HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA453TO ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)276-0001 (90712n-7641 GENTLEMEN: 1---I'--w.4----=-.1-flJ JLt..>i +1V!Ii b/.IJ c /cJ L A k~$"'':t--=--d,--/~...::<·....------j L---J WE ARE SENDING YOU -6 Attached 0 Under separate cover vIa the following items: o Shop draWings o Copy of letler o Cha nge order o Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications m StL,'/~S £~O)L~ COPllS DATE NO OESCRIPT ION J ~/1&L SJI P C/AC/~/LA J:.~ri/.tdJ~J ~I2tJ'$//Untfl4../t~rvtr . ....~'-----. .,• I -.' 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I •1982. • . t Task 3 -hydrology.Susitna hydroelectric proJec : Interim report prepared for Alaska Power ALASKA POWER AUTHORITYISUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY GLACIAL LAKES STUDIES ,INTERIM REPORTj [ I""K \I.\?S .S~ A7.~ 1'10.4S3 DATE DUE r L.'0 I cI LUV·) DECEMBER,1982 Prepared For: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Li berty Sa nk Build i ng Main at Court Buffalo,New York'14202 Telephone (716)853-7525 P repa red by: R&M CONSULTANTS,INCORPORATED 5024 Cordova Street Anchorag~,Alaska 99502 Telephone:'(907)279-0483 0'ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Services Anch,.<&,.,J.LJ.ska Domco.Inc.38-2sa FEB 221984 REGION IV HABITAT DIVISION s5/y1 • ~... v 1-1 ii iii 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-4 4-1 4-1 4-4 4-6 .. -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Lake Temperatu re 4.2 -Sediment Studies 4.3 -Light Extinction -METHODOLOGY 3.1 -Weather Data 3.2 -Lake Inflow Data 3.3 -Lake Outflow Data 3.4 -Light Extinction 3.5 -Water Quality Profiling 3.6 -Sediment Sampling and Analysis 4 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES INTERIM REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS LI ST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 -PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY 2 -SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 [ -1 """•• ; i~ If j ii ';'1!lI\A , I !!""'", l-, J -. !{ ·i ·1a APPENDICES APPENDIX A -Profiling Support Data -Eklutna Lake APPENDIX B -Eklutna Weather Data APPENDIX C -Eklutna Six-Hour Resultant Windspeed APPENDIX D -Eklutna Lake Physical Data APPENDIX E -Eklutna River Streamflow Data APPENDIX F -Lake Discharge through Eklutna Hydroelectric Plant _: - i - s5/y2 -------------- ·" ,~~ • - 1m_ r Table,-1 .1,4.1 4.2 ~4.3 1 4.4 4.5 4.6 ~ J ~ 1 ~, t-[ ,,~ ..- 11" { ~ -1 I .. LIST OF TABLES Description Watershed Characteristics,Watana Reservoir and Eklutna Lake 1-2 Density Distributions r Suspended Sediment Pa rticles 4-8 Petrographic Analysis,Suspended Sediment Pa rticles 4-9 In-Situ Light Extinction Measurements,~uly 4-10 In-Situ Light Extinction Measurements,August 4-11 In-Situ Light Extinction Measurements,September 4-12 Light Penetration Data Comparison 4-13 - i i B. s5/y3 -~-------------------- ·' .. LIST OF FIGURES ... Figure 1.1 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 s5/y4 Description EklLitna Lake Location Map Station Locations Temperature Comparisons,May 25 -August 25,1982 Temperature Comparisons,September 9-November 3,1982 Temperature Isopleth,May 25,1982 Temperature Isopleth,June 18,1982 Temperature Isopleth,July 14,1982 Temperature Isopleth,July 27-28,1982 Temperature Isopleth,August 10-11,1982 Temperatu re Isopleth,August 24-25,1982 Temperature Isopleth,September 9-10,1982 Temperatu re I sopleth,September 21-22,1982 Temperatu re Isopleth,October 14,1982 Temperature Isopleth,November 4,1982 Wate'r Quality Profiling,May 25,19132 Water Quality Profiling,June 18,1982 Water Quality Profiling,July 2,1982 Water Quality Profiling,July 14,1982 Water Quality Profiling,July 28-29,1982 Water Quality Profiling;August 10-11,1982 Water Quality Profiling,August 24-25,1982 Water Quality Profiling,September 9-10,1982 Water Quality Profiling,September 21,1982 Water Quality Profiling,October 14,1982 Water Quality Profiling,November 4,1982 Tu rbidity Versus Suspended Solids Concentration Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,June 17,1982 Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,July 2,1982 Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,July 15,1982 Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,July 28,1982 Lake Suspended,Sediment Profile,August 25,1982 Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,September 22,1982 Lake Suspended Sediment Profile,October 14,1982 Suspended Sediment Pa rticle Size Distribution,June 17,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,July 2,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,July 15,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,July 28,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,August 25,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,September 22,1982 Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution,October 4,1982 -iii - 1-3 3-5 4-14 ' 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 4-37 4-38 4-39 4-40 4-41 ,4-42 4-43 4-44 4-45 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 4-50 4-51 ~._-----~----- LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 s5/y5 Description Sediment Density Distribution Typical Suspended Sediment Particles Suspended Sediment,Sta.11,28m,July 15,1982 In-Situ Light Extinction Measurements,July,1982 In-Situ Light Extinction Measurements,August,1982 I n-Situ Light Extinction Measu rements,September,1982 Secchi Disk Depth Versus Light Extinction Coefficients Surface Turbidity_Versus Light Extinction Coefficients Turbidity Versus Transmissivity -iv - - If!JffJ!!! • ~ • Page -~ 4-52 , 4-53 4-54 ..... 4-55 ~ 4-56 4-57 4-58 - 4-59 t4-60 -. ~ II - -I •- • --- ,--- I - ,..,.. I ...., :i I . .... t I L ..-,. .. ....- I~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals assisted in the development of the field program at Eklutna Lake.Instrumentation was installed by permission of the State of Alaska Division of Parks,Chugach District,with special assistance from Rangers Eugene Scott,John Harris,Bill Darwin,and Ed Barrett.Eklutna Lake outflow data were provided by Stan Sieczkows ki of the Alas ka Power Administration.Transmissivity instrumentation and discussion were provided by Jeff Koenings of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Sediment analysis was provided by Particle Data Laboratories of Elmhurst, Illinois.Participants in data collection include Wayne Dyok and David Crawford of Acres American,and·Bob Butera,Steve Bredthauer,.Jeff Coffin,Lisa Fotherby,Carol Larson,Carl Schoch and Brett Jokela of R&M Consultants.Computer graphics were developed by Ma rk Holmstrand for the Hewlett Packard System 45 and processed by Lisa Fotherby,Carol Larson,and John Martinisko.John Martinisko and Rey Liwanag drafted the figures in this report.Word processing was performed by Kyin-Kyin Chen and Joyce Sh uman.Brett Jokela was·responsible for field program coordination,data compilation,.and is the principal author of this report. - v - s5/y6 - 1 -STUDY PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The creation,of reservoirs at Devil Canyon and Watana damsites for hydroelectric generation entails new problems to be faced regarding fisheries management in the Susitna River.Major concerns include the project's effects on turbidity and temperature regimes both in the reservoirs and in the downstream reaches.Existing literature regarding the physical limnology of reservoirs fed in part of steams of glacial origin is sparse.Relevent literature has been reviewed and compiled in the bibliography tabulated for the Reservoir Sedimentation report published by R&M Cons~ltants in January,1982. Reservoir temperature mod,elling is being utilized to answer questions regarding the reservoir temperature regime.The Dynamic Reservoir Model (DYRESM)developed at the University of Western Australia represents the state of the a rt in one-dimensional reservoi r temperatu re models. However,application of such'a model for cold regions has requi red verification of the model·on an existing system,plus expansion of the model's capabilities to account for thermodynamics of ice formation .in order to adequately describe the winter temperature regime. F"'/ l. t'1JllIM I . The dynamics of sediment transport in the proposed reservoir are also difficult to evaluate without study of the annual variation in reservoir turbidity in a similar environment. Eklutna Lake,twenty five miles northeast of Anchorage Figure 1.1,was chosen for concentrated study to verify the DYRESM model and to calibrate the ice formation model additions.A simultaneous effort monitoring movement of sediment in Eklutna Lake was proposed for comparison with turbidity projections for the Watana Reservoir.Eklutna Lake was chosen because it has bulk residence time,climatological conditions,and glaciated drainage area comparable to the Watana Reservoir (Table 1.1). The data collection"was designed to: n 2) 3) s5/y Provide input data for the DYRESM model. Provide lake temperature data for verification of the DYRESM model. Provide documentation the lake's mixing environment and sediment dynamics. 1 - 1 -r----.------------'----:......--------------------------- Surface Area Maximum Depth Drainage Area Average Annual Inflow Average Residence Time %Glaciated Drainage Area s5/y TABLE 1.1 Watana Reservoir 37,800 acres 860 feet 5,180 sq.mi. 5,880,000 acre-ft 1.65 years 5.9% 1 - 2 Eklutna Lake 3427 acres 208 feet 111 sq.mi. 234,300 acre-ft 1.77 years 5.2% ""'" .... .,- -.~ ,~ ..,." j • -.r "'..., PREPARED BY I EKLUTNA LAKE LOCATION MAP PREPARED FOR. FIG.1.1 .~----=-_.------------------- ,-. ii' J -f '4" -t~ l ( 11., 2 -SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Studies of the temperature and suspended sediment regime of Eklutna Lake have taken place since April of 1982.Studies have included lake temperatu re,conductivity,and turbidity profiling from 15 moored stations distributed around the lake.Simultaneous monitoring of inflow and outflow discharge and temperatu re has also'been undertaken.This report summarizes data collected at Eklutna Lake in 1982. The succession of bi-weekly profile data sufficiently demonstrates warming trends in the lake,including the development of a weak thermocline and ,the introduction of stream inflow via interflow in the period from June through August.September is marked by the disruption of thermal stratification.Deepening of the mixed layer by penetrative convection and the effects of extreme wind shear on the lake are evident from comparison of the data.By mid-October the overtu rn process dominates the lake;the water column is nearly isothermal',and virtually no turbidity gradient is apparent. Suspended sediment in Eklutna Lake is composed glacial flour,consisting of flaky and angular particles,principally feldspars,quartz,and muscovite.Typical particle densities range from 2.6 to 2.9 g/ml.The vast majority of sediment particles greater than about 30 microns equivalent diameter are apparently deposited in the delta formed where the Eklutna river flows into EkJutna Lake.Mean particle size of sediment carried through the lake is on the order of 3 to 4 microns equivalent diameter.Sediment concentration is shown to vary through the lake.A direct correlation between nephelometric turbidity and sediment concentration is demonstrated. The effect of interflow and underflow of inflow water are evident in seasonal variation in the vertical distribution of suspended sediment. Large (33 micron)concretions of calcium carbonate-aragonite appear near groundwater seepage areas below the lake's su rface at the la ke's lower end.These minerals appear to dominate the sediment regime in July in the lower lake hypolimnion.Hardness,as calcium carbonate,of the influent groundwater is thought to -be the cause of the appearance of the mineral. Light extinction varies significantly on a seasonal basis with changes in su rface turbidity.Correlations have been developed between the extinction coefficient and turbidity and between the extinction coefficient and secchi disk transparency.The extinction coefficient is highest in early August (2.35 m-1 )and lowest (based on surface turbidity)just after ice-melt in late May (0.26 m-1). While trends in temperature and sediment profile development ,were well documented by the bi-weekJy sampling trips,potential improvements remain regarding the field procedures employed in 1982.The following 2 - 1 improvements are recommended to enhance the continued Eklutna Lake field data efforts. Two and even three dimensional temperature gradients exist in the lake, and are subject to dynamic response to short-term meteorological effects. Continuous temperature monitoring such as has been attempted with·Ryan thermographs would demonstrate the time scale of the response of the lake to the driving forces of wind mixing and surface energy transfer. Installation of several sets of continuous monitors would improve the understanding of the effects of wind setup and subsequent seiching on the lake temperature regime. As for examining sediment dynamics in the lake,a more complete picture at each sampling date may be of benefit in describing suspended sediment loadings and gradients.Transmissivity profiling is valuable in that local turbid microstrata may be pinpointed with greater accuracy than is possible with retrieval of isolated samples for turbidity measurements. Verification of particle size and species of Eklutna Lake and Eklutna River sediments with corresponding particle analyses for the Susitna River sediments would enhance the value of comparison of the two watershed systems. ~.,~, 1.-' .-j' - ...., s5/y 2 - 2 3 -METHODOLOGY I n order to meet the objectives of the study as discussed above,the field data collection program at Eklutna Lake has included acquisition of: o o o o o o Weather data Lake inflow data La ke outflow data Light extinction data Lake temperature,conductivity,and turbidity profiles. Suspended sediment samples and analysis .....'" ~~~(', ;0.. 3.1 - 3.2 - s5/y Weather Data By special permission of the Chugach State Park,a weather station was established on June 3,1982,at the south end of the lake near an existing gravel airstrip (Figure 3.1).The weather station consists of a "Weather Wizard"monitoring system manufactured by Meteorology Research,Inc.The system measures air temperature, wind speed and direction,relative humidity,solar radiation,and precipitation.Temperature,relative humidity and radiation levels are recorded as instantaneous values every 15 minutes on a magnetic tape cassette.Wind data are processed from 15 second interval readings by the data logger and recorded as average winds and peak gust for each 15 minute interval.An attempt to measure incoming long wave radiation was begun by adding'an Eppley Laboratories Precision I nfrared Radiometer to the system in late July.Instantaneous values are recorded at fifteen minute intervals. Raw data from the tapes are edited and summarized in tables and graphs on a monthly basis.Monthly data summaries for June through November are included as an appendix to this report. Data were transferred to Acres American for use as model input after being transcribed and converted to apF'ropriate units by hand.Considerable interpretation was required to correct data gaps in July and August. La ke I nflow Data Principal inflow.into Eklutna Lake is provided by two creeks on the south end of the lake.The creeks,known as East Fork and Glacier Fork of Eklutna River,account for 31%and 22%, respectively,of the"la ke's II I square mile watershed area.The two creeks intertwine in braided channels on a broad floodplain before entering the lake.The streams were gaged separately,several miles from the lake head,as the first available usable sections for stream gaging were upstream of their confluence.Very little 3 - 1 ". groundwater flow is expected to augment the stream discharge downstream of the gaging sites. Stage discharge relationships were established for both streams. Stevens Type F water level recorders with 16-day charts were utilized to continuously"monitor stream discharge.The water level recorders were housed in plywood gage houses on 16"diameter polyethylene pipe stilling wells.The stilling wells were provided with U"diameter PVC inlet pipes which extended into the channel. I nflow temperatures were monitored with Ryan thermograph recording thermometers.These instruments were anchored to rocks placed in the stream such that the sensor would remain submerged. Originally,one thermograph was installed near the inlet to the lake.However,it was determined that this installation was biased in favor of the Glacier Fork.Thereafter,the stream temperatures were independently monitored at the gaging sites. Suspended sediment samples were obtained at each gaging site for sediment concentration and turbidity analysis.Sediment concentrations in the stream samples were determined by Chemical and Geological Laboratories of Alaska of Anchorage according to standard procedures for detection of Total Nonfiltrable"Residue. Turbidity analysis was done in the R&M laboratory using a Hach Model 16800 Portalab Turbidimeter. 3.3 -Lake Outflow Data The Eklutna Hydroelectric Plant,operated by the U.S.Dept.of Energy,Alaska Power Administration,keeps daily records of lake discharge through the turbines,and monitors penstock water temperatures through the course of each day.These data were made available to R&M for DYRESM input.The power plant personnel also make weekly measurements of lake level.These lake level observations were used in conjunction with R&M's own periodic lake level measurements as lake level/storage input data. ""'1~. I., 3.4 ~Light Extinction Light extinction is generally considered to be in the form of exponental decay according to the equation: Where I is irradiance,is irradiance at the water surface,y iss depth below the water surface,and "7 is an extinction coefficient. Measurement of irradiance below the water surface was possible using the LiCor Model L1 1925B Underwater Photometer.This 3 -2 :MlP ""'1 ..I ~._------------------------------------------------- instrument measures photosynthetic photon number of photons incident per unit time wavelengths comparable to the visible nanometers). fl ux density,or the on a un it su rface at spectrum (400-700 ,~, -r l 3.5 - Readout from the sensor is-via an analog meter in units of micro-Einsteins per square centimeter per second.(One Einstein equals approximately 6.022 x 10 23 photons.)Translation of photon units to the more common radiant energy units is complex and requires knowledge of the spectral distribution of the radiant output from the source.For daylight conditions,a linear approximation of the conversion to within ;;8.5%is given by the instrument manufacturer as: 1 watt/square meter =4.6 micro-Einsteins/square meter/second Secchi disk transparency measurement utilizing a 20 centimeter diameter weighted steel disk were made to provide back-up data to the light extinction measurements made with the photometer.The disk was painted with alternate glossy quadrants of black and white,to facilitate definition of the reflective disk surface when submerged. Water Quality Profiling Figure 3.1 shows the locations of fifteen lake stations spanning the surface area of the lake.The stations were marked with international red fluorescent buoys.A temperature profile was taken beneath the ice at the lower end of the lake on April 16, 1982.Bi-weekly sampling of lake temperatu re,conductivity, transmissivity and turbidity commenced on May 25,1982.The procedure involved lowering a temperature and conductivity probe from a 15'inflatable Zodiac raft at each of the fifteen station moorings.The number of stations sampled per trip was later reduced for logistical reasons.Early season measurements were performed using a YS I S-C-T meter with a 200-foot cable extension. I nadequate resolution of the instrument and electrical problems with the cable extension forced abandonment of that system in favor of a Martek Mark VII water quality sensor,beginning July 14,1982. The new instrument,with its LCD readout,improved the precision of the readings,but required vigilance in checking calibration. Recording thermometers were suspended in a string at one station to yield a continuous temperature record.However,the buoy system for the thermometer string was disturbed and the instruments are presumed lost to the lake bottom.No data have been recovered. Transmissivity was measured only once -on the June 17 and 18 sampling trip -using a Kahlsico No.269WA150 Turbidity Meter. While the information from transmissivity readings was useful for 3 -3 3.6 - s5/y yielding a complete profile of light attenuation in the lake's layers, problems with power connections to the instrument and depth limitations of its lOO-foot cable forced abandonment of transmissivity readings for the 1~82 season. Turbidity was measured at selected stations for each sampling trip from samples obtained at various depths using a brass Kemmerer type water sampler.The samples were analyzed on board the boat using a Hach Model 16800 Porta'lab portabJe turbidimeter.Duplicate readings from each sample were obtained to verify the results. Sediment Sampling and Analysis Certain samples subjected to turbidity analysis were retained for laboratory analysi's of suspended sediment concentration,particle size distribution,and mineralogical analysis,including density and species identification.Sediment concentration was determined by standard procedures for Total Nonfilterable Residue.Particle size distribution was performed using an Electric Zone Fence technique. Microprocessing involved in the technique allows direct computation of statistical parameters associated with the distribution.Density distributions were obtained by immersion in a methylene iodide/xylene gradient column.Visual observations and photomicrographs were utilized for mineral species identification. Lake sediment analysis was performed by Particle Data Laboratories, Inc.of Elmhurst,Illinois. In addition to the lake sampling,one sample from the Susitna River was subjected to similar analysis for particle size distribution, density distribution,and mineralogical analysis for comparison. 3 - 4 - - - - ,1 ,I ,\- - ... RaM CONSULTANTS,INC. '. LAKE LOCATIONS FIG.3.1 EKLUTNA STATION "- PREPARED BY I --------,----...,...----'------~----------- 4 -RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..... 1 4.1 - s5/y Lake Temperature Temperature profiles from the lake sampling are shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 for May through November.These profiles reveal the annual cyclic change in the lake's temperature distribution.Near-isothermal conditions exist beneath the ice in April and at breakup in May.The development of a weak thermocline is seen by mid-June,and continues through July until the maximum s'urface temperature is achieved in August.The highest recorded·surface temperature was 14.88°C on August 25,1982.After this time,wind mixing and surface cooling combine to reduce the temperature stratification until the lake water column'is virtually isothermal by September 21.The lake then gradually cools isothermally with vigorous overturn taking place as water at the surface becomes denser due to convective,radiative, and evaporative ~ooling.The cooled water sin ks,to'be replaced at the surface by deeper,warmer water.Through the month of October the water column continues to slowly cool isothermally,with overturn continuing.By the first week in November,water temperatures are quite similar throughout the lake,with the overtu rn continuing as the waters have not reached maximum density at 4°C.The slow cooling is evidence of the large heat content of the lake.While Eklutna Lake was still above 4°C,most of the other lakes in the area had long since frozen. Temperature comparisons within the lake for selected dates are shown in the temperature isopleths (Figures 4.3 through 4.12.) Temperatu re variation along the longitudinal section is evident from several dates.The temperature isopleths are "snapshots"of the entire lake compiled from temperature data from the individual stations.The contour lines are drawn from linear interpolatron of data from the station.Stations from which data are taken for constructing the isopleth are indicated at the top of each figure. The lake temperatu re regime is dynamic and constantly chan-ging in three dimensions and with time.The isopleth maps reflect not only the general thermal condition of the lake but also short term effects of wind setup and internal seiching.Thus,individual "snapshots" a re not always composed of even 'strata of constant density.For instance,strong north winds on July 27 caused a pile-up of warm surface waters on the upper end of the lake,whereas south winds are probably responsible for the relatively warm surface waters on the lower end of the lake on September 9.Similarly,fluctuating meteorological conditions may be the chief factor behind the extreme fluctuations in profiles between stations on June 17/18 and on September 21.The complete upset of horizontal density layering is seen from the October and November isopleths during the fall overtu rn.I n these cases there exists only horizontal temperatu re gradients,based upon differential rates of cooling in various portions of the lake.The effects of wind driven circulation are 4 - 1 -------~--------------_.---~~--,....---- s5/y probably not as important here because of the breakdown in thermal stratification. A closer look at other aspects of water quality profiling is shown in the series of station plots shown in Figures 4.13 .through 4.23. Conductivity,turbidity,and,on one date,transmissivity profiles are shown for each station and date.The profiles are situated on the sheets in ascending station order,so that trends may be viewed in the course of water movement from the upper end of the lake (upper left)to lake outlet/hydropower intake (lower right). The first full set of profiles,from May 25,1982,demonstrate the condition of the lake just after breakup.Temperatures throughout the lake are close to 4°C,approximately the temperatures observed beneath the ice on April 16 (Appendix A).Turbidities are extremely low,generally less than 10 NTU,as a result of quiescent settling in winter.Conductivity profiles show moderate and nearly linear increases with depth. By June 17 and 18,surface warming has allowed development of a moderate temperature gradient in the upper five meters.The strength of the gradient varies from station to station due to the existing state of continual wind mixing,and to the strengthening of the gradient by interflow,which is the introduction of streamflow as a distinct density layer in the water column.The introduction via interflow of water from the creeks is evident at the upper end of the lake.The turbid inflow from the streams enters the lake at several strata,as evidenced by tongues of low transmissivity and corresponding increases in turbidity at several depths at stations 2, 4,and 8.The evidence of inflow has ceased by mid-lake (Station 9),where the steepness of the upper temperature gradient is markedly reduced.Almost no temperature gradient is evident at the lower end of the lake (Station 15),probably as a result of complete mixing in the shallow water column. The July 2 data suffers from electrical problems with the profiling instrumentation.All available data represent measurements made at the surface of water samples retrieved from various depths using the brass Kemmerer style sampler. By July 14,distinct trends in temperature stratification and interflow are apparent.In these profiles,a single turbid stratum of fresh inflow from the inlet stream is evident from both turbidity and conductivity profiles.Just beneath the steep thermocline there appears a marked reduction in conductivity and a sharp increase in turbidity.These occurrences are especiatly noteworthy near the lake head (Stations 2 and 4),where'the most well defined stratification exists with a thermocline layer at 8-10 meters depth. The turbid layer appears to run quite far down the lake basin. Highly turbid water at about 15 meters depth is evident as far down lake as Station 10.Variable levels of conductivity indicate 4 - 2 .... - "...., .l! .. ·/ l, ....., \ -' I' ,, ..... s5/y active mixing in the upper eighteen meters,especially on the lower end of the lake,away from the influence of the turbid water inflow. At the end of July the pattern of the previous sampling date is continued.A more distinct thermocline exists on the upper end of the lake,underlain by a broader and denser turbid layer. Turbidities at Station 2 are plotted as 100 NTU for depths of 12,16 and 20 meters.This value is the upper limit of the instrument range,and the actual value is likely be considerably higher; Evidence of the turbid layer has appeared in the lower basin with a peak tu rbidity at Station II of 35 NTU at 12 m depth. August 12 data indicate an even more well defined thermocline. The tu rbidity of the interflow layer appears to be dispersing. Highest turbidity readings from this date are under 90 NTU. August 25 data begin to reveal a weakening of the thermocline as solar heating diminishes and wind mixing begins to break down the thermal stratification.Correspondingly,turbidity values begin to drop off once again,due to dispersion and to the reduction in streamflow discha rge.' In September,inflow starts to taper off,both in terms of volume of water and level of stream tu rbidity.The lake su rface begins to undergo a net loss in su rface heat exchange.Su rface temperatu res drop and the stability of the water column decreases.Turbidity monitoring at Station 2 has indicated no fu rther interflow. Streamflow temperatures indicate that the interflow of July and August has been superceded by a diving underflow of dense influent water Deepwater tu rbidity measu rements were not sufficient to document this occurrence at Stations 2 and 4,but farther down the lake at Station 7,high levels of turbidity are exhibited at 48 meters depth.High levels of turbidity in the 20 to 24 meter depth at Stations 4,7,9 and 11 range are probably due to suspended sediment left over from the interflow of July'and August.Such tu rbidity peaks are associated with water temperatures near 7.SoC,while the turbid layer at 48 meters is associated with water temperatu res of about 6°. By lake September,the lake is approaching isothermal conditions at each station,with a tendency towa rd cooler water temperatu res on the upper end of the lake.The cooler isothermal temperatures on the upstream end are indicative of the larger volume of cold water below the thermocline depth in the upper end of the lake,and due to prevailing winds from the southeast forcing warmer surface water to the la ke's north end. The effects of turbid underflow are also apparent from the September 21 profiling,as peak turbidities close to 100 NTU are discovered at or near the lake bottom.Streamflows and stream sediment loads have tapered off somewhat from the associated 4 - 3 4.2 - mid-summer highs,but turbulence of the dense,cold underflow may be entraining bottom sediment to add to the tu rbidity found near the la ke bottom. October 14 data show isothermal profiles,with temperatures somewhat warmer at the upper stations.This is lIkely due to the slower cooling of the upper lake because of the larger volume to surface area ratio in the upper end.That the lake is actively overtu rning is suggested by the consistency of tu rbidity measurements throughout the lake.The uniform turbidity verifies the breakdown of stratification.In October,streamflow drops significantly (less than 205 cfs or 500,000 'cubic meters/day)and inlet water is running clear and cold (close to 0°),so the generation of any new distinct tu rbid layer is improbable. The last set of profiles on November 4 shows isothermal temperatures in a much narrower range,with colder temperatures evident in the lower lake shallow areas.Turbidity measurements are consistent for 3 station readings at the surfa"ce and at seven meter depth.It is expected that the active overturn process is maintaining -turbidity levels similar to the seven meter value throughout the water column.Surface values of turbidity are uni- formly 1 NTU less than the seven meter values.Conductivity is also a few umhos lower at the surface.This is possible evidence of clear,cold buoyant inflow and the addition of fresh snowfall which has not been mixed into the lake. Sediment Studies A significant portion of the efforts of the program were directed toward characterizing the behavior of sediments in the lake. Suspended sediment samples were taken from depths of peak turbidity and from other selected locations during most profiling trips.Samples were analyzed for gravimetric"sediment concentration and particle size.Sediment concentrations in the lake ranged from 0.1 mg/l from the uniformly turbid profile of October 14,to 63.5 mg/I from the peak of the turbid layer at Station 4 on July 28. As mentioned above in the discussion of temperatu re stratification, there are pronounced effects of sediment-rich interflow evident from the tu rbidity profiles.It is from the layer of maximum turbidity at Station 4 that the maximum sediment concentration of 63.5 mg/I was recorded. Turbidity and sediment concentration are compared in Figure 4.24 for both lake and stream measurements.The least square curve fit shown on the figure has a correlation coefficient of 1"2 =0.83.It may be inferred from the plot that most of the stream sediment load 4 - 4 .. - -}- t " ) ":10'- ..... ", ., ·. -F f ~, --, ~'. -s5/y is deposited in the delta at the lake head,and only reduced concentrations of sediment are carried into the lake. The lake sediment profiles of Figures 4.25 through 4.31 illustrate the distribution of concentrations of sediment and lake mean particle size. Particle size distribution are given in Figures 4.32 through 4.38. For the most part,suspended sediment particles averaged 3 to 4 microns in equivalent diameter.No relation could be drawn between particle size and lake depth,sediment concentration, turbidity,or station.Notable exceptions to this 3-4 micron trend occur at Station 11 from sampling trips on June 18 and July 15. These show extraordinarily high ranges of particle size,including mean particle equivalent diameter of up to 33 microns on the latter date. The principal source of sediment is the glacial inlet from East Fork and Glacier Fork.At peak inflow at the end of July,particles as large as 40 microns in·equivalent diameter were found at Station 6. Although particle size averaged to 4 microns the coarser portions of the size distribution varied from sample to sample.Typically fewer than 0.1%of the particles in any sample were larger than 25 to 30 microns. Three lake samples were analyzed to determine the relative density distribution of the minerals present.For comparison,Table 4.1 shows density distribution for one sample from the Susitna River. The densities are shown in the histogram of Figure 4.39. It appears from a comparison of the densities of the Eklutna and Susitna waters that a specific gravity of 2.8 is an appropriate mean density for the sediment particles of the waters. I n addition to identifying mineral species and densities,th~shapes of the particles of lake sediment are also important in determining settling characteristics.Particle shape also affects turbidity. Metal-shadowed photomicrographs of suspended sediment were made at 400 x magnification to get a qualitative evaluation of the suspended material.Figure 4.40 shows typical photomicrographs. It appears from the figure that typical sediment particles are flaky and quite angular.The shape of the particles,therefore,are effective in increasing turbidity and reducing sediment fall velocities due to the increased turbulence and viscous effects of the surface area of the particles. Minerological analysis and photomicrographs of the Station 11, July 15 sample were utilized to account for the large particle sizes discussed above.Photographs demonstrated that the particles were sphereulitic concretions of calcium carbonate in the form of crystal aragonite.These photographs are shown in Figure 4.41.The 4 - 5 4.3 - occurrence of this mineral at only Station 11 is puzz:ting.One explanation would be the introduction via springs of hard groundwater which causes precipitation of calcium carbonate in the water near Station 11.Turbulent mixing in the water column prevents deposition of the precipitate,and the crystals grow while circulating in the hard,calcium saturated'waters.No water chemistry was provided for in this study,so the lake hardness has not been documented. A petrographic analysis was conducted on the four samples via polarized light microscopy to determine the relative quantities of the various mineral present.All microscope observations and density determinations were conducted by Mr.M.Bayard of Particle Data Laboratories. light Extinction Data collected with the liCor underwater photometer are summarized in Tables 4.3,4.4 and 4.5 and plotted in Figure 4.42 through 4.44. The semi log plots of the figu res demonstrate exponential decay of the photon flux density (or irradiance)with increasing depth. Extinction coefficients (~)based on least square curve-fitting techniques for the exponential decay are given in Column 3 of Table 4.6.Coefficients vary from 1.08 to 2.35. Correlation coefficients (r2 )for the least square linear approximations range from 0.95 to 0.99 as shown in Column 4 of Table 4.~.There is fai r agreement between extinction coefficients from different stations for a given date.Seasonal variation is readily apparent.The principal factors .affecting the seasonal variation are the formation and subsequent deterioration by mixing of density strata in the lake,and variation of the suspended solids concentration in inflow.I nflow and corresponding suspended sediment loading of the lake are at a peak in early August,after which time the surface·light penetration increases until October when the fall overturn.creates a uniformly turbid water column. In several data sets,the effects of layering are apparent.The plots on Figure 4.42 for Stations 4 and 7 of July 27,for example, show different rates of extinction above and below the 1 meter depth. Also shown on the table are values for secchi disk transparency and inverted secchi disk transparency,of which the latter has units equivalent to extinction coefficient. Figu re 4.45 compa res the inverted secchi disk transparencies from Column 6 of Table 4.6 to the extinction coefficients derived from the photometer data in Column 3.It seems that for the range of 4 - 6 -"• ~ ~ """t: ~< t ~ ~ ..~.~. jI .If· -.... 1 I r l light extinction in the glacial lake waters,the secchi disk does an extremely good job of estimating tight extinction. Turbidity values for the surface layers of Eklutna Lake are shown on Table 4.6 and plotted versus extinction coefficients in Figure 4.46.A correlation .coefficient of r 2 =0.964 for the linear approximation indicates that turbidity and extindion are closely correlated.It would seem that scattering by su.spended particulates appears to be the.gove1rning factor in light extinction in Eklutna Lake. Transmissivity profile measu rements were made on one sampl i ng trip only (June 17-18),using a Kahlsico No.269WA150 Turbidity Meter. Transmissivity readings versus Hach Tu rbidimeter readi ngs are plotted in Figure 4.47.The inverse relationship between the two parameters is clear,and the available data yield a fair correlation (r2 =0.63).However,the lack of additional sampling dates and the somewhat limited range of turbidities and transmissivities indicated fail to demonstrate clearly the relative effects of absorption versus scattering on light penetration or extinction. Practical use of the inexpensive secchi disk was shown to be a good indicator of a light extinction coefficient.Similarly,su rface turbidity measurements appear to be adequately correlated to extinction coefficients.The reliability of the second relationship seems to indicate that light extinction in lakes ladened with suspended glacial sediment is dominated by scattering rather than light absorption phenomenon.Fu rther analysis and an expansion of the transmissivity data base are probably required before this conclusion can be effectively upheld. Seasonal variation in light ~xtinction is extreme in Eklutna Lake, with measured decay coefficients varying from lows of 1.1m -1 in July and September to a pea kin August of 2.3m -1 Uti Iizing the correlation developed in Figure 4.47 between surface turbidity and extinction coefficient,light exti nction may be estimated for the ea ly season as well.Thus,the measured low turbidity value of I)~5 TU of May 25 wou Id correspond·to an extinction coefficient of CO.26 -1,an order of magnitude different from the maximum en"ion coefficient measured in August.Vertical mixing of turbid strata during the fall overturn cause the surface turbidity and light extinction to again increase in October. 4 - 7 ,. ~' f TABLE 4.1 DENSITY DISTRI BUTIONS ..- t f"""'( L -- Sample Eklutna Lake 2 July 82,STA 8,45M Eklutna Lake 2 July 82,STA 8,5M Eklutna Lake 12 July 82,STA 8,15M Susitna River Depth Integrated 4 - 8 Compos ition Density Percentage Range 80%2.80 -2.84 10%2.90 10%2.48 -2.55 70%2.85 -2.90 15%2.90 -3.05 15%2.65 -2.85 70%2.74 -2.80 25%2.74 5%2.8 -3.0 60%2.7 -2.9 15%2.9 -3.2 25%2.6-2.7 JI' t. ~r L " ~. Mineral Species Augite Quartz Diatoms Muscovite Mixed Feldspars Iron Oxides Illmenite Calcite Zircon Pyrite s5/y ----...-,,--- TABLE 4.2 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS %of Total Sediment Susitna River at Eklutna Lake Gold Greek Composite 5 -10 5 15 -20 15 -20 5 1 2 19 -20 15 -20 25 30 30 35 10 15 4 - 8 5 3 -2 2 - 3 3 - 5 4 - 9 ·"s16/01 r-' r' -TABLE 4.3 ff EKLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTINCTION IN-SITU MEASU REMENTS ""'"JULY,1982f ;i ~ ) ""'"Date:15 July 15 July 27 July 27 July 28 July, Station:9 11 7 4 11~( """'"Time:1330 1300 1920 1935 1021j ;J -if Irradiance (Microeinsteins per square centim~ter per second.)i -,1 Sensor in Air:500 950 540 570 620 I-"'I, -f Depth (m): itc Surface 380 900 290 480 560 ~('0.5 180 480 110 138 260 I 1. 75 265 34 46 72 1.5 32 130 2 20 70 19 27 16-( I {2.5 3 7 25 0.9 1.45 3.6, 4 3.5 ...."!4 2.2 12 4.5 ~1 5.0 0.7" ,, r-Radiation measurements taken with Li-Cor submersible quantum sensor. I ""'"( s16/02 TABLE 4.4 EKLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTINCTION IN-SITU MEASUREMENTS AUGUST,1982 ,.... Date:10 August 11 August 11 August 25 August 25 Augusti Station:11 7 4 2 9 ~, Time:1640 1020 -1310 16451 ,{ ""'1 \I rradiance (Microeinsteiris per "square centimeter per second.)i ,~t Sensor in Air:192 500 810 340 480l i '- r-r"Depth (m),I L Surface 185 480 520 295 480 .-.(' )0.5 46 99 150 109 215't 1 14 42 44 54 97 1.5 .-f 2 1.5 4.~5.3 12.5 22.0 'l 2.5 _i 3 0.2 0.5 0.7 3.5,5.6i. 3.5 'L 4 0.04 0.03 1.2 0.65 ~~4.5~".. 5.0 f'"'" Radiation measurements taken with Li-Cor submersible quantum sensor. ------------"----"~---------.,----...;...------------- I.-Radiation measu rements taken with Li-Cor submersible quantum sensor. i ..;. =~.................., ·. ""'"f .-,, I I: TABLE 4.6 LIGHT PENETRATION DATA COMPARISON 4 -13 _...~ '"'c-.0 .......10 0 ·z ~.. 10 ~~ II eD.. I E 10 2 !•• ~..- !... 10 II - 00 :II i 70 ""'T..n ..~"",n DOT"IT"'''''''DOn·_e ...·_ID .,..._....·-"...·_I •••·_...,.·-..,.·-..,. :., BUBITNA HYDRa GLACIAL LAK •STUDtllB WAT.A QUALITY ..AC ..ILINI3 AT EKLUTNA LAKE T.M"."ATUIill.COM"A"'.C". FIGURE 4.1 :-........,'-,.., I ~j~J\:JL ~I •a.co.su~T".Ta •••c. a. .. ,. •• • • -..---....1.•_.. •--_..-._.. ....'0 _.. " l- '. I- ........"'DO .........T...IIT"~"",n_.. •a. _4 ....., •_.. •aD •_F ....11._.. •elf _.. •If?-.•elf--._7 a ~ ~r I~ 'j ; • •• -4• • ... .. ,... .. .... •• _0 eo II •• .. .... !... I L r L ..... L ~ l ~r-r [ :r-r [ f \ \--[-t ,..... f ,;-~t [ ~~,r L 00 _0 ~---+----+-'---+----+----I----l j j -- ..'C,. ..........4 i I 1 _..._-- --f-.-~-._----_+_--~ OTA'-......."'~A_. _.4_._.4_7 _.4 _10 _.. _U _. i I1:------+1Hl-----._..'-~~~--1I I' -4 0 '0 f. .0 II ~e .0 I !•• r -t !.. .0.. eo.. 70 "'~A ,,. . '0 i -1~l F----+----+---HI-!----1~--__t---...,<i '0 DA".OTA'IO<""....""~A nAT1()H """'_.--.....---.--_'0 _._4 _. -" _.--_. _U _. _7 -.-_..-- -4• ,... •• II ~ ~.0 ~ !•• ~-0 ... 00 00 i. ""'"I- tI l ..- r r- - ..- r I"'"r I \. GLACIAL LAKE!STUDIES .-. i''''f~:"': \.. ---I" \ i., SUBITNA HVDRD WATER QUALITY PROFILINEa AT .,:EKLUTNA LAKE TeMPERATURe COMPARISONS ,-. - L.. FIGURE 4.2 -------------..w ~_._~_ I 1 !..,"-.,rr- ]1 lQi;,-;-,~~ J---~,,~...---""\ 1 111""--"""1 l JOII'''- I 1 O!,,;,._......,..••,~w <,NIl j }1 _:.m·/"'"" I "I iI DIRECTION OF now 850 800 5... ! '"~750 O' 700 SPILLWAY ELEV.•871 r 4.8 ~STA.USEDI"@ITHISPLOTlTvP)I~ LAKE DEPTH 51.1m ~ 4.2 ======--u ,-- ~;;­ ~2 ~~ ~~ '-'/1/~,~"......'\i;;111~-:::..3-'III~.::.:;:.!!",., 30 ! 2: t-o. O'o 10 20 o "'l""~ o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 ~o 32 34 36 PREPARED fOR'THOUSANDS OF 'EET SUSIT-NA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR iwlA Y'25 FlO.43 [0] 1 ]J )_c_]J J )1 1 i I 1 oM ~..-~-~...•..,......~'"'.."k""c""'1 I"""~1/iJ':'";0100:..Jij.,.~....~....'","!.. ( """"~ 50 40 .. II::... t; 2 30! ~ I-.....o 20 10 o r DIIlECTlON Of fLOW ~STA.US[DINI'THIS PLOT ITYP.)~~ ~- SPILLWAY ELEV.-171 r 850 800 I-... III... !.. ~750 III 700 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ~o 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 PII£PAII£D FOil· '---'--'-'--~ EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FO~JU~~....~_~.\~~~~._. THOUSANDS Of fUT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GLACIAL LAKE STUDIESl'!.___~•••..~.••._••_.•_, I1) • j ,.If"-''. ]} ,,'<~ ) ,"",.~ 1...',' 1 1Ji*~}'.,-,,-,~.,.;;C.,"""..] .:iit 1 J ]...01;1 J 850 800 ...w W II. ! :>' ~750w 700 SPILLWAY ELEY.'111 ~T '/// p~ ~/-:::-~- 'h/':::- ""-e:-............."'/II~~~/~~~'liS ,.;;:-~/,,?:=:.~ r0--*--:STA.USED INITHISPLOT(TYP,I DIRECTION Of fLOW LAllE Of;PTN 04.... r -8.0 .......TEM·PERATURE ·CELSIUS ----8.&- ~-=....u -12.0 ~12.5~L~~~~~8.s~~~~=::::::::::::::~~~~9~.0~_~~~~~~~~~~~;9~'5 --10.0~~0"------=-~--------.::::=::_7.11-~-- 7.0 ----8.8 10 40 OJ /I:......w::r 30 :: :I: l- ll. W 0 20 o ''''''''~ o 2 4'6 8 /0 12.14 16 18 20 22 2.4 26 2.8 30 32 34 36 THOUSANDS OF fEET SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR JULY PREPARED FOR' 14"'.'.5 • )J ])-]I 1 J 1 J i i 1 ~I J B J I J '" J,>....•_,L,.t",~":,:l~t .'....-.~"~..:._l~...._...,r""'",~"'-~."olIil,~.~_...-{~;'""'~'\'~.,..~..~""~............."",.•••,,11)1 .-"---lII 800 HYDIIO INTAKE ..w..... ~ >'~750w SPillWAY IlEY.·871 700 ~r~STA.USEOIN ~I THIS PLOTlTYP.)I DIRECTION Of flOW lAKE DEPTH 57.... _TEMPERATURE ·eElIIUI 1.1 13.0 ~ 13.514.0 -~_8.0~=-----------------_Ai-----=------=:1~~~.1 A ---8.5 ---- _-------6.0__ 10 20 ::...... :II 30 ! %........... o 40 m.,,,} o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 '4 u PREPARf'D fOil'THOUSANDS OF FElT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ l.!.=....'GLACIAL LAKE STU.DIES TEMPERATU~E ISOPLETHS FOR JULY 27 &~G~.6 •• ]I ]I 1 J I ]]])B i I J J ~l ",,'~.·~·,-'·4 ~......',"",._4,....•".~..'Ol>.+.~.",.......,.,-.»--.",--~........-..~-;",--.<1111 i""...",;".:.o;:b ,,:...,-'"..'.. ""• DIRECTION Of fLOW 850 700 800 HYDRO INTAKE 0-......... ! ,,: '=l 750... SPILLWAY ILIV.-171 ~r ~­ ~..::- ~.:::- ~..:::-~,~/ '"'/..::-.§;1.,,;;~~"~......~ IIIi::~~111:e:.,,::;;,::;:- ®--*--STA.USEDIN @ITHISPLOT(TYPoI I e.o ~ --7.5 &!... 0-... Z %.......o 10 30 !: o 50 20 40 "'<n..~ III""~.1/, ~ 60 ;:;V LAKE DEPTH 58.4 11\~.'1 ./:-:=-:-__jt13.0 .=-==-:-:::;----..2.5 _12.0- ~10.0 (\\'9.0 9.5 _I~8.5:===-==-===-=====--.:L'>:8.0-_____ ;:;; 1\\.-:.iii~~7~~~=====.......TEIIIPERATURE °CEU'US~.--6.5 \\' £ \\' 1 1\\' ~ \11~\-\\\ ~ III -i ";\'I~~~~~-u---W ~i",.../::-;:'1';~~/q~;.,;,,,--...'" ~~~-~~~~~1/1~1I1",'/I E:s III 'ilill !!II III!S 1\1 ':\\'\-;:.\\'\~\,,'-=""'\"""- o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 I I -t I I I I I I 1 I , I I I I I I I I I PREPARED fOR' EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE • TEMPE,RATURE ISOPLETHS FOR AUGUST 10 &11 M~U ,_••._••__~.•••••_E.;.;.IG,;.,:.;4......7 __• THOUSANDS Of fEET SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES 1 I ]I ]J 1 J ]~]I 1 I J 1 J.."..~""'} 1iI-__._1.JIi'.....,.'"iii .t,l;;(~-....'-...... "'","~",..:I/;iIi ,·,-,····--..,OiIl ";-':__~r_ j ....,'~"."...~,~,_....:ill •~10 850 800 700 0- '"... II. ! >'~750... SPILLWAY ELEY.-171 rT ~­ 0-;---~- ~~7....::; "~'-..;;,.'1~~~/~~~:;:'III~/~ .~III~-$" 0----*---:STA.USED '"@----KITHISPLOT(TYR)I . DIRECTIOIl Of fLOW ~ --------~-----•.e --- ....TEMPERATURE 0 CELSIUS _---------6.0 __.- :E... IL '"C .. '"'"... '"::I 10 30 ! 20 o II/.::;:;/,"-~~ 60 ~.",...LAKE DEPTH 59.911\ ~,1 ---~----------l~"_~13~5 12.5 '?"-11.0 105\\\10.0· 50 ?---'-8.5~\8.0 Qc~.,=~......:=-.81·S--_-~_ ~, :::::~t-1.5-::::~7~-- i;: \\':;:: ~. 1 1\\' ~ \11~ \11 ~ \II 1I~~U ~~A....~;:::., "4'~~~,.~~';.fol-'~~,...............!It"":-..-"""", ""li""II101'/fl:SIIl~/1I::!t/II=>II\;;;\\\S"'\;;;\"-:;:;"';:;""-:::: 40 ...,...,~ J o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 56 PREPARED fOR'THOUSAMOS OF fEET SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR AUGUST 24 I.25 • .!_..._..-o._AG ..~48::-::=~ i I 1 j J --1 1 ]J 1 }j )I )J jjjf..>i,;,....."" ".-,~'"~"-.-.-_._._---...... ".---hi>,·..IIl4ii .,h ..__~-"-'--"~.,"'!..III!·lI .."... 750 850 700 800 SPILLWAY (LEV.'t71 r .:;:-~­ ~-~- r LAKE DEPTH 61.01ll 0---*--:STA.USEDIN ,@--KITHISPLDT(TYP.1 I DIRECTlDN D~~LOW ~ --6.0 7.0 ....TEMPERATURE DCELSIUS -------6.5 11.0 --10.5 ~----£.~§C-;;OA:~OA _~~\~~-~~------------8.0 ~=-=:-::; ~7.5 I-- 50 10 o 40 .. '"'".. '"2 30 :r; x...... '"0 20 ...'''''~ o 2 4"6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1__!.~__i _I I I !, 22 2'1 26 28 30 32 34 36 PREPAREO FOR' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT "EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR SEPTEMBER 9 • __"__"_____""_"fiG.4.9 -;J..Iif ..i i{.W'-"--~ J ~"<~-- ~ ",'_~_,A" i ~'''''-''''' J ii£.."\..;.".•'",,!1:t } .,.•J -,~'..,_,,_-..,Ii!lfi....~,..,B -~..III OIRECTlON OF FLOW al2 850 800 700 ..ww... ! >'~750... SPILLW"V ELEY.-871 ~r ~/ ~~--~---:::::::===------Z>9-/.".-$".~,.1;- .;;::.'~~/~s ~.::::f.111~,.,.~'::::-I,/~~ r0-*-:STA,USEOINITHISPLOTtTYP.1~ 50 10 o 60 40 ..Ii:.....w ::I 30 ~ :< 0- Il....a 20 ""ml~ a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 PIlEPAIlEO FOil'THOUSANOS OF FEU SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GLACIAL LAKE STUDIESRaMCONSULTANTS.INC, EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR SEPTEMBER 21 • 1__.'!_,_..,!.'~'.2...' )...J I 1 1 I I ~I J },J J i J )•......';'~'''''>I .-_..................-.,...•.-.I!«~"....iW'.."'""~"'"'"~...-'"....'.~"'.""",.......r.·......-'."..li\ l.1 DIRECTION Of'Fl.OW 850 800 700 .......... ! :>~750.. SPILLWAY ELEV.-171 ~T ,.:::1;'- ~ ~ '/;;-...: ~ ?7 ~~.....~4-~/I.,~'1~II""/r";:' .....111~..:s- ~er~7 STA.USED IN THIS PLOT (TYPo) 7~2--TE~PERATURE o CELSIUS 10 50 20 .. 0:.......:r 30 ! '"........o 60 o 40 ',.'''''~ I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I PREPARED FOR·THOUSANDS OF FEET SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILE ~ GLACIAL LAKE STUDIES TEMPERATURE ISOPLETHS FOR OCTOBER 14 'lMJIIJI''!_,__.__,__~.I.~i.!.!.".._ ..1 l I I I 1 1 t J j I '"••n:...•'"~,-"""~-,~'<--_••.....:~..~•...'.ili.~._,",,,"---fjIi;.:..'.,L.·....f~·"..·,_"',,,;a .";'_•.,,,-•.it,li,I, }, !1 'i )t..lIil ] DIRECTION OF FLOW 850 SPILLWAY ELEV.-171 ~Tr~~1 STA.USED IN THIS PLOT (TYPo) LAKE DEPTH 11.1 .. 50 \\\I I I I /JjIII \11 ---.P';;2./1/~3.800 ~........:P AoIvnan 40 '"II'~~....""........./I ..!o 4.8 \//..w ,\'III.. \ IIIW~:Ii p-....... \\\I Z 30 ~5.0 -~III >- z \\1 o CELSIUS 5.1 I ~750..~".-III... W .... 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PARTICLE SIZE EKLUTNA LAKE LEGENP: DATA STATION DEPTH ---x--------STA4 24m ..-.....................STA4 12m ---0---STAll 121ft -0--STA6 'm PREPARED FOR- SUSPENDED SEDIMENT r;;;J PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION lIDtU F1G.4.35 • DEPTH 5. -12 III 5", 32", STATION STA II STA 7 STA 7 STA II .._. -0---- --0-- 0.01 O.O~ SIZE IN MILl.IMETERS LEGEND: DATA ---x--------EKLUTNA -LAKE 0.01 --..............................--.......~­0.001 99.9 99.8 - I • 99 1 98 . I j i 95~ 90 1&.1 ~80 (I) Q 70w...104( (J 0 50 Z 40 Z C 30%.i ... a:20 1 1&.1 Z...10...,Z 51&.1 0a:.-;1&.1 2~ 0.5 0.2 I I'0.1 PREPARED FOR. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION,--...,=======-~F~I~G~.4:;.=.3~6_===:=J I . • ·" • I . 'j ILl N iii c ILl t- 4( Uo Z Z et % t- IE 1M Z ~ t- Z IU Ua: l&.l B. 90 80 70 10 50 40 30 20 10 i ! 2~0.5~ : ' I !0.2=t:::=~=~ O.I~~ O.ooe 0.005 0.01 O.oZ5 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS EKLUTNA LAKE SEPT.eMBER"22,..te82 LEGEND: DATA STATION DEPTH ---x-------STA 5 28. ~._.............-......STA 5 56 .. ~STA II 48", -0--ST A"24", P'MPllRED BY' RAM CONSULTANTS.INC PMPARED F SUSPENDED ~EDIMENT PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION FIGA.37 ,,- .- "t 99.gg.,,,,,",,,,"r'!"""""'''T''T''II''T'T'''I~~lTTT 99.9 99.8 ,, 99 98 ,, I . 95~--!--:- 90 &&.I N 80Ui Q 70&&.I ~804 (,,) Q SO Z 40 Z et 30% t- a:20 &&.I Z ~10... Z 5&&.I (,,)a:iLIJ2~ 0.5 0.2 0.1 O.OI ......................................~~ 0.001 EKLUTNA LAKE OCTOBER 14.1.82 0.01 o.~ SIZE IN MILL.IMETERS LEGENO: DATA a -0-- STATION·DEPTK STA II _24", STA 5 241G ....EPARED BY' Rio.CON SULTANT!.INC. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT .\IPO ~I PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION nun - .FlG.4.39 • • ,,. ----~- -'---T- ,. '-'-- -:-'-t-...,---i-~...;....;-l-'-':_'-:-'--:-:,_---= I 80 II I 70, I 60 '-- ~o 11.1 ...J Cl. ~ et 40Cf) J LL. 0 1 ~,0 30 ,....-----, f' 20 o .,......'..: --'r------l-_.'_ L..,,-,---- -'-'-'-'-; -:--: I-,---- -,-,, -'- ~;••••:.....~~EKLUTNA LK...-..••:ISm STA.8 ••••••••••JULY 2,1982 EKLUTNA LK. !5m STA.8 JULY 2,1982 2.6 2.7 2.8 SPECIFIC EKLUTNA LIt 4Snl STA.8 JULY 2,1982 2.9 GRAVITY 3.0 3.1 • 3.2 SUSITNA RIV~R R ....CONSULTANTS.INC. SEDIMENT DENSITY DISTRIBUTION ~ EKLUTNA LAKE "SUSITNA AI~lE~E4.39~ • ,. • PRePARED BY I Iii i I 100 MICROMETERS r I , i i I IIii' 100 MICROMETERS I PREPARED ~OR: RaM CONSULTANTS.INC. TYPICAL SUSPENDED SEDIMENT PARTICLES FIG.4.40 [j] ------------:i I ! II . i I I i • • L 0 cJ ~~ ~••~d -~ a ~ .....-.~-.._:.-....---,.....-.-.-_.. -------.------- Iii iii iii I 100 MICROMETERS • • ._.........:...-_.",; j i j j I 400 MI CROMETER S SUSPENDED SEDI M ENT JULY 2 t STA.II t 28 m. I i I ! i PRt:PAA~D FOA'I FIG 441 iiJl -- PREPARED F~ 1.lnrl ..'"0\...I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ... I I I I N I I I I ..., I 1 ff,,',n;;'fll,rrllmoj':I'~j"'"·I~·;"Ii,,'l'I"rI",I 'LIIIfI!,:;.,:,~::J;; I .'"III : :II!,1 "I,.1 if1!I I!II:;Ill!:!!!I :!1:111:1:n'.':1I I!,\II!:~:l! I lit 'q:;';:1:I!I';,~~;~.~IP 'I,!I!'~~I ':W Ii Iit !!illlli~''11:I~i ~;,~~.I li'~'I ::~lllllill':1':Ii l ','I 1 ~.Ill'··'" I I'II"I I ,,r;','l!~~....~I.I .tr I I -.,f:..I'~i''I I !I".'I,,1'1 .j II ..,;'I,,.I i'\,I!il;:111'1 ,!~II illl':1:I'li !I,I :I!!I: ,;',.1:iI !I'I!I,.I ,I',11'11':I,',I,~~r I :1'""","Ii.'," [lj;.ill'I ,I 1~;LJ I!'I"'I;l':;~~:11 ;':,:: '11 1 '1'1 .II!I v I I 1'1 1'1:.1 ,III d:1 'Iii!Iii !II::~v I I !I iillll ' !ill :'!~!!":!!it ','"ro",'..",.-"..If''."'11'1'!I .\';":',:''III'"."I"I I . 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'I:I'•I ••II ~t i ::I .!.11 l',. ..,tl!':::i:%1 ii':;Ii I .!11:llii::UI!,:,I:i.hi:.'I: !II Iii 1:;il!!li:I ,I 'I LEGEND: I i ,"!!Iil!'.1 h ',DATA STATION bATE 111 1 '::f!i~I ·1 :'I --0-STA."15 JULY 82 " /1111"1 ':ilii ~i:!:!:I i ;--0--ITA...2B JULY 82 !W ::::~Iii!;I ~!,I c ....·6......·STA.4 27 JULY 82 1111 :!::!I hi!:'I';---*---STA.7 27 JULY 82 11111 11.I I'",.,I',,'II',:1'1 i:';!;,:,;,'I",:Ij".--0--'-ITA.9 5 JULY 82I1111,:.1 ,I;.I I.'I ,;.I,I,. 'N, I,'"VI 0\.....,or.~15• I I I ,,I , I 1 I I I I I" I EKLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTftNCTION IN SITU MEASI\W:ql:M'::\o~TS JULY 19 n ..-, :" I i ;i I I i 1'1I~I,II;!! MICRO EINSTEIN PER SQUARE CENTIMETER PER SECOND - ,..UI ~"".~8flI••t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RaM CONSULTANTS,INC. , PREPARED BV I ....:-"~.....~"'i 01-7/'1 ':~'I',,'!;:,:f"I;:t i "I 'j::::ii,!:-_..-I II ;I 'II :'1:,I i',;,hl ,I ,:lIt:;", !",,~,".'' ,I,',II ', !,',::::::~,;i:,I:~i:r "I ;'!II 'I """1'1''I'",'I 'I',;,'I':','"",iiI!Ii,'I," II ':;,'j',,:,, •\' 'I ;1''::i.. . 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'I,';1,:,iq:,.iI·:;I::I 11:1:iii III ,.:I I':,,:';"1 .r I I !;I~i!:j 1:1'I'll . . .'::I !,Ii i::':II~,II·i'I,,::;:I I ill i:;,I":::li/.,I llll!il~~'~;:!.'i!~::'::j ;1"lil:----X----STA.9 26 AUG.82 I I I ,:.II I ";1."!'."I ';i 'I I j:'"I ,,1 11 ""'1 II I:I,.,':.,'.,..,I,.,I ;i l .!".',I",',:!'.'..!:,il:,:"li:!I,:1 li'i·::,~I.!;:::I ;;iil.:1r:.ii i:I!U:il\---+---STA..II AUG.82 I' PREPARED BY' EKLUTNA LA~E LIGHT EXl'RNCTION IN SITU MEASUR\!"!ME"'''''' GUST 19,· . PREPARED fOR' 11"1"I ...-""'"'"--.#~,---...• DATE 15 OCT.82 10 SEP.82 ,10 SEP.82 10 SEP.82 MICRO EINSTEIN PER SQUARE CENTIMETER PER SECOND _N.......'".....'""'~-o I I I I I , I I -~:-'I""r r 1'4 f»~0 I I I I I I I t N .....'"'"..........p I I , I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I ....r..W ~Ui iJ'....C3 \Ll :;i I I :;I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Ot"I'r"I;1 :,,')If[''1;''!'.';'li''--I--11"d Iliij'iffil'll 'f,i11ii!f.i l:j1r l ,rm'I"I!;::ITlllrr:m ll ",-,I ~'~::if!I:'!JI!i:l)III!I!;i::!i ),'::1('!!lii:,ii :,,:,I:;I:,flll:i.!III,!!!II!i!!I!::·,:!.!III I 1111 1':1!!1;1:1 1 :,'i:'~~......-.,·t··~il'll'i:i!lllr,1 ;.II'.i!II::::'.I;ij, , " " ,' :1:'1 !"11::::I':dlli,'-I I i,II :-:t~'!,"~~ir t:'-.1 1 !'I,!:,II';:;II I ;In,:l I [)(,'!~i,'i I'!!!;i i:I,II !!III ';:i.III'.:.:1 1.1it'!I.iii;:,:(i il II I i:i~III;~!'~II'I ',I'ill I,':'iii:I:1 1 \11 ,iii ;i,~iii'II,::!.:'I!i :i.I I'I:i::,i!llli;"' II"'1 .'."";'.',":II'!!!1:1'1 1'1'1111 '!,i I ':::dl l ,I 1!lr '!I 'I :111'"l.t.I!:I!! ".1 ,":'''1 I I"";-:I::'1:,;"--I !III ..:Ili!I.:1='I~'I "II 1-1"11'11:I."I I I!'l,rl I'.I 111 1"1'\,I,I 'I I ,'ill I : ' ,11,1",+I 'II ,tl'I'I",I I I 1'1 111 .1'1 11 1', !'i:'':.':1 ;'"'il':~.'11'1 1 ,'li'll!ii!I",II'i I I.I Iii -'I I:Il:,i ~I il:'I'!:::,llllt'll ',',I":Ii II '""I !',I 'I'III :"·tl'I'I I ','I,I ",I:I I',:'I!''I','II '"I,.i I I :I ..:::I;I I I I :!,'I:IiII I I I'I 'II ~I I :!I I ::I ,'!I ~"I·'!I !:1 :lli l :::'~i.i ;i\!:'1 ':,::::-II :11!lj'II:I'I'I!!III'I il';!::'--'.'~:I~'iilll IIi!!:IH !II I '1~'i:irlil,II:I!I:r,.,::: ,...I ','II "i'·1 , ,i I I iii i'i I ' ,,III,I IIf I ' "II 'I ,I',I,'Iii 'III Iii Ii '['::;!j,j:,;:,,!,'ilj'Y.'.::I!II ,;!I i'ii/IT ::I.~I..'illllll!:11:,11:1 !,:.I i.Jilll!.!!I:l >I:'::!::i! 2 1 .._...",iii ,I.,:-::,''I'::i:-!I ::,'j '!:~'I,lit "t',.:'il~:I:I'1;1 II:'-I'I f'I:,:1~II,'':'I'II:'TI'~~ I I",I.,,''""I I "Lit', ,I '1,·1',I '1 1 "I',""11 1 "t'"1I~~:>:i;,I j ,:';,1 :i;,,::':,"::',I .~i :rit',:1 .1'liiiil,!I:.I:id:I'Hi:ilil,i::i,:"I!iil: ;:1 ~I iI;i :::;1,'>:.!.•ii:!II,''Ii :t:::'I'I iii!'~Ii',;ili!!,::!1 !I,'!I 'I :ill'I'--I""III :i ·1:li!:.!i:II :!ill'II';I~i Iii:I "!II,11'1111 lii:!l1,;'1'1 :11:,I,'l-::,;!I: I ',i,!i'.,".,il!' ,~[I'I",l,,.','..::,;'1 :j'i "III'I .1 ,,;111':',1::',"i,!':~;.'i''''i :.I:.'j'l'.':,I'll :'I":!''1::1 ",","""ii:"I',!!:I I 1I d II"!!I.I:,",1 Ii,!i::j :..!",p;,il!'.:I')'I!:I'11i11Jh~'",II~'",:1'11 iil",!,j ,iil':'!:'I!I:,.,I!!l,i ::II,:·,!,!:-,I'ill::.':'I'il:~J "~il'ii"i"'-,-:'1,i IC,I 'I;i:,!,lqV~1 :'Ii'j·.f 1 I,'.':',',:,1 1 1l11"I:I'III,,:i'!:"I':'1 "Ii ,'II lj:~i . 'ji,''.:,:i:::i'll,"'/'~!I I ,:I11,~(',::;;:"I T:rWI"~;I I !!Ii 1:'1;'::l'!li:l!:',lllh I !ii':!:I ,'!t:<11 !:i:1 I,!!:! l&J .I j , •..'";'.:I -.'1 .!.rr.·:i :I":!1:1 ",!'.-I I'II .IH I ,I"i I ill ·11'r:t ~...1·'!. Q I "':I 1,1 "",li:1 "!VV',.I "I,':'I,:!",Iifii~f IlIlrh:I I,I j!ILy,:"I,1:I'dlll!!...II,h 'I'"'il r::"'pH,,I"ill ,i "",,I"I.',;g 'j",~..I '~.~1I ilil':i,"P 11'1 jll!'II"!i:--II ,'1,;II',;!,ii"I ,'I b:'!II!'II ,'II 11'1 1"'1",1'1.III !,P ::111 IiiII!,,!:II ",I:,'.J!"':'II'",,'1"'"I Ii ,'Lil'Ojl:I"""I",II ;I,::;I.II~.!:II'!ii,I;!"I;'','j:::,Ii;1"III!,11o I:}I I I'·I'"I·I ~L:I I • .I'"I..'.I •I .t .'I I II 1 i ,j ;\'!I!!:l~~'~:!JII ,.__''':i ..__),,~'.1:::I'~::~~li!I::!1!1!11,:il'!I-:'_!11,1 :'I!II'!:::':'I!:,'ll,il;,!;;'111 I!liili:lIl,i:!:Ii1'i!:illi.!ii.il l:i:, I I "4:,,.,'111'".'"'11'.tTI I"'",I·'r'lll'I I 'II'I':"LEGENO',!',::I ';.:I:!I.':,'!:::!,",'I,,I I''it''ill''I'.'I,'I ,:iii I!!,I.\• !I :I I !:II ::1::il I~::!!I,:i 1111:i,:li:f',.JI ~~i!:'II WI I'I!II!I!li III';I,I'I'I'j'!11 II!!,'DATA STATION1IIII,, .'1'1',I ''1,1:''1 'I,I II"'1'I".I""1'I ""1.I I I ,I II "I:'.I .",.'I :.,.,.'.,'"."'I',',';'1 I'1:1 ~I \,1,:,'11':1 ---0-STA.2!:!!'Ii;il ,ili'Hil:1:~1 i ~:~'ni",I II ,:i'll i:ih ;Ill!II!,!',1 ::;i'II::I,I:I!Ii!!!I,--0--....11 :'I I "::~I'!:';.,1'"jJi;;,'I II ;':1 h:lil"'!1111!lh':I'II !:it!IP.',I!IL'III!II.._....A......STA,9 ,',":'I''1 1,iii !1;~;;!~1'1'::~t;~I,lil-I·!']ji~-1 1!I'ii·liilll!l'I'I!~I'III;!i 'I 'I ';.!UI!::I,II'ill.l'li~--~)t-._-STA.2"1 .'I'',I',II . , ,I'I I I'1'111 I "'1 ·,',11,,,'II I IIII 1'1 ;.,'II ':"iIY)::'i'";,': "1 'II I::,'I';':I','I::I II":!H ii','11"li!j;iil,l!~qll'::::' I :I·,'I .';I.;";;,.!,'i:,II;ill Ii I "I:II!I ',:l I Ii ,il';I;I ,::1,iii ih I PREPARED 8Y I I;KLUTNA LAKE LIGHT EXTINCTION IN SITU MEASUREMEN,n~, IH p .:.EP7:::MBER ,OCT0~':;-,,FIG.4.44 P~EPARED FORI [i] _---.~,. t .1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 to-z 2.0 1&1 U II.1.8 &&. 1&1 0u 1.8 z 0 to-1.7 uz-1.6to- )( 1&1 1.5 1.4 1.3 I .2 -nl..I ttttIWlitltltm..lt.J=ftUtttl .-~~- -.-._..-.-~ml=ml LEGEND: , 0 15 OCTOBER 6 10-11 AUGUST o 10 SEPTEMB -¢-25 AUGUST X 27-28 JULY t 10 JULY LI 1.7 '.8 "8 2.0 2.1 2.2 U 2.4 2.5 2.6 SECCHI DISC TRANSPARENCY (",-I) 1.,0[,1 PREPARED fOR' itl£HT~.. E K L U TN A LA K E 8 EC C H ..~.DIS K T RAN 8 P A'R ENe Y' VERSUS EX,.ntM~l'l 1.0PREPAR~-iiYi.i---1~3~-L4 LO ~QlsrI\A RAM CONSULTANTS.INC. -..-.......,.,~,.,.,,···_4 .too ...~ .' It. [i] PREPARED FOR' ·11--' =I+:" FIG.4.46 -.-.-.-.-...-U--t:tl1:tll I 40 ~.J_..... l!lIB. 111·llf.r]n:rrllTrFlJ.-~:m1'++l-t l JllU.=¥ r'-- .Il •. .IU_•. 0'0',-',';1 JoU' Jh o ,." Ii" '1 40 II' fi 1t=UiUt-1-++11111111111111111 H+H++-H+I TITRI- 11 20 T URI.D.T Y (NTU)!O I ,lit "HI 11_4_~_'. -_.-------'-----11- -II-t-I,-"-1-,-I-H- -"11 -~--...~.,.•1-'- "JJJJT 0'0 TIC" EKLUTNA LAKE .SURFACE TURBIDITY' VERSUS ~)\iT'O'!Wl C 'V 00 N C CH!fF it 't J rE ~l' 0·-11 10 11'111 II Llll I II 'WIllll'ti'1=:'.--0 0 0 0 ..:-==. .-0 0 -..,...- 0 - --0"•.-..'.--'"-...---tm+tH-t++tt-l. .1-•...'1"-..0 ..0 0 0 •....=:'.. ...........-...0 •-0 ..----•.0 ....I....-.0 _..• ...-__-...'..,-•---!-- -:.-"0 -_0 ~•.:-~_:..:=0 •I IHl=lll+1TII 1_- - --••ttttttttttt1 _I_I.....I...I .•I_..I_L._ 1.0 PREPARED BY I 2.a 2.4 2.3-- 2.2 2.1 I-2.0z LLI 0 1.8 lL lL LLI I..0 0 1.7 z 0 I.6~·-I- 0 z 1.5'·I- )( LLI 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 ..-...."_.........~......... I u:nnunrUT.1 1,1 IJl'lJUTrlJJ IJJ:IJTlllll.~W+W-A+H+''~~+H::I~~1111111l+t H,,-t+++H++++H-H-~lll-Ulu=aum:~...-~'.Jlli1lU1mml1J±l1l1fllUll1lUlll!U [i] PREPARED FOR' -'TII._._. -.-,-,,' -'-H-f+~J TH4 • FIG.4.47 -.-1.., •••_'1-1-••11 -I .1.1 -1_1.1 _.·1 _I _1 ....•..-.· -····I··-·-~_·· NOTES: I.ALL DATA FROM SAMPLING DATE OF JUNE 17.1982•. 2.CIRCLE AROUND DATA POINT INDICATES DUPLICATE VALUE • .·_·~·····II __·_o-·~._.-_.-.-, II n-n-t··· •.••1.1 ~ --------.~.I 1.1-.1·1_1.1 _•. _II ...... III,. '''',111: T.lIIiI: TF._ •.-.-.-..•••n 'j~i ii!iti-i.ji.l·.II I ~I ..•••••t •.•_...._•. ··J:I1:I J :I ..-·· .....··:tt:nU.fJII IB:lrJlH IJEHI-1I' 1 1 -- "I~J EKLUTNA LAKE'TRANSMISSIVITY'(~) VERSUS nJllRBUllTY ~M'" I-:+H-I+I.IIIIII-+-IIIIIIIII'II LUI U_LLI I I I I I 11111 ,'ITnnn I rrrtU:.tU:llrnrr I-·-~, ~~14·lm~InfUlIIl11~llU11fti:illllllll-L!-UJtlW!tHlU:FJ+HIIII 1IIIItHtttttttmltttt+H-H -.I 1'-' 111:1:1: 1.•- _I rr'- ~:I r' j - ...t_..-.......-....'".--.-..---. .-..-..~U~H±l+m,±~fllfttflWlmthlllnl H-l+1 I I I III I I I l+mjlt11±t~LtlltltltH - . -.... -.._.._.... L~ill~ll~mll;;~:-···· Ill, I'". Hlllll-:·ij"-':I'ftHl.··J:l.ll. .1.1.1..1.1 dumJI I:_"~::.:::tOO ~.r :!::~frttHititlttitHttf=l:tftHtitLLlJJJlJ.lJ 11-1 til 1 D LJ ,I I I !L I I..L!...L:.:LU_:.J.f i:."r '"I'I , "I I I ' ,I '1-'-'--1 1 I • 1 I'I I , 1 I I I I !I I I J I I 1 I PREPAR£D BY'...16 18 20 22 24 28 28 30 32 34.H 38 40 TRANSMISSIVITY Ok 2.~ III U 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0'--~ t-1.9z.... >0-1.8t- o-1.7lD a:: ~ t-1.6 ..·•··· I.~ 1.4 1.3 1.2 lilt1.1 _. FISfMIRUtCONSULTANTS.INC. • ,- .' r L s5/y27 APPENDIX A EKLUTNA LAKE PROFILING SUPPORT DATA ._..._-_.__.._._----~~~.--- s9/u1 TEMPERATURE PROFILES ON APRIL 16,1982 SELECTED GLACIAL LAKES -SOUTHCENTRAL ALASKA Depth (m)Kenai L.Skilak L.Tustamena L.Eklutna L. 0.0 0.8 0.9 (@ 0.2 m)1.0 0.5 1.4 1.6 1.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.6 1.5 2.8 3.3 2.0 2.1 2.9 2.0 3.4 2.5 3.5 3.0 2.1 2.9 2.0 3.5 4.0 2.2 2.9 1.9 3.5 5.0 2.0 2.9 1.9 3.6 6.0 2.1 "2.9 1.9 3.6 7.0 2.0 2.9 1.9 3.6 8.0 2.0 2.9 1.9 3.6 ~I 9."0 2.2 2.9 1.9 3.6 10.0 2.2 2.9 1.9 3.6 12.0 2.2 2.9 2.0 3.6 3.6 ....13.0 14.0 2.2 2.9 1.9 16.0 2.2 3.0 2.0 17.0 3.0 "".""""- 18.0 2.2 3.0 ~ 19.0 3.1 i 20.0 2.2 3.3 21.0 3.4 ~ 22.0 2.2 3.6 f 23.0 3.6 24.0 2.2 3.6 ~: 25.0 3.6 26.0 2.2 27.0 2.2 27.5 2.8 28.0 2.8 29.0 3.0 30.0 3.3 3.5 31.0 3.3 32.0 3.4 33.0 3.5 34.0 3.6 -35.0 3.6 36.0 3.7 37.0 3.7 .. 38.0 3.7 40.0 3.7 3.4 42.0 3.7 44.0 3.7 .... 48.0 3.7 50.0 3.5 52.0 3.7 '@i~l 56.0 3.6 JO 60.0 3.5 .--~, *~~****************************************************************************** TITLE: Df~TE : EKLUTNA LAKE NoveMber 4,1982 82308 f i STATION NUMBER:2 r I STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURF.;CE TEMP: LAI<E DEPTH: "1244 AST 1251 AST 2.0 feet 5.1 C 62.9 Meters DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIVJrY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(X)(NTU ================================================='========:;;;:,-, 0,0 5.06 70 110 *26.0 4.0 5.11 74 116 * 7.0 27.0 r-(8.0 5.11 73 115 *L 16.0 5.10 73 115 *24.0 5.10 74 116 .~ ,.-32.0 5,07 72 113 .~•4U.O 5.04 73 115 ')C. 48.0 4.96 72 113 * """felvercast ~liaht north wind !Martek conductivity Meter calibrated relative to YSI Meter !E:1104B:1-I8~0.1 .-1 NOTE:1I.~"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - - 1 r- to J~ - - 1 - ****************************•••••****************••*****************••**********~ TITLE: Dr;TE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING.TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAI<E DEP TH : EKLUTNA LAKE No veMber 4,1982 5 1224 AST 1235 AST 5.1 C 62.9 Meters 82308 DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMrlo)(uMho)O~}(NTU) ~"""----------------===================================.------_._-""""'''''"''--------------------_...._- 0.0 5.13 77 121 .x,. 4.0 5.14 76 119 ,,;. 8.0 5,15 76 119 *16.0 5.15 76 1 '19 .x,..""""r24.0 5.15 76 119 *j 32.0 5.14 75 118 .x- 40.0 5.13 75 118 .x, ~ 48.0 5.13 75 1'18 .x, 5210 5.11 75 118 ,,;."56.0 5.09 74 116 * lOvercast,very liqht north wind,liqht snow flurries,air teMperature 26 C !Martek conductivitv Meter calibrated relative to YSI Meter !E1104E:H8.0,1 NOTE:"."INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -., - "- 1 - I • ******************************************************************************** TITLE: D(~TE : STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SUi~FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: E:KLUTNA LAKE; NoveMbe~4,1982 '7 1206 AST 1214 AST 2.0 feet 5,1 C 62,9 Meters 823U8 r r r""".. i DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) =::==========================-------_._----------------- 0,0 5,11 72 113 .)1 4.0 5.13 75 118 * ISuspended sediMent saMple collected @ 7.0 M '7.0 8.0 5,12 73 115 *'16.0 5.1'3 73 115 .x-'. :~4.0 5,17 76 119 .)1 32.0 5.17 '77 121 .x- 40,0 5.16 76 119 .)i 48,0 5.16 76 119 .)I! 56.0 5.18 77 121 * TRANSMISS, (k) =-========= TURBIL.,I ,. (NTU)-----_.-------'.- 26.0 - - !Overcast~very lioht north wind.lioht snow flurries !Martek conductivity channel calibrated relative to YSI Meter LE 11 OAG :1-18.0 • 1 NOTE(P*~INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOW~. - 1 - . ********************************************************************************~, TITLE: D(~TE: STATION NUI"iBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: ~;;ECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EI<LUTNA LAKE No veMber 4,1982 1 0 '1137 AST 1147 AST 4.9 C 62,9 Meters 82308 ~- DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT,TRANSMISS,TURIHDITY (Meter)<celsius>(uMho)(uMho)O~)(NTU)---_._--=============================================------_._....",.,.._-----._-_.__...._._- 0.0 4,89 71 111 .)': 4.0 4.94 74 116 * 8.0 4.95 75 118 *16.0 4.94 74 116 ·x· 24.0 4.92 74 116 .)': 32.0 4.78 74 116 ·x· 40.0 4.77 74 116 *48.0 4.73 72 113 .)': ir.lottoM iOvercast.liaht north wind.air teMperature 26 C !Martek conductivitv Meter calibrated relative to YSI Meter IE'1'104J:1-I8,O,'1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -1- - - - - - ...... ******************************************************************************~* TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SE:CCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: U,I{E DEPTH: EI<LUTNA LAKE N~veMber 4,1982 11 1115 AST 1127 AST. 2.1 feet 4.6 C 62.9 Meters 82308 DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURIn;.;,;y (I"leter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMha)<::0 (NTU) =======::;:::=:::==========================.===========----_.."',.,,,~.-----.....'- 0.0 4.56 72 113 *26.0 4.0 4.59 72 '113 .)(- ~~~[Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 7.0 Mi f 7.0 27.0 8.0 4.62 71 1'l1 *16.0 4.61 73 115 .x- 24,0 4.61 73 115 .x- 32.0 4.61 73 115 *.<lfO • 0 4.65 73 115 *48.0 4.69 73 115 .)(- 52.0 4.64 !Overcast.lioht north wind !Martek conductivity Meter calibrated relative to YSI Meter !El104K:H8.0.1 NOTE:~*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. t - - 1 - ... ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE NoveMber 4,1982 "i3 1026 AST 1045 AST 4.7 C 62.9 Meters 8230B - - DEPTH (Mete,..) ,.,~-----­.,.,.,.=------ 0.0 1 .0 4.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 4,66 4.68 4.71 4.70 4.70 4.66 4.66 4.59 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ 72 72 75 74 74 73 73 73 CORR.CONDUCT. (uMh 0) ============= 113 * 113 ')(. 118 .~ 116 .~ 116 * 115 'X. 115 .~ 115·x- TRANSMISS. (%) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) ========::.::~ , .) i \EjottOM IOvercast,liaht north wind,very liqht snow flurries !Martek conductivitv Meter calibrated relative to YBI Meter !E 1 '104M:H8 ,0,1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - • -- - 1-***************************-***********************************.*.**.**••*••*-** I .. TITLE: STATION NUMBER: STr~RTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SE:CCHI DISC: SURFt'1CE TEMP: Lr;;)I<E DEPTH: EK LUTNf'LAi<E May 25,1982 2 1730 1843 51.7 M 82145 rl ~~_~~~~'·"'~_~~_N.Y~~~~_~'_~~~~~~'~~__'·~~~---~~-~,--~,--~~~~~-_..~-_.'#~,~~.y----~~~~~~~~~-,~-~,~~,~-~",.-. ********************************************************************************.~ TITLE: Df~TE : SH,TION NUMBE1<: STARTING TIME: ENDIN.G TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: L.AKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE May 25,1982 ;82145 3 1845 AST 1910 AST 51,7 M DEPTH (Meter) ======= TEMP. (celsius) ------------------ CONDUCTIVITY (uMhoJ =='========== CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS, (%) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) =======:=::: - 4.30 4.30 4,30 4.30 4.30 4,30 4.30 4,30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.40 4,40 4.40 4,40 o .0 1 .0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5.0 '7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 1'7.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.0 27.0 29,0 3l ,0 33,0 !BottOM !Cloudy,5 knot wind !E0525C:H8~0~1 35.0 4.40 102 103 103 104 105 105 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 113 115 116 118 118 118 119 119 164 * 166 ~. 166 .~ 167 .J(, 169 * 169 .J(, 172 * 174 ·x· 175 * 177 .X- 179 * 180 * 182 * 182 .J(, 185 * 187 .J(, 190 * 190 * 190 * 192 ~. 192 ~. 7.0 lO,O 9.5 NOTE:U~"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - ******************************************************************************** " TITLE: DAlE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCH I DISC: SURFp,CE TEMP: LAI(E DEPTH:. EKLUTNA LAKE i'ia y '"jC'1982 82145'-..J, 10 1945 AST 2005 AST 51.7 M ",'•••••••••••••••••••••'''.~.."•••••'.~'0"':',','•••••••••••• r DEPTH .TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT,TRANSMISS.TURBID1TY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)</.)(NTU) =========================================================::-:.;-,~~~~~:.: 0.0 4.90 106 166 *J:'"C'..J •.,J 1 .0 4.90 106 166 ·lfr 2.0 4,90 106 166 .~..4.0 4,90 108 170 *6.7 J 6,0 4.90 109 171 .~~8,0 4.90 110 173 'X: 10.0 4.90 110 173 'X: I.....f 12,0 4.90 111 174 *,14.0 4,90 111 174 .~, 16.0 4,90 112 176 .)Ii 18.0 4,(~O 113 177 * ~20,0 4.90 114 17~'II-7.6 22.0 4.60 115 181 *24.0 4.60 117 184 ·x· 26.0 4,40 118 190 'X:9 ,~.:;,... 28.0 4,30 118 190 .Jl> 30.0 4.30,120 193 *32,0 4.30 121 195 * !Bot'tOM !Cloudy,5 knot wind !Lost SiClht of'KeMMerer @ 1 .8 M-!E0525J:H8,O,l " NOTE:1I.x:U INDICATES COMPUTED COR~ECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN, ,"'"t --1'- -,.,.;...------_.-...;...------------ ********************************************************************************~ TITLE: DfHE: STATION NLJMBEI~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: L~;KE DEPTH: EI<LUTNA LAKE May 25>1982 15 2015 AST 2025 AST 51 .7 M 82145 - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT. (Meter)<celsius)(uMho)(uMho) .......-_----=====================-------------....._------------------ 0.0 5.60 109 167 .~ 1.0 5.50 109 167 '*2.0 5,50 109 167 *3.0 5.50 109 167 -x- 4.0 5.50 109 167 .~ 5.0 5.40 109 171 *6.0 5,40 109 171 *7.0 5.30 109 171 *B.O 5.30 110 173 * 9.0 5.20 109 171 -x- 9.5 5.10 110 173 *10.0 4.90 109 171 *11 .0 4.90 110 173 -x- 12.0 4,,90 110 1'73 -x- !BottoM !Cloudy,5 knot wind !E05250:H8,0 "1 TRANSMISS. O~) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) -----_....---------_...._.. 7.2 9,4 t J ,~ - NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCtIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -1 j " • ******************************************************************************** TITLE: STAT ION NUMBEi~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SE.eCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: UlKE DEPTH: EI<LUTNA LAKE June 17,1982 2 1434 AST 1627 AST 2.6 feet 8.4 C 51.8 M 82168 ·, (••\' l DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TI~ANSMISS .TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius)(YMho)(uMho)(%)(NTU) =====================.===============================.====='---''0'''' o.0 8.40 1 .0 7.90 27 2.0 6.'70 26 3.0 6120 20 4.0 5.00 15 5.0 15 21.0 6.0 4.90 18 8.0 5.00 26 10.0 4.(';'0 24 12.0 4.90 128 201 .~':I':l 17.0....0;.;. 13.0 4.90 127 199 *13.5 4.90 127 199 .~ 14.0 4.40 130 209 'l(.26 16.0 15.0 4.90 128 201 .~27 16.0 4.40 132 213 .~14 1'7.0 .15.I) 18.0 4.20 134 216 .~13 20.0 4.10 136 219 *22 i22.0 4.00 138 222 *20 24.0 4.00 '139 224 .)0 23 26.0 4.00 140 225 .~32 28.0 4.00 140 2-25 .~34 30.0 4.00 143 230 *32.0 3.80 146 235 .)I! 34.0 3.80 148 238 .)If 36.0 3.80 149 240 *38.0 3.70 150 242 .)If 40.0 3.70 151 243 *41.0 3.70 153 246 ;.., 4;2.0 3.70 155 250 .~ 43.0 3.70 158 254 .)If 44.0 3.60 '160 258 * -1 - BottOM Partly sunny.liqht breeze ~roM southeast TransMissoMeter path le-noth =25 eM Conductivity recorded with YSI SCT Meter;Meter May be Mal~unctionina -Data seeMS hiqh E061'7B:1-18,O,l NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN, --2 - t - - - - - - TITLE: DATE: ST(~TION NUMBER 1 STARTING TIME: ENDING "TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE 'TEMP: LAI<E DEPTH: EKLUTN{ol LAKE June 17,1982 \82168 3 1"635 AST 1800 AST 3.0 feet 10 C ,51.8 M r DEPTH TEMP. (Meter)(celsius) =:::============= 0.0 B.3 '1 .0 8.0 2,0 7.0 :3.0 6.0 4.0 5.9 :5,0 5.8 6.0 5.7 '1.0 5.b 8.0 I:'I::" ...J •.:.J '1.0 5.4 to,O 5,2 1'2.0 I::"J') ;:J .... 14.0 5.'1 16.0 5.1 '18.0 5.0 20.0 4.9 22.0 4.8 24.0 4.8 20.0 4.8 28.0 4.7 30.0 4.5 32.0 4.2 34.0 4 ,.~·'"30.0 4,2 3.8.0 4 ,~ •<;;;. 40 ,0 4 -...,') 42,0 4 OJ·... 4-l .{)4 ':. •<;. 46.0 4.2 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ======:::===== CORR.CONDUCT, (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS,, OD =======::== 29 28 28 27 26 26 26 '":)t:'C'4.\Jt~ 26,5 27,0 28.5 28 29 30.5 31 32 33 31.5 30,5 30 TURr~f',IT"1 (NTU) 14 15 14 'BottOM !SunnvrlTransMissoMeter path lenoth =25 eM - 1 -- \~ -------~----" iYBI SCT Meter Malfunctioninol no conductivity data !£061'.7C:H8,O.1 -2 - - - - - " ******************************************************************************** I TITLE: STATIDN NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAI<E DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE June '17,1982 4 '1855 AST 2030 AST 3.4 feet 51.8 M 82168 .~, r DEPTH TEMP. (Meter')(celsius) ================ (l,0 8.8 U.S 8.6 1 .0 8.2 2,0 7.2 3.0 6.8 4.0 6,8 5.0 6.7 IJ.()6.6 7.0 6.5 8.0 6 "".;;1 9.0 6.4 10,0 6.3 11 .0 6.3 12.0 612 13.0 6.1 14.0 6,'1 15.0 6.1 16.0 6,1 17.0 6.'1 18.0 6.0 19.0 6.0 20.0 5.6 2210 5.4 24.0 I:"J;;I.", 26.0 I:":'~;;s .... 28.0 I::"-:,);;S,,"- 30.0 5.1 32.0 5.1 34.0 '5.1 36.0 5.'1 38.(}5.'1 40.0 5.1 42.0 5.0 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= - 1 - TRANSMISS. CO -------------------- 30 28 26 25.5 25t5 25.5 24 24 24 24 23 17 14 24 23.5 21 13 13.5 13.5 12.5 11.5 23 28.5 29 30.5 30.5 TUR B HI c "( OHU) =====~,~... 14 14 17 15 21 15 44.0 46,0 48.0 5.0 5,0 4.9 !BottOM !VSI SCT Meter Malfunctionino -No conductivity data !E (J 61 ?D :H8 ~0 " 1 -2 - ,- "I r -. - .... ****************************************************************************~ TITLE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEP TH:. EKLIJTNA LAKE .Tune 18,1982 1330 AST 3,8 feet. 9.5 C 51.8 M 82169 r \' r \ -I \ I - DEPTH TEMP. (Meter)(celsius) ================ 0.0 8.5 0,5 8.4 1 ,n 8 'J,,. 2 ,(}7 '"•'oJ 3.0 7.0 4.0 6.8 '5,0 6,5 6.0 6.5 '7.(}6.5 8,0 6.4 9.0 6.3 10.0 612 12,0 '':)0.,- 14,0 6.0 16.0 6,0 18.0 5.9 20.0 5.9 22.0 5.8 24.I)5.'7 26.0 5.4 28.0 5,2 30,0 J::"'::)'oJ ... 32,0 5.1" 34.()5.1 36.0 5.1 38.0 5.1 40,0 5.0 42.0 5,0 44.0 5.n 46.1)5.0 47,0 4.9 4'7.4 CONDUCTIv'ITY (uMho) =====:;;=:==== CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= - 1 - TRANSMISS. (:r.) ========== 30 29 27 24 24 24.5 23 22 21.5 22 20 20 25 27.5 28 28 23.5 23.5 26 28 TURBfY (NTU) 13 14.5 17 !I:lottOM !Overcast,liaht north wind,liaht ra1n iTransMissoMeter path lenath =25 CM lYSI SCT Meter Malfunctionino No conductivity data iE0618E:H8~O~1 . - 2 - I ~. I ""'" - - - - • I , TITLE: DATE: STATION NW'\:BER: STAIHING TIME: ENDING TIME: BECCHI DISC: SUI~FI~CE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LA~E Jone 18,1982 8 12"15 AST 1314 AST 3.'7 feet 7.7 C 51.8 M 82169 '"\::',;,. f ~ I I •I DEPTH TEMP. (f",e'ter)(celsius) ================ 0.0 7.7 0.5 7.2 LO 6.7 2.0 5.6 3.0 5.0 4.0 :;.'1 :i ,0 :;.1 6,0 5.1 ?.0 5.1 8.0 5.0 9,0 4,9 :J.O •0 4.9 12.0 4.8 14,0 4.6 16,0 4.6 18.0 4.6 20,0 4.6 2~~.0 4 "'",...J 24.0 4 "'.,i.J 26.0 4.6 2EI.0 4,6 30.0 4.6 32.0 4.5 3'+.0 4 J::",...J 36.0 4,4 38.0 4,4 40.0 4,3 4~~.0 4.3 44.0 4.3 46.0 4.2 47.0 4.3 4B,O CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT, (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. (7.) ========== 30 30 27 27 26 22,5 26 26.5 27 27 27 26 21 29 28 27.5 28 27.5 28.5 28 TUI~BIDIT'y' (NTU) 14 14.5 14 16 14 !BottOM !Ouercast.1ioht north wind,liqht rain lTransMissoMeter path 1enoth =25 CM lYSI seT Meter Malfunctioninq -No conductivity data ll::0 6181'1 :H8.,0 ,1 ...;4 - ,---_._-------------- - ********************************************************************************~ TITLE: D,:HE: EI(LUTNA LAKE June 18,1982 82169 STATION NUMBER:9 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: ~;ECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 1105 AST 1204 AST 3.8 f"eet 51.8 M ~- DEPTH TEMP. (Meter)(celsius) -~=============== 0.0 8,2 0,5 8,0 1 .0 8.0 2.0 ~C'I,,;) 3.0 '7.1 4.0 6.9 5.0 6.6 6.0 6 .;),... 7.0 6.0 8.0 5.9 9.0 5,8 ",\0 • 0 5.8 12.0 5.7 14.0 515 CONDUCT I Ivl I TY (uMho) ============ CORR,CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. O~) ========== 33 31 30 30 29.5 28,5 28 28 26.5 28 28 29 TURBIDITY (NTU) =========:::: 13 15 - - \Suspended sediMent saMple @ 14,0 M 16.0 1::'~~,,- 18.0 5.2 20,0 5,4 22,0 5.4 24.0 5.3 26.0 5.2 28.0 5.2 30.0 5.2 32.0 5.1 34,0 5.1 36.0 5.0 38.0 5.0 40.0 5,0 42,0 4.9 44.0 4.9 46.0 4.9 -1 - 28.5 30 31 31 31 30.5 30.5 13 - 4;'. 0 48,0 48.3 4.9 4.9 ,- - .. fi ( f !E!ottOI"l !Ove~cast,C41M,rainina !TransMissoMeter path lenoth =25 eM lY81 SCT .Meter Malfunctionina -No conductivity data lE06'l8I;H8 .•0.,'l - 2 -- ********************************************************************************- TITLE: DATE: EKLUTNA LAKE June 18,1982 82169 -STATION NUMBER:10 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 1014 AST. 1056 AST 3.9 f'eet 9.5 C 51.8 M , , ~J !BOttOM !Overcast,calM,'raininq,air teMperature 10 C !TransMissoMeter path lenqth =25 CM lYS!SeT Meter Malfunctioninq-No conductivity data !E0618J:H8 ..0 ..1 DEPTH T~MP, (Meter)(celsius) .-..__._---=========""""-""'"..-_--- 0.0 8.0o<:'7.9,..; '1 .0 7.7 2,0 6.9 3.0 6.2 4.0 6.0 5.0 5.9 6,(}5.8 '7.0 5,8 8.0 5.6 .~~.0 515 .(G . 0 5.4 12.0 5.3 14.0 5~2 16.0 5.1 18.0 5.0 20.0 4.9 22,0 4.9 ;:!4,(}4.9 26.0 4,9 28,0 4.9 30.0 4.8 30.2 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ------------------------ CORR,CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. (;.) =========:::. 32 32 30.5 30 30 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 30 31 31 31 30 30 29 29 TURBIDITY WTU) =====~====:".: 12 13 J - - - - - - 1 - • ******************************************************************************** ~BECCHI DISC: • TITLE 1 STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE June 18,1982 11 0905 AST 1005 AST 3.8 +'eet 8.5 C 51.8 M 82169 1 . r j L .~J I t DEPTH (Meter)_......------------= 0,0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5,0 6.0 '7 •0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20,0 24,0 26,0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 39.0 39.3 TEMP. (celsi'us) ========= 8.1 7.9 '7,7 6.9 6.3 6.1 6,1 6.0 I::"Q,;)., 5.9 5.7 5,7 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.3 5e2 5 .• 5.1 5.1 "5.'1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.'1 CONDUCTIVITY (ul'lho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT, (uMho) ========-===== TRANSMISS. 0';'> ========== 32 31 30 30 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 ·32.5 32,5 33 31 29 28 28 rURBIlL i Y <NTU) 15 16 14 " lBottOM !Overcast.calM.sprinkling,air teMperature 10,5 C !TransMissoMeter path lenath =25 CM IYSI SCT Meter Malfunctioning -No conductivity data !E0618l(:H8.,0,1 - 1 - ,..._..-.----------------------,-;,.-.--- ********************************************************************************- TITLE: Dr:HE: STf~TION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EI<LUTNA LAKE June 18,1982 15 0815 AST 0900 A6T 'l.0 feet 7.5 C 51.8 M 82169 , DEPTH (Meter) -------------- 0.0 O I::-,i:J 1 .0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 '7.0 '?,2 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMIS6. (X) ========== 32 32 31.5 31 30.5 30 30.5 30 30 TURBIDITY (NTU) =====:==::::= 14 15 •tj !BottOM !Overcast,cal~>air teMperature 14 C !TransMissoMeter path lenoth =25 CM IY61 SCT Meter Malfunctioninq -No conductivity data !E06180:H8.,0,1 - 1 - l' • ". • ****************************************************~*************************** ,.... TITLE: DATE': STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE J"u ly ':'1982l"-, 2 1725 AST 1810 AST 1.3 feet,6.'7 C 53.1 M 82183 r- I I I ·r I f' DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCl:IVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBL 'y' (I'leter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)00 (NTU) ===================================================-----~...~,~.~ ---.____.0 .. 0.0 6.70 138 206 .,.44.0 1.0 6.80 138 206 .,. 2.0 6.80 139 207 .,. 5,0 7.90 136 197 *36.0 15,0 6.20 134 205 ·lIt 23,0 25.0 6.00 132 202 :*26.0 45.0 5.80 131 200 .,.42.0 !Overcast,wind froM the southeast is 8.4 C,@ 15.0 M is 7.3 C,@ 25.0 M is 6.9 C,@ 45.0 M is 6.8 C !E0702B:H8~0~1 NOTE:"."INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. !Broken bulb in the tranMissoMeter -No transMissivitv data !Ell702B:H8,O,l -.1 - ******************************************************************************** DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS,TURBIDITY (Meter).(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(7.)(NTU) ============================================================::: 0.0 8.2(1 150 218 *22,0 1 ,0 8,00 150 218 *2.0 6.50 152 226 *·5.0 7.40 153 228 '*23.0 15.0 7.30 149 222 .*30.0 25.0 6.80 148 221 *26,0 !Sunny,wind froM southeast !is 9,5 C.@ 15,0 M is 8.9 C~@ 25.0 M is 8,0 C lE0702D:HB,O,l NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - -., r """'" i ~ f ~ Ii ~ ~,. - 1 - ".- • ***************************************************************************** '6 TITLE: DATE: STATION NLlf1BEI<: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE July 2.)1982 82183 8 1815 AST 1850 AST 2.1 feet 8.2 C 53.1 M - f"'", - DEPTH TEMP.,CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBlTliTY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)Cr.)(NTU)-------=================================================:;~,.,'~::;=:------- 0.0 8.20 138 200 *21.5 1.0 8,10 138 200 *2.0 8.10 140 203 *5.0 8.40 137 199 ,)t 21.5 15.0 7.10 134 200 *27.0 25.0 7.10 130 194 *37.0 45.0 6.70 130 194 *41.0 IOvercast~wind frOM the southeast !is 8.3 C,@ 45.0 M is 7.4 C !E0702H:H8.0.1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. \.0 M is 7.4 C !Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter -No tranSMissivity data !EO?0 2H :H8 "0 " 1 - 1 - *******************************************************************************~ TITLE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCH I DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTN?-l LAKE Ju l'~'1 ,1982 9 1600 AST 1800 AST 2,3 feet 10.0 C 53.1 M 82182 !BottOM Mostly cloudy,southeast wind,air teMperature 12.8 C Short in the YSI SCT cable -No te~perature or conductivitv data Surface teMperature taken with an alchohol therMoMeter Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter ~No transMissivity data E:0 "i'0 1 I :H8 ,0 , 1 DEPTH (Meter~ -------"-""""'----- 0.0 "1 ,0 5.0 49,6 TEMP, (celsius)-------_.-.--------- 10 .0 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR,CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. (Y.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) =========; 28 1'1 --1 ....., i ~~: • - 1 - ...******************************************************************************** ·f TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAi<E DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAI<E 10 1215 AST 1310 AST 2.0 f'eet 10.3 C 53.1 M 821.83 .~ .~. 'I. ,-{ DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)'-_._----==================================-_._---- 0.0 10.30 168 232 'X' 1 .0 10.10 168 232 '.(- 2,0 10.00 169 233 .» 5.0 1 0 . 1 0 168 232 * 15,0 8.20 152 220 'X' 25.0 8.20 155 225 .» 34.0 !BottOM !Sunny.strono wihd frOM the southeast (-15 knpts) !is 9.0 C !E:0702J":H8.0.1 TRANSMISS, (X) ========== TURBIDiTY (NTU) ---_.-"."",-----,-....,. 17,0 24.0 21.0 "'"' NOTE:II.»"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. o M is <7.0 C !Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter -No transMissivity data !EO 702 J :H8 .'0 ,1 -1 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: STi=-)lION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius>(uMho)(uMho)(7.)(NTU) ============================-------------==================:::------------- 0,0 10.00 168 232 *22,0 1 .0 10.00 2.0 9.10 168 237 *5.0 7.80 120 ·174 *19.0 15.0 8,20 164 238 *15.0 25.0 4,10 160 258 *27.0 !Partly cloudy,wind froM the southeast !E0702K:HB,O,1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. !TeMperature read with an alchohol therMoMeter @ 25.0 M is B C !Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter -No transMissivity data IE0702K:H8.,O,1 - 1 - ,-t J l ~, ~! • ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: sniT ION NUI1I1ER 1 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BECCHI DISC: SUI~FACE TEMP: U',i<E DEP TH : EKLUTNA LAI<E J u 1'1 2,1982 14 1045 AST 1125 AST 1,8 f'eet 10.6 C 53,1 M 82183 ..... ,...( DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT.TRANSMISS,'fURBIlJ I TY (Meter"}(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(%)(NTU) ================------------===-==========================~::~>.:::=---....._------- 0.0 10.60 119 161 *2615 1,(}10,50 120 162 "x, 2,0 10.40 120 166 .x, 5.0 11.10 172 232 .x,29.0 15.0 8,90 162 228 *22,0 25.0 6.50 158 235 *33.0 29 ..0 !BottOM !Sunny,wind froM the southeast !is 11.7 C~@ 15.0 M is 10.5 C,@ 25.0 M is 8,3 C !E:0702N:H8,O,l NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. F'l"'"0 M is 11,7 C.@ 15,0 M is 10.5 C.@ 25.0 M is 8.3 C !Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter -~o transMissiv(tv data !E0702N:H8.0,1 -1 - ~._. - _••__.0 ""_•• ********************************************************************************- TITLE: DATE: STATION I"UI.,BEI~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: !Sunny,wind froM southeast !TeMperatures read with an alchohol therMOMeter @ 0.0 M and e 5.0 Mare 11.5 C !Broken bulb in the transMissoMeter -No transMissivitv data lE07020:H8,O,1 DEPTH (Meter) :g:===== 0.0 1 .0 2.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 10.00 10.00 10.10 10.10 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ 170 170 CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============== 235 iii 235 -x- TRANSMISS. (7.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) =======:::::::: .1 NOTE:"iii"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - .. • TITLE:EKLUTNA LAKE DATE:Juh'14,1982 82195 f' STATION NUMBER:2 ,.STARTING r,[ME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 1800 AST 1845 AST, 2.6 +'eet 13.3 C 54.8 M ... - - .- DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)00 ====================::===================:============= .6 13.17 120 155 ,~ .9 13.21 120 155 'k '1.5 13.20 120 155 '*2.0 13,18 120 155 :", 3.(}13.00 120 155 .~ 4.0 12.82 120 155 'X' 5.0 12.79 120 155 '*6.0 12.76 120 155 .)I! 1'.0 12.65 120 155 .~ 8,0 12.47 118 156 'It '1.0 12.16 115 152 'l\' 10.0 10.43 105 145 'It 11 . 0 9.89 99 137 *12.0 9.42 98 138 -x. l3,O '8.54 100 141 .~ 14.0 8.18 '103 149 *i5.a 7.97 102 148 *'16.0 7.79 101 146 .~ 18.0 7.28 97 145 *20.0 6.95 95 142 .j/: 24.0 6.56 95 142 *28.0 6.32 97 148 *32.0 5.83 98 150 *'36.0 5.70 99 151 *40.0 5.58 99 151 '*42.0 5.58 99 151 ·x· !f,lO"ttOM !Par'tly cloudy,calM,air teMperature 13.5 C \Turbidit~MeasureMents Made on Julv 15 @ 1618 AST !E:O'l'l4B:H8,O,l NOTE:D*D INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CO~DUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -"1 - TURH.'Dn (NT'I) ===z.~,'=~ le.n 19.0 19.0 40.0 82.0 52.0 27,0 ******************************************************************************** TITLE: Di:i TE : ST('~TION NUMBEI<: ~nARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: l,AKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAl<E J u 1 y 14 >1982 4 1652 AST 1747 AST 2.6 feet 12.7 C 54.8 M 82195 .... DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT,TRANSMISS,TURBIDITY ~;~~ (Meter)<celsius)(uMho)J UMh 0)(r.)(NTU) -;;:-:======================================================::::==::::::-.7 12.47 118 156 * '1.0 12.60 119 "154 .~20.0 '1.5 12.59 119 154 *2.0 12.51 119 154 .~",~ 3,0 12.38 119 157 *,j 4.0 12.40 119 157 ,)(- 5.0 12.33 119 157 .~ 6,0 12,20 119 157 1 ""'"l(. 'i'.O '12,08 118 156 "'. 8,0 11.96 1'11 147 * 8.5 9.98 112 155 *~ 9.0 9.47 116 164 *19.1l 10.0 9.26 107 '151 .~23.0 l 11 .0 9.00 109 154 .): 12.0 8.63 102 144 *""'"13.0 7.84 101 146 l(. 14.0 7.70 102 148 * 15.0 7.53 100 145 l(-'18,0 16.0 7.16 102 152 .)(0 1Il1i.'" '18.0 6.77 101 150 *20.0 6.40 102 156 .)(0 24.0 6.01 100 153 *aI!m.'1l 28.0 6,00 98 150 .~ 32.0 5,86 98 150 * 36.0 5.77 98 150 * 40.0 5.40 98 154 *-44.0 5.32 98 154 *48.0 5.26 98 154 .~ 50.2 5.18 98 154 * ~ !BOttOM lPartly cloudy,wind frOM the north'west,air teMperture 14.2 C !Turbiditv MeasureMents Made on Julv 15 -!-1 - &I"'\'; P¥'3l. • ,.,.. • ,~~ • r- \'• -~ ,.... 1 • • .. lE0714D:H8,O,1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 2 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NUi'\BER: STARTING TIME: ENDING·TIME: SECCHI DISC: SUi~FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Ju19 14,1982 1600 AST 1648 AST 12.0 C 54,8 M ~2195 .. • • • • (, L ~-'1' NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN, - 2 - - ********************************************************************************~ • TITLE: STAT ION NUI''iBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE J'u 1 y 14,1982 8 1456 AST 1554 AST 2.0 feet 13.1 C 54,8 M 82195 DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURIHDITY ':Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)cr.)(NTU)-------==================================----------=====-:.o;=~:=-.,..-,.,..----------_.._-- .1 13.06 116 150 if .6 13.00 115 148 'x- 1,0 12.90 115 148 if 24.0 1.5 12.60 116 150 *l 2.0 12.00 113 149 *j 3.0 10.30 110 152 *23.0 4.0 9.92 108 149 * 5.0 9.03 100 141 22.0 1- *6,0 8.78 100 141 .~ '7.0 '8.68 100 141 *oj':)""1_'-,...J 8,0 8.62 100 141 *28.5 --9.0 8.49 100 145 ~.41.5 10,0 8.27 97 141 .x-51.0 11 .0 8.13 95 138 ~. 12,0 7.90 95 138 if ~ 13.0 7.75 94 136 "*14.0 7.73 92 133 if 15,0 7.61 92 133 *36,0 16.0 7.42 92 137 .~ 18.0 7.01 95 142 'X. 20.0 6.70 97 145 .J(: 24.0 6,30 96 147 .J(: 25.0 29,0 28.0 6.08 95 145 "*32.0 5.87 95 145 '*36.0 5.65 94 144·*~ 40.0 5.52 94 144 "*44.0 5.35 94 148 .)/: 45.0 5.32 93 146 * !BottoM !Partly cloudy,surface wind frOM west northwest.clouds MovinC!to west !northwest "air teMperature 16.4 C ~•-1 -. • ,..... -- r-f•L !Turbidity MeasureMents Made on July 15 @ 1530 AST !EO 7 'l4H :H8 .'O.1 NOTE:II.~II INDICATES·COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -2 - ._-.........:,-----------~------~-~----------_.'------- TITLE: STATION NUMElEi~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Julo.'14,1982 9 1346 AST 1444 AST 13.2 C 54.8 M 82195 I - .- • .. 1"'"",-. ,I L !E0714I:H8,O.1 NOTE:U*tl INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -2 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTN~I LAKE July 14>1982 11 1126 AST 1220 AST 13.6 C 54.6 M 82195 - DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTI.VITY CORR.CONDUCT, (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMh 0) ..",,-------==================================<._------- 0.0 14.04 115 144 *.,.13,14 114 147 ~,,OJ LO 13.10 113 146 iii' !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 1.0 M 1.5 12.24 110 145 iii' 2,1 11.10 107 144 .x- 3.n 10.09 106 146 .x- 4.0 9.80 104 144 ,x- 5.0 9.59 103 142 * 6.0 9.38 102 144 * 7.0 9.04 100 141 it: 8.0 8.53 98 138 it: 9.0 8,13 97 141 it: 10.0 7.94 96 139 .x- U .0 7.66 95 138 .)Ii 12 ..0 7.37 94 140 .x- 13.0 7.03 93 139 -)Ii 14.0 6.75 93 139 * 16.0 6.64 93 139 it: 18.0 6,40 93 142 * 20.0 6.24 92 141 .x- 24.0 5.93 92 141 -)Ii 28.0 5.86 92 141 it: !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 28.0 M 32.0 5.74 92 141 .)Ii 36.0 5.65 92 141 it: 40.0 5.54 92 141 it: 44.5 5.37 92 144 .x- -1 - TRANSMISS, _00 -------------------- TURBIDITY (NTU) ======::==:: 17,0 20.0 21.0 •i - J- 5 j .- .- • ******************************************************************************** ~ • '1l!I1li'Il • ,,~ • """'" • :..-•- .- TITLE: DATE: STATION NUi'1BEr~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCHl DISC: SU\;;:FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE J U 1'1 "14.1982 10 1230 AST 1315 AST 13.2 C 54.8 M 82195 .r-. f DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) ========================================= . 1 13.13 117 151 *I::"13.10 117 151 .)(-.>:1 1 ,0 13.13 118 152 *2.0 12,50 117 151 .)(- 3.1 11 ,00 114 154 .)(- 4,0 10.42 113 "156 .)(- ~j •(l 9.80 111 153 * 6.0 9.50 110 152 .)(- '/'.[)9.27 1'10 155 .)(- 8.0 8.97 109 154 .)(- ('~.0 8.69 107 15"1 .)(- 10,0 8.54 106 149 ;x- U .0 7.86 104 151 .)(- 12.0 7,56 103 149 *13.0 7.37 103 153 .)(- 14,0 7.27 103 153 *16.0 6.81 102 152 .)(- 18.0 6.50 101 150 ,)(- 20.0 6.33 10-0 153 *24.0 5.88 99 .151 .x- 28.0 5.70 98 "150 ·x· 32.0 5~52 98 150 .)(- 34.4 5,48 98 154 * TRANSMISS. (:t.) ========== TURBIDn:'Y (NTU) ======~~;:;:.;;.;:~ 21.0 20.5 31.0 !BottoM !Overcast.Moderate breeze frOM west northwest,air teMperature 15.1 C !Turbiditv MeasureMents Made on Julv 15 @ 1642 AST !EO'i'14J:H8,O.1 NOTE:~*~INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN; - 1 - !BottOM lOvercast,calM,air teMperature 14,2 C !Turbiditv MeasureMents Made on Julv 15 @ 1030 AST !QuantuM extinction data available this station !EO'?'1 4i<:H8 " 0 "'1 NOTEl U*U INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. !Turbiditv MeasureMents Made on Julv 15 ~1030 AST !QuantuM extinction MeasureMents available this station !EO '71 4 J :H8 " 0 ""i -2 - - - - - • ******************************************************************************** EKLUTNA LAKE July 14.1982 '14 1020 AST 1.120 AST 12.1 C 54.8 M 82195 - 4 ""'~f .j I ~~. ~I DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius>(YMha)(uMho) =-=====-:================================== 0.0 12.06 115 152 ·If 1.0 11.88 114 150 It 2.0 11.64 112 148 .)t 3.0 10.94 112 151 .)t 4.0 10.42 110 152 .)t 5.0 10.08 109 150 .)t 5.9 9.63 108 149 *6.9 9.35 106 149 * 7.9 9.12 105 148 *8.8 8.93 105 148 * 9.8 8.56 104 147 *11.0 8.10 102 148 ·If 11.9 7.84 101 146 *14.0 6.86 99 148 ·If 16.0 6.64 96 143 *18.0 6.30 95 145 .f< 20.0 6.17 94 144 .;It 22.0 6.02 94 144 .)t 23.9 5.88 93 142 *26.0 5.80 92 141 .)t ;~8.0 5.76 92 141 ·If 29.7 5.73 92 141 * !BottOM lOver-cast,calM !Salin i t~@ 0,0 (It =1,03 ppt !Turbidity MeasureMents Made on July 15 @ 1845 AST !E0714N:H8~O,1 TRANSMISS. (7.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) 18.iJ 19.0 20.5 NOTE:"·If"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY tJALUE SHOWN, !EO 714N :H8.,0 ~'1 -"1 - ------------_.~-------------- ********************************************************************************-, TITLE: Df:ltTE: STAT ION NUi'1BER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SUI~FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EI{LUTNA LAKE S u 1'1 15,1982 15 0744 AST 0805 AST feet 9.5 C 55.1 M 82196 .t - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(ul"Iho)(uMho) ...,.,------==================================,."'------ 0.0 9.36 1'15 162 '*,5 9,32 115 162 .)(- l . 0 9.21 116 164 * 2.0 9,15 116 164 .)(- 3.0 9,02 116 164 '*4.0 8,56 115 l62 '*5.0 8.45 114 165 .~ 6.0 8.35 113 164 ,x' 7.0 8,20 1'13 164 .~ fL 0 7,86 112 162 *(f.0 7,60 112 162 .~ 10.0 7.42 111 165 *11 .0 7.32 1 i 0 164 '*12,0 7.20 110 164 *13.0 6.99 109 162 *14.0 6.92 10~162 ,~ TRANSMISS, (7.) ========== TURBIDIT"f UHU) ========== 20,0 ! ~•• !BOttOM !Partly sunny,calt'l to lioht breeze froM the no'rthwest,air teMpe'rature 1'l.9 C !EO '7150:HB"0 "1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. -'1 - .. • -- ******************************************************************************** • ~ • ~ • - " .- TITLE: DATf'::: STATION NUMBER: STAinING TIME: ENDING TIME: SE~CCHI DISC: bURFr:\CE TEMP: U~KE DEPTH: E.KLUTNA I_AKE Juh 27,1982 -":).... 1647 AST 1720 AST 14.3 C 57.3 M 82208 .- DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTIVITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho) :=========================== 0.0 14.29 117 0.5 14.25 117 1.0 14.20 117 ;;:~. 0 14.15 116 4.[)14.00 118 6.0 14.00 116 7.0 12.36 100 8.0 11 .05 110 9.0 10 ,29 97 '10 .0 '9.6;'92 12.0 8.56.85 14.0 8.46 87 18.0 7.(YO 85 24.0 7.18 89 30.0 7.14 90 -3CI,0 7.15 90 40,0 7.08 91 41 .;'7.11 90 CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ===='========= 144 145 146 146 144 144 128 143 130 '125 120 '122 119 128 130 129 131 131 ·TRANSi-;ISS. (/.) ========== TURBID1TY (NTU) - ....... !'BottOM !Sunny,very liaht northwest !Cable depths recorded .!~~0727B:H8,O,l wind,warM - 1 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: EKLUTNA LAKE j"u lo,1 27>"1982 82208 - STATION NUMBER:4 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SUI~FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: "1735 AST 1805 AST "1.9 feet 1"3.9 C 57,3 M ... DEPTH TEMP .CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)on (NTU) "'..._--------------=========================----------========:::._------------------------- 0 .0 13.9 117 146 1 .0 13.83 "117 "146 2'7 !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 1.0 M 2,{)13.76 116 146 4.0 13.57 1'17 147 6.0 13.52 116 146 ibuspended sediMent saMple @ 6.0 M 7,0 12.10 112 144 8.0 10.98 113 151 9.0 9.63 107 145 i 0 .0 9.22 100 "137 :12.0 8.96 93 129 lSuspended sediMent saMple @ 12.0 M 16.0 8.37 90 127 20.0 7.15 94 135 24.0 6.20 101 149 !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 24.0 M 28.0 6.06 101 150 :32.0 6.01 99 147 36.0 40.0 5.82 99 147 48.0 5.41 99 149 53.8 5.22 99 -148 !BOttOM -1 - 28 27 100+ "100+ 100+ 76 46 -, ;. i I . • - - - • • • !Sunny,very lioht northwest wind,wind shiftinq to easterly @ 1754 AST jCa~le depths recorded !Turbidity MeasureMents Made on J~ly 28 @ 1615 AST !QuantOM extinction data available this station !E0727D:H8,{),1 - 2 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: f::KLUTNA LAKE J u 11;28.1982 82209 STATION NUMBER:9 r: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 0957 AST 1019 AST 1 ..8 feet 14.0 C 57.53 M DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)-------=======================-------------""""'------------------- 0.0 14.00 118 147 1 .0 12.76 115 147 2.0 12.70 116 149 3.0 12.68 116 148 4.0 12.12 116 150 6.0 10.41 112 151 8.0 9.96 107 144 10.0 9.26 102 140 12.0 8.65 101 139 "16.0 7.59 "103 147 20.0 7.06 101 146 24.0 6.63 100 145 28.0 6.08 101 150 34.0 5.74 100 150 40.0 5.72 101 150 -l8.0 5.37 100 150 53.0 5.22 100 150 TRANSMISS. (f~) -------------------- TURBIDITY UHU)-----_..__.-. -----~..._--. 28 30 4'3 4'7 28 f, I p lBottOM !Partly sunny.wind pickina up froM west !Cable depths recorded !TherMoaraphs were checkedl deep therMoqraph was lost at recovery !E0728I:H8~0,1 - 1 - ..... - a_. ******************************************************************************** ". TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIMEr ~SECCHI DISC: SURFiltCE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE j u 1y 27;1982 10 1900 AST 2000 AST 13.4 C 57.3 M 82208 ..,.. ~~.-~L. -~-, DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIlH TY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(%)(NTU> ===:'========================================='======-----.....~------~,' n.o 13.37 117 147 1 .0 13.30 117 148 ;~. 0 13.30 117 148 4.0 11 .81 118 153 ~5 .0 10.83 114 149 6.0 10.02 111 150 8.0 9.30 107 147 10.0 8.82 104 143 12.0 8.43 102 142 16.0 7.53 102 144 20.0 6.91 104 151 24.0 6.43 105 153 30.0 6.78 103 151 35.0 6.18 102 150 40.0 5.62 103 152 45.0 5:57 10.2 '152 lBottOM lPartly cloudy,calM,warM !Martek depth channel experiencina drift~recorded cable depths !TeMperature experiencina SOMe insiabilitv~double checked teMperatures !~30.0 M and @ 35.0 M'and utilized revised MeasureMents !EO'727J':H8~0.1 "'- J -1 - ******************************************************************************** - .", DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)O~)(NTU) """'''''"''"------=============================================---__..___0- ......._-----------_._.... 0 .0 13.48 118 147 1 0 13.03 119 151 27 TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EI<L.UTNA LAKE J'U h'28>1982 1 1 0924 AST 0940 AST 2.0 feet 13.5 C 57.53 M 82209 r r - !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 1.0 M 2.0 12.58 120 155 3.0 "11.21 119 "156 4.0 10.80 116 154 6.0 10.00 111 151 ISuspended sed iMen t saMole @ 6.0 M 8.0 9.65 109 147 '10 .0 9.05 104 144 12.0 8.50 105 146. !Suspended sediMent saMole @ 12,0 M 16.0 7.75 106 150 20.0 6..99 106 151 24,0 6,57 105 152 30,0 5.95 102 151 36.0 5,77 102 150 42.0 5.·67 102 150 48.4 5.51 101 150 !BottOM !0 v er cas t,cal M.air teMp er a t u r e····18.0 C !Turbidity MeasureMents Made Julv 28 @ 1433 AST !QuantuM extinction data available this station lEO'128K :H8~0,'1 -1 - 26 28 34 32 23 22 r t - ***********************~******************************************************** DEPTH _TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) ::::==:==---------=======================-==--------- 0.0 13.14 120 150 1 .0 12.53 119 151 2.0 11 .61 U8 152 3.0 11 .01 115 152 4.0 10.79 113 149 6,,0 10.09 1'10 146 8.0 9.37 109 148 10,0 8,'77 107 148 12.0 8,39 109 152 16,0 7,41 107 "152 20.0 6.76 107 153 ;~4.0 6,51 104 -'15'1 28.0 6.30 105 151 32,·0 5.81 103 152 33.0 5":79 104 152 ,1W~ l ..-, I 1 .- j ,- I ..-! TITLt::: STATION NUi'1BER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SUF~Fi~CE TEl-IP I L{41<E DEPTH: EI{LUTNA LAKE J U I.,..28 >1982 '13 0851 AST 0909 AST 13.1 C 82209 TRANSMISS. CO ========== TURB10J:ry nnU) ======~;:;''~.:;;~ - • • • !.Bo t tOM !Partly sunny,calM,air 'teMperature 15.6 C !E:0728M:H8 .•0.1 -"1 - ._;._---------~_._-----------------------_.~-~---------------------- • r J T -,-, • r l - .. - - • ******************************************************************************* TITLE 1 STATION NUl1BER: STARTING TIi'1E: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH, I::KLUTNA LAKE Auaus't 11,1982 1332 AST 1450 AST '1.6 feet 14,0 C 58.4 M 82223 ••••.•','••••,.;::""•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••',p ~,.,",",'0'"•••••••••••••'.',',',"," DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CDRR.CONDUCT, (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMhe) =:======================================== 0,0 13.64 120 150 G.5 13.46 122 150 1,0 13.45 121 150 2.0 13.30 120 '150 3,0 '13,13 120 149 4.0 13,08 119 14(.1 5.0 '13.08 119 149 6.0 13.07 119 149 1'.0 '13.06 119 148 a.a 13.06 119 148 9,0 13.06 119 149 Si ':l 11.24 107 '142.... TRANSMISS. <::0 ========== TURBIDiTY (NTL ======~~:;-..:= 36 48 -• I. • !TeMpera'ture recorded had increased sharp therMocline,so hiahly variable "<r 10.5 118 157•..1 U). 0 9.30'104 141 70 12.0 8 ':le-100 138·......1 14.0 8.00 100 139 '16.0 7.66 97 134 82 18.0 -'C:""':)98 13611l:J~ 20.0 7.38 98 136 2~_10 6.83 103 146 ~5 0 .0 6.35 104 150 40 35.0 6m22 105 151 40.0 6.04 105 151 4~"0 5.81 105 153 48.5 5.69 105 154 \ElO't'tOM !Weakly sunny,calM,sl~aht wind froM south,air teMperature 14.4 C !E0811B:H8.,O,1 -1 - ,-----~------"._---_._"._---------------------_._---------- ******************************************************************************** TITLE: ST~lTION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: U\i<E DEP TH : EKLUTNA LAI<E ,;uoust 11,1982 4 1039 AST 1321 AST 1.4 feet 13,5 C 58,4 M 82223 J - - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)_.._-----=====================-------------,-------------------- 0.0 13,13 1.22 152 0.5 13.13 1"':;1520;..... 1 .0 13.13 122 152 2.0 13.13 122 1 ..-':),,;,.... 3.0 13,13 123 152 4.0 13.14 123 152 5.0 13,13 122 152 6,0 13,11 123 152 '/'.0 13,06 123 152 8.0 12,88 122 152 EL5 12,08 10.7 134 8.8 11 .38 108 137 9,0 11 ,0 115 146 9.3 10.22 98 129 't .5 9,60 100 132 10.0 9.42 1.07 0142 12.0 8,52 95 128 14.0 8,00 96 0133 16.0 7,73 101 140 18.0 7.53 103 143 20.0 7.30 104 145 25.0 6.80 107 150 30.0 6.40 108 153 35.0 6.16 108 154 40.0 5.98 108 155 45.0 5.88 108 156 50.0 5.59 108 158 55.0 5.37 108 158 56.4 5.30 108 158 TRANSM~SS. (/~) ========== TURBIDITY <NTU) ========= 36 37 38 61 78 87 30 , oj - - - !BottOM lOvercast,stronq steady wind frOM northwest until 1100 AST,wind chanoed !and started blowino frOM southeast at 1230 AST~waves 0.5-1.0 ft.0 - 1 - r. ·-"'r l --f - I .- •air teMperature 11.7 C !QuantuM extinction data available this station!E0811D:H8>O,l 2 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE:EKLUTNA LAKE Auaust 11,198;;82223 STATION NUMBER:7 SH~RTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCl-lI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAi{E DEPTH: 08.36 AST 1025 AST 13.1 C 58,4 M - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. <Meter)<celsius)(uMho1 (uMho)...-_-----==================================.........----- 0.0 12,84 123 153 o "'-12.85 124 153.;J 1 .0 12.84 124 153 2.0 12,82 124 153 3.0 12,69 123 153 4.0 12.60 123 153 5.0 12.55 122 153 6.0 12.52 121 153 '7.0 12.47 122 152 7.8 12.43 121 153 l3.1 10,75 112 146 8.5 9.52 111 14'7 9.0 9,40 117 153 10.0 9.36 110 147 12.0 8.80 107 144 14.0 8,13 106 143 16.0 7,94 103 140 18.0 7.78 103 140 20,0 7.68 103 140 24.0 7.07 108 150 28.0 6.40 110 157 32.0 6.16 109 157 36.0 6.10 110 157 40.0 6.04 109 155 45.0 5.84 109 158 50.0 5.61 110 158 55,0 5.33 110 159 58.2 5.26 109 159 TRANSMISS. (%) -------------------- TURBIDITY (NTU) ========:::: 37 38 43 64 79 43 30 -,- I -j - .- !BOt"tOM !Cloudy,liqh"t drizzle,wind froM nor"thwest,air teMperature 10,0 C @ 0830 ASJ, !11.7 C @ 1025 AST !QuantuM eXTinction da"taavailable this station - - 1 - It ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: E:KLUTNA LAKE Avavst 10.1982 I STATION NUMBER:9 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: U\I<E DEPTH: 1710 AST 1756 AST 1 ,3 feet 13.2 C 58.3 M .. ~~~~~.~._.y-~~~-,~--~~--~~~---,~~,-"~,""__,,,,_"_~",_",,__~,,__,,,,__..,,,_,,~_,,__~,,__~.·i~.·'_" ..-,. 1 DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. \l'leter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMno) ========================================;= 0,0 12.97 122 152 0.5 12.99 122 152 '1.0 12.99 123 152 2,0 12.96 123 "152 ;:.1.0 12.61 123 154 4.0 11.75 121 154 :i I 0 11.49 119 154 6,0 10.54 119 155 'l,0 Q -~110 142"~/~ ~L 0 9.46 103 '135 (y .0 9 ,11 102 137 10.0 8,79 106 142 "i;:~,G 8,34 108 147 14,0 7.97 107 146 16.0 7.69 107 147 18.0 7.35 107 150 2ii,O 6.95 109 153 24,u 6.'7'1 109 155 28,0 6.38 110 156 32,0 6,19 111 158 36,0 5.99 110 15'7 40.0 5,86 110 158 45.0 5172 109 157 50.0 5,56 109 158 55.0 5,40 109 158 57.0 <:"~"'I::"110 158..J.~..J TRANSMISS. CO ========== TURBIDiTY (NTU) 38 41 67 58 31 2B 22 ,- i i j \80ttOM !Overcast.breeze froM nBrtnwest,rain startinq @ 1810 AST,air teMperature 1'1.'1 C !E:0810I:H8,O,'l - 1 - ********************************************************************************- TITL.E: DATE: STATION NUI'iBEI~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: E,ECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: L.AKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA l.AKE Auoust 10,1982 1438 AST 1650 AST 1 ,4 f'eet 12,7 C 58.3 M ...., -DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter')(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) =~======================================= 0.0 12,82 118 147oI:-12,83 117 147•..J 1.1 12.84 118 148 !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 1.1 M 2,"1 12.83 118 3.1 12.83 118 4.0 12.82 118 5.1 12.81 "117 !Suspended sediMent saMple e 5.1 M 6.1 12.76 118 6.6 1'1.92 114 7.1 10.9 118 !Suspended sediMent saMple I!7,1 M 8.1 10,31 113 9,"1 -9155 110 10.1 9.46 107 12.1 9.02 106 14.1 8.70 103 15,0 16,1 8.40 105 18,1 7.98 105 20,1 7.77 105 !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 20.1 M 24.0 25,0 7.22 105 148 148 148 148 150 148 152 150 146 144 143 139 144 144 "146 148 TRANSMISS, (/.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) =========:::: 38 -, J ."- 38 """"!• """'l 39 ,- l. 44 """" l 51 ~ I 42 - • - 28.U 6.'76 107 152 30,0 32,0 6,42 108 154 36.1 6,20.109 '155 40 0 6,06 108 1"'C:-;J.J 45.u 5,86 108 156 50 0 5,6't 108 157 ~:.;i ,I)5.66 108 157 1'-? !BottOM !Overcast,wind froM the northwest,no rain,air teMPerature 11.1 C ~QuantuM extinction data available this station iE0810K:H8,O,1 !., L -I - -2 - -------------------------, *******~************************************************************************- TITLE: DATE: STATION NUl-'iBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP': l.AK E DEP TH : EI<LUTNA LAK E r=iuaust 10,1982 1328 AST 1422 AST 1.4 feet 12,8 C 58.3 M 82222 DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT,.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)<celsius)(uMh 0)(uMho)O~)(NTU) ..-~-----==================================================:=====....._----- 0.0 12.76 118 148' o l:-12.77 118 148.,j 1.0 12.77 118 148 2.0 12.77 118 149 3.0 12.77 119 149 4.0 12,74 118 149 5,0 12,67 118 150 6.1 11 .67 119 153 '7 .1 10,97 116 '152 8,1 10.25 114 150 (jI •0 10.06 112 150 10 .1 9,64 112 149 11.1 9.36 112 149 '.!2.1 9.09 110 148 14.1 8.80 109 148 16,0 8.4 110 149 18.1 7.97 108 150 20,1 7.75 109 151 24.0 7.10 107 151 28.0 6.50 107 153 32.0 6.20 107 155 36.1 5,87 108 156 37.1 5.85 108 156 !BottOM lOver-cast,wind frOM the northwest,air teMperature 12.2 C !E0810M:HB ..O.l - 1 - ,-!•- - - t ******************************************************************************** TITLE:EJ<LUTNA LAKE AUQust 10,1982 ~.82222 STATION NUMBER:15 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: L~~d{E DEPTH: 1220 AST 1319 AST 1,5 feet 12.8 C :'=j8.3 M - L-.~ DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDll Y (t",eter)':celsius)(uMho)(uMho)no (NTU) =========================================_....._-------=====~..----------- n,n 12.72 118 149 o ""12.'71 118 149,..I 1.0 12.69 118 148 2.0 12.68 118 148 3.0 12.00 118 150 4,0 11.84 116 149 5.0 11.54 115 149 6,0 11.14 114 149 '7 ,n 10.82 "113 149 8,0 10.20 112 148 9,2 10.03 111 147 10.3 9,88 110 14'7 11 .2 9,38 109 147 12.2 9.23 109 146 13.2 8,99 108 146 14.3 8.79 107 145 15.2 8.57 104 143 16.3 8.09 103 144 '1 '7.3 7.82 104 145 lB.3 7.65 104 144 19.3 7.55 103 145 20.3 7,40 103 145 20.8 7,16 103 147 !BottOM !Overcast,breeze frOM the northwest,beqinninq to rain,fresh snow on top !of Mountain @ lake Midpoint.air teMperature 12.2 C iEU8100:H8,O,1 -1 - \ \ t - - - - - ...... • .~******************************************************************************** ,.. TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCHI DISC: SUR FACE TEi1P: LAI{E DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE (~uaust 25,1982 2 0846 AST 0915 AST 2.1 feet 14.4 C 59.9 M 82237 ~t ~ ......1\ t ~ - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBllH '"( (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(:'<:)(NTU) =======-----------=========================================;~':--------- [). 0 14.39 117 146 .~ 1.0 14.38 117 146 .~ 3.0 13.95 118 148 .~ 4.0 13.88 117 146 .~ 5.0 13.80 117 146 .)If 6.0 13.44 115 148 '.It '7.0 11.66 97 128 '.It 8.0 10.48 105 145 '*1 0 .()8.82 90 127 '.It 12.0 8.52 89 125 iJ(. 16,0 7.79 92 (33 '.It 20.0 7.20 97 145 .".. 24.0 6.88 99 148 .)If 32.0 6.32 101 155 .~ 40.0 6,07 102 156 '.It 48.0 5.71 99 151 .~ 48.6 !BottOM !Overcast,calM \wuantuM extinction data available this station ~!Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivitv data !E0825£<:1-I8,O,1 NOTE:"'.It"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN . ..- - 1 - ******************************************************************************** - TITLE: DATE: EKLUTNA LAKE Auaust 24,1982 STATION NUMBER:3 STARTING TIME:AST ~. ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SUI<F ACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH:. 1602 AST 2,3 feet 14,9 C 59,8 M DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TUr~BIDITY (Met er)<celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(Yo)(NTU) ============================================================= 0.0 ·14.88 116 142 *1 .0 14.87 115 140 *2,0 14.76 116 142 .~ 3.0 14.59 114 139 *t4,0 14.24 113 141 .~ 5.0 13.02 107 138 .x, 6,0 12.35 105 139 *8.0 10.24 98 135 .~ '10,0 9.34 94 1.33 *12.0 8.96 83 117 1IC. 16.0 8.35 80 116 * 20.0 7.57 89 129 *24.0 6.91 97 145 * 32.0 6.28 100 '153 .~ 40.0 5.95 100 153 *48.7 5.67 102 156 .x, iBottOM !Partly cloudY,Moderate wind froM the northwest !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivitv data !E0824C:H8,O,l NOTE:1I.x,II INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. --1 - • - .. • ******************************************************************************** ," TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCHI DISC: SURFI~CE TEMP: LAI<E DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Auaust 25,1982 4 0946 AST 1015 AST 2.2 feet 14,5 C 59,9 M 82237 ~ DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) =========================================..... 0.0 14.02 113 141 ·It 1.0 13.90 112 140 * 2.0 '13.77 111 139 .)t 4.0 13.65 112 140 *l.6,0 13.07 111 143 ·It 7,0 11.09 109 147 lit 8,0 10.38 '101 139 ·It 9.0 lO.Ol 96 132 .x- 10,0 9.62 .93 128 -)Ii 12.0 8,77 84 118 -It.-16,0 8,01 80 116 .)Ii 20.0 7,67 83 -120 -x- 24,0 6.83 96 143 *-32,0 6.25 97 148 *4(),O 5.96 98 '150 -~ 48,2 5.67 98 150 ·x· 56',1 5.35 98 154 -~-5'7,3 TRANSMISS. (i~) =========:;= TUR B I l.'.(l''( (NTU) 21,5 22.0 40.0 50.0 46.0 20,0 , !I:lot"tOM !Overcast,sun appearinq "throuqh holes,calM,air "teMpera"ture -15.0 C !Turbidi"tv Measured Auoust 25 @ 1545 AST !Malfunc"tion in Martek channel 5 -No correc"ted conduc"tivity data !E0825D :H8.,0 .'1 NOTE:~.~INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVI~Y VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - --_..-_.._------·-'---------..A_..._ ~I ********************************************************************************- TITLE: DATE: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHl DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNr::l LAKE Aua ust 25>1982 7 1029 AST 1049 AST 2,4 f"eet 13,3 C 59.9 M 82237 '""'I ..... DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT,TRANSHISS,TURBIDITY (Meter)<celsius)(ul"iho)(uMho)00 (NTU) =======---------======================================='====:::::::--------- 0,0 13.26 107 138 '*1 .0 22,0 2.0 13,11 108 139 * 4,0 12.85 109 141 ·x, 5.0 12,71 106 137 .~23,0 !Suspended sediMent saMple ~5.0 M T -j "- 6.0 11.9.9 105 139 '*7.0 10,71 102 138 * 8.0 9.88 97 134 ·x· 9.0 9.12 90 127 *10,0 8.96 87 123 *12.0 8.74 86 121 'X' !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 12.0 M '.i4,0 8,21 90 131 '*16.0 8,07 89 129 '*20.0 7.78 90 131 '* !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 20.0 M 24,0 32.0 6.21 97 148 * !Suspended sediMent saMple @ 32.0 M 48.0 5.59 99 151 -)(. 58.0 5.25 99 155 'X' 59,0 !BottoM -1 - 43,5 "1 ~I - ,. , 1 t ~-, !O~ercast,~iqht northwest breeze,light drizzle lTurbidit~data collected froM 1601 AST to 1635 AST 32.0 M to 58.0 M !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected cond~cti~ity data !E082~%:H8.,0.,'1 NOTE:."*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDutTIVITY VA(UE SHOWN. - 2 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATIDN NUMBER: STARTING TIrlE: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNPI LAKE Auaust 25,"1982 9 1103 AST 1132 AST 2.3 feet 13.8 C 59.9 M 82237 "'" DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)( U Mh 0 )(uMho) ,....-_----===========================:========------- 0.0 13.82 111 1"39 *'1 .0 "13.12 '110 142 ·x· 2.0 12.95 109 141 -l(. 4.0 12.46 107 141 .x- 5.0 11.80 106 140 *6.0 11,53 104 137 -l(. 7.'1 10.34 103 142 *8,0 9.86 96 132 0)(- ct ,(I 9.54 93 128 0)(- 10.0 9.36 90 127 0)(- 12.0 8.87 88 124 *14.0 8.45 88 128 .)Ii 16.0 8.12 90 ."131 .)i 20,0 7.42 93 139 *24.0 30.0 6,38 97 148 *40.0 5.98 98 150 *50.3 5.59 99 151 *57.1 '5.28 98 154 * TRANSMISS. (7,.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU) ========:::: 27.0 36,0 45.0 31 .(I - - !BottOM !Overcast,liqht northwest wind,lioht Mist chanqinq to rain @ '1105 AST, !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivit~data [QuantuM extinction data available this sta~ion !E08251 :H8"0 ~1 NOTE:"0)(-"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. 1 - • ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBEi~: SH;RTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCH~DISC: sur~F ACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA L{-\I<E Auaust 24.11~82 10 1642 AST 1704 AST 2,3 feet 13,6 C 59.8 M 82236 ~ DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBID1TY (Meter)(celsius)(ul'lho)(uMho)(7.)(NTU) =========================================================~;V:::~~ 0,0 13.59 116 145 .)f 1.0 13.61 115 144 .)f 2,0 13.60 115 144 *....1 13.54 145·3,0 116 'I(, C 4,0 13.46 1'13 146 .)f 5,1)12,18 114 150 '*....·. 6,(}11 .04 107 144 'If 8.0 9,68 102 141 '* 10,0 9.13 101 142 .)Ii '12.0 8,77 98 138 '* 16.0 8 '='''''96 139 *,,-,,, 20,0 7.54 100 145 .)Ii 24.0 6,90 102 152 .)f 30,0 6.34 104 159 '"40,0 5.68 103 158 'If 41.u !BottOM !Partly sunny.northwest wind !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivity data !E 0824J :H8.,0 ~1 NOTE:"')Ii U INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN, n \still experi~nced drift in depth beYow 12,0 M ~!E0824J:H8~O,l - 1 - *****••****••**••••••••••*•••••••••**.**.**.***•••••**************************** TITLE: DI~TE : SHHION NUt'tBEi~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCH I DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE I~UO\lst 25,1982 123'1 AST 1257 AST 2.5 feet 13.7 C 59,9 M 82237 , !Turbidity Measured Auaust 25 froM 1708 AST to 1740 AST !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivitv data IE0825K1H8,O.1 ~OTEl ~*~INDICATES_COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. 5'1.'1 I~ [BottOM [Partly cloudy,northwest wind becoMing calM,drizzle tapering off \!Experienced drift in Martek depth channel~recorded cable depths below 9,0 M !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivity data r !0825K:H8~O~1 I L ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE.: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCH I DISC: SURFACE TEMP; LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Auaust 25,1982 13 1308 AST 1338 AST 2.0 feet 12,8 C 59.9 M 82237 - - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS,TURBIDITY (Meter)<celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(/.)(NTU) -------========= ============================================:",'-'...-._---- 0.0 12,81 107 138 *1 ,0 12.65 107 138 *2.0 12.21 107 141 *4,0 12.04 106 140 .)Ii ; $ 6."1 11,66 105 139 *I 7.0 10,73 102 138 ;~ 8.0 10,28 102 141 .)i Q ':l 10,00 101 139 ·x·,•b. 10.0 9.56 98 135 *11 ,0 9.30 99 140 ·x· 12,0 9.11 97 137 .)i 16,0 8,41 96 139 .)i 20.0 7.87 98 142 *24.0 7.35 98 146 .X: 32.0 6.56 99 148 *36,3 6.18 99 151 *. 37.5 !BottOM !Partly cloudy,Moderate northwest wind,rain on southeast end of lake !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conducti~it~data lE0825M:H8,O,l NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - • - - - - -**************************************************************************~***** TITLE.: SH-lTION NUMBEI~: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI nrsc: SURFACE TEMP: LAi<E DEP TH : EKLUTNA LAKE Auoust 24,1982 15 1225 ·AST 1252 AST 2.2 feet 59.8 M 82236 r !BottOM !Overcast,calM !Experienced drift in Martek depth channel;recorded cable depths below 4.0 ~ !Malfunction in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivitv data lE08240:H8,O,1 NOTE:"*"INDICATES COMPUTED CORRECTED CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SHOWN. - 1 - ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: EKLUTNA LAKE Auous1:24,1982 82236 STATIDN NUMBER:15 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: L,Ai{E DEPTH: 1225 AS! 1252 AST 2.2 -Feet 13.6 C 59.8 M DEPTH (Meter) ..",....._----..,._----- D.O 1 . 0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 'i 0 . 0 I.;?-.O 16.0 TEMP. <celsius) ========:= 13.60 12.76 12.59 12.14 '12.06 11.56 11.14 9.91 9.06 8.79 8.24 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ 103 103 103 101 101 100 99 94 '91 90 89 CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. O~) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU)------_------_.__.. r "'. iBottOM !Overcast,calM !Experienced driTt in Martek depth channel;recorded cable depths below 4.0 M iMalfunctian in Martek channel 5 -No corrected conductivitv data lE08240:H8,O,l - 1 - - - -**************************************************~***************************** ,, TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 ';82252 2 1517 AST 2.9 feet 11.1 C 61.0 M DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(YMho)(uMho) ========================================= 0.0 10.90 86 113 1.0 10.91 85 1'13 2.0 10,87 86 112 l'4.0 10.6 85 113!5.0 10.0 84 113L 6.0 9,5 83 113 '7.0 9.1 81 111 8.0 8.82 80 110 '1 D•0 8 0::-"'"79 110.;;j;;j 12.0 8.38 79 111 14.0 8.20 80 111 16.0 7.93 80 112 20.0 7.51 83 118 24.0 6.89 84 122 28.0 6.61 86 123 32.0 6.41 86 126 36.0 6.27 86 127 40.0 6.12 86 127 44,0 48.0 5.98 87 128 50.0 5.81 87 129 TRANSMISS, (%) ========='= TURBID.L r '~ (NTU\ 22 27 20 !BottOM ~-51,0 M !Partly sunny,Moderate to brisk southeast wind !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Mal¥unctioning !QuantuM extinction data available this station !Turbiditv and quantuM extinction Measured SepteMber 10 ~1421 AST \E()li09B:H8,0,1 - 1 - _••_**••_*-*.***---**••*••*******-----_.-*---*••*._._*.**.**.*.***•••••••*••••*. TITLE: D?d'E: EI<LUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 82252 - STATION NUI'\BER:3 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 1634 AST 1647 AST 11.0 C 61.0 M -~ DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TUREGDITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)(Y.)(NTU) =========================================----------======:::::::~'"::---------- 0.0 10.71 85 113 '1.0 10.73 86 113 2.0 10.73 86 114 4,0 10.72 86 115 6.0 10.66 87 114 8.0 9.88 85 115 lli.[)8.79 80 110 12.0 8.3 79 108 14,0 7.8 78 109 16.0 7.54 78 109 20.0 7.40 79 112 24,0 6.94 81 117 28,0 6.88 84 120 :32.0 6.72 85 121 36.0 6,42 85 124 40,0 6.08 87 128 48.0 5,89 88 131 49.6.5,85 89 131 !BottOM lPartly sunny,llght to Moderate southeast breeze,air teMperature 10.4 C !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel MalfunctioninQ lE0909C:HB,O,l - 1 - - .~""'" i~;' .f - - - ., ******************************************************************************** ...'" TITLE:EKLUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 82252 STATION NUMBER:4 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURF,:ltCE TEMP: L~ll<E DEP TH : 1439 AST 1510 AST 11 ,0 C 61.0 M .- - DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT, (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)·(uMho) ========================================= 0.0 10.85 86 113 1.0 10.85 86 114 2.0 10,85 86 114 4.0 10.82 86 114 6.0 10,78 86 115 B.O 10 .1 86 115 9.0 9,2 81 110 10.0 8.8 S'l 113 1 ~~.{)8.38 81 112 14.0 7.97 82 114 16.0 7,'70 82 115 20,0 7.20 85 -121 22,0 24,0 6.91 86 123 •"0, !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 2~~.0 6.62 87 125 32.0 6.46 87 125 TRANSHISS, (%) ========== TURBl0ilY (NTUi 20 19.~; 21 ,;:OJ 30 62 65 70 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 32.0 M ~ 36.0 6.35 87 126 40.0 6.23 87 127 21 4El.Q 6.02 88 128 ,)-~56.0 5,70 88 129 16 57.0 5,61 88 131 !BottOM @ -57,0 M lPartly sunny,brisk southeast breeze !Turblditu MeasureMents taken on SepteMber 10 @ Station 5 @ 1510 ASTt Buoy Station 4 Missina lE0909D:H8.,O,1 - 1 - .. ********************************************************************************- .~ TITLE: DATE: EKLLlTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 STATION NUMBER:6 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: £lUR FACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 1656 AST 10.9 C 61.0 M DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITY (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)0':)(NTU) :::========================================================:== 0.0 10,54 87 114 1 . 0 10.60 87 113 2.0 10.61 87 '114 4.0 10.62 87 "114 6.0 10.62 88 115 7.0 10.62 86 115 8.0 10.56 87 115 9.0 9.6 86 116 '10.0 9.06 84 113 1 1.0 8.74 82 111 12.0 8.59 80 110 14.0 8.08 78 108 16.fJ 7.85 78 109 18.0 7.61 77 108 ;'-20.0 7.45 79 110 2240 7.38 79 111 24.0 7.32 79 '111 28.0 7.06 81 116 32.0 6.97 83 118 36.0 6.60 84 12"1 40.0 6.28 '87 127 48.0 6.04 B8 130 50.0 5.96 89 130 52.0 5.91 89 130 53.0 5.88 89 131 54.0 5.81 89 130 !BOttOM @ -54.0 M [Partly sunny,Moder~te southeast wind !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Mal~unctionin9 !E0909F:HB,O,l - 1 - .. ~******************************************************************************** ~-, STATION NUMBER:7 ,~ TITLE: DATE: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 1350 AST 1405 AST 3.0 fee"t 11.0 C 61,0 M 82252 " DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTIVITY CORR,CONDUCT. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) --------======;::===========================------- (I.0 10,64 84 112 1 ,0 10,68 85 113 Z,O 10.68 84 113 4.0 10.58 85 113 6.0 10,42 85 112 8.0 9.86 83 112 "10.0 9,40 82 112 12,0 9.10 80 110 14.0 8.59 80.111 16,0 8,13 79 111 18.0 7.73 80 112 20.0 7.60 81 114 24,0 7.24 82 118 2i:l.O 6.89 84 120 3~:',0 6.56 86 125 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 32.0 M TRANSMISS, (7.) ========== TURBliJ;.T'1" (NTU> 18 20 23 27 29 26 28 32 36.0 6,85 85 122 40,0 6.18 83 123 48.0 6,17 87 125.... !Suspended sediMent saMp Ie collected E1 48.0 M 52,0 6.09 85 126 '1~56.0 5.82 86 127 60.0 5,47 89 131 !BottOM @ ~60.0 M iPartly cloudy,brisk southeast wind !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth ch~nnel Malfunctioning ~Turbiditv MeasureMents Made SepteMber 10 frOM 1017 AST to 1137 AST !E0909G:H8,.0~1 38 50 60,5 4'7 - - 1 - ********************************************************************************- TITLE: DATE: EKLUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 1oPi... STATION NUMBEH r 9 ~nARTING TIME: ENDING TIMEr SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: Lr~KE DEP TH: 1307 AST 1340 AST 3.0 -feet 11.0 C 61.0 M .,.,~~~~--~",~,----"-~,-"-,~--,,,,---,,,,----,,----_""__.y""""",..__"",,,,,,_,,,,~._,,.Y~'-"-~·--,.. ~ DEPTH TEMP,CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBIDITy- (Meter)<celsius)(uMho)(uMh 0)(i.)(NiU) ===========================================================:.::: "'""'o ,0 10.81 83 110 1 ,0 10.82 83 110 lEl 2.0 10,81 84 110 -3.0 10,78 83 111 I 4.0 10.78 83 112 i 6.0 10.63 83 1"11 8.0 10.33 82 111 10.ll 10.00 81 110 19 12.0 9.44 80 109 21 14,0 8.52 77 108 16,0 8.26 77 107 28 ""'" iSuspended sediMent saMple collected @ 16,0 M 18,0 20,0 24.0 7.84 7.58 7,10 78 80 80 112 114 117 25 23 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 28.0 32.0 6.80 6.63 83 83 120 "122 21 "18 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 32.0 M 36,0 40.0 48.0 56.0 58.3 6,43 6.24 5.90 5.64 84 84 85 85 123 124 125 127 17 !BottOM !Sunny,brisk southeast wind -1 - ~~******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NWiBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: -SEeCHI DISC: SURFj~CE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Sap teMber 9,1982 10 1230 AST 11.1 C 61.0 M 82252 f:\ i. DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TR.ANSM I SS .TURBliH (Meter)<celsius)<uMho)(uMho)00 (NTU) -------============================================:=.=====:'.,.------- 0.0 10,84 81 108 1 .0 10.86 80 108 2,0 10,83 81 108 3.(}10.7 80 108 4,0 10,44 80 108 6.0 10,11 79 107 8,0 9,77 77 106 10.0 9,71 80 109 12,0 9.46 79 109 14.0 9,20 77 107 16.0 8.3 75 106 20.0 7.60 77 111 24.0 6.98 79 115 28.0 6.49 82 120 32.0 6.28 82 121 36.0 6.07 82 122 40.0 6.00 82 123 42.0 5.98 82 123- !BottOM !Partly cloudy,Moderate wind ~roM the southeast _!Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Malfunctionino !E0909J':H8,0,1 -1 - ******************************************************************************** -TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: BEeCH I DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAI{E DEPTH: EI{LUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 11 1152 AST 1212 AST 3.0 feet 11.5 C, 61.0 M DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS. (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)-(uMho)(iO =============='====================================== 0.0 11.17 74 101 1 .0 11.10 74 101 2.0 11 .01 74 102 3.0 10.71 74 103 4.0 10.63 74 102 6.0 10.36 74 103 8.0 10.06 73 101 !Suspended sediMent saMple col.lected @ 8.0 M j 0 .0 9.75 72 101 12.0 9.28 72 101 16.0 8.62 70 100 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 16.0 M 20.0 7.67 71 103 24.0 7.16 75 110 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 32.0 6.53 76 115 36.0 6.40 76 116 40.0 6.26 77 '117 44.0 6.13 78 117 50.0 6.05 78 119 52,6 .'i1illB1I TURBIDITY (NTU) ------_..._---------_. 18 ··f ~ j 19 19.::; 21 28 25 22~ !BottOM !Sunny,brisk southeast wind,air teMperature 13.9 C !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Malfunctioning !QuantuM extinction data available this station !Turbiditv and quantuM.extinction Measured SepteMber 10 froM 0815 AST to - 1 - ~, .. -".. ~ " ,~lIi1 • ( - !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Malfunctioning QuantuM extinction data available this station Turbiditv and quantuM extinction Measured SepteMber 10 frOM 0857 AST to 0955 AST Copepoos noted in turbidity saMple froM 40.0 M EO'1091 :H8.,0.'1 H845 AST !EO 9 09 K :1-18 .'U .'1 -2 - ~I ,~ ******************************************************************************** • - ~ )~J'~'lII' I ."" TITi...E: DI~TE: STATION NUMBEI~: SJI~RTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE SepteMber 9,1982 13 1115 AST 1142 AST 11.8 C 61 .0 M 82252 -DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR.CONDUCT.TRANSMISS.TURBHil :,( (/',eter)(celsius)(uMho)(uMho)CO (NTU) ========================================================:;:;'". 0.0 11.50 77 104. 1 •0 10.99 76 104 2.0 10.81 75 105 f 3.0 10.69 74 102 1 4.0 111.57 73 103 8.0 10.14 72 101 (12.0 9 .53 70 100 16.0 8.69 67 97 20.0 7,96 67 99 24.0 7.42 68 101 F"'"32.0 6.82 72 110 -'..'J~<:),"- !£{ottOM !Sunny,calM,air teM~erature 18.9 C (shade),southeast wind pickinq up 1130 3T !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth ch~nnel Malfunctioning !E0909M:H8,O,l t - 1 - ...... ********************************************************************************~ TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: START ING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE :3ep teMber 9,1982 15 1025 AST 11;5 C 61.0 M 82252 - !BOn"OM IPartly cloudy.calM.air teMperature 17.0 C <in sun) !Cable depths recorded -Martek depth channel Malfunctionino !E09090:HB.O.l - 1 - 1 **************************************~***************************************** .. ,... 8 ~ • ~,~ • ,~ ~ ~'\ TITLE: DATE: STATION NUiiBEj=i:: STARTING TIi'1E: ENDING TIi''iE: bECCHI DISC: SUF;:F(~CE TEI1P: Ei\LUTNA LAKE SeoteMher 21~1982 OJ,- 1401 AST 141'/AST 1 .6 oF eet B,I.C ','••••.','.•••,",".',-.",",....••••'.'.'~'••••••••,'.'.•••••••••••,',.0 .....................................................................................................................................•'.J'•••••••••','••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••,'.",'. ..;.. I "..,.f, I•• ( DEPTH (Meter) ======= n.G 1.0 ;2 •i} '2;•(] 6.0 B.il '1 I)•(j t;;~.Ii 14,0 16.0 20.0 24.0 2810 32.0 36.0 40.0 44,0 46.0 TEriP. (celsius).__...._-------------- 8.1 :3 •1 '7;'/5 1'.86 '7.76 7 M ?3. '7.65 7.ell 7.58 '7,5~3 ';,45 '7.44 '7,38 '7.34 7.35 '7.23 7.21 CONDlJCTIVI "1"1' (uMho) ============= CORR.CONDUCT. ( u ,"\M 0 ) ==.=========== TRANSi'llSS. (%) ========== TURBID''"Y (NTU) ======:~:~:= 30 •.:~<::I ~58 71 '.7 (} ,.!Susoended sediMent saMole collected @ 46.0 M 4fl.0 :5;:~,0 ;::;0,4 7.22 '7.15 78 . .- !BottOM !i~ainj.ng"c:alJ'''I !Caole deoths recorded -Martek de~th channel Malfunctioning iConductivitv and cDrrected conductivity channels Malfunction1ng -No daTa iTurb10ity Measured SeoteMber 22 f~OM 0940 to 1010 AST !E (j 9;::!1 13 :H8 ;'0 ~1 -1 - ******************************************************************************** TITi...E:Ei<LUTNA LAKE SenteMDer 21~1982 STFITION NUMBER:3 STARTING TIMF: ENDING TIME: SFCCHI DISC: 1342 AST 1353 AST 9.2 C DEPTH <Meter) :;-,::===== 0.0 1 .0 4.(J 6.0 B.O 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 ;=4.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40 .0 l+4.0 48.0 :;;0.0 5i)".4 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 9.2 9.3'7 9.29 9.21 9.15 9.11 8.'75 8.43 E\.29 7.93 '/'.75 '7.66 7.56 '7.4"1 7.34 7.26 7.22 7.U3 CONDUCTIVITY (uMhQ) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. (%') ========== TURB IDI T'( (NTU)------_.._....---_.....-......-_. Bot'tOM Raining~light southeast'wind Cable deoths recoroed -Martek deoth channel Malfunctionlng Con~uctjvit~and cor~ected conductivity channels Malfunctioning -No data E0921C:H8.:0,.1 - 1 - t'- - **********************************.********************************************** ~ 11 -" J .- 41 - ~ r- :. """ TITLE: STATION.NLJ11BER: STARTING TIME: ENDING THtE: SFCChI DISC: SURF(~CE TEMP: EK LUTf,jA LAi<E: SeoteMoer 21~1932 '1427 AST 1443AST 1.6 -Feet 8.2 C 82264 DEPTH (r.,eter) ======= ,TEMP. (celsius) =======-== CONDijCTIVIT,' (UMi'lO) :.=========== CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. CO ========== TURBiDITY (NTLU ======~.,::';;::::~ .-J 0,0 t.O 4.0 d.n lO,n 12.0 16.{) 18.0 ;~(J •() 22,0 24.{j 26.0 28.() 8.2 8.28 8.23 8 'j':),...... 8.20 B.16 '7.99 1'.50 7.57 7.00 <:>.E34 ,"j0.0"'. 6.'/'8 30 38 97 141 42 94 139 51 82 125 54 B6 130 J::"'.-j ::;;I",. 55 56 64 52.0 56.Q 6.37 .::'.3'7 78 80 125 123 8'7 • iSUSDenaed seaiMent saMole collected @ 56.0 M 6.30 --'1 - 124 --~--,--------,",:;j',~-------------------------- *~****************************************************************************** -- TITi..E: DATE:82264 STATION NUMBER:7' STARTH~G TIME: ENDING TIME: SfCCl-i1 DISC: SUi;:F'ACE TEMP: 1456 AST 'l~'507 I~ST 1.2 feet 8.3 C - DEPTH (Meter) ~====== o.i) 1 .[j 2.ii 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 18.0 .:20.0 ;~4.0 ;'~B .0 3;~.0 36.0 40.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 8.3 8.05 7.98 7.98 7.99 7'.96 7.85 7.78 "7.73 7.69 7.65 7.49 7.41 7.37 CONDUC TI VI TY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) -------------------------- H:ANSMISS. CO----_._.0----------- TUF~E:IDITY (NHJ) =:.:::::::======.:::: 43 44 4 '""'o::l i.~·8 ~5 fj 54· 60 !Susoenoed sediMent saMole collected @ 40.0 M 44.0 48,O· :.;6.0 bO.\) 7.31 7.29 '7.'16 6.8B 69 '7 ~7j 87 !Suspended se&iMent sdMole collected @ 60.0 M -Possible bottOM sediMent contaMin ..tion 64.8 lBottOM IOvercast,calM !Cable depths recorded -Martek deoth channel Malfunctioning lConductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctloning -No data lTurbiditv Measured on Se~teMber 22 frOM 1238 to 1331 AST !E0921G:HB .•O .•1 -1 - ill' I ******************************************************************************** TI"i'LE:Ei{LUTNA U~Ki:: SeoteMber 21,1982 STATION NUMBER:8 ,~ STARTING TIME: ENDING TH~E: ~,\~'CCH I D:r Be: SURF~,CE TEMP: 1604 AST 1616 AST '7.6 C rr"""'ri i ~ ...-( -I DEPTH (i"leter) -------------- n.o '1.0 4.0 8,0- 12.() 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 4 \!•() 4B.0- 56.0 TEliP. (celsius)-------_.---------- '7.60 '7.58 -1:."'"1 •..10 '7.57 7.44 7.34 '7.25 '7 ,19 '7.16 7.13 '7.05 7,01 6.82 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= Ti<ANSMISS. 0:') :========= TURBIDI"r'Y (NTU) ====:====::=:::;: !Overcast~Mild northwest wind !C~ble depths recorded -Martek de~th channel Malfunctioning !Conductivit~and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctioning -No data !E0921H:H8 ..0]1 -"1 - ********************************************************************************- Ei<LUTNA U4i<E SecteMber 21~1982 82264 - STATION NUi'1BEI~:9 STAinING TIME: ENDING THIE: ~3ECCHI DISC: SUHFACI::TEMP: 1650 AST '7.8 C -.•,•..••••••.••••••••,.J>..•••',,•••••.•,•••..,'...•.•.••..•.•.•..•• DEPTH (Meter) ======= 0.0 1 . 0 4.0 8.() 12.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 TEMP. ':celsius) ====:::==== '7.75 '7.91 8.0 B.05 8.05 13.05 '7.96 '.7.'70 7.28 CONDUCT I'J I TV (uMho) ============ COl~R .CONDUCT. (uMho) .;:============ Tl~ANSMISS • (i~) ========.== TUI~BIDITY (Nl'U) ========::-.: 28 42 61;. 66 iSusoended sediMent saMole ~ollectec @ 40.0 M 4B.O 7,12 '7 .10 9iJ !Susoended sediMent saMole collected @ 56.0 M 60,0 6 .('16 !Overcast,Moderate northwest breeze !Cable deoths recorded -Martek deoth channel Malfunctioning !Conductivitv and corrected conductiVity channels Malfunctioning -No data !Turbidity data collec*ed SeoteMber 22 frOM 1350 to 1424 AST !E0921I:H8~O.,1 - 1 - • ******************************************************************************** TITU::: SenteMner 21,1982 STATION NUMBER:10 /~ - STARTING TIME:, ENDING TIME: ~3ECCi"iI DISC: SURFc4CE TFMP: 1539 AST 1549 AST - ,-( DEPTH (Me-ter)-------------- 0,0 1,0 4.0 8,0 i2,O 16.0 20,0 24.0 28.0 32.0 :36.0 40,0 44.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 8.31 8.33 8.3'1 8.31 8.32 ~3 .;29 8.28 8.29 8.29 a,~:~8 8.13 8.02 ?;~1 CONDUCTIVITY' (uMho) ============ COi~R .CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSI1ISS, (/.) ========== TURBID'l TY (NTtj,' --_..._._.,,~.--_••<.--.....----=.,.-'0<... - 'Overcast~Mild northwest wind !Cable depths ~ecorded -Martek deoth channel Malfunctioning ~Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctioning ~EO 921 J :H8"(}.''1 -'1 - ---_..___.._---_._.----------- ***************************************************************************~****- TITL.i=::EI{L.iJTr~A LI~ir<F.~ 82264 STATION NUr-ii)ER:11 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: Sj~'CCHI DISC: SURFACE TEI'lP: 1044 AST 1055 AST 2.0 feet 8.6 C DEPTH TEMP.CONDUCTIVITY CORR ,Cor~DUCT •TRAt-lSMISS, (Meter)(celsius)(uMho)(UI'l110)(/.) =================================================== fJ .0 8,58 96 128 1 ,(i 8.59 95 127 4.0 8,60 96 127 6.n 8.60 96 127 8.0 8.58 95 128 12,0 8.50 96 127 16.0 8.49 96 129 ;?0 .0 8.49 95 129 24.0 (.j,49 96 129 iSusoended sediMent saMole collected ~24,0 M 32.u 8.44 96 129 36,0 8,08 96 130 40 .0 7.67 96 131 48.0 7,07 97 1 ~)2 !Susoended sediMent saMole collected @ 48.0 M Tl.li~BIDI·"i"Y (NTU) ====:-.:==:::-..:.;:.-: 51 .5 '71 , f j - 50.11 54,'0 6.95 96 133 lMostly cloudv.very brisk southeast wino (Chinook) C~ble d~oths recorded -Martek denth channel Malfunctioninq Turbidit,Measured on SeDteMber 22 frOM 1446 to 1528 AST - E0921K:H8~O,1 - 1 - ", ******************************************************************************** EKL.UlNA I_AI<l::: SeoteMDer 21~1982 82264 STATION NUMBER:13 .J' - STARTING TIME: Ei'lDING TIME: bFCCHI DT~;C:;: 'lOll AST 1034 AST 8.8 C 1. f £. !<~* DEPTH TEi,P .CONDUCTIVITY COF<R .CONDUCT. (Meter')(celsius)(uMho)(uMho) -_._----====================='=============------- 0 0 8.78 90 '121 'I I}8 '7~88 120.,, 4,()8.81 BEl 120 8.U 8.78 88 '121 1 ()0 8.76 89 122 L~.0 8.75 90 121 14.0 8.72 89 121 16.0 8.69 88 1 ;,;1 2D 0 8,61 89 121 ,24.(;8.56 89 121 ;~~3 I 0 8.54 89 122 3?0 8.4'7 90 123 :56.0 8.35 90 123 40 0 8.lb 91 124· 4"1 0 7 .72 91 1 ':)_.....1 TRANSMIS5. (%) ========== TUI~BID (NTUI ======~.; - - .. !Bo t·\,Oi"1 Mostlv c~oudv~gusty strong southeast wind (Chinook) Cable deeths recorded -Martek deetn channel Malfunctioning E0921M:H8.>()~1 --t - ,.******************************************************************************** • ..... TITLE: DATE: STIATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SUiRFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EI<LUTNA U~I<E October 14,1982 ~82287 2 1230 AST 1250 AST 1.6 feet '7.1 C 63.0 f~. --t" DEPTH (l"liI:!ter) ======= 0.0 1 .0 4.0 8,0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 7 ..49 7.56 7,53 7.41 7.32 7.45 7.59 7.62 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR,CONDUCT, (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. C'{) ========== TURBID'Y (NTU) =====:;?;:;~~ 31 30 31 !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 28,0 32.0 36.0 40,0 7.59 7,53 32 31 !Suspended sediMent saMPle collected @ 40.0 M ~44,0 7.57 50.0 36 52,0 7:49 56.0 7.45 !BottOM !Overcast,Mild north wind,snowed all Mornino,air teMperature 2,4 C !Cable depths recorded !Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctionina -No data !Turbiditv and quanta data collected October 15 frOM 1304 to 1342 AST !El0l4B:H8,O,l - 1 - ******************************************************************************** - - TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA LAKE Dc t 0 b er 14,1982 5 1307 AST 1318 AST .1.7 feet 7,'1 C 63.0 Meters 8228i' -- !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M !Suspended sediMent saMole collected @ 48.0 M DEPTH (Meter) -------------- I).a 1 .(} 4,0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32·,0 40,0 48.0 54.0 56.0 58.a 59.0 60.0 66"a TEMP. (celsius) ========= 7.12 7.17 7.18 7.18 7,19 7,21 7,22 7.23 7 ..23 7.23 7.23 7.23 6.91 6.80 6.78 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS. , (I.) -------------------- TURBIDITY (NTU)---__------__--.... 31 t """~ 31 I ~ • 32 !BottOM !Overcast.Moderate north wind !Cable depths recorded !Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctionina -No data ,!Turbiditv Measured on October 15 frOM 1357 to 1410 AST . !E.1 0 14E :H8 • 0 ,1 - 1 - .- ******************************************************************************** ".' TITLE: D~~TE : STATION NUI-1BER: STARTING TIi''\E: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SUi<F'ACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: 'EK LUTNA LAK E October 14,1982 7 1335 AS,T 1341 AS'T 1,7 feet '7,1 63.0 Meters 82287 DEPTH (Meter) =::===== 0.0 l ,0 4.0 B,O 16.0 24.0 TEMP. (celsius) =='======= 7.09 7.07 7.10 '7,08 7.08 7.06 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho)-----_._----------------- CORR.CONDUCT, (YMho) ==========.=== TRANSMISS, 00 ========== TURBIT :.T"f (Nl'U) ======-<~..,.,- 30 31 31 ~I [Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 3~~.0 36,0 48.0 7,06 7.0'7 31 30 !Suspended sediMent saMple collectd @ 48.0 M 56.0 57.0 SH.O 59.0 60,0 61 .0 62.0 64.0 66,0 7,07 7,07 7.06 '7,05 7.04 7,02 7.02 7,01 7.01 31 !Mostly overcast,Moderate north wind !Cable depths recorded !Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctionina -No data !Turbiditv data collected October 15 frOM 1425 to 1447 AST IF.1014G:H8,O,1 - 1 - II c,~,-.;.OII...,~-_ ******************************************************************************** TITLE: DATE: STATION NUMBER: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: - SURFACE TEMP: LAI{E DEP TH : .6.8 C 63.0 Meters DEPTH (Meter) ======= 0.0 1 • 0 4.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 45.0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 6.82 6,80 6.80 6.79 6.79 6.76 6.69 6,60 6,54 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT. (IJMho~ ============= TRANSMISS. (7.) ========== TURBIDITY (NTU)-------_..---------_... } i I !BottOM Mostly overcast,Moderate north wind Cable depths recorded Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctionina -No data E 10 14J :H8 .'0 " 1 -'1 - \~ - .' ".- J~ ******************************************************************************** ..TITLE: DrHE: STATION NUMBER: STAIHING TIME: ENDING TIME: SEeCHI DISC: SURFr;CE TEMP: EKLUTNA LAl<E October 14,1982 1425 AST 1434 AST 1.9 feet 6.8 C 63.0 Meters 82287 J,)EPTH (1'IIeter) ======= 0.0 I ,0 4,.0 Ei,0 16.0 24.0 TEMP, (celsius) ========= 6.60 6.6'1 6.62 6.64 6.64 6.65 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ caRR.CONDUCT. (uMho)-----------_.-------------- TRANSMISS. C%) ========== TURBI'i"TY (NTU) ======-~"---:-0_ 30 31 _f !Suspended sediMent saMple collected @ 24.0 M 32.0 40.0 48.0 6.64 0,63 6.63 30 !Suspended sediMent saMple ~ollected ~48.0 M !BOttOM !Mostly overcast,Moderate north wind,air teMperature 1.9 C !Cable depths recorded !Conductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctioninq -No data !Turbiditv data collected ac~ober 15 frOM 1504 to 1520 AST !£'1014K:H8,O,1 - - 56.0 58.0 6.46 31 -1 - -_._----------------------_._------------ ******************************************************************************** TITLE: Df~TE: EKLUTNALAKE October 14,1982 82287 STATION NUMBER:12 STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: t.AKE DEPTH: 1450 AST 1455 A~T 6.5 C 63.0 Meters 1 DEPTH (Meter) -======= 0.0 1 .0 4,0 8.0 24,0 32.0 34,0 TEMP. (celsius) ========= 6.52 6,50 6.50 6.51 6.43 6.34 6.35 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho) ============ CORR.CONDUCT, (uMho) ============= TRANSMISS, (7.) ========== TURBIDITY <NTU) ========= I I l ) !BottOM iOuercast,Moderate north wind,lioht snow flurries ICable depths recorded lConductivity and corrected conductivity channels Malfunctioninq -No data ! E 10 14L :HB.,0 ~1 - 1 - I l • ; _. - 'If ******************************************************************************** - TITLE: fHHE: STI;TION NUMBER: ST(~RTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SECCHI DISC: SURFACE TEMP: LAKE DEPTH: EKLUTNA U~KE Dc t 0 b er "14.1982 13 1504 AST 1509 AST 6.4 C 63.0 Meters 82287 -, DEPTH (t"leter) ======== 0.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 TEMP. (celsius) =:=:==:g::: 6.41 6.43 6.45 6.45 6.46 6.45 6.46 6.45 CONDUCTIVITY (uMho ). ===-========= CORR.CONDUCT. (uMha) -------------------------- TRANSMISS. (%)--------_-.---------- TURBl '.'TY (NH.iI - ,~ iBottOM lOvercast,liaht to Moderate north wind !Cable depths recorded !Cond·uctiIJity and corrected conductivity channels Mal-t'unctionina -No data !E 10141'1 :H8 ,0,"1 -1 - il"'""""" • ~-, 6 ..... • .- - f 1 t. s5/y29 APPENDIX B DYRESM INPUT DATA EKLUTNA LAKE WEATHER 'f'"""'"'-' • 1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 82211 :~3000 •9~1.0.0 .S.7 .~~:=;1.5 82214 22000 •• 0 12.0 -'\.8 ..,...IJ •.0"l:'..'OJ a2~11 230"0.,..t4.0 5.S o.~0.0 82216 24000..0 14.5 4.0 0.5 0.0"'..82217 190QO..3 t5.~6.,.O.!)0.0 LEGEND•82218 21000.•.1 14.0 8.7 2.5 0.0 82219 12000..9 15.0 9.:1.2)5 0.3 ""-82220 35000..9 12.0 11.6 2.5 0.3 Date82:221 '21000..a 12.0 7.5 2;.5 0.3 1 (Year-Julian Day)•12.5 7.9 1 .5 1.8822221700.0.1 • 82223 12000.1.12.5 5.0 1.5'5.8 Insolation8222420286.O.1.0 ...6 ~&9 0.5 0.0 .2 (Kilojoules)•82225 21000.O.13.5 ~'j,3 t.S 0.0...82226 13000..9 15.0 8.4 1.5 0.0 Cloud Cover<n 82227 11000.1 •.U.S 4.7 0.5 2.8 3 (Sky fraction in tenth's)::t 82228 15000 •..8 11.5 4.7 1.5 0.0 CJ 82229 15000..a 12.0 7.5 0.:)0.0 Median Air Temperature::t 82230 17000..7 12.5 S.O..1.~0.0 4 (Degrees Celsius)<C 82231 20000.~2 13.0 5)~1.S 0.0 8223'70000..1.14.0 5.5 0.5 0.0 Vapor Pressure8223318000••4 13.5 S.3 1.3 0.0 5 (Millibars)82234 16000..7 13.3 5.3 3.5 0.0 8223S 13000.1.16.0 9.8 1.3 0.5 Average Windspeed8223613000...,15.0 5.9 l.S 0.5 6 (Meters per second)82237 17QOO.1.14.0 5.S o •.S 0.2 82238 15000.L 13.5 5.3 0.5 1.0 PrecipitationI""" 82239 19000..3 13.0 8.1 '2-~:;0.0 7 (Millimeters)82240 13536.1.13.4 6.~1.9 0.0 82241 4aO,~•:I.•11.6 6.4 2.3 2.6 .""82242 5447.1 •9.1 7.3 .1.2 10.4[82243 11873.1.•9.1 1.l.5 0.8 1.0 ,,- (82244 13943.O.9.0 5.1 0.9 0.0 82245 11268."1 •9.5 S.J.J o.a·0.0 82246 7110 ••9 6.9 5.8 1..0 0.2 82217 13653.O.7.8 3.7 1.6 0.0 82248 4338.1 •10.6 5.3 2.3 24.6 82249 6472.1.B.O 1,.5 1 •?6.8 82250 11826..1 8.6 5.9 0.8 0.0 r-1 82251 7607 • •9 7.4 S.9 0.7 0.8 82752 12593.O.10.7 3.9 1.7 0.0 82::.!53 8070 ••3 a.a :;.4 0.9 0.0 82254 4563.1 •5.3 5.9 0.8 6.6 f-82255 7257.1.5.1 3.6 2.3 1.4,~ eo - ,S.O 6,,2 ,82256 6318.1 •13.7 \J '"~...W 82257 3483.1.•12.9 :).7 3.8 7.4a::Il 827.:=;8 6218.1 •14.2 5.4 6.9 15.2I~:it 82239 12258..1 10.7 1.3 2.3 0.6,.WI 82260 6912 ••9 11.2 2.0 3.9 0.0...82261 .3303..9 U.7 2.7 4.1 4.2 ~A..82262 2943.1 •7.6 6.7 0.6 5.8W822635224..9 10.a 1.5 3.9 0.0•en 82264 5778 ••9 9.9 3.6 4.7 2.0 822.S5 .~S39 •.7 l;.O ~,9 1 ,1 0.8-8:266 5918..9 3.6 3.2 0~9 0.0 822.~7 9917 •..4 :1.0 2,9 l,()0.0 82268 6042..1 3.9 3.3 1.2 0.0822.;9 .7897..3 7.7 ~f>~2.3 1.6 •82270 8329.O.3.8 3.4 0.9 0.0 32~71 314/).1•1.9 1.R 2.8 0.0 82272 ::~79·l.1 •7.4 3.4 2.0 7.2 "....82273 .S285 ••8 :L8 3.8 0.9 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 82152 17000 .8 t"i.i,F 4.0 O.S O. 32153 17000 .8 8.0 4.0 0.8 O. 8.3 "7 e'''-...O.82154 24000 .0 _.f ..J I ~.~I ~82155 l4000 1.0 7.:3 3.45 6.1 0.6 82156 14000 1.0 12.3 13.28 e'.,o.LEGEND..J •, 82157,t4000 1.0 10.1 4.33 1.3 1.2 82158 14000 1.0 9.6 7.09 2.0 O.-.82159 21000 .3 10.2 5.1T '2.7 O.1 Date 82160 19000 1.0 12.0 5.8?2.7 O.(Yea r-J uJian Day) 82161 19000 1.0 1.2.0 5.82 '2.3 O. 82162 19000 1.0 9.8 4.43 2.8 O.Insolation -. 82163 '2'2000 1.0 9.6 4;49 1.9 o._2 (KilojouJes) 82164 21000 .9 10.7 3.81 1.0 O. W 82165 1Sf)OO 1.0 B.O 5.41 o,a o.Cloud Cover 82166 :13000 .9 8.3 6.39 0.7 0.8 3 (Sky fraction in tenths)Z 82167 1.4000 t,O 7.9 ,S .12 0.9 0.2:;)82168 24000 .6 10.6 7 ,.~R LQ O.Median Air Temperature """82169 17334 1.0 8.8 6 .50 1.5 0.8 4 (Degrees Celsius)""""82170 13799 .9 8.9 5.41 2.2 0.2 82171 19::ifH .9 7.4 ·1,38 1.0 O. 5 Vapor Pressu re 8217.2 18000 .9 10.4 5.61 1.0 0.4 (Milliba rs) 82173 25877 ••S 1,2.:q 6.28 1.0 O. 82174 27406 &2 12.4 6.34 0.9 O.Average Windspeed 82175 26546 ,0 1.3.0 10.06 1.4 O.-6 (Meters per second) 82176 :19667 .9 16.6 '6.90 2.3 O. ~82177 14076 .A tlL 2 6.20 4.6 o.Precipitation 82178 18190 .9 13.4 4 ...7:1 2.0 1.6 7 (M ill i mete rs ) 82179 23670 ,7 1Ll)4.91 ?.4 O. 82:180 16481 .9 12.3 4.80 3.2 O. l.82181 18792 .9 11.3 3.89 2.2 O.t 82182 22888 .0 8.6 5.19 3.1 O. 82183 18860 .7 12.1 8.29 1.5 O.i82:1fl4 9417 1.0 9.7 10.71 1.6 Oo' 82185 11514 .9 1.0.()6.92 '1.0 O. 821R6 8258 1.0 12.5 8.6 0.8 O. 82187 7334 1.•0 10.:1.S.O 2.0 O. 82188 20000 .3 15.4 6.0 f.I.9 O. 82139 8000 1.0 14.0 7.0 0.:'5 2.5 82190 8000 1.0 13.0 7.0 0.5 2.5 82191 14000 .9 12.2 6.0 0.1 0.2 82192 10000 .9 12.0 6.0 0.5 2,0 82193 9000'1.0 12.5 .S.O 0.3 4.0 82194 15000 .8 13.0 7.0 0;,·5 0.4 82195 15000 ,.,:1.3.0 7.0 0'.5 0.4•I'J >821 ';'6 27000 .1.13.8 B.O 1 •.,0.0....82197 15000 .9 11.4 9.0 0.5 3.0:=El2198 11000 1.0 1.:2 .0 9.0 0.5 10.6...,82199 15000 .9 13.0 1.0.0 O.S 5.0 82200 14000 •9 14.0 7.0 0.5 4.0 ..... 82201 16000 .7 16.0 a.o 0.3 2.0 a22(l~7.0000 .3 14.8 7.0 0.5 0.2 82203 6000 1.0 1.1.9 9.:1.0.9 0.2 """82204 6850 1.0 14.1 11.0 '.2 jO.2 82205 7500 1.0 13.1,12.0 0.6 2.0 82206 7000 1.0 14.0 11.0 0.5 1.4 82207 24000 0.0 13.6 9.0 0.7 0.0 ~82208 23000 .1 j4.5 9.8 1.2 0.0 , 82209 9518 .9 12.1 9.7 3.0 0.0822106(01)j .0 13.3 12.0 1.0 0,082211BOO/).9 '4.4 7.1)0,8 3.5 .....822J2 j5000 .7 14.5 t6.0 1.4 0.0 - APPENDIX C DYRESM IN PUT DATA EKLUTNA LAKE 6-HOUR RESULTANT WINDSPEEDS ... r-"f ( .- s5/y30 ·------'-----*-----~---------"'i"i-'---------~,---------,---- - 'WI N DS PEE D (meters/sec.) DATE Q!Q2 1200 1800 2400 """'82152 O.J 0.1 0.1 0.1 82153 O,l 0,1 821~4 0.1 0.1 O'i 0.75.. 82153 0.12 5.15 4.8'":.5.14 -8215b 4.9S·5.94 7.05 ..,.,.-NOTE: I •~l':' 82157 6.7.~5.20 3.74 -0.58" 82158 -0.32 -1.65 J •O~0,.37 1.Positive values indicate wind 82159 -0.06 0.55 3.7'"0.46 blowing generally southerly, 821bO "down "the lake.-0.36 2.08 4.64 2.90 or 82161 3.90 3.'22 3.50 0.37 82162 1.90 3.50 ('I.:=;2 -0.80 2.Negative valves indicate 8'2163 -0.20 :3.7:5 4.40 2.94 generally northerly winds,or 82)<'.4 1.02 -1.10 -1.64 -0.45 "up"the lake. W 82:1.65 -0.'23 -1.50 -1.30 -0.40Z82166-0.55 -O.7t.0.53 0.24 3.Absolute values are mean ~ =-82167 -0.22 -1.:';4 0.23 0.20 vector resultant windspeeds "'"82168 -0.48 -1.50 -0.84 0.01 for values recorded in the 82169 O.tO -1.25 -0.67 -0.49 preceding six hour interval.-. 82170 -0.48 -0.89 1.93 0.11 82171 0.22 3.09 3.20 0.48 8217'2 ·-0.16 -1.80 -1.94 0.43 82173 -0.36 -1.4:5 -0.20 0.55 ..... 82174 0.08 -1.50 -0.21 0.60 . 82175 0.19 -1.45 -O.SI)0.40 82176 0.33 -1.05 2.02 0.65 82177 -0.9:)3.18 ~.69 4.15 82178 6.19 4.74 3.70 0.96 82179 0.43 2.50 2.75 0.98 82180 1.04 3.03 3.64 2.05 .t 82181 3.45 2.18 ,, j 8218?-3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 82183 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -821R4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 8218:5 1.0 1 .0 1 •0 1.0 821R6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 ·82187 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 8218B 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 82189 0.5 0 •.::;0.3 0.5 82190 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82191 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 82192 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82193 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 82194 0.5 .0.5 0.5 0.5 .. 8219:5 0.:5 0.5 0.5 0.5 >-82196 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -:1..4 -I 82197 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -:)82198 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5..,82199 -0.5 -0.5 ...0.5 -0.5 82200 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82201 0.:3 0.5 0.5 0.5 .. 8220'0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82'203 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 82204 -2.2 -2.2 -2.2 -2(2 82205 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 .. 82206 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 82207 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 82208 -1.2 -1.'2 -1 .2 -1 .2 8220'?-3.0 -3.0 -3.0 -3.0 S22JO 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 .0 82211 o.a 0.8 0.8 0.8 82212 1.4 1.4 1 .4 1 .4 ff""I.""" WINDSPEED (meters/sec.) .Q!.ll Q.!Q.Q.1200 1800 2400,-. 82213 -6.5 -6.5 -6.;;.-6.5,13221 ,~2.5 2.5 2.5 ?5 82213 0.5 O.!";O.~0.5 f"""82216 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82217 0.5 0.5 O.~0.5 NOTE: 822:18-~...265 2.5 2.5.c::.•..J 82219 -2.5 -':2 0 5 -2.5 -2.5 L Positive values indicate wind.....82220 -2 ..5 -~.~-'.5 -'.5 blowing generally southerly, 82221 "2.S 2.5 2 ..5 2.5 or "down "the lake. 82222 -1.5 -1.5 -1 .5 -1.5 ..-82223 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.N!!gative valves indicate '82224 .-0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 generally northerly winds,or 82225 1.5 1.5 ·1.5 1.5 "up"the lake. ~82226 -1.5 -1.5 -1 .5 -1.5--82227 0.5 0.::;0.5 0.5 3,Absolute values are meantn822281.5 1.~1 .5 1 .5 vector resultant windspeeds:=)82229 O.~0.:5 0.5 0.5 for values recorded in thec:J 82230 1.5 1.5 1 .5 1.5 preceding six hour interval. :=)82231 1.:)1.5 1.5 1.5 C 82232 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82233 1.:'5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ~82234 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 82235 -1.5 -1.:-)-1.5 -1.5 82236 1.S 1.5 1.5 1.5 82237 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82238 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 82239 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 -2.3 ~82240 -1.9 -1.9 -1 .9 -1.9 82241 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 f 82242 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 l 82243 -O.S -O.S -0.8 -0.8 .-r 82244 0.6 0.3 1.3 0.5 82245 0.7 -0.6 -0.7 0.6 82246 0.4 -0.9 1.4 0.5 82',2-17 0.6 -0.3 0,4 2.9 !"""'>,82248 4.6 2.7 0.5 0.6 82249 1.a 0.5 -1.0 0.3 82?50 0.6 0.2 -1.0 0.4-,82251 0.6 -0.3 -0.5 0.4 82252 0.4 1.2 3.1 2.5 82253 0.6 0.2 -1.4 0.4 CC 82254 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.4 l ....W 82255 0.2 0.3 '-,B 6.0 CD 82256 6.1 5.4 4.7 3.6 :E 82257 2.9 4 ..0 3.4 4.1 822'58 7.2 8.2 8.6 3.2(~W 822:-)9 0.7 t.3 ;;'4 -1.0I-82260 0.3 4.2 5~2 3.8a..82261 5.2 5.S 4.~0.7W822620.2 0.2 0.6'0''''-(I).OJ 82263 2.2 3.4 4 •.,~5.3 82264 7.4 ...-z 0.6 0.4I•"" 82265 0.7 0.2 -1 •.S 0.6t:-82266 0.6 -0.4 -1.2 0.6 82267 0,8 O.l -1.4 0.7 822e.8 0.9 0.1 -0.5 1.5 ,.,...82269 2.8 4.0 1.4 0.4 82270 0.8 0.1 0.4 0.8 8227·1 0.9 2.8 1 •4 ~.2 8227? -1.1 0.3 J\'1,'lJ'W<82273 0.3 -1.4 0.1 0.6.. ..,...-•wm --......,._--.;----_ WINDSPEED (lIleter'/sec.) ...J:2A.li.g,§.QQ,l2.QQ ...l.l2Q ~82274 0.7 0.4 -1.1 0,6 82275 O.B 0.1 -1.7 0.8 82276 0.4 0.5 -1.8 0.4 """82277 0.3 0.5 O.l=!0.7 NOTE:82278 0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.7 0""'79 8'~0.5 -0:2 0.7 1.Positive values indicate wind~11~(\.."-0 ..3 -2.3 -1.1 blowing generally82281.-0.5 0.3 -0,4 0.2 southerly, 82282 -0.2 -0.6 -1.?0.7 or "down"the lake. 82283 0.4 -0.7 0.5 0.8 2.Negative valves82284..0.7 0.4 -1.5 0.7 indicate """': 82285 0.3·3.9 ·-0.6 -1.3 generally northerly winds,or --t "up"the lake.82286 -1.5 -1.6 -0.4 0.5 a:82287 0.7 -0.7 -2.2 -1.7 3.W 822RR -0.9 0.7 0.8 Absolute values are mean ""'":I .1m822890.13 2.~5.2 0.6 vector resultant windspeeds 0 82290 0.2 -0.4 -:I .;;0',8 for values recorded in the p 82291 O.B 0,4 0.3 o.a preceding six hour interval.-(,J 82292 0.8 0.6 0.9 -0.3 ()8229:'5 0.0 -0.6 -1.2 1.0 82294 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 82295 1.1 0,9 1 • 1 1.0 -8229/.1 .1 0.9 0.4 0.9 82297 0.9 0.7 -0.9 1.0 82298 1.0 --0.4 -1.9 ~.•2 -82299 1.1 1.3 0.8 1.3 82300 1.2 1.3 1 • 1 0.8 82301 0.8 3.1 2.3 0.5 82302 -O.b 1.0 :I •:I -0.6 ). 82303 -1.'2 1.2 1.2 1 • 1 I 82:=:04 1.2 1.2 2.5 6.4 j 82305 6.3 6.4 0.2 0.5 -82306 0.5 O.B 0.6 1.2 82307 1.9 1.13 1.3 1.2 82308 1.9 -0.2 -0.2 1.2 -82309 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.2 82310 1.9 1.B :I .;;1.2 82311 1.9 1.13 1.3 1.2 82312 6.2 7.6 2.9 -0.9 -82313 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.1 82314 1.0 1.3 4.6 3.7 82315 3.3 -0.5 0.7 2.9 -82316 6.5 7.9 9.4 5.1 a:82317 5.4 5.9 2.7 -0.2 W 82318 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.5 m 82319 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 -~82320 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.3 J 82321 0.9 0.13 0.9 0.911.1 82322 1.0 1.0 :I .0 0.9>82323 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 _!'iI"O 0 82324 0.7 0·.:I 0.5 0.9 ) Z 82325 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.5 82326 -4.1 3.8 4.7 4.9 82327 4.2 -0.7 -0.4 0.1 I' 82328 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 82329 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.6 S~330 0.8 0.6 1 •1 2.9 82331 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 • 82332 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.2 82333 0.3 0.4 -0.3 -0.2 82334 -0.5 -1.6 -1.9 -1.2 -• - ,~ --I ~~... - s5/y31 APPENDIX D EKLUTNA LAKE PHYSICAL DATA s5/y32 EKLUTNA LAKE PHYSICAL DATA Crest Level Bottom Offta ke Level Length at Crest Length @ Bottom Offta ke Width at Crest Width at Bottom Offtake Bottom Offta ke Diameter Meters 64.3 40.73 11 ,000 9,800 1,260 1,005 2.74 - - - - J • - APPENDIX E EKLUTNA RIVER STREAMFLOW DATA s5/y33 ---------_._------------- D Y R E S M I N P U T D A T A • EAST FOR K GLACIER FORK M I NO R TRIBUTARIES DATE DISCHARGE TEMP SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMP.SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMP.SALINITY -1000 m3 °c %0 IOOOm 3 °c %0 IOOOm 3 °c 0/0 8.215?-..,,.......9.0 0.0 150.0 3.0 0.0 ]50.0 9.0 0.0\':"~v.u 82J.31 450.0 9.0 0.0 1.80.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082154490.0 9.0 0.0 200.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 ~. 82155 320.0 9.0 0.0 ;:!20.(J 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082:1;'6 .570.0 9.0 0.0 240.0 3·.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082137600.0 9.0 0.0 2o~O.O 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082158650.0 9.0 0.0 280.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082139700.0 9.0 0.0 300.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082169730.0 9.0 0.0 329.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 OeO 82161 7:;0,0 9.0 0.0 34'2.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 .9.0 0.0821t.2 590.0 9.0 0.0 342.0 3.-0 0.0 150.'1 9.0 0.082163490.0 9.0 0.0 :;:;0.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082164420.0 9.0 0.0 320.0 3.(',0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082163410.0 9.0 0.0 :;1.0.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082166400.0 ~.O 0.0 320.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0W·82167 370.0 10.0 0.0 335.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0Z82168420.0 10.0 0.0 350.0 ·3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 ('l.0:;)82169 !3tO.Q 10.0 0.0 365.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0~82170 500.0 10.0 0.0 380.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082171500.0 10.0 0:.°390,0 3.0 0.0'150.0 9.0 0.082172470.0 10.0 0.0 390.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 ~82173 470.0 10.0 0.0 420.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082174554.0 10.0 0.0 460,0 1.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082175660.0 9.0 0.0 500.0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082176780.0 9.5 0.0 550.0 :LO 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0821771331.0 9.0 0.0 572.0 3.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082178945.0 8.0 0.0 80a.0 3.3 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0821791723,0 7.0 0.0 96:').0 3.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0821801140.0 7.0 0.0 657.0 3.1 0.0 150.0 9,0 0.0 1821fH945.0 8.0 0.0 613.0 2.9 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 .1 82182 830.0 5.7 0.0 555.0 :L 1 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 ~!I'll!821133 614.0 ::i.7 0.0 493,0 3.2 O~O 150.0 9.0 0.082184543.0 5.7 0.0 479.0 3 ..0 p.o 150.0 9.0 0.082185!"i63.0 ::i.7 0.0 479.l)2.8 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082186583.0 5.7 0.0 465.0 ?6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.08218759~.0 r).7 0.0 470.t)2."0.0 .150.0 9.0 0.0821BB727.0 5.7 0.0 534.0 2.2 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082189945.0 5.7 0.0 607.0 2.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 82:190 871.0 5.7 0.0 589.0 1.8 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 821.91 ~30.l)::i.7 0.0 544.()1.8 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082192830.0 5.7 0.0 544.0 1.8 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0821938~9.0 5.7 0.0 601.0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 I!llII!82]94 930.0 5.7 0.0 670.0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0821.95 1.00",.0 5.7 0.0 7.Sl .0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 82196 1023.0 5.7 0.0 769.0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0,0 :>82197 977.0 :1.7 0.·0 725.,0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082198930.0 5.7 0.0 725.0 1 .4 0.0 150.0 9.·0 0.0 .¥..I 82199 88,1,.0 5.7 0.0.697.()1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0:::»82200 901.0 6.1 0.0 784.0 1.4 0.0 :150.0 9.0 b.o.., 82201 1124.0 6.1 0.0 9~4.0 1.4 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082202j76B.O 6.1 0.0 1]~O.0 1 •4 0 .•0 150.0 9.0 0.08220:)"21~.O 6.1 0.0 1086.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0822041327.0 6.1 0.0 :I.~4b.0 1.b 0.0 150.0 ~82205 1.408.0 .s.:I.0·.0 1762.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0,08220b:1368.0 b.l 0.0 1800.0 1.b 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.082'207 121.~.0 6.1 l).1)1800.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0822081268.0 5.7 0.0 IB50.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0.82209 1408.0 ::i.7 0.0 1800.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0822:10 1537.0 ~...0.0 1628.0 j .6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0~.I 82211 1537.0 S.7 0.0 2416.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.08221?1307.0 5.7 0.0 2277.0 :t.b 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 .. ~-l 0 y A E S M I N P U T D A T A EAST FOR K GLACr E R FORK M I NO R TRIBUTARIESDATEDISCHARGETEMP.SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMP.SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMe SALINlTY1000m3°c %0 IOOOm 3 °c %0 JOOOm 3 °c % 82~1:'11.'24.0 ::i.O 0.0 ,94s.n 1 .6 0.0 150,0 ".0 0·0822141789.0 c-..,0.,0 1~9·~.0 1 .6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0""~..,-82215 977,0 5.4 0;0 1 44.~.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 8221~930.0 5.4 0.0 1475.0 1.e.0.0 150.0 9'.0 0.0 82'217 960.0 5 ...5 0.0 144,s.0 1.,s 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 82218 960.0 5.2 0.0 1.461.0 1.6 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 ~82'219 9.4:=J'.O 4.A 0.0 1108.0 .1.1 0.0 150 .•0 9.0 0.0 82220 871.0 4.9 0.0 1024.0 ,.,:1.0.0 150.0 9.0 0.0 82221 791.f) 9'28.0 1 • 1 0.0 .150.0 9.0 0.082222705.0 4.4 0.0 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4.4 0.0 883.0 2.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0.08224357J,O 4.6 0.0 896.0 2.0 0.0 150.0 9.0 0<0 r-82244 497.0 4.6 0.0 697.0 1 •~0.0 150.0 9.0 0,.0 82245 455.0 4.7 0.0 657.0 1.5 0.0 150.0 9.0 0,0 82246 446.0 4.6 0.0 619.0 1 .5 0.0 150.0 9.0 0,0 82247 392.0 4.3 0.0 539.0 105 0.0 150.0 9.0 0,0 82248 646.0 4.7 0.0 657.0 ~,.5 0,-0 150.0 B.O 0.0 822 ·t9 1470.0 4.5 0.0 1377.0 1.5 0.0 150.0 8.0 0.0 82250 646.0 4.5 0.0 784.0 1 .5 0.0 150.0 B.O 0,0 8225'.490.0 4 "S 0.0 583.0 1 ....0.0 150.0'8.0 0,0...J 82252 414.0 4.8 0.0 534.0 1.8 0.0 150.0 7.0 0.0 a22~:;377.0 4 ,,~0.0 484.0 1.7 0.0 150.0 7.0 0.0 a:822~~335.0 4.3 0.0 313.0 j .8 0.0 150,0 7.0 0.0 822~~294.0 '3.9 0.0 297.0 1.7 0.0 150.0 7.~0.0W82256470.0 4.9 0.0 320.0 1.9 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0CD822575.'S3,O 5.0 0.0 544.0 1.8 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0:Ii 82258 1268.0 5.7 0.0 1024.0 1,6 0.0 150-.0 6.0 0.0W822596.5~·)0 4.6 0.0 1024.0 1.4 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0....82260 347.0 3.9 0.0 8~7.0 1 .•2 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0a..821.S 1.272.0 4.4 0.0 725.0 1.0 0.0 130.0 6.0 0.0 W 82262 311.0 4.2 0.0 711.0 0.8 0,0 150.0 6.0 0.0en8221,3 240.0 4.3 0.0 7U •/)0.5 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0 822~~470.0 4.4 0.0 676.0 0.7 0.0 150,0 ~.(l 0.0 822.S5 61·1,l)3.8 0.0 534.0 0.3 0.0 150.0 6.0 0.0.... 471.0 3.8 0.0 421.0 O,:?0',0 150.0 6.0 0.082266 82267 44,1,,0 3 ..3 0.0 T70.0 01'2 0.0 lOO.O 5.0 0.0 82?6B 392.0 3.4 0.0 3~6.0 0,2 0.0 100.0 5.0-0.0 82269 35.S ,(J 3.9 0.0 ,,3'2,~•0 0.3 0.0.·..--,100.0 5.0 0.0 82270 305.0 "2'c-OlO 301.0 0.1 0.0 100.0 5.0 0.0w.",I 8227'.::!8~.O .......0.0 284.0 0.2 0.0 50,0 3.0 0.0..J.~..: 8227?282.0 3.6 0.0 275.0 0.3 0.0 50.0 3.0 0,·0 ~82271 2.6,';+{)3.~0.0 260,0 0.3 0.0 50.0 3.0 0.·0 !l!!Ili D y R E S M I N P U T D A T A EAST _-UL~~GLACIER FORK M I NO R TRIBUTARIESDATE.DISCHARGE TEMP.SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMP.SALINITY DISCHARGE TEMP.~ SALINITY1000m3°c %0 IOOOm3 °c %0 IOOOm 3 °c 0/0 82274 240.0 3.1 0.0 245.0 0.5 0.0 50.0 l.t.0.0 8"''")''''''-230,0 .235.0 0.5 0.0 50.0 1.4 0.0~.i.'.~.J B ..,.,...,~22"1 ..(1'3.iJ 0.0 224.0 O,:'j (l.0 50.0 0.9 0.0 -j.......;,;,!'..' 82277 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