HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA461U)'Io~::z:':-'=c,~EJi .-------------------------......, o~~ o 1=~.-g-~ ~I'I, co~..co-c 0'1-I w=! co SUSITNA HYDROE'LECTRIC PROJECT WATER QUALITY ANNUAIL REPORT' .1980' A'PRIL nsf "---~ALASKA POWER AUTHORI,TY ~ TK 1425 .S8 A23 no.461 PREPARfO BY'PREPARED FOR: [iii] ""'"I ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT -1980 APRI L 1981 Prepared for : ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Buffalo /New York 14202 Telephone:(716)853-7525 Prepared by:. R&M CONSULTANTS/INC. 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage/Alaska 99503 Telephone:(907)279-0483 -{I" 1~;Z5 .;:~ 1f23 nO,1./'I I~ .- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT -1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES PREFACE 1 -INTRODUCTION 2 -SUMMARY OF 1980 WATER QUALITY PROGRAM PAGE ii iii 1 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Water Quality Data Collection Procedures Manual 1980 Water Quality Data Collection Watana Continuous Water Quality Monitor Summary of Existing Data 1 1 2 2 - ,..... 3 -RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1981 WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION ATTACHMENT A WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION,PROCEDURES MAN UAL,JU LY 1980 - i - 2 LIST OF TABLES Number Title TABLE 1 Water Quality Data -Susitna River near Cantwell TABLE 2 Suspended Sediment Analysis-September 5, 1980.Susitna River near Cantwell TABLE 3 Suspended Sediment Analysis -September 17, 1980.Susitna River near Cantwell TABLE 4 Suspended Sediment Analysis -October 18, 1980.Susitna River near Cantwell TABLE 5 Suspended Sediment Analysis -January 13, 1981.Susitna River near Cantwell TABLE 6 Water Quality Data -Susitna River at Gold Creek TABLE 7 Suspended Sediment Analysis -October 16, 1980.Susitna River at Gold Creek TABLE 8 Suspended Sediment Analysis -January 14, 1981.Susitna River at Gold Creek TABLES 9 -12 USGS Water Quality Data Summaries 9 -Susitna River near Denali 10 -Susitna River near Cantwell 11 -Susitna River at Gold Creek 12 -Susitna River at Sunshine -ii - - - Page - 5 I!!!I!I\' 8 9 10 - 11 12 II'II'I" 15 ~ 16 - 17 20 - 23 26 - ,- - PREFACE This final version of the original 1980 Water Quality Annual Report is essentially unchanged.The on Iy modifications are incorporation of two items:(1)an addendum to Section 3,which was released with the original report as an addendum;and (2)a number of corrected data tables,which had been modified by a memo dated May 5,1981. March 1982 -iii - .... SUSITNA HYDRO~LECTRIC PROJECT ANNUAL REPORT WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT 1 -INTRODUCTION This report presents a summary of work accomplished pertaining to water quality by R&M Consultants,Inc.during the first year of theSusitna Hydroelectric Project and recommendations for the second year. Work accomplished during the first year is broadly divided into: (1)Procedures Manual,(2)Water Quality Data Collection,(3) Literature Review. 2 -SUMMARY OF 1980 WATER QUALITY PROGRAM 2.1 -Water Quality Data Collection Procedures Manual The water quality data collection procedures manual was completed and submitted to Acres American,Inc.in July 1980 and is presented in Appendix A.The only significant deviation to the water quality monitoring program as described in the manual is relative to organic carbon.Total organic carbon and total inorganic carbon were not routinely analyzed.Consequently~ there are few data points for these parameters. 2.2 -1980 Water Quality Data Collection Water quality data were collected during summer at the Vee Canyon site four times (Table 1)and once at Gold Creek (Table 6). Detailed suspended solids analyses were performed on two sets of samples collected using a depth integrated sampler at the Vee Canyon site during summer (Tables 2 and 3).Winter sampling was conducted during October 1980 and January 1981 at both sites. The water quality data are presented in Table 1 (Vee Canyon)and Table 6 (Gold Creek),and the detailed suspended sediment data are presented in Tables 4 and 5 (Vee Canyon)and Tables 7 and 8 (Gold Creek).It should be noted that suspended solids concentrations presented In the tables of water quality data are not comparable to the suspended solids concentrations presented in the tables of detailed suspended sediment analyses because of differing collection techniques.The detailed suspended sediment analyses are representative of the entire water column since the samples were collected using a depth integrated sampler. s14/e - 1 - 2.3 -Watana Continuous Water Quality Monitor A continuous water quality monitor,recording the date and time as well as temperature,pH,oxidation reduction potential,dissolved oxygen,conductivity,and temperature -corrected conductivity, was established near the Watana site in October 1980.A computer program to process the data tapes is currently under development by the supplier of the instrument,and it will provide summaries of the data on a daily and a monthly basis.The probe assembly is scheduled to be removed -From the river just prior to breakup and re-installed as soon after breakup as practicable. 2.4 -Summary of Existing Data A review of existing water quality data resulted in a compilation of historical U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)data from four sites on the Susitna River.Tables 9 through 12 present the maximum, minimum,and mean values and number of observations for parameters measured by the USGS at the following stations:Near Denali,Vee Canyon,Gold Creek,and Sunshine.Five Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)reports,published between 1974 and 1978,were reviewed for water quality data.These reports were primarily concerned with fish distribution and secondarily with water quality.The water quality data contained in these reports has not been summarized because most of it deals with sloughs and tributaries of the Susitna. The R&M Field Data Index,first published in July,1980,and revised in January,1981,identifies data that have been collected by the USGS and others on the Susitna River and its tributaries. Names of sites and periods of record are given for locations where water quality,water temperature,and suspended sediment data are available.Appendix C of the index highlights the ADF&G reports prepared from 1974-1977. 3 -RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1981 WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION The same sample locations utilized during the 1980 water quality monitoring program will be used during 1981.Samples will be collected at Vee Canyon and Gold Creek during the following periods: - ~, - ~. s14/e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Spring breakup Summer low-flow Summer after a heavy rainstorm Immediately prior to freeze-up Winter Jow-flow - 2 - - An objective of the 1981 program will be to sample the spring snowmelt and summer rainstorm flood events,during the rising and falling limbs of the hydrograph.These should produce three to five sampling points during each event which will provide an opportunity to determine the variance in short-term water qualIty. All field parameters will continue to be measured.Although settleable solids have been 0.1 mill or less,another summer1s worth of data should be collected to insure that this parameter is determined during a variety of hydrologic events. AU of the nitrogen and phosphate forms,chloride,color, hardness,sulfate,TDS i TSS,and turbidity will be measured.It is also recommended that COD values be determined because of two high values measured during lastyear1s program. SinceaJl four measurements of uranium were below the detection limit,this parameter will be eliminated.Gross Alpha radioactivity wilt also be eliminated because the values at both sample stations were less than 15 pCi/l,the drinking water standard. Total organic carbon and total inorganic carbon will be determined during all sample periods because these parameters were only measured once at each sample station last year.These parameters were added subsequent to initiation of the water quality program last year at the request of Acres American,Inc. The sampting frequency for organic chemicals will be reduced for this year1s program.During 1980,the concentrations of pesticides were essentially at or below their respective detection limits for the procedures used by Chemical Be Geological Laboratories of Alaska,Inc.The detection limits for these parameters match the drinking water standards,but are really not low enough to meet the criteria for freshwater aquatic life.Therefore,it is recommended that a PCB and pesticide scan be run on samples collected at the two sites during the summer high-water and summer low-water periods.This ,scan will quantify PCBls, chlorinated hydrocarbons,and pHienoxy acids,the organic chemicals of interest in the study area that appear on EPAls list of priority pollutants. The ICAP Scan will be continued because many of the elements measured by this method exceed their detection limits.These include aluminum,barium,calcium,iron,potassium,magnesium, manganese,sodium,silicon,strontium,titanium,and tungsten.It is also important to note that Chemical &Geological Laboratories of Alaska,Inc.analyzes all 33 elements in the scan for $50.00,less than the cost to analyze six of the above using different procedures.Since the detection limits for many of the remaining parameters are not low enough to determine thei r impact on freshwater aquatic life,it is recommended that the following s14/e - 3 - parameters be analyzed at both sample stations during the summer low-water period and during the winter low-water period using techniques that provide appropriate detection limits:Arsenic, boron,cadmium,chromium,copper,lead,mercury,nickel, selenium,silver,strontium,vanadium,and zinc.Additionally, beryllium and cyanide should be determined at the same time as arsenic,etc.,using techniques that provide detection limits that will enable a determination of their potential effects on freshwater aquatic life. The concentrations of suspended sediment during the winter were extremely low at both sites (and have been historically,according to USGS figures).Hence,depth~integrated sediment sampling will be discontinued after freeze-up in 1981.However J the total suspended solids data reported with the water quality parameters will continue to be collected. Il!itffi', - l!-~_ s14/e - 4 - I~ susi4/e TABLE I WATER QUALITY DATA -SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL (VEE CANYON SITE) .-DATE SAMPLED r"""Field Parameters (1)Date Date Date Date Date Date 6/19/80 8/8/80 9/5/80 9/17/80 10/17/80 1/13/81 .- Dissolved Oxygen 12.4 8.7 9.7 13.8 10.7 Pe;rcent Saturation 98 82 84 104 84 pH,pH Units 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.2 Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C 144 171 124 142 242 .-Temperature,°C 5.7 9.3 5.3 5.9 -0.1 0.1 Free Carbon Dioxide (2)2.0 l.7 3.6 4.5 5.5 22.0 ,-Alkalinity,as CaC0 3 47 .54 81 63 88 187 Settleable Solids,mill 0.1 <0.1 <0."<0.1 ~0.1 «0.1 r-(1)(3)Laboratorv Parameters. Ammonia Nitrogen 0.26 0.10 <0.05 0.26 <0.05 Organic.Nitrogen <0.1 0.22 0;62 0.28 0.85 Kjetdahl Nitrogen 0.26 0.32 0.62 0.54 0.85 Nitrate Nitrogen 0.19 0.15 0.15 0.09 <0.10 <0.1 r;'!:mJIII Nitrite Nitrogen <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01. Total Nitrogen 0.45 0.47 0.71 0.54 0.85 Ortho-Phosphate <0.01 0.03 0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 tio~ Total Phosphate 0.05 0.03 0.09 0.10 <0.01 0.07 AI kalinity 66·106 Chemical Oxygen Demand 28 12.6 124 156 6 12 Chloride 3 9 11 8 18 18 Conductivity umhos/em @ 25 DC -ISO 190 I-!+b Color Units 40 10 45 10 10'True Color, CaC0 3 (4)51 76 69 55 90 121 ,~·~I Hardness,as - 5 - ,.'..... ..... laboratory Parameters (1)(3)(continued) 8/8/80 9/5/80 9/17/80 10/17/80 1/L:I/I 6/l9/80 ~ Sulfate 4 9 9 7 13 16 Total Dissolved Solids 70 90 114 38 115 149 Total Suspended Solids 242 310 25 132 8.3 0.- Turbidity,NTU 94 97 10 33 1.8 0•.:15 Uranium <0.05 <0.A15 Radioactivity,Gross Alpha,pCi/1 11.6±0.6 10.3+0 ) .Total Organic Carbon 23 _ Total Inorganic Carbon -21_-106 Organic Chemicals ~! Endrin <0.0001 <0.\Ii lindane <0.001 <0.00' Methox ych lor .<0.05 <0.-' Toxaphene <0.001 <0.(..,,2 2,4-D _"':'.,J'_<0.05 <0."'""',.I 2,4,5-TP Silvex <0.005 <O.C ICAP Scan ~', Ag,Silver <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0 AI,Aluminum 1.6 <0.1 0.28 2.2 0.18 <0.05 <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1Iiif$; As,Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 Au,Gold <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0:5 B,Boron <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0.'" Ba,Barium <0.1 0.11 <0.05 0.07 <0.05 <O.O~ Bi,Bismuth <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Ca,Calcium 13 16 22 18 28 36 Cd,Cadmium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Co,Cobalt <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <O.O~ Cr,Chromium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0: Cu,Copper <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <o.05 Fe,Iron 2.1 4.0 0.46 2.7 0.37 <0.0: Hg,Mercury <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 K,Potassium <1.0 2.3 2.1 5.0 <1.0 2 Mg/Magnesium 1.4 3.4 3.1 1.2 4.5 7.6 Mn,Manganese <0.05 0.10 <0.05 0.07 <0.05 <O.O! Mo,Molybdenum <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <O.O! susi4/e -6- Laboratory Parameters (1)(3)(continued) 6/19/80 8/8/80 9/5/80 9/17/80 10/17/80 1/13/81 Na,Sodium 2.6 2.4 5.1 3.5 7.2 6.6 "...Ni,Nickel <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 -<0.05Pb,Lead <0.05 .<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Pt,Platinum <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.10 <0.05 <0.05 ,~ Sb,Antimony <0.1 <0.1 <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Se,Selenium <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1,-Si,Silicon .4.8 5.3 3.6 6.9 4.1 5.0 Sn,Tin <0.1 .<0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0,1 Sr,Strontium <0.05 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.13 Ti,Titanium 0.13 0.24 <0.05 0.17 <::0.05 <0.05 WI Tungsten <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 ,<0.1 0.4 V I Vanadium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Zn,Zinc <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Zr,Zirconium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 - (1) (2) (3) (4) Table values are mg/l unless noted otherwise. All values for free CO 2 determined from nomograph on p.297 of Standard Method,14th edition. Samples for all parameters except chemical oxygen demand,dissolved and suspended solids,and turbidity were filtered. Hardness calculated by R&M personnel. -7- susi4/e TABLE 2 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT ANALYSIS -September 5,1980 SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL (VEE CANYON SITE) 51 ZE t Microns ---~----------------COUNT/sq mm ~%--------------- SAMPLE 4 SAMPLE 9 SAMPLE 14 <1-5 5-10 10-20 20-50 >50 3207-99.57 7 -0.22 4 -0.12 1 -0.03 2 -0.06 2335-98.52 23-0.97 6-0.25 1-0.04 5-0.22 1779-97.21 26 -1.42 12 -0.66 7 -0.38 6 -0.33 Mi II ig rams/Liter SAMPLE NO.DATE/TIME STATION*INT.TIME SUSPENDED SOLIDS ~ 1 9-5-80 5:15 p.m.o +15 49 sec 33 2 9-5-80 5:26 p.m.a +35 42 sec 36 -, 3 9-:-5-80 5:30 p.m.o +55 42 sec 35 4 9-5-80 5:35 p.m.o +75 42 sec 54 ~ 5 9-5-80 5:45 p.m.o +95 40 sec 63 6 9-5-80 5:50 p.m.1 +15 44 sec 36 .,,- 7 9-5-80 5:55 p.m.1 +35 44 sec 68 .8 9-5-80 6:00 p.m. 1 +55 44 sec 62 9 9-5-80 6:05'p.m.1 +75 52 sec 74 - 10 9-5-80 6:08 p.m.1 +95 52 sec 68 11 9-5-80 6:10 p.m.2 +15 48 sec 73 ~ 12 9-5-80 6:13 p.m.2 +35 42 sec 72 13 9-5-80 6:15 p.m.2 +55 48 sec 78 ~ 14 9-5-80 6:20 p.m.2 +75 48 sec 84 15 9-5-80 6:25 p.m.2 +95 50 sec 67 16 9-5-80 6:30 p.m.3 +15 48 sec 82 17 9-5-80 6:35 p.m.3 +35 51 sec 53 18 9-5-80 6:45 p.m.3 +55 80 sec 56 *Right Bank (edge of water)is at Station 0+05. Left Bank (edge of water)is at Station 3+85. susi4/d -8- - - .- -~ TABLE 3 SUSPENDED SEDIMENT ANALYSIS -September 17,1980 SUSITNA RIVER NEAR CANTWELL (VEE CANYON SITE) Particle Size Distribution,Microns (%) Sample No.SAMPLE DESCR IPTION <5 5-10 10-20 20-50 >50 3 Sta 0+70,9-17-80,5:46 p.m.98.53 0.96 0.30 0.15 0.06 8 Sta 1+70..9-17-80,6:11 p.m.98.83 0.44 0.23 0.10 0.40 13 Sta 2+QO,-9-17-80,6:19 p.m.99.19 0.30 0.10 0.07 0.34 -Milligrams/Liter SAMPLE NO.DATE/TIME STATION*INT.TIME SUSPENDED SOLIDS ~ 1 9-17-80 5:30 p.m..0 +30 30 sec 167 2 9-17-80 5:39 p.m.o +50 50 sec 170 :~3 9-17-80 5:46 p.m.o +70 55 sec 174 4 9-17-80 5:48 p.m.o +90 55 sec 185 ~5 9-17-80 5:51 p.m.1 +10 55 sec 196 6 9-17-80 6:06 p.m.1 +30 36 sec 425 7 9-17-80 6:09 p.m.1 +50 36 sec 325 8 9-17-80 6:11 p.m.1 +70 30 sec 331 9 9-17-80 6:13 p.m.1 +90 30 sec 218 !Iti'lil\il 10 9-17-80 6:14 p.m.2 +10 30 201sec 11 9-17-80 6:16 p.m.2 +30 30 sec 513 ,......12 9-17-80 6:18 p.m.2 +50 30 sec 169 13 9-17-80 6:19 p.m.2 +70 30 sec 436 ~14 9-17-80 6:21 p.m.2 +90 35 sec 418 15 9-17-80 6:23 p.m.3 +10 35 sec 591 16 9-17-80 6:24 p.m.3 +30 35 sec 322 . -. 17 9-17-80 6:26 p.m.3 +50 40 sec 342 18 9-17-80 6:30 p.m.3 +70 45 sec 163 ~~19 9-17-80 6:35 p.m.3 +85 60 sec 300 *Right edge of water is at Station 0+00. Left edge of water is at'Station 4+00. susi4/d -9- misc.6/tl WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 4 Suspended Sediment Analysis -October 18,1980 Susitna River Near Car:ltwell (Vee Canyon Site) ------------':"------Particle Site Distribution-%------------------- - S.ize Microns Sample 3 Sample 6 Sample 9 <5 77.0 82.6 79.5 5-10 12.7 8.1 15.5 10-20 5.4 4.5 3.2 20-50 4.4 4.2 1.2>50 0.5 0.6 0.6---- 100.0%100.0%100.0% ~'! Milligrams/Liter Sample No.Date/Time Station*Int.Time Suspended Sol ids 1 10-18-80/12:30 p.m.0+07 120 sec.6.0 2 10-18-80/12:35 p.m.0+36 90 sec.6.6 3 10-18-80/12:40 p.m.0+70 75 sec.4.8 4 10-18-80/12:43 p.m.1+05 60 sec.4.2 5 10-18-80/12:49 p.m.1+38 60 sec.4.6 6.10-18-80/12:51 p.m.1+74 60 sec.6.3 7 10-18-80/12:55 p.m.2+07 72 sec.4.4 8 10-18-80/12:59 p.m.2+38 72 sec.5.0 9 10-18-80/1:02 p.m.2+73 72 sec.7.7 10 10-18-80/1:06 p.m.3+08 80 sec.7.4 11 '10-18-80/1:10 p.m.3+39 80 sec.5.8 '""', """. *Right edge of water is at Station 0+00. Left edge of water is at.Station 3+78. -10- I~ misc.6/t2 WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 5 Suspended Sediment Analysis -January 13,1981 Susitna River Near Cantwell (Vee Canyon Site) Particle Size Distribution Sample No.11 Size,Microns .<10 10-20 20-50 .50-100 >100 Count/S9.mm 1600 15 5 2 o 98.7 0.9 0.3 0.1 O. 100.0% '"""' MUlig rams/liter Sample No.Date/Time Station Int.Time Suspended Sol i ds 10 1-13-81/2:20 p.m.Left bank 40 sec.0.1 11 1-13-81/2:30 p.m.Center 40 sec.1.0 12 1-13-81/2:35 p.m.Right bank 54 sec.1.7 -11- susi4/e6 TABLE 6 WATER QUALITY DATA -SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK DATE SAMPLED Field Parameters (1)Date 08/08/80 ~ 10/14/80 ~ 1/14/81- -Dissolved Oxygen Percent Saturation pH,pH Units Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°c Free Carbon Dioxide (2) Alkalinity,as CaC0 3 Settleable Solids,mill 8.6 81 7.8 169 11.7 2.1 55 <0.1 14.0 100 7.8 167 0.0 3.2 74 «0.1 13.3 101 7.1 249 0.3 23.0 """ 144 «0.1 _ Laboratory Parameters (1)(3) <0.05 0.81 - 0.81 " .. 0.18 """ <0.01 0.99 ... <0.01· <0.01 90 16 29 10 121 0.32 0.34 0.66 <0.10 <0.01 0.66 <:0.01 <0.01 57 8 16 165 10 74 0.18 13.8 14 45 62 <0.02 <0.02 Ammonia Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrite Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Ortho-Phosphate Total Phosphate Alkalinity,as CaC0 3 Chemical Oxygen Demand Chloride Conductivity I umhos/cm @ 25°C True Color I Color Units . Hardness,as CaC0 3 -12- ·081°8/80.fleld Parameters (1)(3)(continued) Gold Creek (cant.) 10/14/80 1/14/81 .- r~ :~ - Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended So!ids Turbidity,NTU Uranium Radioactivity,Gross Alpha,pCi/l Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Carbon Organic Chemicals Endrin Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene 2,4-0 2,4,5-TPSilvex .ICAP Scan Ag,Silver AI,Aluminum As,Arsenic Au,Gold B,Boron Ba,Barium Bi,Bismuth Ca,Calcium Cd,Cadmium Co,Cobalt Cr,Chromium Cu,Copper Fe,Iron Hg,Mercury K,Potassium Mg,Magnesium Mn,Manganese 12 74 175 58 <0.05 2.6±O.4 <0.0001 <0.001 <0.05 <0.001 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 0.7 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 0.08 <0.05 15 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 2.3 <0.1 1.8 2.7 0.05 -13- 10 100 7.7 0.9 <0.05 0.18 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 23 <0.01 <0.05 <:0.OS <0.05 0.35 <0.1 <1 3.7 <0.05 16 188 <'1 0.30 <'0.05 <0.000 <0.004 <0.1 <0.005 <0.1 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.1 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.07 32 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.1 2 10 <0.05 (cont.)~ Gold Creek Field Parameters (1)(3)(continued)08/08/80 10/14/80 1/14101 ~. Mo,Molybdenum <0.05 <0.05 <0.( Na,Sodium 3.3 8.5 13 ., Ni,Nickel <0.05 <:0.05 <O.( Pb,Lead <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Pt ,Platinum <0.05 <0.05 ."~<O.C Sb ,Antimony <0.10 <0.1 <0.1 Se,Selenium <0.1 <0.1 <O.l""'!' Si I Silicon 4.6 4.2 5.0 Sn,Tin <0.1 <:0.1 <0.1_ Sr,Strontium <0.05 0.11 0.1 Ti,Titanium 0.14 <0.05 <0.05-W,Tungsten <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 V,Vanadium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Zn,Zinc <0.05 <0.05 <0.0:"" Zr ,Zirconium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 ..... (1 ) (2) (3) (4) Table values are mg/I unless noted otherwise. All values for free CO 2 determined from nomograph on p.297 of Standard Method,14th edition. Samples for all parameters except chemical oxygen demand l dissolved and suspended solids,and turbidity were filtered. Hardness calculated by R&M personnel. ... .. susi4/e8 -14- misc.6/t3 WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 7 Suspended Sediment Analysis -October 16,1980 Susitna River at Gold Creek -------------------Particle Size Distribution-%------------------- 5.ize Microns Sample 2 Sample 5 Sample 8 <5 77.4 78.1 74.1 5-10 13.2 11.6 13.4 10-20 5.6 7.4 6.4 20-50 3.3 2.3 .5.7 >50 0.5 0.6 0.4-- 100.0%100.0%100.0% Milligrams/liter Sample No.Date/Time Station*Int.Time Suspended Solids 1 10-16-80/4:22 p.m.12+45 120 sec.8.4 2 10-16-80/4:28 p.m.12+76 90 sec.9.0 3 10-16-80/4:34 p.m.13+11 54 sec.9.2 4 10-16-80/4:40 p.m.13+46 40 sec.7.2 5 10-16-80/4:43 p.m.13+81 48 sec.11.0 6 10-16-80/4:48 p.m.14+16 49 sec.8.0 7 10-16-80/4:54 p.m.14+51 60 sec.7.8 8 10-16-80/5:01 p.m.14+86 68 sec.8.0 9 10-16-80/5:05 p.m.15+21 100 sec.1.2 - *Left edge of water is at Station 12+01. Right edge of water is at Station 15+64. -15- misc.6/t4 WATER QUALITY ANNUAL REPORT TABLE 8 Suspended Sediment Analysis -January 14,1981 Susitna River at Gold Creek Particle Size Distribution Sample No.4 Size,Microns Count/Sq.mm % <10 96 80.0 10-20 9 7.5 20-50 11 9.2 50-100 3 2.5 >100 1 0.8* 100.0% ... Mill igrams/Liter Sample No.Date/Time Station*Int.Time Suspended Solids 4 1-14-81/3:00 p.m.Left bank 55 sec.0.4 5 1-14-81/3:15 p.m.Center 70 sec.10.6 6 1-14-81/3:35 p.m.Right bank 120 sec.10.4 *There were a few specimens of fibrous material approximately 1000 microns in length. -16- - WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY SUSITNA RIVER Ag~ncy:u.s.Geological Survey Station:Nr.Denali .Elevation:2440 Ft. 1957-1978 TABLE 9 Field Parameters (1)MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN NUMBER OBSERVATIONS i~ Dissolved Oxygen Percent Saturation pH,pH Units Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C. Temperature,°C Free Carbon Dioxide "AI kalinity,as CaC03 Settleable Solids,mill Laboratory Parameters (1) Summer/Winter 7.8/7.6 7.1/7.1 7.5/7.4 15/4 205/467 121/194 157/349 18/4 10.5/-0.5/-5.5/-50/- s.8/2's 1.5/4.5 3.2/10.8 11/4 68/161 42/57 54/116 11/4 4.8/19.0 ..... Ammonia Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrite Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Ortha-Phosphate Total Phosphate Chemical Oxygen Demand Chloride True Color,Platinum-Cobalt Unit Hardness,as CaC03 susi4/i4 .09/- 11.0/30.0 87/181" -17- .00/- 2.0/3.8 50/84· .05/- 64/139 15/- 11/4 11/4 Laboratory Par'ameters (1)(continued) MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN ~, NUMBER OBSERVATIONS_ Summer!Wi nter Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Turbidity,NTU Uranium Radioactivity,Gross Alpha,pCi/1 Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Carbon ',Organic Chemicals Endrin Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene 2,4-0 2,4,5-TP Silvex ICAP Scan Ag,Silver AI,Aluminum As,,;Arsenic Au,Gold B,Boron Ba,Barium Bi,Bismuth Ca,Calcium Cd,Cadmium Co,Cobalt Cr,Chromium CUr Copper susi4/i/ 23/39 120/270 5690/- 29/51 -18-. 9/31 72/109 85/- 17/23 15/36 91/204 1350/- 21/40 11/4 11/4 32/- 11/4 - - ... ... Table values are mg/I unless noted otherwise. Laboratory Parameters (1). Fe,Iron Hg,Mercury K,Potassium Mg,Magnesium Mn,Manganese MO,Molybdenum Na,Sodium Ni,Nickel Pb,Lead Pt,Platinum Sb,Antimony Se,Selenium Si,Silicon Sn,Tin Sr,Strontium Ti,Titanium W,Tungsten V i Vanadium Zn,Zinc Zr,Zirconium (1 ) NUMBER MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN OBSERVATIONS Summer/Winter 4.0/.06 0/0 1.0/.03 11/4 3.0/6.6 1.:3/3.6 2.5/5.8 11/4 3.8/16 1.7/6.2 3.1/9.3 11/4 .06/.02 0/.01 .008/.01 10/3- 10/23 2.1/3.8 4.3/15 11/4 susi4/i/ -19- - WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY SUSITNA RIVER Agency: Station:Vee Canyon (Nr.Cantwell) 1962-1972 U.S.Geological Survey Elevation:1900 Ft. Field Parameters (1) T1l.BLE 10 MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN NUMBER OBSERVATIONS Summer Values Only _--:::0.,:.•.::::,8;:::.8 ..;::0 •...;;0 '.:.:2:.:0:..-=.10.;;.....__ Dissolved Oxygen Percent Satu ration pH,pH Units ,Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature,°c Free Carbon Dioxide f'.lkalinity,as caC03 Settleable Solids,mill Laboratory Parameters (1) Ammonia Nitrogen OrganiC;;",~itrogen Kjeldaq"I".,Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitri~e Nitrogen Total,Nitrogen Ortho-Phosphate Total Phosphate Chemical Oxygen Demand Chloride True Color,Platinum-Cobalt Unit Hardness,as CaC03 susi4/i1 8.1 250 13.0 6.8 59 9.2 40 76 -20- 7.2 91 1.0 .7 39 2., 5 42 7.7 150 7.7 2.6 51 5.5 14 62 10 25 38 10, 10 10 9 10 ,..".. susi4/i/-21- Laboratory Pai-ameters (1) Fe,Iron Hg,Mercury K,Potassium Mg,Magnesium Mn,Manganese Mo,Molybdenum Na,Sodium Ni,Nickel Pb,Lead Pt,Platinum Sb,Antimony Se,Selenium Si ,Silicon Sn,Tin Sr,Strontium Ti,Titanium W,Tcl'hgsten V,Vanadium Zn,Zinc Zr,Zirconium MAXIMUM 6.3 MINIMUM 2.1 MEAN 3.9 - NUMBER OBSERVATIONS 10 fIIIJf!iill: (1 )Table values are mg/I unless noted otherwise.- susi4/i/-22- WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY SUSITNA RIVER Ag.ency: Station:.Gold Creek 1949-1978 u.s.Geological Survey Elevation:676.5 Ft. Field Parameters (1) TABLE 11 MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN NUMBER OBSERVATIONS Dissolved Oxygen Percent Saturation pI;!,pH Units Conductivity r umhos/cm @ 25°C Temperature r °C Free'Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity,as CaC03 Settleable Solids,mill Laboratory Parameters (1) J 2 6/-1- 106/-/- 8.0/8.1/8.0 .227/300/121 13.5/0.5/8.0 20/16/24 \. 87/88/80 Summer/Winter/Break-up 11.1/-/- 12.0/-/- 96/-/-102/-/- 6.6/7.0/6.5 7.4/7.4/7.1 90/164/82 162/248/65 1.0/0.0/1.0 8.6/0.5/3.4 1.1/1.2/5.6 5.6/6.3/8.0 30/49/29 52/70/48 '3/-/": 3/-/-' 31/20/8 60/25/7 22/5/7 60/22/5 64/23/3 Ammonia Nitrogen Organic Nitrogen Kjeldahi Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen ....:.~3~6~/....=..32...../'-.o.:l.2....9'-_~.i)~2:::../:...,;.:...l0~5~/....:.~0~5_.....:.".1:!:..:3':!.1./~.:..:!1:..:;4!L/....:.-=lo!.7_....;5::!.l8 =.t.!~2::.:!2:L/-=:3~_ Nitrite Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Ortho-Phosphate Total Phosphate Chemical Oxygen Demand C h tori de ..;;;1=5....!.;;:.3=5/'-4.::.;.'-'5"---1~.4""/....:9./..:;:1:.;:..-=8__...;5;;.;.'-'4.1..;;2;.;:2"-/..:;;,3.;;;.•.;;;;,2_.......;6;.;;0;.<./..:;;,2..:;;,5.....1..;;4_ True Color r Platinum -Coba It Un it _2_°,;../_5=-/5_0 0_1_°..,;.1_1_0 8...;,1_3_._5,.;.1_2_8 5_2..;./_2_0_1_6_ Hardness,as CaC03 ...:;1;.;;O..;.7.:../.;.;.1::..14,;;.:/....;1;;..1.;.;3 35...:./_6~0::..:./....;3_2 6....;1~/....;9_7..;.1....;6_0 5_8..;.1_2_4..;..1_3_ susi4/i7 -23- Laboratory Parameters (1)(continued) MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN - """' NUMBER OBSERVATIONS Summer/Winter/B reak-up - 28/38/27 4/13/5.5 17/21/'6 63/22/2 ,""" 134/167(70 51/102/48 93(149/55 59/26/4 2630/76/1330 23/1/120 832/18/652 59/8/11 ~ pCi/1 50/-/-2.7/-/~20/-/-3/-/- Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Turbidity,NTU Uranium Radioactivity,Gross Alpha, Total Organic Carbon• Total Inorganic Carbon >--,',-,"-; Organic Chemicals Endrin Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene 2,4-0 2,4,5-TP Silvex ICAP Scan Ag,Silver AI,Aluminum As,Arsenic Au,Gold B,Boron Ba,Barium Bi,Bismuth Ca,Calcium Cd,Cadmium Co,Cobalt Cr,Chromium Cu,Copper susi4/i/ 37/11(- -24- 37/24/-19/30(- - 58/26/- ... r Laboratory Parameters (1) MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN NUMBER OBSERVATIONS ,...., -- Fe,Iron Hg,Mercury K,Potassium Mg,Magnesium Mn,Manganese Mo I Molybdenum Na,Sodium Ni,Nickel Pb,Lead Pt,Platinum Sb,Antimony Se,Selenium Si,Silicon Sn,Tin Sr,Strontium Ti,Titanium W,Tungsten V,Vanadium Zn,Zinc Zr,Zirconium Summer!Winter/Break-up .46/.03 0/0/-.16/.01 27/21/0 4.4/5.0/1.7 1.0/1.2/1.3 2.4/2.3/1.6 49/18/3 6.3/8.3/7.4 1.4/3.6/.3 3.3/5.7/2.5 55/27/4 .18/.0 0/0/-.010/0/-23/2/0 6.5/17.0/2.9 2.4/5.2/2.8 4.1/11.0/2.9 48/19/2 (1 )Table values are mg/I unless noted otherwise. susi4/i9 -25- --------~.------ WATER QUALITY DATA SUMMARY SUSITNA RIVER 1iJ!II!Illil'- Agency: Station:Sunshine 1971-1977 u.S.Geological Survey Elevation:270 ft. """, Field Parameters (1) Dissolved Oxygen Percent Saturation pH,pH Units. Conductivity,umhoslcm @ 25°C Temperature,°C Free Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity,as CaC03 Settleable Solids,mill ....laboratory Parameters (1) Ammonia Nitrogen Organic Ni;tro.gen Kjeldahl Nitr:o,gen Nitrate Nitrogen Nitrite Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Ortho-Phosphate Total Phosphate Chemical Oxygen Demand Chloride True Color,Platinum-Cobalt Unit Hardness,as CaC0 3 susi4/i4 TABLE 12 MAXIMUM 12.8 102 7.6 170 12.0 3.9 43 .12 7.3 72 -26- .00 2.7 37 -/.05 -/.18 -/.42 .07 5.3/21 54/91 ~ 4 ~ 3/1 ... 3/1 ~ Laboratory Pal"ameters (1)(continued) NUMBER MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN OBSERVATIONS Summer/Winter .- Sulfate 12 5.7 9.6/17 3/1 e-Total Dissolved Solids 51 102 77/137 3/1 -r:otal Suspended Solids 3510 288 1419 6 Turbidity,NTU Uranium Radioactivity I Gross Alpha,pCi/l Total Organic Carbon Total Inorganic Carbon <?rganic Chemicals Endrin Lindane Methoxychlor ~ Toxaphene 2,4-D 2,4,5-TP Silvex ICAP Scan Ag,Silver .~AI,Aluminum As,Arsenic Au,Gold B,Boron Ba,Barium """Bi,Bismuth Ca,Calcium 23 12 17/29 3/1 ,.-Cd,Cadmium Co,Cobalt ""Q Cr,Chromium Cll,Copper - susi4/i5 -27- Laboratory Parameters (1) MAXIMUM MINIMUM MEAN NUMBER ~ OBSERVATIONS Fe,Iron .18 '-':1'Hg,Mercury K,Potassium 2.8 Mg,Magnesium 3.5 Mn,Manganese .02 Mo,Molybdenum Na,Sodium 4.4 Ni,Nickel Pb,Lead Pt,Platinum Sb,Antimony Se,Selenium Si,Silicon Sn,Tin Sr,Strontium Ti,Titanium WI Tungsten VI Vanadium Zn,Zinc Zr,Zirconium Summer/Wi nter .06 1.1 1.6 o 1.9 ~i .- (1)Table values are mg/I unless noted otherwise. susi4/i6 -28- - .~ - s14/e ATTACHMENT A r -- , ~} SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROCEDURES MANUAL WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION JULY,1980 By R&M Consultants,Inc. For Acres American,Incorporated ,- ..... ,.... .- PROCEDURES FOR WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION 1)PURPOSE The aim of the data collection program is to provide basic water quality information for fisheries studies,reservoi r studies and for the establishment of baseline parameters on the Susitna River.From the data,regional and local variations in water quality wilt be defined,as well as seasonal variations as they relate to streamflow and climate. This information can then be used to determine the effects that dam construction,impoundment and regulated flow might have on water quality upstream and downstream of the proposed damsites. 2)SAMPLING:LOCATIONS AND FREQUENCY Tables 1 and 2 outline the proposed water quality data collection pro- gram.The first table shows locations of data collection sites,para- meters to be measured,frequency of observation and agencies collecting the data.Table 2 lists field and laboratory·parameters to be collected by R&M ar:d the U.S.Geological Survey. A summary of additional comments on the data collection program follows Table 2. -1- Table 1:PROPOSED WATER QUALITY DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM STATION/LOCATION PARAMETER TIME-BETWEEN TO BE COLLECTED BY OBSERVATIONS R&M USGS Susitna River Water Quality Summer:J month X Near Cantwell Winter:2-3 months Water Temperature Continuous X Susitna River at Water Quality Continuous Monitor X Watana Damsite- Susitna River at Water Quality Summer:1 month X X Gold Creek Winter:2-3 months I Chulitna River Water Temperature Continuous Monitor XN I Near Talkeetna Tal keetna River Water Quality Summer:1 month X Near Talkeetna Winter:2-3 months Susitna River Water Quality.Summer:1 month X Near Sunshine Winter:2-3 months Yentna River Water Temperature Continuous Monitor X Near the mouth Susitna River Water 'Quality Summer:1 month X Near Susitna Winter:2-3 months COMMENTS See Table 2 for list of parameters To begin Fall,1980 R&M to conduct event-oriented sampling. Data collection delayed until 1981 To begin late summer 1980 J I ...~I I J I J J ;j J )..~,I J Table 2: WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS TO BE MEASURED - PARAMETER FIELD: Dissolved Oxygen pH ') Specific Conductance Temperature Carbon Dioxide Alkalinity Settleable Solids LABORATORY: Turbidity Total'Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total Phosphorous Ortha-Phosphate Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Chemical Oxygen Demand Hardness Chloride Color Sulfate ICAP Scan Uranium Radioactivity,Gross Alpha Organic Chemicals Total Organic Carbon Total I norganic Carbon Trace Metals R&M X X X- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X -3- USGS x X X X X X X X X X o o o o o Summary:Additional Comments to Tables 1 and 2. R&M will collect all the data at two locations along the Susitna River at least five times during the first year.The five times will include: a)Spring Breakup b)Summer (maximum effect of the glaciers) c)Immediately after a heavy rainstorm (as close to hydrograph peak as possible) d)Just prior to freeze-up e)Winter low flow (under ice cover) Both R&M and the USGS will be coHecting data at the Gold Creek station so there should be a very good record at this site.This will allow more accurate extrapolation of data collected at other sites.R&M will conduct event-oriented sampling at Gold Creek.The site will be occupied during flood events and water quality sampled three to five times through the hydrograph. R&M will install a continuous water quality recorder for key parameters at the proposed Watana damsite.These parameters will include: a)pH b)Dissolved Oxygen c)Temperature d)Specific Conductance Laboratory testing for uranium,organic chemicals and radioactivity, gross alpha will be done three times at two sites on the Susitna River during the 1980 season. As pal4 t of the National ~tream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAII.J) The U.S.G.S.is conducting an expanded data collection program at Sustina Station.A more detailed description of the program can be found in Geological Survey Circular 823-A. -4- -~ - - ~, .... -- -- """ 3)FI ELD PROCEDUR ES This section describes sample collection and handling,procedures for measuring field parameters (dissolved oxygen,pH,temperature,carbon dioxide,conductivity,al kalinity,and settleable solids),analytical methods,detection limits,and procedures for preservation and shipment of sample?for laboratory analyses. A.Sample Collection and Handling. Three grab samples are.collected at each water quality station - one at the left over-bank,one at the right over-bank,and the third at mid·-channel.Grab samples are collected with a 2.2-liter Van'Dorn sampler at least one foot below the surface.Dissolved oxy~en,.settleable solids and temperature are determined on each grab sample and the values averaged to provide one "compositell value.Conductivity,pH and alkalinity,are determined on a composite sample made from equal parts of each grab sample. Samples for laboratory analyses are collected from the composite sample (see below for preservation and shipment). B.Field Parameter Procedures Standardize YSI Model 51 B Dissolved Oxygen Meter as follows: 1.Shake SOO-ml bottle containing about 300ml distilled water to saturate the water with oxygen,wait 1S minutes to allow ., oxygen bubbles to rise to the surface and disappear I 2.measure temperature of water and record, 3.record barometric pressure, 4.select standard dissolved oxygen value from chart of oxygen saturation versus temperature and barometric pressure to calibrate meter, 5.set uzeroll and IIfull scale ll using appropriate knobs,and 6.calibrate meter to value dertermined in step 4. Temoerature and dissolved oxygen are determined on each grab sample.Immediately after securing each grab sample,attach 5 tubing to Van Darn sampler and fill 300-mt beaker from the bottom,allowing at least three times the volume of the beaker to overflow into a 3-liter container.Insert oxygen probe into 300-ml beaker and determine dissolved oxygen in mg/l.Samples should be stirred continuously by raising and lowering the probe at a rate of about one foot per second during measurement.While one field.team member measures dissolved oxygen,the.other empties.. the remaining sample from the Van Darn sampler into the 3-liter container and measures temperature. Settleable solids is determined by filling an Imhoff cone to the 1000-ml level with each grab sample.Allow to remain undisturbed for 45 minutes,then run a rod around the inside of the cone (once),and wait 15 minutes.Read the settleable solids from the ,. graduations on each Imhoff cone and report in mill.These values can be averaged to provide one lIcompositeli value. Conductivity,pH and alkalinity,are determined on a composite sample. Conductivity (or specific conductance)is measured using a YSI Model 33 S-C-T meter.The probe is placed in the sample to be tested,the instrument IIred lined",and ~the conductivity read off the appropriate scale.Make temperature correction and report. results in urnhos/cm at 25°C. 2.!i is determined with a VWR Scientific Model 55 pH meter.The meter is calibrated by placing the probe in 7.00 pH buffer,ad- justing the temperature knob to the temperature of the buffer,and adjusting the pH to 7.00 with the calibrate knob.The probe is rinsed with distilled water and placed in pH 4~00:-buffer.Adjust the meter to 4.00 by using the span control (temperature)knob. pH of the sample can be measured after rinsing the probe with distilled water. 6 -,j i ...., - - "... Alkalinity is measured using a potentiometric titration to an end point pH determined by the al kalinity concentration as follows: ~AI kalinity,mg/I 1st End Point (C)2nd End Point (D) 30 5.1 4.8 I~150 4.8 4.5 -500 4.5 4.2 ~, A =(2C -D)X 0.020 X 50,000 100 where,C ::ml titrant to 1st end point, o =ml titrant to 2nd end point. Report alkalinity in mg/I as CaC03 . Calibrate the pH meter.Measure 100-ml sample and pour into beaker.Titrate with 0.020 normal sulfurit acid to appropriate end points.Calculate alkalinity as follows: ALKALINITY RELATIONSHIPS *TAB LE 403:I. Note:If initial pH exceeds 8.3,record the ml titrant used to reduce the ph to 8.3 and proceed as above.The table below is taken from page 281 of Standard Methods,14th edition,and shows alkalinity relationships for determining the concentrations of bicar- bonate,carbonate,and hydroxide al kalinity. Result of Hydroxide Carbonate Bicarbonate Titration Alkalinity Alkalinity Alkalinity as CaC03 as CaC03 as CaC03 p=o °°:::r ,P<~T °2P T-2P P=!zT °2P 0 P>~T 2P-T 2(T-P)0 P=T T °° - *Key:P -phenolphthalein al kalinity;T -total al kalinity I ..... 7 The following table presents the methods and detection limits of the field parameters: Parameter Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Con<;iuctivity pH Alkalinity Carbon Dioxide (b) Settleable Solids Method(a) SM 422F SM 212 EPA 275 EPA 239 EPA 3 SM 407A EPA 273 Detection Limit 0.1 mg/l 0.1 °C I umhos/cm ±O:01 2 mg/l ±1 9:- 0 0.1 mill - (a)SM -Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,14th edition EPA -Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, 1974,page number appears after EPA (b)Free carbon dioxide will be determined by R&M personnel with the nomograph on page 297 of Standard Methods I 14th edition. 8 C.Preservation -and Shipment Samples for laboratory analysis are collected from the composite sample,and placed in separate containers as follows: \ I.'). .j Container Plastic,no preservative Plastic,no preservative, filtered on site Plastic,sulfuric acid, filtered on site Plastic,sulfuric acid Plastic,nitric acid, fi Ite red on site Glass,organic solvent rinsed, filtered on site Glass or plastic,nitric acid, filtered on site Glass or plastic,nitric acid, filtered on site Parameters Turbidity Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total Phoshorus Ortho-phosphate Chloride Color Sulfate Hardness Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Chemical Oxygen Demand Metals (ICAP Scan) Organic Chemicals Uranium Radioactivity,Gross Alpha Filtering will be done on site using O.45-um membrane filter. Sample bottles with appropriate preservatives are provided for each sampling trip by Chemical &Geological Laborator'ies of Alaska, Inc.All laboratory samples are placed in insulated sample boxes ~vith ice to keep the samples cool during shipment to the laboratory. 1 9 4)LABORATORY PROCEDURES Chemical &Geological Laboratories of Alaska,Inc.,has been contracted to provide laboratory analyses.They are one of two private labora- tories in Alaska certified by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to provide water quality analyses.The parameters, methods,.and detection limits follow: -i -, ~I - - Parameter 'Method(a)Detection limite b) Turbidity Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total Phosphorus· Ortho-phosphate Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Chemical Oxygen Demand Hardness Chloride Sulfate ICAP Scan Uranium Radioactivity I Gross Alpha Organic Chemical s EPA295 EPA266 EPA268 EPA249 EPA249 EPA175 EPA175 EPA197 EPA159 ~PA20 EPA 68 EPA 29 EPA277 Proposed (c) Fluorescence (d) EPA 264 (ASTM 31) Proposed (0 0.05 NTU 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.1 O~05 1 1 0.2 1 0.075 3pCi/l(e) - - (a)EPA -Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,1974, page number appears after EPA ASTM 31 -American Society for Testing Materials,1975,Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Part 31,Water (b)mg/I unless noted otherwise 10 c)Recommended method outlined in the Federal Register,Vol.44, No.233,pt.III,Appendix IV d)Following accepted-!Jlethod out[in~d by G.K.Turner Associates, e)Reported as picocurie/liter --f)Recommended method outlined in the Federal Register,Vol 38, No.75,Pt.II,Appendix A. - - 5)REPORTI NG Data will be compiled to provide.a range and mean for each parameter during each of three seasons.The seasons and their respective definitions are:breakup -from the time ice begins to break up until recession of spring runoff,summer -from the end of breakup until the water temperature drops to essentially OOC in the fall,and winter - from the end of summ,er until breakup begins. The format for data collected will consist of an alphabetical listing of field parameters followed by an alphabetical listing of laboratory para- meters.There will be one page per sample site and the heading will have the site,date,sample time,personnel doing the sampling,and other relevant observations. 11