HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA456TK. 1425 .S8 E58 no.456 Alaska Resources Library & Infnrmatton Service Anct. ...., . ....JSka SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES LAND USE ANALYSIS NAVIGATIONAL USE APRIL, 1982 Teue1hial E nvitonmental Speciali1tl, Inc. ......___ __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY=----~ JIJL 2 9 1982 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 7 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES LAND USE ANALYSIS NAVIGATIONAL USE Apri 1 1982 by TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS, Inc. Phoenix; New York 13135 for ACRES AMERICAN, INCORPORATED Liberty Bank Building, Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 lk ltJ 'l.S .58 ES£, no, 'iSb TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY . . • . • 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1-Purpose ••••... 1.2 -Background . 1.3 -Objectives . 1.4 -Approach 2 -AGENCY CONCERNS 3 -NAVIGATIONAL USE 3.1 -Historic Navigational Use .•... 3.2 -Recent Past and Present Navigational (a) Susitna River .•.•.• (b) Susitna Tributaries 3.3 -Navigability Considerations 3.4 -Anticipated Navigational Use 3.5 -Winter Navigation 4 -CONCLUSIONS .•.• 5 -LITERATURE CITED 6 -CONTACTS APPENDICES A -Historical Navigational Use . . Use • • B -Maps of Navigational Use and DNR Disposal Areas C -Aerial Survey of Navigational Use D -Proposed Disposal Areas Page i i 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 9 9 11 14 15 16 18 19 20 SUMMARY This report contains information on past, present, and anticipated navigational use of the Susitna River drainage below Devil Canyon. Information collected can be utilized to conduct an assessment of the impacts of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project on such navigation when the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) completes its hydrological investigation. There is a history of navigational use of the Susitna which dates ' . to 1834. Present areas of concentration of navigational use are on the Talkeetna River; Willow Creek; the Yentna River and its tributaries, the Skwentna and Kahiltna Rivers; the Deshka River (Kroto Creek); Alexander Creek; and areas on the Susitna near boat launches at Talkeetna, Sunshine, Kashwitna Landing, and Willow Creek. A variety of craft utilize the river for navigation, including rafts, canoes, airboats, and riverboats generally 14 to 27_feet in length with inboard and outboard motors having either prop or jet units. In addition, float planes are utilized in many areas throughout the Susitna drainage. Presently, there is considerable navigational use on the Susitna and its tributaries. Population increases in the Railbelt area, coupled with settlement and development of 56 DNR land disposal ar~as (plus future disposal areas) in the drainage of the Susitna and its tributaries below Devil Canyon, will result in increased navigational use in the future. The extent and nature of impacts of the Susitna hydroelectric project on navigational use will depend on the effects of reduced summer flows and stage in certain channels and sloughs on the Susitna. Potential impacts include effects on navigational use of the mainstem and, in addition, on uses in tributary streams dependent upon access via the Susitna. i i 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose A preliminary assessment of the effects of post-project streamflows from the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project on downstream river navigation and access to state land disposal sites is being conducted under a cooperative agreement between the Alaska Power Authority and its contractors and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This report summarizes historic and present navigational uses below Devil Canyon, and has been prepared as background for the evaluation of project-induced changes in streamflow on navigation. This report was prepared by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists, Inc. (TES) for Acres American, Inc. under a modification to the scope of work of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project Phase I Environmental Studies (Task 7). 1. 2 Background The Susitna River has been designated "navigable" by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of Interior (BLM), from the mouth to approximately 7.5 miles upstream of Gold Creek (the eastern border of the Indian River Remote Parcel). Navigational use is known to occur to Portage Creek. There has been a high level of concern expressed by federal and state agency personnel concerning the effects of post-project streamflows on river stage due to operation of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project, and the subsequent impacts on navigational use of the river for recreation, commerce, and land access. Such concerns have been documented via Susitna Hydro Steering Committee correspondence to the Alaska Power Authority during 1980. These concerns were again expressed in the reports on instream flow aspects (Dwight and Trihey 1981, Trihey 1981). In response to these concerns, Terrestrial Enyironmental Specialists, Inc. (TES) conducted a preliminary reconnaissance of issues related to navigational use of the 1 Susitna River in early 1981. Several of those expressing such concerns were contacted, including some who have experien~e using planes and boats on the river. TES also reviewed preliminary hydrological data on pre-and post-project flows, and obtained and reviewed documents describing historic and present navigational use of the river. A definitive description of the effects of post-project stream- flows and stage on navigational use and shoreline.access could not be made based upon existing data. Much of the Susitna River and many of its principal tributaries have been used for navigation, float plane landing sites, and access to shoreline areas and major tributary streams. Additional data collection and investigation of these issues were therefore warranted. In response to this need, a memorandum of understanding pertaining to cooperative investigations of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project was signed by the Alaska Power Authority and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources in September 1981. A work plan was established, coordinated through E. Woody Trihey, to investigate the effects of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project on navigational uses and access to state lands. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, R&M Consultants, and TES are undertaking this work for Acres American, Inc. and the Alaska Power Authority. 1.3 Objectives The objectives of the work plan are for DNR, R&M, and TES to: 1) identify past, present, and anticipated use of the Susitna River between Devil Canyon and Cook Inlet by boats and float planes and to provide a preliminary assessment of the effects of pre-and post- project flows on these uses, and 2) locate present and proposed state land disposal sites within the Susitna basin and determine the effects of pre-and post-project streamflows on access to these sites by boat or float plane. 2 This report summarizes baseline information on past and present boat and float plane use and state land disposal areas. An impact assessment can be performed when additional hydrological data become available. 1.4 Approach Information was obtained on past~ present, and anticipated navigational uses of the Susitna River below Devil Canyon, including estimated numbers of users, types of craft, seasonal utilization~ and areas of concentration. The principal navigation routes in the lower river are identified. Because potential effects on the Susitna River mainstem may cause consequent impacts on its tributaries, such as affecting navigational access to them, TES also assembled information about boating activity in the principal tributaries to determine extent of use in those areas. Data were obtained primarily from existing documents and interviews. Much of the discussion of historical use is based upon the written record compiled by BlM to establish a case file on navigability. Other sources of information were also utilized as cited. In addition, TES observed the lower Susitna River and its tributaries to augment the baseline description of river access and use. The investigation addressed use of the river by float planes as well as boats. It does not include details on current winter use by dogsleds and snowmobiles since reliable information on these uses and post-project ice cover could not be compiled and evaluated within the time frame of this scope of work. Winter use is discussed in general terms. TES also prepared maps of existing state land disposal sites and located future disposal areas from public information and in consultation with DNR•s Southcentral District Office. This information will be reviewed by DNR•s Water Management Section to determine which, if any, of these disposal sites are adjacent to river reaches for the navigational use investigation, and whether additional data should be obtained and analyzed. 3 2 -AGENCY CONCERNS Agency concerns were initially documented in the draft and final reports pertaining to instream flow aspects of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project (Dwight and Trihey 1981). For the most part, these involved conce·rns regarding access to the river and_ navigation on the river. TES contacted those who had identified access or navigability on the river as concerns, as well as other state and federal agency personnel, to obtain additional information. Those contacted generally reiterated previous statements. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1 s (ADF&G) and DNR 1 s concerns included the effects of the project on navigation on the lower river and access to land disposal parcels (Harle pers. comm., Trent pers. comm.). A more general concern mentioned was for access for recreational purposes such as hunting and fishing, and also mining (Harle pers. comm.). It was reported that there appears to be more opportunity for employment in remote areas with lands becoming available, and access to these remote jobs could become an issue (Mielke pers. comm.). ADF&G stated that with increasing boat traffic on the Susitna and its tributaries, any project effects resulting in reduced flows and stage would affect more people (Trent pers. comm.). Evidence of increased boating use was also reported by the operator at the Kashwitna Landing boat launch (also referred to as Susitna Landing), who stated that there has been a ten-fold increase in the number of boats launched in the past five years (Bloomfield pers. comm.) .. Boating activity has increased sufficiently for DNR 1 S Division of Parks to consider installing additional launches on the lower river (Wiles pers. comm.). 4 3 -NAVIGATIONAL USE 3.1 Historic Navigational Use From its delta region on Cook Inlet upriver to Devil Canyon, the Susitna River is considered a major transportation corridor between the coast and interior areas of southcentral Alaska. Native residents and explorers built their trails paralleling the lower Susitna. The Alaska Railroad, from a point near Willow and north to Gold Creek, parallels the course of the lower Susitna. The Susitna provides access for hunters, residents, and others to inland waterways in the drainage area. This section summarizes recorded historical use of the rivers and streams in the lower Susitna drainage; this information is tabulated in Appendix A. The first recorded ascent of the Susitna River was in 1834 by the Russian explorer Vasili Malakoff. He was forced to drag, or ~line••, his boat up river. He was the first explorer to obtain geographic knowledge about the area. The next recorded incident took place in 1894 when J. M. Johnston and Edward Andrews ascended the Susitna with sleds (BLM 1981). One year later, one hundred prospecting parties entered the Susitna River. Two prospectors reached as far inland as Chulitna Fork. In 1896, William Dickey and his partner Allen Monks made the first well-documented trip up the Susitna using an open sea dory. Along the way they built two boats, both being 25 feet long, 18 inches wide and flared across the top to 40 inches (Cole 1979). On one occasion they moved up to Talkeetna trading station, then west up the Chulitna River. In the same year, Dickey, a prominent mining man in Alaska, ascended the Susitna on another prospecting trip. This time the journey reached the mouth of Portage Creek. Initials carved in the rock, including those of W. A. Dickey, are evident at this location. The inscription, however, bears the inexplicable date of 1897. Gold was discovered in the Susitna River country in 1896. By the summer of 1897, one thousand prospectors had moved up the Susitna (BLM 1981). Captain Andrews and his party built a large dory and travelled 5 up the Susitna in 1896, but were forced to use dogsleds upon encountering ice. 1897 marked the first recorded trip to the Susitna•s headwaters. Nine men made the trip using a large dory of whipsawed lumber in summer and sleds in winter. In the same year, a mining party travelled up the Yentna River. W. G. Jack acted as guide to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS} survey party which ascended the Susitna in 1898 by towing sma 11 boats upstream. "Jack concluded that the river could be navigated to the mouth of Indian River by a steamer drawing not more than 2 feet of water" (Cole 1979). Reports indicate a good deal of USGS travelling in 1898. G. H. Eldridge and Robert Muldrow ascended the Susitna from Cook Inlet to the mouth of Indian River. Six members of USGS canoed up the Susitna and its tributaries, the Yentna and Skwentna Rivers. One expedition moved overland from the Susitna up to the Tanana River. Sgt. Yanert of the U.S. Army and two others moved up to the Chu 1 itna from near the mouth of Indian River, over to Broad Pass and the Nenana River. Also in 1898, 0. G. Herning and his crew poled their way up the Susitna as far as Willow Creek. In the fall of 1899 the ocean steamer Excelsior, piloted by Copper River Joe, moved up the Susitna to pick up equipment from a surveying party. About the same time an Alaska Commercial Company sloop moved upriver to Susitna Station. The Herron expedition moved from the head of the Yentna River to the mouth of the Tanana River. Lt. Herron (U.S. Army) and his party travelled a total of one thousand miles. In 1902, prospectors in search of gold used the frozen rivers as highways and floated their boats in spring. At the same time, explorations for a proposed rail line were conducted along the Chulitna River. An ornithological trip led by Wilfred Osgood reached Bristol Bay via the Chulitna, Mulchatna, and Nushagak rivers in 1902. Five prospectors discovered gold on the Susitna River in 1903 (BLM 1981). Robert Dunn, a geologist and explorer, followed the western tributaries of the Susitna to eventually reach the base of Mt. McKinley. 6 After an unsuccessful attempt to climb the mountain he rafted down the Chulitna using pike poles. Records also suggest Dunn and a companion reached the Kichatna River by boat. Also in 1903 Dr. Frederick Cook's party arrived at the base of Mt. McKinley using pack train and boats on the Susitna and Yentna Rivers. After the first failure to climb Mt. McKinley, the party descended the west fork of the Chulitna River using small, wooden two-man rafts. Sometime during the early 1900's, two Englishwomen and two male companions took part in a hunting trip travelling up the Kuskokwim River to the divide between this drainage and the Susitna's. Kayaks were used for the rendezvous with the party's sailing schooner (the "Lily") which had been anchored at Cook Inlet. Considerable prospecting was done in the general area of the Susitna River for the next several years. Alexander MacDonald did his prospecting in 1904 at Osborne Creek near the Deshka River (Kroto Creek). Documents indicate that two more prospectors, a Mr. Coffee and Mr. Miller, worked up the Susitna in 1905. The first recorded use of the Tokositna River by white man occurred in 1905. Miners working in the Home Lake area used the river. Dr. Cook made his second attempt at climbing McKinley in 1906, and he explored the rivers in the area in the process. Two recorded trips occurred up the Susitna ·in 1907. Woolsey's two riverboats moved up the river as did a gas-powered scow owned by a Joe Anderson. Steamboats were operated on the Susitna the following year. In 1908 J. E. Spurr and topographer W. S. Post entered the Kuskokwim Valley by canoeing up the Yentna and Skwentna Rivers. In 1910 Herschel C. Parker and Belmore Browne approached Mt. McKinley from the Susitna and Chulitna rivers. 7 Mining developed along the Talkeetna River in 1911. Two other events are recorded in the same year. The 11 Susitna 11 , a river steamer, moved up the Susitna from Cook Inlet. S. R. Capps and a companion travelled by launch up the Yentna River. In 1912 supplies were sledded up the Susitna for the Parker-Browne expedition. Two years later in 1914, a soils survey crew left Susitna Station aboard a sternwheeler of the Alaska Engineering Commission. On board they carried an 18 foot rowboat which they used to descend the Susitna from a point three miles below Indian River. The Susitna was described as being navigable for light-draft, strong power boats as far as Indian River, 100 miles upriver from the mouth of the Susitna. It is not clear whether the same team or another survey crew ascended the Yentna by powerboat to a point 15 miles above McDougall near the confluence with the Skwentna River (BLM 1981). During the late 1910•s and early •2o•s, Alaska Engineering Commission forces used the Indian River for transporting supplies and men using tunnel (canvas covered) boats to points along the Alaska Railroad. In 1919 mushers crossed the Susitna near the mouth of the Indian River by using a ferryboat. During the early •2o•s, English sportsmen were led in an expedition guided by Andy Simons. They followed the course of the Susitna, Yentna, Skwentna, and Happy rivers. No significant use of area waters is recorded for the next few years until 1930 when George Thompson and his brother drowned on the Yentna when their small boat capsized. They had spent the previous winter trapping upstream. In August of 1930, several men travelled by motorboat upriver from the mouth of the Yentna to McDougall (BLM 1981). In 1947 the Army Corps of Engineers reported that the Chulitna River was navigable by small outboard motor-powered boats as far as Honolulu Creek (BLM 1980). In 1950, a Bureau of Reclamation survey of the upper Susitna used two aluminum boats, each weighing approximately 156 pounds, 14 feet long, with 56-inch beams and 20 inches deep with a 8 10 horsepower motor (Cole 1979). During the summer of 1955 a crew of eight, whose job was tB chart the navigable watersheds in the Susitna drainage area, had hopes of using a 50-foot long boat with a decked-over bow and two large engines. Unfortunately, th~ boat was destroyed on rocks. 3.2 Recent Past and Present Navigational Use This section summarizes more recent and present use of rivers and streams in the Susitna region, information for which specific dates and names are not always available. The following is a discussion of generally acknowledged use patterns. (a) Susitna River Prior to the completion of the Alaska Railroad in the 1920's, the Susitna River served primarily as a highway of commerce into the Susitna Valley. During the construction of the railroad, the Alaska Engineering Commission used gas-powered boats to transport men and materials to construction crews upriver to the area near Talkeetna. Boat traffic declined somewhat after the Railroad was finished, but today the Susitna is important as a means of providing access to its tributaries for recreationists and others traveling to upstream areas. Craft using the Susitna include rubber rafts, kayaks, canoes, shallow-draft riverboats and other small boats. The majority of boaters are private individual recreationists. A few charter operators transport people and supplies to various points in the drainage. Regardless of.the purpose or intent of the use, craft used for either commercial or recreational navigation require similar hydrologic condition~ (such as water depth). Therefore, the size of vessels that can navigate most portions of the Susitna River system is the same for both purposes. Below Devil Canyon and upstream of Talkeetna, the Susitna is highly regarded for its wild and scenic river values, and it is used by 9 rafters and kayakers. The reach in Devil Canyon has world class whitewater status, and is regarded as one of the most difficult for kayaking. Standard craft are unable to navigate Devil Canyon. Downstream of Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet there is considerable boating use on the Susitna River mainstem. The river is used for fishing, access and transportation to hunting areas, and access to land areas, both adjacent to the Susitna as well as its tributaries. Recreational and other uses are increasing. Dwight and Trihey (1981) reported a fifty percent increase in use of certain salmon streams in the Railbelt in the past three years. One of the flying services contacted by TES reported that several points on the Susitna are used extensively by boaters or as landing sites for float planes. These include Alexander Slough near the mouth of the Susitna, and areas on the Susitna near the mouths of Alexander Creek, the Deshka River (Kroto Creek), Willow and Little Willow creeks, and the Kashwitna River (Rust pers. comm.). These areas are shown on the maps in Appendix B. Considerable boating activity is known to take place on the Susitna near the four boat launches at Willow Creek, Kashwitna Landing, Sunshine (Parks Highway) Bridge, and Talkeetna. The launches provide boat access to the Susitna River itself and, via the Susitna, to its tributaries. TES made several site visits to the launches and spoke with many boaters. Most indicated that they used boats to fish in the Susitna or its tributaries during the summer and to gain access to hunting areas in the fall. Indications are that navigational use is increasing. The operator of the Kashwitna Landing launch, at the confluence of the Susitna and Kashwitna Rivers, reported that in 1976 there were 500 boats launched there, and based on the trend at mid-year, estimated that 5000 boats would launch at Kashwitna in 1981. On one Friday during_king salmon season, 147 craft launched (Bloomfield pers. comm.). 10 TES also conducted an overflight of the Susitna and tributary streams to observe boating activity. The flight was conducted on Thursday, September 17, 1981, during moose season to enable observation of a high number of boaters. Each observation was located on a map along with the type of craft and other pertinent information. The maps in Appendix B and table in Appendix C summarize the data collection. Most of the craft observed were riverboats (flat-bottomed with square bow) with a jet-unit outboard motor. Boats with prop motors, airboats, rubber rafts, and canoes were also observed. TES observed 22 boats and one plane on the Susitna River mainstem below Talkeetna. (b) Tributaries The Chulitna River is one of the larger waterways in the Susitna drainage, although boat traffic is infrequent on the Chulitna. It does provide a winter route of travel between the Susitna and the Tanana River basins. Mining developments west of the river are served by winter trails from Talkeetna and the Alaska Railroad. Most activities along the Chulitna are related to hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreation. ·The Talkeetna River is currently used quite heavily by conventional riverboats and jet boats during the summer. The river is used by area residents for trapping, subsistence, recreation, and mineral development purposes. The drainage areas of the Talkeetna River and the Sheep River (in the upper Talkeetna drainage) have a history of prospecting and mining. In addition, both have been used as access routes by backpackers, horsemen, and riverboaters. The Talkeetna River is navigable by outboard craft with 18 inch shafts to a point about 15 miles north of Talkeetna (BLM 1980). There are two commercial jetboat operators in Talkeetna. Although they will occasionally run up the Susitna to Portage Creek, Mahay•s Riverboat Service reports that most of its business involves transportation on the Talkeetna and its tributaries, especially Clear (Chunilna) Creek 11 (Carrera pers. comm.). Mahay•s operates jet boats, including a 27-foot aluminum river boat with a 454 Chevy inboard jet unit. BLM reported that Clear Creek is heavily used during June through August by both private riverboats and commercial guides using jet boats upstream to a point about three miles above its confluence with the Talkeetna River (BLM 1980). Both the Talkeetna River and Clear Creek are capable of carrying riverboats greater than 6,000 pounds in weight. The Yentna River drainage is heavily used for recreational boating~ for fishing~ and access to hunting areas. The Yentna and its principal tributaries also serve as means to interior land areas. The Skwentna River has been used by exploratory parties as an access route to the Kuskokwim basin. Recently Joe Delia, a commercial guide~ has several times ascended the Skwentna to Emerald Creek in a boat carrying. more than 1000 pounds. His boat~ an 18 foot flat-bottomed riverboat with a jet unit~ has been marginally successful above Emerald Creek (BLM 1980). Today the Skwentna up to Emerald Creek is used by commercial guides and recreational floaters, army units, government officials, miners~ hunters, and trappers. Up to Emerald Creek the river is wide and deep enough to support boats capable of carrying one-half ton. The upper reaches of the Skwentna are used by kayaks, covered canoes and inflatable rafts. In the last four years the U.S. Army Alaska National Guard has floated 20-man rubber rafts of two ton capacity from Emerald Creek to the Village of Skwentna. The Hayes River is capable of carrying crafts greater than 1000 pounds to the point of its confluence with the Trimble River (BLM 1980). The Kahiltna River, another tributary of the Yentna, is also used by boaters. The Kashwitna River has a history of use from the highway down to the Susitna River. It serves as a major means of access to the Susitna, through a privately operated boat launch near the mouth of the Kashwitna. 12 The Deshka River (Kroto Creek) experiences heavy use by sport fishermen during salmon runs. Some recreationists fly to nearby Neil and Amber Lakes, then float downstream using inflatable rafts. Once downstream the rafters are picked up at the creek•s mouth. Amber Lake is a heavily used recreation cabin lake and a "put in" point for rafters going down the Deshka River. Rafters also put into Moose Creek and float to the mouth of the Deshka where they are picked up by plane or riverboat. One commercial operation-transports recreationists to the Deshka from Kashwitna Landing via motorized raft, then flies them back to Anchorage after several days• fishing (Bloomfield pers. comm.). Both riverboats and airboats use the Deshka, with Neil Lake being a popular terminus for boaters coming upriver. However, it was reported that riverboats with jet units can travel·five miles or more above Neil Lake (Trent pers. comm.). Willow Creek is a popular put-in point for airboaters who travel down to the Susitna and then to other areas. Airboats are also commonly used on Alexander Creek. During TES• aerial survey of boating use on the lower Susitna on September 17, 1981, 102 boats and eleven planes were observed on tributaries to the Susitna. Appendices B and C indicate locations of observations and types of crafts. Craft included canoes, rafts, airboats, and a variety of riverboats 14 to 24 feet in length with prop and jet units. Also observed were the remains of the Lois Ann, a 90-foot sternwheeler used to haul supplies to mining operations. It is located on the Yantna River at approximate river mile 34, near the mouth of Lake Creek. There is the possibility that a modern sternwheeler could commence operations on the Yentna and Skwentna Rivers. Construction has started on a 53-foot sternwheeler with an 18-inch draft (Anchorage Daily News, 1981). The boat would haul passengers and freight between Anchorage and Skwentna beginning in 1983. 13 3.3 Navigability Considerations As discussed, a variety of craft are used for navigation on the Susitna and its tributaries. Most riverboats, by definition, are square-nosed flat-bottomed craft with shallow drafts. Equipped with standard outboard engines with props, they require approximately 18 inches of water to operate .. When equipped with jet units, six inches of water is required; although once the boats are up and cruising, they draw only two inches. Airboats have drafts of only a few inches and, during operation, an inch or s~ is sufficient. Semi-vee craft generally have drafts of 10 to 15 inches, while sitting, depending on load. During operation, they run on the top two inches of water, except for the motor. Those equipped with jet units require an additional inch or so of water, while those equipped with props require an additional 12 inches. Inflatable rafts and canoes have drafts of one to one and one-half inches with light loads. With heavy loads they will have drafts of two to three inches. Large inflatable rafts driven by outboard motors have greater water requirements. According to many pilots of light aircraft, a float plane can land on almost any reach of river or lake that is at least 1500 feet long and has wing tip clearance, with water that is at least 18 inches deep. As a general rule, any river reach or lake over 3000 feet long can be used by float planes to take off. Smaller areas can be used. with clear approach and take-off paths, depending on velocity and turbulence of the water. A Super Cub type aircraft with large wheels can operate on most beaches or sandbars over 100 feet long. Most aircraft operations along a river occur where there is a cabin or in good hunting and fishing areas. 14 The Susitna River has been determined by BLM to be navigable as far upstream as 7.5 miles above Gold Creek based upon (a) prior use by a boat for any purpose and (b) suitability as a highway of commerce since Alaska Statehood in 1959 (BLM 1981). Beyond this point no determination of navigability has been made by BLM. BLM will make a determination of navigability only in those areas involving state-selected lands. The U.S. Coast Guard considers the Susitna River between Gold Creek and the Tyone River to be non-navigable due to shifting sand and gravel bars· and shifting channels (USCG pers. comm. ). Navigational use is known to occur as far upstream as Portage Creek. Boating also occurs in the upper basin above Devil Canyon, but documentation of such navigation is not within the scope of this report. 3.4 Anticipated Navigational Use Available informatinn indicates that navigational use on the Susitna and its tributaries has increased substantially in recent years. As the state's population (and particularly the Railbelt's population) increases, more lands will be settled and developed in the Susitna dra·inage. TES assembled information concerning DNR land disposals adjacent to the Susitna River and its tributaries. Existing disposal areas are shown on the maps in Appendix B. A list of proposed disposal areas appears in Appendix D. DNR has offered disposals, including remote parcels, agricultural disposals, open-to-entry lands COTE's), and subdivisions. The availability of lands will cause increased settlement of the drainage area and result in increased demand for access to live, hunt, and fish in these areas. The Susitna River and its tributaries will serve as a major means for such access until roads are eventually built, particularly during the navigation season from early May to October. Thus, future navigational use will increase in relation to population growth along with development and settlement of DNR land disposal areas. 15 Additional usage can be expected during fishing and hunting seasons. Also, hunting and fishing are increasing. As population levels rise, participation in these activities will entail increased use of stream reaches identified previously, both for fishing and for access to areas with sufficient game populations. This use·will occur from May to November during salmon spawning periods, and in September during hunting season. DNR Division of Parks is studying several areas in the lower Susitna as possible sites for improving existing launches, developing new launches, and providing new access to the Susitna River (Wiles pers. comm.). Such studies are being undertaken in anticipation of increased demand for boating on the Susitna. If improvements are ultimately made~ they could further stimulate navigational use. 3.5 Winter Navigation Winter navigation consists of use of the river ice by dogsleds and snowmachines when conditions permit. Use involves recreation, subsistence (e.g. trapping), and other activities in numerous locations on the Susitna River, including near Susitna Station, Willow, Kashwitna, Montana, and Talkeetna: The Iditarod Trail, used annually for dogsled racing, crosses the Susitna River at Susitna Station and goes up the Yentna River. Residents in the Deshka River area typically make two or three trips a month between Willow and their residences on the west side of the Susitna (Delaney pers. comm.). Several dogsled teams are known to run out of Kashwitna (Susitna) Landing every weekend (Fredrickson, pers. comm.). In the Montana Creek area, there is an active dogsledding group that sponsors races almost every weekend. Races typically are 50, 100, 200, or 300 mi 1 es 1 ong. In these races, there is cons i derab 1 e trave 1 on the Susitna River, usually for crossing in six main areas within 10 miles of Montana Creek (Fredrickson, pers. comm.). Residents of the 16 the Trapper Creek and Petersville area cross the river to Talkeetna for supplies. Use of snowmachines for this purpose has declined since completion of the Parks Highway in the early 7Q•s. 17 4 -CONCLUSION The purpose of this report was to document navigational use under pre-project conditions. The extent of impacts on navigational use will depend on the magnitude of reduced summer flows and stage in certain channels and sloughs on the Susitna. While it seems likely that navigational use on the mainstem would be most affected by construction (reservoir filling) and operation of the hydroelectric project, alterations to stream-bed morphology and stage at the mouths of tributary streams could affect a significant amount of boating activity in the tributaries where access to them is dependent upon a clear channel from the Susitna. DNR's investigation is designed to estimate the extent of hydrologic alteration at key points on the Susitna. When these data are available, it should be possible to estimate the likelihood and extent of impacts on navigational use resulting from construction and operation of the Susitna hydroelectric project. A preliminary assessment of impacts, prepared by TES with input from DNR through Acres American, is presented in the Land Use Section of the Feasibility Report (Alaska Power Authority 1982). 18 5 -LITERATURE CITED Anchorage Daily News. June 1, 1981. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority. 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project: Feasibility Report. Volume 2: Environmental Report, Sections 5-11 (Final Draft). Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. BLM. 1980. Navigability Reviews -State Selections for the Anchorage, Tyonek, Talkeetna, and Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangles. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. BLM. 1981. Report of Historical Data in the Sus~tna Region. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage, Alaska. Cole, T. 1979. The History of the Use of the Upper Susitna River, Indian River to the Headwaters. Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Dwight, L. and E. W. Trihey. Pertaining to Instream Hydroelectric Project. Buffalo, New York. 1981. A Survey of Questions and Concerns Flow Aspects of the Proposed Susitna Prepared for Acres American, Inc., Trihey, E.W. 1981. Instream Flow Study Plan for the Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Prepared for Acres American, Inc., Buffalo, New York. 19 6 -CONTACTS Federal Agencies Bureau of Land Management Anchorage, Alaska Mike Brown, Historian -Telephone conversation and meeting with Robert Anderson; March 4, 1981. -Telephone conversation with Walter Kalina; October 19, 1981. U.S. Coast Guard Anchorage, Alaska -Telephone conversation with Walter Kalina; October 13, 1981. State Agencies Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Sport Fisheries Anchorage, Alaska Thomas Trent, Susitna Aquatic Studies Coordinator -Meeting with Robert Anderson and Robert Krogseng; March 4, 1981. Kevin Delaney, Fisheries Biologist -Conversation with Robert Krogseng; January 5, 1982. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forest, Land and Water Management Land Management Section Anchorage, Alaska Frank Mielke, Chief -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; March 6, 1981. Water Management Section Anchorage, Alaska Mary Lou Harle, Water Management Officer -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; February 20, 1981. Division of Parks Anchorage, Alaska Jack Wiles, Chief -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; March 4, 1981. -Meeting with Robert Anderson and Alan Jubenville; September 21, 1981. -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; September 22, 1981. 20 Division of Research and Development Anchorage, Alaska Al Carson, Deputy Director -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; March 4, 1981. Gary Stein, Historian -Telephone conversation with Robert Anderson; December 12, 1981. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Southcentral District Anchorage, Alaska Romaine Clark, Land Disposal Officer -Meeting with Robert Anderson; March 6, 1981. Other Organizations and Individuals Kashwitna Landing Boat Launch Kashwitna Landing, Alaska Ray Bloomfield, Operator -Conversation with Vincent Lucid; June 25, 1981. -Conversation with Robert Anderson; July 13, 1981. Mahay's Riverboat Service Talkeetna, Alaska Wi 11 i am Carrera -Conversation with Robert Anderson; August 15, 1981. Steve Mahay, Operator .,. Conversation with Vincent Lucid and Dana Schmidt; July 1, 1981. Montana Creek Lodge Montana, Alaska ·vivian Fredrickson, Owner -Conversation with Robert Krogseng; January 15, 1982. Rust's Flying Service Anchorage, Alaska Hank Rust, President -Conversation with Robert Anderson; August 19, 1981. Boater Talkeetna River, Alaska -Conversation with Robert Anderson; August 15, 1981. Boater Willow Creek, Alaska -Conversation with Robert Anderson; August 15, 1981. 21 APPENDICES (ii) APPENDIX A: HISTORICAL NAVIGATIONAL USE (PAGE 1 OF 7) YEAR LOCATION OR TIME OF REPORTED TYPE ADDITIONAL PERIOD WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE CRAFT PURPOSE INFORMATION 1834 Vas i1 i Ma 1 akoff Susitna River mainstem Exploration Had to drag his boat upriver 1894 J.M. Johnston, Sus itna River Sleds Exploration Edward Andrews 1895 One hundred (approx.) Susitna River mainstem Prospecting prospectors Chu 1 itna fork 1896 Wi 11 i am Dickey, Susitna River mainstem, Open sea dory; Mining, prospecting Allen Monks Talkeetna Station, Two boats: 25 1 , Chulitna River, 18 11 wide, flared Susitna River to to 40 11 Portage Creek 1896 Capt. Andrews Susjtna River to Large dory; then Prospecting with party Susitna Station used dog sleds when they found ice 1897 Approx. 1000 men Susitna River mainstem Prospecting 1897 Nine men Susitna headwaters Large dory of Prospecting whipsawed lumber in summer, -sleds in winter a. Sources: BLM (1980, 1981), Cole (1979), Dwight and Trihey (1981). APPENDIX A -PAGE 2 OF 7 YEAR LOCATION OR TIME. OF REPORTED TYPE ADDITIONAL PERIOD WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE CRAFT PURPOSE INFORMATION 1897 Mining party Yentna River Mining 1898 W.G. Jack, guide, Sus itna River to Towed small Surveying Jack thought and USGS survey mouth of Indian boats up-river could be party River stream navigated to mouth of Indian River by a steamer drawing no more than two feet of water 1898 G.H. Eldridge, Susitna River to Exploration Robert Muldrow mouth of Indian River and surveying 1898 Six USGS Susitna River, some Canoes Surveying surveyors tributaries, Yentna and Skwentna Rivers 1898 USGS Party Susitna, then to Surveying Tanana River 1898 Sgt. Yanert, U.S. Chulitna to near mouth Exploration Army, and two of Indian Creek, then others over Broad Pass tn the Nenana River YEAR OR TIME PERIOD 1898 Fall of 1899 Fall of 1899 1899 1902 1902 1902 WHO O.G. Herning and crew Copper River Joe Alaska Commercial Company Herron Expedition (Lt. Herron, U.S. Army) Prospectors Survey parties Wilfred Osgood and party APPENDIX A -PAGE 3 OF 7 LOCATION OF REPORTED NAVIGATIONAL USE Susitna River to Willow Creek Susitna River Susitna River to Sus itna Station Head of Yentna River to mouth of Tanana Various streams Chulitna River Reached Bristol Bay via Chulitna, Mulkatna and Nushagak Rivers TYPE CRAFT Ocean steamer 11 Excelsior 11 Sloop PURPOSE Mining Picked up equipment from surveying party Exploration Prospecting Exploration and survey for proposed rail line Ornithological trip ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Poled their way Traveled total of lOOOmiles Used frozen rivers in win- ter, floated boats in spring YEAR OR TIME PERIOD 1903 1903 . 1903 1903 early 1900's 1904 APPENDIX A -PAGE 4 OF 7 LOCATION OF REPORTED WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE Five men Klutina and St. Ann Rivers, Tyone Creek to upper Susitna Robert Dunn Western tributaries of Susitna to Mt. ·McKinley, then rafted down Chulitna Dunn and Reached Kichatna River companion by boat Dr. Frederick Ascended Susitna and Yentna Cook's expedition Rivers to Mt. McKinley, descended west fork of Chulitna River Two Englishwomen Kayaks used to rendezvous and two male. with sailing schooner companions anchored at Cook Inlet Alexander MacDonald At Osborne Creek near Deshka River (Kroto Creek) TYPE CRAFT Used small, wooden two-man rafts ADDITIONAL PURPOSE INFORMATION Prospecting Expedition to Rafted down climb Mt. McKinley Chulitna using pike poles Expedition to climb Mt. McKinley . Expedition to Used pack train climb Mt. McKinley & boats on Susitna & Yentna Rivers Hunting tr·ip Up the Kuskokwim River to the divide between it and Sus itna Prospecting APPENDIX A -PAGE 5 OF 7 YEAR LOCATION OR TIME OF REPORTED TYPE ADDITIONAL PERIOD WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE CRAFT PURPOSE INFORMATION 1905 Mr. Coffee and Susitna Prospecting Mr. Miller 1906 Dr. Frederick Cook Rivers in area of Second attempt Explored rivers Mt. McKinley to climb Mt, in the region McKinley 1907 Woolsey Susitna mainstem Two riverboats 1907 Joe Anderson Susitna Gas-powered scow 1908 J. E. Spurr Canoed up Yentna and Canoes Exploration w.s. Post Skwentna Rivers to Kuskokwim Valley 1910 Fred Moffit Supplied via west fork of Geologic Geologist work- Gulkana River, the Maclaren exploration ing at Valdez and Susitna Creek 1910 Herschel C. Parker Sus itna and Chu 1 itna Effort to reach Belmore Browne Rivers Mt. McKinley 1911 Up Susitna and Yentna 11 Susitna 11 - from Cook Inlet to a river steamer Susitna Station and Lake Creek APPENDIX A -PAGE 6 OF 7 YEAR LOCATION OR TIME OF REPORTED TYPE ADDITIONAL PERIOD · WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE CRAFT PURPOSE INFORMATION 1911 S.R. Capps and Yentna River Launch Mining companion 1912 Parker-Browne Sus itna Exploration Supplies sled- expedition ded upriver 1914 Soil survey crew Sus itna from Susitna Sternwheeler Geologic Same crew used Station exploration 18-foot rowboat to descend Susitna from 3 miles below Indian River 1914 Survey crew Ascended Yentna to con-Powerboat Surveying fluence with Skwentna River Late Alaska Indian River Tunne 1 boats Transporting men 1910 1 s Engineering and supplies along Early Commission Alaska Railroad 1920 1 s 1919 Mus hers Crossed Sus itna near Ferryboat mouth of Indian River APPENDIX A -PAGE 7 OF 7 YEAR LOCATION OR TIME OF REPORTED TYPE ADDITIONAL PERIOD WHO NAVIGATIONAL USE CRAFT PURPOSE INFORMATION Early English sportsmen Sus i tna, Yentna, Skwentna Hunting Expedition 1920's and Happy Rivers guided by Andy Simon 1930 George Thompson and Yentna Sma 11 boat Trapping upstream his brother August Mr. Beach and Mouth of Yentna to Motorboats 1930 several others McDouga 11 1944 Cady and Hoare Oskawalik River USGS survey team 1950 Bureau of Upper Susitna Two aluminum Surveying Reclamation boats, each 156 survey party pounds, 14 ft. long, 56-inch beams, 20 inches deep, 10 horse- power motor Summer Crew of eight Susitna drainage 50 ft. 1 ong boat Charting navigable Boat was 1955 area with decked-over watersheds destroyed on bow, two large rocks engines APPENDIX B: MAPS OF NAVIGATIONAL USE AND DNR DISPOSAL AREAS 0 INDEX MAP PREPARED BYTES/ACRES LEGEND • Crall observed Sept. 17, 1981 during TES aerial survey * Planes observed Sept. 17, 1981 Areas with concentrations of navigational use DNR Disposal; parcels identified by name NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS · MAP 1 • Craft observed Sept. 17 , 1981 during TES aerial survey * Planes observed Sept.17, 1981 • Wreckage of 9D-foot steamer "Lois Ann " ~ Areas wi th concentrations of navigational use D DNR Disposal; parcels Identified by name NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS -MAP 2 LEGEND Craft observed Sept. 17, 1981 • aerial survey * Planes observed Sept. 17 , 1981 ~ Areas wllh concentrations of navigational use D DNR Disposal; parcels identified by name. NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS · MAP 3 ./;. ·~ (· ''c RH ONR Disposal; parcels identified by name . 20 N NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS -MAP 4 LEGEND D DNR Disposal; parcels Identified by name 24 NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS -MAP 5 NAVIGATIONAL USE AND LAND DISPOSAL AREAS -MAP 6 (a) APPENDIX C: TES AERIAL SURVEY OF NAVIGATIONAL USE (PAGE 1 OF 6) LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP, RANGE SECTION MILE WATER BODY CRAFT, PROPULSION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Tyonek C-2 T -17N, R-7W 14 24 Sus itna River 20 1 semi -vee, jet OB 12 1 Yentna River 18 1 riverboat, jet (Susitna confluence) 1 2 Yentna River 18 1 riverboat, unk. 2 3 Yentna River 20 1 riverboat, unk. T -18N, R-7W 34 5 Yentna River 20 1 riverboat, jet; Cabin on shore carrying 14' alum. semi-vee 20 6 Yentna River 20 1 river boat 20 7 Yentna River 20 1 riverboat, jet; carrying 15' alum. T-18N, R-8W 1 11 Yentna River 20 1 riverboat, jet with 115 hp OB T-19N, R-8W 36 12.5 Yentna River 18 1 river raft 24 14 Yentna River 20 1 riverboat, twin Tent camp on shore OB jets a. Survey conducted from mouth of Susitna River at Cook Inlet to Talkeetna and to upper reaches of tributaries, including the Yentna, Deshka, Skwentna, Kashwitna, Kahiltna and Talachulitna rivers; on September 17, 1981, a weekday during hunting season for moose. APPENDIX C -PAGE 2 OF 6 LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP, RANGE SECTION MILE WATER BODY CRAFT, PROPULSION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 23 18 Yentna River 65 hp. 08; square- end canoe Tyonek D-2 T-19N, R-8W 3 21 Yentna River Canoe, paddling T -20N, R-8W 27 23 Yentna River Vacant camp 28 24 Yentna River 18 1 riverboat jet 21 25 Yentna River 14 1 rubber raft, OB Tent camp on shore 16 26 Yentna River Amphibian T-21N, R-8W 34 2.5 Kahiltna River Two 16 1 riverboats Cabin on shore 27-26 3.5 Kahiltna River Plane; two river-Cabin on shore boats; 18 1 with 75 hp jet Saw nothing upstream of this point on Kahiltna Tyonek D-3 T -21N, R-8W 5 29.5 Yentna/Kahiltna Camp confluence T-20 & 21N, R-9W 26.5 Twenty mile Observed no craft in s 1 ough ( Yentna s 1 ough River) T-21N, R-9W 23 33 Yentna River Hamlet of McDougall-5 buildings. Lake Creek Lodge APPENDIX C -PAGE 3 OF 6 LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP, RANGE SECTION MILE WATER BODY CRAFT, PROPULSION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Tyonek D-3 T-21N, R-9W 23 33 Yentna River Observed truck on south- west side of Yentna T -21N, R-9W 15 33.5 Yentna River 15 boats and At McDougall, near con- two p 1 anes fluen~e with Lake Creek T-21N, R-9W 22 34 Yentna River Inflatable raft, Remains of 90' steamer near confluence 18 1 riverboat along shore; this was used with Lake to haul supplies to mining Creek operations 8 39 Yentna River Two 18' river-Two cabins on shore boats, 14' skiff T-22N, R-10W 35 43 Yentna River 18' riverboat, plane Talkeetna A-3 T-23N, R-llW 32 52 Yentna River 18' riverboat, OB jet, 18' riverboat 100 hp OB jet T-23N, R-12W 22 58 Yentna River Two 18' river- boats, jets 15 59 Yentna River Cabin on unnamed trib. 16 61 Yentna River Plane Plane landed on sand bar; tent camp Talkeetna A-4 T-24N, R-12W 20 67 Yentna River Two 18' riverboats Year-round camp on shore tributary LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP, RANGE SECTION Talkeetna A-4 Talkeetna B-4 Tyonek D-5 Tyonek D-4 Tyonek C-2 Tyonek C-1 T -25N, R-13W T-25N, R-13W T-27N, R-14W T -21N, R-12W T -22N, R-10 & llW 28 17 29 30 1,30 T-20N, R-12W 1,2,12 T-22N, R-10W T-17N, R-6W T-18N, R-6W T-18N, R-6W T-19N, R-6W T-19N, R-6W 20 8 29 21 35 35 MILE 86 88 102 30 2 2 26 29 30 36 APPENDIX C -PAGE 4 OF 6 WATER BODY Yentna River Yentna River CRAFT, PROPULSION 16' riverboat, OB jet Plane; 24' river- boat Yentna East Fork Plane; 16' river- boat, jet Skwentna River Ta 1 achu 1 itna - Skwentna conf. 15' riverboat Ten riverboats, props and jets, 2 planes Plane; riverboat with OB jet Yentna-Skwentna Five riverboats 18- .confluence 20', OB & IB jets Sus itna River above Yentna confluence Susitna River Susitna River Sus itna-Deshka (Kroto Cr.) confluence Deshka mouth 20' riverboat, jet 14' inflatable raft Three 18-20' river- boats, jet Three riverboats near mouth Two riverboats at .mouth ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Camp on shore Camp on shore. Observed no craft farther upstream Cabin on shore Skwentna settlement Tent camp and several cabins on shore Tent camp on shore Cabins on shore APPENDIX C -PAGE 5 OF 6 LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP, RANGE SECTION MILE WATER BODY CRAFT, PROPULSION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Tyonek C-1 T-19N, R-6W 23 3 Deshka River Four riverboats, Two cabins on shore airboat, canoe T-19N, R-6W 15 4 Deshka River Cabin and foundation on shore T-19N, R-6W 11 4.5 Deshka River Six riverboats, Lodge, plane on shore 14-24 1 Tyonek D-2 T-21N, R-6W 16,33,23 15 Deshka River Three riverboats, Three cabins on shore two jet boats Tyonek D-1 T -20N, R-5W 33,34 40.5 Willow Creek -Three riverboats, Susitna con-four airboats fluence T -21N, R-5W 13,24 48 Sus itna River Three riverboats T-21N, R-4W 7 49 Kashwitna Six riverboats Ten empty boat trailers River on shore at Kashwitna Landing Talkeetna A-1 T -24N, R-5W 23 Susitna River Three riverboats At ADF&G fishwheel Tyonek C-2 T -17N, R-8W 19 11 Alexander Creek Two airboats T-17N, R-8W 30 10 Alexander Creek Airboat T-17N, R-8W 31 9 Alexander Creek Airboat LOCATION QUADRANGLE TOWNSHIP~ RANGE SECTION MILE Tyonek B-2 T-16N~ R-7W 30 4 T-15N, R-7W 6 APPENDIX C -PAGE 6 OF 6 WATER BODY CRAFT, PROPULSION Alexander Creek Two airboats Alexander Creek, Two airboats, Susitna conf. plane, canoe ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Cabins on shore APPENDIX D: PROPOSED FUTURE DISPOSAL AREAS(a) Possible Names of Future Disposals Sunday Lakes Remote Delta Islands Northwind Lake Red Creek Schneider Lake Remote Safari Lake Moose Creek High Mountain Rainbow Bald Mountain (addition) Indian River Subdivision (addition) Location T18N, R13W SM(b) Tl9N, R5&6W SM T22N, R14W SM T23N, R13W SM T24N, R8W SM T27N, R7W SM T25&26N, R6W SM T26N, R1E SM T25N, R3W SM T33N, R2W SM Three areas north of Indian River Subdivision are possible future state land sale sites before 1984. All three are located west of, but adjacent to, the Parks Highway. They exist at: T21&22S,R11W FM(c) T20S,R10W FM T19S,R9&10W FM a. Possible disposal areas beyond the Spring 1982 offerings. b. Seward Meridian c. Fairbanks Meridian