HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA471SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 7 ­ENVIRONMENTAL SUBTASK 7.04 WATER RESOURCES ANALYSIS REVIEW OF EXISTING WATER RIGHTS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN DECEMBER 1981 Prepared by: TK.. liJ1425 88 A23 no.471 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 7 -ENVIRONMENTAL SUBTASK 7.04 -WATER RESOURCES ANALYSIS REVIEW OF EXISTING WATER RIGHTS IN THE SUSITNA BASIN Prepared by Li nda Perry Dwight Water Resources Consultant P.O.Box 3613 DT Anchorage,Alaska 99510 T}( I ~J.;) .,~t['i A2-J 'h~,tl'7l Prepared for Acres American Incorporated Buffalo,New York December 1981 . ARLIS Alaska Resources . Library &Information Services Anchorage,Alaska o ""'"LO l"-eo M ooo LO LOr- M M TABLE OF CONTENTS SUM::MA.RY AND CONCLUS IONS••••••••••••G •0 0 • 0 •0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 INTRODUCTION.• • • • • • • • • • . . • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 WATER RIGHTS DATA.............................................5 SEARCH STRATEGY AND DATA INTERPRETATION.......................7 DISCUSSION ••lit lit ••••••••••"• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •9 REFERENCES ••••.•.••..•••••••••••••.•.•••••0'• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••21 APPENDIX ARLIS Alaska Resources Library Ie.Information services Anchorage,Alaska 1 l 1-.1 J Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 List of Tables Susitna Township Grid Conversion of Surface Water and Groundwater Appropriations to Equivalent Flow Rates Summary of Surface Water and Groundwater Appropriations in Equivalent Flow Rates Water Appropriations Adjacent to the Susitna River Fish Creek Township Grid Willow Creek Township Grid Little Willow Creek Township Grid Montana Creek Township Grid Chulina Township Grid Susitna Reservoir Township Grid Chulitna Township Grid Kroto-Trapper Creek Township Grid Kahiltna Township Grid Yentna Township Grid Skwentna Township Grid Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 List of Figures Location of Township Grids in the Susitna River Basin Water Rights in the Mainstem Susitna River Corridor - Talkeetna and Talkeetna Mountain Quadrangles Water Rights in the Mainstem Susitna River Corridor - Tyonek and Anchorage Quadrangles Water Rights in the Mainstem Susitna River Corridor - Talkeetna (B-1)Quadrangle SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Water rights for 18 different areas in the Susitna River basin were examined,and the amount of surface water or groundwater appropriated for each type of use was tabulated.A summary table was prepared to indicate the total amount of surface water and groundwater appropriated within each area.This summary indicated that the only significant uses of surface water in the Susitna River basin occur in the headwaters of the Kahiltna and Willow Creek township grids.Its principal use is for mining operations on a seasonal basis.No surface water withdrawals from the Susitna River are on file with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR).Groundwater appropriations on file with DNR for the mainstem Susitna River corridor are minimal,both in terms of numbers of users and the amount of water being withdrawn.An analysis of topo- graphic maps and overlays showing the specific location of each recorded appropriation within the mainstem Susitna River corridor ind~cated that neither the surface water diversions from small tributaries nor the groundwater withdrawals from shallow wells are likely t o.:be adversely affected by the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project. -1- -2- j ,! r 1 I I 1 :I J I I I I 1 ! ) .) .1 INTRODUCTION The application for license for the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project must include a statement regarding the effects of the proposed project on existing water rights.The applicant must apply to the State of Alaska for a water right to appropriate,divert,and use water for generating power.A copy of the water rights application must also be included in the application for license,which will be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In a survey conducted during January 1981 (Dwight and Trihey 1981), agencies and special interest groups asked the following questions: 1.what permitted or licensed water use rights presently exist in the Susitna River basin; 2.would operation of the dam allow present day out-of-stream diversions to be maintained;and 3.would postproj ect flows result in.a change of water table conditions that would adversely affect domestic wells or surface water supplies. This report provides an interpretive summary of existing water rights in the Susitna River basin to enable Acres American Inc.(Acres)to prepare the required information for the application for license and to assist in identifying any ~dverse effects that the proposed project might have on existing water rights claims. -3- WATER RIGHTS DATA Water rights are administered by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The legal documents protecting water rights are certificates,permits,and applications.Certificates are issued for water rights that have been perfected,i.e.,the water is being bene- ficially used.Permits are issued for water rights that are waiting final approval following the construction of structures necessary to use the water.When DNR accepts an application to develop water rights,the priority date of appropriation is established.However,approval pends on the development and perfection of the water right as well as adjudi- cation of the quantity requested to protect prior appropriations. DNR's Water Management Section has computerized certain data from the water rights case files on all certificates,.permits,and applications pending.Computer files are updated monthly.The computer files contain the following information: 1.water rights identification number and standard industrial code classification number for each type of water use associ- ated with that water right; 2.the quantity of water appropriated and diverted,expressed as c~bic feet per second (cfs),gallons per day (gpd),acre-feet per year (ac-ft/yr),or full flow; 3.the source (stream or river,spring,well)and well depth; 4.the priority date and number of days during the year that the water is used; 5.the lattitude/longitude coordinates for the point of diversion and point of use,and the quarter section of the township where this occurs; -5- 6.the legal status (certificate,permit,or pending)of the water right;and 1 'I 7.the appropriator's name. Case files for certificates,permits,and applications pending are stored in the district offices of DNR's Division of Land and Water \ Management. -6~ I I I ~j SEARCH STRATEGY AND DATA INTERPRETATION In response to a request from Acres,DNR's Water Management Section staff searched the computer files and generated a printout reflecting all data that had been coded as of September 10,1981.To facilitate the search,they selected township grids for 17 different segments of the river basin.They sent the computer printout and township list to Acres on September 24 (Brown 1981). As the first step to interpreting the data,the 17 township grids were mapped at scale 1:250,000 and transferred to a 1:1,000,000 map (Figure 1).The map was reviewed with DNR Water Management Section staff.Corrections and additions were made,and the Susitna reservoir township grid was included.No other townships were considered neces- sary for the search at this time (G.Doggett,pers.corom.; P.Janke, pers.corom.; G.Prokosch,pers.corom.). To interpret the types of water appropriations identified on'the com- puter printout,the listing that DNR has developed from the standard industrial code was obtained (S.Mack,pers.corom.).Six of the town- ship grids contained no data:Kashwitna,Sheep Creek,Talkeetna, Tokositna,Happy,and Alexander Creek.Suromary tables were developed for the remaining township grids.Each table displays information on certificates,permits,and applications pending.For each type of water use,as described by the standard industrial code classification,the amount of surface water or groundwater appropriated is expressed in cfs, gpd,or ac-ft/yr.The number of days in the year that the water use is "active"is noted.The total amount of surface water and groundwater that has been appropriated in each township grid is tabulated in either cfs,gpd,or ac-ft/yr (see Table 1).Cubic feet per second and gallons per day express the total amount of water as a flow rate;ac-ft/yr expresses that same amount of water as an annual storage volume. In order to compare total water use by township grid,the three flow rates were converted to a single equivalent flow rate,expressed in both -7- cfs and ac-ft/yr (Table 2).The results were summarized to compare total surface and groundwater use by township grids in equivalent flow rates (Table 3). Finally,a 1:250,000 scale overlay was produced with DNR's geoprocessor, which identified the specific location of each recorded water right along the·mainstem Susitna River corridor.This overlay was placed on the corresponding U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)topographic maps for the purpose of identifying potential areas of concern (Ff.gur-es 2 and 3). Five areas were identified where appropriations existed within the vicinity (less than one mile)of the mainstem Susitna River.Two areas were examined further on a :1:63 ,360 overlay and USGS topographic map (Figure 4). -8- J Ii -I r:l I ,1 I t DISCUSSION Based on a comparison of equivalent cfs and ac-ft/yr (Table 3),the only significant uses of surface water in the Susitna River basin occur in the headwaters of the Kahiltna and Willow Creek township grids.Its principal use is for mining operations on a seasonal basis.Water appropriations are 125 cfs or 37,000 ac-ft!yr in the Kahiltna area and 18.3 cfs or 5,660 ac-ft/yr in the Willow Creek area.Along the mainstem Susitna River,only .153 cfs or 50 ac-ft/yr of surface water has been appropriated for all purposes ..Water appropriations in other areas are even less significant.The following assessment of project effects on existing water rights is focused specifically on the mainstem river corridor.Data on existing water rights for the remaining township grids in the Susitna aiver basin are summarized in the Appendix. The Susitna township grid,which encompasses 30 townships,extends from the proposed impoundment area at Devil Canyon downstream to the estuary. As shown in Table 1,both surface (4,900 gpd)and groundwater (7,600 gpd)appropriations are primarily for single family and multi-family homes.A small amount of water is used year-round for watering livestock.The greatest usage occurs during summer months for irrigating lawns,gardens,and crops.The largest single use of surface water is for placer gold operations. As shown on Figures 2 and 3 and listed on Table 4,there are only five areas where water appropriations are located within one mile of the mainstem Susitna River.There are no surface water diversions recorded that draw water directly from the Susitna River or its adjoining side channels and sloughs. Immediately downstream from the Delta Islands,on the west bank of the Susitna River,a single family dwelling has a certificate for 650 gpd of groundwater from a well of unlisted depth.The certificate includes .5 ac-ft/yr for crop irrigation for three months.About six miles below Talkeetna,and 0.25 miles inland from the west bank of the Susitna River,a single family dwelling has a certificate for 500 gpd of ground- -9- water from a 90-foot deep well.Postproject water surface elevations for the mainstem river below Talkeetna are expected to be approximately three feet higher during winter months and from one half to one and a half feet lower during the summer months (R&M Consultants,Inc.In press)• Such a moderate.range of fluctuation is not expected to adversely affect the groundwater zones being tapped by two small capa- city domestic wells in the Delta Islands and Trapper Creekateas~ In the vicinity of Sherman,at mile 258 of the Alaska Railroad,Sherman Creek and an unnamed stream have been appropriated for two single family dwellings (325 gpd)and lawn and garderi irrigation (50 gpd).The surface water appropriations at Sherman are 50 to 100 feet above the present elevation of the Susitna River and would not be influenced by changes in water surface elevation of the Susitna River. In Talkeetna,groundwater from three shallow (20,27,and 34 f t )wells have been appropriated for a single family dwelling (500 gpd),the grade school (910 gpd),and the fire station (500 gpd).In the vicinity of Chase,between mile'235 and 236 of tll~A:LC3.ska.Rai:I.l:'9~Cld.,_~E;Ye_ral unnamed streams,lakes,and creeks have been appropriated for single family dwellings (L,250 gpd), lawn and garden irrigation (l00 gpd), and crops (1 ac-ft/yr).The appropriations in the vicinity of Talkeetna and Chase were examined on a 1:63,360 overlay and USGS topographic map (Figure 4). --The ----three'shallow ---wells'{20-34£tdepth)recordedin'-TaTlCee'fiia.are ---~.,approximately 1.5~milesdownstream from the-~onfi~en~e of the Chulitna- and Susitna Rivers and 0.13 miles downstream from the confluence of the Talkeetna River.From all visual indications,the Talkeetna River appears to be up gradient and is the principal recharge source for these wells.It appearS that the water surface elevation of the Susitna River could be influencirig-thegroundwater'level by providing the down gradient base elevation for the water table.However,the anticipated maximum decrease in average monthly water surface elevation of the Susitna River near Talkeetna is forecast to be from one to one and a -10- I I 'I ./ half feet (R&M Consultants,Inc.In press).At worst,this might reduce the water surface elevations of the local water table one to one and a half feet. In the vicinity of Chase,all surface water appropriations are from small tributary streams and lakes at an elevation of 450 to 500 ft mean sea level (msl).The Susitna River is approximately 0.25 miles from the nearest appropriation and is at an elevation of approximately 400 ft msl.The anticipated ch~nge in water surface elevation for the mainstem Susitna River near Chase is unlikely to have any affect on surface water diversions from small streams or lakes located 50 to 100 ft above the river on the hillsides. -11- -12- ,I I I i I ! ! i ,.--1 I I i I i I ( J i ! L- Table 1.Susitna Township Grid TYPE SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE Certificates Single family dwelling 4,500 365 5,440 365 75 214 2-4 unit housing 1,200 365 grade schools 910 334 Fire protection 500 365 Animals 63.5 365 94 365 Lawn and garden irrigation 200 184 100 153 .5 60 General crops 12.5 153 5.5 91 Total 4,938.5 12.5 8,144 6.0 I Permits t-'w I Single family dwelling 250 365 Vegetables 1 153 Total 250 -1 Pend ina Single family dwelling 75 365 1,000 365 250 214 Lawn and garden irrigation 50 183 Placer gold .1 184 Total .1 125 1,250 Total .1 5,313.5 13.5 9,394 6.0 -14- !! 'I L- Table 2.Conversion of Surface Water and Groundwater Appropriations to Equivalent Flow Rates TOWNSHIP GRID SURFACE WATER EQUIVALENT GROUNDWATER EQUIVALENT cfs gpd ac-ft/yr Total cfs gpd ac-ft/yr Total Equivalent Susitna .1 .00824 .0446 .153 .015 .0348 .0498 cfs Fish Creek .000116 .000116 .003 .00300 Willow Creek 18.3 .0226 18.3 .153 .000330 .153 Little Willow Creek .000581 .00555 .00613 .00190 .00190 Montana Creek .00518 .0144 .0196 .0400 .326 .366 Chulina .000439 .00278 .00322 .000831 .000831 ·Susitna Reservoir .00465 .00465 Chulitna .00329 .00329 Kroto-Trapper Creek .000930 .0555 .0564 Kahiltna 124 1.02 125 Yentna .00155 .00155 Skwentna .000556 .00495 .00551 .000775 .000775 I I-'Equivalent·Susitna 36.4 5.72 13.5 50.0 10.3 6.00 16.3U1 I ac-ft/yr Fish Creek .021 .0210 2.24 2.24 Willow Creek 5,650 7.10 5,650 128 .100 128 Little Willow Creek .420 1.00 1.42 1.37 1.37 Montana Creek 3.65 4.20 7.85 28'.1 236 264 Chulina .297 .500 .797 .601 .601 Susitna Reservoir 3.36 3.36 Chulitna 2.38 2.38 Kroto-Trapper Creek .672 10.0 10.7 Kahiltna 36,700 302 37,000 Yentna .565 .565 Skwentna .402 1.50 1.90 .560 .560 Conversion factor (to three significant figures) 1 gpd =.00000155 cfs 1 cfs =1.98 ac-ft/day X gpd x .00000155 cfs =y'cfs X cfs x 198 ac-ft/day x #days =Y ac-ft/yr -"16- Table 3.Summary of Surface Water and Groundwater Appropriations in Equivalent Flow Rates TOWNSHIP GRID SURFACE WATER EQUIVALENT GROUNDWATER EQUIVALENT cfs ac-ft/yr cfs ac-ft/yr Susitna .153 50.0 .0498 16.3 Fish Creek .000116 .02100 .00300 2.24 Willow Creek 18.3 5,660 .153 128 Little Willow Creek .00613 1.42 .00190 1.37 Montana Creek .0196 7.85 .366 264 Chulina .00322 .797 .000831 .601 Susitna Reservoir .00465 3.36 Chulitna .00329 2.38 Kroto-Trapper Creek .0564 10.7 Kahiltna 125 37,000 Yentna .00155 .565 Skwentna .00551 1.90 .000775 .560 -17- -18- ! i l 1 I ! ! .I I I 1 1 I' i :1 ! 1 1 i Table 4.Water Appropriations Adjacent to the Susitna River LOCATION 1 ADL NO.TYPE SOURCE (DEPTH)AMOUNT DAYS OF USEI Certificate T19N R5W 45156 single family dwelling well (?)650 gpd 365 general crops same source .5 ac-ft/yr 91 Certificate T25N R5W 43981 single family dwelling well (90 ft)500 gpd 365 Certificate T26N R5W 78895 single family dwelling well (20 ft)500 gpd 365 200540 grade school well (27 ft)910 gpd 334 209233 fire station well (34 ft)500 gpd 365 Certificate T27N R5W 200180 single family dwelling unnamed stream 200 gpd 365 lawn and garden irrigation same source 100 gpd 153 200515 single family dwelling unnamed stream 500 gpd 365 206633 single family dwelling unnamed lake 75 gpd 365 206930 single family dwelling unnamed lake 250 gpd 365 206931 single family dwelling unnamed lake 250 gpd 365 Permit 206929 general crops unnamed creek 1 ac-ft/yr 153 Permit T30N R3W 206735 single family dwelling unnamed stream 250 gpd 365 Pending 209866 single.family dwelling Sherman Creek 75 gpd 365 lawn and garden irrigation same source 50 gpd 183 1 All locations are within the Seward Meridian -19- -20- I I I i j ! 'I J I I I I I i ! j l 1 :-i i I I [J REFERENCES Brown, D.1981.Letter to J.Lawrence,Acres American Iric , ,Buffalo, NY,September 24,1981.2 pp. Doggett,G.1981.Interview.October 21 and 28,1981.Water Manage- ment Section,Div.of Forest,Land and Water Management,Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources,Anchorage,AK. Dwight,L.P.,and'E.W.Trihey.1981.A survey of questions .and con- cerns pertaining to instream flow aspects of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric proj ect ,Report for Acres American Inc.,Buffalo, NY. 1 vol. Janke,P.1981.Interview.October 21,1981.Water Management Section,Div.of Forest,Land and Water Management,Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources,Anchorage,AK. Mack, S.1981.Interview.October 16,1981.Northcentral District Office,Div.of Forest,Land and Water Management,Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources,Fairbanks,AK. Prokosch,G.1981.Interview.October 28,1981.Water Management Section,Div.of Forest,Land and Water Management,Alaska Dept.of Natural Resources,Anchorage,AK. R&M Consultants,Inc.In press.Alaska Power Authority Susitna hydro- electric.project:Task 3 -Hydrology;subtasks 3.07 and 3.10- River morphology studies--Devil Canyon to Cook Inlet.Report for Acres American Inc.,Buffalo,NY. -21- [··1 I I I I I i, J l j APPENDIX [1. 11,J IJ Appendix Fish Creek Township Grid (2 townships) A single family dwelling has water rights for 75 gpd of surface water during three summer months,and a trailer park site,2,000 gpd of groundwater year-round (Table 5). Willow Creek Township Grid (5 townships) On a year-round basis,groundwater is the major source of water for single family dwellings,the library,a campground,and animals,lawns, gardens,and crops (Table 6).Groundwater supplies are used year-round at the Independence Mine (83,120 gpd).The major use of surface water occurs on a seasonal basis for mining operations. Little Willow Creek Township Grid (2 townships) A small amount of surface water and groundwater is utilized for single family dwellings and for watering animals,lawns,and gardens (Table 7). Montana Creek Township Grid (4 townships) Groundwater is the maj or source for single family dwellings,schools, and for watering animals and crops (Table 8). Chulina Township Grid (1 township) A small amount of both surface water and groundwater is used for single family dwellings and for watering animals,lawns,and gardens (Table 9). Susitna Reservoir Township Grid (46 townships) The only appropriation recorded in the area encompassed by the proposed reservoir is the permit held by the Alaska Power Authority for the forty man camp from which field work is conducted in support of the feasi- bility studies.The permit is for 3,000 gpd of lake water (Table 10). Chulitna Township Grid (13 townships) A limited amount of groundwater is appropriated for year-round use,120 gpd for single family dwellings and 2,000 gpd for trailer park camps (Table 11). Kroto-Trapper Creek Township Grid (2 townships) Single family dwellings only have water rights for 600 gpd of surface water.The major use is for crop irrigation (Table 12). Kahiltna Township Grid (9 townships) Surface water is used exclusively on a seasonal basis for various mining operations (Table 13). Yentna Township Grid (16 townships) --Surface'water-Ts-'us'ed 'excrusivelyon-a seasonalbasis·for-plac-~r-gold-, operations (Table 14). Skwentna Township Grid (18 townships) Both surface .andgrout1.dwatet supply sIIlallquantl.t.ies'for si:rigIe:faIIl:Ll.y dwellings (Table 15).Surface water is also used for watering animals and crops. ] ,1 J 1 -,.] ,) TYPE Certificates Table 5.Fish Creek Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS cfs gpd ac-ftly~OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr DAYS OF USE Single family dwelling Trailer park camp sites Total 75 75 92 2,000 2,000 365 Table 6.Willo~Creek Township Grid I TYPE S~RFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS c!fs!gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpc:l__ac=f.J.jyr OF USE Certificates Single family dwelling 415 365 9,520 365 75 120 75 245 2-4 unit hou~ing 75 122 Libraries &info centers 300 365 Animals 445 365 Lawn and garden irrigation .1 153 General crops 4,000 91 Gold and silver mining 8 5,000 153 Land &water conservation I 1,000 153 Total T 5,565 15,340 -:T : Permits Gold-mining 8 5,000 153 Placer gold i.6 153 Total ~.6 5,000 Pending Gold mining 4,000 153 Load gold 83,120 365 Placer gold ~.T 184 ~.7 4,000 83,120 I Total H~.3!14,565 98,460 .1 TYPE Certificates Table 7.Little Willow Creek Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS cfs gpd ac-ft!yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-f~!yr DAYS OF USE Single family dwelling Animals Lawn and garden irrigation Total 375 375 1-1- 365 91 800 425 1,225 365 365 TYPE Certificates Table 8.Mon~ana Creek Township Grid I S~RFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER·APPROPRIATIONS cfis gP<l __ac-f~lyr~__OF US~__~fs~_.~~gEd ac--ft/yr DAYS OF USE Single family dwelling 2-4 unit housing Grade schools Animals Lawn and garden irrigation .Total Permits Single family dwelling Animals Total Pending 1,000 1,225 200 2,425 500 160 660 1.0 2.0 .5 3.5 365 365 214 123 153 184 365 365 6,675 4,800 11 ,475 500 500 365 242 365 Single family dwelling Animals Lawn and garden irrigation General crops Total Total 250 365 10 365 14,700 365 .5 153 .2 153 236 365 260 -:=i 14.,700 236 3,345 4.2 26,675 236 ----.J -.-J ~,- Table 9.Chulina Township Grid TYPE SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE Certificates Single family dwelling 75 365 Lawn and garden irrigation 30 153 Total 105 Permits Single family dwelling 80 365 500 365 Animals 98 365 36 365 Lawn and garden irrigation .5 91 Total 178 .5 536 Total 283 .5 536 TYPE Permits Table 10.Susitna Reservoir Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS ~fs gpd ac-ftJyr OF USE cfs gJl_d .ac_...ftlyr DAYS OF USE Work camps Total 3,000 3,000 . 365 TYPE Certificates Single family dwelling Trailer park camp sites Total Table 11.Chulitna Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr 120 2,000 2,120 DAYS OF USE 365 365 TYPE Permits Table 12.Kroto-Trapper Creek Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS ~fs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr DAYS OF USE Single family dwelling General crops Total 600 600 10 . 10 , 365 91 TYPE Permits Table 13.Kahiltna Township Grid SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr DAYS OF USE Gold mining Placer gold Total Pending 45.3 200,000 24 69.3 200,000 153 153 Gold and silver mining Gold mining Placer gold Total Total-- 2 5,000 153 45 452,500 153 8 92 55 457,500 124.3 657,500 Table 14.Yentna Township Grid TYPE Pending Placer gold Total SURFACE WATER APPRQPRIATIONS cf~gpd ac-ft/yr 1,000 1,000 DAYS OF USE 184 GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr DAYS OF USE Table 15.Skwentna Township Grid ___J TYPE SURFACE WATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATIONS DAYS cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE cfs gpd ac-ft/yr OF USE Certificate Single family dwelling 250 365 Total 250 Permit Single family dwelling 500 365 Animals 109 365 Lawn and garden irrigation 1.5 153 - Total 109 1.5 500 Total 359 1.5 500 SUSITNA RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN \ PREPARED BY LINDA PERRY DWIGHT Base map adapted from Alaska I:1,000,000 base map series,Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center,University of Alaska.COOK INLET ANCHORAGE 8 Cantwell LOCATION OF TOWNSHIP GRIDS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN I.Susitno 10.Susitna Reservoir 2.Fish Creek II.Chulitna 3.Willow Creek 12.Tokositna 4 Little Willow Creek 13.Kroto -Trapper Creek 5.Kashwitna 14.Kahiltna 6.Sheep Creek 15.Yentna 7.Montana Creek 16. Skwentna 8.Talkeetna 17.Happy 9.Chulina 18.Alexander Creek 0 10 20 MILE SCALE I ! FIGURE I.• WATER RIGHTS IN THE MAINSTEM SUSITNA RIVER CORRIDOR TALKEETNA AND TALKEETNA MOUNTAIN QUADRANGLES ~ 'v '!j,"',~'"':;'f~'\lit·•~_~'! i;l~"h..~..,~.\..... ;'!..~'\ 1:.•)t \ i (~q')~.~J (~).'.i PREPARED BY LINDA PERRY DWIGHT Reference: Base map from U.S.Geological Survey Data from Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources o 5 ba ilU&Ji J FIGURE 2.II R5W Mud R 7 (\\\~ ~-;::-."."'~"'"-=s---~//'/~.~__----.."0 ~~'-.JO-..-::::,__.f ..---~-.1<~f.-/- ____::::::_____.--r:::J •0 -s>:••1 ~"...,.--=0--.__~,-,.----.----/.,c/V)-~~r v.,;,-'-::::':;d"jj'::::::::;;;::::-~-/,.--_J"d ,~:..~~.,,/d _~...~ou '"J....'\,~.,~!~~Gp_',/'".-/V.---_o/"C'-~~."'-?-;:~qk:;7 /r,'.../~.~d-_3?'"'v;,./;pn:e ~,~North pt, l"tf.:/',~lnR 1'" f.. :' $.• ") r-/'iJJ~o w o- WATER RIGHTS IN THE MAINSTEM TYONEK AND ANCHORAGE PREPARED BY LINDA PERRY DWIGHT Reference:Base from U.S.Geologlcol Survey Data from Aloska Dept.of Natural Resources o 5 SUSITNA RIVER QUADRANGLES CORRIDOR FIGURE 3.• en CXl <5o C\I II 4 0"'::ED. C'<Il._0a:: ~Ji!....0OC~<i ~..=--= <:>./'_....' -;;:j(""'-j ,~~.~"--;:;'1 ,/'''_.'_/~) i I 0:: 0 Cla: 0:: 0 0 Ul IIJ 0::-l LIJ :E ;:::LIJ Q 0::...J (!) <tZZ<t 1-0:: U)O ::><t(J)::> ::EO LIJ 1-:::::-\()(J)I~m<t- :E« L1JZ ::I:I- I-LIJZ~-...J (J)« 1-1-:c 0 (!) 0:: 0:: LIJ ti;: I ! I