HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA472.-'~~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 7114 1982-1983 SUSITNA RIVER ICE STUDY ~ R&M CONSUL.TANTS1 INC • • ND•N···· G•D~DDiaTa II~.&NN•wa su•v•va•• UNDER CONTRACT TO FINAL REPORT [H]~~~~=~~~®©@ JANUARY 1984 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE DOCUMENT No. 472 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSITNA RIVER ICE STUDY 1982 -1983 Report by R&M Consultants, Inc. G. Carl Schoch, Staff Hydrologist Under Contract to Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Final Report January 1984 Document No. 472 NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE s6/992 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUS ITNA HYDROELECTR IC PROJECT SUSITNA RIVER ICE STUDY 1982-1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Page iii v vii xi 1. 2. 3. 4. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Scope of Work for 1982-1983 SUMMARY METEOROLOGY SUSITNA RIVER FREEZE-UP PROCESSES 4 ..1 Definitions of Ice Terminology and Comments on Susitna River Ice 4.2 Frazil Ice Generation 4.3 Ice Cover Development 4.3.1 Cook Inlet to Chulitna Confluence 4.3.2 Chulitna Confl uence to Gold Creek 4.3.3 Gold Creek to Devil Canyon 4.3.4 Devil Canyon (to Devil Creek) i 1 1 2 7 11 28 28 31 33 33 39 47 50 s6/gg3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 4.3.5 4.3.6 Devil Canyon to Watana Ice Cover at the Peak of Development 57 58 5. 6. 7. 8. SUSITNA RIVER BREAKUP PROCESSES 5.1 Pre-Breakup Period 5.2 Breakup Drive SEDIMENT TRANSPORT ENV I RON MENTAL EFFECTS REFERENCES 90 90 92 124 130 134 APPENDIX A Monthly Meteorological Summaries from Weather Stations at Denali,Watana,Devil Canyon,Sherman,and Talkeetna APPENDIX B Susitna River maps (Aerial Photo Mosaics)from Goose Creek to Devil Canyon ii 137 180 • s6/gg4 Table Number 1.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 LIST OF TABLES Title River Mile Locations of Significant Features on the Susitna River. Meteorological Data Summary from Selected Weather Stations Along the Upper Susitna River,September 1982 -May 1983. Number of Freezing Degree Days (OC), September 1982 -May 1983. Number of Freezing Degree Days (OC), September 1981 -May 1982. Number of Freezing Degree Days (OC), September 1980 -May 1981. Susitna River Su rface Water Temperatu re Profi Ie, September 1982 -October 1982. Susitna River at Talkeetna,Freeze-up Observations on the Mainstem. Susitna River at Gold Creek,Freeze-up Observations on the Mainstem,October 1982. Susitna River at Gold Creek,Freeze-up Observations on the Mainstem, November 1982. iii Page 5 14 17 20 22 60 61 62 63 s6/gg5 Table Number 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 LIST OF TABLES (continued) Title Susitna River at Gold Creek,Freeze-up Observations on the Mainstem,December 1982. Susitna River at Gold Creek,Freeze-up Observations Observations on the Mainstem, January 1983. 1983 Susitna River Ice Thickness Measu rements. River Stages at Freeze-up Measu red from Top of Ice Along Ban ks at Selected Locations. Major Annually Recurring Open Leads Between Sunshine RM 83 and Devil Canyon RM 151 Locations and Specifications on Ma rch 2,1983. Water Stage and River Ice Thickness Measu rements at Selected Mai nstem Locations. Susitna River at Susitna Station Breakup Observations on the Mainstem. Susitna River at the Desh ka River Confluence Breakup Observations on the Mainstem. Susitna River at Gold Creek Breakup Observations on the Mainstem. iv Page 64 65 66 67 68 106 111 112 113 ~ f Figure Number 1..1 3"1 3,,2 3..4 4"1 4.3 LIST OF FIGURES Title Susitna Hydroelectric Project Location Map Mean Monthly Air Temperatures, September 1982 -May 1983 and Historical Averages Freezing Degree Days Monthly Totals, September 1982 -May 1983 and Historical Averages Average Historical Accumulated Freezing Degree Days for Susitna River Basin Meteorological Stations Monthly Precipitation Data,October 1982 -May 1983 Ice Concentration at Tal keetna Relative to Mean Daily Air Temperatures at Denali and Talkeetna,and Daily Total Snowfall at Talkeetna. Ice Concentrations at Gold Creek Relative to Mean Daily Air Temperatures at Devil Canyon and Daily Total Snowfall at Gold Creek Su-sitna River Ice Leading Edge Prog ression Rates (mile/day)Relative to the Thalweg Profile from River Mile 0 to 155 v Page 6 24 25 26 27 71 72 73 s6/gg7 Figure Number 4.4 4.5 5.1 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Title Stage Fluctuations in Ground Water Well 9-1A Relative to Mainstem Discharge. Time lapse Camera Location at Devil Canyon. Water Surface Profiles Along 1,600 Feet of River Ban k Adjacent to Slough 21 Before and During an Ice Jam. vi Page 74 75 114 s6/gg8 Photo Number 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Description Frazil ice clusters Frazil slush floes,Susitna River at Gold Creek October 16,1982. Shore ice constriction near Slough 9, October 26,1982. Slush ice accumulating by juxtaposition near Sunshine,October 29,1982 Border ice growth. Hummocked ice at river mile 103. Ice plume near Slough 9 Anchor ice dam formed at river mile 140 Sediment-laden ice gathered du ri ng brea kup river mile 142 Slush ice bridge at river mile 10 October 26,1982. Confluence of Montana Creek and Susitna River, Octobe r 29,1982. vii Page 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 s6/gg9 Photo Number 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (continued) Description Leading edge of ice cover at river mile 95, November 2,1982. Mainstem Susitna River adjacent to Talkeetna, October 30,1982. Staging on mainstem Susitna River adjacent to Talkeetna,November 4,1982. Susitna-Chulitna confluence,October 18,1982. Susitna-Chulitna confluence,October 29,1982. Susitna-Chulitna confluence,November 2,1982 Leading edge of ice cover near river mile 106, November 9,1982. Ice cover on Slough 8A,March 14,1983. Susitna River at Gold Creek,January 13,1983. Telescoped ice cover at river mile 106, November 17,1982. Open lead at river mile 103.5,February 2,1983. Anchor ice dam at river mile 140,December 15,1982. viii Page 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 ~.. s6/9910 Photo Number 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (conti n ued) Description Overflow onto border ice caused by anchor ice dam. Time lapse camera on south rim of Devil Canyon. Ice bridge in Devil Canyon on October 21,1982. Ice cover in Devil Canyon at river mile 151, October 26,1982. Shore ice development near the confluence with Devil Creek. Open lead enlarging from ice fragments,confluence of Deadhorse Creek,April 28,1983 Overflow near Parks Highway Bridge April 7,1983. Ice jam diverting flow into Slough 11,May 7,1976. Ice jam near Montana Creek confluence,May 3,1983. Ice jam adjacent to Slough 21,May 4,1983. Ice blocks shoved over the river bank at Slough 21, May 5,1983. Ice jam key releasing at Slough11,May 6,1983. Triangular ice wedge at Sherman,May 6,1983. ix Page 87 88 88 89 89 115 115 116 116 117 117 118 118 s6/gg11 Photo Number 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 6.1 6.2 6.3 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS (cantin ued) Description Ice jam near Sherman at river mile 131.5,May 6,1983. Pressu re ridge at ice jam nea r Sherman. Ice jam at Sherman Ice jam at Curry,May 6,1983. Ice jam at Watana damsite,May 6,1983. Ice sheets buckling at Sherman,May 8,1983. Ice jam,viewed from river mile 102.5,May 9,1973. Ice blocks shoved into forest by ice jam at river mile 98.5. Ice debris piled on river bank at river mile 101.5 Ice shear wall near river mile 110. Ice floes stranded .by Slough 21 after ice drive. Silt deposit from melting ice block. Ice scoured river bank. x Page 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 123 123 128 128 129 ~.., s16/aa1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Th is study was conducted under contract to Acres American,Inc.until February 1983,and then under contract to Harza/Ebasco Joint Venture. Funding was provided by the Alaska Power Authority in conjunction with studies pertaining to the continuing environmental impact assessment for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Many individuals participated in the field data collection efforts during freeze-up and breakup.The logistics involved in documenting over 200 miles of ice cover development were difficult.Consequently,many ice measu rements and dai Iy observations were dependent on local residents. The conscientious efforts,often du ri ng severe weather cond itions,by ""-"Butch and Barb Hawley at Susitna Station,Leon Dick at the Deshka River confluence,Walt Rice at Talkeetna and Harold and Nancy Larson at Gold Cre(~k are sincerely appreciated. The services provided by Air Logistics,and particularly the judgement and skill of the pilots,were invaluable in obtaining ice thicknesses,water velocities and observations of releasing ice jams. The cooperation of the Watana Camp Staff (Kn i kl ADC)and Granville Couey (Frank Moolin &-Assoc.)in arranging the logistic support was extremely helpful.Other agencies who contributed time and information to th is study include the Alaska Department of Fish &-Game,the National Weather Service,NWS -River Forecast Center,Acres American,Inc.,and the Alaska Railroad. The Arctic Environmental Information and Data (AEIDC)Center provided personnel and equipment to assist in breakup documentation.Special .""~thanks goes to Joe LaBelle for coordinating this joint effort. xi s16/aa2 I am especially grateful to Jill Fredston (AEIDC)for assistance in editing the preliminary draft of this report. This ice study was developed with the assistance and guidelines of Steve Bredthauer,senior hydrologist at R&M Consultants,I nco Steve contributed the majority of the text in Section 7 and helped in clarifying several other sections while editing the final draft.The R&M hydrology staff provided assistance with field measurements and much useful information from occasional aerial observations.In addition,the extraordi- nary patience of the typing staff and their efforts towards a timely com- pletion are sincerely appreciated. xii .~ s16/w1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The study of ice on the Susitna River has been ongoing since the winter of 1980-1981.Prior to this report,the documentation had been restricted to oblique aerial photography and intermittent observations by field crews .. Initially,the intent was to target locations of specific ice processes such as frazil ice generation,shore ice constrictions,ice bridges,and ice jams. Much qualitative information was gathered and documented in the Ice Observations Reports (R&M 1981 b,1982d).Renewed emphasis by environmental concerns on potential modifications to the river ice regime by hydroelectric power development resulted in a more refined ice program for 1982-1983 directed towards specific problems which may be unique to hydropower development on the Susitna River.Staging,ice cover development in sloughs,ice jams and their relationship to sloughs,and sediment transport are among the topics discussed in this report.It is beyond the scope of the current study to mathematically analyze the specific mechanics of river ice processes.I nstead,the objective is to describe the phenomena based on field observations and measu rements. 1.1 Background Ice thickness data has been collected at surveyed cross-sections since the winter of 1980-81,and used to compile a profile of the Susitna River ice cover downstream of the proposed Watana damsite. Additional historical data on ice thicknesses are available from the U.S.Geological Su rvey (USGS).Th is agency mai ntains several streamgaging sites on the Susitna River,most of which are visited during the winter to obtain under-ice discharges.Upper Susitna data records begin in 1950 for Gold Creek and 1962 for the Cantwell site.Bilello of the U.S.Army Cold Regions Resea rch and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)conducted a comprehensive study entitled,"A Winter Environmental Data Survey of the Drainage Basin of the .Upper Susitna River,Alaska"(1980).This report summarizes s16/w2 monthly ice thickness measurements from 1961 to 1967 at Talkeetna and from 1967 to 1970 near Trapper's Creek. Data concerning other aspects of the Ice regime on the Susitna are scarce.The best potential source for a variety of qualitative historical information concerning ice jams and floods are area re- sidents,especially those employed by the Alaska Railroad.Many interviews were conducted,with the resulting information documented in the 1~81 ice report (R&M 1981b).This first ice report primarily consisted of narrative chronological descriptions based on aerial observations at various sites.The report also contains most of the historical information available from the U.S.Geological Su rvey,the National Weather Service -River Forecast Center,and the U.S. Army,Corp of Engineers. The 1981-1982 ice study followed the same general guidelines.Aerial reconnaissance was cqnducted weekly through January,with the freeze-up sequence of October through December described in the final report (R&M 1982d).Ice thickness measurements were obtained at many of the locations surveyed in 1981 In order to assess year-to-year variability.Breakup was periodically observed from April 12 to May 15,with documentation limited to information gathered on aerial overflights. 1.2 Scope of Work for 1982-1983 The Susitna River ice studies evolved considerably during the past year.Emphasis was placed on documenting site specific,ice cover induced problems identified du ring previous observations.These included ice jamming and flooding at the Susitna confluence with the east channel of the Chulitna River,staging effects th rough spawning areas,and ice jamming near the proposed upstream cofferdam at Watana.Reaches where ice jams recu r an nually were investigated for 2 s16/w3 morphologic changes and for identification of critical factors governing ice jam formation.Collection of additional quantitative data was also required for proposed modelling efforts.These data included ve- locities,maximum stages at various sites,ice thicknesses,ice dis- charges,rates of ice cover advance,water temperatu res,and loca- tions of significant open leads.The number of observations was increased in proportion to the frequency of specific ice events. During breakup,field crews documented daily changes in the ice cover.The specific data collected during the 1982-1983 season in- c1uded: 1.Locations of ice bridges 2.Rate of upstream progression of the ice cover 3.Ice discharge estimates 4.Ice cover at tributaries ~5.Ice cover at aquatic habitat areas i 6.Water temperatu re 7.Locations and size of open leads 8.Aerial photography,oblique and vertical 9.Meteorological data at specific sites 10.lee cover processes in Devil Canyon 11.Maximum water levels 12.Ice thicknesses 13.Velocities and discharges 14.Profiles and cross sections 15.Time-lapse photography 16.Locations and effects of ice jams 17.Water table fluctuations Meteorological data from five weather stations near the river channel are summarized in Section 3.In addition,figures are provided that illustrate the variability in air temperatures,freezing degree.-days and precipitation between the upper Susitna at Denali and Talkeetna. 3 s16/w4 Section 4 considers the processes associated with ice cover develop- ment and how they relate to the 1982 Susitna River freeze-up.The processes of frazi I ice formation,ice cover prog ression by juxtaposition and staging,shore ice development,and effects on the water table are described.Breakup is described in Section 5,be- ginning with the initial processes of ice deterioration followed by the cause and effects of ice jams. The processes of sediment transport during freeze-up are described in Section 6,along with the more dramatic nature of ice scouring and erosion during breakup. Section 7 discusses the envi ronmental effects induced by ice cover development.Topics in this section include: 1.Channel morphology changes 2.Aquatic habitat modifications 3.Relationship between sloughs and ice jams 4.Damage to vegetation 5.Ice regime in side channels and sloughs 6.Flooding of islands Photographs illustrating specific ice processes and events have been included in order to assist in understanding the characteristics and effects of the Susitna River ice regime. Many of the discussions in this report rely on a familiarity with certain place names and river mile locations.Table 1.1 lists those which are significant for this report.Figure 1.1 shows the Susitna Hyd roelectric Project location relative to southcentral Alaska.River mile locations have been annotated on detailed river maps included in Appendix B.Left bank and right bank in this report refer to the respective shorelines when viewed looking downstream. 4 TABLE 1.1 RIVER MILE LOCATIONS OF SIGNIFICANT FEATURES ON THE SUSITNA RIVER Place Mouth of Devil Canyon Portage Creek Slough 22 Slough 21 Indian River Gold Creek Slough 11 Sherman Slough 9 Slough 8 Slough 7 Curry Lane Creek Chase Whis kers Creek Chulitna/Susitna Confluence Talkeetna Head of Bi rch Slough Sunshine/Parks Highway Bridge Rabideux Creek Montana Creek Goose Creek Slough Kashwitna Creek Willow Creek Deshka River Yentna River Susitna Station Alexander Slough Alexander River Mile * 150.0 149.0 144.5 142.0 138.5 136.5 136.4 131.0 129.0 127.0 123.0 121.0 114.0 108.0 101.0 98.5 97.0 93.0 84.0 83.0 77.0 72.0 61.0 49.0 40.5 28.0 25.5 19.0 10.0 * s6/11 Photo mosaic maps indicating river miles are included in Appendix B. Locations indicate the most upstream and or entrance unless otherwise noted. - 5 - SCALE IN MILES SOUND 20 0 20,.60 1 WILLIAMPRINCE LOCATION MAP SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOCATION ~Figure 1.1 R&M C:CNSUL.:.ANTS,INC. ENGtNEERS CiECLCGt5TS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 6 s 16/v1 2.0 SUMMARY Frazil ice generally first appears on the Susitna River between Denali and Vee Canyon.This reach of river is common Iy subjected to freezi ng ai r temperatures by mid-September.By the end of October 1982,most of the river water had cooled to OOC and frazil slush had accumulated into an ice cover that started near Cook In let and extended upstream to Tal keetna. The development of an ice cover on the lower river from 10 miles above Cook Inlet up to Talkeetna required about 14 days.This rapid ice cover progression was due primarily to the cold air temperatures,gentle gradi- ent,and a long open water reach on the upper river for frazi I generation. Very little staging was necessary during.the ice cover advance,with levels of 2-3 feet upstream to approximately river mile (RM)67,then steadily increasing as the channel gradient became steeper.At Talkeetna the staging amounted to over 4 feet near the entrance to a side channel. On November 2,1982,an ice bridge formed at the confluence of the Chulitna River east channel and the Susitna mainstem.This initiated the ice cover progression on the Susitna upstream to Gold Creek.Staging along th is reach was generally more extreme than downstream of Tal keetna, with water levels often rising more than 6 feet.The leading edge reached Gold Creek by January 14,1983,after having slowed to a progression rate of 300 feet/day.The slower ice cover progression was due to the steeper gradient and a reduction in the frazil ice generation,caused by the development of a conti nuous ice cover on the upper river above Watana. This effectively sealed off the air/water interface preventing heat exchange and frazil generation.The reach from Gold Creek (RM 136)to Devil Canyon (RM 150)took even longer to freeze than the downstream reaches. The processes involved were different from those in the reaches fu rther downstream,as this area experienced extensive shore ice development and anchor ice dams. A time lapse camera was mounted on 'the south rim of Devil Canyon in order to document the formation of massive ice shelves that develop near 7 s16/v2 the proposed damsite.The slush ice cover in this turbulent,high velocity reach,often the first to form on the entire Susitna River,was very unstable,constantly either disintegrating or accumulating.The 8 mm movie camera provided footage that revealed valuable information concern- ing how an ice cover forms over rapids. The upper river from Devil Canyon to Denali was not monitored closely during freeze-up or breakup,but routine flights to Watana Camp provided qualitative information on the processes affecting this reach.This reach develops wide shore ice by building successive layers of frazil and snow slush.The channel finally becomes so narrow that flowing slush is en- trapped,eventually freezing into a continuous ice cover. After an initial ice cover forms,continually decreasing water levels lower the floating ice until the majority of the cover has grounded.Open leads develop over turbulent water,but may eventually close again through accumulations of fine slush ice against the downstream edge of the lead. Many open leads persist all winter along the enti re length of the river. Several isolated groundwater seeps have been identified in the mainstem, side channels and sloughs.These can erode away the existing ice cover. These areas often remain ice-free for most of the winter. Breakup processes on the Susitna River are similar to those described for other northern rivers,with a pre-breakup period,a drive,and a wash (Michel,1971).The pre-breakup period occurs as snowmelt begins due to increased solar radiation in early April.This process generally begins at the lower elevations near the mouth of the Susitna River,working its way north.By late April,the snow has generally disappeared from the river south of Talkeetna and has started to melt along the river above Talkeetna.Snow on the river ice generally disappears before that along the banks,either due to overflow or because the snowpack is simply thinner on the river due to exposure to winds.As the river discharge increases,the ice cover begins to lift,causing fractures at .various points. 8 s16/v3 On the Susitna River,long,narrow leads begin to form.Small jams of fragmented ice form at the downstream ends against the solid ice cover. These ice jams often resemble a U-or V-shaped wedge,with the apex of the wedge corresponding to the highest velocities in the flow distribution. The constant pressu re exerted by these wedge-shaped ice jam effectively lengthens and widens many open leads,reducing the potential for major jams at these poi nts. The drive,or the actual downstream brea kup of the ice cover,occu rs when the discharge is high enough to break and move the ice sheet.The intensity and duration is dependent on meteorological conditions during the pre-breakup period.Both weak and strong ice drives have been observed on the Susitna River during the last 3 years. Jam sites generally have similar channel configurations,consisting of a broad channel with gravel islands or bars,and a narrow,deep thalweg confined along one of the banks.Sharp bends in the river are also potential jam sites.The presence of sloughs on a river reach may indicate the locations of frequently recurring ice jams.During breakup,ice jams commonly cause rapid,local stage increases that continue rising until either the jam releases or the sloughs are flooded.While the jam holds, channel capacity is greatly reduced,and flow is diverted into the trees and side-channels,carrying large amounts of ice.The ice has tremendous erosive force,and can rapidly remove large sections of bank.Old ice sca rs up to 10 feet above the ban k level have been noted along side- channels.Stable ice jams a re sometimes created when massive ice sheets snap loose from shore-fast ice and pivot out into the mainstem flow. In May of 1983 an extensive buildup of flowing ice debris was stopped near RM 101.5 by a combination of the only remaining solid ice cover,and a shallow reach of river nearly 3 miles long.The ice cover disintegrated on impact but stalled the flow long enough for the ice to pile up and ground fast.This jam held for two days.Once this jam broke up,the ice debris flowed unobstructed to Cook Inlet.Although by May 10,1983,the entire 9 s16/v4 river was essentially ice-free,ice floes continued drifting downstream for several weeks as previously stranded flows were picked up by steadily increasing discharges. The lower Susitna River downstream of Talkeetna experienced a mild breakup in 1983.Observers at the Deshka River confluence and at Susitna Station thoroughly documented breakup.Their descriptions and data indicated that the ice cover fragmented and flowed out between May 2 and May 4.Most of the ice cover simply deteriorated while remaining shore-fast,with little jamming activity taking place.The only significant ice jam observed below the Parks Highway Bridge occurred near the conflu- ence with Montana Creek. This past river ice season was significantly influenced by mild temper- atures and heavy snowfall.Ice thicknesses did not reach proportions of previous years,and little precipitation occurred during breakup.Much data was documented during freeze-up in 1982 and breakup in 1983 for computer modelling input,but it must be recognized that the data may not necessarily represent conditions in a normal year. 10 s6/hh1 3.0 METEOROLOGY Mathematical derivations of heat exchange coefficients will be required for computer simulations of river ice cover formation.Accu rate and consistent measurements of meteorological parameters are essential for developing representative values for the heat gain and heat loss components of the energy exchange equation.A detailed heat exchange analysis is beyond the scope of this report.This section is limited to brief comments on the processes of surface heat exchange,definitions of the mechanisms by which they occur,and identification of the meteorological parameters that are currently being monitored in the vicinity of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Natural water bodies receive the most heat from solar shortwave radiation (H )and longwave atmospheric radiation (H ),and lose heat to the atmo-s a sphere by longwave back radiation (H b ),evaporation heat loss (He)'and conduction heat loss (H ).Not all of the incoming solar and long wavec radiation is absorbed,with a certain percentage reflected at the water surface.Reflected solar radiation (H )is usually of greater magnitudesr than reflected atmospheric radiation (H ),but is more variable due toar cloud cover,latitude,and altitude. The net rate of heat transfer across a water su rface is: H =(H - H +H - H ) -(H ±H ±H ).s sr a ar b c e The pa rameters representi ng the absorbed radiation,combined in the parentheses on the left,are independent of the water surface temperature. The terms in the right parentheses represent the temperature dependent parameters of heat loss (Edinger,1974). Val ues for the individual heat exchange components can be derived from the followi ng measu red meteorological variables:solar radiation,ai r temper- ature,and dew point temperature.These parameters have been monitored 11 s6/hh2 at several locations throughout the upper Susitna Basin for the past 3 years by R&M Consultants.In addition,a 42-year record is available from the meteorological station at the Talkeetna Airport operated by the National Weather Service.These weather stations were selected for inclusion in this report because they provide the best available data to estimate the climatic regime directly influencing the water surface.They are located at Denali,Watana,Devil Canyon,Sherman,and Talkeetna.Additional infor- mation about each weather station,including exact location and sensor specifications,have been published previously and is not included in this report.Those readers not familiar with this aspect of the project may wish to consult the Processed Climatic Data Reports,Volumes 1-8 (R&M, 1982e),which include a detailed description of the meteorological data collection program. Mean maximum,mean minimum and mean daily air temperatures for each station from September 1982 through May 1983 have been summarized in Table 3.1.Mean daily air temperatures are plotted in Figure 3.1.Tables 3.2,3.3,and 3.4 list the number of freezing degree-days per month between September and May for the existing record at each station (Tal keet- na 1980-1983 only),and are graphed in Figure 3.2.Only the Watana (R&M Consultants)and Talkeetna (NWS)stations have the capability to measure precipitation on a daily basis throughout the winter months. These data have been plotted in Figure 3.3. The meteorology within the upper Susitna Basin is highly variable at any given time between weather station sites.This is due,in part,to the movement of storm systems,the topographic variance,and the change in latitude,but mostly to the 2,400-foot difference in elevation between Denali and Talkeetna.The graphs presented in this section illustrate not only the colder daily temperatures at Denali,but also their longer duration. For instance,in October 1982 Denali had a total of approximately 370 freezing degree-days (OC)while Talkeetna had only 170.This difference may be significant,since the enti re Susitna River downstream of Tal keetna i~' developed ,an ice cover by November 1,1982.Caution is therefore advised 12 s6/hh3 in using average values of freezing degree-days for the entire Susitna Basin,since these may not be representative of all locations along the river.There is also significant difference in precipitation and wind run between Watana and Tal keetna.Watana receives only a fraction of the precipitation measured at Talkeetna,primarily due to orographic effects at Watana and to the high concentration of storm systems from Chulitna Pass to Talkeetna.The Watana weather station is situated on a high plateau and is exposed to wind runs not common on the river. tables and figures in this section are based on month Iy meteorological summaries from each These have been included in Appendix A. The data summarized in the published and provisional respective weather station. 13 -.. TABU:.-,) METEOROLOGICAL DATA SUMMARY FROM SELECTED WEATHER STATIONS ALONG THE UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SEPTEMBER 1982 -MAY 1983 Ai r Temperatures Mean Mean Mean Depa rture Depa rture Depth of Snow Maximum Minimum Monthly from Norma I precipitation from Norma I on Ground (°C)(0C)(0C)(0c)(mm)(mm)(em) Septembe~ Talkeetna 11.5 4.1 7.8 0.0 190.0 76.1 0.0 She rman 11.4 2.8 7.1 0.0 232.2 0.0 Devi I Canyon 9.5 2.5 6.0 1.4 156.6 59.1 Wa lana 8.4 1.6 5.0 0.4 100.8 15.6 Dena Ii *--3.6 -0.2 Ba sin Ave rage 10.2 2.8 5.9 0.3 169.9 37.7 0.0 October 1982 I-'fa I keetna -0.6 -9.4 -5.0 -4.9 52.2 -11.8 40.3 .t::>She rman*1.0 -8.0 -5.7 0.0 Dev i I.Canyon -2.6 -9.8 -6.2 -4.1 Watana -3.3 -11.9 -7.6 -3.8 4.2 -6.1 Dena Ii ---11.8 -6.0 Ba sin Ave rage -1.4 -9.8 -7.3 -3.8 28.2 -9.0 Novembe r 1982 Ta I keetna -4.4 -12.6 -8.5 -0.4 42.8 -2.3 70.6 She rman*-4.5 -11.4 -10.0 0.0 Devi I Canyon -5.8 -11.9 -8.9 -1.5 Watana -7.1 -14.4 -10.7 -1.4 0.2 -2.4 Dena I i*---15.7 -5.2 Basin Average -5.5 -12.6 -10.8 -1.7 21.5 -2.4 *Partial Record -Some values for mean dai Iy temperatures,used to compute the mean monthly temperature,are based on I inear regression analyses.See AppendiX A. s5/ee2 TABLE 3.1 (Continued) Air Temperatures Mean Mean Mean Depa rture Depa rtu re Depth of Snow Maximum Minimum Monthly from Norma I Precipitation from Norma I on Ground ~(0C)(°C)(0c)(mm)(mm)(em) December 1982 Talkeetna -3.5 -10.8 -7.2 5.6 45.4 2.3 73.1 She rinan -4.8 -12.7 -8.7 0.0 Devi I Canyon -5.1 -11.3 -8.2 4.4 Watana -6.9 -13.9 -10.4 4.7 7.0 2.3 Dena Ii *-9.6 -19.6 -15.4 4.8 Basin Average -6.0 -13.7 -10.0 3.9 26.2 2.3 Janua ry 1983 Talkeetna -6.2 -15.4 -10.8 2.3 11.6 -24.9 80.6 Sherman*-8.6 -17 .4 -11.0 0.0 --- Dev i I Ca nyon*-8.5 -15.4 -11.4 -1.5 --93.2 Watana -11.0 -17 .4 -14.1 -1.2 2.8 1.3 26.2 f--'Dena Ii *-12.1 -22.0 -17.1 -1.2 --20.9 V1 ~- Basin Average -9.3 -17 .5 -12.9 -0.3 7.2 -11.8 55.2 Feb rua ry 1983 Ta I keetna -1.7 -13.3 -7.5 2.3 11.6 -27.0 80.6 Sherman*-9.1 -21.5 -8.0 0.0 --107.9 Dev i I Ca nyon -3.2 -11.9 -7.5 1.5 --93.2 Wa ta na -6.5 -13.6 -10.0 -2.5 0.0 -15.2 29.0 Dena Ii -8.9 -19.3 -14.1 0.7 --25.7 Basin Average -5.9 -15.9 -9.4 0.4 5.8 -21.1 67.3 *Partial Record -Some values for mean dai Iy temperatures,used to compute the mean monthly temperature,are based on I inear regression analyses.See Appendix A. ~"(l-v1i nued) "-J TABLE 3.1 -J Air Temperatures Mean Mean Mean Depa rture Depa rture Depth of Snow Maximum Minimum Monthly from Normal Precipitation from Norma I on Ground (°Cl (OC)(OC)(°Cl (mm)(mm)(em) Ma rch 1983 Ta I keetna 3.7 -10.7 -3.5 3.6 2.3 -35.3 75.6 She rman*6.1 -11.2 -4.2 0.0 --106.8 Dev i I Ca nyon 0.7 -10.5 -4.9 -0.3 --96.3 Wataha -3.3 -12.0 -7.6 -0.9 --- Dena I j -5.3 -18.2 -11.8 -2.2 --37.8 Basin Average 1.9 -12.5 -6.4 0.0 2.3 -35.3 78.9 Apri I 1983 Talkeetna 6.9 -3.1 1.9 1.4 65.0 30.7 55.4 She rman 8.0 -II.4 1.8 0.0 68.0 0.0 - Dev i I Ca nyon 5.6 -4.0 0.8 0.4 33.2 -92.0 Watana 3.2 -5.4 -1.1 2.2 2.6 -21.7 I-'Dena Ii 3.0 -7.6 -2.3 2.5 0.8 -33.5m Basin Average 5.3 -4.9 0.2 1.3 33.9 -50.7 May 1983 Ta I keetna 14.7 3.0 9.1 3.4 32.3 -3.1 0.0 She rman 12.7 0.1 6.9 0.0 19.4 0.0 0.0 Dev i I Ca nyon 11.9 1.8 6.8 0.2 25.4 -0.0 Watana 9.9 0.6 5.3 0.2 15.2 -0.0 Dena Ii 9.1 0.4 4.9 0.1 7.6 -0.0 Basin Average 11.7 1.2 6.6 0.8 20.0 -0.0 *Partial Record -Some values for mean dai Iy temperatures,used to compute the mean monthly temperature,are based on I inear regression analyses.See Appendix A. s5/hh1 TABLE 3.2 NUMBER OF FREEZING DEGREE DAYS (OC) September 1982 -May 1983 Average Mean Monthly Historical**Air Temperature Monthly Accumu lated Monthly (OC) September 1982 Talkeetna 0 0 0 7.8 Sherman 0 0 0 7.1 Devil Canyon 0 0 5 6.0 Watana 1 1 13 5.0 Denali*7 7 17 3.6 Basin Average 2 2 7 5.9 "~:tober 1982 Ta.1 keetna 172 172 72 -5.0 Sherman*189 189 -5.7 Devil Canyon 200 200 95 -6.2 Watana 236 237 127 -7.6 Denali*367 374 192 -11.8 Basin Average 233 234 122 -7.3 November 1982 Talkeetna 258 430 191 -8.5 Sherman*301 490 -10.0 Devil Canyon 256 456 222 -8.9 Watana 304 541 279 -10.7 Denali*471 845 376 -15.7 Basin Average 318 552 267 -10.8 17 s5/hh2 TABLE 3.2 NUMBER OF FREEZING DEGREE DAYS (OC) September 1982 -May 1983 (Continued) Average Mean Monthly Historical**Air Temperature Monthly Accumulated Monthly (OC) December 1982 Talkeetna 230 660 407 -7.2 Sherman 274 764 -8.7 Devil Canyon 255 711 391 -8.2 Watana 324 865 468 -10.4 Denali*477 1322 627 -15.4 Basin Average 312 864 473 -10.0 January 1983 /~,.\, Talkeetna 336 996 311 -10.8 Sherman*340 1104 -11 .0 Devil Canyon*354 1065 325 -11 .4 Watana 440 1305 402 -14.1 Denali*630 1952 531 -17.1 Basin Average 420 1284 392 -12.9 February 1983 Talkeetna 211 1207 224 -7.5 Sherman*225 1329 -8.0 Devil Canyon 212 1277 254 -7.5 Watana 281 1586 289 -10.0 Denali 395 2347 416 -14.1 Basin Average 265 1549 297 -9.4 18 s5/hh3 TABLE 3.2 NUMBER OF FREEZING DEGREE DAYS (OC) September 1982 -May 1983 (Contin ued) Average Mea n Month Iy Historical**Ai r Temperatu re Monthly Accumulated Month (OC) March 1983 Talkeetna 120 1327 107 -3.5 Sherman*128 1455 -4.2 Devil Canyon 153 1430 147 -4.9 Watana 233 .1819 223 -7.6 Denali 366 2713 302 -11.8 Basin Average 200 1749 195 -6.4 April 1983 Talkeetna 15 1342 36 1.9~..21 1476 21 1.8/ierman i ~dvil Canyon 30 1460 75 0.8 Watana 65 1884 115 -1. 1 Denali 81 2794 151 -2.3 Basin Average 42 1791 80 0.2 May 1983 Talkeetna 0 1342 0 9.1 Sherman 0 1476 0 6.9 Devil Canyon 0 1460 0 6.8 Watana 0 1884 9 5.3 Denali 0 2794 5 4.9 Basi n Average 0 1791 3 6.6 *Partial Record -Some values are based on linear regression analyses. See Appendix A. **Period of Record:Talkeetna Sherman Devil Canyon Watana Denali 1940 -1983,only used 1980-1983 1982 -1983 1980 - 1983 1980 -1983 1980 -1983 19 ;c5 TABLE 3.3 NUMBER OF FREEZI NG DEG REE DAYS (OC) SEPTEMBER 1981 -May 1982 Mean Monthly Air Temperature Monthly Accumulated (OC) September 1981 Talkeetna 0 0 7.3 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 12 12 4.4 Watana 33 33 4.0 Denali 40 40 3.2 Basin Average 21 21 4.7 October 1981 Talkeetna 29 29 2.0 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 41 53 -0.4 Watana 72 105 -2.1 ,- Denali 108 148 -2.8 Basin Average 63 84 -0.8 ,~November 1981 Tal keetna 205 234 -6.4 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 255 308 -8.3 Watana 316 421 -10.4 Denali 389 537 -12.9 Basin Average 291 375 -9.5 December 1981 Talkeetna 367 601 -11.7 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 363 671 -11 .6 Watana 424 845 -13.7 Denali 514 1051 -16.5 Basin Average 417 792 -13.4 January 1982 Talkeetna 531 1132 -17.1 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 528 1199 -17 .0 Watana 622 1467 -20.1 Denali 782 1833 -25.2 Bas inA verage 616 1408 -19.8 20 s5/cc6 TABLE 3.3 NUMBER OF FREEZING DEGREE DAYS (OC)~. SEPTEMBER 1981 -May 1982 (Conti n ued) Mean Monthly Air Temperature Monthly Accumu lated (OC) February 1982 Talkeetna 285 1417 -9.9 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 344 1543 -12.1 Watana 365 1782 -13.0 Denali 525 2358 -18.7 Basin Average 380 1775 -10.7 March 1982 Talkeetna 161 1578 -5.0 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 223 1766 -7.1 Watana 299 2081 -9.6 Denali 359 2717 -11.5 Basin Average 261 2035 -8.3 April 1982 Talkeetna 46 1624 0.1 Sherman (No Data) Devil Canyon 102 1868 -2.7 Watana 140 2221 -4.5 Denali 182 2899 -5.9 Basin Average 118 2153 -3.3 May 1982 Talkeetna 0 1624 6.4 Sherman 0 6.4 Devil Canyon 0 1868 4.4 Watana 27 2248 2.3 Denali 15 2914 2.5 Basin Average 8.4 2164 4.4 i~' 21 :c7 TABLE 3.4 NUMBER OF FREEZI NG DEG REE DAYS (OC) SEPTEMBER 1980 -MAY 1981 Mean Monthly Air Temperature Monthly Accumulated (OC) Septembe r 1980 Talkeetna 0 0 7.7 Devil Canyon 1 1 3.5 Watana 4 4 3.5 Denali 4 4 4.7 Basin Average 2 2 4.9 October 1980 Talkeetna 14 14 2.1 Devil Canyon 45 46 0.2 Watana 74 78 -2.1 Denali 102 106 -2.9 Basin Average 59 61 -0.7 November 1980 Talkeetna 111 125 -3.5 Devil Canyon 154 279 -5.1 Watana 216 294 -7.2 Denali 269 375 -9.0 Basin Average 188 268 -6.2 December 1980 Talkeetna 623 748 -20.1 Devil Canyon 556 835 -17.9 Watana 656 950 -21 .1 Denali 890 1265 -28.8 Basin Average 681 950 -22.0 22 s5/cc8 TABLE 3.4 NUMBER OF FREEZI NG DEG REE DAYS (OC) SEPTEMBER 1980 -MAY 1981 (Continued) Mean Month Iy Air Temperature Monthly Accumu lated (OC) January 1981 Tal keetna 66 814 -1.8 Devil Canyon 92 927 -2.5 Watana 143 1070 -4.5 Denali 181 1446 -5.5 Basin Average 121 1064 -3.6 February 1981 Talkeetna 177 991 -6.1 Devil Canyon 205 1132 -7.3 Watana 221 1291 -7.9 Denali 328 1774 -11.8 Basin Average 233 1297 -8.3 March 1981 Talkeetna 40 1031 -0.4 Devil Canyon 65 1197 -1.8 Watana 136 1427 -4.3 Denali 181 1955 -5.6 Basin Average 106 1403 -3.0 April 1981 Talkeetna 48 1079 -0.1 Devil Canyon 92 1289 -1.8 Watana 141 1568 -4.3 Denali 190 2145 -6.2 Basin Average 118 1520 -3.1 May 1981 Tal keetna 0 1079 10.0 Devil Canyon 0 1289 8.7 Watana 0 1568 7.6 .~ Denali 0 2145 7.1 Basin Average 0 1520 8.4 23 MEAN MONTHLY AIR TEMPERATURE SEPTEMBER 1982 -MAY 1983 AND HISTORIC MEAN -11182-83 Cno·historic record) ) 10 o ILla: ;) I- ~-10 ILl ll. ::E ILlI--20 a:::;: ....oa.. -11182-83 --hl.torlcal averagu.11140-11183 10 ILla: ;) I- el:a:-10 ILl ll. ::t ILl I--20 a: < ....oa.. ~IlI~~1?1~O;S lL?_:0 « ~Og2 iiilJ) ~C ~~Dj;2 "'-I~lJ) c~ D (- ~2 ~n III. -30 I I I I I J I I I ~-30 I I I I I I I I I I __hiatorici.Iverlge, 111&0-83 MONTH Location:Denali Weather Station Operator:R &M Consultanla,Inc. 10 -30 I I I I I I I I I I -20 o LLIa: ;) I- ct -10a: ILl ll. :::E ILl I- a: ::;,c '0e.. MONTH Location:Sherman Weather Station Operator:R &M Consultants,Inc. MONTH Location:Watana Weather Station Operator:R &M Conaultante,Inc. -30 ,I I I I I I I I I MONTH Location:Talkeetna Alaska Operator:National Weat~er Service -30 ,I I I I I I I I I MONTH Location:Devil Canyon Weather Station Operator:R &M Consultants,Inc. 10 10 ........ 0 0 2.-e.. 0 ILl ILl a:a: ;);) l-I- el:-10 II(-10a:a: ILl ILl ll.ll. ::t :::E ILl _11182-83 LLI - 20 t _11182-83 I--20 I- a:--hhs.orlcl_Iverege,a:--hlelotle.'averlga, 11180-&3 18&0-83 <:c ~ ."_. to C... CD ~ N ,l::> ?§CI)~c::~~@~~h~.l.c::.....~a I!~~ -l ~. ~~~((,;l:0 -l ~§i~ Ill\§) l2S~~~~I!:;;"bl""i =, <:~.,~1h~- t.~ ()l! ~~"""i~ ;;;~ <:t~~""i ~~~Ill\§) FREEZING DEGREE DAYS MONTHLY TOTAL' 8EP MONTH Loc8t1on:Den811 Wuther Station Operator:R &M Consultllnts,Inc. 700 II) >-600<C Q.... ~600 W W 400 a: C) w 300'Q C) Z aooNwwa:lOa "" 0 Location:Sherman Weather Station Operator:R &M Consultants,Inc. II) >- oCtQ 400 o<a...300 III III a:200 C) W Q C)lOa z N a +-_I-IlI","",-+...s;a.-+~-f-liI-~....,'-W.-+.(OI..-+---f ~BEP a: II. 1982 ..83 HISTORICAL AVERAGE Iffilill) o Location:Watana Weather Stlltlon Operator:R &M Consult8nta,Inc. ~300 a: Cl ~200 C) Z lOaNwwIf0 SEP MONTH MONTH II) >-600 C Q '0 400 o..... Location:Talkeetna,Alaska Operator:National Weather Service ~300 a: ClIII 200 Q ClZ 100 Nw~0 ,I Iii I I 'il I II!!I I !:I I I':'I I "",I c'I I 1 400 II)>-500 oCt Q o 2... o +-......+""'L1-l-I"L.J.JI-.t:l~r.l:.1....1.4..r.:.L...&..+.JiiI...J...+.w..J.+--I MONTH Location:Devil Canyon Weather Station Operator:R &M Consultants,Inc. 200 o2...300 III IIIa: Cl III Q 100 Cl ! N W Wa: "" II) >- oCt 400Q "'11_. co c... d) ~• f\) (In ~o 1i2~Ul ~c ~~n>~2~-1 ~Ulc.. Jl (- ~2 ~nm. tv lJl )) .. 3000 AVERAGE HISTORICAL ACCUMULATED FR EEZING DEGREE DAYS FOR SUSITNA RIVER BASIN METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS 1980 -1983 1000 500 2000 APRMARFEBJANDECNOVOCTSEPa MONTH ============================.. R &M CONSULTANTS,INC. ENG~NEEIQS GEOL.OGISTS:PL.ANNER!!SUIQ\fEYCRS Fig ur e 3.3 I Ir¥J;jJ~~iIfJIJ\~~{o) 26 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE -E E- 400 . MONTHLY PRECIPITATION DATA October 1982 -May 1983 l:::::r preCipltBtl~n water equivalent o precipitation snowfall l:S:!maximum snow depth on ground Location:Watana Weather Station 800 -E E 600-Z 0-l- e:( to-400-c.-()wa:c. 200 Location:Talkeetna,Alaska -.. Operator:R & M Consultants,Inc. Operator:National Weather Service /~. ~.. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ENGINEeRS gEOL.OGISTS .I:ILANNERS SURVEYORS Figure 3.4 27 nl1 ~@S/7 ~~~.~/~I.i':@ ~ffJ'D.:1J1Jirl11JlA!lJr1J 1£i~~@ 1.0 WJ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE s6/ii1 4.0 SUSITNA RIVER FREEZE-UP PROCESSES Freeze-up processes initiated in early October,1982 and continued through fi nal ice cover development in March 1983.This section describes the various types of ice covers that form on the Susitna River from Cook Inlet upstream to the proposed damsite at Watana. 4.1 Definitions of Ice Terminology and Comments on Susitna River Ice Some users of this report may not be familiar with standard terminolo- gy used in describing river ice and since a rather extensive descrip- tion of ice processes on the Susitna River follows,a brief discussion on common types of ice observed on theSusitna is presented here. This is not intended to be a complete glossary of ice terms,and those interested in information on other types of ice should refer to the more definitive papers on river ice listed in Section 8 (e.g.Newbu ry 1968,Michel 1971,Ashton 1978,and Osterkamp 1978). Frazil - I ndividual crystals of ice generally believed to form when atmospheric (cold air)and hydraulic (turbulence)conditions are suitable to maintain a supercooled (O°C)layer at the water surface (Newbury 1968,Michel 1971,Benson 1973,Osterkamp 1978).For more information,see Section 4.2 and Photo 4.1. Frazil Slush -Frazil ice crystals have strong cohesive properties and tend to flocculate into loosely packed clusters that resemble slush, (Newbury 1968).The clusters may continue agglomerating and will eventually gain sufficient buoyancy to cou nteract the tu rbu lence and float on the water surface (Photo 4.2).This slush is highly porous. Samples collected at Gold Creek in October 1981 yieTded a ratio of water volume to ice vol ume of 60-70 percent. 28 s6/ii2 Ice Constrictions -Slush ice drifts downstream at nearly the same velocity as the current.The velocity of the slush is slowed by friction against surface constrictions caused by border ice.These constrictions generally occur in areas of similar channel configuration where the thalweg is confined to a narrow channel along a steep bank.When entering constricted areas,the slush ice concentration increases and is therefore compressed.The slush ice continues to pass through the channel sur-face constriction and is extruded from, the downstream end as a compacted\continuous ribbon of ice (Photo 4.3).The structural competence of the ice layer is greatly increased since the water filled interstices between the ice crystals have collapsed.As the layer of compressed slush accelerates away from the constriction,it begins to fragment into floes of various sizes,depending primarily on the flow distribution in the channel. The rafts break into floes averaging 2-3 feet in diameter unless an extremely tu rbu lent reach is encountered where the floes disinteg rate and emerge once again as small slush clusters. Ice Bridges When the air temperatures become very cold (e.g.-20 o e),and/or the density of the compressed slush is high, then the viscosity of the floating ice will increase until it can no longer be extruded through a channel surface constriction.Once this occurs,the continuous slush cover over the water surface freezes, resulting in an ice bridge.Ice floes contacting the upstream (leading)edge of the ice bridge will either accumulate there (juxtaposition Photo 4.4)or will submerge under the ice cover.The stability of ice agai nst the leading edge is critically dependent on the water depth and velocity.Su rface water velocities exceeding 3 ft/sec generally prevent ice accumulation (Newbu ry,1968). Snow Slush -This is -similar to frazil slush in appearance but the packed snow particles are more dense and have a lower porosity due to the smaller crystal size.Snow slush is apparent during and 29 ..~ s6/ii3 following snowfalls contributing significantly to ice discharge during these periods. Shore or Border Ice -Initially,slush ice (formed by both frazil production and snowfall)drifts into and covers the zero-velocity flow margin against the river bank.Additional ice pans flowing down- stream sometimes contact this ice and accumulate against it in a layer (Photo 4.5).This layer will continue to move downstream until frictional forces against the ban k or shore ice overcome the water velocity and movement stops.The slush layers then freeze together. Shore ice will continue adding layers by this process until the ice extends far out into the river channel where flow velocities are in equilibrium with the shear resistance of slush ice.These ice layers often constrict the su rface of the flowing water and present a ba rrier to floating slush ice.The constrictions have been observed to become so narrow that the slush ice must be extruded through under pressure. Black Ice -Black ice is new ice of continuous uniform growth.It appears dark because of its transparency.It will form on the water surface in lakes and zero-velocity areas in rivers,or underneath an existing ice cover (Michel,1971).This type of ice normally grows in a layer under the Susitna hummocked ice cover,and can attain a thickness of several feet.Due to its crystalline arrangement,black ice is extremely strong (shear resistant),even in relatively thin layers,especially compared to drained slush ice.Slush ice will produce floes which are inherently weak,due to the large,well- rou nded ice crystal s. Hummocked Ice -This is the most common form of ice cover on the Susitna River.It is a continuous accumulation of slush,ice floes, and snow that progresses upstream during freeze-up (Photo 4.6). This process will be described in Section 4.3. 30 s6/ii4 4.2 Frazil Ice Generation Frazil ice crystals are formed when water becomes supercooled (Ashton,1978,Michel,1971;Newbury,1968;Osterkamp,1978). Supercooling is a phenomena by which water remains in a liquid state at temperatures below aaC.Foreign particles are associated with the nucleation of ice crystals (Osterkamp,1978).The Susitna River discharges tremendous volumes of silt and clay size particles prior to freeze-up.There is an apparent correlation between the fi rst occu r- rence of frazil ice and a suddelJ reduction of turbidity in the river water,indicating that the fine suspended sediments may initiate the nucleation of ice (R&M,1983).Once the river is at the freezing point,snowfall also contributes to the total slush ice discharge. With sustained air temperatures below aoc,a thin layer of water will be cooled to the freezing point and ice crystals will form.Under quiescent conditions,the ice crystals will form on the water surface, eventually bonding together into a sheet of black ice,and continuing to grow vertically along the thermal gradient.However,laboratory experiments have determi ned that flow velocities of on ly about 1 ft./sec.are necessary to mix the surface layer sufficiently to produce frazil (Osterkamp,1978).These velocities are exceeded on the Susitna mainstem through most reaches so that the water body is continually being mixed.Under these conditions,the water can be supercooled to several hundredths of a degree below aoc throughout the water column,and crystals of frazil ice form in suspension be- neath the water's surface.Once the frazil ice forms,it has a ten- dency to rise to the surface.However,during the initial ice forma- tion,frazil particles are so small that they remain entrained in the river due to tu rbulence. Channel morphology can play an important role in concentrating frazil ice,as indicated by ice plumes.These plumes are an early indicator /'llII!'!!i~',\ of frazil ice and have been observed at several locations between 31 s6/ii5 Tal keetna and Vee Canyon when otherwise no ice was seen.Most sites occu r at sha rp river bends caused by outcrops protruding into the channel.The rock outcrops often create a slight backwater effect on the upstream side.Suspended frazil floes are swept into these areas and swirl about,increasing in density and ice concentra- tion until sufficient buoyancy is obtained so that the ice rises to the surface as slush.The slush floats past the outcrop in a long narrow stream which is rapidly dissipated by the river (Photo 4.7).Any subsequent turbulence can re-entrain the slush,once again making it difficult to observe.In September these ice plumes a re often ob- served near Gold Creek and Sherman.The flow patterns are such that these sites concentrate ice th roughout freeze-up. After November,the majority of frazil ice is generated in the rapids of Devil Canyon,Watana Canyon and Vee Canyon.However,du ring the initial freeze-up period in October 1982,the difference in the number of freezing degree days between Denali (370)and Talkeetna (170)suggests that the majority of the slush accumulating against the leading edge downstream of Talkeetna originates either as snowfall or as frazil in the upper river from Vee Canyon on upstream.This appeared to be verified during a flight on October 21,1982.Esti- mates at various locations from Talkeetna to Watana Creek showed a consistent ice discharge in this reach,indiGating that no frazil ice was being generated at the rapids at Devil Canyon and Watana on th is date. Frazil ice crystals have a prope.nsity for adhering to any object in contact with the river flow.When frazil adheres to rocks on the channel bottom it is commonly referred to as anchor ice.Anchor ice has been observed to develop into ice dams on the reach between Indian River and Portage Creek (Photo 4.8).Although these ice dams do not attain sufficient thicknesses to create extensive back- water areas,they increase the water velocity by restricting the cross sectional area,creating turbulence w.hich could increase frazil 32 sG/iiG generation.Slight backwater areas may be induced by general rais- ing of the effective channel bottom due to anchor ice,affecting the flow distribution between channels. On days with intense solar radiation or warm air temperatures,anchor ice has been observed to release from the channel bottom and float to the water su rface,often carrying with it an accumulation of sediment (Photo 4.9).Because of the high sediment concentrations (silt,sand and some small gravel),these ice floes remain easily identifiable even after they are incorporated into the advancing ice cover. 4.3 Ice Cover Development This section discusses ice cover formation on the Susitna River from the mouth at Cook Inlet to the proposed damsite at Watana.For the~, purposes of this discussion,the river has been separated into 4 reaches:Cook I nlet to Talkeetna,Talkeetna to Gold Creek,Gold Creek to Devil Canyon,and Devil Canyon to Watana.An additional section describing the unique freeze-up process in Devil Canyon is included. 4.3.1 Cook I nlet to Chulitna Confluence Temperatures are usually not cold enough to cause significant shore ice development in this reach prior to the relatively rapid advance of the ice cover.The initiation of ice cover formation in this reach usually occu rs when tremendous volumes of slush ice fail to pass through a channel con- striction near the river mouth at Cook Inlet.Between Octo- ber 22 and October 26,1982,slush ice jammed at RM 10 (Photo 4.10)and accumulated upstream for 57 mil.es to Sheep Creek.Daily ice discharge estimates from Talkeetna showed a /~ sudden increase in ice concentrations during this period 33 s6/ii7 (Table 4.2).The ice discharge on October 21 was estimated at 1.3 x 105 cu ft/hr and rose steadily to 5.8 x 105 cu ft/hr on October 26 following several snow storms.Assuming that the ice cover began progressing upstream on October 22, then the progression rate was 11.5 miles per day. As the ice cover moved upstream in 1982,increases in water level did not appear to exceed 2 feet between RM 10 and RM 25. The flow discharge at Sunshine,based on provisional USGS estimates,ranged from 16,000 cfs on October 21 to 14,000 cfs on October 26. Large open water areas appeared frequently in the ice cover. On October 26,the ice cover was no longer contin uous up- stream from RM 25.There was no ice cover or evidence of ice progression on the Susitna near the confluence of the Yentna River.The Yentna was also completely free of drifting ice and shore ice.At RM 32,a loosely packed ice cover resumed and continued upstream to RM 67.I ncreases in water level did not appear to exceed 2 feet,and large open water areas .appeared frequently in the ice pack.Surprising- ly little consolidation of the ice pack had taken place by October 26,1982.This could be due to the shallow gradient of the channel through this reach.In low velocity areas,the .ice front continued to advance by juxtaposition (accumulation of ice floes at the su rface)at a rate proportional to the ice discharge and channel configuration.Slush ice observed at the leading edge was not submerging under the existing ice cover.From RM 67 to RM 97 near Tal keetna,the river remained free of shore ice even though a large volume of slush ice was continually drifting downstream.All of the major tributaries to the Susitna below Talkeetna were still 34 s6/ii8 flowing and remained ice-free.The discharge from these tributaries kept large areas at their confluences free of ice. On October 28,183 mm of snow fell at Talkeetna.Observa- tions on the 29th revealed no further compaction of the ice pack.Open water areas between the slush floes had frozen and were covered by snow.The ice pack remained confined to the thalweg channel with the exception of some side chan- nel confluences where staging had created local backwater pools into which slush ice had drifted.The leading edge of the ice pack on October 29 was near RM 87,just upstream from the Parks Highway Bridge and adjacent to Sunshine Slough.The ice cover remained discontinuous,however,with long open water areas at the Yentna River confluence near Susitna Station,the Deshka River confluence,Kashwitna Creek,and Montana Creek.These tributaries were sti II ,~ flowing velop. packed but showed signs of an ice cover beginning to de- At RM 76,the cover appeared extremely loosely with individual slush rafts discernible within the cover.No ice movement was detected,and the unconsolidated arrangement may have been stable. From RM 76 upstream to RM 87 the ice cover was thin and discontinuous,with long open water leads adjacent to Rabideux Slough and in a side channel that extended from 1- mile below the confluence of Rabideux Creek downstream for about 1 mile.The ice pack was diverting water into this side channel,which had begun to develop an ice cover by slush ice accumulation.The confluence with Montana Creek was flooded by an approximate 4-foot stage increase on the main- stem (Photo 4.11).Rabideux Slough was breached through two entrance channels.This was indicated by flooded snow only,and no slush ice was flowing into the slough.The~~ margin of flooded snow was particularly evident near the 35 s6/ii9 Parks Hi9hway Bridge,where it extended all the way to the northwest abutment. The leading edge had advanced to RM 95 by November 2 at a rate of 2.1 miles per day du ring the previous 4 days (Photo 4.12).The stage had increased substantially in the vicinity of the leading edge causing water to flow out of the thalweg channel and flood the surrounding snow cover for several hundred feet.Many side channels had filled with water and the surface of the ice pack was near the vegetation line along the left (east)bank.The staging effects,however,were confined to the eastern half of the river,where the chan nel is split by a forested island.The channel along the west ban k remained dry and snow covered. By November 4,river ice observers reported stage increases as the leading edge app.roached Tal keetna (Table 4.2).An ice bridge that formed at the Susitna and Chulitna confluence on November 2 had greatly reduced the volume of slush ice flowing past Talkeetna,slowing the rate of ice cover advance substantially. Stage increases were over 4 feet near Talkeetna.On Novem- ber 2 a staff gage at Tal keetna had been dry,with the nearest open water more than 1 foot below the gage.At this time the two channels of the Susitna along the eastern bank had essentially dewatered,so that the area at Talkeetna was affected by Tal keetna River flow only.The staff gage was not again accessible until after consolidation and freezing of the ice pack on November 17,at which time the ice su rround- ing the gage corresponded to a reading of 3.6 feet (Photos 4.13,4.14).This represents a stage increase of over 4 feet at Talkeetna due to the ice cover advance. 36 .. s6/ii10 After the in itial ice cover formation,the remainder of the freeze-up process required considerably more time.Many of the side channels that were flooded by the increased stage in the mainstem gradually became na rrower as shore ice layers built up along the channel banks and the flow discharge decreased.By early March,when discharge in the mainstem had dropped to less than 4,000 cfs at Sunshine (USGS),most open water had disappeared.The continuous gradual reduc- tion of flow also caused the ice cover to settle.Where the sagging ice became stranded,it confQrmed to the configura- tion of the channel bottom and created an undulating ice surface.Open water areas persisted throughout March in high velocity zones but were rare and generally restricted to sharp channel bends and shallow reaches in side channels which had originally been bypassed by the ice front.Some side channels and sloughs may receive a thermal influx from groundwater upwelling which would have been sufficient to keep these channels ice free.An open lead located at the end of the Talkeetna airstrip remained all winter although it gradually decreased in size. The following sequence summarizes the highlights and general freeze-up characteristics of the lower river from Cook Inlet to Talkeetna during 1982-1983. 1.Ice bridge occurs at a channel constriction near the mouth of the Susitna during a high slush ice discharge. 2.Rapid upstream advance of an ice cover by slush accu- mulation. 3.Thin,unconsolidated initial ice cover. 37 ..~. s6/iill 4.Minimal staging,2-4 feet up to Sunshine,then over 4 feet near Talkeetna. 5.No telescoping or spreading out of the ice cover due to consolidation.Ice cover generally IS confined to the thalweg channel. 6.Tributaries continued flowing through December. 7.The following sloughs were breached with only minimal flow and little ice: a.Alexander Slough,upper end only,no th rough flow. b.Goose Creek Slough,no through flow. c.Rabideux Slough,minimal flow. d.Sunshine Slough,upper end only,no through flow. e.Birch Creek Slough,minimal flow. 8.Flooded snow along channel margins,va riable widths. 9.High initial discharges of 16,000 cfs at Sunshine and low final discharges of 5,000 cfs based on USGS daily computed val ues. 10.Gravel islands are seldom overtopped. 11.Some surface flow diverted into connecting side chan- nels. 38 s6/ii12 4.3.2 12.Ice cover sagging due to decreases in discharge. 13.Persistence of open leads in side channels and high velocity zones th roug h Ma rch. 14.Surface area decrease of open water by steady ice accumulations and decline of water surface. 15.Clear ice buildup under slush ice cover. 16.Minimal shore ice development due to lack of sufficiently cold ai r temperatu res before ice cover advances. Chulitna Confluence to Gold Creek Slush ice was fi rst observed in the Susitna River at Tal keetna on October 12,marking the beginning of freeze-up.Ice studies during previous years have observed slush ice as early as September.In 1982,however,no field crews re- ported ice until after the snow storm on October 12.Ice continued flowing,in varying concentrations,through the reach between Gold Creek and Talkeetna until November 2, 1982 when an ice bridge formed at the Susitna-Chulitna confluence.This bridge was the starting point for the ice cover that developed over this reach. Events during the 22 days prior to the ice bridging at the confluence are of significance and will be described first. This reach of river was subjected to colder air temperatures and more flowing sl ush ice than the river below Tal keetna. Shore ice had more time to develop,and at several locations extended far out into the channel,effectively constricting the 39 s6/ii13 slush ice flow.The higher velocities kept the slush ice moving through the constrictions,and no ice bridges formed. The Susitna River contributes approximately 80 percent of the ice at Talkeetna,while the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers combined produce the remaining 20 percent.The high (4-5 ft/sec)velocities of the Susitna kept the river channel open, pushing the slush ice downstream.After entering the conflu- ence area,the masses of slush ice and slowed down and began to pile up at the south bend of the Susitna adjacent to the east channel of the Chulitna.On October 18,1982,the slush was still moving easily through this area,but was covering all of the open water for about 600 feet with a translucent sheet of compressed slush ice (Photo 4.15).This ice accumulation was mon itored frequently du ring October. On October 29,the ice was being compressed and barely kept moving by the mass of the upstream ice and by the water velocity underneath the cover (Photo 4.16).The ice through this area was now white indicating that the slush had consol- idated and increased in thickness sufficiently to rise higher out of the water and partially drain. The ice constrictions being monitored on this reach were located near Curry (RM 120.6),Slough 9 (RM 128.5)and Gold Creek (RM 135.9).Slush ice was passing easily through these na rrows on October 26,but was being compressed into long narrow rafts which usually broke up within several hundred feet downstream.Unlike the confluence area,these constrictions were formed by successive layers of frozen slush ice along the shore. A snow storm immediately preceded the formation of the ice bridge at the Susitna-Chulitna confluence.This storm may have caused a substantial local increase in ice discharge 40 ._.._-----~----"-~-"-------- s6/ii14 which could not pass through the channel at one time.The result was a sudden consolidation of the ice cover that com- pacted the slush and at some point became shore-fast.The cover remained stable long enough to freeze and increase in thickness.The majority of the incoming slush ice floes accumulated against the leading edge and the cover began advancing upstream.Approximately 10-20 percent of the slush ice submerged on contact with the upstream edge and either adhered to the underside of the cover or continued downstream.Ice discharge estimates were substantially lower at Talkeetna after November 2 (Figu re 4.1).The most d ra- matic effect of the ice consolidation at the confluence was flooding.The flow capacity of the ice choked main channel was greatly reduced.Water spilled from underneath the cover,flowing laterally across the river channel towards the opposite (north)bank (Photo 4.17).Water was also diverted from upstream of the ice jam,flowing into the new channel. These diverted flows combined and entered the Chu litna east channel approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the original confluence.The total estimated discharge of the diverted flow was 700-1000 cfs,about 15-20 percent of the total flow. Substantial channel erosion was caused by these diverted flows,as subsequent depth measurement through the Ice located a isolated channel about 700 feet from the left bank. After the jam stabilized,the ice pack advanced slowly due to the increased gradient.The slush ice could no longer accu- mu late by simple juxtaposition,as the high flow velocities submerged the slush ice on contact with the leading edge. The ice cover moved upstream by the staging process,in which the ice cover thickens and restricts flow,causing increased stages upstream of the ice front,This lowers the upstream velocity so that incoming ice may accumulate against the leading edge instead of being swept under the ice cover. 41 s6/ii15 On November 9,1982 the leading edge was beyond RM 106 (Photo 4.18)and the ice advance appeared to have stalled. The upstream edge was located adjacent to the head of a flooded side channel.The ice cover was stagi ng in order to overcome high velocities at the leading edge.However,with every ice pack consolidation and subsequent increase in stage,more water pou red into the side channel,effectively preventing any extensive backwater development upstream of the ice cover.The side channel had to fill with ice before the mainstem ice pack could continue the advance.The water being diverted into the side channel contained a high ratio of slush ice to water volume,since only the surface layer of the mainstem flow was affected.Therefore,the channel quickly became ice-fi lied. The rate of ice advance averaged 1.6 miles per day for thirteen days after passing Whiskers Creek.On November 22 the leading edge was situated adjacent to Slough 8A.The total estimated discharge at Gold Creek was 3,300 cfs,a decrease of 900 cfs si nce November 9.The ice cover had staged approximately 4 feet and was overtopping the berm at the head of Slough 8A.The estimated discharge through Slough 8A was 138 cfs.Much slush ice was carried into the slough.Within 5 days this slough had developed an ice cover of consolidated slush from the mouth to the head near RM 126.5,with slush ice thicknesses of up to 5-6 feet (Photo 4.19)and ice extendi ng over the bank of the island. Groundwater seeps and the dropping water level caused collapse of the ice cover and development of a long narrow lead. The ice cover was very slow in advancing through the shallow section of river between Sloughs 8A and 9.On December 2, a sudden rise in the water table at Slough 9,recorded 42 s6/ii16 electronically in a ground water well,indicated the proximity of the leading edge (Figure 4.4).The well was located adjacent to RM 129.5.The ice cover advanced at a rate of only 0.3 miles per day for the previous 10 days,even though high frazil slush discharges were observed at Gold Creek (Fi- gure 4.2).This may reflect the consequences of the staging into Slough 8A. On December 9 the leading edge had reached RM 136,just downstream of the Gold Creek Bridge.The ice cover advance stalled here for over 30 days,as the ice needed to accumulate in thickness before it could stage past this high-velocity channel constriction.Ice discharges estimated at Gold Creek steadily decreased through December,primarily because the upper river was freezing over,el iminati ng the ai r/water interface needed for frazil production.On January 14,1983,~\ the leading edge finally crept past the Gold Creek Bridge (Photo 4.20)at a rate of 0.05 miles per day.The estimated discharge on January 14 at Gold Creek was 2,200 cfs,based on provisional USGS estimates.Ice discha rge observations at Gold Creek for October 1982 through January 1983 are sum- marized in Tables 4.3 through 4.6. The processes of ice cover telescoping,sagging,open lead development and seconda ry ice cover progression are impor- tant characteristics through this reach.Telescoping occurs during consolidation of the ice cover.When the.velocity at the leading edge is low,ice floes drifting downstream will contact the edge,remain on the su rface,and accumulate upstream by juxtaposition at a rate proportional to the con- centration of slush ice and to the channel width.This accu- mulation zone can be extremely long,generally being gov- erned by the local channel gradient,amount of staging and extent of the resulting backwater (Figure 4.3 and Table 4..8). 43 s6/ii17 This buildup will continue until a critical velocity is encoun- tered,causing the leading edge to become unstable with ice floes submerging under the ice cover.The pressure on a thin ice cover increases as ice mass builds up and higher velocities are reached in conjunction with upstream advance. At an undetermined critical pressure,the ice cover becomes unstable and fails.This sets off a chain reaction,and within seconds the entire ice sheet is movin~downstream.Several miles of ice cover below the leading edge can be affected by this consolidation.This process results in ice cover stabi- lization due to a shortening of the ice cover,substantial thickening as the ice'is compressed,a stage increase,and telescoping.The telescoping occu rs only du ring each con- solidation.As the ice compresses downstream,tremendous pressu res are exerted on the ice cover below the accumu lation zone.Here the ice mass will shift to relieve the stresses exerted on it by the upstream cover,often becoming thicker in the process.This will tend to further constrict the flow, resulting in an increase in stage.As the stage increases, the entire ice cover lifts.Any additional pressures within the ice cover can then be relieved by lateral expansion of the ice across the river channel (Photo 4.21).This process of lateral telescoping can continue until the ice cover has either expanded ban k to ban k or else has encou ntered some other obstruction (such as gravel islands)on which the ice becomes stranded. The ice cover over water-filled channels continues to float during ice cover progression.However,because of constant contact with high -flowi ng water,the ice cover erodes rapidly in areas,sagging and eventually collapsing.In some reaches these open leads can extend for several hundred yards. 44 s6/ii18 Table 4.9 summarizes data on open leads photographed be- tween RM 85 and RM 151 on March 2,1983.A secondary ice cover generally accumulates in the open leads,often com- pletely closing the open water by the end of Ma rch.The process is similar to the initial progression except on a small- er scale.Slush ice begins accumulating against the down- stream end of the leads and progresses upstream (Photo 4.22).Generally it takes several weeks to effect a complete closure. Ice cover sagging,collapse;and open lead development (Photo 4.21)usually occur within days after a slush ice cover stabilizes.A steady decrease in flow discharge gradually lowers the water surface elevation along the entire river. Also,the staging process which had raised the water su rface within the thalweg channel tends to seek an equ iJibrium level i~ with the lower water table by percolating through the gravels of the surrounding terraces.Percolation of river water out of the thalweg channel and the subsequent charging of the surrounding water table is currently under study.This process is being documented by recording the relationship between mainstem water surface elevations and .relative stage fluctuations in groundwater wells.located near Slough 9 (Figu re 4.4).Examination of aerial photographs of the sloughs taken during the ice cover advance up the mainstem revealed an increase in the wetted surface area in sloughs which were not overtopped by staging at the upper end. This increase is attributed to a rise in the water table. Many of the sloughs have groundwater seeps which persist through the winter.This groundwater is relatively warm, with winter temperatures of 1°-3°C(R&M,1982).·This is sufficiently warm to prevent a stable ice cover from forming in these areas not filled with slush ice.This relatively warm 45 s6/ii19 flow will develop ice along the margins,constricting the surface area to a narrow lead.The leads rarely freeze over, often extending for thousands of feet downstream (Table 4.9).Open water was observed all winter in the following sloughs in this reach: Slough 7 Slough 8A Slough 9 Slough 10 Slough 11 Slough 8A was the only slough breached by slush in this reach and consequently was the only one to develop a contin- uous ice cover.However,the thermal influence of ground- water quickly eroded through the frozen slush ice cover,and an open lead remai ned for the du ration of wi nter. The 1982-1983 freeze-up characteristics on the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Gold Creek are summarized as follows: 1.Frazil ice plumes appearing as early as September,but more commonly in early October. 2.Velocities between 3-5 ftl sec. 3.Discharges at Gold Creek ranging from 4,900 cfs on November 1 to 1,500 cfs by the end of Ma rch.(USGS estimates). 4.Ice bridge initiating the ice cover progression from the Susitna/Chulitna confluence. 46 s6/ii20 5.G raduaJly decreasing rate of ice advance from 3.5 miles per day near the confluence to 0.05 miles per day at Gold Creek. 6.Flow diversions into side channels and Slough 8A. 7.Su rface ice constrictions by border ice growth. 8.Staging,commonly from 4-6 feet. 9.Ice pack consolidation through telescoping of ice cover laterally across channel. 10.Sagging ice cover. 11.Open leads and secondary ice covers. 12.Berm breached at Slough 8A. 13.Staging effects on the local water table. 14.Thermal influx by groundwater cover formation in sloughs that inundated with slush. 4.3.3 .Gold Creek to Devil Canyon seepage are not prevents ice breached and The reach from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon freezes over gradually,with complete ice cover occurri ng much later than on the river below it.The delay can be explained by the relatively high velocities encountered due to the steep 9 radi- ent and single channel,and to the absence of a continuous 47 t""-" I s6/ii21 ice pack progression past Gold Creek,due to the upper river having al ready frozen over. The most significant features of freeze-up between Gold Creek and Devil Canyon are wide border ice layers,ice build-up on rocks and formation of ice covers over eddies.Ice dams have been identified at several locations below Portage Creek (Photo 4.23).Generally,these dams form when the rocks to which the frazil ice adheres are located near the water sur- face.When air temperatures are cold (less than -lOOC),the ice-covered rocks will continue accumulating additional layers of anchor ice until they break the water surface.The ice-covered rocks effectively increase the water turbulence, stimulati ng frazil production and accelerating ice formation. The ice dams are often at sites constricted by border ice. This creates a backwater area by restricting the streamflow, subsequently causing extensive overflow onto the border ice (Photo 4.24).The overflow bypasses the ice sills and re- enters the channel at a point further downstream.Within the backwater area,slush ice accumulates in a thin layer from ban k to ban k and eventually freezes. Since the ice formation process in this reach is primarily due to border ice growth,the processes described for the Talkeetna to Gold Creek reach do not occur.There is only minimal staging.Sloughs and side-channels a re not breached at the upper end,and remain open all winter due to ground- water inflow,although ice caused by overflow is evident. Open leads exist in the main channel,but are primarily in high-velocity a reas between ice bridges. 48 s6/ii22 To summarize,the following are the significant freeze-up characteristics of the river reach between Gold Creek and Devil Canyon. 1.Steeper gradient,high velocities,single channel. 2.Minimal continuous ice cover progression,usually only formation of local ice covers separated by open leads. Results in late freeze-over,generally in March. 3.Extensive border ice growth,with very wide layers of shore-fast ice constricting the channel. 4.Anchor ice dams creating local backwater areas which form ice covers and cause overflow.~. 5.Ice covers over eddies which form behind large boulders in streamflow. 6.Some telescoping,although usually not widespread. 7.Minimal staging.No sloughs breached,no diverted flow into side channels. 8.Few leads opening after initial ice cover.Minimal ice sagging. 9.Thermal influx by groundwater seeps keeps sloughs open all wi nter. 49 s6/ii23 4.3.4 Devil Canyon (to Devi I Creek) Ice processes in Devil Canyon (RM 150 to RM 151.5)create the thickest ice along the Susitna River,with measured thicknesses of up to 23 feet (R&M,1981c).The canyon has a narrow,confined channel with high flow velocities and ex- treme turbulence,making direct observations difficult. Consequently,in 1982 a time-lapse camera,on loan from the Geophysical Institute,University of Alaska,was mounted on the south rim of the canyon (Photo 4.25)to document the processes causing these great ice thicknesses. The time-lapse camera provided documentation that the ice formation through Devil Canyon is primarily a staging pro- cess.Large volumes of slush ice enter the canyon,and additional frazil ice is generated In the canyon.The slush ice jams up in the lower canyon (Photo 4.26),and the ice cover progresses up the canyon through large staging pro- cesses.However,the slush ice has little strength,and the center of the ice cover rapidly collapses after the downstream jam disappears and the water drains from beneath the ice. The slush ice bonds to the canyon walls,increasing in thick- ness each time the staging process occurs.The ice cover forms and erodes several times during the winter. The following chronological sequence of events was compiled from examination of the film.The descriptions will begin on then taper to weekly and monthly descriptions as fewer changes were observed.Air temperatures (mean daily °C) were obtained from the meteorological record of the Devil Canyon weather station.Streamflows are provisional estimates from the Gold Creek Station and are subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Su rvey.I ce thicknesses a re estimates from the film record. 50 s6/ii24 October 18,1982 Air temperature -S.OoC,discharge 6,720 cfs.The channel appeared open with no ice bridges and no constrictions.There was 1 -2 feet of shore-fast ice on the channel banks. October 19 -Air temperature -3.2°C,discharge 6,900 cfs.It was snowing heavily and the channel was partially obscured. It appeared to be completely filled with slush ice with no open water visible.Staging of at least 3-4 feet was evident.The channel remained ice covered throughout the day and the snow ended about 2 p.m. October 21 -Air temperature -9.SoC,discharge 6,SOO cfs. No significant changes as the channel remained ice covered all day with no open leads appearing.The weather was clear and sunny with swaying trees indicating high winds.~" October 22 Air temperature -9.6°C,discharge 6,200 cfs. The ice cover began to sag in the center of the channel and submerged.The flooding ice cover rapidly eroded away.Ice along the sides of the now open lead continued to calve off into the open water and melt. October 23 -Air temperature -9.8°C,discharge 6,000 cfs.It snowed heavily early in the morning,tapering off around 10 a.m.Open leads were clearly visible in the high-velocity reaches.Water saturated ice remained in some areas of lower velocity where erosional forces were not as severe.Little change was noticed du ring the day. October 24 -Air temperature -1O.6°C,discharge 5,900 cfs. Large volumes of frazil were flowing in the open channel.An ice cover had again formed over the downstream portion of the open water lead.The upper portion remained open where S1 s6/ii25 appa rently the water velocities were sufficiently high to prevent further ice cover progression at the prevailing ice discharge.During the day,the ice cover over the lower reach rapidly deteriorated by sagging and erosion.The floating ice cover was now sagging so far down that it sheared vertically from the shore-fast ice and floated within the open lead (Photo 27).This subjected the fragmented ice cover to the full velocity of the water,quickly eroding the ice away.The floating ice seemed to ride very low in the water,at times submerging completely.This is probably due to the high porosity of the slush ice which initially formed the cover. October 25 -Air temperature -12.8°C,discharge 5,700 cfs. There were no apparent changes,as part of the channel was still partially covered,with the remainder being choked with floating water-saturated ice.Ice shelves on the banks were approximately 3-4 feet thick. October 26 -Air temperature -15.4 °c,discharge 5,600 cfs. The images of the canyon were obscu red by heavy fog,but the channel s~emed to be ice covered with no open leads discern ible. October 27 -Air temperature -19.1°C,discharge 5,400 cfs. There were no apparent changes.The ice cover remai ned intact and no water was visible. October 28 -Air temperature -13.2°C,discharge 5,300 cfs. Overnight,an open lead developed in the upstream rapids section.No fu rther changes were noted on this day. October 29 -Air temperature -13.3°C,discharge 5,200 cfs. Fog again pa rtially obscu red the images.The open lead at 52 --------~-----------_._-----~._--_.~_._~_._,-------_. s6/ii26 the upstream end of the reach expanded in width and length. It appeared to be open for its entire wetted width and no overhanging ice shelves remained.This open water reach extended upstream out of the field of view.Another open lead about 300 feet downstream of the upper lead continued to increase its length by collapsing at both ends.By the end of the day,the two open leads had extended to within 50-75 feet of each other. October 30 -Air temperature -19.1°C,discharge 5,100 cfs. The fi rst hou r of daylight showed a long open lead partially obscu red by fog.Appa rently,the two leads of October 29 merged overnight when the ice bridge sepa rating the leads collapsed and formed a narrow channel.The channel then widened considerably,with the downstream end located just above the south river bend.The upstream end was not i~ visible.However,the upstream reach through the canyon is generally open because of extreme turbulence and high ve- locities. October 31 -Air temperature -15.9°C,discharge 4,900 cfs. The channel constriction of October 31 closed again,separat- ing the open water reaches by about 75 feet of ice.This indicates the location of the deep pool surveyed in 1981, where flow velocities tend to allow gradual accumulation of frazil slush against the channel banks (R&M,1981c).About 1 p.m.,this ice closure began to erode along the left bank. November 1 -Air temperature -4.5°C,discharge 4,800 cfs. The first exposure of the day revealed one long open lead running almost the entire length of the visible canyon.The border ice shelves were the only ice remaining within this reach of the canyon.These appeared to have thicknesses exceeding 10 feet in some places;particularly at the upstream 53 s6/ii27 channel constriction.This is also usually the first area to bridge over. November 2 -Air temperature -5.1°e,discharge 4,700 cfs. A high volume of ice seemed to be flowing and an ice cover was accumu lating in the lower canyon reach.The channel at the most downstream end was filled with slush.Several advances of 20-30 feet were visible during the day.These were followed by consolidation phases during which the ice cover was compressed and the net stage increased. November 3 -Air temperature -7.8°e,discharge 4,600 cfs. The ice cover advanced about 100 feet overnight.The cover appeared to be thin,and did not come close to the top ele- vation of the shore ice.Although much ice was evidently flowing,it all seemed to be submerging underneath the exist- ing cover and not accumulating against the leading edge. This indicates that the ice cover was thickening at some point downstream.No appreciable upstream advance occu rred on this day. November 4 -Air temperature -2.9°e,discharge 4,500 cfs. The ice cover had not advanced since the previous day,but has instead thickened and staged substantially.In the lower reach,the difference in elevation between the top of the shore ice and the ice cover in the channel was no less than 2 feet. November 9 -Air temperature -7.1°e,discharge 4,100 cfs. Little change was apparent in the ice regime despite a high volume of flowing ice. November 14 -Air temperature -6.2°e,discharge 3,800 cfs: The past 5 days showed little change in the shape or size of 54 s6/ii28 the open lead except for minor advances of 10-20 feet at the leading edge.These subsequently consolidated,relocating the ice front to its original position.On this day the ice cover finally closed the lower canyon reach.The upper lead remained open,but a very high volume of slush ice could be seen flowing within the lead.This sudden increase in slush ice concentration was probably related to the rapid ice cover formation in the lower canyon.A correlation between snowfall on November 14 and ice discharge can be seen,and is illus- trated in Figure 4.2. November 15-21 -Discharges dropped from 3,700 cfs down to 3,400 cfs.Ice covers formed repeatedly over the lower canyon reach but seemed to be extremely unstable.The covers typically lasted only a few days,with destruction generally occu rring coincidently with a decrease In ice dis-~" cha rge.The du ration of ice cover deterioration was va riable and probably depended on velocity as well as climatic con- ditions. December -January -Discharges fell from 3,000 cfs down to 2,000 cfs.No new processes were observed during this period.Snowfalls continued to stimulate heavy frazil ice loading and subsequent ice cover progression through the canyon.The ice cover over the reach finally stabilized.Th~ final 20 days of filming showed that the ice cover over the lower reach began from the border ice constriction and ex- tended beyond the south river bend.Th is cover did,howev- er,eventually develop cracks.A sag appeared,the ice finally collapsed,and open water showed through.The final exposures,in February,clearly showed the ice cover begin- ning to fail along its entire length.This seems to indicate that the ice covers within this narrow and turbulent river ~, reach are inherently unstable. 55 s6/ii29 There were a total of 6 ice cover advances on the lower reach and 3 on the upper.This difference is due primarily to a steeper gradient,higher velocities and turbulence in the upper section.Only du ring extreme ice discharges did the upper reach form an ice cover.The initial ice cover de- veloped in October over both reaches,but rapidly eroded away,leaving only remnant shore ice.The second major ice cover event occurred in December,with the final ice cover forming in Jan uary.All of the major ice advances seemed to be related to heavy snowfalls.A storm in January left an ice cover on the lower reach which appeared to be stable.The low discharges in January could expla.in the longevity of this ice cover. Devil Canyon and the reach between Devil Creek (RM 161) and the Devi I Canyon damsite (RM1 51)have the fi rst areas on the Susitna to form ice bridges and develop an extensive ice cover.Ice covers of one mile in length were observed to form about two miles below the Devil Creek confluence as early as October 12,despite relatively wa rm ai r temperatu res. The ice fo'rmation process at this point is believed to be similar to that in Devil Canyon. To summarize the highlights of freeze-up in Devil Canyon: 1.Narrow,confined channel with high flow velocities and turbulence. 2.Early formation of ice bridges and loosely packed slush ice covers. 3.Formation and erosion of ice covers several times during the winter. 56 s6/i i30 4.3.5 .~. 4.Inherently unstable ice covers,eventual collapse long before breakup. 5.Extreme staging and ice thicknesses up to 23 ft. Devil Canyon to Watana This section of the river has not been thoroughly studied. However,some general comments on the freeze-up processes affecting this reach can be made.These a re based mostly on ice formations observed during breakup after the snow had melted off of the ice cover. An accumulation of border ice layers is primarily responsible for the ice cover development (Photo 4.27).The border ice /~. often constricts the open water channel to less than 30 feet. The slush ice then jams in between the shore-fast ice and freezes,forming an unbroken,uniform ice cover across the river channel.However,since this process does not occur simultaneously over the enti re reach,a very discontin uous ice cover results.Open leads generally abound until early March when the combination of snowfall and overflow closes most of the openings. Characteristics of freeze-up between Devil Canyon and Watana a re summa rized as follows: 1.Extremely wide accumulations resulting in gradual filling of with slush which freezes and cover. of border ice layers, the narrow open channel forms a continuous ice 2.Extensive overflow and flooded snow. 57 s6/ii31 4.3.6 3.Minimal staging or telescoping. 4.Low discharges,resulting In shallow water and moderate velocities. 5.Minimal ice sagging,few leads opening after initial freeze-up. 6.Extensive anchor ice with high sediment concentrations. Ice Cover at .the Peak of Development The ice cover on the Susitna River is extremely dynamic. From the moment that the initial cover forms,it is either thickening or eroding.Slush ice will adhere to the underside of an ice cover in areas of low velocity,with cold tempera- tures subsequently bonding this new layer to the surface ice. Table 4.7 lists Susitna ice cover thicknesses measured be- tween Watana and the Chulitna confluence.These measure- ments represent the cover at maximum development in 1983. If the ice cover could ever be considered stable,it would be at the height of its maturity in March.During this period of the winter,snowfalls become less frequent and very little frazil slush is generated.The only air-water interfaces are at the numerous open leads which persist over turbulent reaches or groundwater seeps.These are usually of short length with insufficient heat exchange taking place to gener- ate significant amounts of frazil ice.Table 4.9 presents the locations and dimensions of most annually recurring leads between Sunshine and Devil Canyon. 58 -_.._---_._--_._-_.~------__..__.._.--~_._.._,------~--------------- s6/ii32 Discharges in March are generally at the annual minimum, reducing the flowing water to a shallow and narrow thalweg channel,indicated by a depression in the ice cover.The depressions form shortly after ice cover formation when the compacted slush ice IS flexible and porous.Water levels decrease through March,resulting in the floating ice cover grounding on the river bottom.Water gradually percolates out of the cover.Alternating layers of bonded and unconsol- idated ice crystals form within the ice pack when the receding level of saturated slush freezes at extreme air temperatures. The result is the formation of rigid layers at random levels, with the layers representing the frequency of critically cold periods. 59 ~... s5/iil TABLE 4.1 SUSITNA RIVER SURFACE WATER TEMPERATURE PROFI LE* SEPTEMBER 1982 -OCTOBER 1982 Water Temperature °C Mean Mean September 1 -30,1982 Min.Max.Mean 9/1/82 9/31/82 Above Yentna River,RM 29.5 4.0 9.5 7.0 8.5 4.7 Park Highway Bridge,RM 83.9 4.1 9.0 6.3 8.0 4.6 Talkeetna Fish Camp,RM 103.0 4.4 9.9 7.0 8.7 4.9 Curry,RM 120.7 4.5 9.1 6.8 8.4 4.5 LRX-29,RM 126.1 3.8 10.0 6.8 8.6 4.0 Devil Canyon,RM 150.1 4.0 9.5 6.8 8.5 4.0 Water Temperature °C Mean Mean October 1-17,1982 Min.Max.Mean 10/1/82 10/31/82 Above Yentna River,RM 29.5 0.0 5.0 1.9 4.8 0.0 Parks Highway Bridge,RM 83.9 0.2 4.6 1.2 4.6 0.2 Talkeetna Fish Camp,RM 103.0 0.2 4.9 1.2 4.7 0.2 Curry,RM 120.7 LRX-29,RM 126.1 Devil Canyon,RM 150.1 0.0 4.0 1.8 3.5 0.5 These data were obtained from published reports by Alaska Department of Fish &Game,Susitna.Temperatures were recorded on a thermograph at all sites except Devil Canyon which was recorded electronically,(ADF&G,1982). 60 ;c4 TABLE 4.2 SUSITNA RIVER AT TALKEETNA FREEZEUP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Staff Discha rge Ice Gauge(1)@ Sunshine(2)96 Ice(3)Thickness Date (ft)(cfs)in Channel (ft) Octobe r 1982 12 1.65 20,000 0 13 1.68 20,000 10 14 1.55 20,000 0 .01 15 1.42 19,000 30 .03 16 1.25 18,000 30 .09 17 1.30 17,000 25 .09 18 1.24 17,000 25 .09 19 1.23 17 ,000 25 .10 20 1.20 17,000 20 .10 21 1.15 16,000 30 .10 22 0.98 16,000 60 .20 23 0.97 16,000 70 .20 24 0.40 15,000 75 .30 25 15,000 80 26 -1.00 14,000 90 .40 27 -1.50 14,000 90 .40 28 -1.50 14,.000 90 .40 29 -1.50 1~JOO 85 .40 30 -1.50 1::',000 80 .40 31 -1.50 13,000 80 .40 )vember 1982 1 2.50 12,000 80 2 1.54 12,000 60 3 1.52 12,000 50 4 11,000 40 5 11,000 50 6 3.60 (Top of ice after freezeup)50 3.30 7 3.60 11,000 70 3.30 8 3.60 11,000 80 3.30 9 3.50 10,000 100 3.30 10 3.60 10,000 100 3.30 11 3.60 9,800 100 3.30 12 3.30 9,800 100 3.30 Relative elevations based on an a rbitrary datum.Gage located nea r chan nel adjacent to Talkeetna .. Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Su rvey,Water Resou rces Division,Anchorage,Alas ka. Visual estimation based ·on one daily observation,us ually at 9 a.m. ~ ;~ 61 -----------~~-_.._-_..~..._-----~._--------- ''''\ lTABL,',4.3 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FREEZE-UP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM October 1982 (j\ N Date Oct.19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gold Creek Mean Ai r Water Ice in o i scha rge (1)Tempe ra tu re (2)Temperature (3)Channel (4) (cfs)rOC)rOC}---.L%) 6900 -1.4 0.65 50 6800 -5.0 0.80 40 6500 -5.6 1.00 60 6200 -4.4 0.90 60 6000 -9.2 0.80 65 5900 -7.8 1.00 50 5700 -10.0 1.00 60 5600 -14.4 0.50 60 5400 -13.6 0.20 65 5300 -7.8 0.00 65 5200 -6.9 0.00 70 2100 -18.3 0.10 70 4900 -17 .8 0.00 70 Border Ice Thickness (ft ) slush slush slush 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 Snow Depth LtiL 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 Wea the r Snow Cloudy Windy/Sunny Windy/Sunny Windy/Sunny Pa rt Iy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy sunny Snow Snow Sunny Sunny 1.Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Survey,Water Resources Division,Anchorage,Alaska. 2.Average value of the days minimum and maximum temperature. 3.Based on one instantaneous measurement,usually taken at 9 a.m.daily. 4.Visual estimate based on one instantaneous observation,usually at 9 a.m.dai Iy. TABLl->1.4 ) SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FREEZE-UP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Novembe r 1982 Go Id Creek Mean Air Water Ice in Border Ice Snow Di scha rge (1)Temperature (2)Temperature (3)Channel (4 )Thickness Depth Date ~~(°C)lOCI (%){ft 1 i.f..t..L Wea the r Nov.1 4800 -2.2 0.00 70 0.9 1.5 Windy/Cloudy 2 4700 1.1 0.10 20 0.9 1.5 Snow 3 4600 -6.9 0.20 50 0.9 1.7 Cloudy 4 4500 -3.3 0.30 15 0.9 1.8 Cloudy 5 4400 -6.7 0.40 10 0.9 1.8 Cloudy 6 4300 -16.9 0.30 50 0.9 1.8 Sunny 7 4300 -17 .8 0.20 55 1.0 1.8 Sunny 8 4200 -7.5 0.15 55 1.2 1.8 Snow 9 4100 -5.6 0.15 55 1.2 2.6 Cloudy 10 4000 -5.0 0.30 50 1.2 2.5 Cloudy 11 4000 -1.1 0.20 50 1.2 2.5 Snow 12 3900 -1.9 0.20 35 1.3 3.3 Cloudy 13 3800 -3.1 0.20 35 1.3 3.3 Sunny 14 3800 -1.9 0.20 30 1.5 3.4 Cloudy 15 3700 -12.2 -40 1.5 3.4 Sunny 16 3600 -15.8 -60 1.6 3.4 Sunny 0"1 17 3600 -15.0 --/0 1.6 3.4 Sunny w 18 3500 -22.8 0.30 70 1.6 3.3 Sunny 19 3500 -25.7 0.20 75 1.7 3.3 Sunny 20 3400 -10.0 0.30 70 1.6 3.3 Snow 21 3400 -6.4 0.30 60 1.6 4.1 Snow 22 3300 -5.0 0.40 55 1.6 4.1 Sunny 23 3300 -4.4 0.30 45 1.3 4.0 Sunny 24 3200 -3.1 0.30 30 1.3 4.0 Sunny 25 3200 -2.8 0.50 40 1.2 3.9 Sunny 26 3100 -3.1 0.40 50 1.2 3.8 Sunny 27 3100 -8.3 0.40 50 1.2 3.8 Sunny 28 3100 -12.8 0.50 60 1.3 3.8 Sunny 29 3000 -9.7 0.30 60 1.3 3.8 Snow 30 3000 -8.9 0.20 40 1.3 3.8 Cloudy 1.Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Survey,Water Resources Division,Anchorage,Alaska. 2.Average value of the days minimum and maximum temperature. 3.Based on one instantaneous measurement,usually taken at 9 a.m.dai Iy. 4.Visual estimate based on one instantaneous observation,usually at 9 a.m.dai Iy. ) TAEk,4.5 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FREEZE-UP OBSERVATIONS ON THEMAINSTEM Decembe r 1982 Gold Creek Mean Ai r Water Ice in Border Ice Snow Di scha rge (1)Temperature (2)Temperature (3)Channel (4 )Thickness Depth Date (cfs)(°Cl (°Cl (%)(ft)1nL Weather Dec.1 3000 -7.B 0.10 30 1.3 3.4 Cloudy 2 2900 -16.9 0.10 55 1.3 3.3 Cloudy 3 2900 -16.9 0.00 70 1.3 3.3 Windy/Sunny 4 2900 -10.0 0.10 75 1.3 3.3 Cloudy 5 2800 -B.3 0.20 75 1.3 3.3 Cloudy 6 2800 -1.7 0.20 65 1.3 3.0 Sunny 7 2800 2.5 0.30 40 1.3 3.0 Windy/Cloudy 8 2700 3.6 0.20 15 1.1 3.8 Snow 9 2700 -1.9 0.20 25 1.1 3.9 Cloudy 10 2700 -16.1 0.10 60 1.2 3.9 Sunny 11 2600 -6.1 0.00 40 1.3 3.9 Sunny 12 2600 -3.1 0.00 60 1.3 3.8 Cloudy 13 2600 -1.7 0.10 40 1.3 3.8 Sunny 14 2600 -5.0 0.20 25 1.2 3.8 Sunny 15 2600 -0.3 0.20 10 1.2 3.8 Sunny 16 2500 -3.3 0.10 10 -3.7 Sunny 17 2500 -6.7 0.10 10 -3.7 Sunny 0'\18 2500 -10.6 0.00 50 -3.7 Sunny .I::>19 2400 -11.7 0.00 40 -3.7 Sunny 20 2400 -7.2 0.00 40 -3.7 Sunny 21 2400 -21.1 0.00 50 0.5 3.7 Sunny 22 2400 -23.1 0.00 50 0.5 3.7 Sunny 23 2400 -15.6 0.00 30 0.5 3.7 sunny 2 11 2400 -11.9 0.00 30 0.5 3.6 Sunny 25 2300 -9.2 0.10 30 0.6 3.6 Sunny 26 2300 -5.6 0.10 30 0.6 3.5 Sunny 21 2400 -1.7 0.10 35 0.6 3.5 Snow 28 2 1WO 0.6 ---5.0 Snow 29 2600 1.7 0.10 5 ove rf I ow 3.1 Rain 30 2800 -0.3 0.10 25 overflow 3.2 Rain 31 2900 -0.10 5 1.3 3.2 Sunny 1.Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Survey,Water Resources Division,Anchorage,Alaska. 2.Average value of the days minimum and maximum temperature. 3.Based on one instantaneous measurement usually taken at 9 a.m.dai Iy. 4.Visual estimate based on one instantaneous observation,usually at 9 a.m.dai Iy. (j\ lJ1 Date Jan.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * o i scha rge (1) LQL§j 2900 2800 2800 2700 2700 2600 2500 2500 2400 21~00 2400 2300 2300 2200 ''') TABL ..4.6 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FREEZE-UP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Janua ry 1983 Gold Creek Mean Air Water Ice in Temperature (2)Temperature (3)Channel (4 )(OC)(OC)..----i%l -2.8 0.00 8 -2.8 0.00 10 -3.9 0.00 30 -5.0 0.00 60 -13.9 0.10 65 -19.1 0.10 65-0.00 70 -25.3 0.00 65 -22.2 0.00 60 -20.6 0.00 70 -16.7 0.00 85 -18.6 0.00 90 -16.7 0.00 90 -13.1 0.00 100 Border Ice Thickness ((j;) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 Snow Depth iLtL 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Weather Sunny Sunny Cloudy Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny High Winds Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny ) 1.Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Survey.Water Resources Division.Anchorage.Alaska. 2.Average value of the days minimum and maximum temperature. 3.Based on one instantaneous measurement.usually taken at 9 a.m.dai Iy. 4.Visual estimate based on one instantaneous observation.usually at 9 a.m.dai Iy. *Channel frozen over. 1983 SUSITNA RIVER IC[')CKNESS MEASUREMENTS i) i) feb ruar~983 Watana Portage Creek Go Id Creek Curry LRX-3 Ap r ill 2 •1983 Watana portage Creek Gold Greek Curry LRX-3 Mainstem Ice Average* Thicknesses (ft)Number Water Surface Underice ~~~of Holes Elevation Water Velocity 1.4 3.6 2.4 21 1436.8 2.6 1.4 3.4 2.5 5 834.1 1.3 1.9 1.6 5 684.6 1.8 2.1 1.9 4 522.7 2.0 3.9 2.9 5 342.8 1.8 4.2 2.8 19 1436.1 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.1 6 833.5 4.2 1.8 2.9 2.3 6 682.9 1.3 3.3 2.2 7 521.9 2.0 3.8 2.8 7 341.5 *Average underice water velocity was measured at point of most flow and constitutes an average of the vertical velocity profi Ie. TABLE 4.8 RIVER STAGES AT FREEZEUP MEASURED FROM TOP OF ICE ALONG BANKS AT SELECTED LOCATIONS Open Water Elevation Maximum Di scha rge USGS Computed Approximate Top of Ice Corresponding Di scha rge at River Date of River Bank Elevation*to Stage Gold Creek .!1.i.!..!L Location Freezeup lft)_(ft)(cfs)(cfs) 148.9 Portage Creek 12/23/82 843.0 839.5 27,000 2,400 142.3 Slough 21,H9 -758.3 755.5 140.8 Slough 21,LRX-54 -735.3 733.3 136.6 Gold Creek 1/14/83 687.0 685.3 16,000 2,200 135.3 Slough 11,Mouth 12/6/82 671.5 --2,800 130.9 Slough 9,Shel'man 12/1/82 622.4 620.1 30,000 3,000 128.3 Slough 9,Mouth 11/29/82 -[6.9]-3,000 Q"I 127.0 Slough 8,Head 11/22/82 -579.3 -3,300..-J 124.5 Slough 8,LRX-28 11/20/82 556.2 559.3 44,000 (aufeis)3,400 120.7 Cu r ry,LRX-24 11 /20/82 527.0 524.6 28,000 3,400 116.7 McKenz i e Creek 11/18/82 -493.3 -3,500 113.7 Lane Creek 11/15/82 -[6.7]-3,700 106.2 LRX-11 11/9/82 -[5.3]-4,100 103.3 LRX-9 11/8/82 384.1 383.9 41,000 4,200 98.5 LRX-3 11/5/82 346.4 345.5 -4,400 *Values in brackets [ ]represent relative elevations based on an assumed datum from a temporary benchmark adjacent to the site. 6/xl TABLE 4.9 MAJOR ANNUALLY RECURRING OPEN LEADS BETWEEN SUNSHINE RM 83 AND DEVIL CANYON RM 151 LOCATION AND SPECI FICATIONS ON MARCH·2,1983 ocation of Type Continuous )steam End Channel of Approx.Widest or ,iver Mile #Type Lead (1)Length (Ft)Point (Ft)Discontinuous 85.0 Mainstem Velocity 550 80 Contin uous 87.1 Slough Velocity 4,500 50 Di sconti n uou s 87.6 Mainstem Velocity 700 100 Conti.n uou s 89.0 Mainstem Velocity 1,200 100 Continuous Side Channel Velocity 2,500 40 Continuous 89.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,400 60 Discontinuous 91.0 Mainstem Velocity 1,700 80 Discontinuous 92.3 Mainstem Velocity 1,300 110 Disconti n uou s 93.7 Mainstem Velocity 3,500 110 Continuous 94.0 Mainstem Thermal 3,500 20 Discontinuous 95.2 Side Channel Velocity 2,400 100 Continuous/"''-''9 Side Channel Velocity 5,600 150 Discontinuous _..0 Mainstem Velocity 1,100 30 Continuous 102.0 Mainstem Velocity 2,400 100 Discontinuous 102.9 Mainstem Velocity 600 100 Continuous 103.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,850 100 Discontinuous 104.1 Mainstem Velocity 280 70 Continuous 104.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,700 110 Continuous 104.9 Mainstem Velocity 900 150 Continuous 105.9 Mainstem Velocity 1,050 100 Continuous 106.1 Mainstem Velocity 200 60 Continuous 106.4 Mainstem Velocity 370 50 Continuous 106.6 Mainstem Velocity 350 50 Discontinuous 107.4 Mainstem Velocity 200 50 Continuous 109.1 Mainstem Velocity 550 100 Discontinuous· 110.3 Mainstem Velocity 150 100 Discontinuous 110.5 Mainstem Velocity 290 50 Continuous 110.9 Mainstem Velocity 450 50 Disconti nuous 111 .5 Mainstem Velocity 1,600 100 Continuous 11 1.7 Mainstem Velocity 500 90 Continuous 111.9 Mainstem Velocity 900 150 Continuous 112.5 Mainstem Velocity 700 100 Disconti n uous 112.9 Mainstem Velocity 500 110 Continuous 113.8 Mainstem Velocity 600 110 Continuous 117.4 Mainstem Thermal 780 60 Continuous 117.9 Side Channel Thermal 1,260 120 Discontinuous VJl,.6 Side Channel ThermClI 550 50 Conti n uous {7 Mainstem Velocity 350 50 Contin uous 68 s'6/x2 69 6/x3 i~ TABLE 4.9 (Continued) _ocation of Type Continuous :lsteam End Channel of Approx.Widest or \iver Mile #Type Lead(l)Length (Ft)Point (Ft)Discontinuous 135.7 Slough (11)Thermal 5,500 80 Continuous 136.0 Mainstem Velocity 230 80 Conti n uous 136.3 Side Channel Thermal 2,050 40 Continuous 136.7 Mainstem Thermal 1,620 80 Conti n uous 137.1 Mainstem Velocity 750 60 Continuous 137.4 Side Chan nel Thermal 2,500 20 Disconti n uous 137.8 Slough (16)Thermal 1,400 30 Disconti n uous 138.2 Mainstem Velocity 2,000 150 Continuous 138.9 Mainstem Thermal 2,100 150 Continuous 139.0 Mainstem Velocity 780 20 Conti nuous 139.1 Mainstem Velocity 500 30 Conti n uous 138.4 Mainstem Velocity 600 30 Continuous 140.6 Side Channel Thermal 1,900 100 Disconti n uous Slough (20)Thermal 1,100 20 Continuous 142.0 Slough (21)Thermal 3,850 40 Disconti n uous ~.5 Mainstem Velocity 850 40 Conti n uous/'.0 Mainstem Velocity 950 50 Conti nuous I'TL.6 Mainstem Velocity 1,600 150 Disconti n uous 142.8 Mainstem Velocity 850 150 Conti nuous 143.6 Mainstem Velocity 550 20 Disconti nuous Mainstem Velocity 280 20 Continuous 143.8 Mainstem Velocity 780 100 Continuous 143.9 Mainstem Velocity 500 30 Continuous 144.5 Mainstem Velocity 900 100 Di sconti n uou s Slough (22)Thermal 250 20 Conti nuous 144.6 Slough (22)Thermal 300 20 Continuous 145.5 Mainstem Velocity 1,150 100 Continuous 146.9 lV1ainstem Velocity 700 100 Continuous 147.1 Mainstem Velocity 850 80 Discontinuous 147.7 Mainstem Velocity 150 40 Continuous 148.1 Mainstem Velocity 420 50 Disconti n uous 148.5 Mainstem Velocity 680 140 Conti nuous 149.0 Mainstem Velocity 400 60 Conti n uous 149.5 Mainstem Velocity 500 80 Continuous 150.0 Mainstem Velocity 350 20 Disconti n uous 150.2 Mainstem Velocity 750 100 Contin uous 151.2 Mainstem Velocity 2,800 100 Discontin uous )Velocity indicates lead kept 'open by high-velocity flows.Thermal indicates lead kept open by g rou n dwater seepage. r-- 70 _____________.....,...---1 ~~~~.-~"~~N~~Q I! ~~-i~ ri;~<:Ir,j~ -i ~~~tl"tl§ ') f100fre8ze-up~ /-1 'I I 80 -T ?Po. J - .I'z 0 +60 i= 'tC(I a: 1 ... Z 1-40 ~ I z 0 ~~0 E I UJ 20 0 E TE.. C')J10 Ee e I0e 9'"co -0 NOVEMBER 2-0 / / ( I I I I I I Jr-:E /~\/I ~.....__'" 9'"E 'E CJI... Talkeetna E E... Q) fO ICE CONCENTRATIONS AT TALKEETNA RELATIVE TO MEAN DAILY AIR TEMPERATURES AT DENALI AND TALKEETNA AND DAILY TOTAL SNOWFALL AT TALKEETNA _ -Ice concentration percentage of channel surfaca coverage -_mean daily air temperature at Denali (367 freezing degree days In October) _mean dally air temperature at Talkeetna (170 freezing degree days k'I October) o total snowfall at Talkeetna (mm) -50 J I I /I I I II I I I I I I H I I I I rb ! , , OCTOBER 10 W 0: ~ ...-10 <t 0: UJ Q. ~ UJ -20 t- o:-<t >- -I -30-c:( o z tC( UJ -40 :E -o 0 o- "11_. c.oc.. CD ,fI. •... ~nl~O!l~~5~l7, II 0 0ao62~m ~cue~~ ~2 =-1 11Im C"u_;2 ~o III. --.J --' - -100 I ~ I Tao ;; J I ~ +60 i= I ~ 1 ~ 1.40 ~ I Z -j 8 I W 20 0T J I JANU'ARY. freeze-up '-.,.. / I I ( I I ,J /\'I(AV,, I, I, I I Ir Devil Canyon \ \ .\"Ice'at \ E ~,r-Gold -Creek \~\1\ Il:lllj\.'I r\~I i \IJ \,,\,\~ I \,\ \ I I Snowfall 8t lA \I \ Gold Creek 'I~\I \..j I,~ E E ~ NOVEMBER I DECEMBER October 19 -January 17 ,.. I 0\ I f1 I \II' I I ~~I ~\~,\I I t I g\.,I g\IJ ,IIIII~~\I ~~\J "1'1 1 \I \I l I 1'1'L\I \,\1 I,I I ~~~ II I I~I'~J 0E ElOeE 10 ~ ~ EIJ)elO.,.. c C')... _ _Ice concentration percentage of channel surface coverage _mean dally air temperature at Devil Canyon o total snowfall at Gold Creek (mm) ICE CONCENTRATIONS AT GOLD CREEK RELATIVE TO MEAN DAILY AIR TEMPERATURES AT DEVIL CANYON AND DAILY TOTAL SNOWFALL AT GOLD CREEK ~\.,,\ , \I,\, I \\I \/ \ E E o lQ o 10 -50 I III III I II II I"I ""I I "", "I I I ,0 -30 -40 -20 wa: :J -10.... <Ca:w Q., :Ew.... a:-<C > -J-.et C Z«w ~ -o o- "11_. coe --..).. l\.)CD oIlo • I\.) l2g~~~~~fK:-{1 ~t...-o I!~lffi'i~ ~~~~~~tTl(§) )J ) 160 '-PORTAOE CREEK, "'--SLOUOH 21 ........INDIAN RIVER 140 ..... i 0'" ~,. i.. ~ .S mild c..c.. >o Z 'GOLD CREEK "--SHERMAN 'SLOUGHt "-UOUOH. "CURRY, 120 2.2 mild ....... 1.2 mild >o GI Z Ez "i 1ft '" .... >oz 100 :!! i "I c.. >oz 2.1 mild 01c....uo _7 mlld_ CDc.... I)o 'TALKEETNA,_ RA81DEAUX CREEK---.../\'-CHULITNA.susrrNA CONfLUENCE ,'-IIRCH CREEK SLOUGH SUNSHINE \.'\.MONTANA CREEK OOOSE CREEK SLOUGH 60 KASHWITNA CREEK\ CONfLUENCE 4020 80 RIVER MILE SUSITNA RIVER ICE LEADING EDGE PROGRESSION RATES (miles/day)RELATIVE TO THE THALWEG PROFILE FROM RIVER MILE 0 (Cook Inlet)TO RIVER MILE 155 I•12 mild ..I c..c.... Uo SUSITNA-VENTNA\ CONFLUENCE ~ oL-cr-=-I ,--I ' I !I 'I I I ' I ' 1 800 600 400 200 lD ~O~~~~S q~.2- 11[1 aD62 *00~C ~4 :::~)) QI~2 > GI~-t IVUlOO (JC· II)~- c:~2 IV QIHl EUI. QI > 0.".Q IV _...co QIC QI.::--J .. W CD z 2". l- e(• >Cot) w oJ W II ~~~~~c"~-~:-l .~~'-~o u~~-t~ ~~~~., c:~:J:I f:; fl'I§ ) .12,000 I 1 1.10,000 I Ci) -I :§ I (J)T 8 ,000 ~ J a:ctIXo +6,000 ~ I C 1 ffi UJ L4,000 5 I c /~~ -""---....r I CJT2,000 J "'-leading edge 0'Ice cover Iprogressespastwelllocation end data~.,.....,., " -water surface elevation In ground water well 9-1A - -USGS discharges at Gold Creek ) STAGE FLUCTUATIONS IN GROUND WATER WELL 9-1A (River Mile 129.5)RELATIVE TO MAINSTEM DISCHARGE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\-" '-\ \ \v/"\ \. "".'"'......... ................---"""-,- -"'-- ) «.- I 0> ...J ...J 2.0 UJ ~ Z- UJ ~1.0 I-en a:wt- ;O~OCTOBER I NOVEMBER f DECEMBER 1° MONTH -..... Q) C1»:t;3.0 ."_. co C --J .. ,c:.CD ~•~ ~D~z~"""~~~a gO _~ ~O62~Ul ~C ~4OJ ~2--f U1UlC.. D(- ~2 ~n Ill. §§CIl~c:~~e~'\;'"<:~ h u..:;, t...~o l!~~'"i~"~.1'f1~~~~~ 1'f1«§ t ....··· /".,'..'., , I . ·.-.t.!_TT"~:""::__:...-_1' { --",'"r,,,•.......,....ClO I ~N,IWl!,_·__·"Q<:,"'o"~". ·'.":'To-O'"It:.",r"UOM/I: ( w~r.....s""'....AC!!' MI<'f:/lIZ.~••••••_TO'"01"tel!--i ·5'~~t.Ol'e , .j . -~ Horizonta:1·=600' Vertical:1-=30' ~ 1 g E ~82Q----.:---i~ I,000---.~- ...-III C ~~ ~. ~• l/I PHOTO 4.1 Frazil ice discs collected from floating ice pan. Susitna River at railroad bridge. PHOTO 4.2 Gold Creek on October 16,1982,looking downstream Note the frazil slush floes and shore ice development. from the ~&M CONSULTANTS,IN=• •",Go",••".....>~O..'.T."~"'''''''.''S sU""""O"S 76 ~m~~JE~~~® SUSfTNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.3 Shore ice constriction near Slough 9 on October 26,1982.Flow is from right to left.Note the successive layers of slush ice that have built up along the left bank.Slush ice is being compressed through the surface constriction, emerging on the left as rafts. -• -.- ~••.:- PHOTO 4.4 Slush ice accumulating by juxtaposition on October 29,1982 at Sunshine.Flow is from left to right.This area represents the leading edge of an ice front that has just passed the Parks Highway Bridge.Note the flooded side channel in the upper photo.The ice pack has caused a local increase in water level of about 2 feet. R&M CONSULTANTS,l!'\Ie."N"UN.....O.CLOO'......u..v.~O .77 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE •-- Border ice growth. low-velocity region collisions by floating PHOTO 4.5 The smooth areas are black ice or snow along the shore.The layers of ice ice pans deposit frazil ice along the edge. Ice are formed in the caused when • • PHOTO 4.6 Hummocked ice at river mile 103,formed by the accumulation of slush,ice floes,and snow which progresses upstream during freeze-up. R&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC. IlNO'N.S"S ",•.,,-cQ'STIl "".-."N''''''.u..,,"'.......78 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.7 Ice plume near Slough 9,flowing towards bottom of photo.Frazil ice can form in September on the upper Susitna River between Denali and Vee Canyon where air temperatures are generally much colder than near Talkeetna.These ice plumes are often the first indicators of frazil formation. Anchor Creek. PHOTO 4.8 ice dam formed at river mile 140,between Indian River and Portage Anchor ice has formed on the rocks due to attachment of frazil ice. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.....0'..........O":>LOO."~II .u ..v ..""..79 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE • PHOTO 4.9 Sample of ice taken during breakup at river mile 142.Dense concentrations of anchor ice were observed through this reach during freeze-up.This ice had accumulated sediment by filtration and entrapment of sattating particles. PHOTO 4.10 Slush ice bridge at river mile 10 on October 26,1982.This ice bridge is the key to upstream progression of the ice cover up the lower Susitna River.The bridge forms when large volumes of ice discharge are unable to pass through the river bend. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.,,"'c,...........0,,-0'"'''T8 SU""","".80 lHlf}1lf.1llDJ ·1E1JJ1iJ~q;® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE - •, PHOTO 4.11 Confluence of Montana Creek and Susitna River,October 29,1982. cover progression caused staging of about 4 feet,demonstrated by backed up at the tributary mouth. PHOTO 4.12 Leading edge of ice cover at f'iver mile 95 on November 2,1982. The ice the water R&M :::OI\ISULTAI\!TS,INC....<>l........G.OLOG.nTS ".."'NN."".......''''..0 ....81 [ffl.#jIKlUJ ·IE~IA\~~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.13 View of the mainstem,adjacent to the town of Talkeetna,on October 30.1982. The water level dropped over 3 feet since October 12,exposing the gravel bar in the foreground.The photo was taken 5 days before the ice front passed Talkeetna.By November 7,this areas was covered by 4 feet of ice. ------.-_.-- PHOTO 4.14 View of the mainstem,adjacent to the town of Talkeetna,on November 4,1982. The ice front has progressed to within 1 mile of this area,and caused the water level to increase over 2 feet.The shore ice in the foreground has fragmented and will eventually wash away. R&M CONSULTANTS,INe....0.............LOO.....-...........,.U_v.va...82 CIJ!A1m a 1E1B!A1~~® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Susitna-Chulitna confluence, ice was still moving easily entering from the left. PHOTO 4.15 looking upstream on through this area. October 18,1982. The Chulitna east The slush channel is PHOTO 4.16 View of the Chulitna confluence with the Susitna mainstem,looking upstream on October 29,1982.The Chulitna west channel enters in the left foreground,the east channel comes in on the upper left,and the Susitna River flows diagonally from the center to the right margin.ote the slush ice accumulation at the east channel. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. .....,........1I0..00,.TS ",U"VIl"O".83 sus/rNA JOINT VENTURE Susitna River confluence with view looking downstream on confluence has consolidated subsequent flooding.About channel. - PHOTO 4.17 the Chulitna east channel on November 2,1982, the Susitna.The slush ice constriction at the and frozen,creating this jam and causing 1000 cfs is being diverted into the Chulitna east PHOTO 4.18 Looking downstream at leading edge at river mile 106 near Chase on November 9,1982.The ice cover was staging to over-come high velocities at the leading edge.However,water flowed into the sidevchannel at left,preventing extensive backwater development until the side-channel filled with ice. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ."'''','''......O.CLO""""'''"LA"'''''''''SU"'''.'''O''''84 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE --jJL -, --~'lll -~~------",- PHOTO 4.19 Ice cover at Slough 8A on March 14,1983.The steep-walled channel in the center is between consolidated slush ice.Staging had caused large volumes of slush ice to be swept into the slough,which developed slush ice thicknesses of 5-6 feet. PHOTO 4.20 Susitna River at Gold Creek on January 13,1983. constricted the water surface width to less than 50 ice cover progressed past Gold Creek on January 14. Shore ice feet under development the bridge. has The R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. IlN<:>'NIlIlRII "",OLoO'''H.PU"NNO!R5 5U""IlVO....85 SUSfTNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.21 Susitna River at river mite 106 on ovember 17;1982.Flow is from the upper right to lowe,-left.Ice cover has telescoped to cover the river channel from bank to bank.Note the sagging ice cover over"the narrow winter channel and the open leads c,'eated by turbulent flow. PHOTO 4.22 Open leads on February 2,1983 at river mile 103.5,view looking downstream. Note the slush ice cover developing in the foreground. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC•...0'.......0"0 '.....u ..""..86 /J{]tMmAJ·IE~f}j~(f;@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.23 Anchor ice dam or sill at river mile 140 on December 15,1982.These dams form when the rocks to which the frazil ice adheres are near the water surface. The ice-covered rocks will continue accumulating additional layers of anchor ice until they break the surface. PHOTO 4.24 Overflow onto border ice caused by an anchor ice dam. upper left to lower right.The backwater effect of the caused some water to be diverted to the left on this photo. Flow is anchor normally from ice dam has ~&M CONSULTANTS,INC• ......,......O",Ol.-gO'ST..."sua",",c ••87 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~I PHOTO 4.25 Time lapse camera mounted on the south rim of Devil Canyon near the proposed damsite.This camera filmed the ice cover development in the canyon from October 21.1982 until February 7,1983. PHOTO 4.26 Ice bridge in Devil Canyon on October 21,1982.This closure represents the first ice cover on the Susitna above Talkeetna.Flow is from left to right. The initial constriction by shore ice is still evident.The channel has a shallow gradient.with a gravel bar on the right bank and a deep narrow thalweg along the left bank. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. .Ho.....a.a"C>LC"S ....s "L"'NN"'''.",u.",,"o.s 88 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 4.27 lee cover in Devil Canyon at river mile 151 on October 26,1982. thickness along the shore is about 4 feet and will eventually thicken to feet.Flow is from lower left to upper right. The ice cover 15 PHOTO 4.28 Extensive shore ice development near the confluence of Devil Creek.Flow is from left to right.Shore ice had built out in successive layers to constrict the channel until slush ice could no longer flow through. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC .•..,G'........C..'O~OG'.y...5 ..U.."."O ..89 sus/rNA JOINT VENTURE s6/jj 1 5.0 SUSITNA RIVER BREAKUP PROCESSES Destruction of a river ice cover progresses from a gradual deterioration of the ice to a dramatic disintegration which is often accompanied by ice jams, flooding,and erosion.The duration of breakup is primarily dependent on the intensity of solar radiation,air temperature,and the amount of rain- fall.An ice cover will rapidly break apart at high flows.Ice debris accumu lates at flow constrictions and can become g rou nded.The final phases of breakup are characterized by long open reaches separated by massive ice jams.A large jam releasing upstream will usually carry away the remaining downstream debris leaving the river channel virtually ice free. 5.1 Pre-Breakup Period Breakup processes on the Susitna River are similar to those described for other northern rivers,with a pre-breakup period,a drive,and a wash (Michel,1971).The pre-breakup period occurs as snowmelt begins due to increased solar radiation in early April.This process generally begins at the lower elevations near the mouth of the Susitna River,working its way north.By late April,the snow has generally disappeared from the river south of Talkeetna and has started to melt along the river above Tal keetna.Snow on the river ice generally disappears before that along the banks,either due to overflow or because the snowpack is simply th inner on the river due to exposu re to winds. Overflow takes place because the rigid and impermeable ice cover fails to respond to water level fluctuations (Table 5.1).Where the ice is continuous and unbroken,standing water commonly appears in the sags and depressions.This water substantially reduces the albedo of the ice surface.Within days,an open water lead develops in these depressions.With water levels steadi Iy rising,the chan nel perimeter 90 s6/jj2 expands,initiating undercutting of the stranded ice.This causes portions of the ice cover to hang over the open lead.When the critical shear stress is exceeded,portions of the ice cover collapse by either hinging at the point where it contacts the river bottom or else by shearing vertically from the main ice body.The ice fragments then drift downstream to accumulate with other floes agai nst the sol id ice cover at the downstream edge of the lead (Photo 5.1).By this process,open leads graduaHy become wider and longer. The high velocity reaches in which most leads form are more common above Talkeetna because the river channel is relatively narrow,lacks a wide flood plain,and has a steeper gradient.Downstream from Tal keetna,the broad and shallow river channel has a lower gradient, tending to reduce velocities by distributing the flow over a wider area.Here open leads occur less frequently,with extensive overflow being the first indicator of rising water levels.On April 7,1983,an area of overflow near the Parks Highway Bridge covered the ice sheet with over 6 inches of flowing water (Photo 5.2). Solid and continuous ice covers can fragment en masse when the pressu re created by the rising water level can no longer be con- tained.This was especially true on the lower river downstream of Talkeetna.The shattered ice cover,however,may remain in place for several days if the ice downstream remains intact. By the end of April,1983,the Susitna River was laced with long, narrow open leads.Floes that had fragmented from the ice had accumulated into small ice jams.The configuration of these small ice jams often resembled a U or V-shaped wedge,the apex of the wedge corresponding to the highest velocities in the flow distribution.The constant pressure exerted by these wedge-shaped ice jams effectively lengthens and widens many open leads,reducing the potential for major ice jams at these poi nts .~, 91 s6/jj3 5.2 Breakup Drive The drive,or the actual downstream breakup of the ice cover,occurs when the discharge is high enough to break and move the ice sheet. The intensity and du ration is dependent on meteorological conditions during the pre-breakup period.Both weak and strong ice drives have been observed on the Susitna River during the last 3 years.In 1981,there was a minimal snowpack and only light precipitation during spring.Air temperatures were warmer than normal in early spring,but returned to normal in April,resulting in slow melting of what snow there was.Consequently,there was not a sufficient increase in flow to develop strong forces on the ice cover,and the ice tended to slowly disintegrate in place.Although some ice jams did occur during the drive,they did not tend to last long,and the brea kup was generally mild. Conditions were reversed in 1982.A heavy snowpack remaining in late April and temperatu res slightly cooler than normal prevented weakening of the ice.The ice remained sufficiently strong to cause several severe jams.Nea r RM 128 below Sherman,a dry jam formed which diverted most of the flow out of the mainstem into side chan- nels.Closer to Talkeetna,a jam formed at RM 107 that lasted for 3 days,jamming ice for over a mile and damaging sections of the Alaska Railroad track. Jam sites generally have similar channel configurations,consisting of a broad channel with gravel islands or bars,and a narrow,deep thalweg confined along one of the ban ks.Sha rp bends in the river are also good jam sites.The presence of sloughs on a river reach may indicate the locations of frequently recurring ice jams.Many of the sloughs on the Susitna River between Curry and Devil Canyon were carved th rough terrace plains by some extreme flood.Summer floods,although frequently flowing through sloughs,do not generally result in water levels high enough to overtop the river bank. 92 s6/jj4 ~\ Du ring breakup,however,ice jams commonly cause rapid,local stage increases that continue rising until either the jam releases or the sloughs are flooded.While the jam holds,channel capacity is greatly reduced,and flow and large amounts of ice are diverted into the trees and side-channels.The ice has tremendous erosive force,and can rapidly remove large sections of ban k.Old ice scars up to 10 feet above the bank level have been noted along side-channels near this reach.It appears that these sloughs are an indicator of frequent ice jams on the adjacent mainstem,influencing the stability and longevity of these jams by relieving the stage increases and subsequent water pressures acting against the ice. In May of 1976 during an extreme ice jam event at river mile 135.9, the river not only flooded the adjacent bypass chan nel but also carved out what is now identified as Slough 11.Photo 5.3 is a photograph,taken from the Gold Creek railroad bridge on May 7,(.-.", 1976,showing a substantial volume of water flowing through Slough 11.The mainstem and bypass channel are towards the right of the photo and appear to be completely ice choked.Local residents have indicated that this event created most of Slough 11.Several ice jams of smaller magnitude since 1976 have also breached the berm at the channel head and enlarged the slough to its present configura- tion. The following channels between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna, regularly influenced by ice-induced flooding during breakup: Slough 22 Slough 21 from RM 142.2 to RM 141 Slough 11 from RM 136.5 to RM 134.5 Side channels from RM 133.5 to 131.1 Side channels from RM 130.7 to 129.5 Slough 9 Slough 8A and 8 Slough 7 93 are s6/jj5 In general,the final destruction of the ice cover is accomplished by a series of ice jams which break in succession and are added to the next jam.This mass of ice continues building as it moves down- stream.Upstream from this accumulation,the river channel is com- monly ice free except for stranded ice floes and some drifting ice coming from above Devil Canyon. Ice studies during the 1983 Susitna River breakup were primarily oriented towards acquiring ice jam profiles on the river reach between Tal keetna and Devil Canyon as well as quantitative data on ice th ick- nesses,staging,and flow velocities (Figure 5.1 and Tables 5.1 to 5.4).Below Talkeetna,the use of local observers and aerial recon- naissance flights resulted in information on the sequence of breakup in the lower Susitna River. Measurements were initially taken twice daily at specific sites above Tal keetna known to be affected by ice jams.Water su rface eleva- tions,ice thicknesses,and ice cover erosion rates were measured through bore holes.Velocities in the mainstem above and below ice jams were successfully measured by suspending an electronic sensor with 30 feet of wire cable from a helicopter and obtaining a spot reading at 2 feet below the water su rface.The water depth both above and below jams was also often measured by reading the depth directly from metal flags attached to the cable which was kept vertical with a 50 lb.lead weight.With the exception of water depth,these data are presented in Table 5.1.Residents at Susitna Station,the Desh ka River confl uence,and Gold Creek.provided measu rements of water levels and ice thicknesses as well as qualitative descriptions of the sequence of events leading up to ice-out.Weekly aerial reconnaissance flights were conducted in order to document the interrelation sh ip between river reaches.Tables 5.1 to 5.4 at the end of this section present all pertinent information.The following de- scription is a chronological sequence of breakup events.Breakup on 94 s6/jj6 the lower Susitna is first described,followed by the description of breakup events above Talkeetna from April 27 to May 10,1983. The major streams flowing directly into the lower Susitna River were contributing substantial discharges by April 27,1983.The ice was in varying stages of decay on these tributaries,with Kashwitna Creek retaining a virtually intact ice cover,and Montana Creek,Sheep Creek,and Willow Creek breaking up rapidly.By April 28,there was an open channel for most of the reach between Talkeetna and the Parks Highway Bridge.Observation during an aerial reconnaissance on April 29 documented a rapidly disintegrating mainstem ice cover from Talkeetna down to the Montana Creek confluence.Further downstream,the mainstem ice cover was extensively flooded but remained intact.Above the Parks Highway Bridge the ice cover had shattered into large ice sheets in several areas.The large size of these fragments however,prevented the ice from flowing out.At Sunshine,an ice covered reach was flooded by about 0.5 feet of overflow and yet remained intact.No ice jams had occu rred. Observers at Susitna Station reported ice beginning to move down- stream on May 2 with flowing ice continuing to pass for several days (Table 5.2).Deshka River residents observed the first ice moving on May 4 and the steady ice flows ending on May 10 (Table 5.3).No significant jams were noted.This indicates an upstream progression of ice breakup which confirmed the aerial observations on the river below Montana Creek. The largest ice jam observed on the lower river occurred on May 3 near the confluence with Montana Creek at RM 77.Here an extensive accumulation of drifting ice debris had failed to pass around a river bend and jammed (Photo 5.4).The Montana Creek confluence was flooded but no damage or significant impact by ice or water was noted. 95 ..~ ~ I s6/jj7 On May 4,1983,two relatively small ice jams formed at RM 85.5 and RM 89.The jam keys were small but even the minimal staging that resulted caused extensive flooding of the surrounding gravel and sand flood plain.Many logs were set adrift that had previously been stranded after high summer flows. On April 27,1983,daily observations and data acquisition began upstream of Talkeetna.By this time,the river had opened in some areas by the downstream progression of small ice jams (Photo 5.1). These minor ice floe accumulations remained on the water surface, often breaking down any intact ice cover obstructing their passage. As described earlier,this process is initiated in open leads which gradually become longer and wider until extensive reaches of the channel are essentially ice free.These small ice jams may be impor- tant in preventing the occurrence of larger,grounded ice jams.This was evident in 1983 when large ice jams released,sending tremendous volumes of floating ice downstream.The small jams had provided wide passages for the flowing ice which may have jammed again if the channel had remained constricted.On April 27,extensive channel enlargements and small ice jams were steadily progressing downstream near the following locations: Portage Creek,RM 148.8 Jack Long Creek,RM 145.5 Slough 21,RM 142.0 Gold Creek,RM 135.9 Sherman Creek,RM 131 Curry Creek,RM 120 A large jam had also developed near Lane Creek at RM 113.5 and was apparently grounded.Flooded shore ice su rrounding the jam indicated that some water had backed up.A noticeable increase in turbidity occurred on this day. 96 s6/jj8 On May 1,the ice jam key at Lane Creek had shifted down to RM 113.3 and was still accumulating ice floes at the upstream end.The source of the floes was limited to fragmenting shore ice and no significant accumulation would occur here until ice jams further up- stream released.The ice jam near Slough 21 had increased in size and was raising the water level along the upstream edge.This backwater extended approximately 300 feet upstream.Figure 5.1 shows a relative stage increase at this measurement site of over 3 feet in 24 hours,illustrating the water profile before and after this ice jam occu rred. By May 2,1983,several large ice jams had developed.The small ice jam at Gold Creek had broken th rough the retaining solid ice sheet, forming a continuous open channel from RM 139 near I ndian River to a large ice jam at RM 134.5.The small ice jam that had been fragmenting the solid ice at the downstream end of an open lead adjacent to Slough 21 had progressed down to RM 141.A large jam had developed at RM 141.5,leaving an open water area between the two jams.The upstream ice jam was apparently created when a massive ice sheet snapped loose from shore-fast ice and slowly pivoted out into the mainstem flow,maintaining contact with the channel bottom at the downstream left bank corner.The ice sheet was ap- proximately 300 feet in diameter and probably between 3 and 4 feet thick.The upstream end pivoted around until it contacted the right bank of the mainstem.The ice sheet was then in a very stable position,jammed against the steep right bank and grounded in shal- low water along a gravel island on the left bank.Several small Ice jams upstream had released and were accumulating against this ice sheet,extending the jam for about one-half mile.The water level rose,with an estimated 2,000 cfs flowing around the upstream end of the gravel island at RM 142 into a side channel.The entrance berm to Slough 21 at cross section H9 was also overtopped.Although the estimated discharge at Gold Creek was less than 6,000 cfs based on a i~ staff gage reading,the normal summer flows required to breach this 97 s6/jj9 berm exceeded 20,000 cfs.The entrance channel at cross section A5 was breached,with about 150 cfs being diverted into the lower portion of Slough 21.Many ice floes also drifted through this narrow access channel and were grounded in the slough as the flow was distributed over a wider area.This ill ustrates the extreme water level changes caused by ice jams. By May 4,1983,stable ice jams had developed and were gradually g rowing in size at the following locations between Tal keetna and Devil Canyon: Lane Creek at RM 113.2 Curry at RM 120.5 and RM 119.5 Slough 7 at RM 122 Slough 9 at RM 129 Sherman Creek at RM 131.4 Slough 11 at RM 134.5 Slough 21 at RM 141.8 Downstream from the ice jam at Lane Creek,the ice cover was still intact,although extensively flooded.Between Lane Creek and Cu rry,the channel was open and ice free with the exception of some remnant shore ice.From Cu rry upstream to the ice jam adjacent to Slough 7 some portions .of the ice cover remained,but were severely decayed and disintegration seemed imminent.An intact ice cover remained from Slough 8 past Slough 9 to the ice jam at Sherman. This ice cover had many open leads and large areas of flooded snow. Between the remaining ice jams at Sherman,Slough 11 and Slough 21, the mainstem was essentially open. The jam at Slough 21 was still receiving ice floes from the disinte- grating ice cover above Devil Canyon.As ice floes accumulated ,r-agai nst the upstream edge of the jam,the floating layer became' ir:lcreasi ngly unstable.At some critical pressure within this cover, 98 s6/jj10 the shear resistance between floes was exceeded,resulting in a chain reaction of collisions that rapidly caused the entire cover to fail.At this point,several hundred feet of ice cover consolidated simulta- neously.These consolidation phases occu rred frequently during a 4 hour observation period at Slough 21 on May 4.The frequency was dependent on the volume of incoming ice floes.With each consolida- tion,a surge wave resulted.During one particular consolidation of the entire half-mile ice jam,a surge wave broke loose all the shorefast ice along the left bank and pushed it onto an adjacent gravel island.These blocks of shore ice were up to 4 feet thick and 30 feet wide.The zone affected was almost lOa feet long,with the event lasting only a few seconds.This process is essentially the same as telescoping during freeze-up except that the ice is in massive rigid blocks instead of fine frazil slush,and is thus capable of erod- ing substantial volumes of material in a very short time (Photos 5.5, 5.6).The ease with which these ice blocks were shoved over the river bank indicates the tremendous pressures that build within major ice jams. During all of the observed consolidations at Slough 21,the large ice sheet forming the key of the jam never appeared to move or shift. The surge waves would occasionally overtop the ice sheet,sending smaller ice fragments rushing over the surface of the sheet.Towards the end of the day,the ice sheet began to deform.Solar radiation, erosion and shear stresses were rapidly deteriorating this massive ice block.Final observations showed it to have buckled in an undulating wave and fractu red in places.Observers at the Gold Creek Bridge reported tremendous volumes of ice flowing downstream at 6 p.m.on May 4.Taking into account the travel time,this indicates that the jam had probably released about 1 hour earlier. The ice released at Slough 21 continued downstream unobstructed until contacting the jam adjacent to Slough"at river mile 134.5. The sudden influx of ice displaced the mainstem water and caused a 99 sG/jjll rapid rise in water levels.The stage increased sufficiently to breach berms and flood the side chan nel below Slough 11 adjacent to mainstem river mile 135.The jam key at this site consisted of shorefast ice constricting the mainstem flow to a narrow channel of no more than 50 feet.Large ice floes,mostly from the original jam at Gold Creek,had lodged tightly in this bottleneck.Pressures appeared to be exerted laterally against the shore-fast ice which inherently is resistant to movement due to the high friction coefficient of the contacting river bed substrata. On May 5,few significant changes were observed in the ice jams despite warm,sunny weather and constantly increasing discharges from the tributaries to the mainstem. It was at first thought that when the ice broke at Slough 11 on May G (Photo 5.7),it would carry away the ice jam at Sherman and start a sequence that could destroy the river ice cover potentially as far downriver as Lane Creek.This was prevented by an event that actually increased the stability of the jam at Sherman so that it held for several more days.When the ice jam released nea r Slough 11 and the debris approached the jam at Sherman,it created a momentary su rge of the water level.This su rge broke loose huge sheets of shore ice which slowly spun out into the mainstem.One triangular ice sheet about 100 feet wide wedged tightly between two extended sheets of shore-fast ice (Photo 5.8).Ice floes continuing to accumulate against the upstream edge of this wedge exerted tremendous pressures on the obstruction (Photo 5.9).A pressure ridge rising at least 10 feet above the ice formed along the contact surfaces of the wedge (Photo 5.10).This ridge consisted of angular fragments and ice candles. The water level continued to rise as the mainstem channel filled with ice which eventually extended upstream to'RM 132.5.The ice jam had lengthened to over 1.5 miles (Photo 5.11).Flooding quickly 100 s6/jj12 occurred on the side channels adjacent to the mainstem and some ice drifted away from the main channel.The volume of water flowing th rough the side channel was estimated at approximately 2,000 efs. As the ice jam consolidated and the water level rose,even more water was diverted through the bypass channels.This volume of diverted flow was critical to the stability and du ration of the ice jam.Even though the jam increased in size,any additional hydrostatic pressure was relieved by diverting water into the side channels.The entire sequence of events lasted only about 10 to 15 minutes.The water level rose over 1 foot during this time span.Consolidations occurred periodically for the rest of the day but the jam key was never observed to shift. Other major ice jams keys on May 6 were located at: Watana Damsite Sherman Creek at RM 131.5 Slough 9 at RM 129 Slough 8 near Skull Creek at RM 124.5 Slough 7 at RM 122 Curry at RM 120.5 (Photo 5.12) Lane Creek at RM 113 A small and unstable ice jam at RM 126 near Slough 8 had consolidated and the resulting surge started a rapid disintegration of the remaining ice cover down to the mouth of Slough 8 near Skull Creek.This same surge appeared to have breached the entrance berm to Slough 8.Slough 9 was flooded by a jam at RM 129 near the upstream chan nel entrance.The Slough 7 ice jam received some additional floes when the jam at Slough 8 released.This resulted in a rise in water level and flooding at RM 123. At 6:30 p.m.on May 6,a moving mass of ice debris that stretched continuously from RM 136 to RM 138,with lesser concentrations 101 ~.'.\ sG/jjj13 extending for many more miles upstream,was observed approaching the Sherman ice jam.However,the consequences of this on the Sherman jam were not immediately observed.The condition of the floes indicated that this ice originated from above Devil Canyon.The well-rounded floes appeared to be no larger than 1 foot in diameter and were presumably shaped by the high number of collisions experienced in the turbulent rapids through Devil Canyon. Reconnaissance of the river above Devil Canyon on May G revealed a mainstem entirely clear of an ice cover for many miles.Stranded ice floes and fragments littered the river banks up to the confluence of Fog Creek.In several short reaches from here upstream to Watana, the ice cover remained intact.A large jam had developed near the proposed Watana damsite and extended approximately 1 mi Ie (Photo 5.13). On May 7,the following ice jams persisted: Key Location Watana Damsite Sherman,RM 131.5 Slough 7,RM 122 Slough GA,RM 112.5 (formerly Lane Creek jam) Length 1 mile 3.5 miles 1 mile 2 miles Downstream from the jam at Slough SA,the river retained an inter- mittent ice cover that was severely decayed and flooded.Below the Chulitna confluence,the mainstem was ice free and no ice jams were observed.The reaches between the remaining ice jams were generally wide open.The Cu rry jam had released overnight and traveled all the way to the Lane Creek jam.Here,the sudden increase in ice mass shoved the enti re ice jam downstream about 1 mile where it agai n encountered a solid but decayed ice cover. 102 s6/jj14 At about 10:30 p.m.on May 8,the ice jam at Sherman released (Photo 5.14),sending the total 3.5 miles of accumulated ice drifting downstream en masse at approximately 4-5 feet per second.This accumulation of ice,representing many thousands of tons,easily removed the remaining ice jams at Slough 7 and Slough 6A.In addition,the last solid ice cover between Slough 6A at RM 112 and the Susitna-Chulitna confluence at RM 98.5 was destroyed and re- placed by one long,massive ice jam (Photo 5.15).This jam extended continuously from RM 99.5 to RM 104 and then was interrupted by an open water section up to RM 107.At this point a second ice jam resumed upstream to RM 109.5.This blockage was later measured to be over 16 feet thick in some sections but more commonly was about 13 feet thick. These ice jams released on the night of May 9.Fu rther observations were conducted on May 10 between RM 109 and RM 110.Along this /~, reach,the final ice release had left accumulations of ice and debris stranded on the river ban ks,leaving ice floes deep in the forest (Photo 5.16).When the ice jams released,_the ice floes piled up along the margins did not move,probably due to strong frictional forces against the boulder strewn shoreline.This created a fracture line parallel to the flow vector where shear stresses were relieved (Photo 5.17).The main body of the ice jam flowed downstream leaving stranded ice deposits with smooth vertical walls at the edge of water.These shear walls at RM 108.5 were 16 feet high (Photo 5.18).The extreme height of the water su rface within the ice jam was demarcated by a difference in color.A dark brown layer represented the a rea th rough which water had flowed and deposited sediment in the ice pack.A white layer near the surface was free of sediment and probably was not inundated by flowing water. On May 10,the only remaining ice in the mainstem was on the upper river above Watana.Here an ice jam about 1.5 miles long had devel- oped near Jay Creek. 103 s6/jj15 Ice floes continued to drift downstream for several weeks after the final ice jam at Chase released.As increasing discharges gradually raised the water level,ice floes that had been left stranded by ice jam surge waves were carried away by the current.On May 21,the massive deposits of ice floes,fragments,slush,and debris were still intact near Whiskers Creek and probably would not be washed away until a high summer flow. The ice breakup of 1983 occu rred over a longer time span than in previous years,according to historical information and local resi- dents.This was primarily due to the lack of precipitation during the critical period when the ice cover had decayed and could have been easily and quickly destroyed by a sudden,area-wide stage increase. During a year with more precipitation in late April,ice jams of great- er magnitude may form and cause substantially more flooding and subsequent damage by erosion and ice scouring. Several important aspects related to ice jams were observed this year and are summarized here: 1.Ice jams generally occur in areas of similar channel configura- tion,that is,shallow reaches with a narrow confined thalweg channel along one bank. 2.Ice jams commonly occur adjacent to side channels or slo1,.Jghs. 3.Sloughs act as bypass channels during extreme mainstem stages, often relieving the hydrostatic pressure from ice jams and con- trolling the water level in the main channel.Ice jam flooding probably formed the majority of the sloughs between Curry and Gold Creek. 4.Ice jams commonly create surge waves during consolidation which heave ice laterally onto the overbank. 104 s6/jj16 5.Large ice sheets can break loose from shore-fast ice and wedge across the mainstem channel,creating extremely stable jams that generally only release when the ice decays. 105 s5/gg1 TABLE 5.1 WATER STAGE AND RIVER ICE THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AT SELECTED MAINSTEM LOCATIONS April 27,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: 2Observed =4300 cfs USGS =2700 cfs Portage Creek Slough 21,LRX-57 Slough 21,LRX-54 Gold Creek Slough 11,Mouth Slough 9,Sherman ~ough 9,Mouth April 28,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: Observed 2 =4100 cfs USGS =2900 cfs Portage Creek Slough 21,LRX-57 Slough 21,LRX-54 Gold Creek Slough 11,Mouth Slough 9,Sherman Slough 9,Mouth Slough 8,Head Slough 8,LRX-28 Curry McKenzie Creek Lane Creek LRX-11 LRX-9 LRX-3 Ice Thickness eft) 3.1 2.2 3.9 4.2 3.0 (-.1) 2.1 (-.1) 5.3 3.1 2.9 3.7 Water Su rface Elevation 1 (ft) 832.54 749.69 732.21 682.04 [1.11] 617.18 [5.74] 834.22 (+1.68) 753.03 (+3.3) 732.32 (+.1) 681 .94 (-.1) [1.26](+.1) 617.16 [5.57](-.2) 552.39 522.46 487.92 [4.01] [1 .22] 379.32 341.00 106 Top of Ice Elevation 1 (ft) 755.5 733.3 [3.3] [5.7] 837.0 754.7 (-0.8) 733.3 [2.2](-1.2) 620.1 [5.8] 524.8 493.3 [4.8] [5.3] 383.9 342.4 Velocity3 ft/sec 5.2 2.1 2.6 4.6 4.3 1.1 3.6 3.6 s5/gg2 TABLE 5.1 (Continued) ~.. Water Ice Su rface Top of Ice Thickness Elevation 1 Elevation 1 Velocity3 (ft)(ft)(ft)ft/sec April 29,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: 2Observed =4100 cfs USGS =3100 cfs Portage Creek 2.8 833.04 (-1.18)834.0 (-3.0) Slough 21,LRX-57 3.9 753.10 754.5 (-.2)2.4 Slough 21,LRX-54 2.9 (-.1)732.32 733.3 Gold Creek 681.94 Slough 11,Mouth 1.3 [1.23][2.5] Slough 9,Sherman 61 7.29 (+.1)-5.4 Slough 9,Mouth 2.0 [5.80](+.2)[5.6](-.1) Slough 8,Head 5.0 Slough 8,LRX-28 552.51 (+.13) Curry 3.0 522.64 (+.18)524.8 ~McKenzie Creek 488 .05 (+.13) Lane Creek 2.9 [4.18](+.17)[4.8] LRX-9 380 .63 (+1 .31) Tal keetna Ai rstrip [0.55] April 30,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: 2Observed =4325 cfs USGS =3300 cfs Portage Creek 2.5 (-.3)833.09 833.9 (-.2) Slough 21,LRX-57 4.0 (+.1)753.74 (+.64)754.52 2.8 Slough 21,LRX-54 2.9 731 .51 (-.81)733.2 (-.1)1.5 Gold Creek 682.05 (+.11)3.6 Slough 9,Mouth 1.8 (-.2)[5.82][5.5](- .1) Slough 8,Head --5.7 Lane Creek 2.9 [3.90](-.28)[4.8]5.3 LRX-ll [1.81 ](-.4) LRX-3 3.6 343.43 (+2.46)343.0 (+.6) ~\ 107 s5/gg3 r--, TABLE 5.1 (Continued), Water Ice Surface Top of Ice Thickness Elevation 1 Elevation 1 Yelocity3 (ft)(ft)(ft)ft/sec May 1,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: 2Observed =4700 cfs USGS =3600 cfs Portage Creek 2.1 833.27 (+.2)833.4 (+.4) Slough 21,LRX-57 3.9 752.54 (-.6)754.4 (-.1) Slough 21,LRX-54 2.9 733.09 (+1.6)733.4 (+.2) Gold Creek 682.20 (+.15) Slough 8,Head 6.5 Curry 2.9 (.1)523.21 (+.6)524.6 (-.1) Lane Cr'eek 3.0 [6.85](+2.95)[6.6](+1 .8) ~ay 2,1983 ,",old Creek Discharge: 2Observed =5750 cfs USGS =3900 cfs Po rtage Creek 2.2 833.63 (+.36)833.7 (+.3) Slough 21,LRX-57 3.9 753.02 (+.48)754.5 Slough 21,LRX-54 2.8 731.74 (-1.4)733.1 (-.2) Gold Creek 682.62 (+.42) Slough 8,Head 8.1 Lane C"eek 2.9 [6.37](-.48)[6.5](-.1) May 3,1983 Gold Cr'eek Discharge: 2Observed =6180 cfs USGS =4200 cfs Slough 21,LRX-54 2.8 (-.1)731.91 (+.17)733.1 (-.3) Slough 11,Mouth [4.88](+3.65) Slough 8,Head 9.6 ~. 108 s5/gg4 TABLE 5.1 (Continued) May 4,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: Observed 2 =6180 cfs USGS =4500 cfs Gold Creek Slough 8,Head May 5,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: 2Observed =no data USGS =4900 cfs Slough 9,H9 berm Slough 9,Sherman May 6,1983 Gold Creek Discharge: Observed2 =10,920 cfs USGS =5400 cfs Gold Creek Ice Thickness (ft) (breached) Water Su rface Elevation 1 (ft) 682.78 (+.16) 606.51 620.89 (+3.60) .684.15 (+1.37) 109 Top of Ice Elevation 1 (ft) Velocity3 ft/sec 9.2 s5/gg5 TABLE 5.1 (Continued) May 10,1983 Gold Creek Discha rge: Observed 2 =14,350 cfs USGS =5800 cfs Gold Creek Ice Thickness (ft) Water Su rface Elevation 1 (ft) 684.97 (+.82) Top of Ice Elevation 1 (ft) Velocity3 ft/sec 1.Values in brackets [ ]represent relative elevations based on an arbitrary datum from a temporary benchmark adjacent to the site.Values in parenthesis denote the increase (+)or decrease (-)since the previous measurement. Observed discharges were computed from the U.S.G.S.stage/discharge curve and are based on staff gage readings.The second "USGS"value is the provisional estimated flow obtained from the US Geological Survey. 3.Velocities represent measurements obtained at one point on a section at a depth of 2 feet near mid-channel. 110 ;c3 TABLE 5.2 SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION BREAKUP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Staff Mean Air Gauge 1 Temperatu re 2 Ice Th ickness Date (ft)(OC)(ft)Weather April 1983 1 4.7 2 4.7 3 0.8 3.3 Cloudy 4 6.18 2.8 3.3 Rain/Snow 5 6.23 3.1 3.3 Snow 6 6.30 3.1 3.3 Snow 7 6.33 3.3 3.3 Cloudy 8 6.33 3.1 3.3 Cloudy 9 6.35 3.6 3.3 Sunny 10 6.35 0.3 3.3 Sunny 11 6.35 0.0 3.3 Sunny 12 6.35 0.6 3.3 Snow 13 6.30 2.5 3.3 Snow 14 6.40 4.7 3.3 Rain 15 6.40 1.9 3.3 Rain 16 6.58 3.6 3.3 Snow 17 6.68 1.9 3.3 Rain 18 6.78 3.3 3.2 Snow 19 6.90 3.6 3.2 Cloudy 20 7.00 3.6 3.1 Cloudy 21 7.10 4.2 2.8 Sunny 22 7.33 6.4 2.6 Cloudy 23 7.63 6.9 2.6 Rain 24 7.95 6.9 2.4 Sunny 25 8.68 10.0 2.3 Sunny 26 9.43 7.5 2.3 Sunny 27 11.10 6.1 2.2 Sunny 28 11.45 3.6 2.1 Cloudy 29 11.00 5.6 2.1 Cloudy 30 11.45 3.6 1.9 Sunny May 1983 1 6.4 Sunny 2 5.0 Ice began moving Cloudy 3 6.9 Ice flowing Cloudy 4 5.6 Ice flowing Cloudy 5 5.8 Ice flowing Cloudy 6 6.7 Open Sunny 7 8.3 Open Sunny 8 9.4 Open Sunny 9 9.2 Open Sunny 10 9.2 Open Cloudy 11 11 .1 Open Cloudy 12 12.5 Open Cloudy_. (~Iative elevation based on an arbitrary datum . .,verage of .the maximum and minimum temperatures. 111 c1 TABLE 5.3 SUSITNA RIVER AT THE DESHKA RIVER CONFLUENCE ~.BREAKUP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Staff Mean Ai r Snow Gauge 1 Temperature 2 Ice Thickness Depth Date (ft)(OC)(ft)iliL Weather April 1983 1 0.00 1.4 3.7 Sunny 2 0.00 1.7 Sunny 3 0.00 1.1 Sunny 4 0.00 3.3 Snow 5 0.00 1.7 Rain 6 0.00 1.9 Fog 7 0.00 1.1 Sunny 8 0.00 1.7 Cloudy 9 0.00 2.2 Cloudy 10 0.00 -1.1 0.10 Sunny 11 0.00 -5.8 0.20 Cloudy 12 0.10 -0.6 1.20 Snow 13 0.10 1.9 0.80 Cloudy 14 0.20 3.1 15 0.40 3.3 16 0.50 4.2 17 0.50 1.7 1.0 Snow 18 0.60 2.8 Cloudy 19 0.70 4.2 Cloudy,..-20 1.00 4.2 Cloudy,'l 21 1.00 4.7 Sunny 22 1.20 6.7 Rain 23 2.00 5.8 24 2.40 7.2 Sunny 25 3.40 5.8 Sunny 26 3.40 6.7 Sunny 27 3.80 6.4 Sunny 28 3.80 3.6 Cloudy 29 3.80 6.1 Rain 30 4.10 6.4 May 1983 1 4.30 6.7 2 8.3 3 7.5 4 7.8 lee began moving 5 6.9 Ice flowing 6 1.00 6.1 Ice flowing 7 1.20 7.8 Ice flowing 8 1.20 9.2 Ice flowing 9 1.20 9.7 Ice flowing 10 1.00 8.9 Ice flowing 11 1.00 8.6 Open 12 1.10 10.3 Open 13 1.90 10.6 Open 14 1.50 10.3 Open 15 1.50 10.6 Open Relative elevation based on an arbitrary datum. Average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. 112 :c2 TABLE 5.4 SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK BREAKUP OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAINSTEM Open Staff Mean Air Channel Gauge (1)Discha rge (2)Temperatu re (3)Width (4) Date (ft)(ds)(OC)(ft)Weather April 1983 17 1700 2.8 16 Snowing 18 1800 5.6 16 Part Iy .Sun ny 19 1800 6.9 20 Sunny 20 1900 5.8 25 Sunny 21 2000 8.6 40 Sunny 22 2000 8.3 40 Rain 23 2.80 2100 9.7 40 Partly Cloudy 24 2.90 2300 12.5 40 Sunny 25 2400 8.9 40 Sunny 26 2500 8.6 40 Sunny 27 2.57 2700 9.2 50 Sunny 28 2.49 2900 7.5 80 Cloudy 29 2.49 3100 5.0 150 Rain 30 2.65 3300 200 Sunny May 1983 1 2.75 3600 8.1 Open Sunny 2 3.17 3900 8.3 Open Sunny 3 3.30 4200 7.2 Open Rain 4 3.33 4500 8.6 Open Sunny 5 4900 7.2 Open Sunny 6 4.70 5400 Open Sunny 7 5.52 5800 Open Sunny 8 6400 Open'Sunny 9 7200 Open Sunny 10 -8000 Open Pa rtly Cloudy 11 9000 Open Sunny Relative elevations based on an arbitrary datum. Provisional data subject to revision by the U.S.Geological Su rvey,Water Resou rces Division,Anchorage,AK. Average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. Visual estimation based on one daily observation. 113 ') .. II>'': .!!'s ~I 1600": C'.I 'It... 1200900 ICE JAM May 3.1983 vertical drop 5.28 feat In 1600 feet channel Is Jammed by Ice May 2,1983 .vertical drop 3.0 1 feet In 1600 feet channel Ie Ice covered ) 600 DISTANCE ALONG RIVER BANK (feet) 300 WATER SURFACE PROFILES ALONG 1600 FEET OF RIVER BANK ADJACENT TO SLOUGH 21 BEFORE AND DURING ICE JAM .. II>';: .!!'s cq... 'It... 5 5 o 10 10 -... Q) Q) If--zo-J- et>W ..J W Wo etu.a: ::)o a:w J- et ==W>-J- et '..Jwa: "_. CO t-'c: t-'.. tf;>.CD en•... Il n ~o62~Ul~c ~4~);) ~2 =-{ I/IUlc- Dc-~2go•• 'E~"~~;;;- tIj=1 .bI ~~ 'r;,:;;,c....-o l! ~~l""'i~,I~~ t ~fi) §i~I~IS • ----...___...-...;;.=e PHOTO 5.1 The confluence of Deadhorse Creek (at Curry)on April 28,1983.Flow on the mainstem IS from right to left.Open lead on the right is enlarging and fragments of ice are accumulating against the solid ice cover at the downstream end. PHOTO 5.2 Overflow above the Parks Highway Bridge on April 7,1983,covering the ice sheet with over 6 inches of water. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC.ENO'.........C1"O~CC'..T........NNII..........."....0 ....115 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.3 This photo was taken on May 7;1976 from the Gold Creek Bridge,looking downstr'eam toward Slough 11.The mainstem is completely ice choked and much flow has been diverted to the left into Slough 11. Looking upstream at edge Montana Creek confluence. PHOTO 5.4 of Ice jam (river mile 77.6)on May 3, lee jam key was near'river mile 76. 1983,near R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ."0''''''''''.O">~OG'STl;P~""'N"'S fiUAV""O"$116 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.5 Whe this ice jam adjacent to Slough 21 consolidated on May 4,1983 it created a surge wave that snapped loose the shore ice and heaved blocks onto a gravel island.The view is looking upstream along the south bank.This ice is about 4 feet thick and the area affected by the surge extended several hundred feet. I ....'.,,>... ~.''.~. r This is a close-up 21 on May 5,1983. PHOTO 5.6 view of the ice blocks shoved over the river bank at Slough Note the debris scoured by the ice. R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. •Na',......Q.CLDG'ST5 ..L ........S SU""...O ...117 SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE -- -.....;=------ •. --~ PHOTO 5.7 This shows the release of an ice jam key adjacent to Slough 11.This jam was about 0.7 miles long on May 6,1983.The pressure exerted on the shore-fast ice by this accumulation snapped loose these massive ice sheets. -~, PHOTO 5.8 A triangular ice sheet wedged tightly between two extended sheets of shore-fast ice on May 6,1983.This ice jam at Sherman lasted for 2 days. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ...G'.........<>COLoQ"nS ......NN.....su ..".vo....118 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.9 An aerial view of the ice jam near Sherman at river mile 131.5 on May 6,1983. The flow is from left to right.The ol'iginal jam had released but the large ice sheets wedged and created this new,and very stable,ice jam that lasted for 2 days. ••.7 -" PHOTO 5.10 This is a close-up view of the ice sheet that wedged near Sherman.Massive blocks of ice had fragmented and for'med ridges along the shear sudaces. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC..N"............,",<>~Q""ST""~"'NN"''''au..""...,....119 sus/rNA JOINT VENTURE • • •• • PHOTO 5.11 The ice jam at Sherman accumulated over 1.5 miles of debris.The subsequent increases in stage and pressure within the ice pack shoved floes onto the forested islands.This often knocked trees down and caused ice scouring. PHOTO 5.12 This photo shows a large ice jam at Curr'y on 1ay 6,1983.This jam was gradually progressing downstream as the solid ice cove"holding back the debris slowly disintegrated. R&M CONSULTANTS.IN=. ...0'.......a.<>LOO'.~........NN....SURVo;"OAS 120 sus/rNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.13 Ice jam at \\Iatana damsite,May 6,1983.Flow is fr'om f'ight to left.Ice Jam at upper right is near the entrance to the diversion tunnel. - PHOTO 5.14 The ice sheets holding back the ice jam at Sher'man gradually decayed and weakened.They ar-e shown here on May 8,buckled and fr'actur'ed just befor'e they released.Flow is from f'ight to left. ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. IING'N ....""'llc..OG'.'...L.."'NII....';'URVIIYO ..,.121 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.15 Looking downstream from river mile 102.5 at ice jam keyed at river mile 98.5. This jam formed the evening of May 8,1983,and extended to river mile 104. It released the evening of May 9,1983. PHOTO 5.16 This photo shows the effects of an ice jam near the Susitna confluence at river mile 98 that caused flooding on the adjacent terrace plain,sending Ice floes deep into the forest. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC.....C'....'..5 ,UCLOG,"TIi .......NN.......,."'''''~DR''122 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 5.17 Ice debris piled onto the river at river mile 101.5.The approximately 14 feet high.The water level attained during indicated by a line separating the dark layer,with a concentration,from a lighter and thinner layer on the surface. shear wall is the ice jam is high sediment PHOTO 5.18 View of the shear wall along accumulated ice debris stranded on the right bank near river mile 110.Flow is from right to left.This photograph was taken on May 10,1983 about 8 hours after the ice jam released.The wall is about 16 feet high. R&M CONSULTANTS,IN::. ......''''..'..,.5 ""o~cG'''~''..L"'........"SUR""..".."123 MLJ:JfR??l£JJ"rg&ffi:l~©@ sus/rNA JOINT VENTURE s16/u1 6.0 SEDIMENT TRANSPORT The transportation of sediments decreases substantially between freeze-up and breakup primarily because of the elimination of glacial sediment input. The glaciers contribute the majority of the suspended sediment by vol ume to the Susitna.Other factors that significantly influence the sediment regime are turbulence,velocity,and discharge,all of which are greatly reduced during the winter.The advent of frazil ice in October,however, greatly increases the complexity of sediment transport by providing a variety of processes by which particles,both in suspension and saltation, can be moved.Ice nucleation,suspended sediment filtration,and entrainment of larger .particles in anchor ice are some of the processes described in th is section.The dramatic natu re of brea kup often intro- duces sediment to the flow by re-entraining particles that had settled to the bottom.This ice event is characteristically accompanied by ice scouring and erosion during extreme stages.Ice jam induced flooding commonly flushes sediments from side channels and sloughs.Ice blocks are heaved onto river banks or scraped against unconsolidated depositional sediments,removing soils which may become entrained in the turbulent flow and carried downstream. Laboratory investigations have determined that ice readily nucleates around supercooled particles.These particles may be in the form of organic detritus,soils,or even water droplets (Osterkamp,1978).The Susitna River prior to freeze-up abounds in clay size sediment particles which may form the nucleus of frazil ice crystals.The first occurrence of frazil is generally also ma rked by a reduction in tu rbidity.Visual observations seem to indicate that the decrease in turbidity is proportional to the increase in frazil ice discharge.The Susitna has often been observed to clear up overnight during heavy slush flows.It is not certain whether this occu rs because of the nucleation process or by filtration. As described in previous sections,frazil ice crystals tend to flocculate into clusters and adhere together as well as to other objects.When frazil 124 s16/u2 floccuJes agglomerate they form loosely packed slush (Newbu ry,1978). Water is able to pass through this slush but suspended sediments are filtered out.Sediment particles are therefore entrained in the accumulat- ing ice pack.Ice shavings from bore holes drilled through the ice often contain silt-size particles of sediment.Early flows of slush ice accumulate on the lower river below Susitna Station and prog ressively advance up- stream.These early slush floes possibly filter high sediment concen- trations in October and retain them in suspension all winter. When frazil ice collects on rocks lying on the channel bottom,it is re- ferred to as anchor ice (Michel,1971).Anchor ice is usually a temporary feature,commonly forming at night when air temperatures are coldest,and releasing during the day.Like slush ice,anchor ice is porous and often has a dark brown color from high sediment concentrations (Photo 4.9). These sediment pa rticles were either once suspended and subsequently filtered out of the water or else were transported by saltation until they ;~l adhered on contact with the frazil.When anchor ice brea ks loose from the bottom,it generally lacks the structural competence to float any particles larger than gravel-size.Clusters of released anchor ice,suspended in the ice pack and c1ea r border ice,have been observed near Gold Creek. Frazil slush is therefore an effective medium for sediment transport during freeze-up whether the process is nucleation,filtration or entrapment. An ice cover advancing upstream can cause a local rise in water levels, often flooding previously dry side channels and sloughs.Substantial volumes of slush ice may accompany this flooding.On December 15,1982, Sloughs 8 and 8A were flooded when the ice pack increased in thickness on the mainstem immediately adjacent to the slough entrance.These sloughs received a disproportionate volume of slush ice relative to water volume since the water breaching the berm constituted only the very top layer of mainstem flow.The majority of slush ice floats near the water surface despite only minimal buoyancy.The flow spilling over the slough berms therefore carried a high concentration of ice.This slush ice and /~ 125 s16/u3 entrained sediment rapidly accumulated into an ice cover that progressed up the entire length of Slough 8A. Side channels and sloughs that were breached during freeze-up and filled with slush ice are not necessarily flooded during breakup.If these sloughs are not inundated then the ice cover begins to deteriorate in place.The entrained sediment consolidates in a layer on the.ice su rface and effectively reduces the albedo,fu rther increasi ng the melt rate.What finally remains is a layer of fine silt up to ~-inch thick covering the channel bottom and shoreline. If berms are breached during breakup,then ice fragments from the main channel are washed into the slough and usually become stranded in the shallow reach (Photo 6.1).These ice floes then simply melt In situ, depositing their sediment load in the side channel.This occurred in May 1983 when the "A5"access channel to Slough 21 flooded during a major mainstem ice jam,and also near Rabideux Slough (Photo 6.2). Shore-fast ice along the perimeter of an ice jam is usually not floating. When debris accumu lating behi nd a jam consolidates,the resu Iting su rge wave may provide the critical lifting force to suddenly shift the border ice.This occurred near Slough 21 on May 4,1983.Tons of ice were shoved onto a gravel island (Photos 5.5,5.6),entraining particles up to boulder-size and producing ridges of cobbles,gravels and organics.By this process of laterally shoving substrata material,ice can build up or destroy considerable berms and change the size of gravel bars near ice jam locations.When the lateral pressure exerted by ice is complicated by simultaneous downstream movement such as during an ice jam release,the effects on the river ban ks can be devastating.Many cubic feet of ban k material was scoured away in minutes when massive jams released near Slough 21,Sherman,and Chase (Photo 6.3)in May 1983. An interesting phenomenon observed during breakup was the effective filtering capability of ice jams and individual ice blocks.Sediment-laden 126 s16/u4 water flows through the many channels and interstices between the frag- ments in an ice jam.These interstices are usually filled with porous slush which removes suspended sediments from the water.Ice jams can concen- trate sediment in this manner and often become very dark in color. As discussed,Susitna River ice generally consists of alternating layers of rigid,impermeable clear ice and porous,loosely packed,rounded crystals of metamorphosed frazil ice.Water can percolate through the permeable layers,which strain out suspended sediment particles.This sediment becomes concentrated when the ice melts and is either re-entrained into suspension or deposited on the river bank jf the ice floes were stranded. 127 PHOTO 6.1 Ice floes stranded by Slough 21 after the ice drive. "Or· • -. •-.•.. PHOTO 6.2 Silt deposit left at Rabideux Slough by melting block of Ice. mechanical pencil in foregr'ound for'scale. Note the R&M COI\ISULTANTS,IN:::,....a''''''~..5 G"C>~OG'''T''P~......."'.<>S SVRV",VORS 128 [}{j§jlRlJ:gj"IE@§j~©@ SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE PHOTO 6.3 After the ice jam released near Chase,the ice severely scoured the rlver banks and carried away large trees. R&M CONSULTANTS.IN::::. ....0'O..o~oG'~'""''''AV~''O''S 129 SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE s16/z1 7.0 Environmental Effects Ice processes have been a major environmental force on the Susitna River, affecting chan nel morphology,vegetation,and aquatic and terrestrial habitats.The impacts vary along the length of the river.The environ- mental impacts of ice processes will be summarized in the following para- graphs.This will be followed by a brief discussion of potential modifica- tions to the ice processes of the Susitna River caused by operation of the proposed hydroelectric development,and the subsequent changes in en- vi ronmental processes. Ice processes appear to be a major factor controlling morphology of the river between the Chulitna confluence and Portage Creek.Areas with frequent jams have numerous side-channels and sloughs.The size and configuration of existing sloughs appear to be dependent on the frequency of ice jamming in the adjacent mainstem. Major ice events probably formed the sloughs when ice floes surmounted the river banks.The size and configuration of existing sloughs is depen- dent on the frequency of ice jamming in the adjacent mainstem.Ice floes can easily move the bed material,substantially modifying the elevation of entrance berms to the sloughs.In May,1983,a surge wave overtopped a shallow gravel bar that isolated a side channel near Gold Creek.The surge also created enough lifting force to shift large ice floes.These floes barely floated but were carried into the side channel by the onrush of water,dragging against the bottom for several hundred feet,scouring troughs in the bed material.This same process will also enlarge the sloughs.When staging is extreme in the mainstem and a large volume of water spills over the berms,then ice floes drift into the side channel. These ice floes scour the banks and move bed material,expanding the slough perimeter.This scouring action by ice can therefore drastically alter the aquatic habitat. 130 s16/z2 The erosive force of ice effects vegetation along the river.The frequency of major ice jam events is often indicated by the age or condition of vege- tation on the upstream end of islands in the mainstem.Islands that are annually subjected to large jams usually show a stand of ice-scarred ma- ture trees ending abruptly at a steep and often undercut bank.A stand of young trees occupying the upstream end of islands probably represents second generation growth after a major ice jam event destroyed the original vegetation.Vegetation is prevented from re-establishing by ice jams that completely override these islands. Ice processes have several impacts on aquatic habitat.The sloughs may fill with slush ice,which then forms a ice cover.up to 5-6 feet thick. This would prolong colder than normal water temperatures in the slough. (It could also cause problems for any beavers with lodges in the slough by filling pools with ice).Diversion of flow and ice into the sloughs may cause large changes in channel morphology.Large amounts of silt may be deposited in the system at breakup,migrating downstream during high flows in the summer and covering good spawning habitat. Ice processes do not appear to playas important a role in the morphology of the Susitna River below the Chulitna confluence.This river reach below the confluence regularly experiences extensive flooding during summer storms.These seem to have significantly more effect on the riverine environment than processes associated with ice cover formation CR&M,1982a,1982c).This reach is characterized by a broad,multichan- nel configu ration with distances between vegetated ban ks often exceeding 1 mile.The thalweg is represented by a relatively deep meandering channel that usually occupies less than 20 percent of the total bank to ban k width.At low winter flows the thalweg is bordered by an expanse of sand and gravel (R&M,1982c).Although ice cover progression fre- quently increases the stage about 2-4 feet above normal October water levels;no significant overbank flooding takes place,although some sloughs and the mouths of some tributaries do receive ·some overflow.The ice 131 s16/z3 cover below Tal keetna is usually confined to the thalweg,and su rface profiles rarely approach the vegetation trim line along the banks. Operation of the Watana and Devil Canyon projects would significantly modify the ice regime of the river below Devil Canyon.Flow rates will be 2-4 times greater than natural winter flow rates,with water temperatures of 2°-4°C immediately below the dams.The frazil ice generated in the upper basin in early winter will be trapped by the upper reservoir.Once Devil Canyon Dam is built,the major rapids in the system will be flooded, further reducing frazil ice generation.These major changes in the phys- ical system and in the hydrologic and thermal regimes will combine to greatly delay ice formation below the project. Progression of the ice cover on the lower Susitna is now due to rapid juxtaposition of ice floes from the upper river,with the Susitna River contributing 70-80 percent of the ice.Much of this ice will not be avail- able under post-project conditions.Ice cover progression initiates when an ice bridge forms at about RM 9 at a sharp bend in the river.With the reduced volume of ice available under post-project conditions,formation of this bridge will be significantly delayed,or may not even form at all in some yea rs.Consequently,ice cover on the lower Susitna will form at a later date than now occu rs.Progression of ice up the river will also be much slower,due to the reduced ice discharge from the upper Susitna. Water temperature below the project will not decay to the freezing level for many miles.It is more likely that an ice cover will form on the river above the Chulitna confluence when only the Watana project is operating, than when Devil Canyon is also on line.The ice cover now progresses upstream from the Chulitna confluence when slush ice bridges a narrow channel at the confluence.One question now under study is the formation process of this bridge.In some years,this bridge does not appear to form until ice cover has progressed up the lower·Susitna River to a point ,,'--near the confluence.However,it has also been observed to for.m indepen- dently when heavy ice discha rges were unable to pass th rough the 132 s16/z4 channel,and when the lower Susitna ice cover was still far downstream. Formation of the bridge appears dependent on the rate of ice discharge from the Susitna above this point,and on the location and flows of the various Chulitna River channels.It must still be determined if sufficient ice will be generated under post-project conditions to cause this bridge to form and whether an ice cover will progress up the lower river in time to help form this bridge.If ice does progress upstream of the Chulitna confluence,staging levels will probably be higher,as flow levels and velocities will be greater than under natural conditions. Breakup patterns will change on the river below the project.An ice cover mayor may not exist ab9ve the Chulitna confluence.The warm water released from the reservoi rs,combined with the increased ai r temperatu res and solar radiation in spring,will cause the upstream end of the mainstem ice cover to decay earlier in the season.Flow levels will be significantly lower in Mayas the reservoir stores flow from upstream.No ice will reach ,~ the river above the Chulitna confluence from above the reservoirs.The brea kup processes now occu rring above the Ch ul itna confluence will be effectively eliminated.Below the Chulitna confluence,breakup impacts will probably also be reduced due to the lower breakup flows,although ice thicknesses may be increased due to the increased winter flow levels.The lower Susitna River generally is ice-free before the final breakup drive reaches it from above the Chulitna confluence. .~. 133 s16/y1 8.0 REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish &Game.1982.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Phase II Basic Data Report.Anchorage,Alas ka.5 vol.. Ashton,George D.1978.River Ice. Mechanics.Vol.10.pp.369-392. Annual Reviews on Fluid Benson,Carl S.1973.A Study of the Freezing Cycle in an Alaskan Stream.Fairbanks,Alaska.Institute of Water Resources.25 pp. Bilello,Michael A.1980.A Winter Environmental Data Survey of the Drainage Basin of the Upper Susitna River,Alaska.Special Report 80-19,U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Cold Regions Research and Engineeri ng Laboratory ,Hanover,New Hampshi reo 1 vol. Calkins,Darryl J.1978.Physical Measurements of River Ice Jams.Water Resources Research,Vol.14,No.4 (August).pp.693-695 . .1979.Accelerated Ice Growth in Rivers.U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover,New Hampshire.5 pp. Edinger,J.E.,et. Envi ronment. 124 pp. al.1974.Heat Exchange Baltimore Maryland.John and Transport in the Hopkins University. Michel,Bernard.1971.Winter Regime of Rivers and Corps of Engineers,Cold Regions Research Laboratory,Hanover,New Hampshi reo 130 pp. Lakes. and U.S.Army Engineering Newbury,Robert W. River Processes. 319 pp. 1968.The Nelson River:A Study of Subarctic University Micr.ofilms,Inc.,Ann Arbor,Michigan. 134 s16/y2 Osterkamp,Tom E.1978.Frazil Ice Formation:A Review.Journal of .the Hydraulics Division.Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engi neers.September,pp.1239-1255. R&M Consultants,Inc.1981 a.Hyd rographic Su rveys Closeout Report. Anchorage,Alaska.Alas ka Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. 1981 b.Ice Observations 1980-1981,Anchorage,Alaska. Alas ka Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. 1981c.Preliminary Channel Geometry,Velocity and Water Level Data for the Susitna River at Devil Canyon.Anchorage, Alaska.Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. 1982a.Field Data Collection and Processing.Anchorage, Alaska.Alaska Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Report for Acres American,Inc.3 vol. 1982b.Hydraulic and Ice Studies.Anchorage,Alas ka. Alas ka Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. 1982c.Hydrographic Surveys Report. Alaska Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Acres American,Inc.1 vol. Anchorage,Alas ka. Project.Report for 1982d.Ice Observations 1981-82.Anchorage,Alas ka. Alaska Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. 135 s16/y3 1982e.Processed Climatic September 1982.Anchorage,Alaska. Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report 8 vol. Data,October 1981 to Alas ka Power Authority. for Acres American,Inc. 1982f.River Morphology.Anchorage,Alas ka ..Alaska Power Authority.Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Report for Acres American,Inc.1 vol. Report for Acres 1982g. Power Authority. American,Inc.1 Slough Hyd rology.Anchorage, Susitna Hydroelectric Project. vol. Alaska.Alaska Smith,D.G.1979.Effects Processes on Bankfull Resou rces Research,Vol. of Channel Enlargement by River Ice Discharge in Alberta,Canada.Water 15,No.2 (April).pp.469-475. U.S.Geological Survey.1982.Water Resources Data,Alaska,Water Year 1981.Anchorage,Alas ka.Water Resou rces Division,U.S.Geological Survey.United States Department of the Interior. 136 s16/y4 APPENDIX A Monthly Meteorologica'l Summaries for Weather Stations at Denali,Watana,Devil Canyon,Sherman and Talkeetna 137 H Y D F~C)E L..1:::C T I~:t:C ~LY SUMMARY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION TAKEN DURING DeceMber,1982 ( MAX. TEMP. DEC C MUt. TEMP. DEG C MEAtl··· TEMP. DEG C RES. WmD DIR. DEG RES, WIND SPIlr MIS AVG. WWD SPD, MIS !'lAX. GUST DIR. DEC MtIX. GUST P'IJAL MEAN SPD.DIR,RH MIS 4 MEAN DP PRECIP DEG C MK DAYIS SOLAR ENERGY DAY WH/SQlI 5 7 3 1 6 s 355 12 306 13 3D!1~ 318 15 128 9 373 13 265 11 ~6~ 460 315 371l :m 298 !~ 24!17 ~'l!**H 1S H,UlH 19 l!!!II!!H 2~ :g·HH 21 22 23 H!!!!!I!!2~ ·1.H**I 25 ***H!I 26 !H:Ht 27 *H!H~28 ~o,-, ~*** f:.~~;I! H'*-~ lIUf. *-~** *n-l!. ;~Hl'~ '****H** HH !llIH H** nu *!!H H*!! UH ;Hi!!f. !H-:t:t HHl! y,'l!!!!Ii* H~U *!!!!H -Hn* !!·:f.!!H Hl!** H:lBI!l *HlI!! !I*!!!!! HH!! -~-!!ll!l* *HH !Ii;.o:*** H*n Hf.!!-:r; ***** ~:**H 'H'~*!! ,UH!I' ~'Hn Hl!!B': *'If*~* Hl!** !Ill!!!!!! **H f:·H HH lIH ~H! *~1I!! **** !a!('**** **11*liB: ****~*H Hi*!!**l! H*!!HI l!l!!!!t !!H ':f:***HH **H HlI!I **11 un !IH 11***HI !!!I!1:!1 HlI !Bin HII Hll!!!Ill un HII HH H! HH *** nIH': *H!I 1I~** *!Il1 ~*** H** !!*H H!!!Ii H!!!f ;~:l'dH; ~**11 Hl'i!! HH ·:H'-:H lI!f!1lf *!!** H!!l! H~n *HlI H!H ,HI*" **u 1I**1I !!*H **n HIlIi HI!! Hn !!!!H !I!!!!* UI! H!!* H** -H!! lB!!!l! un H** !!HI H!!lI un 1':*** H** HJUI *!!** HlI!! H·:'l* uu **u H** **!!!! !i!!1II _ !HH 'X"~H !!*!!l! H!BI H** ****Hl!f. Hn nr:f !tH!! *!U!* !4!!** -2.2 :Hi*** i*f** -14.4 -lU.9 -23.11 _1"1 "l"'.1 IV -10.1 -7.2 -11.2 -10.8 -15.3 -11.6-~~.'~ lUlU!! ***~~...< **~*!I, m!~~ !!!I*H H*;':~ •<•r Hn!!: *lil!_l!~ ****~--.7 H*U.:.;:. !HEI!I!I :i.*Y:~1 _'7 '7," I**n *l!H* HlIH lIH-H *****!':1'::Y:H H*H -35.4 -35.4 -32.n -2B.l -21.9 -5.0 -20,7 -27,4 -25.S -12.b -10.9 -1b.8 -1&.3 -17.7 -15.3 In*! lIl!f.H HllE!H *HU !BInI J!uu ~'W .,'7 I...1 -7.6 -3.~ -5.5 -1.0 -18.6 -8.8 Hl!!!* **Hf -27.2 -5.2 -12.9 -7.8 UHf HilI!! HUll lB!lIH "'·);!IllII UHII HH!I HIH!l! B**lI HIIH unll H-HII ~-HH ;\,;!H!H 2.7 -15.4 -4.4 -24.3 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3a 31 MONTH 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 1'? 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ')0 1.., ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.4 ~... HUI *~~\~:*** ****1 I!!!!I*!II! -31.3 H* -28.2 HI -21.8 **! -13.2 .*** -2.5 ~** GUET GUST GUST GUST VEL,AT MAX,GUST MINUS VEL,AT MAX.GUST MINUS VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 I NTEi~1)('..L~3 1 I NTER\){~IL 1 I N"TEi~1,1 {'I L 2 INTER'.J(\LS ~?~)f..?J I 0 9?9,O ?99.e i?9~')I 0 :RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS TH~N A";'~~E METEH PER SECOND.SUCH REtlDINGS Hr'1 lv l E NOT BEEN Ii'·!Cl...UDED IN THE:D~iIL'{ MONTHLY ME~N FOR REL~TIVE HUMIDITY ~ND DEW POINT, SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT **** 138 :l:i....~C . H -.'j':co F<DEi...E c:.:'r F~:l:C:':P F<CI ..T E::C:::"j" .~...""O"'it MONTHLY 'SUMMARY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION DATA TAl<EN DU!~HiG J "HILl <~-f~}"'1 '183 DAY MAX. TEMP, DEG l: nm. iEMP, nEG C HEAN' iEMP. DEb t RES. WIND DIR. DEG RES. iiIND SPD. MiS AVG. wnm SPD. liJS MAX. GUSi DIR. DEG MAX, GUST pi VAL MEAN 5?1).DIl<,RH MiS %. MEAN DP DEG C FREel? rtM DAY"S SOLAR ENERGY Dirt WHiSQn & 7 3 4 8 i.,... HHH ******20 H·)\-HI 21 HUH 24 HHH 25 HHH 26 **'l:f,n 27 'HUH 28 29 3li HHH 22 23 'K1Ii1iUli 12 13 14 15 nnH 16 H1iHdl 17 18 19 9 U*H:k 10 11 H***;t HUH i!H:*** HUH HUH :;,'lI'IHt-H j(·**U* ,ulInt H** HH **** 1I*** HH H** un UH un u** HH u** kU:/i H*lI HltlI: 1I*** UH *·ilU ':U-'H' ****nu H** ilU} ****un l!·l\H'k llH** -24.4 -21.9 -24,7 -1&.9 liHH: HHli HH.,. '.tU'U UlI** lilfd:U ****1I nUll ltUlI:·ll; -32.4 -35.1 -32.5 nll*" H:HiI HlIH H*** 0,V" 83 74 59 71 ii 75 eo un HH niH un 1tlI·ya; un **.~* H** UH ****Hitli H1i* un ****l*** *fi** un u** HH **** ltlI:** **** HiEi: 'HH uu nu HH ·gHi lBI** un **** HIli HH uu ·:t*u uu u** lUll **** nn HU UH fill!-» iIl!H H1il! au JHtlilf lllbH un **** Ud UU HU ****ltUli U*lI **** UlI1i un un uu **** un ****un **** ***u* ***ltli* H* *** 1** -36,u -24.4 -23,1 -27.5 -2G,ij -22.8 -13.0 -21.6 -19.4 -14,2 HHl! -32.S -36.li UHlI HlIlI* nut< ***** UltU *HH -5.8 -8,3 -7.& -B.6 -5.8 -B.3 -5.8 -13,5 -9.5 -28.3 -6.7 -6,2 -12.6 -17,3 -16.5 ·HlI·a H*** HUt ikH** un'll UHI -25.9 1<**** lI**H 'HH* HUl! 5 2 31 MGNiH 3n 28 29 ..." 26 27 25 16 24 19 20 21 6 7 a 9 1a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -------------------------;--J-------------------------------------------------------------------------...,.- )'ll1<~1I.,.~u-.~...H***~ltli*_'1." *!~~~Eo nit **!t~*,r *** _._'....4 ...• j:*~**.1I1tli-3f 'J,. ,'HUI HI -l.:l·"**1I**~****1I*!}~***-~........ H********.1-11**[.10.";' kiln *.l-~!~"HI: UUlI HUf.,.."4'_ *****-2.9.4 -32.2 -17.6 -32.9 -25.3 -14.7 -24,4 -t9.~ -19.2 -13.3 -14.8 -11.2 -14.4 -10,1 -13.6 -10.2 -19.1 -13.7 -23.3 -18.u -24.7 -21.0 -22.0 -14.3 -19.0 -t5.6 -13.9 -lD.6 -17.8 -15.1) -10.1' -17,1 !f''1'1 ,0 .:?~:j.j \?r 0 ,???,i.) ,)(.>'9.[I I NTEF;::..)(1L.~3 I j"l T E F·(,)1:'1 l- I j\!T E \~l.)i:~1 L. ;?I NT i::l~I·.)I;L_S i"UNUS 2- I'll HUb '1 PLUS PL.US GUST GUST GU~3T GUST ;1T hAX. i~T i"ir;1;(, f-iT ["'lAX, l.iE:L. ,1"-- 'v 1:.1-• IJEL. \')EL. GUf:)T GUST NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS TH ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAIL Ui:(MDNTI"ii..·{\·'iE.{:~\·'·i 1::D1;~RE\3ITIlJE HUhIDITY AND DEiJ-i POINT.~. ~***SEE NOTES AT 7HE BACK OF TrllS REPORT ~*.* 139 I~&.M C;C)N S t.J L TAN T ~:)~:I:N C~. ~:>t.J ~:):t:T N A H Y X)I~C)E 1...E::C T I~:I:C p l~C).:r E::C~T ,"-"" HHLY SUi'1MARY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION fA TAKEN DURING February~1983 RES.RES.AVG."AX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.HIlt MEAN IIIND IlltiD WIND GUST GUST P'VAI.MEAN KEAN SOLAR DAY.TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH -DP PREeIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG KIS iVS DEG HIS Z DEG C tiM WHlSQH---------------- 1 .7 -14.2 -6.8 t**tnt tt**ttt nH HI tt t****lilt utt**1 2 -4.2 -11.8 -8.8 ttt t**t *tlt Ut t**t nt U t**tt tnt UUlt 2 3 -3.7 -11.6 ;'7.4 tit tlU tttt *n *u*t**n l!ttll "**240 3 "-4.6 -11.9 -B.3 Itt nn *n*tn tlH 'H tt UIU Htt 698 4 5 -4.4 -14.2 -9.3 tit Htl tU*tU uu IH H tttll tHt 803 5 6 -3.6 -11.6 -7.&Ut *111 IH*tu tltt nt U ***H nn 743 6 7 -3.2 -IU -5.7 III IIU tilt tU tnt IH t*Ittll IHI 851 1 8 -5.3 -9.9 -1.6 ***lilt ItU *tt *Ut ttt It Uttt tttl 578 8 9 -9.2 -14.6 -11.6 ttt lUI Iitl **'ilUI ttl n Itlll 1111 770 9 10 -11.9 -22.4 -17.2 III Htt tttt I"'***III tl IUU IUt 873 10 11 -13.7 -24.9 -19.3 IH Itlt tttl Ut tnt nt II nut tll*1378 11 12 -15.7 -26.8 -21.3 tn IIII -iitt Ut lilt III U lUll nit 948 12 13 -22.8 -30.6 -26.4 ttt tlU It*,ttt Inl III It IUlt HII 1555 13 14 -19.2 -31.6 -25.4 til **It tl*t u*litI Itt It tlltt t***1758 14 15 -16.7 -31.2 -24.0 t**Htl IIII ItI *1**III It 11**1 111*1775 15 16 -17.5 -31.4 -24.5 Itt *I*t I**t fit tUI IU It 1I**t Utt 1845 16 17 -17.6 -31.4 -24.5 tt*ttlt HU Ut HU *11 It Illtl till 1895 17 18 -14.5 -31.6 -22.8 lit uu nu 1**tt**11***nHI 1111 1220 18 19 -4.9 -19.1 -12.0 III nn lilt 1**t**1 tH H *ttll HII 1995 19 20 -B.3 -19.1 -13.7 ttt "It tltl ttt n**IH II UtU t*u 1663 20 21 -5.5 -18.6 -12.1 tU t**t lUI tit 1111 lit *t HI**IHt 1988 21 22 -5.0 -18.1 -11.6 ttl UI***11 *11 Hit IH II **1***UI 2130 22 23 -8.9 -22.1 -15.5 IH tu*I**t *tt *111 n,H 'uu **1'1975 23 24 -3.3 -12.5 -7.9 III IU''H'U,lUI III U *UII 11**1298 24 25 -8.3 -17.6 -13.0 t"t***HII UI nit *11 H 1****Htl 208D 25 26 -6.6 -15.8 -11.2 1*1 nil *nl tU IfI*1*1 t*nl*1 UII 2170 26 27 -B.4 -17.2 -12.8 lilt t**1 till llit Inl HI II ***1**tU 1863 27 28 -3.8 -11.4 -7.6 **1 0.0 0.0 *It 0.0 nl H 'lill**Ult 1318 28 MONTH .7 -31.0 -14.1 Illt 0.0 0.0 '**0.6 *H *1 lUll IU*30403 GUST VEL.AT Mr~X •GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 999.0 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS "1 INTERVAL 999.0 GW:iT VEL.AT i"it~X .GUST PLUS '1 INTEi~VAL 999.0 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 999.0 "E:RELATIVE.HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY OR MONTHLY ME{~N FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. (--:it SEE NOTES AT THE BACi<OF THIS REPORT .x-'X:·x·:;(.0 140 I~.&M C D N ~:)l.J I...TAN T ~:)~:I:NC:::. ~'3 l.J S :J:-r N I~H Y 1)I~C)E 1...I:::C T 1~:I:C:::p'I~C)...T I:::C T I~~ MONTHLY SUMMf~RY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING March,.1983 RES.RES.AVG.MAX.MAX.D.WS MAX.MIN.MEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P1LJAL MEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP,TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD. SPD.DIR.SPD,DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG HIS MIS DEG tllS I DEG C Iltt WHlSQIt----_._----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -7.7 -18.4 -13.1 'il ****1***IU U*I *******1******1320 1 2 -11.5 -23.2 -17.4 i**ii"un il*nii *"*i iini iili 1515 2 3 -12.6 -26.2 -19.4 **i n"n"iii 1**'III U 'iU'***i 9ro 3 4 -12.5 -19.7 -16.1 III in*iilt il*u**'I'II UIU IIU 1313 4 5 -10.1 -20.0 -15.1 '"IH*IIII UI Iii'tI*1*Hnl ***1 1178 5 6 -10.1 -26.6 -15.4 *"***1 *H**11 illl ***II IIIII *111 1865 6 7 -9.4 -20.9 -15.2 ***un .UH "*Hil iii II lUll ***1 2158 7 8 -11.7 -26.4 -19.1 **1 UH ***1 *ii 'Iii ill fi Iii*'iin 2333 8 9 -10.7 -26.7 -IS.7 iii *Iii iiH Iii nH HI III lUi'Hi*3129 9 10 -8.8 -14.3 -11.0 340 1.5 1.7 257 7.0 NNW Ii 11**1 *Iil 2085 10 11 -1.7 -13.4 -7.6 174 2.4 3.3 166 8.9 SSE II IIIU lilt 2713 11 12 1.8 -12.5 -5.4 126 .1 1.6 165 9.5 NNW n n*li iii*2318 12 13 -.8 -lb.2 -8.5 338 .7 1.2 m 3.8 NNV U iUU HU :1193 13 14 -4.2 -17.1 -10.7 33b .4 .9 344 3.2 NNW i*illi*Uli 2896 14 15 -.9 -15.0 -8.0 172 l:'1.7 165 5.7 S 'i iUii ****2573 15.oJ 16 -3.0 -10.6 -6.8 347 1.8 2.0 340 5.7 NNW U *i**'HU 3033 16 17 co •-16.0 -10.6 340 1.1 1.4 336 3.8 NNW U ,**u i**i 3610 17-oJ.I 18 -4.9 -21.6 -13.3 342 .8 1.3 350 3.8 NNW Ii fHII ilU 3330 18 19 -6.4 -19.7 -13.1 335 .6 1.0 330 3.8 NNII i*HUi '**i 3388 19 20 -3.4 -16.4 -9.9 244 .1 1.5 160 7.6 N *i *iiil Hi*3285 20 21 -.9 -15.1 -8.0 341 .7 1.1 186 3.8 N 1*nn,HII 3578 21 22 -3.3 -16.6 -10.0 344 .6 1.0 006 2.5 NNW 1*iiU'*HI 3703 2.2 23 -4.7 -18.0 -11.4 341 .8 1.0 335 3.2 NNW fl lnll H**3855 23 24 -3.9 -19.8 -11.9 343 .7 1.0 004 3,2 NNW *i UIU *iH 3178 24 25 .1 -14.3 -7.1 346 .9 1.3 350 4.4 NNW U nli*tII*3923 25 26 -3.7 -17.0 -10,4 170 2.2 3.0 176 10,8 5 Ii ,nil 11*1 38b8 26 27 -3.6 -15.9 -9.8 175 1.6 3.2 172 12.7 S 1*IU*,"**3933 27 28 -6.3 -17.8 -12.1 348 1.3 1.7 127 5.7 NNW 'I ni'l '**1 3888 28 29 -1.6 -20.0 -10.8 341 .8 1.3 344 3.8 NNW Ii 11*1*H**42S8 29 30 -2.1 -17.8 -10,0 345 .7 1.1 340 3.2 NNW **H*II '1'1 4333 30 31 -1.8 -16.9 -9.4 348 1.6 1.8 218 5.1 NNW 1lI 1II*1I u**3870 31 1'I0HiH 1.8 -2b.7 -11,B 335 .4 1.&172 12.7 NNW ***********90588 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 9.5 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 9 ,::-•...J GUST VEL,AT MAX.GUST PLUS '1 INTERVAL 11.4 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERV(.iLS 11 .4 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY I~EADINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS AI~E LESS THA ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT ElEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOI~RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT.~, :}(-.)(-.x-*SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT ·x-·x·\(-'X: 141 R &M CONSULTANTS~:J:NC . ~;;U ~;;:I:T N A H Y :0 I~(:')ELI;::C T I~:J:C P I~0 ...T I:;:C:T lTHI_Y SUMMf~RY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION -A TAKEN DURING Apr i 1 .•1983 RES.RES.AIIG.MAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.liIN.MElIN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P'VAl..HEAN liEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP .TEi'IP •iEliP.DIi.SPD.SPD.DlR.SPD;DlR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG HIS HIS DEG MIS %DEG C lili WH/SQK ------------------------------------------- 1 -1.1 -16.8 -9.0 340 1.6 1.9 342 5.7 NNW *******0.0 4305 1 2 -.7 -16.5 -8.6 339 1.2 1.6 344 5.1 NNW ****11I*0.0 4683 2 3 3.8 -14.5 -5.4 151 2.9 3.8 138 23.5 S *******0.0 4735 3 4 4.5 -4.4 .1 195 2.1 4.0 154 20.3 WSW *******0.0 2440 4 5 .a -8.8 -4.0 16b 4.1 4.5 152 13.3 SSE *II ****'0.0 4065 5 b 1.3 -10,9 -4,8 186 .4 1.b 184 7.0 S **H**I 0.0 5048 6 7 .8 -13.9 -6.6 335 .8 1.4 011 5.1 liNW *******0.0 46S5 7 8 .8 -lb.9 -B.l 340 1.0 1.5 34b 3.8 KNW **11**11*0.0 4870 a 9 2.7 -11.7 -4.5 339 .6 1.4 225 5.1 NNW *11 lIII***8.0 4615 9 10 -6.7 -18.6 -12.7 001 3.4 3.5 OOb 6.3 N **H***0.0 5410 10 11 -4.2 -22.2 -13.2 laa 1.5 3.2 141 Ib.5 SW II 1t**1If 0.0 3783 11 12 4.3 -5.0 -.4 168 3.1 3.8 146 15.2.SSE **u***0.0 4235 12 13 -.6 -9.9 -5.3 344 1.3 1.8 335 5.1 NNW IIiI lIII*t11 0.0 3398 13 14 1.9 -2.9 -.5 190 4.1 5.0 177 12.7 S 11**lInt ~5690 14... 15 2.1 -3.0 -,5 161 3.9 4.3 155 12,7 SSE II **11II*.2 4030 15 16 .1 -4.2 -2.1 350 4,0 3.1 339 7.6 NNW *II *****0.0 5368 16 17 4.b -8.2 -1.8 241 .2 2.b 161 11.4 NNE **iIIl1**0,0 5550 17 18 2.4 -4.1 -.9 152 4,8 5.4 137 17.a SSE *******0.0 5628 la 19 3.1 -2.2 .5 152 b.O b.5 144 20.3 SE *******0.0 590B 19 20 5,7 -4.1 .8 170 2.2 3.0 162 14.0 S *******0,0 SUS 26 21 4.2 -5.0 -.4 181 .9 1.6 159 7.6 S **HU*0.0 6093 21 22 5,0 -4.2 .4 180 3.3 3.5 167 10.8 S 11*1****0.0 6340 22 23 5.4 -1.8 1.8 191 1.7 2.0 188 7.6 S III U*1I1 0,0 5070 23 24 5.7 -2.4 1.7 346 2.1 2.5 339 8.9 NNW **u***0.0 6920 24 25 12.5 -2.5 5.0 329 .7 1.7 16b 5.7 N *1 nut 0.0 6B05 25 26 6.4 -3.5 1.5 348 2.8 2.9 OOb 6.3 NNW 1**111I*0.0 67T3 26 27 6.5 -3.3 1.6 359 2.7 2.8 019 5.7 N **UIIII 0.0 6865 27 28 7.8 -4.7 1.6 326 ,b 1.2 336 4.4 NNW III lUll a.n 5055 28 29 5.4 .2 2.B 358 2.2 2.3 350 6.3 N *11 u***.4 4015 29 30 4.4 -2.8 .B 353 3.8 3.9 339 8,9 N **llII***0.0 7028 30 t10NTH 12.5 -22.2 -2.3 16b .4 2.9 138 23.5 NNW *II *I*It .B 154391 GUST VEL.AT Mr:ltX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVAU;20.3 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 1(~.'7 GUST VEL.AT M~X.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 19.7 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 1 '7.1 E'REUllTIVE HUMIDITY READINGS f~RE UNRELIABLE WHEN J,.iIND SPEEDS r=llRE LESS THAN ONE METER PER f3ECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY '~')R MONTHI_Y MEAN FOR RELATI~)E HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. "SEE NOTES AT THE f.lACI<OF THIS REPORT .x-.x--x-.x- 142 I"",~.,::.:I:'---J C: MONTHLY SUMMARY FOR DENALI WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING Mav.1983 DAY MAX. TEMP. DEG C i'IHL TEMP, DES C MEAt-! TEMP, DEG C RES. WIND DIR. DEG RES. WIND gPD, HIS AVG, WIND SPll. MIS MAX. GUST DJR. DEG MAX. GUST P'\}AL MEAN SPD,DTR.RH MIS i.: MEAN DP DEG C PRECIP M"- DAY'S SOLAR ENERGY DAY t~H/SQI'I 6223 25 5753 30 4~43 31 160899 3785 26 4B03 27 4000 28 4430 29 67~ 3540 2 ******351984 7088 5 5500 6 6803 7 7570 8 6715 'J 7553 10 7473 11 4560 12 5903 13 5303 14 6318 15 4553 16 3220 17 3905 18 5898 19 5383 20 40:!·9 21. 4783 22 4735 23 5093 24 1.6 0,0 0,8 '.l,.. 0,0 i),u o,0 (1,0 o•u .,1. !1"-' ,8 0,0 1.2 *if*!! 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,D 0.0 0,~ 2,0 1.8 0.0 ~,O 0,0 0.0 **HIl!!! :if *""**H****'UU, *********H*** HI H*** *******H UH* *********:HII** *********BI****HUll '!BI *******H*** :lfll ***** ********1I HH* ******* *********H*****H*** *IE 'l!**** H ·HlI** **H*** 'HI *'HH iHi ·)iII'H* ·HI ***** H 'H*** ·:0':H·*** H ·H*** s s 6,3 7.0 10,8 8,3 12,7 8,9 7,6 9,5 7,6 11.4 E 17,1 S( 11.4 17.1 SSE 17,1 NNW 8.3 SSW 9.5 W u**H* 4.4 S\~ 5,7 NNW 3.8 tI 7.0 NNW 4.4 Nt~W 4.4 sw. 7.6 S 6.3 NNW B.3 SSW 5,7 SSW 7.0 S 5,7 NNW 11.4 7,0 SSW W N 9,5 N~~W wSW SSE SE Nt,\.! N S NNW 183 138 *** 170 343 327 7A').....,~ 1.5 348 1.3 205 2.7 177 2.2 262 1.8 181 1.5 228 2.2 187 1.9 171 2,9 t75 1.4 264 1.6 159 1.6 264 3,5 233 3,0 263 2,0 164 2,5 143 2.5 119 2.4 298 1.9 223 2,1 140 1.9 122 4,0 1bO 214 177 4.2 130 2.2 160 1.7 1.7 H** 1.1 1.6 1.2 2.8'.l IC'...,J '".,J ,5 .3 "I ,f 2,0 2,4 1.5 1.8 ,4 ,7 ,8 .6 .4 3,5 1.2 3.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.0 2.4 1.3 ,6 1.6 1.1 1.0 .5 **** .4 .8 .5 229 203 312 203 195 198 324 182 219 170 0:'] ·.Jr~ 5,1 5.5 4,6 5,4 283 263 186 143 Q4b 6.6 343 las 't IC'~•.J 3.5 3,7 3.8 3,9 3.9 0,2 6,2 6.3 4,7 '7 "...... .,') !... 4,8 207 8.7 ijB7 10,6 145 14,6 177 9.7 1M 4.9 208 ~5 200 2.1 218 HUll H' -,4 229 1.3 334 2.1 330 1.a 348 3.6 346 -1.6 3.3 1.8 ').,...... 2.4 1.0 ,1 0,0 1.2 1.1 5.0 "I ., !;J 4.3 1.8 1.0 -1,7 -1.6 -2.9 -2.5 -.8 lIll**f -4.5 -3,0 -2.4 0,1 2 5,0 3 H*!!* 4 3.8 5 5.5 b 6.5 7 6,8 a 8,8 9 9.8 10 9,2 11 tn,2 12 7.4 13 11.3 14 9,8 15 1a,7 16 8.4 17 5.9 18 5.7 19 9.0 20 11.1 21 8,5 22 8.7 23 a,s 24 9.6 25 13,1 26 7,7 27 9,6 28 13.9 29 16,1 30 21.4 31 15.0 MIJNTH 21.4 GUST VEL.AT MAX, GUST VEL.AT MA~, GUST VEL,AT MAX, GUST VEL.AT MAX. GUST 11 I ~·1U!3 GUGT MINUS GUST PLUG GUST PLU!:l ~::.T NTFP '..Jf:1!.!3 1 TNTE:RV'~1L t :r.NTFR\.)(.~11.. :2 TNTER ',)~ll_[) to,? 1 ()JJ t"1 ,-4 :7,6 NO'TE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND GPFFDS ON~METER PER seCOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED ell?j"~ONTH!..Y ~·~Ei~d'·.1 FOR REl..:,YfP.)F HUWrnTTY I~ND DFl..1 PDINT, SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT **** (.~I{E I..Ens THi: O["J 01"1,11:[JATI o,~.0'L .0__•••",., I 143 I~&i"'1 C:;C)N S l.J I...TAN T S ..:J:NC . ~:)U S :t:T N A H Y 1)1:'<C)E I...E C T I~:1:C I:::'I~C)..T E C T 10NTHL.Y SUi"1MARY FOR WATANA WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING Sep teMber'.'1982 RES.RES.AUG.ItAX.MAX.DAY'S IIAX.IUN.itEAM WIND III NO WIND GUST GUST P'UAl IIEAN IIEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEltP •.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD,DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERG'(DAY DEG C DEG C DEb C DEG illS ItIS DEG ItIS Z DEG C lilt WH/SQII_..._._.------------- 11.1 2.b b.9 05S .7 1.4 145 5.1 N U u***.2 3498 1 2 11.3 1.2 6.3 250 .7 1.9 247 7.0 E **tH**2.2 3938 2 3 7.1 2.1 4.6 337 .4 1.1 251 5.7 H II UUI 8.2 2098 3 4 10.5 .7 5.6 059 .8 1.6 138 4.4 N tt t****0.0 44B5 4 5 13.6 2.9 8.3 079 5.b 5.B 094 14,0 E *t tttH ,8 2090 5 6 14.5 5.9 10.2 07B 2.8 3,5 082 10.2 E tt lItttt 1.2 2930 & 7 9,9 5.1 7.5 269 2,8 2.9 254 7,0 Ii ****11lI 4.4 28b5 7 8 7.4 4.9 6.2 2&6 1.6 1.8 271 4.4 .Ii lit I**tt 2.2 1490 8 9 8.8 4.6 6.7 089 1.7 2.1 087 8.3 E II uttl 4.b 2265 9 \0 8.5 3.4 b.O 050 1.2 1.5 Obi 4.4 N tl II**t 0.0 2220 10 11 b.6 .b 3.b 257 1.1 1.9 255 8.9 Ii II t**tl 12.0 Ib95 11 12 7.6 -.6 .3.5 081 2.4 2.8 076 10.8 E tt IHtl 2.b 3743 12 13 12.1 1.4 b.8 063 2.3 3.7 055 8.9 ENE **tl**1 18.b 2195 13 14 7,8 5.2 6.5 079 1.7 2.0 073 7.0 ENE **ttltt 12.6 1185 14 15 9.1 6.b 7,9 854 3.5 3.6 069 7.b HE II U**I 7.6 542 15 Ib t***1 ttHt t****t**tttt tttt tt**tlt t****t****ttt*U**tt Ib 17 7.9 6.8 7,0 29b 1.1 1.3 330 3.2 WNW II 1**1*0.0 908 17 18 11.4 b.O 8.7 078 2.1 3.2 111 B.9 E .tt tUtt 0.0 2305 18 19 8.1 2.6 5.4 2b9 1.1 1.5 251 5.7 Ii **Ht**4.8 1410 19 20 7.3 2.4 4,9 353 .1 1.3 238 4.4 Ii tt ttltl .6 2145 20 21 10.2 2.1 6.2 079 2.4 3.9 DBa 11.4 E II Uttt 1.b 1413 21 22 6.5 -1.1 2.7 28b 1.2 1.9 248 7.b Ii **tu**1.0 2720 22 23 6.7 -4.1 1.3 32S .8 1.7 226 5.1 H H Ut**0.0 3958 23 24 7.9 -5.6 1.2 073 2.2 2.3 075 7.0 E *******0.0 29bO 24 25 18.2 -1.B 4.6 058 1.4 1.9 078 7.0 E tt Ut**0,0 2745 25 26 5.2 .9 3.1 326 .6 1.5 045 5.1 WNW II tI**t 2.8 1798 26 27 6.3 -2.0 2.2 285 1.6 2.2 269 7,0 Ii lit 11111 .6 2755 27 28 3.1 -4.3 -.6 076 4,3 4,4 OB3 9.5 ENE tt Utt*2.0 1590 28 29 4.7 .1 2.4 070 2.8 3.0 092 7,b HE H ***tt S.B 173D ?9 30 2.9 -1.1 .9 274 ,b 1.0 261 3;8 Ii lit HIli 4.4 15b8 30 ItONiH 14.5 -5.6 5.0 062 .9 2.4 094 14.0 E II *****110.8 b7240 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 10.8 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 9 0::-,..;) GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 11.4 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 10.2 mTr::RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ONE l'lETER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN Ii'iCLUDED IN THE DAILY /:r'..OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. Ii SEE NClTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT .x-.)<*.X- 144 R &M CONSULTANTS~ ~:)l.J ~:):1:·r N A 1··1 Y 1)I~0 I:::I._I:::C T I~:I:C P I~C)...T I:::C::T MONTHLY SUMMf:ltRY FOR WATANA WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING October,1982 t RES.RES.AVG.MAX.MAX.DAY/S MAX.MItt ltEtIlt 1I1ND WIND IIIND GUST GUST P'VAL MEAM HEAN'SOLAR DAY TEItP .TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.5PD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RM DP PREttP EHERGY DAY DEG t DEG C DEG C DEG lVS illS DEG illS %DEG C KH WH/SQH.---------._---- 1 1.7 -2.1 .8 218 .1 .6 271 3.8 SE *t *1111 0.0 183.1 2 2.2 -2.0 .1 062 .9 1.8 110 4.4 N II Itlil O.U 2218 2 3 1.8 -2.6 -.4 052 2.2 2.4 031 6.3 HE It 11*11 .4 1486 3 4 1.9 -3.3 -.7 049 3.3 3.4 846 7.6 HE 11*11111111 0.0 2890 4 5 -.1 -3.5 -1.8 040 4.0 4.1 135 8.9 NME 1111 III*lI 0.0 2780 5 6 1.1 -3.5 -1.2 049 4.3 4.4 064 8.3 ME II **"1 0.0 2005 6 7 -.8 -3.8 -2.3 069 3.3 3.8 073 8.9 ENE III 11IIIn 1.0 985 7 8 -2.3 -5.7 -4.0 268 3.8 3.5 265 8.9 WSW III **'**8.0 2229 8 9 -1.2 -10.9 -6.1 216 1.4 1.6 257 4.4 \I 1III HI*''.0 1468 9 10 -.9 -7.3 -4.1 297 .6 1.1 266 3.8 II ***"**1.8 1085 10 11 -1.9 -9.9 -5.9 *H "**3.5 III IIII III II 11111 .2 93.11 12 1.8 -4.2 -1.2 862 4.4 4.6 079 11.4 ENE 1*111111 .2 1080 12 13 -3.3 -UI.l--10.7 852 1.5 2.1 029 8.3 N H 11111 8.0 1435 13 14 -4.1 -14.5 -9.3 068 1.7 1.9 096 5.1 E **1111111111 D.D 1513 14 15 -4.0 -17.2 -10.6 039 1.8 2.2 973 7.6 N H 111***0.0 2619 15 ~~, 16 -3.2 -11.3 -1.3 067 5.1 5.1 08b 18.2 ENE *1 *****0.0 1020 16 17 -.5 -7.6 -4.1 612 1.0 1.4 017 3.8 NNE III *tI*,0.0 164.17 18 -.3 -11.0 -5.7 036 1.2 1.5 346 3.8 N '*111*11 0.8 2100 18 19 5.1 -6.6 -.8 065 1.2 1.5 037 3.8 E II I**H '.0 1056 19 20 4.1 -4.7 -.3 052 2.3 2.7 026 8.9 NNE II "*"0.8 *IIIIH 20 21 -.1 -1.5 -3.8 044 4.7 4.9 036 8.9 NE II H'II O.0•**1*"21 22 -3.3 -12.1 -7.7 052 5.9 6.0 «59 10.2 NE III *tllI 0.0 I***H 22 23 -4.5 -16.0 .-10.3 06'3 5.5 5.7 043 8.9 ENE 1*I**,*0.0 1**"*23 24 -6.4 -16.8 -11.6 066 4.0 4.2 075 8.9 ENE *1 **"*8.0 "*"*24 25 -4.0 -14.6 -9.3 086 2.2 2.5 050 6.3 ENE III 11111111 1.0 ltllilt 25 26 -11.1 -22.7 -16.9 080 3.2 3.6 097 B.9 E II-**11*0.0 ******26 27 -17.3 -27.9 -22.ft &54 2.7 2.9 082 8.3 ENE III 1111*'.U 155'27 -'- 2B -lid -21.2 -lB.7 072 3.9 4.0 072 9.5 ENE *1 "*H 3.8 730 28 29 -ta.3 -22.3 -16.3 302 .7 1.4 301 3.2 WNW II lilli'.4 1505 29 30 -15.1 -32.8 -24.0 tt*lilt 1.6 III **"*"II II*H 0.0 1488 30 31 -13.1 -24.3 -18.7 65ft ft.2 4.4 056 to.2 ME lilt 11***1.0 1035 31 MONTH 5.1 -32.8 -7,6 65b 2.7 3.0 079 11.4 ENE II f**"4.2 38129 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 8.9 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 7.6 GUS,VEL.AT MAX,GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 8.9 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 8.9 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY RE;:ltDINGS ARE UNR EL I I~BLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAt ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCI_UDED IN THE DAILY (~\OR MONTHLY 11EAN FOR RELATI \)E HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. -)t'<-)t'<,,*,,*SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT .*.**~. 145 I:;.~.-~M'C·'(.)N ("l I I ··f·/-0 '"I 'y'•.••.-...._.,.....::a........·:1 I··.c:•-:::>j10 ~:)U B :J:T i"-.!A H Y n 1:'<:c)E L.1:::C T I=-?:J:C P l~D ~T E:C T 'HL Y SUMM(.~.RY FOR WATAMA WEATHER SU'.TION l TPII<EN DURING NO'J€'H"Iber,1982 ( RES.RES.AVG,MAX,MAX.DAY/S MAX.HIN.HEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P/VAL MEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEIlP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.1m,SPD.DIR.RH DP ?RECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG MIS HIS DEG tllS k DEG C tiM WHiSQH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.t -3.0 -14.9·-9.0 072 6.3 b.4 on 14.0 ENE **HHlE U 1011 2 -1.4 -10,9 -6.2 068 1.5 2.0 0&4 6.3 E **~'!B!!Il!0.0 585 2 3 -4.3 -13.4 -B.9 D71 2.7 2.9 li76 7.6 ENE !e*H***n.o 588 3 4 -4,3 -9.2 -6.a 0&0 4.0 4.1 ObB 10.2 ENE !!!\HHEB 0.0 913 4 5 -8.4 -15.7 -12.1 052 2.3 2.4 057 5.1 NE **J!-:HH 0.0 965 5 6 -11.3 -20.5 -15.9 065 1.2 1.4 045 4,4 E H H'kH 0.0 152a -~ 7 -12.6 -21.9 -17.3 064 3.6 3.7 064 9.5 ENE H H,U*0,0 1515 '7, 8 -11.2 -16.5 -13.9 064 4.3 4.8 064 11.4 ENE JEll:H***0.0 ~'J~B';~J 9 -B,2 -18.5 -13.4 302 .8 1.2 288 ~.,~NW **HH!!U 495 9.J.I 10 -8.3 -16.7 -12.5 0&4 3.9 4.0 067 9.5 ENE H H***'J 5i3 16,~ 11 -5.4 -9.5 -7.5 063 1.9 2.0 075 7,6 ENE *******0.6 64.11 12.-1.b -7.1 -4.4 Obb 5.9 b.O 082 12.1 EUE bB -9.1 o.n 750 i'J... 13 -1.5 -6.0 -3.8 054 3.2 3.6 086 8.9 NE 73 -7.3 0.0 643 13 14 -4.2 -10.2 -7.2 025 1.2 1.3 DOS 3.2 N **l!lt!l!!*0.6 798 14 15 -5.8 -17.6 -11.7 065 1.5 1.7 OB9 4.4 ENE 68 -14.9 0.0 921 15 16 -10.2 -19.4 -14.8 075 1.7 1.8 073 5.7 EtJE 72 -20.4 0,0 1003 1b 17 -16.2 -22.7 -19.5 077 2.3 'J 7 073 4.4 E 63 -25.1 o.n 998 17..... 18 -14.5 -24.5 -19.5 06b 2.8 3.0 081 8.3 ENE 47 -28.S a.~1003 18 19 -16.8 -24.7 -20.8 070 5.7 5.8 074 11.4 ENE 46 -28.6 O.D 785 19 20 -13.3 -17.9 -15.6 091 2.4 2.5 071 7.6 E 52 -23.2 0.0 505 20 21 -6.6 -15.1 -10.9 061 3.6 'r.052 7.6 NE 58 -16.4 0.0 .529 ':11",J:J..., 22 -5.1 -11.2 -8.2 056 1.8 2.0 051 5.1 E 62--14.0 0,0 458 22 23 _'J .,-5.S -4.1 056 4.3 4.4 [IrQ 7.0 ENE 71 -8.5 0.0 4~t ':I~ ..01 .J,,)~...3 24 -1.6 -4.2 -2.9 058 4.5 4.5 092 7.0 NE H ****~0.0 620 24 25 -3,3 -11i.9 -7.1 076 4.5 4.6 OSl 9.5 ENE 73 -11.&DoD 515 25 26 -5.8 -11.6 -B,i 062.5.7 5.7 067 to.S ENE:66 -13.9 0,0 558 26 27 -3.B -14.5 -9.2 066 2.3 2.4 065 7.0 ENE 73 -9.2 0.0 518 27 28 -7.2 -16.6 -11.9 071 1.6 1.7 060 4.4 E lEt **H·lf D.O S5e 28 29 -7.~-9,4 -8.2 u58 3.4 3.5 aS5 7.6 NE Hi 'HH-Y;U 385 29 7"-6.9 -15.2 -11.l}035 3.B 4.1 030 10.2 NNE '7"-16,6 0.0 380 30..v Ii MONTH -1.4 -24,7 -10,7 063 3.1 3.3 on 14.0 ENE ''J -16.5 .2 215730.. GU~3T '...'I::L.(.1T MPJ;:<.CUET i"l I i'-~U~3 :~I 1--1 TEI~I)t)L~:).~.::)" •~1-,•GUST ~,1EL .(--IT MI~X •GU!:)T i'iI NUt;1 INTER~,1tll...1 '1 •·4 GUST \')EL.AT jTj(.~X •GUST PLU~3 1 INTER ')i'tl_1:5,~) GUST lJEL..AT MAX.Gu:;n PlU:;;2 Il'-.ITERlJPILS 12 .'1 ..REU~TII)E HUMIDITY REf.lDING~3 (.:'IF~E UNP EL.I i~BLE l~HEN I,JIl'm SP EEDE,(.'d:~r::l_E:~3 i3 TH{~N ONE i"lETl:J:<PER SECDND.f.;UCH REI{.'tDINC:;;Hi;l..'E NDT BE;:::N INCLUDED IN THE DAILY ~R MONTHLY MEtlN 1::'!.JR RELATI')E HUt'iIDITY r~IND DEW POINT.! ~Fl::'NOTES AT THE BPICI<OF THIS r~EPDRT -y,*-)':·x--~ 146 :t:j.-......!c::. MONTHi...Y SUMi"1f~j~Y FDi~l,.jA·1+ti'-lA WEr:HHER \HATION DATA TAKEN DUFlING DeceMber .'1 (?82 ? RES.RES.AV~.MAX.MAX.DAY'S '"MAX.MIN.MEAN'WIND WIND WIND .GUST GUST P'lJAL MEAN tlEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPiI,SPD.DU.SPD,DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG r.DEb tl/S illS DEG MiS i~DEG C.tiM wH/SQn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -14,4 -19.7 -17.1 032 l:..5.7 625 !G,a NNE 6b -21,9 0.0 44&.s •.s 2 -17.1 -23.9 -20.S 070 5.3 5.4 071 10.2 ENE 59 -24.8 0,0 498 2 3 -17.7 -24,2 -21.0 GBS 4.5 4.B 074 9.5 ENE bO -2b.3 .2 483 3 4 -15.1 -24.1 -19.1:1 063 5.6 5.b 063 10.2 ENE bO -25,b 0.0 463 4 5 -7.4 -15.6 -11,5 Obl b.b b.7 Ob2 10.2 EME 72 -15.1 O,U 395 5 b -5.3 -10.8 -iLl 057 b.5 b.6 057 12,1 NE 69 -13,4 .8 458 6 7 -,9 -5.9 -3,4 082 7.1 7.2 089 14.b E 80 -8.4 2.8 356 7 B -1.0 -4.8 ~-2.9 079 3,6 3.8 079 12,1 ENE 'U "'****.4 36il B 9 -2,4 -17.2 -9,8 059 ,S 2.0 279 7.0 ENE *If *****o.U 420 9 10 -8.3 -18.4·-13.4 Olb 3.4 3.5 066 8.9 E b6 -15.5 0.0 375 10 11 -7.6 -10.2 -B,9 Iib3 b,6 b.7 Ob7 13.3 ENE bb -14.3 0.0 345 11 12 -5.8 -9,2 -7.5 Obb b.a 7.1 OB4 14,0 ENE 69 -12.4 0.0 368 12 1:5 -3,3 -6.9 -S,l 070 5.7 6,0 fili 12.1 ENE **u**t 0,0 375 13 14 -2.9 -til.B -6.9 077 3.b 3.8 091 8,9 E 70 -12.1 0.0 358 14 15 -2.8 -10.b -b.7 ubb ~~5.4 074 9,5 ENE 70 -9,2 0.0 383 15 ~,.s.,) 16 -4.5 -11.&-8,2 065 3.5 5.6 075 12.1 ENE 70 -11.0 0.0 3ao 16 17 -6,2 -12.2 ~~Ob8 2.3 2,4 054 7.6 E .,..-10.5 [j,0 ~"l:17-'fIr:.l.s '),JJ 18 ~~-15,'1 -11.6 Iib7 3,1 3.1 u67 i.6 ENE :H ')fHH 0.0 363 1a-II j; 19 -8,7 -14,6 -11.7 059 5.7 5.7 055 10.2 ENE 69 -15,9 0.0 35u 19 20 -8,9 -17.5 -13.2 G6b 4.2 4.4 049 9,5 DiE 65 -17.6 0.0 410 2O 21 -14.8 -21.9 -18,4 077 2.2 2.3 069 l:,ENE 83 -21.4 ij,{J 463 j,"01 ..I 22 -14,4 -22.7 -18.6 075 4,2 4.4 079 9,5 ENE '74 -22.4 0.0 475 ,':I '-'- 2:3 -14,3 -2li,0 -17.2 062 ~::5.6 Obl 9.5 ENE 64 -21.2 0,0 ~O5 23.s,.s 24 -9,4 -18.0 -13,1 07b 3.3 3.4 053 7,6 E b9 -18,3 a,il 396 24 25 -11.b -lB.l -14,9 iln 3.1 3.3 055 9.5 E 85 -17.5 0.0 385 j-..;) j'-2.5 -13.4 -8.0 062 b.b 6.7 078 11.4 ENE 78 -13,b 0.0 358 2b..b 27 .4 -3.8 -1.7 685 5.7 5,8 098 12.7 E tit HIH 0.0 303 27 28 2,7 -13 1.2 il83 4.t 4.2 \JBll 9.5 E 'trt H·Hil 2.8 290 28 29 2.6 -3,1 -.3 il7B 3.4 3.7 075 tiL2 E ;~*'lI!HH 1i,0 348 29 30 -1.6 -It.B -6,7 uB8 ,1 1.9 2b5 o"j E /i'~HHt 0.0 -I,30,j,... 31 -4.1 -1'.~-a,3 Obl Z.j ,~u50 7.u ENE ;~*~HH 0,0 4tili 31..'w MGNHi j ~-24.2 -10.4 068 4.4 4,7 089 14.b ENE 69 -lb.7 7,ll 12068,-.1 GUST '..)EL,IH r\(~X ,GUST MINUS '::'I i"-i TER IJ{-)L~3 tU.a{- GUST VEL..AT t'iAX,GUST MINUS '1 1:I'·!T E F<l.)1!1 i-l;.?.'/ GUBT VEL.r~T i"\AX.GU~3T PLUS 1 INTERl)f:~l.12.'7 GUST VEL,AT fiAX,GUtH PLUS ;~INTER lJ j~'II_S '.lO,a NDTi?-:i:~ELAT:I l.iE HUMIDITY i~i:'r:i DINGS r~i~E UNRE:LIAE{LF:WHE.N \l.,IIND ~;PEEDS I'4RE LE:3~3 1(1 Or··iE i"il?-TER PEi~SECONf>,tlUCH READIt~GS HfiVE NOT DEEn IHCLUDED IN THE DAIL DR MOi\!THl.Y i~iEi::'N FOR i:"<ELr~T I'·JE.HUMIDITY !~ND DI::W PO:UH. 'X:.X:'x-·x·SEE.NDTES AT ThE BI~CI<OF THIS i~EPDRT ·J·x·''k1(. 147 /",.,.,,\ (1,.,r'SUi'jMI;Wr'FOR i,..JATi~ti\!A WEATHEi~ST~,TION 'A TAKEN DURING January,1983 5 2 ''jJ:'h.J 410 348 3 495 4 495 435 b 468 7 515 B 510 9 240 iii 240 11 598 12 573 13 505 14 45Q 15 485 16 475 17 566 18 453 19 565 20 726 21 ibO 22 790 23 815 24 756 25 648 26 598 27 693 28 BBB 29 853 3il 921j 31 17675 1 ':1.L. 0.0 0.0 G,Q 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.6 D.n u.u 0,0 2.B 0.0 0,0 O.ti 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.1l 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 iLO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 *****-17.3 -25.7 -30,9 -2B.6 -30.3 -32,8 -37,5 -33.8 -34,4 -32.7 -32.5 -27.0 -19.3 -13.7 -13.3 -10,4 -12.9 -14,2 -19.4 -22.7 -2b.7 -24.9 -23.8 -lb,9 -15,0 *****-14.B -12.6 -9,8 -22.6 12.1 13,3 14.6 9.5 3.8 5.7 i 6.2 10,3 14.6 10.2 ENE n 8.3 ENE ** 8.3 NE 58 7.0 E 51 7,0 E 55 11.4 NE 54 12.1 NE 5b 10.2 ENE 54 8.9 ESE 51 i.O E 55 8,9 E 28 10.8 ENE 46 13,3 ENE 40 11.4 ENE 49 9.5 ENE bO 10.2 ENE &5 8.3 N 70 12.1 ENE bB 9.5 ENE 68 8.9 ~iE 67 B,3 Nt 4b 9.5 ENE 39 8.3 E -31 ENE 33 EtiE 39 ENE 52 ENE 64 E H E 75 ENE 77 ENE 66 ENE S3 Oi5 r,""u I,J u6S \)576.4 5.4 4.8 5.4 072 4.8 059 4.8 053 3.3 OBO 3,7 086 b,2 040 &,0 Ob2 5.3 060 3.1 078 4.5 093 4.9 010 5.9 052 7.3 059 5.2 Ob9 4.1 062 4.8 06b 2,3 Ob7 b.2 075 2.8 072 5,5 ObI 5,2 056 3.7 083 3.7 070 b,2 1163 7.5 065 7,6 065 3,3 1.b 095 2.4 097 5.2 J:QoJ•• 1.4 2.2 6,4 4.5 4.8 2.0 5.9 ""J 5s5 5.1 3,b 3.6 6.0 7.4 7.4 3.1 5.0 2.9 4.5 4,0 5.8 7.2 3.6 b,O 5.0 3.9 5,3 4.6 4.7 3.1 tib2 -7.7 -&.5 u6b -9.3 047 047 on 075 -12.0 -liL2 -4.6 -14,1 -11,3 -10.5 -11,2 -i 1.1 ..11.7 Ob5 -9.il 069 -10.2 on on 673 uSB il63 064 -10.9 -lf1.5 -15.2 -17.2 -16,4 -13.7 -14.6 -11.3 -13.B -10.7 -15.8 +1.2 -6,9 -34.4 -6.1 -2,2 -b.O -8.0 -7.4 -3.8 -6,0 -a.4 -8,7 -b,7 -6.6 -4,7 -B.l ,jij 31 22 19 26 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RES.RES.AVG,i'lAX.MAX,DAY'S MAX.nIN.MEAW WIND vIND ~IND GUST GUST PiVAl MEAW MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP,TEMP,TEMP,UIR.SFD.SFD.DIR,SFD,DlR,RH DP PREel?ENERGY DAY,. "'",,~,DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG tliS !'lIS DEG MiS 4 DEC C tiM wHiSQi'\/r'~~.._ ~/,._,-;:.~ 1 -(4.0 \-5.7 ;;~9'Ob4 2 ':'4.2 -7 .1 -5 .i 062 3 -6.6 -11.5 -9,1 053 4 -10.6 -25.7 -18.2 07b 5 -20,2 -28,6 -24.4 091 6 -20.6 -26.1 -23.4 051 7 -22.1 -27.2 -24.7 u52 8 -2i,8 -28,6 -25.2 Oib 9 -27.0 -34.4 -30.7 OS8 10 -27.5 -27.5 -27.5 093 11 -17.9 -2D,B -19,4 051 12 -2u.5 -25.0 -22.a 062 13 -21,1 -25.2 -23,2 065 14 -14.1 -24.6 -19,4 GbB 15 -4,9 -20.9 -12.9 069 16 -b.l -10.2 -8.2 066 17 -5.B -12.6 -9.2 044 18 -4,2 -6,9 -5,6 057 GUST V~L,AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 11.4 GUST VEL,AT MAX,GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 14.0 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 14,0 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 12.1 E:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS-THAN ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY _,DR riOi'>iTHLY i<lE:(lN i:~DR Ri::LI),TII-iE HUi'1IDITY r~ND DEi"J POliiT. :_/i'-'20i::E NDTES (.:,T THE BpICI(DF THIS REPORT :t::,,:;i::;i< 148 I~~M C~C)N S l.J 1...TAN T ~:),.:1:N C • MONTHLY SUMMARY FOR WATANA WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING February~1983 RES.RES.AVG.MAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.KIlt.itEAM WIND WIND \IIMD GUST GUST P'VAL JiEAK JiEAN SOLAR DAY TEtIP •TEMP .TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.BPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG t DEG C ~EG 11/5 MIS.DEG IVS %DEG C KIt 14H/5QIt ---.------------------- 1 .3 -10.2 -5.0 069 4.8 5.0 069 13.3 HE 59 -to.5 0.0 913 1 2 -1.7 -5.3 -3.5 063 5.3 5.5 070 10.8 ENE 77 -7.3 0.8 893 2 3 -2.B -5.7 -4.3 059 5.0 5.1 074 19.8 NE 69 -9.3 8.0 .813 3 4 -2.7 -6.3 -4.5 071 5.5 5.6 077 12.1 ENE il2 -10.8 8.8 833 4 5 -2.4 -9.4 -5.9 060 4.7 4.9 871 14.0 EHE 61 -11.7 ••0 1108 5 6 -1.7 -tn.7 -6.2 064 4.6 4.9 061 11.4 ENE 64 -9.3 0.0 1108 6 7 -4.4 -7.4 -5.9 028 .9 2.5 077 8.3 WNW 76 -8.8 1.0 931 7 8 -5.1 -13.5 -9.3 341 1.2 1.4 290 3.2 M *******0.0 687 B 9 -7.5 -15.9 -11.7 063 1.2 1.7 086 8.0 E 68 -17.5 8.0 783 9 10 -11.1 -17.4 -14.3 874 1.7 1.8 079 5.7 E b8 -18.8 0.0 751 10 11 -13.6 -20.8 -17.2 075 2.1 2.4 073 .5.1 E 68 -22.4 1.•0 828 11 12 -12.7 -22.9 -17.8 074 1.9 1.9 096 5.1 E b4 -24.6 0.0 935 12 13 -14.8 -25.4 -20.1 063 1.7 1.9 066 3.8 ENE b3 -27.3 0.0 1912 13 14 -13.2 -25.4 -19.3 072 2.B 2.9 073 8.9 ENE 59 -24.7 G.D 1973 14 i'....~~'"15 -11.4 -15.1 -13.3 &76 7.1 7.1 078 11.4 ENE 52 -21.1 0.0 1558 15 16 -12.0 -15.3 -13.1 073 8.0 B.O 076 11.4 ENE 47 -22.4 0.0 1630 16 17 -14.0 -19.4 -16.7 D77 6.6 6.7 076 11.4 ENE 45 -25.6 '.0 1685 17 18 -10.9 -18.0 -14.5 063 7.1 7.2 065 11.4 ENE 56 -21.7 D.O 1245 18 19 -5.1 -13.6 -9.4 051 4.8 4.2 061 8.9 ENE 73 -13.6 1.0 1690 19 20 -5.0 -12.9 -9.8 066 5.6 5.7 877 9.5 ENE 60 -14.3 0.0 1740 20 21 -4.1 -12.3 -B.2 067 4.0 4.1 866 8.3 ENE 58 -14.0 '.0 1845 21 22 -1.1 -11.8 -6.5 063 3.8 4••065 9.5 ENE 65 -18.9 0.0 1920 22 23 -3.7 -12.3 -8.0 066 5.6 5.7 061 11.4 ENE 56 -14,3 0.0 1908 23 24 -3.4 -8.6 -6.0 050 2.9 3.2 068 15.2 ENE 75 -9.8 0.0 1253 24 25 -3.6 -14.4 -9.0 061 3.7 3.9 062 8.9 ME 61 -12.3 1.0 2365 25 2b -4.8 -9.0 -b.9 055 6.4 6.5 000 to.8 KE 62 -12.6 0.0 2110 20 27 -3.9 -12.8 -a.4 056 3.0 3.1 064 8.9 ENE 61 -13.7 0.0 1928 27 28 -4.2 -9.2 -6.1 059 1.0 1.1 073 3.8 EKE bi!-13.6 0.0 1650 28 MONTH .3 -2'5.4 -10.0 865 4.1 4.3 068 15.2 ENE 61 -15.6 0.0 38982 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 8.3 GUST VEL.AT ·MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 8.9 GUST VEI_.AT i'1AX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 14.6 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 8.3 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIN.D SPEEDS ARE LESS TH~ ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAIL' OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POLH. *.».x.-*SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT *;*·x·* ~, ~ 149 i~ _Y SUMMARY FOR WATANA WEATHER STATION TAKEN DURING March~1983 RES, i'lEAN'WIND TEM?DrR. DEG C DEG AUG,MAX, WIND GUST SF»,DIP., MIS LEG MAX. 5 b 7 83Q2.5 133\1 2.45u 274B 2f101 1725 2503 2638 4523 2'1' 4778 30 450fJ 31 96091 4227 9 HHH 10 ***1""111;11 3960 12 291il 13 2655 14 1287 15 1673 16 337B 17 4926 18 24tiC 19 4110 20 3~71 21 4920 22 4152 23 32.49 24 4112 25 391)3 26 4221l 27 4320 28 DAY"S SOLAR ENERG''(DAY wHi5QM H** HH U*'" Ill*" H** HH un HH u** nH un un lHiH n,x-;t; *****HY: **** un lIn liI** IIU HH *******.;-t **** H'J:''k H** U1i:~; UH HH; *liB -12.i -12,9 -14.7 -13.1 -13,3 -HI.0 -14.0 -8.0 -10,2 -10,6 -B.D -to.2 -12,1 -10.8 -12.8 -11.B -15,4 -13.0 -13.1 -13.5 -16.4 -15,6 -16,7 -19.5 -22.5 -la.S -2li.3 -19.9 58 *1: 62 bO 64 58 57 53 52 50 56 55 53 r,,n 54 58 OU 53 49 ** H 53 50 58 6b 61 54 56 58 63 68 68 4.4 N 5.7 tUtE &.9 ENE fL3 ENE 1.0 ENE 10,2 ENE 6,3 ENE i.6 ENE 12.1 ENE **'~'1!1I** nn JIB: 5.7 NE 6,8 ENE 3.S tiE b,B ME 3.8 NE 6.2 NE S.7 NE 5,7 NE 0.3 Et~E j.6 EN~ 6.3 NE 6.3 NE 6.3 NE &,3 ENE tIl.8 NE ••.l.~IJ-ii •.t.nt. 7,0 NE 8,9 ENE 5.7 ENE 6.3 ENE 12.1 ENE GUST pi VAL hEAN !'lEAf! SPD.DIR.RH Dr PRECIP MIS h DEG C MM H'k 051 017 06b 036 048 011 il54 063 07B 075 Ob1 056 064 069 060 053 054 070 Oi4 Obl 07G 357 Oul 066 064 Oi8 072 on Oi4 Oill 2.6 3.a 3,B 4.4 3.ii 2.3 3.2 3,3 4.0 3.5 4.4 4.3 2.7 3,1 4.4 5.4 6,7 3,4 4.n 2.9 Vr 3.7 .~ 1•.e: 3.9 un HH 3.6 4.2 3,n 5,4 b.6 'j '7 ...,1 2~8 214 J.U 4.4 5.3 2.6 3.8 4 'j,... 'j l:.....J 3.6 4,1 1.8 -'j,),... 4.u 3,3 l.u 4.u 3,3 3,2 3,8 *liB: RES. wnID SPU. M/~. fi-57 059 055 051 043 044 048 054 060 059 054 054 032 GSa 058 055 Obi 048 lin 042 054 052. [;;7 034 050 051 ObS 070 li53 074 072 *** -4.0 -4.6 -4.9 -4.0 -6.6 -5.3 -5,4 -5.9 -7.1 -B.B -5.8 ..'-,J.O -4,0 -7~b -B.2 -6.7 -7.7 -b.1 -7.0 -12.B -16.5 -16.3 -12.1 -11.0 -10.1 -11.6 -14.2 ,~**JiH lHiH G.O -4.0 -3.B -9.2 -7.1 -1U -7,8 -9.1 -9,8 -11.7 -14,9 -8.7 -8,9 -9.1 -13.4 -liL8 -13,4 -10.1 -21.3 -17.5 -2.0.6 uu* ***H -1.8 -S.9 -b,3 -8.4 -9,8 MIN. TEMP, DEG C -i:L6 -17,4 -21,3 -20.2- -16,4 -15,4 -15.2 -7.8 -2.b -4.3 -2,u -1.4 -2.5 -2,6 -2.4 -5.b -j,B HH* ll:H'H 1.B 1.0 -L3 _'7 " DEG C -,8 -3.u -2.8 -1.6 -1.9 ,6 -.5 1.8 -6.5 -4.9 MAX, TEMP I '-8.1 -11,6 -12.4 8 9 21 6 27 22 'i'1...-' 2.4 25 ,n 10 19 20 "'~hi 16 17 26 28 29 30 31 MOUTH 10 it 12 13 14 DAY B .(1 ''\()•E: 1 NTE!=<:()~IL~:i I NT I:::R I.)(I L. .\I(!TERIJi)Ii._ j'/IINUS 2 MINU~:::;1 p I_U~:; PL.US GU~)T GUST CU~3T GU;:)'r r=1T i"ir::\X. ?d'["I (-i X , i~i 'I t'i r;/., A'r ,"'ii:;'I;<, I 1'-".....1:.1-, •""'IVl:._. I)El._. I,)t::L.. GUST GUf.iT GUE'jT GU~3T RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THANr-\r,i:::Ti:::F1,FEF:~:)ECc)i··II>.~:)UCH Rt::?:lljINGS Hl:"l)[i'~OT BEEh:Ir-·jCL.UDED 11":THE::Dtl:t:L'y' L ~ONTH1-i MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT, 5EE NOTES AT THE BAC(OF THIS REPORT **** 150 R ~~t'1 C C)N ~:)U L.T (.":.'"1 N T ~:)."":J:N C . SU~:):I:TNA H Y X)'~C)t:::1...1:::C T'~]:C p I~D:rEC;T ~\ MONTHLY SUMM(~RY FOR WATANA ~jE(~THER STATION DATA TAI<EN DURING Apr:i.l ~"1983 .RES.RES.AVG .MAX.!\AX.DAYIS HAX.KIN.HEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P'VAL MEAN !'lEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEKP.TEMP.DU.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG KIS HIS DEG ii/S %DEG C t;i'I tiH/SQI1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.8 -10.9 -4.6 058 2.6 2.7 069 6.3 ENE SB -9.1 0.0 4918 1 2 3.b -11.1 -3.8 046 2.3 2.5 068 7.0 HE 54 -11.6 0.0 5065 2 3 .8 -11.3 -5.3 068 3.9 4.1 071 13.3 ENE 59 -10.5 0.0 5130 3 4 1.7 -3.9 -1.1 04B 1.1 4.9 274 14.6 ENE 60 -6.3 2.0 2143 4 ~1.0 -7.0 -3.0 051 2.4 2.B 073 8.3 ENE 63 -6.5 0.0 4013 5,J b .3 -10.3 -5.0 031 1.8 2.1 007 5,1 NNE sa -10.9 0.0 5288 6 7 ,6 -10,6 -5.0 033 1.8 2.1 009 4.4 NNE 57 -11,9 0,0 5383 7 B 2.2 -10,4 -4.1 051 ,6 1.3 249 4.4 NE sa -11.6 0.0 4303 8 9 2.6 -to.7 -4.1 322 .6 1.6 278 5.7 H 69 -12,1 .2 3473 9 to -4.6 -15.9 -10.3 028 1.9 2.1 022 5,1 NE 54 -17.7 0.0 5653 10 11 -8.2 -17.0 -12.6 069 4.0 4.1 078 10.8 ENE 63 -lB.4 0.0 5615 11 12 .4 -1.0 -.3 054 3.b 3.7 069 5.7 ENE 60 -6.9 0.0 1U829 12 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 050 1.7 1.7 055 1.9 NE II *****0.0 7448 13 14 5.1 0.0 2.6 033 1.2 1.4 035 3.2 NNE 46 -7.5 .2 13920 14 15 .1 -3.2 -1.6 076 2.7 2.8 099 6.3 ENE u *****n.n 1271 15 16 1.4 -5.0 -1.a 045 2.5 2.8 061 9,5 ENE 62 -6.6 0.0 4878 16 17 6.8 -5.8 ~320 .9 1.7 245 7.0 WNW 53 -9.9 0.0 5bOil 17.,J 18 1.8 -4.2 -1.2 071 3.0 3.7 083 10.2 ENE 58 -7.1 0.0 4U50 18 19 3.4 -3.1 .2 057 3.0 3.9 679 11.4 ENE 47 -10.~0.0 5571 19 20 3.4 -4.2 -.4 067 2.9 3.2 081 8,9 ENE 60 -7.4 0,0 4740 26 21 3.7 -4.4 -.4 044 2.4 2.7 OBO 7.0 HE 53 -6,3 0.6 blOB 21 22 6,5 -3.0 1.8 036 .9 1.7 094 5,7 ENE 56 -4.8 6.0 5a63 22 23 4.9 -2.1 1.4 302 .4 1.3 255 5.1 E 63 -2.7 0.0 5168 23 24 8.3 -1.2 3.6 O~O 2.0 2.2 076 6.3 NE 49 -4.6 0.0 696B 24 25 10.1 1.3 '5.7 052 2.6 3.6 060 7.0 ENE 51 -3.4 0.0 7031 25 26 8,9 -1.8 3.6 002 1.7 1.8 001 4.4 N 50 -3.9 0.0 823B 26 .27 B.?-2.2 3.3 336 1.6 2.0 2&'5 6.3 N 49 -3.7 .2 b895 27 28 7.b -2.8 2,4 344 .9 1.5 001 4.4 N 57 -1.8 0.0 4bl0 29 29 6.4 ,3 3,4 275 .7 .9 219 3.2 W *******0.0 4080 29 30 7.i -1.1 3,3 035 1.7 1.9 011 5,1 NNE 40 -8.3 0,0 7525 3il MONTH 10.1 -17.0 -1.1 045 1.7 2.5 274 14.6 ENE 55 -B.2 2.6 171764 GUST VEL..AT MAX.GUST MINUS ':)INTERV/;U3 11 .4,- GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTEHVAL 12.'7 GUST VEL.r~T Mr;'X ,GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 14.6 GUST VEL.AT MAX.G'USJ PLUS ':)INTEHVALS "14.\)~. NOTE:I~EL.ATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS AI~E UNI<ELIABlE WHEN WIND SPEEDS AI~E lESS THI ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAIl' OR MONTHL..Y MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT.(~! 'I(-·*·x·:*SEE NOTES AT THE BACI<OF THIS REPORT ~,{(.*.x- 151 1_·,-<.T j....J C::. E;U E'::t:or N i:~H Y :0 F~n E L.E C T F~:I:C:P p C).:.r E C ..... NTHlY SUMMARY FOR WATANA WEATHER STATTON. TA TAKEN DURING M~u.1983 DAY MAX. TEMP, DEG C MIN, TEMP, DEG C MEAN TEMP, vEG C RES, WIND DIR, DEG RES. HIND SPD. MIS AVG, IHND EPD. MIS MAX. GUST IHR, DEG MAX. GUST P/VAl MEAN BPD.·DJR.RH MIS ~ MEAN DP DEG C PRECIP 11M nAY'S SOLAR ENERGY DAY !·lH/SQIi 2.3 324 2,1 133 2.9 109 2.4 020 2.2 240 2.0 330 3.7 OB3 2,B 254 2.6 252 3.2 OBl 1.9 262 1.9 214 3.3 070 VI 067 2.6 126 "3,1 000 1.9 003 2.0 316 ", 't.J 4 8 ? 5448 6218 6073 7523 7580 6753 '5129 7320 10 7S33 11 6705 2233 2 4030 2b 470B 27 6905 28 4425 29 4690 3D 41 i3 31 157304 5755 12 5215 13 5093 14 5500 15 5525 1& :3960 17 4963 13 :1n53 19 .:I'-H***20 H··lfl!°B ~1 HHU 22 1357 23 699Q 24 7223 25 0.0 b,6 •b., .'- 0,0 0.0 o•Q 0,0 0,B 0.0 I),~ 0,0 6.0 O,g 'l,,- 2,8 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.0 2,& 15,2 0,0 Q,0 *lIH H't'* ****,4 ,6 U 0'...-J,e -5,3 -2.4 -6.5 -6.6 -2,2.0,0 -3,8 -3,5 -2,9 -1.4 ,0' t),,J ll·HH -2,0 4.4 -,5 -3,0 u·x·** }HH -,3 -1.0 -1.8 ,H'H:ii' lBHi'll* H**lI -1.5 ·H*n _7,., -6.1 ****1I H*** ***** ·H 50 52 H 54 50 50 54 H 50 51 41 41 54 47 50 49 54 **63 54 45 46 52 !~ tl E Eo0'.'1-) B.3 Nt: 10,2 8.9 tNE 5.7 WSW 5.1 ~)SW 7,b ENE 7,ij NE. 7,6 Nt~E 7,0 Nt/I: 4.4 N 5,1 N 8.3 NN~! 6.3 N B.3 NNE 7,[l NNE 7,0 W 5,7 !~NW 9:5 ENE a,3 W 7.6 loiN\.! 3,Y ~ ****HlI ifliH ·H* ****·ifllll 7,0 I,~ 7,6 tI 8.9 iJ 10.2 ~SW 5.7 ENE 10,2 275 245 ***IoU .~** 090 099 236 275 084 085 /jSb 092 257 '),~_I iJ 3.0 2,6 2.5 2,9 2.0 1.9 3,4 4.0 '7 ')"",- u** HH UU ')'7'-.... 1.3 1.1 1.3 OJ L.!.oaU 1.5 3,6 ']'7'-.... t.1 1.7 1.5 3.1 1.6 1 0' ...t oJ '7 0'.~I.J 2,7 2.0 1.6 .7 1.8 :**n H** H** 1.0 1.B 1.9 1.3 l.S 2.6 2.2 069 ,7 279 .9 272 1.5 064 2,1 037 1.9 072 3,8 023 4,9 010 3.8 332 5,2 334 4.6 015 5.1 063 7,6 049 7,1 270 6,6 300 4,9 084 3.7 262 },7 274 4.6 261 nH·;E .~** HHil *** :U·lHlI HlI 5.0 294 5,7 055 5,9 2n 5,4 254 5,8 072 10,1 1)73 12,2 095 13,9 u65 ~',0 260 5.3 321 7,6 5,13 -3.6 -3.3 3,1 -,8 -1.6 -2.1 -1.8 -3.b -2.4 6.7 -1.4 -1.8 ,1 -2,5 .B 2.6 ~ , j -1.2 2.1 1.2 4.6 ':I 1,-,. ,1 1.0 ,6 -,6 H*H ·'i,HlI·:E ~'H** 1.B 5,1 B,O 2,1 '7 "1~l·,J 6,0 7.1 10.n 11.1 9,4 10.2 11.6 9,4 t'l ,u ..•a 9.6 10,4 15.6 17,6 2U 12,1 23 I 1 11.1 11.1 9.6 6,4 6.7 9,e HHl! ::HUll un* B,l 10,6 12.7 15 3 4 s 22 13 14 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 MmUH 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 19 20 21 1::-'''}.•..1 ,/ 3 I ~:~ q 1.°,,·..1 I NTER l:)f~I...~:; TNTER1')AL INTFpl·')('iL 2 T NTER'.)tIL~3 1'·1 I N1...1 !:);.~~ MINU~:;"1. PI..U!:;t I:;L.I..J G CUST GLJ!:;T GUST GUGT {-iT ~H·)X. {-iT i'1A;(. AT ~·~AX. {-~IT f'lAX, CU~::'T I.')EI..., GU~;)T t.JFL, GU~3T .,)[1..., CU:3T l)::::I.., T·I:::.......,..,.'°1 .o·f I I 'I'"I 'I I"·.,.·r··r·f '(I·'I··'.,.-T··,f-·(-,..,,..,..'I·I,··1·-''1·"·f'I 1·"I JI 'I···ll 1I ·1·'.I .~,...,.)I·"I··T""r',.<f::...(-.j .\':...-.'·1 ...J ...-{:..('·d..l .1.I'·:.:,..:!H ~:.'...I'·..,~.....0.1··1.:'0 ...::..A.:0,:.....A ..I..,.I.J ;:1·••,::..,'.::0, .-ONE METER PER GECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUD~D .Dl~r·10NTHI Y t1EI~i!'J FOP RF]10,TII,.J!::-1··II...!t1ID:fTY r;!'·P)DFI.,J pO:n·rf, *00 SEE NOTEG AT THe BACK OF THIS REPORT *00** Al:~F I..,F ':3!:)TI--I tiN TN THE DAILY 152 :l:NC. ~;)U ~;):1:T N A H Y 1)I~C)E I...E c::T I=<::t:C P I=<:C)J E C T hOi-.JTHL.Y SUMi'"jAl~Y FDR DElJIL CANYON li.Ji::ATHER SH"TION DATA TAI<EN DURING Sep teMber "1982 RES.RES,AVG,HAX.MAX.DAY'S IlAX.IlIH,HEAN \lIND WIND IIIND GUST GUST ?'IJAL MEAN i'lEAr~SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP fRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG illS HIS DEG 1'1/5 'Z DEG C i'lH IIH/SQM--------------------------- 1 12.7 4,5 B,b 258 .n ,9 128 3.2 ~NE 4b -3,2 0.0 2&70 1 2 11.1 4.3'7.7 0&2 .1 1.1 161 3.8 ESE 49 -2.9 3,4 2358 2 3 8,5 4.9 b.7 093 .3 .7 8&0 3.2 NNE 57 -2,2 9.9 1&59 3 4 11.2 3,8 7,5 0&9 .3 1.0 057 3.8 ESE 39 -b.b ,2 2565 4 5 15.4 3.1 9.3 096 2.4 2.6 096 9,5 E 27 -B.~0,0 2105 5 &15.5 7.1 11.3 04&,&2.n 020 8.3 NNE 27 -7,5 0.0 1&85 6 7 11.7 &,8 9.3 284 .5 .9 3no 4.4 WNII 44 -2.b 4.6 2118 7 8 9,2 &.3 7,8 243 .,,5 321 2.5 SSW 44 -3.8 0.0 888 8... 9 10,2 4.3 7.3 173 ,1 .8 291 3.8 SE 54 -1.4 7,8 131n 9 19 11.1 3,2 7.2 102 ,4 ,9 n62 2.5 ENE 40 -4.5 .2 2130 10 11 5.8 2,2 4.0 n70 ,0 .8 297 4.4 5\1 &2 -2.&6.4 988 11 12 9.4 -1.4 4.0 tn7 ,6 ,9 n71 4.4 ENE 39 -9.4 4.&2923 12 13 8.9 3.0 &.0 242 .5 .8 2&0 3.2 WSW 57 -.7 31.0 1330 13 14 8,9 6,4 7.7 147 ,1 .&041 2.5 II &1 ,9 14.8 1ntO 14 15 15,5 &.4 11.0 26b ,2 1.0 341 0,3 W5\l 47 -.3 21.8 2390 15 16 9.7 3.5 &.b 259 1.5 1.9 281 7,6 II 3&-i,4 0.8 2583 10 17 7.2 L6 4,4 101 ,1 .9 138 3.2 ESE 72 ,0 4.4 1432 17 18 11.1 2.7 &.9 261 ,2 1.0 2B8 3,2 WSW 79 2.9 4,0 1628 1B 19 8.3 4.3 6.3 158 .2 ,7 274 3.2 SE 92 5.4 14.4 ..,ft ..19J!,J 20 7,4 3.9 5,i 079 .1 ,8 297 3.8 ENE 89 3.1 1.4 1213 29 21 11.4 3.2 7.3 188 .3 ,9 314 5.1 ESE &7 -1.7 ,&1285 21 22 b.6 -,4 3.1 255 .1 1.1 311 4.4 WNW 78 -2,4 1.2 1530 22 23 8.1 -2.8 2.7 212 .6 l.n 285 3.B SSW 47 -lQ.2 U 2i88 23 24 8.&-2.9 2,9 103 .4 1.1 120 3,2 ENE 75 -1.9 0,0 2075 24 25 9.9 -1.1 4,4 203 ,2 ,9 07&3,2 S 59 -3.3 0.0 1825 25 2&6.2 1.8 4.0 158 .1 .7 318 3,8 \lSW 5&-7,4 4,2 1120 2& 27 7,3 -1.2 3.1 198 ,2 ,9 247 3.2 S 2&-1&,'1.8 15&5 27 28 &.1 -3,I 1.5 129 ,7 .9 109 4.4 ESE 48 -10,2 5.2 1130 28 29 &.9 1.2 4.1 130 ,0 ,9 112 5.1 SSE 74 1.3 b.&1250 29 30 5.5 ,b 3.1 321 ,2 ,7 323 2.5 NNW 47 -6,9 2,2 1190 30 MONTH 15,5 -3.1 &.0 139 .1 .7 096 9.5 ESE 52 -3,7 lSb.&51505 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 5,1 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTEI~VAL 5.'7 GUST VI::L.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 5,1 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 7.6 NOTE:RELATIVE-HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE L1::SS THA ONE METER PER SECOND,SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEi·~INCLUDED IN THE Df~ILY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR REI_ATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. ·t.:;;(:,x·*SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT ;;(..x-.x-,x- ~\ 153 I~.~M C:C)N ~:)t.J I...TAN·r ~:);.:1:N C • s u ~:):I:T N A H Y 1)I~C)I:::I...E::C:T I~:t:C p I~C)...T E C T HLY SUMMARY FOR DEVIL CANYON WEATHER ST~ITION TAKEN DURING Octob!?l',1982 ( .,/./ RES.RES.AVG.MAX.MAX,DAY'S "AX.HIN.'\HEAN WIND WIND wurn GUST GUST P'VAL MEAN MEAN WR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP,DIR,SPD. SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C·DEG C DEG MIS MIS DEG MIS %DEG C H~WHlSQ"------------------------------------------------------------------- • 1 3.6 .&:2.1 216 .1 .7 278 2.5 WNW 70 -4.b **H 1123 2 5.5 -.7 j 2.4 0&9 .3 .8 324 3.B SE 48 -13.7 Ifff 1688 2 3 4.7 -1.5.:lC 1.6 013 .6 -1.0 017 8.3 NNE 66 -4.8 *lH 1725 3 4 4.1 -4.V -.1 133 1.0 1.2 117 4.4 SSE 67 -5.3 "ff IB55 4 5 3.3 -2.82 .3 075 1.3 2.4 030 10.2 ESE 56 -7.7 **H 1941 5 6 4.5 -b.l :-.8 14&.9 1.2 02&4.4 S 58 -8.2 **f'1790 & 7 .9 -2.9 .-1.0_127 .5 1.1 139 3.8 ESE 48 -14.0 ***1 475 7 8 -.5 -4.2.'-2.4 280 ,3 1.0 255 4.4 WSW 43 -18.1 ****980 a 9 .3 -2.7.-1.2 292 .6 .7 307 2.5 WNW 4 -37.2 *UI 375 9 10 -1.3 -5.0;-3.2 308 .9 1.6 323 3.8 NW 71 -11.8 u**383 10 11 0.0 -&.3.-3.2 120 .9 1.1 117 5.1 ESE 77 -7.5 *fll 378 11 12 1.8 -1.3..3 223 ,4 .7 314 3.B SW 23 -25.1 Iff*395 12 13 -,8 -5.L -3.0-189 .3 .6 343 3.B S 61 -14.7 ***1 428 13 14 -1.3 -9.2 -5.3 117 1.1 1.1 129 3.2 ESE 78 -7.2 *ff'643 14 ."...-,15 -3.1 -13.2.-B.2 109 1.4 1.7 139 4.4 SE 85 -18.8 ***1 683 15r' 16 -1.8 -9.5 -5.2 103 1.2 1.3 078 3,8 E 82 -7,7 f***345 16 17 2.5 -8.2 -2.9 137 .6 .9 125 3.2 SSW 26 -29.6 ***1 478 17 18 ,7 -10.&-5.0 101 .8 1.1 165 3.8 E 55 -17.0 ***f 638 18 t9 -.9 -5.5 -3.2 05B ,6 .9 110 2.5 NNE 20 -33.8 f**,355 19 20 -2.4 -11.4 -6.9 117 1.6 1.7 110 5.7 ESE 77 -9.7 f*'f 773 20 21 -5.7 -13.3 -9.5 044 1.9 2.7 015 11.4 NNE &5 -14.7 *IlK •928 21 22 -4.5 -14.6 -9.6 134 1.3 1.5 116 6.3 ESE bO--14.8 *ff*aa8 22 23 -7.1 -12.5 -9.8 119 2.3 2.4 103 7,0 ESE 60 -16.2 **lI 755 23 24 -8.0 -13.2 -10.6 109 2.0 2.1 111 5.1 ESE 59 -17.0 'ff*87.0 24 25 -7.4 -18.1 -12,8 130 1.7 1.8 122 4.4 SE 70 -16.6 ***1 7aa 25 26 -11.3 -19.4 -15.4 124 1.4 1.&100 4.4 ESE 58 -22.5 'f**720 26 27 -14.8 -23.4 -19.1 102 1.6 1.7 102 5.7 E &6 -23.4 *flK 6&3 27 28 -11.3 -15.1 -13.2 103 2.0 2.1 104 5.1 E 82 -15.8 '**'438 28 29 -7.4 -19.2 -13.3 115 .9 1.2 141 4.4 SE B5 -16.2 ***1 630 29 30 -15.3 -22.a -19.1 07&1.8 1.9 073 4.4 ENE 81 -22.2 **'f 545 30 31 -9,0 -22,7 -15.9 oat 2.0 2.1 G&&4,4 ENE 79 -20.1 **11 585 31 MONTH r <:-23.4 -6.2 164 .9 1.4 015 11.4 ESE &5 -15.7 f**'25252oJ•.! GUST VEL.AT Mf~X .GUST MINUS 2 INTEI~VALS 9.5 GUST VEI_.AT MA)(.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 9 C~•_J GUST VEL.AT Mf~X .GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 10.8 GUST 'JEL.AT t1AX,GUST PLUS 2 INTER\h"'lLS 11 .4 _ .RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS Ar~E UNRELIABLE lLlHEN lLlIND SPEEDS f~RE LESS TH,~N, ~E METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY f .MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUtHDITY AND DEW POINT. weE NOTES AT THE DACI(DF THIS REPOIH .X'.~*;x. 154 I~&.M C:D N ~:)l.J 1......~I N T ~:))-:I:NC . s LJ.~:):1:...N A H Y 1)I~C)E 1...I:::C T 1:'<::1:C t:)1:'<:C)..:T E:C ... ~, MONTHLY SUMMARY FOR DEv:JiL CANYON WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING No veMber .'1982 ( RES.RES.Ave.MAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.MIN.MEAN lUND WIND IIIND GUST GUST P'VAL tlEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEHP.TEtlP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR,RH DP PREelP ENERGY DAY DEb C DEG C DEG C DEG HIS HIS DEG MIS Z DEG C Itl'l WH/S9/t --------------------------------------------------------- 1 .2 -9.1 -4.5 120 1.5 1.8 113 7.&ESE 73 -7,5 ****&5'3 1 2 -.6 -9.&-5.1 120 ,6 ,9 085 3.2 S 75 -5.8 ****615 2 3 -2.7 -12.9 -7.8 11&.5 .9 076 3.8 ENE 70 -14,5 *H*440 3 4 -.3 -5.5 -2.9 125 .9 1.1 170 6.3 ESE 75 -7.2 ****56S 4 5 -2.6 -14.'3 -B.5 135 ,6 .S 132 2,5 SE 89 -B.7 lUI &05 "5 6 -11.7 -18.1 -14.9 082 1.&1.7 082 4.4 E 88 -16.8 H**423 6 7 -11.9 -18.5 -15.2 094 2.1 2.3 120 5.1 ESE 80 -18,1 H*I 42:1 7 8 -7.4 -13.6 -10.5 104 1.7 1.8 090 5.7 ESE 82 -11.3 1***340 B 9 -5,7 -8.5 -7.1 194 ,1 .5 120 2.5 WSW 13 -38.1 n**318 9 10 -5.9 -13.7 -9.8 08B 1.b 1.7 015 4.4 ESE 79 -10.3 ****305 10 11 -3.&-b.S -5.1 100 1.3 1.4 117 3.8 ESE 40 -24,3 H**318 11 12 -.5 -b.B -3.7 130 1.1 1.4 137 4.4 SE 83 -4.3 ****493 12 13 -.7 -6.5 -3.b 121 1.1 1.3 115 4.4 ESE BB -4.2 **u 540 13 14 -3.2 -9.2 -6.2 07&.7 .9 089 3.8 ENE 20 -34.8 f***400 14 15 -&.7 -15.3 -11.0 093 1.6 1.6 095 4.4 E 71 -13.1 **It 365 15 ~. 16 -13.0 -16.8 -14.9 087 2.0 2,0 088 4.4 E 92 -lb.S ****350 16 17 -15.7 -21.4 -18.0 088 2.3 2.4 097 5.1 E 87 -19.9 H**350 17 18 -15.9 -22.2 -19.1 092 2.2 2.3 090 4.4 E 78 -23.0 liI*f 390 18 19 -15.2 -21.4 -18.3 115 2.8 2.8 115 7.0 ESE &3 -23.2 H**418 19 20 -10.1 -15.3 -12.7 115 2.9 3.0 123 &.3 ESE 79 -15.4 *f**330 20 21 -S.B -10.7 -8.3 09"3 1.5 1.7 125 4.4 EilE 85 -10.4 ****'393 21 22 -4.6 -7.5 -&.1 103 1.6 1.8 119 5.1 ENE 80 -8.9 ****378 22 23 -.8 -6.0 -3.4 112 1.1 1.3 113 3.B ESE 84 -4.4 *H*348 23 24 -1.0 -4.7 -2.9 136 1.4 1.4 138 3,B SE 91 -3,4 ****335 24 25 .5 -&.7 -3.1 138 1.4 1.5 159 3.8 SE 79 -5.2 fH*358 25 26 -4.9 -7,3 -b.1 11&2.4 2.4 110 5.7 ESE 76 -9,7 ***1 358 26 27 -3,8 -11.8 -7.8 086 1.5 1.6 114 4.4 E 88 -8.5 Ift*3&3 2.7 28 -10.3 -14.7 -12.5 OBO 2.7 2.7 070 4.4 E 95 -13.8 ****368 2B 29 -5.4 -10,1 -7.8 097 1.1 1.2 131 3.B ENE 31 -15.5 un 258 29 30 -5.8 -12.0 -8.9 259 ,4 .7 2.it.3.B W 69 -12..2 ****273 30 MONTH .5 -2.2..2 -B.9 104 1.4 1.6 113 7.6 ESE 77 -13.6 Hff 12.060 GUST VEL.AT MI~X .GUST MINUS -:.INTERW~LS 5.1.... GUST VEL.AT i'1AX.GUST MINUS 1 INTEHVAL 5.'7 GUST VEl..;.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 517 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 3.8 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THf ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAIU OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT,~, .x-.::;;.X:.x:SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT 'HHH(· 155 :t:N C;• iLY SUMMARY FOR DEVIL CANYON WEATHER STATION TAKEN DURING DeceMber,1982 ( MAX.MIN,MEAN DAY TEMP,TEMP.TEMP. DEG C DEG C DEG C RES. WIND DIR. DEG RES, WIND SPD. K/S Ave. lUND SPD. MIS MAX, GUST DIR, DEG MAX. GUST P'VAL MEAN SPD.DIR.RH HIS % MEAN DP PRECIP DEG C liM DAY'S SOLAR ENERGY DAY WH/SQK 2,4 2,e .,co ...oJ 250 31 2b8 283 2 293 3 3~3 4 305 '5 333 6 30i 7 253 8 270 9 273 10 295 11 310 12 329 13 318 14 308 i5 :!15 16 303 17 308 18 3na 19 315 29 310 21 335 22 328 23 3DB 24 319 25 300 26 253 27 240 23 2b3 2Ii' 253 30 9143 H** H** *In HH un ****H':U **.~* **** ·u** H** BiH H** **n H** lE**' *****IE*! H** H*, ***.~ H** **H ****. **n ******n -6.7 -9,1 -7,9 -2.7 -30.5 -13.3 -In,l -7,2 -5,0 -b.9 -&,1 -18.9 -20.5 -10,3 -17.7 .-20.1 3.2 SE 92 5.1 SE 86 4.4 ESE 80 b,3 ESE 75 4,4 ESE 83 7.0 SE 80 9.5 ESE 81 5.1 SE 11 5.1 ENE 93 6,3 ESE 96 6.3 ESE 77 5,1 ESE 77 &.3 SSE 83 4.4 SE·93 5.7 ESE 73 4.4 SE 74 4.4 ESE 92 4.4 E 78 4.4 SE 80 5.1 ESE 74 5.1 E 91 5,7 ENE 87 -7.5 -13,0 -12.3 -13,5 -17.7 -20.5 4,4 ESE 75 -lB,l 5.7 ESE 80 -14.& 6.3 ESE 81 -13.5 4,4 ESE BO -9,4 3.2 SSE 70 -9.0 1.9 SE 10 -23.4 3.2 SE 11 -27.5 *******5 -37.6*******1 -46.09,5 ESE b9 -15.7 115 117 077 122 123 2.6 071 2.7 on 101 119 116 101 098 097 1.5 1.9 l.B 1.3 1.8 1.7 1.9 141 2.1 168 1.6 124 1.5 109 1.2 124 1.7 102 .8 280 1.7 133 1.6 125 125 698 110 107 1.0 :!05 2ii 2.5 1.3 1.9 2.,3 1.4 1.0 ,4 1.0 H**H* **H *** 1.7 107 1.5 1.2 2.3 1.3 1.7 2,3 .7 1.0 1.6 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.7 1.1 1.6 2.& 2.b 1.8 2.3 2,1 1.2 .8 ,3 .6 HlIlI H** 1.4 -15.5 117 -18,4 121 -16,7 107 -15.9 16B -B.9 108 -4.5 122 -.1 107 -.9 134 -7,5 0&7 -11.7 110 -&,B 129 -4.6 130 -2.&145 -5,0 142 -2.&130 -2.7 134 -6,6 107 -12.1 089 -9,8 113 -10.5 124 -1&,9 083 -18,3 U75 -14,8 099 -12.4 105 -10,3 102 -4,8 130 -1.3 143 .3 145 .7 179 -4.7 ",·n -8.5 .HI -8.2 111 -11.1 -19,9 -15.1 -21.6 -11.9 -21.4 -13,1 -18.7 -4,7 -13.1 -1.5 -7,5 1.8 -1.9 8.9 -1.3 -,&-14,4 -4,3 -19,1 -4.8 -8.7 -2.3 -b,8 -,1 -5.1 -,9 -9,0 ,3 -5.5 -.3 -5.n -2.6 -10,5 -16,2 -13.9 -6,6 -13,0 -5.&-15.3 -15,0 -18.8 -16.n -20.6 -11.8 -17.8 -B.n.-16,8 -7.8 -12.7 -.8 -8,7 .4 -2,9 ,9 -.4 1.7 -.3 -.1 -9.3 -6.b -10.4 1.3 -21.6 5 3 4 2 & 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MONTH GUST GUST GUST GUST lJEL.tiT \)EL,AT VEL.AT l...iEL.AT rl~IX . MAX. MAX, l"p,X. GUST GUST GUST GU~)T MINUS i"lINUS PLUS PLUS 2 INTER lJI~JLS 1 n·n E:R ',h~L 1 INTERVAL 2INTERV()IU3 710 ,'7-I:)•,.l <:)I::',....J t3 .(j) RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ~IE METEI~PER SECOND,SUCH I~EADnlGt1 Ht~llJE NOT 'BED-l INCL.UDED IN THE DiUL.Y .MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT, bEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT **** 156 1:'<:••-~1 ~-'..1.r'..I..~• i10NTHL.'i ~3Ui"jMr~i~Y Fm~DE.:l,tJ L.CANYON i~jEi'::ITHER ~3TI~TION DATA T{'::Jl<EN DUI~ING j"anuar~J .'1983 ( RES,RES,AVG.liAX.MAX,Difr!S MAX.IUN.MEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P/VAl MEAit MEAN SOLAR DAY TEhP.TEMP.TEMP.Dix.SPD.SPD.1lIR •SPD.DIR,RH DP PREClP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG MIS !'liS DEG i'l/S :c;vEG C 11M ioiH/SQM ----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -1.1 -;.~-4.2 itH lidtU ·un Hit **11:****82 -'\.3 tit*-265 2 -1.4 -4.2 -2.B 114 2.1 2.1 lU 5.1 ESE 78 -8,9 *lIlI*2ilB 2 3 -4.2 -11.7 -e.G 115 .9 lou 107 4,4 ESE 71 -11.4 **H 253 3 4 -11.3 -21.0 -16.2 097 1.3 1.5 un 4.4 Et~E 87 -18.6 un·278 4 5 -17.9 -24.9 -21.4 102 1.5 1.7 092 4.4 E 79 -25.0 un 278 5 b -16.3 -21.1 -lB,7 112 2.4 2.5 lOb 8.9 ESE 67 -22.5 ****290 6 7 -li ,2 -25.4 -21.3 110 "l ~2.6 li94 8.9 ESE 67 -25,4 *H*340 7...,J B -22,4 -27.0 -24.1 124 1 "l 1.5 088 5.i ESE 66 -29.1 d"E*363 8... 9 -23.2 -2.6.4 -24.8 133 2.3 2.4 109 5.7 SE 57 -3U,4 **t·x-3&3 9 10 -2\1.2 -26.2 -2.3.2 p~"l ')2,3 121 5.7 SE 52 -29.7 HH 3i15 10...3 ..... 11 -iB.2 -31.b -24.9 115 1.7 2.0 140 6.3 E £18 -32.i tlbH ·311 11 i2 H*H H*H ,************H**H********H *********H1iltil:*12 13 f.lI:il:H -a·nlt H*n H*un H*****1**1I UI H klHlH 1I***H***I 13 14 HH1i HH*HlBI*H*****;H**Hit *H****,HI ***********u**14 15 H***HUt HIHII ***lI:lltil:****lllllt **u n*H HUI nH ltUHt 15 I~ 16 *****oHlin Hn****Hilt ***********H*lilt *****H***H**'~16 17 UlIH H*H HUI ***u**'Hn HlI nn HI *****H HH:******17 18 ·H***H***********un H**H*H'·H *****H***UH 'kUii-U 18 19 -5.8 -7.4 -b.b 102 .£1 .9 274 ..~SE 50 -16.8 u**269 19...,J 2il -5.B -12.3 -9.1 119 1.5 1.6 1ll 5.1 ESE 82 -lil.l ****358 20 21 -4.4 -11.3 -7.9 126 1.£1 1.7 124 4.4 SE 54 -14.4 n*ji'42B 21 22 -B.B -18.0 -13.4 ilB4 OJ 'OJ •OB9 7.D E ·63 -19.2 H**418 ~,?....0 ...b ......,-lob -1S.U -6.7 12u 2.3 '7i "l 131 6.3 ESc 37 -i1 1 L kli'H;583 23...3 .." 24 -3.8 -9.9 -b.9 1u8 2.3 2.6 lOa 9.5 ESE 33 -211.5 H**663 24 2S -5.8 -9.9 -7.9 104 2.2 2.3 a2 8.3 ESE 42 -lB.&un 550 ~~C,J 'J'-1.9 -7.3 -4.6 115 l.B 2,0 1')~7.6 ESE 59 -11.3 H*"503 26..tl ..,) 27 -5.5 -111.,)-B.1 099 2.2 2.6 113 b.3 ENE 74 -12.3 uu 470 2.7 2B -3.9 -12.2 -B.l 109 1.9 2.1 137 4.4 ESE 61 -10.5 un 53\1 28 (,'1 -5.4 -13.9 -9.7 !l91 2.1 2.3 12.4 5.1 E 81 -11.&ii'I'1;'"4'10 29 311 -4,(l -9.7 -6.9 121 1.7 1.9 104 6.3 ESE &2 -8.7 H·H 533 35 31 1.9 -5.3 -1.7 1~7 1.1 1.3 i15 4.4 SE 73 -4.9 HH 573 31 MON.IH 1.9 -31.6 -12,0 112 1.8 1.5 100 9.5 ESE 'I:'-17.3 H'H 'j735O,J GU~3T \.)i::1_•AT 11,~X .GUST irl I i'HJf;;;:.INTEl=<:1,)(;1_5 '/',~~ GUST '·JEL.AT t''iAX.GUST 111 i'!Utl 1.INTEI~V(4L.B .(/ GU~n VEL.AT j"jr;X.GU~:iT PLUS 1 INTERVAL.'7.() GUST ljEi...AT l'1AX.GUST PLUS ;:2 I NTEH 1JI;:)t_~3 5 '.\ r··lfjTE:REl...ATII.)1::i-iUi'·'I D I TY i~Er)tDINGS i;~Ft E:UNR EL I ('~I r~LE WHEi"'!\..JIND HPEEDf:i 'r-,'..,-,-,....-r ~-i....t '(t:.I_I~_;;:'~:l Oi'·-lE l'iETEF~PER SECDND,SUCH RE(.~IDH.jGS Hf'tlJ[NOT BEEi'oj INCLUDED Ii',,!THE D(.~J:L~ DR i'iONTHI...Y i'i Ei~ti"~FDi~i~ELATI'vi[i-iUi"iIDITY (iND DEW PDINT . .;t...'t::;{o .)1,SEE NOTE:S AT THE::BACI(OF THIS RI::POHT :x·-;(··x·~,<: 157 I~&M C C)N ~:~l.J I...T ANT ~:~;-:J:NC.• ~:~l.J ~:~:t:T N f.":-a l··1 Y I)I~t)I:::I...E::C T I~:I:C:P I~C)...T E::C T HHLY SUMMARY FOR DEVIL CANYON WEATHER STATION ~A TAKEN DURING February>1983 RES.RES,AVG.ttAx.KAX.DAY'S MAX.lUll.tlEAH IIIlID WIND WIND GUST GUST PI VAL tlEAN l'IEAN SOLAR DAY TEtiP..TEMP.TEMP •DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY D"Y DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG iVS illS DEG tllS %DEG C ItI1 WH/SQlt ..----------------- 1 3.3 -1.5 .9 133 1.6 1.7 112 5.7 ESE 67 -4.4 ****595 1 2 1.5 -2.9 -.7 138 1.4 1.6 142 4.4 SE 78 -3.7 1***613 2 3 .3 -3.2 -1.5 135 1.5 1.EI 115 7.1 ESE 73 -5.'3 "**615 3 4 1.1 -4.0 -1.5 123 1.7 1.8 099 6.3 SE 69 -6.2 *1**620 4 5 1.1 -b.7 -2.8 119 1.8 2.8 195 7.b ESE 64 -7.3 i'l*703 5 b 1.3 -9.4 -4.1 145 .7 1.2 098 5.7 SSE 79 -5.2 II*'625 6 7 -2.4 -7.5 -5.0 251 .3 .8 304 3.8 WSW 38 -22.6 HI*495 7 8 -3.8 -12.8 -8.3 122 .2 .6 093 3.8 ESE 56 -14.4 *1**448 8 9 -8.9 -18.5 -13.7 117 1.1 1.2 113 4.4 ESE 94 -16.2 I'U 435 9 to -8.4 -20.0 -14.2 120 .8 1.1 126 5.1 E 90 -16.0 *1**500 18 11 -10.9 -21.2 -15.6 091 1.8 1.9 107 4.4 E 84 -18.7 'f'l 465 11 12 -11.9 -22.8 -17.4 889 1.7 l.8 682 5.1 E 83 -21.5 I'"558 12 13 -14.5 -24.2 -19.4 087 2.1 2.4 116 5.1 ENE 78 -22.2 fI**583 13 14 -12.5 -19.0 -15.8 068 1.5 1.7 058 4.4 ENE 74 -19.8 IIII 720 14 15 -5.8 -19.3 -12.6 103 1.9 2.0 123 5.1 ESE 61 -19.2 HII 805 15 16 -6.2 -13.7 -18.0 115 2.3 2.4 899 5.1 ESE 47 -20.0 1111 843 16 17 -7.4 -15.1 -11.3 128 2.5 2.b 128 b.3 SE 45 -21.9 tI**B98 17 18 -8.5 -14.7 -t1.6 108 2.1 2.2 090 6.3 ESE 68 -16.8 *lfl 628 18 19 -2.2 -13.0 -7.6 108 1.6 1.7 113 4.4 ESE 77 -9.6 *1**743 19 20 -1.6 -13.2 -7.4 115 1.5 1.7 OB9 5.7 SE 70 -10.0 H**1083 20 21 .1 -9.6 -4.8 095 1.5 1.6 096 5.1 E 67 -9.3 III'1040 21 22 3.1 -10.7 -'3.8 126 1.4 1.7 114 5.1 SSE 77 -8.2 1'1'1085 22 23 1.7 -B.8 -3.6 120 1.7 1.9 098 7.0 ESE 58 -10.0 '1**1158 23 24 -.8 -7.3 -4.1 109 1.9 1.9 088 5.1 ESE 78 -5.9 H**950 24 2S 1..7 -12.7 -5.5 122 1.2 1.6 093 7.6 E 47 -16.5 *'**1388 25 26 .5 -4.9 -2.2 125 1.7 1.8 111 6.3 ESE 67 -B.3 I'"1363 26 27 1.1 -9.8 -4.4 107 1.5 1.7 118 5.1 ESE 6b -lil.Q flU 1598 27 28 -1.1 -7.1 -4.1 078 1.1 1.3 109 5.1 NE S8 -15.7 f**,1288 28 KDHTH 3.3 -24.2 -7.5 112 1.4 1.7 095 7.b ESE 69 -13.0 litH 22B38 GUST Vi::':L,IH MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 3,H GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 6.3 GWH VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 6.3 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 5.'7 -E:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT :BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDiTY AND DEW POINT. ,.~.SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT o*0l/:0l/<')(- ~ 158 I~J!;....M C C)N ~:)l.J 1...TAN T ~:).~:I:N c::. E)u ~:>:t:T N A H Y D I~C)I:::I...I:::C T I~:I:C P'I~D ...TECT ~.\ ~'i 10NTHLY SUMMARY FOR DElJIL CANYON WEATHER STATION )ATA TAKEN DURING Mar'eM,1983 RES.RES.AVG./tAx.MAX,DAY'S HAX.HIM,HEAM WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST PI VAl MEAN lEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP,TEMP.DIR.SPD,SPD.DIR.SPD,DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG MIS HIS DEG HIS %DEG C MIl WH/SQH ------------- 1 -2.0 -6.7 -4.4 056 .5 .7 069 2,5 ME 41 -23.3 H'lI 813 1 2 -4.4 -14.1 -9.3 113.1.9 2.0 113 5.7 ESE 70 -11 .8 **'*1605 2 3 -8.1 -16.5 -12.3 100 2.6 2.B toO 7,0 E il -15.8 flU 162a 3 4 -9.0 -16.7 -12.9 lOB 2.6 2.9 097 7.0 E 77 -15,3 ****1275 4 5 -4.4 -12.1 ':'B.3 099 2.2 2.3 121 5.1 ESE 72 -12,2 ***1 1093 5 6 -.8 -13.5 -7,2 094 1.8 2.0 096 5.7 E 69 -12.1 *"*1765 6 7 -1.0 -10.7 -5.9 096 1.7 2,0 131 5.7 ENE 67 -12.2 u**18211 7 8 .1 -14.3 -7.1 087 2.1 2.3 084 5.1 ENE 58 -15.6 "'*2069 8 9 -2.2 -17.1 -9.7 086 2.3 2,5 098 6.3 ENE 55 -18.1 lI'*,2095 9 10 -6.4 -16.3 -11.4 089 1.7 1.8 105 5.1 ENE 80 -12.6 **'*1186 10 11 1.5 -7.3 -2.9 103 1.6 1.8 092 5.7 ESE 80 -6.7 ***1 1625 11 12 6.4 -7.9 -.8 108 1.6 1.3 130 5.1 E 74 -6.9 ****1658 12 13 5.0 -9.2 -2.1 089 1.6 1.9 066 5.1 ENE 67 -8.3 ****2378 13 14 2.6 -7.8 -2,6 094 1.6 1.7 074 5.1 E 67 -7,5 *"*2088 14 15 3.4 -5.1 -.9 095 1.5 1.7 099 5,7 E 71 -5.9 n"2123 15 16 3.5 -8,5 -2.5 098 1.7 1.9 097 5.7 ESE 69 -7.4 '***2675 16 17 2.S -11 .8 -4.5 111 1.1 1.4 096 4.4 ESE 67 -8.4 '*'*2879 17 HI 2.6 -11.9 -4.7 101 1.6 1.9 114 5.1 E 75 -9.5 H**2783 18 19 2.1 -13.4 -5.7 OB7 1.9 2,0 072 5.1 E 71 -10.7 ***1 2870 19 20 1.4 -7.0 -2.8 090 1.9 1.9 084 6.3 E 64 -8.9 ****2913 20 21 2.7 -7.5 -2.4 095 1.6 1.7 064 5.1 E 56 -10.2 ***'30SS 21 22 3.2 -10.6 -3.7 893 1.7 1.9 106 5.7 E 59 -11.2 ****3050 22 23 1.3 -11.2 -5.6 100 1.7 1.9 075 5,1 E 59 -11.9 ***1 3168 23 24 .7 -10.0 -4.7 086 1.6 1.8 060 5.1 E 64 -9,9 *'**2575 24 25 2.2 -6,0 -1.9 130 1.4 1.6 117 5,7 ESE 59 -9.3 ***'32131 25 26 1.8 -5.7 -2.0 115 2,1 2.4 692 B.3 ESE 54 -16.3 ***'3133 26 27 ,5 -7.1 -3.3 117 2.1 2.3 108 7,0 ESE 52 -12.0 lI'"3325 27 28 2.6 -8.0 -2.7 107 1.7 1.8 06B 5.7 ESE 55 -11.0 **"3455 28 29 3.3 -11.5 -4.1 094 2.0 2,1 100 6,3 E 67 -9.9 "**3566 29 30 3.4 -11,0 -3.8 104 1.7 2.0 100 5,7 SE 65 -9.8 '***36B8 30 31 5.3 -7,4 -1.1 102 1.6 1.9 OB3 5,1 E 68 -6.6 ***'3278 31 MONTH 6.4 -17.1 -4.9 099 1.7 1.9 092 8.3 E 66 -11.0 **'*74642 GUST VEL.,AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERI,JALS 5,1 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 6,3 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS t INTERVAL 7,0 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 7,6 'lOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HA~)E NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY Ol~MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. x··x·**SEE NOTES AT THE £lACK OF THIS REPOIH *.l*** 159 1~&.M C C)N S l.J I...T t~1 N T E,;~]:NC . ~=.:;U S :1:T N A H Y !)I~C)E~:1...I:::(:~T I~:1:C F'I~C).:r E=':C T NTHLY SUMMARY FOR DE~)IL CANYON WEATHER STATIDN TA.TAKEN DURING April.,1983 RES.RES.AVG.KAX.MAX.DAV'S MAX.MIM.ItEAN WIND 'lUND WIND GUST GUST P'VALtlEAN !'lEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DU.S?D.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG tllS MIS :DEG tllS %DEG C HH IiH/SGIt ----------------------------------------- 5.9 -9.0 -1.6 103 1.7 2.0 113 5.7 SE 71 -6.5 0.6 3710 2 6.7 -9.2 -1.3 OBl 1.7 2.1 076 b.3 ENE b4 -a.o 0.0 39b3 2 3 5.1 -B.O -1.5 103 1.9 2.2 109 6.3 ESE 62 -7.3 0.6 4068 3 4 4.6 -2.5 1.1 123 1.3 2.5 281 16.2 ESE 68 -4,6 0.0 1690 4 5 1.6 -3.1 -.a 084 .8 1.2 096 3.8 E 71 -8.1 .2 2505 ~ .J 6 3.5 -5.4 -1.0 128 1.0 1.6 127 5.1 SE 52 -14.0 .2 4010 6 . 7 3.6 -5.4 -.9 121 1.4 1.B 110 4.4 ESE 67 -7.3 0.0 4040 '7, 8 2.6 -5,9 -1.7 352 .5 1.4 32B 4.4 HE 69 -7.6 0.0 2923 B 9 .5 -to.B -5.2 304 .4 1.3 323 5.1 NW 67 -11.7 .2 28BB 9 10 -1.2 -12.3 -6.8 075 1.1 1.7 011 6.3 ESE 58 -12.7 0.0 4403 1Q 11 -4.5 -12.3 -B.4 096 1.2 1.5 Dbl 6.3 E 6S -13.3 0.0 2380 11 12 3.4 -5.9 -1.3 OBB .6 1.0 062 4.4 ESE 50 -14.4 3.4 2445 12 13 3.B -3.1 .4 105 .9 1.2 102 4.4 ESE 54 -12.5 4.0 3228 13 !~14 4.4 -2.3 1.1 33B .5 1.4 329 6,3 NW 50 -14.0 .8 3470 14 15 3.4 -1.3 1.1 027 .4 .7 005 3.2 N 29 -22.4 6.0 1970 15 16 5.1 -1.B 1.-7 on .7 1.2 029 7.6 NNE 58 -7.0 3.2 3108 16 17 4.6 -5&2 -.3 115 .0 1.5 251 5.7 ~62 -8.7 0.0 366D 17 18 5.0 -2.7 1.2 073 .9 1.3 054 7.0 ESE 67 -3.6 6.2 3018 18 19 6.1 -1.7 2.2 103 .2 1.6 097 7.0 ESE 61 -6.3 0.0 4625 19 20 6.a -3.1 1.9 ti97 1.2 1.6 054 7.6 E 63 -4.7 0,0 4563 20 21 7.6 -3.3 ~.2 fl94 1.4 1.7 100 5.1 ESE 59 -6.7 0.0 5300 21 22 7.2 -.6 3.3 282 .3 1.2 2a7 3.8 WNW 73 -3.4 ,4 3653 22 23 4.3 0.0 2.2 306 ,4 .9 323 4.4 WNW 17 -27.5 3.0 2600 23 24 12.1 .9 6.5 083 .5 1.3 047 5.7 ENE 50 -4.3 0.0 5655 24 25 14.3 r 7,4 152 .7 1.4 099 5.7 5 52 -1.1 0.0 5638 25•.J 26 12.2 -1.6 5.3 245 .4 1.1 317 3.B SSE 62 -2.0 0.0 5618 26 27 11.1 -2.3 4.4 175 .2 1.3 188 5.1 E 57 -4.2 0.0 5708 27 28 9.4 -1.4 4,0 358 .6 1.4 323 5.1 ENE 59 -8.3 0.0 3845 28 29 6,9 .6 3.8 271 ,3 .7 118 3.2 S 56 -10.0 -5.6 2908 29 30 10,5 -1.6 4.5 034 1.3 1.8 021 6.3 NNE 41 -7.4 0,0 6235 30 rtDNTH 14.3 -12.3 .8 090 ,0 1.5 281 10,2 ESE 59 -9,0 33.2 113321 GUST VEL.!~T MAX.GUST MINUS ':)INTERW~LS 5.7<- GUST VEL.AT MAX,GUST MINUS "1 ItHEI~VAL 5."1 GUST VEL.AT Mr~.GUST PLUS "1 INTERVAL 8.9 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTEI~VALS '7.6 fE l REL.ATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LE.SS TH(.ljN ONE METER PER SECOND,SUCH READINGS HAVE .NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY ~OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY I~ND DEW POINT.e i;·i.SEE NOTES AT THE BACI<OF THIS REPORT :;<-·x··x·* 160 ..._-----_._-- :t:i···J C:. MONTHLY SUMMARY FOR DEVIL CANYON WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING Mau.1983 MAX, DAY TEMP, tEG C HIlL TEMP, DEG C ilEAN TEMP, DEG C RES. WIND DIR. DEG RES. WIND SPD. HIS AVG. t4IND SPD. HIS MAX, GUST DIR. DEG MAX. GUST P'VAl MEAN SPD.DIR.RH MIS % MEAN DP PRECIP DEC C MM DAY'S SOLAR ENERGY DAY WH!SQM 5318 2303 2 :'3499 3 4658 <\ 4993 bono 10 6·328 11 4MlB 12 457~13 4460 1<1 4480 15 3993 1S 2798 17 4253 18 5040 .;q 6095 2J 3125 2:. 6590 8 !S373 9 5523 6 .1228 7 4111 22 4000 23 5280 2.1 5815 25 400B 26 4323 27 5090 28 4790 29 3501 3D 2105 31 143590 ') d. ':l... ':l... 0,0 1.4 1.2 b,b '1 ., ._J :l. 0,0 0,0 n,o u 0,0 O.0 n.o ,.~.0,0 0,n 0,0 0.0'j..... 1.9 3,8 1.a -.7 ~co j '0_1 9.2 0,0 7,5 (,,0 -1.2 25,4 _7 •'oJ -3,9 -2,9 -1.4 -2,1 .6 -1.6 a,( -2.5 -4,2 -1.4 -2.2 -4.4 -18.7 -11.4 38 -1 i\9 70 71 5,7 S 63 '7.0 ENE 57 8,9 WSI·)65 4.4 tJNW 90 3,9 wNl.l 62 5.1 Nw 5.7 NI;I 7,0 NW 6.3 tJ!~ 5,7 NW 5,1 SW b.3 ENE 59 7.6 WNW 63 6.3 WNW 81 6.3 ESE n 5,7 SSW 63 5,7 wsw 49 4,4 SSW 50 7.0 NNE 59 3,8 ~mw 61 4.4 S 67 5,1 WNW h6 6.3 f ~, 5,1 ENE 59 3,8 NW 38 3,3 WNW 70 6,3 ENE 67 6.3 SSW 56 7,6 NNE 67 6,3 N~E 59 lt4 S 58 1.1 013 1.B Ofl4 1.7 296 1.4 295 !,4 u02 1.6 tuG 1,6 Of,S 1.5 095 110 252 1.4 095 i,2 236 1.2 303 1.2 300 1.3 056 1.3 325 1.4 J2Q' 1.4 225 1.9 309 1.7 330 112 325 2.0 1.9 1.5 227 1,3 314 1.1 273 1.3 307 1.6 127 1.6 1 ,5 091 ,9 2aa ,9 335 1.7 023 089 020 016 , ,,J ., ." ,8 .6 ,6 .4 ')... 7,-, ",,- .4 1.1 .3 co,oJ 1.5 .6 ,2 1.2 1.6 .6 ,5 .3 1.4 .6 .4 1.0 '3,.. ,4 1.3 .6 1.4 1.4 .4 B.a 272 6,5 on 5.4 326 4,4 OB3 2.7 304 2.4 305 3.5 066 4,3 080 4.1 057 4.0 u35 6.4 HIS 6,0 216 6,3 .2J6 S,B 219 6.6 076 8.9 291 8.5 2M 5,6 6r3 2'36 9,4 299 7.5 294 7,6 322 6,8 296 6,7 077 7,3 294 7.5 316 6.9 049 9.9 nb 12.6 n94 14.1 105 1).2 251 6,a OQ4 5,1 '1 ..~.I J .,. ,,j 0,0 -18 1.1 3.4 4,5 4,1 2.2 ,j 2.6 2.6 1.2 4.3 4,3 3.8 3.0 .9 -.9 ')') 1..... -"'='')(_I I.. 1,5 -1.2 -2.2 ' -.8 -.8 -1.5 -2.1 11.0 5.1 4,9 7.7 9,4 9,7 11.3 13,5 11.9 11.1 12,8 10,7 13.2 12,9 13,7 12,7 a,l 8,6 11.4 14,5 10.7 11.3 10,5 12.4 15.4 12,7 12,7 16.3 20,1 19.7 11.9 29.1 3 4 7 2 24 MONTH 23 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 '1'1..,. GUET 1,)1:::1.... GUFlT I·.)FL.. CU!1T 1..)[1.... GU~::;T !.)FI.... l~T ,Y1(.YX. I:"T ~'i ~I·)(• AT t·iAX, t-iT MAX. GUST j'·1 J NUS GUr:;T i""-1J N U~3 C:;UST p1..Un GU1:;T PLI...I~3 ~~INTFRl')tFI...S 1 T NTER'.)(~I... "1 INTFF<'·.)(.1L 2 TNT E:R I.)!~L.!3 .r ••., t:-I ~~I NOTE:: ·:~·x·** !:<[l...(.~TI'')1:HU~1ID"[TY :~F:i~J)Il'·'G~3 f~PE:UNPF·L.Ir:~nt.F !.....\HEI'-.I 1...I1ND ~:;PFFDn ONE:METER PER seCOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEeN INCLUDED OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. SEE:NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT **** 161 THLY SUMMARY FOR SHERMAN WEATHER STATION A TAKEN DURING SepteMber,1982 DAY MAX. T8'!P. DEG C ~IN.MEAN TEMP.TEMP. DEG C DEG C RES, WIND DIR. DEG RES. \lIND SPD. M/S AVG. WIND SPD, MIS HAX. GUST DIR. DEG MAX. GUST pi \IAL MEAN SPD.DIR,RH M/S ~ MEAN DP DEG C PREC!? K. lUI SOlAR Er;ERGY D~Y \JH!SC~ 30 7.2 MONTH 17.0 9 7 5 s 3 4 1291 21 1190 11 2968 12 215;)22 3365 2"3 220a 25 1248 2·6 1770 27 1340 23 1605 29 2418 24 978 13 94e 14 209]15 23i3 16 1198 17 1488 18 i7S 19 1,",q:'':In.~C,J 1ooW' 315~ 2835 184~ 3C73 22~5 1578 ')~..I:'.C1J 1878 1718 1785 3D 57J5b 6.2 5.4 7,4 8 a 'j... 1.0 0.0 1.B.,.. ;).t) U Q,,, 3,4 5,0 ,2 7,0 6.0 3.b 2B.c 9,4 11.6 "1 ~,.w 19.0 9.4 1~,O 232.2 -i.5 HH* *HH 1.. H·:H;;~ H+.;H -4,.j -.6 -3.2 -7,6 -5.7 -3.7 -4.6 'f**:H ~·H** 'J!HH HIH, *****HIHH H!EH -3.9 HHii! 1.& -7,8 -.1 -1.4 .9 -12.9 -9,9 35 27 i2 52 36 **51 46 bl H 48 33 40 33 ** 50 16 211 2.5 ENE 3.2 NNE 1.9 HE 4,4 ENE 5,1 SSW 1U ,2 ENE 3.2 SlJJ 2.5 NE 2,5 ssw 5,1 NE 6,3 SSW 4.4 SSW 3.B SSW 2.5 ESE 2.5 ~lE 5.1 E 2,5 NE 2,5 NNE 1.9 NNE 5.1 NNE 1Q ,2 SW 3,2 NE 3.2 E 3.8 SW 1.9 ENE 3.8 ~JE 5,7 WSW 3.2 E 3,2 E 3.8 ~ 186 220 043 187 047 135 213 208 215 U21 238 074 r •..1 .4 .3 ,6 .6 ,6 .3 15 239 ...OJ..,..I ,6 218 .5 D83 ,7 207 ,5 t 03 .9 2CS 1.1 198 .6 220 ,6 055 .3 213 ,8 220 1.9 220 ,4 065 212 224 243 217 214 005 .6 .4 .4 1.0 1.1 .9 ,7 .3 .6 .0., I ,1 .4 ,3 .. •..1 ,9 .1 ,9 ,3 r,oJ ,3 .1 ,3., ,," .2 "..: r •..1 ,3 1.0 .1 .2 ,1 1.7 .4 ,3 .1 .0 ,1 ')... 10.3 045 9.2 223 8.3 043 7.8 2U2 9.9 050 10.3 186 10.9 214 9.2 208 9.3 202 3.7 U37 3.7 044 5.7 U48 6.b 037 8.9 047 12.2 246 8.6 223 5,4 053 7.9 033 7.7 204 7.5 153 7.1:.169 4.7 243 4.3 054 2,4 070 4.1 129 5.2 04'? 4,3 05B 2.2 063 b.O 074 4.9 215 7.1 163 -0~., -.4 4.4 7,1 7,3 5.0 2.5 -,6 3.7 5.0 1.B 3.1 5,2 7.5 6.4 5.b 4.8 -1.4 -:3.0 2,6 2.5 -5.1 3.7 c..0 I:'I:'.....1 5.1 -,9 -3.3 -5.1 -3.D ')')..... 9.9 7.3 9.4 16.6 14,7 11.5 13.B 16.7 15.3 14.3 11.9 12.9 12,0 7.9 11 ,8 8,7 tn.6 17.0 12.1 8,2 12.0 9,4 9.5 10,0 10.2 11 .8 9.9 11.1 B.l 2 6 7 3 -4 5 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21.,.,..... GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS CUST VEL,AT MAX.GUST MINUS INTERVAL GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL GUST VEL,AT MAX,GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS a::'1"1•••.1 I ~. E:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE L~SS THAt. ONE METER PER SECOND,SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAllY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. ~SEE NOTES AT THE BACK DF THIS REPORT **** f~ 162 I~J.<x M C~C)N SUI...-r ANT S ;-:t:N C;• ~:)u ~:):I:·r N A 1-·1 Y X)I~C)I:::l...I:::C;-r I~:t:c p.I~C).,T 1:::C;T ~ MONTHLY SUMMARY FOR SHERMAN WEATHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING October~1982 ,) RES.RES.AVb."AX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.HIN.HEM IUNJI WIND UIltD GUST GUST P'VAl..HElIN I1EAK SDUlR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEC IiIS illS DEG !tIS 1 DEG C Mit WHlSQIt--.-.---------- 1 4.5 -.1 2.2 059 .2 .4 210 2.5 ENE **fI***H**1308 1 2 7.b -1.0 3.3 Ob4 .3 .4 349 2.5 ESE ***flil flff 2088 2 3 7.4 -1.8 2.8 Ob7 .9 .7 050 4.4 ENE ff *ff*'*HI 2358 3 4 7.8 -5.2 1.3 073 .8 ,8 09b 3.8 ENE ff I**ff Uff 2733 4 5 b.l -5.9 .1 Ob3 1.b 1.7 047 7.b HE **"1**HU 2151 5 b 5.b -1.1 2.3 ObO 1,4 1.5 075 6.3 ENE 1*I**ff ****1920 b 7 1.B -.8 .5 Obi .8 1.0 002 4.4 ENE ff I**U 'If'755 7 8 1.8 -1.b .1 848 .4 1.0 827 3.2 ENE ****1"'Iff 855 8 9 2.4 -2.2 .1 21b 1.1 .8 212 3.8 ssw **IIlfff HU 7b3 9 10 -.4 -3.5 -2.0 214 2.3 1.2 219 5.1 SSW ***If*'HI*1020 10 11 2.0 -3.3 -.7 060 1.1 1.1 043 5.7 ENE ff *ff**Hn 765 11 12 2.0 .1 1.1 ObO .4 .4 047 1.9 ME f''ffff 'ff'538 12 13 .5 -5.2 -2.4 031 .4 .6 214 3.2 NE 'II Iff**HI*345 13 14 1.3 -11.5 -5.1 879 1.0 .7 072 3.8 E 1*fflll Iffl 623 14 15 1.2 -14.3 -6.6-048 .7 .b 628 2.5 E H Iffff HII 1501 15 16 -.8 -7,5 -4.2 *11 IH'.7 11*ffll ffl "I*ffl 'Iff 293 1& 17 5.8 -8.4 -1.7 Olb .3 .4 026 1.9 NNE H *ffl*un 835 17 18 2.4 -11.0 -4.3 153 .1 .4 046 1.9 S ff **1'1 "ff 1540 18 19 .8 -4.2 -1.7 'ff '1*'.3 'U "ff III 'I "Iff fH'243 19 20 .7 -13.B -b.b **1 **'*.&*"*****1*'*U**I 1*1*630 20 21 -2.8 -12.8 -7.8 067 2.3 2.2 084 7.6 ENE "'ff**111*893 21 22 -1.5 -lB.b -6.1 058 2.1 2.3 057 7.0 HE tI ***'**11**1485 22 23 -2.0 -15.5 -B.8 080 1.5 1.6 055 6.3 E "****''H'124.23 24 -3.4 -19.4 -11.4 07&.6 .7 681 3.9 E ff 1******"1323 24 2S -4.3 -21.5 -12.9 196 .2 .4 124 1.3 E ff I*ff'***1 1193 25 26 -20.8 -24.6 -22.7 079 .5 .5 171 2.5 ENE *11 'I'll ItllI 153 26 27 U'II *11"111II1 til IIIf "H If''*'1 Ifl II HI*I 11111 ***111 27 29 "*1'Iffll U**I "I lIIl'1**1 *ff Ilfl HI 1*Iff*'filii *111*1 28 29 "***"1*'IllIff *"*1***'****''*H Iff 1*HI*I **********29 30 HII**ffl*'*'"'ff '***I'ff '***ff''ff 1**lIff 'ff*IIflff 30 31 ****'1lI*f11 HIf*1*****'**1****H**'****11111 H***1****31 IiOlfiH 7.9 -24.b -3.5 Oba .8 .5 847 7.6 ENE 1*I'*ff 1**1 30135 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS '".)INTERVALS 5.1"- GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL S.1 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERVAL 5.7 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTEI~VALS S .1 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAi ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT ElEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILYi~'. OR MONTHLY MEAN FOI~RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. *-»-x--x-SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT *:)(_*1(0 163 .~:t:i--...!C . p'I~D ..T E C.:T 'HHLY SUMiiARY FOR SHE-l-i:HAN WEATHER STATIDN fA TAKEN DURING NoveMber _'1982 ( RES.RES,AVG.KAX.MAX.DAYIS MAX.!'lIN,tiE AN lUND WIND WIND GUST GUST P/VAl tlEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP,TEilP.DrR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SP}),DIR,RH DP fREeIP ENERG'(DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG MIS MIS DEG illS .,DEG C 11M WH/SQi'!'"---,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 u********11****u*·u******n*un *n **UH*IU**'It'ltUI 1 2 *****nnt *tt***n n*1 *1*1 1******UI **************1**2 3 nl**uu*1****H*********u***************un nun :5..******n******************1**'tn**11 *****n ******1***4 5 lllfiBHt *****U**I 1**IIU 't**1 H**u*1*1 **n*H H********5 b H********1***1 *****u **************U lIUIi ****1*****6 i ***"******n******u*************Hi********HH .:H****7 a nu****n ****************H*****H**it **********·ltitliitl B 9 ******************un *itlt********1****iun tlH *****1 9 10 **t**u*********11 H**u********1 *11 n *1***u****IU*10 11 *****I*nl **u*********IU n*u*****1*1****H*!****11 11 12 0.0 -3.1 -1.6 080 .9 .7 078 3.2 E 25 -19.7 n*1 17B 12 13 -2.1 -7.1 -4.6 o-~.2 .3 352 '1.9 ENE 44 -14,3 tilt*278 13,),J 14 -1.8 -10.6 -6.2 H**u*,2 u*****1****u***1***233 14 15 -10.1 -lb.9 -13.5 on .1 .2 092 1.3 E **n***IU*171 15 16 *************t***t i1**********************************Ib 17 ltnn ******i'iH*HI Ultlt H*****H*****lit *******n ******17 18 H******u H******H**u*******H H************-H*H*1B 19 *OH ********************************it ***-n UH H**"19 26 H********H******H**H*****H******if ******li********2il 21 H********nu*********lIltlI *******i***it H*H ****H****21 22 '!***********1II****H****************H H*******H****22 'J~i),Q -3.2 -1.6 038 ,6 .6 061 3,B NNE 33 -15,0 UH 275 23...~ 24 -.5 -10.7 -5.b 073 ,5 ,5 053 1.3 ENE U ****i ****26B 24 25 .8 -10.9 -5.1 056 .7 .8 091 3.2 ENE 26 -22.4 u**273 25 26 -5.3 -10.5 -7.9 048 .9 .9 644 ~.,NE 34 -25,2 ****270 2b.:a .... 27 -7.5 -16.5 -12.0 075 .6 .6 073 1.9 ENE 38 -20.9 lin 245 27 28 -14.6 -20.1 -17.4 068 .3 .3 DaD 1.9 ENE 22 -33.3 ****260 2a 29 -4.9 -14,3 -9.&***'U**0.0 079 .iI H*37 -21.9 HH 190 29 36 -7.8 -13.0 -10,4 H*HIU .0 H***H H*2B -26.a H**160 30 MONTH ,8 -20.1 -7.9 659 ,i1 .4 Obl 3.8 ENE 32 -22.1 **ltit 2799 GUST VEL.AT Mf~X ,GUST MINUS '::'INTERlJALS "1.3,_ GUST VEL.AT MAX.GU~n i"iINUS 1 INTERv(~L 1.:~ GUST lJEI_.f~T i'1 ~'1 X.GUST PUJS 1 INTERIJAL 1 .3 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS .-;)INTERVALS 1 .3(- rE:REUiTI'JE HUMIDITY l~Er~DINGS AI~E UNI~ELH)BLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN ONE r-iETER PER SECOND.f;IUCH REI;DINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED HJ THE DAIL'-( /f".....:.pr~iiONTHI_Y MEAN FDR Ri::UnII)E HUi'1IDITY AND DEW POINT, \'.,SEE NOTES AT THE DACK DF THIS REPORT -x-';(.-x.-X: 164 ~:~l.J ~:~:1:"1'N A H Y 1)I~C)E:L.I:::c::T I~:1:C p'I~C)...T E C::T MONTHLY SUMMAI~Y FOR SHERMI~tt"1.4Er~THER STATION DATA TAKEN DURING DeceMber,1982 i RES.RES.AVe.MAX.MAX.DAY'S KAX.KIN.HEA~IUKD WIND WIND GUST GUST P'VAL MEAN MEAN SOLPIR DAY TEMP,TEMP.IDIP~DIR.SPD.SPD.1m.5PD.DIR,RH DP PREelP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG tllS M/S DEG tllS ~DEG C MK WH/SQll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -12.1 -19.0 -15.1 071 .7 .6 106 3.2 NE *******llBa 203 ']-16.8 -21.9 -19.4 047 1.2 1.3 029 4.4 NNE **UUlI un 220 '].... 3 -14.5 -24.5 -19.5 064 1.0 1.0 030 3.2 ENE n *!lEltlE n**227 3 4 -13,4 -18.2 -15.8 044 1.2 1.2 050 3.8 NE ***********3D:!4 5 -2.3 -14.0 -8.2 057 1.5 1.6 083 4.4 ME n lHi*lU!un 275 5 6 .4 -9.2 -4.4 055 1.4 1.5 063 5.1 ENE *****n ~lB'i*283 b 7 4.0 -1.1 1.5 056 1.4 1.4 046 6.3 NE *******HlIiI 243 '1, a ,9 -.4 .3 *If*0.0 0.0 Hli 0.0 HI l!!f H***H**2DD 8 9 1.3 -15.8 -7.3 101 .2 .8 178 6.3 E *******·IUI 203 9 10 -5,1 -19.4 -12.3 097 .7 .7 111 3.2 E *f 1I!!!!!*****258 10 11 -2,4 -8.7 -5.6 064 1.5 1.6 630 3.e ENE le·*n*******238 11 12 .4 -5.7 -2.7 059 1.4 1.5 042 4.4 ENE lUI lI*H*u**270 12 13 1.1 -7.6 -3.3 063 .8 .9 052 3.2 ENE ·n H***·lEU*24.13 14 -.2 -8.9 -4.6 043 1.0 1.2 335 4.4 ENE ******1I **u 258 14 15 2.2 -8.7 -3.3 063 1.2 1.3 065 3.8 ENE **H*****H 24.15 16 -.3 -8.9 -4.6 048 .9 1.0 029 3.2 NE *********~H 238 16 17 -2.B -1~.1 -8.5 062 .4 .4 6S6 1.9 EUE **H***·:uu 231 17 18 -13.4 -18.9 -16.2 055 ,3 .4 D7S 1.9 ENE *!I u***UH 255 18 19 -4.5 -21.1 -12.8 039 .9 1.0 052 4.4 NNE Hi l!HH *1*1 228 19 20 -6.3 -16.4 -11.4 056 .9 1.0 612 3.8 ENE **!!H*t H*!263 2~ 21 -14.9 -22.7 -18.8 082 .8 .8 aBe 1.9 E *******uu .241 21 22 -19,9 -2b,b -23.3 072 ,6 .7 090 ']".ENE **.:t:****H**2~a 22"IIJ 23 -11.2 -22.1 -16.7 054 .8 .8 031 2.5 ENE iH n**"un 259 23 24 -B.O -19,4 -13,7 069 .8 ,9 0%2.5 ENE H nlllllf ****229 24 25 -9.4 -17.5 -13.0 060 ".8 020 2,5 ENE **HHlI ~Hi':U 203 ":l"".,...,J 26 -1.4 -7,5 -4.5 055 1.1 1.2 661 3.8 ENE **UHl!un 248 26 27 .1 -4,3 -2.1 D6B .4 ,4 DB,1.9 ENE lIl!UH*H*I 171 27 28 ,4 .1 ,3 063 .4 ']092 1.9 NE **nUll H**In 28... 29 .9 ,1 .5 092 OJ ,4 102 ~,2 HE **HII*!!·:un 173 ":lQ......, 30 .'"-5.6 -2,1 221 "..6 226 ']".SW **HU**~BE~.,']"!30i.,,,,,,J ...,J ....w 31 -2.5 -6,7 -4.6 *n-u**HH H*UH H*H *****Hn 165 ·31 MONTH 4.0 -2b.6 -8.7 059 ,9 ,9 046 6,3 ENE H UH*·HH 7187 CU~3T 1..,1EL.AT ~1(.~IX •GUST tnNUS ~I NTER 'v't;L~3 l::''7,--.J • , GU~JT l)EL...r:;T MI~X .GUBT t1INUB 1 INTERVAL 5.1 GU~:n VEL.AT t"jr~X .GUST PLUS "1 INTEHVAL 4,4 GUST 'JEL,(.~IT l'jl~X ,GUST PLUS 2 I NT ER \,,'f'\LS 3.2 NDTE:REU~TII...'I::HUMIDITY REf~DINC;S (.:'.I~E UNF~EL I r~BI_E WHEN I.~Hm SPEEDE i~jHE 1_E~~:)~:)THtlN ONE t1ETER PER SECOND.SUCH I~Er.IIHNGS H(.:I t.,,1 [NOT BEEN n·leLUDED IN THE DAILY ,~. DR MONTHLY MEI~IN FDR RELtlTPJE HlJt1IDITY Mm DE!..!PDINT. ·x·~··x·-x·SEE NOTES AT THE B(~CI<OF THIS REPORT ·X-{(··x··x· 165 ·~:I:p"!C • P 1:'<CJ ~T E c::T THLY f:iUMMARY FOR SHEi~j-jf:)N I"jEi;THER \3TIHION A TAKEN DURING Januar',l .''1983 ( RES.RES,AVG,iiAX.MAX.DAY"S.. MAX,IUN,MEAN wnm wIND WIND GUST GUST P/VAL hEAti i'lEAR SDLAR DAY iE!'Ir.iEHr,TEl'Ir.DIR,SPii.SPD.DIR,SPD,DIR,xii DP PREelP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG MIS i'iIS DEG n/S X DEG ~1'Ii'i WH/SGi'i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -,9 -5,u -3.D );H UH 'UH Hit lUlt HI .:tit !kUH ·:tt*·lt 2iJu 2 0,0 -5.8 -2,9 Uli fU***H Hit H**H***lI**H ****220 2 3 -3,9 -7.1 -5,5 n:1l:H**nu ***un *****ll'U'Idl Ulb1,18&'3 4 -6.9 -2u.8 -13.9 u*u**UH Hit u*******H***Hn 2b8 4 5 -liLii -25,8 -21.9 Hit :Hltlt un Hit ·:t!tH nit n lIIlFU HiH aa 5 6 -14.3 -ZiJ,u -17,2 U61 3,4 3,1 ilb2 i.b ENE **HUll liitH 33D 6 i -16.3 -29,5 -22.9 058 2.1l 'J •051 i,i!ENE *It Hli*lt HU 323 i...1 B -16,B -32.2 -24.5 06il il8 1.5 052 8,9 NE H UH*tu*358 B 9 -20,5 -2.7,ii -23.8 ii~r 1.2 1.3 046 3,&NNE **HIirH u**355 9~'" "i 0 -17.7 -27,8 -22.8 1154 .9 1.2 053 5,7 NE H oHliU liU'II 348 10 11 -11.9 -25.9 -18.9 062 4,2 4.4 069 12.1 ENE **'HblU **0 528 11 12 -14,2 -17,6 -15.9 068 2.4 2.5 056 8,9 ENE **HH*****438 12 13 -14.3 -17.9 -lb.1 068 2,1 ,lj 077 7.6 ENE **HoHlt llltH 393 13~... 14 -7,9 -20.7 -14.3 050 1.1 1.2 071 4,4 ENE *****u u**405 14 l'~"""15 1.6 -13.5 -b.O 04i 1.7 1.8 DiO 5,7 ENE !H HiHill nH 345 15 16 ,7 -5.il -2.2 043 ,8 .9 054 5,1 NE **uu*****333 16 17 -3,4 -13,4 -8.4 u62 ,3 ,6 215 2.5 ENE **·:tUh HH 228 17 is 2.3 -9.4 -3.b ii66 1.3 1.4 065 7,il ENE ·H ****.~****,,~-18..f'J 19 ii,ii -6.2 -3.1 070 .2 ,6 227 r "ENE *Ii HUIt un 17\19..Jo I 20 HilH ·n***H***Hii ·jiliH u***n ********if ***u HU HUH 2ii 'Jj HdlH HUll nu*HI UllJt *H****u**HI **'.l:tit'n Hih'Hli***2l... 22 HHll *****.~****H*uu HO ·~u ;.H**H*.*.~H*H HH H**n ~'J.... 23 ·Hnll fUH llHH In H**HU ***'Hill ***H Hlllt;ll Hi*"Hhit*2.3 24 uu*HH*'lU*********u**H**********'A****iUiU H**H 204 ~l:'**t·H 'UH*tHn lI**HH un Hil **tf:****if hltn H********2'5,,'" 26 HHt il*lIH '~***li:H*HH *tiFt Hli:HU *****HHli:****'llH'kH 26 27 HU*HUll:UH*Hll liHll:0**H*U*lI UIl:*it HUll:fUll uua 27 28 BHlI HUll *nn *lilt u****u ***u*******HU*****lifltifH 28 29 ·~H·>'·.t "hh "';.tH·;I;Hit illU ;HH:.at ·X:*·U Hi 'Iii!:H'kH H'n,-HHd 29 3iJ H-H1i fiHH '~HU {H'*·/dH ·HH Hll *·Hll Hlt H H-t'g.·HH HHH 3D 31 HUt UHf:*H**J:H,H·U iI:ilotll Hi UH H*ill *·n.-",HH HH~'*31 MONTH 213 -32,2 -13.0 059 lob LB 069 12.1 Er!E H HH'li *'An 5998 c;UET '-11:.\_•i~T r-i (.~)(.GU~;T MINUS 2 I NTEI=t:')('~LS B.3 GuST \)[1-,AT I·h~:~,GUST r"iINUS 1-INTE1:'<;"iAI_B.9 GU~3T ~IEi_.f~T i"iAX,GUST PLUS 1 INTERVf~L '10 'j•<- GUST iJEL,AT Mt:.·IX,GUST PLUS -:.INTERVI;U3 '7 0,- t::.~RELI~Ti';E i-tUi1 11)I T''{i~l::f~D I ;···IG5 Ai:;:E:-.UNREi_If.1BLE WHEN WIND ~3P Ei::D8 i:;RE LESS T H{~lr'~ NE i"'iETEi~P i::R :3ECD~D .SUCH i~Ei~DINGS HA\,.IE tWT BEEr~INCLUDED Ij-~THE D(.':t I L\' Ji~i"iO NT HI..."(r"jEAN FOR p ELi~iT J:'JE HUi"IIDITY AND DEW POINT. ·x·SEE r~O'rES AT THt:~tl A Ci<OF'THIS REPORT 'i(:*'X';* 166 &.M CC)NBULTAN"r-S .~. H Y :0 I~c)E L.,:::C:"'"F?:1:C T i'.~C . p'I~C)..T E C T 10NTHLY SUMMARY FOR SHF.RMAN 1.alF-ATHFR STATJ:ON )ATA TAKEN DURING Fehruflr u l 1983 RES.RES.AVG,KAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.MIlt HEAN IIIND "urn WIND GUST GUST P'lJAl MEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP,TEMP.TEMP.BIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD,DIR.RH DP PRECIP EHF.RGY DAY DEG C DEC C DEC C DEC HIS HIS DEG ltl'l 1 DEG C lilt ~m/SgK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "'**"'"**11"111111 11'*1 111**11**"*11 111111 1111 lEIIlIU DB 1**11**1 2 lilli"HII'IHII **11 11**'"'***''''**11*If **11"""H*,"2 3 II""*'*"***"II*'n"*,f''"*11*''****HII*'*ff ..*****~ 4 '**",n,*"*'*1111*fll'"**'**""*11**11 !l1I'*******11**"4 5 f**I1*II"H 11"1111 **'***'HII''***",II"**'''1111 **11*0*1111 5 b '"1111 ********'*'"**"****11***'*''"*'*11'11*11*111 ****11*b 7 -,1 -B.3 -4.2 ~B9 ,4 .6 073 2.5 F.****If****'652 1 8 -1.9 -13.6 -7.9 on ').3 047 3.2 E "**nll **'*733 B.f. 9 -9,0 -21.9 -15.5 on .5 .h 045 2.5 E III lIR*'n**1135 9 10 -1.5 -23.3 -15.4 078 .4 .5 095 3.2 F.HE **1111*11 11***1118 10 11 -10,1 -2b.l -lB.l 059 .5 .1-,044 2.5 NE "**11**11**11 1215 11 12 -18.5 -28.8 -19.3 060 .3 .5 141 1.9 ENE "*""n*,1305 12 13 -24.7 -29.6 -27.2 04~.4 .4 827 1.3 EMF.II'*H***"1 399 13 14 ""*'''******'II*'***'******1 ""'****1Ill**'"*'"**"14 15 "1*1 1*11*'**'***"'*'1 'II"***Ill*'I"*1 III*'fill *H****15 ~, 16 IIH'II""1"'***''*'1 I'"'*'1*1*****'"***11***"**'*16 17 *'*""111**1*""*"*'""*"I'"'""llH"****1*****11 18 "***'*'**II"*,1*1 ****1***'*'***********'*'****11**11 18 19 *'*******1 '***'**'**'*'**''*'*****"'II H*ff **"If***,19 28 ***1*'*'**'**11 "*"****1*1**11***"f """*"*'***'''20 21 ",n 11****llll*,Iff 1**'"*'1111*1"*If*lIlf '*******1 R'lf**,21 22 **IIf*11*,**'III*'**'***'"""*'I*'********1*lEIll*""**22 23 *****u**,****''*'*1"1**''1*llllif 11****HH*Uill Hi'M 23 24 **'*'***1'11****I*'**'*1****f'*"*'I'****'**"**1I11*,~1 24 2S *'**'*"*1 ll***,****ll*,*H*'III *fll*ll*f *'"*fl!"Ill I***H 2S 26 "*'****1111 '''*'Uf 11***fIn '*11 llfll*H*f*III"H*,***11*2b 27 1*11*'**f***11*III 1**1 **,1 f***Hll f*'*******1*1'***1*1 21 21l 1111I11 '***'11**"I""**"**I*'**111 *1*If **1**ff***'1**1 2B !tONTH -,1 -2'?,b -15.3 969 ,4 "047 3.2 ENE III HIlI**1"bSS5.., GUf:iT ''')FL.AT ~l('\X .r~lIST WfNlH~':)INTER')AI.E 1 ,3t•• GUrlT t)EL.,AT NAX.Gt.J~n r1T.NUn 1 r"NTERVl·)I ..1 .~ r;1...IST t)EL,AT ~lAX •GUST PLUS 1 H1TF:.RVAI..2,5 GUST I.)EI..,AT MAX.GUST PI.US 2 TNTERt)AI...S 1 .9 '''OTr:::RELATIVE HUMIDITY REArHNGf:>ARE UNRFLJAFlI ..E t~II·IF.N 1~!Hm m'[F.:Dn AI~F 1..r:~:;B THAN ONF.METER PER SECOND,SOCH r~EADJ:NGS HAVE NOT BEEN I Nr;l...UDED IN THE DAT.L.Y OR MONTHLY MEAN FOI~RELATIVE HUMTDITY AND DFt,J POJ:NT, x·*~·*BEE NOTES AT THE BACI<OF THIS Rr-::rORT ·x·**·x- 167 I~&M C:;C)N ~:j;l.J 1..;TAN 'r ~:j;>:I:N C:;• SUB :I:T N A H Y X)I~C)E 1...I:::C T I~:I:C p'I~C)~T E C:;T :LY SUMMARY FOR SHERMAN WEATHER STATION TAKEN DURING March}1983 RES.RES.AVG.HAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.HIN.HEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P'IJAL HEAN HEAN SOlAR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ~ERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG HIS HIS DEG HIS %DEG C H!I WH/SQH --------------_.----------------------- 1 "I'll lUll lUll III 1111 lUll U,1111 'Ill III Ullli *111 HI*H 1 2 lIlIUII IIH*1I Ifill HI lUll 1111 *u u***u U 11*1'"Ill flll*U 2 3 lUll UUII III1I1U III 1111 U"IIU I"'Ull "11111 lUI HHH 3 4 flI*"H*II******"**1**1"1 1**1111 "I 1*1111*U*1I UIIIU 4 5 nllli 11111 IlII1U nll IIU*lUll *11 "*1 IIU n 1"**U**HII*ff 5 6 UHII UIIU 111*1 IU *UII lUll 11*III1U III "IIUU I'll U"1I1 6 7 lEU11I "I"fUll 'U ***1 1111 III lUll III U U*U Ill*'H*1I111 7 8 UUII IIHU lUll III U*1I lUll Ull 1'*1 Ull III 11***III1H UIIII"8 9 HHI "Ull 'UIII nll *111 Uill '1*lUll Ull "'filii u*,Hlnl 9 18 -2.6 -15.1 -8.9 061 1.2 1.3 074 4.4 ENE U IIl1n*'Ull 2556 10 11 4.4 -7.8 -1.7 856 1.8 1.6 053 3.8 ENE "U"1I ***1 1913 11 12 8.6 -8.3 .2 063 1.8 1.2 062 4.4 ENE U *IIH''III 1980 12 13 8.6 -to.5 -1.0 068 .9 1.6 076 4.4 ENE U 11111 n*,2798 13 14 5.3 -11.2 -3.8 069 .9 .9 075 3.8 ENE II UUII Ifill 2270 14 15 8.5 -8.5 0.0 065 .5 .7 016 3.8 E *'1*"1 *UI 2468 15 16 6.8 -10.4 -1.8 868 .8 .9 076 4.4 ENE n IInll'I'll 3080 16 17 6.4 -13.9 -3.8 876 .8 .8 084 4.4 ENE III Uffll *'*'3255 17 18 6.0 -15.7 -4.9 869 .9 1.0 069 5.1 E U UII'1I IInl 3355 18 19 5.9 -15.8 -5.0 073 .8 .9 078 4.4 E **11'**·liUI 3423 19 26 UIIH HIli UIIU 1**'I'll "**IIH *'u *11 n IlIU*uu UIlIIlI 20 21 7.1 -10.3 -1.6 069 1.1 1.1 072 4.4 ENE ***lIlIllI filii 3423 21 22 7.1 -15.6 -4.0 075 .6 .7 085 3.8 ENE '*1**"n"3528 22 23 5.9 -14.8 -4.5 068 .7 .8 079 4,4 ENE *1 u*"IIH 3618 23 24 4.7 -11 ,9 -3.6 052 .8 .9 067 3.8 ENE ****u*nu 2533 24 25 5.2 -8.0 -1.4 063 1.4 1.5 081 5.7 ENE "'**11 **ff 3695 2S 26 5.1 -8.3 -1.6 050 2.0 2.0 049 7.6 HE U u*n 1**1 3435 26 27 4.3 -7.9 -1.8 059 1.9 1.9 052 7.0 ENE n **n,u*'3663 27 28 5.B -9.9 -2.1 OilS 1.4 1.5 077 5.1 ENE n 'un "Ill 3798 28 29 7..6 -11.7 -2.1 077 1.1 1.1 071 4.4 E I''11*****1 39:.s 29 30 6.5 -12.1 -2.8 072 1.2 1.2 077 5.1 ENE **1'111 1111 4228 30 31 10.0 -8.0 1.0 065 .7 .8 05S 3.8 ENE H 1'1"***'3553 31 MONTH 10.0 -15.8 -2.6 865 1.0 1.1 049 7.6 ENE III lUll lUll 66524 GU~lT l.,'EL.AT MAX.GUST MINUS 2 INTER\JALS 5.7 GUST t.JEL.AT MAX,GUST MINUS 1 INTERVAL 5.7 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTER~)AL 6.3 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 6.3 l'''-''.ATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABL.E WHEN WIND SPEEDS ARE LESS THAN_.METER PER SECDND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN.INCLUDED IN THE DAILY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT. SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT ·~·~·x·* 168 -----------~._-------,--------------------,--- SU~:):J:-rNA ~ MONTHL.Y SI.JMMr;R "Y FOR SI-IFRMAN WEr:ltTHER STATION DATA TAKEN DURH~G April,"1983 RES.RES.AVG.MAX.MAX.DAY'S KAX.KIN.!'lEAN WIND InND WIND GUST GUST P'VAL MEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP.TEMP.TEMP.DIR.SPD.SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PRECIP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEG C DEG li/S lt/S DEG MIS 4 DEG C tIti IiH/SGti ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 9.2 -10.1 -.5 070 1.9 1.1 082 4.4 E lilt ***H 0.0 4243 1 2 9.b -8.8 .4 0&9 1.0 1.1 082 5.7 ENE ******11 0.0 4435 2 3 8.3 -10.7 -1.2 063 1.2 1.2 065 4.4 E.~E **H***0.0 4500 3 4 7.b -.5 3.6 135 .2 1.9 212 10.2 NE *******2.2 1903 4 5 5.1 -2.4 1.4 053 .2 .6 352 3.2 ENE **J!I!'cH 2.6 2065 '5 6 2.6 -11.3 -4.4 096 .S 1.1 120 4.4 E lilt u***2,2 4948 & 7 ~~-4.5 1.5 104 .1 .2 064 2.5 ENE lilt 1I11ll*1I 0,0 4528 7!.oJ B 4.4 -5.4 -.5 235 .8 .8 223 4.4 SW ***H**0.0 3908 B 9 3.7 -9.5 -2.9 217 .8 1.0 208 3.8 SSW **1111111*.&3155 9 10 2.6 -11.3 -4.4 096 .8 1.1 120 4.4 E ****iIII*0.0 4948 10 11 -1.9 -11.7 -6.B 057 1.3 1.4 035 5.1 ENE 1111 *****0.0 2727 11 12 3.4 -4.3 -.5 039 .1 ,7 030 3.2 NNE -ll******B.4 2070 12 13 7.4 -3.B 1.8 084 .7 .6 046 3.2 E *******4.0 443B 13 14 5.1 -,9 2,1 220 .8 .9 229 4.4 Sli **u***5.0 2715 14 15 4.5 0.0 2.3 041 .3 .5 211 2.5 tiNE *******14.2 2175 15 16 7,6 -1.7 3.0 066 1.3 1.1 059 5:1 ENE *******1.8 3900 1& 17 5.1 -5.3 -.1 218 .9 1.2 231 .5.1 SSW *******.2 4218 17 18 7.0 -1.3 2.9 052 .&.8 020 5.1 ENE *******11.0 3580 18 19 7.5 -3.3 2.1 210 .5 1.2 206 4.4 SSW *It u***0.0 3908 19 20 9.9 -4.3 2.B 071 .9 1.1 677 5.1 E *******0.0 5030 26 21 10.1 -4.5 c.B 093 .6 .8 031 3.8 ENE If n**,0.0 5143 21'),8.8 -2.2 3.3 214 .2 .5 169 4.4 5 **n***3.4 3503 22"-- 23 7.b .5 4,1 200 .1 ~212 3.2 SW II *****0.4 3148 23.oJ 24 15.1 .1 1.&023 .5 .9 001 4.4 BtE *******0.0 6030 24 25 19.4 -1.&8.9 183 .3 ..7 196 3.B E !'c*n***0.0 bOOB 25 26 14.3 -3.7 5.3 315 .3 .6 305 3.2 WNW H *****0.0 &02a 2& 27 14.8 -3.7 5.6 225 .1 .7 16&3.2 NE II H***0.0 6113 27 2B tn.S -2.9 3.8 215 .6 .a 212 5.1 SSW **H***6.0 4195 28 29 10.b .1 5.4 156 .1 .4 200 2.5 ENE *******6.6 4245 29 36 13.7 -2.0 5.9 042 1.0 1.2 a01 5.1 ENE *******0.0 &586 30 MONTH 19.4 -11.7 1:a OB4 .3 .9 212 10.2 ENE *******ilS.O 124380 GUST VEL,AT Mr:ltX.GUST MINUS 2 INTERVALS 9.5 GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST t"iI NUS 1 INTERVAL 8.9 GU~3T lJEL.PIT r\A'X.GUST PLUS '1 INTEI~VAL 8.9 GUST VEL..AT MAX.GUST PLUS 2 INTERVALS 7.0 NOTE:RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNREl..II~BLE WHEN WIND !3P I::EDS i;RE U::SS 1'H ONE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HA\,iE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAiL OR i'10NTHLY MEAN FOI~REUHIIJE HUMIDITY AND DEl,..J POINT./,'IIIIiIII\, *::I:'X-*SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT :;t..·x··x·:..: 169 Ui..£ :1:NC . S l ..1 S :J:T N A H Y 1)I~C)t:::1...E:C T I~:t:c;p I~C).:.r E C T NTHLY SUMMARY FOR SHERMAN WEATHER STATION TA TAI<EN DURING May>1983 RES.RES,Ave.MAX.MAX.DAY'S MAX.KIN.HEAN WIND WIND WIND GUST GUST P'VAL MEAN MEAN SOLAR DAY TEMP,TEMP.TEtIP •DIR.SP».SPD.DIR.SPD.DIR.RH DP PREl:IP ENERGY DAY DEG C DEG C DEC l:DEG HIS tl/S DEG HIS Z DEG C Htl WH/SQIt.----------....._-----------------......-------------------------- 1 14.4 -3.7 5.4 127 .3 .B 204 4.4 ENE **u**,.6 5418 1 2 B.2 1.1 4,7 219 1.1 1.2 216 5.1 SW ******'5.6 4123 2 3 B.B -.1 4.4 2BB 1.1 1.3 214 4,4 SSW *''****.B 4&18 3 4 11.9 -1.6 5.2 056 ,7 1.1 Q28 5.1 ENE "UH'0.0 5820 4 5 12.3 -,B 5,8 043 .5 1.0 347 5.7 E *****"0.0 6433 5 6 14.3 -2,2 6,1 05B .8 ,9 350 5.7 ENE "H*H 0.0 7015 6 7 15.4 -2,2 6,6 040 .6 ,9 347 5.1 E 'iii u**,0.0 6853 7 8 16.9 -2,5 7,2 30B ,2 .B 213 3.B tiE *******0.0 6955 8 9 15.D -.5 7.3 244 .4 .B 263 4.4 SSW **""*o.0 5903 9 10 14.0 -,B 6.6 233 ,5 .9 293 5.1 SW **H***0.0 6283 10 11 16.B -.B B.O 341 .2 .8 316 3.B ESE **'****0.0 6765 11 12 14.5 2.2 B.4 127 .4 .7 136 3.8 ESE '*H**'0,0 5783 12 13 16.4 2.4 9.4 001 .2 .B 017 3.8 ESE **,nn 0.0 5783 13 14 16.1 .9 B.5 223 .5 1.0 195 5.7 SSW U -lif***.2 4B33 14 15 14.2 .3 7.3 237 ,3 .8 234 3.B E **-lI*U*0.0 4793 15 16 13.6 -.3 6,7 238 .6 1.0 21B 5.1 WSW U **u,1.0 4~B3 16 17 to.8 3.1 7.0 222 .8 1.0 184 7.0 SW 1*nl**7.0 3528 17 18 11.4 2.7 7.1 222 1.1 1.3 225 6.3 SW n **'*'.6 4838 18 19 12.7 1.6 7.2 216 .5 .9 199 4.4 511 **'*IU 0.0 4285 19 20 IB.2 1.8 13.0 237 1.3 .1.5 234 6.3 IiSW *'-il***0.0 6615 20 21 11.1 4.6 7.9 21b 1.3 1.4 253 0,3 SSW "*'***1.4 3365 21 22 14.5 5.1 9.8 227 .9 1.2 272 5.7 SSW If **'"2.0 506B 22 23 14.4 4.1 9.3 206 .9 1.2 227 5.1 SSII H *HfI .4 4973 23 24 16.4 -.1 8,2 078 .6 1.0 090 5.1 SE ***H'*0.0 5889 24 25 1.8 -2.2 -.2 105 .2 .2 145 .6 ESE *'1*'".4 960 25 26 u,,*I**H *'**'H*'H'*11'1'**"11 '"'*'H*'H"H***'26 27 "'H 'H"'*'"*H '*"*'"'II U"II'U ****''1lI***H**27 28 1iI***1**'*H**I '"IfI'lIIl'lIfl H'*'JII*"I""***'**'1'*28 29 iliff''H"'Iif*'H''**'*'"'"nil ,n "u*"'*'******'29 36 **'**1****lII'"H'1**'""'*'H**"*H ""*'n*,u'u,30 31 H'"*"'*'H*''"HH ""***H**'"*'H*II lin *H'**31 MONTH IB.2 -3.7 6.9 217 .3 ,1 184 7.0 SSW lEI lilI**19.4 131075 GUST (.)EL.AT MAX,GUST MINUS ':)INTER'·.)ALS 3.8,- GUST ()EL,AT MA"X .GUST MINUS 1 INTEHVAL -z ':>w ~{_ GUST VEL.AT MAX.GUST PLUS 1 INTERW~L 5,7 GUST VEL,AT MAX.GUST PLUS ':>INTEHIJALS 7.-'J,--:>.", r~RELATIVE HUMIDITY READINGS ARE UNRELIABLE WHEN WIND SPEEDS Ai~E LESS THAN ••!•JNE METER PER SECOND.SUCH READINGS HAVE NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN THE DAILY OR MONTHLY MEAN FOR RELATPJE HUMIDITY AND DEW POINT, :*:x.SEE NOTES AT THE BACK OF THIS REPORT -x--x-*:x. 170 WEA SVC CONTRACT MET 08SY ~,SEP 1~82 (TALKEETNA,ALASKA TALKEETNA AIRPORT 26528 LOCAL CLIMA TOLOGICAL Monthly Summary DATA ISSN 0198-0424 LATITUDE 62"18 LONGITUOE 150 0 0.ELEVAJlON IGROUNO)345 fEEl TIME ZONE ALASKAN WBAN 120528 b 7 9 q 10 10 10 9 7 1I 7 7 12 13 14 15 10 1 a 1a 17 10 10 18 10 10 1~ 20 21 22 23 9 9 24 9 9 25 10 10 2b 8 27 10 28 10 2 ~ 10 3a o 0 0129.4331 .&3.5 b 02 1o.37 0 2~.5b 28 .5 3.9 8 13 2 o .43 a 2 9 .b8 10 1 2.0 3. 7 8 3&10 10 3o a 029.54012.02.9803 8 84 o .03 0 \28.9901 5.7 5.B 9 01 10 10 5 o .01 0128.75 17 3.&5.B 12 17o.15 a 9 17oT 0 29.22 17 3.5 4.3 10 17 0.19029.25351.53 .•833 o .05 0 29.33 34 3.1 4.2 8 32 1 a .22 0 2~.4&10 7.1 7.2 15 ib a .12 a 29.70 34 1.7 3.0 &02 1 0 1.25 a 2~.47 3&2.7 4.b 12 35a.5&0 9 3b a I .11 0 29.34 ,01 3.5 4.8 I 2 3b o .4&a 29.48 18 7.B ~.O 18 18 o .10 a 29.&2 3&4.3 4.5 7 02° .5a ~12 ~.41 02 4.9 5.2 1&01 1 0 .71 029.3703 1.1 2.2 7 03 o .lb 0 29.52 01 3.3 4.3 10 34 1 ~.~~~12 U 2 10 4 2. 3 3 .5 1~~~ a a a 129.73133 1.9 4 . 3 8 2bo a a 29.&4 28 1.6 3.3 6 13 a a 029 .4 &11 .5 2. 0 5 33 1 040 029.421;2 1.8 5.2 10 15a.01 0 2~75 27 1.~3.8 12 lb 1 a .15 0 8 33 1 O.1~0 2~.24 34 1.1 5.3 8 18 1 0.12 a 2~.21 17 .6 1.&0 28 o oo oa a ao o o o aa ao aaa aa ooo aa o oao o 7B 21 23 28 21 23 11 14 10 15 10 10 11 15 15 15 21 24 I ~ , 7 10 15 20 18 18 18 19 24 24 28 2b 7A 39 39 40 32 32 35 42 39 46 47 4b 44 37 45 51 42 43 44 47 4b 4b 48 47 444. 47 3 o -2 o - 1 -1 5 1 1 2 -4 - 7 -1 1 8 4 -1 2 2 2 2 - 3 -2-.- 3 2 1 -4 3 2 5 54 51 49 50 49 49 54 50 50 50 44 41 46 48 55. 50 45 47 47 47 4b 41 41 37 3~ 44 42 37. 44 42 45 43 45 41 41 43 47 44 43 45 38 29 42 444. 44 41 41 45 44 41 32 29 20. 30 3~ 31 2~ 38 37 b2 5~ 53 5~ 57 55 60 5b 5b 55 49 52 4~ 52 6 5. 49 52 49 4~ 50 4~ 52 48 48 48 53 45o 47 DEGREE OAYS ~EATHER TYPES""SNOW IpAVERAGE WiND I SKY COVERTEMPERATUREo~0 ICE PRECIPITATION SIAJION 1M P H J SUNSHINE I ITENTHS: r--_-,-,-__-,-_--,-_--+_8...,A=SE...,-b-S...,f=-"1 fOG PElLE TS PRESSURE 1-;--;:::-...,-'-',..'"'FTI'CTt---,-----i--r---lz~~~.2HEAVYfOG OR 1_I'"!IN ~fASTEST ~i III~=;:.:'3 THUNOERSTORMI ICE ON I z :::I INCHES :=c-~MILE I I _I ~:;;;.=4 ICE PElLETS GROUND I ""~='"::;:.....:;;I;: ............5 HA IL AT ~I ~ELEV.'Z ;;:::~0 ~::-==.~~::~~~~~~~i~TORH DBA"~~=:~F~~~::~~0 ~~~::1 ~~~.~!I~:c:~5 -::;8 SMOKE,HAZE INCHES ;~~.~ABOVE ~~~~~~~~~:::~:~~~~~~~9 BlOIolING SNOW ;i=:;;=M.S.L.CI:c:::ce V1 CI z::0.._V"l_~-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ,.17 18 19 20 '21 22 I 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 SUMSUMSUMSUMTOTAL10TAlNUMBEROfOAYSTOTALfOTALIFORTHEMONIH:TOIAL t 1--',1!,'58~1,-+~1 ~18~3C+:::::;::;::=+-~4:::;:::;::.+--;;5",&",1+"""",,::.0+=,,,-,;.,..,..,.,-;-;;.,,---__+-.;,7,,,.5;-:4,+_--,O"-+__+-+_-+_-+,,,,1!,J8h-:1--!-1*8+,.,."..,.,...,.~,,~f---,,.,.,....+-,-=-'f-'iA~VG"".,t--",AV;-,G",.-.t--7;AV",G-,;'+""OE~P-,;';l-"A..:,:VG",.-+-""OEo:.Pi-'-t-.:<.DE",P-i;'-I PRE C!P[TATT ON r-fOE",;P",..-t:==-t---+=-I--t-_-_---f0",A",TE",,:---,-l"",0+-,'..:,:"..:.:I',:::8l"-[~":::".::.H j---OA..:.:VG",.+.::AV~G!-'f'52.7 n.4 40.1 0.0 -b 0;.01 INCH.24 3.02 NUMBER Of OAYS f.:!S~EA"fS""ON,-+,TO""",DA;.:-IE'-i SNOW,ICE PELLETS 0 GREATEST IN 24 HOURS AND OATES GREATEST DEPTH ON GROUND OfTOTALTOTAL;1.0 INCH~-~MA~X~IM:U:M~I~[M~P-.~~M~17N~IM=U~M~I~E~=~-.-+~1~0~q~7-t-~~I-t-T~H*UN~D=E~RS~I~OR=MrS-~0+~P~RE=C~TpnITTAnTTIDnN~~SNnD=W-,~I~CE~PE~L~LE~T~S~SNOW,ICE PELLETS OR ICE ANO OATEI >90 0 ,320 <32 0 ,00 OEP.DEP.HEAnFOG 0 1.2712-13 0 a a 0 .,0 12 -5 I CLEAR PARfl YCLOUD I CLOUOY *EXTREME FOR THE MONTH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF MORE THAN ONE. T TRACE AMOUNT. +ALSO ON EARLIER DATEISI. HEAVY FOG:VISIBILITY 1/4 MILE OR LESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE MISSING DATA. HDURS OF OPS.MAY BE REDUCED ON A vARIABLE SCHEDULE. DATA IN COLS bAND 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR MORE OBSERvATIONS AT 3-HDUR INTERvALS.RESULTANT WIND IS THE vECTOR SUM OF wiND SPEEDS AND DIRECTIONS DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF OBSERvATIONS. ONE OF THREE WIND sPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FASTEST MILE:FASTEST MILE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR WHICH A MILE OF WIND PASSES STATION [DIRECTION IN COMPASS POINTS).FASTEST OBSERVED ONE MINUTE WINO -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED [DIRECTION IN TENS OF DEGREES).PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INSTANTANEOUS WIND SPEED IA I APPEARS IN THE DIRECTION COLUMN I.ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMMARy DATA WILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PUBLICATION. .a 0 a a NATIONAL OCEANIC AHD /fNVIROHMEHTAL DATA AHD INATIONAL CLIMATIC CEHTEP. .ATMSPHERIC .10MiNISTRATION INfORMATION SERVIC[/ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA [CERTIFY THAT THIS IS RECDRDS DN FILE AT THE AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION,AND IS COMPILED FROM NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER,ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA,28801. l14-1Ioxd- ACTING DIRECTDR NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER 171 WEA SVC CONTRACT HET OBSY OCT 19S2 TALKEETNA,ALASKA TALKEETNA AIRPORT 2652B LOCAL CLIMA TOLOGICAL Monthly Summary DATA I SSN 01 qa-0424 lATITUDE ,2°1B'N LONGITUDE 150°06 W ELEVATION IGROUNDI 345 rEET Tl~E ZONE ALASKAN WBAN 12b52B ~-c::x::: :~.'.':z......~I-- UwOw ~ -.J c::x::: I-- I DEGREE DAYS WEATHER TYPES SNOW AVER~GE ~INO SKY COVERTEMPERATUREOFBASE",or ICE PREC1Pl TATIDN STATIDN 1M.P.H.I SUNSH INE ITENTHS I1FOGPELLElSPRESSURE-2 HEAVY FOG OR ~IN c:>FASTEST Iz~z z ..........o =>0'"3 lHUNOERSTOR~ICE ON z INCHES '".....0 MILE I~~~~-0.......'";:;:""""4 ICE PELLETS GROUNO '"0 V'.....--.....z ~=0..e;~'""'"~~~~,HAIL Al >ELEV .~z 0'""-'"--=>~z 0 0 .....--z:z:.....=>0 .....z '"""'"'""GLAZE OSAM =-356 «.....-V' _0- .....'""'Z=>=>~-z "'-Z~=~~'"-~FEET -'"-.....I~~,""z '"c:>z:z:""",,0 -z 7 OUSTSTOR~'"z ·z -'""C>U ~~.....--""«z:",,0..'"~=>~5 ..........=>u«z z:..... ~z .....~~~~""'"co '"8 S~OKE,HAZE INCHfS -%o Z ABOVE '"".....""z ""-z c:>-««->.....~0 .....""-z _ M.S.L ..........>Q.--.....0 =>0 _0 ""C>z:z:«o~'"a>ua>q BLOWING SNOW '"-~-""'"""'""C>z:0.._~- z:_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 b 7A 7B 8 ~10 11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 1~20 21 22 1 43 35 39 - 1 39 26 0 1 0 0 0 29 .41 15 1.0 2.6 8 14 I 10 10 1 2 45 34 40~1 37 25 0 0 .02 0 29 .34 35 1.0 1.9 7 01 I 10 10 2 3 44 2B 36 -3 34 29 0 0 .04 0 29.21 36 1 .9 3.0 B 19 9 B 3 4 45.24 35 -3 29 30 0 0 0 0 29.14 11 .4 3.3 B H 4 5 44 21 33 -5 32 0 0 0 0 17 03 0 5,43 30 37 0 23 28 0 0 0 0 28.81 07 1.6 b.l 17 03 10 6 7 34 28 31 -,30 34 0 1 0 .42 7 .1 29.02 18 1 .4 1 .6 10 09 10 7 8 35 30 33 -3 30 32 0 1 8 .10 2.b 29.29 02 2.5 6.8 12 36 10 10 8 9 34 30 32 -4 31 33 0 1 9 .n .6 29.19 16 1 .4 1.b 7 32 10 10 9 10 32 26 29 -6 2b 3b 0 1 8 T T 29.41 15 2.9 3.q 12 16 10 10 10 11 3,26 31 -4 26 34 0 B .01 .1 29.1~36 8.1 9.7 17 02 II 12 3~31 35 1 30 0 1 6 .15 1 9 35 10 12 13 33 23 28 -6 27 37 0 1 4 .34 3.B 29.66 15 4.3 5.1 12 16 10 13 14 32 20 2b -7 25 39 0 5 T T 29.97 35 2.9 3.,13 35 10 14 15 30 10 20 -13 1B 45 0 2 5 0 0 30.06 34 .8 1 .3 5 19 2 5 15 If,31 22 27 -5 2b 38 0 1 5 .24 4 .0 29.73 3b 6.3 7.3 \4 02 10 10 I b 17 36 1B 27 -5 29 38 0 2 8 .01 0 2~.81 10 .4 .9 6 34 7 6 17 18 2B 12 20 -11 22 45 0 I 8 0 0 30.02 26 .9 2.3 6 26 18 19 33 21 27 -4 38 0 1 10 .33 3.1 6 2B 10 19 20 33 22 2B -2 21 37 0 2 11 0 0 29.61 36 5.3 6.2 13 33 7 20 21 2B 20 24 -6 8 41 0 11 0 0 29.20 36 1.b 13.6 23 01 7 21 22 31 10 21 -8 8 44 0 10 0 0 28.9b 36 0.1 10.5 21 3b 6 3 22 23 26 5 16 -12 7 49 0 10 0 0 29.04 34 b.O • 7. 1 12 32 0 0 23 24 21 -1 10 -18 :I 55 0 10 0 0 29.10 01 2.3 3.5 7 01 4 3 24 25 23 -5 9 -18 56 0 10 0 o 29.10 02 1 .8 3.1 6 29 25 2b 18 -10 4 -23 61 0 10 0 0 12 32 0 0 2b 27 15 -12 2 -24 -63 0 10 i T 129.53 3b 3.6 5.1 10 35 3 27 2B 16 9 13 - 13 9 52 0 1 10 .39 7.22B.98 3,6.0 7.1 14 02 10 2B 29 22 -10 6 -19 5 5~0 16 T T 28.99 02 1.5 2.2 5 05 1 3 2~ 30 10 -16 •-3~-2B -10 68 0 16 0 o 29.19 04 1.6 2.b b 29 0 1 30 31 20 -15 3 -21 -3 62 0 1b 0 o 29.47 01 B.2 8.5 16 02 9 7 31SUMSU~iOTAl TOTAL NU~BfR or DAIS 10 TAL TOl AL FOR THE ~ONTH:TOTAL J:SUM SU~ %0 46b --12%0 2.07 285 23 01 '"AVG.AVG.AVG.OEP.AYG.OE?.OEP.PRECIPITATION OLP .DATE:21 ~DS51Bt[1I0.1M AYG.AYG 31 .0 15.0 23.0 -9.1 27b 0 ).01 INCH.12 -0.47 NU~BER or DAYS SEASON 10 DAlE SNOH,ICE PELLETS GREAJEST IN 24 HOURS AND OATfS GREATEST DEPTH ON GROUND orTOTALTOTAL)1.0 INCH 6 MAX I~UM TEMP.~INIMU~TE~P.2393 1 THUNOERSTORMS 0 PREC IPI1AT ION SNOH.ICE PELL E1S SNOH,ICE PElLETS OR ICE AND OA1E ;90°(32°(32°(0°OEP.OEP.HEAVY rOG 3 .46 7 8 8.3 7-8 1 b 31+ 0 16 29 7 264 5 CLEAR PARTL Y CLOUDY CLOUDY *EXTREHE FOR THE HONTH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF HORE THAN ONE. T TRACE AHOUN1. +ALSO ON EARLIER OATEIS). HEAVY FOG:VISI8ILITY 114 MILE OR LESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE MISSING DATA. HOURS OF OPS.HAY BE REDUCED ON A VARIABLE SCHEDULE. DA1A IN COLS bAND 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR MORE OBSERVATIONS Al 3-HOUR INTERVALS.RESULTANT WIND IS THE VECTOR SUM OF WIND SPEEDS AND DIRECTIONS DIVIDED 8Y THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS. ONE or lHREE WIND SPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FASTEST MILE:FASTEST MILE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR WHICH A MILE OF WIND PASSES STATION [DIRECTION IN COMPASS POINTS].FASTEST OBSERVED ONE MINUTE ~IND -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED [DIRECTION IN TENS OF DEGREES]_PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INS1ANTANEOUS WIND SPEED [A 1 APPEARS IN THE DIRECTION COLUHN].ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMMARY DATA WILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PUBLl CA II ON. I CERTTFY THAT THIS IS AN OFFICTAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION,AND IS COMPILEJ FROM RECORDS ON FILE AT THE NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER.ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA.28801. n 0 a a NATIONAL OCEANIC AND /ENmmENTAL om ANO/NAllONAl CLlNAHC CENTER .ATNOSPHERIC AO"IN1STRATION INFORNATION SERVICE I ASHEVILLE,HOR1H CAROLINA 172 /.t;;tId ACTING DIRECTOR NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER WEA SVC CONTRACT ~ET 08SY NOV 1982 TALKEETNA,ALASKA TALKEETNA AIRPORT 20528 LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL Monthly Summary DATA ISSN 0198-0424 LATITUOE &2 0 18 LONGITUOE 150 0 0&W ELEVATION I GROUNO J 345 rEET TIME ZONE ALASKAN W8AN 12&528 10 I 10 2 9 3 10 4 10 8 5 2 3 5 o I 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 10 12 10 9 13 10 8 14 o 15 o 15o17 o 18 1 4 19 10 10 20 10 10 21 10 22 10 23 7 24 10 25 4 3 25 B 5 27 1 3 2B 10 29 10 30 18 19 20 21 22 15 01 5 28 8 2, 4 1 33 5 I 01 5 04 13 35 15 35 9 02 T7 01 15 35 17 03 9 04 5 31 5 35 7 35 15 02 12 34 14 02 17 35 14 01 1b 01 10 35 12 35 17 02 17 35 10 32 5 03 5 05 5 19 1&171415 8.5 8.9 7.0 7.3 9.5 0 .2 5.3 5.9 .4 .4 2.7 3.5 8.7 9.5 1 .8 3.7 .4 .4 .0 .0 1 .4 1.4 3.8 4.2 7.0 9 5 8.2 8.8 3 .5 3 . 7 5.0 5.3 12.2 112.9 7.4 7.9 9 .8 Ii 0.2 7. 1 7.5 b .9 7.5 10.3 0.5 5.5 5.3 3.9 4.0 .9 .9 40 O.15 .12 2.1 29.291°1 41 0 1 10 02 .4 51 0 15 a 0 28.7&05 50 0 14 T T 28.80 33 51 0 1 14 .03 .329.2400 52 0 14 0 0 29.51 01 53 0 14 a 0 29.&7 02 47 0 1 14 .29 4.4 2~.28 01 :~~1 ;;. 0~1.~12 U 3 03 137 0 1 5 19.20 3.8129 . 78 02 35 0 20 .02 T 29.48 02 35 0 20 .03 .8 29.15 34 44 0 1 21 .07 1.329.28 01 59 0 22 0 °29.47 05 59 0 22 0 ° 53 0 21 0 °29.25 35 73 0 21 0 029.4104 72 0 21 0 01295503 49 ° 1 21 .03 .929.81 01 42 0 1 22.01.7 29.H 35 38 0 22 0 0 29.5&01 33 0 22 r T 32 0 21 r T29.5134 40 0 21 0 0 29.07 35 42 0 20 0 0 28 93 '35 47 0 20 0 0 28.95 35 50 0 20 0 028.7405 49 0 20 .57 7.4 2B.55 05 51 0 28 .253.1 22 , 7 25 24 27 25 1 27 20 15 17 - 1 17 2 -15 -21 8' 17 18 11 12 11 o -5 15 25 1 24 1 14 -9 15 -7 14 -8 3 -18 2 -19 18 -3 22 2 23 3 28 9 3°112911 21 3 5 -11 5 -11 T2 -5 -B*-24 - 7 -23 15 0 23 8 27 12 32 18 33*19 25 11 23 10 1B 5 5 -8 15 4 14 2 4 5 19 14 7 8 4 -8 -11 14 18 18 25 27 22 9 -4 -5 3 -21 -25* 10 21 23 29 28 1b 15 7 o 8 8 TEHPERATURE OF 31 33 21 22 23 13 14 21 2& 27 :~0 33 35 33 15 10 21 & 11 21 25 31 34 3 '*34 30 28 10 23 20 WEATHER TYP(S SNOW I I AVERAGE!].lIND SKI COVER !I OEGREE O~YS ICE PRECIPITATION mlIo~i SUNSHINE 11E~THSJ I BASE &5 I 'FOG PELLETShiriPRESSUREI\-~~I~~_._P-.H...,._I,,-,-,~..+__--,-_+-_-r----11----....,...---r---.,.--.,.--+-z--=~--,--z-z=-12~EAVY lOG OR _~I IN r.~rASHsT 1 ~=~II I z;;~-z;;'=i 13 THUN.OERSTORM ICE ON :s I ~,mES I=.0-~MILE~~::~~H~h:ELLETS G::rH OI;~~~I E~~~=_z ;~~V'I:~~~il~~I~~~~;;=~=~7 OUSTSTOR~IX::c;..~FEET ....J =.~o.~I.o.J =.......~~~==~~~~~i~§g ~~~~~iNGH~~~W INCHES ~~~~~B~V~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7A 7B B 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 :::::c ~ :.f) :::::c .....J :::x::r-.. :::±; z ~AXIMU~TEMP.MINIMUM TEMP IHUNOERSTORMS 0 PRECIPI1ATION SNOW,ICE PELLETS SNOW,ICE PELLETS OR ICE ANO OATE SNOW,ICE PELLETS 7 GREATEST IN 24 HOURS ANO OATES GREATEST OEPTH ON GROUNO OF;I.OINCH NUH8ER or OAYS >-,r",-OT~A~L -l-T~O;..:.TA~L+-_~---,-F~OR~TH~E,.cM~ON,,"T~H":.-.~~~--"TO,,-!T~AL,-%SUM 1 SUM 1. 70 27.0 17 35 roo 212 PRte I PIT A11 ON 1--f0E,,;P;,;;'c+---t~~~~+--+-:::'-::'-::'-I----_---1"0-,,-AT,-,E.:-:-,2",5-'1+,...;'-"OS""SI"".':.::.[..J,..::.:"':::":::'f--TAi~G;,-'!-'A:!i-'!..'1G. ;.01 INCH.13 -0.09 7.1150 OEP. OEP. 3834 1 TOTAL TOTAL 1441 0 SEASON TO DATE TOTAL TOTAL 9.15.7 -0.8 NUHBER or OAYS 280 AVG.AVG.OEP.AiG. SUM 24.1 724 AiG. SUH o 23 30 7 OEP.OEP. 2B0 -5 CLEAR 8 PARTLY CLOUDY 2 CLOUDY 20 *EXTREME FOR THE MONTH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF MORE THAN ONE. T TRACE AMOUNT. +ALSO ON EARLIER OATEISI. HEAVY FOG:YISIBILITY 1/4 MILE OR lESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE MISSING DATA. HOURS OF OPS.MAY BE REDUCED ON A VARIABLE SCHEDULE. DATA IN eOlS &AND 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR MORE OBSERYAIIDNS AT 3-HOUR INTERYALS.RESUllANT ~lNO IS THE VECIOR SUM OF ~IND SPEEDS AND DIRECTIONS DIVIDED BY IHE NUMBER or OBSERVATIONS. ONE OF THREE ~IND SPEEDS [S GiVEN UNDER FASTEST MILE:FASTEST MILE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR WHICH A MILE OF ~IND PASSES SIATION IDIRECTION IN COMPASS POINTSl.FASTEST OBSERVED ONE MINUTE WINO -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED [DIRECTION IN TENS OF DEGREES].PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INSTANTANEOUS WIND SPEEO IA I APPEARS IN THE DIRECTION COLUMNI.ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMMARY DATA WILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PUBUCATIDN I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS AN OFFiCIAL puBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION,ANO IS C(~PILED FROM RECORDS ON FILE AT THE NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER,ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA,28801. n 0 a a NAllONAl OCEANiC ANO /ENVIRON"ENIAL DATA ANO/NAJlONAL CLlHAJlC CENTER AaOSPHERIC AOHINISTRATION INFOR"AJlON SERilCE /ASHEVIllE,NORIH CAROLINA l~1-kJ- ACTING DlliECTOR NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER 173 WEA SVC CONTRACT HET 08SY DEC 1982 TALKEETNA,ALASKA TALKEETNA AIRPORT 2b528 LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL Monthly Summary DATA lSSN 0198-0424 LATITUOE b2°18'N LONGITUDE 150°Ob'W ELEVATION IGROUNOI 345 rEET TIME lONE ALASKAN w8AN 12b528 *EXTREME FOR.THE HONTH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF MORE THAN ONE. T TRACE AMOUNT. +ALSO ON EARLIER OATEtS). HEAVY FOG:VISIBILITY 1/4 MILE OR LESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE HISSING DATA. HOURS OF DPS.MAY BE REDUCED ON A VARIABLE SCHEDULE. !DEGREE DAYS WEATHER TYPES SNOW AYERAGE H[ND SKY COYERTEMPERATUREOFI8ASEbsorICEPRECIPITAllONmllo~1M.P.H.)SIJNSH INE I TENTHS I1raGPELLETSPRESSURE z z 2 HEAVY raG OR ~IN '"FASTEST ~~~~ <:0 <C 3 THUNOERSTORM ICE ON z ~INeKES c:0 HILE ~ ~~-0..~<Xl ~<C 4 ICE PELLETS GROUNO <C '"'"~--~;:~~0..0..~'"'"<C 5 HAIL AT ELEV.'"z 0'"-'"~c =>~~0 0 --c:'"""""~~~;::~~z '"co b GLAZE 08AM '"-~-35b <C ~-'"-0..~'":I:Z-~_<n -'"~Z "'Z <.00'""'-zvo ::~7 DUSTSTORM FE£!~~<C '"~~~-0 --c C <C '"<C'"-z '"'".", ~--I c:<C C c:~~--~'"~ABOVE 0 0 c:~~0 ~<C c:'":z c ~~:z ~0..0 ~~<C co 0<.0 8 SMOKE.HAZE INCHES _z '"z '"'"......c:z ""-Z '";;<C ;;:~~c:......0 ... <C _Z _ M.S.L.......~0..--...,0 00 -0 <C C <C o~'"cc ~cc 9 BLOWING SNOW '"-c:c:<C '"0 C 0..- <n _ c-o 1 2 3 4 5 &7A 78 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1&17 18 19 20 21 22 ~I 10 -4 3 -9 a b2 a 1 29 .04 .9 29.11 D1 .4 .4 4 0'10 1 8 -19*-b_-17 -11 71 a 29 a a 29.13 01 2.8 2.9 16 02 a 2 B - 17 -5 -H -11 70 0 29 a a 29.0b 01 4.2 5.b 12 01 a a 3 10 -17 -1 -12 -7 bb a 29 a a 2Q.43 01 12.0 12.5 20 3b 9 b 4 5 2B 1b 22 11 13 43 a 29 T T 2Q.54 01 11 .5 11 .8 20 03 10 10 5 b 31 27 29 I Q 18 3b a 28 a a 29.59 0',9.8 9.9 14 3b 3 b 7 3.29 33 23 32 a 27 .17 1.1 12 3b 10 7 8 H 31 33 23 33 32 a 1 27 .59 3.7 29.30 07 3.3 7.3 10 15 10 8 9 33 17 25 15 21 40 0 2b .02 .8 29.82 04 3.5 8.b 1b 15 9 9 10 17 4 11 1 4 54 0 25 a 0 29.5b 01 5.0 •.a 8 03 5 3 10 11 28 a 14 5 15 51 0 25 0 a 2B.92 35 8.9 9.2 1 7 34 10 •11 12 32 25 29 20 21 3&0 24 0 a 28.57 3.10.2 10.8 H 10 10 9 12 13 32 22 27 18 20 38 a 24 0 a 28.&3 01 9.4 9.&16 3b 10 '3 14 34 21 28 19 37 a 24 0 a 13 02 9 14 15 35 20 28 19 21 37 a 24 a 0 28.51 01 7.9 8.2 16 02 10 15 1.33 22 28 20 21 37 0 24 a a 2o.b4 02 10.&10.9 10 03 9 1& 17 31 11 21 13 21 44 a 24 T T 29.04 35 •.3 •.5 12 33 10 7 17 18 12 3 8 a 4 57 a 24 a 0 29.20 04 4.1 4.2 •04 &4 18 19 2.3 15 7 9 50 a 24 a a 29.00 3b 9.8 10.2 23 02 10 7 19 20 2B 10 19 11 13 4b a 24 a 0 29.00 01 9.3 9.5 1&01 7 20 21 10 -3 4 -4 •I a 24 a a &03 2 21 22 3 -10 -4 -12 -11 b9 a 24 a a 28.85 01 3.8 5.3 7 33 a 22 23 15 2 9 1 -2 56 0 24 0 a 28.93 01 9.8 0.2 15 3.2 21 24 22 12 17 9 9 48 0 24 a 0 29.09 35 7.1 7.8 12 aI 7 7 24 25 23 12 18 10 10 47 0 24 a 0 2Q.37 35 7.0 7.3 14 01 10 8 25 2b 33 22 28 20 10 37 0 24 0 a 29.39 02 13.1 3.4 17 01 10 10 2b 27 34 30 32 24 29 33 a 1 24 .30 2.5 29.48 01 5.4 •.3 1&01 10 27 28 38 32 35 27 30 a 25 .&4 .8 12 02 10 2B 29 42-32 37_29 34 28 a 24 .04 .5 2q .41 01 1 .9 4.2 13 '.b 10 29 30 35 2&31 23 29 34 a 23 T T 29.55 05 2.2 4.2 9 01 10 30 31 31 25 28 20 21 37 a 23 0 a 29.52 35 7.a 7.&10 33 8 10 31 SUM SUM TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER Of OAYS TOTAL TOTAL FOR THE MONTH:TOTAL 7-SUM SUM 79B 384 1419 a 1 .80 10.3 23 02 '"'23& AVG.AVG.AYG.OEP.AVG.OEF.OEP.PRECIPITATION OEP.OATE:19 P05511LE "OIU.AVG.AVG. 25 7 12.4 19.1 10.1 -317 a ;.01 INCH.7 0.09 7.b NUMBER Of OAYS SEASON TO DATE SNOW,ICE PELLETS GREATEST IN 24 HOURS ANa OATES GREATEST OEPTH ON GROUNO OfTOTALTOtAL;1.0 INCH 3 MAIIHU~TEMP.MINIMUM TEMP.5253 1 THUNOER ST aRMS a PRECIPITATION SNOW,ICE PELLETS SNOW,ICE PEllETS OR ICE ANa DATE 5 QOo <32 0 <32°<00 OEP.DEP.HEAVY FOG a .81 27 -28 4.4 7-8 30 1 0 20 31 7 -37 -5 CLEAR b PARTLY CLOUOY 4 ClOUOY 21 DATA IN COLS b ANO 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR MORE OBSERVATIONS AT 3-HOUR INTERVALS.RESULTANT ~INO IS THE VECTOR SUM OF ~INO SPEEDS AND DIRECTIONS DIVIDED BY THE NUM8ER OF OBSERVATIONS. ONE OF THREE ~IND SPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FASTEST HILE:FASTEST HILE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR ~HICH A HILE OF ~IND PASSES STATION [DIRECTION IN COMPASS PDINTSJ.FASTEST OBSERVED ONE MINUTE ~IND -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED [DIRECTION IN TENS OF OEGREESI.PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INSTANTANEOUS ~IND SPEED [A 1 APPEARS IN THE DIRECTION COLUMNI.ERRORS ~ILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMMARY DATA ~ILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PuBLl CA T[ON. I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATHOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATrON,AND IS COMPILED FROM RECOROS ON fILE AT THE NATIONAL CLIHATIC CENTER,ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA.2B801. ! / n 0 a a NATIONAL oCEANIC ANO /ENYIRONHENTAL DATA AKO/NATIONAL CLIOTIC CUTER ITNOSPHERIC ADHINISTRATIOK INFORMATION SERYICE /ASHEYIlLE,NORTH CAROLINA 174 l ~1!od- ACTING DIRECTOR NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER JAN 1983 2&528 I SSN 01 ~8-0424 TALKEETNA,ALASKA LOCALTALKEETNAAIRPORT j CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA ~EA SVC CONTRACT MET 08SY Monthly Summary of LATITUDE &2 °18 LONGITUDE 150°0&ELEVATION {GROUNOI 345 FEE T rIME ZONE ALASKAN ~8AN 120528 c::... Z f- W W ~ ---l l::::( I- I DEGREE DAYS ~EATHER TYPES SNO~AVERAGE ~IND SKY COVERTEMPERATUREOF I BASE &5 0 F !CE PRE CIPIT AT I ON STA TI ON 1M.P.H.I SUNSH I NE I TENTHS I1FOGPELLETSPRESSURE..~....2 HEAVY FOG OR ~IN Q FASTEST J_~I~~~~o ce 3 THUNDERSTORM I CE ON ..~INCHES .'"~Q MILE ~vo ~-0..~'"~ce ce 4 ICE PELLETS GROUND ce ~Q vo I -~~~'"0..ce v>_>~ELEV.-~~~>=5 HA IL AT --on 5'"""'"'"=>~z z 0 ~v>1==1>=>==>0 ~..'"~&GLAZE 08AM ""-35&ce ce ~-on _0.. ~=>'"_z "'-=v>=v> ~v>_v>- -'"-I ~z .-...nz ~o >=ce '"ceO -=-=7 OUSTSTORM '"=-=FEET ~~~Q '-'-...~ -=>1--~---'"ce >="'~~-~~"'~=>=>~...~'-'ce C::r.n Z%:~ ><z ~0..0 ~'"~~0'"B SMOKE,HAZE INCHES _z 0%A80VE v>on ~'""'-Z Q -ce ""->~"";;:=;O~~BLO~ING SNO~ce -z _ M.S.L.~~>0..--~o =:.0 _0 ""=>=>=""=~'-'='"-v>_'"'"""v>0 -=0.._V"'I_:z;:-= 1 2 3 4 5 b 7A 7B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 33 27 30 22 23 35 0 23 0 0 2~.24 01 5.8 5.~12 02 10 9 1 2 .34 25 30 22 23 35 0 23 0 0 29.07 35 &.4 &.5 10 01 9 10 2 3 27 24 20 1B 22 39 0 I 23 · 1&3.8 29.10 3&B.7 9.2 , 5 01 10 3 4 20 -7 10 2 55 0 20 0 0 12 02 0 4 5 10 -,0 0 - 8 -10 &5 0 20 0 0 29.10 01 7. 3 7.&14 03 0 5 &-2 - 1B - 10 -18 -lb 75 0 20 T T 28.5&0'3.2 3.3 9 03 2 & 7 -2 -21 -12 -20 -'4 77 0 2&.01 .2 28.48 30 2.1 3.2 7 31 &7 7 8 -2 -30*-1 &*-24 -30 B1 0 2&0 0 29.18 102 3.1 3.5 17 03 0 0 8 9 1 -12 -s -14 -19 71 0 2&0 0 29.58 02 8.5 9.2 17 03 0 0 'l 10 &-12 -3 - I 1 -18 &8 0 20 0 0 29.4BOI o.&11 .4 21 0'0 '0 11 11 4 8 0 57 0 20 0 0 2'03 0 11 12 9 -3 3 -5 -,2 &2 0 25 0 0 28.98 03 9.4 9.5 , 7 02 7 12 13 &-1 3 -&-I &&2 0 25 0 0 29.19 02 0 .9 11 .4., 7 02 1 13 14 13 - I 0 2 - 7 -9 &3 0 25 0 0 29.14 03 3.1 3.2 13 03 2 4 14 '5.3&13 25 1&11 40 0 25 0 0 29.18 01 9.2 9.5 18 35 10 9 15 10 34 25 30 21 20 35 0 1 25 ·12 2.3 28 .8S 3&5.2 7.2 13 01 10 10 1& , 7 25 11 18 9 i 7 47 0 1 27 ·07 1 .2 28 .84 3b I .0 1 .2 &34 10 17 18 3&13 25 10 40 0 28 T r 15 03 10 18 19 35 20 28 '8 23 37 0 1 28 .10 4 .4 29.'3 14 2.2 &.&13 15 10 19 20 20 21 24 14 14 41 0 32 0 0 29.57 01 9.,9.5 14 02 9 20 21 28 3 1&b 7 49 0 32 0 0 29.57 3&7. 3 7.8 13 35 9 8 21 22 8 -B 0 -10 - 8 &5 0 30 0 0 29.5&03 2.7 2.7 7 03 I 0 0 22 23 11 -II 0 -10 -7 &5 0 30 0 0 29.27 05 2.0 2.2 &21 0 0 23 24 25 -,4 &-5 -&59 0 30 0 0 29.0&01 4.B 5.9 13 03 7 24 25 25 19 22 11 43 0 29 0 0 I 7 3&4 25 2b 31 25 28 17 15 37 0 29 0 0 28.5&01 11 .4 11 .B lb 02 10 20 27 29 14 22 11 ,&43 0 29 0 0 28.75 35 4.3'4 .9 14 03 9 '-<! 28 29 7 18 7 1&47 0 29 0 0 29.14 3&4.I 4 .5 9 01 &&28 29 29 4 17 5 10 48 1 0 29 0 0 2B.93 35 5.1 5.3 10 33 0 0 29 30 29 4 17 5 14 48 0 29 0 0 28.%01 11 5 '1 . 7 1&01 9 &30 31 38*27 33l 21 23 32 0 29 0 0 29.22 3&6.5 7.B 14 02 9 31 SUH SUM TOTAL 10TAL NUHBER OF OAIS TOTAL TOI AL FOR THE MONTH:TOT AL 7-SUM 'SUM 644 12~1&21 0 .4&Ii.~21 03 ro.1&~ AVG.AVG.AVG.DEP.IVG.OEP.OEP PRECIPITA1l0N DEP.01 IE:11 +POSSIBl{1II0llTM I vG.AVG. 20.8 4.2 12.5 4.1 -103 0 ;.01 INCH.5 -0 .99 5.5 NUHBER OF OAYS SEASON TO DAlE SNO~,ICE PELLETS GREATEST IN 24 HOURS ANO OATES GREATEST OEPIH ON GROUNO OFrOTALTOTAL;1.0 INCH 4 MAXIMUM TEMP MINIMUM TEMP.&874 0 THUNDERSTORMS 0 PRECIPllll!ON SND~,ICE PELUIS SNOW,ICE PELLETS OR ICE ANO OATE ;90°(32°(32°(0°OEP.OEP HEAVY FOG 0 · 1q ,&-17 4.4 1q 33 19 0 24 3i 1 3 -140 0 CL EAR 12 PARlL I CLOUDI 5 CLOUDI 14 *EXTREME FOR THE MONTH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF MORE THAN ONE. T TRACE AMOUNT. •ALSO ON EARLIER DATEISI. HEAVY FOG:VISIBILITY 114 MILE OR LESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE MISSING OR UNREPORTED DATA. HOURS OF OPS.MAY BE REDUCED ON A VARIABLE SCHEDULE. DATA IN COLS bAND 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR HORE OBSERVATIONS AT 3-HOUR INTERVALS.RESULTANT HIND IS THE VECTOR SUM OF HINO SPEEDS AND DIRECTIONS DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS . ONE OF THREE HIND SPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FASTEST MILE:FASTEST M1LE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR ~HICH A MILE OF HIND PASSES STATION IDIRECTION IN COMPASS POINTSI.FASTEST 08SERVEO ONE MINUTE WiNO -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED {DIRECTION IN TENS OF DEGREES I .PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INSTANTANEOUS H1ND SPEED IA / APPEARS IN THE OlRECT10N COLUMN I .ERRORS HILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMMARY DATA ~ILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PUBLICATION CENTER /t<;1Iod- ACTING DIRECTOR NATIONAL CILMATIC DATA NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA C[NTER ASHEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAl ENV]RONIlENTAL SATELLITE,DATA AND IN'ORMATION SERYIC£ NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPNERIC ADMINISTRATION I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION,AND IS COMPILED FROM RECORDS ON F1LE AT THE NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER,ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA,28B01 175 WEA SVC CONTRACT HET OBSY FEB 1983 TALKEETNA,ALASKA TALKEETNA AIRPORT 2b 5 28 LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL Monthly Summary DATA LATITUDE &2 0 18'LONGlTUOE 150 0 0&ELEV~TION IGROUNO)345 FEET TIHE ZONE ALASKAN WBAN '2&528 I~.\c::x::.z '"CD I- Ww l.J...w ~ --'c::x:: I- OEGREE DAYS wEATHER TYPES SNOW !Am~GE wIND SKI COVERTEHPERATUREOF8~SE ~5°F ICE PRECIPITATION ISTATION IH.P.H.I SUNSH I NE I TEN THi I1FOGPELLETSPRESSURE z ~z z 2 HUH FOG OR ~I~0 I FASTEST I~ :1'"=>O~J THUNDERSTORM ICE ON ::;ImES '"~=HILE~~~~-a.~ -'~4 !CE PELLE1S GROUNO ~Q ~~_~I~=~'"...v">~v">_AT >"-ELEV.e;z~'"--5 HAIL --Qv">_ '"'"'"'"=>~~0 o ~ '"'"~:>0 ~=co co "GLAZE OB~H ""-~-35&::5 -v">-c..~V1 '"z:>:>'"-z "'-=~Zv">~~-v">--~z v">z <.:>='"'"~'"",,0 -z 7 OUSTSTORH ~;:;.",FEET ~~""Q '-'~~-:>--~--'"""'"","---a SHOkE,HAZE INCHES '"~ABOVE 5':5':'"~~:>'-'""'"v">Z '"~-~z ~0.0 ~'"""'""''''~==>Z ~~'"z "'-Z Q -""""-~~'"~~~~"'~~=~~>-e;--~o :>0 -0 ""Q '"'"""0 ...""'""'''''-''"q BLOWING SNOW H.S.L '"'"""0 '"a._";0 i";;-Q I 2 3 4 5 6 7A 7B 8 q 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ,q 22 I 42J 2B 35'23 30 0 28 0 0 14 02 5 I 2 37 23 30 1B 24 35 0 28 0 0 29.20 01 &.2 7 .1 15 05 10 2 J 35 27 31 19 23 34 0 28 0 0 29.20 01 &.I &.8 15 05 9 J 4 l&22 29 17 21 3&0 27 0 029.04 i01 8.2 8.b 17 02 10 10 4 5 39 27 33 20 2&32 0 27 .02 .8 rB 78 i01 4.1 &.0 12 01 1O 9 5 &32 2b 29 1&23 3&0 -27 .05 I .3 28.70 04 ".7 5.5 12 02 10 9 & 7 32 20 2&13 25 39 0 I 29 .,,2 .3 28.95 07 .7 3.b b 17 9 7 8 2&,14 1 5 I 0 1 30 .03 I .2 I b 28 9 B 9 22 ~7 8 -&-3 57 0 31 0 Ob9.1b04 3.8 40 1 7 02 0 q 10 4 -IS -&-20 -14 71 0 31 0 o 29.14 02 1 .4 1.4 5 02 4 10 II 8 -19 -0 -20 -1&71 0 31 0 o 28.92 3&.q 2.2 5 03 2 1 11 , 2 5 -22 -9l -23 -18 74 0 J,0 o 28.90 33 .1 .9 5 04 1 0 12 1J 12 -211 -&-20 -1J 71 0 J1 0 0 29.29 01 3.I J .9 7 32 0 2 IJ 14 20 -10 5 -10 -2 &0 0 31 0 0 29.49 35 5.0 5 .5 9 0'2 14 15 25 -12 7 -8 58 0 30 0 0 13 02 I 15 If>27 "19 4 4 4b 0 3D 0 0 29.19 ,01 9 .2 9.&17 03 0 10 '17 27 8 18 3 -2 47 0 30 0 0 28.87 101 9.&9.9 If>03 0 17 18 22 8 15 0 5 50 0 I 29 .12 3.2 28 .8b 10 I o .5 110.9 15 03 10 7 13 ,9 32 10 2I I 0 ,0 44 0 32 T T 28 93 P&B.&8.9 If>02 3 4 19 20 J5 10 I 23 8 17 42 0 1 3I T .3 28 89 3&7.1 7.5 If>01 9 9 20 21 37 25 31 15 I7 34 0 31 0 0 29.17 0'7.9 8.1 1&01 10 21 22 4I 14 28 12 37 0 30 0 0 12 02 1 22 23 I 37 13 25 9 17 40 0 30 0 0 28.07 01 9.I 9.5 14 03 7 23 24 35 18 27 " 24 3B 0 !29 .04 .8 28.90 01 4 .5 4.8 13 03 ,0 24 25 3&2 1q 3 12 4&0 30 0 0 28.93 02 A.I 4.3 12 02 1 3 2, 2b 37 18 28 12 19 37 0 30 0 0 28.93 3&.8.9 9.4 15 02 10 9 2& 27 3S IJ 24 8 1&41 0 29 0 0 29.1&34 4.2 &2 12 02 10 10 27 28 32 12 22 &25 43 0 29 09 1 .1 29.41 32 1 .9 2.3 7 33 10 2B ~U"SU"10 TAl TO TAL NU~8ER OF O~YS 10TAl TO IAl FOR THE "ONTH:TOrAL %SUM SUM 808 228 1300 0 .4&'11 0 17 03 roo 1&1 AVG.I A'G.AVG.~E P...G.OEP OlP PREC IPIl AT1ON OEP.DATE:,0 +P\lSSIBLE 1101111 AVG.I "/G. 28.Q 8 1 18.5 4 1 -q2 0 ;.01 INCH.7 i .07 ;.0 NUMBER OF O~IS SEASON TO OA TE SijOW,ICE PELLETS GR£ATEST IN 24 HOURS ANO DATES GREATEST DEPTH ON GROUNO OFTom10TAL;1.0 INCN 5 M~J I ~u"IE MP ~I ~n ~IJrt :£~P 8I 14 0 TNUNOE RS TOR~5 0 PRECIPITATION SNOW,ICE PELLlIS SNOW,IC£PELLETS DR ICE AND DATE ;qoo <32°i J2°i J O OfP.OEP.HEAVl FOG 0 .12 18 3.2 18 32 19+ 0 ,1';28 i -23 2 I)CL EAR 1 !PAkTL 1 CLOUDY 2 CLOUDl I'; i EXTREME FOR THE MO~HH -LAST OCCURRENCE IF MORE THAN ONE. I I RACE AMOUN T. +ALSO ON EARLIER oATEIS). HEAVI FOG:vISIBILlTY 1/4 MILE OR LESS. BLANK ENTRIES DENOTE MISSING OR UNREPORTED DATA HOURS OF OPS.MAY BE REDUCED ON A VARIABLE SCHEDULE. $$NOTE:JAN IgS3 -COL.~DAILY DATA COMPuTED 'ROM 1941-7D NORMALS.$S DATA IN COLS bAND 12-15 ARE BASED ON 7 OR MORE OBSERvATIONS ~T 3-HOUR INTERVALS.RESULTANI ~INo IS 1HE vECTOR SUM OF ~IND SPEEDS ANO DIRECTIONS DIviDED BY THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS. ONE OF THREE ~IND SPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FASTEST MILE:FASTEST MILE -HIGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR ~HICH A MILE OF ~IND PASSES STATION IDIRECTION IN CoHPASS POINTS].FASTEST OBSERVED ONE MINUTE ~IND -HIGHEST ONE MINUTE SPEED [DIRECTION IN TENS OF DEGREESJ PEAK GUST -HIGHEST INSTANTANEOUS ~IND SPEEO [A / APPEARS IN THE DIRECTION COLUMNI.ERRORS ~ILL BE CORRECTED AND CHANGES IN SUMHARY OATA'~ILL BE ANNOTATED IN THE ANNUAL PUBU CAT ION. /f1o-1Iod- ACTING DIRECTOR NATIONAL CILHATIC DATA CENTER ~ATIDNAL (UMAH(DArA CEHTER ASHEVILLE NORrH C.ROUNA NUICOAl ENYJROOII(NTAl SATELLITE.DATA "D INfORMUICo SERVICE ",IIONAl OCUOIC AoD ".OSPH£AIC AD"IOISTRUION I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION,AND IS COMPILED FROM RECORDS ON fiLE AT THE NATIONAL CL1MATIC DAIA CENTER,ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA,28801 noaa 176 ~EA svc CONTRACI MET oasy DATA Summary LOCAL CLIMA TOLOGICAL Monthly 21>52 a,~AR 19a3 TAUEtl~A,ALASKA rAl~EE1~A AIRPORT lAI!TUOE &2°IS'lONGlTUOE ISO·0&El[VAlION IGROUNO)345 FEET Tl~E IO~E AUSKAN w6A,12052S 21 OEGREE DAYS WEA1HER llPES!SND~1 AiERIGE I ~nND !,,~COYER IEMPERATuRE Or BASE '5'F I ICE I PREelPIIIlIDS SrAflCNI ,.PHI ,SUNSHINE 1;,;'51 \-,_--..,.__--,.--__-+-=-,.-°-=-1 1 FOG .PEllEfSf-__r-::--....jPRESSU,E!!---,--:=-,'_''-'--,'-".==...'f-'---,--+--,---i '"~'"'"2 HEAVY FOG DR _!:::I~['0 I,-I FASTEsn,'I~=;~-:.3 1HIJNOEP~TOR"IICE ON ::.I '::[",CifES 0::Q I "'1 ~I ::: ;;<t;:;;::.;:;::.4 ICE P£lLETS I'GROUNO ~',,-;:;I:;;::'I'';-~I'~~i~z:5 HAIL AT =>ELEV.'";;V'>I ~<:><",-~~~~~;.j:l:::~b ~LAZE 08AN ~~_~35&:=:=~:=I ~-~Il.o.i ~ a;~~~~~~::I~~~~~~~O~~lE !INCHES ~~_z ~~:~~/E ~;:;;~I ~,;I,!~g~I ~:=Q....._ _±~B ~q 5l OW l NG SNOW ....'I V'I -M.5.l..c=:x -.....'-"z:~-V'_ 4 5 b 7A 78 8 I q 10 11 12 13,14 15 1b 17!18 1 q ;0 22 i Slj~ 4 ~I 0 SU"I :0 10 GREAirSI DEPTH CN GROUND OF i SHeW,I"PELLETS OR ICE AHO OAT(! S[~)G~t 10 DATE 5NOloJ.ICE PElLETS I G~('\TEST IN'4 U RS "~Tr~TOTAL lUTAl ;1.0 INCH 0 -"U AND.,._~ 20 4 45 0 30 Til 4 35 i 12 -4 3 53 0 30 0 0 129 30 IJ Ii,_2,7 7 2 B i B'-8 -r 57 0 29 J 0 29,)0 102 4'4,9 04' ~~;.~:~~1 ~~o~q~;~)~i ~3 U ;~~~ 25 ,H 40 0 2~°o29 U l,0 '<,,&1202 21 4 q 44 0 291 0 0 0 29SQ 1.30 ~,~.5 q 02 1&-,49 °29 0 10 20 2I j a 44 0 29 0 U ,2 9 ;1 /3"3 5 , 3 ~35 13 -I '2 52 0 28 0 1 . 3 1'2 B ,1 13 5 3 , :~,<9 01 29 12 20 3'0 28 0 0 28,95 ~o 4 4,]TO 02 34.1 0 22 3 I 0 28 °0 12 q .S 2 ',130 4 5 2 '2 3& 30 12 18 35 0 28 0 0 29 C~PS ~.3.2 7 02 ~~:~22 n ~~~o~~129.:3i2~"3.7 ;~; IS 32 '3 22 33 0 24 0 029,82 [lb_5.8 13 3& 9 2 I 3 I 5 ] B 0 24 0 !),2 9 ~g (~~...:3 .2 i 28! 7 24 ':l 1 b ~1 0 23 0 0 12 g ;S I,,)"j .~3 a 27 b 23 3 1 4 42 0 22 0 0 12 S _:I!!_J &7 2B 2]32 1 2 1~J3 0 20 0 0 12 ~,-I.,5 .'i "0 9 3b'~~~';"~~~~~~~129'Ji]:J.u ~~; , I 2 &5'5 39 0 1 a °0 129 "133 2 3.b S 2) 11 24 '20 41 0 18 .01 ,3 29 ,,13,4'5 ~q 05 20 31 20 34 0 lB 0 0 11 °:°1"',J ,301 24 33 I ,;9 32 0 18 0 °12 q ,~7,b;:"7,5 I 3 3& 25 3]:C,'B ]2 0 17 0 0 12 9 ".13 b 0,9 &1]35~~~~1~i 1 B ~~~;;~~12 U 0 1 35 _&,~~~ 1~~~o!;;~~~;;~~3~;~1~~~:~:;~~~ ~U~8ER Dr OA1~ 8 -5 -10' 1~I IS I 5 , -5 ) -2 1B 21 14 22 21 32 29 2& 2b 31 34 3& 37 35 27 40n. 4"41 43 45 H 40 40 41 43 41 40 37 41 41 40 44 44 43 ~\,~,I j~M ,,lOTAL I 'DIAL NUMBER OF OAYS !-l,-"O-,-TA:;;Lo-+'-,'-",D-,TA'7L+__~:..cfO;c:;Rc-'"","i.,;'.:",o"",,-,r";';':~~~--i--,T",O,"lA:."L-l 7- ._1'-;"::Cq""9+-;-J"'9'-'J'--'----;;:::;:::=-".,-=-'-:-,.-.,--+'-"~2f.1!_3+__;;_;'io'_+===.,..,.;=--_,._~"'.;;.0.!,.9 ...'---':~.-'-'+__+-+_---'-'__!;;+1,s5..L3?!'4==--J fOR , 'YG,AVG.4.G."";,0.O[P.J[P.PR[CIPI fAT rON':--='-i'U-,:[PT'o+'==±=-=-r=+==+==!f"DA~r.=.[.:...:-,2",8~.:.:":.oSl::'''~'o..[~":::"c:.,~"~':!:""[-,:',J"AIV~G"'" •J B.12 .:,'i ,7 ,~!-182 0;01 l'CH,4 I -1 .40 ,; 1 2 3 4 5 & 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 & 17 I a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 2S 30 31 "}c:::( )~ '"\(f) -c:::( -l c:::( r "'E'nAE'E FOR iHE ~O~TH -L'51 7;CCuRRENCE IF ~ORE T"M4 O~iE. r ;RACE _~OUNT •ALSO ON EARLIER DATEISI HE~VY ~QG;i[SI8Zl!Ty ;.'.1 ¥~~~:~LESS 3~~~_E~TR!ES DENOTE ~iSS:~G ~~UNREPORIED OAT- ~;~i;;5 or :~S ~;y ~[Q~J~:~=:~A ~~RltBLE SCHEDU1.E. DATA i~COlS b ~ND 1~-'~~RE 8ASED ON 7 OR MORE DBSERiATIC AI )-HCU~INIER~~l5.RESJllANf ~I~D [S IHE VEC10R ScM OF ~; SPEEDS ~ND DIRECTIONS ,:vIDED BY THE NUMBER OF e8SERvATIO 0~E OF r~REE ~IND SPEEDS IS GIVEN UNDER FAsrEST MILE:FASTE ~rLE -"IGHEST RECORDED SPEED FOR WHICH A MilE OF "I~D P-S5 5TAI!eN IOIRECI:ON IN ,c"PAS5 POI~ISI FASIEST OBSERVED 5 ~lNUTE ~:NO -"IGHESr J~E MINUTE SPEED IO[RECTI0N IN lENS CE'~"EE5i eE~'SUST -":GHEST INSTANTANEOUS WIND SeEED ;~ lI,PPE.1i1S IN r~f D~qEC·:,"·~1 (CLUMNI.ERRORS ~ILL ~~~CRREC·: -NO CH.NGE5 I~S"~MAR'c~T.~ILL BE ~NNOTATED IN 'HE ANN~~ ~UB~IC~;\G~~ /~lIoJ- ACTING DIRECTOR NATIONAL CLI~AT[C DllA CENTER lojUIO.....L Cllt'lA'lC CAU CE'4 r£R 1l.~1l£YILL["ltJRTH CAAOllltll lit.I rONAl E"...I~ONI'lE~Ul SA!HLlTE,ClIliTA I~O JlrtrCRI'lIUrot.t S[RVICE tr.r~r I·:)"ll ::E"~IC "liD "r"'Osp ..(R1C ll.atll'-1lS'~AIIOIf I CERTIFY rHAI T'IS IS ~N :rFiCIAl puBLICATION OF rHE NArlONAl OCEANIC ANO ATMOSPHERIC :DMIN[STR~TION.A~O IS COMPILEO rRO" "EeGRDS eN rrLt ~I ':.:[~AT;~NAl CLiMATIC CAiA CENIER,A;HEVILLE,NORTH CAROLI~A,28BOI noaa 177 ----_.._----_._------_._--_.._------------------------------------- ..'. 19B3 I i o 7. ! :I 10 X ! co 'J. o i'"" IQ J x 10 Ie , M I N I M I M.I M I M 10 I 10 1J'i 34'..ALl.S!Ali !nIL .... 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B ..owr"G S,,"OW >iE ...Tl ..G DE:Oltl!'I:OAT"!(8....tIij~) 1.0.,£ST U:A_I...e.VI!l..-J,'f :i ~""I"',ON.-.....L 3:~"'~'UI"OO "'OT"..t",,,,,.,NT""~-.;}O I "AJI.MU"i'RECI'ITATIQ'N Ol!:...."'YURI!:".0...NORM."--=--..!.....S:~Iv,j{'1 ~~"l ,I "I "!"!,.,.,..I "''''.~~'~J !'le SE:...So........TOTAl.I i ,i I-=-'og-'_.~-!PI'll'!:~}::·:,,~i'OH 1 I !,:I i OI!P"...T'\J"I1!"~t')N NO..... IIE ..OIID.0:""«!!I i ! • I I :00"10+<;;O"C"EI!O"''''~,orr....Il'·'I,,·.I ,,,,i--rcI "'~"'A'-r ...s....a..TIot *,berage _inC 81)8e4 is bued on 2!Lhoara wn1es8 ot"tenine inJicat :;~P"'ATI,.J"e.I'~Q'"HO"l"'''1" (..'Ira.teat-one Jliiliats ril1ll .pe__and ita direction.----.-- 'll!."!C1OllAI.T",....o..'-~~CN data is obtain"at.0:)001 wilera ind'tcat.ea. OEP,,.~'P...l!I£••0'"NO_Al..C;ricIr"cilf......-oii1.yT;ielut of 8eyersI-occurences. _,S-jriOptiea:iti"""IaDi"saiOi!"0 bOllr.~iliild3.'otaerwr~-In,H.cate:r;- .',.;...r_......;ooE ......I:O£5."s ,,::>101 ...~-e !.,.7~,..-,.;......."....:l 8£C ..1II'!"f ..E ...'St'....."T C ...,,,,1::0£'"E~If·-;' s16/y5 APPENDIX B Susitna River Maps (Aerial Photo Mosaics) from Goose Creek to Devil Canyon 180 G • , o c , • • • ,,• NOTES. SOLIC U'<ES DEPICT CROSS SECTiO'< TE\lPOR.\R'r SE-.CH\\o\RKS A.RE LOCA.TEO A,T EACH ['0 OF EVER'CROSS SECTlO'l ~r~f '-,""..ii:"'rE ..\.l,~E ". S:-T 'o\E • ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY -'•-•..-...'c.... I •I ,I , ~T 1=--1-----~ • • •i•, G F , D c NOTES, SOLID U'ES DEPICT CROSS SEelIO", ,,TE"PO;:',\RY BE,,;CH\lARKS ARE LOCATED AT EACH E':D OF E\lER~CROSS SECTION S-'Fi'"G.l.C,E SITE ST ....GE RE"_ORt'fR EDT THER'.!OG-.\'>!-1 QL \-', ;;,:\E"',lilES , 3.NUMBERS REFER TO THE LRX OESIC'lATIO'l $USITN .."'O~OELE'T~I'P~OJ£'l A I,, I! II, ! /\!,-.,!, ,K"OC BUBITNA RIveR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ..',,..,", 0''''' ,",YDRCGlRAPMIC MAPS ,~..=.-- t ' T--~r'-l'--I~-'I~I• ..""" t,,t,,t, A • ! G , , D c 6.Sr.'.FF G,\CE SITE. B 2. @lh,m SOUD LINES DEPICT CROSS SECTIO~. TEMPORARY BENCH~ARKS ARE LOCATED AT EACH END OF EVERY CROSS SECTID"l. ..ST:.GE RECCR~[R +R,V[fI.\lItES B , I· II I• 3.!'.UMBERS REFER TO THE LRX OHIGNATIQ'l S~SlTli'H~D~O[LECT~1C PROHCT , G , E - o c 6 ST.l,H G·\CE 511£ffiT THEI;.\\,)GR.,\f:rl ...OC\TIO'. 2 1. B SOLID LINES DEPICT CROSS SECTIO __ TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS ARE LOCATED A TEACH Et'>.O OF EVERY CROSS SECTION. 3."iUMBERS REFER TO THE LRX DESIGNA flON ...ST-'Gf i'lE'~(,"l ".+ B rc=[ji]~-------'-.-------'l At;ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSIT~"~YD~O[UCTRIC PROJECT , ••, , l==:---=----.,----------,----------,-------.,---------,----------,-~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i·~u~.~OT~N~A~"~,v~·~"~=5~1II'HVOlOlOORAPHIC MAPS ~~ t::)....,..,.....~.I"100e.~.."""..[V_...__._.".,."'.._...."1\~ ......"'u·,,_.10 9 t a 7 t 6 ,t 4 I 3 t 2 I f~-----,--i---I'---1 P T---I-r-I-1"'"-1---Fl,='l'"1""'---- G F , o c 2. EBT THER\IOGR,\PH LOC"T ,0' , A ~ SOLID LINES DEPICT CROSS SEeno:>. TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS ARE LOCATED AT EACH END Of'EVERY CROSS SECTION 3 NUMBERS REfER TO THE LRX DESIGNATION. 6 ~TAf'f'G.\GE SITE •ST.\GE RECOROER t RivER ·.IILES , , IF'.~---'--'-----'j AALASKAPOWERAUTHORITY, ,usnN."YD~O[UC"'C .~OHCT t, i I•l :-::=-c:------;-_:-------;-_:----.,---__-.,-------;--~~~~~I~~·u.~~~AR'~V.R~~1!HYD~OGR...PHIC MA_E~ " c;l .........'OO'100.~=, ...""'"_'"_ _0""'0 _,,0_"~ "'_M ....10 9 t B 7 t 6 t 4 r 3 t 2 ~; I i=-r---r T-l'""-r-I-r=1 1"-1-r=-!I G , , o c , B _"'OT£5--,0"Bum SOLlD U-..ES OlPI ..T CROSS SEeTIO"" T£\1POR,.\R'BEl\CHMARKS ARE LOC-\TED AT EACH END Of EVERY CROSS SECTION 3 NUMBERS REFER TO THE LR;"DESIGNATIO" 6..STUF GAGE SITE ••Sr-\GE RECORDER $T-TH:''I.\IOGR.l,j>H LOCATIO __ +'1.1\E'I.'.IILES B , \ , 1, rr=[i]~~~-------'-.-------'I '.:ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~ SuSI1N."YO~OHE'T~lt nOJECT , - o '0 ,I •,I •,I ,,I , so, ~.,.~.,,-....... '''hJFJULY~, ~~. G , - o c an -THER'.10GRAPH ~OC.\1 0 ........OTE~ SOLID lI'ES DEPICT CROSS SEeTlO' '?->B".""6 STAFF GAGE SIT[ •5T .l,GE RECOROfR +RI\ER \\I ...ES •2 .fEMPOR.l.,RY BE ....CH",l,RKS ARE LOC,\,TED AT EACH Er-.O OF EVERY CROSS SECTION.• 3.NUMBERS REFER TO THE lR'I DESiGNATION ,, I,, II I'I! 0, I 1\,I !~ os ..,. SUBITNA ~IVER ~".u 'u, $USITN4 "VOROElEC1~lt PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY HYClROQRAPH1C MAPS ,..".., t,•t,•t,'0 ! G , o c B "iQlE~S...:. SOLID LJ'lES DEPICT CROSS sEeTlo" D.SfAFF GAGE SITE ..!>T ~GE RECORDER 6)T + ~HER\IOGR,,\PH L''C,l,TIO'< RI\fR ',lILE5 ,•, •~ • G , , o c B , I• A 2. 3 TEIo,IPOR.\RY BEI>.CH\j-\RK,S ARE LOC-\TED AT EACH E'\/O OF [,'ERY CROSS 5[C-110:-': '\lUMBERS REFER TC THE LR'"OE51(,...",TIO\l ALASKA POWER AUTMORlTY A ! B 2. 3. SOLID Ur>.ES DEPICT eRO"",01 SEeTIQ:>; TE\tPQRARY 8E'-AT EACH END OFC~~~~KS ARE LOCATED~CROSS "ECTIO' NU'1SERS REFER TO THE LR'\DESICNATION t:::..STAfF G-\GE !'ITE Sf :"Gf "lECORrEq T"£:>',10GR.\rH LOC~­ "11\(;<",11 ES " G F , o c B •!, II•~/\i ~,..". _,''0 ..., -"..-..'N' POWER AUTHORITY M'OROELECTR'C PROJECTSUSITNA ALASKA BUSITNA RIVER HYDROGRAPHIC MAPS "-I T • """.. t,•t,Bt•'0_u~....,I• <'A " 1. " l ~~~~i§I~~~~~~~~~~8~l.'j~·iui·l'TiN·i~"~,vi·J"~~5~l!HYDROlJRAPHIC MAPS !! " _".I",'00'-.000'!=~, ,.-..-II I.......,..._00.____..0'"''_"."_H ~~ -",~,,,,,,,,10 9 t 8 7 f 6 ~---~I_----'--T-+I_,,=~t 2 '-,.;~~!)-1 1=1-1-,-1'-1--1-1 1-I--l-'-, , ~. ", I, @ Bum SOLID LI:-.lES DEf>ICT CROSS SECTIO~. TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS ARE LOCATED AT EACH END OF EVERY CROSS SECTION 3.NUMBERS REFER TO THE LRX DESICNATION. •-STAGE il.ECURDER ,RI\EQ.\\ILES G , , D c , frl-"I------'------'l A'MR ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY i,' III S"SIlHA HYOROELECalt PROJECT , ';(1 Eh ''''.;..\ST.\H G·\GE SIT[ffi-THER'.Ie'''R \PH lO ••\..," G , , o c 1.,, SOLID LINES DEPICT CROSS SECTlOl\. TE~lPORARV BE ...CH\'....RKS ARE Loc ....nD .\1 e ....cH E:-;O OF EVERY CROSS SECTlOI<. 3 ",l,,"1BERS REfER TO THE LRX DESIC ...ATtO'l. •ST ..Of ~ECQROER +Rt'.Ell,'·'1tfS , , F[ii]~--:-'·-------l A!ALASKA POWER AUTHOR lTV SUS'TNl NYDROEI.ECTR,C HOJHT \ I• , l==,---c::---,-----:------;-----:-----,----___c:---~--___c:---._--__.,_---;_l~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i·~U~.'T~Ni·~R~'V~.~R§E':5~1!HYDROGRAPHIC MAPS !~ " C)c.;.."..~1t"~~,j"'1000 i ..."..,•.....-.......-·.._"0'''''~........"/\i .._~......,10 9 t e 7 t 6 ~t 4 I 3 t z I ejl --'-,'1-11'F -1-~-I~-~'FI-~r-I ....,1---,=-.,.·.I~l~ o G c , , , , • S T :..GE R[CORf'fR..SOLID LINES DEPICT CROSS SECTIO:-< TEMPORARY BENCH'IARI<S ARE LOCATED AT EACH HW Of'EVERY CROSS SECTIO'l ~UMBERS REFER TO THE LR\DESIG'lAT!O'l 2. 3. , , o c BI I I $USlTNA NVoAOEUCTR1G PROJECT HYDROGRAPHIC MAPS A, I•, II 'I,, ! II ,I B ~..."~" ..~.J".1000 0"". _"...'U' BUSITNA RIVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY .--0'""" t,Bt,,t,'0..,,,....""" , i G , , o c B ~\."....q .....",f \...@ Bltrn fE\\POR:'RY BE1'.CH\l),RKS .l,RE LOCATED AT EACH [".:0 OF ['tERY CROSS s,EelION J -..V.1BERS REFER TO THE LR'O[SIG\I,.\T10'l , 'o:r~~.:- SOLlD lI~ES DE.PICT ChQSS SEeTIO'" B , rr==iiJR=;r---------'--'-----'11ALASKAPOWERAUTHORITY SUlly".HyOftO[L(CT"lC ~ftOj£CT I, , L::::--:-::-------,------------=-------,-----------,--------.-----_-;-----------;-_-------;-m~~.~·u~.OTNA~.,v··~l~:'.HVDRCCiRAPIolIC MAPS ~ CJ ..",.~,...KM'I"1000' ~ _.-w·"_,,10 9 t 8 7 t 6 ~t"'''"'4 I ,,--3 <Xt ."-2 0.........;.".•'/\~l -----'---------'--l''--''_''''F'"'--"'l,-~-,----.;..'·"---"I------"'~--·~,..·.---~I -'-,,-=-,...-~1~ , , '0 :'OLID L1~(5 DlPICl CROSS 5[CTIOI\I T[',1rORAR\bf'.CH"lARi\S "Rl LOCo\,TED •\T EACH ~"'D OF lVER\eRO!>!>!>(UIO'l L • '•.I f.~I ~/f., G , o c • • !,t •,t ,,t .'".., ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SuSIT'''.~YD~OElECU'C ~ROHCT BuarTNA RIVI!R HYCRDGI'lAPHIC MAPS 0 -"...".."'00~......_,. ,~,.",.....-•--0011'."."".." I ,t , I I j.::=.1--[- ____IBR __ 1--',--,---.- , >;•• <l F!~, I f\~~., l' '11 f.~ ~OLlD L1'lS DEPICT CROS~SrCTtO'- @ B.,,,,.6 srAFFCAG~SlrE A SI~GE RECD~CER RI\ER '.It'fS G , • D c , , TEM?OR.l,RY BENCH'IARKS ARE lOC"TED AT EACH Ef\O OF EVER'CROSS sECTION J 1\LMBERS REFER TO THE lR'\DESIGNATIO,," , "li"IN""~'"--A-L-A-"-A--PO-W-'-'--':-U-'-H-O-,-,,-,--1 'I, IIIlt SUS"N.NYPRPH£CTR'C ~ROHtT •, I ,,, , l==-=--=--==--=--==--_--=---_--=---=--=--==]~I~~~~~~~~~ij~~l'!!!i~.~U~.'~TN;A~.~'V;··~;;5~11!HYDRDCilRAI"HlC MAP ~! " 0"",-"......,K."I"IClOO'! .."...._0<_ _-.0,'00"'.~..,'..."/\~ -",~-"10 9 t"7 t 6 5 t 4 I 3 t 2 I ~~.' --1 r'-r---I-·'-1--1--1-'I-~r 1--'l--I~.. o c , , , , • .' RI\Ell.\lllES T"e.R'.!OGR.\PK LOC';T /\ 'C'! STAFF G.\GE SITE ST';0E RECORDED; {:,.. -.-4" , <..... ..,"' ",, SOLID L!NES DEPICT CROSS SECTION. TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS ARE LOCATED AT EACH E"'O OF EVERY CROSS SECTION. /,'f ./ • / , .' ~,- 7 •••4 , , "'/ ,~GGCIOULlTH.RIVER './ ,< "/,' o c , -' 3 NUMBERS REFER TO THE LRX DESIGNA TIO .... , 4 , f•, iI I'~~, ~ II I "~{ I'"1000 r'10 ••1---' SUS'T~'"VD~OEUCT~'C P~O,ECT SUSITNA ~IVER ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ...... ........... HYCROQRAPHIC MAPS ..... t ' 1--1'~1---1'-'lo~I ,I I" 0'011 .., t,•t7,t,'0-..".~...., ! G o c , , - , /"1>.'t ..~,, <.' .' ..," ...~.. •• ••... , •N' .~, \. , • -& .'. .. ,,. •• , \ ,..'0 G o , , c - , B ...on:~ SOUD lI'ES DEPICT CROSS SECTlO" TE~'''O'l..l,R~BE ....CH<,\ARKS AI'lE LOC.l,TED .l,T E.l,CH l '0 or EVER"CROSS 5EC1IO'" J '\.,\I&£R5 RE,ER TO THE LRX DESIGr>.:ATtO __ T!-'E"\,UG!::.l,-H LOC"''''0' ;<'1\ER VILES B , I, "...[ji].".--------'---'-----'j. ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY ~ $U$ITNA ~YD~OH[tTRlt PNOHCT I, l===::-=====~=--;__~~li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~·~U~.~OT~N~.~.~'~v~.~.~~::~j~II lolVOROQRAPHIC MAPS Ii I::).."JAH •••'I '2000 i..."..".....-.......-........""".~.,/\i -~'...""10 9 t B 7 t., t 4 I 3 t z ~Y.'-~~~~~-'--~~-'-~~i__"":_F~.____,~'f"'"._,=....,;=_t=,--'-__•.,.~~-'.'1 1=1-1-1-1-F"'I-1-1 1-1-F .. , [j • , G , , - o c , , •!, F' !!II, "\'"2000'i -,....~", ~~", AUTHORITY -". POWER ALASKA ~ROJEC' "YOROELECTRICSUSOT"A 1'11111;1'1SUBITNAMAPS " aGRAPHICMYO I=- .-,." t,•,_-----It__,I9 , I• G E o c , B SOLI::>L1"es DEPICT CROSS Sfello,. Tf",POR.\fh BE"CH\tARKS ARE LOCATED AT e:>.CH £'0 Of EVER~CROSS S£C!'"IO' 3 'l,..\IBERS RHER TO THE LR\,0(5IC'ATIO' .J ST.l,FF G.\GE SITE •sn':.E R£~~RDE;l. e--THER"IOG~APH LOC:..T " Fl.l\ER \1tLES B , aUBITNA R'V~R HYDRDCliRAPHtc MAPS ~[jj]""'--------"~----'IAALASKAPOWERAUTHORITY~ SU$ITNA "YD~OtL[CT~'t ~~OJ[tT !, I!II " _.I ".2{)oo'~ ."'"_"I\! "-----=------''----'-~__,_-+_-'''''''.;:.'''1'~T_~'F~r_=J;.....=,,-"--...~,.;,,=~-!~ =.."..~.,.., ~...--~--.•_0.....,t ,•t •,t 2•t•'0 -""'u,,,.,,,, I• G o c , • , RI\fR "1IlE~ ElT THER\IOG"~?H LOC:..-c "'''SOU:;.lI ....ES DEPICT CROSS ~ECTIO". T:'\\POR.l,RY BE'CH\IARKS ~R(LOCATED AT f.l,CH £'0 OF EYER'CROS~~ECTIO' 3 ...L\\BERS REFER TO THE LRX DESIG1'."TIO'- ,• , ~[i]=;r-----"-----'1 AALASKAPOWERAUTHORITY ~ tSUSITN.~TDNDEUCTNIC ~NDJ[CT I, l~cco-~----,-----~----"----~----"----~----"----"--__,c "_~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~i~·~u~.~'T~N~A~.;"V".;.~~:~J~II HYDDD••A.H~MA..Ii C)0,;......~-''''_.1".2000'~ _..."-,,10 9 t 8 7 t 6 is 1 ..',~I -,-1-'-,Z"--0.....~"'''''.''A ~,! -----.---'---~---'----'-----'----'.--'----=-----!.-----=----,~-~-'-,;=--,....--.~_I.o,-, ,,=,i 1-1-1-1-1-1-[-1-1- Q u J I