HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA481SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT .. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 7114 MIDDLE AND LOWER SUSITNA RIVER WATER SURFACE PROFILES AND DISCHARGE RATING CURVES [}{]~~?£~=~~~©©@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE VOLUME I DRAFT REPORT JANUARY 1984 DOCUMENT No. 481 ..__ALASKA POWER ft.UTHORITY _ ___. Document No. 481 SUSITHA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATER SURFACE PROFILES AND DISCHARGE RATING CURVES FOR MIDDLE AND LOWER SUSITNA RIVER Volume 1 Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Draft Report January 1984 NOTICE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE P- TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION/TITLE PAGE """ LIST OF TABLES LIST OF EXHIBITS ,.. ... 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 !111!'1~ 1.1 Background 1-2 I 1.2 Scope of Present Study 1-3 2.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDY 2-1 ~t.;l: 3.0 PRESENT STUDY 3-1 ... ~ 3.1 Study Reach 3-1 3.2 River Cross-sections 3-1 3.3 Initial "n" Values 3-2 ... ~ 3.4 Control Points 3-2 3.5 HEC-2 Model Set-up 3-4 3.6 Refinement of HEC-2 Model Calibration 3-4 3.7 Stage-Discharge Rating Curves 3-8 ~1'1 3.8 Mainstream River Velocity 3-8 4.0 DISCUSSION 4-1 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5-1 I""'' REFERENCES TABLES EXHIBITS APPENDICES - - - --i- ..... ~"''" - I'"'" - - - -i No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. 1 2 3 4 5-78 LIST OF TABLES TITLE Manning's Roughness Coefficient ('n' values) Comparison of Observed and Computed Water Surface Elevations Variation in Water Surface Elevation Between Channels at a Cross Section River Reaches and Corresponding Discharges Water Surface Elevations Mean Velocities LIST OF EXHIBITS TITLE Locations of River Cross Sections Locations of River Cross Sections, Staff Gages and Sloughs Susitna River Bed Profile and Water Surface Profiles for 9,700 cfs Water Surface Profiles Stage-Discharge Rating Curves -ii- REPORT SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION I""" ' .... I""' .... 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a study on water surface profiles of the Susitna River between Sunshine and the downstream end of Devil Canyon (Exhibit 1) under open water conditions for a selected range of discharges between 3,000 and 52,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). The discharges are referred to the stream gaging station at Gold Creek maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). For the computations of water surface profiles, the discharges are increased for the reach downstream from the Gold Creek gage and decreased for the reach downstream from the gage. The USGS also is maintaining a stream gaging station at Sunshine, downstream end of the study reach. The station is located about 84 miles from the mouth of the Susitna River at Cook Inlet (the mouth). The river stages corresponding to the discharges at this station are used as starting elevations for the computations of water surface profiles. The upper end of the study reach near the mouth of Devil Canyon is about 150 miles from the mouth. The study reach covers about 66 miles of river segmnet, about 52 miles upstream from the confluence of the Chulitna and Susitna rivers and about 14 miles below the confluence upto Sunshine. The upper segment is referred as the Middle Susitna River-and lower segment is referred as the lower Susitna River. The discharge rating curves based on the computed water surface profiles are presented for selected locations, especially at immediate upstream and downstream from important sloughs. Mean river velocities also are provided at surveyed cross sections for a range of discharge values. The hydraulic data presented in this report are adequate for evaluating changes in mainstem stages due to operation of the Susitna project which, in turn, can be used to assess the frequency of the slough berms being overtopped, the access of fishes to the sloughs and tributaries and to study 1-1 .... ..... i - the flood potential for Talkeetna and other areas along the reach of the river. The data also can be used to study potential aggradation or degradation in the mainstem below the proposed dams and for hydrothermal study of the Susitna River during ice-free periods • The accuracy of the computed water surface elevations is within + 0.5 feet (ft) at most of the cross-sections where observed data are available. The accuracy at other sections may be somewhat lesser as discussed in the section entitled "Discussion". The needs for additional data to improve the results of the study are identified and.discussed under the section entitled "Recommendations". 1 .1 BACKGROUND The water surface profiles for the Susitna River between the downstream end of Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers were developed previously by R&M Consultant Incorporated, Anchorage, Alaska (R&M) for the discharges of 9,700, 13,400, 17,000, 23,400, 34,500 and 52,000 cfs at the Gold Creek gage. The results of R&M studies including field surveys are presented in various reports (1, 2, 3,)ll. These reports were prepared by R&M for Acre~ American Incorporated (ACRES) for submission to Alaska Power Authority (APA). Since the R&M study of March 1982 (2), 32 additional river cross sections have been surveyed also resurveyed. Exhibit 1. (3) in the study reach. Five old cross sections were The old and new cross-sections are identified on lf Refers to reference at the end of text. 1-2 - I""'' ..... ..... i ..... Alaska Department of Fish and Games (ADF&G) has established a number of staff gages in the study reach. The water levels at these gages were observed periodically during July through October, 1982 and were referenced to the flow at the Gold Creek gage (4). available for 1983. The water levels data also are 1.2 SCOPE OF PRESENT STUDY The availability of additional surveyed river cross sections and river stage data permits the refinement of water surface computations made by R&M. The major works involved in the present study include: 1. a review of basic data, study approach and assumptions used by R&M in the computations of water surface profiles; 2. a refinement of previous calibration by R&M of the HEC-2 Computer model developed by the U.s. Army Corps of Engineers ( 5) based on additional cross sections and river stage data; and 3. a recomputation of water surface profiles for 9 discharges (also used by R&M) at appropriate intervals to define stage-discharge rating curves at selected locations • 1-3 """ l ' t """ ' - -j I ~ SECTI_ON 2 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDY - r !I r I 2.0 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDY The HEC-2 model uses standard step method (6) to compute water surface pro- files based on the Bernoulli theorem and the Manning's equation between river cross sections. This model was used by R&M to compute water surface profile by using a total of 66 river cross sections (No. 3 to No. 68) as identified on Exhibit 1. An extensive analysis was made by R&M to estimate the values of Manning's roughness coefficients (the 'n' values). Initially, these values were esti- mated at eight staff gages (see Table 2) using observed water surface eleva- tions and corresponding discharges with the assumption that the friction slope at each cross section is approximately equal to the average bed slope over the reach from the next-upstream cross section to the next dowstream cross section. The 'n' values were computed for discharges ranging between 3,000 to 50,000 cfs, and an average refationship between the 'n' values and the discharges was developed (Figure 4.4, reference 2). The 1 n' values also were estimated using bed material size distribution (7) determined by the "Grid-by-Number method (8). However, the 'n' values derived by the two methods were used only as a reference in selecting an initial values for each cross sections at a discharge of 9, 700 cfs at Gold Creek. No horizontal or vertical variation of 1 n 1 value was considered except at cross section No. 25 where the 'n' values were adjusted horizon- tally. Multi-channels exist at this cross section and the velocities in each channel are significantly different. Therefore, the 'n 1 values were increased in some channels to decrease the conveyance. R&M firs.t calibrated the HEC-2 model for a discharge of 9, 700 cfs at the Gold Creek gage. For the computations of water surface profile, this flow was decreased for the river reach upstream from the Gold Creek gage and increased for the downstream reach based on the intervening drainage areas. 2-1 r -· The adjustment factors used for different sub-reaches (see Exhibit 1 for locations) are shown in the following table: ADJUSTMENT FACTORS BASED ON DRAINAGE AREAS Reach Cross Sections Factor to adjust From To From To Gold Creek Flow Confluence Curry Creek 3 23 1.030 Curry Creek Indian River 24 50 1.000 Indian River Portage Creek 51 61 0.983 Portage Creek Devil Canyon 62 68 0.942 R&M' s refinement. of the initial 'n' values during the ca,libration took into consideration several criteria including bed material size, river sinuosity, presence of and type of vegetation, exis-tence of multiple channels, etc. The fina~ 'n' values derived by R&M are given Table 1. The 'n' values derived for 9,700 cfs were adjusted by the following factors to estimate those for other calibration discharges of 17,000, 34,500 and 52,000 cfs. cedure. These factors were estimated through a trial-and-error pro- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR 'n' VALUES Discharge 17,000 34,500 52,000 Adjustment Factor 0.90 0.81 0.81 A comparison of observed and computed stages at eight staff gage locations (LRX-4, LRX-9, LRX-24, LRX-28, LRX-35, LRX-45, LRX-62 and LRX-68 used as control points) given in R&M's March 1982 report (2, Table 8.15) is shown in Table 2. Based on their field experience, aerial photos, and surveyed river cross sections, R&M classifed flows in the Susitna River into two flow regime; a low flow regime and a high flow regime. A threshold discharge of 20,000 cfs 2-2 - "'""" I - ~· I ..... at Gold Creek gage was assumed to differentiate between the two flow regimes. Therefore, two·versions of HEC-2 model were set up. For dis- charges up to 20,000 cfs, the assumption was made that some selected side channels and sloughs are not hydraulically connected with the mainstem. In the second version, flow was assumed to exist in all channels for discharges higher than 20,000 cfs. The following table indicates that the differences between observed and computed stages at the eight control points used by R&M are mostly within + 0.5 ft (also see Table 2). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS (R&M STUDY) Differencel/ (ft) for Indicate Discharge (cfs) Gage Location LRX.-4 LRX-9 LRX.-24 LRX-28 LRX.-35 LRX-45 LRX-62 LRX-68 9,700 -0.5 +0.3 -0.4 -1.2 -0.4 +0 .1 +0.3 +0.8 13,400 -0.5 -o.4 -0.6 -0.4 -0.8 +0 .1 -0.5 +0.4 l/ Observed minus computed 17,000 -0.3 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.4 +0 .1 0 +0 .1 23,400 -0.2 -0.2 -0.5 0 -0.3 0 +0.3 +0 .1 34,500 -0.2 -o .3 0 +0.1 -0.3 +0 .3 -0.1 +0.2 52,000 -0.5 -0.8 +0.3 -0.3 0 +0 .1 -0.3 +0 .3 The higher differences at a few cross sections for a few discharges (especially for lower flow ranges) are mostly due to multi-channel situation with the staff gages being located in the side channels where the mainstem water level is not accurately represented. Water surface elevation across a multi-channel cross section is not uniform as assumed in the computations of water surface profiles by the HEC-2 model. R&M collected data on differ- ences in elevations across multiple-channel cross sections ( 2, Tables 4. 5 and 4. 6). These data are shown in Table 3 which provides an indication of possible deviation between observed and computed water surface elevations. 2-3 - - r I ' ,..... 1 ! - SECTION 3 PRESENT STUDY ...... - 3.0 PRESENT STUDY The HEC-2 computer model used by R&M was used to compute water surface pro- files for this study. The model calibration was refined using additional cross-sections and river stage data. The basic data and assumptions used and the results obtained are discussed below. 3.1 STUDY REACH The length of the study reach is about 66 miles between cross sections Nos. 68 and 001 (Exhibit 1) in comparison to the reach between cross sections Nos. 68 and 3 used by R&M. The study reach was extended downstream approxi- mately about 14 miles to the Sunshine gaging station (cross section Number 001)to provide approximate estimation of water surface elevations for varius discharges near the confluence of the Sustina, Talkeetna and Chulitna rivers. 3.2 RIVER CROSS SECTIONS A total of 107 cross sections were used for the computations. This included 68 cross sections survey~d in 1981, 33 cross sections surveyed in 1982, five cross sections estimted from USGS topographic maps of 1:63360 scale and one cross section taken from field notes of a discharge measurement by USGS at Sunshine Station. All of these cross sections are identified on Exhibit 1. During the 1982 survey, the cross sections were surveyed in the river chan- nels only and were not extended to higher bank elevations. These cross sections were extended to both banks using cross sections surveyed in 1981, located upstream and downstream from a given 1982 cross section. The cross sections derived from the topograhic maps are only approximate because of the small scale (1:63,360) and large contour interval. 3-1 _, ! - - 3.3 INITIAL 'N' VALUES The derivation of 'n' values by R&M is discussed under the section entitled "Review of Previous Study" and the resulting values are listed in Table 1. These values were used as initial values for refining the calibration. 3.4 CONTROL POINTS ADF&G has developed stage discharge relationships for all staff gages estab- lished on the mainstem, side-channels or sloughs ( 4). The discharges used in these relationships are those at the Gold Creek gage. All gages designated as mainstem gages ADF&G were initially selected as control points to compare observed gage heights with the gage heights of corresponding discharges computed by the HEC-2 model. However, during the calibration of the model, some of these control points had to be ignored because of its inconsistency with the next upstream or next downstream con- trol point. The control points used in the study are identified in Table 2. The following table shows a list of mainstem gages initially selected and those used in the analysis. MAINSTEM ADF&G STAFF GAGES SELECTED FOR HEC-2 STUDY Gage Locations (initial selections) Left bankll LRX-6, RMlf 101.0 Mainstem at Whiskers Creek slough, RM 101.15* Talkeetna Fish Wheel Camp, RM 102.90* Right bank LRX-9, RM 103.22* Right bank LRX-10.2, RM 105.9* Right bank LRX-10.3, RM 106.4* Right bank LRX-11, RM 106.68* Left bank LRX-12, RM 108.41* Side channel at Gash Creek, RM 111.50* Head Gash Creek side channel, RM 112.10* 3-2 - Mainstem at slough 6A, RM 112.30* Right bank LRX-18, RM 113.02* Mainstem above Lane Creek, RM 113.70 Mainstem upstream LRX-18.1, RM 114.40 Curry Fish Wheel Camp, RM 120.60* Right bank, LRX-24, RM 120.66* Right bank, LRX-28, RM 124.41* Right bank, LRX-29, RM 126.10* Right bank, LRX-31, RM 128.66* Right bank, LRX-35, RM 130.87* Mainstem at 4th of July Creek, RM 131.10 Left bank LRX-37, RM 131.80 Left bank LRX-40, RM 134.28* Side channel below mouth of slough 11, RM 135.30 Side channel above mouth of slough 11, RM 135.30 Mainstem at mouth of slough 16B, RM 137.90 Mainstem at head of slough 16B, RM 138.30 Left bank at LRX-50, RM 138.48* Left bank at LRX-51, RM 138.89* Mainstem at slough 19, RM 139.80* Right bank LRX-53, RM 140.15* Mainstem at head of slough 20, RM 140.6 Right bank LRX-54, RM 140.83* Right bank LRX-56, RM 142.10 Right bank LRX-57, RM 142.30 Mainstem at slough 22, RM 144.70* Left bank LRX-61, RM 148.73* Left bank LRX-62, RM 148.94* l/ ADF&G designated left bank or right bank looking upstream. 2/ River miles. * Gages used in the study. The ADF&G stage -discharge relationships are developed for discharges ranging between about 7,000 and about 32,000 cfs. Five of the ADF&G gages are located close to five of the eight gages (gage No. LRX-9, LRX-24, LRX-28, LRX-35 and LRX-62, Table 2) used by R&M. The gage heights for selected discharges used by R&M at those gages were compared with those obtained from the stage -discharge relationships developed by ADF&G. The two sets of values were slightly different. For the cases where both ADF&G and R&M data were available (Table 2), the ADF&G data were used to calibrate the model so that consistency with the upstream and downstream control 3-3 -· ..... points (ADF&G gages) is properly maintained. However, R&M data were used for discharges higher than 32,000 cfs and also at three locations (LRX-4, LRX-5 and LRX-68) where ADF&G data were not available. The observed gage heights for various or the stage-discharge relationships Table 2. 3.5 HEC-2 MODEL SET-UP discharges either taken from R&M data developed by ADF&G are given in Multi-channels (sloughs and side channels) exist at a number of cross sec- tions (see Exhibit 2). As discussed under the section entitled "Review of Previous Study", R&M estimated a threshold discharge of 20,000 cfs (based on aerial photographs and field experience) above which flow will enter all the channels. Subsequent field investigations indicated that the configuration of the main channel and the side channel or sloughs varies depending on the location and there is no single threshold value at which all side channels and sloughs are dewatered. However, the variation of the threshold value throughout the reach is relatively small and the value of 20,000 cfs was considered reasonable for the present study. Therefore, two data files were set-up for HEC-2. In one file, the option of artificial levees available in HEC-2 was used to restrict flows in the main channel (for discharges up to 20,000 cfs at Gold Greek). In the other file, the flow was allowed to exist in all channels (for discharges above 20,000 cfs at Gold Creek). 3.6 REFINEMENT OF HEC-2 MODEL CALIBRATION The HEC-2 model calibration made by R&M was tested for three discharge levels (9,700 cfs, 13,400 cfs and 17,000 cfs) below and three discharge levels (23,400 cfs, 34,500 cfs and 52,000 cfs) above 20,000 cfs. Because the above discharges are at Gold Creek, these were adjusted by the factors derived by R&M (discussed under the section entitled "Review of 3-4 Previous Study") for the corresponding discharges at various sections. The adjustment to the discharges for the reaches downstream of the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers and the confluence of the Susitna and Talkeetna rivers also were based on drainage area ratios. Table 4 shows the discharge in each study reach for a given discharge at Gold Creek. The first HEC-2 run was made for 9,700 cfs using the 'n' values derived by R&M and the 107 river cross sections identified on Exhibits 1 and 2. One cross sections interpolated by R&M between cross sections 43.0 and 44.0 also was used. R&M used this cross section to avoid critical depth at cross sections· 44.0.. Exhibit 3 shows a water surface profile computed by R&M based on the cross sections surveyed in 1981 and the corresponding profile computed using all surveyed cross sections and the refined 'n' values. Since the refinement in the 'n' values is relatively minor, the difference in the two profiles indicates largely the sensitvity of water surface eleva- tions when new surveyed cross sections are introduced in the computations. This will be discussed further under the sections entitled "Discussion" and "Recommendations". The refinement of the model calibration for 9,700 cfs was continued by suc- cessively changing the '·n' values and the values of expansion and contrac- tion coefficients until the observed water surface elevation at the control points are properly reproduced. The outputs indicated critical depth at cross sec ton 18 .1. A careful review of the locations of cross sections 18.0, 18.1 and 18.2 (Exhibit 2) indicated that steep slope starts at about half way between cross sections 18.1 and 18.0 and critical depth should not occur at 18.1. The river is wider at cross section 18.1 compared to its width at cross section 18.0. Therefore, a cross-section, 18.05, was inter- polated between cross sections 18.0 and 18.1, and the values of expansion and contraction coefficients were also changed. This avoided the critical depth at section 18.1 3-5 - -· - - - ,_, A comparison of computed and observed water surface elevations is shown on Table 2. Except in a few cases the two values match reasonably well. The difference in the observed and computed water surface elevation at cross section 28.0 is about-1.3 feet when using the observed gage height derived from the stage-discharge curve developed by ADF&G and about-0 .6 feet when using the observed height given by R&M (see Table 2). The R&M calibration indicates a difference of -1.2 feet. The difference in the observed water surface elevations is because the gages maintai-ned by the two organisations are not at exactly the same location. To properly reproduce the observed water surface elevation (Table 2) the 1 n 1 values at this cross section and the next upstream or downstream cross section had to be lowered from those shown in Table 1. Further lowering of the 1 n 1 values was considered inap- propriate. The still high difference in the observed and computed water surface elevations is probably due to the multichannel situation at the cross-section. At cross section 35.0, two observed water surface elevations are available (Table 2), the computed elevation is about 0.1 feet higher than the R&M value and about 0. 7 feet higher than the ADF&G value. The 1 n 1 values in the reach are reasonably low. Because the computed value was close to the R&M value, further adjustment to 'n 1 values was not made. Secondly, the stage- discharge curve developed by ADF&G showed considerable scatter for 8,000 to 12,000 cfs discharge range (4). The model refinement for the discharges of 13,400, 17,000, 23,400, 34,500 and 52,000 cfs was continued essentially following the above procedures, that is successively changing the 'n' values. A comparison of computed and observed water surface elevations are given in Table 2. values are shown in Table 1. The final 'n' A,LP.~.SK.A R '' c;r;s U'BRA:R~ 3-6 Jl.S. DEPT. OF lNTERIO!l , - In a few cases when a control point is not located on a surveyed cross sec- tion, the computed stages are interpolated from the values computed at the surveyed cross sections to compare with the observed values. The 'n' values generally decrease with increase in discharge in a natural channel. The calibrated 1 n 1 values by Harza (Table 1) also indicate that in general, lower 1 n 1 values were used for higher discharges. However, in certain reaches of the river and also to match the observed and computed gage heights at the control points, some deviation was allowed. Therefore, Table 1 indicates higher 'n' values for higher discharges in a few cases. This situation is physically possible particularly at multi-channel cross sections where the side channels could exhibit higher roughness. The HEC-2 model was also applied for the discharges of 3,000, 5,000 and 7,000 cfs. Six control points were available from R&M for the discharge of 3,000 cfs. The model was calibrated using these control points. The com- puted and observed water surface elevations are given below: COMPARISON OF WATER SURFACE ELEVATION Discharge = 3,000 cfs Control Point Computed Observed (ft) (cfs) 3 339.7 340.2 9 374.7 37 5.1 24 519.2 519.1 35 615.0 614.7 45 681.1 681.4 62 831.4 831.9 The 'n' values for 5,000 and 7,000 cfs were interpolated from the values for 3,000 and 9,700 cfs. The computed water surface profiles for the discharges of 3 ,000, 5,000 and 7,000 are not as accurate as the profiles for higher discharges because only six control points were available for calibration at 3,000 cfs and the 1 n 1 3-7 -· ~I - .... I""• ,_., ~I values for 5,000 and 7,000 cfs were interpolated. The available cross- section data also may not properly represent the more variable cross sectional geometry for low flows. However, these profiles do provide some indication of hydraulic conditions in the river for lower discharges and therefore, are included in this report. These profiles could be improved if water surface elevations at various control points are observed for dis- charges below 9,000 cfs and additional cross sections are surveyed. The computed water surface elevations for all discharges are given in Table 5. The computer input and output files for all discharges for which water elevations are given in Table 5, are provided as Appendices A through I. These appendices also identify the cross sections where the flow was comfined in the main channel for discharges upto 20,000 cf s. The side chan- nels or sloughs at those sections were considered not hydraulically con- nected with the main channel for those discharges. 3.7 STAGE-DISCHARGE RATING CURVES Stage-discharge rating curves at 74 locations, based on the water surface elevations given in Table 5, are shown on Exhibit 5 to 78. The locations were selected at all control points to provide comparison of observed and computed water surface elevations, and upstream and downstream from the important sloughs. Smooth curves are drawn through the plotted points. 3.8 MAINSTEM RIVER VELOCITY Mean velocity at a given cross section are computed as part of the computa- tions made by the HEC-2 model. These velocities, derived from the computer outputs given in Appendices A through I, are summarized in Table 6. 3-8 r r -~~ r ~ r . i ,.... l r t -f ' i } -1 l r t i \ - SECTION 4 DISCUSSION I""' I r I r I ,.... I r I 4.0 DISCUSSION The HEC-2 model provides an acceptable procedure for the computations of water surface profiles in a natural river. However, some assumptions involved in the model should be recognized. This will help in the proper interpretation of results provided by the model. The model assumes a uniform water surface elevation across a given cross section. Such a condition does not necessarily exist in a natural river especially at bends and multiple-channel cross sections. Table 3 provides some idea about the magnitude of difference between water surface elevations at a given cross section. At bends, the difference depends upon the radius of bend, river width and velocity. Even in a straight reach of a wide river, some difference in water surface elevations between the left and right banks could exist because of oblique flow conditions. At a multiple channel cross section, reasonably accurate water surface ele- vafions can be computed in two or three channels by trial-and-error using HEC-2 if control point is available in each channel. Since these data are not available for the present study, the procedure was not used. At some multiple-channel cross sections, the side channels are connected to the main channel when the flow exceeds some threshold discharge. A dis- charge at 20,000 cf s has been used for this purpose based on the initial calibration by R&M. However, this discharge could vary from cross section to cross section as discussed previously and as can be seen from the discon- tinuity in a few stage-discharge rating curves (Exhibits 5 to 78) based on actual observations. The flow velocity computed by the model at each cross section is the average velocity over the entire flow area. Field observations indicate that at a multiple-channel cross section, the velocities are different in various channels. This should be recognized while using the velocity data. 4-1 -· -· ' r-• I r ·r II r r !j I I r I 1 ', I. SECTION 5 RECOMMENDATIONS ..... ..... r I r •,I r ;I T II i I I •.I -.' I I 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Exhibit 3 shows a comparison of two water surface profiles for the discharge of 9, 700 cfs at the Gold Creek station. The first profile is computed by R&M and the second profile is computed by Harza using the re-calibrated 'n' values and additional cross sections surveyed in 1982. The difference between these profiles is about 5 feet near cross sections 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 although the differences at other locations vary +0.5 to +2.0 feet. The reason for this difference is because the sections (18.1, 18.2 and 18.3) were not used in the' R&M' s Computation, and the thalweg elevation at cross section 18.1 (surveyed in 1982) is about 3 feet higher than the elevation interpolated between cross sections 18.0 and 19.0. The large difference in the two computed water surface profiles due to introduction of new cross sections indicates the necessity of surveying additional cross sections if further refinement of water surface profiles are needed for any particular location. For the present study, the control points (Table 2) were taken from the 1982 ADF&G study (4) and also the 1983 preliminary data. The ADF&G study covers the discharge range of about 7,000 to about 32,000 cfs and the 1983 pre- liminary data which include the new control points (LRX-10.2, LRX-10.3, LRX- 11 and LRX-12, Table 2), cover the range of about 15,000 to about 32,000 cfs. Since the range of calibration is between 9, 700 and 52,000 cfs, the first set of data does not cover the high range above 32,000 cfs and the second set of data does not cover the low range below 15,000 cfs and the high range above 32,000 cfs. Therefore, it is recommended that river stages be observed at all mainstem gages to cover the entire range of calibration. Some of the mainstem gages could not be used in the calibration because of inconsistency in the recorded stages when compared with the next upstream or downstream gage. The gages are identified in the section entitled "Present Study". It is likely that these differences are due to inaccurate designa- 5-1 ..... !.,., ,_, ~"""' ' ' tion of river mileage at some gages. In a relatively steep channel, a dif- ference of +0. 2 mile in a gage location could cause a significant difference in the water surface elevation. It is recommended that for any future refinement of the water surface profiles, effort must be made to determine accurate river mileage of the gage locations. The number and locations of the surveyed river cross sections between the confluence (of the Talkeetna and Susitna rivers) and the mouth of the Devil Canyon are adequate and the water surface elevations given by the profiles are expected to be within +0 .5 ft of observed elevations at the surveyed cross sections. However, the elevations interpolated between two surveyed cross sections could have lower accuracies. Therefore, if any important location of interest, such as the outlet of a major slough, is located far from a surveyed cross section, additional cross sections should be surveyed at or near the location. With the additional surveyed cross sections, the model can be re-run to predict water surface elevations at a comparable accuracy of about +0.5 ft. Five cross sections downstream of cross section 0.3 should be surveyed for more accurate water surface profiles of the river reach between the conflu- ence and the Sunshine bridge. required at these cross sections. Observation of river stages also will be Additional control points (staff gages) also are required at some multiple- channel cross sections. At least two staff gages should be established in each major channel of a cross section. Twenty additional control points (staff gages) are recommended as shown on Exhibit 2. 5-2 REFERENCES l"""' n - .... 1"' .. ·, •·> ,.., ,.. Pl!j ~~ ~- r-~ r 1. 2. 3. 4. s. REFERENCE R&M Consultant Incorporated, October 1981: Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Hydrographic Surveys Closeout Report, Task 2-Surveys and Site Facilities, Final Draft, prepared for Acres American Incorporated for submission to Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. R&M Consultant Incorporated, March 1982: Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Hydraulic and Ice Studies, Task 3-Hydrology, prepared for Acres American Incorporated for submission to Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. R&M Consultant Incorporated, December 1982: Susi tna Hydroelectric Project, Hydrographic Surveys Report, Task 2-Surveys and Site Facili- ties, prepared for Acres American Incorported for submission to Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish & Games, 1983: Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies, Phase II, Basic Data Report, Volume 4: Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering HEC-2 Water Surface profiles, Programmers Manual; 1981: Surface Profiles, Users Manual, Davis, California. Center, 1973: HEC-2, Water 6. Chow, VenTe, 1959: Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. 7. 8. Limerinos, J.T., 1970: Measured Bed Roughne~s U.S. Geological Survey, Determination of Manning's Coefficient from in Natural Channels, Water Supply Paper 1898-B, Washington, D.C. Kellerhals, R. and Dale I. Bray, August 1971: Sampling Procedures for Division; ASCE, Vol. 97, Coarse Fluvial Sediments, Journal of Hydraulic No HY8, pp 1165-1180. -1- TABLES --1 ---1 --1 Tanle 1 MANNING's ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS ( 'n' VALUES) Mannin!il' s 'n' Values Section Distance 9,700 (cfs) 13,400 (cfs) 17,000 (cfs) 23,400 (d's) 34,500 (cfs) 52,000 ( cfs l NO, (Miles) R&M Harza R&M Harza R&M Harz a R&M Harz a R&M Harza R&M Harza ---- ,001 83.90 ,060 ,045 ,040 .041 ,041 ,035 .01 84.83 ,060 ,045 .040 ,041 .041 .035 .02 86.93 ,060 .045 .040 • 041 ,041 .035 ,03 88.13 ,060 ,045 ,040 ,041 .o 41 ,035 ,04 89,83 ,060 ,045 ,040 .041 ,041 .035 .05 91.63 ,060 .045 .040 .041 ,041 ,035 • 3 94.23 ,060 .045 ,040 ,041 .041 ,035 • 4 94.55 ,060 ,045 .040 ,041 ,041 .035 • 5 94.92 ,060 ,045 ,040 ,041 • 041 ,035 • 6 95.37 ,060 ,045 ,040 ,041 ,041 .035 .7 95.76 .060 ,045 ,040 ,041 .041 ,035 • 8 96.13 ,060 ,045 ,040 ,041 ,041 ,035 • 9 96.61 ,060 • 045 ' .040 .• 041 ,041 ,035 1.0 97.02 ,060 ,045 ,040 ,041 .041 ,035 1.1 97,31 ,060 .045 ,040 ,041 ,041 ,035 1.2 97,62 ,060 • 04 5 ,040 ,041 .041 ,035 2.0 97.93 .060 .045 ,040 ,041 .041 ,035 2.1 98,03 ,060 .045 ,040 .041 .041 ,035 2.2 98.23 .060 ,045 ,040 ,041 ,041 .• 035 2.3 98.42 .060 ,045 .040 ,041 ,041 ,035 3.0 98.59 ,040 .060 • 038 .045 ,036 ,040 ,036 ,041 ,032 ,041 .032 .030 3.1 98.75 .025 ,028 .035 ,035 ,035 .035 3,2 98.93 ,025 .028 ,035 ,035 ,035 ,035 3.3 99.10 ,025 .028 ,035 .035 .035 ,035 3.4 99,31 .025 ,028 ,030 .035 .035 .035 4.0 99.58 ,040 ,025 ,038 .028 .036 ,030 ,036 ,035 .032 ,035 .032 ,035 4. 1 99.75 .025 ,028 .030 ,035 • 0 35 ,035 4.2 99,94 ,025 ,028 .030 ,035 ,035 .035 4. 3 100.17 .025 ,028 • 0 30 • 0 35 ,035 .035 4.4 100.28 ,025 .028 .030 ,035 ,035 ,035 5.0 100,36 ,040 ,025 ,038 ,028 ,036 .030 ,036 ,035 ,032 ,035 ,032 ,035 6,0 100. 9fj ,040 ,025 .038 .025 ,036 ,025 ,036 ,033 .032 ,035 ,032 .035 7.0 101.52 ,040 ,025 ,038 .035 .036 .025 ,036 .033 • 032 ,035 • 032 ,035 8.0 102.38 ,050 .045 ,048 .036 .045 ,038 .045 .038 .041 ,038 ,041 ,038 9.0 103.22 ,055 .055 ,052 ,048 .050 ,046 • 050 ,042 ,045 ,041 ,045 .038 9. 1 10 4. 12 .055 .048 .046 .042 ,041 ,038 10.0 104.75 ,055 .040 .052 .030 ,050 ,030 ,050 • 030 ,045 ,030 ,045 ,030 10.1 105.01 .030 ,025 .025 ,025 ,025 ,025 10. 2 105,81 .030 .025 .o 25 ,025 .o 25 .025 10.3 106.34 .035 ,030 ,030 ,030 ,030 .o 30 11.0 106,68 .055 .035 .052 .030 .050 • 030 ,050 .030 ,045 ,030 ,045 .030 12.0 108.41 ,055 .040 .052 .040 .050 .040 ,050 ,036 ,045 .o 35 .045 .035 13 .o 110.36 ,055 ,040 ,052 .040 ,050 .035 ,050 • 036 ,045 .035 .045 ,035 l Table 1 ( Cont 'd) MANNING's ROUGHNESS COF.FFICIF.NTS ( In I VALUF.S) Manning's • n' Values Section Distance 9,700 (cfs) 13,400 (cfs) 17,000 (cfs) 23,400 (cfs) 34,500 (cfsl 52,000 (cfsl No, (Miles) R&M Harz a R&M Harza R&M Harza R&M Harza R&M Harza R&M Harz a ---- 14 .o 110.89 .055 .040 ,052 ,030 .050 ,030 .050 ,030 ,045 • 030 ,045 ,030 15.0 111.83 ,045 ,038 • 043 .035 ,041 ,030 ,041 .030 ,036 .030 ,036 .030 16.0 112.34 ,040 ,038 ,038 ,038 .036 ,035 ,036 • 0 34 ,032 ,032 ,032 ,032 17.0 112.69 ,040 ,030 .038 ,034 ,036 ,032 ,036 .030 .032 ,032 ,032 ,032 18.0 113.02 ,040 .030 ,038 ,034 ,036 .032 ,036 • 030 .032 ,032 ,032 ,032 18.1 114. 11 .045 .• 040 ,040 ,036 .032 .032 18.2 115.08 ,045 ,040 ,036 .036 ,032 ,032 18.3 115.86 .045 ,038 ,036 .036 ,032 ,032 19,0 116.44 .040 .040 ,038 ,038 ,036 ,036 .036 ,036 ,032 .032 ,032 ,032 19. 1 116.89 .040 ,038 .036 ,036 ,032 ,032 20,0 117. 19 ,040 ,040 .038 ,038 ,036 .036 .036 ,036 ,032 ,032 • 032 ,032 20.1 117,61 ,040 ,038 ,036 ,036 ,032 ,032 20.2 118.31 .040 ,038 ,036 • 0 36 ,032 .032 21.0 119.15 .040 ,040 ,038 ,038 .038 ,036 ,036 ,036 ,032 ,032 ,032 ,032 22.0 119.32 ,030 ,030 .029 ,029 ~027 .027 ,027 • 027 .024 .024 • 024 ,024 23.0 120.26 .030 .025 ,029 .025 ,027 ,025 • 027 .o 25 ,024 ,024 ,024 ,024 24.0 120.66 .030 ,025 ,029 ,025 ,027 ,025 ,027 .025 ,024 • 024 • 0 24 ,024 24.1 120.85 .050 .045 ,035 .027 ,024 ,024 25,0 121.63 ,030 ,050 ,029 .045 .027 ,035 ,027 • 027 • 0 24 • 0 24 • 0 24 ,024 25.1 122.05 .035 ,033 .030 ,030 ,028 ,028 26.0 122.57 .035 ,035 .033 • 028 .032 .030 ,032 ,030 ,028 .028 • 028 ,028 27.0 123.31 ,035 ,030 ,033 .028 .032 ,030 ,032 ,028 ,028 .o 28 ,02R ,028 28.0 124.41 .035 ,030 .033 ,028 ,032 .032 • 032 ,032 ,028 ,028 ,028 ,028 28 .1 125.54 ,030 ,030 .032 ,031 .028 ,028 29.0 126 • 11 .035 .030 .033 .035 ,032 ,035 .032 ,031 • 028 ,031 • 0 28 ,02R 30.0 127.50 .038 ,050 ,036 ,048 ,034 ,047 ,034 ,040 .031 .040 .o 31 .045 31.0 128.66 ,038 ,050 ,036 ,048 ,034 ,047 • 034 ,045 ,031 ,045 ,031 ,040 32.0 129,67 .038 ,038 ,036 .036 ,034 ,034 ,034 ,032 ,031 ,031 ,031 .o:n 33,0 130.12 ,036 • 032 ,034 .032 • 032 ,030 .032 ,030 ,029 ,029 ,029 .029 34.0 130.47 ,036 .032 ,034 • 032 .032 ,030 .032 ,030 .o 29 ,029 .029 .029 35.0 130.87 .036 • 032 • 034 ,032 .032 .030 ,032 ,030 ,029 ,029 .029 ,029 36.0 131.19 .036 .036 ,034 ,032 .032 ,030 ,032 .. o 30 ,029 ,029 ,029 ,029 37.0 131.80 ,036 ,036 ,034 ,036 ,032 ,034 ,032 ,032 ,0 29 .029 .029 ,029 38,0 132.90 .036 .036 ,034 ,036 • 032 ,0::14 .032 .032 ,029 ,029 ,029 ,029 39,0 133.33 .036 .036 .034 ,036 • 032 ,034 ,032 ,032 ,029 ,029 ,029 ,029 40.0 134.28 .038 ,040 .• 036 ,03fi ,034 • 0 34 .034 .034 ,031 ,031 ,031 ,031 41.0 134.72 ,038 ,038 .036 ,036 .034 • 034 ,034 ,033 ,031 .031 ,031 • 031 42,0 135.36 .038 ,038 .036 ,036 ,034 .034 .034 .033 .031 .031 .031 .031 43.0 135.72 ,040 .040 ,038 ,038 .036 • 036 ,036 ,034 • 032 .032 .032 ,032 44,0 136.40 .040 ,040 .038 ,038 ,036 ,03fi ,03fi .036 • 032 ,032 .032 ,032 45,0 136.68 ,040 ,040 ,038 ,038 ,036 ,038 ,036 .036 .032 • 032 ,032 ,030 46,0 136.96 ,045 • 038 ,04::1 ,036 .041 ,034 • 041 ,034 ,037 ,031 ,037 ,030 1 . -1 Table 1 (Cant' d) MANNING's ROUGHNF.SS COF.FFICIENTS ( In I VALUES) Mannin~'s 'n' Values Section Distance 9,700 ( cfs) 13,400 (cfs) 17,000 (cfs) 23,400 (cfs) 34,500 (cfs) 52,000 (cfs) No. (Miles) R&M Harza R&M Harz a R&M Harza R&M Harza R&M Harza R&fl'l Harza ------. 47.0 137. 15 ,040 .038 .038 .036 .036 .034 ,036 • 034 .032 .031 .032 ,030 48.0 137.41 .040 .03A .038 .036 .036 .034 .036 .034 .032 .031 ,032 .030 49.0 138.23 .040 .030 .038 .036 .036 .034 .036 .034 .032 .031 .032 ,030 50.0 138.48 .045 .035 .043 .035 .041 • 0 34 .041 ,033 .037 .030 .037 .025 51.0 138.89 .oso .060 .048 .055 .045 .053 .045 .oso .041 .oso .041 ,025 52.0 139.44 .oso .oso ,048 .oso ,045 .047 ,045 .047 .041 .040 .041 ,040 53.0 140. 15 .oso .035 .048 .035 .045 .035 .045 .035 .041 .035 .041 .035 54.0 140.83 ,055 .035 .052 .030 .oso .030 .oso .027 .045 .027 .045 .027 55.0 141.59 .055 .035 .052 .030 • 050 .030 .050 • 027 .045 • 0 27 .045 • 027 56.0 142.13 .oss .045 .052 .030 .oso .030 .050 .030 .045 ,030 .045 .o 30 57.0 142.34 • 050 .oss .048 .045 .045 .040 .045 .035 ,041 .035 .041 ,035 58.0 143.18 .oso ,060 .048 • 055. .045 ,055 .045 .045 ,041 .046 .041 ,035 59.0 144. 83 .oso ,065 .048 .060 .045 .OfiO .045 .• 055 .041 .041 .041 .035 60.0 147.56 .oss .060 ,052 .055 .050 .055 .oso .055 .045 .041 .045 .035 61.0 148.73 ,055 .060 ,052 .055 .oso .045 .oso .041 .045 .041 .045 .035 62.0 148.94 .055 .060 .052 .055 .050 .050 ,050 .045 .045 .041 ,045 .035 63.0 149. 15 .oss .060 .052 .055 .050 .oso .050 .045 .045 .041 .045 ,035 64.0 149.35 .055 .060 .052 .055 .050 .050 .oso • 045 .045 .041 .045 .041 65.0 149.46 .oss .060 .052 .055 .oso .oso .oso .045 .045 ,041 .045 .041 66,0 149.51 .055 ,060 .052 .oss .oso ,050 .050 .045 ,045 ,041 .045 ,041 67,0 149.81 .055 .060 .052 .055 .oso .050 .050 .045 .045 .041 ,045 ,041 68.0 150.19 • 055 .060 .052 .055 .050 ,050 .050 .045 .045 .041 .045 • 041 Table 2 COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Control Point Used Gage Heights ( ft) for Indicated Discharges (cfs) by Harza Dlstance-L' 9 700 13,400 17,000 23!400 34,500 52,000 (m I) Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. (1) ( 2) (3) (4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) (8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 1 2) ( 13) ( 14) Sunshine 274.1 274.1 275.1 275.1 275.9 275.9 277.2 277.2 279.3 279.3 282.2 282.2 LRX-~ 99.58 348.6 349.5 350.5 351.6 352.8 354.5 (348.1) (348.6) (349 .5rY ( 349.5) (350.5) (350.8) (352.0) (352 .o) (352.9) (353.1) (354.6) (355.1) Malnstem 101. 15 363.1 363.2 363.7 363.9 364.3 364.5 365.1 364.8 Wlsker Slough Ta I keetna 102.90 375.6 375.8 376.3 376.7 377.1 377.6 378.3 378.9 Flshwheel LRX-g}/ 103.22 378.0 378.0 379.0 378.6 379.8 381.2 383.3 385.8 (378.4) ( 378. I) (379.0) ( 379.4) (379.8) ( 380.3) (381.6) (381.8) ( 383. I l ( 383.4 l (385.4) (386.2) LRX-10.2 105.90 402.1 402.2 403.1 403.1 LRX-10.3 106.40 407.6 406.8 408.3 407.7 LRX-11 106.68 409.2 409.3 410.1 410.2 LRX-12 108.41 423.4 422.6 424.3 423.7 Side Channel 111.50 448.7 448.7 449.0 449.5 449.4 449.8 449.8 450.6 Gash Creek Head Gash 112.10 453.7 453.8 454.3 454.5 454.8 455.1 455.5 455.8 Creek Side Channel Malnstem 112.30 455.2 455.2 . 455.9 455.9 456.4 456.4 457.3 457.3 Slough 6A l.RX-18 113.02 460.4 460.7 461.4 461.8 461.9 462.4 462.8 463.2 j J ··e~ . -1 1 1 1 ] -l ] 1 -1 ] ] 1 I Table 2 (Cont 1 dl COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Control Pol nt Used Gage He lghts ( ft) for Indicated Dischar9es (cfs) by Harza Dl stance-L' 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 (mIl Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. ( 1) (2) ( 3) (4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 1 ll ( 1 2) ( 13) ( 14) Curry Fish 120.60 521.8 521.9 522.3 522.6 523.2 523.7 Wheel LRX-2;r3/ 120.66 521.1 521.2 522.0 522.2 522.8 523.0 524.4 524.1 525.4 527.2 (521.1l (521.2) (522.0) (522.6) ( 522.9) ( 523.2) (523.8) (524.3) ( 524.4) (525.4) (527.5) (527.2) LRX-2aJI 124.41 553.1 554.4 554.2 555.2 555.5 556. 1 557.1 556.8 558.1 560.1 (553.8) (555.0) (555.3) (555.7) ( 556.0) ( 556.2) ( 557 .0) (557.0) (558.2) ( 558. 1l ( 559 .8) (560.1) LRX-29 126.11 569.1 569.4 570.4 570.4 571.1 571.2 572.1 572.0 LRX-.31 128.66 595.6 595.3 596.7 596.2 597.4 597.1 598.3 598.2 LRX-3~ 130.87 616.7 617.4 618.0 618.4 618.7 619.1 619.8 620.5 621.6 623.6 (617.3) (617.7) (617.9) (618.7) (619.0)(619.4) (620.0) (620.3) (621.3) (621.6) (623.3) (623.3) LRX-40 134.28 655.2 655.2 656.0 655.9 656.6 656.5 657.1 657.5 LRX-4~ 136.68 684.0 685.1 686.0 687.2 688.4 690.5 ( 684. 1) (684.0) (685.2) (685.1l (685.9)(685.8) (687.0) (687.0) (688.4) ( 688. 1) (690.0) (689.9) LRX-50 138.48 702.5 702.7 703.6 704.3 704.7 705.1 705.5 706.2 LRX-51 138.89 707.4 706.9 708.2 707.6 708.9 708.3 710.0 709.8 Malnstem at 139.89 719.6 719.8 720.5 720.7 721.1 721.3 721.8 722.3 Slough 19 LRX-53 140.15 722.9 722.7 723.8 723.7 724.6 724.4 725.5 725.4 LRX-54 140.83 732.1 732.3 733.0 733.1 733.8 734. 1 l J l ] ) --~ '] ) ---~) 1 ] 1 I 1 l ] Table 2 (Cont 1 d) COMPARISON OF OBSERVED AND COMPUTED WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Control Pol nt Used Gage Heights (ft) for Indicated Dlschar~es (cfs) by: Harza Dlstance-11 9,700 13 400 17£000 23,400 34.500 52,000 (m I) Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. Obs. Comp. ( 1) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) (6) (7) (8) (9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) ( 13) ( 14) Maistem at 144.70 784.8 785.0 786.6 786.1 787.3 787.4 788.3 787.5 Slough 22 LRX-61 148.73 834.2 834.7 835.1 835.6 836.3 836.7 LRX-6~ 148.94 835.4 836.5 836.6 837.3 837. I 838.7 838.5 841.0 843.0 (835.4) (835.1) (835.9) (836.4) (837.5)(837.5) (838.3) (838.0) (840.7) (840.8) ( 843.9) (844.2) LRX-6s2f 150.19 851.0 852.1 852.8 854.0 855.8 858.8 (851.4) (850.6) (852.2) (851.8) (852.9) (852.8) (854.1) (854.0) (856.0) (855.8) (859.0) (858. 7) J/ Distance from mouth of the river. 21 Staff gages used by R&M in model calibration 21 Staff gages used by R&M In model calibration and tor which staqe-discharge relationships also are available from ADF&G. A/The obs~rved and computed values taken from R&M study (2) are pnrenthesised. ,_, I Sta-tion ~ LRX-4 LRX-7 LRX-16 LRX-31 LRX-36 LRX-39 LRX-42 LRX-43 LRX-44 LRX-48 LRX-52 LRX-53 LRX-54 LRX-55 LRX-4 LRX-7 LRX-16 LRX-28 LRX-29 LRX-31 LRX-36 LRX-39 LRX-42 LRX-43 LRX-44 LRX-47 LRX-48 LRX-53 LRX-55 Table 3 VARIATION IN WATER SURFACE ELEVATION BETWEEN CHANNELslf AT A CROSS SECTION Dei"e of Flow Survey (cfs) 10/4/80 10/6/80 9800 9380 1 0/10/80 9695 10/30/80 2400 1 0/36/80 5525 1 0/28/80 5400 10/20/80 7230 10/17/80 7350 10/17/80 7350 10/20/80 7230 10/14/80 7290 10/24/80 6420 10/14/80 6420 10/24/80 6420 10/23/80 6270 8/31/81 22300 8/31/81 22300 8/31/81 22300 8/31/81 22300 8/3 1/B I 22300 8/31/81 22300 9/1/81 9/l/81 21100 21100 9/21/81 21100 9/1/81 9/1/81 9/1/81 9/1/81 9/1/81 9/1/81 21100 21100 21100 21100 21100 21100 Flow Less Then 10,000 cfs Wei"er Surfece Eleva-tion (ft.) Main Chennel Side Chennel (s) Commen-ts 350.4 364.6 455.2 594.1 619.0 645.6 668.7 670.9 679.9 691.7 713.8 722.2 731 .a 742.6 348.2 365.7 455.5 592.6 618.5 644.7 666.8 (sloughJ 667.8 673.7 680.8 689.7 (ponded l 716.3 724.0 733.5 739.9 Frazit tee accum.; 10 1 wide shore Ice. Shore lee; Ice floes. Varlei"ion of 0.4 1 In weter surface across meln chennel Frezll Ice Small side channel w/f lowing weter Flow Gree-ter "than 21,000 cfs 351 .404) 367 .6( Ll 457.4( Ll 557.7(Ml 572 .4CRl 59B.2(Rl 622.4( Ll 648.5(R) 672.2CRl 673.5CRl 683.8(RJ 693.7(MJ 695.3(R) 725.4(Rl 743.6!LBJ 744.9CRBl 351.5(Ll, 352.6(RrZ/ 368.0(RJ 457.6CRJ, 455.9CM.SLJ 457 .3<RSLJ 556.4(LJ, 557.2!RJ 574.0(L.SLJ ponded wai"er In left slough 594.8!M.SLJ, 593.0<L.SLJ 621.6CRJ, 647 .oc Ll 646.HL.SLJ 669.5(LSLJ 673.5CM.SLJ, 674.8(LSLJ 681 .BHol .Sll 682.8(L.Sll 691 .HL.Sll 692.7<L.SLJ 725.1 ( L.SLJ 743. 1< L .SLJ Flowing ei"er In lefT slough Jl Source: R&M Repor-t (2, Tables 4.5 end 4.6J 21 Abbrevia-tions L ~Left Chennel; R-Righi" Chennel; M-Middle Chennel; SL-Slough; r Table 4 I I I RIVER REACHES AND CORRESPONDING DISCHARGES i' ! ! Gold Creek Discharges ( cfs) ~""'' Cross Sections 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 From To Discharges in River Reach (cfs) 001 1.0 17,000 23,480 29,790 41,020 60,470 91,140 1 .1 2.3 13,930 19,240 24,405 33,610 49,540 74,670 r' 3.0 23.0 9,990 13,880 17,508 24,107 35,540 53,5611 I I 24.0 50.0 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 fl""• I i 51.0 61.0 9,540 13,179 16,720 23,000 33,910 51,109 r 62.0 68.0 9 '140 12,626 Hi,Ol9 22,045 32,500 48,984 i _, i ,..... --1 l l J ,----) ---~~ l , ___ ] ) -----1 -~, ~. 1 J l ) -~ Table 5 WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Water Surface Elevations (ft,ms1) for Indicated Oischarge (cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 0.001 ll3.90 272.1 272.7 273.3 274.1 27 5 .1 275.9 277.2 279.3 282.2 0.01 ll4,1l3 276,n 278.2 279.0 21ll. 4 21ll. n 2a2. 3 21l4.a 291.7 292.4 0,02 a6.93 2al. 7 2a 2. a 2a3.5 21l5,5 21l5.7 2a6 .4 2all.5 294.1 295,3 0.03 aa.13 2a5 .1 2a6. 0 2a 6 • 4 2aa,o 21lR,l 2aa.n 290.4 294.9 296.3 0,04 89.83 291.4 292.2 292.7 294.0 294.1 294.5 295.9 298.a 300.3 0.05 91.63 298.7 299.4 299.7 300.9 301.0 301.3 302.5 304.7 305.9 0.3 94.23 314.3 315.3 315.7 316.7 316.7 317.1 3lll • 2 318.7 319.7 0.4 94.55 316. 1 317 .o 317.5 31R, 7 318 .ll 319.2 320.3 321.6 322.7 0.5 94.92 317.3 3113.5 319 .1 320.7 320 .a 321.2 322.4 323.9 325.0 0,6 95.37 319.2 320.1l 321.5 323.4 323.6 324.2 325.5 327.0 327.a 0,7 95,76 323.5 324.3 324,. 8 326.3 326.5 326.9 328.2 329,6 330,4 o.a 96.13 326,5 327.2 327.6 328.8 321l.9 329.3 330,4 331.9 332,6 0.9 96,61 330,5 331.1 331.4 332.4 332.5 332.a 333.6 334 .ll 335.4 1.0 97.02 332.0 332.9 333.4 334.6 334.7 335.0 335,9 336.9 337.7 1.1 97.31 332.9 333.9 334.5 335.7 335.a 336.2 337.2 33a .4 339.2 1.2 97.62 335.0 335.7 336.1 337.3 337.4 337.7 339.0 340.3 341.0 2.0 97.93 336,7 33a.o 338.3 339,3 339.4 339.7 340.9 342.1 342;9 2.1 9a.03 337.1 338,3 33a.7 339.7 339 .a 340.1 341.3 342.7 343.6 2.2 9a.23 337.7 338.9 339.3 340,5 340.5 340,9 342.3 344.1 345.0 2.3 9a.42 338.5 340.0 340.5 342.5 342.7 343.5 345.4 34 7 .1 347.9 3,0 98.59 339.7 341.2 341.8 344.1 344.5 345.3 346,9 34a.4 349.1 3.1 9R.75 340.9 342.1 342.7 344.6 345.1 346,0 347.5 348.9 350.0 3.2 98.93 343.4 344.1 344.6 345.2 345.1l 346.8 348.0 349.4 350.8 3,3 99.10 344.8 345.5 346,0 346,1 346,8 347.7 348.6 350.0 351.6 3.4 99.31 345.9 346.4 346.9 347.2 348.0 34a .a 349.8 351.1 352.8 4.0 99.58 347.1 347.5 348,0 341l.6 349,5 350,3 351.7 352.9 354.11 4.1 99.75 351.0 351.4 351.7 351.9 352.6 353.2 354.3 355.3 356.7 4.2 99,94 351.9 352.5 352.8 353,0 353.8 354.4 355.5 35fi,fi 351l,O 4.3 100.17 352.5 353.1 353.5 353.8 354.7 355.5 357.0 358.2 359.7 4;4 100. 28 353.1 353.9 354.2 354.5 355,5 35fi.3 357.9 359.0 360.3 5.0 100.36 356.5 356.9 357.2 357.4 35a.o ' 358.5 359,6 360.8 362.1 6.0 100.96 360.2 360,9 361.3 361.9 362.7 363.3 364.4 365,6 36 7. 3 7.0 101.5 2 363.1 364.0 364.6 365,3 366,5 366.6 368.2 369,5 371.0 8,0 102.38 370.2 371. 2 371.7 37 2. 4 373.4 374.0 37 5. 1 376,6 371l • 4 9,0 103.22 374.9 376.2 376,9 378.0 378.6 379.8 381.2 31l3.3 385.8 9.1 104.12 381.9 3A3,0 383.7 384.9 38 5 .ll 31l fi • 6 31l7.7 31l9. 7 391.8 10.0 104.75 391.1 -391.6 391.8 392.2 392.2 392.8 393,6 395.0 396,7 10.1 10 5. 01 393.5 394.2 394,6 395,1 395.3 395,8 396,fi 397,9 399,4 10.2 105 .Ill 399.7 400.2 400,8 401.4 401.7 402.2 403.0 404.2 405.6 10.3 10 6. 3 4 403.8 404.9 405.4 406,0 406.3 406.8 407.7 409.0 410.1l 11.0 106.68 406.3 407.4 407.8 408.3 408.7 409.3 410.2 411.5 413.2 1 1 ~, >> -, ~-, -'---] ---~, ~ --, .. -] } 'l -~ ] J ] } Table 5 (Continued) WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Water surface Elevations ( ft[msl) for Indicated Dischar~e (·cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 12.0 108,41 419.0 419.7 420.4 420.8 421.7 422.6 423.7 425.6 428.0 13 .o 110.36 433.2 434.3 435,fi 43fi.2 437.6 438.1 439,6 441.5 444.9 14.0 110.89 441.3 442.0 442.4 442.9 443.4 443.9 445.{) 446.7 449.3 15.0 111. 83 450.2 451.2 451.6 452.1 452.6 452.9 453.7 454.9 456.3 16.0 112.34 453.4 454.2 454.8 455.4 456.3 456,6 457.7 459,0 460.8 17.0 112.69 457.6 458.1 458.6 459.0 459.9 4fi0.4 461.1 4fi2.4 463.9 18.0 113.02 459.1 459.7 460.2 460.7 461.8 462,4 463.2 464.9 466.6 18.1 114.11 471.9 472,8 473.4 474.2 474.5 475,3 476.0 477.0 478.9 18.2 115.08 477.0 478.1 479.1 480.2 481.2 481.8 482.9 484.2 486.1 18.3 115.8fi 480.4 481.6 482.5 483,9 484.7 485.5 487.0 488,6 490,9 19.0 116.44 484.3 485.1 485.7 486,8 487.6 488,5 490.1 491.6 494.2 19.1 116.89 490.7 491.4 492,1 492.7 493.5 494.0 495.5 496.8 499.0 20.0 117 .19 492.0 493 .o 493.9 494.8 495.8 496.4 497.9 499.0 501.0 20.1 117.61 497.8 498.7 499.4 500,1 501.0 501.5 502.5 503.5 504.9 20.2 118.31 502.1 503.3 504.1 504,8 505.5 506.1 507.2 508.2 509.8 21.0 119.15 50fi,O 507.3 508.3 509.2 510.2 510.9 512.2 513.5 515.7 22.0 119.32 508,9 509.8 510.5 511.5 512,3 512.9 514.0 515.3 517.3 23.0 120.26 518.1 518.8 519.3 519.7 520,4 520.9 521.8 522.9 524.6 24.0 120.66 519.2 520.1 520.7 521.2 522.2 523.0 524.1 525.4 527.2 24. 1 120.85 520.0 521.2 522.0 522.7 524.0 524.4 525.4 526.8 529.8 25.0 121.63 530.9 531.4 532,0 533.2 533.8 533.9 534,6 537.8 539,6 25.1 122.05 532.5 533.1 533,7 534.8 535,5 535.6 536.7 539,6 541.7 26.0 122.57 535.6 536,4 536.9 537.6 538.2 538.9 540.1 542.0 544.2 27.0 123.31 540.2 541.3 542.0 542,8 543.3 544.4 545.5 547.2 549.4 28 0 124.41 551.6 552.7 553.6 554.4 555,2 556.1 556.8 558.1 560.1 28.1 125. 54 563.6 564,3 564.9 5fi5,3 566.0 566,8 567.6 568,3 570.1 29.0 126.11 567.5 568.4 5fi8.8 569.4 570.4 571.2 572.0 573.1 574.9 30.0 127.50 584.7 585.6 586.0 586.7 587.3 587.7 588,0 589,2 590.8 31.0 128.66 592.0 593,3 594.3 595.3 596.2 597.1 598.2 599.6 601.4 32.0 129.67 604,0 604.6 605.2 606.1 607,0 607.7 608,4 610.0 611.8 33.0 130.12 610.6 611.3 611.7 612.2 613 .o 613.5 613.8 614.6 615.9 34.0 130.47 614.1 614.7 615.2 615.7 616,6 617.2 617.9 619.1 620.4 35.0 130.87 615.0 616.0 616.6 617.4 618.4 619.1 620.1 621.7 623.6 36.0 131.19 616.4 617.1 617.8 618.9 620.2 621.0 62 2. 4 624.2 626.6 37 .o 131.80 625.1 626.0 626.5 627 .1 627.8 6 28 .1 628.9 629.4 630.4 38.0 132.90 637.0 637.7 638.2 638.9 640.0 640.7 641. A 643.4 645.6 39.0 133.33 644.5 645.1 645.4 645.9 646.4 646,7 647.4 648.2 649.7 40.0 134.28 653.1 653.8 654.4 655.2 655.9 656,5 657.5 658.6 660.4 41.0 134.72 657.9 658,6 659.2 6 59.9 660.6 661.2 662.3 663.6 665.8 42.0 135. 36 667.4 668.0 668,4 668.8 669.4 669.8 670.4 671.5 672.8 ~ 1 J ] -~ ~l "1 ] ----l -~--] --J ~~-~. -· 1 ~ Table 5 (Continued) WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS Water surface Elevations (ft,msl) for Indicated nischarge (cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 43.0 135.72 668.4 669.4 670,2 671.2 67 2 .1 672.7 673.8 675.3 676.9 44.0 136.40 678,8 679.6 680,2 681.2 682.2 683,0 684.2 685.4 687.4 45.0 136.68 681.1 682.2 683,0 684.0 685.1 686,0 687.2 688,4 690.5 46.0 136.96 684.1 69 5. 1 695.9 686.9 687.9 688,8 690.2 691.7 fi94.1 47.0 137,15 687.5 688,6 689,3 690,4 691.3 691.9 692,9 694.2 696,3 48,0 137.41 689.8 690.9 691.7 692.9 693.9 fi94,6 fi95.5 697.0 fi99.1 49 .o 138.23 698.6 699,6 700,2 700,9 702.7 703,4 704.3 705,2 706,6 50,0 138,48 700.2 701.3 702,0 702.7 704.3 705.1 706.2 707,3 708.6 51.0 138.89 705.4 706.0 706,5 70fi.9 707.6 708,5 709.7 711.4 711.7 52.0 139.44 713.0 714.4 715,8 717.1 717.8 71R.2 71R.6 719.5 720.1 53,0 140,15 719.9 720.8 722 .1· 722.7 723.7 724.4 725.4 726.5 728.R 54.0 140,83 730.2 730.8 731.3 731.8 732.3 733.1 734.1 735.8 737.6 55,0 141.59 740.7 741.6 742.2 742,9 743.4 743.9 744,3 745.3 746.8 56,0 142.13 749,5 750.2 750.5 751.4 751,4 752.1 753.2 755,0 756,9 57.0 142,34 751.7 752.7 753,1 754,2 754.4 755,0 756.0 757,8 759.9 58,0 '143.18 762.4 763,5 764.1 764,8 7fi5.7 766.2 766,2 767,9 769.2 59,0 144,83 783.0 784.3 785,4 786,8 787,8 789.2 790,4 791.2 792.3 60,0 147.56 816.4 817.5 818,5 819.5 820.6 821,6 823,4 823,8 825.8· 61.0 148.73 828.7 830.3 831.3 8 33. 1 A 34,3 834.8 836.4 838,7 840.5 62.0 148.94 831.4 832.9 833.7 835,4 836,6 837.1 838,5 841.0 R4 3. 0 63,0 149.15. 834.4 835,6 836,4 837.9 839.0 839.7 841.0 843.2 845.2 64.0 149,35 836.2 837.6 838.5 839.9 841.1 841.9 843.2 845,4 848.0 65,0 149,46 839 .o 840.0 840.6 841.9 842.9 843,5 844.7 847.0 850,0 66.0 149.51 84 2. 3 843,0 843,6 R44,5 845.2 845.8 846,8 84R,5 650.9 67.0 149.81 845,7 846,8 847.5 848,7 849.6 850,2 851.1 852.4 854.7 68,0 150,19 847.3 848,6 849.5 851.0 852.1 852,8 854.0 855.8 858.8 -! l 1 l -l -1 l -~ ---1 ,----1 --~·] J .-~ J l --1 -----} .. Tabl.e tJ MEAN VELOCITIES Mean Velocities (ft /sec) for Indicated Discharge (cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500. 52,000 0.001 83.90 1.5 2.2 2.7 3.4 4.1 4.6 5.4 6.3 7.2 0.01 84.83 1.6 2.1 2.6 2.7 3.7 4.3 4.7 3.0 3.6 0.02 86.93 .9 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.0 1.6 2.2 0.03 88.13 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.1 2.a 3.3 3.3 2.7 3.6 0.04 89.83 1.0 1.4 1.7 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.2 3.2 3.8 0.05 91.63 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.8 2.4 2.8 2.9 2.6 3.3 0.3 94.23 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.9 3.4 3.6 4.6 5.4 0.4 94.55 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.5 4.1 0.5 94.92 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 0.6 95.37 2.2 2.4 2.8 2.4 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.8 0.7 95.76 1.6 2.0 ·2.4 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.0 3.1 3.9 0.8 96.13 1.3 1.7 2.1 1.9 2.6 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.5 0.9 96.61 1.3 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.6 2.9 3.0 3.2 4.2 1.0 97.02 1.0 1.3 1.5 1. 5 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.1 4.1 1.1 97.31 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.7 2.3 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.9 1.2 97.62 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.9 2.0 97.93 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.6 4.~ 2.1 98.03 1. 0 1.2 1.5 1.6 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 4.0 2.2 98.23 1.6 2.1 2.8 3.3 4.5 5.3 5.7 5.3 6.3 2.3 98.42 2.5 3.2 4.1 3.9 5.2 5.4 4.3 3.8 4.6 3.0 98.59 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.3 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.3 4.3 3.1 98.7 5 4.0 3.4 3.7 2.4 2.8 2.8 2.7 3.1 4.0 3.2 98.93 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.1 3.4 4.1 3.3 99.10 2.1 2.2 2.5 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.7 4.3 3.4 99.31 2.1 2.7 3.0 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.3 4.8 5.4 4.0 99.58 3.6 4.6 5.0 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.6 5.0 5.1 4.1 99.75 2.5 2.9 3.5 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.2 99.94 1. 3 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.6 4.2 4.9 4.3 100.17 1.8 2.5 3.1 3.9 4.1 4.1 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.4 100.28 4.7 4.8 5.3 6.2 5.2 4.9 4.4 4.7 5.3 5.0 100.36 2.4 3.2 4.0 5.1 5.7 6.1 4.9 5.3 6.4 b.O 100.96 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.9 4.5 5.2 7.0 101.52 3.5 4.1 4.5 4.8 4.4 5.5 4.6 5.1 5.8 8.0 102.38 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.8 4.3 4.7 5.4 6.5 7.9 9.0 103.22 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 4.4 5.1 6.0 7.2 9.1 104.12 5.1 4.4 4.7 4.4 4.9 5.2 5.7 6.1 6.8 'I ,c_ ") l "1 ] 1 l . l l .---1 ---~. --c•-1 ~--~--1 . ... ~-1 .. • Table 6 (Continued) MEAN VELOCITIES Mean Velocities (ft /sec) for Indicated Discharge (cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 10.0 104.75 1.4 2.1 2.7 3.3 4.5 4.9 5.6 6.4 7.5 10.1 105.01 2.8 3.2 3.7 4.1 5.3 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.6 10.2 105.81 2.4 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.8 5.3 6.2 7.3 8.9 10.3 106.34 3.7 3.5 3.9 4.2 5.3 5.7 6.3 7.2 8.2 11.0 106.68 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.6 4.5 s.o 5.9 7.0 8.5 12.0 108.41 2.1 2.8 3.3 4.2 4.8 5.2 6.1 7.0 8.2 13.0 110.36 2.4 3 .I 3.4 4.2 4.6 5.4 6.I 7.I 7.2 14.0 110.89 3.9 4.4 4.8 5.3 6.I 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.3 IS.O 11I .83 1.6 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.7 4.4 5.2 6 .I 7.6 I6.0 112.34 2.5 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.2 4.8 s.o 5.6 6.2 17.0 112.69 2.4 3.2 •3. 7 4.3 4.4 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.2 18.0 113.02 1.4 2.1 2.6 3·. 3 3.7 4.3 5.3 6.4 8.I I8 .I 114.11 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.I 4.1 4.3 5.2 6.7 7.5 I8.2 115.08 2 .I 2.7 3.I 3.4 3.9 4.5 4.9 6.0 7.I I8.3 115.86 1.9 2.5 2.9 3.2 4.0 4.6 5.2 6.6 7.9 I9.0 116.44 3.3 3.8 4.4 4.5 5.3 5.7 6.I 7.2 8.3 I9.I 116.89 2.3 3.0 3.4 4.0 4.6 5.2 5.I 5.7 5.4 20.0 117.I9 2.2 2.9 3.4 3.7 4.0 4.4 4.4 5 .I s.o 20.I 117.61 4.5 4.I 4.0 4.0 4 .I 4.5 4.5 5.2 5.7 20.2 118. 3I 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.3 3.8 4.4 5.6 7.2 21.0 119 .IS 4.9 4.6 4.9 5.3 6.0 6.6 7.0 8.3 9.2 22.0 119.32 3.4 4.3 4.8 5.0 5.6 6.2 6.7 8.0 9.I 23.0 I20.26 2.9 3.3 3.9 4.6 5.2 5.8 6.4 7.5 8.5 24.0 I20.66 1.8 2.5 3.2 4.I 4.9 5.5 6.6 8.2 10.3 24.I 120.85 8.4 8.5 9.1 9.9 9.3 I0.8 11.9 13.3 11.4 25.0 121.63 1.6 2.I 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.9 3.3 2.4 2.7 25.1 122.05 1.9 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.8 4.7 5.3 s.o 5.5 26.0 I22.57 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.4 5.3 5.8 6.6 7.4 8.6 27.0 123.31 2.7 3.4 4.0 4.6 5.7 5.9 7.0 8.3 9.8 28 0 I24.41 7.1 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.9 7.0 28.1 I25.54 1.9 2.4 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.1 4.7 5.6 5.8 29.0 126.1I 4.0 4.3 5.0 5.8 6.0 6.4 7.4 9.0 10.7 30.0 127.50 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.7 31.0 128.66 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.4 4.1 4.7 5.6 7.1 9.1 32.0 129.67 4.5 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.6 5.9 5.8 6.2 7.0 "' l -· -~ l l t l i ~ ~, . . ' ~ .l ~ . l -·~~1 ~~~, --~, c~~-~1 J j1 . .. ~ J.au.le 6 tvbntl.Hut:d) ~ MEAN VELOCITIES ELEVATIONS Mean Velocities (ft/sec) for Indicated Discharge (cfs) Cross River Section Mileage 3,000 5,000 7,000 9,700 13,400 17,000 23,400 34,500 52,000 38.0 132.90 4.5 5.0 5.3 5.7 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.0 39.0 133.33 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.4 5.0 5.8 7.2 8.2 40.0 134.28 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.7 5.4 6.2 7.7 9.3 41.0 134.72 2.2 3.1 3.8 4.5 5.5 6.3 7.1 8.4 8.9 42.0 135.36 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.7 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.4 33.0 130.12 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.1 4.4 4.8 5.2 6.2 7.0 34.0 130.47 2.7 3.4 4.1 4.8 5.3 5.9 6.6 8.0 9.9 35.0 130.87 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.2· 6.4 8.1 10.2 36.0 131.19 7.0 7.7 7.6 7.2 5.9 5.9 5.5 5.3 5.4 37.0 131.80 2.1 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.9 5.8 6.9 9.5 12.1 43.0 135.72 1.7 2.4 ·3 .1 3.8 4.7 5.5 6.6 7.9 9.4 44.0 136.40 3.4 4.4 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.3 6.9 8.3 9.6 45.0 136.68 2.3 3.0 3.6 4.3 5.1 5.8 6.9 8.8 11.1 46.0 136.96 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.8 8.1 8.3 9.6 10.4 47.0 137.15 3.0 3.8 4.5 5.0 5.9 6.8 7.4 9 .1. 10.6 48.0 137.41 4.2 4.4 4.7 4.8 5.4 6.0 6.1 7.2 8.1 49.0 138.23 3.1 3.9 4.7 5.5 4.9 5.4 6.0 7.3 8.7 50.0 138.48 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.7 4.0 4.6 5.5 7.2 9.6 51.0 138.89 4.3 4.9 5.3 6.1 6.5 6.5 6.8 7.6 10.8 52.0 139.44 2.2 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.7 3.2 3.5 4.3 5.7 53.0 140.15 4.0 4.2 4.0 4.6 5.2 5.8 6.8 8.5 9.7 54.0 140.83 3.4 4.5 5.4 6.4 7.7 8.0 8.9 9.3 10.6 55.0 141.59 3.2 3.7 4.3 4.8 5.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.1 56.0 142.13 2.4 3.3 4.3 4.7 6.6 7.2 8.1 8.7 9.9 57.0 142.34 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.2 4.3 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.6 58.0 143.18, 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.8 5.6 7.1 7.9 10.0 59.0 144.83 2.3 2.8 3.1 3.4 4.1 4.3 5.2 7.1 . 9.5 60.0 147.56 2.6 3.3 3.8 4.4 5.2 5.7 6.4 9.1 11.2 61.0 148.73 2.5 3.2 3.9 4.2 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.5 11.3 62.0 148.94 3.1 3.5 4.2 4.4 5.1 6.1 7.2 8.4 10.8 63.0 149.15 2.4 3.1 3.8 4.3 5.1 6.0 7.2 8.7 11.3 64.0 149.35 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.0 4.8 5.5 6.6 8.1 10.1 65.0 149.46 7.0 6.8 7.4 6.8 7.2 7.9 8.6 8.5 8.4 66.0 149.51 2.4 3.2 3.8 4.3 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 7.9 67.0 149.81 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.5 4.3 5.0 6.2 7.9 9.8 68.0 150.19 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.1 3.8 4.5 5.6 7.2 8.9 EXHIBITS 'I ! ... .,-;$~~-- ~~~~=+----r---~----~~ ;,) ~;iJ. t: ' ' ) .<!>" ., ' ' ·. t ·~· \ • 1 1 ~~ c.-~.t ~ r:.r: /' \I' t!EfiEA<.4 ---C:RIUJ Si"CP"'N Jt,OrV£1'¥1 NY ;,If; Q....._ __ ~t:l?tJJJ ~n~N StJAIAI"YID ""' ;9'" ____ t:JttJ.rS .ra,. .. .N r,JAtEN -"'~•­ .n>~iltA-"H;C _,_. 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I I I I i I I I i i i l I I l r---·----,·-----... , ...... ~--· -----~---_,_,,..,. ___ ~-~-·--------- 1 i ' l I I LEGEND j i I I ---- i ,I -----~ \ CROSS SECT ION SURVEYED IN 1 !161 CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1982 CROSS SECTION FOR WHICH GAGE DISCHARGE RELATIONS ARE PROVIDED CROSS SECTION NUMBER CONTROL POINTS FOR HEC-2 CALIBR-ATION RECOMMENDED STAFF GAGE LOCATIONS SCALE HARZA.E!IASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE OCTOBER, 1983 l--------~~~~~~~~~~~~------------ ~ ----··-· • ···~·r•-'>·--~--·-~--·------;----··•-••.•-_.,....,,, '"''i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOCATIONS OF RIVER CROSS SECTIONS. . STAFF GAGES AND SLOUGHS I i I ! 1 I l ! ! I ! ' LEGEND __ _.. __ ~ -----•o"P"'" • . -----·-~--~--- CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1981 : . CROSS SECT tO .... · N SURVEYED IN ,982 CROSS SECTION FOR W RELATIONS ARE PROV~~~ GAGE DISCHARGE CROSS SECTION NUMBER CONTROL POINTS FOR HEC-2 CALIBRATION . RECOMMEN~EO STAFF GAGE LOCATIONS · SCAlE · J • f"oo' ' HARZA-EBASCO su···siTN . · · --· · A JOINT VENTtiR .. ····-~---· -· . . EOCTO!!Ef.';~ z .. £)(HIB IT 2-.b 1 . SUSITNA HYDRO LOCATIONS OF RIV~~~~RIC PROJECT . STAFFGAGESAND~.:a~~IONS, I j. I I I i I ! i i I I ! ; i I l i I i I l ' I I I I i i i . r ~ '\ I ~-@ ----~ " I / .. ~'----------'(~ .. \ /: .. ./~ . ·;S·~--;:;;;1 n;-~-·-·-~~S//=-7f=·;\2' --~ r<:v <~~~--.. --;~ --1:. -F / /...... . .-· •• o-... , . -;;----..-<,.._ .:_--- / , ./ :// ... ...-· ~ sc. 8P .· • I 1•• ... ---;-r · ' ··•· ;/-... ~ < / ''· o---' . I , . . . A \ ,..,...._.. ... ·-. . 5~0J;+-s ,/L-·\ . // /7 \,.A _,.~/ ~----- LEGEND . -----~ "'CJ----- ~~- < ~ .. _ CROSS .SECTION ~ .. - CROS$ SECTI SURVEYED IN 1981 CROSS SE ON SURVEYED IN 1982 . R E CTION FOR WH . LATIONS ARE PR0\110~ GAGE DISCHARGE CROSS SECT ION NUMBER CONTROL POINTS --•' ---~----··/ SUSJ NAHYDR LOCAT 1 NS OF R~~~egrRIC PROJECT S AFF GAGES AN ROSS SECTIONS DSLOUGHS ' RE FOR HEC-2 COMMEIIIDED CALIBRATION .~AFFGAGE HARiA · LOCATIONS ·EBASCOSUS -___ IT_N~A~J=O~IN~T~V~E~NTU~~~~~~~-R E OCTOBER, .1983· -.-·------ \ 1 i i l· l I I _I I --- ---~ HAR ZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTuRE ocioBER,~ 1983·. CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1981 ·CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1982 CROSS SECTION FOR WHICII GAGE DISCHARGE RELATIONS ARE PROVIDED . CROSS SECTION NUMBER CONTROL POINTS FOR HEC-2 CALIBRATION RECOMMENDED sTAFF GAGE LOCATIONS SCALE ..... .{ a.IOoo'. I lt / SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOCATIONS OF RIVER CROSS SECTIONS, STAFF GAGES AND SLOUGHS ---~--... , ... _____ ,,... ______ ~-·-· ···-· ... -. -... ~--...... LEGEND ----~ CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1911 CROSS SECTION SURVEYED IN 1982 CROSS SECTION FOR WHICH GAGE O.IS<:HARGE RELATIONS ARE PROVID.ED CROSS SECTION NUMBER CONTl'lOL POINTS FOR HEC-2 CALIBRATION RECOMMENDED STAFF GAGE lOCATIONS SCALE -· .. -·------·~-·---·-··-----... -------------·----..... ·····-·; -~- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOCATIONS OF RIVER CROSS SECTIONS, STAFF GAGES AND SLOUGHS ··ii ~H~A~RZA-~E~SASCO~~S::U~S:IT~.:_NA:_ . .::JO::I::NT:.._V:,:E:;:NT:.:.::;UR~E:_:O~C;,:.T,::O.B=E::,::R::_,1:.;:983.:.:._ ___________________ ~----·--···~-------------·-----------------; I I I l ! I ! LEGEND SCO SUSITNA JOINT HARZA·E-.BA::-___ _ -~-- ION SURVEYED IN 1981 CROSS SECT RVEYED IN 1982 CROSS SECTION SU -. GAGE DISCHARGE ON FOR WHICH CROSSSECTI RE PROVIDED RELATIONS A NUMBER CROSS SECTION CALIBRATION FOR HEC-2 CONTROL POINTS GE LOCATIONS . EO STAFF GA RECOMMEND SCALE ,. I I ,t Oo ~ OBER. 1983 --· VENTURE OCT ~- -------~-·-· ./ . 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" " . -r-r ~~~:i~ ~ ±:~ ~J 7. =~-f I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE !DJ. q I 10,000 I 20,000 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE CUBIC FEET PER SECOND r r I r ...J w > 3&A- ~~- c w (/') z < w :.gz.-:e w > 0 m < 3BD- t-w w u. .. z 0 j:: ~18- < > w ...J w 3=t1- 0 -~-=-=~f ~-~-=--~\X:)f\ \ ~ ---~t------· -r -· --- __ . __J _______ --"T------____ .___....-f----~---~ -------4--l ----~-------4-----..--~-------~-..,.-----...;-.:-~----_j --~~---:.-~-~~~----- __ :::::_· -~-=~::--~~-=-==l:-:::-_:__ --=-.:..:-=-1=--~-= ~==-~===~ ~.:..--=--~~: -• -~-T-~---•_-~1-------~ ,.. • _ ~-i-: ~~~ :--=-=-= ~: r:-c. __ ~ _ ~ =-~r--:~-=-~ ___ ~----=--:= =_:_ ·; -1 -----:-. . _:_-==_t·-~ -----'. -----+ --· ... --·-. i -~~-·------;---·----· .. ~-----I --· ----- . --,----.---------·----. -----______ · ------------~--------;.- -____ o .• ----' ·-----. ----·------·-·--T---·-~ --• ---i --------------~----.• -----~------. ~::::.:.~_:_=-:-=---_ ~--_ , ____ 1----~------f-----: -:--- -----~ -- -----~-___ j_ ;_ __ --- ' ·------~ ------' t . . j ~::-r ~;~ i~~~~J=~~~~~~+--= ---:~ _ ::l~: 1 -:~:: ------, .•. - -------.! ---..... ~. ; . ----1----- ~~r~:: ~ ~~: T =2 :--: i: =-~ ~-=:~~ ~: ;~=J~~'ft; :}: ----: -- ---~+-~--4----~----+------~----r----~--~<r--~~------r~-r---- ---i --~ .. - -~---+ -----= :, ~-=-:~-_-_-_--_:~---~---_ . ---·--' --• · 1 • -:-· -• -~--. I --· -~ ·-• ~ 1 ---~ -~-: .. ·:·-<!'-T-------·-:-·-; --~-----~------t --···-...: ' -·j . ,. ' ~-. . . . 1 . ---• -.. - -----. -----... . ..L. -- SUSITNA . --· j, ------• --• ..,. -~- --~-T -i _..._ ___ • --t ·•-·--~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ----·-------. ---~-+---- ---i-: i ---:------+~~- ~ STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE l" ~ f:£\hl Po... 'FE:& \N ~ RIVER MILE I 10,000 ' 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND -· ..... _. w > 53~ < w rn z < ~~?f\- w > 0 m < ~ "JeZ: w w LL. -z 0 i= 3ro- < > w _. w 0 . . . . -. . : . I ·.:.~=-~.:.:~~1 ' . .., ___ .. 0 --. 4 -· l ' -4-, -~ t -_---~-.::-~---~.· }( __ ' . -~ : -~ ~--~ ~-~ ~-.: ~ =i-:·:· -. -. -! ...... - - -.__--:-...l--r-.. -- -·--• j ·--•. ---·----1"-: -~--- ~ ... !~j_J__.!. L . ..+ . ! . "-~ c...i --• 4•....:... _,._ '!"' -~ I I -.... _........,:- l t ---------- -· -..: -.. - ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE t..::Rk-9 RIVER MILE \~.22 I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I 40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ...... ,... ..... t"'.O~ ..... .... - ..... "'''" I -4\2.- '110- ..:.. w > ~4n~- < w Cl) z < ~ 4llo- w > 0 CJ < 1-~­ w w LL •· z 0 i= 4\02.- c: > w ...1 w 39'D- 0 ~. --~--~ ;·~= -~ ~. -=~-==t::_·:~~ --~~ -=-~·==~=-~--=~-~-~ _--=---_:_-~_: •! . -~ ----. -~...:~,_. ___ .., ___ ~ ... _..: --f -----~o----,--------~---~---------·-~----· ---- ' I ----t ------_________ .,. ------------------------~~-----~ T • . l. -----·1---"'!-. • -------:_.: -+-; -.. . -----,.1-t·---- --= --i ----i - - -... -; . -. -----.... ; --... ---V------------~ . --.. ~ ..... -- . -- --- -+-------1·---·---·-·-~---;--··-.. --------~-----· t'----i ·-·· --1· -..... -· --··' -----. I ·-• ------.--. -~ ·• --..•• ---··t-------·--·· -~ -. --·· .. • -- ----;--------"""'! -------···· -----.-.-------------------------,--------. ~----- -~ _J-·:~ ~ : ~ --~~~ -~~~~-~=1~---==.-~-=-=~ ~ = '-~=-~=-: -~_:--: :~--~-~;~ ~-=-~~-- ___ --!··---·'·---'----ih:-~:----'~-+----------+-•.,-·coHPO.r#".l) EJFVAr/c)..V.!- . + ~-- ___ .. --:--'1 - - .: ' .• 1-------~-=~ l_~---~ ------....... ~ -. i : 4 . --i - 1 10,000 i 20,000 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE L R.~-\0.2 RIVER MILE \ 0':::! B t 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND N V 1983 - ..J w > - ~ ~\At- < w 0 z < ~· 4\2- w > 0 CD < t-"'\ lO- w w LL .. z 0 . t= 4[:)'0-- < > w ..J w 0 -j. -. ----. --. ----- ---. ---· ~ ~-----·-----· -----·------!-------------. . . ----c -y··. . ----~ ':'" . .... - ' . -~--..,. . -~-- ----~·-·· ·--~-·-------~ --.. " -----l • ·-. . . . - -~ ·7 -! ....... - - - --T·-i· .. ~ . -~ --~ ... t 1 .. ,!. ~ ... ~ 1 -~ • ..i .4-t ! . ' -• -_;. • .. -I •·--. +-- ~ ~~-:.1 ~-~ :-~-~~.·~ ~-:~~~: . SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE L~-\0.~ RIVER MILE \0 L,, 3~ 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND i~ I""" ,...., ,...... I ..J w > A7f\ ~ 4ll4- < w rn z < ~ 4\dr- w > 0 cc : 4fZ..- w w LL. -z 0 i= +tO- < > w _. UJ -----~ -~--: ----·y· . ----__ , ---· ·-... -. -. -----T" ... """T ... -~·- • -·-• v .. - -..... __ ' . . r . ..; . -. ; -. • -... I. l ..... -... I .. -~ : : T ~: . ~ -~ : : : : -i _: __ : - . _--_ ~ ~ .• · _-·_·_ -_--_. -.... ----·; -~-.... -------.. t·· ., .. . .• j. : ___ -- i ~ --~ ~ ~ ! ... _·-_ ~ : ---: ~ i --! - ~ --L--..i.--L.J. ~-­.... ! .. ---!- _:· = ~ =1--~=-- -----... ~--... -------~ --~---- 0 __._; ! -l--+--:--J- ----:·-i-;-~-+'7- ----~ ... --. -.... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR..~-\\ RIVER MILE \ D~. (oCO ~ ' . -. -.... --J.-~ ... ~~ ........ -~· .... ·.-.-... ~---.--.!.--.-.~-........ ~ ...... ~ ........ I • I I I 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND W.&.R7 .&. ~RA~CO .JOINT VENTURF OCT 1983 - - I'"'" ' - ..J w > -- 432- ~ 4\l£>- < w UJ z < ~-"\Z1r- w > 0 m < 1-~4- UJ w _LL . z 0 i= ~LL­ < > w ..J w 41lo- 0 _: !.~:-' ~ ~ c·f~~i ~-= ir::.+~~.!= --~ --~-~---f ~~ .... J. :-t T 4--~- ; ... 1--.lo -------i ~-:"'"-- ~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE L~-\"2 RIVER MILE ID~.+\ I 10,000 I 20,000 30.000 I ·4o.ooo I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 .... -· /""'' r-1 ,..., ..J w > 44:1:- -~ =t--=-=-1 __ _:-_ _:--1_=~-------: -·----i ----~ .. -j-J::.t,t}\.f)\1 \9 i~~ -~{ ~0! ~~~==~ ~=t~~~~~l~~J-==~--~~ : ~ ------ I • -r••---• ~ ~--~--~--~--~,_~~----~---+----+-~-+----~---+----~--~ : ~KU-l ... ·-··-[~_~-·-~ .2;-! :_; __ · -~_--+t_;-__ ; --J+-:}_-_ •• ~_;-+~----~·-~--~'""-:f.,...~--·~--~-+t-~-~-~-~-t-: ~;__=_:-_;-+:._·--~-~--~ -;i-':_--.~_ ..•.• _:-+j_I_··~·-:_.+-. · __ • ._. __ -~_..-·. ~-· --~-l>·~ ~.~~F~~¢~-:~r~~:-:i-~~ ~;=N ,:J~~:;b ~A~' .I~~:; -~=·tszr~~~: ~~=·=~ r~ · >t~~-• · . --. ~ ~;:.,tf ==i_-:~;~~~r====t=3~~~~~~~ J ·--~-.•. := u:1 _:_ --~--;r~ j ·;-_ -_: ~~~i=r~= :i= ~2=~-:=~---~-t ~ ----~= ~ _ ~~r~==J = : ~ -1 -· :--::.: j : -,;-~ + • +-; , -r~-- 432..-·:tL · •-+-~·~r= =~~~.~~1~---• SUSITNA :-=r~:. ~-~! ~~}~;;B~ HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT '---~ ,1--:: __ ; ' 1. '-~--:--=-===+=-~~ : ~-: : T -" ~ 1 , =-:-=--~=== ~t;:-:t STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE \I o. l -. ~ . -· .... .;,_ ' J ~~~----.. ----~----~~----~----.-----• I 1 ~ I I 0 1o.ooo 2o,ooo 30,ooo •o.ooo so.ooo 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ..... -· ..... -· ~ w > w ~ <( w en z ------+----·--r--_____.:_ __ ; ~ --:--=--=-= ~ ~-~-~. _---=-: : -"""-----+-----.-t -·! c"-J~ -t-+ r- ~ i j ---r ----- j . -r i '; .j. t~~-~--· --~~----~----~--~~------~----+---~~-----~----~------~--~·----~-+_;-'~~i----· -- .:..__~-~-~---L-_.__ ------+~..;.... ~44~~---~-~-~~1-----r~--+---~~--~--~r---~~~~~~--~~~--~··--~---+t----~-- ~ w > 0 aJ <(-'¥\ t-w w u. z 0 t-< > w ~ w i -~ j _~·--r-j __,_,..._+--------+-~-+--'------+---f------t----'-----'---.--~. ·-~ ~: ~t~~i-~·~-· ~ r-- 1 _ L-----__ + __ -+~---__ j -~---. -~r-~ ~ --+-. I . ---·-~ -+--.... .:..... .. L ___ ... i~ ,--~-- +· ----_ _,: __ _ • : J_. ,,-:-~·· ~ -: ; ; t~~, -'~--i· -_,_ _______ .......,__ __ 1. ' ~ -~- ! ~~-'---' ' r I ~ ~ --L- ----r---- . ·-~-i.~·-~- ----~--- 1 I .;.__ ··-r-· ------:-··of· -+·-~ -~----- 1 ----+--~-_;_-j ~·"'-~·~-·- SUSJTNA HYDROELECTRlC PRO .. IECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE \ \0 .s ~3L~------~ .... ._ ........................ ... I i 0 • I : 10.000 20.000 30.000 '40,000 50,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND 60,000 -l w ~bQ- > w -l 45(£,- c( w rn z c( w ArS4-~ w > 0 Cl c( ._ ..:16L- w w LL . z 0 ~ < > w ..J w "\SJ- 0 -~ -----r--~J -~ ---., -r· ~ : !-----_:_~--~==-=--_ __:_:·=--~!·-· __:~_ .flll\ 101\. 2\ ---+-;--:---~-:---~ --·----t-c--I --+---~f---.. -~....--"---t---------;---I ------'--· ·----------j . . . -~. ·~~: ':~-~~-~-· ~1_;-,-~__ic:._~=~=;~;-D:=:-:~~-=-::·:~::. --·--t -----.. _ __:_; + '---··- ~..?1~-~: :· ' ' .. ----- ' . ~--··-. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE ~\OC ~Na Ot:>f.\ -C£.1€£:..t: RIVER MILE \\\.=a - 1 10,000 • 20,000 ~ 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 - .- !""" ! ~'\'- ..J w > w ..J ~~2.- < w (fJ z < w 1Wl-~ w > 0 m < ~ ~ w w LL . z 0 ~--1-< > w ..J w ~- ~2- 0 --i ' .. ---,--. i ·--,---:-. --: . ~t\ 77 ---+------~. :r·-___ __, __ -----.... , ----·--:\l L-t-. . --+-:--;"7" --------{ ---: --. --r---'---. i ----. . . -----+ ~---------;----·-------;--------·--· ----~------. ---; -_---~~.: :.~ --~-=-=-,t .--:=:: ~~-: . .:.=.; , __ -=---=~~~-~ ~:=--~-i-~:-: ~--:t·:.: ~ . ~: . -- --;·-~----~-----,---·---~-.... ~-; ""t-1-------i---------~ 9 ........... ------i. --- ---~ --------:---------~----------·---.. -,~ --.J .... - ' ---t . - =-=-.~·~;z~:: --~·::7 ___ _ -...---, .. ---... --... ;----~- ·-·--~ . : . . -· . . . --. -t • • ~ .... : l ----- . . .;. • -l . . . . - . -~ -~-~--·-..:. i ---- ... ~ f-. -. ~ : .:.::c . .:-~ --.--+· .. ------~-----. -. ; 1 . -:--. ~~-::. ~-=+=--~--=- I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE 1-\tA.D 5 ~\-\ ~f:K S\Dt -~~tl RIVER MILE lf2.\6 l 10,000 : 20,000 30,000 I ·40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - !'- I i ! I""" I ..J w > - ~~'\- < w (/J z < ~-1Co2- w > 0 m < ~ w w I.L. .ottoO- z 0 i= ~B- < > w ..J w 4~- "\SZ..- 0 ~-.=-_-_-;:-._ :. __ ·+ ' ... · ::-_: ~ ~ -_-. --~~_: .. _l.-.·~~--~~ 2=~"': .. -...,~-:.-. .,..._ +-----..,........-..-.--·--· -. ---=~~~:.:·_·.:_.:_;...:~ :·~-= t . ---·--+-·-_-_-_J~~-: =-~ -=:-_:T:::=-~ ---+-......,-...,-+--------:-.---:------r:::: ' : . . ---~---.. _ .. -~-f-----.,.-;-----·---+-.-------·+----: --- --------1----+-J -----+---___ ---~ -. -···· _L.. -------------J .. ----=..:.-=-1---'--~=~:---=-~----=--~=-~-~-------~-~~ : -----i----r -·--+-·--_. ___ .l._--·-'-- 1 ---···---· ·-·---1 ~-l:~ -=~: ~--: ~~: __ 1 - --·--·· '....!.- ' I -------, - . ----+-·c· -.. ----h·---~ -==+--=---: ~.: --~ ------' --~ --.---,.-..;....·-·--+-----..,.-----1-----~---I ----r--· -------.. _ __;_ ___ _ -----------· -j ------ ------1------ ~----· ·-!-·---...!..---· - L ·-___ .;. ----~---~--~=~~ ~=--=---! ------ ---------~------+~--~-r----~------+------o~---;--~-------r~·~·--4-----------;---~ -~-..;....._ ___ ~_,; ___ -- 1 --·-t··--~ ' . -. -----t . -----j- --------t. I . _______ ...., ~--.... -~~~ ~ ~: : ~ 1 ·--j- "' i -. -i . ·--! . ' ----... __ ., -----~ .... i -----~------ ""-=::1..,_ -:=-:. J---~ _____ ,.__j,_.,. __ ... ..; ------~-~ . . ----l---- ·---1--~. "-. ·-----i -~ ___ .....;. - -~--i-• ..l ; ..... -~-~ j -... :::-,.~:~ ~ ~. ~-"!' t . -j 1 •. ---., -j ----- :: =-= ::f-.:-=--:: - - T . . ... •. .J .. ~--~--. . . ' -~ _ .... __ ..;..,_.__ -. . I I -, j _______ _ ------L-.. .;___ ··---·t....--:--· .. i--:-------..,.....,..·--·-· ' ,._. ------~ ---t ~ :-:.~ j~ :_-"'.:. ' . l ··--.--t··· --. --t~ .. __ _ ···--_,....+-.---.. ---:--r-_·~ -;--- ----r-----~~---r-----+--_.~~----+-------. ~-...;....-·---~ .. -~~---~---L. J . ------i -·-----,..---+--·-----.--~ -,-------·. -+----: --------r---~~ .. ____ ....,_ ____ .............. , .. i~ ----;-:-T--:·--"------r -;--~--. --·-_, ' I r---------; --- -----__ ......... --~ ~-~ ----·j ~ ~ ~·· -~ -.. (::: .. -...... ---; " -·-. ---· +·--· ----+-, ... , .• ---+ i -~ ·----=--= -:.::::-~ ~- ___ ------~t-' ·----~.,_. SUSITNA t 10,000 -·--~ ~ --~--HYDROELECTRJC PROJECT ------~-~-- ~--:--...,-7-- STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE N\NMSTE.N\ ~illD~t\ ~~ RIVER MILE I 20,000 30,000 I ·•o.ooo I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - 470- ...1 w > ~ 400- <C w rJ) z <C •. ~4b4- w > 0 co <C t-402- w w u. 454~ { 0 ~ -~ ~·~--L-+-~·-­ -~_;_.__;_ __ ~_ I i 10,000 20,000 DISCHARGE . i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-!7 RIVER MILE liZ. G9 I 30,000 I 40,000 I 50,000 60,000 UBI ER NO r ..J w - > w ..J ~- < w Cl) z < ~ '\{,~- w > 0 m < 1-~~1- w w u. . z 0 ~· At<o2- < > w ..J w 4b0- 45%- 0 --~--~--..:.. ~ ... ------.J --·---~ ------------"]' ------- ::-:::-=-:·1.--~. -:: .. -·-I -• -- ~------t _____ .. _- "" ~ ~ i· ! : ~-=·=· j_~~---~-= _-:_-_}_~_---~±-~.--·~~. -: .. ; -j --'--I - -! .: : ..:. J i -;. . I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR~-\'0 RIVER MILE \\~ .O'G I 10,000 l 20,000 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 484- ,..... -470 '~-' ,_, 405 l 0 1""1 . LJ+ ~-~ L~ -~_j ;-: : -~ --'-. ' ~-~-~+ • !·-·-: .. _ .. __ I I 10,000 20,000 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-!B. I RIVER MILE ll 4. ' l i • ! J 30,000 I ·4o.ooo I 50.000 80,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ~I _. UJ > w Ltf>la _. < w rn -z < w 4B~ :E w > 0 Ill < 1-4'0b w w u. z 0 1-4t00 < > w -l w 4-fo· -::=+::t -~~-~-t ·--·--1··- +-~-------~==-=·· ' .. ---· --~~~' ~-~-:.~ j-~-~-~~-· ------+--. .;.. -t------' t ,_...;_ .. ~- ~-:_t~~ ~~-~-=E.: .o _ _.._ ____ ..,.. __ ...,... __ ....... ----'----SUSITNA --!----:-·-4-----·-· -~----+----7 ~. J -HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE ---:-·-•·· ....... .........--~,.-~--t---+-+--.... l.~ --~-!-,~--6.--.;. ; I '~' ~~-1-~-~ ~--H_-~--~~j: I\S.2 RIVER MILE ·---,__ --+ + ' ~~~~------------~ ............ ~ ............ ~ I t ~ I T 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND .... -.:¥tft- ...J f'""'" w > w A,.,,.._ ...J \DU < w rn ,...... z < "\tab w ~ w > 0 co < 4'0-q.. 1-w w u.. z Q 46' 1--< > w ...J w -"ict30- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE \\S .% 0 60,000 -DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ..... ~"""' I .- ~\ ~ ~-~ -· ...I w > 502- ~.4qs- < w (J) z < ~ 4-~ro- w > 0 Ol < .-.494- w w LL ~ 492 __ ~--~--~--~:~+-r~ __ -;fL .. ~-_-~;~+·---~---:~--~-~1-~_-~~-----.t+-~-;_·=--·+~---==-----_--=-~~-~-~·--'-~-:.~-~-·~~·-==----~+-.·~_=----.,...-· . .......,Jr-.•~-~-~~--~+-.t-~~-·-;_--+_+~·_:_;_-~-~-~-.~ ~ =$f=_;:i=~~f~j:=t~=~i~~1~~EEI."5 .. ;. ::! u:: · : ---~.l~L= ~: ... -=--~~ , L~t ~ r~-~ ~--· + ~~7-• =---=~ : -~=--~r:_ -= ~ t~~ ~ _ ~--j. ::-~ = ~ •. · -+· --~ ·=··· -=--~ -~ --: . ~ --· .. --... ~ t -t-~··--.... ----~ --T-------+---r --~----. . 1 -------~ -----r··--:-··t--:--:--~ _ .. -+-"----r + __ ; __ .;.....-+--... -----r-~--'"-··-- 4-88 48to 0 -~-~~-_j_ -· _ _,_,__ ~- . ---·--~--~ -; i_ ~ - . .....,_-----r----+ ,___-...!. . ----~-­.. ~____._ .. ..;. .. i--f--:----~-+- ""7-:t-:-~·:.,- ---c-·-+-"'7 ----y--""---+ --~ -t ___ _:_ 1. --- r··+--~--+--~-t-~-r--~---+----"-~-f--... -+. ---~ ~ ~-l.--~~f--4----i---t--... ~----~--t-+ -----J.-----t-_;_ __ -+-..-------..;._ . , ___ t· . t I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-iq.l RIVER MILE I 10,000 l 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND --1. !"''" ,..., 1"-' F!ft'l~ 510- 49to 4q4- t 0 I 10,000 i 20,000 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-20.1 L 30,000 RIVER MILE 1\7. (o/ I •40,000 I 50,000 80,000 DtSCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ..... ,.., _, -· ...... ,..... SJO- w > 0 Ill <( 1-502.- w w u. .. z 8500 < > w ~ w 0 ---:-· ----"-+==--: ~ : -:---~j~=-= -,--:: -~==--=-=t=• ..c_f>.iiiek' r-~t) --j~kzy&-\r-/"t?"/...s' -~ --___ = : ~~;=__:_t--= -===~=~+--:-::=~~-= :~~=~:--=-+s-=~--==¥=----:;: --=----=-=-+-=~ : : i =-= =.- I 10,000 I 20,000 \ -l ----- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE I i8 I) I • L 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND -· .c::~s ._;I -· I""'' -· SUSITNA -· HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 504-STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE ) 19.2 ' +·. ~ .. ,-l-_ _;__L_ c.-·1·---· .:--W--~-L . 1 ! -~·-!._;-~--,--~-~ ~__;_ ~--r- .; --. -..._ _ ____.__:--~ ---+ ---~-....--~---T- 502~, ........ ; ...... ,~.:----"·· •. -4.--.~--.. 1 ...... ~1 ...... ~1--.... ~ ..... 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND _,..-r -tno~ -· ..... - 530- w > 0 co <( 5'l'l t-LL w w u. z ~520 c( > w ..J w 510- 514 0 -1 t ' : -~ -·"t' -·-- --=-== ::J-=::_=-= r=:-=~~=--=- T=--=-:i~~~ =-=-~-=.:::-:--__c__-F -'--- i ~ -i---- SUSITNA ' ' HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 12 0. 3 I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I 40,000 1 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ..... -· -· _. w > - ~- ~ 52lo- < w (/} z < ~ 5'2.,-4- w > 0 m < ,_5Z2- w w u. . z 0 t='5"'2D- < > w _. w 5\CO- :J\{o- 0 --1---. ==: <-=-----'r--::.. ---+---_1----1 =J--=~-=J ---~--------1--·-·----·-+---------t----~l ------; . ··i ... t --. t· . -. .y -- . ---··j ----------t ----------t--------+--=r-----, :~-=r~; :~ ;~ ~r:=-=:::=-~:t-~ ~ -~~;~--_ f -=-=~ ~ l:-_ ~-~-: ----_-_ -----~--- . _ __, __ -"'--------·-+ --------··--;-----··-·-··---r·--------· : --.--~- I -----4 --.. --1--- --~ ..1. j • ·-'--- -:-: ·t -· -:. -- -=:~= J ~ .: ~ . ·• ·-!---··-- ---'T" --+ . ---; ---... - ---,._ --. -- ------.._ -, -. - ---~---.... "'!--------------- -------. .. .! J .; ·-· I ' "---. -I-I ··--·-r---. ~ :-~ -=-·-=r: -·=-= _:-_::_ ~-~t.-. == . - --: -i··--- ---:·---r-·--:- L .:._~---i .. : . : ----; ~ . r~-------~ ~-_ ... _ - ,....,. ----t . . -.. --~ - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE WR.'R.."\ F\~t-\ Wt\tt.L RIVER MILE \2..D .L:J:J -- l 10,000 ! 20,000 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 80,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 - .... r-· ..J w > - 53'2- ~ S30- < w CIJ z < ~5~ w > 0 aJ < 1-521r.- w w u. .. z 0 i= S'L.cr- < > w ..J w 512- 51.0- 0 ·--==t~~=~=------r .. ;;;r-~-~=~;+:,~~-~~~~~3.-~---~J ~ --~~~:.-: --l~ . ----i-·------+ -~ ----~.-----4------~,-----+------,~. -----+------.------r-----~----r------: ~----~~--~~~~~-~-=:-~-1~~-:;~~-~~~-~~-~E-=-;-;_~-~=-~-~:~--~--~-~~~---~ 1~----~ __ , ·-·-------···· --=-=-=1_-___ __;__ ____ r-------~--------· i ----..;..a-·-_______ ...;, ____________ .J. _______ ··-··-------~--·- .. 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F i .... - 540 hz/ J l£> 524 t 0 _____ _..:,_ __ :__ -:--_ .. ____ -!"-- ···--7·-~ -+----~ -~------'--·1··---~--.,. ·---~ ___, ______ ..:,. ------ ____ ..__ +---., ..;.---;.-- ---------....------~-,.-_...;.__ __ -------~-. :-=~-~i ·~ ~-:~ ~-=~-=-j . ~~ __ ,_ ---~ -,_ ~---~ ---~-~--~-+--;---:----+ --> -------•• 1.--.,.-.--.--~ -- • I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 121. B l 10,000 20,000 30,000 I 40,000 I 50,_000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND .... .... -· ,.... ..J w > - 5l.oCo- ~ Jfo2- < w C/) z < ~ SldJ- w > 0 Cl <ss~ ..... w w LL .. z 0 i= SSCo- < > w ..J w 554- :02- 0 _.Ll_.! ..... ' I 10,000 ·-~~-r. ~ ... L _, { 20,000 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE U::.~-L& RIVER MILE \24r .4\ 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DtSCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ~' ~I -· - ,.... - -· ..l w ..... > w ..l ~c,~- < w VJ z < ~ 5loZ.- w > 0 CD < 1-flft,O- w w LL. z 0 ~5513- < > w ..l w SSG- . --. ----~==l~=j~~~IT 3c1 I . I t ·-- T \- ' ---+"""".-•-+-----· --~ -----t--~--t----+-------+---+-------1------·--------1---...-f-----L-. I ----+---··--···-· -····-::=-~: :_:_---:__:= -;_:--=-1 ~=-=--· -~ ---~--_-_:-j~--~-. ~-=-t: ~-=-~-:- t -·-'-' . I -... -··------~t-·; . -i- ---1:-t- ·--~·-f -...---+ --~++ . ·-;-:-: t -~·1 ---j·- ----~ .. 1--; ---~ _ _j ' ' . ...:. ·r-~ ·t ,....,...---, --~r-:--t-~ --t :.~g {~--. +.-~-- I ' I-, -· . -r· ---1-.......... ~1 ~-1 ~ - ! ----... -~ -i --j -----. . --~· -+ . 1 .; - -+ -~ ;·- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE j_~ j_ ~;z-~~ RIVER MILE -j SSL,_ .................................. ~----~ I • I I I i 0 10,000 20,000 "30,000 40,000 50,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND eo,ooo .... I I I .... - .... 5!! /(D ---.---: -r-_:_ . --~.-:.-~ ~-~---~ ~--- -----r , --~, --~_r:-_ .-[_~------;----,-: ~+~~~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT ._......__..,.. --!• --· ... __ i., __ ----------------___ ....:....._·--.+----...... -~ 5 i J --------------it-_-__..-..,.-,_-_-+--~_-_--_,-_.-;-_ti---' _._-;.....: -'-+-------_:_--~---!-1-:_-,,...----~-· "~ ~f~~J-?:t_S~~-'ihTf STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX -28.1 ----· --. : t : ~~ . !_-' ~~ti ~~~-~IL~~ 500,.----~------~----.. ----~----~-----. l l I I I RIVER MILE 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND .... l""" - 570 --1 ~--- .. 1 -i ---J.__ - I i ---r·----·····-- 5~4 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE ·RIVER MILE 12 to. 0 500~ ............ '-.~~--+ ...................... ., I ' I I I ........... _. .. I 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ..... .... I - - - scoo- ~- ...J w > w ...J s:reo- < w U) z < ~5\4- w > 0 m < ,_ s:rz..- ·w w u_ . .. z 0 i=S~- < > w ...J w 0 -----· -~- ""7-. r--· --·----1 . --· .. ------~ --... : ·:·: -~ "1_:~. ~-= ·:. -~ _:_:-_--= ~~ =- ---·-r--~--o-· ---;--i ·--; __ -------:--- I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE L R'f.. --z. '1 RIVER MILE \LL. .l \ I 10,000 ; 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I . 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 .. ------4--t----;-----; ---~--T ' ---r---------r---------r-------t.:..JU___L c ' t _-h.i ·----+: ' : : -~-~-+ ---:--~ : --------~-. ------ . -.... ; -·--~--__ .. --·i ..... -... ----r-·-1 . ,---~-.. --" . -=t' :E:"<lio.l \'11 t-r 4~ -:~t-~-+-~ -·-:--·-,~.-~~-+--~-__ _,__-l._,._ _____ ~----,-~--~--~ --t-----~ . ~::-: ::~r=!_,j~t -c .. J.:.:~::~.:..r---~=.:~=---=---1 =--:·: J__-= = :.:.= ~ ~. =~t==-~-t~' _::.=_:_:__: -=~:.___:J:-=:-=~=t~-==-~~:-_: :-~~t -~ ~-· .:=---· 550~--~~~~~--~~--~~--~~--~----===t~_:_-.=f --i~-= ~-,'. -~~-~.:~. ~--~J-~~~~~-: . ~t---:--~ : .. : .. ___ - -----]---------t ---·----. ~-------~---- ' . -b:i~~~-. t::--=4\=-= L~~:c~~==-~:--:[ =r~ ..J 588 ---~-----.~ ......... ~-~-g :-_;_~----'-;-+-~......_0.;__,~ .""T""-'F--~~"'---'--.~ _i+-"_ =..:,_•• -~~-~....:-:~-~_.:..~~-+-=::--~-~=-,;-~_.:..=J1-+-·~-~~-~ .• -.....;_f --~-_-:::-+-F_i_:_;._.~-··-·-~-'--~----_ ~ --'---'----t-~~-~_3 -----·~----__:t: ·· ~f--:_ -,---i--. • --c-------f ----~------1 ~ E80 :.==::-::_c: --:-·:-__ -=·-=-=-:t-~-~--i-.:_:-_ _:--::-~~-r--~-~---+-_:_~--1 :=~::~ -~ ~~==-+--~ _,. -------- ___ .:_ __ _ L .c_~_;_ l L. _____ _..__~_ .,:. __ .;_.. __ ·~ . ---~---- ' ---'---i-~-1---~--t------~-~-. 1~-----~~-~----------~~~------------..-t-- ~ :-~+~-: ~--------t--= ----~ ---=~;.===-~ -=~-=t-..:-=:~--= -----~-==~---~ =~=-~~-==:= ___ , 0 -. --~----~=~·-j------~----~=t-----~: --------------::J_ --__ j__ : : 582 -ti-----~-+~--~-J-·-~-~~_+;_' -bl-*c.~---=-...;...-~--~...;. rf .... -~~-~ =_-~_=±_· ~---~-~ =..:...~~_:.--_.-..... 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I . --1 l _ ;---'-- w '-!_ i.:.=:-:t~·:.-... ·~=~--.-:~.=-L .. ---,-~.·:_:-::_:-;--:-~=-~j-----_= __ .:.=-:: __ l_ .. ·,_-: ... _~_:~ 514 [ 0 --~ :_ .J.~.·---~.-.. ~-I ' -~-~ ' -------~---t-----T-_,_......_ __ -~--r--__.... ---+ ------------------.:_-t --;--· +-, --+-+-e ;-f--.., .. ~-~ ~-! ---·-t - ~--~-------------~~ -----__ j -----------------" . ---:·::-:-~-=-~ -==-==+::=-SUSITNA --..,....---,. ----·h I ----+---- -+--,--,--t---;--HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT .----'-+---- ,----___:_ -~~ . l STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE -l_ t-L~--i-i ~-·f- ... ----------+---.-- --r---~ I ! i ~~Ti~-~t= __ .., -~ ·-· 4--~- l I l 10,000 20,000 30,000 RIVER MILE I 40,000 121/ I 50,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND 60,000 , .... - r ,- -~· __ j __ L. ~-·-. j - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 126/25 60,000 DtSCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - '- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 12.8.40 0 60,000 -DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - - 'v/SL- ..J w > ~~00- < w rJJ z < ~58'a- w > 0 m < ... 5~(o:.... w w LL. -z 0 i=54!l-c > w ..J w SCfZ.- 59£r 0 -~-• ..:...~.:_~ ~1:_. :---------:-~ : 1 ----------~ ---t-~ ___._ --. -~---~'--~----r--c---+-__ ___.._ __ -.. -·· ., 'i". ~"-\\\'2t'\ .Lit. ---~--~\.01\."lW ----l-----.. -~-----~ . ' --~+~-' ~ ~--· ;-· ;--~ --"'---'-·~ ~--~ ---·------~-T--~ ..,;. __ ----------;--- . §~~~~ ~21~:;; ~~~:_ -~~r~~~:~_: =?:-:f:-. ;;t;~~ ~I~~ • ~~~~ ;:*::-=~+--~0--•-k~--;-;~: ~---·:~:·.~ ~ -~---~~-t~=-~-~~-:_~j=-~:::~--.=~~?-=~ -~ ----~·t=---~~~~-~. :.~ ·-- ---------1---.:.-~-------"!' ... -~ __ .,._...._ ----;-------_. ___ ------~·:-. i ---. ------ ----~---~ -... ~-t---.. ··"·-·t ''-·-----~-' ... . - -:-. f-- .=:-.=-:2 j ~ =· ; :- ---.. --. ·-.... -------~-.. . - - . l -.. ------. -r---- • ~---~ ...j •• -· ··-----···----- .• ---4 j -.. -: ------___ .;.._ • ~ . ...; .. i ~ ~ ; .. ; .. I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE \_\<_'( -"3 I RIVER MILE \ 2.~.bl.. I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I •40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 1:':4-l{JU 002.- 56B l 0 l 10,000 ' --, ---~' r+ ----"'---· -: SUSITNA -~- HYDROELECTR-IC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE .. ~-...!. _J._~ l__..:,_ t___c_ i__; ~+-T -' ~-+ T -1-----+---J.--···-t -----r------~-r:-· -----y- ~ \ 20,000 30,000 RIVER MILE I 40,000 128. s I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ,,.... !"""' z 0 ( l i=~,oM < > w -I w ~02 I 0 -~-----~ '---~-=.;:=·---'--~-_____ : ____ · -~t-=~-=--t _:: , ______ _ ---------,--------, ---'---r--:-~-. --·--~ ---------------1-__ :_--___ -__ --_- -----~--+------_;_ --,-----: '1---------------------------------' .. ,T -~t --------T ' -~: .. ~_. '.-t ~ -~-~-=. ----. --~-, ' -_; I 10,000 I 20,000 _r -+ -~ -i SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlG PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE l 30,000 RIVER MILE I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - ..... ~ w > - ~ L,Ltq-- < w (J'J z < w l.o"Z2-:E w > 0 m < ~l.o20- w w LL. .. z 0 t= U!~­ < > w ~ w l.ol "'r- lD\2- 0 : ___ j_-~-·::j-----l~ ~~=~--~-~-~--1---~--~ ----~. -:-~ -=-.1_~-~~~-~:'C:IT ~ --,"7.,--·----:J-~-.--~-~---~ -----I . ~--;--· ----~-------------~ ... -~i ~i4~g~~~r~~~$~~~2: :~ ~~: :~:--- ~~~: ~ r~~"-;:-~~~*~~= ~-==--' l-:--> :_•-~ --~ T~:= :.::-_~~-: ~--:~i~~f--~~-~~-i_:--c= -~-=~~j -H :: --• --. t -----.. -~-·i : -- . --· t· .. ·-----i-.. ~:=-:~$:=:-: ----:.~J---.. -. ~-.... --·- . -__ .., -....... -----r.-:-:- . -.. j. -~---- --· r -. ~ -~ -~ . --: --,. __ ,;..___ --~ --; -j --~ - ~ 7 -~ -f-+-~ f-~ -~ ~: +--+~ . . ·: -'--~ ...___.. .~ b~ . --. -.. ~--;_"" ~-... -l ,.;,--r-~-__ .....; ~-4! .. -<~-~--~.,;__....__ r t I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR'{-~5 RIVER MILE I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I •40,000 I 50.000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT 'VENTURE OCT 1983 - - tol2 { 0 I 10,000 l 20,000 ~ . . ----~----_--~-fE.'t-1--\'\f'.:Ti"' 50 ----+----.A\-\. l!JII ~·~---· ---------. . ' . . ; . -----'-,------·-·. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DIS.CHARGE CURVE LRX-30 RIVER MILE J3/.lg 30,000 I •40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - - - - - - ,_, I , ~-, ~-r-----§~--+----;----1-~~--- c----L------~-~------------·--,--~ ---·-' -1--~--~t-------,----------;--~-----:-' ---- --~- __J_~+-~-.;._ -~--, ~--t -~ --~----;--~-----------+~---'-------r--.l ·------1 (pj(a.-·--~----~---. -~-_+:_-~-.--...;---~-~---~.:.._+~-~--~=---=---...;-~----~.,.:----~-=---.o.C--'-'-...,:=-----~,---------.-~_.;..---.---~--------~r-~--~--___c____]__-.~:-_-;--~---=---.+_-~---_~-=-~:-----_-.... +i--_·-----::::_;_ _____ +-_--~---~=--=---:--:-~-,·-i:l---~-~·---,..~-~-~---__ :· 1-w w 1.1.. G24- G22 0 "-r ;_ ~t~i ~-t ~+,:~_:_' t, -~ -~ -1-__;,___...__ -r--·+ 1 -' - , ...... -i,,_j__ ---+ I ~. --: ---+ . --- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-37 RIVER MILE I 10,000 i 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND '''"" _, '""'' &34- &;3'2 ' 0 __ _., _ _,_ __ , t-·f·---.. . -+-- ---~______;__...._ __ ~__:_ --_.;__ __ ~ ~ .. -~-. --~t7-~-_~-T~ t----' ~---7- I I ~-~ .!-l ____ _:.-i- --~+--~-_;_ ·+-~-+---: -+·"""'!'"·..:.... .---l...--.----~ i . I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 132.7 I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND U A 0"7 A E:'D A ~r"'l""\ 11""\lt..IT \lt::t..ITIIOE:' ..... ...... -· r I r I ! :-,~-:--·-··-. ---j :--: ---t£1.1\\~[f 52: ·-. . -------r----------. . ~-----------______ _,_ -----·--'--~---·--·; --~~~---,_~~~~+------+~~~+-~~-+~----+------+-----+-~~--- ·------ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE . :::~)[± ::ctSL~~ 04~,.~------·~------·i------~~------~,------~,------· RIVER MILE 133.8 . . ~ -~----+ --~ 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 "40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND -· ... , !""'' .- - I (,./_ Ull-- _, w > ~loiD"Z.­ < w f/) z < Wf.a(£}- ::E w > 0 m < ~lnS~- w w u. .. z 0 ~ ~6!D­ < > w _, w CA5L- '-~-~ :~ ~ ~--~ ~ ~ ~-~~-~J ~ : ~=~ ~-~ ~~~ ~= -~-~=~ ~ ;.-~~~~-~-~l· :_ ~ -~--~ ; - -:··i -~- -----. --·.------l --·---A-:-_~-~-~·----------. -----1 -~.:...~-- .:~]-:: : : ~ :_j -~;:::: ~~E ~= :::_::-:1:;:: __ -= ~~:~ : : ~~ + : • • -:: ------i --• -----~,Y-:-::::· --.: '···+------r----.-+.co-,;;,--:-··--='.:D : s:t.L.v.b.;;.;,.,-,.,.J; · · · -~ ~=~~-:: ~F l -~::=--=::=~i~~~~~~~~.~~ '~l~J ... o<t~.: :: -~-tj/-·'-····~-----.. .:·-~--+-----·----~------------~---~-~~~=--.-~ ~---...... ·1--:-~-:-~ --h~·--l ..... -·--____ .. i ·~·-I'~·---;---·- :-~:. 1-~ ~ ~--: . ; :· : ~ ::: ~-: ~= : ·:_---+---~ ~ ~ ---~ --.--------. .. --i . --~ - -- --if-· ---~ -----~ . -. -~ ----1 -.; -- --. -·----. . ; . -- . t -c. ~ -~~~ j ~ ~ : : - -•. ,.. -~ '1 ~ • ------~ ---..... - - -~-. : :-~ ~-~-~ ~: ~--=~-~ :i~·=,~- --~-: ·: 1 ~ .: =--= : =-~ ~1-: =· ~. - ---..... .:... -----·------+-----. -:-: t --' ------+-_:_ __ _ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE ~-~b. RIVER MILE \~~ 2..~ I 10,000 I 20,000 I 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 ,.,., - - !'"'" -' w > I fj/.-/j)l[iT, ~ Glvl- < w U'J z < ~ &id)- w > 0 Ol < 'i'r'l 1-{o)(j- w w LL.. {o50 l 0 -~" ~~~ qf:_--~1~~~-~~-~--------7--_r-_·--·~:-~--·-: _ ____: -.:.-i -:~ J:::-::=:1~t)l~rr ss -: '~~~ -~ .. .:.r-E:.-s=~c::~:=:::~;-=~ :;~r· ~ti: , . _ ~~---....... T -------:----: T- ---------l-------....L--- ----------!. ----·---·---+-------- ~ ----...:....-~--... ~ -... -------i-----~-=-.:_T_ J ~=i. ~=-=-t __ ~f-~ ---·-I ---' · --· -l --, +----· -· -~·-""---~-··-·-·--t--. --·--;---+ --:-------:----- --..---..... .......__ -----------r--· ' • I . ' i ' • \ l ---t---~ ----------------.4----r~·--+ ~~ + ~--..,.._ --- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE 134-.5 I I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND -· I""' 080- ---=~ _ -'-· . 1· --. ._ -,-~~-,---, --· ' -· --,----'--,_----~ -:------ft"'Wi.\~ IT ~ (£1 -. ---r---. ~----·---~----r-----,-----'----------- -~~ -~--~--<-+-~-'-'e--..,.--,-' _______(__. ~-'-. ---:--+--. ~-----~ ---· ~ -----~ -• ~-=-;_ -~+ . . ~t --, -.--~-+--. , -+-----= -=-==t--------=i-----' -: ·. 1----=t-~t-~-1----·"-t---------c----t-· -----------,_ -·:t:_ --~-+~----------~--------r-----t-----------r-----------! I -----+---+-+-~- --' --' , __ , .: ~ ~:~r--L-=1-~~ :-~ ------~----~--;---t I ---.,.. ----=-=-=±=-== _:_ ---~--+-_;___ SUSITNA -~ -+ HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-42 RIVER MILE ----·~ l.~~_j_ ~ ~-_; --+-L...;..-;- __L.._,.._j___M·-r-·---~-- G04·~--------·-'--'--.... t .. ~---.----~----~ i I I ~ I I 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND -- - - GBO- + T-i---'--i--'--;-+-+-1-~ _;_+--r-'--i-1. L f i '~T-+4+-~ ' l --+-;--L~-'--+-- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-43 RIVER MILE G~4~----~-,---------+--~--+--~---·· ~----~----.-----~ I , I I 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ,.... r f"'" I I -1 w > ~&90 < w rJ') z < Wb88-~ HYDROELECTRlG PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-44 RIVER MILE /3{o. 40 ; • 7 __ ..._ ,___ _ _ __. -· ~ ~ -~---------Gm~-----~~----·l ----·~----~~----~~----~ 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 "40,000 50,000 80,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - F'"' - _fliili'l!;l. -1 w > - lo'Ho- ~ u,q-z: c( w C/') z < ~. ~'lO- w > 0 CD < t-{. 'rf6- w w LL. ... z 0 i= ~<atD­ c( > w -1 w . ---. . --. . --. -l -. .. --.. -_0·' . . -. t . ------... ·-. . • ~ .. ---. ; • ----. 1 ... -··--i·-·-·--... ---:-. ·-:--... -..-------~.--;. ------t ----- ------1. ____ --. -.. ···-------1-------t· ----I .. - -~ - --4 -• ~. • • -- ---J -----. - . - --~ ··--. ---. -""! ----. -..• -., --- ----1---------- • ~ ~: L~ =-: ~ ~. .: -=-=-~ ·: -=--= f --~~-=-= --=--=~=.:j~-=~-..:.:.=: __ -_._-_ --~--------·· _::·. ____ : __ ~--____ 1 ___ ·_..:::_.:~ . -,·_· _· -----..I. .. ---"" ---... --j ----~ t;z'"_:___:, ~~----. --------r-------. . -------1 --------~ ..: __ 4 . ---/ -~ ~---+--------------------+ ·----- -'-·-! : ~ ~ ; ~t~+ ~: -~·1; i+~-~ STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR.'t -4S RIVER MILE toCOO.'J-t .. ____ •l .--.·.-.~;.·· ~.-~ ...... -:.:.~ .• 1.~-.:.·: ..... ---~~~~~---.. ---.. I ; I I I l 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 - - ,. .... - ,..,., 10'1-I L 700 .- { 0 ---==-i: :== _--=~:l=~==t--==-1:=~ .. ---j-:-. . ~-----;---+-t~ ~:-+---+-~- ~~L:~ :-d_fff3:=!~g~~ I • --l ------. ' -----·r-·----· --; --,--~-- -i -- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE ~37. 8 I 10.000 I 20.000 30.000 I -.c.o.ooo I 50.000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND .- ..... - -· - 710- w > 0 aJ c( ..... 702-w w LL.. 0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LRX-49 RIVER MILE 138. 23 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - - ..... - -· ..J w > =I fl.- ~ :mtr- 4( w en z < ~-=\-t:io- w > 0 m < ~-::rtft- w w u. . z 0 ~TOL­-e > w ..J w 0 --·~_j __ ~~-~--.. -l-~~~----:--:-t----~--T----=-~~ -l_~~-f~~~\T:bL --. + ~..;..... -~-: ; I -~-~· --:-----~---+-------~--· --··==r-------~-·-t -~ . l::I~ ~:_:4-~ :: =~=~ : . . . .C-e-~ i:·~;; ~;; : ~ .::_:.: 'T=: ~~~l~t=~~~~~~-=·:~~~} I i ~ -l --= -~ ~ 1 ~· : -= -j -t---. t· T . . --. -t----. _---__ --.i --------~-------~--~-------~- ' -~-------------------------------_J ..... ==:-.:I:::_:-~----:_~ --------:-~ --------. -~ ---------l ~--~-' ' --1 -------, - . , __ _ . ----___ _.. __ + -----·-------~ .,_.;__~-----------~------... ·-·--:--------------+-- . ---l-·-- ------ ------1 ------------~ .: ! -1 -,_; .i . ' ; I 10,000 r I 20,000 • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR"k. -~0 RIVER MILE 30,000 I •40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 F' I ..... -~ I ..J w > w ..J < w CIJ .z < - w ~\'Dt­~ w > 0 Ill < ~ =+rL- w w ~ . z 0 i= =HO- < > w ..J w 0 ~ 1 i ~..:""' i.. ~ ---!.--i.....l..-1. L~. -~-_;,___.; ..!.~~-~- ' I , 1-~-~ _l _.J _ _,-. ~~ "':'- ' ; I . ·-:=: ~-:1 ~-~ -:. I • • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR.~ -51 RIVER MILE 13'6.. ~c; I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND INT V N 1983 - - -· 702. { 0 I 10,000 I 20.000 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE ~ 30,000 I '40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND , ..... -_. w > :r.£.- ~ -=rzA- < w rt) z < w Tllo- ::E w > 0 m : =li..~ w w LL -z 0 ~ :t22- < > w ...1 w 0 I ------· -<to-~ -..... ---... -... ---- ' ---~ . -. ~ ----. - --~---..1. .., __ .. ..; -------t .: --. I ____ l _ .. ·-·-· --........,..._. ~ -----~ -----'-1 --... ~ ------, .... --: - I 10,000 i 20,000 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE MA\t\\stf.W\ /-.\ 'Slfj~~\\ 1'1 RIVER MILE \"~CJ.B~ 1 • 30,000 I •40,000 I 50,000 eo,ooo DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 z 0 ~-7! lfl < > w ...J w '7!0' t I I 0 --+~-+---~ --: _. ~~l _;_ ----~: -,-+- -------.....__.... --·t ·--------r-----t _, ---- t ~--------r 7 -~-:-·-----,-+---..... --.:._ __ ._.;._+__:..,.._-__ = :1=== _J__ ~~~-~g: ' ! _____ _,__:_ _--. __ · ~ ··c~--t --1-~---~~ 1--~---~-' • ---.,..--!-~--~ ~-~-----. ~ : ' I _._-r--+ _......._1--1 _. .... -·--r -----:------.: +-_!____j_-~--+ f---~-~ .t--:-. -_:__t- ~ ~-: ~ --i----L-+ -+- -~: ~~ Ij·::-~:-::-- +------- . -- ___ · SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE RIVER MILE [~a gc:: J '· . ..) I 10,000 I 20,000 \ 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DtSCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - - r I"""' ! ~- !""'' - ..... w > ~,..~_ 4( w en z < W1-"'Zjj- ~- w > 0 .a::J ~"T2Lo- w w 1L. .. z 0 ~--=~-z...~- 4( > w _, w ~~~~~t"~;c-__~-~-,-)~~~~:--::=~~~ l>" ~}i-~i '~ ~: '~L~ ~~-±;: _::=_t;;;"=;;::~ :: _: ~~ t: ---~----~ - ---+----t --··-~----------~-------=-~--.:~ _ _:_::=__i . ---1·-.. +. -~-~----~~~-:-~-~-~-4--~---~--·+l-~--~--~·--~-~-=-=~t-~--~---_-+_-·:~:_:~_=_~=--~~--~·------_-_ .. T!~:-~--:-~ f~-~~--~· -----~---~-------t---------------~-----------:-.. -T~~------• ---•-------------v-------·-·-• • •• •• -• ---• • t • j --......... ~-~ ..__ .. --~-~-= "-·: ~---:-=-=-~~-:.·.:-:---------------:~-==--.:.-=.=-1------- ' __ . -i . . . _ r _ ~ _ . ~ . . _ _ __ .. _ . . ~ _ __ __ i _ _ __ -_:_~-~!:. -. ~ ~=J ~-~__:-1 /i~-:..:: ~-~ -=~~-=.::;:=~~ .. : ~ ~-1-_--. ·: .:.. . - ~~_;j;= -; = ~~ii' ~~~~I~=-~ 3~ ~~_::; ;~~ ;r=~-, •-:~ I , I I · · • ' i --------·-----------1 ---.---"--,-----------·-t··----··---·--!· ....... ;·---- --=-=-; -=--~ T~-----i ~-:-~ - - - i . • - - ----~ . - ---- ---• • , • • --• --1 - -._...._ j1 --;• : ._J.~~ ~ 1 :.~ T-~---:~~-= ;.:·:· ·: ~--··--' t .. -· - -·-·· ~ -.. • • ... ~ ...;, ... + -~ ""' - -~-~-~v: . ~ : ~-. ~-: : r=.. :·~ ------1 -----------4------- ---... --. . ; ---......; ! .. -~ ~ ' ·-~--... -~ ' ----1---·-t-------·--------' 1-·-·-.... --- --·-· ---, -----__ .... J .. ~~~ r£..1)_ ,E,£J(.-r.(ON . .J_ _ _ _______ ,;. ________ -----...!-----------~-------i~------... ...;... --~t----__. ___ ------. -... -t ..... I I . . ------c-~ -~ --L ________ : .;.i! .. CI~.£.t< 1/J .. 0. .. 11tEI..EV•'fl'r."/~AI.J~ . --· : :..~ :.i-:-. ..:...:-::: ·; ~ : ::..: .... .-:~ 1 .-:__---:.:_-~. i . ---. : ~ -:-:-:.~ -~ . ----__ _._-+--..;_-. ------~-. ' I .... -----r---- -· - . -1-~·-:·. ------T-. .,.- • ........; !..J.~L SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR~ -cs~ · RIVER MILE \L\Cl.\5 ; ; . -~--~ -~·~4~~.! ~~~------~--........ .-.......... ~~----~ I : I I I 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 '40,000 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND HARZA EBASCO JOINT VENTURE OCT 1983 - - - - - - ,.... 142- -.· · .... --t--;---... ~~ .. -=;:_ ~-.. =r=-r~--'---~ __.__j___· _________ -r~·~ -~~== -----~---~ r---.-------=;=.~-=-;:::__ -~r: ~ -, ---',010·.~---+~~~~~~~~-+--~--4---_~_.--~-------~T~---~-----~-I ----~--·--.;..---. ...:.-~-, ---r-------·---,.--i-----+---.....,.- w > 0 CD < .-734-w w u. z 0 t=732 < > w -1 w 130- 12(p l 0 --~.····----'-------~· -----f------+----~------r----------------1------... --C------ i i --i -~ ---. ....,...-'-...,.---+----L .. ---.. -----'-----·---·--~-~ ; -,-~~-~~ ~--~-=~--==-r-----+---~-:-"-~·-----:-: ·~~~ -----~-~-·----------- SUSITNA HYDROELECTRlC PROJECT -~ -= tJ3_ L + -~. ' -_: . .f....L.J.-t--~ --"---+~..1 .:... -::~~jf1.-rt~~ -l~~:~-~p~qitf~= STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE -----~~ -"'" ... ~ l_j____J_j,_-+ ~~ -~-+---; +-~~~ t'. , __ -+ -'---'-~ r-C-++,----r-"'. -+ "!'" . ;--+--L-i--~-"f ~~--!---~ +·-~---..L..-j --_..:,..._,. -· -+ _.:___ __ ....;._ I l 10,000 i 20,000 30,000 ·RIVER MILE I '40,000 ' ;\ .'\ I Li-: J i i ~ • I 50,000 DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND 60,000 - - - ...J w > - -,..sD- ~ ":l:)~ < w (fJ z < W~­ ~ w > 0 m < 1-1'3~- w w Ll.. . z 0 i= l-32.- < > w ...J w 0 WAR7A -· '------------------,-i . :-~---·---: -~Bl\_\f)n-lo9 -_·:-~:··--: ~.::::-:.i _:: __ ---' .. -=-=~--=---=-} :----:----·~ : . --+..__ .i ~ -~-~-----~-_j· ____ , ____ ------. ----------· --~. ~; ~ ~ ~ --~ i-~--· ·:---~---~-------'--~¥·.----·-0 -- ---~ ·-....__ -·~-"t" ' _...,._, __ ----· ..--. ----... ...,-... __ . -----~-_ ... -· +...!._.._· -· ~---...,..-..4----~ ----·----------: -----~----.. -- --l -----· ---"--·--~----------1----·-, . ---.l • -----• - ------ ... ' -~ • : : • . -: .. 4-.. -'-··· .. ·-----L .. --------· '---.... ·----. ' . ------t ... ..;,._ --; ~ ----'T-·-·-:-· -----r-~---;-·----~------·--~ 4 -· ---r -~-------:-i .: . ' : :-:. ... --~ : ... ~ . .,.--... ---,-~----------...,--,.... ...... ------' . :_/V--· . ; --. -·------,--·-----·---·---------·~--------·--:·-t-~---------~·-z·· ______ , . ----·-... .: .___ --·· --""i-----:----~----:--r---:--------· ··t ·-: --------.... _____ _ ---r ·-. .., :·~-.:._~}:_:--_--...:= ------.-------~---,--------~-. --.. --... -· i --~-· :. =·: ~ .. -. ~--:;=~-~--= ~--=-.: -=-:=-~=~:-=~--~.:~=.:: ~=-:= ~ :~~--=. ~: : .. ~1::--~-= :-.- i _____ ..., ___ + --4--~. · .. .:..~j •---; c · -----~-'--~ -----, · -~-r----· · _ _;__ -------=:~i--·-- ~-=-=·± -~-~:·: --~--:_·_: : :: .-:-:= ·:~ =--~ --=+--=-.=-.-:.:. -~:::·:.:---== --:i· ·: .. -. ~ ·. 1.-----:----t---: -t··-·--+--, --- --t---~----+----r-· .. --.. 1 --. --.. --+ . -----~r~7 ---..... : .. --------1 . -~ ; : -~ : ~ : -~~ = f -~ :-~~ ~: -~ ~7=~-l--:-.--~-~ ~-.: ~:~~--~ ~~~ '} -.. _: ... ---.... -... .... --:---, . -:-: i-- ----1 ---·---..; --; ----T .. -----~ • ! -.! .! . l . ----t.:..~ =·-:. =-= :~ -~=---: : :-~-~ r:= ~ -:-· ~~-~-=--.:r-=:-=- ·:· . -· ~ ·---...... • "T" T'' --~ -----.l------- t I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT STAGE DISCHARGE CURVE LR.'k-5Ar RIVER MILE I 10,000 20,000 30,000 I "40,000 I 50,000 60,000 DISCHARGE. CUBIC FEET PER SECOND - - -I ~I 740.- ~ w > ~1738-- 4( w t/) z ~1T~i,.,- :::::E !J\..!.1 w > 0 m 4( ... 734-w w u. z Q jZ'~ ._. JL 4( > w ~ w 7Z8- IZG { 0 + ---=--i----= ·+:·-: -.. 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