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GeNO 559
WJI IJam D.SteIgers,Jr.
Dot Helm
James G.MacCracken
Jay D.McKendrJck
PatrJck V.Mayer
UnIversIty of Alaska
AgrIcultural ExperIment Statton
Palmer,Alaska 99645
Prepared for
Alaska Resources
Library &Infonnauon Servlces
"a.bi t.at 1\ssessnent Plans on the Kenai Pen insula
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has been working since
1978 to develop a method to.measure the carrying capacity of
different habitats for moose. Greatly simplified,· the method
matches animal requirements for protein and energy with the
amount and quality of forage on an area.
We have completed studies that measured moose energy and protein
requirements throughout the year. These data, together with
several other physiological values that we measured at the MRC,
were incorporated into a mathematical model that calculates the
daily nitrogen and energy requirements and food intake of moose.
We are presently test~ng this simulation model to determine if it
accurately predicts daily forage intake rates a.nd changes in body
composition. These tests are being conducted at the HRC and will
be completed in June 1985.
From 1977 to 1981, Regelin collected data on fqrage quantity and
quality from numerous vegetation types on the Kenai National
Wildlife Refuge (KNv7R) • The amount of {or age biomass produced iP.. ·
all vegetation types that a~e important to moose has been de-
termined. Forage quality of the 7 forage species most inportant
to moose were measured at 2-nonth intervals durin<! an annna.1
Original research plans written in 1977 called for mapping the
vegetation types on the Kln1R so the carrying capacity concept
could be applied to the Refuge. We intended to use 1:24000 ~cale
color aerial photographs to nap the vegetation types. Funding_
was never available to accomplish this job.
Current Status
The opportunity to test the utility of the carrying capacity
model as a tool for area planning and mitigation may be available
through the Regional Guides CIP. Habitat Division is interested
in the carrying capaciti concept and may be able to provide
some financial assistance for applying it to a large area. The
large-scale mapping (1:24,000) is expensive and not feasible for
large ·planning areas lik~ the Susitna Planning Area or Copper
River Planning Area. Small-scale photographs (1:63,360) and Land
Satellite imagery (1:250,000} is available for the KNWR. ·The
opportunity exists to nap the refuge at 3 scales using 3 types of
imagery. The goal would be to determine if the carrying capacity
concept is useful using small-s6ale photographs. The model was
developed using data from the KNWR so it is the best place for
the test. We are planning to use the model on the Susitna-P;dro
Project as a mitigations tool if funds are available from the
APA. However, we will not test different scale~ of photographs
on the Susitna Project and the vegetation sampling has not been
completed. Vegetation sampling will not be as intensive in the
Su-Hydro area as it was on the KNWR, if it occurs at all.
Future Plans
I recommend a 2-phase approach for a study to evaluate the
carrying capacity. concept on the KNNR. First, map the study area
using the 3 scales of imagery and check the accuracy of the maps
through extensive ground truth sampling. Second, use the vegetation
data collected.by Regelin and the sir.mlation model of moose
requirements to predict carrying capacity for the study area •
Independent estimates of carrying capacity would be made using
each scale of map. Using the 1:24,000 scale map as the best
estimate, we could determine the u-sefulness of the smaller scale
The st~dy area ~ould be in GMU 15A, that portion north of the
Sterlirig Highway and the Kenai Spur Highway, and west of longitude
150.05,-a north-south line through Fuller Lake. All areas over
1,500 feet in elevation would be omitted. Size of this area is
j40~~ approximately 600,000 acres. It contains all vegetation-types
that are important to moose on the KNlvR.
Steps in the process are outline~ below along with crudely ~
estimated costs and Qanpower requirements.
Phase I
1. Begin project July 1, 1984. Spend about 2 months
during sumner becoming familiar with vegetation type:
and photographs.
2. During fall and winter, prepare maps at each scale.
The 1:24,000 scale maps should be able to identify '
·vegetation types to-level 4 of Viereck's classificat~
system. Classification levels for the smaller scale~
are unknown.
. '·
Digitize all vegetation mc.ps.
During late spring,
~lete map·s (y June
check accuracy of maps and make
? ~ it>'V\1~ bil-_rl~v-dt"6J
5. 30, 1985.
H~mpower requirements for Phase 1 are:
GB or HB II or III for 1 year
Tech III for 6 months
Operating costs:
Travel/per diem
Computer time
s 4,boo
The biologist's position requires knowledge of vegetation
classification and mapping, preferably with a background in
computer science.
Phase II.
1. ·Begin July 1, 1985. Put all Regelin's dat~ ori compnt
and match with appropriate vegetation types frora map~·
2. Calculate standing crop, bioii1ass of ·each vegeU.ation
type and the entire study area.
3. Apply the carrying capacity model to the stud~ area
using the 3 scales of maps.
4. Write final report, complete by June·3o, 1986.
GB III for 1 year
Operating costs & miscellaneous
Total cost of Project
LIST OF TABLES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Jv
LIST 0F F1GU RES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••xv r
-SU""-1ARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1
2 -I NTRODUcr ION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••5
Browse Inventory •.••••.••.•••.••••••••••••.•••••••••.•••••.••••5
Plant Phenology ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6
Alphabet HII Is Pre-burn Inventory and Assessment •••••••••••••••7
3 -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .••..••••••••.••••...•.••.•••••...•...•••.••••••••••9
4 -STUDY AHEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9
Middle Susltna RIver Basln •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9
Alphabet HII 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••10
5 -rETHODS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12
5.1 .1
5.1 .3
5.1 .5
5.1 .6
5.1 .7
Browse Inventory ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12
Canopy Cover ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••13
Shrub Stem Density ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••14
Browse Utfl fzatlon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l~
Browse AvalJabll ity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••17
Current Annual Growth Biomass •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••17
StatistIcal Analysls ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••18
So 1Is 19
State of Growth/Maturatlon ••••••••••28
Growth Twig Diameter -Length Relationships
Re i at Ions hips .••.•••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•30
Tree RIng Analysis •••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••31
Statistical Analysis -COver ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••32
Plant PhenoJogy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••20
SIte Se 1ect Ion •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••20
5.2 -
5.2.1 Plant Phenology Transects,Specific Site Descrlptlons •••••22 Watana Creek Transect •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••22 Jay Creek Transect ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••24 .3 Sw Itchback Transect •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••25 Tsusena Creek Transect ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••26
5.2.2 Photographic Polnts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••27
5.2.3 Sol I Temperature •••••.•••••••.••.••••••••••••••••.••••••••••27
5.2.4 Canopy Cover ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••28
5.2.5 Height and Phenological
5.2.6 Biomass Esftmations ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••29
5.2.7 Current Annual
5.3 -
Alphabet Hills Pre-burn Inventory and Assessment ••••••••••••••32
Canopy Cover •.•.•••.•••••••.•••••••..••••••••.••••••••••••••33
Shrub and Tree Stem Denslty •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••34
Browse Ut IIIzat Ion .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••AltI:/IS
Alaska Resources
Library &Information S(~rvlces
5.4 -
Browse Avallabrr ity •..•.........................•...........35
StatIstIcal Analysis ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••35
Solis •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••36
SpecIes LIst and Range Extenstlons ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••37
6 -RESULTS AND DiSCUSSiON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••39
Needleleaf Forest ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41
-Open Birch Forest Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••47
MIxed Forest •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••48
Open White Spruce VegetatIon Type ••••••••••••••••••••41
Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••43
Woodland Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••45
Broadleaf Forest •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••46
6.1 -Browse Inventory •.••••.•••••.••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••39
6.1.1 _Forest •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41
6.1 .1 .1 .3 -
6.1 .1.3 - Spruce-Birch Forest Vegetation Type •••••••••••••48
6.1.2 -Scrub ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••49
3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••77
4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••79
Low Shrub Scrub ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••49
Dwarf BIrch Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••••49
Dwarf Bf rch-W II low Vegetat Ion Type •••••••••••••••••••51
Open Erfcaceous Shrub Tundra VegetatIon Type •••••••••52
Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog Vegetation Type ••••••••53
Dwarf Shrub Scrub ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••54
-DIscussIon of Biomass Estlmatlons ••••••••••••••••••••••90
Current Annual Growth Twig Diameter -Length
Re I at f ons hips ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••93
Photographtc Study •••••••.••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••95
Summary and Discussion of Plant Phenology ••••••••••••••••85
BIomass Estlmattons •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••88
SolI ~Temperature•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7a
Canopy Cover,HeIght,and PhenologIcal State of Growth/
Maturation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••72
General •••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••.••••••~••••72
Week 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••73
Week 2 •••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••75
Week 5 •......•.••..•.•......•.•.•.••...••••.•..••....••80
SpatIal VarIation In PhenologIcal State of Betula
glandufosa ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••81
PhenologIcal Development of a Species Over Tlme ••••••••••82
Transect Effects •••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••82
Elevation Effects ••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••.•••••••84
-Low Willow Tundra Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••54
DlscussJon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••54
5usJtna BasTn 50JI5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••66
6.2.4 -
6.1.3 -
6.1.4 - Open WhIte Spruce VegetatIon Type ••••••••••••••••••••••66 Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••67 Woodland Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••68 Dwarf Birch Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••68 Concr uslons ....•.•.•..•...•.••........•.•.••.••...••.••69
6.2 -Plant Phenology ••••••.••••.•••••.•..••••.••••.•..•.••....•.69
6.2.1 Reconnaissance Observatlons ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••69
6.3.9 -
6.3.8 -
6.2.12 -Larger Exclosures •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••95
6.3 -Alphabet HII Is Pre-burn Inventory and Assessment •••••••••••95
Open White Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••96
Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••97
Woodland White Spruce Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••9a
Dwarf Birch Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••99
Dwarf BIrch-W II low Vegetat Ion Type ••••••••••••••••••••••100
DIscussion •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••.•••••••••100
Alphabet HI!Is Solls ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••105
Open White Spruce Vegetation Type •••••••••••••••••••••105
Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type •••••••••••••••••••••106
Woodland White Spruce Vegetation Type •••••••••••••••••107
Dwarf Birch Vegetatlon.Type •••••••••••••••••••••••••••107
Dwarf Birch WII low Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••••l0a
Permafrost and Organic Matter •••••••••••••••••••••••••109
Total Tons Nitrogen and Phosphorus ••••••••••••••••••••l09
Cone I us ,on s •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 a
Comparison of Susltna Basin and Alphabet HI I Is
VegetatIon Types ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••111
Open White Spruce Vegetation Type •••••••••••••••••••••112
Open Black Spruce VegetatIon Type •••••••••••••••••••••112
Woodland White Spruce VegetatIon Type •••••••••••••••••113
Dwarf Birch VegetatIon Type •••••••••••••••••••••••••••114
Dwarf Birch -WII low Vegetation Type ••••••••••••••••••114
Comparison of Soil Variables Between the Alphabet
HIl Is and Susltna Basin Study Areas •••••••••••••••••••••115 -Cc>nclustons •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••118
7 LITERATURE CITED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••119
8 -GLOSSARy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••122
TABLES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••131
F 1GURES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••257
APPEND IX A••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••273
APPEND IX B••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••284
1.Criteria for adequacy of sampling smal I numbers.
2.New specIes reported for the plant ecology studies through
the summer of 1982.
3.Average dIameter at polnt-of-browslng (OPB)for browsed
twIgs (estimated from a large but undetermIned number of
twlgs)~welght/twlg~and weIght of leaves attached to
clipped twigs In the mIddle Susltna River BasIn.133
4.Level IV and Level V (Viereck et al.1982)classification of
vegetatIon types sampled during summer,1982 In the middle
Susltna River Basin.134
5.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and plant species in 105 -0.5-m2quadrats from 7 sites
In the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation type~middle Susitna
RIver Basin.136
6.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species In 105 -4-m2quadrats from 7 sites In
the Open White Spruce vegetation type~middle Susltna River
7.Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and
total~and number of plots required to sample within 20%of
the mean with 67%confidence for shrub species In 105 -4-m2
quadrats at 7 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation
type,middle Susltna River Basin.138
8.Average basal diameter,height and percent twig util Izatron
of shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures~for 7 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation
type,middle Susltna River Basin.
9.Gross available and utilized leaf,twIg and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twigs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 6 sites in the
Open White Spruce vegetation type,middle Susitna River
10.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence by life form and shrub species for 7 sites in the
Open White Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River
11.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe
form and plant specIes In 149 -0.5-m2quadrats from 10 sItes
In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna
RIver BasIn.
12.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe
form and shrub specIes In 150 -4-m2 quadrats from 10 sItes
In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna
RIver BasIn.
13.Average densIty (number/ha)of stems,by sIze class and
total,and number of plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of
the mean wIth 67%confIdence for shrub specIes In 150 -4-m2
quadrats at 10 sItes In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon
type,mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn.
14.Average basal dIameter,heIght and percent twig utIlIzatIon
of shrub specIes,and number of plants requIred to sample
wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence based on those
measures,for 10 sItes In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon
type,mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn.145
15.Gross avaIlable and utI I Ized leaf,twIg and total bIomass
(kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
tWlgs/ha and stem densItIes (number/ha)from 10 sItes In the
Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna River
16.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%
confIdence by lIfe form and shrub specIes for 9 sItes Tn the
Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna RIver
17.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confTdence by life
form and plant specIes In 45 -0.5-m2quadrats from 3 sItes
In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna RIver
18.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe
form and shrub specIes In 45 -4-m2 quadrats from 3 sItes In
the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna RIver
19.Average densIty (number/ha)of stems,by sIze class and
total,and number of plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of
the mean wIth 67%confIdence for shrub species In 45 -4-m2
quadrats at 3 sItes In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type,
mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
Table Page
20.Av era ge bas a I d tam et e r,he Igh tan d per c en t t wig
utlllzatlonof shrub species,and number of plants required
to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based
on those measures,for 3 sites In the Woodland Spruce
vegetatton type,middle Susltna River Basin.
21.Gross available and uti I fzed leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estfmated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twfgs/ha and stem densftles (number/ha)from 3 sites in the
Woodland Spruce vegetation type,middle Susttna River Basin.
22.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence by life form and shrub species for 3 sites fn the
Woodland Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River Bastn.
23.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by I tfe
form and plant species tn 15 -0.5-m2quadrats from 1 site In
the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,mtddle Susltna River
24.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2 quadrats from 1 site In
the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,middle Susltna River
25.Average density (number/hal of stems,by size class and
total,and number of plots required to sample withtn 20%of
the mean with 67%confidence for shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats at 1 site in the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,
mlddleSusltna Rtver Basin.156
28.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample wlthtn 20%of the mean wtth 67%
confidence by ltfe form and shrub species for 1 site fn the
Open BIrch Forest vegetatfon type,middle Susftna RIver
26.Average basal diameter,height and percent twtg utt!tzatlon
of shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 1 site In the Open Birch Forest vegetation
type,middle Susitna RIver Bastn.157
27.Gross available and uttl ized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twtgs/ha and stem denslttes (number/ha)from 1 site In the
Open Btrch Forest vegetation type,middle Susttna River
29.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and plant species In 15 -0.5-m2quadrats from 1 site In
the Open Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type,mfddle Susltna
Rfver BasIn.
30.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2 quadrats from 1 site In
the Open Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type,middle Susltna
River Basin.
31.Average basal diameter,height and percent twig utilization
of shrub specIes,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 1 site In the Open Spruce-BIrch Forest
vegetation type,mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn.
32.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots requIred to sample withIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence by lIfe form and shrub specIes for 1 sites In the
Open Spruce -BIrch Forest vegetatIon type,middle Susltna
River Basin.163
33.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample withIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe
form and plant specIes In 258 -0.5-m2 quadrats from 19
sltes a In the Dwarf Birch vegetatIon type,middle Susltna
River BasIn.
34.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by lIfe
form and shrub species In 257 -4-m2quadrats from 18 sItes
In the Dwarf BIrch vegetation type,mIddle Susltna River
35.Average density (number/ha)of stems,by sIze class and
total,and number of plots required to sample withIn 20%of
the mean with 67%confIdence for shrub specIes In 257 -4-m2
quadrats at 18 sltesa Tn the Dwarf BIrch vegetation type,
middle Susltna River Basin.
36.Average basal dIameter,height and percent twig utilization
of shrub species,and number of plants requIred to sample
wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 19 sTtes a In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,
mIddle Susltna River Basin.
37.Gross avaIlable and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated.from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densItIes (number/ha)from 19 sItes In the
Dwarf BIrch vegetation type,mIddle Susltna River BasIn.168
38.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number
of plots requIred to sample within 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence by life form and shrub specIes for 19 sltesb In
the Dwarf BIrch vegetatIon type,mIddle Susitna RIver Basin.
39.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confIdence by lIfe
form and plant species In 15 -0.5-m2quadrats from 1 site in
the Dwarf BIrch-Willow vegetation type,middle Susltna River
40.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample withIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2quadrats from 1 site in
the Dwarf BIrch-Willow vegetatIon type,middle Susltna River
41.Average densIty (number/ha)of stems,by size class and
total,and number of plots requIred to sample withIn 20%of
the mean with 67%confIdence for shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats at 1 site In the Dwarf Blrch-WII low vegetatIon
type,mIddle SusItna River Basin.
42.Average basal diameter,heIght and percent twig utll Izatfon
of shrub species,and number of plants requIred to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 1 site In the Dwarf Birch-WI I low vegetation
type,middle Susltna River Basin.173
43.Gross avaf lable and uti I Ized leaf,twIg and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 1 site In the
Dwarf Birch -Willow vegetation type,middle Susltna River
'44.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)'and number of
plots reqUired to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%
confIdence by life form and shrub species for 1 site In the
Dwarf Birch -Willow vegetation type,mIddle Susltna River
45.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%confIdence by life
form and plant specIes in 45 -0.5-m2quadrats from 3 sItes
In the Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,middle
Susltna RIver BasIn.
46.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIThIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by lIfe
form and shrub specIes in 45 -4-m2 quadrats from 3 sItes In
the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,middle
Susltna River BasIn.
Table Page
47.Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and
total,and number of plots required to sample within 20%of
the mean with 67%confidence for shrub species In 45 -4-m2
quadrats at 3 sites In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra
vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.
48.Average basal diameter,height and percent twig utll izatlon
of shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 3 sites In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra
vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.179
49.Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 3 sites In the
Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,middle Susrtna
River Basin.
50.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence by life form and shrub species for 3 sites In the
Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,middle Susitna
River Basin.
51.Average percen~canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and plant species In 15 -0.5-m2quadrats from 1 site In
the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
52.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species rn 15 -4-m2 quadrats from 1 site In
the Ericaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
53.Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and
total,and number of plots required to sample within 20%of
the mean with 67%confidence for shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats at 1 site In the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog
vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.
54.Average basal diameter,height and percent twig uti I Izatlon
of shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 1 site Tn the ErTcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog
vegetation type,middle SusTtna River Basin.
55.Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 1 site In the
Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
56.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample wIthin 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence by life form and shrub species for 1 site In the
Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetatIon type,mIddle
Susltna River BasIn.
57.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by lIfe
form and plant species In 15 -O.5-m2quadrats from 1 sIte In
the Low Willow Tundra vegetatIon type,middle Susltna RIver
58.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample wIthin 20%of the mean wIth 67%confidence by life
form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2 quadrats from 1 site In
the Low Willow Tundra vegetatIon type,middle Susltna River
59 Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and
total,and number of plots requIred to sample within 20%of
the mean wIth 67%confIdence for shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats at 1 site In the Low WIllow Tundra vegetatIon type,
middle Susltna River Basin.
60.Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of
plots required to sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%
confIdence by life form and shrub species for 1 site In the
Low WII low Tundra vegetation type,middle Susltna RIver
61.Summary of average current annual growth biomass of leaves
and tWigs,densIty,gross available twIg bIomass,and
percent utilization of twigs for 4 major shrub species In 10
vegetatIon types,middle Susltna River Basin.
62.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soil samples collected from 6 sites In
the Open White Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River
63.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soil samples collected from 3 sites In
the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River
64.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soli samples collected from 1 site In
the Woodland Black Spruce vegetation type,mIddle Susltna
River Basin.195
65.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soil samples collected from 2 sites In
the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.196
Table Page
66.Average sol I temperatures (OC)durIng the plant phenology
study by transect,elevatIon,and week,1982.197
67.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
specIes during week of 31 May to 4 June,1982,at Watana
Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).198
68.Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for plant
species durIng week of 31 May to 4 June,1982~at Jay Creek
transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).199
69.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species durIng week of 31 May to 4 June,1982,at Switchback
transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).200
70.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
specIes during week of 31 May to 4 June,1982,at Tsusena
Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2 quadrats).201
71.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at Watana
Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).202
72.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at Jay Creek
transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2quadrats).203
73.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at
SwItchback transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).204
74.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at Tsusena
Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2 quadrats).205
75.Average cover,height,and phenologIcal state for plant
species durIng week of 14 June to 18 June,1982,at Watana
Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).
76.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species durIng week of 14 June to 18 June,1982,at Jay
Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).
77.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
specIes during week of 14 June to 18 June,1982,at
Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -O.5-m2 quadrats).
78.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
specIes during week of 14 June to 18 June,1982,at Tsusena
Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2-quadrats).
79.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species durIng week of 21 June to 25 June,1982,at Watana
Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).210
Table Page
80.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 21 June to 25 June,1982,at Jay
Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).211
81.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 21 June to 25 June,1982,at
Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).
82.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 21 June to 25 June,1982,at Tsusena
Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2 quadrats).
83.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 28 June to 2 July,1982,at Watana
Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-ml quadrats).
84.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 28 June to 2 July,1982,at Jay Creek
transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2 quadrats).215
85.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 28 June to 2 July,1982,at
Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2quadrats).216
86.Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant
species during week of 28 June to 2 July,1982,at Tsusena
Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2 quadrats).
87.Average cover,height,and phenological state for Betyla
glandu!Qsa during week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at each
elevation wlthln each transect.218
88.Average cover,heIght,and phenological state for Mertensta
panlcualata during each week at the mid-slope elevatIon of
the Jay Creek transect,1982.219
89.Mean (±SE)bIomass of forbs (kg/ha),graminoids (kg/ha),and
total current growth biomass (±SE)of twIgs and attached
leaves (g/100 twIgs)clIpped from the major shrubs sampled
InsIde and outside exclosures during weeks 1 through 6 (5/82
-8/82)in the mIddle Susltna River BasIn.
90.Mean (±SE)current annual growth (kg/ha)of twIgs and leaves
of major shrubs sampled Inside and outsIde of exclosures
during September 1982 In the mIddle Susltna River BasIn.
91.Means,standard errors,and number of twIgs required to
sample wIthin 10%of the mean with 95%confidence for basal
diameters (mm)and length (mm)of current annual growth
twIgs for major shrubs sampled for the plant phenology
stUdy,mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
Table Page
92.Hectares and percentage of each the Primary,Secondary and
Control burn areas by vegetation type In the Alphabet Hil Is.227
93.Average diameter at polnt-of-browslng (DPB)for browsed
twigs (estimated from a large but undetermined number of
twigs),weight/twig,and weight of leaves attached to
clipped twigs In the Alphabet Hil Is.228
94.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and plant species In 30 -4-m2 and l-m2 quadrats from 3
sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet
HilI s.229
95.Average density (number/ha)of stems for Jiving and dead
shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree seedling
species at 2 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,
Alphabet Hills.230
96.Average basal diameter class and percent twig utilization of
shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 2 sltesa In the Open White Spruce vegetation
type,Alphabet HII Is.231
97.Gross available and uti I Ized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 3 sites In the
Open White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HI I Is.232
98.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life
form and plant species In 70 -4-m2 and 1-m2 quadrats from 7
sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet
99.Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead
shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree seedling
species at 7 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,
Alphabet HII Is.
100.Average basal diameter class and percent twig utilization of
shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 7 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation
type,Alphabet HIJ Is.235
101.Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 7 sites In the
Open Black Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.
102.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample wIthin 20%of the mean with 67$confidence by life
form and plant specIes In 50 -4-m2 and l-m2 quadrats from 5
sites In the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet
HI lIs.
103.Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead
shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree seedling
species at 5 sites In the Woodland White Spruce vegetation
type,Alphabet HII Is.
104.Average basal diameter class and percent twig utilization of
shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
within 20$of the mean with 67$confidence based on those
measures,for 5 sites In the Woodland White Spruce
vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.
105.-Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem denslttes (number/ha)from 4 sites In the
Woodland White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hil Is.240
106.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to
sample within 20$of the mean wIth 67$confidence by life
form and plant specIes In 70 -4-m2 and l-m2 quadrats from 7
sites In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.
107.Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead
shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree seedling
species at 7 sites In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,
Alphabet HI lis.
108.Average basal dIameter class and percent twIg utilIzation of
shrub specIes,and number of plants required to sample
wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based On those
measures,for 7 sites In the Dwarf BIrch vegetation type,
Alphabet Hil Is.
109.Gross available and uti I Ized leaf,twIg and total biomass
(kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densitIes (number/ha)from 7 sites In the
Dwarf Birch vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
110.Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67$confidence by lIfe
form and plant species In 30 -4-m2 and 1-m2 quadrats from 3
sites In the Dwarf Birch -WII low vegetation type,Alphabet
HII Is.245
111.Average densIty {number/hal of stems for living and dead
shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree seedling
species at 3 sites In the Dwarf BIrch -WII low vegetatIon
type,Alphabet HII Is.
246 -
Table Page
112.Average basal diameter class and percent twig utilization of
shrub species,and number of plants required to sample
wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence based on those
measures,for 3 sites In the Dwarf BIrch -WII low vegetatIon
type,AI phabet Hili s.247
113.Gross available and utI I Ized leaf,twig and total bIomass
(kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densIties (number/ha)from 3 sItes In the
Dwarf Birch -WII low vegetatIon type,Alphabet HII Is.248
114.Summary of average densIty,gross available twIg bIomass,
and percent utIlIzatIon of twIgs for 4 major shrub species
In 5 vegetation types,Alphabet HI I Is.249
115.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soIl samples collected from 3 sites In
the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.250
116.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soil samples collected from 7 sites In
the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.251
117.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysIs performed on soil samples collected from 5 sites In
the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.252
118.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemIcal
ana Iysi s performed on soli samp Ies coil ected from 7 sites In
the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.253
119.Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical
analysis performed on soIl samples col [ected from 3 sItes In
the Dwarf Birch-WI I [ow vegetation type,Alphabet Hil Is.254
120.Mean depth to permafrost and depth of organIc layer by
vegetation type,Alphabet HI I Is.255
121.Average total nitrogen and phosphorus by vegetation type,
AI phabet Hili s.256
1.LocatIon of Susitna RIver Basin and Alphabet Hills study
areas In southcentral Alaska.257
2.Location of Individual sites from 1982 browse Inventory
study,middle Susitna River Basin.259
3.Location of transects for 1982 plant phenology study,middle
Susltna River Basin.261
4.Vegetation map (1:24,000)of 1982 Alphabet HII Is pre-burn
Inventory and assessment study (back pocket)showing primary
burn,secondary burn,and control boundaries,southcentral
5.Effect of transect location on phenological development of 4
shrub species over weeks with elevation held relatively
6.Effect of elevation on phenological development of 4 shrub
species over weeks on 1 transect,1982.
266 -
7.Mean biomass of forbs and graminolds (kg/ha current annual
growth)by week,plant phenology study,middle Susltna River
8.Plot of basal diameter and length of twigs of current annual
growth for 5 shrubs,plant phenology study,middle Susltna
River Basin.270
9.Individual sites of relocated exclosures fol lowing 1982
plant phenology study,middle Susltna River Basin.272
10.Location of individual sites from 1982 Alphabet Hills
pre-burn Inventory and assessment study.
1 -SUf44ARY
The range ecology group of the University of Alaska,Agricultural
Experiment Station,was responsible for conducting browse Inventory and plant
phenology studies In the middle Susltna River Basin and a pre-burn Inventory
and assessment study In the Alphabet HI I Is of southcentral Alaska.
A total of 47 sites were sampled from 27 July to 20 August,1982,to
measure canopy cover,shrub stem density,browse uti Ilzation,browse
availability,and current annual growth biomass In the browse Inventory study.
The 47 sites were classified and grouped into 10 Level IV vegetation types
based on Viereck et al.'s (1982)vegetation classification system.Five of
the sampled vegetation types were forest:Open White Spruce,Open Black
Spruce,Woodland Spruce,Open Birch Forest,and Open Spruce-Birch Forest.
Five of the sampled vegetation types were scrub:Dwarf Birch,Dwarf
Blrch-Wil low,Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra,Ericaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog,and
Low WII low Tundra.
Plcea glauca was the dominant overstory tree In the Open White Spruce and
Woodland Spruce vegetation types whl Ie Pjcea mariana dominated the tree canopy
In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type.In these 3 needleleaf forest types,
~~Alnys slnuata was the only tal I shrub,Betula glandulosa and Salix pulchra
were the dominant low shrubs,and Yacclnlum ullglnosum,~.yltls-Idaea,and
Empetrum nlgrum were the dwarf shrubs with the highest average canopy cover.
Petasltes frlgldus and Cornus canadensis were the predominant forbs.Moss
cover averaged 46%In the needleleaf forest types.Alnys slnuata,~.
~-glandulosa,and ~.pulchra were the dominant shrubs producing leaf and twig
current annual growth biomass and gross available twig biomass In th~3
needleleaf forest vegetation types.Percent utll Izatfon of these shrub
species ranged from 2%to 30%in the needleleaf forest.Betula papyrffera
- 1 -
and mixed Pjcea glauca -a.papyrifera stands were the dominant overstory
cover in the Open Birch Forest and Open Spruce-Birch forest vegetation types,
respectively.Alnys slnyata was the dominant tall shrub In these deciduous
forest types.Dryopterls spp.,Epllobjum angustifolium,and Ljnnaea boreal js
were the predomInant forbs.
Betula glandulosa had both the highest canopy cover,stem densIty,
current annual growth biomass,and gross available twig biomass In the Dwarf
Birch vegetation type of al I vegetation types sampled.Percent utilization of
twigs,however,was only 3%.Sal ix pulchra had low canopy cover and scattered
distribution In the Dwarf Birch Type,but stll I averaged 14 kg/ha current
annual twig growth biomass with 9%utilization.The Dwarf Birch-Willow
vegetation type was only 1 of 2 types sampled where the low shrub ~.pylchra
had canopy cover estimates approximately equal to or greater than a.
glandulosa,although stem density estimates remained lower.Current annual
growth biomass of both leaves and twigs of a.glandulosa remained much higher
than for ~.pulchra.The ericaceous shrubs Vacclniym ul IgInosym,y.
yltjs-Idaea,Empetrym njgrum,and Ledym groenlandlcum were dominant
low-growing shrubs In the Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra and Erlcaceous
ShrUb-Sphagnum Bog vegetation types.SalIx pulchra In the Low Wil low Tundra.
vegetation type had both the greatest canopy cover and stem density In the
vegetation types sampled.
The phenology stUdy was Initiated to evaluate forage availability for cow
moose during parturItion along the canyon slopes above the middle Susltna
River.If critIcal spring forage were found only In the potential Impoundment
area,then moose survival and reproduction may be Impacted by the reservoir.
Exclosures were erected In late May at 4 elevatIons along 4 transects (3 at 1
transect)on south-faclhg slopes to protect plants from grazing.The
- 2 -
exclosures were sampled and the corresponding north-facing slopes were
observed at 7-day Intervals for phenological development of the vegetation and
evidence of utIlization by moose.These observations were made from 31 May to
2 July 1982.Some general observations were made on a reconnaissance survey
on 15 and 16 May.Samples were also obtained at the end of the growing season
from 31 August to 3 September 1982.
Elevation within transect and transect location had a significant effect
on soil temperature,plant canopy cover,and current growth biomass during the
spring period.However,the effects of elevation were not consistent among
transects.On some transects vegetation matured faster at the
bottom-elevation site while on others It matured faster at the middle-slope or
at the highest elevations.Vegetation along one of the transects matured much
later than along any other transect.Timing of vegetation development
resulted from an Interaction of cJ Imate,topography,and site history.Some
plant maturation differed among species at the same site.Most
early-developing sites that were studied were above the level of the potential
Impoundment,but could be Influenced by mesocllmatlc changes created by the
Twenty-five sites were sampled for cover of shrubs,herbaceous plants,
lichens,and bryophytes In the Alphabet HII Is study area.The density of
trees as wei I as tal I and low shrubs was estimated at each site.Biomass and
uti Ilzatlon of major tall and low shrub twigs were also estimated.The sites
examined were classified Into 5 vegetation types:Open White Spruce,Open
Black Spruce,Woodland White Spruce,Dwarf Birch,and Dwarf Blrch-Wil low.
Pjcea glauca and f.mariana were the major tree species present In the study
area.Betula glandulosa,Sal Ix pulchra,and Sal Ix glauca were the most
abundant low shrubs.Uti I Izatlon was greatest for ~.pulchra twigs.
- 3 -
Vacclnlum spp.and Empetrum nlgrum were the most abundant dwarf shrubs.
Egylsetum spp.~Cornus canadensis,and Petasltes frlgjdus were the most
abundant forbs.Carex spp.were also abundant,as wei I as bryophytes and
Vegetation type names were Indicative of the relative abundance of trees
and/or shrubs In each type.Cover of herbaceous vascular plants was Inversely
related to shrub density In the study area.Fire may Increase the potential
of Open White Spruce,Open Black Spruce,and Woodland White Spruce types as
moose habitat.Shrubs that are major foods of moose In Alaska exist in these
types.In addition,the Dwarf BTrch-Wl1 low sites had the greatest density of
those Important shrub specTes,presumably due to a relatively recent history
of fire.
- 4 -
During spring,summer,and fal I 1982 (15 May through 20 September)the-
range ecology group at the Agricultural Experiment Station,University of
Alaska,Palmer Research Center was Involved In 3 studies that were designed to
examine specific parameters of vegetation types to address Information gaps
concerning habitat requirements for moose (Alces stees gigas)In the middle
Susltna River Basin of southcentral Alaska (Fig.1).The 3 studies were:1)
an Inventory of available browse and Its utilization by large herbivores
(primarily moose)in the middle Susltna River Basin,2)a plant phenology
study,also In the middle Susltna River Basin,and 3)a pre-burn inventory and
assessment of the vegetation In the nearby Alphabet Hil Is in cooperation with
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)and the U.S.Forest Service Institute of
Northern Forestry (INF),Fairbanks.
Utilization as determined In the browse study could possibly be
attributed to a number of animal species,ranging from herbivorous Insects to
large ungulates.However,utilization was determined only for shrubs that are
major foods of moose In Alaska (Peek 1974).In addition,utilization was
based on observations of browsed and unbrowsed twigs on these plants,which by
~the very nature of the methods used excluded al I animals but the large
herbivores.We have assumed that moose are the dominant large herbivore In
the middle Susitna RIver Basin and that the majority of uti I izaton that these
plants received was due to moose browsing.
2.1 -Browse Inven~ory
,~Browse abundance and utIlizatIon In different habitat types (plant
communities)are key components for assessing the impacts and developing
mitigation procedures requIred for the proposed dam Impoundments.Until now,
this data has been lacking for the middle Susltna River Basin.The
- 5 -
implementation and design of a mitigation plan for many species of wlldl ife
wil I be greatly enhanced by this information.
The objectIves of the browse inventory were to measure canopy cover and
standing crop biomass of shrubs,graminolds,and forbs.Uti I Ization of shrubs
that are presumably the major foods of moose In the middle Susltna River Basin
was also estimated.These data were collected from some of the 16 vegetation
types described by McKendrick et al.(1982).Only vegetation types that were
considered to be Important as moose habitat were examined.
2.2 -Plant Phenology
The plant phenology -moose utilization study was Initiated because It
was suspected that pregnant cow moose concentrated along south-facIng slopes
and some north-facing slopes of the Susltna River val ley during calving
(Ballard et al.1982)to take advantage of any late winter -early sprIng
growth by herbaceous plants.The original objectIve was to determine If early
spring growth of forbs on the slopes of the Impoundment areas were providIng
forage for cow moose prior to parturItion.Since the possibility existed that
the moose could completely remove the forbs,exclosures were built to protect
the vegetation and provide an area of "Intensive"sampling.Hence,the study
had to be rather qualitative to cover the area needed to explore this
hypothesis.As actually Implemented,the objective was broadened to monitor
vegetation development during early spring to determine if early forage
aval labi I Ity occurred in some areas before others and why these differences
occurred.It had been hypothesized that herbaceous vegetatIon development
would occur first on the south-facing slopes and would be affected by
elevation.Hence,field effort were concentrated on south-facing slopes.
Energy reserves of moose are probably near depletion by late winter.
Parturition and lactation further Increase energy demands of cow moose.
- 6 -
Gramlnolds and forbs that are breaking qulescense and actively
photosynthesizing Immediately prior to and during moose calving would have
relatively greater energy content than many of the shrubs present (Cook 1971).
Shrubs,gramlnolds,and forbs al I have high energy content when In vegetative
stages,far beyond what Is needed for gestation and lactation In domestic
large ungulates (Cook 1971).Archer and Tieszen (1980)have shown that at
Atkasook,Alaska,2 graminold species Initiated growth sooner than the shrub
species Saljx pulchra and Ledum decumbens.Graminolds and forbs do not
produce any nonphotosynthetic support tissue whfle these 2 shrub species may
al locate 75-84%of their total nonreproductive,aboveground biomass to stems
(Archer and Tieszen 1980).Thus,herbaceous plant production In late
winter-early spring could be critical to moose reproductive success.
2.3 -AlphabeT Hills Pre-burn InvenTory and Assessment
The purpose of the Alphabet HII Is study was to obtain pre-burn Inventory
and assessment data on composition,distribution,utIlization,and abundance
of the vegetation,as wei I as litter depths,and chemical compositIon of soils
In the proposed burn area.The long term ObJectives of the study are to
monitor changes In the vegetation,litter,and sol Is fol lowing the burn and
the subsequent response of moose to documented vegetation dynamics.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)proposed the control led burn In the
Alphabet HII Is area (Fig.1)to Improve moose habitat.Several starved moose
found In the area after the 1982 winter (W.B.Bal lard,ADF&G,personal
communication).Habitat improvement In the Alphabet Hil Is could possibly
decrease moose mortality due to starvation.The fire team of the BLM and INF
cooperated throughout all phases of planning and sampling.The management
goal was a discontinuous burn that would create more area of favorable habitat
for moose and could be easily control led.The area was surrounded by natural
- 7 -
water boundaries in most sections which eliminated the need for fire lines.
Several points had been selected for ignition by hell-torch.A hell-torch
exudes a discontinuous stream of jet led gasoline which Is Ignited by a
striker.This burning mass then Ignites the vegetation where It falls.
Because of the natural boundaries,little,If any,ground support would be
required to control the fire.If the fire did not spread as Intended,the
fire boss would have the option of starting additional Ignition points.
Fluorescent pink panels were placed near our study sites so that Ignition
could be made near them and Insure that some study plots would be burned.The
panels also Insured that fuel would not be dumped directly on the permanent
Initially,a secondary burn area was defined by the BLM-INF fire team.
This area was also surrounded by natural boundaries.Any part of It could
conceivably be burned.Later,the fire boss defined the primary burn area.
This was the area expected to carry the fire.Study sites within thts area
would have a high probability of Impact If the fire burned as expected.Based
on similarities In vegetation as determined from color Infrared U-2 Imagery,
the range ecology group defined a control area that was outside the burn
areas.Sites placed here had J Ittle probability of burning and were used as
controls.Most study sites were positioned within the primary burn area
because It had the highest probability of being burned.Fewer sites were
located In the secondary burn area because it had a lower probability of being
Spencer and Hakala (1964)noted that moose responded positively to fire on
the Kenai Peninsula.They estimated that the productive life of a burn as
good moose range was about 20 years.Oldemeyer et al.(1977)found that
within 30 years after the 1947 Kenai burn the range was deficient In browse
- 8 -
qual rty.Although different plant communities are involved,the same results
CQuld be expected in the Alphabet Hil Is area.Our personal observation of
areas with a past history of fire In the middle Susitna River Basin support
this contention.
We wou Id II ke to thank Dr.Wayne L.Rege lin and Mr.Warren B.Ba II ard who
provided needed information on moose ecology and assisted in determining the
objectives of these studies.Luke Werner and Robert Crane assisted in summer
field sampling.Granville Couey and Onnal ie Logsdon organized logistic
support for field operations whl Ie at Watana Base Camp.Helicopter pilots
James Connor,Jerry Abshire,and Jerry Dickson are acknowledged for their
exceptional service during the course of these investigations.Maintenance
personnel at Watana base camp provided needed tools and shop support.
We would also I Ike to thank Dr.David F.Murray of the University of
Alaska for his help with plant species Identification and verification of
range extension specimens.Gary and Carol Gustafson provided clerical
services for preparation of this manuscript.Dave Lannevll le prepared the
maps and II I~stratlons.
4.1 -MJddle SuslTna RJver Basin
The middle Susltna River Basin In the northern Talkeetna Mountains was
the primary study area for the 1982 range ecology studies (Fig.1).The
browse Inventory and plant phenology studies were both conducted within this
46,644 km 2 area (Fig.1).The middle Basin was bounded on the west by Devil
Canyon and on the east by the Maclaren River,and extended approximately 16 km
on either side of the Susltna River.Elevations ranged from about 333 m on
the river at Dev!1 Canyon to 2085 m at the top of Mt.Watana.The river
- 9 -
elevation rises to approximately 800 m at the confluence with the Maclaren
Topography of the middle Basin has been strongly Influenced by past
glacial action and associated creek and river erosion.Generally,the middle
Basin Is a broad U-shaped val ley.Presumably,the west and east fork glaciers
united and extended Into the middle Basin.The Susitna River has carved a
steep,relatively narrow V-shaped channel through the val ley as the glaciers
receeded.Numerous creeks and rivers drain Into the Susltna River along its
course in the middle Basin.The channel slopes are extremely steep near Devil
Canyon,rIsIng approximately 333 m vertIcally In about 1 km hortzontal
distance.The benches above the river channel are approximately 666 -833 m
In elevatIon and make up a majorIty of the study area.At the eastern end of
the mtddle Basin,the rtver channel Is relatIvely less steep and much wider.
VarIous plant communities are found In the middle Basin study area.
McKendrick et al.(1982)mapped 16 vegetation types in the middle basIn at
Levels II I or IV of Viereck et al.(1982).The plant communitIes are strongly
influenced by site topography,soils,and moisture regimes.The steep,wei I
drained rIver channel slopes are dominated by forest communItIes such as the
mixed forest and various open to closed coniferous forests on both sIdes of
the river.The benches above the rIver contain prImarily shrub communities on
the drIer sItes,followed by white spruce (Picea glauca)forests on
weI I-draIned slopes,and black spruce (plcea mariana)forests at the wettest
sites.AlpIne tundra exists at the highest elevations.
4.2 -AlphabeT Hills
The Alphabet Hil Is study area encompassed approximately 276 km 2 and
elevatIons ranged from 833 m to 1137 m.This study area was approxImately
38 km north of Lake Louise and 19 km southeast of the confluence of the
-10 -
Maclaren and Susitna Rivers (FIg.1).The Alphabet HII Is are a gently
slopIng,elevated rIdge (1137 m)surrounded by lowland areas wIth numerous
lakes and ponds.Major vegetation types are scrub and coniferous forest
-11 -
5•1 -Browse Inventory
A total of 47 sites were sampled from 27 July through 20 August,1982,to
estimate the availability of woody browse and herbaceous plants for large
herbivores In the middle Susrtna River Basin (Fig.2).Thirty-nine sites were
randomly selected by overlaying a grid on a vegetation map (from McKendrick et
al.1982)of the area.Selection of sites was limited to areas within home
ranges of rad io-coll ared moose that use the potent Ia I Impoundment areas as
delineated by ADF&G ~Iologlsts.This was within approximately 16 km (10
miles)of the proposed dam impoundments and the Coal Creek area.However,
because the planar of the proposed impoundment was relatively smal I in
relation to that portion of the middle Basin under consideration,8 of the 47
sites were sampled near the locations of the 4 1982 phenology transects within
the area to be Inundated (see Fig.3).Near the lower elevations of each of
these transects,a browse Inventory site was situated on each opposIng slope
at approxImately mid-slope of the canyon In the representative vegetation
In the field,browse Inventory sItes were visually classified to Level V
of Viereck et al.(1982).Several sItes were later adjusted to different,or
new,Level V classifIcations based on results of prelIminary analysis of
canopy cover data.Some vegetatIon types were sampled more Intensively than
others.Sampling Intensity was based on land area occupied by a vegetatIon
type and also on suspected Importance to moose.Several prospective sItes
originally selected using the grId overlay were omItted from the fInal
selection of sites.Vegetation types that were considered of lesser
importance to moose such as mat and cushion tundra,sedge grass tundra,mat
and cushion-sedge grass tundra and alpine herbaceous tundra vegetation types
were not sampled.
-12 -
At each browse inventory site,3 parallel 50-m I ine transects were
established from a randomly chosen point.The transects were spaced 10 to 20
m apart;the distance between transects was adjusted from site to site In an
effort to keep al I transects within the particular vegetation type being
samp I ed.Temporary plots were located at 10m i ntervaJ s a long each tran sect;
5 plots per transect,total ling 15 plots per site.
5.1.1 -Canopy Cover
At each plot location a 0.5-m 2 (1 x 0.5 m)rectangular quadrat was
sampled for percent canopy cover of plant species within the vertIcal
projection of the boundaries of the quadrat.The quadrat was orIented such
that the left-rear corner was touching the center-point of the plot location
and the long axIs of the quadrat was paral leI to the direction of travel.
Percent canopy cover of understory plant specIes and trees ~1.13 m in height
(breast height)was ocularly estimated using 5%cover Increments if plant
cover was between 10 to 90%(10,15,20,•••,90%)and 1%cover increments In
the 1 to 9%and the 91 to 100%ranges.A precision of 1%for low and high
cover values was used for al I studies sInce an observer can dIfferentIate
between 1%and 2%cover (or open space In the case of 98%and 99%cover);
however,dIfferentiatIon between 20%and 21%Is dIfficult.Use of 5%
intervals at the low and hIgh ends would lead to overestImates of uncommon
species which would usually cover only 1%of the quadrat In any particular
area.These precIsion levels are frequently used In vegetatIon Inventories.
Percent canopy cover of forbs,gramlnolds and shrubs was estimated by species
and life form totals.Percent cover for several graminolds and lichens was
estimated by genus as wei I as life form totals.Percent cover of bryophytes
was estimated as a life form total.
Additionally,at each plot location along each transect line a 4-m2
circular quadrat was delineated by rotatIng a rope,1.13 m In length,around a
-13 -
metal rod placed at the center of the plot location.Percent canopy cover of
tal I shrubs,low shrubs,and crown canopy and basal stem cover of trees
>1.13 m in height within the vertical projection of the boundaries of the
quadrat were occularly estimated using the same cover Increments as for the
0.5-m 2 quadrat.For al I canopy cover estimates,the actual vertical
projection of the vegetation upon the area enclosed by the quadrat boundaries
was used rather than methods employing connection of outer points of plant
crowns Into polygons for cover estimates based on area of vegetation
In f I uence.Ne I ther O.5-m 2 or 4-m 2 quadrat sizes were adequate to est I mate
tree canopy coverage.Tree canopy estimates were taken from a combination of
ocular estimations using aerial photographs,aircraft over-flight,and
on-the-ground site descriptions.
5.1.2 -Shrub Stem Densrty
Within each 4-m2 quadrat at each plot location,the number of live stems
of each tal I and low shrub species were counted by diameter class.Diameter
classes were In 1-cm Increments:0-1 cm;1-2 cm;2-3 em;and 3-4 cm.The
total number of live stems was obtained by summing over al I diameter classes
for each species.
5.1.3 -Browse Utilization
At each plot location along each transect lIne a circular quadrat with a
5-m radius was established.This quadrat was divided into 4 even-sized
quadrants (point-centered quarter)with Its center at the plot location.
Within each quadrant,the distance to the nearest stem 40 cm or taller of each
tal I and low shrub species represented within the quadrant was measured.The
maximum distance measured to a shrub was 5 m.This arbitrary limit was
establIshed to prevent overlap between quadrats that were spaced at 10 m
Intervals along the line transect and to expedite sampling and decrease search
time for shrubs with low densities.
-14 -
Only shrubs wIth stems 40 cm or taller were considered for measurement.
Our observations Ind I cated that 40 cm was the approx imate lower I 1m It of much
of the browsing of low shrubs during winter.This heIght I imitation
approximated "typical"snow cover during winter when most of the twigs below
40 cm would be covered by snow.In effect,this particular I imitation on the
selection of the nearest Individual shrub of each species In each quadrant
biased the sampl ing effort toward taller plants.This eliminated sampling of
smal I seed I Ings or root-sprouts that did not meet the minimum heIght of 40 cm.
We determined,however,that for 2 reasons this bias was supportive of our
goal to estimate available browse for large herbivores such as moose:1)
sampling for available browse conducted during the summer was to be used to
estImate the aval lability of that same browse during the winter,thus sampling
very small Individuals (e.g.10 cm In height)with high probabl I lty of being
covered with snow during winter was not desirable;and 2)most browsing
pressure was observed to be on shrubs 40-50 cm or ta [I er In he I ght •.
Additionally,the establishment of some minimum shrub size was necessary to
defining a browsable shrub;InClusion of small seedlings or root-sprouts was
not considered a good estimate of browse available to moose during the winter.
The basal diameter at approximately 5 cm from ground level of each nearest
shrub stem was also measured to the nearest mil Ilmeter.Average height of the
stem was measured to the nearest 10-cm Increment.The number of unbrowsed and
"recently"browsed twigs extending above 40 cm on the stem were counted.A
twig was defined as a branch that had a basal diameter approximately equal to
the estimated diameter at polnt-of-browslng (DPB)for that shrub species.The
average OPB for each shrub species was estimated for the middle Susltna River
Basin by randomly measuring "recently"browsed twigs at a number of sites and
locations over the study area.
Basal diameters of intact twigs were estimated rather than measured when
-15 -
counting unbrowsed twigs.Twigs on branches were counted In such a way that
the basal diameter of any twig did not exceed the average DPB for that shrub
species.Thus,In cases where several lateral twigs were produced due to
previous browsing of the terminal bud and/or stem,Individual lateral twigs
would be counted as unbrowsed twigs rather than counting the large main stem
below the polnt-of-browslng and below the base of the lateral twIgs.Every
attempt was made to count twigs at the average DPBi however,smaller twigs
would be counted as unbrowsed twigs before a single large stem containIng ~1
smaller twIgs would be counted as a single large unbrowsed twIg.Due to the
low growth stature of al I shrubs except Alnus slnuata and the open branching
habit of both A.slnuata and Betula glandu!Qsa,no arbitrary dIstinction other
than minimum height of the twigs (40 cm)was placed on aval labIlIty of twigs
to browsIng large herbivores.Few indivIduals shrubs of any specIes were
hedged to the degree that would dIrectly Inhibit acquIsItion of new growth
twIgs by browsing anImals.[n extremely few and In only local Instances would
hedg I ng have been severe enough to produce "broom-st I ck-II ke"stems of dead
twigs that would directly Inhibit browsing of new twIg growth.For these
reasons,al I twigs above 40 cm In heIght on the shrub In questIon were counted
and considered available to a browsIng animal.
To be considered a "recently"browsed twIg,the remaining portion of the
stem Immediately below the polnt-of-browslng either.had to be alIve or appear
as If browsIng had occurred within the previous 2 years.Twigs that had been
browsed In the Iess recent past,Ieav I ng on Iy dead stubs where the bark was
separating from the xylem and/or the twIgs were shrunken In diameter,were not
counted as browsed twigs.Utllizatton (by browstng)of browsable twigs by
large ungulates was expressed as a percent by dIviding the number of browsed
twIgs by the total number of browsed and unbrowsed twigs for each stem.
-16 -
5.1.4 -Browse AvaJlabJIIty
At each site,25 twigs from each tal I and low shrub species were randomly
harvested at the average DPB.These twigs were oven-dried at 600G for 48
hrs.,separated Into their respective leaf and woody stem components,and
weighed to the nearest tenth gram.The average dry weight per twig of leaves
and woody stems provided estimates of standing crop biomass removed when twigs
were browsed by moose.Dry weight standing crop biomass Is referred to as
biomass In this report.Average weight per twig and its associated leaves for
each shrub species was multlpl ied by the mean number of unbrowsed twigs/stem
in each vegetation type.This total was then multlpl led by the average number
of stems/ha for each species to produce estimates of total kg/ha of unbrowsed
forage.Estimates of total kg/ha of utilized forage was calculated In the
same manner using average number of browsed twigs/stem.Available and
utll ized leaf biomass apply to summer use only.
5.1.5 -Current Annual Growth BJomass
AI I current annual growth (GAG)of forbs and gramlnolds as life form
totals and shrubs by species were clipped from the O.5-m2 quadrats used to
estimate canopy cover.Samples were oven-dried,the leaves and woody stems of
shrubs separated,and then weighed to the nearest 0.01 gram.
Estimates of dry weight biomass were for all current forb and gramlnold
growth to ground (or moss)level was calculated by life form totals.The dry
weight biomass estimates of shrubs was derived from GAG of woody stems,and
GAG of leaves that were attached to the stems.GAG of leaves attached to
previous years'woody stems were not collected.GAG for shrubs was collected
over the entire height of the plant within the vertical projection of the
boundaries of the quadrat.
-17 -
-,-5.1.6 -StatIstical AnalysIs
Analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (x,SE,N)and comparisons
among vegetation types of the variables measured.The number of plots that
were needed to adequately sample each variable to within 20%of the mean with -,
67%confidence (except for smal I means)In each vegetation type was also
calculated.Only Individual plant species or life form total average
measurements with a mean ~1 were presented.LIfe form totals (e.g.total
tall shrub,total forb)were either estimated or computed additive
measurements across at I Individual species occurrIng within each I ife form.
The reported standard error and the variance used for the sample size
estimates were based on the total variance calculated from plots within sites
withIn Level tV (Viereck et al.1982)vegetation types.This was the total
variance from "between"sites (within type)and within sites.This
represented the variance resulting from plots within sites and sites within a ~
vegetation type.Hence,the estimated sample size represents the number of
plots needed If they were located randomly within a vegetation type.It does
not Indicate the number of sites per type or the number of plots per site
needed for adequate sampling.
As noted earl ier,sample sizes were calculated to estimate the number of ~.
plots needed to adequately sample the parameter to within 20%of the mean with
67%confidence for means that were not considered "too small".The formula
n =-.
where n =estimated sample size,
s =standard devIation,
t =t value for 67%confidence (1.0),and
d =half-wIdth of confidence Interval.
-18 -
The 67%confidence level was chosen since It was decided that beIng right 2
out of 3 times was ecologIcally acceptable.Sampling to within 20%of the
mean for smal I averages meant that if the calculated mean was 1%cover,the
confIdence interval ranged from 0.8 to 1.2%.Real istical Iy,if the cover were
1%,results of a repeated experiment would probably be acceptable if the cover
were estimated to be less than 5%.Hence,absolute differences (rather than a
percentage of the mean)were selected for smal I values.If cover was less
than 25%,then an absolute dIfference of 5%cover was used rather than 20%of
the mean.Criteria used for al I studIes are shown in Table 1.
5.1.7 -Soils
In order to gain an understanding of the difference or simi larlties in
chemical composition of soils between the proposed Susitna impoundment area
and Alphabet Hit Is burn area,soil samples were collected during the browse
Inventory study.In this study,3 paral lei transects of 5 plots each,
total ling 15 plots per site,were used to estImate vegetation parameters.At
each site,soil samples were collected from plots 2,6,and 13.The soIl
sample was taken approximately 1.13 m distance from plot center and
perpendicular to the line of travel.A cylIndrical coring device
approximately 15 cm In diameter and 45 cm deep was used to take soil samples.
The coring device was pushed into the soil and a bUilt-In plunger was used to
push the soil and litter core out of the cylinder after extractIon.
Each of the soil profiles were sampled to a depth of 15 cm,where
possible.Depth of the organic matter was measured,removed from the core,
and placed In a cloth bag.SoIl samples from extracted cores were divided
into 0-5 cm,5-10 cm,and 10-15 em depths which were separated and stored in
label led plastic bags.Soil samples were submitted to the Alaska AgrIcultural
Experiment Station Plant and Sol I Analysts Laboratory,Palmer.The
-19 -
analysis performed consisted of:
1)pH (1:1 water-soil method),
2)available potassium,calcium,and magnesium measured In parts per
mil J Ion (neutral 1 normal ammonium acetate extraction method),
3)total nitrogen and phosphorus measured in parts per mil I Ion
(modified Kjeldahl method,than autoanalyzed),
4)sand,silt,and clay measured by percent (hydrometer method),
5)organic matter measured by percent (Walkley-Black method),and
6)copper,zinc,manganese,and Iron measured in mIl I Igramsper gram
(DPTA extraction method).
Analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (x,standard deviation,N)
and comparisons of the soils among depths and among vegetation types of the
variables measured.Analysis of variance Incorporating a nested design was
used to test differences In soil parameters among vegetation types.Sites
were nested within vegetation types and depths nested within sites.
5.2 -PlanT Phenology
5.2.1 -Site SelectIon
Transect locations were selected based on concentrations of
radio-collared moose In the Impoundment zone during parturition periods (Fig.
3).Locations were chosen to represent areas of use and non-use by
radio-collared moose during April-June,the usual period of parturition
(Ballard et al.1982).It was recognized that nonradlo-collared moose were
probably using areas that were not being used by radio-collared moose.
However,this was the best approximation available for an experimental design.
Areas of "use"and "non-use"were Included In the design to attempt to
Identify differences In vegetation that were attractive to cow moose.The
study transect near the switchback of the Susltna River (near the Oshetna
-20 -
River)represented sites with usage on both south-and north-facing slopes.
The transect east of Jay Creek represented areas of little or no usage by
radio-collared moose during parturition.The transect east of Watana Creek
was used by radio-collared moose on the south-facing slope but not on the
north-facing slope.These areas were al I In the potential Watana Impoundment
area.One transect was chosen west of Tsusena Creek in an area used by
radio-collared moose on both north-and south-facing slopes in the potential
Devil Canyon impoundment area.Exact locations of transects were determined
using aerial and ground reconnaissance during May,1982.
Transects were generally about 1.5 km long,although one was 2 km.The
"transects"were lines used for qual itatlve,non-structured observations,
especially on the north-facing slopes.Exclosures were constructed at
discrete points along the transects on the south-facing slopes.
Four elevations for each study area were selected along each of the 4
transects,except Tsusena Creek transect where only 3 elevations were
examined.The highest elevation was on the bench above the river,the second
elevation was at the top of the 5 lope,and the th I rd and fourth e I evat Ions
were mid-slope and bottom of the slope,respectively.Exact ground locations
at each elevation were based on slope position,vegetation,and helicopter
access.Tree cover at the mid-slope elevation on the Tsusena Creek transect
prevented helicopter access either by tanding or by dropping a sling load.
Terrain was too rough and vegetation too dense to reasonably hand-carry the
materials to an appropriate locatron,therefore no exclosures were constructed
at the site.
Exclosures were constructed In vegetation representative of each
elevation and transect.Some exclosures were located within a single
vegetation type,such as low shrub scrub,while others were located along
-21 -
ecotones because moose frequently use "edges"of vegetation types.The
exclosures were always constructed away from the helicopter access point.
Pairs of 2.1 x 2.1-00 (7 x 7 ft)exclosures were constructed In late May
at each location using 1.5-00 (5 ft)woven wire with a single strand of barbed
wIre at the top,and 2.1-00 metal fence posts.Transects were sampled at 7-day
Intervals beginning 31 May and ending 2 July,1982.The south-facing slope
exclosures were sampled In the morning for all transects except Watana Creek.
The corresponding north-facing slope without exclosures was examined In the
afternoon for general observations on vegetation compositIon and phenological
development as wei I as uti I Izatlon by wi Idllfe.The north-slope at Watana
Creek was visited at the end of each week for logistical reasons.Sampling
was not begun until after snowmelt because of project delays. -Plan~Phenology Transects,Specific SI~e Descrlp~Ions -W~ana Creek Transect
The bench location upstream from the Watana Creek transect (Fig.3)was
In a low birch shrub scrub Inclusion In an open spruce type.It was at an
elevation of 774 m (2440 ft)with 20 slope and 1850 average aspect.Betula
glandulosa (resin birch)dominated the low shrub layer while Ledum
groenlandlcum (Labrador tea),¥acclnlum yllglnosum (bog blueberry),and X.
yltls-Idaea (mountain cranberry)dominated the dwarf shrub layer.Moss
covered almost 90%of the ground.The average age of 4 large trees In the
area was 94 years,making It a relatively old site.Methodology describing
the aging technique used for tree cores Is contained In the Methods section.
The exclosure at the top of the slope was In an ecotone between low birch
shrub scrub and woodland spruce.It was at an elevation of 683 00 (2240,ft)
with a 50 slope and 1500 aspect.This would be 17 m above the potential
Impoundment water surface.Vegetation consisted of ~.glandulosa In a low
-22 -
shrub layer with a dwarf shrub layer of 1.groenlandjcum,1.~itjs-idaea,and
Empetrum nigrum (crowberry).Moss provIded about 65%ground cover.The mean
age of 3 Pjcea glauca Individuals was 82 years.
The mIddle-slope location along the Watana Creek transect was an open
whIte spruce site located on the sides of a smal I knol I.Poorly drained black
spruce areas existed just uphIll from the site In a relatively level area.
This site had an elevation of 610 m (2000 ft)with an average aspect of 1730
on an 8 0 slope.This site would be Inundated by the Watana Impoundment.One
exclosure faced westward on a 130 slope whl Ie the other had a southerly
exposure.VegetatIon consisted of a ~.glandulosa low shrub layer with 1.
groenlandjcum.1.ullglnosum,and 1.yltjs-Idaea in the dwarf shrub layer.
Yaccinium uliginosum was more abundant on the south-facing exclosure whl le~.
glandulosa was more abundant on the west-facing exclosure.Moss formed 90%of
the ground cover.Trees averaged 62 years (N=4)making It a medium-aged site.
Old snags were present but not aged.
The bottom location was In an open mixed spruce-birch site just above the
floodplain with a 120 slope and 192 0 aspect.Its low elevation of 549 m (1000
ft)placed It In the potential Impoundment zone.The most Important
understory vegetation Included 1.groenlandlcum and 1.~Itjs-idaea,but ~
aclcul~(prickly rose)was also present.Moss was less Important In thIs
site because of the litter layer In some places.The average age of 3 trees
was 99 years.As a general observatIon,bottom elevations had older trees
than the other elevatIons for al I transects.The bottom location on the
Watana transect was about 35 years younger than any other bottom site on the
other transects.The Watana transect bottom-elevation site was the only
bottom site positioned on a slope,and It had the warmest soil temperatures of
any bottom-slope site for any transect.These three facts (younger,greater
-23 -
degree of slope,and warmer}are related to disturbance due to fire at this
site that was not a factor at bottom sites on other transects. -Jay Creek Transect
The Jay Creek transect began at a higher elevation than any other
transects at 884 m (2900 ft)(Fig.3).The bench location was on a slope
below an almost barren outcropping.The highest elevation site was a low
birch shrub scrub type with a 100 slope and 1760 aspect.The low shrub layer
was composed of a.glandulosa and the dwarf shrub layer of l.decumbens
(northern Labrador tea)and y.yitls-Idaea.Trees In this area were of mixed
age with 1 tree being 89 years old and 2 others averaging 27 years.This was
a relatively dry area.
The second elevation,top positIon,was another low birch shrub scrub
type located on a gentle break In the 150 slope.Elevation was 792 m (2600
ft)on a 50 slope with 144 0 aspect.The low shrub layer was composed of a.
glandulosa and a dwarf shrub layer of l.decumbens and y.yltls-Idaea.Betula
glandulosa usually occurred on mounds with other lower growing species growing
beneath the shrub layer.Most trees at this site averaged 31 years of age
although 1 was 100 years old and a dead tree was 157 years old.
The middle slope position was in an open mixed spruce-birch forest at an
elevation of 701 m (2300 ft)with 140 slope and 1570 aspect.It was located
about 35 m above the potential Impoundment area and might be affected by
mesocl Imatlc changes assocIated with the reservoir.The exclosures were placed
on either sIde of an open,grassy area In the forest type.Understory
vegetation In 1 exclosure was dominated by y.yltls-Idaea with some Cornus
canadensis and Mertensla panlculata (tall bluebel I).The other exclosure was
dominated by Calamagrostls canadensis,EQYlsetum sllyatlcum (woodland
horsetaI I),and M.panlculata.Average age for 6 trees at this site was 37
-24 -
years,making It one of the youngest sites.It also appeared to be the
warmest site,as Indicated by plant species composition,the time at which
plant growth was Initiated,and soil temperatures.
The bottom location was a woodland black spruce type wIth exclosures on
either sIde of a wet sedge-grass-shrub meadow.The slope was <10 and aspect
averaged 1190 although 1 exclosure faced south-southeast and the other faced
east-northeast.At an elevatIon of 610 m (2000 ft),this site would be In the
potentIal Impoundment zone.Important vegetation consIsted of ~.Qlandu!osa,
L.groenlandlcym,Empetrum njgrum,and graminolds.Mean age of 4 trees was
146 years,the oldest average of any sIte. -Swttchhback Transect
The bench location at the Switchback transect (Fig.3)was In a low birch
shrub scrub type.The sIte was at an elevation of 762 m (2500 ft)with
average slope of 60 and aspect of 2500.Vegetation consIsted of a ~.
glandulQsa low shrub layer and a dwarf shrub layer of L.decymbens,Y.
yjtIs-ldaea,and lIchens.The average age of 3 trees was 35 years,although 1
tree was 91 years old.
The top-slope elevatIon was located on the bench as It broke toward the
rIver at an elevatIon of 762 m (2500 ft),96 m above the potentIal Watana
impoundment.ThIs site was In an ecotone between low birch shrub scrub and
woodland whIte spruce with an average slope of 10 and aspect of 2750.
Important specIes Included ~.Qlandulosa,y.ulIglnosum,and lIchens.Average
age of 3 trees was 56 years while a fourth indivIdual was 163 years old.Fire
scarred snags were present.
The mIddle slope locatIon was Just upstream from a dry knol I.VegetatIon
-25 -
was an open spruce type at an elevation of 701 m (2300 ft)with 160 slope and
1890 aspect.The sIte was 35 m above the potential impoundment zone.
Important plant species Included ~.glandulosa,L.groenlandjcum,and~.
pulchra.Moss covered over half the area.The average age of 3 trees was 41
years whi Ie 1 was estImated to be 210 years old.This supported the
contentIon that a relatively recent fire had occurred at this sIte.
The bottom elevation at the Switchback location was In an alder-spruce
type wIth 30 slope and 2100 aspect at an elevatIon of 640 m (2100 ft).This
site would be flooded by the Impoundment.The most abundant plants at this
sIte were Alnus sjnuata,Rjbes triste,and several forb species.This was a
relatively moist site.Mean age of 5 trees was 143 years,making It one of
the oldest sites sampled. -Tsusena Creek Transect
The transect downstream from Tsusena Creek was the only one In the
potentIal DevIl Canyon impoundmen~area (Fig.3).The bench locatIon was a
low birch shrub scrub type at an elevation of 758 m (2486 ft)on a mean slope
of 3 0 •Aspects of the 2 exclosures were 2320 and 860 at this site whIch was
on top of a knol I.Abundant vegetation consisted of Betula glandulosa over a
layer of L.groenlandlcum,and f.njgrum.Betula glandulosa was much taller
at this site than at other sItes.Moss covered about 85$of the area and was
about 8 cm deep,whIch was much deeper than at sites on other transects.
Average age of 3 trees was 114 years whIle 1 indIvidual was 56 years old.
ThIs sIte had not been dIsturbed as recently as other sites and was wei I above
tImber lIne.
The top-slope posItion on the Tsusena Creek transect was another low
birch shrub scrub type at an elevation of 635 m (2086 feet)on a 70 slope with
aspects of 1100 and 200.Vegetation consisted of a low shrub layer of~.
-26 -
glandulosa and a dwarf shrub layer of l.Qroenlandjcum and ~.njgrum.Moss
covered about three-fourths of the ground and was about 8 cm deep.Average
age of 4 trees was 87 years.
The bottom location was in an open spruce type with 20 slope and aspects
of 50 and 140 0 at an elevation of 512 m (1680 ft).This site was on a level,
forested area by the Susltna River.Vegetation consisted of ~.glandulosa,l.
groenlandjcum,and 1.yjtjs-jdaea.Moss covered 90%of the ground.Mean age
of 4 trees was 135 years.
5.2.2 -PhotographIc PoInts
Photographic points inslde and outside each exclosure were permanently
marked with 30 to 45-cm long rebar painted fluorescent orange which were
~.driven into the ground.Photographs of the vegetation were taken each time
the site was sampled to document phenological development of plant species.
Photographs were taken looking uphil I from a height of 1.6 m using a Fujica
ST605 camera with 28 mm lens.The rear 2 fence posts were located in the
upper corner of the photograph.Sometimes 2 photographs had to be taken to
include some of the taller vegetation.Individual twigs of shrubs were flagged
and photographed each week outside some exclosures to record development of
individual twigs.Species selected for individual tagging were Betula
glandulosa,Ledum groenlandjcum,and ~acjcularjs.Selection of
Individuals was random.
,'-5.2.3 -5011 TemperaTure
Soil temper-ature at the la-cm depth was taken Inside each exclosure using
a bimetallic thermomeier with a dial scale.The temperature was always
measured In a "typical"location In the shade to avoid dally heatIng effects-of the sun.Hence,the thermometer location varied slightly from week to week
_.because the sun angle as weI I as our arrival time would vary.The thermometer
-27 -
was al lowed to equil ibrate in the ground while plant canopy cover was
estimated.Soil temperatures were used to monitor the warming of sites
because dally ambient temperatures were extremely variable.
5.2.4 -Canopy Cover
Percent canopy cover was ocularly estimated in 0.5 x 1-m (0.5-m 2 )
quadrats using 5%Intervals (1%if <10%or >90%).Two quadrats were
randomly located outside the excJosure by pacing a random number of steps from
a randomly selected corner of the exclosure.Quadrats outside the exclosure
were independent of each other across weeks.Two quadrats were randomly
located inside each exclosure but were not independent across weeks because of
the J imited size of exclosures.Cover was the vertical projection of living
vegetation and did not include canopy gaps.Canopy cover was estimated by
species for most vascular plants,by genus for sedges,and by life form for
bryophytes,I ichens,and unidentified forbs and grasses.
5.2.5 -Height and Phenological State of Growth/Maturation
Average height (cm)and most advanced phenological state were recorded
for each plant species Tn each quadrat inside and outside the exclosures.
Phenological stages were as fol lows:
vegetative (1)just emerging or fTrst signs of new growth or dormant
for evergreens
(2)leaf buds visible
(3)leaves expanded
(4)flower buds
In some evergreen species,such as Vaccinlum yitls-idaea,it was extremely
-28 -
diffIcult to tel I when the plant Initiated new growth in the sprIng.New
leaves were the same color as old leaves.Thus,unless a leaf was only
partIally emerged,new growth could not be easily determined.Hence,some
phenological states for some species were not as precise as for others.
5.2.6 -Biomass Estimations
Standing crop biomass (current annual growth)of forbs and gramInoids,
and current annual growth biomass of 4 indIvidual twigs with associated leaves
of Betula spp.,Sal ix spp.,and Alnus spp.was estimated within each O.5-m 2
plot.Forbs and graminoids were cl ipped at ground or moss level.The current
growth (leaves and stems)of each designated shrub species occurring within a
plot was cl ipped from 4 representative twigs.This permitted an analysis of
total mass per 4 twigs,but not mass/unit area.During the first 5 weeks (31
May through 2 JUly)only plots located outside the exclosures were clipped.
During week 6 (31 August through 3 September)plots Inside and outside the
exclosures were clipped.This information makes up the phenology current
annual growth data set.
The scope of biomass estimations for the phenology study was changed for
week 6 sampling.In additIon to the data collected as described above,aJ I of
the current annual growth of shrubs was clIpped In the plots both Inside and
outside the exclosures.From those clipped samples 4 twigs of the designated
shrUbs were subsampled from each plot to complete the phenology current annual
growth data set.Furthermore,all Yaccinium yltls-Idaea was clipped In each
plot because of its potential Importance as moose forage (Oldemeyer 1977,W.
L.Regel In,ADF&G,personal communication).The Information on total current
annual growth of shrubs sampled during week 6 makes up the phenology total
current annual growth data set.
Al I clipped samples were oven-dried for 48 hours at 600C and weighed to
-29 -
the nearest 0.01 g.Twigs of shrubs were stripped of leaves,and both
components weighed separately.
Statistical analysis of the plant current growth biomass data for the
phenology study consisted of analysis of variance using a nested design for
both current annual growth and total current annual growth data sets.
Transect location was treated as the main effect.Elevation was nested wIthin
transect,and exclosure and week were nested within elevation.This design
applied to the current annual growth data,weeks 1 through 6 outside the
exclosures.For data collected during week 6 (current annual growth and total
current annual growth inside and outside)the nested design was simi lar as
described above,except that Inside/outside exclosure comparisons were nested
within elevation.Tukey's test was used as a mean separatIon procedure.
Statistical significance was accepted at P ~0.05.
5.2.7 -Current Annual Growth TwIg DIameter -Length Relationships
Four tWigs of each shrub specIes were clipped from withIn the 0.5-m2
plots of the phenology study.The twIgs were clipped at the leaf bud scale to
remove only the current annual growth.Shrubs were clipped from plots located
outside the exclosures durIng weeks 1 through 5 and from plots both Inside and
outside the exclosures during the last week (week 6)of sampling.The basal
diameter and total length of each twig was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with
A mean diameter and length was calculated for each species and tested for
signIficant differences among species with paired ±-tests.Simple linear
regression equatIons were developed for each species,examining the
relationship between basal diameter of the twig and its total length.
StatistIcal significance was accepted at P ~0.05.The number of twigs needed
to adequately estImate within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence In that
-30 -
measurement was also calculated for each measurement taken on each species.
5.2.8 -Tree RIng AnalysIs
Two tree cores were taken as close to the ground_as practical from 2
trees or snags near each exclosure when possible.These data were col lected
to age the present plant communiTy at each site in an effort to determine fire
history.Ages of living trees were determined by counting rings after the
cores had been sanded smooth on one side.The cores of dead snags were In
such poor condition that the rings could not be counted.
This study was included in the original proposed methodology.During the
early phases of the phenological study,it was noted that the sites with the
earl lest maturing forage appeared to have a relatively recent burn history
whereas the latest maturing sites had a deep moss layer and I ittle evidence of
fire.Cores of I ivlng and dead trees were obtaIned In an attempT to determine
the fire hIstory of each sIte.Field tIme dId not permIt an IntensIve
collecTion of cores.The IntentIon of corIng snags was to match tree rIng
patierns of lIvIng and dead trees In an attempt to determIne how long since
the trees had dIed and hence when the fIre occurred,assumIng the trees dIed
durIng the tIre.LImited laboratory tIme and poor qualIty cores did not
permIt thIs analysis.
If al I the tree ages at one sIte were approxImately the same,then the
mean age was taken as the age of The stand.If the trees were of uneven age,
the older Individuals were assumed to be survivors of a fIre (they usually had
fIre scars)while the younger trees were consIdered to be reproduction since
the fIre.Both sets of ages were reported as wei I as the number of trees.
This was a qualItative study Intended to determIne If the hypothesis relfrtlng
recent burn history to early forage availability was reasonable.
-31 -
5.2.9 -Statistical Analysts -Cover
Cover were analyzed using an analysis of variance model with nested mIxed
effects.The model consisted of transect,elevation,inside/outside
exclosure,exclosure,and plot.Transect,elevatIon,and inside/outside were
fIxed effects sInce each level was unique,rather than a random sample of a
population.Each transect also represented either documented presence or
absence of radio-col Jared moose.Each elevation was a partIcular location
with respect to slope.Exclosures and plots represented random locations from
the population of exclosures and plots.
The model was nested since the levels (bench,top,middle,bottom)of the
nested factor (elevatIon within transect)were different for each level
(Watana,Jay,Switchback,Tsusena)of the main factor (transect).Even though
the bOTtom elevations of the Watana and Jay Creek transects were both the
lowest elevatIon on those transects,geographical considerations dictated that
they were different and hence nested within their respective transects (as
opposed to being cross-classIfied).Cover data for each week were analyzed
using this model since we were prImarily Interested In spatial dIfferences at
a given point In time rather than changes over time.Additionally,computer
core I ImiTations would not permit analysis over time.
5.3 -Alphabet Hit Is Pre-burn Inventory and Assessment
To facilitate the vegetation Inventory of the burn area,the Alphabet
HII Is area was mapped at the scale of 1:24,000 (Fig.4,back pocket)by
vegeTation type to Level III of VIereck et ale (1982)during June,1982.From
thIs map,sites to be sampled were selected based on known locations of moose
(W.B.Bal lard,ADF&G,personal communicatIon).Sites were then randQmly
assigned within each vegetation type.The number of sItes sampled In each
vegeTation type were based on the amount of area occupied by that type and the
-32 -
perceived varlabll ity of that type within the study area.
Twenty-five sites in the Alphabet HI I Is were sampled from 13-21 July
1982.At each site,2 paral lei 50-m line transects were established,spaced
10 m apart.Plots were located every 10 m along each transect.In addition,
1 site in each vegetation type contained 20 plots,spaced at 5-m intervals
along each transect I ine.A number of steps were taken to permanently mark
each site.At the center of each plot location,a 76 cm (2.5 ft)long,1.3 cm
(0.5 inch)diameter conduit was driven Into the ground so It protruded
approximately 30 cm (1 ft)above ground level.A numbered metal tag was wired
to the top of each conduit stake for Identifying purposes.A 120-cm (4-ft)
conduit tripod was placed in an open area near plot location #1 and a metal
tag identifying the site was wired to the top of the tripod.
Photographs were taken of 1)each 1-m2 quadrat lying in position at each
plot location,2)each 50-m line transect from both ends and 3)of the general
site from the tripod near plot locatIon #1.At each plot location a number of
measurements were taken.
5.3.1 -Canopy Cover
At each permanent plot locatIon a 1-m2 (1 x 1 m)quadrat was sampled for
canopy cover of plant specIes within the vertIcal projectIon of the boundaries
of the quadrat.The quadrat was oriented such that the left-rear corner was
touching the conduit stake in the center of the plot location.Percent canopy
cover of I ife form totals,dwarf shrubs,forbs,gramlnolds,bryophytes,and
Ifchens as well as litter,dead wood,bare ground,and water were ocularly
estimated within each 1-m2 quadrat.Percent canopy cover was estimated using
5%cover Increments if plant cover was between 10 to 90%(10,15,20,•••,90%)
and 1%cover Increments In the 1 to 9%and the 91 to 99%ranges.Percent
canopy cover of forbs,graminolds,and shrubs was estimated by species and
-33 -
life form totals.Percent cover for several graminolds and I ichens was
estimated by genus and life form totals.Percent cover of bryophytes was
estimated as a life form total and In some cases by genus.
At each permanent plot location along each transect Ilne#a 4-m2 circular
quadrat was also delineated by rotating a rope#1.13 m In length#around the
metal stake In the plot center.Percent canopy cover of trees#tree sapl Ings#
tree seedl ings#tal I shrubs#and low shrubs was ocularly estimated using the
same cover increments as for the l-m2 quadrat.Trees were>1.13 m In height
and had dlameter-at-breast-height (dbh)measurements exceeding 2.5 cm.
Saplings were>1.13 m In height with <2.5 cm dbh's and seedlIngs were
<1.13 m In height.
5.3.2 -Shrub and Tree Stem DensIty
Density of tal I shrubs was estimated by counting the number of stems
rooted within the 4-m2 circular quadrat.A distinction was made between live
and dead plants.Shrubs were also tal I ied by l-cm basal diameter classes:
0-1 cm;1-2 cm;2-3 em;and 3-4 cm.
Tree density was estImated using the point-centered quarter method
(Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974).At each location along the transect
IInes#the center of a cIrcular plot with a radius of 33.3 m (3485 m2)was
established.WI~hln each quarter of the clrcle#the distance to the nearest
individual of each species present within the quadrant was measured.The
total height and dbh of these trees was also estImated.Both live and dead
trees were examined.Tree seed I Ings and saplings were also tal I led.
5.3.3 -Browse UtIlizatIon
The point-centered quarter method was also used to estImate utilization
of Salix SPPq Alnys Sppq and BetUla spp ••Plots had a radIus of 5 m
(79-m 2 ).The closest shrub of each species in each quadrant was measured for
-34 -
disiance from the plot center and basal diameter by size class (0-1 cm,
~~1-2 cm,2-3 cm,and 3-4 cm).Shrubs had to be at least 40 cm in height
(average snow depth)to be sampled.The number of unbrowsed and "recently"
browsed twigs above 40 cm were counted on the shrubs.
A twig was defined as a branch that had a basal diameter equal to the
estimated diameter at point-of-browslng (OPB)for that shrub species.The
~-average OPB for each shrub species was estimated for the Alphabet Hi I Is by
randomly measuring twigs that had been "recently'browsed at a number of sites
over the study area.Utll ization of browsable twigs was expressed as a
percent by dividing the number of browsed tWigs by the total number of browsed
and unbrowsed twigs for each stem •
•"'"5.3.4 -Browse Avallabi I ity
Biomass estimates based on the diameter at point-of-browslng (OPB)were
made by clipping,at random,approxImately 25 twigs from a number of
individuals of every species examined.These twigs were trimmed to the
average OPB (mm),oven-drIed at 600C for 48 hrs,and weighed to the nearest
1""'"tenth gram.Stems and Ieaves were we'ghed separate Iy.
Average weight per twIg and Its associated leaves by shrub species was
multlpl ied by the mean number of unbrowsed twIgs/stem In each vegetation type.
This total was then multlpl led by the average number of stems/ha for each
specIes to produce estimates of total kg/ha of unbrowsed forage biomass.
Estimates of total kg/ha of forage already uti I Ized was calculated in the same
manner using average number of browsed tWigs/stem.Available and utI I ized
leaf biomass were estimated for summer use only.
5.3.5 -Statistical Analysis
Analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (x,SE,N)and comparisons
among similar vegetation types.In addition,the number of plots that needed
-35 -
1)pH (1:1 water-sot I method)
2)avaUable potassium,calcium,and magnesium measured tn parts per
-36 -
mil I ion (neutral 1 normal,ammonium acetate extraction method),
3)total nitrogen and phosphorus measured in parts per mil I ion
(modified Kjeldahl method,then autoanalyzed),
4)sand,silt,and clay measured by percent (hydrometer method),
5)organic matter measured by percent (Walkley-Black method),
6)copper,zinc,manganese,and iron measured in mil I igrams per gram
(OPTA extraction method).
At each plot where soils were sampled,depth to permafrost was recorded.
These readings were derived by using a frost probe measuring 110 em In length
that was pushed Into the soi I profile until permafrost was reached.Six
readings were taken at each of the plots where soil samples were taken at
various points radiating not more than 5 m from plot center.These readings
were then pooled in order to derive an average depth to permafrost at each of
these plots.
Analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (x,standard deviation,N)
and comparisons of the soils among depths and among vegetation types of the
variables measured.Analysis of variance Incorporating a nested design was
used to test differences In soil parameters among vegetation types.Sites
were nested within vegetation types and depths nested within sites.
5.4 -Spec!es L.i 51"and Range ExTens Ions
Identification and verification of plant species not previously reported
with ranges extending into the Susitna River Basin was undertaken to document
their presence and range extensions.Unknown species on the various studies
were collected and Identified.If the species had not been identified
previously,It was added to the list of species for the study area.If the
occurrence was outside the range Indicated by Hulten (1968),then it was added
to the range extension list.No special attempt was made to find new species
-37 -
as an end In itself,although several new species were found in the phenology
study because we were looking for forbs and this was the earl lest that plant
ecology studies had been Initiated.
-38 -
Results and discussion of the 3 studies are presented In the same
sequence as In the Methods section;browse inventory,plant phenology,and
Alphabet HII Is pre-burn Inventory and assessment.Results for the browse
inventory and Alphabet HI I Is studies are presented by vegetation type.A
comparison of the browse inventory and Alphabet HII Is vegetation types fol lows
the discussion of the Alphabet Hil Is results.Plant phenology results are
presented by week of study and for individual species through time and by·
study site location.
6.1 -Browse Inventory
During the browse Inventory and plant phenology studies in the Susltna
River Basin,14 new vascular plant species (Table 2)were added to the species
list compl led by McKendrick et al.(1982)and are found In Appendix A.Eight
new species were located upstream during the plant phenology study while 1 new
species was found during the browse Inventory study.Another species,RIbes
hudsonlanym (northern black currant),had been previously found downstream,
but has now also been Identified upstream.A total of 294 vascular plant
species have been found during vegetation studies on the Susitna River
proJ ect.Th I sine I udes a tota I of 58 fam II f es and 146 genera.Two hundred
sixty-eight species In 57 families and 138 genera have been Identified
upstream.Several of these species were not found before because field work
had not started In early as May In the past.
Range extensions for 2 species were made.Prlmula egal Iksensls
(Greenland primrose)and Rlbes hudsonlanum were found upstream.Rjbes
hudsonlanum was previously reported as a downstream extension,but Its
location upstream was also a range extension Additionally,4 genera of
mosses were IdentifIed,and 2 species of lichens were Identified for a
-39 -
previously reported genus.
A list of the scientific and common names of species appearing in this
report are tabulated by life form in Appendix B.For simplification,Saljx
planjfolla subsp.pulchra Is referred to as Sal jx pulchra In this report.
Average OPB measurements for shrub species in the middle Susitna River
Basin are shown In Table 3.Alnus slnuata,Betula papyrtfera,and Salix
glauca OPB measurements all averaged 3.5 mm.Individual OPB measurements
often exceeded these average values.This was particularly evident for some
Sal Ix spp.when they occurred in low densities scattered among less preferred
browse species,e.g.a.glandulosa.Individual OPB measurements were smaller
than the average measurement when smaller twigs adjacent to a dominant
terminal twig were taken in the same bite.From our observations it appeared
that no attempt was made to browse secondary twigs beyond the Initial bite.
The average weight per twig and for the attached leaves was greatest for
a.slnuata (Table 3).Mean weight of attached leaves was similar among~.
pulchra,~.glauca and a.slnyata.Leaves attached to twigs would only be
available as forage either during the summer growing period or after leat drop
In the fall when leaves accumulated on the ground.Some leaves probably
remained on some twigs during at least part of the winter.
The 47 browse Inventory sites were grouped at Level IV of Viereck et al.
(1982)for presentation of results.A much more Intensive sampling effort
woula be required to produce adequate mean and variance estimates for
vegetation types at Level V.Level IV and the associated Level V vegetation
types sampled In the middle Susltna River Basin during summer,1982 are shown
In Table 4.
Ten vegetation types defined at Level IV of Viereck et al.(1982)were
sampled In the middle Susltna River Basin during summer,1982.These 10
-40 -
vegeTation types were classified under 2 broad Level I (Viereck et al.1982)
vegetation classifications;forest and scrub.WithIn the forest
classification are those types wIth trees 3 m or more In height at maturity
and totaling at least 10%crown canopy cover.The scrub classIfication
Includes vegeTation types with <10%tree cover and with low and dwarf shrub
categories comprIsing ~25%absolute cover.
6.1.1 -Forest
The forest classification was subdivided according to:1)the dominant
tree types (I.e.needleleaf,broadleaf and mixed),2)by dominant tree
species,and 3)by tree crown cover percentage.Needleleaf and broadleat
types had at least 75%of the tree cover provided by needleleaf or broadleaf
trees,respectively.The open types contained 25-50%tree cover.The
division between open and closed forest was retained at 50%,rather than the
60%that Viereck et al.(1982)used,to maintain continuity with the studies
conducted by McKendrick et al.(1982).No closed forest types were sampled.
The woodland types had 10-25%tree crown canopy cover. Forest
Needleleaf forests were dominated by Pjcea glayca (white spruce)or Pjcea
mprlana (black spruce).
6.1.1 .1.1.-Oplan Wh f te Spruce Vegetat f on Type
Seven sites were sampled In the Open White Spruce vegetation type.The
Open White Spruce type contained f.glayca as the dominant overstory tree,
although f.~rlana was often present.The tal I shrub (shrubs over 1.5 m In
height)layer was composed entirely of Alnus slnuata (Sitka alder)while the
low shrub (shrubs 20 em -1.5 min height)layer had sma II cover percentages
of Betyla gJand~(resin birch),Sal Ix pulchra (diamond leaf wll low)and~.
glauca (glaucous wi I low)(Tables 5 and 6).Canopy cover percentages for both
-41 -
tal I and low shrubs were very similar between the 0.5-m2 quadrat (Table 5)and
the larger 4-m2 quadrat (Table 6).The dwarf shrub (shrubs <20 cm In heIght)
layer totaled 31~cover,dominated by Yaccinlum ul jgjnosum (bog blueberry)and
1.yjt!s-Idaea (mountain cranberry)(Table 5).As noted by McKendrick et at.
(1982:39)and Viereck (1970:12),the forb Llnnaea borealjs (twinflower)was
observea In thIs study only in vegetation types dominated by f.glayca
overstory.Average percent cover for Individual forbs was low,but they were
relatively consistent from plot-to-plot as evidenced by low standard errors
and low estImated sample sizes (Table 5).The Open White Spruce vegetation
type had low canopy cover of both graminoids and lichens.
The average density of stems (#/ha)for i.glayca and i.lanata was
greater In the Open White Spruce vegetation type than In the other needleleat
forest types sampled in The middle Susltna River BasIn (Table 7).
ApprOXimately 94%of a.glandylosa stems were ~1 cm In basal dIameter.The
greatest density of Sal Ix lanata (Richardson willow)and i.glauca In the
needleleaf forest types was found (n the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation type.
The average basal diameter,height,and percent utilization of tall and
low shrub species in the Open White Spruce vegetation type Is shown In Table
8.The average basal diameter of al I shrubs was less than 2 cm,which
corresponded closely with results from density estimates based on size classes
(Table 7).Percent utilization of tWigs In the Open White Spruce type
averaged 5%for al I shrub species.Alnys slnuata was utll ized In about the
same percentages as the Salix spp.and ~.glandylosa shrubs In this vegetation
type (Tab Ie 8).
Total available biomass of twigs and leaves for shrub species In the npen
White Spruce vegeTation type Is shown In Table 9.Total available woody twig
biomass totaled 208 kg/ha.Thirty-seven percent of aval lable woody twig
-42 -
biomass was ~.sInuata,whIch,presumably,is not a preferred browse species
of moose in the study area.Util ization estimates show slIghtly higher
uti I i zatlon for ~.sInuata (6%)than for .s..pu!chra (4%)(Table 8),which was
probably the most heavi Iy hedged browse species measured in the Open White
Spruce type.The 3 Sal jx spp.composed 54%of the total available tWig
biomass and 58%of the total available leaf biomass (Table 9).Sal jx pulchra
had higher estImates of both available and utilized bIomass than .s..glauca.
Average current annual growth (GAG)of forbs for the 6 sites In the Open
White Spruce vE~getatron type was 159 kg/ha (Table 10).Leaf GAG of shrubs
ranged from 1 to 9 times hIgher in weight than the twig GAG to which they were
attached.al~sInuata,R.acjcularjs,and .s..glauca produced from 9 to 20
kg/ha of leaf GAG biomass.Alnus slnuata also produced the greatest tWig GAG
bIomass (12 kg/hal,while 7,4,and 9 kg/ha of tWig GAG bIomass were produced
by .s.•Q I au c a,a.g I and u los a,and .s..p uIchr a,res pe ct I vel y (Tab Ie 10)•
Approximately 36 kg/ha of twig GAG and 79 kg/ha of leaf GAG were produced by
tal I and low shrubs In the Open White Spruce vegetation type. -Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type
Ten sites were sampled In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type.The
Open Black Spruce type contained f.mariana as the dominant tree In the
overstory layer,although f.glauca was also often present.The understory of
the Open Black Spruce vegetation type (Tables 11 and 12)was similar to the
understory of the Open White Spruce vegetation type (Tables 5 and 6)for both
species composition and percent canopy cover.Alnus slnuata was the only tal I
shrub sampled In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type (Tables 11 and 12).
Betula glandulosa and .s..pu!chra had the greatest canopy cover in the low
shrub layer while Y.ul Iglnosym and ~.nlgrum had the greatest average canopy
cover In the dwarf shrub layer.Viereck (1970:10)showed IncreasIngly greater
-43 -
cover percentages of y.yjtIs-jdaea as the overstory changed from E.glayca to
f.marIana -dominated stands along the Chena River In Interior Alaska.
Although the difference In this study was between the Open Black Spruce and
Open White Spruce vegetation types,our data show the opposite trend in
changing cover of X.yltjs-Idaea (Tables 11 and 5).
Total average moss cover was greater In the Open Black Spruce type than
In the Open White Spruce vegetatIon type (Tables 11 and 5).Sphagnum
glrgensohnlj and Hylocomjum splendens were dominant mosses In a clImax f.
marlana/Sphagnym spp.stand on the Chena River in interior Alaska (Viereck
1970:11).The Open Black Spruce vegetation type In the Susltna River Basin
had low canopy cover of both graminoids and lIchens (Table 11).
The average density of stems/ha for ~.glandulosa and ~.pulchra was
greater In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type than for any other type In
the needleleaf forest (Table 13).Over 97%of ~.glandylosa stems and 62%of
~.pulchra stems were ~1 cm In basal diameter.Betyla glandylosa stem
densities In this size class averaged approxImately 4 stems/m2 in the 10 sites
sampled In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type.The average density of a.
slnuata In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type was comparable In both size
class distribution and density estimates to the Open White Spruce vegetation
type (Tables 13 and 7).
The average basal diameter of ~.glandulosa shrubs was sma I ler in the
Open Black Spruce vegetation type (Table 14)than In the Open White Spruce
vegeTation type (Table 8).This was partially explained by the high density
of 0-1 cm diameter stems In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type (Table 13).
Both~.glauca and~.pylcbra twigs were utilized In the Open Black Spruce
type to a greater extent by browsing animals than In the Open White Spruce
vegetation type.Only 2%of ~.glandylosa and a.slnuata twIgs were utilized.
-44 -
Forty percent of the total available twig biomass In the Open Black
Spruce vegetation type was a.glandulosa while 30%was~.pulchra (Table 15).
Available woody biomass of ~.pulchra was almost 2 times greater In the Open
Black Spruce than In the Open White Spruce vegetation type.In contrast to
the Open White Spruce type,~.pulchra had substantially higher utilized
biomass estimates In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type (Table 15).This
difference was due largely to greater stem densities and higher percent
uti Ilzatlon of ~.pulchra rn the Open Black Spruce type (Tables 13 and 14>'
Betula glandulosa and~.pulchra had the greatest avai lable bromass,together
comprising 67%of the total available biomass.
Total forb CAG was approximately 35%lower in the Open Black Spruce type
than the Open White Spruce type (Table 16).However,total graminold CAG was
10%greater In the Open Black Spruce type (Tables 16 and 10).
Sal Ix pulchra and a.glandulosa had the highest leaf CAG production (Table
16).Total leaf CAGfor tal I and low shrubs was 64 kg/ha and twig CAG totaled
32 kg/ha.Although the bulk of leaf and twig CAG produced in the Open Black
Spruce vegetation type was mainly by ~.pulchra,a.glandylosa,and a.
slnuata,the total leaf and twig CAG estimates were comparable to total CAG
estimates for the Open White Spruce vegetation type. -Woodland Spruce VegeTaTion Type
Three sites were sampled In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type,which
contained both f.marjana and f.glauca in the overstory (Tables 17 and 18).
The average percent cover of a.glandulosa ranged from 1 to 19%over the 3
sites.The dwarf shrub layer was the major contributor to shrub canopy cover
In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type (Table 17).Yacclnium uljginosym,Y.
vjtls-Idaea and f.nIgrum were the dominant dwarf shrubs.Total moss cover
was similar to moss canopy cover in the Open Black Spruce vegetation type
(Tables 17 and 11).Canopy cover of lichens,particularly Cladoola spp.,was
-45 -
greater In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type than in the other needleleaf
forest types that were sampled.
Average density of ~.pulchra and ~.glauca stems was lower in the
Woodland Spruce vegetation type than in other needleleaf forest types (Table
19).Approximately 67%and 96%of ~.pylchra and ~.glauca stems,
respec~lvely,were ~1 cm In basal diameter.Approximately 93%of the~.
glandylosa stems were In the sma I lest basal stem size class (Table 19).
Percent uti I Izatlon of ~.pylchra,~.glayca,and a.sjnuata tWigs was
substantially greater In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type (Table 20)than
either the Open White Spruce (Table 8)or Open Black Spruce (Table 14)types.
It should be noted,however,that the number of plants actually sampled for
those shrub species In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type was low.
Generally,palatable shrub species were observed to be heavily browsed when
densities were low or when they had a scattered distribution.Individual
shrubs often received heavier browsing pressure when growing at low density
than when stem density was relatively greater.
Betula glandulosa made up approximately 78%of the total available
biomass In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type (Table 21).Sal Ix pulcbra had
only 27 kg/ha of woody twig biomass which would be available as winter browse.
Low stem densities (Table 19)and 30%utll ization of ~.pylchra twigs (Table
20)contributed to only 14 kg/ha estimated for twig biomass already utilized.
Total forb CAG biomass estimates were lower in the Woodland Spruce
vegetation type than for any other forest type sampled.Mean forb GAG biomass
was 54 kg/ha and total graminold GAG was 65 kg/ha (Table 22).Total tal I and
low shrub leaf CAG was 20 kg/ha and twig GAG was only 10 kg/ha. -Broadleaf Forest
Broadleaf forest types were restricted to the steep canyon wal Is along
the Susl~na River and tributary drainages.Betyla papyrIfera (paper birch)
-46 -
dominated the overstory of the broadleaf forest type sampled for the browse
Inventory study. -Oplen BIrch Forest VegetatIon Type
Alnus ~was the principal shrub species In the understory of the
single sIte sampled In the Open Birch Forest vegetatIon type (Tables 23 and
24).Below a B.papyrlfera overstory,nearly 50%of the understory vegetation
was composed of forbs (Table 23).Dryopteris spp.(shIeld fern)was the
dominant forb,making up approximately 72%of the total forb cover.Moss
canopy cover was about one-third less than In needleleaf forest types.Nearly
50%of the ground layer was covered by litter,primarily leaves of B.
12 a pyrifera.
Species of Sal Ix were essentially absent In the Open Birch Forest
vegetation type (Tables 23,24,and 25).Very low densities of B.glandylosa,
al I with smal I basal diameters,were found In this type.Alnus slnuata,
growIng in the understory of B.papyrIfera In this vegetation type,had the
highest stem densities (0.5/m 2 )of all vegetation types sampled (Table 25).
Alnys sInuatcl growing in the Open Birch Forest vegetation type also had the
largest average basal stem diameter and height measured In any of the
vegetation types sampled (Table 26).Percent utIlIzation of both B.
glandulosa and a.slnuata twIgs was very low In this type •
About 99%of available browse for moose In the Open Birch Forest was A.
sinuata (Table 27>'However,utIlizatIon of A.sinyata was almost
.non-existent for the 48 stems sampled In this type (Table 26),thus biomass
estImates for utIlized A.sinuata leaves and twIgs were also very low.
The Open Birch Forest type had by far the largest canopy cover of forbs
of al I vegeTatIon types sampled (Table 23),averaging 578 kglha CAG biomass
(Table 28).The forb CAG was composed prImarily of pryopteris spp.,however
Ljnnaea ~,Lycopodium spp.,Cornus canadensIs,and Rubus chamaemorys
-47 -
were consistently found In plots sampled in this type (Table 23J.Alnus
slnuata was the only tal I shrub that occurred In plots sampled in the Open
Birch Forest vegetation type,averaging only 2 kg/ha woody CAG biomass (Table
28). -MIxed Forest
The mixed forest types had overstory cover that was intermediate between
that of needleleaf forests and broadleaf forests.The mixed forest type is
typical of interior Alaska and is dominated by a f.glayca and a.papyrifera
overstory.McKendrick et al.(1982:43)suggested that mixed forests were
probably successional stands which developed as needleleaf forest replaced
broadleaf forests. -Open Spruce-BIrch Forest VegetatIon Type
The f.glayca -a.papyrlfera dominated overstory of the single site
sampled in the Open Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type was located on a
south-facing slope of the Susltna River canyon.The low shrub Rlbes trlste
(red currant)and dwarf shrubs 1.,.yItrs-ldaea,y.ullgInosym,and Ledym
groenlandlcum were common understory shrub species (Table 29).Betula
glandulosa was the only low shrub species sampled In the 4-002 quadrats (Table
30).Epfloblym angustlfol Iym,Mertensla panIculata,and ~.canadensis were
the dominant forbs (Table 29).Llnnaea boreal Is was found In the Open
Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type in approximately the same cover
percentages as tn the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation type;both have f.glauca
trees In the overstory.Similar to the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,
lItTer cover was high (59%).However,moss cover was low (6%)in relation to
the Open Birch Forest (Tables 29 and 23).Low densIty and a clumped
distribution patTern in this vegetation type resulted In no shrubs being
rooted in the 4-m 2 quadrats.Thus,stem densities could not be calculated for
shrub species.
-48 -
Where E.glandulosa and ~.sjnuata shrubs were present In the Open
Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type,they were uti I Ized relatively more
neavi Iy than in other vegetation types (Table 31).
Total for"b GAG biomass in the Open Spruce Birch Forest vegetation
type was approximately half as abundant In the Open Spruce Forest,averaging
284 kg/ha (Table 32).Populus balsamifera (balsam poplar)had 6 kg/ha and
~aclcularis had 5 kg/ha of twig GAG biomass.Sixty-nine percent (42 kg/ha)
of the total leaf GAG biomass (61 kg/ha)was R.aclcularjs.WOOdy twig GAG
totaled 13 kg/ha in this type (Table 32).
6.1.2 -Scrub -Low Shrub Scrub
Low shrub scrub vegetation was composed of vegetation types dominated by
shrubs between 20 cm and 1.5 m In height and with L 25%canopy cover of shrubs
~.In this height range.Total canopy cover of tal I shrubs such as ~.slnuata
was <25". -Dwarf Birch Vegetation Type
The low shrub E.glandylosa dominated the 19 sites sampled In the Dwarf
Birch vegetation type (Tables 33 and 34).Sal ix pulchra,a preferred Item in
moose dIets (MI Ike 1969,Peek 1970),was scattered In distrIbution In this
vegetation type ..Other predominant shrub species included the dwarf shrubs Y.
yl 19lnosum,f.nigrym and L.groenlandicurn (Table 33).Total J Ichen cover was
20%,which was the second largest mean total lichen cover for all vegetatIon
types sampled.Gladooia spp.and Stereocaylaon paschale were the prevalent
I ichen species In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type (Table 33).
The greatest density of B.glandulosa stems of al I vegetation types
sampled was in the Dwarf Birch vegetation type (Table 35).Approximately 88%
of the stems had basal diameters ~1 ern In size.Many small seedlings and
root sprouts of E.glandulosa occurred In the Dwarf Birch type.The average
-49 -
density of 74,677 stems/ha for al I size classes combined yielded over 7
stems/m2 ,most of which were about 70 em In height <Table 34}.Salix pulchra
had a scattered distribution and was subdomlnant to~.glandulosa.
Betyla glandulosa occurred In 81%of 1,140 quadrants used to sample
uti I Izatlon at 19 sites in the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,but received only
very light utilization (Table 36).Approximately 23%of the quadrants for the
19 sItes In this vegetation type contained S.pulchra.Where present,S.
lanata was uti I Ized to a greater extent than other Sal ;x spp.shrubs In the
Dwarf Birch type.However,very low densities of S.lanata precluded an
accurate assessment of the importance of that species as forage.
By far the dominant shrub species in terms of browsable forage for moose
in Dwarf Birch vegetation types was ~.glandylosa,totaling 535 kg/ha in
available twig biomass alone (Table 37).However,only an average of 3%of ~.
glandulosa twigs were ut11 Ized over the 19 sItes sampled In this type (Table
36).This low utilization of ~.glandylosa as forage was probably due to the
relatively large amount of area dominated by this species (33,549 ha)
(McKendrick et al.1982)and low palatability of the species.However,~.
glandu/osa mIght be eaten by moose when snow covers the lower-growing Salix
spp.or when more palatable forage species become limited.
Betula glandulosa and S.pulchra were the major shrubs In terms of leaf
and twig CAG In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type (Table 38).Total leaf CAG
for the 2 low shrub species was 64 kg/ha while total twig CAG biomass was 35
kg/ha.Forb CAG (12 kg/ha)was tower in the Dwarf Birch type than any other
vegeTation type sampled.
-50 -
- -DWCllrf BIrch-WIllow VegetatIon Type
The sIngle site sampled in the Dwarf Birch-Wil low type was in a wetter
area than sites in the Dwarf Birch type.Sal jx pulchra was the dominant
wil low species (Tables 39 and 40).Low-growing~.glandulQsa was also present
in the Dwarf Birch-Wil IQW vegetatIon type.¥acclnlum ul Iglnosym was the most
abundant dwarf shrub,averaging 13%canQpy CQver (Table 39).Forbs and
gramlnQlds had greaTer CQver percentages In this type than the Dwarf Birch
vegetatiQn type,probably due primarily tQ the mQlsture regimes fQund In
assQclatlon with the Dwarf Birch-Wil low vegetation type.Total mQSS CQver was
IQwer than the total moss cover in the Dwarf Birch vegetation type (Tables 39
and 33).
Betula ~ndulQsa had greater stem densities than ~.pulchra In the Dwarf
Birch-Wi I IQW vegetatiQn type (Table 41).AI I ~.glandulosa stems were ~1 coo
in basal diameter.ApprQxlmately 67%Qf the~.pulchra stems were ~1 coo in
basal diameter.
Percent ut I I I zat I Qn of ~.g I andy I osa was very low in the Dwarf
Birch-Wil low vegetation type (Table 42).Stem densities Qf ~.pulchra were
low (Table 41),but utilization was higher than fQr~.glandylosa (Table 42).
BrQwsing of shrubs with low densities might inadvertently suggest that~.
glauca was a major forage items in the diet Qf moose.HQwever,heavily
browsed shrub species with IQW densities may nQt necessarily be preferred
forage species.Animals may browse plants that,In IQW densIties,sustain
higher util IzatlQn per plant than dQ the same plants when they occur at
greaTer densities.Utilization data alone cannot determine forage preference.
InfQrmatlon on animal diets is also necessary,as wei I as InformatIon on the
eCQIQgy of the animal (Johnson 1980).
The number of unbrowsed twigs of ~.glandulosa was nearly 8 tImes greater
than fQr ~.~Jlchra,reflecting calculated avaIlable leaf,twig,and tQtal
-51 -
biomass of the 2 species In the Dwarf BIrch-WI I low vegetation type (Table 43).
Total available biomass In the Dwarf Birch-WI I low vegetation type was 451
kg/ha,of which approximately half was twig and half was leaf biomass (Table
Betyla glandulosa and ~.pulcbra were the 2 major shrub species In terms
of twig and leaf CAG In the Dwarf Blrch-WII low vegetation type (Table 44).
Salix pulchra had 3.7 times as much leaf CAG aso6.glandulosa but only twice
as much twig CAG biomass.In contrast to the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,the
wetTer soil moisture conditions predominating In the Dwarf Birch-WI I low type
averaged 88 kg/ha of forb CAG biomass (Table 44).The forb CAG biomass was
composed of Petasltes frigidus,Cornus canadensIs,and Rubus chamaemorus
(Table 39).Gramlnold CAG was composed primarily of Caiamagrostis canadensis
and Carex spp.(Table 39).Total leaf and twig CAG biomass for tall and low
shrubs was 56 kg/ha and 24 kg/ha,respectively,in the Dwarf Birch-Willow
vegeTatIon type. -Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra VegeTaTion Type
The Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra had low-growing dwarf shrubs and the
largest canopy cover of I ichens of al I vegetatIon types sampled (Tables 45 and
46).The predominant shrubs in this type were the erlcaceous dwarf shrubs Y.
ulIglnosum,.E.nlgrym,.L.groenlandlcym and y.yitIs-ldaea (Table 45>-
Cladonla spp.and Stereocaulon pascbale were the most Important components of
the lichen canopy cover.
Betula glanduJosa was the only low shrub which occurred In plots sampled
In the Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra (Table 47).Stem densities of~.
glandylosa were simi lar to those found in the Woodland Spruce (Table 19)and
Dwarf Birch-Wi I low (Table 41)vegetation types.Percent utilizatIon of shrubs
In the Open Ertcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type was very low (Table 48).
Betyla glandulQsa averaged 84 kg/ha leaf biomass and 111 kg/ha twIg
-52 -
biomass (Table 49).Shrubs In this vegetation type were low-growing,and
would be covered when snow exceeded 0.5 m In depth.
The Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type had 51 kg/ha and 17
kg/ha GAG biomass of forbs and graminoids,respectively (Table 50).Betula
glandulosa was the only shrub with GAG biomass estimates. -Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog VegeTaTion Type
The Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog vegetation type Is common on ridges,
lowlands,depressions,and poorly drained flats (McKendrick et al.1982).
Scattered f.mariana were In the overstory layer (Tables 51 and 52).Betula
glandulosa was the only low shrub species with >1~cover in the 1 site
sampled in this vegetation type.The erlcaceous shrubs~.nIgrum,Y.
ullgloQsum,and L.groenlandjcum were common plants Tn this type (Table 51).
Rubus chamaemo~and Garex spp.were also present.Sphagnum spp.moss made
up a large proportion of the total moss cover in the Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphqgnum
Bog vegeTation "type <Table 51).Seven percent of the area sampled was covered
by standing water.
Stem densiTies of ~.glandulosa In the Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog
vegetation type (Table 53)approximated those found In the Open Black Spruce
vegetation type (Table 13).Utilization of low-growlng~.glandylosa shrubs
was very low (Table 54).
Similar to the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra type,~.glandulosa was the
only low shrub which occurred In quadrats sampled In the Erlcaceous
Shrub-Sphagnum Bog vegetation type.Betyla glandulosa averaged only 40 cm In
height (Table 54),so snow depths exceeding 0.4 m would Inhibit utilization of
these shrubs by browsing moose.Twig biomass available above 40 cm was 67
kg/ha for ~.~Iandulosa (Table 55).Uti I Izatlon of~.glandulosa for forage
In the Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog vegetation type was almost non-existent
(Tables 55 and 54).Forb GAG biomass totaled 154 kg/ha In the Erlcaceous
-53 -
Shrub-Sphagnum 80g vegetation type (Table 56).Leaf and twig CAG biomass of
~.glandulosa was very low In relation to stem densities totaling 45,550
stems/ha (Table 53)and 67 kg/ha available twig biomass (Table 55). -Dwarf Shrub Scrub
Dwarf shrub scrub vegetation types are composed of scrub vegetation that
is <20 cm In height and has ~25%canopy cover of dwarf shrubs. -low Willow Tundra VegetatIon Type
The Low Wi Ilow Tundra vegetation type was composed of low-growing
«20 cm)~.pulchra In the shrub layer (Tables 57 and 58).The single site
sampled In this higher elevatIon vegetation type was dominated by~.nlgrum
and y.yllglnosum in the dwarf shrub layer.A total of 12 forbs were sampled
In this type,of which Artemisia spp.(wormwood),Leytkea pectlnata (Ieutkea)
and yiola spp.(violet)had the largest average canopy cover (Table 57).
The greatest density of ~.pulcbra stems in the vegetation types sampled
was found In the Low Wil low Tundra vegetation type (Table 59).These low
growing shrubs were relatively random In their distribution as noted by the
smal I estImated sample sIze.Density of ~.pulchra stems averaged over 5
stems/m2 In thIs vegetation type.Al I stems of ~.pulchra were <1 cm In
basal dIameter.
Total gramlnold and forb CAG biomass was 86 kg/ha and 132 kg/ha In the
Low WII low Tundra vegetatIon type (Table 60).Sal Ix pulchra had 145 kg/ha of
leaf CAG biomass and 24 kg/ha of twig CAG biomass.
A summary of current annual growth leaf and twIg biomass,density,gross
available twig biomass,and percent utIlIzation of twigs for the 10 Level IV
vegeTatIon types In the Susltna browse Inventory study Is shown In Table 61.
6.1.3 -DIscussion
The 47 sItes sampled for the browse inventory study encompassed
-54 -
approximately 27 vegetation types classified at Level V of Viereck et al.
(1982)(Table 4).These 27 Level V vegetation types combined into 10
vegetation types classified at Level IV of Viereck et ale (1982).Level IV
vegeTation types,whose classification was based on canopy cover percentages
of trees and shrubs by species,were used for this report because most Level V
vegeTation types were represented by only 1 sample site.
In an Inventory of browse quantity,it would not be practical to
subdivide vegeTation types to the lowest common denominator,particularly if
that denominator is not a plant species keyed in some way to moose.
Subdividing vegeTation communities requires that discriminating criteria be
establ ished to identify and distinguish between those vegetation communities.
Level V vegeTation types,as described by Viereck et al.(1982),enl ist a
number of dominant plant species as descriptive criteria.For Level V
vegeTation types In the middle Susitna River Basin these Include:1)dominant
overstory trees such as f.glauca,E.mariana,Populus balsamifera,and B.
papyrlfera;2)the tall shrub ~.slnuata;3)low shrubs such as B.glandylosa,
£.pylchra,and £.glayca;4)dwarf shrubs like 1.yl iginosum,1.yitis-idaea,
.E..nIgru m,and 1.groenlandjcym;and 5)ground layer species such as mosses
(e.g.Sphagnum spp.),lichens (peltjgeraspp.,Nephroma spp.,Cetraria spp.,
Qladonla spp),forbs (Rubus chamaemorus,Petasjtes frjgjdys,Cornus
canadensis),and graminoids (Qalamagrostjs canadensjs,Carex spp.).Both
individual species and complexes of species are used In the classification
Although a vegetation type Is composed of many plant species,certain
species are more Important to moose than other plant species.Trees are
useful descriptive criteria for defining vegetation types for moose because
they are Impor1rant components of moose hab Itat.Trees prov i de esca pe as we I I
-55 -
as thermal cover,and also forage In some Instances.The relative abundance
of trees Is often Indicative of the understory plant species composition;an
Important attribute when classifying and mapping vegetation.Shrubs are also
useful descriptive crIteria for defining vegetation types as they relate to
the habitat requirements of moose.Woody browse may supply over 95%of the
winter diet of moose (Spencer and Chatelain 1953).Shrub species composition
Is particularly Important because moose are known to exhibit a preference for
some shrub species over others (Milke 1969,Peek 1970,Machlda 1979).Thus
the Identification of Important shrub species In a vegetation aSSOciation Is
also a useful criterion In defining a vegetation type as It relates to moose
habitat reqUirements.
Dwarf shrubs,forbs,gramlnolds,and lichens are probably most useful as
criteria for defining vegeTation types as they may relate to moose spring and
summer food habits.Murle (1944)stated that grasses,sedges,various herbs,
and submerged vegetation were eaten by moose In summer.Summer diet of 3
semi-tame moose on the Kenai Peninsula was composed of one-fourth forbs
Including Rubus chamaemorus,Epllobjum angystlfol Iym,and f.latlfo!rum (Le
Resche and Davis 1973).Le Resche and Davis (1973)reported that mushrooms
(Basidiomycetes)were eaten whenever found,and that grasses,sedges,and
aquatic plants constituted about 10%of the observed diet.During winter when
snow depths exceeded 30 coo the dwarf shrub Y.yItls-ldaea was reported to
comprise 26%of moose diets (Le Resche and Davis 1973).Under poor range
conditions on the Kenai Peninsula,Le Resche and Davis (1973)reported lichens
(Peltlgera spp.)as 24%of the diet.Species of moss are Important In
characterization of vegetatIon types,especially successional areas (Viereck
1970,L.A.Viereck,INF,personal communication),but they have limited
value as moose forage.
-56 -
Classlflcaltlon of vegetation types to Level IV for the shrub scrub types
of Viereck et ail.(1982)represents a more useful scheme for identifying moose
habitat than Level V.However,Level V would be more appropriate for the
forest and dwarf tree scrub types since the dominant shrub species In the
understory would be Included.Restructuring of Level V vegetation types to
Include only dominant tal I and low shrubs used by moose for forage might also
benefit the evaluation of moose habitat.Vegetation types within Level V
could be distrnguished by changes in percent cover of dominant tal I and low
shrub species.
The Open White Spruce vegetation type occurred on gentle to steep slopes
where drainage was adequate for growth of f.glauca.Picea mariana also
occurred In the Open White Spruce type where gentle slopes Intergraded with
relatively level,wet areas.Species composition and canopy cover percentages
among the Open White Spruce,Open Black Spruce,and Woodland Spruce vegetation
types were similar.Two of the 3 sites In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type
were dominated by f.glauca overstory.Total low shrub and dwarf shrub canopy
cover In the O.5-m 2 quadrats averaged 12%and 35%,respectively,among the 3
needleleat forest vegeTation types.Total moss cover averaged 46%.
Canopy cover of A.slnuata was higher In the Open Birch Forest vegetation
type than any other type sampled.Alnus slnuata grew In narrow,vertical
bands extending from the upper elevatlonal limits of the Open Birch Forest In
the Susltna River canyon down the steep slopes to the edge of the river
floodplain.These vertical bands of A.slnuata were discontinuous,but
generally followed drainage courses down hillsides.pryopterls spp.was the
predominant forb In the Open Birch Forest vegetation type.Total forb and
I itTer cover together accounted for 92%of the ground surface area sampled in
this vegetation type.
-57 -
Betula glandulosa averaged 22%canopy cover in the Dwarf Birch vegetation
type.Important dwarf shrubs were .E..nigrum and y.ullglnosum.In contrast
to the Dwarf Birch-Wi t low vegetation type,the Dwarf Birch type had little
foro cover.The Dwarf Birch vegetation type was situated on ridge-tops or
slopes with good sol I moisture drainage.Forb cover and biomass was greater
In the Dwarf Birch-WII low vegetation type.Many areas of standing water were
evidence of the relatively wet site conditions In this vegetation type.
The Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra and Ericaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog
vegetation types had low-growing ericaceous (Erlcaceae)shrubs as the main
shrub component.Lichen cover,notably Cladonla spp.and Stereocauloo
paschale,was greater In the Open Ericaceous Shrub Tundra type while moss
cover was 1.9 times greater In the Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog vegetation
Percent canopy cover of ~.pulchra was greater In the Low WII low Tundra
vegetation type than In any other type,averaging 18%In the 0.5-m2 quadrats.
Most of the S.pulchra was shorter than 40 cm In height.Thus It would be
less avaIlable as winter forage for moose when snows exceeded 40 cm In depth
unless cleared by wind or moose digging Into the snow.
In a study designed to determine the relative preference by moose for
various species of Sal Ix In InterIor Alaska near FaIrbanks,Milke (1969)found
that ~.pulchra was generally browsed more Intensively than other species of
Sal Ix when It and other species were growing together.In each of 4 study
areas where both ~.pulchra and ~.glauca occurred together,Milke (1969)
ranked S.pulchra as the preferred species.Saljx lanata was preferred over
S.py Icbra at 2 of 3 study areas where both species occurred (MIl ke 1969).
MI Ike (1969)stated that S.glayca was almost without exception one of the
most lIghtly browsed species of Sal Ix studied.It was a common occurrence on
-58 -
the InterIor Alaska study plots to see "substantIally browsed"~.pulchra
plants adjacent to a stand of unbrowsed~.glauca.Milke (1969)found this
trend to be consistent over al I 7 of the study areas he InvestIgated,leading
to the conclusIon that ~.pulchra was preferred by moose over most other Sal jx
spp.at those sItes.ExtrapolatIng to Important moose range throughout
Interior Alaska,Milke (1969)ranked In order of decreasing preference by
moose the species of Sa!Ix whIch were studied.For the species of Salix
referenced by Milke (1969)that were measured in the middle SusItna ~iver
BasIn browse Inventory study,the order of decreasIng preference was as
follows:1)~.pulcbra,2)~.lanata,and 3)~.glauca.Murle (1961)
IndIcated that of the more than 20 species of Sal Ix in Mt.McKinley National
Park,~.pulchr:g,was 1 of 3 species preferred by moose.
In the SuslTna Basin vegetatIon types where both ~.pulchra and ~.glayca
occurred together,and percent utIlization estimates were made for each
species,utilIzation estImates of~.glayca exceeded those for~.pylchra In 4
out of 5 vegetation types.Also average percent utI!IzatIon of ~.glayca was
greater than~.lanata In 1 of 2 vegetation types.
The reasons for the apparent contradiction In the preference or use of ~.
glayca between the Susltna stUdy and those reported for Milke's (1969)data In
Interior Alaska could possibly be related to the relative availability of
species of ~~In different vegetatIon types.Stem densiTIes of ~.pylchra,
~.lanata,and ~.glayca were al I approximately equal (4667 to 8548 stems/hal
In the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation type,where percent utIlization ranged
from 4 to 6%.Slmllarly,~.glayca and ~.pulchra stem densities ranged from
1278 to 2167 stems/ha,respectively,In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type
where utIlIzation was 22%and 30%,respectIvely.In the Open WhIte Spruce and
Woodland Spruce vegetatIon types,stem densities of any specIes of Salix
-59 -
ranged from 5%to 74%of the total stem density of E.glandulosa.In the Open
Black Spruce,Dwarf Birch and Dwarf Blrch-Wil low vegetation types,stem
densities of both ~.pulchra and the much less utilized E.glandulQsa (Spencer
and Hakala 1964)far exceeded those for~.glauca and/or~.lanata.However,
percent utilization of the species of Sal Ix with low stem densities was
greater than those with higher stem densities.Observations of browsed shrubs
for this study suggested that,although in most areas the Intensity of
browsing within the previous 2 years had been relatively light,almost every
~.pulchra shrub had been browsed to some degree.In a given locality,most
~.pylchra shrubs were consistently lightly to moderately hedged and exhibited
the growth form of shrubs which had been moderately to heavily hedged In the
past.Sal Ix glayca and~.lanata shrubs were usually more scattered In
distributIon than ~.pylchra,but,although they received a higher degree of
recent uti I Izatlon than ~.pylchra In most cases,they were Jess consistently
browsed.Standard errors for percent utilIzation estimates were higher for
both ~.glayca and ~.!anata than for ~.pylchra in al I vegetation types
sampled where these specIes occurred together.
Milke (1969),however,observed that the relative rarity or abundance of
a species of Sal Ix In Interior Alaska did not affect Its degree of utilization
to an extent greater than did the species'Inherent palatabl I Ity.Milke
(1969)found that certaIn species of Salix including~.glauca were poorly
utilized by moose,regardless of its relative abundance,on all the study
areas on which the species occurred.Milke (1969)reported that~.glauca was
poorly utilized on study areas where It was abundant as wei I as on study areas
where it was scarce.Conversely,Mi Ike (1969)noted that ~.pylchra was
heavily browsed by moose whether It was very abundant or relatively uncommon.
For Sal Ix spp.occurring in InterIor Alaska,species utilization by moose was
-60 -
not correlated with species density (Milke 1969).Milke (1969)also concluded
that neither relative abundance nor density of Sal Ix spp.observably affected
the degree to which moose utilized the plants.Rather,the inherent
palatability of a species Tends to override the effects of relative abundance
or densiTy on browsing Intensity.
One other Ireason why ,S,.g I auca Is browsed more heav IIY than ,S,.pu Ichra In
the middle Susltna River Basin study may be the physical proximity of ,S,.
glayca stems to nearby,S,.pulchra stems.Mi Ike (1969)observed moose feeding
on ,S,.pu!chra that,whl Ie standing in place,would briefly browse nearby ,S,.
glauca or ,S,.lanata plants that were within reach.This type of feeding
behavior suggests a possible explanation for the abnormal degree of
utilization on the lower preference Sal Ix spp.shrubs that occur In low
densiTy or wIth scattered dIstributTon In the immediate vicInity of a more
hTghly preferred forage species.In addition,other herbivores such as
caribou (BangIfer tarandys),rodents,leporlds,and insects may be selectively
browsIng ,S,.~.a.u.s;.a.InformatTon on the food habits of moose In the middle
SusiTna River Basin Is essential to determine forge preferences of this
Average DPB measurements for al I shrub species sampled in the middle
Susltna River Basin study area were larger than the average measurements of
basal diameter of current annual growth of twigs.The mean DPB was:1)121%
for A.sinyata;2)133%for a.glandulosa;3)152%for a.papyrlfera;4)184~
for ,S,.glayca,and 5)147%for ,S,.pulchra greater than the basal diameter of
current year's growth for each respectIve shrub species.Peek et al.(1976J
described a SImIlar situation in northeasTern Minnesota where mean DPB's
averaged 111%greater than the basal diameter of current year's growth for al J
shrub species.The DPB increase over basal diameter of current annual growth
-61 -
twigs for the 5 shrub species In the middle Susltna River BasIn averaged 147%.
Peek et al.(1976)suggested that their estimates of utilization based on
percentages of current annual growth leaders probably underestimated actual
utr I Izatlon of twigs on a weight basis.This conclusion was based on the
premise that either more than the current year's growth was browsed or that
only larger twigs were eaten (Peek et al.1976).The available and uti I Ized
leaf biomass estimates for the Susitna study do not have the same Inherent
calculation error as Peek et al.(1976).Our utilization estimates for
available and utll ized twig and leaf biomass were calculated from twigs
cl ipped at an average point-of-browslng calculated for each shrub species
rather than at the basal diameter of current annual growth.Except for
occasional cases where~.glauca and~.lanata current annual growth of twigs
was stimulated by past browsing and were long and robust_DPB's extended below
the current year's growth.
Removal of 100%of the avai lable twig biomass back to the DPB we have
used would concurrently remove 100%of the previous summer's current annual
growth as wei I as a portion of the plants 2-yr_and/or 3-yr-old stem growth.
In species of Sallx_96%of the lateral dormant buds were located on 1-yr-old
stems (Archer and Tieszen 1980).Lateral dormant buds were those which would
respond by InitiatIng leaf or twig growth fol lowing removal of the termInal
bud.Three percent of the bud production In Sal Ix spp.was located on
2-yr-old stems and about 1%was on 3-yr-old stems (Archer and Tieszen 1980).
The average Sal Ix plant Initiated growth of leaves and lateral twigs from less
than 20%of its visible buds during spring and summer growth.Archer and
Tieszen (1980)concluded that a Salix shrub experiencing partial defoliation
of leaves durIng the growIng season had great potential to replace
photosynthetic tIssue lost to herbivores because buds were stili Intact.
-62 -
However,if terminal 1-and 2-yr-old stems were removed along with current
growth,particularly If it occurred late in the growing season,shrubs could
not regenerate photosynthetic tissue in time to recover the energy investment
before the end of the growing season (Archer and Tieszen 1980).
Archer and Tieszen's (1980)work on ~.pulcbra demonstrated that removal
of terminal growth back to 5-to 7-yr-old growth stimulated the development of
terminal long-shoots from suppressed lateral buds buried in the cambIum.This
growth far exceeded growth of termInal long-shoots under non-defoliation
conditions (Archer and Tieszen 1980).However,the energy reserves of a plant
may become depleted if al I terminal stem growth back to 3-yr-old stems were
removed over a number of consecutive years during the growing season.
Wolff (1978)found that browsed branches of ~.scouleriana (Scouler
wil low)produced more than unbrowsed branches durIng subsequent growing
seasons over a :3-yr period.However,continuous browsing during the growing
season over several years may eventually deplete plant or soIl reserves,
causing eventual decl ine in productivity (Menke 1973).Aldous (1952)reported
that a.papyri~could withstand cr ipplng of 50%of the current year's
growth over a 6-year period without loss of production.Several authors have
~uggested that 50%browse utilization may give maximum sustained production of
hardwood browse (Spencer and Chatelain 1953,Kreftlng et al.1966,Wolff 1976,
Wo I ff 1978)•
Based on this argument,available and utilized leaf and twig biomass as
wei I as current annual growth biomass estimates reported here should be
reduced by at least 50%.This reduction would provide more reasonable
estimates of the actual amount of forage available when calculatIng carrying
capacities of v-agetatlon types for moose.More information is needed on shrub
response to the degree of utll ization by moose and Its season of use.
-63 -
Assuming The daily consumption rate of forage for adult moose was 13
kg/day (C.C.Schwartz,ADF&G,persQnal cQmmunicatiQn),and 50%of available
twig biQmass of al I shrub species was cQnsumed,the Open White Spruce
vegeTation type (104 kg/ha)WQuid suppQrt 8 moose/ha for 1 day.It follows
that 1 mQQse cou Id surv i ve fQr 8 days Qn each hectare,or 8 mQQse days/ha.
Using vegeTatlQn type area estimates fQr the pQrtlon Qf the middle Susltna
River Basin 16 km Qn either side Qf the Susltna River from GQld Creek to the
Maclaren River repQrted by McKendrick et al.(1982),the Open White Spruce
vegetation type could support 414 mQose-days fQr a winter 210 days IQng.
These estimates are prQbably tOQ high.Certain brQad assumptiQns must be made
in order tQ use the fQregQlng technique:
AssumptiQn #1:MQQse occupy al I geQgraphical areas and vegetatiQn types
HQwever,mOQse wil I nQt make full use Qf a large geQgraphlcal area such
as the Open White Spruce vegetatiQn type unless pQpulatiQns are eXTremely
large.Variables such as snQW depth,slQpe,aspect,wind speed and directiQn,
general mQvements,behaviQral patTerns,and prQxlmity TQ a IQcal ized SQurce of
fQrage al I tnteracttQ influence the use Qf a vegetatiQn type by mQQse.MoQse
In the middle Susltna River Basin were nQt randomly distributed thrQughQut al I
vegetatlQn types during all times of year (Ballard et al.1982L
AssumptlQn #2:All shrub species are equally preferred,equally
palatable,and equally utilized by moose.
AlthQugh preference and/Qr brQwslng Intensity Qn different species Qf
shrubs varies by locality,assQclatlQn with mQre preferred shrub species,and
animal behaviQr,SQme shrub species such as ~.slnuata and a.glandulQsa
presumably do nQt make up a large prQpQrtlQn Qf the diet Qf mQQse Qn ranges
where Sal Ix spp.are abundant.HQwever,wlthQut specific fQQd habits
-64 -
information on moose In the middle Susitna River Basin,accurate estimates of
the relative importance of shrub species cannot be determined.A 55%
reduction In mo()se-daysfor a 210 day winter was calculated if a maximum of
~10%of the winter diet were composed of aval lable~.slnuata and a.glandulosa
twigs and the remainder of the diet were composed of Sal ix spp.twigs In the
Open White Spruce vegetation type.
Assumption #3:Moose consume woody browse only during the winter months.
However,utilization of woody browse Is not restricted to the winter
months.Moose were observed to browse current annual growth of tWigs and
leaves,particularly of ~.pulchra,throughout the summer growing season.
Summer diet of moose are dominated by~.pulchra In DenalI National Park (v.
Van Ba IIenberghEl,INF,persona I cammun i cat I on)•
Therefore,the actual calculation of carrying capacity for vegetation
types,and subsequently for the middle Susitna River Basin as a whole,rests
on assumptions whose accuracy cannot be addressed within the scope of this
study.Periodicity,tIming,and season of use of various vegetation types by
moose are valuable InformatIon in assigning the relative Importance of various
shrub species.Activity patTerns (e.g.feeding,resting,hiding)of moose
_within vegetation types Is needed to determine the reasons why those
vegeTation types are used.Food habits must be determined to rank shrub
species and to ascertain the composition of food Items In moose diets.Of
course,the presence and ab undance of preferred forage spec I es wi J I we I gh
heav II yin detl~rm InI ng the re I at I ve I mportance for moose of the vegetation
types sampled In this study.Ballard et al.<1982:70)commented that the
distribution of species of Sal ix preferred by moose probably strongly
Influenced seasonal distribution of moose In the middle Susltna River Basin.
However,presence or absence of pI ant spec Ies,or even ab undance of forage
-65 -
based on canopy cover,stem densities,and biomass estimates alone do not
provide the complete picture when assessing the importance of the various
vegetation types to moose in the middle Susitna River Basin.
6.1.4 -Susltna Basin Soils
Soi Is information in this study was collected for comparison between the
proposed Alphabet Hil Is burn and those locations sampled within and near the
proposed Susitna dam impoundment areas.Similar sampling techniques and
analysis were employed for that purpose.Unless otherwise stated,means
presented in the text reflect the average for the entire soil profile sampled
(0-15 cm). -Open WhiTe Spruce VegetaTion Type
Within the Open White Spruce vegetation type,pH averaged 5.97±0.71 (x±
standard deviation).Averages for each depth (Table 62)within this
vegetation type ranged from 5.93 to 6.05 (moderately to slightly acidic).
Individual readings within the Open White Spruce vegetation type varied from
4.90 to 6.71 for depths 0-5 cm,5-10 cm,and 10-15 cm,indicating that soils
ranged from strongly acidic to neutral.
Macronutrlent concentrations were greatest for calcium at
1680.94±1506.11,ppm (parts per million),followed by magnesium
(245.62±252.06 ppm),and potassium (52.09±23.06 ppm).Average concentrations
of macronutrlents were always greater in the 0-5 cm depth than either the 5-10
or 10-15 cm depths.Viereck (1970)noted that greater levels of potassium,
mognesium,and calcium were often found In association with the greatest
concentrations of organic matter in study areas adjacent to the Chena River in
interior Alaska.
Micronutrient concentrations were greatest for iron (300.51±133.90 mg/g),
followed by manganese (23.19±27.29 mg/g),copper (2.30±.2.21 mg/g),and zinc
-66 -
(1 .44±1 .41 mg/g).
Average percent organic matter of sampled soils was 9.24±7.50 in the Open
White Spruce vegeTation type.Organic matter decreased (Table 62)from the
0-5 cm depth through the 10-15 cm depth.
Total nT~rogen and phosphorus averaged 0.28±0.23%and 0.07±0.03%,
respectively.Total nitrogen and phosphorus are usually correlated with
organIc matter content of soils (Hausenbui I ler 1978).AssocIated decreases In
total nItrogen and phosphorus content with increasing soil depth are not
Texture classification would be loamy wIth 37.47±10.27%sand,46.35±8.26%
sl It,and 16.18±6.28%clay In the Open White Spruce vegetatTon type. -Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type
In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,pH averaged 6.09±0.54.Average
pH for each depth In this vegetation type (Table 63)ranged from 5.88 to 6.29.
Individual readings in the Open Black Spruce vegetation type varied from 5.36
to 6.51 for depths 0-5 cm,5-10 cm,and 10-15 cm,reflecting a moderately to
sl ightly acidic soil pH range •.-
Macronutrlent concentratIons were greatest for calcium
".."( 2537 •25±231 5 •91 ppm),f 0 I I owed by mag nes i urn (3 10•20 ±2 68•06 ppm),and
potassium (61.10±42.56 pmm).High concentrations of calcium would be expected
since calcium is often a more abundant element than either magnesium or
potass I urn (HauslEmbu iIIer 1978).
Micronutrilent concentrations were greatest for Iron (456.37±287.36 mg/g),
.-followed by manganese (86.36±121.59 mg/g),copper (9.50±11.50 rng/g),and zinc
(2.75jJ.13 mg/g).
Organic mi:ltter content averaged 13.54±10.64%.Total nitrogen and total
phosphorus averaged O.50±O.41$and O.09±O.02$,respectively.
.....-67 -
Soi I texture classification indicated a loamy soil with 33.78±10.84%
sand,49.08±8.17%silt,and 17.15±9.12%clay. -Woodland Spruce VegeTaTion Type
In the Woodland Spruce vegetation type,pH averaged 4.21±O.06.Average
pH for each depth In this vegeiation type ranged from 4.15 to 4.26,or
strongly acidic (Table 64).The soil samples taken in this vegetation type
were more acidic than soils In any other vegetation type sampled.Large
amounts of coniferous leaf litter and a thick moss layer could have
contributed to ihe low pH.
The greatest macronutrlent concentration was found for calcium with
99.00±23.52 ppm,foi lowed by 46.67±4.16 ppm for potassium,and 30.0015.57 ppm
for magnesium.
Micronutrient concentrations were greatest for iron with
482.50±7.78 mg/g,fol lowed by 23.90±0.85 mg/g for manganese,0.92±0.08 mg/g
for zinc,and O.37±0.08 mg/g for copper.
OrganIc matter averaged 10.45±1.76%.Total nitrogen averaged O.38±0.07%
and total phosphorus averaged 0.09±0%.
Sol I texture IndIcated a loamy classification with 33.87±4.67%sand,
43.1312.04%silt,and 23.0013.64%clay. -Dwarf Birch VegeTaTion Type
In the Dwarf Sirch vegetation type,pH averaged 6.01±O.48.Average pH
for each depth wiThIn this vegeiatlon type ranged from 5.70 to 6.26,or
moderately to slightly acidic (Table 65).IndivIdual pH readings within the
Dwarf SIrcn vegeTation type ranged from 5.70 to 6.51 for depths 0-5 cm,
5-10 cm,and 10-15 cm.
The greatest macronutrlent concentrations were found for calcium with
1992.40±2692.70 ppm,followed by magnesium with 127.00±118.37 ppm and
-68 -
potassium with 40.20±19.83 ppm.
Micronutrient concentrations were greatest for iron at
253.80±236.69 mg/g,followed by 14.76±16.80 mg/g for manganese,
5.41±10.38 mg/g for copper,and O.90±1.06 mg/g for zinc.
Organic matter content averaged 8.19±9.40%.Total nitrogen measured
O.24±O.24%and total phosphorus was O.06±O%.
Texture classification was loamy with 33.92±6.13%sand,43.32i).58%silt,
and 22.76±4.88%clay for soils sampled within the Dwarf Birch vegetation type. -Conclusions
Comparisons of soil variables were made using analysis of variance.
Significance was set at P ~O.10.No significant differences were found among
depths wiThin a vegetation type for any of the soil variables measured.No
significant differences in variables measured were found among al I vegetation
types.It appeared that there was a substantial amount of variability between
soi Is at each site within a given vegetation type as shown by the high
standard errors (Tables 62, 63,64,and 65).Organic matter decreased with
decreasing depths as did total nitrogen and phosphorus in most instances.
Soils were grouped based on vegetation type rather than on soil type.High
variability In soil chemical analysis within a given vegetation type is an
Indication of the variability Inherent in the vegetation composition itself
within the Level IV vegetation types of Viereck et al.(1982>-
6.2 -Plant Phenology
6.2.1 -Reconnaissance Observatrons
Some general observations on late winter snow conditions were made on a
reconnaissance trip on 15 and 16 May,1982.The Watana and Jay Creek
transects were almost snow-free at that time,although the Watana area
contained some snow patches in depressions between shrubs,and vaccinjum
-69 -
ul Iglnosum was partly snow-covered.The Switchback and Tsusena Creek sites
stll I had substantial snow cover on the slopes at this time,although snow
cover at the base of trees had already decreased.Yacclnlum ¥Itls-Idaea was
abundant at the base of trees In the area between Devl I and Tsusena Creeks.
Snow was melting around Ledym groenlandjcym at the highest elevations of the
Switchback transect.
General observatIons between Watana Base Camp and Talkeetna River on 15
and 16 May Indicated that snow cover had been reduced by approximately 50%on
forested south-facing slopes while It had only decreased around trees on
north-facing slopes.The ImmedIate area around shrub stem bases was
relatIvely snow-free on the benches.Snow depths were greatest between shrubs
and conTained many animal tracks.Apparently these areas of less snow cover
surrounding shrub stems are Important to wIldl ife at this time of year.Snow
depths were leaST In wet,boggy sItes as wei I as the dry,wIndy areas that had
no trees.
6.2.2 -Soli Temperature
Temperatures varied significantly by transect,elevation within transect,
and date within elevation wIthin transect (Table 66).However,trends for
elevations wiThin transects varIed at each locatIon.The bottom location at
the Watana transect was usually the warmest In that area (3.5 -4.00C).It
was a mIxed spruce-birch stand on a wei I-drained slope (120)whereas other
bottom elevatIons were flat «20)and poorly drained.
The warmest location on the Jay Creek transect,and the warmest overal I,
was mid-slope In an open spruce-birch type adjacent to a grassy opening.Sol I
temperatures ranged from 3.5 to 7.00C.This area had different vegetation
from any other site,Including large"lndlvlduals of ~aclcylarts (1 m or
taller)as wei I as abundant Calamagrostls canadensis (bluejoInt),EQytsetym
-70 -
sllyatlcum (woodland horsetail),and Mertensla paniculata (tall bluebel I).
Evidence of an old burn and extensive browsing by moose was present.This was
the youngesT site in terms of tree ages:36 years (5 trees)although 1 other
tree was 124 Y1ears old.Several Individuals of .6.papyrlfera had been hedged
so that they resembled large B.glandylosa -.6.papyrifera hybrids and caused
species identification problems through the early weeks of the study.
Bench and top-slope elevations were the warmest (2.0 -6.50C)at the
Switchback transect.These sites had gentle,west-facing slopes and were not
shaded by higher ridges to the north as were the other south-facing slopes.
VegeTation here was more open than on the lower slopes.
The top-slope location at Tsusena Creek was somewhat warmer (average
across weeks 2.6 0 versus 2.0 0 C)than the other elevations at this transect
(Table 66).The bench location was wei I above the current forest line
although a few surviving old trees were present.
The coldest transect was Tsusena Creek.Minimum temperature separation
-from the other transects was O.goC lower than the average transect temperature
during the first and fourth weeks.The maximum temperature difference was
1.50C colder than any other transect during the last week.Colder
temperatures delayed phenological development by at least a week,and almost 2
weeks,for some plants at this site.Betula glandulosa did not develop leaves
until the week of 14 June.During the previous week,7 to 11 June,.6.
glandylosa had already developed leaves at most of the other sites.Colder
temperatures were probably caused by the thick insulating layer of moss as
well as colder mesocl imatlc conditions.The soil temperatures at the
top-slope location at Tsusena Creek were 3.5 to 4.50C lower than the middle
slope temperatures at Jay Creek even though the former site (730 00)was 75 00
lower than the latter (805 00).Consultation with a project hydrologIst
-71 -
Indicated that cl imatlc conditions along that transect might be cooler and
moister than along tpe 3 transects in the potential Watana Impoundment zone.
The Tsusena Creek transect appeared less recently disturbed by fire than
the other transects.The average age of trees at the bottom elevation on
Tsusena Creek was 135 years.Large trees on the bench location averaged 114
years old (although there was a smaller tree 56 years old)while top-slope
tree ages averaged 87 years.The only other sites with average large tree age
greater than 100 years were the bottom positions.Hence,the Tsusena Creek
sites appeared to be more mature than other sites.Whether the lower soil
temperatures along the Tsusena Creek site resulted from a different
mesocllmatlc regime or the deeper moss layer is a matter of conjecture,but It
seems likely that the delayed phenological development resulted from an
Interaction of mesocllmate,burn history,and deeper moss layer.
The middle elevation on the Jay Creek site was consistently the warmest.
VegeTation there not only initiated growth earlier but was dominated by the
mIxed birch-spruce forest,which was generally found on warmer sites than
spruce forests or low shrubland types.Each week this site had the warmest
soil temperatures which ranged from 3.5 to 7.00C.The middle elevation was
also the youngesi site In terms of tree ages:37 years (N=6 trees)although 1
other tree was 124 years old.
6.2.3 -Canopy Cover,Height,and Phenological State of Growth/Maturation -General
Results and discussion of the statistical analysis of phenological
development of the vegeTation were confined to dominant species.Because some
species only occurred at 1 or a few sites,they frequently showed slgnlflcant
differences (P <0.10)among elevations and transects.This was primarily
because of differences in vegetation type rather than a difference related to
-72 -
phenological development.Only species that consistently occurred In most
sites would give reasonable statistical results when comparing elevations and
transeCTS.The major species were a.glandulosa,~.vjtls-jdaea,~.
ul jgtnosum,and Empetrum njgrum. -Week 'I;31 May - 4 June
During the first week of 31 May to 4 June,no differences (P <0.1)
between inside and outside exclosures were observed for the major species.
Yacclnlum vjtls-ldaea had significantly different cover values for elevatIon
within transect (P <0.1)and for transects (P <0.01).Cover values for a.
glandylosa (P <0.01)and ~.ul igjnosum (P <0.02)varied among elevatIons
within transect whi Ie f.nlgrym (P <0.02)differed among transects (Table
Most plant species were either dormant or had just initiated leat buds
during the first week.Vacclnlym ul Iglnosum on the Watana transect was
generally dormant or had some leaf bud development whereas most a.glandulosa
plants had developed at least to the bud stage.YaccInlum vItls-Idaea
appeared dormant;however,It was sometimes difficult to IdentIfy new growth.
The bottom elevation at Watana Creek contained an individual of R.acicuiaris
wIth leaves and ~.vltls-Idaea with flower buds.Some Individuals of ~.
ul Iglnosym were In leaf bud stage whereas Individuals of the same species were
stll I dormant at the higher elevations.
The Jay Cr"eek transect had severa I specl es a I ready Ieafed out on 1 June
(Table 68).At the bench and top-slope positIons on ~.vitls-Idaea exhibited
leaf emergence whl Ie more Individuals of ~.wi 19inosum had leaf buds than on
the Watana transect.Some a.glandylosa Individuals were starting to leaf-out
at the Jay Creek transect,although most were stl II In the bud stage.
Arctostaphylos alplna (alpine bearberry)already had leaves and flowers.
-73 -
Betula papyrlfera on the mIddle position of the Jay Creek transect had
begun leaf expansion,but had been severely hedged In the past.There was a
substantial amount of Egylsetum sllyatjcym and Calamagrostjs canadensis
(standing dead from the previous year's growth),but little growth «1%
cover)had started this year by week 1.Ground cover might Inhibit Initial
sol I warm-up In the spring.Mertensla panlculata had flower buds on a few
Most species at the bottom elevation of Jay Creek durIng the fIrst week
were in the leaf bud stage.This sIte had some of the few species of Sal ix
observed on the south-facing slopes.
The correspondIng north-facing slope at the highest point had more dense,
but sma I ler,a.glandulosa Individuals.Leaf buds did not appear to be as far
advanced on this slope.More Sal Ix spp.was present here than on the
south-facing slope.Farther down the slope (about midway),last year's
standing dead growth of EQulsetym 51 Iyatlcym was abundant but no current
growth was observed.Two species of Sal Ix were found In a woodland black
spruce scrub site.Sal Ix pylchra generally occurred along small runoff rll Is
whlle~.glayca grew on the sma II ridges between these drainages.One lower
elevation area had a 130 north-facIng slope with 40C soil temperature.This
was warmer Than mOST of the south-facing transects,except the middle
posiTIon.EQulsetum sllyatlcym was just emerging from the soil and Betyla
~(dwarf arctic birth)was leafed out.A wet sedge grass tussock
vegetatIon type existed at the bottom and contained partially leafed-out a.
nana.ThIs area was more advance~phenologically than at a similar site on
the south-facing slope,but sInce different species were present an actual
comparison could not be made.
The Switchback transect had several species already In the leaf stage by
-74 -
-75 -
major species haa significant (P <0.03)dIfferences with respect to elevation
while only 1.yltls-Idaea and Empetrum olgrum had different cover values among
transecTs (P <0.01).The previous week,~.njgrym cover varied only with
transecT.and a.glandulosa and 1.ul IgInosum varIed with elevation.
Several changes occurred along the Watana Creek transect by the second
week.Betyla glandulosa and 1.ul Iglnosum had leafed out In many places and
~acIcularls had leaf buds (Table 71).¥acclnlym ul jgInosum tended to have
leaf buds at the 2 highest elevations while at the lower 2 elevations plants
were leafed out.Changes In leaf area I Ike this could account for elevatlonal
differences In cover for this species.There were no major differences In
phenologIcal development at different elevations at this tIme at this site.
Plant species on the Jay Creek transect had also advanced phenologically
by 8 June (Table 72).Betula glandulosa and R.aclcularIs were In leaf as
were 1.ullglnosum,Salix retlcylata (net/eaf wi Ilow),and Arctostaphylos
alpjna (alpine bearberry).As In week 1,the top 2 elevations were simIlar.
At the middle elevation Mertensla panlculata was stl II In the flower bud stage
but had grown from 8 to 13 cm,while Eplloblym angustlfollym (fIreweed)had
acquIred leaves.EQulsetum sllyatlcum had strobili on many Individuals and
had almost doubled In height.Carex spp.and Empetrum ~um had acquired
leaves at the bottom location.
Phenological development of plants on the north-facing slope opposite the
Jay Creek transect was equal to that on the south-facing slope and was even
more advanced In some cases.Observations made from this slope while looking
at the south-facing slope IndIcated that decIduous trees In mixed
evergreen-deciduous forests were leafed out whIle pure stands of deCiduous
trees were only In bud stage or just starting to expand leaves.The deciduous
trees In the mixed stands,whIch were relatively common,were a.papyrlfera
-76 -
whl Ie those In pure stands were probably Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen),
although this was never ground-truthed.These stands were assumed to be f.
tremulojdes because of the different appearance of the Individuals relative to
those in E.~apyrifera -f.Qlauca sites.The other deciduous tree species,
PQpulus balsamjfera,generally does not grow on those types of slopes.Populus
tremulojdes appeared to develop later than E.papyrifera.If this was true
for stems in the shrub and understory layers,then ~.papyrjfera might provide
moose forage earl ier than f.tremulojdes.Lack of leaves on f.tremulojdes
overstory might al low the ground layer and herbaceous understory species to
emerge ear Ii er.
Almost al I major plant species on the SwItchback site advanced a ful I
phenological state from 2 June to 9 June (Table 73).Alnys sjnuata,a,
Qlandulosa,R.acIcularls,and y.ul IgInosum had leaves at this time.Average
height of ~Isetym sl Iyatjcym had Increased from 2 to 10 em (Tables 69 and
73).Rlbes trjste was in flower at the bottom elevation.Vaccjnjym
yjt j s-I daea had f lower buds at the mI dd Ie-s lope Iocat i on.No new differences
in phenological development were noted on the north-facing slope.
The Tsusena Creek transect sampled on 10 June was almost IdentIcal to the
previous week wIth most species in the leaf bud stage or stil I dormant (Tables
70 and 74).On the north-facing slope ~.glandulosa buds were more advanced
but were stil I immature. -Week 3;14 June -18 June
Cover values of al I major species Including E.gJandulosa (P <0.001),y.
yjtls-jdaea (P <0.08),y.uljgjnosum (P <0.02),and Empetrum nIgrum
(P <0.02)were dIfferent across elevations within transects durIng week 3.
Only Y •.vl..tls-Idaea (P <.04),y.ulIglnosum (P <0.06),and.E..nigrum
(P <0.06)were different among transects.
-77 -
Vegetation on the Watana Creek transect exhibited no major plant
phenological advances between the second and third week (14 June)except that
~acicularis was now In leaf and ~.nlgrum had some terminal buds at the
bottom and top transect elevations,respectively (Table 75).yaccjnlum
ul Iginosum had flower buds at the top-slope elevation,where flower buds of
L.decurnbens were starting to break.The north-facing slope at this transect
had flowers on Djapensja lappQnlca (dlapensla)and CasslQpe tetragQna
(four-angle mountain-heather)at the higher elevatlQns Qn 17 June.
The Jay Creek transecT shQwed nQ majQr phenQIQglcal advancement for
shrubs during the third week 15 June (Table 76).However,Cornus canadensIs
acquired new leaves and Epjlobjum angustIfoljum and Mertensja panicylata had
flower buds.The average height Qf M.panicylata Increased 10 coo whIle that
Qf EQulsetym sllyatlcyrn Increased 8 coo (Tables 72 and 76).EpllQbIum
angust1fQliym did nQt signifIcantly Increase in height.Mertensla panicylata,
a perennial,appeared to Initiate grQwth earlier than E.angustlfQllym,an
annual.HQwever,It appeared to grQw slower.EpllQbjym angystIfol Iyrn started
grQwth later but grew more rapidly,reaching its maximum height a week earl ier
than M.panlcylata.Mertensia panicylata would be avai lable earl ier as
Few plant species prQgressed phenQlogIcally along the Switchback transect
by 16 June (Table 77).Yaccln!urn ul 19lnosum had flower buds,Empetrym nlgrym
had only terminal bUds,and many Ribes trlste had IQst their flQwers.
EQylsetym sllyatlcym was more abundant since 6 QbservatlQns Qn height were
made this time,as opposed tQ 1 prevlQusly.The average height,however,did
nOT Increase.MQose were observed feeding between tQP and middle-slope
elevations.Several sma II fQrbs appeared at the bQttQm elevatlQn:¥aJerlana
caplTata (capitate valerian),Chrysosplenlym tetrandrym (nQrthern
watercarpet),and Astragalus spp.(milk-vetch).
-78 -
Many plant species had not leafed out until 17 June on the Tsusena Creek
transecT (Table 78).Betyla glandulosa,x.ullglnosum,and Empetrum njgrum
al I developed leaves by this time.Cornus canadensis at the bottom elevation
was dormant. -Week 4;21 June -25 June
Betula ~andylosa (P <0.03),x.yl igjnosum (P <0.01),and,E,.njgrum
(P <.01)had significant cover differences during the fourth week with
respecT to elevations within transects.yaccjnjum vltjs-jdaea (P <0.02),x.
ul jglnosum (P <0.01>,and ,E,.njgrym (P <0.01)cover values were different
among transects at this time.Yacclnlym yjtls-Idaea did show trends with
respeCT to elevation (P <0.14)and ~.glandulosa with respect to transects
(P <0.18).Most ubiqUitous species had different cover values among
transects and elevations withIn a transect.
The only new development on the Watana Creek transect In the fourth week
was that x.~tls-Idaea and X.ul Iglnosym had developed flower buds (Table
79).Some 1.decumbens had flowered at the top-slope elevatIon although most
were stll I In bud.
Developments along the Jay Creek transect during week 4 (22 June)
Included flower buds on X.yltls-Idaea and X.u!jglnosum and flowers on Qornus
canadensjs (Table 80).Most of the forbs slowed their growth although the
average height of EQulsetum sIlyaticum Increased slightly.
Several phenloglcal advances occurred on the Switchback transect during
the fourth weElk.Empetrym nigrym,Arctostaphylos yya-yrsl (bearberry),and
grasses entered the leaf stage (Table 81).Although most X.yitis-ldaea were
In the leaf stage,some had acqUired flower buds.yalerlana capltata was
flowering at the bottom elevation whi Ie M.panlcylata had leaves.
Phenological clevelopment on this site was delayed relative to the Jay Creek
-79 -
Only mInor changes were evidenced on the Tsusena Creek transect during
the fourth week.CQrnus canadensIs leafed out while grass expanded leaves
(Table 82).Rubus chamaemQrus and Yaccjnjum ul jgjnQsum were flowering at the
top-slope IQcatlon. -Week 5;28 June - 2 July
Cover values Qf,a.glandu/Qsa (P <0.001>,P <0.04)Y.ullglnQsum
(P <0.01,P <0.02),and f.njgrum (P <0.01,P <0.01)during the fIfth week
dIffered wIth bQth elevatIQn and transect.Yaccjnlum yjtjs-Idaea cover did
nQt differ wIth either elevatlQn Qr transect (P >0.10).
The last week of 28 June to 2 July had few changes as most specIes had
at least expanded leaves at al I sites by this time.Watana Creek transect had
Qnly minQr changes during the last week.~aclcularls and SpIraea
beauyerdiana (beauverd spiraea)develQped flower buds (Table 83)and sQme~.
canadensis and Y.yitis-idaea started flQwerlng.
Several changes Qccurred Qn the Jay Creek transect by the last week
(Table 84).Ledym groenlandlcym and.!..decumbens had flowered.MQst
Mertensia panlcylata was in flQwer,rather than being restricted tQ the mQst
advanced Individuals.Epilobjym angystjfol Iym,M.panicylata,and EQyIsetum
sl Iyatlcym al I Increased theIr average height.Empetrym nlgrum at the
top-slQpe elevation had set fruit.
Changes along the Switchback transect during week 5 (30 June)Included
some Y.yltIs-ldaea flowering at the middle slope IQcatlQn as well as.!..
decymbens flQwerlng at higher elevatlQns (Table 85).The average height of
EQyIsetum sllyatIcym Increased by 10 cm while the mean grass height remained
the same.
During the fifth week (1 July)some 1.yltls-Idaea and ~.canadensis
flQwered along the Tsusena Creek transect (Table 86).Average height Qf
-80 -
grasses Increased slightly.Ledum groenlandicum and 1.decymbens had flowered
at this time.
6.2.4 -Spatial Variation In Phenological StaTe of Betyla glandylosa
An evaluation of the effect of transect and elevation might be better
accomplished by discussing a single ubiquitous species during 1 week.The
average cover,height,and phenological state for a.glandy!osa are reported
In Table 87.This species was more abundant at the higher elevations than at
the 2 lower el,evatlons,but did not vary significantly by transect.This
trend was consistent with the fact that higher elevations were generally low
bIrch shrub scrub vegeTation types while the lower elevations conTained
several different vegetation types,depending on the transect.
Generally,a.gJandylosa grew taller at the higher elevations except
along the Switchback transect where heights were similar among elevations
(Table 87).The higher elevations,especially the bench positIon,along
Tsusena Creek had much ta I I er shrubs (86 coo versus overa II mean of 55 cm).
Whether this was related to edaphlc,climatic,topographic,or site history
factors or a c:omblnatlon of factors was not known.
Phenological state was not different for the Watana Creek,Jay Creek,and
Switchback transects (Table 87).However,a.glandy!osa along the Tsusena-Creek transecT was In the leaf bud stage whl Ie plants along the other
transects had already developed leaves.Watana and Jay Creek transects had
some variation In phenological state with respect to elevation.The bench
location appeared to lag behind the other elevations In plant development (2.4
versus mean :2.7 and 2.6 versus mean 2.9).The Switchback and Tsusena Creek
transects were not dIfferent in phenological state with respect to elevatIon.
-81 -
6.2.5 -Phenological DevelopmenT of a Species Over Time
Height growth from a phenological poInt of vIew was Important only for
herbaceous plant specIes,,which did not occur at many srtes.Table 88
presents cover,heIght,and phenological development of M.paniculata over
time for the mIddle slope elevation of the Jay Creek transect.Cover
Increased slowly during the tlrst 2 weeks,then Increased at a faster rate
during the thIrd week and remained the same during the fourth week.Cover
values almost doubled (9 versus 14%)between 22 June and 29 June.Height
fol lowed a simIlar pattern with rapId growth through the fIrst 3 weeks,
s I ow Ingin the f 0 ur t h wee k,and a I mo st do ubi In gIn the f 1ft h•The
phenological state of M.panlculata exhibited a sImIlar pattern.Most
Individuals were In a leaf state on June but had progressed to the flower
bud stage by 8 June.A few had begun flowerIng on 15 June.PhenologIcal
development slowed on 22 June but advanced to the flowerIng state for many
plants by 29 June.AI I parameTers showed a slowIng of growth durIng the
fourth week.ThIs could have resulted from colder aIr temperatures and snow
flurrIes that occurred at the hIgher elevatIons the previous week or could
have been an artifacT of sampling.However,M.panicylata may normally
exhIbIt a slowing of growth at this stage,as resources are dIrected toward.
flower development.
6.2.6 -Transect Effects
The effecT of transect location on phenological development of 4 common
specIes can be seen graphically by maintaining the elevation approximately
constant and comparIng observations through time (Figure 5).Since plots were
not repositioned in the same place each week,the phenological development
sometimes appeared to regress.In addition,In evergreen species (Ledym
groenlandlcum and X.yltl$-Idaea)It was sometimes difficult to dIstinguish
-82 -
between old and new growth because of sImilar coloring.If a leaf was party
emerged,It was obvious that the leaf was a result of new growth.Otherwise
an actively growing plant could be I Isted as dormant.For comparison.the
bench elevation on the 2 transects farthest downstream and the top slope
elevation was selected on the upstream transects so that mean sea level
elevations would be similar between transects.
Betu I a g I andu I osa was at the I eaf bud stage on the se I ected transects
during The first week (Figure 5).During the second week,most leaves had
expanded on the Jay Creek transect while most were stll I In the bud stage on
the Tsusena Creek transecT.The other 2 transects were intermediate tn
development of ~.glandulosa.By the third week,plants along all transects
except Tsusena Creek had leafed out.Plants on the Tsusena Creek site
developed leaves during the fourth week.
Vacclnlym yl Iglnosym developed earlier than ~.glandulosa under some
conditions,as evidenced by the presence of leaves during the first week at
the Switchback site (Figure 5).During the second week Y.ultglnosym plants
on the Jay Creek site had developed leaves.By the third week 1.ullglnosym
had developed leaves at the elevation on al I transects.Differences In leaf
development of 1.ylIgfnosum after the third week were probably not
Ledum groenlandlcym Initiated early growth at this elevation on the
Swlthback and Jay Creek transects,with the leaves having been expanded by the
first week (Figure 5).By the second week~.groenlandlcym on all the
transecTs were In the flower bud stage.These plants on the Jay Creek
transect were In flower by the fifth week.The flower bud stage appeared to
last longer In this species than In other species.The retrogression between
weeks 3 and 4 on the Switchback transect was unexplained,unless flowers had
fa II en off.
-83 -
Vacclnlym yltls-Idaea InItIated growth later than other species since the
first new leaves did not appear on the plants until the third week,and then
only at the Jay Creek site (Frgure 5).Vacclnlym yjtIs-ldaea on most other
transecTs did not show development of leaves until week 5,by whIch tIme the
plants on the Jay Creek transect were already In flower.The apparent
retrogression probably resulted from dIfficulty In determinIng phenological
state on ThIs specIes.
6.2.7 -Elevation Effects
The effeCT of elevatIon on phenological development of 4 common species
was examined by selecting a single transect and examIning Its 4 elevations.
The Watana Creek transect was selected because the vegetation was the least
patchy and had a relatively contInuous gradient along the entire slope.The
other transects al I had level areas at the bottom slope site.The Watana
Creek transect was the only transect where elevation would not be excessively
confounded with burns or other disturbance.
Betyla glandylosa showed slightly earlIer development at the mid-slope
elevation than at higher elevations during the second week (FIgure 6).During
the third and fourth weeks the differences In development of ~.glandylosa
along the elevatlonal gradient were minor or nonexistent.Betula glandylosa
did not occur in an open birch-spruce site at the bottom-slope elevation.
Yacclnlym yl Igtnosym exhibited slight differences In development during
week 2 (Figure 6).Plants on the lower 2 elevations were slightly earlier In
leaf development than the higher 2 elevations on this transect.Fol lowing
week 2 the pattern of leaf development of Y.yl Iglnosym appeared random.
Ledym groeolaodlcum showed differences In phenological developme~t at
different elevations durIng week 1 (Figure 6).Plants at the lowest elevation
were In the flower bud stage during week 1 whl Ie 1.groenlandlcum at tne
highest elevation stll I was dormant.Differences tn phenological development
-84 -
during and after the second week were mInor,although the bottom-slope
elevatIon was slIghtly more advanced since It had a number of IndivIdual
plants In the flower stage.It should be noted,however,that the top slope
elevation for Jay Creek which was at a higher elevation than the same position
on the Watana Creek transect,was even more advanced (ful I flower).
The bottom-slope elevation had the earl lest development of 1.yltls-Idaea
on the Watana Creek tansect and had some Individuals In flower during the
rifth week (FIgure 6).The bench position was the last of the 4 elevations to
develop leaves on 1.vjtls-jdaea during week 4.
51 Ight averal I trends with respect to elevation could be observed wIth
bOTtom elevatIons developrng tlrst and plant phenological development
proceeding up the slope.However,as results on other transects show,sIte
burn hl~tory may modIfy the effects of elevation.Many areas have flat areas
along the rIver that would have a dIfferent cold air draInage regIme than the
WaTana Creek transect.
6.2.8 -Summary and DIscussion of Plant Phenology
Early development of herbaceous plant specIes could be Important for
moose In the spring on south-facIng slopes of the potentIal Impoundment areas,
however,numerIcal data for cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state collected In
this study dId not support this hypothesIs.In contrast,visual observatIons
IndIcated that herbaceous species and possIbly some shrubs such as VaccInIym
yitls-ldaea might provide early spring forage In localIzed areas.There does
not appear t'o be a specific type of location,such as bottom-slope elevatIon,
tnat was a consistently good source of early growth of vegeTatIon.However,
"younger"aged sites tended to greenup earlIer regardless of vegetatIon type.
Areas that had vegetation tnat greened up earl lest were the open
bIrch-spruce vegetatIon type at the mid-slope elevation on the Jay Creek
transect and at the boTtom elevation on WaTana Creek transect.The low bIrch
-85 -
shrub scrub vegeTation aT sites on the bench and top-slope elevations on the
Switchback transecT also Initiated early spring greenup.However,the low
birch shrub scrub sites at the bench and top-slope elevations on the Tsusena
Creek transecT had late development of green forage.The only common factor
we were able to Identify among early-developing sites was a relatIvely recent
(within 50-75 years)burn history.
Aval lab!I Ity of forage In the spring depended not only on elevation but
also on the geographic location wiThin the potential Impact areas.Which
elevations had early available forage depended on the transect locatIon.
Effects of elevation were probably confounded with vegeTation type.Hence,
disjunct patches of vegetation may become available for foraging at the same
time.Forage avallabi I Ity appeared to be dependent on the mesocl imatrc
environment In a particular area as modified by elevation,aspect,surrounding
iopography,and site history especially with respect to fire.
Mesocl Imate was Important since the area within the Watena Impoundment
iended to be warmer than the area within the Devl I Canyon Impoundment area.
Elevation played conflicting roles in plant development since higher altitudes
generally had cooler ambient temperatures,but lower positions on the slope
were shaded and were sometimes In cold air drainages.Aspect was Important
for angle Of Incidence of solar radiation.The surrounding topography could
shade what would be an otherwise warm site,or an open area might provide more
sunlight.For insTance,neither south-nor north-facIng slopes near the
SwiTchback were shaded by mountains above the level of the benches.
Disturbance,especially by fire,was Important as It might remove the
Insulating moss layer.In fact,fire history may be an overriding effect on
plant phenological development and should be Investigated further.
It Is possible that the late start in field observations may have led to
results thai showed no obvious differences In north-versus south-facing
-86 -
slopes.The early reconnaIssance trIp IndIcated differences In snow melt
between the 2 aspects.However,by the tIme forage was actually appearIng,
the sun angle was very high.SlIght varIatIons In the aspect modIfy the
environmental regIme.For Instance,the "south-facIng"slope along the
SwItchback transec~actually faced sl rghtly west.The late snow melt durIng
sprIng,1982 may have modifIed the normal plant phenological development;e.g.
If snow melted ~arl ler,sun angle would be lower and aspect would have a
greater effec~.
Some species such as X.yjtIs-jdaea may appear at the base of trees In
the first snow-free areas In forest types.This species Is known to be used
as for~ge by moose on the KenaI Moose Range (Oldemeyer et al.1977,W.L.
Regel In,ADF&G,personal communjcatjon).Some species,such as Mertensta
panIculata and Epflobjum angustIfol Ium,grow at different rates,possIbly
p rov I ding forage at different times.Mertens Ia pan i cu I ata started s Iow Iy and
contInued development over a longer period whl le~.angustlfollym started
later but developed more quickly.Thus,~.angystifollym could avoId grazing
at the earl lest times.Similarly Popylys tremuloldes appeared to develop
leaves Jater than Betyla papyrjfera.
EQylsetum sllyaticym at the middle-slope Jay Creek site and Erjoohorum
spp.(cottongrass)at the bottom of the north-facing slope opposite the
Switchback site had been grazed at a tIme when other forage was not abundant.
Later In the spring we observed no evidence of grazing,presumably because
there was an abundance ot forage avarlable at that time.
If one assumes a maximum resevolr elevation of 666 m for the potential
Watana Impoundment,then several of the "warmer"areas that developed early
forage wIll be above the level of the Impoundment while some wIll be
Inundated.The warmest and earl lest developing areas of middle-slope Jay
Creek and bench and top positions on the Switchback transect would not be
-87 -
flooded.However.the bOTtom 2 elevatIons along the Watana Creek transect
would be flooded.The top locatIon of Watana would be only 17 m above the
surface of the impoundment,while the mIddle-slope elevatIons of Jay Creek and
SwItchback transect would be 35 m above the surface.If the water body were
to create a mesocllmatlc effect,it mIght modify the tIming of spring growth
on the Watana sIte.The other 2 areas may be far enough from the Impoundment
to avoid such effects.Regardless,sites that warmup relatIvely early would
stll I be avaIlable In the Switchback area.
6.2.9 -Biomass ESTimaTions
Forbs and gramlnolds were the most abundant plants measured In terms of
current annual growth bIomass (Table 89).Forbs averaged 29 kg/ha over al I
sItes and gramlnolds averaged 33 kg/ha.Biomass of forbs (P <0.05)and
gramlnolds (P <0.05)Increased over the growing season.Betyla glandylosa
had the greatest current growth of twigs and leaves for al I sItes.WeIghts of
paired leaves and twIgs were closely correlated (P <0.01)for al I specIes
measured.Shrub biomass remained relatIvely constant over the perIod of
study.except for a.glandylosa leaves whIch Increased slightly (P >0.05)In
biomass over time.
Gramlnold biomass was greatest (P <0.05)at Jay Creek and Switchback.
bottom elevation when compared to al I other locatIons (Table 89).Forb
biomass was greatest (P <0.05)at Jay Creek.mId-slope and SwItchback.bottom
elevation.Few sIgnIfIcant trends In differences among transects and
elevatIons were observed for any shrub specIes.However.a.glandylosa
biomass of 100 twIgs was dIfferent (P <0.05)among al I sites,depending on
week and elevatIon.Alnys slnuata was most abundant (P <0.05)at SwItchback.
bottom elevation averaging 24 g current growth of leaves and stems per 100
tWigs.Betyla papyrltera biomass was greatest (P <0.05)at Jay Creek.
mid-slope averagIng 8 g current annual growth of leaves and twIgs per 100
-88 -
twigs (Table 89).
During week 1 (31 May - 3 June),~.glandylosa current twig biomass (per
100 twigs)was significantly greater (P <0.05)at Watana Creek,bench
location than any other locatIon (Table 82).Current twig biomass per 100
twigs of A.slnyata was greatest (P <0.05)at Switchback,bottom elevation •
Jay Creek,mId-slope had the greatest (P <0.05)biomass of ~.papyrlfera
dur f ng week 1.
For week 2 (7-10 June),~.glandylosa leaf biomass per 100 twigs was
greater (P <0.05)at Jay Creek,mid-slope than any other location.Gramjnord
standing crop was greatest (P <0.05)at Watana Creek and Jay Creek,bottom
Betyla glandulosa average leaf and twig biomass per 100 twIgs was
greatest (P <0.05)at Watana Creek,top-slope during week 3 (14-17 June).
Gramlnold biomass was greater (P <0.05)at Switchback,bottom elevation,and
~.papyrlfera leaf biomass per 100 twigs at Jay Creek,mid-slope,than any
other location.
During the 4th week (21-25 June),~.glandylosa leaf biomass per 100
twIgs was greatest (P <0.05)at Switchback and Tsusena Creek and ~.
papyrIfera biomass at Jay Creek,mid-slope.
For week 5 (28 June - 1 July),~.glandu/osa leaf biomass per 100 twIgs
was greatest (P <0.05)at Jay Creek,bench location.Forb biomass was
greaTer (P <0.05)at Jay Creek,mid-slope,and gramlnoid bIomass at Jay
Creek,bottom elevation than any other location.
By week 6 (31 August - 3 September),forb bIomass was greatest (P <0.05)
at Jay Creek,mid-slope and Switchback,bottom elevation,A.slnuata at
SWitchback,mid-slope and bottom,and ~.glandylosa leaf biomass per 100 twigs
at Watana Creek and Switchback,bench location (Table 89).
Comparisons Inside and outside the exclosures during week 6 Indicate that
-89 -
forb biomass was signIficantly greater (P <0.05)Inside the exclosures at
Watana Creek~TOp-and mid-slope,and Switchback,bottom elevation (Table 89).
Current growth biomass per 100 twigs of ~.sinuata was greatest (P <0.05)
Inside the exclosures at Switchback,bottom elevation.No other signifIcant
differences occurred between InsIde and outsIde the exclosures for the other
plants measured.
General trends Indicated that forb biomass was greater Inside the
exclosures~and grass bIomass outside the exclosures (Table 89).Betula
glandylosa leaf and twig biomass per 100 twIgs was highly variable when
comparisons between insIde and outside the exclosures were made (Table 89).
Total current annual growth biomass of shrubs was simi lar (P >0.05)
inside and outside of the exclosures (Table 90).However,twig and leaf
bIomass of ~.papyrifera was greater (P <0.05)outSide the exclosures at the
Switchback bottom elevation.
TransecT and elevation differences In total current annual growth biomass
were Similar to those In current annual growth data for al I plants measured
(Tables 89 and 90). -DIscussIon of BIomass EstimatIons
Results of the phenology study addressing current annual growth biomass
indicate that differences among srtes and elevations In plant biomass exist,
but few significant trends were apparent for any species.Generally,
gramtnold and forb biomass was greatest at mId-slope and bottom elevations at
all transects (Table 89).Shrub current growth biomass per 100 twigs was
greatest at bench and top-slope exclosures (Table 89).These results would be
expected as the plant communities change with elevation going from low shrub
scrub woodland and open spruce forest types on the bench above the river
slopes,Into a mixed deciduous-coniferous forest on the slope of the river
channel,to various plant communities at the bottom of the slope,reflecting
-90 -
successional stage and environmental characteristics of the site.Generally,
these bottom-slope sites were the oldest sites sampled.Moisture regimes and
soil communities also played a part in these elevational trends.However,
site fire history also provided an Important modifying influence,overcoming
the effects of elevation at some sites.
Over the period of this study,forb and graminold biomass steadily
Increased at al I sites (Fig.7).However,shrub biomass per 100 twigs (leaves
and tWigs)tended to remain stable for most species.The only consistent
increase in biomass over time for the shrubs sampled occurred for leaves of ~.
glandylosa.These data indicated that~.glandylosa directed more resources
towards leaf development than stem growth as the growing season progressed.
However,leaf biomass associated with a twig was generally less than twig
biomass for~.glandylosa until the last 2 weeks of sampling (Table 89).
Comparisons of plant current growth biomass Inside and outside the
exclosures (week 6,both data sets)reveal few significant differences (Tables
89 and 90).Forb biomass was greater Inside the exclosures,Indicating
possible utilization ot forbs by moose,caribou,or bears.The same trend was
apparent for~.glandylosa leaves and twigs.Utrl Izatlon of ~.glandy!osa was
less than for species of Sal Ix and Alnus at many of the sites sampled In the
middle basin.Biomass of a.sInuata per 100 twIgs was greater Inside the
exclosures than outside (Tables 89 and 90).This may also reflect uti I Izatlon
by large herbivores.
Total current annual growth biomass of plants sampled during week 6
outside the exclosures Indicated the amount of new forage biomass available
going Into the winter at these sites.Presumably,peak biomass was reached by
late August -early September.At this time and over al I sites,total forb
biomass averaged 42 kg/ha,total gramlnold 75 kg/ha,Y.vltls-Idaea 346 kg/ha,
~.glandylosa 49 kg/ha,~.papyrffera 32 kg/ha,~.pylchra 31 kg/ha,~.glayca
-91 -
98 kg/ha,and ~.slnuata 37 kg/ha.Biomass of these plants totaled
approximately 710 kg/ha which would support 0.26 moose/ha/wlnter assuming
that:1)a moose eats about 13 kg of dry forage per day (C.C.Schwartz,
ADF&G,personal communIcation),2)al I of the avai lable bIomass was utIlIzed,
and 3)winter lasts 210 days.However,this estimate must be qualified as It
applies only to south-facing slopes of the river channel,and only If moose
eat al I the current annual growth of each specIes sampled.DefolIation
experiments have shown that biomass replacement In arctic plants Is hIghly
variable and dependent on environmental conditions (Archer and Tieszen 1980).
Deciduous shrubs replace growth after defolIation to a greater extent than
evergreen shrubs,however,defoliation sIgnIficantly decreased production In
both shrub types the next year.Archer and Tieszen (1980)concluded that some
arctIc shrubs are highly Intolerant to grazing.However,gramlnoIds are much
more toleran~of grazing because above ground biomass production can be
actually stimulated (Mattheis et ale 1976,Archer and Tieszen 1980).
One of the prImary purposes of the phenology study was to explore the
hypothesIs that moose eat herbaceous plants during spring,fol lowIng snowmelt.
These plants are presumably highly nu~ritlous and palatable,and are crucial
to survival of moose on the study area.Biomass sampling conducted during
late spring did not lend itself to examination of this hypothesis.However,
the greater biomass of forbs I ns I de th an outs Ide the exc Iosures at week 6
supported the contention,that forbs were eaten at some time during the
grOWing season.To provide a definItIve answer as to the validity of the
moose-forb relationship,forb biomass needs to be estImated Inside and outside
the exclosures on a weekly basis during early spring at snowmelt.Th-e new
location and sIze of exclosures will facilitate such a procedure.In
addition,Information on food habits of moose during sprIng at those sites Is
necessary to complete the analysis.
-92 -
6.2.10 -Current Annual Growth Diameter -Length Relatlonshlps
Approximately 1,052 current annual growth twigs of ~.glandulosa were
sampled for the entire study.Fifty-eight twigs of ~.pylchra and 91 twigs of
~.glauca were examined.Sixty-five twigs were collected from~.slnuata and
a.papyrltera.The number of twigs clipped were directly proportional to the
abundance of these species at the sites sampled.
Mean basal diameters ranged from 1.8 to 2.9 mm (Table 91).Alnus slnyata
had the largest diameters and a.glandylosa the smallest.Mean twig lengths
ranged from 47.2 to 119.4 mm,with a.papyrlfera having the longest twigs of
current annual growth.Both Sal Ix spp.were Identical In mean basal diameter,
and were similar In mean length.
The mean basal diameter of both ~.sInuata and ~.papyrlfera were
significantly larger (P <0.05)than a.glandylQsa.No other significant
differences were found for basal diameters (Table 91).
The average length of ~.papyrlfera twigs was significantly greater (P <
0.05)than a.glandulosa twigs.Both~.slnyata and a.papyrlfera twigs were
longer (P <0.05)than twigs of both Sal Ix species.No other significant
differences were detected (Table 91).
The observed differences In basal diameter and length of current annual
growth of the shrubs examined was related to both the life form and growth
pattern of these species,and the amount of browsing a particular species
received.Betyla glandulosa Is generally a low growing and relatively open
shrub.Uti I Izatlon of ~.glandylosa was less than on the other species
examined.Both Sal Ix specIes were also low growing,presumably because of
hIgher uti I Izatlon which was reflected In their greater basal diameter and
twig length.Betyla papyrlfera Is a tree,that was occasionally found to be
kept In a tal I shrub class by heavy browsing at some sites.Its large basal
diameter and twig length were a reflection of the utilization as wei J as life
-93 -
form of that species.Alnys slnuata Is a tal I shrub that receIved only light
to moderate utilization.Basal dIameter and twIg length were probably more a
reflectIon of Its life form than browsing pressure.
Correlations between basal dIameter and length of the IndivIdual twIgs
sampled were significant (P <0.05)for each species wIth correlation
coeffIcIents of 0.31 for A.slnuata,0.33 for,S,.glayca,0.41 for,a.
glandylQsa,0.42 for ,S,.pylchra,and 0.48 for ,a.papyrlfera.The slope of the
regression I [ne was very similar for each species (Fig.8)and was generally
flat.Only A.slnata differed noticeably from the other species along the
y-axis.These data Indicate a nearly 1:0 relationship between the basal
dIameter and length of The current annual growth of these shrubs.Such a
relationship suggests that 1 measurement may be al I that Is needed to
a~curately predict biomass of current annual growth,and that no more than 33
twIgs would be necessary to adequately estimate basal diameter and 223 twigs
would be necessary to adequately estimate length for any shrub specIes (Table
91 ).
Basal diameter was the least variable of the two measurements
(coefficIents of variation ranging from 20%to 29%and 46%to 75%for
diameters and lengths,respectively)and would be the best to use.Both
BasIle and Hutchings (1966)and Ferguson and Marsden (1977)found that the
basal dIameter of bltterbrush (Purshla trldentata)twIgs was adequate to
predIct both current annual growth and biomass of twIgs for that shrub
-94 -
6.2.11 -Photographic Study
The sequence of photographs obtained durIng the phenology study
graphically Illustrated the spatIal and temporal development of vegetation in
the spring.The photographs Illustrate many of the differences indicated by
the data and supported the results already dIscussed.The photographs are on
file at the Alaska Agricultural Experiment StatIon,Palmer.
6.2.12 -Larger Exclosures
Larger exclosures were constructed for the 1983 spring fIeld season
shortly after 1982 exclosures were disassembled.The new exclosures (5 x 5 m)
were constructed of 2 layers of 1.2-m (4 ft)netted wIre supported by 2.1-m
metal fence posts guyed out wl~h wire.These exclosures were approxImately
2.1 m tal I.The new excJosures were arranged In clusters of 2 to 4 In areas
where moose were known to congregate during parturItIon (FIg.9>'W.S.
Sal lard (ADF&G)provIded InformatIon on moose locatIons and assisted In the
general posItIonIng of the clus~ers of exclosures.Placement of the
exclosures within these general areas was undertaken durIng September 1982,by
Agricultural ExperIment Station range ecology personnel.
6.3 -Alphabet Hills Pre-burn Inventory and Assessment
The 25 sites sampled In the Alphabet HII Is pre-burn Inventory and
assessment were combined Into Level IV vegetatIon types of Viereck et al.
(1982).Pre-burn site descriptions wit I have greater meaning once a fire has
taken place and pre-and post-burn comparisons are made.Subsequent changes
In species composttlon and the responses of IndIvidual species to manipUlation
by fIre are best undertaken on a slte-by-slte basis.Five vegetation types
were sampled tn the Alphabet Hills during summer 1982.These 5 vegetation
types were classified under 2 Level (Viereck et al.1982)vegetatIon
classifications;forest and scrub.The Open White Spruce,Open Black Spruce,
and Woodland White Spruce vegetation types were al I forest types.The Dwarf
-95 -
Sirch and Dwarf Sirch-WII low vegeTation types were classIfied as scrub type.
Area (ha)of each level III Viereck et al.(1982)vegetation type,and
the relative percentage of each,for the primary,secondary,and control burn
areas In the Alphabet Hil Is is shown In Table 92.The outer boundary,
surrounding The control burn area,was based primarily on the simi larlty of
the vegetation In the burn and control areas (Fig.10).The outer boundary of
the secondary burn area fot lowed the reasonable expected limits of the burn as
formed by natural barriers.The primary burn site represented the area
expected to burn.Most study sites were located In the primary burn and
control areas.The primary and secondary burn areas were defIned by INF and
SlM fire specialists while The control area was defined by AgrIcultural
Experiment Station range ecology personnel.
Average diameter at polnt-of-browsIng (OPS)measurements for shrub
species In the Alphabet Hi!Is are shown In Table 93.Salix glayca had the
largest OPS measurements,averaging 3.5 rom.The smal lest OPS's of the shrub
species was for a.glandulosa,averaging 2.4 mm.All specIes of Salix had
larger average OPS's than a.glandylosa.
SalIx glauca had the greatest weIght for leaves attached to tWigs clipped
at the average OPS (Table 93).Mean weight of leaves was 0.74 g for ~.glayca
while a.glandulosa averaged 0.30 gm.Salix pylcbra had the greatest twIg
weights,averaging 0.51 g/twlg (Table 93).Species of SalIx had larger leaf
and tWig weights than a.glandylosa.This was due In part to the larger
average OPB's for Sal Ix spp.
6.3.1 -Open WhiTe Spruce Vegetation Type
Three sites were sampled within the Open White Spruce vegetation type.
Tree cover averaged 10%,tal I shrub canopy cover 1%,low shrub cover 19%,
dwarf shrub cover 11%,forb cover 34%,graminold cover 10%,moss cover 50~,
and lichen cover 2%.Pjcea glayca,Alnys crlspa,SalIx pylchra,Yacclnlym
-96 -
yl rglnosym,fQylsetem spp.,and CalamagrostIs canadensIs were the most
abundant vascular plants In thIs vegetatIon type (Table 94).
DensIty of f.glayca averaged 455/ha,whIle A.crlspa,E.glandulosa,and
~.pylchra had the greatest densIty of the shrubs sampled (Table 95).The
oldest-aged trees In each of the 3 sites averaged 183 yrs for f.glauca and
151 yrs for f.marIana.
Salix ~~basal diameter was larger than E.glandy!osa,and percent
utIlIzation based on twig counts was similar between the 2 species (Table 96).
Total available biomass was greatest for ~.pylchra and util ized bIomass was
also greatest for ~.py[Chra,averaging 24%of the total biomass produced
(Table 97).
Adequate sample sizes needed for cover estimates ranged from 1 to 13
plots per vegeTatIon type.For stem density estImates,only 1 plot was needed
for both shrub species measured.Percent utIlizatIon estImates required from
54 to 77 plots in the Open White Spruce type (Tables 94 and 96).
6.3.2 -Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type
Seven sItes were examined In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type.
Basal tree averaged 13%canopy cover,low shrubs prov I ded 12%cover,dwarf.
shrubs 31%,forbs 20%,gramInolds 10%,moss 53%,and lIchens 19%cover.
Litter,dead w()od,and bare ground combined to account for 12%cover (Table
Stem densitIes were greatest for f.mariana,E.glandylosa,and ~.
pylchra.The oldest trees of the 7 sItes sampled In the Open Black Spruce
vegetatIon type averaged 155 yrs for f.mariana and 209 yrs for f.glayca.
Live shrub stems were more abundant than dead stems (Table 99).
Basal diameter of shrubs fel I within the <1 -2 cm range,and utII izatlon
based on twig counts ranged from 3%to 27%(Table 100).
Available and utIl Ized browse biomass In the Open Black Spruce type
-97 -
based on -
Betyla -
Totaled 540 and 135 kg/ha,respectively (Table 101).This represents
approximately 20%uti I Ization of the total biomass of the shrubs sampled.
Sal Ix pulcbra was the major species and received 22%uti I Izatlon of the total
biomass present.Betyla glandulosa was second In biomass with 16%
utilization.Sal Ix glauea accounted for only 3 kg/ha,but received 25%
utIlization of the biomass present.(Table 101).
Adequate sample size for cover estimates ranged from 1 to 13 plots per
site.To estimate basal diameters only 1 plot was needed,however,between 68
and 325 plots were needed to adequately estimate utilizatIon using twig counts
(Tables 98 and 100).
6.3.3 -Woodland WhIte Spruce VegetaTion Type
Five sites were sampled In the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type.
Basal tree cover averaged 6%,low shrub cover 25%,dwarf bIrch 45%,forbs 8%,
moss 46%,and lIchens 21%(Table 102).Pleea glayea was the most abundant
tree,,a.glandulosa,£.pylchra,y.ullg!nosym,Ledym groenlandjeym,and
Empetrym nlgrym were the most abundant shrubs.Egy!setym s!lyatleum was the
most abundant forb,and CI adonla spp.were the most abundant lichens <Table
Tree density totaled 448/ha,dominated by f.glauea.The oldest trees of
f.glayea averaged 243 yrs whl Ie f.mariana averaged 211 yrs of age.Tree
seedlings were numerous.Betyla glandylosa,~acleylarls,and £.pylchra
were the shrubs wIth the greatest densIty (Table 103).
Basal diameTers of shrubs measured ranged from <1 to 2 cm.Percent
utIlizatIon estimates based on twig counts were less than those
biomass estimates,however,trends were similar between the 2 methods
104 and 105).
Total ava!lable biomass of shrub stems was 411 kg/ha (Table 105).
glandylosa and £.py!ebra prOVided the greatest biomass and receIved 23%and
-98 -
26%utilization of the biomass present,respectively.However,every
Individual of i.glayca and i.lanata that was sampled at these sites had been
browsed.One Individual i.pulchra shrub at site #23 in the Woodland White
Spruce vegetation type had 208 browsed stems and 332 unbrowsed stems.
Adequate sample sizes fol lowed the same pattern as for the 2 previous
vegetation types (Tables 102 and 105.)
6.3.4 -Dwarf Btrch Vegetation Type
Seven sites were examined In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type.Low shrub
canopy cover averaged 49$,dwarf shrub cover 55%,forb cover 8%,gramlnold
cover 3%,moss 53%,and lichen cover 23%<Table 106).Betyla glandY!Qsa,L.
u I i g I nosum,.E.n I grum,and .1...groen I and i cum were the most abundant shrub
species.The only forb with >1%cover was Cornys canadensIs.Cladonla spp.
were the major lichens.
Tree density totaled 27/ha,most of which were saplIngs.Both Pjcea
species were evenly represented (Table 107).The few trees present were
younger In age than trees In the forested vegetation types.Pjcea marIana
averaged 91 yrs of age whl Ie f.glayca trees had a mean age of 106 yrs.
Betyla glandulosa and i.pylcbra bad the greatest density of the shrubs
sampled,and most Individuals were alive.
Basal diameters of shrubs ranged from 1 to 2 cm.Percent utIlization of
tw I gs on these shrubs ranged from 5 to 15,and ranked s I mI I ar to ut'l I.Iz at I on
based on biomass (Table 108).
Browse aval lability totaled 1,822 kg/ha with only 16%uti]Izatlon of the
total biomass.Betyla glandulosa and i.pylcbra provided the most biomass and
15%and 2~of the total biomass had been utilized,respectively (Table 109).
Adequate sample sizes needed for cover estimates and twig counts showed
the same trends as for the other vegetation types discussed previously (Tables
106 and 108),
-99 -
6.3.5 -Dwarf BIrch -Willow Vegetation Type
Three sites were sampled in the D~arf Birch-Wi I lo~vegetation type.Low
shrub canopy cover averaged 37%,d~arf shrub canopy cover 68%,forb cover 12%,
gramlnold cover 9%,moss cover 53%,and I ichen cover averaged 26%(Table 110).
Abundant shrubs in terms of canopy cover were identical to those in the Dwarf
Birch type.However,Sa!jx spp.were abundant in the D~arf Birch-Wi Ilo~types
(Tables 106 and 110).EQuisetum sj Iyatlcum,carices,and Peltlgera spp.were
also abundant.Tree density was low and domInated by dead trees and seedl ings
of f.glauca.Pjcea marjana had nearly equal densities of dead and I ive trees
(Table 111).Pjcea mariana trees had average ages of 55 yrs In this
vegetation type.The oldest trees of E.glayca were 30 yrs of age.Shrub
density was made up primarily by a.~landulosa and ~.pulchra.
Basal diameters of shrubs were in the 1 - 2 em size class (Table 112).
Percent util ization of these shrubs,based on twig counts,ranged from 5 to 8.
Browse aval labi I ity totaled 1,039 kg/ha ~Ith 18%of the total biomass
utll ized (Table 113).Betyla glaodylosa and ~.pylchra were the most abundant
shrubs sampled in terms of available biomass (Table 113).Leaf biomass was
similar to twig biomass for each shrub species.
The number of plots needed to estimate canopy cover with the degree of
precision as stated (Table 110)ranged from 1 to 21.Util ization estimated by
counting twigs needed from 80 to 147 plots for an adequate sample in the D~arf
Blrch-Wil low type (Tables 110 and 112).
A summary of density,gross available twIg biomass,and percent
uti I Izatlon of twigs for the 5 Level IV vegetation types sampled in the
Alphabet Hi!Is study Is shown In Table 114.
6.3.6 -Discussion
Tree density in the Open White Spruce type was greater than any other
type where E.glayca ~as present.E.mariana dominated the Open Black Spruce
-100 -
type where densiTy of Fjcea marjana In this type was greater than density of
f.glayca In any vegetation type.The Dwarf Birch and Dwarf Blrch-Wil low
types supported very few trees.Most of the trees In the Dwarf Birch-Wi I low
type were dead,but seed I Ings of f.glayca were abundant.ThIs type appeared
to have a history of relatively recent fire.
Shrub cover was Inversely related to tree density (r s = -0.81,
N=5,P <0.05)In the Alphabet Hills study area.Major shrubs aT all sites
included a.glandulosa,~.pulchra,and 1.ullglnosum.Alnus cr!spa was found
only at Open White Spruce sites,and~.lanata only at Open White Spruce and
Open Black Spruce sites.
Generally,forb and gramlnold cover decreased as shrub cover increased
(r s =-0.71,-0.23,respectively,N=5,P >0.05).Moss cover was consistent
among all vegeTation types,averaging 53%.Cover of lichens was greatest
where forb and grass cover was the least (r s =-0.70,-0.08,respectIvely,
N=5,P>0.15).litter cover increased (r s =0.98,N=5,P <0.001)In
association with increasing shrub cover.
The Open White Spruce type was made up of stands with moderate tree
densiTy dominated by f.glayca.Shrub cover was relatively low,while forb
and graminold cover was abundant.Moss was the major ground cover,while
lichens and litter were relatively less abundant.
The Open Black Spruce type had the greatest tree densities,dominated by
f.mariana.Shrub cover was sparse,and forb and gramlnold cover was
relatively abundant.Moss and I ichens were the major ground cover and litter
cover was low.
The Woodland White Spruce type was moderate In tree density,yet less
Than the Open White Spruce type.VIereck et al.(1982)classified tree stands
as forest (open,closed,and woodland)based on canopy cover of trees.
Forests have>10%tree cover.Shrub cover was higher In the Woodland White
-101 -
Spruce type Than In any other forest or woodland type sampled due to an
increase In both low and dwarf shrub categories.Forb and gramlnold cover was
also low,but lichen cover was relatively great.Litter cover was also
greater In this type than any other forest type.
The Dwarf Birch type had very few trees and ~glayca and f.mariana were
equa I IY abundant.Shrub cover was much more abundant than In the forested
types due to an Increase in both the low shrub and dwarf shrub components.
Forb and gramlnold cover was low.Moss provIded the major ground cover,but
lIchens were also abundant.Litter cover was relatIvely greater than In other
vegetation types,probably originatIng from the deciduous shrubs.
The Dwarf Birch-Willow type was very similar to the Dwarf Birch type,
except that density of dead trees was higher,and ~.pylchra and ~.glayca
were present.
The primary objective of the Alphabet HII Is burn study was to monitor the
response of The dIfferent vegetatIon types to fire,and the subsequent
response of moose to changes In the plant communities.UntIl the burn has
been completed and vegeTatIon development has occurred,this objective cannot
be fully met.The burn was attempted durIng September 1982,but environmental
conditions prevented the fIre from spreadIng beyond the IgnitIon sItes.
Presumab Iy,another attempt to burn the area wII I be made dur I ng fa I I,1983.
However,some subjectIve evaluations can be made based on the present
vegetattve composition and knowledge of fire ecology.It appears that the
potentIal to Improve the study area as moose habitat exists,at least In terms
of forage avaIlability.Shrubs such as a.glandulosa,Sal Ix spp.,Alnys spp.,
and B.acicylarls exist In almost every vegetatIon type present.The few
post-fire successional studies that have been conducted In Alaska Indicate
that on mosT sites shrubs domi nate the pI ant commun i ty after 6 years,and up
to 25 years,of vegetation development (Lutz 1956,Van Cleve and Viereck 1981,
-102 -
Viereck 1982).Pieea mariana forests generally revegetate at a faster rate
than f.glauca forests (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981).Fo!lowing disturbance by
fire,plant communities domInated by shrubs experience quick revegetation wIth
numerous stump sprouts and root suckers.However,It was noted by lutz (1956)
and Van Cleve and Viereck (1981)that some sItes revegetate directly back to
Picea spp.forest without development of a shrub-dominated stage.This Is
probably due to a lack of shrubs In the immediate area of the fire.Lutz
(1956)stated that Sal Ix spp.,~.papyrifera,and Populus tremuloldes produced
seeds at a relatIvely young age,produced many seeds each year,and that seeds
of these plants were morphologically adapted to be wInd-blown great distances.
The Alphabet Hil Is study area appears to have an adequate seed source for
Salix spp.,,f1.glandylosa,and Alnys spp.Betula papyrlfera did not occur at
any of the sites sampled In the Alphabet Hills.In addition,stump sprouts
and root suckers from the shrubs present at the burn site wll I also contribute
to revegetatlng the area fol lowing the fire.
Fire Intensity also plays a role fn post-fIre vegetation succession In
Alaska.Fire intensIty Is directly related to the burning of the organic
layer covering the soil surface.Dyrness (1982)stated that fire effects on
the environmental condItions of a site were directly related to how much of
the organic layer,as well as vegeTation,Is removed.When the organfc layer
is consumed by fire,the active layer of the permafrost Increases,soil
temperatures r ncrease,and seed I I ng estab I i shment by sh rub s and trees Is
enhanced (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981,Dyrness 1982,Viereck 1982).The
magnitude of these effects Is directly related to how much of the organic
layer Is removed.Lutz (1956)stated that minerai soli exposed by fire·
provided an opTimal seedbed for secondary plant succession.
Dyrness (1982)noted that frre effects are highly variable.Fire usually
does not consume at I of the surface organic layer In f.mariana forests due to
-103 -
the relatively wetter siie conditions.However,most f.mariana slies do
respond to ffre In a way that would be desirable In the Alphabet HII Is study.
Furthermore,ft would be desirable to provide areas of undisturbed forest
communiTies In close juxtaposliion to the fire,for use as escape and thermal
cover by moose.To date,no published studies have examined vegeiatlon
response to fire In a quantitative manner for plant communities other than f.
marjana forests.
The history of fire In Alaska Is extensive.Most siies In interior
Alaska burn every 50 to 100 years.Fire is a recurring and consistent
phenomenon In Alaska,and the plant and animal commun!iles have evolved around
this ecologically Important disturbance.
Further evidence of the potential for fire to Improve moose habitat was
provided by the Dwarf Birch-Wi I low type,whTch appeared to have a history of
recent fire.Biomass of shrubs that could potentially be utilized by moose
(prfmarlly Sal Ix spp.)was greatest in this type,fol lowed by the Open WhIte
Spruce type.Utilization of avaTlable biomass was greatest Tn the Woodland
WhTte Spruce,but was also great for the Dwarf BTrch type and moderate for the
other vegetatIon types.Utll izatfon Ts a function of forage avai lab!1 Ity and
ihe number of moose.ut I I I zat I on of ava I I ab Ie biomass In the Dwarf
Birch-Wil low type was low,presumably due to the greater availability of
shrubs.Sa I Ix pu I cbra and .5,.g I auca cons I stent Iy rece I ved the greatest
ut TI I zat i on (based on both tw Ig counts and biomass est I mat Ions)In any
vegeTation type.These shrubs are major winter foods of moose Tn Alaska (Peek
1974).Information concerning use of each vegetation type by moose and food
habits ot moose before and after the burn would greatly rncrease our
understanding of moose -fire relatfonshlps.
-104 -
Sample sizes needed for cover estimates were wei I below the number
ofplots aCTually read for most plant species.However,twig counts needed
approximately twice the number of plots that were actually examined.Twig
count data was variable with coefficients of variation (SO/x)ranging from 20~
to 30%,depending on the species.
6.3.7 -Alphabet Hills SoIls
The information presented here is baseline data for the proposed Alphabet
Hills burn.Pre-and post-burn should yield Important information on changes
in amounts and composiTion of the soil variables analyzed.Unless otherwise
stated,means presented In the text reflect the average for the entIre sol I
profile sampled (0-15 cm). -Open White Spruce VegetatIon Type
Average 5011 pH for the Open White Spruce vegetation type was
6.34±O.56(x±s"tandard deviation).Overall averages for each depth wIthin this
vegeTation type ranged from 6.28 to 6.45,or were sl ightly acidic (Table 115).
IndIvidual 5011 samples varied from 5.67 to 7.05 over al I depths,Indicating a
pH ranging from moderately acidic to neUTral.
Macronutrlent concentrations were greatest for calCium with an average of
3690 .40±3115 .44 ppm (parts per million)followed by 483.68±289.44 ppm
magneSium and 370.56±768.09 ppm potassium.Average concentrations for each of
the macronuTrlents were usually greater at the 0-5 cm depth than either the
5-10 cm or 10-15 cm depths.Viereck (1970)found the greatest levels of
potassium,magnesium,and calcium to be aSSOCiated with areas of the profile
containing the greatest concentrations of organic matter In study areas
adjacent to the Chena River in Interior Alaska.It is not apparent why.an
exceptionally high potassium content was found at the 5-10 cm depth.
Micronutrient concentrations were greatest for Iron which had
-105 -
189.08±81.54 mg/g (milligrams per gram),followed by 27.791.34.18 mg/g for
manganese,2.27±1.15 mg/g for copper,and mg/g for zInc.
Average percent organic matter was 11.76±10.02 In the Open White Spruce
vegeTation type.As would be expected,organic matter decreased (Table 115)
from the 0-5 cm depth to the 10-15 cm depth.
Total nitrogen averaged 0.41±0.35%and total phosphorus averaged
0.09±0.01%.Total soil nitrogen and phosphorus are often correlated with
organic matter content of soils (Hausenbuil ler 1978).This can be observed to
some extent by decreases In concentration of total nitrogen and phosphorus
with increasing depth (Table 115).
Texture analysIs yielded 33.4±9.4%sand,46.2±7.8%silt,and 20.4±4.5J
clay,generally Indlcatlng a loamy texture classlflcation for the soils wIthin
thIs vegetatIon type. -Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type
Average soil pH for the Open Black Spruce vegetation type was 6.08±0.58.
Averages at each depth within the Open Black Spruce vegetation type ranged
from 5.82 to 6.31,Indicating a moderately orsl Ightly acidic soil (Table
(16).Individual pH's over all depths for sites sampled in the Open Black
Spruce vegetation type ranged from 4.81 to 6.78.A thick moss layer and
coniferous tree lItTer probably accounted for the low pH of soIls observed Tn
thIs vegetation type (VIereck 1970).
Concentrations of calcIum were the greatest at 2485.00±1795.90 ppm,
fol lowed by 410.201245.02 ppm for magnesium and 104.41±94.83 ppm for potassIum
In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type.Of al I the macronutrlents examined,
calcIum always had the greatest concentration.Calcium Is generally a more
abundant element Tn the earth's crust than either magnesium or potassIum
(Hausenbu Iller 1978).
-106 -
Iron had the greaTest average concentratron of aJ I mlcronutrients
examined (300.63±215.18 mg/g),followed by manganese with 62.t8±109.17 mg/g,
copper with 2.97±1.40 mg/g,and zinc with 2.76±4.44 mg/g.
Percent organic matter averaged 1t .21±11.14.Total nitrogen averaged
0.37±O.38%anej total phosphorus averaged 0.09±0.02~.
Texture classification of soils in the Open Black Spruce type indicaTe a
loamy soil with 31.5±9.6%sand,42.8±7.3%silt,and 25.7±9.4~clay. -Woodland White Spruce VegeTaTion Type
Average soil pH for the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type was
6.16±0.24.Averages for each depth ranged from 6.04 to 6.24,or slIghtly
acidic (Table 117).Individual pH readings over al I depths sampled within the
Woodland White Spruce vegetation type varied from 5.76 to 6.43,indicating a
range from moderately to sl ightly acidic.
Macronutrient concentrations wer~greatest for calcium with
2086.49±1358.77 ppm,fol lowed by 406.81±235.70 ppm for magnesium,and
388.14±757.90 ppm for potassium.
Average micronutrient concentrations were greatest for iron at
225.70±120.94 mg/g,fol lowed by 21 .89±20.84 mg/g for manganese,2.04±0.97 mg/g
for copper,and 0.96±1.23 mg/g for zfnc.
Organic matter content was low compared to other vegetation types,
averaging 7.99±8.41%.Total nitrogen measured O.26±O.25%and total phosphorus
was 0.09±0.03%.This soil had have a loamy textural classification with
31 .5±14.9%sand,42.9±9.8%silt and 25.6±11.6%clay. -Dwarf Birch VegeTaTion Type
Average sol I pH for the Dwarf Birch vegetation type was 5.12±0.68,or
moderately acidic.Averages for each depth varied from 4.66 to 5.52,ranging
from strongly to moderately acidic crable 118),Individual pH readings over
-107 -
al I depths ranged from 3.99 to 6.51.A thick moss layer contributed to low
pH.Viereck (1970)noted low soi I pH in black spruce/sphagnum stands adjacent
to the Chena River in Interior Alaska.The pH readings in the Dwarf Birch
type were the lowest found in any of the vegetation types sampled in the
Alphabet HII Is study area (Table 118).
Macronutrlent concentrations were greatest for calcium with
716.15±803.90 ppm,followed by magnesium (150.80±143.93 ppm)and potassium
(105.38±179.28 ppm).
MIcronutrient concentratIons were greatest for iron wIth
231 .26±99.73 mg/g,fol lowed by 10.27±11 .58 mg/g for manganese,1 .02±0.72 mg/g
for copper,and 0.95±2.80 mg/g for zinc.
Organic matter averaged 10.54±9.10%.Total nitrogen averaged 0.28±0.23%
and total phosphorus was 0.08±O.02$.Soil texture classification was loamy
with 33.9±10.1%sand,45.2±8.9%silt,and 20.9±8.6%clay. -Dwarf Birch-Willow Vegetation Type
Average soil pH for the Dwarf Birch-WII low vegetation type was 5.86iO.42.
Averages by depth ranged from a pH of 5.64 to 6.07,or moderately to slightly
acidic (Table 119).Individual readings over all depths ranged from 5.50 to
Macronutrlent concentrations were greatest for calcium with
2090.94±1052.26 ppm,fol lowed by magnesium (478.47±224.51 ppm)and potassium
(103.56±.51.31 ppm).
Micronutrient concentrations were greatest for iron with
275.65±90.56mg/g,followed by 14.32±11.53 mg/g for manganese,1.81±1.03 mg/g
for copper,and 0.85±O.74 mg/g for zInc.
Organic matter content averaged 10.90±11.10%.Total nitrogen and total
phosphorus averaged O.37±O.32%and 0.09±O.02%,respectively.Soi I texture
-108 -
classification for this vegetation type was loamy,wIth 31 .8±9.2~sand,
43.5±4.8%silt,and 24.7±7.6%clay. -PermafrosT and Organic MaTTer
Average depth to permafrost wIthin vegetation types was greatest In the
Dwarf-BIrch Willow type (Table 120).Lack of overstory and/or lack of an
insulating moss layer in this vegetation type probably were major factors
contributing to ThIs characteristic.Open Black Spruce stands had the
shaJ lowest depth to permafrost.Dyrness (1982)reported shallow permafrost
readings in undlstrubed black spruce/feathermoss vegetation communities in the
Yukon-Tanana Uplands of Alaska.Organic layer depth (Table 120)and depth to
permafrost were negatively correlated (r s =-0.61,N=5,P >0.05),but the
correlation was not significant. -Total Tons Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Total metric tons of nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated by
vegetation type within the Alphabet HI I Is primary and secondary burn areas
(Table 121).The total metric tons per hectare were calculated for the entire
0-15 cm soil depth sampled using an average bulk density of 1.25 g/cm 3 •
Amounts of total nitrogen are expected to change after the burn is completed.
Total nitrogen,incl udlng that In the organic layer,would decrease,much of
it being lost to volatll izatlon.However,more nitrogen would be available on
site through release from organic matter (Martin 1987).Total phosphorus
would also decrease fol lowing the burn.Slopes of sites sampled ranged from
1-25 percent.Slope steepness can have an effect on soil chemical composition
due to the prospects of Increased erosion following a burn.The
aforementioned effects are highly variable due to differences In burn
Intensity,slope length,amount of ground cover,'nd precipitation.
Resistance of soil particles to detachment,water Infiltration rate,and rain
-109 -
Intensity also play an important role in the severity of erosion (Boyer and
Dell 1980).The Alphabet Hil Is burn wil I be attempted again during the late
summer or fall of 1983.Post-burn studies should Include soils analysis of
each site burned to determine the extent of release of nutrients from burned
vegetation and the organic matter layer.These post-burn solis wll I provide
the baseline Information necessary to document sol I chemical composition
changes through time for each site that was burned. -Conclusions
Comparisons of soi I components were made using multivariate analysis of
variance.For discussions where this is used,significance of F has been set
at P ~0.10.
Significant differences for pH (P <0.001)were found by depths within
separate vegeTation types.This was most apparent In the Dwarf Birch
vegetation type,where pH values had a broad range and a relatively high
standard error.Significant differences (P <0.001)In organic matter,total
nitrogen,and total phosphorus were found by depth within separate vegetation
types.This was true for all vegeTation types sampled in the Alphabet HI I Is.
This reinforces the conclusion that organic matter,total nitrogen,and total
phosphorus decreased with increasing depth In the sol I profile.Particle size
did not significantly differ by depth within separate vegetation types for
sand (P =0.18),silt (P =0.51),and clay (P =0.22).
Comparisons among al I vegetation types yielded significant differences
(P <O.uOl)for pH.This was not unexpected given the broad ranges (strongly
acid to neutral)found for pH.Macronutrients were srgnlflcantly different
among al I vegeTation types for calcium (P =0.006)and magnesium (P =0.002)
whereas no significant differences were found for potassium (P =0.14).For
micronuTrients,particle size classes,total nitrogen,and total phosphorus,·
-110 -
no significant differences (P >0.10)were found when compared among
vegetation types.
Fol lowing the Alphabet HII Is burn,signifIcant differences should be
found In the soil variables measured In this study.Depth to permafrost
measurements should Increase with associated reductions In the organic layer
(Dyrness 1982).Genera II y,nutr lent ava II ab II I ty wIII I ncrease I mmed I ate Iy
after the fire.Erosion and/or leaching may cause a net decrease In
succeedIng years,although much of thIs depends on fire Intensity (Boyer and
Dell 1980).
It should be noted that the sampling scheme used for soIls was consistent
with tha-r employed for vegeTation sampling.Thus,our soil samples were not
grouped with respect to strict soil types,rather they were grouped according
to Level IV vegeTatIon types.Enough variation In soil chemical composItion
exists withIn Level IV vegetatIon types to effectively mask much of the
differences that may actually exist between vegetation types and/or soIl types
based on a fIner classificatIon scheme.
6.3.8 -Comparison of Susltna Basin and Alphabet HIlls Vegetation Types
The 5 vegetatIon types In the Alphabet HII Is corresponded to 5 of the 10
vegeTation types In the browse Inventory study In the middle Susltna River
Basin.The Open White Spruce,Open Black Spruce,Dwarf Birch,and Dwarf
Blrch-WIllow vege-ratlon types were sampled at both study areas.The Woodland
Spruce of the Susltna BasIn and the Woodland White Spruce of the Alphabet
Hills were also directly comparable.One of the 6 sites In the Susltna Basin
Woodland Spruce vegetation type was classified as a Woodland Black Spruce
type.The other 5 sItes In that study area were cons I dered Wood I and Wh I te
Spruce vegetatIon types.However,both species of Plcea were generally found
grOWing together In the forest types.The stem density and relative canopy
111 -
cover of each specIes of Plcea usually was the determinIng facTor In whether a
sIte was classIfied as a Woodland WhIte Spruce or Woodland Black Spruce
vegeTatIon type.Thus,for our purposes the Woodland Spruce and Woodland
WhIte Spruce vegetatIon types of the Susltna BasIn and Alphabet HII Is studies,
respectively,were compared. -Open White Spruce VegetatIon Type
Percent canopy cover of all plant specIes common to the Open WhIte Spruce
vegetatIon type in both the SuslTna BasIn and Alphabet HIlls study areas was
not sIgnIfIcantly correlated (r=0.29,N=10,P >0.05).Alnus spp.was present
In both studies and total low shrub and total dwarf shrub were comparable.
Average canopy cover of Salix pylcbra was approxImately 8 tImes hIgher in the
Alphabet HII Is,but both erlcaceous shrubs Vacclnlym yl IgInosym and Y.
yltls-Idaea were 2-3 tImes greater In the SusITna BasIn.Average total forb
cover was approxImately 3 tImes greater In the Alphabet HII Is durIng summer,
1982.Total stem densIty of ~.glandulosa was very similar between the 2
study areas.However,as Indicated previously by canopy cover estimates,~.
pylcbra was more abundant In the Alphabet HII Is,averaging nearly 12 tImes as
many stems/ha as In the SuslTna Basin.However,utI I Izatlon of both ~.
glandylosa and ~.pylcbra twigs was lower In the SuslTna Basin,averagIng
about 50%as many browsed tWigs/stem In this vegetation type even though stem
densItIes were also lower than in the Alphabet Hil Is.Also reflecting these
dIfferences In stem densities was total available twig biomass for ~.pylchra,
which was over 600%hIgher In the Alphabet HII Is. -Open Black Spruce Vegetation Type
Total low shrub and total dwarf shrub canopy cover was very similar
between the Susltna Basin and Alphabet HII Is In the Open Black Spruce
vegetation type.Percent canopy cover of plant specIes found In both the
-112 -
Susltna BasIn and Alphabet HIlls study areas were hIghly correlated (r=0.98,
N=17,P <0.01).Similar to the Open White Spruce type,total forb cover was
greater In the Alphabet HII Is durIng summer,1982.Canopy cover of carex spp.
and total lIchens was also greater In the Alphabet HIlls.Although canopy
cover of B.glandy!osa was nearly Identical between the Susltna BasIn (7%)and
Alphabet HII Is (5'),stem densItIes were nearly 3 tImes hIgher In the
Alphabet HII Is.Stem densItIes for i.pulcbra averaged 11,549 stems/ha and
15,500 stems/ha for the Susltna Basin and Alphabet Hil Is study areas,
respecTively.Sal Ix !anata In the Alphabet HII Is and i.glayca In the SuslTna
BasIn had the hIghest utIlIzatIon estImates based on twIg counts for the 2
studies.ExcludIng A.sloyata from the comparIson,total avaIlable twIg
bIomass was IdentIcal between the Alphabet HII Is and SuslTna BasIn.In both
stUdy areas the bulk of total available shrub bIomass was i.pylchra and B.
glandylosa. -Woodland White Spruce Vegetation Type
Species composItIon and canopy cover in the Woodland White Spruce type
was hIghly correlated (r=0.89,N=8,P <0.01)between sites sampled In the
SuslTna BasIn and Alphabet HII Is study areas.Canopy cover of B.glandylosa,
i.pylcbra,x.vi IgInosum,and l.groeoiandicum were greatest sampled In the
Alphabet HIlls.Cover of lIchens was greater In the Alphabet HI lis,
particularly peltlgera spp.Stem densItIes of B.glandylosa and i.pylchra
were 200'and 11 tImes greater In the Alphabet HII Is,respectIvely.Some of
the hIghest utIlizatIon estImates of shrubs based on twIg counts were observed
Inthe Woodland Spruce type In both study areas.The average percent
utIlIzation for all shrub specIes (excludIng Alnys spp.,whIch were not
measured In the Alphabet HIl Is)was 2~In the SuslTna BasIn and 33'In the
Alphabet HII Is.EstImates of avaIlable and utIlIzed bIomass were
approxImately 2-3 tImes greater for the Alphabet HII Is.
-113 - -Dwarf Birch Vegetation Type
C~nopy cover of B.glandulosa tn the Dwarf Birch vegetation type was
approximately 2 tImes gre~ter at sites tn the Alphabet Htl Is than at sites In
the SuslTna BasIn.Empetrym nlgrym,l.groenlandfcym and y.ul Igloosym also
had substantIally greater canopy cover 10 the Alphabet HII Is.Total forb,
gramlnold,and lIchen cover was simIlar between the 2 study areas.The
Alphabet HII Is averaged 30%cover of litter whereas sites In the Susltna Basin
had mean lItTer cover of only 7%.In spite of the apparent differences tn
cover percentages,there was a significant correlation Cr=0.90,N=25,
P <0.01)of species composttlon and canopy cover between the 2 study areas In
the Dwarf Birch vegetatIon type.Stem densiTy estImates for B.glandylosa,
~aclcylarfs,~.glayca,and~.pylcbra were all greater at the Alphabet
HII Is st~es,ranging from 1.6 to 2.4 times higher than In the Susltna Basin.
Uti I Izatlon of tWIgs was greater for ~.glandulosa and ~.pylchra In the
Alphabet HIlls.UtilIzation of,S,.pylchra was approximately equal for the 2
study areas.Betyla glandylosa was the major component of total avaIlable
bIomass for both the Alphabet HI I Is and Susl~na BasIn.Total available
biomass of B.glandu!osa tn the Alphabet HII Is exceeded that of the SuslTna
BaSin;the opposite was true for ,S,.pylchra In the Dwarf Birch vegetation
type. -Dwarf Birch -Willow Vegetation Type
Species composition and percent canopy cover were significantly
correlated Cr=0.85,N=4,P <0.01)between the 2 study areas for In the Dwarf
Blrch-WII low vegetation type.Canopy cover of the low shrubs 5.glaodylosa
and ~.g I ayca as we I I as the dwarf shrubs .E..0 I grum and y.yI rg!oosum was
greaTer In the Alphabet HII Is sites.Total forb and gramlnold cover was equal
between the 2 study areas for this vege~atlon type.Lichen cover was much
-114 -
lower for the Susltna BasIn sites,partIcularly PeltIgera spp.and
CladoDlaspp.,than for the Alphabet HII Is sItes.Stem densItIes of ~.
glandylosa,and ~.pulcbra were both greater In the Alphabet HII Is study area.
Percent utIlIzatIon of~.glayca twigs was greater In the Susltna BasIn,whIle
percent utIlization of both ~.pulchra and~.glandulosa were both greater In
the Alphabet HII Is.Total available biomass was approxImately 2 tImes greater
In the Alphabet HI I Is than In the Susltna BasIn.
6.3.9 -ComparIson of Soil Variables Between the Alphabet Hills and Susltna
Bas I n Study Areas.
The fol lowIng Is a quantItatIve comparIson between soIt samples taken
from the Alphabet HIlls and the mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn study areas.Due
to the complexIty Involved In the analysIs of variance between these two
areas,the analysIs was run separately by depth.SignIfIcance was set at
P.i 0.1.
At depth 0-5 cm,pH was signifIcantly dIfferent (P =0.09)between the
two study areas when comparIng the same vegetatIon type.The pH also differed
signIfIcantly (P <0.001)at depth 0-5 cm among al I vegetation types when both
study areas are combIned.At depth 5-10 em pH was not sIgnifIcantly dIfferent
(P =0.37)between the two study areas when comparing the same vegetatIon
type.ComparIsons among al I vegetatIon types for both study areas combIned
IndIcated signifIcant dIfferences <P <0.001>for pH at depth 5-10 em.At
depth 10-15 cm there were no sIgnIfIcant dIfferences P =0.80 between the two
study areas for pH when comparing the same vegetatIon type.SIgnIfIcant
differences (P <0.001)were found at depth 10-15 cm among al I vegetatIon
types for both study areas combIned.
Macronutrlents at the 0-5 cm depth were not sIgnifIcantly
dlfferentbetween the 2 study areas for calcIum (P =0.13),magnesIum
-115 -
(P =0.23)and potassium (P =0.84)when comparing the same vegetation type.
Among all vegetation types,for both study areas combined,significant
differences were found for calcium (P =0.04)and magnesium (P =0.01)
although no significant differences were noted for potassium (P =0.39).At
the 5-10 cm depth,'no significant dIfferences were found between study areas
when comparing the same vegetation type for calcium (P =0.31)and magnesium
(P =0.50),however,potassium was significantly different (P <0.001).
Significant differences among all vegetation types sampled were found when
combining the two study areas at depth 5-10 cm for calcium (P =0.02),
magnesium (P =0.02),and potassium (P =0.09).At the 10-15 cm depth,no
significant differences were found between the two study areas when comparing
the same vege~atlon type for calcium (P =0.22)and potassium (P =0.95)
although significant differences were found for magnesium (P =0.02).
Differences among all vegeTation types when the 2 study areas were combined
were significant at the 10-15 em depth for potassium (P =0.05)and magnesium
(P =0.01,however differences were not significant for calcium (P =0.17).
At the 0-5 cm depth no significant differences between study area were
found when 'comparing the same vege~ation type for iron (P =0.62),manganese
(P =0.79),or zinc (P =0.43).Significant differences did occur for copper
(P <0.001>.No significant differences were found at the 0-5 cm depth among
al I vegetation types when the 2 study areas were combined for Iron (P =0.23),
copper (P =0.24),and zinc (P =0.13),however,manganese was found to be
significantly different (P =0.08).At the 5-10 cm depth,significant
differences between the 2 study areas were found for iron (P =0.01),
manganese (P =0.09),copper (P =<0.001),and zinc (P =0.10)when comparing
the same vegetation type.ComparIsons among al I vegetation types when
combined over the 2 study areas at the 5-10 cm depth Indicated that
significant differences occurred for manganese (P =0.03),copper (P <0.001>,
-116 -
and zinc (P <0.001),however,significant differences were not found for fron
(P=0.18).At the 10-15 em depth,slgnfflcant differences between the 2 study
areas were found for Iron (P =0.03),manganese (P <0.001),copper
(P <0.001),and zfnc (P <0.001)when comparing the same vegetation type.
Among all vegetatton types when both study areas were combIned,sIgnIfIcant
differences at the 10-15 em depth were found for manganese (P <0.001),copper
(P =0.05),and zInc (P =0.05).However,no sIgnificant differences were
found for Iron (P =0.21).
At the 0-5 cm depth,organic matter was not signIficantly different
between the 2 study areas when comparIng the same vegetatIon type (P =0.82).
Among al I vegetation types when both study areas are combined there was also
no signIficant dffference at the 0-5 cm depth for organic matter (P =0.99).
At the 5-10 cm depth,no stgniftcant difference In organIc matter (P =0.79)
was found between the 2 study areas when comparing the same vegetatIon type
nor when both study areas were combined (P =0.81).At the 10-15 em depth,no
signIficant difference (P =0.90)In organIc matter was found between the 2
study areas when comparIng the same vegetation type nor when both study areas
were combined among all vegetation types sampled (P =0.44).
For 0-5 cm,5-10 cm,and 10-15 cm depths,there were no significant
differences between the two study areas for total nitrogen or total phosphorus
when comparing the same vegetatIon type.Comparisons among al I vegetatIon
types when both study areas were combined also showed no significant
dlfferencel~for either total nitrogen or total phosphorus.
At all depths (0-5 cm,5-10 cm,and 10-15 cm)there was no signifIcant
differences In any of the particle size classes (sand,sIlt,clay)between the
two study areas when comparIng the same vegetatton type nor when the 2 study
areas were combined.
-117- -Conclusions
ComparIsons IndIcated that,In general,many soil components are not
significantly different (within a vegetation type)between the Alphabet HI I Is
and middle Susltna River Basin area.However,the lack of significant
sTatistIcal differences between the Alphabet HI I Is burn area and the middle
Susltna River Basin are probably due to the fact that Individual sites within
a vegeTation type In both study areas were often significantly different,
producing large varIance estimates when sites are averaged across a vegetation
type and then vegeTation types compared between study areas.
It should also be noted that the soil samplIng scheme was designed to be
consistent with our sampling scheme for vegetatIon types.Any dIfferences In
the results of the soils analysis may be attrIbutable to the fact that sol'
samples were taken In a certaIn vegetation type rather than a specIfic soIl
type.Information presented wll I serve a~useful baseline data after the
Alphabet HII Is burn Is completed.Changes In soIl nutrIent concentrations are
common fol lowing fire.Pre-and post-burn comparisons wll I provide Important
Information In assessing the feasabll Ity of using control led burns as a
mitigation technique for manipulation of habitat for moose.
-118 -
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- ,21 -
This glossary of terms,acronyms,and phrases Is provIded to assist
readers,both sclentlsts and laymen,In understandtng the termtnology as used
In thIs report.Some definitIons depart sf Ightly from the norm for
specIalized cases.
Adequate ~Ie size -refers to a stattstlcal procedure used to determine the
number of samplIng units needed to estimate a parameter wIthIn a sampling sIte
to a degree of precIsIon determIned by the Investigators.
Anthesls -the action or perIod of openIng a flower.
Aspect - a positIon facIng a particular compass direct,usually defIned
quall~atlvely (north,south,east,west)or as a compass dIrection degrees;
also the predominant directIon of slope of the land.
Assessmen~-the act or an Instance of determinIng the Importance,size,or
valu$of a resource.
Avallablll~y -the qualIty or state of being present or ready for immediate
use.Used In thIs report to differentIate among forage units that for varIous
reasons would or would not be accessIble.
Available twIg bIomass -refers to twig bIomass as accessible forage,twIg
biomass protected from browsing by snow cover,or dead plant parts was not
consIdered as available.
Basal dlameter -the dIameter of shrub stems ImmedIately above ground or moss
level,measured at the Internode.
Basal ste.cover -the area of the cross section above the root swel I of trees
In a samplIng unit.
Basldfomyce~es - a large class of hIgher fungi having septate hyphae,bearIng
spores on a basidium (mushrooms).
-122 -
Blae~allc ~her.a.e~er - a thermometer composed of 2 different metals with
different expansion rates the difference of which Is used to estimate
temperature:versus a mercury thermometer •
Bla-ass -the amount of living matter usually expressed as weight per unit
area or part.As used here,biomass refers to dry weight standing crop of
designated above-ground plant parts per unit area.
Browse -shoots,twigs,and leaves of shrubs or trees that are fit for
consumptIon by anImals.
BrowsIng pressure and ln~enslty -the relative amount of plant defolIatIon
resulting from consumptIon by animals.
Bryophytes -any nonflowering plant comprIsIng the mosses or liverworts.
CAG -acronym for current annual growth dry weight standIng crop bIomass.
ea.blum - a thIn formatIve layer between the xylem and phloem of most vascular
plants that gIves rise to new cel Is and Is responsible for secondary growth.
Canopy cover -the percentage of a sampling unIt covered by a class of
vegeTation that Is projected onto the ground.We did not Include gaps In the
vegetation canopy tn our estImates.
Carlces -plural for Carex.
ClIpped plo~s -refers to samplIng units In whIch plants were harvested at
ground or moss level to estImate plant standing crop above ground dry weight
Composl~lon -refers to the plant species present In any samplIng unIt,site,
or vegeTatIon type.
Controlled burn -the use of fIre as a management tool under specIfied
conditions for burning a predetermIned area.
Cover Incr'emen~s -percentage units to which plant canopy cover was estImated.
-123 -
Current annual growth -the prImary growth (dry wetght biomass)of plants,up
to the point In tIme when samplIng Is conducted,that occurred during the
present growing season;usually measured per unit area.
Current growth blo.ass -the amount of livIng matter produced by the
vegeTation during The current growing season,at the point of time of
sampling;usually measured as dry weIght per unIt area.
DBH -acronym for dlameter-at-breast-helght.
Decadent -refers to vegetation that has died,or Is deterIoratIng.
Density -the number of IndIviduals per unIt area.
Dla.eter class -refers to a untt class In which the basal diameter of a shrub
belongs;1-cm Increments In this report.
Dla.eter-at-breast-helght -diameter of the maIn stem of a tree at 1.13 m
above the ground.
Diameter at polnt-of-browslng -the diameter of a twig or stem where It has
been bItten off by an animal.
Distribution -the spatial arrangement of vegetatIon.
Dormant -plants that are not actively photosynthesizIng or growIng,but stl'I
OPB -acronym for diameter at polnt-of-browstng.
Dwarf shrub - a shrub less than 20 cm In height.
Ecotone -refers to the area Influenced by the transition between plant
communities or between successional stages or vegetative condItions within a
plant community.
Edaphlc factors -resultIng from or Influenced by the soIl rather than the
Elevatlonal gradient -Changes In parameters over a range In elevation.
Erlcaceous shrubs -shrubs classified Into the family Erlcaceae.
-124 -
Phenological state (stage)- a
characterized by certaIn morp
Photographic points -deslgna
development were taken over tIme
of vegetaTIon.
Plant co••unlty - a concret
recognIzed and are obvIous to th
over many locaTIons.
Plant production -the dry weI
growth over an entIre growIng se
graz I ng.
Plots - a unIt of area In whl<
usually refers to the basIc saml
lIne.See quadrat.
Pp.-acronym for parTs per mI II
"••_...__....._..I _,
usually aTtached to a collar arOt
Random sampling -samplIng In sue
lIkely to be measured.
Range eXTension -the documeni
Its prevIously known geographIc c
Reconnlassance survey -done tc
of an area prIor to plannIng or I
Life for.-the body form that characterIzes a kInd of organIsm at maturIty
such as gramlnolds,shrubs,trees,mosses,lIchens,etc.
Life for.total -the sum of an estImated parameter of al I specIes of a life
form In a sampling unIt.
Litter -the uppermost,slIghtly decayed layer of organIc matter on the ground
surface,usually composed of leaves,stems,flower and fruit parts,etc.
Low-growlng shrubs -shrubs that are from 20 em to 1.5 m tal I.
Mesocllmate -clImate assocIated with spatial variatIon In a geographic area;
I.e.Watana versus Devl'l Canyon Impoundments.
MIcroclimate -the essentIally uniform local climate of a smal I site or
Mg/g -acronym for mIl Ilgrams per gram.
Mitigation -the act of compensating for,or decreasing the effect of a
perturbation to a natural ecosystem.
N -symbol for sample sIze.
Nested desIgn -an experimental desIgn where levels of one factor are
subsamples of levels of another factor.
Node - a joint of a plant stem;the place where branches and leaves are joIned
to the stem.
North-facIng slope - a hillside or slope that has a northern exposure;when
sTandIng on thIs slope,facIng away from the slope,one faces In a northerly
Ocular -refers to estImatIng a parameter based on visual observatIon alone.
Palatable -agreeable to the taste or partIcularly sought out by an animal.
ParturItion -the act or process of giving bIrth to offsprIng.
Phenology - a branch of scIence studyIng the relations among plant development
and envIronmental conditions.
-126 -
Phenological state (stage)- a point in time of plant development that is
characterIzed by certain morphological attributes such as Initiation of new
growth 6 flowering 6 fruiting 6 etc.
Photographic points -designated points where photographs of vegetation
development were taken over time so as to consistently observe the same unit
of vegetation.
Plant co••unlty - a concrete definable unit of vegetation that can be
recognized and are obvious to the eye,usually made up of the same species
over many locations.
Plant production -the dry weight biomass per unit area resulting from plant
growth over an entIre growing season if the plants had been protected from
Plots - a unit of area in which estimates of various parameters are made;
usually refers to the basic sampl ing units such as plots along a transect
I ine.See quadrat.
Ppm -acronym for parts per mil lion.
Quadrat.-similar to a plot.See plot.
Quadrant -1/4 of a sampl ing unit.
Quiescence - a state of being Inactive,at rest,or dormant.
Radlo-oollared -refers to an animal which Is carrying a radIo transmitter,
usually attached to a collar around the neck.
Random samplIng -sampllng In such a manner that any sampllng unlt Is equally
r lkety to be measured.
Range extensIon -the documented occurrence of a plant or animal outside of
Its previously known geographic area.
Reconnlassance survey -done to famll iarlze personnel with the main features
of an area prior to planning or Implementing a survey,Inventory,or study.
-127 -
ReservoIr -a body of waTer whIch results from the damming of a river,stream,
or drainage.
RIver bench -refers to the flat,plateau-like areas Immediately above the
slopes of the river channel.
RIver floodplaIn -that portion of the river channel experiencIng perIodic
flooding and drying.
Root sprouts -vegetatIve parts of roots of plants that emerge above ground to
eventually form clones of the parent plant.
Sa.pllng sIte -usually a relatively large area In which the basIc units of
sampling will be distributed In a systematIc or random manner.
SE -acronym for standard error.
Sedges -common name for members of the fam!ly Cyperaceae.
SeedlIngs -offspring of plants recently emerged from seeds.
Shrubs -woody plants that are not trees,usually with several main stems.
Slope -refers to the degree of steepness of a hl'l Islde,or the tangent of the
angle made by a straIght line with the x-axis.
South-facIng slope - a hi I Islde or slope that has a southern exposure;when
sTandIng on this slope facing away from the slope one faces In a southerly
SpecIes - a logical division of a genus;part of a biological classification
of organism;the second word In a scIentIfic name.
Standard error - a measure of the variation in a set of data calculated by
dividIng the standard deviatIon by the square root of N.
StandIng crop bIomass -the dry weIght of above-ground plants parts per unit
area at a point In time.
StrobIlI - a structure ~haracterIzed by Imbricated bracts or scales,as a pine
cone.Refers to reproductIve structure of EQutsetum spp.
-128 -
Tall shrub -,shrubs that are 1.5 m or greater In he Ight.
Ter.lnal bud -e bud on the terminal portion at a twig or stem from whIch most
prImary growth originates.
Te~lnal twIg - a twig on the terminal portion of a stem.
TImberlIne -the point at whIch trees cease to be dominant elong an
elevatlonal or latitudinal gradIent.
Topography -the confIguratIon of the land surface Including Its relief and
the posItIon of Its natural and man-made features.
Transect - a sample area usually In the form of a long continuous line or
Trees -tal I woody plants with a single main stem,at lease 3 m In heIght at
Tree rIngs .•areas of bandIng In the xylem of trees caused by the dIfferentIal
growth rate of xylem cells during annual perIods of accelerated growth and
Tundra - a level or undulating treeless plain that Is characterIstic of arctIc
and subarctIc regIons.
Unblqultou5 species -specIes found over a majorIty of a given area.
UtIlIzation -refers to the amount of vegetatIve dry weight standing crop
above ground bIomass consumed by anImals.
VarIance -the square of the standard devIatIon or the fact,quality,or state
of being variable.
Vascular plants - a plant having a specIalized conducting system that Includes
xlyem or phloem;trees,shrubs,and forbs.
VegetatIve classIfIcatIon - a scheme by whIch several recognizable and
distinct unIts of vegetation are IdentIfIed and named.
-129 -
Yegeta~lve state (stage)-the poInt at whIch a plant has not produced flowers
or fruIt.
Yege~a~rYe ~ype -a homogeneous unIt of vegetation sImilar to a plant
communIty,usually at a a relatively refined level.
l -symbol for the mean or average of a data set.
Xyle.-a complex tIssue In the vascular system of plants with wood fIbers,
etc.;functIons chIefly as a conductIve system,but also In support and
storage,and constitutes the woody element.
-130 -
Average diameter at polnt-of-browslng (OPS)for browsed twigs (estimated from
a large but undetermined number of twigs),weight/twig,and weIght of leaves
attached to clipped twigs In the mIddle Susltna RIver Sasln.
SpecIes OPS (mm)Leaf (g)TwIg (g)Sample sIze
Alnus s[nuata 3.5 1.33 1.27 266
Betyl~glandylosa 2.4 0.39 0.5t 922
~~papyrlfera 3.5 0.98 0.72 66
~~Sal [x g Iayca 3.5 0.87 0.84 284
SalIx lanata 3.0 0.58 0.36 25
Sal [x pylcbra 2.8 0.72 0.75 540
-133 -
New species reported for the plant ecology studies through the summer of
1982.Original species list in McKendrick et al.(1982).Updated list
in Appendix A.(U =upstream,D =downstream)
Carex eleusinoides Turcz.
Carex magellanica Lam.subsp.irrigua
Carex rotundata Wahlenb.
Platanthera obtusata (Pursh)lindl.
Adoxa moschatellina l.
Ca ryophyll aceae
Moehringia lateriflora (L.)Fenzl
Parrya nudicaulis (L.)Regel
Rorippa islandica (Oeder)Barb.
Cassiope stelleriana (Pall.)DC.
Oxytropis borealis DC.
Primula egaliksensis Wormsk.
Caltha palustris L.
Potentilla villosa Pall.
Chrysoplenium tetrandrum (Lund)
Ribes hudsonianum Richards
-132 -
Bog sedge
Sma 11 bog -arch is
Grove sandwort
Marsh yellowcress
Alaska moss heath
Greenland primrose
Marsh marigold
Villous cinquefoil
Northern water
Northern black
I 1 i --'lI.
J J ..~1 J ]•.I
Table 4 (continued -2)
Level IV
Dwarf Birch ldulosa/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum/Carex blgelowll/moss
,dulosa/Vacclnlum ullglnosum-ledum
ldulosa/Ledum groenlandlcum-Vacclnlum spp.
Idulosa/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-Empetrum nlgrum
Idulosa/Empetrum nlgrum
Idulosa/Empetrum nlgrum-Ledum groenlandlcum-
mull 9I nosum
Site I
Level IV and Level V (Viereck et al.1982)classifIcatIon of vegetatIon types sampled durIng summer,1982 In the
mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
Level IV
Open WhIte Spruce
Open Black Spruce
Woodland WhIte Spruce a
Woodland Black Spruce a
Open BIrch Forest
Open Spruce-BIrch Forest
Level V
Plcea glauca/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-Betula glandulosa-Sal Ix
glauca-Petasltes frlgldus
Plcea glauca/Betula glandulosa/Sphagnum
Plcea glauca/Betula glandulosa/Cladonla
Plcea glauca/Vacclnlum vltls-Idaea-Cornus canadensIs
Plcea glauca/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum
Plcea glauca/Sal Ix pulchra/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum/
Calamagrostls canadensis
Plcea marlana/Vacclnlum spp./feathermoss
Plcea marlana/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum/Ledum groenlandlcum
Plcea marIana/Betula glandulosa-Sal Ix pulchra/Petasltes
Plcea marIana/Ainus slnuata/Betula glandulosa/Vacclnlum spp.
Plcea marlana/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum/Empetrum nlgrum/llchen
Plcea glauca/Betula glandulosa-Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-
Empetrum nlgrum
Plcea marlana/Ledum decumbens-cacclnlum spp.
Plcea marIana/Betula glandulosa-Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-
Empetrum nlgrum/moss
Betula papyrlfera/Alnus slnuata/Calamagrostls canadensIs
Plcea glauca-Betula papyrlfera/Rlbes-forbs
J ~I J ~J J J »I 1 I 1J 1 J ).1 ~
I j ]j 1 ]'I 1 g ~J 1 J E
Table 4 (continued -2)
Level IV
Dwarf Birch
Dwarf Birch-Willow
Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra
Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog
Low WI I low Tundra
Betula glandulosa/Vacclnlum ul fglnosum/Carex blgelowll/moss
Betula glandulosa/Vacclnlum ul Igfnosum-Ledum
Betula glandulosa/Ledum groenlandlcum-Vacclnlum spp.
Betula glandulosa/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-Empetrum nlgrum
Betula glandulosa/Empetrum nlgrum
Betula glandulosa/Empetrum nlgrum-Ledum groenlandlcum-
Vacclnlum ullglnosum
Betula glandufosa/Ledum groenlandlcum-Vacclnlum
ul Iglnosum-Vacclnlum vltls-fdaea-Empetrum nlgrum
Betula glandulosa-Sal Ix pulchra/Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-Ledum
groenlandlcum-Empetrum nlgrum
Vacclnlum ul Iglnosum-Vacclnlum vltls-Idaea-Ledum
Vacclnlum spp.-Empetrum nlgrum/Carex/Rubus chamaemorus/
Sal Ix pufchra/Empetrum nfgrum-Vaccfnfum ul Iglnosum/forbs
Site I
a Combined Into Woodland Spruce vegetation type for anafysls.
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confidence by life form and plant species In 105 -
0.5-m 2 quadrats from 7 sItes In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,middle
Susttna Rtver Basin.-
Standard Estimated ~
Lt fe Form/SpecIes Mean Error Sample Size
Total tall shrub 3 1.1 6
Alnys stoyata 3 1.1 6
Total low shrub 12 1.8 13
Betyla gl andy!~sa 3 1.0 4
.BQs.A aclcularls 1 0.2 1
Sa Itx g Iayca 2 0.8 3
Sa IIx lanata 1 0.4 1
Sal Ix pylcbra 2 0.5 1
VIbyrnym edule 1 0.2 1
Total dwarf shrub 31 2.2 14
Arctostaphylos rybra 1 0.4 1 -Empetrym nlgrym 2 0.4 1
Ledum groeDlaDdlcym 5 0.7 3
Sa IIx retlcylata 1 0.3 1
Vacci 0 I ym yl Igi Dosum 16 1.6 11
Vacclnlym yltls-ldaea 9 1.3 7
Total forb 14 1.7 3
Cornys canadensis 3 1.0 3
Eplloblum aDgystlfollym 1 0.2 1
Llnnaea boreal Is 1 0.1 1 ~
Mertensla panlcylata 1 0.1 1
Petasltes frJgldus 2 0.5 1
Rybys cbamaemorus 1 0.2 1
Total gramlnold 3 0.8 3
Carex spp.1 0.3 1 -Grass spp.1 0.1 1
Total moss 41 3.2 17 -Total IIchen 4 1 .0 5
Cladonla spp.1 0.3 1
Peltlgera spp.2 0.4 1
Stereocayloo pascbale 1 0.7 2
Litter 12 1•1 6
Dead wood 1 0.3 1 ~
Bare ground 1 0.4 1
- 1'36 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mesn with 67%confidence by life form and shrub species In 105 -
4-m 2 quadrsts from 7 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,mIddle
Susltna River Basin.
LIfe Form/Species Mean
Sample Size
Total tree 10 1.7 13
Total basal tree 1 0.2 1
Total tall shrub 3 1.0 5
Aloys slnyata 3 1.0 5
~.~Total low shrub 14 1.4 8
Bety~glandulosa 3 0.6 2
.s.w~glauca 3 0.6 2
SalIx lanata 1 0.3 1.s..a.ux pu Ichra 3 0.5 2
-137 -
Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and total,and number of
plots requIred to sample wIthin 20%of the mean with 67%confidence tor shrub
specIes In 105 -4-m2 quadrats at 7 sites In the Open WhIte Spruce vegetation
type,mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
SIze Class Standard Estimated
SpecIes (cm)Mean Error Sample SIze
Alnus sinyata 0-1 1238 764 10
1-2 1238 764 10
2-3 691 363 3
3-4 143 88 1
Total 2095 873 13
Betyla glandulosa 0-1 10833 2280 117
1-2 595 181 1
2-3 71 53 1
Total 11548 2390 113 ~,
Salix g I ayca 0-1 2810 756 10
1-2 1357 418 3
2-3 238 129 1
Total 4667 1234 26
Salix lacata 0-1 4595 1558 41 ~,
1-2 48 34 1
Total 4691 1575 42
Sal Ix pylchra 0-1 6381 1127 82
1-2 1810 433 4
2-3 357 215 1
Total 8548 1448 76
-138 -
Average basal dIameter,height and percent twIg uti!Izatlon of shrub specIes,
and number of plants required to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 7 sItes In the Open White Spruce
vegetatIon type,middle Susltna RIver BasIn.
Standard No.No.Estimated
Measure Species Mean Error Plants SItes Sample Size
Basal Betula glandylosa 10 0.4 240 7 1
Diameter Sal Ix pulcbra 11 0.4 219 7 1
(mm)Sa I t x g I ayca 12 0.4 161 7 1
Sal Ix lanata 13 2.0 11 3 1
Aloys slnyata 18 1 .0 146 6 1
~'*~Height Betyla glandu!osa 60 1 .0 241 7 4
(cm)Sal Ix pulchra 50 1.0 219 7 2
Sal Ix glauca 70 2.0 161 7 4
"""Sa!Ix lanata 80 16.0 11 3 13
Alnus slnyata 110 4.0 146 6 5
-Uti II zatl on Betula glandulosa 5 0.8 241 7 142
(%)Salix pulcbra 4 0.7 219 6 99
Sal Ix gt ayca 6 0.9 161 6 97
SalIx lanat§4 2.3 12 2 62
,~~Aloys slnyat§6 1.3 5146 165
-139 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 6 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Ava I lable No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Blanass Biomass -Twlgs/ha
Uti I Ized utilized Total utIlIzed
Leaf Blomassa Twig Biomass Biomass
~slnuata 34568 46 44 90 6076 8 8 16
Betula glandulosa 102777 40 52 92 30025 12 15 27
S4.Llx glauca 42470 37 36 73 10734 9 9 18
S4.Llx lanata 47379 27 17 45 18764 11 7 18
Sal Ix Qui chra 78642 56 59 115 20515 15 15 30
I Total Biomass 206 208 415 55 54 109
a Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
!!I I j J J J I j J J J .1 ~I I
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots required to
sample wIthin 20~of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and shrub
species for 7 sItes In the Open White Spruce vegetatIon type,middle Susltna
River BasIn.
Standard Estimated
Ufe Form/SpecIes Category Mean Error Sample Size
Total forb 159 19.0 36
Total gramlnold 62 14.3 139
Betyla l2 a l2yrffera leaf a 3 2.3 6
Betu Ia l2 a l2yrffera twig 1 1.3 2
Tall shr"ub
F""Alnys slnyata leaf 20 7.7 64
Aloys sfnyata twIg 12 5.2 29
Low shrub
Betyla glandulosa leaf 6 2.0 5
Betyla glandylosa twig 4 1.6 3
BQs.a acfcylarfs leaf 9 2.0 5
~BQs.a acfcylarfs twig 1 0.4 1
Salix fyscescens leaf 1 0.8 1
Salix fyscescens twIg <1 0.1 1
,.".Sa fx glayca leaf 17 6.8 49
Sa Ix glauca twig 7 2.7 8
Sa Ix !anata leaf 3 2.3 6
!,!:lI;f;;/j~Sa Ix lanata twIg 1 0.4 1
Sa Ix pulchra leaf 20 4.4 21
Sa Ix pulcbra twig 9 2.2 5
VIburnym edule leaf 3 1.4 3
VIbyrnym edule twIg 1 0.5 1
~a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twIg CAG.
-141 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to sample withIn 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confidence by life form and plant species In 149 -
0.5-m 2 quadrats from 10 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon type,middle
Susltna RIver Basin.
-142 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample wIthin 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and shrub species In 150 -4-m2
quadrats from 10 sites Tn the Open Black Spruce vegetatTon type,middle
Susltna RTver Basin.
Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Mean Error Sample SIze
Total tree 16 1.4 13
Total basal tree 1 0.1 1
Total tall shrub 2 0.7 4
Alnu~slnyata 2 0.7 4
Total tow shrub 15 1.3 11
Betyla glandylosa 7 0.8 4
.s..all~g I ayea 1 0.2 1
Sa I (.x pu Iehra 6 0.9 6
-143 -
TABLE 13 ....
Average densIty (number/ha)of stems.by sIze class and total,and number of
plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence for shrub ~l
specIes In 150 -4-m2 quadrats at 10 sItes In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon
type,mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
SIze Class Standard EstImated ~
Species (cm)Mean Error Sample SIze
-AI nus sInuata 0-1 1233 570 8
1-2 1233 570 8
2-3 700 223 2
3-4 633 313 3
Total 3799 1041 26
Betyla glandylosa 0-1 39467 2993 22
1-2 1000 271 2
2-3 50 50 1
Total 40517 3092 22 -
Salix glayca 0-1 883 480 6
1-2 367 156 1 ~---
2-3 117 83 1
Total 1367 648 11
Sal Ix lanata 0-1 400 340 3
Total 400 340 3
Sal Ix pylcbra 0-1 7200 982 70
1-2 3883 717 13
2-3 383 102 1
3-4 83 44 1
Total 11549 1560 67 ~
-144 -
Average basal diameter,heIght and percent twIg utIlIzatIon of shrub specIes,
and number of plants requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 10 sItes In the Open Black Spruce
vegetation type,middle-Susltna RIver BasIn •
~Standard No.No.EstImated
Measure SpecIes Mean Error Plants Sites Sample Size
Basal Betula glaodulosa 7 0.4 510 10 1
DIameter Sal Ix pylehra 11 0.4 372 10 1
iI"~-~'"(mm)Sa I !x g Ia yea 13 1.0 64 9 1
Aloys sloyata 18 1.0 123 6 2
HeIght Betyla glaodylosa 50 1.0 510 10 2
(cm)Sa I Ix pylebra 60 1.0 372 10 2
Sal Ix gl ayea 60 3.0 64 9 4
Alous sInuata 120 5.0 123 6 6
Ut II t z at 1on Betula glaody!osa 2 0.3 510 9 51
(%)Sal Ix pulebra 9 0.8 370 9 70
~>OlI Sa IIx g I ayea 12 1.8 64 6 34
Aloys stoyata 2 0.6 123 6 44
--145 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 10 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna River
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
Utilized Utilized Total Utilized
Leaf Blomassa Twig Biomass Biomass
~slnuata 73701 98 93 191 13676 18 17 36
Betula ~Iandulosa 271464 105 138 243 97241 38 49 87
.s.a..L1ls.glauca 15994 14 14 27 6015 5 5 10
~pulchra 138588 99 104 203 64674 46 49 95
---8;Total Biomass 316 349 664 107 120 228
a Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
I I .1 J J 1 !J I I I J J I 1 I
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots required to
sample wlthTn 20%of the mean with 67%confIdence by (Ife form and shrub
specIes for 9 sTtes In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,mIddle Susltna
RIver BasTn.·
Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Category Mean Error Sample Size
Total forb 104 12.8 58
Total grarnInold 75 7.1 34
Tall shrub
Alnus sInuata leaf a 11 6.6 65
A(nys ,s I nyata twig 8 4.7 34
Low shrub
Betyla glandylosa leaf 23 5.9 53
Betyla glandylosa twig 11 1.6 5
SpIraea beayyerdlana leaf 1 0.4 1
SpIrae~beayyerdtana twig 1 0.4 1
Sal Ix gl ayca leaf 1 1.2 3
Sallxglayca twig 1 0.8 1
Sa!Ix 9ylcbra leaf 28 6.1 57
Sallxplychra twig 11 2.6 11
-a Leaf GAG are only those leaves attached to twig CAG.
-147 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%
of the mean with 67%confIdence by I Ife form and plant specIes In 45 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 3 sItes In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type,middle
SusItna RIver BasIn.
LIfe Form/SpecIes
plcea glayca
plcea marIana
Total tal I shrub
AI nus s Iouata
Tota I low shrub
BetUla glaodulosa
Sal Ix pulcbra
Total dwarf shrub
Empetrym olgrym
Ledum groenlandlcum
Vacclntym yl IgInosym
Vacclclum yltls-Idaea
Total forb
Corcys canadensIs
Petasrtes frlgldys
Rybys cbamaemorus
Total graminoId
CalamagrostIs canadensIs
Carex spp.
Total moss
Tota J IIchen
Cladoota spp.
Nephroma spp.
PeltIgera spp.
Stereocay!oo pascbale
Dead wood
-148 -
1 .9
Samp Ie SIze
1 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and shrub specIes In 45 -4-ml
quadrats from 3 sItes Tn the Woodland Spruce vegetation type,middle Susltna
River BasIn.
~Standard Estimated
LIfe Form/SpecIes Mean Error Sample SIze
Total '~ree 9 2.0 8
Total basal tree 1 0.2 1
Total ta II shrub 0.4
AI nu~s I nyata 0.4
Total low shrub 11 1.6 5
Betu La.g I and y losa 9 1.3 3
SalIx pulcbra 2 0.8 2
-149 -
Average densTty (number/ha)of stems,by sIze class and total,and number of
plots requIred to sample withIn 20%of the mean with 67%confidence for shrub .....
specIes Tn 45 -4-m 2 quadrats at 3 sites In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon
type,mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn.
SIze CI ass Standard EstImated ~
SpecIes (cm)Mean Error Sample SIze
Alnus sloyata 0-1 111 111 1
1-2 111 111 1
2-3 56 56 1 ~)
3-4 111 111 1
Total 389 251 2
Betyla glandulosa 0-1 26278 4154 29
1-2 1778 494 2
2-3 111 78 1
Total 28167 4143 25 ~
Sa IIx g I ayca 0-1 1222 769 5
1-2 56 56 1
Total 1278 820 5
SalIx pylcbra 0-1 1444 772 5
1-2 389 251 1
2-3 278 278 1
3-4 56 56 1
Total 2167 828 5
-150 -
Average basal diameter,height and percent twig uti t Izatlon of shrub species,
and number of plants required to sample withIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 3 sItes In the Woodland Spruce
vegetatIon type,middle SusItna River Basin.
~Standard No.No.Estimated
Measure Species Mean Error Plants Sites Sample Size
Basal Betula glandulosa 11 0.4 139 3
Diameter Sa I Ix pylcbra 16 1.0 32 3
(mm)Sal Ix glauca 10 1.0 9 3
Alnys stnyata 16 2.0 19 3
~Height Betyla glandylosa 70 2.0 139 3 4
(cm)SalIx pulcbra 60 4.0 32 3 3
Sa IIx g Iayca 50 2.0 9 3 1
Alnys slnyata 110 12.0 19 3 6
uti II zatl on Betyla glandulosa 7 1•1 139 2 84
(%)SalIx pylcbra 30 4.0 32 3 15
~a Sal Ix glayca 22 7.8 9 3 30
AI nys sinyata 11 3.8 19 3 63
-151 -
Gross available and utilized leaf.twIg and total biomass (kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densIties (number/ha)from 3 sites In the Woodland Spruce vegetatIon type.mIddle Susltna RIver
No.Unbratsed AvaIlable AvaIlable Total Available No.Bratsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
UtIlIzed utIlized
Leaf BlomassB Twig BIomass
Total utIlIzed
A1.rnls.slnuata 5057 7 6 13 1595 2 2 4
Betula glandulosa 312654 121 159 280 104218 40 53 93
s.a..t.lx glauca 6773 6 6 12 5112 4 4 9
s.a..t.lx pulcbra 35539 25 27 52 18636 13 14 27
UI Total Biomass 159 198 357 59 73 133N
a Leaf bIomass removed If browsIng had occurred when leaves were attached.
,)I )J !I ,I ~J J !!J I
Average total current annua I growth (kg/ha)and number of plots requ r red to
sample wtthrn 20%of the mean wrth 67%confidence by I rfe form and shrub
specfes for 3 srtes fnthe Woodland Spruce vegetatfon type,middle Susttna
Rrver Basin.
-153 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confIdence by life form and plant species In 15 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 1 site In the Open BIrch Forest vegetation type,middle
Susltna RIver Basin.
Life Form/Species
Total tal I shrub
Alnus slnyata
Tota I low shrub
Ecblcopacax horrIdym
Ribes tr I ste
Total dwarf shrub
SpIraea beauyerdlana
Total forb
Corcus canadensis
Dryopterls spp.
Linnaea boreal Is
Lycopodium spp.
Polemonlym spp.
Rybys artlcus
Rubys cbamaemorys
Rumex spp.
Trlentaiis europaea
Total gramlnold
Calamagrostls canadensIs
Total moss
Bare rock
-154 -
1 .7
Sample Size
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and shrub specIes In 15 -4-m2
quadrats from 1 sIte In the Open BIrch Forest vegetatIon type~mIddle Susltna
RIver BasIn.
LIfe Form/SpecIes
Total '~ree
Total basal tree
Tota I ta II shrub
Alnus slnuata
-155 -
Sample SIze
Average density (number/ha)of stems,by size class and total,and number of
plots required to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%confIdence for shrub
species In 15 -4-m 2 quadrats at 1 site In the Open BIrch Forest vegetation
type,middle Susltna River BasIn.
Size Class Standard Estimated
Species (cm)Mean Error Sample Size
Alnus 0-1 2000 1658 .,."slnuata 7
1-2 2000 1658 7
2-3 500 500 1
3-4 333 227 1
Total 4833 2338 14
Betyla gJandylQsa 0-1 500 362
Total 500 362
-156 -
Average basal dIameter,height and percent twIg utilIzatIon of shrub specIes,
and number of plants required to sample wIthin 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 1 site In the Open Birch Forest
vegetatIon type,middle Susltna River Basin.
Standard No.No.Estimated
Measure SpecIes Mean Error Plants Sites Sample Size
Basal Betyla glandulosa 12 3.0 8 1 1
Diameter AI nys s I nyata 29 2.0 48 1 3
Height Betyla glandulosa 90 11 .0 8 3
(cm)Alnys slnyata 230 20.0 48 10
Uti I Izatfon Betyla glandulpsa 0 0 8
(%)Alnys slnyata 1 1•1 48 55
-157 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 1 site In the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,middle Susltna River
Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
utilized utilized
Leaf Blomassa Twig Biomass
Total utilized
a Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
~slnuata 112126
Betula glandulosa 3650
Total Biomass
I )]I l !I I t j J )I ,.J ci I I~
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots requ I red to
sample withIn 20'of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and shrub
species for 1 sIte In the Open Birch Forest vegetation type,mIddle Susltna
River BasIn.
1!11'f>.'oJlli,Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Category Mean Error Sample Size
Total fOI-b 578 t 17 •1 16
Total gramlnold 62 21.2 45
Tall shrub
AI nys s r oyata leafa 8 6.4 7
Ar nys ,5 I oyata twIg 2 2.2 1
"""'"a Leaf GAG are only those leaves attached to twig CAG.
-159 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and plant species in 15 -
O.5-m 2 quadrats from 1 sIte in the Open Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type,
middle Susltna RIver BasIn.
LIfe Form/SpecIes Mean
-160 -
Sample Size ....
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confIdence by life form and shrub specIes In 15 -4-m2
quadrats from 1 site In the Open Spruce-Birch Forest vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Mean Error Sample Size
-Total tree 21 6.6 27
Total basal tree 4 2.7 4
Total low shrub 2 1.3
Betula glandylosa 2 1.3
-161 -
Average basal diameter,height and percent twig utilization of shrub specIes,
and number of plants required to sample wIthin 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 1 sIte In the Open Spruce-BIrch Forest
vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
Measure Species
Standard No.No.
Mean Error Plants SItes
Sample SIze
BetUla glandulosa 7
Alnys stnyata 14
Betyla glandylosa 60
Alnus ~tnyata 40
Ut IIIzat Ion
Betyla glandulosa
Alnys stnyata
11 .8
-162 -
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots reqUired to
sample wlthln 20'of the mean with 67'confldence by lIfe form and shrub
specIes for 1 sites Tn the Open Spruce -BIrch Forest vegetation type.mlddle
Susrtna Rrver BasTn.
Standard Estrmated
Llfe Form/SpecTes Category Mean Error Sample Srze
Total forb 284 54.8 15
Total gram I nold 64 23.9 53
PopyluS balsamrfera leafa 6 6.0 6
Popyly~balsamIfera twrg 6 5.5 5
Low shrub
w.am;Icularls leaf 42 14.8 33
w.a acicularls twfg 5 1 .7 1
Sbepberdla canadensis leaf 4 3.6 2
Sbepberdla canadensIs twig ,1.1 1
yrbyrnym edyle leaf 9 6.0 6
VIbyrnym edule twig 1 0.9 1
a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twrg CAG.
-163 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample withIn 20%
of the mean with 67%confIdence by I Ife form and plant specIes In 258 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 19s1tes a In the Dwarf BIrch vegetatIon type,middle
Susltna RIver Bastn.
Life Form/SpecIes Mean
-164 .l.
Sample Size
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confidence by life form and shrub species In 257 -
4-m 2 quadrats from 18 sites In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type.middle SusItna
River BasIn.
LIfe Form/SpecIes Mean
Sample SIze
Total tree 0.3 2
Total low shrub 24 1.2 14
Betyla glandulosa 22 1.1 13
.s..a.u~pu I cbCa 2 0.3 1
a Site 56 had only 14 plots and SIte 61 had only 3 plots.
-165 -
Average densIty (number!ha)of stems,by size class and total,and number of
plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67%confIdence for shrub
specIes In 257 -4-m 2 quadrats at 18 sltes a In the Dwarf BIrch vegetation
type,mIddle Susltna RIver BasIn.
SIze Class
Sample SIze
Betyla glandulosa
SalIx g I auca
Sal Ix pu I cbra
0-1 65866 3473 18
1-2 7977 642 42
2-3 807 200 2
3-4 27 17 1 ~
Total 74677 3516 15
0-1 652 390 7
1-2 234 102 1
Total 886 474 10
0-1 3677 995 41
1-2 652 132 1
2-3 49 22 1
Total 4378 1017 43
a SIte 56 had only 14 plots and SIte 61 had only 3 plots.
-166 -
Average basal dIameter,hefght and percent twIg utfl Izatfon of shrub specIes,
and number of plants requfred to sample wlthtn 20%of the mean wfth 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 19 sftes a tn the Dwarf SIrch
vege~atlon type,mIddle Susftna Rfver BasIn.
Standard No. No.EstImated
Measure Spectes Mean Error Plants SItes Sample SIze
Basal Alnus slnyata 9 1 .0 4 8 1
Ofameter BetUla glandylosa 10 0.4 921 19 1
l"lil"ol'iHi!(mm)Sa I Ix pulcbea 12 0.4 261 15 1
.Sa IIx g I auca 12 1.0 81 12 1
Sal Ix lanata 9 1.0 4 5 1
~~..Hefght AI nys slnyata 70 9.0 4 8 2
(cm)Setula glandy!osa 70 2.0 920 19 10
Sal Ix pulchea 60 2.0 262 16 7
,~;clll\.Sa.Ll.x g Iayca 50 2.0 81 12 2
Sal Ix lanata 50 5.0 4 5 1
Uti I lzatfon Alnus slnyata 31 19.0 5 6 48
(%)Betula glandylosa 3 0.3 920 12 101
Sal Ix pylchea 9 1.1 259 11 100
Sal Ix gl auca 10 2.0 81 9 74
:r~Sal Ix lanata 26 9.2 4 4 13
"""a SIte 61 had only 3 plots.
-167 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass Ckg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities Cnumber/ha)from 19 sites In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
utilized uti I Ized Total utilized
Leaf Blomass a Twig Biomass Biomass
Betula glandulosa 1052946 407 535 942 283773 110 144 254
.swJlS.glauca 6999 6 6 12 2215 2 2 4..saux Dulchra 54725 39 41 80 18825 13 14 27
Total Biomass 452 582 1034 125 160 285
I a Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
I 1 ,]_J J ],J .1 j I _I ,)
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots requIred to
sample wlthi"20S of the mean wIth 67'confIdence by lIfe form and shrub
specIes for 19 sitesb In the Dwarf Birch vegetatIon type,mIddle Susltna RIver
Standard EstImated
LIfe Form/SpecIes Category Mean Error Sample SIze
Total for"b 12 1.5 6
Total gramtnord 56 9.7 204
Low shrub
Betula glandulosa leaf a 44 3.2 28
Betyla glandylosa twIg 22 1.6 7
Salix py Icbca leaf 20 4.3 50
Sa IIX PuIcb ca twIg 13 3.6 36
a Leaf GAG are only those leaves attached to twIg CAG.
b SIte 61 had only 3 plots.
-169 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to sample within 20%
of the mean wtth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and plant specIes In 15 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 1 site In the Dwarf Slrch-WII low vegetatIon type,mIddle
Susltna RIver Sastn.
Standard Estimated
Form/SpecIes Mean SIze ~
LIfe Error Sample
Total low shrub 25 4.9 14
Betyla glaDdulosa 5 1.8 2
EcblnQpaDa~horrIdum 3 2.7 9
Sal Ix g!auca 1 0.7 1 ~
SalIx gylchra 5 4.6 13
Total dwarf shrub 20 3.4 14 ~~
Empetrym olgrym 4 0.7 2
Ledym groeDlandIcum 7 1.0 1
SpIraea beayyerdIana 2 1.1 2
Vacclnlym y Ilg I nosym 13 2.7 5
Vacclnlym yltIs-fdaea 2 0.4 1
Total forb 18 3.2 12 ~
Cor cus canadensis 6 1.7 2
Petasltes frlgIdus 3 1.7 2
Rubuschamaemorys 4 0.9 1
Total graminold 8 2.2 3
Cal amagrostl s canadensis 6 2.5 8 .~
Carex spp.6 1.0 1
Erlophorym spp.2 1.7 2
Total moss 10 5.0 15 ~
Total lIchen 4 1.1
Cladonla spp.2 0.7
peltlgera spp.3 0.8
LItter 16 2.6 5
Dead wood 1 1.6 1
-170 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mea~.Ith 67%confidence by life form and shrub species In 15-
4;.m 2 quadratsfrom 1 site In the Dwarf Birch-Willow vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
?~Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Mean Error Sample Size
Total low shrub 10 2.7 5
Betula glandy!osa 7 1.7 2
~Salix J,lylcbra 3 2.3 4
-171 -
Average densIty (number/ha)of stems_by sIze class and total_and number of
plots requIred to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean with 67$confIdence for shrub
specIes In 15 -4-m 2 quadraTs at 1 sIte in the Dwarf Birch-Willow vegetation
type_middle Susltna RIver BasIn.
Size Class
Sample Size
Betula glandy!osa
Salix pylcbra
0-1 38167 7350 14
Total 38167 7350 14
0-1 3333 1594 7
1-2 1333 1333 5
2-3 333 333 1
TOTal 4999 2845 20
-172 -
Average basal diameter,height and percent twig uti!Izatlon of shrub species,
and number of plants required to sample wlthJn 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 1 sJte In the Dwarf BJrch-WI'low
vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.
Measure SpecJes
Mean Error
Plants Sites
Sampl e Size
Basal Betula glandylosa 8 0.4 45
DIameter Sa IIX PyIcb ra 14 1.0 16
(mm)Sal Ix glayca 13 2.0 11
Height BetUla glaodulosa 50 1 .0 45 1
(cm)Sallxpulcbra 70 4.0 16 2
Salix g I ayca 60 5.0 11 2
Ut IIIz at I 00 Betyla glaodulosa 0 0.0 45
(%)Salix pylcbra 11 2.0 16 14
Sa I Ix g I ayca 12 9.1 11 163
-173 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 1 site In the Dwarf Birch -WII low vegetation type,middle Susltna River
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
Utilized utilized Total utilized
Leaf Blomassa Twig Biomass Biomass
Betula glandulosa 416020
~pulchra 53989
Total Biomass
a Leaf bIomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
I I I •I _.f i I 1 i )-I J J
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%conftdence by life form and shrub
species for 1 site to the Dwarf Birch -Wil low vegetation type,middle Susltoa
River Basin.
Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Category Mean Error Sample Stze
Total forb 88 22.2 24
Total gramlnoid 138 29.6 18
Low shrub-12 3.7 3Betulag/andulosa Ieaf a
Betula glandulosa twig 8 2.2 1
SalIx pulchra leaf 44 40.8 250
Sa I Ix ~u Ichra twig 16 14.7 33
a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twig CAG.
-175 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by lIfe form and plant species In 45 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 3 sItes In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation
type,middle Susltna River Basin.
Life Form/Species
Tota I low shrub
Betula Qlandy!osa
Total dwarf shrub
Arctostaphylos alprna
Ledym groeolandIcym
Vacclolum ylIgloosum
VaccInIym yItrs-Idaea
Total forb
Corcys canadensIs
Lycopodlym spp.
Rubys chamaemorys
Total gramlnold
Carex spp.
Total moss
Tota I I Ichen
Cetraria spp.
Cladonla spp.
Nephroma spp.
PeltIgera spp.
Stereocaulon paschale
-176 -
1 .1
1 .5
1 .5
Sample Size
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to sample withIn 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and shrub species In 45 -4-m2
quadrats from 3 sItes In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetatton type,
mIddle Susltna River Basin.
Standard EstImated
Life Form/SpecIes Mean Error Sample SIze
Total tree 0.4
Total low shrub 6 1.6 5
Betula glandulosa 5 1.3 3
-177 -
Average densfty (number/ha)of stems,by size class and total,and number of
plots requfred to sample wfthfn 20$of the mean wfth 67$conffdence for shrub
specfes fn 45 -4-m 2 quadrats at 3 sites fn the Open Erfcaceous Shrub Tundra
vegeTatfon type,middle Susftna Rfver Basrn.
Size CI ass Standard Estimated
Species (cm)Mean Error Sample Size
Betula glandulQsa 0-1 21833 5732 78
1-2 1333 467 2 """',
Total 23166 5864 72
-178 -
Average basal diameter.hefght and percent twfg utfl Ization of shrub specIes.
and number of plants required to sample wfthfn 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence based on those measures.for 3 sftes fn the Open Erlcaceous Shrub
~Tundra vegetation type.mfddle Susftna River Basin.
Standard No.No.Estfmated
Measure Species Mean Error Plants Sftes Sample Size
Basal Betyla glandulosa 9 0.4 108 3 1
Dfameter Alnys sfnyata 28 7.0 5 3 3
HeIght Betyla glandylosa 50 4.0 108 3 19
~~.(cm)Alnys sfnyata 130 24.0 5 3 5
Ut IIfz at f on Betyla glandylosa 1 0.5 108 1 25
(%>AI nus sI oyata 0 0.0 5 3
-179 -
Gross avaIlable and utIlIzed leaf,twIg and total bIomass (kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densItIes (number/ha)from 3 sItes In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,mIddle
Susltna RIver BasIn.
No.Unbrowsed AvaIlable AvaIlable Total AvaIlable No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf BIomass TwIg BIomass BIomass Twlgs/ha
utIlIzed uti Ilzed
Leaf Blomass a Twig BIomass
Total utilIzed
Betula glandulosa 217760
Total BIomass
39382 15
~a Leaf bIomass removed If browsIng had occurred when leaves were attached.
~J •j I 'if r t •J I I I J j I •:c
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and shrub
species for 3 sites In the Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra vegetation type,
mIddle Susltna RIver Basin.
Standard EstImated
Life Form/Species Category Mean Error Sample Size
Total forb 51 23.3 233
Total gramlnold 17 4.2 8
Low shrub
Betula glandulosa leafa 4 1.4
Betyla glandy!osa twig 2 0.7
a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twIg CAG.
-181 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and plant species Tn 15 -
0.5-m 2 quadrats from 1 site io the Ericaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation
type,middle Susitna River Basin.
LIfe Form/Species Mean
Sample Size
Plcea mariana 0.4
Total low shrub 3 0.9
Betyla glandulosa 3 0.9
Total dwarf shrub 15 2.7 5
Empetrym nIgrym 5 1.2 1
Ledym groenlandlcum 4 0.8 1
'VacclnJym ul Iglnosym 5 1.1 1
Vacclnlym yltls-Idaea 2 1.3 2
Total forb 13 2.6 4
Rubys chamaemorys 13 2.6 4
Total graminold 12 2.7 5
Carex spp.11 2.7 5
Grass spp.1 1.3 2
Total moss 67 7.0 5
Total IIchen 3 1.7 2
Cladonla spp.3 1.6 2
Litter 4 0.7 1
Water 7 6.4 25
-182 -
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats from 1 sfte fn the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetatfon type,
.p-middle SusiTna RIver Basin.
-183 -
Average densIty (number/ha)of stems,by sIze class and total,and number of
plots required to sample wIthIn 20%of the mean wIth 67%confIdence for shrub
specIes In 15 -4-mZ quadrats at 1 sIte In the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog
vegetatIon type,middle Susltna RIver BasIn.
SIze Class Standard EstImated
SpecIes (cm)Mean Error Sample SIze
Betula glandulosa 0-1 45550 11031 23
Total 45550 11031 23
-184 -
Average basal diameter,height and percent tWig utilization of shrub species,
and number of plants required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 1 site In the Erlcaceous Shrub -
Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,middle Susltna River Basin.
Measure Species Mean
Sample Size
Basal Betyla glandylosa 41 0.2 43 2
,f!>1i1>r4 (mm)
Height Betula glandylosa 40 0.1 43
Utilization Betyla glandulosa <1 0.3 43
-185 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of uhbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 1 site In the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,middle
Susltna River Basin.
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf BIomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
Utilized UtI I Ized
Leaf Blomass a Twig Biomass
Total Uti I Ized
Betula glandulosa 132551
Total Biomass
386 <1
a Leaf biomass removed If browsIng had occurred when leaves were attached.
J J ~:l 1 t I f J J •1 I I I I .~!
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots requTred to
sample wlthTn 20%of the mean with 67%confTdence by life form and shrub
specfes for 1 sIte In the Erlcaceous Shrub -Sphagnum Bog vegetation type,
mIddle SuslTna Rfver BasIn.
Standard EstTmated
Lffe Form/Specfes Category Mean Error Sample Size
Total forb 154 28.6 13
Total gramlnoJd 182 41.4 20
Low shrub
Betula glandulosa leafa 6 1.9
m-w:tI\Betyla glandy!osa twTg 3 1.1
a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twTg CAG.
-187 -
Average percenT canopy cover and number of plots requlred to sample wfthfn 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and plant specfes In 15 -
0.5-m2 quadrats from 1 site fn the Low Wil low Tundra vegetatfon type,middle
Susltna Blver Basfn.-
Life Form/Species
ToTa I low shrub
Sa I Ix pu I chra
Total dwarf shrub
Casslope stel lertaoa
Empetrum nlgrum
Sa I I x po I ar Is
Salix retlcylata
SpIraea beauyerdIana
yacclnlym Ul Iglnosum
yacctntum yltls-Idaea
Total forb
AconItum delpbInIfolIum
Artemisia spp.
Eolygooum blstorta
Leutkea pectinata
LycopodIum spp.
RYbus artIcys
Sedym rosea
Viola spp.
TOTal gramlnofd
Calamagrostls canadensis
Carex spp.
Grass spp.
Total moss
TOTal lichen
CetrarIa spp.
CladooIa spp.
Bare ground
-188 -
Sample Srze
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots requIred to sample withIn 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by lIfe form and shrub species In 15 -4-m2
quadrats from 1 sIte In the Low Willow Tundra vegetation type,middle Susltna
River Basin.
Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Mean Error Sample Size
Total low shrub 11 2.6 5
~pulcbra 12 3.0 6
-189 -
Average densIty (number/ha)of stems,by size class and total,and number of
plots requIred to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence for shrub
species tn 15 -4-m 2 quadrats at 1 site In the Low WII low Tundra vegetatton
type,middle Susltna River BasIn.
Size Class Standard EstImated
Species (cm)Mean Error Sample SIze
Salix pulcbra 0-1 52833 10405 15
Total 52833 10405 15 -,
-190 -
Average total current annual growth (kg/ha)and number of plots required to
sample within 20%of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and shrub
species for 1 site In the Low Willow Tundra vegetation type,middle Susltna
River Basin.
.....Standard Estimated
Life Form/Species Category Mean Error Sample Size
i Total forb 86 16.2 14
t:l<:·Total gram I nol d 132 23.7 13
Low shrub
Salix pylchra leaf a 145 38.9 27-Sal Ix ~ulchra twig 24 7.0 8
roc-~a Leaf CAG are only those leaves attached to twig CAG.
-191 -
Summary of average current annual growth biomass of leaves and twigs,density,gross available twIg biomass,and percent utIlIzatIon of
twigs for 4 major shrub species In 10 vegetatIon types,mIddle Susltna River BasIn.
Vegetation Type
-Current Annual Growth BIomass (kg/ha)
Leaf a Twig
AlslDBeglC Sagl d Sapu e Aisl Beg I Sag I Sapu
DensIty (I/ha)
Aisl Beg I Sag I Sapu
Gross Available
Twig Biomass (kg/ha)
Alsl Beg I Sag I Sapu
Percent UtIlizatIon
Aisl Begl-Sag I Sapu
Open WhIte Spruce 20 6 17 20 12 4 7 9 2095 11548 4667 8546 44 52 36 59 6 5 6 4
Open BI ack Spruce 11 23 1 28 6 11 1 11 3799 40517 1367 11549 93 138 14 104 2 2 12 9
Woodland Spruce 7 6 --6 4 3 -3 389 28167 1278 2167 6 159 6 27 11 7 22 30
Open BIrch Forest 8 - --2 ---4833 500 --142 2 --1 0
Open Spruce-BI rch Forest ------- - - -
- --- - ---32 33
Dwarf BIrch -44 --20 -22 -13 --74671 686 4376 -535 6 41 31 3 10 9
Dwarf BIrch-WI I low --12 -44 -8 -16 --38167 -4999 -211 --41 -0 12 1t
Open Erlcaceous Shrub Tundra -4 ---2 -----23166 ---111 --0 1
Erlcaceous Shrub-Sphagnum Bog -6 ----3 ---45550 ---67 -----<1
Low WIllow Tundra -- -
145 ---24 ----52833
a Leaf current annual growth only for those leaves attached to twig CAG.
b Alsl =~slnuata
c Beg I =Betula ~ulosa
d Sagl =~~
e Sapu =~QJLtchra
1 ,J J J I ~,i it ).~f I J I J I l
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysis performed
on soil samples collected from 6 sItes In the Open White Spruce vegetation
type,middle Susltna RIver Basin.
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
Standard Standard Standard
So II Var Iab Ies Mean Deviation Mean DevIation Mean Deviation
"..pH 5.93 0.68 5.94 0.81 6.05 0.70
O.M (%)13.44 8.66 7.02 5.56 5.43 4.26
Total Nitrogen (%)0.37 0.24 0.27 0.26 0.16 0.12
Total Phosphorus (%)0.07 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.08 0.03
Sand (%)34.77 10.90 39.98 12.20 39.05 5.33
Silt (%)47.86 8.50 43.92 9.87 46.75 5.43
.-..Clay (%)17.37 5.84 16.10 7.42 14.20 5.75
Potassium (ppm)67.0 17.40 48.91 24.06 32.78 12.50
Calcfum (ppm)1996.21 1520.58 1737.91 1851.29 1120.89 885.67
Magnesium (ppm)314.71 293.35 246.18 262.76 137.44 120.05"-Copper (mg/g)1.53 1.38 2.24 2.13 3.41 2.88
Zinc (mg/g)2.23 1.92 0.84 0.29 1.04 0.83
Manganese (mg/g)20.83 27.83 18.00 20.31 32.18 33.62
Iron (mg/g)329.25 111.31 287.50 157.13 776.67 142.59
-193 -
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysis performed
on soil samples collected from 3 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation
type.middle Susltna River Basin.
0-5 em 5-10 em 10-15 em
Standard Standard Standard
Soil Varlabl es Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation -
pH 5.88 0.67 6.25 0.44 6.29 0.26
O.M.(%)18.34 10.85 8.96 6.63 10.39 12.29 '"""Total Nitrogen (%)0.61 0.48 0.42 0.39 0.42 0.32 ,
Total Phosphorus (%)0.10 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.10 0.03
Sand (%)30.73 13.72 38.48 10.21 32.72 7.60
~Silt (%)48.77 8.56 .49.72 9.28 48.80 8.49
Cl ay (%)20.50 11.48 11.80 7.33 18.48 6.19
Potassium (ppm)89.00 48.67 40.17 20.11 36.00 12.88
Calcium (ppm)2654.11 2592.27 2552.17 2584.85 2309.00 1894.38 -Magnesium (ppm)348.89 302.71 290.00 282.42 264.80 227.54
Copper (mg/g)6.02 7.27 10.70 15.00 13.45 13.15
Zinc (mg/g)2.83 3.37 2.57 3.12 2.85 3.45 .>!I!!l!!
Manganese (mg/g)57.23 60.26 79.98 72.11 140.62 219.64
Iron (mg/g)433.38 213.22 470.83 372.84 475.80 341.22
-194 -
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysis performed
on sol I samples collected from 1 site In the Woodland Black Spruce vegetation
type,middle Susltna River Basin.
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
Sol I Variables
Standard Standard Standard
Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
pH 4.15 oa 4.22 0 4.26 0
O.M.(%)12.06 0 8.58 0 10.72 0
Total Nitrogen (%)0.45 0 0.36 0 0.32 0
!"""Tota I Phosphor·us (%)0.09 0 0.09 0 0.09 0
Sand (%)28.80 0 38.00 0 34.80 0
Sf It (%)44.00 0 40.80 0 44.60 0,-Clay (%)27.20 0 21.20 0 20.60 0
Potassium (ppm)50.00 0 48.00 0 42.00 0
Calcium (ppm)126.00 0 83.00 0 88.00 0
Magnesium (ppm)36.00 0 29.00 0 25.00 0
Copper (mg/g)0.31 0 0.43 0
Zinc (mg/g)0.98 0 0.86 0
Manganese (mg/g)23.30 0 24.50 0
!""'"Iron (mg/g)477.00 0 488.00 0
~a Only 1 plot sampled at 1 site •
-195 -
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysts performed
on soil samples collected from 2 sites tn the Dwarf Birch vegetatIon type,
middle Susitna Rtver Basin.
0-5 em 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
So II Var Iab Ies
Standard Standard Standard
Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
pH 6.26 0.82 5.92 0.03 5.70 Oa
O.M.(%)12.67 14.79 6.70 7.40 2.21 0 ~.
Total Nitrogen (%)0.32 0.33 0.25 0.28 0.08 0
Total Phosphorus (%)0.06 0.01 0.07 0 0.06 0
Sand (%)28.00 2.83 35.80 0.28 42.00 0 ~.
Silt (%).46.10 0.99 41.00 4.81 42.40 0
Clay (%)25.90 1.84 23.20 4.53 15.60 0
Potassium (ppm)40.00 12.73 48.00 32.53 25.00 0 ~Calcium (ppm)3720.00 4058.80 1200.50 1342.80 121.00 0
Magnesium (ppm)175.00 120.21 137.00 152.74 11.00 0
Copper (mg/g)12.62 16.10 0.64 0.21 0.55 0
Ztnc (mg/g)1.56 1.65 0.57 0.47 0.23 0 ~.
Manganese (mg/g)14.35 7.28 22.00 28.00 1 .10 0
Iron (mg/g)327.00 321 .51 272.50 265.17 70.00 0 -
a Only 1 plot sampled at this depth.
-196 -
-197 -
Average cover,height,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes durIng week of
31 May to 4 June,1982,at Watana Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-ml
Cover (%)HeIght (coo)
LIfe form/SpecIes
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Betula papyrlfera
Low Shrub
Betula glandu/osa
SpIraea beayyerd/ana
Dwarf Shrub
yacclnlum yltls-Idaea 15
YaccInlum ul 19/nosym 7
Ledum ~roenlandlcum 18
Ledym decumbens
Empetrum nIgrym 2
Arctostaphylos uya-ursl 3
1 .9
Cornus canadensIs
Total moss
Tota I (I chen
4 1.0 4 3
a PhenologIcal state:(1)just emergIng from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-198 -
Average cover~heIght~and phenological state for plant species during week of
31 May to 4 June,1982,at Jay Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (coo)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Betyla papyrttera 2 1.0 67 13.5 6 2
Ptcea g I auca,10 0.0 1
Low Shrub
Betyla glandulosa 10 1.7 51 2.4 21 2-Sa IIx g I ayca <1 0.1 44 2.5 2 2
B2.s.a acIcylarts <1 0.2 39 13.5 5 2
RIbes trIste <1 0.0
Potentl!la fryttcosa <1 0.1 20 0.0 3-
Dwarf Shrub
vacctntum ~tIs-Idaea 18 3.8 11 0.8 21 2
~$\Vacclnlym yII g I nosym 4 1.0 22 1.6 15 2
Ledum groenlandlcum 2 0.9 24 2.8 7 4
Ledum decymbens 12 3.0 21 1 .5 17 4
Empetrym nlgrym 2 0.9 8 0.8 5 1
Sal Ix rettculata <1 0.1 2
Arctostaphylos alplna <1 0.1 1
ArctostaphylQS uya-ursl 1 0.5
Cornus canadensIs 0.5 5 2.5 3 2
"'-Ep I lob I ym angust I to II um
Mertensla pan Icy Iata 1 0.3 8 0.9 6 3
EQyl setum s II yatI cym <1 0.1 9 2.9 4
Graml nol d
Calamagrostts canadensIs <1 0.1 15 0.0 2 3
Unknown grass 1 0.2 8 2.2 7 1
Total moss 27 5.7
Total II chen 7 1.9
Litter 20 5.7
a Phenological state:(1)Just emerging from ground,first sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens~(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-199 -
TABLE 69 -Average cover~helght~and phenological state for plant species during week of
31 May to 4 June~1982~at Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)
Life form/Species Mean Error
Tal I shrub
Alnys ~lnyata 3 1.1
Low Shrub
Betyla glandylosa 11 2.0
Salix pulcbra 1 0.9
Sa It X g I auca 1 0 .3
~acfcularfs <1 0.1
Rlbes trlste <1 0.2
Dwarf Shrub
Vacclnfym yttts-ldaea 11 2.3
Vacctnlym yltglnosym 5 1.3
Ledum groenlandtcym 3 1.1
Ledym decumbens 8 2.4
Empetrum nlgrum <1 0.2
Arctostaphylos yya-urst 1 0.4
Height (cm)
Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Plots Statea
165 30.1 8 2
57 5.9 20 2
45 5.0 2 3
39 3.8 5 2
34 8.8 4 2
25 8.8 4 3
15 3.8 24 1
21 1.6 14 2
23 1.5 10 3
17 2.5 15 3
10 0.0 1 1
EQufsetym sflyatfcum
Unknown grass
Total moss
Tota I II chen
1 .3
10 -
a Phenological state:(1)just emerging from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-200 -
Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes durIng week of
31 May to 4 June,1982,at Tsusena Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)HeIght (cm)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Low Shrub
Betula glandulosa 12 2.2 60 3.6 19 2
Dwarf Shrub
vacc1n[um yjtls-Idaea 5 0.6 8 1.0 19 1
vacclnlum ~Iglnosym 4 1.1 22 1.0 12 2
,-Ledym groenlandlcum 5 1.5 26 2.7 9 3
Ledum decymbens 4 1.0 21 2.3 11 1
Empetrym nlgrym 8 2.3 15 4.7 15 1
ArctostaphylQS yya-ursl 9 3.3
Cornus canadensis <1 0.2 4 0.6 4 2
Graml no Id
Unknown grass-Other
Total moss 86 2.6
Total r Ichen 4 0.7
a PhenologIcal state:(1)Just emerging from ground,first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-201 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
7 June to 11 June ,1982,at Watana Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)HeIght (cm)
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
LIfe form/Species Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea -
-,Low Shrub
Betyla glandulosa 8 1 .8 51 3.8 17 3
.&Ls.a act cy Iar I ~<1 0.1 33 13.3 3 2 -,
Dwarf Shrub
Vacclnlym yltts-tdaea 8 1.5 8 0.5 27 1
Vacc{nlum yllg I nosum 7 2.1 22 2.0 20 3
Ledum groenlandtcym 10 1.8 29 2.2 23 4
Ledym decymbens 6 1.5 18 2.1 15 4
Empetrym ntgrym 2 1.1 7 0.9 7 1 ~Arctostaphylos yya-ursJ 2 0.5
Total moss 62 5.8
Total lichen 10 2.8
LItter 6 3.0
a PhenologIcal state:(1)Just emergIng from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)I eaf buds,(3)Ieaves,(4)f lower buds,(5)"""
-202 -
Average cover.height.and phenological state for plant species during week of
7 June to 11 June.1982.at Jay Creek transect (transect 12)<32-
Cover (%)Height (cm)
Life form/SpecIes
Low Shrub
Betyla glandylosa
Betyla papyrlfera
Salix glayca
.flQ.s.a aclcylarIs
PptentII la frytlcosa
Dwarf Shrub
'lacc rot ym Y.itJ s-I daea
'lacc 10 I um u.1 Ig I nosym
Ledym groenlandlcum
Ledym decymbens
Empetrum nlgrym
Sa!Ix retIculata
Arctostaphylos alplna
Mean Error
9 1.9
3 1.4
<1 0.1
<1 0.1
16 3.2
3 0.8
5 1.7
9 2.6
<1 0.2
1 0.6
2 1.1
1 .9
1 .3
Cornys canadensis 1
Eplloblum angystlfollym <1
Mertensla panlcylata 1
EQulsetum sllyatlcym 1
Gramlnol d
Calamagrostl~canadensIs <1
Unknown grass 1
Total moss
Tota I IIchen
a Phenological state:(1)Just emergIng from ground.first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens.(2)leaf buds.(3)leaves.(4)flower buds.(5)
-203 -
Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes during week of
7 June to 11 June,1982,at SwItchback transect (transect #3)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)HeIght (cm)
LIfe form/Species
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Low Shrub
Betyla glaodulosa 14
SalIx pulchra 2
~aclcularts <1
Ribes trJste 2
Tall shrub
Alnys sloyata 5 1.9
1 .2
Dwarf Shrub
Vacclolym yltls-Idaea 6
VacclnIym yl tgtnosym 7
Ledum groenlandIcum 1
Ledum decymbens 6
Empetrym nlgrum 1
Arctostaphylos yya-yrsl 2
EQylsetym sllyattcym
Gram I nol d
Unknown grass
Total moss
Total ITchen
2.0 11 2
a Phenological state:(1)Just emergIng from ground,first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-204 -
Average cover~helght~and phenological state for plant specIes during week of
7 June to 11 June~1982~at Tsusena Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (coo)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
~it Low Shrub
Betula glandulosa 11 2.1 67 6.0 21 2
Dwarf Shrub
Yacctntym yttIs-Idaea 5 0.8 8 0.9 20 1
Vaccf n!ym .uJ..I g J nosum 3 1•1 19 1 .7 12 2
Ledum groenlandlcum 4 1.3 29 4.0 8 4
Ledym decymbeOs 10 2.1 21 1.6 15 4
Empetrym nlgrym 8 3.1 8 0.5 13 2
Arctostapbylo~yya-urSI 4 0.9
Corcys canadensis <1 0.2
Total moss 82 3.9
Total IIchen 5 0.9
a Phenological state:(1)just emerging from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves~(4)flower buds~(5)
-205 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
14 June to 18 June,1982,at Watana Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (cm)~
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
LIfe form/Species Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea .,.,
Low Shrub
Betula glandulQsa 13 2.3 55 4.7 20 3
EQs.ael cy I ar Is <1 0.1 24 3.6 6 3
SpIraea beauyerdlana <1 0.1 40 0.0 1 3
Dwarf Shrub
vacc[nlym yltls-Idaea 7 1.1 8 0.7 26 2
vacclnlym yllglnosym 12 2.7 22 1.2 27 3
Ledym groenlandtcum 10 1.6 28 2.6 24 4
Ledym decumbens 6 2.0 14 1.6 12 3
Empetrym ntgrym 2 1.4 8 1.1 5 1
Arctostaphylos yya-yrs!1 0.5
Total 60 5.2 -moss
Total IIchen 5 1.8
Litter 3 2.5
a Phenological state:(1)Just emerging from ground,first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5),
-206 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species durIng week of
14 June to 18 June,1982,at Jay Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)HeIght (cm)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Betula papyrIfera 89 5.0 8 3
Low Shrub
F Betyla glandulosa 13 0.3 51 3.8 17 3
~acfcularrs <1 0.1 35 7.1 7 3
RI bes tr r ste <1 0.2 10 0.0 1 3
Potentr II a .£rutrcosa 18 1 .7 3 3
Dwarf Shrub
yacclnlum vrtls-Idaea 7 1.1 10 1.3 22 3....yaccl nI um ullgtnosum 12 2.7 21 1.5 24 3
Ledum groenlandlcum 10 1.6 24 1.5 13 4
Ledym decumbens 6 2.0 21 2.8 7 4,,-Empetrum nlgrum 2 1.4 8 0.4 5 1
Sal Ix retlculata 3
Arctostaphylos alplna 3
f1,~Arctostaphylos uya-ursl 0.5
Corcus canadensis 8 2.3 3 3~l<il\
~plloblum angustltol lum 26 2.9 5 4
Mertensla paniculata <1 0.0 23 0.9 6 4
Egulsetum sllyatrcum <1 0.3 25 2.0 4 4
Graml nold
Calamagrostrs canadensIs 30 5.0 2 3
Unknown grass <1 0.1 15 2.7 6 2
Total moss 60 5.2-,Total lichen 5 1.8
Litter 3 2.5
a Phenological state:(1)Just emerging from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for'evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-207 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
14 June to 18 June,1982,at Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -O.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (em)
LIfe form/SpecIes
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Tall shrub
Alnus slnuata 5
Low Shrub
Betyla glandulosa 15
Sal Ix pulcbra 2
Sal Ix glauca 1
~aclcylarls <1
Rlbes trIste 2
Dwarf Shrub
Vacclnlum yltls-Idaea 7
Vacclolum yl Igloosum 13
Ledum groeolandIcym 3
Ledym decymbeos 7
Empetrym nIgrum 1
Arctostaphylos uya-yrsi 1
1 .6
1 .7
EQylsetum sIlyaticum
Graminoi d
Unknown grass
Total moss
Tota I I I chen
a PhenologIcal state:(1)just emerging from ground,first sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower bUds,(5)
-208 -
Average cover,helght,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes durIng week of
14 June to 18 June,1982,at Tsusena Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Helght (cm)
LIfe form/Specles
Low Shrub
Betula glandy!osa
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
13 1.7 70 5.8 21 3
Dwarf Shrub
¥accfnfym y[tls-fdaea 9
¥acclniym uJlgtnosum 5
Ledym gcoenlandfcum 7
~edym decymbens 10
Empetcym nrgcum 10
Arctostapbyl~yya-yrsl 5
Cocnus canadensIs
1 .2
Unknown grass
Total moss
Tota I I1chen
8 0.0
a PhenologIcal state:(1)just emergIng from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower bUds,(5)
-209 -
Average cover.height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
21 June to 25 June,1982,at Watana Creek transect (transect #1)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover ($)Height (coo)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Betu Ia papyrlfera 1.1 99 0.0 3
Low Shrub '"""
Betula glandulosa 15 3.4 58 4.7 15 3
EQ.s.a aclcularls 1 0.3 36 10.2 6 3
Spiraea beauyerdlana 1 0.4 32 8.3 3 3 ~
Dwarf Shrub
~acclDlum yItls-Idaea 9 1 .5 9 1.8 27 3
YacclDlum u Ilg I Dosum 18 3.2 27 2.2 27 4
Ledum groenlandicum 9 1.4 27 2.2 26 4
Ledum decumbens 4 1 .3 16 3.6 8 4
Empet rum nIgru m 4 1.7 7 0.8 8 3
Arctostaphylos yya-yrsl 2 0.6
Forb ~
Cornys canadensis <1 0.1 3 1.0 3 4
Other ~~Total moss 50 4.5
Total Ii chen 11 2.9
Litter 6 2.8
a Phenological state:(1)just emerging from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-210 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
21 June to 25 June,1982,at Jay Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (em)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Betula papyrlfera 8 2.9 68 6.4 9 2
Low Shrub
Betula glandu!osa 9 2.4 54 5.1 13 3
Sa!Ix g!auca 3 2.5 15 0.0 1 3
.B.Q.s..a ael cy I ar Is 1 0.3 40 14.2 7 3
Ribes triste <1 0.1 15 0.0 1 3
Potentl!!a fruticosa <1 0.1 15 0.0 1 3
r;-Dwarf Shrub
yaccinium ~Itls-ldaea 13 2.7 14 1.9 19 3
YaccInIym .ullglnosum 9 1.9 24 2.3 20 4
Ledym groenlandlcyrn 2 0.8 20 1.8 5 4
fil'~Ledum decymbens 11 2.9 21 1.9 16 4
Empetrum nlgrym 1 0.5 8 0.0 3 4
Sal Ix retIcylata 3 1.2 3
~1$Il Arctostaphylos alpIna <1 0.2 3
arctostaphylos uva-yrsl 1 0.5
~'illI Forb
Corcys canadensIs 1 0.4 7 2.7 4 4
Eplloblym angustIfol Ium 1 0.2 25 2.2 7 3
Mertensla panIculata 2 0.9 19 3.9 8 4
EQu iseturn sllyatIcym 1 0.5 32 4.4 3 3
Gram i nol d
F~Calamagrost ls canadensis 1 0.5 38 2.5 2 3
Unknown grass 2 1•1 22 4.4 5 3
Total moss 20 5.2
Total IIchen 10 3.3
Litter 7 2.8
a Phenological state:(1)just emerging from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-211 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant specIes during week of
21 June to 25 June,1982,at Switchback transect (transect 13)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (coo)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Tall shrub ~
Alnus stnuata 6 3.3 233 32.1 5 3
Low Shrub ~
6etyla glandulosa 17 3.4 60 4.4 20 3
Sal Ix pylcbra 2 1 .0 50 0.0 1 5
Sa!Ix glayca 1 0.5 46 0.0 1 3
EQ.s.a aclcularls 1 0.3 26 4.3 4 3
Rlbes trlste 3 1.3 32 6.0 5 4
Dwarf Shrub -Vacclnlum yltls-Jdaea 4 1•1 9 1.1 19 6
Vacclnlym ulIglnosum 19 3.6 24 1.5 20 4
Ledym groenlandlcym 2 1.0 29 3.2 7 4 ~
Ledum decumbens 7 2.9 20 2.3 10 4
Empetrym nlgrym 1 0.4 8 1 .2 4 3
Arctostaphylos yya-ursl 1 0.5 _.
EQylsetym sllvatlcym <1 0.2 13 2.4 7 3
Gram I no rd
Grass spp.2 0.7 19 2.1 14 3 -Other
Total moss 21 4.5
Total IIchen 11 2.9
Litter 5 2.2
a Phenological state:(1)just emergIng from ground,first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-212 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for plant species during week of
21 June to 25 June,1982,at Tsusena Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (cm)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
F-Low Shrub
BetUla glandulosa 19 2.9 80 6.5 22 3
Dwarf Shrub
VaccInIym yltIs-ldaea 6 1•1 9 0.8 19 2
Vacclnlym ~llglnosum 7 1.6 24 2.3 16 4
Ledym groenlandlcum 12 3.4 25 2.7 14 4
~....Ledum decymbens 5 1.9 24 3.1 5 4
Empetrym nlgrum 15 4.6 10 1 .0 14 4
Arctostaphylos yya-ursi 6 1.1
Cornus canadensIs <1 0.1 7 1.5 2 2
Unknown grass <1 0.1 8 0.0 2 3
Total moss 72 5.3
Total lichen 3 0.7
a Phenological state:(1)Just emerging from ground,first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-213 -
Average cover,height,and phenologIcal state for plant species durIng week of
28 June to 2 Ju I y,1982,at Watana Creek transect (transect #n (32 -O.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (cm)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea --,
a Phenological state:(1)Just emerging from ground,ffrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)teaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-214 -
Average cover.height.and phenologIcal state for plant species during week of
28 June to 2 July.1982.at Jay Creek transect (transect #2)(32 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Height (cm)
Life form/Species
Standard Standard No.of Phenological
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
;m;:ll\ll.t Betyla papyrIfera 3 2.7 92 8.3 3 3
PIeea glayca 4 3.1 357 321.2 3 3
Low Shrub
Betyla glandylosa 14 3.8 53 6.1 15 3
Sal Ix glayca 5 3.0 53 10.1 6 3
~adcYI arls 2 0.9 38 9.6 7 3
Rlbes trlste 1 0.8 31 0.0 1 3
Potent!IIa frytIcosa 1 0.9 14 7.2 7 3
Dwarf Shrub
VaccInlym yItIs-Idaea 11 3.3 12 2.2 20 4
VaccInIym ~IgInosym 8 2.2 19 2.2 20 4
Ledum groenlandIcym 1 0.4 23 2.5 5 5
Ledum decymbens 10 2.7 20 1.6 17 5
Empetrym nlgrum 1 0.6 4 0.8 4 6
Salix retlcylata 1 0.5 3
Arctostaphylos alpIna 3 1.6 3
LoIseleyrIa procymbens 1 0.8 4
Cornus canadensIs 4 2.2 9 1 .8 7 4
EpI lob I ym angyst I fo II ym 2 1.0 38 7.9 8 3
~ertensla panIculata 4 2.0 38 9.9 5 5
EQulsetum sI I yatI cym 4 2.4 49 5.9 4 3
CalamagrostIs canadensis 1 0.4 50 12.6 3 3
Unknown grass 4 1.4 30 3.8 10 3
Total moss 19 5.5
Total IIchen 13 3.7
a Phenological state:(1)just emerging from ground.first signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-215 -
Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes during week of
28 June to 2 July,1982,at Switchback transect (transect #3)(32 -
Cover (%)Height (em)
LIfe form/SpecIes
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
plcea glayca 3 3.1 520 479.5 2 3
Tall shrub ~
Alnus slnyata 17 5.3 190 31.5 8 3
Low Shrub ~
Betula glandulosa 18 3.6 71 4.9 20 3
Salix pylcbra 1 0.7 39 20.2 3 3
Salix g Iauca 1 0.8
~aclcularls 1 0.4 25 6.1 5 3
Rtbes trlste 1 0.5 24 6.2 7 4
Dwarf Shrub
Vacctntym yltls-Idaea 9 2.9 13 3.9 22 4
vacclnlum yI Ig I nosym 21 4.0 26 1.9 23 4
Ledym groenlandlcum 3 1.5 30 1 .5 7 4 ~
Ledum decymbens 8 2.3 21 2.4 13 4
Empetrum nlgeum 1 0.4 8 0.6 7 3
Arctostaphylos uya-yest 2 0.6
EQyI setum sllyat1cu m 0.4 23 1.7 11 3 .....
Gram I no Id
Unknow grass 3 2.0 20 3.3 12 3
Total moss 29 5.2
Total I t chen 9 2.3
Litter 2 1.1
a PhenologIcal state:(1)just emerging from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-216 -
Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for plant specIes durIng week of
28 June to 2 JUly,1982,at Tsusena Creek transect (transect #4)(24 -0.5-m2
Cover (%)Helght (em)
LIfe form/SpecIes
Standard Standard No.of PhenologIcal
Mean Error Mean Error Plots Statea
Low Shrub
Betyla glandulosa 25 3.8 67 6.1 23 3
Dwarf Shrub
Vacclnlum ~ttIs-Idaea 6
Yacclntum ultgtnosum 16
Ledum groeniandicym 3
Ledum decumbens 13
Empetrum nt grym 13
ArctostaphylQs uya-yrsI 4
Cornus canadensts
1 .9
Unknown grass
Total moss
Tota I It chen
1 .6
15 4.9 4 3
a Phenological state:(1)just emergIng from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-217 -
Average cover,heIght,and phenologIcal state for Betyla glandylosa durIng
week of 7 June to 11 June,1982,at each elevatIon wIthin each tansect.
Transect ~
PosItIon Watana Jay SwItchback Tsusena Mean -
Coyer (S)
Bench 15 14 21 14 16
Top 13 16 17 16 16
MIddle 4 18 6
Bottom 6 2 2
Mean 8 9 14 11 10 -
HeIght (cm)
Bench 51 49 58 86 61
Top 57 47 50 68 56
MI dd Ie 39 59 49
Bo-rtom 33 36 35
Mean 51 45 55 67 55
Phenological Statea
Bench 2.4 2.6 3.0 1.9 2.5 ~
Top 2.8 3.1 2.8 2.0 2.6
MIddle 3.0 3.0 3.0
Bo-rtom 3.0 2.0 2.5 ""'"
Mean 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.6
a Phenological state:(1)Just emergIng from ground,fIrst signs of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-218 -
Average cover,height,and phenological state for Mertensia panicualata during
each week at the mid-slope elevation of the Jay Creek transect,1982.
Date Cover (%)Height (em)Statea
1 June 3 8 2.8
8 June 4 13 3.8
15 June 8 23 4.2
22 June 9 19 3.6....29 June 14 38 4.6
a Phenological state:(1)just emergIng from ground,fIrst sIgns of new growth
or dormant for evergreens,(2)leaf buds,(3)leaves,(4)flower buds,(5)
-219 -
1 (±SE)biomass of forbs (kg/ha),gramlnolds (kg/ha),and total current growth biomass (±SE)of twigs and attached leaves (g/100 twigs)clipped from the
)r shrubs sampled Inside and outside exclosures during weeks 1 through 6 (5/82 -8/82)In the middle Susltna River Basin.
Bfrl.u.LA ~SAJ..l.K ~~
Tran-Eleva-In glandulosa papyrlfera pulchra Q1.A.u.c.a.slnuata
sect tlon Out Forbs Grasses leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf tWig leaf tWig
1 (out 11.25±1.46
2 only 8.42±1.93
3 weeks 1±1 8.42±1.46
4 1-5)5±1 1.25±1.25
2 1 6.40±1.00
2 HI 6.87±1.04
3 15±12 28.±Z2 3.93±1.76 14.55±1.92
4 29±16 6.38il.29
3 1 4.88iO.73
2 3±2 4.30iO.76
3 IiI 4.43±1.64
4 5i5 18±7 35.25±7.25
4 1 4.63±0.63
2 3.13iO .35
4 2.88il.69
1 1.25±1.00 8.05±1.94
2 2.18iO.48 5.30±0.31
3 54,i34 1.43±0.84 1.63±0.94
4 10±7
2 1 3,i3 2.18±1.34 5.05iO.59 2.18±.2.18 2.63±.2.63
2 2il 2.25±0.38 3.55iO.51
3 32i21 8.88iO.89 9.38±1.23
4 78±23 3.25il.91 2.30±1.38
3 1 2.63±0.68 3.88iO.89
2 2.63±0.55 3.63±0.38
3 4±4 3.93±1.51 5.18±1.77 1.75±1.75 1.18±1 .13
4 5±.5 41il0 10.50±2.43 14.38±4.30
4 1 6.80±0.79
2 3.80±1.20
4 3.38±1.18
I )i I I ?,I !)I ]i !,,I 1
1 1 J J 1 1 1 I •jj i .~i
TABLE 89 (continued 2)
1htl..u..1.A 1htl..u..1.A ~~A1..D.Iui.
Tran-Eleva-In glandulosa papyrlfera pulchra ~slnuata
Week sect tlon Out Forbs Grasses leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig
3 1
1 2.63±0.33 4.00±0.10
2 5.55±1.34 5.63±1.10
3 4.13±0.31 4.50±0.75
4 18±18
2 1
3.05±1.39 4.88±1.08
2 9±9 3.63±1.33 3.80±1.48 1.63±1.63 2.55±,2.50
3 67±67 32±.32 10.80±0.90 8.12±1.49
4 83±.30
3 1 2.25±0.41 1.93±0.35
2 HI 2.93±1.00 2.38±0.81
3 9±5 3.30±1.28 2.75±0.96
I 4 73±.37 121±63 4.00±4.00 1.50±1.50 1.88±1.88 1 .25±1 .25
4 1 2.63±0.99
2 0.93±0.35 3.13±0.43
3 1.06±0.90 3.30±1.29
4 1 1 1.30±0.48 1.68±0.50
2 4.25±1.58 4.00±1.54
3 3±.3 3.30±1.94 2.38±1.38
4 50±,29 15±7
2 1
2.75±1.07 2.63±0.94
2 13±13 2.80±1.13 2.25±0.86
3 140±72 117±69 9.55±5.74 4.38±,2.63
4 13±10 93±,32 1.93±1.61 1.30±1.08
3 1
2±,2 4.43±1 .71 3.13±1.15
2 4±,3 35±.31 4.00±,2.05 2.88±1.28
3 19±13 14±1 5.75±,2.69 3.43±1.16
4 37±25 94±28 9.38±9.38 10.05±10.05
4 1
3.30±0.69 4.38±0.21
2 3.93±1.5\4.63±1.63 5.00±5.00 4.38±4.38
4 212 5.37±0.88 4.00±0.80
E 89 (continued 3)
arluJJl BiWL.lA .sillx .sillx lU..Jln
Tran-Eleva-In glandulosa papyr1fer:a pulchra ~slnYata
sect tlon Out Forbs Grasses leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf twIg leaf twig
I 4.13±1.46 3.92±1.63
2 2±2 5.30±3.06 3.88±2.34
3 8±3
4 2±2 31±24
2 I I±I
2 6±3 16.55±4.85 1O.87±3.IO
3 I 52±63 119±88 3.13±3.13 1.88±1.88
4 210:t38 3.30±1.94 3.43±2.00
3 I 4.55±0.95 3.05±0.74
2 7±7 15±9 1.75±1 .75 2.00±2.00
3 34±22 8±2 4.75±3.14 3.43±2.68
4 6±2 114±49
4 I HI 6.00±1.23 5.50±1.18
2 5H51 91±63 6.50±1.16 6.55±I.OO
4 5.75±1.18 5.62±1.13
In 5±4 6.25±0.76 2.77±1.19
out 6±6 11±5 3.13±1.88 3.92±2.38
2 In 13±7 I±I 2.80±0.19 3.25±1.21
out HI HI 9.38±3.08 8.05±0.63 9.55±.5.93 3.93±2.60
3 In 4±2 I±I I .30±1 .30 I.75±1.81
out 3±2 I±I I .63±1 .63 1.55±1.55
4 In 35±14 11±7
out 34±17 I67±154
J ~.~l ,1 .1 I J j .1 )I .1 I 1 J I J
1 I 1 I 1 »1 1 I !1J I -·'u )I j
TABLE 89 (continued 4)
Tran-Eleva-In glandulosa
Week sect tlon Out Forbs Grasses leaf twig
2 I In I±11.62±6.38 36.13±29.00
out 2±,2 6.43±,3.I0 5.00±2 .41
2 In I±I 5.18±,2.04 6.38±2.01
out 30±8 6±4 4.68±1.89 4.63±1.72
3 In 1176iJ45 579±,310
out 316±85 281±209
4 In 94iJi 76±,30 2.13±2 .13 2.55±2.55
out 19±19 116±46 I.56±0.94 2 .13±1 .88
3 I In HI 3±,2 5.80±1.41 7.05±1.81
out 5±5 I±I 7.30iJ.48 9.00±4.86
I 2 In <I 3±1 3.55±1.44 4.13±1.44
N out 19±12 32±15 2.43±1.48 3.00±2.24
N 3 In 78±47 30±10 5.30±0.35 6.05±0.33lH
I out 42±22 4±,3
4 In 121±49 238±82
out 16±2 411±,278
4 I In 26±23 5.38±1.35 5.88±2.26
out 47±22 2.25±0.83 5.63±1.38
2 In 54±23 2±1 5.25±1.71 3.68±0.33
out 2219 13±8 3.0010.84 5 .30±1 .49
4 In 60±13 4.43±1.56 4.68±2.19
out 35116 I±I 3.38±2.73 3.88±,2.96
a Elevation 3 not established at transect 4.
leaf twig
3.75±,3.75 3.30±,3.30
leaf twig
0.63±0.63 1.88±1.88
3.7513.75 1.25±1.25
leaf twig
leaf twig
30.67±4.88 23.37±5.74
18.75±8.43 16.63±16.12
Mean (±SE)current annual growth (kg/ha)of twigs and leaves of major shrubs sampled Inside and outside of exclosures
during September 1982 In the middle Susltna River Basin.
Yacclnlum Betula Salix Salix Alnus Betula
:i,ltls-Idaea glandulosa pylchra glayca ~Inyata papyrlfera
Transect Elevation In-Out leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig leaf tWig·
In 140±40 40120 40±20
out 140±40 60±40 40120
2 In 140±40 20±9 20±7
2 out 340±120 20±2 20±5 5±5 60±15 20±7 80±20
3 In 240±100 4±4 5±5
3 out 340±60 9±9 20±20
4 In 300±80
4 out 580±340
2 1 In 720±40 20±20 20120
2 1 out 500±140 20120 40±40
2 2 In 400±80 20±6 20±20
2 2 out 1340±.800 20±6 20±8
2 3 In 560±320
2 3 out 200±80 60±20 8±4
2 4 In 20±20 20120 20±20 3±3 20±7
2 4 out 60±60 20±8 5±4 8±5 20±6
i I ~J .1 !)I J ~1 .~i B
-I <-1 ].~
~J I J ]1 -,J 1
TABLE 90 (continued 2)
VaccInlum Betula Salix Sal Ix Alnus Betula
yltIs-Idaea glandulosa pulchra glauca sInyata papyrlfera
Transect Elevation In-Out ieaf twig leaf twig leaf twIg leaf twig leaf twig leaf twig
3 1 In 260±100 20±20 20±8
3 1 out 300±160 60±40 60±40
3 2 In 120±40 20±4 20±6 2±2 20±20
3 2 out 200±80 20±20 40±20 51.5 20±20 60±60 180±180
3 3 In 600±400 40±20 20±20 20±<1 40±20
3 3 out 280+140 <1±<1 <1±<1 40±20 80±80 60±60 60±60
N 3 4 In 40±40 80±20 140±20N
U1 3 4 out 20±20 2±2 3£3 60±40 8±4 3£3 3£3
4 1 In 420±60 40±20 40±20
4 1 out 320±80 20±20 20±20
4 2 In 220±100 20±5 20±5
4 2 out 220±120 40±20 20±20
4 4a In 200±60 20±8 20±20
4 4 out 360±160 5±4 4£3
a Elevation 3 not establIshed at transect 4.
Means,standard errors,and number of twigs required to sample within 10%of
the mean with 95%confidence for basal dIameters (mm)and length (mm)of
current annual growth twigs for major shrubs sampled for the plant phenology
study,middle Susttna River Basin.
-??6 -
B J J 1 1 1 "§1 i -I I "1 ]I
Hectares and percentage of each the Primary,Secondary and Control burn areas by vegetation type In the
Alphabet HII Is.
Vegetation Type
Hectares Area <%>
Hectares Area <%>
Hectares Area<%>
Forest 2203 75.65 10606 77 .41 9143 83.06
Open spruce 2134 73.27 9125 66.59 5296 48.10
Open spruce/Woodland spruce --------1124 10.22
Woodland spruce 69 2.38 1461 10.67 2000 18.17
Woodland spruce/Mesic gramlnold
N herbaceous/Low shrub ----20 0.15 723 6.57N....
I Shrub 623 21.39 2596 18.95 595 5.40
Low shrub 582 19.98 2146 15.67 566 5.14
Low shrub/Mesic gramlnold herbaceous ----253 1.85
Dwarf shrub -- --
63 0.45
Low willow 30 1.04 91 0.66 29 0.26
Low wll low/Mesic gramlnold herbaceous 11 0.37 43 0.32
Herbaceous 63 2.15 137 0.99 149 1.36
Mesic gramlnold herbaceous 63 2.15 137 0.99 149 1.36
Unvegetated 24 0.81 363 2.65 .1120 10.18
Lake 24 0.81 363 2.65 1120 10.18
Total Area 2913 100.00 13,702 100.00 11 ,007 100.00
Average drameter at pornt-of-browsrng (DPB)for browsed twrgs (estrmated from
a large but undetermrned number of twigs),welght/twrg,and weight of leaves
attached to cl rpped twrgs rn the Alphabet HI I Is.
Specres DPB (mm)Leaf (g)Twig (g)Sample srze
Betula gl andy rosa 2.4 0.30 0.35 648
Sal Ix glayca 3.5 0.74 0.46 199
Salix lanata 3.0 0.58 0.36 25
Sal Ix py!chra 2.8 0.66 0.51 589
_??R _
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and plant species In 30 -4-m 2
and l-m 2 quadrats from 3 sItes In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,
AI phabet HI II s.
-229 -
Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree
seed I Ing species at 2 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
Life Form/Species
Shrub a
Shrub a
LI ve
Seed II ng a
~glauca 455 28 133 750
Plcea mariana 172 13 32 333
I Tall shrub
N Alnus crlspa 4167 1583
\J4 Alnus slnuata 83a
•Low shrub
Betula glandulosa 11583 333
s.aLlx lanata 750 167
s.aLlx pulchra 48000 3333
a 4-m2 quadrat
b Point-centered quarter
I t ,I J I I I ,I i J J ,I J t I ,J
Average basal diameTer class and percent twig uti I Izatlon of shrub species,
r_and number of plants required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 2 sltes a In the Open White Spruce
vegeTation type,Alphabet HII Is.
Standard No.No.Estimated
~lOO'\Il Measure Species Mean Error Plants Sites Sample Size
~"lI!(Basal Betula glandulosa 0-1 64 2
Diameter Sal Ix pulcbra 1-2 80 2
Class (cm)
Utilization Betula glandulosa 12 2.5 64 2 77
(%)Salix pulcbra 12 2.0 80 2 54
a Shrubs at site 23 heavily browsed,no data.
-?~1 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 3 sites In the Open White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
utilized utilized Total utilized
Leaf Blomass b Twig Biomass Biomass
a Alnus crfspa twigs not counted.
b Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
Betula glandulosa 82239
~pulchra 374400
Total Biomass
I I i J I I J I J J ,I •.1 -_I J
.-.J _......_._.J
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean with 67%confidence by life form and plant species In 70 -4-m2
and 1-00 2 quadrats from 7 sItes In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,
AI phabet HI II s.
Standard Estimated
LIfe Form/Species Mean Error Sample Size
Tree (4-m 2 )13 1.7 8
Total low shrub 12 1.6 7
Betula glandulosa 5 0.7 1
Sal Ix pulcbra 7 1.5 7
Total dwarf shrub (1-m2)31 2.5 11
Empetrum nIgrym 9 1.9 10
Ledym decymbens 5 1.0 3
Ledym groenlandlcym 3 0.6 1
~I yacct nt ym yllglnosym 14 1 .8 9
yacclolym yitIs-ldaea 7 1.2 4
""'"-Total forb 20 2.2 13
Egytsetym stlyatlcum 2 0.7 1
Petasttes frlgtdus 4 0.9 3
Rybys cbamaemorys 3 0.7 1
Total gram t no Id 10 2.8 11
Carex:spp.10 2.8 11
Total moss 53 3.3 7
Total lichen 19 2.2 13~~Pelttgera spp.3 0.7 1
Stereocayloo spp.1 0.7 1
~~Litter 9 1.9 10
Dead wood 1 0.4 1
Bare ground 1 0.3 1
Water 1 0.5 1
-233 -
Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree
seed I Ing species at 7 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
Life Form/Species
Pfcea glauca
Plcea mariana
Low shrub
Betyla glandulosa
s.w.J.A glauca
a 4-m2 quadrat
b Point-centered quarter
Shrub a
Shrub a
Tree b
Sapllng b
Seed I Ing a
J I J ~J I i !J !i I J I ~J
Average basal dIameTer class and percent twig uti I ization of shrub specIes,
and number of plants requIred to sample within 20%of the mean wIth 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 7 sItes In the Open Black Spruce
vegetatIon type,Alphabet HII Is.
Measure SpecIes Mean
Sample SIze
Basal Setyla glandulQsa 0-1 261 7 1
DIameter Sal Ix glauca 0-1 13 2 1
Class (cm)Salix lanata 1-2 22 1 1
,~SalIx pulchra 1-2 237 7 1
Ut iii zat Ion Betyla glandylQsa 3 0.6 261 6 102
(%)Sal Ix gl ayca 6 5.8 13 1 325
Sal Ix lanata 27 5.8 22 1 26
Sal Ix pylcbra 8 0.9 237 7 68
-235 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 7 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
utilized utilized Total utilized
Leaf Blomass b Twig Biomass Biomass
Betula ~landulQsa 320967 97 111 208 60815 18 21 39s..a..ux glauca 2785 2 1 3 1071 1 <1 1
~lanata 3729 2 1 4 1865 1 1 2
Salix Dulchra 275900 183 142 325 79050 53 41 93
I Total Biomass 284 255 540 73 64 135
a AI nus .crJsoa twigs not counted.
b Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached •
!.!.1 I I I I .,i l-I J ..,1
.;1 J ~
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample wIthIn 20%
of the mean wIth 67%con f I dence by J I fe form and pIant specIes In 50 -4-m2
and 1-00 2 quadrats from 5 sItes In the Woodland WhIte Spruce vegetation type,
Alphabet HIlls.-
LIfe Form/Species Mean
Sample Size
Tree (4-m2)
Tota I low shrub
BetUla glaodulosa
Salix pulcbra
Total dwarf shrub (1-m2)
Arctostaphylos rubra
Empetrym olgrym
Ledym groeolaodlcym
Vacclnlym yllgloosym
Vacclolym yltls-Idaea
Sal Ix retlcylata
Total forb
EQulsetym sllyatlcym
Rybys chamaemorus
Petasltes trjgld!Js
Total moss
Tota I II chen
CetrarIa spp.
CladQoja spp.
Peitigera spp.
Stereocau!on spp.
Dead wood
Bare ground
6 2.1 9
25 2.5 13
14 2.3 11
12 2.1 9
45 4.0 10
1 0.6 1
13 1.7 6
15 3.8 28
27 3.9 26
8 1 .4 4
2 1 .3 3
8 1 .6 5
4 1.3 4
1 0.4 1
1 0.3 1
46 4.2 11
21 3.3 21
2 0.7 1
9 1.1 2
7 2.2 9
1 0.8 1
17 2.9 17
1 0.2 1
1 0.6 1
.-237 -
Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree
seed I Ing species at 5 sites In the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.
Life Form/Species
Shrub a
Sapllng b
Seedllng a
~glauca 361 15 95 200
Plce,a.mariana 87 1 48 200
Tal I shrub
N Alnus slnuata 150
I Low shrub
Betula glandulosa 57950 4300
~aclcularls 3200
aLJ.x glayca 100
s.a.Llx lanata 100
Salix Dulchra 25400 4150
a 4-m 2 quadrat
b Point-centered quarter
J ,.1 J I I t J )J J I t },
Average basal diameTer class and percent twig uti I Izatlon of shrub specIes,
and number of plants required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confIdence based on those measures,for 5 sites In the Woodland WhIte Spruce
vegetatIon type,Alphabet HII Is.
Measure Species Mean
Sample Size
-239 -
Gross available and utilized leaf,twig and total biomass (kg/ha)estimated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densities (number/ha)from 4 sites In the Woodland White Spruce vegetation type,Alphabet HI lis.
No.Unbrowsed Available Available Total Available No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig Biomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
Uti I Ized uti I Ized Total Uti Ilzed
Leaf Blomassb Twig Biomass Biomass
Betula glandulosa 701195 212 242 454 214415 65
.s.a.u.x glauca 1080 1 <1 1 450 <1
.salix lanata 650 <1 <1 1 650 <1
Salix pulchra 325760 216 167 384 117070 78
N Total Biomass 430 411 840 145
a ~crlspa twigs not counted.
b Leaf biomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
"I J J ],!J 1 J J J J m .~I I
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample wIthfn 20%
of the mean wfth 67%confIdence by life form and plant species fn 70 -4-m2
and 1-m 2 quadrats from 7 sftes fn the Dwarf BIrch vegetatfon type,Alphabet
Hf I Is.
LIfe Form/SpecIes
Total low shrub (4-m2)
BetYla glandy!osa
Total dwarf shrub (1-m2)
Empetrym nigrym
Ledym decymbens
Ledym groenlandtcum
Vacclnlum yl tgtnosym
VaccfnIym vftfs-Idaea
Total forb
Cornys canadensIs
Total gramfnofd
Grass spp.
HIercocbloe alpIna
Total moss
Tota I I I chen
CetrarIa spp.
Cladonla spp.
Peltlgera spp.
Dead wood
Bare ground
-241 -
1 .2
Est f mated
Sample Sfze
Average density (number/ha)of stems for living and dead shrub and mature tree,tree sapling and tree
seed I lng species at 7 sites In the Dwarf Birch vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
Life Form/Species
.E..l.gzg g Iayca
Low shrub
Betyla glaodulosa
s.suJ.x glayca
s.suJ.x Py Ichra
a 4-m 2 quadrat
b Point-centered quarter
Shrub a
Shrub a
Tree b
Sapll ng b
Seedllng a
J J _I J ~...1 J I I I J J I i J J I
Average basal diameTer class and percent twig uti I Izatlon of shrub species,
and number of plants required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 7 sites In the Dwarf Birch vegeTation
type,Alphabet HII Is.
Standard No.No.Estimated
Measure Species Mean Error Plants Sites Samp Ie Size
Basal Betula glandu!osa 1-2 276 7 .1
,-Diameter Sal Ix gl auca 1-2 36 5 1
Cl ass (cm)Sal Ix pulchra 1-2 117 7 1
Utilization B§tyla glandulosa 5 0.5 276 6 82
(%)Sa IIx g I auca 10 2.5 36 5 53
Salix pylchra 15 1.7 117 7 38
-243 -
Gross avaIlable and utIlIzed leaf,twIg and total bIomass (kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densItIes (number/ha)from 7 sItes In the Dwarf BIrch vegetatIon type,Alphabet HII Is.
No.Unbrowsed AvaIlable AvaIlable Total AvaIlable No.Browsed
TWlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig BIomass BIomass Twlgs/ha
UtI I Ized UtIlIzed Total UtIlIzed
Leaf Blomass b TwIg BIomass BIomass
a ~crlspa twIgs not counted.
b Leaf bIomass removed If browsIng had occurred when leaves were attached.
Betula glandulosa 2492117
~glauca 13738
~pulchra 162855
Total Biomass
J _J S ~J ,;I S J ]I J 1 t )
Average percent canopy cover and number of plots required to sample within 20%
of the mean wIth 67%confIdence by life form and plant species In 30 -4-m2
and 1-m 2 quadrats from 3 sites In the Dwarf Birch -WII low vegetation type,
Alphabet HIlls.
Life Form/Species Mean
Sample SIze
Total low shrub (4-m2)
Betyla glandylosa
Salix glayca
Salix pylchra
Total dwarf shrub (1-m2)
Arctostaphylos rybra
Empetrym nlgrym
Ledum decymbens
Ledum groenlandlcum
Vacclnlym ulIglnosum
Vacclnlym yltls-rdaea
Total forb
EQylsetym sjlyatlcum
Petasrtes frigldys
Total gramlnold
Carex spp.
Grass spp.
Total moss
Tota I II chen
Cetraria spp.
Cladonla spp.
Peltlgera spp.
Peltlgera spp.
Dead wood
37 4.7 12
19 3.7 17
1 1.3 2
18 4.1 20
68 4.5 3
2 1.3 2
21 3.7 16
8 2.0 5
11 2.2 6
56 5.1 6
7 2.1 5
12 1 .9 4
2 0.5 1
1 0.4 1
9 0.9 2
8 1.8 4
1 0.4 1
59 4.8 5
26 4.0 18
1 0.3 1
7 1 .5 3
1 0.5 1
18 2.9 10
33 5.5 21
3 0.6 1
-245 -
Average dens Ity (number/ha)of stems for IIvI ng and dead shrub and mature tree,tree sap I I ng and tree
seed I Ing species at 3 sites In the Dwarf Birch -WII low vegetation type,Alphabet Hills.
Life Form/Species
Low shrub
Betula glandulosa
fiQsA aclculartssa.ux glaucas.a.ux put chra
a 4-m 2 quadrat
b Point-centered quarter
Shrub a
Shrub a
Sapllng b
Seed I Ing a
.J .I J .1 )I D I I ~j J J
""",TABLE 112
Average basal diameTer class and percent twig uti I Izatlon of shrub species,
and number of plants required to sample within 20%of the mean with 67%
confidence based on those measures,for 3 sites In the Dwarf Birch -WI I low
vegetation type,Alphabet HII Is.
Standard No.No.Estimated
Measure Species Mean Error Plants Sites Sample Size
,-Basal Betyla glandulosa 1-2 120 3
Diameter Sal Ix glayca 1-2 14 3
Class (cm)Sal Ix pylchra 1-2 98 3
Utilization Betula glandulosa 6 1.3 120 3 147
(%)Sa I Ix g Iayca 5 2.5 14 3 80
Sal Ix pulcbra 8 1.7 98 3 101
-247 -
Gross avaIlable and utIlized leaf,twIg and total bIomass (kg/ha)estImated from number of unbrowsed and browsed
twlgs/ha and stem densItIes (number/ha)from 3 sItes In the Dwarf BIrch -WIllow vegetation type,Alphabet HIlls.
No.Un browsed AvaIlable AvaIlable Total AvaIlable No.Browsed
Twlgs/ha Leaf Biomass Twig BIomass Biomass Twlgs/ha
utIlIzed utIlIzed
Leaf Blomass b TwIg BIomass
Total utIlized
Betula glandulosa
SMlx glauca
SAliX pulchra
Total BIomass
I a ~crlspa twIgs not counted.
b Leaf bIomass removed If browsing had occurred when leaves were attached.
I I I i l.J ',~I J ,~I I J J J I ~!J
1 ~1 1 i ]t•
1 )~~-l ]1 1 1
Summary of average density,gross available twig biomass,and percent utll Izatfon of twigs for 4 major shrub species
In 5 vegetation types,Alphabet Hills.
Density (#/ha)Twig Biomass (kg/ha)Percent utilization
Vegetat Ion type Beg I a Sagl b Salac Sapu d Beg I Sag I Sala Sapu Beg I Sag I Sala Sapu
Open White Spruce 11583 -750 48000 28 ----193 12 ----12
Open Black Spruce 33786 357 643 15500 111 1 1 142 3 6 27 8
Woodland White Spruce 57950 100 100 25400 242 <1 <1 167 8 25 51 16
Dwarf Birch 125232 1321 --10857 860 6 -84 5 10 -15IDwarfBirch-WI I low 39833 1500 --33417 283 11 --209 6 5 --8N
a Begl =Betula ~ulosa
b Sagl =Sal IX glauca
c Sala =~lanata
d Sapu =SalJxDulchra
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysis performed
on sot I samples collected from 3 sItes In the Open WhIte Spruce vegetatIon
type,Alphabet Hflls."""
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
Standard Standard Standard -Sol [Variables Mean DevIation Mean DevIation Mean Devlatton
-pH 6.28 0.65 6.45 0.60 6.34 0.46
O.M.(%)16.71 10.75 11.75 11.27 6.80 5.24
Total Nitrogen (%)0.58 0.29 0.34 0.29 0.34 0.44
Total Phosphorus (%)0.09 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.02 -
Sand (%)35.39 9.43 31 .51 9.64 34.40 10.66
Slit (%)47.50 8.05 46.51 8.38 44.63 7.85
Clay (%)17.47 4.96 22.00 3.27 20.97 5.00 ~,
Potassium (ppm)240.75 300.67 739.67 1197.46 85.13 77.90
CalcIum (ppm)4750.00 3053.98 3315.56 2832.09 3052.50 3585.45
Magnesium (ppm)618.88 251 .39 428.56 335.71 410.50 253.60
Copper (mg/g)2.54 1.70 2.10 0.86 2.19 0.82
ZInc (mg/g)4.65 5.14 0.99 0.79 1.03 0.95
Manganese (mg/g)42.81 53.94 19.36 12.46 22.22 23.10
Iron (mg/g)201 .19 118.51 162.41 66.93 206.99 46.72
-250 -
Mean and sTandard error for varIables measured for chemIcal analysIs performed
on soil samples collected from 7 sites In the Open Black Spruce vegetatIon
type,Alphabet HII Is.
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
SoIl VarIables
Standard Standard Standard
Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean DeviatIon
pH 5.82 0.62 6.20 0.45 6.31 .52
O.M.(%)15.19 12.28 8.55 10.41 8.40 8.82
Total Nlt~ogen (%)0.55 0.44 0.26 0.31 0.24 0.26
Total Phosphorus (%)0.09 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.09 0.03
Sand (%)31 .35 12.60 31.49 8.88 31.80 7.14
Silt (%)44.60 6.09 43.97 8.79 39.44 5.81
Clay (%)24.05 11 .00 24.53 9.56 28.75 6.90
Potassium (ppm)139.95 134.60 83.30 47.02 76.20 31.02
Ca IcI urn (ppm)2616.36 1762.57 2425.89 2220.47 2359.33 1366.78
Magnesium (ppm)473.45 283.27 342.47 241.97 394.20 166.92
F'"Copper (mg/g)2;94 1.54 2.92 1.45 3.07 1·.18
Zinc emg/g)5.14 6.15 1.32 1.40 0.90 0.76
Manganese emg/g)93.18 163.54 35.03 39.70 47.48 23.72
Iron emg/g)401.07 276.45 239.45 109.45 222.67 141 .60
-251 -
Mean and standard error.for varIables measured for chemIcal analysIs performed
on soil samples collected from 5 sites In the Woodland White Spruce vegetatIon
type~AI phabet HI II s.~
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm ....
Standard Standard Standard -Sol I VarIables Mean DevIatIon Mean DevIation Mean DevIatIon
pH 6.04 0.27 6.22 0.21 6.24 0.20
O.M.(%)15.64 9.21 4.32 2.52 2.24 1.75
Total NItrogen (%)0.49 0.27 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.05
Total Phosphorus (%)0.10 0.04 0.08 0.01 0.08 0.01
Sand (%)34.38 15.84 29.00 11 .32 30.60 17.57
SIlt (%)42.71 12.84 45.18 5.52 40.95 9.26
Clay (%)22.92 9.41 25.82 9.80 28.49 15.45 1lPS,
Potassium (ppm)471.36 962.69 328.67 557.96 347.10 710.48
Calcium (ppm)2995.00 1619.04 1642.50 889.05 1414.55 693.29
Magnesium (ppm)544.50 292.89 332.33 157.49 312.82 134.90 -Copper emg/g)1 .92 1.24 2.12 0.70 2.10 0.90
ZInc (mg/g)1.51 1.79 0.81 0.60 0.41 0.21
Manganese (mg/g)25.73 24.05 18.95 17.33 20.19 21.14
Iron (mg/g)292.14 125.64 200.62 89.27 168.50 113.26
-252 -
Mean and standard error for varIables measured for chemIcal analysis performed
on sol t samples collected from 7 sItes In the Dwarf BIrch vegetatIon type,
Al phabet HI II s.
0-5 cm 5-10 cm 10-15 cm
5011 VarIables
Standard Standard Standard
Mean DevIatIon Mean Deviation Mean DeviatIon
~....,pH 4.66 0.61 5.25 0.61 5.52 0.55
O.M.<%)16.57 9.12 8.15 7.31 6.24 7.25
Total NItrogen <%)0.46 0.24 0.20 0.15 0.16 0.16
Total Phosphorus <%)0.09 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.02
Sand <%)37.00 9.69 29.85 8.85 35.29 10.63
51 It <%)44.88 10.21 46.45 8.24 44.21 8.52
Clay <%)18.14 6.26 23.70 10.11 20.50 8.15
~Potassium <PP"UL 188.26 271.08 55.50 36.72 64.95 93.65
Calcium <ppm)745.66 766.22 546.82 467.62 868.50 1093.93
Magnesium (ppm)168.13 153.08 124.59 113.41 159.70 164.90
Copper (mg/g)0.85 0.63 1.07 0.76 1.17 0.76
Zinc <mg/g)1.78 4.58 0.40 0.27 0.61 0.92
Manganese (mg/g)10.22 12.03 9.25 10.32 11.44 12.78
r~Iron (mg/g)301.72 91 .01 188.70 66.87 197.05 98.14
-253 -
Mean and standard error for variables measured for chemical analysis performed
on soi I samples collected from 3 sites Tn the Dwarf BTrch-WII low vegetation
type,Alphabet HII Is.
0-5 em 5-10 cm 10-15 cm ~-
So II Var Tab Ies
Standard Standard Standard
Mean DeviatIon Mean DevTatTon Mean Deviation """"
pH 5.64 0.39 5.87 0.42 6.07 0.38
O.M.(%)17.02 13.25 10.34 9.67 5.28 6.79
Total Nitrogen (%)0.60 0.30 0.28 0.23 0.23 0.30
Total Phosphorus (%)0.10 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.01
Sand (%)34.48 9.96 30.00 9.64 30.73 8.00
Silt (%)44.34 4.87 43.94 5.15 42.34 4.68
Clay (%)21 .18 7.43 26.06 8.65 26.92 5.85 .1
Potassium (ppm)144.00 56.72 89.90 35.64 74.09 29.36
CalcTum (ppm)2795.45 1278.98 1970.00 760.35 1496.36 571.77
MagnesTum (ppm)578.90 271.56 477.20 202.61 379.18 153.71
Copper (mg/g)1.25 0.65 1.59 0.93 ·2.59 1 .00
ZTnc (mg/g)1 .50 0.91 0.46 0.19 0.55 0.31
Manganese (mg/g)17.58 12.48 9.67 9.07 15.28 12.15
Iron (mg/g)352.91 77.56 249.09 73.34 222.53 64.74 -,;>;
-254 -
Mean depth to permafrost and depth of organic layer by vegeTation type,
Alphabet Hil Is.
Permafrost (cm)Organic Layer (cm)
Standard Standard
VegeTation type Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Open White Spruce 69 8.3 8.6 6.5
Open Black Spruce 56 21.3 9.0 4.4
Wood I and Wh Ite Spruce 70 12.2 9.6 1.8
Dwarf Birch 72 20.7 7.5 2.4
Dwarf Birch-Willow 82 0.7 8.2 2.2
-255 -
Average total nitrogen and phosphorus by vegeTation type~Alphabet HII Is.
VegeTation type
Open Spruce
Woodland Spruce
Low Shrub
Total Nitrogen
(metric tons/ha)
Total Phosphorus
(metric tons/ha)
a Totals represent soils within the Prtmary and Secondary burn areas over
entire 0-15 em prof tie depth.
-256 -
LocatIon of Susltna River Basfn and Alphabet Hfl Is study areas fn
southcentral Alaska.
-257 -
I 1
I 1 J I I ~I J I
o 6 10 Km
J ,
Location of Individual sItes from 1982 browse Inventory study,middle
Susltna River BasIn.
-259 -
Watana Damalte
41 42..~
D 1
f II , ,I
o 1 2 3
Devil Canyon
_~I _1 ~J ;1 ......~.~I J ].J ~I J .~.~I
Location of transects for 1982 plant phenology study,mIddle Susitna
RIver BasIn.
-261 -
23 64.-
o 1
I :JI--I , I
o 1 2 3
Devil Canyon
r·'k e .,,..
,I ,I J I I J J I I ]I __I I
Vegetation map (1:24,000)of 1982 Alphabet HII Is pre-burn Inventory and
assessment study (back pocket)showing primary burn,secondary burn,and
control boundaries,south centra I Alaska.
-263 -
Effect of transect location on phenological development of 4 shrub _
specIes over weeks with elevatIon held relatIvely constant,1982.
-264 -
Betula glandulo..V8cclnlum ullglnoaum
"X'.-,;1 ........·5·.....·::.-'........r-
Flower S41-•-•Flower Bud 4
•ua L.af Expanded 30
~•L.af Bud 2.c
0542 3
Week Week
Leen..groenlandlculR VacclnluM vltla-ldae.
I :'/
,I .T"<.•..•:/'".F?. '...,.".'y
Flower 5•....Flow...Bud 4..ua L ••f Expanded 30
~•Le.f Bud 2.c
0 2 3 4 5
Flower S•-•-Flower Bud 4•..ua Le.f Expanded 3
~•Leaf Bud 2.c
0 2 3
4 s
Watana Cre.k Ele"atlon 774 m 31 May
Jay Creek Ele"atlon 2 792 m 2 7 June
~..........Switchback Ele"atlon 2 782 m 3 14 June
-.-Tau.ena Creek EI.v.tlon 1 158 m 4 21 June
~5 28 June
Effect of elevation on phenological development of 4 shrub species over
weeks on 1 transect,1982.
-266 -
Betula glanclulo.a Vacclnlum ullglno.um
Flow.Flower 5
GI GI....""..Flow.Bud ..Flower Bud 4 ".~../
(.J (.J ..~a-Leaf Expanded ~a-L.af Expanded 3 ..9/
0 0 ....i'
'0 .-/'0 ,,:::.--:.c c .-:.rGILeafBudGILeafBud2.c .c .
Growth 1 Growth 1
Initiation Initiation
a a
a 1 2 3 4 5 a 1 2 3 4 5
Week Week
Leen-groenlandlcum Vacclnlum vitia-Ida..
I :1
Flower 5
!•..Flower Bud 4
(.Ja-Leaf Expanded 3
'0c•L.af Bud 2.c
Growth 1InltaUon
Flower 5•....Flower Bud 4
(.Ja-Leaf Expancled 30
GI Leaf Bud 2.c
0 1
Week Week,-
Watana Creek Tran..ct
Elevation 1 174m 31 May
Elevation 2 883 m 2 7 June
.........Elevation 3 810 m 3 14 June
---ElevatIon 4 5048m 4 21 June
5 28 June
Mean biomass of forbs and gramlnolds (kg/ha current annual growth)by
week,plant phenology study,middle Susltna River Basin.
-268 -
31 ....y
3 Jun.
10 Jun.
14 Jun.
17 Jun.
21 Jun.
25 Jun.
PlOT of basal diameter and length of twigs of current annual growth for 5
shrubs,plant phenology study,middle Susltna River Basin.
-270 -
1 )1 1 ···1 i 1 ].~J 1 1 1 I 1 ]J
V .'.1"+0.006 (a)
V =1.141 +0.001 (x)
V =1.412'+0.004 (x)
V =2.388 +0.008 (x)
V =1.710 +0.001 (x)
o 60 100 160 200
Individual sites of relocated exclosures fol lowing 1982 plant phenology
study~middle Susltna River Basin.
-272 --
-]a I 1 ]1 1
i ]1 -,
Watana Damalt.
r==1 11o1 2 3
o 1
Devil Canv on
Location of individual sites from 1982 Alphabet Hil Is pre-burn inventory
and assessment study.
-274 -
]1 i
1 ::::L J
l .~1 1
-1 ]1
I I I ,I I
o 1 a 3 "6
List of plant species identified durjng summers of 1980-1982 in the
middle and upper Susitna River Basin (U)and downstream floodplain (D).
List modified from preliminary list of McKendrick et al.(1982).
Lady fern U 0 """'!
Fragi 1e-fern U
Mountain fragile-fern U
Ostri ch fern 0
Alpine woodsia U
-Meadow horsetail U
Swamp horsetail U
Marsh horsetail 0 -Meadow horsetail U 0
Woodland horsetail U
Variegated scouring-rush U 0
Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.)Gray
Dryopteris fragrans (L.)Schott
Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.)Newm.
Athyrium filix-femina (L.)Roth
Cystopteris fragilis (L.)Bernh.
Cystopteris montana (Lam.)Bernh.
Matteuccia struthio teris (L.)Todaro
Woodsia alpina Bolton S.F.Gray
Equisetum arvense L.
Eguisetum fluviatile L.ampl.Ehrh.
Eguisetum palustre L.
Equisetum pratense L.
Eguisetum silvaticum L.
Equisetum variegatum Schleich.
Isoetes muricata Our.
Shield fern
Fragrant shield-fern
Qun lwort
U 0
Lycopodium alpinum L.
Lycopodium annotinum L.
Lycopodium clavatum L.
Lycopodium complanatum L.
Lycopodium selago L.ssp.selago
Thelypteris phegopteris (L.)Slosson
Alpine clubmoss U
Stiff clubmoss U
Running clubmoss U """Ground cedar U
Fir clubmoss U
Long beech fern U -
Juniperus communis L.
-276 -
Common juniper U
Picea glauca (Moench)Voss
Picea mariana (Mill.)Britt.,
Sterns &Pogg.
White spruce
Black spruce
U 0
U 0
U 0
U 0
Northern wheatgrass
Tickle grass
Bent grass
Mountain foxtail
Slough grass
Purple reedgrass
Timber oatgrass
Water sedge
Bigelow sedge
Hairlike sedge
$i 1very sedge
Low northern sedge
Thread-leaf sedge
Shore sedge
Bog sedge
Fragile sedge
Short-stalk sedge
Tall cottongrass
White cottongrass
Tussock cottongrass
Small-fruit bullrush
Tufted clubrush
Carex asuatilis Wahlenb.
Carex blgelowii Torr.
Carex capillaris L.
Carex canescens L.
Carex concinna R.Br.
Carex eleusinoides Turcz.
Carex filifolia Nutt.
Carex garberi Fern.
Carex limosa L.
Carex loliacea L.
Carex rna ellanica Lam.subsp.irrigua
(Wahl enb.Hu It.
Carex media R.Br.ex Richards.
Carex membranacea Hook.
Carex pOdocarpa C.B.Clarke
Carex rhynchophysa C.A.Mey.
Carex rotundata Wahlenb.
Carex saxatilis L.
Ca rex spp.
Eriophorum angustifolium Honck.
Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe
Eriophorum vaginatum L.
Eriophorum sp.
Scirpus microcarpus Presl.
Trichophorum caespitosum (L.)Hartm.
Gramineae (Poaceae)
Agropyron boreale (Turcz.)Drobov
Agropyron caninum (L.)Beauv.
Agropyron macrourum (Turcz.)Drobov
Agropyron sp.
Agrostis scabra Willd.
Agrostis sp.
Alopecurus alpinus Sm.
Arctagrostis latifolia (R.Br.)Griseb.
Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.)Fern
Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.)
Calamagrostis purpurascens R.Sr.
Cinna latifolia (Trev.)Griseb.in
Danthonia intermedia Vasey
-277 -
Woodrush U
Northern wood rush U
Woodrush U
Small-flowered woodrush U
Tundra woodrush U
Wahlenberg woodrush U
Deschamps~a atropurpurea (Wahlenb.)
Deschampsia caespitosa (L.)Beauv.
Festuca altaica Trin.
Festuca rubra L.Call.
Hierochloe alpina (Swartz)Roem.&
Hierochloe odorata (L.)Wahlenb.
Phleum commutatum Gandoger
Poa alpina L.
Poa arctica R.Br.
Poa palustris L.
Trisetum spicatum (L.)Richter
Iris setosa Pel las
Juncus arcticus Willd.
Juncus castaneus Sm.
Juncus drummondii E.Mey.
Juncus mertensianus Bong.
Juncus triglumis L.
Luzula cBmpestris (L.)DC.ex DC.
Luzula confusa Lindeb.
Luzula multiflora (Retz.)Lej.
Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.)Desv.
Luzula tundricola Gorodk.
Luzula wahlenbergii Rupr.
Lil i aceae
Lloydia serotina (L.)Rchb.
Streptopus amplexifolius (L.)DC.
Tofieldia coccinea Richards
Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.)Pers.
Veratrum viride Ait.
Zygadenus elegans Pursh
Mountain hairgrass
Tufted hairgrass
Fescue grass
Red fescue
Alpine holygrass
Vani 11 a grass
Alpine bluegrass
Arctic bluegrass
Downy oatgrass
Wil d i ri s
Arctic rush
Chestnut rush
Drummond rush
Mertens rush
Alp lily
Cucumber root
Northern asphodel
Scotch asphodel
Elegant death camas
I '
-I '
Listera cordata (L.)R.Br.
Platanthera convallariaefolia
Platanthera dilatata (Pursh)Lindl.
Platanthera h erborea (L.)Lindl.
Platanthera obtusata Pursh)Lindl.
-278 -
Heart-leaved twinblade U
Northern bog-orchis U
White bog-orchis U
Northern bog-orchis U
Small bog-orchis U
Nuttall pondweed U
Fi 1i form pondweed U
Pondweed U
Clasping-leaf pondweed U
Robbins pondweed U
Potamogeton epihydrous Raf.
Potamogeton filiformis Pers.
Potamogeton gramineus L.
Potamogeton perfoliatus L.
Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes
Sparganium angustifolium Michx.
Adoxa moschatellina L.
Echinopanax horridum (Sm.)Decne.
Betulaceae c
Alnus crispa (Ait.)Pursh
Alnus sinuata (Reg.)Rydb.
Alnus tenuifolia Nutt.
Betula glandulosa Michx.
Betula nana L.
Betula OCC1dentalis Hook.
Betula papyrifera Marsh.
Mertensia paniculata (Ait.)G.Don
Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt
Ca 11 it ri chaceae
Callitriche hermaphroditica L.
Callitriche verna L.
Campanula lasiocarpa Cham.
Linnaea borealis L.
Viburnum edule (Michx.)Raf.
Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydb.)House
Moehringia lateriflora (L.)Fenzl
-279 -
Narrow-leaved burreed
Devil IS club
American green alder
Sitka alder
Resin birch
Dwarf arctic birch
Water birch
Paper birch
Tall bluebell
Water starwort
Verna 1 water-starwort
Mountain harebell
High bush cranberry
Alpine sandwort
Grove sandwort
Silene acaulis L.
Stellaria sp.
Wilhelmsia physodes (Fisch.)McNeill
Compositae (Asteraceae)
Achillea borealis Bong.
Achillea sibirica Ledeb.
Antennaria alpina (L.)Gaertn.
Antennaria monocephala DC.
Antennaria rosea Greene
Arnica amplexicaulis Nutt.ssp.prima
Magui re
Arnica chamissonis Less.(?)
Arnica frigida C.A.Mey.
Arnica lessingii Greene
Artemisia alaskana Rydb.
Artemisia arctica Less.
Artemisia tilesii Ledeb.
Aster sibiricus L.
Erigeron humilis Graham
Erigeron lonchophyllous Hook.
Hieracium triste Willd.
Petasites frigidus (L.)Franch.
Petasites sagittatus (Banks)Gray
Petasites sp.
Saussurea angustifolia (Willd.)DC.
Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.)Fedtsch.
Senecio lugens Richards.
Senecio sheldonensis Pars.
Solidago multiradiata Ait.
Taraxacum alaskanum Rydb.
Cornus canadensis L.
Sedum rosea (L.)Scop.
Cruciferae (Brassicaceae)
Arabi s lyrata L.
Cardamine bellidifolia L.
Cardamine pratensis L.
Cardamine umbellata Greene
Draba nivalis Liljebl.
Draba stenoloba Ledeb.
Parrya nudicaulis (L.)Regel
Rorippa islandica (Oeder)Barb.
-280 -
Moss campion
Mercki a
Si beri an yarrow
Alpine pussy toes
Pussy toes
Pussy toes
Arni ca
Arni ca
Arni ca
Arni ca
Alaska wormwood
Siberian aster
Fleabane daisy
Woolly hawkweed
Arctic sweet coltsfoot
Arrowleaf sweet
Sweet coltsfoot
Sheldon groundsel
Northern goldenrod
Alpine bittercress
Cuckoo flower
Marsh yellowcress
Diapensia lapponica L.
Shepherdia canadensis (L.)Nutt.
Empetrum nigrum L.
Andromeda polifolia L.
Arctostaphylos alpina (L.)Spreng.
Arctostaphylos rubra (Rehd.&Wilson)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.)Spreng.
Cassiope stelleriana (Pall.)DC.
Cassiope tetragona (L.)D.Don
Ledum decumbens (Ait.)Small c
Ledum groenlandicum Oeder
Ledum sp.
Loiseleuria procumbens (L.)Desv.
Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz.
Rhododendron lapponicum (L.)Wahlenb.
Vaccinium caespitosum Michx.
Vaccinium uliginosum L.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.
Bog ros ema ry
Alpine bearberry
Red-fruit bearberry
Alaska moss heath
Four-angle mountain-
Northern Labrador tea
Labrador tea
Labrador tea
Alpine azalea
Swamp cranberry
Lapland rosebay
Dwarf bl ueberry
Bog blueberry
Mountain cranberry
U 0
Corydalis pauciflora (Steph.)Pers.
Few-flowered corydalis U
Gentiana glauca Pall.
Gentiana propingua Richards.
Menyanthes trifoliata L.
Swert;a perennis L.
Geranium erianthum DC.
Hippuris vulgaris L.
-281 -
Glaucous gentian
Genti an
Northern geranium
Common marestail
Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Astragalus aboriginumbRichards.
Astragalus alpinus L.
Astragalus umbel latus Bunge
Hedysarum alp;num L.
Lupinus arcticus S.Wats.
Oxytropis borealis DC.
Oxytropis campestris (L.)DC.
Oxytropis huddelsonii Porsild
Oxytropis maydelliana Trautv.
Oxytropis nigrescens (Pall.)Fisch.
Oxytropis visc;da Nutt.
Pinguicula villosa L.
Utricularia vulgaris L.
Myrica ~L.
Nuphar polysepalum Engelm.
Mi 1 k-vetch
Mil k-vetch
Mil k-vetch
Alpine sweet-vetch
Arctic lupine
Field oxytrope
Huddelson oxytrope
Maydell oxytrope
Blackish oxytrope
Viscid oxytrope
Hairy butterwort
Common bladderwort
Sweet gale
Yellow pond lily
U 0
Circaea alpina L.
Epilobium angustifolium L.
Epilobium latifolium L.
Ep;1ob;um palustre L.
Enchanterls nightshade D
Fireweed U D
Dwarf fireweed U 0
Swamp willow-herb U
Boschniakia rossica (Cham.&Schlecht.)
Polemonium acutiflorum Willd.
Oxyria digyna (L.)Hill
Polygonum bistorta L.
Polygonum viviparum L.
Rumex arcticus Trautv.
Rumex sp.
-282 -
Jacob's ladder
Mountain sorrel
Meadow bistort
Alpine bistort
Arctic dock
Single delight UD
Liverleaf wintergreen D
Large-flower wintergreen U
Lesser wintergreen U
One-sided wintergreen UD
Claytonia sarmentosa C.A.Mey.
Dodecatheon frigidum Cham.&Schlecht.
Primula cuneifolia Ledeb.
Primula egaliksensis Wormsk.
Trientalis europaea L.
Moneses uniflora (L.)Gray
Pyrola asarifolia Michx.
Pyrola grandiflora Radius
Pyrola minor L.
Pyrola secunda L.
Northern shooting star
Wedge-leaf primrose
Greenland primrose
Arctic starflower
Aconitum del hinifolium DC.
Actaea rubra Ait.Willd.
Anemone narcissi flora L.
Anemone parviflora Michx.
Anemone richardsonii Hook
Caltha leptosepala DC.
Caltha palustris L.
Ranunculus confervoides (E.Fries)
Ranunculus macounii Britt.(may beR.pacificus or something similar)
Ranunculus nivalis L.
Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt.
Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenb.
Ranunculus sp.
Thalictrum alpinum L.
Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turcz.
Monkshood U
Baneberry D
Anemone U
Northern anemone U
Anemone UD
Mountain marsh-marigold U
Marsh marigold U
Water crowfoot U
Macoun buttercup D
Snow buttercup U
Western buttercup U
Pygmy buttercup U
Buttercup U
Arctic meadowrue U
Few-flower meadowrue U0
Dryas drummondii Richards.
Dryas integrifolia M.Vahl.
Dryas octopetala L.
Geum rossi i (R.Br.)Ser.
LUetkea pectinata (Pursh)Ktze.
Potentilla biflora Willd.
Potentilla fruticosa L.
Potentilla hyrarctica Malte
Potentilla pa ustris (L.)Scop.
Potentilla villosa Pall.
Rosa acicularis Lindl.
-283 -
Drummond mountain-avens
White mountain-avens
Ross avens
Two-flower cinquefoil
Shrubby cinquefoil
Arctic cinquefoil
Marsh cinquefoil
Villous cinquefoil
Prickly rose
Rubus arcticus L.
Rubus chamaemorus L.
Rubus idaeus L.
Rubus pedatus Sm.
Sanguisorba stipulata Raf.
Sibbaldia procumbens L.
Sorbus scopulina Greene
Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid.
Nagoon berry
Five-leaf bramble
Sitka burnet
Western mountain ash
Beauverd spirea
U 0
U 0
U 0
! '
Galium boreale L.
Galium trifidum L.
Galium triflorum Michx.
Salicaceae c
Northern bedstraw U
Small bedstraw U
Sweet-scented bedstraw 0 ~
Populus balsamifera L.
Populus tremuloides Michx.
Salix alaxensis (Anderss.)Cov.
Salix arbusculoides Anderss.
Salix arctica Pall.
Salix barclayi Anderss.
Salix brachycarpa Nutt.
Salix fuscescens Anderss.
Salix glauca L.
Salix lanata L.subsp.richardsonii
Salix monticola Bebb
Salix novae-angliae Anderss.
Salix phlebophylla Anderss.
Salix planifolia Pursh ssp.planifolia
Salix planifolia Pursh ssp.pulchra
Salix polaris Wahlenb.
Salix reticulata L.
Salix rotundifolia Trautv.
Salix scouleriana Barratt
Salix sp.
Geocaulon lividum (Richards.)Fern.
Balsam poplar
Quaking aspen
Fe ltl eaf wi 11 ow
Littletree willow
Arctic willow
Barcl ay wi 11 ow
Barren-ground willow
Alaska bog willow
Grayleaf wi 11 ow
Richardson willow
Pa rk wi 11 ow
Tall blueberry willow
Skeletonleaf willow
Planeleaf willow
Diamondleaf willow
Polar willow
Netl eaf wi 11 ow
Least willow
Scouler willow
Wi 11 ow
U 0
U 0
U 0
U 0
U 0
Boykinia richardsonii (Hook.)Gray
Chrysopleni urn tetrandrum (Lund)T.
Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (D.Don)Ser.
Parnassia palustris L.
-284 -
Richardson boykinia U
Northern water carpet U
Leather-leaf saxifrage U
Northern Grass-of-
Parnassus U
Pale Indian paintbrush U
Capitate lousewort U
Kane lousewort U
Labrador lousewort U
Kotzebue Grass-of-
Parnassus U
Grass of Parnassus D
Northern black currant U D
Lousewort U
Lousewort U
Whorled lousewort U
Alpine speedwell U
Trailing black currant D
Red currant U0
Spotted saxifrage U
Saxifrage U
Foliose saxifrage U
Hawkweed-leaf saxifrage U
Red-stem saxifrage U
Purple mountain
saxifrage U
Brook saxifrage U
Thyme-leaf saxifrage U
Three-tooth saxifrage U
U 0
Wild celery
Cow parsnip
Parnassia kotzebuei Cham.&Schlecht.
Parnassia sp.
Ribes hudsonianum Richards.
Ribes laxiflorum Pursh (may be R.
Ribes triste Pall.
Saxifraga bronchialis L.
Saxifraga davurica Willd.
Saxifraga foliolosa R.Br.
Saxifraga hieracifolia Waldst.&Kit.
Saxifraga lyalli;Engler
Saxifraga oppositifolia L.
Saxifraga punctata L.
Saxifraga serpyllifolia Pursh
Saxifraga tricuspidata Rottb.
Castilleja caudata (Pennell)Rebr.
Pedicularis capitata Adams
Pedicularis kanei Durand
Pedicularis labradorica Wirsing
Pedicularis parviflora J.E.Sm.var.
Pedicularis sudetica Willd.
Pedicularis verticillata L.
Veronica wormskjoldii Roem.&Schult.
Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
Angelica lucida L.
Heracleum lanatum Michx.
Valeriana capitata Pall.
Capitate valerian U
Viola epipsila Ledeb.
Viola langsdorffi Fisch.
Nonvascular Plant Species
Marsh violet
Cetraria cucullata (Bell.)Ach.
Cetraria islandica (L.)Ach.
Cetraria nivalis (L.)Ach.
Cetraria richardsonii Hook.
Cetraria spp.
C1adonia a1petris (L.)Rabenh.
C1adonia mitis Sandst.
C1adonia rangiferina (L.)Web.
C1adon;a spp.
Dacty1;na arctica (Hook.)Ny1.
Haematomma sp.
Lobaria 1inita (Ach)Rabh.
Nephroma spp.
Pe1tigera aphthosa (L.)Wi11d.
Pe1tigera canina (L.)Wi11d.
Rhizocarpon eo ra hicum (L.)DC.
Stereocau1on pascha1e L.)Hoffm.
Thamno1ia vermicu1aris (Sw.)Schaer.
Umbi1icaria sp.
Au1ocomium sp.
C1imacium sp.
Dicranum sp.
Hy1ocomium sp.
Hypnum spp.and other feather mosaes
Pa1ude11a sguarrosa (Hedw.)Brid.
Pleurozium sp.
Po1ytrichum spp.
Pti1;um crista-castrensis (Hedw.)DeNot.
Rhacomitrium spp.
Sphagnum spp.
U 0
U 0
a Vascular plant species nomenclature according to Hu1ten (1968)except
where noted.Lichen nomenclature according to Thomson (1979).Moss
nomenclature according to Conard (1979).
b Nomenclature according to Welsh (1974).
c Nomenclature according to Viereck and Little (1972).
d Nomenclature according to Crum (1976).
-286 -
List of scientific and common names of plants by life form measured or
tabulated In the middle Susltna River Basin and Alphabet HII Is during summer,
Betula papyrlfera
Plcea glauca
Plcea mariana
PopulUS balsamifera
POpulys tremuloldes
Tall Shrub:
Alnus crlspa
A10us slnuata
Low Shrub:
Betula glandylosa
Betula MJJ.a
Echjnopanax horrldym
Potent II la frytlcosa
Rlbes trlste
.fiQ.s.a aclcylaris
Sal Ix fyscescens
Sal Ix glayca
Sal Ix Ianata
Salix pylcbra
Shepherdla canadensis
Spiraea beayyerdlana
Vlbyrnum edyle
Dwarf shrub:
Arctostaphylos alplna
Arctostaphylos rubra
Arctostaphylos yya-yrsj
Casslope stel tertana
Cassiope tetragooa
Dtapensia lapponlca
Empetrym ojgrum
Ledum decumbeos
Ledym groeolandlcym
Lojseleyrla procymbens
Sal Ix pol art s
Sal Ix retley!ata
Vaccjnlum vi Iglnosym
yaeelnlym yltIs-jdaea
-287 -
Paper birch
White spruce
Black spruce
Balsam poplar
Quaking aspen
American green alder
Sitka alder
Resin bl rch
Dwarf arctic birch
Devil's club
ShrUbby cinquefoil
Red currant
Prickly rose
Alaska bog wi I low
Glaucous willow
Richardson wil low
Diamond leaf willow
Beauverd spiraea
High bush cranberry
Alpine bearberry
Red-fruit bearberry
Alaska moss heath
Four-angle mountain
Northern labrador tea
Labrador tea
Alpine azalea
Po Iar w II low
Netl eaf willow
Bog blueberry
Mountain cranberry
Aconltym delpblnlfol Iym
Artemesla spp.
Astragalus spp.'
Cbrysosplenlum tetrandrum
Cornys canadensIs
Dryopteris spp.
Epilobium angustlfol Iym
Eplloblym latlfolIym
EQuisetym aryense
EQulsetym sIlyatIcym
Erlopborym spp.
Luetkea pectjnata
LI nnaea borea I Is
LycopodIym spp.
MertensIa panIcylata
Petasltes frlgIdys
Polemonlym spp.
Polygonym btstorta
Pyrola spp.
Rybys arcttcys
Rybys cbamaemorys
Rymex spp.
Sedym rosea
SolIdago mylttradtata
Irtental Is eyropaea
valerJana capltata
Viola spp.
Calamagrostls canadensIs
Carex spp.
ErIophorym spp.
Hjerochloe aipina
CetrarIa spp.
Cladonla spp.
Nephroma spp.
PeltIgera spp.
Stereocaylon paschale
-288 -
MI Ik-vetcb
Northern watercarpet
Shield fern
Dwarf flreweed
Meadow horseta I I
Woodland horsetail
Iw I n-f lower
Ia I I b I uebe I I
Arctic sweet coltsfoot
Jacob's ladder
Meadow b I stort
Nagoon berry
Cloud berry
Rose root
Northern goldenrod
Arctic starflower
Capitate valerIan
Alpine holygrass