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Volume 4: Aquatic Habitat and
Instream Flow Studies, 1982.
Parts I and II
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Library Inforrnatwn .,;.,
-3 .. rvtces Anchorage, At~ska
Volume 4: Aquatic HabitAt Hnn
Instream Flow Studies, 1982.
Parts I and II
Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies
2207 Spenard Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
lO ,......
This report is part of a five volume presentation of the fisheries,
aquatic habitat, and instream flow data collected by the Alaska Depart-
ment of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Susitna Hydroelectric (Su Hydro)
Feasibility Aquatic Studies Program during the 1981-82 (October-May)
ice-covered and 1982 open water (May-October) seasons. It is one of a
series of reports prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) and
its principal contractor, Acres American (Acres), by the ADF&G and
other contractors to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed Susitna
Hydroelectric Project. This report is intended for data transmittal to
other Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Study participants. A
preliminary draft was circulated for review in February.
The topics discussed in Volumes Two through Five are illustrated in
Figure A. Volume One presents a synopsis of the information contained
in the other four volumes. Volume Two also includes a comparison of
1981 and 1982 adult anadromous fisheries data.
An ADF&G data analysis report will include an analysis of the
pre-project fishery and habitat relationships derived from this and
related reports prepared by other study participants. A review draft
will be circulated to study participants in May 1983. The final report
will be submitted to the APA on June 30, 1983 for formal distribution to
study participants, state and federal agencies, and the public. Also
scheduled for completion on June 30, 1983 is the first draft of the
ADF&G 1982-83 ice-covered season basic data report. It will include a
presentation of 1982-83 incubation and other fishery and habitat data.
These and other ADF&G reports (197 4, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981a,
b, c, d, e, f, 1982) and information reported by others will be
summarized and analyzed by the Arctic Environmental Information and
Data Center (AEIDC) to evaluate post-project conditions within the
overall study area of the proposed project (Figure B). Woodward Clyde
Factors Influencing Aquatic Habitat
River Morphology
Vol.4, Vol. 5
Vol. 4, Vol. 5
Fish Life Phases Influenced by Habitat
Timing, Oiatributlon
and Population
Val. 2, Vol. 4
Vol. 2, Vol. 4, Vol. 5
Vol. 3
i---Food Hoblta -------Vol. 3
~Outmlgrotlon ~
Vol. 3
Vol. 3, Vol. 5
Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5
Vol. 3, Vol.4, Vol. 5
Figure A. Integration of and relationships among the program elements presented in Volumes
Two through Five.
Consultants will, in turn, use this information to support the
preparation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission License Appli-
cation for Acres.
The five year (Acres 1980) ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies program
was initiated in November 1980. It is subdivided into three study
sections: Adult Anadromous Fish Studies (AA), Resident and Juvenile
Anadromous Fish Studies (RJ), and Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow
Studies (AH).
Specific objectives of the three sections are:
1. AA -determine the seasonal distribution and relative abun-
dance of adult anadromous fish populations produced within
the study area (Figure B);
2. RJ -determine the seasonal distribution and relative abun-
dance of selected resident and juvenile anadromous fish
populations within the study area; and
3. AH characterize the seasonal habitat requirements of
selected anadromous and resident fish species within the
study area and the relationship between the availability of
these habitat conditions and the mainstem discharge of the
Susitna River.
The 1981-82 ice-covered and 1982 open-water ADF&G study areas
(Figures C and D) were limited to the mainstem Susitna River,
associated sloughs and side channels, and the mouths of major
tributaries. Portions of tributaries which will be inundated by the
proposed Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs were also evaluated.
Descriptions of study sites are presented in each of these volumes
including the ADF&G reports (ADF&G 1981a, b, c, d, e, f).
The Susitna River is approximately 275 miles long from its sources in
the Alaska Mountain Range to its point of discharge into Cook Inlet.
Its drainage encompasses an area of 19,400 square miles. The mainstem
·-C) ..... ,
Figure B. Overall study area of the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasib·ility Study Progra;n.
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Figure C. 1982 ADF&G open water season (May through October) study area.
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Figure D. 1981-82 ADF&G ice-covered season (October through May) study area.
and major tributaries of the Susitna River, including the Chulitna,
Talkeetna and Yentna rivers, originate in glaciers and carry a heavy
load of glacial flour during the ice-free months (approximately May
.through October). There are many smaller tributaries which are
perennially clear.
Questions concerning these reports should be directed to:
Thomas W. Trent
Aquatic Studies Coordinator
Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program
2207 Spenard Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Telephone (907) 274-7583
Acres American, Inc. (Acres) 1980. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Plan
of Study. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage,
Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). 197 4. An assessment
of the anadromous fish populations in the Upper Susitna River
Watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River.
Anchorage, Alaska.
1976. Fish and Wildlife studies related to the Corps of
Engineers Devil Canyon, Watana Reservoir Hydroelectric Project.
ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska.
1977. Preauthorization assessment of the proposed Susitna
Hydroelectric Projects: preliminary investigations of water quality
and aquatic species composition. ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska.
1978. Preliminary environmental assessment of hydroelectric
development on the Susitna River. Anchorage, Alaska.
19 7 9 . Preliminary
proposed by the ADF&G.
final plan of study fish and
ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska.
1981a. Aquatic studies procedures manual. Phase I. Final
Draft. Subtask 7 .10. Prepared for Acres American,
Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su
Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska.
1981b. Adult anadromous fisheries project. Phase I. Final
Draft. Subtask 7 .10. Prepared for Acres American,
Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su
Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska.
198lc. Aquatic habitat and instream flow project. Phase I.
Final Draft. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated, by the
Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage,
1981d. Resident fish investigation on the lower Susitna River.
Phase I. Final Draft. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated
by Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage,
1981e. Resident fish investigations on the lower Susitna
River. Phase I. Final Draft. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies
Program. Anchorage, Alaska.
1981f. Resident fish investigations on the upper Susitna
River. Phase I. Final Draft. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies
Program. Anchorage, Alaska.
1982. Aquatic Studies Program. Phase I. Final Draft.
Subtask 7 .10. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated by the
Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage,
This volume of the Aquatic Studies Draft Basic Data Report is divided
into two parts. Part I, the "Hydrologic and ~Jater Quality
Investigations," is a compilation of the physical and chemical data
collected by the ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies team during 1982. These
data are arranged by individual variables and geographic location for
ease of access to user agencies. The combined data set represents the
available physical habitat of the study area within the Cook Inlet to
Oshetna River reach of the Susitna River.
Part II, the 11 Lower River Fisheries Habitat Investigations," describes
the subset of available habitat compiled in Part I that is utilized by
the various species and life phases of fish studied in the lower Susitna
River (Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon) study area. It represents the first
stage of development for a fisheries and habitat relationships analysis
report which will be completed in the spring 1983 (refer to Preface).
A similar treatment of habitat and fishing data for the upper Susitna
River impoundment (Devil Canyon to Oshetna River) study area is
presented in Volume 5.
Factors Influencing Aquatic Habitat
R lver Morphology
Fish Life Phases Influenced by Habitat
Timing, Distribution
and Population ~
--1 _____ _
Figure 4-1. Organization of Volume Four.
PREFACE. ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
FOREWORD ..••••••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
LIST OF PLATES •• ................................................. .XXVII I
MAP LEGEND •••...••
2. METHODS ...•
2.1 Hydrological Investigations ••
2 .1.1
2 .1. 2
2 .1. 3
Stage and Discharge.
Stage .................................. .
Profi 1 es .•
Mainstem Staff Gage Locations
Non-mainstem Staff Gage
Locations .••......••.
Other Hydrological Components
Backwater Areas ...
Open Channel.
Water Quality Investigations ....•
2.2.1 Temperatures..................................... 20 Surface Water Temperature............... 20 Instantaneous Surface Water
Temperature............... 20 Continuous Surface Water
Temperature............... 21 Intragravel Water Temperature........... 24 Instantaneous Intragravel
Water Temperature......... 25 Continuous Intragravel
Water Temperature......... 26
2.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters..................... 28
2.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases............................ 30
3. RESULTS .•.••.••.•••••••.....•....••..•.•••.•••...••.•.....•.• 34
3.1 Hydrological Investigations ................ ·.•.......•... 34
3.1.1 Stage and Discharge.............................. 34 Mainstem Sites Between Talkeetna and
Devil Canyon......................... 34 Sloughs in the Talkeetna to Devil
Canyon of the Susitna River.......... 36 Upland Sloughs............... 37 Side Sloughs................. 43 Tributaries Between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon..................... 66 Mainstem, Sloughs and Tributaries
Downstream of Talkeetna.............. 79 Mainstem Sites............... 85 Tributaries.................. 89 Sloughs...................... 100 Upstream of Devil Canyon................ 106
3.1.2 Thalweg Profiles................................. 106
3.1.3 Other Hydrological Components.................... 113
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Backwater Areas......................... 113 Open Channels........................... 141
3.2 Water Quality Investigations............................ 141
3.2.1 Temperature...................................... 141 Mainstem Between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon..................... 143 Surface Water Temperature.... 143 Intragravel Water Temperature 144 Sloughs Between Talkeetna and
Devil Canyon......................... 144 Surface Water Temperature.... 144 Intragravel Water Temperature 146 Tributaries Between Talkeetna
and De vi 1 Canyon. • • . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . • 148 Surface Water Temperature.... 148 Intragravel Water Temperature 149 Mainstem, Sloughs and Tributaries
Downstream of Talkeetna.............. 150 Surface Water Temperature.... 150 Intragravel Water Temperature 153 Locations Upstream of Devil Canyon...... 153 Surface Water Temperature.... 153 Intragravel Water Temperature 154
3.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters..................... 154 Mainstem and Side Channels Between
Talkeetna and Devil Canyon........... 155 Sloughs Between Talkeetna and
Devil Canyon......................... 155 Upland Sloughs............... 156 Side Sloughs................. 157 Tributaries Between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon..................... 161 Mainstem and Side Channels
Downstream of Talkeetna.............. 164
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Sloughs Downstream of Talkeetna......... 165 Tributaries Downstream of Talkeetna..... 167 Locations Upstream of Devil Canyon...... 169
3.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases............................ 170
4. DISCUSSION................................................... 175
4.1 Hydrological Investigations............................. 175
4.1.1 Stage and Discharge.............................. 175
4.1.2 Thalweg Profiles................................. 180
4.1.3 Other Hydrological Components.................... 180 Backwater Areas......................... 180 Open Channels........................... 186
4.2 Water Quality Investigations............................ 186
4.2.1 Temperature...................................... 186
4.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters •....... ~............ 189
4.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases............................ 197
1. OBJECTIVES..................................................... 203
1.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations ..•••...••••. 203
1.1.1 Salmon Habitat •...•••..•..••••••..•••..••..•..•.•• 204 Mainstem ................................. 204 Slough ................................... 204
1.1.2 Eulachon Habitat .•.•..•••....•.•••••...••..•.•..•• 205
1.1.3 Bering Cisco Habitat •••••..•...•••••....••..•••... 206
1.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations ••...••.•. 207
1.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigation •••....••••.••.•••.... 208
2. METHODS •.•••••••••.•...••...••••.•...•.•.•••.••....•••...••.•• 210
2.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations ••••.•..••.•. 210
2.1.1 General Mainstem and Lower River Studies ........•. 210 Mainstem Salmon •.••••....•••.••••..••.•.. 210 Eulachon ................................. 213 Bering Cisco ..•.••••.•.••••••••.•...•.•.. 216
2.1.2 General Slough and Tributary Studies ...•••••.••.•. 218
2.1.3 Specific Slough Studies •.•..••••..••..•.••..•.•... 219
2. 1. 3 .1 Mode 1 i ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Habitat Availability and Utilization ...•• 221 Availability .•......•...••...• 221 Utilization .....••.••..••..... 222 Water Quality .•....•.••....... 222
2.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations •..•...... 223
2.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations .....•..........•.... 232
2.3.1 Mainstem .......................................... 232 Radio Telemetry Studies .................. 232 Miscellaneous Spawning Fish ........•..... 233
2.3.2 Slough and Tributary .......•....•.....•........... 233
3. RESULTS. . . . • . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
3.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations ............. 234
3.1.1 Chum Salmon ....................................... 234 Mainstem •....•.....••.••••..••••••.•••... 234 Slough ................................... 236 Modeling .••.••.•.•..••.•...... 236 Habitat Summaries •...•..••.... 242 Water Quality .••••....•.•.•... 248 Available and
Utilized Habitats •..•.•.... 259 General Slough ..••.•••.••..•.. 267
3.1.2 Sockeye Salmon .................................... 267
3.1.3 Pink Salmon; ...................................... 268
3.1.4 Coho Salmon ....................................... 268
3.1.5 Chinook Salmon ..••.•.......••..••...••...•....•.•. 268
3.1.6 Eulachon .......................................... 269
3.1.7 Bering Cisco •..•...•..•.•••.•.•.••.•.....•.••..... 277
3.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations .••....•.. 285
3.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations .•••.•.••...••.••..•• 285
3.3.1 Rainbow Trout ...•••..•....•..•.••..••.•...•••..•.. 285
3.3.2 Burbot............................................ 288
3.3.3 Other ............................................. 288
4. DISCUSSION.................................................... 292
4.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations ............. 292
4.1.1 Salmon Species 292 Mainstem ................................. 292 Slough ................................... 294 Spawning Site Selection •...... 294 Timing of Spawning .........•.• 295 Access ........................ 301 Modeling ..••.........••...•... 313
4.1.2 Eulachon .......................................... 315
4.1.3 Bering Cisco •.......•.•...•...••.....••..•........ 323
4.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations .•........ 326
4.2.1 Chum Salmon ....................................... 329
4.2.2 Sockeye Salmon .................................... 333
4. 2. 3 Coho Sa 1 man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
4.2.4 Chinook Salmon ................•..•.•...•.......... 337
4.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations .•.••...•.•...•.•••.. 339
4.3.1 Rainbow Trout ••.••.••••••••••.•••.....••..•...••.. 341
4.3.2 Arctic Grayling................................... 345
4.3.3 Burbot ............................................ 348
4.3.4 Round Whitefish ..•••••••••.••......•••...••••.•••• 351
4.3.5 Humpback Whitefish •••.•••••.•••....•••.•••••...••• 354
4.3.6 Longnose Sucker ..........................•........ 356
4.3.7 Other Species •.•.•.••••••••....••....•••..••••••.. 358 Dolly Varden .••••••.•..•••.•..•••••..•••. 358 Threespine Stickleback ••...•••••..••..••• 359
4.3:7.3 Slimy Sculpin •••••..•....•••••.•••••..•.• 360 Arctic Lamprey ........................... 361
5. LITERATURE CITED •.•.••..••...••.•••••.•.••••..•..••.•••••.•••. 362
Appendix A Stage/Discharge Data .••..••••....•.••.•••••....••• 4-A-1
Appendix B Slough Availability and Utilization Data •••••.•.•• 4-B-1
Appendix C Temperature Data ••....••.•••...•••..•.....••...... 4-C-1
Appendix D Water Quality Data ••.••••..••......• · ••....••.•... .4-D-1
Appendix E Survey Data ....................................... 4-E-1
Appendix F Habitat Location Description and Photos •..•••...•. 4-F-1
Appendix G Catch Data ........................................ 4-G-1
Appendix H CPUE Data ......•....•.••.•.......•.••....•......•• 4-H-1
Appendix I Habitat Data .....•••.••.•.••..•....•...•.•.•.•.... 4-I-1
Appendix J Ice-Covered Season (1981-82) Habitat Data .••..•.•. 4-J-1
Figure 4I-1-1
Figure 4I-2-1
Figure 4I-2-2
Figure 4I-2-3
Figure 4I-2-4
Figure 4I-3-1
Figure 4I-3-2
Figure 4I-3-3
Figure 4I-3-4
Figure 4I-3-5
Figure 4I-3-6
Figure 4I-3-7
Figure 4I-3-8
Figure 4I-3-9
Figure 4I-3-10
General habitat categories of the Susitna
River - a conceptual diagram (adapted from
AEIDC 1982; Trihey 1982) •••••..•..••.•.•...••.
ADF&G staff gage identification system .•••••.•
Mainstem and Yentna River staff gage
locations in the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna
reach (RM 103.0) of the Susitna River ...•.•.••
Mainstem staff gage locations in
the Talkeetna (RM 103.0) to Devil
Canyon (RM 148.8) reach of the
Susitna River................................. 9
Susitna River mainstem and tributary
thermograph locations......................... 22
Gradient of the Susitna River from
Talkeetna to Portage Creek.................... 35
Planimetric site map of Slough 6A,
RM 112.3, GC S28N05W13CAC..................... 38
Planimetric site map of Slough 19,
RM 140.0, GC S31N02W10DBB..................... 40
Planimetric site map of Whiskers Creek/
Slough, RM 101.2, GC S26N05W03AAC............. 44
Whiskers Creek Slough stage-discharge
rating curve................................. 47
Planimetric site map of Lane Creek/
Slough, RM 113.6, GC S28N05W12ADD............. 48
Lane Creek Slough stage-discharge
rating curve.................................. 50
Slough 9 stage-discharge rating surve......... 51
Planimetric site map of Slough 11,
RM 135.3, GC S31N02W19DDD..................... 53
Planimetric site map of Slough 16B,
RM 138.0, GC S31N02W17 ABC. . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . 55
Figure 4I-3-ll
Figure 4I-3-12
Figure 4I-3-13
Figure 4I-3-14
Figure 4I-3-15
Figure 4I-3-16
Figure 4I-3-17
Figure 4I-3-18
Figure 4I-3-19
Figure 4I-3-20
Figure 4I-3-21
Figure 4I-3-22
Figure 4I-3-23
Figure 4I-3-24
Figure 4I-3-25
Figure 41-3-26
Figure 4I-3-27
Figure 4I-3-28
Slough 168 stage-discharge rating
curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Planimetric site map of Slough 20,
RM 140.1, GC S31N02W11BBC..................... 58
Slough 20 stage-discharge rating curve........ 60
Planimetric site map of Slough 21,
RM 142.0, GC S31N02W02AAA..................... 61
Slough 21 stage-discharge rating curve....... 63
Planimetric site map of Slough 22
RM 144.3, GC S32N02W32BBD..................... 65
Slough 22 stage-discharge rating curve....... 67
Whiskers Creek stage-discharge rating curve... 70
Planimetric site map of Gash Creek,
RM 111.5, GC S28N02W24ADA..................... 72
Stage-discharge rating curve for Lane and
Gash Creeks................................... 73
Planimetric site map of Fourth of July
Creek, RM 131.1, GC S30N03W03DAC.............. 75
Stage-discharge rating curve for unnamed
tributary at the head of Slough 20........... 76
Planimetric site map of Indian River,
RM 138.6, GC S31N02W09CDA..................... 77
Planimetric site map of Portage Creek,
RM 148.8, GC S32N01W25CDB..................... 78
Stage-discharge rating curves for Indian
River and Portage Creek....................... 84
Gradient of the Susitna River from Cook
Inlet to Talkeetna............................ 86
Planimetric site map of Goose Creek 2/
Slough, RM 73.1, GC S23N04W30DBC.............. 91
Stage-discharge rating curve for Goose
Creek 2. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Figure 4I-3-29
Figure 4I-3-30
Figure 4I-3-31
Figure 4I -3-32
Figure 4I-3-33
Figure 4I-3-34
Figure 4I-3-35
Figure 4I-3-36
Figure 4I-3-37
Figure 4I-3-38
Figure 4I-3-39
Figure 4I-3-40
Figure 4I-3-41
Figure 4I-3-42
Figure 4!-3-43
Figure 4I-3-44
Figure 4I-3-45
Planimetric site map of Rabideux Creek/Slough
RM 83.1 GC S24N05W16ADC....................... 94
Stage-discharge rating curves for Rabideux
and Sunshine Creeks........................... 95
Planimetric site map of Sunshine Creek/Slough,
RM 85.7, GC S24N05W14AAB...................... 96
Planimetric site map of Birch Creek/Slough,
RM 88.4, GC S25N05W25DCC...................... 98
Stage-discharge rating curves for Birch Creek
and Birch Creek Slough........................ 99
Planimetric site map of Whitefish Slough,
RM 78.7, GC S23N05W01BBC ••••••••.•....•..•.... 102
Stage-discharge rating curve for Whitefish
Slough........................................ 103
Streambed Profile for Slough 8A .......••.•...•
Streambed Profile for Slough 9 ................
Streambed Profile for Slough 11 ...............
Streambed Profile for Slough 21 Complex ..•....
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 21 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek ....................... 115
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 20 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek ....••••••••.•••..•.•.. 118
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 19 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek ....••.•.............•• 119
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 11 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek ..............•......•. 121
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 9 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek ...•..•.......•..•..... 122
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 8A versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek .•••.•....••...•..•...• 124
Figure 4I-3-46
Figure 4I-3-47
Figure 4I-3-48
Figure 4I-3-49
Figure 4I-3-50
Figure 4I-3-51
Figure 4I-3-52
Figure 4I-3-53
Figure 4I-3-54
Figure 4I-3-55
Figure 4I-3-56
Figure 4I-4-1
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Lane Creek versus
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek ....•...•••.••
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Slough 6A versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek •••••...••••••.••...•••
Aggregate type II water surface area
at Whiskers Creek/Sidechannel versus
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek .••.....••.•..
Aggregate type II water surface area
at Birch Creek/Slough versus
mainstem discharge at Sunshine •..•..•..•.•••..
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Sunshine Creek/Sidechannel
versus mainstem discharge at Sunshine .••...•••
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Rabideux Creek/Slough
versus mainstem discharge at Sunshine .•.•••.•. 136
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Whitefish Slough versus
mainstem discharge at Sunshine ......••......•• 138
Aggregate type II water surface
area at Goose Creek 2/Sidechannel
versus mainstem discharge at Sunshine ••.•..... 140
Percent concentration of total
dissolved gas versus distance below
the Devil Canyon proposed dam site .....•.••... 171
Concentrations of dissolved gases
in Devil Canyon rapids complex ..••....•.•.•.•. 173
Mean daily discharge versus
saturometer readings below Devil
Canyon........................................ 174
Total surface area of aggregate type
II water within the study boundaries of
nine upper reach sites versus
Susitna River discharge at Gold Creek
(USGS Provision a 1 Data).. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 184
Figure 4I-4-2
Figure 4I-4-3
Figure 4II-2-1
Figure 4II-2-2
Figure 4II-3-1
Figure 4II-3-2
Figure 4II-3-3
Figure 4II-3-4
Figure 4II-3-5
Figure 4II-3-6
Figure 4II-3-7
Total surface area of aggregate type
II water within the study boundaries
of five lower reach sites versus
Susitna River discharge at Sunshine
(USGS Provisional Data) .•••.•••••.•.•••••••••• 185
Dissolved gas decay rates versus
Gold Creek discharge with dissolved
gas data below Libby Dam, Kootenai
River, Montana, provided as a
comparison (Source U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, T. Bonde, Seattle, WA) .•.•.•.•.. 200
Hypothetical slough, with associated
tributary, showing hydraulic zones
present at three different levels of
mainstem discharge ............................ 226
Location of Designated Fish Habitat
sites on the Susitna River,
Goose Creek 2 to Portage Creek ••.•••.••.•..•.• 228
Location of the mainstem chum salmon
spawning sites on the upper Susitna
River: September 4-15, 1982 ..••••••..••••.... 235
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
of Chum Channel transects at three
discharges in 1982 •.....••...••.....•.•.•..... 260
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
of Rabideux Slough transects at two
discharges in 1982 ...•••.......•••••...•••...• 261
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
of Slough 8A transects at three dis-
charges in 1982 .••..•••••..•••..••...•••...•.. 262
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
of Slough 9 transects at four dis-
charges in 1982 ...••.••••..•...........•.....• 263
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
of Slough 21 transects at three dis-
charges in 1982 ........•.•..••...............• 265
Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
available (A) and utilized (U) for
chum salmon redds in three sloughs
during August 25-26 (Q 1 ) and September 2-7
(02), 1982 .......•..•••..........••........... 266
Figure 4II-3-8
Figure 4II-3-9
Figure 4II-3-10
Figure 4II-3-11
Figure 4II-3-12
Figure 4II-3-13
Figure 4II-3-14
Figure 4II-3-15
Figure 4II-3-16
Eulachon spawning sites surveyed
for habitat characteristics on the
Susitna River: May 24-June 7, 1982 ..•.•..•. 270
Surface water temperature, pH,
specific conductance and
dissolved oxygen at 20
eulachon spawning areas on the
Susitna River: May 24-June 7, 1982 ••••..... 274
Water depths and velocities (mean
and range) at 20 eulachon spawning
sites on the Susitna River: May 24 -
June 7, 1982.................................. 275
Water temperatures for the Susitna
River at Susitna Station (RM 25.5):
May 16-June 10, 1982 .•••....•...••••...•.••. 278
Provisional discharge (USGS 1982b) and
daily mean water temperatures for the
Susitna River at Susitna Station (RM 25.5)
compared with CPUE (catch/minute/net)
for the gill net set at RM 5.0:
May 17-June 10, 1982 ..•.••.....••.••.•..••.• 279
Bering cisco catch per day at the
Sunshine fishwheel compared with
daily mean surface water temper-
atures of the Susitna River at
Sunshine (RM 84.0) and provisional
discharge at Sunshine (USGS 1982b):
September 1982 ..•••....••..••.....••....•....• 283
Bering cisco catch per day at the
Sunshine fishwheel compared with
daily mean surface water temper-
ature of the Susitna River above
Montana Creek (RM 77.5) and pro-
visional discharge (USGS 1982a) at
Sunshine (RM 84.0): August 25 -
September 30, 1981 ...•••..•.••................ 284
Movement of five radio-tagged rainbow
trout in the Susitna River:
October 1981 through April 1982 ........•..•.•• 286
Movement of five radio-tagged burbot in
the Susitna River: October 1981 through
April 1982.................................... 289
Figure 4II-4-1
Figure 4II-4-2
Figure 4II-4-3
Figure 4II-4-4
Figure 4II-4-5
Figure 4II-4-6
Numbers of live salmon counted in
August and September, 1982 in
Sloughs SA, 9, 11, 21 and others
( 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8,
88, 8C, 8D, A, 9A, 98, 10, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) •••••••.•••.•••..•. 297
Factors limiting salmon spawning in sloughs ... 302
Backwater profiles at the entrance
to Slough 9 for selected mainstem
streamflows at Gold Creek ...••••••..•.••..•.•. 307
Water surface elevation and depths of
Slough 9 (Figure 4II-4-3) versus mainstem
discharge (Provisional USGS 1982b)
at Gold Creek .••.••..•....•••.••....••••.•.... 309
Rainbow trout catch per unit of
trotline effort by aggregate water
source zones at Designated Fish
Habitat (DFH) sites on the Susitna
River between Goose Creek 2 and ·
Portage Creek: June through
September, 1982 ............................... 343
Burbot catch per unit of trotline
effort by aggregate water source
zones at Designated Fish Habitat
(DFH) sites on the Susitna River
between Goose Creek 2 and Portage
Creek: June through September,
1982.......................................... 350
Table 4I-3-1
Table 4I-3-2
Table 4I-3-3
Table 4I-3-4 ·
Table 4I-3-5
Table 4I-3-6
Table 4I-3-7
Table 4I-4-1
Comparison of periodic measurements of
slough flow at selected sloughs upstream
of Talkeetna to the corresponding mean
daily mainstem discharge at Gold Creek
(USGS gaging station 15292000)................ 41
Determination of the mainstem dis-
charge at Gold Creek (cfs) required
to breach the upstream end (head)
of selected side sloughs in the
Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach............... 45
A comparison of water surface elevation
(WSEL) and discharge measurements at
selected tributary streams upstream of
Talkeetna to the mean daily Susitna River
discharge recorded at Gold Creek (USGS gaging
station 1529200).............................. 68
Daily mean streamflow and surface
water temperature record for Indian
River, Alaska................................. 80
Daily mean streamflow and surface
water temperature record for Portage
Creek, Alaska................................. 82
A comparison of water surface elevation
(WSEL) at Sunshine Fishwheel Camp (RM 79.2)
to the mean daily Susitna River discharge
recorded at Sunshine (USGS gaging
station 15292780)............................ 87
A comparison of the relative water
surface elevation (WSEL) at the
Yentna Fishwheel Camp to the mean daily
Yentna River and Susitna River
discharge (cfs)............................... 90
Total surface areas of type II
hydraulic zones within the boundaries
of nine study areas on the upper
Susitna River versus Gold Creek
discharge, June through September,
1982.......................................... 182
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 41-4-2
Table 4II-2-1
Table 4II-3-1
Table 4II-3-2
Table 4II-3-3
Table 4II-3-4
Table 411-3-5
Table 411-3-6
Table 4II-3-7
Total surface areas of type II
hydraulic zones within the boundaries
of five study areas on the lower
Susitna River versus Sunshine station
discharge, June through September,
1982....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Description of hydraulic zones
sampled at Designated Fish
Habitat sites: June-September,
1982.......................................... 225
Water quality at chum salmon
spawning sites on the Susitna
River: September 4-14, 1982 •••••••••••....•.. 239
Water depths, velocities and
substrates at chum salmon spawning
sites on the Susitna River:
September 4-14, 1982 ••.................•••.... 240
Data summary of intragravel
temperatures obtained at 1982 ADF&G
study transects (Sloughs 8A, 9, 21)
and specified locations (Sloughs 9B
and 11) from September 30 to
October 5, 1982 .•••.•.......••••.•..•...••••.. 250
Data summary for surface water
temperatures (°C) at specified
locations in Sloughs 8A, 9, 9B and
11 collected during October 1-5, 1982
(raw data in Appendix D) ••.••...•............. 251
Data summary for substrate/water
interface temperatures (°C) collected
at specified locations in Sloughs 8A,
9, 98, 11 and 21 during October 1-5,
1982 (raw data in Appendix D) ............•.... 252
Data summary for intragravel tempera-
tures (°C) collected at specified
locations in Sloughs 8A, 9B, 11 and
21 during October 1-5, 1982 (raw data
in Appendix D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Data summary for specific conductance
(umhos/cm), collected at specified
locations in Sloughs 8A and 9 during
October 3-5, 1982 (raw data in
Appendix D) ....•....•........••............... 256
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4II-3-8
Table 4II-3-9
Table 4II-3-10
Tab 1 e 4II-3-11
Table 4!!-3-12
Table 4II-3-13
Tab 1 e 4!!-3-14
Table 4!!-4-1
Table 4II-4-2
Table 4!1-4-3
Eulachon spawning site evaluations
on the Susitna River: May 24 -
June 7, 1982. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Miscellaneous eulachon spawning
site habitat evaluations on the
Susitna River: May 16 -
June 12, 1982 .....••..•.••••••••.••••••••..••• 276
Bering cisco spawning site habitat
evaluations for RM 76.8-77.6 on the
Susitna River: October 14, 1982 •....••.....•• 281
Water temperatures and discharges
at Bering cisco spawning sites:
1981-1982..................................... 282
Water quality and quantity and
substrate at overwintering areas
utilized by radio tagged rainbow
trout during 1981 ..••..•.•••.••••••..••••..••• 287
Water quality and quantity at
overwintering areas utilized by
radio tagged burbot during 1981 •••.....•..••.. 290
Spawning site habitat evaluations
for longnose sucker and arctic
lamprey: 1982................................ 291
Comparison of Slough 9 discharge
with the average daily mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek .....•..•....•.•....... 305
Comparison of water surface elevations
(WSEL) at the entrance to Slough 9
and the average daily mainstem dis-
charge at Gold Creek, 1982 ••..••.....••....•.. 308
Entrance conditions at the mouth of
Slough 9 at various mainstem discharges
at Gold Creek when slough discharge was
3 cfs ......................................... 311
Plate 4II-2-1
Plate 4II-3-1
Plate 4II-3-2
Plate 4II-3-3
Plate 4II-3-4
Plate 4II-4-1
Plate 4II-4-2
Plate 4II-4-3
Plate 4II-4-4
Plate 4II-4-5
Plate 4II-4-6
Plate 4II-4-7
Electroshocking on the mainstem
Susitna River •..•.•••..•.•...••••.•.•••••..••. 211
Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 114.4 (GC
S28N04W06CAB): September 9, 1982 .•.•••••.•..• 237
Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 128.6 (GC
S30N03W16BCA): September 7, 1982 •••••••...••. 238
Seepage of ground water sources
into Slough 21 •.•••••••.•.••••••••...••.•••.•. 246
Upwelling ground water in silted
area of Slough 21 .••••••.••••.••.••..•••..•.•. 247
Chum salmon spawning in silted
area of Slough 21. Note: fish
have fanned silt from spawning area •.•.••..... 296
Chum salmon stranded in riffle during low
flow condition in Slough 9, inhibiting
access to spawning areas ..••••.••.....•.•..•.. 312
Male and female eulachon taken from
the Susitna River at RM 21.4:
June 1, 1982.................................. 316
Upstream movement of eulachon along
the west bank of the Susitna River
at RM 16.5: June 1, 1982 •.......••......••.•.• 318
Upstream movement of eulachon
creating a visible surface wave
along the east bank of the
Susitna River at RM 15.0:
June 6, 1982 .................................. 319
Milling fish in what appeared
to be spawning behavior along
the east bank of the Susitna River
at RM 15.0: June 6, 1982 ........•..••.....•.. 320
Milling fish in what appears to
be spawning behavior along the
east bank of the Susitna River
at RM 15.0: June 6, 1982 •.....•........•.•••• 321
LIST OF PLATES (Continued)
Plate 4II-4-8 Accumulation of dead eulachon
along the east bank of the
Susitna River at RM 15.0:
June 6, 1982.................................. 322
Figure 4-A-1
Figure 4-A-2
Figure 4-A-3
Figure 4-A-4
Figure 4-A-5
Figure 4-A-6
Figure 4-A-7
Figure 4-A-8
Figure 4-A-9
Mainstem discharge (Provisional
USGS 1982b) versus mainstem water
surface elevation at left bank of
LRX-6 and Whiskers Creek Slough .•.......••.. 4-A-3
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Talkeetna Fishwheel Camp
and right bank of LRX-9 ••..•..•..•.•.•..•..• 4-A-4
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at side channel of Gash Creek
and head of Gash Creek side channel ..••.••.• 4-A-5
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Slough 6A and right bank
of LRX-18 •••.•..••.•....•....•••..•••••.••.. 4-A-6
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Curry Fishwheel Camp and
right bank of LRX-24 .•.•.••...••.•••........ 4-A-7
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at right bank of LRX-28 and
right bank of LRX-29 ....••...•............•• 4-A-8
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at right bank of LRX-31 and
right bank of LRX-35 •••.••.•....••.......... 4-A-9
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Fourth of July Creek and
left bank of LRX-40 .•..•••.....•.......•.... 4-A-10
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at side channel below mouth
of Slough 11 and side channel above
mouth of Slough 11 .....•.•..•......••....... 4-A-11
Figure 4-A-10
Figure 4-A-11
Figure 4-A-12
Figure 4-A-13
Figure 4-A-14
Figure 4-A-15
Figure 4-A-16
Figure 4-A-17
Figure 4-A-18
Figure 4-A-19
Figure 4-A-20
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Slough 168 mouth and head •...•• 4-A-12
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at left bank of LRX-50 and
left bank of LRX-51 .•.•.•.•.•..•••..•••...•. 4-A-13
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at Slough 19 and right
bank of LRX-53 .............................. 4-A-14
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at head of Slough 20 and at
LRX-54 ...................•.................. 4-A-15
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at right bank of LRX-56 and
right bank of LRX-57 ...•.••....• ~ ••••.....•• 4-A-16
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at head of Slough 22 and
left bank of LRX-61 •.•••.•.•...•....••.••..• 4-A-17
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus mainstem water surface
elevation at left bank of LRX-62 •.•.••....•• 4-A-18
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 6A mouth and
Slough 19 mouth ............................. 4-A-19
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Whiskers Slough mouth
and mid-slough .............................. 4-A-20
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at head of Whiskers Creek
Slough .•.•....•...•..........••.........•.. 4-A-21
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Lane Creek Slough
mid-slough and head .................•....... 4-A-22
Figure 4-A-21
Figure 4-A-22
Figure 4-A-23
Figure 4-A-24
Figure 4-A-25
Figure 4-A-26
Figure 4-A-27
Figure 4-A-28
Figure 4-A-29
Figure 4-A-30
Figure 4-A-31
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 11 mouth
and mid-slough .............................. 4-A-23
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at head of Slough 11 •.•.••••••••• 4-A-24
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 16B mouth
and mid-slough •............................. 4-A-25
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at head of Slough 16B ..•••••.••.• 4-A-26
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 20 mouth
and mid-slough .............................. 4-A-27
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at head of Slough 20 •••..•.•••••. 4-A-28
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 21 mouth
and mid-slough .............................. 4-A-29
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at the NW and NE heads of
Slough 21 ................................... 4-A-30
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at Slough 22 mouth
and mid-slough ••.•.•....••..•.•...••..••.... 4-A-31
Mainstem discharge (Provisional USGS
1982b) versus the water surface
elevation at head of Slough 22 .....••••..•. 4-A-32
Cross sections of the head, mid-
slough and mouth of Whiskers Creek
Slough depicting the water surface
elevation corresponding to the slough
and mainstem discharge .......•...•.......... 4-A-33
Figure 4-A-32
Figure 4-A-33
Figure 4-A-34
Figure 4-A-35
Figure 4-A-36
Figure 4-A-37
Figure 4-A-38
Figure 4-A-39
Figure 4-A-40
Figure 4-A-41
Cross sections of the head and mid-
slough of Lane Creek Slough depicting
the water surface elevation corresponding
to the slough and mainstem discharge .•••...• 4-A-34
Cross sections of the head, mid-slough
and mouth of Slough 11 depicting the
water surface elevation corresponding
to the slough and mainstem discharge •••...•• 4-A-35
Cross sections of the head, mid-slough,
mouth and access to Slough 168 depicting
the water surface elevation corresponding
to the slough and mainstem discharge ..•..•.. 4-A-36
Cross sections of the head, mid-slough
and mouth of Slough 20 depicting the water
surface elevation corresponding to the
slough and mainstem discharge •.•....•.••..•. 4-A-37
Cross sections of the head, mid-slough
and mouth of Slough 22 depicting the water
surface elevation corresponding to the
slough and mainstem discharge .••...•.••. ~ •.. 4-A-38
Cross sections of Slough 8A at 1982
ADF&G survey transects at three
discharges: A= 20 cfs, B = 7 cfs,
C = 4 cfs .•.....••....•...•••.••...••••...•• 4-A-39
Cross sections of Slough 9 at 1982
ADF&G survey transects at four
discharges: A= 232 cfs, B = 145 cfs,
C = 8 cfs, D = 3 cfs ..•.•...•••••....•..•••. 4-A-41
Cross sections of Slough 21 at 1982
ADF&G survey transects at three
discharges: A= 157 cfs, B = 10 cfs,
C = 5 cfs ................................... 4-A-43
Cross sections of Rabideux Slough at
1982 ADF&G survey transects at two
discharges: A= 281 cfs, B = 0.3 cfs ••..... 4-A-44
Cross sections of Chum Channel at
1982 ADF&G survey transects at three
discharges: A= 90 cfs, B = 7 cfs,
C = 0.4 cfs .••..•.....•.•••....•....•.....•• 4-A-45
Table 4-A-1
Table 4-A-2
Table 4-A-3
Table 4-A-4
Table 4-A-5
Table 4-A-6
Table 4-A-7
Discharge measurements obtained in
sloughs and tributaries during the
open water season of 1982 from within
the Susitna River Basin ••••.•....••••....• 4-A-46
Comparison of mainstem water surface
elevation to mean daily mainstem discharge
(cfs), obtained at the USGS gaging
station at Gold Creek .•.••.•••••..••...••• 4-A-56
Comparison of periodic water surface
elevations (WSEL) at selected sloughs
upstream of Talkeetna to the correspond-
ing average daily mainstem discharge
at Gold Creek .•.••••....•••••••..•.•••••.. 4-A-66
Continuous hourly streamflow and
surface water temperature record·
for Indian River, Alaska •••••••••...••••... 4-A-75
Continuous hourly streamflow and
surface water temperature record
for Portage Creek, Alaska ••••.•.•........•• 4-A-124
Comparison of periodic water surface
elevations (WSEL) and measured flow
at selected sites located downstream of
Talkeetna to the corresponding average
daily mainstem discharge at Sunshine
(USGS gaging station 15292780) •••.••.•••.• 4-A-173
Surface area of aggregate type II
hydraulic zones at Designated Fish
Habitat sites and mainstem Susitna
River discharges, June through
September, 1982 ••••.••••••.•..••..••....•. 4-A-179
Table 4-B-1.
Table 4-B-2.
Table 4-B-3.
Table 4-B-4.
Table 4-B-5.
Table 4-B-6.
Table 4-B-7
Table 4-B-8.
Table 4-B-9.
Table 4-B-10.
Table 4-B-11.
Table 4-B-12.
Velocities (ft/sec) and depths
(ft) in Chum Channel at three
different discharges, 1982 ..................
Velocities (ft/sec) and depths
(ft) in Rabideux Slough at three
different discharges, 1982 ..................
Velocities (ft/sec) and depths
(ft) in Slough 8A at three
different discharges, 1982 •••....•••••••....
Velocities (ft/sec) and depths
(ft) in Slough 9 at three
different discharges, 1982 •••••..•....••...•
Velocities (ft/sec) and depths
(ft) in Slough 21 at three
different discharges, 1982 ..•..• ~ ••.••••....
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in Slough 8A,
August 22, 1982 .•••••••...•.••.•......•••..•
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 8A, August 26, 1982 ••..••......••...• 4-B-16
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 8A, September 7, 1982 ••.•.•..••••.... 4-B-18
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 8A, September 19, 1982 ••.•••..•.•••.. 4-B-28
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 9, August 12, 1982 •...•••.••..•.....• 4-B-37
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 9, August 25, 1982 .•...........•....• 4-B-44
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 9, September 4, 1982 .....•...••.•.... 4-B-52
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-B-13.
Table 4-B-14.
Table 4-B-15.
Table 4-B-16.
Table 4-B-17.
Table 4-B-18.
Table 4-B-19.
Table 4-B-20.
Table 4-B-21.
Table 4-B-22.
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 9, September 18, 1982 ..•••..•..•••••. 4-B-61
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 9, September 20, 1982 •••••....•••..•• 4-B-67
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 21, September 2, 1982 •••••....•.••••. 4-B-72
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 21, September 17, 1982 •.•••....••••.. 4-B-78
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at transects in
Slough 21, September 19, 1982 .••..•..•.••••. 4-B-84
Depths (ft) and velocities (ft/sec)
associated with chum salmon redds
in four sloughs at three discharges
(Q, cfs) in 1982 ••..••....••••.••....•.•.•.. 4-B-90
Depths (ft) and velocities (ft/sec)
associated with pink salmon and
sockeye salmon redds in three
sloughs at three discharges (Q, cfs)
in 1982 ..................................... 4-B-91
Hydraulic habitat variables
collected at chum redds. (Transect
number indicates the transect area
in which the redd was located) ....•....•.... 4-B-92
Hydraulic habitat variables collected
at sockeye redds. (Transect number
indicates the transect area in which
the redd was located) ...••.......••••...••.• 4-B-98
Hydraulic habitat variables collected
at pink redds. (Transect number indicates
the transect area in which the redd
was located) ..•......•.•..•...•............ 4-B-100
Table 4-C-1
Table 4-C-2
Table 4-C-3
Table 4-C-4
Table 4-C-5
Table 4-C-6
Table 4-C-7
Table 4-C-8
Table 4-C-9
Table 4-C-10
Table 4-C-11
ADF&G Susitna River Basin continuous
temperature data index, 1981-1982 •••••••... 4-C-2
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C), Su
Station, RM 25.8, GC S17N07W22DCD ....•••••... 4-C-7
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Yentna Fishwheel, RM 30.1, TRM 4.0
GC S18N07W34DBC •••...••••••••.•••••••••..•••• 4-C-9
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Susitna River-Upstream of Yentna
River, RM 29.5, GC S17N06W07CAD ...••....•••• 4-C-14
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C), ·
Parks Highway Bridge West, RM 83.9
GC S24N05W15BAB •...•.•.•..•••.••..•••••••••• 4-C-19
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Parks Highway Bridge East, RM 83.9
GC S24N05W15BAD •••.•....•••••••..•••••••.... 4-C-21
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
LRX 1, RM 97.0, GC S26N05W23DCB •...••..•••.. 4-C-24
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Talkeetna River, RM 97.2, TRM 1.5,
GC S26N05W24BDA •••.•..•..•.•.•......•..•.•.. 4-C-25
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Chulitna River, RM 98.6, TRM 0.6,
GC S26N05W14CBC •....••...•...•••.........•.. 4-C-30
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Talkeetna Fishwheel, RM 103.0,
GC S27N05W26DDD .........•.•....•............ 4-C-34
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
LRX 18, RM 113.0, GC S28N04W12DAB .......•••• 4-C-39
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-12
Table 4-C-13
Table 4-C-14
Table 4-C-15
Table 4-C-16
Table 4-C-17
Table 4-C-18
Table 4-C-19
Table 4-C-20
Table 4-C-21
Table 4-C-22
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Curry Fishwheel, RM 120.7,
GC S29N04W10CBB •..•.••..•••••.•••.••••.••.•• 4-C-43
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Slough SA-Area of R&M Stage
Recorder, RM 126.0, GC S30N03W30BCA ••....••• 4-C-46
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
LRX 29, RM 126.1, GC S30N03W19DCA~ ••••..•... 4-C-50
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Slough 9-Area of R&M Stage
Recorder, RM 129.2, GC S30N03W16ACB .•.•••..• 4-C-54
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
LRX 35, RM 130.8, GC S30N03W03DCA ••••....••• 4-C-58
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Indian River, RM 138.6, GC S31N02W09CDA ....• 4-C-59
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
LRX 53, RM 140.1, GC S31N11W10AAC ....••....• 4-C-62
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Slough 21-Area of R&M Stage
Recorder, RM 142.0, GC S32N02W36CCC •....•.•. 4-C-64
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Portage Creek, RM 148.8, TRM 0.1,
GC S32N01W25CAB ....••...•.•..••.....•••••.•. 4-C-68
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3,
GC S32N04E36ADB .....•...••..••.............. 4-C-71
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Watana Creek, RM 194.1,
GC S32N06E25CCA ....................••....••. 4-C-76
Table 4-C-23
Table 4-C-24
Table 4-C-25
Table 4-C-26
Table 4-C-27
Table 4-C-28
Table 4-C-29
Table 4-C-30
Table 4-C-31
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Kosina Creek, RM 206.8,
GC S31N08E15BAB •....•••••.•••••.•.••..•••••
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Goose Creek, RM 231.3,
GC S30N11E32DBC .••.•••..••••••.•......••••.
Thermograph data summary, summer
surface water temperature (C),
Oshetna River, RM 233.4,
GC S30N11E34CCD .•....•...••••.••••..••••...
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Su Station,
RM 25.8, GC S17N07W22DCD .•.••........••.•.
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained from
2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and listed
by USGS water year week, Yentna Fishwheel
RM 28.0, TRM 4.0, GC S18N07W34DBC .•••••...
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained from
2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and listed
by USGS water year week, Susitna River-
Upstream of Yentna River, RM 29.5,
GC S17N06W07CAD ........••••••....•..•••..•
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Parks
Highway Bridge-West, RM 83.9, GC
. 4-C-96
S24N05W15BAB ...•.......••••....•.•....•... 4-C-98
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Parks Highway
Bridge-East, RM 83.9, GC S24N05W15BAD ..... 4-C-99
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, LRX 1,
RM 97.0, GC S26N05W23DCB .•.......•..••..... 4-C-100
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-32
Table 4-C-33
Table 4-C-34
Table 4-C-35
Table 4-C-36
Table 4-C-37
Table 4-C-38
Table 4-C-39
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Talkeetna
River, RM 97.2, TRM 1.5, GC S26N05W24BDA .•. 4-C-101
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Chulitna
River, RM 98.6, TRM 0.6, GC S26N05W14CBC ... 4-C-102
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Talkeetna
Fishwheel, RM 103.0, GC S27N05W26DDD ••..... 4-C-103
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, LRX 18,
RM 113.0, GC S28N04W12DAB .••...••.••....••• 4-C-104
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Curry
Fishwheel, RM 120.7, GC S29N04W10CBB ....••• 4-C-105
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough SA-
Area of R&M Stage Recorder, RM 126.0,
GC S30N03W30BCA ••••..•••••••••............. 4-C-106
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, LRX 29,
RM 126.1, GC S30N03W19DCA ••.••...••....••.• 4-C-107
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 9-
Area of R&M Stage Recorder, RM 129.2, GC
S30N03W16ACB .•.••.•.....•...•.......•...... 4-C-108
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-40
Table 4-C-41
Table 4-C-42
Table 4-C-43
Table 4-C-44
Table 4-C-45
Table 4-C-46
Table 4-C-47
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, LRX 35,
RM 130.8, GC S30N03W03DCA •••..•.....•.•••.• 4-C-109
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Indian
River, RM 138.6, GC S31N02W09CDA •.••••..•.• 4-C-110
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, LRX 53,
RM 140.1, GC S31N11W10AAC .•....•.•.•.....•• 4-C-111
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 21-
Area of R&M Stage Recorder, RM 142.0, GC
S32N02W36CCC ..••••••..•.••••.•.....••.....• 4-C-112
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Portage
Creek, RM 148.8, TRM 0.1, GC S32N01W25CAB .• 4-C-113
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Tsusena
Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB ......•.•.• 4-C-114
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Watana
Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA ....•...•.. 4-C-115
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Kosina Creek,
RM 206.8, GC S31N08E15BAB ....•..•.....•.... 4-C-116
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-48
Table 4-C-49
Table 4-C-50
Table 4-C-51
Table 4-C-52
Table 4-C-53
Table 4-C-54
Table 4-C-55
Table 4-C-56
Table 4-C-57
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Goose Creek,
RM 231.3, GC S30N11E32DBC •.••..•.••.••....• 4-C-117
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum summer
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Oshetna River,
RM 233.4, GC S30N11E34CCD .•••••...•.••••••• 4-C-118
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 8A-Mouth,
RM 125.4, GC S30N03W30BCD .•....•..••••••• 4-C-119
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 8A-Upper,
RM 126.4, GC S30N03W20CDD ...••••..•...••• 4-C-129
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 9, RM 128.7,
GC S30N03W09DBC •..•...•.....•.•••.•...••• 4-C-139
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 11, RM 135.7,
GC S31N02W30ADC ....••.....•..••..•...•.•• 4-C-152
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 168, RM 138.0,
GC S31N02W10AAA •..•.•......•..••...••.•.. 4-C-162
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 19, RM 140.0,
GC S31N02W02DBA ...•....•.•..•.......•••.. 4-C-172
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 21-Mouth, RM 141.8,
GC S31N02W02AAB .............•........•••• 4-C-182
Datapod intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) continuous
record, at Slough 21-Upper, RM 142.0,
GC S32N02W36CCC .•.....•..•....••••....... 4-C-188
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-58 Mean intragravel and surface
water temperature (C) datapod data
summary at Slough 8A-Mouth~ RM 125.4~
GC S30N03W30BCD .....•••.•••.•.••.•....••• 4-C-198
Table 4-C-59 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 8A-Upper~ RM 126.4~ GC
S30N03W20CDD ...•.......•.••••••.••.•..•.• 4-C-201
Table 4-C-60 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 9, RM 128.7, GC S30N03W09DBC .•• 4-C-204
Table 4-C-61 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 11, RM 135.7, GC S31N02W30ADC •. 4-C-208
Table 4-C-62 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 16B, RM 138.0, GC S31N02W17AAA .. 4-C-211
Table 4-C-63 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 19, RM 140.0, GC S31N02W10DBA .• 4-C-214
Table 4-C-64 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 21-Mouth, RM 141.8~ GC
S31N02W02AAB .•.......•••••.•..•••.••.•... 4-C-217
Table 4-C-65 Mean intragravel and surface water
temperature (C) datapod data summary
at Slough 21-Upper~ RM 142.0~ GC
S32N02W36CCC .......•..•.•••.•.•...•.•••.. 4-C-219
Table 4-C-66 Thermograph data summary~ winter
surface water temperature (C),
Whiskers Creek Slough~ RM 101.2~
GC S26N05W03ADB .......•..••....••.......• 4-C-222
Table 4-C-67 Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C), Slough 9B,
RM 129.0, GC S30N03W16ABB •.•..•..•...•... 4-C-226
Table 4-C-68 Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C),
Slough 9-Below Tributary B,
RM 129.0, GC S30N03W16ABC •..•.....•...... 4-C-230
Table 4-C-69
Table 4-C-70
Table 4-C-71
Table 4-C-72
Table 4-C-73
Table 4-C-74
Table 4-C-75
Table 4-C-76
Table 4-C-77
Table 4-C-78
Table 4-C-79
Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C), Slough
11, RM 135.3, GC S31N02W19DDD ..••...•••••
Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C), Slough
19, RM 140.0, GC S31N11W10DBB ••...••.•••.
Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C), Slough
21-Mouth, RM 142.0, GC S31N11W12AAA •...••
Thermograph data summary, winter
surface water temperature (C),
Slough 21-Middle, RM 142.0,
GC S31N11W02AAA •••••••..•••••••••••••..•.
Thermograph data summary, winter
intragravel water temperature (C),
Slough 9-Below Tributary B, RM 129.0,
GC S30N03W16ABC .••••••..•••.•.•.••.••••.•
Thermograph data summary, winter·
intragravel water temperature (C),
Slough 98, RM 129.0, GC S30N03W16ABB ..•••
Thermograph data summary, winter
intragravel water temperature (C),
Slough 19, RM 140.0, GC S31N11W10DBB •....
Thermograph data summary, winter
intragravel water temperature (C),
Slough 21-Mouth, RM 142.0,
GC S31N11W02AAA ••.••...••••..••.••••••..•
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Whiskers
Creek Slough, RM 101.2, S26N05W03ADB ...•.. 4-C-261
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 98,
RM 129.0, GC S30N03W16ABB .••..........•.•. 4-C-262
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 9-
Below Tributary B, RM 129.0, GC
S30N03W16ABC ....••....•.....•............• 4-C-263
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-80
Table 4-C-81
Table 4-C-82
Table 4-C-83
Table 4-C-84
Table 4-C-85
Table 4-C-86
Table 4-C-87
Table 4-C-88
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 11,
RM 135.3, GC S31N02W19DDD •••....••....••.. 4-C-264
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 19,
RM 140.0, GC S31N11W10DBB .....•.•....•••.• 4-C-265
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 21-
Mouth, RM 142.0, GC S31N11W02AAA •.....•... 4-C-266
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
surface water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 21-
Middle, RM 142.0, GC S31N11W02AAA .....•..• 4-C-267
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
intragravel water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 9-
Below Tributary B, RM 129.0,
GC S30N03W16ABC .........••.••...••.•••..•. 4-C-268
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
intragravel water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 98,
RM 129.0, GC S30N03W16ABB •••......•......• 4-C-269
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
intragravel water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 19,
RM 140.0, GC S31N11W10DBB ••.....•..•.••... 4-C-270
Weekly minimum, mean and maximum winter
intragravel water temperature (C) obtained
from 2-hour Ryan thermograph readings and
listed by USGS water year week, Slough 21-
Mouth, RM 142.0, GC S31N11W02AAA .......... 4-C-271
Instantaneous intragravel water
temperatures obtained at salmon
spawning redds in Slough 8A, Susitna
River, Alaska, 1982 ...•..•.•...••......... 4-C-272
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-C-89
Table 4-C-90
Table 4-C-91
Instantaneous intragravel water
temperatures obtained at salmon
spawning redds in Slough 9, Susitna
River, Alaska, 1982 ••.•.•••••••••.•••••••. 4-C-273
Instantaneous intragravel water
temperatures obtained at salmon
spawning redds in Slough 11, Susitna
River, Alaska, 1982 •..••••..••••••.•••.••. 4-C-275
Instantaneous intragravel water
temperatures obtained at salmon
spawning redds in Slough 21, Susitna
River, Alaska, 1982 •....••••.••.•.••..•••. 4-C-276
Table 4-D-1
Table 4-D-2
Table 4-D-3
Table 4-D-4
Table 4-D-5
Table 4-D-6
Table 4-D-7
Table 4-D-8
Table 4-D-9
Table 4-D-10
Table 4-D-11
Listing of dissolved gas decay
data. • • • • . . . . . . . • • • . • . . • . • • • • • • • • . . . • • • . . • . 4-D-2
Dissolved gas analytical
methods Appendix •••..••..••..•.••....••••.. 4-D-3
Dissolved gases statistical
analysis................................... 4-D-4
Dissolved gas data -continuous
record ••••...•••••••..•.•.••••..•..•••.•..• 4-D-11
Water Quality Summary Table .....••.•...•... 4-D-44
Summary of provisional water
quality data for Sloughs 8A, 9,
168, 19 and 21, and mainstem
Susitna River at Gold Creek,
collected by ADF&G and USGS in
June, July and September, 1981,
and in January and February, 1982 .......... 4-D-69
Temperature (°C), specific conductance
(umhos/cm), and depth (ft) collected at
specified locations in Slough 8A,
October 5, 1982 .•.....••.•••..•••••.•••.... 4-D-85
Temperature (°C), specific conductance
(umhos/cm), and depth (ft) collected at
specified locations in Slough 9,
October 4 and 5, 1982 ....•.•..•••.•.•••...• 4-D-87
Temperature (°C), specific conductance
(umhos/cm), and depth (ft) collected at
specified locations in Slough 9B,
October 4, 1982 ....•.••......•••.........•. 4-D-90
Temperature (°C), specific conductance
(umhos/cm), and depth (ft) collected at
specified locations in Slough 11,
October 3, 1982 ••••.......•....•..........• 4-D-91
Temperature (°C), specific conductance
(umhos/cm), and depth (ft) collected at
specified locations in Slough 21,
October 1-2, 1982 ........•........•......•• 4-D-92
Table 4-D-12
Table 4-D-13
Table 4-D-14
Surface and intragravel temperatures
(°C) and related data (ft) collected
along study transects in Slough 8A,
October 5, 1982 ••...••••••••••.•••...•••••. 4-D-93
Surface and intragravel temperatures
(°C) and related data (ft) collected
along study transects in Slough 9,
October 4-5, 1982 •••••.••..•••.•••..•••••.• 4-D-94
Surface and intragravel temperatures
(°C) and related data (ft) collected
along study transects in Slough 21,
October 1-2, 1982 •••..•.•...••••..••••••.•. 4-D-95
Table 4-E-1.
Table 4-E-2.
Table 4-E-3.
Table 4-E-4.
Table 4-E-5.
Table 4-E-6.
Table 4-E-7.
Table 4-E-8.
Head pin elevations in Chum
Channel surveyed July 30,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for
definitions of terms) ••••.•.....•••.•.••.•.• 4-E-5
Cross section elevations in
transect 1 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-6
Cross section elevations in
transect 2 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-7
Cross section elevations in
transect 3 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-8
Cross section elevations in
transect 4 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-9
Cross section elevations in
transect 5 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-10
Cross section elevations in
transect 6 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-11
Cross section elevations in
transect 7 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-12
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-9.
Table 4-E-10.
Table 4-E-11.
Table 4-E-12.
Table 4-E-13.
Table 4-E-14.
Table 4-E-15.
Table 4-E-16.
Table 4-E-17.
Table 4-E-18.
Cross section elevations in
transect 8 of Chum Channel
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-13
Head pin elevations in Rabideux
Slough surveyed August 10, 1982
(see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-14
Cross section elevations in transect
0 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-15
Cross section elevations in transect
1 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-16
Cross section elevations in transect
2 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-17
Cross section elevations in transect
3 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-18
Cross section elevations in transect
4 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-19
Cross section elevations in transect
5 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-20
Cross section elevations in transect
6 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-21
Cross section elevations in transect
7 of Rabideux Slough surveyed August 10,
1982 (see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions
of terms) ................................... 4-E-22
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-19.
Table 4-E-20.
Tab 1 e 4-E-21.
Table 4-E-22.
Table 4-E-23.
Table 4-E-24.
Table 4-E-25.
Table 4-E-26.
Table 4-E-27.
Head pin elevations in Slough SA
surveyed August 23, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-23
Cross section elevations in
transect 1 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-24
Cross section elevations in
transect 2 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-25
Cross section elevations in
transect 3 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-26
Cross section elevations in
transect 4 of Slough SA
surveyed by R & M Consultants (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-27
Cross section elevations in
transect 5 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-28
Cross section elevations in
transect 6 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-29
Cross section elevations in
transect 7 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-30
Cross section elevations in
transect S of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-31
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-2S.
Table 4-E-29.
Table 4-E-30.
Tab 1 e 4-E-31.
Table 4-E-32.
Table 4-E-33.
Table 4-E-34.
Table 4-E-35.
Table 4-E-36.
Cross section elevations in
transect 9 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-33
Cross section elevations in
transect 10 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-34
Cross section elevations in
transect 11 of Slough SA
surveyed August 22, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ....................................... 4-E-35
Data (ft) for streambed (thalweg)
profile of Slough SA, 19S2 (see
pages E-3 and E-4 for definitions of
terms) .......................... -............ 4-E-37
Head pin elevations in Slough 9
surveyed August 23, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-41
Cross section elevations in
transect 1 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-42
Cross section elevations in
transect 2 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-43
Cross section elevations in
transect 3 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ............................. ~ ........ 4-E-44
Cross section elevations in
transect 4 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 19S2 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-45
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-37.
Table 4-E-38.
Table 4-E-39.
Table 4-E-40.
Tab 1 e 4-E-41.
Table 4-E-42.
Table 4-E-43.
Table 4-E-44.
Table 4-E-45.
Table 4-E-46.
Cross section elevations in transect
5 of Slough 9 surveyed August 11, 1982
(see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-46
Cross section elevations in transect
6 of Slough 9 surveyed August 11, 1982
{see pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-47
Cross section elevations in
transect 7 of Slough 9 surveyed by
R & M Consultants (see pages E-1 to E-3
for definitions of terms) .••••••••.•••..•... 4-E-48
Cross section elevations in
transect 8 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-49
Cross section elevations in
transect 9 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ....................................... 4-E-50
Cross section elevations in
transect 10 of Slough 9
surveyed August 11, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) .................•.................... 4-E-51
Data (ft) for streambed {thalweg)
profile of Slough 9 {see pages E-3 and
E-4 for definitions of terms) ...•..••••.... 4-E-52
Data (ft) for streambed (thalweg)
profile of Slough 11, 1982 (see pages
E-3 and E-4 for definitions of
terms) ..................................... 4-E-55
Head pin elevations in Slough 21
surveyed September 2, 1982 (see pages
E-1 to E-3 for definitions of terms) .•.... 4-E-57
Cross section elevations in
transect 1 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ..................................... 4-E-58
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-47.
Table 4-E-48.
Table 4-E-49.
Table 4-E-50.
Tab 1 e 4-E-51.
Table 4-E-52.
Table 4-E-53.
Table 4-E-54.
Table 4-E-55.
Cross section elevations in
transect 2 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-59
Cross section elevations in
transect 3 of Slough 21
surveyed by September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-60
Cross section elevations in
transect 4 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-61
Cross section elevations in
transect 5 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions· of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-62
Cross section elevations in
transect 6 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) .•.................................... 4-E-63
Cross section elevations in
transect 7 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-64
Cross section elevations in
transect 8 of Slough 21
surveyed September 22, 1982 (see
pages E-1 to E-3 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-65
Data (ft) for streambed (thalweg)
profile of Slough 21, 1982 (see
pages E-3 and E-4 for definitions of
terms) ...................................... 4-E-66
Data (ft) for streambed (thalweg)
profile of side-channel of Slough 21,
1982 (see pages E-3 and E-4 for
definitions of terms) .•.....••........••..•• 4-E-70
LIST OF TABLES (Continued)
Table 4-E-56. Data (ft) for streambed (thalweg)
profile of right fork of Slough 21,
1982 (see pages E-3 and E-4 for
definitions of terms) ..•.••••..••••.•..••••• 4-E-71
Table 4-F-1 Description of habitat zones
sampled at Designated Fish Habitat
sites, June through September,
1982 ...................................... 4-F-96
Table 4-F-2 Hydraulic zones, mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge, and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Goose side channel at the
Goose Creek 2 and Side Channel site,
for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 ........................... 4-F-100
Table 4-F-3 Hydraulic zones mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge for the
Whitefish Slough site, for sampling
dates from June to September, 1982 .•••..•. 4-F-108
Table 4-F-4 Hydraulic zones, mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge, and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Rabideux Slough at the
Rabideux Creek and Slough site, for
sampling dates from June to September,
1982 ...................................... 4-F-116
Table 4-F-5 Hydraulic zones, mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge, and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Sunshine side channel at the
Sunshine Creek and Side Channel site,
for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 .•••..•••..•••••.••..••..•• 4-F-123
Table 4-F-6 Hydraulic zones, mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge, and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Birch Slough at the Birch
Creek and Slough site, for sampling
dates from June to September, 1982 ...•.... 4-F-130
Table 4-F-7
Table 4-F-8
Table 4-F-9
Table 4-F-10
Table 4-F-11
Table 4-F-12
Table 4-F-13
Hydraulic zones, mainstem discharges
at the Parks Highway bridge, and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Whiskers Slough at the
Whiskers Creek and Slough site, for
sampling dates f~om June to September,
1982 ......................................
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek Station for the
Slough 6A site for sampling dates from
June to September, 1982 ...••••••••.•.•••.•
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek Station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Slough 8 at the Lane Creek
and Slough 8 site, for sampling dates
from June to September, 1982 ••••••....•.••
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek Station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Slough 8A for the Slough 8A
site for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 ....•.••.•.•••.••..•..••.••
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek Station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Slough 9 for the Slough 9
site for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 ...........................
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station for the
Fourth of July Creek mouth site for
sampling dates from June to September,
1982 ......................................
Hydraulic zones and mains~em discnarges
at the Gold Creek Station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Slough 11 at the Slough 11
site for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 •...••.....•..•..••....••.. 4-F-181
LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Page
Table 4-F-14 Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station for the Indian
River mouth site for sampling dates from
June to September, 1982 •.•.••..•.••••••••. 4-F-187
Table 4-F-15 Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station for the
Slough 19 site for sampling dates from
June to September, 1982 ....••••••..•...•.• 4-F-193
Table 4-F-16 Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance
(head) of Slough 20 at the Slough 20
site for sampling dates from June to
September, 1982 ..•••.•..•••...•...•••..... 4-F-199
Table 4-F-17 Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station , and the
status of the controlling streambed
elevation at the upstream entrance (head)
of Slough 21 at the Slough 21 site for
sampling dates from June to September,
1982 ...................................... 4-F-206
Table 4-F-18 Hydraulic zones and mains~em discharges
at the Gold Creek station for the
Portage Creek mouth side for sampling
from June to September, 1982 ..••....•....• 4-F-212
Figure 4-F-1 Water quality sampling locations
in Slough 8A •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-F-2
Figure 4-F-2 Water quality sampling locations
in lower Slough 9 •.•••••••••...•••.•.••••. 4-F-3
Figure 4-F-3 Water quality sampling locations
in upper Slough 9 ••••••...••••••••....••.. 4-F-4
Figure 4-F-4 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 114.4 (GC
S28N04W06CAB): September 9, 1982 .••..••.. 4-F-5
Figure 4-F-5 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 136.0 (GC
S31N02W19AD): September 4, 1982 •...•••••• 4-F-6
Figure 4-F-6 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 148.2 (GC
S32N01W26DCA): September 5, 1982 •...•••.. 4-F-7
Figure 4-F-7 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 138.9 (GC
S31N02W09DBD): September 6, 1982 ••..•••.. 4-F-8
Figure 4-F-8 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 137.4 (GC
S31N02W17DBB): September 6, 1982 .•...•... 4-F-9
Figure 4-F-9 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 128.6 (GC
S30N03Wl6BCA): September 7, 1982 ...•.•••• 4-F-10
Figure 4-F-10 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 131.3 (GC
S30N03W03DAD) : September 4-8, 1982 ....... 4-F-11
Figure 4-F-11 Chum salmon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 129.8 (GC
S30N03W09DAB): September 14, 1982.
Chum salmon were also observed
spawning on September 12, 1982,
when the water was clear at the site ••.... 4-F-12
Figure 4-F-12 Rabideux Slough transects, 1982 .....•..•.• 4-F-13
Figure 4-F-13 Chum Channel transects, 1982 .......•...... 4-F-14
Figure 4-F-14
Figure 4-F-15
Figure 4-F-16
Figure 4-F-17
Figure 4-F-18
Figure 4-F-19
Figure 4-F-20
Figure 4-F-21
Figure 4-F-22
Figure 4-F-23
Figure 4-F-24
Figure 4-F-25
Figure 4-F-26
Figure 4-F-27
Figure 4-F-28
Figure 4-F-29
Figure 4-F-30
Figure 4-F-31
Figure 4-F-32
Figure 4-F-33
Figure 4-F-34
Figure 4-F-35
Figure 4-F-36
Figure 4-F-37
Whiskers Creek Slough sampling sites, 1982. 4-F-15
Whiskers Creek Slough substrate, 1982 ..•..• 4-F-16
Whiskers Creek Slogh ice-free areas, winter
1982-83 .•••••••••..••••••••••••••••••.••••• 4-F-17
Slough 6A sampling sites, 1982 .•••.••••.•.• 4-F-18
Slough 6A substrate, 1982 ••••.•...•.••••••. 4-F-19
Slough 6A ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •• 4-F-20
Lane Creek Slough sampling sites, 1982 .•... 4-F-21
Lane Creek Slough substrate, 1982 •.••...•.. 4-F-22
Lane Creek Slough upwelling/seepage, 1982 .• 4-F-23
Lane Creek Slough ice-free areas, winter
1982-83 .•....••.•••••....•••.•••.•.••••.•.. 4-F-24
Slough 8A sampling sites, 1982 .•••..••.••. 4-F-25
Slough 8A substrate, 1982 .•....•..•......• 4-F-26
Slough 8A upwelling/seepage 1982 •••.••.... 4-F-27
Slough 8A ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •. 4-F-28
Slough 8A spawning areas, 1982 .....•••...• 4-F-29
Slough 8A redd locations, 1982 ••...•..•..• 4-F-30
Slough 9 sampling sites, 1982 .........•.•• 4-F-31
Slough 9 substrate, 1982 •••..••....••.•... 4-F-32
Slough 9 upwelling/seepage, 1982 ••..•...•. 4-F-33
Slough 9 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 .... 4-F-34
Slough 9 spawning areas, 1982 •..•.......•. 4-F-35
Slough 9 redd locations, 1982 ..•.•........ 4-F-36
Slough 9A sampling site, 1982 ...........•.. 4-F-37
Slough 9A substrate, 1982 ..........•...•... 4-F-38
LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page
Figure 4-F-38 Slough 9A upwelling/seepage, 1982 ...••.•... 4-F-39
Figure 4-F-39 Slough 9A ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •.• 4-F-40
Figure 4-F-40 Slough 10 sampling sites, 1982 ............. 4-F-41
Figure 4-F-41 Slough 10 substrate, 1982 •.••.••....•••.••.• 4-F-42
Figure 4-F-42 Slough 10 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •... 4-F-43
Figure 4-F-43 Slough 11 sampling sites, 1982 ••..•.••...• 4-F-44
Figure 4-F-44 Slough 11 substrate, 1982 ................. 4-F-45
Figure 4-F-45 ' Slough 11 upwe 11 i ng/ seepage, 1982 •.•..•••• 4-F-46
Figure 4-F-46 Slough 11 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •. 4-F-47
Figure 4-F-47 Slough 11 spawning areas, 1982 ............ 4-F-48
Figure 4-F-48 Slough 11 redd locations, 1982 ............ 4-F-49
Figure 4-F-49 Slough 168 sampling sites, 1982 ............ 4-F-50
Figure 4-F-50 Slough 168 substrate, 1982 ................. 4-F-51
Figure 4-F-51 Slough 168 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 .• 4-F-52
Figure 4-F-52 Slough 19 sampling sites, 1982 ............. 4-F-53
Figure 4-F-53 Slough 19 substrate, 1982 •....••...••••••.. 4-F-54
Figure 4-F-54 Slough 19 upwelling/seepage, 1982 .......... 4-F-55
Figure 4-F-55 Slough 19 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 ..• 4-F-56
Figure 4-F-56 Slough 20 samp 1 i ng sites, 1982 ............. 4-F-57
Figure 4-F-57 Slough 20 substrate, 1982 ....•.•....••..... 4-F-58
Figure 4-F-58 Slough 20 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 ... 4-F-59
Figure 4-F-59 Slough 21 sampling sites, 1982 •....•..•... 4-F-60
Figure 4-F-60 Slough 21 substrate, 1982 •....••...••..... 4-F-61
Figure 4-F-61 Slough 21 upwelling/seepage, 1982 ....•.... 4-F-62
Figure 4-F-62 Slough 21 ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 .. 4-F-63
Figure 4-F-63
Figure 4-F-64
Figure 4-F-65
Figure 4-F-66
Figure 4-F-67
Figure 4-F-68
Figure 4-F-69
Figure 4-F-70
Figure 4-F-71
Figure 4-F-72
Figure 4-F-73
Figure 4-F-74
Figure 4-F-75
Figure 4-F-76
Figure 4-F-77
Figure 4-F-78
Slough 21 Complex ice-free areas, winter
1982-83................................... 4-F-64
Slough 21 spawning areas, 1982 ••••.•..•••. 4-F-65
Slough 21 redd locations, 1982 .••••...•.•• 4-F-66
Slough 22, sampling sites, 1982 ••.•••••.... 4-F-67
Slough 22, substrate, 1982 ••.•.••.•.•••••.. 4-F-68
Slough 22, upwelling/seepage, 1982 •.•••.... 4-F-69
Slough 22, ice-free areas, winter 1982-83 •• 4-F-70
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 26.0 (GC
S17N07W22DAA): May 31, 1982 ...• :......... 4-F-71
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 25.9 (GC
S17N07W22DDA): May 31, 1982 ...• ~ ..•••..•. 4-F-72
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 26.3 (GC
S17N07W23CAB): May 31, 1982 •..•.••......• 4-F-73
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 25.5 (GC
S17N07W22CAA): May 31, 1982 .......•...•.. 4-F-74
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 25.8 {GC
S17N07W22DCD): June 1, 1982 ••••...••....• 4-F-75
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 21.4 (GC
S16N07W04CAC): June 1, 1982 ••...•.••..... 4-F-76
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 18.2 (GC
S16N07W15CDB): June 1, 1982 .•....•..•.••• 4-F-77
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 16.5 (GC
S16N07W22DCD): June 1, 1982 •.......••..•• 4-F-78
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 44.0 (GC
S19N05W20CAC): June 3, 1982 .......••..... 4-F-79
Figure 4-F-79
Figure 4-F-80
Figure 4-F-81
Figure 4-F-82
Figure 4-F-83
Figure 4-F-84
Figure 4-F-85
Fi'gure 4-F-86
Figure 4-F-87
Figure 4-F-88
Figure 4-F-89
Figure 4-F-90
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 41.3 (GC
S19N06W25CCD): June 4, 1982 .•.•...••...•. 4-F-80
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 28.0 (GC
S17N07W13DBB): June 5, 1982 ..••....•..... 4-F-81
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 31.1 (GC
S17N06W18BAA): June 5, 1982 .......•..•... 4-F-82
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 31.8 (GC
S17N06W05ABA): June 5, 1982 ...•...••••.•• 4-F-83
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 15.0 (GC
S16N07W35BDD): June 6, 1982 ..•.•..•...•.. 4-F-84
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 35.5 (GC
S18N06W15CCC): June 7, 1982 .••.••••....•• 4-F-85
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 22.8 (GC
S16N07W04BBA): May 30, 1982 ..•..........• 4-F-86
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 43.3 (GC
S19N06W24ACC): May 24, 1982 ..•....•...... 4-F-87
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 8.5 (GC
S14N07W22ACA): May 26, 1982 ..•.....•..... 4-F-88
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 11.0 (GC
S15N07W10DCC): May 26, 1982 .......••..... 4-F-89
Eulachon spawning area on the
Susitna River at RM 18.3 (GC
S16N07W15CDB): May 26, 1982 .............. 4-F-90
The Lower Montana Bering cisco
spawning area on the Susitna River
at RM 76.8 -77.3 (GC S23N04W06ADD):
October 14, 1982 ........•..............
Figure 4-F-91
Figure 4-F-92
Figure 4-F-93
Figure 4-F-94
Figure 4-F-95
Figure 4-F-96
The Upper Montana Bering cisco
spawning area on the Susitna
River at RM 77.3-77.6 (GC
S23N04W06CBB): October 14, 1982....... 4-F-92
Hypothetical slough with
associated tributary showing
presence of hydraulic zones at three
different mainstem discharges .•.••••.••.... 4-F-95
Map of surface areas and zone types
at Whitefish Slough (RM 78.7) on
two sampling dates. Discharges (cfs)
at Sunshine (USGS Provisional Data,
1982, 15292780) ••••..••••••...••••.••...... 4-F-111
Map of surface areas and zone types
at Whiskers Creek and Slough
(RM 101.2) on two sampling dates.
Discharges at Gold Creek (USGS
Provisional Data, 1982, 1529200) •..••..•.• 4-F-139
Map of surface areas and zone types
at Slough 6A (RM 112.3) on two
sampling dates. Discharges (cfs) at
Gold Creek (USGS Provisional Data,
1982, 1529200) .......•.••••...•.•..•••.... 4-F-147
Map of surface areas and zone types
at Slough 21 (RM 142.0) on two
sampling dates. Discharges (cfs) at
Gold Creek (USGS Provisional Data,
1982, 1529200) ....••.••.••..•.••..•.••..•• 4-F-207
Plate 4-F-1
Plate 4-F-2
Plate 4-F-3
Place 4-F-4
Plate 4-F-5
Plate 4-F-6
Plate 4-F-7
Plate 4-F-8
Plate 4-F-9
August 1980 aerial photo~raph of Goose
Creek 2 and Sidechannel (RM 73.1). The
Susitna River flows from right to left
in this photo ••..••.•..•••••••..••••••••••.•••.. 4-F-99
May 1982 aerial photograph of
Whitefish Slough (RM 78.7).
The Susitna River flows towards
the upper left corner in this photo ....•••••.... 4-F-107
Hydraulic changes at a designated
fish habitat site caused by fluctuations
in the discharge of the mainstem
Susitna River •..•.•.••.•.••...••...•..•..•••.... 4-F-110
August 1982 aerial photograph of
Rabideux Creek and Slough (RM 83.1).
The Susitna River flows from top to
bottom in this photo ..••••••..•••••.. ~ .....•••.. 4-F-115
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Sunshine Creek and Side Channel
(RM 85.7). The lakes and tributaries
above the study area provide water to
Sunshine Creek. The Susitna River flows
from top to bottom in this photo .•...••......•.• 4-F-122
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Birch Creek and Slough (RM 88.4).
The Susitna River flows from right
to left in this photo ••.•.•.••...•••...•..•..•.. 4-F-129
May 1982 aerial photograph of
Whiskers Creek and Slough (RM 101.2).
The Susitna River flows from right to
left in this photo .....•......•••....•••••••.... 4-F-136
May 1982 aerial photograph of
Slough 6A (RM 112.3). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo ••.•..•......•........••....•. ; •.••.•. 4-F-144
August 1982 aerial photograph of Lane
Creek mouth and Slough 8 (RM 113.6).
The Susitna River flows from right to left
in this photo ..•........•.•....•.•....•....•.... 4-F-151
LIST OF PLATES (Continued)
Plate 4-F-10
Plate 4-F-11
Plate 4-F-12
Plate 4-F-13
Plate 4-F-14
Plate 4-F-15
Plate 4-F-16
Plate 4-F-17
Plate 4-F-18
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Slough 8A (RM 125.3). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo ••••••••••••.••••••••....•.••.•••••••• 4-F-158
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Slough 9 (RM 129.1). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo ..•••.•••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••.••• 4-F-165
May 1982 aerial photograph of the
mouth of 4th of July Creek (RM 131.1).
The Susitna River flows from right to
left in this photo .•....••••••••..••.•..••..•••. 4-F-172
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Slough 11 (RM 135.3). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo .••••.••.•.•..•••...•.•••••..•••••.••. 4-F-179
August 1982 aerial photograph of
the mouth of Indian River (RM 138.6).·
The Susitna River flows from right to
left in this photo •.....••.••...•.••••.••.•..•.• 4-F-186
May 1982 aerial photograph of
Slough 19 (RM 140.0). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo ..•••.•..•...•••....•...•....•••..•... 4-F-192
August 1982 aerial photograph of
Slough 20 (RM 140.1). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo .•..•••...•••.....•..•••.•....•.••••.. 4-F-198
August 1980 aerial photograph of
Slough 21 (RM 142.0). The Susitna
River flows from right to left in
this photo .......••.••.•.••••...•..•..••.•••.••• 4-F-204
August 1980 aerial photograph of
the mouth of Portage Creek (RM 148.8)
and the Susitna River. The Susitna River
flows from right to left in this photo .....••.•. 4-F-211
Table 4-G
Catch data for Designated Fish
Habitat Sites, 1982. Units for
gear 002 are minutes shocked, for
gear 009 are hours fished, and for
all other gears are pieces of gear
fished •.........................•.........•• 4-G-3
Table 4-H
Catch per unit effort for Designated
Fish Habitat sites, 1982. Units for
gear 002 are minutes shocked, for
gear 009 are hours fished, and for all
other gears are pieces of gear fished ..•••. 4-H-3
Table 4-I Habitat data for Designated Fish
Habitat sites, 1982 ...••••••••...•••..••••.• 4-I-2
Table 4-J-1
Selected physicochemical data collected
during the ice-covered study season,
1982 ••.•••.••.••••.....••••..•••.•.••.•.••.. 4-J-2
Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH)
Project Leader and Principal Contact
AH Sub-project Leaders (contributing to Volume 4)
Electrofishing and Radio Telemetry Section
Instream Flow Evaluation Section
Fish Habitat Utilization Section
Impoundment Section
Data Reduction and Transfer Section
AH Data Reduction, Transfer, and Laboratory
Operations Staff
Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Studies (RJ)
Project Leader
RJ Sub-project Leaders (contributing to Volume 4)
Fish Distribution Study
Electrofishing and Radio Telemetry
Hydraulic Engineer
Data Processing Project Leader
Data Processing Staff
Typing Staff
Christopher Estes
Doug Lang
Tim Quane
Andy Hoffmann
Joe Sautner
Camille Stephens
Theresa Keklak
Mark Willette
Troya Bogard
Dana Schmidt
Larry Dugan
Rich Sundet
E. Woody Trihey
Allen Bingham
Kathy Rowe 11
Gail Heineman
Donna Bucholtz
Katrine Zozel
Carol Kerkvliet
Sally Donovan
Carol Kerkvl iet
Anne Reilly
Peggy Skeers
Joyce Godin
Lynn Watson
Christopher Estes
Doug Lang
Tim Quane
Andy Hoffmann
Stephen Hale
Dana Schmidt
Part I
Hydrological Investigations
Stage -Discharge
Thalweg Profiles
Backwater Areas
Open Channel
Water Quality Investigations
Basic Field Parameters
Dissolved Gas
Part II
Adult Anadromous Habitat
Salmon Species
Tim Quane
Tim Quane
Tommy Withrow
Jody Miller
Pat Morrow
Patricia Harris
Len Vining
Don Seagren
Bob Marsha 11
Rick Sinnott
Kim Sylvester
Tim Quane
Jody Miller
Pat Morrow
Tommy Withrow
Tim Quane
Pat Morrow
Jody Mi 11 er
Tommy Withrow
Len Vining
Dana Schmidt
Andy Hoffmann
Doug Lang
Kathy Sheehan
Craig Richards
Bering Cisco
Juvenile Anadromous Habitat
Resident Habitat
Andy Hoffmann
Len Vining
Kim Sylvester
Rick Sinnott
Don Seagren
Sheryl Sa 1 a sky
Jeff Blakley
Don Volk
Dean Beers
Doug Lang
Doug Lang
Kathy Sheehan
Stephen Hale
Larry Dugan
Karl Kuntz
Bob Marshall
Dave Sterritt
Rich Sundet
Doug Lang
Paul Suchanek
Special appreciation is extended to Nikki Newcome (ADF&G) for providing
technical support to the computer modeling portion of the hydraulic
studies; Beverly Valdez (Arctic Environmental Information and Data
Center) for computer plotting stage/discharge curves; Dave Wangaard
(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), James Dryden (Dryden and LaRue, Inc.)
and Terrestri a 1 Envi ronmenta 1 Specia 1 i sts, Inc. for their assistance
with the dissolved gas study. We would like to also thank Marilyn
Barker (Anchorage Community College) and Bjartmar Sveinbjornsson
(University of Alaska) for their help with identification of aquatic
plants; and the local residents and property owners who have assisted us
and expressed interest in our work: Harold and Nancy Larson, Bill
Blakeley, Roy Bloomfield, Dr. Clifford H. Driskell, and Doug and Marie
The authors wish to thank Acres American, Inc.; Air Logistics; Akland
Helicopter; the Alaska Railroad; R&M Consultants, Inc.; Gene and Rose
Jenne (Three Rivers Union); and the U.S. Geological Survey for their
support services.
Appreciation is also extended to the Alaska Power Authority for funding
this project and to T. Trent, L. Bartlett, R. Dieryck, K. Watson, R.
Logan, L. Heckart, M. Mi 11 s and other staff of the ADF&G for their
administrative services support.
Silt (SI)
Sand (SA)
Gravel (GR)
Rubble (RU)
Cobble (CO)
Boulder (BO)
R & M Stage Recorder !IIIII
Staff Gage I I II I
* Intragravel
Temperature Site 2299911
Temperature Site
Up we 11 i ng Area)
(@ Spring -z-
-···-···-Small Tributary
-·-·-::..;_ :·~:~ ·.::-Dewatered Channel f------1
River Mile (RM)
Water Quality Measurement Site
Datapod Site
Thermograph Site
Cut Bank
Mixing Zone
True North
Transect (ADF & G, R & M)
Q Station (ADF & G, R & M)
Aquatic Habitat and 1nstream Flow Project (AH) hydrological and water
quality investigations were continued and expanded in 1982 to further
1) the influence of mainstem Susitna River discharge on the
hydrological and water quality characteristics of selected
slough, tributary and mainstem habitats (Figure 41-1-1)
downstream of Devil Canyon; and
2) the baseline hydrological and water quality characteristics of
fishery habitats (Figure 41-1-1) within the boundaries of the
proposed impoundment areas (see Volume 5)1•
Tasks designed to meet objective one were to:
1) determine water surface elevations associated with various
discharges of the Susitna River at selected mainstem, slough,
and tributary locations from river mile (RM) 73.1 (Lower Goose
2) to RM 148.8 (Portage Creek);
10bjective two is discussed in Volume 5.
Figure 41-1-l.
Hainstem llabitat consists of those portions of the Susitna River that
nor111aliy convey streamflow throughout the year. Both single and multiple
channel reaches are Included tn this habitat category. Groundwater and
tributary Inflow appear to be Inconsequential contributors to the overall
characteristics of ma1nstem habitat. Hatnstem habitat Is typically
characterized by htgh water velocities and well armored streambeds.
Substrates generally consist of boulder and cobble she materials wtth
lntersttt1a1 spaces filled with a grout~l1ke mixture of small gravels and
glacial sands. Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity are high
during surrmer due to the influence of glacial melt~water. Streamflows
recede 1n early fall and the mainstem clears appreciably in October. An
ice cover forms on the river in late Novettber or Decen~ber.
Stde Channel llabttat consists of those portfons of the Susttna Rher that
MnMlly convey streamflow during the open water season but become
appreciably dewatered durtng periods of low flow. Side channel habitat
may exist either fn welt 'defined overflow channels. or fn poorly defined
water courses flowing through putfalty submerged gravel bars and Islands
along the margins of the matnstem river. Side channel streambed ele-
vations are typically lower than the mean monthly water surface ele-
vations of the mainstem Susttna River observed during June. July and
August. Side channel habitats are characterized by shallower depths,
lower velocities and smaller streambed materials than the adjacent
habitat of the mafnstem river.
Side Slough Uabttat fs located in spring fed overflow channels between
the edge of the floodplain and the mafnstem and side channels of the
Susttna River and 1s usually separated from the mafnstem and side
channels by well vegetated bars. An exposed alluvial berm often
separates the head of the slough from mafnstem or side channel flows.
The controlling streambed/streambank elevations at the upstream end of
the side sloughs are slightly less than the watf!r surface elevations of
the mean monthly flows of the mafnstem Susitna River observed for June,
July. and August. At Intermediate and low-flow periods. the side sloughs
convey clear water from small trtbutarfes and/or upwellfng groundwater
(ADF&G }g8lc. Jg82b). These clear water inflows are essenttal con-
trthutors to the existence of this habitat type. The water surface
elevatton of the Susftna River generally causes a backwater to extend
well up Into the slough from its lower end (AOF&G tgSic, tg82b). Even
though this substantial backwater exists. the sloughs function hydrau-
lically very lll.ICh lfke small stream systems and several hundred feet of
the slough channel often conveys water independent of matnstem backwater
effects. At high flows the water surface elevation of the mainsten1 river
1s sufficient to overtop the upper end of the slough (AOF&G }gatc.
Jg82b). Surface water temperatures in the side sloughs during sunrner
months are principally a function of atr temperature. solar radtatfon.
and the temperature of the loca 1 runoff.
~~!t~:a;1~3ho/'arh1etas\o~~~fe[ss n~~~ni~~c~~~:cte13u;ft:a:h~tastur~:c~h~~t!~:
of the mainstem Susftna River or fts side channels. These sloughs are
characterized by the presence of beaver dams and an accuA'MJlatlon of silt
covering the substrate resulting from the absence of mainstem scouring
Tributary Habitat consists of the full complement of hydraulic and
morphologic conditions that occur In the tributaries. Their seasonal
streamflow. sediment. and thermal regt~s r·cflect the integration of the
hydrology, geology. and clim.1te of the tributary drainage. The physical
attributes of tributary habitat are not dependent on malnstem conditions.
Tributary Hauth llabttat extends from the uppermost point In the tributary
influenced by mainstem Susttna River or slough backwater effects to the
downstream extent of the tributary plume whtch extends into the n~alnstem
Sus1tna River or slough (AOF&G l98lc. lg82b).
Lake llab1tat conststs of various hmtlc environments that occur wtthfn
the Susitna River drainage. These habitats range from small, sha11ow.
Isolated lakes perched on the tundra to larger. deeper lakes which
connect to the mafnstem Susltna River through well defined tributary
systems. The lakes receive their water from springs, surface runoff
and/or tributaries.
General habitat categories of the Susitna River -a cnnceptual diagram (adapted from
AEIDC 1982; Trihey 1982).
These data were collected to support analyses of the effects
of mainstem Susitna River discharge on the availability of
habitat for fish passage, rearing and spawning in slough,
mainstem, and tributary habitats (e.g., stage-discharge and
stage-surface area rel ati onshi ps of hydraulic zones in
sloughs, etc.);
2) obtain baseline discharge data of tributaries in the Talkeetna
to De vi 1 Canyon reach to quantify their contributions to the
Susitna River;
3) monitor variations in seasonal surface water temperature of
the mainstem Susitna River downstream of Devil Canyon to
support the analysis of discharge and temperature relation-
ships and relationships of temperature to fish passage and
4) monitor variations in seasonal surface and intragravel water
temperatures at selected sloughs within the Talkeetna to
Devil Canyon reach of the Sus i tna river to eva 1 uate their
relationship to mainstem discharge and support analyses of
their relationships to fish passage and spawning;
5) obtain baseline water quality data to characterize the water
chemistry of surface waters within selected sites of the
Susitna River basin and support the analysis of the influence
of discharge on water quality conditions and their
relationships to fish passage, spawning and rearing; and
6) establish the baseline condition of supersaturation of
dissolved gases in the vicinity of the Devil Canyon rapids and
the influence that changes in discharge have upon those
These investigations were initiated in 1981 to describe the physical and
chemical characteristics of seasonal habitats utilized by juvenile and
adult anadromous and resident fish within the Susitna River Basin
(Preface Figures B, C and D). Studies conducted during 1981 provided
baseline hydrological and water quality data for the various habitats
(i.e., mainstem, side channel, slough and tributary) present in the
Susitna River and the relationships of these habitat characteristics to
changes in discharge of the mainstem Susitna River (ADF&G 1982b). This
information used to describe the seasonal habitat requirements of adult
and juveni 1 e anadromous and resident fish of the Susi tna River and to
evaluate the accuracy of hydrological and temperature models which will
be used to predict discharge influenced impacts on fisheries habitat
(ADF&G 1982a).
The data co 11 ected during 1981 demonstrated the importance of these
studies and the need to expand the data base during 1982 if the goals of
defining discharge-influenced impacts to fishery habitats by the
proposed project (as well as designing discharge-related mitigation
options) are to be achieved.
2.1 Hydrological Investigations
2.1.1 Stage and Discharge
2 .1.1.1 Stage
Detailed methods pertaining to the collection of stage and discharge
data are presented in the ADF&G procedure manuals (ADF&G 1981a, 1982a).
The following discussion is a summary of those methods used in these
Measurements of stage were obtained at least twice monthly at various
mainstem and non-mainstem (i.e., slough and tributary) sites in the
Susitna River basin during the 1982 open water field season. Stage was
determined to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot through observations
of staff gages at all sites with the exception of Indian River and
Portage Creek where an automatic recorder and associated pressure
transducer was used to continuously monitor stage (ADF&G 1981a, 1982a).
At each staff gage placement site, staff gages were tiered to the high
water marks to provide for the range of flows expected during 1982 as
indicated from field observations during 1981 and the 31 year flow
record (USGS 1977, 1978a, 1978b, 1979, 1980, 1981) obtained from the
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gaging station at Gold Creek (15292000).
Depending on the gradient of the streambank, each staff gage placement
site was composed of a series of at least two to five individual staff
gages (ADF&G 1982b). An assume5l elevation, which was referenced to a
temporary bench mark (TBM), was determined for each staff gage using
basic survey techniques of differential leveling (ADF&G 1981, 1982).
All TBWs were surveyed to a known elevation (project datum) so that
resultant stage readings could be converted to true water surface
elevations (with the exception of the staff gage placement site on the
Yentna River).
A continuous stage record was obtained at Indian River and Portage Creek
with a pressure transducer installed on the streambed and connected to a
recorder. This instrumentation system recorded an average water column
depth every hour. These hourly stage recordings were used to calculate
a mean daily stage. Periodically, the depth of flow over the pressure
transducer was directly measured as a check on the accuracy of recorded
values. The corresponding depth readings were recorded to determine the
offset required to convert the depth of flow over the pressure trans-
ducer into equivalent stage readings.
Placement of staff gages varied, depending on the specific tasks of the
various studies involved. Generally, staff gage placements consisted of
mainstem and non-mainstem staff gage locations (Figure 41-2-1). Mainstem Staff Gage Locations
Staff gages were installed in the mainstem Susitna River (Figures 4!-2-2
and 41-2-3) for the purpose of correlating the relationships between
S Iough Mouth Gage
100. 2W I A,B,C
Tributary Gao• Sift
100.!5T2 A,B,C
• .. .. : :.
';:· ,.
~! .. :.
., ...
Figure 4!-2-1. ADF&G staff gage identification system.
··:. :·,
... . ,
CD I ---·-,
River Mile (RM) is determined for
all of the staff gage sites
within the same study area at the
most downstream point of the
study areas. The Study areas are
defined by the Aquatic Habitat
and lnstream Flow Project
Placement Type Codes
Mainstem "' t1
Mid-slough = S
Slough Mouth = W
Slough Head = H
Tributary = T
Staff gage site number withir. an
assigned river mile reach study
Gage letters for each site
assigned from shore outward.
River Mile
Staff Gage Site
Study Area
(RM 79.2)
(RM 73.1)
0 10
Figure 41-2-2. Mainstem and Yentna River staff gage locations in
the Cook Inlet to Talkeetna (RM 103.0) reach of the
Susitna River.
LRX 40
LRX 35
0 10
Figure 4I-2-3. Mainstem staff gage locations in the Talkeetna
(RM 103.0) to Devil Canyon (RM 148.0) reach of
the Susitna River.
water surface elevations and stage of the mainstem Susitna River to
mainstem discharge recorded at USGS gaging stations. Mainstem staff
gages 1 ocated in the Ta 1 keetna to De vi 1 Canyon reach of the Sus i tna
River are correlated to discharge data obtained at the USGS gaging
station at Gold Creek (15292000). Mainstem staff gages located
downstream of Talkeetna are correlated to discharge data obtained at the
USGS gaging station at the Parks Highway bridge (15292780).
Mainstem staff gages were installed and monitored daily at each ADF&G Su
Hydro fishwheel and sonar site. Mainstem staff gages were also instal-
led at specific lower river cross section (LRX) sites established by R&M
Consultants and were monitored on an irregular basis.
Other mainstem staff gages were installed adjacent to study sloughs and
tributaries and monitored periodically to determine the influence of
mainstem stage and discharge on these study areas (see Non-Mainstem Staff Gage Locations
Staff gages were installed to monitor specific habitat characteristics
in sloughs, side channels, and tributaries. These staff gages were
located in various hydraulic zones of sloughs and tributaries and
monitored a minimum of two times per month.
Staff gages located at the mouths (downstream end) of selected sloughs
and side channels were monitored to evaluate the influence of mainstem
discharge on the availability of fish rearing habitat in the lower end
of sloughs and fish passage to and from sloughs. Staff gages were also
1 ocated in the free-flowing portions of these study areas and were
monitored to evaluate local stage-slough flow relationships. Other
staff gages were located at the head (upstream end) portions of sloughs
or side channels to determine the mainstem discharge required to breach
the heads of these areas. The ADF&G should be consulted for the
interpretation of these data.
The following discussion describes the methods used for determining the
mainstem discharges at which breaching of selected side sloughs and
side channels situated in the reach of the Susitna River between
Talkeetna and Devil Canyon occurred.
Cross section surveys, staff gage readings and on-site observations were
used in conjunction to determine the mainstem discharges at which
breaching of a slough began to occur.
The lowest representative elevation, on a cross-section, surveyed across
the head of a slough is called the "point of zero flow" (PZF). It is
assumed the cross section at the head of a slough was surveyed at the
point where streambed elevations control flow into the slough. The water
surface elevation of the mainstem at the head of the slough must be
greater than the PZF before mainstem water can enter the head of the
slough. PzF•s were determined for selected sloughs in the Susitna River
basin from cross section survey data conducted by R&M Consultants, Inc.
Staff gages were installed at the head of study sloughs and side chan-
nels as near as possible to the upstream point that controlled mainstem
flow into these areas so that the elevation of the bottom of the staff
gage provided a good check on the accuracy of the PZF determined from
the cross-section surveys. Mainstem water surface elevations necessary
for breaching were obtained from staff gages installed in the mainstem
near the head of the slough and surveyed to project datum.
Periodic field observations were made to document the mainstem dis-
charges required to breach selected study slough and side channel areas.
However, even if field crews were fortunate enough to observe a site
just as it was breached, this did not mean that the exact mainstem
discharge required for breaching of that slough had been identified.
Observations of slough breaching and staff gage readings obtained to
determine breaching flows were referenced to the average daily mainstem
streamflow at Gold Creek (USGS 1982). This gaging station is located up
to 20 miles from various sloughs where breaching data were collected.
Since the accuracy of the relationship between breaching and Gold Creek
discharge was dependent on the rate that the river was rising or fall-
ing, the range of flows required for breaching were determined from a
combination of the above methods. Discharge
Measurements of discharge were obtained at selected sloughs and tribu-
taries downstream of Devil Canyon to determine the range of discharges
which occur under an annual flow regime and to thereby develop simple
stage-discharge relationships in the form of rating curves. Discharge
measurements were also obtained at six tributary locations upstream of
Devil Canyon to monitor flow conditions and provide baseline flow data
for future reservoir modeling. In addition, discharge measurements were
obtained as a byproduct of a series of depth and velocity measurements
primarily intended to quantify potentially available fish habitat at
several slough sites (refer to Volume 4, Part II, Section
Downstream of Devil Canyon
Discharge sites (gaging stations) were placed within study locations in
areas where conditions for obtaining stage and discharge measurements
were maximized. Stream morphology was thus the major criteria used to
establish gaging stations. Gaging stations were located in a free-
flowing portion of the stream, removed from any backwater influences
created by the mainstem, within a uniform channel with a stable sub-
strate where water column velocities paralleled each other and were at
right angles to the cross section.
Discharge measurements were made by the current-meter method as outlined
in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1981a), using standard USGS techniques
(USGS 1977) employing either a Price AA or Pygmy meter. Cross sections
at gaging stations were divided into a minimum of 20 cells to ensure
that each velocity obtained measured no more than five percent of the
total flow. The observed depth at each cell was determined using a four
foot top setting wading rod graduated into one-tenth foot increments.
Mean water column velocities, measured as feet/second (fps), were
obtained at each cell using a two point or a six-tenths depth method.
At depths less than or equal to 2.5 feet, mean cell water column
velocity was measured at six-tenths of the depth from the surface while
at depths exceeding 2.5 feet, water column velocities were measured at
two-tenths and eight-tenths of the depth from the surface and then
averaged to yield a mean cell water column velocity. At depths less
than six-tenths of a foot or velocities less than 2.5 fps, the Pygmy
meter was utilized while at greater depths and velocities a Price AA
meter was used. When velocities were observed not to be at right angles
to the discharge transect, the velocity vector component normal to the
measuring section was determined as described in the Procedures Manual
(ADF&G 1981a). Total discharge was then determined as the summation of
the products of cell area and mean cell column velocity. If sufficient
discharge and corresponding stage data were collected at a gaging
station, simple rating curves were developed.
Depth and velocity measurements were also obtained at specific intervals
along each transect in the FHU study sites using a Marsh-McBirney model
201 electronic flow meter and methods outlined in the Procedures Manual
(ADF&G 1981a). From these data, discharge was computed to estimate the
range and quantity of habitat available to fish and to calibrate the IFG
computer model for each study site (Milhous, et al. 1981).
Upstream of Devil Canyon
Discharge measurements were obtained in six tributaries located upstream
of Devil Canyon employing techniques outlined above and in the
Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1981a). Refer to Volume 5, Section 2.2.3 for
specific discharge methods employed upstream of Devil Canyon.
2.1.2 Thalweg Profiles
Thalweg is defined as "the line following the deepest part or middle of
the bed or channel of a river or stream" (Arnette 1975). To determine
the thalweg of sloughs SA, 9, 11 and 21, surveys were conducted using
the standard surveying techniques of differential leveling. After
establishing a temporary bench mark (the elevation of which was later
tied into project datum), the survey progressed from one end of the
slough through its entire length. Based on visual observation during a
low flow period, low points at areas of significant·change in gradient
(tops and bottoms of riffles, bottoms of pools, etc.) were selected as
tha 1 weg points. Distances between these points were measured to the
nearest foot using a survey tape or by reading the stadia on the survey
level. The data was then plotted with elevation as the ordinate and
distance as the abscissa. In some sloughs, elevations obtained from
previous surveys (i.e., study area transects or cross sections at slough
head and mouth) were used for part of the plot to save time and dupli-
cation of effort.
The area referred to as the mouth of a slough is a hydraulically dynamic
zone, dependent on the stage of the mainstem Susitna River and the
streambed morphology of a slough. As such, an exact geographical
location of a slough mouth is only an approximation (see Trihey 1982 for
a more detailed description of slough morphology).
For the purpose of constructing thalweg profiles for sloughs 8A, 9, 11
and 21, the mouth of each slough was defined by R&M transects #125.2W1,
128.4W1, 135.5W1 and 141.8S7, respectively (R&M 1982).
2.1.3 Other Hydrological Components Backwater Areas
Backwater areas are zones of low velocity water which result from
hydraulic barriers created by mainstem stage effects. Data was collect-
ed twice monthly at 17 slough and tributary habitat locations from June
through September, 1982 to describe the relationshi-p between mainstem
Susitna River discharge and backwater areas. The data base consists of
a series of maps, one for each sampling period at each site, depicting
the prevailing hydraulic features of the surface waters.
To map hydraulic conditions, nine different hydrological "zones" were
defined to represent various conditions of water surface velocity, water
source (tributary or mainstem) and hydraulic influence from mainstem
water surface elevations present at the mouth of a study site. After
the hydraulic conditions at a study area were categorized using the zone
codes (numbers 1-9), maps of the wetted surface and zone boundaries were
Susitna River discharge data used in the presentation of these results
was provided by the USGS as provisional data (USGS 1982). The June
discharges for the upper river were estimated by the USGS from support-
ing data because the Gold Creek Gaging station (15292000) was inopera-
tive during June. Additional correction to these discharges were made
for the June 19-30, 1982 period after the 1st Draft Data Report was
Descriptions of the field program and zone codes are presented in Volume
3, Section 2.1.3 and are discussed in detail in Part II, Section 2.2 of
this volume. A narrative description of each habitat site is also given
in Volume 4 (Appendix 4-F). Included in these descriptions are traced
reductions of blueline zone-boundary maps (see Slough 21, Slough 6A,
Whitefish Slough, and Whiskers Creek and Sidechannel) which illustrate
the mapping procedures.
Aerial photographs of each habitat location were taken on May 31 and
August 20, 1982 under contracts with R&M Consultants and North Pacific
Aerial Surveys, Inc. These were printed as blueline copies at a scale
of 1"=50 1 for use as reference maps. At the time of each sampling, the
observed boundaries of wetted surfaces and the 1 ocati on of zones were
drawn on the b 1 ue 1 i ne maps. During the June samp 1 i ngs, b 1 ue 1 i ne maps
were not available thus the June data compilations were constructed in
Anchorage from sketches, measurements and photographs taken in the
field. In general, wetted edge locations and zone boundaries were
located on the blueline maps using natural points of reference (e.g.,
deadfall, trees, geographic features) and measurements made using
a survey tape. Wetted edge boundaries were typically mapped without a
great amount of precision. Ground truth measurements were made at most
sites to check and/or adjust the scales on the blueline photographs.
Surface Area Measurements
Surface areas were measured from the blueline maps (or direct tracings
of the maps) with a NumonicsR model 2400 Digitizer.
Several random and systematic errors are associated with the measured
surface areas.
Random errors were introduced during various steps of map construction.
Specific sources of random errors include inaccurately 1 ocati ng the
wetted edge boundary and inaccurately locating the boundary between
hydraulic zones (for more on this see Part II, section 2.2).
Systematically, deviations as large as 7 percent were found between
indicated linear distances (map scale) and measured ground features at
some sites. Unfortunately, some sites had no natural features to check
map scales against. Deviations also appeared across the surface of maps
as a result of photographic image distortion {parallax). Scales on
blueline maps made from the May and August flights for some sites were
also found to differ by several percent. A combined estimate of system-
atic error might reasonably approach 15 percent in some of the surface
areas measured.
Precise surface area measurements were not the objective of this study,
rather the goal was to document trends in the distribution of hydraulic
conditions to relate to the fish distribution. Finer resolution in the
maps was not practical within the constraints of the 1982 program. Open Channel
Segments of sloughs SA, 9 and 21, Rabideux Slough and Chum Channel were
selected for computer modeling using hydraulic simulation programs
developed by the Instream Flow Group (Milhous et. al. 1981). Provided
with channel depths, velocities, widths and water surface elevations
from transects at known mainstem discharges, these models extrapolate
and predict hydraulic parameters including depth; velocity, width,
wetted perimeter and water surface elevation at unobserved streamflows.
Data from actual field observations are used to calibrate the model.
When predicted hydraulic parameters at known discharges closely
approximate observed parameters and when predicted hydraulic parameters
at hypothetical discharges fit a realistic pattern based on past
hydrological experience, the models are calibrated. Data collected
during one field season will not necessarily include a sufficient range
of conditions to calibrate the model at all potential discharges. Thus,
the models are being developed from data collected in 1982 and are reli-
able only at streamflows within specified limits. The results of
modeling will be presented in the Fisheries and Habitat Relationships
2.2 Water Quality Investigations
Water quality data were collected throughout the study area as discussed
2.2.1 Temperatures
Surface and intragravel water temperatures were measured on an instan-
taneous and continuous basis at various locations in the Susitna River
basin. Several types of temperature monitoring instruments were em-
ployed. Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature was measured on an instantaneous and contin-
uous basis at various locations in the Susitna River basin. Instantan-
eous surface water temperature measurements were obtained at various
locations in the water column from the streambed to the water surface.
Continuous monitoring of the surface water temperature was confined to
the portion of the water column adjacent to the stream bed upon which
the temperature sensor rested, usually 0.5 feet or less above the stream
bed, or upon the stream bed itself. Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous water temperatures were obtained at each study site in the
process of collecting the basic water quality field parameters. The
measurements were collected with either a calibrated Brooklyn mercury
thermometer or Hydrolab model 4041 electronic multiparameter unit using
procedures outlined in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1981a). Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature was measured during the 1982 open-water field
season on a continuous basis at 23 stations within the Susitna River
basin, including 10 mainstem sites (located from RM 5.0 to RM 140.0), 10
major tributaries from the Yentna River (RM 28.4) to the Oshetna River
(RM 233.4) (Figure 41-2-4), and of 3 sloughs above Talkeetna (sloughs
8A, 9 and 21). The two types of instruments employed in the continuous
measurement of temperature were the Peabody-Ryan model J-90 submersible
thermograph and the Omnidata recorder (datapod) with associated thermis-
tors. For both the thermograph and the datapod, the temperature sensor
was placed on the bottom of the stream to record the water temperature
of the lower portion of the water column adjacent to the stream bed.
Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermographs continuously monitor and record
temperature with an error of 0.6°C on 90-day charts. Thermographs,
after installation, were monitored and serviced (if necessary) twice
monthly, except those located above Devil Canyon which were monitored on
a monthly basis. To ensure accuracy of temperature data collected, each
thermograph was screened at two temperatures (0°C and between 11-16°C)
prior to installation using a calibrated Brooklyn or American Society
for Testing and Manufacturing (ASTM) thermometer as a standard. Thermo-
graphs found to be in error by more than 3°C at either screening temper-
Figure 4!-2-4.
c'' ·Y
SCALE • I: 500,000
Susitna River mainstem and tributary thermograph
ature were not used and were returned to the manufacturer for ca 1 i-
bration. To ensure proper calibration of temperature readings, surface
water temperatures were obtained using a calibrated thermometer at the
time of installation and removal of the thermograph from each site. A
unique calibration factor was then determined for each thermograph,
calculated as the difference in the readings between the surface water
temperature obtained with the thermograph and the calibrated thermometer
at the time of thermograph removal. The calibration factor was deter-
mined from data at the time of thermograph removal rather than the time
of installation because response time after installation varied for each
thermograph. The ca 1 i brati on factor was then used to correct 2-hour
point temperature readings from each recording chart. From these
corrected 2-hour point temperatures mean, maximum and minimum temper-
atures were computer calculated for each 6-hour period. The instal-
lation and service methods are outlined in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G
The data pods and associ a ted thermi stars used to continuously monitor
surface water temperatures were capable of simultaneously recording both
surface and intragravel water temperature with an error of O.l°C. The
datapod incorporates a non-volatile, ultraviolet (UV) erasable, solid
state data storage module (DSM) to record data. The DSM is capable of
approximately three months data storage recorded in 6 hour intervals as
minimum, maximum and mean water temperatures. The units were virtually
maintenance-free but were peri odi ca lly checked for 1 ow battery charge
and disturbance by wildlife.
To obtain surface water temperatures with a datapod, the associated
thermistor was attached to a weight and placed upon the substrate of the
stream channel. Each thermistor probe was calibrated prior to field
installation by Dryden and LaRue Consulting Engineers (distributors of
the instruments) and assigned a calibration factor. The surface water
temperature probe was placed immediately adjacent to an intragravel
temperature probe (see Section associated with the same
recorder. Immediately after installation of the recorder and prior to
removal of the DSM, a surface water temperature was obtained with a
ca 1 i bra ted mercury thermometer. In addition, surface water temperature
was obtained from a 11 Short data dump 11 which the recorder is programmed
to yield. The 11 Short data dump 11 is a listing of data which also
includes errors accumulated, numbers of data points ·stored, minutes to
next recording and intragravel water temperature. The two temperatures
were compared, taking into consideration probe calibration factors, to
ensure accuracy of the instrument. The data was retrieved from the DSM
via an Omnidata model 217 Datapod/Cassette Reader and printed as 6-hour
maximum, minimum and mean temperatures. Intragravel Water Temperature
Intragravel water temperature measurements were obtained on an instan-
taneous and continuous basis in the Susitna River basin during the 1982
open-water fie 1 d season using Peabody-Ryan thermographs and Omni data
recorders (datapods) for the continuous measurements and Digi-Sense
recorders for the instantaneous measurements.
24 Instantaneous Intragravel Water
Instantaneous intragravel water temperatures were obtained at salmon and
Bering cisco mainstem spawning sites and in Sloughs 8A, 9, 11, and 21
using a Digi-Sense temperature recorder and associated Yellow Springs
Instruments (YSI) series 400 insertion probe. The following procedure
was utilized to obtain an instantaneous intragravel temperature using a
Digi-Sense temperature meter and associated YSI insertion probe.
1) The wire lead was attached from the insertion probe to the
Digi-Sense unit.
2) The insertion probe was pushed into substrate to a depth of at
least six inches.
3) The unit was turned on for a period long enough to allow the
digital readout to stabilize (usually within 30-60 seconds).
4) The water temperature was recorded.
Variations in measurements of up to 0.2°C associated with drift and damp
field conditions usually resulted in erroneous values making it neces-
sary to check instruments in the field with a calibrated ASTM mercury
thermometer (verified accuracy ±0.2°C) before and after a series of
readings. A calibration factor was then determined for each set of
readings as the difference between the mercury thermometer reading and
Digi-Sense readings and was later used to correct the recorded readings.
25 Continuous Intragravel Water
Intragravel water temperature was continuously monitored and recorded at
various sites in the Susitna River basin during 1982 using both the
Peabody-Ryan model J-90 submersible thermographs and the datapods with
associated thermistor. Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermographs were used
for determining intragravel water temperatures only during the 1981-82
ice covered period. Refer to Appendix Table 4-C-1 for a list of the
continuous surface and intragravel water temperature data collected
during 1981 and 1982.
Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermographs were buried 1· to 3 feet in the
substrate. The i nsta 11 ati on procedure for these thermographs is the
same as for the surface water temperature thermographs, with the excep-
tion that the thermographs monitoring intragravel water temperature were
checked within 90 days and full 90 day recording charts were used (ADF&G
1981a). Methods of data reduction are the same as those presented in
Section for the continuous measurements of surface water
temperature data by Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermographs, except that
the thermographs were not screened and ca 1 i bra ted according to proce-
dures described in Section Calibration factors were de-
termined (for each thermograph) by a 11 owing each thermograph to reach
equilibrium in a water bath at soc (as determined by a calibrated
Brooklyn thermometer) and then following procedures outlined in Section for computing calibration factors.
Datapods was also used to record intragravel water temperatures during
the 1982 field season. Datapods were found to be advantageous over the
Peabody-Ryan thermographs because of several unique features the units
incorporate to record intragravel water temperatures including: (1) an
ability to measure temperature to an accuracy of 0.1°C, (2) a minimal
amount of effort is expended in calibrating the probes, (3) only the
Data Storage Module (DSM) must be removed for data retrieval and not the
entire instrument thus allowing for a continuous flow of temperature
data, (4) the recorder can be secured out of the water on a safe loca-
tion with the risk of only losing the temperature probe during periods
of flooding and bank erosion, (5) two probes can be used simultaneously
to record both intragravel and surface water temperatures on the same
DSM, and (6) there is considerably less data reduction time in compari-
son to the Peabody-Ryan thermograph.
Each datapod was equipped to simultaneously monitor the intragravel and
surface water temperature at a placement site. The associated
intragravel thermistor was secured within a steel, slotted tube and
inserted approximately 18 inches into the substrate. The thermistor
probe wires were connected to the Omnidata recorder which was stored in
a waterproof container secured on the stream bank out of the range of
flood flows and eroding banks. The surface water temperature probe was
weighted and placed adjacent to the intragravel probe (see section for details). Field installation procedures and data
reduction techniques are the same as described in Section
2.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters
The dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature, and specific conductance of
surface water were collected throughout the Susitna River basin during
1982 by Instream Flow Eva 1 uation Study, Fishery Habitat Uti 1 i zation
Study, Fishery Distribution Study, Electrofishing Study and Impoundment
Study personnel. The basic field parameters of DO, pH, water tempera-
ture, and specific conductance were measured in the field using a
Hydrolab model 4041 portable multiparameter meter. The four parameters
were measured simultaneously at the Sonde unit (underwater unit) and the
readings were displayed in an indicator unit. Each hydrolab was cali-
brated prior to entering the field (see Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1981a)
for methods of calibration) except for temperature which was calibrated
by the manufacturer. Measurement of the basic field parameters varied,
depending on the specific tasks of the various studies involved.
The basic field parameters were obtained at each discharge transect
within each Resident Fish Designated Habitat site at intervals necessary
to characterize the water quality present.
The basic field parameters were collected to determine the overall
differences in water quality within each Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat
Investigation Slough site. Sites for measurement of water quality were
located at the head and mouth of the FHU study slough and in, above and
below any tributary (sufficiently far downstream to allow mixing) or
other water sources (spring or upwelling) within the site.
Twice monthly, hydraulic zones were determined within each Resident Fish
Designated Habitat site. To characterize the water quality present
within each zone, the basic field parameters were collected in an area
of the zone considered representative for the entire zone.
Measurements of the basic field parameters gathered in conjunction with
the mainstem Fish Habitat investigations were collected at spawning
sites of resident and anadromous fish species (refer to Vol. 4, Part II
for specific information concerning site selection and data collection
The basic field parameters were obtained at least once per month at
designated tributary, mainstem and lake sampling sites in the impound-
ment zone (see Vol. 5 for details). Additional sites, including minor
tributaries and tributary study sections, were also sampled on irregular
Water samples for turbidity analysis were collected by the Fish
Distribution Study (FDS), Downstream Migrant Study and the Impoundment
Study personnel. Turbidity samples were collected in 250 ml bottles and
stored for a maximum of 18 days in a cool, dark location prior to
analysis. Samples were obtained within each FDS zone twice monthly and
analyzed in the field on a HF Instruments DRT-15 turbidity meter accord-
; ng to procedures described in the Procedures Manu a 1 (ADF&G 1981a).
Turbidity samples were obtained daily from the mainstem at the smolt
trap (located at the Talkeetna Fishwheel camp) for the Downstream
Migrant Study and also analyzed in the field on a HF instruments DAT-15
turbidity meter. Turbidity samples were collected by Impoundment Study
personnel on a monthly basis at designated tributary and mainstem
sampling sites (see Impoundment WQ site selection Vol. 5). Analysis was
performed on a Hach 2100A turbidity meter immediately upon returning
from the field using procedures described in the Procedures Manual
(ADF&G 1982a).
·Turbidity values, reported as Nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) were
measured to the sensitivity of the turbidimeter calibrated with the
appropriate standard. Measured turbidity values less than 1 NTU are
reported as less than 1 NTU. Values equal to or less than 100 NTUs are
reported to the nearest whole number. Values greater than 100 NTUs are
reported to two significant figures.
2.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases
A study of dissolved gases was conducted in the Susitna River between
the Chulitna River confluence and the upper extent of the Devil Canyon
rapids. The uppermost sampling site was located approximately one
quarter mile above the mouth of Devil Creek (RM 161.4). Dissolved gas
concentrations were measured at several points through the 10 mile reach
of the proposed Devil Canyon rapids and downstream to approximately 50
miles below the Devil Canyon dam site. During the summer of 1982, a
continuous recording monitor was installed approximately two miles below
the Devil Canyon dam site. Most of the decay data was collected between
this monitor and the Alaska Railroad bridge at Gold Creek. Precise
locations are indicated in the Appendix Tables by river mile (Appendix
4-D-1) .
. Dissolved gas measurements were taken approximately one meter below the
. surface, although this varied somewhat depending on conditions. Very
minor variations in dissolved gas pressures were recorded with depth.
Sampling was usually done from a river boat drifting with the current in
the river below Devil Canyon. Above the Devil Canyon dam site, gas
measurements were often made by suspending the probe from a hovering
helicopter. Because of the high velocities, this was generally done in
eddies below the rapids. Where possible in the canyon, measurements
were made from shore by landing on islands or rock outcroppings.
Approximately 15 to 30 minutes was allowed for the dissolved gas read-
ings to stabilize before the probe readings were recorded. Temperature
and tensionometer pressure readings were recorded at each site. Because
of the difficulties in sampling in the canyon, these values are somewhat
less precise than those in the lower river.
Two types of instruments were used to measure dissolved gas pressure
during this study. A saturometer described by Bouck (1982) was used for
the initial measurements during the 1981 field season. However, because
of the lack of portability of this instrument, a saturometer developed
by Common Sensing was used for all subsequent measurements. This
instrument was modified for continuous recording of dissolved gas
pressure and was dep 1 oyed from August 4 through October 10, 1982. A
Datapod solid state recorder was connected to the saturometer and used
to record temperature and dissolved gas pressure hourly throughout this
Dissolved oxygen was also recorded during the initial sampling periods
of 1981 to determine the relative contribution of dissolved oxygen to
the overall gas supersaturation. Measurements were made in the field
with a YSI dissolved oxygen probe with duplicate measurements at some
sites by use of the Winkler method. Because the dissolved oxygen levels
closely para 11 el ed tota 1 gas supersaturation, further measurements of
dissolved oxygen during the remainder of the study were not conducted.
Barometric pressure readings were recorded by use of the saturometer
when point measurements were made. The Talkeetna weather station
barometric pressure data from the U.S. Weather Bureau was used for
ca 1 i brati on of the continuous recording di sso 1 ved gas concentrations,
using standard correction factors for altitude differences.
Discharge data used are the provisional records of the U.S. Geological
Survey from the Gold Creek gaging station (15292000). Hourly stream-
flows were obtained by digitizing copies of the USGS gage traces and
converting the hourly gage heights to discharge by use of the current
rating table for this gage.
Dissolved gas supersaturation and all other values were calculated using
the formula of Bouck (1982). These formula are duplicated in Appendix
Table 4-D-2 of this report. All statistics were calculated using micro-
computer statistical programs or by use of programmable calculators.
Further references in addition to details of statistical analysis are
included in Appendix Table 4-D-3.
3.1 Hydrological Investigations
3.1.1 Stage and Discharge
Stage and discharge measurements were obtai ned during the 1982 open-
water season at various mainstem, slough and tributary sites within the
Susitna River basin (Appendix Table 4-A-1). Mainstem Sites Between Talkeetna and Devil
Periodic stage readings (converted to water surface elevations) were
obtained at 31 mainstem locations between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
during the 1982 open-water season. These data, along with corresponding
average daily discharges of the mainstem recorded at Gold Creek (USGS
provisional data, 1982), are presented in Appendix Table 4-A-2. Plots
of these data (Appendix Figures 4-A-1 -4-A-16) indicate the relation-
ship between water surface elevation and mainstem discharge is relative-
ly well defined at most of the 31 locations for the range of flows from
8,000 to 30,000 cubic feet/second (cfs). The water surface elevation of
the river rises approximately 1.5 to 2.0 feet as discharge increases
from 10,000 to 20,000 cfs. A mainstem gradient map (Figure 4!-3-1)
shows a drop of 10.6 ft/mi from Portage Creek to Curry and 7.8 ft/mi
from Curry to Whiskers Creek Slough.
700 -Q)
Q) -z
0 ;:: 600
w w
..J U1 w
w 500
98 100
105 110 115 120 125
4th of
To I keetna to Portage Creek
L_J Distance from Slough Head to Mouth
Relative to Susitna River Mile
135 140 145 150
Figure 41-3-l. Gradient of the Susitna River from Talkeetna to Portage Creek.
At the onset of the 1982 field season, it was intended to define the
relationship between stage and discharge for the mainstem upstream of
Talkeetna for the full range of discharges that normally occur during
. the open water season. However, abnormally low discharges this past
summer, followed by high fall flows and an early freeze-up, precluded
our ability to obtain the necessary field data to define water surface
profiles for mainstem discharges in the 5,000 to 8,000 cfs or 30,000 to
45,000 cfs ranges. Sloughs in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach
of the Susitna River
Periodic staff gage readings and discharge measurements were obtained
during the 1982 open water field season at eleven sloughs located
between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (Whiskers and Lane Creek Sloughs and
Sloughs 6A, 8A, 9, 11, 168, 19, 20, 21 and 22). Information for Sloughs
8A, 9, 11 and 21 is presented in Part II, Section Data
collected from Whiskers and Lane Creek Sloughs and Sloughs 6A, 168, 19,
20 and 22 and additional information on Sloughs 9, 11 and 21 is
presented below.
Baseline data from Whiskers and Lane Creek Sloughs and Sloughs 9, 168,
20, 21 and 22 have been used to construct preliminary rating curves.
Insufficient data at the other sloughs prevented the development of
rating curves.
Plots were made comparing mainstem discharge to the observed water
surface elevation within sloughs 6A, 11, 168, 19, 20, 21, 22, Whiskers
and Lane (Appendix Figures 4-A-17 to 4-A-30)L Cross sections were made
for Whiskers and Lane Creek Sloughs and Sloughs 11, 168, 20 and 22,
(Appendix Figures 4-A-31 to 4-A-36). Additional cross section data were
developed utilizing ADF&G survey data obtained in 1982 for Sloughs 8A, 9
and 21 (Appendix Figures 4-A-37 to 4-A-39).
Sloughs were characterized as either upland or side sloughs. Upland
sloughs were defined as those having no connection to the mainstem other
than at their mouth, with their water sources consisting primarily of
ground water and/or surface water. Side sloughs were defined as those
connected to the mainstem at their mouth and, during periods of high
mainstem flow, at their upstream juncture (head) with the mainstem. Upland Sloughs
Slough 6A
Slough 6A (Figure 41-3-2) is an area of clear backwater characterized by
extremely low velocities. Water sources are primarily composed of
ground water and surface runoff from a beaver dam in its upstream
portion. Twelve staff gage readings were obtained at the mouth of
Slough 6A showing a range of 3.2 feet of water surface elevation change
over a corresponding range of mainstem flows from 8,440 to 32,000 cfs
(Appendix Table 4-A-3). Water surface elevations obtained at the mouth
of the slough were within 0.25 feet of the corresponding water surface
. ~ .... : _.:-;··· .. ::~. ,, .. . ;: . . .....
.. .. , ...... ::·~ . •• # :··· •
... ·~~~~6
....... ·i····.··· ··~·.,·: ....... ,., ..... ; .. ;, ..•... ··::··"··,·.:· .. · ... ,,.; .. :.; ... :.··:·:·::.·.::'· : ..• ·-. .• ····:·::.:.·.:,,-, i.· .... ···': ..
( approx. seale)
·: ...... J<! ,. : ···,·::. ,-, ••••• ·, •• ;.-.-... .:-. ·:: t:• :·!· .... ~ ....... /o: .... t' ... ·· ....
Figure 4!-3-2. Planimetric site map of Slough 6A, RM 112.3, GC S28N05Wl3CAC.
elevations obtained in the mainstem (Appendix Table 4-A-2) for mainstem
flows in the range of 14,000 to 32,000 cfs, indicating that a backwater
effect occurs at the slough mouth over this range of mainstem flows. A
single slough discharge, measured at 0.6 cfs, was obtained at the mouth
of the slough when the corresponding mainstem discharge was 24,200 cfs
(Table 41-3-1).
Slough 19
Slough 19 (Figure 41-3-3) is a relatively short slough that, during
periods of high mainstem flow, exhibits an area of backwater in its
lower reaches. The primary sources of clear water in this slough, based
on visual observations, appears to be ground water. and surface water
runoff. Nineteen water surface elevations obtained at the downstream
point of access (small side channel below the mouth) to Slough 19
exhibited a range of 3.27 feet over a corresponding range of mainstem
flows from 11,700 to 31,800 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Water surface
elevations, obtained in the mainstem adjacent to Slough 19, exhibited a
range of 3.54 feet during mainstem flows of 6,900 to 31,900 cfs
(Appendix Table 4-A-2). A single slough discharge, measured at 0.4 cfs,
was obtained at the mouth of Slough 19 (Table 41-3-1) when the mainstem
discharge was 13,300 cfs.
,., ..
0 500
(a pprox. s co I e)
sustTNA Rl vER
,,;, ... , ... •.:: .... ,:,, ·.•. ;·.· .. ::, !·:.r,.:
··.: .. '
. "; .. ·.:::·· :j: !" ••• ·: .' •• ~ .• ·~ ~""' • ' ~ 0 ~. ' •••
: ::,.
Figure 4!-3-3. Planimetric site map of Slough 19, RM 140.0, GC S3lN02WlODBB.
Table 41-3-1. Comparison of periodic measurements of slough flow at selected
sloughs upstream of Talkeetna to the corresponding mean daily
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station
Location Date
Whiskers Creek Slough 821009
(RM 101.4) 820903
Slough 6A
(RM 112.3)
Lane Creek Slough 820903
(RM 113.6) 820920
Slough 9 820825
(RM 129.2) 820909
Slough 11 820830
(RM 135. 7) 820918
Slough 16B 820902
(RM 138.0) 820919
Slough 19
(RM 139.8)
aUSGS Provisional Data, 1982.
bTrue water surface elevation.
WSELb Discharge
(cfs) (ft)
2.0 365.58
0.7 365.65
0.2 365.81
35.1 366.22
0.6 457.61
2.0 468.28
9.9 469.41
20.7 470.75
c 593.51~ 1. 7 c
3.0c 593.56
28.0c 593.92c
108.0c 594.10c
182.0 594.27c
3.1 670.72
5.5 670.80
23.5 700.58
54.8 700.85
257.6 701.69
0.4 718.79
cDischarge and water surface elevations obtained by R&M Consultants.
Main stem
dGold Creek stream gage malfunction. USGS estimated value used in plotting
stage-discharge curve.
eDischarge measurement was not used in plotting the stage-discharge curve due
to the location of the measurement which was outside the reach of the stream
necessary to develop a stage-discharge relationship.
Table 41-3-1. (Continued)
Discharge Discharge
Location Date Time (cfs) (ft) (cfs)
Slough 20 820820 1120 2.6 726.76 12,500
(RM 140.2) 820901 1643 11.6 726.89 17,900
820802 1220 16.5 726.99 22,500
820918 1825 44.8 727.27 27,500
820916 1415 158.8 728.06 32,500
Slough 21 820831 1518 3.3 744.90 16,000
(RM 141.9) 820802 1400 5.0 744.93 22,500
820916 1024 59.2 746.52 32,500
Slough 22 820919 1124 5.1 783.84 24,100
(RM 144.6) 820918 1425 31.2 784.28 27,500
820915 1642 118.5 785.08 28,200
aTrue water surface elevation
42 Side Sloughs
Whiskers Creek Slough
Whiskers Creek Slough has a relatively unobstructed channel that has as
its primary water source, when it is not breached by the mainstem,
Whiskers Creek, which empties into the slough approximately midway
between its head and mouth (Figure 41-3-4).
Six staff gage readings were obtained at the head of Whiskers Creek
Slough which joins a side channel of the Susitna River. A water surface
elevation range of 0.80 feet for corresponding mainstem flows of 13,600
to 31,900 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3) was observed. At mainstem
discharges of 13,600 and 15,600 cfs, the head was not breached and the
staff gage site was dewatered. At mainstem discharges of 24,000 and
greater, the head was breached (Table 41-3-2).
Four discharge measurements, obtained in Whiskers Creek Slough above its
confluence with Whiskers Creek (at the mid-slough gaging site), ranged
from 0.2 to 35.1 cfs (Table 41-3-1). The highest discharge measured
(35.1 cfs) was recorded during a period when the head of the slough was
breached and the mainstem discharge was 24,000 cfs (Table 41-3-2). The
lower three flow measurements ranged from 0.2 to 2.0 cfs. The main
water sources contributing to the slough above the Whiskers Creek
confluence during the unbreached period appeared to be ground water and
surface water runoff. Corresponding water surface elevations obtai ned
during the low flows at the mid-slough gaging site, showed a range of
0 2!50
( approx. scale)
-1" .----
.:.: -.. ~ .. : ....... : ... ~ :-: .. : t:: .... ·~··.; .. ·.-.; .. ~ ... ~ .. ;,_,/_ · ... :! •. · ..
Figure 41-3-4. Planimetric site map of Whiskers Creek/Slough, RM 101.2, GC S26N05W03AAC.
Table 41-3-2 Determination of the mainstem discharge at Gold Creek (cfs) required to breach the upstream end (head) of selected side
sloughs in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon Reach.
Analytical Determination
from Staff Gage at Slough Head Field Observations
PZFa at Mainstem Flowb Mainstem Flow
Location Slough Head at Gold Creek Date at Gold Creek
Whiskers Creek Slough 367.3 18,000 820816 15,600
RM 101.2 820710 23,000
820920 24,000
Lane Creek Slough (Slough 8) 472.9 24,000 820920 24,000
RM 113.6 820607 25,000c
Slough SA 820707 16,600
RM 125.3 820711 24,000
820712 26,500c
820608 28,000
Slough 9 820923 19,400
RM 129.2 820722 22,400
820610 26,000c
(31,500)d 820622 26,000c
Slough 11 684.0 Never breached in 1982 Estimated breaching
RM 135.3 flow @ 42,000
Slough 16B 703.0 19,000 820708 18' 100
RM 138.0 J 820914 20,200
Slough 20 730.75 20,000 820914 20,200
RM 140.1 820709 21,500
Slough 21, NW Channel 754.6 24,000 820720 22,900
RM 142.0 820711 24,000
820728 25,600
Slough 21, NE Channel 755.5 26,000 820728 25,600
(31,500)d RM 142.0 820622 26,000c
Slough 22 787.8 21,000 820914 20,200
RM 144.3 820919 24,100
aPZF = Point of zero flow.
bMainstem flow at Gold Creek necessary to breach slough head as determined from point of zero flow (PZF).
cUSGS gaging station was inoperable in June, mainstem discharges are estimates.
dAmended mainstem discharge at Gold Creek as determined from ADFG stage-discharge curve.
Status of Slough
Not breached
Barely breached
Almost breached
Not breached
Not breached
Not breached
Not breached
Not breached
Not breached
Not breached
Barely breached
Not breached
Barely breached
0.12 feet, with the overall range of water surface elevations observed
being 2.03 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-3) and corresponding ranges of
mainstem flows of 8,440 to 28,000 cfs. These slough stage-discharge
data were used to construct and a preliminary rating curve (Figure
Fourteen water surface elevations from the mouth of the slough were
found to have a range of 3. 96 feet corresponding to rna i nstem flows
ranging from 8,440 to 31,900 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3). The water
surface elevation of the mainstem, adjacent to the mouth of vJhiskers
Creek Slough (Figure 41-3-4), ranged 2.50 feet over mainstem flows from
8,440 to 24,000 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-2). Water surface elevations
obtained at the mouth of the slough were within· 0.03 feet of the
corresponding mainstem water surface elevations over the range of
mainstem flows from 8,400 to 24,000 cfs (non-breaching mainstem flows),
indicating that a backwater effect occurred at the mouth of the slough
over these range of mainstem flows.
Lane Creek Slough
Lane Creek Slough (Figure 41-3-6) is an unobstructed, meandering slough
which empties into the mouth of Lane Creek.
The mainstem was observed to breach the head of Lane Creek STough at
mainstem flows of approximately 25,000 cfs (Table 41-3-2). Of the three
staff gage readings obtained at the head of the slough, two were dry at
mainstem flows of 14,000 and 24,000 cfs and one showed a water surface
-IJ) ....
Q =10 -24.ose~ WSEL -360) 31 •6166
5 10
WSEL-360 (feet)
Figure 41-3-5. Whiskers Creek Slough stage-
discharge rating curve.
I· ·' .. .. .,
(opprox. scale)
Figure 41-3-6. Planimetric site map of Lane Creek/Slough, RM 113.6, GC S28N05Wl2ADD.
elevation of 474.30 feet at a mainstem discharge of 32,000 cfs.
Seven water surface elevations obtained at the mid-slough gaging station
showed a range of 2.5 feet over a corresponding range of mainstem flows
from 10,500 to 32,100 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Three discharge
measurements were also obtained at the mid-slough gaging station (Table
4I-3-1), and were used to construct a preliminary rating curve (Figure
4I-3-7). Flow during the two lowest discharges (2.0 and 9.9 cfs)
appeared to result primarily from ground water seepage and surface water
runoff. Flow during the highest measured discharge (20.7 cfs), taken
when the mainstem flow was 32,000 cfs, appeared to be primarily from the
Water surface elevations were not determined at the mouth of Lane Creek
Slough. However, a small backwater area was noted at the mouth of the
slough over all ranges of mainstem flows observed in 1982.
Slough 9
Five discharge measurements (Table 4I-3-1) obtained by R&M Consultants
ranged from 1.7 to 182.0 cfs over a corresponding range of water surface
elevation of 0.76 feet. These measurements were obtained within the
vicinity of the R&M Consultants' stage recorder (Appendix Figure
4-F-30). The mainstem discharge recorded during the period of slough
discharge measurements ranged from 13,400 to 26,000 cfs. These
discharge and stage measurements obtained in Slough 9 were used to
construct a preliminary rating curve (Figure 4I-3-8). Additional
-In 20 -(.')
:I: 10 u
Q= 10-'·•o,. ( WSEL-460)0~
!5 10 20
WSEL -460 {feet)
Figure 41-3-7. Lane Creek Slough stage-discharge
rating curve.
Q = 10"12.11111 ( WSEL-590) 24.20414
1.0 2.0 5.0 IQO
W S E L-590 (feet)
Figure 4I-3-8. Slough 9 stage-discharge
rating curve.
measurements of stage and discharge are presented in Part II, Section
Slough 11
Slough 11 (Figure 4I-3-9) is a relatively long, unforked side slough
with a head and mouth which juncture side channels of the mainstem. The
slough head during the 1982 period of observation was never breached by
the mainstem. Six water surface elevations obtained from gages at the
mid-slough gaging station were found to vary only 0.05 feet (Appendix
Table 4-A-3). A rating curve was not developed for this slough. Due
to the limited range of flows available in Slough 11 in 1982, only two
discharge measurements (3.1 and 5.5 cfs) were obtained at the mid-slough
gaging station (Table 4I-3-1). The main sources of water contributing
to the flow in Slough 11 during the open water season of 1982 appeared
to be from ground water and surface water runoff.
At the mouth, fifteen water surface e 1 evati ons showed a range of 3. 65
feet over a corresponding range of mainstem flows from 11,700 to 28,000
cfs. Water surface elevations of the mainstem, adjacent to the mouth,
during this period had a range of 3.14 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-2).
Backwater effects were observed to be limited to the immediate area of
the mouth, increasing with increased mainstem discharge. Staff gages
located at the head of Slough 11 were observed to be dry throughout the
1982 open winter season and 684.0 feet was determined as the point of
0 500
Figure 41-3-9. Planimetric site map of Slough 11, RM 135.3, GC S31N02Wl9DDD.
zero flow for the head. Refer to Part II, Section for addi-
tional information on this slough.
Slough 168
Slough 168 (Figure 4I-3-10) consists of a relatively unobstructed,
free-flowing channel which head and mouth juncture with the mainstem.
Slough 168 was observed to be breached by the mainstem at the head of
the slough when mainstem flows were 20,200 cfs (Table 4!-3-2). From
five water surface elevations determined from staff gages placed at the
head of Slough 168, it was found that during a range of flows in the
mainstem from 20,200 to 31,900 cfs, the water surface·at the head ranged
1.4 feet.
Eight water surface elevations obtained at the mid-slough gaging station
showed a range of 1.4 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Three discharge
measurements were also obtained at the mid-slough gaging station, rang-
ing from 23.5 to 257.6 cfs (Table 4!-3-1). These data were used to con-
struct a preliminary rating curve for this slough (Figure 4!-3-11). All
discharge measurements measured at the mid-slough gaging station were
obtained while the slough was breached by the mainstem. Corresponding
mainstem flows ranged from 24,100 to 28,200 cfs. A single discharge
measurement was made during a low flow, unbreached period near the mouth
of the slough when the mainstem flow was 16,000 cfs. The flow was
measured at 0.9 cfs and appeared to consist primarily of groundwater and
0 250
( opprox. scale)
Figure 41-3-10. Planimetric site map of Slough l6B, RM 138.0, GC S31N02Wl7ABC.
1000 SLOUGH 16 8
-(/) -(.')
Q=IO '·••••(WSEL-700)2 ·406 ~
(.) 100
.I .!5 1.0 2.0 3.0
WSEL-700 (feet)
Figure 4!-3-11. Slough 168 stage-discharge rating curve.
surface water runoff. This flow measurement was obtained outside the
reach of slough used to develop the rating curve and was not plotted.
The overall range of water surface elevations measured at the mouth of
the slough was 2.88 feet over a corresponding range of mainstem dis-
charges from 11,700 to 31,900 cfs. Thirteen water surface elevations of
the mainstem, adjacent to the mouth of Slough 168, ranged 5.83 feet over
a range of mainstem discharges from 7,950 to 31,900 cfs. No pooling or
backwater effect caused by the mainstem was apparent at the mouth of
this slough during 1982.
Slough 20
Slough 20 (Figure 41-3-12) is a relatively unobstructed, free-flowing
channel which is fed by two clear water tributaries. Both its head and
mouth juncture the mainstem Susitna River.
Fourteen staff gage readings were obtained at the head of the slough, of
these, three were observed dry at mainstem flows ranging from 12,500 to
20,200 cfs. The other eleven gage readings ranged from 0.40 to 1.39
feet over mainstem flows ranging from 21,500 to 32,500 cfs (Appendix
Table 4-A-3). These data indicate the slough breaches between a
mainstem discharge of 20,200 and 21,500 cfs (Table 41-3-2).
Thirteen water surface elevations, obtained at the mid-slough gaging
station varied 1.28 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Five discharge mea-
surements, taken at the mid-slough gaging station, ranged from 2.6 to
:r:.·., ••.• ·.· •• ,. '"· ~ .: ... • ,. ·.•. ••·.• '•:' ·'.":'*>'•'::.,\,'.',:.;.;.·.-::·-.•·. •:.•, .• , .• •. •
o/ • o •, • •'• '' '\ •, • ''•,••; •• • • '• '• ~. '• o ': .., :,.. •: • ." ~ ... •,• '• I;, o ,• •'• f:;) ~ • ,: '•/ " o •,' •:,•,• '•:.~ .. , •,, •
0 500
( opprox. seale)
:; ~ Woftlrfo/1 Cr.
:~\ ..
Figure 4!-3-12. Planimetric site map of Slough 20, RM 140.1, GC S31N02WllBBC.
158.8 cfs (Table 41-3-1). These data were used to construct a prelim-
inary rating curve for this slough (Figure 41-3-13). Corresponding
mainstem flows during the period of slough discharge measurements ranged
from 12,500 to 32,500 cfs. Water surface elevations obtained at the
mid-slough gaging station during breached and non-breached conditions
varied 1.10 and 0.17 feet, respectively; while corresponding discharge
measurements ranged from 16.4 to 158.8 cfs (breached period), and 2.6 to
11.6 cfs, (non-breached period). Mai nstem flows during these periods
ranged from 22,500 to 32,500 cfs, (breached period) and 12,500 to 17,900
cfs, (non-breached period).
Twenty water surface elevations recorded at the mouth of Slough 20
ranged 2.44 feet during corresponding mainstem flows from 8,480 to
32,500 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Mainstem water surface elevations
recorded adjacent to the mouth of Slough 20 for this same period ranged
2.48 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-2). These data indicate a backwater
effect takes place in the vicinity of the mouth of the slough for these
ranges of mainstem flows. Observations in 1982 substantiate this
Slough 21
In this report, Slough 21 has been defined to include the slough proper
and the extended access channel oriented parallel to the mainstem
Susitna River. The slough portion of the Slough 21 complex (Figure
41-3-14) is a relatively long slough which parallels the mainstem
Susitna River. The upper portion of Slough 21 forks into two channels
-(/) -() -LLI
5 10
WSEL -720 (feet)
Figure 4I-3-13. Slough 20 stage-discharge
rating curve.
Figure 4!-3-14. Planimetric site map of Slough 21, RM 142.0, GC S31N02W02AAA.
( opprox. seale)
and both heads juncture the mainstem. The mouth of the slough drains
into a side channel of the mainstem.
The NW (left channel looking upstream) head was observed to be breached
by the mainstem at mainstem flows greater than 24,000 cfs (Table 41-3-
2). Of the 12 staff gage readings obtained at the NW head, four were
dry at mainstem flows between 16,000 and 22,900 cfs and eight had a
range of 0.66 feet over mainstem flows from 24,000 to 32,500 cfs.
Mainstem flows of at least 26,000 cfs, however, are required to breach
the NE head. Of the nine staff gage readings obtained at the NE head of
Slough 21, five were dry at mainstem flows ranging from 16,000 and
26,000 cfs and four had a range of 0.46 feet over mainstem flows from
26,000 to 31,900 cfs (Appendix Table 4-A-3). With ·a mainstem flow of
32,500 cfs on September 16, both heads were breached by the mainstem.
Seventeen water surface elevations obtained at the gaging station
located downstream of the forks varied 2.10 feet (Appendix Table 4-A-3).
Three discharge measurements were also obtained at this gaging station
ranging from 3.2 to 59.2 cfs (Table 41-3-1). These data were used to
construct a preliminary rating curve for this slough (Figure 41-3-15).
Corresponding mainstem discharges over the period of measurement ranged
from 11,000 to 32,500 cfs. The two lowest discharge measurements, 3.2
and 5.0 cfs, were recorded during non-breaching mainstem flows of 16,000
and 22,500. The highest recorded slough discharge measured 59.2 cfs and
was recorded during a breaching mainstem flow of 32,500 cfs. The
primary sources of water to the slough flow during times of non-breach-
ing mainstem flows appeared to be ground water and surface water runoff.
- 2
() -1.1.1
(!) cr
<t ::r
0 I 0
Q = 10-&.9626 ( WSEL -740) 9 ·&0115
5 10
WSEL-740 (feet)
Figure 4!-3-15. Slough 21 stage-discharge
rating curve.
Seventeen water surface e 1 evati ons obtai ned at the mouth of Slough 21
(Appendix Table 4-A-3) had a range of 0.25 feet for mainstem flows from
12,200 to 24,100 cfs and a range of 1. 42 feet for rna i nstem flows from
25,600 to 32,500 cfs. Very 1 ittl e backwater effects caused by the
mainstem were observed in the vicinity of the mouth of Slough 21 in
Refer to Part II, Section for additional information concern-
ing this slough.
Slough 22
Slough 22 has a relatively long, unobstructed channel which head and
mouth both juncture the mainstem Susitna River (Figure 4I-3-16).
Mainstem water was observed to begin to breach the head of Slough 22 at
mainstem flows of 22,500 cfs (Table 4I-3-2). For mainstem flows in the
range of 22,500 to 28,200 cfs, the water surface elevation of the slough
at the head varied 1.40 feet. Three dry staff gage readings were
obtained under non-breaching mainstem flows of 18,100, 16,000 and 13,600
Nine water surface elevations obtained at the mid-slough gaging station
had a range of 1.72 (feet) (Appendix Table 4-A-3). Three discharge
measurements obtained at this gaging station ranged from 5.1 to 118.5
cfs (Table 41-3-1). These data were used to construct a preliminary
... ··" ... : ... \ ~ .. · .. • .
Figure 41-3-16. Planimetric site map of Slough 22, RM 144.3, GC S32N02W32BBD.
0 250
(approx.. scale)
rating curve for Slough 22 (Figure 41-3-17). Corresponding mai nstem
discharges over the periods of measurement ranged from 13,600 to 28,200
cfs. All slough discharges were measured under mainstem breaching
Water surface elevations obtained at the mouth of Slough 22 varied 0.44
feet for mainstem flows ranging from 11,000 to 24,000 cfs and 0.99 feet
for mainstem flows ranging from 24,100 to 28,200 cfs. For mainstem
flows of 24,100 to 28,200 cfs, water depths over the head of Slough 22
ranged from 0.51 to 1.63 feet. No backwater effects caused by mainstem
water influence were observed in 1982 in the vicinity of the mouth of
Slough 22. Tributaries Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
Staff gage readings and discharge measurements were obtai ned at seven
tributaries located between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon during the 1982
open water field season. For all of these tributaries except Fourth of
July Creek preliminary rating curves were developed. A rating curve
could not be developed at Fourth of July Creek due to insufficient data.
Whiskers Creek
Four discharge measurements were obtained on Whiskers Creek (Figure
41-3-4) ranging from 16.9 to 142.5 cfs over a corresponding change in
water surface elevation of 1.54 feet (Table 41-3-3). These data were
used to develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-18). Eleven
en -0
200 SLOUGH 22
"'-..Q=IO·s.s22!i(WSEL -780) 10.8416
Figure 4I-3-17. Slough 22 stage-discharge
rating curve.
Table 41-3-3. A comparison of water surface elevation {WSEL) and discharge
measurements at selected tributary streams upstream of
Talkeetna to the mean daily Susitna River dis~harge recorded
at Gold Creek {USGS gaging station 15292000).
Measured Mainstem
Streamflow Discharge
Location Date Time (ft) (cfs) (cfs)
Whiskers Creek 821009 1145 366.51 31.8 7,080
(R.M. 101.4) 821006 1300 366.59 7,500
gage 101.2T2 820822 1400 366.21 _12,200
820928 1715 366.84 12,900
820909 1315 366.39 13,400
820813 1405 366.48 13,600
820903 1550 366.87 54.7 14,600
820816 1700 366.37 16.9 15,600
820808 1930 366.12 16,600c
820611 366.06 24,000
820920 1615 367.91 142.5 24,000
820715 1320 365.49 25,600 d 820622 0930 367.07 26,000c (31,500)d
820621 1300 367.40 28,000c (37,000)
820725 1525 368.47 31,900
Gash Creek 821009 1545 453.32 5.9 8,440
(R.M. 111.5) 821004 1430 453.34 10,500
gage 111. 5Tl 820813 1320 453.10 13,600
820818 1150 453.18 1.3 14,200
820920 1707 453.69 16.6 24,000
820921 1240 453.34 24,200
Lane Creek 821004 1228 472.03 10,500
(R.M. 113.6) 820909 1100 471.94 13,400
gage 113.6T3 820926 1335 472.11 14,400
820910 1630 471.91 14,400
820903 1450 472.23 14,600
820925 1640 472.14 15,000
820817 1425 475.79 27.5 15,100
820816 475.44 35.3 15,600
820902 475.79 51.7 16,000
820831 475.94 56.7 16,000
820808 1430 471.95 16,600
820917 1645 472.58 32,000
aUSGS provisional data, 1982.
bTrue water surface elevation.
cGold Creek stream gage malfunctioned, USGS estimated value.
dAmended mainstem discharge at Gold Creek as determined from ADFG stage-dis-
charge curve.
Table 4!-3-3 (continued).
Measured Mainstem
Streamflow Discharge
Location Date Time (ft) (cfs) (cfs)
4th of July Creek 820907 1745 625.29 11,700
(R.M. 131.1) 820908 1345 625.24 11 ,900
gage 131.1Tl 820822 1315 624.99 12,200
821001 1524 625.53 12,400
820813 1220 625.18 13,600
820818 1805 625.18 14,200
820903 1130 625.81 14,600
820811 1015 625.33 15,400
820902 1640 625.67 16,000
820810 1835 625.38 16,700
820924 1750 625.53 17,100
820803 1625 625.35 38.3 19,800
820920 1030 626.28 24,000
820919 1026 626.28 24,100
820728 1625 625.52 25,600
820917 1050 626.17 32,000
Tributary at 821003 1715 731.23 11,000
head of Slough 20 820820 1145 730.16 12,500
( R. M. 140. 6) 820813 1005 730.19 13,600
gage 140 .1T3 820901 1540 730.22 0.7 17,900
820804 1220 730.04 18,500
820914 1447 730.52 20,200
820802 1230 730.37 22,500b
820619 730.77 25,000b (28,500)c
820623 1015 730.61 26,000b (26,500)c
820622 1145 730.98 26,000 (31,500)c
820918 1217 730.74 9.3 27,500
820727 1205 730.84 29,100
820916 1230 731.39 23.5 32,500
aTrue water surface elevation.
bGold Creek stream gage malfunctioned, USGS estimated value.
cAmended mainstem discharge at Gold Creek as determined from ADFG stage-dis-
charge curve.
VI -(.)
LLJ 50 (!)
5 10
WSEL-365 (feet)
Figure 4!-3-18. Whiskers Creek stage-discharge
rating curve.
water surface elevations collected in addition to the stage/discharge
data showed an overa 11 range of water surface e 1 evati on during the
period of June to early October of 2.41 feet.
Gash Creek
Three discharge measurements were obtained on Gash Creek (Figure 41-3-
19) ranging from 1.3 to 16.6 cfs over a corresponding change in water
surface elevation of 0.51 feet (Table 41-3-3). These data were used to
develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-20). Three water
surface elevations collected in addition to the stage/discharge measure-
ments had a range of 0. 59 feet during the period August to October,
1982. Flows in Gash Creek are influenced by a culvert located upstream
of the gaging station.
Lane Creek
Four discharge measurements were obtained on Lane Creek (Figure 41-3-6)
ranging from 27.5 to 56.7 cfs over a corresponding change in water
surface elevation of 0.50 feet (Table 41-3-3). These data were used to
develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-20). Eight water
surface elevations collected in addition to the stage/discharge data
showed an overall range of 4.03 feet during the period August to Octo-
ber, 1982.
.· ,,
:. • . . , ..
. ·.-·:·.··::·:·· .... -··"
·~ ..
0 50
(approx. scale)
Figure 4!-3-19. Planimetric site map of Gash Creek, RM 111.5, GC S28N02W24ADA.
-• ....
~ a: < ::c
Q = IO"I.e7u( WSEL-470)4.z079
WSEL-470 (feet)
--Q = 10-7.6457( WSEL _450 ) 15.7438
WSEL -450 (feet)
Figure 41-3-20. Stage-discharge rating curves
for Lane and Gash Creeks.
Fourth of July Creek
Due to high water velocities which made wading hazardous during most of
1982, only a single discharge measurement of 38.3 cfs corresponding to a
water surface elevation of 625.35 feet was obtained on Fourth of July
Creek (Figure 41-3-21). Because of this limited data base, a rating
curve was not developed for this site. Fifteen water surface elevations
collected in addition to the stage/discharge data showed an overall
change in water surface elevation of 1.29 feet during the period July to
October, 1982 (Table 41-3-3).
Unnamed Tributary at the Head of Slough 20
Three discharge measurements were obtained on the unnamed tributary
located at the head of Slough 20 (Figure 41-3-12), ranging from 0.7 to
23.5 cfs over a corresponding change in water surface elevation of 1.17
feet (Table 41-3-3). These data were used to develop a preliminary
rating curve (Figure 41-3-22). Ten water surface elevations collected
in conjunction with stage/discharge data showed an overall change in
water surface of 1.35 feet during the period of June to October, 1982.
Indian River and Portage Creek
Continuous streamflow records for Indian River (Figure 41-3-23) and
Portage Creek (Figure 41-3-24) were obtained from August 9 through
October 22, 1982 (Appendix Tables 4-A-4 and 4-A-5). Streamflows gener-
ally ranged between 100 and 400 cfs over a corresponding change in water
.... · .. -::· ·.::: '{;:!· ...... ·.·:
(Side Channel)
··.;·::,: .. ·.:::: •.. : ·.: ·.; :; .. :;~·: ;·:-:·:::: · ...
(approx. scale)
Figure 41-3-21. Planimetric site map of Fourth of July Creek, RM 131.1, GC S30N03W03DAC.
en -(.)
Q = IO 1.1448(WSEL-?3 0) 1.9363
WSEL-730 (feet)
1.0 2.0
Figure 4!-3-22. Stage-discharge rating curve for
unnamed tributary at the head of
Slough 20.
Figure 41-3-23. Planimetric site map of Indian River, RM 135.6, GC S31N02W09CDA.
(a pprox. scale)
.. i•
) ·:· ·.· '.: {~
0 250
( opprox. a cole)
Figure 41-3-24. Planimetric site map of Portage Creek, RM 148.8, GC S32N01W25CDB.
surface elevation of 1.82 ft at Indian River (Table 41-3-4) and 200 to
600 cfs over a corresponding change in water surface elevation of 2.79
ft at Portage Creek (Table 41-3-5). Due to prevailing weather condi-
tions during the measurement period of 1982, these streamflows may be
considerably less than normally expected for this period.
The peak runoff recorded from early August through October was 1,815 cfs
on September 15 at Indian River and 1,673 cfs on September 16 in Portage
Creek. These streamflows were the effect of a 3-day rainstorm during
which 2.7 inches of precipitation was recorded at Devil Canyon (R&M,
1982 observations). A cursory review of monthly precipitation values at
Talkeetna indicate that this was a fairly large, but not uncommon,
amount of precipitation for September. Preliminary .rating curves were
developed utilizing stage-discharge data collected by R&M Consultants
(Figure 4I~3-25). Mainstem, Sloughs and Tributaries Downstream
of Talkeetna
Measurements of water surface elevation and discharge were obtained at
four tributaries (Goose, Rabideux, Sunshine and Birch Creeks) and four
sloughs (Goose 2, Whitefish, Sunshine and Birch Creek Sloughs) located
downstream of Talkeetna. Preliminary rating curves have been developed
for Lower Goose Creek 2, Rabideux Creek, Sunshine Creek, Birch Creek and
Birch Creek Slough. Insufficient data at the other sites prevented the
development of rating curves. Goose 2 Slough and Sunshine Slough are
Table 41-3-4. Daily mean streamflow and surface water
temperature record for Indian River, Alaska.
DATE (ft) (cfs) (C)
820809 1.76 257 8.6
820810 1.73 244 8.4
820811 1.69 228 8.9
820812 1.59 195 8.9
820813 1.53 176 9.6
820814 1.51 169 9.0
820815 1.50 168 9.0
820816 1.46 156 9.4
820817 1.53 175 8.8
820818 1.53 177 8.4
820819 1.47 158 8.6
820820 1.42 145 9.4
820821 1.38 136 9.3
820822 1.36 131 9.3
820823 1.37 132 9.6
820824 1.35 130 9~7
820825 1.36 130 9.8
820826 1.36 131 9.7
820827 1.33 124 8.8
820828 1.33 123 8.6
820829 1.39 139 8.6
820830 1.80 275 8.0
820831 2.12 446 7.8
820901 1.99 367 7.9
820902 1.87 307 7.9
820903 1.90 322 7.6
820904 1.83 288 7.6
820905 1.77 259 7.5
820906 1.71 235 7.8
820907 1.72 240 8.1
820908 1.68 227 7.6
820909 1.67 220 7.4
820910 1.68 223 7 .1
820911 1.71 238 6.6
820912 1.72 240 6.2
820913 2.15 473 6.2
820914 2.48 762 6.6
820915 3.13 1815 7.1
820916 3.01 1557 6.7
820917 2.71 1041 5.8
820918 2.44 716 6.0
820919 2.63 931 6.2
Table 4I-3-4. Cont.
Table 41-3-5. Daily mean streamflow and surface water
temperature record for Portage Creek, Alaska.
DATE (ft) (cfs) (C) ··--------------------------------
820809 2.17 602 8.0
820810 2.22 625 7.9
820811 2.16 594 8.7
820812 2.02 527 8.7
820813 1.94 489 9.7
820814 1.93 484 9.4
820815 1.96 495 9.3
820816 1.86 451 9.6
820817 1.89 464 8.6
820818 1.87 455 8.4
820819 1.79 418 8.6
820820 1.74 392 9.5
820821 1.70 376 9.4
820822 1.67 359 9.4
820823 1.69 369 9.8
820824 " 1.68 368 9.8
820825 1.69 371 10~0
820826 1.74 394 9.9
820827 1.67 362 8.7
820828 1.63 342 8.1
820829 1.72 385 8.4
820830 2.19 609 7.5
820831 2.50 766 7.3
820901 2.31 672 7.6
820902 2.19 612 7.5
820903 2.33 682 7.1
820904 2.28 658 7.1
820905 2.19 611 7.0
820906 2.13 579 7.5
820907 2.15 589 7.8
820908 2.09 563 7.0
820909 2.08 557 6.9
820910 2.15 592 6.8
820911 2.15 590 6.0
820912 2.16 595 5.7
820913 2.59 814 6.0
820914 3 .19 1088 6 .1
820915 4.06 1584 6.6
820916 4.21 1673 5.9
820917 3.73 1391 5.2
820918 3.41 1210 5.4
820919 3.58 1308 5.8
Table 41-3-5. Cont.
DATE (ft) (cfs) (C)
820920 3.70 1375 5.5
820921 3.45 1229 5.5
820922 3.24 1114 5.3
820923 3.01 988 4.1
820924 2.83 891 3.6
820925 2.6 9 817 4.1
820926 2.59 765 4.6
820927 2.57 754 4.7
820928 2.45 691 3.5
820929 2.41 670 4.4
820930 2.39 660 4.6
821001 2.30 613 4.1
821002 2.22 578 4.0
821003 2.16 544 3.6
821004 2.09 512 2.6
821005 2.0"3 484 2.0
821006 1.96 449 1.5
821007 1.94 441 1 ~6
821008 1.91 428 1.5
821009 1.88 413 1.5
821010 1.84 394 1.7
821011 1.80 376 1.2
821012 1.79 371 1.7
821013 1.77 360 1.5
821014 1.72 340 1.0.
821015 1.61 290 o.o
821016 1.69 325 0.0
821017 1.69 324 .2
821018 1.62 292 0.0
821019 1.61 290 .1
821020 1.55 265 0.0
821021 1.42 210 0.0
821022 1.42 208 o.o
(.) -1.1.1 I 000
(,t) a::
t-----Q = 375 (GH)1·22
-500 w u..
(..) -
1.0 5
1.0 5
Figure 41-3-25. Stage-discharge rating curves
for Indian River and Portage
also referred to in the backwater area section of this report as Goose 2
side channel and Sunshine minor side channel, respectively.
Stage readings were also obtained in the mainstem Susitna River at the
Sunshine fishwheel station and mainstem Yentna River at the Yentna River
fishwheel station. These data were compared to provisional USGS dis-
charge data collected at Sunshine and Susitna Stations (for the Susitna
River) and Yentna Station (for the Yentna River). In addition, mainstem
Susitna River water surface elevation data was collected at the
confluences of Goose 2 Slough mouth and head of Birch Creek, (Figure
41-2-2). A mainstem gradient map (Figure 41-3-26) shows a drop of 1.9
ft/mi from river mile 0 to R.M. 53.5 and 5.4 ft/mi from river mile 53.5
to 100.4. This data is presented in conjunction with the slough and
tributary data. Cross sections were made from survey data collected by
ADF&G personnel in 1982 for Rabideux Slough and Chum Channel (Appendix
Figures 4-A-40 and 4-A-41). Mainstem Sites
Sunshine Fishwheel Station
A summary of the Sunshine fishwheel station stage data as compared to
provisional USGS discharge data (1982) for the Susitna River at the
Parks Highway Bridge is presented in Table 41-3-6. Stage readings
obtained nearly daily from July 1 to October 10, 1982 varied 5.60 ft.
Discharge during this time varied from 19,900 to 91,300 cfs.
Q) 500
:!::: z
0 400 -I-
<( 300 > w
_J 200 w
w 100 ~
G RADiENT: i.91t/mi
10 20 30 40
Cook Inlet to Talkeetna
L-J Distance from Slough Head to Mouth
Relative to Susitna River Mile
(Adopted from U.S.G.S Contour Mops, 1:63,360)
70 80 90 I 0
Figure 41-3-26. Gradient of the Susitna River from Cook Inlet to Talkeetna.
Table 41-3-6 A comparison of water surface elevation (WSEL) at
Sunshine Fishwheel Camp (RM 79.2) to the mean daily
Susitna River discharge r~corded at Sunshine (USGS
gaging station 15292780).
WSEL Sunshine Discharge
Date Time (ft) (cfs)
821009 1030 239.06 19,900
821008 1030 239.17 20,400
821007 1120 239.25 21,400
821006 1700 239.34 22,300
821006 1000 239.47 22,300
821005 239.59 24,000
821005 1730 239.62 24,000
821005 239.71 24,000
821004 0915 239.88 25,800
821003 1500 240.08 27,800
821002 0900 240.34 29,700
821001 0900 240.50 31,500
820930 0900 240.60 33,400
820929 0800 240.66 33,900
820806 1900 241.84 34,700
820828 0910 242.14 35,600
820928 0900 240.90 35,900
820822 0715 240.79 37,600
820821 0715 240.84 37,600
820823 0700 240.89 38,000
820926 0900 241.10 38,000
820820 0800 240.89 38,200
820826 0930 240.54 38,400
820927 1000 241.12 38,500
820819 0945 240.89 40,700
820813 0945 241.19 42,000
820813 2345 241.24 42,000
820925 1010 241.42 42,200
820814 0615 241.39 42,800
820814 2400 241.44 42,800
820812 2300 241.19 44,000
820812 0715 241.39 44,000
820818 0645 240.84 44,400
820817 2000 240.89 46,500
820817 0945 241.49 46,500
820706 0800 240.69 46,600
820705 2215 240.79 47,100
820705 0830 240.99 47,100
820807 0815 241.89 47,700
820811 2355 241.49 47,900
820815 2200 241.64 47,900
aUSGS provisional data (1982).
Table 41-3-6 (Continued).
WSEL Sunshine Discharge
Date Time (ft) (cfs)
820811 0600 241.74 47,900
820808 0800 241.94 49,400
820704 2130 241.19 48,000
820704 1000 241.29 48,000
820708 1000 240.99 49,400
820708 2330 241.19 49,400
820805 241.93 50,400
820703 2100 241.49 51,300
820703 0930 241.69 51,300
820810 2315 241.79 51,600
820810 0845 241.99 51,600
820809 2200 241.94 52,500
820709 1200 241.34 55,400
820710 0800 241.39 56,100
820923 1810 242.26 56,600
820923 0900 242.62 56,600
820721 0815 241.39 57,800
820716 2300 241.19 58,200
820716 0900 241.34 58,200
820711 0815 241.44 58,400
820722 0845 241.69 59,000
820722 2340 242.19 59,000
820718 0945 241.54 59,800
820718 2300 241.79 59,800
820712 0800 241.54 60,100
820719 0830 241.69 61,500
820701 241.95 62,100
820714 2315 241.74 62,500
820713 0840 241.79 63,000
820922 0830 242.94 . 65 ,300
820922 0730 243.06 65,300
820919 0800 243.24 69,500
820920 0830 243.50 72,700
820920 0830 243.64 72,700
820918 0820 243.68 76,500
820917 2115 244.07 88,400
820917 0810 244.36 88,400
820916 0730 244.27 91,300
820916 1920 244.66 91,300
Yentna Fishwheel Station
A summary of the Yentna River fishwheel station stage data as compared
to provisional USGS discharge data (1982) for the Yentna River is
presented in Table 41-3-7. The stage data at the Yentna River fishwheel
station was relative to an arbitrary benchmark (elevation = 100.00 ft)
and was not tied to project datum. Stage readings obtained periodically
from June 30 to September 15, 1982, varied 3.61 feet. Discharges of the
Yentna River varied from 30,000 to 61,000 cfs and within the Susitna
River downstream of the Yentna River confluence from 71,000 to 142,000
cfs during the same period. Tributaries
Lower Goose Creek 2
Three discharge measurements were obtained on Lower Goose Creek 2
(Figure 41-3-27) ranging from 84.10 to 251.0 cfs over a corresponding
change in water surface elevation of 0.92 feet. These data were used to
develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-28). Nine additional
water surface elevations not collected in conjunction with discharge
data showed a change in water surface elevation during the period June
through October 1982, of 1.26 feet. Lower Goose Creek 2 was not direct-
ly influenced by mainstem flows as determined from comparisons of change
in the observed water surface elevations in the creek to the mainstem
discharge (Appendix Table 4-A-6).
Table 41-3-7. A comparison of the relative water surface elevation (WSEL~
at the Yentna Fibhwheel Camp to the mean daily Yentna River
and Susitna River discharge (cfs).
WSEL (ft)c
Yentna River Susitna River
Date Time Discharge Discharge
820829 2000 86.55 30,000 71,000
820905 1730 86.68 31,000 75,000
820828 1740 86.72 31,500 74,000
820913 1920 87.36 32,000 90,000
820903 1740 87.26 32,000 82,000
820904 1850 87.35 32,000 72,000
820906 1800 87.49 33,000 74,000
820912 1950 88.00 33,000 77,000
820823 2200 87.19 33,100 78,000
820911 1920 88.03 34,000 77,000
820902 1930 87.67 34,000 87,000
820824 2130 87.43 34,200 80,000
820822 2350 87.28 34,200 78,000
820826 2300 87.11 34,400 80,000
820821 2350 87.51 34,800 79,600
820831 2100 90.16 35,000 92,000
820820 2100 87.50 35,200 81,600
820825 2200 87.48 35,500 82,000
820819 2200 87.60 36,800 86,700
820910 1815 87.66 37,000 80,000
820814 2030 87.83 37,400 88,100
820813 1000 88.01 39,200 91,800
820818 1930 88.07 40,300 93,300
820806 1450 88.28 41,500 104,000
820806 1945 88.33 41,500 104,000
820808 2150 88.42 41,900 109,000
820809 1830 88.33 42,100 107,000
820807 1945 88.33 42,300 103,000
820810 2000 88.48 42,600 107,000
820914 1930 88.96 43,000 140,000
820804 1645 88.48 43,900 112,000
820811 2100 88.71 44,500 104,000
820803 2045 88.88 47,100 120,000
820816 2030 88.95 48,300 103,000
820630 1630 90.15 61,600 142,000
aGaging station on the Yentna River near Su Station (USGS provisional data,
bGaging station at Su Station (USGS provisional data, 1982).
cWater surface elevations are relative to a temporary bench mark which was
assigned an elevation of 100.00 feet.
ADF8G ,.
0 200
(approx. scale)
Figure 41-3-27. Planimetric site map of Goose Creek 2/Slough,
RM 73.1, GC S23N04W30.BCB.
-• -(,) -LLI
<t :z:
~0=10"3083 ( WSEL-210)3 .6539
Figure 4!-3-28. Stage-discharge rating curve
for Goose Creek 2.
Rabideux Creek
Discharge measurements were obtained at two gaging stations in Rabideux
Creek (Figure 41-3-29); an upper site located 1.7 miles upstream from
the mouth and a lower site approximately 0.25 miles upstream from the
mouth. Three discharge measurements obtained at the upper gaging
station ranged from 129.2 to 222.9 cfs over a corresponding change in
water surface elevation of 0.40 feet. These data were used to develop a
preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-30). Two additional water surface
elevations not collected in conjunction with discharge data showed an
overall change in water surface elevation of 1.65 feet (Appendix Table
4-A-6). Two discharge measurements obtained at the lower gaging site
were 131.1 and 271.0 cfs over a corresponding change in water surface
elevation of 0.78 ft. The mainstem flow during these two measurements
was 29,700 and 36,400 cfs, respectively. Twelve additional water
surface elevations not collected in conjunction with discharge data at
this site showed a change in water surface elevation to be 6.37 ft
overall, during which time the mainstem discharge varied from 24,000 to
88,400 cfs. From on site observations, the backwater area created
during high mainstem discharges was substantial, extending upstream past
the lower gaging station.
Sunshine Creek
Four discharge measurements were obtai ned 0. 7 miles upstream of the
mouth in Sunshine Creek (Figure 41-3-31) ranging from 31.8 to 103.9 cfs
over a corresponding range of water surface e 1 evati on of 1. 98 feet
0 500
(approx. scale)
Figure 41-3-29. Planimetric site map of Rabideux Creek/Slough, RM 83.1, GC S24N05WT6ADC.
1.: ·' \~
'· ,,
~ .. ,.
., -()
-., -()
CJ) -c
5 10
WSEL-260 (feet)
Q = 10 -.e4oo( WSEL -260)2. i741
Figure 4!-3-30. Stage-discharge rating
curves for Rabideux and
Sunshine Creeks.
... :.
, ......... ..... ·:;· ......
• :·.· 't ·.=:'··:··:······: ..
• :.:·:';.' .:·! '·.
';> ... ..
0 500
(opprox. scale)
Figure 41-3-31. Planimetric site map of Sunshine Creek/Slough, RM 85.7, GC S24N05Wl4AAB.
(Appendix Table 4-A-6). These data were used to develop a preliminary
rating curve (Figure 41-3-30). Eleven additional water surface eleva-
tions, not collected in conjunction with discharge measurements, showed
the overall range in water surface elevation to be 4.14 ft at the gaging
station. In addition, water surface elevation data was collected at the
mouth of Sunshine Creek (which flows into Sunshine Creek Slough). This
data had a range of 6.51 feet over a range of mainstem discharges of
21,400 to 91,300 cfs.
Sunshine Creek, during periods of high mainstem flow, was found to
exhibit an area of low velocity backwater originating at the creek mouth
and extending upstream at least as far as the upstream gaging station
(0.7 miles upstream). A comparison of the creek discharge obtained on
October 4 (68.6 cfs) to the discharge obtained on September 1 (31.7 cfs)
showed that water surface e 1 evati ons were higher for the 1 ower flow
(267.20 feet) than for the higher flow (266.93 feet). This stage-
discharge relationship is evidence that the discharge site was within a
backwater area created during mainstem flows of 45,200 cfs or greater.
Birch Creek
Four discharge measurements were obtained 0.1 miles upstream of the
mouth in Birch Creek (Figure 41-3-32) ranging from 62.4 to 114.1 cfs
over a corresponding change in water surface elevation of 0.35 ft
(Appendix Table 4-A-6). These data were used to develop a preliminary
rating curve (Figure 41-3-33). Six additional water surface elevations,
not collected in conjunction with discharge data, showed an overall
\.0 co
Figure 4!-3-32. Planimetric site map of Birch Creek/Slough, RM 88.4, GC S25N05W25DCC.
-en -0
l&J 100 <!)
<( 80 ~
c 60
Q) -
a:: 100
(I) -c
Q= I 0 ·&.s•Uit( WSEL -280)9 ·81!04
I 5 10
WSEL-280 (feet)
Q= 10'2454
( WSEL-280) 2
5 10
WSEL-280 (feet)
Figure 4!-3-33. Stage-discharge rating curves
for Birch Creek and Birch Creek
change in water surface elevation of 0.58 ft at the gaging station. In
addition, twelve water surface elevations were collected at the mouth of
Birch Creek varying 2.09 ft over a corresponding range of mainstem flows
from 22,300 to 99,300 cfs. Backwater effects were observed to be
present only in the immediate vicinity of the creek mouth, not extending
up to the creek gaging station. Sloughs
Lower Goose 2 Slough (Side Channel)
Lower Goose 2 Slough (Figure 41-3-27) is a relatively long slough (also
referred to as a side channe 1), which head and mouth both confluence
with the mainstem Susitna River. Two gaging stations were located in
this s 1 ough, one above and one be 1 ow the confluence with Lower Goose
Creek 2. Three discharge measurements, obtained at the upstream gaging
station (upstream of the confluence with Lower Goose Creek 2), ranged
from 1.8 to 458.0 cfs over a corresponding change in water surface
elevation of 1.55 ft (Appendix Table 4-A-6). The overall range of water
surface elevation is the same as found for the range of discharge
measurements because only two staff gage readings were obtained, one
during each of the discharge measurements for the 1.8 cfs flow and one
for the 458.0 flow. Only one discharge measurement (101.0 cfs) was
obtained at the lower gaging station (below the confluence with Lower
Goose Creek 2) corresponding to a water surface elevation of 209.33 ft
(Appendix Table 4-A-6). Fourteen additional water surface elevations,
not collected in conjunction with discharge measurements at the lower
gaging station, showed water surface elevation to range 1.82 ft over a
corresponding mainstem discharge from 31,500 to 68,700 cfs. Mainstem
water surface elevations, collected adjacent to the mouth of Goose 2
Slough, had a range of 2.35 ft for mainstem flows of 31,500 to 68,700
cfs. A substantial backwater effect was observed to occur at the mouth
of this slough during the range of mainstem flows from 31,500 to 68,700
Whitefish Slough
Three discharge measurements were obtained at the mouth of Whitefish
Slough (Figure 41-3-34) ranging from 6.6 to 24.2 cfs over a correspond-
ing change in water surface elevation of 7.55 ft (Appendix Table 4-A-6).
These data were used to develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure
41-3-35). Corresponding mainstem flows during the periods of discharge
measurement varied from 29,700 to 91,300 cfs. Seven addition a 1 water
surface elevations, not collected in conjunction with discharge measure-
ments, showed the overall change in water surface elevation at the
gaging station to be 8.94 ft. At most mainstem discharges observed this
year, a backwater effect was present at the gaging station which, during
high mainstem discharges, extended approximately 3/4 of a mile up
Whitefish Slough. No staff gages were placed in the mainstem adjacent
to this site.
One discharge measurement (31.0 cfs) was obtained at a mainstem flow of
91,300 cfs in an unnamed tributary entering Whitefish Slough (Figure
4!-3-33). The slough discharge taken on the same day was found to be
-8 eaver Dam
AD F 8 G
~ :::..
~ ..... ,_. ...... 0 ..
(/) N ~' ::::>
• . .. . ;
.. ..
0 1000 A OF S G ··.-.·.· a STATION .. ·:·,: ... , ..
FEET .. ~ ··:·.
( opprox. scale)
Figure 4!-3-34. Planimetric site map of Whitefish Slough, RM 78.7, GC S23N05WOlBBC.
en -0
10 0
Q= I0-·1488 (WSEL -230)1.46119 · ~
WSEL-230 {feet)
10 20
Figure 41-3-35. Stage-discharge rating curve for
Whitefish Slough.
less than the flow from the tributary. This difference was attributed
to the backwater, low velocity phenomenon created by mainstem flow
occurring at the slough gaging station, lowering the slough discharge
Sunshine Slough
Sunshine Slough is a relatively short slough which head and mouth
confluence a side channel of the mainstem Susitna River (Figure 4I-3-
31). Three discharge measurements were obtained in Sunshine Slough
which ranged from 0.3 to 607.1 cfs over a corresponding change in water
surface elevation of 4.19 ft (Appendix Table 4-A-6). Thirteen addi-
tional water surface elevations, not collected in conjunction with
discharge measurements, showed an overall change in water surface
elevation at the gaging station of 6.25 ft. Corresponding mainstem
flows during this period ranged from 25,800 to 91,300 cfs. Due to a
lack of measured stream flows no rating curve was developed in this
The slough was breached during the measured slough discharges of 85.8
and 607.1 cfs when corresponding mainstem flows were 47,200 and 76,500
cfs, respectively.
By comparing ranges of water surface elevations measured at the slough
gaging station to those measured at the Sunshine Creek mouth gaging
station (6.25 ft and 6.51 ft, respectively) while the slough was breach-
ed by the mainstem, it was apparent that backwater effects occurred at
least as far upstream as these gaging stations. At a mainstem flow of
91,300 cfs the slough water surface elevation at the slough gaging
station was 270.80 feet whi 1 e at the gaging station at the mouth of
Sunshine Creek it was 270.70 feet, and at the gaging station upstream on
Sunshine Creek it was 270.81 feet.
Birch Creek Slough
Birch Creek Slough is a relatively long, meandering slough which head
and mouth confluence with the mainstem Susitna River (Figure 41-3-32).
Discharge measurements were obtained at two gaging stations in Birch
Creek Slough; above the confluence with Birch Creek and below the
confluence with Birch Creek. One discharge measurement (15.7 cfs) was
obtained at the gaging station above the confluence with Birch Creek
corresponding to a water surface elevation of 284.74 ft (Appendix Table
4-A-6). Eleven additional water surface elevations, not collected in
conjunction with discharge measurements, showed an overall change in
water surface elevation at the gaging station to be 2.05 ft. Four
discharge measurements were obtained at the gaging station below the
confluence with Birch Creek ranging from 75.4 to 131.8 cfs over a
corresponding change in water surface elevation of 0.92 ft. These data
were used to develop a preliminary rating curve (Figure 41-3-33). Five
additional water surface elevations, not collected in conjunction with
discharge, showed an overall change in water surface elevation at the
gaging site of 1.01 ft. Corresponding mainstem flows during this time
ranged from 22,300 to 69,500 cfs.
Stage data was also collected (not in conjunction with discharge) in
Birch Creek Slough at the head, at the confluence with Birch Creek and
at the mouth. At mainstem discharges of 42,000 to 69,500 cfs, flo~ was
observed through the head of the slough with the water surface elevation
varying 1.58 ft. Water surface elevations measured in the mainstem
adjacent to the head of Birch Creek Slough had a range of 3.51 ft during
corresponding mainstem flows of 27,800 to 69,500 cfs. The range of
water surface elevations observed in Birch Creek Slough at the conflu-
ence with Birch Creek was found to be 0.75 ft. Water surface elevations
at the mouth of Birch Creek Slough were found to have a range of 3.78 ft
during corresponding mainstem flows of 22,300 to 82,400 cfs. A signifi-
cant area of backwater influence occurs in this slough during high
mainstem flows. Upstream of Devil Canyon
Periodic discharge measurements were obtained in seven tributaries above
Devil Canyon. Appendix Table 4-A-1 compares the discharge of the tribu-
taries to that of the mainstem Susitna River at Vee Canyon. Refer to
Volume 5 for the specific results and discussion of these discharge
3.1.2 Thalweg Profiles
Streambed profiles for Sloughs 8A, 9, 11, and 21 are presented in
Figures 41-3-36, 41-3-37, 41-3-38 and 41-3-39, respectively. Each
figure contains a schematic drawing (upper left of Figure) showing gross
~570 ,_. z
C) 0
-....) ;::
~ 56!5
"' ::> ~060
""' ~15t00 o•oo o•oo 10•00
Figure 41-3-36.
Streambed profile for Slough 8A.
1-' z
0 0
co ~ > IIJ
IIJ :::> a:
~ m ~ ~ 1
I. :•. !; ;.} GRAVEL I RUBBLE
~+---------r--------,---------r---------r--------~----~IA_D_F_aTo __ Moo __ E_u_N_o_s_TrU-DY~,-19_e_z~l--~--------~--------r--------,---------r---------r--------,--------
-IO 00 0+00 10+00 liSt()() 20+00 21St00 31St()() 40+00 41St00 !50+00 !IIStOO 60+00
Figure 4!-3-37. Streambed profile for Slough 9.
,_. z 0
l.O 0
1-~ > w
...1 w
-IO+OO -5+00 OtOO 5+00 10+00 15i00 2o+oo
Figure 4!-3-38. Streambed profile for Slough 11.
~ • • ~
1-........ <(
........ > w 0 ...J
w :::>
"' 1-
> 7415 ...
;;l ... ::> ..
-1+51•0 .. 00
> ~ ... ... ::>
0: 1-
(SUSJTNA RIVER REACH GRADIENT•I2.1fl/mi) 72~----.------r------,------,------,-----~.------r------~-----r----~,_--~~~~~~~~--.---LL-r------,------,------,---eoo 10+00 15 00 -50•00
Figure 4!-3-39. Streambed profile for Slough 21 Complex.
morphological features of the slough and mainstem Susitna River. In
addition, each profile has been partitioned into discrete reaches
defined by obvious changes in gradient. Corresponding gradients of the
mainstem Susitna River are also provided below the key for surface
substrate types. Also, study sites have been positioned on the profiles
for Sloughs SA, 9, and 21 to provide a reasonably accurate representa-
tion of the gross morphological features in each slough and the relative
position of important features (e.g., study transects, beaver dams,
etc). At some points, streambed elevations and/or water surface eleva-
tions were estimated. The reader is advised to consult the methods
section and data source (Appendix E) before extracting and applying
information represented in the above figures. The following summary
statements are primarily restricted to gross features of the streambed
Slough SA
Progressing upstream in Slough SA, the stream bed profile is comprised
of a relatively gentle gradient near the mouth (7.S ft/mi), followed by
a riffle area (gradient undetermined) ending at a beaver dam. The dam
marks the downstream end of a short bench-like reach (4.0 ft/mi) fol-
lowed by a steep incline (1S.O ft/mi) which terminates at another
bench-like area (O.S ft/mi). Above the second bench, water depths were
much reduced and gradient increased to 11.5 ft/mi.
Slough 9
The most notable characteristics of Slough 9 are the obvious differences
in gradient between the upper and lower reaches of the slough (18.6 and
5.6 ft/mi' respectively)' and the 11 S11 shaped configuration of the
channel (see schematic drawing in upper left corner of Figure 41-3-37).
This sharp bend is near station 30+00, marking the area where the
gradient changes and water levels decrease.
Slough 11
The upper reach of Slough 11 is more steeply inclined (23.0 ft/mi) than
its lower reach (15.4 ft/mi), however both are relatively steep compared
to other sloughs. This slough is relatively short and the streambed is
structured in distinct pool/riffle sequences up to station 30+00,
fo 11 owed by a series of mounds near the head of the s 1 ough. These
mounds may be the result of previous ice movement. It should be noted
that since no water existed in this area and surveyors were selecting
thalweg points on the basis of visual inspection, the mounds may mis-
represent the true thalweg in this reach of the slough.
Slough 21 Complex
Morphology of the Slough 21 complex is more complicated than most
sloughs since it is preceded by a long access channel which is longer
than the slough itself. This access channel is connected to the main-
stem Susitna River by several channels, two of which were observed
dewatered for most of the open-water season. Note that the mouth of
this slough is located near station 52+00 ft, and not at station 0+00 as
for sloughs 8A, 9, and 11. The slough (from stations 52+00 to 76+00)
has a relatively steep, uniform gradient (19.4 ft/mi) and had very
little water present immediately above station 55+00. At its upper end,
this slough is forked, with the left fork head functioning as the
hydraulic control point.
3.1.3 Other Hydrological Components Backwater Areas
Appendix Table 4-A-7 presents by two week intervals between June and
September, 1982 the measurements of the area of the low velocity back-
water which occurred behind the hydraulic barrier created by the main-
stem Susitna River at Designated Fish Habitat locations. This backwater
area is called the aggregate zone type II (H-II) and is defined in
Section 2.2, Part II of this volume. Each H-II area is listed with the
mean daily provisional discharge reported for the Gold Creek or Sunshine
gaging station by the USGS for the corresponding date. Plots of the
H-II surface areas measured at each site versus mainstem discharge are
presented in Figures 4I-3-40 to 4I-3-53.
The line connecting the surface area data presented on Figures 4I-3-40
to 4I-3-53 was carefully drawn to smooth the effect of scattered area
measurements (mostly mapping errors) at closely related mainstem water
surface elevations. In the case(s) where it was not obvious that a
specific distribution of area measurements was a result of data scatter
(mapping errors), the data was not smoothed. Examples of both condi-
tions occur in Figure 41-3-42 (Slough 19). The measurements indicating
a total loss of H-II water area at discharges near 15,000 cfs are
accurate, thus no smoothing of the data at this discharge was done.
Measurements of H-II area at higher discharges however, were highly
scattered as a result of mapping difficulties at this site, thus smooth-
ing of the data was done. Smoothing of the data was also done for
Sloughs 21 and 11 where measured areas (at related discharges) were
interpreted as obvious scatter (map errors) based on our accumulated
information on the site. Whiskers Creek and Sidechannel presented some
unusual mapping difficulties at mainstem discharges of 25,000 cfs and
above. Thus, no relationship was developed for discharges above 25,000
cfs (see Whiskers Creek section). Unless specifically noted, tributary
discharges are not considered in the data presentations.
A descriptive summary of the hydraulic conditions associated with the
data and curves follows. Reference to photographs and additional site
narratives of each habitat location in Appendix 4-F of Volume 4 is
suggested for additional information.
Summary By Habitat Location
Slough 21
The head of Slough 21 becomes breached at mainstem discharges at Gold
Creek greater than approximately 24,000 cfs. In addition, mainstem
<l-wo u8 Lt-;<
(I)UJ u.. cr ww
I--' <(<(
I--' ~:::::>
(jl 0
-(I) --
WN a.. >-J: t-<9 :::::> wg
(.!) wt-
• •
• •
• / •
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 4I-3-40. Aggregate type II water surface areas at Slough 21 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
water flows through a series of islands (Slough 21 complex) which at
lowe_r discharges separate the slough's mouth from the mainstem. Main-
stem flow through these islands at reference mouth #1 (see Appendix
Plate 4-F-19) traverses directly across the mouth of the slough, forming
a sort of "eddy" which creates the hydraulic barrier for water exiting
the slough. As mainstem discharge decreased, the surface elevation at
the eddy decreased and the area of H-I I backwater decreased. On July
11th (at 24,000 cfs), the head of the slough had recently closed and the
elevation at the eddy was not sufficient to create an area of H-II water
in the slough.
During the August and September sampling trips when mainstem discharges
were 17,000 cfs and below, the stage of the mainstem had dropped so that
flow through the islands at the locations referred to above (identified
as reference mouths #1 and #2) had ceased. During these discharges,
water exiting the slough (e.g., ground water and surface runoff) joined
the mainstem at reference mouth #3 (a lower island channel). The H-II
water present during this time was found completely downstream of the
mouth of the slough (as defined at the higher mainstem discharges).
During October, Slough 21 was visited only briefly and no maps were
drawn. However, the new confluence of slough water with the mainstem
was about 5,000 ft downstream from the site of the mouth when the head
of the slough was open. No appreciable H-II water was observed during
this sampling trip when mainstem discharge was 8,220 cfs.
Slough 20
At a mainstem discharge of 33,250 cfs, the head of Slough 20 was obser-
ved to be breached (refer to Table 41-3-2). At this time, an H-II area
extended from the slough mouth upwards for about 360 ft.
At observations during lower mainstem discharges, flow from Slough 20,
originating from Waterfall Creek (which enters the slough approximately
1,250 feet above the mouth) and a smaller tributary near the head of the
slough, freely entered the mainstem at the mouth of the slough.
At mainstem discharges between 12,500 and 14,400 cfs, a small area of
H-II water appeared directly above the hydraulic barrier created by the
confluence with the mainstem. This area of H-II water appeared as a
pool which could be related to the streambed thalweg elevation.
Slough 19
Slough 19, considered an upland slough, confluences the mainstem only at
its mouth. The head of Slough 19 consists of a small pool fed by ground
water and surface runoff.
In many respects, the hydraulic changes which occur with decreasing
mainstem discharges are analogous to those described for Slough 21
above. At mainstem discharges of 16,600 cfs and above, the area of H-II
type water surfaces was regulated by mainstem stage and the shape of the
pool bed.
<! w,.......
<Co 0
o::W :::>LJ_
t-:::> <eo
!:CJ> ...... -...... =o co
w C\1
0 ."' ··--·-·----·---·
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4I-3-4l. Aggregate type II water surface areas at Slough 20 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
<{ w
wO 30 uO
LL>< o::._ 25 ::)w
20 ww
f-' <{<{
f-' 3::) \.0 15 _q
.... (,!)
w::) 5 t-0
w._ 0
5 10 15 20 25
Figure 41-3-42. Aggregate type II water surface areas at Slough 19 versus
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek.
At a mainstem discharge of 15,000 cfs, the mouth of the slough had moved
down river approximately 350 ft due to dewatering of a small channel
which cuts through a gravel island (reference mouth #1 on Appendix Plate
4-F-17). At this mainstem flow, the slough discharge was free-flowing
to the new confluence with mainstem water, indicated as reference mouth
#2. At a mainstem discharge of 13,300 cfs, continued dewatering of the
gravel substrate caused the confluence of slough and mainstem water to
move an addition a 1 300 ft downstream to reference mouth #3. At this
time, an area of H-II water existed between the free-flowing portion of
the slough and the new mouth.
Slough 11
H-II water measured in Slough 11 during 1982 was confined to the back-
water area present at the mouth of the slough. The H-II water appeared
as a pool which was controlled by the mainstem stage and the
cross-section and elevation relationships that describe the slough
{pool) bed. The pool was very irregularly shaped making it difficult to
precisely determine its area. The head of Slough 11 was never breached
by the mainstem during the 1982 sampling period.
Slough 9
The head of Slough 9 was breached by mainstem flows during the June and
July samplings trips. During the highest observed mainstem discharges,
the water in the slough above the mouth possessed appreciable velocity.
w8 oo
<(-u.. )(
....... 3~ N ....... -0
a..= >-.-:x:
LLJ~ ..... g
• • •
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 4I-3-43. Aggregate type II water surface area at Slough 11 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
<( w
0 wo uo
<!-LL>< a:::._ =>w (l)w
ww ..... a:::
1-' <(<( N
N 3::::>
-0 -(I)
..... (,!)
w=> ._o
·~ •
•• • •
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 4!-3-44. Aggregate type II water surface area at Slough 9 versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
During visits at mainstem discharges of 19,400 and 16,700 cfs, the
slough head was closed. At this time, a large area of H-II water (about
1000 feet 1 ong on August lOth) was found above the confluence of the
slough and the mainstem.
At the lower mainstem discharges sampled, the surface waters in the
study area were not control~led by mainstem elevation (no appreciable
area of H-II water existed) and the clear water exiting the slough was
free-flowing to a mainstem confluence at a lower elevation.
Slough 8A
The area mapped in this study extended from the slough mouth to the
first series of beaver dams which begin approximately 1350 ft above the
mouth. Not mapped in this study is the very large area of calm water
1 ocated between these dams and the head of the s 1 ough. Within the
mapped boundaries, the area of H-II water closely approached the total
wetted surface area of the site. The head of the slough was breached
during the June 8 visit at a mainstem discharge of 28,000 cfs, but the
mainstem overflow into the slough was not large enough to significantly
affect the velocity or size of the H-II area. The surface area of H-II
water in the study area near the slough mouth was directly regulated by
mainstem stage throughout the summer (Figure 41-3-45).
<! w
wO u8 <(_
::::>w cnw
0 =en -1-'
N Wc:t ~ a..oo >-t-::r:
• • .,.-
5 I 0 I 5 20 2 5 30
Figure 4I-3-45. Aggregate type II water surface area at Slough 8A versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
Lane Creek and Slough 8
The Lane Creek study site consists of a long and narrow (30ft wide),
steep-sided trench (Slough 8) which, during the June and July trips,
joined the outfall of Lane Creek and became a 70 ft wide eroded channel
which entered the Susitna River approximately 300 ft further downstream
(see Appendix Plate 4-F-10). The June 7 and June 19 trips to Lane Creek
indicated Gold Creek discharges of 25,000 and 28,500 cfs, respectively.
Observed water levels at Lane Creek and Slough 8 were lower on June 19
than on June 7 and the head of Slough 8 was open to the mainstem on June
7 but not on June 19. During both of these samplings, H-II type water
covered the slough and channel from about 700 ft above Lane Creek to the
At mainstem discharges of 22,400 and 18,100 cfs, the area of H-II water
was limited (by mainstem stage) to the channel area between the outfall
of Lane Creek and the mainstem.
Between July 22 and August 8, Lane Creek formed a new mouth of two forks
entering the Susitna River downstream from the erosion channel mentioned
above. The area of H-II water in the August and September sampling
trips (16,600 to 12,500 cfs) decreased as a function of Susitna River
discharge and the shape of the channel between the Susitna River and the
old outfall of Lane Creek.
wO ~8 40
o::,_ =>w (I)LLI
LLI W 30
-0 -en -w. a. 0:: 20 >-u 1-
LLI wz
/. . '
• ~·
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 4I-3-46. Aggregate type II water surface area at Lane Creek versus
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek.
Slough 6A
Slough 6A, considered an upland slough, is a steep walled erosion
channe 1 which is connected to poo 1 s at its head through a series of
thick sedge tussocks and a beaver dam. The area of H-II water within -
the physical bounds of the slough represents the total wetted surface of
the slough up to the beaver dam. The water surface area in the slough
is controlled by the water surface elevation of the mainstem (Figure
Whiskers Creek and Slough
Whiskers Creek flows into Whiskers Creek Slough approximately 1100 ft
above the mouth of the slough. When the head of the slough is breached,
mainstem flows into the slough influence the extent of calm (H-II) water
in the slough below. At lower mainstem discharges when the head of the
slough is not breached, Whiskers Creek flows may also influence the area
of H-II water in Whiskers Creek and Slough, depending on the discharge
of the creek and the mainstem water surface elevation.
During three visits when mainstem discharges were 25,000 cfs and above,
the mainstem stage was sufficient to back water up the slough to an
elevation similar to that of the water in Whiskers Creek. On each of
these three occasions, the head of the slough was breached. Slough
water (mixed with creek water), with varying velocity•s, separated the
backwater area in the lower slough from a calm water area in the creek
above. This velocity zone appeared to become more pronounced at higher
w a::_
:§ o-<()( u_t-
t-<( <(::::> ~g
N co -<(
>-t!) t-:::>
wo 1-_J
w<t a::
··-·---·--.-. . --------·
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4I-3-47. Aggregate type II water surface area at Slough 6A versus mainstem
discharge at Gold Creek.
<(0 w>< 160 a:: I-
<(LLJ LLJ wLL. 140 (.)LLJ
0::::::> 120 :::>0
(f)(/) .........
o:::--1 100 ww
....... ~~ N
1.0 _(..)
LLJ wo o..->-(/)
0::: wo
(.!)LLJ 20 LLJ::s:;:
0 <(~
• / ·-·
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 41-3-48. Aggregate type II water surface area at Whiskers Creek/Sidechannel versus
mainstem discharge at Gold Creek.
mainstem discharges and to increasingly separate the creek pool from the
H-II area in the slough below. Based on observations, the velocity zone
was deemed insignificant at a mainstem discharge of 25,000 cfs, and
dominating at higher mainstem discharges (with respect to separating the
two calm water areas). Thus, at a mainstem discharge of 25,000 cfs, the
area of H-II water was measured from the slough mouth to 1200 ft up
Whiskers Creek while at higher discharges it was measured only from the
slough mouth to the beginning of high velocity zone near the mouth of
Whiskers Creek. The area of H-II water measured at a mainstem discharge
of 25,000 cfs is reported as a maximum va 1 ue whi 1 e the areas of H-I I
water present at higher discharges are reported as minimum values. More
observations are needed to better describe the relationship between
these two calm water areas at high mainstem discharges.
At a mainstem discharge.of 23,000 cfs, the slough head was barely
breached and H-I I water was backed up 715 ft above the mouth of the
slough. At a mainstem discharge of 16,600 cfs, the slough head was
c 1 osed and water was backed up 550 ft above the mouth of the s 1 ough.
During the mainstem discharges at and below these levels, the area of
H-II water present near the mouth of the slough should vary as a
function of mainstem stage and slough bed shape. That the water surface
in this area is impacted by the discharge of Whiskers Creek was
dramatically observed on September 28 when a rain swollen discharge of
Whiskers Creek increased velocities near the mouth thereby eliminating
the area of H-II water. The (zero area) data point measured at this
time was not included in the H-II area versus mainstem discharge curve
as it was a function of tributary discharge and not of mainstem
Birch Creek and Slough
This study site encompassed the nearly mile long section of Birch Creek
Slough between the Susitna River and its junction with Birch Creek, and
the one-tenth mile reaches of slough and tributary above this junction.
The zone of H-II water observed at this site at mainstem discharges
between 58,400 to 99,300 cfs was nearly constant, covering almost the
entire site but Birch Creek itself, except during the mainstem discharge
of 99,300 cfs when a 160 ft section of the creek was a 1 so backed-up.
The stream bed elevations at the uppermost H-II boundaries mentioned
above visually appeared steep enough to limit the backwater observed.
At a mainstem discharge of 52,500 cfs, the slough head remained breach-
ed. At this time the zone of H-II water extended to only about 0.4 mile
above the slough mouth. During trips at lower mainstem discharges
(38,000 to 33,800 cfs), the head of the slough was observed to be closed
and the zone of H-II water extended only 0.14 mile above the mouth of
the slough. The boundary between the zone of H-II water and the higher
velocity water upstream at these intermediate discharges was partly
regulated by the volume of the slough and/or tributary water flowing
into the zone of H-II water. Judging the precise location of this
boundary was often quite difficult.
-<!o wo a:::o 400 <!-
w )(
or <!w LLw
::>w 300 (/)a:::
a:::<! w=> r-0 <!(/)
~-:I: 200 =(.!)
1-' w=>
w a..g
N )-(f) r-,
wa::: r-o 100 <!:I:
(.!)(.) wa::: a:::_
<l:r <! 0
99,300 cfs~ •
• +
• • ./
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 4I-3-49. Aggregate type II water surface area at Birch Creek/Slough versus mainstem
discharge at Sunshine.
The mapping task at this site was also made somewhat imprecise by the
extreme size of the wetted surface interface. During the limited time
available for mapping, it was not possible to measure and record many
slough width variations. The overall loss of H-II area with decreasing
mainstem discharge is the significant result at this site. More
observations and more accurate mapping are required to estab 1 ish more
accurate surface area data at this very large habitat location.
Sunshine Creek and Sidechannel
This site was sampled from about 0.75 miles up Sunshine Creek to its
confluence with a minor sidechannel, then downstream another 1000 ft to
the confluence with the major sidechannel (see Appendix Plate 4-F-5).
During the June and August sampling trips, mainstem discharges ranged
from 82,400 to 60,100 cfs and the head of the minor sidechannel was
open. The zone of H-I I water during these visits was determined to
extend from the minor sidechannel-creek junction to about as far as 0.75
miles up the creek. The length of this backup zone was not easily
determined nor relatable to mainstem discharges alone. This is apparent
in the decreases in the areas of H-II water observed at mainstem dis-
charges of 70,200 and 62,700 cfs, relative to the areas of H-II water
observed at higher and lower mainstem discharges. It is possible that
the zone of the H-II water in the creek was highly regulated by fluc-
tuating creek discharges and not the result of errors in determining the
exact location of the zone boundaries.
LLJ ~ 200
ow ~a::
<l:Z =:z <l:
I-' _J:
w -(.)
+=> wLLJ 10 a.9
>-CJ) ...........
LLJO:: ..... (.)
<l:LLJ (!)Z 50 LLJ-a::::t: (!)(/)
<l: 0
• / •
20 30 40 50 60
·-----. •
Figure 4I-3-50. Aggregate type II water surface area at Sunshine Creek/Sidechannel versus
mainstem discharge at Sunshine.
At a mainstem discharge of 51,600 cfs, the minor sidechannel 's head was
closing. At this time the zone of H-II water extended from the minor
sidechannel's confluence with the major sidechannel up into Sunshine
Creek and into the closing minor sidechannel's head. Part of the area
of H-II water in the minor sidechannel at this discharge extended above
the study boundary and was not mapped.
Between mainstem discharges of 38,700 and 33,400 cfs, the zone of H-II
water was located entirely between the major and minor sidechannel
confluence and the minor sidechannel-creek junction.
Probably because water velocities are greater in the sidechannel environ-
ment, the physical habitats in the reaches above and below the mouth of
Sunshine Creek are notably dissimilar. An especially noticable feature
is the lack of vegetative cover in reach below the mouth of the creek.
The mapping at this site was subject to the same problems encountered at
the Birch Creek site.
Rabideux Creek and Slough
Just below the old site of a bridge crossing (about 1 mile above its
confluence with the Susitna River), Rabideux Creek widens into a pool-
'like area. A sandy bottom channel, about 700ft in length, connects the
1 ower end of the poo 1 to the upper end of a 0. 5 mi 1 e 1 ong bay (or
widening) of the creek which forms the mouth of the creek. At high
w w 1200
i'tw a: a:
0 ll:(f) w-
1-:r: ~~ 600
0 -..J
~~ 400
I-X 200
<(0 0 (!)-wm
.--· ------·
a:<( 0
(!)lr 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 4I-3-51. Aggregate type II water surface area at Rabideux Creek/Slough versus
mainstem discharge at Sunshine.
mainstem discharges, the Susitna River breaches its banks. Under these
conditions, sections of this widening bay-like area become slough-like.
During every visit to this site, a large zone of H-II backwater existed.
At the highest mainstem discharges (71,700 cfs),, the zone of H-II
backwater extended to a point about 6,800 ft up from the confluence of
the creek with the Susitna River. Backwater thus extended approximately
1500 ft up the creek above the old bridge site and enlarged the wetted
surface area in the pool area below the bridge site.
At mainstem discharges between 53,300 and 38,400 cfs, the boundary
between the free flowing creek and the low velocity backwater occurred
at locations in the pool area below the old bridge.
At the lowest mainstem discharge sampled (33,400 cfs), the elevation of
mainstem water had dropped sufficiently to expose a controlling stream-
bed elevation in the sandy bottom connecting channel, reducing the zone
of H-II backwater at this site to 41 percent of its previous observed
area. The pool above the control point in the channel did not dewater;
it simply became a geomorphological feature of the creek bed.
Whitefish Slough
The study area at this site was limited to a 900 ft long section of the
slough nearest the mouth. The surface area measurements are thus only
partial totals of the entire H-II area occurring in this long, channel-
like slough.
<(0 wo 80
WI-70 uw
Ltw o::LL. 60 =>w en a::
o::<r w=> 50 1-0
40 ,__. J: w -(!) co -::::>
wO a.. _I 30 >-en
I-:I: en w-20 I-LL <rw
WJ: 10 0:::3 (!)
<tc::t 0
I 0 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 4I-3-52. Aggregate type II water surface area at Whitefish Slough versus mainstem
discharge at Sunshine.
The entire wetted surface of this area was of H-II water during each
sampling. Its area was entirely controlled by mainstem water surface
elevation at the mouth of the slough (Figure 4I-3-52).
Lower Goose Creek 2 and Sidechannel
Lower Goose Creek 2 has two mouths. Its northernmost mouth empties into
a sidechannel about 460ft above the sidechannel 's mouth. A log jam at
the creek's mouth maintained the elevation of the water in the creek
over any sidechannel water surface elevations observed during the 1982
sampling period, thereby eliminating this mouth from H-II water influ-
At all samplings between mainstem discharges of 38,700 and 64,200 cfs,
the head of the sidechannel was open. The volume of water which breach-
ed the head of the sidechannel significantly controlled the extent of
H-II backwater in the lower (mouth) reach of the sidechannel though its
effect on the velocity of these surfaces. At high flows over the head
of the slough, the zone of H-II water was limited to a 600-ft reach
nearest the mouth of the sidechannel. As the volume of breached water
decreased, the zone of H-II water extended further up the sidechannel,
until at a mainstem discharge of 38,700 cfs, the length of the zone of
H-II water was nearly 1,500 ft long.
During the September visits at mainstem discharges of 36,400 and 33,900
cfs, the head of the sidechannel was closed. Lower Goose Creek 2 water,
-125 0
0:: )(
<( ....
w ~ 100
~w O::o::
o::g 75 w-.... _.
3:Z z ....., =<( +::-
0 w::r: 50 a_ c.> >-w .... e
(/) w,
~(\J (.!) . 25 wo::
(.!)w (.!)(/)
0 (.!) 0 .... <(
• ~ •
• " ·~ • •
·-· I lb 0 2b 3b 4
0 5b 6
0 71o
Figure 4I-3-53. Aggregate type II water surface area at Goose Creek 2/ Sidechannel
versus mainstem discharge at Sunshine.
at this time, was free-flowing to the confluence of the sidechannel and
the Susitna River. An area of water in the sidechannel above the
outfall of Lower Goose Creek 2 was not influenced by mainstem stage at
this time. The elevation of the water in this pool area was controlled
by the streambed e 1 evati on and by a barrier presented by Lower Goose
Creek 2 water. Open Channels
Depths, velocities, widths and water surface elevations used in the
hydraulic simulations of segments of sloughs 8A, 9 and 21 and Rabideux
Slough and Chum Channel are tabulated and summarized in Appendices A, B
and E. This data has been entered into the computer·programs, however,
the time of this report writing, the calibration procedure has yet to be
completed. Thus, hydraulic parameters at unknown discharges cannot be
extrapolated at this time.
3.2 Water Quality Investigations
3.2.1 Water Temperature
Temperature measurements collected during 1982 included both instantan-
eous and continuous measurements. Instantaneous temperature measure-
ments were collected in conjunction with other water quality data and
are compiled and presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5. Continuous tempera-
ture data includes surface water and intragravel temperatures obtained
with Peabody-Ryan thermographs, surface water and intragravel tempera-
tures obtained with (programmed as 2 channel temperature recorders) and
associated thermistors and surface water temperatures obtained with
datapods located at the stream gage stations in Indian River and Portage
Creek. Appendix Table 4-C-1 lists the continuous recording temperature
stations and period of record for those sites installed and monitored by
the ADF&G during 1981 and 1982.
Temperatures obtained with Peabody-Ryan thermographs are presented in
Appendix Tables 4-C-2 to 4-C-25 and 4-C-66 to 4-C-76 as 6-hour minimum,
mean and maximum temperatures calculated from corrected 2-hour point
temperature readings. Daily and monthly means, calculated from the 2-
hour readings, are also shown in each table. Weekly water temperature
data presented as minimum, mean and maximum for 2 hour readings
according to the USGS water year weeks and collected from Ryan
thermographs are shown in Appendix Tables 4-C-26 to 4-C-49 and 4-C-77 to
4-C-87. Surface and intragravel water temperatures obtained with
datapod are presented in Appendix Tables 4-C-50 to 4-C-57 as minimum,
mean and maximum temperatures for time periods of 6 hours and 3 minutes
duration. Six-hour, daily and monthly means calculated from these
temperatures using a two part 1 inear equation interpolation method to
11 Correct" readings from actual 6 hour and 3 minute time intervals to
6-hour intervals are presented in Appendix Tables 4-C-58 to 4-C-65.
Hourly and mean daily temperatures obtained with datapods located at the
stream gage stations in Indian River and Portage Creek are presented in
Appendix Tables 4-A-4 and 4-A-5, with a summary of daily mean
temperatures for these sites in Tables 4I-3-4 and 5.
142 Mainstem Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperatures of the mainstem
Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon were collected at
various locations from May through October, 1982 (Appendix Table 4-D-5).
Instantaneous surface water temperatures ranged from 5.0°C to 13.4°C,
with the lowest temperature occurring at RM 138.9 on May 29 and the
highest temperature occurring at RM 120.7 on July 7. In genera 1,
instantaneous surface water temperatures of the mainstem Susitna River
between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon increased from May to July and
decreased from August to October, peaking in July and August.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature of the mainstem Susitna River between Talkeet-
na and Devil Canyon was continuously monitored with Peabody-Ryan thermo-
graphs at six locations (Figure 4I-2-4), from May through October, 1982.
These mainstem temperature locations included the Talkeetna Fishwheel
(RM 103.0), LRX 18 (RM 113.0), Curry Fishwheel (RM 120.7), LRX 29 (RM
126.1), LRX 35 (RM 130.8) and LRX 53 (RM 140.1). This data is presented
in Appendix C, Tables 4-C-10 to 12 and Tables 4-C-14, 4-C-16 and 4-C-18.
Surface water temperature at these sites ranged from 0.0°C at LRX 18 in
October to 15.7°C at LRX 29 in July. Generally, the mainstem surface
water temperature increased during the period from May to July and
decreased during the period from August to October usually peaking
during July depending on location. Intragravel Water Temperature
Intragravel water temperature data was collected on an instantaneous
basis only, at various mainstem Susitna River locations between Tal-
keetna and Devil Canyon from May through October, 1982 in conjunction
with the mainstem Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations (refer to
Volume 4, Part II, section Sloughs Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous surface water temperatures of various sloughs situated
between Ta 1 keetna and Devil Canyon were co 11 ected from May through
October, 1982 (Appendix Table 4-D-5). Due to the large variability
among slough habitats and the periodic nature of the instantaneous
surface water temperature data, no summary statements concerning the
above data have been made.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
The surface water temperature of six sloughs located between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon (Sloughs SA, 9, 11, 168, 19 and 21) was continually
monitored with Peabody-Ryan thermographs or data pods during the open
water field season from July to October 19S2 (Appendix 4-C). In
addition, the surface water temperature of six sloughs located between
Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (Whiskers Creek Slough and Sloughs 9, 98, 11,
19 and 21) was continually monitored during the 19S1-S2 ice covered
season using Peabody-Ryan thermographs (Appendix Tables 4-C-66 to
Based on data from the open water season, the surface.water temperatures
in the sloughs ranged from 0.2°C at mid-slough in Slough SA during
October to 14.S°C in the mouth of Slough SA during August. The greatest
variance in maximum surface water temperatures among the sampled sloughs
between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon for any one week occurred during the
first week in September when the maximum surface water temperature in
Slough 9 was 11.0°C and the maximum in Slough 11 was 3.3°C. The
greatest variance in weekly minimum surface water temperatures between
sloughs for a given week was 4.4°C occurring in the last week of August
when the minimum temperatures in the mouth of Slough SA and in Slough 11
were 7.S°C and 3.4°C, respectively. Surface water temperatures in the
sloughs were notably warmer than surface water temperatures in the
mainstem during the months of September and October. Comparing surface
water temperatures in mid-slough SA (RM 126.1) with surface water
temperatures in the mainstem adjacent to the slough (at LRX 29, RM
126.1) shows, for any given week, similar weekly maximum temperatures,
but minimum weekly temperatures from 1° to 5.4°C colder in the slough
than in the mainstem.
Based on data from the winter season (Appendix Tables 4-C-66 to 4-C-72),
the overall range of surface water temperatures in the sloughs studied
between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon varied from 0.0°C in Whiskers Creek
Slough in February to 10.3°C in Slough 98 in May. The greatest variance
in maximum surface water temperatures among the sloughs occurred the
first week of May when the surface water temperature reached 10.3°C in
Slough 9B whereas the maximum in Whiskers Creek Slough was 2.0°C.
Generally, winter surface temperatures in the sloughs increased
gradually or remained stable through February and March and increased
notably in April and the first week of May. Intragravel Water Temperature
Instantaneous Intragravel Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of intragravel water temperature were obtain-
ed at several sloughs located between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon to
identify groundwater sources and to obtain intragravel water temperature
data on FHU study transects (see Volume 4, Part II section
and also to characterize the intragravel water temperature regimes in
locations of salmon redds (see Volume 4, Part II, section
Refer to the above sections for a summary of the results of this data.
Continuous Intragravel Water Temperature
During the 1982 open-water field season, the intragravel water tempera-
ture of five sloughs situated between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (Sl-
oughs 8A, 11, 168, 19 and 21) was continuously monitored using datapods
from 1 ate August to October, 1982 (Appendix Tab 1 es 4-C-50 to 4-C-65).
During the winter, the intragravel water temperature in four sloughs
(Sloughs 9, 98, 19 and 21) was continuously monitored using Peabody-Ryan
thermographs from February through the first week of May, 1982 (Appendix
Tables 4-C-73 to 4-C-76).
Based on data from the open water season, the intragravel water tempera-
ture of the sloughs varied overall from 1.5°C at the mouth of Slough 21
during October to 7.6°C in Slough 168 during August. The overall range
of intragravel water temperatures in the sloughs (1.5°C to 7 .6°C) was
considerably less than the range of surface water temperatures observed
in the sloughs (0.2°C to 14.8°C).
In each slough studied, the minimum weekly intragravel water temperature
was warmer than the corresponding surface water temperature from mid-
September through October. Conversely, minimum intragravel water
temperatures in the mouth of Slough 8A, upper Slough 8A, Sloughs 11 and
19 and upper Slough 21 were cooler than corresponding minimum surface
water temperatures prior to September. The minimum intragravel tempera-
tures in upper Slough 8A were consistently warmer than those in the
other sloughs for this period. For August and September, the coolest
intragravel temperatures in these sloughs were in Slough 19. The
difference between minimum intragravel temperatures in the mouth of
Slough 8A and in Slough 19 for September was 3.0°C.
Intragravel temperatures obtained during the winter season (February to
April, 1982) showed considerable variation in intragravel temperatures
existed between the sloughs while the intragravel temperature in the
mouth of Slough 21 remained a steady 3.0°C from February through April,
it varied from 0.2°C to 6.5°C in Slough 9 for the same time period. In
Slough 19, the average intragravel water temperature was warmer than the
corresponding surface water temperature from February to Apri 1. The
same was true in the mouth of Slough 21 for February and March, but by
mid-Apri 1 the average surface water temperature was warmer than the
intragravel water temperature. In Sloughs 9 and 987 the surface water
temperature was warmer than the intragravel water temperature from
February through April. Tributaries Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperatures
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperatures in tributaries
between Ta 1 keetna and Devil Canyon were collected from June through
October, 1982 (Appendix Table 4-D-5). In general, surface water tem-
perature increased from June to August and decreased from September to
October, peaking in August. Instantaneous measurements of surface water
temperature ranged from 1. JOC in Portage Creek on June 7 to 12.0°C in
Fourth of July Creek on August 22.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature was continuously monitored from June to
October, 1982, in Indian River and Portage Creek. This data is presen-
ted in Appendix Tables 4-A-4, 4-A-5, 4-C-17 and 4-C-20 as continuous
hourly streamflow surface water temperatures and Tables 4I-3-4 and
4I-3-5 as daily mean stream flow and surface water temperatures.
Based on the above data, the surface water temperature of Indian River
varied from 0.0°C in late October to 12.5°C in mid-July. The surface
water temperature of Portage Creek varied from 0.0°C in mid-October to
13.0°C in mid-August. Temperatures in both Indian River and Portage
Creek generally increased from June to August and decreased in September
and October, peaking in August. Intragravel Water Temperature
No intragravel water temperature data was collected from tributaries
between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon during the 1982 open water field
Mainstem Sites Mainstem , Sloughs and Tributaries Downstream
of Talkeetna Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature of the mainstem
Susitna River downstream of Talkeetna were collected from May through
October, 1982 (Appendix Table 4-D-5). Instantaneous measurements of
surface water temperature in the mainstem below Talkeetna ranged from
0.2°C at RM 77.0 on October 14 to 11.2°C at RM 18.2 on June 1. Because
of the limited quantity of instantaneous surface water temperature data
for the mainstem downstream of Talkeetna, no further summary statements
on the above data are made.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature of the mainstem Susitna River downstream of
Talkeetna was monitored on a continuous basis at three sites from May
through October 1982. These sites include Susitna Station below the
Yentna River confluence (RM 25.8), mainstem-west bank above the Yentna
River confluence (R~1 29.5) and the Parks Highway Bridge (RM 83.4) (refer
to Figure 4I-2-1). These data are presented in Appendix Tables 4-C-2
and 4-C-4 to 4-C-6. Temperature gaging stations were also located near
the estuary and on LRX 1. No data was obtained from the estuary station
due to the instrument being lost during a flood and only two weeks of
temperature data was obtained from LRX 1 due to instrument failure.
The surface water temperature of the mainstem Susitna River downstream
of Talkeetna ranged from o.ooc in October to 13.5°C in June and July.
Both temperatures were recorded above the Yentna River confluence at RM
29.3. Generally, the surface water temperature of all mainstem sites
downstream of Talkeetna increased during the period from May through
August and decreased from September to October, peaking from mid-July to
mid-August. The peak water temperature appeared to occur somewhat later
in the mainstem downstream of Talkeetna (mid-July to mid-August) than in
the mainstem above Talkeetna (July; see section
Slough Sites
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature of various
sloughs downstream of Talkeetna were collected from June through Octo-
ber, 1982 {Appendix Table 4-D-5). These temperature measurements ranged
from 3.7°C in Lower Goose 2 Slough on October 1 to 14.2°C in Birch Creek
Slough on July 11. Surface water temperature in the sloughs downstream
of Talkeetna generally rose from June to July, peaking during July and
August, and then decreased during September through October.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
No sloughs located below Talkeetna were continuously monitored for
surface water temperature during 1982.
Tributary Sites
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature in various
tributaries downstream of Talkeetna were collected from June through
October, 1982 (Appendix Table 4-D-5). Instantaneous measurements of
surface water temperature in these various tributaries ranged from
17.4°C in Birch Creek on August 5 to 3.6°C in Sunshine Creek on October
4. Because of the limited quantity of instantaneous surface water
temperature data for the tributaries downstream of Talkeetna, no further
summary statements on the above data have been made.
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperature was continuously monitored in the three major
tributaries downst~eam of Talkeetna (the Yentna, Talkeetna and Chulitna
Rivers), from May through October, 1982 (Appendix Tables 4-C-3, 4-C-8
and 4-C-9).
The surface water temperature of the Yentna River ranged from 0.0°C in
early October to 13.0°C in late June. The surface water temperature in
the Chulitna River ranged from 0.0°C in October to 8.5°C in September
(July and August temperatures not obtained). In the Talkeetna River,
the surface water temperature ranged from 0.1°C in October to 11.5°C in
August. From July to September, monthly mean mainstem Susitna River
surface water temperatures obtai ned at the Ta 1 keetna fi shwheel camp
located approximately 5 miles upstream from the confluence with the
Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers, were 1-2°C warmer than the monthly mean
temperatures obtained in the Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers from July to
September. In October, both the Chulitna and Talkeetna Rivers and the
mainstem Susitna River averaged temperatures between 0.5°C and 1.0°C.
Monthly mean surface water temperatures obtained in the mainstem Susitna
River above the Yentna River were from 1.0°C to 2.5°C warmer than
monthly mean surface water temperatures in the Yentna River. Intragravel Water Temperature
No intragravel water temperature data was collected downstream of
Talkeetna during 1982. Locations Upstream of Devil Canyon Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous Surface Water Temperature
Instantaneous measurements of surface water temperature were collected
at various locations above Devil Canyon from May through October, 1982.
These data are presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5 (refer to Volume 5 for
further details on these results).
Continuous Surface Water Temperature
Surface water temperatures were continuously monitored in five tribu-
taries upstream of Devil Canyon (Tsusena, Watana, Kosina and Goose
Creeks and the Oshetna River) from June to October, 1982. This data is
presented in Appendix Tables 4-C-21 to 4-C-25. Refer to Volume 5 for
further details on these results. Intragravel Water Temperature
No i ntragrave 1 water temperature data was co 11 ected upstream of De vi 1
Canyon during 1982.
3.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance
and temperature were collected at various locations in the Susitna River
basin from RM 5.0 to RM 233.4 during the 1982 open water field season.
The basic field parameter temperature, as discussed in this section was
collected on an instantaneous basis. In addition, turbidity was
measured at various locations from RM 73.1 to RM 233.4. These data are
compiled and presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5. The water quality data
summarized in this section are provisional. The variety and large
quantity of information presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5 limited
sufficient review of this data.
The following water quality summaries do not include those zones that
may include a dominant water source other than the site being summarized
(i.e., sloughs and tributary sites with areas of mixing mainstem water
were not included). Mainstem and Side Channels Between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance
and temperature were collected at various mainstem and side channel
sites situated between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon primarily in conjunc-
tion with the electrofishing program (see section, Vol. 4, Part
II). These data are presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5.
From RM 114.4 to RM 148.2, the range of dissolved oxygen was 6.4 to 14.0
mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water temperatures from 5.1°
to 10.6°C. Measurements of pH were observed to range from 6.9 to 8.7
and specific conductance ranged from 33 to 132 umhos/cm. Turbidity in
the mainstem Susitna River from RM 103.0 to RM 120.7 during the 1982
open water field season ranged from 2.4 to 288 NTU. Sloughs Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity were measured at various upland and
side sloughs situated between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon during the 1982
open water field season (refer to section of Vol. 4, Part I for
the definition of upland and side sloughs). This data is compiled and
presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5. Upland Sloughs
Two upland sloughs (Sloughs 6A and 19) were monitored for the basic
field parameters discussed above, primarily in conjunction with the FDS
program, from June to October, 1982. The results are presented in
Appendix Table 4-D-5. In Slough 6A, dissolved oxygen was found to range
from 8. 9 to 13.9 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 4.3 to 15.0°C, while in Slough 19 the ranges for these
parameters were 7.3 to 13.2 mg/1 and 3.3° to 13.-9°C, respectively.
Measurements of pH and specific conductance in Slough 6A and 19 ranged
from 4.3 to 7.8 and 41 to 135 umhos/cm and 6.0 to 7.7 and 52 to 147
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity in Slough 6A ranged from 3 to 150
NTUs while in Slough 19 it varied from less than 1 to 150 NTUs.
Overall, dissolved oxygen in the upland sloughs situated between Tal-
keetna and Devil Canyon was found to vary from 7.3 to 13.9 mg/1 over a
corresponding range of surface water temperatures from 3.3° to 15.0°C,
while measurements of pH and specific conductance varied from 4.3 to 7.8
and 41 to 147 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity in upland sloughs was
observed to vary from less than 1 NTU to 150 NTUs.
156 Side Sloughs
Twelve side sloughs situated between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon (Whis-
kers Creek and Lane Creek Sloughs and Sloughs SA, 9, 9A, 98, 10, 11, 16,
20, 21 and 22) were monitored for dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity during the 1982 open water field season
in conjunction with the FDS, FHU, and IFE programs. These data are
compiled and presented in Appendix Table 4-D-4 and discussed below on a
site by site basis.
Overall, dissolved oxygen in the side sloughs situated between Talkeetna
and Devil Canyon ranged from 5.9 to 14.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range
of surface water temperatures from 2.4° to 16.3°C, while measurements of
pH and specific conductance varied from 4.0 to 7.6 and 24 to 238 umhos/
em, respectively. Turbidity was found to vary from less than 1 NTU to
84 NTUs.
Whiskers Creek Slough
In Whiskers Creek Slough from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen
was observed to vary from 8.3 to 13.3 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 3.3° to 12.4°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.0 to 7.3 and 24 to
89 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from 7 to 72 NTUs.
Lane Creek Slough
In Lane Creek Slough from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
found to vary from 8.9 to 14.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 4.6° to 7.2°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance ranged from 5.5 to 7.1 and 26 to 80 umhos/cm,
respectively. A single turbidity measurement of 1 NTU was obtained on
June 7.
Slough 8A
In Slough 8A from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was found to
vary from 8.4 to 11.0 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 2.4 to 16.3°C, while measurements of pH and specific
conductance ranged from 5.6 to 7.0 and 34 to 153 umhos/cm, respectively.
A single turbidity measurement of 1 NTU was obtained on June 6.
Slough 9
In Slough 9 from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed to
vary from 7.3 to 13.4 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 3.5° to 14.4°C, while measurements of pH and specific
conductance were found to range from 6.4 to 7.5 and 53 to 183 umhosjcm,
respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to September,
1982, ranged 15 to 48 NTUs.
Slough 98
Measurements of the basic field parameters were measured once during the
1982 open water field season at Slough 98. On October 4, the dissolved
oxygen was observed to be 9.2 mg/1 at a corresponding surface water
temperature of 3.3°C, while measurements of pH and specific conductance
were 6.6 and 163 umhos/cm, respectively.
Slough 9A
Measurements of the basic field parameters were measured once during the
1982 open-water field season at three locations in Slough 9A. On
October 3, dissolved oxygen was observed to range from 10.2 to 11.3 mg/1
over a corresponding range of surface water temperatures from 3.6 to
5.0°C, while measurements of specific conductance varied from 121 to 161
umhos/cm. Measurements of pH was constant at 6.9 at all three loca-
Slough 10
Measurements of the basic field parameters were obtained twice in Slough
10 during the 1982 open-water field season. On June 8, measurements
were made at two sites in Slough 10 while on October 4, measurements
were obtained at four sites. At all measurement sites dissolved oxygen
was observed to vary from 7.9 to 10.5 mg/1 over a corresp0nding range of
surface water temperatures from 4.2 to 6.5°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance varied from 6.1 to 7.4 and 132 to 226 umhos/cm,
respectively. Two turbidity samples, both obtained on June 8, showed
turbidity to be less than 1 NTU at one site and 4 NTUs at another site.
Slough 11
In Slough 11 from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 7.1 to 11.1 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 3. 0 to 11. 6°C, whi 1 e measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 4.0 to 7.1 and 210 to 225
umhos/cm, respectively. No turbidity measurements were obtained at this
Slough 168
In Slough 168, between June and October, 1982, dissolved oxygen levels
were measured only on two occasions, and were found to be 11.1 and 11.8
mg/1. Surface water temperature in Slough 168 was found to vary from
4.3° to 7 .5°C, while pH and specific conductance were found to range
from 6.2 to 6.6 and 34 to 70 umhos/cm. A single turbidity measurement
of 3 NTU was obtained on June 4.
Slough 20
In Slough 20 from July to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 10.3 to 14.3 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 3.0 to 9.3°C while measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 6.2 to 7.4 and 67 to 93
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from July to
October, 1982 ranged from 4 to 50 NTUs.
Slough 21
In Slough 21 from June to September, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 5.9 to 12.7 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 3.4 to 10.0°C, while measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 6.0 to 7.6 and 114 to 238
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from 2 to 62 NTUs.
Slough 22
In Slough 22 from June to September, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 9.3 to 13.2 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 4. 5 to 10. 6°C, while measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 6.3 to 7.4 and 34 to 141
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from 8 to 84 NTUs. Tributaries Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity were collected at various tributaries
situated between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon during the 1982 open water
field season. These data are presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5.
Overall, dissolved oxygen in the tributaries sampled ranged from 7.9 to
14.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water temperatures from
1.7° to 12.2°C, while measurements of pH and specific conductance varied
from 5.8 to 7.8 and 14 to 94 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity was
found to vary from less than one NTU to 85 NTUs. These results are
summarized below for each site.
Whiskers Creek
In Whiskers Creek from June to September 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 7.9 to 13.0 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature from 4.5° to 12.2°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 5.8 to 7.4 and 14 to
31 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982 ranged from less than 1 to 40 NTUs.
Gash Creek
Measurements of the basic field parameters were measured three times
during the 1982 open water field season at Gash Creek. Dissolved oxygen
ranged from 10.5 to 14.4 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 5. 6° to 10. soc, whi 1 e measurements of pH and
specific conductance ranged from 6.6 to 6.7 and 31 to 94 umhos/cm,
respectively. A single turbidity measurement of 2 NTUs was obtained in
Gash Creek on June 6.
Lane Creek
In Lane Creek from June to September 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 9.0 to 14.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface
water temperatures from 4.0° to 11.0°C, while measurements of specific
conductance and pH were found to range from 26 to 68 umhos/cm and 6.6 to
7 .8, respectively. Turbidity values were observed to range from less
than 1 NTU to 6 NTUs.
Fourth of July Creek (mouth)
In Fourth of July Creek from June to September, 1982, dissolved oxygen
was observed to vary from 9.9 to 12.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 5.6° to 12.0°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.2 to 7.3 and 21 to
26 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from less than 1 NTU to 2 NTUs.
Indian River
In Indian River from June to September, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 10.3 to 14.2 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 2.6° to 11.7°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 5.8 to 7.2 and 29 to
46 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from less than 1 NTU to 85 NTUs.
Portage Creek
In Portage Creek from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was ob-
served to vary from 10.7 to 12.7 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 1.7° to 9.7°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.2 to 7.5 and 36 to
66 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
October, 1982 ranged from less than 1 NTU to 9 NTUs. Mainstem and Side Channels Downstream of
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance
and temperature were collected at various mainstem Susitna River and
side channel sites below Talkeetna during the 1982 open water field
season primarily in conjunction with the electrofishing program (refer
to Section, Vol. 4, Part II). These data are presented in
Appendix Table 4-D-5.
Overall, from RM 5.0 to RM 88.4, the range of dissolved oxygen varied
from 6. 4 to 13.8 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 0.2° to 12.5°C. Measurements of pH were observed to
vary from 5.2 to 7.6 while specific conductance ranged from 46 to 131
umhos/cm. Turbidity was sampled from RM 73.1 to RM 88.4 and ranged from
4 NTU to 160 NTUs. Sloughs Downstream of Talkeetna
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity were collected at various sloughs below
Talkeetna during the 1982 open-water field season primarily in conjunc-
tion with the FDS, FHU and IFE programs. These data are compiled and
presented in Appendix Table 4-D-5.
Overall, dissolved oxygen ranged from 8.7 to 12.8 mg/1 over a corre-
sponding range of surface water temperatures from 5.3° to 16.4°C.
Measurements of pH and specific conductance were observed to vary from
6.1 to 7.7 and 19 to 204 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity ranged from
2 to 120 NTUs. These results are summarized below for each site.
Lower Goose 2 Slough
In Lower Goose 2 Slough from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 8.7 to 11.2 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature from 5.3° to 12.8°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.7 to 7.7 and 33 to
204 umhos/ em, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtai ned from June
to September, 1982, ranged from 5 to 120 NTUs.
Whitefish Slough
In Whitefish Slough from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 8.3 to 10.7 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature from 10.2° to 16.4°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.1 to 7.3 and 19 to
121 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from July
to September, 1982, ranged from 18 to 46 NTUs.
Rabideux Creek Slough
In Rabideux Creek Slough on July 7, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to be 9.1 with a surface water temperature of 13.0°C·while measurements
of pH was found to be 6.4. Specific conductance was not measured due to
equipment malfunction. Turbidity measurement obtained was found to be
10 NTUs.
Sunshine Slough
In Sunshine Slough from May to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 10.6 to 11.4 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 6.4° to 11.3°C while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 7.1 to 7.1 and 54 to
93 umhos/cm, respectively. A single turbidity measurement obtained July
12 was found to be 100 NTUs.
Birch Creek Slough
In Birch Creek Slough from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 9. 9 to 12.8 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperatures from 5.3° to 15.4°C, while measurement of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 6.4 to 7.7 and 70 to
165 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June
to September, 1982, ranged from 2 to 76 NTUs. Tributaries Downstream of Talkeetna
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity were collected at various tributaries
below Talkeetna during the 1982 open water field season primarily in
conjunction with the FDS, FHU and IFE programs. These data are compiled
and presented in Appendix Table 4-D-4.
Overall, dissolved oxygen varied from 8.5 to 13.4 mg/1 over a corre-
sponding range of surface water temperatures from 3.6° to 17.4°C.
Measurements of pH and specific conductance were observed to vary from
5.6 to 7.4 and 14 to 111 umhos/cm, respectively. Measurements of
turbidity obtained in tributaries below Talkeetna during 1982 ranged
from less than 1 NTU to 38 NTUs. These data are summarized below for
each site.
Lower Goose Creek 2
In Lower Goose Creek 2 from June -September, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 10.6 to 11.0 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature of 3.7° to 11.6°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductances were found to range from 6.8 to 7.4 and 27 to
40 umhos, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from less than 1 NTU to 18 NTUs.
Whitefish Slough Tributary
A single measurement of the basic field parameters was obtained on
September 16 from a tributary entering Whitefish Slough. Due to a meter
malfunction, only surface water temperature (9.3°C) and specific conduc-
tance (14 umhos/cm) were obtained.
Rabideux Creek
In Rabideux Creek from September to October, 1983, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 8. 9 to 12.0 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature 5.2° to 17.2°C, while measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 5.8 to 7.2 and 27 to 69
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements, obtained from June to
September, 1982 ranged from 2 to 9 NTUs.
Sunshine Creek
In Sunshine Creek from August to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was
observed to vary from 9. 5 to 13.4 mg/1 over a corresponding range of
surface water temperature from 3.6° to 16.4°C, while measurements of pH
and specific conductance were found to range from 5.6 to 7.3 and 27 to
111 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June
to September, 1982, ranged from 1 to 9 NTUs.
Birch Creek
In Birch Creek from June to October, 1982, dissolved oxygen was observed
to vary from 8.5 to 13.4 mg/l over a corresponding range of surface
water temperature from 5.2° to 17 .4°C while measurements of pH and
specific conductance were found to range from 5. 5 to 7. 4 and 50 to 94
umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from June to
September, 1982, ranged from 1 NTU to 38 NTUs. Locations Upstream of Devil Canyon
The basic field parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc-
tance, temperature and turbidity were collected at various locations in
the Susitna River basin above Devil Canyon during the 1982 open-water
field season. These data are compiled and presented in Appendix Table
Overall, dissolved oxygen in the tributaries above Devil Canyon ranged
from 6.6 to 14.3 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 0.1° to 14.8°C, while measurements of pH and specific
conductance ranged from 6.7 to 8.1 and 22 to 212 umhos/cm, respectively.
Turbidity in the tributaries ranged from less than 1 NTU to 42 NTUs.
In the mainstem above Devil Canyon, dissolved oxygen ranged from 9.0 to
13.5 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water temperatures from
0.1° to 13.9°C, while measurements of pH and specific conductance ranged
from 6.6 to 8.1 and 10 to 146 umhos/cm, respectively. Turbidity in the
mainstem above Devil Canyon was found to vary from 14 to 150 NTUs.
In the one slough studied above Devil Canyon, dissolved oxygen ranged
from 4.8 to 9.9 mg/1 over a corresponding range of surface water
temperatures from 6.6 to 13.6°C while measurements of pH and specific
conductance were found to range from 6.8 to 7.1 and 396 to 452 umhos/cm,
respectively. Turbidity measurements obtained from May to September,
1982 ranged from 1 to 7 NTUs. Refer to Volume 5 for a site by site
presentation of these results.
3.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases
All basic field dissolved gas data collected during 1981 and 1982 is
compiled and presented in Appendix Table 4-D-1. The 1981 data has been
previously reported in separate techni ca 1 reports conducted by Teraes-
trial Environmental Specialists (1981, 1982), however some minor correc-
tions in calculations were made in these data and are incorporated in
c: 110
0 109 +-._. 0 108 L.. -......! :J ._. +-107 0
(/) 106
c: 105 Q)
<I> 104 0...
N= 14 -b= .033 r 2 = .98
r N=6 -b= .054 r2 = .96
-b= .038 r 2 = .95
L=7 -b =. 082 r 2 = .97
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
miles below Devil Canyon
Figure 41-3-54. Percent concentration of total dissolved gas versus distance below
the Devil Canyon proposed dam site.
this report as corrected. In addition, a residual analysis of the
multiple regression examination of decay data is included in Appendix
Table 4-D-3. Although temperature was examined initially, one discharge
(at Gold Creek) and distance (number of miles) below the proposed Devil
Canyon dam site were examined as predictor variables. Temperature was
found not to have any significant contribution to the variability in the
concentrations of dissolved gas recorded. The decay of the supersatura-
tion that began in the canyon near the dam site is plotted in Figure
41-3-54 for four different sampling periods. The decay of the super-
saturated gas follows a reasonable log decay function and the regression
coefficients are indicated, but the s·l opes of the decay curves vary from
sampling period to sampling period.
The concentrations of dissolved gas immediately above and below the
rapids of the canyon were measured on two separate trips during June and
August of 1981. During the June, 1981 trip, the dissolved oxygen was
also recorded (Figure 41-3-55).
The continuous record of dissolved gas concentrations and temperature at
the site immediately below Devil Canyon are listed in Appendix 4-D-4.
The relationship of the dissolved gas concentrations to discharge is
plotted in Figure 41-3-56.
<( 115
w > ..J
(/) 110
<( 105
w 100
0:: w a.
Gold Creek Discharge=32.3
........ ,, \
\ \
· .. /
\ \
\'. \
\ \
\\ ..... ·"
,.,..·.,... -·-.. _
Gold Creek Discharge= 14.8
·-·-·-·-------·--.. -;-·
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13
Total gas saturation - --and ...... . MILES ABOVE MOUTH OF PORTAGE CREEK
Nitrogen saturation -·-·-·
Oxygen saturation
*Hashmarks indicate areas of rapids.
Figure 41-3-55. Concentrations of dissolved gases in Devil Canyon rapids
'--I ..p.
r 2 = 0.711
1/1 r 2 =0.713 Q)
log :I
0 >
:::E 820
0 -810 0
~ 800
E 790
IO,OOO 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 22,500 25,000 27,500 30,000 32,500
Mean Daily Discharge at Gold Creek { CFS)
Figure 41-3-56. Mean daily discharge versus saturometer readings below Devil Canyon.
4.1 Hydrological Investigations
4.1.1 Stage and Discharge
Talkeetna to Devil Canyon
Mainstem water surface elevations were monitored at 31 staff gage sites
located between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. Mainstem water surface
elevations were compared to the mean daily mainstem discharge at the
USGS Gold Creek gaging station. Changes in the mainstem water surface
elevation were found to generally range between 3 to 5 feet over a range
of mainstem discharge from 8,000 to 32,000 cfs. Review of 1949-1975
streamflow records (USGS 1978), indicate the mean monthly Susitna River
discharge determined at Gold Creek for the months of June -October can
range from a 1 ow of 3,124 cfs (October 1970) to a high of 50,850 cfs
(June 1964).
The stage-discharge relationship for the mainstem Susitna River from
Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, as determined from 1982 observations, is well
defined for flows ranging from approximately 8,000 to 30,000 cfs at Gold
Creek. Additional data need to be obtained to further define the range
of flows not adequately defined during the 1982 open water season (below
8,000 cfs and above 30,000 cfs).
Mainstem discharge was found to influence the water surface elevation at
the slough mouths studied to varying degrees (also see section
Backwater areas were still present at the mouths of Whiskers Creek
Slough and Slough 6A as mainstem discharges at Gold Creek dropped to
8,500 cfs. A backwater area was present at the mouth of Slough 11 at
mainstem discharge of 11,700 cfs; whereas mainstem discharges of 18,000
to 22,000 cfs were necessary before backwater areas even began to form
at the mouths of Sloughs 168, 20 and 22. The effects of mai nstem
discharge on backwater area and access to sloughs 8A, 9 and 21 has been
discussed partially in this report and will be discussed further in the
Fisheries-Habitat Report due in June, 1983.
Except when breached at their head by mainstem water, side slough
discharges (sloughflows) are generally quite small unless substantial
flow is contributed by a tributary. Of the nine sloughs (omitting
Slough 9, refer to the June report) studied between Talkeetna and Devil
Canyon, only Whiskers Creek Slough and Slough 20 had substantia 1 flow
from tributaries contributing to the sloughflow. The other seven
s 1 oughs were dependent so 1 ely on ground water and surface runoff for
flow during unbreached conditions. During the 1982 open water field
season, sloughflows during unbreached conditions ranged from 0.2 cfs at
Whiskers Creek Slough to 11.6 cfs at Slough 20 (Table 41-3-1). Once the
side sloughs became breached, sloughflow generally increased by an order
of magnitude. Measurements of sloughflow during 1982 during breached
conditions ranged from 16.5 to 257 cfs (Table 41-3-1). The 1982
sloughflow measurements are considerably less than the 500 cfs measured
at Slough 168 during breached conditions in 1981 (ADF&G 1981c). This is
primarily attributable to the abnormally low mainstem discharges which
occurred during the late summer of 1982. Mainstem discharges were
relatively high during 1981, however, the average daily discharges
(based on past records) on the dates that sloughflow measurements were
made in 1981 were not excessively large.
Most side sloughs between Ta 1 keetna and Devil Canyon were found to
breach as mainstem discharge at Gold Creek passed from 20,000 cfs to
26,000 cfs. Some error is associated with these discharge values
because breaching observations are referenced to the average daily
discharge at Gold Creek rather than a site specific discharge measure-
ment. The error is believed to be slight, however, mounting to approxi-
mately ±15%.
Periodic discharge measurements were obtained at seven tributaries
entering the Susitna River between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. These
measurements were made to determine the genera 1 flow contributed by
these tributaries to the mainstream during the 1982 open water field
season. The discharge measurements obtained from these tributaries were
found to range from 0.2 to 142.5 cfs. Sufficient data was not collect-
ed, however, to establish the overall ranges of flows or seasonal
patterns of flows for each tributary.
~lhiskers Creek and a small unnamed tributary near the head of Slough 20
were the only tributaries studied in this reach of river that contri-
buted flow to a slough. Whiskers Creek provided a substantial contribu-
tion to the total sloughflow of Whiskers Creek Slough while the unnamed
tributary provided only a minimal contribution to the total sloughflow
of Slough 20. All other tributaries studied emptied into the mainstem.
Continuous streamflow records were obtained for Indian River and Portage
Creek from August 9 through October 22, 1982. These flow data were
obtained to determine the general magnitude and variability of seasonal
streamflows from these tributaries and to provide a basis for estimating
their effect on the mainstem discharge at Gold Creek. Discharges
estimated from Indian River and Portage Creek were found to be re 1 a-
tively stable with flows in August averaging approximately 180 cfs for
Indian River and 465 cfs for Portage Creek. During most of September,
flows increased to an average of 316 cfs for Indian River and 648 cfs
for Portage Creek. Mid-September was a period of high discharge for
both Indian River and Portage Creek with a peak flow of 1 ,815 cfs for
Indian River and 1673 cfs for Portage Creek. These high flows were the
result of a storm which occurred around September 14 or 15. Flows in
both tributaries were found to recede in the month of October to 111 cfs
in Indian River and 208 cfs in Portage Creek. Overall, the 1982 flows
in Indian River and Portage Creek were relatively stable with a peak
occurring in mid-September and flow decreasing in October.
Below Talkeetna
Mainstem water surface elevations were only measured adjacent to two
slough study areas (Birch Creek Slough and Goose Creek 2 Slough) below
Talkeetna in order to determine the influence that the mainstem has on
these sloughs at various discharges. These data are discussed below in
conjunction with the sloughs. Mainstem discharge was found to
influence, to a varying degree, the water surface elevation at the
mouths of the sloughs and tributaries studied downstream of Talkeetna
(also see section Backwater areas were present at the mouth
of Whitefish Slough with mainstem flows of at least 34,000 cfs (as
determined from the USGS Sunshine gaging station). Backwater areas were
also present at the mouth of Lower Goose 2 Slough at mainstem flows of
32,000 cfs, Sunshine Creek Slough at mainstem flows of 58,000 cfs and
Birch Creek Slough at 23,000 cfs.
Except when breached at their heads by mainstem water, sloughflow within
Lower Goose 2 Slough, Sunshine Slough and Birch Creek Slough was gener-
ally provided by tributaries flowing into the slough. Upstream of the
slough/creek interface, discharge was quite small· during unbreached
conditions consisting primarily of surface water runoff and pondage
within the slough. Whitefish Slough was the only upland slough studied
below Talkeetna. The 1982 discharge measurements for Lower Goose 2
Slough, Sunshine Creek Slough and Birch Creek Slough ranged from 0.3 to
607.1 cfs upstream of the slough/creek confluence and from 86.5 to 711.0
cfs downstream of the slough/creek confluence.
Periodic discharge measurements were also obtained at five tributaries
located downstream of Talkeetna. These flow measurements were made to
determine the general magnitude of flow contributed by these tributaries
during the open water season of 1982. The discharge measurements
obtained from these tributaries were found to range from 31 to 251 cfs.
Of the five tributaries studied, only Rabideux Creek did not contribute
flow into an adjoining slough. Lower Goose Creek 2, the unnamed tribu-
tary on Whitefish Slough, Sunshine Creek and Birch Creek emptie.d into
adjoining sloughs. These tributaries, during unbreached conditions,
provided the majority of flow passing through the mouth of the slough.
From site observations, Birch Creek provided at least 50% of the flow of
Birch Creek Slough at the mouth during unbreached conditions.
4.1.2 Thalweg Profiles
Thalweg profiles are valuable for assessing the effects of discharge and
channel morphology on fish migration and access; thus they are discussed
in Part I I.
4.1.3 Other Hydrological Components Backwater Areas
Calm backwater areas which are largely regulated by the stage of the
mainstem Susitna River, occur in the lower reaches of sloughs and at the
mouths of some low gradient streams and side channels. The surfaces of
these backwater areas have been designated as H-II zones and consist of
aggregates of nine broadly defined hydraulic conditions, as defined in
Volume 4, Part II, Section 2.2 of this report. These low velocity areas
respond in a complex manner to changes in discharge of the mainstem and
to changes in discharges of associated tributaries. The proportion of
the total wetted surface areas available as fisheries habitat, that
these areas compose, often vary in an unusual but predictive manner in
response to changes in discharge of the mainstem Susitna River. These
areas have been traditionally recognized as unique ecological areas in
riverine systems.
The total area of H-II zones within the boundaries of the upper and
lower Susitna River study sites is shown in Tables 41-4-1 and 41-4-2 and
Figures 41-4-1 and 41-4-2. These values were obtained by determining
the areas indicated at 2,500 and 5,000 cfs discharge intervals from
Figures 41-3-30 to 41-3-43. These curves represent the best available
data of the overall availability of this specific hydraulic zone as a
function of mainstem discharge. Generally the number of observations
used to generate Figures 41-4-1 and 41-4-2 are much higher for the upper
river summary than for the lower river (n=9 vs n=5, respectively). The
upper river data indicate a rather marked inflection in the relationship
of areas to Gold Creek discharges above and below 17,500 cfs. The lower
river curves indicate that a change in the relationship of areas to
Sunshine discharge occurs near 40,000 cfs.
The surface area curves presented here and in results requires cautious
interpretation. These data should not be misinterpreted as broader
concepts of overall wetted surface area or of available habitat. They
represent only the surface area of low velocity backwater reaches (H-11
zones) that are caused by Susitna River stage. For instance, at several
locations it is noted that the area of H-11 water begins to increase
with decreasing Susitna River stage. At Slough 19 for example, above a
mainstem discharge of 16,000 cfs, it was observed that the H-11 wetted
surface area approached the total wetted surface area while at lower
discharges, new H-11 areas developed downstream as the mainstem receded.
Table 41-4-1 Total surface areas gf Type I I hydraulic zones within the boundaries of nine study areas on the upper Susitna River vs.
Cold Creek discharge , June through September, 1982.
Habitat Location 12,500
Slough 21 52.
Slough 20 1. 8
Slough 19 4.2c
Slough 11 22.
Slough 9 1 o.
Slough SA 155.8
Lane Creek/Slough 8 6.1
Slough 6A 127.7
Whiskers Creek/Sidechannel 29.
Total by Discharge 408.6
auscs Provisional data at Cold Creek, 1982,
Surface Areasb (Square Feet x 1000) at Habitat Location
Discharge (cfs)a
15,000 17,500 20,000 22,500
63.8 69. 42.3 16.5
0.4 0 0 0
0 9.4 11.3 13.7
32. 46. 73. 105.
84. 128. 109. 77.
164.4 173.1 181.7 190.4
9. 13.8 14.5 16.2
129.2 130.7 132.3 133.8
37.5 52. 66. 80.5
520.3 622. 630.1 633.1
boata compiled from figures 41-3-40 through 41-3-48.
cArea measured at 13,300 cfs.
dArea measured at 24,900 cfs.
eArea measured at 23,000 cfs.
fArea measured at 23,000 cfs.
25,000 27,500
3.9 12.2
0 1.9
26.d 26.d
109. 110.
44. 11.
199. 207.7
45. 47.
135.4 136.9
83.9e 83.9f
646.2 636.6
Table 41-4-2 Total surface areas of Typ~ II hydraulic zones within the boundaries of five study areas on the Lower Susitna River vs.
Sunshine station discharge , June through September, 1982.
Surface Areasb (Sguare Feet x 1000) at Habitat Location
Habitat Location 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000
Birch Creek 84. 147. 150. 153. 225. 365. 378. 385.
Sunshine Creek/Sidechannel 25. 55. 86. 118. 148. 178. 128. 121.
Rabideux Creek/Slough 496. 826. 880. 933. 987. 1040. 1090. 1150.
Whitefish Slough 21. 37. 51. 61. 67. 72. 77. 80.
Goose Creek/Sidechannel o. 58. 117. 109. 103. 93.5 85.5 77.5
Total by Discharge 626. 1123. 1284. 1374. 1530. 1749. 1759. 1814.
1-' a uses Provisional data at Sunshine, 1982, 15292780.
00 boata compiled from figures 41-3-49 through 41-3-53. w
ww ~a::
IJJ:::J ere (!)en
<ten IJJ
........ <ti co
..j:::. IJJ(.)
IJJ ua::
<(W u..O... a::O...
0... >-t-
PROVISIONAL DATA 1982 152 9 2000
Figure 41-4-1. Total surface area of aggregate type II water within the
study boundaries of nine upper reach sites versus Susitna
River discharge at Gold Creek (USGS Provisional Data).
1-w ww
<.!)cr: w<C cr:::>
<.!) (/)
LL C/)
W::r: cru 1-' <(<( (X)
(J1 w wcr
cr3 :::>0
t-cr ow 1-t-
w a.. >-1-
0 10 20 0
Figure 4I-4-2. Total surface area of aggregate type II water within the study boundaries
of five lower reach sites versus Susitna River discharge at Sunshine
(USGS Provisional Data).
Appendix Figure 4-F-4 demonstrates the same trend at Slough 21. These
new H-II areas often had very different depths, substrate conditions and
rearing potential for juvenile fish because of unstable geomorphological
conditions. These conditions were not a factor in this analysis.
Similarly, in Rabideux Creek, the sudden loss of H-II area requires
interpretation. The pool area which is connected with the mainstem
backup at high mainstem flows, disconnects as the mainstem recedes, thus
reflecting a sudden decrease in H-II surface area; what remained was a
morphological pool that provided similar habitat. This pool however, is
apparently maintained by geological processes that are influenced by
mainstem stage. Open Channels
The open channel studies are comprised of the hydraulic model, used for
simulation of hydraulic conditions under various flow regimes. These
models are in the preliminary stages of calibration and are discussed in
Part I I.
4.2 Water Quality Investigations
4.2.1 Temperature
The continued monitoring of surface water temperatures through the 1982
fie 1 d season provided background data concerning the therma 1 regime of
the Susitna River.
Continuous surface water temperatures of the mainstem Susitna River were
obtained at twelve locations during the 1982 open water season. Since
the most notable effects in the thermal regime of the river during dam
construction and operation will probably occur between Talkeetna and
Devil Canyon, efforts were concentrated in this reach. Generally,
monthly mean surface water temperatures were relatively constant in the
reach from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon, varying at most about 2°C.
Maximum daily temperatures recorded in the mainstem during 1982 peaked
at 13-15°C in July and August and dropped down to ooc by late October.
To better understand the intragravel/surface water temperature relation-
ship in side sloughs, temperature recorders which continuously monitor
simultaneously both intragravel and surface water temperatures were
installed in six side sloughs between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon.
Except during periods when the mainstem breaches the head of a side
slough, surface water temperatures in side sloughs are independent of
surface water temperatures in the mainstem. When a side slough is not
breached, surface water temperatures are largely affected by local
runoff and solar radiation and, to a lesser degree, by groundwater
percolation and air temperature. In Sloughs 21 and 8A, temperature
recorders were installed at 2 sites (near the head and near the mouth)
and a thermograph monitoring surface water temperature was installed
mid-slough. Data, to date (August-October, 1982), shows significantly
more fluctuation in surface water temperatures than in intragravel water.
temperatures on both a daily and seasonal basis. Surface water tempera-
tures in the mouth of Slough 8A varied as much as 6.8°C in one day (late
August) from a high of 14.6°C to a low of 7.8°C. Overall, surface water
temperatures ranged from 14.8° to 0.2°C in the period August -October.
In comparison, intragravel water temperatures at this site varied at
most 0.2°C in one day, always remaining within the range of S to 7°C.
Surface water temperatures obtained in the mouth of Slough 8A were
markedly warmer than surface water temperatures obtained in the other
sloughs monitored. Generally, intragravel water temperatures were in
the range from 3 to soc from August to October and surface water tem-
peratures ranged from 8 to goc in August down to 1 to 3°C in October.
Slough surface water temperatures remained warmer than intragravel water
temperatures until mid to late September, when the surface water temper-
atures had dropped to the 3 to soc range. As surface water temperatures
continued to decrease into October, the i ntragrave l water temperature
dropped at a slower rate and remained warmer than the corresponding
surface water temperature.
Continuous surface water temperatures were also obtained during the
1982 open water season in ten tributaries in the Susitna River between
RM 27.7 (Yentna River) and RM 206.8 (Kosina Creek). Generally, surface
water in the tributaries was 1 to 2°C cooler than adjacent (i.e., to the
nearest mainstem temperature monitoring station) mainstem surface water.
In the first couple weeks of October, however, when the mainstem dropped
rapidly from 3 to 4°C for a couple weeks, the surface water temperature
of the tributaries dropped to 0°C.
4.2.2 Other Basic Field Parameters
The basic field parameters of specific conductance, pH, dissolved
oxygen, water temperature and turbidity were collected in conjunction
with various sub-projects of the ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Team.
The parameters were collected at various locations in the Susitna River
basin from RM 5.0 to RM 258.0 during the 1982 open water field season.
Portions of these data, as they relate to the respective sub-project
involved in its collection, are discussed in Part II of this volume and
Volume 5. The discussion of water quality in this section includes an
overview of the water quality data collected in the main.stem (entire
river), the sloughs and tributaries between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
and the sloughs and tributaries downstream of Talkeetna.
Mainstem (entire river)
Adequate water quality measurements were not collected in the mainstem
Susitna River during the 1982 open water field season to quantify the
overall ranges of water quality present in the mainstem throughout the
ice-free season. From the limited data collected, however several
trends are apparent. The water quality of the mainstem Susitna River
appeared to be relatively homogenous throughout the areas sampled (RM
5.0 -RM 233.4) with no apparent relation to mainstem discharge, loca-
tion or date of collection. A comparison of the mainstem water quality
in the three reaches (upstream of Devil Canyon, Talkeetna to Devil
Canyon and downstream of Ta 1 keetna) showed no si gni fi cant differences
between these reaches of the river.
Primarily, the basic field parameters gathered in the mainstem Susitna
River during the 1982 open water field season were collected in conjunc-
tion with the electrofishing sub-program to characterize the water
quality present at habitats utilized for spawning by adult anadromous
and resident fish. Refer to Part II of this Volume for a further
discussion of these results.
Sloughs Between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon
Water quality data were collected on a regular basis in various upland
and side sloughs located between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon during the
1982 open water field season. In several of these sloughs, water
quality was collected during both breaching and non-breaching mainstem
flows. It is expected that water quality in a slough will vary depend-
ing on whether or not it is breached by the mainstem. During breaching
conditions, the water quality present in a slough is expected to be
directly tied to the mainstem while under non-breaching conditions it is
expected to be more closely tied to the characteristics of the slough.
Thus a comparison of the water quality in a slough under breaching and
non-breaching conditions can be used to determine the effect the main-
stem has on the overall water quality present in the slough.
Two upland sloughs (Sloughs 6A and 19) were monitored for their water
quality during the 1982 open water field season. Upland sloughs are
defined as sloughs having no connection to the mainstem other than at
their mouths (see Section Thus it is expected that these
sloughs will not exhibit any significant changes in water quality, other
than within the zone of backwater influence, that can be related direct-
ly to mainstem discharge. A comparison of the upland slough water
quality to mainstem discharge revealed that for mainstem flows ranging
from 12,400 to 28,000 cfs for Slough 19 and 11,700 to 28,000 cfs for
Slough 6A, the parameters of dissolved oxygen and pH remained constant.
This indicates that the water quality in the upland sloughs is not
related to mainstem discharge.
Both these sloughs were observed to have large backwater areas during
relatively high mainstem discharges. At Slough 19, the conductivity
values were determined to be slightly higher in the areas of the slough
removed from mainstem influence while the inverse of this was found for
turbidity levels.
In addition, nine side sloughs were monitored for their water quality
during the 1982 open water field season. Side sloughs are defined as
those sloughs connected to the mainstem at their mouth and, during
periods of high mainstem flow, at their heads (see section
Thus these sloughs may exhibit a significant change in their water
quality during breaching and non-breaching conditions.
Whiskers Creek Slough
Surprisingly, the water quality in Whiskers Creek Slough was similar
during periods of both breaching and non-breaching mainstem flows.
Ranges of surface water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and specific
conductance were very similar during periods of both breaching and
non-breaching mainstem flows. Even ranges for turbidity, which would be
expected to increase during periods of breaching mainstem flows, were
similar. The high turbidity levels obtained in the slough during
periods of non-breaching mainstem flows are most likely attributable to
the turbid flow from Whiskers Creek during periods of high creek dis-
charge. During periods of non-breaching mainstem flow, the major source
of flow into Whiskers Creek Slough is from Whiskers Creek. A comparison
of the slough water quality to that of the creek during unbreached
conditions showed tha~ overall the water quality in the creek was
similar to that in the slough except that the ranges of surface water
temperature, dissolved oxygen and specific conductance were slightly
greater in the slough. These data indicates that the major influence on
the water quality in Whiskers Creek Slough during periods of both
non-breaching and breaching mainstem flows is from Whiskers Creek.
Lane Creek Slough (Slough 8)
During periods of breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in Lane
Creek Slough appears to be primarily influenced by the mainstem. A
comparison of the ranges of dissolved oxygen, pH and specific conduc-
tance during periods of breaching and non-breaching mainstem flows shows
that the ranges of these parameters were slightly less during periods of
breaching mainstem flows than during periods of non-breaching mainstem
flows. Due to a lack of turbidity samples collected during the 1982
open water field season, ranges of turbidity during periods of breaching
and non-breaching mainstem flows could not, unfortunately, be determined
for Lane Creek Slough.
During periods of non-breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in
Lane Creek Slough appeared to be primarily influenced by groundwater and
surface water. This is indicated in that the ranges of specific
conductance and surface water temperature were slightly higher in the
slough than in the mainstem during periods of non-breac;:hing mainstem
Sloughs SA
All water quality data obtained in Slough SA during the 19S2 open water
field season were gathered during non-breaching mainstem flow
conditions. Consequently, the water quality data cannot, at this time,
be referenced to breaching or non-breached mai nstem flow conditions.
The water quality data obtained in Slough SA is within the range
observed in other studied side sloughs and does not appear to be a
limiting factor to fish.
Sloughs 9
Except for surface water temperatures, water quality in Slough 9 did not
differ significantly during periods of breaching and non-breaching
mainstem flows. The range of surface water temperatures observed during
breaching mainstem flows was less than observed during non-breaching
mainstem flows. This would be expected, as solar radiation and air
temperature would be expected to affect the slough's surface water
temperature to a greater extent during periods of non-breaching than
breaching mainstem flows. The water quality of Slou.gh 9 does not appear
to be a limiting factor to fish.
Slough 11
Slough 11 was never breached by the mainstem Susitna River during the
1982 open water field season. The relatively high levels of specific
conductance observed in the slough during this summer (133-230 umhos/cm)
indicate that the primary source of water in the slough is groundwater,
except during periods of high precipitation when surface water influence
becomes important. The parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity
did not appear to be a limiting factor to fish in Slough 11.
Slough 168
Water quality data was collected twice in Slough 168 during the 1982
open water fie 1 d season; once during breaching and once during non-
breaching mainstem flows. Based on this limited data, the water quality
in the slough during periods of breaching mainstem flows appeared to be
dependent on the mainstem while, during periods of non-breaching main-
stem flows appeared to be dependent on groundwater and surface water
runoff. This is indicated in that the surface water temperature and
specific conductance were lower in the slough during breached conditions
than during non-breached conditions. From the 1981 data, the water
quality in the slough during non-breaching mainstem flows appears to be
influenced by Indian River (ADF&G 1981c).
Slough 20
During periods of breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in Slough
20 appeared to be primarily influenced by the mainstem. This is shown
in a comparison of the ranges of surface water temperature and turbidity
in the slough during periods of breaching and non-breaching mainstem
flows. Surface water temperatures were generally 1 ower and turbidity
levels generally higher in the slough during periods of breaching
mainstem flows. Ranges of dissolved oxygen, pH and specific conductance
were very similar within the slough during both the breached and un-
breached condition.
During periods of non-breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in
Slough 20 appeared to be primarily influenced by Waterfall Creek.
Ranges of pH, specific conductance and turbidity were similar in the
slough and Waterfall Creek during unbreached conditions.
Slough 21
During periods of breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in Slough
21 appeared to be primarily influenced by the mainstem. This is shown
in a comparison of the ranges of surface water temperature and turbidity
in the slough during periods of breaching and non-breaching mainstem
flows. Surfaces water temperature were generally 1 ower and turbidity
levels generally higher in the slough during periods of breaching
mainstem flows. During periods of non-breaching mainstem flows, the
water quality in Slough 21 appeared to be primarily influenced by
groundwater and surface water runoff from a small tributary located near
the head of the slough.
Slough 22
During periods of breaching mainstem flows, the water quality in Slough
22 appeared to be primarily influenced by the mainstem. This is shown
in a comparison of the ranges of surface water temperature and turbidity
during breaching and non-breaching mainstem flows. Surface water
temperatures were generally lower and turbidity levels generally higher
in the slough during periods of breaching mainstem flows. In addition,
ranges of dissQlved oxygen, pH and specific conductance were higher in
the slough during periods of breaching mainstem flows. The main influ-
ences on the water quality in Slough 22 during periods of non-breaching
mainstem flows appeared to be from surface water runoff. Groundwater
did not appear to have a major influence on the water quality of this
slough during unbreached conditions.
Sloughs and Tributaries Downstream of Talkeetna
All sloughs studied downstream of Talkeetna during the 1982 open water
field season had tributary influences. Water quality data was collected
in these sloughs during both breached and unbreached conditions, in the
associ a ted tributaries and the adjacent mainstem. The rna i nstem flows
necessary to breach the heads of the studied sloughs downstream of
Talkeetna are not currently 9efined. Consequently, the water quality
data cannot, at this time, be referenced to mainstem flow conditions.
Based on a preliminary overview of the water quality data obtained in
the sloughs and their associated tributaries downstream of Talkeetna,
several relationships are apparent. Comparisons of the water quality in
the slough to that in the adjacent tributary reveals that the ranges of
specific conductance, turbidity, surface water temperature and pH were
higher in the sloughs than in the adjacent tributaries. Only the range
of dissolved oxygen was lower in the sloughs than the associated tribu-
Of the four sloughs studied downstream of Talkeetna, all were relatively
similar in their water quality characteristics.
4.2.3 Total Dissolved Gases
The formation of supersaturated water below the lower Devil Canyon
rapids pro vi des an unusua 1 phenomenon. Most often, rapids are
associated with dissipation of dissolved gas above 100% of saturation,
rather than entrainment of gas at supersaturated levels. Higher
dissolved gas concentrations were recorded at this location than at any
other in the ten mile reach of Devil Canyon. The continuous monitor
installed during the summer of 1982 provided an extensive collection of
baseline conditions and provided an accurate portrayal of the response
of gas supersaturation to the volume of water passing through the
canyon. This increased supersaturation depicted in Figure 4I-3-56 as a
function of discharge is probably associated with increased depths of
the plunge pools and the amount of air trapped as water passes through
this precipitous set of rapids. Fish collected in the area of highest
concentrations have not exhibited any embolisms associ a ted with gas
bubble disease. The concentrations of dissolved gases are sufficiently
high to create gas bubble disease at high water periods for sensitive
species if exposure is for a sufficient period of time. These high
water conditions did not occur during the low flow year experienced in
The formation of dissolved gas supersaturation appears to be a purely
physical process, probably caused by plunge pools· below the rapids
within Devil Canyon. Figure 4I-3-55 depicts the changes in gas concen-
trations through the canyon during two separate sampling trips. This
relationship suggests that both rapid formation and dissipation occur in
the river through the canyon. Dissolved oxygen levels paralleled total
dissolved gas suggesting a 1 so that the supersaturated conditions were
caused by a physical process. Dissolved gas saturation above the canyon
was consistently near 100% as were the waters in Gold Creek, a clear
water tributary that was sampled occasionally as a control. This
suggests that the supersaturated conditions found in the vicinity of
Devil Canyon are apparently unique to the mainstem river.
The data presented does not provide any direct support as to the fate of
man caused supersaturated gas entering the canyon above the Devil Creek
rapids. Examination of data collected in a similar situation near
Kootenai Falls below Libby dam in Montana suggests that elevated gas
concentrations entering an area of entrainment may dissipate only
partially when the concentrations initially entering the falls are above
the natural level of supersaturation (USACOE, 1981). Therefore, major
reductions in dissolved gas entering the lower Devil Canyon rapids, may
not occur if high concentrations enter the rapids.
Initial examination of the decay data below Devil Canyon during the 1981
field season suggested a predictable response of the decay of gas
supersaturated in water. The concentrations of dissolved gas appear to
be a linear function of discharge, with the initial concentrations pre-
dictably increasing with increases in mainstem discharge. The supersat-
urated condition of the water decreased, downstream as would be expected
since supersaturated water tends to become equilibrated with the atmos-
phere at 100% of satonation. It also appeared, from this limited data
base, that the rate of decay was also dependent on mainstem discharge
through Devil Canyon(Figure 4I-4-3). Further supporting this relation-
ship was the data collected below Libby dam by the USACOE (1981). This
information suggested decay of dissolved gas was dependent on discharge.
However, data collected during the summer of 1982 on the Susitna did not
support this re 1 ati onshi p and suggested other factors may affect the
decay of dissolved gas.
The effects of the variables discharge, temperature, and distance
downstream on the concentrations of dissolved gas were examined in depth
by use of multiple regression analysis techniques. The computer print-
outs from this analysis are included in Appendix Table 4-D-3.
r--7 z
.100 0
I i=
I 0:::
.090 1981 DATA z
I w SUSITNA RIVER 1982 DATA ... ---8 (.) • I z
.080 I (.)
~--9 _J
L-10 i=
.070 z I -
1-I lL. z cno w .060 ~--12 W>-(_) I _J<(
LL • • I
~w LL ~--14 0 w .050 0 I a:::~
(_) wo • I 2:~ I'V ... ~--18 a::: a:: 0 >-.040 0 <( I 0
(_) ... lL.
w I 0 0 .030 • r--22 w • 0:::
I :::::>
0 • I w
.020 r--26 0:::
~--28 w
I (.) z
.010 <(
f-en -• 0
. 000
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
Figure 41-4-3. Dissolved gas decay rates versus Gold Creek discharge with dissolved
gas data below Libby Dam, Kootenai River, Montana, provided as a
comparison (Source U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, T. Bonde, Seattle, WA).
The main conclusion from these analyses is that a high degree of pre-
dictability of dissolved gas concentrations can be established using
discharge and distance downstream as two variables for the first 11.8
miles of the river below the Devil Canyon dam site. Regardless of the
initial concentration, decay of gas supersaturation occurs at a predict-
able rate of approximately a 50% decrease in the initial concentration
for approximately every 20 miles of downstream movement. Below this
location, the predictability becomes less reliable and the gas satura-
tion levels decay at a faster rate.
Factot·s which may contribute to the latter effect include: 1) changes
in the lower reach of the river where the channel is more braided;
2) mean depths less than that present in the up river streches; and
3) dilution of the dissolved gas concentrations by the addition of water
from Indian River and Gold Creek. These changes could provide condi-
tions for more rapid equilibration of the supersaturated water to stable
conditions (_100% of saturation).
However, one other major factor may have affected the data valves
recorded. During the 1981 summer period, instrument prob 1 ems occurred
frequently. The high degree of autocorrelation observed when the data
was ordered by time period suggest possible effects of the analytical
procedure used in the field. When using only the data collected during
the summer of 1982, this problem did not occur, suggesting instrument
problems in 1981. The data points collected in the lower river were
almost all collected during the 1981 field season. Further sampling of
the lower river decay rates of dissolved gases is planned for the 1983
open water season to determine what the dissipation rate of dissolved
gas is for this reach.
The results of this study can easily be applied to determining the
relative hazard of supersaturated gas to downstream fish populations.
The State of Alaska standard for maximum allowable dissolved gas super-
saturation is 110%.
conditions below Devil
This value is clearly exceeded under natural
Canyon (Figure 4I-3-45). Concentrations of
dissolved gases produce increased mortalities in fish hatchery environ-
ments at levels between 105% and 110% (Weitkamp and Katz, 1980). Fish
have no method of escaping the elevated gas conditions by sounding in
hatchery holding areas. In natural systems, the threshold for increases
in natural mortality caused by elevated gas supersaturation usually are
documented to occur between 115 and 120% (IBID). These conditions are
approached only under the highest discharge conditions that occur in the
Susitna River, thus suggesting that the natural hazard to fish is very
The data presented suggests that the decay rate of dissolved gas is
sufficiently low so that any mencaused elevation of supersaturation
above the peak levels associated with the natural conditions could
potentially create problems for the salmon stocks associated with
Portage Creek and would probably affect the Indian River stocks as well.
These systems are major producers of salmon in addition to resident
species in the system.
1.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
Adult anadromous fish habitat studies were designed to meet the follow-
ing objectives:
1) Identify the presence of spawning at specific locations within
mainstem, side channel and slough habitats.
2) Identify the ranges of physical and chemical conditions
present at locations utilized for spawning and passage.
3) Support the analysis of the availability of spawning habitat
within sloughs at a variety of flows of the mainstem Susitna
4) Support an evaluation of the accessibility of slough habitats
to adult salmon at a variety of flows of the mainstem Susitna
5) Support an evaluation of whether to initiate detailed salmon
spawning habitat investigations in the Susitna River between
Cook Inlet and Talkeetna in 1983.
1.1.1 Salmon Habitat Mainstem
Adult anadromous salmon have been reported to utilize the mainstem
Susitna River for spawning (ADF&G 1981b). Sampling conducted from
August 1 to September 15, 1982, included the following tasks:
1) Determine the extent, timing and number of chum, pink, sockeye
and coho salmon spawning in the mainstem Susitna River.
2) Evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of mainstem
habitats utilized for spawning.
3) Identify the relationship between changes in mainstem dis-
charge and temperature to the extent, timing and number of
salmon present in the mainstem.
Results of the first task are summarized in Volume 2 of this report.
Results of the second task are summarized in Section of this
vo 1 ume. Resu 1 ts of the third task are to be summarized in the Draft
Fisheries Habitat Relationship Report due in June, 1983.
1.1.1. 2 Slough
This portion of the study focused on the evaluation of adult salmon
spawning habitat (primarily chum salmon) in selected side sloughs. It
is integrally related to objectives stated in Volume 2 and Volume 4,
Part I, but expands them a step further and evaluates the habitat
actually available to and utilized by fish. Specific tasks were as
1) Identify the types and ranges of hydraulic, morphologic and water
quality variables (e.g., discharge, water velocity and depth,
substrate composition, presence of upwelling, surface and
intragravel water temperatures) present in slough and side channel
habitats during the adult salmon spawning period.
2) Identify the types and ranges of the above variables which are
utilized by adult salmon for spawning in sloughs.
3) Model and quantify the availability of spawning habitat in sloughs
at a variety of flows of the mainstem Susitna River.
4) Collect data supporting an evaluation of the accessibility of
slough and tributary habitats to adult salmon at a variety of flows
of the mainstem Susitna River.
1.1.2 Eulachon Habitat
Eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus [Richardson]), an anadromous member of
the smelt family, has been previously reported to spawn in the lower
Sus itna River (Morrow 1980, Lee et a 1. 1980) Samp 1 i ng conducted from
May 16 (ice-out) to June 12, 1982, included the following tasks.
1) Determine the extent, timing and numbers of the spawning runs of
eulachon in the Susitna River.
2) Evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of habitats
utilized for spawning by eulachon.
3) Identify the relationship between changes in mainstem discharge and
temperature to the extent, timing and number of eulachon present.
Results of the first task are summarized in Volume 2 of this report.
Results of the second and third tasks are summarized in Part II, Section
3.1.6 of this volume.
1.1.3 Bering Cisco Habitat
Bering cisco ( Coregonus 1 aurettae Bean), an anadromous member of the
whitefish family, were first discovered to utilize the Susitna River
basin for spawning in 1981 (ADF&G 1982b). A total of 747 fish were
sampled during 1981 using fishwheels, gillnets, and electroshocking
gear. Habitat eva 1 uati on surveys were a 1 so conducted at three major
spawning areas located between RM 75 and 80 during 1981.
Tasks pursued during the 1982 open-water field season were as follows:
1) Determine the extent, timing and number of the spawning runs of
Bering cisco in the Susitna River.
2) Evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of habitats
utilized for spawning by Bering cisco.
3) Identify the relationship between changes in mainstem discharge and
temperature to the extent, timing and number of Bering cisco
The results of the first task are summarized in Volume 2 of this report.
Results of the second and third tasks are summarized in Part II, Section
3.1.7 of this volume.
1.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
A portion of the juvenile anadromous fish studies included measurements
of a variety of physical and chemical habitat variables at 17 sites
(Appendix 4-F) between Goose Creek and Portage Creek during the ice-free
season of 1982. Details of the program and sampling sites are contained
in Section 2.3 of Volume 3. These studies were designed to determine
how fluctuations in mainstream discharge affected habitat parameters at
sampling sites and how those changing habitat parameters affected fish
distribution and relative abundance. Specific objectives were as
1) Define the ranges of various habitat parameters at sampling
2) Characterize the seasonal habitat requirements of selected
3) Determine how spatial and temporal differences in habitat
parameters affect fish distribution and relative abundance.
4) Determine the relative importance of the habitat parameters
which influence fish distribution and relative abundance.
5) Determine if changes in mainstem discharge has an effect on
the distribution and relative abundance of selected species at
the sampling sites.
6) Determine the ranges of habitat parameters within specific
hydraulic zones, determine the preference of selected species
for particular hydraulic zones, and estimate the comparative
value of habitats utilized by each species.
1.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations
Objectives of the resident fish habitat investigations during 1982
included those listed in Section 1.2 as well as the following:
1) Determine characteristics of habitats utilized for spawning by
adult resident fish.
2) Determine movement and migrational patterns of adult resident
3) Determine characteristics of overwintering habitats utilized
by adult resident fish.
2.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
2.1.1 General Mainstem and Lower River Studies Mainstem Salmon
Boat-mounted (Plate 4II-2-1) and backpack electrofishing gear (for
methods and design see ADF&G 1982a), drift nets, and foot surveys were
utilized to identify spawning sites in the mainstem Susitna River below
Devil Canyon (RM 152.0) from August 1 to September 15, 1982. The
11 mainstem 11 in this study is defined to include the main channel and its
associated side channels. It does not include tributary-mainstem
confluence zones or slough habitats (as defined in ADF&G 1982b).
The mainstem Susitna River was sampled for spawning salmon five days
each week throughout the survey period. The sampling area (Figure B)
extended from the estuary (RM 0.0) to Devil Canyon (RM 151.0) and was
sampled by three separate crews as follows:
1) Yentna crew-estuary (RM 0.0) to Kashwitna River (RM 61.0),
2) Sunshine crew -Kashwitna River (RM 61.0) to Talkeetna (RM
97 .0), and
Plate 411-2-1 Electroshocking on the mainstem Susitna River.
3) Gold Creek crew -Talkeetna (RM 97.0) to Devil Canyon (RM
Salmon were not assumed to be spawning at a catch site unless all of the
following criteria were met (AFD&G 1982a):
1) Fish exhibited spawning maturation colors and morphology.
2) Fish expelled eggs or milt when slight pressure was exerted on
the abdomen.
3) Fish were in vigorous condition, with 25 percent or more of
the eggs or milt remaining in the body cavity.
4) Additional sampling efforts produced fish that met criteria
one through three above.
When a mainstem spawning site was identified, the habitat of the site
was also evaluated. This was a first attempt at evaluating habitat
characteristics of mainstem salmon spawning areas and the study design,
procedures and methods of study were modified in the field as necessary.
The following procedures were utilized:
1) River mile, geographic code (GC) and time of sampling were
determined and recorded.
2) A qualitative description of general habitat characteristics
of the site and sampling methods and gear were recorded.
3) The overall substrate composition of the site was determined
using methods described in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a)
and recorded.
4) Representative measurements of the following variables were
collected at each site using techniques described in the
Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982b): air temperature, surface and
intragravel water temperatures, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific
conductance, turbidity and water depth and velocity.
5) A map of the area was drawn indicating salmon spawning sites
and areas of data collection.
6) Representative photographs of the site were taken. (A com-
plete set of photographs are on file at the ADF&G Su Hydro
Office, 2207 Spenard Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.) Eulachon
The Susitna River was sampled for spawning eulachon every day from May
15 (ice out) to June 16, 1982, by a three-person cre~t/ stationed at
Susitna Station (RM 25.5). Set and dip nets and boat-mounted
electrofishing gear (for methods and design see ADF&G 1981a Procedures
Manual) were utilized to define eulachon spawning sites and the upstream
limits of their migration.
Eulachon sampled by the above gear were not assumed spawning at a catch
site unless all of the following criteria were met:
1) Fish freely expelled eggs or milt.
2) Fish were in a vigorous free-swimming condition.
3) Twenty or more fish, with a mixture of both sexes, were caught
in the initial or subsequent site sampling efforts which met
criteria 1 and 2 above.
It was difficult to distinguish between migrational, milling and spawn-
ing areas using the above criteria. Eulachon are known to be broadcast
spawners and thus do not fan a nest (Morrow 1980), making it difficult
to observe the exact location and timing of spawning. Attempts were
made to identify deposited eggs in substrate samples by direct observa-
tions. This proved largely unsuccessful, because the eggs are quite
small and opaque white (Morrow 1980).
When a eulachon spawning site was identified, the habitat at the site
was also evaluated. Because this was a first attempt at evaluating the
habitat characteristics of eulachon spawning areas, procedures and
methods of study had to be designed and modified in the field. Due to
the similarity between eulachon and Bering cisco spawning behavior,
techniques similar to those used in the Bering cisco study were employed
in this study (ADF&G 1982b). The following procedures were utilized:
1) The site was assigned a name and the river mile, geographic
code, and time of sampling were determined and recorded.
2) A qualitative description of the general habitat characteris-
tics of the site, the sampling methods, and gear used were
3) The overall substrate composition of the site was determined,
using methods described in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G
1982a), and recorded.
4) Representative measurements of the following water qua 1 ity
variables were collected at each site, using techniques
described in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a), and record-
ed: water and air temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, specific
conductance and turbidity.
5) A map of the area was drawn and a sampling grid for the
collection of depth and water velocity data was developed
based on procedures developed by Bovee and Cochnauer (1977).
6) Depth and water velocity data were collected and recorded.
7) Representative photographs of each site were taken. (A
complete set of photographs are on fi 1 e at the ADF&G Su Hydro
Office, 2207 Spenard Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503.)
Two Peabody-Ryan model J-90 thermographs were placed in the Susitna
River to continuously monitor water temperature. These data were used
to determine surface water temperatures at the time of the eulachon
spawning runs. Thermographs were placed along the east bank of the
Susitna River (Figure 41-2-4) at RM 5.5 (at the east bank gill net site)
and RM 25.5 (at Susitna Station). The thermograph at RM 5.5 and its
recorded data were lost during an attempt to recover it. The
thermograph at ~M · 25.5 was recovered and daily mean temperatures were
calculated as the mean of four, 6-hour, point readings. Bering Cisco
Sampling was conducted from September 1 to October 15 (freeze-up), 1982,
in the mainstem Susitna River and its associated side channels and
sloughs to ascertain the degree of spawning by Bering cisco. In addi-
tion, tributary mouths were occasionally sampled. Sampling was con-
ducted utilizing fishwheels and standard boat-mounted electrofishing
gear (for design and procedures see ADF&G 1982a).
Bering cisco are believed to be broadcast spawners (Morrow 1980). This
makes it difficult to determine the exact timing and location of
spawning. Bering cisco captured by the above gear were not considered
to be spawning at a catch site unless all of the following criteria were
1) Fish freely expelled eggs or milt.
2) Approximately 20 or more fish, with a mixture of both sexes,
were captured at a catch site.
3) Ripe or spent fish were present at the same site 24 hours
after the initial sampling effort.
When a catch site was determined to have Bering cisco spawning, the
habitat of the site was also evaluated. To assure consistency of data,
procedures similar to those employed during the 1981 study of Bering
cisco spawning grounds (ADF&G 1982b) were employed during this year.
The following procedures were utilized:
1) The site was assigned a name and the river mile, geographic
code and time of sampling were determined.
2) A qualitative description of the general habitat characteris-
tics of the site, sampling methods and gear used were record-
3) The overall substrate composition of the site was determined,
using methods described in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G
1982a), and recorded.
4) Representative measurements of the following water quality
measurements were collected at each site, using methods
described in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a) and recorded:
air temperature, surface and intragravel water temperatures,
pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and turbidity.
5) A map of the area was drawn and a sampling grid for the
collection of depth and water velocity data was developed
(based on procedures in Bovee and Gochnauer 1977).
6) Depth and water velocity data were collected and recorded.
7) Representative photographs of each site were taken.
2.1.2 General Slough and Tributary Studies
Thirteen sloughs were selected for general slough studies during the
1982 open-water field season including Whiskers Creek and Lane Creek
sloughs and sloughs 6A, 8A, 9, 9A, 10, 11, 168, 19, 20, 21 and 22.
These sloughs were selected for study based on their relative importance
to the fishery.
Each of the sloughs were surveyed one time during early October. This
was during a low flow period which enabled easy access and visibility of
substrates and areas of upwelling. A foot survey was conducted at each
slough, visually assessing substrate and upwelling areas and recording
these characteristics on scaled (1"-50 1
) maps obtained by aerial photo-
graphy. Representative water quality measurements (pH, DO, specific
conductance and temperature) were also obtained. Spawning areas were
recorded by Adult Anadromous stream survey personnel who had monitored
these sloughs throughout the spawning season. Ice-free areas were
mapped once in November 1982 and once in February 1983 from a heli-
2.1.3 Specific Slough Studies
Shortages of time and manpower limited the number of sloughs that could
be intensively studied during the 1982 open-water season. Thus, four
sloughs (8A, 9, 11 and 21), each located within the Talkeetna to Devil
Canyon reach of the Susitna River, were selected for intensive studies.
These sloughs were selected based on their relative importance to the
fishery (based on observed numbers of spawning salmon in previous years)
and the comparatively large fisheries data base available from previous
fish and game studies. The hydraulic data required for modeling Slough
11 was not collected due to time and personnel limitations.
The intensive slough studies were comprised of two components: hydrau-
lic modeling and fish spawning habitat availability and utilization.
There was a significant overlap in data types required to fulfill
objectives for the hydraulic modeling and fish spawning habitat avail-
ability and utilization components of the study. Both required dis-
charge data collected across several transects at a variety of different
flows. Within each slough, specific sites and transect locations were
se 1 ected to represent the range of hydraulic and other habitat con-
ditions in the slough. These transects were numbered sequentially,
proceeding in an upstream direction, and used for both components of the
study. Modeling
Data collection for the hydraulic portion of the model involved measure-
ment of water surface elevation, depth, velocities and substrate along
several transects within a site chosen to be representative of the reach
being modeled. These transects were tied together with respect to
elevation and horizontal distances. The specific field procedures
followed are outlined in Procedures Manuals (ADF&G 1981a, 1982a). In
addition to the hydraulic portion of the model, a habitat simulation
portion will eventually be added to determine the amount of habitat
usable by the appropriate life stage of the species being considered.
The field data collection methods are discussed in Section
The programming and analysis procedures are discussed by Milhouse et al.
220 Habitat Availability and Utilization
This portion of the study was designed to address two tasks.
1. Determine the ranges of several physical habitat characteris-
tics (water depth and velocity and substrate composition) of
study sloughs available to selected fish species and life
stages at different mainstem discharges (AVAILABILITY).
2. Determine the characteristics of the habitat actually utilized
by the fish species and 1 ife phases observed in the study
sloughs at different mainstem discharges (UTILIZATION).
The primary species studied was chum salmon; however, limited data were
also obtained for sockeye and pink salmon. Availability
Data were collected to describe the habitat available to fish for
spawning. Water depth and velocity and streambed substrate types were
measured at regular intervals along transects within each study site.
The transects included those used for the modeling portion of the study
and additional transects located in areas of fish activity which
occurred outside of the modeling site. These additional transects were
labeled alphabetically, proceeding in an upstream direction. Substrate
analysis was conducted following procedures outlined in the 1982
Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a).
221 Utilization
Data were collected to describe the specific habitat that was actually
used by fish for spawning. When it was determined that a fish had
established a redd, water depth and velocity, substrate composition, and
intragravel water temperatures were measured at the same time the fish
were in the process of spawning. The criteria used for confirming a
spawning fish are described in the 1981 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1981a)
and Estes et al. (1981). Utilization data collected at redds at a
particular water stage was supplemented with a set of water surface
elevations, depths and velocities collected along the availability
transects. If the stage changed significantly and more utilization data
were collected, additional availability data were also collected at
Although the adult salmon spawning utilization data in slough habitats
are primarily limited to adult chum salmon in this report, other species
and life stages will be analyzed as more data are compiled in future
studies. Water Quality
Basic water quality parameters were measured in each study slough to
determine the differences in water quality within the slough, to help
identify water sources, and to document the quality of the water
available to and utilized by the fish (when present). The majority of
these data are discussed in Part I of this volume.
Interim analysis of intragravel temperatures collected at salmon redds
raised several questions concerning the source and importance of intra-
gravel water. The following study was developed to address these
questions. In each s 1 ough, temperature ( i ntragrave 1 , substrate/water
interface, and surface) measurements were obtained along study tran-
sects. In addition, i ntragravel and surface water temperatures and
conductivity measurements were obtained at a variety of specified
locations (Appendix Figures 4-F-1 to 4-F-3) generally selected for
specific comparative purposes (e.g., ground water vents vs. no vent
areas). These data were used to determine the sources and importance of
intragravel water to available spawning habitat.
2.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
Different methods were developed to sample the distribution and
abundance of j uveni 1 e anadromous fish with respect to habitat at a
particular site during the 1982 field season than were used during the
1981 field season. This was necessitated by the relatively low density
of juveniles observed at most of the habitat sites during 1981 sampling
efforts (ADF&G 1981d). Observations during 1981 showed that
concentrations of juveniles often changed markedly between sampling
peri ads, i ndi cati ng that juvenile fish in the upper river were often
transient during their summer rearing period. This likely reflected
outmigration and behavioral responses to changing habitat conditions.
Fish, through behavioral responses to changing environmental conditions,
are able to select between different micro-habitats at a site. Thus,
fish distribution data can provide an indication of the behavioral
preference for the variable conditions that existed at the sites. Based
on 1981 data (ADF&G 1981d), the numbers of fish collected were not
expected to be sufficient to allow a true multi-variate analysis of
environmental parameters at a given site if point measurements were made
at each fish capture location. Variability within sample sites would
preclude collection of sufficient data. Also, a quantitative
description of the amount of habitat that would be available for the
fish to select from, as is typically done in the development of prefer-
ence or selectivity curves, would not be possible because of the
extensive field work required to document the full range of
environmental parameters available at each sampling site.
Therefore, habitat areas were stratified to cover a wide range of
conditions during 1982. These areas were designated as habitat zones
(Table 411-2-1, Figure 411-2-1) and were classified on the basis of
surface water velocity and water source in nine zones. The distribution
of zones at a hypothetical site at three different levels of mainstem
discharge is depicted in Figure 4II-2-1.
The relative importance of these different habitat zones for each
species will be reflected in their preference for different zones. The
proportion of catch per unit effort for each species or age class at a
particular time will provide an index to the importance of the zones.
It will then be possible to deduce the overall response of juvenile
Table 4II-2-1. Description of habitat zones sampled at Designated Fish
Habitat sites: June through September, 1982.
Zone Code Description
1 Areas with a tributary or ground water source which are
not influenced by mginstem stage and which usually have a
significant surface water velocity.
2 Areas with a t~ibutary or ground water source which have
no appreciable surface water velocity as a result of a
hydraulic barrier created at the mouth of a tributary or
slough by mainstem stage.
3 Areas of significant surface water velocities, primarily
influenced by the mainstem, where tributary or slough
water mixes with the mainstem water.
4 Areas of significant water surface velocities which are
located in a slough or side channel above a tributary
confluence (or in a slough where no tributary is present)
when the slough head is open.
5 Areas of significant water surface vel oci ties which are
located in a slough or side channel below a tributary
confluence when the slough head is open.
6 Backwater areas with no appreciable surface water veloci-
ties which result from a hydraulic barrier created by
mainstem stage which occur in a slough or side channel
above a tributary confluence (or in a slough or side
channel where no tributary is present), when the head of
the slough is open.
7 Backwater areas with no appreciable surface water velo-
cities which result from a hydraulic barrier created by
mainstem stage which occur in a slough or side channel
below a tributary confluence, when the head of the slough
is open.
8 Backwater areas consisting of mainstem eddies.
9 A pool with no appreciable surface water surface veloci-
ties which is created by a geomorphological feature of a
free-flowing zone or from a hydraulic barrier created by
a tributary; not created as a result of mainstem stage.
a 11 Significant" and "appreciable" surface water velocities mean a
velocity of at least 0.5 ft/sec. However, there are site-specific
exceptions to this, based on local morphology.
""-s Iough
Head (Open)
·.:: ., ..... ~ ·:... ··:~ .. , .......
.--3 Mouth
_._.MAINSTEM --Head (Open)
Tributary .
Mouth ~ .( .. , .
•• <-\:::::<<~: < ...... .
• ~1' .,~ •
.-3 Mouth ..,.._MAINSTEM-
·!·~ ..
~' ..
- -... :.~i~·"·.;.··;··:;?.-.."::·.
Head (Closed)
Figure 4!!-2-1. Hypothetical slough, with associated tributary,
showing hydraulic zones present at three dif-
ferent levels of mainstem discharge.
habitat to the variable mainstem discharge. This requires the assump-
tion that reductions in wetted surface area reflect loss of habitat for
a particular species or age class. The size and occurrence of these
habitat zones responded, often dramatically, to changes in mai nstem
discharge. Fish collection efforts were designed to provide represen-
tative catch per unit effort within each of these designated zones at
various levels of mainstem discharge.
The response of the zones to mainstem discharge was characterized
primarily by measuring changes in wetted surface area or in the linear
extent of each zone at various mainstem discharges. Further analysis,
using 1982 staff gage data and discharge measurements within the
habitats, will evaluate changes in depth and possibly velocity of these
zones with mainstem discharge. Ultimately, effects of tributary or
ground water inflow on depth, surface area, and velocity, as well as the
effects on temperature and turbidity will be examined. Long-term
effects on cover and geomorphological changes have not been quantified,
but observations by field biologists of the changes associated with
flood or icing events on these parameters will be described in narrative
The sampling design, methods, and sampling sites of the biological data
collection effort are described in Volume 3, Section 2.1.3. The loca-
tion of the 17 tributary mouth and slough sampling sites of this study,
called Designated Fish Habitat (DFH) sites, are shown in Figure 411-2-2.
Sunshine Cr.
Figure 411-2-2. Location of Designated Fish Habitat sites on the
Susitna River, Goose Creek 2 to Portage Creek.
A general description and an aerial photo of each site are contained in
Appendix 4-F. A description of the techniques used in measuring the
surface area of the sampling zones backed up by the mainstem is
contained in Part I, Section of this volume.
All of the sampling sites responded hydraulically to changes in mainstem
discharge, some more than others. The prevailing hydraulic conditions
at each site were evaluated each sampling trip prior to the deployment
of any gear. Each site was classified into habitat zones (Table
4II-2-1) using the following criteria: 1) presence or absence of a
backed-up area resulting from a hydraulic barrier created by the
mainstem at the mouth of the site; 2) slough head breached or unbreached
(for slough sites), and 3) source of water (tributary and/or ground
water versus mainstem water). Water velocity and turbidity were used to
he 1 p determine zone boundaries. In some cases where the gradient was
very low, the decrease in surface water velocity at the point where a
free-flowing stream or s 1 ough started to respond to the effect of a
backed-up area was imperceptible to the observer. At those sites, a
series of mean column water velocities was taken and a zone boundary
drawn where the velocity of the backed-up area was at least 0.2 ft/sec
less than the velocity of the free-flowing area. The extent of mainstem
backwater zones was determined by surface water velocity, by locating a
11 COntrol 11 (a riffle area above the backwater zone), and by considering
whether or not extremely low mainstem discharges could effect the
surface area, velocity, or water depth of the area being examined.
Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, turbidity
and water velocity were collected twice a month from each DFH sampling
site, for each zone where fish distribution data was collected. One to
three measurements of each parameter were made in each zone in that part
of the zone which was actually sampled by the fishing gear and the
average reading recorded. Fluorescein dye was used initially in minnow
traps to determine the location of the scent plume from the minnow trap.
Measurements recorded were representative of the part of the zone which
was sampled by the fish collection gear; they are not necessarily
representative of the entire zone, although in most cases there is
little difference.
Field observations on the dominant substrate type and amount and quality
of cover in each zone were also recorded. The equipment and techniques
used to measure the different habitat parameters are described in Part I
of this volume (Section 2.2) and in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a).
Staff gages were installed at most of the DFH sites so that water
surface elevations could be obtained for each zone. The methods are
described in Part I of this volume (Section 2.1.1). Staff gages were
read twice a month concurrently with the collection of biological and
habitat data.
The habitat zones (Table 4II-2-1) were aggregated in various ways to aid
in analysis of the data. Aggregate zones using hydraulic conditions as
a criterion are as follows.
Zones Included
1, 4, 5, 9
2, 6, 7, 8
not backed up by mainstem
backed up by mainstem
Zone 9, a pool created by morphological features, can occur within a
zone 1, zone 4, or zone 5, so these three zones, which normally have
medium to high water flow, may include slackwater areas. The criterion
is that the slackwater areas in aggregate zone H-I are not caused by
mainstem backup.
Aggregate zones using water source as the criterion are as follows.
Aggregate Habitat
Zone Zones Included Definition
W-I 1' 2 tributary water and/or
ground water only
W-I I 4, 6, 8, mainstem water only
sometimes 3
W-III 5' 7' mixed water sources
sometimes 3
The zones can also be aggregated using the open/closed status of the
s 1 ough head as a criterion. The presence of any one of the numeri ca 1
zones 4, 5, 6, or 7, indicates that the slough head is open. If none of
these zones are present, the slough head is closed. In this case, for
those sloughs that are associated with a tributary, the zone 1 and zone
2 extend into the slough channel.
2.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations
2.3.1 Mainstem Radio Telemetry Studies
From October 5 through October 14, 1981, five burbot and five rainbow
trout captured in the Susitna River between RM 76.3 and 84.7 were tagged
with surgically implanted radio transmitters to determine:
1) the movement and/or migrational patterns of these species, and
2) the location and characteristics of overwintering habitats
utilized by these species.
These fish were tracked using aerial, boat and snowmachine surveys from
the dates of implantation and release until transmitter failure occurred
or until early April 1982.
Preliminary evaluations of the overwintering habitats of these fish were
attempted. These evaluations included measurement of water temperature,
pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, substrate, and water depth
and velocity at overwintering sites. Findings by species of these
studies are presented in Part II, Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
232 Miscellaneous Spawning Fish
Conditions associated with habitat utilized by any resident fish
observed spawning in the Susitna River basin were recorded during 1982.
Habitat conditions assessed included measurement of water temperature,
pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, substrate and water depth
and velocity at observed spawning sites.
2.3.2 Slough and Tributary
Methods used for resident fish studies at Designated Fish Habitat sites,
except for the fish collection gear, are the same as the methods out-
lined in Section 2.2 of this volume. For the methods of resident fish
studies at Selected Fish Habitat sites, refer to Sections 2.1.1 and
2.1.2 of Volume 3. Selected Fish Habitat sites are areas ranging from
Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon which were primarily sampled by boat electro-
3.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
3.1.1 Chum Salmon Mainstem
During 1982, mainstem spawning sites were not located for any of the
salmon species except chum salmon. Mainstem chum salmon spawning sites
were not found downstream of Lane Creek (RM 113.6). Eight mainstem chum
salmon spawning sites (Figure 411-3-1), located between Lane Creek (RM
113.6) and Devil Canyon (RM 152.0), were surveyed with respect to
habitat; these included:
River Mile Site Number Geograehic Code
114.4 1 S28N04W06CAB
128.6 6 S30N03W16BCA
129.8 8 S30N02W09DAB
131.1 7 S30N03W03DAD
136.0 2 S31N02W19AD
137.4 5 S31N02W17DBB
138.9 4 S31N02W09DBD
148.2 3 S32N01W26DCA
Planimetric maps, identifying the spawning areas within each of the
identified spawning sites, are presented in Appendix Figures 4-F-4 to
N w
0 10
Figure 411-3-1. Location of the mainstem chum salmon spawning sites on the upper
Susitna River: September 4-15, 1982.
4-F-11. Representative chum salmon spawning areas are shown in Plates
411-3-1 and 411-3-2.
Water quality data for each spawning site are summarized in Table
411-3-1. Water depth and velocity and substrate composition data for
each spawning site are summarized in Table 411-3-2. Slough
The analysis of chum salmon spawning in sloughs included: computer
modeling, summarization of important spawning habitat variables
(Appendix Figures 4-F-12 to 4-F-69), comparison of water quality from
surface and ground water sources, and comparison of available water
depths and velocities with those utilized for chum salmon redds. Other
salmon species are not analyzed due to insufficient data. Modelina
Water depths and velocities and substrate composition were recorded
along transects at various flows at the Chum Channel, Rabideux Slough,
and Slough 8A, Slough 9 and Slough 21 study locations (Appendix Figures
4-F-12, 4-F-13, 4-F-24. 4-F-30 and 4-F-59). Cross sections along these
transects are in Appendix 4-A. Before the hydraulic and habitat models
can be combined, the hydraulic model must be calibrated (Milhous et al.
1981). This task is currently in progress.
. I
Plate 411-3-1 Chum salmon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 114.4 (GC S28N04W06CAB):
September 9, 1982.
Plate 411-3-2 Chum salmon spawning area on the Susitna River at RM 128.6 (GC S30N03Wl6BCA):
September 7, 1982.
Table 411-3-1. Water quality at chum salmon spawning sites on the Susitna
River, September 4-14, 1982.
Temeerature (oc)
Specific Dissolved
Site River Sample Intra-Conductance Oxygen
Number Mile Number gravel Water Air (umhos/cm) (mg/1)
1 114.4 1 7.6 10.6 13.4 85 13.4
2 7.6 10.5 14.0 79 14.0
2 136.0 1 5.6 5.8 12.2 79 7.1
2 5.8 6.1 12.2 80 8.0
3 3.7 7.5 12.2 108 10.6
3 148.2 3 a 7.5 13.0 96 9.9
4 138.9 1 3.3 5.1 12.2 58 9.0
5 136.9 1 3.3 7.7 12.2 91 10.4
6 128.6 1 4.5 8.8 12.0 106 12.3
2 4.7 8.8 12.0 104 12.3
3 4.7 9.1 12.0 112 12.1
4 4.7 8.8 12.0 116 11.8
7 131.3 1 5.4 10.2 13.0 74 12.8
2 5.2 10.2 13.0 74 12.8
3 4.2 9.5 11.8 92 13.9
4 3.8 8.6 11.8 124 12.9
5 4.1 8.5 11.8 132 12.5
6 7.0 9.3 11.8 33 13.1
8 129.8 1 4.1 7.2 7.6 113 6.4
a Meter malfunction, no reading taken.
Table 411-3-2. Water depths, velocities and substrates at chum salmon spawning sites on the Susitna River:
September 4-14, 1982.
Site River Sample Depth Velocity
Number Mile Number (ft) (ft/sec) Substrate Embededness Notes
114.4 0 -4.0a 0 -1.0b 30% silty sand Yes (50%) Turbid water
30% rubble
20% cobble
10% gravel
2 1.5 0 (same as sample 1 ) redd
2 136.0 1 .5 0 25% cobble Yes (80%) redd
20% rubble clearwater
15% gravel
2 0.5 0 25% cobble Yes (80%) redd,
5% gravel clearwater
70% silt
3 0.5 0 (same as sample 2) redd
3 148.2 1 1 .5 0 60% boulder Yes Turbid water
2 2.1 0.2 20% silt
3 1.3 o. 1 10% cobble
N 4 1. 9 0 10% rubble
+:> 5 2.0 0 0
4 138.9 0 -2.0a 0 -0.2b 30% gravel Yes clearwater
20% cobble
20% rubble
25% silt
5% boulders
5 136.9 0 -2.5a 0 -0.3b 90% silt Yes clearwater
10% boulders
6 128.6 0.7 0 30% gravel Yes redd,
30% cobble clearwater
30% rubble
10% silt
2 0.9 0 30% gravel Yes redd,
30% cobble clearwater
30% rubble
10% silt
3 0.8 0 50% gravel Yes redd,
30% rubble clearwater
20% silty sand
a Range of depths in spawning area.
b Range of velocities in spawning area.
Table 411-3-2 (Continued).
Site River Sample Depth Velocity
Number Mile Number (ft) (ft/sec) Substrate Embededness Notes
4 0.9 0 50% gravel Yes redd,
20% cobble clearwater
20% boulder
10% silt
7 131.3 0.7 0.2 70% cobble Yes (30%) redd,
10% gravel clearwater
20% silt
2 0.9 0 70% cobble Yes (SO%) redd,
10% gravel clearwater
20% silt
3 0.8 0.2 40% gravel Yes (40%) redd,
30% rubble clearwater
20% sand
10% sand
.j:::. 4 0.9 0 40% gravel Yes (30%) redd,
1---' 30% cobble clearwater
15% rubble
15% sand
5 1 • 1 0 40% gravel Yes (30%) redd,
30% cobble clearwater
15% rubble
15% sand
6 1. 2 0 30% gravel Yes (40%) redd,
30% rubble turbid water
30% cobble
10% sand
8 129.8 1.0-2.Sa 0 -0.2b 40% cobble Yes redd,
40% rubble clearwater
20% silt
a Range of depths in spawning area.
b Range of velocities in spawning area. Habitat Summaries
A qualitative description of the general habitat characteristics of the
four intensively studied slough (8A, 9, 11 and 21) is presented below.
Additional information covering sloughs 11 and 21 can be found in Part
I, Section Maps including information on the location of
sampling sites, substrate composition, upwelling areas, ice-free areas,
spawning areas and location of redds were also developed for each study
slough (Appendix Figures 4-F-14 to 4-F-69). These maps show
relationships of upwelling and substrates to selected spawning sites in
each slough. These relationships will be discussed in detail in the
1983 Fisheries and Habitat Relationship Report.
Slough 8A
Slough 8A is relatively long (1.8 miles) and narrow, possessing two side
branches and four major "heads" that provide surface water connections
to the mainstem Susitna River during medium and high flows.
At periods of low mainstem flow, the upper half of the slough was
characterized by very low discharges (less than 5.0 cfs). During these
periods, slough water is apparently comprised of surface runoff (from
the right bank) and ground water upwelling and seepage.
Beaver dams in the lower 0.5 mile section of the slough restricted the
majority of chum salmon spawning sites to the area below the dams.
Rubble-cobble was the most commonly used substrate for spawning. Only
one site of upwelling was observed in this area. Dense concentrations
of fish were found immediately below the dams, probably not because of a
preference for .this habitat but due to lack of access to upper slough
After the high flow period in September 1982, when the beaver dams were
overtopped, several salmon were observed spawning in upper slough areas.
These fish also appeared to show a preference for rubble-cobble sub-
strate. Several spawning sites occurred in areas of upwelling or
Slough 9
Slough 9 is a relatively short (1.2 miles) slough containing two small
tributaries along its right bank. Its non-vegetated channel is
relatively wide and is maintained by periodic high flows of mainstem
water breaching the head.
The extent of the backwater zone is highly variable, depending on
mainstem stage. In general, it varies from a small, relatively confined
pool at very low mainstem discharges to an extensive backwater zone,
over 600 feet long, at high mainstem discharges (see also ADF&G 1981c,
1982b, Trihey 1982).
During periods when the head is not breached by mainstem water, most of
the slough flow is contributed by surface runoff and ground water, with
ground water sources apparently being of lesser magnitude. During these
times, flows are generally less than 10 cfs. When mainstem discharge at
Gold Creek was 12,500 cfs on August 24 (USGS 1982b), flow in Slough 9
was 3 cfs. This posed significant access problems for spawning salmon.
Chum salmon spawning areas were found to be on both gravel-rubble and
rubble-cobble substrates. However, it should be noted that when spawn-
ing areas occurred on gravel-rubble substrates there was extensive
seepage and ground water influences also observed in the area. This was
the case in the primary chum spawning area for this slough.
Salmon spawning activity was limited to the lower half of the slough
unti 1 high water on September 15, 1982, a 11 owed access to the upper
slough. During that period, salmon were observed as far up as the mouth
of Slough 98.
Slough 11
Slough 11 is a relatively short slough (approximately 1.0 mile) that is
essentially linear in shape and oriented almost parallel to the mainstem
Susitna River. Unlike most sloughs, the head of this slough was never
breached after spring breakup in 1982.
The channel bed is primarily devoid of silt (likely a result of infre-
quent breaching) and is arranged in an alternate pool/riffle sequence.
Because it has no obvious tributaries, its flow is comprised almost
entirely of ground water. However, since there is little or no silt on
the slough bottom, upwelling areas are difficult to observe.
High concentrations of salmon were observed spawning in this slough.
Chum sqlmon were observed most often on rubble-cobble substrates.
Several upwe 11 i ngs were a 1 so observed in these areas. The man-made
channel noted in Appendix Figure 4-F-43 was apparently formed by
shifting large rocks and dragging a boot heel through loose substrate
for about 50 feet in a steep riffle connecting two pools. This
11 Channelized 11 the previously meandering and more dispersed flow so that
sockeye salmon, blocked from further upstream movement by low water in
the riffle area, were able to swim up a narrow stream of 4-to
6-i nch-deep water. It is unknown who formed this channe 1 and when it
was formed. Without this alteration, salmon could not have spawned
above the riffle. Refer to Part I, Section for additional
information on this slough.
Slough 21 Complex
In this report, Slough 21 has been defined to include the slough, as
described in the Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Phase I Final Draft
(ADF&G 1981c), and the extended access channel oriented parallel to the
mainstem Susitna River (see Appendix Figure 4-F-63).
During periods in 1982 when the head of Slough 21 was not breached, the
relatively small discharge in the slough was primarily composed of water
from a single small tributary (entering the right fork) and from ground
water. Ground water appeared to originate from localized seepages and
upwellings along both banks below the mouth up to the fork (Plates
4II-3-3 and 4II-3-4).
Plate 411-3-3 Seepage of ground water sources into Slough 21.
Plate 4II-3-4 Upwelling ground water in silted area of Slough 21.
Prior to the high water period on September 15, 1982, salmon spawning in
the slough complex was limited to the channel immediately below the
mouth of the slough. Observations of spawning fish were difficult in
much of the Slough 21 access channel due to the presence turbid water.
Chum salmon were the most abundant species observed spawning at this
site. Most of the redds were located in rubble-cobble substrates.
Extensive upwelling and seepage were also observed in these areas.
After high flows occurred, chum sa 1 mon were observed to have moved to
locations above the mouth. Several chum salmon redds were observed in
areas of silt-sand substrate where upwelling occurred.
Refer to Part I, Section for additional information on this
slough. Water Quality
Data collected to describe the general water quality characteristics of
the sloughs are presented in Part I, Section 3.2. One important use of
water quality data is to trace water sources in sloughs. Two water
quality parameters useful in this respect are intragravel water
temperature and specific conductance.
Water Temperature
Intragravel water temperatures were obtained along study transects.
These data provided a basis for comparison to data collected at
specified locations including salmon redds. In addition, these data
provided a means of evaluating variability in intragravel water
temperatures within transects of a particular slough and between study
sites (data pooled for all transects within a study site) of different
sloughs. These data (at study transects as well as at specific
locations) are intended to supplement the continuous thermograph data
(Appendix 4-C) by providing a more detailed description of variability
in intragravel temperatures in sloughs during October 1982. This period
was selected because mainstem flows and flows in sloughs were very low,
allowing sources of ground water to be more easily observed. A summary
of mean intragravel temperatures collected at transects within study
sloughs 8A, 9, 21 and at specified locations within sloughs 9B and 11
are presented in Table 411-3-3.
Surface water temperatures in early October (Table 411-3-4) were
generally very cold. Mean surface water temperatures for all locations
(excluding tributaries and side channels) in sloughs 8A, 9, and 9B
ranged between 1.4° and 4.2°C, while surface water temperatures in
Slough 11 were generally 1-2°C higher. Surface temperatures were not
obtained in Slough 21.
Mean temperatures obtained at the substrate/water interface (Table
411-3-5) generally ranged between intragravel and surface water tempera-
tures. The degree to which they resembled surface or intragravel
temperatures appeared to be a function of depth and/or velocity. Thus
substrate/water temperatures could not be used as reliable predictors of
ground water upwelling.
Table 411-3-3. Data summary of intragravel temperatures obtained at 1982 ADF&G
study transects (sloughs 8A, 9, 21) and specified locations
(sloughs 9B and 11) from September 30 to October 5, 1982.
Mean Standard SamEle Size
Location (x) Deviation Range (n)
Slough 8A 3.3 0.92 1.5 -4.7 20
Slough 9 3.0 0.58 1.9 -4.2 17
Slough 21 3.3 0.37 2.9 -4.2 72
Slough 9B 3.8 0.18 3.6 -4.3 16
Slough 11 4.6 0.65 3.7 -5.7 18
Table 4II-3-4. Data summary for surface water temperatu.res (°C) at
specified locations in sloughs SA, 9, 98, and 11 collected
during October 1-5, 19S2 (raw data in Appendix D).
Slough Locationa X so Range
SA Left fork (mouth) 3.2 3.1-3.4
SA Spawning A 3.0 2.5-3.4
SA Spawning B 2.4 2.1-2.6
SA Spawning C 2.S 2.7-2.9
9 Pool A 3.2 0.59 2.7-3.9
9 Upwelling A 3.1 0.94 l.S-4. 7
9 Transect (1-2)L 3.1 o.os 3.0-3.2
9 .Transects (5-6)L l.S 0.1S 1.5-2.2
9 Transects (5-6)M 1.6 0.00 1.6-1.6
9 Transects (5-6)R 1.4 0.11 1.2-1.5
9 Mid-slough 3.2
9 Tributary B 2.2
9 Tributary s• 2.3
9 Tributary B11 l.S
9 Pool C 2.9 2.4-3.2
98 Mouth 2.5 O.S1 1.5-3.2
98 Mid-slough 2.9 0.25 2.5-3.2
98 Upwelling B 4.2 0.20 3.9-4.4
11 Left bank (LB) 5.3 0.32 4.7-5.6
11 Mid-slough (M) 5.2 0.30 4.7-5.6
11 Right bank (RB) 5.0 0.53 4.2-5.6
11 Upper pool 5.2 0.11 5.0-5.3
a Sampling locations in sloughs SA and 9 are diagrammed in Appendix Figures
4-F-2, 4-F-3, and 4-F-29.
Table 411-3-5. Data summary for substrate/water interface temperatures (°C)
collected at specified locations in sloughs 8A, 9, 98, 11 and
21 during October 1-5, 1982 (raw data in Appendix D).
Slough Locationa X -so Range N
8A Transects {1-11)L 3.3 0.56 2.4-4.2 11
8A Transects {1-11 )M 2.6 0.37 2.1-3.4 11
8A Transects {1-11)R 3.0 0.21 2.7-3.3 11
8A Pool (L,M,R) 4.2 4.1-4.4 3
8A Channel (L,M,R) 2.4 2.2-2.6 3
9 Transect {1-2)L 3.0 0.20 2.6-3.2 6
9 Transect {1-2)L I 3.5 0.36 2.9-3.9 6
98 Mouth 3.8 0.20 3.6-4.0 5
98 Mid-slough 3.9 0.32 3.6-4.4 5
98 Upwelling 8 3.8 0.12 3.7-4.0 6
11 Left bank (L8) 4.9 0.79 3.8-5.8 6
11 Mid-slough (M) 4.7 0.50 4.2-5.5 6
11 Right bank (R) 5.0 0.64 4.1-5.6 6
11 Upper pool 4.4 0.11 4.2-4.5 5
a Sampling locations in sloughs 8A and 9 are diagrammed in Appendix Figures
4-F-1 and 4-F-3.
In general, sloughs 8A and 9 exhibited the widest ranges in mean intra-
gravel temperatures (Table 4II-3-6). Means within sloughs 98, 11 and 21
ranged less than 1°C (0.2, 0.7 and 0.3°C, respectively).
In Slough 8A, intragravel water temperatures from the Spawning 8
1 ocation were 1 owest, probably reflecting surface water temperatures.
This spawning area had more rapidly flowing water than either of the
other locations, and water may have inundated the substrate to a greater
In Slough 9, mean intragravel water temperatures were also quite vari-
able between locations. Pool A and Upwelling A temperatures were
approximately 1 oc warmer than either of Transects (l-2)L or Transects
(1-2)L' with the warmest and coldest mean intragravel water temperatures
at Pool A and Transects (l-2)L, respectively. Intragravel water tem-
perature at Slough 98 were very uniform. Mean temperatures at three
locations (Table 4II-3-6) were within 0.2°C. Since all values at
Upwelling 8 were obtained in upwelling vents, the uniformity in
temperatures (and standard deviations) suggests that upwelling may be
occurring in the other areas as well. However, this conclusion does not
correspond with observations made at the mid-slough location. Although
this area was overlain with several inches of silt, no obvious upwelling
vents were observed. More data would be required to determine whether
or not upwelling was present at other areas in Slough 9B.
Table 4II-3-6. Data summary for intragravel temperatures (°C) collected at
specified locations in sloughs 8A, 98, 11 and 21 during October
1-5, 1982 (raw data in Appendix D).
Slough Locationa X so Range N
8A Spawning A 4.0 3.9-4.1 2
8A Spawning B 2.6 2.1-3.1 3
8A Spawning C 4.6 4.4-4.9 3
9 Pool A 4.2 0.33 3.8-4.6 6
9 Upwelling A 4.0 0.32 3.6-4.7 10
9 Transects (1-2)L 2.8 0.24 2.7-3.2
9 Transects (1-2)L I 3.1 0.32 2.8-3.6
9B Mouth 3.7 0.19 3.4-3.9
9B ~1i d-s 1 ough 3.9 0.27 3.6-4.3
9B Upwelling B 3.8 0.14 3.6-4.0
11 Left bank (LB) 4.8 0.87 3.7-5.9
11 Left bank (M) 4.7 0.50 4.2-5.5
11 Left bank (RB) 5.0 0.64 4.3-5.6
11 Upper pool 4.3 0.10 4.2-4.4
21 Transects (4-5)L 3.4 0.15 3.3-3.6
21 Transects (4-5)R 3.1 0.05 3.0-3.1
a Sampling locations in sloughs 8A and 9 are diagrammed in Appendix Figures
4-F-2, 4-F-3, and 4-F-29.
Mean intragravel water temperatures in Slough 11 were generally warmer
than those in other sloughs (Table. 4II-3-6). Mean surface water
temperatures were typically lower than mean intragravel water tempera-
tures in all sloughs except Slough 11.
Specific Conductance
Specific conductance is another indicator of the sources of water
(tributaries or prominent seepage) in sloughs. The contribution of
different water sources to water quality in sloughs 8A and 9 was
evaluated by measuring specific conductance at several locations,
including locations downstream of tributary confluences.
Surface Water Sources
In Slough 8A values of specific conductance varied in a consistent
pattern (Table 4II-3-7). The mean value for the left side of the
channel [Transects (1-11)L] was highest, the mid-channel [Transects
(1-ll)M] mean was intermediate and the right side [Transects (1-ll)R]
mean was lowest. Specific conductance along the right side was probably
due to surface water draining from beaver ponds along the bank (values
as low as 44 umhos/cm occurred in this area). It is likely that water
from a side channel entering the left side of the slough immediately
above the spawning location elevated the specific conductance in
downstream locations.
Table 411-3-7. Data summary for specific conductance (umhos/cm), collected at
specified locations in sloughs 8A and 9 during October
3~5, 1982 (raw data in Appendix D).
Slough Locationa X -so Range N
8A Transects (1-11)L 118 16.60 98-147 11
8A Transects ( 1-11 )M 89 6. 71 84-108 11
8A Transects (1-11)R 74 16.16 44-90 11
8A Pool (L,M,R) 139 132-152 3
8A Channel (L,M,R) 86 84-88 3
8A Left fork (mouth) 166 115-218 2
8A Spawning A 128 123-133 2
8A Spawning B 111 110-112 3
8A Spawning c 114 111-117 3
9 Pool A 215 17.77 194-233 6
9 Transect (1-2)L 115 2.58 111-118 6
9 Transect (1-2)L 1 102 3.58 98-108 6
9 Transect (5-6)L 132 6.29 121-140 10
9 Transects (5-6)M 92 3.92 89-102 10
9 Transects (5-6)R 89 1.10 87-90 10
9 Transects (6-10)L 132 5.79 122-142 8
9 Mid-slough 153 1
9 Tributary B 70 1
9 Tributary B • 69 1
Table 4II-3-7 (Continued).
Slough Locationa X so Range
9 Tributary B11 39
9 Pool C 125 119-137
9 Transects (81-85) 94 9.73 78-103
9 Transects (A1-A5) 104 28.01 72-149
9 Transects (C1-C5) 72 4.'82 65-76
9 Transects (C1'-C5') 82 3.42 78-87
a Sampling locations in slough 8A and 9 are diagrammed in Appendix Figures
4-F-1, 4-F-2, 4-F-3 and 4-F-29.
A similar pattern occurred in Slough 9. Low specific conductance found
on the right side of the slough was undoubtedly the effect of a plume
extending downstream from the confluence of the Tributary B, s•, 8 11
complex (Table 4II-3-7). Specific conductance immediately above the
tributary complex (153 umhos/cm) was higher than the left, mid, or right
bank specific conductance between Transects 5 and 6. These data
indicate that tributary water remained partially unmixed as far
downstream as Transect 5 and resulted in a downstream reduction in
specific conductance values. Surface water from the tributary was also
evidenced along two parallel transects located below Tributary A.
Specific conductance values along the right bank Transects (Cl-C5) were
lower than those in the slough ~hannel, suggesting a 11 plume effect•• due
to water entering from Tributary A (values in Tributary A were not
Ground Water Sources
In Slough 9 relatively high specific conductance was detected in Pool A,
Transects (1-2)L and Pool C. Specific conductance in Pool A was the
highest encountered. Water was apparently originating from seepage
through a dry channel bed connecting the slough with the mainstem
Susitna River. At Transects {1-2)L the specific conductance along the
bank was significantly higher (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0.05) than along a
parallel transect, six feet into the slough channel.
258 Available and Utilized Habitats
To quantify available and utilized spawning habitats, water depths and
velocities were sampled across selected hydraulic features (including
riffles, runs and pools) of Chum Channel, Rabideux Slough and sloughs
8A, 9 and 21 (Figures 41 I-3-2 to 41 I-3-6 and Appendix 4-B). At 1 ow
discharges, transects with a narrow range of depths and wide range of
velocities indicate presence of a riffle while transects with a wide
range of depths and a narrow range of velocities indicate presence of a
pool. At higher discharges this relationship becomes obscured because
the ranges of depths and velocities can both be wide.
The range and weighted mean of depth and velocity for low discharge in
sloughs 8A, 9 and 21 (Figures 4II-3-4 to 411-3-6) were compared with the
ranges and means of the depths and ve 1 ociti es at chum sa 1 mon redds
during low flows (3 to 8 cfs) in August and September (Figure 4II-3-7
and Appendix 4-B). The means of available and utilized water depths and
velocities were approximately the same. However, chum salmon redds (N =
118) were located in the shallower depths, less than 2.6 feet. More
samples will be required to identify water depth and velocity at redds
during higher discharges. Insufficient data are available to indicate
similar patterns for sockeye and pink salmon which also spawn in these
sloughs (Appendix Table 4-B-19).
Because chum salmon are the primary spawners in side slough habitats
above Talkeetna, most intragravel temperatures were obtained at chum
salmon redds. Temperatures at pink salmon redds were only collected at
Q =0.4 cfs
AUG.29, 1982
Q = 7 cfs
AUG. II, 1982
Q= 90 cfs
Figure 4!!-3-2.
0 t t + I •
1 2 345678
j 1 t t 0 • ' t t •
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-3 Q)
0 1 t t t t t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
~ 3
"' , ..
::: 2
<..> 3
"' ' 2 --
(.) 3
' 2 --
1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 1-6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-8
1 2 345678 1-8
Water depths and velocities (mean and range) of Chum
Channel transects at three discharges in 1982.
Q =0.3 cfs
AUG. 10, 1982
Q= 281 cfs
SEPT. 17, 1982
Figure 4II-3-3.
5 -Cl>
I t t + 1 •
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 0-7
0 1 2 3 4 5 a-7 0-7
~ 3
-2 ....
~ 3
"' ~ 2· ....
0 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 0-7
I I l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0-7
Water depths and velocities (mean and-range) of
Rabideux Slough transects at two discharges in 1982.
4 -Q=4cfs Q)
AUG. 22,1982 .! 3
Q= 7 cfs Q;
Q) 3
SEPT. 7, 1982
Q= 20 cfs
: 3 SEPT. 19,1982
Figure 4II-3-4.
t t t
1 2 3 4 5 e 1 e 9 10 11
\I \ I
1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 1011
j l d t~lltl
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11
~ 3
"' = 2
0 3
"' ::: 2 -
1 2 3 4 5 e 1 8 9 10 11 1-11
Ve I ocity
1 2 3 4 5 e 1 8 e 10 11 1-11
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 1-11
Water depths and velocities (mean and range) of Slough
SA transects at three discharges in 1982.
Q = 3 cfs
AUG. 25, 1982
Q = 8 cfs
SEPT. 4 , 1982
Figure 4II-3-5.
5 Depth Velocity
4 4 -: 3 u 3 .... Cl)
. I t \
2 ...... 2 -....
0 0
1 2 4 8 7 8 9 10 1-10 1 2 4 6 1 a 9 10
Transect Transect
Depth Velocity
4 ..
-; 3 3
\ t \ l u .... Cl)
2 <h 2 ...... -....
0 t t 0
1 2 4 6 1 a a 10 1-10 1 2 4 e 1 a s 10
Transect Transect
Water depths and velocities (mean and range) of
Slough 9 transects at four discharges in 1982.
3 Q = 145 cfs -Q)
SEPT. 20, 1982 Q) -2
1 2 .. 8 7 8 9 10
5 ..
Q = 232 cfs Q)
SEPT. 18, 1982 Q)
Ill 1
- 2
0 T
1 2 .. 8 7 8 9 10
Figure 4!!-3-5 (Continued).
Q) ... ...... --
...... --
1 2 .. 8 7 8 9 10 1-10
t l
1 2 .. 8 7 8 9 10 1-10
Q = 5 cfs
SEPT. 2,1982
Q=IO cfs
SEPT. 19,1982
0= 157 cfs
SEPT. 17, 1982
Figure 4II-3-6.
Depth Velocity
4 4
-; 3 ~ 3
CD "' 2 ~ \, l ~2
t t 0
I 2345678 1-8 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8
Transect Transect
Deeth Velocit~
4 4
; 3 u 3
CD CD (})
2 ::::2
0 0
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-8 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8
Transect Transect
Depth Velocity
4 4
- 3
Q) l l CD
._ 2 '-2 = t t ("\ 0
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Transect Transect
Water depths and velocities (mean and range) of
Slough 21 transects at three discharges in 1982.
Q1 =4 cfs
Q2 =7 cfs
SEPT. 7,1982
Q1 =3 cfs
Q2 =8cfs
SEPT. 4,1982
a 2 = 5 cfs
Sept.2, 1982
"' -3
Q) -2
f 1 t 0
Q1 Q2
Q) I -2 j
Q1 Q2
~ : II
u 3
....... 2 --1
t) 3
~ 2 --1
u 3
........ 2 --1
Q1 Q2
Q1 02
Figure 4!1-3-7. Water depths and velocities (mean and range)
available (A) and utilized (U) for chum salmon
redds in three sloughs during August 25-26 (Ql)
and September 2-7 (Q2), 1982.
two redds in Slough 9 and data collected at sockeye salmon redds were
primarily limited to Slough 11. Intragravel temperatures collected at
chum salmon redds in sloughs 8A, 9, 11, and 21 (N = 94) ranged from
3.1-11.4°C, with most temperatures between 4.0 and 4.9°C (Appendix
Tables 4-C-50 to 4-C-53). General Slough
Water qua 1 ity data for Whiskers Creek Slough, Slough 6A, Lane Creek
Slough, sloughs 9A, 10, 168, 19, 20 and 22 are found in Appendix 4-D.
Maps including information on the location of sampling sites, distribu-
tion of substrates, upwelling areas, and ice-free areas are presented in
Appendix 4-F. These maps will be discussed in detail in the 1983
Fishery and Habitat Relationships Report.
3.1.2 Sockeye Salmon
Limited numbers of sockeye salmon were observed spawning in the specific
study sloughs. In Slough 11 (Appendix Figures 4-F-44, 4-F-45, 4-F-47,
and 4-F-48) sockeye salmon were observed most often on gravel-rubble
substrates in areas of suspected or known ground water seepage. It
should be noted that access to the upper slough area was facilitated by
a man-made channel in this slough, as discussed in Part II, Section (see also Appendix Figure 4-F-47). Prior to high flows,
sockeye salmon redds in Slough 21 were found among chum redds in
rubble-cobble substrates, below the mouth of the slough. After high
flows, they were also located on silt-sand substrates in areas above the
mouth where upwelling occurred.
3.1.3 Pink Salmon
Limited numbers of pink salmon were observed spawning in sloughs 9, 11
and 21 (Appendix 4-F). Gravel-rubb 1 e substrates were most commonly
chosen. In Slough 9, both areas where pink salmon spawning occurred
contained upwelling. Upwellings also were present in several areas
where pink salmon were found in Slough 11.
3.1.4 Coho Salmon
Slough 8A is the only specific study slough where coho salmon were
observed spawning. Most of the spawning activity occurred in areas
where rubble-cobble substrate and ground water seepage were present
(Appendix Figures 4-F-25, 4-F-26, 4-F-28, 4-F-29).
3.1.5 Chinook Salmon
Adult chinook salmon spawning occurred exclusively in tributaries and
thus were not addressed in this study.
3.1.6 Eulachon
Twenty sites (Figure 411-3-8) were surveyed for eulachon spawning
habitat. These include:
River Mile Site Number Geographic Code
8.5 18 S14N07W22ACA
11.0 19 S15N07W10DCC
15.0 14 S16N07W35BDD
16.5 8 S16N07W22DCD
18.2 7 S16N07W15CDB
18.3 20 S16N07W15CDB
21.4 6 S16N07W04CAC
22.8 16 S16N07W04BBA
25.5 4 S17N02W22CAA
25.8 5 S17N07W22DCD
25.9 2 S17W07W22DDA
26.0 1 S17N07W22DAA
26.3 3 S17N07W23CAB
28.0 11 S17N07W13DBB
31.1 12 S17N06W18BAA
31.8 13 S17N06W05ABA
35.5 15 S18N06W15CCC
41.3 10 S19N06W25CCD
43.3 17 S19N06W24ACC
44.0 9 S19N05W20CAC
Figure 4!!-3-8. Eulachon spawning sites surveyed for habitat
characteristics on the Susitna River: May 24 -
June 7, 1982.
Planimetric maps wer_e developed to show spawning areas at each of the
above spawning sites (Appendix Figures 4-F-70 to 4-F-89). Measurements
of water quality, mean spawning depths, mean spawning velocities and
substrates taken at each site are tabulated and presented in Table
411-3-8 and Figures 411-3-9 and 411-3-10.
Water quality measurements were taken at 12 other sites where it could
not be determined whether eulachon were milling, migrating or spawning,
using criteria outlined in the methods section. These sites include:
River Mile Site Number Geograehic Code
5.0 Misc. 4 S14NOYW05DDB
5.0 Misc. 5 S14N07W05DDB
5.5 Misc. 6 S14N07W05ADB
16.5 Misc. 7 S16N07W22DCD
19.5 Misc. 1 S16N07W09DDD
24.8 Misc. 8 S17N07W28ADD
36.7 Misc. 9 S18N06W15BDB
41.1 Misc. 2
42.7 Misc. 10 S19N06W25AAB
47.0 Misc. 3
49.0 Misc. 11 S20N05W34CCD
49.2 Misc. 12 S20N05W34BDD
Water quality measurements obtained at these sites are tabulated and
summarized in Table 411-3-9.
Table 411-3-8. Eulachon spawning site evaluations on the Susitna River: May 24-June 7, 1982.
Dissolved Mean S~awnin9
Water Conductance Oxygen Depth Standardelocity Standard
Site Date Tern~ (°C) .e.':! (umhos/cm) (m!:j/1) (ft) Deviation (ft/sec) Deviation Substrate
820531 8.5 7.1 96 11. 1 1. 4 0.5 a 1. 5 0.3 Silty sand
(n=15) interspersed
with 10% gravel.
2 820531 9.3 6.7 73 10.8 1. 9 0.5 1.1 0.6 Silty sand inter-
(n=18)a spersed with 20%
gravel and cobble.
3 820531 8.8 7.1 66 10.9 2.1 0.4 0.8 0.3 Silty sand inter-
(n=16)a spersed with 10%
4 820531 11. 1 7.1 95 1 o. 3 3.1 0.8 0.8 0.3 Silty sand with
(n-10)a 30-50% gravel and
cobble present.
10. 1. 8 30% silty sand -.....1 5 820601 9.3 7,0 72 1 o. 7 2.7 0.5 N (n=12)a 30% gravel
30% rubble
10% cobble
6 820601 10.2 6.7 72 8.2 2.2 0.7 1.3 0.4 Silty sand
(n=24)a i nte rmi xed with
40% gravel and
20% rubble.
7 820601 11.2 6.8 100 7.5 1. 8 0.7 1.2 0.7 Silty sand mixed
(n=33)a with 40% gravel
and 20% rubble.
8 820601 11.2 6.7 102 6.4 1. 2 0.4
1. 9 0.4 100% silt
9 820603 8.3 7.5 41 12.4 1. 9 0.5 1.7 0.5 Silty sand
(n=27)a interspersed
with 30% rubble.
10 820604 8.3 7.1 46 10.8 2.0 0.6
0.7 0.5 100% silt
11 820605 7.9 7.2 63 11.0 1. 9 0.8
0.7 0.5 100% silt
a Sample size.
Table 411-3-8 (Continued).
Dissolved Mean S~awning
Water Conductance Oxygen Depth Standard elocity Standard
Site Date Tem2 (°C) £!:! (umhos/cm) (mg/1) (ft) Deviation (ft/sec) Deviation Substrate
12 820605 7.9 7.2 64 11.5 1 • 1 0.5 1.4 0.9 50% gravel
(n=18)a 30% rubble
10% cobble
10% silt
13 820605 8.2 7.2 67 10.6 1. 9 0.6
0.9 0.4 100% silt
14 820606 7.6 7.1 69 10.2 1.2 0.6 a 1.6 0.8 30% silty sand
(n=29) 50% gravel
20% cobble
15 820607 7.1 7.0 51 12.3 1. 7 0.6 1. 8 0.8 30% gravel
(n=21)a 40% rubble
20% cobble
N 10% silty sand
-....! w 16 820530 6.3 7.0 64 12.2 1. 9 0.8 0.9 0.6 Sand intermixed
(n=17)a with 20% gravel.
17 820524 (hydrolab malfunction) 1.7 0.9 0.7 0.3 Sand intermixed
(n=10)a with 10% silt
and gravel.
18 820526 6.2 6.6 70 11.9 1. 8 0.8 0.9 0.5 Sand inter-
(n=6)a spersed with
5% gravel.
19 820526 6.3 6.3 71 11.3 2.3 0.5 0.6 0.2 Sand inter-
(n=6)a spersed with 10%
20 820526 6.9 6.8 82 10.9 2.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 80% gravel
(n=3)a i nte rmi xed with
70% sand.
a Sample size.
0 10
UJ a.
:::!: 6
UJ 4
3 2
0 -.....
0 .c
(.) z
0 z
u 40
UJ 20 a.
• • • •
• •
• • mean • • • • • • • • c
.2 -() c
0 e ...
Gl -Gl e
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
.2 -0 c
:I -0 e
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
• •
• •
• mean • • • • • •
• c
.2 • -• () c
:I -0 e ...
.! .. e
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
~10 e
0 6-
UJ >
c5 4
0 2-
• 0 •
• • • • • 1--...::•:.._• __ ...:•:_ ___ --tlr•---....:•:__.,_-;;-mean ----t
Ll 6 6 ~-~--6~6~-~--6~-mean--~6~6~-6-~A--------~-~6-n~ 6 Ll •
6 •
6 •
I ~ ~ 4 5 6 ~ J 9 1
0 11 12 13 14
~ I
0 ....
0 c
:I -0 e ...
Gl ....
17 18 19 20
Figure 4II-3-9. Surface water temperature, pH, specific conductance and dissolved oxygen at 20
eulachon spawning areas on the Susitna River: May 24-June 7, 1982.
110 cf!.
~ a::
80 :::> ~
60 z
40 0
::J 20 0
0 0
-4 -
0... 3 w
a:: w 2
t: 3-
(.) g
w > ·z.-
~ 1-
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
t t t r 1 l t If f
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 411-3-10. Water depths and velocities (mean and range) at 20 eulachon spawning sites on
the Susitna River: May 24-June 7, 1982.
Table 411-3-9. Miscellaneous eulachon spawning site habitat evaluations on the Susitna River: May 16-June 12, 1982.
River Water Conductance Dissolved
Site Mile Date Teme (°C) E!:! (umhos/cm) Ox;tgen (mg/1) Notes
Misc. 19.5 820601 10.0 6.7 72 7.9
Misc. 2 41.1 820603 6.8 7.2 40 10.4 I
Misc. 3 47.0 820602 9.2 7.2 61 11.5
Misc. 4 5.0 820605 8.7 7.1 77 9.5 West Bank gi 11 net site
Misc. 5 5.0 820538 6.1 6.8 78 11.9 West Bank gi 11 net site
Misc. 6 5.5 820528 6.3 6.8 73 12.0 East Bank gi 11 net site
Misc. 7 16.5 820528 6.8 6.9 81 11.3 Spawning site #8
N Misc. 8 24.8 820530 6.1 6.9 70 12.0
CJ) Misc. 9 36.7 820529 6.4 6.8 66 12.0
Misc. 10 42.7 820529 6.1 6.9 65 12.2
Misc. 11 49.0 820529 6.1 6.8 65 12.1
Misc. 12 49.2 820529 5.0 6.9 46 12.0 Mouth of Willow Creek
To carrel ate the water--temperature a'ssoci a ted with the movement patterns
and timing of spawning of eulachon, surface water temperature was
continuously collected for the Susitna River at Susitna Station (RM
25.5). These data were converted into daily means calculated as the
mean of 12, 2-hour, point temperature readings and graphed and presented
in Figure 411-3-11. These water temperature data were also plotted with
provisional discharge data (USGS 1982b) for the Susitna River at Susitna
Station (RM 25.5) and catch per unit effort (catch per minute per net)
ca 1 cul a ted for the gi 11 net sets at high tide May 17 through June 9,
1982. These data are presented in Figure 411-3-12.
3.1.7 Bering Cisco
A total of 730 Bering cisco were sampled by fishwheel (212/730, 29
percent) and electroshocking gear (518/730, 71 percent) from August 7 to
freeze-up on October 15 (Volume 2). Only one site was determined to
have spawning Bering cisco. This site, located along a gravel bar in
the mainstem channel of the Susitna River opposite Montana Creek
(Appendix Figures 4-F-90 and 4-F-91; RM 76.8-77.6), was also a
documented spawning site during the 1981 Bering cisco study (ADF&G
1982b). Fish were present at the site beginning in early September
although none were in spawning condition until October 13, 1982. It is
not known whether the fish present in early September were migrating
through the site, milling or preparing to spawn at the site, because
tagging studies were not initiated in 1982. Based on 1981 preliminary
studies which included a limited tagging effort, however, it appears as
w a::
:::> 6
~ a:: 4 w a..
:E 2
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
~ 0~---.-----.----.-----.------.-----.-----.------.-----~-
-to u
-8 w a::
:::> 6
~ 4
w a.. :E 2
26 27 28 29 30
31 2
~ 0~---.----~------.-----~----~----r-----~----~
4 5
Figure 411-3-11.
6 7 8 9 10 II
Water temperatures for the Susitna River at
Susitna Station (RM 25.5): May 16-June 10,
120 8 16
110 7
II> Cll
't 100 t) 6 ~12 0 N
Q) -w ::J
0::: .!:
90 ::> 5
<( .c:
0::: (.)
w -0
80 a. 4 ~8 ::!!: ~
Ill w 1-::> a.
70 3 t)6
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5
Figure 411-3-12. Provisional discharge (USGS l982b) and daily mean water temperatures for the Susitna
River at Susitna Station (RM 25.5) compared with CPUE (catch/minute/net) for the gill
net set at RM 5.0: May 17 -June 10, 1982.
though a portion of the fish which arrive early at a site remain and
spawn at a latter date when river conditions facilitate spawning.
The site located at RM 76.8-77.6 was surveyed for spawning habitat
(Table 4II-3-10) utilizing procedures described in the methods section.
Water temperatures and discharge data of the mainstem Susitna River at
time of spawning for the 1981 and 1982 Bering cisco spawning sites are
also compared (Table 4II-3-11).
Another catch site, 1 ocated at RM 81.2, was suspected to have Bering
cisco spawning; however, spawning could not be confirmed. No habitat
surveys were performed at this catch site.
To compare surface water temperatures associated with the movement
patterns and timing of spawning of Bering cisco, surface water
temperature was continuously collected for the Susitna River at Sunshine
(Parks Highway Bridge, RM 84.0). This data was converted into daily
means calculated from 12, 2-hour, point temperature readings. Daily
mean water temperatures and provisional discharge data (USGS 1982b) for
the Susitna River at Sunshine (RM 84.0) are plotted with fishwheel catch
per day at Sunshine for the period September 1-30, 1982 (Figure
4II-3-13). A similar graph of 1981 Bering cisco data (ADF&G 1982b) is
included for comparison (Figure 4II-3-14).
Table 411-3-10. Bering cisco spawning site habitat evaluations for RM 76.8 -77.6 on the Susitna River: October 14, 1982.
Dissolved Mean S~awnin9
River Water Conductance Oxygen Depth Standard elocity Standard
Site Mile Teme (°C) E!:! (umhos/cm) l.!!!.9ill (ft) Deviation (ft/sec) Deviation Substrate
1. 80a Montana 77.3-77.6 0.4 7.6 126 2.3 0.97 b 1. 9 0.84 Onshore
(n=39) 50% gravel
50% rubble
20% cobble
60% rubble
20% gravel
Montana 76.8 -77.3 0.2 7.6 131 17. sa 2.4 0.99 b 2.7 1.06 Onshore
(n=35) 50% gravel
00 50% rubble
20% cobble
60% rubble
20% gravel
a These figures are probably inaccurate due to a meter malfunction.
b Sample size.
Table 4II-3-11. Water temperatures (°C) and discharges at Bering cisco spawning
sites: 1981 and 1982.
Water Dischargea
Site River Mile Date Temperature (cfs)
Sunshine 78.0 -79.0 811013 3.8 17,000
Montana 1 77 .o -77.5 811015 3.0 19,000
Montana 2 76.0-77.0 811015 3.3 19,000
Mainstem-West Bank 75.0 811013 3.1 17,000
Montana (Upper) 77.3-77.6 821014 0.4 17,900
Montana (Lower) 76.8-77.3 821014 0.2 17,900
a USGS provisional data collected at Sunshine (Parks Highway Bridge).
0 -7 w
N ~ 5 co w ::E w
90 0--0 CATCH
u 6
0 70 >-<(
w 0:::50
<.9 60 w
0::. 0...
I 50 u
0 40
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Figure 4II-3-13. Bering cisco catch per day at the Sunshine fishwheel compared with daily
mean surface water temperatures of the Susitna River at Sunshine (RM 84.0)
and provisional discharge at Sunshine (USGS 1982b): September 1982.
(.) 7
::l 6
0:: 5 Ill
N ~
co w 4 ..J:::> 1-
100 80
u >-
I') <{
0 oro .::.so 0::
w w
0:: 50 ::t:40
<{ (.)
::t: 1-
(.) <{
~ 40 (.)
0 0
24 26 28 30
15 17 19 21
0--1] CATCH
Figure 4II-3-14. Bering cisco catch per day at the Sunshine fishwheel compared with daily mean
surface water temperature of the Susitna River above Montana Creek (RM 77.5)
and provisional discharge (USGS 1982a) at Sunshine (RM 84.0): August 25-
September 30, 1981.
3.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
Catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) data for all juvenile salmon
species at Designated Fish Habitat (DFH) sites are presented in Volume 3
(Section 3.1.2). Catch and CPUE data by specific site are contained in
Appendices 4-G and 4-H of this volume (boat electrofishing data are not
included in these tables). Habitat data for the DFH sites are contained
in Appendix 4-I and hydraulic conditions and discharge data are
presented in Part I of this volume (Section Summaries of the
hydraulic conditions, habitat data, and biological data for each DFH
site are presented in Appendix 4-F.
3.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations
Resident fish catch and CPUE data at DFH sites are presented with the
juvenile anadromous data (Section 3.2). Resident fish catch and CPUE
data at Selected Fish Habitat (SFH) sites are contained in Volume 3
(Appendix 3-A and Section 3.1.1).
3.3.1 Rainbow Trout
Seasonal rainbow trout movement based on the 1981-82 winter radio
telemetry studies are presented in Figure 4II-3-15. Table 4II-3-12
summarizes water depths, water velocities, water quality and substrate
composition at overwintering areas.
w 60
a: w
> 40 a:
. . . ..__. '--
.... :1:-lt e I I .--------~ -770-2
·-·--~ ...... _ __ ..... ______ 6 _ -------... 740 2 ..., _____ -:-_ ... ,_";"' ______ 760-3_______ -------·-----· -
-:::--:-ii ----:----:, • • • ' -
\ "'-• • • 770-1 \
\ .,
\ ....... ______ ,....------760-1 ---.... .,
Figure 411-3-15. Movement of five radio-tagged rainbow trout in the Susitna River: October 1981
through April 1982.
Table 411-3-12. Water quality and quantity and substrate data at overwintering areas utilized by radio tagged-rainbow trout during
Water Dissolved Specific Water Water
River Geographic Temp. Oxygen Conductance Depth Velocity
Mile Code Date Time L£L £!:!__ (m9/l) (umho/cm) J.!!.L (ft/sec) ' Substrate
67.5 S22N05W240AC 820304 1230 0.0 7.1 11.2 162 . o.s 30% sand
30% cobble
30% gravel
53.5 S20NOSW14BCA 820221 1330 0.3 5.7 7.9 134 1.0 . 100% gravel
53.5 S20NOSW14BCA 820221 1330 0.4 5.9 11.0 212 1.2 . 80% gravel
20% sand
61.0 S21NOSW13BBA 820304 1200 o.o 7.3 11.6 243 5.8 0.1
61.0 S21NOSW13BBA 820221 1630 -0.1 6.1 11.4 147 2.5 . 20% cobble
50% gravel
20% sand
3.3.2 Burbot
Seasonal burbot movements based on the 1981-82 winter radio telemetry
studies are presented in Figure 4II-3-16. Table 4II-3-13 summarizes
water depths, water velocities, water quality and substrate composition
at overwintering areas.
3.3.3 Other
Two longnose sucker spawning areas and one Arctic lamprey spawning area
were located in 1982. Preliminary evaluations of these spawning
habitats were attempted. The results of these preliminary evaluations
are presented in Table 4II-3-14.
~ 60
0::: w
·--• .... ,, .....
... --·----·------,
.{750-1 \
-·-·-· ....... ·-·-·-·~ \
'·,_ \ --·--·----· 760-2 ' '· \ ------}.---·--_':.:::.-',-----------'·,)
·~ '•---·---· 750 2 ------. --... ---------· -
Figure 4II-3-16. Movement of five radio-tagged burbot in the Susitna River: October 1981 through
April 1982.
Table 411-3-13. Water quality and quantity data at overwintering areas utilized by radio-tagged burbot during 1981.
Water Dissolved Specific Water
River Geographic Temp. Oxygen Conductance Depth
Mile Code Date Time .Lf.L .e!!_ (m2/l) (umho/cm) .ill.L
68.5 S22N05W14ADD 820305 1300 +0.6 7.1 12.8 225 6.2
68.5 S22N05W14ADD 820305 1300 +0.5 6.7 13.2 223 7.0
82.0 S24N05W22DAC 820308 1600 o.o 7.1 13.4 216 7.5
84,0 S24N05W10DCC 820305 1200 +0.1 6.6 9.7 119 .
Table 411-3-14. Spawning site habitat evaluations for longnose sucker and Arctic lamprey: 1982.
Range of Range of
Specific Dissolved Spawning Spawning
Site Water Conductance Oxygen Depths Velocity
Species (River Mile) Date Temp (0 C) E!:! (umhos/cm) ~ (feet) feet/second Substrate Embedded
Sucker Sunshine Slough 820525 6.4 7.1 54 11.4 1.5-~.7 0.9-i!·7 60% cobble Yes
(RM 85.7) (n=5) (n=5) 20% gravel
20% silt
Sucker Trapper Creek 820605 10.0 -a -a -a 2.2 -6·8 0.5-1.1 · 60% cobble Yes
mouth (n=5) (n=5)a 20% gravel
(RM 91.5) 20% silt
Arctic Birch Creek 820624 15.3 6.8 50 10.0 0.9b 1.4b 100% gravel No
Lamprey mouth (n=1) (n=1)
(RM 89,2)
a Data not available. N
<..0 b ....... Sample size.
4.1 Adult Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
4.1.1 Salmon Species Mainstem
Adult anadromous fish distribution data collected during the 1981 (ADF&G
1981b) and 1982 (Volume 2) open-water field seasons indicate that adult
salmon spawning activity in the mainstem Susitna River is limited. The
sampling procedure used is considered sufficient to accurately determine
spawning activity with respect to habitats sampled and species
considered. Preliminary data indicate that the substrate in the
majority of the mainstem is cemented, making these areas unsuitable for
adult salmon spawning.
Chum salmon appear to be the only salmon species which utilize portions
of the mainstem Susitna River for spawning. Coho, pink, sockeye and
chinook salmon were not found to spawn in the mainstem Susitna River
during the 1982 open-water field season. Based on an evaluation of the
data presented in Tables 4II-3-1 and 4II-3-2 and Appendix Figures 4-F-4
through 4-F-11, the majority of the mainstem chum salmon spawning sites
surveyed were located in clear backwater habitats situated in side
channels which were cut off from mainstem water influence at their
heads. Only one surveyed spawning site (located at RM 148.2, study site
number 3) was located in the main channel (Figure 4II-3-1 and Appendix
Figure 4-F-6).
Mean water depths and water column velocities measured at chum salmon
spawning sites ranged from 0.1-4.0 feet and 0.0-1.0 feet/second, respec-
tively. Substrate utilized for spawning ranged from silty sand to
boulders with gravel, rubble and cobble substrate being the most
commonly utilized substrates. The substrate was most often 1 oose ly
embedded with silty sand which was cleared during redd formation. Water
temperatures, taken at a depth of approximately 1 to 2 feet below the
surface, ranged from 3.3 to 7.0°C.
Each chum salmon spawning site, except site number 3 (at RM 148.2), had
clear water zones i ndi cati ng the surveyed spawning areas were either
entirely or partially isolated from mainstem surface water influence.
The presence of clear water at these spawning sites can be attributed to
subsurface percolation, since very little surface drainage was observed
in the study areas. Intragravel water temperatures ranged from 0.2 to
5.3°C cooler than surface water temperatures.
The tributary-mainstem confluence zone, which includes the area of the
mainstem influenced either directly (i.e., the delta area and the
downstream mixing zone) or indirectly (i.e., the tributary ground water
influence zones) by the tributary, was not investigated in 1982.
Observations, however, suggest that these zones may provide a sub-
stantial amount of spawning and juvenile rearing habitat for chum, pink
and coho salmon, as well as rearing habitat for selected resident fish.
Because these confluence zones will be directly impacted by the proposed
project, studies are planned to investigate the habitat of these zones
during 1983.
Because this year was the first attempt at describing the habitat
characteristics of mainstem salmon spawning areas, data and evaluations
presented should be considered preliminary. Continuation of these
studies are planned in 1983. Slough
Slough habitats are used to varying extents for spawning by four of the
five species of salmon. Chum salmon extensively utilize the sloughs for
spawning while sockeye and pink salmon spawn less frequently in sloughs.
Coho salmon rarely spawned in sloughs and chinook salmon were never
observed to spawn in sloughs.
Chum salmon were found in most sloughs upstream of Susitna RM 107
(sloughs 5, 6A, 80, 8C, 8A, B, 9, 8B, Moose Slough, sloughs 9B, 9A, 10,
11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21). Sloughs 8A, 9, 11, and 21 had the highest
number of spawning chum salmon. Spawning Site Selection
Chum salmon were generally found to use gravel, rubble and/or cobble
substrates in areas of the slough where depths were over 0.2 feet,
averaging about 1.1 feet, and velocities ranged from 0.0 to 1.5 ft/sec,
averaging about 0. 3 ft/ sec. During the 1982 spawning season, chum
salmon were observed using areas with significant amounts of silt
overlaying gravel and rubble substrates (Plate 411-4-1). In Slough 21,
one redd was observed where nearly 18 inches of silt had been fanned
away. Survival of eggs deposited in silt this deep is questionable.
Upwe 11 i ng or i ntragrave 1 ground water observed in si 1 t-covered areas,
however, may allow survival of eggs and alevin in this type of substrate
by providing a continuous flow of sufficiently oxygenated water. The
utilization of areas of heavy silt was likely a result of the salmon
being forced to use less than optional areas due to low flow conditions
which restricted access to more desirable substrates. Chum salmon did
appear to prefer areas with upwelling present. Timing of Spawning
Much of the following discussion was derived from data in Volume 2.
Information has been arranged here to faci 1 itate comparisons between
sloughs that were most intensively studied by Fish Habitat Utilization
personne 1 • Numbers of 1 i ve chum, pink and sockeye sa 1 mon observed in
side sloughs during the spawning season are presented in Figure 4II-4-I.
Data for sloughs SA, 9, 11 and 21 are presented individually; all
other sloughs sampled were combined and presented collectively. The
other sloughs sampled include: 1, 2, 3A, 38, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 88, 8C,
80, A, 9A, 98, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 168, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Because
coho salmon were only present in limited numbers, they have not been
included in the figures;
Plate 411-4-1 Chum salmon spawning in silted area of Slough 21. Note: fish have fanned silt from
spawning area.
0 -:c
ti: 2.0
w >
IJ.. 1.0
0 z
I 5
~ 3.0
0 -:c
~ 2.0
w >
_J 1.0
z 0.0
I 5
/·\ /\
\ 1 \ CHUM i . ....-PINK I \/
• \ I \
I I \
• I \ \ I . A I \ \...~ ', //SOCKEYE\
/ .. , 'v/ I ' ""
-,./ . ' / ' --'\/ '
10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
, ............
I ............
I \ _/CHUM I ,_........
I ',
I '\
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I ' / /SOCKEYE ',
// PINK ', / ·-·<
10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4II-4-l. Numbers of live salmon counted in August and September,
1982 in sloughs 8A, 9, 11, 21 and others (1, 2, 3A, 3B,
4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 88, 8C, 80, A, 9A, 98, 10, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20).
N'" 3.0
0 -J:
(/) -~o 1.1.. -
..J 1.0
z 0.0
--4.0 "' 0 -J:
LL.. 3.0
LLl >
LL.. 2.0
0 z 1.0
/ \
// \
r \
I \
I \ CHUM~ 1 \
I \
I \
I \
I \
.................. PINK I \
-~ ;:::..::-; ~ • • --L. I
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \ /
I \/
I \
I \
I \
j•--..!._ \
• 1• PINK \
I I "'· /
• I "'-._ ',
' / I • ' . ............ " ' .../'_...... . ....... ,_ -. --I I
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4II-4-l (Continued).
0 -:r: en
d z
I 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4II-4-l (Continued).
Sloughs 8A, 9, 11, and 21 each contained more fish than the other
sloughs combined (Figure 4II-4-1). With the exception of Slough 11,
where sockeye salmon outnumbered chum salmon, chum salmon were
numerically dominant almost every day (refer to Volume 2 for specific
The timing of peak numbers of fish and their duration of residence
within sloughs generally followed consistent patterns. In general, pink
salmon numbers peaked earlier than chum salmon in all sloughs. With the
exception of Slough 11, pink salmon entered sloughs in early to
mid-August, peaked in mid-August and were completely absent by September
1. Chum salmon typically entered sloughs by August 10, peaked sometime
between August 20 and September 1, declined rapidly in mid-September and
were completely absent by the end of September. In contrast to the
pattern for pink and chum salmon, numbers of sockeye salmon generally
1 acked definite peaks, were much 1 ess abundant than chum sa 1 man and
persisted in 1 ow numbers during 1 ate September ( s 1 oughs 8A, 9, 21).
The obvious exception to the above generalizations occurred in Slough 11
where sockeye salmon numbers exhibited a bimodal peak at August 30 and
September 13 and persisted in the slough until mid-October.
In spite of the unique characteristics of Slough 11, it is obvious that
of all sloughs sampled, sloughs 8A, 9, 11 and 21 contained the largest
numbers of live salmon observed in 1982. In addition, there was a
tempera 1 segregation in usage pattern between species. This was most
evident between pink and chum salmon, with numbers of pink salmon
consistently peaking before chum salmon. The pattern for sockeye salmon
_was less distinct, but generally indicated that sockeye salmon spawned
in sloughs during the period of, or later than, chum salmon spawning. Access
Access to spawning areas may prohibit spawning in otherwise suitable
habitats. When access is denied to a slough or tributary it eliminates
consideration of all other factors influencing spawning (Figure
4II-4-2) within the habitat.
Of critical concern are the potential impacts resulting from
construction and operation of hydroelectric dams. If proposed Susitna
hydroelectric dams are constructed, existing discharge levels, rates of
sediment transport and seasonal thermal regimes are expected to change.
Changes in these habitat characteristics are expected to alter existing
quantity and/or quality of fish habitat (Acres 1982). It is anticipated
that routine operations of the hydroelectric dams will reduce summer
flows and elevate winter flows. Changes in flow-dependent habitat
characteristics will be greatest between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. In
addition, it is suspected that reductions in mainstem discharge levels
may seriously inhibit fish access to traditional spawning habitats.
Water surface elevations at the downstream entrance to side sloughs are
generally lower than the water surface elevation in the adjoining
rna i nstem channe 1 • Thus, the stage of the rna i nstem causes a hydraulic
Available Habitat Limiting?
YES-(depth, velocity, substrate,
water qua I ity, cover, etc.)
Competition, Predation,
Disease, etc. Limiting?
Optima I
Figure 4!!-4-2. Factors limiting salmon spawning in sloughs.
plug which impedes the flow of clear water from the mouth of the slough,
causing a clear back'11ater zone to form in the vicinity of the slough
mouth that may extend several hundred feet upstream into the slough. As
the mainstem discharge increases, the depth and surface area of the
backwater zone at the mouth of the slough continues to increase. At
some point, the water surface in the mainstem river reaches a critical
level, allowing flow from the mainstem to enter the slough at its
upstream end. Once breached, flows within the sloughs often increase
rapidly from 1 ess than 10 cfs to more than 500 cfs (ADF&G 1982b, R&M
Although limited spawning in the mainstem was documented (Section, the most intensively used spawning areas for salmon between
Talkeetna and Devil Canyon were located in tributary streams and side
sloughs (ADF&G 1981b). It is hypothesized that decreases in mainstem
flows will limit access of salmon into tributaries and side sloughs.
The most complete information regarding access pertains to side sloughs.
Because sloughs 8A, 9, 11 and 21 contained the greatest numbers of
spawning fish, they were investigated in greater detail and are the
primary focus of the remaining discussion regarding fish access problems
in side sloughs.
Discharge levels in the mainstem Susitna River principally influence
side slough habitats in two ways: 1) intermediate discharges cause a
backwater effect at the mouth of the slough which facilitates access of
fish into the slough (ADF&G 1981c and 1982b); and 2) high flows breach
the upstream end of the slough and may pro vi de a temporary access
corridor to upper reaches of sloughs· that would otherwise have been
inaccessible (refer to Part I, Section for summary of mainstem
discharges at which sloughs breach).
The interaction of mainstem and slough discharges, the extent of
backwater zone and the characteristics of streambed gradient largely
define access conditions to a slough. Although high velocities can
block the upstream migration of spawning fish, entrance conditions and
associated backwater effects in the lower portions of the side sloughs
of the Susitna River in the Ta 1 keetna to De vi 1 Canyon reach 1 imit
formation of velocity barriers at these locations. Thus, the ease at
which adult salmon can enter the side sloughs from the mainstem Susitna
appears to be primarily a function of water depth.
Slough 9 was selected for discussion of access-related problems because
it is the first slough with sufficient preliminary analysis of data to
be completed and it also represents an intermediate level of access
difficulty: easier than sloughs 168 or 19, more difficult than Whiskers
Creek Slough or Slough 8A, and comparable to sloughs 20 and 21 (Trihey
1982). The thalweg and water surface profiles which defined entrance
conditions for Slough 9 on August 24, 1982 are presented in Figure
41-3-37. The mainstem discharge at Gold Creek was 12,500 cfs and flow
in Slough 9 was 3 cfs.
Data obtained during the 1981 and 1982 field seasons indicate that the
flow from Slough 9 is quite small unless it is breached (Table 411-4-1).
Table 4II-4-1. Comparison of Slough 9 discharge with the average
daily mainstem discharge at Gold £reek.
Date (cfs)
810624 2.9a
810721 714.0a
810930 1.5a
811014 1.2a
820623 182.0b
820715 108.0b
820720 28.5b
820825 3.4a
820904 8.4a
820904 3.0b
820918 232.0a
820920 145.0a
~ ADF&G 1981c and 1982b.
R&M Consultants 1982.
( cfs)
No Record
On the basis of these data, 3 cfs was selected as being typical of the
mid-summer clearwater base flow from Slough 9. Note that only rough
comparisons of Slough 9 flow and the average daily mainstem discharge at
Gold Creek (Table 4II-4-1) are possible for reasons discussed in Part I,
An ADF&G staff gage station (129.2W1) was established at the downstream
entrance to Slough 9 to determine the relatinship of mainstem discharge
to water surface elevations in the slough and to evaluate fish access
conditions at various mainstem discharges (Figure 4II-4-3). Staff gage
W1B was placed in the deepest part of a cross section at the staff gage
statin to insure that the gage site would not dewater prior to the reach
of slough it represented. As a result, gage height readings were
estimated to be 0.3 feet greater than the average depth within this
cross section. Water surface elevations were determined for each staff
gage reading and compared to the average daily mainstem discharge at
Gold Creek (Table 4II-4-2). A plot of these data (Figure 4II-4-4)
indicates a well-defined relationship existed between mainstem discharge
and the water surface elevation in the mouth of Slough 9 for mainstem
flows ranging from 11,700 to 32,500 cfs. Mainstem flows less than
11,700 cfs did not appear to influence the water surface elevation
within this reach of the slough mouth. The 0.3 foot stage indicated on
Figure 4II-4-4 was maintained by the slough baseflow of 3 cfs. At this
time, mainstem flows were less than 11,700 cfs. Under these conditions,
the backwater effect of the mainstem river at this cross section was
.-. ....
Q) 592 ....
w z
0 0 591 -....J ~ > liJ 590 -I
liJ 589
~ 588
AOF 8G Ga9es
.129.2 WIA and~
Pono9e Reach B
-5+00 0+00 5+00 10+00
Figure 4II-4-3. Backwater profiles at the entrance to Slough 9 for selected mainstem
streamflows at Gold Creek.
Table 4!1-4-2. Comparison of water surface elevations (WSEL) at the entrance
to Slough 9 and the average daily mainstem discharge at Gold
Creek, 1982.
Gold Creek Gold Creek
WSELa Discharge WSEL Discharge
Date (ft) (cfs) Date (ft) (cfs)
820824 590.03 12,500 820905 590.16 13,600
820825 590.19 13,400 820906 589.91 12.,200
820826 590.24 13,600 820907 589.84 11 '700
820827 590.04 12,900 820916 594.09 32,500
820828 589.98 12,400 820917 593.71 32,000
820829 589.91 12,200 820918 592.86 26,800
820902 590.82 16,000 820919 592.37 24,100
820903 590.51 14,600 820920 592.36 24,000
820904 590.42 14,400 820929 589.98 12,400
a ADF&G gages 129.2 W1A and W1B.
~ >
~ a:::
:::> en
• 4.5
Q = 10,000 to 11,700 cfs
Depth of slough flow maintained by
base flow in slough. 1.5
Depth (feet) = 0.3
Q = 11,700 to 17,200 cfs
Depth of Slough flow controlled by
mai nstem di scha r'ge. 1.0
Depth (feet) = .00023 Q -2.745
Q = 17,200 to 32,500 cfs
Depth of slough flow controlled by 0.0
mainstem discharge.
Depth (feet)= .00019 Q-2.132
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 411-4-4. Water surface elevation and depths of
Slough 9 (Figure 411-4-3) versus main-
stem discharge (Provisional USGS 1982b)
at Gold Creek.
I.LJ en
en en
0 a:::
1-<t ---
I.LJ >
I.LJ en
I.LJ a::: a.
I.LJ a:::
Two potential problem areas existed· during 1982 for adult salmon
entering Slough 9: a 125-foot reach (Reach A) approximately 400 feet
downstream from the mouth of the slough, and a 280-foot reach (Reach B)
from 620 to 900 feet upstream from the mouth (Figure 4II-4-3). The
approximate length and average depth within the two critical passage
reaches were determined for each backwater profile (Table 4II-4-3.).
Based on data in Table 4II-4-3 and Figure 4II-4-4 and field observations
by ADF&G personnel, upstream passage into Slough 9 by adult chum salmon
does not appear restrictive at either passage reach A or B when mainstem
discharges are 18,000 cfs or higher. At this discharge, passage reach A
is no longer an obstacle, having an estimated depth of 1.75 feet (Table
4II-4-3); passage reach B increased slightly in depth (from 0.20 to 0.30
feet) and decreased greatly in length (from 280 feet to 80 feet).
However, access becomes increasingly more difficult as rna i nstem
discharge decreases, with acute access problem existing at mainstem
flows of 12,000 cfs or less.
On August 24, 1982, when mainstem discharge at Gold Creek was 12,500 cfs
and no appreciable backwater zone was observed at the entrance of the
slough, several chum salmon were observed grounded in shallow water near
the entrance to the slough (passage reach A) as well as at passage reach
B (Plate 4 I I -4-2). Depths were measured at numerous points where fish
were grounded. Although a few isolated depths of 0.5 feet were
measured, the most representative depth restricting access at the
entrance to the slough was found to be 0.2 feet.
Table 411-4-3 Entrance conditions at the mouth of Slough 9 at various
mainstem discharges at Gold Creek when slough discharge
was 3 cfs.
Slough 9
Passage Reach A
Average Reach
Depth (ft) Length (ft)
1. 75
Passage Reach B
Average Reach
Depth (ft) Length (ft)
Mainstem conditions ranged between 12,200 and 13,300 cfs during the five
days preceding these observations (USGS 1982b). The limited number of
chum salmon (20 total) observed above passage reach B indicate that even
during poor access conditions blockage was not complete.
Additional evidence concerning access difficulty in sloughs involves
observed changes in distributions of spawning salmon before and after
heads of sloughs 8A, 9, and 21 were breached in mid-September (because
the head of Slough 11 was not breached, access into this slough was
relatively unchanged). The breaching event in mid-September occurred as
numbers of live chum salmon were sharply declining (Figure 411-4-1)
thereby limiting numbers of fish available to move upstream. Because
this figure represents only live fish, and the natural mortality rates
Plate 411-4-2 Chum salmon stranded in riffle during low flow conditions in Slough 9, inhibiting
access to spawning areas.
at this time were very high, it is likely that· many live fish on
September 15 were in poor condition and not able to migrate upslough.
However, it is believed that if this high water event had occurred
earlier in the year, when the numbers of live fish were greatest (late
August-early September), considerable spawning may have occurred in
upper reaches of sloughs 8A, 9 and 21.
These observations suggest that if the timing of a peak mainstem flow
(resulting in temporary breaching) more closely coincided with peak
numbers of 1 ive spawners, access to upper reaches of sloughs may be
facilitated. Such an event, if properly timed would probably reduce
many access problems near the slough mouth.
In this discussion, the quantification of flow-related access problems
for spawning salmon has only been attempted for Slough 9. A similar
analysis is possible for sloughs 8A, 11 and 21, and will be presented in
the Fishery and Habitat Relationships report. Modeling
Discharge of the sloughs cannot be correlated with discharges in the
mainstem at this time because 1982 discharges were so low that data were
not representative of the normal range of flow conditions. The ranges
of the various aquatic habitat types utilized by salmon species are also
still under investigation. A computer model is being employed
that will predict the surface area suitable for a species and/or
specific life stage by weighing the utilized depth, velocity and
substrate variables against those that were available (Milhous et al.
1981). Some data have been co 11 ected at chum sa 1 mon redds. However,
these variables have been measured at only a few pink and sockeye
salmon. Data from other studies cannot be used to model sloughs in the
Susitna River because fish habitat suitability data may not be com-
parab 1 e between stream systems (Estes et a 1. 1981, AEIDC 1981). For
these reasons, the surface area utilized for salmon redds cannot be de-
termined at this time.
The Final Draft Fishery and Habitat Relationships report will include
the following discussions:
1) A comparison of observed water surface elevations, depths,
velocities, and discharges for selected transects in Chum
Channel and sloughs 8A, 9, and 21 with values calculated
during calibration of the computer program.·
2) A comparison of surface areas of calculated depths and
velocities at 0.2 feet and 0.2 ft/sec intervals, respectively,
with depths and velocities observed at chum salmon redds.
3) Whenever possible, conditions in sloughs will be compared with
mainstem discharges.
The vulnerability of salmon redds in sloughs is an important consid-
eration in regulating mainstem flows during the critical spawning
season. It is essential that the data base which predicts usable
spawning area be reliable under a variety of hydraulic conditions.
FY 84 objectives of this study include: developing habitat utilization
curves for each salmon species and life phases using the sloughs and
side channels of the Susitna River, determining a better understanding
of relationships between the discharge (in mainstem and sloughs) and
usable spawning area and determining mainstem discharges that would
minimize impact to the fishery.
4.1.2 Eulachon
Based on 1982 catch data (Volume 2), eulachon began their spawning
migration into the Susitna River during May. The earliest capture of a
eulachon was in a gillnet at RM 5.0 on May 16, 1982.
Eulachon (Plate 4II-4-3) were observed from the mouth of the Susitna
River (RM 0) to a point upstream of the Susitna River near Willow Creek
(RM 49.5). The Yentna River was not surveyed upstream of Kroto Slough
mouth where eulachon were observed; however, historical accounts of past
runs show an upstream limit of the run on the Yentna River to Big Bend
with isolated accounts of fish presence to Skwentna.
Eulachon appeared to utilize the majority of the mainstem Susitna River
and its associated side channels for passage and spawning. Eulachon did
not, however, appear to utilize the clear water tributaries upstream of
the confluence zones. In general, eulachon spawning runs occurred
during periods of general increases in both mainstem discharge and
surface water temperature (Figures 4II-3-12).
Plate 4II-4-3 Male and female eulachon taken from the Susitna River at RM 21.4: June 1, 1982.
Eulachon appeared to key on water velocity for upstream orientation
during their spawning migration run. Eulachon were seldom observed in
areas of low water velocity (less than 0.3 ft/sec) or backwater or eddy
habitat zones. They appear to bypass these areas in favor of areas with
moderate downstream velocities. The majority of the upstream eulachon
migration appeared to occur along banks with water velocities from 0.3
to 3.0 ft/sec. At times, the upstream movement of fish was so dense as
to create a visible surface wave (Plates 411-4-4 and 411-4-5).
The habitat requirements necessary for eul a chon spawning appear quite
broad (Tables 411-3-8 and 411-3-9; Appendix Figures 4-F-70 to 4-F-91).
Thus, a significant portion of the lower Susitna River is available as
spawning habitat.
Spawning occurred throughout the mainstem Susitna River and its associ-
ated side channels, but bar and riffle zones with moderate water
velocities were most commonly utilized. One riffle zone (spawning site
#14) had approximately 10,000 fish milling in what appeared to be
spawning behavior (Plates 411-4-6 and 411-4-7). In addition, over
10,000 fish were observed dead a 1 ong the banks, with most fish being
spawned out (Plates 411-4-8). Deposited eggs were found in substrate
samples at this site.
Eulachon have been reported to spawn over course sand and pea-sized
gravel in water up to 7.6 feet deep (Morrow 1980). The mean water depth
measured at surveyed spawning sites ranged from 1.1 -3.1 feet with the
range of depths varying at all survey sites from 0.3 -4.3 feet. The
Plate 4!!-4-4 Upstream movement of eulachon along the west bank
of the Susitna River at RM 16.5: June 1, 1982.
Plate 4II-4-5 Upstream movement of eulachon creating a visible surface wave along the east bank of
the Susitna River at RM 15.0: June 6, 1982.
Plate 411-4-6 Milling fish in what appeared to be spawning behavior 1 along the east bank of the
Susitna River at RM 15.0: June 6, 1982.
Plate 411-4-7 Milling fish in what appeared to be spawning behavior along the east bank of the
Susitna River at RM 15.0: June 6, 1982.
Plate 4II-4-8 Accumulation of dead eulachon along the east bank of the Susitna River at RM 15.0:
June 6, 1982.
mean water column velocity measured at surveyed spawning sites ranged
from 0.6 to 1.9 ft/sec with the range of velocities varying at all
survey sites from 0.0 to 3.2 ft/sec. Substrate used for spawning varied
from 100 percent silt to silt and sand intermixed with gravel, rubble
and cobble. The substrate most commonly used ranged from silt to sand
intermixed with gravel.
Water temperatures at surveyed spawning sites ranged from 6.2° to
11. 2°C. These va 1 ues are somewhat higher than the water temperatures
recorded at Susitna Station (RM 25.5) which range from 1.0° -9.0°C
(Figure 4II-3-11). Local variability may be in part responsible for
these deviations in values. Water temperature at time of spawning
ranged from 3.0° -9.5°C while during the peak of the run (as seen by an
increased CPUE) varied from 6.0° -9.0°C (Figure 4II-3-12). These
observed water temperatures are somewhat higher than previously
reported, preferred spawning temperatures of 4.4° -7.8°C (Morrow 1980).
It should be noted that because this was a first attempt at describing
the habitat characteristics of eulachon spawning areas and the data and
evaluations presented should be considered preliminary. Continuation of
these studies are planned in 1983.
4.1.3 Bering Cisco
Based on 1982 fishwheel and electrofishing catch data (Volume 2), Bering
cisco began their spawning migration into the Susitna River during early
August. The earliest capture of a Bering cisco was in a fishwheel at
Susitna Station (RM 25.5) on August 7. The upstream limit of migration
in the Susitna River appears to be RM 101.9. This compares to 1981
findings (ADF&G 1981b), which showed the upstream limit of migration to
beRM 100.5. The Yentna, Chulitna and Talkeetna rivers were not sampled
above their confluence; however, it is probab 1 e that a portion of the
spawning run utilizes these drainages. Bering cisco have been captured
at the ADF&G fishwheel site 6 miles upstream on the Yentna River.
In general, Bering cisco spawning runs occurred during periods of
general decreases in both surface water temperature and discharge
(Figures 4II-3-13 and 4II-3-14). In addition, increases in discharge
seem to discourage movement. For example, during 1982 a high discharge
event which occurred on September 13 (90 ,000 cfs) corresponded to a
reduced catch at the Sunshine fishwheel. Further, during this period
the electrofishing catch was low. As discharge dropped after September
15, catch rates increased.
Bering cisco appear to utilize the mainstem channels of the Susitna
River for spawnings and passage. They do not appear to utilize sloughs
or clear water tributary confluence zones. They were most often
distributed individually or in small aggregates along gravel bars in the
mainstem channel. These findings generally concur with 1981 findings.
Bering cisco were not present in the east channel of the Susitna River
between RM 62 and RM 70.0 during either 1981 or 1982, although habitats
in this reach of the river are similar to those in other reaches
utilized by Bering cisco. There were no discharge or velocity
measurements taken in the east channel. However, the discharge and
overall velocity regime of the east channel is less than that in the
main west channel, which may be partly responsible for these
observations. In addition, the east channel has several clear water
tributaries which empty into it, which may create less favorable
conditions of turbidity or temperature. Bering cisco have never been
observed in the vicinity of clear water tributaries in the Susitna River
Only one spawning site for Bering cisco was found in 1982. This site,
which was a documented spawning site in 1981 (ADF&G 1981b) was located
along a mainstem gravel bar opposite Montana Creek (RM 76.8 -77.6).
The site was divided into two study areas and surveyed for its spawning
habitat and the substrate composition ranged from gravel to cobble, with
gravel being predominant. The smaller substrate types were located in
zones with low to medium velocities (less than 3.5 ft/sec) and shallow
depths (less than 2.5 feet). Spawning site water column velocities and
depths ranged from 0.0 to 5.0 ft/sec and 1.0 to 4.0 feet, respectively.
The mean spawning site water column velocity and depth were 2.3 ft/sec
and 2.4 feet, respectively. These habitat characteristics generally
concur with 1981 findings at this site (ADF&G 1981b). Water
temperatures was recorded at the time of spawning, however, were
different. Water temperatures in 1981 at the time of spawning ranged
from 3.0° -3.8°C, while 1982 water temperatures ranged from 0.2° -
0.4°C (Table 4II-3-11). Discharge at the time of spawning during both
1981 and 1982 ranged from 15,000 -20,000 cfs.
Fewer spawning sites were located in 1982 than in 1981. One reason for
this may be that in 1982 Bering cisco appeared to have begun spawning
later. No ripe fish were found in 1982 until October 13, while in 1981
ripe fish were found earlier in October. Due to an early freeze up,
sampling was discontinued after October 14, 1982, when spawning sites
could no longer be located and studied. It is likely that Bering cisco
utilized other areas for spawning after October 14, 1982.
Because of the limited data base for Bering cisco spawning sites during
1981 and 1982, the data and evaluations presented should be considered
preliminary. Continuation of these studies are planned in 1983.
4.2 Juvenile Anadromous Fish Habitat Investigations
These investigations were based on the assumption that fish have a
choice of habitat types at each sampling location and will be found in
the highest concentration in those zones which have the most desirable
habitat conditions. This assumption holds well for chinook and coho
salmon juveniles which remain in the system for one or two years and
have the capability of moving upstream in tributaries and sloughs. The
assumption may not hold as well for chum and pink salmon juveniles which
do not overwinter in the system and may be outmigrating from the
spawning areas. In other words, juvenile chum and pink salmon may not
have the opportunity to select the various zones with an equal
probability. Sockeye salmon juveniles probably exhibit both types of
behavior. Chum juveniles rear in the Susitna system, holding in some of
the slough and tributary areas exhibiting growth (see Volume 3, Section
3.2); however, they probably would not migrate from a slough up into a
tributary. Chum salmon adults spawn in tributaries and both chum and
sockeye salmon spawn in the free-flowing area (zone 1) of sloughs such
as Slough 21, Slough 11, and Slough 8A. In these sloughs, juveniles can
remain in the zone 1 areas or migrate, either down to the mainstem
backwater area or into the mainstem itself. At the time of spawning by
chum and sockeye salmon in 1981 and 1982, the zone 1 areas of sloughs
8A, 11 and 21 were located in the slough channel, fed by springs or by
very small tributaries.
Birch Creek and associated slough is an example of an area where the
juvenile salmon catch was strongly segregated by habitat zone (see
Section 2.2 for definitions). During June and July, the slough was
backed up by the mainstem to a point about 600 feet above the confluence
of Birch Creek, creating a zone 6 (turbid, backwater) in the slough
above the creek, a zone 7 (turbid backwater with tributary input) in the
slough below the creek, and a zone 1 (clear, free-flowing) in the creek
itself. Sixty percent of the chinook salmon juveniles captured were
in zone 7, the rest were evenly distributed between zone 1 and zone 6.
Chums were evenly distributed between zone 6 and zone 7 with none
captured in zone 1. Eighty-eight percent of all coho salmon captured
were from zone 1. These three species were clearly exhibiting a
preference for a particular habitat type. No sockeye or pink salmon
were captured at this site. An attempt will be made in the Fishery and
Habitat Relationships report to correlate these kinds of habitat
preferences with measured habitat variables such as temperature,
turbidity, and the amount of cover available.
In the following discussion the number of juvenile salmon of each
species captured in the mainstem backwater zone as a percentage of the
total juveniles of that species captured in all zones sampled is
presented to provide an indication of the relative habitat importance of
the backwater zone to that species. Because the surface area of the
backwater zone is a function of mainstem discharge, this analysis
provides an indication of how varying mainstem discharges might be
related to those juvenile salmon that demonstrate use of these areas.
Chum and sockeye salmon juveniles were captured mainly in the backwater
zone, whereas cohos and chinook salmon juveniles were captured mainly in
other zones. Coho sa 1 mon were the 1 east 1 ike ly to be captured in the
backwater zone. Pink salmon juveniles are not discussed because very
few were captured. Our present hypothesis is that low discharges which
lead to the closure of slough heads and the corresponding decline in
surface area of mai nstem backwater zones have the most serious reper-
cussions for chum and sockeye salmon juveniles; a lesser impact on
chinook and coho juveniles is expected.
The nature of habitat conditions that make the mainstem backwater zone a
desirable habitat for juvenile salmon will be analyzed more thoroughly
in the Fishery and Habitat Relationships report. Habitat conditions in
sloughs can undergo radical changes when the slough head opens or closes
because of the change in water source and water velocity. The
backwater zone may buffer this phenomenon, as well as fluctuations due
to rainwater runoff, and may provide a more stable set of habitat
conditions than the zones above and be 1 ow this area. Backwater zones
are generally conducive to vegetative growth, which provides ~over.
Water velocities are low, thus providing a good holding area. Backwater
zones may provide juvenile salmon with an "edge" effect; a variety of
habitat conditions are available in a usually short distance. Also, -
tributaries of various sizes are often near the backup zones, providing
a source of food.
A further analysis of the effect of slough heads opening and closing on
fish distribution in sloughs will be presented in the next report. This
phenomenon causes changes in slough habitat conditions and fish respond
to these changes. The opening or closing of a slough head is not an
abrupt event, relative to the time it takes for fish to respond by
moving to areas of more favorable habitat if the new conditions are not
4.2.1 Chum Salmon
Of the five species of Pacific salmon which spawn in the Susitna River
basin, chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), is the only one which
spawns extensively in both tributaries and sloughs. Consequently, the
population of chum salmon fry is exposed to a wider variety of habitat
conditions than other species from the time of emergence to the time of
outmigration from the system.
The number of chum salmon juveniles captured steadily declined from the
beginning of sampling in early June to mid-Aug_ust, when the last chum
salmon juvenile was caught. Generally, juvenile chum salmon
distribution and relative abundance appeared to be influenced by the
location of spawning the previous fall and by seasonal outmigration.
Definite conclusions regarding chum salmon preference for a certain
range of any particular habitat parameter are difficult to make because
of the relatively short time chum juveniles rear in the system and the
relatively small numbers of fish collected. A general idea of the
ranges of values for varying habitat parameters can be obtained by
extracting from Appendix 4-G those sites where chum salmon juveniles
were abundant and from Appendix 4-I from the habitat data for those
sites. Juvenile chum salmon were generally captured in areas of low
water velocity. The chum salmon juveniles present in Indian River (zone
1) during June were observed in small backwaters created by gravel bars
and by deadfall. They also seemed to prefer areas with cover provided
by turbidity contributed by the mainstem. The different temperature
regime in tributary redds versus slough redds should affect emergence
timing. The chum salmon eggs in sloughs, which have warmer intragravel
temperature resulting from upwelling ground water, would be expected to
have a shorter incubation time than chum salmon eggs in tributaries.
Data are needed on intragravel temperatures at spawning areas in
Interpretation of the relative importance of different habitat con-
ditions is difficult because of the problem in determining if the fish
collected were rearing (feeding) or simply migrating through the area
where they were collected. Juvenile chum salmon were captured mainly in
zones backed up by the mainstem except for areas where adult chum salmon
spawn in tributaries (for example, Indian River and Goose Creek).
Slough areas with slack water caused by mainstem backwater and with at
least moderate turbidity were evidently an important habitat type which
chum salmon used as holding/rearing areas during outmigration. An
example of such an area is Slough 6A. Very few adult chum salmon spawn
in this slough, but juvenile chum salmon were abundant during June.
Taking the percentage of chum salmon caught in the zones influenced by
mainstem backwater (zone 2, zone 6, zone 7) as a percentage of chum
salmon caught in all zones at each sampling site (only for those
sampling periods and sites where there was beach seine or electrofishing
sampling effort in both kinds of areas) and summing all sites shows that
59 percent of all chum salmon juveniles captured in early June, 85
percent in late June, and 94 percentin early July were captured in a
mainstem backwater zone. The lower percentages earlier in the season
reflects chum salmon captured in zone 1 during outmigration from stream
spawning areas.
The relationship of the total surface area of the aggregate type H-II
backwater zone habitat type to mainstem discharge is shown in Figures
41-4-1 and 41-4-2. The availability (surface area) of this type of
habitat at the sampling site generally declined with a decrease in
mainstem discharge over the range of mainstem discharges observed.
Although chum salmon juveniles were caught in this kind of habitat more
than in other zones, the relationship of juvenile chum salmon catch to
the availability of this type of habitat cannot be adequately analyzed
because there were only three sampling periods. A more definitive
analysis is presented for chinook and coho salmon juveniles, which are
present in the system all year and were caught in larger numbers than
juvenile chum salmon. A more intensive sampling effort for juvenile
chum salmon will have to be conducted in late spring and early summer
next season to understand the dependency of this species on rna i nstem
discharge conditions.
The closure of slough heads during low mainstem flows in the early part
of the summer may create conditions that are undesirable to rearing
juvenile chum salmon. About 1,800 chum salmon fry were visually
observed in Slough 8 (adjacent to Lane Creek) in late June in a mainstem
backwater zone. The head of this slough had recently closed and the
backwater zone was undergoing significant changes in habitat conditions,
including increasing water temperature and reduced turbidity. Fourteen
days later no chum salmon were observed in this area. It cannot be
concluded at this time whether the absence of juvenile chum salmon at
the later date is a function of undesirable habitat caused by closure of
the slough head or simply a result of seasonal migration out of this
slough. This problem points out difficulties in establishing
cause-effect relationships when behavior of juveniles correlates with
natural changes in habitat conditions. An examination of behavioral
differences between sites may ultimately provide better insight into the
importance of the stimulus associated with mainstem discharge changes.
The closure of slough heads can also cause stranding of juvenile salmon
in isolated pools. Shortly after the head of Slough 8 closed, ten
juvenile chum salmon were observed in an isolated pool in the slough
just below the head. This condition has been noted in other.areas of
the river.
4.2.2 Sockeye Salmon
Surveys conducted to date indicate that adult sockeye salmon,
Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), which spawn above Curry (RM 130.7) in the
Susitna River do so almost entirely in sloughs. The majority of the few
thousand sockeye sa 1 mon adults which migrate upstream past Curry have
spent as juveniles one additional winter in the freshwater system after
emergence. However, the scanty evidence collected so far on juvenile
sockeye salmon indicates that there may not be much overwintering
occurring above Curry (see discussion in Volume 3, Section
The farthest upstream that an age 1+ or 2+ sockeye salmon juvenile has
been collected is Slough 6A (RM 112.3). This however does not mean that
sockeye salmon juveniles do not overwinter above this point. The
methods used in 1981 did not effectively collect sockeye salmon
juveniles, and effective techniques (electrofishing and beach seining)
used in 1982 were not as intensive in early June as they were later in
the year. The sockeye salmon smolts may have moved downstream before
these methods were fully deployed in the upriver areas.
Sockeye salmon juveniles are found in sloughs where adults spawn and
also in the mainstem backwater zone of other sloughs. The seasonal
average of the number of sockeye salmon juveniles captured in the
mainstem backwater zone (zone 2, zone 6, zone 7) as a percentage of the
total sockeye salmon juveniles captured in all zones (only for those
sampling periods and sites where there was sampling effort in both kinds
of areas) was high (greater than 72 percent) for all sites in the lower
reach (Goose Creek to Chulitna confluence). Except for Slough 8A,
Slough 11, and Slough 21, this percentage was also high (greater than 71
percent) for all sites in the upper reach (Chulitna confluence to
Portage Creek). The free-flowing areas (zone 1) of Slough 8A, Slough
11, and Slough 21 have a low gradient with many small pools which
sockeye salmon juveniles seemed to prefer. Also, the adult sockeye
salmon normally spawn in zone 1 (when zone 1 is in the slough channel)
at these sloughs, which contributes to the broader distribution of the
The availability of mainstem backwater zone habitat as a function of
mainstem discharge is shown in Figures 41-4-1 and 41-4-2. The surface
area of this habitat type generally declines with a decrease in mainstem
discharge over the range of mainstem discharges observed. Dewatering of
these areas could have deleterious effects for this species which was
found in such high proportions in this habitat type. A more intensive
sampling effort at sloughs during the period immediately after ice-out
will be necessary to collect more definitive data on this species.
4.2.3 Coho Salmon
Adult coho salmon, Onchorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), in the Susitna River
system spawn primarily in tributaries. Coho salmon juveniles were
captured in the tributaries and sloughs of the Susitna River between
Goose Creek 2 (RM 73.1) and Slough 21 (RM 142.0) from June to September.
Juvenile coho salmon were found in all major habitat types in the system
including tributaries, sloughs, side channels and the mainstem, but were
observed with a greater frequency at tributary sites, including sloughs
associated with tributaries.
Adult coho salmon spawn in the tributaries upstream of all the sampling
sites where the largest numbers of coho salmon juveniles were captured
(Rabideux Creek, Sunshine Creek, Birch Creek).
Juvenile coho salmon exhibited a seasonal movement between the major
habitat types with a preference for tributaries and sloughs that have an
abundance of cover. They were captured in larger numbers and with
greater frequency in areas with emergent or aquatic vegetation and/or
overhanging and deadfall cover. Fewer juvenile coho salmon were
observed at many of the sites above the Chulitna than observed at
similar habitat types in the reach below the Chulitna confluence. These
sites above and below the Chulitna confluence were quite different in
amount of available cover. Several sites above the Chulitna confluence
were lacking in the amount and quality of cover as compared to some
sites below the Chulitna confluence. Juvenile coho salmon were general-
ly captured in areas of low water velocity with moderate turbidity and
abundant aquatic or emergent vegetation. Some of these areas of low
velocity and emergent cover were created by the backwater effects of the
mainstem water surface elevation at the mouths of tributaries and
sloughs. The mainstem backwater zones at sites below the Chulitna
confluence inundated considerable amounts of emergent vegetation creat-
ing suitable rearing habitat with sufficient cover for coho salmon
juveniles. Mainstem backwater areas at sites above the Chulitna con-
fluence were typically smaller in area than sites below Chulitna,
primarily because side sloughs and tributaries have steeper gradients
and the Susitna River floodplain is much narrower upstream of the
Chulitna River confluence.
Coho salmon juveniles were often captured. in the mainstem backwater
zone, but were also frequently captured in tributaries above the
influence of the mainstem backwater. They were not captured in the
mainstem mixing area below the mainstem backwater zone nearly as often
as were juvenile chinook salmon.
The following table indicates the number of coho salmon juveniles
captured in the mainstem backwater zones (zone 2, zone 6, and zone 7) as
a percentage of the number of coho salmon juveniles captured in all
zones sampled at the site, summed for all 17 Designated Fish Habitat
sites (only for those sampling periods and sites where there was minnow
trapping effort in both kinds of areas). The data are from minnow traps
only and are weighted by the effort (number of traps) deployed in each
Sampling period
June 1-15
June 16-30
July 1-15
July 16-31
August 1-15
August 16-31
September 1-15
September 16-30
Percent cohos captured in
mainstem backwater zones
One-third or less of the coho salmon juveniles captured at all sites
were captured in the mainstem backwater zone. This percentage is lower
than that of any other salmon species. Specific sites did show higher
percentages. Goose Creek and Side Channel, Whitefish Slough, and Slough
6A were all greater than 50 percent. However, in general, coho salmon
juveniles appear to use the mainstem backwater zone less than other
salmon species. Furthermore, compared to the other salmon species, the
percent use of the mainstem backwater zone by coho salmon juveniles is
relatively constant from June to September, thus indicating less
season a 1 dependence on this type of habitat than there may be with
chinook salmon juveniles. The availability (surface area) of the type
of habitat as a function of mainstem discharge is shown in Figures
41-4-1 and 41-4-2 for the range of mainstem discharge observed.
4.2.4 Chinook Salmon
Adult chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), spawn pri-
marily in tributaries of the Susitna River in the reach covered by the
juvenile anadromous fish studies. However, juvenile chinook salmon are
found in all major habitat types in the system, including large and
small tributaries, sloughs, sidechannels, and the mainstem. The
juvenile chinook salmon exhibit seasonal movement back and forth among
these areas, but present data do not allow a definite conclusion with
regard to the seasonal importance of each of these major habitat types.
The majority of adult chinook salmon migrating upstream past Talkeetna
camp have spent as juveni 1 es an addition a 1 winter in the freshwater
system after emergence.
Juvenile chinook salmon were often captured in the area of the sampling
sites which was backed up due to mainstem stage, but were also
frequently captured in tributary mouths (zone 1) and in the mixing zone
(zone 3) below the mouth of a slough or tributary. The following table
shows the number of chinook salmon juveniles captured in the mainstem
backwater zone (zone 2, zone 6 and zone 7) as a percentage of the total
number of chinook salmon juveniles captured in all zones sampled at the
site, summed for all 17 DFH sites (only for those sites and sampling
periods when there was minnow trapping effort in both kinds of areas).
The catch data are from minnow traps only and are weighted by the effort
(number of traps) deployed in each zone.
Sampling period
June I
June II
July I
July II
Aug I
Aug II
Sept I
Sept II
Percent chinooks captured
in mainstem backup zones
The majority of chinook salmon juveniles captured in June were in the
mainstem backwater zone. The percentage in this zone decreased by
one-half in July and remained below 50 percent the rest of the season.
It is difficult to determine why the percentage was high in June, but it
is probably a result of chinook salmon juveniles migrating out of
tributary systems at that time of year and the fact that the greatest
amount of this type of habitat was present in June when mainstem dis-
charge was highest. The availability (total surface area) of the
mainstem backwater zone habitat type as a function of mainstem discharge
is shown in Figures 41-4-1 and 41-4-2.
The aggregate mainstem backwater zone in sloughs includes zone 6 in
sloughs above the confluence of tributaries and zone 7 in sloughs below
tributaries. Chinook salmon juveniles exhibited a preference for zone 7
over zone 6, evidently attracted by tributary effluents. Chinook salmon
juveniles were also often found in zone 3, which is the mixing zone of
tributary/slough effluent with mainstem water. The desirability of
these types of habitats is probably related to a supply of food drifting
out of tributaries and the availability of cover provided by the
turbidity of mainstem water.
4.3 Resident Fish Habitat Investigations
Similar habitat conditions may attract different species of ·resident
fish with comparable habitat requirements. These fish may be in
association at a site and may compete with each other for food, space,
or other biological needs. While interspecies associations need not be
competitive, it is unlikely that such associations would be beneficial.
The mixing zones (zone 3) of Lane Creek, 4th of July Creek, Indian
River, Slough 20, and Portage Creek are all very similar and the species
composition of resident fish inhabiting them is also similar. Mixing
zones at these sites typically have moderate water velocities and
temperatures and the substrate is normally gravel or sand with rocks
ranging up to several feet in diameter with cover provided by the turbid
water flow of the Susitna River. Resident fish associated with these
mixing zones normally include round whitefish, Arctic grayling, and
rainbow trout. Large longnose suckers also may congregate in these
zones, especially in August and September. Skull Creek and Jack Long
Creek, two selected fish habitat sites, also have similar mixing zones
and resident fish populations.
During June and July, the associated species of rainbow trout, Arctic
grayling, and round whitefish may compete for food. Food habits of
these species are very similar and food items generally include immature
stages of various insects (TES 1981, Morrow 1980). Competition might be
reduced, however, by time or place of feeding. Arctic grayling are
primarily surface or mid-depth feeders (TES 1981) while round whitefish
feed on the bottom (Hale 1981). It is also possible that the various
species partition the space within a mixing zone; for instance, Arctic
grayling might feed in areas with higher water velocities than round
whitefish do. Rainbow trout, being larger in size, would probably be
more able to compete for available cover in the form of large rocks or
submerged brush piles.
In August and September, resident fish presumably feed almost entirely
on salmon eggs of which there is an abundant supply. Stomachs of
sampling mortalities examined during this period were almost always full
of eggs. Large longnose suckers may gather at the mixing zones at this
time to take advantage of this food source. Food waul d probably not
limit resident numbers and competition for space may become more
At designated fish habjtat sites such as Goose Creek 2 and Side Channel,
Sunshine Creek and Side Channel, and Whiskers Creek and Slough, mixing
zones typically have lower water velocities, higher turbidities and
finer materials for substrates than in many of the upper sites. Species
associated here are adult and juvenile longnose suckers, juvenile round
whitefish, slimy sculpins, and sometimes juvenile Arctic grayling. With
the exception of Arctic grayling, all of these fish are bottom feeders.
Spatial separation of habitat within a zone could be important in
limiting competition.
Sloughs not associated with tributaries, such as Whitefish Slough and
sloughs 6A, 8A, 11, 19, and 21 typically had fewer resident fish
present. Often these sloughs were used by rearing juvenile round
whitefish, Arctic grayling, longnose suckers, and slimy sculpins. Adult
rainbow trout and burbot also made some use of these sloughs and
probably preyed on these juveniles at times. Sometimes adult longnose
suckers, round whitefish, and humpback whitefish were also found in
mixing zones and backed up zones where the turbidity was moderate.
4.3.1 Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) are generally recognized as
spring spawners (Morrow 1980, Scott and Crossman 1973). Susitna River
rainbow trout generally begin their spawning migration to the clear
water tributaries from the mainstem and its various side channels during
May to late June (Volume 3). Trotline catches of rainbow trout at
designated fish habitat sites were comparatively high in June in mixing
zones of slough or tributary water and mainstem water (aggregate zone
W-I II) and then dropped in July as the rainbow trout moved from these
zones farther up into the tributaries to spawn (Figure 4II-4-5).
Electrofishing catch rates at mainstem and tributary or slough sites
also dropped in July indicating a spawning migration during June (Figure
Actual spawning of rainbow trout has not been observed in the Susitna
River basin and therefore their traditional spawning areas, exact
periods of spawning and the habitat conditions associated with
successful spawning in the Susitna River are not known. However, other
investigations indicate that rainbow trout spawning occurs over a bed of
fine gravels in a riffle zone above a pool (Morrow 1980). The female
fans a redd, drops her eggs which are simultaneously fertilized by the
male during a courtship ritual, then re-covers the redd. Several redds
may be used, with 800-1,000 eggs deposited per redd. The eggs hatch in
4-7 weeks with alevin development lasting 3-7 weeks. The young emerge
from the redds during June-September, depending on temperature (Morrow
1980, Scott and Crossman 1973). After spawning, rainbow trout move into
their summer rearing habitat.
Rainbow trout were captured with trotlines at designated fish habitat
sites in zones with a tributary or slough water source (aggregate zone
W-I) consistently during July and August (Figure 4II-4-5). Trotline
w .....1
+:> I-w 0
0:: w
0. I
Zone W-I (Tributary or Slough )
Zone W-II(Mainstem)
Zone w-m(Mixing)
0 0
0 0
o.o+-L-~~~~~~J-~3-,_~J__B~~_L_L ____ _,~-L~~--~~-----,.-~L-~~.-~~~~.--
16-31 1-15 16-31 1-15 16-30
Figure 4II-4-5. Rainbow trout catch per unit of trotline effort by aggregate water source zones
at Designated Fish Habitat (DFH) sites on the Susitna River between Goose Creek 2
and Portage Creek: June through September, 1982.
catches of rainbow trout in mixing zones (aggregate zone W-III) and
rna i nstem water zones (aggregate zone W-I I), on the other hand, were
comparatively lower during this time period. In addition, boat
electrofishing catch rates were also very low in W-II and W-III zones
during July and August (Figure 3-4-1). These data suggest that the
preferred summer rearing habitat for rainbow trout in the Susitna River
basin are the clear water tributaries and sloughs upstream from their
confluence zones. Juvenile rainbow trout in particular are very rarely
captured near confluence zones of tributaries or sloughs during the
summer. Since very little study has been conducted in these upstream
areas, little is known of the habitat characteristics associated with
summer rearing habitats of rainbow trout in the Susitna River basin.
Trotline catch rates of rainbow trout in mixing zones (aggregate zone
W-III) of slough or tributary water with mainstem water rose in Septem-
ber (Figure 4II-4-5) as did boat electrofishing catch rates at both
tributary and mainstem sites (Figure 3-4-1). These results indicate that
rainbow trout move out of the tributaries into the mainstem and its
various side channels for overwintering during mid-August to late
September. The movement out of the tributaries is likely cued to water
temperature, with decreasing water temperatures in the tributaries
during fall, initiating outmigration.
Based on 1981-82 catches and radio telemetry studies (Volume 3), the
preferred habitats for overwintering are the sloughs and side channel
habitats exhibiting slow to moderate water velocities (0.2 to 3.0
ft/sec) free of under-ice slush (Table 4II-3-12). Fish are generally
not observed or caught in areas of open leads, suggesting that ice may
be used as cover or else velocities are too high. The preferred
substrate is gravel, rubble, and cobble rather than silt and sand,
although fish are present in areas of silt and sand. Rainbow trout are
most often observed in areas of higher specific conductance (above 200
umhos/cm) and water temperatures (above 0,5°C), indicating areas of
upward percolation of water. Food sources during the winter period are
unknown, since studies on food habits were not initiated in 1982.
Preliminary observations indicated however, that benthic invertebrates
may make up a significant portion of the winter diet of rainbow trout.
The movement patterns of rainbow trout from the time they leave the
tributaries in the fall to when they re-enter the tributaries in the
spring has been largely unknown. Radio telemetry studies (Figure 3-3-3)
show that between the period of freeze-up and the time the fish move
into their overwintering habitat, the fish move in a general downstream
pattern, probably searching for suitable overwintering habitat. Once in
their overwintering habitats, they appear to remain fairly sedentary
until they begin their movement into the tributaries after breakup.
4.3.2 Arctic Grayling
Arctic graying (Thymallus arcticus Pallas) are generally recognized as
spring spawners, with spawning occurring immediately after breakup
(Morrow 1980, Scott and Crossman 1973). Arctic grayling in the Susitna
River begin their spawning migration from their overwintering habitats
into clear water tributaries in May (Volume 3). Although Arctic
grayling spawning has not been observed in the Susitna River basin it is
presumed to occur only in the clear water tributaries during May to mid
June. Arctic grayling sampled in late June were found to be spawned
out. Male and female Arctic grayling have been reported to engage in a
courtship ritual, during which time spawning takes place (Morrow 1980).
No particular substrate is reportedly preferred for spawning, but sandy
gravel substrate is reported to be most often used. Development to
hatching requires 11 to 21 days, depending on temperature. No data is
currently available on the habitat requirements of Arctic grayling
spawning in the Susitna River.
After spawning, Arctic grayling move into their summer rearing habitats.
Boat electrofishing catch rates (see Volume 3, Section show
that the preferred summer rearing habitat for adult Arctic grayling
appears to be the clear water tributaries, especially those above the
Chulitna River confluence, rather than the mainstem. Adult Arctic
grayling were captured most often during the summer in mixing zones
(zone 3) at the mouths of large tributaries such as Lane Creek, Indian
River, and Portage Creek (see Volume 3, Section Arctic
grayling greater than 300-mm fork 1 ength comprised only a very sma 11
portion of the catch during July and August (Figure 3-4-3). These large
fish are probably able to set up feeding territories in desirable pools
in upstream areas of the tributaries and displace small fish which then
move down to the 1 ess des i rab 1 e habitat at the confluence and in the
mainstem. Summer habitat for adult Arctic grayling in the mainstem
Susitna River below Devil Canyon is therefore limited.
Juvenile (fork length under 200mm) Arctic grayling during the summer
were found mostly in the mixing zone (zone 3) of tributaries in the
reach of river between the Chulitna River confluence and Devil Canyon.
These tributaries, such as Lane Creek, Skull Creek, Indian River, and
Jack Long Creek, seasonally discharge clear and cold water. The
juveniles appeared to rear in areas of slow to moderate water velocities
(under 1.5 ft/sec) and with moderate to high turbidities (over 20 NTUs)
at the mouths of these tributaries.
Although Arctic grayling juveniles were most prevalent at tributary
mouths, they were also found in relatively large numbers at mainstem
sftes above the confluence of the Chulitna River, notably after August.
At these sites, juveniles were found rearing in areas with similar water
velocities and turbidities to that found at tributary sites. With the
decrease in water discharge at the tri but aries and the decrease in
turbidity in the mainstem during fall, it is probable that these fish
were migrating to overwintering areas, or were at their overwintering
Adult Arctic grayling begin to move out of their summer rearing habitats
into their overwintering habitats in late August to early September
(Volume 3, Section Due to very low catches of Arctic grayling
during the winter, the locations and habitat characteristics of Arctic
grayling overwintering habitats in the Susitna River are currently
unknown. It is presumed that Arctic grayling overwinter in the mainstem
and its associated side channels.
4.3.3 Burbot
Burbot (Lota lota) are generally recognized as under-ice winter spawners
(Morrow 1980, Scott and Crossman 1973). Due to the timing of burbot
spawning actual spawning of burbot in the Susitna River has not been
observed. Because of this, the exact period of burbot spawning in the
Susitna River is currently unknown. In the lower reaches of the Susitna
River, the gonads of burbot begin to enlarge in late August, but
spawning does not appear to take place until sometime in mid-winter.
Burbot have been shown to congregate in late September in what appears
to be preparation for spawning. Actual spawning is assumed to take
place in late January to February in such areas as the mouth of the
Deshka River (RM 40.6) (Volume 3). The habitat characteristics neces-
sary for successful spawning of burbot to occur in the Susitna River
basin are unknown. Burbot have been shown to congregate in moderately
shallow water under the ice over a substrate ranging from sand to coarse
gravel (Morrow 1980). During spawning, males and females form a
11 globular mass of fish" during which spawning takes place (Morrow 1980).
Preliminary investigations of habitat conducted in areas of burbot
milling during the 1982-83 winter (Table 4II-3-13) reveal that burbot
appear to mill in preparation for spawning in areas with an ice cover
having low to medium (0.1-4.0 ft/sec) water column velocities. In areas
of milling, moderately high specific conductances (70-150 umhos/cm) have
been observed, suggesting that upwelling may be occurring. Development
of eggs takes 30-70 days, depending on temperature (Morrow 1980).
After spawning, burbot appear to use the mainstem and to a lesser extent
the associated side channels and sloughs for overwintering habitats.
(Volume 3). Areas of relatively deep water (2-10-ft) under the ice in
the mainstem seem to be preferred (Table 4II-3-13). Burbot are rarely
observed or captured in areas of open leads, which may be due to their
strong negative phototrophism (Morrow 1980). Burbot have been observed
utilizing areas of both gravel, rubble and cobble and silt and sand
substrate during the winter, but seem to prefer a substrate composed of
silt and sand. Burbot are most often found in lower velocity backwater
areas (0.0-1.0 ft/sec), but have been observed in areas of higher veloc-
ities. Since burbot are bottom dwellers, they do not seem to be ham-
pered by under ice slush so long as at least six inches of water is
present. Based on radio telemetry studies, most burbot overwinter in
mainstem areas having relatively high specific conductances (above 200
umhos/cm) and water temperatures (above 0.5°C) indicating areas with an
upward percolation of flow.
For summer rearing habitat adult burbot appear to prefer relatively deep
eddies in the mainstem (Appendix 4-G). Trotline catch rates at
designated fish habitat sites (Figure 4II-4-6) were highest in mainstem
water (aggregate zone W-II) and in mixing zones (aggregate zone W-III).
Tributary or slough water (aggregate zone W-I) was utilized by
relatively few adult burbot as indicated by very low catch rates.
Burbot may avoid this clear water due to their negative phototrophism.
After water temperatures in sloughs, side channels, and tributaries drop
below l0°C, adult burbot have been observed to move into shallow water
at night to feed. Trotline catches suggest this may happen in early
September (Figure 4II-4-6). Prior to this time, burbot remain in the
I .6
w z I .2 -w ..J
U1 1-0 0
0::: 0.8
1-0.4 <{
i . .
Zone w-r (Tributary or Slough)
Zone W-IT (Mainstem)
Zone w-m (Mixing)
Figure 4II-4-6. Burbot catch per unit of trotline effort by aggregate water source zones at
Designated Fish Habitat (DFH) sites on the Susitna River between Goose Creek 2
and Portage Creek: June through September, 1982.
mainstem in deep holes or in mixing. zones. Scott and Crossman (1973)
report the optimal temperature for burbot ranges from 15.6° to 18.3°C.
Catches of juvenile burbot (Appendix 4-G) at designated fish habitat
sites were small but they were most often captured in mixing zones (zone
3) and in backed up zones or pools (zones 2, 6, 7 and 8).
The movement patterns of burbot are largely unknown (Morrow 1980).
Based on radio telemetry studies (Volume 3), burbot in the Susitna River
are -~sually sedentary, but they are capable of long distance movements
(Volume 3). One radio-tagged burbot, for instance, moved downstream a
distance of approximately 60 miles in the winter and then held its new
4.3.4 Round Whitefish
Round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum Pallas) are recognized as fall
spawners with spawning taking place from late September to early Novem-
ber (Morrow 1980). Because round whitefish spawn during freeze-up,
actual spawning of round whitefish in the Susitna River has not been
observed; although ripe fish have been captured in the mainstem during
late summer to early fall (ADF&G 1981d). Thus, the exact period of
round whitefish spawning in the Susitna River is unknown. In the upper
reaches of the Susitna River, the gonads of round whitefish appear to
enlarge in late June, but spawning does not appear to take place until
at least late September or early October. Spawning has been reported to
be annual, with spawning beds located along gravelly shallows of rivers
(Morrow 1980). In the Susitna River, round whitefish may utilize both
the clear water tributaries and the mainstem for spawning (Volume 3).
No nest is dug during spawning, with eggs being broadcast over the
substrate. Egg development has been reported to take about 140 days
depending on temperature (Morrow 1980).
After spawning, round whitefish move into their overwintering habitats.
Due to very low catches of round whitefish during the winter, the
1 ocations and habitat characteristics of round whitefish overwintering
in the Susitna River are unknown. It is presumed round whitefish
overwinter in the mainstem and its associated side channels.
Round whitefish appear to move out of their overwintering habitats into
their summer rearing habitats from May to June (Figure 3-4-4). Large
concentrations of round whitefish were observed at tributary mouths in
June. Preferred summer rearing habitat for adult round whitefish
appears to be the clear water tributaries upstream of their confluences.
However, round whitefish also appear to utilize, to a lesser extent, the
mainstem for summer rearing habitat. Small numbers of adult round
whitefish were electroshocked along mouths of sloughs and tributaries
and along bars in the mainstem throughout the summer (Figure 3-4-4).
Adult round whitefish were usually captured in mixing zones with a
moderate current (zone 3) or in backed up zones (zone 2 or zone 7) at
the designated fish habitat sites studied. In late August or early
September, round whitefish apparently begin to move into overwintering
habitat or to spawning areas (Volume 3).
Juvenile round whitefish (fork length less than 200mm) were found at all
of the designated fish habitat sites studied (Appendix 4-G). Juvenile
round whitefish were most often found rearing in clear water sloughs
such as Slough 6A, Slough 8A, Slough 9, and Slough 21 in the reach of
river between the Chulitna River confluence and Devil Canyon. The
hydraulic zone in the sloughs which recorded the highest catch was the
mixing zone (zone 3). Most of the catch at tributary sites was also in
the mixing zones (zones 2 and 3). Juveniles, however, were also present
in areas at sloughs and tributaries that contained mainstem water. The
only areas where juveniles were captured in clear tributary or slough
water were Whitefish Slough, Slough 6A and Slough 8A. Most of the zones
with juvenile round whitefish present were characterized by low water ,
velocities or pools.
Turbidity, at least under 120 NTUs, does not appear to exclude juvenile
round whitefish from a rearing area. Juveniles were captured at a
variety of sites with the turbidities ranging to 120 NTUs. However, no
mainstem sites were consistently sampled by effective juvenile capture
methods. Very high turbidities may exclude juvenile round whitefish
from rearing in an area.
Little is currently known of the specific habitat requirements for
summer rearing of juvenile or adult round whitefish in the Susitna
4.3.5 Humpback Whitefish
The taxonomy of the humpback whitefish (Coregonus spp.) is unclear.
Morrow ( 1980) states that the humpback whitefish appears to be truly
anadromous, while McPhail and Lindsey (1970) state that humpback
whitefish typically occur in lakes and large rivers, with a portion of
the population in rivers being anadromous. In the Susitna River, the
humpback whitefish population appears to be divided into both an
anadromous and resident population. The species of humpback whitefish
inhabiting the Susitna River below Devil Canyon is believed to be
Coregonus pidschian (Volume 3).
Anadromous populations of humpback whitefish in Alaska have been report-
ed to spawn during the fall, with their spawning runs beginning in June
and lasting through October (Morrow 1980). In the Susitna River, the
anadromous portion of the humpback whitefish population begin their
spawning runs in early August in the lower reaches of the river, reach-
ing the upper reaches by mid-September (Volume 3). Although actual
spawning of humpback whitefish has not been observed in the Susitna
River, it is presumed that spawning occurs in the fall prior to
Little is known of the spawning behavior or spawning habitat of this
species , but it is assumed to be similar to the Alaska whitefish
(C. nelsoni) (Morrow 1980). Following the completion of spawning,
humpback whitefish are reported to move back downstream, with small
numbers remaining in deep pools to overwinter (Morrow 1980). The timing
of their return migration in the Susitna River is also not known.
Young of the year have been reported to hatch in the 1 ate winter to
early spring and subsequently move downstream. Due to the limited catch
of juvenile humpback whitefish in the Susitna River, little is known of
their timing of outmigration and the characteristics of preferred
rearing habitat in the Susitna River. Catches of juvenile humpback
whitefish at a downstream migrant trap in the mainstem (RM 102.0) peaked
in August (Volume 3) suggesting a juvenile outmigration during August.
A resident population of humpback whitefish appear to inhabit a number
of clear water sloughs and tributaries of the Susitna River especially
those above the Chulitna River confluence such as Slough 1, Slough 6A,
Slough 17, Slough 19 and Portage Creek (Volume 3). Many of the catches
were made in backed up zones (zones 2 or 7), or in areas where the water
from a tributary or clear water slough mixed with mainstem water in a
low velocity mixing zone or pool (zone 3). Few habitat measurements
were taken during 1981 and 1982; thus, little is known of the charac-
teristics of summer rearing habitats used by humpback whitefish in the
Susitna River.
The timing of resident humpback whitefish spawning is expected to be
very similar to that of any anadromous populations present although it
is possible that resident humpback whitefish spawn at a different time
than anadromous fish. Spawning migrations, of course, would be shorter
in length than those of anadromous populations. It is not known if the
distribution of wintering fish is similar to that of fish rearing during
the summer. No juvenile humpback whitefish (fork length less than
200mm) have been captured above RM 102.0 (Volume 3).
4.3.6 Longnose Sucker
Longnose suckers ( Catostomus catostomus Forster) are generally recog-
nized as spring spawners, with spawning occurring as early as May and as
late as July (Morrow 1980). In the lower Susitna River, longnose
suckers have been observed spawning in 1 ate May to early June (Tab 1 e
4II-3-14). Spawning occurs most commonly over a gravel substrate in
shallow water (0.3-2.0 ft) with a current ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 ft/sec
(Morrow 1980). Water temperature at time of spawning is reported to be
between 5.0 to 10.0°C.
The limited data collected on longnose sucker spawning habitat in the
Susitna River basin concur fairly well with published data. The data,
however, suggest that longnose suckers utilize a wider range of depths
and water velocities for spawning than previously reported. In the
Susitna River, longnose suckers have also been captured in ripe condi-
tion during the fall. Males, upon slight abdominal pressure, discharged
milt and females, upon necropsy, showed well developed, separated eggs.
Longnose suckers have not been previously reported to spawn in the fall.
It is possible that the fish overwinter in this ripe condition.
After spawning, longnose suckers move into their summer rearing habi-
tats. In the Susitna River, longnose suckers appear to prefer tributary
and clear water slough mouths for summer rearing over mainstem sites
(Volume 3). Longnose suckers, however, have been observed to utilize
deep back eddy zones in the mainstem as summer rearing habitat.
Schools of longnose suckers were present in Rabideux Creek Slough in a
backed up zone (zone 2) during July and August in 2-5 feet of water.
Often these fish were in submerged brush piles or near overhanging
riparian vegetation. Adult 1 ongnose suckers were associ a ted with this
type of habitat at a number of other sites electrofished.
Data collected at Designated Fish Habitat sites allow a basic
description of rearing areas used by juvenile longnose suckers (Appendix
4-F) to be formulated. Juvenile longnose suckers (less than 200mm fork
length) were most often found in association with clear water slough
sites where water velocities were less than 1 ft/sec. Catches at tribu-
tary mouths were also typically in backed up zones (zones 2, 6, 7, and
9) where flow was insignificant. Turbidity in these backed up zones
varied greatly and juveni 1 e 1 ongnose suckers were often found in very
turbid water. At Goose Creek 2 and side channel, for example, longnose
sucker juveniles were captured in zones 4 and 6 during June and July
when the turbidity in these zones was very high. In Slough 9, longnose
sucker juveniles were also captured in turbid water in zones 4 and 6 in
late June and early July. On the other hand, young of the year longnose
suckers were captured in Slough 8A during early September in clear water
in zone 1. Slough 6A also provided a clear water rearing area for age
class 1+ longnose suckers in zone 2 during late June and early July.
Mainstem sites may also provide suitable rearing area for longnose
sucker juveniles, but these sites have not been extensively sampled with
beach seines.
Based on 1982 electrofishing observations, adult longnose suckers appear
to begin to move out of their summer rearing habitats into their
overwintering habitats during August. Due to very low catches of
longnose suckers during the winter, the locations and habitat charac-
teristics of longnose sucker overwintering habitats in the Susitna River
are currently unknown. It is pres~med that 1 ongnose suckers overwinter
in the mainstem and its associated side channels. Morrow (1980) states
that 11 except for movement to and from spawning grounds, the 1 ongnose
sucker apparently does not undertake any definite migrations... No major
migrations have been observed for longnose suckers in the Susitna River
to date.
4.3.7 Other Species Dolly Varden
Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma Walbaum) were infrequently caught at the
sites sampled in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon. When found, they
were most frequently associated with large, cold, fast flowing tribu-
taries such as the Kashwitna River, Lane Creek, Indian River, and
Portage Creek. Dolly Varden are generally recognized as fall spawners
(Morrow 1980). Adult catches at these sites and other sites are
typically highest in June and September. The high catches in June are
believed to be due to fish moving into the tributaries for summer
rearing from the mainstem and the high catches in September are due to
movements back into the mainstem or to spawning streams (ADF&G 198ld).
Dolly Varden occupied the designated fish habitat sites studied only
during spring or fall migrations. No more than a few scattered fish
were thought to occupy any of the hydraulic zones studied on a consis-
tent basis during the ice-free season (Appendix 4-G). Dolly Varden
captured are mostly likely transients passing through the zone. Because
of low catch rates, little specific information is currently known about
the summer rearing or fall spawning habitat requirements of Dolly Varden
in the Susitna River. Threespine Stickleback
Threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus) usually inhabit
shallow water areas associated with aquatic plants (Morrow 1980) and
this appears to be the case in the Susitna River. In the Susitna River,
threespine stickleback are found in shallow warm-water sloughs or slow
flowing tributaries, especially those with emergent vegetation such as
Rolly Creek, Caswell Creek, Whitefish Slough, Sunshine Creek and Side
Channel, and Birch Creek and Slough. Substrate at sites preferred by
threespine stickleback was often silt or sand. Populations at these
sites may fluctuate greatly from year to year (Volume 3).
Distribution may also vary from year to year but populations generally
decrease upstream of the Chulitna River confluence (RM 98.5). Three-
spine stickleback are only rarely present at the mouths of cold, fast
flowing tributaries like Lane Creek and Slough, 4th of July Creek,
Indian River, or Portage Creek. Sloughs well above the Chulitna con-
fluence such as Slough 10 have very few threespine stickleback even
though they may have abundant emergent vegetation. Abundance and dis-
tribution above the Chulitna confluence may be limited by water tempera-
tures or velocities or a combination of these factors. Slimy Sculpin
The slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson) is an often abundant
species which inhabits lakes and streams across northern North America.
It prefers streams with a rocky substrate and fairly high water veloc-
ities (Morrow 1980). Spawning occurs in the spring soon after breakup.
In the Susitna River, the slimy sculpin is a widely distributed species.
It has been sampled in moderate numbers during the summer at most
locations sampled with relatively high numbers being observed along
rocky banks of the mainstem and its associated side channels, tribu-
taries and sloughs (Volume 3). At a given designated fish habitat site,
slimy sculpins were found to inhabit almost all zones present (Appendix
4-G). Generally the highest numbers of slimy sculpins were found in
zones 1, 2, and 3. Often slimy sculpins were associated with substrates
where some rocks were present. Rocks are used by slimy sculpins as
escape cover and as spawning nest sites (Morrow 1980). Since winter
catch data on slimy sculpins are limited, little is currently known
about the overwintering habitat of this species although catches have
often been made in the same areas where they were found in the summer.
360 Arctic Lamprey
Arctic lamprey (Lampetra japonica Martens) are generally recognized as
spring spawners (Morrow 1980). In the Susitna River basin, Arctic
lamprey have been observed spawning in late June in isolated locations
(Table 411-3-14). During spawning, male and female engage in a nest
building ritual in an area of gravel substrate in water depths ranging
from a few inches to 3. 0 feet deep in a current of 0. 5 to 1. 0 ft/ sec
(Morrow 1980). Based on preliminary habitat evaluation data, Arctic
lamprey spawning habitat at Birch Creek and Slough (RM 88.3) concur
fairly well with the published data. Since very few Arctic lamprey have
been captured, little is known about their summer rearing or overwinter-
ing habitats.
Acres American, Inc. 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project: FERC lic.ense
application. Exhibit E. Volume 1, Chapter 2 (Draft Report).
Prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Alaska Department of Commerce
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Final Draft. Subtask 7.10. Prepared for Acres American,
Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su-Hydro.
Anchorage, Alaska.
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Anchorage, Alaska.
1982a. Aquatic studies procedures manual. Phase II. Prepared
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1982b. Aquatic studies program. Phase II Final Draft.
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Bovee, K.D. and T. Gochnauer. 1977. Development and evaluation of
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D'Aoust, B.G. and M.J.R. Clark. 1980. Analysis of supersaturated air
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Estes, C., K. Hepler, and A. Hoffman. 1981. Willow and Deception
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Anchorage, Alaska.
Hale, S.S. 1981. Freshwater habitat relationships: round whitefish
Prosopium cylindraceum). ADF&G Habitat Division, Resource
Assessment Branch. Anchorage, Alaska.
Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister,
and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater
fishes. Publication #1980-12. North Carolina State Museum of
Natural History. 854 pp.
McPhail, J.D. and C.C. Lindsey.
northwestern Canada and Alaska.
381 pp.
1970. Freshwater fishes
Fish. Res. Bd. Canada Bull.
Milhous, R.T., D.L. Wegner, and T. Waddle. 1981. Users• guide to the
Physical Habitat Simulation System. Cooperative Instream Flow
Service Group. USFWS/OBS-81/43. Washington, D.C.
Morrow, J.E. 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest
Publishing Co., Anchorage, Alaska. 248 pp.
R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982. Susitna Hydroelectric Project: hydraul"ic
and ice studies. Prepared for Acres American, Inc., Anchorage,
Scott, W.B. and E.J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada.
Fish. Res. Bd. Canada Bull. 184. Ottawa. 966 pp.
Scully, D.R., L.S. Leveen, and R.S. George. 1978. Surface water
records of Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, through September 1975. USGS.
Open file report 78-498. Anchorage, Alaska. 1978.
Terrestrial Environmental Specialists (TES). 1981. A preliminary
assessment of natura 1 supersaturation of Devil Canyon. Subtas k
7.10-Fish Ecology. June 1981. Prepared for Acres American, Inc.
Buffalo, New York. Unpublished technical report.
1982. Appendix A. Summary of significant findings from the
1981 dissolved gas investigations of the Susitna River in the Devil
Canyon vicinity. pp. A-1 to A-8. In: Task 7, Environmental
Studies, Subtask 7.10. Fish Ecology. Phase I Supporting
Documentation, May
Buffalo, New York.
1982. Prepared for Acres
Unpublished technical report.
American, Inc.
Trihey, E. W. 1982. Preliminary assessment of access by spawning
salmon to side slough habitat above Talkeetna. Draft Report.
Prepared for Acres American, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1981. Unpublished data file on the
dissolved gas below Libby Dam on the Kootenai River, Montana.
From: Thomas Bonde, USACOE, Seattle, Washington.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 1977. Water resources data for Alaska:
Water year 1976. USGS Water-Data Report AK-76-1. Anchorage,
1978a. Water resources data for Alaska: Hater year 1977.
USGS Water Data Report AK-77-1. Anchorage, Alaska.
1978b. See Scully, et al.
1979. Water resources data for Alaska: Water year 1978. USGS
Water-Data Report AK-78-1. Anchorage, Alaska.
1980. Water resources data for Alaska: Water year 1979. USGS
Water-Data Report AK-79-1. Anchorage, Alaska.
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