HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2075'C(l )-B3 Alas ka -- HA 231 .U531 1970 ARTMENT )MMERCE lUREAU OF iE CENSUS General Population Characteristics ALASKA ) 1070 CENSUS OF · POPUlATION ' \ U.S; DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Maurice H. Stans, Secretary James T. Lynn, Under Secretary Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF THE CENSUS George Hay Brown, Director Conrad Taeuber, Associate Director David L. Kaplan, 1970 Census Coordinator POPULATION DIVISION Herman P. Miller, Chief ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-Many persons par- ticipated in the various activities of the 1970 census. Primary direction of the program was performed by Conrad Taeuber, Associate Director for Demographic Fields, assisted by David L. Kaplan, 1970 Census Coordinator, and in connection with Joseph F. Daly, As- sociate Director for Research and Develop- ment, William I. Merkin, Associate Director for Administration, John W. H. Spencer, As- sociate Director for Data Systems, and Ed· win D. Goldfield, Assistant Director for Pro- gram Development. This report was planned and written in the Population Division under the supervision of Herman P. Miller, Chief, by Henry D. Shel- don, Assistant Chief for Program Planning, Charles P. Brinkman, Chief, Demographic Statistics Branch, Tobia Bressler, Chief, Ethnic Origins Statistics Branch, and Robert 0. Grymes, Chief, Marriage and Family Sta- tistics Branch . The Statistical Methods Devision was largely responsible for developing new procedures to obtain a more accurate count of the popu- lation. This work was supervised by Joseph Waksberg, Division Chief, Morton Boisen and Walter M. Perkins, Ass i stant Division Chiefs, and Barnett Denton and Charles D. Jones. Geographic plans and procedures were de- veloped in the Geography Division under the supervision of William T. Fay, Chief, and Robert C. Klove and Gerald J. Post, Assistant Division Chiefs, with the assistance of Rob· ert E. ·Durland, Margery H. Eliot, and Jacob Silver. Data collection activities were administered by the Field Division, Paul R. Squires, Chief, and Richard C. Burt and Dean H. Weber, Assistant Division Chiefs. with the assistance of John Kuntz and Stanley Matchett, as well as the directors of the Bureau's regional offices. Systems and processing procedures were de- veloped in the Systems Division, Sol Dolleck, Chief, under the direction of Morris Gorinson, Assistant Division Chief. Florence Wright, as- sisted by Erne Wilkins, was responsible for the clerical procedures and Roger 0. Lepage, assisted by John Murphy, Jr., and Judith E. Jones, was responsible for the computer pro- gramming. The manual processing and microfilming of the questionnaires were performed in the Jeffersonville Census Operations Division, un- der the suoervision of Joseph F. Arbena, Chief, and Robert L. Hagan, Population and Housing Census Operations Manager, as- sisted by Charles L. Adams and John C. Campbell. William L. Pangburn supervised the microfilming operation . FOSDIC and computer processing were per- formed in the Processing Division under the supe rvision of M. Douglas Fahey, Chief. and E. Richard Bourdon and_ James W. Shores. ARLIS ·, ... ,_ Alaska Resources .::·,,. ·. Library :& In.fo ztnation Services A nchorage , AK Assistant Division Chiefs. Development of the automatic microfilming equipment was di- rected by Anthony A. Berlinsky. Publications planning, editing, and printing were performed in the Administrative and Publications Services Division, Cecil B. Mat- thews, Chief, under the direction of Ray- mond J. Koski, John F. Lanham, Jr., and Gerald A. Mann. Robert B. Voight, Special Assistant in the Office of the Director, and Sherry L. Court- land made many important contributions to the planning and coordination of the 1970 census program. SUGGEST::.D CITATION U.S. Bureau of the Census Census of Population: 1970 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Final Report PC(1)-B 3 Alaska U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 1971 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402, or any Department of Commerce Field Office. Price 65 cents. 1Q70 CENSUS OF POPUlATION General Population Characteristics ALASKA Issued September 1971. ARLIS Alaska Re~f¢s Libr_a~ & ln~mmationScrviccs «~ • · · ry BUJI?mg, Sull<; Ill -"· .1 Providence Dnve ... ge,AK 99508-4614 For list of contents see page 25 Table Summary Data for Areas, Places, and Counties 16 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for the State 17, 18 19, 20, 21 22 RACE AND SEX AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Areas and Places of 50,QOO or more 23 RACE AND SEX 24 25, 26 AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 Z1 RACE AND SEX 28 29, 30 AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 31 GEiNERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 1,000 to 2,500 32 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for Counties 33 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS 34 35 36, 37 38 RACE AND SEX AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS RURAL POPULATION Data for Household Population 39 AGE, RACE, AND SEX TABLE FINDING GUIDE-Subjects by Type of Area and Table Number This guide lists all subjects covered in this report but does not indicate all cross-classifications (e.g., by sex) or the historical data shown in some tables. Separate statistics for whites and Negroes are shown in most tables. Data on allocation rates appeer in tables 11-1 to 11-5. The State Size of Subject place Urban Total Rural SUMMARY-GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 16 16 RACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 18 17, 18 SEX RATIO .......................... 18 18 AGE Single years of age .................... 19 - Age groups ......................... 20, 21 20 HOUSEHOLD RELATIONSHIP ............. 22 22 FAMILIES ........................... 22 22 CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ......... 22 22 MARITAL STATUS ..................... 22 22 HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY AGE, RACE, AND SEX .................. 39 - II I Places of- Standard metro· politan statistical Urbanized 50,000 10,000 2,500 areas areas or more to 50,000 to 10,000 16 16 16 16 16 23 23 23 27 31 ----- ----- 24 24 24 28 31 25, 26 25,26 25,26 29,30 31 25 25 25 29 - 25 25 25 29 - 26 26 26 30 - --39 39 39 Rural Caunty popula· 1,000 sub· tion of to 2,500 divisions Counties counties 32 33 16 - - -34 38 --- - -- - - --35 38 --36,37 38 --36 - --36 - --37 - --39 - INTRODUCTION GENERAL .................................. Ill Organization of the text ........ .. Ill Content of the tables .............. Ill Derived figures (percents, me- dians, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill Symbols .•.................................. Ill Boundaries ...... ...... ............ ........ IV DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES ........................ IV PROCESSING PROCEDURES .... IV GENERAL This report presents statistics from the 1970 Census of Population on basic demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the State, its counties or comparable areas, coun- ty subdivisions, incorporated and unincorporated places, and certain· other areas of the State. Legal pro- vision for this census, which was conducted as of April 1, 1970, was made in the Act of Congress of Au- gust 31, 1954 (amended August 1957}, which codified Title 13, United States Code. Comparable statistics from earlier censuses are also presented in this report. A major portion of the informa- tion compiled from the 1970 Census of Population will appear in Volume I, Characteristics of the Population, of which this report is part. For a description of Volume I, as well as other elements of the data dissem- ination program of the 1970 Popu- lation and Housing Census, see Ap- pendix D "Publication and Com- puter Summary Tape Program." The content and procedures of the 1970 census were determined after evaluation of the results of the 1960 census, consultation ·with a wide variety of users of census data, and extensive field pretesting. A number of changes were introduced in 1970 to improve the usefulness of the census results. For the char- acteristics shown in this report, the changes do not, however, affect to any appreciable extent the compar- APPENDIXES A. Area Classifications . .... .. . .. . . . . .. . . ....... ... ... . .. . . . ..... ...... .. ... . ...... App-1 B. Definitions and Explanations of Subject Characteristics ... App-6 C. Accuracy of the Data .......................................................... App-10 D. Publication and Computer Summary Tape Program .......... App-12 ability of the 1970 data with those for 196Q. More detailed information on the technical ~nd procedural matters covered in the text of this report can be obtained by writing to the Director, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. Such infor- mation will also appear in later re- ports of the 1970 census. Organization of the text.-The text consists of this introduction and four appendixes which appear after the tables. Appendix A describes the various area classifications (e.g., urban and rural residence, counties, urbanized areas, etc.} and also ex- plains the residence rules used in counting the population. Appendix B provides definitions and explana- tions for the subjects covered in this report, including excerpts from the census questionnaires and instruc- tion sheets. Appendix C presents in- formation on sources of error in the data, editing procedures, and allo- cation tables B-1 to B-5. Appendix D summarizes the data dissemination program of the 1970 census. Content of the tables.-The first ta- ble in this report is table 16; tables 1 to 15 appear in the Series PC(1}-A, "Number of Inhabitants" report for this State. Data are presented here for the following demographic char- acteristics: relationship to head of household,. sex, race, age, and mar- ital status. A finding guide showing the tables in which the various types of statistics appear is given on page ii. The amount of detail presented in this report is generally greater for larger places than for smaller ones, and data from earlier cen- suses on the subjects treated have nearly always been included for larger areas only. Maximum detail is shown for the State and its urban and rural parts and for standard metropolitan statistical areas, ur- banized areas, places of 10,000 or more, and counties. Somewhat less detail is shown for places of 2,500 to 10,000 and for rural parts of counties. The least amount of detail is shown for places of 1,000 to 2,500 and for county subdivisions.· Derived figures (percents, medians, etc.}.-Shown in this report are per- cents and medians, as well as cer- tain rates and ratios. The median, which is a type of average, is the middle value in a distribution; i.e., the median divides the distribution into two equal parts-one-half of the cases fall below the median and one-half of the cases exceed the median. When the median falls in the terminal category of an age dis- tribution, the method of presenta- tion is to show the initial age of the terminal category followed by a plus sign; thus, for example, if the me- dian falls in the terminal category "75 years and over," it is shown as "75+." For all types of derived figures in this report, the figure is not presented (but . indicated by three dots " ... "} if there are fewer than five cases in the distribution or the base. Percents which round to less than 0.1 are not shown but indicated as zero (i.e., "-"}. Symbols.-A dash"-" signifies zero. Three dots " ... " mean not ·applica- ble, or that the base for a derived figure is too small for it to be shown, or that the data are being withheld to avoid disclosure of information for individuals. A minus sign pre- ceding a figure denotes decrease. The symbol "NA" means not avail- able, and "U" means that the place is unincorporated. For urbanized areas, counties, and places estab- lished since 1960, the symbol " ... " is shown in the 1960-70 population and household percent change col- umns in table 16, and the symbol Ill INTRODUCTION-Continued IV "NA" is shown for the 1960 age distributions in tables 24, 28, and 35. Boundaries.-The data shown for 1970 relate to the boundaries as they existed on January 1, 1970. In- formation on boundary changes ·be- tween 1960 and 1970 for certain types of areas is given in the PC (1)-A report for this State. Unless otherwise indicated, the data shown for 1960 and previous years relate to the areas as defined at the time of the particular census. One gen- eral exception is the 1960 data for standard metropolitan statistical areas; these data have been revised, where necessary, to conform to the boundaries of the SMSA as defined in 1970. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES The 1970 census was conducted primarily through self-enumeration. In 1960, self-enumeration was first introduced on a nationwide scale as a substitute for the traditional cen- sus direct interview. A census questionnaire was deliv- ered by postal carriers to every household several days before Cen- sus Day, April 1, 1970. This ques- tionnaire contained certain explana- tory information and was accom- panied by an instruction sheet; in areas with comparatively large pro- portions of Spanish-speaking per- sons, a Spanish version of the in- struction sheet was also enclosed. Some of this material is reproduced in Appendix B, "Definitions and Ex- planations of Subject Character- istics." In the larger metropolitan areas and some adjacent counties, alto- gether containing about three-fifths of the population of the United States, the householder was re- quested to fill out arid mail back the form on Census Day. Approxi- mately 87 percent of the household- ers did so. The mailed-back forms were reviewed by the census enu- merator (or, in some localities, a census clerk) and if the form was determined to be incomplete or in- consistent, a followup was made. The bulk of these followups were made by telephone, the rest by per- sonal visit. For the households which did not mail back their forms, a followup was also made, in al- most all cases by personal visit and in the remainder by telephone. For the remaining two-fifths of the population, the householder was re- quested to fill out the form and givP it to the enumerator when he called; approximately 80 percent did so. In- complete and unfilled forms were completed by interview during the enumerator's visit. Three types of questionnaires were used throughout the country: 80 per- cent of the households answered a form containing a limited number of population and housing questions and the remainder, split into 15-per- cent and 5-percent samples, an- swered forms which contained these questions as well as a number of additional questions. Some of the additional questions were the same on the 15-percent and 5-percent versions; others were different. A random procedure was used to de- termine which of the three forms any particular household answered. In the metropolitan and adjacent areas, the designated type was sent to each household. In the remaini·ng areas, the questionnaire with a lim- ited number of questions was dis- tributed to all households and the enumerators interviewed for the ad- ditional questions in those house- holds designated for the 15-percent and 5-percent samples. The subjects covered in this re- port are those population items which were collected on a lOO-per- cent basis. That is, the questions for these subjects appeared on all three questionnaires, the 80-per- cent, 15-percent, and 5-percent forms. PROCESSING PROCEDURES The 1970 census questionnaires were specially designed to be proc- essed by FOSDIC (Film Optical Sensing Device for Input to Com- puters). Respondents and enumera- tors (and for some few items, cen- sus clerks) marked the answers in predesignated positions which could be "read" by FOSDIC, from a micro- film copy of the questionnaire, onto computer magnetic tape. The tape containing the informa- tion from the questionnaires was processed on the Census Bureau;s computers through a number of editing and tabulation steps (see Appendix C, "Accuracy of the Data"). One of the end results of this op- eration was a computer tape from which the tables in this report were prepared on a cathode-ray-tube pho- totypesetting machine at the Gov- ernment Printing Office. Another end result was the summary tape which is available for purchase, as de- scribed in Appendix D, "Publica- tion and Computer Summary Tape Program." CONTENTS MAP CHARTS TABLE 16 17 18 19 Summary of General Characteristics: 1970 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE SMSA's URBANIZED AREAS PLACES OF 2,500 OR MORE CENSUS DIVISIONS Race by Sex: 1900 to 1970 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE., 1970 METROPOLITAN AND NONMETROPOLITAN RESIDENCE, 1970 Percent Distribution by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE, 1970 Single Years of Age by Race and Sex: 1970 THE STATE 20 Age by Race and Sex: 1970 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE GENERAL PoPuLATioN cHARACTERisTics AI as ka page 31 32 33 34 35 [Page numbers listed here omit the State prefix number which appears as part of the page number for each page. The prefix for this State is 3] page The State-Census Divisions and Selected Places 27 Population by Race and Reside11ce 28 Population by Age: 1970 and 1960 29 Sex Ratio: 1900 to 1970 29 Marital Status by Sex: 1970 29 TABLE page 41 21 22 23 24 25 Age by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 ·THE STATE Household and Family Chara(:teristics by Race: 1970 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE Race by Sex, for Areas and Places: 1970 SMSA's URBANIZED AREAS PLACES OF 50,000 OR MORE Age by Race and Sex, for Areas and Places: 1970 SMSA's URBANIZED AREAS PLACES OF 50,000 OR MORE Household Relationship and Type of Family by Race, for Areas and Places: 1970 SMSA's URBANIZED AREAS PLACES OF 50,000 OR MORE 43 3-25 CONTENTS-Continued TABLE page TABLE page 26 Marital Status and Household Relation-36 Household Relationship, Type of Family, ship by Race and Sex, for Areas and Race, for Census Divisions: 1970 62 and Places: 1970 SMSA's URBANIZED AREAS 37 Marital Status and Household Relation-PLACES OF 50,000 OR MORE ship by Race, for Census Divisions: 1970 65 27 Race by Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 46 38 General Characteristics of the Rural 50,000: 1970 Population for Census Divisions: 1970 68 28 Age by Race and Sex, for Places of 47 39 Age, Race, and Sex of the Household 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 Population: 1970 71 THE STATE PLACES OF 2,500 OR MORE WITH 29 Household Relationship and Type of 1,000 OR MORE IN GROUP QUARTERS Family by Race, for Places of 10,000 CENSUS DIVISIONS WITH 1,000 OR MORE IN to 50,000: 1970 48 GROUP QUARTERS 30 Marital Status and Household Relation-8-1 Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse: ship by Race and Sex, for Places 1970 72 of 10,000 to ·50,000: 1970 49 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE 31 General Characteristics for Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970 50 8-2 Characteristics Before and After Allocation: 1970 72 THE STATE 32 General Characteristics for Places of 8-3 Percent of Allocation by Type of 1,000 to 2,500: 1970 51 Allocation: 1970 73 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE 33 General Characteristics for Census Division 52 Subdivisions: 1970 8-4 Percent of Allocation by Subject Combinations: 1970 73 34 Race by Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970 53 THE STATE SIZE OF PLACE 35 Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 8-5 Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse 74 1970 54 "for Areas, Places, and Census Divisions: 1970 l 3-26 ~ w I N ...... A B c D E F ----- ' -------- ..... ______ _ 3 4 6 KUSKOKWIM ----- ---------------------- 3 4 5 6 7 7 SCALE so 100 8 9 10 LEGEND 0 50.000 on habitants outside SMSA's Places of 25,000 to . l!jO 2()0MILES ALEUTIAN ISLANDS (PART) ••• ..... 0 :. 'fr,B~ .dJ.- •• ~ B 9 A B c D E F ~ c; - ~ ALASKA GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS P~pul.:tion :by·:Race arid Residence NUMBER IN THOUSANps" . Total Percent Change, 1960 to 1970 WHITE NEGRO THE STATE -------+35.6% ~-------+31.6% URBAN and RURAL RESIDENCE URBAN 121 1 11 ~4 0 WHITE t NEGRO t ~l~~: ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~+~6:7~.0:%------~ II +113.4% RURAL •----------r---+11.4% -51.5% 1970 u.s. CENSUS OF POPULATION-U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureaa of the Census GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Population by Age: 1970 and 1960 NUMBER IN THOUSANDS 1970 1960 2. .2 2. .2 3 • • 2 5-.3 9 -6 12 -8 15 11 17 21 23 27 36 27 3 4 37 32 Sex Ratio: 1900 to 1970 MALES PER 14 18 19 21 24 17 20 27 100 1900 '10 '20 '30 '40 '50 '60 '70 FEMALES YEARS 75+ 7(}...74 65-69. 6(}...64 55-59 5(}...54 45-49 4(}...44 35 39 3(}...34 25 29 20 24 15-19 1(}...14 5-9 34 0-4 ALASKA PERCENT CHANGE,. 1960 to 1970 EACH e = 5% -0+ ••••••• +33.0% e+4.3% •••••••• +40.0% ••••••••••• +55.0% •••••••••• +49.4% •••••••••• +48.4% •••••••• +37.5% •••• 4+22.9% ••• 4+15.7% •••• +18.4% •••••• +29.7% ••••••••••• +51.2% •••••••••••• +55.6% - ••••••••••••••• 4+75.4 •••••••• +38.1% -6.2% •• -0+ Marital Status by Sex: 1970 MALE • FEMALE 14 YEARS AND OLDER SINGLE =206% 33.8% MARRIED -60.7% % -71.4% WIDOWED and DIVORCED ~5.4% .8.0% 1970 u.s. CENSUS OF POPULATION-U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 3-29 , ,-i><!pulation count for Alaska is 302,173. This differs fr«a~ 8-~i:gUr?O:t-.>r3b0-,'382·,·shown in· the table of this rePort; the cor- rection-results from errors found after the tabulations were ccnpleted. The tables have not been revised to reflect either this correction or the. corrections listed below for places of 1,000 or more or for· census divisions snd census division subdivisions (or for the larger areas of Which they are a part). Anchorage city •.•.••.••••.••• • • • • · • • • • • • • • • · • • Fort 'Richardson (u) ••••••••• ; ••• · • • • • · • • • • • • • • Anchoioage Census Division .•......•......•..•.. Richardson reservation .....•....•.•..•..•... Bethel Census Division •••• • ••••••••••••••••••• Bethel division •••••••••••••.• •· •••••••••••• 1970 population As shown in the tables Corrected 48,029 8,960 124,542 8,960 7,579 7,579 48,081 10,751 126,333 10,751 7,767 7,767 Table 16. Summary of General Characteristics: 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) The State Size of Place Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Urbanized Areas Places of 2,500 ar More Census Divisions The State-------"" _______ _ SIZE OF PLACE Urban ______ ----__ -----------------Urbanized areas __ ----___________ _ Central cities------------------- Urban fringe------------------- Other urban------------__ -------- Places of10,000 or more--------- Places of2,500 to 10,000 ________ _ RuraL. __ -------------------------- Places of 1.000 to 2.500------------ 0ther rural ____ --------______ ----- .PLACES OF 2,500 01 MOllE Anchorage ____ ----------____ --__ --- College (U) ------------------------- Eielson (U) ------------------------- Elmendorf (U) ______ ----------__ -----Fairbanks __________ ----___________ _ Fort Richardson (Ul------------------ Fort Wainwright (U) ----------------- Juneau ____ ------__ ---------------- Kenai ______ --------------__ --____ _ Ketchikan __________ ----___________ _ Kodiak __ --------__ ----------------Kodiak Station (U) __________________ _ Sond loke (U) ---------------------- Sitko __ ---------------------------- Spenord (U) ________ ------------___ _ CENSUS DIVISIONS Aleutian Islands ____ ----________ ----_ Anchorage ____ --__________ ----____ _ Angoon. _______ --------------------Barrow ___________________________ _ Bethel ____ ------------------------- BristoiBoy Borough-----------------Bristol Boy Division _________________ _ Cordova-McCarthy _________________ _ fairbanks ______ ----------•• -------- Haines ____ ------------------------ Juneau __ -------------------------- Kenai-Cook Inlet-------------------- Ketchikan __________ ------------__ -- Kobuk __________________ ------__ --- Kodiak ________ --______ ----------__ Kuskokwim ________ ----______ ----__ Motonusko-Susitno __ ----____ ----___ _ Nome-----------------------------Outer Ketchikan •• ________ ----______ _ Prince of Wales ____________________ _ Seward ____________ ------------___ _ Sitko __ ---------------------------- Skogwoy-Yokutot __ ----------______ _ Southeast Fairbanks----------------- Upper Yukon----------------------- - ---- ------ --- ------- ----- --- -- ----- -------- - -- Valdez-Chitina-Whittier __ •• ____ --__ ---- Wade Hampton----------------------Wrangell-Petersburg __ ----__________ _ -Yukon-Koyukuk--------____________ _ - Percent change Number 1960-70 300 312 32.1 145 512 69.7 ------ 145 512 69.7 80 889 40.6 64 623 129.0 154 870 10.3 37 853 58.0 117 017 0.5 48 029 8.6 3 434 (NA) 6 149 (NA) 6 018 ... 14 771 11.0 8960 ... 9 097 ... 6 050 -11.0 3 533 ... 6 994 7.9 3 798 44.5 3 052 ... 4 168 ... 3 370 4.1 18 089 99.3 8 057 (NA) 124 542 ... 503 ... 2 663 (NA) 7 579 ... 1 147 ... 3 485 ... I 857 (NA) 45 864 ... 1 504 ... 13 556 ... 14 250 (NA) 10 041 ... 4 434 (NA) 9409 ... 2306 (NA) 6 509 ... 5 749 (NA) 1 676 ... 2 106 . (NA) 2 336 (NA) 6 109 ... 2 157 ... 4 179 ... 1.684 (NA) 3 098 (NA) 3,917 (NA) 4 913 ... 4 752 ... 1Children under S years per 1.000 women 1 S to 49 years. GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Population Persons 14 years All persons and over- Percent married Percent Negro Percent Percent Percent and ather under 18 18 to 64 65 years Fertility races years years and over ratio' Mole Female 21.2 39.9 57.1 2.3 442 60.7 71.4 12.6 36.7 61.3 2.0 404 60.2 71.6 ---- - - ----- - - ----- - -- 12.6 36.7 61.3 2.0 404 60.2 71.6 11.2 • 35.7 62.4 1.9 360 61>.4 70.7 14.5 37.9 60.0 2.0 473 53.2 73.1 29.2 42.9 54.5 2.6 482 61.3 71.1 27.1 42.2 55.1 2.7 485 62.4 71.0 29.9 43.1 54.3 2.6 482 61.0 71.1 12.8 35.6 62.4 2.0 361 65.6 69.8 7.8 27.2 72.2 0.6 265 43.3 54.8 10.4 42.5 57.3 0.2 535 56.3 83.8 9.2 41.3 58.5 0.2 443 47.0 71.8 12.1 34.1 63.5 2.4 347 67.4 72.3 15.8 40.9 59.0 0.1 653 54.3 85.2 15.1 29.0 70.8 0.2 636 38.2 87.0 26.7 34.2 59.9 6.0 342 59.9 60.1 6.1 44.2 54.6 1.2 425 71.7 78.1 18.2 39.7 54.9 5.4 446 63.2 67.8 18.5 37.2 60.1 2.8 422 62.7 72.3 9.2 36.6 63.2 0.2 597 46.1 86.5 4.0 45.7 53.4 0.9 384 69.4 72.2 25.7 39.6 51.3 9.1 390 60.3 64.1 6.2 37.3 61.4 1.4 371 67.8 71.6 30.9 26.9 72.2 1.0 642 48.3 78.0 9.3 39.7 59.0 1.4 398 65.6 72.8 77.3 45.5 44.5 9.9 494 48.5 63.2 87.6 50.5 46.7 2.8 672 52.7 60.1 90.1 52.9 44.3 2.9 722 53.7 58.4 19.6 31.9 65.8 2.3 506 56.9 71.6 80.7 52.1 44.9 3.0 645 54.4 60.8 17.7 38.7 56.9 4.4 427 58.5 71.8 10.8 35.3 63.5 1.2 428 56.6 75.3 21.9 40.4 54.7 4.9 423 67.1 71.9 15.7 39.1 57.1 3.8 383 66.5 67.8 8.4 42.9 54.9 2.2 424 65.0 75.4 15.1 40.2 54.7 5.1 446 64.7 69.9 88.0 54.0 42.1 3.9 707· 50.4 53.8 23.3 38.4 59.4 2.2 500 55.2 76.2 74.7 47.0 49.7 3.3 668 55.3 57.3 4.9 42.2 53.1 4.7 395 59.9 71.3 79.0 48.0 48.1 3.9 564 49.0 53.7 54.8 44.9 52.0 3.2 529 55.9 70.9 28.9 36.6 59.8 3.6 583 59.3 77.9 11.5 35.0 58.1 6.8 353 62.2 71.3 24.5 40.2 53.9 5.9 446 62.2 68.3 38.0 42.0 51.6 6.5 501 60.3 72.8 18.2 36.0 62.3 1.7 453 53.1 77.9 65.1 34.3 60.9 4.8 485 47.3 56.6 23.2 37.2 59.3 3.5 423 59.3 69.0 94.1 54.7 42.7 2.6 779 48.0 51.0 23.5 40.3 54.4 5.3 447 65.3 74.0 48.4 40.8 56.3 2.9 533 56.6 64.2 Households Population in group quarters Persons 18 years and over-Percent Persons Percent change per Percent male Number 1960-70 household Number of total 56.4 79 059 31.1 3.52 22 343 7.4 56.1 40 61>9 53.9 3.26 12 971 8.9 - ----------------- 56.1 40 61>9 53.9 3.26 12 971 8.9 52.0 25 678 44.7 3.06 2 401 3.0 61.3 14 991 72.6 3.61 10 570 16.4 56.8 38 390 24.6 3.79 9 372 6.1 55.6 9 599 55.9 3.71 2254 6.0 57.1 28 791 16.8 3.82 7 118 6.1 52.3 15 002 12.3 3.07 2 005 4.2 57.5 798 (NA) 3.14 925 26.9 61>.1 1 111 (NA) 4.38 1 283 20.9 65.1 967 . .. 4.58 1 585 26.3 52.5 4 874 10.9 2.97 296 2.0 65.2 1 759 . .. 4.11 1 725 19.3 77.6 1 363 . .. 3.90 3 778 41.5 50.7 2 167 -5.2 2.76 69 1.1 52.1 972 . .. 3.63 --51.6 2 168 4.5 3.18 102 1.5 55.1 1 139 48.1 3.26 89 2.3 67.6 582 . .. 3.91 776 25.4 51.1 1 057 . .. "3.92 27 0.6 51.7 908 8.9 3.48 211 6.3 50.9 5 802 113.0 3.10 100 0.6 79.0 1 225 (NA) 3.85 3 339 41.4 53.2 34 988 . .. 3.39 5 897 4.7 58.0 134 . .. 3.69 8 1.6 57.7 463 (NA) 5.55 95 3.6 53.0 1 435 . .. 5.21 ·108 1.4 77.3 192 ... 3.83 411 35.8 53.1 724 . .. 4.74 50 1.4 58.3 591 (NA) 3.00 83 4.5 60.5 11 590 ... 3.37 6 761 14.7 52.4 424 ... 3.46 35 2.3 50.9 4 223 . .. 3.16 212 1.6 55.0 3 889 (NA) 3.56 396 2.8 52.8 3 006 . .. 3.26 239 2.4 53.2 814 (NA) 5.24 172 3.9 60.1 2 384 . .. 3.54 978 10.4 63.2 463 (NA) 4.43 255 11.1 54.4 1 841 . .. 3.40 255 3.9 55.8 1 209 (NA) 4.58 215 3.7 57.1 391 . .. 4.15 53 3.2 64.3 560 (NA) 3.48 159 7.5 54.7 722 (NA) 3.04 141 6.0 53.6 1 767 . .. 3.31 266 4.4 56.5 607 . .. 3.50 33 1.5 62.4 1 027 ... 3.46 621 14.9 72.0 338 (NA) 3.85 384 22.8 56.1 921 (NA) 3.18 172 5.6 55.9 643 (NA) 5.70 255 6.5 54.1 1 473 . .. 3.31 42 0.9 65.9 ,1 015 ... 3.98 708 14.9 ALASKA 3-31 Table 17. Race by Sex: The State Size of Place, 1970 Metropolitan and No..;metro- politan Residence, 1970 SIZE OF PLACE Total ;1970 --------------------------------------u~~-----------~------Urbanized areas ------------------------ Central cities------------------------- Urban ~ringe ------------------------- Other urban-----------------------.:. ........ Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural .... _________________________________ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500-----~--------·----0ther rural ____ ----________ : ______ ----__ .. 1960 --------~-----------------c.---------- 1950 ----------------~---------------------·~------------------­"~-------------------1920 -------------------------------------- 1910 --------------------------------------woo __________________ _ Male 1970 --------------------------------------u~~------------------u~~~~·~s-----------­central cities------------------------- Urban fringe -------------------------Other urban ____ ----____ .... ____ ----.... ___ _ Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural ...... .:. _______________________________ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500------------------ 0ther rural .... __ ----__ ........ ________ ----__ .. W60------------------- 1950 -------------------------------------- 1940 --------------------------------------19~ -------------------------------------- 1920 --------------------------------------ww __________________ _ woo __________________ _ Female 1970 ----------------------------------:_ --Urban __________________________________ _ Urbanized areas ----________________ ---- Central cities ________ --________ ----__ _ Urban fringe -------------------------Other urban ____ ... ________________ --__ -- Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural ____________ ----___________________ _ Places ~I 1,000 to 2,500------------------ 0ther ruraL ___ --------------____ ------- 1960 -------------------------------------- 1950 ----------------------------------~--- 1940 --------------------------------------W~-------------------1920 -------------------------------------- 1910 ----~---------------------------------woo __________________ _ 1900 to 1970 [For meaning of symbols, see text] Total White -300 382 236 767 -145 512 127 H57 ----------145 512 127 107 -80 889 71 861 -64 623 55 246 -154 870 109 660 -37 853 27 601 -117 017 82 059 -226 167 174 546 -128 643 92 808 -72 524 39 170 -59 278 28 640 -55 036 27 883 -64 356 36 400 -63 592 30 493 -163 258 129 850 -78 952 69 288 --------- -78 952 69 288 -41 685 37 292 -37 267 31 996 -84 306 60 562 -20 344 15 108 -63 962 45 454 -128 811 101 194 -. .79 472 60 390 -43 003 25 595 -35 764 19 904 -34 539 20 586 -45 857 30 334 -45 872 27 293 -137 124 106 917 -66 560 57 819 ----------66 560 57 819 -39 204 34 569 -27 356 23 250 -70 564 49 098 -17 509 12 493 -53 055 36 605 -97 356 73 352 -49 171 32 418 -29 521 13 575 -23 514 8 736 -20 497 7 297 -18 499 6 066 -17 720 3 200 METROPOLITAN AND NONMETROPOUTAN RESIDENCE Total 1970 -------------------------------300 382 236. 767 Metropolitan __ --------------------------------Urban __________________________________ _ --- Central cities __ ---------------------------- Other urban __________________ -------------Rural ___________________________________ _ --- Nanmetropoliton ____ ----____ ----______ -------300 382 236 767 Urban __________________________________ _ -145 512 127 107 RuraL-----------------------------------154 870 109 660 Male 1970 -------------------------------163 258 129 850 Metropolitan __ --------------------------------Urban ____________________________ ----__ _ ---Central cities __________________________ _ --- Other urbon ______ -~ ____ -------------------Rurol •• ______________ ----_______________ _ --- Nonmetropoliton __________ -------------------163 258 129 850 Urban __________________________________ _ -78 952 69 288 Rural ____________________ "'"-_____________ _ -84 306 60 562 Female 1970 -------------------------------137 124 106 917 Metropolitan ________________ --__ ----____ ------Urban __________________________________ _ --- Central cities-·----------------------------Other urban ____ ----______________ ----__ --- Rural ____________ ---------------------------Nanmetropoliton ____ ----___________________ _ -137 124 106 917 Urban __________ ----____________________ _ -66 560 57 819 Rural ___________________________________ _ -70 564 49 098 •Included with "All other," see text. L 3-32 . ALASKA Total Negro 63 615 8 911 18 405 7 284 -- ---- 18 405 7 284 9 028 3 630 9377 3 654 45 210 1 627 10 252 433 34 958 1 194 51 621 6 771 35 835 (NA) 33 354 141 30 638 136 27 153 128 27 956 209 33 099 168 33 408 5 308 9664 4 198 ------ 9664 4 198 4 393 1 875 5 271 2 323 23 744 1 110 5 236 305 18 508 805 27 617 4 301 19 082 (NA) 17 408 52 15 860 62 13 953 63 15 523 143 18 579 151 30 207 3 603 8 741 3 086 -- ---- 8 741 3 086 4 635 1 755 4 106 1 331 21 466 517 5 016 128 16 450 389 24 004 2 470 16 753 (NA) 15 946 89 14 778 74 13 200 65 12 433. 66 14 520 17 63 615 8 911 -- -------- 63 615 8 911 18 405 7284 45 210 1 627 33 408 5 308 ------ ---- 33 408 5 308 9664 4 198 23 744 1 110 30 207 3 603 ------ -- -- 30 207 3 603 8 741 3 086 21 466 517 Negro and other races Other races Total Indian Japanese Chinese Filipino All other .. •. 54 704 16 276 916 228 1 498 35 786 11 121 4917 571 132 942 4 559 ------------------ 11 121 4 917 571 132 942 4 559 5 398 1 698 348 85 278 .. 2 989 5 723 3 219 223 47 664 1 570 43 583 11 359 345 96 556 31 227 9 819 2 035 ,. no 15 215 7 434 33 764 9 324 225 81 341 23 793 44 850 14 444 818 137 814 28 637 35 835 14 089 (NA) (NA) (') 21 746 33 213 11 283 263 56 403 .21 208 30 502 10 955 278 26 (') 19 243 27 025 (NA) 312 56 (;) 26 657 27 747 11 244 913 1 209 (') 14 381 32 931 (NA) 279 3 116 (') 29 536 28 100 8 267 392 144 979 18 318 5 466 2 419 236 81 583 2 147 ------------------ 5466 2 419 236 81 583 2 147 2 518 802 143 46 178 1 349 2 948 1 617 93 35 405 798 22 634 5848 156 63 396 16 171 4 931 1 009 57 4 131 3 730 17 703 4 839 99 59 265 12 441 23 316 7 412 370 91 596 14 847 19 082 7 238 (NA) (NA) (') 11 844 17 356 5 788 180 41 321 11 026 15 798 5 588 207 25 (') 9 978 13 890 (NA) 265 53 (') 13 572 15 380 5 685 887 1 206 (') 7 602 18 428 (NA) 267 3 113 (') 15 048 26 604 8 009 524 84 519 17 468 5 655 2 498 335 51 359 2 412 ------------------ 5 655 2 498 335 51 359 2 412 2 880 896 205 39 100 1 640 2 775 1 602 130 12 259 772 20 949 5 511 189 33 160 15 056 4 888 1 026 63 11 84 3 704 16 061 4 485• 126 22 76 11 352 21 534 7 032 448 46 218 13 790 16 753 6 851 (NA) (NA) (') 9 902 15 857 5 495 83 15 82 10 182 14 704 5 367 71 1 (') 9 265 '13 135 (NA) 47 3 (') 13 085 12 367 5 559 26 3 (') 6 779 14 503 (NA) 12 3 (') 14 488 54 704 16 276 916 228 1498 35 786 .. ------------------------------ 54 704 16 276 916 228 1 498 35 786 11 121 4 917 571 132 942 4 559 43 583 11 359 345 96 556 31 227 28.100 8 267 392 144 979 18 318 ------------------ ------ ------ 28 100 8 267 392 144 979 18 318 5466 2 419 236 81 583 2 147 22 634 5848 156 63 396 16 171 26 604 8 009 524 84 519 17 468 ------------------------ ------ 26 604 8 009 524 84 519 17 468 5 655 2 498 335 51 359 2 412 20 949 5 511 ·189 33 160 15 056 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 18. Percent Distribution by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] The State Size of Place, 1.970 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION Total 1WO------------------- Urban ----------------------------------- U~~~~------------­Central cities------------------------- Urban fringe -------------------------Other urban ____ ----__________________ -:.. Places of 10,000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural ________ --__ ------------------------Places of 1,000 to 2,500 ________________ c_ Other rural __________________ --------__ _ 19~------------------- 1950 -------------------------------------- w~------------------- 1930 -------------------------------------- 1920 ------------,_ ------------------------ 1910 -------------------------------------- 1900 -------------------------------------- Male 1970 --------------------------------------Urban ______________________ --________ --- Urbanized areas. ----______ --__ :_ ________ _ Central cities ________________________ _ Urban fringe ________________________ _ Other urban ___________________________ _ Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural ____________ ----___________________ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500 _________________ _ Other rural ____________________________ _ 1%0 __________________ _ 1950 --------------------------------------w~------------------- 1930 -------------------------------------- 1920 -------------------------------------- 1910 --------------------------------------woo __________________ _ Female 1970 --------------------------------------Urban ______ ----________ ------______ ----- Urbanized areas ----______________ ----__ Central cities------------------------- Urban fringe------------------------- Other urban ____ ----_______ :.,. ______ ----__ Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000 ______________ _ Rural ____________ ----______________ ----__ Places of 1,000 to 2,500------------------0ther rural ______________________ ----__ _ 19~--------~---------- 1950 -------------------------------------- 1940 ----------------------__ . __ ------------ 1930-------------------------------------- 1920-------------------------------------- 1910-------------------------------------- 1900-------------------------------------- MALES PER 1 00 FEMALES 1970 _________________________ c ______ ----__ ---- -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - ------ - - - - -- - - - -- - - Urban ______ --------__ --------____ -------- Urbanized areas ----______ -------------- Central cities------------------------- Urban fringe -------------------------Other urban ___________________________ _ Places of 10.000 or more ______________ _ Places of 2,500 to 10,000---------------Rural ____________ ----___________________ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500------------------ ------ --0ther rural _____________________________ _ 1%0 __________________ _ -1~0------------------- 1940 -------------------------------------- 1930-------------------------------------- 1920 -------------------------------------- 1910 -------------------------------------- 1900 --------------------------------------- - -- - - 'Included with "All other:· see text. Total 100.0 100.0 --- 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -- - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 119.1 118.6 - - - 118.6 106.3 136.2 119.5 116.2 120.6 132.3 161.6 145.7 152.1 168.5 247.9 258.9 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS White Total 78.8 21.2 87.4 12.6 ---- -- 87.4 12.6 88.8 11.2 85.5 14.5 70.8 29.2 72.9 27.1 70.1 29.9 77.2 22.8 72.1 27.9 54.0 46.0 48.3 51.7 50.7 49.3 56.6 43.4 48.0 52.0 79.5 20.5 87.8 12.2 ---- -- 87.8 12.2 89.5 10.5 85.9 14.1 71.8 28.2 74.3 25.7 71.1 28.9 78.6 21.4 76.0 24.0 59.5 40.5 55.7 44.3 59.6 40.4 66.1 33.9 59.5 40.5 78.0 22.0 86.9 13.1 -- ---- 86.9 13.1 88.2 11.8 85.0 15.0 69.6 30.4 71.4 28.6 69.0 31.0 75.3 24.7 65.9 34.1 46.0 54.0 37.2 62.8 35.6 64.4 32.8 67.2 18.1 81.9 121.4 110.6 119.8 110.6 ---- -- 119.8 110.6 107.9 94.8 137.6 128.4 123.3 110.6 120.9 104.4 124.2 112.5 138.0 115.1 186.3 113.9 188.5 109.2 227.8 107.3 282.1 105.7 500.1 124.9 852.9 128.0 Negro and other races Other races Negro Total Indian Japanese 3.0 18.2 5.4 0.3 5.0 7.6 3.4 0.4 ------------ 5.0 7.6 3.4 0.4 4.5 6.7 2.1 0.4 5.7 8.9 5.0 0.3 1.1 28.1 7.3 0.2 1.1 25.9 5.4 0.3 1.0 28.9 8.0 0.2 3.0 19.8 6.4 0.4 (NA) 27.9 11.0 (NA) 0.2 45.8 15.6 0.4 0.2 51.5 18.5 0.5 0.2 49.1 (NA) 0.6 0.3 43.1 17.5 1.4 0.3 51.8 (NA) 0.4 3.3 17.2 5.1 0.2 5.3 6.9 3.1 0.3 ---- -------- 5.3 6.9 3.1 0.3 4.5 6.0 1.9 0.3 6.2 7.9 4.3 0.2 1.3 26.8 6.9 0.2 1.5 24.2 5.0 0.3 1.3 27.7 7.6 0.2 3.3 18.1 5.8 0.3 (NA) 24.0 9.1 (NA) 0.1 40.4 13.5 0.4 0.2 44.2 15.6 0.6 0.2 40.2 (NA) 0.8 0.3 33.5 12.4 1.9 0.3 40.2 (NA) 0.6 2.6 19.4 5.8 0.4 4.6 8.5 3.8 0.5 ------------ 4.6 8.5 3.8 0.5 4.5 7.3 2.3 0.5 4.9 10.1 5.9 0.5 0.7 29.7 7.8 0.3 0.7 27.9 5.9 0.4 0.7 30.3 8.5 0.2 2.5 22.1 7.2 0.5 (NA) 34.1 13.9 (NA) 0.3 53.7 18.6 0.3 0.3 62.5 22.8 0.3 0.3 64.1 (NA) 0.2 0.4 66.9 30.1 0.1 0.1 81.8 (NA) 0.1 147.3 105.6 103.2 74.8 136.0 96.7 96.8 70.4 ------------ 136.0 96.7 96.8 70.4 106.8 87.4 89.5 69.8 174.5 106.2 10Q.9 71.5 214.7 108.0 106.1 82.5 238.3 10G.9 98.3 90.5 206.9 110.2 107.9 78.6 174.1 108.3 105.4 82.6 (NA) 113.9 105.6 (NA) 58.4 109.5 105.3 216.9 83.8 107.4 104.1 291.5 96.9 105.7 (NA) 563.8 216.7 124.4 102.3 3411.5 888.2 127.1 (NA) 2225.0 Chinese Filipino All other 0.1 0.5 11.9 0.1 0.6 3.1 ---------0.1 0.6 3.1 0.1 0.3 3.7 0.1 1.0 2.4 0.1 0.4 20.2 -0.6 19.6 0.1 0.3 20.3 0.1 0.4 12.7 (NA) (') 16.9 0.1 0.6 29.2 -(') 32.5 0.1 (') 48.4 1.9 (') 22.3 4.9 (') 46.4 0.1 0.6 11.2 0.1 0.7 2.7 --------- 0.1 0.7 2.7 0.1 0.4 3.2 0.1 1.1 2.1 0.1 0.5 19.2 -0.6 18.3 0.1 0.4 19.5 0.1 0.5 11.5 (NA) (') 14.9 0.1 0.7 25.6 0:1 (') 27.9 0.2 (') 39.3 2.6 (') 16.6 6.8 (') 32.8 0.1 0.4 12.7 0.1 0.5 3.6 --------- 0.1 0.5 3.6 0.1 0.3 4.2 -0.9 2.8 -0.2 21.3 0.1 0.5 21.2 -0.1 21.4 -0.2 14.2 (NA) (') 20.1 0:1 0.3 34.5 -(') 39.4 -(') 63.8 -(') 36.6 -(') 81:8 171.4 188.6 104.9 158.8 162.4 89.0 --------- 158.8 162.4 89.0 117.9 178.0 82.3 291.7 156.4 103.4 190.9 247.5 107.4 36.4 156.0 100.7 268.2 348.7 109.6 197.8 273.4 107.7 (NA) (') 119.6 273.3 391.5 108.3 ... (') 107.7 ... (') 103.7 ... (') 112.1 ... (') 103.9 ALASKA 3 '""' 33 Table 19. Single Years of Age by Race and Se~: 1970 [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols see text] The State AU •1"---------------- Under 1 year------------------- 1 year-------------------------2 years __ ----______ ----____ --__ 3 years------------------------ 4 years ______ ------------------5 years ____________ ----_______ _ 6 yeors------------------------7 years ____________ --------___ _ 8 years------------------------ 9 years .. ________ -------------- 10 years----------------------- 11 yeors-----------------------12 years ______________________ _ 13 years .. ________________ --__ _ Wyean------------ 15 years----------------------- 16 years ______________________ _ 17 years ______________________ _ 18 years ______________________ _ 19 years-----------------------20 years ______________________ _ 21 years ______________________ _ 22 y~ars-----------------------23 years ______________________ _ 24 years ______________________ _ 25 years----------------------- 26 years ______________________ _ 27 years __________ ------__ ----_ 28 years ______________________ _ 29 years ______________________ _ 30 years ______________________ _ 31 years----------------------- 32 yeon-------·--------------- 33 yeors----------------------- 34yean------------ 35 years----------------------- 36 years __________ ------______ _ 37 years __________ ----________ _ 38 years ______________________ _ 39 years ______________________ _ 40 years .. ________ ----____ --__ _ ~y~n------------ 42 years----------------------- 43 yeors-----------------------44 years ______________________ _ 45 years __ ------__________ --__ _ 46 years .. ----____ ----________ _ 47 years ______________________ _ 48 years __ ------------------__ _ 49 years·---------------------- 50 years------·---------------- 51 years ______________________ _ 52 years __ --______________ ----_ 53 years ______________________ _ 54 years ______ --------__ ------_ 55 years ______________________ _ 56 years __________ ------______ _ 57 years ______________________ _ 58 years __________ ------______ _ 59 years ______ ----____________ _ 60 years ______ ----____________ _ 61 years ______________________ _ 62 years ______ ----------______ _ 63 yeors----------------------- 64 years .. ----______ ----______ _ 65 years----------------------- 66 years __ •• __ --------__ ----__ _ 67 years ______________________ _ 68 years----------------------- 69 years __________ ------______ _ 70 years----------------------- - --- - -- --- -- -- --- ----- - ---- ----- --- - - ----- ----- ---- - ----- ----- ----- ----- 71 years _______________________ _ 72 years __ --______ ------______ _ - 73 years------------------------ 74 years------------------------75 years ______________________ _ - 76 years __________________ --___ _ 77 years .. _____________________ _ 78 years .. __________________ . .; __ 79 years .. _____________________ _ 80 years------------------------ 81 years-----------------------82 years .. __________ ----______ _ 83 years----------------------- 84 years----------------------- 85 to 89 years _________________ _ 90 to 94 years _________________ _ 95 to 99 years _________________ _ 100 years and over __ ------------ Median age -------------------- L 3-34 ~ AlASKA ---- ---- - Total 300 312 6 969 6 351 s 886 6 291 6 578 7 123 7 327 7 631 7 267 7 361 7 367 7 047 7 010 6 610 6 214 6 013 s 511 s 303 4 847 s 094 7244 8 411 7 592 6 985 s 344 s 537 s 661 s 683 s 046 4 784 4 946 4 487 4 499 4 326 4 330 4 386 4 133 4 194 3 927 3 921 3 976 3 523 3 438 3 285 3 238 3 304 3 123 2966 2 945 2 794 2 910 2 348 2 327 2 148 2 074 2 049 1 750 1 635 1 611 1 505 1 312 1 137 I 067 943 851 840 689 590 526 486 380 327 297 278 291 230 230 167 155 141 148 132 117 89 99 295 257 35 88 22.9 All persons Mole Negro and other races White Total Negro Total White 236 767 63 615 • 911 163 258 129 150 s 434 1 535 226 3 sss 2 795 4 882 1 469 214 3 305 2 553 4 308 1 578 198 2 985 2 159 4 514 1 777 173 3 248 2 335 4 687 1 891 212 3 379 2 390 s 197 1 926 224 3599 2 574 s 339 I 988 204 3 798 2 757 s 593 2038 211 3 913 2 891 s 393 1 874 216 3 687 2 752 s 450 1 911 203 3 763 2 815 s 467 1900 200 3 714 2 753 s 216 1 831 191 3 598 2 696 s 196 1 814 160 3 708 2 766 4 924 1 686 159 3 349 2 497 4 671 I 543 130 3 164 2 374 4 393 I 620 107 3 089 2 247 4 124 1 387 83 2 856 2 133 3 907 I 396 113 2 723 2 019 3 642 1 205 135 2 646 2 028 3 939 1 ISS 193 2 872 2 273 s 874 1 370 422 4 746 3 908 6 959 1 452 553 s 790 4 856 6 475 1 117 336 4 859 4 221 5944 1 041 283 4 117 3 534 4 450 894 203 2 907 2 452 4 607 930 194 2 953 2 471 4 772 889 178 2977 2 522 4 882 801 166 3 077 2 661 4 226 820 169 2634 2 212 3 930 854 175 2 508 2 065 4 058 888 165 2 678 2 195 3 746 741 136 2 403 2 015 3 665 834 162 2 400 1 996 3 553 773 145 2 342 1 943 3 536 794 151 2 355 I 932 3 595 791 139 2 369 I 947 3 341 792 149 2 293 1 886 3 418 776 145 2 325 1 933 3 293 634 108 2 195 1 ass 3 238 683 95 2 181 1 829 3 248 728 110 2 196 1 837 2 919 604 76 1 969 I 650 2 891 547 67 1 939 1 659 2 677 608 75 1 843 I 519 2 767 471 59 I 779 1 542 2 774 530 58 1 750 1 463 2 583 540 67 I 735 1 449 2 472 494 70 1 641 1 375 2 527 418 59 1 608 1 380 2 358 436 59 1 529 1 273 2 467 443 59 1 598 1 353 2 003 345 44 1 257 1 081 1 970 357 39 1 288 1 120 1 794 354 32 1 210 1 033 1 754 320 39 1 130 963 1 674 375 40 1 188 981 I 453 297 27 1 003 ass 1 302 333 31 916 724 1 302 309 24 896 724 I 181 324 29 878 694 1 037 275 36 746 593 907 230 18 625 506 824 243 28 602 475 755 188 11 546 436 637 214 19 470 349 624 216 14 493 369 506 183 4 395 285 413 177 10 314 220 363 163 7 307 215 328 158 11 289 192 269 111 6 214 151 212 115 s 183 125 209 88 1 161 115 190 88 2 139 96 199 92 3 156 106 161 69 -109 77 163 67 3 120 82 103 64 1 95 57 109 46 1 80 57 92 49 1 81 51 99 49 3 86 54 91 41 1 73 51 84 33 4 54 42 66 23 I 45 36 57 42 -48 29 191 104 3 146 94 49 208 20 209 33 18 17 -15 9 57 31 8 44 30 23.7 18.7 22.5 23.3 24.0 Female Negro and ather races Negro and other races Total Negro Total White Total Negro 33 408 5 301 137 124 106 917 30 207 3 603 760 110 3 414 2 639 775 116 752 116 3 046 2329 717 98 826 96 2 901 2 149 752 102 913 84 3 043 2 179 864 89 989 114 3 199 2 297 902 98 1 025 110 3 524 2 623 901 114 1 041 94 3 529 2 582 947 110 1 022 99 3 718 2 702 1 016 112 935 115 3580 2 641 939 101 948 102 3 598 2 635 963 101 961 94 3 653 2 714 939 106 902 88 3 449 2 520 929 103 942 81 3 302 2 430 872 79 852 83 3 261 2 427 834 76 790 62 3 050 2 297 753 68 842 49 2 924 2 146 778 58 723 43 2 655 1 991 664 40 704 60 2 sao 1 888 692 53 618 91 2 201 1 614 587 44 599 123 2 222 1 666 556 70 838 343 2 498 1 966 532 79 934 478 2 621 2 103 518 75 638 253 2 733 2 254 479 83 583 201 2 868 2 410 458 82 455 124 2 437 1 998 439 79 482 118 2 584 2 136 448 76 455 101 2 684 2250 434 77 416 100 2 606 2 221 385 66 422 103 2 412 2 014 398 66 443 101 2 276 1 865 411 74 483 97 2268 1 863 405 68 388 82 2 084 1 731 353 54 404 89 2 099 1 669· 430 73 399 82 1 984 1 610 374 63 423 89 1 975 1 604 371 62 422 84 2 017 1648 369 ss 407 99 1 840 1 455 385 so 392 83 1 869 1 485 384 62 340 72 1 732 1 438 294 36 352 60 1 740 I 409 331 35 359 58 1 780 I 411 369 52 319 so 1 554 1 269 285 26 280 38 I 499 1 232 267 29 324 41 1 442 1 158 284 34 237 36 I 459 1 225 234 23 287 30 1 554 1 311 243 28 286 43 1 388 1 134 254 24 266 35 1 325 1 097 228 35 228 30 1 337 I 147 190 29 256 36 1 265 I 085 180 23 245 34 1 312 I 114 198 25 176 28 I 091 922 169 16 168 23 1 039 850 189 16 177 16 938 761 177 16 167 21 944 791 153 18 207 26 861 693 168 14 148 14 747 598 149 13 192 23 719 578 141 8 172 14 715 578 137 10 184 14 627 487 140 15 153 22 566 444 122 14 119 12 512 401 111 6 127 IS 465 349 116 13 110 10 397 319 78 I 121 8 381 288 93 11 124 6 347 255 92 8 110 2 294 221 73 2 94 s 276 193 83 s 92 3 219 148 71 4 97 6 197 136 61 s 63 3 166 118 48 3 sa 2 144 87 57 3 46 -136 94 42 1 43 2 139 94 45 -so 1 135 93'· 42 2 32 -121 84 37 - 38 1 110 81· 29 2 38 -72 46° 26 1 23 -75 52 23 1 30 -60 41 19 1 32 3 62 45 17 - 22 1 59 40 19 - 12 -63 42 21 4 9 -44 30 14 1 19 -51 28 23 - 52 1 149 97 52 2 176 18 48 16 32 2 6 -20 9 11 - 14 4 44 27 17 4 19.4 23.0 22.2 23.3 18.1 20.8 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 20. Age by Race and Sex: 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] The State Size of Place TOTAL POPULATION Both Sexes AU at••------------------ Under 1 year---------------------1 year----________ ----__________ _ 2 years _________________________ _ 3 years _________________________ _ 4 years _________________________ _ S years _________________________ _ 6 years _________________________ _ 7 years ____________ ----_________ _ 8 years _________________________ _ 9 years. ___________ ----_________ _ 10 years ________________________ _ 11 years ________________________ _ 12 years ________________________ _ 13 years ________________________ _ 14 years ________________________ _ 15 Year~-------------------------16 years ________________________ _ 17 years ________________________ _ 18 years ________________________ _ 19 years ________________________ _ 20 years ________________________ _ 21 years and over ________________ _ Under 5 years __ --_______________ _ 5 to 9 years •• ______ ----________ -- 10 to 14 years ___________________ _ 15 to 19 years ___________________ _ 20 to 24 yeors-------------------- 25 to 29 yeors-------------------- 30 to 34 years-------------------- 35 to 39 yeors--------------------40 to 44 years ___________________ _ 45 to 49 years ___________________ _ 50 t~ 54 years __ --_______________ _ 55 to 59 years ___________________ _ 60 to 64 years ___________________ _ 65 to 69 years ___________________ _ 70 to 74 years ___________________ _ 75 to 79 yeors--------------------80 to 84 years ___________________ _ 85 years and over ________________ _ Under 18 years------------------- 62 years and over----------------- 65 years and over __ ---..:--.--______ _ Median age ______ ---------------- Male All ages _________________ _ Under 1 year ____________________ _ 1 yeor---------------------------2 y_ears ____ ------_______________ _ 3 yeOrs--------------------------4 years ____________________ ----__ 5 years. ___________ ------------__ 6 years--------------------------7 years ________ --__ ----_________ _ 8 years _________________________ _ 9 years ________ --__ --------------10 years ________________________ _ 11 years ________________________ _ 12 years ________________________ _ 13 years ______ ----______________ _ 14 years __________ ----__ ------__ _ 15 years __________ ------________ _ 16 years ______ ----------________ _ 17 years ________________________ _ 18 years ________________________ _ 19 years __________ ------________ _ 20 _years ______ --________________ _ 21 years and over ________________ _ Under 5 years--------------------5 to 9 years _____________________ _ - -- " - - -- - - -- - ---- --- - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- ---- - - --- - - ---- ----- -- ----- ------ - - 10 to 14 years-------------------- 15 to 19 yeors--------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------- - -25to 29 years ___________________ _ -30 to 34 years ___________________ _ - 35 to 39 yearS---------------------40_to 44 years ____________________ _ 45 to 49 years ____________________ _ 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ -55 to 59 years ____________________ _ 60 to 64 years ___________________ _ -65 to 69 years ___________________ _ -70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 to 79 years---------------------80 to 84 years ___________________ _ -85 years and over _________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------- 62 years and over __ ---------------- 65 years and over------------------ Median age----------------------- Total 300 382 6 969 6 351 5 886 6 291 6 578 7 123 7 327 7 631 7 267 7 361 7 367 7 047 7 010 6 610 6 214 6 013 5 511 5 303 4 847 5 094 7 244 163 338 32 075 36 709 34 248 26 768 35 576 26 711 22 588 20 561 17 460 15 132 11 807 8 550 5 310 3 131 1 573 923 585 675 119 859 9 748 6 887 22.9 163 258 3 555 3 305 2 985 3 248 3 379 3 599 3 798 3 913 3 687 3 763 3 714 3 598 3 708 3 349 3 164 3 089 2 856 2 723 2 646 2872 4 746 91 561 16 472 18 760 17 533 14 186 22 419 14 149 12 178 11 363 9 726 8 263 6 483 4 881 2 989 1 798 853 485 306 414 61 433 5 474 3 856 23.3 Total 145 512 3 518 3 111 2 772 2 791 2 879 3 190 3 218 3 320 3 186 3 179 3 203 3 022 2 988 2 935 2 720 2 544 2399 2 406 2 497 2 889 4 568 82 177 15 071 16 093 14 868 12 735 21 795 13 699 10 850 10 066 8 270 7 284 5 587 3 920 2 391 1 310 634 358 258 323 53 381 4 133 2 883 23.2 78 952 1 802 1 639 1 402 1 425 1 474 1 596 1 638 1 712 1 612 1 637 1 587 1 547 1 611 1 513 1 379 1 285 1 228 1 207 1 379 1 612 3 018 45 649 7 742 8 195 7 637 6 711 13 998 7 262 5 701 5 498 4 464 3 797 3 026 2 i41 1 283 685 321 167 127 197 27 294 2 188 1 497 23.3 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Total - ----------- -- - ----- - - - ---------- --- ---- - - -- - - - - - --- - -- - - ------- -- - - -- -------- - --- ---- --- - Urban Urbanized areas Other urbqn places of- 10.000 2,500 Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 --80 889 64 623 --2 014 1 504 --1 745 1 366 --1 414 1 358 --1 498 1 293 - - 1 500 1 379 --1 653 1 537 --1 653 1 565 - - 1 732 1 588 --1 637 1 549 - - 1 651 1 528 - - 1 731 1 472 --1 587 1 435 --1 637 1 351 --1 607 1 328 - - 1 490 1 230 - - 1 441 1 103 --1 442 957 - - 1 442 964 - - 1 279 1 218 - - 1 387 1 502 - - 1 944 2 624 --47 405 34 772 --8 171 6 900 - - 8 326 7 767 - - 8 052 6 816 --6 991 5 744 --10 452 11 343 - - 7 573 6 126 - - 5 814 5 036 - - 5 561 4 505 - - 5 221 3 049 --4 984 2 300 - - 3 912 1 675 - - 2 682 1 238 --1 580 811 - - 759 551 - - 333 301 - - 167 191 --129 129 --182 141 - - 28 874 24 507 --2 375 1 758 - - 1 570 1 313 - - 24.3 22.2 --41 us 37 267 --1 043 759 - - 907 732 --716 686 - - 768 657 - - 775 699 - - 827 769 --806 832 - - 905 807 --834 778 - - 832 805 - - 852 735 --800 747 - - 872 739 - - 825 688 - - 747 632 --709 576 --704 524 - - 704 503 --571 808 --575 1 037 --922 2 096 --24 991 20 658 - - 4 209 3 533 - - 4 204 3 991 --4 096 3 541 --3 263 3 448 --5 507 8 491 --3 890 3 372 --3 015 2 686 --2 911 2 587 --2 763 1 701 --2577 1 220 --2 105 921 --1 486 655 --850 433 - - 396 289 --167 154 - - 72 95 --58 69 --116 81 - - 14 626 12 668 --1 254 934 - - 809 688 - - 24.6 22.4 Rural Places of 1,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 154 870 37 853 117017 3 451 903 2 548 3 240 812 2 428 3 114 812 2 302 3 500 869 2 631 3 699 899 2 800 3 933 1 008 2 925 4 109 963 3 146 4 311 1 025 3 286 4 081 959 3 122 4 182 982 3 200 4 164 942 3 222 4 025 923 3 102 4 022 932 3 090 3 675 892 2 783 3 494 784 2 710 3 469 859 2 610 3 112 735 2 377 2 897 690 2 207 2 350 623 1 727 2 205 509 1 696 2 676 640 2 036 81 161 20 092 61 069 17 004 4 295 12 709 20 616 4 937 15 679 19 380 4 473 14 907 14 033 3 416 10 617 13 781 3 613 10 168 13 012 3 336 9 676 11 738 2 854 8 884 10 495 2 496 7 999 9 190 2 177 7 013 7 848 1 862 5 986 6 220 1 506 4 714 4 630 1 140 3 490 2 919 741 2 178 1 821 443 1 378 939 223 716 565 154 411 327 92 235 352 95 257 66 478 15 989 50 489 5 615 1 434 4 181 4 004 1 007 2 997 22.3 22.5 22.3 84 306 20 344 63 962 1 753 470 1 283 1 666 425 1 241 1 583 410 1 173 1 823 433 1 390 1 905 473 1 432 2 003 514 1 489 2 160 497 1 663 2 201 537 1 664 2 075 493 1 582 2 126 493 1 633 2 127 486 1 641 2 051 454 1 597 2 097 474 1 623 1 836 449 1 387 1 785 394 1 391 1 804 444 1 360 1 628 384 1 244 1 516 353 1 163 1 267 337 930 1 260 290 970 1 728 386 1 342 45 912 11 148 34 764 8 730 2 211 6 519 10 565 2 534 8 031 9 896 2 257 7 639 7 475 1 808 5 667 8 421 2 160 6 261 6 887 1 759 5 128 6477 1 565 4 912 5 865 1 365 4 500 5 262 1 218 4044 4 466 1 021 3 445 3 457 795 2 662 2 740 674 2 066 1 706 419 1 287 1 113 258 855 532 116 416 318 80 238 179 48 131 ~ 217 56 161 34 139 8 183 25 956 3 286 799 2 487 2 359 558 1 801 23.3 23.2 23.3 ALASKA 3-35 Table 20~ Age by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued [for minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Urban Rural The State Size of Place Urbanized areas Other urban places of- TOTAL POPULATION-Continued Female All ages_, ________________ _ - Under 1 year---------------------- 1 year ____ ------__ --------------__ 2 years-------------------------- 3 years-------------------------- 4 years-------------------------- 5 years--------------------------6 years _________________________ _ -- - - - 7 ·years---------------------------8 years __ ----______ ----__________ _ 9 years--__ --------------------__ -10 years __________ ----__________ _ - 11 years __________ ----___________ _ 12 years __________ ----___________ _ 13 years ______ -...:------__ ----____ _ - 14 years __ ------------------------15 years __________ ----___________ _ 16 years--________ ----___________ _ 17 years ______ --__ ----___________ _ 18 years __________ ----___________ _ 19 years __________ ----___________ _ 20 years ________________________ _ -21 years and over __ -------_________ _ Under 5 years---------------------5 to 9 years _____________________ _ -10 to 14 years ___________________ _ -15 to 19 years ______ -=----_________ _ -20 fci 24 years ___________________ _ -25 tO 29 years ____ _, ______________ _ -30 to 34 yeors------"---------·-----35 to 39 years ___________________ _ -40 to 44 years ___________________ _ -45 to 49 years ___ _, _______________ _ - 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ -55 to 59 years ___________________ _ -60 to 64 years ___________________ _ -65 to 69 years ___________________ _ -70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 t9 79 years __________ -----------80 to 84 years ___________________ _ -85 years and over _________________ _ Under 18 years--------------------62 years and over _________________ _ 65 years and over _________________ _ Median age----------------------- WHITE POPULATION Both Sexes All ages ____ ----_________ _ - Under 1 year ____________________ _ -1 year ________________ -~ _________ _ 2 years---------------------------3 years--__________ ----_________ _ - 4 years----______ -----------------5 years--------------------____ ---6 years __ --_____________________ _ - 7 years--------__ -----------------8 years _________________________ _ -9 years------------____________ ---10 years _________________________ _ 11 years _________________________ _ 12 years _________________________ _ 13 years __ ----___________________ _ 14 years _________________________ _ 15 years __________ ------_________ _ 16 years _________________________ _ 17 years _________________________ _ 18 years __________ ------_________ _ 19 years _________________________ _ 20 years _________________________ _ 21 years and over _________________ _ Under 5 years---------------------5 to 9 years _____________________ _ -10 to 14 years ____________________ _ 15 to 19 years ___________________ _ -20 to 24 years ____________________ _ 25 to 29 years ____________________ _ 30 to 34 years ____________________ _ 35 to 39 years ____________________ _ 40 to 44 years ____________________ _ 45 to 49 years ________________ -~ __ _ 50 to 54 years ____________________ _ 55 to 59 years ____________________ _ 60 to 64 years ___________________ _ -65 to 69 years ___________________ _ -70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 to 79 years ___________________ _ -80 to S4 years ___________________ _ -85 years and over _________________ _ Under 18 years--------------------62 years and over _________________ _ 65 years and over------------------ Median age _____________________ _ - 3~36 ALASKA Total 137 124 3 414 3046 2 901 3 043 3 199 3 524 3 529 3 718 3 580 3 598 3 653 3 449 3 302 3 261 3 050 2 924 2 655 2 580 2 201 2 222 2 498 71 777 15 603 17 949 16 715 12 582 13 157 12 562 10 410 9 198 7 734 6 869 5 324 3 669 2 321 1 333 720 438 279 261 58 426 4 274 3 031 22.2 236 767 5 434 4 882 4 308 4 514 4 687 5 197 5 339 5 593 5 393 5 450 5 467 5 216 5 196 4 924 4 671 4 393 4 124 3 907 3 642 3 939 5 874 134 617 23 825 26 972 25 474 20 005 29 702 22 417 18 558 16 885 14 502 12 714 9 988 6 912 4 160 2 234 1 079 628 397 315 88 695 6 869 4 653 23.7 Total 66 560 1 716 1 472 1 370 1 366 1 405 1 594 1 580 1 608 1 574 1 542 1 616 1 475 1 377 1 422 1 341 1 259 1 171 1 199 1 118 1 277 1 550 36 528 7 329 7 898 7 231 6 024 7 797 6 437 5 149 4 568 3 806 3 487 2 561 1 779 1 108 625 313 191 131 126 26 087 1 945 1 386 23.1 127 107 3 019 2664 2 337 2 352 2 432 2 704 2 705 2 834 2 683 2 724 2 768 2 586 2 576 2 530 2 385 2 210 2 098 2 089 2 210 2 510 3 998 72 693 12 804 13 650 12 845 11 117 19 177 12 082 9 415 8 846 7 414 6 618 5 097 3 570 2 119 1 103 524 308 223 195 45 696 3 450 2 353 23.4 10,000 Total Central cities Urban fringe or more ---39 204 ---971 -- -838 -- - 698 -- - 730 ---725 ---826 ---847 ---827 -- - 803 -- - 819 -- - 879 -- - 787 -- - 765 ---782 ---743 ---732 ---738 -- - 738 ---708 -- - 812 -- - 1 022 -- - 22 414 - - - 3 962 - - -4 122 ---3 956 -- - 3 728 -- - 4 945 ---3 683 -- - 2 799 -- - 2 650 ---2 458 - - - 2 407 -- - 1 807 ---1 196 ---730 ---363 -- - 166 ---95 ---71 ---66 -- - 14 248 -- - 1 121 ---761 ---23.9 ---71 861 ---1 761 ---1 514 -- - 1 192 ---1 255 ---1 275 -- - 1 409 ---1 409 ---1 524 ---1 406 ---1 441 ---1 508 ---1 390 ---1 426 ---1 425 ---1 332 ---1 272 ---1 288 ---1 268 ---1 144 ---1 216 ---1 732 ---42 674 ---6 997 ---7 189 ---7 081 -- - 6 188 ---9 344 ---6 788 ---5 117 ---4 959 -- - 4 757 -- - 4 571 -- - 3 620 ---2 486 ---1 433 ---670 ---289 - - - 146 ---119 ---107 - --25 095 ---2 059 ---1 331 ---24.5 Places 2,500 of 1,000 to 10,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 27 356 70 564 17 509 53.055 745 1 698 433 1 265 634 1 574 387 1 187 672 1 531 402 1 129 636 1677 436 1 241 680 1 794 426 1 368 768 1 930 494 1 436 733 1 949 466 1 483 781 2 110 488 1 622 771 2 006 466 1 540 723 2 056 489 1 567 737 2 037 456 1 581 688 1 974 469 1 505 612 1 925 458 1 467 640 1 839 443 1 396 598 1 709 390 1 319 527 1 665 415 1 250 433 1 484 351 1 133 461 1 381 337 1 044 410 1 083 286 797 465 945 219 726 528 948 254 694 14 114 35 249 8944 26 305 3 367 8 274 2 084 6 190 3 776 10 051 2 403 7 648 3 275 9 484 2 216 7 268 2 296 6 558 1 608 4 950 2 852 5 360 1 453 3 907 2 754 6 125 1 577 4 548 2 350 5 261 1 289 3 972 1 918 4 630 1 131 3 499 1 348 3 928 959 2 969 1 080 3 382 841 2 541 754 2 763 711 2 052 583 1 890 466 1 424 378 1 213 322 891 262 708 185 523 147 407 107 300 96 247 74 173 60 148 44 104 60 135 39 96 11 839 32 339 7 806 24 533 824 2 329 635 1 694 625 1 645 449 1 196 21.7 20.9 21.5 20.6 55 246 109 660 27 601 82 059 1 258 2 415 659 1 756 1 150 2 218 581 1 637 1 145 I 971 535 1 436 1 097 2 162 548 1 614 1 157 2 255 582 1 673 1 295 2 493 671 1 822 1 296 2 634 638 1 996 1 310 2 759 689 2 070 1 277 2 710 678 2 032 1 283 2 726 684 2 042 1 260 2 699 615 2 084 1 196 2 630 620 2 010 1 150 2 620 637 1 983 1 105 2 394 606 1 788 1 053 2 286 517 1 769 938 2 183 546 1 637 810 2 026 498 1 528 821 1 818 437 1 381 1 066 1 432 416 1 016 1 294 1 429 349 1 080 2 266 1 876 460 1 416 30 019 61 924 15 635 46 289 5 807 11 021 2 905 8 116 6 461 13 322 3 360 9 962 5 764 12 629 2 995 9 634 4 929 8 888 2246 6 642 9 833 10 525 2 810 7 715 5 294 10 335 2 630 7 705 4 298 9 143 2 243 6900 3 887 8 039 1 931 6 108 2 657 7 088 1 722 5366 2 047 6 096 1 465 4 631 1 477 4 891 1 233 3 658 1 084 3 342 848 2 494 686 2 041 558 1 483 433 1 131 304 827 235 555 153 402 162 320 100 220 104 174 61 113 88 120 37 83 20 601 42 999 10 741 32 258 1 391 3 419 976 2 443 1 022 2 300 655 1 645 22.4 24.3 24.1 24.3 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 20. Age by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued (For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) The State Size of Place WHITE POPULATION-Continued Male AH •t••----·--------------- Under 1 year---------------------- 1 year--------------------------- 2 years __ ------------------------ 3 years __ ------------------------ 4 years __ --------------__ -------- - . 5 years--------------------------6 years ______ ----__ ----_________ _ 7 years ______ ----__ -------------- 8 years ____ ---------------------- 9 years ______ ----__ -------------- Wy~n------------- 11 years __________ --------------- 12 years __________ --------------- 13 years ________________________ _ 14 years __________ --------------- 15 years __________ ------____ ----_ 16 years __ ----------------------- 17 years __ --------____ ----------- 18 years __________ --------------- 19 years __________ --------------- 20 years ____________ ------------- 21 years and over--______________ _ Under 5 years ______ ----_________ _ 5 to 9 years---------------------- 10 to 14 years--------------------15 to 19 years ___________________ _ 20 to 24 yeors--------------------25 to 29 years--_________________ _ 30 to 34 years ___________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors-------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------45 to 49 years ___________________ _ 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ 55 to 59 years ___________________ _ 60 to 64 years ___________________ _ 65 to 69 yeors--------------------70 to 74 years ___________________ _ 75 to 79 years ___________________ _ 80 to 84 years--------------------85 years and over--______________ _ Under 18 years-------------------62 years and over ________________ _ 65 years and over ________________ _ Median age---------------------- Female AU ages------------------ Under 1 year ____ --________ ------_ 1 year __ ------------------------- 2 years __ ------------------------3 years ______ ----_______________ _ 4 years ____ ------____ ------------ 5 years ____ ------__ ----______ --__ 6 years ____ ---------------------- 7 years ________ --__ --------------8 years ________ --__ ----_________ _ 9 years ______ ----__ -------------- -- - - -- - -- - ------ ---- --- -- ---- - - -- - - - -- --- - - ---- - - ----10 years ______ ----______ ---------- 11 years ________ ------------------ 12 years ______ ----____ ------------13 years ______________ ----------_ -14 years ________ ------------------15 years ____ ----------__ ---------- 16 years __________ ------------... -- 17 years ________ ------__ ---------- 18 years __ ----------------------- Wy~n-------------20 years ____________ -------------- 21 years and over ________________ _ - Under 5 years--------------------- 5 to 9 years-----------------------10 to 14 years ____________________ _ 15 to 19 years ____________________ _ 20 to 24 years ___________________ _ -25 to 29 years ___________________ _ -30 to 34 years ____________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors--------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------- 45 to 49 yeors--------------------- 50 to 54 yeors---------------------55 to 59 years ___________________ _ -60 to 64 years ____________________ _ 65 to 69 yeors---------------------70 to 74 years ____________________ _ 75 to 79 years ____________________ _ 80 to 84 years ______ ----_________ _ -85 years and over __ ... ----_________ _ . Under 18 years-------------------- 62 years and over------------------65 years and over _________________ _ Median age----------------------- Total Total 129 850 69 288 2 795 1 545 2 553 1 416 2 159 1 170 2 335 1 202 2 390 1 238 2 574 1 344 2 757 1 376 2 891 1 476 2 752 1 363 2 815 1 399 2 753 1 371 2 696 1 341 2 766 1 387 2 497 1 301 2 374 1 212 2 247 1 109 2 133 1 083 2 019 1 058 2 028 1 218 2 273 1 415 3 908 2 647 76 135 40 617 12 232 6 571 13 789 6 958 13 086 6 612 10 700 5 883 18 971 12 346 11 931 6. 445 10 081 5 003 9 450 4 881 8 207 4 053 6 940 3 465 5 550 2 792 3 978 1946 2 359 1 135 1 281 579 593 266 324 142 212 110 166 101 45 506 23 391 3 836 1 802 2 576 1 198 24.0 23.5 106 917 57 819 2 639 1 474 2 329 1 248 2 149 1 167 2 179 1 150 2 297 1 194 2 623 1 360 2 582 1 329 2 702 1 358 2 641 1 320 2 635 1 325 2 714 1 397 2 520 1 245 2 430 1 189 2 427 1 229 2 297 1 173 2 146 1 101 1 991 1 015 1 888 1 031 1 614 992 1 666 1 095 1 966 1 351 58 482 32 076 11 593 6 233 13 183 6·692 12 388 6 233 9 305 5 234 10 731 6 831 10 486 5 637 8 477 4 412 7 435 3 965 6 295 3 361 5 774 3 153 4 438 2 305 2 934 1 624 1 801 984 953 524 486 258 304 166 185 113 149 94 43 189 22 305 3 033 1 648 2077 1 155 23.3 23.3 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Urban Urbanized areas Other urban places of- 10,000 2,500 Total Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 ---37 292 31 996 ---917 628 ---796 620 ---589 581 ---638 564 ---659 579 ---695 649 ---683 693 ---807 669 ---726 637 ---727 672 ---747 624 ---700 641 ---757 630 ---720 581 ---671 541 ---627 482 ---648 435 ---630 428 ---516 702 ---508 907 ---829 1 818 ---22 702 17 915 ---3 599 2972 ---3 638 3 320 ---3 595 3.017 ---2 929 2 954 ---4 981 7 365 ---3 524 2. 921 ---2 685 2 318 ---2 625 2 256 ---2 549 1 504 ---2 369 1 096 ---1 968 824 ---1 380 566 ---782 353 ---350 229 ---144 122 ---61 81 ---55 55 ---58 43 ---12 737 10 654 ---1 075 727 ---668 530 ---24.9 22.5 ---34 569 23 250 ---844 630 ---718 530 ---603 564 ---617 533 ---616 578 ---714 646 ---726 603 ---717 641 ---680 640 ---714 611 ---761 636 ---690 555 ---669 520 ---705 524 ---661 512 ---645 456 ---640 375 ---638 393 ---628 364 ---708 387 ---903 448 ---19 972 12 104 ---3 398 2 835 ---3 551 3 141 ---3 486 2 747 ---3 259 1 975 ---4 363 2 468 ---3 264 2373 ---2 432 1 980 ---2 334 1 631 ---2 208 1 153 ---2 202 951 ---1 652 653 ---1 106 518 ---651 333 ---320 204 ---145 113 ---85 81 ---64 49 ---49 45 ---12 358 9 947 ---984 664 ---663 492 ---24.1 21.9 Rural Places of 1,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 60 562 15 108 45 454 1 250 347 903 1 137 309 828 989 282 707 1 133 271 862 1 152 292 860 1 230 332 898 1 381 330 1 051 1 415 359 1 056 1 389 357 1 032 1 416 358 1 058 1 382 313 1 069 1 355 308 1 047 1 379 334 1 045 1 196 318 878 1 162 252 910 1 138 280 858 1 050 254 796 961 221 740 810 245 565 858 206 652 1 261 294 967 35 518 8 846 26 672 5 661 1 501 4 160 6 831 1 736 5 095 6 474 1 525 4 949 4811 1 206 3 611 6 625 1 741 4 884 5 486 1 397 4 089 5 078 1 241 3 837 4 569 1 073 3 496 4 154 994 3 160 3 475 818 2 657 2 758 653 2 105 2 032 528 1 504 1 224 328 896 702 182 520 327 82 245 182 53 129 102 33 69 65 17 48 22 115 5 517 16 598 2 034 554 1 480 1 378 367 1 011 24.9 24.6 25.0 49 098 12 493 36 605 1 165 312 853 1 081 272 809 982 253 729 1 029 277 752 1 103 290 813 1 263 339 924 1 253 308 945 1 344 330 1 014 1 321 321 1. 000 1 310 326 984 1 317 302 1 015 1 275 312 963 1 241 303 938 1 198 288 910 1 124 265 859 1 045 266 779 976 244 732 857 216 641 622 171 451 571 143 428 615 166 449 26 406 6 789 19 617 5 360 1 404 3 956 6 491 1 624 4 867 6 155 1 470 4 685 4 071 1 040 3 031 3 900 1 069 2 831 4 849 1 233 3 616 4 065 1 002 3 063 3 470 858 2 612 2 934 728 2 206 2 621 647 1 974 2 133 580 1 553 1 310 320 990 817 230 587 429 122 307 228 71 157 138 47 91 72 28 44 55 20 35 20 884 5 224 15 660 1 385 422 963 922 288 634 23.2 23.3 23.1 ALASKA 3-37 Table 20. Age by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Urban Rural The State Size of Place Urbanized areas Other urban places of- NEGRO AND OTHER RACES Both Sexes All ages _________________ _ - Under 1 year---------------------- 1 year ____ ------------------------2 years _________________________ _ -3 years ____ --______ ----_________ _ -4 years ________ -------------------5 years ____________ ----_________ _ -6 years _________________________ _ - 7 years ____ -----------------------8 years ____________ ----_________ _ - 9 years ____ -----------------------10 years __________ ----__________ _ - 11 yeors--------------------------12 years ____________ ----________ _ -13 years ________________________ _ -14 years __________ ------________ _ -15 years ________________________ _ -16 years ____________ ----________ _ -17 years ________ .--------________ _ -18 years •• ______________________ _ -19 years •• __________ ----________ _ -20 years •• ______________________ _ -21 years and over ________________ _ - Under 5 years---------------------5 to 9 years _____________________ _ -10 to 14 years ___________________ _ -15to 19 years ___________________ _ -20 to 24 years ___________________ _ -25to 29 years ___________________ _ -30 to 34 years ___________________ _ - 35to 39 yeors---------------------40 to 44 years ___________________ _ -45 to 49 years ___________________ _ - 50 to 54 yeors ___________________ _ -55 to 59 years ___________________ _ -60 to 64 years ___________________ _ - 65 to 69 years---------------------70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 to 79 years ___________________ _ -80 to 84 years •• ____ --------__ -----85 years and over ________________ _ - Under 18 years __________________ _ -62 years and over ________________ _ -65 years and over ________________ _ - Median age----------------------- Male Allogos _________________ _ - Under 1 year ____________________ _ -1 year ____________ ------____ -----2 years •• _______________________ _ -3 years _________________________ _ - 4 years--____ ---------------------5 years ____________ ----_________ _ -6 years •• __________ ----_________ _ -7 years ____________ ----______ -----8 years •• __________ ----_________ _ - 9 years---------------------------10 years __ ------------______ ------ 11 years •• __________________ ------ 12 years __________ ----------------13 years ________ --____ ------------ 14 years •• __________________ ------15 years ________________ ----____ _ 16 years __ --__ --------------------17 years •• __________________ ------ 18 years ____________ --___________ _ 19 years ________ ------______ ------ 20 years __________ ------__ -------- 21 years and over _________________ _ Under 5 years ___________________ _ -5 to 9 years _____________________ _ -10 to 14 years ___________________ _ -15to 19 years ___________________ _ -20 to 24 years ___________________ _ -25ta 29 years ___________________ _ -30 Ia 34 years ___________________ _ - 35to 39 years---------------------40 to 44 years ___________________ _ -45 to 49 years ___________________ _ - 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ --55 to 59 years-------------------- 60 to 64 years--------------------- 65ta 69 years---------------------70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 to 79 years ___________________ _ - 80 Ia 84 years---------------------85 years and over _________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------- 62 years and over------------------ 65 years and aver------------------ Median age ______________________ _ 3-38 ALASKA L Total 63 615 1 535 1 469 1 578 1 777 1 891 1 926 1 988 2 038 1 874 1 911 1 900 1 831 1 814 1 686 1 543 1 620 1 387 1 396 1 205 1 155 1 370 28 721 8 250 9 737 8.774 6 763 5 874 4 294 4 030 3 676 2 958 2 418 1 819 1 638 1 150 897 494 295 188 360 31 164 2 879 2 234 18.7 33 408 760 752 826 913 989 1 025 1 041 1 022 935 948 961 902 942 852 790 842 723 704 618 599 838 15 426 4 240 4 971 4 447 3 486 3 448 2 218 2 097 1 913 1 519 1 323 933 903 630 517 260 161 94 248 15 927 1 638 1 280 19.4 Total Toto I Central cities Urban fringe 18 405 -- - 499 --- 447 --- 435 - -- 439 - - - 447 -- - 486 --- 513 -- - 486 - -- 503 -- - 455 - -- 435 - -- 436 -- - 412 --- 405 --- 335 - - - 334 - - - 301 - - - 317 --- 287 - - - 379 - -- 570 -- - 9 484 -- - 2 267 - -- 2 443 - - - 2 023 - - - 1 618 - - - 2 618 - - - 1 617 - -- 1 435 - - - 1 220 - - - 856 - - - 666 - - - 490 -- - 350 --- 272 - -- 207 - - - 110 - - - 50 - - - 35 - - - 128 -- - 7 685 - - - 683 --- 530 - - - 21.6 - -- 9 664 -- - 257 --- 223 - - - 232 -- - 223 - -- 236 - - - 252 - -- 262 -- - 236 - - - 249 -- - 238 - - - 216 -- - 206 -- - 224 --- 212 --- 167 --- 176 - - - 145 --- 149 --- 161 -- - 197 --- 371 -- - 5 032 --- 1 171 --- 1 237 --- 1 025 -- - 828 --- 1 652 --- 817 - - - 698 --- 617 - -- 411 --- 332 - - - 234 - - - 195 -- - 148 --- 106 - - - 55 -- - 25 --- 17 - - - 96 - - - 3 903 --- 386 -- - 299 -- - ,21.7 - - - Places 10,000 2,500 of 1,000 or more to 10,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 9 028 9377 45 210 10 252 34 951 253 246 1 036 244 792 231 216 1 022 231 791 222 213 1 143 277 866 243 196 1 338 321 1 017 225 222 1 444 317 1 127 244 242 1 440 337 1 103 244 269 1 475 325 1 150 208 278 1 552 336 . 1 216 231 272 1 371 281 1 090 210 245 1 456 298 1 158 223 212 1 465 327 1 138 197 239 1 395 303 1 092 211 201 1 402 295 1 107 182 223 1 281 286 995 158 177 1 208 267 941 169 165 1 286 313 973 154 147 1 086 237 849 174 143 1 079 253 826 135 152 918 207 711 171 208 776 160 616 212 358 BOO 180 620 4 731 4 753 19 237 4 457 14 780 1 174 1 093 5 983 1 390 4 593 1 137 1 306 7 294 1 577 5 717 971 1 052 6 751 1 478 5 273 803 815 5 145 I 170 3 975 1 108 1 510 3 256 803 2 453 785 832 2 677 706 1 971 697 738 2 595 611 1 984 602 618 2 456 565 1 891 464 392 2 102 455 1 647 413 253 1 752 397 1 355 292 198 1 329 273 1 056 196 154 1 288 292 996 147 125 878 183 695 89 118 690 139 551 44 66 384 70 314 21 29 245 54 191 10 25 153 31 122 75 53 232 58 174 3 779 3 906 23 479 5 248 18 231 316 367 2 196 458 1 738 239 291 1 704 352 1 352 21.9 21.4 17.5 17.9 17.4 4 393 5 271 23 744 5 236 18 508 126 131 503 123 380 111 112 529 116 413 127 105 594 128 466 130 93 690 162 528 116 120 753 181 572 132 120 773 182 591 123 139 779 167 612 98 138 786 178 608 108 141 686 136 550 105 133 710 135 575 105 111 745 173 572 100 106 696 146 550 115 109 718 140 578 105 107 640 131 509 76 91 623 142 481 82 94 666 164 502 56 89 578 130 448 74 75 555 132 423 55 106 457 92 365 67 130 402 84 318 93 278 467 92 375 2 289 2 743 10 394 2 302 8 092 610 561 3 069 710 2 359 566 671 3 734 798 2 936 501 524 3 422 732 2 690 334 494 2 658 602 2 056 526 1 126 1 796 419 1 377 366 451 1 401 362 1 039 330 368 1 399 324 1 075 286 331 1 296 292 1 004 214 197 1 108 224 884 208 124 991 203 788 137 97 699 142 557 106 89 708 146 562 68 80 482 91 391 46 60 411 76 335 23 32 205 34 171 11 14 136 27 109 3 14 77 15 62 58 38 152 39 113 1 889 2 014 12 024 2 666 9 358 179 207 1 252 245 1 007 141 158 981 191 790 21.8 21.7 18.1 18.1 18.1 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 20. Age by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued [For minimum base for derived figures (percent,. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] The State Size of Place NEGRO & OTHER RACES-Con. Female -All ag••------------------ Under 1 year----------------------1 year ________ ----------_________ _ 2 years ______ ----__ ---------------3 years ______ ----__ ----________ --- 4 years ______ ---------------------5 years ______ ----__ ----__________ _ 6 years ________ --__ ----__________ _ 7 years ______ ---------------------8 years ____________ ----__________ _ 9 years ____ -----------------------10 years __________ ------_________ _ 11 years __________ --------__ ------ 12 years __________ --------__ ------13 years __________ ----___________ _ 14 years __________ --------__ ------15 years _________________________ _ 16 years __________ ------_________ _ 17 years __________ ----__ ----_____ _ 18 years _________________________ _ 19 years __________ ----------------20 years __________ ----___________ _ 21 years and over _________________ _ Under 5 years ____________________ _ 5 to 9 yeors _____________________ _ - 10 to 14 years---------------------15 to 19 years ____________________ _ 20 to 24 years ____________________ _ 25 to 29 years ____________________ _ 30 to 34 yeors---------------------35 to 39 years ____________________ _ 40 to 44 years ____________________ _ 45 to 49 years ____________________ _ 50 to 54 years ____________________ _ 55 to 59 years ____________________ _ 60 to 64 years ____________________ _ 65 to 69 years ____________________ _ 70 to 74 years ____________________ _ 75 to 79 yeors--------------------- 80 to 84 yeors--------------------- 85 years and over------------------ Under 18 years--------------------62 years and over _________________ _ 65 years and over------------------ Median age----------------------- NEGRO POPULATION Both Sexes All ages __________________ _ Under 1 year _____________________ _ 1 year ___________________________ _ 2 years __________________________ _ 3 years ________ --________ --______ _ 4 years ____________ --------__ ----- 5 years ________ --____ :. ___ --____ ---6 years __________________________ _ 7 years ____________ --------------- 8 years ________________ --------__ _ 9 years __ -------------------------10 years __________ --------____ ---- 11 years __________ --------__ ------ 12 years ______ -------------------- 13 years--________ ---------------- 14 years __________ ----__ --____ ---- 15 years __________ --------____ ---- 16 years ____________ --------____ -- 17 years __________ ----__ --______ -- 18 years ______________ ----______ -- 19 years ____________ ------____ ---- 20 years __________ ----------------21 years and over _________________ _ Under 5 years ____________________ _ 5 to 9 years ______________________ _ 10 to 14 years---------------------15 to 19 years ____________________ _ 20 to 24 years ____________________ _ 25 to 29 years ____________________ _ 30 to 34 years ____________________ _ 35 to 39 years---------------------40 to 44 years ____________________ _ 45 to 49 years--------------------- 50 to 54 years---------------------55 to 59 yeors ____________________ _ 60 to 64 years--------------------- 65 to 69 years--------------------- 70 to 74 years---------------------75 to 79 years ____________________ _ 80 to 84 years ____________________ _ 85 years and over------------------ Under 18 years-------------------- 62 years and over------------------ 65 years and over------------------ Median age ________ ----________ --- Total 30 207 775 717 752 864 902 901 947 1 016 939 963 939 929 . 872 834 753 778 664 692 587 556 532 13 295 4 010 4 766 4 327 3 277 2 426 2 076 1 933 1 763 1 439 1 095 886 735 520 380 234 134 94 112 15 237 1 241 954 18.1 8 911 226 214 198 173 212 224 204 211 216 203 200 191 160 159 130 107 83 113 135 193 422 4 937 1 023 1 058 840 631 1 797 882 759 636 387 313 213 151 112 46 17 6 9 31 3 224 167 109 22.5 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Total Total 8 741 - 242 - 224 - 203 - 216 - 211 - 234 - 251 - 250 - 254 - 217 - 219 - 230 - 188 - 193 - 168 - 158 - 156 - 168 - 126 - 182 - 199 - 4 452 - 1 096 - 1 206 - 998 - 790 - 966 - 800 - 737 - 603 - 445 - 334 - 256 - 155 - 124 - 101 - 55 - 25 - 18 - 32 - 3 782 - 297 - 231 - 21.5 - 7 284 - 208 - 184 - 174 - 146 - 186 - 191 - 168 - 171 - 168 - 173 - 154 - 155 - 131 - 135 - 104 - 89 - 75 - 94 - 111 - 146 - 326 - 3 995 - 898 - 871 - 679 - 515 - 1 476 - 732 - 581 - 484 - 311 - 260 - 186 - 120 - 92 - 39 - 15 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 2 706 - 131 - 79 - 22.3 - Urban Urbanized areas Other urban places of- 10,000 2,500 Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 --4 635 4 106 --127 115 - - 120 104 --95 108 --113 103 - - 109 102 - - 112 122 - - 121 130 - - 110 140 - - 123 131 - - 105 112 --118 101 --97 133 - - 96 92 - - 77 116 - - 82 86 - - 87 71 --98 58 - - 100 68 --80 46 - - 104 78 --119 80 --2 442 2 010 --564 532 - - 571 635 --470 528 --469 321 --582 384 --419 381 --367 370 --316 287 --250 195 --205 129 - - 155 101 --90 65 --79 45 --43 58 - - 21 34 --10 15 --7 11 --17 15 --1 890 1 892 --137 160 --98 133 --22.1 20.5 --3 630 3 654 --106 102 --92 92 --76 98 --66 80 --81 105 --97 94 - - 71 97 --73 98 --77 91 --87 86 --88 66 --73 82 --71 60 --68 67 - - 54 50 --43 46 --47 28 --60 34 --42 69 --70 76 --102 224 --2 086 1 909 --421 477 --405 466 --354 325 --262 253 --564 912 --281 451 --274 307 --242 242 --210 101 --208 52 - - 154 32 --108 12 --80 12 --34 5 --13 2 --5 1 - -6 2 --9 2 - - 1 330 1 376 --109 22 --67 12 - - 23.3 21.7 Rural Places af 1,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 21 466 5 016 16 450 533 121 412 493 115 378 549 149 400 648 159 489 691 136 555 667 155 512 696 158 538 766 158 608 685 145 540 746 163 583 720 154 566 699 157 542 684 155 529 641 155 486 585 125 460 620 149 471 508 107 401 524 121 403 461 115 346 374 76 298 333 88 245 8 843 2 155 6 688 2 914 680 2 234 3 560 779 2 781 3 329 746 2 583 2 487 568 1 919 1 460 384 1 076 1 276 344 932 1 196 287 909 1 160 273 887 994 231 763 761 194 567 630 131 499 580 146 434 396 92 304 279 63 216 179 36 143 109 27 82 76 16 60 80 19 61 11 455 2 582 8 873 944 213 731 723 161 562 16.9 17.7 16.6 1 627 433 1 194 18 7 11 30 8 22 24 7 17 27 6 21 26 11 15 33 11 22 36 11 25 40 5 35 48 12 36 30 5 25 46 10 36 36 8 28 29 4 25 24 6 18 26 4 22 18 4 14 8 1 7 19 3 16 24 3 21 47 12 35 96 19 77 942 276 666 125 39 86 187 44 143 161 32 129 116 23 93 321 104 217 150 57 93 178 52 126 152 36 116 76 21 55 53 10 43 27 3 24 31 3 28 20 3 17 7 -7 2 -2 - - - 1 -1 20 6 14 518 123 395 36 8 28 30 6 24 23.5 23.8 23.4 ALASKA 3-39 Table 20. Age by Race and Sex: 1970-Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Urban Rural The State Size of Place Urbanized areas Other urban places of- NEGRO POPULATION-Continued Male All ages ____ ----__ ------__ Under 1 year--------------------- 1 ·year ____ --------_..; ____ --------- 2 years __________ ----------------3 years ____________ --------_____ _ 4 years __________ ----------------5 years ____________ ----__ --_____ _ 6 years ____________ -----__ --_____ _ 7 years __ ------------------------ 8 years __ ------------------------ 9 years __ ------------------------10 years--________________ --__ --- 11 years __ ----------------------- 12 years __ -----------------------13 years--______ ------____ --____ _ 14 years--______ ----______ ------- 15 years ______ ------______ --__ --- 16 years------------------------- 17 years-------------------------18 years __________ ----__________ _ 19 years----------------__ ------- Wy~n-------------21 years and over ________________ _ Under 5 years ___________________ _ 5 to 9 years _____________________ _ 10 to 14 years ___________________ _ 15 tb 19 years ___________________ _ 20 to 24 years ___________________ _ 25 to 29 years ___________________ _ 30 to 34 years ___________________ _ 35 to 39 years ___________________ _ 40 to 44 years ___ ;_ _______________ _ 45 to 49 years ___________________ _ 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ 55 to 59 years ___________________ _ 60 to 64 years ___________________ _ 65 to 69 years ___________________ _ 70 to 74 years ___________________ _ 75 to 79 years ___________________ _ 80 to 84 years ___________________ _ 85 years and over ________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------62 years and over ________________ _ 65 years and over ________________ _ Median age---------------------- Female All ages _________________ _ Under 1 year--------------------- 1 year---------------------------2 years ______________________ ---- 3 years ____ --______ ----__ --____ -- 4 years ________________ ----____ -- 5 years ____ ---------------------- 6 years--------------------------7 years ____________ ------__ ------8 years _________________________ _ 9 years _________________________ _ 10 years __________________ --__ --- 11 years ________ --____________ --_ 12 years------______ ------------- 13 years--________ ------__ ------- 14 years--______ ------__________ _ - ---- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - --- --- - -- -- ----15 years __________________ --__ ---- 16 years--________ ------__ --------17 years ________ ------____ --------18 years __________________ --__ ----19 years __________________ --__ ----20 years __________________ --__ --- 21 years and over ________________ _ - Under 5 years ___________________ _ -5 to 9 years _____________________ _ -10 to 14 years ___________________ _ -15 to 19 years ___________________ _ -20 to 24 years ____________________ _ 25 to 29 years ___________________ _ -30 to 34 years ___________________ _ -35 to 39 years ___________________ _ -40 to 44 years ___________________ _ -45 to 49 years ___________________ _ - 50 to 54 years ___________________ _ -55 to 59 years ____________________ _ 60 to 64 years ____________________ _ 65 to 69 years ___________________ _ -70 to 74 years ___________________ _ -75 to 79 years ___________________ _ -80 to 84 years ____________________ _ 85 years and over _________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------- 62 years and over------------------65 years and over ________________ _ - Median age----------------------- 3-40 ALASKA Total 5 308 110 116 96 84 114 110 94 99 115 102 94 88 81 83 62 49 43 60 91 123 343 3 151 520 520 408 366 1 399 523 439 398 223 174 122 91 67 22 8 1 4 23 1 600 91 58 23.0 3 603 116 98 102 89 98 114 110 112 101 101 106 103 79 76 68 58 40 53 44 70 79 1 786 503 538 432 265 398 359 320 238 164 139 91 60 45 24 9 5 5 8 1 624 76 51 20.8 Total 4 198 101 97 89 70 99 91 78 81 85 92 72 69 67 67 47 41 37 48 75 82 257 2 453 456 427 322 283 1 115 419 318 285 173 137 103 73 53 19 6 1 3 5 1 331 65 34 22.7 3 086 107 87 85 76 87 100 90 90 83 81 82 86 64 68 57 48 38 46 36 64 69 1 542 442 444 357 232 361 313 263 199 138 123 83 47 39 20 9 5 5 6 1 375 66 45 20.9 10,000 Total Central cities Urban fringe or more ---1 875 ---51 ---46 ---41 ---34 ---39 ---49 ---33 ---34 -- - 35 ---46 - --40 ---40 - --34 ---37 -- - 23 - --18 ---19 ---26 ---17 ---24 - --53 ---1 136 -- - 211 ---197 - - -174 - - -104 ---332 - - -152 ---134 ---132 ---107 ---111 ---83 ---63 ---46 ---17 ---5 ---1 ---2 ---4 ---645 ---53 ---29 ---23.8 ---1 755 ---55 ---46 ---35 ---32 ---42 ---48 ---38 ---39 ---42 ---41 ---48 ---33 ---37 ---31 ---31 ---25 ---28 ---34 ---25 -- - 46 ---49 ---950 ---210 ---208 ---180 ---158 ---232 ---129 ---140 ---110 ---103 ---97 ---71 ---45 ---34 ---17 - --8 ---4 -- - 4 ---5 ---685 ---56 ---38 ---22.6 Places 2,500 of 1,000 to 10,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 2 323 1 110 305 805 50 9 1 8 51 19 5 14 48 7 2 5 36 14 1 13 60 15 8 7 42 19 7 12 45 16 5 11 47 18 3 15 50 30 6 24 46 10 2 8 32 22 8 14 29 19 4 15 33 14 3 11 30 16 3 13 24 15 1 14 23 8 -8 18 6 1 5 22 12 2 10 58 16 3 13 5.8 41 8 33 204 86 16 70 1 317 698 216 482 245 64 17 47 230 93 23 70 148 86 19 67 179 83 14 69 783 284 93 191 267 104 38 66 184 121 40 81 153 113 29 84 66 50 14 36 26 37 8 29 20 19 3 16 10 18 1 17 7 14 -14 2 3 -3 1 2 -2 ---- 1 1 -1 1 18 6 12 686 269 62 207 12 26 6 20 5 24 6 18 22.3 24.0 24.3 23.9 1 331 517 128 389 52 9 6 3 41 11 3 8 50 17 5 12 44 13 5 8 45 11 3 8 52 14 4 10 52 20 6 14 51 22 2 20 41 18 6 12 40 20 3 17 34 24 2 22 53 17 4 13 27 15 1 14 37 8 3 5 26 11 3 8 23 10 4 6 10 2 -2 12 7 1 6 11 8 -8 18 6 4 2 20 10 3 7 592 244 60 184 232 61 22 39 236 94 21 73 177 75 13 62 74 33 9 24 129 37 11 26 184 46 19 27 123 57 12 45 89 39 7 32 35 26 7 19 26 16 2 14 12 8 -8 2 13 2 11 5 6 3 3 3 4 -4 1 --- 1 --- 1 -- - 1 2 -2 690 249 61 188 10 10 2 8 7 6 -6 16.4 19.3 19.4 19.3 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS ..J Table 21. Age by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] The State TOTAL Both Sexes All ages ----------- Under 5 years------_______ _ S to 9 years --------------- 10 to 14 years ------------- 15 to 19 yeors ------------- 20 to 24 years ------------- 25 to 29 yeors ------------- 30 to 34 years------------- 35 to 39 yeors ------------- 40 to 44 years ------------- 45 to 49 years ------------- 50 to 54 years------------- 55 to 59 yeors ------------- 60 to 64 years ------------- 65 to 69 years------------- 70 to 74 years ------------- 75 years and over---------- Not reported--------------- Median age----·------------ Male All ages __________ _ Under 5 years _____________ _ 5 to 9 years--------------- 10 to 14 years------------- 15 to 19 years------------- 20 to 24 years------------- 25 to 29 years------------- 30 to 34 years ____________ _ 35 to 39 years ____________ _ 40 to 44 years------------- 45 to 49 years ____________ _ --- 50 to 54 years------------- -55 to 59 yeors ------------- 60 to 64 years------------ 65 to 69 years------------ 70 to 74 years ------------75 years and over _________ _ Not reported ______________ _ Median age---------------- Female All ages __________ _ Under 5 years _____________ _ 5 to 9 years--------------- 10 to 14 years------------- 15 to 19 years-------------20 to 24 years ____________ _ 25 to 29 years-------------30 to 34 years ___________ _ -35 to 39 years ____________ _ 40 to 44 years------------- 45 to 49 years ___________ _ - SO to 54 years------------- 55 to 59 years-------------60 to 64 years ___________ _ - 65 to 69 years------------- 70 to 74 years------------- 75 years and over _________ _ Not reported ______________ _ Median age _______________ _ WHITE Both Sexes All ages-----------Under 5 years _____________ _ 5 to 9 years--------------- 10 to 14 yeors ------------- 15 to 19 years------------- 20 to 24 yeors -------------25 to 29 years ____________ _ 30 to 34 yeors ____________ _ 35 to 39 years -----c-------40 to 44 years ____________ _ 45 to 49 yeors ------------- SO to 54 years-------------55 to 59 years ____________ _ 60 to 64 years ____________ _ 65 to 69 years ____________ _ 70 to 74 years -----------c- 75 years and over---------- Not reported ______________ _ Median age---------------- Male All ages -----------Under 5 years _____________ _ 5 to 9 years ______________ _ 10 to 14 years ------------- 15 to 19 yeors ------------- 20 to 24 yeors ------------- 25 to 29 yeors --------c---- 30 to 34 yeors ------------- 35 to 39 yeors ------------- 40 to 44 years ------------- 1970 300 382 32 075 36 709 34 248 26 768 35 576 26 711 22 588 20 561 17 460 15 132 11 807 8 550 5 310 3 131 1 573 2 183 ... 22.9 163 258 16 472 18 760 17 533 14 186 22 419 14 149 12 178 11 363 9 726 8 263 6 483 4 881 2 989 1 798 853 1 205 ... 23.3 137 124 15 603 17 949 16 715 12 582 13 157 12 562 10 410 9 198 7 734 6 869 5 324 3 669 2 321 1 333 720 978 ... 22.2 236 767 23 825 26 972 25 474 20 005 29 702 22 417 18 558 16 885 14 502 12 714 9 988 6 912 4 160 2 234 1 079 1 340 ... 23.7 129 850 12 232 13 789 13 086 10 700 18 971 11 931 10 081 9 450 8 207 1960 1950 226 167 128 643 34 193 15 579 26 589 10 644 19 521 7 858 17 199 10 815 23 523 17 171 20 594 14 007 19 078 12 440 17 773 10 565 14 208 7 952 11 002 6 170 7 955 4 486 5 721 3 479 3 425 2 735 2 237 2 126 1 508 1 288 1 641 1 328 ... ... 23.3 25.8 128 811 79 472 17 497 7 971 13 607 5 387 10 012 4 121 10 824 7 481 15 997 12 867 11 851 8 475 10 890 7 672 9 860 6377 8 159 4 821 6 389 3 887 4 691 2 925 3 514 2 270 2 175 1 883 1 360 1 495 958 888 1 027 952 ... ... 23.9 26.1 97 356 49 171 16 696 7 608 12 982 5 257 9 509 3 737 6 375 3 334 7 526 4 304 8 743 5 532 8 188 4 768 7 913 4 188 6 049 3 131 4 613 2 283 3 264 1 561 2 207 1 209 1 250 852 877 631 550 400 614 376 ... ... 22.1 25.3 174 546 92 808 24 602 9 506 18 996 5 790 13 811 3 639 12 264 6 715 19 157 13 783 16 394 11 292 15 603 10 412 14 984 8 531 12 046 6 453 9 002 4 923 6 529 3 554 4 617 2 724 2 717 2 151 1 658 1 538 1 051 889 1 115 908 ... . .. 24.6 28.1 101 194 60 390 12 636 4 883 9 691 2 880 7 095 1 919 8 171 5 319 13 394 10 973 9 593 6 996 9 006 6 605 8 326 s 282 7 024 3 944 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Population 1940 1930 1920 1910 72 524 59 278 55 036 64 356 7 611 6 356 5 669 5 363 6 799 6 078 5 599 4 026 6 097 5 095 4 292 2 876 5 610 4 735 3 279 3 534 6272 4 259 3 489 6 317 6 774 4 171 4 335 8 121 5 887 3 762 4 841 8 141 5 165 4 459 5 422 7 223 4 039 4 385 4 589 6 168 4 047 4 111 4 183 4 584 ~ 901 3 720 3 392 3 263 3 402 2 828 2 311 1 785 2 568 2 245 1 611 1 150 2 033 1 499 904 582 1 132 824 412 319 936 612 411 282 ... 139 297 622 27.8 28.7 30.7 31.0 43 003 35 764 34 539 45 857 3 889 3 240 2 838 2 705 3 497 3 096 2 757 2044 3 123 2 619 2 169 1 510 2 920 2 395 1 687 2 001 3 633 2 301 2 049 4 570 3 986 2 363 2 563 6 238 3 482 2 197 3 137 6 323 3 109 2 706 3 715 5 643 2 524 2 911 3 242 4 895 2 528 2 845 3 112 3 752 2 668 2 725 2 648 2 697 2 474 2 176 1 908 1 407 1 894 1 778 1 255 815 1 497 1 233 707 423 890 656 280 204 726 431 246 157 . .. 92 226 473 30.5 34.1 34.9 32.9 29 521 23 514 20 497 18 499 3 722 3 116 2 831 2 658 3 302 2 982 2 842 1 982 2 974 2 476 2 123 1 366 2 690 2 340 1 592 1 533 2 639 1 958 1 440 1 747 2 788 1 808 1 772 1 883 2 405 1 565 1 704 1 818 2 056 1 753 1 707 1 580 1 515 1 474 1 347 1 273 1 519 1 266 1 071 832 1 233 995 744 566 928 652 403 378 674 467 356 335 536 266 197 159 242 168 132 115 210 181 165 125 . .. 47 71 149 23.8 22.1 22.9 24.7 39 170 28 640 27 883 36 400 2 427 1 481 1 665 1 228 1 922 1 582 1 396 862 1 827 1 445 999 621 1 970 1 260 899 927 3 406 1 598 1 562 3 661 4 155 2 174 2 383 5 564 3 973 2 254 3 145 5 910 3 510 2 760 3 528 5 297 2 831 2 970 3 063 4 522 2 892 2 797 2846 3 223 2 928 2 589 2422 2 117 2 469 2 007 1 713 1 081 1 850 1 613 1 096 513 1 364 1 110 582 259 831 588 212 104 664 344 152 54 ... 68 220 457 34.8 39.5 37.5 34.3 25 595 19 904 20 586 30 334 1 199 754 850 614 984 812 721 435 950 748 493 302 1 092 696 531 611 2 200 927 1 044 3 113 2 617 1 342 1 573 4 717 2 454 1 429 2 263 s 050 2 208 1 830 2 674 4 533 1 870 2 115 2 430 3 928 Percent distribution 1900 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 63 592 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3634 10.7 15.1 12.1 10.5 10.7 10.3 8.3 5.7 3 977 12.2 11.8 8.3 9.4 10.3 10.2 6.3 6.3 3 210 11.4 8.6 6.1 8.4_ 8.6 7.8 4.5 5.0 3 154 8.9 7.6 8.4 7.7 8.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4 704 11.8 10.4 13.3 8.6 7.2 6.3 9.8 7.4 5 706 8.9 9.1 10.9 9.3 7.0 7.9 12.6 9.0 5 624 7.5 8.4 9.7 8.1 6.3 8.8 12.6 8.8 5 161 6.8 7.9 8.2 7.1 7.5 9.9 11.2 8.1 4 140 5.8 6.3 6.2 5.6 7.4 8.3 9.6 6.5 2 750 5.0 4.9 4.8 5.6 6.9 7.6 7.1 4.3 2 058 3.9 3.5 3.5 5.4 6.3 6.2 5.1 3.2 1 057 2.8 2.5 2.7 4.7 4.8 4.2 2.8 1.7 742 1.8 1.5 2.1 3.5 3.8 2.9 1.8 1.2 333 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.8 2.5 1.6 0.9 0.5 194 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.4 0.7 0.5 0.3 237 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.4 16 911 ... ... ... . .. 0.2 0.5 1.0 26.6 29.1 ... ... . .. ... . .. ... . .. ... 45 872 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 867 10.1 13.6 10.0 9.0 9.1 8.2 5.9 4.1 2 037 11.5 10.6 6.8 8.1 8.7 8.0 4.5 4.4 1 749 10.7 7.8 5.2 7.3 7.3 6.3 3.3 3.8 1 692 8.7 8.4 9.4 6.8 6.7 4.9 4.4 3.7 3 122 13.7 12.4 16.2 8.4 6.4 5.9 10.0 6.8 4 140 8.7 9.2 10.7 9.3 6.6 7.4 13.6 9.0 4 307 7.5 8.5 9.7 8.1 6.1 9.1 13.8 9.4 4077 7.0 7.7 8.0 7.2 7.6 10.8 12.3 8.9 3254 6.0 6.3 6.1 5.9 8.1 9.4 10.7 7.1 2092 5.1 5.0 4.9 5.9 8.0 9.0 8.2 4.6 1 466 4.0 3.6 3.7 6.2 7.6 7.7 5.9 3.2 782 3.0 2.7 2.9 5.8 6.1 5.5 3.1 1.7 499 1.8 1.7 2.4 4.4 5.0 3.6 1.8 1.1 220 1.1 1.1 1.9 3.5 3.4 2.0 0.9 0.5 112 0.5 0.7 1.1 2.1 1.8 0.8 0.4 0.2 125 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.3 14 331 ... ... ... .. . 0.3 0.7 1.0 31.2 31.4 ... ... ... . .. ... ... . .. . .. 17 720 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 767 11.4 17.1 15.5 12.6 13.3 13.8 14.4 10.0 1 940 13.1 13.3 10.7 11.2 12.7 13.9 10.7 10.9 1 461 12.2 9.8 7.6 10.1 10.5 10.4 7.4 8.2 1 462 9.2 6.5 6.8 9.1 10.0 7.8 8.3 8.3 1 582 9.6 7.7 8.8 8.9 8.3 7.0 9.4 8.9 1 566 9.2 9.0 11.3 9.4 7.7 8.6 10.2 8.8 1 317 7.6 8.4 9.7 8.1 6.7 8.3 9.8 7.4 1 084 6.7 8.1 8.5 7.0 7.5 8.3 8.5 6.1 886 5.6 6.2 6.4 5.1 6.3 6.6 6.9 5.0 658 5.0 4.7 4.6 5.1 5.4 5.2 4.5 3.7 592 3.9 3.4 3.2 4.2 4.2 3.6 3.1 3.3 275 2.7 2.3 2.5 3.1 2.8 2.0 2.0 1.6 243 1.7 1.3 1.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.8 1.4 113 1.0 0.9 1.3 1.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.6 82 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 112 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 2 580 ... ... ... ... 0.2 0.3 0.8 14.6 23.0 ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. ... 30 493 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 581 10.1 14.1 10.2 6.2 5.2 6.0 3.4 1.9 547 11.4 10.9 6.2 4.9 5.5 5.0 2.4 1.8 416 10.8 7.9 3.9 4.7 5.0 3.6 1.7 1.4 527 8.4 7.0 7.2 5.0 4.4 3.2 2.5 L7 2 098 12.5 11.0 14.9 8.7 5.6 5.6 10.1 6.9 3 318 9.5 9.4 12.2 10.6 7.6 8.5 15.3 10.9 3646 7.8 8.9 11.2 10.1 7.9 11.3 16.2 12.0 3 283 7.1 8.6 9.2 9.0 9.6 12.7 14.6 10.8 2 396 6.1 6.9 7.0 7.2 10.4 11.0 12.4 7.9 1 453 5.4 5.2 5.3 7.4 9.8 10.2 8.9 4.8 912 4.2 3.7 3.8 7.5 9.0 8.7 5.8 3.0 468 2.9 2.6 2.9 6.3 7.0 6.1 3.0 1.5 244 1.8 1.6 2.3 4.7 5.6 3.9 1.4 0.8 109 0.9 0.9 1.7 3.5 3.9 2.1 0.7 0.4 35 0.5 0.6 1.0 2.1 2.1 0.8 0.3 o:1 23 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.7 1.2 0.5 0.1 0.1 10 437 ... ... . .. .. . 0.2 0.8 1.3 34.2 33.5 ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. . .. 27 293 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 301 9.4 12.5 8.1 4.7 3.8 4.1 2.0 1.1 272 10.6 9.6 4.8 3.8 4.1 3.5 1.4 1.0 223 10.1 7.0 3.2 3.7 3.8 2.4 1.0 0.8 372 8.2 8.1 8.8 4.3 3.5 2.6 2.0 1.4 1 801 14.6 13.2 18.2 8.6 4.7 5.1 10.3 6.6 2866 9.2 9.5 11.6 10.2 6.7 7.6 15.6 10.5 3 242 7.8 8.9 10.9 9.6 7.2 11.0 16.6 11.9 2 998 7.3 8.2 8.7 8.6 9.2 13.0 14.9 11.0 2 201 6.3 6.9 6.5 7.3 10.6 11.8 12.9 8.1 ALASKA 3-41 Table 2l. Age by Race and Sex: 1900 to 1970-Continued [for minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] WHITE-Continued Male-Continued '·45' fa 49 years ------------ 50 to 54 yeors ------------. ·:ss to 59 yeors ------------ ; ·_ 6J) to 64 ¥eors -· -· -------- .. 65 to 69 yeors .c •••••••••• 70 to 74 yeors ------------ 75 years and over--------- N.ot repOrted-------------- Median age --------------- Female Alloges ----------Under 5 years ____________ _ 5 to 9 years--------------- 10 to 14 years------------ 15 to 19 years------------ 20 to 24 years------------ 25 to 29 years------------ 30 to 34 years------------ 35 to 39 yeors ------------ 40 to 44 years------------ 45 to 49 years------------ 50 to 54 years ------------ 55 to 59 yeors ------------60 to 64. years ________ ;. __ _ 65 to 69 years------------ 70 to 74 years------------ 75 years and over--------- Not reported-------------- Median age ______ --------- NEGRO AND OTHER RACES All ages _________ _ Under 5 years ______ ------- 5 to 9 years-------------- 10 to 14 years------------ 15 to 19 years------------ 20 to 24 years------------ 25 to 29 years------------ 30 to 34 years------------ 35 to 39 yeors ------------ 40 to 44 years------------ 45 to 49 years------------ 50 to 54 yeors ••••.••.•••• 55 to 59 yeors ••.•.••••••• 60 to 64 years------------ 65 to 69 years------------ 70 to 74 years------------75 years and over ________ _ Not reported-------------- Median age--------------- Male All ages ---------- -- - -- --- - --- ---- - - - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - ---- -- - - - -- - - -Under 5 years _____________ _ 5 to 9 years ________ ------ 10 to 14 years------------ 15 to 19 years ••..••••••.• 20 to 24 years------------ 25 to 29 yeors •••.•.•••••• 30 to 34 years------------ 35 to 39 years------------ 40 to 44 years------------ 45 to 49 years ________ ---- 50 to 54 yeors •••••.•••••• 55 to 59 yeors ------------60 to 64 years ___________ _ 65 to 69 yeors •••••••••••• 70 to 74 years •••••••••••• 75 years and over ________ _ Not reported-------------- Median age--------------- Female AH ages---------- -- - - - -- - - ------- - -Under 5 years _____________ _ S to 9 years _____________ _ 10 to 14 years------------ 15 to 19 years------------20 to 24 years ___________ _ 25 to 29 years ___________ _ ~~ :: ~; ~=~~~ == == == == == == 40 to 44 years ___________ _ 45 to 49 years ------------50 to 54 years ___________ _ 55 to 59 yeors •••••••••••• 60 to 64 years------------ 65 to 69 yeors ------------ 70 to 74 yeors ------------ 75 years and over --------- Not reported···········-·- -- -- ---- - - ------ Median age---------------- 3-42 ALASKA 1970 6 940 5 550 3 978 2 359 1 281 593 702 ... 24.0 106 917 11 593 13 183 12 388 9 305 10 731 10 486 8 477 7 435 6 295 5 774 4 438 2 934 1 801 953 486 638 ... 23.3 63 615 8 250 9 737 8 774 6 763 5 874 4 294 4 030 3 676 2 958 2 418 1 819 1 638 1 150 897 494 843 ... 18.7 33 408 4 240 4 971 4 447 3 486 3 448 2 218 2 097 1 913 1 519 1 323 933 903 630 517 260 503 ... 19.4 30 207 4 010 4 766 4 327 3277 2 426 2 076 1 933 1 763 1 439 1 095 886 735 520 380 234 340 ... 18.1 1960 1950 5 276 3 176 3 865 2 393 2 839 1 860 1 791 1 552 1 036 1 167 693 688 758 753 . .. ... 24.9 28.0 73 352 32 418 11 966 4 623 9 305 2 910 6 716 1 720 4 093 1 396 5 763 2 810 6 801 4 296 6 597 3 807 6 658 3 249 5 022 2 509 3 726 1 747 2 664 1 161 1 778 864 926 599 622 371 358 201 357 155 ... ... 24.0 28.2 51 621 35 835 9 591 6073 7 593 4 854 5 710 4 219 4 935 4 100 4 366 3 388 4 200 2 715 3 475 2 028 2 789 2 034 2 162 1 499 2 000 1 247 1 426 932 1 104 755 708 584 579 588 457 399 526 420 . .. ... 18.0 18A 27 617 19 082 4 861 3 088 3 916 2 507 2 917 2 202 2 653 2 162 2 603 1 894 2 258 1 479 1 884 1 067 1 534 1 095 1 135 877 1 113 711 826 532 675 410 384 331 324 328 265 200 269 199 ... ... 19.0 19.0 24 004 16 753 4 730 2 985 3677 2 347 2 793 2 017 2 282 1 938 1 763 1 494 1 942 1 236 1 591 961 1 255 939 1 027 622 887 536 600 400 429 345 324 253 255 260 192 199 257 221 . .. . .. 16.8 17.7 Population 1940 1930 1920 1910 1 910 2 143 2 360 2 897 2 131 2 097 2 088 1 947 1 927 1 705 1 541 976 1 494 1 426 984 458 1 146 998 529 224 724 533 189 88 582 295 127 47 . .. 54 189 394 37.8 43.3 40.1 35.1 13 575 8 736 7 297 6 066 1 228 727 815 614 938 770 675 427 877 697 506 319 878 564 368 316 1 206 671 518 548 1 538 832 810 847 1 519 825 882 860 1 302 930 854 764 961 855 633 594 982 654 486 326 797 492 334 170 542 302 172 105 356 187 112 55 218 112 53 35 107 55 23 16 82 49 25 7 ... 14 31 63 30.3 30.6 29.6 29.6 33 354 30 638 27 153 27 956 5 184 4 875 4 004 4 135 4877 4 496 4 203 3 164 4 270 3 650 3 293 2 255 3 640 3 475 2 380 2 607 2 866 2 661 1 927 2 656 2 619 1 997 1 952 2 557 1 914 1 508 1 696 2 231 1 655 1 699 1 894 1 926 1 208 1 415 1 526 1 646 1 155 1 314 1 337 1 361 973 1 131 970 1 146 933 821 598 704 718 632 515 637 669 389 322 323 301 236 200 215 272 268 259 228 ... 71 77 165 18.2 18.3 19.3 23.3 17 408 15 860 13 953 15 523 2 690 2 486 1 988 2 091 2 513 2 284 2 036 1 609 2 173 1 871 1 676 1 208 1 828 1 699 1 156 1 390 1 433 1 374 1 005 1 457 1 369 1 021 990 1 521 1 028 768 874 1 273 901 876 1 041 1 11() 654 796 812 967 618 702 752 855 537 628 560 750 547 471 367 431 400 352 271 357 351 235 178 199 166 123 91 116 144 136 119 110 . .. 38 37 79 18.6 18.7 20.5 24.~ 15 946 14 778 13 200 12 433 2 494 2 389 2 016 2 044 2 364 2 212 2 167 1 555 2 097 1 779 1 617 1 047 1 812 1 776 1 224 1 217 1 433 1 287 922 1 199 1 250 976 962 1 036 886 740 822 958 754 823 853 816 554 619 714 679 537 612 585 506 436 503 410 396 386 350 231 273 318 280 244 280 318 154 144 124 135 113 109 99 128 132 140 118 ... 33 40 86 17.7 17.8 18.2 21.3 Percent distribution 1900 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1 341 5.3 5.2 5.3 7.5 10.8 lLS 9.6 4.9 821 4.3 3.8 4.0 8.3 10.5 10.1 6.4 3.0 421 3.1 2.8 3.1 7.5 M 7.5 3.2 1.5 228 1.8 1.8 2.6 5.8 7.2 4.8 1.5 0.8 103 LO LO 1.9 4.5 5.0 2.6 0] 0.4 30 0.5 0.7 u 2.8 2.7 0.9 0.3 0.1 19 0.5 0.7 1.2 2.3 L5 0.6 0.2 0.1 10 054 . .. . .. . .. . .. 0.3 0.9 -L3 36.8 34.3 ... ... ... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. 3200 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 280 10.8 16.3 14.3 9.0 8.3 11.2 10.1 8.8 275 12.3 12.7 9.0 6.9 8.8 9.3 7.0 8.6 193 11.6 9.2 5.3 6.5 8.0 6.9 5.3 6.0 155 8.7 5.6 4.3 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.2 4.8 297 10.0 7.9 8.7 8.9 7.7 7.1 9.0 9.3 452 9.8 9.3 13.3 11.3 9.5 lU 14.0 14.1 404 7.9 9.0 11.7 11.2 9.4 12.1 14.2 12.6 285 7.0 9.1 10.0 9.6 1M 11.7 12.6 8.9 195 5.9 6.8 7.7 7.1 9.8 8.7 9.8 6.1 112 SA 5.1 SA 7.2 7.5 6.7 5.4 3.5 91 4.2 3.6 3.6 5.9 5.6 4.6 2.8 2.8 47 v 2.4 2.7 4.0 3.5 2A 1.7 1.5 16 1.7 1.3 1.8 2.6 2.1 1.5 0.9 0.5 6 0.9 0.8 u 1.6 L3 0.7 0.6 0.2 5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 383 ... . .. . .. . .. 0.2 0.4 LO 12.0 27.3 ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. 33 099 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3 053 13.0 18.6 16.9 155 15.9 14.7 14.8 9.2 3 430 15.3 14.7 13_5 14.6 14.7 15.5 11.3 lOA 2 794 13.8 lU 11.8 12.8 11.9 12.1 8.1 8A 2 627 1M 9.6 11.4 10.9 11.3 8.8 9.3 7.9 2 606 9_2 8.5 9.5 8.6 8.7 7.1 9.5 7.9 2388 6.7 8.1 7.6 7.9 6_5 7.2 9.1 7.2 1 978 6.3 6.7 5.7 5.7 4.9 6.2 8.0 6.0 1 878 5.8 SA 5] 5.0 5.5 7.0 6.9 5.7 1 744 4.6 4_2 4.2 3.6 4.6 5.6 5.9 5.3 1 297 3.8 3.9 3.5 3.5 4.3 4.9 4.9 3.9 1 146 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.9 3] 3.6 4.1 3.5 589 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.8 2.7 2.2 2.5 1.8 498 1.8 1.4 1.6 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.3 1.5 224 1.4 u 1.6 2.0 L3 1.2 1.2 0.7 159 0.8 0.9 u 0.9 0_8 0.7 0.8 0.5 214 1.3 LO 1.2 0.8 0.9 LO 0.8 0.6 6 474 . .. . .. . .. ... 0.2 0.3 0.6 19.6 22.7 ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... . .. 18 579 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 566 12.7 17.6 16.2 15.5 15.7 14.2 13.5 8A 1 765 14.9 14.2 13.1 14.4 14.4 14.6 10.4 9.5 1 526 13.3 10.6 11.5 12.5 11.8 12.0 7.8 8.2 1 320 lOA 9.6 11.3 10.5 10.7 8.3 9.0 7.1 1 321 10.3 9A 9.9 8.2 8.7 7.2 9A 7.1 1 274 6.6 8.2 7.8 7.9 6A 7.1 9.8 6.9 1 065 6.3 6.8 5.6 5.9 4.8 6.3 8.2 5] 1 079 5.7 5.6 5.7 5.2 5.5 7.5 7.2 5.8 1 053 4.5 4.1 4.6 3.8 5_0 5.8 6.2 5.7 751 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.6 4.4 SA 55 4.0 645 2.8 3.0 2.8 3.1 4.0 4.0 4.8 3.5 361 2.7 2.4 2.1 3.1 3.0 2.6 2.8 1.9 271 1.9 1.4 1.7 2.3 2.2 1.9 2.3 1.5 117 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.0 L5 1.3 1.3 0.6 82 0.8 LO LO LO 0.8 0.7 0.7 OA 106 1.5 LO LO 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 4277 . .. ... . .. ... 0.2 0.3 0.5 23.0 23.7 ... ... . .. ... ... . .. . .. . .. 14 520 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 487 13.3 19.7 17.8 15.6 16.2 15.3 16A 10.2 1 665 15.8 15.3 14.0 14.8 15.0 16A 12.5 11.5 1 268 14.3 11.6 12.0 13.2 12.0 12.3 8A 8.7 1 307 10.8 9.5 11.6 11.4 12.0 9.3 9.8 9.0 1 285 8.0 7.3 8.9 9.0 8.7 7.0 9.6 8.8 1 114 6.9 8.1 7A 7.8 6.6 7.3 8.3 7.7 913 6A 6.6 5.7 5.6 5.0 6.2 7.7 6.3 799 5.8 5.2 5.6 4.7 5.6 6.5 6.6 5.5 691 4.8 4.3 3.7 3.5 4.2 5.4 5.5 4.8 546 3.6 3] 3.2 3.4 4.1 4.4 4.1 3.8 501 2.9 2.5 2.4 2.7 3.4 3.1 3.2 3.5 228 2.4 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 1.8 2.2 1.6 227 1.7 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.8 2.3 1.6 107 1.3 u 1.6 2.0 LO u LO 0.7 77 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 108 u u 1.3 0.8 0.9 u 0.9 0.7 2 197 . .. ... . .. . .. 0.2 0.3 0.7 15.1 21.7 ... ... ... ... ... . .. . .. ... GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 22. Household and Family Characteristics by· Race: 1970 [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) The State Size of Place TOTAL POPULATION Relationship to Head of Household All penons -----------..:~------------In h01seholds ____ ----___________________ _ Head--__ ---------------------------------- 14to 24 yeors---------------------------- 25to 34 yeors---------------------------- 35to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45to 64 yeors---------------------------- 65 years and over------------------------- Primary individual: Mole------------------- Female ____ ------------- fom~y head, Mole------------------------ female --__ ------------------ Wife of head ------------------------------- Child of head ----__ ----__ ----------------__ _ Other relative of head _______________________ _ Not related to head __ ----__ ------------------ 1• group quarters ________________________ _ Inmate of institution ------____ ----____ ------- 0~•------------------- Persons per household ----------------------- Persons per family -------------------------- Persoas, under 18 years old------------ Head or wife of head ------------------------ Own child of heod --------------------------- In husband-wife households----------------- Percent of total persons under 18 years_ ___ _ In household with female head ______________ _ Other relative of head ________ ---------------- Not related to heod __ ----__________ --------__ In group quarters ____________ ------------__ _ Persons, 65 years old and over _________ _ Head of family, Mole _______________________ _ Female---------------------- Wife of head ______ ------______ --____ ------- Other family member------------------------Not related to head _________________________ _ Primary individual: Mole---------------------Female __________________ _ Inmate of institution ------____________ ------- Other. in group quarters ________________ ------ --- - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - ----- - - - ---- - - - --- Families by Presence and Number of Own Children Under 18 Years All famirtes ____ --______ --______ ------With own children under 18 years _____________ _ -Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ -Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years---- Husband-wHe famtues -----------------With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own· children under 18 .years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years---- Famines with female head _____________ _ With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 ond 6to 17 years---- Marital Status Male, 14 yean old aRCI ovtr ------------ Single ----------------------________ ------- Married. except separated ____ ----__ --------__ 14to 19 yeors----------------------------20 to 24 years ___________________________ _ 25to 34 years ___________________________ _ 35 to 44 years ___________________________ _ 45to 64 years ___________________________ _ 65 years and over-------------------------Separated ____________________________ ----__ Widowed ________ ------__ ------------------Divorced ____________________________ ----__ _ Female, 14 years old aad over ---------- Single --______ ----------------------------- Married, except separated--------------------14to 19 years ___________________________ _ 20 to 24 yeors---------------------------- 25to 34 yeors_"--------------------------35to 44 years_ __________________________ _ 45to 64 years ___________________________ _ --- - - - - - --- --- - -- - - - - ---- - ---- --------65 years and over-------------------------- Separated __________ --------__ --------------- Widowed ________ ------__ -------------------Divorced ________ ----------------____ ----__ -- Total 300 382 278 039 79 059 8 938 22 500 20 220 23 414 3 987 8 674 4 351 61 967 4 067 60 129 122 398 9 908 6 545 22 343 1 542 20 801 3.52 3.91 119 859 339 111 265 101 866 85.0 7 337 5 301 1 586 1 368 6 887 2 002 286 987 1 225 215 997 702 340 133 66 034 44 526 111 265 36 590 74 675 12 334 12 293 60 129 40 464 101 866 34 285 67 581 11 590 11 424 4 067 3 102 7 337 1 927 5 410 607 723 113 657 38 428 67 768 487 8 770 20 408 17 879 18 186 2 038 1 278 1 604 4 579 89 907 18 549 63 057 2 118 9944 20 381 15 093 14 405 1 116 1 107 3 706 3 488 GENERAl POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Total 145 512 132 541 40 669 6034 11 848 10 047 11 201 1 539 4 355 2 845 31 324 2 145 30 643 54 373 3 509 3 347 12 971 917 12 054 3.26 3.64 53 381 191 50 269 45 894 86.0 3 635 1 674 627 620 2 883 731 85 423 514 111 346 377 250 46 33 469 21 986 50 269 17 368 32 901 6 816 5 428 30 643 19 929 45 894 16 187 29 707 6 371 5 023 2 145 1 689 3 635 1 058 2 577 393 359 56 757 19 573 33 504 277 5 592 10 112 8 475 8 282 766 640 559 2 481 45 443 8 823 31 915 1 292 5 976 10 101 7 327 6 738 481 632 1 750 2 323 Urban Urbanized areas Other urban places of- 10,000 2,500 Total Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 ---80 889 64 623 ---78 488 54 053 ---25 678 14 991 - --4 210 1 824 - - -6 836 5 012 - - -5 990 4 057 - - -7 805 3 396 - - -837 702 - --3 124 1 231 - - -2 071 774 ---18 922 12 402 - --1 561 584 - --18 482 12 161 - --29 709 24 664 - --2 177 1 332 - --2 442 905 ---2 401 10 570 ---688 229 - --1 713 10 341 - --3.06 3.61 ---3.46 3.94 - - -28 874 24 507 ---136 55 - --27 056 23 213 - --23 991 21 903 - --83.1 89.4 - --2 600 1 035 - --1000 674 - --395 232 - --287 333 - - -1 570 1 313 - - -401 330 - - -37 48 - --232 191 - - -318 196 - - -80 31 - - -193 153 - - -206 171 ---80 170 - - -23 23 ---. 20 483 12 986 ---12 471 9 515 - - -27 056 23 213 - - -9304 8064 - --17 752 15 149 - - -3 971 2 845 - --2 715 2 713 ---18 482 12 161 - --11 001 8 928 - --23 991 21 903 ---8 447 7 740 - --15 544 14 163 ---3 635 2 736 - - -2 436 2 587 ---1 561 584 - --1 249 440 - --2 600 1 035 - --779 279 ---1 821 756 ---307 86 - --248 111 -- - 29 923 26 834 - --8 133 11440 - --19 470 14 034 - --169 108 ---3 294 2 298 ---5248 4864 ---4 689 3 786 ---5 652 2 630 - --418 348 - --402 238 - --341 218 ---1 577 904 ---27 907 17 536 ---5 337 3 486 ---19 268 12 647 ---934 358 ---3 796 2 180 - - -5363 4 738 - --4326 3 001 ---4582 2 156 ---267 214 - - -462 170 ---1 105 645 ---1 735 588 Rural ' Places of 1,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 154 870 37 853 117017 145 498 35 599 109 199 38 390 9 599 28 791 2 904 837 2 067 10 652 2 736 7 916 10 173 2 435 7 738 12 213 2 990 9 223 2 448 601 1 847 4 319 933 3 386 1 506 483 1 023 30 643 7 603 23 040 1 922 580 1 342 29 486 7 336 22 150 68 025 16 330 51 695 6 399 1 596 4 803 3 198 738 2 460 9 372 2 254 7 118 625 265 360 8 747 1 989 6 758 3.79 3.71 3.82 4.19 4.09 4.23 66 478 15 989 50 489 148 32 116 60 996 14 725 46 271 55 972 13 281 42 691 84.2 83.1 84.6 3 702 1 132 2 570 3 627 908 2 719 959 206 753 748 118 630 4004 1 007 2 997 1 271 320 951 201 46 155 564 149 415 711 187 524 104 21 83 651 126 525 325 109 216 90 28 62 87 21 66 32 565 8 183 24 382 22 540 5 705 16 835 60 996 14 725 46 271 19 222 4 856 14 366 41 774 9 869 31 905 5 518 1 490 4 028 6 865 1 667 5 198 29 486 7 336 22 150 20 535 5 128 15 407 55 972 13 281 42 691 18 098 4 495 13 603 37 874 8 786 29 088 5 219 1 399 3 820 6 401 1 518 4 883 1 922 580 1 342 1 413 440 973 3 702 1 132 2 570 869 300 569 2 833 832 2 001 214 73 141 364 125 239 56 900 13 736 43 164 18 855 4 499 14 356 34 264 8 419 25 845 210 60 150 3 178 873 2 305 10 296 2 593 7 703 9 404 2 188 7 216 9 904 2 385 7 519 1 272 320 952 638 150 488 1 045 204 841 2 098 464 1 634 44 464 11196 33 268 9 726 2 358 7 368 31 142 7 812 23 330 826 220 606 3968 1 092 2 876 10 280 2563 7 717 7766 1 865 5 901 7 667 1 902 5 765 635 170 465 475 137 338 1 956 512 1 444 1 165 377 788 ALASKA 3-43 Table 22. Household and Family Characteristics by Race: 1970...., Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symobls, see text] The State Size of Place WHITE POPULATION Relationship to Heod of Household All persons ------________ --------__ _ In ltousehofcls ____________ ---------------- H~d------------------- 14 to 24 yeors---------------------------- 25 to 34 yeors---------------------------- 35 to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45 to 64 yeors---------------------------- 65 years and over------------------------- Primary individual: Male------------------- Female----------------- Family head, Mole------------------------ Female ---------------------- Wife of head -------------------•----------- Child of head-------------------------------Other relative of head----______________ ----__ Not related to head__------------__ ---------- In group IIUOI'fers ________________________ _ Inmate of institution ----__________ ----------- Other ----__ ------------------__ ----------_ Persons per household ____ ----______ --------- Persons per family __ ------------------------ Penoas, under 18 years old ------------ Head or wife of head ------------------------ Own child of head--------------------------- In husband-wife households----------------- Percent of total persons under 18 years ____ _ In household with female head ______________ _ Other relative of head _______________________ _ Not related to head _________________________ _ In group quarters __ --------------____ ------_ Persons, 65 ynrs olcl and over---------- Head of family, Male------------------------ Female---------------------- Wife of head-------------------------------Other family member ----______________ ------Not related to head _________________________ _ Primary individual: Male--------------------- Female ______ ------------- Inmate of institution------------------------- Other, in group quarters ____________ ---------- -- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - ---- ------ Families by Presence and Number of Own Children Under 18 Years All famUies -------------------------With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years ___ _ Husband-wife families ________________ _ With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6to 17 y~rs_ ____ _ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years ___ _ families with female hoad --------------With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 ond 6to 17 years---- Marital Status Malt, 14 yean old and over------------ Single --______ --------------------------__ _ Married, except separated __________ --------__ -- - - - - - --- ---- -- - --- - - - - 14 to 19 yeors----------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors----------------------------- 25 to 34 years----------------------------- 35to 44 yeors----------------------------- 45to 64 yearS.---------------------------- 65 years and over--------------------------Separated __________________________________ _ Widowed ____ ------____ -----"---------------Divorced ___________________________________ _ femaht, 14 years old and over ----------- Single -------------------------------------- Married, except separated-------------------- 14 to 19 yeors---------------------------- 20 to 24 years---------------------------- 25to 34 yeors.---------------------------- 35to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45 to 64 years----------------------------- 65 years and over-------------------------- --- - Separated __________________________________ _ Widowed ----______ ----------____ -----------Divorced ___________________________________ _ 3-44 ALASKA Total 236 767 218 310 66 911 8 024 19 538 17 106 19 518 2 725 7 280 3 769 53 178 2 684 50 562 90 497 5 558 4 782 18 457 786 17 671 3.26 3.62 88 695 276 84 074 78 254 88.2 4 587 2 778 847 720 4 653 1 312 98 704 719 151 771 544 253 101 55 862 36 827 84 074 27 714 56 360 10 542 9 281 52 000 34 063 78 254 26 352 51 902 10 048 8 771 2 684 2 119 4 587 1 161 3 426 421 421 93 117 28 999 58 363 427 7 889 17 797 15 375 15 480 1 395 930 890 3 935 72 050 13 258 52 790 1 804 8 610 17 076 12 442 12 068 790 737 2 387 2 878 Urban Urbanized areas Total Total Central cities U rbon fringe 127 107 -- - 116 305 -- - 36 680 -- - 5 484 --- 10 628 --- 9 035 -- - 10 229 -- - 1 304 -- - 3 881 --- 2 547 --- 28 637 -- - 1 615 -- - 27 428 --- 46 890 --- 2 655 --- 2 652 --- 10 802 -- - 551 -- - 10 251 -- - 3.17 -- - 3.54 -- - 45 696 -- - 165 --- 43 513 -- - 40 376 -- - 88.4 -- - 2 562 --- 1 228 -- - 372 -- - 418 --- 2 353 -- - 631 -- - 58 -- - 354 -- - 368 --- 83 -- - 285 --- 330 -- - 204 -- - 40 -- - 30 252 --- 19 622 -- - 43 513 --- 14 879 --- 28 634 --- 6 048 --- 4 727 --- 28 075 --- 18 067 --- 40 376 --- 14 075 --- 26 301 --- 5 733 --- 4 436 --- 1 615 --- 1 258 --- 2 562 --- 710 --- 1 852 --- 280 --- 250 --- 50 359 --- 16 771 --- 30 463 --- 249 --- 5 058 --- 9 096 --- 7729 --- 7 671 --- 660 --- 517 --- 433 --- 2 175 --- 39 834 --- 7 506 --- 28 496 --- 1 153 --- 5 381 --- 8 845 --- 6 520 --- 6 197 --- 400 --- 469 --- 1 414 --- 1 949 --- Rural Other urban places of- Places 10,000 2,500 of 1,000 or more to 10,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 71 861 55 246 109 660 27 601 82 059 70 098 46 207 102 005 25 769 76 236 23 480 13 200 30 231 7 787 22 444 3 840 1 644 2 540 731 1 809 6 207 4 421 8 910 2 292 6 618 5 464 3 571 8 071 1 977 6 094 7 224 3 005 9 289 2 388 6 901 745 559 1 421 399 1 022 2 828 1 053 3 399 771 2.628 1 851 696 1 222 397 825 17 588 11 049 24 541 6 270 18 271 1 213 402 1 069 349 720 16 860 10 568 23 134 5834 17 300 26 060 20 830 43 607 10 987 32 620 1 730 925 2 903 694 2 209 1968 684 2 130 467 1 663 1 763 9 039 7 655 1 832 5 823 375 176 235 108 127 1 388 8863 7 420 1 724 5 696 2.99 3.50 3.37 3.31 3.40 3.37 3.82 3.72 3.65 3.74 25 095 20 601 42 999 10 741 32 258 124 41 111 27 84 23 799 19 714 40 561 10 205 30 356 21 500 18 876 37 878 9 349 28 529 85.7 91.6 88.1 87.0 88.4 1 920 642 2 025 658 1 367 780 448 1 550 359 1 191 246 126 475 90 385 146 272 302 60 242 1 331 1 022 2 300 655 1 645 362 269 681 199 482 29 29 40 14 26 205 149 350 97 253 232 136 351 104 247 68 15 68 19 49 167 118 486 102 384 187 143 214 84 130 61 143 49 17 32 20 20 61 19 42 18 801 11 451 25 610 6 619 18 991 11 304 8 318 17 205 4 485 12 720 23 799 19 714 40 561 10 205 30 356 8 042 6 837 12 835 3 398 9 437 15 757 12 877 27 726 6 807 20 919 3 547 2 501 4 494 1 237 3 257 2 424 2 303 4 554 1 172 3 382 17 204 10 871 23 925 6 108 17 817 10 157 7 910 15 996 4 115 11 881 21 500 18 876 37 878 9 349 28 529 7 430 6 645 12 277 3 195 9 082 14 070 12 231 25 601 6 154 19 447 3 307 2 426 4 315 1 174 3 141 2 215 2 221 4 335 1 094 3 241 1 213 402 1069 349 720 956 302 861 277 584 1 920 642 2 025 658 1 367 550 160 451 171 280 1 370 482 1 574 487 1 087 219 61 141 53 88 183 67 171 65 106 27 131 23 228 42 758 10 598 32 160 7064 9 707 12 228 2 993 9 235 18 050 12 413 27 900 6 999 20 901 155 94 178 51 127 3 043 2 015 2 831 768 2063 4 823 4 273 8 701 2 200 6 501 4 353 3 376 7 646 1 813 5 833 5 303 2 368 7809 1 959 5 850 373 287 735 208 527 326 191 413 109 304 280 153 457 115 342 1 411 764 1 760 382 1 378 24 795 15 039 32 216 8 260 23 956 4 527 2 979 5 752 1 440 4 312 17 534 10 962 24 294 6 180 18 114 853 300 651 178 473 3 451 1 930 3 229 880 2 349 4784 4 061 8 231 2 065 6 166 3 927 2 593 5 922 1 458 4 464 4 285 1 912 5 871 1 486 4 385 234 166 390 113 277 350 119 268 77 191 910 504 973 287 686 1 474 475 929 276 653 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 22. Household and Family Characteristics by Race: 1970-Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, medicin, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] The State Size of Place NEGRO POPULATION Relationship to Head of Household AH parsoas ------------------------- In ltollahokls ____ ----____ ----__ ---------- Head-------------------------------------- 14 to 24 yeors---------------------------- 25 to 34 yeors---------------------------- 35 to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45 to 64 yeors---------------------------- 65 years and over------------------------- Primary individual: Mole------------------- Female ----------------- Family head, Mole------------------------ Female ---------------------- Wife of head------------------------------- Child of head ------------------------------- Other relative of head------------------------ Not related to head __ ------------------------ lagrllp •••rten ________________________ _ Inmate of institution------------------------- O~U------------------- Persons per household----------------------- Persons per family -------------------------- Ptrsoas, uadlf 18 yean old------------ Head or wife of head------------------------Own child of head_ _________________________ _ In husband-wife households----------------- Percent of total persons under 18 years ____ _ In household w~h female head ______________ _ Other relative of head _______________________ _ Not related to head _________________________ _ In group quarters ------------__ ------------- Persons, 65 yean old a ad over _________ _ Head of family, Mole _______________________ _ Female----------------------Wife of head ______________________________ _ Other family member ------------------------ Not related to head ________ ------------------ Primary individual: Male ______________ ------- Female -------------------Inmate of institution __________________ ----__ _ Other. in group quarters ____________ ---------- - ----- - - - ---- - - - --- -- -- ------ - ------ --- - Families by Presence and Number of Own Children Under 18 Years AU fa• Hies ________________________ _ With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years---- Husband-wife faaaiRes ________ ----____ _ With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years------ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years---- Fa mUles with female head _____________ _ With own children under 18 years _____________ _ Number of own children under 18 years ______ _ Number of own children under 6 years _____ _ Number of own children 6 to 17 years_ ____ _ With own children under 6 years only ---------- With own children under 6 and 6 to 17 years---- Marital Status ----- - - ------ - - ----- - Male, 14 yean old and onr ------------- Single --------------------______ ------------ Married, except separated--------------------- 14 to 19 yeors---------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors---------------------------- 25 to 34 yeors---------------------------- 35 to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45 to 64 yeor•---------------------------- 65 years and over-------------------------- --- - - ~~~~------------------Widowed ____ ----____________ --------____ --_ Divorced __________ --__ ---------------------- Female, 14 years old and onr ----------- Single ----__ ----__ -------------------------- Married, except separated--------------------- 14 to 19 yeors----------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors----------------------------- 25 to 34 yeors----------------------------- 35 to 44 yeors---------------------------- 45 to 64 yeors----------------------------- 65 years and over-------------------------- - ~paroled ____________ . __ ----__________ ----__ _ Widowed -----------------------------------Divorced ________ --------______ --------_____ _ Total I 911 7 186 2 102 338 709 548 459 48 207 130 1 628 137 1 516 3 221 197 150 1 725 42 1 683 3.42 3.80 3 224 8 3 020 2709 84.0 271 124 24 48 109 12 5 12 35 4 18 13 8 2 1 765 1 267 3 020 1 177 1 843 439 373 1 597 1 136 2 709 1 074 1 635 402 349 137 111 271 88 183 28 21 3 922 1 531 2 137 15 469 776 536 323 18 78 45 131 2 198 346 1 580 72 331 623 328 213 13 59 87 126 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Total 7214 6 015 1 803 308 608 453 392 42 173 115 1 394 121 1 308 2 679 168 127 1 199 26 1 173 3.37 3.74 2 706 6 2 535 2 266 83.7 240 105 21 39 79 12 4 11 19 4 14 12 2 1 1 515 1 088 2 535 1 030 1 505 392 320 1 369 975 2266 935 1 331 359 299 121 98 240 83 157 26 19 3 040 1 151 1 678 14 395 604 395 255 15 65 32 114 1 900 299 1 359 63 302 523 274 186 11 56 72 114 Urban Urbanized areas Other urban places of- 10,000 2,500 Total C~ntral cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 - --3 630 3654 ---3 469 2 616 - --1 159 644 - - -233 75 - - -285 323 - --267 186 - - -340 52 ---34 8 - --148 25 ---105 10 ---795 599 - - -111 10 - - -739 569 - - -1 335 1 344 - - -127 41 - - -109 18 ---161 1 038 - - -25 1 - - -136 1 037 - --2.99 4.06 ---3.43 4.21 - - -1 330 1 376 - - -4 2 ---1 230 1 305 ---992 1 274 - - -74.6 92.6 ---214 26 - --74 31 - --12 9 ---10 29 - --67 12 ---12 -- --3 1 - --10 1 - --17 2 - - -4 -- --11 3 - - -8 4 - --2 -- - --1 - - -906 609 ---567 521 - - -1 230 1 305 - - -480 550 - - -750 755 - - -211 181 ---129 191 ---773 596 - --463 512 - --992 1 274 ---395 540 - --597 734 ---179 180 - - -111 188 ---111 10 - --91 7 - --214 26 - --75 8 - --139 18 ---26 -- --16 3 ---1 316 1 724 ---312 839 - --849 829 - --7 7 - --196 199 ---225 379 - - -194 201 - - -213 42 - - -14 1 - --38 27 - --27 5 ---90 24 ---1 188 712 - - -192 107 ---775 584 ---51 12 ---183 119 ---225 298 ---154 120 ---152 34 - - -10 1 ---49 7 - - -62 10 - --110 4 Rural Places of 1,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 1 627 433 1 194 1 101 257 144 299 70 229 30 6 24 101 40 61 95 18 77 67 4 63 6 2 4 34 8 26 15 2 13 234 57 177 16 3 13 208 54 154 542 121 421 29 1 28 23 11 12 526 176 350 16 3 13 510 173 337 3.68 3.67 3.69 4.12 3.93 4.17 518 123 395 2 -2 485 115 370 443 106 337 85.5 86.2 85.3 31 9 22 19 1 18 3 2 1 9 5 4 30 6 24 - -- 1 -1 1 -1 16 4 12 -- - 4 2 2 1 -1 6 -6 1 -1 250 60 190 179 46 133 485 115 370 147 45 102 338 70 268 47 14 33 53 17 36 228 57 171 161 43 118 443 106 337 139 43 96 304 63 241 43 13 30 50 17 33 16 3 13 13 3 10 31 9 22 5 2 3 26 7 19 2 1 1 2 -2 882 247 635 380 106 274 459 134 325 1 -1 74 24 50 172 62 110 141 37 104 68 11 57 3 -3 13 1 12 13 -13 17 6 11 298 75 223 47 10 37 221 58 163 9 4 5 29 10 19 100 29 71 54 11 43 27 4 23 2 -2 3 1 2 15 3 12 12 3 9 ALASKA 3-45 Table 23. Race by Sex, for Areas and Places: 1970 Table 24. Table 25. Age by Race and Sex, for Arec;as and Places: 1970· Household Relationship and Type of Family by Race, for Areas and Places: 1970 Table 26. Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race and Sex, for Areas and Places: 1970 (Tables 23-26 omitted because the State has no standard metropolitan statistical areas, urbanized areas, or places of 50,000 or more) Table 27. Race by Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 Places Anchorage ______ ------------------------- Mole---------------------------------- Female __ ------------------------------Fairbanks __________ ----______________ ---- Mole •••••• --------------•• ------------Female __________ ----______________ ---- Spenord (U) ________ ----______________ ----Mole •• __ •• ___________________________ _ Female ________ ------------__ ---------- [For meaning of symbols, see text] Total White 48 029 41 899 24 892 21 880 23 137 20 019 14 771 12 987 7 670 6 825 7 101 6 162 18 089 16 975 9 123 8 587 8 966 8388 Total Negro Total 6 130 2 810 3320 3 012 1 462 1550 3 118 1 348 1 770 1 784 755 1029 845 380 465 939 375 564 1 114 65 1 049 536 33 503 578 32 546 Negro and other races Other races Indian Japanese Chinese 880 186 65 412 73 35 468 113 30 536 33 3 251 7 2 285 26 1 282 129 17 139 63 9 143 66 8 Filipino All other 220 1 969 145 ·885 . 75 1 084 8 449 4 201 4 248 so 571 29 263 21 308 3-:'46 ALASKA GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 28. Age by Race and Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Places AD • .. •------------------------ Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year--------------------------------- 2 years •• __ ------__ ----__ ------------__ 3 years ______ --____ ----________ ------__ 4 years ______ ----------__________ ------ 5yean---------------- 6yean----------------7yean _______________ _ 8 years •• ____ --____ --------______ ------ 9 years .. ------__ ----------------------10 years •• ____ ----------__________ ----- 11 years __ ----__ ----------------------- 12 years •• __ --__ ----------------------- gyean----------------14 years __________ ------____ --________ _ 15 years .. ______ ----------------------- 16 years __________ ----__ ------__ ------- 17 years •• ----____ ---------------------18 years ______________________________ _ 19 yean •• ______ -----------------------20 years •• ____________________ ------__ _ 21 years and over----------------------- Under S years-------------------------- 5~9~~-------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years--------------------------20 to 24 yeors _________________________ _ 25 to 29 yeon _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors _________________________ _ 40 to 44 yeon--------------------------45 to 49 yeors _________________________ _ 50 to 54 years. ___________________ : ____ _ 55 to 59 years •• ------------------------ 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65 to 69 years-------------------------- 70 to 74 years •••• ----------------------75 to 79 yeors. ________________________ _ 80 to 84 yeors·------------------------- 85 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ____ ----____________ --- 65 yeors and over __ ----________________ _ Median age---------------------------- AU •111 __ ---------------------- Under 1 year---------------------------1 year ________________________________ _ 2 years •• ____ --____ ----__ ------__ ------ 3~~----------------4 years·--____ --____ ----____ ----__ ------ 5~~---------------- i!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 yeors __________ ------__ ------__ ----- 11 years ____ --____ ----____ ----__ -------12 years •• ____________________________ _ 13 years •• ________ ----______ --__ ------- 14 years ________ -----------------------15 yeors ______________________________ _ 16 years •• ________ ----______ --~-____ --- _17 years •• ______ ----------------------- 18 years •• __ --__ ----------------------- 19 years--__ --__ -----------------------20 yeors •• ____________________________ _ 21 years and over----------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5~9~~-------------- 10 to 14 years--------------------------15 to 19 years _________________________ _ 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 yeors-------------------------- 30 to 34 yeors-------------------------- 35 to 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 years-------------------------- 45 to 49 yeors-------------------------- 50 to 54 yeors-------------------------- 55 to 59 years-------------------------- ---- - ------ - - --- - ----- - --- -------- - ------ --- - ---- --- -- --- ----- --- --- - --- - - - ----- -- - 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65 to 69 years·------------------------- 70 to 74 years-------------------------- 75 to 79 yeors---------------------------80 to 84 years _________________________ _ -85 years and over __ ------______ ---------- Under 18 years-------------------------- 62 years and over------------------------ 65 years and over __ ------__ ----__ ----___ _ Median age----------------------------- Toto I 41 029 1 181 1 004 819 898 921 970 964 1 015 995 989 1 042 945 992 957 884 908 788 824 731 829 1 204 28 169 4 823 4 933 4 820 4 080 6366 4 469 3 500 3 373 3 058 2 889 2 286 1 537 928 481 206 104 75 101 17 096 1 433 967 24.2 .. 18 089 416 436 357 360 352 405 383 422 372 374 392 364 379 391 343 302 372 321 292 268 336 10 452 1 921 1 956 1 869 1 555 2 010 1 852 1 371 I 312 1 229 1 115 828 522 300 119 57 21 19 33 6 741 398 249 24.3 All races Male 24 892 617 521 412 470 462 474 492 520 523 502 .<12 48> 531 500 434 444 3&,1 414 321 357 635 14 858 2 482 2 511 2 486 1 920 3 555 2280 1 761 1 764 1 616 1 464 1 231 839 478 254 101 50 34 66 8 721 757 505 24.3 9 123 212 227 180 1~3 189 20s Hi 229 170 198 179 176 189 190 174 143 185 160 146 101 120 5 413 971 976 908 735 902 969 732 678 655 589 436 285 169 61 26 5 8 18 3 343 200 118 25.4 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS 1970 population White Fern ole Male Female ANCHORAGE 23 137 21 880 20 019 564 533 475 483 446 405 407 338 338 428 389 350 459 385 385 496 390 424 472 415 395 495 459 416 472 452 394 487 427 415 510 462 424 456 424 392 461 462 402 457 431 403 450 388 395 464 390 397 404 356 339 410 365 355 410 290 363 472 314 390 569 556 483 13 311 13 208 11 679 2 341 2 091 1 953 2 422 2 143 2 044 2334 2 167 2 016 2 160 1 715 1 844 2 811 3 131 2 406 2 189 2 002 1 902 1 739 1 518 1 481 1 609 1 553 1 387 1 442 1 483 1 282 1 425 1 323 1 302 1 055 1 151 948 698 773 638 450 428 408 227 221 202 105 86 93 54 41 48 41 32 37 35 22 28 8 375 7 512 7 104 676 628 603 462 402 408 24.1 24.5 24.5 SPENARD (U) 8 966 8 587 8 388 204 193 189 209 206 193 177 150 164 197 145 177 163 173 143 200 184 185 ·.(:' ~~ 159 187 216 184 202 156 183 176 187 167 213 167 202 188 163 174 190 169 177 201 176 191 169 157 164 159 133 156 187 179 178 161 154 148 146 137 137 167 92 156 216 114 208 5 039 5 177 4 725 950 867 866 980 902 906 961 832 908 820 695 775 1 108 871 1 036 883 927 820 639 690 595 634 638 596 574 631 542 526 572 505 392 424 375 237 274 234 131 165 117 58 55 53 31 25 29 16 5 15 11 7 9 15 7 7 3 398 3 067 3 162 198 179 172 131 99 113 23.5 25.7 23.6 Negro All races 1960 populo- Male Female tion Total Mole 1 462 1 348 44 237 14 771 7 670 41 46 1 501 417 214 40 37 1 487 305 159 35 32 1 438 238 124 28 31 1 375 240 135 32 35 1 333 22.7 124 38 35 1 215 278 148 23 32 1 150 306 140 26 29 1 010 295 156 27 31 .910 270 141 38 32 829 288 132 25 38 774 297 141 31 22 760 278 135 24 27 777 266 152 22 26 706 259 135 21 20 523 263 139 13 18 501 231 122 11 21 493 282 135 19 27 460 297 130 10 15 391 256 104 18 40 473 290 117 50 38 666 404 167 890 716 25 465 8784 4 720 176 181 7 134 1 427 756 152 159 5 114 1 437 717 123 133 3 540 1363 702 71 121 2 318 1 356 608 281 187 3 737 2 076 1 050 130 105 4 356 1 252 641 115 118 4 091 943 522 115 86 4 101 876 469 75 75 3309 934 492 78 60 2 469 980 524 50 52 1 724 798 438 39 29 1083 623 362 35 19 608 352 203 13 9 302 159 81 3 6 184 70 40 1 2 80 42 17 2 3 49 35 16 3 3 38 48 32 494 539 17 242 5 037 2 562 39 34 1 017 544 297 22 23 653 354 186 23.7 22.1 25.3 24.3 25.0 33 32 (NA) 1 1 (NA) 2 1 INA) -2 INA) - - INA) - - INA) -2 INA) 2 -INA) -1 INA) -1 INA) - - INA) 3 -INA) 2 -INA) 2 -INA) 1 1 INA) 1 -INA) 1 -INA) - - INA) -1 INA) -1 INA) --INA) - - INA) 18 21 INA) 3 4 INA) 2 4 INA) 9 1 INA) 1 2 INA) 3 3 INA) 2 4 INA) 3 2 INA) 1 -INA) 1 3 INA) -1 INA) 3 2 INA) 4 1 INA) -2 INA) -1 INA) --INA) -1 INA) - - INA) 1 1 INA) 15 10 INA) 1 3 INA) 1 3 INA) 22.5 27.5 INA) 1970 population White Negro 1960 populo- Female Mole Fern ole Male Female tion FAIRBANKS 7 101 6 825 6 162 380 375 13 311 203 191 180 9 8 484 146 144 120 4 8 453 114 101 101 6 1 405 105 104 90 6 1 413 103 101 88 7 7 360 130 121 105 11 11 318 166 109 144 8 6 316 139 132 117 8 9 299 129 118 103 8 10 223 156 113 132 8 9 217 156 118 135 12 10 202 143 113 124 7 11 227 114 126 90 8 10 190 124 113 111 14 4 199 124 126 102 1 11 135 109 104 92 4 7 151 147 113 123 8 7 145 167 111 135 7 6 146 152 89 128 7 9 124 173 102 162 6 6 148 237 159 212 3 11 166 4 064 4 317 3568 228 213 7990 671 641 579 32 25 2 115 720 593 601 43 45 1 373 661 596 562 42 46 953 748 519 640 32 35 714 1 026 979 921 48 42 1 275 611 595 542 20 20 1 304 421 477 356 16 20 1 141 407 434 351 16 24 1 041 442 435 384 31 25 938 456 474 395 33 36 841 360 393 329 30 17 613 261 333 234 20 15 400 149 189 126 11 13 264 78 74 65 4 7 154 30 33 23 2 2 89 25 15 22 -1 60 19 16 18 -1 22 16 29 14 -1 14 2 475 2 158 2 092 136 136 4 883 247 268 209 13 19 497 168 167 142 6 12 339 23.7 25.7 23.8 24.3 24.3 25.9 ALASKA 3-47 Table-29. Household Relationship and Type of Family by Race, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 Places RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Total, oH panon•----------------- 1• .......... ____ --------------------H~d ________________ _ 14 to 24 years------------------------ 25 to 34 years------------------------ 35 to 44 years------------------------45 to 64 years _______________________ _ 65 years and over--------------------- Primary individual: Mole--------------- Female------------- Family head, Male ----__ -------------- Femole ____ -------------- Wife of head --------------------------- Child of head---------------------------Other relative of head ____ ----______ ----__ Not related to head _____________________ _ Ia ''"' q•orton ____________________ _ Inmate of institution ----__ --____________ _ O~U----------------- Persons per household------------------- w•it•, •• ponons ----------------............. __ ---------------------- ~~-----------------14 to 24 years _______________________ _ 25 ta 34 years------------------------ 35 to 44 years------------------------ 45 to 64 years------------------------65 years and over ____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole---------------Female ____________ _ Family head, Male-------------------- Female ______ ------------Wife of h~d __________________________ _ Child of head ____________ --____________ _ Other relative of heod·----~~~------------Not related ta head _____________________ _ I• troup ._nrten ______ --____________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Other ________________________________ _ Persons per household __________________ _ Nttro, aU ptnons __ --___________ _ In •••se•ows _______________________ _ Head ______________ ------_____________ _ 14 to 24 yeors------------------------ 25 to 34 years------------------------ 35 ta 44 years------------------------ 45 ta 64 years------------------------65 years and aver ____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole ______________ _ Female ____________ _ Family head, Male-------------------- Female------------------Wife of head __________________________ _ Child of head---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ I• tn•p ._.artars __ ----____________ --- Inmate of institution ______ --____________ _ O~N----------------- Persons per household ____ ------________ _ FAMILIES BY NUMBER OF OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Totti, aU f••••--______________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years •• ________ _ Totol, .. sho4-wlfo fi•Bios _______ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own_children under 6 years __________ _ Toto!, fo•lllo• wit• fo•olo ..... ----_ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years •• ________ _ .. ,,., .. , ..... _______________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ w•lt• ......... _wlfo fo•IHo•-------- With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ w•lto, fo•lllo• with fo01olo h•• ---- With own children under 18 yeOrs _________ _ ------------ ---- --- - - -- ----------- -- -- - - -- - ------------- -- - - --- --- --- --- --- --With own children under 6 years __________ _ - Negro, tO f••••-----------------With own children under 18 years _________ _ -With own children under 6 years __________ _ - Netr•, hus.aacl .. wHe families ______ _ -With own children under 18 years _________ _ -With own children under 6 years __________ _ - Netn, fomlllls with female Iliad ___ _ -With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ 3-48 ALASKA [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Anchorage Fairbanks Spenard (U) 41 029 14 n1 11 019 46 024 14 475 17 919 15 002 4 874 5 802 2 434 933 843 3 936 1 118 1 782 3 576 1 005 1409 4 514 i 644 1 647 542 174 121 1 685 689 750 1 281 364 426 11 119 3 568 4 235 917 253 391 10 871 3 484 4 127 17 617 5 130 6 962 1 236 453 488 1 298 534 610 2 005 296 100 460 179 49 1 545 117 51 3.07 2.97 3.10 41 199 12 987 16 975 40 360 12 802 16 936 13 461 4 445 5 574 2 153 875 812 3 488 1 020 1 699 3 208 907 1 349 4 140 1 485 1 599 472 158 115 1 480 635 713 1 134 308 409 10 164 3 322 4 102 683 180 350 9 772 3 165 3 923 15 165 4 417 6 478 935 354 441 1 027 421 520 1 539 185 39 260 113 2 1 279 72 37 3.00 2.88 3.04 2 110 755 65 2 657 747 65 880 254 25 190 38 5 242 38 5 207 57 3 219 112 9 22 9 3 108 37 3 69 30 6 623 158 14 80 29 2 579 147 13 1 031 279 25 89 37 1 78 30 1 153 8 - 18 7 - 135 1 - 3.02 2.94 2.60 12 036 3 121 4 626 7 406 2 151 2 914 3 933 1 168 1 585 10 171 3414 4 127 6 558 1 906 2 537 3 578 1 078 1 415 917 253 391 727 201 321 319 77 159 10 147 3 502 4 452 6 590 1 930 2784 3 427 1 041 1 503 9 959 3 246 3999 5 958 1 756 2 443 3 182 988 1 352 613 110 350 532 137 287 219 43 140 703 187 16 452 105 10 283 54 3 606 154 13 375 81 7 245 43 2 80 29 2 68 21 2 32 9 1 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS ' h .~ Table 30. Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race and Sex, for Places of 10,000 to 50,000: 1970 [For meaning of symbols, see text] Places MARITAL STATUS Total •ale, 14 ynrs old and over---- Single ______ --------------------------- Married -------------------------------~~ro~-------------- Widowed ____ -------------------------- Divorced __ ----------------------------- Total female, 14 ynrs ohl and over __ Single ________ ------------------------- Married ______ -------------------------Separated ____ --____________ --_______ _ Widowed ______ --__ -------------------- Divorced ______ ------------------------- White mole, 14 years old and over __ _ Single ________ ------------------------- Married __________ ----____ ------------- Separated ________ --------___________ _ Widowed __________ -------------------- Divorced __________ --------------------- Whitt female, 14 yean okl and over _ Single ________ ------------------------- Married ________ ------__ ------__ -------Separated ____________ ----___________ _ Widowed ------------------------------Divorced ______________ ----------------- Negro 111ale, 14 yean old and over __ _ Single ________ -------------------------Married ________________ ------____ ----- Separated ______ -------_______________ _ Widowed __ ------__ -------------------- Divorced __ ----------------------------- Netro female, 14 years okt an• over _ Single __________ ----------------------- Married __ -----------------------------Separated ___________________________ _ Widowed __________ --------------------Divorced ______ ----__________________ --- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FOR SELECTED AGE GROUPS Total persons, an.er 18 yean old ___ _ Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of head----------------------- In husband-wife households ______ ------- In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ________________________________ _ White ponons, undor18 years old __ _ Head or wife of head ___________________ _ Own child of heod-----------------------ln husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other· relative of head ________ ----_______ _ Other ________ ----__ ----______________ _ Netro persons, under 18 yean oN __ _ Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of heod _____ ~-~----------------- ln husband-wife households-------------In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ________________ ----------------- Total persons, 65 yean oW and onr _ H~d~~m~·~---------- Femo~ ------------------ Wife of head--------------------------- Other family member--------------------Not related to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole-----------------Female ______________ _ Inmate of institution--------------------- Other, in group quarters------------------ White persons, 65 years okl and over_ Head of family, Mole ___________________ _ female ------------------ Wife of h~d --------------------------- Other family member--------------------Not related to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole--------------__ _ ---- - - ------ - - - - -- ------ ----- - ---- -- - - ---- - ------- --- ---- ---- ----- - -- - - - --Female _______________ _ Inmate of institution----------------------Other, in group quarters _________________ _ - Negro persons, 65 ynrs old an• over __ Head of family, Mole--------------------- Female------------------- Wife of head---------------------------- Other family member---------------------Not reloled to head _____________________ _ - Primary individual: Mole------------------ female----------------Inmate of institution __ ----____________ ---- Other, in group quarters------------------- GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Anchorage 17 847 5 036 11 708 245 206 897 16 490 3 214 11 518 243 647 1 111 15 867 4 290 10 629 190 165 . 783 14 401 2 670 10 274 176 540 917 1 032 251 694 26 19 68 895 136 637 30 32 90 17 096 73 16 069 14 285 1 513 568 386 14 616 64 13 899 12 600 1 089 424 229 1 033 4 962 795 147 53 14 967 258 26 143 202 47 125 133 16 17 810 227 20 129 142 42 103 122 10 15 45 9 1 7 12 3 8 4 1 - fairbanks Spenard (U) 5634 6 442 1 443 1654 3 796 4368 90 67 79 56 316 364 5 173 6 244 933 1 190 3 740 4 472 100 119 251 207 249 375 5 121 6 143 1 259 1 515 3 519 4 228 71 65 63 52 280 348 4 522 5 872 753 1 104 3 370 4 240 71 103 194 176 205 352 264 20 56 5 179 14 11 1 8 - 21 1 270 23 54 2 171 16 16 3 28 2 17 3 5 037 6 741 33 30 4 615 6 372 4077 5 629 443 644 219 213 170 126 4 250 6 229 32 28 3 966 5934 3 636 5264 257 574 165 191 87 76 272 25 -- 245 23 183 14 59 8 20 1 7 1 354 249 76 67 8 3 50 39 50 66 20 13 50 18 40 33 54 10 6 - 309 212 69 66 6 3 44 32 37 53 16 10 48 16 35 30 49 2 5 - 18 4 3 - 2 - 2 1 5 - 1 - 2 1 2 2 1 --- ALASKA 3-49 Table 3·1. General Characteristics for Places of 2,500 to 10,000: 1970 Places RACE Male-------------------------- White ----------__ --------------------- N~~----------------­Indian ----__ --------------------------- Japanese ------------------------------ Chinese __ ------------------------------ Filipino -------------------------------- All other ____ --------------------------- h .... __________ --------------- White ________ ------------------------- ~~0-----------------Indian ________ ------------------------- Japanese ------------------------------ Chinese ____ ---------------------------- Filipino ____ ---------------------------- All other ______ ------------------------- AGE BY SEX Male, aU •1••------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5~9y~~-------------- 10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- 15 to 19 yeors-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 yeors-------------------------- 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35to 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 yeors-------------------------- 45to 49 yoars-------------------------- 50 to 54 yearS-------------------------- 55 to 59 years-------------------------- 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeo~--------------------------75 years and over ______ ------__________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and aver ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- Fo•ole, all ages __ ----___________ _ Under 5 years ________________________ -- 5~9y~~-------------- 10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- 15to 19 yeors-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 years-------------------------- 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35to 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------------45to 49 years _________________________ _ 50 to 54 yeors-------------------------- 55 to 59 years ______ ----__ -------------- 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65 to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors--------------------------75 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______ ----------------- Median age---------------------------- RElATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD All pUSOIS --------------------- •• •••s•••ws __ ----------------------Head _________________________________ _ Primary individual __________ ----------- Wife of h~d ---------------------------Other relative of head ____________ -------- Not related to heod----------------------1•1'"' t~••rten ____________________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Other ______________________ ----------- Persons per household------------------- RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS UNDER 11 YEARS Ponoas, under 11 yoors oW-------- Head or wife of head -------------------- ------ -- -- - - - - - - ------ - - - - - --- --- ---- ----------------- ---- -- ----- --- - --Own child of head_ ______________________ _ In husband-wife families __ -------------- In families with female head ________ ---- Other relative of head----____ ------------Other ______________________ ----------- RElATIONSHIP OF PERSONS 65 YEARS AND OVER ---- Ponons, 65 ynn old od over ______ _ Head of familY--------------------------- Wife of head---------------------------- Other family member---------------------Primary individual __ ----__ ----______ ------ Not related to head (in households) _________ _ In group quarters------------------------Inmate of institution ____________ -------- Other __________ --------__ ------------ 3-50 ALASKA [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] Fort Fort Elmendorf Richardson Wainwright Coll~e (U) Eielson (U) (U) (U) (U) Juneau Kenai 1 916 3 698 3 571 5398 6386 3 079 1 836 1 785 3 307 3 236 4 552 5 446 2 276 1 723 17 345 288 707 781 44 10 31 15 8 27 44 529 55 6 4 2 13 10 10 5 13 1 1 10 6 3 - 1 4 7 28 11 146 13 63 22 29 61 88 71 30 1 518 2 451 2 447 3 562 2 711 2 971 1 697 1 382 2 205 2 228 2 992 2 275 2 156 1 594 9 207 184 453 326 43 15 36 10 9 15 15 587 39 3 12 5 26 22 11 5 7 --2 --- 2 7 4 10 9 102 5 79 10 17 64 64 72 39 1 916 3 698 3 571 5 398 6386 3 079 1 836 151 332 279 692 465 254 207 149 508 401 594 455 310 238 119 411 422 457 324 318 260 303 222 313 474 668 279 144 471 881 934 1 571 3 038 247 132 217 367 294 566 655 219 151 141 345 277 361 308 200 155 111 378 369 370 287 174 155 88 129 131 186 114 201 137 67 66 86 82 35 211 90 50 35 52 35 15 176 72 25 12 7 5 9 174 47 17 7 3 1 7 134 21 4 4 -1 2 97 12 1 -1 -2 42 3 2 1 2 3 2 43 12 479 1 362 1 269 1944 1 370 1 060 810 1 063 2 009 1 921 2 795 3 708 1 864 967 7 5 3 4 6 182 27 22.5 22.1 22.0 21.5 22.1 28.0 22.6 1 518 2 451 2 447 3 562 2 711 2 971 1 697 130 340 307 575 484 258 184 124 445 366 565 398 293 250 131 369 401 434 303 276 208 263 125 224 219 146 279 156 352 174 202 455 434 263 144 143 303 220 466 366 205 163 87 296 237 332 277 175 146 94 240 239 259 163 160 127 61 74 120 129 69 208 115 59 43 81 79 36 206 70 34 20 25 27 13 183 56 16 10 10 7 6 160 42 10 5 7 7 5 126 21 7 5 2 1 8 81 7 3 2 1 3 2 42 4 4 -5 4 1 56 4 456 1 252 1 215 1 722 1 265 1 007 753 759 1 157 1 113 1 704 1 318 1 812 871 14 7 8 8 11 179 15 21.6 17.9 18.3 19.7 20.3 27.8 21.8 3 434 6 149 6 018 8 960 9 097 6 050 3 533 2 509 4866 4 433 7 235 5 319 5 981 3 533 798 1 111 967 1 759 1 363 2 167 972 150 3 5 5 4 736 125 612 1 102 953 1 740 1 350 1 196 807 1 020 2 646 2 498 3 713 2 597 2 401 1 694 79 7 15 23 9 217 60 925 1 283 1 585 1 725 3 778 69 ------2 - 925 1 283 1 585 1 725 3 778 67 - 3.14 4.38 4.58 4.11 3.90 2.76 3.63 935 2 614. 2484 3 666 2 635 2 067 1 563 1 -1 6 9 18 5 886 2 566 2 341 3 541 2 495 1 883 1 483 850 2 553 2 319 3 499 2 478 1 516 1 423 23 1 6 7 6 314 44 18 22 20 58 41 115 53 30 26 122 61 90 51 22 21 12 11 12 17 361 42 7 ---1 125 11 4 ---1 61 4 8 7 10 9 10 52 15 1 ----118 10 --1 1 -4 2 1 5 -2 5 1 ------1 - 1 5 -2 5 -- Kodiak Sand lake Ketchikan Kodiak Station (U) (U) Sitko 3599 2 055 1 897 2 092 1 740 2 968 1 668 1 736 2 014 1 285 21 27 65 9 9 488 32 4 29 355 16 5 3 -19 ----1 57 53 59 4 22 49 270 30 36 49 3395 1 743 1 155 2 076 1 630 2 752 1 426 1034 1 988 1 218 19 17 40 5 13 521 21 7 21 321 13 3 11 3 16 1 1 --1 40 17 44 4 15 49 258 19 55 46 3599 2 055 1 897 2 092 1 740 362 210 207 221 153 400 220 213 295 208 411 207 120 261 231 341 160 181 212 151 221 219 574 103 100 293 182 178 159 91 255 148 169 206 121 215 117 114 177 120 234 145 65 155 116 202 120 36 130 95 195 118 25 79 69 159 92 7 55 63 120 52 5 19 47 79 30 3 8 49 56 12 -3 34 56 23 -9 92 1 423 740 589 934 688 2 051 1 223 995 1 091 971 191 65 3 20 175 26.1 25.3 22.0 22.8 26.5 3 395 1 743 1 155 2 076 1 630 369 188 173 213 146 387 205 191 321 231 386 186 125 279 177 310 156 52 215 151 264 235 113 109 107 255 150 175 199 109 226 116 135 200 123 196 105 83" 151 101 193 92 50 139 98 194 89 28 118 77 184 83 12 56 61 144 65 6 41 76 97 32 10 16 42 83 14 2 6 46 43 15 -4 -28 64 12 -9 57 1 353 671 528 970 647 1 889 946 603 1 037 905 190 41 2 19 131 24.6 22.9 21.6 20.5 25.1 6 994 3 798 3 052 4 168 3 370 6 892 3 709 2 276 4 141 3 159 2 168 1 139 582 1 057 908 470 235 4 103 165 1 488 800 546 901 666 3 095 1 603 1 138 2 067 1 524 141 167 10 116 61 102 89 776 27 211 80 5 --142 22 84 776 27 69 3.18 3.26 3.91 3.92 3.48 2 776 1 411 1 117 1 904 1 335 7 5 -2 1 2 562 1 334 1 078 1 806 1 238 2 261 1 179 993 1 727 1 105 262 124 77 64 107 145 47 31 46 78 62 25 8 50 18 381 106 5 39 306 126 38 -8 62 59 15 1 8 38 37 20 1 13 14 121 23 -9 42 8 6 -1 8 30 4 3 -142 27 1 --141 3 3 3 -1 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 32. General Characteristics for Places of 1,000 to 2,500: 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] Places Adak Station (U) -------------------------Aurora-Johnston (U) ----_________________ _ Borrow __ -------------------------------Bethel ____________ ------_______________ _ Birchwood (Ul __ -------------------------Cordova ____ ----__ ----________ ------___ _ Douglas __________ ------_______________ _ Eagle River (Ul--------------------------- Fort Greely (Ul---------------------------Homer ____________________ ----________ _ Kotzebue __________ ----______________ --- Lemeto (U) ------------------------------ Lemon Creek (Ul -------------------------Lower Mendenhall Volley (UJ, __ --________ --- Metlakatla (U) ______ -----~ ______________ _ Nome --__ ----________ ----__________ ----Palmer ________________________________ _ Petersburg ----__ ------------__ ----_____ _ Seward ________________________________ _ Shemyci Station (Ul -----------------------Soldotna __________ ------________ ----___ _ Upper Mendenhall Volley (U) ______________ _ ~~U-----------------Wrangell ________ --------________ --__ ---- Total 2 249 1 464 2 104 2 416 1 219 1 164 1 243 2 437 1 820 1 083 1 696 1 318 1 042 1 109 1 050 2 488 1 140 2 042 1 587 1 131 1 202 1 815 1 005 2 029 Sex Mole 1 133 782 1 095 1 200 634 636 630 1 252 1 210 580 845 695 567 531 577 1 290 560 1 063 826 1 131 618 916 518 1 055 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Female 1 116 682 1 009 1 216 585 528 613 1 185 610 503 851 623 475 578 473 1 198 580 979 761 - 584 899 487 974 Population Race White Negro Other 2 127 40 82 1 368 4 92 191 4 1909 525 12 1 879 1 080 18 121 968 2 194 1 130 7 106 2 345 9 83 1 586 179 55 1 021 2 60 344 -1 352 1 .219 24 75 956 4 82 1 078 -31 188 -862 920 14 1 554 1 093 -47 1 741 2 299 1 366 3 218 1 015 106 10 1 186 -16 1 714 1 100 848 -157 1 592 2 435 Age Percent Percent 65yeors Median under ond In group age 18 years over quarters 21.7 45.4 -- 22.4 43.5 0.8 11 17.1 52.6 2.7 1 17.9 51.5 2.9 14 18.3 50.6 1.1 8 25.8 38.2 4.8 71 25.1 43.0 2.3 - 22.2 44.8 1.1 - 22.1 30.2 0.3 619 28.3 37.6 5.1 7 17.0 53.5 3.1 7 23.1 33.9 1.4 12 23.5 40.1 1.7 76 25.5 43.0 0.9 16 20.4 47.2 4.5 1 20.3 46.3 4.0 34 26.6 40.2 5.1 30 26.2 39.4 5.9 - 28.9 36.0 6.6 86 24.4 -0.3 1 131 22.9 44.1 1.7 - 19.5 48.8 0.5 - 27.4 35.8 2.8 108 24.8 40.7 4.5 22 Households Total Negro and other roces Persons Persons per per Populo-house-Populo-house- Number tion hold Number tion hold 604 2 249 3.72 31 122 3.94 386 1 453 3.76 15 96 6.40 373 2 103 5.64 290 1 913 6.60 542 2 402 4.43 352 1 877 5.33 283 1 211 4.28 14 135 9.64 372 1 093 2.94 49 189 3.86 364 1 243 3.41 20 113 5.65 669 2 437 3.64 17 92 5.41 327 1 201 3.67 34 147 4.32 329 1 076 3.27 12 62 5.17 355 1 689 4.76 236 1 345 5.70 422 1 306 3.09 22 93 4.23 270 966 3.58 3 38 ... 304 1 093 3.60 3 23 ·-· 230 1 049 4.56 174 862 4.95 626 2 454 3.92 314 1 555 4.95 342 1 110 3.25 10 45 4.50 625 2 042 3.27 61 301 4.93 490 1 501 3.06 37 185 5.00 - - ---- 354 1 202 3.40 2 16 ··.· 445 1 815 4.08 11 101 9.18 281 897 3.19 16 89 5.56 606 2 007 3.31 89 431 4.84 ALASKA 3-51 Table 33. General Characteristics for Census Division Subdivisions: Census Division Subdivisions ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Aleutian Islands div --------------- ANCHORAGE Elmendorf Reservation ------__ ----_ Greater Anchorage Area borough ___ _ Richardson Reservation ----_______ _ ANGOON Ailgoon div ---------------------- BARROW Barrow div ---------------------- BETHEL Bethel div ----------------------- BRISTOL BAY BOROUGH Bristol Boy Borough div ___________ _ BRISTOL BAY DIVISION Bristol Boy div __ ----____________ _ CORDOVA·MCCARTHY Cordovo·McCarthy div ____________ _ FAIRBANKS Eielson Reservation _______________ _ Fairbanks North Star borough ______ _ Wainwright Reservation ________ --__ HAINES Haines borough __________________ _ Klukwan Reservation _____________ _ Terminal Reservation _____________ _ JUNEAU Greater Juneau borough ___________ _ KENAI·COOK INLET Kenai Peninsula borough (port) _____ _ Wildwood Reservation ________ ----_ KETCHIKAN Ketchikan Gateway borough _______ _ KOBUK Kobuk div ______________________ _ KODIAK Kodiak Island borough ____________ _ Naval Reservation ________________ _ KUSKOKWIM Kuskokwim div __________________ _ MATANUSKA·SUSITNA Matonusko-Susitno borough ____ ---- NOME Nome div _______________________ _ OUTER KETCHIKAN Outer Ketchikan div ______________ _ PRINCE OF WALES Prince of Wales div --------------- SEWARD Kenai Peninsula borough (part) _____ _ SITKA Greater Sitko borough ____________ _ SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT Skagway Portion _________________ _ Yakutat Portion __________________ _ SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS Southeast Fairbanks div ___________ _ UPPER YUKON Upper Yukon div ________________ .;:._ VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITTIER Valdez-Chitina-Whittier div _________ _ WADE HAMPTON Wade Hampton div _______________ _ WRANGELL-PETERSBURG Wrangell-Petersburg div ___________ _ YUKON-KOYUKUK Yukon-Koyukuk div _______________ _ 3-52 ALASKA - --- - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Population Sex Race Age Per-Per- cent cent 65 Me-under years dian 18 and Total Mole Female White Negro Other age years over 8 057 5 772 2 285 5564 237 2 256 23.1 26.9 1.0 12 588 7434 5 154 11 427 990 171 21.6 41.0 0.2 102 994 52 289 50 705 93 994 2 997 6 003 23.9 39.4 1.6 8 960 5 398 3 562 7 544 1 160 256 21.2 40.9 0.1 503 265 238 114 -389 21.0 45.5 9.9 2 663 1 433 1 230 330 14 2 319 18.0 50.5 2.8 7 579 3964 3 615 747 24 6 808 17.2 52.9 2.9 1 147 788 359 922 31 194 23.4 31.9 2.3 3 485 1 844 1 641 671 5 2 809 17.5 52.1 3.0 1 857 1 026 831 1 529 2 326 26.0 38.7 4.4 6 149 3 698 2 451 5 512 552 85 21.5 42.5 0.2 30 618 16 230 14 388 27 700 921 1 997 23.6 35.7 1.8 9 097 6 386 2 711 7 721 1 107 269 21.9 29.0 0.2 1 351 709 642 1 121 -230 25.8 40.6 4.4 103 53 so 11 -92 30.6 39.8 13.6 50 24 26 43 -7 43.3 36.0 2.0 13 556 6 897 6 659 11 422 106 2 028 26.0 39.1 3.8 13 500 7 218 6 282 12 355 53 1 092 23.6 43.0 2.3 750 450 300 692 52 6 21.9 41.3 0.1 10 041 5 232 4 809 8 527 44 1 470 25.2 40.2 5.1 4 434 2 320 2 114 534 5 3 895 16.6 54.0 3.9 6 357 3 468 2 889 4 445 52 1 860 23.5 39.3 3.2 3 052 1 897 1 155 2 770 105 177 21.9 36.6 0.2 2 306 1 314 992 584 35 1 687 19.9 47.0 3.3 6 509 3 470 3 039 6 189 12 308 25.8 42.2 4.7 5 749 3 071 2 678 1 205 27 4 517 19.3 48.0 3.9 1 676 917 759 757 5 914 21.5 44.9 3.2 2 106 1 239 867 1 497 6 603 27.2 36.6 3.6 2 336 1 243 1 093 2 067 4 265 28.7 35.0 6.8 6 109 3 227 2 882 4 611 36 1 462 24.9 40.2 5.9 708 390 318 662 -46 25.2 39.5 5.5 1 449 794 655 676 -773 24.0 43.1 7.0 4 179 2 462 1 717 3 418 208 553 22.3 36.0 1.7 1 684 1 091 593 588 13 1 083 25.8 34.3 4.8 3 098 1 700 1 398 2 378 9 711 27.7 37.2 3.5 3 917 2 078 1 839 231 12 3 674 16.2 54.7 2.6 4 913 2 585 2 328 3 759 4 1 150 25.2 40.3 5.3 4 752 2 882 1 870 2 450 83 2 219 22.8 40.8 2.9 1970 Households Total Negro and other races Per-Per- sons sons per per In group Populo-house-Populo-house- quarters Number tion hold Number tion hold 3 339 I 225 4 718 3.85 472 2 156 4.57 2 806 2 270 9 782 4.31 177 860 4.86 1 366 30 959 101 628 3.28 2 053 8 492 4.14 1 725 1 759 7 235 4.11 266 1 130 4.25 8 134 495 3.69 69 388 5.62 95 463 2 568 5.55 359 2 319 6.46 108 1 435 7 471 5.21 1 195 6 808 5.70 411 192 736 3.83 40 179 4.48 so 724 3 435 4.74 506 2 792 5.52 83 591 1 774 3.00 83 320 3.86 1 283 1 111 4 866 4.38 95 471 4.96 1 700 9 116 28 918 3.17 589 2 631 4.47 3 778 1 363 5 319 3.90 172 766 4.45 35 381 1 316 3.45 42 198 4.71 -27 103 3.81 26 92 3.54 -16 50 3.13 1 7 ... 212 4 223 13 344 3.16 479 2 041 4.26 254 3 742 13 246 3.54 266 1 104 4.15 142 147 608 4.14 9 45 5.00 239 3 006 9 802 3.26 328 1 463 4.46 172 814 4 262 5.24 657 3 818 5.81 202 1 802 6 155 3.42 386 1 850 4.79 776 582 2 276 3.91 41 215 5.24 255 463 2 051 4.43 354 1 676 4.73 255 1 841 6 254 3.40 36 192 5.33 215 1 209 5 534 4.58 835 4 448 5.33 53 391 1 623 4.15 189 914 4.84 159 560 1 947 3.48 128 590 4.61 141 722 2 195 3.04 41 230 5.61 266 1 767 5 843 3.31 321 1 451 4.52 -232 708 3.05 7 46 6.57 33 375 1 416 3.78 149 768 5.15 621 1 027 3 sse 3.46 147 674 4.59 384 338 1 300 3.85 223 1 031 4.62 172 921 2 926 3.18 149 647 4.34 255 643 3 662 5.70 603 3 548 5.88 42 1 473 4 871 3.31 242 1 148 4.74 708 1 015 4044 3.98 413 2 221 5.38 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 34. Race by Sex, for Census Divisions: Census Divisions Aleutian Islands ____ ------________ ------------M•------------------Female __________ ----__ ----------------__ Anchorage __ --------------______ --__ ------- Male ______ --____ ------______ ------------ Female ____ --____ ------______ ------------ Angoon ____ --------------------------------M•------------------Female ____ --____ ----------~------------- Borrow------------------------------------ Male-------------------~---------------- Female ____ --____ ------__ ---------------- Bethel. _____ --__ -~------------------------- Male-.-__ ----____ ------------___________ _ Female ____ --________ --------__ ----_____ _ Bristol Bay Borough..:------------------------Male ______________________________ ------ Female ------____ ------------------------Bristol Boy Division _________________________ _ M•------------------Femole ____ --____ ------____ ------·-------- Cordova-McCarthy __ ----______________ ------ Male ______ --__ --------~~---------------- Female ______ ---------------------~ ------ Fairbanks· __________ ------__ --------____ ----Male ___________________________________ _ Female __________ ------________ --__ ----__ ~~H-----------------­M•---------~--------Female __ ----____ ------______ ----____ ---~ Juneau ____________ ------____ ------__ ------Male ___________________________________ _ Female ____ --____ ------________ --__ ------ Kenai·Cook Inlet---------------------------- Male ______ ------------------------------ Female .;;. ____ ----------------------------Ketchikan __________ ----__________ --__ ----__ Male ____ ----__ --------__ --------__ ------ Female ______ ---------------------------- Kobuk •• -• ______ --------------------------- Male ____ ----____ ------__ --------__ ------Female __________ ----______________ ----__ Kodiak ____ ----____ ------____ ------__ ------Male ___________________________________ _ Female ____ --________ --______ ----__ ------ .Kuskokwim ____________ ----____ ------------ Male ______ ------------------------------ Female __ ----____ ------____ --------------Motanusko·SUsitno _________________________ _ Male __________________ ~-_______________ _ Female ______ -------------------"' -------- Nome ----------------------------·--------- ' Male __ --"---__ --------__ ----------------Female ________________________ --______ -- Outer Ketchikan ____ ----____________________ - Male ____________________ ---------------- Female ____ --____ ------______ ----__ ------ Prince of Wales ____________________________ _ Male ___________________________________ _ Female _________________________________ _ Seward ____________ ----______________ ----__ Male ____ ----____ ------____ ------__ ------ Female ____ --______ ----____ ------__ ------ Sitka ______________ ------__ ---------------- Male ______ ------------------------------Female ____ --______ ----______ ----____ ---- Skogwoy·Yokutat ------------________ -------- Male ______ ------------------------------ .Female----------------------------------Southeast Fairbanks ____________________ ----_ M~------------------Female ____________ ----____ ------__ ------ Upper Yukon ____________________ --________ - Male __ ------____ ------____ --------------Female ____ --____ ------________ --____ ---- Valdez-Chitina-Whittier ______________________ _ Male ______ --____ ------______ ----__ ------ Female ______________ ----__________ ----__ Wade Hampton ____________________________ _ Male ____ ----____ ------____ ------______ -- Female ________ --------______ ----__ ------ Wrangell-Petersburg ----------____ -----------Male ___________________________________ _ Female ______________ ----_______________ _ Yukon-Koyukuk ____________________________ _ Male ___________________________________ _ Female ______________ -------------------- - - - - - --- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - --- --- --- - - - - --- --- --- - --- -- ----- - -- ----- ---------- -- [for meaning of symbols see text] Total White 8 057 5 564 5 772 4 309 2 285 I 255 124 542 112 965 65 121 59 231 59 421 53 734 503 114 265 65 238 49 2 663 330 1 433 216 I 230 114 7 579 747 3 964 422 3 615 325 I 147 922 788 668 359 254 3 4BS 671 I 844 374 I 641 297 I 857 1 529 1 026 858 B31 671 45 864 40 933 26 314 23 599 19 550 17 334 1 504 1 175 786 624 718 551 13 556 11 422 6 B97 5 824 6 659 5 598 14 250 13 047 7 668 7 019 6 582 6 028 10 041 8 527 5 232 4 470 4 809 4 057 4 434 534 2 320 318 2 114 216 9 409 7 215 5 365 4 162 4044 3 053 2. 306 584 I 314 422 992 162 6 509 6 IB9 3 470 3 265 3 039 2 924 5 749 I 205 3 071 689 2 678 516 1 676 757 917 422 759 335 2 106 I 497 1 239 907 867 590 2 336 2 067 I 243 I lOS 1 093 962 6 109 4 611 3 227 2 458 2 8B2 2 153 2 157 I 33B 1 184 759 973 579 4 179 3 418 2 462 2 054 I 717 I 364 I 684 588 I 091 484 593 104 3 098 2 378 I 700 I 309 I 398 I 069 3 917 231 2 078 163 I 839 68 4 913 3 759 2 585 2 019 2 328 I 740 4 752 2 450 2 8B2 1 635 I 870 815 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS 1970 Total Negra Total 2 493 237 2256 1 463 216 1 247 I 030 21 1 009 11 577 5 i47 6 430 5 890 2 845 3 045 5 687 2 302 3 385 389 -389 200 -200 189 -1B9 2 333 14 2 319 1 217 13 I 204 1 116 I 1 115 6 832 24 6 SOB 3 542 22 3 520 3 290 2 3 2BB 225 31 194 120 30 90 lOS I 104 2 814 5 2 809 1 470 2 1468 1 344 3 I 341 328 2 326 168 2 166 160 -160 4 931 2 580 2 351 2 715 1 608 1 107 2 216 972 I 244 329 -329 162 -162 167 -167 2 134 106 2 028 I 073 55 I 018 I 061 51 I 010 I 203 lOS I 098 649 65 584 554 40 514 I 514 44 I 470 762 25 737 752 19 733 3 900 5 3 B95 2 002 5 1 997 I 898 -1 898 2 194 157 2 037 I 203 97 I 106 991 60 931 I 722 35 1 6B7 B92 32 860 830 3 827 320 12 308 205 7 198 115 5 110 4544 27 4 517 2.382 23 2 359 . 2 162 4 2 158 919 5 914 495 5 490 424 -424 609 6 603 332 4 328 277 2 275 269 4 265 13B 3 135 131 I 130 1 498 36 1 462 769 16 753 729 20 709 819 -B19 425 -425 394 -394 761 208 553 408 128 280 353 80 273 I 096 13 1 083 607 13 594 4B9 -489 720 9 711 391 B 383 329 1 328 3 686 12 3 674 1 915 10 I 905 1 771 2 I 769 I 154 4 1 ISO 566 2 564 588 2 SB6 2 302 83 2 219 1 247 72 I 175 1 055 11 1044 Negro and other races Other races Indian Japanese Chinese Filipino All other 61 21 7 135 2 032 36 11 5 104 1 091 25 10 2 31 941 I 775 471 136 425 3 623 853 182 B3 280 I 647 922 289 53 145 1 976 371 - - 4 14 ISB --3 9 183 - -I 5 10 1 2 -2 306 6 1 2 -I 195 4 - --1 111 65 4 -24 6 715 31 3 -21 3 465 34 I -3 3 250 20 1 I -172 B I I -80 12 - --92 272 13 -14 2 510 136 9 -13 1 310 136 4 -I 1 200 49 3 -35 239 21 2 -15 128 28 I -20 111 1 020 107 42 45 1 137 491 30 27 22 537 529 77 15 23 600 315 I --13 156 1 --5 159 - --8 I 477 27 3 283 238 717 12 3 172 114 760 IS -Ill 124 47B 20 -B1 519 259 11 -SB 256 219 9 -23 263 I 179 30 I 126 134 582 16 -76 63 597 14 1 so 71 8 I --3 886 5 ---I 992 3 1 --I 894 106 41 I 183 I 706 57 18 -121 910 49 23 I 62 796 745 10 -I 931 368 10 -I 481 377 - - -450 138 4 3 1 162 90 3 2 I 102 48 1 I -60 19 16 I ~ 4 481 9 11 --2 339 10 5 I -2 142 820 IS I 11 67 434 7 -8 41 386 8 1 3 26 567 - - 1 35 312 --1 IS 255 ---20 56 4 -12 193 29 I -6 99 27 3 -6 94 1 169 40 8 53 192 605 20 5 30 93 564 20 3 23 99 752 5 -8 54 390 3 -5 27 362 2 -3 27 479 13 7 15 39 241 4 2 12 21 238 9 5 3 18 907 2 -I 173 488 2 --104 419 - - I 69 413 3 --295 212 2 --169 201 1 --126 17 - - -3 657 6 ---I 899 11 ---I 758 975 60 4 35 76 471 30 3 27 33 504 30 I B 43 2 013 3 11 5 187 1 066 2 11 3 93 947 1 -2 94 ALASKA 3-53 Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970 [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions All ages ____ ----__ --___________ _ Under 1 year---------------------------1 year----________ ------______________ _ 2~=----------------3y~~----------------4 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 5 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 6 years ________ --------_______________ _ 7 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 8 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 9~=----------------10 years ______ ------------____________ _ 11 years ______ ----____________________ _ 12 years __ --__ -· __ ------______________ _ 13 years __ ----____ ------__ --__________ _ 14 years ______________________________ _ 15 years ______________________________ _ 16 years __ --______ ----________________ _ 17 years ______________________________ _ 18 years ______________________________ _ 19 years __________ ----__________ ----__ _ Wy~~----------------21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5~9y~~-------------- 10 to 14 year•-------------------------- 15 to 19 year•-------------------------- 20 to 24 y~rs-------------------------- 25 to 29 year•-------------------------- 30 to 34 year•-------------------------- 35 to 39 year•-------------------------- 40 to 44 yeors-------------------------- 45 to 49 yeors--------------------------50 to 54 years ____________ --___________ _ 55 to 59 year•-------------------------- W~~~=------------- 65 to 69 year•-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeor•-------------------------- 75 to 79 year•-------------------------- 80 to 84 year•--------------------------85 years and over __________ --__________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age ___________________________ _ All•t•s------------------------ ----- - - - - - -- ----- ----- - ----- - - -- --- - - - - - - ---- - Under 1 year----------------------------1 year ________________________________ _ 2~~----------------3 years _______________________________ _ 4 years _______________________________ _ 5y~~---------------- 6y~~---------------- 7~=----------------8y~~---------------- 9~~----------------10 years ______________________________ _ 11 years ______________________________ _ 12 years __________ ----________________ _ 13 years __________ ----________________ _ Wy~~----------------15 years ______________________________ _ 16 years ______________________________ _ 17 years ______________________________ _ 18 years •• ____________________________ _ 19 years ______________________________ _ 20 years ______________________________ _ 21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5~9~=--------------10 to 14 year•-------------------------- 15 to 19 year•-------------------------- 20 to 24 year•-------------------------- 25 to 29 y~~-------------------------- -- -- - ----- -- - -- ----- - - -- - - - 30 to 34 year•-------------------------- 35 to 39 year•-------------------------~ 40 to 44 years-------------------------- -- -45 to 49 years _______________ : _________ _ 50 to 54 year•-------------------------- 55 to 59 year•-------------------------- 60 to~ yeor•-------------------------- 65 to 69 yeor•-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeor•-------------------------- 75 to 79 yeor•-------------------------- 80 to 84 year•----~--------------------- 85 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over __ ------________ ----__ _ Median age---------------------------- 3-54 ALASKA --- - ----- ---- Total 8 057 1W 150 122 159 147 149 150 148 122 114 125 118 95 104 85 85 61 71 96 295 548 4 953 738 683 527 608 2 341 886 673 490 329 259 216 142 87 39 17 13 4 5 2 165 129 78 23.1 503 1 10 6 8 16 12 12 15 13 16 18 13 14 17 13 16 13 16 12 6 1 255 41 68 75 63 23 27 28 19 20 25 16 31 17 21 13 7 6 3 229 58 50 21.0 All races Male 5 772 85 83 68 90 12 71 83 ~ 68 58 58 49 52 57 36 55 27 43 72 2W 511 3 810 398 344 252 457 2 083 637 491 347 237 184 138 98 52 32 10 6 2 4 1 119 85 54 23.4 265 1 4 1 5 2 2 8 8 4 5 10 8 4 7 7 13 7 10 5 4 - 150 13 27 36 39 14 17 17 9 11 15 5 19 9 15 9 4 4 2 106 39 34 26.0 1970 population White Negro 19W populo- Total Female Male Female Male Female tion ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 2 285 4 309 1 255 216 21 (NA) 124 542 75 51 52 -1 (NA) 2954 67 48 43 - - (NA) 2 705 54 39 34 -1 INA) 2 392 69 51 37 - - (NAl 2 566 75 35 40 1 1 (NA) 2 633 78 36 36 1 1 (NA) 2 917 67 47 33 -2 (NA) 2 938 84 30 42 - - (NA) 3 087 54 36 27 1 -(NA) 2 994 56 30 25 --INA) 3 063 67 34 30 - - (NA) 3 081 69 26 36 1 -(NA) 2 899 43 21 19 1 1 (NA) 2 898 47 27 21 - - (NA) 2 776 49 17 23 - - (NA) 2 581 30 22 12 --(NA) 2 482 34 9 11 - - (NA) 2 272 28 17 12 - - (NA) 2 145 24 49 6 6 -(NA) 1 844 35 228 6 12 1 (NA) 1 865 37 454 18 29 1 (NA) 2 727 1 143 3-002 692 164 12 (NA) 68 723 340 224 206 1 3 (NA) 13 250 339 179 163 2 3 (NA) 14 999 275 125 129 2 1 (NA) 14 235 151 325 47 18 1 (NA) 10 W8 258 1 864 177 97 3 (NA) 14 515 249 532 180 25 5 (NAl 11 679 182 378 120 27 2 (NA) 9 960 143 233 79 21 1 (NAl 9 429 92 160 49 8 -(NA) 7 801 75 110 42 10 1 (NA) 6 735 78 93. 40 3 -(NA) 4 866 44 52 8 - - (NA) 3 015 35 20 13 1 1 (NA) 1 721 7 10 1 - - (NA) 831 7 2 ---(NA) 354 7 -1 --(NA) 184 2 - -- - (NA) 146 1 2 -1 -(NA) 214 1 046 576 533 5 7· (NA) 49 383 44 28 10 1 1 (NA) 2 604 24 14 2 1 -(NA) 1 729 20.7 23.5 22.3 24.4 24.2 (NA) 23.2 ANGOON 238 65 49 --(NA) 2 663 - - ---(NA) 68 6 - -- - (NA) 55 5 -1 - - (NA) 59 3 -1 --(NA) 89 14 -1 - - (NA) 94 10 --- -(NA) 109 4 1 1 --(NA) 86 7 -3 - - (NA) 87 9 - - - - (NA) 72 11 -1 - - (NA) 76 8 1 1 - - (NA) 81 5 - -- - (NA) 78 10 --- - (NA) 69 10 1 -- - (NA) 65 6 ----(NA) 67 3 1 -- - (NA) 77 6 - - --(NA) 52 6 -2 - - (NA) 60 7 2 ---(NA) 55 2 -1 --(NA) 51 1 - -- - (NA) 42 105 59 37 - - (NA) 1 171 28 -3 - - (NAl 365 41 1 5 - - (NA) 430 39 2 1 - - (NA) 360 24 3 3 --(NA) 295 9 3 3 - - INA) 244 10 4 1 - - (NA) 199 11 5 2 --(NA) 169 10 4 2 - - (NA) 129 9 3 4 - - (NA) 122 10 5 2 - - (NA) 97 11 2 2 - -(NA) 59 12 10 7 - - (NA) 72 8 4 7 --(NA) 47 6 7 5 - -(NA) 34 4 7 1 --(NA) 17 3 2 -- - (NA) 14 2 2 1 - - (NA) 3 1 1 - - - (NA) 7 123 4 11 - - (NA) 1 344 19 22 9 - - (NA) 99 16 19 7 --(NA) 75 17.3 55.3 46.3 --(NA) 18.0 1970 population All races White Negro 1960 populo· Male Female Male Female Male Female tion ANCHORAGE 65 121 59 421 59 231 53 734 2 845 2 302 (NA) 1506 1 448 1 349 1 293 72 80 (NA) 1 376 1 329 1 226 1 195 76 61 (NA) 1 219 1 173 1 052 1 029 69 ~ (NA) 1 336 1 230 1 174 1 071 58 ~ (NA) 1 333 1300 1 171 1 147 71 65 (NA) 1 438 1 479 1 275 1 323 68 73 (NA) 1 510 1 428 1 349 1 262 58 62 (NA) 1 584 1 503 1 437 1 336 63 76 (NA) 1 485 1 509 1 335 1 354 62 60 (NA) 1 584 1 479 1 432 1 337 63 ~ (NA) 1 507 1 574 1354 1 410 59 66 (NA) 1 470 1 429 1 335 1 284 61 57 (NA) 1 533 1 365 1 393 1 245 47 50 (NA) 1 416 13W 1 278 1 232 47 51 (NA) 1 298 1 283 1 185 1 189 47 34 (NA) 1 245 1 237 1 133 1 131 32 36 (NA) 1 157 1 115 1 073 1 013 28 28 (NA) 1 123 1 022 1 035 927 35 36 (NA) 941 903 863 809 29. 28 (NA) 896 969 794 847 51 52 (NA) 1 581 1 146 1 408 1 028 118 49 (NA) 36 583 32 140 33 580 29 272 1 631 1 146 INA) 6 770 6 480 5972 5 735 346 334 (NA) 7 601 7 398 6 828 6 612 314 335 (NA) 7 224 7 011 6 545 6 360 261 258 (NA) 5 362 5246 4 898 4 727 175 180 (NA) 8 352 6 163 7 505 5 554 580 258 (NA) 5 886 5 793 5 380 5 248 273 222 (NA) 5 061 4899 4 580 4 381 248 224 (NA) 5 029 4400 4 621 3 959 227 150 (NA) 4 213 3 588 3 959 3 302 119 106 (NA) 3 513 3 222 3300 3 030 102 81 (NA) 2 657 2 209 2 535 2 055 67 63 (NA) 1 662 1 353 1 564 1 267 53 40 (NA) 901 820 835 758 42 21 (NA) 442 389 393 351 15 12 (NA) 165 189 146 172 4 6 (NA) 75 109 66 100 1 3 (NA) 69 77 62 69 4 3 (NA) 139 75 42 54 14 6 (NA) 25 120 24 263 22 586 21 778 1 016 1 027 (NA) 1 357 1 247 1 142 1 126 57 41 (NA) 890 839 709 746 38 30 (NA) 23.4 22.9 23.6 23.1 22.8 20.9 (NA) BARROW 1 433 1 230 216 114 13 1 (NA) 33 35 9 6 1 -(NA) 27 28 3 4 -1 (NA) 25 34 1 - --(NA) 49 40 4 3 1 -(NA) 46 48 2 2 --(NA) 65 44 -5 - - (NA) 40 46 1 3 --(NA) 41 46 3 1 --CNA) 30 42 3 1 - - (NA) 35 41 2 - - -(NA) 39 42 1 3 --(NA) 39 39 -2 --(NA) 37 32 2 2 --(NA) 33 32 -2 - - (NA) 41 26 3 ---(NA) 38 39 3 1 --(NA) 26 26 1 - --(NA) 28 32 -- --INA) 27 28 -1 --(NA) 28 23 1 1 --(NA) 20 22 4 1 1 -(NA) 686 485 173 76 10 -(NA) 180 185 19 15 2 1 (NA) 211 219 9 10 - - (NA) 189 171 6 9 - - (NA) 147 148 5 3 --(NA) 146 98 46 14 6 -(NA) 120 79 48 20 - - (NA) 97 72 26 10 3 -(NA) 83 46 18 5 2 -(NA) 63 59 9 8 --(NA) 56 41 11 7 - - (NA) 27 32 4 5 --(NA) 36 36 7 4 - - (NAl 31 16 4 3 - - CNA) 23 11 3 - --(NA) 11 6 -- --INA) 7 7 -1 --(NA) 2 1 1 ---(NA) 4 3 - - - - (NA) 672 672 38 35 2 1 (NA) 61 38 5 4 --(NA) 47 28 4 1 --(NA) 19.6 16.4 27.4 26.5 23.8 ... (NA) GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] Census Divisions All ages __ ---------------------- Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year ____ ----------------------------- 2~=----------------3 years ______ --____ --------___________ _ 4~=----------------5yea~---------------- 6yea~---------------- 7 years __ ------------------------------8 years ____________ ------_____________ _ 9 years •• __________ ----_______________ _ 10 years __________ ----------__________ _ 11 years .• ________ ----__ ----__ --------- l2 years __ ----------------------------- 13 years __________ ----__ ------__ ----__ _ 14 years. _________ --------______ ------_ 15 years __ ----------------------------- 16 years __________ --------______ ----__ _ 17 years ________ ----------------------- 18 years .... __ .... ________ ........ ______ ----__ _ 19 years .... ____ .... __ --------.... ----------- 20 years .... ________ --------------------.. 21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years ______ ----__ ........ ________ .... 5~9~=-------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15to 19 years--------------------------20 to 24 years _____________ , ___________ _ 25 to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 3510 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------------4510 49 years _________________________ _ 50 to 54 years-------------------------- 5510 59 years-------------------------- 60 to 64 years--------------------------65 to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75to 79 yeors-------------------------- 80 to 84 yeors--------------------------85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age----------·------------------ Allagts _______________________ _ Under 1 year---------------------------1 year ____________ ----------__________ _ 2yea~---------------- 3yea~-~-------------- 4~=----------------5 years .... -:'-__________________ .... _______ _ 6y~~---------------- . 7 years .... ______ --------------------.... --8 years ................ __________ .... __ ........ __ .... __ 9 years ________ ---------------·--------10 ye~rs .... ____________ .... ____ .... __ ------.. 11 years .... ____ .... -----------------------12 years ____ ............ ----________________ .. 13 years __________ ----__ --------------- 14 years .... ______ -----------------------15 years .... __ ............ __ .... ________________ _ 16 years ............ --__________________ .... __ .. 17 years ____ ·--· __ ----____ ----__ ------_ 18 years ______ --·---__________________ _ 19 years .... __ ....... 4 --.... ----.... ----------...... 20 yea~----•• -·------·----------------21 years and ovel'_ .. ____________________ _ Under 5 yea~--····-------------------- 5~9~=-------------- 10 to 14 yeo~----------·--------------- 15to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 2510 29 years-------------------------- 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35to 39 years--------------------------40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45to 49 yeors-------------------------- 50 to 54 years-------------------------- 5510 59 yeors-------------------------- 60 to 64 years _________________________ _ 65to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75to 79 yeors-------------------------- 80 to 84 years-------------------------- 85 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over __ ----------________ ...... 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - ----- - - ---- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - ----- ---- -- ----- - - - - -- - - - ---- --- - Total 7 579 195 206 222 276 254 237 260 291 240 223 223 235 225 189 162 231 171 166 138 94 132 3209 1 153 1 251 1 034 800 553 591 391 386 347 283 254 209 110 89 49 28 12 39 4 006 272 217 17.2 3 485 89 82 72 115 119 104 116 132 112 105 107 100 106 94 91 95 91 86 61 60 48 1 500 477 569 498 393 197 235 215 189 156 141 117 108 85 63 14 15 8 5 1 816 151 105 17.5 All races Male 3 964 88 100 108 141 131 132 147 153 121 121 117 118 120 93 71 128 105 77 66 47 74 1 706 568 674 519 423 276 294 206 196 203 155 147 117 57 51 26 16 7 29 2 071 160 129 17.6 1 844 47 44 30 54 67 52 68 74 64 58 53 51 61 47 43 49 49 46 32 30 20 805 242 316 255 206 85 112 130 109 79 65 54 63 57 49 10 8 3 1 957 103 71 17.6 GENERAl POPUlATION CHARACTERISTICS 1970 population White Negro 1960 populo· Female Male Female Male Female tian Total BETHEL 3 615 422 325 22 2 (NA) 1 147 107 11 7 --(NA) 20 106 9 12 --(NA) 17 114 7 8 --INA) 13 135 7 7 --(NA) 17 123 9 10 1 -(NA) 17 105 10 6 --(NA) 15 113 6 9 --(NA) 17 138 11 7 2 -INA) 24 119 5 10 --(NA) 28 102 11 8 --(NA) 25 106 8 9 1 -(NA) 26 117 3 12 --(NA) 25 105 10 7 --(NA) 21 96 3 5 --(NA) 24 91 5 5 --(NA) 26 103 4 3 --(NA) 20 66 5 5 --(NA) 16 89 -4 --(NA) 15 72 2 2 --(NA) 10 47 7 ---(NA) 27 58 4 -2 -(NA) 56 1 503 285 189 16 2 (NA) 688 585 43 44 1 -(Ni\l 84 577 43 40 2 -(NA) 109 515 29 38 1 -(NA) 122 377 18 14 --(NA) 88 277 56 35 3 -(NA) 251 297 65 48 2 -(NA) 107 185 36 31 2 -(NA) 104 190 43 26 2 -(NA) 90 144 36 13 4 -(NA) 52 128 8 10 --(NA) 49 107 24 7 --(NA) 26 92 7 12 --(NA) 20 53 7 4 -2 (NA) 19 38 4 2 --(NA) 15 23 2 ---(NA) 6 12 1 1 --(NA) 1 5 ----(NA) 1 10 --5 -(NA) 3 1 935 124 134 4 -(NA) 366 112 12 5 5 -(NA) 41 88 7 3 5 -(NA) 26 16.7 26.7 23.8 35.0 ... (NA) 23.4 BRISTOL BAY DIVISION 1 641 374 297 2 3 (NA) 1 857 42 8 4 --(NA) 41 38 5 5 --(NA) 32 42 4 8 --(NA) 39 61 6 9 1 -(NAl 39 52 9 3 --(NA) 29 52 8 5 --(NA) 47 48 14 8 --(NA) 52 58 12 6 --(NA) 53 48 10 8 --(NAl 40 47 11 11 --(NA) 33 54 9 10 --(NA) 39 49 5 9 --(NA) 39 45 13 11 --(NA) 47 47 7 7 --(NAl 37 48 4 6 --(NA) 37 46 6 6 --(NA) 41 42 11 2 --(NA) 33 40 6 3 --(NA) 40 29 1 4 --(NA) 28 30 4 1 --(NA) 22 28 2 2 --(NA) 30 695 219 169 1 3 (NA) 1 059 235 32 29 1 -(NA) 180 253 55 38 --(NA) 225 243 38 43 --(NA) 199 187 28 16 --(NA) 164 112 16 18 -1 (NA) 131 123 33 34 --(NA) 146 85 42 29 -1 (NA) 128 80 33 19 -1 (NA) 109 77 16 14 --(NA) 126 76 10 12 --(NA) 113 63 16 21 1 -(NA) 100 45 18 15 --(NA) 88 28 19 3 --(NA) 66 '14 12 2 --(NA) 39 4 2 1 --(NA) 11 7 4 3 --(NA) 15 5 ----(NA) 6 4 ----(NA) 11 859 148 121 1 -(NA) 718 48 26 7 --(NA) 111 34 18 6 --(NA) 82 17.4 27.7 25.7 ... ... (NA) 26.0 All races Male 788 14 8 7 6 7 10 7 11 13 12 13 14 11 12 16 8 7 8 9 21 53 521 42 53 66 53 231 80 71 72 34 34 12 14 11 10 3 -- 2 184 23 15 23.9 1 026 21 21 16 21 14 20 24 28 29 16 19 24 25 15 17 20 15 17 20 12 20 612 93 117 100 84 74 67 80 59 73 58 60 59 44 29 7 9 4 9 362 78 58 28.4 Property of U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Planning 1970 papulation White Negro 1960 populo· Female Male Female Male Female tion BRISTOL BAY BOROUGH 359 668 254 30 1 (NA) 6 11 5 --INA) 9 8 7 --INA) 6 5 4 --(NA) 11 5 5 --(NA) 10 6 9 --(NA) 5 8 2 --(NA) 10 6 9 --INA) 13 8 12 -1 INA) 15 12 7 --INA) 13 10 10 --(NA) 13 10 8 --(NA) 11 13 5 --(NA) 10 6 9 --(NAl 12 7 9 --(NA) 10 12 8 --(NA) 12 7 10 --(NA) 9 7 7 --(NA) 7 5 6 --(NA) 1 7 1 --(NA) 6 19 3 2 -(NA) 3 45 2 4 -(NA) 167 451 116 24 -(NA) 42 35 30 --(NA) 56 44 40 -1 (NA) 56 48 39 --(NA) 35 45 27 2 -(NA) 20 205 13 14 -(NA) 27 70 22 5 -(NA) 33 58 24 5 -(NA) 18 62 12 4 -(NA) 18 32 10 --(NA) 15 27 13 --(NA) 14 11 9 --(NA) 6 11 3 --(NA) 8 8 4 --(NA) 5 8 5 --(NA) 3 3 1 --(NA) 1 -1 --(NAl 1 -1 --(NA) 1 1 ---(NA) 182 146 132 -1 (NA) 18 18 11 --(NA) 11 12 8 --(NA) 18.6 24.0 18.3 24.6 . .. (NA) CORDOVA-MCCARTHY 831 858 671 2 -(NA) 20 19 19 ... -(NA) 11 17 11 ... -(NA) 23 12 21 ... -(NA) 18 18 12 ... -(NA) 15 12 13 ... -(NA) 27 15 23 ... -(NA) 28 19 24 ... -(NA) 25 22 16 ... -(NA) 11 23 9 ... -(NA) 17 13 13 ... -(NA) 20 14 15 ... -(NA) 15 19 10 ... -(NA) 22 21 13 ... -(NA) 22 10 18 ... ~ (NA) 20 14 16 ... -(NA) 21 17 19 ... -(NAl 18 13 12 ... -(NA) 23 13 22 ... ~ !NAl 8 18 7 ... -(NAl 10 7 8 ... -(NA) 10 18 5 ... -(NA) 447 524 365 ... -(NA) 87 78 76 ... -(NA) 108 92 85 ... -(NA) 99 78 72 ... -(NA) 80 68 68 ... -(NA) 57 63 47 ... -(NA) 79 60 67 ... -(NA) 48 73 40 ... -(NA) 50 47 44 ... -(NA) 53 61 44 ... -(NA) 55 47 40 ... -(NA) 40 53 30 ... -(NAl 29 52 21 ... -(NA) 22 39 19 ... -(NA) 10 22 7 ... -(NA) 4 6 4 ... -(NA) 6 9 5 ... -(NA) 2 2 1 ... -(NA) 2 8 1 ... -(NA) 356 291 286 ... -(NA) 33 66 25 ... -(NA) 24 47 18 ... -(NA) 23.6 29.2 23.7 ... -(NA) ALASKA 3-55 Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued Census Divisions All ages------------------------ Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year __________ ----------------------- 2y~n---------------­ Jy~n---------------- 4 years ____________ -------------------- 5y~n---------------- 6y~n---------------- 7y~n---------------- 8 years ____________ -------------------- 9 years __ ------------------------------ 10 years ____ --------------------------- 11 years __ ----------------------------- 12 years ______ ------------------------- 13 years __ ----------------------------- 14 years __________ --------------------- 15 years __ ----------------------------- 16 years __________ ----______________ --- 17 years __ -----------------------------18 years ________________ --------------- 19 years __________ --------------------- 20 years ____________ -------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 years---------------------------- 10 Ia 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 years--------------------------25 to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35 to 39 years--------------------------40 to 44 years ________________ ---------- 45 to 49 years _________________________ _ 50 Ia 54 years ____________________ ------ 55 Ia 59 years-------------------------- 60 to 64 years--------------------------65 to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75 to 79 years--------------------------80 to 84 years _________________________ _ 85 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over __ ----______________ --- Median age ---------------------------- All agos __ ----------------------Under 1 year __________________ ----__ --- 1 year __________________________ ------- 2 years ________ ------------------------ 3 years __ ------------------------------ 4 years __________ ---------------------- 5y~n---------------- 6y~n---------------- 7 years ________ ------------------------ 8 years ______ ----__ -------------------- 9~n---------------- 10 years ______ ------------------------- 1 1 years ____________________ ----------- 12 years __________________ ------------- 13 years ____________________ ----------- 14 years--__ ---------------------------15 years ____________________ ----------- 16 years __________ ----__ --------------- 17 years ________________ --------------- 18 years ____________________ ----------- Wy~n---------------- 20 years __ ----------------------------- 21 years and over __ ----__ --------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 years----------------------------10 Ia 14 years _________________________ _ 15 to 19 yeors--------------------------20 to 24 years __________________ -------- 25 to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years ____________________ ------ 35 to 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------------45 to 49 years _________________________ _ 50 to 54 yeors-------------------------- 55 to 59 years-------------------------- 60 to 64 yeors--------------------------65 to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years-------------------------- 75 to 79 years--------------------------80 to 84 years _________________________ _ 85 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years ________________________ _ ----- - - - - - -- - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - --- -62 years and over ________ ----__________ _ 65 years and over ________________ ----__ _ .- - Median age----------------------------- 3-56 ALASKA IFor minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] 1970 papulation All races White Negro 1960 populo- Total Mole Female Male Female Male Female tion Total FAIRBANKS 45 864 26 314 19 550 23 599 17 334 1 608 972 (NA) 1 504 1 149 593 556 535 499 32 23 (NA) 33 1 038 574 464 520 406 28 28 INA) 25 882 435 447 377 392 23 28 INA) 25 793 399 394 341 352 20 18 (NA) 35 889 463 426 396 377 30 26 (NA) 30 986 495 491 421 430 29 32 (NA) 44 1 052 535 517 468 441 27 36 INA) 28 998 528 470 468 410 25 27 INA) 29 1 037 571 466 497 405 38 32 (NA) 34 972 487 485 434 421 32 28 (NA) 32 1 017 507 510 462 447 25 30 (NA) 33 955 511 444 456 383 23 38 (NA) 38 901 491 410 436 359 24 23 (NA) 38 788 392 396 345 353 29 18 (NA) 41 778 392 386 353 336 11 24 (NA) 32 628 318 310 285 277 12 14 (NA) 39 638 326 312 291 275 12 12 (NA) 36 681 340 341 297 290 18 13 (NA) 35 941 580 361 514 320 45 14 (NA) 10 1 167 716 451 637 403 43 14 (NA) 13 1 904 1 377 527 1 197 463 137 23 (NA) 18 25 670 15 284 10 386 13 869 9 295 945 471 (NA) 856 4 751 2464 2 287 2 169 2 026 133 123 (NA) 148 5 045 2 616 2 429 2 288 2 107 151 155 (NA) 167 4 439 2 293 2 146 2 052 1 878 112 133 (NA) 182 4 055 2 280 1 775 2 024 1 565 130 67 (NA) 133 8 698 6 080 2 618 5 350 2 355 542 108 (NA) 96 4 616 2 579 2 037 2 328 1 814 166 107 (NA) 106 3 454 1 901 1 553 1 750 1 381 92 64 (NA) 104 3 041 1 735 1 306 1 595 1 150 93 68 (NA) 96 2 232 1 270 962 1 160 856 65 39 (NA) 80 1 883 1 022 861 956 775 43 44 (NA) 97 1 470 826 644 764-601 34 21 (NA) 95 1 031 599 432 561 394 24 16 (NA) 81 576 340 236 316 209 16 14 (NA) 45 264 140 124 132 106 4 7 (NA) 28 133 79 54 71 44 2 2 (NA) 22 69 30 39 28 34 -1 (NA) 9 48 23 25 23 23 -1 (NA) 8 59 37 22 32 16 1 2 (NA) 7 16 182 8 357 7 825 7 382 6 853 438 450 (NA) 607 886 489 397 452 341 17 21 (NA) 96 573 309 264 286 223 7 13 (NA) 74 22.7 22.9 22.2 23.1 22.3 22.6 20.4 (NA) 26.2 JUNEAU 13 556 6 897 6 659 5 824 5 598 55 51 (NA) 14 250 278 141 137 107 112 1 3 (NA) 311 262 145 117 121 85 1 -(NA) 264 227 115 112 95 86 1 1 (NA) 257 249 121 128 95 94 -4 (NA) 307 274 140 134 111 107 3 2 (NA) 329 316 168 148 132 120 3 -(NA) 343 310 159 151 125 121 4 1 (NA) 372 357 182 175 155 139 1 1 (NA) 402 334 146 188 117 154 1 3 (NA) 357 346 189 157 149 131 1 2 (NAI 387 311 158 153 128 123 -3 (NAI 377 332 167 165 134 131 - - (NA) 391 329 170 159 136 125 2 1 (NA) 391 321 163 158 131 126 2 1 (NA) 367 279 135 144 107 118 1 4 (NA) 331 282 139 143 110 123 1 1 (NA) 335 244 124 120 109 101 - - (NA) 327 248 129 119 106 95 2 2 (NA) 266 196 101 95 87 85 1 -(NA) 194 163 87 76 73 59 -1 (NA) 154 175 81 94 63 75 --(NA) 177 7 723 3 937 3 786 3 433 3 288 30 21 (NA) 7 611 1 290 662 628 529 484 6 10 (NA) 1 468 1 663 844 819 678 665 10 7 (NAI 1 861 1 572 793 779 636 623 5 9 (NA) 1 857 1 133 580 553 485 463 4 4 (NAI 1 276 892 403 489 332 398 2 -(NA) 973 1 086 534 552 462 482 2 1 (NA) 1 219 1 058 554 504 487 425 3 5 (NA) 1 114 898 470 428 409 371 1 -(NA) 1 090 921 474 447 434 373 4 5 (NA) 989 816 423 393 383 353 7 4 (NA) 781 717 356 361 321 330 5 2 (NA) 626 588 326 262 284 238 2 1 (NA) 427 410 219 191 192 174 1 2 (NA) 259 250 130 120 102 109 1 -(NA) 140 113 56 57 46 47 1 1 (NA) 87 71 34 37 29 31 --(NA) 35 33 11 22 8 20 --(NA) 19 45 28 17 7 12 1 -(NA) 29 5 299 2 691 .2 608 2 168 2 091 24 29 (NAI 6 114 717 370 347 290 304 4 2 (NA) 453 512 259 253 192 219 3 1 (NA) 310 26.0 26.6 25.6 27.7 26.7 26.3 14.7 (NA) 23.4 1970 population All races White Negra 1960 populo- Male Female Male Female Male Female tion HAINES 786 718 624 551 --(NA) 19 14 19 12 --INA) 9 16 9 12 --INA) 16 9 13 8 --(NA) 20 15 16 9 --INA) 13 17 9 10 --INA) 26 18 18 13 --(NA) 11 17 9 11 --(NA) 15 14 12 13 --(NA) 15 19 12 15 --(NA) 17 15 12 11 --(NA) 19 14 15 10 --(NA) 21 17 14 12 --(NA) 21 17 14 11 --(NA) 26 15 24 9 --(NA) 16 16 12 14 --(NA) 17 22 15 17 --(NA) 19 17 14 14 --(NA) 16 19 10 17 --(NA) 3 7 2 5 --(NA) 6 7 4 4 --(NA) 10 8 7 7 --(NAI 451 405 364 317 --(NA) 77 71 66 51 --(NA) 84 83 63 63 --(NA) 103 79 79 56 --(NAI 61 72 45 57 --(NA) 43 53 34 44 --(NA) 56 50 47 46 --(NA) 50 54 43 48 --(NA) 50 46 34 38 --(NA) 43 37 36 31 --(NA) 59 38 45 30 --(NA) 52 43 46 35 --(NA) 54 27 42 24 --(NA) 24 21 23 16 --(NA) 13 15 11 5 --(NAI 11 11 9 4 --(NA) 2 7 - ---(NA) 3 5 1 1 --(NA) 1 6 -2 --(NA) 316 291 247 218 --(NA) 42 54 32 18 --(NA) 30 44 21 12 --(NA) 27.2 25.1 27.7 25.5 --(NA) KENAI-COOK INLET 7 668 6 582 7019 6 028 65 40 (NA) 158 153 147 133 1 3 (NA) 141 123 129 115 1 -(NA) 141 116 125 104 --(NA) 153 154 145 141 1 -(NA) 171 158 155 139 1 1 (NA) 182 161 162 151 --(NA) 205 167 182 155 -2 (NA) 202 200 184 181 1 1 (NA) 187 170 171. 152 3 1 (NA) 198 189 186 175 1 2 (NA) 209 168 191 150 1 -(NA) 209 182 189 167 1 1 (NA) 210 181 189 162 1 2 (NA) 185 182 172 167 2 3 (NA) 165 166 152 150 1 1 (NA) 166 169 157 152 1 2 (NA) 165 162 155 149 1 -(NA) 143 123 130 111 --(NA) 100 94 89 86 2 -(NA) 75 79 66 71 1 -(NA) 98 79 88 70 5 -(NA) 4 205 3 406 3 855 3 147 40 21 (NA) 764 704 701 632 4 4 (NA) 974 887 885 814 5 6 (NA) 978 879 893 796 6 7 (NA) 649 627 597 569 5 2 (NA) 536 437 476 399 16 6 (NA) 607 612 565 571 2 1 (NA) 561 553 512 510 4 5 (NA) 600 490 561 461 7 2 (NA) 578 411 539 381 5 4 (NA) 450 331 420 304 1 1 (NA) 357 269 340 255 2 -(NA) 259 168 235 156 4 1 (NA) 162 97 140 84 1 -(NA) 91 49 78 38 1 1 (NA) 47 40 39 31 1 -(NA) 19 16 18 15 --(NA) 13 6 13 6 - - (NA) 23 6 7 6 1 -(NA) 3 190 2 924 2 921 2 654 17 19 (NA) 286 167 238 143 3 1 (NA) 193 117 -155 96 3 1 (NA) 24.4 22.2 24.6 22.5 23.9 20.8 (NA) GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions All oges ____ ----_______________ _ Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year ______ --------------------------- 2~=----------------3 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 4 years--____ -------------------------- 5 years ______ -------------------------- 6 years ______ -------------------------- 7~=----------------8 years _______________________________ _ 9~~----------------10 years __________ ----______________ --- 11 years ____ --------------------------- 12 years ____ --------------------------- 13 years ____ --------------------------- 14 years ____ --------------------------- 15 years ____ --------------------------- 16 years ____ --------------------------- 17 years ____ --------------------------- 18 years ____ ------------__ ----__ ------- 19 years ____ --------------------------- 20 years ____ ------------------__ -------21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years ______ ----_______________ _ 5~9~=--------------10 to 14 years _________________________ _ 15 to 19 yeors--------------------------20 to 24 years _________________________ _ 25 to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 years _________________________ _ 40 to 44 years ______ ----______ --------__ 45 to 49 years _________________________ _ 50 to 54 years _________________________ _ 55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 years _________________________ _ 65 to 69 years--------------------------70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 15 to 79 years-------------------------- 80 to 84 years--------------------------85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years ________________________ _ 62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- All ages _______________________ _ Under 1 year ____________________ -------1 year ________________________________ _ 2y~~----------------3 years _______________________________ _ 4 years ______ -------------------------- 5 years ______ -------------------------- 6 years _______________________________ _ 7 years ____________ ----__________ ------ 8 years ______ -------------------------- 9y~~----------------10 years ________________________ ------- 11 years ________________________ ------- 12 years ____ ----__ ------__ --__ --------- 13 years ____ --------------------------- 14 years ____ ---------------------------15 years ________________________ ------- 16 years ____ --____ ------________ ------- 17 years ____ ----------____ --____ ------- 18 years ____ --------------__ ----------- 19 years ____ ---------------------------20 years __________ ----________________ _ 21 years and over ________ ----________ --- Under 5 years _________________________ _ 5 to 9 yeors---------------------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 years-------------------------- 30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors--------------------------40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 yearS-------------------------- 50 to 54 yeors--------------------------55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65 to 69 years--------------------------70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75 to 79 years _________________________ _ 80 to 84 years _________________________ _ 85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age ---------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - - - - -- -- - -- ------ - ---- - - - - -- - - - - --- --- - Total 10 041 227 206 213 197 193 219 205 280 243 229 248 224 230 245 227 209 217 222 140 127 138 5 602 1 036 1 176 1 174 915 692 831 705 579 606 568 520 421 303 222 130 83 36 44 4 034 696 515 25.2 9 409 256 199 200 222 196 230 250 228 222 223 202 188 172 189 180 164 151 141 138 207 329 5 122 1 073 1 153 931 801 1 380 900 735 570 502 404 356 243 151 98 so 22 14 26 3 613 300 210 22.7 All races Mole 5 232 125 107 102 92 96 122 86 149 130 117 129 114 128 116 108 115 127 98 78 59 69 2 965 522 604 595 477 345 441 383 294 335 299 267 226 168 121 72 41 23 19 2 061 375 276 25.8 5 365 124 102 100 128 102 115 142 120 117 115 100 94 85 96 101 85 78 80 84 141 236 3 020 556 609 476 468 925 482 412 317 305 239 209 143 91 68 25 12 10 18 1 884 186 133 23.1 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS 1970 population White Female Mole Female KETCHIKAN 4.809 4 470 4 057 102 100 91 99 90 79 111 85 95 105 81 91 97 78 80 97 103 86 119 69 90 131 125 108 113 101 91 112 93 93 119 103 101 110 96 86 102 102 83 129 90 105 119 88 98 94 90 78 90 97 69 124 79 104 62 61 49 68 51 58 69 61 64 2 637 2 627 2 258 514 434 436 572 491 468 579 479 473 438 378 358 347 306 302 390 402 357 322 344 265 285 244 234 271 310 236 269 270 226 253 248 212 195 196 172 135 136 124 101 106 79 58 59 49 42 34 37 13 20 9 25 13 20 1 973 1 670 1 628 321 307 269 239 232 194 24.3 26.8 24.9 KODIAK 4 044 4 162 3 053 132 93 103 97 83 70 100 73 75 94 98 72 94 79 73 115 84 80 108 101 79 108 80 81 105 75 70 108 84 75 102 61 76 94 76 62 87 60 65 93 66 68 79 69 53 79 60 46 73 53 55 61 60 45 54 64 43 66 118 so 93 204 70 2 102 2 421 1 642 517 426 393 544 424 385 455 332 324 333 355 239 455 808 379 418 400 346 323 335 253 253 255 193 197 236 148 165 174 125 147 167 109 100 116 74 60 59 46 30 43 16 25 19 15 10 8 5 4 4 1 8 1 2 1 729 1 355 1 248 114 108 68 77 75 39 21.9 23.4 22.4 Negro 1960 populo- Male Female tion Total 25 19 (NA) 4 434 --(NA) 102 --(NA) 95 --(NA) 116 --(NA) 135 1 -(NA) 160 1 -(NA) 167 -1 (NA) 137 -2 (NA) 142 - - (NA) 149 1 1 (NA) 155 - -(NA) 154 - -(NA) 140 2 -(NA) 138 --(NA) 133 1 1 (NA) 134 - - (NA) 127 - - (NA) 111 3 -(NA) 99 3 -(NA) 87 --(NA) 66 1 -(NA) 59 12 14 (NA) 1 828 1 -(NA) 608 2 4 (NA) 750 3 1 (NA) 699 6 -(NA) 490 3 -(NA) 285 3 1 (NA) 249 I 2 (NA) 235 3 3 (NA) 229 1 -(NA) 192 -1 (NA) 180 -2 (NA) 127 -1 (NA) 130 2 1 (NA) 88 -2 (NA) 62 - - (NA) 46 -1 (NA) 29 --(NA) 22 - -(NA) 13 9 5 (NA) 2 394 2 3 (NA) 227 -3 (NA) 172 20.8 37.5 (NA) 16.6 97 60 (NA) 2 306 1 -(NA) 40 3 5 (NA) 40 2 -(NA) 54 2 1 (NA) 71 -1 (NA) 62 2 4 (NA) 53 1 2 (NA) 96 2 1 (NA) 75 4 -(NA) 66 2 1 (NA) 83 1 4 (NA) 79 -1 (NA) 80 2 -(NA) 62 -1 (NA) 45 -1 (NA) 61 1 2 (NA) 40 1 -(NA) 44 -1 (NA) 33 1 1 (NA) 37 3 -(NA) 36 12 2 (NA) 55 57 32 (NA) 1 094 8 7 (NA) 267 11 8 (NA) 373 3 7 (NA) 327 6 4 (NA) 190 25 7 (NA) 242 5 4 (NA) 146 14 7 (NA) 163 2 4 (NA) 149 4 4 (NA) 109 4 5 (NA) 87 9 1 (NA) 62 4 -(NA) 59 1 -(NA) 55 1 1 (NA) 33 - -(NA) 12 - -(NA) 18 -1 (NA) 7 --(NA) 7 24 25 (NA) 1 084 2 2 (NA) 110 1 2 (NA) 77 24.1 22.9 (NA) 19.9 All races Mole 2 320 49 56 52 77 74 95 73 69 74 78 82 63 61 67 76 71 67 51 44 35 33 973 308 389 349 268 147 127 134 123 107 94 76 70 42 37 21 14 7 7 1 235 111 86 17.1 1 314 20 23 31 39 26 24 46 32 27 46 35 48 38 20 24 21 25 17 21 20 41 690 139 175 165 104 184 89 99 .90 67 53 32 36 25 25 8 15 2 6 542 70 56 22.0 1970 population White Negro 1960 populo- Female Mole Female Mole Female tion KOBUK 2 114 318 216 5 -(NA) 53 6 12 - - (NA) 39 4 7 - -(NA) 64 6 14 --(NA) 58 4 4 --(NA) 86 5 8 --(NA) 72 10 3 - -(NA) 64 4 1 - - (NA) 73 5 6 - - (NA) 75 4 6 --(NA) 77 3 7 - - (NA) 72 3 2 - - (NA) 77 1 9 --(NA) 77 5 4 --(NA) 66 7 4 --(NA) 58 4 2 --(NA) 56 6 1 --'(NA) 44 1 4 --(NA) 48 1 3 --(NA) 43 -2 - - (NA) 31 3 -1 -(NA) 26 11 3 --(NA) 855 225 114 4 -(NA) 300 25 45 - - (NA) 361 26 23 --(NA) 350 20 21 --(NA) 222 11 10 1 -(NA) 138 56 21 2 -(NA) 122 47 35 - - (NA) 101 40 24 1 -(NA) 106 28 10 1 -(NA) 85 14 6 --(NA) 86 15 9 --(NA) 51 14 6 --(NA) 60 8 4 - -(NA) 46 5 1 - -(NA) 25 6 1 --(NA) 25 1 -- - (NA) 15 1 ---(NA) 15 1 ---(NA) 6 --- - (NA) 1 159 79 97 - -(NA) 116 12 2 - -(NA) 86 9 1 - -(NA) 16.0 27.2 22.1 23.8 -(NA) KUSKOKWIM 992 422 162 32 3 (NA) 20 5 2 --(NA) 17 9 2 --(NA) 23 1 5 --(NA) 32 11 4 --(NA) 36 5 5 --(NA) 29 -7 --(NA) so 10 10 -1 (NA) 43 7 3 --(NA) 39 4 11 --(NA) 37 9 6 --(NA) 44 9 8 1 -(NA) 32 7 5 - -(NA) 24 6 5 - - (NA) 25 3 3 --(NA) 37 4 6 --(NA) 19 3 3 --(NA) 19 2 ---(NA) 16 2 3 - -(NA) 16 1 2 --(NA) 16 7 1 1 -{NA) 14 22 1 3 -(NA) 404 295 70 27 2 (NA) 128 31 18 --(NA) 198 30 37 -1 (NA) 162 29 27 1 -(NA) 86 15 9 1 -(NA) 58 114 5 10 1 (NA) 57 47 12 3 -(NA) 64 37 18 3 1 (NA) 59 40 9 9 -(NA) 42 24 5 4 -(NA) 34 18 8 1 -(NA) 30 10 6 --(NA) 23 14 6 --(NA) 30 3 1 --(NA) 8 5 ---(NA) 4 --- - (NA) 3 2 ---(NA) 5 -1 --(NA) 1 3 ---(NA) 542 97 88 1 1 (NA) 40 12 1 --(NA) 21 10 1 --(NA) 15.5 24.6 14.8 31.7 000 (NA) ALASKA 3-57 Table 35: Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued Cens~s Divisions All ages __ ---------------------- Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year __ ------------------------------- 2~=---------------- 3~=---------------- 4~=---------------- 5 years __ ------------------------------ 6 years ____ ---------------------------- 7y~~---------------­ Sy~~---------------- 9 years __ --------------------------__ -- 10 years __ ----------------------------- 11 years------------------------------- 12 y~~------------------------------- 13 years ____ ----------------__ --____ --- 14 years ____ --------------------------- 15 years ____ ------------__ --__ ----__ --- 16 years--__ ------------__ --__________ _ 17 years ____ --____ ----________________ _ 18 years--__ ----------------__ --______ -19 years ______ --____ ----______________ _ 20 years ______ --______________________ _ 21 years and over----------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 years----------------------------10 to 14 yeors _________________________ _ 15to 19 years _________________________ _ 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25to 29 ye•~-----'-------------------- 30 to 34 yeors-------------------------- 35 to 39 yeors-------------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------------45to 49 yeors _________________________ _ 50 to 54 years-------------------------- 55 to 59 yeo~-------------------------- 60 to 64 years--------------------------65to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75to 79 years _________________________ _ 80 to 84 yeors--------------------------85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years ________________________ _ 62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age ----__ ------__ -------------- All ages ____ ----_______________ _ Under 1 year __________________________ _ 1 year----________ ------________ ------- 2 years ______ --____ ----__ ------__ ------ 3~=----------------4y~~----------------5 years ______ --____ ----_______________ _ 6 years _______________________________ _ 7 years _______________________________ _ 8y~~---------------- 9y~~---------------- 10 years ____ ----__ ------__ ------------- 11 years __________ ----________________ - 12 years ______________ --____ ----------- 13 years ______ --____ ----____ ----__ ----- 14 years •• ____ --____ ----____ ----------- 15 years ______________ ----__ ----------- 16 years •• ____ --__ ------____ ----------- 17 years ______ --______ --____ ----____ --- 18 years ______________________________ _ -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- ---- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- ---- ---- - - - -- --- - - - -- - - -19 years ____ ----____ ----____ ----__ ------ 20 y~~--------------------------------21 years and over ______ --____ ----____ ---- Under 5 years--------------------------- 5 to 9 years----------------------------- 10 to 14 yeors--------------------------- 15to 19 yeors---------------------------20 to 24 years ______ --------___________ _ - 25to 29 yeors--------------------------- 30 to 34 ye•~--------------------------- 35to 39 yeors---------------------------40 to 44 years _______________ , __________ _ 45to 49 yeors--------------------------- 50 to 54 yeors--------------------------- 55to 59 yeors--------------------------- 60 to 64 yeors--------------------------- 65 to 69 yeors--------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors--------------------------- 75to 79 yeors--------------------------- 80 to 84 yeors---------------------------85 years and over _______________________ _ Under 18 years--------------------------62 years and over _______________________ _ 65 years and over _______________________ _ Median age----------------------------- 3-58 ALASKA [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] 1970 population All races White Negro 1960 populo- Total Mole Female Male Female Mole Female tion Total MATANUSKA-SUSITNA 6 509 3 470 3 039 3 265 2 924 7 5 (NA) 5 749 114 57 57 56 57 - - (NA) 128 106 42 64 41 61 -2 (NA) 121 96 44 52 42 50 --(NA) 150 117 62 55 61 51 - - INA) 130 136 72 64 69 61 - - INA) 142 146 65 81 59 77 - - (NA) 143 150 80 70 75 67 --(NAl 165 149 87 62 84 60 --(NA) 188 155 85 70 81 68 --(NA) 144 156 70 86 66 79 - - (NAl 194 187 95 92 89 89 -1 (NA) 172 168 84 84 78 82 --(NA) 162 194 108 86 101 83 --(NA) 198 188 97 91 93 88 --(NA) 162 191 109 82 104 79 --(NA) 136 179 98 81 86 76 1 -INA) 157 179 97 82 91 79 - - (NA) 126 136 72 64 62 62 - - (NA) 143 93 48 45 46 40 --(NAl 106 69 36 33 33 32 1 -(NA) 101 47 23 24 21 23 - - (NA) 82 3 553 1 939 1 614 1 827 1 560 5 2 (NA) 2 699 569 277 292 269 280 -2 (NA) 671 756 387 369 365 351 - - (NA) 834 928 493 435 465 421 -1 (NA) 830 656 351 305 318 289 2 -(NA) 633 288 155 133 127 129 -1 (NA) 442 374 178 196 165 186 3 -(NA) 376 406 201 205 184 190 1 -(NAl 328 458 228 230 208 228 1 -(NAl 318 473 274 199 267 189 -1 (NAl 270 415 243 172 237 168 --(NA) 274 368 198 170 193 167 - - (NAl 204 299 168 131 162 126 - - (NA) 217 211 116 95 115 95 - - (NA) 127 141 93 48 90 47 - -(NA) 101 82 50 32 47 31 - - (NAl 64 40 27 13 27 13 - - (NAl 32 31 21 10 17 10 - - (NAl 18 14 10 4 9 4 --(NA) 10 2 747 1 424 1 323 1 338 1 269 1 3 (NA) 2 761 432 269 163 258 161 - - (NA) 302 308 201 107 190 105 --(NA) 225 25.8 27.0 24.5 27.7 24.7 27.5 12.5 (NA) 19.3 OUTER KETCHIKAN 1 676 917 759 422 335 5 -(NA) 2 106 33 17 16 3 11 - - (NA) 44 41 18 23 9 13 - - (NA) 48 32 18 14 6 8 --(NA) 37 43 28 15 9 8 - - (NA) 51 43 29 14 11 7 - - (NAl 53 50 24 26 13 13 1 -INA) 44 55 28 27 14 13 - - (NAl 50 58 29 29 13 15 - - (NA) 59 59 29 30 20 15 - - INA) 50 55 27 28 14 8 --INA) 53 46 27 19 13 4 --(NA) 46 40 18 22 9 8 - -(NA) 39 41 12 29 2 13 - - (NA) 38 38 17 21 4 6 - -(NA) 41 36 23 13 5 1 - - (NA) 33 21 11 10 4 1 --(NAl 27 30 17 13 4 4 - - (NAl 31 31 17 14 4 3 - - (NA) 26 20 10 10 3 2 - - (NA) 20 20 10 10 9 6 - - (NA) 23 41 28 13 16 2 1 -(NAl 19 843 480 363 237 174 3 -(NA) 1 274 192 110 82 38 47 - -(NA) 233 277 137 140 74 64 1 -(NAJ 256 201 97 104 33 32 - - (NA) 197 122 65 57 24 16 --(NA) 127 150 82 68 49 27 1 -(NA) 147 165 82 83 38 55 1 -(NA) 212 164 92 72 55 36 - - (NA) 189 94 68 26 36 11 --(NAl 141 75 44 31 15 15 1 -(NAl 141 58 32 26 10 13 1 -(NAl 120 49 35 14 20 5 - - (NAl 90 46 27 19 14 8 - - (NA) 98 30 17 13 10 3 - - (NAl 79 24 13 11 2 1 - - (NAl 35 11 7 4 1 1 - - (NAl 19 10 6 4 2 1 --(NAl 10 3 1 2 1 - - - (NAl 8 5 2 3 -- - - (NAl 4 752 389 363 157 151 1 -(NA) 770 73 40 33 12 4 - - (NAl 124 53 29 24 6 3 - - (NA) 76 21.5 23.0 19.7 24.3 21.6 27.5 -(NA) 27.2 1970 papulation All races White Negro 1960 Mole Female Mole Female populo- Mole Female tion NOME 3 071 2 678 689 516 23 4 (NA) 64 64 12 14 --(NA) 63 58 12 9 - - INA) 82 68 11 14 - - (NAl 68 62 8 13 --(NA) 86 56 12 8 1 -(NAl 87 56 12 7 --(NA) 81 84 15 17 - - (NA) 96 92 11 13 - - (NA) 73 71 12 21 -1 (NA) 91 103 13 13 --(NAl 87 85 10 15 1 -INA) 82 80 14 13 --(NAl 92 106 12 14 1 -(NA) 73 89 9 11 - - (NAl 71 65 11 8 -1 (NA) so 77 6 11 -1 (NAl 63 63 7 10 1 -(NA) 64 79 11 10 - - (NA) 55 51 10 7 - - (NA) 54 47 4 2 --INA) 51 31 13 5 2 -(NAl 1 508 1 191 464 281 17 1 (NAl 363 308 55 58 1 -(NA) 428 406 63 71 -1 (NAl 405 425 56 61 2 1 (NA) 316 317 38 40 1 1 (NA) 257 185 87 41 6 -(NAl 206 170 63 54 2 1 (NA) 182 146 48 33 6 -(NAl 182 136 56 31 4 -(NAl 145 125 46 26 - - (NA) 163 111 54 33 1 -(NAl 114 90 38 30 --(NAl 117 100 36 16 - -(NA) 68 59 20 9 - -(NA) 57 44 16 10 - - (NAl 35 29 7 2 - - (NA) 19 13 5 1 - - (NA) 9 9 1 -- - (NA) 5 5 --- -(NAl 1 403 1 358 198 221 4 3 (NAl 166 136 40 20 - - (NAl 125 100 29 13 --(NAl 20.5 18.2 28.6 23.4 28.8 ... (NAl PRINCE OF WALES 1 239 867 907 590 4 2 (NA) 20 24 15 16 - - (NA) 16 32 12 23 - - (NA) 12 25 6 19 --(NA) 21 30 17 21 - - (NAl 32 21 20 13 --(NA) 18 26 7 18 --(NA) 30 20 18 11 --(NA) 32 27 24 18 - - (NA) 25 25 15 14 --(NA) 24 29 16 17 --INA) 25 21 13 14 --INA) 19 20 13 11 --INA) 20 18 12 10 -1 (NA) 21 20 10 12 --(NA) 24 9 14 5 - - (NAl 13 14 6 11 - - (NAl 17 14 10 8 - - (NAl 11 15 4 9 - - (NAl 17 3 10 - - - (NA) 15 8 8 4 - - (NAl 11 8 5 7 --(NA) 816 458 652 329 4 1 (NAl 101 132 70 92 --(NAl 129 127 80 78 --(NAJ 109 88 62 52 -1 (NAl 73 54 38 32 --(NA) 75 72 60 54 2 -(NA) . 121 91 94 72 1 -(NAl 139 50 107 34 1 -(NA) 90 51 73 39 -1 (NA) 92 49 78 40 - - (NA) 87 33 75 23 - - (NA) 56 34 53 27 - - INA) 70 28 55 21 - - (NA) 54 25 39 15 --(NA) 17 18 8 8 - - (NA) 11 8 8 - --(NA) 8 2 3 1 --(NA) 5 3 3 1 - - (NAl 2 2 1 1 --(NA) 380 390 232 250 -1 (NAl 77 47 45 21 --(NA) 43 33 23 11 - - (NA) 30.4 22.3 32.3 23.8 ... . .. (NA) GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions All ages _______________________ _ Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year ____ -----------------------------2 years ____________ ----____ ----------__ 3~=---------------- 4 years __ ------------------------------5 years ________ --------_______________ _ 6~=----------------7~=----------------8 years ____________ ----____ ----__ ------ 9y~~---------------- 10 years __________ ------------__ ------- 11 years __ ----------------------------- 12 years __ ------____ --------------__ --- 13 years __ ------------------------____ _ 14 years ____________ --__________ ------- 15 years __ ------------------------____ _ 16 years __ ------------------------__ ---17 years ____________ ----________ ------- 18 years __ ----______ --------____ -------19 years ______________________________ _ 20 years __ ------____ ----------________ _ 21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 yeors---------------------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 yeo~--------------------------25to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35to 39 ye•~--------------------------40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 years _________________________ _ SO to 54 years--------------------------55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 yeors--------------------------65 to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 yeo~-------------------------- 75 to 79 yeors--------------------------80 to 84 years _________________________ _ 85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- All ages ____ ------------_______ _ Under 1 year __________________ --______ _ 1 year ____ ----------------------------- 2 years ____ ------____ ------------------ 3~=----------------4 years ____ ----____ --------------------S years ____________ ----_______________ _ 6 years ____________ --------____ -------- 7~=----------------8 years •• ____________ ----------_______ _ 9~~----------------10 years __ --------__ --------------____ _ 11 years __ ------____ ----------------__ _ 12 years __________ ------______ --------- 13 years __ ----______ ------------------- 14 years ____________ ----------__ ------- 15 years ______________ --________ ------- --- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - ---- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - ---- ---- --- -- -- ---- - ----- 16 years ____________ ------_____________ _ 17 years __________ --------______ -------- 18 years __ ----______ ------------______ _ -19 years __ ------____ --------__________ _ - 20 years •• ----------------------------__ 21 years and over _______________________ _ Under S years--------------------------- 5to 9 yeo~-------------------·--------- 10 to 14 yeors--------------------------- 15to 19 yeors-----------------·--------- 20 to 24 yeors·--------------------·----- 25to 29 yeors---------------------·----- 30 to 34 yeors---------------------------35to 39 years _________________________ _ -40 to 44 yeors---------------------------45to 49 years __________________________ _ 50 to 54 ye•~--------------------------- 55 to 59 yeors·-------------------------- 60 to 64 years __________________________ _ 65to 69 yeors·-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors-----------·--------------- 75to 79 ye•~--------------------------- 80 to 84 yeors-----------------·---------85 years and over _______________________ _ Under 18 years--------------------------62 years a_nd over __ ----______ ----_______ _ 65 years and over _______________________ _ Median age----------------------------- Total 2 336 44 38 32 37 37 45 50 42 52 55 45 48 57 42 37 60 50 47 49 28 39 1 402 188 244 229 234 153 162 133 132 157 162 162 130 90 68 44 29 10 9 818 208 160 28.7 2 157 52 51 42 43 46 50 55 66 53 48 52 53 55 42 46 68 46 37 37 19 20 1 176 234 272 248 207 129 173 153 122 124 108 97 91 59 72 29 24 8 7 905 177 140 24.6 All races Mole 1 243 22 16 20 16 21 17 27 20 27 29 24 25 30 18 21 30 25 25 28 18 18 766 95 120 118 126 86 83 73 74 77 81 86 86 47 35 25 20 7 4 413 116 91 29.6 1 184 26 25 20 26 21 25 28 39 25 26 26 30 28 26 32 35 16 23 19 10 13 665 118 143 142 103 64 99 82 73 70 58 54 53 41 45 15 17 3 4 477 108 84 26.1 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS 1970 population White Negro 1960 populo- Female Mole Female Mole Female tion Total SEWARD 1 093 1 105 962 3 1 (NA) 6 109 22 19 15 ... ... (NA) 132 22 12 20 ... . .. (NA) 109 12 19 9 ... . .. (NA) 129 21 14 18 ... . .. (NA) 112 16 16 16 ... . .. (NA) 134 28 17 23 ... . .. (NA) 151 23 21 20 ... ... (NA) 168 22 16 20 ... ... (NA) 165 25 23 23 ... . .. (NA) 163 26 24 21 ... . .. (NA) 164 21 19 17 ... . .. (NA) 140 23 23 18 ... . .. (NA) 151 27 27 26 ... . .. (NA) 141 24 15 18 ... . .. (NA) 147 16 17 15 ... . .. (NA) 126 30 23 21 ... ... (NA) 117 25 22 20 ... ... (NA) 116 22 20 21 ... . .. (NA) 90 21 26 20 ... . .. (NA) 95 10 17 10 ... ... (NA) 88 21 16 19 ... . .. (NA) 84 636 699 572 ... ... (NA) 3 387 93 80 78 ... ... (NA) 616 124 101 107 ... . .. (NA) 811 111 101 94 ... . .. (NA) 705 108 108 92 ... . .. (NA) 506 67 76 61 ... ... (NA) 428 79 72 72 ... . .. (NA) 451 60 69 55 ... ... (NA) 478 58 63 49 ... ... (NA) 405 80 67 68 ... ... (NA) 352 81 77 74 ... . .. (NA) 330 76 77 69 ... ... (NA) 279 44 80 40 ... ... (NA) 239 43 45 39 ... ... (NA) 149 33 35 29 ... ... (NA) 130 19 25 18 ... . .. (NA) 72 9 18 9 ... . .. (NA) 54 3 7 3 ... ... (NA) 58 5 4 5 ... ... (NA) 46 405 347 341 ... ... (NA) 2 455 92 112 86 ... ... (NA) 450 69 89 64 ... . .. (NA) 360 27.8 31.1 28.4 ... . .. (NA) 24.9 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT 973 759 579 --(NA) 4 179 26 17 17 --(NA) 107 26 22 16 --(NA) 78 22 11 13 --(NA) 77 17 17 7 --(NA) 71 25 13 8 --(NA) 102 25 13 13 --(NA) 71 27 17 18 --(NA) 90 27 23 14 --(NA) 98 28 12 16 --(NAl 80 22 18 11 --(NA) 75 26 15 10 --(NA) 87 23 18 9 --(NA) 84 27 13 11 - - (NA) 90 16 12 10 --(NA) 62 14 16 4 --(NA) 95 33 18 9 - - (NA) 98 30 9 19 --(NA) 72 14 10 6 --(NA) 68 18 10 8 --(NA) 109 9 7 5 --(NA) 105 7 10 3 --(NA) 174 511 458 352 --(NA) 2 286 116 80 61 --(NA) 435 129 83 72 --(NA) 414 106 74 44 --(NA) 418 104 54 47 --(NA) 452 65 45 46 - - (NA) 795 74 76 61 --(NA) 421 71 58 50 --(NA) . 263 49 51 25 --(NA) 204 54 40 33 --(NA) 242 50 40 41 --(NA) 190 43 39 30 --(NA) 122 38 39 28 --(NAl 90 18 31 10 --(NA) 62 27 31 17 --(NA) 39 14 9 7 --INA) 14 7 7 4 --(NA) 8 5 1 1 --(NA) 4 3 1 2 --(NA) 6 428 274 211 --(NA) 1 505 69 65 37 --(NAl 103 56 49 31 --(NA) 71 22.4 27.9 26.6 --(NA) 22.3 All races Mole 3 227 75 60 66 57 73 64 88 76 73 85 83 81 71 82 67 72 54 41 49 56 50 1 804 331 386 384 272 226 223 246 236 189 176 154 120 83 66 42 35 31 27 1 268 254 201 25.3 2 462 55 44 40 33 51 34 45 44 43 39 47 45 57 35 49 54 45 34 69 74 138 1 387 223 205 233 276 587 233 151 120 128 111 60 53 37 20 10 7 3 5 794 62 45 22.5 1970 population White Negro 1960 populo- Female Mole Female Mole Female tion SITKA 2 882 2 458 2 153 16 20 (NA) 57 57 45 --(NA) 49 46 42 1 -(NA) 63 51 50 -3 (NA) 55 44 40 --(NA) 61 46 43 - - (NA) 87 44 63 1 1 (NA) 80 56 54 --(NA) 89 50 65 2 -(NA) 90 47 55 --(NA) 79 57 54 -1 (NA) 57 59 40 - - (NA) 70 58 43 -1 (NA) 70 49 46 -1 (NA) 65 55 42 1 -(NAl 59 46 42 --(NA) 45 48 32 1 -(NA) 62 38 47 - - (NA) 49 29 42 - - (NA) 46 37 39 1 -(NA) 32 45 24 - - (NA) 34 38 27 2 -(NA) 1 583 1 458 1 218 7 13 (NA) 285 244 220 1 3 (NA) 425 254 291 3 2 (NA) 321 267 213 1 2 (NA) 234 197 184 2 -(NA) 202 193 164 2 -(NA) 228 183 182 -2 (NA) 232 193 154 1 2 (NA) 169 168 120 4 1 (NA) 163 141 124 1 2 (NA) 154 150 128 --(NA) 125 134 103 -2 (NA) 119 103 102 1 -(NA) 66 71 54 -3 (NA) 64 52 40 -1 (NA) 30 29 19 --(NA) 19 30 17 --(NA) 27 26 23 - - (NA) 19 23 15 --(NA) 1 187 880 845 6 7 (NA) 196 206 143 -4 (NA) 159 160 114 -1 (NA) 24.4 27.0 25.1 22.5 32.5 (NA) SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS 1 717 2 054 1 364 128 80 (NA) 52 46 39 1 6 (NA) 34 38 25 4 1 (NA) 37 37 27 1 3 (NA) 38 26 30 -2 (NA) 51 38 38 4 2 (NA) 37 28 30 3 3 (NA) 45 37 36 3 2 (NA) 54 36 46 2 2 (NA) 37 33 29 4 4 (NAl 36 36 27 1 2 (NA) 40 36 29 4 2 (NA) 39 37 31 1 4 (NA) 33 44 27 1 -(NAl 27 28 18 2 1 (NA) 46 39 34 1 1 (NA) 44 51 29 -2 (NA) 27 33 20 --(NA) 34 22 26 -1 (NA) 40 58 25 2 1 (NA) 31 63 27 4 2 (NAJ 36 116 30 11 4 (NA) 899 1 172 741 79 35 (NA) 212 185 159 10 14 (NA) 209 170 168 13 13 (NA) 185 184 139 9 8 (NA) 176 227 127 6 6 (NA) 208 513 172 44 13 (NA) 188 194 163 18 10 (NA) 112 114 89 12 7 (NA) 84 106 67 5 4 (NA) 114 109 95 6 3 (NA) 79 98 72 2 1 (NA) 62 52 50 - - (NA) 37 43 29 3 1 (NA) 25 34 19 - - (NA) 19 14 11 - - (NA) 4 5 3 - - (NA) 1 3 ---(NA) 1 2 ---(NA) 1 1 1 --(NA) 711 645 541 32 38 (NA) 41 40 27 --(NA) 26 25 15 - - (NA) 21.8 22.5 22.6 23.0 19.2 (NA) ALASKA 3-59 Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued Census Divisions All ages __ ---------------------- Under 1 year--------------------------- 1 year __ --____ ------------------------- 2y~"---------------- 3~=----------------4~=----------------5~=----------------6 years __ --________ ----_______________ _ 7 years ____________ ------------_______ _ 8 years--__________ ----________ ------__ 9 years ____________ ----_______________ _ 10 years ____________ ----______________ _ 11 years ______ --------------__________ _ 12 years ________ ------______________ --- 13 years __________ ----________________ _ 14 years __________ ----______________ --- 15 years ______________________________ _ 16 years ____________ ----______________ _ 17 years ______________________________ _ 18 years __________ ----________________ _ Wy~"----------------20 years ______________________________ _ 21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 years---------------------------- 10 to 14 years--------------------------15 to 19 yeors _________________________ _ 20 to 24 years--------------------------25to 29 yeors _________________________ _ 30 to 34 yeors _________________________ _ • 35 to 39 yeors _________________________ _ 40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 yearS-------------------------- 50 to 54 yearS--------------------------55 to 59 yeors _________________________ _ 60 to 64 years _________________________ _ 65 to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 years-------------------------- 75to 79 yeors-------------------------- 80 to 84 years--------------------------85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 y_eors -------------------------62 years and over ______________________ _ - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --65 years and over __ ----______________ --_ - Median age----------------------------- All ages __________________ ----__ -Under 1 year __________________________ _ -1 year ______________________________ --_ 2 years ____________ ----____________ --__ 3 years _______________________________ _ 4 years •• ________ ------____ ------------5 years _______________________________ _ 6 years _______________________________ _ 7 years __ ----_________________________ _ 8 years _______________________________ _ 9y~"---------~------10 years ______________________________ _ 11 years __________ ----______________ --- 12 years ____________________________ --- 13 years ______________________________ _ 14 years ________________________ ----__ _ 15 years ____________________________ --- 16 years ______________________________ _ 17 years ______________________________ _ 18 years ______________________________ _ 19 years ________________________ ------_ 20 years ____________________________ --_ 21 years and over ______________________ _ Under 5 years ____________________ ------ 5 to 9 years ___________________________ _ 10 to 14 years--------------------------15 to 19 years _________________________ _ 20 to 24 yeors _________________________ _ 25to 29 yeors-------------------------- 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35 to 39 yeors--------------------------40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 years _________________________ _ 50 to 54 yearS--------------------------55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 years--------------------------65to 69 years _________________________ _ 70 to 74 years-------------------------- 75 to 79 years-------------------------- 80 to 84 years--------------------------85 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years------------------------- 62 years and over----------------------- 65 years and over----------------------- Media_n ~.ge ______ ----:--------------:---- -- --- -- - - - ----- -- ---- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ---- [For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] 1970 population All races White Negro 1960 populo- Total Mole Female Mole Female Mole Female tion Total UPPER YUKON 1 684 1 091 593 484 104 13 -(NA) 3 098 20 9 11 3 1 --(NA) 68 20 11 9 3 2 --(NA) 54 21 9 12 1 ---(NA) 54 31 18 13 2 3 --(NA) 55 34 20 14 1 1 --(NA) 65 30 11 19 -2 --(NA) 68 37 11 26 3 4 --(NA) 61 29 14 15 4 2 --(NA) 63 42 20 22 5 2 --(NA) 67 36 18 18 3 1 --(NA) 62 34 17 17 1 5 --(NA) 71 37 21 16 2 ---(NA) 67 37 22 15 3 - --(NA) 69 36 19 17 - - --(NA) 88 29 15 14 -3 --(NA) 69 38 24 14 4 3 --(NA) 57 36 16 20 2 3 --(NA) 61 31 20 11 3 - - -(NA) 55 38 24 14 3 1 --(NA) 56 23 15 8 2 - --(NA) 30 40 30 10 13 1 3 -(NA) 30 1 005 727 278 426 70 10 -(NA) 1 828 126 67 59 10 7 --(NA) 296 174 74 100 15 11 --(NA) 321 173 94 79 6 8 --(NA) 364 166 99 67 14 7 --(NA) 259 180 130 50 72 6 7 -(NA) 190 147 117 30 71 13 1 -(NA) 217 156 119 37 69 11 3 -(NA) 224 127 94 33 57 9 2 -(NA) 230 91 68 23 50 3 --(NA) 222 96 76 20 52 5 --(NA) 217 62 42 20 25 4 --(NA) 210 62 33 29 14 10 --(NA) 142 43 30 13 10 ---(NA) 99 32 17 15 5 7 --(NA) . 52 18 11 7 4 2 --(NA) 27 15 11 4 7 1 --(NA) 12 7 6 1 2 - --(NA) 10 9 3 6 1 ---(NA) 6 578 295 283 40 32 --(NA) 1 154 103 60 43 21 10 --(NA) 160 81 48 33 19 10 --(NA) 107 25.8 28.5 19.4 33.9 30.0 24.6 -(NA) 27.7 WADE HAMPTON 3 917 2 078 1 839 163 68 10 2 (NA) 4 913 118 50 68 2 1 --(NA) 94 124 68 56 -2 1 -(NA) 91 121 73 48 2 ---(NA) 102 119 55 64 2 - --(NA) 95 134 72 62 2 ---(NA) 108 123 62 61 1 1 --(NA) 127 131 75 56 2 3 -1 (NA) 110 147 82 65 1 3 --(NA) 116 109 49 60 1 1 --(NA) 113 140 63 77 2 2 --(NA) 121 127 67 60 3 - - -(NA) 124 121 57 64 2 1 1 -(NA) 116 120 62 58 2 3 --(NA) 116 99 56 43 4 1 --(NA) 118 113 59 54 -2 --(NA) 109 105 48 57 -- - - (NA) 113 102 48 54 1 - - -(NA) 98 88 40 48 1 - - -(NA) 109 85 36 49 - - --(NA) 89 94 44 50 2 -1 -(NA) 48 80 48 32 8 ---(NA) 59 1 517 864 653 125 48 7 1 (NA) 2 737 616 318 298 8 3 1 -(NA) 490 650 331 319 7 10 -1 (NA) 587 580 301 279 11 7 1 -(NA) 583 474 216 258 4 -1 -(NA) 457 340 211 129 63 8 5 -(NA) 321 181 101 80 18 8 1 1 (NA) 389 193 106 87 10 9 --(NA) 318 207 104 103 15 5 1 -(NA) 310 165 83 82 6 3 --(NA) 297 147 95 52 8 2 --(NA) 290 101 63 38 5 ---(NA) 244 95 54 41 1 3 --(NA) 210 65 37 28 4 4 --(NA) 158 47 29 18 -1 --(NA) 105 24 12 12 1 2 --(NA) 64 14 10 4 1 1 --(NA) 41 10 4 6 1 ---(NA) 30 8 3 5 -2 --(NA) 19 2 141 1 086 1 055 28 20 2 1 (NA) 1 980 144 83 61 6 8 --(NA) 338 103 58 45 3 6 - - (NA) 259 16.2 17.1 15.5 24.1 28.8 22.0 • 00 (NA) 25.2 1970 population All races White Negro 1960 populo- Mole Female Mole Female Mole Female tion VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITTIER 1 700 1 398 1 309 1 069 8 1 (NA) 37 31 29 22 - - (NA) 31 23 23 14 1 -(NA) 29 25 17 18 --(NA) 32 23 21 17 1 -(NA) 36 29 26 19 - - (NA) 40 28 28 22 --(NA) 37 24 27 17 - - (NA) 27 36 20 27 --(NA) 34 33 22 22 --(NA) 30 32 19 23 - - (NA) 36 35 28 24 - - (NA) 29 38 16 24 --(NA) 35 34 25 26 --(NA) 52 36 39 32 --(NAl 33 36 26 29 --(NA) 28 29 21 20 - - (NA) 32 29 21 24 - - (NA) 32 23 22 16 2 -(NA) 29 27 21 16 --(NA) 17 13 11 7 --(NA) 13 17 6 11 1 -(NA) 1 031 797 841 639 3 1 (NA) 165 131 116 90 2 -(NA) 168 153 116 111 --(NA) 185 179 134 135 --(NA) 138 121 96 83 2 -(NA) 91 99 67 74 2 -(NA) 115 102 94 81 -1 (NA) 132 92 111 75 --(NA) 128 102 100 86 1 -(NA) 130 92 106 72 --(NA) 126 91 105 80 --(NA) 110 100 99 83 --(NA) 83 59 71 44 --(NA) 63 36 54 27 1 -(NA) 31 21 24 13 - - (NA) 19 8 8 6 - - (NA) 5 7 2 6 --(NA) 7 3 2 2 --(NA) 4 2 4 1 --(NA) 610 544 430 396 4 -(NA) 99 61 70 42 - -(NAJ" 66 41 40 28 --(NA) 29.5 25.8 31.4 27.6 20.0 ... (NA) WRANGELL-PETERSBURG 2 585 2 328 2 019 1 740 2 2 (NA) 49 45 40 31 ... ... (NA) 49 42 32 31 ... oOO (NA) 56 46 36 35 00--00 (NA) 48 47 32 32 00 0 • 00 (NA) 50 58 34 39 00-• 00 (NA) 58 69 43 44 00. • 00 (NA) 53 57 40 40 00 0 ... (NA) 55 61 39 41 • 00 00 0 (NA) 62 51 50 34 00 0 ... (NA) 63 58 45 42 00 0 ... (NA) 62 62 38 43 00-... (NA) 53 63 38 48 00. • 00 (NA) 59 57 39 39 ... 00 0 (NA) 55 63 43 42 000 00-(NA) 51 58 35 40 • 00 00-(NA) 58 55 44 38 ... ... (NA) 61 37 37 29 00. 00 0 (NA) 57 52 46 37 00. • 00 (NA) 50 39 40 27 00. oOO (NA) 23 25 18 22 ... 000 (NA) 32 27 24 19 000 00. (NA) 1 481 1 256 1 226 987 000 00. (NA) 252 238 174 168 000 00. (NA) 291 296 217 201 OoO 00. (NA) 280 303 193 212 00. -00 (NA) 249 208 185 153 •• o 00-(NA) 159 162 127 127 • 00 • 00 (NA) 208 181 173 142 00. ... (NA) 178 140 145 108 00. 00 0 (NA) 171 139 134 105 • 00 ... (NA) 162 135 137 104 00. • 00 (NA) 158 132 138 104 00 0 00-(NA) 123 121 108 102 ... 00 0 (NA) 119 91 103 77 00--00 (NA) 93 65 79 49 00 0 00. (NAl 61 44 51 36 00. 00. (NA) 35 29 27 21 ... 00 0 (NA) 19 22 13 14 ••o 00. (NA) 15 15 11 12 000 •• o (NA) 12 7 4 5 00-•• o (NA) 999 981 711 685 00. . .. (NA) 190 148 147 114 00. 00. (NA) 142 117 106 88 -00 00-(NA) 26.5 23.7 28.3 25.3 00. 00 0 (NA) GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 35. Age by Race and Sex, for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued [For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions All at••--__ ----____ ------------- Under 1 year----------------------------1 year--____ ----__ --------_____________ _ 2~=----------------3 years ______ --____ ----------------____ _ 4 years ______ ----------____ ----________ _ 5 years •• ____ ----______________ ------__ _ 6 years •• ____ ----______________________ _ 7 years ______ ----__ ----________________ _ 8 years __________________________ ----__ _ 9 years ______________________ ----______ _ 10 years •• ____ ..: ___ ------_______________ _ 11 years .. ________ ------_______________ _ 12 years ______ --.,..------_______________ _ 13 years ______ --__ --------_____________ _ 14 years ____ ----__ ----____ --__ ---------- 15 years ____ ----__ ----_________________ _ 16 years __________ ----________________ ~- 17 years __________ ----__________ ----__ -- 18 years _______________________________ _ 19 years ________________ ----___________ _ 20 years .. ________ ----__________ ----___ _ 21 years and over _______________________ _ Under 5 years--------------------------- 5 to 9 years----------------------------- 10 to 14 yeors--------------------------- 15to 19 yeors---------------------------20 to 24 years __________________________ _ 25to 29 years __________________________ _ 30 to 34 years __________________________ _ 35 to 39 years __________________________ _ 40 to 44 yeors---------------------------45 to 49 years __________________________ _ 50 to 54 yeors--------------------------- 55 to 59 yeors--------------------------- 60 to 64 years __________________________ _ 65 to 69 yeors--------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors--------------------------- 75 to 79 yeors---------------------------80 to 84 years __________________________ _ 85 years and over--------_______________ _ Under 18 years--------------------------62 years and over _______________________ _ 65 years and over------------------------ Median age----------------------------- Total 4 752 91 84 94 109 102 127 124 103 117 120 115 106 118 112 110 102 87 118 63 93 90 2 567 480 591 561 463 500 420 347 320 267 207 192 166 99 57 31 21 15 15 1 939 184 139 22.8 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS All races Mole 2 882 50 42 50 53 59 77 71 52 61 62 63 54 65 53 64 50 41 61 29 63 67 1 695 254 323 299 244 372 255 230 212 172 138 113 117 70 38 21 9 11 4 1 028 115 83 24.3 1970 population White Female Mole YUKON-KOYUKUK 1 870 1 635 41 26 42 22 44 25 56 26 43 20 50 27 53 21 51 11 56 26 58 23 52 26 52 14 53 23 59 14 46 32 52 17 46 17 57 24 34 4 30 35 23 34 872 1 168 226 119 268 108 262 109 219 97 128 258 165 200 117 172 108 156 95 116 69 97 79 59 49 80 29 37 19 11 10 10 12 4 4 1 11 1 911 394 69 44 56 27 19.1 28.2 Negro Female Mole Female 1960 population 815 72 11 (NA) 20 1 -(NAI 18 --(NAl 22 -2 (NA) 27 --(NAl 20 1 -(NAl 20 1 -(NAl 25 1 -(NAl 14 1 1 (NAl 21 2 -(NAl 13 --(NA) 21 --(NA) 19 -1 (NAJ 12 --(NAl 18 -1 (NAl 11 -1 (NAl 16 --(NA) 11 --(NA) 12 --(NA) 7 --(NAl 14 2 -(NA) 10 10 -(NA) 464 53 5 (NAl 107 2 2 (NAl 93 5 1 (NA) 81 -3 (NA) 60 2 -(NA) 58 28 -(NA) 114 10 3 (NA) 72 12 -(NA) 48 7 2 (NAl 43 1 -(NAl 45 2 -(NAl 45 1 -(NAl 25 --(NA) 11 2 -(NA) 6 --(NAl 5 --(NA) 2 --(NAl ---(NAl ---(NA) 320 7 6 (NAl 17 --(NAl 13 --(NAl 25.4 24.8 14.2 (NA) ALASKA 3-61 Table 36. Household Relationship, Type of Family, and Race, for Census Divisions: Census Divisions RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Total, aU persons-----------------In households _______________________ _ Head ____ ------------------------------ 14 to 24 years------------------------ 25to 34 years------------------------ 35ta 44 years------------------------ 45ta 64 years------------------------ 65 years and over--------------------- Primary individual: Mole--------------- Female ------------- Family head, Mole-------------------- Female ------------------ Wife of head--------------------------- Child of head---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ In group q .. rttn--------------------- lnmote of institution--------------------- Other ____________ --------__ ----------- Persons per household __________ ------__ _ Whitt, ol person•---------------- ln households ____ ----__________ ----__ Head ________ ----__ --------______ ------ 14 to 24 ye~rs------------------------ 25!0 34 yeors------------------------ 35!0 44 years--------c---------------45to 64 years _______________________ _ 65 years and over--------____________ _ Primary individual: Male--------------- Female------------- Family head, Male--------------------Female _________________ _ Wife of head --------------------------- Child of head--------------------------- Other relative of head------____ ----------Not related Ia head _____________________ _ In groap qaarters ____________________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Ofuu ________________ _ Persons per household ____ --____________ _ Negro, all persons _______________ _ In ho•sehokls ____ ------__________ ----Head ________________ _ 14 to 24 years·----------------------- 25to 34 yeors------------------------ 35 to 44 years------------------------ 45to 64 years------------------------65 years and over ____________________ _ - ----- - ----- ---- --- - -- - - -- - --- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- Primary individual: Mole----------------Female ____________ _ Family head: Mole--------------------Female __ --____________ -- Wife of head--------------------------- Child of head ______ --------____ --------- Other relative of head ____ --_____________ _ Nat related to head ______ --______ -------- In group quarters ____________________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Other ____________ --------________ ----- Persons per household __________________ _ FAMILIES BY NUMBER OF OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Total, aH famr .. s ________________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years--____ ----- Total, •asband-wffe families _______ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years ________ --- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- Total, fa•H5ts with female head _____ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ - With own children under 6 years------------ White, ol famRios _______________ _ -With own children under 18 years _________ _ -With own children under 6 years __________ -- White, husboncl-wifo families ________ _ With own children under 18 years----------- With own chil~ren under 6 years __________ -- White; famUies with female head ____ - With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years--______ ---- Negro, al fomAies ________________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, husband-wife fammos _______ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, fammes with female head-----With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ [For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Aleutian Bristol Bay Bristol Bay Islands Anchorage Angoon Barrow Bethel Borough Division 8 057 124 542 503 2 663 7 579 1 147 3 415 4 718 118 645 495 2 568 7 471 736 3 435 1 225 34 988 134 463 1 435 192 724 147 4 612 5 24 68 14 28 460 10 511 21 122 360 50 185 289 9 500 19 118 367 47 177 284 9 515 48 147 513 62 259 45 850 41 52 127 19 75 108 3 207 33 29 107 26 71 18 2 093 12 16 70 13 37 1 055 27 915 86 394 1 130 142 574 44 1 773 3 24 128 11 42 1 016 27 336 81 364 1 065 136 528 2 166 50 258 236 1 444 4354 345 1 905 225 3 114 43 288 503 45 201 86 2 949 1 9 114 18 77 3 339 5 897 8 95 108 411 50 -629 -1 -- - 3 339 5 268 8 94 108 411 50 3.85 3.39 3.69 5.55 5.21 3.83 4.74 5564 112 965 114 330 747 922 671 2 562 108 163 107 249 663 557 643 753 32 492 65 104 240 152 218 113 4 234 3 13 25 11 10 348 9677 5 45 87 43 69 159 8 828 8 18 67 40 48 127 8 988 25 24 53 43 72 6 765 24 4 8 15 19 48 2 926 25 8 36 20 30 10 1 918 12 9 . 31 9 20 687 26 183 28 85 166 119 162 8 1 465 -2 7 4 6 663 25 214 26 61 137 101 128 1 086 45 463 14 79 261 269 257 31 2 613 2 4 9 24 20 29 2 381 -1 16 11 20 3 002 4 802 7 81 84 365 28 -322 -1 -- - 3 002 4 480 7 80 84 365 28 3.40 3.33 1.65 2.39 2.76 3.66 2.95 237 5 147 -14 24 31 5 44 4 598 -4 15 1 5 16 1 349 -1 4 -2 2 236 -- -- - 10 455 -1 --- 3 352 - - 1 -1 1 280 - - 2 -1 -26 --1 - - 2 128 - - 1 -1 -80 - - 2 -1 14 1 052 -1 1 -- -89 - - --- 14 978 ---~ 1 12 2 045 -3 9 1 - 1 130 ----2 1 96 --2 - - 193 549 -10 9 30 --27 ---- - 193 522 -10 9 30 - 2.75 3.41 -... ... -. .. 1 099 29 688 89 418 1 258 153 616 778 20 084 53 327 1 015 121 490 524 10 807 26 221 693 67 295 1 016 27 336 81 364 1 065 136 528 734 18 331 48 301 911 106 428 504 10 104 26 210 640 61 272 44 1 773 3 24 128 11 42 30 1 433 1 13 79 9 32 14 615 -5 44 3 13 695 27 648 28 87 173 123 168 497 18 582 7 59 106 94 114 334 "9 847 4 47 66 53· 56 680 25 665 28 84 162 115 157 486 17 115 7 57 101 87 106 332 9 293 4 46 65 50 53 8 1 465 -2 7 4 6 8 1 176 -1 2 3 6 2 478 - - - 2 3 14 1 141 -1 1 -- 6 819 -1 1 -- 4 528 -1 1 -- 14 1 029 -1 1 -- 6 729 -1 1 - - 4 485 -1 1 -- -89 -- ----75 ------35 -- --- 1970- Cordova· McCarthy Fairbanks Haines 1 857 45 864 1 504 1 774 39 103 1469 591 11 590 424 39 1 905 24 132 3 705 95 134 2 846 90 220 2 844 183 66 290 32 133 1 211 46 37 502 12 374 9 483 350 47 394 16 357 9 267 335 762 16 248 618 32 1006 63 32 992 29 83 6 761 35 7 179 26 76 6 582 9 3.00 3.37 3.46 1 529 40 933 1 175 1 454 35 235 1 172 508 10 734 355 34 1 791 21 122 3 417 85 109 2 616 73 189 2 642 156 54 268 20 120 1 137 35 32 439 10 321 8 861 301 35 297 9 298 8 433 286 615 14 431 474 16 834 38 17 803 19 75 5 698 3 4 113 3 71 s,5J!i - 2.86 3.2 3.30 ' 2 2 580 -... 1 915 -... 540 -... 75 -... 182 -... 147 -... 127 -... 9 -... 43 -... 31 -... 430 -... 36 -... 400 -... 889 -... 52 -... 34 - ... 665 -... 7 -... 658 - ... 3.55 - 421 9877 366 279 6 546 233 141 3877 119 357 9 267 335 232 6 123 215 117 3 719 115 47 394 16 38 303 11 23 118 4 356 9 158 310 235 5 992 195 122 3 524 98 307 . 8 659 287 197 5 662 180 102 3 412 95 35 297 9 30 219 8 19 77 3 ... 466 -... 340 -... 216 - ... 422 -... 307 -... 202 - ... 36 -... 28 -... 10 - 3-62 ALASKA GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 36. Housel1old Relationship, Type of Family, and Race, for Census Divisions: [for minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Total, al puson•-----------------1• ....... w. _______________________ _ H~d----------------- 14 to 24 yeors-------------~---------- 25 to 34 y~rs------------------------35 to 44 years _______________________ _ 45 to 64 years------------------------ 65 years and over--------------------- Primary individual: Male--------------- Female ____ --------_ Family h~d, Male-------------------- Female ------------------ Wife of h~d --------------------------- Child of head---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ In gro•p q•arten ____________________ _ Inmate of institution--------------------- O~N-----------------Persons per household __________________ _ White, al pon•••----------------1• •••••••ws _______________________ _ H~d-----------------14 to 24 years _______________________ _ 25 to 34 yeors------------------------ 35 to 44 years------------------------ 45 to 64 years------------------------65 years and over ____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole---------------Female ____________ _ Family h~d, Male-------------------- Female------------------ Wife of head--------------------------- Child of head---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ - ----- ----- - ---- --- - -- ---- - - - -- ----- lngnup quorten ____________________ _ - Inmate of institution----------------------Oiher ______ ----------__ ---------------- Persons per household ______________ ----_ - Negn, ol peno••----------------- ln households ____ --------__ ------___ _ - Head ______ ------__ --------__ ------~---- 14 to 24 years-------------------------25 to 34 years _______________________ _ -35 to 44 years _______________________ _ - 45 to 64 years-------------------------65 years and over ____________________ _ - Primary individual: Male--------------- Female------------- Family head, Male-------------------- Female------------------ Wife of head---------------------------Child of head ____ --____________________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ --- - ---- In group quarters _____________________ _ Inmate of institution----------------------Other _________________________________ _ Persons per household ________________ ---- FAMILIES BY NUMBER OF OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Tatol, aU fa•lies ________________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ Total, hushoad..wlfe faatDios -------- With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years ________ --_ Total, fa•Uios with female head ____ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ --- - -- -- - White, aU famllos -----------------With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Whlto, hus .. nd-wllo faMIUos ________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ White, fo•ths with fomalo head ____ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, aU famiUos ________________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years------------ Negro, husHIMI-wlfe fommes _______ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ -With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, femmes with female head----- With own children under 18 years----------- With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Juneau 13 556 13 344 4 223 328 1 037 1 018 1 523 317 552 410 2 990 271 2 901 5 460 422 338 212 130 82 3.16 11 422 11 303 3 744 279 931 907 1 366 261 468 373 2 710 193 2 562 4 474 271 252 119 44 75 3.02 106 102 35 1 7 6 17 4 13 3 12 7 10 50 5 2 4 3 1 2.91 3 261 2080 1 030 2 901 1 824 934 271 200 84 2 903 1 821 883 2 643 I 647 822 193 135 51 19 15 8 12 10 6 7 5 2 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Kenai-Cook Inlet 14 250 13 854 3 889 270 1 092 1 141 1 188 198 459 132 3 133 165 3 039 6 196 472 258 396 - 396 3.56 13 047 12 705 3 614 246 1 021 1 078 1 108 161 398 115 2 971 130 2 849 5 648 398 196 342 - 342 3.52 105 79 22 6 5 7 2 2 1 2 17 2 17 35 2 3 26 - 26 3.59 3 298 2 322 1 152 3 039 2 135 1 087 165 133 56 3 101 2 191 1 074 2 900 2 040 1 022 130 109 46 19 14 6 17 13 5 2 1 1 Ketchikan Kobuk Kodiak Kuskokwim 10 041 4434 9 409 2 306 9 802 4 262 8 431 2 051 3 006 814 2384 463 242 32 319 18 746 169 762 108 638 196 562 121 1 046 310 614 151 334 107 127 65 381 55 278 82 220 41 87 19 2 234 612 1 896 308 171 106 123 54 2 154 571 1 836 270 4 075 2 451 3 636 1 082 334 388 323 176 233 38 252 60 239 172 978 255 80 -38 - 159 172 940 255 3.26 5.24 3.54 4.43 8 527 534 7 215 584 8 339 444 6 366 375 2 678 157 1 957 109 219 10 294 5 683 65 661 34 564 30 457 28 922 46 463 35 290 6 82 7 345 18 206 17 200 17 72 4 2 022 121 1 584 87 111 1 95 1 1 896 92 1 454 62 3 355 175 2 606 174 226 12 167 24 184 8 182 6 188 90 849 209 38 -15 - 150 90 834 209 3.11 2.83 3.25 3.44 44 5 157 35 40 -129 5 12 -44 1 1 -4 ---17 - 4 -6 1 4 -15 - 3 -2 - 2 -9 - 4 -2 - 5 -32 I 1 -1 - 9 -29 2 18 -46 2 1 -3 -- - 7 - 4 5 28 30 1 - - - 3 5 28 30 3.33 -2.93 ... 2 405 718 2 019 362 1 530 566 1 333 259 787 354 818 159 2 154 571 1 836 270 1 366 479 1 205 200 727 316 757 127 171 106 123 54 127 68 104 40 53 31 55 20 2 133 122 1 679 88 1 331 85 1 094 64 678 58 663 40 1 964 120 1 547 81 1 221 84 989 57 643 57 613 37 111 1 95 1 85 1 85 1 33 1 45 - 6 -33 1 5 -22 1 1 -15 - 5 -32 1 5 -21 1 1 -15 - 1 -1 ---I --- -- Matanusko- Susitna 6 509 6 254 1 841 73 353 490 736 189 282 90 1 371 98 1 335 2 722 212 144 255 148 107 3.40 6 189 6 062 1 805 70 340 481 729 185 273 89 1 349 94 1 292 2 641 205 119 127 50 77 3.36 12 7 3 - 2 1 -- - - 3 - 2 2 -- 5 4 1 ... 1 469 936 443 1 335 831 406 98 85 32 1 443 916 431 1 315 815 396 94 81 30 3 2 2 3 2 2 -- - 1970-Continued Outer Prince of Nome Ketchikan Wales 5 749 1 676 2 106 5534 1 623 1 947 1209 391 560 59 30 25 240 136 166 272 93 121 489 104 198 149 28 50 151 45 113 59 7 24 875 314 407 124 25 16 794 284 393 2 931 748 752 474 171 100 126 29 142 215 53 159 14 -- 201 53 159 4.58 4.15 3.48 1 205 757 1 497 1 086 709 1 357 374 202 432 31 19 21 89 88 135 77 45 100 144 45 154 33 5 22 65 32 88 33 3 15 265 164 325 11 3 4 214 163 300 433 289 466 35 40 45 30 15 114 119 48 140 1 -- 118 48 140 2.90 3.51 3.14 27 5 6 14 3 3 5 2 1 --- 3 -1 1 1 - I 1 - --- 3 -- --- 2 2 1 --- 1 -1 7 1 1 - -- 1 -- 13 2 3 --- 13 2 3 2.80 ... . .. 999 339 423 677 229 264 369 133 166 794 284 393 585 201 251 336 122 162 124 25 16 59 17 7 20 8 3 276 167 329 162 115 208 93 68 133 250 161 319 148 111 202 88 66 133 11 3 4 5 3 2 1 2 - 2 2 1 2 1 - 1 1 - 2 2 1 2 1 - 1 1 - - - ------ - ALASKA 3-63 Table 36. Household Relationship, Type ot family, and Race, tor Census IJivisions: 1 '17U-Continued Census Divisions RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD Total, all persons ________ ----____ _ In households ____ ----____ ----__ ----__ Head __ ----______ --------------__ ------ 14 to 24 years------------------------ 25 to 34 yeor•------------------------35 to 44 years _______ : _______________ _ 45 to 64 yeors------------------------ 65 years and over--------------------- Primary individual: Male--------------- Female ------------- Family heod, Mole--------------------FemaJe __________ -------- Wife of head--------------------------- Child of heod ---------------------------Other relative of head ____ --------_______ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ In group quarters ____________________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Other ____________ ------______________ _ Persons per household------------------- White, aU persons _______________ _ In households __ . __ ----_______________ _ H~d-----------------14 to 24 years ____ ----_______________ _ 25 to 34 years _______________________ _ 35 to 44 years------------------------45 to 64 years ____ ----_______________ _ 65 years and over ____________________ _ Primary individual: Male ______________ _ Female------------- Family head: Male--------------------Female _________________ _ Wife of head--------------------------- Child of heod ---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ In group quarters ____________________ _ Inmate of institution ____________________ _ Other ____________ ------______________ _ Persons P!!r household __________________ _ Negro, all penons _______________ _ In households _______________________ _ Heod ________ --------------------------14 to 24 years _______________________ _ 25 to 34 years _______________________ _ 35 to 44 years _______________________ _ 45 to 64 yeors------------------------ 65 years and over--------------------- Primary individual: Male--------------- Female ______ ------- Family head: Mole-------------------- Female ------------------ Wife of heod --------------------------- Child of heod ---------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ In group quarters_ ___________________ _ Inmate of institution---------------------Other ________________________________ _ Persons per household __________ --______ _ FAMILIES BY NUMBER OF OWN CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS Total, all famlies •• ______________ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ Total, husband..wlfe families-------- With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years __________ _ Total, families with female head ____ _ With own children under 18 years _________ _ With own children under 6 years ______ ----- Whlte, an fammes ----___________ _ With own children under 18 years---------- -- - - - ---- - - ---- - --- - - - -- - - --- - ---- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - ----- -- - - --- --- - -- - -With own children under 6 years __________ _ - White, husband-wife families •• _____ _ -With own children under 18 years •• _______ _ - With own children under 6 years ________ ---- White, families with female head ___ _ -With own children under 18 years _________ _ -With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, all famDies ________________ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, husband-wife families _______ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ Negro, families with female head ____ _ With own children under 18 years __________ _ With own children under 6 years ___________ _ 3-64 ALASKA [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Skagway-Southeast Seward Sitka Yakutat Fairbanks Upper Yukon 2 336 6 109 2 157 4 179 1 684 2 195 5 843 2 124 3 558 1 300 722 1 767 607 1 027 338 48 155 49 174 15 138 448 146 306 78 147 430 130 231 64 295 598 189 269 125 94 136 93 47 56 111 280 103 94 79 48 138 23 25 15 512 1 262 457 874 210 51 87 24 34 34 496 1 223 437 853 185 803 2 546 862 1 522 676 118 214 149 109 65 56 93 69 47 36 141 266 33 621 384 40 142 --- 101 124 33 621 384 3.04 3.31 3.50 3.46 3.85 2 067 4 611 1 338 3 418 588 1 965 4 392 1 310 2 884 269 681 1 446 451 880 115 45 148 44 159 3 129 372 126 261 30 131 320 82 201 22 283 512 142 237 41 93 94 57 22 19 110 235 88 80 41 46 108 19 23 7 479 1 047 332 756 67 46 56 12 21 - 449 971 308 731 59 683 1 797 473 1 176 71 110 112 45 69 10 42 66 33 28 14 102 219 28 534 319 23 132 --- 79 87 28 534 319 2.89 3.04 2.90 3.28 2.34 4 36 -208 13 ... 33 -145 -... 11 -40 -... --11 -... 1 -19 -... 5 -8 -... 4 -2 -... 1 ---... 1 ---... 5 ---... 4 -40 -... 1 ---... 5 -38 -... 15 -64 -... 1 ---... 1 -3 - ... 3 -63 13 ----... ... 3 -63 13 ... 3.00 -3.63 - 563 1 349 481 908 244 305 884 286 578 161 141 474 161 323 90 496 1 223 437 853 185 259 796 261 538 129 120 441 156 309 68 51 87 24 34 34 43 65 14 29 19 19 25 3 9 13 525 1 103 344 777 67 279 696 202 492 32 130 375 118 276 13 465 1 025 320 749 65 239 646 186 467 32 111 360 116 270 13 46 56 12 21 - 39 40 9 20 - 18 13 1 4 - ... 5 -40 -... 4 -28 -... 3 -20 - ... 4 -40 -... 3 -28 -... 2 -20 - ... 1 ---... 1 ---... 1 --- Valdez-Chitina-Wrangell- Whittier Wade Hampton Petersburg Yukon-Koyukuk 3 098 3 917 4 913 4 752 2 926 3 662 4 871 4044 921 643 1 473 1 015 58 15 112 50 199 133 342 260 217 172 332 258 373 258 513 360 74 65 174 87 180 63 214 181 57 10 91 45 644 519 1 110 736 40 51 58 53 621 481 1 074 697 1 164 2 348 2 056 2 032 107 162 168 224 113 28 100 76 172 255 42 708 108 --- 64 255 42 708 3.18 5.70 3.31 3.98 2 378 231 3 759 2 450 2 279 114 3 723 1 823 772 40 1 231 602 49 3 95 29 180 14 292 189 181 10 271 155 318 10 445 199 44 3 128 30 140 9 178 104 48 2 75 30 559 28 937 462 25 1 41 6 509 24 857 423 840 47 1 479 721 62 2 84 50 96 1 72 27 99 117 36 627 40 --- 59 117 36 627 2.95 2.85 3.02 3.03 9 12 4 83 7 5 ... 27 4 1 . .. 8 2 -. .. --1 ... 5 1 -... 2 1 -. .. 1 --. .. - 3 -. .. - --... - 1 1 . .. 8 --. .. - 1 1 . .. 5 2 3 ... 14 --. .. ---. .. - 2 7 . .. 56 --. .. - 2 7 . .. 56 ... ... . .. 3.38 684 570 1 168 789 417 490 748 535 210 354 376 317 621 481 1 074 697 378 431 688 478 195 333 358 292 40 51 58 53 26 36 43 38 9 16 16 19 584 29 978 468 346 18 606 288 167 11 292 169 540 27 911 454 319 17 565 280 158 11 283 168 25 1 41 6 17 1 29 4 5 -8 - 1 1 . .. 8 1 1 . .. 4 1 1 . .. 3 1 1 . .. 8 1 1 . .. 4 1 1 . .. 3 --. .. ---. .. ----. .. GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 37. Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race, for Census Divisions: 1970 [For meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions MARITAL STATUS Total male, 14 yean old and over-----Single ----__ --------------____________ _ -Married __ ----____ ----________________ _ -Separated __ --____ ----____ ----------__ Widowed __________________ ------_____ _ Divorced __________ ----________________ _ Total female, 14 years old and onr __ Single ______ ----__ --------____________ _ Married ______________________________ _ Separated ________ ----_______________ _ Widowed __________ ----__________ ----__ Divorced •• ________ ----________________ _ Whitt male, 14 years old and over---Single ________________________________ _ Married ______________________________ _ Separated ____________ ----___________ _ Widowed ----__ ------------------------Divorced __________ ----______________ --- Whitt femaJ., 14 years old anti over _ Single ____ ----________________________ _ Married ______________________________ _ Separated ___________________________ _ Widowed __________ ----_______________ _ Divorced ____ ----__________ --__ --------- Negro malt, 14 years olcl anti over __ _ Single ________________________________ _ Married ______________________________ _ ~~ro~-------------- Widowed ____ --------------------------Divorced ______________________________ _ Negro female, 14 years old anti over _ Single ________________________________ _ Married ______ --__ ---------------------Separated ______________________ ----__ Widowed ____ ----______ --------__ ----__ Divorced ______________________________ _ RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FOR SELECTED AGE GROUPS Total persons, under 18 yean old ___ _ Head or wife of head--------------------Own child of heod ______________________ _ In husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ________________________________ _ Whitt persons, under 18 yean old __ _ Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of heod -----------------------In husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ________________________________ _ Negra ptnans, under 18 years old __ _ Head or wife of head--------------------Own child of heod ______________________ _ In husband-wife households ____ --------- In household with female head ________ --- Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ________ --______________ --------- Total persons. 65 yeors old anti ower _ Heod of fomily, Mole-------------------- Female------------------ Wife of heod --------------------------- Other family member--------------------Not reloted to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole ________________ _ Female ______ --------- Inmate of institution ____________________ _ Other, in group quarters _________________ _ White persons, 65 years oW anti over_ Head of family, Mole ___________________ _ Femole __________ ------__ Wife of heod __________________________ _ Other family member--------------------Not reloted to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Male ________________ _ Female ______________ _ Inmate of institution ____________________ _ Other, in group quarters _________________ _ Negro penons, 65 years ohl anti over_ Heod of fomily, Male ___________________ _ Female ____________ ------ Wife of heod __________________________ _ Other family member--------------------Not related to head _____________________ _ -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - ------ -- - - - - - ---- - - --- -- -- -- ----- -- -- - - - - - -- -------- - - - -- - Primary individual: Mole------------------ Female ____ ------__ ---- Inmate of institution---------------------- Other, in group quarters •• ____ ----_______ _ - Aleutian lslonds 4 814 2 307 2 327 39 47 133 1 380 233 1 077 13 54 16 3 798 I 854 I 820 26 7 117 780 86 681 1 7 6 211 115 94 - - 2 14 - 14 --- 2 165 3 1 998 1 893 81 119 45 1 109 1 1 070 1 056 10 20 18 12 - 11 11 - 1 - 78 25 6 6 13 1 12 2 - 13 16 5 1 - 1 -- - - 9 1 - - - 1 - - --- GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Anchorage 44 824 13 260 29 420 463 358 1 786 39 815 7 680 28 999 489 1 219 1 917 41 071 11 693 27 455 383 298 1 625 36 216 6 835 26 657 397 I 049 1 675 1 971 651 1 210 42 27 83 1 409 215 1 055 35 40 99 49 383 148 46 555 42 805 3 081 1 501 1 179 44 364 135 42 239 39 149 2 512 1 248 742 2 043 5 1 921 1 726 164 81 36 1 729 435 37 253 456 78 187 191 70 22 1 455 399 31 227 333 67 159 176 44 19 68 9 1 9 22 3 10 6 7 1 Angoon 196 79 95 4 11 11 136 34 86 1 11 5 62 15 36 1 5 6 40 4 28 - 5 3 --- - - - ---- - - 229 1 202 182 5 26 - 15 1 12 12 - 2 - ------- 50 19 2 5 4 - 15 5 -- 26 6 - 2 - - 13 5 -- --- - - - -- - - Bristol Bay Bristol Bay Cordova- Barrow Bethel Borough .Division McCarthy 894 2 274 643 1 074 733 3B2 957 250 412 232 471 1 221 366 584 429 5 27 7 15 19 26 69 8 37 29 15 27 19 41 43 681 2 029 215 958 557 230 661 44 300 112 409 1 184 154 582 400 5 46 4 21 7 32 157 13 59 30 10 27 4 17 15 185 312 553 253 624 39 75 207 60 190 140 223 326 175 372 -4 6 2 18 --4 5 25 6 14 16 13 37 80 208 153 193 454 12 52 . 33 36 93 62 143 113 138 335 -2 1 1 4 2 5 4 11 15 4 8 3 8 11 11 18 30 1 ... 4 10 14 I ... 6 7 15 -... - - 1 -... 1 1 --... - - 1 -... -2 -3 ... ---1 ... - --1 ... ----... -2 - - ... ---1 ... 1 344 4 006 366 1 816 718 2 6 1 -3 1 168 3 694 327 1 653 695 1 103 3 384 301 1 495 594 28 254 19 86 82 171 265 32 120 14 3 41 6 43 6 73 258 278 269 577 --1 -3 71 250 257 241 565 70 244 241 215 482 1 3 11 17 65 2 3 16 14 8 -5 4 14 1 3 4 1 1 ... ----... 3 4 1 -... 3 4 1 -... ----... ---1 ... ----... 75 217 26 105 82 39 82 7 50 21 4 21 2 4 3 9 21 3 9 6 13 62 2 12 3 -6 2 8 - 2 9 7 11 30 7 15 3 10 12 1 ---6 -1 -1 1 5 10 20 24 65 3 4 5 9 14 --1 -- --3 2 6 --1 2 1 -1 1 1 - 1 1 7 7 29 -3 2 3 11 1 ---3 -1 --1 -5 --... ----... - - --... - ---... -4 --... ----... -1 --... ----... ----... ----... Fairbanks Haines 19 333 538 7 583 133 10 934 361 187 4 145 14 671 30 13 074 501 2 452 92 9 844 360 159 6 393 34 385 15 17 443 428 6 629 91 10 075 306 154 3 121 9 618 22 11 659 395 2 087 71 8 928 301 116 1 316 9 328 14 1 223 - 555 - 627 - 21 - 11 - 30 - 585 - 100 - 433 - 19 - 31 - 21 - 16 182 607 58 3 15 144 559 14 239 536 652 16 478 36 502 9 14 235 465 55 2 13 452 438 12 820 417 419 15 385 21 343 4 888 --- 832 - 748 - 75 - 31 - 25 - 573 74 131 17 14 3 74 13 109 9 23 2 92 9 53 3 54 18 2j - 509 33 123 10 10 -66 7 87 5 18 1 89 9 46 1 49 -21 - 20 -3 -2 -2 -7 -1 -2 -2 -1 --- ALASKA 3-65 " " i' ' I Table 37. Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race, for Census Divisions: 1970~Continued Census Divisions MARITAL STATUS Total male, 14 yean old and over ___ _ Single --------------------------------- Married __ --__ -------------------------Separated ________ ----_______________ _ Widowed ----__ --------------__ ------__ Divorced __ --__ ----------------__ ------- Total female, 14 yean old and over __ Single ____________ --------------------- Married __________ ----__ ------__ ------- ~~~~--------------Widow~ ------------------------------ Divorced __________ --____ --------------- White male, 14 yean old and over __ _ Single __________ --------------__ ------- Married __ ----____ ------------____ -----Separated ___________________________ _ Widow~ ----__ ------------------------Divorced __________ --------__ --________ _ White female, 14 yun old and over _ Single ____ ---~ ------------------------- Married ________ .:_ ----____ ------------- Separated ________ ------__ ----_______ _ Widowed ----------------------------__ Divorced __________ --------____________ _ Negro mole, 14 yean old and ower __ _ Single __ -------------------------------Married __________ ------____________ --- Seporot~ ________ ----_______________ _ Widowed __________ ----____ ----------__ Divorced __________________ ----__ ------_ Negro female, 14 years old and over _ Single ______________________________ --_ Married ______ ------------------------- ~~ro~--------------Widowed ______ ------__ ---------------- Divorced------------------------------- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FOR SELECTED AGE GROUPS Total persons, under 18 yean okl ___ _ Head or wife of head --------------------Own child of heod ____________________ --_ In husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ____________ ----______________ --- White persons, under 18 yun old __ _ Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of heod •• --------------------- ln husband-wife households __ --____ ----- In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ____________ ----____ ----__ ------- Negro persons, 11nder 18 years old __ _ Head or wife of head--------------------Own child of head ____ --________________ _ In husband-wife households __________ --_ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ____ ------____ ----__ Other ________________________________ _ Total persons, 65 yean old and over _ H~d~fu~~M~---------- Femole ------------------Wife of head __________________________ _ Other family member--------------------Not related to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Male ______________ --_ Female ____ --____ ----_ Inmate of institution--------------------- Other, in group quarters _________________ _ White persons, 65 years old and over_ Head of fomily, Mole--------------------Female _________________ _ ------ ---- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - --- --- - ------ - --- - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - --- -- ------ Wife of head--------------------------- Other family member-------------------- Not related to heod---------------------- Primory individual: Mole------------------Female __ ----______ --_ Inmate of institution--------------------- Other. in group quarters _________________ _ Negro persons, 65 ynn old and over_ H~d~fu~~ M~----------Female _________________ _ Wife of head --------------------------- Other family member-------------------- Not related to head---------------------- Primary individual: Male __________ ------- Female ---------------Inmate of institution ----------________ --- Other. in group quarters _________________ _ 3-66 ALASKA --- ------ --- - [For meaning of symbols. see text] Kenai-Cook Juneau Inlet 4 733 5 117 1 260 1 457 3 148 3 326 58 53 76 69 249 265 4 577 4 278 929 802 3 101 3 227 65 43 264 134 283 115 4 088 4 692 1 004 1 255 2 834 3 151 48 41 51 49 199 237 3 944 3 936 780 720 2 703 3 017 44 32 219 95 242 104 35 51 7 19 21 31 3 3 1 - 6 I 29 24 10 3 14 17 1 - 3 2 2 2 5 299 6 114 20 18 4 929 5 753 4 366 5 320 457 333 199 269 151 74 4 259 5 575 11 15 4 071 5 280 3 716 4944 277 267 Ill 228 66 52 53 36 I - 48 34 29 33 19 I 4 2 -- 512 310 142 90 23 13 87 35 95 65 8 11 73 74 79 21 5 - -1 411 251 115 80 18 6 75 32 69 50 5 8 57 59 71 16 1 --- 4 4 -- -I -- -1 -- 3 I I --- -1 Ketchikan Kobuk 3 619 1 350 992 601 2 340 680 46 14 66 40 221 29 3 263 1 161 602 405 2 281 625 42 12 212 105 168 26 3 154 251 796 67 2 122 175 42 - 53 I 183 8 2 778 129 499 29 1 998 94 33 - 162 4 119 2 20 5 11 2 8 3 2 -- - 1 - 15 - 1 - 10 - 1 - 4 -- - 4 034 2 394 8 1 3 709 2 059 3 343 1 809 306 194 183 269 134 65 3 298 176 5 - 3 070 169 2 855 158 177 11 127 5 96 2 14 -- - 13 - 13 --- 1 - - - 515 172 153 61 16 27 83 26 55 32 13 2 80 9 85 10 27 - 3 5 426 10 139 5 8 - 72 - 40 2 10 2 67 I 76 - 11 - 3 - 3 -- - 1 --- - -- -- - 2 -- -- - Motanusko-Outer Prince of Kodiak Kuskokwim Susitna Nome Ketchikan Wales 3 825 859 2 422 1 946 596 924 1 492 340 780 893 218 258 2 110 475 I 451 953 333 548 49 35 25 21 11 15 56 28 67 56 17 24 167 16 124 44 28 94 2 607 541 2 025 1 604 446 529 443 170 414 565 88 74 1 987 310 I 444 862 316 412 33 10 16 12 3 2 81 56 97 133 30 31 96 5 70 44 12 12 3 049 336 2 270 526 282 709 1 129 109 680 156 81 166 1 751 209 1 414 342 186 454 31 4 22 6 4 9 30 3 56 11 1 12 139 15 120 17 14 77 2004 86 1 951 334 193 373 307 19 391 83 20 42 I 564 63 I 399 222 168 311 20 -15 3 - - 50 3 95 16 4 14 83 1 66 13 1 6 75 31 7 20 4 4 28 11 4 6 1 3 45 18 3 14 3 1 5 -- - - --2 -- - - 2 -- - - - 39 2 2 3 -1 5 - - 2 - - 32 2 2 1 -1 2 - - --- 2 - - ------- - - 3 613 1 084 2 747 2 761 752 770 8 -7 6 -1 3 357 931 2 505 2344 645 678 3 042 719 2 259 2084 563 640 262 171 203 169 57 30 160 115 119 314 104 67 88 38 116 97 3 24 2 603 185 2 607 419 308 482 8 -6 1 - - 2 470 165 2 428 389 275 446 2 220 144 2 193 348 255 435 205 5 198 17 19 5 87 16 116 25 31 27 38 4 57 4 2 9 49 2 4 7 1 1 ----- - 44 2 2 7 I 1 41 2 2 7 1 1 3 - --- - 3 - --- - 2 -2 --- 210 77 308 225 53 76 66 41 88 81 21 28 6 7 3 32 3 4 33 3 47 22 10 16 36 9 34 40 15 8 6 -11 4 -1 38 9 71 24 3 9 17 8 27 12 1 9 1 -2 --- 7 -25 10 -I 114 11 295 42 9 34 40 4 87 16 4 14 2 -3 3 - - 11 -46 2 2 7 13 4 33 1 2 3 2 -11 1 -I 26 3 69 9 1 5 14 -26 5 -3 --2 ---6 -18 5 -1 3 --------- -------- 1 --------- -- ---- -- 1 --- -- 1 --------- ------ -- GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 37. Marital Status and Household Relationship by Race, for Census Divisions: Census Divisions MARITAL STATUS Total male, 14years old and onr ___ _ Single ____________ ------______________ _ Married ____ --------------------------- Separated __ ---_------------------__ --Widowed __ ----____ --------___________ _ Divorced ____ --------------------------- Total female, 14 years old and over __ Single ______ --------------------------- Married ____ --------------------------- ~~ro~-------------- Widowed __ ---------------------------- Divorced ____ --------------------------- White male, 14 yetll'$ oltl and over __ _ Single ________________________________ _ Married __________ ----____ ----______ --- ~~ro~--------------Widowed __________ ----__ -------------- Divorced ____ --------------------------- White female, 14 yean old and ower _ Single ________________________________ _ Married __________ ----____ ------------- Separated __ --------------______ ----__ Widowed _ . ________ ----_______________ _ Divorced ____ ----__ ----__________ ----__ _ Negro male, 14 yean old and over __ _ Single ________________________________ _ Married ____ ----------________________ - Separated--______ ----_______________ _ Widowed ------____ -------------------- Divorced. ___ --------------------------- Negro female, 14 yean old and over _ Single ____________________ ------------- Married __________________ ------------- Separated--______ ----_______________ _ Widowed __ ------__ ----____ ----__ ------Divorced __________ ----______________ --- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD FOR SELECTED AGE GROUPS Total penons, under 18 yean old ___ _ Head or wife of head --------------------Own child of head_ _____________________ _ In husband-wife households------------- In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ______ ----__ --__________________ _ White persons, under 18 yean old __ _ Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of head-----------------------In husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ______ ----------________________ - Negro penoas, under 18 years old __ _ Head or wife of head ___________________ _ Own child of head-----------------------In husband-wife households ____________ _ In household with female head __________ _ Other relative of head ___________________ _ Other ______ ----______________________ - Total penons, 65 yean old and over _ Head of family, Mole ___________________ _ Female ____ -------------- Wife of head--------------------------- Other family member--------------------Not related to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Male ________________ _ Female ______________ - Inmate of institution---------------------Other, in group quarters _________________ _ White penons, 65 years old and over_ Head of family, Mole ___________________ _ Female ____ -------------- Wife of head--------------------------- Other family member--------------------Nat related to head _____________________ _ Primary individual: Mole ________________ _ Female---------------Inmate of institution __ ----______________ _ Other. in group quarters _________________ _ Negro persons, 65 ynrs aiel and over_ Head~fum~ M~---------- Femole ____ ------------__ Wife of head--------------------------- Other family member--------------------Nat related to head _____________________ _ Primary indivi.duol: Mole ________________ _ Female __ ------------- Inmate of institution---------------------Other, in group quarters _________________ _ - ---- - ----- - ----- - - ---- - - - ---- --- - -- - -- -- -- --- --- - - - - ---- ---- - ---- - -- -- ------ - -- - - ---- - [for meaning of symbols. see text] Skagway- Seward Sitko Yakutat 931 2 193 813 277 642 244 579 1 364 490 27 22 8 21 62 28 54 125 51 781 1 910 636 129 385 123 557 1 304 463 12 23 5 53 135 34 42 86 16 840 1 739 538 228 467 136 541 1 139 354 24 17 7 19 42 10 52 91 38 698 1 471 406 108 288 57 506 1 027 316 12 15 3 48 94 20 36 62 13 ... 11 -... 4 -... 6 -- - ... ... --... 1 - ... 13 -... 3 -... 6 -... 1 -... 3 -... 1 - 818 2 455 905 3 4 4 719 2 319 770 614 2 089 699 91 176 48 65 109 lOS 31 23 26 688 1 725 485 3 4 2 606 1 657 440 519 1 545 402 82 97 26 63 53 33 16 11 10 ... 13 ---... ... 13 -... 6 -... 7 -- - ... - - ... 160 360 140 42 73 48 3 6 7 30 46 29 19 27 13 1 9 4 30 27 27 19 30 11 13 141 - 3 1 1 153 274 80 42 57 24 2 3 3 28 32 15 18 12 6 1 4 2 30 16 22 19 18 8 11 131 - 2 1 - ... 1 -... --... ----... --... --... --... ... 1 - --... --... Southeast Valdez-Chitina- Fairbanks Upper Yukon Whittier Wade Hampton 1 850 871 1 215 1 187 806 370 392 552 983 412 720 570 18 22 24 15 18 33 34 52 43 56 69 13 1 157 369 971 997 216 118 224 423 901 209 670 508 18 10 10 6 26 33 47 62 14 9 30 4 1 554 453 969 137 655 139 264 56 855 261 629 76 16 12 20 1 7 6 18 2 37 47 58 3 932 81 762 50 136 13 160 23 767 64 545 25 14 1 4 1 16 3 32 1 13 1 25 1 97 13 6 8 35 7 4 5 60 6 1 3 -1 -- - - 1 - 2 --- 46 -1 1 4 -- - 42 -1 1 - - ----- - --- - 1 505 578 1 154 2 141 14 -3 2 1 390 527 1 037 1 971 1 289 425 928 1 810 70 58 72 102 73 31 56 89 28 20 58 79 1 186 72 826 48 13 -2 - 1 114 66 767 45 1 065 66 705 43 41 -38 2 48 6 27 2 11 -30 1 70 -4 3 1 -1 - 63 -2 3 63 -2 3 ---- ---- 6 -1 - 71 81 107 103 27 21 38 38 5 6 3 12 17 16 16 13 5 6 7 18 1 1 5 1 15 21 21 10 -8 12 5 - - 2 - 1 2 3 6 40 29 68 .9 10 6 26 - --2 - 11 6 12 1 5 2 4 - 1 -5 - 12 10 9 3 -3 7 ----- 1 2 3 5 ----- --- -------- ---- ---- ----- --- ---- ---- 1970-Continued Wrangell- Petersburg Yukon-Koyukuk 1 813 2 070 507 752 1 184 1 172 18 27 48 65 74 81 1 549 1 160 269 332 1 147 745 19 15 101 70 32 13 1 470 1 331 381 377 1 003 869 12 17 25 20 61 65 1 199 545 191 83 913 439 13 4 73 15 22 8 ... 65 ... 30 ... 32 . .. -... 1 ... 2 ... 6 ... 1 . .. 5 . .. -... -... - 1 980 1 939 7 8 1 853 1 774 1 734 1 601 95 139 81 131 39 26 1 396 714 6 2 1 342 679 1 269 666 57 10 26 28 22 5 . .. 13 ... -... 13 ... 13 ... -... -... - 259 139 81 37 7 7 46 13 28 30 10 7 51 31 35 12 - - 1 2 194 40 60 5 4 1 35 4 22 3 8 1 38 19 26 5 - - 1 2 ... -... -... -... -... -... --... ... --... -... AIAriiA ') L"l Table ·38. General Characteristics of the Rural Population for Census Divisions: 1970 Census Divisions RACE Male-------------------------- White --------------------------------- N~ro-----------------Indian ____ ----------------------------- Japanese ------------------------------ Chinese ______ -------------------------- Filipino ____ ---------------------------- All other ____ --------------------------- Female ____ ------________ ------- White ____ ----------------------------- Negro --------------------------------- Indian ____ ----------------------------- Japanese __ ---------------------------- Chinese ________ ------------------------ Filipino ________ --------__ -------------- All other __________ ------__ ------------- AGE BY SEX Male, aU ages------------------- Under S years-------------------------- 5 to 9 yeors---------------------------- 10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 years--------------------------25 to 29 yeors _________________________ _ 30 to 34 yeors--------------------------35 to 39 yeors ______ ----_______________ _ 40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 years _________________________ _ SO to 54 yeors-------------------------- 55 to 59 yeors-------------------------- 60 to 64 years--------------------------65 to 69 yeors _________________________ _ 70 to 74 yeors _________________________ _ 75 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over-----------------------Median age __________ --_______________ _ Female, all ages _________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- SM9y~rs-------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors--------------------------25 to 29 years _________________________ _ 30 to 34 years-------------------------- 35 to 39 yeors-------------------------- 40 to 44 years _________________________ _ 45 to 49 yearS--------------------------50 to 54 years _________________________ _ 55 to 59 yeors-------------------------- 60 to 64 yeors-------------------------- 65 to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 years--------------------------75 years and over __ ------______________ _ Under 18 years ________________________ _ 21 years and over ____ ----______________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD All persans ____________________ _ In ho•seholds _______________________ _ H~d----------------- Primary individual __________ ----------- Wife of heod ______ ------______ --------- Other relative of head ___________________ _ Not related to head _____________________ _ - ----- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----- - - In group quarters ____________________ _ - Inmate of institution---------------------Other ________________________ --------- Persons per household __________________ _ RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS -- - Penons, under 18 years old--------- Head or wife of head ---------------------Own child of head_ ______________________ _ In husband-wife families ________________ _ In families with female head -------------Other relative of head ____________________ _ Other __________________ -----__________ -- RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS 6S YEARS AND OVER Persons, 65 yean old and over ______ _ Heod of family ____________________ ----__ _ w~~~~-------------­ Other family member--------------------- Primary individual __ ------______ ----_____ _ Not reloted to heod (in households) _________ _ In group quarters------------------------ Inmate of institution--------------------Other ________________________ ------__ 3-68 ALASKA [for minimum base for derived figures (percent, median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Aleutian Bristol Bay Islands Anchorage Angoon Barrow Bethel Borough 5 772 20 045 265 1 433 3964 788 4 309 18 962 65 216 422 668 216 346 -13 22 30 36 238 188 6 31 8 11 31 -1 3 1 5 28 -2 -1 104 67 3 -21 - 1 091 373 9 1 195 3 465 80 2 285 19 233 238 1 230 3 615 359 1 255 18 119 49 114 325 254 21 280 -1 2 1 25 266 183 4 34 12 10 76 - - 1 - 2 13 --- - 31 31 1 -3 - 941 448 5 1 111 3 250 92 5 772 20 045 265 1 433 3964 788 398 2 125 13 180 568 42 344 2 824 27 211 674 53 252 2 690 36 189 519 66 457 1 708 39 147 423 53 2 083 1 287 14 146 276 231 637 1 618 17 120 294 80 491 1 724 17 97 206 71 347 1 _671 9 83 196 72 237 1 470 11 63 203 34 184 1 162 15 56 155 34 138 824 5 27 147 12 98 471 19 36 117 14 52 231 9 31 57 11 32 118 15 23 51 10 10 34 9 11 26 3 12 88 10 13 52 2 1 119 8 909 106 672 2 071 184 3 810 10 505 150 686 1 706 521 54 240 34 47 129 15 23.4 22.6 26.0 19.6 17.6 23.9 2 285 19 233 238 1 230 3 615 359 340 2 094 28 185 585 42 339 2 744 41 219 577 56 275 2 602 39 171 515 56 151 1 608 24 148 377 35 258 1 478 9 98 277 20 249 1 836 10 79 297 27 182 1 752 11 72 185 33 143 1 508 10 46 190 18 92 1 184 9 59 144 18 75 993 10 41 128 15 78 654 11 32 107 14 44 360 12 36 92 6 35 209 8 16 53 8 7 95 6 11 38 5 7 45 4 6 23 3 10 71 6 11 27 3 1 046 8 583 123 672 1 935 182 1 143 9 936 105 485 1 503 167 24 211 16 28 88 11 20.7 21.9 17.3 16.4 16.7 18.6 8 057 39 278 503 2 663 7 579 1 147 4 718 38 823 495 2 568 7 471 736 1 225 10 401 134 463 1 435 192 126 1 045 45 45 177 39 1 016 8 744 81 364 1 065 136 2 391 18 791 279 1 732 4 857 390 86 887 1 9 114 18 3 339 455 8 95 108 411 -120 -1 -- 3 339 335 8 94 108 411 3.85 3.73 3.69 5.55 5.21 3.83 2 165 17 492 229 1 344 4 006 366 3 36 1 2 6 1 1 998 16 426 202 1 168 3 694 327 1 893 15 346 182 1 103 3 384 301 81 847 5 28 254 19 119 596 26 171 265 32 45 434 -3 41 6 78 451 50 75 217 26 31 110 21 43 103 9 6 63 5 9 21 3 13 156 4 13 62 2 14 60 20 9 24 10 1 15 - - 6 2 13 47 -1 1 --44 -1 - - 13 3 - - 1 -- Bristol Boy Cordova- Division McCarthy Fairbanks Haines 1 844 1 026 6 644 786 374 858 6 236 624 2 2 85 - 136 21 150 156 9 2 3 1 --5 - 13 15 2 - 1 310 128 163 5 1 641 831 5 769 718 297 671 5 310 551 3 -55 - 136 28 183 159 4 1 14 ---7 - 1 20 1 - 1 200 111 199 8 1 844 1 026 6 644 786 242 93 760 77 316 117 787 84 255 100 737 103 206 84 479 61 85 74 640 43 112 67 699 56 130 80 585 so 109 59 490 so 79 73 447 43 65 58 330 59 54 60 288 52 63 59 191 54 57 44 106 24 49 29 49 13 10 7 36 11 12 22 20 6 957 362 2 584 316 805 612 3 784 451 71 58 lOS 30 17.6 28.4 24.4 27.2 1 641 831 5 769 718 235 87 662 71 253 108 742 83 243 99 682 79 187 80 493 72 112 57 632 53 123 79 614 so 85 48 472 54 80 so 402 46 77 53 316 37 76 55 267 38 63 40 217 43 45 29 139 27 28 22 67 21 14 10 26 15 4 4 17 11 16 10 21 18 859 356 2377 291 695 447 3 088 405 34 24 64 44 17.4 23.6 22.4 25.1 3 485 1 857 12 413 1 504 3 435 1 774 11 934 1 469 724 591 3 444 424 108 170 503 58 528 357 2 719 335 2 106 794 5 408 681 77 32 363 29 50 83 479 35 -7 -26 so 76 479 9 4.74 3.00 3.47 3.46 1 816 718 4 961 607 -3 15 3 1 653 695 4 582 559 1 495 594 4 281 536 86 82 179 16 120 14 178 36 43 6 186 9 105 82 169 74 54 24 53 20 9 6 19 13 12 3 34 9 21 42 54 12 8 -3 2 1 7 6 18 -6 -18 '1 1 6 - GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 38. General Characteristics of the Rural Population for Census Divisions: [for minimum bose for derived figures (percent* median* etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Census Divisions RACE Male-------------------------- White ____ --------------------________ _ N~ro----------------­ lndian --------------------------------- Japanese,---------------____ ----------__ Chinese __________ ---------------------- Filipino ____________ ----------------___ _ All other ______ ----------________ ------- Fen~ ala ____ ----______________ --- White ----____________ ----------------- Negro ____________ ----------__ --------- Indian ____________ --------------------- -~M~--------------- Chinese ____ ---------------------------- Filipino ____________ --------------------All other ________ --------____________ --- AGE BY SEX Male, ad ages------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 yeors---------------------------- 10 to 14 years-------------------------- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 yeors--------------------------25 to 29 yeors ______ --------___________ _ 30 to 34 yeors ______ ----_______________ _ 35 to 39 yeors-------------------------- 40 to 44 years ______ ----_______________ _ 45 to 49 yearS-------------------------- 50 to 54 yearS--------------------------55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 years-------------------------- 65 to 69 years--------------------------70 to 74 yeors _________________________ _ 75 years and over ____ ------------------_ Under 18 years------------------------- 21 years and over----------------------- 65 yeors and over----------------------- Median age---------------------------- female, all ages _________________ _ Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 years----------------------------10 to 14 years _________________________ _ 15 to 19 yeors-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 yeors--------------------------30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors _________________________ _ 40 to 44 years-------------------------- 45 to 49 yearS-------------------------- 50 to 54 yeors-------------------------- 55 to 59 yeors--------------------------60 to 64 yeors ____________________ ,/ ___ _ 65 to 69 yeors-------------------------- 70 to 74 yeors--------------------------75 years and over ______________________ _ Under 18 years-------------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOlD All persons ---------------------In •••se•ows _______________________ _ H~d-----------------Primary individual __________ --______ --- Wife of heod --------------------------- Other relative of head __ ----------------__ Not reloted to head _____________________ _ I• group quarters __ ------------------- Inmate of institution--------------------- Other ----__________ ------------------_ Persons per household ----______________ _ RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS Peno•s, untler18 years okf -------- Head or wife of head-------------------- Own child of heod-----~-----------------ln husband·wife families _______________ _ In families with female head ___________ _ Other relative of head--------------------Other ________________________________ _ - ----- - - - - - - -- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - --- ------- - - - - - -- - - -- RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS 65 YEARS AND OVER Persons, 65 yean oltlontl over------ H~d~fumb------------­ Wife of heod --------------------------- Other family member-------------------- ----Primary individual ____ ----__________ ------ Not reloted to head (in households) _________ _ In group quarters __ ------________ ----___ _ Inmate of institution ____________ ----___ _ Other ____________ ----______ ------___ _ Juneau 3 818 3 548 11 188 2 - 26 43 3 688 3 442 8 173 4 - 9 52 3 818 408 534 475 301 156 315 354 296 273 212 180 152 85 33 14 30 1 631 2 073 77 25.6 3 688 370 526 503 274 226 347 329 268 239 187 178 102 65 39 15 20 1 601 1 974 74 23.8 7 506 7 363 2 056 226 1 705 3 481 121 143 128 15 3.58 3 232 2 3046 2 850 143 84 100 151 40 26 43 34 4 4 4 - GENERAl POPUlATION CHARACTERISTICS Kenai·Cook Inlet 5 832 5 296 55 204 6 - 45 226 4 885 4 434 25 180 4 - 18 224 5 832 557 736 718 505 404 456 406 445 441 360 285 212 141 79 44 43 2 380 3 238 166 25.0 4 885 520 637 671 471 293 449 407 363 296 261 213 126 76 42 36 24 2 171 2 535 102 22.4 10 717 10 321 2917 466 2 232 4 974 198 396 - 396 3.54 4 551 13 4 270 3 897 289 216 52 268 92 31 50 85 9 1 - 1 Ketchikon Kobuk Kodiak Kuskokwim 1 633 2 320 1 413 1 314 1 502 318 758 422 4 5 5 32 94 5 21 368 - - 10 10 - -- - 19 -9 1 14 1 992 610 481 1 414 2 114 1 146 992 1 305 216 593 162 - - 3 3 76 3 21 377 1 1 9 -- -- - 10 -1 - 22 1 894 519 450 1 633 2 320 1 413 1 314 160 308 139 139 204 389 176 175 184 349 149 165 136 268 127 104 124 147 132 184 148 127 122 89 128 134 95 99 79 123 86 90 101 107 95 67 97 94 83 53 72 76 66 32 67 70 44 36 48 42 34 25 42 37 35 25 16 21 13 8 27 28 17 23 638 1 235 555 542 914 973 802 690 85 86 65 56 25.3 17.1 24.4 22.0 1 414 2 114 1 146 992 145 300 156 128 185 361 148 198 193 350 144 162 128 222 125 86 83 138 107 58 135 122 93 57 96 101 72 64 89 106 65 59 78 85 55 42 75 86 48 34 69 51 ·52 30 51 60 29 23 38 46 18 30 18 25 14 8 15 25 10 4 16 36 10 9 620 1 159 530 542 748 855 553 404 49 86 34 21 23.4 16.0 20.0 15.5 3 047 4434 2 559 2 306 2 910 4 262 2 446 2 051 838 814 663 463 131 96 126 101 666 571 490 270 1 314 2 839 1 218 1 258 92 38 75 60 137 172 113 255 --33 - 137 172 80 255 3.47 5.24 3.69 4.43 1 258 2 394 1 085 1 084 1 1 3 - 1 147 2 059 945 931 1 082 1 809 870 719 44 194 61 171 38 269 82 115 72 65 55 38 134 172 99 77 43 88 34 48 24 26 17 3 18 32 15 9 44 19 32 17 5 2 - --5 1 - --- - -5 1 - Matanuska· Susitno 3 470 3 265 7 90 3 2 1 102 3 039 2 924 5 48 1 1 - 60 3 470 277 387 493 351 155 178 201 228 274 243 198 168 116 93 50 58 1 424 1 939 201 27.0 3 039 292 369 435 305 133 196 205 230 199 172 170 131 95 48 32 27 1 323 1 614 107 24.5 6 509 6 254 1 841 372 1 335 2 934 144 255 148 107 3.40 2 747 7 2 505 2 259 203 119 116 308 91 47 34 98 11 27 2 25 1970-Continued Outer Prince of Nome Ketchikan Wales 3 071 917 1 239 689 422 907 23 5 4 9 434 312 11 7 -----8 1 2 339 41 15 2 678 759 867 516 335 590 4 -2 10 386 255 5 8 - 1 1 --3 - 2 142 26 20 3 071 917 1 239 363 110 101 428 137 129 405 97 109 316 65 73 257 82 75 206 82 121 182 92 139 182 68 90 145 44 92 163 32 87 114 35 56 117 27 70 68 17 54 57 13 17 35 7 11 33 9 15 1 403 389 380 1 508 480 816 125 29 43 20.5 23.0 30.4 2 678 759 867 308 82 132 406 140 127 425 104 88 317 57 54 185 68 72 170 83 91 146 72 50 136 26 51 125 31 49 111 26 33 90 14 34 100 19 28 59 13 25 44 11 18 29 4 8 27 9 7 1 358 363 390 1 191 363 458 100 24 33 18.2 19.7 22.3 5 749 1 676 2 106 5 534 1 623 1 947 1 209 391 560 210 52 137 794 284 393 3 405 919 852 126 29 142 215 53 159 14 -- 201 53 159 4.58 4.15 3.48 2 761 752 770 6 -1 2344 645 678 2 084 563 640 169 57 30 314 104 67 97 3 24 225 53 76 113 24 32 22 10 16 40 15 8 36 4 18 4 -1 10 -1 -- - 10 -1 ALASKA 3-69 Table 38. General Characteristics of the Rural Population for Census Divisions: 1970-Continued Census Divisions RACE Malo ______ -------------------- White ________ ------------------------- Negro--------------------------------- Indian--------------------------------- Japanese ------------------------------ Chinese __ ------------------------------ Filipino -------------------------------- All other ____ --------------------------- female ____________ ------------- White ______ --------------------------- Negro __ ------------------------------- Indian ____ ----------------------------- ~~MH--------------­ Chinese __ ------------------------------ Filipino ______ -------------------------- All other------------------------------- AGE BY SEX Male, al at••------------------- Under 5 years-------------------------- 5 to 9 yeors---------------------------- 10 to 14 yeors-------------------------- 15 to 19 yeors-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 years--------------------------30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 years-------------------------- 40 to 44 yeors----""--------------------- 45 to 49 yeors-------------------------- 50 to 54 yeors--------------------------55 to 59 years _________________________ _ 60 to 64 years _________________________ _ ~-~y~~-------------70 to 74 years ______ ----_______________ _ 75 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years-------------------------21 years and over ______________________ _ 65 years and over----------------------- Median age---------------------------- ftlllale, allaps _________________ _ Under 5 years--------------------------SN9"=--------------10 to 14 years----------------------.---- 15 to 19 years-------------------------- 20 to 24 years-------------------------- 25 to 29 years--------------------------30 to 34 years _________________________ _ 35 to 39 yeors-------------------------- 40 to 44 years--------------------------45 to 49 years _________________________ _ SO to 54 y~rs _________________________ _ 55 to 59 years-------------------------- 60 to 64 years-------------------------- 65 to 69 yeors--------------------------70 to 74 years _________________________ _ 75 years and over----------------------- Under 18 years------------------------- 21 years and over·----------------------65 years and over ______________________ _ Median age---------------------------- RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD - - --- - - - ---- ---- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - All ptnoas ----------------------1• ho•nhohls ____ ----_______________ _ -H~d------------------Primary individual __________________ ----Wife of head----------------------------Other relative of head ___________________ _ -Not related to he.,d _____________________ _ - Ia troup •••rttn _____________________ _ Inmate of institution _____________________ _ Other ____ ------------------------------ Persons per household __________________ _ RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS - -Ptnons, uader 18 ytan old-------- Head or wife of head--------------------- Own child of head------------------------ In husband-wife families----------------- In families with female head -------------Other relative of head ____________________ _ Other ________ --------_____ c ____ ----___ _ RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONS 6S YEARS AND OVER Ptnons, 65 ynn old and ovtr ______ _ Head of familY--------------------------- Wife of h~d ---------------------------- Other family member--------------------- Primary individual ________ ---------------- Not related to head (in households) _________ _ In group quarters------------------------Inmate of institution ________________ ---- Other ______ -------------------------- 3-70 ALASKA (for minimum bose for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols. see text] Skagway-Southeast Seward Sitko Yakutat Fairbanks Upper Yukon 1 243 1 487 1 184 2 462 1 091 1 105 1 173 759 2 054 484 3 7 -128 13 29 250 390 241 488 1 1 3 4 2 -4 -2 - 6 8 5 12 - 99 44 27 21 104 1 093 1 252 973 1 717 593 962 935 579 1 364 104 1 7 -80 - 27 243 362 238 419 3 4 2 9 --2 -5 - 6 8 3 3 1 94 53 27 18 69 1 243 1 487 1 184 2 462 1 091 95 178 118 223 67 120 178 143 205 74 118 153 142 233 94 126 121 103 276 99 86 126 64 587 130 83 132 99 233 117 73 125 82 151 119 74 116 73 120 94 77 73 70 128 68 81 81 58 111 76 86 85 54 60 42 86 57 53 53 33 47 36 41 37 30 35 17 45 20 17 25 8 15 10 11 31 1 24 15 20 413 580 477 794 295 766 833 665 1 387 727 91 26 84 45 48 29.6 24.5 26.1 22.5 28.5 1 093 1 252 973 1 717 593 93 139 116 212 59 124 194 129 209 100 111 144 106 185 79 108 83 104 176 67 67 95 65 208 so 79 119 74 188 30 60 109 71 112 37 58 68 49 84 33 80 65 54 114 23 81 77 so 79 20 76 64 43 62 20 44 43 38 37 29 43 24 18 25 13 33 18 27 19 15 19 2 14 4 7 17 8 15 3 11 405 540 428 711 283 636 678 511 899 278 69 28 56 26 33 27.8 23.5 22.4 21.8 19.4 2 336 2 739 2 157 4 179 1 684 2 195 2 684 2 124 3 558 1 300 722 859 607 1 027 338 159 253 126 119 94 496 557 437 853 185 921 1 236 1 011 1 631 741 56 32 69 47 36 141 55 33 621 384 40 - - - - 101 55 33 621 384 3.04 3.12 3.50 3.46 3.85 818 1 120 905 1 505 578 3 3 4 14 - 719 1 081 770 1 390 527 614 984 699 1 289 425 91 69 48 70 58 65 31 105 73 31 31 5 26 28 20 160 54 140 71 81 45 17 55 32 27 30 8 29 17 16 19 13 13 5 6 49 15 38 15 29 1 1 4 1 1 16 -1 1 2 13 - - - - 3 -1 1 2 Valdez-Chitina-Wrangell- Whittier Wade Hampton Petersburg Yukon-Koyukuk 1 700 2 078 2 585 2 112 1 309 163 2 019 1 635 8 10 2 72 212 6 471 1 066 2 -30 2 - -3 11 - - 27 3 169 1 899 33 93 1 398 1 839 2 328 1 870 1 069 68 1 740 815 1 2 2 11 201 11 504 947 1 -30 1 --1 -- - 8 2 126 1 758 43 94 1 700 2 078 2 585 2 882 165 318 252 254 168 331 291 323 185 301 280 299 138 216 249 244 91 211 159 372 115 101 208 255 132 106 178 230 128 104 171 212 130 83 162 172 126 95 158 138 110 63 123 113 83 54 119 117 63 37 93 70 31 29 61 38 19 12 35 21 16 17 46 24 610 1 086 999 1 028 1 031 864 1 481 1 695 66 58 142 83 29.5 17.1 26.5 24.3 1 398 1 839 2 328 1 870 131 298 238 226 153 319 296 268 179 279 303 262 121 258 208 219 99 129 162 128 102 80 181 165 92 87 140 117 102 103 139 108 92 82 135 95 91 52 132 69 100 38 121 79 59 41 91 49 36 28 65 29 21 18 44 19 8 12 29 10 12 15 44 27 544 1 055 981 911 797 653 1 256 872 41 45 117 56 25.8 15.5 23.7 19.1 3 098 3 917 4 913 4 752 2 926 3 662 4 871 4044 921 643 1 473 1 015 237 73 305 226 621 481 1 074 697 1 271 2 510 2 224 2 256 113 28 100 76 172 255 42 708 108 --- 64 255 42 708 3.18 5.70 3.31 3.98 1 154 2 141 1 980 1 939 3 2 7 8 1 037 1 971 1 853 1 774 928 1 810 1 734 1 601 72 102 95 139 56 89 81 131 58 79 39 26 107 103 259. 139 41 so 88 44 16 13 46 13 7 18 28 30 33 15 86 43 5 1 10 7 5 6 1 2 2 -- - 3 6 1 2 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table 39. Age, Race, and Sex of the Household Population: 1970 The State Places of 2,500 or More With 1 ,000 or More in Group Quarters Census Divisions With 1 ,000 or More in Group Quarters RACE Total AI persoas ----------------- White ____ -· __ -----·--__ ----------- Negro and other races--------------- Negro--------__ ----__ ----------- Male AU pers••• -----------------White ----__ ---"--------__________ _ Negro and other races--------------- Negro--------------------------- Female AU persoas -----------------White ____________________________ _ Negro and other races ______________ _ Negro __________ ------__________ _ AGE Total AR •1••--__ ----______ ------ Under 5 years----------------------5 years ___________________________ _ 6y~~--------------7 to 9 years _______________________ _ 10 to 13 years _____________________ _ 14 years ______ ----________________ _ 15 years •• ------______ --__ --------- 16 ond 17 years-------------------- 18 and 19 years--------------------20 years •• __ --____ ----____________ _ 21 to 24 yeors---------------------- 25to 34 years---------------------- 35to 44 years----------------------45to 54 years _____________________ _ 55 to 64 years---------------------- 65to 74 yeors---------------------- 75 years and over __ ----------------- Male Aft 1111-------------------- Under 5 years---------------------- 5y~~-------------- 6yea~--------------7 to 9 years _______________________ _ 10 to 13 years---------------------- - - - - -- -- --- - -- ---- ---- - - ---- - - -- ---- 14 years __ ------____ ----------------15 years __ ------___________________ _ 16 ond 17 years-------------------- 18 ond 19 years-------------------- --20 years--------___________________ _ 21 to 24 years _____________________ _ 25to 34 yeo~---------------------- 35to 44 yeors-------·-------------- 45to 54 yeors---------------------- 55to 64 yeors---------------------- 65to 74 yeors----------------------75 years and over __________________ _ Female AU •1••--__ ----______ ------ Under 5 years---------------------- 5y~~-------------- - - --- -- ---6 years ____________ --------________ _ 7to 9 yeors------------------------- 10 to 13 yea~----------------------- 14 years ____ ------______________ ---- 15 years •• ____ ----_________________ _ 16 and 17 years--------------------- 18 ond 19 years---------------------20 years ___________________________ _ 21 to 24 years ______________________ _ 2S to 34 years-----------------------35to 44 years ______________________ _ 45to 54 yeo~----------------------- 55to 64 yea~----------------------- 65 to 74 yeors-----------------------75 years and over ___________________ _ [for meaning of symbols, see text) The State Anchorage 271 039 46 024 218 310 40 360 59 729 5 664 7 186 2 657 143 141 23 201 112 943 20 545 30 198 2 663 3 637 1 318 134 898 22 116 105 367 19 815 29 531 3 001 3 549 1 339 278 039 46 024 31 836 4 805 7 078 965 7 271 960 22 068 2 980 27 752 3 901 6 127 863 5 880 872 10 479 1 533 7 485 1 351 4 029 933 19 716 4 440 46 065 7 749 36 345 6 263 26 106 5 069 13 388 2 406 4 496 663 1 918 271 143 141 23 208 16 348 2 476 3 576 473 3 769 490 11 258 1 534 14 218 2 029 3 117 424 3 020 424 5 346 747 3 356 519 1 666 385 9 391 2 233 23 382 3 855 19 599 3254 14 030 2 613 7 498 1 269 2 518 340 1 049 143 134 898 22 116 15 488 2 329 3 502 492 3 502 470 10 810 1 446 13 534 1 872 3 010 439 2 860 448 5 133 786 4 129 832 2 363 548 10 325 2 207 22 683 3 894 16 746 3 009 12 076 2 456 5 890 1 137 1 978 323 869 128 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Places fort Richardson Eielson (Ul Elmendorf (U) (Ul 4866 4 433 7 235 4 395 4040 6 105 471 393 1 130 417 342 919 2 479 2 245 3 711 2 251 2 055 3 144 228 190 567 213 167 473 2 387 2 188 3 524 2 144 1 985 2 961 243 203 563 204 175 446 4 866 4 433 7 235 665 540 1 255 190 144 238 198 121 244 554 462 672 660 654 733 114 150 154 85 143 141 123 156 182 39 84 98 19 32 83 226 159 705 1 106 771 1 583 729 760 907 132 226 215 19 20 15 6 4 5 1 7 5 2 479 2 245 3 711 328 254 682 85 70 119 105 77 144 312 231 329 349 335 378 57 80 75 44 79 74 66 84 102 13 44 29 4 15 20 84 56 323 529 366 799 420 423 522 73 123 110 9 5 3 -1 1 1 2 1 2 387 2 188 3 524 337 286 573 105 74 119 93 44 100 242 231 343 311 319 355 57 70 79 41 64 67 57 72 80 26 40 69 15 17 63 142 103 382 577 405 784 309 337 385 59 103 105 10 15 12 6 3 4 -5 4 Census divisions fort Wainwright (U) Aleutian Islands Anchorage Fairbanks 5 319 4 718 Ill 645 39 103 4 553 2 562 108 163 35 235 766 2 156 10 482 3 868 613 44 4 598 1 915 2 683 2 461 60 056 20 245 2338 1 325 55 049 18 469 345 1 136 5 007 1 776 297 23 2 323 961 2 636 2 257 58 519 18 851 2 215 1 237 53 114 16 766 421 1 020 5 475 2 092 316 21 2 275 954 5 319 4 711 Ill 645 39 103 941 733 13 153 4 693 170 149 2900 976 179 149 2 913 1 041 494 382 9 074 2 972 518 438 11 538 3 618 97 84 2 547 759 66 84 2 425 613 84 127 4 297 1 227 78 100 3 082 1 098 77 61 1 813 716 660 385 9 383 3 777 1 299 919 20 949 7 312 557 532 16 861 5 018 74 339 11 439 3 240 13 171 4 634 1 547 9 45 1 136 369 3 20 501 127 2 683 2 461 60 056 20 245 459 396 6 718 2 431 ' ' 80 71 1 433 489 97 82 1 496 529 274 188 4 613 1 566 270 214 5 859 1 880 45 36 1 283 380 30 55 1 214 310 41 65 2 194 595 14 41 1 311 433 15 24 712 270 301 172 4 487 1 840 674 492 10 391 3 808 339 302 8 961 2 787 33 188 6 058 1 766 6 93 2 489 896 3 31 578 202 2 11 259 63 2 636 2 257 58 589 18 158 482 337 6 435 2 262 90 78 1 467 487 82 67 1 417 512 220 194 4 461 1 406 248 224 5 679 1 738 52 48 1 264 379 36 29 1 211 303 43 62 2 103 632 64 59 1 771 665 62 37 1 101 446 359 213 4 896 1 937 625 427 10 558 3504 218 230 7 900 2 231 41 c -151 5 381 1 474 7 78 2 145 651 6 14 558 167 • 1 9 242 64 ALASKA 3-71 Table B-1. Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse: 1970 The State Size of Place Total persons (number) ___________ : _______ . Persons with one or more allocations _____________ _ Relotions~ip allocated ____ --___________________ . __ Sex allocated ______ .. ----____________ ------____ _ Race allocated ______ ------___ . _________________ _ Birth dote allocated •. ----------_________________ _ Decade and year __ ;. __________________________ _ Year only __________________________________ _ Persons. 14 years old and over (number) _____ _ Marital status allocated _____ . __________ . ___ . IT he term ''allocation'' ":leans that o characteristic was assigned in the absence of o machine-readable entry Of changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) Urban Rural Urbanized areas Other urban places of- Places 10,000 2,500 of 1,000 Total Total Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 Total to 2,500 Other rural 300 382 145 512 - - 80 889 64 623 154 870 37 853 117 017 7.6 7.3 B.4 6.0 7.B 7.4 7.9 2.4 2.1 2.3 1.9 2.7 3.0 2.6 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.9 2.2 l.B 3.0 3.0 3.7 2.2 2.9 2.1 3.1 2.4 2.4 3.1 1.6 2.4 1.6 2.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 .. 0.5 203 564 102 200 --57 830 44 370 101 364 24 932 76 432 l.B l.B 2.2 1.3 l.B 1.7 l.B Table B-2. Characteristics Before and After Allocation: 1970 The State All persoas -----------------------------In households. _____ --------____________________ _ Head __________ ----------__________ ---------- Wife---------------------------------------- Son/daughter ____ ----__ ----------------______ _ Other relative ____ ----________ ----------______ _ Not related __ --------------__ ----------------_ In group quarters------------------------------- Inmate -------------------------------------- Other--------------------------------------- loth sexes -----------------------------Male _________________________________________ _ Female ---------------------------------------- AH races ____________________ --------__ _ White----------------------------------------- Negro----------------------------------------- Other----------------------------------------- AH •tes ____ -----_________ ----__ -------- Under 14 years--------------------------------- 14 to 19 years----------------------------------20 to 24 years ______ ----______________ ----_.--__ 25 to 34 years _________________________________ _ 35 to 44 years---------------------------------- 45 to 54 years-----~---------------------------- 55 to 64 years •. ____ --------__ . __________ . __ ---. 65 years and over ____ . ______ . __________________ _ Pena•s,14yeonolcla•dover _____________ _ Married---------------------------.... --------Separated ___ ...•. _.-----_____ .. _. __ . __ ._. ___ _ Widowed·-·--·-------------.-------------·-- Divorced._ .. ______ ----· .... -. ---.-.--------.- Single. _____ . _. __ ... __ . _ .. __ . _. _ ·--_______ . _ 3-72 ALASKA - - - --- - - - -- - - -- )The term "allocation" means that a characteristic was assigned in the absence of a machine-readable entry or Changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text) Persons Percent distribution After Before After Before allocation allocation allocation allocation 300 382 293 601 100.0 100.0 27B 039 272 SB7 92.6 92.B 79 059 77 191 26.3 26.3 60 129 59 696 20.0 20.3 122 39B 120 034 40.7 40.9 9 90B 9 455 3.3 3.2 6 545 6 211 2.2 2.1 22 343 21 014 7.4 7.2 1 542 I SOB 0.5 0.5 20 B01 19 506 6.9 6.6 300 382 297 472 100~0 100.0 163 25B 161 7B6 54.4 54.4 137 124 135 6B6 45.6 45.6 300 382 295 766 100.0 100.0 236 767 233 356 7B.B 7B.9 B 911 B 769 3.0 3.0 54 704 53 6ll1 1B.2 1B.1 300 382 292 049 100.0 100.0 96 BIB 94 7BO 32.2 32.5 32 9B2 32 359 11.0 11.1 35 576 34 549 11.B 11.B 49 299 47 761 16.4 16.4 3B 021 36 B93 12.7 12.6 26 939 25 969 9.0 B.9 13 B60 13 329 4.6 4.6 6 BB7 6 409 2.3 2.2 203 564 200 133 100.0 100.0 133 210 131 29B 65.4 65.6 2 3BS 2 327 1.2 1.2 5 31.0 5 215 2.6 2.6 B 067 7 B29 4.0 3.9 56 977 55 791 2B.O 27.9 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS Table B-3. Percent of Allocation by Type of Allocation: 1970 The State Size of Place TOTAL PERSONS Relationship Allocated- In consistency edit for head, wife, child ------------ In households from 1970 census known distributions _ In group quarters from pre-1970 distributions ______ _ Sex Allocated- In consistency edit for husband, wife, or from persons in same group quarters ------------------------ In households from 1970 census known distributions_ In group quarters from pre-1970 distributions ______ _ Race Allocated- From relative in household ____________ ----______ _ From nonrelotive in household _________________ .. __ From head of preceding household ---------------- From other entry in same group quarters ---------- From pre-1970 group quarters distributions ________ _ Age Year only allocated------------------------------- Decode and year allocated in households from 1970 census known distributions----------------------- Decade and year ollo~oted in group quarters from pre· 1970 distributions ________________ --------------- PERSONS 14 YEARS AND OVER Marital status Allocated- In consistency edit for husband or wife-------... ---- From 1970 census known distributions ____________ _ [The term "allocation" means that a characteristic was assigned in the absence of a machine-readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Toto! 1.2 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.5 2.2 0.8 0.9 Total 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.6 2.2 0.8 0.9 Urban Urbanized areas Central cities U rbon fringe Other urban places of- 10,000 or more 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.6 2.8 1.0 1.1 2,500 to 10,000 1.1 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.6 1.6 0.6 0.6 Total 1.3 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 2.2 0.7 1.0 Rural Places of 1,000 to 2,500 1.4 1.2 0.5 0.7 1.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.5 1.5 0.8 0.8 Other rural 1.3 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.5 2.5 0.6 1.0 Table B-4. Percent of Allocation by Subiect Combinations: 1970 The State Siz.e of Place Total penons (au111ber) --------------------- None------------------------------------------- Relationship only--------------------------------_ Sex only __ -------------------------------------- Race only __ ------------------------------------_ -eoo~--------------------Morital status only-------------------------------Relationship and sex------____________ ----_______ _ Relationship and race----------------------------- Relationship and age--------__ ----------------___ _ Relationship and marital status--------------------- Sex and race------------------------------------ Sex and age __ --------------______ ----------____ _ Sex and marital status---------------------------- Race and age------------____________ ------------ Race and marital status--------------------------- Age and marital status---------------------------- Relationship, sex, and race __ ----------------------- Relationship, sex, and age------------------------- Relationship, sex, and marital status ---------------- Relationship, race, and age ----______ ------__ ----__ Relationship, race, and marital status---------------- Relationship, age, and marital status ---------------- Sex, race, and age ------------------------------- Sex, race, and marital status----------------------- Sex, age, and marital status ----------------------- Race, age, and marital status ---------------------- Relationship, sex, race, and age --------------------Relationship, sex, race, and marital status ___________ _ Relationship, sex, age, and marital status ------------ Relationship, race, age, and marital status ___________ _ Sex, race, age, and marital status __________________ _ Relationship, sex, race, age, and marital status _______ _ [The term "allocation" means that a characteristic was assigned in the absence of a machine-readable entry ar changed ta make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum bose for derived figures (percent, median, etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Urban Rural Urbanized areas Other urban places of- Places 10,000 2,500 of 1,000 Total Total Central cities Urban fringe or more to 10,000 Total Ia 2,500 Other rural 300 382 145 512 80 889 64 623 154 870 37 853 117017 93.0 93.2 92.3 94.4 92.7 93.3 92.5 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.9 1.6 2.0 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.9 1.9 2.2 1.5 1.8 1.2 2.1 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 ~----~----_. ____________ ~ ____________ ._ ________________ ~ GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS ALASKA 3-73 Table B-5. Percent of Allocation for Nonresponse for Areas, Places, and Census Divisions: · 1970 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas Places of 10,000 or More Census Divisions PLACES OF 1 0,000 OR MORE Anchorage __ ----------------------------------__ Fairbanks ______ ----------__ --------------------- Spenard (Ul ------------------------------------- CENSUS DIVISIONS Aleutian Islands---------------------------------- Anchorage ____ ---------------------------------- Angoon __ --------------------------------------- Barrow ______ ----------------------------------- Bethel •• ________ -------------------------------- Bristol Boy Borough ----__________ ---------------- Bristol Bay Division __ ------____________ ----______ _ Cordova-McCarthy __ ------______________________ _ Fairbanks __________ ------__ ------------------__ -Haines ____________ ----______________ ----______ _ Juneau ____ ---------·-· •• -· -· -· -· -·-· -·-· ---·--- Kenai-Cook Inlet ____ -·-----· -· -· -· ·--· -·--__ -· -· _ Ketchikan ____ -··-__ ----__________ ------------__ _ Kobuk.. ____ ------------------------------------ Kodiak ______ ----------------------------------- Kuskokwim ________ --------__ ------------------_ Motanuska-Susitna __ ----__________ --------------_ ~~---------------------Outer Ketchikan ____ ------______________ ----_____ _ Prince of Wales---------------------------------- Seward ____________ ----______________ ----______ _ Sitka ______ -------------------------------------Skagway-Yakutat __ ----__________ ----____ ----___ _ Southeast Fairbanks __ ----________ ------------___ _ Upper Yukon ________ ----____________ ----------__ Valdez-Chitina-Whittier--------____ ---------------- W~e~m¢~----------------- Wrangell-Petersburg ________ ----------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____ ----______________ ----_______ _ 3-74 ALASKA [The term "011ocatian" means that a characteristic was assigned in the absenCe of a machine-readable entry or changed to make consistent with other entries during the computer editing. For minimum base for derived figures (percent. median. etc.) and meaning of symbols, see text] Persons with allocations Persons with one Marital status Total persons or more of persons 14 (number) allocations Relationship Sex Race Birth date years and over 48 029 9.2 2.4 1.5 1.5 4.3 2.5 14 771 7.7 2.2 1.2 1.8 2.6 1.6 18 089 7.1 2.0 0.9 1.5 3.1 2.0 a· o57 5.4 2.5 0.5 0.9 1.5 1.3 124• 542 7.5 2.0 1.2 1.4 3.3 2.0 503 8.3 3.4 2.2 3.4 1.0 0.9 2. 663 6.9 2.0 0.6 2.2 1.9 2.4 7. 579 6.5 1.9 1.2 1.0 3.0 2.1 1. 147 5.5 3.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 3. 485 5.9 2.0 0.5 1.1 2.5 1.2 1 857 3.4 0.8 0.4 0.9 1.9 1.6 45 864 8.2 3.4 1.4 2.0 2.2 1.6 1 504 8.4 2.4 0.9 1.7 4.5 1.5 13 556 9.6 3.0 1.0 1.9 4.8 2.3 14 250 6.0 1.7 0.6 1.5 2.5 1.4 1() 041 5.9 1.6 1.1 1.9 1.8 1.3 4:434 5.5 2.3 0.2 0.8 2.0 0.7 9' 409 7.7 2.6 0.8 1.2 3.5 1.5 2 306 9.8 2.6 0.5 3.1 4.0 1.5 6 509 8.0 2.3 1.0 2.8 2.8 0.9 5 749 5.6 2.5 0.5 0.3 1.9 1.4 1 676 14.2 4.1 2.6 5.1 3.5 3.1 2, 106 9.0 3.8 0.5 1.3 3.2 2.1 2. 336 3.1 1.2 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.6 6 109 6.7 2.7 1.1 1.3 1.8 0.9 2 157 7.4 1.2 0.4 2.4 3.7 0.9 4 179 4.1 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.4 1.6 1:684 14.1 4.5 1.1 2.8 5.3 3.4 3 098 7.4 2.3 1.1 1.9 2.3 1.0 3' 917 7.5 3.3 0.3 0.8 3.4 0.8 4 913 10.2 3.0 2.0 2.8 3.2 1.6 4' 752 15.2 3.8 1.9 7.2 8.0 7.6 GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS i I j I I ~ I l i Appendix A.-AREA CLASSIFICATIONS USUAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE App-1 URBAN AND RURAL RESIDENCE .......................... App-1 Definition .............. ,................. App-1 Extended cities .... .. . ... .. .. . ... . .. ... App-2 COUNTIES .............................. App-2 COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS ........ App-2 Minor civil divisions ................ App-2 Census county divisions ........ .. App-2 PLACES ... .. .. . .. .. . ... .... .. .. ... .. . . .. .. . App-3 Incorporated places ................ App-3 Unincorporated places .. . .. . .. . ... App-3 URBANIZED AREAS ................ App-3 STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS ............ App-4 STANDARD CONSOLIDATED AREAS . ....... .. ....... ....... ..... .. ... App-5 USUAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE In accordance with census practice dating back to 1790, each person enumerated in the 1970 census was counted as an inhabitant of his usual place of residence, which is generally construed to mean the place where he lives and sleeps most of the time. This place is not necessarily the same as his legal residence, voting residence, or do- micile. In the vast majority of cases, however, the use of these different bases of classification would pro- duce substantially the same sta- tistics, although there may be ap- preciable differences for a few areas. The implementation of this prac- tice has resulted in the establish- ing of residence rules for certain categories of persons whose usual place of residence is not immedi- ately clear. Furthermore, this prac- tice means that persons were not always counted as residents of the place where they happened to be found by the census enumerators. Persons without" a usual place of residence were, however, counted where they were enumerated. Members of the Armed Forces liv- ing on military installations were counted, as in every previous cen- sus, as residents of the area in which the installation was located. Similarly, members of the Armed Forces not living on a military in- stallation were counted as residents of the area in which they were liv- ing. Crews of U.S. Navy vessels were counted as residents of the home port to which the particular vessel was assigned; crews of vessels de- ployed to the overseas fleet were therefore not included in the popu- lation of any State or the District of Columbia. Persons in Armed Forces families were counted where they were living on Census Day (e.g., the m i I itary installation, "off- base," or elsewhere, as the case might be). Crews of U.S. merchant marine vessels were counted as part of the population of the U.S. port in which their vessel was berthed on Census Day; or if sailing in inland or coastal waters, either the port of departure or destination, depending on which the vessel was nearest on Census Day. Crews of all other U.S. mer- chant marine vessels are not in- cluded in the population of any State or the District of Columbia. College students, as in 1950 and 1960, were counted as residents of the area in which they were living while attending college. Inmates of institutions, who ordinarily live there for considerable periods of time, were counted as residents of the area where this institution was lo- cated; on the other hand, patients in general hospitals, who ordinarily remain for short periods of time, were counted at their homes. On the night of April 6, 1970, a special enumeration was performed in mis- sions, flophouses, detention centers, etc., and persons enumerated therein were counted as residents of the particular place. Americans who were overseas for an extended period (in the Armed Forces, working at civilian jobs, studying in foreign universities, etc.) are not included in the popula- tion of any of the States or the Dis- trict of Columbia. On the other hand, persons temporarily abroad on vacations, business trips, and the like, were counted at their usual residence. Persons in larger hotels, motels, etc., on the night of March 31, 1970, were requested to fill out a census form for allocation back to their homes if they indicated no one was there to report them in the census. A similar approach was used for per sons visiting in private residences, as well as for Americans who left the United States during March 1970 via major intercontinental air or ship carriers for temporary travel abroad. In addition, information on per- sons away from their usual place of residence was obtained from other members of their families, land- ladies, etc. If an entire family was expected to be away during the whole period of the enumeration, information on it was obtained fr.om neighbors. A matching process was used to eliminate duplicate· reports for a person who reported for him- self while away from his usual resi- dence and who was also reported at his usual residence by someone else. URBAN AND RURAL RESIDENCE Definition.-The urban population comprises all persons living in ur- banized areas and in places of 2,500 inhabitants or more outside urbanized areas. More specifically, the urban population consists of all persons living in (a) places of 2,500 inhabitants or more incorporated as App-1 APPENDIX A-Continued cities, vi II ages, boroughs (except Alaska), and towns (except in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin), but excluding those per- sons living in rural portions of ex- tended cities; (b) unincorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more; and (c) other territory, incorporated or unincorporated, included in ur- banized areas. The population not classified as urban constitutes the rural population. Information on the historical development of the urban- rural definition appears in the PC (1)-A reports. Extended cities.--'-Over the 1960- 1970 decade there has been an in- creasing trend toward the extension of city boundaries to include terri- tory essentially rural in character. Examples are city-county consoli- dations such as the creation of the city of Chesapeake, Virginia, from South Norfolk City and Norfolk County and the extension of Okla- homa City, Oklahoma, into five coun- ties. The classification of all the in- habitants of such cities as urban would include in the urban popula- tion persons whose environment is primarily rural in character. In order to separate these people from those residing in the closely settled por- tions of such cities, the Bureau of the Census examined patterns of population density and classified a portion or portions of each such city as rural. An extended city contains one or more areas, each of at least 5 square miles in extent and with a population density of less than 100 persons per square mile according to the 1970 census. The area or areas constitute at least 25 percent of the land area of the legal city .or total 25 square miles or more. These cities-designated as ex- tended cities-thus consist of an urban part and a rural part. When an extended city is a central city of an urbanized area or a standard App-2 metropolitan statistical area, only the urban part is considered as the central city. If the extended city is shown separately under the area, the city name is followed by the term "urban part." In tables in which the city name is not followed by this term, the population figure shown is for the entire city. COUNTIES The primary divisions of the States are, in general, termed counties, but in Louisiana these divisions are known as parishes. There are no counties in Alaska. In this State, data a·re shown for statistical areas which are county equivalents desig- nated as census divisions; they were developed for general statistical purposes through the cooperation of the State and the Census Bureau. In four States (Maryland, Missouri, Ne- vada, and Virginia), there are one or more cities which are independ- ent of any county organization and thus constitute primary divisions of their States. COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS Statistics for subdivisions of coun- ties are presented as follows: (a) By minor civil division in 28 States-Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min- nesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New ·Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsyl- vania, Rhode Island, South Da- kota, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. (b) By census county divisions in 21 States-Alabama, Arizona, Cali- fornia, Colorado, Delaware,. Flor- ida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Ken- tucky, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ore- gon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. (c) In Alaska, by boroughs and res- ervations for those census divi- sions (the county equivalent) which are so subdivided. A map showing the county subdi- visions in this State appears in the PC(l).-A report for the State. Minor civil divisions.-Minor civil divisions (MCD's) represent the pri- mary political or administrative sub- divisions established by State law. Where more than one type of pri- mary division exists in a county, the Census Bureau uses the more stable type so as to provide comparable statistics from decade to decade, insofar as possible. The most com- mon type of MCD is the civil town- ship, but there are also towns, mag- isterial districts, precincts, etc. In some States, incorporated places are MCD's in their own right; in other States they are subordinate to the MCD in which they are locgted, or the pattern is mixed-some in- corporated places are indepengent minor civil divisions and others are subordinated to the minor civil qivi- sion. Census county divisions.-Census county divisions (CCD's) were estab- lished first in the State of Washing- ton for use in the 1950 census. Be- tween 1950 and 1960, they were es- tablished in 17 other States; and during the last decade, in three ad- ditional States (Delaware, North Da- kota, and Oklahoma). In reviewing the existing CCD's for the 1970 cen- sus, some revisions were made to improve their usefulness. For exam- ple, most of the counties which were a single division in 1960 were di- vided into two census county divi- sions to provide more area detail. CCD's represent areas which have been defined in recent decades 9Y APPENDIX A-Continued the Census Bureau with the cooper- ation of the Governors and State and local officials. In these States, the CCO's have replaced a variety of MCO's which were unsatisfactory for statistical purposes principally be- cause their boundaries frequently changed, did not follow physical features, or were not well known by many of the inhabitants. CCO's have relatively permanent boundaries which follow physical features or the limits of incorporated places. Where an unincorporated enclave exists within a city, it is included in the same CCO as the city. In establish- ing CCO's, consideration was given mainly to the trade or service areas of principal settlements and in some cases to major land use or physio- graphic differences. Each CCO has a name which is generally the name of the principal place listed within it, excepf in the State of Washing- ton where most of the divisions are numbered rather than named. PLACES Two types of places are recognized in the census reports-incorporated places and unincorporated places, as defined below. Incorporated places.-These are po- litical units incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages with the following exceptions (a) bor- oughs in Alaska and (b) towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. Boroughs in Alaska are treated as county subdivisions and may include one or more incor- porated places. The towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin are minor civil divisions similar to the townships found in other States and not necessarily thickly settled centers of population such as the cities, boroughs, towns, and villages in other States. Sim- ilarly, in. New Jersey and Pennsyl- vania, where some townships pos- sess powers and functions similar to those of incorporated places, the townships are not classified as "in- corporated places." Thus, some minor civil divisions which are "in- corporated" in one legal sense of the word are not regarded by the Census Bureau as "incorporated places." Without this restriction all of the towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin and the townships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania would have to be counted as incorporated places without any consideration of the nature of population settlement. The densely settled portions of some are recognized as unincorporated places or as part of an urbanized area. In Hawaii, there are no incorpo- rated places in the sense of a func- tioning local governmental unit. The · State, however, has recognized places and established boundaries for them. Such places are treated as incorporated in the 1970 census. The population figure for an in- corporated place at earlier cen- suses applies to the area of the place at the time of the given cen- sus. Hence, the indicated change in population over the decade reflects the effect of any annexations or de- tachments. In order to permit an analysis of the relative importance of population growth within the old boundaries and of population added in annexed territory; table 8 for in- corporated places of 2,000 inhabit- ants or more in 1960 has been in- cluded in the PC(l)-A report for this State. No data are available on detachments from incorporated places. Unincorporated places.-As in the 1950 and 1960 censuses, the Cen- sus Bureau has delineated bounda- ries for closely settled population centers without corporate limits. Property of U. S. Fish and Wildlife Servfq~ Resc•.rrce Pb01ning- Each place so delineated possesses a definite nucleus of residences and has its boundaries drawn to include, if feasible, all the surrounding closely settled area. Outside urban- ized areas, those unincorporated places with a population of 1,000 or more are presented in the census reports in the same manner as in- corporated places of equal size. Within urbanized areas, unincorpo- rated places are shown only if they have 5,000 inhabitants or more and there was an expression of local interest in their recognition. Unincorporated places are iden- tified with the letter "U." Unincor- porated place boundaries change with changes in the settlement pat- tern; a place which has the same name in 1970 .as in previous dec- ades does not necessarily have the same boundaries. Information on modifications in the delineation of unincorporated places introduced in the 1970 census appears in the PC(l)-A reports. URBANIZED AREAS The major objective of the Census Bureau in delineating urbanized areas is to provide a better separa- tion of urban and rural population in the vicinity of the .larger cities. An urbanized area consists of a central city, or cities, and surround- ing closely settled territory. The specific criteria for the delineation of an urbanized area are as follows: 1a. A central city of 50,000 inhab- itants or more in 1960, in a special census conducted by the Census Bureau since 1960, or in the 1970 census; or b. Twin cities, i.e., cities with con- tiguous boundaries and consti- tuting, for general social and economic purposes, a single community with a combined population of at least 50,000, and with the smaller of the App-3 APPENDIX A-Continued twin cities having a population of at least 15,000. 2. Surrounding closely settled ter- ritory, including the following (but excluding the rural por- tions of extended cities, see "urban and rural residence," above): a. Incorporated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more. b. Incorporated places with fewer than 2,500 . inhabitants, pro- vided that each has a closely settled area of 100 housing units or more. c. Small parcels of land normally less than one square mile in area having a population den- sity of 1,000 inhabitants or more per square mile. The areas of large nonresidential tracts devoted to such urban land uses as railroad yards, air- ports, factories, parks, golf courses, and cemeteries are ex- cluded in computing the popu- lation density. d. Other similar small areas in un- incorporated territory with low- er population density provided that they serve -to eliminate enclaves, or -to close indentations in the urbanized areas of one mile or less across the open end, or -to link outlying en1,1meration districts of qualifying density that are not more than 1¥2 miles from the main body of the urbanized area. The 1970 criteria are essentially the same as those used in 1960 with two exceptions. The extended city concept is new for 1970. Sec- ondly, in 1960, towns in the New England States, townships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and coun- ties elsewhere, which were classi- fied as urban in accordance with · specific criteria, were included in App-4 the contiguous urbanized areas. In 1970, only those portions of towns and townships in these States that met the rules followed in defining urbanized areas elsewhere in the United States are included. All persons residing in an urban- ized area are classified as urban. The urbanized area population is sometimes divided into those in the "central city (or cities)" and those in the remainder of the area or the "urban fringe." The "central city" category consists of the population of the cities named in the title of the urbanized area.1 The title is lim- ited to three names and normally lists the largest city first and the other qualifying cities in size order; this order is in many cases based on 1960 population because most names were fixed before the 1970 counts were available. For the other cities to be listed in the title, they must have (a) 250,000 inhabitants or more or (b) at least one-third the population of the largest city and a population of 25,000 or more (except in the case of the small twin cities). There is generally one urbanized area in each standard metropolitan statistical area. Sometimes, how- ever, there are two because there exists another qualifying city with 50,000 inhabitants or more whose surrounding urban fringe is sepa- rated from the urban fringe of the larger central city or cities. (The Chicago metropolitan area has three urbanized areas.) In other cases, a single urbanized area covers por- tions of two or more standard met- ' The four exceptions are: New York, N.Y.-Northeastern New Jer- sey-New York, Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, Clifton, and Passaic Chicago, 111:-Northwestern Indiana-Chi- cago, Gary, Hammond, and East Chi- cago Los Angeles-Long Beach -Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Garden Grove San Francisco-Oakland-San Francisco, Oakland, and Vallejo ropolitan statistical areas. One metropolitan area (New London- Groton-Norwich, Conn.) has no ur- banized area. A map of each urbanized area in this State appears in the PC(l)-A report for the State. STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS The Bureau of the Census recog- nizes approximateiy 250 standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) in the 1970 census. These include the 231 SMSA's as defined and named in the Bureau of the Budget publication, Standard Met- ropolitan Statistical Areas: 1967, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D:C. 20402. Also in- cluded are two SMSA's as defined by the Burea'u of the Budget in January 1968. In addition, a num- ber of SMSA's are being defined on the basis of the results from the 1970 census. Except in the New England States, a standard metropolitan sta- tistical area is a county or group of contiguous counties which contains at least one city of 50,000 inhabit- ants or more, or "twin cities" with a combined population of at least 50,000. In addition to the county, or counties, containing such a city or cities, contiguous counties are included in an SMSA if, according to certain criteria, they are. socially and economically integrated with the central city. In a few cities where portions of counties outside the SMSA as defined in 1967 were annexed to the central city, the population living in those counties is not considered part of the cen- tral city. In the New England States, SMSA's consist of towns and cities instead of counties. Each . SMSA must include at least one central city, and the complete title of an SMSA identifies the central city or APPENDIX A-Continued cities. For a detailed description of the criteria used in defining SMSA's, see the Bureau of the Budget publication cited above. The population living in SMSA's is designated as the metropolitan population. This population is sub- divided as "inside central city or cities" and "outside central city or cities." The population living out- side SMSA's constitutes the non- metropolitan population. STANDARD CONSOLIDATED AREAS In view of the special importance of the metropolitan complexes around New York and Chicago, the Nation's two largest cities, several contiguous SMSA's and additional counties that do not appear to meet the formal integration criteria but do have strong interrelationships of other kinds have been combined into the New York-Northeastern New Jersey and the Chicago-Northwest- ern Indiana Standard Consolidated Areas, respectively. The former con- sists of Middlesex and Somerset Counties in New Jersey and the fol- lowing SMSA's: New York, Newark, Jersey City, and Paterson-Clifton- Passaic. The latter consists of the following SMSA's: Chicago and Gary-Hammond-East Chicago. App-5 Appendix B.-DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL .................................. App-6 HOUSEHOL~ HOUSEHOLD RELATIONSHIP, AND GROUP QUARTERS .............................. App-6 SEX ............................................ App-7 RACE ........................................ App-7 AGE .......................................... App-8 MARITAL STATUS .................... App-8 FACSIMILE OF THE 1970 CEN- SUS QUESTIONNAIRE PAGE SHOWING THE 1 00-PERCENT POPULATION QUESTIONS ...... App-9 FACSIMILE OF THE RESPOND- ENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 1 00-PERCENT POPULATION QUESTIONS ............................ App-9 GENERAL As stated in the introductory text, the 1970 census was conducted primarily through self-enumeration. The principal determinant for the responses was, therefore, the ques- tionnaire and its accompanying in- struction sheet. Furthermore, cen- sus takers were instructed, in their telephone and personal-visit inter- views, to read the questions directly from the questionnaire. The ques- tionnaire page containing the 100- percent questions and the page of the respondent instruction sheet which relates to these' questions are reproduced on page App-9. The definitions and explanations given below for each subject are largely drawn from various techni- cal and procedural materials used in the collection of the data. This material helped the enumerative personnel to understand more fully the intent of each question and thus to resolve problem or unusual cases consistent with this intent. Also included is certain explana- tory information to assist the user . in the proper utilization of the statistics. App-6 HOUSEHOLD, HOUSEHOLD RELA- TIONSHIP, AND GROUP QUARTERS Household.-A household includes all the persons who occupy a group of rooms or a single room which constitutes a housing unit. A group of rooms or a single room is re- garded as a housing unit when it is occupied as separate living quar- ters, that is, when the occupants do not live and eat with any other per- sons in the structure, and when there is either (1) direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall or (2) com- plete ·kitchen facilities for the ex- clusive use of the occupants of the household. The average population per household is obtained by dividing the population in households by the number of household heads. Relationship to head of house- hold.-(See facsimiles of question- naire item 2 and instructions on page App-9.) Five categories of rela- tionship to head of household are recognized in this report. Data on more detailed categories of rela- tionship will appear in the PC(l)-C and D reports for this State. Head of household.-One per- son in each household is desig- nated as the "head," that is, the person who is regarded as the head' by the members . of the household. However, if a married woman living with her husband was reported as the head, her husband was considered as the head for the purpose of simplify- ing the tabulations. Two types of household head are distinguished, the head of a family and a primary individual: A family head is a person living with one or more persons related to him by blood, marriage, or adoption. A primary individual is a household head living alone or with nonrelatives only. Wife of head.-A woman mar- ried to and living with a house- hold head. This category includes women in common-law marriages as well as women in formal mar- riages. The number of women in this c,:ategory is the same as the number of "husband-wife house- holds" and the number of "hus- band-wife families." Child of head.-A son, daugh- ter, stepchild, or adopted child of the head of the household of which he is a member, regardless of the child's age or marital status. The category excludes sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. In this report, those classified as "own child of head" are children of the head who are single (never married) and under 18 years of age. Other relative of head.-AII per- sons related to the head of the household by blood, mar- riage, or adoption but not in- cluded in either the category of "wife of head" or "child of head." Nonrelative of head.-AII per- sons in the household not reJated to the head by blood, marriage, or adoption. Roomers, ·boarders, lodgers, partners, resident em- ployees, wards, and foster chil- dren are included in this cate- gory. Group quarters.-AII living ar- rangements other than households are classified by the Bureau of the Census as group quarters. Persons living in group quarters are shown in the tables as either "inmate of institution" or "other," defined as follows: I I 1 I i: li I 1 l APPENDIX 8-Continued lnmate.-Persons residing at the time of enumeration in homes, schools, hospitals or wards for juveniles, the physically handi- capped, the mentally handi- capped; hospitals for mental, tu- berculosis, or chronic disease pa- tients; homes for unwed mothers; nursing, convalescent and rest homes; homes for the aged and dependent; and correctional in- stitutions were enumerated as "patient or inmate" of an insti- tution-regardless of their length of stay in that place and regard- less of the number of people in the particular place. These per- sons are shown in the tabula- tions as "inmate of institution." Other.-This category includes all persons living in group quar- ters other than institutions. A separate living quarters is called a group quarters if there are five or more persons unrelated to the head or, if there is no designated head, six or more unrelated per- sons in the. unit. Rooming and boarding houses, communes, farm and nonfarm workers' dor- mitories, and convents or monas- teries generally fall into this category. Persons residing in military barracks, on 'Ships, in college dormitories, sorority and fraternity houses, patients in short-term medical and surgical wards of hospitals who have no usual residence elsewhere, staff members of institutional quar- ters and persons enumerated in missions, flophouses, Salvation Army shelters, railroad stations, etc., are also classified as living in group quarters. Certain places and counties have a high proportion of their total pop- ulation in institutions, colleges, mil- itary posts, and other places where many persons live in group quarters. These areas tend to have an un- usual age distribution and to have other characteristics that seriously affect not only birth, marriage, and death rates but also other social and economic characteristics of the residents. Therefore, data on the population in households (which ex- cludes the population in group quarters) are often more useful for such areas than data on the total population. Accordingly, age, race, and sex for persons in households only are shown in table 39 for those places and counties with a popula- tion of 1,000 or more living in group quarters. Comparability with earlier census data.-The 1970 definition of a household differs from that used in 1960 only in the change in the defi- nition of housing unit to "com- plete kitchen facilities" now, as compared with "cooking equip- ment" previously. The definition of group quarters in 1970 is the same as that of 1960, with some addi- tional specificity. The 1970 count of families is limited to families of the head of the household. In 1960, such families were classified as "primary" and to them were added "secondary" families; i.e., two or more .persons in the household re- lated' to each other but not to the head of the household. SEX The data on sex were derived from answers to question 3 (see facsimile of questionnaire item on page App-9). At the time of field review, most of the comparatively small number of cases in which sex was not reported were resolved by deter- mining the appropriate entry from the person's given name and house- hold relationship. For the remaining cases, sex was assigned through the allocation process described in Ap- pendix C, "Accuracy of the Data." RACE The data on race were derived from answers to question 4 (see fac- simile of questionnaire item on page App-9). The concept of race as used by the Census Bureau does not denote clear-cut scientific defi- nitions of biological stock. Rather it reflects self-identification by re- spondents. Since the 1970 census obtained the information on race principally through self-enumera- tion, the data represent essentially self-classification by people accord- ing to the race with which they identify themselves. For persons of mixed parentage who were in doubt as to their classi- fication, the race of the person's father was used. In 1960, persons who reported mixed parentage of white and any other race were clas- sified according to the other race; mixtures of races other than white were classified according to the race of the father. The category "white" includes persons who indicated their race as white, as well as persons who did not classify themselves in one of the specific race categories on. the questionnaire but entered Mexican, Puerto Rican, or a response sug- gesting Indo-European stock. In the 1930 census reports, Mexicans were classified as in the "other" race category; however, the 1930 data in this report have been revised to in- clude Mexicans in the white popu- lation, as is the case for all other census years shown in this report. The category "Negro" includes persons who indicated their race as Negro or Black, as well as persons who did not classify themselves in one of the specific race categories on the questionnaire but who had such entries as Jamaican, Trini- App-7 APPENDIX 8-Continued dadian, West Indian, and Ethiopian. The category "Indian" includes per- sons who indicated their race as American Indian or who reported for this item only the name of an Indian tribe. The residual category, "all other" in the tables includes persons who reported their race as Hawaiian, Korean, Aleut, Eskimo, Malayan, Polynesian, etc. In several tables, data are shown for the category "Negro and other races"; this category consists of persons of all races other than white. In tables 17 and 18, data on Filipinos for certain years are in- cluded in the "all other" category; separate figures for some years are available in table 15 of 1960 Popu- lation Census Volume I. If the race entry was missing on the questionnaire for a member of a household, an answer was as- signed in the computer according to the race of other household members using specific rules of precedence of relationship. If race was not entered for anyone in the household, the race of the head of the preceding household processed was assigned. This procedure is a variation of the general allocation process described in Appendix C, "Accuracy of the Data." App-8 AGE The data on age were derived from answers to questions 5, 6, and 7 (see facsimiles of questionnaire items and instructions on page App- 9). Only the information in items 6 and 7 was read into the computer. Answers in item 5, which was not FOSDIC readable, were used during field review to fill any blanks in items 6 and 7. The age classifica- tion is based on the 'age of the per- son in completed years as of April 1, 1970. The data on age represent the difference, as calculated in the computer, between date of birth and April 1, 1970. For the category "62 years and over," the 1960 data shown in these tables include an estimate of the number of persons 62 to 64 years old. In each census since 1940, the Bureau of the Census has esti- mated the age of a person when it was not reported. In censuses be- fore 1940, with the exception of 1880, persons of unknown age were shown as a separate category. The summary totals for "14 years and over" and "21 years and over" for earlier censuses included all per- sons of "unknown age" since there is evidence that most of the persons for whom age was not reported, were in the age classes above these limits. In 1960 and 1970, assign- ment of unknown ages was per- formed by the procedure described in Appendix C, "Accuracy of the Data." MARITAL STATUS The data on marita I status were de- rived from question 8 (see fac- similes of questionnaire item and instructions on page App-9). The marital status classification refers to the status at the time of enumeration. Persons classified in the "married" category include cur- rently married persons who remar- ried after having been widowed or divorced. The "married" category also includes persons reported as separated, either legally separated or otherwise absent from spouse be- cause of marital discord. Persons in common-law marriages are classi- fied as married and persons whose only marriage had been annulled as never married. Differences between the number of married males and the number of married females arise from the fact that some hus- bands and wives have their usual residences in different areas. APPENDIX 8-Continued FACSIMILE OF THE 1970 CENSUS QUESTIONNAIRE PAGE SHOWING THE 1 DO-PERCENT POPULATION QUESTIONS ) ( 1. WHAT IS THE NAME OF EACH PERSON ci z .. c:: ::; who was living here on Wednesday, April 1, 1970 or who was staying or visiting here and had no other home? H ellli of the ho11sehold Print Wife of hellli n4 nm Unm11"ied thi/Jren, o/Jell first in this Mllrried thilden 11nd their families order Other relatives 1Jf the hellli Persons not relllted to the hellli G)La~name ________________________________ _ 2. HOW IS EACH PERSON RELATED TO THE HEAD OF THIS HOUSEHOLD? Pill one tirtle. If "Other relative of hellli," also give exatt rellltionship, for eXIIIIfple, mother·in-lllw, brother, niete, grandson, ett. If "Other not relllted to hellli," also give exatt rellltionship, for ex-pie, partner, maid, ett. 0 Head of household 0 Roomer, boarder, lodger 0 Wife of head 0 Patient or inmate 0 Son or daughter of head 0 Other not related to head-Prilfl e:utt 0 Other relative r-----:-rellltionship of head-Prilfl exatt : · I 1 "---F;.;i;.;;rs;.;.t-.;.;na;;.;m.;.;e;;..-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..;M;.;;i;;.cid;;.;l.;;.e-;;.in;.;;it;;;;ia;;JI.__ ___ • rellltionship~----------------_ / 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE DATE OF BIRTH I. WHATIS 5. Monthand 6. Month 7. Yearofblrth EACH yar of birth of PERSON'S ·• I •· and ace last ·birth MARITAL Fill one tirtle. birthclaJ STA1US1 Pill one If "Indian ( Ameritan ),''also give tribe. Pill one Pill one mtle Pill otU &irde Pill one tir&/e Print tir&le for Jim forlllst &irtle If "Other," also give rate. three umbers tllltlfber Male 0 White 0 Japanese 0 Hawaiian 0 Jan.-Mar. 0 186·: 0 192· 0 0 I 0 5 0 Now marrii!Cl I 0 0 Chinese 0 Korean Month ________ 0 187·: 0 193· 0 1 I 0 6 0 Widowed 0 Apr .. June I 0 Negr~1 0 Filipino. 0 Other-Print 0 188-: 0 194-0 2 I 0 7 0 Divorced I Female or ack r------------------rate Year---------o July·Sept 0 189-: 0 195· 0 3 I 0 8 0 Separated 0 Indian (Amer.) / I I 0 0 19().: 0 196· 04 I 0 9 0 Never • Printtribe-: 0 Oct.-Dec:. ' A&_e - 0 1!:11·1 0 197· • married -J -I Note: On the questionnaires used in Alaska, the categories "Aleut" and "Eskimo were substituted for "Hawaiian" and "Korean" in question 4. FACSIMILE OF THE RESPONDENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 100-PERCENT POPULATION QUESTIONS 1. If you ase not sure about whether to list a person, see the rules on the flap of the census form. 2. If two or more unrelated people live together and share the rent, mark the first one you list Head of household. Mark the rest Other not related to head and print "pastner'' in the space. A stepchild or legally adopted child of the head should be masked Son or dauahter. 5. If the month or year of : birth, or the age, is not known, give your best estimate. 6, 7. If you are not sure how to fill these circles, look at the examples shown above. i 8. If the person's only marriage was annulled, mark Never •arried. App-9 Appendix C.-ACCURACY OF THE DATA SOURCES OF ERROR .............. App-10 EDITING OF UNACCEPTABLE DATA ...................................... App-10 ALLOCATION TABLES ............ App-11 SOURCES OF ERROR Human and mechanical errors oc- cur. in any mass statistical opera- tion such as a decennial census. Errors during the data collection phase can include failure to obtain required information from respond- ents, obtaining incorrect or incon- sistent information, and recording information in the wrong place or incorrectly. Errors can also occur during the field review of the enu- merator's work, the clerical han- dling of the questionnaires, and the various stages of the electronic processing of the material. Care- ful efforts are made in every census to keep the errors in each step at an acceptably low level. Quality control and check measures are utilized throughout the census oper- ation. As was done for the 1950 and 1960 censuses, evaluative ma- terial on many aspects of the 1970 census will be published as soon as the appropriate data are accumu- lated and analyzed. A major con- cern in the evaluation work is to ascertain, insofar as possible, the degree of completeness of the count of both population and hous- ing units. EDITING OF UNACCEPTABLE DATA The objective of the processing operation is to produce a set of sta- tistics that describes the popula- tion as accurately and clearly as possible. To meet this objective, certain unacceptable entries were edited. As one of the first steps in edit- ing, the configuration of marKs on the questionnaire line was scanned. electronically to determine whether it contained information for a per- App-10 son or merely spurious marks. If the line contained entries for at least two of the basic characteristics (re- lationship, sex, race, age, marital status), the inference was made that the line contained entries for a person. Names were not used as a criterion of the presence of a per- son because the electronic scan- ning was unable to distinguish be- tween a name and any other entry in the name space. If a person had any missing char- acteristics, they were supplied by allocation. Allocations, or assign- ments of acceptable codes in place of unacceptable entries, were needed most often where an entry for a given item was lacking or where the information reported for a person on that item was incon- sistent with other information for the person. As in earlier censuses, the. general procedure for changing unacceptable entries was to assign an entry for a person that was con- sistent with entries for other per- sons with similar characteristics. Thus, a person who was reported as a 20-yeai'-old son of the house- hold head, but for whom marital status was not reported, was as- signed the same marital status as that of the last son processed in the same age group. Through the as- signment of acceptable codes in place of blanks or unacceptable en- tries, it is believed that the useful- ness of the data is enhanced. The allocation technique may be illus- trated by the procedure used in the assignment for unknown age. The process was carried out in the fol- lowing steps: 1. The computer stored re- ported ages of persons by sex, race, household relationship, and marital status. 2. Each stored age was re- tained in the computer only un- til a person having the same set of sex-race-household relation- ship-marital status characteris- tics, and with age reported, was processed through the computer in the edit operation. Then the age of this succeeding person was substituted for the age pre- viously stored. 3. When a person being proc- essed had no report of age, or the entry was unacceptable, the age assigned to him was that stored for the last person who otherwise had the same set of specified characteristics. This process ensured that the distribution of ages assigned by the computer for persons of a given set of characteristics would correspond closely to the distribution of ages as actually reported in the census for persons with the same set of characteristics. Before the advent of the computer, this type of proc- ess was not feasible and the distri- bution of ages to be used for as- signment purposes was drawn from the preceding census or another source. The editing process also includes another type of correction; namely, the assignment of a full set of char- acteristics for a person. This is nec- essary for households containing no information for any person, al- though persons were known to be present. A previously processed household was selected as a sub- stitute and the full set of charac- teristics for each substitute person was duplicated. These duplications fall into two classes: (1) "persons substituted due to noninterview," e.g., a housing unit indicated as occupied but the occupants were not listed on the questionnaire and (2) "persons substituted due to me- chanical failure," e.g., where the questionnaire page on which per- sons are listed was not properly microfilmed. APPENDIX C-Continued Specific tolerances were estab- lished for the number of computer allocations and substitutions that would be permitted. If the number of corrections was beyond toler- ance, the questionnaires in which the errors occurred were clerically reviewed. If it was found that the errors resulted from 9amaged ques- tionnaires, from improper micro- filming, from faulty reading by Fosdic of undamaged question- naires, or from other types of ma- chine failure, the questionnaires were reprocessed. ALLOCATION TABLES The extent of allocations in the edit· ing process is shown in tables B-1 to B-5 (which follow table 39). Informa- tion on the extent of substitutions in the editing process will be presented in the United States summary report in this series, PC(l)-81. There is a difference in the method of counting allocations be- tween tables B-1 and B-5 on the one hand, and tables B-3 and B-4 on the other hand. In tables B-1 and 8-5, a person with one or more allocations whose record is ·dupli- cated for substitution purposes is counted twice (i.e., both "origi- nally" and as a "substitute"). In tables 8-3 and 8-4, such a person is counted only once. The sum of the percentages of persons having assignments in each population characteristic is greater than the number of persons with one or more allocations because some persons had allocations on more than one characteristic. Not tallied, and therefore not included in these tables, are the allocations for missing information on quarter of year of birth; these allocations were made on a random basis. The allocation rates shown in tables B-1 and 8-5 are not directly comparable with the rates shown in similar tables in the 1960 reports because certain types of response alloca- tions were not included in the 1960 rates. App-11 Appendix D.-PUBLICATION AND COMPUTER SUMMARY TAPE PROGRAM Population Census Reports Volume 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION This volume will consist of 58 "parts"- number 1 for the United States, numbers 2 through 52 for the 50 States and the · District of Columbia In alphabetical or· · der, and numbers 53 through 58 for . Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, Amer- Ican Samoa, Canal Zone, and Trust Ter- ritory of the Pacific Islands, respecfively. Each part, which will be a separate cloth- bound book, will contain four chapters , designated as A, B, C, and D. Each chapter ' (for each of the 58 areas) will first be : issued as an Individual paperbound re- port in four series designated as PC(1)· A, B, C, and D, respectively. The 58 PC(1)·A reports will be specially assem-. bled and Issued in a clothbound book, designated as Part A. • Series PC(1)·A. NUMBER OF INHABITANTS. Final official population counts are pre- sented for States, counties by urban and . rural residence, standard metropolitan . statistical areas (SMSA's), urbanized areas, county subdivisions, all incorpo- rated places, and unincorporated places of 1,000 Inhabitants or more. • Series PC(1)·B. GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS . Statistics on age, sex, race, marital sta-: tus, and relationship to head of house- hold are presented for, States, counties by 1,1rban and rural residence, SMSA's, urbanized areas, county subdivisions, and places of 1,000 Inhabitants or more. • Series PC(1)-C. GENERAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Statistics will be presented on nativity and parentage, State or country of birth, Spanish origin, mother tongue, residence 5 years ago, year moved into present , house, school enrollment (public or pri-· vate), years of school completed, voca- tional training, number of children ever . born, family composition, disability, vet-. eran status, employment status, place of , work, means of transportation to work, occupation group, industry group, class . of worker, and Income (by type} In 1969 . of families and individuals. Each sub- ject will be shown for some or all of the following areas: States, counties (by . urban, rural-nonfarm, and rural-farm res-· ldence), SMSA's, urbanized areas, and , places of 2,500 Inhabitants or more. App-12 The results of the 1970 Census of Population and Housing are being issued in the form of printed reports, microfiche copies of the printed reports, computer summary tapes, computer printouts, and microfilm. Listed below are short descriptions of the final report series and computer tapes, as currently planned. More detailed information on this program can be obtained by writing to the Publications Distribution Section, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. • Series PC(1)-D. DETAILED CHARACTERICTICS These reports will cover most of the sub- jects shown in Series PC(1)-C, above, pre- senting the data in considerable detail and cross-classified by age, race, and other characteristics. Each subject will be shown for some or all of the following areas: States (by urban, rural-nonfarm, and rural-farm residence), SMSA's, and large cities. Volume 11. SUBJECT REPORTS Each report in this volume, also desig- nated as Series PC(2), will concentrate on a particular subject. Detailed infor· mation and cross-relationships will gen- _erally be provided on a national and re- gional level; in some reports, data for States or SMSA's will also be shown. Among the characteristics to be covered are national origin and race, fertility, families, marital status, migration, edu- cation, unemployment, occupation, indus- try, and income. Housing Census Reports Volume 1. HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR STATES, CITIES, AND COUNTIES This volume will consist of 58 "parts"- number 1 for the United States, numbers 2 through· 52 for the 50 States and the District of Columbia in alphabetical or- der, and numbers 53 through 58 for Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, Ameri- can Samoa, Canal Zone, and Trust Terri· tory of the Pacific Islands, respectively. Each part, which will be a. separate cloth- bound book, will contain two chapters designated as A and B. Each chapter (for each of the 58 areas) will first be issued as an individual paperbound report in two series designated as HC(1)·A and B, respectively. • Series HC(l)·A. GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS Statistics on tenure, kitchen facilities, plumbing facilities, number of rooms, persons per room, units in structure, mobile home, telephone, value, contract rent, and vacancy status are presented for some or all of the following areas: States (by urban and rural residence), SMSA's, urbanized areas, places of 1,000 inhabitants or more, and counties. • Series HC(l)-B. DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS Statistics will be presented on a more de- tailed basis for the subjects Included in the Series HC(1)·A reports, as well as on such additional subjects as year moved into unit, year structure built, basement, heating equipment, fuels, air condition- ing, water and sewage, appliances, gross rent, and ownership of second home. Each subject will be shown for some or all of the following areas: States (by urban, rural-nonfarm, and rural-farm res- idence), SMSA's, urbanized areas, places of 2,500 inhabitants or more, and coun- ties. Volume II. METROPOLITAN HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS These reports, also designated as Series HC(2), will cover most of the 1970 census housing subjects in considerable detail and cross-classification. There will be one report for each SMSA, presenting data for the SMSA and Its central cities and places of 50,000 Inhabitants or more, as well as a national summary report. Volume 111. BLOCK STATISTICS One report, under the designation Series HC(3), will be issued for each urbanized area showing data for individual blocks on selected housing and population sub- jects. The series will also Include reports for the communities outside urbanized areas which have contracted .with the Census Bureau to provide block statistics from the 1970 census. Volume IV. COMPONENTS OF INVENTORY CHANGE This volume will contain data on the disposition of the 1960 Inventory and the source of the 1970 Inventory, such as new construction, conversions, mergers, demolitions, and other additions and losses. Cross-tabulations of 1970 and 1960 characteristics for units that have not changed and characteristics of the present and previous residence of recent movers will also be provided. Statistics will be shown for 15 selected SMSA's and for the United States. Volume v. RESIDENTIAL FINANCE This volume will present data regarding the financing of privately owned nonfarm residential properties. Statistics will be APPENDIX D--Continued shown on amount of outstanding mort- gage debt, manner of acquisition of property, homeowner expenses, and other owner, property, and mortgage charac- teristics for the United States and re- gions. Volume VI. ESTIMATES OF "SUBSTANDARD" HOUSING This volume will present counts of "sub- standard" housing units for counties and cities, based on the number of units lacking plumbing facilities combined with estimates of units with all plumbing facilities but in "dilapidated" condition. Volume VII. SUBJECT REPORTS Each report in this volume will concen- trate on a particular subject. Detailed in- formation and cross-classifications will generally be provided on a national and regional level; in some reports, data for States or SMSA's may also be shown. Among the subjects to be covered are housing characteristics by household composition, housing of minority groups and senior citizens, and households in mobile homes. Joint Population-Housing Reports Series PHC(1 ), CENSUS TRACT REPORTS This series will contain one report for each SMSA, showing data for most of the population and housing subjects in- cluded in the 1970 census. Series PHC(2). GENERAL DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS, 1960 to 1970 This series consists of one report for each State and the District of Columbia, as well as: a national summary report, presenting statistics for the State and for SMSA's and their central cities and con- stituent counties. Comparative 1960 and 1970 data are shown on population counts by age and race and on such housing subjects as tenure, plumbing fa- cilities, value, and contract rent. Computer Summary Tapes The major portion of the results of the 1970 census will be produced in a set of six tabulation counts. To help meet the needs of census users, these counts are being designed to provide data with much greater subject and geographic de- tail than it is feasible or desirable to publish in printed reports. The data so tabulated will generally be available- subject to suppression of certain detail where necessary to protect confidentiality -on magnetic computer tape, printouts, and microfilm, at the cost of preparing the copy. First Count-source of the PC(1)-A re- ports; contains about 400 cells of data on the subjects covered in the PC(1)-8 and HC(1)-A reports and tabulated for each of the approximately 250,000 enu- meration districts in the United States. Second Count-source of the PC(1)-B, HC(1)-A, and part of the PHC(1) re- ports; contains about 3,500 cells of data covering the subjects in these reports and tabulated for the approxi- mately 35,000 tracts and 35,000 county subdivisions in the United States. Third Count-source of the HC(3) reports; will contain about 250 cells of data on the subjects covered in the PC(1)-B and HC(1)-A reports and tabulated for approximately 1,500,000 blocks in the United States. Fourth Count-source of the PC(1)-C, HC (1)-B, and part of the PHC(1) reports; will contain about 13,000 cells of data covering the subjects in these reports and tabulated for the approximately 35,000 tracts and 35,000 county sub- divisions in the United States; will also contain about 30,000 cells of data for each county. Fifth Count-will contain approximately 800 cells of population and housing data for 5-digit Zl P code areas in SMSA's and 3-digit ZIP code areas outside SMSA's; the ZIP code data will be available only on tape. Sixth Count-source of the PC(1)-D and HC(2) reports; will contain about 260,- 000 cells of data covering the subjects in these reports and tabulated for States, SMSA's, and large cities. The tapes will generally be organized on a State basis. To use the First Count and Third Count tapes, it will be neces- sary to purchase the appropriate enumer- ation district and block maps. The term "cells" used herein to indicate the scope of subject content of the sev- eral counts refers to each figure or statis- tic in the tabulation for a specific geo- graphic area. For example, in the Third Count, there are six cells for a cross- classification of race by sex: three cate- gories of race (white, Negro, other race) by two categories of sex (male, female). In addition to the above-mentioned sum- mary tapes, the Census Bureau will make available for purchase certain sample tape files containing population and housing characteristics as shown on in- dividual census records. These files will contain no names or addresses, and the geographic identification will be suffi- ciently broad to protect confidentiality. There will be six files, each containing a 1-percent national sample of persons and housing units. Three of the files will be drawn from the population covered by the census 15-percent sample and three from the population in the census 5-per- cent sample. Each of these three files will provide a different type of geo- graphic information: One will identify individual large SMSA's and, for the rest of the country, groups of counties; the second will identify individual States and, where they are sufficiently large, will provide urban-rural and metropolitan-non- metropolitan detail; and the third will identify State groups and size of place, with each individual record showing se- lected characteristics of the person's neighborhood. App-13 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of t:he Census Washington, D.C. 20233 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Table Summary Data for Areas, Places, and Counties 16 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for the State 17, 18 RACE AND SEX 19, 20, 21 AGE 22 HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Areas and Places of 50,000 or more 23 RACE AND SEX 24 25, 26 AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 10,000 to 50,000 27 RACE AND SEX ---·-------------- 28 29, 30 AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 2,500 to 10,000 31 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for Places of 1,000 to 2,500 32 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Data for Counties 33 34 35 36, 37 38 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS RACE AND SEX AGE HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS RURAL POPULATION Data for Household Population 39 AGE, RACE, AND SEX POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE )> r )> en A )> Al (') (T1 z en c en 0 ., ., 0 ., c r ~ .. o: Z! •• 1