, and a preliminary relationship of n vs. Q established. A comparison was then made at the remaining cross-sections, where only limited water surface data were available. All cross-sections had at least one observed water surface elevation, which was on the date they were surveyed. Elevation differences between adjacent cross-sections were noted if they 4 - 7 were surveyed on the same day or at nearly the same flow. These differences were compared with elevation differences obtained with a slope-times-distance computation using average bed slope and channel reach length, ·and the two differences were averaged. This gave a method for 11 stepping 11 the estimated water surface elevation from the known points at the crest gage sites to each of the other cross-sections. These 11 constant differences" were then used to obtain preliminary water surface elevations to relate to flow and n value. · Five flows were selected from Figure 4. 4, from 3000 cfs to 50,000 cfs with corresponding n 1s ranging from .093 to . 028 determined from the uaverage 11 curve. These five n value;:; and stages were then used as input to the HEC-2 program, and the model was operated for the whole reach. (b) Variation of Manning 1 s n with Horizontal Stations s3/b The NH card format in the HEC-2 program input permits identification of n value changes between any stations in the cross-section. The program then computes the conveyance of each wetted subsection, based on the subsection 1s flow area, wetted perimeter, and specified roughness. As many as 20 different subsections may be identified for designation of n value at each cross-section. Basic criteria for adoption of the n values consisted of two different methods, one for the channel portion and one for the overbank portion of the cross-section. Coefficients for the channel portions of the cross-sections were determined by comparison with values obtained in the n-versus-stage analysis. The value printed out in the H EC-2 summary for each cross-section was used as a guide. Again, weight was given to variation of effective roughness with stage, so high values were assigned to a short portion of the cross-section at the bottom of the channel, intermediate values to the major extent of the channel just above that, and relatively low values to the tap portions of the channel on each side. The intent was that the effective n for the cross-section would be high at low flows and would decrease as the flow increased, as had been observed previously. The criteria developed for the overbank portions of the cross-sections are shown in Table 4. 10. These were patterned after a method presented in Chow (1959, p. 106). 4 - 8 - - - - - - - -·. - (c) - s3/b The roughness coefficients were thus assigned to the channel portions of the cross-sections. After trying the new values on a short reach 1 the whole study reach was attempted. The discharge used for the early calibration runs was 9700 cfs, considerably less than bankfull 1 so little attention was given to careful definition of the ove·rbank values at this point. A nominal value of 0.080 was arbitrarily assigned to all the areas outside the riverbanks. Problems encountered with the horizontal definition of the n values were essentially related to the ability to accurately define the roughness conditions in the channel portion. Having to specify three widely-varied values within the channel at each cross-section was somewhat time-consuming. In addition, the 11 effective11 n value obtained could not be checked until the program had been run (since it depended on the relative extent of each roughness inundated). Even then, there did not always appear to be a correlation between the numbers input and the value computed for the effective channel n. Also, the level of detail necessary to define the various n•s within the cross-section geometry did not seem to be justified. As has been mentioned, special care was not taken with the overbank areas, but it was taken with the channel areas in assigning n values. Care also had to be given to making sure the stationing was changed accordingly on the NH cards whenever it was changed on the X1 or GR cards (e.g. if bank definitions were changed or if the cross-section shape were modified). tn essence, since an option existed that permitted simpler specification of the channel n values, and since this option appeared to demonstrate better control over the effective channel n values obtained, this option was pursued. This is described in the following section. Definition of Manning•s n by Cross-Section The final method selected for specifying n values was the simplest, that of entering the values on the NC cards alone. This consisted of defining three numbers at each cross-section: one for the left overbank area, one for the right overbank, and one for the channel portion. The program considers the 11 channel 11 to be all that area between the defined left and right banks,. so aH flow within these limits will use the channel n for its computations. If the locations of the banks are changed for some reason, the n value corresponding to the channel will still be used for the channel portion (i.e. between the two new bank locations). Also, if subsequent runs are desired \to have a uniform 4 - 9 s3/b percentage increase or decrease in roughness coefficients, this is easily changing a single input parameter. Determination of n Values all the channel accomplished by The first cut at the channel n values was based on the results from the n-versus-stage analyses. For the first trial run at the 9,700-cfs flow level, an intermediate value of n = .050 was used for the whole study reach. This caused the computed water surface elevations to significantly rise above earlier runs and also above observed levels. Subsequent runs were tried .with lower n values to observe the effect on the computed elevations. An improvement was noted, and the modePs sensitivity to n value changes was roughly gaged. One noteworthy exception to the NC-card designation of n values was at cross-section LRX-25. This section is relatively wide, about 2,500 feet, and has as many as ten different flow channels at certain flow levels.· The primary channels are the ones on the far left and the far right of the cross-section, with little effective flow in-between. The nature of the HEC-2 program is such that all the channels are filled up with flow from the bottom. Channels outside the main channel can be excluded by specifiying artificial encroachments, but this cannot easHy be done for ineffective flow areas within the main channel. The technique used was assignment of a very high n value to these areas, which permitted water there but allowed for almost no conveyance. This designation was made by using NH cards at LRX-25. All other cross-sections used the NC card format. Adjustments to n Values Refinements were made to the initial estimates of Manning's n's based on several criteria. These criteria included bed material size, river sinuosity, presence of and type of vegetation, existence of multiple channels, and level of discharge. The bed material size was evaluated systematically at most of the river cross-sections by the 11 Grid-by- Number11 technique described by Kellerhals and Bray (1971). Preliminary bed materia·! distributions were obtained in the analysis, and are presented in 4 -10 - - - -. - - - - - - . - ···~ - - ·s3/b Table 4.11. The complete application and results from the analysis are described in 11 Hydrographic Surveys 11 ( R&M, 1981a). Limerinos (1970) investigated the existence of a relationship between Manning 1s n and bed material particle -size in several rivers of varied size in California. A definite correlation was observed in the study, relating weighted intermediate particle diameter (d ) and hydraulic radius (R) to Mannings 1 s n by the eqt1ation n = .90 + 2.0 log (R/dw) .0926R 1 /S To get an idea of the magnitude of n to be expected on the Middle Susitna study reach, the Limerinos formula was applied to the bed particle sizes from Table 4.11. Hydraulic radii were calculated from cross-section data using observed water surface elevations at crest gage sites. Results are shown in Table 4. 12. Items worthy of note are that the computed n values are quite insensitive to changes in flow and also that the values are all consistently in the • 030 -. 040 range. These numbers were used as a guide __ in judging the 11 proper 11 value for Manning•s n over the reach. It should be noted that these figures could probably be considered to be at the low-end of the roughness coefficient range since the analysis essentially assumed no effects from other factors, which would all tend to increase the apparent roughness. Several other factors were considered in making assignments of n value for the various sub-reaches in the study reach. The sinuosity of the river in the local area, the presence and type of vegetation in the flow area, and the existence of islands and multiple channels at or between cross-sections all contributed to the n value determinations. Generally, existence of these conditions led · to an n value increase above the base value in a sub-reach. A final factor which ultimately had a large apparent effect on the channel roughness in a reach or at a cross-section was the discharge level. As was indicated somewhat in Table 4.12, there is a decrease in n value as the flow increases. This trend had been generally observed in the original bed roughness study (Limerinos, 1970). It is also documented in a British report on several streams of various sizes (Sargent, 4 -11 s3/b 1980). . At one site in Sargent•s study, the computed n value increased from . 026 to . 044 when the flow dropped from 3,250 to 500 cfs, a percentage increase in n of over 65%. Thus, it was felt in the present study that a decrease in n value as the flow increased would be justified and appropriate. The four flow levels used for calibration of the model were 9, 700; 17 ,000; 34,500; and 52,000 cfs. As has been noted above, two versions of the H EC-2 modet were operated on the study reach -one for flows below 20,000 cfs and one for flows above 20,000. This level was significant because it marked the estimated threshold for the river flowing into selected side channels and sloughs, which was an important part of the analysis. Most of the preliminary calibration runs were done with the 9, 700-cfs flow, so a feeling was gained for the high-end . n values in the study reach. When the next-higher calibration flow (17 ,000 cfs) was run, use of the same n values produced computed water surface elevations that were above the observed ones at almost all the observation sites (th.e one exception was LRX-28, where the reliability of the stage-discharge rating curve was highly questionable). A reduction in all the n values of 10%, however, bought all the computed water surface levels very · close to the observed levels. In calibration of the high-flow version of the model, the two flows tested were 34,500 and 52,000 cfs. A reduction of 10% in n value was made in going from 17,000 to 34,500 cfs, and good matches were obtained at all the observation sites. Above 34,500 cfs, the channel n value was assumed relatively constant and was not decreased further. The n value for · 34,500 cfs was used with the 52, 000-cfs flow, again with good results at all the observation sites. Following the four calibration flows used with the program, two verification runs were made, one with each regime. The low-flow version was run with 13,400 cfs, and n values used were 5% less than those at 9, 700 cfs. The high-flow version was run with 23,400 cfs, with the same n values as were used at 17, 000 cfs. Good resu Its were seen in both runs . The final n values assumed are presented in Table 4.13. Only the values for 9, 700 cfs are given since other flow levels are uniform factors times these numbers. 4 -12 - - - -· -· - - ·- ,_ - ·- - (d) (e) Upper Susitna Study Reach Starting values for the upper reach roughness coefficients were estimated from experience with the lower reach. Definition was made by cross-section. Values from cross- sections with comparable bed material and geometry were applied and modified as necessary. Effects of islands and bends were also considered. The final assumed n values are shown in Table 4. 14., for the base flow of 8,100 cfs. Factors are also given for the adjustments used at high flows. Summary The initial Manning 1 s n values were estimated by computing them from the Manning equation, using observed water surface information at each of six different cross-sections in the Middle Susitna. The definition of Manning•s n as a function of stage at a cross-section was attempted but was abandoned because of operational problems and incompat- ibility with the ice processes model. Assignment of n values by horizontal stations at the cross-section was also used for a time but it was determined to be time-consuming 1 to require considerab~e cross- referencing of the stationing 1 and to be more refined than necessary. Thus, the method finally selected and utilized was that of n value designation by cross-section. Actually, several consecutive cross-sections were felt to exhibit similar roughness characteristics, so the same coefficient was used within whole sub-reaches. The substantial variation of n value with river discharge was noted and applied by reducing the coefficient for higher flows. 4. 4 -Results (a) s3/b Upper Susitna Study Reach The HEC-2 model was calibrated with Watana discharges of 8,100; 17,200i 30,700; and 46,400 cfs. The continuous gage two miles below the Watana damsite was used as the standard for defining flow levels· on dates of water level observations, but adjustments were made based primarily on drainage area above and below the gage vicinity. The mainstem flow was reduced above the Deadman Creek confluence and increased below the Tsusena Creek and Fog Creek confluences, all the major tributaries in the study reach. Flows used for each of the sub-reaches are given 4 -13 (b) s3/b in Table 4.3. It should be noted that flows given in the computer printout do not precisely agree with all of these since a factor was used to change flow from one reach to the next and from one run to the next and the table values are round numbers. The model was verified with streamflows of 26,700 and 42,200 cfs. Comparison of the six computed and corresponding observed water surface elevations at the crest gage and stream gage sites is given in Table 4.15. Stage-discharge rating curves (based on observations) are given in Attachment A for aH the study reach observation sites. Results of all six runs for the whole study reach are shown in the summary output tables, Tables 4.16 and 4.17. Th~re are two complete tables, one for the low-flow case and one for the high-flow case, with three discharges in each case. Each column is explained on the last page of each table. Plots of the 23 cross-sections are presented in Attachment B, with all six computed water levels sketched on them. Several items from the analysis are worthy of discussion: Critical flow was computed for several discharges at Cross-section 103. This appears reasonable from field observations and for reasons given above in the discussion of the study reach characteristics. Cross-section 106.3 is not truly a surveyed cross-section. The original survey of cross-section 106, slightly upstream from 106.3 1 had some suspect data. The bottom elevations seemed higher than they should reasonably have been. However, no specific errors in the survey could be identified, so the cross-section was merely omitted. Other obs.ervations were available (at 106.3) of the river channel, so these were used 1 and approximate bank profiles were assumed. Slight inaccuracy may be present at this cross-section as a consequence. Middle Susitna Study Reach The Middle Susitna model was calibrated with Gold Creek discharges of 9,700; 17,000; 34,500; and 52,000 cfs. The USGS gage at Gold Creek was used as the standard for describing flows, but adjustments were made upstream and downstream of the gage locale. As in the upper study reach, modifications were based essentially on drainage area. Excepting Portage Creek and Indian River, both above Gold Creek, there are no significant tributaries to the Susitna within the reach. Thus, adjustment below Gold 4 -14 _, - - - - - - -· -· -· .·.-~ - ,_ . I - - -~ s3/b Creek was made at Curry, which is about halfway down the sub-reach from Gold Creek to the Chulitna confluence. Flows used for the various sub-reaches are shown in Table 4.4. Verification of the model was accomplished with discharges of .13,400 and 23,400 cfs, one for the low flow regime and one for the high-flow regime. All six computed and observed water surface elevations at the observation sites are tabulated for comparison in Table 4.18. Stage- discharge rating curves for all the observation sites (based on observed water-surface · elevations) are shown in Attachment A. The summary output tables are presented in Tables 4.19 and 4.20 (column headings are explained at the end of each table), and Attachment C gives the cross- section plots with computed water surface elevations for all 66 cross-sections. Points of interest in the analysis: Cross-section LRX-28 did not yield good comparisons between computed and observed water levels all the time, particularly at the lower flows. This is probably due to the multi-channel situation at the cross-section. With the crest gage being located on a side channel on the left bank, it may not be hydraulically connected with the main channel and thus have a water surface above or below the main channel 1 s. Cross-section LRX-4 had a location similar to that at· LRX-28, with several islands in the main channel and the crest gage adjacent to a side channel on the left bank. Its reliability is also somewhat suspect. However, all the other crest gages, the streamgage, and the staff gages are at single-channel cross- sections. The model initially computed critical flow at two cross-sections at certain flow levels. While these two cross-sections (LRX-25 and LRX-44) had steep or swiftly-flowing reaches near by, the determination of critical flow did not appear justified. It was felt that the problem showed up due to the long inter-reach distances. Thus, an 11 interpolated 11 cross-section was added downstream of each of the areas. The two interpolated sections, LRX-24.5 and LRX-43.5, were determined from elevation information upstream and downstream and integration of features from the aerial photographs. These cross-sections show up in the summary Tables 4.19 and 4.20, but they are not plotted in Attachment C since they are not 11 true 11 cross-sections. 4 -15 TABLE 4.1 ~. RIVER Ml LES AND THALWEG ELEVATIONS FOR UPPER SUSITNA RIVER CROSS-SECTIONS - Thalweg Elevation - Cross Section River Mile (ft. msl.) -· URX-121 162.1 1205.7 URX -120 167.0 1269.4 URX-119 173.1 1324.5 URX-118 174.0 1332.0 URX -117 176.0 1357.6 """~ URX -116 176.7 1361.7 URX-115 178.8 1385.1 - URX -114 180.1 1404.4 URX -113 181.0 1407.3 -URX -112 181.8 1419.4 URX -111 182.1 1430.1 -URX -110 182.5 1435.2 URX -109 182.8 1437.3 URX -208 . 183.5 1443.0 URX -108 183.8 1443.4 URX -207 184.0 1443.9 ~ URX -107 184.2 1445.1 URX -106.3 184.4 1448.1 """' I URX -105 184.8 1451 .0 URX -104 185.4 1467.1 URX -103 185.9 1491.2 URX-102 186.5 1491.7 URX -101 186.8 1504.0 -- Note: Elevations are approximate since survey was done through ice cover and thalweg location was not certain. ~. susi13/b 4 -16 TABLE 4.2 RIVER MILES AND THALWEG ELEVATIONS FOR .·-~ Ml DDLE SUSITNA RIVER CROSS-SECTIONS -Thalweg Elevation Cross Section River Mile (ft. msl.) -LRX-3 98.59 332.6 4 99.58 344.4 ~ 5 100.36 352.6 6 100.96 357.1 7 101.52 359.4 8 102.38 364.1 9 103.22 366.6 10 104.75 386.2 11 106.68 401.0 12 108.41 414.4 13 110.36 426.5 .... 14 110.89 437.2 15 111.83 446.1 .~-16 112.34 449.7 17 112.69 453.4 -18 113.02 452.9 19 116.44 481.7 20 117.19 483.3 21 119.15 500.9 ~ 22 119.32 503.4 23 120.26 515.5 24 120.66 507.6 "fC'llllill 25 121.63 526.2 26 122.57 532.1 27 123.31 533.8 28 124.41 549.8 susi13/b 4 -17 susi13/b 4 -18 - ·- susi13/b 4 -19 Cross-Sections From To URX-121 URX-117 U RX-116 URX-112 U RX-111 URX-102 URX-101 URX-101 susi13/b TABLE 4.3 STR EAMFLOWS USED BY SUB-REACH, UPPER SUSITNA Corresponding to Watana Gage Flows (cfs) (Factor Used) 8,100 17,200 26,700 30,700 42,200 46,400 (1.079) 8,740 18,560 28,810 33,120 45,530 50,060 (1.038) 8,410 17,850 27,710 31,870 43,800 48,160 (1.000) 8,100 17,200 26,700 30,700 42,200 46,400 (0.969) 7,850 16,670 25,870 29,750 40,890 44,960 4 -20 -· - - ~ - """'l - - _, - -· - .. """" Cross-Sections From To LRX-3 LRX-23 LRX-24 LRX-50 LRX-51 LRX-61 LRX-62 LRX-68 - susi13/b TABLE 4.4 STREAMFLOWS USED BY SUB-REACH, MIDDLE SUSITNA Corresponding to Gold Creek Flows (cfs) (Factor Used) 9 1 700 13, 400 17 l 000 23 f 400 341 500 52 f 000 (1.030) 9,990 13,800 17,510 24,100 35,540 53,560 (1.000) 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 (0.983) 9,540 13,170 16,710 23,000 33,910 51 1120 (0.942) 9,140 12,620 16,010 22,040 32,500 48,980 4 -21 r31/i1 TABLE 4.5 VARIATION IN WATER SURFACE ELEVATION BETWEEN CHANNELS (Flow Less Than 10, 000 cfs) Station Date of Flow Water Surface Elevation lft.) ·Number Surve::t (cfs) Main Channel Side Channel(s) Comments LRX-4 10/4/80 9800 350.4 348.2, 350.9 LRX-7 10/6/80 9380 364.6 365.7 LRX-16 10/10/80 9695 455.2 455.5 LRX-29 11/6/80 4950 568.4 ? LRX-31 11/18/80 2400 594.1 592.6, 593.7 LRX-36 10/30/80 5525 619.0 618.5 Frazil ice accum.; 1 o• wide shore ice. LRX-39 10/28/80 5400 645.6 644.7, 642.9 Shore ice; ice floes. LRX-42 10/20/80 7230 668.7 666.8 (slough) Variation of 0.41 in 667.8 water surface across main channel LRX-43 10/17/80 7350 670.9 673.7 Frazil ice LRX-44 10/17/80 7350 680.8 10/20/80 7230 679.9 LRX-47 10/15/80 7440 688.5 Ponded water in side channel LRX-48 10/14/80 7290 691.7 689.7 (ponded) LRX-52 10/24/80 6420 713.8 716.3 LRX-53 10/24/80 6420 722.2 724.0 Sm. side channel w/flowing water LRX-54 10/24/80 6420 731.8 733.5 LRX-55 10/23/80 6270 742.6 739.9 HEC-2 assumes a uniform water surface elevation across the entire X-section. However, this is not the case in the field, due to the complexity of the river system. The variation in the water surface elevation is illustrated in the above table, which shows elevation differences of up to 2.8 feet (LRX-43) in the natural system. Therefore, some care should be taken in assuming an absolute water surface elevation in the sloughs for a given flow. 4-22 - -_, -· ~ ~ - - --; - - r31/i2 TABLE 4.6 '"""' VARIATION IN WATER SURFACE ELEVATION BETWEEN CHANNELS (Flow Greater Than 21,000 cfs) ~ Station Date of Flow Water Surface Elevation (ft.) -Number Survey (cfs) Main Channel Side Channel(s) Comments LRX-3 8/31/81 22300 343.7(L) L -left channel LRX-4 8/31/81 22300 351.4(M) 351.5(L), 352.6(R) M -middle channel LRX-7 8/31/81 22300 367.6(L) 368. O(R) R -right channel LRX-9 8/31/81 22300 381. O(M) SL -slough LRX-16 8/31/81 22300 457.4(L). 457.6(R), 455.9(ctr.SL) ....... 457 .3( RSL) LRX-19 8/31/81 22300 489. 7(M) LRX-24 8/31/81 22300 523.8(M) -LRX-28 8/31/81 22300 557. 7(M) 556~4(L)1 557.2(R) LRX-29 8/31/81 22300 572.4(R) 574.0(LSL) ·ponded water in left slough -LRX-31 8/31/81 22300 598.2(R) 594. 8(ctr .S L) 1 593.0(LSL) LRX-35 8/31/81 22300 619.6(M) LRX-36 9/1/81 21100 622.4(L) 621.6( R) ...... LRX-39 9/1/81 21100 648.5( R) 647.0(L), 646.1 ( LSL) LRX-40 9/1/81 21100 657.4(M) -LRX-42 9/1/81 21100 672.2( R) 669.5(LSL) Flowing water in left slough LRX-43 9/1/81 21100 673.5(R) 673.5(ctr SL) 1 '~ 674.8(LSL) LRX-44 9/1/81 211.00 683.8(R) 681. 8(ctr SL) 682. 8( L. SL) LRX-45 9/1/81 21100 686.4(M) LRX-47 9/1/81 21100 693. 7(M) 691 .1 ( LSL LRX-48 9/1/81 21100 695.3( R) 692. 7( LSL) LRX-51 9/1/81 21100 709.6(M) -LRX-53 9/1/81 21100 725.4(R) 725.1(LSL) LRX-55 9/1/81 21100 743.6@LB 743.1 ( LSL) 744.9@RB -LRX-59 9/1/81 21100 788.3(M) LRX-62 9/1/81 21100 838.3(M) LRX-68 9/1/81 21100 853.8(M) '""' 4-23 ~ TABLE 4. 7 MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER WATER LEVEL OBSERVATION SITES Cross-Section River Mile Location Name Number (from Mouth) T~ee of Site Susitna-Chulitna Confluence LRX-4 99.5 R&M Crest Gage Chase LRX-9 103.3 R&M Crest Gage Curry LRX-24 120.7 R&M Crest Gage Section 25* LRX-28 124.4 R&M Crest Gage Sherman LRX-35 130.9 R&M Crest Gage Gold Creek LRX-45 136.2 USGS Stage Recorder Portage Creek LRX-62 148.9 R&M Crest Gage Devil Canyon Staff Gage** LRX-68 150.2 R&M Staff Gage * The name Section 25 is derived from the location of this crest gage within Section 25 of T30N 1 R4W 1 Seward Meridian. ** The staff gage at Devil Canyon was installed in April 1981. susi13/b 4 -24 - -, ~ - - .... - .... - - - - ··~ .... ...... TABLE 4.8 ',_ UPPER SUSITNA RIVER WATER LEVEL OBSERVATION SITES P"'"' Cross-Section River Mile Location Name Number (from Mouth) Tx:ee of Site ..... Devil Creek URX-121 162.1 R&M Crest Gage .... Watana Streamgage URX-111 182.1 R&M Streamgage Watana Dam site URX-106.3 184.4 R&M Crest Gage Deadman Creek URX-101 186.8 R&M Crest Gage .- - -! susi13/b 4 -25 * No observation was made at given flow, so this elevation is estimated. ** n values computed from Manning equation: n = where: A = R = s = Q = susi13/b 1.49 AR213 S~ Q 2 Area, ft Hydraulic Radius, ft Slope, ft/ft = streamflow, cfs 4 -26 5.1 ft. = 3480 ft. .000147 (bed slope on thalweg) - -· ., - - - - - TABLE 4.10 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF MANNING 1S N FOR OVERBANK AREAS, MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER Variable Resultant Description Basic value for straight, uniform, smooth channel in natural materials Degree of surface irregularity Effect of variations in size and shape of cross-section Effect of obstructions and debris Effect of vegetation Degree of meandering Range for Susitna overbanks: Minimum = .055 for light willow areas Maximum = . 090 for dense tree areas susi13/b 4 ~ 27 Value .045 .005 .000 -.010 .000 -.005 .005 -.015 .015 -.025 1.000 Explanation This is a minimum for natural channels, based on past experience Moderate Negligible (gradual) to moderate + Negligible to minor (mostly be!ow Chase) Willow areas Mature trees Minor misc9/x1 TABLE 4.11 BED MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS, MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER CROSS SECTIONS (LRX 1S) LRX Number 1 o16 (mm.) D50 (mm.) D84 (mm.) 4 13 25 46 5 12 21 39 6 20 47 112 8 19 45 112 9 14 32 72 10 58 94 152 11 18 43 100 14 20 36 66 16 8 26 92 18 12 36 110 19 47 80 132 20 16 38 92 21 26 49 95 22 8 21 58 23 22 48 108 26 25 54 113 27 19 43 100 28 13 31 68 29 32 59 110 30 33 64 122 31 28 49 84 32 19 43 100 40 20 46 110 42 15 38 94 43 19 44 94 44 14 35 88 46 29 53 100 48 21 56 155 49 26 53 112 50 18 53 160 51 44 88 170 53 86 125 188 54 18 43 105 55 178 220 265 56 29 73 183 57 20 47 110 58 62 112 200 59 26 66 170 1 All cross-sections are not listed because bed material photographs were not satisfactory for analysis in some cases. 4-28 1!11!1!· """' ~· ji!Oilll ~ - ~ - ~ •• -.· - ~~ I - ~~ J misc9/x2 TABLE 4.12 MANNING'S N VALUES COMPUTED FROM BED PARTICLE SIZES Site Name X-Section Su-Chu Confluence LRX-4 Chase LRX-9 Curry LRX-24 Section 25 Lrut-28 Sherman LRX-35 Gold Creek LRX-45 Portage Creek LRX-62 .0926R l/6 1. n = .90 + 2.0 log (R/d ") w (mm) 36 64 81 51 75 65 135 2. Method after Limerinos (1970). d II w s,ooo (ft) R (ft) .12 1.2 .21 6.6 .27 6.2 .17 1.7 .25 6.3 .21 5.2 .44 4.7 River Discharge cfs 9,700 cfs 17 ,ooo cfs n R (ft) n R (ft) n -- .033 2.8 .030 2.8 .030 .033 7.5 .032 7.6 .032 .035 6.3 .035 6.5 .035 .035 2.4 .034 2.7 .033 .034 7.3 .034 8.2 .033 .033 6.2 .033 7.8 .032 .041 5.3 .040 9.8 .038 -j 34,500 cfs 50,000 cfs R (ft) n R (ft) n ---- 4.3 .029 4.5 .029 9.5 .032 10.1 .032 8.8 .034 10.5 .034 4.6 .032 5.2 .032 10.4 .033 11.5 .033 8.9 .032 9.5 .032 14.1 .037 18.2 .036 misc9/x3 ~· TABLE 4.13 ~ ASSUMED MANNING'S n VALUES AT MIDDLE SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS (For Flow at Gold Creek of 9, 700 cfs) .... -: LRX Manning 1 s n LRX Manning 1s n LRX Manning 1s n 3 .040 25 .030 47 .040 -4 .040 26 .035 48 .040 5 .040 27 .035 49 .040 6 .040 28 .035 so .045 -7 .040 29 .035 51 .050 8 .050 30 .038 52 .050 - 9 .055 '31 .038 53 .050 10 .055 32 .038 54 .055 .~ 11 .055 33 .0361 55 .055 12 .055 34 .0361 56 .055 """ 13 .055 35 . 0361 57 .050 14 .055 36 .0361 58 .050 -· 15 .045 37 . 0361 59 .050 16 .040 38 .0361 60 .055 17 .040 39 .0361 61 .055 - 18 .040 40 .038 62 .055 19 .040 41 .038 63 .055 - 20 .040 42 .038 64 .055 21 .040 43 .040 65 .055 22 .030 44 .040 66 .055 23 .030 45 .040 67 .055 -24 .030 46 .045 68 .055 -Note: Adjustment factors for n values at flows other than 9, 700 cfs: "3,000 = (1.20) "9,700 "13,400 = (0.9S) "9,700 "17,000 = (o.go) "9,700 ~. "23,400 = (O.SO) "9/700 n34,500 = (0.81 ) "9,700 n52/000 = (O.S 1 ) "9,700 ,, <, 4-30 -· ,- """' ,.- \.l , ,_,. !""" - TABLE 4.14 ASSUMED MANI\IING 1S n VALUES AT UPPER SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS (For Flow at Watana Streamgage of 8, 100 cfs) URX Manning•s n URX Manning•s n - 121 .045 109 .045 120 .045 208 .045 119 .045 108 .040 118 .047 207 .040 117 .047 107 .045 116 .045 106.3 .045 115 .048 105 .045 114 .050 104 .060 113 .045 103 .060 112 .040 102 .045 111 .040 101 .055 110 .045 Note: Adjustment factors for n values,at flows other than 8,100 cfs: n17,200 = (0.90) n8,100 n26,700 = (0.81) n8,100 n30,700 = (0.81) n8, 100 n42,200 = (0.729) n 8 ,100 n46,400 = (0.693) n 8 ,100 susi13/b 4 -31 .1::> w N TABLE 4.15 COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS, UPPER SUSIINA STUDY REACH Cross-Section Number Susitna Discharge, cfs URX-121 URX-111 URX-106.3 I ' (Watana Gage) come. [Obs.] come. [Obs.] Come. [Obs.] 8,100 1211.2 [1211.2]1 1435.3 [1435.8] 1456.2 [1455.9] 17,200 1213.5 [1213.5] 1437.8 [1437.8] 1459.3 [1458.2] 26,700 1215.7 [1215. 7] 1 1439.8 [1439.6] 1461.3 [1461.2] 30,700 1216.5 [1216. 5] 1 1440.7 [1440.2] 1462.3 [1461.8] 42,200 1218.4 [1218.4] 1442.4 . [1441. 6] 1464.0 [1464.3] 46,400 1219.3 [1219.3] 1 '2 1442.8 [1442. 0] 1464.4 [1465.0]1 '3 Note: Water surface elevations are referenced to mean sea level (msl). 1 These "observed 11 water surface elevations were determined from the sites• rating curves. 2 Actual 11 observed 11 water level at URX-101 was 1517.0 but was considerably above the rating curve and believed invalid. 3 Actual 11 observed 11 water levels were 1218.6 at URX-121, 1464.0 at URX-106.3, and 1517.7 at URX-101. These were crest gage readings, however, and believed unreliable, so the rating curve values were used instead. J I I ! .J I --c._l URX-101 Come. [Obs.] 1510.1 [1510. 7] 1513.0 [1512.9] 1515.0 [1515.0] 1515.9 [1515.8] 1 '2 1517.8 [1517.8] 1518.2 [1518.5] 1 '3 . ___ ] ___ J ... " " . -I ] i PAGE 311 HfC2 RELEASE DATED NOV 76 UPDATED APRI 1980 .ERROR.CORR-Olt02t03t04. . ... -·~-~ ··~-·-· MODIFICATION -50,51,~2,5~,54 ············~···········~······················-·· NOTE-ASTERISK f•) AT llFT OF CROSS•SECTION NUMBER INDICATES ~ESS~GE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST UPFER SUSJTNA RIVER SUMMARY PRINTOUT Table 4.16 SEC NO Q .. 121.c~a . eBo.co. 12lo00~ 1P~63o76 121.010 28809.66 CIJSEL 12llo21.' 1213· 50 1215.70 12o.coo B7~o.co 1276.25 12CoO~C 18~63.76 1278.66 ~20.00[ __ 28809.66 _ 127So87_ --------------------~---·------- VCH DEPTH "K*CHSL ........ 1. fi9 .~.!)0 o.~o 9.95 1.ao o.oo 10.95 10.00 o.oo 3.44 6.85 2.59 4o95 9o26 2o59 6 .•.. 5.6 , ____ llt • .'t 1 -·--·-. 2. 59 ll9oOOO 8740o0b 1330o80 4~48 6o30 lo78 ___ .119 .. no. o .. -1 a~c.3 .J6 ·-·--13 3 3 .o o ······--·--·-·6 .15 ·--··---.~.5o ··-·-----··1. 18 .. 119.000 2B8D9o66 1334.90 7.26 10o40 lo7B . -llllo D D Q ___ 8 7/t D, C 0 .. -13'!0 .o'L_ 3.90 t~ .• t;l~ ~ o_}l 1 te.ooo 18563.7£, 13~2.!!4 ·----s ~ a·7 ··------,} 0. ,64 lo 71 1 Hlo 0~0 2R!l09of6 134~ .24 6.3!.! 12.24 1 .71 -----------·· ··--·--·----------·· _________ ..... ,. ... 117.0.0~ 87~0.00 1363.91 4o57 6.31 2.~2 117.000 lf\563.76 136b, ~B 5. 51 a.ae 2.42 l H! P 3Q __ ~~!i!!'J!t?~---·-P~7 •_IH,. ____ ._e,! ?!l !Q~27 2.~2 llE-.ooo fl410o0ll t:Ho.7A 3o85 9.08 1 .11 -----------.l J ~ ._ ~ g (!. --17H6?ol!4. 1~7~.!;L !?·6~ H .~n ~ .u 116.0!10 2772loliil 1375.14 7.25 13.44 loll 115·~~·o ll~lO.~O 139l.b2 ,..61 6o52 2. 0'3 11!5 .0]!) 178b2of!lf 13 9 ~. 3lj. 5,76 9o24 2o03 115.()00 2772loll'l 1396.26 6efl5 11.16 2.03 .. ~ 114.000 fl~to.co Hl0o57 3. 30 6.17 2.9::> tt~ .. coc 17P.62o84 1~12.06 4ob'5 7o66 2· 92 lllf.OH' 2772lo!'P. llj.l2.94 5.89 ... R• 54 2.9::> I<• liNCH 45otill 40.!50 36.lf5 AREA tqb.bl 1865.77 2632.33 TOPIJID SSTA ENOST 2 9 7.. ~ 6_ __ 1 D 2 5. ~ 5 13 2 2 • 91 33bo59 ·tori7.1~ · --i34j;75 351·11 999.71 1351.43 -------···----· -·-----~----· --------····-·----------· 45.oo 25lfo.:n ~Oo5C 37!i2o!:i~ ~ll·lf!i 4390o5~ '191,89 1091.61 1583,50 51A.37 1077.u5 1595.43 !lJh? Q. __ ~ Qf.~ ~ 2_! ____ ._!· ~ £L!.~ L .. 45.00 1949.1'1 ~73.36 2050.32 2523.68 ~!). ~L ... lr 1e. !~.!i ------~n .. _qtt .. _2 QU .n ... __ ~?3 g !..~!!----~ _ 3(olf5 3967o97 509ol4 202boA6 253bo00 '17.00 ~2.30 31!.07 47.!)(1 ~<:..~0 3l!oG7 ~ 5 .• f1C 40.50 36.45 '18.(10 ~3.2(- 38 • f'.B 50o0t' ~5. 0{) 4 o .!ic 2?lfO.<Jfl. ______ H6o88 1165.45 1582.3:5 36 62. ~b 6T5~-6il --i iiio-~ sri ·--~-·i 966.;95 __ _ ~575,q5 692.19 1133.14 1974ob9 i~~~~24 4fi)~~5 3369.10 627.ao ~251.07 632.46 2033.07 2(118.13 2013.71 ... ------·---. ··---. ----·-·· ----~ ... 26:H,-;li2-· 2b~5.13 26 lf6. n 2186.85 337.59 2395.41 2733.00 3172ollf 387el4 2358o54 2745o6R ~~a 25.4 i---------4 ra··; 52·-------2 33-ii ~ 12 · · · ·275 :5-~ 2tt lll25.09 448.18 1054.42 1502.60 3009.20 qfl/t ~i 1 ---j 039; 29 'i~23;46·-- 40~7.39 507.20 1 !)30.61 15H.81 2560.011 790 .• 84-·· io52.93 3303.86 39lf6o00 1037.6!1 1033.12 ~255.5'1 ~81;5.86 1098.27 1029o42 4269.06 -·-·--·· .. ~-··--· -.- -~ ].-, J Ill\ "" -,. "' i I ' ~ I i.-_ ·i ! I ., ,.._ ~ ~ I'\ I'\ .~ I'\ ...._ ~ .., .., .., ., '"' I - 6 .rr , r· •• A2/02/llo 1E!o20oOf\. SECNO G CIJSEL 113·000 8~10·00 1~1~.37 113.000 17862.8~ 1~1(.5~ ll3oOQQ ___ 2172lo88 --1'117o71! VCH 3.9~ 5.77 ___ 7. 59. DEPTH 7.07 9.2~ 10 .~ 8 } .. ~9 1.~9 lo4.9. ~REA TOPIHD SSTA fNOST . ·-..... ·--.--. ·····----···-···· ···-----··-····--..... --·· ~s.oc 2135.81 ~23.31 10o5.96 1429.26 ~o.eo 309~.56 4~9.7~ 1002.~0 1452.1~ 36 .'!5 ____ 36 !;i 3 ~ 4~-____ ~-~f. .1? __ 1 ~-o P.. 37. ___ H ~ §..~ l_t <;i ________________ _ 11~.000 2~10.0~ 1~28of\~ 6.71 9 .. ~4 1o81 ~G.OO 1252.57 212.~5 100'5.2!i 1QQ1l·l\~ 999.29 1217.70 12~9.93 112 • 0 J !L .1 7 1> 6 2 , e.~ _ 1 ~ 3 1 , '.l '3. ______ _ 2.• (llj __ _ __ 12 • 5'L _______ l_, 8 L________ 311 1 OIL ____ l ';1}6, A !'_j ______ ? ~9. Q9 12 A 2: 59 _____ --------- 11~·000 21721.68 1~3~.18 10o8~ l~o78 1o81 32o4C 2556.&2 283o30 • 14 " _____ tu.aon ____ Bl.Ciloi: .. O l't 3 5. 28 ________ tt ._-,8 ___ 5~.18 _______ .--~~ 2L ________ 'IQ .• op _____ J ~ 2~~ ~!l ______ 't! 2 .• !:!? __ } !J6Q~ !?~ _____ !~D.! 9~---______________ _ 1~37.85 6.30 7.75 5.27 36.00 2729.59 4~7.81 1039.3~ 1~87.15 ~ 111.0JO 172J~.~C ., II lll.DOO 26HO.(l3 1~39o8~ 7o2R 9o74 5o27 32o~O 3666o9~ 488o37 1016.~4 1505o21 " 11t.ooo 1>100oGO 110.0~0 1720~.~0 ~· ------·· 1.10 .! ~ 0 3 ___ --2ft 7 p 0. 0.~- 109.000 A100.0C • --------_____ l ~':. 0 0. [! __ l 7204. '!(] 1C9.000 26700.D3 '""" " .t.> • -... 1~~0.71 H~2.'13 l't't ~.I:!~ 4o l'fl 5o 51 5o55 7o23 _f?~~~----«·63 --. 1~~3.69 3.27 6.39 H4 !;i!57 _________ 9 1}'L _______ El~?7 1~~6.82 6.13 9.52 3o00 3.00 3..ao 1.5~ --~ !5~_ 1.54 ,, __ L ____ 2~~ ~ o o L_ JUJHlt.Q.!l__ _ t~'t 'h!!.O -~-____ .hll?. ____ . .f> ~ !l Q _____ 1. 3 ~ .t.> 21JP.OOO 1720~.~0 1~52.20 5.5~ 9.:20 ---};3~-- 208.0CO 26100.03 1453.75 7o08 10.75 1o3~ " 1oe.ooc 1:11co.co ~ l 1r8.DOO 1720~o4L "------__ lQfl.,~? __ ~67PC,~:-3. ,, 2u7.DJO 81JG.CO __ go7.goo 112o~.4o 2~1.~oo ~~i~a~o~ -----107 ~ 0 I) Q_ __ ~ 10 p. 0 c. . 1c1.oao 112o~.~a 107.COO 267COoC' 10f,.300 1C6.~1)1) c -------------! ~f> • 3 Q Q- ll100o00 1720~.~0 _g67Q~·C3 .. ~ f: --------: ~; : ~ ~ ~ f'q 11!5.COO BBO • (10 17204.4~· 26700.r:3 'l-----! ~ ~ ! o. Q o_ a 1 o o • o o '[ 1o~.noo--i72o~;~c .-.. ,, 104.000 267C0o(L~ ,, 103.ooo ~ib6~uc 103.000 1720~.~0 1~3.0QC ?~?Q~!;~ ····· ... ·-----------·-·· ---------·-·-···-·--------· --.-~-· 1~51.55 4olt'3 8ol5 • 32 .32 o3? 1~5~o13 l~55,7t'. 6.~5 10.73 ... B .. • t 7 ______ J~ • ~6 ___ . H53.~6 H56.30 1~5e ~ o7 ~.5() 6.20 7.78 !~!14!~'? -------_hQ7 1~51.5~ 6.20 1459.3~ 8.16 1456.19 1459.29 t~-~!! ~.? -- 1~62.86 1 ~b!'•o 93 1~67.~3 1~72.'37 1~75.78 H 77. ~3 1~97.31 1~97.87 H9!1o26 5o1'1 6 o12 .? ·1 ~-- 5.23 7o12 8.96 5.00 ··· · -5.4:·r 6.~i 2.85 ~. 78 6.~7 9.56 12. ~0 ·-i ~. 11 .~8 • 3P. .• 38 9~'!9_ --___ 1 .. 38 12.~~ 1.38 H.25 1.38 -----8 ~09 llo19 13.22 llo86 Ho93 ].6.~3 3oC!G 3o00 3.co 1o 12 1o12 1 .12. 5.87 5.% ----i!~ 68 ·-----·s. 96 10.33 5.96 -.. 6~fi ______ -6.36 6.67 6.3f, 7.06 6.31> .... ~ ~5.00 ~ t. 50 __ 36~~5 ~-ii56·~-6--7~------·-·6-i4-~~3a·---~-i o 3s. [llt ·2 36 ~r~·-s·&---~--.~------··-~---~----~- 31oo.85 726.98 1o29.o~ 2372.~5 ~ 2 Q6. f, !.~ !J61J ~ 11 _ ~ o 21. ~ ~ _ ___?) 1 s .! ~ L~- ~5.00 2~78.16 587.8~ 1072.90 1660.74 ~ll.~o~ 3592.11 601.17 1062.88 166~.rs 36 .~s -~~t35~-:a7 ___ 6i fi~o :~---i oss~63·~--i665~-e:3 _____ · ~5.0~ 2119.06 401o26 1038o59 1~39.85 4u :5o ____ 3i o7:s9~ -42o;p:J. ~~o 3f;E.i---i ~5 2:-112~----------- 36.~5 3770.~6 ~31.23 1027.~9 1~58.31 ~o.oo 36.t0 ~2.~(1 ~c..oo 36.00 45.00 4u.5(1 36.~5 ~5.00 ~0.50 3 (;. ~5 1803.55 2667 .~9 ~26.7~71 1800.09 27H.5~ "311~-93-iu54~9e i366.91 355.~1 10~5.22 1400.63 __ n r~ ?~-----! o ~ ~! ?? ____ J ~t J J_! __ ~ L ______ _ 31 7. 58 1 05 0. 91 362.89 1t~7.61 37b. 99 -----i 0~5~ 87 136!!.50 H1G.H 1422. 86 __ _ 1990.86 261.98 1110.9~ 1372.92 27'7 5' ~ 5lt' . -~--2'7 i ~-04 _._ ---fi 0 3 ~-f5 -----·1'3'7lt ~ i 9'---· -----~---· ------ 3273.0~ 276o6~ 1C98o3~ 137~.98 1575.65 2812.83 3750.72 350. ~ 7----954 ~ 33 ~~3 .. 27 93&.93 ~6A.07 9~7.23 1 !ott. il a- 13e2.2o 1~05.30 45.CG 1~~9.90 ~0.'50 2~15.26 3L.45 . 2':1'19oU' 2 3(,. 6~ 3~fl.6~ . 403~63 1229.73 11:71. 68 1(163.6(1 1466.37 1~72.27 'H75.H-- 6Yo0C 1618.~7 502.69 1020.83 1523.52 bit.oo -3165~57---6o4.H -1ol0.75. 1614.92-- ~8.60 4167.91 61~.22 10~~.89 1619.11 60.00 5~.00 41::; .6 c. 2P.~0~49 .. 1336.~9 3596.93 1355.56 ~123.65 1368.58 1082.90 2~19~39 1067.1D 2~22.6L 1056.33 2~24.91 l .. •• 'i , ... I. - i. ::. i !'·~ I j i • • '-.• ! I i· . • • • • I_ • !-l .. .. ... i: ! ' ' J c "' ~ T """"'· . l ',' t --· "' SECt-JO . 1 o~. o a o r-11i2o000 ---1 o~.ooo r " 101oiJOO ,, 101.0!!0 10J.Oil0 " ,... ,, " r'·· ,..., "' (' ~-~' t . -l:i.J"" -- r :: _:__ ------ .r '· r'> (' " ,.., (i~< r .. , ! ] .J 1 ] J J 18o20oO&o G CIJSEL VCH DEPTH t< •CH Sl A100o(r0 1505.30 5. flit 13.6ll o19 17204.40 150'3olJD 7o63 17.30 o19 .. 26100.03 151 0 .86 . .••.. --··---·--'~ o. 5 B. 1'1.16 ······-··· . ·--···1 ';I, 71'.50.00 1510o10 'toOl 6.10 9.11 16&7.3.40 1512.96 ······It. 02 8 •. 9£, .... --·-... 9•11 25H75o'?6 15llt.95 4o4R 10.95 9.11 Column Heading Descriptions: SEC NO Q CWSEL VCH DEPTH K*CHSL Identifying cross-section number. Total flow in the cross-section. Computed water surface elevation. Mean velocity in the channel. Maximum depth of flow at the cross- section. Channel slope from current cross-section to next-downstream cross-section in feet/foot (times 1, 000). 1 ) j J ) l } l' ~ ··--··--·--· --- P ~.GE 36 ..... , _______ -··-·· ----------------- t<•XNC:H AREA TOP IUD SSTA ENDST ·------·----. ' ----------------·--·------ 4!).(10 1386.9(, 183.31! 1023.98 1207.3f, 4 (j. 50 2255.2f; 274o26 1016oHO· 1291.06 ........ 3b o45 . n!H.eJ. __ .. 298 o76 . 1QJ4.78 J 3U.!.'H. -· --~-------·-- 55. (I(J 1955.59 111.711 1130.6'1 2203.47 49.5P lfLH.~ n _t\~9·1?5. J090.[l4_ ~216~1_11 44.55 571l0o98 84 9. 4 6 Ha4. n 2219o69 K*XNCH Manning's n value used for the channel portion of the cross-section (times 1,000). AREA TOPWID SSTA ENDST Cross-section area (area of flow). Cross-section width at the calculated water surface elevation. Equal to sum of Individual channel top widths. Starting survey station where the water surface Intersects the ground on the left side. Ending survey station where the water sur- face intersects the ground on th~ right side. The difference between ENDST and SSTA gives the total distance from the left edge to the right edge of water. ] ' l!. .... , j "" ~ ' . i ' -~ "' ! ' _.I "' 1'\ I .I'\ 1'\ . ,., ,., "' 1'\ .., "" "' .. ~ "' "' ~ "' " B2/IJ2/l2o 12.25.57. PAGE 35 ' ·I ,.,, ·~·········~·*******······························ HfC2 RELEASE DATED NOV 76 UPDATED APRI 1980 ' ~--[R llOR CORR ............. Olt 02 t03,0/l_____________ ------~~-------· ---·------. ----·-· ................... _________ , ______________ ~--~~ .. ------------- ~ODIFICATION -50t5lt52,5~t54 "" *********•••···~·································· ll NOTE-ASTERISK C•) AT LEFT OF CROSS•SECTICN NUHP.ER INDICATES HESS~GE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST ______________ ., ________ ,, . -------· ____ , __ ,. . " . ,... II UPPER SUSITNA RIVER " ~--------------·-------·-··-- SUM~Ak Y f'R I rJTOUT Table 4.17 -------------------------------------------.......... -... --------------- SEC NO f"l ---------l2lo t!.O.!l--33125olt L .. ,, 121.000 45534.53 r" n 121.000 50066oP2 ~I .f.:::. CIJSEL VCH DEPTH . 12Ha5L .. _ -11• 3.1 ....... -...... lO.o BQ. __ __ 12l8o40 l2o72 12o70 1219o30 12o85 l3o60 li • CD ... Q.LIO o.oo -T--··-_________________ .. ____ ............ , .. ______ .,.,,_ .. ____ ._ ..... ----------------------·---.. •• w 1?0.000 :nl25.H 128C.55 6o97 llol5 2o59 f'" 0'\ 12('oOOD 45:B4o!'i3 121'1.37 8o77 llo97 2o5':1 '"~-·---120 • !lO !.L .. 5!! !166 • 22 ____ 128lo. 25. ________ 2 o1fL __ llo . .B5 ., ____ ..... 0? 1 !'!'? .. 1: A REA TOPIHD SSTA ENOST ............... .3t ... 't.5 ______ 2.2J;3__,.!l_L __ ~,2g_. u _______ ~9'h~' ____ JJtt! ~t:>. 1 ----------- 32.tl 3583.86 353.15 999.12 1352.25 3lol7 390lo89 353o60 998o93 1352o52 3to45 4752o95 537o71 1067.05 1604o76 3~oAl 5194o99 54lo55 1064o43 1605.99 . ~ ~-,lJ ___ ~l2J'-! !t !L -·-~-~ .Q '!.':19. ... _ .•. J rl.f>'t~-~~---:._l.~JJ.!!L~-------........ -- r H 11~·000 33J25o47 1335.6~ 7.58 11.19 lo78 36.45 ~370.35 514.31 2023.49 2537.80 •· _______ lH .no ll_'l.55}'t.~3 ___ .l~:u. 2!'> __ _.Qs ~.Il ___ J2!.1~ ____ !dB.-----"-3?. !!lJ 5193. as 524. H 2016.10 2541.4 4 11 ~. 0 0 0 50 066.22 133 7. 68 ':1. 08 13. 3A 1. 7fi 31 .17 ---55ii1:·47 ____ 5_2a:-i5--2-ili4:il9 ___ 2s4·2:-il4----·----·-.. --.. -------- f". ' ' ________ ll I:. 0 o Q _ _j3125.o.'tl. __ U't~, 't!L ____ __g ~..R€ ___ ).?~-9.~ _t.TL _______ 34>_!$iJ ........ 5Qf?!!i~---lU!?.!I ___ JJ~9 .. d~.----J .. 'U~~§L __________________ _ • 11~.oon 455~4.53 1345.98 7.78 13.98 lo71 34o26 5915.37 872o77 1125o77 2406.16 . ~ M ll~oOOO 50066o22 13~6.16 8o36 14ol6 1.71 32o55 6~72o29 A84.81 1125.01 2409o66 117.000 33125o47 136Bo49 7ol4 l0o89 2o42 117.ona 45534.53 1369.48 Bo63 11.88 2.42 ----117 • 0 D 0. _____ 50 0 66. 22. ___ .. 1 ~ t\'2 o75 ________ ,.2 • 21 ___ 12! 1 ~ ....... _, ...... 2 ~ _4? ll6o000 31874o74 1375,91 7o67 l~o2l loll _}16 I DO 0 .. _!1 ~B 15 .?..te.. ---.D 77. 29 ______ _9 .16. _____ l !1.'!.~':1 ----__ J. p ll6.QQry 48175o84 1377o57 9o79 l5o87 loll ,...., • _____ ll~ • .ooli __ ;na7'1· 7'L ...... 1 ~n. 16 _______ J! QL _____ n! pf> ______ _ _g ~ Q-~ 115.000 43815.26 139B.R3 BolO 13.73 2.03 f"'" 115.00r 48175oM 1399.19 8.5fl Ho09 2. ()3 ll4o0~0 31~74o74 1413o40 6ol7 9oOQ 2o92 ~" ll4o000 4'3lll5o26 J4l~o22 1.21' 'JoR2 2o92 " ------1 Jlj • Q.. 0 ll .. _ .. !t 8115 • fo 1:L _____ 1.':1 llt o. ~ ~---. __ ] • ~ ? ___ ,J_9 ol-2 ______ ... 2 !'. 2 ' ,,. 31l. ti7 ---~6-~-2~59---6T~-~ii7 ___ 2oii~Yii-"26-4~6:63 -~----·--- 3~.26 5277.10 638.76 2008.61 2647.37 ' ;3~'! 5!? ___ ~·.4 :»~! ~-5 l ____ f>.l'l~I.L ___ ?QQ? • ?~ g§.~?!~!:''--··-~·----...... 36.~5 4}~,6.56 433.56 2323.30 2756.86 3~!81 4?R4.~~ 479.5~-__ ?2Al. "J~ .. ?!(.1_!_!'?.5.. _______ -----·- 3lol7 4922o7l 48b.79 2273.~8 27~loll7 31lo!W. 4~1!!!.~? ··-_§g.Q • ?.L 1()27.42 154Ro2G -U--··--·--· . ·------·--·--··------· 34.99 5409.99 5E.lo 6 (. ---io2i:s2---T51i 3:Te 33.24 5617.63 571.24 1 02Jo22 1591.47 ........ ---· .. ------· . . ..-.......... ___ .. -. ------------------·-· -· ----.......... -.. .. 41).~(1 36.45 34~(>3 53R7o80 1125o20 1027.52 ~27loH~ 6354.94 1255.48 1J24o05 ~276o85 f, ~ p ! . .2 4 __ P.? !.!9 .Q___ '-gg_? !.~.L .. -~..2.7 !l.!~_3 _______ .. _ .. ____ ...... 1 ... J .J. . I l . · .. J ' 1', i iII\ 1 'I --· ,., I ~ 1 . : \ i i 1'\. i-'1 : :,.. ,, I. >,"\ l :1 - "" P2102/12o 12.25.57. SECNO Q CIISEL VCH DEPTH K•CHSL ll3o000 31~74o74 14lflo34 8ol5 llo04 lo49 113.000 43~15.26 1419.19 l0ol9 llo89 lo49 . ____ ll3o000 _ 48175oP.L ..... 1419o43. _____ l0o92. _____ l2o13 ______ 1~_49 112o~OO 31874o74 1435ol3 11.26 l5o73 lo8l lHoflOO __ 4~1ll'5o2f.. __ l4%.~~------·-··-·1.:5..~.'!4. ___ 17~17. ________ lo!,i! _ 112o000 48175.~4 1436.81 l4o46 17o4] loA] :36.45 32.111 31-17 3 2. 4(' 2 "'· 16 21 o10 AREA TOPIJIO 3912.02 458.61 430lo64 46lo90 SSTA E,NDST 999oB~ 1458o49 999o58 146lo47 PAGI:: 36 '! 4 1 J.. ~-?~------. 9 f1.~ • A? 999 .4•r_ ____ 14 ~.?._!_~g ____ ·---------····· 2P.34o77 302.74 998o85 130lo59 3 3Q~ ~ ~!?--.-~.?..!.• 76 998.2 0 13 6'). 95 33 99. 6 2 3 75. s9-~----99e. oa·----~3 73~ f;7 ----------------·----I .. :. .. - " ________ 111. OQ 0 ..... 3 069'1t!J l_ ___ J.'t'l D o72. ______ · __ 7_. 'tJL __ l0~(..2 ____ ~ •. V _ 32. 41l 111 • 0 0 0 4 2 2 [I 0 ol 9 1 4 4 2. 3 7 8 • 51 12 • 2 7 5 • 2 7 ·-----2 g ~ 1 6"" 4H5.39 ____ !jQ_,.27 1011.46 1515.73 4958.01 525.0 6 -~ 0 0 i. 40 ----i52"G;~·r,-·--------·····------·· -·· llloOOO 46400.04 1442oA3 Bo92 l2o73 5o?7 27.70 5201.4') 528.94 999.22 152k.17 --------11o. ooo ·-3o6.99:8i--1il~4~t;9----6-~lii ---9·~29----3-. 6-ii------3i::45·------~79T:o7 ____ 9oa:-a2 ____ ro19.2T ____ 2375-:99 -------------·--·--------- llD.con 422CD.19 1445.69 7.14 10·19-3.00 32.Pl 5913.17 960.28 1017.39 2377.43 1------110, U O.!J ____ 'I 6 ~ CHI• 0'1 ___ 1 ~~~E! .. o.P Q ____ 7_. 4 ~-----Hl• !!_!! _____ ~ •il!l ----~!!! 7. ------~-g?..!.!3.!' ___ 9.1.~.!.Q.~ ____ !Qtf,_ '!..~0 __ · _ _g_3.?}_!ft_g__ ___________ __ 109o000 30699of1 l447o36 6o55 1Co06 lo54 3bo45 4686o98 613o77 l052o34 1666ol1 ., _______ JO~!.llO!L __ ~UQ~.~~-----B9fl.n a.us 10.97 1.54 109.000 46400.~4 14411.46 ------~8;65 _____ 11~16 ____ 1~64 32.81 5247.27 620.07 1046.84 1666.91 ·· n ~ i 7----5365-;3·s·---62T;.39 ___ Tfi4 5;69-i 6-n~-~; 1 ---~---------------------· " .10-208.000 30699.81 11154.50 . 7o49 11.50 1.34 3L.45 41i96o45 436.26 1024.90 146lo1t " t----·· ~ £ 8 :coo-~li22 oo:t9--T4 5 s:-12 ___ ·-9-:12 ___ 12 ~7 2------r~ 3 4 ----32·~-aT·--··ii-6·2-s ~-9s---~~ii·o; n----nr2 :r ;·4 1 --t4Kt: aii --------------------------- " ~ 2C6.0JO 46400o04 1455.97 9e79 12.97 lo34 31.17 4740.36 44lol4 1022.05 1463.2r ---1£ie~ooo "3of.99. Bf···-·-ii156";54--~-·a-; 6i ___ i3 ;I-;.--· ----· -:32" ·-----·--32-;46 _____ 356/i"~ i a--·-··---3if5"~-21 i "63 i ~R~~--14""2".3~-0 'J ---------····-----·---·- lOA.can 42200.19 1457.76 10.44 14.36 o32 29.1~ 4040.99 396.0~ 1034.17 1430.21 _____ J Qt!.!:l.q r. --" ~tQJ!! ~-'L .... J 4 ~ 1! 99 l_!.o n ____ t~. s'!_ ______ ·J~------_?_1_~ ?Q_-".!~--·-~?.----~-'! ~~ ~~----_!.:;_3 3 .IJ 5 _____ ! ~-~Q.~-"-~----~-~------------ 2C7o0)0 30~99o8l-l458o90 8o19 15o00 o3H 207.aco __ ~~~QP.d~----!~~Q.29 9.84 16.39 .38 --------2 c7 ~-a 5o 464 o o. o4 146 o. 60 ----To. o:;l·----~~r, .7o·~----~-38 32.40 3746.73 385.13 1043.38 29ol6 4289o6G 400o41 lt37o55 2 7 • 7v . ---if~ i ~ ; ii ~---·-ii03 ~ ii :r·-· . i (j 3 i; • 2 5 1428.51 1437.9(, 1 44o;·o E ---------·-----·---- 36.45 35C8.25 279.22 1096.10 1375.32 · ""32 ;8t ---3if~6·5--21l2: 93·--1 o92 ;Kr·-·-l37s·~-&u---~-- 31.17 3966.85 2e3.~1 1092.vs 1375.6t ., ----i u6. 3 o ~ -·· ·3-of:CJ9~-ii1 _____ ili62 ;27~----·-1~ 3if ____ T4 ;r,.---------:5 ~-o t ·:n;~li ~-----41 •:n;--;lj6 _____ -4n-;;6s-----9 36. 4·4·-··14 o·•r;·n" -·-·-· ~ 106.300 42200.19 1463.98 8.49 15.88 3.oo 32.81 5011.14 480.91 935.02 1415.92 _____ H~-~:3Jq _ ~G~Q_Q~ Q_4 ____ !4!>_'1_~~2 ___ ~.!.~_? ___ 1~~--g __ -----~ •E.~--------~-1.. ~ !... 5222. 4_!i_ ------~~-~--"-~) ____ 93 4.65 __ 1 _ _'1__1_2~~"~-----_________ _ 1468.08 14l>9!05 1469.23 9.46 17.08 llo55 lfloC5 -n. 45----~a ~23 -·- 1o12 1.12 1.12 104o000 30699ohl 1478ol4 6.f7 11o04 5o36 " ----1i!lf~-o"5"04 22 fo-:F'l---~~-7·i;39 ____ --1. & s---~2-:-29 ______ s ~9-f; ~" 104.'100 46400o04 1479o74 8o31l l2o64 5o96 ,. " 1 o3. o oc -3~i..-99; iif---T~-·nr:5f ______ c;. ~ i-------7:-sr-------6 ~ ~(; 1':1 " • 103.aJn 422r0.19 1498.28 10ol8 7oOR 6o36 • l ~3. Q J 0 4fi 4 ~ 0. 0~ . __ J ~"'-~-·.'!~---------'!. 12 7. 7 '---····-6_~36 .. 3bo45 32of.J 3i ;i 1 3245.9(1 ~654.2(1 372n.i.5 ~16.26 1060.12 421.00 105C.ft7 421~-75---Ic 55.34- 1476o3B 1477.C7 1471"~' jq"" 46.60 4604.6g 618.10 1002.37 1620.46 4 3"~ 1 f-~--53-R·s·-~-r7·-.. · ---62·3-;r;r-··--·-99i:J;7lf ___ rt 2 2;-?..6----~-----~ · ·---------------------- 41.~6 56(12.86 623.94 999.59 1623.53 .. ---4-8 ~-6·o------446·6-~-·:rr··---l3't6;«i~r -·---r·o·lfq·~-37---------2-426 ~--:s6----~·----··------------------------· lt3o74 4144ol3 1369o09 1055o91 2425.00 41.56 50A7.14 1392.09 1036o8R 242Ho97 . ---------·--··------------------····-··-···- :1 ' • • ; ; - i i , .. 1_ •• • I :. . ' i __ l : !• ' 1-. 1-; - I' ,, I.: .. I n, ,.... f.2/02/]2. SEC NO Q CI.ISEL VCH DEPTH 102.000 30699.81 1511.63 10.15 19.93 .1~ 102o000 42200.19 1513o~7 l1o70 21o77 •19 PAI'>E 37 I<•XNCH AREA T OPI.II 0 SSTA [IJUS T . ·-·-------·------- 36olt5 3023.23 308o98 1013o93 1322o91 32oBJ 36~6.29 321.16 1011.93 1333oOS 1 02.0 0 0 _ .. It 6!100 .. CL _ 1513. 09 _______ l3o 32~-21• 3~L-~-..... ~ 19 ... 31.17 ..... 3'1 ll2. •. 7.9 ____ J2 0 ,!l.5__1 Ol?..t3.lL __ l;532 .~JL ------~---- 101.000 29752.2q 1515.90 ----------101.000 .. ltOC.~l1 .. 72 --1517.19 " 1 01o 000 'tlt%7 o94 1518o24 ,... .. lto50 11o90 9.11 ". &9 -----u •. 1 .. 9. ___ . 9 oll 5.11 llto21t 9o11 "'!----~ ......................... ---------·---·-------------·---------____ .. ____ ·-----· " 1 Column Heading Descriptions: " lt4o55 6616o92 915o36 l062o61 222loUO It o.l 11 ... ll~l' 1. f.3_ --·---~~1 !.C.~ __ J o~-~· 21!._ ~?2~! !'?~ .. _________ ... ______ . 3&.~9 8791to23 91t2o25 1058o01 2221to23 SECNO Identifying cross-section number. K*XNCH . Manning's n value used for the channel portion of the cross-section (times 1,000). ,... ' Q ,...1,-. . ~.: --!--....... . ,.... 1,., OJ CWSEL VCH DEPTH K*CHSL ~~I ,, Total flow in the cross-section. Computed water surface elevation. Mean velocity in the channel. Maximum depth of flow at the cross- section. Channel slope from current cross-section to next-downstream cross-section In feet/foot (times 1, 000). AREA TOPWID SSTA ENDST ------------------~---·---~----------···---·-·-·--·----------------· -----~--·-------··. --~~-· -· --· .. ()' J -J Cross-section area (area of flow). Cross-section width at the calculated water surface elevation. Equal to sum of individual channel top widths. . ..... -----·-----· ------ Starting survey station where the water surface intersects the ground on the left side. Ending survey station where the water sur- face intersects the ground on the right side. The difference between ENDST and SST A gives the total distance from the left edge to the right edge of water. '"J .I ,... "" '"\ ~· II'\ 'r I . ; [ I, I '.fl\ ' -~ ~ "'\ "' ""' 1'\ ""' "' "' "'\ "'\ " "' " ,., " i' "' -I ] j } misc9/x5 TABLE 4.18 COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS, MIDDLE SUSITNA STUDY REACH Susitna Discharge, Cross-Section Number (cfs) LRX-4 LRX-9 LRX-24 LRX-28 LRX-35 LRX-45 (Gold Creek) Comp. (Obs.) Comp. [Obs.) Comp. (Obs.] Comp. [Obs.) Com'p • .(Obs.] Comp. [Obs.) .t:> i 9,700 348.6 [348 .1 J 378.1 [378.4) 521.7 [521.3] 555.0 [553.8] 617.7 [617. 3) 684.0 [684.1) w 1.0 13,400 350.0 (349.5) 379.4 {379.0) 522.6 [522.0] 555.7 .{555.3)* 618.7 [617.9] 685.1 (685.2) 17,000 350.8 [350.5) 380.3 {379.8) 523.2 [522.9] 556.2 [556.0) 619.4 [619.0] 685.8 [685.9] 23,400 352.2 (352.0] 381.8 [381.6) 524.3 [523.8]* 557.0 (557.0] 620.3 [620.0) 687.0 [687.0) 34,500 353.1 [352.9) 383.4 [383. 1) 525.4 [525.4) 558.1 {558.2) 621.6 [621.3) 688.1 [688.4) 52,000 355.1 (354.6) 386.2 [385.4)* 527.2 [527.5) 560.1 [559.8] 623.3 [623.3] 689.9 [690.0) Note: Water surface elevations are referenced to mean sea level (msl). LRX-62 Comp. (Obs.) 835.1 {835.4) 836.4 [835.9) 837.5 [837.5] 838.0 [838.3)* 840.8 [840.7)* 844.2 (843.9)* LRX-68 Comp. (Obs.] 850.6 [851.4]* . 851.8 [852.2]* 852.8 [852.9] 854.0 [854.1] 855.8 [856.0)* 858.7 [859.0)* ,. ' _, ~i ~.-, .. , fl2/02/llo 15o17ol7o PAGE 103 q • • ~-------------·--------~----·-----·-·-· -·-· i. • !. HEC2 RELEASE OATEO NOV 76 UPDATED APRI 19110 ' ----ER RCdl CORR ,., _ 0 1t02• 03 t O't. -~ -----·------------------·-·-··--. ··-·--... ··-··--·····-·-··---·----·--·--------------·----·------------ ~OOIFICATION -50,~1o52o53,5't *****•********•••••••••************•********•••••• -" NOTf-ASTERISK C•J AT LEfT Of CROSS•SECTION NUMBER INDICATES MESSIGE IN SUMMARY Of lRRORS LIST .. , MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER-- - • . - SUMMARY PRINTOUT *"'· " I -;c:,--·----------------------··-------·----·. -·-·-·------·------------·---------· ------·----.. -· o ~~ • o o o . 9 9 9 o. o o 3 • 8. 6 3 --5~27----~63 ______ 2-~n.----4 o~ oo· --~-6-9·;.-;9 3 na • 1 o-3Ti 3-:-rq--5-rB • -;'17;------------- ~ h 'toOOO 1380Go19 350o05 'to3't 6o05 2ol6 38oOC 3179o21 103'to50 3l06o95 579Jo2't ----------~! P g!! J 75 9!.! • '!I ____ J?.Q ~ !lg ______ ----~! ~-~ _______ h~-~-----2! t ~ ~~·-QL _ _!!Q_~§-. ~I_ _____ ! ?~'.!!l~.--3 !.~~-.. -~.~ ______ ~I~-~-.!-~!! _________ ·----·--· ___ _ ,, 5o000 9990o00 359o21 2o5B 6o61 •o.oo 39~2.94 1316.03 6D't7.13 7363.16 3.28 6.8. 36.00 't2~5o12 1316o56 60't6o9't }363.50 - •i i .,. i .. ., J· .. i. ... I I j. ,. ----·-----------·· 5 • 0 il 0 1 3 p I! 0 • 1 'I 3 5 9 ••• 5~ollo--i70joii:~7-----359.74 ... 3~ f.\ 1--~ ~7~14--- 1.85 1.85 i.85" 3 6~ oo --ii5-9a ~-:ir---Dr 1~2 :3----f;iiiif.-;;·n-----r3n-;-<Jii -·--·-··· ·-···--·--... .I ·- .... ... " ,, " - 362.70 :36 3 ~ 3 7 363.8't s.ooo 9990.00 373.0't e.ooo 13BU0.19 373.92 -------· ii~ iiii ii -i"75ii8 ~ iif ------jf~~. 8 ----------.. ~. 0~!] 9990. "~ 9.(101) ·13aoo;t<• 9o000 175!18o't7 371\.09 379.36 3111!.33 --To·:oo o -·-9s9o-. oc --39f;l!e _____ _ 10.000 13h00o1~ 392o't9 --------!Q&QQ ! 7!?Qg!~7. --· ~~:3.!?11 2o78 5o60 lo't1 · -3 ;2 c-·----6~2 1 -----------~ ;·4 i 3o66 6o7't lo~1 ---:f~-15 ___ 7--;JE.--------;·79 3o't9 7o79 o79 3ob6 6o2't o79 •-•'-• ~--·---•---~-·--··••n~·-n·• 3.3. Ao':l't lo02 3.67 9oll2 1o02 -~~. 2't --~o-; 3a 1 ~ D2 3 oll llo 49 .51 3.6. "T2; u;----~51 It oll 13 .. 73 o51 •· o1 ___ --5.2a·~----2"-;6o . It ol8 •••• 6.29 2.60 7.0'1 2.60 --------·---·---.. ---------· .. J _) 40o00 35B9ol7 10'tlo29 6639o't0 76h0o69 3l!. oo ---4296 ;iir-·-roli~t-;·a-·· 6631 ;·n -..., 7682-;u r-· ------------- 36.oo 't779o35 10't6.31 6636.59 7682.90 · ~-o·~ o o ·· ·----·3·r:;-q-~--3 9---r-ois;-~r2----"1-·ro·tt-;-71f -·-:rlti-2~-r;.------------------------------------ 3&.oo 3957.28 1281.50 1103.86 2't3'toU1 36o00 453'to82 1327o76 1103o23 2't't9o08 50o00 2991.65 5llo8't 312Co59 3632o't3 41o50 't2't6o36 8't'to36 3117o9A 3962o3't 45~ o~ ·--,.7 r'li~-36 _____ --a:ii·ir;~r--3116-~32 ___ 3964-.43·-.-·--·-------··--· 55.00 !52.25 ·~-5{1 3216. 0 7 37f.9o 02-- 4263o71 't2't.'t3 • 74·;· ri"[J S11o't5 21f!'t.75 2147o80 2119.89 2609.11\ 2621.€10 ......... _________ _ 2631.3't 55.Dif 52.25 't9.50 2•er. 95 ·-at o-~45--1 f56~2T ____ 291fr~ n·---------· -··------·--·· 330lo68 A56o98 11't'to30 29't7o6f 3945o't6 885o't't 113Ro62 2952.~1 . -----·-------·-·· ····---··-----------------------~---· --. ------~--------··-- .. ~ ) I J J /' I i l"i It I; ' i.'. I i I ' - i. I .. -. I< I. i ) ' . -. J J ) ) ] j ] J ] ) ~ } () 8 ... r ~~-----.. -------------------------------------------'-----~------------------------------·--------------------~--------.... --------. --·--------------------------., '· ~.~ R2/02/11o 15.17.17. PAGE 10q ,: ,.... I:-i' .. --·------------.. 'l. SECNO Q CWSEL VCH DEPTH lloOOO u.ooo ' ------------11.000 9990.00 qo9.92 2o53 8o92 1.q5 13Aoo.t9 q1o.6q 3.o9 9.6q 1.qs 1 1 s oa." 1 _ . u1. 2 t.. _______ .J. 6't--.. to..21--____ t. q s. 12.0 0 0 --12·000 12.000 9990.00 UHOOol9 17508oH ---13 • 0 0 0 . ---9 9 9 0. 0 0 - 13.000 13P.OOol9 n.ooo 11soa.q7 q21o58 3o57 7o18 It 2 2o 75 ... --· _____ q o.fl D-----·-· .... llo.35 ____ _ q23o63 q.qq 9o23 1oq7 .. 1o 4 7 lo47 _ '137 .• 61 .. ______ .. .3o 33. ______ lta.11 ·----___ 1.1 B __ _ q38o7R 3o88 12o28 1o18 439.60 q.39 13.10 1.18 1q.ooo 999o.oo H.O(IO 138COo19 ,, -------14. 000-17508.ql qq3o77 3o83 6o57, 3o79 "qq.69 q.oo 7.49 3.79 qlj 5 .. 37 _________ q. 2.7 ______ .....8.. • .1..1.-..... ___ _3. 7.9 15o000 9990oGO q52o52 2.o70 boq2 • -----------·---15. 000 -13!!0 0.19 -----.lt 53.21 -.. 3. 22. ----· _7_ .. 11 " .1:> . 15.000 175CBe47 453.77 3o68 7o67 " __ 1._ _____ .. 16 .• non ___ 'J .. 9.9n .. n!L __ !)s.s.._n ______ 3_. 52 ___ ~ ___ _6_ • .03 __ _ ~ l6oOCO 13AOOo19 456o60 3o80 6o90 16.000 17508.q7 457~21 q.10 7o51 1. 79 .... 1. 79. 1o 79 _____ 1. 33 .. 1. 33 1.33 K•XNCtl 55o00 52.25 ARE. A 3Hqo11 qq62o2l TOP II I 0 SSTA ENDST 712.23 20q3.29 2755.53 725.23 2033.51 2758.74 qg.so __ f+868o02 .. 13 2. £i D _______ 2!12.B. ofl.L ___ .. 27 f.l..2L _______ . ______ _ 55.(10 --... 52. 25 . q9.50 2aoo.95 sso.1q 109q.aq 16qq.99 3q 53~ 9~-------~-Ell· ~9 ______ HI;\'l· 3'L __ 16_5 '1. 9':1 39qq.29 569.09 1086.26 1655.36 ss.oo ...... 299.7 .... n --'t~ft.•J'L_! !!6_~!!U ___ 27~~-!.~.!L _____________ _ 52o25 356~o68 507o9q 1066.71 2779.18 q9.5~ 3985o59 528o73 1Q65o23 2782o52 · 55oCC 2607oq5 888o9q 1097o63 2562o85 52.25 3q5Q.30 939.83 1096.&5 2567.27 .4'3 o5.n __ .3111.!1 o72 .. __ --~.B..a_. 2/L _1 il~5· n __ 2.% '!d.~·--···· .. ___________ . qs.oo 3706.&6 816.22 1061.AO 2292.25 . 42 • 75 __ .. lt2 89 • H.. . _ 8_5". • 7 :> ... 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BD ___ .. 835o 34. -·---~ ... 5o 6l ___ l.5....1!.'f ____ l..o..7JJ ....... -...... 49. 5L __ 2.9.1Hl.•ftl. ---·--·~9..f. .. !.f!.2 _____ 99/lo~] __ _j._g~-~-~.!..7 _____ , ____ _ ,... ,, ,;z.ooo I~···--·-·------. 6 2. 0 0 c 62. 0 0 0 r. ,, 914Do00 835o09 4o58 . 12626o.OO ----836o'J.3 __________ 5o24 l6Dl8o76 837o47 5o~6 12.79 a .• .1:5 15.17 2·50 .... 2. 5 Q 2.50 ........ ~·------.63. o on ......... •1u o. no ____ 1111. 51 _____ . .4 .. '1 ~----·lo .. :u ..... _ ... '" 41 ,, 63o000 12626o00 838o79 5o23 llo59 4o41 63.000 1601Ao76 839o79 5o92 12.59 4o41 " --.. ~----·----·----·----------·-------·---"··--·------------------· -. -~-------------- " 64.000 9140.00 839.55 lfo23 l'lol5 -1.7::'1 f'\ •' 64o000 12626o00 8'10oll6 'to92 15o46 •loB I -----6'to D. 0 D.._16Ql8oJ6. __ , .B't t. 8.7 ___ __5_t.!i't _____ l(! .. ~!!J .. _. ~ t~ n f"\ ' 65.000 9140.ll0 ' ...... --............ 65.000 ...... .1262f.IJL. 65o000 1601Aol6 -r-"· of'. 841.47 ... 8'12.59 843o4e 7.60 5.37 19.11 ........ 1. 10. ---·-· '6 •. !t 'L._ 1 9 t U. a.oo 7.36 t9.tl 55o01l 1997o04 304.71 999.41 1304.12 _52·2~ ___ ?4U,Q9 49.50 2735.6(, _:UQ.!JH ____ ';1'3_8.74 130B.An ···---·-------· 314.2 0 996. 22 ........... i'3i2~42 __ _ s~. o.r. 52o25 49.50 ?t•" e.2.1 ______ g.!l~.!U ___ xqg;; ~ ~L ___ l.?.~~-!.!g ____ ·~--------·-----.... 2415.83 288.69 1000.45 1289.14 2706.74 291.82 999.93 1291.75 --------5-S.oo ------2·1-~fa-~·3··q·------3DtJ~~fO ___ lO--o·i-;44~---~-i3"i··o;·c3i5---~---~-,--.. 52.25 2568.27 315.23 999.98 1315.21 ,~. ~L ___ ~!t~.!!...-.23 ______ ~t !..!.~~---··· 999 .s8 ___ ,1~.1_7~~~-----------_ ....... 55oli0 12Cilo91 374o58 1DG5.39 1652.29 ~i"·2!i .. ____ ~f.~9.·'H 49o50 2!!03.'55 _ ~ !Jil ~ ~ 1 ... 1 (}~I C o !_l_E, 1 6 6 2 o 9 3 422 ofoO 999 .'J3 -·--·i-66~.~ 5·2~ ~---------- ' -is-:__. ____ M,. Oa 0 ...... 9B 0 .I!L .. __ .. 84 4 o28. ______ 'Lolt a__ ___ ..J_.JJB ·-~---· 3.o. 7.!L .. ~ ~ fEoOOO 12626oGO 1145ol0 5oll 7o90 3o79 55 • C 0 .... 2 11 ~ D ,115 ~ ..... l~!i.-~ 1!.0. _____ IJ'l'h11'L .... tf!~ A • 2 ~--------------_ 52o25 247lolD 548o55 999.61 16~9.98 r ~ 66.000 16018.76 845o77 5o63 8.57 3.79 ,, '1 ,, (!!~< ll 67o00~ 9140.00 84Ho37 3.68 1.11 2ol0 67o000 12626oVO 849.39 4o37 8o79 2o10 --~~ 6.lo.OO 0 ....... 16 !118 o.76 ... __ ·-·· 85 D o.l 1L ____ 5, 02........ ..... -... ......'!o..:i'L .. ~----2.•10. 6~.aoo 9140.t0 850.58 3.24 20 .£,8 . a_._~';! ,22.118 6e ~ o oo ...... 12626 .no.· __ ... 85.1 .1!5 _______ --~.n 68o000 16018o76 852o78 'to54 Column Heading Descriptions: SEC NO Identifying cross-section number. Q Total flow In the cross-section. CWSEL Computed water surface elevation. VCH Mean velocity In the channel. -5.35 -5.35 -5.35 DEPTH Maximum depth of flow at the cross- section. K*CHSl Channel slope from current cross-section to next-downstream cross-section in 49.50 2847.18 589.46 999.74 1651.27 55.PO 2'1A5.65 395o85 999o97 1395.82 52.25 289lo55 397o68 999o87 l397o55 .'t~ •.5 o_ -~~ll~ !. ~~c---~-2~ !..~.~----29 ~ ~ !l. (} ___ !.~2.!\·?.~-·----------- 55.00 52o2!'i 49.5() K*XNCH AREA TOPWID SSTA ENDST 2A24 .64 ~2ge.<:G 35 21lo 27 312.47 1030.10 1342.57 ~?~!!~. 1~26oB7 1349.~3 324 .at ---i o24~45 ______ EI!9;22·--·----~ Manning's n value used for the channel portion of the uoss·section (times 1,000). Cross-section area (area of flow). Cross-section width at the calculated water surface elevation. Equal to sum of Individual channel top widths. Starting survey station where the water surface Intersects the ground on the left side. Ending survey station where the water sur• face intersects the ground on the right side. The difference between ENDST and SSTA (lives tl)e total distance from the left edge to the right edge of water, J l • !•e li~ ,,1 i' ! ; , ; i I 'I .i't i •'i • . ' I' . ! .. I i• .. . i 1 '_; I: lit : ·'"' "' i "' ! ., "" ,., :; ! . ,., i;- : :"' , I :,~ I - "fl.) I ·I .. , ' f'" " «" I'. " .. , ,, I' 82/02/11o 15o31.5Ao PAGE 1111 ----------~ --------~----------· ----~------------··-----·-····------~--------·-------------·---·-------·-------- ·---~----~~-···-----~-----~----------~-~--~-~-------~--~--~~---------· ·········••*******************************••••••*•. HEC2 RELEASE UATED NOV 76 UPDATED APR!. 1980 ----ERROR ..... COIUL-"---U1t02tll3 tO~-------------------·---­ MODIFICATION -50,51t52t53t54 ----···---··-···-~---------------· --·------------·------- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------------·------------------------------------------------------- NOTE-ASTERISK C•l AT LEFT OF CROSS-SECTION NUMBEK INDICATES MESS~GE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST LOwER SUSJTNA RIVER-- . ----------.----· ·---------------.. -------------------------·-------·-----------------------------------··-----· SUMMARY PRINTOUT Table 4.20 S[CNO Q CWSEL VCH DEPTH AREA T OPW I D SSTA ENDST --·-· 3. !lJ.o .......... 355JtO.uD..... .......... 3/t.a .• on ___ ....... 3 ...... 7 3 ___ .. 1.5..d.D .. -~---.0 • 0!1. ···-··-----32.o'!.IL ...... 1 ~.!!.'!f>_, 1. 'L ____ J.~.§~ I:>.L,... ... ...l .. ~l.O. !U. ____ §_~_§_h~L ________________ ....... .. 3.oob 53565.~9 348.50 4o98 15.90 OoOO 32.40 14993.78 4C22o57 1609.29 · 5669.19 3.000 24106.78 346.50 3.79 13.90 0.00 36.~0 6352~64 1109.66 40DO.OG 5661.76 --· :.: ; '' :I .. I i ··• l ·] i· i !. ., . • ' . ! • I. • " -~-----,;-.o a o3s-~o:-a·il---353:""ci6 ___ --~a-·--·9:oi------2~-i"& ---------i2:-~-u----7~3l;-:-&:r---~"-.,6 o. ':i3-3 o 93-~ 63 ______ 5795:--a!·-------------------- ~ B L 4oOOQ 53565.89 355o14 4o47 l1ol4 2o16 32~40 119A9o02 2787.42 309Uo33 5890o62 • '-~---l! .. r.oo __ 2!t..l.Q£.oJ8. ...... ____ 352o25 ....... ______ : .3o'1.5 ______ a....25 ______ 2"'H .............. J f. ~l!.IL_ .. li.U.t .. .!!l:l _ _lli.U .... ~!?~ .. lij'iJ !?,_~ _ __: ___ .. iU . ..i..!..~ .. 'L.___-------~---------- )1 . . . 5o0UO 35540o00 360o74 5o03 8ol4 1o85 32o40 H322o29 1878.87 51Q6o53 7463o20 ____ ft ... O Ofl. ___ 5 356S.IiL __ 362o..JIL _____ 5 .... 88 ~~-· ~9 .!U _____ J, fi~ ________ .32, 't.ll_l 0 I!JQ~3'I __ 2Jlf1.2..Ll.tl __ 5_l.l!l.! ~-9 ___ 1~-~!'o!.!...l ~ -------------------~---_________ ... 5o003 24106.78 359o89 4o11 7o29 1o85 36o00 6747.72 1830o61 5108.22 746Jo21 r"• ' ______ faO!JO .... 35540,00 ___ .. 3f.~ .. 26 _____ -~-t..I't _____ !!..!..l~------ldL... 32.40 7420.86 1411oH 6112.57 1f.85.65 1 6. o o o s 3565. a9 36 6. 79 5. 53 9. 69 1 .~tl -~-... 3 2: 40 .. ~~-~~ 96.7·i~8·2--:--·i5.78-:Gii--~-6iiG·: 02··~---··-768& .. ;62--··-·---·--·---~ .. ~--.. 6.000 24106o78 364o46 3oS3 7o36 1o41 36o00 6293.08 11j03o00 6113.91 7684o10 7oDOO 35540e00 369.22 5o31 9o62 o79 32 .4o ·c;·73i ~9·a···-----i"391:3~-----io.69.~;4--2~-61i. 89-------~---________ .. _____ · f'" 7o000 53565.89 370.75 6oU9 llo35 .79 32.40 88£9.67 1398.9ti 1065.34 2464.24 '' _____________ J.o il.J .... _BlO.fuJL .... _ 31:> e.!tz ______ ... !t t.}l ~-----..... h .. Q!t ... 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'i1olllll!. ---~~~--'Hl.PQ 9.000 53565.119 CJ.OJO 24l!i6.76 ___ 3f!3. 4'1 386.22 381.77 . ~ .• 21 ____ .H~.!'!!.L. _____ !!H 6o89 19o62 o51 4.79 15.17 .51 10o000 35540o00 395.45 5.92 9o25 2o6C 4iio50 4 0~50 45.00 ~op.9!L 593.90 21152. n 2646.66 11 n. s s --6~<i: i<r "2 o o6~!:i5 ____ 26 sf;·:-3·~----------------- 5o36.12 560.34 2oao.35 2640.69 4u. 5o 6 o c 2. ·,; 2 -------95o-~ 79· ---n 211:2-,.-----29T6:12 __________ ----·---·-- ~" 10.000 53565.89 397.84 6.45 llo64 2.6il 40.50 8302.84 990.51 1120.29 2969.56 '' ____________ .llloDOO. 2lflD6o78 ........... 394o15 _____ !!.Q!:!_ ____ I..t-2~---____ 2,€?0 . 45 • C Q ... H:P! !!2. nJ! !I?~ ____ 1LH! !:'!~---..1~ 5..!!!?.2 ______________ . ___ __ (!I .. , r J _) .J J J • !·· ,. i'·;-. i: '""" _] l J -·-------------~---... ---------------------~------------------....... . 1-. 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Q DO ......... ~~l;i'!O • !!Q -·----~4 2, 56 ......... _ 6~27 ___ JH~-~----~: 1 .1 R 13.ooo 53565.89 445.87 6.~3 19.37 t.i·a- ~0.50 ~u.so ~5.UJ 5666o70 635o90 . 1059oRR 2789.15 83 ~if~ 9 5--'fii8~ 7 3-fC53. 9J---2 79 2 ;99 _______ ----------- r-•' 13oDilil 2U06o78 440.76 5o22 14o26 lole ~616.20 560.03 1063.13 2787.07 .; H. ooo 3s5~o-:iio _____ li47: 11 ____ ----5~27-:--·-To .5·7~.~--i. 79 --,.ii~so·--~7~'1-~'35___ t165.i_o_Tii-93.--3s--25''fa:·2T ___________ ----· r-t4.QOQ 53565.A9 ~50o59 5.1~ 13.39 3o79 ~~.50 10416.5~ 1486o42 l090o33 25Rlo6l I~ , 1 " ~~ _____ B • D 0 IL .. 2411..Dfl• 7!L ........... .'1'1 6.o..H _______ ~ .}2 -~---'l~.J.'! ~!. J .. 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' " ""' 66_U!!l I 'IOo50 4557o75 657o01 999o48 1656o'l9 : 40o50 ____ £,1j24;-7j:, -----·662~ii3--999.iif--i6'{;2~-02---------------------1 " lJ1 66 oil 0 " I-' 66. 0 0 45o0fo 3508.~5 653o72 995o64 1653o35 J(l --------------- )1 (,7.00 {) 3 2 s·oo -~---o·a-··--------a·s 2. 36 7 ~-9 "j -----~~ f177_6 __ ~---~-----·2·~-·ro-· -------;.·-~·;·5·o----~·o 80"';)'''0--.-.,.-0 2--~-6~4·-. -,i9ci~ 57""' ___ 1 ii"il2r-.rr--· -.. --------~---·' -~~--·-·---- 1. 67.000 4B9A4oll0 854 0 63 9o80 14o03 2o10 '10o50 4998o21 405o22 999o35 1404o57 " ---------·--67 .oa.o ___ 221! H , I 'L _____ 85.1 •.12 . _____ ~ o1 !L ___ l_!! , .l!2. __ -~ ~J IL_ ___ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~----~5. ~-~.!-~.'! _____ _iD_!l_~_§__?. __ ~_9 'jl ~!_!!_ _ _!~ ~-9..!..~_1___ ---------· _________ _ " ' 68.000 ,, -----------fJl_~ Q. 9.!! ' 68.000 • ' -.. 1 "~----------., . ' - ' I ' ··------------- ' 0 I 32500o00. 4A981joDO __ 22-oiiii~ 75 855o76 7o21 25o86 •5o35 40o50 4508a03 333o56 1016o26 1349o81 B58o7'1 8o69 28.8~ •5o35 4Uo5C 5513o79 3'12o30 1008ol1 1350o41 B5ii; o3 ______ 5; 60 -----:211~13----;5 ~35------45. 011" ____ 3934-~ 75 --~--328;41--ron. iiti _____ T:fip~-;4 7------------· -------- Column Heading Descriptions: SEC NO Identifying cross-section number. Q Total flow In the cross-section. CWSEL Computed water surface elevation. VCH Mean velocity In the channel. K•XNCH AREA TOPWID SSTA Manning's n value used for the channel portion of the cross-section (times 1,000) • Cross-section area (area of flow). Cross·section width at the calculated water surface elevation. Equal to sum of Individual channel top widths. • I; I•• -,_; !• I i ' Starting survey station where the water surface intersects the ground on the left side. --------·-----------------~----------~-~-------·-·· ~ '1 " " " f---------- • ' • ~---DEPTH Maximum depth of flow at the cross· section. K°CHSL Chonnel slope from current cross-section ENDST Ending survey station where th• water sur· face Intersects the ground on the right side. The difference between ENDST and SSTA gives the total distance from the left edge to the right edge of water. I. i lit ., :.i !iii, ! ,·'• i - ., .p.. I l11 N R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. --~ -j J 1· MILES 1 1 I t• PLATE ...2..._ Pr ared for 'FIGUR~ 4.1 RIVER CROSS ... SECTION LOCATIONS ~ I U1 w J ) / R&M CONSULTANTS, INC:. J J i f'C>C1-C>t; ·t 111 0 ---] J ---j t.4llE9 F , I PLAH _!f.__ .. FIGURE 4.1 CONTINUED --] --i --1 ---J J J I ~ .. Pr ared for: .p. I U'l .p. •• -·-• ---:----.--::-u--j-.-.. ---.---:· ,, .. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 1 112 o:; Plji,ff: 6 --1 --] J MIL!B l 1. I f r: FIGURE 4.1 CONTINUED .Po I 01 01 .... , : i FI&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ] . ··---·----·~---·-r- \ :f u1 .o:; PLATE _z.._ MILES I 1 ~I Pr ared for: FIGURE 4.1 CONTINUED PREPARED In' • ~'~~ R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. 1·. I . ' ' _. . ~qi I -~r r:-r--+ ~ '-t t ' +-i-rt-, LONGITUDINAL RIVER PROFILE FROM DEADMAN CREEK TD DEVIL CREEK 4.611 ! ; '. ., t- r·l PREP..,.(O FOR• I I I I I I I I 'REPARED BY • T J ' ·~.· "T h ' . 1.• I t- '+- +++: .... ' ',-·-r-- ·+ -"- '-'. -· ·- -*; -i+ LONGITUDINAL RIVER PROFILE FROM DEVIL CANYON TO TALKEETNA 4.117 -H' + I ' -w-: :t±+ -' ~~ll~ --++ FIG. j i \I '' [, [ [ [ [ [ e tl 0 Q 5 -ICE PROCESS ANALYSES Geographically, the Susitna River upstream from Talkeetna can be divided into three major segments. The upper segment above the Oshetna confluence, the middle segment reaching to just below Devil Canyon, and the lower segment from near Indian River to Talkeetna. The upper segment flows southward from its various glacial origins near latitude 63°30 1 N for some 90 miles to latitude 62°40 1 N. The elevation in this segment decreases from about 2,600 feet aot the toes of the glaciers (which rise to above 10,000 feet) to 2,150 feet. This is a fall of sime 450 feet at an average slope of about 5 ft/mile. No notable concentration of fall occurs in this segment. The middle segment flows westward with a slight northward trend for about 90 miles from the Oshetna River confluence near longitude 147°251W to the downstream end of Devil Canyon (Indian River confluence) at 140°251W and 62°50 1 N. The fall in this segment is about 1 ,350 feet to elevation 800 feet, providing an average slope of 15 ft/mile. Concentrations of the fall in the middle segment occur in four reaches: at the Oshetna River, at Vee Canyon, just below Devil Creek, and in particular, at Devil Canyon. The lower segment flows in a south-southwesterly direction for ' about 40 miles from Indian River to near the town of Talkeetna at 150°051W and 62°201 N. The fall in this segment is about 450 feet to elevation 350 feet at an average slope of about 11 ft/mile. No notable concentration of fall occurs in this segment. Downstream to Talkeetna where the Susitna flow conJOinS with those of the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, the Susitna's course is southward for 75 miles to sea level at Cook inlet at 61°20 1 N with an average slope of 5 ft/mile. No concentration of fall occurs in this southern segment of the river. 5.1 -Field Observations The geographic orientation of the river on the south slope of the Alaska Range results In air temperatures increasing along its course from the headwaters to the lower reaches. Whereas this temperature gradient may be due in part to the 2-degree latitudinal span of the river, it is probably due primarily to the 3,300-foot altitudinal difference from the lower to the upper reaches, as well as to the proximity of climate-moderating ocean waters to the lower reaches. In any case, the gradient gives rise to a period of time in the early stages of freezeup (late October- early November) in which the lower basin temperatures are s14/L 5 - 1 above the freezing point while the upper basin is at subfreezing temperatures. This was the situation observed on October 17, 1980, with late afternoon temperatures (4:30 p.m. ADT) above Watana being 30°F or lower while the temperature at Talkeetna was at about 39°F. Presumably, a similar springtime period occurs with temperatures straddling the freezing point at some inter- mediate point in the basin. This point would move in an upstream direction with upward trending temperatures (i.e. springtime) and downstram with downward trending temperatures (i.e. autumn). In both cases, this pattern of temperature affects the sequence and timing of ice cover events. As noted, on October 16 and 17, 1980, the foregoing autumn temperature situation was seen to prevail. Glacial melt from the headwaters cooled enough in its course through the relatively mild slope of the upper segment of the river to produce notable quantities of frazil flock and slush pans (15-25 percent surface coverage) under post-dawn air temperatures of 18°F to 14°F. In the fast-flowing rapids of the middle segment, relatively large quantities of frazil were being produced, which augmented the inflow of ice from upstream loading, to surface coverage of the river as high as 75-85 percent. As inflows from major tributaries along the source of the upper and middle segments had little, if any, ice content, the near-freezing temperature of the glacial melt is judged to be a significant determinant of the origin of ice from which a cover will develop and, therefore, of the timing of that development. Thus, the summer collection and storage of heat in the proposed reservoirs in the upper reaches of the river will produce significant changes in the autumn temperature regime in the downstream reaches and, therefore, in the timing and rate of cover development. Details of the observations made during the river freeze-up (1980) and breakup (1981) may be found in the Ice Observations report (R&M, 1981b). 5.2-Modeling of Ice Processes (a) Description of the Computer Models Acres' in-house computer models HEATSIM and ICESIM were used to simulate the ice processes in the river reach above Talkeetna. HEATSIM simulates a daily heat balance in the river reach to determine water temperature progressively downstream. Details of the model and its calibration to simulate Susitna river reaches are presented in Appendix A4 to the main Feasibility Report. The model is used to predict water temperature in the river and to determine the approximate location and time when water temperature reaches 32°F. This location is used as input to the ICESIM model s14/L 5 - 2 I Li r· I , r· ~=l c J . \ \j [ r [ !(' L G t u t b c which simulates the formation and progression of an ice cover and the water levels associated with the processes. The following paragraphs describe the ICESIM model in some detail. s14/L ICESIM Model Input Input data to the ICESIM model include streamflow, river cross-sectional details, and an estimate of ice flow into the study reach. Physical coefficients such as ice density, cohesion, and ice cover friction (Manning's n) are also input to the program. Standard values available in the literature are used in the model. Aspects of flow characteristics such as ice erosion velocity and critical Froude number for ice cover progression should also be defined. Based on the literature and field observations made in 1980-81, values were estimated for these parameters and are listed in Table 5.1. Model Backwater Calculations The I CESIM model includes a subroutine which calculates backwater profiles in the river reach to assess water levels at different cross-sections. The routine is similar to the H EC-2 model described in Section 4 but is less sophisticated with respect to hydraulic computations in order to accommodate the complexities of the ice process simulation. Effectively, this simplicity translates to less precise water level calculations (±1 to 2 feet), as compared to HEC-2 modeling accuracy which is to better than ±1', but it is considered adequate to provide representative results. This model was calibrated against the H EC-2 model results for a single river discharge as discussed below. Historically, freezeup has started at a river discharge of around 4,000 cfs at Gold Creek in the end of October and progressed above Talkeetna until late November/ early December when the discharge dropped below 3,000 cfs. Calibrating the backwater routine with observed water levels for a river discharge of around 3,000 cfs at Gold Creek proved exceedingly difficult due to critical or near-critical flow conditions encountered in the river reach analyzed. Post-project winter discharges will be considerably higher (around 10,000 cfs) as discussed in Appendix A 1 to the main Feasibility Report. It was therefore decided that the backwater routine should be calibrated against the H EC-2 model results for a discharge close to the 10,000 cfs. Field measurements 5 - 3 s14/L of water levels in the river reach had been made for a natural streamflow of 9, 700 cfs (at Gold Creek) and have been used in the calibration of the H EC -2 model (Section 4). It was considered appropriate to use this discharge to calibrate the backwater routine of the ICESIM model as well. A comparison of the HEC-2 and I CESIM routine calculations is presented in Table 5. 2 which indicates a reasonable agreement between the two model results. Modeling of Ice Cover Formation and Progression The model simulates the formation and progression upstream of the ice cover given the location of the leading edge of ice cover and the time of its occurrence. The model checks the stability of ice cover and adjusts its thickness consistent with ice supply, river goemetry, and hydraulics of the flow. The ice thickness is adjusted either by telescoping of the cover or by thickening, and the model proceeds to the next section upstream. Except for occasional minor bridging, the steep river slope in the reach does not permit ice progression by bridging. This is also generally confirmed by the river observations in 1980-81. Model Calibration An attempt was made to calibrate the ice process simulation model with the field data collected during the 1980 river freezeup period. It became apparent that the model could not simulate numerous critical or near- critical flows that occur in the river, due to the relatively large lengths of sub reaches modeled. Several intermediate river cross-sections were synthesized between surveyed sections to reduce these subreach lengths. Nevertheless, the model has been used to simulate ice formation and progression at average post-project winter flows. Several qualitative checks have been made to assess the accuracy of this simulation. These include general heat balance of the river waters, river hydraulic characteristics as observed in the field, and comparisons with similar studies elsewhere in the northern climate. It must be emphasized that precision of predicted water levels in the river under post-project ice conditions is rather limited (±1 to 2 feet). However, the width of the uncertainty band in the modeling does not have a 5 - 4 [ [ R lJ c [ [ r L l c significant impact on the simulation of the ice regime of the river above the Talkeetna confluence, due to limited progression (see Section 5.3). 5.3 -Results of Simulation Studies Studies were conducted for the following stages of project developments; 0 0 0 During construction of the Watana dam. Only Watana development operational. Both Watana and Devil Canyon developments operational. (a) Watana Construction Stage During this stage, no significant change in the river regime is expected since natural flows in the river below the damsite will be maintained with the proposed diversion facilities. No simulation of this condition was carried out. (b) Operation with Watana Development Only Heat balance analyses were made using the HEATSIM model in the 35-mile river stretch between Watana and Devil Canyon damsites. The analyses indicated that the temperature of the power flow from Watana would reach close to 32°F below Devil Canyon by about the third week of November under average climatic conditions. This is about a month later than under natural conditions and would delay the ice progression above Talkeetna by a similar interval. It was determined that an ice cover will be formed above the Chulitna confluence around the end of November with ice generated from the reach below Watana damsite. Ice simulation studies indicated that the ice front progressed upstream at roughly 0. 3 miles/day, a rate less than one-eighth of that observed in 1980 (Table 5. 3). The front reached some 15 miles upstream by the end of January 1 after which a thermal decay of the ice cover is expected due to increased air temperature and reduced cooling of the power flow from Watana. The ice cover formed in the reach above Talkeetna is expected to melt in place by the end of March 1 and the decay will proceed further down- stream thereafter. It is unlikely that any ice jam of significance will occur above the Chulitna confluence. Below the confluence, it is speculated that ice cover formation will be delayed by one to three weeks due to lower and delayed supply of ice from the Susitna, but progression of the ice front would not significantly differ from that under s14/L 5 - 5 natural conditions. However, the decay of the ice cover is expected to start earlier, by the end of March, due to warmer waters from the power development. Significant increase in water temperature from that under natural conditions is not expected near the river mouth. (c) Operation with Watana and Devil Canyon When both developments are operational, the temperature of power outflows from Devil Canyon is expected to be close to 39°F during the winter months (see Appendix A4 to the main Feasibility Report). As it progresses downstream, water becomes cooler from heat exchange with the atmosphere. By early January, it is expected that this water will cool to about 32°F near Tal keenta (see Figure 5.1). It is expected that very little ice cover will be formed in the river reach above Talkeetna under average weather conditions. Due to the warmer water temperatures above the confluence, ice cover formation and progress in the lower river will also be delayed. It is expected that ice contribution from the Chulitna, Talkeetna, and Yentna Rivers will cause an ice cover to be formed in the lower river, but this cannot be quantified at this time without field data on such ice contributions and further observations of river freezeup phenomena. (d) River Water Levels Under Ice Cover Conditions Under natural conditions, significant staging occurs at several points in the river during ice cover formation. Table 5.4 presents staging observations made during the 1980 freezeup period for selected locations in the river. With increased flows in the winter under post-project conditions, a significant rise in water level during ice cover formation can be expected near Talkeetna. Table 5.5 presents estimated water levels under pre-and post-project conditions. Below the confluence, the rise in water levels during ice cover formation under post-project conditions will progressively decrease downstream. More detailed river cross-section surveys and river freezeup observations will be necessary to confirm these estimates and speculations. 5.4-Reservoir Ice Cover Ice cover formation and growth in the Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs will be substantially different from that in the corresponding river reach under natural conditions. An s14/L 5 - 6 [ r\ (': ' -u 0 f.'. l [ [ u [ [ r [ c ~ Q' assessment of the formation, growth, bank-ice deposition, and eventual decay of the reservoir ice is presented below. The initial ice cover on the reservoirs is expected to be formed with some 100 freezing degree-days (°F) after the surface water reaches 32°F. Based on available climatic data and the reservoir thermal modeling (see Appendix A4 to the main Feasibility Report), the initial ice· cover will be formed toward the end of October under average weather conditions. Once a stable cover is formed, its growth is accomplished chiefly by conductive heat loss to the atmosphere. Figure 5.2 presents estimated ice cover growth in the Watana reservoir over an average winter season. Devil Canyon reservoir ice cover would progress similarly. The only difference would be that several miles of this reservoir immediately below Watana dam may have open water year-round due to outflow temperatures from Watana of 39°F or higher. Near the power intakes at each development, open water stretches will be present because of larger velocities, as well as significant mixing with warmer (39°F) waters in the lower layers. Under normal operation, the Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs will be drawn· down by about 90 and 50 feet, respectively, toward the end of winter. Thus, the ice cover formed on the surface would be deposited on the banks as blocks, with sizes varying from a few inches to about three feet. The deposits will be generally irregular and cracked due to irregular bank slopes and drawdown rates. Most of this bank ice is unlikely to melt until about the end of June, or earlier if the reset1 voir level is raised with spring floods. The ice cover in the reservoir itself will essentially melt in place. By late February or early March, the ice cover will slowly start to disintegrate with higher air temperatures and increased solar radiation on the surface. Operation of the power intakes may slightly alter the disintegration of ice cover close to the intake with convection mixing underneath the cover. It is expected that the ice cover in the reservoirs will completely dissipate by the end of May or early June, with warmer inflow waters and the onset of spring. During the period between March and May, the ice cover may become structurally weak due to the disintegration process, though its thickness may still be two to three feet. s14/L 5 - 7 TABLE 5.1 CALIBRATION COEFFICIENTS USED IN ICESIM Manning's •n• of Ice Critical Froude No. at Ice Front Erosion Velocity Density of Ice Cohesion of Ice s14/L 5 -8 0.050 0.120 6.5 ft/sec 47.0 lb/ft3 0.145 psi c E n [ c c TABLE 5.2 COMPARISON OF HEC-2 AND ICESIM BACKWATER ROUTINE RESULTS Computed Water Surface Elevation (ft, msl )* Cross-Section No. HEC-2 JCESIM LRX - 3 344.0 LRX - 9 378.1 379.0 LRX -15 452.5 453.5 LRX -21 510.0 511.7 LRX -27 542.9 544.4 LRX -34 616.0 615.8 LRX -41 659.9 659.8 LRX -47 690.6 690.3 LRX -54 733.2 733.8 LRX -61 832.9 834.2 LRX -68 850.6 * For Gold Creek discharge of 9700 cfs. s14/L 5 - 9 TABLE 5.3 ESTIMATED ICE COVER PROGRESSION ABOVE TALKEETNA Post-Project Conditions -Average Year Location of Leading Edge* Date Rivermiles Section December 1 No Ice Cover December 15 102 LRX-7 December 25 105 LRX-10 January 10 109 LRX-12 January 20 112 LRX-15 * With Watana only operational. s14/L 5 -10 [ u u L b •" E [ [ u r L TABLE 5.4 OBSERVED RIVER STAGING DURING ICE COVER FORMATION -1980 Location Talkeetna (LRX-3) Gold Creek Downstream end of Devil Canyon Devil Canyon Dam Site (Devil's Elbow) Immediately upstream of Devil's Elbow s14/L 5 -11 Approximate Maximum Observed Staging Above· 10/17/80 Open Water Level 3 - 4 ft. 5 - 6 ft. 12 -15 ft. 10 -12 ft. 3 -15 ft. TABLE 5.5 ESTIMATED WATER LEVELS AT SELECTED RIVER SECTIONS River Water Surface Elevations (feet) Cross-Section Natural Ice-Post Project Number Cover Condition 1 Open Water 3 LRX - 3 349.0 345.0 LRX - 5 N/A 358.0 LRX - 6 N/A 362.9 LRX - 7 N/A 366.9 LRX - 8 N/A 373.8 LRX - 9 381.0 379.0 LRX -10 395.0 391.6 LRX -12 421.0 421.9 LRX -13 437.0 437.4 LRX -15 450.0 453.5 LRX -16 457.0 456.1 LRX -19 N/A 486.9 1 1980 Freeze-up data. 2 3 4 N/A Average discharge 9, 700 cfs at Gold Creek. With Watana and Devil Canyon both operational. With Watana only operational. Not Available. s14/L 5 -12 Conditions 2 With Ice Cover 352.7 362.4 366.5 370.8 378.1 389.8 405.4 430.4 445.4 455.8 457.2 no ice 4 p L n u ~ t:::i 45.0 40..0 .;_ 0 ... cr ::> ... .. cr ... 0. :E ... ... a: ... ... .. 31: 35.0 30.0 RIVER MILES .. z !:IE _.,.. "'> %-OlE LRX SECT ION 3 n 100 6 U1CJ tJ. 9 10 c:o ... ., .. % u c:d ern . (!t:j C.J~ ~ . a::l ... ;;; z w" "'" ·~e ::Jm zt:l "'"' ow <Ia: <Ia: ::>0: ~5 ..JU :I!U uu 110 120 14 15 18 20 21 27 29 LONGITUDINAL THERMAL PROFILES POST PROJECT AND NATURAL CONDITIONS o:J c--1 ,---'\, ' z .. :E " z>< ffi 91:1 ~1:1 ili 8~ Og: a:u 130 33 35 38 41 47 ~ n ~ C"""J <.··-l 140 51 53 54 ... li>< ...... f5 LEGEND Q NOVEMBER 0 DECEMBER X JANUARY Q FEBUARY /),. MARCH NATURAL WATER" TEMPERATURE IS A CONSTANT 32 ° F THROUGH- THIS PERIOD WITH WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENTS 53 15D 60 62 68 FIGURE 5.1 '~ RIVER MILES LRX SECTION c [ f~ [ '[-., .,. __ , r L 8 u [ Q u c D t E [ D [ en en 35 30 25 ~ 20 ~ u :I: 1- LI..I u 15 10 5 0 OCT. I / j~ /( b' 0 0/ / ® ) v 0 I .(!) I ) I f5 I I 0 1- ® ) I I> I 0 30 60 90 120 DAYS ESTIMATED ICE COVER DEVELOPMENT IN WATANA · RESERVOIR _,< ® 0/ 150 FIGURE 5.2 [} D a G c, fj D 6 -REFERENCES Barnes, Harry, H., Jr., 1967. Roughness characteristics of natural channels. Water-Supply Paper 1849. United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Bray, Dale I., 1973. Regime relations for Alberta gravel-bed rivers. In: Fluvial Processes and Sedimentation. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, pp. 440-452. Chow, Ven Te, 1959. Open-Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, New York. Croley, Thomas Computations pp. 710-718. University of E., II., 1977. Hydrologic and Hydraulic on Small Programmable Calculators. Section 34, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Hydrologic Engineering Center (H EC), 1973. HEC-2 water surface profiles programmers manual. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California. -----=' 1976. supplement. H EC-2 water surface profiles users manual with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California. Kellerhals, R. and Dale I. Bray, 1971. Sampling procedures for coarse fluvial sediments. In: Journal of Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, Vol. 97, No. HY8 (Aug.), pp. 1165-1180. Limerinos, J. T., 1970. Determination of the Manning coefficient from measured bed roughness in natural channels. Water Supply · Paper 1898-B. United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981a. Hydrographic surveys. Task 2 - Surveys and Site Facilities, Subtask 2.16 -Closeout Report. Anchorage, Alaska. December. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981b. Ice observations. Task 3 Hydrology, Subtask 3. 03 -Field Data Collection. Anchorage, Alaska. August. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981c. Preliminary tailwater rating curves, Letter Report by Richard Giessel to Acres American, Incorporated. Anchorage, Alaska. R&M Consultants, Inc., 1981d. Regional flood Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Report, Anchorage, Alaska. December. susi6/y 6 - 1 peak studies. Appendix B.4. R&M Consultants 1 lnc.1 1982. River morphology. Susitna Hydro- electric Feasibility Report 1 Appendix B. 9. Anchorage 1 Alaska. January. Sargent 1 R.J.1 1980. Variation of Manning's n roughness coefficient with flow in open river channels. (Original source unknown). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 1975. Southcentral railbelt area 1 Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin 1 Interim feasibility report. Appendix 1, Part 1. Alaska District, Anchorage 1 Alaska. susi6/y 6 - 2 [ r f' 9 h. [ [ L [ s14/m1 ATTACHMENT A STAGE-DISCHARGE RATING CURVES, STUDY R!'"ACH OBSERVATION SITES ----~,......,......- NOTES ON RATING CURVES 1. Rating curves are provided for the following water level observation sites: URX-101 URX-106.3 URX-111 URX-121 LRX-68 LRX-62 LRX-45 LRX-35 LRX-28 LRX-24 LRX-9 LRX-4 Susitna River near Deadman Creek CSR* Susitna River at Watana Damsite CSR Susitna River near Watana Damsite Streamgage Susitna River near Devil Creek CSR Susitna River at Devil Canyon Staff Gage Susitna River at Portage Creek CSR Susitna River at Gold Creek Streamgage Susitna River at Sherman CSR Susitna River at Section 25 CSR Susitna River at Curry CSR Susitna River at Chase CSR Susitna River at Chulitna River Confluence CSR 2. The sites are in order by upstr~am-to-downstream sequence, with a space separating the Upp~r Susitna Study Reach from the Middle Susitna Study Reach. 3. Streamflows plotted on the curves were determined by adj~sting the recorded flow at the nearest streamgage by a factor based on drainage area. The two streamgages used were the USGS gage at Gold Creek and the R&M gage near the Watana Damsite. Adjustment factors are given on each rating cu;ve. * 11 CSR 11 =crest-stage recorder. susi13/e ) ' ) l z 0 'l-Id: !> l.u ~~ I i i l ! ~tl ~~ I 1 l t I l l ' 1517 1516 1515 1514 1513 1512 1510 1509 1508 •I v -' • ' i ·~ '6 '' 1 : ~ t ; I ·! I_ • I i 't 'I! p !I I I t • I ti '->! .. • J., • i I ' l I :r 1 . ! j··. . t I ,. l " . !·' ! J . ~ 1 I ''''·' I j.!",• I tl;;l I ! .; _:.: i .. i i i ' I 1 ~ I ! t' l ., l -I· t .. " ... -""--1 l L l . i . , ,,000 2 ' i . • 1-1. j ' ' I l "• . . ; ., J . -i I 01 I -13-80 0 . I d.i 11-2 -81 .. : l ;· I .j.j '•!, ! ! ! I ; ! ' l ~ ~ * Q (C. F. SJ ·II'' : I ! ;: l"'l.l:til,-1 ..• I • 1 , I I i I i J' ... .J . ' I ' 1 o,ooo * Q = ( QWATANA) {0.969) ~ I'. I·' ,J I :· I I ; I I I I I : I l I 'i 11; I . I • I :;_ I !· i •': l . ; .. •'' ' ·1 ·' ',j: .. l .. 'l I .S -. I I.:.. ,1 '·· -• I' .I j 1. .3 l ' ! . I _2 I I· i . 1 .. :oo,oc ,_ -· -. J . I) ) ( -' J J I l I l ' i I I ! j ' j1472 I Il462 '1461 !1460 1459 '1458 1457 I ·1456 I i 11455 . 1: ll • '1454 :1453 .. r i ~ · • j I. l . I ••-. : •! ! . ~ ~ * ! I ! i 'I 1 ' . . . t i t I . . . I :' ; . ! • I ~ . j . . i 1 . t I . • I . . : f .. ::. k ,. ' 1 j. I j I i . I ) .• •; i .,, I •• i 'j ! . . .. . ( ' . I .. !C· · It! "1._:~ Lt. ,_·t • .. ,: · ~-.;tot~ ~~ i '1 ~l l 1..: I · I l j . I f ; i l' ,, J 'lj 1'' ! l .. ; ,l ! : ! l '!;. : l l i ; : ~ ~ • ; ~ !' l!· ! . ·I'· -;-·' ~ I 1000 ' ' . ' .. • ' .. I ~ I ; I • 3 I ; ' l ' . ~ ~ .. I I • Q .. * (C.F.S.) I I. ' ! .. i ,1 .. ~ "t' ,·, }'J •l J ... ,. ........ J l ' .. . i <' ' 1.· ' ! ; .(. I .i i! I•;; I• ( I ' I , i .; . ! ; 0,000 I •• 1 I i I I I • I l ; . ,, ' . ' . . l • ' ,. i . I ~ ~ t j i i ; 5 G 7 8 9 1 . I . : .. · .:.; i • ' ;. : · . · 9 '!' ' :7: i :i 'J: . :; ; I~ : ; :: : j-: p .1· .. . ! . ., ··-_1: ...•.. :. ·r: ." .. ·~· I .. . j _, ; ... 1 r . -· . . . . . -... . ;-i : . . ... . +t· t-~ . ~t ... ~ ... • ,._r ..... ,...._ ... ,. .... --v ::1 ·'I:. ::l·i;· :P.f:•l:!·::;; :·i.-7 ._· ; . ' . , . . . .• ··p~ .... : ·-. r· ., , .. . . . . -- • I I :· l ii ,lp ., '!. :::: ,:_, .. '" ! ! · I j,;;t :;f! ' ! ! ! li ;; .:•: .:j•• (:'. ' . • , • • t • ; : ' . • • j . I ~ ' j ·;. .. ~ .... ,. • • ·••·. " . :. , .•• , •· __ v t. I . I ! 1 I I I . I l I l . !·;: .. l ... , . I . . ,-, l I , . · I : . J :. ... I' l -.~.. : ·. t . ' . . t . ·J* 4 1 ".-:J . . ' ' . .I ~ : I I . ; l . I I I : :: l ·I ., ' ·<··.I .. I f t ' • ~ ! -; J ' • • : I '. . i I . ' 'j' ·I i . I ...... . > i .::1· ; j ~ rtj:~·~l· , 1-'.1; : 'I ; ·I. ' i . :; I . : ; :I '!: .. : ., .. ' . :· 1 ~ . ·1 )· r·T·::I·l (-.. 1 1: .. J ' . l'i' i '. I · . i ·: ! .. . . I . ~2 I • j ;; I ; • ' . I : ~ i. ' I I I .. : I ·t ~ . ; : ! ' ; I :: ~. ·!· ·. :I! i ! . ' i ,· 8..,.3-:81 ·il ·, I J; '. ' . . 07-12-81 ·'' : ~ i ·I . .. ,, . , : i ·1· . I I .t ' . .. 1 7-30-so · .~ 1 :=i ·: r;·: : • • t • • I ,. 9 . i . ,lj . ' l• .... ··r .. ~ . 0 ·1 · · r 7 t ' "I . i j i ~ . I I I i . I I · r. : ···, I i ·. ! ! '.1 l I l I , : I '., : I i 1 I -···! . ' l • I : . I . i . ! : ., u :; j ·.j . '.t ·. ~ . I ~ t I 4 ~ l ; : f ~ ! ' t ; : 1 .: ' ' ' . ·i· . I .. : . till,; •. I I ! . • , ·; .. I :! ,· .. ~ l . I . . ' I . . . : 'j I' II .. : : ; • ! I '' I' .1.: . !: t j I • . , . . ' , J I L1 i ; , ~ 1 I 1 l , • , ' l;j '! l '!:,~-· ·.,'· ,. : i.· ! i . . . ll ; : •.• I ll '·I ;.,. :. ; I . 1 • I. ' . (~ *(O=OWATANA} I 1,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ...................... ~~ ............ 0 ................ _. .. ~••--•=m~=~-===~~~~~~~:-~===~ ,, ~ ~. r ' 't {! - ; .. l :1 _J J . -! (/) . I ~ f f- '1 w ' t w IJ.. ! -I z 'l ' 0 t l .... <t ~ > w i _J l w l ! I w j ; 1444 .1443 "1442 ! (.) ""\ ~ i I n:: I '\ :J en 1441 1440 I 1 1439 0::: w !:t 3: I 1438 i . j 1437 . I I . i • 1 ~ 1436 J- :I: (!) iJJ :t: !.LJ ~ :1435 I~ ! l J l ~ 1434 ·C> ; . i J t I • I I t I f 1433 lOOO . ' '. ..: ·I ' T .. ~ .... * ... . l I. i l I f ' l. t I • ' : !t ! I t ~ i ~ , . nti."'"+-Li~"'-~·'1(•') A 1 l I il I • i . ' 'i I ., I. I, I. i . -·I I : '. t : rl.; :j· . I:. ; . ' . ! ·~ I ! 1 I .. ~I 6 ' • 1 ' I . ! I I 1 r .. ·! I ·I 1 . . DISCHARGE I I 3 5 ( C.F. S.) 6 I. i 7 H I . i ' i .. i I I I . I I I i ,, ,ll I I ! i I !. I I l ·I ! ' ! j I . I ; I i I ! ; I ! . .. ! l 0 1 0 . 1 I ' . 4 ' I i l I. 5 6 7 8 9 1 • ! ' . .,:. . ' .• t• I' I . ;j . ; : I , ; . i . . .·. I 1: :.: I ... .. .'·._. : .. ··.·~:;I.; .. 0. ! :. tl . :: ·~--:;I .. :I,~. 0 l 'r • ·' • j ;': i .I .. , . j:' 1 5 'J L. FIGURE E.l.l .j ·i i1 i r: ; J[ . ~:;~~I~C~~~;.E · · . '!(':':\•:'! 'h/·· 1· ..... SUSITNA RIVER NEAR WATANA .I .. oAMsiTE I 1 r (URX-111) i '1 ·,: ··1·:· 'I ' • I I. I i ~ ,• 1 I i 0 : l i . l L· ' i. ·l <· ·tl' :\ > . ,:j; l: ; ' ' I :: I I ': l. ~;: :I ' 'I l . ; ' . I; I '0 !" ... ··,'· I: llj. ·,'.; ·.· ,:,· .. ·: .• ~, 1 . ; i . I ·t. .. l. l 't! .,, I .• o 1 1 , • • ; , l . : ! ·, . ! I • '. ;d ' I 'II ; !: ' ;;.l 'I ' I . l. l' ·d.: I : l !j!l ::1: .l·,. i i . : .. , .J. ; . !r ~,~:t.:.: ., : .: 'I· l ' I . '1! l: . :'I· .. j· .. 1 :' .. ! . , . .:.l , .L! ...... . l t I 1 00,000 I '1 ., 6 7 ~ 9 1 I !! ~­!_j . :n ~ - ::( > J.J ...l .u :l227 l I I l ! i 1217 1216 1215 1214 1213 1212 1211 1210 '1208 t • l ' I ! ' i 'I : ~ I ! i I, . ,,:. '~ ... • . . .. . . .. l .. . i I + '1 . l ., :I : I i . i • I I l ; . ~ l ; i ~ I' ,. I ! i ! •I l i I I' I .. i . 1. ·li ;I I I . : i . 'l i. . I . ~! _.;+ . . . I .• l. 1 ... . I J I STAGE DISCHARGE RATING CURVE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DEVIL CREEK . i I .. . I ~ j I. (l . I. . I l •.• I J ; ~ CREST STAGE RECORDER ( URX.~ 12 I) . • I ( : . . ., • "41 ._I ' ' .,. j::;! . f:; ; . ! * . ! : :-;.i : ' ! i 't I:: ; . : :I • , i . i i :. ' : J ; . !. .1 '· : .l . . I , . 11 ' f .• " t 1 !J 1' , : . l ~ ! • . I , I ~ i ~ . i 'i i j I ; ' ' l . i I ;! 7 • ~ ; I • I~~ I ; . .. .. I . I '~~<j . ! i I' r ! r : 'l. r: l f, r ! I , J'· j f' I I I = I':!;! . ,. • • 'I :! ! I . '. : ~ • f ! 't .. , ± '!' .. J I l··; . . I ~ . . ! . ! • l : ;. i l l •j • . i l l ·, i I I l :' l . 1: ' l • I ! . 4 ·i, l 'I· ~ ~ , I l I I I I .. I l' I. 1 i . : .~: ... ;,ooo i I ! l: • : j • f' I!;; , l .... -.• t : j . ' ~ ; ~ ... •· .• J. ' . . I : ! l. . ' I ::.: . I; i ' .. 1 '11~2-810 : 'J ! ' ' . l I :f ; f '. i i: i:. t I l. . ' ~ I ~. ;i • ~ I l I . ' ! . j •. i· ' f ~ J I .. ' . ! : ! . I \ • j . I j '~ • i ' 1 l ~ .•: I . . ,. l I ''! I i '! I l . i l l ' .t l I .I, ..• ,,.,.: r l l I ! I I •I' '] ·: . i. ,j i ! i ! I d I I I l I I I ·• . • ! ' . j I ': ' ! .7-31r-8l0 9-17-81 ·5-24-81 o,ooo . ; ~ : .. i· I i ! ... :. . ' I :· l ! t f ~ : i l I ~ I ' I • ! i,i' : t. i· :I : ' l I . ~ : I .. I : i . j,. ·I 'I t " '· l' I ~ l i I l ' , I · .. Q (C.F.c )* * Q = (QWATANA) ( 1.079) . l ! 07-12-81 , . i I ' ! ' ; ' l ...• I ·• J .. r· I . I .. l !· ' ., I l 1. \ i. l, ·. I ·I i ;· i :: i" I' ' i l L 1 . .. 'I .,. .. J •. lJ .... 5 .... ·• .!.:• . r~ .L .·• ~· i.OO,OO -_j . CJ) . :E - "l . 1 LO! ,: ·:l i H hliC • ~· .'{ 3 GYGU . Kt:LJf '' t:L l< !:!:. ~E:fi 1-0. !L,\Ol HI II'· \ J lj 7 3 9 1 • \...r' . '' ~· 2 3 ,, .. r 1 e ·1 1 *o: (0 GOLD CREEK) (0.942) • v d 3 4 5 6 .. 7 8 9 1 I J ~ i 7 8 9 1 '?' _l t t z 0 -r- ~ w ..J w f ~ I I i .. :850 i ' 840 .839 838 .837 !836 '835 J t .834 i ,833 I 11 • I ,• l I I '832 !J::I J I 0\ l I 831 T' I : .r ' I ' ' . ' l ! t ! . '. .. i . : "' ~ . 1 ......... . ' 2 i' J ~ . r I . i ;-j" 3 * Q (C.F.SJ r I I 'I l ., '· i' ., .l. ! :_.1 l ·' I .·t t ·I: I 'I • " : l .. ,' •' ,t :11;. : I ·-. ' I 3 10,000 i l I I I ' . ~ ! ' j ! I I I . I ' I I ! ! I \ t I I . :' \ . . 'i • I ' l I ' I I . '! ' . i ' : • I 3 *a= (Q GOLD CREEK) (~:>.942) ' G ~~····· I . . ~'.i ~l -. :· n. ~:, .,~I (1 f. I i~· I ~ ! . I d l '\ .I I L 9 8 7 6 5 31 1- J: (!) 5.0 1 ., 1 1 r wi" et o trw e ·r· • -str snz=ft' il >4 ~ i,i•: C- t.OGM-?ITH~'!C .;.: X & c-.•1 ti!S htt!t rn. ~ ... ~ . EH co. t.:fo. 1 ··us\ 1 1 .r- :. I 2 • t 3 Q (C. F. S.) 4 5 1 4 5 nvrtr r=r r iti;, 'w.dA · 7, .. -.. ~ .. 1IG 7323 8 y 1. I t g 100,000 .. ·.·. 1r . : ' l t ~ l l j . l t l II ' '. l. I 'i ' l j J ' : j l ·-j l j . ' -·· .. .. . I ! I T" 1 • • • l . 1' '1-.:, I • :. ' ..•. l l '. f' it ;< 1 j.! 1 .. ! ' I I I . -·! :" i 'i i . i 1 I : ; ::I :; t' r . ; ! .. i; I '-t . ' I, I; I l J l ! 1 3 5 ·!:; i ) ':.j . :I :'' . ~ .. . I ; ... I . I' ! . , ·r ! J. I '' } .. /, I .:: !.. !j, j 1 .. '' d 1 '1 • l I' I I, .. ··-~·Tm,, unfal~ ' ---·. -" ~ ··-· --'-~ ..;.._{~ ........ -~· ~\<.-.- • •• IJ ' '' l .. .l .. '. '! 'I ,} I ·.1' I 1 1 l; ·1 i • I ; I I ,. lj I . . r l _t ,----------~--~------~------- 1 --------·---~-~----~---"--~~-~---·-·-·-· -----------~~-~~-----. ~-. -.·.--·. ----····---···----~---~-~. --·-0 - I v v ~~~-·· · ·· 1 ! I I j I I f 1 1 ;~, I ()J ~· ' j 630 l . ~ .J . ' tJ) . ~ z 0 .... <t > L&J _. L&J i t .. • . .. . 620 6.19 618 617 GIG 615 614 613 612 . ' 'i. J . I I . I I . . . . i ! 1 '!: l. I . 1 . ·.I . i j' l j '. . ' ': l i ~ ,; ' i- I I . ; ,, i! I I ,, . 1 '' i ! ! . . ; ,· ! i l . .j I i I "l 1 . : . I I t l. ; l v I ·' 1 . , '· . I l· · I ·. :: !: ' ! . l ! f• l ' I~ ! l t: ., .. j· t ' I I' ·1 r. , .if• > l'i:: l ; ~ ; : I 1:: I 1 :: . ~ !: , I * Q: Q GOLD CREEK I ! ~ ' . l ! I I: ' ~." I ._,/ 7 8 9 l J ~~ ·~i ~; ~i : l d l :l y l . ' ,,-r ·1 ! , I i , I I .:J \ ! ! l 1 l l .! \ I ! I t ~ j r l l l .~\ . ' -. ....J . (/) . ~ - z 0 !i > w ...J w ;;i l .0 4 -""----- L\)3' r1• t+: .h: ·~ .. ,_, , t-· t."' LLut. Ll.. <'-;: .::!,t:H (.0, ·~·"'~ .11 U :i A I 4 'I ' * Q = Q GOLD CREEK • -...__.; 5 6 I ( ! I l I \ • I • !!:' I f--1 0 528 527 526 525 524 523 .522 521 :520 . 519 . l • i 1 'i I t . " I j• ·• ! l • .. j I 1 • j I . l i • i ·i I i' ' i f •l I . l i l. j I. f , I ' .I I STAGE DISCHARGE RATING CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT CURRY CREST STAGE RECORDER LRX-,24 ' . I ! I I t •. . l: . I . i . . ~ , . . t •• ; l . . i .I I i . . .; I , ! l 'l I . ·.'·I ·' ~· I • ·.·.···', l ~:r 1:. I I ! . i ; 1 .J : ! ' .,. II ... I ; .; '1 :I j· I ·1 · . :1 I . j • " . 1 • : • I ~ • .. , ' ~ ! I. , ·! i ; ., ' :', I •' , . :.t t i 't • I'.._ ' l • I i I i . • j ! ,·!' l • I l . l ; .. 11-8~80 l I I .j i I '1 I ·I ~( :l .. ... ~ ,· ,J ~ j t•· ~ ' tl I l ' I ; ' . ,. ' ' ' j I : i ' I t<: .• R · i 1 1 000 Q ( C.F. S l* * a= a GOLD CREEK . ',: ,~. .. . ···y ·: j. l i i I ' t '!. ·r· . ' h ., . .:..../ ,, I 1 . i ·. . I , () I l . ... 1 .) I.. l •' r j :: j .j' : . ,. '; i .: ! .. : . 1 I i I• ; . , I . : I ~ l :. ,, . ! !' :: . I : . . .f . ~ ·:~ ~tJ . . I ·~"'J ... i · 1 1 • i ;, I . I. 'I , . I • "r :t 't •, ' .: • . ; : ! . i I I I : 1.; ' ' I I J ;; ' • I j f • • f J 1 4 ,, i •· l ..... ~ '. '. , l :I' ~I;! I ,j I •f ,. :Hj. :: 1· ·1 ; :,. -! I I . 1t' ·I ·i'! '\ l ll:l: /iII· / '!. . ' I l i I •' I : I : ' ~ I •J: ...... , : ' : .'• l; ' . . 7-29-80;: (, l '· . .. j . 4 ••• j.l' . I : ·I ·; I ' j • l ··.-: ; I •. 1 ··1 .. , i ~ 'I I . • . I ; .! 1 . ; I •' I • I I . t' t' i , .. , .. : I 1' . I. I . . ! . 'l I • ' i ' ., l I •. i ::: .l· .,~, If. I '. I . ' ! . ; i I : i . '• r. ' . 1 1 f- ~~ en :E I; 10 l}- l<( l> ;w _J w f I I t i I l l I i !390 I I l l I !380 :379 378 377 376 1 373 ' • > l I . I ~ ~· f i. l . 'I ; . :I. f1 .. . ! . .. .•. .. .. l (.>· • • ·It I ; I .t~f 11.; ~ ( .. d, ~ . ~!. I. ' . i •• ' I ' ') 1 J , • t • .... i .. • I I 1 ! • I I . . . i t ~ i t : ; .. L I I ~ I ., i I ! . l l 7 8 9 1,000 • / ,,...... ,.,... .......... l . i ! 1 . i Q l '1 * (C.F.S.) t' •I . I ·I ! . . .. !!' I. . !;. l j, ,. i j ! '; l o,ooo I ' l • ' ' . I l . j 'l I lj ' r • J 'i i I i .. I :I i I ' ' ' l I I I l f *a: ( 0 GOLD CREEK) ( 1.030} '' .. . .. 5 • 6 7 ~j :· 1 l. .. 1 . ) ..8 H ... + -e- l360 ' ,350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 -·-.. ,. .• tt **-----.--'..:....'' -----~-.;.._---------w....----~- ,j ~ . ' t i:. ' : .•' I J l ! ! . ' I ' I ' I ! . l i l ! . ·. ·l c C• ' '· ' j . I I . I ; 1 ! l i ' I (' . I J· ::·j :! . ~ ! : ~ ' t I · .. l .. 1· t I I ...... . ; ::., 1 I l I I ., I 1,000 . . I l . I ' . ~ • ' I •• l ! I I . • : : l I ' J l ' i ~ ~ i . l . ~ ~ ' ' i f ; I I i . i . :.-!' \ l. . • <.. 'f Q (C.Fd * ;,.' ~ ' .t: l i ~·: .. j •' I: .. 6-2-81 ) 4 5 6 7 ;·,; 'j 1 ... ·;r~:r I . t , ·l··· i .. ; ' ' ' l. '~: I ' ' : '! 'I .j ' ' ;·; f ... ; ., . ; . " 1 :. ! • f ·: ' '· ·t ~J . -! ·. · .•. ·• . 1 . I . 7 ' . ~ . '. :' I . l . I 'I . "i ! · · · 1 • . •••• 6 I : . ! 'j i . ·, I t' ' j ~ • . t) I :',' 1 : :; I,;;:_·!:, .. · '1 . . . ··r· :··I· .. : : I : : I i . . . !f~ .! .. ' .1 ···I ., .. !··· ~J I I ~ ' i ; l '· ' ' i ! ·j 7-27-81 i f ,· ! ' I " I I I I 1 • . I ·.I : : ' l • I ; 7:-29-ao 1 I • ' 7-31-80 l ' i j l ! • J .. 2 8'-31-81 6-19-81 5-22-81 ' I ! I . ! I l ! > ~ 9-6-80 10-14-80 . l·. ~!: j. I ' I I· ! ·' f l o,ooo ~ I . i I I .. . l . j ' .. I ' ' l .; I • 1 j i ·· ·. '· I . i• ; L;· i · :, ~ * i ' . ,· ' .. I ' r, * Q = ( Q GOLD CREEK}( 1.030) i i ! ' i· .• 0 I I 1 '~ . ;.;::\ '"'-. ...,_~~--~--_,..,.._-------~____,..~ ... ~·~..,..-,.'~~--...-....... *,...., -4'>1P-"" '~'""_......,.,.... ____ •• "'.-•. ·.".~.-~~·. ~-·~--_., ~· --·-•·,...,~·'---•·~---<.---..~---~..-..-n'--"'"~~~.._.......,.___..,._<' _ _,._~~.,__-~--·,·~-.-~---~ • ' ~ • ~~ • • ~•- '~ s14/m2 ATTACHMENT 8 COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS PLOTTED ON UPPER SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS -I - - - - ...... NOTES ON CROSS-SECTION PLOTS -UPPER SUSITNA 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. Cross-sections are in sequence from the upstream to the downstream end of the reach. Number 101 is the most- upstream cross-section, and Number 121 is the most- downstream. Numbering is sequential except that Number 207 follows 107 and Number 208 follows 108. Plotting scales used vary somewhat from cross-section to cross-section. All are plotted with 10 feet to the inch vertically, but the horizontal scale used is either 100, 200, or 500 feet per inch. All cross-sections are plotted looking downstream. Water surface elevations plotted on each cross-section are those computed by the H EC-2 computer model. The streamflows used in this study reach and plotted on all the cross-sections (referenced to the Watana gage) were 8, 100; 17,200; 26,700; 30,700; 42,200; and 46,400 cfs. Flows on the plots specify the Watana flow, but at the cross-sections, they were actually adjusted for drainage area, as shown in Table 4.3 of the main report. At several cross-sections, water levels are not shown in low areas of side channels or sloughs. In some cases, this is because no river water is expected the·re at all. In other cases, there may be water, but no hydraulic connection is apparent; thus, no flow is there, and the actual water level there may be above or below that in the river. Where the cross-section is at a bend in the river or is split between more than one main channel, there are likely to be differences in water surface el~vation across the cross-section. The computer model, however, computes just one level, and this is understood to be the mean water surface elevation for the given discharge. susi13/h B - 1 tD I N 1 . . 1- . 0 . fJ~ ~ . . : '?I() ·f;, ~ : ,o ·fJ ·~ . . () . fJ~ ·~ . . () . fJ() . ~ fJ() . 1 l SUSJl.NA ~1YDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 01 \ : I I I \ I I I I ' \ I I I I \ I I ' I I ' I I I I ' I .... , 1 --' r-....... ' : If'* '#oo c.FJ ' ' Ul-,zooeF$. l I \ ' 3o 7oo eF'S .. Zb, 700 I:'PS \ I\ : /7 t()() CH \ I ' ! \ 8/00 CF ', 1 I ./ .. ..... -------, I .. .. , ! ' '--' ' , \ .... "" v __ _,.. \ I ()() f;,() ()() f;,() ............ , f;,() ()() () \_~ i •-._ •• fJ 1 '12_ I .. I _j_ _.t_ ~ . •-~ i • . '). ~ I . ..LL_l. I \ Lt I I L. . .. 1. , I I I I 5 TftTloN No. PREPARED BY • PREPARED FOR• [i] ] ~ 0 aJ ~ I w 'it ~ '.1.1 ..J lij 0 .} u PREPARED BY I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. J .... J . j SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 02 ·-------··-·--~---·~-·--~IO(J C(-$ Q() ()Q \ qj I t a I I I I 'J,~ I o • .$TI1r:rt'N' No, PREPARED FOR• . l -~ -J l ... SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~ f . CROSS-SECTION Number 1 03 2 () H 1- OJ <:t I ..!!:> ~ lb ..I IJJ 46; LJ()O ( . '-1 3· u PREPARED BY I PREPARED FOR• R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. [i] o:· I tT! l i PREPARED BY • ;z '() H ~ " ~ \.1.1 -.1 l.ij ... ., 3 (J RIM CONSULTANTS, INC. j l -J ] SUSiifiNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT· CROSS-SECTION Number 1 04 --~--·-~~--~~--Tr-----------------~------·~--~-----~--------~ ! I : I : ~o, I £_t--1---·--·---t~--...:...--:-----·-··-·-----i---···--· -·----.1.----~ --·· ~---·-··· ~ 1 • I ~ I t 9ol ~~ I I ~----~---~-----··---·-----t----+------~-r---~--~··---·-·--··~---j : i I , .. .. I • tJ0 I -i ~-~ -·•••l . v .._1,3 .... .• --__ ........,__.,, "' ·-a=·rO": =·.,-,_.,..,._.1l'"::!:""'"':;':l=•=-::~~:::t,Pf" Q• '11.1 <fGO ( • \ , -· · q, 'fz, ~oo ~<"J \====t==========J~-..... . -----·--·----· ... --·~·-·· ---·-Q' 2( 7Do C~"$ 9: !,o,loo r • \ ~ I . ~\--\.-t------l-----t-----·--1------l·----·-t·--;:;;:;:::.•.-•'-· :-q • /7, loo U'~ ~ 0 ' ~# ..... ~~1.._'\ \--\ i----·-·"-"--t-------+-·---+------,--·· ----Jl'f!l,...."'-f-----Jf-Q, 1i'IOO (.,-J ... \ __ ............. -.e.. ~ , ~.,....,... 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I . • ' I I I I I I ().<b ! ~v : CROSS-SECTION Number 106.3 \~ : : : ' ••••••••••••~•••\•••••••••••••••m••~-~-~·••••·~··•••••·r~··••••••~•·•~•·•• •m••••••••••••••••(•••••~·•·•••~•••~•~ •••••••••••••••••· I • I : \ : I ·I o I I I ' . 0 I I I I 10 i lr r:.. : I 1U., <(oo c' .., : : . ················:·····\············ r·········.··.:·~·~:-:···············--·:··················r·················r······;··-'·····.··· J 42, 2ooa: : I : • : : : : I s ' I I I I I ~~ 1 ·\ ______ L : I ~ _d~-~ !f ~o, 7 ~0 (_~J v I "' • I I I I I ,t\~ ! t 1----:=-···--·--·-i· · ~-· ·:·---·---r-c--.~-------2, 740 cf:s .................. ' ....... --··------~------···----·--· .. i::··--·--------.... ~ ................. :! ........ .::.:..:..·:·;.z~~::::...:.::::..:.::.:.:~ . .:.~-1 1: 2oo Ct<s I I I I ' I : / : · ..-,---i>--------+-------i-·------.-·-~,~"'~ot!..------:·------'8/0o C~} "' ~ : <b I I I ,.r I I \. I I I ~ a I I t.~ 'i : ,......___ .L ,.........-: : ..... 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PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 09 -\ : ~ • .. \ I I • ~() • , \ ' ~~ I ·~--·--\·----• ---~-~-----· ---~ --·----- ~ \ I • ~ • • 1-\ l () • .. ~f;j \ l ' ·---.\,-------· _,. __ --r-...... --- "' • ~ \· I • I • • ' I ~ () \ ~'J • t • ~I -\ . ~,-. ----l-~--·--\. ·~· ·-~ ····~---'~----···· -··-.:.::..-::::.;: ~-:.=-:::..-===.::=..-:=-:::-. -_1 ____ '--- : _________ ··::.::.::.:., ~:.:-..=:;::::-:.;: =-.::----··--:-:::~ \ · _____ ------.. I --· .. ' 6 1-~() t ... ··--j--" \ ................ ~,~ r--.... __ l r-·· --~~---......... ----l~------··-~---·-- 1-l 1-'"--.. ....... __ .,...... ............... r- 1-!?}() oo ()() ()() ()() oo ,t~ () oo ~0 0 \,; & .& I. 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J SUSJTNA-HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT- cRoss-sECTION Number 1 1 3 . 1---.. ~ ' ~' ~ .. • ,,; I , ... l /' !. , !-0 . _,; 0. ~ I -\~ l ;"' / ____ _.,._ -~-··· --r---------.,"!--·-·---~--· ~·- • I ,/ ' I "' . ,/ .. ~ i ,; # . ~ I "'/ ~ ~0 I /' ~~ ,, ~ _.... -~ ;;;' .. --· -~ .. I ,, lo ,/ .. /' 'J,o f ~~ ., -· ·--·::r -___ ....... .._ ·-----·-~ " .; . .:.., ___ -=.:;:.:.""~:!..---~-.': -· ..... -..... t ··------.. ----•. ...... .._-, .... ,. ......... _,,~-u ··-·-----.... ~·---~...---·-···· ,,_,. ... _ _.._.,_ ............ , .. -._ .. -~--. _____ ..... _,.--'-' __ ... ._ _ __.. --·--------·------------~-· ' ,J. - r ~0 I ~~ I ..... __ _:)_~ t-:-----·---------.,. __ .,. __ ~ \ I ""' I r ... ...; 1- ~ 0 1-~0 oo oo oo oo oo oo ~, 0 ~0 0 \~ I,~ 0 0 0 'l '~ . 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I OJ 't I ~ N lll I-' ~ ~ l-J 3 u PREPARED BY • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC, . l 1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 8 ~Q -?> 'o oo I 1-1 I I I I I o ~~'. 0 I o -J PREPARED FOR• J .. -1 ~ Q 01 H I t... N l: N ::, lu " ~ "? 3 v PREPARED BY • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. -J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 9 -----------""'r"------------"T""""-----w--·-----~--- i ~~o I i 1-:·-·-·--~------'-·-------··---·--· ·--~--· ~~--~ ------·-·----~-~ I , 1-I I . ' '" I , I 42, 200 cr=s r}>_ .. o ____ \__,,_____ __ .:===-=·· ---· J___:_. -----~~d,700 rr-: 5 1-' . .,...,--I I 1-\ , .. ~-~--.... .~ \ .,•~---·-------------------T· 2l:.,7Co u·s 'I . \ , .. ----.-----···· . ··--·---'-·-----··--· .. ' , .... . -. ·------·--------------1-~ . :----------------- "' '!Jo ' . 1-------__ -/7 1 200 CF_; ~ ~ t---: -f? 1 o a · c f5 j-:----· .. ···----··-···-___ , ______ --·-----r-'~·~---~---1---__ ,, ____ _ \ I 1-\ ~'-~· 1-'/ 1- '" ?,0 b~ 1-:....----····----·-.' --· -·--~-----·------· ---·--1- 1- ~00 ,.000 ~00 oO ~: ...... ,-.... . .... IV ........ ~~ ...... . I II I PREPARED FOR• If N w I i PREPARED BY • ~ 0 li j.. '{ J IU .J \.Q .. , 3 u R & M CONSULTANTS, INC, SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC· PROJECT ----..--~ ... - f?/00 U$ ~TA 1· .T c.N No, PREPARED FOR• CP I N ..,::. I I .. ' PREPARED BY • ~ \) 1-i 1- rt ;:) 11.1 ~ '1 ~ (J RIM CONSULTANTS, INC. . l --' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 21 l l lft., '100 (fJ PREPARED FOR• r - r s14/m3 ATTACHMENT C COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS PLOTTED ON MIDDLE SUSITNA CROSS-SECTIONS - NOTES ON CROSS-SECTION PLOTS -MIDDLE SUSITNA 1. Cross-sections are in sequence downstream end of the reach. upstream cross-section, and downstream. from the upstream to the Number 68 is the most- Number 3 is the most- 2. Plotting scales used vary somewhat from cross-section to cross-section. All are plotted with 10 feet to the inch vertically, but the horizontal scale used is either 100, 200, 250, 500 or 1000 feet per inch. 3. All cross-sections are plotted looking downstream. Water surface elevations plotted on each cross-section are those computed by the H EC-2 computer model. The streamflows used in this study reach and plotted on all the cross-sections (referenced to the Gold Creek gage) were 9,700; 13,400; 17,000; 23,400; 34,500; and 52,000 cfs. Flows on the plots specify the Gold Creek flow, but at the cross- sections they were actually adjusted for drainage area, as shown in Table 4. 4 of the main report. 5. At several cross-sections, water levels are not shown in low areas of side channels or sloughs. In some cases, this is because no river water is expected there at all. In other cases, there may be water, but no hydraulic connection is apparent; thus, no flow is there, and the actual water level there may be above or below that in the river. 6. Where the cross-section is at a bend in the river or is split between more than one main channel, there are likely to be differences in water surface elevation across the cross~ section. The computer model, however, computes just one level, and this is understood to be the mean water surface elevation for the given discharge. susi13/i c -1 n I ...-.:. 1 PREPARED BY • j ] 1 ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 8 ll . J • II r \ l fb'\ 0 L__ f ' I . 1----·----!,, ---1-----+-----r---~,1------llf---------- u i < . f I ~ ~~-t-----+-~---+-----+---'!---i-'-----l-----t----+-----1-----+--J 1~= S20oo ~ \ I ~ -·----- R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. E PREPARED FOR• n I w PREPARED BY I ] ] J J SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC . PROJECT_ CROSS-SECTION Number 67 10 ; ~~~----~--------4--------+--------~-------~:--------r-------~ I •• •• I. I -~ ~~coo , ~ --------+--------+--------~------~1~-----+-------~ ~ i ;:; ~ t-------+------4-------1-------tJ G=-s=z,coo · 0 1-------+---------1------~4----------IIJ 9'-::: 3 't c-oo l-) 'J..~ Q=il3,'iOCt-=~----1-------___.---~---t------f ') v Q: /2 0 C' 0 ~-~G._~,_l,o/09 -~~~==~~---------\) .-,IG: z?oo _\ I \ -l ~~~ -· J -........---------__.,., .. ---... .. ....__ __ _.. __ __. ... -- I • 'I 't>'!>~o r 00 00 ~ ' ... o "'". I t ' '' -~ 0 ' ' '-~ o 10 ~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. PREPARED FOR• n I .t:> PREPARED BY • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 10 ~ ' t>o t '-Jo ~ ~--r i" fb ~0 to 0 t~tP 0 _L I i ' ' I ! ,, I ! : ; i I i ' I l SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 6 I I • • -. I I I I I I I I I I I I f(l_ ::_S;Lo_g_c_ .. :0: j I.J!:OD GF-.2. 3./f 0 0 I -.... _i G::: 17.ooo_ a~ t3/IOa · / ....... :~~ "!Z OQ. , .. , . ' /' ,, I ,, ... '-. ...... 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J ·--• ·-· t2.D.J2.._ I ~-~~ , JQ.: 3 ~5"!20 a= 2.;1,'/oo I , I I ~~I],POQ a:: lJ,~Q Q ' 1 ! -:-----------' I'Q'-9 700 i '\ I ---.J ' ,--... --... _.-. ' i ,: \ , . ' I ,/' I ' I ' I \ /' L -I -' ,' i ' / I \ .... _,,.. I I oo oo oo oo oo oo I j 0 ' ~ 'b til ~'. I '' . '. . . ' I I \. ' ' . . ' I ' I ' I I • .. ---. • • • I I PREPARED FOR• j ~0 'b s: t. "'l· d ~0 b ~ n 'll I -.. -....,J ~ "" 3 t-0 fb \.1 .,o 'b ' 0 'b"'oo l'b I I I I PREPARED BY • A &M CONSULTANTS, INC. J J SU81 1TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 3 • I : • I I • • -·· I I I I I I I ., ' ' I ' .. ' ., ' I Q :I.:lQIZQ i' / Q "' ::I ~.S:Qa : G=.6'.~~oo ;! G = 170oo -· ,. Q::: '4-'loo ; Q-.:_'9700 I r \ , / ' ' ,., ,, ,./ v .. ,, ..,., ..... , ,7 ' _ .... ....;' '--· oo oo oo oo 00 oo 0 ' ~ ~ ~ I~. • •', . \ I I I 0 I I '). 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LI I I I PREPARED BY 1 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ] -) J J J SUSIT:NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 61 .. i I I I ' ·\ --. ' ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ' .. • I ' I I ; i i I : 1 (1.-=I~,oocz I • l ' .. 'I ~-·-- i .. 11 • ...0= 3"1..~oo l; a::' ;l ~'foa I I A G= I'Z,OOQ ' • i a:: t.J c.ttJo ' ; Q=-9700 .. ,"' I / ........ -----•• .,/ ' • \ ; l ,/ l ' /" ' I \ I ,, L_ j / ' \. .. :.-....... ; -·-.. ~ i ! I ; . j 00 oo ()() oo rP 00 0 ' .,. tz; • ~ flt !£. ' ' I I I • ~ Ll t l.LJ • I 'I _Lt I .L .. L ~ _L I ... .[fo..-1 ion No. ] ] -- ·--- . . PREPARED FOR• CJ I ........ 0 PREPARED BY I R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .. J ] SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT j j i . CROSS-SECTION Number 60 l I . I I I . ' I 1-----~--~~-t-----·--+ I ' I I ________ . ........_ ___ .. _ ~ ! I I I I i\ I I "',_ .... --.... 1 \ ~r , .. I I I I I 1--- ' i ! --+-....---·t--··-------t-· i i ' I I j l ; " I J . I I \ . I ' ' I -; ' '\. •, ! --~·--' -.I ... . I , ' '"'"'I I 1 !,I I j , ~--~ I A -... --.... . 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PREPARED FOR• [iil n I I:-' N PREPARED BY • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ] . 1 SUSI 11NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 56 PREPARED FOR• 1 1 l SUSI.l-NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC-r I ~ CROSS-SECTION Number 57 ----------------~----~------~-------------~------~ I I l i \ -~ ...p '11 ~ ~ I \.!} I-' V) 5 u I I . ; . if ---t,------···-r·--t--------,.------·· -1-·····------·---- ' 1 l ' • ' I \ · . l I j II I I I I I~ I I· l I l I I i I I I i----1 -, ,--T . ---. I ---- ~~ :;, I' l :. ' " l ' • Q::.de o0o 'I ' I' I .. ~~-\ .... i 'I , -~.~--·-~---H----.. ~~· 1--yn-._,_ ......... _ -.----i · " 1 ,., . ("""' •. !9:::. ~ $"00 1 I' \/ ' 1; ,. !. :}~Tf'~~ i I ·,1 ~~~ ,-;~ i ~p~ I \ '·' , L : -T--\;1--t-\___,; . ~--------·1 ----..._, ' • I ! v' . PREPARED BY I PREPARED FOR• R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. n I ........ ~ PREPARED BY I j ... } SUSI1NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 56 --~~----~-----~·~--------~ ----;------~----~ I .. ' 1 ' I i . 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' d ::, ll --ltJ ) 1 ,o i i I 1 co ' ~0 6 i 1--I -· ~?Jo 0 0 61.oo . ~ I I I 0 J PREPARED BY 1 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. I I - b I I I I ! l I ·- .. "0 11'._ I I CROSS-SECTION Number 45 I ; I I I L'' I tf I ' . i -- • ·{j t· ' I I I I :.r· I , t ., ,,"\ i I ~ v \ r I \ '• ., I -·--' : 0 ~ -~ LI.SOO I '!1::23400' I · Q: /."U-Io o \ Ji -/Q=J7,ooo . . \tr a~ "f7oo I ' l / . . • t / t ' ., , ,/ \ ' , ' oo 0 ,,/ (p "0 oo ,~ 0 ~ '\ () ' I I I I 'I t I a ' I I t 'l I I ~~ 0 I I 0 . 1 PREPARED FOR• .. 0 ·~ "+! Q ~ 11.1 n ....... I \tJ N 00 l-, s v PREPARED BY ~oo 1- Q rag ~0 ~0 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ) ) 1 1 . ] SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 44 . . PREPARED FOR• [i] ( 0 ..... -. <J ) v 0 ....... I lt.l N "-.1 v, 3 v PREPARED BY • R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. . ) J -J SUSIT'NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 43 II I II ., I i I : r o '1 . 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