HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1257..... .- - -, ,Alaska Power Authority Susitna Hydroelectric Project T(( ILf:2:J .S'S' A;l.3 Yjo.1').51 Subtask 4.09 DESIGN MANUAL FOR THE LONG-TERM EARTHQUAKE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THESUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT June·1982 Prepared by ~Woodward-Clyde Consultants .., for Acres American Incorporated ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information Servtces AnCl~Q!'qge.Alaska 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 Telephone:(716)853-7525 Woodward-Clyde Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -! \i 1 INTRODUCTION 2 DATA REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Hypocentral Locations 2.2 Focal Mechanisms 2.3 Magnitudes 2.4 Source Parameters and Attenuation 2.5 Strong-Motion Data 3 NETWORK CONFIGURATION AND SITE SELECTION 3.1 High-Gain Station Configuration 3.2 Strong-Motion Station Configuration 4 INSTRUMENTATION 4.1 Instrumentation System Design 4.2 preliminary Instrumentation Specifications and Estimated Costs 4.3 Strong-Motion Instrumentation 4.4 Implementation and Schedule 5 OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES REFERENCES N o...... ~TABLES .q- o 8 FIGURE I!) I!) I""'- ('I) ('I) 1 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 11 15 17 17 18 20 21 30 - - - Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1 INTRODUCTION Woodwa rd-Clyd e COnsul tants (WCC)conducted de tailed seismic hazard studies as part of the feasibility assessment of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project (WCC,1982).For this project, possible earthquake sources and associated strong ground-motion potential that could affect the Project si tes were evaluated. The results of these studies suggest that relatively strong ground motions could occur at the Project sites during the lifetime of the facilities.To further evaluate the effect that these motions will have on the seismic design and performance of the dam and auxiliary structures,it is important to collect data during earthquakes that may occur prior to,during,and subsequent to design and construction,of the dams.Collection of these data requires the installation of suitable instrumentation prior to the occurrence of such motions. Th e purpose of this report is to discuss the instrumentation design and operational features of a long-term earthquake rnoni toring system for the Su si tna Project.Th is discussion incorporates general considerations on seismic instrumentation for dams (Bolt and Hudson,1975;Sharma and Raphael,1981)as applied to the specific seismic and operational environment of the Susi tna Project (Woodward-Clyd e Consul tants,1981 and 1982)• Se ismic instrumentation for the Su si tna Project has two major objectives:1)to provide important data for the continous monitoring of the earthquake environment of the project, particularly with respect to the possible occurrence of reservoir-induced seismicity;and 2)to provide necessary data for evaluating the engineering severity of strong ground motions that may occur at the site.The instrumentation and the data it provides are thus important in evaluating the seismic design of the project and in monitoring the performance of the design under 1 r-a I I I - - Woodward-Clyde Consultants seismic loading.To satisfy these objectives,two subsystems of instrumentation should be operated. •First,a network of sensitive (high-gain)seismograph stations should be operated to allow for the detection and location of earthquakes of magnitude approximately 1 and larger.The area of coverage of these stations should be within 30 km of the reservoir system axis,since this is the area considered potentially susceptible to reservoir- induced seismicity (Woodward-Clyde Consultants,1982). This network should be installed several years prior to the construction of the reservoir in order to establish a stable baseline of earthquake data against which to compare possible post-reservoir-filling changes in the seismic environment.Operation of the network should continue for a t least 10 years after filling,as this is the time interval during which indu'ced seismicity is more 1 ikely to occur. •Second,strong-motion (low-gain)instruments should be opera ted to record the effects at the dam sites of any strong ground shaking (accelerations exceeding 0.01 g). These instruments should be placed on the abutments and their near vicini ty in locations that will not cause the recorded ground motions to be modified by local geologic condi tions.Th e high-g ain data accurately identi fy hypocentral locations of earthquakes generating strong ground motions. Four key system characteristics should also be emphasized in _developing the instrumentation system. •The system should yield data of uniformly high quality and optimum utility. 2 - .... r".. ,~ Woodward·Clyde Consultants •The instrumentation should be highly reliable.To ensure th is reI iab il i ty,the instrumentation should provide redundancy of functions,it should be environmentally hardened,and it should be proven in the field. •Sophisticated instrumentation consistent with proven reliable operation should be used to reduce long-term operational costs and maintenance costs. •Automated functioning should be used to rapidly provide the system operators with data upon which good engineering and public safety decisions can be made. Recommendations for the design of the long-term earthquake monitoring system for the Susitna project are developed and presented in this report on the basis of the above system objectives and key characteristics.The data requirements and field station configuration,as they influence design,are discussed in ~ctions 2 and 3.Recommendations for the instrumentation design are presented in Section 4;Section 4 also identifies representative components and their costs as of January 1982.~erational responsibilities for the system are discussed in Section 5. It is expected that this report will be used for planning purposes in proceeding wi th the design of the Susi tna Hyd roelectric Project.Appropr iate review and finalization of the instrumentation design should be carried out in conjunction with the next stage of overall Project design.Procurement documents can be based on the design and cost elements of Section 4.The resulting operational system should well serve the Susitna Project and the Alaska Power Authority. 3 - ..... '~ Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2 ~TA REQUIREMENTS The design of the Susitna Project long-term earthquake monitoring system is derived from the kinds of data from recorded earth- quakes that are required for engineering and operational purposes.These data include hypocentral locations,focal mechanisms,magnitudes and other source parameters,and strong ground motions.The following discussion explains the data requirements and specifies the measurements to be made for each recorded earthquake. 2.1 Hypocentral Locations Earthquake hypocentral locations form the basis for all detailed investigations of seismicity.The area of interest for the Su si tna Hyd roelectric Project is centered around the darns and lies within 30 km of the reservoirs;it is also expected that this area could be influenced by the earthquake-inducing effects of reservoir filling.Spatial and temporal patterns of naturally-occurring local seismicity will form a baseline against which the possible seismic effects of reservoir filling can be identified and evaluated.Considering the relatively low level at which these possible changes in seismicity patterns may be initially observable,hypocenters within the crust should be accurate to within a kilometer.Hypocenters in the Benioff zone below the crust should be accurate to within approximately 5 km. Several factors control the accuracy with which hypocenters can be determined.'Ihese include:1)station spacing and azimuthal coverage;2)the accuracy with which arrival times can be determined;and 3)how well the velocity model used represents the veloci ty structure of the crust under the network.For locating crustal earthquakes,a station spacing of 10 to 15 km is usually adequate.Focal depths less than about 5 kIn may be inaccurately determined if the closest station to the event lies 4 ..... - Woodward-Clyde Consultants more than 5 krn from the hypocenter.Such extremely shallow even ts are not expec ted to be common in the area;however,if they do occur,accurate depths may be calculated by using waveform modelling or other advanced techniques.For the second factor,proper identification of P and S waves is needed so that correct travel paths can be specified in the computer program used for determining hypocenter locations.The use of three- component seismometers at several stations should provide unequivocal phase identifications.FOr the third factor,a local velocity model should be developed and refined by crustal refraction and time-term stud ies.It is anticipated that sufficient data for these studies would be provided by network recordings of local blasts associated with construction of either or both of the darns (and perhaps by a 1 imi ted number of blasts detonated specifically for crustal structure investigations). Measurements needed to provide hypocentral locations are the arrival times of correctly identified P-wave and S-wave phases at the network stations.Absolute timing is needed to wi thin 0.01 seconds. Focal Me chanisrns Well-constrained,accurate focal mechanisms are important to further evaluate the correlation of seismicity with geologic s true tures and to assess the orienta tion of tectonic stress in the area.Factors affecting the accuracy of focal mechani sms includ e:the accuracy of hypocentral locations,particularly of focal depth;the location of the earthquakes relative to the network;and the accuracy of the local velocity model. Measurements needed to obtain focal mechanisms are the direction of motion of p-waves and S-waves and undistorted waveforms of the )p-and S-waves. 5 Woodward-Clyde Consultants 2.3 Magnitudes Ac curate magni too es are important in characterizing the local seismicity patterns before,during,and after filling the r eservoi rs.In order to produce a homogeneous data set,the local magnitude scale should be consistent for all areas of the network.IDcal magnitude values must be calibrated against the standard Richter magnitude scale (M L ),thus producing equivalent ~ML values for the study area. Measurements needed to calculate magnitudes are the durations of seismic wave codas recorded at low-noise stations and the un- distorted maximum amplitudes of ground motion at all amplitude levels. Earthquake source parameters that can be estimated from waveform modelling and spectral analysis of local network data include stress drop,fault displacement,rupture dimensions,and seismic moment.These parameters are extremely useful in investigating the details of earthquake source processes and in assessing the magnitude and orientation of local tectonic stress.Compilation of these parameters over time will aid in identifying possible changes in the local seismic environment.Determination of the seismic attenuation characteristics of the local crust provides a basis for the calculation of ground motions at the site resulting from local earthquakes.These characteristics will be very useful in analyzing data from strong-motion accelerographs at the sites in order to evaluate site-specific ground motions. Knowledge of seismic attenuation characteristics is also necessary for the successful determination of earthquake source parameters.Seismic attenuation studies will involve similar waveform and spectral analysis of local network data as for source parameter studies. -! 2.4 Source Parameters and Attenuation 6 - Woodward-Clyde Consultants The primary requirement for waveform and spectral analysis is dig i tally recorded data from an accurately calibrated network. At least one three-component station with a broad frequency response in the range 10 seconds to 50 Hz is desirable.An additional three-component station would enhance the scope and reI iabili ty of source parameter and attenuation studies.The network has been designed on the basis of state-of-the-art techniques in computational seismology:it is anticipated tha t advances in this field wi thin the next five years will further increase the usefulness of such studies. The measurements needed to calculate source undistorted whole seismograms recorded by stations. 2.5 Strong-Motion Data pa rame ters are well-calibrated --I The recording of possible strong ground motions at the foundation (free-field)level of the Watana and Devil Canyon si tes is of high value in evaluating the performance of the seismic design of the dam. Ground motions from moderate (M S 5)and larger earthquakes within about 100 km of the dam sites should trigger the strong-motion recorders as well as be recorded by the high-gain seismograph stations.The acceleration data will be recorded on self- contained,independent accelerographs wi th a trigger level of about 0.01 g and a peak dynamic range of at least 1.0 g. Measurements needed to evaluate strong ground motions at the site are undistorted three-component records of the ground motions of an earthquake following the first time in the motion that 0.01 g (the trigger level)is exceeded.The data must be in the frequency range from 0 to 20 Hz and must be of good enough 7 Woodward-Clyde COnsultants quality to put in digital form.Absolute time should be recorded r-for correlation with the high-gain data. 3 NETWORK CONFIGURATION AND SITE SELECTON The planned configuration of the stations of the long-term earthquake recording system is discussed in terms of the high- gain network and the strong-motion stations.'!he generalized configuration of the stations is shown in Figure 1. 3.1 High-gain Station Gonfiguration As currently planned,the central recording facility for the high-gain network will be located at the Watana dam site,which is the geographical center of the system.If the camp is maintained during the construction phase,as we assume it will be,a reliable 110 VAC power .supply,necessary to power the recording system,will be available at the Watana camp.The Watana camp is also a convenient location for the routine operation of the network,as described in Sections 4.1 and 5. I""'" I ,..... i, -I \ r , The high-gain network for the Devil canyon-Watana reservoir system consists of 13 field stations;the data from these stations will be telemetered by VHF radio or hard wire to Watana.The preliminary locations of the stations,as shown in Figure 1,provide reasonably uniform coverage of the area within approximately 30 km of the reservoirs.The best azimuthal coverage (greater than 180 0 from the hypocenter to the stations) is provided for the region lying within about 15 km of the reservoirs.Final selection of field station sites will be based on the results of a seismic noise survey,using a portable instrument in the field to identify the quietest sites at the localities shown.The distance between closest station pairs is approximately 15 to 20 krn,and the majority of earthquakes that occur within 20 kIn of the reservoirs will be at an epicentral 8 Woodward-Clyde Consultants cl istance of less than 10 kIn from one of the stations.Th e ,'-'network,therefore,is des igned to provide good constraint (±1 to 2 km)on the hypocentral locations of earthquakes that occur within 30 km of the reservoirs and with focal depths greater than approxima tely 5 kIn.Fa ir control (±3 kIn)on focal depths shallower than 5 kIn will be ach ieved,but this control will decrease for very shallow earthquakes unless they happen to occur very close to an individual station. Eleven of the stations are planned to have vertical-component, one-second free period seismometers.The remaining two.will be three-component stations.'Ih e first of these two,located near the Watana site,is planned as a three-component,broad-band system,wh ich is located close to the rock-site strong-motion accelerograph (see Section 3.2).Data from this station will be transmitted by hard-wire to the recording facility.This station will provide high-quality,broad-band data for spectral analysis and for ground-motion evaluations.The location of the second three-component station is planned near the western end of the array.Th is station wi 11 incorporate one-second free period seismometers and will provide additional data for shear wave identification and for spectral analysis.Since data from this s'tation will be multiplexed and telemetered by VHF rad io 1 ink, the instrumentation could be relocated to any other station site to optimi ze the collection of three-component data.Two of the v1ertical-component stations and both of the three-component stations will be dual-gain.This will allow for a wider dynamic range (about 100 db above noise)and should allow for on-scale recordings over the range of microearthquake motions to strong motions recorded on the accelerographs. The configuration of the high-gain stations,as shown in Figure Iv covers both reservoirs.If the Devil Canyon construction is to follow the Watana dam by more than a year or two,installation of the four westernmost stations could be delayed wi thout compro- 9 r Woodward-Clyde Consultants mising the data obtained for the Watana dam.In that case,the ~-t.hree-component station could be moved to the station si te due east of Watana camp. 3.2 Strong-Motion Station Cbnfiguration During the pre-construction phase,strong-motion instruments should be installed at three locations for each dam site:one on each of the two abutments in a posit.ion that is out of the way of immediate construction activi ties,and one at a bedrock si te within a few kilometers of the abutments.The final locations of the two abutment instruments must be determined on the basis of detailed construction plans.The bedrock site should be planned in conj unction with the three-component broad-band instrument. A.ccess to the accelerometers is required for maintenance and calibration on a regular schedule and after the occurrence of an earthquake that generates strong ground motion. i"'",, Following construction of the dam, recorders should be installed wi thin crest of the dam.Placement of these the final configuration of the dam. 4 INSTRUMENTATION additional strong-motion the galleries and on the instruments will depend on .;- The design of the instrumentation system needed to carry out successful long-term seismic monitoring at Susi tna is described here in generic terms.section 4.1 presents the design factors used to select the instrumentation system that meets the data requi rements of Se ction 2.se ction 4.2 a nd Table 1 describe the components for the field stations and central recording facility, give examples of representative available equipnent,and present a cost estimate for the instrumentation.Section 4.3 discusses the strong-motion instrumentation. 10 ~ i r I ,... I - Woodward-Clyde Consultants 4.1 Instrumentation System Design The system design is based upon the use of a triggered, microcomputer-based recording system to record data at the central recording facility located at the Watana site.Data will be telemetered from the remote field stations to Watana as modulated VHF radio transmissions.Data from the three- component,broad-band station near Watana will be transmitted using a hard-wire link.At the central recording facility,the signals will be demodulated and digitized in real time and input to the microcomputer,where a sophisticated earthquake detection a.nd discrimination algori thIn will continuously scrutini ze the incoming signals on all channels.The incoming data will initially be stored on disc.When a seismic event is detected, the digitized data will be copied from disc to tape for permanent storage.Recording will cease when the detection algorithm declares the event to be over. Da ta from selected stations wi 11 also be recorded on six drum recorders that prod uce analog paper records.Earthquake data will be retained on disc for at least several hours after the event,together with summaries of the network status,number of events recorded,and other operational information.These data will be accessible via a dial-up telephone telemetry link for rapid transm i ttal from Wa tana to distant locations.Da ta from t,ape or disc will also be available for preliminary data analysis using the microcomputer.Such analysis can be carried out without interrupting the primary data acquisition function of the computer.Absolute timing will be provided by a self-correcting crystal-controlled clock,which will be continuously synchronized to satellite standard time broadcasts;back-up timing will be provided by a second crystal-controlled clock and a wwv time code receiver. 11 - Woodward-Clyde Consultants The microcomputer-based system will provide the flexibility,data quali ty,and low operational and maintenance manpower which are i.deally required for the long-term monitoring program.Important factors in the design of the system are discussed below. (a)Capability to Acquire Desired Data:The data needs discussed in Section 2 indicate that the following features are necessary: -timing accuracy of 0.01 seconds,referred to Universal Coordinated Time,to achieve location accuracy. -centralized recording to simplify the routine operation of the network and data analysis. triggered digital recording of earthquakes to minimize the vol ume of dig i tal data saved. -mul tiple-gain recording for selected stations to provide a wide dynamic range. -well-calibrated digital data to allow for high-quality source and attenuation analyses. -preliminary local data processing to allow dam operators to respond appropriately to potentially significant earthquakes. All of these features can be provided by a computer-based system as described above.In particular,it will be possible to use a more effective triggering algori thIn wi th a computer-based system than with alternative systems,such as existing digital event recorders.Th is is because the capaci ty of the computer allows the algorithm to be sophisticated,while at the same time the algorithm can be finely tuned to the prevailing field site 12 - - Woodward-Clyde Consultants condi tions by reprogramming at the central recording facill ty in a high-level computer language (such as FORTRAN)by an operator ~d th only moderate programming expertise.Analog recording systems,such as FM tape or Develocorders,will record continuously,and hence a large amount of background recording \<trill either have to be edited or archived.The capability to carry out relatively sophisticated preliminary data analysis at the recording site will be provided by the microcomputer.This could be carried out automatically (on-l ine)or interactively without the need to produce and analyze analog paper records from cassettes or FM tape. (b)Re liabili ty and Ma intenance:In order to maximize the amount,continuity,and quality of data recorded and to minimize costs for major maintenance,the instrumentation chosen for the system must be capable of operating reliably for long periods of time (up to two years)without significant maintenance or adjustment.This is particularly true for the field I station instrumentation,which must be capable of withstanding the severe environmental cond i tions of the Susi tna area.Many of the field stations will be inaccessible for several months each year,and failures at these stations will involve the loss of data for long periods of time.Instrument reliabili ty can be maximized by first choos ing instruments with proven performance.The reliability of the system as a whole can be further enhanced by careful installation and by environmentally hardening the field sites to wi thstand antic ipa ted condi tions.Experience in field operations in Alaska gained by Woodward-Clyde Consultants,the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute (UAGI),and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)has been incorporated into the recommended system design. (c)a=dundancy:The system must incorporate sufficient redun- dancy to accommodate component failures without significant impairment of operations or data quality.Redundancy in data 13 Woodward-Clyde Consultants- acquisition is incorporated by operating a sufficiently large ~.network so that temporary loss of several stations due to severe weather conditions or lack of maintenance access at remote sites is not likely to significantly degrade data quality.Sufficient repl acement parts should also be maintained at the central si te t.o allow some repairs to be made without substantial technical support from outside the network area. R.edundancy in recording will also be incorporated by providing multiple means of data recording.Primary recordings will be made by a computerized earthquake detection and recording system.Detected events will be preliminarily located,then dubbed onto a digital tape for further analysis later.Backup will be provided by three dual-channel pen recorders that will monitor six of the 13 stations on paper records.The earthquake data will also be available to off-site agencies via dial-up telephone data transfer. -f (d)Rapid Data Access:The instrumentation design will allow for immediate (within a few minutes)availability of preliminary earthquake locations as we 11 as access to arrival time data. Thus,should an earthquake generate significant ground motions, the location will be available for revision and possible action by APA or other agencies on the basis of accurate seismological i nforma tion. (e)Routine Operation and Maintenance:Routine operation and maintenance at the Watana site will consist of record changing at the central recording facil i ty,monitoring the performance of the system on a regular basis,minor maintenance such as changing batteries and adjusting telemetry levels,documenting the network operation on a day-to-day basis,and performing prel iminary data analysis.Re cord-changing activi ties will be minimized by using the triggered computer-based system.In addition,other activities,such as performing time corrections and calibrations, 14 .~ II Woodward-Clyde Consultants will be automated.'!he computer-based system will maintain a continuous diagnostic check on its own operation and on the condition of incoming signals,and will generate diagnostic messages.Data reduction and analysis will also be automated,as described in Ca)above~this will greatly streamline these operations and reduce operational manpower costs. 4.2 Preliminary Instrumentation Specifications and Estimated Costs A list of the instrumentation planned for each type of field station and for the central recording facility is shown in Table 1.Basic specifications for the components are also given.'!he slecond col umn of Table 1 gives examples of commercially available components that would be suitable for the system.Table 1 is not a procurement document,and these specific models are included only to illustrate the types of components that are available and to enable the cost of the system to be estimated~alternative instrumentation that would be equally suitable is available from other manufacturers in many cases.Cost estimates are based on manuf acturers'quoted prices as of Ja nuary 1982.When the n4~twork is implemented,Table 1 will serve as the basis for preparing a procurement document. Environmental hardening of the field stations will consist primarily of mounting the radio antennas and electronics packages on 20-foot-high towers.'!his will reduce the chance that the antennas may be buried under snow or that they may be harmed by animals.'!he towers are sUbstantial,rigid structures set in concrete bases to enable them to withstand snow and ice loading and high winds.'!he battery enclosures are SO-gallon drums with foam insulation set in concrete.Together with modifications of the voltage controlled oscillators to ensure temperature stability and fabrication of automatic calibration modules,these fl=atures increase the cost of the entire system by about $50,OOO~ 15 Woodward-Clyde Consultants however,they are judged to be necessary to provide highly reI iable continuous data recording from the stations and to minimize maj or maintenance.'!he relay stations included in the cost estimate may not be needed,depending on the final station configuration of the network. The cost estimate for the central recording facility includes the cost ($150,000)of a complete computerized data acquisition system.'Ih is system includes the central processor unit,analog to digital convertor,disc drive and discs,dual tape drives, terminal,printer,and interfaces.Al ternative modes of data recording were considered for the project.These alternatives and their estimated costs are:nine digital event recorders with an array trigger device and associated playback equipment, $84,000;two FM tape recorders plus associated playback equipment (not including digitization facilities),$93,000:and three Develocorders and associated equipment and a viewer/copier, $123,000.However,because none of these alternatives allow for automation of the data processing or for telephone access to the data,they were not considered further.Also,because the alternatives require additional personnel time for maintenance and data reduction,any immediate cost savings would be eliminated when prorated over the lifetime of the array. The uninterruptible power supply provides regulated,frequency- stabilized 110V AC power regardless of fluctuations in line power,and back-up power for up to four hours in the event of 1 ine powe r failure. with regular maintenance (see Section 4.4),the average operating life of individual electronic components of the system is expected to be in the range of five to eight years.However,it is estimated that approximately 8 to 10%of the field equipment if will need to be replaced every year to maintain the system in a 1 fully operational condition.Therefore,over the projected 10- r J 16 r ...... Woodward-Clyde Consultants year or longer period of monitoring,it is expected that the equivalent of the entire system will be replaced at least once. 4.3 Strong-Motion Instrumentation The strong--motion system planned for the preconstruction phase consist of three independent,internally triggered,battery- operated strong-motion acceleration recorders for each dam site.For reliability of long-term operation in a rugged environment,70 mm film recorders are recommended.Internal timing should be included to allow for earthquake identification and comparison with the high-gain data.Suitable instruments are listed in Table 1.Routine maintenance can be carried out in conjunction with the operation of the high-gain system. In the post-construction phase,a more sophisticated strong- motion system,incorporating free-field and structural accelerographs with digital recording and rapid operator readout, should be instal~ed.At that time,the film recorders will serve as backup recorders . 4.4 Implementation and Schedule The next steps in implementing the Susitna Project network would ble to finalize the system design on the basis of the generalized design presented in Sections 3 and 4 and to prepare bid documentation for the hardware.Finalization of the design will take into consideration any experience or developments in instrumentation available following the date of this report.The instrumentation will then be procured and the system assembled. The entire system will be fully tested and calibrated prior to installation in the field.Meanwhile,the location of the field sites will be finalized by field reconnaissance,radio line-of- sigh t transmission tests,and a noise survey using a portable s!eismograph.If the potential schedule shown in Table 2 is 17 - ,r Woodward-Clyde Consultants followed,the network will begin operating nine months after authori za tion. The estimated level of effort required for implementation of the network is shown in Table 3 in terms of person-days.The estima ted salary costs shown in Table 2 are based on V\Qodward- Clyde Consultants'1982 schedule of charges. T'able 4 presents estimated personnel time requirements and costs for the routine operation and maintenance of the network and for data analysis.Item 1 covers visits to the site by outside technicians for non-routine maintenance,such as equipment repairs and major recalibration.Most of the other estimated yearly cost for Items 1 and 2 is for helicopter support,which has been estimated at $500 per hour. 5 OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The successful operation of the long-term earthquake moni toring system is based on support and di rection provided by the Alaska Power Authority.While the specifics of the operational assignments may shift in order to respond to changes in agency capabil i ties or other factors,a focused program direction mus t be maintained by APA so that the data are of high quality and are appropriately available to APA to allow safe and proper operation of the Susi tna Hyd roelectric Project.Th is level of responsi- bility is consistent with the APA's primary financial responsibility for the long-term earthquake monitoring program. Personnel located at the central recording site (Watana Camp) will be responsible for field operations,including record changing,maintenance,and preliminary data analyses.This will require training of several part-t ime staff who will be in residence at the central recording site.The results of the preliminary data analysis and the digi tal tapes and analog 18 Woodward-Clyde Consultants records will then be sent out for review,final analysis,and interpretation,as described below.The APA should verify that iehe seismic record archives are adequate and ,that the system operation is well documented. Under the APA's overall direction,the primary technical and review responsibility for data quality and data interpretation ~dll be held by seismologists wi th the expertise necessary to meet the objectives of the long-term monitoring program.All preliminary locations and data analysis carried out by the field personnel will be reviewed and finalized by these seismolo- gists.The resulting sLnnmary reports of seismic activity will be issued by the APA.Data analysis procedures and instrument calibrations will be reviewed by appropriate seismological specialists.Depending on the capabilities of the field personnel,additional personnel may be needed to carry out non- routine field maintenance and major maintenance as needed.Also on an as-needed basis,seismological experts will provide review and assistance ,to the APA in responding to possible safety- I,"elated issues derived from the monitoring program. During the ongoing operation of the monitoring network,the APA, other state agencies,and all parties interested in the safe and effective operation of the Sus i tna Hydroelectr ic Proj ect will benefit by the compilation of a reliable,high-quality,and well- documented data set.Specific procedures and computer programs-~lill change as newer and more effective techniques are made available.Data storage and retrieval methods will also vary, ~depending on further evaluations of the role and capabilities of " the Alaska state agencies.The commitment on the part of the APA r to conduct long-term monitoring should ensure a successful monitoring program. f'I1 ,I 19 - ,r- I I Woodward-Clyde Consultants REFERENCES Bolt,B.A.,and Hudson,D.E.,1975,Seismic instrumentation of dams:Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers,v. 101,no.GT 11,Nov.1975,p.1095. Sharma,R.,and Raphael,J.,1981,seismic considerations,in General considerations on reservoir instrumentation:Committee on Measurements of the United States Committee on Large Dams, Washington,D.C.,13 p. Woodward-Clyde Consultants,.1980,Interim report on seismic studies for Susitna Hydroelectric Project:Report prepared for Acres American Inc.,Buffalo,New York,202 p.and appendices. Woodward-Clyde Consultants,1982,Final report on seismic studies for Susitna Hydroelectric Project:Report prepared for Acres American Inc.,Buffalo,New York,187 p.and appendices. 20 ~'1 -1 ]~'l -1 -'--~.--}1 Table 1:REPRESENTATIVE INSTRUMENTATION AND ESTIMATED INSTRUMENTATION COSTS FOR THE SUSITNA LONG-TERM SEISMIC MONITORING SYSTEM (1) (Page1of6) '".... ITEM Field Stations 1)VI:!rtical-component,short- period,high-gain single, channel field station Compri sed 0 f: I-second free period seismometer Fi eld telemetry system, temperature stabilized, 'With 2-channel relay capability (incorporates seismic amplifier,voltage controlled oscillator, auto-calibration module, and multiplexer/band-pass filters) REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER Mark Products L4-C-B Sprengnether,PI'S-8 (auto calibration module and multi- plexer/band-pass filters to be fabricated) UNIT COST (1) $8,150 QUANTITY 9 TOTAL COST (1) $73,350 VHF transmitter,250 milliWatt lIt>nitron TX-lOl Yagi antenna Scala CAS-lSOH 8 carbonaire batteries McGraw-Edison 2 DC-DC convertors Wall Industries Environmentally sealed electronics enclosure Insulated battery enclosure Hoffinan Enclosures,Inc. (to be fabricated) 1 "J ").~"]~l -'1 '-]._}1 1 I "1 r.J r.J Table 1 (Page 2 of 6) ITEM 20 ft,self-supporting antenna tower,to withstand 100 mph wind and 250-lb ice load 2)Ve rtical-component,short- period,dual gain channel field station; Comprised of: The same components as in (1)plus: 1 additional amplifier 1 addi tional veo Additional field enclosure 3)3-component,dual-gain short- period field station Comprised of: The same components as in (1)plus: 2 horizontal,I-second free-period seismometers 4 additional amplifiers 4 additional veo's REPRESENTATI\'E SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER Sprengnether AS-110 Sprengnether TC-lO (to be fabricated) Mark Products L4-e-H Sprengnether AS-110 Sprengenther TC-lO UNIT COST (1) $9,575 $12,550 QUANTITY 2 1 TOTAL COST (1) $19,150 $12,550 ""~""1 "1 1 --~1 1 }""j 1 1 ''-1 ~ i Table 1 (Page 3 of 6) l\) w ITEM 4)3-component,broad-band field station,hard-wired to central recording site Comprised of: Vertical seisnometer, 5-second free period 2 horizontal seismometers 5-second free period 6 amplifier/VCO's 2 calibration modules 2 multiplexers 2 field housing units with voltage regulator in environmentally sealed enclosures 2 miles "Spiral-4"cable 5)Relay station (estimated maximum 2) Comprised of: Mul tipl exer/band-pass filter unit VHF transmi tter REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER Kinemetrics SV-1 Ki nemetrics SH-l Kinemetrics AOM-1 Kinemetrics CM-1 Ki nemetrics Kinemetrics TH-3 (environmentally hardened) 'lb be fabricated r.t>nitron TX-IOl UNIT COST (1) $14,750 $5,550 QUANTITY 1 2 TOTAL COST (1) $14,750 $11,100 o~-eccel 1 i 1 ----1 ~-,J -1 ---1 1 )J 1 -,)'} Table 1 (Page 4 of 6) '"~ ITEM Yagi antenna 6 carbonaire batteries Environmentally-sealed electronics enclosure Insulted battery enclosure 20'lattice tower ESTIMATED TOTAL FIELD STATIONS COST Central Recording Facility Microcomputer-based central recording system Comprised of: Computerized data aoquisition system 12 Ya~i antennas 12 VHF receivers 18 discriminators 6 discriminators 3 discriminator card cages 3 discriminator power supplies 1 discriminator card cage 1 discriminator power supply REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER Scala CAS-150H M::Graw-Edison Hoffman Enclosures Inc. To be fabricated W:>oQ./a rd-Clyd e Co nsol tants Scala CAS-150H M:>nitron RX-10l Sprengnether TC-20 I<i nemetrics OM-l Sprengnether CG-l sprengnether PS-2 Kinemetrics DP-l Kinemetrics PP-l UNIT COST (1) $215,000 QUANTITY 1 TOTAL COST (1) $133,750 $215,000 ---1 -1 ]1 -1 )1 1 1 J i N VI Table 1 (Page 5 of 6) ITEM Uninterruptib1e power supply, 4 I<Wa tt 2 visual recorders, 2 -channel,wi th amplifiers Satellite-corrected clock WWV receiver Crystal-controlled clock 2 racks 2,20'lattice towers REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER sprengnether VR-60 True Time 468-DC True Time WVTR sprengnether TS250 Sprengnether RRC-6 UNIT COST (1)QUANTITY TOTAL COST (1) ESTIMATED TOTAL CENTRAL RECORDING FACILITY COST Strong-Motion Recorders $215,000 Stron~otion acce1erograph, wi th integral WWVB t:ime- c ode receiver Kinemetrics SMA-1 $3,250 6 $19,500 ESTIMATED TOTAL STRONG~OTION RECORDER COST Te st Equipnent Comprised of: $19,500 $6,000 Dual-channel oscilloscope,Tektronics RS110,with 5A18N and 5B10N plug-in f\) 0' Table 1 (Page 6 of 6) ITEM Field oscilloscope Fr equency counter Function generator Digital mu1timeter ESTlMATED TOTAL TEST ~unMENT COST ESTIMATED TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST(2) 1 REPRESENTATIVE SUPPLIER/MODEL NUMBER Tektronics 212-02 Hew1 ett-Packard 5315A +120 +001 +002 Exact Electronics NIDL.119P (battery powered) Hew1et t-Packar d 3466!\.(battery powered) -) UNIT COST (1)QUANTITY 1 TOTAL COST (1) $6,000 $374,250 Notes:(1)The representative instrumentation and costs presented in this table are intended to specify the design features of the long-term earthquake monitoring system for the SUsitna Hydroelectric Project and do not constitute a procurement document.These cost estimates are based on 1982 dollars. (2)Spare parts are shown in Table 4. ,""", TABLE 2:ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF LONG-TERM NEWORK - ACTION Finalize design and prepare bid documents Order equipnent Receive and test equipment installation materials Select station sites Install and test system Initiate routine operation MONTH AFTER START (1) 1 2 6 7 8 9 Note:(1)Field conditions require that installation occur during the sunmer (months 7,8,and 9). 27 ~1 1 -J ]-'-J ---1 ----J 1 TABLE 3:ESTlMATED PERSONNEL TIME COSTS AND EXPENSES THROUGH SYSTEM INSTALLATION Task Estimated Pe rson-Days Estimated Salary (bsts(1 ) other Es timated costs(1 ) Estimated Total COst 1.Finalize systen design 15 10,000 -10,000 2.Prepare procurement 10 6,000 2,000(2)8,000 document and receive equipment 3.Carry out systen integra- tion,bench-41sting,and calibration(15 14,000 -14,000 4.Select sites,install ""system,and check to operations.125 63,000 50,000(3)113,000 Total 165 $145,000 Notes:(1)Based on estimated 1982 costs,including office expenses. (2)Shipping costs. (3)Shipping,per diem,travel,and helicopter costs. (4)Estimated costs for instrument modifications and fabrication are included in Table 1. 1 J 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J ) TABLE 4:ESTIMATED YEARLY PERSONNEL TIME COSTS AND OPERATING EXPENSES FOR NETWORK OPERATION,MAINTENANCE,AND DATA ANALYSIS Item Estimated Person-days Per Year Estimated Yearly Salary Cost (1) other Estimated Yeart1 Costs ) Estimated Total Cost 1.Maintenance visits by 25 12,500 13,000 (2)25,500 technician to field stations and central recording facility 2.Network routine 180 25,000 10,000(3)35,000 operation,preliminary data analysis (site Per Sonne I) lIJ \0 2,000 (4)3.Detailed data 180 30,000 32,000 analysis and operations review 4.Replacement Parts ----$36,000(5 )36,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL YEARLY COST $128,500 Notes:(1)Based on estimated 1982 costs. (2)Travel,per diem,and helicopter costs. (3)Travel,per diem,helicopter,recording supplies,and data shipping costs. (4)Travel and per diem costs. (5)Based on 10%of the original equipment cost. - ..- r I -I LEGEND A Vertical-component,short-period,teiemetered station A Three-component,short-period,telemetered station •Three-<:omponent,broad-band station •Central recording facility ,,·..--15 km and 30 km zones around reservoir system I Strong motion instrumentation located at dam sites o 5 E=4io10 / j /T~;;:~ / I Susi'n. Lake /~g. m Louiw 20 30 Kilometers r!I Figure 1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION OF THE PROPOSED SUSITNA NETWORK 30