HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2076[S PC80-1-A3 Alaska ....... = HA 231 .U533 1980 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION Number of Inhabitants ALASKA · U.S. Depmi.m€1:'lt 6i -~~ Interior Census of Population U .S . Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Census of Population VOLUME 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION CHAPTER A Number of Inhabitants PART 3 ALASKA PC80-1-A3 Issued November 1981 U.S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary Joseph R. Wright, Jr., Deputy Secretary Robert G. Dederick, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Bruce Chapman, Director Data Index APR 2 1982 1'1 A\Vft QP\O':~JXr-.-~ llpnARY · f\!-i"~..;Ji\.N ['t.~·~......,~~-'l*t~ -~Kf .. ~ ~--~- u.s. Department of ~''Ihterior , M J~ ,US33 /9rD This index provides a summary listing of the tables in which the particu- lar data are presented. For a listing of the individual tables and their page numbers, see page 1. The State Table Earliest Census to 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Size of Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Urban and Rural: 1929 to 1980... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Boroughs and Census Areas Land Area and Population. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Urban and Rural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Borough and Census Area Subdivisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Places All Places ............................... ·. . 5 Incorporated Places of 5,000 or More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Inside and Outside SMSA's Urban and Rural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Size of Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SMSA's Component Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Type of Residence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Urbanized Areas Component Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Bruce Chapman, Director Daniel B. levine, Deputy Director POPULATION DIVISION Roger A. Herriot, Chief Acknowledgments Many persons participated in the diverse activities of the 1980 census. These acknowl· edgments generally reflect staff during the census-taking process. The Bureau was guided by then Director, Vincent P. Barabba, and Deputy Director, Daniel B. Levine. Primary direction of the census program was performed by George E. Hall, Associate Director for Demo- graphic Fields, assisted by Earle J. Gerson, then Assistant Director for Demographic Censuses, in conjunction with Barbara A. Bailar, Associate Director for Statistical Stand- ards and Methodology, Howard N. Hamilton, Assistant Director for Computer Services, Shirley Kallek, Associate Director for Eco- nomic Fields, James D. Lincoln, Associate Director for Administration, Rex L. Pullin, Associate Director for Field Operations, and W. Bruce Ramsay, Associate Director for Information Technology. The director's staff was assisted by Peter A. Bounpane and Sherry L. Courtland. Responsibility for developing the popula- tion portion of the 1980 census questionnaire content and designing the tabulations was in the Population Division, under the supervision of Meyer Zitter, then Chief, Paula J. Schneider, Staff Assistant for Census Programs, Roger A. Herriot, Nampeo D. McKenney, and Arthur J. Norton, Assistant Chiefs. This report was prepared by Robert C. Speaker, Chief, Popula- tion Distribution Branch, with the assistance of Sam T. Davis, Richard L. Forstall, and Joel C. Miller. Responsibility for the overall planning, coordinating, and processing of the 1980 census was in the Decennial Census Division under the direction of Gerald J. Post, then Acting Chief, assisted by Marie G. Argana, Rachel F. Brown, Donald R. Dalzelr, Leonard Goldberg, Earle B. Knapp, Jr., and Roger 0. Lepage. Data base and generalized system support was developed and provided by Systems Development Division, Judy M. Bedell, Chief, under the direction of John Jerry Bell, Assistant Chief. Computer processing was performed in the HA ~3 \ I.A533 14~0 (!.,).. Computer Operations Division, C. Thomas DiNenna, then Chief, and John E. Halterman, Assistant Chief. The Statistical Methods Division was largely responsible for developing new procedures to obtain a more accurate count of the popula- tion. This work was supervised by Charles D. Jones, Chief, David V. Bateman, Susan M. Miskura, and Robert T. O'Reagan, Assistant Chiefs. Geographic programs and plans were developed in the Geography Division under the direction of Gerald F. Cranford, then Assistant Chief, Robert W. Marx and Silla G. Tomasi, Assistant Chiefs, and Donald I. Hirschfeld, Special Assistant. Joseph J. Knott coordinated geographic operational phases. Data collection activities were supervised in the Field Division by Richard C. Burt, then Chief, under the direction of Lawrence T. Love and Stanley D. Matchett, then Assistant Chiefs, with the assistance of the directors and assistant directors of the Bureau's regional offices. The coordination and acquisition of auto- matic data processing equipment were the responsibility of the Automatic Data Processing Planning Staff, James R. Pepal, Chief, undec the direction of Richard L. Pauly, Deputy Chief. The system design, technical specifications, construction, and installation of the FOSDIC and Automated Camera Technology System were the responsibility of Technical Services Division, McRae Anderson, Chief, assisted by Robert E. Joseph, Assistant Chief. Questionnaire processing procedures were developed in the Decennial Processing Staff, James S. Werking, Chief, under the direction of Harry C. O'Haver, Assistant Chief. The manual processing and microfilming of the question- naires were performed at three decennial processing locations as follows: Data Prepara- tion Division, Don L. Adams, Chief; Jefferson- ville Processing Office, Robert L. Kirkland, then Processing Manager; New Orleans Process- ing Office, Robert L. Allen, Chief; and Laguna Niguel Processing Office, Robert N. Scheller, Chief. Administrative support was provided by the Administrative Services Division, 0. Bryant Benton, then Acting Chief. Publications editing, printing, and composi· tion were performed in the Publications Services Division, Raymond J. Koski, Chief, under the direction of Milton S. Andersen, Arlene C. Duckett, and Gerald A. Mann. User services were provided by the Data User Services Division under the supervision of Michael G. Garland, Chief, and Marshall L. Turner, Assistant Chief. Many other persons participated in the various activities of the 1980 census. For a list of key personnel, refer to the History of the 1980 Census of Population and Housing, (PHC80-R2l. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 1980 census of population. Volume 1, Char- acteristics of the population. PC80-1- Issued September 1981- Partial contents: ch. A. Number of inhabi· tants v.-ch. B. General population charac- teristics v.-ch. C. General social and eco- nomic characteristics v. -ch. D. Detailed population characteristics v. 1. United States-Census, 20th, 1980. 2. United States-Population-Statistics. I. United States. Bureau of the Census. II. Title: Char- acteristics of the population. HA215.A13 312'.0973 81-607950 AACR2 For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, or any U.S. Department of Com- merce district office. Postage stamps not ac- ceptable; currency submitted at sender's risk. Remittances from foreign countries must be by international money order or by draft on a U.S. bank. Introduction GENERAL................. Ill CONTENTS OF THE REPORT. . . Ill SYMBOLS AND GEOGRAPHIC ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . Ill GENERAL This report presents stat1st1cs from the 1980 Census of Population on the num- ber of inhabitants of the State, classified by urban and rural residence and by size of place; its counties or comparable areas, county subdivisions, incorporated places, census designated places, standard metro· politan statistical areas, standard consoli- dated statistical areas, and urbanized areas; and certain other geographic areas of the State. The abbreviated identifica- tion for this report is PC80-1-A (i.e., Pop- ulation Census, 1980-Volume 1-Chapter A) followed by a number representing the State. Legal provision for this census, which was conducted as of April 1, 1980, was made in the Act of Congress of August 31, 1954 (amended August 1957, December 1975, and October 1976), which codified Title 13, United States Code. A large portion of the information compiled from the 1980 Census of Pop- ulation will appear in Volume 1, Char- acteristics of the Population, of which this report is part. The 1980 census figures presented here may differ from those shown in the Advance Reports, PHC80-V, and in the Public Law 94-171 redistricting data products. The changes reflect corrections of errors found after the PHC80-V reports and P.L. 94-171 materials were prepared. The changes may affect any geographic area shown in this report. The content. and procedures of the 1980 census were determined after eval- uation of the results of the 1970 census, consultation with a wide variety of users of census data, and extensive field testing. A number of changes were introduced in APPENDIXES· A. Area Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 B. General Enumeration and Processing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 C. Accuracy of the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 1980 to improve the usefulness of the census results. The changes do not, how- ever, affect to any appreciable extent the comparability between the 1980 data and the 1970 data shown in this report. More detailed information on the technical and procedural matters covered in the text of this report can be obtained by writing to the Director, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. Such information will also appear in other publications of the 1980 census. CONTENTS OF THE REPORT This report contains text (this introduc- tion and three appendixes), a table of contents, charts, 13 detailed tables, and maps. A map of the State appears after the table of contents and shows county names and boundaries, the names and boundaries of standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's) and standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's), the names and locations of all places with a population of 25,000 or more, and SMSA central cities with fewer than 25,000 inhabitants. Then follow two pages of charts that precede the 13 tables. Each table is identified by a table number and title. The "stubhead" at the left under the title defines the types of geo- graphic areas for which data are shown in the particular table and is considered part of the table title. · The tables are followed by a map section which includes: • A "County Location Index" which presents the reference coordinates and map section numbers for each county on the county subdivision map, the legend to the county sub- division map, and a State map out- lining the geographic area covered by each county subdivision map section. • A county subdivision map, often covering several pages, that shows the names and boundaries of counties (or equivalent areas), their subdivi- sions, and places, as recognized by the Census Bureau in the published tables. • One map for each urbanized area in the State which shows the names and boundaries of all States, counties, county subdivisions, and places in the area, as well as the extent of territory defined as "urbanized." The report for each State containing part of a multi-State urbanized area includes the map for the entire urbanized area. Appearing last in the report are the appendixes. Appendix A describes the various area classifications (e.g., urban and rural residence, census designated places, urbanized areas). Appendix B explains the residence rules used in count- ing the population and describes the data collection and processing procedures. Appendix C presents information on the sources of error in the data. SYMBOLS AND GEOGRAPHIC ABBREVIATIONS The following symbols and geographic abbreviations are used in the tables: • A dash "-" represents zero or a per- cent which rounds to less than 0.1. • Three dots" ... "mean not applicable. • (NA) means not available. • A minus sign preceding a figure de- notes decrease. • The prefix "r" indicates that the count has been revised since publication of 1970 census reports, or that the area was erroneously omitted, or that the area was not shown in the correct geographic relationship in the 1970 census reports. • COP is census designated place. • SCSA is standard consolidated statis- tical area. • SMSA is standard metropolitan sta- tistical area. • (unorg.) is unorganized territory. Ill Census of Population Contents (Page numbers listed here omit the State prefix number which appears as part of the page number for each page. The prefix for this State is 3) MAPS Page Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, Boroughs, Census Areas, and Selected Places. . . . . . . . . . 3 Boroughs and Census Area Location Index. . . . . . 24 Boroughs and Census Area Subdivisions and Places. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Urbanized Area ....................... . 29 CHARTS Total Population and Percent Change From Preceding Census for the State: 1900 to 1980 ......... 0 •••••••••••••• 0. • • • • 4 Population and Percent Change by Type of Residence: 1980 to 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Percent Distribution by Type of Residence for the State: 1980 and 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A. Urban and Rural Residence B. Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) TABLES 1. Population of the State: Earliest Census to 1980. . 7 2. Urban and Rural Land Area and Population: 1929 to 1980 Boroughs Census Areas 3. Population of Boroughs and Census Areas by 8 Urban and Rural Residence: 1980 and 1970. . . . 9 Boroughs Census Areas 4. Population of Buroughs and Census Area Sub- division: 1960 to 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Subdivisions NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Number of Inhabitants ALASKA PC80-1-A3 TABLES 5. Population of Places: 1960 to 1980 •••••••• 0 0 Incorporated Places Census Designated Places 6. Rank and Population of Incorporated Places of 5,000 or More in 1980: 1980 and 1970 ....... Incorporated Places 7. Population by Size of Place: 1980 and 1970 ..... The State Urbanized Areas 8. Population by Urban and Rural Residence: 1929 til 1980 0 •••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 ••••• Size of Place 9". Population Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Urban and Rural Residence: 1980 ........... The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's 10. Population Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Size of Place: 1980 ••••••••••• 0. 0 •••••• The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's 11. Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's): 1960 to 1980 ............. Component Parts 12. Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Type of Residence: 1980 SMSA's 13. Population of Urbanized Areas: 1980 and 1970 Component Parts Page 13 15 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 ALASKA 3-1 2 140° 1ao· 170° 1S0° 170° 1ao• 4 150° 140° a 130° 7 120° 110° 9 sa c:: 150° s s:: Q) t;g as• ::::s m B Q. ::IIJ 0 Q) -n c ... Q. 2 as• s: :I: )> t;g aa• CD =i c -)> D a 2 -1 "C en 2.. ::::;: D Q) E ::::s en -Q) E :::::!:. •o•~p 0 F Utvtotv -c;· ~p.o~' Q) c~>' -F )> G ... CD ~ Q) oo"' .... ~G G D::J ""''"' 0 ~""'\.)"' H ""' a :f-I'G'I'i 1'\,;.<e,.S c ~ &\) "\.) cc ~~,;.<C.. H ::::r' l \.v t\G~))'r-G 0 'l'l'r-~<r-S~ sa• ~<e-"' 0 CD ::::s 0 """'-<C..~~ • c 0 ~ c<e-o"..,c""'"' "" )> ~<r-'''\<r-"-~ p.-<;<C-'1'1 9 ou"' "'"'G ... "-~c""'"' CD K Q) <Ff •. 0 ISLI'l'IOS ~C>J? •• • .... ' 0 ALEUTIAN !-EGEND K Q) '\ •. ~-&',&J?~ ~ ~. ,p ,.~ ~ ::::s .. Y/PU!Uiiii/1/P/PM Standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) Q. L @ Place of 100,000 or more Inhabitants en ® Place of 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants CD L SCALE • Place of 25,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants CD" 0 100 200 300 400 500 Kilometers ~ 0 SMSA central city of fewer than 25,000 Inhabitants (") M -0 100 200 300 400 500 Miles State capital underlined CD )> Q. r-All political boundaries are as of January I, 19SO M )> ., en ;:: N Dr )> U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 4a• (") w 1so• 170° 3 1ao• 4 150° 5 140° a CD I w t/) Total Population and Percent Change From Preceding Census for the State: 1900 to 1980 1900 1910 1920 1929 Population and Percent Change by Type of Residence: 1980 and 1970 1939 1950 1960 -Percent change (:: ... •I Population in thousands 1970 -1980 t I 1970 1980 Population in thousands THE STATE Percent change, 197o-:80 32.8% ~402 ~303 Urban 50.1% Places of 100,000 or more Places of 25,000 .to 100,000 Places of less than 25,000 -1 0.1 % Other urban Rural 10.0% Inside SMSA'S 39.0% Inside central cities 260.5% Outside central cities Outside SMSA's 28.4% U.S. Department of Commerce 3-4 ALASKA Urban and Rural Residence 259 Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Sta.tlstlcal Areas (SMSA's) 227 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Percent Distribution by Type of Residence for the State: 1980 and 1970 A. URBAN AND RURAL RESIDENCE Rural (35.7%) ---------: Places of less than 1 25,000 Places of 100,000 or more -----(42.4%) Rural (43.1 o/o) ---- Other urban Places of 25,ooo- 100,000 --------:-------(16.0%) Places of less than 1 25,000 (32.5%) (22.0%) ---------' (8.5%) ------==~ 1980 1 Excludes population of places in rural territory. Outside SMSA's (56.6%) ------, U.S. Department of Commerce NUMBER OF INHABITANTS B. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS (SMSA'S) 1980 Inside central cities of SMSA's ;::-----(43.4%) Outside SMSA's (58.5%) ---- 1970 1970 Inside SMSA's, outside central cities ,-------(25.5%) Inside central cities of SMSA's (16.0%) BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ALASKA 3-5 CORRECTION NOTE The official 1980 census counts of total population shown In thIs report supersede counts Issued prevIous I y. CorrectIons to the figures were made after the counts were provided to the State for redistricting purposes and released In Advance Report PHC80-V for this State. Any corrections to the 1980 census counts population shown In this report made after printed are aval I able by writing to Data Division, Customer Services (Corrections}, Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. of the total the report Is User Services Bureau of the The 1980 figures shown In this pub I I cation to change pendIng the outcome of the varIous the census counts. are subject lawsuits with 3-6 ALASKA NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 1 . Population of the State: Earliest Census to 1980 [For description of current and previous urban definitions, see appendix A. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction} Urban and Rural Current urban definition: 1980 (Apr. 1) ------------------------ 1970 (Apr. ll------------------------ 1960 (Apr. 1) ------------------------ 1950 (Apr. 1) --------"--------------- Previous urban definition: 1960 (Apr. ll------------------------ 1950 (Apr. ll------------------------ 1939 (Oct. ll ------------------------ 1929 (Oct. 1) ------------------------ 1920 (Jan. 1) ------------------------ 191 o ______________________________ _ 1900 ______________________________ _ 1890 ______________________________ _ 1880 ______________________________ _ NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Total population 401 851 •302 583 226 167 128 643 226 167 128 643 72 524 59 278 55 036 64 356 63 592 32 052 33 426 The State Change from preceding census Number Percent 99 268 32.8 76 416 33.8 97 524 75.8 56 119 77.4 97 524 75.8 56 119 77.4 13 246 22.3 4 242 • 7.7 -9 320 -14.5 764 1.2 31 540 98.4 -1 374 -4.1 ... ... Urban Change from Places of preceding census 2,500 or more Population Number Percent 13 258 567 87 537 51.2 15 171 030 85 263 99.4 7 85 767 51 505 150.3 6 34 262 ... ... 7 85 767 51 505 150.3 6 34 262 16 888 97.2 4 17 374 9 535 121.6 2 7 839 4 781 156.3 1 3 058 -3 083 -50.2 2 6 141 -9 464 ~0.6 2 15 605 15 605 ... - ---- -... .. . Rural Percent of total Change from population preceding census Population Number Percent Urban Rural 143 284 13 932 10.8 64.3 35.7 129 352 -11 048 -7.9 56.9 43.1 140 400 46 019 48.8 37.9 62.1 94 381 ... .. . 26.6 73.4 140 400 46 019 48.8 37.9 62.1 94 381 39 231 71.1 26.6 73.4 55 150 3 711 7.2 24.0 76.0 51 439 -539 -1.0 13.2 86.8 51 978 ~ 237 -10.7 5.6 94.4 58 215 10 228 21.3 9.5 90.5 47 987 15 935 49.7 24.5 75.5 32 052 -1 374 -4.1 -100.0 33 426 ... .. . -100.0 ALASKA 3-7 Table 2. Land Area and Population: 1929 to 1980 [Counts relate to boroughs and census areas as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] 1980 land area Population Boroughs 1980 Percent change Census Areas Per Per i970 1960 Square Square square square to to miles kilometers Number mile kilometer 1980 1970 1970 1960 1950 1939 1929 The State----------------------570 833 1 478 458 401 851 0.7 0.3 32.8 33.8 '302 583 226 167 Aleutian Islands -----------------------10 890 28 205 7 768 0.7 0.3 Anchorage ---------------------------1 732 4 486 174 431 100.7 38.9 38.0 '126 385 Bethel ------------------------------36 104 93 509 10 999 0.3 0.1 Bristol Bay---------------------------531 1 375 1 094 2.1 0.8 -4.6 1 147 Dillingham ---------------------------46 042 119 249 4 616 0.1 Fairbanks North Star -------------------7 404 19 176 53 983 7.3 2.8 17.7 45 864 Haines ------------------------------2 374 6 149 1 680 0.7 0.3 13 556 Juneau------------------------------2 626 6 801 19 528 7.4 2.9 44.1 Kenai Peninsula -----------------------16 056 41 585 25 282 1.6 0.6 Ketchikan Gateway---------------------1 242 3 217 11 316 9.1 3.5 12.7 10 041 Kobuk ------------------------------31 593 81 826 4 831 0.2 0.1 ,;ru ••• Kodiak Island -------------------------4 796 12 422 9 939 2.1 0.8 5.6 9 409 Matanuska-Susitna ---------------------24 502 63 460 17 816 0.7 0.3 173.7 6 509 Nome-------------------------------23 871 61 826 6 537 .0.3 0.1 13.7 -5.6 5 749 6 091 North Slope --------------------------90 955 235 574 4 199 Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan ___________ 7 660 19 839 3 822 0.5 0.2 Sitka -------------------------------2 938 7 609 7 803 2.7 1.0 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon---------------13 239 34 289 3 478 0.3 0.1 Southeast Fairbanks--------------------24 169 62 598 5 676 0.2 0.1 Valdez-Cordova -----------------------39 229 101 603 8 348 0.2 0.1 Wade Hampton -----------------------17 816 46 143 4 665 0.3 0.1 19.1 25.2 3 917 3 128 Wrangelf-f>etersburg ____________________ 5 965 15 449 6 167 1.0 0.4 Yukon-Koyukuk -----------------------159 099 412 066 7 873 3-8 ALASKA NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 3. Population of Boroughs and Census Areas by Urban and Rural Residence: Boroughs Census Areas The State--------------------- Aleutian Islands ---------------------- Anchorage -------------------------- Bethel ----------------------------- Bristol Bay-------------------------- Dillingham -------------------------- Fairbanks North Star ------------------ Haines ----------------------------- Juneau -----------------------------Kenai Peninsula _.:_ ___________________ _ Ketchikan Gateway-------------------- Kobuk ----------------------------- Kodiak Island------------------------ Matanusko-Susitna -------------------Nome _____________________________ _ North Slape------------------------- Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan _________ _ Sitka ------------------------------ Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon-------------- Southeast Fairbanks ------------------- Valdez-Cordova---------------------- Wade Hampton ----------------------Wrangell-Petersburg __________________ _ Yuko1>--Koyukuk ---------------------- NUMBER OF INHABITANTS [Counts relate to boroughs and census areas as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Urban 1980 Percent Percent Inside Outside change, of total urbanized urbanized 1970 to Total population areas areas 1970 1980 Total 258 567 64.3 170 247 88 320 l7l 030 51.2 143 284 3 315 42.7 -3 315 ... ... 4 453 170 247 97.6 170 247 -liD 782 53.7 4 184 3 576 32.5 -3 576 ... ... 7 423 ~ - - - - - 1 094 -- - -... ... 4 616 31 920 59.1 -31 920 33 451 -4.6 22 063 - - --... ... 1 680 19 528 100.0 -19 528 6 050 222.8 - 4 324 17.1 -4 324 ... ... 20 958 7 198 63.6 -7 198 6 994 2.9 4 118 - - --... ... 4 831 4 756 47.9 -4 756 6 850 -30.6 5 183 -- - - - -17 816 ~ - - - - -6 537 -- - -... ... 4 199 -- - -... ... 3 822 7 803 100.0 -7 803 ... ... ---- - ... ... 3 478 -- - -... ... 5 676 3 079 36.9 -3 079 ... ... 5 269 ---- - -4 665 2 821 45.7 -2 821 ... ... 3 346 - - - -... ... 7 873 1980 Places of 1,000 to 2,500 30 474 1 322 - - - 1 563 --- 7 481 1 722 2 054 1 370 3 700 2 301 2 207 1 056 -- 1 635 1 879 - 2 184 - 1980 and 1970 Rural Percent Places of change, less than Other 1970 to 1,000 rural 1970 1980 57 835 54 975 129 352 10.8 3 092 39 ... ... -4 184 13 760 -69.6 7 316 107 . .. ... 1 008 86 1 147 -4.6 2 970 83 . .. ... 2 654 19 409 12 413 77.7 993 687 ... ... - -7 506 -100.0 4 280 9 197 ... . .. 2 107 289 3 047 35.1 2 495 282 ... .. . 1 097 2 716 2 559 102.5 2 393 ll 723 6 509 173.7 3 982 254 5 749 13.7 1 770 222 ... . .. 2 156 610 ... .. . - - ... ... 2 941 537 ... .. . 2 529 1 512 . .. ... 1 669 1 721 ... . .. 4 637 28 3 917 19.1 688 474 ... .. . 7 058 815 ... . .. ALASKA 3-9 Table 4. Population of Borough and Census Area Subdivisions: 1960 to 1980 Subdivisions The State'-------=------------------------ Aleutian Islands Census Area'l -------------------Aleutian Islands census subarea ________________________ _ Adak Station (COP) -------------------------------- Akutan city'------------------------------------- Atka (COP) -------------------------------------- Attu (COP) --------------------------------------Cold Say (COP)--------------------------) _______ _ False Pass (COP)----------------------------------King Cave city ___________________________________ _ Nelson Lagoon (COP)-------------------·------------ Nikolski (COP)------------------------------------ St. George (COP) --------------------------------- St. Paul city' ------------------------------------ Sand Paint city----------------------------------- Shemya Station (COP)------------------------------ Unalaska city ------------------------------------ Anchorage Borough3 -------------------------Anchorage census subarea ____________________________ _ Anchorage city3 ----------------------------------- Bethel Census Area 4 --------------------.----- Aniak census subarea -------------------------------- Aniak city' -------------------------------------- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - Chuathbaluk city' ---------------------------------- Crooked Creek (COP)------------------------------- Ume Village (CDPL-------------------------------- Lower Kalskag city -------------------------------- Red Devil (CDPl----------------------------------- Sleetmute (COP) ---------------------------------- Sparrevohn Station (COP) --------------------------- Stony River (COP) ---------------------------------- Upper Kalskag city'-------------------------------- Lower Kuskokwim census subarea----------------------- Akiachak city'------------------------------------ Akiak city' -------------------------------------- Akolmiut city'------------------------------------ - - - - Atmautluak city'----------------------------------- Bethel city -------------------------------------- Cape Newenham (COP) ----------------------------- Chefornak city'----------------------------------- - - - Eek city'------------------------------------____ _ Goodnews Bay city' -------------------------------- Kipnuk (COP) ------------------------------------- Kongiganak (COP) ---------------------------------- Kwethluk city'------------------------------------- Kwigillingok (COP)----------------------------------Mekoryuk city ____________________________________ _ Napakiak city'------------------------------------- Napaskiak city'------------------------------------ Newtok city (pt.)'---------------------------------- Nightmute city'------------------------------------ Oscorville (COP) ----------------------------------- Platinum city' ------------------------------------- Quinhagak city'------------------------------------ Toksook Boy city'---------------------------------- Tuluksak city' ------------------------------------- Tuntutuliak (COP) ---------------------------------- Tununak city"~ ------------------------------------- Bristol Say Borough -------------------------- Bristol Bay census subarea ----------------------------- King Salmon (COP) ----------------------"----------~~~;h~~~~:~ cco?r================================ Dillingham Census Area5 ----------------------- Dillingham census subarea------------------------------ Aleknagik city' ------------------------------------ Chignik (COP) ------------------------------------- Chignik Lagoon (COP) ------------------------------- Chignik Lake (COP) --------------------------------- Clark's Point city'---------------------------------- Dillingham city ------------------------------------ Egegik (COP) -------------------------------------- Ekwok city'--------------------------------------- Igiugig (CDPl-------------------------------------- lliamna (COP) ------------------------------------- lvanof Bay (COP) ---------------------------------- Kokhanok (COP) ----------------------------------- Koliganek (COP) ----------------------------------- Levelock (COP) ------------------------------------ Manokotak city'----------------------------------- Newhalen cityS ------------------------------------ New Stuyahok city'--------------------------------- Nondalton city5 ------------------------------------ Pedro Bay (COP) ----------------------------------- Perryville (COP) ------------------------------------ Pilot Point (COP)------------------------------------ Portage Creek (COP) -------------------------------- Port Heiden city5 ----------------------------------- Togiak city--------------------------------------- Twin Hills (COP) ----------------------------------- Fairbanks North Star Borough' ------------------ Eielson Rese!Vation census subarea ----------------------- Eielson AFS (COP) ---------------------------------- Fairbanks North Star census subarea 6 --------------------- Big Horn (COP)------------------------------------ College (COP) ------------------------------------- Ester (COP)--------------------------------------- Fairbanks city' ------------------------------------ Fox (COP)---------------------------------------- See footnotes at end of table. 3-10 ALASKA [Total population of a place in two or more borough or census area subdivisions appears in table 5. Counts relate to areas as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] 1980 1970 1960 401 851 •302 583 226 167 7 768 ... . .. 7 768 ... ... 3 315 2 249 ... 169 ... ... 93 88 119 29 ... . .. 228 256 86 70 62 41 460 283 290 59 43 ... 50 57 92 158 163 ... 551 ... ... 625 360 ... 600 1 131 ... 1 322 •342 218 174 431 •126 385 ... 174 431 ... 174 431 '48 081 44 237 10 999 ... ... 1 301 ... ... 341 ... ... 105 ... ... 108 59 92 48 25 ... 246 183 ... 39 81 152 107 109 122 26 ... ... 62 74 ... 129 ... ... 9 698 ... . .. 438 ... ... 198 ... . .. 641 526 ... 219 ... ... 3 576 2 416 1 258 43 ... . .. 230 ... ... 228 ... ... 168 ... ... 371 325 221 239 190 ... 454 ... ... 354 148 334 160 249 ... 262 ... . .. 244 ... ... 131 ... ... 119 ... ... 56 41 51 55 ... . .. 412 ... . .. 333 ... ... 236 ... ... 216 158 144 298 ... . .. 1 094 1 147 ... 1 094 ... ... 545 202 227 318 •318 249 145 154 142 4 616 ... ... 4 616 .. ~ ... 154 ... ... 178 83 99 -48 ... . .. 138 117 107 79 ... ... 1 563 914 ... 75 148 150 77 ... ... 33 36 36 94 58 47 40 48 ... 83 88 57 117 142 100 79 74 88 294 ... ... 87 ... . .. 331 ... ... 173 ... ... 33 65 53 111 94 111 66 68 61 48 ... ... 92 ... . .. 470 383 ... 70 67 ... 53 983 45 864 ... 5 320 ... . .. 5 232 6 149 ... 48 663 ... ... 360 ... 4 043 3 434 1 755 149 264 81 22 645 14 771 13 311 123 ... ... Subdivisions Fairbanks North Star Borough-Con. Fairbanks North Star census subarea-Con. Harding Lake (COP)--------------------------------- Moose Creek (COP)--------------------------------- Murphy Dome (COP)-------------------------------- North Pole ciiY'------------------------------------ Solcha (COP)-------------------------------------- Two Rivers (COP) ---------------------------------- Haines Borough7 ----------------------------- Haines census subarea -------------------------------- Haines city7 -------------------------------------- Juneau Borough8 ----------------------------- Juneau census subarea -------------------------------- Juneau city& -------------------------------------- Kenai Peninsula Borough9 ---------------------- Kenat-Cook Inlet census subarea------------------------- Anchor Point (COP)--------------------------------- Clam Gulch (COP) ---------------------------------- Cooper Landing (COP) ------------------------------- Fritz Creek (CDPl----------------------------------- Halibut Cove (COP) --------------------------------- Homer city--------------------------------------- Hope (COP)--------------------------------------- Jokolof Say (COP)---------------------------------- Kachemak city ------------------------------------ Kalifonsky (COP)----------------------------------- ~~~~~fci~D!~-===================================== Moose Pass (CDPl---------------------------------- Nikishka (COP) ------------------------------------ Ninilchik (COP) ------------------------------------ Solamatof (COP) ----------------------------------- Seldovia city-------------------------------------- Soldotna city'------------------------------------- Sterling (COP)------------------------------------- Tyonek (COP) ------------------------------------- Seward census subarea-------------------------------- English Say (COP) ---------------------------------- Port Graham (COP) --------------------------------- Portlock (CDPl------------------------------------- Seward city'-------------------------------------- Ketchikan Gateway Borough 10 ------------------- Ketchikan census subarea ------------------------------ Clover Pass (COP) ---------------------------------- Herring Cove (COP)--------------------------------- Ketchikan city 10 ------------------------------------ Ketchikan East (COP)-------------------------------- Mountain Point (COP) ------------------------------- North Tongass Highway (COP)------------------------- Pennock Island (COP)-------------------------------- Saxman city-------------------------------------- Soxmon East (COP)--------------------------------- Kobuk Census Area••-------------------------- Kobuk census subarea--------------------------------- Ambler city 11 -------------------------------------Buckland city _________________________________ : __ _ Deering city 11 ____________ .:_ _______________________ _ ~:~~~~n~i~l),-====================================== Kobuk city 11 -------------------------------------- Kotzebue city11 ------------------------------------ Noatak (COP) ------------------------------------- Noorvik city -------------------------------------- Selawik city -------------------------------------- Shungnak city------------------------------------- Kodiak Island Borough" ----------------------- Kodiak Island census subarea•2 -------------------------- Akhiok city 12 -------------------------------------- Karluk (COP)-------------------------------------- Kodiak city12 -------------------------------------- Larsen Bay city 12 ----------------------------------g~zi~ki~~~~i~==================================== Port Uons city------------------------------------- Kodiak Station census subarea -------------------------- Kodiak Station (COP)-----·-------------------------- Matanusko-Susitna Borough 13 ------------------- Matanusko-Susitna census subarea----------------------- Big Lake (COP) ------------------------------------ Sodenburg Butte (COP) ------------------------------ Houston city13 ------------------------------------- Montana (CDP) ------------------------------------ Palmer city 13 --------------------------------------i~~~~t~~~~~===~==========~=== Wasilla city 13 ------------------------------------- Willow (CDPl-------------------------------------- Nome Census Areo•4 -------------------------- Nome census subarea --------------------------------- Brevig Mission city---------------------------------Diomede city 14 ___________________ .;,. _______________ _ El!m city14 ---------------------------------------- Gambell city-------------------------------------- ~~~~~nCi~ty414-===================================== Nome city---------------------------------------- Perkinsville (CDP) ---------------------------------- 1980 38 510 72 724 319 359 1 680 1 680 993 19 528 19 528 19 528 25 282 22 473 226 50 116 302 47 2 209 103 36 403 92 201 4 324 76 1 109 341 334 419_ -~2:320 c, '919 I' 239 2 809 124 161 31 1 843 11 316 11 316 451 99 7 198 387 396 1 722 90 273 411 4 831 4 831 192 177 150 345 241 62 2 054 273 492 361 202 9 939 8 569 105 96 4 756 168 340 173 215 1 370 1 370 17 816 17 816 410 988 370 40 /2-l'!!::p •.. l8T 264 1 559 139 6 537 6 537 138 139 211 445 87 188 2 301 33 1970 265 463 13 556 6 050 102 47 31 27 44 1 083 51 76 71 3 533 53 134 437 202 30 232 58 107 587 10 041 261 114 6 994 459 . 78 135 104 278 188 696 293 462 429 165 9 409 98 3 798 290 160 227 3 052 6 509 36 69 33 140 76 182 38 5 749 123 372 '2 357 1960 358 392 6 797 171 88 25 44 89 136 169 460 115 187 78 139 1 891 169 126 6 483 372 (NA) 275 129 2 628 74 39 181 162 76 78 6 091 2 316 NUMBER OF INHABIT ANTS Table 4. Population of Borough and Census Area Subdivisions: 1960 to 1980-Con. Subdivisions Nome Census Area-Con. Nome census subarea-Con. Port Clarence (CDP>---------------------------------St. Michael city ___________________________________ _ Savoonga city _____ .,;: ____________ ------------------_ Shaktoolik city"----------------------------------- Shishmaref city 14 ----------------------------------_ Stebbins city------------------------_------------- Teller city---------------------------------------- Unalakleet city 14 ----------------------------------- Wales city----------------------------------_____ _ White Mountain city-------------------------------- North Slope Borough" ------------------------ Barrow-Point Hope census subarea----------------------- Anaktuvuk Pass city -------------------------------- Atkosook (CDPl------------------------------------ Barrow city--------------------------------------- Cope Usburne (COP) -------------------------------- Nuiqsut city15 ------------------------------------- Point Hope city------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~h\C~~==================================== Prudhoe Bay-Kaktovik census subarea ____________________ _ Dead horse (COP)_---------------------------------. Kaktovik city 15 ------------------------------------ Prudhoe Boy (COP) --------------------------------- Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area 1e:. ------ Outer Ketchikan census subarea ------------------------- Annette (COP) _ ------------------------------------ Hyder (COP) -------------------------------------- Metlakotlo (COP) ___ -------------------------------- Meyers Chuck (COP) ------------------"------------- Prince of Wales census subarea ------------------------- Cope Pale (COP) ----------------------------------- Coffman Cove (COP)-------------------------------- Craig city 1 e:. --------------------------------------- Hydaburg city------------------------------------- Kasaan city 1 e:. ------------------------------------- Klawock city ____ ---------------------------------- North Whole Pass (COP) ----------------------------- Point Boker (COP)---------------------------------- Thorne Boy (COP) ---------------------------------- Sitka Borough 17 ------------------------------ Sitka census subarea---------------------------------- Sitka city 17 --------------------------------------- Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area 18 ---------- "Angoon census subarea-------------------------------- Angoon city 18 ------------------------------------- Tenakee Springs city1s ------------------------------- Hoonah-Yakutat census subarea ------------------------- Elfin Cove (CDP) ----------------------------------- ~~~~~vhu~i~D~~===========~======================== Pelican city--------------------------------------- Yakutat city1s ------------------------------------- Kiukwan census subarea ------------------------------- Kiukwan (COP) ------------------------------------ Skagway census subarea ______________________________ _ Skagway city 18 ------------------------------------ Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 19 --------------- Southeast Fairbanks census subarea ---------------------- Big Delio (COP)------------------------------------ Chicken (COP)------------------------------------- Delta Junction city 1 " -------------------------------- Dot Lake (COP)------------------------------------ Eagle city---------------------------------------- Eagle Village (COP) --------------------------------- Fort Greely (COP) ---------------------------------- Healy Lake (COP) ·---------------------------------- Northway (COP) ----------------------------------- Northway Village (COP)------------------------------ Tanacross (COP) ----------------------------------- Tetlin (CDPl--------------------------------------- Tok (COP)---------------------------------------- Valdez-(ordova Census Area 2o ------------------ Copper River census subarea-------·--------------------- Chistochino (COP) ---------------------------------- Chitina (COP) ------------------------------------- Copper Center (COP) -------------------------------- Gakona (CDPl------------------------------------- Giennollen (COP) ----------------------------------- Gulkano (CDP>------------------------------------- Lower Tonsino (COP)-------------------------------- Mentosto Lake (COP) ------------------------------- Paxson (COP) ------------------------------------- Siano (COP) -------------------------------------- Tozlina (COP) ------------------------------------- Tonsino (COP)------------------------------------- Cordova census subarea ------------------------------- Cordova city20 ------------------------------------- Eyok (COP)--------------------------------------- Prince William Sound census subarea---------------------- Tatitlek (COP) ------------------------------------- Valdez city20 -------------------------------------- Whittier city20 ------------------------------------- NUMBER OF INHABITANTS [Total population of a place in two or more borough or census area subdivisions appears in table 5. Counts relate to areas as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] 19BO 1970 1960 29 ... ... 239 207 ... 491 364 ... 164 151 ... 394 267 ... 331 231 ... 212 220 ... 623 ... ... 133 131 ... 125 B7 ... 4 199 ... ... 3 784 ... . .. 203 99 (NA) 107 ... ... 2 207 2 104 ... 36 B3 ... 2DB ... . .. 464 3B6 ... 6B ... ... 405 315 ... 415 ... 64 163 . .. 165 ... . .. 50 49 ... 3 B22 ... ... 1 333 ... . .. 139 195 337 77 49 32 1 056 1 050 79B 50 37 27 2 4B9 ... ... 29 123 92 193 ... ... 527 272 273 29B 214 251 25 ... ... 31B 213 251 90 ... ... 90 ... ... 320 443 ... 7 803 ... ... 7 BD3 ... ... 7 B03 3 370 3 237 3 47B ... ... 712 ... ... 465 400 ... 13B ... . .. 1 B17 ... . .. 2B 49 ... 9B 64 107 6BO 748 686 180 133 135 449 190 230 135 ... ... 135 ]03 112 B14 ... ... 76B 675 659 5 676 ... . .. 5 676 ... . .. 2B5 ... ... 37 ... . .. 945 703 ... 67 42 56 110 36 92 54 ... . .. 1 635 1 B20 ... 33 ... . .. 73 40 196 112 ... . .. 117 84 102 107 114 122 5B9 214 129 B 348 ... . .. 2 721 ... . .. 55 33 2B 42 3B 31 213 206 151 B7 8B 33 511 363 169 104 53 ... 40 ... 59 6B ... 30 ... ... 49 ... . .. 31 ... . .. 135 ... . .. 2 241 ... . .. 1 B79 1 164 1 128 47 ... ... 3 3B6 ... . .. 68 111 96 3 079 1 005 555 19B 130 ... Subdivisions Wade Hampton Census Area21 _________________ _ Wade Hampton census subarea------------------------- Alakanuk city21 ----------------------------------- Chevak city-------------------------------------_ Emmonak city21 _______________________ ..; __________ _ Fortuna ledge city21 ------------------------------- Hooper Bay city ---------------------------------- - -- - - - - - - Kotlik city" ------------------------------------- Mountain Village city ------------------------------- Newtok city (pt.)" --------------------------------- Pilot Station city----------------------------------- Pitkos Point (COP)--------------------------------- ~~-s~~:!s~:~~~~~~=============================== Scammon Bay city --------------------------------- Sheldon Point city21 --------------------------------- Wrangell-Petersburg Census Areo22 --------------- Petersburg census subarea ----------------------------- Koke city22 --------------------------------------- Kupreanof city22 ----------------------------------- Petersburg city22 ----------------------------------- Port Alexander city22 -------------------------------- Wrange\1 census subarea------------------------------- Wrange\1 city22 ------------------------------------ Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 23 ------------------ Koyukuk-Middle Yukon census subarea-------------------- Allakaket city"------------------------------------ Anderson city23 ------------------------------------ Campion Station (COP) ------------------------------ Cantwell (COP) ------------------------------------ Dunbar (COP) ------------------------------------- Evansville (COP) ----------------------------------- Galena city23 -----------------------___ ------------ Healy (COP) -------------------------------------- Hughes city23 -------------------------------------Huslia city _______________________________________ _ Indian Mountain (COP) ------------------------------ Koltog city -----------------------c·-------------- Koyukuk dty" ------------------------------------ McKinley Pork (COP) -------------------------------- Manley Hot Springs (CDP) ---------------------------- Minto (COP) ------------------------------------- Nenana city -------------------------------------- Nu!ato city --------------------------------------- Rampart (COP) ------------------------------------ Ruby city"--------------------------------------- Stevens Village (CDP) ------------------------------- Suntrono (COP)------------------------------------ T a nona city __ ----------------------------------__ _ Usibelli Mine (COP) --------------------------------- McGrath-Holy Cross census subarea---------------------- Anvik city---------------------------------------- Grayling city-------------------------------------- Holy Cross city------------------------------------ McGrath city23 ------------------------------------ Nikolai ~ity23 ____ -----_____ -----__ ---------------__ Shageluk city" ------------------------------------ T okotno (COP)----------~-------------------------­ Totolino Station (COP)------------------------------- Telido (COP) -------------------------------------- Yukon Flats census subarea----------------------------- Arctic Village (COP)--------------------------------- Beaver (COP) ------------------------------------- Birch Creek (COP) ---------------------------------- Central (COP) ------------------------------------- Chalkyitsik (CDP) -----------------------------------Grcle (COP)-----------_____ ------------__________ _ Fort Yukon city------------------------------------ Venetie (COP)------------------------------------- 1980 4 66':/ 4 665 522 466 567 262- 627 293 5B3 - 325 B8 169 3B2 250 103 6 167 3 804 555 47 2 B21 B6 2 363 2...1M, ~i 163 517 62 B9 50 94 765 334 73 1B8 27 247 9B 32 61 .,r 153 470 350 50 197 96 56 38B 53 1 343 114 209 241 355 91 131 4B 46 33 1 207 111 66 32 36 100 Bl 619 132 1970 1960 3 917 3 12B ... . .. '414 278 3B7 . .. 439 . .. ... . .. 490 . .. ... . .. 419 ... ... . .. 290 . .. 70 2B ... ... 3B4 . .. 166 . .. ... ... ... . .. ... . .. 44B 455 ... . .. 2 042 1 502 36 1B ... . .. 2 029 1 315 . .. . .. ... ... ... . .. 362 . .. ... ... 62 B5 ... ... 57 ... . .. . .. 79 67 . .. . .. 159 ... ... ... 206 . .. ... ... . .. . .. 34 72 16B 161 •3B2 2B6 3DB . .. 36 49 ... ... 74 ... 67 B1 '406 ... 65 . .. ... . .. 83 . .. 139 ... 199 ... ... ... ... . .. . .. . .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... B5 . .. 101 101 . .. . .. 26 28 130 57 54 41 44B ... 112 107 NOTE: In Alaska, the county equivalents are the organized boroughs together with. the "census areas" which were developed for general statistical purposes by the State of Alaska and the Census Bureau. 1THE STATE. The boundaries of most county equiva- lents do not correspond to those of 1970--approximate 1970 populations for the areas as presently constituted are shown in the footnotes. A number of municipalites returned as unincorporated places in 1970 have corporate limits which differ from those assigned in 1970; therefore the 1970 populations shown in the footnotes may differ from those published in the 1970 volumes. 2ALEUTIAN ISLANDS CENSUS AREA. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Aleutian Islands Census Area was approximately 7 ,834. Akutan and St. Paul cities were incorporated (1970 population·s: 101 and 478, respectively). 3ANCHORAGE BOROUGH. Anchorage city was merged with the balance of Anchorage Census Division, including the cities of Basher, Girdwood, and Glen Alps (combined 1970 population: 126,385). Anchorage Borough is equivalent to the area returned in 1970 ~s Anchorage Census Division. • BETHEL CENSUS AREA. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Bethel Census Area was approximately 8,917. Annexations were made by Akolmiut, Chefornak, Goodnews Bay, and Tuluksak cities. The 1970 populations of the incorporating ALASKA 3-11 Table 4. Population of Borough and Census Area Subdivisions: 1960 to 1980-Con. ;j places were: Aniak (205), Chuathbaluk (100), Upper Kalskag (122), Akiachak (312), Akiak (184), Atmautluak (0), Chefornak (146), Eek (186), Goodnews Bay (218), Kwethluk (408), Napa- kiak (259), Napaskiak (188), Nightmute (127), Platnium (57), Quinhagak (340), Toksook Bay (257), Tuluksak (195), and Tununak (274). Newtok was incorporated in Bethel and Wade Hampton census areas (the 1970 population total was 114, all of which was in Bethel Census Area.) 5DILLINGHAM CENSUS AREA •. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Dillingham Census Area was approxi- mately 3,872. The 1970 populations of the incorporating cities were: Aleknagik (215), Clarks Point (95), Ekwok (103), Mano- kotak (214), Newhalen (88), New Stuyahok (216), Nondalton (184), and Port Heiden (75). 6FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH. Wainwright reservation was added to the former Fairbanks North Star Borough to form the Fairbanks North Star census subarea (combined 1970 popu- lation: 39,715). The 1970 population of the Eielsoo Reser- vation census subarea was 6,149. The two subareas form the new Fairbanks North Star Borough. Annexations were made by Fairbanks and North Pole cities. 7HAINES BOROUGH. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Haines Borough was approximately 1,401. Annexations were made by Haines city. Port Chilkoot city was merged with Haines city (combined 1970 population: 633). 8JUNEAU BOROUGH. Juneau city was merged with the balance of Greater Juneau Borough including Douglas city (combined 1970 population: 13,556). 9KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Kenai Peninsula Borough was approximately 16,586. Annexations were made by Soldotna and Seward cities. 10KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH. Annexations were made by Ketchikan 4ity. 11KOBUK CENSUS AREA. The 1970 population fof the area now comprising the Kobuk Census Area was approximately 4,048. Annexations were made by Kotzebue city. The I970 populations of the incorporating cities were: Ambler (176), Deering f85) and Kobuk (165). 2KODIAK ISLAND BUROUGH. Annexations were made by Kodiak city. Akhiok and larsen Bay cities were incorporated (1970 populations: 115 and 126, respectively). . 13MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH. Long Island city and Bay City city were disincorporated. Wasilla city was incorporated (1970 population: 376). Annexations were made by Houston, Palmer, and Wasilla cities. Area was detached by Was ill a city. 14NOME CENSUS AREA. Detachments were made by Shish- maref city. The 1970 populations of the incorporating places were: Diomede (34), Elim (174), Golovin (117), Koyuk (122), and Unalakleet (470). Shaktoolik city was returned as Shak- tolik in 1970. 15NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the North Slope Borough was approximately 3,451. Nuiqsut and Kaktovik cities were incorporated (1970 populations: 0 and 123, respectively). 16 PRINCE OF WALES-OUTER KETCHIKAN CENSUS AREA. The 1970 population for the area now comprisiny the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area was approximately 3,782. Annexations were made by Craig city. Kasaan city was incorporated (1970 population: 30). 17siTKA BOROUGH. The 1970 population for the area now comprising Sitka Borough was approximately 6,073. Sitka city was merged with Sitka Census Division, which was redefined since 1970. Port Alexander city was transferred to Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area. 18sKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOON CENSUS AREA. The 1970 popu- lation for the area now compr1s1ng Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area was approximately 2,792. Annexations were made by Angoon, Yakutat, and Skagway cities. Tenakee Springs city was incorQorated (1970 population: 93). 19SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS CENSUS AREA. The 1970 popu- lation for the area now comprising Southeast fairbanks Census Area was approximately 4,308. Annexations were made by Delta Junction city. Donnelly city was disin~orporated. 20VALDEZ-CORDOVA CENSUS AREA. , The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Valdez-Cordova Census Area was approximately 4;977. Annexations were made by Cordova, Valdez, and Whittier cities. . 21WADE HAMPTON. CENSUS AREA. The 1970 pdpul at ions of the incorporating cities were: Fortuna ledge (176), Kotlik (228), Russian Mission (147), and Sheldon Point (125). Newtok incorporated in Bethel and Wade Hampton census areas; the portion in Wade Hampton Census Area was unpopulated in 1970. Emmonak city was returned as Emanguk in 1970. 22WRANGELL-PETERSBURG CENSUS AREA. The 1970 popu- 1 at ion for the area now comprising the Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area was approximately 4,920. Annexations were made by Kake, Petersburg, and Wrangell cities. Kupreanof citY was incorporated (1970 population: 36). Port Alexander city was transferred from the Sitka Census Division. 3-12 ALASKA 23YUKON-KOYUKUK CENSUS AREA. The 1970 population for the area now comprising the Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area was approximately 7 ,045. Annexations were made by Anderson city. The 1970 populations of the incorporating places were: Allakaket (174), Galena (581), Hughes (85), Koyukuk (114), Ruby (147), McGrath (279), Nikolai (112), and Shageluk (167). _.f:, NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 5. Population of Places: 1960 to 1980 [Far changes in boundaries of incorporated places since 1970, see table 4. Far meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Incorporated Places Census Designated Places Boroughs or Census Areas Adak Station (COP) -------"------Aleutian Islands------------- Akhiok city --------------------Kodiak Island ______________ _ Akiachak city-------------------Bethel-------------------- Akiak city ---------------------Bethel-------------------- Akolmiut city-------------------Bethel-------------------- Akutan city --------------------Aleutian Islands-------------Alakanuk city ___________________ Wade Hampton------------- Aleknagik city------------------Dillingham----------------- Allakaket city ------------------Yukon-Koyukuk_ ___________ _ Ambler city ---"-----·-----------Kobuk-------------------- Anaktuvuk Pass city ______________ North Slope _______________ _ Anchorage citv------------------Anchorage----------------- Urban part_______________ ------------------------ Anchor Point (CDP) --------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Anderson city ------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Angoon city--------------------Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Aniak city ---------------------Bethel-------------------- Annette (CDP) ------------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch-ikan ____________________ _ Anvik city ---------------------Yukon-Koyukuk------------- Arctic Village (CDP) --------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Atka (COP) --------------------Aleutian Islands------------- Atkasook (COP)-----------------North Slope---------------- Atmautluak city-----------------Bethel ___________________ _ Attu (CDP>---------------------Aleutian Islands------------- Barrow city--------------------North Slope _______________ _ Beaver (CDP) -------------------Yukon-Koyukuk_ ___________ _ 1 Bethel city---------------------Bethel -------------------- Big Delta (COP) -----------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ ---llig Hom (COP) -----------------Fairbanks North Stor --------- fi Big loke (CDP) -----------------Matanuska-Susitno ---------- Birch Creek (COP) ---------------Yukon-Koyukuk------------- Bodenburg Butte (COP) -----------Matanuska-Susitna ---------- Brevig Mission city --------------Nome -------------------- Buckland city-------------------Kobuk-------------------- Campion Station (CDP>------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Cantwell (CDP) ------------------Yukon-Koyukuk-------------Cope lisburne (CDP) ______________ North Slope _______________ _ Cape Newenham (COP) -----------Bethel -------------------- Cope Pole (CDP) ----------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch-ikan ____________________ _ Central (CDP>-------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Chalkyitsik (COP)----------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Chefornak city------------------Bethel -------------------- Chevak city--------------------Wade Hampton ------------- Chicken (CDP) ------------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Chignik (CDP>-------------------Dillingham----------------- Chignik lagoon (CDP) -------------Dillingham----------------- Chignik loke (CDP>---------------Dillingham----------------- Chistochino (CDP>----------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Chitina (CDP) -------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Chuathbaluk city ----------------Bethel ___________________ _ Orcle (COP)--------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Clam Gulch (CDP) ---------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Clark's Point city----------------Dillingham----------------- Clover Pass (COP) ---------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Coffman Cove.(CDP) -------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan ______ --------___ ---- Cold Bay (COP) -----------------Aleutian Islands------------- College (CDPl-------------------Fairbanks North Star--------- Cooper landing (COP) ------------Keni:Ji Peninsula ------------- Capper Center (COP) -------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Cordova city -------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Craig city ______________________ Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan ____________________ _ Croaked Creek (CDP) -------------Bethel -------------------- Deadhorse (CDP) ----------------North Slape---------------- Deering city--------------------Kobuk-------------------- Delta Junction city---------------Southeast Foirbonks _________ _ Dillingham city------------------Dillingham----------------- Diomede city-------------------Nome -------------------- Dot loke (CDP) -----------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Dunbar (COP) ------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Eagle city ---------------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Eagle Village (CDP) --------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Eek city-----------------------Bethel-------------------- Egegik (CDP) -------------------Dillingham ----------------- Eielson AFB (COP) ---------------Fairbanks North Star--------- Ekwok city _____________________ Dillingham----------------- EI~n ~ove (CDP) ----------------S~agway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Ehm c1ty ----------------------Nome -------------------- Emmonak city ------------------Wade Hampton------------- English Bay (COP) ---------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Ester (COP) --------------------Fairbanks North Star --------- Evansville (COP)-----------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Eyak (CDP) --------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Fairbanks city ------------------Fairbanks North Star--------- False Pass (COP) ----------------Aleutian Islands------------- Fort Greely (CDP>----------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Fortuna ledge city---------------Wade Hampton------------- Fort Yukon city-----------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Fox (COP) ---------------------Fairbanks North Star --------- Fritz Creek (COP)----------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Gakona (CDP) ------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Galena city --------------------Yukon-Koyukuk_ ___________ _ Gambell city -------------------Nome --------------------Glennallen (COP) ----------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ NUMBER OF INHABITANTS 19BO 3 315 105 438 198 641 169 522 154 163 192 203 174 431 170 247 226 517 465 341 139 114 111 93 107 219 29 2 207 66 3 576 285 360 410 32 9BB 13B 177 62 B9 36 43 29 36 100 230 466 37 17B 48 138 55 42 105 Bl 50 79 451 193 228 4 043 116 213 1 879 527 108 64 150 945 1 563 139 67 50 110 54 22B 75 5 232 77 28 211 567 124 149 94 47 22 645 70 1 635 262 619 123 302 87 765 445 511 1970 2 249 ... ... ... 526 ... '414 ... ... ... 99 '48 081 ... 102 362 400 ... 195 83 85 BS ... ... ... 2 104 101 2 416 ... 36 ... ... 123 104 ... 62 B3 ... 123 26 130 ... 387 ... 83 ... 117 33 38 ... 54 47 ... 261 ... 256 3 434 31 206 1 164 272 59 163 ... 703 914 ... 42 36 ... ... 148 6 149 ... 49 ... 439 58 264 57 14 771 62 •. 1 820 ... 44B ... 27 BS ... 372 363 1960 ... ... ... ... ... 27B ... ... ... INA) 44 237 ... 171 ... ... ... 337 ... 119 ... ... ... 101 1 258 ... 74 ... ... ... ... 85 ... ... 92 28 57 ... ... 99 107 2B 31 ... 41 ... ... 169 86 1 755 BS 151 1 12B 273 92 ... ... ... ... ... 56 92 ... ... 150 ... ... ... ... 78 81 ... 13 311 41 ... ... ... ... 33 ... 169 Incorporated Places Census Designated Places Boroughs or Census Areas Golovin city--------------------Nome -------------------- Goodnews Bay city--------------Bethel-------------------- Grayling city -------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Gulkano (COP)------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Gustavu~ (COP) -----------------Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Ha1nes c1ty --------------------Homes-------------------- Halibut Cove (CDP) --------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Harding lake (COP) --------------Fairbanks North Stor --------- Healy (COP)--------------------Yukon-Koyukuk------------- Healy lake (CDP) ----------------Southeast Fairbanks---------- Herring Cove (COP) --------------Ketchikan Gateway ----------Holy Cross city _________ : _______ Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Homer city --------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Hoonah city--------------------Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Hooper Bay city _________________ Wade Hampton------------- Hope (COP)--------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Houston city -------------------Matanusko-Susitna ---------- Hughes city--------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Huslia city---------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Hydaburg city ------------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan __ ------------------- Hyder (COP) -------------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan ______ --------------_ Igiugig (COP)-------------------Dillingham----------------- Iliamna (COP) ------------------Dillingham ----------------- Indian Mountain (COP)------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ lvanof Bay (CDP) ----------------Dillingham----------------- Jakolof Bay (COP) ---------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Juneau city --------------------Juneau ------------------- Kachemak city------------------Kenai Peninsula -------------Kake city ______________________ Wrangell-Petersburg --------- Kaktovik city-------------------North Slope _______________ _ Kalifonsky (CDP) ----------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Kaltag city---------------------Yukon-Koyukuk------------- Karluk (COP) -------------------Kodiak Island_ _____________ _ Kasaan city--------------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan ______ ------------__ _ Kasilof (CDP) -------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Kenai city ---------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Ketchikan city ------------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Ketchikan East (CDP) -------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Kiana city ---------------------Kobuk-------------------- King Cave city------------------Aleutian Islands------------- King Salmon (CDP>---------------Bristol Bay ---------------- Kipnuk (CDP) -------------------Bethel-------------------- Kivalina city ____________________ Kobuk-------------------- Klawock city -------------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan ______ --------------- Kiukwan (CDPl------------------Skogway-Yokutat-Angoon ____ _ Kobuk city---------------------Kobuk-------------------- Kodiak city --------------------Kodiak Island ______________ _ Kodiak Station (COP)-------------Kodiak Island ______________ _ Kokhanok (CDP>-----------------Dillingham----------------- Koliganek (CDP) -----------------Dillingham----------------- Kongiganak (COP) ---------------Bethel-------------------- Kotlik city---------------------Wade Hampton------------- Kotzebue city ------------------Kobuk-------------------- Koyuk city---------------------Nome -------------------- Koyukuk city-------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Kupreanof city------------------Wrangell-Petersburg --------- Kwethluk city ___________________ Bethel-------------------- Kwigillingok (COP) ---------------Bethel ___________________ _ larsen Bay city-----------------Kodiak Island--------------- levelock (CDP>------------------Dillingham----------------- lime Village (COP)---------------Bethel-------------------- lower Kalskag city _______________ Bethel-------------------- lower Tonsina (COP) -------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ McGrath city-------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ McKinley Park (COP) -------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Manley Hot Springs (CDP) ---------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Manokotak city-----------------Dillingham----------------- Mekoryuk city------------------Bethel-------------------- Mentasta lake (CDP) -------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Metlakatla (CDP) ----------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch-ikon ______________ ------- Meyers Chuck (COP) -------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch- ikan _____ ---------------- Minto (COP) -------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Montana (COP) -----------------Matanuska-Susitna ---------- Moose Creek (CDP) --------------Fairbanks North Star--------- Moose Pass (COP)---------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Mountain Point (CDP>-------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Mountain Village city-------------Wade Hampton------------- Murphy Dome (CDP) -------------Fairbanks North Star--------- Naknek (COP) ------------------Bristol Bay ----------------Napakiak city ------------------Bethel ___________________ _ Napaskiak city------------------Bethel-------------------- Nelson lagoon (CDP) -------------Aleutian Islands------------- Nenana city--------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Newhalen city ------------------Dillingham----------------- New Stuyahok city _______________ Dillingham----------------- Newtok city--------------------Total ________________ _ Bethel (pt. in) ~------------­ Wade Hampton (pt. in) ------- Nightmute city------------------Bethel ___________________ _ Nikishka (COP)------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Nikolai city --------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ 1980 1970 1960 B7 ... ... 168 ... ... 209 139 ... 104 53 ... 98 64 107 993 463 392 47 44 25 38 ... .. . 334 79 67 33 ... ... 99 114 126 241 199 ... 2 209 1 OB3 ... 680 748 686 627 490 ... 103 51 44 370 69 ... 73 ... ... 18B 159 ... 298 214 251 77 49 32 33 36 36 94 5B 47 27 ... ... 40 4B ... 36 ... ... 19 52B 6 050 6 797 403 76 ... 555 448 455 165 ... ... 92 ... .. . 247 206 96 9B 129 25 ... ... 201 71 89 4 324 3 533 ... 7 198 6 994 6 483 387 ... ... 345 27B 460 283 290 545 202 227 3'71 325 221 241 188 ... 31B 213 251 135 103 112 62 ... ... 4 756 3 798 2 628 1 370 3 052 ... B3 BB 57 117 142 100 239 190 ... 293 ... ... 2 054 1 696 (NA) 18B ... .. . 98 ... ... 47 ... ... 454 ... ... 354 14B 334 16B ... ... 79 74 BS 4B 25 ... 246 1B3 ... 40 ... .. . 355 ... ... 32 ... ... 61 34 72 294 ... .. . 160 249 ... 59 68 ... 1 056 1 050 79B 50 37 27 153 168 161 40 33 39 510 ... ... 76 53 136 396 459 372 5B3 419 ... 72 ... ... 318 •318 249 262 ... ... 244 ... ... 59 43 ... 470 •3B2 286 B7 ... ... 331 ... .. . 131 ... ... 131 ... ... -... ... 119 ... ... 1 109 ... ... 91 ... ... ALASU 3-13 Table 5. Population of Places: 1960 to 1980-Con. [For changes in boundaries of incorporated places since 1970, see table 4. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction) Incorporated Places Census Designated Places Boroughs or Census Areas Nikolski (CDP) ------------------Aleutian Islands------------- Ninilchik (COP)------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Noatak (COP) ------------------Kobuk-------------------- Nome city---------------------Nome -------------------- Nondalton city------------------Dillingham----------------- Noorvik city--------------------Kobuk--------------------North Pole city __________________ Fairbanks North Star --------- North Tangoss Highway (COP) ------Ketchikan Gotewoy ---------- Northway (CDPl-----------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Northway Village (COP) -----------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ North Whale Pass (COP) ___________ Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch· ikon ____________________ _ Nuiqsut city--------------------North Slope---------------- Nulato city --------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Old Harbor city-----------------Kodiak Island ______________ _ Oscorville (COP)-----------------Bethel ___________________ _ Ouzinkie city-------------------Kodiak Island--------------- Palmer city --------------------Motanusko-Susitno ---------- Paxson (COP) ------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Pedro Bay (COP) ----------------Dillingham----------------- Pelican city --------------------Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Pennock Island (COP)-------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Perkinsville (COP)----------------Nome -------------------- Perryville (COP) -----------------Dillingham----------------- Petersburg citv------------------Wrangell-Petersburg --------- Pilot Point (COP) ----------------Dillingham ----------------- Pilot Station city ----------------Wade Hampton ------------- Pitkas Paint (COP) ---------------Wade Hampton ------------- Platinum city -------------------Bethel -------------------- Paint Baker (COP) ---------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch-ikan ____________________ _ Point Hope city-----------------North Slope _______________ _ Point lay (COP) -----------------North Slape---------------- Portage Creek (COP) -------------Dillingham ----------------- Port Alexander city --------------Wrangell-Petersburg --------- Part Oarence (COP) --------------Name -------------------- Part Graham (COP) --------------Kenai Peninsula ________ c ___ _ Port Heiden city-----------------Dillingham----------------- Port lions city------------------Kodiak Island_ _____________ _ Portlock (COP)------------------Kenai Peninsula -------------Prudhoe Bay (CDP) --------------North Slope _______________ _ Quinhagak city __________________ Bethel ___________________ _ Rampart (COP>------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Red Devil (COP) -----------------Bethel -------------------- Ruby city----------------------Yukon-Koyukuk_ ___________ _ Russian Mission city ______________ Wade Hampton------------- St. George (COP)----------------Aleutian Islands------------- St. Mary's city-----------------Wade Hampton------------- St. Michael city-----------------Name -------------------- St. Paul city -------------------Aleutian Islands------------- Salamatof (COP) ----------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Salcha (COP) -------------------Fairbanks North Star --------- Sand Point city -----------------A~utian Islands------------- Savoonga city------------------Nome -------------------- Saxman city -------------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Saxman East (COP) --------------Ketchikan Gateway ---------- Scammon Bay city---------------Wade Hampton ------------- Selawik city--------------------Kobuk-------------------- Seldovia city -------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Seward city--------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Shageluk city-------------------Yukon-Koyukuk------------- Shaktoolik city------------------Name -------------------- Sheldon Point city ---------------Wade Hampton------------- Shemya Station (COP)------------Aleutian Islands------------- Shishmaref city -----------------Name -------------------- Shungnak city ------------------Kobuk-------------------- Sitka city----------------------Sitka---------------------Skagway city ___________________ Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ ~~;:'m~~~P/C!iP)-================ ~~:~~f~~~~~~============= Soldotna city-------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- South Naknek (CDP) -------------Bristol Bay ---------------- Sparrevohn Station (COP)----------Bethel -------------------- Stebbins city ______ :: ____________ Nome -------------------- Sterling (COP) ------------------Kenai Peninsula -------------Stevens Village (COP) _____________ Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Stony River (COP) ---------------Bethel-------------------- Suntrana (COP) -----------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Sutton (COP) -------------------Matanuska-Susitna ---------- Takotna (COP)------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Talkeetna (COP)-----------------Matanuska-Susitna ---------- Tanacross (COP) ----------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Tanana city--------------------Yukon-Koyukuk_ ___________ _ Tatalina Station (COP)------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Tatitlek (COP) ------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ T azlina (COP)-------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Telida (COP) ____________________ Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Teller city ---------------------Name -------------------- Tenakee Springs city -------------Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ Tetlin (COP)--------------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Thome Bay (COP) ---------------Prince of Wales-Outer Ketch-ikon ____________________ _ Togiak city --------------------Dillingham----------------- Tok (COP) ---------------------Southeast Fairbanks _________ _ Toksook Bay city----------------Bethel ___________________ _ Tonsina (COP) ------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Tuluksak city-------------------Bethel ___________________ _ 3-14 ALASKA 19BO 50 341 273 2 301 173 492 724 1 722 73 112 90 208 350 340 56 173 2 141 30 33 lBO 90 33 111 2 821 66 325 88 55 90 464 68 48 86 29 161 92 215 31 50 412 50 39 197 169 158 3B2 239 551 334 319 625 491 273 411 250 361 479 1 843 131 164 103 600 394 202 7 803 768 49 107 2 320 145 26 331 919. 96 62 56 1B2 48 264 117 38B 46 68 31 33 212 13B 107 320 470 5B9 333 135 236 1970 57 134 293 '2 357 ... 462 265 ... 40 ... ... ... 308 290 41 160 1 140 ... 65 133 78 ... 94 2 042 6B 290 70 ... ... 3B6 ... ... 36 ... 107 ... 227 ... 49 ... 36 Bl ... ... 163 384 207 ... ... ... 360 364 135 ... 166 429 437 1 5B7 ... 151 ... 1 131 267 165 3 370 675 ... 109 1 202 154 ... 231 30 74 74 67 76 ... 1B2 84 '406 ... 111 ... ... 220 ... 114 443 3B3 214 ... ... ... 1960 92 169 275 2 316 ... ... 358 ... 196 ... ... ... -... ... 51 ... 1 lBl ... 53 135 ... ... 111 1 502 61 ... 2B ... ... ... ... ... lB ... 139 ... ... ... ... ... 49 152 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 460 1 891 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 237 659 ... 122 ... 142 ... ... 115 ... ... Bl 162 ... 76 102 ... ... 96 ... ... ... ... 122 ... ... 129 ... ... ... Incorporated Places Census Designated Places Boroughs or Census Areas Tuntutuliak (COP)----------------Bethel-------------------- Tununak city -------------------Bethel-------------------- Twin Hills (COP)-----------------Dillingham ----------------- Two Rivers (CDP) ----------------Fairbanks North Star--------- Tyonek (COP>-------------------Kenai Peninsula ------------- Unalakleet city------------------Nome -------------------- Unalaska city-------------------Aleutian Islands ... ___________ _ Upper Kalskag city _______________ Bethel ___________________ _ Usibelli Mine (COP) --------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Valdez city --------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Venetie (COP) ------------------Yukon-Koyukuk ____________ _ Wainwright city-----------------North Slope---------------- Wales city---------------------Nome -------------------- Wasilla city--------------------Motonuska--Susitna ---------- White Mountain city -------------Nome -------------------- Whittier city -------------------Valdez-Cordova ____________ _ Willow (COP)-------------------Matanuska-Susitna ---------- Wrangell city-------------------Wrangell-Petersburg ---------Yakutat city ____________________ Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ____ _ . ' 1980 1970 1960 216 15B 144 298 ... ... 70 67 ... 359 ... 239 232 187 623 ... .. . 1 322 '342 21B 129 ... . 53 65 ... 3 079 1 005 555 132 112 107 405 315 ... 133 131 ... 1 559 ... 125 B7 ... 19B 130 ... 139 3B 78 2 184 2 029 1 315 449 190 230 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 6. Rank and Population of Incorporated Places of 5,000 or More in 1980: 1980 and 1970 [For changes in boundaries of incorporated places since 1970, see table 4. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Incorporated Places Boroughs or Census Areas Anchorage city------------------Anchorage----------------- Fairbanks citv-------------------Fairbanks North Stor --------- Juneou citv---------------------Juneau-------------------- Sitka dty ----------------------Sitko --------------------- Ketchikan dty -----------~-------Ketchikan Gateway----------- Table 7. Population by Size of ·Place: 1980 rank 1 2 3 4 5 Population 1980 1970 174 431 '48 081 22 645 14 771 19 528 6 050 7 803 3 370 7 198 6 994 1980 and 1970 [Portions of certain cities may be classified as rural, see appendix A for explanation. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] The State Urbanized Areas THE STATE Total ------------------------------------ Urban-------------------------------------- Inside urbanized areas __ ------------------------------ Centr<ll cities------------------------------------- Gties of-· · · 1,000,000 or more --------------------------- 500,000 Ia 1,000,000 ------------------------ 250,000 to 500,000 -------------------------- 100,000 to 250,000 -------------------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------------------- less than 50,000 ----------------------------- Urban fringe------------------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more-------------------------- 100,000 or more----------------------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------------------- 25,000 to 50,000 ---------------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 ---------------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------------------ Places of less thon 2,500------------------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ------------------------------ .1,500 to 2,000------------------------------ 1,000 to 1.500 ------------------------------ less thon 1,000------------------------------ Other urban ----------------------------------- Outside urbanized areas ------------------------------ Places of- 25,000 or more------------------------------ ~~Oggot~016~oggo_=======================:==== 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------------------ Rural -------------------------------------- Places of 1.000 to 2,500----------------------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------------------- 1,500 to 2,000---------------------------------- 1,000 to 1,500 ---------------------------------- Places of Jess thon 1,000----------------------------- Other rural ---------------------------------------- URBANIZED AREAS Total ------------------------------------Areas of-· 1,000,000 or more ------------------------------- 500,000 to 1,000,000 ---------------------------- 250,000 to 500,000 ------------------------------ 100,000 to 250,000------------------------------ less than 100,000-------------------------------- NUMBER OF INHABITANTS - Places 294 13 1 1 --- 1 - - - - --- - ---- - --... 12 - 2 3 7 281 .17 7 6 4 264 ... 1 -- - 1 - 1980 Percent of total Population population - 401 851 100.0 258 567 64.3 170 247 42.4 170 247 42.4 -- -- " - 170 247 42.4 -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- --- --- -- 88 320 22.0 - - 42 173 10.5 20 233 5.0 25 914 6.4 143 284 35.7 30 474 7.6 . 15 416 3.8 10 201 2.5 4 857 1.2 57 835 14.4 54 975 13.7 170 247 42.4 -- - --- 170 247 42.4 -- 1970 Percent distribution Places Population ... 113 '302 583 100.0 15 171 030 65.8 5 110 782 65.8 1 48 029 --- --- --- 65.8 ----- -1 48 029 -4 62 753 -4 37 235 --- --- --- -1 18 089 -2 14 978 -1 4 168 --- --- --- ---- ---... 25 518 34.2 10 60 248 --- 16.3 1 14 771 7.8 4 28 290 10.0 5 17 187 100.0 98 129 352 21.3 24 37 853 10.8 7 15 765 7.1 4 6 918 3.4 13 15 170 40.4 74 19 598 38.4 ... 71 901 100.0 I 110 782 - -- ---. --- 100.0 1 110 782 --- Percent of total Percent population distribution 100.0 . .. 56.9 100.0 36.9 64.8 16.0 28.1 -- -- -- --- - 16.0 28.1 20.9 36.7 12.4 21.8 --- --- 6.0 10.6 5.0 8.8 1.4 2.4 --- -- -- --- 8.5 14.9 20.1 35.2 - - 4.9 8.6 9.4 16.5 5.7 10.0 43.1 100.0 12.6 29.3 5.2 12.2 2.3 5.3 5.1 11.7 6.5 15.2 23.9 55.6 36.9 100.0 -- -- -- 36.9 100.0 - - ALASKA 3-15 Table 8. Population by Urban and Rural Residence: 1929 to 1980 (Portions of certain cities may be classified as rural, see appendix A for explanation. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Size of Place NUMBER OF PLACES Urban--------------------------------------------- - - - - - Places of 2,500 or more------------------------------------ 1,000,000 or more ------------------------------------- 500,000 to 1,000,000 ----------------------------------- 250,000 to 500,000 ------------------------------------- 100,000 to 250,000 ------------------------------------ 50.000 to 100,000 -------------------------------------- 25,000 to 50,000 -------------------------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 --------------------"----------------- 5,000 to 10,000 --------------------------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ---------------------------------------- Places of less than 2,500----------------------------------- Rural ------------------------------------------ Places of 1,000 to 2,500----------------------------------- Piaces of less than 1,000 ----------------------------------- Cumulative summary: Places of- - - - - 1,000,000 or more ------------------------------------ 500,000 or mare-------------------------------------- 250,000 or more-------------------------------------- 100,000 or more ------------------------------------- 50,000 or more--------------------------------------- 25,000 or more--------------------------------------- 10,000 or more--------------------------------------- 5,000 or more---------------------------------------- 2,500 or more---------------------------------------- POPULATION Urban------------------------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more------------------------------------- 1,000,000 or more -------------------------------------- 500,000 to 1,000,000 ----------------------------------- 250,000 to 500,000------------------------------------- 100,000 to 250,000 ------------------------------------- 50,000 to 100,000 -------------------------------------- 25,000 to 50,000 --------------------------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 --------------------------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ---------------------------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ----------------------------------------- Places of less than 2,500------------------------------------ Other urban ---------------------------------------------- Roral ------------------------------------------- Places of 1,000 to 2,500------------------------------------ Places of less than 1,000------------------------------------ Other rural --------------------------------_______ -------- PEiiCENT OF TOTAL POPULATION Urban------------------------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more------------------------------------- 1,000,000 or more -------------------------------------- 500,000 to 1,000,000 ----------------------------------- 250,000 to 500,000 ------------------------------------- 100,000 to 250,000 ------------------------------------- 50,000 to 100,000 -------------------------------------- 25,000 to 50,000 --------------------------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 --------------------------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ---------------------------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ----------------------------------------- Places of less than 2,500------------------------------------ Other urban ---------------------------------------------- Rural ------------------------------------------- Places of 1,000 to 2,500------------------------------------ Places of less than 1,000------------------------------------ Other rural ----------------------------------------------- 3-16 ALASKA 1980 13 13 -- - 1 -- 2 3 7 - 281 17 264 --- 1 1 1 3 6 13 258 567 258 567 -- - 170 247 -- 42 173 20 233 25 914 - - 143 284 30 474 57 835 54 975 64.3 64.3 -.- - 42.4 -- 10.5 5.0 6.4 -- 35.7 7.6 14.4 13.7 1970 1960 15 7 15 7 ------ ---- 1 1 2 1 6 3 6 2 -- 98 34 24 16 74 18 ------ ---- 1 1 3 2 9 5 15 7 171 030 85 767 145 512 85 767 ---- -- -- -- 48 029 44 237 32 860 13 311 43 268 22 354 21 355 5 865 -- 25 518 - 129 352 140 400 37 853 23 954 19 598 5 986 71 901 110 460 56.9 37.9 48.4 37.9 ---- ---- -- 16.0 19.6 10.9 5.9 14.4 9.9 7.1 2.6 -- 8.5 - 43.1 62.1 12.6 10.6 6.5 2.6 23.9 48.8 1950 Current urban Previous urban definition definition 1939 1929 6 6 4 2 6 6 4 2 ---- -------------------- 1 1 -- 3 3 1 - 2 2 3 2 -... . .. ... 25 .25 16 16 9 9 4 5 16 . 16 12 11 ---- ---- -------- -------- 1 1 -- 4 4 1 - 6 6 4 2 34 262 34 262 17 374 7 139 34 262 34 262 17 374 7 839 ---- ---- ---------------- 11 254 11 254 -- 17 032 17 032 5 729 - 5 976 -5 976 11 645 7 839 -... . .. ... -... . .. ... 94 381 94 311 55 150 51 439 14 987 14 987 6 031 7 899 5 612 5 612 5 628 5 424 73 782 73 782 43 491 38 116 26.6 26.6 24.0 13.2 26.6 26.6 24.0 13.2 -------- ---------------- 8.7 8.7 -- 13.2 13.2 7.9 - 4.6 4.6 16.1 13.2 -... ... ... -... ... .. . 73.4 73.4 76.0 86.8 11.7 11.7 8.3 13.3 4.4 4.4 7.8 9.2 57.4 57.4 60.0 64.3 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 9. Population Residence: Inside and Outside Standard 1980 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Urban and Rural [Portions of certain cities may be classified as rural, see appendix A for explanation. Place partly outsid.e on SMSA is counted where larger part of population is located; population, however, is tabulated where located. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's THE STATE Total------------------------- Urban -------------------------- Inside urbanized areas-------------------- Central cities--------------------~---- G~es of-1,000,000 or more _______________ _ 500,000 to 1,000,000------------- 250,000 to 500,000 -------------- 100,000 to 250,000 -------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------- less than 50,000 ----------------- Urban fringe ------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more-------------- 100,000 or more ----------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------- 25,000 to 50,000 ---------------- 10,000 to 25.000 ---------------- 5.000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ Places of less than 2,500 ------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ------------------ 1,500 to 2,000 ------------------ 1,000 to 1,500 ------------------ less than 1,000 -------------~----Other urban _______________________ _ Outside urbanized areas __________________ _ Places of- 25,000 or more ------------------ 10,000 to 25,000 ---------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ Rural __________________________ _ Places of 1.000 to 2,500 -------------·--- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 1,500 to 2,000 ---------------------- 1,000 to 1,500 ---------------------- Places of less than 1,000 ----------------- Other rural ---------------------------- INSIDE SMSA's Totol------------------------- Urban-------------------------- Inside urbanized areas-------------------- Central cities ------------------------- Gties of- 1,000,000 or more---------------- 500,000 to 1,000,000------------- 250,000 to 500,000 -------------- 100,000 to 250,000 -------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------- less than 50,000 ----------------- Urban fringe ------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more-------------- 100,000 or more ----------------- 50,000 to 100,000 --------------- 25,000 to 50,000 ---------------- 10,000 to 25,000 ---------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ Places of less than 2,500 ------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ------------------ 1,500 to 2,000 ------------------ 1,000 to 1,500 ------------------ less than 1,000 ------------------Other urban _______________________ _ Outside urbanized areas------------------- Places of- 25,000 or more ------------------ 10,000 to 25,000 ---------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ Rural __________________________ _ Places of 1,000 to 2,500 ----------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 1,500 to 2,000 ---------------------- 1.000 to 1,500 ---------------------- Places of less than 1,000 ----------------- Other rural ---------------------------- NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Total population 401 851 258 567 170 247 170 247 170 247 88 320 42 173 20 233 25 914 143 284 3Q 474 15 416 10 201 4 857 57 835 54 975 174 431 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 4 184 4 184 Total Number Population 294 13 1 1 12 2 3 7 281 17 7 6 4 264 351 060 258 567 170 247 170 247 170 247 88 320 42 173 20 233 25 914 92 493 30 474 15 416 10 201 4 857 57 835 4 184 174 431 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 4 184 4 184 Total Number Population 143 10 1 1 2 2 5 133 12 7 4 1 121 310 336 245 977 170 247 170 247 170 247 75 730 42 173 15 001 18 556 64 359 23 582 15 416 6 844 1 322 36 593 4 184 174 431 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 4 184 4 184 Inside places Incorporated places Central cities of SMSA's Number Population 174 431 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 4 184 4 184 174 431 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 4 184 4 184 Other Number Population 142 9 133 12 7 4 1 121 135 905 75 730 75 730 42 173 15 001 18 556 60 175 23 582 15 416 6 844 1 322 36 593 Census designated places Number 151 148 5 2 3 143 Population 40 724 12 590 12 590 5 232 7 358 28 134 6892 3 357 3 535 21 242 Outside places 50 791 50 791 so 791 ALASKA 3-17 Table 9. Population Residence: Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan 1980-Con. Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Urban and Rural [Portions of certain cities may be classified as rural, see appendix A for explanation. Place partly outside an SM~A is counted where larger part of population is located; population, however, is tabulated where located. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's OUTSIDE SMSA's Total ________________________ _ Urban-------------------------- Inside urbanized areas-------------------- Central cities------------------------- Cities of-1,000.000 or more _______________ _ 500,000 to 1,000,000 ____________ _ 250.000 to 500.000 -------------- 100.000 to 250.000 -------------- 50.000 to 100.000 --------------- less than 50,000 ----------------- Urban fringe ------------------------- Places of 2,500 or more-------------- 100.000 or more ----------------- 50.000 to 100,000 --------------- 25.000 to 50,000 ---------------- 10,000 to 25.000 ---------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ Places of less than 2,500 ------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ------------------ 1,500 to 2,000 ------------------ 1.000 to 1,500 ------------------ less thon 1,000 ------------------ Other urban------------------------ Outside urbanized areos------------------- Piaces of- 25.000 or more ------------------ 10,000 to 25.000 ---------------- 5,000 to 10,000 ----------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ------------------ RuraL_------------------------- Places of 1.000 to 2,500 ----------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 1,500 to 2.000 ---------------------- 1,000 to 1,500 ---------------------- Places of less thon 1,000 ----------------- Other rural ---------------------------- 3-18 ALASKA Total population 227 420 88 320 88 320 42 173 20 233 25 914 139 100 30 474 15 416 10 201 4 857 57 835 50 791 Total Number Population 293 12 12 2 3 7 281 17 7 6 4 264 176 629 88 320 88 320 42 173 20 233 25 914 88 309 30 474 15 416 10 201 4 857 57 835 Total Number Population 142 133 12 7 4 1 121 135 90S; 75 730 75 730 42 173 15 001 18 556 60 17S 23 582 15 416 . 6 844 1 322 36 593 Inside places Incorporated places Central cities of SMSA's Number Population Other Number Population 142 133 12 7 4 1 121 13S 905 7S 730 75 730 42 173 15 001 18 556 60 17S 23 582 15 416 6844 1 322 36 593 Census designated places Number 1S1 148 5 2 3 143 Population 40 724 12 590 12 590 5 232 7 358 28 134 6 892 3 357 3 535 21 242 Outside places so 791 so 791 50 791 NUMBER OF INHABIT ANTS Table 100 Population Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Size of Place: 1980 The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's THE STATE Total _______________ ---------- Inside places--------------------- Places of-10000,000 or more ___________________ _ 500,000 to 1,000,000----------------- 250,000 to 500,000 ------------------ 100,000 to 250,000 ------------------ 500000 to 100,000 ------------------- 25.000 to 500000 -------------------- 10,000 to 250000 -------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 --------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ---------------------- 20000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 1.500 to 20000 ---------------------- 1,000 to 10500 ---------------------- 500 to 1,000------------------------200 to 500 _________________________ _ less thon 200------------------------ Cumulative summary: Places of-1,000,000 or more _________________ _ 500,000 or more ------------------- 2500000 or more ------------------- 1000000 or more ------------------- 50,000 or more -------------------- 25,000 or more -------------------- ·10,000 or more -------------------- 50000 or more --------------------- 20500 or more --------------------- 2,000 or more --------------------- 1,500 or more--------------------- 1,000 or more --------------------- 500 or more----------------------- 200 or more----------------------- Outside place•-------------------- INSIDE SMSA's Total------------------------- Inside places--------------------- Places of-10000,000 or more ___________________ _ 5000000 to 1,000,000----------------- 2500000 to 500,000 ------------------ 1000000 to 250,000 ------------------ 500000 to 100,000 ------------------- 25,000 to 50,000 -------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 -------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 --------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ---------------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 10500 to 2,000 ---------------------- 1,000 to 1,500 ---------------------- 500 to 10000 ------------------------ 200 to 500-------------------------- less than 200------------------------ Cumulative summary: Places of- 1,000,000 or more------------------ 500,000 or more ------------------- 250,000 or more ------------------- 100,000 or more ------------------- 50,000 or more -------------------- 25,000 or more -------------------- 10,000 or more -------------------- 5,000 or more --------------------- 2,500 or more --------------------- 2,000 or more --------------------- 10500 or more--------------------- 10000 or more --------------------- 500 or more----------------------- 200 or more----------------------- Outside place•-------------------- NUMBER OF INHABITANTS [Place portly outside an SMSA is counted where larger part of population is located; population, however, is tabulated where located. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Inside places Total Incorporated places Census designated places Total Central cities of SMSA' s Other Total Outside population Number Population Number Population Number Population Number Population Number Population places 401 851 294 351 060 143 310 336 1 174 431 142 135 905 151 40 724 50 791 351 060 294 351 060 143 310 336 1 174 431 142 135 905 151 40 724 000 - - - ------ - -ooo - - - ------ - -000 - -- - - --- - - -000 174 431 I 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - - -000 - - - - ---- - - -000 --- ------ --000 42 173 2 42 173 2 42 173 --2 42 173 --000 20 233 3 20 233 2 15 001 000 OOo 2 15 001 1 5 232 000 25 914 7 25 914 5 18 556 000 ooo 5 18 556 2 7 358 000 15 416 7 15 416 7 15 416 000 ooo 7 15 416 - -000 10 201 6 10 201 4 6844 000 OOo 4 6 844 2 3 357 000 4 857 4 4 857 1 1 322 ooo OOo 1 1 322 3 3 535 000 16 494 25 16 494 18 11 832 000 OOo 18 11 832 7 4 662 000 26 739 82 26 739 56 18 588 000 ooo 56 18 588 26 8 151 ooo 14 602 157 14 602 47 6 173 oOO ooo 47 6 173 110 8 429 000 --- - ------ - 000 --- - -------000 --- - -- - -- --000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - --000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - --000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - - - 000 216 604 3 216 604 3 216 604 1 174 431 2 42 173 --000 236 837 6 236 837 5 231 605 1 174 431 4 57 174 1 5 232 000 262 751 13 262 751 10 250 161 1 174 431 9 75 730 3 12 590 000 278 167 20 278 167 17 265 577 1 174 431 16 91 146 3 12 590 000 288 368 26 288 368 21 272 421 1 174 431 20 97 990 5 15 947 000 293 225 30 293 225 22 273 743 1 174 431 21 99 312 8 19 482 000 309 719 55 309 719 40 285 575 1 174 431 39 111 144 15 24 144 000 336 458 137 336 458 96 304 163 1 174 431 95 129 732 41 32 295 000 50 791 oOO ooo 000 ooo ooo OOo 000 000 000 000 50 791 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - -- - 174 431 1 174 431 I 174 431 1 174 431 ----000 -------- - - -000 -----------oOO --- - -------oOO 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 ----000 - - - - -- - - - --ooo - ------- - - -000 -------- - - -000 -----oOO OOo ----000 - - - --000 OOo ----000 - - - - - ooo OOo -- --000 - - - - -ooo ooo - - - - 000 -----000 - - - -ooo 000 - ----000 - - - -000 000 -----OoO - - - -000 000 - - - --oOO OOo - - --000 - - - - -------oOO - - - - ----- --000 -- - - - - --- - - 000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - - 000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - - -000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - - 000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - - oOO 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - - 000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - -000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 - - - -000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 ----000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 -- - -000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 --- -000 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 1 174 431 --- -000 -000 oOO 000 000 oOO OOo 000 oOO 000 000 - ALASKA 3-19 Table 10. Population Inside and Outside Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Size. of Place: 1980- Con. The State Inside SMSA's Outside SMSA's OUTSIDE SMSA's Total ________________________ _ Inside places--------------------- Places of-1,000,000 or more ___________________ _ 500,000 to 1 ,000,000----------------- 250,000 to 500,000 ------------------ 100,000 to 250,000 ------------------ 50,000 to 100,000 ----------·--------- 25,000 to 50,000 -------------------- 10,000 to 25,000 -------------------- 5,000 to 10,000 --------------------- 2,500 to 5,000 ---------------------- 2,000 to 2,500 ---------------------- 1 ,500 to 2,000 ---------------------- 1 ,000 to 1 ,500 ---------------------- 500 to 1,000 ------------------------200 to sao _________________________ _ less thon 200 ------------------------ Cumulative summary: Places of- 1 ,000,000 or more------------------ 500,000 or more ------------------- 250,000 or more ------------------- 100,000 or more ------------------- 50,000 or more -------------------- 25,000 or more -------------------- 10,000 or more -------------------- 5,000 or more --------------------- 2,500 or more --------------------- 2,000 or more --------------------- 1.500 or more --------------------- 1,000 or more --------------------- 500 or more----------------------- 200 or more----------------------- Outside places-------------------- 3-20 ALASKA [Place partly outside an SMSA is counted where larger part of population is located; population, however, is tabulated where located. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Inside places Total Incorporated places Census designated places Total Centro! cities of SMSA's Other Total Outside population Number Population Number Population Number Population Number Population Number Population places 227 420 293 176 629 142 135 905 ... ... 142 135 905 151 40 724 50 791 176 629 293 176 629 142 135 905 ... ... 142 135 905 151 40 724 .. . --- --... ... . .. ... --. .. - - - --... ... ... ... - -... - - - --... ... ... ... --... - - -- - ... ... ... ... - - .. . ---- - ... ... ... ... - - ... --- - - ... ... - - --. .. 42 173 2 42 173 2 42 173 ... ... 2 42 173 --... 20 233 3 20 233 2 15 001 ... ... 2 15 001 1 5 232 ... 25 914 7 25 914 5 18 556 ... ... 5 18 556 2 7 358 ... 15 416 7 15 416 7 15 416 ... ... 7 15 416 - - ... 10 201 6 10 201 4 6 844 ... ... 4 6 844 2 3 357 . .. 4 857 4 4 857 1 1 322 ... ... 1 1 322 3 3 535 ... 16 494 25 16 494 18 11 832 ... ... 18 11 832 7 4 662 ... 26 739 82 26 739 56 18 588 ... . .. 56 18 588 26 8 151 ... 14 602 157 14 602 47 6 173 ... ... 47 6 173 110 8 429 .. . - - - - -... ... ... ... - -. .. - - - .--... ... ... ... - -. .. - - -- - ... ... ... ... - -... -- -- - ... ... ... ... - -... -- -- - ... ... ... ... - -... --- - - ... ... - - - - .. . 42 173 2 42 173 2 42 173 ... ... 2 42 173 - - . .. 62 406 5 62 406 4 57 174 ... ... 4 57 174 1 5 232 . .. 88 320 12 88 320 9 75 730 ... ... 9 75 730 3 12 590 ... 103 736 19 103 736 16 91 146 ... ... 16 91 146 3 12 590 ... 113 937 25 113 937 20 97 990 ... ... 20 97 990 5 15 947 .. . 118 794 29 118 794 21 99 312 ... ... 21 99 312 8 19 482 .. . 135 288 54 135 288 39 Ill 144 ... ... 39 111 144 IS 24 144 . .. 162 027 136 162 027 95 129 732 ... ... 95 129 732 41 32 295 . .. 50 791 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... . .. . .. 50 791 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Table 11. Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's): 1960 to 1980 Component Parts ANCHORAGE, ALASKA The area------------------------------------ Anchorage city -------------------------------------- Outside central city----------------------------------- Anchorage Borough __________________________________ _ NUMBER OF INHABITANTS [SMSA's as defined for the 1980 census. Counts relate to component parts as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] 1980 1970 1960 174 431 '126 385 ... 174 431 •48 081 44 237 -'78 304 ... 174 431 '126 385 ... ALASKA 3-21 Table 12. Population of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) by Type of Residence: 1980 SMSA's The State------------------------ Inside SMSA's -------------------------- Anchorage, Alaska--------------------- Outside SMSA's ------------------------- 3-22 ALASKA [Counts relate to areas as defined for the 1980 census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Total Urban Inside urbanized areas Central cities of- SMSA's and Per~ urbanized Urbanized Number cent Total Total areas areas only Urban fringe 401 851 100.0 258 567 170 247 170 247 - - 174 431 43.4 170 247 170 247 170 247 -- 174 431 43.4 170 247 170 247 170 247 -- 227 420 56.6 88 320 -- - - Rural Outside urbanized areas Places of Places of Central cities Other 1,000 to Jess than Other of SMSA's urban Total 2,500 1,000 rural -88 320 143 284 30 474 57 835 54 975 - - 4 184 --4 184 - - 4 184 --4 184 -88 320 139 100 30 474 57 835 50 791 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS ! I I l I I l 1" I i "'; I Table 13. Population of Urbanized Areas: 1980 and 1970 [Counts relate to areas as defined at each census. For meaning of symbols, see Introduction] Component Parts ANCHORAGE, ALASKA The area ---------------------------------------- Anchorage city (pt.)---------------------------------------- Anchorage Borough (pt.) ------------------------------------ Anchorage census subarea (pt.) ----------------------------- Anchorage city (pt.)------------------------------------ 1960 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 170 247 1970 110 762· 46 029 110 762 ... 46 029 NOTE: The 1970 population figures for the components of some urbanized areas may not odd to the urbanized area or county totals because at changes in the boundaries of county subdivisions since 1970. ' NUMBER OF INHABITANTS ALASKA 3-23 Borough and Census Area Subdivision Map Legend and Borough and Census Area Location Index SYMBOLS TYPE STYLES -----------CANADA -----------FLORIDA MAP LEGEND. Foreign country State GEOGRAPHIC AREAS MAP SECTIONS -------lEE Borough or Census Area Census subarea Incorporated place Census designated place Major water feature ""•• ~>;-. .. .,.,JI:Po BOROUGH AND CENSUS AREA Aleutian Islands ...... Anchorage* ......... Bethel ............. Bristol Bay* ......... Dillingham .......... Fairbanks North Star* .. Haines* ............ Juneau* ............ Kenai Peninsula* ...... Ketchikan Gateway* ... Kobuk ............. Kodiak Island* ....... Matanuska-Susitna* .... Nome ............. North Slope* ........ Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan ......... Sitka* ............. Skagway-Yakutat- Angoon ........... Southeast Fairbanks .... Valdez-Cordova ....... Wa_de Hampton ....... Wrangell-Petersburg .... Yukon-Koyukuk ...... *Borough .~3:..24f AL\ASKA --------- --------- ~ ~ Brent MIAMI STAPLETON L4lre Wingra Asterisk following place name indicates place is coextensive with a census subarea. Census subarea name is shown only when it differs from place name. Note: All political boundaries are as of January I, 1980. Boundaries of small areas may not be depicted exactly due to scale of map. Where boundaries coincide, boundary symbol of higher level geographic area is shown. Those places shown with census subarea symbol, but identified with type !rtyles for incorporated or census designated places, are treated as census subareas for census purposes BOROUGH AND CENSUS AREA LOCATION INDEX This list presents the reference coordinates for each county on the map on page 3 and on the county subdivision map. Map section numbers refer to the county subdivision map only. MAP MAP SEC REF 3 1-3 2 F-5 3 F-3 3 G-4 3 G-4 D-5 2 G-6 2 G-6 2 F-4 2 1-6 1 C-4 3 H-4 2 E-5 D-3 B-4 2 1-6 2 H-6 2 G-6 1 E-5 2 F-5 E-3 2 H-6 D-5 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS z c. :s:: co m ::0 0 -n z :c )> co =i )> z -1 en c::F= !:n~ ~~ '"c:;l .. ?i ,.,'0 Sf r~~'1 ti ~ ..... ::·:;~; g., ¢'o••"J:; ,..,. ~-·.,r1 ~.t' V'l ('j 1-1 r- e:x:' !?.. CD ;;o :::i. :J-:o-0 ;;;-q ..., .,.......... )> .... )> en ... )> w I N U'l ~ A ~ 2 170" 3 1so• 4 150" 5 140" S 70° B sa• c D /'1/ 64" f-- Arctlc Ocean SCALE 0 50 100 150 200 · 250 Kilometers o w m ~ ~ •~ oATKASODK Chilkchtsea ' I i i ~DIOMED£ iWAL£: ...-'o.;.; ,~\1 _,/ PO,pr CfAIPE..rcc; ,.;,;-..;-.~ ti 'CAp[' fi.S86'AWE I 'POiNT HOP£ 'f>OM'r lAY NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Barrow-Point Hope --~-~-~-- ,KIVALINA -----------------JINAKTUVUK -----------T---------------~-~~8 ~v'IOATA/( KOBUK Kobuk g,MBLER .,SELAWIK SHUNGNAKc D KOBUK i_l '!J i L.l i i __ _j c_,EVANSVILLE i---. n r-1 1 L -u ..,ALLAKAKET ,BUCKLAND r·---J r-...J , "INDIAN MOIINTAIN HUGHES Beaufort Sea A DEADHORS/~N/11 ~ l\M\10VIl\ I ~-170° Prudhoe Bay-Kaktovik I o \ > I ~ ' 0 ' > I ~---------------~\ ______________ ] 0 ARC[IC VILlAGE \ ,,VENETIE I Yukon flats \ FORT , YUl\ON JHALKYITSIK I I \ \ i 'JJ!RCH CREEK \ ' ~~ B sa• c as• I ______ _,.J, '>]HUSLIA YUKOI'H<OYUKUK :::CIRCLE c,CENTRAL ,) \I PE.fA7..rsl?ift' I r· Koyukuk-Middle Yukon 0 RAMPART c-"''? --· ,TANANA B£LL d<lvooNGA Ji I .• KOYUKUK c-NULATO qGALENA RUBY v' CAMPION C1 MANLEY HOf' SPRINGS JriiNTo;-~-~ / \. .. _ ( \ I 2./_,..--.r--<-/"" , D · • • I D 1/NBAH.,] SEE INSET A l \ 8\GL£,.\ NENANA, \.-., ~ _)-/ EAGLE VILlAGE\ I F 0 TELIDA ,, ".'--..r • ......-f~SOU'THEAST \ '-ANDERSON'-y----..J BIG DELTA fAiRBANKS \ SI/NTRANA > '~DELTA ~UNCTION CHICKEN;_, \ McKINLE/ffA~~"'" /IS/BElLI ) FORT GREELY'-uHEALY lAKE 1 o MIN£ \. Southeast fairbanks , .J ,,DOT lAKE 1. CANTWELl>:~ r-L---- STATiON []KALTAG ~-~-~'"\ -~-' .. -.. -.. \ .... --------------------\ UNALA __..-.-------Wade H 'fTEBB!N KLEET ~~Pton\ s ~ l.K9TLIK' .GRAYLING " McGrath-Holy Cross z.., r· i_ ___ -,i nEMMONAK • ..,....---------· \ TANACROSSc TOK \ ..,-" I .// v·-·c ________ .lf"'o "WJJ/l: r·-·-· \ 2-1 1 J "' . u--' 9z< ALAKANUK f MVIK SHAGELUK _JJSHfLDON POiNT ! b r, MOUNTAIN ST. I WAot: HAIV!proN .. lJe,.;llllSea lAKO~A .. NIKOLAi TATALINA STATiON{) C "MCGRATH HOOPER BAY1 VILLAGE "' r--, MARY'S L, ,HOLY CRoss f'IT&ts I'OM!r..-»-' FORTUNA I --.r------1._ SCAMMON BAy PILOT' LEDGE :....T------J STATiON RUSSiAN" _;, o CHEVAK MISSION ,_ • __. SEE .~----..._, __ ..--SECTION NEWTod-·J 3 ~(PAR!J ;v -~-."'t~ . .J._, 3 1S0° 4 ,.r-Jj ~ SECTION '; \ T i N 2 \ I ~ I : ., . L--~ U.S. ~::rtment of Commerce I F l U OF THE CENSUS 150° 5 -m Oo CD-. :so 0C CCC 0::::T (1)0 c '" aO S»CD ... :::s CD0 I» c ~0 '" )> I» ... :::S CD C. I» ., ,.0 ~~ ma 1ca (I)::::T CDS» 2,:::s -·c. go -..CD :::s 0 c 0 )> ca I» en c C" c. c:· c;;· 6" :::s 0 2 c s: 1:!:1 m ::l:l 0 , E 62° F 60' 58' H 52' 2 K :I: G; =i )> 2 -1 en 4 r------t i i ,---.:1 ~, SEE i SECTION/ 3 i 4 ~TTU 150' SEE SECTION r· l .,.. .. / .. / .. ----·---l ;·,. .. """" ........ 150' '•<> SHEMYA STATION U.S. Department of Commerce 5 140' Gulf of Alaska Pacific Ocean SCALE 50 100 150 200 250 Kilometers 50 100 150 200 5 140' 180' Sea Bering ALEUTiAN iSLANDS (PART) ADAK Aleutian Islands STATION(}""""" (Partl ~~~~ o •• Q 0 0 ~ 0• . = ~ 1> () Ocean Pacific 180' 2 6 250 Miles 6 0 ~~ 52' 54' K f) 130' 7 KEY KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH I COOPER IANOING 2 KACHEMAK 3 HALIBUT COVE 4 PORT GRAHAM 5 ENGLISH BAY SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOON I HOONAH 2 PELICAN 3 TENAKEE SPRINGS 4 ANGOON WRANGELL-PETERSBURG I KUPREANOF 2 PETERSBURG BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 6 F 60' G 58' H 54' -m Oo CD -. :I 0 t/) c CCC tn:::r cntn c"' C"o I» CD ... :I CD tn D) c t/) t/) -"' )> D) ... :I CD Q.l» .,~ ii'tD no CD a t/)1 c cc cn:::r CD I» 2,::::1 -·c. go N! t/) c t/) )> i en c C" c. :cr c;r s· :I t/) ('\'' 2 c: :s: ., m ::xJ 0 ., 2 :::c )> ., =i )> 2 -I en G 58' H 56' 54' =:-2 ~1to• ===-,-~_3 _, .. ________ ~~----· __ ; __ -_w,;-,: SEE SECTiON 1 E ----------~----- ---~---......... __ --- -........ __ _ ------·--- Aieur ------- tan 1st. -----IP,IIJ ands ---------. U.S, Department of Commerce 2 170' 3 --- N£ ·-./·-----~ ~-'3~--UP_,r--.r-----IPZWK~-~ -~-~-"' KAL:KER CI?OOKEll 'L ---:;;-] AG CHEEK "' ------- I i rl -r-r-i ,_; i i i f.!ME VILlAGE~ i s: I r·~ ---· " ,CHU " -·-K~OLWER ANIAK ~THBAWK l?fb,,S. c,STONY 1?/VE/? SKAG OEV/L ZEETMIJTE Aniak -___ STATION , 'r,J I ----[_f.r-l,____ ,'PAI?I?EVOf/N(' ' _______ j'J ·------- .Bristol Bay SCALE SEE SECTION 2 50 250 Kilometers :~~5L0~~100~--~1~50~_320~0-- 100 150 200 250 Miles Pacific Ocean -62' F 60' G 58' H -56' BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 160' 4 ~~'~ enc CCC en::T en en c'" c-0 Q) CD ... ::I CD en Q) c ~en .. )> Q) ... ::I CD c.m "'C~ Q;'aJ no CD a icS C/)::T CD Q) 2:::::1 -·c. go wCD ::I en c en )> Cil Q) C/) c g: :cr c;r cs· ::I en 2 c s:: OJ m ::tJ 0 .., 56° 5 SCALE "-""" INSET A ./" I ,__,...,.. ( 0 40 Kilometers ..... 40 Miles r----_/ '- MURPHY 2./-/-........__ _.--' c tJ DOME ,:o.-,_,-..FOX FAIR , < FA~RB!~~~ [_..,:.::~~NORTH STAR BOROUGH ESTER J~ :::' ,~ ~ C ~ ;t Fairbanks North star { COLLEGE/ .....,.,_ I NORTH POLE . ~ IIONN//f}:. "'''''" '""""''" :-. CREEK '\!!JrEIELSON AFB 5 SCALE 50 -~-'-----l-.L-~-----_j100 Kilometers 50 __ ,___.1..-_.L-_...~.,_ _ _L_ _________ ~,oo Miles U.S. Depanment of Commerce 6 H INSET B 6 KEY KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH 1 NORTH TONGASS HIGHWAy 2 KETCHIKAN 3 PENNOCK ISLAND 4 KETCHIKAN EAST 5 SAXMAN 6 SAXMAN EAST 7 MOUNTAIN POINT 8 HERRING COVE CANADA 130° H 130° l> .... l> en !: ANCHORAGE / I I ' I I I I i I ' I ' ANCHORAGE~ SCALE 0LI ~· ..L.oc..2l.l __ .Lt _ ____J? Kilometers 0 2 4 SMiles SYMBOLS * --- TYPE STYLES MEXICO IOWA DANE POWER Locust SILAS PERDIDO Pyramit Lake Wingra U.S. Department of Commerce BOROUGH ----ANcHORAGE T ~ BOROUGH '< "'"'"'"''''\), '""""'''}i"" '5 ,m o':' ~18 n,:o Uppn lAM Gmrf{r 5 '8 ,I< >I> m:~ gl~ 0'(1) c:•,. ~~~ ,,. r·---J SCALE ' ' [B_C!_R_QI!.~H~ BOROUGHo 0 10 20 30 Kilometers 0 20 30 Miles MAP LEGEND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS Foreign country State Subject SMSA county County not part of subject SMSA County subdivision Incorporated place Census designated place American Indian reservation Major water feature Note: All political boundaries are as of January I, 1980. Boundaries of small areas may not be depleted exactly due to scale of map. Where boundaries coincide, boundary symbol of higher level geographic area Is shown. Open six-spoked asterisk following place name indicates the place is coextensive with a county subdivision. The county subdivision name is shown only when it differs from that of the place. Solid eight-spoked asterisk following an Incorporated place name Indicates the place is treated as a county subdivision for census purposes. COMPONENTS OF URBANIZED LAND AREA Incorporated place Census designated place Other area BUREAU OF THE CENSUS c: ... C" Q) ::I ;::r CD a. )> ... CD Q) Appendix A.-Area Classifications STATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 COUNTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS... . . . A-1 PLACES .................. A-2 Incorporated Places. . . . . . . . . A-2 Census Designated Places . . . . . A-2 URBAN AND RURAL RESI- DENCE .................. A-2 Extended Cities. . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 "Current" and "Previous" Urban and Rural Definitions . . A-3 URBANIZED AREAS... . . . . . . A-3 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Urbanized Area Titles. . . . . . . . A-3 Urbanized Area Central Cities . . A-3 STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS . . . . . . . A-4 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4 SMSA Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4 New SMSA Standards. . . . . . . . A-4 STANDARD CONSOLIDATED STATISTICAL AREAS ....... A-4 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN URBANIZED AREAS AND METROPOLITAN AREAS . . . . . A-4 BOUNDARY CHANGES . . . . . . . A-5 AREA MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . A-5 HISTORIC COUNTS . . . . . . . . . . A-5 STATES The 50 St9tes and the District of Columbia are the constituent units of the United States. COUNTIES In most States, the primary divisions are termed counties. In Louisiana, these divi- sions are known as parishes. In Alaska, which has no counties, the county equiva- lents are the organized boroughs together with the "census areas" which were developed for general statistical purposes by the State of Alaska and the Census Bureau. In four States (Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia). there are one or more cities which are independent of any county organization and thus constitute primary divisions of their States. That part of Yellowstone National Park in Montana is treated as a county equivalent. The District of Columbia has no primary divisions, and the entire area is considered equivalent to a county for census purposes. COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS Statistics for subdivisions of counties or equivalent areas are presented as follows: 1. Minor civil divisions (MCD's) in 29 States: Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nev~da, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. (In 1970, the county subdivisions recognized for North Dakota were census county divisions.) MCD's are primary divisions of counties established under State law. These MCD's are variously designated as townships, towns, precincts, dis· tricts, wards, plantations, Indian reservations, grants, purchases, gores, locations, or areas. In some States, all incorporated places are also MCD's in their own right. In other States, incorporated places are subordinate to or part of the MCD(s) in which they are located, or the pattern is mixed- some incorporated places are inde- pendent MCD's and others are . subordinate to one or more MCD's. For 11 States (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl- vania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin), table' 5a presents counts for towns and townships. In 8 States (Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, and South Dakota). certain counties contain. territory not included in an MCD recognized by the Census Bureau. Each separate area of unorganized territory in these States is recognized as one or more subdivisions and given a name by the Bureau; the name is followed by the designation "(unorg.)." 2. Census county divisions (CCD's) in 20 States: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. · CCD's are geographic areas which have been defined by the Census Bureau in cooperation with State and county officials for the purpose of presenting statistical data. CCD's have been defined in States where there are no legally established MCD's, where the boundaries of MCD's change fre- quently, and/or where the MCD's are not generally known to the public. Using published guidelines, the CCD's have usually been designed to repre- sent community areas focused on trading centers, or to represent major land use areas, and to have visible, permanent, and easily described boundaries. 3. Census subareas in Alaska. For the 1980 census, census subareas have been delineated cooperatively by the Census Bureau and the State of Alaska for statistical purposes. These areas replace the subdivisions used for the 1970 census. 4. Quadrants in the District of Columbia. A-1 Appendix A.-Area Classifications PLACES Two types of places are recognized in the census reports-incorporated places and census designated places-as defined below. Incorporated Places Incorporated places recognized in the reports of the census are those which are incorporated under the laws of their respective States as cities, boroughs, towns, and villages, with the following exceptions: boroughs in Alaska and New York, and towns in the six New England States, New York, and Wisconsin. The towns in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin, and the boroughs in New York are recognized as MCD's for census purposes; the boroughs in Alaska are county equivalents. Some incorporated places include narrow strips of land (frequently only the rights-of-way of streets) which typically have no population or housing units. These areas, termed "corporate corri- dors," are generally not shown on the maps or in the tables of 1980 census reports. The existence of these areas is indicated in the footnotes to tabiP. 4. In Connecticut, a unique situation exists in which one incorporated place (Woodmont borough) is subordinate to another (Milford city). The city of Milford is coextensive with the town of Milford. In the tables for the Connecticut report in this series and other series of 1980 census reports, data shown for Milford city exclude those for Woodmont borough, and the user must therefore refer to data for Milford town (which in- clude those for the borough) for data for Milford city. Census Designated Places As in the 1950, 1960, and 1970 censuses, the Census Bureau has delineated bound- aries for closely settled population centers without corporate limits. In 1980, the name of each such place is followed by "(COP)." meaning "census designated place." In the 1970 and earlier censuses, these places were identified by "(U) ," meaning "unincorporated place." To be recognized for the 1980 census, COP's must have a minimum 1980 population as follows: A-2 Area Minimum COP population Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hawaii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 All other States: Inside urbanized areas: With one or more cities of 50,000 or more . . . . 5,000 With no city of 50,000 or more . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Outside urbanized areas . . . 1,000 Hawaii is the only State with no incorporated places recognized by the Bureau of the Census. All places shown for Hawaii in the 1980 census reports are COP's. Honolulu COP essentially repre- sents the Honolulu Judicial District. The city of Honolulu, coextensive with the county of Honolulu, is not recognized for census purposes. Census. designated place boundaries change with changes in the settlement pattern; a place which has the same name as in previous censuses does not neces- sarily have the same boundaries. Bound- ary outlines for COP's appear on the county subdivision map which follows the detailed tables. Detailed maps are available for purchase from the Census Bureau. URBAN AND RURAL RESIDENCE As defined for the 1980 census, the urban population comprises all persons living in urbanized areas and in places of 2,500 or more inhabitants outside urbanized areas. More specifically, the urban population consists of all persons living in (1) places of 2,500 or more inhabitants incorpo- rated as cities, villages, boroughs (except in Alaska and New York). and. towns (except in the New England States, New York, and Wisconsin). but excluding those persons living in the rural portions of extended cities; (2) census designated places of 2,500 or more inhabitants; and (3) other territory, incorporated or unincorporated, included in urbanized areas. The population not classified as urban constitutes the rural population. In censuses prior to 1950, the urban ·population comprised all persons living in incorporated places of 2,500 or more inhabitants and areas (usually minor civil divisions) classified as urban under special rules relating to population size and density. A definition of urban population restricted to incorporated places having 2,500 or more inhabitants excludes a number of large and densely settled areas merely because they are not incorpo- rated. Prior to 1950, an effort was made to avoid some of the more obvious omissions by inclusion of selected areas which were classified as urban under special rules. Even with these rules, how- ever, the inhabitants of many large and closely built-up areas were excluded from the urban population. To improve its measure of the urban population, the Bureau of the Census in 1950 adopted the concept of the urban- ized area and delineated boundaries for unincorporated places. For the 1950 census, the urban population was defined as all persons residing in urbanized areas and, outside these areas, in all places, incorporated or unincorporated, which had 2,500 or more inhabitants. With the following three exceptions, the 1950 definition of urban has continued sub- stantially unchanged. First, in 1960 (but not in 1970 or 1980). certain towns in the New England States, townships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and Arling- ton County, Va., were designated as urban. However, most of the residents of these "special rule" areas would have been classified as urban in any event because they were residents of an urban- ized area or an unincorporated place of 2,500 or more. Second, "extended cities" were identified in 1970 and 1980. Their recognition has, in general, had very little impact on the urban and rural population figures. Third, changes since 1970 in the criteria for defining central cities have permitted urbanized areas to be defined around smaller tenters. Extended Cities Since 1960 there has been an increasing trend toward the extension of city boundaries to include territory essentially rural in character. The classification of all the inhabitants of such cities as urban would include in the urban population persons whose environment is primarily rural in character. For the 1970 and 1980 censuses, in order to separate these people from those residing in the closely settled portions of such cities, the Bureau of the Census classified as rural a portion Appendix A.-Area Classifications or portions of each such city that was located in an urbanized area. To be treated as an extended city, a city must contain one or more areas that are each at least 5 square miles in extent and have a population density of less than 1 00 persons per square mile. The area or areas must constitute at least 25 percent of the land area of the legal city or include at least 25 square miles. These areas are excluded from the urbanized area. Those cities designated as extended cities thus consist of an urban part and a rural part. In table 5, the population figure for the urbim part is shown sepa· rately under the total population for the entire city. Only the urban part is considered to be the central city of an urbanized area. However, the term "central city" as used for SMSA's refers to the entire population within the legal boundaries of the city. "Current" and "Previous" Urban and Rural Definitions In the tables showing historical data by urban and rural residence, the "current" figures refer to the urban definition used in 1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980 (inside urbanized areas and, outside urbanized areas, in places of 2,500 or more inhabi· tants). The "previous" figures presented in this report have been adjusted to constitute a substantially consistent series based on incorporated places of 2,500 or more inhabitants with additional areas defined as urban under special rules in censuses prior to 1950. URBANIZED AREAS Definition The major objective of the Census Bureau in delineating urbanized areas is to provide a better separation of urban and rural population in the vicinity of large cities. An urbanized area consists of a central city or cities, and surrounding closely settled territory ("urban fringe"). The following criteria are used in determining the eligibility and definition of the 1980 urbanized areas:1 An urbanized area comprises an 1 All references to population counts and densities relate to data from the 1980 census. incorporated place 2 and adjacent densely settled surrour.~ding area that together have a minimum population of 50,000.3 The densely settled surrounding area consists of: 1. Contiguous incorporated or census designated plcices having: a. A population of 2,500 or more; or, b. A population of fewer than 2,500 but having a population density of 1,000 persons per square mile, a closely settled area containing a minimum of 50 percent of the population, or a cluster of at least 1 00 housing units. 2. Contiguous unincorporated area which is connected by road and has a popu- lation density of at least 1 ,000 persons per square mile.4 3. Other contiguous unincorporated area with a density of less than 1 ,000 persons per square mile, provided that it: a. Eliminates an enclave of less than 5 square miles which is surrounded by built-up area. b. Closes an indentation in the bound- ary of the densely settled area that is no more than 1 mile across the open end and encompasses no more than 5 square miles. c. Links an outlying area of qualifying density, provided that the outlying area is: (1) Connected by road to, and is not more than 1 Y. miles from, the main body of the urbanized area. (2) Separated from the main body of the urbanized area by water or other undevelopable area, is connected by road to the main body of the urbanized area, and is not more than 5 miles 2 1n Hawaii, incorporated places do not exist in the sense of functioning local governmental units. Instead, census designated places are used in defining a central city and for applying urbanized area criteria. 3 The rural portions of extended cities, as defined in the Census Bureau's extended city criteria, are excluded from the urbanized area. In addition, for an urbanized area to be recognized, it must include a population of at least 25,000 that does not reside on a military base. 4 Any area of extensive nonresidential urban land use, such as railroad yards, airports, factories, parks, golf courses, and cemeteries, is excluded in computing the population density. , from the main body of the urbanized area. 4. Large concentrations of nonresidential urban area (such as industrial parks, office areas, and major airports), which have at least one-quarter of their boundary contiguous to an urbanized area. Urbanized Area Titles 1. The titles of urbanized areas existing prior to the 1980 Census of Popula- tion and Housing are retained unchanged except for mergers and for those areas meeting items 4 and/or 5 of the titling criteria. 2. The titles of new urbanized areas qualifying as the result of the 1980 census are determined as follows: a. The name of the incorporated place with the largest population in the urbanized area is always listed. b. The names of up to two additional incorporated places may be listed, with eligibility determined as follows: (1) Those with a population of at least 250,000. (2) Those with a population of 15,000 to 250,000, provided that they are at least one-third the population of the largest place in the urbanized area. 3. Area titles that include the names of more than one incorporated place start with the name of the largest and list the others in descending order of their population. 4. In addition to incorporated place names, the titles contain the name of each State into which the urbanized area extends. 5. Regional titles may be used to identify urbanized areas with populations over 1 million, in which case only the largest city of the urbanized area is included in the title. Urbanized Area Central Cities The central cities of urbanized areas are those named in the titles except where regional titles are used. In such cases, the central cities are those that have qualified under items 1 or 2 of the titling criteria. A-3 i w Appendix A.-Area Classifications Counts and data for central cities of urbanized areas refer to the urban portion of these cities, thus excluding the rural portions of extended cities, as discussed above. STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS Definition The general concept of a metropolitan area is one of a large population nucleus, together with adjacent communities which have a high degree of economic and social integration with that nucleus. The standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA) classification is a statistical standard, developed for use by Federal agencies in the production, analysis, and publication of data on metropolitan areas. The SMSA's are designated and defined by the Office of Management and Budget, following a set of official published standards developed by the interagency Federal Committee on Stand- ard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Each SMSA has one or more central counties containing the area's main population concentration: an urbanized area with at least 50,000 inhabitants. An SMSA may also include outlying counties which have close economic and social relationships with the central counties. The outlying counties must have a speci- fied level of commuting to the central counties and must also meet certain standards regarding metropolitan char- acter, such as population density, urban population, and population growth. In New England, SMSA's are composed of cities and towns rather than whole counties. The population living in SMSA's may also be referred to as the metropolitan population. The population is subdivided into "insipe central city (or cities)" and "outside 'central city (or cities)." The population living outside SMSA's con- stitutes the nonmetropolitan population. SMSA Titles Most SMSA's have at least one central city. The titles of SMSA's include up to three city names, as well as the name of each State into which the SMSA extends. For the 1980 census, central cities of A-4 SMSA's are those named in the titles of the SMSA's, with the exception of Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y., which has no central city, and Northeast Pennsylvania, the central cities of which are Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, and Hazleton. Data on central cities of SMSA's include the entire population within the legal city bound- aries. In Hawaii, where there are no incorporated places recognized by the Bureau of the Census, census designated places are recognized as central cities. New SMSA Standards New standards for designating and defining metropolitan statistical areas were published in the Federal Register on January 3, 1980. The SMSA's recognized for the 1980 census comprise ( 1) all areas as defined on. January 1, 1980, except for one area which was defined provisionally during the 1970's on the basis of popula- tion estimates but whose qualification was not confirmed by 1980 census counts; and (2) a group of 36 new areas defined on the basis of 1980 census counts and the new standards that were published on January 3, 1980. The new standards will not be applied to the areas existing on January 1, 1980, until after data on commuting flows become available from 1980 census tabu- lations. At ·that time, the boundaries, definitions, and titles for all SMSA's will be reviewed. To aid users who want to become familiar with the SMSA standards and how they are applied, documents are available from the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503. STANDARD CONSOLIDATED STATISTICAL AREAS In some parts of the country, metro- politan development has progressed to the point that adjoining SMSA's are themselves socially and economically interrelated. These areas are designated standard consolidated statistical areas (SCSA's) by the Office of Management and Budget, and are defined using stand- ards included as part of the new SMSA standards described above. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN URBANIZED AREAS AND METROPOLITAN AREAS Although the urbanized area and the metropolitan area are closely related in concept, there are important differences. The urbanized area has a more limited territorial extent. The urbanized area consists of the physically continuously built-up territory around each larger city and thus corresponds generally to the core of high and medium population density at the heart of the metropolitan area. In concept, a metropolitan area is always larger than its core urbanized area, even if the metropolitan area is defined in terms of small building blocks, because it includes discontinuous urban and subur- ban development beyond the periphery of the continuously built-up area. The metropolitan area may also include some rural territory whose residents commute to work in the city or its immediate environs, while the urbanized area does not include such territory. In practice, because the SMSA definitions use coun- ties as building blocks, considerable amounts of rural territory with few commuters are often included. However, even in New England, where cities and towns are used as building blocks, SMSA's are generally much larger in extent than their core urbanized areas. It sometimes occurs, because of boundary anomalies, that a portion of the urbanized area extends across the SMSA boundary into a nonmetropolitan county or another SMSA. However, such por- tions are usually quite small in area and population. The new standards provide that each SMSA be associated with an urbanized area. However, the reverse is not true-"- there are some urbanized areas that are not in any SMSA. This situation occurs when an urbanized area does not qualify as an SMSA of at least 100,000 popula- tion (75,000 in new England), and the urbanized area has no city with at leas~ 50,000 population. In addition, some SMSA's contain more than one urbanized area. This occurs when- 1. Two or more urban concentrations not far apart and of generally similar size have separate urbanized areas but qualify as a single SMSA (for example, Greensboro, High Point, and Winston- Salem, North Carolina). Often the , Appendix A.-Area Classifications SMSA title includes the name of the largest city of each of the component urbanized areas. 2. A very large SMSA includes one or more smaller separate urbanized areas within its boundaries. Examples are the separate urbanized areas around Joliet, Aurora, and Elgin within the Chicago SMSA. BOUNDARY CHANGES The boundaries of some of the areas shown in this report have changed between an earlier census for which counts are shown and January 1, 1980. The historic counts shown here for counties, county subdivisions, places, and urbanized areas have not been adjusted for such changes and thus reflect the population in the areas as defined at each census. The historic counts for SMSA's and SCSA's have been adjusted to reflect the areas defined as of the 1980 census. Information on boundary changes for counties, county subdivisions, and incorporated places is presented in table 4. For information on boundary changes prior to 1970, see the Number of In- habitants report for each census. AREA MEASUREMENTS Area measurement figures for counties and county equivalent areas in the 1980 census were prepared using a process called digitizing. This process involved first verifying and highlighting the county boundaries recognized for the 1980 census on copies of the topographic quadrangle maps produced by the U.S. Geological Survey and relocating those boundaries where necessary. An elec- tronically assisted digitizing device was then used to trace over each county line and to calculate the latitude/longitude values associated with each line. From the latitude/longitude information associated with each county, the total area of the county in square miles was computed. The total area figure derived for each county was subsequently reviewed against similar information from the 1960 and 1970 censuses and other sources, with significant variations in area being re- checked and adjudicated. Following this review, the total area of the county was apportioned between land and water. No direct measurements were made to determine these values sep- arately; instead, information from which the final figures were compiled was gathered from several other Federal and State agencies. The boundary between inland and other water was part of the original digitizing process and was treated as though it were a county boundary line. After all operations, a mathematical conversion was performed to convert all values from square miles to square kilo- meters. Differences between 1980 area figures and those reported in previous censuses are attributable to changes in base map scale and detail, methodology for meas- urement, and occasionally to county boundary change or relocation. HISTORIC COUNTS As in past censuses, the general rule for presenting historic figures for States, counties, county subdivisions, and places is to present counts only for single, continually existing entities. Stated another way, if an area existed at both the current and previous censuses, a count is shown for the previous census. Included in this category are areas which are of the same type (county. county subdivision, or place) which have retained the same name or have changed their name. Also included are places which have merged and retained the name of one qf the merged areas. In cases where entities have been formed since the earlier censuses, such as a newly incorporated place or a newly organized township, the symbol three dots " ... " is shown for the earlier census. The three-dot symbol is also shown for those parts of a place which have ex- tended into a new county or county subdivision through annexation or other expansion of boundaries. In a few cases, changes in the bound- aries of county subdivisions have been made so as to split a place into two or more parts. Historic counts for the parts of the place as currently split may not always be available. In these cases, "(NA)" is shown for the place by county subdivision; however, the total popula- tion of the place is shown in tables showing the place by State or county. For most places incorporated since 1970, or for census county divisions with altered boundaries, 1970 population counts for the 1980 territory are stated in the footnotes to table 4. In a number of tables in this report, 1970 counts are shown for aggregations of individual areas such as the number and population of places by size groups or urban and rural distributions. In some instances, population counts for indi- vidual areas have been revised since publi- cation of the 1970 census reports (indi- cated by the prefix "r" as described in the section "Symbols and Geographic Abbreviations" in the Introduction). These revisions have not been carried through to the various aggregations; therefore, it may not be possible to determine the individual areas in a given aggregation using the 1970 population counts shown here. A-5 :Appendix B.-General Enumeration and Processing Procedures USUAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE. . B-1 ' Armed Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 Crews of Merchant Vessels . . . . B-1 Persons Away at School . . . . . . B-1 ' Persons in Institutions . . . . . . . B-1 Persons Away From Their Resi- dence on Census Day . . . . . . . B-1 Americans Abroad. . . . . . . . . . B-2 Citizens of Foreign Countries . . B-2 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 PROCESSING PROCEDURES. . . . B-2 USUAL PLACE OF RESIDENCE In accordance with census practice dating back to the first U.S. census in 1790, each person enumerated in the 1980 census was counted as an inhabitant o.f his or her "usual place of residence," ,which is generally construed to mean the place where the person lives and sleeps most of the time. This place is not necessarily the same as the person's legal residence or voting residence. In the vast majority of cases, however, the .IJSe of these different bases of classifica- tion would produce substantially the . same statistics, although there might be appreciable differences for a few areas. The implementation of this practice has resulted in the establishment of residence rules for certain categories of persons whqse usual place of residence is not immediately apparent. Furthermore, this practice means that persons were not always counted as residents of the place where they happened to be staying on Census Day (April 1 ). Persons without a usual place of residence, however, were counted where they happened to be staying. Armed Forces Members of the Armed Forces living on a military installation were counted, as in every previous census, as residents of the area in which the installation was located; members of the Armed Forces not living on a military installation were counted as residents of the area in which they were living. Persons in families with Armed Forces personnel were counted where they were living on Census Day (i.e., the military installation or "off base," as the case might be). Each Navy ship was attributed to the municipality that the Department of the Navy designated as its homeport, except for those ships which were deployed to the 6th or 7th Fleet on Census Day. As was done in the 1970 census, naval personnel aboard deployed ships were defined in the 1980 census as part of the overseas population, because deployment to the 6th or 7th Fleet implies a long- term overseas assignment. In homeports with fewer than 1 ,000 naval personnel assigned to ships, the crews were counted aboard the ship. In homeports with 1 ,000 or more naval personnel assigned to ships, the naval personnel who indicated that they had a usual residence within 50 miles of the homeport of their ship were attributed to that residence. When a homeport designated by the Navy was contained in more than one mumci- pality, ships homeported and berthed there on Census Day were assigned by the Bureau to the municipality in which the land immediately adjacent to the dock or pier was actually located. Other ships attributed by the Navy to that homeport, but which were not physically present and not deployed to the 6th or 7th Fleet on Census Day, were allocated to the municipality named on the Navy's homeport list. Crews of Merchant Vessels Shipboard Census Reports were mailed to crews of merchant vessels through the ships' respective owner-operators based on lists of U.S. flag merchant vessels obtained from the Maritime Administra- tion, U.S. Department of Commerce. If the ship was berthed in a U.S. port on Census Day, the crew was enu- merated as of that port. If the ship was not berthed in a U.S. port but was inside the territorial waters of the United States, the crew was enumerated as of (a) the port of destination if that port was inside the United States or (b) the home- port of the ship if its port of destination was outside the United States. Crews of U.S. flag vessels which were outside U.S. territorial waters on Census Day and crews of vessels flying a foreign flag were not enumerated in the 1980 census. Persons Away at School College students were counted as resi- dents of the area in which they were living while attending college, as they have been since 1950. However, children in boarding schools below the college level were counted at their parental home. Persons in Institutions Inmates of institutions, who ordinarily I ive there for considerable periods of time, were counted as residents of the area where the institution was located. Patients in short-term wards of general hospitals were counted at their usual place of residence; if they had no usual place of residence, they were counted at the hospital. Persons Away From Their Residence on Census Day Persons in hotels, motels, etc., on the night of March 31, 1980, were requested to fill out a census form for assignment of their census information back to their B-1 Appendix B.-General Enumeration and Processing Procedures homes if they indicated that no one was at home to report them in the census. A similar approach was used for persons visiting in private residences, as well as for Americans who left the United States during March 1980 via major intercontinental air or ship carriers for temporary travel abroad. In addition, information on persons away from their usual place of residence was obtained from other members of their families, resident managers, neighbors, etc. If an entire househ-old was expected to be away during the whole period of the enumeration, information on that house- hold was obtained from neighbors. A matching process was used to ·eliminate duplicate reports for persons who re· ported for themselves while away from their usual residence and who were also reported at this usual residence by some- one else. A special enumeration was conducted in such facilities as missions, flophouses, jails, detention centers, etc., on the night of April 6, 1980, and persons enumerated therein were counted as residents of the area in which the establishment was located. Americans Abroad Americans who were overseas for an extended period (in the Armed Forces, working at civilian jobs, studying in foreign universities, etc.) were not included in the population of any State or the District of Columbia. On the other hand, Americans who were temporarily abroad on vacations, business trips, and the like were counted at their usual residence in the United States. Citizens of Foreign Countries Citizens of foreign countries having their usual residence (legally or illegally) in the United States on Census Day, including those working here (but not living at an embassy, ministry, legation, chancellery, or consulate) and those attending school (but not I iving at an embassy, etc), were included in the enumeration, as '!Vere members of their families living with them. However, citizens of foreign countries temporarily visiting or traveling in the United States or living on the premises of an embassy, B-2 etc., were not enumerated in the 1980- census. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES The 1980 census was conducted primarily through self-enumeration. A census ques- tionnaire was delivered by postal carriers to every household several days before Census Day, April 1, 1980. This question- naire included explanatory information and was accompanied by an instruction guide. Spanish-language versions of the questionnaire and instruction guide were available on request. The questionnaire was also available in narrative transla- tion in 32 languages. In most areas of the United States, altogether containing about 95 percent of the population, the householder was requested to -fill out and mail back the questionnaire on Census Day. Approxi- mately 83 percent of these households returned their forms by mail. Households that did not mail back a form were visited by an enumerator. Households that returned a form with incomplete or inconsistent information that exceeded a specified tolerance were contacted by telephone or, if necessary, by a personal visit, to obtain the information. In the remaining (mostly sparsely settled) areas of the country, which contained about 5 percent of the popu- lation, the household received a question- naire in the mail. The householder was requested to fill out the questionnaire and give it to the enumerator when he or she visited the household; incomplete and unfilled forms were completed by _ interview during the enumerator's visit. Each household in the country received one of two versions of the census questionnaire: a short-form questionnaire containing a limited number of basic population and housing questions or a long-form questionnaire containing these basic questions as well as a number of additional questions. A sam piing pro- cedure was _used to determine those households which were to receive the long-form questionnaire. Two sam piing rates were employed. For most of the country, one in every six households (about 17 percent) received the long form or sample questionnaire; in areas estimated to have fewer than 2 500 inhabitants, every other household' (50 percent) received the sample questionnaire to enhance the rei iabil ity of sample data in small areas. Special questionnaires were used for the enumeration of persons in group quarters such as colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, military installations, and ships. These forms contained the same population questions that appeared on either the short form or the long form but did not include any housing questions. In addition to the regular census question- naires, the Supplementary Questionnaire for American Indians was used in conjunc- tion with the short form on Federal and State reservations and in the historic areas of Oklahoma (excluding urbanized areas) for households that had at least one American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut household member. PROCESSING PROCEDURES The 1980 census questionnaires were processed in a manner similar to that for the 1970 and 1960 censuses. They were designed to be processed electronically by the Film Optical Sensing Device for Input to Computer (FOSDIC). For most items on the questionnaire, the informa- tion supplied by the respondent or obtained by the enumerator was indicated by marking the answers in predesignated positions that would be "read" by FOSDIC from a microfilm copy of the questionnaire and transferred onto com- puter tape with no intervening manual processing. The computer tape excluded information on individual names and addresses. The tape containing the information from the questionnaires was processed on the Census Bureau's computers through a number of editing and tabu- lation steps. Among the products of this operation were computer tapes from which the tables in this report (and most others in the 1980 census publications) were prepared on phototypesetting equip- ment at the Government Printing Office. A more detailed description of the data collection and processing procedures can be obtained from the 1980 Census of Population and Housing, Users' Guide, PHC80-R1. ""''.,!}···· Appendix C.-Accuracy of the Data .'f Since 1980 population counts shown in this report were tabulated from the entries for persons on all questionnaires, these counts are not subject to sampling error. In any large-scale statistical opera- tion such as a decennial census, human and mechanical errors occur. These errors are commonly referred to as nonsampling errors. Such errors include failure to enumerate every household or person in the population, not obtaining all re- quired information from respondents, obtaining incorrect or inconsistent infor- mation, and recording information in- correctly. Errors can also occur during the field review of the enumerators' work, the clerical handling of the census questionnaires, or the electronic proc- .. U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-360·956:11 essing of the questionnaires. In an attempt to reduce various types of nonsampling error in the 1980 census, a number of techniques were introduced on the basis of experience in previous censuses and in tests conducted prior to the census. These quality control and review measures were utilized throughout the data collection and processing phases of the census to minimize undercoverage of the population and housing units and to keep the errors at a minimum. As was done after the 1950, 1960, and 1970 censuses, there were programs after the 1980 census to measure various aspects of the quality achieved in the 1980 census. Reports on many aspects of the 1980 census evaluation program will be published as soon as the appropriate data are accumulated and analyzed. A major component of the evaluation work is to ascertain, insofar as possible, the degree of completeness of the count of persons and housing units. The Census Bureau has estimated that the 1970 census did not count 2.5 percent of the population. For 1980, the Census Bureau's extensive evaluation program will encompass a number of different approaches to the task of estimating the coverage of the census. Although these studies have not been completed at the time of publication of this report, pre- liminary estimates indicate that the rate of undercoverage in the 1980 census was reduced from 1970 census levels. C-1 Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 Postage and Fees Paid '~""""'~ U.S. Department of Commerce -U.S.MAIL@ COM-202 \. -"::..~ Special Fourth-Class Rate-Book n CD :s ·en c· en 0 ... l , c -m .. -· 0 :s Vol.· -C'l ':l"::s <Dill "lJ ... olll -a5l CCD _ ... Ill-· -~~~ -·-0 -· :::1~ 9. -Ch . .A z c: 3 0" ~ g, Al -o (") co 9 .... :i> w