HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA590\' ·-\ 1 ~ J' r'" I ' ! ' r r r- j ll -1 I ' -, \ .. SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES PHASE II BASIC DATA REPORT Volume 5: Upper Susitna River Impoundment Studies 1982 LJBJI4RY ILA»:.A OEP,:l, OF FISH & &\ME 33~R~spbef'rsy Rcl. An~, A~as~ 99518~ 1 Ellt9 ..- LO N LO ('I) 0 8 l: LO LO r-- ('1) ('I) SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES PHASE II BASIC DATA REPORT Volume 5: Upper Susitna River Impoundment Studies 1982 -by- ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 2207 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ARLJS r}\:_ llf:l( !; .t8 A6~ ho~ 510 1983 Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Anchnrage, Alaska - - PREFACE This report is part of a five volume presentation of the fisheries, aquatic habitat, and in stream flow data collected by the Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Susitna Hydroelectric (Su Hydro) Feasibility Aquatic Studies Program during the 1981-82 (October-May) ice-covered and 1982 open water (May-October) seasons. It is one of a series of reports prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) and its principal contractor, Acres American (Acres), by the ADF&G and other contractors to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. This report is intended for data transmittal-to other Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Study participants. A preliminary draft was circulated for review in February. The topics discussed in Volumes Two through Five are illustrated in Figure A. Volume One presents a synopsis of the information contained in the other four volumes. Volume Two also includes a comparison of 1981 and 1982 adult anadromous fisheries data. An ADF &G data analysis report will include an analysis of the pre-project ·fishery and habitat relationships derived from this and related reports prepared by other study participants. A review draft will be circulated to study participants in May 1983. The final report will be submitted to the APA on June 30, 1983 for formal distribution to study participants, state and federal agencies, and the public. Also scheduled for completion on June 30, 1983 is the first draft of the ADF&G 1982-83 ice-covered season basic data report. It will include a presentation of 1982-83 incubation and other fishery and habitat data. These and other ADF&G reports (1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981a, b, c, d, e, f, 1982) and information reported by others will be summarized and analyzed by the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) to evaluate post-project conditions within the overall study area of the proposed project (Figure B). Woodward Clyde ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Infqrmatton Services An .... h ''t·~ ur. Al 3 Ska \:-... ···'· -. -( .. "--. Factors Influencing Aquatic Habitat Fish Life Phases Influenced by Habitat Figure A. Integration of and relationships among the program elements presented in Volumes Two through Five . . . ·~ - - Consultants will, in turn, use this information to Sl.lpport the preparation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission License Appli- cation for Acres. The five year (Acres 1980) ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies program was initiated in November 1980. It is subdivided into three study sections: Adult Anadromous Fish Studies (AA), Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Studies (RJ), and Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH). Specific objectives of the three sections are: 1. AA -determine the seasonal distribution and relative abun- dance of adult anadromous fish populations produced within the study area (Figure B); 2. RJ -determine the seasonal distribution and relative abun- dance of selected resident and juvenile anadromous fish populations within the study area; and 3. AH characterize the seasonal habitat requirements of selected anadromous and resident fish species within the study area and the relationship between the availability of these habitat conditions and the mainstem discharge of the Susitna River. The 1981-82 ice-covered and 1982 open-water ADF&G study areas (Figures C and D) were limited to the mainstem Susitna River, associated sloughs and side channels, and the mouths of major tributaries. Portions of tributaries which will be inundated by the proposed , Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs were also evaluated. Descriptions of study sites are presented in each of these volumes including the ADF&G reports (ADF&G 1981a, b, c, d, e, f). The Susitna River is approximately 275 miles long from its sources in the Alaska Mountain Range to its point of discharge into Cook Inlet. Its drainage encompasses an area of 19,400 square miles. The main stem III --· --------------------·-··-···--·--------, ____ _ ....... . < ......... til 0 I 25 I • ADF 8G FIELD CAMPS Figure B. Overall study area of the Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Program. < 0 25 l miles I // I // / / / / / / ' ' ' ........... ........... ............ ... , \ \ ' I I I I I I I I l // ---.--.""' ., ----·--· 1982 OPEN WATER SEASON STUDY AREAS ~ LOWER RIVER ~ STUDY AREA --DRAINAGE BOUNDARY Figure C. 1982 ADF&G open water season (May through October} study area. 0 0 25 miles // . / ____ _..,... __.,-" / / I I I I ,-" / I ,-" / I I l / / ,' _,--" nchorage / / ' ' ............ .......... ............ ...... \ \ I I I I I I I I I I / / ,-..... .;"* / ..... ___ ... 1981-82 ICE-COVERED SEASON STUDY AREAS LOWER RIVER STUDY AREA UPPER RIVER STUDY AREA DRAINAGE BOUNDARY Figure D. 1981-82 ADF&G ice-covered season (October through May) study area. and major tributaries of the Susitna River, including the Chulitna, Talkeetna and Yentna rivers, originate in glaciers and carry a heavy load of glacial flour during the ice-free months (approximately May through October). There are many smaller tributaries which are perennially clear. Questions concerning these reports should be directed to: Thomas W. Trent Aquatic Studies Coordinator Alaska Department of Fish & Game Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program 2207 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone (907) 274-7583 VII PREFACE REFERENCES Acres American, Inc. (Acres) 1980. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Plan of Study. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, "'"" Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). 1974. An assessment of the anadromous fish populations in the Upper Susitna River Watershed between Devil Canyon and the Chulitna River. Anchorage, Alaska. 1976. Fish and Wildlife studies related to the Corps ·of -· Engineers Devil Canyon, Watana Reservoir Hydroelectric Project. ~~ ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska. 1977. Preauthorization assessment of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Projects: preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition. ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska. 1978. Preliminary environmental assessment of hydroelectric development on the Susitna River. Anchorage, Alaska. 1979. Preliminary; final plan of study fish and studies proposed by the ADF&G. ADF&G. Anchorage, Alaska. 1981a. Aquatic studies procedures manual. Phase I. Final Draft. Sub task 7.10. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su -· Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska. - l981b. Adult anadromous fisheries project. Phase I. Final ..... Draft. Subtask 7.10. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska. VIII -PREFACE REFERENCES (Continued) 198lc. Aquatic habitat and instream flow project. Phase I. Final Draft. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated, by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska. 1981d. Resident fish investigation on the lower Susitna River. Phase I. Final Draft. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated by Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska. 1981e. Resident fish investigations on the lower Susitna River. Phase I. Final Draft. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. 1981f. · Resident fish investigations on the upper Susitna River. Phase I. Final Draft. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. 1982. Aquatic Studies Program. Phase I. Final Draft. Subtask 7 .10. Prepared for Acres American, Incorporated by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game/Su Hydro. Anchorage, Alaska. IX TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE Page I LIST OF FIGL~RES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • .. • • • • . • • XIII LIST OF TABLES LIST OF PLATES XVI I XIX LIST OF APPENDIX B FIGURES . . . • • . . . • . . • • . . . • . . • . • . • • . . • . . . . • . .. . • . XX LIST OF APPENDIX C TABLES .•..........••......•....•..•..•••...••. XXI LIST OF APPENDIX D FIGURES . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . • . . • • • • . • • . . . . XXIV CONTRIBUTORS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • XXV ACKNOWLEDGE~IE~~TS • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XXVI 1. INTRODUCTION ....••.•..••.....•..•..•....•..•..•••..•...•••.... 1 1.1 General Objectives ...••...•..•....•..•...••..•....••..• 1.2 Aquatic Habitat Investigations ....•..•..•.•..•...•..•.. 1.3 Resident Fisheries Investigations ···············~······ 1. 4 Background ............................................ . 1 4 5 6 2. METHODS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 8 2.1 General Study Design ••.....•..••.•............••....... 2. 2 Aquatic Habitat Investigations ••..•..•..••...•......•.. 2.2.1 Topographical and General Physical Characteristics of Aquatic Habitats •....•....• 2 . 2. 2 Water Qua 1 i ty .................................. . 2.2.3 Discharge ...................................... . 2.2.4 Lake Mapping and Morphometric Data .•.•..•••..... 2.3 Resident Fisheries Investigations •....•...•.......•.... 8 11 11 12 14 14 16 3. RESULTS..................................................... 20 3.1 Tributary Habitat and Fisheries Investigations ..•..•... 20 ·3.1.1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations • •.. ..... .••.•.... 20 General Stream Descriptions .•.••.•..... 3 . 1. 1 . 2 Water Qua 1 i ty ......................... . Instantaneous Water Qua 1 i ty .................. . Continuous Surface Water Temperature ..•.....• X 20 44 44 51 - ""'-, - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 52 59 4o 3o1o1o3 Discharge .............................. 3o1o2 Resident Fisheries Investigations 000000000000000 3o1o2o1 Arctic Grayling oooooooooooooooooooooooo 59 3o1o2o2 Dolly Varden •oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 89 302 Mainstem Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 0000000000 90 3o2o1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations oooooooooooooooooo 3o2o1o1 General Characteristics of Mainstem 90 3o2o2 Study Area .......................... . Water Quality ......................... . Discharge ............................. . 3o2ol.4 Mainstem Slough Habitats 0 0000000 00 00 000 Resident Fisheries Investigations 90 92 94 94 96 3. 2. 2. 1 Bu rbo t ............ e • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 96 3o2o2o2 Longnose Sucker oooooooooooooooooooooooo 100 3o2o2o3 Other Species oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 106 3o3 Lake Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 00000000000000 108 3o3o1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations 000000000000000000 108 3o3o1o1 General Characteristics of Sally Lake 00 108 3o3o1o2 Water Quality oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 114 3o3o2 Resident Fisheries Investigations ooooooooooooooo 115 3o3o2o1 Lake Trout ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 115 3o3o2o2 Arctic Grayling oooooooooooooooooooooooo 115 DISCUSSION 116 4o1 Tributary Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 000000000 116 4.1.1 Water Quality .... ...... .......... ..... .. ..... ... . 116 4ol.l.1 Instantaneous Water Quality o 0000 0000000 116 4o1o1o2 Continuous Surface Water Temperature oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 117 4.1.2 Discharge .... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ... .. .. .. . 118 4o1o3 Stream Gradient ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 120 4ol.4 Fish Passage Barriers 00 ooooo 00000 00000 00 00000 oo o 122 4ol.5 Salmon Spawning Habitat 00 ooooo 00000 00000 0000000 o 126 4o1o6 Arctic Grayling Population Estimates 000000000000 127 XI TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.1.7 Arctic Grayling Spawning and Juveniles •..•.•.... 141 4.1.8 Arctic Grayling Migration . ...•... ..•..... •••.. .• 142 4.2 Mainstem Habitat and Fisheries Investigations ••....•... 143 4. 2. 1 Water Qua 1 i ty .................. ,., " . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 143 4.2.2 Mainstem S1ough Habitats • . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . • 144 4.2.3 Resident Fish Species . . . • . . • • . • • • . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . 145 4.3 Lake Habitat and Fisheries Investigations •...•...••...• 146 4.3.1 Resident Fish Species .. ..••. ........... ..•.. ..• . 147 5. LITERATURE CITED • . . • . . • . . . . • . . • • . . • • . • • . • . • • . • . . .. . . • . . . • . . . • 149 6. APPENDICES .......................•..... o •••••••• e ••••••• ,., ••• 5-A-1 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D XII 5-A-1 5-B-1 5-C-1 5-D-1 """· I - )'Silt'''" !~ LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5-1-1 Proposed impoundment study area, 1982 •••....•••. 2 Figure 5-3-1 Gradient profile of the Susitna River and major tributaries within the proposed im- poundment areas. Profile includes the five mile reach of each tributary immediately above the PIE and identifies known and potential fish passage barriers ..•••....•.•.•... 23 Figure 5-3-2 Mean (•), range (I) and median(-) instantaneous surface water tempera- tures recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations) •..•••..•..•••••..••••••• 45 Figure 5-3-3 Mean (•), range (I) and median (-)dissolved oxygen concentrations recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations) 46 Figure 5-3-4 Mean (•), range (l) and median (-) dissolved oxygen saturation values recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations) Figure 5-3-5 Mean (•), range (I) and median(-) pH values recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number 47 of observations) ..••.•••••••••••••..•••••.•••••. 48 Figure 5-3-6 Mean (•), range (I) and median (-) specific conductance values recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations) 49 Figure 5-3-7 Mean (•), range (j) and median (-) turbidity values recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations) . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . 50 XIII LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5-3-8 Monthly thermograph data summary, mean ( • ) , range ( I ) , and 25th, 50th {median) and 75th percentiles {ft), for selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas from June through October, 1982 (n = the number of two hour · interval observations taken each month at each site) ............... ~~~............. 53 Figure 5-3-9 Daily thermograph data summary for Tsusena Creek, RM 18103, GC S32N04E36ADB, June 20 through October 15, 1982 oooooooooooooooo 54 Figure 5-3-10 Daily thermograph data summary for Watana Creek, RM 194o1, GC S32N06E25CCA, June 21 through August 14, September 9 through September 18 and September 28 through October 15, 1982 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 55 Figure 5-3-1I Daily thermograph data summary for Kosina Creek, RM 20608, GC S31N08E15BAB, June 28 through August 17 and September 20 through October 15, 1982 o o 0 o o o 0 o o o 0 o o o 0 o -0 o o o o o o o 56 Figure 5-3-12 Daily thermograph data summary for Goose Creek, RM 23103, GC S30N11E32DBC, June 28 through October 15, 1982 oooooooooooooooo 57 Figure 5-3-13 Daily thermograph data summary for the Oshetna River, RM 233o4, GCS30N11E34CCD, June 28 through July 1 and July 9 through September 2 6 , 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Figure 5-3-14 Arctic grayling hook and line CPUE for the mouths of the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 64 Figure 5-3-15 ·Arctic grayling hook and line CPUE for the eight major tributary habitat locations in their entirety, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 oooooooooooooooo 65 Figure 5-3-16 Arctic grayling age frequency composition, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 XIV ~ ' - ,W.. LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5-3-17 Arctic grayling length frequency composition for all tributaries combined, Proposed Impoundment Areas 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Figure 5-3-18 Arctic grayling length frequency composition by tributary, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 .•.•••••••••.•.••.•••.••• 71 Figure 5-3-19 Arctic grayling age-length relation: ship for all tributaries combined, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 •.•••.•••....••• 73 Figure 5-3-20 Arctic grayling age-length distribu- tion, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 Figure 5-3-21 Arctic grayling age-length relation- ship, male vs.females, Proposed 74 Impoundment Areas, 1982 .......•••.•..•.•••...••• 75 Figure 5-3-22 Arctic grayling sex composition by month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ..•.••••• 76 Figure 5-3-23 Arctic grayling length vs. sexual maturity relationship by sex, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 Figure 5-3-24 Arctic grayling instantaneous survival rate curves, Proposed , 78 Impoundment Areas, 1982 •..•.••.•••....••••••.••• 79 Figure 5-3-25 Susitna River hydrograph at Vee Canyon, RM 223.3 {USGS gaging station No. 15291500), from May 1 through September 30, 1982 (USGS 1982) ..................................... . Figure 5-3-26 Burbot age frequency composition, 95 Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 •....•.•......•. 98 Figure 5-3-27 Burbot length frequency composition, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ..•...•..•....•. 99 Figure 5-3-28 Burbot age-length relationship, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 Figure 5-3-29 Burbot age-length relationship, males vs. females, Proposed Impoundment 102 Areas, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 XV LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5-3-30 Longnose sucker length frequency composition, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 •.•..•.•.••..•••••.••••••.••••..• ~ •.. Figure 5-3-31 Sally Lake, morphometric map, GCS32N07E29 •...•..••.•.••••••••••.•••••••••.•••• Figure 5-3-32 Hypsographic (depth-area) curve of Sally 107 110 Lake, GC S32N07E29, (August, 1982) .•..•••.••••.• 111 Figure 5-3-33 Depth-volume curve of Sally Lake, GC S32N07E29 (August, 1982) •••••.••••..••.•.•••• 112 XVI - A"" A --1 - LIST OF TABLES Table 5-3-1 Table 5-3-2 Table 5-3-3 Table 5-3-4 Table 5-3-5 Table 5-3-6 Table 5-3-7 Table 5-3-8 Table 5-3-9 Topographic features of selected tributaries of the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment, 1982 oooooooooooooooooooooooo 21 Topographic features of selected tributaries of the proposed Watana impoundment, 1982 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o 22 Discharge data for selected tributaries within the proposed impoundment study area, 1982 0 0 o 0 o o o •••••• o o ••• o o 60 Arctic grayling hook and line catch by location and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 •••oo••••o•··o·o•oo••·o·o 61 Arctic grayling hook and line catch and effort by tributary and month for the mouths of the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 •••o••·····•o•o• 62 Arctic grayling hook and line catch and effort by tributary and month for the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations in their entirety, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Arctic grayling age-length composition, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ···•o••••o•••••o 67 Arctic grayling length frequency by tributary, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Arctic grayling tagged by location and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 80 Table 5-3-10 Arctic grayling intrastream movement by tributary and month as demonstrated by recoveries of 1982 tagged fish, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 .oo•••••o•oo••·· 81 Table 5-3-11 Arctic grayling interstream movement by location as demonstrated by recoveries of 1982 tagged fish, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 o•o•o········o····•o••··· 83 XVII LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 5-3-12 Arctic grayling interstream movement by location as demonstrated by recoveries of 1981 tagged fish during 1982, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 Table 5-3-13 Arctic grayling population estimates by tributary habitat evaluation 84 location, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ...•.. 85 Table 5-3-14 Data used for Arctic grayling population estimates, Proposed Impoundments Areas, 1982 .•..........••......•..• 87 Table 5-3-15 Arctic grayling population estimates by age class, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ...•....•.......•........ 88 Table 5-3-16 Burbot catch and catch per trot line day by mainstem site and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ......•......... 97 Table 5-3-17 Burbot age, length and sex frequency, Table 5-3-18 Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 .••....•....•... 101 Burbot tagged by mainstem site and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 104 Table 5-3-19 Longnose sucker catches by mainstem site and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ...................................... 105 Table 5-3-20 Sally Lake morphometric data, 1982 ..•..•••....•. 109 Table 5-4-1 Table 5-4-2 Biases, corrections, and assumptions which affect the 1982 Arctic grayling population estimates, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ...•.....•...•....•...••. 129 Arctic grayling population estimates, 1981 versus 1982, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 XVIII - - - ~f-' LIST OF PLATES Plate 5-2-1 Plate 5-2-2 Plate 5-3-1 Plate 5-3-2 Plate 5-3-3 Plate 5-3-4 Plate 5-3-5 Plane table techniques used for mapping of Sally Lake ..•.•..•....•....••.•...••. 15 Arctic grayling implanted with Flay anchor tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Typical substrate found in Tsusena and Kosina Creeks •....•..•.•..••.•••••••....•••• 31 A typical, large, deep pool located below the Proposed Impoundment Elevation (PIE} in Kosina Creek ••......••••.•••• 38 Typical nabitat of the Oshetna River, long riffle areas with moderate stream flow velocities • . • • • • • • • • . . . . • • • . . . • • • • • • 43 Male and female resident Dolly Varden found in Devil Creek .•..•..•..•••..•••.••••.••••. 91 Aerial view of Sally Lake from north to south ••••. 113 XIX APPENDIX B LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5-B-1 Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Cheechako Creek, RM 152.4, and adjacent Susitna River • . . . • . . . . . • . . . • • . . . 5-B-2 Figure 5-B-2 Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Chinook Creek, RM 157.0, and adjacent Susitna River................... 5-B-3 Figure 5-B-3 Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Devil Creek, RM 161.4, and adjacent Susitna River................... 5-B-4 Figure 5-B-4 Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Fog Creek, RM 176.7, and adjacent Susitna River • • . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . 5-B-5 Figure 5-B-5 Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, and adjacent Susitna River................... 5-B-6 Figure 5-B-6 Proposed Watana impoundment area of Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, and adjacent Susitna River ....•..•.••.•....•. Figure 5-B-7 Proposed Watana impoundment area of Watana Creek, RM 194.1, and 5-B-7 adjacent Susitna River . • • . . • • • . . • . . • . . . . • • • • . 5-B-8 Figure 5-B-8 Proposed Watana impoundment area of Kosina Creek, RM 206.8 and adjacent Susitna River .••..•••..••••.•.•••... Figure 5-B-9 Proposed Watana impoundment area of Jay Creek, RM 208.5, and 5-B-9 adjacent Susitna River •....•••••.•..•.••.•... 5-B-10 Figure 5-B-10 Proposed Watana impoundment area of Goose Creek, RM 231.3, and adjacent Susitna River ..••..••.•.....•.•..... 5-B-11 Figure 5-B-11 Proposed Watana impoundment area of the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, and adjacent Susitna River ...••....•••.•••.•. 5-B-12 XX -· ~- - APPENDIX C LIST OF TABLES Page Table 5-C-1 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Cheechako Creek, RM 152.4, GC S32N01E33CCB, 1982 ..•.•••..•••..• 5-C-2 Table 5-C-2 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Devil Creek, RM 161.4, GC S32N02E34AAC, 1982 ••.•••••••••..•••. 5-C-2 Table 5-C-3 Selected tributary water quality data collected immedfately above """"" the mouth of Fog Creek, RM 176.7, GC S31N04El6DBB, 1982 •••.••••••.••...••••••... 5-C-3 ~ Table 5-C-4 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB, 1982 •••••••••.....•••• 5-C-3 ...... Table 5-C-5 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above -the mouth of Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, GC S32N05E26CDB, 1982 •••••••••••.••.••• 5-C-4 Table 5-C-6 Selected tributary water quality ,-data collected one mile above the PIE of Deadman Creek, TRM 3.7, GC S32N05El3BBB, 1982 ••••••.•..••••••...•.•••• 5-C-4 l16~ Table 5-C-7 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above .,...., the mouth of Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA, 1982 ••.••••••••.•..••• 5-C-5 Table 5-C-8 Selected tributary water quality )ll'~ data collected within the two mile study section of Watana Creek, TRM 5.0, GC S32N07El7BAD, 1982 ...•.•..•.•..••• 5-C-7 Table 5-C-9 Selected tributary water quality data collected in the East Fork Watana ...... Creek, TRM 9.2 GC S33N07E34CCA, 1982 ..•.•••... 5-C-7 Table 5-C-10 Selected tributary water quality data collected in the West Fork Watana Creek, TRM 9.6 GC S33N07E34CCA, 1982 •..••...•• 5-C-8 XXI LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 5-C-11 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Kosina Creek, RM 206.8, GC S31N08El5BAB, 1982 • . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-C-8 Table 5-C-12 Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on Kosina Creek, TRM 5.5 GC S30N08E04CDB, 1982 • . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . 5-C-9 Table 5-C-13 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Jay Creek, RM 208.5, GC S31 N08El3BCC, 1982 . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . 5-C-9" Table 5-C-14 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Goose Creek, RM 231.3, GC S30Nll E32DBC, 1982 • • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . 5-C-10 Table 5-C-15 Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on Goose Creek, TRM 2.2 GC S29NllE07CCA, 1982 ........•............... 5-C-10 Table 5-C-16 Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, GC S30Nll34CCD, 1982 • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . 5-C-11 Table 5-C-17 Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on the Oshetna River TRM 3.2, GC S29Nl1El6ACC, 1982 .....•..••..•••....••..• 5-C-11 Table 5-C-18 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Fog Creek, RM 176.7, GC S31N04El6DBB, 1982 .....•..•....•.•........ 5-C-12 Table 5-C-19 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB, 1982 . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . 5-C-12 Table 5-C-20 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, GC S32N05E26CDB, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • • . . . . . . 5-C-13 XXII - """'' - - - LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Page )~ Table 5-C-21 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna ~ .... River and Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA, 1982 ....•••...•....• : .•••••• 5-C-13 ,__._ Table 5-C-22 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna --River and Kosina Creek, RM 206.8, GC S31N08El5BAB, 1982 ....•........•••....•••. 5-C-14 Table 5-C-23 Selected water quality data ,..;. collected in Lower Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.1, GC S3lN08EllDCD, 1982 .....•.•....•. 5-C-14 ~ Table 5-C-24 Selected water quality data collected in Upper Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.7, GC S31N08El3BCD, 1982 •.•...•.•..... 5-C-15 f-i'. Table 5-C-25 Selected mainstem water quality data call ected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River -and Upper Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.7, GC S31N08El3BCD, 1982 ••....•..•••.•...••.•... 5-C-15 Table 5-C-26 Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Goose Creek, RM 231.3, --GC S30NllE32DBC, 1982 .••..••...•.....••...... 5-C-16 Table 5-C-27 Select€d mainstem water quality ;-. data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Oshetna River. RM 233.4, ,..... GC S30Nll E34CCD, 1982 ...••.•.•..•••.•..•..•.. 5-C-16 Table 5-C-28 Selected water quality data collected in Sally Lake, -GC S32N07E29, 1982 .......•...•••..•...••. ~ .•. 5-C-17 XXIII ----------·-------------------------------- APPENDIX D LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5-D-1. Planimetric map symbol legend for selected mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation sites, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 ••.•.••.••..••••••.•••. Figure 5-0-2. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 1, RM 189.0, 5-D-2 GC S32N06E31ABC . . . • • • • • • . . • • . • . • • . • . . • • • • • . • • . 5-0-3 Figure 5-D-3 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 2, RM 191.5, GC S32N06E28CAC .••...•....•..•..•.•..•••.••... 5-D-4 Figure 5-D-4 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site at Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA . • . . . • • • • . . . • . . . • • . . . 5-D-5 Figure 5-D-5 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 3, RM 197.8, GC S32N07E33DBC • • • . • • . . . • • • . . . . . • . . . • • . . • . . . • . 5-D-6 Figure 5-D-6 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 4, RM 201.2, GC S31N07E12BCB .•..••••.•..•••.••.••.••••.•••• 5-D-7 Figure 5-D-7 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 3A, RM 201.6, GC S31N07E12BDB . . • . • • . . . . • • • . . • . . • • . . • • . . • . . . . 5-D-8 Figure 5-D-8 Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 5, RM 208.1, GC S31N08El1DCD • • • . . . • • . . • • • • . • . . • . . • . . . • • . . • . 5-0-9 XXIV ~I - - 5. CONTRIBUTORS Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow (AH) Project Leader Resident and Juvenile Anadromous (RJ) Project Leader Impoundment Study Sub-Project Leaders AH Sub-project Leader RJ Sub-project Leader Data Processing Project Leader Data Processing Staff Graphics Typing Staff Editors Aquatic Habitat Investigations Resident Fisheries Investigations XXV Christopher Estes Dana Schmidt Joe Sautner Mike Stratton Allen Bingham Kathy Rowe 11 Gail Hienemann Donna Buchholz Ca ro 1 Kerkvl i et Katrin Zosel Sally Donovan Ann Reilly Peggy Skeers Joyce Godin Lynne Watson Christopher Estes Dana·schmidt Steve Hale Drew Crawford Doug Lang Joe Sautner Gene Sandone Mike Stratton Jim Quinn ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to all the people and organi- zations that provided information or assistance to the Impoundment Study Program during the past year. We appreciate the support services provided by Acres American, Inc., Air Logistics, Akland Helicopter, R&M Consultants, Inc. and the U.S. Geological Survey. Appreciation is also extended to the Alaska Power Authority for funding this project and to T. Trent, L. Bartlett, R. Dieryck, K. ~Jatson, R. Logan, L. Heckart, M. Mills and other staff of the ADF&G for their administrative services support. XXVI - - ~I - 1. INTRODUCTION This volume is a presentation and discussion of the habitat and fishery data collected from the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project impoundment study area (Figure 5-1-1) during 1982. Habitat data contained in this volume are also summarized with similar data collected from the Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River in Appendices 4A and D of Volume 4. 1.1 General Objectives Impoundment study area investigations were initi,ated in 1981 by a joint Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow (AH), and Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish (RJ) study team to provide the basis for: 1) assessing the impacts of transforming the existing lotic environment within the boundaries of the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon reservoirs into one that is lentic; and 2) determining whether alternative aquatic habitats are available in the area adjacent to the proposed reservoirs to sustain grayling populations at levels presently existing in the proposed impoundment areas. 1 ______________ , N -·- MAP AREA PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA LIMITS OF IMPOUNDMENT STUDY. AREA Figure 5-1-1. Proposed impoundment study area, 1982. -! - To achieve the first goal, data were collected with the objectives of determining: 1) which habitats within the impoundment study area are utilized 2) 3) by various fish species on a seasonal basis; the physical and chemical characteristics of these habitats; and the seasonal distribution and abundance of fish populations within the proposed impoundment areas. The second goal was not pursued during the 1981 studies because of limited manpower resources. Investigations were therefore continued in 1982 to: 1) collect additional habitat and fishery data to more accurately characterize the fish populations and the physical and chemi- cal characteristics of their seasonal habitats within the 2) boundaries of the proposed reservoirs to further meet goal number one; and collect habitat and fishery data to determine whether the tributary reaches immediately upstream of the impoundment boundaries contains similar habitat to that presently found 3 belo'll the proposed impoundment elevation (PIE) and if these upstream reaches presently support fish populations. 1.2 Aquatic Habitat Investigations To meet objectives one and two above, the following six tasks were pursued by the Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Inv~stigations Group: 1) Measure the range of physical and chemical characteristics of tributary and mainstem Susit~a River habitats within the boundaries of the proposed reservoirs; -J. 2) Quantify the stream length and surface area of selected tributaries which would be inundated by the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana reservoirs; 3) Examine the physical and chemical characteristics of sel~cted tributary habitats immediately upstream of the PIE; 4) Identify and evaluate the physical and chemical characteris- tics which appear to be influencing the utilization and suitabi 1 ity of habitats associ a ted with the various 1 Ue stages of Arctic grayling; 5) Evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of Sally Lake; and J 4 - -~ -. ,. ... 6) Identify and evaluate aquatic habitats within the impoundment study area that are presently utilized by adult anadromous fish species. 1.3 Resident Fisheries Investigations The specific tasks for the 1982 season resident fisheries studies within the impoundmen~ study area included the following: 1) Determine the distribution, abundance and migratory habits of Arttic grayling; 2) Determine the distribution and relative abundance of selected resident fish species in the Susitna River; 3} Determine the abundance of lake trout and Arctic grayling in ~ Sally Lake; - 4) Record biological information on selected resident fish populations to provide information on survival and growth to eventually support an analysis of fish production within the reservoir study area; and 5) Identify Arctic grayling spawning and rearing locations within the impoundment and adjacent study areas. 5 These data and the previous habitat data will provide much of the neces- sary information to ultimately evaluate the impacts of the reservoir on the areas to be inundated. Further analysis of these data to address the major goals of this study will be included in the Fisheries and Habitat Relationships report (see Preface). 1. 4. Background The upper Susitna River basin from Devil Canyon to the Oshetna River is a remote wilderness area of high aesthetic and recreational value. Mountainous terrain dominates the area with elevations ranging from approximately 900 feet near the basin floor of Devi 1 Canyon to 8,000 feet in some areas of the glaciated terrain in the Oshetna River basin. The landscape varies from treeless alpine tundra at higher elevations to -· -· low lying areas dominated by black spruce frequently interspersed with - muskeg bogs. Occasional stands of cottonwood, birch and aspen are often found throughout the area, especially at lower elevations. According to projections by Acres American (Acres 1982) the two proposed impoundments would inundate approximately 84 miles of the mainstem Susitna River. This would include most of the reach of the Susitna River from the proposed Devil Canyon dam site (RM 152.0) upstream to a point approximately five miles above the confluence of the Susitna and Oshetna rivers (RM 239.0). An approximate one mile reach of the Susitna River irnmedi ately downstream of the proposed Watana Dam site wi 11 not be inundated. The combined surface area of these two reservoirs would be approximately 45,800 acres. The proposed Devil Canyon Dam waul d create 6 - - - -' - an impoundment 26 miles long with a surface area of 7,800 acres. The maximum probable flood elevation is projected at 1,466 feet mean sea level (MSL) with a normal operating pool level of 1,455 feet MSL. The proposed Watana Dam (RM 184.0) would create an impoundment that would extend 55 mi 1 es upstream from the dam and cover 38,000 acres. The maximum probable flood elevation of this impoundment is projected at 2,200.5 feet MSL with a normal operating pool level of 2,185 feet MSL (Acres 1982). Prior to initiation of the 1981 Susitna River Hydroelectric Aquatic studies, fisheries and aquatic habitat data for this area consisted of various preliminary environmental assessments (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959a, b, 1960, 1965; ADF&G 1978). These studies define species composition and highlight selected habitat locations and issues of particular concern, but because of their limited scope, were unable to quantitatively examine resident fish populations and their relationships to the aquatic environments. 7 2. METHODS 2.1 Study Design The 1982 Aquatic Studies program in the proposed impoundment study area was conducted during the open water field season (May-October) on a monthly basis with field activities lasting from 14 to 18 days per month. Additional field trips were conducted in late April and early May to determine timing, location, and extent of Arctic grayling spawning activities. These trips lasted from three to six days. Boundaries of the proposed impoundments were defined to differentiate between habitats above and be 1 ow the proposed impoundment e 1 evat ions (PIE) and to help establish the overall study area. The boundaries for the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana reservoirs were based on maximum probable flood elevations of 1,466 and 2,200.5 feet MSL, respectively. The 1982 impoundment study area included the aquatic habitat within the boundaries of the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana reservoirs and a five mile study reach immediately upstream of the PIE of selected tributaries (Figure 5-1-1). The study area was further divided into three categories grouped by habitat type including tributary, mainstem Susitna River (including mainstem sloughs) and lake locations. Those portions of tributaries, the mainstem Susitna River and lakes investi- gated during 1982 that lie within the proposed impoundment boundaries were designated as habitat evaluation locations. Specific study 8 - - - - ~' - - - - - sites within these habitat evaluation locations were designated as habitat evaluation sites. Eleven tributary streams were chosen as habitat evaluation sites during 1982, including the eight major tributary streams within the proposed impoundment area that were studied during 1981 (Fog, Tsusena, Deadman, Watana, Kosina, Jay, and Goose Creeks and the Oshetna River). In addition, habitat evaluation locations were established on three streams ( Cheechako, Chi nook and De vi 1) within Devil Canyon that were examined for the first time this year. Each tributary habitat evaluation location consists of the mouth and the tributary upstream to the PIE. The mouth encompasses that area of the Susitna River which is influenced by the tributary stream flow (the clear/turbid water mixing zone), and that area of the tributary which is influenced by the rise and fall of the Susitna River. All tributary habitat evaluation locations were divided into reaches of stream according to habitat types or by using other physical charac- teristics as reference points (e.g., pools, cliffs, tributary streams). These points were then assigned a tributary river mile (TRM) to assist in identifying various reaches of the streams. The Oshetna River and Kosina Creek, the two largest tributaries in the proposed impoundment areas, were divided into three di sti net habitat types: (1) the mouth (confluence habitat); (2) the major pools and (3) the riffle areas. The delineation of the major pool/riffle areas was 9 based subjectively on streamflow velocities and depths determined by vi sua 1 observations. Clearly defined habitats characterized by deeper water and relatively moderate to low stream velocities were designated as pool habitat evaluation sites. Reaches of stream between pools characterized by shallower water and higher stream velocities were designated as riffle habitat evaluation sites. Beginning at the PIE, and moving downstream, each pool and riffle was assigned a letter and corresponding TRM for identification. - - Due to its length, the proposed impoundment reach of Watana Creek, 11.9 - miles, could not be effectively sampled in its entirety. Therefore, representative reaches of each habitat type encountered were sampled. These sections included both the East Fork and West Fork from their confluence to the PIE, and a two-mile section between TRM 4.0 and TRM 6.0. The mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation location consists of that portion of the mainstem Susitna River affected directly by the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana reservoir (RM 152 to 239}. Since it was not feasible to regularly sample all of this area, seven habitat evaluation sites were selected for study within this reach. Four mainstem slough habitats (Watana, Kosina, and Upper and Lower Jay Creek sloughs} were also examined to obtain baseline data on resident fish species present and to conduct a general evaluation of the aquatic habitat available in these areas. 10 - -· - - - - - Sally Lake was selected for study as a lake habitat evaluation location during 1982. The entire lake was included in the Sally Lake habitat evaluation location. No other lakes within the proposed impoundment boundaries were studied during 1982. 2.2 Aquatic Habitat Investigations Aquatic Habitat data referred to in this section were collected accord- ·j ng to procedures presented in the Procedures Manu a 1 (ADF&G 1982a) and Volume 4 unless indicated otherwise. 2.2.1 Topographical and General Physical Characteristics of Aquatic Habitats Elevations at the mouths of tributaries, and water surface areas were determined from blue-line maps (scale 1":400 1 , with 10 1 contour in- tervals) developed by R&M Consultants, Inc., North Pacific Aerial Photos and Air Photo Tech (1978 -1982). Stream gradients and the length of proposed inundated tributary reaches were determined from blue-line maps (scale 1":1000 1 , 1981) developed by Acres American and North Pacific Aerial Photos, Inc. Drainage basin areas were determined from US Geological Survey (USGS) topographical maps (1:63360 series). The surface area mea~urements, stream gradients and stream 1 engths were derived from the appropriate maps utilizing a Numonics 2400 electronic graphics calculator (digitizer). Surface area measurements were based on the stream channel boundaries displayed on the respective map and are representative of the discharge at the time the 1":400 1 blueline maps 11 were initially drafted. Therefore, these measurements may not be accurate at present and should only be considered an approximation of the actual surface area. Stream widths and depths were visually estimated in the field and should only be considered as a gross approximation of these characteristics as observed during the 1982 sampling period. Substrate compositions were visually assessed and categorized according to the size classification scheme outlined in the 1982 ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a}. 2.2.2 Water Quality General water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conduc- tance, water temperature, and turbidity) were measured at least once per month during the open water field season at designated tributary, ~ mainstem and lake sampling sites. These sites were selected as being representative of those habitat evaluation locations under study. Tributary sites were located immediately above the mouth of Fog, Tsusena, Deadman, Watana, Kosina, Jay and Goose Creeks and the Oshetna River. Mainstem Susitna River sites were located immediately above the confluence of the above-mentioned tributaries and the Susitna River with the exception of Jay Creek, where the sampling site was located immediately above the confluence of Upper Jay Creek Slough and the Susitna River. Sally Lake was sampled once a month at a site at the west end of the lake. Sites one mile above the PIE of selected tribu- 12 - - - taries were sampled once during the field season. Additional sites at other minor tributaries and within tributary study sections not mentioned above were sampled at irregular intervals.-Sampling incidence varied among all sites due to sampling priority and/or proximity to base camp. Dissolved oxygen saturation levels were determined from dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature, and site elevation using an oxygen saturation nomograph (Wetzel 1975). Ryan Model J-90 thermographs were placed near the mouth of Tsusena, Watana, Kosina and Goose Creeks and the Oshetna River to continuously monitor surface water temperatures. These tributaries were selected as thermograph sites based on their importance in providing surface water temperature data for grayling habitat evaluations and to support proposed reservoir modeling plans of project engineers. Mean, minimum and maximum temperatures were calc-ulated for each two hour period for each thermograph temperature record using methods described in. Volume 4, Section From these calculated temperatures, daily mean, minimum and maximum temperatures were computed for each thermograph temperature record. Mean monthly temperatures were also calculated for all streams. However, due to incomplete data sets on some streams resulting from thermograph malfunctions, only those means which were calculated from at least 75% of the total possible monthly observations during the sample period were compared. 13 2.2.3 Discharge Discharge data were collected to obtain baseline data to support proposed reservoir modeling plans of project engineers and to determine relative differences in discharge for comparisons of fisheries habitat in tributaries under study. Monthly tributary discharges were measured with a Price AA flo\'J meter when water velocities and depths permitted wading. Fog, Tsusena, Watana, Jay and Goose Creek discharges were measured in the tributary reach upstream of the mouth. Discharge data in Deadman Creek were collected approximately three miles above the mouth because of hazardous sampling conditions in the lower reaches of the stream. Sampling sites were selected on the basis of channel morphology, substrate size, stream velocities and water depths. 2.2.4 Lake Mapping and Morphometric Data A depth contour map of Sally Lake was developed by plane table methods (Plate 5-2-1) using procedures similar to those presented in Lind {1974). Depth profiles were obtained utilizing a depth sounder (Low- rance, Model LRG-15108) mounted on an outboard powered boat travelling at constant speed between points on specif1ed transects. These profiles were recorded on a printout and used to determine p 1 a cement of depth contours on the map. 14 - - pr, - ~· 15 r- IO U') 4- 0 0'1 s::: 0.. 0.. <0 E s.. 0 4- "'0 Q) Vl :J Vl Q) :J CJ s::: .s:::. u Q) +-' Q) r- ..0 <0 +-' Q) s::: <0 a... r- 1 N I 1.{) Q) +-' <0 r-a... - - - - - ~·· - - - -The surface area of Sally Lake was determined by polar planimetry (Lind 1974). All other data associated with lake morphometry were derived according to procedures described in Wetzel (1975). 2.3 Resident Fisheries Investigations The majority of tributary habitat evaluation locations were sampled in their entirety at least once a month. All sampling conducted above the mouths of the eight major tributaries was by and hook and line. Assort- ed spinners and flies, both wet and dry, were used. Mainstem habitat locations were sampled for two consecutive 24 hour periods each month. Sampling gear utilized at the' mainstem sites and tributary mouths included trotlines, gillnets and hook and line. Sally Lake was sampled as time, work load, and transportation availability permitted. Hook and line, variable mesh gillnets and hoop nets were deployed at various locations in Sally Lake. A detailed discussion on methodology of quantitative data collection and sampling techniques is provided in the Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1982a). Descriptive data (i.e., observation of juveniles, non-quantified habitat observations, fish behavior) were recorded daily in field notebooks for future reference. A standard tagging and recapture scheme was used to study seasona 1 migrations and generate population estimates for selected resident fish species. All resident fish species over 135 millimeters (mm) fork length (FL) and in good condition after capture were tagged using 16 international orange Flay anchor tags inserted just posterior of the dorsal fin (Plate 5-2-2). Population estimates generated from the 1981 field data provided a preliminary estimate of grayling populations in the proposed impoundment areas. Many bias~s associated with these estimates have been iden- tified. These include: lack of randomness of recapture effort, hetero- geneity within the populations (catch rates are not the same and tag- ged/recapture ratios vary within the segments of the population), the ~' population is not closed geographically (immigration and emigration do - occur), and time changes affect the estimate. In order to address some of these biases in the estimates, several changes in the study design and the analytical procedures have been implemented. It was assumed that the probability of fish captured in pool and riffle habitats within Kosina Creek and the Oshetna River wo1Jld differ sub- stantially. This assumption was based on the wide variations in habitat characteristics that exist between pool and riffle habitats in these two streams. Therefore, Kosina Creek and the Oshetna River were divided into the pool and riffle reaches described previously so that the population estimates can address each of these sub-areas separately. Secondly, the data base has been stratified by 1 ength classification based on the age-length relationship for the entire stu~y area. Ex- amination of the specific age classes for differences in the tagged/re- 17 ~-\ Plate 5-2-2 Arctic grayling implanted with Floy anchor tag. - . ~. - capture ratios can provide an indication of the amount of bias due to heterogeneity. Finally, the actual statistical methods employed for calculating the population estimates and their confidence levels have been changed. The 1981 estimates were generated using a Schnabel multiple census estimator while the 1982 estimates employ an adjusted Petersen single census estimator. A detailed description of the estimator is given in Appendix SA. Therefore the population estimates in this volume address these biases. Instantaneous survival rates for Arctic grayling are calculated using catch, length, and age data from the effectively sampled portion of the population. The resulting rate can be applied to the entire population, since fishing mortality is insignificant and natural mortality is the only factor influencing the survival rate. The actual statistical method is provided in Appendix SA . 19 3. RESULTS 3.1 Tributary Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 3.1.1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations General habitat characteristics of the eleven tributary habitat evalua- tion locations in the impoundment study area are presented below. Specific information on the topographical features of each stream is - presented in Tab 1 es 5-3-1 and 5-3-2. A stream gradient profi 1 e of the - impoundment study area identifying fish passage barriers is presented in Figure 5-3-1. Maps of the proposed inundated reach of the eleven tributary habitat evaluation sites, including the adjacent zone of the mainstem Susitna River, are presented in Appendix 58, Figures 5-B-1 to 5-B-11. General Stream Descriptions Cheechako Creek Cheechako Creek drains into the Sus itna River from the south at river mile 152.4, approximately one half mile upstream of the proposed Devil Canyon dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-1). It is the most downstream major tributary to the Susitna River within the proposed impoundment study area. Approximately the first 1.7 miles of the tributary would be inundated by the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment. 20 J N I-' l Table 5-3-1. Topographical features of selected tributaries of the proposed Devil Canyon impoundmenta. 1982. Approximate Elevation Geographic Code At Confluence Susitna At Confluence With Susitna Tributary · River Mile With Susitna ( ft MSL) Cheechako Creek 152.4 S32N01E33CCB 920 East Fork N/A N/A 1620b West Fork N/A N/A 1620b Chinook Creek 157.0 S31N02E06CAC 1065 - Devil Creek 161.4 S32N02E34AAC 1200 Fog Creek 176.7 S31N04E16DBB 1375 Tsusena Creek 181.3 S32N04E36ADB 1435 a b Proposed Impoundment Elevation (PIE) -1466 Feet MSL Elevation at Confluence of Tributary Forks Data Unavailable Characteristics of Tributary Size of Reach to be Inundated Drainage Surface Basin Length Area Gradient (sq mi) (mi) (acres) (ft/mi} 36.4 1. 7 321 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22.4 1.3 3.4 308 73.6 1.5 7.7 176 147.2 1.3 11.2 72 144.5 0.4 5.4 82 ...... ') Gradient of Tributary lmmediatell Above PIE 1-Mi 1 e S-Mile (ft/mi) (ft/mi) N/A N/A 331 338 344 267 357 203 344 203 158 100 45 111 N N Table 5-3-2. Topographical features of selected tributaries of the proposed Watana impoundmenta, 1982. Approximate Elevation Geographic Code At Confluence Susitna At Confluence With Susitna Tributary 'River Mile With Susitna (ft MSL) Deadman Creek 186.7 S32NOSE26CDB 1515 Watana Creek 194.1 S32N06E25CCA 1550 East Fork N/A N/A 2060c West Fork N/A N/A 2060c Kosina Creek 206.8 S31N08E15BAB 1670 Jay Creek 208,5 S31N08E13BCC 1695 Goose Creek 231.3 S30N11E32DBC 2060 Oshetna River 233,4 S30N11E34CCD 2110 a b Proposed lmpoundme_nt Elevation (PIE) -2200,5 Feet MSL Watana Creek below forks c Elevation at Confluence of Tributary Forks Characteristics of Tributary Size of Reach to be Inundated Drainage Surface Basin Length Area Gradient (sq mi) (mi) (acres) (ft/mi) 175.1 2.7 24.5 253 174.6 8,5 70.5 60b N/A 1,2 6.1 113 N/A 2.1 10.4 67 400.2 4.5 79.7 118 61.8 3.5 15,7 143 103.9 1.2 10.6 114 555,0 2.2 43,1 41 Gradient of Tributary lmmediatel~ Above PIE 1-Mi 1 e S-Mile (ft/mi) (ft/mi) 53 62 N/A N/A 103 98 65 59 125 90 158 95 141 125 61 60 -J I J . J :3200 3000 2800 2600 -...J (/) 2400 ~ Q) > 0 .c 2200 Cl +-2000 Q) N Q) .... w z 1800 0 t-1600 <( > l1.l ...J 1400 l1.l 1200 1000 800 DEVIL CANYON 150 160 J ] l TRIBUTARY LENGTH SCALE (distance between each mark= I mile) DAM 170 Several fish passage barriers within Cheechako and Chinook Creeks are not Included because their specific locations have not been identified. PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA LOCATION Of KNOWN FISH PASSAGE BARRIERS LOCATION OF POTENTIAL HYDRAULIC FISH PASSAGE BARRIERS ---PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT ELEVATIONS THE UPPER REACHES OF TSUSENA CREEl< WILL * NOT BE INUNDATED BY THE PROPOSED WATANA IMPOUNDMENT. THIS IS A GRAPHICAL ILLUSION. 180 190 200 210 SUSITNA RIVER MILES Figure 5-3-1. Gradient profile of the Susitna River and the major tributaries within the proposed impoundment areas. Profile includes the five mile reach of each tributary immediately above the PIE and identifies known and potential fish passage barriers. j The steepness of the terrain and time constraints limited ground surveys of this tributary to the vicinity of the mouth. Aerial surveys were conducted from the tributary mouth upstream for a distance of approxi- mately three miles. Cheechako Creek is a high gradient clearwater stream originating on the north slope of the Talkeetna Mountains. It flows in a northerly direc- tion for approximately 10 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of 36 square miles. The stream forks approximately 2.2 miles upstream from the mouth forming an east and a west fork. A sma 11 1 ake drains into the system near the headwaters of the west fork. The upper reaches of the east and w·est forks flow through open tundra areas with habitat consist- ing predominantly of riffle areas with relatively high streamflow veloc- ities. The lower reach of the stream is confined to a deep, steep- walled canyon and the habitat consists predominately of rapids and small waterfalls with a few isolated deep pools. The reach of stream which would be inundated by the proposed impoundment has a gradient of 321 feet per mile. This relatively high stream gradient results in high streamflow velocities with long stretches of turbulent, cascading whitewater areas interspersed with a few relatively large deep pools. The narrow stream channel, situated in a deep "V" shaped canyon, is between 20-30 feet wide with depths between 2-4 feet. Substrate is composed mainly of large boulder and cobble with smaller rubble and gravel confined to pool areas. 24 ~I ~I - - ~I - - - - - ~: During the open water field season a clearwater plume of Cheechako Creek, approximately 60 feet long and 10 feet wide, extended downstream into the Susitna River. This area provided good, although limited, salmon spawning habitat. Substrate in this area consisted mainly of gravel and streamflow velocities were moderate. Limited numbers of chinook salmon were observed utilizing this habitat for spawning during late summer (refer to Volume 2). Prior to this observation, an uncon- firmed report that this tributary was utilized by salmon was included in: Progress Report 1957 Field Investigations Devil Canyon Dam Site One Reservoir Area, Susitna River Basin (USFWS 1959a). Chinook Creek Chinook Creek drains into the Susitna River from the south at river mile 157 .0, approximately five miles upstream of the Devil Canyon dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-2). The first 1.3 miles of stream would be inun- dated by the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment. The steepness of the terrain and time constraints prevented ground surveys; however, aerial surveys of the stream were conducted upstream from the mouth to approximately TRM 4.0. Chinook Creek is a clearwater stream which originates from several small · drainages on the north slope of the Talkeetna Mountains. It flows north for approximately 10 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of 22 square miles. The stream is mostly confined to a deep V-shaped canyon characterized by 25 steep gradients and high streamflow velocities throughout most of its reach. Severa 1 waterfa 11 s and rapids, which may constitute ve 1 ocity barriers to fish, exist both above and below the PIE. The reach of stream which would be inundated by the proposed impoundment winds through a steep, narrow canyon with a stream gradient of 308 feet per mile. This steep gradient results in high streamflow velocities with large areas of whitewater and few pools. Stream widths vary from 20-30 feet with average depths of 2-4 feet. Substrate consists mainly of large boulder and small cobble. Salmon have been observed spawning approximately one half mile upstream from the mouth during 1982. However, areas of suitable salmon spawning habitat are limited to a few pools where gravel substrate and moderate streamfl ows are available. The USFWS (1959a) reported unconfirmed sitings of salmon spawning in this creek. Devil Creek Devil Creek drains into the Susitna River from the north at river mile 161.4, approximately nine miles upstream of the proposed Devil Canyon dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-3}. The first 1.5 miles of this stream would be inundated by the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment. Because access to the area is· 1 imited due to the steepness of the terrain, ground surveys were only conducted once in the lower mile of the stream. Aerial survey's were conducted from the mouth of the tribu- tary to approximately TRM 5.0. 26 ~, ~. - - - - - ·- Devil Creek is a clearwater stream originating from various drainages in a mountainous region immediately south of the Alaska Range. The stream flows generally south for approximately 15 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of 74 square miles. Several small lakes drain into the stream along its course. A large waterfall, approximately 100 feet in height, is located two miles upstream from the mouth and divides the stream into two distinct reaches. The reach above the falls flows through open tundra areas and is characterized by relatively low stream gradients. The reach of stream below the falls is situated in a deep steep-walled canyon characterized by higher stream gradients. The reach of stream which would be inundated by the proposed impoundment is characterized by high streamflow velocities, turbulent whitewater areas and relatively large, deep pools. The stream gradient in this reach is 176 feet per mile. Substrate is composed predominantly of large boulder and cobble with smaller rubble and gravel being confined mainly to pool areas. Stream widths range from 30-40 feet with average depths between 2-4 feet. Some of the large pool areas observed were in excess of five feet deep. These large, deep pools were found to be the preferred habitat for the limited numbers of resident Dolly Varden which were observed in this reach of the stream. Fog Creek Fog Creek flows into the Susitna River from the southeast at river mile 176.7 (Appendix Figure 5-B-4). The mouth of the stream is located 27 approximately 24 miles upstream of the proposed Devil Canyon dam site. The first 1.3 miles of stream would be inundated by the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment. The stream was sampled from the mouth to TRM 0.5 on a monthly basis during the open water field season. The reach upstream of TRM 0.5 was not sampled because it is located on native land claims and permission for access was denied. Aeri a 1 surveys were conducted from the mouth upstream for a distance of approximately ten miles. Fog Creek is a clearwater stream which originates on the north slope of the Talkeetna Mountains. It flows in a general northwest direction for approximately 20 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of 147 square miles. The headwaters of the stream flow over steeply sloping terrain for several miles before reaching the foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains where the terrain becomes less steep. From this point the stream meanders over the tundra terrain for several miles prior to entering a deep "V 11 shaped canyon. Within this reach, a system of five large lakes drain into the stream approximately six miles upstream from the mouth. Below this reach much of the stream winds through a deep, narrow, steep ~' - - - ~' gradient canyon to a point approximately one mi 1 e from its mouth where - the gradient begins to decrease. The reach of stream which would be inundated has a relatively low gradient of 72 feet per mile. Stream habitat consists predominantly of shallow riffles with few pools. Stream widths range from 50-75 feet and - - 28 - average depths are 2-3 feet. Substrate consists mainly of rubble and cobble. Most of the stream within the study area is confined to one stable channel, although braided channels occur in a few areas near the mouth. During periods of high discharge many backwater areas were present in this reach. Studies in 1981 (ADF&G 1981a) indicated that resident fish species utilized these backwater areas when they were available. Tsusena Creek Tsusena Creek drains into the Susitna River from the north at river mile 181.3 (Appendix Figure 5-B-5). It is the most upstream major tributary to the Susitna River that would be affected by the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment. It is located 29 miles upstream of the proposed Devil Canyon dam site. The first 0.4 miles of stream would be inundated by the proposed impoundment. Ground surveys of the reach to be inundated were conducted on a monthly basis during the open water season. Additional sampling was conducted twice in areas approximately 1-2 miles upstream of the mouth. Aerial surveys were conducted from the tributary mouth to approximately TRM 10. Tsusena Creek is a clearwater stream originating in steep, mountainous terrain on the southern edge of the Alaska Range. The stream flows south for approximately 30 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of approximately 144 square miles. One major tributary, Clark Creek, enters the stream 29 approximately six miles above the mouth. There are no major lakes accessible to fish within the drainage basin. Below its headwaters the stream flows across a region of open tundra of relatively moderate gradient. A large waterfall, located approximately three miles upstream from the mouth, divides the stream into an upper and lower area. The stream is situated in a deep "V" shaped canyon for approximately two miles in the area adjacent to the falls. Below this area the stream valley broadens and gradient decreases to its confluence with the Susitna. Due mainly to the extreme upstream location of Tsusena Creek in the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment, it will only be affected upstream from the mouth for a distance of 0.4 miles. In this reach the stream is approximately 75-100 feet wide with habitat consisting primarily of shallow riffles with a few small pools approximately 2-3 feet in depth. Substrate consists of large cobble and boulder embedded in sand (Plate ~i - 5-3-1) with small gravel confined mainly to pool areas. The stream - channel splits near the mouth resulting in the formation of two separate channels at its confluence with the Susitna River which are approximate- ly 150 feet apart separated by a large gravel bar. In 1981, a clear water plume from Tsusena Creek was observed to extend -~ approximately 0.5 miles downstream into the Susitna River during periods of high discharges which followed heavy precipitation events. Many grayling were caught in this area during the 1981 open water field season. Discharges in 1982 were reduced from those observed in 1981 as was the clearwater plume. Relatively fewer grayling were also caught 30 I Plate 5-3-l Typical substrate found in Tsusena and Kosina Creeks (ruler in photograph is 12 inches). ~. - - downstream of the mouth in 1982 as compared to 1981. This reduced catch may have resulted from the reduction of t~is type of habitat. Deadman Creek Deadman Creek enters the Susitna River from the north at river mile 186.7, approximately 2.7 miles upstream of the proposed Watana dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-6). It is the lowermost tributary habitat evaluation location in the proposed Watana impoundment area. The stream would be inundated upstream from the mouth for 2.7 miles. Because of a deep canyon and large waterfall in the vicinity of TRM 0.5, the stream was divided into an upper and lower study reach for sampling purposes. Only the lower 0.3 miles of stream below the canyon was sampled regularly during the 1982 open water field season. A one mile section immediately above the falls was sampled on two occasions before sampling was suspended because of 1 imited success in catching fish in this whitewater reach. The reach of stream within the canyon, approxi- mately one half mile in lengths was not sampled due to its inaccessibil- ity. Deadman Creek is a clearwater stream originating in an open tundra region just south of the Denali Highway. The stream flows south for approximately 40 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a total drainage basin area of 175 square miles. A large lake, Deadman Lakes is located approximately 16 miles upstream from the mouth. The drainage basin above Deadman Lake is drained by 32 several smaller streams which converge to form the main channel of Deadman Creek. Below the outlet of the lake the stream habitat consists I of long riffles~ turbulent whitewater and occasional areas of deep, slow flowing, placid water with low stream gradients. The reach of stream which would be inundated is confined mostly to a deep, narrow canyon and has a relatively steep gradient of 253 feet per mile. This reach is characterized by high streamflow velocities and turbulent whitewater areas resulting in few pools with little cover for fish. ·Channel widths vary from 75-100 feet with depths of 3-5 feet. Substrates consist mostly of large boulder and cobble. A large water- fall, which is presently a barrier to upstream fish migration, is located 0.6 miles upstream from the mouth. The proposed Watana impound- ment would inundate the waterfall and allow fish migration between the upper areas of Deadman Creek, Deadman Lake~ and the Susitna River. Watana Creek Watana Creek drains into the Susitna River from the north at river mile 194.1, approximately 10 miles above the proposed Watana dam site (Appe- ndix Figure 5-B-7}. The total length of stream that would be inundated ~. --· ~. ~I by the proposed reservoir is 11.9 miles. This reach extends 8.5 miles ,..., upstream from its mouth to its confluence with the east and west forks, and 1.3 and 2.1 miles of each fork respectively. 33 - Time and personnel limitations precluded sampling of this entire reach. Because of this, three sections of the stream were selected as study reaches to be used as index areas during the regular sampling season (as described earlier in this report; see Methods Section 2.1.) These sections were sampled as stream turbidity levels allowed. Aerial surveys were conducted upstream from the mouth to approximately five miles up each fork. Watana Creek originates in a region of open tundra just south of the Denali Highway. It has a drainage basin area of 175 square miles. It is generally a clearwater stream but is often turbid in summer due mainly to runoff from melting permafrost and other unstable soils in upstream areas. The main fork of Watana Creek (east fork) flows gener- ally south for approximately 23 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River. The west fork, approximately 12 miles in length, joins the east fork 8.5 miles upstream from the mouth. Several lakes are located in the drainage basin. Many of these are small, shallow lakes situated on the tundra. One large unnamed lake drains into the east fork and another relatively large lake, Big Lake, drains into the west fork. Sally Lake, 63 acres in size, drains into Watana Creek approximately one mile upstream from the mouth. The east and west fork vary considerably in terms of habitat within the habitat evaluation location. The east fork is confined to a well defined stream channel with steep canyon walls and the gradient (112 feet/mile) is almost twice that of the west fork (67 feet/mile). Small 34 waterfalls on the east fork may hinder upstream movement of fish. Several large, deep pools are interspersed between the predominant riffle areas. Stream habitat in the west fork consists mainly of long, shallow riffle areas with few pools. Substrates differ within and between forks primarily as a function of local stream velocities. Gravel and rubble, often embedded in sand, is prevalent in riffle and pool areas where streamflow velocities are moderate to slow. Cobble and boulder is more common in areas of higher streamflow velocities. Stream widths on each fork vary between 30 and 50 feet with average depths of 2-3.feet. Below the confluence of these two forks, changes in the habitat of Watana Creek occur gradually. Within this reach to the mouth, stream valley walls become steeper although the floor widens. Stream channel width generally increases and stream gradient decreases. Stream widths in this reach vary from 40-60 feet with average depths of 2-4 feet. The shallow pool-riffle type habitat present in the forks persists in this lower reach. However, because of the increased volume of water and widening of the stream channel, it becomes less defined. Substrate differs little from substrate described earlier in the forks. Unstable soils, due mainly to melting permafrost, result in higher stream turbidities within this reach. This condition prevailed in the lower 3-4 miles of Watana Creek throughout the 1982 field season. Kosina Creek Kosina Creek enters the Susitna River from the south at river mile 208.6, approximately 24 miles upstream from the proposed Watana dam site 35 - ~I - - .... (Appendix Figure 5-B-8). The proposed reservoir would inundate 4.5 miles of the stream. The habitat evaluation location was sampled monthly during the open water field season. Sampling was also conducted once during July on the 1.5 mile reach of stream immediately above the PIE. Aerial surveys were conducted on the main fork of Kosina Creek upstream from the mouth for approximately 10 miles. Aerial surveys were also conducted along Gilbert Creek to Clarence Lake and on other selected major tributaries of Kosina Creek. Kosina Creek is a relatively large clearwater stream which originates in steep mountainous terrain just south of the Talkeetna Mountains. It flows generally north for approximately 35 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River and has a drainage basin size of 400 square miles. Several major tributaries drain into Kosina Creek along its course. Two of these tributaries, Terrace (TRM 15.5) and Gilbert (TRM 5.8) Creeks; drain large lake systems which presently support populations of Arctic grayling and lake trout. Several other lakes are located on the tundra plateau above the val1ey floor and are drained by small high gradient streams. These lakes do not appear to be accessible to fish. The stream habitat in Kosina Creek varies considerably along its course. In the upper reaches, the creek flows through broad valleys of glacial origin having relatively moderate streamflow velocities. Meandering braided channels are common in this area. Approximately ten miles 36 upstream from the mouth the gradient increases and the stream becomes confined to a V-shaped valley. Long, fast flowing riffle areas are the dominant habitat type in this middle reach of the stream. The reach of stream below its confluence with Gilbert Creek is charac- terized by long stretches of high velocity riffle areas interspersed with numerous 1 a rge, deep, s 1 ow flowing poo 1 s (Plate 5-3-2). These pools are generally located against cliffs, high banks or in areas behind large boulders. The pools are as ,large as 50 by 150 feet and up to 8-10 feet in depth. Substrate in the pools consists of varying proportions of cobble, rubble and boulder usually embedded in sand. Substrate in the riffle areas consists mainly of cobble and boulder. The stream channel is frequently braided in this reach. Stream widths are often in excess of 200 feet and depths average 3-5 feet. Jay Creek Jay Creek enters the Susitna River from the north at river mile 208.5, approximately 23 miles upstream of the proposed Watana dam site (Appen- dix Figure 5-B-9). It would be inundated upstream for 3.5 miles by the proposed impoundment. Sampling of the habitat evaluation location was conducted monthly during the open water field season. Additional sampling was conducted twice on the first mile of stream located immediately above the PIE. Aerial surveys were conducted upstream from the mouth to approximately TRM 8.0. 37 - ~: Plate 5-3~2 A typical, large, deep pool located below the Proposed Impoundment Elevation (PIE) in Kosina Creek. 38 ·- Jay Creek is a clearwater stream originating in a gently sloping region of open tundra just north of the Susitna River. It flows in a general northwest direction for approximately 12 miles and then flows southwest for 8 mi 1 es to its confluence with the Susitna River. It has a rel a- tively small drainage basin of approximately 62 square miles. One major unnamed fork, approximately 9 miles in length enters the stream eight miles upstream from the mouth of Jay Creek. The stream habitat of Jay Creek is generally characterized by moderate streamflows and alternating pool/riffle areas. lentic environments in the drainage basin are limited to a few very small tundra ponds scattered throughout the area. The stream reach which would be inundated is mostly confined to a deep, narrow canyon and has a stream gradient of 143 feet per mile. Streamflows are moderate and the habitat consists mainly of riffle areas interspersed with numerous small pools mostly situated behind boulders or against cliffs. Stream widths vary from 40-60 feet with average depths of 2-3 feet. Substrate consists of gravel, cobble and rubble often embedded in sand. Although the stream is generally clear, unsta- ble soils in upstream areas often result in landslides during periods of moderate to heavy precipitation which can rapidly increase the turbidity of the stream. The stream channel itself is stable. The channel splits approximately 100 feet above its confluence with the Susitna River resulting in the formation of two distinct channels at the mouth. Due to the relatively 1 ow discharge of Jay Creek during the 1982 field season, the clear water plume area at the confluence with the Susitna River was small and confined to the immediate proximity of the mouth. 39 Goose Creek Goose Creek drains into the Susitna River from the south at river mile 231.3, approximately 47 miles upstream of the proposed Watana dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-10). The stream would be inundated upstream for 1.2 miles by the proposed ·impoundment. Sampling was conducted monthly on the habitat evaluation location. A one mile section of stream immediately above the PIE was also sampled once during the season. The stream was not surveyed beyond this point. Goose Creek is a relatively small clearwater stream with a drainage basin area of 104 square miles. The stream originates in a steeply sloping region of open tundra south of the Susitna River and flows in a general northerly direction for approximately 20 miles to its confluence with the Susitna River. The stream habitat consists predominantly of long riffle areas of moderate streamflow velocity and few pools. The stream is generally confined to one channel, although braided channels occur occasionally in the upper reaches. Busch Creek, the only major tributary to Goose Creek, drains into the stream approximately 15 miles upstream from the mouth. Numerous smaller tributaries drain into the creek along its course to the mouth. Several small lakes are located in the upper reaches of the drainage basin. The stream channel below the PIE is narrow and shallow throughout most of the reach and has a gradient of 114 feet per mile. Stream widths vary from 30 to 50 feet and depths average 2 to 3 feet. Long riffle 40 - - -- - - - - - areas dominate the habitat although deeper runs with lower streamflow velocities occur in a few areas. Substrate consists mainly of rubble, cobble and boulder in the riffle areas. Deeper areas with slower flows have substrates consisting mainly of gravel and rubble. Os hetna River, The Oshetna River drains into the Susitna River from the south at river mile 233.4, approximately 50 miles above the proposed Watana dam site (Appendix Figure 5-B-11). It is the uppermost major tributary that would be affected by the proposed Watana Impoundment. The stream would be inundated upstream for 2.2 miles by the proposed impoundment. Sampling was conducted monthly on the habitat evaluation location. Ground surveys were conducted on the first mile of stream located immediately above the PIE. Aerial surveys were conducted from the mouth upstream to approximately TRM 7.0. The mainstern Oshetna River flows in a general northerly direction for approximately 50 miles from its source to its confluence with the Susitna River. It originates in steep mountainous and glacial terrain south of the Susitna River at elevations approaching 7,000 feet. It drains an area of 555 square miles. It is the only tributary to be influenced by glacial activity which gives the water a blue-green appearance due to the light load of glacial flour present in the stream during the summer months. 41 Three major rivers drain the upper reaches of this relatively large drainage basin. These consist of the Black River, the Little Oshetna River, and the reach of the Oshetna River above its confluence with the Little Oshetna River, hereafter referred to as the Upper Oshetna River. These three streams are similar in morphology. They all flow through relatively flat, U-shaped, glaciated valleys having frequently braided stream channels. All three drainages are presently affected to some extent by g 1 ac i a 1 activity. Two of the major 1 a kes 1 ocated in the Oshetna River drainage basin, Black Lake and Crater Lake, are both within the Black River drainage. Several smaller lakes are also present within the Little and Upper Oshetna drainages. ·The reach of stream below the confluence of the Black River is confined to a "V" shaped valley with steeply rising valley walls and is characterized by a relatively high stream gradient. Several large lakes are situated on the tundra plateau above the valley floor in this area with small, high-gradient outlet streams connecting them to the Oshetna River. Stream gradient begins to decrease approximately five miles above the mouth and the stream channel becomes meandering. The stream habitat in this reach consists mostly of long riffle areas (Plate 5-3-3) with moderate streamflow velocities. Several large, rather shallow pools are present in the lower two miles of stream and many small pool type habitats are located behind boulders in the stream. Substrate consists mainly of cobble and boulder in the riffle areas with rubble and gravel 42 -~ - - I Plate 5-3-3 Typical habitat of the Oshetna River, long riffle areas with moderate stream flow velocities. found more often in pool type habitats. Stream widths range from 100 to 125 feet with average depths of 3 to 5 feet. Water Quality Instantaneous Water Quality Instantaneous water qua 1 ity and air temperature data for a 11 tributary habitat evaluation sites are presented in Appendix Tables 5-C-1 to 5-C-17 (refer also to Volume 4 Appendix D). Graphical representations of the range, mean and median values for each parameter at each habitat evaluation site are presented in Figures 5-3-2 to 5-3-7. Due to the limited number of observations made at each site, and the variations in daily sampling times, a comparison of ranges, means and medians between sites is not valid. Therefore, these data . only provide a general overview of the water quality characteristics of streams which were investigated. Instantaneous water temperature observations for a 11 tributary eva 1- uation sites ranged from 0.1°C in the Oshetna River on May 5, 1982 to 14.8°C recorded in Goose Creek on July 28, 1982 (Figure 5-3-2). The lowest instantaneous dissolved oxygen concentration of 9.6 mg/1 was observed in Goose Creek on June 27, 1982, Watana Creek on June 24, 1982 and in the Oshetna River on July 19, 1982. Corresponding instantaneous surface water temperatures for those streams were generally at their highest when these 1 ow oxygen concentrations were observed. Highest 44 ) -\ " --) ' ll \ f -IY l )\ [' I 1 J f , -'· lQ c TEM PEftATURE (OC) ""'S ro 1\) rn 0 (.]1 9 (.]1 9 I I I I I I I I I I J .I I I I I I I w I N Cheec/Jako Cr. 8/6-8/11 I• n=3 M--'Vl;:E:3: -1 Devil Cr. 8/22 • n =I ..... 1.0 _,, PJ ro :::0 0 CPM-M-Pl Fog Cr. 5/5-9/12 1-n=7 ~rvroro~ -r Vl Vl""'S m .._...o ........ c Tsusena Cr . 5/5-9/12 n=e ""O:E:M-• I CD _.. CD ...._.. -i ~ M-3 ~ l> Deadman Cr. 5/5-9/11 I n=7 :::r-o :E: -'•rD ""'S ::u Wafono Cr. (f) I n= 39 PJ~""'SPJ 5/5-9/20 M-Ill~ -< l> --.- ro M-M-1.0 I --s:::rcro Kosin a Cr. 3:: 5/4-9/14 n=l5 CD ""'S (f) I -h CD...-.. Jay Cr. -a I ~ .. -o Vl ~ -1 r 5/5-9/19 -I n=7 CD""'S ITI I ---oo--s lJ. Jay Cr. Sl. z 5/29-9/15 -n=5 C.. ""0 CD Ill (f) T _p. on~ G) U1 VlVlOO. Goose Cr. 5/14-9/1 0 I n=8 CDCD""'S I Ill 0.0.3 .I Vl CDCD Os/Jetna Cr. -a 5/5-9/9 n=7 0 _,,c.. c.. ~3 -'· ITI ""OPJilJ :::0 ..-..o M-~ ~c - ~ Vl ......... (f) Fog Cr. 0 6/21-9/12 -1 n=4 II c.. CD I c 0 3_,..__... (/) I M-CDCD =i Tsuseno Cr. 6/19-9/12 T n=4 :::r ~ n _,, CDM-M-~ -I CD VI z Deadman Cr. 6/19-9/11 I n=4 :JPJO.M-l> U) C""'S Ill Wofano Cr. CD 6/23-9/15 I• n=4 3 CD :::r ~ :::0 o-Ill Ill M-N CD Vl o-llJ < Kosina Cr. -6/27-9/14 1-n=4 ""'S -'·~ O.M-CD ITI I. OCPJO :::0 U. Jay Cr. Sl. 5/29-9/5 n=5 -h""'Sc+C T Vl (() O~CD -t Goose Cr. 5/14-9/10 n .= 8 0"1.0 < Vl I Vl llJ c ITI Os/Jetna R. I CDc+-'""'S 5/27-9/9 n =6 ""'S ::::J c -h (f) I <CDDJPJ llJ c+n I -'•CD 0 Sally Lake 6/2:<-9/8 I n=5 ~ I 16 15 14 13 -12 .... CJt E -II z IJJ (!) 10 >-X 0 0 IJJ 9 > 8 ..J 0 rn rn 7 0 6 5 ,..., ; 11 c:: c:: t • <0 11 c: ,.._ <0 II II c: c: ,.._ 10 ,..., -,.._ II ~ 11 c: c: It) II c: co II c: ,.._ II c: Q) II c: ...,,...,'~:tv null 1110 c: C c II v c: 11 c: ~ltttt t <0 It) II c: t 4~------------------------------------------------------~----- ~!~~~en ~~- ........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... Q) !! ! !e o en ...... ...... ....... ::: ....... ~ ~ - co en en Q; en en en ~ en en 'f' 'f 1 I N I I I I I I en I I -en en en en en en en I 1 I I It'! ,.._ en .:,. ~ N N N -<D N In In It) ltl .,_ ltl N In It) N - -...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ........ ....... ...... ........ ............. CO IZI It) It) U') ltl U') It) 10 U') U') <D <D <D ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... U) U) 10 It) It) SAMPLING PERIOD (1982) 1o.: (j ~ ~ ..: ... (). (J ~~ .a.: ... c:: C) (..) 1.;; C) C) C) 1i~ ~ ~.s c:: -..... ~ ~ ~ -.::... 01 !!! C) ' __ () .... ~ cs~ I{~~ it TRIBUTARY 0 ~ ·~ a ~ ~ ~ SITES .....: (I) ft.: ~ 1.;; .... (.) (.) C) ~ ., .::: C) ., ~ ~ () .c::: ::s ~ ~ 1.: t': • . r::: ~ '-1 (i ~ w~ c:: (,j 1.; ' es ·es es <.5 ~ili:t::O~ c., ~ c ·~ !:) 11::11:; C) li c, ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ::s SUSITNA RIVER ~ ~ ~ C) ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ SITES co -Ql I I") C\.1 -U) • ole C) "' ~ .....: ~ Figure 5-3-3. Mean ( •), range (I) and median (-) dissolved oxygen concentra- tions recorded at selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas during the 1982 open water field season (n = the number of observations). 46 ~~ """' ·"" #,' ,..,. •. '""'" , .... ~,;,, - /,.,., ,-·~, ~'<] - Mr~ ~ ~-~~~ --l 11 ...... lO c:: -s ro 01 I w I ..p. Cheechoko Cr. Vlr-1-<3: --f Devil Cr. ro :::r nJ ro :::0 nJ ro _. nJ VI C::l [DFog Cr. o-oro ::l '"'S VI .--.. c Cr. 0 • --f Tsuseno ,--..... ""0 """5 ..__.. ~Deadman ::loro .. Cr. VIO nroo-s -< Wotono Cr. a.-sOl r+ a.::s :::r ...... ro tO en Koslno Cr. ro3o.ro "0 ::l 0 nJ ..-... --f c:: c:: r+-1"1 Joy Cr. 3::l .......... 0'" 0. VI en ro3ronJ U. Joy Cr. Sl. -s ro _. ::l ::liDO. Cr. ..p. or+ n Goose ........ -i) r-1-3 nJroro Oshetno R. o-sa.a. o-ro ...... VI P.> :::::J'" 01 fPVIQ>::l -s o-< 0.-'·-en Fog Cr. nJc::c+l c+ -s P.> .......... c ..a • ..a.c-t ~ Tsuseno Cr. O::l a. ::l co ro ..... ~ Deadman Cr. VI <VI ..._... c+ 01 VI . :::T--'0 :t> ro c _.... Wotono Cr. 01< -'r-1-fP ~ Kosino Cr. 1.0 ..... a. OJO N::lO ~ U. Joy Cr. S/. >< OVI'< "0 -'•lO en Goose Cr. ro c+ ro ::lfP::l ~ Oshetno R VI :E VI OI:EOI en M-·-'· M-ron-c:: -s :::::r -s Solly Lake -'•01 -i) ::l c+ ...... ..... ro 0 _. ::l a. "'" Ul 0 0 8/G-8/11 8/22 5/5-9/12 5/5-9/12 5/5-9/11 en5/5-9/19 )> 3::::5/4-9/14 ""'0 r 515-9/15 ~ 5/29-9/15 5/5-9/10 ""'0 1"15/5-9/9 :::0 0 0 6/12-9/12 -(0 6!19-9/12 ~ 6/19-9/11 -6123-9/15 6/27-9/14 5/29-9/15 51t4-9/IO s121 -919 6/23 -9/B ! DISSOLVED OXYGEN SATURATION (%) ..... 0 CD 0 <D 0 0 0 0 ---+l-n = 3 • n = I ~ n= 6 + n=7 ---+ n = 6 n = 37 n = 15 ~ n = 7 n = 5 -1--n=8 --e-~•1-n = 7 -~•t-41 n = 4 --+-f-n = 3 --+ n=3 -t--n=4 --+n=4 •I n=5 • I n=8 • I n=6 ---i•~-----+1 n = 5 --N ~ 0 0 -~ 0 ). 01 0 .., pH --'• 1.0 c en !» :-.1 ::" m (I) -s 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 b CD I Ul Cheechaka I w Cr. 8/6"8/11 + n:: 3 I -l Devil Cr, 8/22 • n =I Ul :::0 ID Fog Cr. 5/5 "9/12 n = 6 ...--.. --'• Vl ~ c ::S3CDCD ...., Tsusena Cr. 5/5-9/12 n=7 -a ---' CJ IIOCD:t J;:> en ::u Deadman Cr. 5/5"9/11 n = 6 c+ ::s c+ ,.-.. -< ::r o.. CD • CD3o......_.. Wotana Cr. 5/5"9/20 n=38 CD .. (/) :::I:J::r Kos/na Cr. (/) 5/4"9/14 n=l5 cc+w-s 3 o-w ...., l> o-CJ --'· ::s ITI Joy Cr. :5:5!5-9115 n= 6 CD -s c+ 1.0 ""'SCDCJCD (/) -u CJc+ U. Joy Cr. St. r 5/29-9115 n = 5 OUl -n ro-z 0.. < ........ Goose Cr. G)5!5-9/LO n =. 8 OCCJ o--s ---' CJ Oshetno R "05/5"9/9 n=7 ,.J:>o (/) ....It c :::J co CD::SCJO.. -s I.C c+ ITI < --'•3 ::u CJc+OCD (/) g 6/21"9/12 c+::r::so.. Fog Cr. n= 4 -'·CD --'· c: 0 Ul CJ (/) ::s ---' -h :::l" -1 Tsuseno Cr. ...-6/19-9/12 i n= 3 Uli.Dc+ ........ coroT z Deadman Cr. n=3 • NUl )> W6/19-9/ll "-'-" 00 o::e: 3! Wotono Cr. N6t23-9!15' n = 4 "'0 .....11·""0 < roc+:r: :J ::r I'T1 Kosina Cr 6/27"9114 + n=4 --'·< :::0 :::;;: ::SCJ CJ (/) U. Joy Cr. Sf 5129-9/15 n=5 c+c+s:: CD ::r CD --1 ""'SCDUl I'T1 Goose Cr. 5/14"9/10 n=8 (/) -n-o -s Oshetna R. -'•""'S CD 5/27-9/9 n=6 roo n ---'"0 0 0..0 -s Ul 0.. Ul CDCD Solly Lake n=5 CD 0.. 0.. 6/23-9/8 CJ Ul CJ 0 c+ ::s )· ., ...... 1.0 t: -s CD Ul I w I 0'\ ..--..-o -s ::s::: ::::!OCDCD UlOSll II CD 0 ::::! o.-s c-1" a...-.. ::::!"" --'· CD e CD30..,__.. ""0 .. ::::!OSll t: t: M--s 3::::! SlJ 0"0-Ul::::! CD3CDI.O -s CD --' CD ::SCD o c-t-n..--.. _,., c-t-- Sll CD ....__.. o-sa. 0" CD SlJ Ullll:::::J"::::! CDUlllJO. -s 0" < 0. ...... 3 SlJ S:: M-CD M-""SillO. _.. ........ rt ....... 0::::! Ill ::::! 1.0 CD ::::! Ul < ...__..M-Ill ....... • :::::r __, I CD t: ....__.. Ill _, M-Ul 1.0 --'·""0 oooCD N::SO ...... OUl-h ""'0 ....I• ....le CD M-n ::!CD UlO ~ 0 Ill~::! <+ ...... 0. CD M-t: -s ::::!"" n ...... <+ -t,::::!Sll ...... ::::! CD M-n __, ;;;r CD a. CD < ll> ""0 Ill CD""S-' llJOt: UliCD 0 Ul ::::! ) Cheecholro Cr. -1 Devil Cr. ::0 m Fog Cr. ~ Tsuseno Cr. ~ Deadman Cr. -< Wotano Cr. . Kosino Cr. en =i Joy Cr. IT1 U. Jay Cr. Sl (/) Goose Cr. Oshetno R. en cFog Cr. (/) -1 Tsuseno Cr. ~Deadman Cr. ::o Wotano Cr. < Koslno Cr. rr1 ::o u. Jay Cr. Sl. ~Goose Cr. ~ Oshetnn R. en Solly Lair e 8/6-8/11 8/22 5/16-9/12 5115-9/12 5/16-9/11 5117-9/17 en 5/13-9/14 )> 3: 5116-9/ 15 "tJ r:: 5/29-9/15 ~ 5/14-9/10 "tJ 5/27-9/9 , ::0 0 6121-9/12 0 -6/19-9112 ~ 6119-9/11 1\) S/23-9/15 - 6/27-9114 5/29-9/15 5114-9/10 5/27-9/7 6/23-9/8 0 -f. ) } SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (AJmhos/cm) 01 0 n=3 • ~ •I •I 0 0 n=l 01 0 n = 6 n=7 n=6 n=9 --+-n=7 --... •-111-n = 6 --t--n= 4 --•+1 n=4 ---+-n= 4 _ _,•t-1 -n = 4 --4-n=4 I • n = 5 •I n = 8 n=6 -1--n =5 1\) 1\) 0 01 0 0 n = 38 n=6 ~ 0 01 01 0 ~ 0 ~ 01 0 I 01 0 0 n=5 "'Tl ...... lC c -s TURBIDITY(NTU) CD Ul (.ol ~ en ~ <D 0 i\5 (.ol Ul I 0 Ui 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 Ul 0 w I '-1 . Cheechoto Cr. 8/11 • n=l ,-.., ...... llJ 3: iJ·Devil Cr. No Data Collected ::J3r+CD "'0 Ill II 0 Vl ::::1 ffi Fog Cr. 5/16-9/12 cro r+ ::::1 _. ........ c ::r 0. CD • -t rsusena Cr. 5115-9/12 ro3n.._.. fD r+" )> Cr. n=6 :::l':::ICD ::u Deadman 5116-9/11 c c-t 0. -s -< 3 Ill Cr. n= 8 O"lll:::r-::::1 Wofona 5/17-9/17 CD-sllllC en K< • ~ 5/15-9114 -s CD 0" CD Cr. Ill ...... :::t asmo OVlr+..-.. -+, Ill-I'll Joy Cr. ~ 5116-9/15 n=6 0. r+ .._... (/) oc 0"-sfDill u Joy Cr.Sl r 5/29-9/15 +-n=4 (/) -'•< ::::1 (J1 Cl>:::l'llJO. Goose Cr. z -s lC _, (j) 5114-9110 0 < 1::3 Ill r+ Ill C1) Oshefna R. 5/27-9/9 n=5 r+~r+O. ~. tD -...~ ....... '"'0 0 Oil! ,... ::::1 _, ::::1 ::::s VllO (/) ::0 .._.. ro Vl ..-.. 0 6/21-9/12 n = 4 • N ...... I cFog Cr. r+~ (/) 0 6119-9/12 oro -t rsusena Cr. n = 4 "OVlc-+ fD c ~ Deadman Cr. -::::1::!:-s ({) 6 /19 -g I II n = 4 -'• 0" ::;:: r+ ...... ::0 Watana Cr. CD n= 4 Sll:::ro. 6/23-9/-15 r+ -....~ ....... f\) fD::::Sr+ --s '< < Kosina Cr. 6/27-9114 n= 4 r+ I'll -+J:::r< ::0 U. Joy Cr. Sl. 5129-911.5 n = 5 -'•CD Ill CD --'"0 c ~Goose Cr. 5/14-9110 n=6 o.-sCD OVl -t (/) "0 f'T1 Oshefna H. 5/2.7-9/9 n = 5 CDO-s lllVlCD en VlCDO 0 0.0 ::::1 -s SoNy Lake 0. No Data Collected CD 0. e dissolved oxygen concentrations, 14.2 mg/1, occurred in Deadman Creek on May 5, 1982 when water temperature was only 0.8°C (Figure 5-3-3). Percent dissolved oxygen saturation in surface water at all tributary habitat evaluation sites ranged from 77% in Watana Creek to 108% in Fog and Kosina Creek (Figure 5-3-4). Values of pH in all tributary evaluation sites ranged from 6.7 in Watana Creek to 8.1 in Jay Creek (Figure 5-3-5). Specific conductances, expressed in umhos/cm, were measured in all tributary habitat evaluation sites. Values ranged from 22 umhos/cm in Cheechako Creek to 212 umhos/cm in Watana Creek (Figure 5-3-6). Observed turbidities, expressed in NTUs, ranged from less than 1 NTU in at least one site on each tributary to 42 NTUs in the Oshetna River (Figure 5-3-7). Continuous Surface Water Temperature Surface water temperatures were continuously recorded in five selected clearwater tributaries to the Susitna River at sites located immed1ately above each tributary mouth from June 19, 1982 through October 16, 1982. Because of occasional thermograph malfunctions, several gaps in the data occur. 51 Daily minimum, maximum and mean values for each stream during the sampling period are graphically presented in Figures 5-3-9 through -5-3-13. A comparison of temperature values among streams is presented in Figure 5-3-8. Tabular continuous surface water temperatures are listed in Volume 4, Part 1, Appendix 4C, Tables 4-C-20 through 4-C-24 (ADF&G 1983a). Tributary surface water temperatures ranged from ooc to 16.5°C during the sampling period. Mean monthly surface water temperatures were lowest in Tsusena Creek in June (6.4°C), July (8.2°C), August (8.4°C), and September (5.5°C), and in Kosina Creek in October (0.7°C). Highest mean monthly surface water temperatures occurred in Watana Creek in June (8. 7°C), in Goose Creek in July (11.6°C) and August (10.8°C), in the Oshetna River in September (6.2°C) and in Watana (1.2°C) and Tsusena Creeks (1.2°C) in October (Figure 5-3-8). Discharge Discharge measurements were taken on selected tributaries during the months of August and September, 1982. Fog, Tsusena, Watana, Jay and Goose Creeks were sampled once during each sampling period. Discharge on Deadman Creek was measured only during the August sampling period. Frequency of sampling on a 11 streams was 1 imited because of personnel constraints and difficult sampling conditions due to high water. Discharge increased in all streams sampled from the August to the ~eptember sampling periods. August discharge measurements among streams 52 - I '· -) 'j;. f I U1 w L "} r ) ) ., ,, f.; } ) .j N 1'-N ..., 1'-" Ill ..., c; N I Ill I " 1'-..., c; N ..., -16.0 " ..,. .... " ..., I . c; I~ 0 c; N N N " " 1'-I " c c: ..., ;:: N c: c 1'-I "' c ..., ..., " " N N ..... 14.0 e e I ; .... 0 I c " c 0 Ill _. I. 1'- Ill " 0:: 12.0 ID c ..., 0 :J -Ill .... " • "' ID <( c: " - c ..., a: 10.0 0 " Ill Q. ~ Ill .... 0:: Ill .... <( 3: liJ 0 ~ 0:: :::> C/) Ill c ..., • 0 1'-,, -"' • " • c: 6.0 Ill ~ " c: • 6.0 • Ill 0 ~ • Ill I- " .... It) u c: ~ Ill 4.0 ~ Ill ...J ID " ...J " • "' 0 c: " 0 c <:( 2.0 ~ 0 0 z 0.0 J J A s s 0 TSUSENA CR. WATANA CR. KOSIN A CR. GOOSE CR. OSHETNA R. HABITAT EVALUATION SITES Figure 5-3-8. Monthly thermograph data summary, mean (•), range (1) and 25th, 50th (median), and 75th percentiles (it), for selected habitat evaluation sites within the proposed impoundment areas from June through October, 1982 (n = the number of two hour interval observations taken each month at each site). (.tl .j::o. 18.0 16.0 -ol4.o 0 l&J 0:: ~ 12.0 <( 0:: l&J a. :::IE 10.0 l&J t- 0:: l&J t-8.0 <( ;r:: l&J 0 6.0 :. 0:: :::) (/) 4.0 2.0 TSUSENA CREEK -·-·-MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE ---MEAN TEMPERATURE -----MHIIMUM TEMPERATURE /"1 A . . r' . 'n I . . . \ ,1 A '· o.o-1---...----...,..----,....---....,----"T""'-----r----~------~,_ 6/20 6/30 7/15 7/30 8/15 DATE 8/30 9/15 9/30 10/15 Figure 5-3-9. Daily thermograph data summary for Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB, June 20 through October 15, 1982. l U1 U1 18.0 16.0 14.0 -(.) 0 -LLI ~ ;\ ., n I. . . ' . ~ I I ~ . I j i ) WATANA CREEK MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE MEAN TEMPERATURE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE a:: I 20 I\ I i . i Li ~ A ~! I ::> ~ <( a:: . ,.. i '' I \j \ '1 }, 'I I. LLI 10.0 ,, . I I . a. :::e LLI ~ a:: LLI ~ <( 3: LLI 0 <( lL a:: ::> C/) 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 I I I I I f.. ,.., I \"'\ I d \ I u I I ,, ~ QO~----T--------r--------r--------,--------,---------r--------r--------r- 6/20 6/30 7/15 7/30 8/15 DATE 8/30 9/15 9/30 10/15 Figure 5-3-10. Daily thermograph data summary for Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA, June 21 through August 14, September 9 through September 18 and September 28 through October 15, 1982. Ul O'l 18.0 16.0 -14.0 0 0 -UJ 0:: ::> 12.0 ~ <( 0:: UJ 0. 10.0 :::E UJ ~ 0:: 8.0 UJ ~ <( :c UJ 6.0 0 ~ 0:: ::> 4.0 Cl) ~ ,. . \ I . . \ ~ J . ,.,_j \ KOSINA CREEK -·-·-MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE --MEAN TEMPERATURE ----MINIMUM TEMPERATURE Figure 5-3-11. Daily thermograph data summary for Kosina Creek, RM 206.8, GC S31N08El5BAB, June 28 through August 17 and September 20 through October 15, 1982. I 01 --.J 18.0 16.0 - ;\ . \ I . . I I . } ) GOOSE CREEK -·-·-MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE --MEAN TEMPERATURE ----MINIMUM TEMPERATURE 0 14. ~ . I \ ;-J 0 -UJ 0::: ::::>. ~ 0::: UJ a.. ::::E UJ 1- 0::: UJ 1- <( 31: UJ 0 <( LL. 0::: ::::> (I) 12.0 10. 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 \ I \ i -~ I \ l ~ I I I I i\ ~ o.o-1--------.----...... ----..,...---....,.----..,...---....,.---'~....,~.,-,.- 6/20 6/30 7/15 7/30 8/15 DATE 8/30 9/15 9/30 10/15 Figure 5-3-12. Daily thermograph data summary for Goose Creek, RM 231.3, GC S30NllE32DBC, June 28 through Ocotber 15, 1982. (J1 OJ 18.0 16.0 -14.0 u 0 LLI g; 12.0 ti 0:: LLI a. 10 ::E LLI 1- 0:: LLI 8.0 1- 4 ;r: LLI 0 6.0 4 u. a:: :J (/) 4.0 2.0 \ \ ~ I l\ ~ I 7/15 7/30 8/15 DATE 8/30 OSHETNA RIVER 9/15 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE MEAN TEMPERATURE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE 9/30 10/15 Figure 5-3-13. Daily thermograph data summary for the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, GC S30NllE34CCD, June 28 through July 1 and July 9 through September 26, 1982. ··~ ranged from 61 cfs in Jay Creek to 330 cfs in Tsusena Creek. September measurements ranged from 150 cfs in Goose Creek to 557 cfs in Watana Creek. Individual stream discharge measurements are presented in Table 5-3-3 (refer also to Volume 6, Appendix A). 3.1.2 Resident Fisheries Investigations Arctic Grayling Distribution and Abundance Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus Pallas) were captured at all tribu- tary habitat evaluation locations, except Chinook Creek, during the 1982 Aquatic Studies of the proposed impoundment areas. Four thousand three hundred and sixty-seven Arctic grayling over 135 mm fork length were captured. Table 5-3-4 lists the grayling catch by location and month. Only hook and line catches are listed as other gear types contributed less than 1% (33) of the total catch. The total habitat evaluation location catch was 3782 Arctic grayling in 408 angler hours, giving a catch rate of 9.3 Arctic grayling per angler hour for the entire summer study. Arctic grayling catches, angler hours and catch rates are listed in Tables 5-3-5 and 5-3-6 and illustrated in Figures 5-3-14 and 5-3~15. Arctic grayling catch per hour ranged from a low of 0.0 to a high of 29.6. 59 Table 5-3-3. Discharge data on selected tributaries within the proposed impoundment study area, 1982. Discharge Tributarya Date (1982) ( cfs) Fog Creek 8/15 269 9/12 307 Tsusena Creek 8/16 330 9/12 363 Deadman Creek 8/21 228 Watana Creek 8/15 229 9/19 557 Jay Creek 8/12 61 9/19 154 Goose Creek 8/19 79 9/10 150 a All discharges were taken in proximity of the mouth with the exception of Deadman Creek where it was taken approximately three miles upstream from the mouth. 60 A Table 5-3-4. Arctic grayling hook and line catch by location and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982 • ..., Location May June July August September Total ;f~ Oshetna River 10 288 243 172 713 Goose Creek 38 91 76 2 207 Jay Creek 3 79 130 108 4 324 ,_.. Kosi na Creek 37 232 491 604 320 1684 Watana Creek 128 175 208 36 547 L'""' Deadman Creek 1 40 51 110 1 203 Tsusena Creek 7 10 29 26 7 79 Fog Creek 1 5 17 2 25 ~ Totals 58 528 1260. 1392 544 3782 Others in Proposed Impoundments 7 4 2 13 Sally Lake 3 33 36 A.P.I.E. a (lm) 428 50 25 503 /''-(5 Creeks) Totals 65 535 1688 1477 569 4334 #' a Above proposed impoundment elevation. ~ - 61 Table 5-3-5. Arctic grayling hook and line catch and effort by tributary and month for the mouths of the eight major tributary habitat evaluation location, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Location May June July August Sept. Total Catch 6 12 20 6 44 Oshetna Hours 1.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 4.75 River Catch/Hours 4.0 16.0 20.0 4.0 9.3 Catch 12 13 2 0 27 Goose Hours 1.0 1.0 0.75 0.25 3.0 Creek Catch/Hours 12.0 13.0 2.7 0.0 9.0 Catch 3 17 25 2 0 47 Jay Hours 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.25 0.5 3.25 Creek Catch/Hours 2.5 17.0 25.0 8.0 . 0.0 14.5 Catch 21 38 74 54 46 233 Kosina Hours 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.25 5.0 15.25 Creek Catch/Hours 7.0 6.5 29.5 24.0 9.2 15.3 Catch Watana Hours Creek Catch/Hours Catch 1 38 11 47 1 98 Deadman Hours 1.0 5.0 0.75 1. 75 0.25 8.75 Creek Catch/Hours 1.0 7.6 14.7 26.9 4.0 11.2 Catch 7 10 29 26 7 79 Tsusena Hours 2.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 Creek Catch/Hours 3.5 2.0 9.7 13.0 7.0 6.1 Catch 0 0 1 0 0 1 Fog Hours 0.5 1.0 0.25 0.5 0.5 2.75 Creek Catch/Hours 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 Catch 38 115 165 151 60 529 TOTAL Hours 8.5 15.5 9.25 8.5 9.0 50.75 Catch/Hours 4.5 7.4 17.8 17.8 6.7 10.4 not sampled. 62 ~i - - ·""" ....... """'" ~ ~. """'" ~ ~ ~- """' - - t"';..., - - !f;f/'"'- ·~ "...._ - /!!Iff~ ~ - Table 5-3-6. Arctic grayling hook and line catch and effort by tributary and month for the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations in their entirety, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Location May June July August Sept. Total Catch 10 288 243 172 713 Oshetna Hours 2.5 21.25 22.0 18.25 64.0 River Catch/Hours 4.0 13.60 11.1 9.4 11.1 Catch 38 91 76 2 207 Goose Hours 8.75 6.75 12.75 7.0 35.25 Creek Catch/Hours 4.3 13.5 6.0 0.3 5.9 Catch 3 79 130 108 4 324 Jay Hours 0.5 10.5 12.0 9.5 2.75 35.25 Creek Catch/Hours 1.5 7.5 10.8 11.4 1.5 9.2 Catch 37 232 491 604 320 1684 Kosina Hours 11.5 28.75 31.5 38.0 52.75 162.5 Creek Catch/Hours 3.2 8.1 15.6 15.9 6.1 10.4 Catch 128 175 208 36 547 Watana Hours 18.5 18.0 13.5 16.75 66.75 Creek Catch/Hours 6.9 9.7 15.4 2.2 8.2 Catch 1 40 51 110 1 203 Deadman Hours 1.5 9.0 4.5 4.75 2.25 22.0 Creek Catch/Hours 0.7 4.4 11.3 23.1 0. 4· 9.2 Catch 7 10 29 26 7 79 Tsusena Hours 2.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 Creek Catch/Hours 3.5 2.0 9.7 13.0 7.0 6.1 Catch 0 1 5 17 2 25 Fog Hours 0.5 3.0 1.25 1.5 2.5 8.75 Creek Catct:l/Hours 0.0 0.3 4.0 11.3 0.8 2.9 Catch 58 528 1260 1392 544 3782 TOTAL Hours 8.5 83.5 98.25 104.0 103.25 407.5 Catch/Hours 4.5 6.3 12.8 13.4 5.3 9.3 -not sampled. 63 ~~ ..•. m .j::. I Trlb. CPUE Trlb. CPUE 20 NS ~ay June July Aug. Sept. NS 0 May .June J\jy Aug. Sept. May 20 15 ! 1 :; 10 Gl 110 1 ;:, .., liO 5 1- 0 0 May June July Aug. Sept~ May June July Sept. .0 0 0. 0 May June July Aug. Sept. May June duly Aug. Sept. Fiqure 5-3-14. Arctic grayling hook and line CPUE for the mouths of the eight tributary habitat evaluation location, proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. (NS = Not Sampled} . -l 0"\ c..n 1 CPUE 2 t¥ .. Gl .c • 0 Gl 20 15 .. 10 0 0 " 5 0 >o • .., • .5 1 • 0 :.: ) ) l Sept. +o+ 2 • 1 c Ill .. Ill ~ c Ill E "0 Ill G) 0 5 0~~~~~----~ May June July Aug. Sept. +Of- Figure 5-3-15. Arctic grayling hook and line CPUE for the eight tributary habitat evaluation locations in their entirety, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. (NS = Not Sampled) } Age, Length, Sex Two hundred and eighty-two Arctic grayling taken by hook and line were aged by scale analysis. These fish ranged from Age I to Age IX. Age V Arctic grayling were dominant, comprising 31% of the total sample (Table 5-3-7 and Figure 5-3-16). Lengths were taken from all Arctic grayling sampled. Lengths ranged from 120 mm to 420 mm, with the 310 mm to 329 mm Arctic grayling occur- - - ring most frequently (22%) (Table 5-3-8 and Figures 5-3-17 and 5-3-18). -, The age-length relationship shown in Figure 5-3-19 is calculated from the ages and lengths taken from a subsample of 282 Arctic grayling. Age-length comparisons between the tri but aries themse 1 ves and against the overall combined sample were also made. No apparent differences were found (Figure 5-3-20). From the same subsamp 1 e, an age-length comparison of males versus females was calculated (Figure 5-3-21). Other than the 17 mm difference in mean lengths (males 328 mm versus females 311 mm) no other differences were apparent. Two hundred sixty-three Arctic grayling were sampled for sex composi- - tion. Males comprised 53.6% of the sample and the overall ratio of -, males to females was 1.2 males:l female (Figure 5-3-22). During the upstream spawning migration, 50 Arctic grayling were necrop- sied for sex determination and sexual maturity; 26 males and 24 females. All males 330 mm and over and females 320 mm and over were found to be 66 ~ Table 5-3-7. Arctic grayling age-length composition, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. --· Total No. Mean Range % of /'f-~ Age Fish Sampled Length(mm) (mm) Sample I 5 147 115-170 2 .J~ II 12 202 170-230 4 III 26 255 220-295 9 .~ IV 55 292 270-335 20 v 88 320 280-345 31 VI 59 344 310-360 21 VII 25 367 345-395 9 -VIII 9 393 375-395 3 IX 3 415 410-420 1 Total 282 313 115-420 100 67 >-25 (.) z LLI :::> 0 LLI a: LL oe 15 I rr m n-mmn:x . AGES (yrs) Figure 5-3-16. Arctic grayling age frequency composition, proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. J P"'.,... -- ..... -I ~ ... ""' _.;:~, ,.... Table 5-3-8. Arctic grayling length-frequency by tributary, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982, catch data. Catch (Numbers/Percent) Fork Oshetna Goose Jay Kosi na Watana Deadman Tsusena Fog Total Length River Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek (mm) less than 200 1/0a 10/0 11/4 12/1 10/1 15/8 3/8 1/4 53/1 200-209 5/1 2/1 6/2 8/1 2/0 3/2 0/0 0/0 26/1 210-219 2/0 1/0 1/0 11/1 2/0 9/5 1/1 0/0 27/1 ' 220-229 10/i 4/1 2/1 27/2 5/1 9/5 1/1 0/0 58/1 230-239 20/2 2/1 6/2 31/2 11/2 16/8 1/1 0/0 87/2 240-249 25/3 8/3 12/4 38/2 4/1 13/1 1/1 3/12 104/3 250-259 29/3 8/3 9/3 52/3 11/2 15/8 3/3 2/8 129/3 260-269 36/4 8/3 5/2 56/3 10/2 11/6 2/2 3/9 131/3 270-279 35/4 5/2 18/6 77/4 15/3 15/8 2/2 0/0 167/4 280-289 56/6 14/5 16/5 102/6 18/3 13/7 2/2 0/0 221/5 290-299 76/9 25/9 12/4 125/7 32/6 14/7 2/2 0/0 286/7 300-309 86/10 29/11 25/8 147/8 33/6 6/3 0/0 2/8 328/8 310-319 111/13 29/11 38/12 202/11 43/8 12/6 9/9 1/4 445/11 320-329 96/11 30/11 34/11 196/11 67/12 18/9 10/10 5/20 456/11 330-339 92/11 27/10 37/12, 180/10 67/12 11/6 12/12 1/4 427/10 340-349 63/7 30/11 27/9 172/10 74/14 4/2 12/12 2/8 384/9 350-359 41/5 22/8 21/7 123/7 53/10 4/2 15/15 0/0 279/7 360-369 44/5 16/6 12/4 92/5 29/5 5/3 11/11 0/0 209/5 370-379 19/2 9/3 5/2 58/3 20/4 2/1 5/5 3/12 121/3 380-389 7/1 6/2 6/2 29/2 23/4 1/0 4/4 1/4 77/2 390-399 17/2 1/0 4/1 17/1 10/2 0/0 4/4 1/4 54/1 over400 8/1 0/0 2/1 10/1 6/1 1/0 2/2 0/0 29/1 n= 879 276 309 1765 545 197 102 25 4098 mean= 315 320 317 319 332 271 341 322 320 range= 190-420 200-395 140-420 175-420 120-420 130-400 180-410 175-395 120-420 a Catch data (numbers/percent) 69 1 1 ;>_1 u c: 1 4) :l C' 11 4) u: 1 200 220 240 260 280 300 c Ill • E 10 .... Cl) mean :315 n:4098 320 340 . 360 380 Length(mm) 400 Figure 5-3-17. Arctic grayling length frequency composition for all tributaries combined, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 70 - t-~ ~~ - - 16 14 ~12 z WIO ::I ~ e a:: u.. 6 ~ 0 4 16 14 ~ 12 z ~10 0 w e a:: u.. 6 eft 4 2 0-'---+ ......... t----F"""i~~ 16 14 >- ~12 w ;:) 10 0 w a:: e IL c/.6 4 2 0 16 >-14 (,) ZJ2 w ~10 w ~ e c/.6 OSHETNA n=874 GOOSE n=276 JAY n=306 KOSINA n=l765 Figure 5-3-18. Arctic grayling length frequency composition by tributary, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 71 420 420 420 420 ~ ~I ILl :l 0 ILl a: IL "1- ~ C,) z ILl :l Cl ILl a: IL rf. ~ 0 z ILl :::> 0 ILl cr:: LL Figure 5-3-18. (continued). 72 :Watanlil "=545. )~ - Deadman n=197 -n=102 Fog ~I - r~ - I 40 I 35 30 -E E 25 -.r:. -Ol c: Q) ...J 200 150 I• range 10 ·~mean I y w Age (yrs) Figure 5-3-19. Arctic grayling age-length relationship for all tributaries combined, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 73 400 Oshetna .!.. 400 Goose 400 Jay -...... • • 350 350 ...... 350 • • -• -I 300 • -300 • --300 I E -e 25o ·-·· • E 250 --E 250 --E ! s::. --.... 200 :5 200 .s:: --a ..... .:::: 0 a 0 CD 150 .:::: .:::: CD CD _, ... ... 100 50 0 0 0 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 AGE(yrs) AGE(yrsl AGE (yrs)~ 'I ~ Kosin a -400 Watana Deadman 400 a: y -........ • .!. .. 350 .. 350 • -.. -• 300 300 • • 3 • -· -------· • E 250 • E • E E E 250 -E • --...... ':! f 200 s::. 200 • .... .... a a a .:::: 150 .:::: 150 .:::: 150 • CD CD ;Q) _, _, ;-' 100 100 100 50 50 50 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 AGE(yrs) AGE(yrs) AGE(yrs) Figure 5-3-20. Arctic grayling age-length distribution, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. ("mean, -range) J I -~ I l ' ) ' I } } -~ ' 'j/1 - _., .. ~. .- - -E E -.&: -a c (I) _. 420 41 39 260 250 240 230 220 X • I :n: ][ • X • X • . X ~ JZI 1Zli 'Age (yrs) • • X d' mean _j_mean_·_ n=·~57 ·~mates X::;>females X Figure 5-3-21. Arctic grayling age-length relationship, males vs females, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 75 ·~ MAY JUNE JULY AUG. 26 37 31 18 25 30 33 16 1.04 1.23 0.94 1.13 MAY JUNE SEPT. 29 18 1.61 JULY TOTAL 141 -male 122-female 1.16 -male/female AUG SEPT. fe.males --- males - ma I es females TOTAL Figures 5-3-22. Arctic grayling sex composition by month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. ) ~ J } ·~ J t J ' 150 140 130 120 110 IOOZ 90 ~ 0' 80 ~ 70 2. 60 :!! (I) 50 :r 40 30 20 10 0 -------------·-· .~ ~ J, - - - - sexually mature, while inversely, all males under 330 mm and females under 320 mm were found to be nonspawners or sexually immature. No overlap occurred when lengths of spawning versus nonspawning f1sh were compared. However, age classes of spawning fish did overlap. Both Age IV and V grayling were found sexually mature and immature depending on their length (Figure 5-3-23). The instantaneous survival rate was calculated by two methods, using age versus catch and length versus catch. The resulting rates were very similar, being 39.2% and 40.5%, respectively (Figure 5-3-24). Tagging/Recapture (Migration) Four thousand sixteen Arctic grayling were tagged during 1982 studies, 3,560 within the proposed impoundment areas and 456 in selected tribu- tary streams above the PIE (Table 5-3-9). Of these 4,016 tagged Arctic grayling, 335 were subsequently recaptured, of which 320 of these (95.5%) were recaptured within the same stream where they were tagged. The majority of these recatpured grayling (67%) were caught at their initial point of tagging within the same stream from 1-100 days later. Movement both upstream and downstream followed the expected pattern with most of the upstream movement occurring in early summer and the downstream movement occurring in the early fall (Table 5-3-10). Fifteen Arctic grayling were recaptured within tributary streams other than the stream where they were originally tagged, two moving to another 77 IX n=l5 -w E 370 E -.c: mean w -Cl 360 c G) ..J mean JZI "'SZI 330 ~ n=IO -3 )l - 310 300 Til 290 280 spawning non-spawning non-spawning spawning males males females females Sex Sex Figure 5-3-23. Arctic grayling length vs. sexual maturity relationship by sex, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 78 ~-.. ~. ~' -' - - ~' -- j4llv.o, ,-. . - "C Q) Q. e as en 0 ... Q) .0 E ::I z X X X 0 0 x = Length Data o = Age Data Ill IV Length {mm) X X X )( 0 n:184 slope = -.942 survival rate :. 39.2%/yr • V VI Age ( yrs) VII n:3316 slope :-.043 survival rate~95.8'1t/mm )( VIII or 40.6'1./yr X 0 IX Figure 5-3-24. Arctic grayling instantaneous survival rate curves~ Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 79 -::------~ ~' ~,·, Table 5-3-9. Arctic grayling tagged by location and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. ~. ~·. Location Ma,l June Jul,l August SeEtember Total Jtf#.""f?\· Oshetna River 0 0 275 233 154 662 Goose Creek 0 34 87 76 1 198 ~\ Jay Creek 0 53 123 105 4 285 Kosina Creek 16 207 479 589 300 1591 Watana Creek 1 103 163 205 36 508 Deadman Creek 0 33 45 102 1 181 ~" Tsusena Creek 0 10 28 26 2 66 """"' Fog Creek 0 1 5 17 2 25 Others Within ""''· Impoundment 4 4 0 2 0 10 Sally Lake 0 3 0 31 0 34 ~i Total 21 448 1205 1386 500 3560 APIEa ~~ (5 creeks, 1 mile each) 0 0 382 50 24 456 _, Total 21 448 1587 1436 524 4016 a Above -proposed impoundment elevations. 80 ,..~, ,-- r- ,_ ·- ,.- ' - I~ Table 5-3-10. Arctic grayling intrastream movement by tributary and month as demonstrated by recoveries of 1982 tagged fish~ Proposed Impoundment Areas~ 1982. Movement (Range) Days Tagging No. No. No. No. Miles at Location Montli Recaetures ue Down Same Moved Large Oshetna June River July 37 3 5 29 -0.4-+0.3 32-51 August 6 1 0 5 0.0-+0.2 18-19 Sept. 0 0 0 0 Goose June 9 1 0 8 0.0-+1.0 33-62 Creek July 8 0 0 8 0.0 28-29 August 2 0 1 1 -0.2-0.0 1-29 Sept. 0 0 0 0 Jay June -10 1 6 3 -1.1-+0.1 33-49 Creek July 10 1 4 5 -0.7-+0.1 16 August 3 3 0 0 +0.2-+0.4 27-37 Sept. 0 0 0 0 Kosina June 38 5 13 20 -1.6-+2.2 31-100 Creek July 94 10 19 65 -2.7-+2.1 18-68 August 27 1 11 15 -2.3-+0.4 1-45 Sept 9 0 6 3 -2.1-0.0 5-19 Watana June 19 1 1 17 -1.0-+1.0 28-85 Creek July 28 1 0 27 0.0-+1.0 17-25 August 3 0 1 2 -4.4-0.0 33 Sept 0 0 0 0 Deadman June 3 1 0 2 0.0-+0.3 29-57 Creek July 7 4 3 0 -0.2-+0.2 28 August 0 0 0 0 Sept. 0 0 0 0 Tsusena June 2 1 0 1' 0.0-+0.1 29-58 Creek July 1 1 0 0 +0.1 29 August 4 0 0 4 0.0 29 Sept. 0 0 0 0 81 stream up the Susitna River and 13 to another stream down the Susitna. These fish were at large from 2-123 days and moved from 1.7-30.2 miles with averages of 50 days and 13.2 miles (Table 5-3-11}. Of the 2,619 Arctic grayling tagged during 1981 studies, 350 (13.4%) were recaptured during 1982 studies. Three hundred and eight (88%) of these fish returned to their original tagging stream. Forty-two (12%) of the 1981 tagged grayling recaptured were found in streams other than those in which they were tagged, 25 moving to another stream down the Susitna and 17 moving to another stream up the Susitna (Table 5-3-12). One Arctic grayling tagged on June 21, 1981 in Jay Creek (RM 208.5) was recaptured by a sportfisherman on June 22, 1982 in Salt Creek, a·small tributary to Tyone Lake. This represents an upstream movement of approximately 75 miles in one year. Population Estimates Population est·imates based on data collected in July and August were calculated for each of the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations. Recapture information indicates that grayling movement is at a minimum during these months; 1,205 grayling were tagged and only 2 of ..,.,, ~: the 185 recaptured had moved out of their original habitat evaluation ,., location by August. The population estimates provided in Table 5-3-13 are for the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations in their entirety, with the exception of Deadman Creek where only the section studied below the 82 - ,,.,-, Table 5-3-11. Arctic grayling interstream movement by location as demonstrated by recoveries of 1982 tagged fish, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Re-Total Tagging Tagging Date Days at Recovery covery Mi 1 es M~ Location TRM Tag No. Tagged Large Location TRM Moved Oshetna R. 1.7 11727 9/9 2 Kosina Cr. 1.9 30.2 Goose Cr. 0.0 007405 6/18 102 Kosina Cr. 0.0 24.5 Goose Cr. 0.0 007408 6/18 38 Kosina Cr. 0.1 24.6 *"-. Jay Cr. Slough 007021 5/29 86 Kosina Cr. 2.6 4.4 Jay Cr. Slough 007023 5/29 123 Watana Cr. 8.5 23.0 Jay Cr. 0.0 007478 6/24 34 Watana Cr. 4.3 18.7 Jay Cr. 3.0 009405 7/27 49 Kosina Cr. 0.0 4.7 Jay Cr. 2.1 009438 7/27 49 Kosina Cr. 0.6 4.4 Kosina Cr. 0.0 04852 6/23 34 Jay Cr. 0.0 1.7 Kosina Cr. 2.0 009162 7/24 3 Jay Cr. 0.8 4.5 Watana Cr. 8.5 009656 7/28 44 Tsusena Cr. 1.5 22.8 Watana Cr. 0.4 007414 6/28 49 Tsusena Cr. 0.1 13.3 Deadman Cr. 0.0 007061 6/19 29 Tsusena Cr. 0.0 5.4 Deadman Cr. 0.0 007067 6/19 85 Fog Cr. 0.4 10.4 Deadman Cr. 0.3 007437 7/18 28 Tsusena Cr. 0.1 5.8 83 Table 5-3-12. Arctic grayling interstream movement by location as -demonstrated by recoveries of 1981 tagged fish during 1982 ~ Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. ~\ Tagging Recapture Numbers Location Location RecaEtured .~· Oshetna River Oshetna River 65 Goose Creek Goose Creek 36 a -Goose Creek Jay Creek 5 Goose Creek Oshetna River 1 a Goose Creek Kosina Creek 1 -' Jay Creek Jay Creek 36 a Jay Creek Goose Creek 3 Jay Creek Kosina Creek 8 -' Jay Creek Watana Creek 1 Jay Creek Tyone Lake 1 a Kosina Creek Kosi na Creek 124 Kosina Creek Deadman Creek 5 Kosina Creek Goose Creek 1 a Kosin a Creek Watana Creek 1 Kosina Creek Kosina Slough 1 Kosin a Slough Kosina Slough 1 M"JR, Kosina Slough Kosi na Creek 3 Kosina Slough Watana Creek 1 Watana Creek Watana Creek 16 - Deadman Creek Deadman Creek 7 Deadman Creek Kosina Creek 1 Deadman Creek Fog Creek 1 Deadman Creek Oshetna River 1 a Deadman Creek Tsusena Creek 1 Tsusena Creek Tsusena Creek 20 Tsusena Creek Oshetna River 1 a Tsusena Creek Jay Slough 1 """""' Tsusena Creek Kosina Creek 2 Tsusena Creek Watana Creek 1 ~ Fog Creek Fog Creek 3 Fog Creek Goose Creek 1 a 350 - 308 returned to same stream 42 changed streams a -through Vee Canyon - 84 ~ · Table 5-3-13. Arctic grayling population estimates by tributary habitat evaluation location, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Population a Grayling/ Grayling/ Location Estimate Mile Acre Oshetna River 2426 1103 56 r- Goose Creek 949 791 90 Jay Creek 1592 455 101 Kosina Creek 5544 1232 69 -~'~ Watana Creek 3925 324 44 Deadman Creek c 734 1835 273 -d Tsusena Creek 1000 Fog Creek d 176 440 -Totals 16,346 664 ,.-. a correction factor included. -b 95%. c Includes only that part of Deadman Creek below falls ,.... d 1981 estimates. - -- 85 falls is included. Insufficient data were obtained at Tsusena and Fog Creeks during 1982, so the 1981 population estimates have been used. {Actual data used for population estimates is listed in Table 5-3-14). Population estimates range from a low of 176 Arctic grayling in the Fog Creek habitat evaluation location to a high of 5,544 Arctic grayling in the Kosina Creek habitat evaluation location, with a total estimate of 16,346 for the eight major tributary habitat evaluation locations combined. Estimates of numbers of Arctic grayling per mile ranged from a low of 324 in Watana Creek to a high of 1,232 in Kosina Creek, with an average of 664 for the 24.5 miles of tributary waters to be impounded. - Densities ranged from 44 to 273 Arctic grayling per acre of stream. Population estimates were also calculated for each age class present in the sample. The capture/recapture probability for Arctic grayling Age IV and less was found to be significantly lower than for the older fish, Age V-IX (Table 5-3-15). A correction factor of 1.2951 was calculated based on the ratio of the sum of the population estimates for each age class versus the population estimate for all age classes combined. Spawning The first Arctic grayling were observed at the mouths of tributaries on May 13, 1982 but none were observed upstream until May 26, 1982. Surveys were not comprehensive, but spawning Arctic grayling were found in four locations; three pools at TRM 1.4, 1.2 and 0.1 on Kosina Creek, and one pool at TRM 2.1 on the Oshetna River. Characteristics of these pools were similar, including low water velocity, three to six foot 86 ,,- ~ - , .... -- ~ Table 5-3-14. Data used for Arctic grayling population estimates, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. No. No. No. Marked Recaptured Caught Stream Reach Jul~ (M) August (R) August (C) Oshetna River Pools 82 15 115 Riffles 184 16 108 Mouth 7 1 20 Goose Creek all 87 8 74 Jay Creek all 123 10 108 Kosina Creek Pools 209 32 337 Riffles 195 24 213 Mouth 73 13 82 Watana Creek East Fork 28 6 58 \~Jest Fork 73 13 82 Middle Section 61 8 68 Deadman Creek all 45 8 110 Tsusena Creek all 28 1 26 Fog Creek all 5 0 17 N = (M+1) (C+1) (R+1) 87 Table 5-3-15. Arctic grayling population estimates by age class, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. No. No. Recaptured Caught No. Marked in in in % August August Age Length (mm) July (M) R/M (R) (C) I {less than 175) 5 0 2 3.3 II {176-231) 86 3 82 III (232-278) 226 4.4 10 222 IV {279-307) 263 8.8 23 263 v (308-331) 321 13.7 44 342 VI (332-356) 204 23.5 48 270 VII ( 357-377) 81 19.8 16 107 N 1955 4602 2904 2454 1134 521 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII {378-399) 27 7 41 25.7 180 IX (more than 400) 8 2 8 13,750 Totals 1221 153 1337 10,617 total each age estimate = 13,750 = 1.2951 correction factor total estimate 10,617 88 ~! - - ~' .- - - depths, and a large area of small (sand to 111 gravel) substrate. Arctic grayling were also observed at this time in the tributaries below these pools, but none were found further upstream. Juveniles Juvenile Arctic grayling were observed in all of the eight major tribu'- taries sampled, both above and below the PIE. Scattered individuals and small schools (less than 25) were observed along the banks of the tributaries in side channels, backwater areas, pool edges and small sloughs. Characteristics of these areas were low water velocity, shallow (less than one foot) depth and abundant cover consisting of large rocks and vegetation. Large concentrations of juveniles were found early in the summer at tributary mouths and throughout the summer in clear water sloughs off the mainstem Susitna River just above and below Jay Creek at RM 208.7 and 208.1 and below Watana Creek at RM 193.5. These sloughs generally have springs as their source and period- ically are completely cut off from the Susitna. Dolly Varden Dolly Varden were found to be more widely distributed in the proposed impoundment areas than past studies have shown, with observations being made in Cheechako, Devil, Watana, Jay and upper Deadman Creeks. Habitat occupied by Dolly Varden in these streams varied significantly from that occupied by Arctic grayling, with most observations occurring in 11 plunge pool 11 type habitats. 89 ----------~·----------------------------------- i! A total of 16 Dolly Varden were captured. All were of the resident stunted or dwarf variety with lengths ranging from 120 mm to 205 mm (Plate 5-3-4). 3.2 Mainstem Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 3.2.1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations Mainstem Susitna River ·Aquatic Habitat investigations within the impoundment study area included general water quality data collection at designated sites~ mapping of general habitat characteristics at selected habitat evaluation sites~ and identification of slough habitats within the study area during 1982. Aerial surveys were conducted on the entire mainstem study reach to generally evaluate the habitat characteristics of this area. Time~ personnel constraints~ and study priorities did not permit a more in depth assessment of the mainstem habitat during 1982. General Characteristics of Mainstem Study Area The mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation location consists of the reach of the Susitna River within the impoundment study area (RM 152 to RM 239). This reach was divided into two study reaches corresponding to the proposed impoundment it was located in. The Devil Canyon study reach extends for 32 miles from the Devil Canyon dam site (RM 152.0) to the Watana dam site (RM 184.0) and has a gradient of approximately 18 feet/mi 1 e. The Watana study reach extends for 55 mi 1 es from 90 - - - - Plate 5-3-4 Male and female resident Dolly Varden found in Devil Creek. the Watana dam site (RM 184.0) to a point approximately five miles above the confluence of the Oshetna and Susitna Rivers (RM 239.0). The gradient in this study reach -is approximately 13 feet/mile. The stream channel in this reach is not as confined as in the Devil Canyon reach and often splits into two or more channels. Streamflow velocities are generally lower than those in the Devil Canyon reach. The seven mainstem sites where fish sampling was conducted were mapped to show the general characteristics of these sites. These maps are presented in Appendix Figures 5-D-2 to 5-D-8. The legend for these maps is presented in Appendix Figure 5-D-1. Water Quality Instantaneous water quality and air temperature data collected at all mainstem and slough sites are presented in Appendix Tables 5-C-18 to 5-C-27. Graphical representations of the range, mean and median values for each water qua 1 ity parameter for each habitat eva 1 uati on site are presented in Figures 5-3-2 to 5-3-7. Due to the 1 imited number of observations made at each site, and the variations in daily sampling times, a comparison of ranges, means and medians between sites is not valid. Therefore, these data only provide a general overview of the water quality characteristics of streams which were investigated. The lowest instantaneous surface water temperature recorded in the Susitna River was 0.1°C above Goose Creek on May 14, 1982, while the 92 - highest temperature of 13.6°C was observed above Jay Creek Slough on June 24t 1982 (Figure 5-3-2). Mainstem instantaneous dissolved oxygen concentrations ranged from 9.0 mg/1 above Fog Creek on August 15, 1982 to 13.5 mg/1 above Goose Creek on May 14t 1982 (Figure 5-3-3). Percent dissolved oxygen saturation values at Susitna River evaluation sites varied from 83% above Fog Creek to 105% above Goose and Watana Creeks (Figure 5-3-4). Observed pH values ranged from 6.6 above Goose Creek to 8.1 above Deadman Creek (Figure 5-3-5). Specific conductance observations at all mainstem Susitna River eval- uation sites ranged from 59 umhos/cm above the Oshetna River to 144 umhos/cm above Oshetna River (Figure 5-3-6). Turbidities for the mainstem varied considerably over the course of the sampling period and among sampling sites. Observed turbidities varied from 14 NTUs above Goose Creek on May 14, 1982 to 150 NTUs recorded above Watana Creek on August 16, 1982 and Tsusena Creek on July 26, 1982 (Figure 5-3-7). 93 Discharge Daily USGS provisional discharge data for the mainstem Susitna River at gaging station No. 15291500 near Cantwell (USGS 1982) was used to construct a corresponding Susitna River hydrograph (Figure 5-3-25). During the 1982 open water field season~ the minimum discharge, 1,400 cfs, occurred on May 1, 1982, while the maximum discharge, 24,100 cfs, occurred on June 21, 1982. Mean discharge for this peri ad was 12,400 cfs. Mainstem Slough Habitats Aquatic habitat investigations during the 1982 field season in the proposed impoundment areas have identified four major mainstem slough areas. These four areas are referred to as Watana Creek Slough (RM 193.5), Kosina Creek Slough (RM 205.6), Lower Jay Creek Slough (RM 208.1), and Upper Jay Creek Slough (RM 208.7). These sloughs are located in spring fed overflow channels adjacent to the mainstem Susitna River. Limited water quality data was collected only at Upper and Lower Jay Creek Sloughs and is presented in Appendix Tables 5-C-23 and 5-C-24. In addition to the slough areas identified in the field, six additional areas which may classify as mainstem slough habitats were identified from color aerial photos (scale 1~ = 2000•) of the proposed impoundment areas. Four of these sites are located 3-4 miles below the mouth of Fog Creek; one site is located approximately five miles below the mouth of Kosina Creek; and the last site is located approximately three miles 94 - ~\ - - 1,() c.n l . 1 -0 .... (,) If) 0 LLI (!) 0:: <( ::t: 0 (I) -0 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5/15 5/30 • l 6/15 6/30 7/15 7/30 DATE PROVISIONAL USGS 1982 DISCHARGE DATA 8/15 8/30 9/15 9/30 Figure 5-3-25. Susitna River hydrograph at Vee Canyon, RM 223.3 (USGS gaging station No. 15291500), from May 1 through September 30, 1982 (USGS 1982). j above the mouth of Jay Creek. These slough habitats have not been verified by ground surveys at present. 3.2.2 Resident Fisheries Investigations Burbot Distribution and Abundance Burbot (Lota lota L.) were captured at all of the seven mainstem habitat evaluation sites. One hundred and eighty-five trotline sampling days produced a total catch of 135 burbot. Burbot catches per trotline day ranged from 0.6 to 3.5 with the mean being 0.7. Table 5-3-16 lists the burbot catch and catch rates by mainstem site and month. Age, Length, Sex A subsample of 63 burbot were aged by otolith analysis. These fish ranged from age IV to age X. Age V was the dominant age class, compris- ing 43% of the sample (Figure 5-3-26). Lengths were taken from all burbot captured. Lengths ranged from 178 mm to 740 mm with the 350 mm to 450 mm burbot occurring most frequently (59%). The mean and median lengths were 438 mm and 415 mm respectively (Figure 5-3-27). 96 - -, - - - -Table 5-3-16. Burbot catch and catch per trotline day by mainstem site and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. - Mainstem Catch (numbers/(catch per trotline day) Site Max June Jul,l August SeEtember Total 1 --.----.--3/(0.8) 6/(1.5) 7/(1.8) 16(1.3) 2 --.--. 3/(0.8) 1/(0.3) 0/(0.0) 4/(0.3) 3 --.--8/(2.0) 3/(0.8) --.----.--11/(1.4) 3A --.----.----.--6/(1.5) 7/(1.8) 13/(1.6) 4 --.--5/(1.3) 10/(2.5) 7/(1.8) 2/(0.5) 24/(1.5) 5 --.--4/(1.0) 2/(0.5) 4/(1.0) 2/(0.5) 12/(0.8) Watana Creek Mouth 7/(3.5) 17/(0.6) 9/(0.3) 13/(0.4) 9/(0.4) 55/(0.5) Total 7/(3.5) 34/(0.8) 30/0.6) 37/(0.7) 27/(0.6) 135/(0.7) - 97 >. () c G) :J C' G) '-u. ~ IV v VI VII VIII IX X Age ( y rs) Figure 5-3-26. Burbot age-frequency composition. Proposed Impoundment Areas. 1982. 98 ~' ~t'l _, -1 - - ··~ .... 0 <300 326' 376 Figure 5-3-27. Burbot length Areas, 1982. c Gil CD E co ('I) .., 426 476 62f5 Length(mml 676 frequency composition, 99 mean ~438 n: 135 626 675 725 Proposed Impoundment - Of the sixty-three burbot that were examined for sex determination; 31 were males and 32 were females (Table 5-3-17). The age-length relation- ships shown in Figures 5-3-28 and 5-3-29 are ca1culated for the entire subsample and as a comparison between males and females. Tagging/Recapture Sixty-nine burbot were tagged at mainstem sites during 1982 studies, the majority at the Watana Creek site (Table 5-3-18). Three of these burbot were recaptured from 27-42 days later at their original point of tagging. Of the 23 burbot tagged during 1981 studies, four were recap- tured during 1982 studies. All were at large from 11-13 months and were captured at their original point of tagging. Longnose Sucker Distribution and Abundance Longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus Forster) were captured at four of the seven mainstem habitat sites. All of the 66 suckers were cap- tured by gillnets. The majority (53) were taken at the Watana Creek site. Longnose sucker catches by month and site are given in Table 5-3-19. 100 ~I - - -Table 5-3-17. Burbot age, length and sex frequency, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. "'""' Total No. Mean Range of Males Females Age Fish Sampled Length(mm) Lengths No./% No./% IV 10 361 330-385 6/60 4/40 v 27 388 290-445 12/44 15/56 I VI 14 444 340-540 7/50 7/50 VII 7 471 420-575 3/43 4/57 VIII 4 611 55-670 2/50 2/50 XI 0 X 1 675 1/100 0/0 Total 63 424 290-670 31/49 32/51 ,...., 101 - -E E ..c: -C'l c Q) _J I 250~.·~----~--~~--~-----r----~----~----~~------ Figure 5-3-28. IV v VI VII VIII IX X Age (yrs) Burbot age-length relationship, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. (" =mean, I = range) 102 - ~- - - .~ ,_ ' - ·- • X -E • E s: -a c G) _, • • X X ' X • • males x females IV v VI VII VIII IX X Age(yrs) Figure 5-3-29. Burbot age-length relationship, males vs. females, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 103 Table 5-3-18. Burbot tagged by mainstem site and month, Proposed ~' Impoundment Areas, 1982. - Mainstem Catch Site May June Juiy August Sept. Total ~· 1 3 5(1) 3 11 2 1 1 0 2 3 3 2 5 3A 5 3 8 ""' 4 1 8 2 0 11 5 3 4 1 2 10 ~l, Watana Creek 1 6 2(1) 9(1) 4 22 Mouth ~I Total 1 13 20 23 12 69 - • ~ - - ( ) number of recaptures - 104 ,- - - Table 5-3-19. Longnose sucker catches by mainstem site and month, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Mains tern Catch Site May June July August Sept. Total 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3A 2 0 2 4 0 0 7 0 7 5 0 0 4 0 4 Watana Creek 11 12 21 3 6 53 Mouth TOTAL 11 12 21 16 6 66 105 Age, Length, Sex DRAFT FIVE/3. 0 Lengths were taken from 58 longnose suckers. These lengths ranged from 210 mm to 495 mm with the 410 tm11 to 429 mm suckers occurring most frequently (31%) (Figure 5-3-30). Due to the limited sample size, no age or sex determinations were made. Spawning Longnose suckers in spawning condition were captured at the Watana Creek mainstem site during May and early June. By late June, all suckers sampled had already spawned. Tagging/Recapture Fifty longnose suckers were tagged during 1982 studies, the majority (41) at the Watana Creek mainstem site. Two of these fish were subse- quently recaptured at their original point of tagging. Of the 97 suckers tagged during 1981 studies, two were recaptured in 1982. Both were captured at their original point of tagging. Other Species In addition to burbot and longnose suckers, three other species of ~I resident fish were captured by gillnets at mainstem sites, including 21 - 106 17 16 15 1 ] mean:395 n; 58 < 200 210 230 260 270 290 310 330 360 370 390 . 410 430 460 470 490 Length ( mm} Figure 5-3-30. Longnose sucker length frequency compositi9n, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Arctic grayling, five· round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum Pallas) and one humpback whitefish (Coregonus pidschian). The grayling were captured throughout the summer at the Watana Creek mainstem site only. The single humpback whitefish was captured in July at RM 208.1. The ~' .fi~e round whitefish were captured at the Watana Creek mainstem site in - July and August and were all sexually mature and ·in a prespawning condition. 3.3 Lake Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 3.3.1 Aquatic Habitat Investigations Time and personnel constraints restricted lake sampling efforts to Sally Lake, the largest lake within the proposed impoundment boundaries, during 1982. Morphometric date for Sally Lake is presented in Table 5-3-20. A contour map of the lake is presented in Figure 5-3-31. Depth area and depth volume curves are presented in Figures 5-3-32 and 5-3-33, respectively. General Characteristics of Sally Lake Sally Lake, a clear, oligotrophic tundra lake, is situated on a plateau approximately two miles east of the mouth of Watana Creek at an ele- vation of 2025 feet (Plate 5-3-5). The lake is irregular in shape with a total surface area of 63 acres and a maximum depth of 27 feet. It appears to be spring-fed as there are no streams of significant size 108 - - ~I - """' ' - Table 5-3-20. Sally Lake morphometric data, 1982. Morphometric Parameter Surface area Volume Maximum depth Mean depth Shoreline length Maximum length/orientation, main axis Maximum width/orientation 109 Estimate 63 acres 736 acre-feet 27.0 feet 11.6 feet 10,450 feet 3,100 feet/NW-SE 950 feet/NE-SW 0 400 FEET DEPTH CONTOUR:FEET -SHORELINE CONTOUR LINES SALLY LAKE MORPHOMETRIC MAP AUGUST 18 and 19, 1982 Geographic Code: S32N07E29 Water Surface Area=63 Acres Lake Volume= 736 Ac:re·Feet ALASKA DEPT. OF FISH AND GAME SU HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES PROGRAM Figure 5-3-31. Sally Lake, morphometric map, GC S32N07E29. 110 rt!I'R", --G) G) .... -...... ::J: ...... 1--...... a.. LLJ 0 ) l SURFACE AREA {acres) 10 20 30 40 50 60 0---------L------~------~--------L-------~------~~-- 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 PERCENT SURFACE AREA Figure 5-3-32. Hypsographic (depth-area) curve of Sally Lake, GC S32N07E29, (August, 1982). VOLUME (acre-feet) 0 100 200 300 400 1500 600 800 8 12 ---Cl) Cl) ..... ...... :I: ...... .... 16 N 0.. IJJ a 20 24 28 0 10 3o 40 150 60 70 80 90 10 PERCENT VOLUME Figure 5-3-33. Depth-volume curve of Sally Lake, GC S32N07E29 (August, 1982). 1 1 - ..c .j..) ::3 0 Vl 0 .j..) ..c .j..) s... 0 s:: E 0 .s... 4- Q) -~ ttl _J >, r- ttl (/) 4- 0 3: Q) ...... > r- ttl s... Q) <( LO I M I LO Q) .j..) ttl a.. 113 ..... - - .... entering it. The lake drains from the north end into a stream which empties into Watana Creek approximately two miles away. The entire lake would be inundated by the proposed Watana Reservoir. The lake can be divided into two geomorphologically distinct areas. The southern end of the lake (approximately 20 acres) is a shallow bowl shaped basin with average depths of four feet. This is an area of relatively high littoral productivity and is characterized by extensive growths of submerged aquatic vegetation. Some emergent macrophytes are present near the shoreline areas. The northern section of the lake (approximately 40 acres) is in a deep V-shaped basin which slopes steeply from the shoreline resulting in a poorly developed littoral zone. Water depths toward the middle of this section are in excess of twenty feet. Submerged aquatic vegetation grows sporadically throughout the shallower depths of this area. Emergent macrophytes are limited to the littoral areas. Water Quality General water quality data were collected on a monthly basis at a site located at the west end of the lake. These data are presented in Appendix Table 5-C-28. Ranges of individual parameters are presented in Figures 5-3-2 through 5-3-7 . 114 ~I 3.3.2 Resident Fisheries Investigations Lake Trout Thirty-two 1 ake trout {Sa 1 vel inus namaycush Wal baum) were captured by - hook and line, hoop nets and gillnets at Sally Lake. Lengths ranged from 260 mm to 490 mm with the mean being 419 mm. No age or sex deter- minations were made with this limited sample size. Due to the high incidence of mortality associated with even the most minimal handling, only 20 of these lake trout were tagged. One tagged lake trout was subsequently recaptured, however this did not provide enough data to allow a viable population estimate. Arctic Grayling Forty-two Arctic grayling were captured by hook and line and hoop nets at Sally Lake. Lengths ranged from 220 mm to 325 mm with the mean being 263 mm. No age or sex determinations were made with this limited sample size. Thirty-five grayling were tagged of which two were subsequently re- captured. No population estimate was made due to the insufficient recapture data. 115 - - - - 4. DISCUSSION 4.1 Tributary Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 4.1.1 Water Quality Instantaneous \1ater Quality Ranges of water quality parameters monitored in tributaries in the proposed impoundment areas during 1982 are comparable to values observed during.the 1981 season (ADF&G 1982b). With the exception of turbidity levels, no major differences are apparent in the water quality among tributary sampling sites. Preliminary water quality data collected above the PIE of selected tributaries indicates that there is no sig- nificant difference in water quality above and below the PIE. Of the water quality parameters which were monitored, only turbidity appeared that it might influence the distribution and abundance of fish among and within tributaries. Turbidity levels in most tributaries remained relatively low during the open water season. Arctic grayling were found throughout these clearwater habitats and were generally not found in the turbid water of the mainstem Susitna River. Other fish species such as sucker, burbot and whitefish, which are present in most turbid water areas, were not generally found to reside in the clearwater tributaries. These preferences in habitat may be associated with differences in turbidity levels between mainstem and tributary habitats. 116 Relatively high turbidity levels were recorded in the lower reaches of Watana Creek during most of the sampling season. These turbid water conditions, resulting from melting permafrost in upstream areas, reduced the effectiveness of hook and line sampling for Arctic grayling. The low catch rates associated with these turbid water conditions resulted in the suspension of grayling sampling efforts in this area. It is unknown whether these low catch rates are attributable to the ineffec- tiveness of the sampling technique or a reduced population of grayling due to the turbid water environment. Continuous Surface Water Temperatures Lowest mean monthly surface water temperatures during most of the 1982 open water fie1d season occurred in Tsusena Creek. These lower tempera- tures may partially explain why few fish were captured from this stream during the field season. low surface water temperatures may reduce catch per unit effort and may also be a contributing factor for the seemingly low populations of grayling in this stream. As expected, the degree of fluctuation in diel and seasonal water temperatures was found to be partia1ly dependent upon volume and depth of water among streams. In streams with low discharge, such as Goose Creek, diel and seasonal surface water temperature fluctuations are relative1y large when compared with the buffered temperature patterns of a larger volume, deeper stream such as the Oshetna River. Stream surface water temperatures in the study area may also be significantly - ''''" - affected by contributing lakes, glaciers, residual snowpacks, local -, precipitation and topography. 117 - - - 4.1.2 Discharge Discharge was measured twice, once during August and once during Sep- tember, in selected tributaries above Devil Canyon. In all tributaries, discharge was 1 ower during August than it was during September. This was most likely the result of lower precipitation levels which occurred during August (2.29 inches) then during September (3.97 inches) (R&M Consultants, 1982). In addition, the mean discharge of the Susitna River for August, 1982 was determined to be 66% of the mean historical August discharge for the years 1962 through 1972 and 1980 through 1982, inclusive (USGS 1978, 1980, 1981 in press, and 1982 provisional data in press). Thus discharges measured in tributaries during August, 1982 may also be considerably lower than the historical August mean discharge for these tributaries. If this is true, the discharges obtained in the tributaries during August may be considered as a good estimate of the August base flows of these tributaries. September stream discharge levels increased in a 11 tributaries over levels recorded during the August sampling period. Percent increase of discharge ranged from 14% in Fog Creek to 143% in Watana Creek. The variable degree of percent increase among streams measured can be attributed to the timing of individual stream sampling during the period (Table 5-3-3) and differential stream runoff resulting from the locali- zed precipitation falling within the impoundment areas (R&M Consultants, 1982). Generally, September stream discharges taken later in the sampling peri ad had a higher percent increase over their August dis- 118 charge measurements than those taken earlier in September. This was due mainly to increased precipitation over the duration of the September sampling period. A review of preliminary discharge data for the Susitna River indicates that these data can be used to determine relative changes in tributary discharge. The hydrograph of the Susitna River at RM 233 (Figure 5-3-25) shows that the discharge of the Susitna River was declining when the low discharge levels were recorded at the tributary sites duri119 August. In addition, the fluctuations shown on the Susitna River hydrograph during the period which parallels the September tributary discharge sampling period corresponds to the increase of the September tributary measurements over the August measurements. The large percent increase in stream discharges recorded in Goose, Jay and Watana Creeks, were taken at a corresponding peak or on a rising arm of the Susitna River hydrograph, while small discharge increases recorded in Fog and Tsusena Creeks were taken at a corresponding low point. Stage/discharge relationships on tributaries above Devil Canyon need to be further evaluated to more accurately define the relationship of these streams to the mainstem Susitna River and to estimate their individual contribution to the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana Reservoirs. Low discharge 1 eve 1 s can contribute to hook and 1 i ne sampling success by: 1) increasing the proportion of stream accessible to sampling; 2) concentrating fish in a reduced number of deeper areas; 3) decreasing overall stream velocities; and 4) in some cases, reducing stream tur- bidities. 119 - - - - - - - - Hook and line sampling success for Arctic grayling was generally higher during low discharge periods than during high discharge periods during 1982. However, the poor sampling efficiency of hook and line techniques for the younger age class grayling, precluded an accurate assessment of the abundance and distribution of these age classes. Therefore, it is unknown if the decrease in utilizable habitat resulting from decreased discharge, combined with the territorial nature of the Arctic grayling (Vascotto and Morrow 1973), cause increased displacement of the smaller, less territorial grayling during these periods. Younger age class grayling displaced into submarginal habitat during low flow periods, may be more susceptible to disease and predation, possibly affecting year class strength. 4.1.3 Stream Gradient A review of the general habitat characteristics of tributaries within the impoundment study area indicates that stream gradient appears to be the most important topographical feature affecting the lotic habitats. Other stream characteristics, including channel morphology, water velocities and substrate type are directly influenced by stream gra- dient. High gradient streams in the impoundment study areas generally have larger substrates, more narrow and shallow stream channels, higher water velocities and are more likely to contain fish passage barriers than low gradient streams. An evaluation of the gradient of individual streams indicates that there is 1 relatively little change in gradient between the reach of stream 120 below the PIE and a five mile reach immediately above the' PIE on most streams. Accordingly, the habitat of these individual tributary reaches is also similar except for obvious habitat differences due to changes in gradient which occur within Deadman and Kosina Creek above and below the PIE. The greatest difference in stream gradient above and below the PIE, along with the greatest change in habitat, occurs in Deadman Creek. The stream abruptly changes from a meandering, low gradient (62 feet/mile), relatively slow flowing, wide, deep stream with many pools above the PIE to a high gradient (253 feet/mile) stream characterized by high velocity whitewater areas with very few pool areas below the PIE. The low gradient section above the PIE supports some of the largest grayling in the impoundment study area, while the habitat below is more suited for the smaller, younger age classes of grayling. Kosina Creek, unlike Deadman Creek, has no abrupt change in stream gradient but does have substantial habitat differences in the stream reaches above and below the PIE due to an inconspicuous change in gradient pattern. The section of Kosina Creek from five miles above the PIE downstream td the PIE is characterized by a constant increase in stream gradient resulting in a uniform riffle type habitat interspersed with a few shallow pools. The contrasting, step-like, decreasing stream gradient below the PIE to the mouth results in an alternating pool/ riffle pattern of habitat types. Large deep pools are formed in the low gradient sections while riffle areas dominate the higher gradient reaches. This diversity in the habitat below the PIE probably provides the best overall grayling habitat within the impoundment study area. 121 - - - .... Stream gradient below the PIE, along with impoundment pool elevation and tributary mouth elevation will determine the extent to which an individual stream will be inundated by the proposed reservoirs. Since pool levels of the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana impoundments will annual.ly vary 28 and 105 feet respectively, a drawdown zone of varying size will occur around the perimeter of each reservoir. This area will be in a constant state of flux between flooding and dewatering depending upon seasonal fluctuations in reservoir water levels. The length of a tributary stream affected by the drawdown zone will depend on the depth of the drawdown and the tributary reach gradient within the elevation limits of the drawdown. Affected tributary lengths within the proposed Watana impoundment wi 11 be 1 anger than those in the proposed De vi 1 Canyon reservoir because of deeper drawdowns and the 1 ower avera 11 stream gradients of tributaries associated with the. proposed Watana impoundment. Grayling eggs spawned within the reservoir drawdown zones in early spring, when pool levels are rising, may be adversely affected by the flooding of this habitat. Conversely, whitefish and burbot eggs spawned during the autumn and winter months of the year may be dessicated due to receding reservoir water levels during this period . 4.1.4 Fish Passage Barriers Several existing or potential fish passage barriers (waterfalls or stream velocity barriers) have been identified both above and below the PIE within the proposed impoundment study area. Existing waterfalls I 122 which constitute a barrier to upstream fish migration have been identi- fied in the steeper, more narrow sections of Cheechako, Chinook, Devil, Tsusena and Deadman Creeks. A small falls.on Watana Creek may also limit upstream movement of fish. Areas where possible fish passage barriers may occur due to high stream velocities have been identified on Cheechako, Chi nook, Fog and Jay Creeks. Some of these high stream velocity areas may only be temporary barriers during periods of high discharge. The locations of these barriers are presented by TRM in the respective tributary reach maps in Appendix 5B. These barriers are also shown in relation to their overall stream gradient in Figure 5.3.1. The exact 1 ocati on of the numerous barriers in Cheechako and Chi nook Creek were not documented during 1982. Further investigations will be conducted on these streams during 1983 to document the location and extent of present barriers. The only complete barrier to upstream fish migration identified below the PIE is the approximately 100 foot waterfall located on Deadman Creek at TRM 0.6 (Figure 5-B-6). The proposed Watana impoundment would permanently inundate the falls and allow fish migration between the upper areas of Deadman Creek, Deadman Lake and the Susitna River. A population of relatively large grayling presently exists in the reach of Deadman Creek immediately above the falls. If fish from the Susitna River gain access to the habitat above the falls it may have an adverse effect on the large grayling above the falls due to increased competi- tion. This could result in a gradual reduction of the age class struc- ture and size of grayling in this area. 123 - - - - .,..., - High waterfalls exist above the PIE on Devil and Tsusena Creeks at TRM 2.1 and 3.1, respectively (Figures 5-B-3 and 5-B-5). These falls will, not be inundated by the proposed Devi 1 Canyon impoundment, therefore 1 imiting the amount of stream habitat available to Susitna River fish utilizing the lower reaches of these streams. The length of free-flow- ing stream habitat which would be accessible to Susitna River fish will be reduced 71 and 13 percent on Devil and Tsusena Creeks, respectively. This would leave 0.6 and 2.7 miles of stream accessible to Susitna River fish on Devil and Tsusena Creeks, respectively. Aerial surveys on Devil Creek revealed that fish species, probably Arctic grayling, are present above the falls. It is not known if fish are present above the falls on Tsusena Creek. Preliminary aerial surveys of Cheechako and Chinook Creeks indicate that several possible fish passage barriers, both waterfalls and stream velocity barriers, may exist in the steep, extensive whitewater reaches of each stream above and below the PIE. Although some of these barriers would be inundated by, the proposed Devil Canyon impoundment, several barriers to fish passage may still exist immediately above the PIE on each stream. It was not determined if fish are present in the upper reaches of these streams. Therefore, the affects of the inundation of these barriers on the resident fish populations are not known . A small waterfall located in the east fork of Watana Creek at TRM 9.4 (Figure 5-B-7), may be a periodic fish passage barrier depending upon discharge. Grayling were found above this falls during the summer when 124 discharge was relatively low. However, the falls appeared to be a barrier to upstream fish migration at this time. It is possible that these fish may be permanent residents in the a rea above the fa 11 s or they may have ascended the falls during a period when discharge would permit upstream migration beyond the falls. Possible fish passage velocity barriers in Fog Creek are restricted to the turbulent, whitewater areas located within a steep, narrow canyon above the PIE at TRM 2.7 (Figure 5-B-4). It is not known if fish in the lower reach of this stream have access to the habitat above this canyon. Although grayling and Dolly Varden have been found above the canyon in the Fog Lakes system, these fish are probably part of a resident lake population and their presence above the canyon does not necessarily indicate that Susitna River fish are able to migrate above the canyon. A deep, narrow canyon immediately above the PIE on Jay Creek at TR~1 3.8 (Figure 5-B-9) may inhibit upstream movement of fish during periods of high stream velocities resulting from high discharge. This condition was observed by ADF&G personnel during 1981 when no fish were observed in this area. However, adult grayling were sighted above this canyon during this year•s study indicating that the canyon is not a permanent - - - barrier to all fish. Since there are no apparent overwintering habitat - areas for grayling within the Jay Creek basin, these sightings indicate that the apparent velocity barriers in the canyon identified in 1981 are not permanent and that Susitna River fish at least have periodic access to the reach of stream above the canyon. 125 - - - No other apparent barriers to fish migration were identified on those portions of tri but aries in the proposed impoundment study areas which were surveyed during the 1982 season. 4.1.5 Salmon Spawning Habitat Cheechako and Chinook Creeks, located within lower Devil Canyon are the only two tributaries within the proposed impoundment areas that are presently known to be utilized by spawning salmon. Studies conducted by ADF&G during 1981 and 1982 indicate that salmon do not have access to areas above Devil Canyon (ADF&G 1981b, 1983b). The constricting river channel of Devil Canyon apparently creates velocity barriers to salmon which inhibit further upstream migration of these fish. Salmon in the Susitna River have presently been documented as far upstream as RM 157.0. The best salmon spawning habitat on either of these streams was located in the clearwater plume of Cheechako Creek which extended downstream of its mouth into the Susitna River. This area, approximately 60 feet long and 10 feet wide, provided good, although limited salmon spawning habitat. Substrate consisted mainly of gravel and streamflow velocities were moderate. Limited numbers of chinook salmon utilized this habitat for spawning during late summer. Preliminary surveys on Cheechako and Chinook Creeks indicate that salmon utilize only a small portion of the habitat above the mouth. Most of the lower reach on each of these streams is characterized by turbulent, 126 high velocity whitewater areas and spawning habitat appears to be limited. Access to upper reaches of the stream is limited due to fish passage barriers which result from the steep gradients in this area. Additional information on salmon utilizing these streams is presented in the ADF&G Adult Anadromous Report (1983b). During construction of the Watana Dam at RM 184.0, river velocities in the Devil Canyon area are expected to decrease sufficiently to allow salmon to migrate upstream of Devil Canyon (Acres 1982). Adult salmon will subsequently have access to Devil, Fog and Tsusena Creeks. Of these three streams, Fog Creek has the greatest potential for providing new salmon spawning habitat. The Fog Lakes system may support a large number of sockeye and coho salmon fry if adults are able to gain access into this area. Salmon spawning habitat on Tsusena and Devil Creek is - more 1 imited. 4.1.6 Arctic Grayling Population Estimates During the course of the 1982 Aquatic Studies, biases and assumptions relating to tha population estimates of Arctic grayling were identified. These biases fall into two general categories, those caused by behavior or other attributes of the biology of the fish and those caused by the sampling technique. Table 5-4-1 lists the major biases. The major bias associated with the behavior and biology of Arctic grayling, and probably the largest bias in the population estimate, is 127 - - heterogeneity, the variance in individual capture probabilities. The smaller fish (less than 300 mm) have a much smaller probability of capture than the larger fish. One reason for this is that hook and line methods are more selective for the larger fish. Another closely related reason is an aspect of Arctic grayling behavior, strong territoriality. The largest and strongest fish occupy the most advantageous positions at the head of the pool while the smaller fish are pushed farther down- stream to the extreme foot of the pool or even out of the pool (Morrow 1980). Our observations confirm this and, additionally, have found that the larger grayling in each area are caught first, raising the probabil- ity of recapture for larger fish even more. This bias tends to greatly underestimate the population estimates for the sma 11 er age classes. Therefore, by stratifying our data as to age class, a relative correc- tion factor based on this bias was calculated and ~pplied to the popula- tion estimates, as the age class structures of thel eight tributaries is I similar. This alleviates most of the bias for age classes with a sufficient sample size. A method to sample all segments of the popula- tion sufficiently to assign probabilities of capture and recapture to the Age IV and under grayling will be required if this portion of the population is to be included in the overall estimates. 128 Table 5-4-1. Biases,.corrections and assumptions which affect the 1982 Arctic grayling population estimates, Proposed Impound- ment Areas, 1982. Bias: C"'"rrect ion: Assumption: Bias: Correction: Assumption: Bias: CO'rrect ion: Assumption: Bias: Correction: Assumption: Lack of randomness of mark or recapture effort. Stratification of habitat location by habitat type. Random mark and recapture effort. Unequa 1 recapture probability due to time between census- ing. Use of single census estimator. Time does not affect recapture probability. Population is open geographically. Use of July and August data only; period of minimal movement. Population is closed geographically. Heterogeneity; variance in the probability of capture and recapture between age classes. Stratification by age class for entire population, develop correction factor for populations. Population estimates limited to Age IV and older fish due only to insufficient sample sizes of smaller fish. One of the sampling technique biases concerns time between censusing. Varying environmental factors such as temperature, turbidity and flows may alter the probabilities of recapture. By using a single census estimator as opposed to a multiple census estimator, these variances can be reduced. Minimal variations in flow and turbidity were encountered during censusing in July and August and temperatures were similar, all being in the normal summer range. No differences in capture probability versus temperatures in the normal range have been observed. Time also affects the degree to which the Arctic grayling population is open or closed geographically. Tag return data shows maximum movement, both within and between streams, occurs during May and June as Arctic - fill@, ~. grayling are entering the tributaries and in September when they are out - 129 ~- - - -· migrating. By using data from July and August, the period of minimal movement, this bias is also greatly reduced. Another of the sampling technique biases is lack of randomness of mark and recapture effort which affects the probabi 1 ity of recapture. More effort was expended in areas suspected of harboring high densities of Arctic grayling (pool habitat) as opposed to areas suspected of harbor- ing few fish (riffle habitat). This tends to raise the recapture probability in the pool habitat which in turn lowers the total popula- tion estimate of pools and inversely, lowers the recapture probability in the riffle habitat, which raises the total population estimate. Therefore, by stratifying the habitat location into pool and riffle habitat types, the amount of this bias is reduced. However, some bias may still occur between strata due to non-random differences in sampling effort. Sampling problems associated with the individual tributary habitat evaluation locations which bias the population estimates are discussed on a stream by stream basis along with the estimates generated and their relative accuracy. 130 Oshetna River The Oshetna River, one of the two largest tributaries. in the proposed impoundment areas, presented sampling problems due to its size. Strati- fication of the river into pool and riffle habitat types allowed all seven of the pools (all located along the east bank) to be sampled in their entirety. Sampling was conducted from both banks, however, due to the width (100-125 feet) of the stream, sampling of the entire riffle reaches was not possible. The relatively low gradient (41 feet/mile) and the presence of numerous boulders in midstream allow for abundant areas of utilizable habitat that are outside hook and 1 ine effective sarnpl ing range. The average depth of 3-5 feet combined with the higher flows in the riffle reaches also reduces hook and line effectiveness. For these reasons, the population estimate generated for the riffle reaches reflect the abso- lute minimum, which in turn means the total population estimate for the ~· Oshetna River should be regarded as being substantially low. Population estimates for the 2.2 miles of the Oshetna River to be impounded are: Arctic grayling population estimate = 2426 95% Confidence interval = 1483-4085 Arctic grayling/mile= 1103 Arctic grayling/acre= 56 (pools = 1759, riffles = 36) 131 - ~' - .... - Goose Creek Goose· Creek, one of the smaller streams· in the proposed impoundment areas, presented few sampling problems. With a width of 30-50 feet and an average depth of 2-3 feet, the entire stream could be sampled effec- tively from either bank. High velocities in some riffle reaches, associated with Goose Creeks relatively steep gradient (114 feet/mile), slightly lowered sampling efficiency, but for the majority of the stream this was not a problem. No stratification of the stream into pool and riffle habitat types was deemed necessary as clear delineation between the two types was impossible. Since the entire stream was of a similar habitat type, index points were chosen and data was kept for the reaches between these points. Catches and catch rates were similar between the index reaches. For these reasons, population estimates generated for Goose Creek should be regarded as accurate. Population estimates for the 1.2 miles of Goose Creek to be impounded are: Arctic grayling population estimate= 949 95% Confidence interval = 509-1943 Arctic grayling/mile = 791 Arctic grayling/acre= 90 132 Jay Creek Jay Creek, the smallest stream studied in the proposed impoundment areas presented few sampling problems. With a width of 30-50 feet and average - depths of 2-3 feet, the entire stream could be effectively sampled from - either bank. A gradient of 143 feet/mi 1 e and the resultant higher velocity lowered the efficiency in sampling some of the pocket water habitat. Extreme fluctuations in turbidity, common in this stream, also 1 owe red sampling ef~fi ci ency. No stratification by habitat types could be accomplished as even minimal fluctuations in discharge would alter an areas classification. Index points were chosen and data was kept for the reaches between these points. Catches and catch rates were compar- able between the index reaches. For these reasons, population estimates generated for Jay Creek should be regarded as being slightly low. Population estimates for the 3.5 miles of Jay Creek to be impounded are: Arctic grayling population estimate = 1592 95% Confidence interval = 903-3071 Arctic grayling/mile = 455 Arctic grayling/acre= 101 133 - - - Kosina Creek Kosina Creek, one of the two largest tributaries in the proposed im- poundment areas, presented numerous sampling problems. With an average width of 125-150 feet, much of the stream could not be sampled. Average depths of 3-6 feet and high flows associated with a relatively steep gradient (114 feet/mile) combined to further lower our sampling effec- tiveness. Sampling could only be conducted from the west bank as much of the east bank is sheer rock cliffs. The stream is also braided with numerous large islands and sidechannel s. Stratification by pool and riffle habitat type was deemed necessary and easily accompli shed. Pool areas are easily distinguished fr0m riffle areas in this stream based on flow and area. The pools are extremely large, in some cases reaching completely across the stream channel. Effective sampling of the entire pool area was not always possible. For these reasons, the population estimate generated for both the riffle and pool areas of Kosina Creek should be regarded as being the absolute minimum, with the correct estimate possibly being many factors higher. Population estimates for the 4.5 miles of Kosina Creek to be impounded are: Arctic grayling population estimate= 5544 95% Confidence interval = 3792-8543 Arctic grayling/mile = 1232 Arctic grayling/acre = 69 134 (pools = 2985, riffles = 28, mouth =770) Watana Creek Watana Creek, the stream with the longest reach to be inundated by the proposed impoundment (11.9 mi1es), presented sampling problems associ- ated with this length. As it was not feasible to sample this entire reach, vi sua 1 surveys were conducted and based on width, depth, poo 1 I riffle ratios and turbidity, three distinct habitat reaches were identi- fied: from the mouth upstream to the forks, the East Fork and the West Fork. By sampling representative sections of each habitat reach, the corresponding popu1ation estimate generated could be extrapolated to the entire reach. Limited sampling conducted outside the study areas produced comparable catches and catch rates. Widths ranging from 40-60 feet and depths from 2-4 feet allow effective sampling from both banks. The East Fork and the reach of Watana Creek below the Forks has the unique characteristic of dai1y turbidity fluctu- ations caused by areas of thawing permafrost resulting in very unstable soil conditions. As the day progresses, rising turbidity levels greatly reduce sampling effectiveness. Velocities have 1 ittl e effect on sam- pling effectiveness as Watana Creek has a low gradient (60 feet/mile} and velocities are relatively low. For these reasons, the population estimate generated for the West Fork (2.1 miles, low turbidity) should be regarded as accurate, while the East Fork and the reach below the Forks (9.8 miles, high turbidity) should be regarded as being quite low. Therefore, Watana Creeks total population estimate should be regarded as being quite low. 135 - - - - Population estimates for the 11.9 miles of Watana Creek to be inundated are: Arctic grayling population estimates = 3925 (Below forks = 2615, West Fork = 994, East Fork = 316) 95% Confidence interval = 1880-6973 Arctic grayling/mile= 324 Arctic grayling/acre = 44 136 Deadman Creek Deadman Creek, an average sized stream relative to the other streams in the proposed impoundment areas, presented sampling problems due to its size and gradient. Thick underbrush and rock cliffs on the west bank allowed sampling from the east bank only. With an average width of 60-80 feet and depth of 3-6 feet, the entire stream cannot be effective- ly sampled from one bank. Extremely high velocities and turbulent water conditions, the result of the steep gradient (253 feet/mile), also limits hook and line effectiveness. The Arctic grayling are limited to ~ one large pool and scattered pocket water areas. Also, during August, the majority of our catch (approximately 90%) was of small Arctic grayling (less than 275 mm) that were not present in the stream in these numbers during July. Recapture information from 1981 and 1982 indicate a significant amount of migration both into and out of Deadman Creek occurs throughout the summer. For this reason, the population estimate generated for Deadman Creek should be regarded as being high. Population estimates for the 0.3 mile study area on Deadman Creek below the fa 11 s are: Arctic grayling population estimates = 734 95% Confidence interval = 394-1502 Arctic grayling/mile= 1835 Arctic grayling/acre= 273 137 - I""'" Tsusena Creek Tsusena Creek, another average sized stream relative to the other streams in the proposed impoundment areas, presented few sampling problems. Although excellent habitat is present within the 0.4 miles of stream to be impounded, few Arctic gray1ing utilize this area. Almost all of the Arctic gray1ing are found at the mouth and in the extensive clearwater plume extending down the Susitna River. Both of these areas can be sampled effectively in their entirety. This year, with the low discharges, the plume was greatly reduced in size and depth and few fish were captured. With only one recapture occurring, a population estimate could not be generated. Fog Creek Fog Creek, another average sized stream in the proposed impoundment areas, presented few sampling prob1ems. With an average width of 50-70 feet and depth of 2-3 feet, the stream could be effectively sampled from either bank. The entire reach sampled contained no large pools and is basica1ly one long riffle. Very little Arctic grayl·ing habitat is present which is reflected by the total summer catch of 25 Arctic grayling. With this small of a sample, a population estimate could not be generated. 138 The 1982 total population estimate for Arctic grayling in the 24.6 miles of major tributary streams to be impounded is 1.6 times higher than the 1981 estimate (16,346 vs. 10,279). Although, the 1981 estimate gave a good preliminary indication of the relative abundance of Arctic gray- ling, the estimate itself contained many of the biases previously dis- cussed which have been eliminated from the 1982 estimate. The 1982 estimates generally encompass a larger area of each stream and more effort than the 1981 est·imates. For example, in 1981, the first mile of Kosina Creek was sampled in its entirety and the upper 3.5 miles was sampled only at selected sites. The population estimate generated by this data (2,787) was applied to the entire 4.5 miles. In 1982, the entire 4.5 miles was sampled and the population estimate of 5,544 reflects this increased effort. For this reason, many of the 1982 estimates are higher than the 1981 estimates. In 1981, 1 arge concentrations of grayling were found at the mouths of Goose, Deadman, and Tsusena Creeks, where the high water levels of the Susitna and the tributaries created large areas of prime habitat. The low water levels encountered in 1981 reduced and, at times, completely eliminated this habitat, resulting in lower catches and lower estimates. Table 5-4-2 compares the 1981 and 1982 total population estimates and estimates by stream. 139 - - - - - ,. .. -! - - - - Table 5-4-2. Arctic grayling population estimates, 1981 versus 1982, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. Tributary 1981 1982 Oshetna 2017 2426 Goose 1327 949 Jay 1089 1592 Kosina 2787 5544 ~Jatana 3925 Deadman 979 734 Tsusena 1000 Fog 176 Total Estimate 10,279 16,346 The values generated for population estimates (numbers/mile) are reflec- tive of the relative abundance of Arctic grayling in the stream and can be used in this sense as a relative comparison between streams. They do not take into account the surface area of the stream and, therefore, cannot be used alone to compare the streams. Examination of the density of fish expressed as numbers per unit area of streambed available may provide an indication of habitat quality and availability. For example, the Arctic grayling/mile values generated for Kosina and Jay Creeks of 1,232/mile and 455/mile, respectively, can be compared as to the rela- tive abundance of Arctic gray1ing in the two streams. This does not take into account the fact that the average width of Kosina Creek is four times larger than Jay Creek (146 feet vs. 37 feet). Therefore, when the surface area is taken into account, the density of Arctic grayling in Jay Creek is 1.5 times that of Kosina (101/acre vs. 69/- acre). Although Kosina Creek has the large pools with excellent 140 habitat, this lower density is indicative of the large reaches of poor habitat in the riffles. Inversely, Jay Creek does not have the large pools that Kosina Creek has but instead has a larger proportion of bank cover and 11 edge 11 conditions which contribute to this higher density. 4.1.7 Arctic Grayling Spawning and Juveniles In 1982, the majority of spawning occurred during 1 ate May and early June, about two weeks later than in 1981. This corresponds with a two week difference in breakup which reflects that water temperatures and spring flooding may be key factors in initiating Arctic grayling spawn- ing. Spent and spawning grayling were captured in streams where water temperatures ranged from 2.3°C to 5.8°C. This coincides with the findings of Tack (1973) and Alt (1976) who feel that temperatures around 4°C trigger Arctic grayling spawning in interior and western Alaska. Observations of the violent nature of ice-out in 1982 in these tributa- ries indicate that it is very doubtful that Arctic grayling enter the streams and spawn before ice-out. Newly hatched Arctic grayling (20-30 mm) were first observed in mid June and were found both above and below the PIE. Although no Arctic gray- 1 ing were observed above the PIE whi 1 e spawning was occurring, the presence of newly hatched fish in these areas would tend to confirm that spawning does take place there. Small schools (less than 25) of young of the year Arctic grayling were - - - ~· observed in the tributaries throughout the summer, from the mouth to the - 141 - - I - - ,..., ' - upstream limit of our studies. They frequently occupied areas of low water velocity with abundant cover. Large concentrations of both newly hatched and young of the year Arctic grayling were observed in mainstem slough areas immediately below the mouth of Jay, Kosina and Watana Creeks. The presence of young of the year Arctic grayling can be attributed to the fact that the sloughs are a 11 spring fed and are excellent rearing habitat. These sloughs are generally sidechannels of the Susitna River during May and early June. Although spawning may occur here, the presence of newly hatched Arctic grayling may be because juvenile Arctic grayling are helpless in water currents for two weeks after hatching (Nelson, 1954) and probably have been washed down from the tributaries. 4.1.8 Arctic Grayling Migration Through analysis of tagging/recapture data, it appears that the majority of Arctic grayling return to the same stream year after year, in many cases returning to the same specific area within the stream. A sma 11 but significant number (12% of the 1982 recaptures of 1981 tagged fish) have been found to migrate to the other streams within the impoundment areas. This migration seems to be random in direction as similar numbers of fish migrate to other streams both up and down the Susitna River. Interstream movement of Arctic grayling during the 1982 sampling season differs from that found between years with the predominant direction of movement (90% of the recaptured fish) being down the Susitna River. The 142 majority of these fish were recaptured at the mouths of other tributary streams, so the total extent of this movement may be even larger. The reasons for these interstream movements are not known at this time. Territorial displacement may be a major factor, suggesting that the population is limited by available summer habitat. Continued sampling for recaptures both within and outside the proposed impoundment areas will help determine the actual extent of these movements. Intrastream migration is generally a seasonal event. After spawning in late May, a large number of Arctic grayling move up the tributaries to their summer habitat. During mid-summer, movement of Arctic grayling is at a minimum with the majority of the fish being sedentary. Final1y, an outmigration of Arctic grayling begins in late-August or September. This migration was observed earliest in the sma1ler streams. Extremes of physical factors (i.e., 1 ate breakup, discharge, temperatures) may alter this basic time schedule, but the pattern of mainstem to tributary and intrastream movement has remained the same. 4.2 Mainstem Habitat and Fisheries Investigations 4.2.1 Water Quality Ranges of water qua1ity parameters monitored at Susitna River mainstem sampling sites during 1982 are comparable to values observed during the 1981 season {ADF&G 1982b). No major differences are apparent in the range of water quality parameters among the various sampling sites. 143 - - ~L - - - Of the water quality parameters-monitored, only turbidity appeared to influence the seasonal distribution and abundance of fish species in the mainstem. High turbidity values in the mainstem during the warmer months may have selectively excluded some fish species such as Arctic grayling which prefer to reside in the clear water tributaries (Tack 1980). However, it is generally assumed that grayling utilize the mainstem habitat for overwintering when turbidity levels have decreased significantly. 4.2.2 Mainstem Slough Habitats Mainstem slough habitats in the proposed impoundment areas are relative- ly small compared to available slough habitats in the Susitna River below Devil Canyon. They generally flow clear except during periods of high water when they are affected by the turbid flow of the Susitna River. Water quality data collected at slough sites during 1982 was 1 imited to Upper and Lower Jay Creek Slough. These data show that conductivity levels are significantly higher in these slough habitats compared to levels in the mainstem or tributaries indicating that they are probably spring fed (Appendix 5C, Tables 1-27). Preliminary investigations indicate that these sloughs appear to be a commonly utilized habitat of resident juvenile fish in the area. Juvenile Arctic grayling, sucker, and whitef5sh have been found to utilize these sloughs during the summer months. A juvenile burbot was also found in Upper Jay Creek slough on one occasion. Few adult fish have been observed in these slough habitats. 144 4.2.3 Resident Fish Species One element of the 1981 Plan of Study for the mainstem habitat location was to identify and determine the relative abundance of the fish species that inhabit the mainstem Susitna River at the tributary mouths. In - 1982, the allocation of a riverboat to the impoundment studies greatly increased sampling mobility. An attempt was made to document the relative abundance of species which utilize those areas of the Susitna River not affected by the tributaries. This was accomplished by select- ing mainstem sites away from the tributary mouths and utilizing trot- lines and gillnets. Five species of fish were captured including burbot, 1 ongnose sucker, Arctic grayling, rocmd whitefish and humpback whitefish. Burbot could be captured at almost any point along the banks of the Susitna River. The major limiting factor was water velocity, with the burbot preferring the low velocity areas associated with back eddies and side channels. Limited recapture information tend to confirm findings of Morrow (1980) that these fish generally are sedentary and do not migrate during the summer months. · Longnose suckers were captured in the mainstem Susitna River in large pools and at the mouths of tributary streams. While mature adults were caught exclusively at the mouths of suspected spawning streams, only subadults and juveniles were captured at mainstem sites and sloughs not affected by the tributaries. Although recapture data on longnose suckers was limited, the findings generally agree with other studies of 145 - - - - - longnose sucker populations in Alaska. The juveniles apparently drift out of the tributaries~ rear in the mainstem~ and then return as adults to the tributaries to spawn. The adults often remain in the vicinity of the tributary mouth for much of the summer (Morrow 1980). Large concentrations of juvenile fish were observed in the mainstem sloughs. Both round and humpback whitefish were captured during the fall at or near the mouths of tributary streams. No information on their summer range in the proposed impoundment area has been collected. Juvenile whitefish have been observed at the mouths of tributary streams and in mainstem sloughs. Arctic grayling were captured in the mainstem Susitna only near the mouths of tributary streams. These fish were generally subadults which were not large enough to defend a territory in the stream itself. 4.3 Lake Habitat and Fisheries Investigations Thirty-one lentic habitats have been identified within the boundaries of the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana impoundments (Acres 1982). Twenty-seven of these habitats are less than five acres in size. Preliminary aerial surveys of many of these lakes revealed that most of them are relatively small, isolated and shallow. Therefore, it is assumed that most are not capable of supporting fish populations. Due to limited time and personnel, lake sampling efforts during 1982 were limited to Sally Lake, the largest lake within the proposed impoundment 146 boundaries. More effort should be directed toward other lentic habitats in 1983 to verify the presence or absence of fish in these areas. 4.3.1 Resident Fish Species In 1982, an attempt was made to estimate the fish population of Sally Lake. The original study plan was to utilize large hoop nets and hook and line sampling to capture fis~. Gill nets were excluded as a 67% mortality rate was encountered during 1981 gil1 net sampling. The hoop nets were not as effective as had been anticipated with an average catch rate of only 0.68 lake trout per day. The trap itself was found to be 1 a rge enough but the 25 foot 1 eads (wings) were much too short. Traps with 100 foot leads may have been more effective. In . addition, the mesh size used in the trap was too large to effectively capture Arctic grayling; individuals were occasionally gilled. Hook and line sampling was the most effective method with a catch rate of U.76 lake trout per hour. The use of this method allows the entire lake to be sampled, as opposed to the stationary hoop nets. The major drawback of hook and line sampling is the time involved; hoop nets can be set and then checked daily whereas hook and line sampling requires the actual presence of biologists for extended lengths of time. Experimental use of a wide angle vertical sonar proved that fish could be distinguished and counted, but because of the shallow depth, the area of the lake which could be sampled by a transect is extremely small, 147 - - - - - P'""' -I -- necessitating a large number of transects to be made. Also, a large portion of the bottom of Sally Lake is covered with large aquatic plants extending, in some cases, all the way to the surface. These plants effectively mask any recording of fish present. Therefore, in 1982, a study program utilizing more hoop nets with longer leads and more sampling time should result in a large enough sample size to generate a population estimate. In addition, the use of side scan sonar as an alternative method will be tested. The recapture of 2 of 35 tagged lake trout provides an idea of the order of magnitude of the population. It is generally believed that the population of lake trout is below 1,000 fish. The Arctic grayling population is believed to be somewhat larger, possibly in the vicinity of 5,000 fish. These estimates are based 9n observations of large schools and the relatively small size of the fish. 148 -·-----·-----~---------------------------- LITERATURE CITED Acres American, Inc. (Acres). 1982. Susitna hydroelectric project draft FERC license application, exhibit E. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) 1978. Preliminary environ- menta 1 assessment of hydroe 1 ectri c deve 1 opment of the Sus itna River. Anchorage, Alaska. 198la. Aquatic habitat and instream flow, phase 1 final draft subject report. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchor- age, Alaska. 198lb. Adult anadromous phase 1 final species/subject report. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska 1982a. Program. Procedures manual. Anchorage, Alaska. ADF&G Su~ Hydro Aquatic Studies 1982b. Aquatic studies program phase 1 final draft report. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies. Anchorage, Alaska 1983a. Su Hydro draft basic data report, volume 4, part 1. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. 1983b. Su Hydro draft basic data report, volume 2. ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. Alt, K. 1976. Inventory and cataloging of North Slope waters. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1975-1976, Project F-9-8, 17(G-l-0):129-150. Armstrong, R.H. 1982. Arctic grayling studies in Alaska, draft. Alaska Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. University of Alaska, Fair- banks, Alaska USA. (unpublished) Lind, O.T. 1974. Handbook of common methods in limnology. The C.V. Mosby Co., Saint Louis, Mo. Morrow, J.E. 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing co. Anchorage, Alaska. Nelson, P.H. 1954. Life history and management of the American gray- ling (Thymallus signifer tricolor) in Montana. J. Wild. Manage. 18:324-342. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982. Provisional meteorological data for the Susitna River Hydroelectric proposed impoundment area to be published ·in: Field data collecting and processing. R&M Consul- tants, December 1982. - 149 - LITERATURE CITED (Continued) Tack, S.L. 1973. Distribution, abundance, and natural history of the Arctic grayling in the Tanana River drainage. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of progress, 1972-1973, Project F-9-5, 14(R-I}. 1980. Distribution, abundance and natural history of the Arctic grayling in the Tanana River drainage, Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game, Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1979-1980, Project F-9-12, 21{R-I). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1952. A preliminary statement of fish and wildlife resources of the Susitna Basin in relation to water · development projects. 1954. A progress report on the fishery resources of the Susitna River Basin. Juneau, Alaska. 1957. Progress report, 1956 field investigations Devil Canyon Damsite, Susitna River Basin. Juneau, Alaska. 1959a. Progress report, 1957 field investigations Devil Canyon Damsite and reservoir area, Susitna River Basin. Juneau, Alaska. 1959b. 1958 field investigations Denali and Vee Canyon Damsites and reservoirs areas, Susitna River Basin. Juneau, Alaska. 1960. A detailed report on fish and wildlife resources affected by the Devil Canyon Project. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Juneau, Alaska. 1965. A detailed report on fish and wildlife resources affected by the Vee Project. Juneau, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS}. 1978. Surface water records of Cook Inlet Basin. Alaska, through September, 1975. Open file report. Number 78-498. Anchorage, Alaska. 1981. Provisional discharge and water quality data to be published in: Water Resources Data for Alaska, water year 1981. Anchorage, Alaska. 1982. Provisional discharge and water quality data to be published in: , ~later Resources Data for Alaska, water year 1982. Anchorage, Alaska. Vascotto, G.L. and J.E. Morrow. 1973. Behavior of the Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus, in McManus Creek, Alaska. Biological Papers University of Alaska. No. 13.p 29-38. Wetzel, R.G. 1975. Limnology. W.B. Sanders Company. Philadelphia, London and Toronto. 150 - - - APPENDIX A Statistical Analysis 5-A-1 POPULATION ESTIMATES Adjusted Petersen Single Census Method (Ricker, 1975 pg. 78) N = (M+l){C+l) R+l where: N M c R size of population at time of marking number of fish marked catch or sample taken for census number of recaptured marks in the sample 5-A-2 - ~' ....... - ~\ """" - - - - - CONFIDENCE LIMITS Confidence Limits For Variables (x) Distributed In a Poisson Frequency Distribution, For Confidence Coefficients (=1-P) of 0.95. (Ricker, 1975 pp. 78, 343) For 1-P = 0.95 x+l.92± 1.960/x+l.O MORTALITY AND SURVIVAL MORTALITY (EVERHART ET AL. 1976, pp. 104-109) N = No e-Zt t and Z = -lnS or alternatively S = 1;eZ where: Nt is number of fish at time t 5-A-3 ~ No is number of fish at time equal 0 ~. z is the force of total mortality and -"::~ s is survival .,..;.;. - 5-A-4 - - APPENDIX B Maps of the proposed impoundment of selected tributaries and adjacent Susitna River within impoundment study area. 5-B-1 area the the 0 mile Ill- l!t1tlfutl - TRM - EXISTING LAKES PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE Figure 5-B-1. Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Cheechako Creekt RM 152.4t and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-2 ~i - - ...... - - 0 mile • liilliil - TRM - EXISTING LAKES PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE Figure 5-B-2. Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Chinook Creek, RM 157.0, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-3 0 mil~ llll _ EXISTING LAKES lltfl -~~~3~E~ENT TRM _ TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE Figure 5-8-3. Proposed Devil Canyon impoundemnt area of Devil Creek, RM 161.4, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-4 ~- - ~', - - - (J1 I c:o I (J1 0 mile III-EXISTING LAKES PROPOSED -IMPOUNDMENT TRM AREA TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE ) l POTENTIAL HYDRAULIC FISH PASSAGE BARRIER TRM 2. 7 l Figure 5-B-4. Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Fog Creek, RM 176.7, and adjacent Susitna River. 0 mile llll1l1lTI1lll _EXISTING llllillilllliJl LAKES TRM PROPOSED -IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRIBUTARY -RIVER MILE WATERFALL TRM 3.1"" WATANA DAM SITE Figure 5-8-5. Proposed Devil Canyon impoundment area of Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-6 - - )i•'lliiii:l - - - - 0 mile PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRM _ TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE Figure 5-B-6. Proposed Watana ·impoundment area of Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-7 POTENTIAL HYDRAULIC FISH PASSAGE BARRIER TR M 9.4 0 n~i le PROPOSED IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRM-~N~~T~~IE HABITAT --EVALUATION SECTIONS Figure 5-B-7. Proposed Watana impoundment area of Watana Creek, RM 194. 1, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-8 - ..,1 - - - -- 0 mile ~-EXISTING ~ LAKES A-N PROPOSED _ -IMPOUNDMEN1 AREA _ POOLS ( POOL C WAS ELIMINATED) TRM -TRIBUTARY RIVER MILE Figure 5-B-8. Proposed Watana impoundment area of Kosina Creek, RM 206.8 and adjacent Susitna Rivef. 0 mile II -EXISTING LAKES PROPOSED -IMPOUNDMENT AREA TRM-TRIBUTARY Rl VER MILE TRM POTENTIAL HYDRAULIC FISH PASSAGE BARRIER TRM 3.8 Figure 5-B-9. Proposed Watana impoundment area of Jay Creek, RM 208.5, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-10 ~I - - ~! - - ,- 0 mile 1)1J1TJ111111ll_ EXISTING UlllllJilllJJJ LAKES PROPOSED - lMPOUNDMENT AREA TRIBUTARY TRM-RIVER MILE Figure 5-B-10. Proposed Watana impoundment area of Goose Creek, RM 231.3, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-11 0 mile E-EX1STING LAKES PROPOSED ~i;Jllt-11-~M~~UNDMEHT A-G • POOLS TRIBUTARY TRM-RIVER M IL.E Figure 5-B-11. Proposed Watana impoundment area of the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, and adjacent Susitna River. 5-B-12 - - - - - - - - APPENDIX C Selected water quality data for habitat evaluation sites within the impoundment study area. 5-C-1 ------·--------- (.J'1 I n I N Table 5-C-1. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Cheechako Creek, RM 152.4, GC S32N01E33CCB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) .E!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820806 1525 9.8 94 7.0 30 11.6 820808 1555 10.4 98 7.2 23 10.8 820811 1430 11.1 100 7.0 22 17.0 9.4 1 --Data available Table 5-C-2. Selec'ted tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Devil Creek, RM 161.4, GC S32N02E34AAC, 1982. DO DO Date Time (mg/1) (%sat) 820822 0930 11.2 97 --Data unavailable .E!! 7.3 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 57 ' TemE. -°C Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 9.6 7.4 .1 c..n I n I w } J ) Table 5-C-3. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediatley above the mouth of Fog Creek, RM 176.7, GC S31N04E16DBB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -°C Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) £!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1530 13.2 97 7.4 4.7 1.1 820516 1345 13.5 97 7.5 37 11.0 0.4 4 820528 1630 11.8 93 7.1 63 6.0 3.5 3 820621 1130 11.6 94 6.9 50 10.8 4.5 2 820718 1130 11.5 100 7.2 65 14.8 7.5 1 820815 1300 99 15.8 9.4 1 820912 1155 12.4 108 7.5 83 8.1 3.6 1 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-4. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediatley above the mouth of Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) £!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1500 14.0 104 7.3 4.7 1.4 820515 1705 13.8 100 7.4 121 ' 7.8 0.3 5 820528 1420 12.2 94 6.9 96 7.0 2.6 1 820619 1140 11.4 95 7.0 33 18.2 5.3 2 820718 1430 11.6 103 7.2 57 15.8 7.9 1 820728 1600 11.3 105 7.2 61 9.9 820816 1210 97 15.8 7.9 1 820912 1415 11.6 98 7.4 87 10.2 5.9 1 --Data unavailable l U'1 I n I .j:::o Table 5-C-5. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediatley above the mouth of Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, GC S32N05E26CDB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Teme. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) '£!:! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1430 14.2 104 7.3 4.8 0.8 820516 1245 13.8 100 7.4 61 0.5 7 820528 1330 12.7 94 7.0 53 5.8 0.9 2 820619 1310 11.2 95 7.0 28 17.8 6.1 7 820718 1010 11.1 103 7.5 59 10.6 9.6 1 820816 1645 75 16.8 13.9 1 820911 1225 11.7 100 7.1 66 9.1 6.6 1 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-6. Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on Deadman Creek, TRM 3.7, GC S32N05E13BBB, 1982. DO DO Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) 820720 0910 10.3 104 £!:! 6.8 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 56 Temp. -oc Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 19.4 11.9 1 .. ~ U1 I n I U1 J J Table 5-C-7. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediatley above the mouth of Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern[!. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) Ql!.. (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1420 14.1 102 7.5 4.8 0.1 820517 1200 13.1 100 7.4 82 8.0 1.9 17 820525 2130 10.1 77 6.7 101 4.7 2.2 820526 1620 11.3 93 7.1 104 11.5 4.9 25 820620 1800 11.7 99 7.0 63 12.8 5.7 8 820623 1830 9.9 97 7.4 108 21.8 11.9 7 820624 1800 9.6 99 7.4 114 24.1 12.7 820628 0915 10.4 94 7.4 103 18.2 8.5 820718 1700 10.8 102 7.6 151 9.8 20 820726 0950 12.1 105 7.2 122 13.8 7.0 8 820729 1200 11.0 100 7.6 163 15.0 9.1 820811 0700 12.5 105 7.3 169 8.0 6.2 820812 0800 12.8 104 7.5 191 4.8 4.0 1 820813 0740 11.9 99 7.5 195 6.4 5.4 820814 0700 11.0 100 7.6 194 8.3 820815 0730 12.2 105 7.6 200 9.6 7.0 820816 0720 206 7.p 6.0 820817 0820 10.4 90 7.4 184 9.0 6.8 820818 0700 11.9 100 7.3 186 6.8 5.9 820819 0615 12.5 104 7.4 188 1.6 5.1 820820 0730 12.0 101 7.5 191 7.6 6.0 820821 0730 11.5 99 7.4 191 8.4 6.5 820822 0650 11.7 98 7.5 198 2.8 5.4 820823 0730 10.1 90 7.5 202 11.4 8.0 820824 0740 11.3 99 7.5 206 7.1 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-7. Continued. DO DO Spec. Cond. Teme. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) .P.!:! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820825 0700 11.0 97 7.2 211 8.4 7.7 820826 0730 11.4 99 7.4 212 7.1 6.6 820909 0645 11.8 98 7.1 164 6.4 5.1 820910 0730 11.9 97 7.2 172 4.8 4.7 820911 0730 13.2 102 7.2 176 3.6 3.1 820912 0730 13.2 104 7.2 183 1.8 3.0 820913 0800 12.5 100 7.3 169 4.,8 3.9 820914 0730 12.1 100 7.0 118 6.4 4.7 820915 0745 11.8 98 7.2 104 9.6 5.0 820916 0800 11.4 95 7.3 105 5.8 5.3 820917 0730 12.4 100 7.2 124 3.2 4.0 9 820918 0745 12.7 100 7.1 134 3.0 3.6 U'l 820919 0745 10.4 85. 7.2 147 7.1 4.6 I n 820920 0745 7.3 147 4.2 3.8 I 0'1 --Data unavailable . I J, . J U'l I ('""') I " l l J 1 Table 5-C-8. Selected tributary water quality data collected within the two mile study section of Watana Creek, TRM 5.0, GC S32N07E17BAD, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) Q!i (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820626 1600 9.9 95 7.4 96 26.0 10.9 820729 1300 11.4 105 7.2 142 14.5 9.0 820825 1240 11.1 102 7.6 184 8.5 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-9. Selected tributary water quality data collected in the East Fork Watana Creek, TRM 9.2, GC S33N07E34CCA, 1982. DO DO Date Time (mg/1) (%sat) 820825 1200 10.7 98 --Data unavailable Q!i 7.6 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 80 Tern~. -°C Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 8.1 -j (J1 I ("") I 00 Table 5-C-10. Selected tributary water quality data collected in the West Fork Watana Creek, TRM 9.6, GC S33N07E34CCA, 1982. DO DO Date Time· (mg/1) (%sat) 820825 1235 11.2 ' 102 --Data unavailable . .P.!! 7.7 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 193 Temp. -oc Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 8.2 Table 5-C-11. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Kosina Creek, RM 206.8, GC S31N08E15BAB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Temp. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) .E!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820504 1630 14.1 108 7.2 4.7 1.8 820504 1800 14.1 107 7.1 1.5 820505 1130 14.1 104 7.6 4.3 0.8 820505 1230 13.5 100 7.5 1.1 820505 1630 13.8 104 7.6 1.4 820505 1930 14.0 104 7.5 0.4 1.0 820513 1200 13.4 97 7.4 89 2.8 0.6 820515 1200 12.6 94 7.3 79 7.8 1.5 2 820516 1200 13.2 98 7.5 68 1.2 820526 1400 11.8 91 6.8 43 12.0 2.3 2 820623 1200 10.1 93 7.3 37 21.0 9.0 3 820627 1030 9.9 94 7.1 39 20.1 10.0 820726 1205 11.0 106 7.3 68 17.8 11.2 1 820812 1130 11.0 100 7.3 70 13.2 8.4 1 820914 1335 11.9 104 7.2 62 11.8 6.8 1 --Data unavailable ' -· .t -) [J1 I ("") I \.0 l .. l .... I . l 1 Table 5-C-12. Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on Kosina Creek, TRM 5.5, GC S30N08E04CBD, 1982. DO DO Date Time (mg/1) (%sat) 820724 0945 11.0 106 £!!. 7.2 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 61 Temp. -°C Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 15.8 10.1 2 Table 5-C-13. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Jay Creek, RM 208.5, GC S31N08E13BCC, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Temp. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) £!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1315· 13.9 100 7.8 4.8 0.3 820516 1100 13.4 98 7.6 77 10.0 0.6 14 820529 1000 12.0 94 7.1 60 10.0 2.9 37 820624 1600 9.9 98 8.1 103 27.2 12.1 19 820726 1125 11.7 105 8.0 158 19.2 8.1 2 820812 1200 11.3 99 7.7 178 14.4 6.9 1 820915 1510 10.7 97 7.9 120 15.8 8.2 3 --Data unavailable CJ1 I (""") I 1-' 0 .J Table 5-C-14. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of Goose Creek, RM 231.3, GC S30N11E32DBC, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time {mg/1) (% sat) E.!:! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 .1345 13.3 100 7.4 4.9 0.5 820514 0800 13.8 100 7.1 47 2.5 0.2 1 820618 1430 11.2 97 6.8 34 11.0 6.1 2 820621 1630 10.0 104 7.3 65 17.0 14.0 1 820627 1200 9.6 96 7.2 48 22.3 12.0 820728 1500 9.7 103 7.3 77 14.8 820818 1645 9.7 100 7.4 69 17.2 13.0 1 820910 1425 11.2 98 7.2 68 10.6 6.6 1 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-15. Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on Goose Creek, TRM 2.2, GC S29N11E07CCA, 1982. Date Time 820621 1850 ---t I DO .DO {mg/1) (%sat) 10.2 107 --J " E.!:! 7.2 J -) Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 59 I .. -' Temp. -oc Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 15.4 13.2 1 J ~ I --~ J <.n I ("") I ....... ........ ) . 1 -} Table 5-C-16. Selected tributary water quality data collected immediately above the mouth of the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, GC S30N11E34CCD, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) E!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820505 1400 14.3 105 7.7 4.9 0.1 820527 1400 11.4 92 7.2 56 10.8 3.4 5 820627 1135 10.2 94 7.3 50 19.6 8.7 42 820719 1650 9.6 101 7.5 99 23.0 14.4 6 820728 1440 10.2 106 7.5 115 13.9 820820 1805 10.4 106 7.8 114 19.2 12.8 2 820909 1540 11.0 98 7.4 128 10.2 7.1 1 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-17. Selected tributary water quality data collected one mile above the PIE on the Oshetna River, TRM 3.2, GC S29N11E16ACC, 1982. Date Time 820719 1700 DO DO (mg/1) (% sat) 9.9 105 E!! 7.6 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 98 TemE. -oc Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 24.8 14.5 2 1 (Jl I ("") I 1-' 1'0 Table 5-C-18. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Fog Creek, RM 176.7, GC S31N04E16DBB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1} (% sat} E.!:!. (umho/cm} Air Water (NTU} 820621 1135 10.7 93 7.0 84 10.8 7.3 66 820718 1140 10.6 94 7.2 92 14.6 8.6 36 820815 1315 9.0 83 7.2 110 15.8 9.7 85 820912 . 1150 11.0 91 7.4 128 8.1 5.7 24 Table 5-C-19. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Tsusena Creek, RM 181.3, GC S32N04E36ADB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1} (% sat} E.!:!. (umho/cm} Air Water (NTU} 820619 1200 10.2 93 7.2 73 18.8 8.8 38 820718 1440 10.3 99 7.5 122 16.6 11.0 140 820816 1200 119 15.8 10.3 150 820912 1410 11.7 100 7.5 127 10.2 6.2 25 --Data unavailable J ' U'1 I n I 1-' w l . ; Table 5-C-20. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Deadman Creek, RM 186.7, GC S32N05E26CDB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -°C Turbidity Date Time (mg/1} (% sat) E!i (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820619 1315 10.2 93 7.3 80 17.8 8.7 38 820718 1000 10.7 98 8.1 136 10.6 9.0 135 820816 1650 116 16.8 10.8 140 820911 1220 11.5 97 7.4 136 9.1 5.8 33 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-21. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. TemE. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) E!i (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU} 820623 1000 10.3 98 7.2 92 17.0 10.6 48 820726 1010 11.5 105 6.8 117 16.0 9.0 150 820812 1030 10.8 99 7.5 138 12.4 9.1 100 820915 1645 10.7 96 7.6 128 13.0 8.2 100 l .I Table 5-C-22. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Kosina Creek, RM 20~.8, GC S31N08E15BAB, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) (% sat) E!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820627 1100 9.5 95 7.4 108 21.0 13.0 130 820726 1055 11.0 102 7.3 116 17.6 9.4 130 820812 1130 10.0 98 7.2 133 13.2 9.5 80 820914 1330 11.3 97 7.3 134 11.8 6.3 28 Table 5-C-23. Selected water quality data collected in Lower Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.1, GC S31N08E11DCD, 1982. DO DO Date Time (mg/1) (%sat) 820814 1130 6.4 70 --Data unavailable E!! 7.3 Spec. Cond. (umho/cm) 358 Temp. -°C Turbidity Air Water (NTU) 16.5 J -, U1 I n I ..... U1 J 1 1 -.. 1 Table 5-C-24. Selected water quality data collected in Upper Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.7, GC S31N08E13BCD, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time {mg/1) (% sat) £!:! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820529 1430 4.8 59 6.8 452 10.6 6.6 1 820624 1620 6.3 65 7.0 398 27.2 13.6 820726 1110 8.7 77 6.7 473 19.2 7.5 7 820812 1145 8.3 72 6.8 396 14.0 6.6 4 820915 1455 9.9 91 7.1 401 15.8 8.7 3 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-25. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Upper Jay Creek Slough, RM 208.7, GC S31N08E13BCD, 1982 • DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1) · (% sat) £!:! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820529 1515 10.8 91 7.0 89 10.2 5.3 42 820624 1615 9.6 99 7.5 96 27.2 13.9 46 820726 1120 11.0 101 7.7 115 19.3 9.0 130 820812 1145 11.5 98 7.0 139 14.0 9.4 140 820915 1450 10.7 96 7.7 124 15.0 8.0 98 CJl I n I ....... 0'1 ' Table 5-C-26. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and Goose Creek, RM 231.3, GC S30N11E32DBC, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time (mg/1} {% sat} B!! {umho/cm} Air Water (NTU} 820514 0930 13.5 98 7.3 10 2.5 0 .• 1 14 820514 1200 13.0 94 7.2 83 3.5 0.2 66 820618 1440 10.6 95 7.0 95 11.0 7.1 33 820630 1245 9.5 94 7.4 93 22.0 11.4 820721 1640 10.4 105 7.5 116 17.0 12.4 125 820728 1500 10.5 102 7.7 124 11.2 820818 1650 10.3 95 6.6 113 17.2 8.7 110 820910 1440 11.4 99 7.2 138 10.6 6.0 32 --Data unavailable Table 5-C-27. Selected mainstem water quality data collected immediately above the confluence of the Susitna River and the Oshetna River, RM 233.4, GC S30N11E34CCD, 1982. DO DO Spec. Cond. Tern~. -oc Turbidity Date Time {mg/1} {% sat} B!! (umho/cm} Air Water (NTU} 820527 1405 11.1 93 7.1 59 11.0 ' 4. 7 36 820627 1130 9.5 99 7.6 122 19.6 13.4 140 820719 1645 10.2 104 7.5 128 23.0 12.6 140 820728 1445 10.5 103 7.7 125 11.6 820820 1810 10.4 100 7.7 122 19.2 10.5 110 820909 1550 11.1 96 6.7 144 10.2 6.3 43 --Data unavailable J ) I J J I j .J 1 j J J J --. --~ ---.. J U1 I n I ..... " -~ ] J -i Table 5-C-28. Selected water quality data collected in Sally Lake, GC S32N07E29, 1982. 00 00 Spec. Cond. TemQ. -oc Turbidity Date Time {mg/1) {% sat} J?.!! (umho/cm) Air Water (NTU) 820623 1500 8.0 90 7.3 111 16.9 820729 1240 8.1 89 7.5 122 15.2 16.0 820819 1600 7.5 82 7.5 114 18.8 15.7 820822 1330 8.0 91 7.7 113 20.6 17.4 820908 1710 7.6 75 7.0 113 9.8 11.3 --Data unavailable J J - APPENDIX D Planimetric maps of selected Susitna River habitat evaluation sites within the impoundment study area. 5-D-1 ~ f::2l Slit Sand Gravel Rubble Cobble Boulder River Mile (RM) Eddy Study Area Boundary It 1St 1111 Mixing Zone Small Tributary True North Figure 5-D-1. Planimetric map syrnbol legend for selected mai nstem Susitna River habitat evaluation sites, Proposed Impoundment Areas, 1982. 5-D-2 - P,iP_ ·~ t11 I 0 I w ) ... 1 .,.,. . .,.,. . I ( l Treu 900 1 l Trees Substrate Unknown \ Trees 0 FEET Figure 5-0-2. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 1, RM 189.0, GC S32N06E31ABC. / 250 01 I CJ I -t» Trees 250 FEET E£)191.6 ~SUSITN4 750' Substrate Unknown Trees Figure 5-D-3. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 2, RM 191.5, GC S32N06E28CAC . . J l -] • t ·-· -·--· $194.0 -~--sustTNA ~ 350'-~ RIVER-- Trtts AREA Subatrote Unknown 0 I FEET -1 Figure 5-D-4. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site at Watana Creek, RM 194.1, GC S32N06E25CCA. U1 I 0 I 0) ' ,,_..,. ' ' 0 !SOO I I FEET Tr .. 1 rubble/orovel ~~ I STUDY____.,..~·-. ..:t AREA rubble/ ~ravel Tr .. • vravel/•llt Figure 5-D-5. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 3, RM 197.8, GC S32N07E33DBC. t ~ ~-' J ~ l .~ J J ~ J ~ ~ 1 l c..n I Cl I -....j 0 1 Substrate Unknown Trees FEET 201.0 ffi 250 l ~ I Trees Trees sustrNA Trees Figure 5-D-6. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No.4, RM 201.2, GC S31N07El2BCB. c..n I 0 I co Trees • SUS/TNA RIVER---- Substrate Unknown STUDY AREA \_. ' 250' Trees ffi 201.6 FEET Figure 5-D-7. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 3A, RM 201.6, GC S31N07E12BDB. _j (.T1 I 0 I 0.0 Tree a AREA aoo' Rock Cliff (9208.0 SUS/ TNA R IV£ R Subatrate Unknown 0 2!50 FEET Figure 5-D-8. Mainstem Susitna River habitat evaluation site No. 5, RM 208.1, GC S31N08E11DCD.