HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1300APPROVED FOR RELEASE C'ONEWENTIA L SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PBOJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SUBTASK 7.06: CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION APPENDIX E APRIL, 1982 Terre1trial Environmental Speciali1tl, Inc • ....___ __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY--~ r' l l l ~ 1 f { < ' j ., ·' IJ .C,\ Jl '· ;.~ ll .. 11 1·, .;~'- .,~~ j ; . -~ ; ·t! ' J ' I 'jl ·r IJ ~~ . t J .. · ~~ ~ j ~IJ IJ u ~ ': ' r . 11 u . u f • ,!') :IJ u !I I • ·' L---· .. _,..,.., Susitna Hydroelectric Project Supplemental Report FERC Letter of 4/12/83 Page ~~ Item __ ~A 4:3 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SUBT ASK 7 .. 06: CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION. APPENDIX E APRIL, 1982 HARzA ... EBASCO Susitna Joint Venture Document Number 37? Please Return To pt~~r~ lr:'~~~~T CONTROL Tertelttial E nvitonmental Speciali1t1. Inc • L_. __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ____, RELEASE SUBTASK 7.06: CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION APPENDIX E APRIL, 1982 APPENDIX E MAPS OF SITE LOCATIONS AND SURVEY LOCALES A number of federal laws, as well as ethical considerations, mandate that site locational data not be released to the general public if there is a possibility the release of this proprietary data could create a risk of harm to such resources. The specific laws and ethical standards concerning t~e confidentiality of such data are summarized below: (a) The National Historic Preservation Act, i966 (Public Law 89-665), Title I, sec. 101, (a)4. Information relating to the location of sites or objects listed on, or eligible for, inclusion in the National Register, should be withheld from the general public if it would create a risk of destruction or harm to such sites or objects. (b) Procedures of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 36 CFR 800, Part 800.15(a). Information concerning the undertaking and effects of sites on or eligible for the National Register, should be made available to the general public within the limits of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), but need not include information on budget, financial, personnel and other proprietary matters, or the specific location of archaeological sites. (c) Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-95), Section 9(a). Infonnation concerning the nature and location of any archeological resource for which the excavation or removal requires a permit or other permission under this Act or under any other provision of Federal Law, may not be made available to the public unless the federal land manager concerned determines that such disclosure would not create a risk of harm to such resources or to the sites at which such resources are located. (d) Code of Ethics and Standards of Performance for the Society of . Professional Archeologists, Sec. III, 3.2. ·An archeologist shall not reveal confidential information unless required by law. E-1 .- -. - Because of the possibility that cultural resources in the Upper Susitna Basin could be damaged if their locations were made available to the general public,the distribution of this appendix is being limited to certain authorities. Although township,range,and section locational data for cultural resources is presented in the text of this repor~,it is felt that due to the nature of this type of description disclosure will not create any risk or harm to cultural resources. E-2 .."" Page Figure 190.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in ~Survey Locale 25.··. .· · · · · · · · E-46 Figure 191.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 26.·· ·· ····E-47 F"". Figure 192.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 27.·· · · · · · · E-48 ~Figure 193.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 28.··. .· ··· · · ··E-49 Figure 194.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 29.··· · ··· · E-50 Figure 195.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 29a.····E-51 Figure 196.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and ,~Sites in Survey Locale 30.E-52··· · · ··· Figure 197.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and r-Sites in Survey Locale 30.·· ·· · · ··E-53 Figure 198.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and -Sites in Survey Locale 30.· · · ·····E-54 Figure 199.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 31.· ···· · · ·E-55 Figure 200.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 31.········E-56 ~Figure 201.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 31a.····· · ·· · · ...E-57 Figure 202.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 32.····· ···E-58 Figure 203.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and-Sites in Survey Locale 33.·· · · · ···E-59 Figure 204.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and """Sites in Survey Locale 34.E-60··· · · ··· Figure 205.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in .-Surv€y Locale 35 .· ·· · ····. ..E-61 E-5 .Page Figure 206.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in f'"'Survey Locale 36.···· · · ·····E-62 Figure 207.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 37.· ······ · ···..E-63 Figure 208.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 38.··· · · ··· ···E-64-Figure 209.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 39.· ···· ·· · ···E-65 Figure 210.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 40.··· ·· · · · ···E-66 Figure 21l.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 41.· ·· ··· ···· · E-67 Figure 212.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 41a...··· ····· ···E-68 Figure 213.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 43.· · ····· ·· · ·E-69 Figure 214.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 44.·· · · · ·· · · ··E-70-Figure 215.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 44.. ...· · ·· · ·· · E-71 Figure 216.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 45.·· · ··· ··E-72-Figure 217.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 45.·· · ··· · · E-73 Figure 218.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 46,47.··· · · · ··E-74 Figure 2)9.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and-Sites in Survey Locale 48.····· ·· ·· · E-75 Figure 220.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in .....Survey Locale 49.E-76·· · · · · ··· ·· Figure 22l.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 50.·· ····· ··· · E-77 E-6 .- Page ~ Figure 222.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and-Sites in Survey Locale 51.· · · · · · ··E-78 Figure 223.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 51.·· ··· ·· · E-79 Figure 224.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 52.·· · · · · · · · · · E-80-Figure 225.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 53.· ·· · ···· ···E-81 :-Figure 226.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 54..······ · · · E-82 Fi gu re 227.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey locale 55.· ·······E-83 Figure 228.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in,-Survey Locale 57.E-84·· · · ·· · ·· · · Figure 229.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in ~Survey Locale 59.· · · ····· · ··E-85 Figure 230.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in I"""Survey Locale 60.··· · ·· · ··".·E-86 Figure 231.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 61..· ··· ·· · ··E-87 ~ Figure 232.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 63,13.·· · · ·· · ·E-88-Figure 233.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 64,65.· ·· · ··· · · ··E-89 Figure 234.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 66.·..·· · · · · · · · E-90 Fi gure 235.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in ~ Survey Locale 66a,66b.····· · ·· · ···E-91 Figure 236.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in ~Survey Locale 66c,66d.E-92···· ··· · · ·· · Figure 237.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 67.······ ·····E-93 -E-7 E-8 Page- Figure 254..Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and ......Sites in Survey Locale 85.··· ··· ··E-110 Figure 255.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 85,87.··· · · · E-ll1 Figure 256.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 86.··..·· · ·····E-112 Figure 257.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey locale 88.· ·· · · ···E-113 -.Figure 258.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 89,90.0 ··· · · E-1l4 Figure 259.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and 1~'- Sites in Survey Locale 91.· ··· · ··0 E-1l5 Figure 260.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in !"'"Survey locale 92.E-1l6·· · · ······ · Figure 261.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 93.··· ·· · · · ···E-117 Figure 262.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in-Survey Locale 94.·· · ··· · ·· · · E-118 Figure 263.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 95,96.····· ··· · ··E-1l9 -~.. Figure 264.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey locale 97.· · · · · · ···· · E-120 ~Figure 265.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 97a.···· ·· ··· · ···. .E-121, ~Figure 266.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 99,101.· ···· ···· · ·E-122 figure 267.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in,- Survey Locale 100.·0 ·· · ····· · · ·E-123 Figure 268.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 102.···· · · ····E-124 Figure 269.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and sites in Survey Locale 103.·· ··E-125 - E-9 -- E-IO - ,~ Figure 286. Figure 287. Figure 288. Figure 289. Figure 290. Figure 29l. Figure 292. Figure 293. Figure 294. Figure 295. Figure 296. Figure 297. Figure 298. Figure 299. Figure 300. Fi gure 301. Figure 302. Figure 303. Figure 304. Figure 305. Figure 306. Figure 307. Figure 308. Figure 309. Figure 310. Figure 31l. Figure 312. Figure 313. Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow G. Site Location Map TLM 015. Site Location Map TLM 016. Site Location Map TLM 017 .• Site Location Map TLM 018. Site Location Map TLM 021. Site Location Map TLM 025 •. Site Location Map TLM 028. Site Location Map TLM 041. Site Location Map TLM 057 .• Site Location Map TLM 066 •• Site Location Map TLM 067. Site Location Map TLM 068,TLM 070. Site Location Map TLM 071 •..••.••.. Site Locati on Map TLM 082 •••••• Site Location Map TLM 055,TLM 081,TLM 089,TLM 090, TLM 091,TLM 092,TLM 093,TLM 097.•••.... Site Location Map TLM 117,TLM 099,TLM 098,HEA 180, HEA 181,HEA 183,HEA 184,HEA 185..••..... Site Location Map TLM 100,TLM 105..•..•••• Site Location Map TLM 106,TLM 107. Site Location Map TLM 108,TLM 109,TLM 110,TLM 111, TLM 112 . Site Location Map TLM 101,TLM 103,TLM 113, TLM 114.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•. Site Location Map TLM 116 ..•... Site Location Map HEA 174,HEA 176. Site Location Map HEA 175.• . .••. Site Location Map HEA 177 ..•..•• Site Location Map HEA 178,HEA 179. Site Location Map HEA 182 .•• Site Location Map HEA 186. E-11 E-142 E-143 E-144 E-145 E-146 E-147 E-148 E-149 E-150 E-151 E-152 E-153 E-154 E-155 E-156 E-157 E-158 E-159 E-160 E-161 E-162 E-163 E-164 E-165 E-166 E-167 E-168 E-169 ~-, -~ - - - - Figure 156.Location of Sites and Survey Locales t Talkeetna Mts.D-5~ E-12 - - ,.... ,,- - - Fi gure 157.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Tal keetna t4ts.0-4. E-13 .- - - - - Figure 158.Location of Sites and Survey Locales s Talkeetna Mts.0-3. E-14 - -. - - - Figure 159. ~~. I I I.I- 1 Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.0-2. £-15 V I U ·VI +>::E: rtl s:::+>QJ QJ..::.:: ..- rtl l- ·VI QJ+> 'r-\0 V')...-4 I 4-w 0 s::: 0..... +> rtl U 0 -' ·0 \0 r-i QJ So. ::3 Ol 'r- \..L. t {[L t t l (t l l.t I l l I t { .-. Figure 161.location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.C-2. E-17 -- ,~ Figure 162.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna.Mts.C-l. E-18 - - - ,..,. ,- - Figure 163.Location of Sites,Talkeetna Mts.B-2. E-19 ,~ ..... Figure 164.Lo~ation of Sites~Talkeetna Mts.B-1. E-20 - - ,...,. ..... - Figure 165. -'"'~\.~/ .I" ,',;,-~~,)----~-r:--~-(Jr ---).~ I ~~\~~~\,f~~f :~\"~;j ~G~,-'Y /J W ~(\""I'""---,----~.~;--.-,/.-\..l-~/l-"'-_--,.19 (f JJ I ":..',-'\) 1-->(/,. n u'r '''-../(._:('~.r"I'I 1_),I .' / ~/ } i". ..J '/I ------.----:;;:--,:r:- Location of Sites,Healy A-3. E-21 ..... ..... "... L- I. ('-£~,=',""-'~"--4l~-----c I ""h'.I.....--;:::'_-t.:...-- '-~: Figure 166. ~()r ';- ~; Location of Sites,Healy A-2. E-22 .\" - ...,. ~---- Shovel Tests:5 Surface Reconnaissance ---------- o I .5 I KILOMETERS 1 I HelicoEter Landing Zone LZ .Survey Locale 1 Boundary --- Subsurface Test __•__e __._ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-5 T.32N R.1E SE Sec.1 T.32N R.2E SW Sec.6" T.3lN R.2E NW Sec 7 Figure 167.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 1. E-23 - - - 100 '200 I ! 300 I Helicopter,Landing Zone LZ METERS Contour Interval:100 ftSurfaceReconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.--.--Talkeetna Mts. T.32N R.2E SE D-S Sec.33 Survey Locale 2 Boundary --- Marsh ~~~ Shovel Tests;15 Figure 168.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 2. E-24 !-H- ~ Shov-el Tests;8 a 100 200 300 '400 I 1 I I I Contour less than 100 ft.............METERS ~Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test --.--.--.--Talkeetna Mts.D-5 Helicopter Landing Zone LZ T.32N R.2E Survey Locale 4 Boundary __-E 1/2 of SE,1/4 of Sec.35 W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec.36 .- - Figure 169.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 4. E-25 ....-......-- f I / [ I I I ./ \---I ------.. /\.......~ ~ '~J -- o I .2 I .4 I Shovel Tests:9 KILOMETERS ,.,.. Surface Reconnaissance Suhsur.face 'Test Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-5 T.31N R.2E NW 1/4 of Sec.2 Helicopte.:r"Landilig Zone LZ Survey Locale 4a Boundary - - - Figure 170.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 4a. E-26 - - - - - Shovel 'rests:6 a I .5 I KILOMETERS 1 I Surface Reconnaissance .-----------Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test .--.--.--.--Talkeetna Mts.D-4,0-5 Helicopter Landing Zone LZ T.32N R.2E T.31N R.2E S 1/2 of Sec.36 N 1/2 of Sec.1 Survey Locale 5 Boundary--- Figure 171.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 5. _E-27 - - Recent Trash 0 0 l/)-// O'~oo faa 300 I I METERS Surface Reconnaissance ----------- -Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --e--e--e-- LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.31N R.3E SE 1/4 of Sec.13 Survey Locale 6 Boundary - - - Shovel Tests:12 .Figure 172.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 6. E-28 I .,.i. -------1500 Shovel Tests:: a I 100 I METERS 200 ,I Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test __e _Talkeetna Mts.D-4 Helicopter Landing Zone tz Survey Locale 8 Boundary - - - Gravel Bar T.31N R.3E NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec.21 Figure 173.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 8. E-29 contour Interval:100 ft. METERS .300 I I.L • 200 I 100 I o I Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.31N R.3E W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec.14 E 1/2 o~SE 1/4 of Sec.15 Contour less than 100 ft . Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface 'Test --.--.--.-~ Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 9 Boundary - - - , 2000 , ,~ - ..... - -I -Figure 174.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca1e 9. E-30 300 I METERS 100 200 I I a I \ \ '\ \ \ I I I \~_.-v ~--- '. ,... \. '. \..-............. " ------,---- ---- ",... - .-. - - Figure 175.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 10.- Shovel Tests:1 Surface l~connaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 10 Boundary-- - contour less than 100 ft . Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.3lN R.3E SW 1/4 of Sec.23 E-31 TLM LZ ---------..~-..;> / - - - - r- ......~~ \~I.L. -N- ~ ,....1500~ _.Shovel Tests:10 100 I ~oo I ·300I - SUrfaCE!Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --._-.--.-- METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone .LZ Survey Locale 11 Boundary--- Talkeetna ijts.D-4 T.31N R.4E NW 1/4 of Sec.21 Gravel Bar Figure 176.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 11. E-32 ,- - .- - 1500 -- Shovel Tests:20 a,.5 I Survey Locale 12 Boundary _ - Sur.face RE~connaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Gravel Bar --e--e--.-- LZ KILOMETERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.31N R.4E SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec.21 SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.20 NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec.28 Fi gure 1:77.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 12. E-33 t·f - - - -)~-N- ~- ,~ KILOMETERS Shovel Tests:45 Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. Survey Locale 14 Boundary --- Subsurfaoe Test __•__•__e __Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.31N R.4E NE 1/4 of Sec.3 NW 1/4 of Sec.2 Gravel Bar Figure 178.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 14. E-34 ......., - -- TLM Shovel TE!stS:123 o I roo I 200 I METERS 300 I Surface F~connaissance -----------contour Interval:100 ft. HelicoptE!r Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 15 Boundary _-- Gravel Bar ~t&j Subsurface Test .--.--.--.....-Talkeetna Mts.D~4 T.32N R.4E NE 1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec.36 T.32N R.5E NW 1/4 of Sec.31 Figure 1"79.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 15. E-35 ,',... l-"ETERS a 100 200 300 I I r J --__200 0 ~ 1ShovelTests: .- ....... ~If>t ~\~-N--~- - Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. SubsurfacE~Test --.--.--.--Talkeetna Mts ..D-4 T.32N R.SE Sec.31 Helicopter Landing Zone LZ .,.... Survey Locale 16 Boundary _ Grave 1 Bar f;~~~~1 -Figure 180.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 16. E-36 - Contour less than 100 ft.·. Surface Reconnaissance 100 200 300 400 I I I ~ METERS Subsurface Test --.--e--.--Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 17 Boundary --- Gravel Bar Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.32N R.SE NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec.33 -NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec.34 Shovel Tests:10 ~.Figure 181.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 17. E-37 ~'.00i I ~ Shovel Tests:15 I ( ( \ \ -Surface Relconnaissance SubsurfacEl Test Helicopter Landing Zone --e--.--I-- LZ ?L T_O_O__.-....lJI-0_O__----lrOO METERS C9ntou~Interval:100 Ft. Survey Locale 18 Boundary Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32~R.SE SW 1/4 Sec.26 Gravel Bar Figure 1132.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca1e 18. E-38 - Shovel Tests:20 2000 ._----- a 100 200 300 L-I ...J..'-L.J __-JI Survey Locale 19 Boundary _ ..... ..... Cont-our less than 100 ft. Surface Heconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--e--'-- LZ METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.6E NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec.31 SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.30 Figure 1B3.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 19. E-39 1""" {LZ \f 1__--_ I I / /1 --~I/'./I (2200~/""'"' Su:rface Heconnaissance Shovel re,st,s:4 Y'--t_o_O __--'I-O-O-----:.J,lOO METE;RS Subsurface Test __e __•__o__Contour Interval:100 ft. HelicoptE!r Landing Zone LZ .Talkeetna Mts.D-3 ,T.32N R.6E Survey Locale 20'Boundary---·SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec.28 Figure 184.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 20. E-40 ,.,.,. ~ -N- ,"""~ F" """ o J 100 I 200 I METERS 300 I 400 I Shovel Tests:17 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.--.~~ Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 20a Bounda~- -- Gravel Bar Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N'R.6E SE 1/4 Sec.28 Figure 185.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 20a. E-41 ..... - .... Shovel T'ests:200 o,200 METERS 400 Surface Reconnaissance subsurfa.ce Test --,--.--e--Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopt:er Landing Zone Survey Locale 21 Boundary Depression LZ--- .';utt·,1 ~i..",..,I·,;;. .:-~'~'I'"rt 1I1S'.'\:-''' Talkeetna Mts. T.32 N.,R. N 1/2,Section 0-3 6 E. 27 S.M. Figure 186.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 21. E-42 - Surface Reconnaissance -----------a .5 1 I ,, Subsurface Test __•__._-e __KILOMETERS Hel"icopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Survey Locale 22 Boundary ___Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32N R.6E Sec.25-Recent Hunting Camp &Cache Sh~)Vel Tests;93 ,..,..Marsh Figure 187.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Surv~y Locale 22. E-43 .- - Shovel Tests:18 a 1 200 I 400 I - Surface Rec:onnaiss,ance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--.--.-- LZ METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.7E W 1/2 Sec.19 Survey Locale 23 Boundary --- Contour less than 100 ft ....•....•. Figure 188.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 23. E-44 .- - - - Shovel Tests:12 a I .5 I KILOMETERS ~. -N- J 1 I Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Surface ~econnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32N R.7E Sec.17 - Survey Locale 24 Boundary--- Gravel Ba.r Figure 189.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 24. E-45 Shovel TE!S'tS:'19 o I 100 I METERS 200 J 300 I Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- HelicoptE~r Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 25 Boundary--- Can tour Less Than 100 ft. Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.7E ,NE 1/4 Sec.8 NW 1/4 Sec.9 Figure 190.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 25. E-46 ...,,---2000 / I I I [ I \ \ \., \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1\ "/1~,~i '.J o• • 0 I \ \, \ \ V 'I I' II \ I \I I I i. \ I I \i , \0, J ,0, I I ; \~I , I 0\ \\\ \ I 1 ,\ if""". I.,...-1 \ rl I ~ I I i If"""1 I .1~I I I j Shovel TE~stS:59 • Surface·lReconnalssance ----------- Subsurface Test --0--0--0-- HelicoptE~r Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 26 Boundary _ o 200 400 I I [ METERS Contour Interval: Talkeetna Mts.D-3 SW 1/4 Sec.34 SE 1/4 Sec.33 600 J 100 ft. T.33N R.7E Figure 191.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface ·Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 26. E-47 100 ft. 200 [ o I METERS Contour Interval: Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32N R.7E Sec.29 "\ \ \ \ I I I \, \, \, I I, I I I I, \ \. .\ \ \ \ \.../I-----~---:.-", 400, ..... ,-"Camp \ \ "-, ....., ..."'...."LZ ,./'1980 I "I Field I ( ....- I (, I / I.,- I ......._ - I t ....... Shovel Tests:31 Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --e--.--o-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 27 Boundary _ Contour less than 100 ft... J ",,-,",,'" /' ."l,'-'.----- ;--<::;':.':-._--~~~- ------ -~.--.~ I ~-"'cr a-a k-:,A.~. ,I "':::.:~_.- / l_.__\~ .......n.....I I .. / "\~,/:~""'r:::rLM 048 '"~.~'-J :__,.~......... I ........_.l._'"".....#_.:0-,..,..._ I I /\"•'-',I.~",,-..: ,cabin~/',-..-.••••••••,,/' 1981 Field Camp I \ I ", I ...\"J_~ "I ~/.. I I I I - -Figure 192.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Loca.le 27. E-48 - ,..... a .5 1 I I I Shovel Tests:10 KILOMETERS .....Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:100 ft. SubsurfacE:!Test --.--.--.--Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.7E S 1/2 Sec.35 HelicopteJr Landing Zone LZ T.32N R.7E SW 1/4 Sec.36 T.31N R.7E NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.2 Survey Locale 28 Boundary ___T.31N R.7E NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.1 ,~ Figure 193.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 28. E-49 - - Shovel Tests:11 Surface Reconnaissance 0 200 300 I I I METERS -----------Contour InterVal:100 ft. Subsurface T'est --O--O __e __ Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 29 Boundary _ Marsh Gravel Bar Talkeetna Mts ..D-3 T.31N R.7E' SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.2 NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec.n NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec.12 SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec.1 Fi gure 194.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 29. E-50 - - - .TlM 040--.... -Shovel Tests:8 a I 100 I METERS 200 I 300 l Survey Locale 29a Boundary ---- Surface Reccnnaissance Subsurface 'I'est He licopter Landing Zone Gravel Bar --.--.--..-- LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.3lN R.7E SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec.1 SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.2 Figure 195.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 29a. E-51 I.l ... -----.....:::=::::0----------:-:-:-:-=-------:::::::---",-'- Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. ~ I Shovel Tests:11 a t 300 I METERS 600 I Subsurface"Test "__•__•__e __ Helicopt€!r Landing ZoneLZ Survey Locale 30 Boundary --- Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T •.31N R.8E W 1/2 Sec.5 ,Sec.6 N 1/2 Sec.7 ,NW 1/4 Sec.8 . Figure 196.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 30. E-52 ./ ./-------y ------""""----c-~~------ ;L:-....--.""---._--- L-_------~600 - ..- Survey Locale ·30 BOlmdary ----Shovel Tests:11 o I 200 I' METERS 400 I 600 I Surface Reconnaissance -----------contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Water --.--e--e-- II Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31N RSE,NEI/4 Sec.5 -Figure 197.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 30. £-53 1--- - - r--270.O .----"" T L III 04 6 ---~~"7~ ,, "",,, ".... Shovel Tests:11 o,200 I 400 I 600, Survey Locale 30 Boundary--- Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Water METERS Contour Interval:lOO ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31N R.SE,N 1/2 Sec.4 T.32N R.BE,S 1/2 Sec.33 Figure 198.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 30. E-54 .'.,~ .~.. .'..' .~............. :......~. ::. 200 I METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-3,D-2 SW 1/4 Sec.8 2000 Shovel ~rests:44 Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Helicop·ter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 31 Boundary--- Contour less than 100 ft... Marsh ~~3U.. "../ ~/.1'----.:lk:: //'///)It.'\.._........•,,"/~../~:. "I JU.,:/\.•.,."",,-,~?.,.{;.ll(•..•.•....•..••.••.•....••'.::.•..:.:.:~.;••:.:.:..:••:.·.....·:·~i\~\/~...~...._..:.......~....".....·1./'_..4.;.-..,.".-~,;."...-::"':,~/. ./,/..:~!~"•....•.//••.~.. '".{I ~.....,;r;.7'-.f..~...--:...······;;...." -'i ~i.s.;;·:;...----r.~··//,. ",'~//'~).~. / ....~/../:!..'..<.....,'\.....':._-.-.."":'it --_?-~\':~../::{......)...../" ",,':../....'.:/ if I "".."/.~.s:.:.~::~;;;::.;;.\\:.•.."..........!!I //.,"J 'I •.: I :"\.•~///"'.///~!I /j/)":\:,.:f/.///-".<.",..,'1./ :..../1''';'',--'I'.'••'/\..../.''//:/:I \:,.....:.://~.,-l""'.y ... If '...\:'"....../.....'"J~';"'. . ...........'../I'..··./,.••~......••..(....J.~/..........:t '.•.•1 -'\\'.......'..'.'J://•-........."I,\I \,',.........,:,..l//::......,.... :I \',\..'. • /,.,../:/\''\.\'..,:·fi'I f /'" ;.\J \,.:JJL .•'••-./,:/;'I:I :f \J I ".....lll .....:!f //'"I ;i .A- i I •........;:;11(•••••··"Lz....:'~~-:---.:.........J: I '""',......~...,-.'.".....,;c •....-..,.,..:::'......::,","..::::;----_....'..: • I •..'I . "~/.'~~l /..,:.I ~-..::.-:;----. .,...,•....'... f '.J...:,..::.........'.•..•\\\_",".....\'... .~:. ,-.-.TLM --------......... "~ i I-I r-I I ......! ,I i -l .I i I ,,,...( r l ./*'! -,i .- -' Figure 199.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 31. E-55 I~ .... - - I,.... a I 100 I t.ffiTERS 200 I E-56 Figure 200.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 31.- - Shovel Tests:44 Surface l~connaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --e--e--e-- Survey Locale 31 Boundary - - - Marsh ~l.1L ~ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31N R.BE SW 1/4 of SE 1 4 Sec.B r·- -..-..-.-........................ 2000 ---...... ;, I , I I I J I, I I I I I I ../ ......_----'" '-----,-- \....,.....'\....._..~....\....:,\ '.~~-,......~.:"\........./'....~~ Surface :Re conn ai s s ance -----------0 100 200 300 I I I I Subsurface Test --.--.-----METERS Helicopter Landing ZOne LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. -Survey Locale 3la Boundary Contour less than 100 ft. ---Talkeetna Mts. T.31N R.7E SE 1/4 Sec.12 D-3 Marsh Shovel Tests;23 Figure 201.Surface Reconna;~sance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 31a. E-57 ,-~ -N- F""~ ,~ - Shovel Tests;20 Surface ~econnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --e--.--.-- LZ a I 200 t METERS 300 ! 400 I Survey Locale 32 Boundary___Contour I::1terval:100 ft. - Gravel Bar Marsh Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31N R.BE SE 1/4 Sec.9,SW 1/4 Sec.10 NE 1/4 Sec.l6,·NW 1/4 Sec.15 Figure 202.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 32. E-58 ,, Shovel Teists:6 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.._-.--.-- o f 100 I METERS 200 I 300 I Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Interval:100 ft.' - Survey Locale 33 Boundary --- Contour less than 100 ft. Gravel Bar Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31NR.8E NW 1/4 Sec,.13 Figure 203.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 33. r-£-59 Surface lReconnaissance -----------0 200 400 600 800 l I I I I Subsurface Test --.--.--.--METERS Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. - Survey Locale 34 Boundart _ Con tour less than 100 ft. Marsh Talkeetna Mts. T.30N R.9E NE 1/4 Sec.1 C-2 Figure 204.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 34. E-60 Shovel Test.s:2 o I 1 I 2 I Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--e--e-- KILOMETERS Contour Interval:100 Ft. Survey Loca.le 35 Boundary --- Gravel Bar Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.31N R.IOE ,SW 1/4 Sec.31 Figure 205.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 35. E-61 , I """ """' o I 200 I 300 I 400 I Shovel Tests:11 HETERS Survey Locale 36 Boundary --- Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Marsh --e--_--e-- contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30N R.10E NW 1/4 Sec.7 . ,..... -- Figure 206.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 36. E-62 -- - Shovel Tests:2 o I 100 200 I , METERS . 300 400 [ I Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--.--.-- LZ Contour Interval:100 Ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30N R.IOE SW 1/4-Sec.5,SE 1/4 Sec.6 "'..Survey Loca.le 37 Boundary --- Figure 207.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 37. E-63 I ( \ \, ""..........---- ------.......~"",~.'"'- //"/.,, I ~~.._..-'.\ .:llL LZ .lI£~····,r·:··:;;j/· )'..,.............-..-..-....-,.;1'"'.1 I <:::::~l~·~~:·:.~.~:.:.~~.~~~~=~:~j~~~::~~;~~~~~:=~:(~~~::::~, I ..........<.----_.-..II......",.....",.~"...............---1\........-..----.-..-.........-~.,.'-~-_.-----,,__J '\r-__ I ·"".-"'"....---.-------.....I--,-\\'I"/I (....J r \-- .-.....I J _----- -I""".;'--"/---T--,---,----I........._-"._-"._~-------) ',--I I"....I /J\....__..:-_1/. (\/\, l I,/ )'-...", /----.......-.,:..-"""---------, IJ/-- J { J IJ., I \J , I --=-,--- I I I I I I ""',[I,I'--......-/~--_.---_..----.'- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C~2 T.30N R.lOE SW 1/4 Sec.9 - ..- Sh6vel Tests:.18 Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --0--0--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone .LZ Sur~ey Locale 38 Boundary -__ Contour less than 100 ft.••........ Marsh ~.ll£.~ o I 100 I METERS 200 I Figure 208.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 38. E-64 ---2500 p,;m ~-H- I 1 J I I I I I I I I!'~ Surface Rconnaissance a I 200 I 400 I 600 I Subsurface Test --.-----.-- METERS Contour Interval:-100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Loca.le 39 Boundary --- Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30N R.IOE NW 1/4 Sec.16 """ Contour less than 100 ft. Gravel Bar Shovel Tests:8 Figure 209.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 39. E-65 .... - F"" I I VEE CANYON 2200 Surface Reconnaissance..... Shovel Test:s:28 o I 200 I METERS 400 I 600 I Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Interval:.100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30N R.IOE Sec.11 ..... I I Survey Locale 40 Boundary --- Figure 210.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca1e 40. E-66 Shovel Tests:9 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter landing Zone Survey Locale 41 Boundar:y - - , j/ -,./I_.,..------\ \ I I, 1 ~----------- --·7-·----- LZ--- 0 100 200 300 400 I ,I I I METERS Contour:Interval:50 ft. .Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE SE 1/4 Sec.7,NE 1/4 Sec.18 r"". ! Fi gure 211.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca 1e 41. E-67 Shovel Tests:12 o I 200 I METERS 400 I \ 600 J \ Surface Reconnaissance Subsurfac~~Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--.--,,-- LZ Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.17 Survey Locale 41a Boundary --- Figure 212.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 41a. E-68 - i I J- Shovel Tests:33 Surface Reconnaissance o I 200 400 I I METERS 600, Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 43 Boundary --- - - Subsurface Test --.~-.._-.--Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE E 1/2 Sec.29,W 1/2 Sec.28 -.Figure 213.Surface Reconnais~ance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 43. E-69 ,~ - - Shovel Tests:7 Surface Reconnaissance SubsurfaCE!Test --.--.--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 44 Boundary --- northern ortion) 0 100 200 300 J [I I HETERS contour Interval:50ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE SW 1/4 Sec.32 T.29N R.llE NW 1/4 Sec.5 Figure·214.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 44. E-70 - - - ....... , I.....,, I I ....1 .;\ \ \ \ o 2500--_1 Shovel"Probes::7 o I 100 I METERS 200 I 300 I - Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --0--0--0-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 44 Boundary - - - (southern portion) Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.IIE SW 1/4 Sec.32 T.29N R.IIE NW 1/4 Sec.5 f"" i Figure 215.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 44. E-71 - 1 1 I ,.,I",. :Ill:: ILl ILl Ill: U .Shovel.Tests:21 o 200 400 600 1..1 --III...-.l.'---IJ . METERS Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:50 ft .. Survey Locale 45 Boundary --- (SW Portion) I I,.... 1 Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone __e __•__•__ LZ Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE E 1/2 Sec.32,N 1/2 Sec.33 - Gravel Bar Figure 216.Surface Reconnaissance~Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 45. E-72 - ,- - - Shovel Tests:21 o I 200 I 400 I 600 I Surface Re,connaissance Subsurfa,ce,Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 45 Boundary (Eastern Portion) contour le,ss than 50 ft. Marsh Gravel Bar __e __•__•__ LZ --- METERS Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-I T.30N R.IIE N 1/2 Sec.33 .Fi gure 217.Surface Reconnai ssance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 45,. E-73 I ! ~ - - - I, \ \ \ \, "~IS' Shovel TE~'sts (SL 46): Shovel TE~sts (SL 47): 28 4 o I 200 I METERS 400 I Surface Reconnaissance- Subsurface Test --..--.--.-- Contour Interval:50 ft. - Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 46 Boundary - - - Survey Locale 47 Boundary .Talkeetna Mts.C-l.. T'.30N R.llE SE 1/4 Sec.33,SW 1/4 S~c.34 T.29N R.lIE . NE 1/4 Sec..A,NW 1/4 Sec.3 - Figure 218.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 46,47. E-74 -"----.,-----~--------------- l i [..- 1 Shovel Tests:21 o I 100 I 200 I METERS 300 I 406 f - Surface RE~connaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.29N R.iiE NW li4 Sec.2,NE 1/4 Sec.3 Survey Locale 48 Boundary ----- Marsh Figure 219.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 48. E-75 Surface Reconnaissance Contour.Interval:50 ft.- f\ Shovel Te;;ts:19 o I 200 I METERS 400, SubsurfacE~Test -----..--.--Talkeetna Mts.C~l T.30N R.llE Sec.35 Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 49 Boundary --- Figure 220.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 49. E-76 "'"'" 1"""'~ -N- ~ ,,,.J. - _.Shovel-Test~:36 a 200 400 600 1-1 __---J('"-__,J.1__---J1 METERS Surface Reconnaissance SubsurfacE~Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--.--.-- LZ Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30N R.llE E 1/2 Sec.35,W 1/2 Sec.36 Survey Locale 50 Boundary --- Figure 221.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 50. E-77 -t -N- ~~- ~~ - Shovel Tests:o o I 200 I METERS 400 I 600 I Surface.Reconnaissance Subsurface 'Test --e--e--.-- Contour Interval:100 ft. 'Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.3lN R~8E Sec.2 - Helicopte'r Landing Zone LZ, Survey Locale 51 Boundary _ Figure 222.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 51. E-78 - 1"'"~ -N--~ - Shovel Tests:o a 200.400 600 ...I .L'..J1 ...J' Meters Surface Rl~connaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone _____e __e __ LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna-Mts.D-2 T.31N R.SE N 1/2 Sec.1 T.32N R.SE S 1/2 Sec.36 T.32N R.9E W 1/2 Sec.31 r Survey Locale 51 Boundary --- Figure 223.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 51. E-79 300,200 I 100 I a-, LZ---- ____--------'.....L........_.....:::=-_1500 ., 21 \,, '"'-. Shovel TE!sts = ".,.. Surface Reconnaissance METERS Subsurface Test --e-·-e--.--Contour Interval:-100 ft. Survey Locale 52 Boundary --- HelicoptE!r Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-5 T.3lN R.lE N 1/2 Sec.-2 T.32N R.lE S 1/2 Sec.35 Figure 2:24.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 52. E-80 2 I 1 I o· I I; ~ I I ,..J. ,, I,.... ,- ,.....j -N- ~ ..- Shovel Tests:22 KILOMETERS 1 ! ! " ff"'- Surface Reconnaissance- S'ubsurfaCE!Test --0 --0 --._- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 53 Boundary --- Contour Interval;100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-5 T.32N R.IE Sec.24,Sec.25 T.32N R.2E Sec.19,Sec.30 I,., - Figure 2;~5.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 53. E-81 - - ------......... o I ..,.....-......._-- .5r 1 I LZ Shovel Te~sts:16 KILOMETERS Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopte~r Landing Zone __•__•__0__Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31N R.6E Sec.12 LZ Survey Locale 54 Boundary - - - Contour less than 100 ft. Figure 226.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 54. E-82 - .,... - Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Teslts: Subsurface Test 13 a 200 400 600 I 1 I I -----------METERS ________e __Contour Interval:100 ft. -Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.7E NW 1/4 Sec.31 Survey Locale 55 Boundary T.32N R.oE SE 1/4 Sec.25 Contour le:ss than 100 ft. Figure 2:27.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 55. E-83 - I"'" I - ,.... I Shovel Probes:10 o 200 METERS 400 - Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicaopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 57 Boundary ----------- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-5 S.M. T.31N.,R.lEo NE 1/4,SE 1/4,Sec.3 .....Figure 2'~8.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 57. E-84 i ~ .Shovel Tests:39 a 200 METERS 400 ~:Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 59 Boundary --- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-4 S.M. T.31 N.,R.3 E. NE 1/4,Section 19 Figure 229.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 59. E-85 .... - Surface Reconnaissance Helicopt.er Landing Zone LZ Subsurface Test -~.--.--.-- Survey Locale 60 Boundary --- 600 I 300 I METERS o I Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-4 S.M. T.31 N.,R.3 E. SW 1/4,Sec.13,SE 1/4, Sec.14,NE 1/4,Sec~23 NW 1/4,Sec.24. 25Shovel'I'ests: ...., Figure 230.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 60. E-86 Shovel Tests:34 o I 600 I METERS 1200 I Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. ,~ Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey L,ocale 61 Boundary LZ --- Talkeetna Mts. T.31N.,R. E.1/2,Sec. N.1/2,Sec. D-4 4 E. 24, 19. S.M. Figure 231.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 61. E-87 - Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts. T.31 N.,R. E 1/2 Sections 16. Shovel Tests (SL 63): Shovel "rests (SL 13): Surface Reconnaissance Subsurfa.ce Test He1icop-ter Landing Zone Survey :C.ocale 63 Boundary Survey Locale 13 Boundary 180 20 --.--e--.-.;- LZ--- a I 600 I 1200, 0-4 S.M. 4 E. 10, 15,and Figure 232.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 63,13. E-88 ..... ,~! -N--~r !""" - Shovel Tests (SL 64): Shovel Te~ts CSL651: 17 2 o,300 I METERS 600 Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --0--0--0-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 64 Boundary ..---------- Survey Locale 65.Boundary --- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-4 S.M. T.31 N.,R.4 E. T.32N.,R.4E. NE 1/4,Sec.3 SW 1/4,Sec.35 -Figure 233.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 64,650 E-89 - - .- Shovel Tests:49 o I '300 I 800 I Survey Locale 88 Boundary ---- Surfa'ce Reconnal.sance Subsurface Te.t Helicopter Landing Zone --e--e-- LZ METERS Contour Interval:'100 ft. Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.32N R.SE S1/2 Sec.28 - Figure 234.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 66. E-90 - METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. 600r300 I I.L. Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.32N R.SE S1/2 Sec.26 o I LZ --.--.-- 66 39 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test H.ellcopter LandIng Zone Survey Locale 66a Boundary Survey (ocale 66b Boundary ~2200. Shovel Tests (SL 66 a): Shovel Tests (SL 66b): -. - Fi gure 235.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 66a,66b. E-91 -2000 ........~,,---..._------I I.L. 2200 a 300 600 ·1 Shovel Tests (SL 66c):18 I I I1.Shovel Tests (SL 66d):29 METERS Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test --.--e--e,:",""- ~Talkeetna Mts.D-3 S.M. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ T.32 N.I R.5 E. Survey Locale 66C Boundary ---NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.36 Survey Locale 66D Boundary NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.36 Figure 236.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 66c,66d. E-92 - - Shovel Tests:26 Surface ReconnaIssance o I 100 200 300 I I I METERS 400 500I, Survey Lo.cale 67 Boundary ----- Subsurface Test Helicopter LandIng Zone __e __•__ LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.32N R.6E SW1/4 Sec.28 Figure 237.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 67. E-93 - - 043" •--.....I ..... l \ ShoveJ Tests:42 o· I 300 I 600 I Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.-- METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. F'. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 68 Boundary ---- Contour less than 100 feet _. River Terrace """""II Ultl Talkeetna Mountains D-3 T.32H R.6E SE1/4Sec.21 SW1/4 Sec..22 HW1/4 Sec.27 NE1/4 Sec.28 Marsh Figure 238.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 68. E-94 ..- ..- .-."~\.'.,,\.\,..I \ -N- I •~I ....,... "".~.~",.\. I ./...!=.-.-.-.-:.-..J•I "./'.....,""1 I I ""I I•,f I /I \ ".,..,I I IIIr(I \I \\ I \J /\\ \I ,I /I I...\f ,"- \I • /\I I I / I / I \",-/'"-I '"_/ 1 ..'",/;., /,'~Ir-.../•J ..."7-'-'1"'"I"".................:, r"-~..-...../1/J '\0.....""•........:••.••.>............."'.:)~~.....i.....- Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 69 Boundary Contour Ie ••than 100 feet METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. 600 I 300 [ Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.32N R.6E E1/2 Sec.22 o I LZ --.--.-- 110ShovelTests: Figure 239.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 69. ""'" E-95 ...., ,/ r :·/Il·I //"\.//J\/./ \I'\--r •1 ~._./_./.'\\ \ f , /'"\....,",.,\'...._\. I,••\.-_./"....~_.-'_" \~/.\-<""--,•_/-_....!/~.~-,/.-::....-~~.~;-_-:.-----~. ",.--.-- oil'.......l'6 00 ----==::::::=-- - 2000 ! -N- ~~- ,\SOO .... - - Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests:50 o 200 4001l..-1-1 ....Jf METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 70 Boundary ----- Subsurface Test -----.--Talkeetna Mountains D-3 ,T.32N R.6E NW1/4 Sec.26 NW 1 14 Sec.27 Figure 240.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 70. E-96 '" ,/"/F-_o ~'?~""I I ","'\,"~I,I I · \",.I ,-H- I :'..J ".,~/,:.-C_."a I I,---,..-I ....\ I ",'-.------;\ . r ....,//1'/\' (.\ I !\.·/1 \ \ I ",\.'•..._.,"./---:",,-.;....\..,.-.,J /\.__e , \ '-J I I .....- •....-.I·"",',,-- -\\)_/..,'/.....,\ ,v \.I"\'....\....,"---._---..... ",2000 "'.......--.......---."".~ -. Shovel Tests:81 0 200 400 I I f Surface Reconnaissance -----------METERS ~ Subsurface Test _____e __4 __Contour Interval:100 ft. ,....Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. Survey Locale 71 Boundary ---SW 1/4 Sec.29,SE 1/4 Sec.30- ".,. -, Figure 241.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 71. E-97 Talkeetna Mta.D~3 T.32N R.7E Sec.31 METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. ,p$ifiIJ.. - .- ~"..,...~..';:..,t I "/~v.....~---.c.:"/- ",I,.,~'..,:/.: ~~~•.LZ I.L. ~ Shovel Tests:86 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.-......--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 72 Boundary - ---- Contour less than 100 feet ......•.•..........•. o,150 300 450 600 1 r ' , Figure 242.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 72. E-98 I""'" I - - Shovel Tests:25 o I 200 I METERS 400 I Survey Locale 73 Boundary --__ Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --.--.--.-- LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. N 1/2 Sec.4 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. S 1/2 Sec.33 - Figure 243.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 73. E-99 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Contour Interval:100 ft. ,~ ! - ..... Shovel Tests:42 1700 a I 1700~ 200, METERS 400 I Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 74 Boundary _ Talkeetna Mts. T.31 N.,R. SW 1/4 Sec.2 0-3 7 E. S.M. - Figure 244.Surface Recannaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 74. E-IOO Sboyel Teats:54 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.-- o,300 I METERS 600 I - Helicopter Landing Zone ,LZ Survey Locale 75 Boundary ---- Contour Ie ••tban 100 feet "~"""""~'..."..., Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.31N R.7E Sec.2 Figure 245.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 75. E-IOI ~~; ($10 0 -N-~~ - o I 300 I 600 I Surface Reconnaissance Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 76 Boundary ---- - Shovel Tests: SUbsurface Test 35 --e __ METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mountains 0-3 T.31N R.7E Sec.12 Figure 246.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 76. E-I02 '""" \, .,. ,..1 I".,-_.-.-....-~~~/-.-.......".,If J....,.-'./J J,r." \\.-.-.-.-.,.,.( I ,,\._....•,\,.""'-.......' I "'\ \~".-J._ • •,.t._ '".-.,-" I I - - ~:. ,.- 76 0 ~0 -N- ~. - - - Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests:61 o I 200 I METERS 400, SUbsurface Test --e--e--.-_Contour Interval:100 ft. Survey Locale 77 Boundary _ Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. SE 1/4 Sec.12 - Figure 247.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 77. E-I03 - ~033 -N- ~i"""" Ir- Shovel Tests:102 Surface Reconnaissance o,100 200 300, , f 400 500, r Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Subsurface Test· __e _METERS Contour Interva I:100 ft. Survey Locale 78 Boundary Qepresalon Talkeet'na Mts.D-3 T.31N R.7E NW1/4 of NE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec.18 Figure 248.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 78. E-I04 .- - Shovel Tests:67 o 1 200 I METERS 400 Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 79 Boundary ___ Contour Interval:-100 ·ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 S.M. T.31 N.,R.8 E. NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 Sec.8 NW 1/4 Sec.9 Figure 249.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 79. E-I05 -- ~_2_4_0_0 ..... L I..- i i""" It L o I 300 I 600 I Shovel Tests:40 Surface Reconnals.ance METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Te.t -_.--.-- Helicopter LandIng Zone LZ Survey Locale 80 Boundary ---- Contour Ie••than 100 feet - . Talkeetna Mountains D-2 T.31 N R.SE SE1i4 Sec.S NW1I4 Sec.16 NE1/4 Sec.17 Figure 250'.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 80. E-106 Survey Locale 81 Boundary --- METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. - Shovel Tests:56 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone -.---- LZ o I 2200"" 200 I Talkeetna Mountains D-2 T.31N R.8E W1/2Sec.22 400 I '.....Figure 251.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 81. E-I07 - •",,"\r-/~//,.// \'"//\'I I I.............-,/ J I ------'II II "I'1'/., /~_...../,, 'LZ ,.,.. - - .- o 1 Shoyel Tests:44 ". Surface Reconnaissance 200 I METERS Contourlntervat 100 ft. 400 r ..... Subsurface Test -----.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale S2 Boundary ---- Talkeetna Mountains 0-2 T.31N R.SE SE1/4 Sec.22 NE1/4 Sec.27 Figure 252.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 82. E-I08 ~. .~ Shovel Tests (SL 83):21 Surface Reconnaissance --------METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Shovel Tests (SL 84):31 Subsurface Test -.-.- 200 I 400 I Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 83 Boundary Survey Locale 84 Boundary LZ Talke.tna Mountains 0-2 T.31 N R.8E SE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec.15 (SL 83) SE1/4 of NW1/4 S.c.15 (SL 84) .......Figure 253.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 83,84. E-I09 Survey Locale 85 Boundary ---- METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mountain.0-2 T.31N R.8E S1/2 Sec.14 S1/2 Sec.15 - .... ~,::/' e ,U 'C Z-tI) o .lie::' Shovel Tests:208 Surface Reconnaissance· Subsurface Test Helicopter-Landing Zone --e--.-- LZ o I 300 I 600 I - Figure 254.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 85. E-110 ......., '-., "\ ....-- ,~,........-..." I',.,••,~ .,..,,,j,.•......~---- __-----/T.....--// -.",.,--// L----.2000 .- - Surface Reconnaissance ----------------- Subsurface Test --0--0--0--0--0-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 85 Boundary - - - --- Survey Locale 87 Boundary Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31N.,R.8 E. S 1/2 ,Sec.14 - - Sh?vel Tests (S~87):·28 o I 150 I METERS 300 I .,....Figure 255.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 85,87. E-111 2000 .- ...... ..... - - Shovel Tests: ~~------------- 20 o,200 METERS 400 I LZ Surface Reconnaissance -------------- Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone __e __e __•__e __ LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.S.M. SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.11 - Survey Locale 86 Bounda;:-y - - - - Figure 256.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 86. E-112 r-, I ~ " I ~ -N- 1""'", Shovel Tests:30 a 1 200 I METERS 400 r Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 88 Boundary __e __e __e __ LZ --- Talkeetna Mts. T.31 N.,R.8 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 D-2 E.S.M. Sec.13 - Figure 257.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 88. E-113 -- - Shovel Tests (SL 89):55 0 300 600 I I I .Shovel -Tests tSL 90):35 METERS..- Surface Reconnaissance ---------~-Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test --.--.--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.0-2 S.M. Survey Locale 89 Boundary T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Sec.13 Survey Locale 90 Boundary ----T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Sec.19 ..- -Figure 258.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 89,90. E-114 ,- -I ~I -H- I ~~I I ...••I I 0.,I I I .'. 'I.)~'I.I,'I.\,\,-. '~ Shovel Tests:80 a I 300 I 600 I Surface Reconnaissance METERS Subsurface Test --e--e--.--...--Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 91 Boundary ----- Talkeetna Mts. T.31N.,R.9 Sec.16 and 17 D-2 E.S.M. Figure 259.Surface Reconnaissance t Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Locale 91. E-115 400 I 200 I o I76ShovelTests: ~2200 I ,....J I ""'1,I I !i,...: I-, I i ! ,~i I i I - METERS Surface Reconnaissance / Subsurface Test _--.-·-e--e-- Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 260.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 92. Survey Locale 92 Boundary - - - - Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.30 N.,R.9 E.,S.M. E 1/2 Sec.19,W 1/2 Sec.20 E-116 Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. - - - - -Shovel Tests:62 a 200 400, Survey Locale 93 Boundary ---.- Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.9 E.,S.M. SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.20 - - Figure 261.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca1e 93. E-117 Surface Reconnaissance - - - .- ..- - Shovel Tests:13 /)Il o I 200 I METERS 400 I Survey Locale 94 Boundary _- Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone --..--e--e-- LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.9 E.,S.M. NE 1/4 Sec.28 Figure 262.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 94. E-118 - - ,- Shovel Tests (SL 95):41 a 300 600 I I J Shovel ,Tests (SL 96):22 METERS- Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contoor Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test --.--.-.-.-- ~Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.C-2 Survey Locale 95 Boundary ---T.31 N"R 9 E.I S.M. Survey Locale 96 Boundary Sec.36 Marsh lU ~.1U. Figure 263.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 95,96. ..... - - - Shovel Tests:77 a 200 METERS 400 I Survey Locale 97 BoundaJ;:Y - - - - Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone __e __e __•__ LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30 N.,R.9 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 Sec.1,SW 1/4 Sec.36 - Figure 264.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 97. E-120 "~ - . ~-...-_.-.-~-_."",,:" ","",_.-.....,.,.....,~',.'·11 ," .t/'",'",.,'-.-I \."'._.',1.,.-.....LZ .:-:~• .........-.-.-.-.-"~ Shovel Tests:88 Surface RE!COnnaissance o 200 METERS 400 Subsurface Test Contour Interval:100 ft. Survey Locale 97a Boundary--- HelicopteI:Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30 N.,R.10 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 Sec.8,NW 1/4 Sec.17 I~Figure 265.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Loca1e 97a. E-121 ,~ - LZ--- --.--.--.-- Shovel Tests (SL 99):21' Shqvel Tests (SL 101):40 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurfacle Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 99 Boundary Survey Locale 101 Boundary ------ Terrace E(lge f<li,("cti'iiitn 0 300 600 METERS Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T.30 N.,R.11 E. W 1/2 Sec.33,NE 1/4 Sec.32 Figure 266.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 99,101. E-122 """ ! -N- .-~ ~ I.~. o 200 METERS 400 Shovel Tests:37 Contour Interval:50 ft. Surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --.--e--e-- .Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 100 Boundary--- Talkeetna Mts. T.29N.,R. NW 1/4 Sec.5 C-l 11 E • S.M. Figure 267.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 100. E-123 'ri o I 200 I METERS 400 Shovel Tests:34 Surface Reconnaissance -----------' Subsurface Test --.--.--e-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 102 Boundary --- Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T.29 N.,R.11 E. NE 1/4 SW 1/4 'Sec.3 Figure 268.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 102. E-124 (i - - Shovel Tests:47 o I 300 I METERS 600 - Surface Reconnaissance subsurface Test Helicopt~:!r Landing Zone Survey Locale 103 Boundary __•__e __•__• LZ --- Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T.29 N.,R.11 E. NE 1/4,SW 1/4,NE 1/4, section 3. Figure 269.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and sites in Survey Locale 103. E-125 - Shovel Tests:28 o 200 METERS 400 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test --.--.--.--Contour 'Interval:50 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Le<::ale 104 Boundary --- Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T.3 N.,R.12 E. SW 1/4,SE 1/4,Sec.25 Figure 2:70.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 104. E-126 Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T.30N.,R.IlE. NW 1/4,Section 36 400200 METERS o Shovel Tests:94 surface Reconnaissance ----------- Subsurface Test --0--0--.-- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 106 Boundary ---------- Terrace Edge ~\t""[lil[idl contour less than 50 ft... I""" I I""'" ! Figure 271.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 106. E-127 l -N- ~ 800 I 400 I o L I / / ...........-./-:..c.,'.."..y-.--- --/ 88ShovelTests: METERS Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:50 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 107 Boundary LZ --- Talkeetna Mts. T.30 N.,R. N 1/2,NE 1/4, S 1/2,SE 1/4; C-l S.M. 11 E. Sec.36, Sec.25. Figure 2:72.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Survey Local e 107. E-128 - ,~ I.L Shovel Tests:25 o \ \ \ \ \ \LZ'\ \ J 200 METERS 400 surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test __a __•__•__Contour Interval:50 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 108 Boundary - - - Talkeetna Mts.C-l S.M. T •30 N.,R.12 E. SE 1/4,Section 30 Figure 2l3.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 108. E-129 ir-j Shovel Tests:39 o 200 METERS 400 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test _____•__e __Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 109 Boundary --- Talkeetna Mts.D-2 S.M. T.31 N.,R.9 E. NE 1/4,section 18 Figure 274.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 109. E-130 1 J .5 I "=6::=-~.-=--:£~..-:9-,.._---.__._·__._e_._.__-----.-,..--..----.---.----I / /.".--,/.-----""""--........ I I I J I ·I . I I·I.III I I I f I I ·I " 2500 Contour less than 100 ft aI -. - Surface Reconnaissance KILOMETERS Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.31 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. Sec.4,E 1/2 Sec.5- Subsurface ~~est Borrow A Boundary Marsh --.--.--.-- --- Contour Interval:100 ft. Water Shovel Tests:327 Figure 275.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow A. E-131 - - ,....,. Shovel Test:s:8 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Borrow Area B Boundary Gravel Bar --.--.--.-- LZ 0 200 400 600 I I I I METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.5E S~i 1/4 Sec.26,SE 1/4 Sec.27 -Figure 276.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow B. E-132 - .- Shovel Tests:534 o I 200 I 400 J Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Borrow C Boundary --- - - Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test METERS --.--e--.--Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.33N.,R.5W.,S.M. Sec.17 Figure 277.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Proposed Borrow C. E-133 , J I I I I I I,, I I \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \,, oo 10 N I \ I I I / I / ./ / / /IiTLM095i /I I I! ( i ! i f .I I I ; Ii TLM 094,I,.,,\ (/TL~~!-~_.!/.-.-.-./ 1_ \/' if I 1 I I,! I 0 ! I ~\NI I \ \\ \\. \\ \\ \\ \1 - --e--e--e--Contour Interval:100 ft. Shovel Tes1:s:534 Surface Reconnaissance "- Subsurface Test o I 200 [ METERS 400 I Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Borrow C Boundary --- Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.22 5.,R.5 W.,F.M. Sec.32 Figure 278.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Proposed Borrow C. E-134 Surface Reconnaissance 400 I METERS 200 I . \. I I I 1 I J I• I \ \ I \ \ \ I \ I \ I I TLM !/•1 -4 (I) c (I) In Z ~ n :IImm ;lIi: o I I \ \ I I I I I I I~ ,~ J I I I 534ShovelTests:-I Subsurface Test --e--e-...,e--Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.22 S.,R.5 W.,F.M. Borrow C Boundary ---Sec.29 Figure 279.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Proposed Borrow c~ E-135 Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests:534 a f 200 I METERS 400, Subsurface Test --.--.--.--Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Borrow C Boundary _ Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.22 S.,R.5 W.,F.M. Sec.20 Figure 280.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing and Sites in Proposed Borrow C. E-136 - 300 ] 200 I Shovel Tests:507 METERS 100 J d 1 <<100r -- /-/..-.~_.-.-._.~.- /T~ansect A ••:••/./. / ••:,AH-D4 --'i •"--AH-D2 .\l), /~:~I / ...J,.en l . / _._0_._._._._0_._..e _ I • •....•~ Transect B I ",.".,...'--AH-D3 ",I ",'"I r~ ",'"I (.-._·~:C·t·_-~ -"""-~ Watana Camp Seismic Line·(SL) - - Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32N R.5E E 1/2 Sec.26,W 1/2 Sec.27 60 Meter Wide Transect with Subsurface Tests at 50 Meter Intervals Borrow D Boundary (Western Portion) -..-.-.- --- Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 281.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow D. E-137 - -, - Shovel Tests:507 Seismic Line (SL)------------- METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32N R.SE E 1/2 Sec.26 60 Meter Wide Transect with Subsurface Tests at 50 Meter Intervals Borrow D Boundary (Eastern Portion) ---.----..-.- --- a I 100 I 200 I 300 I Figure 282.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow D. E-138 i~ .- 1-------- .1500 __- ---------------- \ \ •.......--AH-E3 \or••=\• Shovel Tests:93 a I 200 I METERS 400 I Seismic Line (SL)and Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Borrow E Boundary (Eastern Portion) __"'__a':"_ Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-4 ~.32N R.4E Sec.36 Figure 283.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing,and Sites in Proposed Borrow E. £-139 r Shovel Tests:93 o I 200 I METERS 400 I - Seismic Line (SL)and Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Borrow E Botmdary (Western Portion) --- Contour Interval:100 ft_ Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.32N R.4E Sec.35 -Figure 284.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing,and Sites in Proposed·Borrow E. E-140 ,~. ,l., I I,- I'-N-I ~\I ( \\.--'.,. I-I I I I- - Surface Reconnaissance - Shovel Tes1:s: Subsurface Test Borrow F Boundary 49 __e __e __e __ --- a 200 400 600 1 I I I METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Nts.D-4 T.32N R.SE SW 1/4 Sec.15,SE 1/4 Sec.16 NE 1/4 Sec.21,NW 1/4 Sec.22 -- Contour less than 100 ft... Figure 285.Surface Reconnaissance,Subsurface Testing,and Sites in Proposed Borrow F. E-141 .- ,.... Shovel Tests:.56 u I 200 ! METERS 400 I ..-Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface ~:'est Borrow G BOlIDdary __•__e __•__ --- Contour Interval:100 ft.. Talkeetna Mts.D-5 T.32N R.IE SE 1/4 Sec.32,SW 1/4 Sec.33 Figure 286.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Proposed Borrow G. ~E-142 - - TJ,.M 051 -'-7'~~:::2~ TLM 015 --_...... o L 100 I Meters 200 I 300 I ...... Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.32 N."R.5 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 Sec.22 Contour Interval:ca.1 rn. Figure 287.Site Location Map TLM 015 . .E-143 - 2400 600 I 300 t o I - .- Meters Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.32 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. Sec.22 Contour Interval:100 ft. - Figu.re 288.Site Location Map TLM 016. E-144 ,~ .~ ,- I-o I 100 200 I I 300 I 400 I Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.32 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 Sec.29 Meters Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 289.Site Location Map TLM 017. -£-145 - o ! "200 I Meters 400 I ,.... Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.32 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 Sec.28 Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 290.Site Location Map TLM 018. E-146 ..,~ (j a I .5 I 1 I KILOMETERS Surface Reconnaissance ---------Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Gravel Bar __e __e___Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T~.30 N.,.R.8 E.,S.M. t~B E 1/2 Sec.5 Figure 291.Site Location Map TLM 02l. E-147 I""" i i - ~ ~~ r- I I 2300 TLM 025 a I .5 L KILOMETERS 1 I ....Surface Reconnaissance --------Contour Interval:100 ft . Subsurface Test _e-_.____Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.6 E.,S.M. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ ~w 1/4 Sec.2 Figure 292.Site Location Map TUM 025. E-148 ~-Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Tes t --.--.--.-- 0 100 200 300 400 500 I I I I I I METERS Contour Interval:50 ft. Talkeetna Mts.C-l T.30 N.,H..12 E.,S.M. Sec.17 Figure 293.Site Location Map TLM 028. E-149 - 1 I.5 I o I TLM 041 ...... - KILOBETERS Surface Reconnaissance -----------Contour Interval:100 ft. .-Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.D-4 1'.31 N.,R.4 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 Sec.25 -Figure 294.Site Location Map TLM 041. E-150 Figure 295.Site Location Map TLM 057. E-151 - a 600 1200 I ,, Talkeetna Mts.D-3 METERS T.32 N.,R.7 E.,S.M.-Sec.1 Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 296.Site Location Map TLM 066. E-152 w C! Q-a: (I) wz o III c:J III ~~8 TLM 067 ~ - SANONA CREEK SITE Talkeetna Mts.B~l T.26 N.,R.12 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.32 o 600 1200 L.,!"-1 ---II METEES Contour Interval:100 ft. .- Figure 297.Site Location Map TLM 067. E-153 .-t , "---TLM 068 Ir 1 o t 200 « 400 I ~ I TalkeetI1GL Mts.C-4 T.30 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. Sec.4 Woodward and Clyde test pit locations ~ METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. "... Figure 298.Site Location Map TLM 068,TLM 070. E-154 - ,, , o I METERS 1200 1 - Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 Sec.9 Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 299.Site Location Map TLM 071. E-155 - - 0 600 1200 I I I-Talkeetna Mts.B-2 METERS T.22 N.,R.10 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.27 Contour Interval;100 ft.- - Figure 300.Site Location Map TLM 082. E-156 - a I 300 I METERS 600 I S.M. 1/4 Sec.17 1/4 Sec.21 Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.33 N.,R.5 E., SW 1/4 Sec.16,SE NW 1/4 Sec.20,NE contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 301.Site LocatioQ Map TLM 055,TLM 081,TLM 089,TLM 090, TLM 091,TLM 092,TLM 093,TLM 097. E-lS7 a I 600 I Meters 1200, .- Talkeetna Mts •.0-3,Healy A-3 T.22 5.,R.4 W.,P.M. Sec.9,10,11,14,15,16,21,22,23 contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 302.Site Location Map TLM 117,TLM 099,TLM 098,HEA 180, HEA 181,HEA 183,HEA 184,HEA 185. -E-158 - - Contour Interval:100 ft. 160.0 t 800 ( METERS a, Talkeetna Mts.C-2 T.30 N.,R.9 E.,S.M. NE 1/4 Sec.19 ,SW 1/4 Sec.19 T.30 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SE 1/4 Sec.24 i ..:"", 1 Figure 303.Site Location Map TLM 100,TLM 105. E-159 Contour Interval:100 ft. 1200 I 600 I METERS o I Talkeetna Mts.0-5 T.32 N.,R.2 E.,S.M. Sec.2,10 - Figure 306.Site Location Map TLM 101,TLM 103,TLM 113,TLM 114 . .-E-162 Talkeetna Mts.0-4 0 600 1200 (~-Pl!l!o, ,r I T.32 N.,R.3 E.,S.M.METERS Sec.4,J.l T.32 N.,R.7 W.,S.M.contour Interval 100 ft.,.... Sec.4,32 T.33 N.,R.3 E.,S.M. Sec.32 Figure 305.Site Location Map TLM 108,TLM 109,TLM 110 TLM 111, TLM 112. ~E-161 -I a,600 . I METERS 1200 I Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.32 N.,R.4 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 Sec.17 Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 304.Site Location Map TLM 106,TLM 107. E-160 ~d" 00-IJ 0 <:l \:\\ 0 600 1200,,I METERS Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.33 N.,R.5 E.,S.M.Contour Interval:100 ft.--SE 1/4 ,Sec.27 ,f1i1"A Figure 307.Site Location Map TLM 116. E-163 .,.... .".. o,600, METERS 1200 I - Healy A·-3 T.22 S.,R.4 W.,F.M. Sec.13 Contour Interval:100 ft. ...... Figure 308.Site Location Map HEA 174,HEA 176. E-164 - '"""'~ -H- i"""! ~ - IPJllI'l, o I 600 I METERS 1200 I Healy A-2 T.20 5.,R.2 W.,F.M. Sec.14,23 Contour Interval:100 ft. - - Figure 309.Site Location Map HEA 175. E-165 .""'" -~-H- ~ ,.... a I 600 I METERS 1200 I ..... Healy A-2 T.20 S.,R.1 W.,F.M. Sec.19 Contour Interval:100 ft. "... Figure 310.Site Location Map HEA 177. E-166 .~, 1200 I 100 ft. 600 b METERS o t Contour Interval: HEA 179 Healy A-2 T.19 S.,R.1 W.,F.M. Sec.29 T.20 S.,R.1 W.,F.M. Sec.4 Figure 311.Site Location Map HEA 178,HEA 179. E-167 i ~~-N- ,~~ ~- - -o I 600 I METERS 1200 I r Healy A-3 T.22 S.,R.4 W"F.M. Sec.3 I 15 Contour Interval:100 ft. Figure 312.Site Location Map HEA 182. E-168 ...... : I- i,...... ,; I ".\., a r 600 I METERS 1200 I Healy A-3 T.2lS.,R.3W.,F.M. Sec.21 contour Interval:100 ft. r Figure 313.Site Location Map HEA 186. E-169