HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1245.Nr--~~___________, ~11')r---------------------~.00 ;;0 ~-O =0 ~11')-11') ~r--0(")~(")SUSITNAHY1DROELECTRIC PROJECT WATER QUAL~TY INTERPRETATION 1981 FEBRUARY 1982 PREPARED BY I P"IiiiiJ L....-_A'LASKA -POWER AUTIHORITY__~ !~ - N "('t') ""'"jLO <X) ooo LO LO "('t') ('t') -r~ /y2f:( ,5Y ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY IJ:!S SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT .... liJ,12YS- TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY WATER QUALITY INTERPRETATION -1981 FEBRUARY 1982 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 Telephone:(716)853-7525 Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. P.o.Box 6087 5024 Cordova Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Telephone:(907)279-0483 L.A.PETERSON &ASSOCIATES 118 Slater Drive Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Telephone:(907)456-6392 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Infonnation ServIces AnChOfll£le,Alaska -ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 3 -HYDROLOGY WATER QUALITY INTERPRETATION -1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES IN ATTACHMENT A 1 -INTRODUCTION 2 -SUMMARY 3 -DATA COMPI LATION Af\ID SYNTHESIS PAGE ii iii 1-1 2-1 3-1 3.1 Water Quality Criteria 3-1 3.2 Identification of Data Gaps 3-3 3.3 Parameters Exceeding Criteria,Aberrant Data,3-7 and Parameters Exhibiting Values Less Than Their Respective Detection Limits - 4 -PRE-PROJECT WATER QUALITY 5 -RIVER REGIME EFFECTS OF IMPOUNDMENT 6 -WATER QUALITY IMPACTS 6.1 Impoundment Characteristics 6.2 Impoundment Processes and Interactions 6.3 Impoundment Impacts on Water Quality 7 .,.REFERENCES ATTACHMENT A -GRAPHICAL SUMMARIES OF WATER QUALITY DATA ATTACHMENT B -REVI EW OF A METHOD FOR PREDICTING THE POTENTIAL FOR EUTROPHICATION IN IMPOUNDMENTS - i - 4-1 5-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-4 7-1 LlST OF TABLES Number Title 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 Detection Limits for Water Quality Parameters. Numbers of Data Points by Parameter I Station and Season. Organic Parameters Recommended for Analysis Parameters Exceeding Criteria -by Station and Season. Susitna River Basin and Runoff Characteristics -ii - 3-9 3-12 3-16 3-17 4-3 - - - - - LtST OF FIGURES IN APPENDIX A Number Title 1 Color 2 Conductivity 3 Hardness 4 pH 5 Temperature .-6 Total Dissolved Solids 7 Total Suspended Solids 8 Turbidity INORGANIC,NON-METALLICS 9 Alkalinity ~10 Chloride 11 Nitrogen,Ammonia (dissolved ) 12 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl (d)....13 Nitrogen,Nitrate (d) 14 Nitrogen,Organic (d) 15 Nitrogen,Total (d) 16 Oxygen,Dissolved.-17 D.O.,%Saturation 18 Phosphate,Ortho (d) 19 Phosphorus,Total (d) 20 Sulphate 21 Total I norganic Carbon 22 Free Carbon Dioxide RADIOACTIVE PARAMETERS 23 Gross Alpha 24 Uranium METALS AND ICAP SCAN ~ 25 Aluminum (dissolved) 26 Aluminum (!otal) 27 Antimony (d) 28 Arsenic (d) 29 Arsenic (t) 30 Barium (d)....31 Barium (t) 32 Bismuth (d) 33 Boron (d) 34 Cadmium (d)-35 Cadmium (t) 36 Calcium (d) 37 Chromium Cd) -iii - -iv - 3. - - 1 -INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present a clear and concise summary of water quality data collected by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)and R&M Consultants,Inc.(R&M)in the mainstem and major tributaries of the Susitna River. The objectives of the water quality baseline compilation were: 1.compile existing USGS data and data collected by R&M, 2.report seasonal (summer,winter,and breakup)ranges, means,and numbers of observations for all sample sites at which a sufficient data base exist, reference the existing ranges of selected parameters to the State Water Quality Standards,and, 4.identify data gaps. This report addresses each of the above objectives and also presents information regarding parameters exceeding criteria, aberrant data,and parameters exhibiting values less than their respective detection limits. This report also presents a discussion of the probable post-project effects of the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoi rs on the water quality within the reservoirs and on the Susitna River downstream from these reservoirs.The discussion is written as if only one impoundment is on the Susitna River because the water quality impacts will be similar in both reservoirs.However,it is pointed out when impacts differ or are cumulative because of two impoundments. !~ s13/n 1 - 1 -, .... .... .... ".... 2 -SUMMARY Impoundment of the Susitna River will change its water quality. The following parameters will exhibit reductions in values in the reservoirs and downstream reaches as compared to the pre-project levels:suspended solids,turbidity,color,nutrients,iron, manganese,and some trace el ements.Both reservoi rs wi II be heat exporters,and the downstream reaches of the river will exhibit a reduced magnitude of seasonal temperature variation. Dissolved-oxygen concentrations will remain high,at or near saturation ,in the epiJimnion of both reservoirs and downstream in the river.Dissolved-oxygen concentrations will likely be reduced in the hypolimnion if a -stable stratification develops.The potential for eutrophication to develop in either reservoir is low. Although water quality changes will be effected by the project, none of these changes will be significantly adverse,and many changes may be beneficial.One possible exception to this is the change in downstream temperature . s13/0 2 - 1 .- 3 -DATA COMPI LATION AND SYNTHESIS 3.1 -Water Quality Criteria Objectives 1 through 3 were met by synthesizing the data and graphically presenting it.These figures,appearing subsequent to the text,are organized in the following classifications:1)physical properties,2)inorganic,non-metal/ics,3)radioactive parameters, 4)metals and ICAP Scan,and 5)organics.Each figure applies to one parameter and presents the maximum,mean,and minimum values recorded during the period of record,by season,for each water quality sampling station.The numbers of observations used to calculate the ranges and means are also presented.Data have been compiled for the mainstem Susitna River from stations located at Denali,Vee Canyon,Gold Creek,Sunshine,and Susitna Station.Data from twa Susitna River tributaries,Chufitna and Talkeetna Rivers,have also been compiled.The periods of record for each station are presented below: Data have been compiled according to three seasons:breakup, summer,and winter.Breakup is usual1y short and extends from the time rce begins to break up until recession of spring runoff. Summer extends from the end of breakup until the water temperature drops to essentially OOC in the fall,and winter is the period from the end of summer to brea kUp. 1'-' - Station Denali (D) Vee Canyon (V) Gold Creek (G) Chulitna (C) Tal keetna (T) Sunshine (S) Susitna Station (SS) Period of Record Apr.9,1957 -May 19,1981 JuJ.6,1962 -May 11,1981 Jun.19,1980 -Oct.8,1981 Jun.22,1949 -Jul.21,1981 Aug.8,1980 -Oct.8,1981 Apr.5,1958 -Mar.25,1981 Apr.29,1954 -Oct.4,1977 Jul.2,1971 -Jut.23,1981 Aug.17,1955 -Aug.12,1981 Agency USGS USGS R&M USGS R&M USGS USGS USGS USGS ..... Reference is made to water quality guidelines and criteria on each figure.The original intent for this project was to use only the Alaska Water Quality Standards for guidelines and criteria. However,these standards do not present criteria for all parameters and they also specify the criteria for toxic and other deleterious organic and inorganic substances "shall nat individually or in combination exceed 0.01 times the lowest measured 96-hour LC_sO ....for life stages of species identified by the department [or Environmental Conservation]as being the most sensitive, biologically important to the location,or exceed criteria cited in EPA,Quality Criteria for Water or Alaska Drinking Water s13/r 3 - 1 Standards,...whichever concentration is less.II These criteria are somewhat confusing to the average reader who has little appreciation for a concentration expressed as 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO (lethal concentration for half the population of test organisms)as determined through bioassay using a sensitive resident species.Consequently,the water quality guidelines and criteria as used herein were established from the following references. ADEC,1979.Water quality standards.Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,Juneau,AK,334 pp. EPA,1976.Quality criteria for water.U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,Washington,D.C.,255 pp. McNeely,R.N.,V.P.Neimanis,and L.Dwyer,1979.Water quality sourcebook--a guide to water quality parameters. Environment Canada,Inland Waters Directorate,Water Quality Branch,Ottawa,Canada,88 pp. Sitting,Marshall,1981.Handbook of toxic and hazardous chemicals.Noyes Publications,Park Ridge,NJ,729 pp. - """" EPA,1980.Water quality criteria Environmental Protection Agency, 79318-79379 (November 28,1980). documents;availability. Federal Register,45, The guidelines or criteria presented for the parameters were chosen based on a priority system.Alaska Water Quality Standards were the first choice,followed by criteria presented in EPA1s Quality Criteria for Water.If a criterion expressed as a specific concentration was not presented in the above two references,the other cited references were consulted.Two criteria are presented for some parameters.Copper,for example, has:A)0.01 of the 96-hour LC so determined through bioassay (EPA,1976),and B)5.0 ug/I (Mcl'ileely et aI,1979).Also,some parameters have no criterion,which is stated on the respective figures.Some conversions between milligrams per liter (mg/I)and micrograms per liter (ug/I)were made so that the concentrations presented in the figures were the same as the criteria or vice versa.For example,the criteria of many metals are presented in ug/I in the references.These were converted to mg/I in many cases.It should be noted that all criteria,unless otherwise noted,apply to the total fraction rather than to the dissolved fraction.The R&M and USGS detection limits for each parameter are presented in Table 3.1. A second priority system was used for selecting the guidelines or criteria presented for each parameter.This was required because the various references presented above cite levels of parameters - - - s13/r 3 - 2 - - that provide for the protection of identified water uses,such as (1)the propagation of fish and other aquatic organisms,(2)water supply for drinking,food preparation,industrial processes,and agriculture,and (3)water recreation.The first priority, therefore,was to present the guidelines or criteria that apply to the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms.The second priority was to present levels of parameters that are acceptable for water supply,and the third priority was to present other guidelines or criteria,if available.Statements pertaining to the selection of criteria are included on the figures.These statements are to inform the reader whether the criteria apply to the protection of aquatic organisms or water supply.It should be noted that water quality standards set criteria which limit man-induced pollution to protect identified water uses.Although the Susitna River Hydroelectric Project is in a pristine area,some parameters exceeded their respective criterion.The implications of such are discussed below in Section 3.3 . .3.2 - Identification of Data Gaps Compilation of the existing water quality data was useful in meeting the fourth objective,the identification of data gaps. Table 3.1 presents the number of data points by parameter, station,and season.As is typical in Alaska,the summer period is the most heavily sampled,followed by winter,and then breakup. No data exist for any parameters at the Denali,Chulitna,and Sunshine Stations during breakup,and the remaining stations have relatively small data bases during this season.The Denali,Vee Canyon,Chulitna,and Sunshine Stations have small winter data bases,typically 0 to 6 observations per parameter.The Gold Creek,Talkeetna,and Susitna Station stations generally have large winter data bases for the physical properties and for some of the inorganic,non-metallic parameters,but there are little or no data in the remaining classes of parameters:radioactive,metals and J CAP Scan,and organic parameters.There are a few exceptions to this statement,.namely calcium,iron,magnesium, potassium,and sodium,which have been measured a large number of times at most stations.The summer data bases of physical and inorganic,non-metallic parameters are relatively large,except at Sunshine and for some parameters at Denali. The data gaps identified above pertain only to the historical water quality data collected by the USGS and to data collected by USGS and R&M during Phase 1 of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The following comments/recommendations pertain to data gaps in a broader context.That is,the comments refer to information that may be required in addition to the existing data base to meet the major objectives of the water quality portion of this project,which are to provide sufficient baseline data to:(1)determine the normal and seasonal variability in water quality on a local and regional s13/r 3 - 3 basis,and (2)predict and quantify the anticipated impacts that will occur during construction and operation.The following recommendations,many of which are predicated on FERC licensing requirements,are divided into station locations,parameters and frequency of analysis,reservoir processes,and groundwater. The existing sample stations located at Denali,Vee Canyon, Watana,Gold Creek,Talkeetna,Sunshine,and Susitna Station are sufficient for describing the regional water quality.As stated above in the first paragraph of this section,seasonal data collection is the most complete for summer,followed by winter,and then breakup.The local water quality between the Devil Canyon Dam and Talkeetna will be important because of the distribution of spawning areas.Essentially,spawning occurs upstream on the Susitna River to the outlet of Devil Canyon (Portage Creek). Water quality impacts in the river are anticipated to be greatest immediately below Devil Canyon Dam.However,many impacts are expected to be attenuated in this reach,due to the extreme turbulence through Devil Canyon./t is recommended that a water quality sample station be located on the river near Portage Creek. It is important to obtain baseline water quality information within the productive fish area and as close as possible to the dam outlet.It is further recommended that trace element,nutrient, and major cation and anion parameters be collected at the Watana station during the winter low-flow period,at breakup,and at least once during the summer.Additionally,the major impoundment tributaries should be screened for trace elements during the winter low-flow period. The frequency of sample collection should,at the least,remain the same as the past two years.That is,samples should be collected during spring breakup,summer low flow,summer after a heavy rainstorm,immediately prior to freeze-up,and during winter low flow.This statement does not apply to the Watana station,where a continuous record of field parameters is being made and where it is recommended that trace element,nutrient,and major cation and anion parameters be measured three times per year. All field parameters should continue to be measured along with all of the nitrogen and phosphorus forms,chloride,color,hardness, sulfate,total dissolved solids,total suspended solids,turbidity, and chemical oxygen demand.Bacteria counts,such as total coliform,fecal coliform,and fecal streptococci,should be added to the list of parameters to be measured.Consideration should also be given to the addition of chlorophyll a and vertical illumination (as measured by a Secchi disk).The latter will be difficult to measure in the turbulent Susitna River.A possible alternative to measuring chlorophyll a and vertical illumination is to predict them through the use of an eutrophication equation.However,the predicted levels will only apply to the reservoirs. - - - -! s13/r 3 - 4 - .... - Uranium and gross alpha radioactivity levels have consistently been low,so these parameters could be eliminated from the list of parameters to be measured .Also·,organic concentrations have been tow.However,only a few parameters have been measured. Table 3.3 lists the parameters and their detection limits recommended for future sampling.One sample for the analyses of PCB's,organo-chloride pesticides,and phenoxy acid herbicides should be collected from each station,and these samples should be collected during the summer low-flow period or immediately prior to freeze-up.The parameters listed in Table 3.3 can be analyzed for essentially the same price as the organics analyzed the past 2 years.Total organic carbon should also be included in the list of organ ics . Measurement of many of the elements analyzed by the ICAP Scan method can be discontinued because they were consistently at or below their respective detection limits.The leAP Scan should be used for the following parameters:aluminum,calcium,iron, potassium,magnesium,manganese,sodium,and silicon.Also,the ICAP Scan does not provide sufficiently low detection limits for arsenic,cadmium ,-chromium,copper,lead,mercury,nickel, silver,and zinc.These parameters should be analyzed with methods capable of detecting the levels (or less than the levels) cited as criteria for freshwater aquatic organisms,presented in the figures appearing at the end of this report. The potential impacts of reservoir processes should be assessed in light of the existing information.This assessment would be beneficial because it will,for each process,either (1)show the total predicted impact and whether this impact is adverse or beneficial,or (2)delineate the information that will need to be developed before impacts can be predicted.I mpacts within and downstream from the reservoirs need to be considered.Comments pertaining to each process appear below . Stratification.Although it is predicted that stratification will occur during both summer and winter,the stability of.stratification is un kown.Consequently,mixing within the reservoirs will be important to assess.One of the most important questions that should be addressed regards the oxygen resource:will dissolved oxygen be depleted in the hypolimnion? Leaching.Leaching is directly related to aerobic/anaerobic conditions in reservoirs.Consequently,an estimate of the potential for leaching,the leaching rate,and the characteristics of leachate needs to be assessed.Some methods for accomplishing this are presented in the literature,and these methods should be reviewed for their applicability to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. s13/r 3 - 5 Eutrophication.The potential for eutrophication needs to be assessed for each reservoir.Although this has already been done,some of the assumptions may be inappropriate. Consequently,the existing predictions should be reviewed and refined if necessary.Characteristics that should be included in this discussion include phosphorus,nitrogen,and organic loading, lack of light during winter,and cold water conditions. Consideration should also be given to using the eutrophication prediction equation for the assessment of chlorophyll a and vertical illumination (Secchi disc depth)in both reservoirs.It may also be enlightening to use this equation to predict the population equivalent that would have to live along the shores of each reservoir to have eutrophic conditions develop. Sedimentation.It has been predicted that 70 to 100 percent of the suspended material entering Watana Reservoir will settle to the bottom.The implications of this situation on water quality need to be assessed.For example,will clear water in the reservoir promote the growth of algae,eventually leading to eutrophic conditions?Also,the characteristics of the sediment may be important.If the sediment is organic,leaching may be enhanced because organic material has an oxygen demand and usually reduces the pH.Both of these characteristics promote leaching. Conversely,if the sediment is inorganic,as suspected,leaching would be reduced because the inorganic sediment will form a layer on the reservoir bottom.The effects of sedimentation are likely to be different at Devil Canyon because it is predicted that most sediment will be retained in the Watana Reservoir.The effect of little or no sedimentation in the Devil Canyon Reservoir on water quality needs to be considered. Evaporation.Evaporation was predicted to have little effect on water quality in the reservoirs.Calculation of the potential effects of evaporation should be reviewed and refined with a consideration for stratification.A quantification of the effects of sublimation on water quality may also be in order. Ice Cover.A review of the potential effects that ice cover may have on water quality should be included. Superimposed on each process are the interactions between these processes and potential water quality impacts resulting from these interactions.Each potential interaction should be assessed. A baseline description of groundwater conditions and potential impacts on groundwater resulting from the project are required. Information should be included regarding the groundwater table, artesian conditions,the hydraulic gradient,and hydraulic connections between surface and groundwater.A short discussion about permafrost may be worthy because any permafrost existing in the reservoir areas will likely melt subsequent to impoundment closure. - - .... - s13/r 3 - 6 3.3 -Parameters Exceeding Criteria,Aberrant Data,and Parameters Exhibiting Values Less Than Their Respective Detection Limits Although not a part of the original scope of this project,this report presents a summary of the parameters that have exceeded their criteria (Table 3.4),a discussion of aberrant data,and a list of parameters that exhibited values less than their respective detection limits. The identification of aberrant data was considered because of the extreme values manifested by some parameters.The following parameters were suspected of having aberrant data. D.O.%Saturation.The high values measured at Gold Creek during summer exceeded the criterion.The four highest values measured by R&M,116,115, 114,and 113 percent saturation,are probably in error because of a faulty barometer and should be eliminated from the data set.R&M's fifth highest value was similar to the USGS·s highest values of 106,104, 103,and 102 percent satu ration. Free Carbon Dioxide.The five highest values measured by R&M at Gold Creek during summer were 36,35,20,16,and 16 mg/I. The two highest values may be aberrant,but there are no acceptable reasons to eliminate them. Ortho-Phosphate.One high value,0.49 mg/I,measured at Vee Canyon during summer appears unrealistic and should be eliminated.The next highest value was 0.1 mg/1.The high value measured at Tal keetna during breakup may also be unrealistic,but there are no data with which to compare this value so it should stand. Phosphorus.The high value of 0.49 mg/f measured at Vee Canyon during summer is Ii kely to be aberrant because the next highest is 0.1 mg/I.Likewise,a high value of 0.36 mg/J is significantly different from the next highest value of 0.05 mg/I measured at Susitna Station during winter.It is recommended that both of the high values be eliminated. Turbidity.The five highest turbidity values measured at Susitna Station during summer were 790,590,430,430,and 260 NTU. There is no reason to eliminate any of these values. Total Organic Carbon.The four concentrations measured at Gold Creek during winter are 39, 34,27,and 5.5 mg/I,and one measurement at Vee Canyon during winter was 23 mg/J.Although the four high values appear unrealistic,there is no apparent reason to eliminate them. s13/r 3 - 7 The following parameters exhibited levels that were Jess than their respective detection limits at all stations and times they were analyzed:endrin;lindane;methoxychlor;toxaphene;2,4-0; 2,4,S-TP (Silvex);and the dissolved fractions of antimony,boron, gold,molybdenum,platinum,tin,vanadium,and zirconium. A number of parameters,listed in Table 3.4,exceeded their respective criteria.The implications of this to freshwater aquatic organisms are related to the rationale behind the criteria and to the fact that the Susitna River is largely unaffected by man's activity. As noted in Table 3.4,three parameters have criteria that have been suggested but are not law,or the criteria are set at a level which natural waters usually do not exceed.The criteria for aluminum and bismuth have been suggested on the basis of human health effects.The criterion for total organic carbon (TOC)was established at 3 mg/l because waters containing less than this concentration have been observed to be relatively clean.However, streams in Alaska receiving tundra runoff commonly exceed this level.The maximum TOC concentration reported herein,20 mg/I, is likely the result of natural conditions.The criterion for manganese was established to protect water supplies.The criteria presented for the remaining parameters appearing in Table 3.4 are established by law for the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms.The water quality standards apply to man-made alterations and constitute the degree of degradation which may not be exceeded.Because there are no industries,no significant agricultural areas,and no major cities adjacent to the Susitna, Talkeetna,and Chulitna rivers,the measured levels of these parameters are considered to be a natural condition.Also,these rivers support diverse populations of fish and other aquatic life. Consequently,it is concluded that the parameters exceeding their criteria have little,if any,detrimental effect on aquatic organisms. It is worthy to note that the range displayed in the figures for pH and color are typical for streams in Alaska receiving tundra runoff.It is not uncommon for pH to be 6.5 (the criterion)or slightly less and color to be as high as 100 color units (the maximum reported herein).It should also be noted that the four highest levels of percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen are probably in error (see statement on Page 3-7).If these data are eliminated,all the dissolved oxygen percentage saturation values are less than the criterion of 110 percent. - s13/r 3 - 8 TABLE 3.1 DETECTION LIMITS FOR WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS ..... R&M U.S.G.S. Detection Detection Limit(1 )Limit(5) F'Field Parameters Dissolved Oxygen 0.1 ~Percent Saturation 1 pH,pH Units to.01 Conductivity,umhos/cm @ 25°C 1 Temp eratu re ,°C 0.1 f"""Free Carbon Dioxide 1 Alkalinity,as CaCO 2 Settleable Solids,mr/I 0.1 Laboratory Parameters Ammonia Nitrogen 0.05 .01 Organic Nitrogen 0.1 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.1 .1 Nitrate Nitrogen 0.1 .01 Nitrite Nitrogen 0.01 .01 T ota I Nitrogen 0.1 .01 Ortho-Phosphate 0.01 .01 Total Phosphorus 0.01 .01 Chemical Oxygen Demand 1 Chloride 0.2 .01 Color 1 1 Hardness,1 Sulfate 2 1 .05 Total Dissolved Solids ((1)1 1 Total Suspended Sonds 1 1 Turbidity 0.05 1 Uranium 0.075--Gross Alpha,picocurie/liter 3 Total Organic Carbon 1.0 Total Inorganic Carbon 1.0 s13/r 3 - 9 - TABLE 3.1 -CONTINUED R&M U.S.G.S. Detection Detection Limit(1 )Limit(5) Laboratory Parameters (Cont/d) Organic Chemicals Endrin 0.0002 .00001 Lindane 0.004 .00001 -Methoxychlor 0.1 .00001 Toxaphene 0.005 .001 2,4-D 0.1 .00001 2,4,5-TP Silvex 0.01 .00001 ICAP Scan(4) Ag,Silver 0.05 .001 AI,Aluminum 0.05 .01 As,Arsenic 0.10 .001 Au,Gold 0.05 8,Boron 0.05 .01 Sa,Barium 0.05 .1 Bi,Bismuth 0.05 Ca,Calcium 0.05 .01 '""" Cd,Cadmium 0.01 .001 Co,Cobalt 0.05 .001 Cr,Chromium 0.05 .001 1IlII'!lf!J. CUI Copper 0.05 .001 Fe,Iron 0.05 .01 Hg,Mercury 0.1 .0001 -K,Potassium 0.05 .1 Mg,Magnesium 0.05 .1 Mn,Manganese 0.05 .001 Mo,Molybdenum 0.05 .001 Na l Sodium 0.05 .1 Ni,Nickel 0.05 .001 Pb,Lead 0.05 .001 Pt,Platinum 0.05 Sb,Antimony 0.10 .001 Se,Selenium 0.10 .001 Si I Silicon 0.05 Sn,Tin 0.10 .1 Sr,Strontium 0.05 .01 Ti,Titanium 0.05 ~W,Tungsten 1.0 ~ s13/r 3 -10 TABLE 3.1 -CONTINUED R&M Detection L ·'t(1 )Iml Laboratory Parameters (Cont'd) U.S.G.S. Detection Limit(5) V I Vanadium Zn,Zinc Zr,Zirconium 0.05 0.05 0.05 .01 (1)All values are expressed in mg/l unless otherwise noted. (2)TDS -(filterable)material that passes through a standard glass fiber filter and remains after evaporation (SM p 93). (3)TSS -(nonfilterable)material retained on a standard glass fiber filter after filtration of a well-mixed sample. (4)lCAP SCAN -thirty two (32)element computerized scan in parts/million (Ag,AI,As,Au,B,Ba,Bi,Ca,Cd,Co,Cr,Cu,Fe,Hg,K,Mg,Mn,Mo, Na,Ni,Pb,Pt,Sb,Se,Si,So,Sr,Ti,V,W,Zn,Zr). (5)U.S.G.S.detection limits are taken from "1982 Water Quality Laboratory Services Catalog"U.S.G.S.Open-File Report 81-1016.The limits used are the limits for the most precise test available. s13/r 3 -11 513/s1 TABLE 3.2 NUMBER OF DATA POINTS BY PARAMETER,STATION,AND SEASON Summer Winter Break-up D V G C T S SS 0 V G C T S SS D V G C T S SS-------------------- PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Color 0 9 52 6 30 3 4 0 0 20 4 14 1 4 0 0 6 0 7 0 0 Conductivity 18 34 70 19 108 5 21 4 3 30 6 52 2 20 0 1 9 0 22 0 6 Hardness 11 20 67 6 59 5 20 4 3 27 4 30 2 20 0 1 5 0 17 0 6 PH 15 20 41 6 71 3 62 4 3 26 4 41 1 45 0 1 11 0 16 0 18 Temperature 50 48 20 18 102 5 109 0 3 41 5 41 1 47 0 1 9 0 20 0 33 w Total Dissolved Solids 11 20 68 6 56 0 24 4 3 29 4 30 0 20 0 1 5 0 16 0 4 ~Total Suspended Solids 58 48 60 19 54 0 67 0 3 11 6 24 0 22 0 1 12 0 12 0 5 N Turbidity 8 10 7 0 0 2 13 0 3 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 INORGANIC,NON-METALLICS Alkalinity 11 7 71 6 59 3 52 4 3 26 4 30 2 30 0 0 3 0 15 0 6 Chloride 11 20 69 6 59 5 23 4 3 28 4 30 2 21 0 1 6 0 17 0 6 Nitrogen,ammonia (d)0 9 10 0 2 2 15 0 3 6 0 4 2 7 0 1 6 0 1 0 3 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl (d)0 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Nitrogen,Nitrate (d)15 20 67 6 45 0 1 0 3 25 4 19 0 2 0 1 5 0 12 0 0 Nitrogen,Organic (d)0 9 10 0 3 2 12 0 3 6 0 2 2 9 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 Nitrogen,Total (d)0 9 10 0 2 2 22 0 3 6 0 3 2 17 0 1 2 0 1 0 5 Oxygen,Dissolved 0 8 11 0 38 3 12 0 3 5 0 24 1 12 0 1 2 0 5 0 4 D.O.,%Saturation 0 8 11 0 19 0 53 0 3 5 0 14 1 19 0 1 2 0 0 0 11 Phosphate,Ortho (d)0 9 16 0 11 3 0 0 3 5 0 4 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 Phosphate,Total (d)0 9 10 0 3 2 12 0 3 4 0 3 2 10 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 Sulfate 11 20 72 6 59 5 23 4 3 25 4 30 2 21 0 1 4 0 17 0 6 Total Inorganic Carbon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Free Carbon Dioxide 11 17 66 1 1 3 1 4 3 25 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 I ,I J I I I .1 J J J J J J 513/52 J l )I J s I j 1 1--i i TABLE 3.2 (Continued) RADIOACTIVE PARAMETERS Summer D Y-~.f.-.....I.-s ss o V Winter GeT S---SS Break-up .__~ D V ~£......L 2....ss Gross Alpha Uranium METALS AND ICAP SCAN o 1 3 0o5 4 0 2 0 4 0 o o o 1 2 0 022 0 2 0 4 0 o o 000 000 o o 1 0 2 0 o o Aluminum (d) w Aluminum (t) ~Antimony (d) w Arsenic (d) Arsenic (t) Barium (d) Barium (t) Bismuth (d) Boron (d) Cadmium (d) Cadmium (t) Calcium (d) Chromium (d) Chromium (t) Cobalt (d) Cobalt (t) Copper (d) Copper (t) Gold (d) I ron (d) Iron (t) Lead (d) Lead (t) Magnesium (d) o 10 6 0 o 0 3 0 o 10 7 0 o 10 7 0 o 000 o 10 9 0 o 0 5 0 o 10 7 0 o 10 7 0 o 10 2 0 o 0 4 0 11 20 67 6 o 10 2 0o0 5 0 o 0 2 0 o 0 2 0o102 0 005 0 o 10 7 0 11 10 30 6 o 0 5 0 o 10 9 0 o 0 5 0 11 20 64 6 o 0 1 3 o 0o2 o 5 5 2 9 5 o 0 o 0 5 2 8 4 58 5 5 2 10 5 4 2 o 2 4 2 10 5o0 25 2 11 5 5 2 8 5 58 5 o o o 10 12 7 8 o o 8 11 23 8 11 12 7 10 11o 12 12 12 12 23 o o o o o o o oo o o 4 o o o o o o o 4 o o o 4 3 3 o 0 3 3 3 3 o 0 3 3 o 0 3 3 3 3 3 3o0 3 29 3 3 o 0 o 0 o 0 3 3 o 0 3 3o21 o 0 3 3 o 0 3 30 o o o o o o o o o o o 4 o o o o o o o 4o o o 4 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 1 o 1 5 1 4 0 o 0 o 0 5 1 o 4 30 2 4 1 4 1 2 1 o 1 5 1 4 1 o 0 9 1 4 1 5 1 4 1 30 2 o o o 8 8 5 4 o o 4 o 21 4 3 8 3 9 3 o 8 9 8 8 21 o o o o o o 10 o o o 7 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o 1 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 1 o o o 1 o 1 o o 1 o 1 2o 2 2 o 2 o 2 2 2 o 2 2 o o o 2 o 2 o o 2 o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o. o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 1 0 4 0 o 0o0 1 0 4 0 17 0 o 0 5 0 o 0 o 0 1 0 4 0 o 0 7 0 5 0 1 0 3 0 17 0 o o o 5 5 2 2 o o 2 4 6 2 3 o 3 4 5 o 5 5 4 5 5 513/53 TABLE 3.2 (Continued) Summer Winter Break-up 0 V G C T 5 SS ~Y-~f...-T S 5S D V G C T 5 55 Manganese (d)10 10 35 3 11 4 12 3 3 29 3 8 2 8 0 1 2 0 1 0 5 Manganese (t)0 0 5 0 9 5 12 0 0 0 0 4 1 8 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 Mercury (d)0 0 2 0 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mercury (t)0 0 5 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 Molybdenum (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Molybdenum (t)0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nickel (d)0 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nickel (t)0 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Platinum (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 w Potassium (d)11 20 58 6 58 5 23 4 3 20 4 30 2 21 0 1 5 0 18 0 6 !....Selenium (d)0 10 9 0 5 2 11 0 3 3 0 5 1 8 0 1 2 0 1 0 5 +:0 Selenium (t)0 0 5 0 9 5 12 0 0 0 0 5 1 8 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 Silver (d)0 10 2 0 6 2 6 0 3 3 0 5 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 Silver (t)0 0 5 0 8 5 6 0 0 0 0 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 Sodium (d)11 20 55 6 58 5 23 4 3 22 4 30 2 21 0 1 4 0 17 0 6 Silicon (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Strontium (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Tin (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Titanium (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Tungsten (d)0 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Vanadium (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Zinc (d)0 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Zinc (t)0 0 5 0 9 5 10 0 0 0 0 5 1 7 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Zironium (d)0 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 I I I I J I )I )~,1 j J -) ] 513/54 ,)J E I 'j ~1 1 )]II TABLE 3.2 (Continued) Summer Winter Break-up D V G C T S SS !L ".L Q...L ...L ~SS D V G C T S 55----------- ORGANICIS Chemical Oxygen Demand 0 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Total Organic Carbon 0 0 6 0 1 0 8 0 1 4 0 2 0 10 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 Endrin 0 5 3 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Lindane 0 3 3 0 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Methoxychlor 0 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toxaphene 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2,4-D 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 w 2,4,S-TP Silvex 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I -..I tTl Note: Cd)is dissolved (t)is total Sample Stations D -Denali V -Vee Canyon G -Gold Creek C -Chulitna T -Talkeetna 5 -Sunshine S5 -Susitna Station TABLE 3.3 ORGANIC PARAMETERS RECOMMENDED FOR ANALYSIS Parameters·Detection Limits Parameters Detection Limits PCB's Aroch1or Aroch1or Aroch1or Aroch1or Aroch1or Aroch1or· Aroch1or 1016 1221 1232 1242 1248 1254 1260 (\1g/1)0.05 II II.. II II II PHENOXY ACID HERBICIDES 2,4 D (\.Ig/1) 2 I 4,5 T .(lJ g/l) 2,4 ,'5 TP (\.Ig/1) 1. 0.5 0.5 0"1 ·w ~ORGANOCHLORIDES Aldrin (\19/1 ) a BHC (\.19/1) 15 BHC (\19/1) a BHC (119/1) Y BRC (119/1) «Chlordane (\19/1) Y Chlordane (\19/1) p,p1 ODD h.lg/1) 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.002 '0.005 0.005 0.012 PIP1 DDE (11g/1 ) p/P1 DDT (\.19/1 ) «Endosu1fan (\.19/1 ) a Endosu1fan (\.19/1) Endrin (v9/1 ) .Heptachlor (\1 9/1) Heptachlor Epoxide (\.19/1) Toxaphene (v9/1 ) Methoxychlor (1.19/1 ). 0.006 0.016 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.004 0.40 0.01 J I I 1 J )J J I J ~>Ji' TABLE 3.4 PARAMETERS EXCEEDING CRITERIA BY STATION AND SEASON Parameter Station Season Criteria D.O.%Saturation G S L pH T S,W(B L G B .....Color T,5 5 L Phosphorus,Total (d)V,G,T,S,SS S,W,B L Total Organic Carbon G,SS S 5 V,G,SS W SS B ~ Aluminum (d)V,G S,W S Aluminum (t)G,S,SS 5 ~Bismuth (d)V,G S S G W ~Cadmium (d)T,SS 5,W L 5S B Cadmium (t)G,T,5,S5 S.-T,SS W,B Copper (d)T,S5 5 A T W 5S B Copper (t)G,T,5,SS S T,S,SS W .....T,SS Iron (d)0,V,C S L Iron (t)G,T,S,SS S.....T B Lead (t)G,T,S,SS S A T,S5 W,B Manganese (d)D,V,G,C S L Manganese (t)G,T,S S T,SS B s13/r 3 -17 TABLE 3.4 (Continued) Parameter Station Season Criteria Mercury (d)G,S,S L S W Mercury (t)G,T,S,SS S T,S,SS W -T,SS B 'I Nickel (t)G,S,SS S A - Zinc (d)V S A Zinc (t)G,S,SS S T,S,SS W ~, SS B Stations D -Denali V -Vee Canyon G -Gold Creek C -Chulitna T -Tal keetna S -Sunshine SS -Susitna Station Seasons S -Summer W -Winter B -Breakup Criteria L -Established by law as per Alaska Water Quality Standards S -Criteria that have been suggested but are not law,or levels which natural waters usually do not exceed. A -Alternate level to 0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioassay. - ~, s13/r 3 -18 - - -- 4 -PRE-PROJECT WATER QUALITY AND HYDROLOGY Wide seasonal fluctuations in discharge are characteristic of the Susitna River.Discharge declines during the fall and winter, typically reaching a minimum in March.Breakup occurs in late April or early May;discharge sharply increases then and varies throughout the summer,depending on temperature and rainfall. The maximum average monthly flow usually occurs in June,and the minimum usually occurs in March.Table 4.1 presents basin and runoff characteristics for the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites and for Gold Creek.The U.S.Geological Survey (USGS)has maintained a gaging station at Gold Creek for the past 31 years and has also sampled water quality and suspended sediment during that time.Analysis of regional flow characterstics has been done by the USGS and by R&M Consultants,Incorporated (R&M),and is contained in II Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams ll (Lamke, 1979),"Regional Flood Peak Studies ll (R&M,1981);and "River Morphology Studies ll ,(R&M,1982b).The average annual runoff at the two proposed damsites is 1.5 cubic feet per second per square mile of drainage basin (cfspsm),and at Gold Creek it is 1.6 cfspsm.The maximum recorded discharge at Gold Creek is 90,700 cfs (USGS,1981),which amounts to 15 cfspsm. The wide seasonal fluctuations in discharge have a significant effect on water quality.The glacial character of the river also affects water quality.Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity levels are low during late fall and winter,but sharply increase at breakup and remain high throughout summer during the glacial melt period.Dissolved solids concentrations and conductivity values are high during low-flow periods and low during the summer during high flows. The Susitna River is a fast-flowing,cold-water stream of the calcium bicarbonate type containing soft to moderately hard water during breakup and in the summer and moderately hard water in the winter.Nutrient concentrations,namely nitrate and ortho- phosphate,exist in low to moderate concentrations.Dissolved- oxygen concentrations typically remain high,averaging about 12 mg/I during the summer and 13 mg/I during winter.Percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen always exceeds 80 percent but averages near 100 percent in the summer;in the winter,saturation levels decline slightly from the summer levels.pH values typically range between 7 and 8 and exhibit a wider range in the summer as compared to the winter.During summer,pH occasionally drops below 7,which is attributed to tundra runoff.True color,also resulting from tundra runoff,displays a wider range during summer than winter.Color levels in the vicinity of the damsites have been measured as high as 40 color units.Temperature remains at or near DoC during winter,and the summer maximum is 13°C.Alkalinity concentrations,with bicarbonate as the dominant s14/i 4 - 1 anion/are low to moderate during summer and moderate to high during winter.The buffering capacity of the river is relatively low on occasion. The concentrations of many trace elements monitored in the river were low or within the range characteristic of natural waters. However /the concentrations of some trace elements exceeded water quality guidelines for the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms.These concentrations are the result of natural processes because there are no man-induced sources of these elements in the Susitna River basin. Concentrations of organic pesticides and herbicides/uranium,and gross alpha radioactivity were either less than their respective detection limits or were below levels considered to be potentially harmful. - """ - ..... - s14/i 4 - 2 ..... TABLE 4.1 SUSITNA RIVER,BASIN AND RUNOFF CHARACTERiSTICS Devil Gold (1) Watana Canyon Creek Damsite Damsite Gage Site Drainage Area,Mi 2 5,180 5,810 6,160 Average Annual Flow,cfs 7,860 8,960 9,647 Maximum Average Monthly Flow,cfs 23,100 26,200 27,900 Minimum Average Monthly Flow,cfs 890 1,030 1,100 ,,~ (1 )USGS,1981. s14/i 4 - 3 - !"'" ,~, 5 -RIVER REGIME EFFECTS OF IMPOUNDMENT Construction of hydroelectric dams and their reservoirs has a profound effect on the water regime of downstream river reaches. The effects are summarized here;more detailed discussion is presented in II River Morphology Studies ll (R&IVI/1982c).Since the rate of reservoir water outflow is controlled,the downstream reach is no longer subject to the fluctuations of a normal river regime, with the consequence that the flow becomes more seasonally uniform throughout the year (Kellerhals and Gilt /1973;Turkheim/ 1975).The minimum flow rate is significantly increased,and peak flows are decreased.The decrease in spring flood magnitude/ especially during the initial impoundment,may result in negative effects on the downstream environment.It is reasonable to expect that the interference with natural Susitna River flows will cause a change in stream levels and bank storage levels for some distance downstream from the dams. The number of upstream hydrologic effects are few compared to at-reservoir and downstream effects.Due to an aggradation process whereby reservoir water levels are increased in an upstream direction,the reservoir can increase the amount of evaporation from a river (Turkheim/1975).However,the amount of evaporation from the river will be a small percentage of the total evaporation from the Watana and Devi I Canyon reservoi rs, and evaporation at these reservoirs will be insignificant. s12/L 5 - 1 ,.,..., - 6 -WATER QUALITY IMPACTS 6.1 -Impoundment Characteristics The Watana Dam will be 860 feet high and will retain 9.6 million acre-feet of water at full storage.The area of the reservoir at the maximum operating level will be 38,000 acres.The Devil Canyon Reservoir·will be smaller,covering 7,800 acres at the maximum operating level,with 1.1 million acre-feet at full storage. The Devil Canyon Dam will be 650 feet high.Either multi-level outlets or single outlets at a depth no greater than 200 feet will be used.Consequently,neither dam wi II have an outlet near the reservoir bottom. The environmental conditions in an impoundment differ from those in a flowing stream in many ways,including change in water depth,increased detention time,and the possibility of stratification,eutroph ication,evaporation,sedimentation,and leaching.Each of these has an influence on the normal physical, chemical,and biologic processes that cause changes in water quality.Additional detention time allows natural processes to proceed far beyond the extent feasible in a flowing stream.If stratification exists,the bottom portion of the water (hypolimnion) is trapped and does not contact aerated water or the atmosphere, thereby having a marked effect on the natural processes that occur in water and leading to creation of poor-quality water. Leaching also results in poor quality of the hypolimnion. Eutrophication leads to algal blooms and nuisance conditions throughout an impoundment,and evaporation concentrates the dissolved fractions in water. 6.2 -Impoundment Processes and Interactions The impoundment processes (stratification,eutrophication, evaporation,sedimentation,leaching,and ice cover)are defined in this section,and a summary of their interactions is presented. Stratification.Stratification is a layering of water because of density differences,which can be caused by temperature or sediment load.Stratification occurs in the summer -due to the warming of the surface water by short and long-wave radiation, conduction,and advection (Roesner,1971),and winter stratification can occur in cold regions because O°C water at the surface is lighter than the warmer water below (Kittrel,1965).· Winter stratification is not as stable as summer stratification,which is stable with dense water at the bottom and lighter water at the top and very little vertical mixing.The top layer of the reservoir (the epilimnion)is of nearly uniform temperature,the region of changing temperature below the epilimnion is the thermocline,and the bottom layer is the hypolimnion (Symons,1969).Only weak thermal stratification has been observed in glacial lakes (R&M, 1982a). s14/a 6 - 1 Eutrophication.Eutrophication is a term meaning enrichment of waters by nutrients,either man-induced or through natural means (Mackenthun,1969).Phosphorus and nitrogen are the fertilizing elements most responsible for lake eutrophication,but iron and other trace elements are also important. Evaporation.The major effect of evaporation on water quality is the resulting higher concentration of dissolved substances (Symons,1969;Love,1961).In Alaska,cool temperatures and abundant water indicate that evaporation may not be critical. Sublimation from ice and snow,however,may cause significant water loss (Smith and Justice,1976). Sedimentation.The quiescent conditions in impoundments indicate that sedimentation will occur,and the type of material that will settle is dependent on upstream conditions.The rate of settling is .a function of particle size,shape,and density (Weiss et al., 1973). Leaching.Leaching is the exchange of chemicals from an impoundment bottom to the water mass,and the process of exchange is more rapid under reducing conditions than under oxidizing conditions (Mortimer;1941,1942). Ice Cover.An ice cover has one direct effect on impoundment water quality and some indirect effects.The direct effect was noted by Mortimer (1941,1942),who discussed the increased concentration of solutes just below the ice.As water freezes,the dissolved solids are exuded from the ice and concentrated.The indirect effects include (1)the prevention of atmospheric reaeration,(2)stratification,and (3)a reduction in light penetration after snow covers the ice. Each of the six processes defined above interact with one another in impoundments.The cumulative effect of these interactions on water quality is usually to further degrade it.The process interactions described below are from Smith and Justice (1976). Stratification-Leaching.In a stratified reservoir,no vertical mixing occurs between the epiJimnion and the hypolimnion;thus no oxygen is transferred to the lower water.If anaerobic conditions result,the redox potential will decrease,and leaching rates will increase. Stratification-Sedimentation.Stratification causes inffowing water to enter at a depth with equal density,thereby controlling the distance the sediment load has to fall before being effectively removed from the incoming water.I n some cases,stratification determines whether or not the suspended material will be removed at all.Also,loss of sediment reduces the water density,which can affect stratification. ~I - - - '~ s14/a 6 - 2 ..- Stratification-Evaporation.Stratification increases evaporation because the warm,less dense water remains near the su rface.On the other hand,surface cooling by evaporation and heat loss can cause convective currents if the heat loss is greater than the energy added by the sun1s radiation.The convective cu rrents keep the epilimnion isothermal and mixed. Stratification-Eutrophication.Nutrient-rich hypolimnion water is prevented from mIxing with surface water,thus controlling algae growth if the concentration of the limiting nutrient is controlled. Eutrophication-Leaching.The dying and settling of algae adds organic matter to the bottom.Upon degradation,the organic matter depletes oxygen and releases chemicals.Nutrients are released by the leaching of detritus material.If the nutrients are transported to the surface,algae growth may be stimulated. Eutrophication-Sedimentation.Dead algae settle to the bottom. Settling of dead algae and of some precipitates removes nutrients from the zone of algae growth.Increased light penetration due to turbidity removal can stimulate algae growth. Eutrophication-Evaporation.Active algae growths at a water surface cause an increase in evaporation rates. Sedimentation-Leaching.Settling of inorganic material will reduce leaching by covering or diluting organic deposits.If the settled material is high in organic content,anoxic conditions,and thus leaching,will be favored. Ice Cover-Evaporation.Water loss by evaporation will be reduced if an ice cover exists,but sublimation·will still occur and will remove some of the ice and snow cover. Ice Cover-Eutrophication.The decreased light penetration due to snow and ice cover will slow the growth of algae.However,rapid algae growth has been observed under ice cover. Ice Cover-Stratification.Winter stratification is protected from wind mixing by an ice cover. Ice Cover-Leaching.Winter reaeration can only come from advection of oxygen-rich water or through cracks in the ice cover. If anaerobic conditions develop,leaching will increase. Evaporation-Sedimentation.Loss of water by evaporation leaves the dissolved solids more concentrated,thus forcing precipitation reactions to the solid phase with possible settling of reaction products. s14/a 6 - 3 .-_._------------------------------- 6.3 -Impoundment Impacts on Water Quality When a turbulent,sediment-laden stream such as the Susitna River enters a reservoir,the quiescent conditions wIll allow much of the material to settle to the bottom.Weiss et al.(1973),Simmons (1972),and Love (1961)substantiate the reduction of turbidity by impoundment of sediment-laden waters in reservoirs.According to reservoir sedimentation studies,70-97 percent of sediment entering Watana Reservoir would settle (most likely on the high end of this range),even shortly after filling of the reservoir starts (R&M, 1982a).The Devil Canyon Reservoir would have a slightly lower trap efficiency than Watana due to its smaller volume.However, most sediment will be deposited in Watana,the upstream reservoir. Turbidity levels and suspended solids concentrations downstream from the reservoir will decrease sharply from natural levels during the summer months due to the sediment trapping characteristics of the reservoirs.The turbidity of water released during winter will be substantially reduced from summer conditions,as suspended sediment in near-surface waters should rapidly settle once the reservoir ice cover forms and essentially quiescent conditions occur.However,it is possible that glacial flour that entered the reservoir during summer will pass through and out the reservoir during winter.If this occurs,the turbidity of water released during winter,although low,will be higher than pre-project levels. Sedimentation affects other water quality parameters besides turbidity and suspended solids.Color (Drachev,1962), pa rticu late phosphorus (Wright and Soltero,1973),dead microorganisms such as plankton and algae (Erickson and Reynolds,1969),and precipitated chemicals (Mortimer;1941,1942) are removed in the sedimentation process.Consequently,color levels and total phosphorus concentrations ought to be reduced in and downstream from the reservoir.Metal concentrations,such as iron,manganese,and some of the trace elements,will also be reduced as they are precipitated and settle to the bottom. Leaching under anaerobic conditions will cause some of these characteristics to redissolve into the water near the reservoir bottom.However,if the deposited material is inorganic,it can form a mat on the reservoir bottom,thereby effectively blocking leachate from entering the water column (Neal,1967).This is expected to occur in the Watana Reservoir but is likely to be a minor factor in the Devil Canyon Reservoir. The range and seasonal variation in temperature of the Susitna River will change after impoundment.Boike and Waddell (1975) noted in an impoundment study that the resevoir not only reduced the magnitude of variation in temperature but also changed the time period of the high and low temperature.This will also be the case for the Susitna River,where pre-project temperatures generally range from O°C to 13°C with the lows occurring in s14/a 6 - 4 ,- - October/November through March/April and the highs in July or August.After closure of the dam gates,the temperature range will be reduced and low temperatures will occur in November through March.The period of highest temperature will be July and August,as is the pre-project case.Reservoirs releasing water from the surface are IIheat exporter ll reservoirs (Turkheim, 1975),and both Susitna River reservoirs fall into this category. Thermal stratification is likely to occur in both reservoirs during summer and winter as a result of density differences within the water column,although stratification is often relatively weak. Winter stratification would be less stable than summer stratification because the maximum temperature difference would be 4°C,the temperature of water at its maximum density.It is expected that vertical mixing will occur in the spring as a result of the large input of water,wind effects,and surface-water warming.During stratified conditions,vertical mixing is inhibited or eliminated. Thus,the transport of oxygen from the surface,where reaeration occurs,to the bottom,where biologic and chemical processes use oxygen,is severely inhibited. Anaerobic bottom conditions can harm aquatic life and cause the reduction and release of undesirable chemicals into the water (Fish,1959).The leaching process,which is more efficient under anaerobic conditions,.degrades bottom water quality by releasing such chemicals as al kalinity,iron,manganese (Symons et al., 1965L hydrogen sulfide,and nutrients (Turkheim,1975).Also, leaching problems become more severe as the organic content in the soils increases.The potential for leaching at the Watana Reservoir should decline over time as the inorganic glacial sediment carried in by the river settles and blankets the reservoir bottom. The products of leaching are not anticipated to be abundant enough to affect more than a small layer of water near the reservoir bottoms.Also,leaching products will not degrade downstream water quality over the long term because water will be released from the reservoir surface.A short-term increase in dissolved solids,conductivity,and most of the major ions may be evident immediately after closure of the dam.The magnitude of increase cannot be quantified with available data,but it is anticipated that the increase will not result in detrimental effects to freshwater aquatic organisms.Boike and Waddell (1975) reported that the highest concentration of all major ions,except magnesium,occurred immediately after closure of the dam they were studying.They attributed the increase in concentration to the initial inundation and leaching of rocks and soils in the reservoir area.However,effects such as these are temporary and diminish as the reservoir matures (Baxter and Glaude,1980). s14/a 6 - 5 Although evaporation has been noted to cause the dissolved solids concentra.tions to increase (Symon!1969;Love,1961),this potential effect on water quality at the Watana and Devlt Canyon Reservoirs is not significant.The average annual evaporation predicted for May through September at Watana is 10.0 inches,and at Devil Canyon is '11.1 inches.There is no evaporation during the period of ice cover which will be October through April.The percentage of the reservoirs lost to evaporation during summer will be 0.3 percent at Watana and 0.6 percent at Devil Canyon.A less-than 1 percent increase in concentration of most water quality parameters is not significant.Local effects may be noted from evaporation,and sublimation may cause some water loss,creating local effects.These are not anticipated to be significant. Eutrophication occurs when nutrients accumulate in the photic zone of lakes and reservoirs.If water is released from a reservoir surface,the reservoir is a "nu trient trapJl (Turkheim,1975),much like a lake.Both Susitna River reservoirs will release water from at or near the surface.Hence,they can be expected to become nutrient traps.However,the probability of eutrophic conditions developing in these reservoirs is not necessarily high because they are nutrient traps.The major criteria that influence eutrophication include nutrient concentrations,algal populations, solar radiation!and the effects of reservoir processes.More detailed discussion on assessment of eutrophication potential is presented in Attachment B. The critical concentration cif nitrogen in a lake at the beginning of the growing season above which excessive algae blooms may be expected to occur is 0.2 0.3 mg/I when phosphorus concentrations are from 0.01 to 0.02 mg/I (Mackenthun,1960). Symons (1969)reports that phosphorus is the controlling nutrient and blooms could be expected if the level exceeded 0.01 mg/I. The pre-project concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus measured at Vee Canyon,upstream from the proposed reservoir locations,have exceeded the critical concentration levels cited above.These critical concentration levels were developed from work done in temperate regions,and may not be applicable in the subarctic.LaPerriere et al.(1978),in their study of the nutrient chemistry of a large,deep subarctic fake,reported nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations similar to those measured at Vee Canyon.,The lake they studied was not eutrophic,and the peak algal biomass and productivity occurred under the spring ice rather than in the summer.They also predicted that a large number of cottages could be added around the lake without eutrophic conditions developing.Based on this work,it seems reasonable to expect that eutrophic conditions will not develop in the Watana and Devil Canyon Reservoirs. - ",""" s14/a 6 - 6 - - Turkheim (1975)reports that nitrogen supersaturation of water below a dam is possible in certain seasons,extending an unknown distance downstream.This is certainly a possibility below both Susitna dams.However,the ultimate impact of nitrogen supersaturation is its effect on fish.Nitrogen supersaturation problems will be solved structurally through the use of Howell-Bunger valves,eliminating plunging spIlls up to the 1:50 year flood.Portage Creek,just below Devil Canyon,is essentially the upstream limit for spawning salmon.Consequently,water supersaturated with nitrogen leaving the dams must travel through Devil Canyon before reaching an important fisheries area.It is reasonable to expect that,with the natural plunging and turbulence of the canyon,post-project nitrogen super-saturation levels will be the same as the pre-project levels at the downstream end of Devi I Canyon. s14/a 6 - 7 - - 7 -REFERENCES Baxter,R.M.;and P.Glaude,1980.Environmental effects of dams and impoundments in Canada:experience and prospects. Bulletin 205,Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Ottawa, Canada,34 pp. Boike,E.L.,and K.M.Waddell,1975.Chemical quality and temperature in Flaming Gorge Reservoir,Wyoming and Utah, and the effect of the reservoir on the Green River.U.S. Geological Survey,Water-Supply Paper 2039-A,814 pp. Drachev,S.M.,1962.The oxygen regime and the processes of self-purification in reservoirs with retarded discharge.In: Advances in Water Pollution Research,B.A.Southgate, editor,Pergamon Press,New York. Erickson,P.A.,and J.T.Reynolds,1969.The ecology of a reservoir.Natural History,83:11:48-53. Fish,F.F.,1959.Effect of impoundment on downstream water quality.Journal American Water Works Association,Vol.51, pp.47-50. Kittrel,F.W.,1965.Thermal stratification in reservoirs.In: Symposium on Streamflow Regulation for Quality Control,U. S.Department of Health,Education and Welfare,Washington, D.C.,279 pp. Lamke,R.D.1979.Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams. U.S.Department of the Interior,Geological Survey,Water Resources Investigations 78-129.Anchorage,Alaska. LaPerriere,J.D.;T.Tilsworth;and L.A.Casper,1978. Nutrient chemistry of a large,deep lake in subarctic Alaska. EPA-600/78-088,U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory,Corvallis,Oregon, 129 pp. Kellerhals,R.;and D.Gill,1973.Observed and potential downstream effects of large storage projects in northern Canada.In:Proceedings,11th International Congress on Large Dams,Madrid,Spain,pp.731-754. Love,K.S.,1961.Relationship of impoundment to water quality. Journal American Water Works Association I Vol.53,pp. 559-568. Mackenthun, control. s14/b K.M.,1960.What you should know about algal Public Works,91 :9:114-116. 7 - 1 __...",..._,1969.The practice of water pollution biology.U.S. Department of the Interior,Federal Water Pollution Control Administration,Division of Technical Support,281 pp. Mortimer,C.H.,1941.The exchange of dissolved substances between mud and water in lakes,Parts 1 and 2.Journal of Ecology,Vol.29,pp.280-329. ,1942.The exchange of dissolved substances between---"'""":"mud and water in lakes,Parts 3 and 4.Journal of Ecology, Vol.30,pp.147-201. Neal,J.K.,1967.Reservoir eutrophication and dystrophication following impoundment.In:Reservoir Fish Resources Symposium,Georgia University,Athens,pp.322-332. R&M Consultants,Inc.,1981.Regional flood peak studies. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Report,Anchorage, Alaska.December. R&M Consultants,Inc.,1982a. HydroeJectric Feasibility January. Reservoir sedimentation. Report,Anchorage, Susitna Alaska.-R&M Consultants,Inc.,1982b.River morphology studies. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Report,Anchorage, Alaska.January. Roesner,L.A.;W.R.Norton;and G.T.Orlob,1971. Jnternational symposium on mathematical models in hydrology. Warsaw,Poland,19 pp. Simmons,G.M.,1972. River,Virginia. Universtiy,Water Virginia. Pre-impoundment study of the North Anna Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Resources Research Center,Blacksburg, Smith,D.W.;and S.R. supply impoundments: Institute of Water Fairbanks,96 pp. Justice,1976.Clearing Alaskan water literature review.Report IWR-67-A, Resources,University of Alaska, Symons,J.M.,1969.Water quality behavior in reservoirs.U.S. Public Health Service,Bureau of Water Hygiene,Cincinnati, Ohio,200 pp. s14/b 7 - 2 __...,....~,S.R.Weibel,and G.G.Robeck,1965.Impoundment influences on water quality.Journal American Water Works Association,Vol ~57,No.1,pp.51-75. Turkheim,R.A.,1975.Biophysical impacts of arctic hydroelectric developments.In:Impacts of Mining and Hydroelectric Projects and Associated Developments on Arctic Renewable Resources and the Inuit,J.C.Day,editor, University of Waterloo,199 pp. Weiss,C.M.;D.E.Francisco;and D.R.Lenat,1973. Preimpoundment studies,Howard Mills,Project.Department of Enviornmental Sciences and Engineering and the University of North Carolina Wastewater Research Center,Chapel Hill, North Carolina,190 pp. - USGS,1981. Survey, 373 pp. Water resources data for Alaska.U.S.Geological Water~Data Report AK-80~1,Water Year 1980, - - - ,..... Wright,J.C.;and R.A.Soltero,1973.Limnology of Yellowtail Reservoir and the Bighorn River.Re~73-002,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,Washington,D.C.,105 pp. s14/b 7 - 3 - - - s14/c1 ATT ACHMENT A GRAPHICAL SUMMARIES OF WATER QUALITY DATA Ji l })1 )1 1 )1 -)..')t -}l "I , PARAMETER I TRUE COLOR,PLATINUM COBALT UNIT 160 100 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN ~50 •.MINIMUM 0 --._--. #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP .D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON"0'"GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION· Shall not excee.d50 units (ADEC,1979),,, Established to prevent ,the reduction of photosynthetic activity w¥ch may have deleteriouq '. effects on aquatic life.. ,.[IllI~DATA SUMMARY -COLOR R&M CONSULTANTS.INC..FIGURE I 1 .",ul,"'."".dI_O,-Oa .•".~..",....r.......~u..v.,.aR• .--~'.- ,. 1 J )}.1 J I ))l )~}1 '~.,I I j PARAMETER:CONDUCTIVITY,~mhos/cm @ 25°C 400 300 •MAXIMUM ,. -MEAN 200 •MINIMUM 100 , ·OBSERVATION SUMMER .WINTER BREAKUP . P-DENALI.V-VEE CANYON"G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULtTNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established lin~01 DATA SUMMARY -CONDUCT I VI TVR&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 2 .....g,IN......a.Dt.DI:J'.T.~LaN""."'••~IIII\I ....0_. )1 1 1 .~J 1 )'J }I i 1 , PARAMETER:HARDNESS.as Ca C03'(mg./I.) 170 120 •MAXIMUM -MEAN - 70 •MINIMUM 20 #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D'"DENALI·y ...VEe CANYON.G~GOLD CREEK c-CHUUTNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established ',- Some metals have variable synergistic effects with hardness,depen~ent on the prevailing., hardness in the water ..The criteria for cadium,for example,is 0.0012 mg/l in hard water and 0.0004 mg/l in soft water. t lIm~".,;:.rl'{f DATA SUMMARY -HARDNESSt-'~FIGURE 13R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. •NII'''''.....a.OLco,_T.~L.NN••••U"V.l"O". ,. 1 )1 1 1 i )1 -1 1 )1 I 1 PARAMETER:-.EH . - '" 8A MAXIMUM• , -MEAN ~- 7 ,-•MINIMUM 6 j *OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G~GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION" A,~ot less than 6.5 ot greater than 9.0.Shall not vary more than 0.5 pH unit from natural condition (ADEC,1979). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. [!I]~'YI ·I:IATA"SUMMARV -PHR&M ~ONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 4 •"'al""'.....GIlOl,.gOI.T._L.ANNW •••UIIIV.VCA. )I )\1 1 1 l ·1 1 )l -)1 1 1 PARAMETER I TEMPERATURE,°c ,A ~15 ~ 10 MAXIMUM• -MEAN ... 5 •MINIMUM 0 , *'OBSERVATIONI(J ...(J SUMMER ·WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI.V-VEe CANYON,a ...aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Shall not exceed 20°C at any time.The following maximum temperature shall not be exceeded where applicable:migration routes and rearing areas--150C,spawning areas and egg and fry incubation--130 C (ADEC,1979) Established to protect sensitive important fish species,and for the successful migration, spawning,egg-incubation,fry-rearing,and other reproductive functions of important species. ~DATA SUMMARY -TEMPERATURE [Ij]R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 5 •"',UII ......I:...a.OLgOI.",••1....,..,.......u.v .....o ... ]l 1 j i l J 'J 1 ~t I -...)~l J I , PARAMETER'.TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS,(mg./l.) 300 200 •MAXIMUM -MEAN - 100 - •.MINIMUM 0 ... #OBSERVATIONIn" .J.. ..'P .-- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEe CANYON,G"GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION A.1,500 rng/1 '(ADEb,1979).'. J Established to protect natural condition ~f f,reshwater ecosystems (500 mg/l is the cri£erion for water supplies).'. I -[Ill~DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDSR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 16 ........lIW ••".GeOLDO ••,••"'..."',.,.IIt ••u"......,cu,. '- 1 1 )'J I 1 }I )J -1> J '>J l l J 1 , PARAMETER I TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS,(mg./I.) 6000 - 4000 •MAXIMUM . -MEAN'. 2000 •.MINIMUM _. 0 . #OBSERVATIONu: --:.--- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP .D-DENALI·V-VEe CANYON,,'O'"OoLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No measurable increase above natural conditions (ADEC,1979)., I Established to prevent deleterious effects on aquatic animal and'plant life,their reprqduction "".'.and habitat.., I , [(Ill~\U DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS R&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC.FIGURE I 7 •,..11'......"'.GI.OI..QII"."."\'''N''''.~••u_v."allli. I • 1 1 l J J t 1 }1 t 1 ]l )J ) I PARAMETER:.~.TURBIDITY!NTU . 600 400 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 200 •MINIMUM 0 -. #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON,Ow GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINl£SS-SUSITNA STATION Shall not exceed 25 NTU above natural conditions (ADEC,1979), I Established to prevent .the reduction of the compensation point f~r;photosynthetic activity,'which may have adverse effects on aquatic life., r [[II]~DATA SUMMARY -TURB'I D1TY R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE Ie •NQIN......G.DLgOI.T......NN.IIl.eu.",."'o•• )J 1 ~i 1 1 })J !1 }1 I PARAMETER:ALKALINITY,as CAC03'(mg.11.) 175 125 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 75 ~ •MINIMUM 25~, .OBSERVAT ION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI.V-VEE CANYON,a-GOl.D CREEK 0-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION 20mg/l or more except where natural condition~are less.(EPA,1976), Established to protect treshwater aquatic organisms. mmJ~DATA SUMMARY -ALKALINITY !=I&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 9 •Nell""••••a.DLDI3 ••T.~L""'N••••UlllV.TC.... ])I "j j J .1 ))1 1 ) , PARAMETER I CHLORIDE,(rng ./1.) t A 30 20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN.-.. 10 •MINIMUM 0 #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK c-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 200 rng/1 x (ADEC,1979),, J Established to protect water supplies.. , r [(jI]~DATA SUMMARY -CHLOR I DE R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 10 •""G1II\o1 .....OeOLOQlllloTIIo _..ANNeil'll ••U.V.YQIIt. I. )J 1 »1 1 )11 1 ]1]1 ] I l ,, PARAMETER:AMMONIA NITROGEN ,as N,(mg ./l.) tA · 0.3 - .... 0.2 •MAXIMUM.- -MEAN 0.1 - -•MINIMUM .• 0.0 . *OBSERVATION. - .SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP ,p ..DENALI.V-VEE CANYON"O"GOI.D CREEK.C-CHULITNA T ..TALKEErN.A.~..SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than O.02mg/1 as un-ionized annnonia (EPA,1976).Data appearing above are total dissolved annnonia.The concentration of un-ionized ammonia is pH and temperature dependant.The maximum ammonia nitrogen concentration·appearing in this figure is less than the stated criterion. ; Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.' ~'D"l m!DR&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -AMMON IA NITROGEN FIGURE I II •""","'••••GI"OlQI»'.T."'LANN••••""'_V."'O•• ]1 1 I ..J -J "J 1 1 '"]}J -I )1 / PARAMETER:KJELDAHL NITROGEN,as N,(mg./1.) ...~ .. 0.80 •MAXIMUM ., -MEAN 0.40 •MINIMUM - 0.00 *OBSERVATIONIJ SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G~GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $'"SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established ,I , . r [1m.~DATA SUMMARY -KJELDAHL NITROGENR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.~FIGURE I 1,2 .NQiIN....(I.a~OQlI.T•..L .......N ••••Ullltv."0•• J. ~j C)]J 1 )]1 J ]j ] I PARAMETER:NITRATE NITROGEN.as N,(mg./1.) 3 2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN I •MINIMUM .. .." r- 0 *OBSERVATION~I'f SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G~GOlD CREEK C-CHUUTNA T-TALKEETNA $"SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 10 mg/1 (water supply).(EPA,1976).',- - Established tp protect water supplies. . , r rnm~'\J J DATA SUMMARY ~.NITRATE NITROGEN R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE 113 •""Cll ......~...D.DLQQI.,..taLA"""".___.u...v.YQ.... ,. 1 ])I 1 1 1 J -1 J , .PARAMETER:ORGANIC NITROGEN,as N,(mg./1.) 1.5 1.0 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.5 - •MINIMUM 0.0 .. #OBSERVATION-I ( SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G~GoLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established ,, : , . r [g]~OATA SUMMARY -ORGAN Ie.NITROGENR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 114 .NIlIIN._""_a_DLOa ••,.._LAN""_""_.UIllr"'....OA. J, »1 1 1 1 ]1 1 1 1 )J J , PARAMETER'TOTAL NITROGEN,as N,(mg./1.) 3 I 2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 1 •MINIMUM 0 *OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D"'DENALI·y ...VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established ,, , . r ~~L DATA SUMMARY -TOTAL NITROGENR&M CONSULTANTS.INC.FIGURE I 15 .NOIN••lIIIl.1II.0LDQlI.T.~L.""N."'••u"v.YOIlll. I, J 1 1 1 I 1 .1 1 )1 1 J PARAMETER:DISSOLVED OXYGEN,(mg,/1.) 17 t 14A :. 12 •MAXIMUM, -MEAN 10 •MINIMUM 8 I #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP .D-DENALI ..V-VEE CANYON"Go.GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A,Greater than 7mg/1,but 1m no case shall D,O,exceed 17mg/1 (ADEC,'1979), Established for the protection of anadromous and resident fish. [(jI]Q~~JWlI--'~ R&M CONSULTANTS,INC,DATA SUMMARY -OXYGEN)DISSOLVED FIGURE I 16 .NQlI""••••GI'OLQO'."....L ....NN."'••u""v.vc ... ].)I .---1 1 -J J ]1 1 I 1 )1 1 PARAMETER:D.O ..PERCENT SATURATION 120 A ;a.- 100 •MAXIMUM -MEAN .. eo •MINIMUM 60 , #OBSERVATION~.3 I .h........1 'I-" SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP .D-DENALI.:V-VEE CANYON"G-GOLD CREEK C"CHULITNA T-TALKEETN.A $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.mhe concentration of total disolved gas sh~ll not exceed 110%saturation at any point.(ADEC,1979). Established for the protection of anadromous and resident fish. [lID]~DATA SUMMARY -D.O.}%SATURATIONR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 17 •.·,11111'11.....a_OLC:U:lI.Ta _LANN ••••UIIIV.VC•• ]1 I ]]i J i B I )I -1 1 , PARAMETER I ORTHO PHOSPHATE,as P,(mg./1.) 0.6 _. 0.4 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.2 _. •MINIMUM .0.0 *OBSERVATION - SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON,0-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEErNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion estab~ished ,.-.. ,[g]~ ~&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -ORTHO PHOSPHATE FIGURE I 18 •,..,QIN.W ••a.cu..Otll,,"••1.,"''''''''••••r.J.V ....ICII1111. ,. ]1 I 1 1 ~I 1 j 1 ~I ] PARAMETER:DIS.PHOSPHORUS (P),(mg./1.) 0.4 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.2 --•MINIMUM A O.~-. #OBSERVATIONI)I) SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULlTNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.01 mg/l for elemental phosphorus (EPA,1976) Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. [j!jJ~DATA SUMMARY -PHOSPHORUSR&M CONSULTANTS.INC•FIGURE t 19 •""0'""......GIOI.Oa'.T.PLANNI".aUlltlJ."OA. •• J 1 ·'--1 ]'I •••J ---I .1 I ]I 1 1 , PARAMETER:SULFATE.(mg./1.) t A 40 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 20 •MINIMUM 0 #OBSERVATION SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP ,D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,Go;o GOLD CREEK COO CHULITNA Too TALKEETNA $..SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Shall not exceed 200 mg/l.(ADEC.1979).•I-.-Established to protect water supplies.. r mw~OATA SUMMARY -SULFATER&M CcNSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 120 •Nell,.,.......D.n~I:IOI.T•.,L.NN .....•LI."'....Q ... >• J '))J I )-1 }I ))1 , PARAMETER:TOTAL INORGANIC CARBON,(mg./1.) 100 75 •MAXIMUM -MEAN - 50 •MINIMUM 25 #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP p-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"Gu GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION ,' No criterion established.,,-. ". r ~" ~OATA SUMMARY -TOTAL I NORGAN IC CARBON R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 21 .""Oll'\iI.It'••A.aa.O~'.T.~L"''''N.lII••U"''''.l'CU'•• I, 1 )'1 I i -.J 1 "1 ~)1 1 1 1 J J ]j PARAMETER I FREE CARBON DIOXIDE,(mg./1.) 30 .." 20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 10 -F- .. •MINIMUM ... 0 I - *OBSERVATIONIJ SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI.,V-VEe CANYON"G-GOLD cReEK,c-CHULITNA T-TALKEETN,A ~..SUNSHINE ss-SUS.TNA STATION No criterion established ( . OJ[C"I",~[11]~VY.DATA SUMMARY -FREE CARBON DIOXIDER&M CONSUL.TANTS.INC•FIGURE I 22 • N ••""..........cn.QlJIl.T ........NN ••••u .."....c ... l 1 }I ))1 1 -J ]1 --]-_.]J 1 , PARAMETER:RADIOACTIVITY.GROSS ALPHA,(pCi/1) 60 40 •MAXIMUM -MEAN - 20 A~ _.•MINIMUM 8----7- 0 *OBSERVATION ,- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.Go.GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~...SUNSHINE SS'"SUSITNA STATION A.15 pCi/l (ADEC,1979), " B.5 pCi/l (McNeely,1979)., Established to prevent detrimental radionuclide concentratiQns inaqu~tic orga,nisms. ,~~DATA SUMMARY -GROSS ALPHAR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 823 •1'\11:111'1I.....l:I.g~DQI.T._L,ANN••••Ulltv.TO •• I • )l )1 1 I J ~i 1 i 1 1 I 1 E , PARAMETER:URANIUM.(mg.11.) ta 0.0003 0.0002 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.0001 •MINIMUM 0.0000 *OBSERVATION,51 4 r1 n II n .1.',-, SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON.G"""GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S.-SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION .. A.No criterion established.', .' B.EPA has suggeste~a possible ambient goal of 0.003 ~g/l,(Sittig,1981), .This goal is based on the effect of uranium on human health.' r [(I]~\y1 DATA SUMMARY -URANIUMF1&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE 124 •""GlI"'••"".0.0\.4:1111 •.,.••1...""1\1 .....uM!'W.'I'O •• I, ~I '~,,~1 1 ~l ~~-~l "]"J J J , PARAMETER I ALuMINUM (AL)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 3 2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN I ~•MINIMUM B --->0 , , #OBSERVATION) SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYO~.Q-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION, , A.No criterion established ,, B.A limit of 0.073 mg/1 h~s been suggested by EPA (Sittig,1981). '., This suggested limit is ba,sed on the effects of aluminum on human health. ~DATA'SUMMARY -ALUMINUM (d)[jj]R&M CONSULTANTS.INC.FIGURE /25 •NIIIN ••IIIl.~.aLDIIII.'t•...A""....."'••""lIIIv.yo.... J 1 l )C ---l -,,1 1 1 1\ i J i j t " PARAMETER I ALUMINUM (AI)Total Recoverable (mg./1.) . . - -c_. 20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 10 .- •.MINIMUM ~O .- :tI=08SERVATION --~-..-.• SUMMER :WINTER BREAICUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYON"0 ...GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~..SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.No criterion established ".',".. B.A limit of 0.073,m.g/l ·has been suggested by EPA (Sittig,1981).'.I,' This suggested U,ffiit is based on the effects 0:1;aluminum,~:m human health. I .~~q~J\1l ~~let)FIGURE I 26R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.DATA SUMMARY -ALUMINUM ......tI'III ••".0_0,,-001."••Io...,..r.,.....U.V."IC"'. .. )1 1 1 'I.'•, 1 1 1 1 1 I ...1 , PARAMETER:ANTIMONY (Sb)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) - ---.•.._.... .- 17 nl7:o •MAXIMUM . ..-MEAN I·· ~".~ •MINIMUM #OBSERVATION..If II -.._..,.-._. ---- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYO,..G"GOLD CREEK 0-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 9mg/1 on an acute basis,and less than 1.6 mg/1 on a chronic , basis.(EPA,1980;.Sittig,1981).. '.., , Established to protect freshwqte~aguatic organis~s.. r [Ill~DATA SUMMARY -ANTI'MONY (d) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 27 .""'gll"",••••aeOI.Oql.T.~""'''''N••••uJllwa ...o •• " J l 1 -1 1 )J 1 I J }1 J l J J I J , tA8B PARAMETER I ARSENIC (As)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) 0.003 0.002 •.MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.001 •.MINIMUM - 0.000 , *OBSERVATIONuJ: SUMMER 'WINTER .BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.Q ...GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than.440 mg/1.(EPA,1980;Sittig 1981).,, B..050 mg/1 for domestic water supplies (EPA,1976).'. ..j • Established for the J?rotection o~freshwater aquatic life (l\,)r and (B)fOl;"the J?rotection of drinking water. I [II]Dllc-'II\\/Jl DATA SUMMARY -ARSENIC (d)~\./ R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE '28 •NIIIN.....O_CllIo Og ••T.......l'lIfIilI ••••'-'IIIV.yailllle J, ---~-J J 1 ·1···· J 1 J 1 I,'j,~ 1 -J --1 1 J , ,' PARAMETER:ARSENIC (As)Total Recoverab1e(llg/1) taB·,- --- 20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN '. 10 •.MINIMUM 0 , #:OBSERVATION 11 )J ---~-o;l SUMMER :WINTER BREAJCUP ,D-DENALI-V-VEE CANYON,Q ...GOLD CREEK C-CHuLITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 440~g/1 (EPA,1980;Sittig,1981),. , B.5011g/1 for domestic water supplies (EPA,1976),'. " ~~$~~lished for the protection of freshwater aquatic lU'e'CAl:,and (B)for the protec~ion of drinking I ~~'U FIGURE I 29 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC•DATA SUMMARY ~ARSENIC (t) •""..........DIOLOCll'.".~L ..."""".I'III .u......Wglll.. " J J ]1 1 "-1 J 1 )1 1 I J 1 I PARAMETER I BARIUM (Ba)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) t A 0.2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.1 -"•MINIMUM 0.0 #:OBSERVATIONuu _.-. SUMMER ;WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON 0"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 1.0 mg/1.(EPA,1976;Sittig,1981).', '... Established to protect wate~supplies. , r rnm~DATA SUMMARY ...BARIUM (d) ~&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC.FIGURE 130 ....01,.,........a.o...PQlI.T •.,.......N."'••~..\,I •.,Q•• I, -]J ) , " J _1 _J J ", ,'. fA PARAMETER I'BARIUM (Ba)Total Recoverab1e(mg./1.) _0 -0.6 0.4 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0 0.2 .., --- •.MINIMUM 0.0 . :tFOBSERVATION -...-- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"a ..aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TM.KEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATIO,N A.Less than 1:6 mgjl (EPA,1976;Sittig,1981).. J Established to prot~ctwater supplies..'. ,. ~I rnmR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.DATA SUMMARY -BARIUM (t)FIGURE I 31•N.'''''.....o.at"aOI.T ......NN.....UIIIV.,.O". I • -==J ]J 1 I---_II j ]]-;)J -1 I i , PARAMETER:BISMUTH (Bi)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - ._-. --,- 0.20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.10 -,_.,.- •MINIMUM --.. ~O.OO -- ---.. -, *OBSERVATIONIIIIIIIT1-.'lIT "----- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0"DENALI v-VEE CANYON,G-GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION, A.No criterion established .,- B.EPA has suggested an ambient limit of 0.0035 mg/l.(Sittig,-1981).. This suggested limit for bismuth is b~sed on human health effects, r [II]~'V DATA SUMMARY -BI SMUT~Cd) R&M CONSULTANTS.,NC.FIGURE 132 •I\lIaIN ......Q.OL-DO .•"-....1o....NN ......"".1.1."'0"'. J_ -]_."J -"I J 1 ].·1 1 I ··1 ."1 1 J J 1 J , PARAMETER I BORON (B)DISSOLVED,(rng./1.) . . - •MAXIMUM IA -MEAN •MINIMUM *OBSERVATION Il II If - SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYOf:l!.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION 43 ~g/l,(Sittig,1981).i- Established to prote¢t water supplies. -. , ~DATA'SUMMARY -BORON (d)rnwR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 133 •",,11I ........1lI.0,"ODI.T ••L....NN ••••Ulllv •."a•• J. -----=1 ~-~J j J )1 1 J 1 I 1 J J J 1 I PARAMETER:CADMIUM (Cd)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 0.003 0.002 •MAXIMUM -MEANA.... 0.001 •.MINIMUMA--:;- B ----> 0.000 #:OBSERVATIONu SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,0'"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~.;.SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.0.0012 mg/1 in hard water and 0.0004 in soft water.(~PA,1976),, B.Less than 0.0002 :mg/1.(McNeely,1979),'. Established to protect freshwater ~quatic organisms.. OATAI SUMMARY -CADM I UM . .rm~Cd) R&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC•FIGURE 134 •,..1111'11 ....".O*O...Qml.T.,"",ANN.llI ••UIIIV."OIll. I. J 1 J ] 1.-'· J ]]J J j 1 ]J J J 1 j , .. CADHIUM (Cd)Total Recoverable (mg.11.)PARAMETER I - - 0.02 •MAXIMUM - -MEAN " O.OL -.,MINIMUM ~O , #OBSERVATION :1 J- ...~...--._. SUMMER :WINTER BREAI(UP D-DENALI.v-VEE CANYON..G"GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S.-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION .' A.0.0012 in hard 'vater and 0.0004 rilg./1 in soft 'Water (EPA",1976).,, J B.Less than 0.0002,mg/1 (M~Nee1y et a1,1979).'... '. , Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.. .mmy&J , R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY ~CADMIUM (t)FIGURE I 35 •,.,..1 ........a_o ..aD'.1'".""NNW •••u ..........a .... I. .J J .]~_J J ]J 1 i 1 1 1 -··-1 l , PARAMETER:'CALCIUM (Ca)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - 60 .. 40 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 20 -•MINIMUM 0 #=OBSERVATION - SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established ,,- '.,. , r rnm~OATA SUMMARY -CALC I UM Cd) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 36 .....laIN .....aeDLDo ••T."LAN........LJ.\I."OIll. J • ~I -".i J _.]"---1i1 J 1 J )]J )J D , fA PARAMETER I CHROMIUM (Cr)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) .-.. 0.03 -.. 0.02 •MAXIMUM . -MEAN 0.01 -•MINIMUM 0.00 ,.. .. :M=OBSERVATION .. - SUMMER :WINTER BREAt<UP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYO,..G'"GOLD CREEK C-CHUUTNA T"TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.0.1 mg/1 (EPA,1976).,, B.Less than 0.29 ~g/l as a 24-hour average,not to exceed 2L pe/1 at any time. (EPA,1980;Sittig,1981)~. Established to protect freshwater aquatic organi~ms. ~»~Ir\:1 DATA'SUMMARY -CHRO'MI uM (d)[j[]~~FIGURE a 37R&M CONSULTANTS,'NC. •"'.1,.,.111111111 m.OL.Odl.T ••L,....NI'.l ••••U"",,"OIll. ~4 I "j.',. -j i -1 1 1 -1 l . PARAMETER'CHROMIUM (Cr)Total Recoverable (mg./1.) -- .060 .040 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN " .020 .,MINIMUM 0 , ,.. #:OBSERVATION - -_. SUMMER :WINTER BREAt<UP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G-GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.0.1 mg/1,(EPA,1976).' I J B.Less than 0.29 ~g/l as a 24 -hour average,not to e~ceed 21 ,~g/l at any;.t'ime (EPA,1980;Sittig,1981).. Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. ~ I [II].(t)FIGURE 138 R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -CHROMIUM .....1""'••l1li.gIDLIUI'.".~L"'NN."'••...,.~•.,D •• ,. ~I )1 j i .j fi ·1 I i i PARAMETER:.COBALT!(Co)DISSOLVED,(mg.!l.) 0.6 0.4 •MAXIMUM -MEAN .. 0.2 .-•MINIMUM . 0.0 *OBSERVATIONI)I)( ----- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON ..G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHIN£:SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established , nw~~DATA SUMMARY -COBALT (d)~&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 39 •"'QI""I!......a_CLglJll.T."'LA,.",."."••U.V ....OA. t• =-----,1 J 'I ,,'. j 1 j i j ))j J I I j ,. PARAMETER:COBALT (Co)Total Recoverable(mg./1J 0.010 •MAXIMUM -MEAN - 0.005 •MINIMUM a *OBSERVATION --- SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No Criterion Established "' ; [Am~~ R&M CONSULTANTS.INC.DATA SUMMARY -COBALT (t)FIGURE I 40aNGI.""I!.IllI.OI'OLca ••T."'LA ....N.IlIl••U."".TOA-. '---i ~-t 1 )J i j 1 J 1 1 j J T~ ,, PARAMETER 1 COPPER (Cu)DISSOLVED (mg./1.) 0.02 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN I 0.01 B---?o-'•.MINIMUM 0.00 , *OBSERVATION -- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON..0"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S'"SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION,'. A.0.01 of the 96-hour LC sO determined through bioassay ~EPA,1976)., I : B.0.005 mg/1,(McNeely et aI,1979).'. Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.. I -[1W~DATA SUMMARY -COPP'ER (d) R&M CCNSUL.TANTS,INC•FIGURE 141 •P\jIO.P\jI ••••a.OLDDI.T.~L&"'l"lI'JI••ullllllv.,.O .... I, ·,1, ":, "t.':" I } -i I~ ,.',. -I I 1 I ..~" i , PARAMETER I COPPER (Cu)(mg./1.)Total Recoverable .- - 0.2 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN " 0.1 -.,MINIMUM B.~O ,.' *OBSERVATION- -~--+-\-'- SUMMER :WINTER BREAI<UP D-DENALI.V-VEE CANYON"G-GOLD CREEK Coo CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~..SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.O.01 of the,'96 .:.;hour LC50 determined through bioassay (EPA,1976)., I , B.0.005 mgl1 (McNeely et a1,1979)..'. ," Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms, . I .mn~l' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -COPPER (t)FIGURE I 42 •"".U'III ••••a.DL.aa ••T.~,,"NN."'••UIllY.1'O.... ,. -1 J ')1 I -J I t )-}1 , PARAMETER I GOLD (Au)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - .- •MAXIMUM:7 f:tl-o ,.,fr,~~ . -MEAN •MINIMUM #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI v-VeE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T"TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION· No criterion established.' I. ", t [I[]~DATA SUMMARY -GOLD (d)R&M caNSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 43.""mll-",."..a.Ch.pm ••T••L....NN ......U.V.YO". I, -~---"1 ~1> -,1-"J 1 }i l 1 l 't I PARAMETER I IRON (Fe)DISSOLVED.(mg.11.) I 3 - 2 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN ---->1 •.MINIMUM -' 0 , :N=OBSERVATION-1 "I" SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYO~G ...GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 1.0 mg/1(EPA.1976;Sittig,1981)., I Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. .'. . ,.,mw011-,DATA SUMMARY -I RON (d)~'\./ R&M CCNSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE 144 •HIIIIN••"'.d.aLOd'••,....,Al"4'......u ......yd .... I, -} /. 1----- -1,))-1 }1 l l I i '~ 1\ ,, PARAMETER I IRON (Fe)Total Recoverable (rng./l.) .- -- .--- - 40 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN 20 -.- --•_MINIMUM A·~O-- , *OBSERVATION 1 IT -"--- ---~.. SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI-V-VEE CANYON._0"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S.-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 1:0 rngll (EPA,1976;Sittig,1981),, J Established to protect-freshwater aquatic organisms.... ,. ,ramcg~ I R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -IRON (t).FIGURE'45 •"'11'''''••••a_Dl,.Qo,.T.~L."""'N••••"".""."'0 .... '. 1 ~~~c},'.C~'1 , PARAMETER I LEAD (Pb)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) ~0.03 - ,-',--- - - 0.02 •MAXIMUM _. -MEAN - 0.01 -•MINIMUM --. 0.00 - #:OBSERVATION -.If!1 'III --- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SU$ITNA STATION A.Less than 0.03mg/1,(McNeely et aI,1979).- B.0.01 of the 96-h~ur LC SO determined through bioassay.(EPA,1976).. Established to protect freshwater aquatic orgqnisms. r OOWDlrc=r.:\fIt DATA SUMMARY -LEAD (d)~\(/' R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 46 •N13IN."IlI.O.OLI30 ••"••\-.NN ......UIIIlV.l"Q•• ~=i ----l ·'·'i "I ", 1 }1 ~t J l 1 1 . PARAMETER I LEAD (Pb)(mg.L1.)Total Recoverable -0.3 0.2 •MAXIMUM.- , -MEAN'. 0.1 - •.MINIMUMA>- a , *OBSERVATION - .- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON"0 ...GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.'03 mg/1 (~cNee1y et a1,1979)., ,, B.0.01 of the 96 -,hour LC SO determined through bioass~y (EPA,.1976).'.... Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.. , OO!U]~ ~.~~.C:E~~a~!:l;T~~..r~..!~cC:~DATA SUMMARY -LEAD (t).FIGURE '47 l C~-~~l -1 I PARAMETER I MAGNESIUM (Mg)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 15 , 10 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN 5 •.MINIMUM 0 , #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G"GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA 1-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established., I .'. . DATA'SUMMARY -MAGNESIUM (d) ,[Ii]~ R&M CCNSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 48 •"'.''''••••O_O..OGlI.T ......NN.....u .......,.O•• I. l ,'. PARAMETER I MANGANESE (Mn)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 0.3 0.2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.1 ~.,MINIMUM ., 0.0 , *OBSERVATJON SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALIV-VEE CANYON.,0'"GCH.D CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.05 mg/1 for water supp1y.(EPA,1976).,,, : I,.. Established to protept water supplies.'. . I ,[II]~L DATA SUMMARY -MANGANESE (d) R&M CONSULTANTS.INC•FIGURE I 49 •"..,,,,.....CI.DLDDI'.T ••L ..N",.....U"'V.YQ"'. " j "- -~-i '-jQ,)1 -1 -~ '.J },l }I 1------:-i ,.,.,.. PARAMETER I MANGANESE (Mn)(rng./l.)Total Recoverable .. ,- .- 1.5 ..-...'-... .- ..,..~-......... ._-.... .- 0.1 •MAXIMUM - - -MEAN O.... .-...---..~..•.MINIMUM A·--;....O -.. ... #OBSERVATION ...--..-.-..."..----.-.-_. SUMMER :WINTER BREAI·CUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON.a ..aOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $'"SUNSHINE::SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.'05 rng/l for water supply (EPA,1976) .1, Established to protect·water supplies..,. ,... ,. I .[[jDo1Ic-'1 IAr---~'V ~&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -MANGANESE·(t)FIGURE I 50 •"'.""••,..O.O,"OO'I.t.~"A"'l1'''.I'I••L.I_"'.'W'cu,. I. -]..----4 J )-1 -,I 1 }.1 }))l i i PARAMETER:MERCURY (Hg)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 0.0002 •MAXIMUM- - -MEAN 0.0001 A ---.:;;-•MINIMUM 0.0000 *OBSERVATION SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI v-VeE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.00005 mg/1.(EPA,1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. , 00l[]o Ilc-'l I\\/A DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY (d)~\.J R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 51 •",nall'•••"'.ClIOL.OOI.T ••1....""N.FllII .u.......,.cnll. •• ~j -)~--]--)),t', I'" )j I .1 I -l )}1 )I 'j II ,..... 1',.1 1 ", PARAMETER:MERCURY eRg)Total Recoverable (pgjl) .... 0.6 .---_.- - .. 0.4 •MAXIMUM .. -MEAN ,. 0.2 - - ,- ,---,•MINIMUM A.-----o:- _.-_.0 #OBSERVATIONr 1- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.05 pg;/l (EPA J 1976) Established to prot~ct freshwater aquatic organisms. ,, rum~~(t)FIGURE I 52Fl&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -MERCURY ....a1IN ••IIII.a.OI.OD'.T."LANN."••UIIIV."O". •• C-~1 }1 -I 1 '1 j J , PARAMETER I MOLYBDENUM (Mo)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) .- •MAXIMUM -MEAN •MINIMUM *OBSERVATIONDlIDII SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP 0-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 0.07 mg/~.(Sittig,1981).' I- Established on the basis of hum~n health effects,. '. . ,- r [[jll~DATA SUMMARY -MOLYBDENUM Cd) Fl&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 153 •NUIN ......a.a~pal.T.",..&NN.IIII ••'w.""....Q •• I. 1 1 J ,r" " I,'· 1 I ..')1 I I 1 }I .1 1 1 , PARAMETER I MOLYBENUM (Mo)Total Recoverable (mg./1.) fA .. 0.010 •MAXIMUM . -MEAN" 0.005 .,MINIMUM.. 0 , #:OBSERVATIONl "- -'..-.-- SUMMER :WINTER BREAICUP .D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.'07 mg/l (Sittig,1981)..,, '.Established on thepasis of human health:effects.. I [IU]011 C"'I"./11~\.J R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -MOLYBENUM·(t)FIGURE I 54 .....liII'......III.a.aLaal.'••"....."'...........\,1 .."''''•• I. -1 -).-I •.-\I 1 -l l t r 1 .'c'·'···li j 1 PARAMETER I NICKEL (Ni)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) fA - 0.004 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.002 -•MINIMUM 0.000 *OBSERVATIONlJIlJII) - SUMMER 'WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than O.02Smg/1.(McNeely et 'ja1,1979). B.0.01 of the 96-h?ur LC SO determined through bioassay.(EPA,1976). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. ~DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL (d)[AI]J=l &M CONSUL.TANTS,INC.FIGURE l55 •NGIN".IIII.d.OL.DOI.T."'...ANN."••UI'I.."."I'O". ,• _J_)=----l •1 ",I 1 J l 1 -1 )1 -1 1 ,.,. ., PARAMETER:.NICKEL (Ni)Total Recoverable (mg./l;) I - 0.1 •MAXIMUM -·MEAN 0.05 A ....MINIMUM_.•- a *OBSERVATION r.. ----- SUMMER WINTER BREAKUP D.DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.025 mg/l (McNeely et aI,1979). B.0.01 of the 96 -,hour LC 50 determined through bioassay (EPA,1976) Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. Rlf£;'.l [[jDI--'"'-----"-'(t)FIGURE I 56R&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC•DATA SUMMARY -NICKEL•,..,u'""......dIlClLDDI.".Pl..AN"'.....U .......,.OA. } i ..·· 1 1 1 )1 I -1 l J , PARAMETER:PLATINUM (Pt)DISSOLVED (mg.II.) '. --.-- •MAXIMUM 1M -MEAN •MINIMUM #:OBSERVATION )) I-- ~. f.:;J - -I-.-_. ... SUMMER ·WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION· No criterion established.. J "., ,, r [Ill~DATA SUMMARY -PLATI NUM Cd) R&M CClNSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 57 • '..."'IN••••aca...ool."'....ANN ......u ....,."I'c•• I ~]J 1 -~l -J ])-I ~)')j I 1 1 '1 ,, PARAMETER I POTASSIu~(K)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - 10 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN 5 -•.MINIMUM - 0 "." #08SERVATIONI:~)I SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G"GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA,T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established.I'," :.. '. '..,. ,.[m]~DATA SUMMARY POTASSIUM (d)R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 158•"".''''''••l1li.0.1O...01l1.t.~"'AN"'."••Ullll .......C..I. - ,. i 1 1 ])1 1 )1 -1 ----1 1 1 , PARAMETER I SELENIUM (Se)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 0.006 - .-- 0.004 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.002 .- -•MINIMUM 0.000 -. *OBSERVATION Ie ! - - - SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.01 mg/1,(McNeely et a1,'1979).' I , B.0.01 of the 96-h?ur Le SO determined through bioassay;(EPA,1976). .., Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. r [jW~DATA SUMMARY -SELE'NIUM (d) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 59 •NGIIN ••III.",_OIoODI.T.III"ANNM.-_.U.V."OIlll •. I, -,-l ,.. ',' I -J ,1 1 j }1 i I ,, PARAMETER I SELENIUM (Se)Total Recoverable .(m,g./1.) tA 0.006 0.004 .-- •MAXIMUM- , -MEAN 0.002 .,MINIMUM 0 -, #:OBSERVATION .---- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI,V-VEE CANYON,,.O-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.'01 mg/l (McNeely et a1,1979).,,, B.0.01 of the 96 -:hour LCsodetermined through bioass~y (EPA,,1976).'. Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.. ::If:'.,.~8"~1\:'l1 DATA SUMMARY -SE LEN I UM (t)~ FIGURE I 60R&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC. aI'lolD''''''••J'IIa a.Ol..,galat.~L"'''''N•••aUlllv...cJ'II. I. -1 'J 1 1 '1 1 •1 1 J l --J -I , tA PARAMETER I SILVER (Ag)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) 0.015 0.010 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN - 0.005 •.MINIMUM 0.000 , *OBSERVATIONn SUMMER ;WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYO~..0"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $"SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than .050 mgl1 for drinking water.(EPA,1976),, J B.0.01 of the 96-h?ur LCSO determined through bioassay"(EPA,1976).'. . Established to protect water sypplies. DATA'SUMMARV -SILVER Cd)-[jill~\':Il R&M cONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE t 61 ."'llll''''I ••••O_OLDilJ'.".IlL,a,,,,,,,,,._••",,_\1."0_. I- ---)1 -1-1 I'" )1 J 1 1 ---J \ ~ 1 j I PARAMETER I SILVER Ag Total Recoverable (mg./1.) tA -- - - 0.010 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 0.005 . •.MINIMUM 0 I #OBSERVATION J ----- SUMMER :WINTER BREAJCUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYO,N_,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA.~...SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less thau'O.05:'mg/l for drinking water (EPA,1976)• I , B.0.01 of the 96-;:-hour LC SO determined through bioas'S~y (EPA,1976)" •,\1 ; Established to protect water supplies. .. I .rum~~&M CONSULTANTS.INC•DATA SUMMARY -SILVER (t)FIGURE I 62 •~.I""••fIII.CUICt..IJIClif.f._"",,,,,,,,..•.UIIIW.YC'-. I, ~--J }1 --1 1 1 .]])J ] , PARAMETER I SODIUM (Na)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - --- 30 - 20 •MAXIMUM -MEAN 10 •MINIMUM I·~ 0 #=OBSERVATION !2 1- -. I'" SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEe CANYON.0-OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION r- Na criterion established.• i-.. ; r ~~DATA SUMMARY -sonfUM .(d) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE 163 •""..IN ••••a_CIoE".I."."~"'NN.....u.v.'I'O.... I, ----1 ---l J 1 J I 'i 1 1 1 J J J j j , PARAMETER:SILICON (Si),DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) 6 .. - - 4 •MAXIMUM .. -MEAN.. 2 .••MINIMUM 0 #:OBSERVATION.n - SUMMER .WINTER BREAKUP D-DENA.LI v-veE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established.',- ,.,. , r 00ij]o lr<,,-,I "'.OAT A SUMMARY -SIL I CON'(d)='c.,-...r 1\':'/1f--'........... R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 164 •"""IN••"'.aaOIt"OQI.T.*1,.."",.......u."'....O •• I. --=j --] , .' 1 ]J 1 1 i ·1 J I ] , PARAMETER I STRONTIUM (Sr)DISSOLVED (mg./1.) .- .- 0.3 I . 0.2 •MAXIMUM .-- -MEAN 0.1 --•MINIMUM 0 *OBSERVATION --_.- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S,-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established.,;. ,,, I rnm~DATA SUMMARY -STRONTI UM (d) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 165 ."'GIN.....o_aLlJu ••"'."'LAN""."'••L.I .."'....Q •• " --i 1 1 1 1 i J J J i , PARAMETER:TIN (Sn)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - - •MAXIMUM:.fI\t\l -MEAN ~ ,--~•MINIMUM - *OBSERVATION - SUMMER •WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION , I No criterion established.- ,,,-., DATA'SUMMARY -TIN '(d)[!W]~L R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 166 •NaIlN......':'.OLQQlaTa ~I.ANNII"'.aU.V.TO"'. ,. --1 J 1 ---1 1 J ]J 1 'I 1 ] , PARAMETER I TITANIUM (Ti)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - ~ - 0.2 •MAXIMUM ,. -MEAN 0.1 ~•MINIMUM 0 #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON ..0-GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION,. No criterion established.• I , !'., I [AI]~DATA SUMMARY -TITANI UM (d) !=I&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE ~67 .""GIN........*OL OO ••T ••L ..N""'......u.v ....c ... I, I 1 I I."" I 1 l J I )-)I ..J I PARAMETER:TUNGSTEN (W)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - - 0.2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN O.I •MINIMUM 0 #:OBSERVATIONII SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion established.·,- j,', , r [lmQIf:.c:::;J DATA SUMMARY -TUNGSTEN Cd)I---'...FIGURE •68~&M CONSULTANTS,INC• •NmIN.....O.Ol.OU'.l'."LAN,.,••••u",,,,."'O•• I, _.~ I.'" J J I I 1 1 -I ]I I PARAMETER:VANADIUM (V),DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) - - ---..'.-. •MAXIMUM IA -MEAN •MINIMUM #:OBSERVATION llJ il []- -. SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYO~,G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No cri~erion established,however,EPA has suggested 0.Op7 mg/I,(Sittig,I981)~ . The suggested limit is.~ased on human health effects. , I [AI]~~~f\VI1 DATA SUMMARY -VANADI UM (d) ~&M CONSULTANTS,INC,FIGURE I 69 .,.,.121..........GIOLO~I.T••L.NN ....auIltV.VQIII* I, ==--J =--l '_.-)j J I 1 'I 1 1 1 J 1 I j-- I , PARAMETER:ZINC (Zn)DISSOLVED,(mg.11.) - ',--, - 0.2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN O.J ., •MINIMUM A---7i- 0 *OBSERVATION (IJ - -_.,- SUMMER .WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEt;:CANYON G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.03 mg/1 (McNeely,1979), i- B.0.01 of the 96-hour LC SO determined through bioassay:(EPA,1976)... ,. The suggested limit is based on human health effects •., ,[I[]~PATA SUMMARY -ZINC Cd) R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 70 .......ml........II.OL£lOI.T._...ANN ••••UIIIV.YO-. I. -=j 1 I 1 1 )-).I 1 '.)1 I I )---J ,I" "{ ,., PARAMETER I'ZINC (Zn)Total Recoverable (mg./1.) .- .. 0.20 •MAXIMUM -, -MEAN - 0.10 •.MINIMUM A >- -0 . -#OBSERVATION(!f .----.-"--- SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON.;0'"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.Less than 0.'03 mg/l (McNeely,1979).,,, B.0.01 of the 96 -,hour LC SO determi~ed through bioas~ay (EPA,1976).'. Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. I ,rnm011-I~fA ;::=..,"'--1\:1~~DATA SUMMARY -ZINC (t).FIGURE I 71R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ......,,.,......iII,o...oole,......."....",."'••"'_v."o". " -~'J --,.'.-1 .,'])';')I ,I 1 --]j J 1 1 1 ) I PARAMETER I ZIRCONIUM (Zr)DISSOLVED,(mg./1.) ,-. •MAXIMUM-- .- -MEAN .. •MINIMUM ----._. #=OBSERVATIONJ .---_..,. SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D"DENALI V-VEE CANYON,a-OOLD CREEK C-CHULI,TNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION No criterion Established.'I- "'., . I [Ill~'Vi DATA SUMMARY -ZIRCONIUM (d) ~&M CONSUL.TANTS,INC•FIGURE 172•""fiI'''''••••a.aLOUI."~_LAN",•.,.au..vayc•• ---1 --j 'J J J 1 J • .,J ~l 1 -) , PARAMETER:CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND,(mg./1.) 60 40 •MAXIMUM, -MEAN 20 •MINIMUM 0 *OBSERVATION - \ SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON G"GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION .. No criterion established ',. ; , r [jI]~DATA SUMMARY -CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND R&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 73 .....GIN ......oaOI.,Oo,.TW .I.,.NN.IIII••U.II"VC". I, -,~i -1 J J )J )1 )))J J / PARAMETER I TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON,(mg./1.) 30 20 •MAXIMUM , -MEAN- 10 •.MINIMUM B -.;;- 0 , #:OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON.0"OOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $"SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION A.No criterion established ,, J B.Waters containing less than 3.0 mg/l have.been observed to b~relatively.. clean,(McNe.ely etal,1979).. ,.[illW~\':IL OATA SUMMARY TOTAL ORGAN I C CARBONR&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE 174.,,'u.,""......D.OLQClI."."LAN""."'••U.""."O_. ., -]'~-1 ]I }1 J 1 J -1 1 1 -l 1 ] , PARAMETER I ENDRIN,(rg/1 ) •MAXIMUM -MEAN •MINIMUM , #OBSERVATION I I ..l. -'Ii' SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP .D'"DENALI V-VEE CANYON,G~GOlD CREEK C-CHULITNA 1-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 0.004 ~g/l.(EPA,1976;McNeely,1979.),,. , Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms. , ,.mm!2~~1Wl DATA SUMMARY -ENDRIN~~FIGURE 175R&M CONSULTANTS,INC• •NQI'N!I.I'I'.G.OL.C1QI."-.~L"''''N.''••u .......'JCI". J. 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 t J -,)J J J I, '",, PARAMETER I LINDANE,(J.lg/1) •MAXIMUM -MEAN •MINIMUM #OBSERVATION I til lID SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI·V-VEE CANYON G~GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETN_A ~-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 0.01 J.lg/1.(EPA,1976;Sittig,1979).II- Established to protect ~reshwater aquatic organisms. , . r [10I-'~'{jl DAT A SUMMARY -LINDANE.R&M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 76 ••.,1111 .........O,"O"OQ'.T._".-NN_IIIl ••u ..".,.Ollle ~II ''I---~--------J I J I 1 J I J 1 J !I j I J , PARAMETER:METHOXYCHLOR (u~/1) _. •MAXIMUM ,-MEAN •MINIMUM *OBSERVATIONIIII SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON.,G"GOLD CREEK c-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA $-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 0.03 pg/1~(EPA,1976;Sittig,1981).',- Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms.. '. , r [!I]cg~DATA SUMMARY -METHOXYCHLOR J=l &M CONSULTANTS,INC.FIGURE I 77 •Na ..It.....a_OI.DO,_T ••t....NN ......u."".yo-. " =---}}))).J )1 j , PARAMETER:TOXAPHENE,(llg/l) •MAXIMUM. -MEAN •MINIMUM #OBSERVATION SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUp· D-DENALI·v-VEE CANYON.G-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETN_A $-SUNSHINE:SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 0.013 as a 24-hour average,never to exceed 1..6 llg/1.(EPA,1980;Sittig,1981). Established to protect freshwater aquatic organisms •... r [!j]~DATA SUMMARY'"TOXAPHENER&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 78 •,·.."11.......a.au::HI••.,...t."....N ••••Lol""".YO•• .J. --~J --1 i -1 !J ]-J -]--)1 »-I ~-.- .'~": , PARAMETER:2,4-D,(j.\g/l) ..- - •MAXIMUM- ,. -MEAN •MINIMUM " #OBSERVATIONcJC~ SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUP D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON ..0-GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA S -SUNSHIN~SS-SUSITNA STATION·..". .-..... Less than 100 llg/l (water supply)(EPA,1976;Sittig,19-8.1).' I ,.. Established to protect water supplies. ,[In~~~DATA SUMMARY -2,,4-DR&M CONSULTANTS,INC•FIGURE I 79 •N"I".......d.OL.gQ ••TII .....-.1'01",.,.••"'..."'....0 •• '. -=j 1 i 1 J ~))D j I PARAMETER:2,4,5-TP SILVEX (}lg/l) 3 2 •MAXIMUM -MEAN I •MINIMUM 0 , =It=OBSERVATION IJ jIl-l} SUMMER :WINTER BREAKUJ» D-DENALI V-VEE CANYON"G'"GOLD CREEK C-CHULITNA T-TALKEETNA ~-SUNSHINE SS-SUSITNA STATION Less than 10 }lg/l (water supply),(EPA,1976),, , \.-. Established to protect~ater su~plies.. I ,~~DATA SUMMARY -2)4)5-T~SILVEX R&M CONSULTANTS.INC•FIGURE'80 •Ngn""••".m.OI..OO ••T •.....,.,.....ay_va ...c". ., I, .- - ATTACHMENT B A REVIE.W OF A METHOD FOR PREDICTING THE POTENTIAL FOR EUTROPHICATION IN IMPOUNDMENTS The information contained herein was synthesized from the following reports:Dillon and Rigler (1975),Dillon and Kirchner (1975),Kirchner and Dillon (1975),Reckhow (1979),and Utturmark and Hutchins (1978). All of these authors cite the work of R.A.Vollenweider,who,in 1968,authored,"Scientific Fundamentals of the Eutrophication of Lakes and Flowing Waters,with Particular Reference to Nitrogen and Phosphorus as Factors in Eutrophication.II Vollenweider's work appears to be the basis for the techniques for predicting eutrophication presented in the following pages. Phosphorus is usually considered to be the important nutrient controlling algal growth in lakes.Phosphorus loading,the amount of phosphorus added to a lake per unit area per unit time,is recognized as the best measure of the degree of eutrophication that may be predicted ina lake.A technique for predicting the spring total phosphorus concentration in a lake appears below. The phosphorus imported to a lake in runoff,when combined with input directly to the lake's surface through precipitation and dry fallout,gives a measure of the natural total phosphorus load.The total natural phosphorus load can be combined with the total artificial phosphorus load,the mean depth of the fake,the lake's water budget expressed as the flushing rate,and the phosphorus retention coefficient of the lake,to predict spring total phosphorus concentration in the lake.The predicted spring total phosphorus concentration can then be used to predict trophic status expressed as a summer chlorophyll "a"concentration,and this,in turn,can be used to estimate the secchi disc transparency.The equation to predict the total,steady-state phosphorus concentration is expressed by: [P]:;L(1-R) z p where:[P]=steady-state phosphorus concentration, L :;total loading (natural and artificial), z =mean depth of the lake (lake morphometry), s14/d B-1 p =flushing rate (water budget of the lake), R =retention coefficient (the fraction of the loading that is not lost via the outflow). The total phosphorus concentration is equal to phosphorus loading (phosphorus from each drainage basin multiplied by the phosphorus coefficient)multiplied by (1 -the phosphorus retention coefficient);divided by [the mean depth multiplied by the flushing rate (the total outflow divided by the Jake volume)]. According to the predictive model,the total concentration of phosphorus may be predicted for a lake.Theoretically,this may be used to predict the trophic status of a reservoir following the impoundment of a stream or river. Loading.Total phosphorus loading is calculated by totalling the phosphorus load from the land (runoff),the phosphorus load from precipitation,and the artifical phosphorus load (from human development).Total phosphorus load from the land·is equal to the total area of each watershed or drainage basin contributing runoff to the lake.Multiplied by the phosphorus export coefficiznt,this coefficient is the phosphorus exported from soil in g/m of the land drainage per year.Dillon and Kirchner (1975)measured the total phosphorus export for 34 southern Ontario watersheds.The annual total phosphorus export for each watershed was obtained by dividing the total phosphorus carried by each stream (kg/yr)by the areas of the watershed.The total phosphorus export for all watersheds was tabulated along with additional information on the geology,land use,and population density of each watershed. Upon inspection of these data,it was apparent that the watersheds could be grouped according to whether they were forested or consisted of pasture as well as forest,and according to whether they were on igneous or sedimentary fo~ations.The range and mean phosphorus export values (mg/m /yr)obtained for each two-way (land use-geology)classification were: - - - - .- s14/d Land Use Forest Range Mean Forest &Pasture Range Mean Igneous 2.5 -7.7 4.8 8.1 -16.0 11.7 B-2 Sedimentary 6.7 -14.5 10.7 20.5 -37.0 28.8 - - - - Changing land use from lIforestll to lIforest and pasture ll in watersheds on igneous rock apparently doubles the phosphorus export.Similarly,the export from a sedimentary forested watershed is about double that from an igneous forested watershed.The total phosphorus load from the land is combined with the total phosphorus load from precipitation to calculate the total phosphorus load.The total phosphorus load 2 from precipitation applicable to southern Ontario is 75 mg/m /year (Dillion and Rigler,1975).This value may be expected to vary according to geographical location. ~Depth.The mean depth of a lake or a measure of the lake's morphometry is required in using the predictive model for phosphorus concentrations. Flushing Rate.The flushing rate is equivalent to the Jake's annual water bUdget and is expressed as the total outflow volume per year divided by the lake volume. Retention Coefficient.Successful use of this equation is dependent on an accurate estimate of the phosphorus retention in the lake in question.Phosphorus retention in the lake is a function of sedimentation -specifically,the amount of phosphorous that is retained by sedimentation.This amount is difficult to calculate,but a model was used relating the areal water load (qs) to phosphorus retention.The phosphorus retention coefficient is: Rp =0.426 exp (-0.271 qs)+0.574 exp (-0.00949qs).Areal loading (qs)in m/yr is the surface overflow rate and is calculated as the lake outflow volume divided by the lake surface area. Values for phosphorus retention in 15 Ontario lakes,using the measurement model and the values derived from the theoretical model were in close agreement (r =0.94).liThe fact that the retention coefficient of phosphQrus is more closely related to the areal water load (qs)than the volumetric water load (ie.water renewal time)is not readily explainable,but in light of the above advantages we feel that this model warrants acceptance on purely empirical grounds,J'(Dillon and Rigler,1975). Application of Method to Susitna Project. Application of the equation, [P]=L(1-R) z p to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project was made using the following rationale. ~ I s14/d B-3 Natural Land Loading.The annual average phosphorus loading in runoff was assumed to equal 0.01 mg/I (the mean level measu§ed at Vee Canyon).This concentration was 3 converted to mg/m and multiplied by the average annual flow (m /yr)at e2ch dam site and the product divided by the dr~inage area in m.Natural land loading at Watana is 5.2 mg/m /yr and at Devil Canyon it is 4.7 mg/m /yr.These levels appear reasonable and in the same range as the Ontario study discussed earlier.Comparable values were seen in Ontario in the forest (undeveloped)areas. Natural Precipitation Loading.The phosphorus concentration in precipitation was taken as 0.03 mg/I --the maximum phosphorus concentration reported in snow and rain samples collected at Fairbanks,Alaska by Peterson (1973).Conversion of the area used to collect samples and the volume of sample collected,and using the normal annual precipitation at Ialkeetna indicates that natural precipitation loading will be 22 mg/m /yr. Artificial Loading.This is assumed to be zero since there are no man-induced sources of phosphorus in the study area. &Retention Coefficient.R was assumed to be zero,a worst case situation. h ~Depth.The mean depth at Watana is 34 m,and at Devi I Canyon it is 25 m.The mean depth was assumed to be 1/8 the dam height.The mean depth at the dam would be \the dam height if the side slopes were 45 degrees and the depth is zero at the upper end of the reservoir.Therefore,the mean depth should not be less than 1/8 the dam height.This assumption is expected to be cOii'Servative and increases the value of [P}. .p.,Flushing Rate.The flushing rate at Watana is 1.64 yr,and at Devil Canyon it is 0.16 yr (R&M Consultants,1982). Use of the above values indjcates that the spring p~osphorus concentration [P}is 0.5 mg/m at Watana and 3.7 mg/m at Devil Canyon if only one reservoir is in place.The concentration at Devil Canyon will be reduced if the Watana Reservoir is in place because it will act as a nutrient trap,thereby reducing the natural land loading.These values of [PJ indicate the rese.fvoirs will be oligotrophic.Levels between 10 and 20 mg/m are indicative of mesotr~phic conditions,and eutrophic conditions appear above 20 mg/m . - - - - - .... s14/d B - 4 - pID!\ I - References Dillon,P.J.;and F.H.Rigler,1975.A simple method for predicting the capacity of a lake for development based on lake trophic status.Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada,Vol.32.,No.9,1519-1531. Dillon,P.J.;and W.B.Kirchner,1975.The effects of geology and land use on the export of phosphorus from watersheds. Water Research,Vol.9,pp.135-148. Kirchner,W.8.;and P.J.Dillon,1975.An empirical method of estimating the retention of phosphorus in lakes.Water Resources Research,Vol.11,No.1,182-183. Peterson,L.A.,1973.An investigation of selected physical and chemical characteristics of two subarctic streams.M.S. Thesis,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,185 pp. R&M Consultants,Inc.,1982.Reservoir sedimentation.Susitna Hydroelectric Feasibility Report,Appendix B.8.Anchorage, Alaska.January. Reckhow,K.H.,1979.Quantitative techniques for the assessment of lake quality.Department of Resources Development, Michigan State University,Prepared for U.S.EPA,Office of Water Planning and Standards,146 pp. Utturmark,P.O.;and M.L.Hutchins,1978.Input/output models as decision criteria for lake restoration.Technical Completion Report Project C-7232,U.S.Dept.of the Interior,Office of Water Research and Technology,62 pp. s14/d 8 - 5 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information ServIces Anchorage,Alaska - - ""'" - -