HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1610PRE-AUTHORIZATION ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED SUSITNA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS: PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS OF WATER QUALITY AND AQUATIC SPECIES COMPOSITION by JAMES C.RIIS Fisheries Biologist Alaska Department of Fish and Game Sport Fish Division Anchorage May 1977 I TK I\L1~5 , @~M~~~rv~I ~1T&lT~, JAY S.HAMMOND.GOYif,NOa ..50 t..- Lnj -S/rl\~)u·\ilru : AJ.:!:>nJ-:a~.i\.n'lf :lU:NT OF !:'iSn ,\.~m,Gi\.1JE !n RASPSfRRY RDAD S~.s............. flQ-l~/D..ao ANCHORA Gf S950Z March 13,1977 j . Mr.Gordon Watson Area Director Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.Department of the Interior 813 "D"Street Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Mr.l\Tatson: Th~attached progr~ss report summarizes preliminary environmental work related to the Corps of Engineers Susitna River Hydroelectric Project curiI'.g the fiscal year transition quarter July l~1976 to September 30,1976. This baseline inventory study was conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Sport Fish Division,under contract to the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.Data collected during this study include water quantity, water quality,and biological information as outlined in Amendment fl to the Contract Agreemen~. ,~ I would like to express our appreciation to the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service for funding this project a.nd rep..e'l;Ting the contract for FY-77. The ongoing studies will allow the continuity necessary for baseline in- vestigations to be of value in planning extensive,long-tenn work.If the Devils Canyon/Watana project is funded,the intensive .five year aquatic studies should be initiated at the beg:iiming of FY-7B,in order to asc:::ss the full impacts of hydroelectric ,development on the entire Susitna drainage prior to design approval qnd construction.. ames C.Riis Fishery Biologist Division of Sport Fish , j, 1 Attachment .\ t--, ARLIS .Alaska Resources LIbrary &Information ServICes Anchorage,Alaska _._~.~~__._'_'_.__-'--~"'._..,.......-------1..-----..................--............--..... - .... -~ -ii- 1-- - Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. FigureS. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. LIST OF FIGURES Devils Canyon in reference to the Susitna River watershed and northern Cook Inlet,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Map of the upper Susitna River study area encompassed in the Devils Canyon Project,1976. Susitna River discharge at Gold Creek,U.S.G.S.Provisional Records,1976. Devils Canyon and Watana Dams regulated and unregulated daily stream flow,U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,1975. Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs,and Chase Creek,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs Sand 10,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs 11 and 13,Devils Canyon Proj ect,1976. Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs 14 and 15,Devils Canyon Project,1976~ Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs 16 and 17,Devils Canyon Proj ect,1976. Correlation of Susitna River discharge with water stage in sloughs 18 and 19,Devils Canyon Project,1976 .. Maximum daily water temperatures of Susitna River at Parks Highway Bridge,Devils Canyon Project,June 27 to October 26, 1976. Maximum daily water temperatures of Susitna River upstrer.m from Chase Creek,Devils Canyon Project,June 22 to September 29,1976. Maximum daily water temperatures of Susitna River between Devils Canyon and Portage Creek,Devils Canyon Project, June 22 to October 30,1976. Maximum daily water temperatures of Birch Creek below highway crossing,Devils Canyon Project,June 26 to December I,1976. Susitna River suspended solids collected downstream of Devils Canyon and below Gold Creek Railroad Bridge,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Susitna River turbidity (Ftu)levels downstream of Devils Canyon and below Gold Creek Railroad Bridge,Devils Canyon Project,1976. -:iii- ~- LIST OF TABLES Table 1.Aerial enumeration of chinook salmon escapements in Susitna River tributaries,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 2.Grayling tagged at Indian River and Portage Creek,Devils Canyon Proj ect,1976. Table 3.Fish surveys conducted on Susitna River sloughs 8,10,and 11, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 4.Fish surveys conducted on Susitna River sloughs 13,14,and 15, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 5.Fish surveys conducted on Susitna River sloughs 16,17.and 18, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 6.Fish surveys conducted on Susitna River sloughs 19,20,and 21, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 7.,Escapement surveys conducted on Susitna River tributaries, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 8.Escapement surveys conducted on Susitna River tributaries, Devils 'Canyon Project,1976. -Iv- - - '...... - Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. APPENDIX A TABLES Water quality data collected from the Susitna River at the P~rks Highway Bridge between July 21 and October I,1976,Devils Canyon. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River at the Gold Creek Railroad Bridge between July 13 -October I,Devils Canyon Project.1976. Water quality data collected from the Susitna River upstream of Portage Creek between July 15 and September 29,Devils Canyon' Project,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 8 and 10,between June 25 and September 3D,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 11 and 13 between June 23 and September 30,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 14 and 15 between June 25 and September 30,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 16 and 17 between June 24 and September 29,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from sloughs 18 and 19 between June 15 and September 29,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from slough 20 between June 24 and September 29,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from Willow Creek,Little Willow Creek,Kashwitna River and Caswell Creek between July 21 and October 12,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from Sheep Creek,Goose Creek. and Montana Creek between July 21 and October 12,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from slough 3c and Chase Creek between June 26 and October I,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Water quality data collected from Fourth of July Creek,Gold Creek,Indian River and Portage Creek between July 17 and September 28,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Thermograph set in SU$itna River at Parks Highway Bridge, daily maximum and minimum water temperatures,Devils Canyon Project,1976. -v- ,.. J Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 26. APPENDIX A TABLES Thermograph set in Susitna River above Chase Creek,daily maximum and minimum water temperatures,Devils Canyon Project, 1976. Thermograph set in Susitna River between Devils Canyon and Portage Creek,daily maximum and minimum water temperatures, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Thermograph set in Birch Creek below highway crossing,daily maximum and minimum water temperatures,Devils Canyon Proj ect, 1976. Susitna River discharge at Gold Creek,USGS Provisional Data, 1976. Slough 8 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 10 cross-section and stage gauge information,Devi~s Canyon Project,1976. Slough 11 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 13 cross-section and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 14 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 15 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 16 cross-section and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 17 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Table 27.Slough 18 cross-sections and stage gauge informtion,Devils Canyon Project,1976. -Table 28. Table 29. Slough 19 cross~sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Slough 20 cross-sections and stage gauge information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. -.vi~ Table 30. Table 31. Table 32. APPENDIX A TABLES Slough 3c cross-sections and stage gauge information.Devils Canyon Project,1976. Chase Creek cross-sections and stage gauge information.Devils Canyon Project.1976. Tributary flow data,Devils Canyon Project,1976. -vii- - ::l .~..~};,. ABSTRACT Biological~water quality~and water quantity investigations were conducted from July l~1976 through September 30~1976 to obtain baseline data on indigenous fish populations and the existing aquatic habitat as part of an ongoing environmental study to assess the potential impacts of the proposed Watana/Devils Canyon hydroelectric project upon the aquatic ecosystem of the Susitna River drainage. Long term ecological changes to this drainage may be significant.The level and flow patterns of the Susi tna River will be altered and will affect the fish and wildlife resources. INTRODUCTION The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers has been considering several sites within the Susitna River drainage for construction of a hydroelectric complex. The current plan includes construction of dams and power plants on the Susitna River at Devils Canyon and Watana Creek with transmission lines to the southccntral railbelt.A timetable suggested by the dnms'chief advocate~U.S.Senator Mike Gravel~calls for construction authorization in 1981 and Watana Dam completion in 1986.Devils Canyon Dam will be com- pleted in 1990. -1- .... .... - The earth fill Watana Dam (!iver Mile 165)will be 810 feet high.The reservoir,when filled to capacity will have an elevation of 2.200 feet and a surface area of approximately 43,000 acres,extending 54 miles upstream. The thin arch concrete Devils Canyon Dam (river Mile 134)will be 635 feet high.At maximum pool level,the reservoir will have an 'elevation of 1,.450 feet and a surface area of 7.550 acres,extending upstream approximately 28 river miles to the Watana Dam site. The estimated cost for the hydroelectric complex was 1.5 billion dollars in 1974.Inflation could increase this estimate to 6 billion dollars (Gabler, 1976).In October,1976 the 94th Congress Second Session authorized 25 million dollars to become available in October,1977 for preconstruction planning (Phase I)which includes engineering,economic,and environmental studies.The complex financing scheme for this project beyond Phase I will not be discussed in this report.It is.however,a giant undertaking and it is reconunended that the envirorunenta1 studies proceed on the same scale as the overall project. Baseline environmental fisheries studies have been conducted over a three- year period by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)and will be continued in 1977.The projects were financed with federal funding averaging $29,000 per year.In 1974,the National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)contracted ADF&G to conduct a one-year assessment of salmon,(Oncorhrpchus~)populations utiliZing the Susitna River in the vicinity of the proposed Devils Canyon dam site.The Objectives of these studies were to determine the spawning distribution, -2- ".."......--......... relative abundance,migrational timing and juvenile rearing areas (Barrett, and chemical parameters associated with the mainstem Susitna"River (USFWS continuing and expanding these studies downstream and to include physical 1974).Additional funding was received in 1975 and 1976 from the USFWS for j ;. ;. SWDY AREA This report covers the period July I,1976 through September 30,1976). 1976. The Susitna River is approximately 275 miles long from its source in the - Alaska Mountain Range to its point of discharge into Cook Inlet.The major tributaries of the Susitna originate in glaciers and carry a heavy load "of silt during the ice free months.There are also many smaller tributaries - which are perennially silt free.The Susitna River Basin is one of the largest chinook JQ.tshawytscha)and coho lQ.kisutch)salmon production - areas in Cook Inlet. The study.section is located between Devils Canyon and Willow Creek (Fig. - 1).Sampling sites were monitored on the Susitna River and tributaries. Twelve of these sites were clear water sloughs"(sites 3c,8,10,11,13,14, - IS,16,17,18,19,and 20)adjacent to the Susitna River (Fig.2).Three sites were on the mainstem of the Susitna River and the ~emaining locations were clearwater creeks and rivers flowing into the Susitna.Sites were chosen based on their proximity to the Devils Canyon dam area and past Susitna studies documenting fish usage (Barrett,1974;USFWS,1976). -3- ~. ..... :. Figure 1.Devils Canyon in reference to the Susitna River llatershad and northern Cook Inlet.Devils Canyon Project,1976. -4- .. .. -J-~ R. Pc;,,:::.:;::C r: ~"'---~~India:t R........~""-..t,.(?~, ~~~.n~.21 .""""\'7.( nO.16 ,t no.20 r--;00',9 n~.15d9 --no.19 r nO.14 17 . f IJ~Goicl Cr. 1)0 f-// Cr. ~- c.~.rrnon Fourfh ofJuiy Cr. '. o c:_. .~ -. - ~. .~ '*-.... Figun~2.N~tp of th~uppet'Sus1.tna River f.tudy area encompassed in th? Devils Canyon.Project,1976. -'5-.~..... _. METHODS A base camp was established at Gold Creek because of its central location to the sample sites and the logistical advantages offered by the Alaska Railroad.Travel on the Susitna River to the sites was accomplished by a 20-foot riverboat with a jet equipped 85-horsepower outboard motor.Water quantity and biological data were collected biweekly at the sites.Water quality data were collected biweekly at the mainstem Susitna sites and once per month at other site locations. Water Quantity Discharge data were collected by ADF&G personnel at many of the slough and tributary sites.Flows were measured with a Pygmy Gurley current meter. Leupold stage gauges were installed in the sloughs and one of the tributaries. Permanent bench marks were established on the river banks,adjacent to the gauges~for future location reference (Appendix A,Tables 19-31).Channel cross sections were measured with a wading rod and tape measure. Mainstem Susitna River flow regimen were continually monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)gauge station downstream from Gold Creek. Water lcv~ls.of t.ho sloughs and one tributary were correlated with maillstcm Susitna River discharges using a Wang 462 advanced statistical calculator. -6- -- '- Water Quality Turbidity,conductivity;pH,alkalinity,hardness and dissolved o~ygen were measured with a Bach chemical kit,model OR-EL/2,using the methods out- lined by the Hach Chemical Company.Temperature data were continually recorded with Ryan thermographs,Model 0-30,at three sites on the Susitna ! River and one at Birch Creek.A pocket thermometer was used at the remain- ing sites.Analysis of water samples for total suspended solids was adapted from Standard Methods CAPHA,et al.,1971;USFWS,1976). Benthic Invertebrates Benthics were collected with artificial substrates which consisted of a wire vegetable basket lined with nylon cloth (210 micrometre mesh)and filled with 40 rocks taken from the streambed following the procedures described by'the USGS (:McCoy,1974).The basket remained in the water for 75 days. Fisheries Adult salmon escapement and rearing fry were enumerated by ground survey with the exception of chinook salmon counts,which were done with a Be11-47 helicopter and fixed wing aircraft.Fry samples were taken with a dip net or minnow trap and preserved with a 10%formalin solution (Brown,1971). -7- .,,-. Angling (using spinning and fly rods)was employed to capture grayling for tagging studies.Grayling were tagged with Floy anchor (TJ tags. FINDINGS Flow Regimens Between May 12,1976 and June 12,1976 the unregulated flow of the Susitna River increased from 11,900 cubic feet per second (cfs)to a peak discharge of'33,300 cfs'(Fig.3;Appendix A,Table 18).By June 19,the flow had decreased to 19,400 cfs and remained at approximately 20,000 cfs through August 19.The flow again declined,and by ~eptember 30,1976 was 5,800 cfs.Based upon flow data obtained between 1965 and 1975,the Susitna flow regimen continues to decrease through November and stabilizes at approxi-. mately 1,300 cfs,until it begins to increase during the spring runoff in April (USGS Water Resources Data for Alaska 1965-1975).The fluctuating flows and associated stage heights of the unregUlated mainstem Susitna are compared to the projected daily 7,000 cfs discharge of the proposed regulated system in rig.4. Stage fluctuations within the clearwater sloughs of the Susitna related directly to mainstem discharge variations (Figures 5-10;Appendix A, Tables 4-9.Nine (75%)of the 12 sloughs were isolated pools or completely dry when mainstem flows were 7,000 cfs.Attempts to measure flows of the sloughs were unsuccessful because of low velocities. -8- I, I I ., 1· i flmJm .....20,000 I .... 0\ . II.,. .. u--I tI IDI L III .&.,.... U... C> >-15,000 III.-C> c: III tI ~ " ...., 10.000~"" '-~ig~re 3.SusitnD Rlver Discharge at Gold Creek,USGS Provisional Records,1976. ,....5.000 Hay 12 June I July August.....-....-Sept.embel"I ...... I I ".., -10- -.... 25,000 R •.65s 5.00 25,000 r •.3~ s 5.~o 14 •00 ~!t.C~ 20,0001 ..Susltna River 20,000 ,,..Susltna River..III ..""...."~".-..... """....-........,.....'" I-v'~....... I ..........••CI .."\..3.00 .....'==". Cl ""..., t3·"1to,lS ,.., ~'...u , .c .. v .c -\..1;"1 Q-.-15,000 \ Q Cl IV IS.CO:,}:z:E \ ~CI .-,l ~AoI CI oil Chase Creek-I':;,\ .0 oil 2.00 u In C'l :J \., VI 2.CO ....,, \ •I -•\,...10,000 , 10.0001 \Ih Is kcrs Creck \ 1.00 , ..~\~I.CO,, \ \, \ \ S.OOO I \ 5,0001 0.00 i C I 0.00,7/IG 7'/26 i i ,i 6/2G 0/10 .6/26 7/16 712G ClIO ~1.31 g/jO $lln'p Ie oil-tc S;lmplc OJtc Figure 5.Correlation QfSusitnaRiver Discharge with Water Stage in Slough 3C and Chase Creek, Devils Canyon Project,1976.. . S =NonSignificant. -11- ..-.;,._..~... J { 1 25.000 1 I » r • ,..~8, i 1 J 5.00 ( j 25.000 I }I )--] r •.91 *II 1 I 5.00 J It.ao '4.00...;.......20.00~'...Susttna RIver 20,000 '--~Susltna RIver..."...... lit '... ...".,","-~u ... u ....................• I ., I 41 ,b.oo i-II 3.00 .co \....Cl "-.,\..:J=\"J=I U ,..onV.. \J=on J= Q IS.000 C't0IS.000 co \..-Ol \~..41 C \:c OJc;-\lU..U ..e:-O;;co :J ------ \"2.00 ~VI \co:s Z.OOVl \ \...I .J "\ \, 10.000-{I 10.000 ,1.00 11.00 sJ ~ I 0.00 5,000 ~'0.00iiiIIi•i I 6/26 7/16.7/2.6 &/11 6/25 7/1~7/23 G/Il 0)27 917 9130 Sllmilte Date S<lr,'ple D<lte Fir;urc 6.Correlcition of Susitna River Discharge with Water Stage in Sloughs 8 and 10. D~vils Canyon Project)1976.·. ~~l';=.01.Sigl1 if lean t S =Not ~al~ld fic;nnt -12- I I I J ~1 1 I I )J )J 1 I ) 0.00 9/307/2G 8/11 0/27 9/9 Sample Date ' 5,000 6/25 7/14 9/97/14 7/2 a .0/11 3/26 $,ample Dat.e I 'f iii ,I 0•00 9/30 5,000 6/23 25,000 ,r •.913 rs.OO 25 ,000 1 Upstream gage r •.88 P 5.00 tilt ** Downstream ga~e r •.93 "'* 4.00 l 4.00 -20,000 ...... VI 20,000 VI ...............,Susltna River...,~~ "-u "U I "I , '\" ., 11 •01 .\..., \.........."-III \"- III ..3.00 I 3.00 •..c \..c \uv\...\...VI \...;;-..c \or; 0 \{,.,\C'.-~..IS,OOO \"c IS,OOO \~c \~.......-\ -:;\eI VI ,'"01 ;J 1;" :I ,IV '"\IV '"U u \,2.00 \2.00 \ \\\,\ \'...\ \, \.\ '10,0,00 1 \10,000 Slough 13 (Upper)\ \\ 1.00 ,~t .00\\,\ Susftna RIver't Slough 13 (Lower) ,, \............ , '", Figure7~Correl~tion of Susitna River Discharge with Water Stage in Sloughs 11 and 13, Devils Canyon Project,1976. **~.01 Significance -13- ~ "i l J 1 I l )»I I '.I '. ]))))I j 25,000 r-.95 'hft 5.00 25,000 r -.es * S.OO 0/12 &I2G 9/27 s,000 I,iii ,flO.00 6/30 7/1)7/20s0I10.00,og/2S 7/14 7izo alII 0727 g/9 9/30' ~.oo ",',.00 .....,,....~...20,000 20,000-L.......""',Susltnll IUver ~--"'.•~..-~Susltna RIver " ........ iii en .,u...." "'- ..'"' t,J .'\ ..\ "' I,,CI , \ v \3.00 •l;1l • ~ ,.....\3.00 ... ..\1.1.III \. .... .c IV \u ,I I U \ ...\ Q ... ~\ ...r. 15,000 .c 15,009 \ 0 ,0:::> ... \-r:\";j C til \.V ...\- c :I;...Slough 14 \-III \CI-\<J " .t:.~ \II ~2.00 c;l ." \,00,:J, ~\IV \...\.e" \ \ \..., \ , \\ \ ~ lC,OOO~~\10,000 \ \ \,\ \1.00 \".00\, \ \ \ \...I ,Figure 8.Correlation ofSusitna River Discharge with Water Stage in Sloughs 14 and 15,Devils Canyon Project,1976. *=~05 Significance**=.01 Significance '-14- .",~-', ]j I I 1 .,. iJ.,'y J 1 1 1 1 I I )J )B B J (( 15,000 r •.9', ...'"s.oo 25,000 r •.96u 5.00 It.OO 10,000 15,000 1.00 ......, 3.00 .. -ij,-~ "C'I 1':1.., 2.00 SlIsltna River ......,"'~"""'''''......',", \.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Slough 17 "1-=1""-___, \ \ \ \, \ \ \ \ 15,000, 10.000, 20.00 1.00 c ........ 20,000;,~Susltna r.f~~r 'lIlIo....'"....'-'-......,\ .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16 \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ S.OOOI 10.00 6/24 ths 7i23 Oil2 aiu\'9h 9/2' SoH:'?I e~a tc S,OOO I 10.00iii, 6/2"7/IS 7/28 0/12 8/26 9/29 Sa~plc Date \ ~ ~ Figure 9.Correlation of Susitna River Discharge with Water Stage in Sloughs 16 and 17,Devils Canyon l>rojcct,1976. **=.Ol Slc~lfic~nce -'15- j I J I )J ')'I 1 )I I ')J ) ( t.'" 25.000 r·.96 *6 5.00 15.000 r •.81•5.00 4.00 4.00 ...... 2.00 1.00 3.00 I.. ,I:; CII ~ CI C\ t'.l U Sus'tna River \, \,,, \, \,,, \.-...... .........-......~"-...........,", \,. \, \,,,,,, \ \ \,., 10.000 lit 10.000...u •• \,.f' 'II ,I:; U III Q <OJ <:...15.000-III :2 III lit 20.000 1,.......Sus I tna River...u .........;~'"~....,...... '"Cl \c:>\.....Q \....,I:;\v 3.00 , 1/1 \ ~\... ,I:;\CII~\c:~::15.000 \ \1/1 \II:2 C\.,.\III,.., Slough 18 ,,.00 \ \ \ \ to,OOO ~ , I ~"I .00 S.OOO ! • ,Ii'/0.00 6/24 7/t S 7/2;)8/12 8/26 9/29 So'1r:'.pl c Date 5.000 r • •i j ,I 0.00 6/24 7/15 7/28 8/12 8/26 9/8 9/29 . Sample Date Figure 10.Correlation of S.usitna Rivel."Disch[lrge with Water Stage in Sloughs 18 and 19,Devils Canyon Project,1976. )'.1,=.01 Sil',llificnm:c *~.O~Sl&niflcDuCC t .."-..," -16,... - '- ,~ :,.,-. Flows of Portage,Gold,Fourth of July,Chase and Whiskers creeks are presented in Appendix A.Table 32.Insufficient data were collected to analyze trends. Temperature Thermographs were located on the Susitna River at the Parks Highway bridge. upstream of Chase Creek.and between Devils Canyon and Portage Creek. Temperature trends were similar at the three sites.Temperatures at the Parks Highway Bridge site varied from 54 F on June 26 to 56 F on July 11 and August 4,and decreased to 32 F by October 26 (Fig.11;Appendix A. Table 14).Temperatures at the Chase Creek location ranged from 51 F on June 21 to 59 F on July 30.31.August 1.and 3,and dropped to 41 F by September 29 (Fig.12.Appendix A,Table 15).Temperatures at the station between Devils Canyon and Portage Creek varied from 50 F on June 22 to 58 F on August 2 and decreased to 31 F by October 30 (Fig.13.Appendix A,T~ble 16).Temperatures at Birch Creek (a potential future fish facility location) were also monitored and averaged 10 F higher than those recorded in the Susitna (Figure 14).Temperatures were also recorded at the thermograph and other study sites with a pocket thermometer (Tables 3-8).Slough water temperatures were more stable than those of ~he mainstem Susitna. Suspended Solids and Turbidity Total suspended solids (TSS)levels,measured immediately downstream from !'II Devils Canyon,varied from 1,300 milligrams per liter (mg/I)on July 16 to -17- I~I )I )I }J I I I .I ~---j )-Jj • (" "l.", .' '. ". 21.2 15.'6 6~..,-~tI 01:C\c:.-QIuL. I:&.~10.0 ~50 •. :4.4 ItO I.' 30 I ...v June i July I August I Septel':lber i I Date l 1 Figure 11.Maximum Daily Water Temperatures of SusitnaRiver at Parks Highway Bridge,Devils Canyon Project,June 27 to October 26,1976. -18- J .~ .; \ 90 30 . 70 ')J }-.. ( ]j .. j 1 }-~ l .. i .I~• j j j .,... ~21.2 ';jj 60~ L..r:: Cl c,-('J w L. C ..r:.I ,\I \..--.. ('J ..u u.. IS.6 -50 10.0 J 40 30 1 i :, , ,i » ,j i J ii',t I I ,» • •I -r4.4 June July Auous t Date. September October November Figure 12.Udximum Daily Water Temperatures of Susitna Rivct'Upstream from Chase Creek,Devils Canyon Project,June 22 to September 29,,1976. '-19-••a_"~... .' }i 1 ... )1 .~I ) t )j )i ) .,' j J ! 21.2"70 eI 15.6]...60 "l;I .-..61 L.J:en c-u..... C J: ~10.0 ~50u /1:~J ~o )0 I ,I I (, June July Date August September October Figure 13.Maximum Daily Water Temperatures of Susitna River between Devils Canyon and Portage Creek,Devils Canyon Project June 22 to October 30,1976. -20- 1 ~ ~ lQ l-lc:.c ..-I .us:: Q) J J ~ oM Q,I... "a Q) ""eu ] 80 .70 J B l I I I I I }-I } ~, .... j 1 J 1 21.2~I 60 15.;....f/so IO.O~40 July August September Date October November December F i 9 u r e,1l1.Max i rn um 0 ally .\~a t crT cmper a t u res 0 fBi r c her e e k Bel o~,H i 9 h W J Y C r 0 5 5 i n9 t De viI 5 ,Canyon Project I June 26 to Deccmbcr 1 t 1976." -21- 500 mg/1 by the end of July and remained constant throughout August (Fig. IS).The TSS decreased to 30 mg/1 during September.Formazin turbidity unit (Ftu)measurements followed a similar trend between July and September, ranging from 300 to 20 Ftu's (Fig.16).TSS levels and turbidity levels ,~ correlated with Susitna River discharge fluctuation trends.Based upon past observations,the TSS and Ftu levels continue to decrease as flow decreases,stabilizing between November and April,and begin to increase with the increased flow in spring. Water Chemistry Field analyses of dissolved oxygen,pH,hardness,total alkalinity,and specific conductance are presented in Appendix A,Tables.l through 13. Measurements of these parameters expands the Susitna River data base con~ siderably and will be valuable in future studies and post-impoundment com- pari sons if the dams are built. Oxygen concentrations were close to saturation throughout the study, ranging from 10 to 13 parts per million (ppm)in the Susitna River,6-12 ppm in the sloughs,and 9 to 14 ppm in the tributaries.The dissolved oxygen concentrations exhibited a tendency to rise during the summer. Hydrogen ion (pll)concentrations ranged from 7.6 to 8.3 in the Susitna,6.6 to 8.0 in the sloughs,and 7.0 to 8.3 in the tributaries.The range in pH at each station remained relatively stable for the three months of moni- . toring.Hardness,as CaC0 3 ,varied from 40 to 60 ppm in the Susitna River, from 20 to 95 ppm in the sloughs,and from 10 to 105 ppm in the tributaries. 1hese readings all fall within the soft to medium water hardness classification.· -22- J i ~~j I j I 1 J )1 ")!I ( ". ~'\,."., \. Gold Creek 9/10U/13 8/27 Date ,- \, \ ,.----~~ I ",\, I ,'.,\, I \\ '\' I ",,,\~-\\ \ \,,-,~,....... '.........~onfi1terabte \, \ ", \. I I ,I \Settlable 9/307/16 5 500 1,000 -J 100...... CI:::c I ~SO'"0.--0 VI "0 Q) "0c: Q)a. ~ ::l VI 10 Total Settlable Nonfilterable 9/299/8 \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ Devils Canyon' 7129 " ,".---.,,,_....-...._-..~. 8/13 3/25 Date Figure 15."Susitna River Suspended Solids Collected Downstream of Devils Canyon and Below Gold' Creek Railroad Bridge,De'l/ils Canyon Projec.t,1976. 10 -I7'~/1~6-",:I~--::""'o---""T""'--......-~ 500 -1,300 1,000 , ,.J-~100 I III "0 .-I 0 SOtI) "l;I Cl "l;I C ~ 0- ~'l :;) tI.l -23- I )J 1 "~I J 1 i "1 J J i J -}1 1 i ~~1 I 1,000•1,00 500 --Devils Canyon .Gold Creek 912139/7 Surnple D,Jte 8/248/10 '10 •..I ,»i ....., 9/299/88/25 Samp le 0 l:!t,e 3/137/29 10 J.J----r,----ri---....,.,---~'---..... 7/15 ::l.., i ~::l[;l.j ...,a 500 I ~ >-.... 100 J \ ..->--g .....-0- .c "100L..- ::J •.n l-.L.. :J l- So J \50 .. Figure 1,6.SusitnnRiver Turbidity (Ftu)Levels Downstream of DevilsCnnyon and Below Gold Creck Railroad Bridge»Devils Canyon Project ,1976 0 -24- --~ .... .- Total alkalinity measurements were fairly uniform at each site during the study.Concentrations ranged from 30 to 5S ppm in the Susitna,from 10 to 105 ppm in the sloughs,and from 10 to 80 ppm in the tributaries. Conductivity readings,which were standardized to 25 C,ranged from 105 to 170 micro mhos per centimeter (micro mhos/em)ranged from 105 to 170 micro mhos/SID in the Susitna,55 to 230 micro mhos/em in the sloughs, and 2S to 120 micro mhos/em in the tributaries. Benthic Invertebrates Seven artificial substrate baskets were installed in the mainstem Susitna River on July 14,1976.Two were located under the Gold Creek railroad bridge On the north side of the river and four on the south side of the river (two upstream of Gold Creek and two downstream of Gold Creek).One substrate was also placed in the Susitna upstream of Chase Cr.eek on the east side of the river.Only the two baskets under the Gold Creek railroad bridge on the north side of the river can be discussed because the four on the south side were vandalized;and the water level dropped below the one at Chase Creek immediately preceding the recovery date.At the point where the two baskets remained in the water,tt>':J bottom material ranged in size from course gravel to large boulders (Wickett,1959).The baskets were retrieved on September 30,1976 and each rock was examined in the field for benthic invertebrates.The insects were keyed to order in the laboratory and of the 118 specimens (Plecoptera 77,Diptera 55,and Ephemeroptera 66), 63%were classifed as being "sensitive".(In this report the orders of mayflies [Ephemeroptera]and stoneflies [Plecoptera]are considered to be "sensitive"to changes in water quality while the order of the true flies -25- ,~ ..- [Diptera]is considered to be "tolerant"to such changes.This admittedly is a fairly general categorization,but it is a widely used practice, particularly when taxonomic breakdown are not available to the researcher. A healthy stream section would therefore contain a large number of insects, a high percentage of which would be pollution "sensitive".Any reduction· in total numbers or in the percentage of sensitive organisms from a control station would indicate stream degradation when more than one sample is coll ected)• Fisheries The Susitna River drainage is utilized by all five Pacific salmon species, as well as resident species such as rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri),and Arctic grayling (Thyrnallus arcticus).Aerial and ground escapement surveys were conducted in 1976 on Susitna River sloughs and its tributaries (Tables 1,3,4,5,6,7,and 8).These escapement counts indicate the relative abundance of fish observed,and should not be interpreted to be total counts. A chinook escapement of 50,499 (enumerated via aerial survey)is tabulated in Table 1.Coho adults were observed (via ground survey)in various tributaries prior to spawning;however,it was not possible to enumerate them to the extent chinook salmon were,because they utilize and disperse through- out many tributaries rather than congregating in the larger tributaries. Large numbers of pink salmon JQ.gorbuscha)were located near the mouths of tributaries (Tables 7 and 8)• -26- ._---~--~-""-._------------------- Table 1.Aerial enumeration of Chinook Salmon Escapements in the Susitna River Tributaries,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Stream (West Side).·Stream (East Side) Alexander Creek 5,412 Willow Creek 1,660 "".., DesM~a River 21,693 ~1ontana Creek 1,445 . Peters Creek 1,489 Chunilna Creek 1,237 t-1art in Creek 791 Kashwitna River (North Fork)303 .lake Creek 3,735 Little Willow Creek 833 Ta lachul itna River 1,319 Sheep Creek 455 . Indian River 537 -Portage Creek 702.-Chulitna River (East Fork)112 ~Chul i tna River (Middle Fork)1:0 870 Chu1 itna Ri ver (t'1ain stem)124 Prairie Creek 6,513, Honolulu Creek 124 Byers Creek 53 Troublesome Creek .92 -27- , i ~II -Tab1 e 2.Grayling Tagged at Indian River and Portage Creek.Devil 5 ..Canyon Project,1976..' ~- Length-Inches Location Date Tag Number (Tota 1 Length) Portage Creek 6/22 06379 11.5 06378 11.5 r-06365 13.0 06359 12.0 06105 14.0 06108 13.0 f -....06109 14.0 6/24 06110 14.0.-06110 14.0 .~06118 15.0 06119 13.0 06120 15.0-"06121 15.0 06122 12 ..0 06123 15.0 06125 12.0 t ~7/15 06133 8.0 1/29 06137 15.0 8/25 26107 13.0 ....26108 11.0 06139 14.0 Indian River 6/22 06112 15.0 06113 11.5 06114 12.5 06115 12.5 ·06116 13.0 7/14 06130 14.0 06131 13.0 06132 15.0 t"'" -28- .~1 ))j -~I I '.. I , I I .•--))!1 Table 3.Fish Surveys Conducted on Susitna River Sloughs 8,10,and 11,Devils Canyon Project,1976. .Location Time Date (tliJitary) Fry Spceies Identified Adult Snl~on DensityTempcraturo,.c:(of)Weather No.fry r.o l/I oM 4.1 I':•.-1 Air Wa,ter Conditions Observed 0 >..........Chinook Coho Sockeye Chur.l Pink0~P"!4.1 I':0 3 ,:.:>.I-'.....G U ~.... 6 0 ,.c:0 I-<~ U U If.)~~ • Slough,8 6/z6 7/16 7/26 8/II 1200 "30935 1540 62 50 65 46 411 42 54 Exce Ilent Poor .. Good Good 200 50 300 300 x x x x o o o a a .._----_._---------------------------------~------------~-------------------------~~---------------------.----------_._-._---~- Slough 110 6/26 1200 .60 52 Exce 11 ent 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/111 1230 61 119 Poor a 7/20 1000 63 38 Fair I x 8/II 17115 63 112 Fair a 8/27 1200 ~8 43 Good oJ)... 917 1410 42 Excellent 5 x,9130 1500,•40 Excellent 0 .-_.~._.._-~~------~-----------------------------------~.----------------------~~---.-~~----~------------.--~--_..~~---.-~~--- Slough.6/23 1405 60 45 Exce Ilent a a 0 a 0 0 ,11 11 7/14 1545 74 51 .Good a 7125 1100 60 46 Fair a 8/11 1900 59-47 Good 0 12 0/26 1230 Excellent 0 28 57 .\ 9/4 1620 45 39 Good 0 78 66 9/30 1220 42 38 Excellent a____~--~----~-----•.---~---~--.-------~--~-----.----.-__.w~_~__._.~.~ 11 App;oximately 300 ~oh~fry observed In clear water channel between Slough 10 and Susltna main channel,water temperature was 52 F. 11 Slough No.II was excellent rearing habitat prior to this year.An Ice Jam in the spring of 1976 destroyed this slough. i·./ ~. . -29- {....._... ~}-)J J '"'-J ))!I I1--I . 't "/ :'i.. Table 4.Fish Surveys Conducted on Sus:l.tna River Sloughs.Devils Canyon Project,1976. Fry Species Identified Adult Sal=on ~n~ityTemperature.<:: Time (OF)No.Fry ~e4 ""~:::.... Lo C:Lt ion Date (l1i I i tary)Air I~o.ter Conditions Observed 0 >-..........Chinook Coho Sockeyo Chu::I Pink0~...41 I::0 G .,..'>..<J....,.c::::J U ~•.-1 .c 0 0 0 k §U U til (.;l ..-.... Slough 6/25 1100 41 Excellent 100 x x x x 0 0 0 1)0 No.13 7/14 1630 72 44 Good 150 x ,x. ~7/28 43 Fair 200 x 8/11 2000 55 40 ,Good 250 x .. 8/27 Good 250 x 9/9 1735 52 47 Good 3 x "9130 1345 48 36 Excellent 0 x____••__••~_.M ••._.••_.__~v ~• •••__.~.' Slough 6/25 1650 .46 Excellent •10 x . 0 • 0 ''0 0 0..No.lit 7/14 1800 63 "45 Goed 10 x , " 7/28 1300 43 Fair 0 x.'8/11 2050 .•49 43 Good 25 x 8/27 1300 57 '43 Fair 20 x "9/9 1840 49 44 Good·4·x 9130 1405 47 44 Excellent I x .-------~-~-.--------..-----.------~~---~--..-..-.-----.-------~----------w--.----------------.--------.----------T-------.--~~ Slough.6/30 66 43 Excellent 250 'x x x 0 0 o .' 0 0•No.IS 7/13 2030 S4 47 Poor lOa x x x •7128 1500 50 Fair 200 x 8/12 1002 S2 44 Poor 200 x 8/26 1900 57 ,47 ..Excellent 50 x' 917 1720 47 41 Fair SO x x .'._---_.---_.---~~~-_...-._-.-_.--~~---~..._----.------------_._--._-------~-----.-------.-------~------~~._----_._-------.---- ,I -'. .' ~ I 1 ." .'-30-. ... ,.J 1 i }<}T «, ] C\.1 }I <)11<1 1 )J i j j I ~ ,\? .~ /...... Table S.Fish Surveys Conducted on SU61tna River Sloughs 16,17,and 18,Devils Canyon Project,1976. ·LoclI.tion Date Time (till I tary). Tempe:-ature (OF) Air W:ltor Conditions ,...... Fry Species Iclcnti=~c~ Adul~S~l~on Densi~y.. No.Fry .II:boG "J. CIl l::'M Observed 0 >.'M ...Chinook,Coho Soclceyo"C~u::l .Pink04)....vc::0 j '><:'>....".......<:~"'::!..<:8 0 I-<U U lIJ U g ... .. ,'. '.'--9 '.oooo ., x x x x x x x x x x Excellent Poor fa i r Poor Excellent Fal r Exce Ilent .54 49 50 45 49 42 47 52 51 60 47 41 1330 1930 1530 1050 1700 1830 1740 6/24 7/15 7/28 8/12 8/26 1/ 917 - 9/29 Slough No.16 200 200 sao 225 75a o ,..~._----.._-.---------.~~-----..__.--.---.---*._----~.-~---_.._---------._--._----_._--_.--.-...--_._-.---_.----------_._--.--.-~... oo " ,:... o •.0. 0 x x x x x ·x Slough 6/24 1550 48 Excellent No.17 7/15 1845 64 40 fair 7/28 1600 42 fa I r 0/12 1340 ,.51 ·38 Fair 8/26 1600 60 41 Excellent 9/29 1550 43 41 Excellent 100 0100, .100 2 ,60 o--.._._----.-.._------~--_.------..-------------._----_.-------.._---_._-~---.---.--_....--------_..-----~.~-----------------.-- .,. " o0;O.oo ". Slough No.18 6/24 53 Excellent 50·x 7/15 1900 60 1,0 Poor 25 X: 7128 1630 49 fair.25 'x 8/12 1535 54 43 Fai r 5 x 8/26 1630 54 42 Excellent 10 x 9/2911 1635 5047"Excellent 0 ..:".'.:__w~~~~-----~~~~-~~~-~-.-'-------..-.-------..------..~.._._.._._...~~--.-.----.--_-.-.-.,•.. 11 Flow and'water level dropped con~iderably. lV'Entry and exIt to Susltna blocked. .;-~ .' '. .., =i I ••• • ~-. .' ,..,. o -31":• ". '. t.............. ~." }-J I )J l I )i l,.l,I )L __J ( Table 6.Fish Surveys Conducted on Susitna River Sloughs 19,20,nnd 21;Devils Canyon Project.1976. try Species Identifiod Loc:l.tion Date Time (~Illitary) Tc:r.pcraturG (oF)_'Weath;er.No.Fry ~ Air Wo.tor Conditions Ollsorvcd 8 c::.... 6 o.c::ou r: ] u ~ Cl c::>.... Cl ... -"l >.U <;lo,..en t.2 .c:: III....'t Chinook l.>.-1 § Adult S~l~on Density Coho Sockcyo ~Chu~,.P~nk Slough 6/29 1700 ~3 Excellent 100 x x x 0 a 0 0 0 No.19 7/15 1700 64 49 Good lOa x x 7128 1700 49 Fair 100 x 'x 8/12 1850 55 45 FaIr 300 x x "~, 8/25 1/47 Good 200 x 32 9/8 -1710 47 44 Poor 0 30· 9/24 1510 44 42 Excellent o·'...' ____••••..••6 ~•••---.7----------.--------------~----a_------~--~----.--.~--.---.~-- .' ---- .I' Good •1000 x X #• Good •1000 x x Fair 200 x x " Fair 85 x x '..2 Good 0 Poor 0 Excellent 100 x ,49 .55 52 ·5053 62 76 Slough No.20 6/29 7/15 1600 7/28 \800 8/12 2000 8/26 1900 9/8 1605 47 43 9/29 48 39._..---------.-~._-----------_..-_._---------.~-------_.-.----~-------------------------------_._--_.-----------.~--_.--.--~-_.,~ .: .,' Slough 8/25 1,300 Good 200 x'x"k x 10'30 No.21 9/18 1400 40 Good 200 x x x '23 6 9129Yl600 40 Fair 450 x x x IS ...------------_._-_.--------_...._--.---.----------------.--...._._-.--------....-.._------_.-._------._-----.-_._-_..__.~.~-_... • • .'l!Entry and exIt to SU$ltna blocked at mouth of slough.., ~! '..1.Y Fry trapped In $moll pools.• • ., r ..' .' '/'-, -32-. II .,.......... -..... 1 I i ,)]1 J 1 ]i ].;I )j 1.,, ..,:i/'\ Table 7.Escapement Surveys Conducted on Susitna River Tributaries,Devil s Canyon P~oject,1976. Fry Species Idcntific~ Adult S~l~on Density 'Loc:l.tion Date Temperature Time (OF)Weather (Hilltary)-Air Natcr Conditions No.::ry.-.: Observed 8 s:....o o ;3 ~::lo ~ ()o I/) ell ~ ~ ~ ~.... ~Chinook.Coho...'.... § Sockeyo ~u~.Pink ..' Whisker'. Creek 6/26 7/16 7/26 8/10 9/1 -1350 1330 1635 1130 1010 66 60 75 35 58 54 56 56 37 Excellent Good Good Excellent Excellent 1000+ 1000+ 1000+ 1000+ x )C x x x x x x .. 4 8 2 7S • 0 ..."'"'""-_ -----------------_.__...--------------------------~--~--------------- -------..----_..._--..,-----------------'--------:---~'----------- ------------------~-------------'-------_....--......_-_.. 56 Excellent 1000+x x ,~54 Poor 1000+'x x Good 1000+x x 58 Excellent 1000+x :x .'50 50 Good +OOO!x x 41 Excellent a ,.' .32 20 I 3D, B 4000 78 . 3 live. 3000 dead ._---- .17 ,; 14 . 14 l' x .. SO 50 Good 54 'Excellent 53 Good 47 Excellent 45 Excellent 46 ·Good 43 Good 1130 1030 Cold Cr.8/10 8/26 ,,~.-------------------------------_.....__..._-..-.._---~----, .' • • .. Challe 6/26 1245 68 Creek 7/16 1300 64 7/26 1930 8/10 1310 70 8/31 1545 59 9/30 1700 ..43-------_.....- ....Fourth of 7/14 ll30 63 July Cr.7/27 8/11 907 59 8/27 1100 57 9/19 1130 62 .'..." " of ~~, ..' • ". " -33- II>..'. J...J-._..I I i )I )i l-I J i I )i I L I. (.It /' " Table 8.Escapement Surveys Conducte4 on Susitna River Tribut'ariea,Devils,Car,j/on ~rOject.;1976. ,l.oc:~tion Time Date (Mllltarv) ~./ Tcmpcra~ur& (OF)Weather Air W~tcr Conditions Fry Species IC:cntificd Adult S~l~on Density..<:No.Pry :>Il .., ~4)I:... Observed 0 >.'M .....Chinook ,Coho 'Sockeyo Chum .Pink0(.l ...(.l ~0 ".:.:>..... '...<:p 0 r;.r!, IS 0 .c:0 I-<§U U III '"..i .---- ,---_.---..----------,.. x· 702 ,~. ._-134,.500ri 300 250 3000 300 .200 2 18 30. •75 100 537 8 xIndianR.6/22 Cood 10 7/14 1730 67 42 Cood 8/12 1200 50 48 Fair 8/26 1300 46 ,Excellent 9/28 1755 44 Fair .---------------------'- Portage 6/22 1200 Good 45 Creek 7/15 1330 76 44 Goed 8/13 1130 68 47 Excellent 8/25 1200 50 Excellent 9/8 1240 45 43 Poor ------~,----.---------...,--- .,.)- ,v-' • • , .. ......I, .. " ,; .'. :' 1 =1 • t".' ~ .'• '10 -34,.. .............'.,. : r ..•.,. Fry salmon observations were conducted in the sloughs and tributaries of the Susitna (Tables 3-8).Fry were located in clearwater sloughs during the early sumrnerwhen stage heights of the water were highest.As the sumrner progressed and water depth within the sloughs decreased,so did the number of fry observed. A tagging program was initiated to determine grayling movements within the Susitnaand its tributaries.TWenty-nine fish were captured,measured (length),and released at the mouths of Portage Creek and the Indian River (Table 2).One tagged grayling was recaptured and released by an angler one and one-half milos above the mouth of Portage Creek one month after it was tagged.The angler did not record the tag number. DISCUSSION Flow Regimens The effects of flow regulation on various fish and wildlife resources in· the Susitna River basin is a primary concern of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.Depth,width,and velocity of the flow determine the quality and quantity of habitat available to aquatic organisms.High discharges associated with spring run-off result in a number of physical actions which are important to aquatic life in the Susitna River.A flushing or scouring action is produced which removes deposited sediments and fines., -35- -- - resulting in an annual cleansing of the river bottom.This is an important aspect of river ecol.ogy.particularly for r~Yers like the Susitna.which transport large amounts of sediment.Deposition of sediment without the annual scouring could change the overall productivity of the river.eventu- ally suffocating all aquatic organisms within the system. High spring flows may trigger upstream spawning migrations of salmon and resident fish species to spawning areas in sloughs and tributaries of the Susitna.The tributaries and sloughs of the Susitna also serve as rearing habitat for salmon and resident fish fry.Upstream movements of some fish species to these areas may be restricted or blocked by reduced flows. Succe~sful salmonid egg incubation is dependent upon adequate flows to maintain flow-percolation-intragravel water movements within a redd (Stalnaker and Arnette.1976). Water velocity and stage determine the availability of wetted areas necessary for benthic species production.Discharges which would alter and reduce the benthic population and composition of the Susitna would also reduce its carrying c~pacity. Aquatic populations in free flowing rivers have evolved to their current levels due to extreme flow variations (very high to very low).Some aquatic species may be present only because the particular hydrologic regime exists. -36- ,~ Water Quality Dissolved oxygen,pH,alkalinity,hardness,temperatures and conductivity were within acceptable limits for fish life and were in the range of ex- pected results for natural waters in southcentral Alaska (Bauers,personal communication). Relationships between temperature and the aquatic environment are intimate. Fish and other aquatic organisms are directly affected by changes in water temperature.Salmonids are sensitive to the slightest changes in tempera- ture.Releases from a hydroelectric power plant and reduced flows could result in abrupt temperature changes during critical life history stages of aquatic life.Dissolved oxygen decreases as water temperature increases~ ye~aquatic animals require higher dissolved oxygen levels as temperatures increase.IIigher temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations could limit the diversity of organisms present. Unregulated flowing waters dilute and transport natural and man-generated pollutants.In a relatively undeveloped river system,such as the Susitna, any alteration to the natural balance of the system may reduce the bio- logical productivity and quality of the river. Fisheries The Susitna drainage,in its natural state,is a viable fishery for salmon and other freshwater species.It is known to be one of the largest chinook and coho production areas in Cook 'Inlet.Thus,it is essential to define ..37- - - - - the life history (spawning,incubation,rearing,and migration)habitat requirements of indigenous fish species and other aquatic biota to sustain the existing Susitna drainage fishery. Data collected this year indicate that in the early summer,when salmon rearing conditions are poor in the mainstem Susitna (because of high discharge and sediment loads),the clear water sloughs and tributary habitat areas are utilized by fry.As the season progresses,discharge and sediment loads of the mainstem Susitna begin to decrease.By fall and winter,the silt load and discharge appear to be low enough to transform the rnainstem Susitna into suitable fry rearing habitat to replace slough areas (which are eliminated when rnainstem discharge decreases),and tr~bu-. taries that freeze in the winter. Apparently these seasonably wide fluctuations of water velocity,depth, temperature,chemical composition,and clarity of the mainstem Susitna,its sloughs and tributaries determine to some extent the intrasystem migrations ~f fish seeking more desirable environments.Thus,any alterations to the existing aquatic ecosystem which restrict or reduce the availability of required habitat.will also reduce fish production. CONCLUSION Baseline inventory studies,to date,emphasize the need to initiate a comprehensive study to properly assess the potential environmental impacts -38- I t tI I ,- ..~ I _~ .- ,,,...... - to the aquatic ecosystem of the Susitna drainage by the proposed Watana/ Devi~s Canyon hydroelectric project prior to final design approval and con- ,struction authorization. The Susitna River is a product of its tributaries.All aquatic habitat and populations (within the power transmission corridor site,construction road }routes,and above and below the proposed dam sites)which would be directiy . or indirectly affected during construction and after completion of the project must be carefully evaluated.It is imperative to thoroughly investi- gate the interrelationships between the aquatic biology,water quantity and water quality of the existing free flowing Susitna River system.Recrea- tional,social,economic,and aesthetic considerations should also be included. With this information the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be able .. to provide the input for preventing unnecessary losses of the fisheries anq related resources. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this study was provided by the U.S.Fish &Wildlife Service. The author wishes to acknowledge the technical assistance of Jeffrey D. Hock,Fisheries biologist with the Department of Fish and Game. Special credit is due Larry Engel and Stan Kubik,area biologists with the sport Fish Division,for conducting the aerial chinook salmon escapement counts. -39- ~- - - LITERATURE CITED APHA.et a1.1971.Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water.13th edition.American Public Health Association, Washington,D.C.pp.539-540. Barrett,B.M.1974.An assessment study of the anadromous fish populations in the upper Susitna River watershed between Devils Canyon and the Chulitna River.Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game.Div.of Commercial Fisheries (unpublished).56 pp. Bauers.Harvey.1976.Personal communication.U.S.Geological Survey. Brown.C.J.D.1971.Fishes of Montana.Big Sky Books,Bozeman.Montana .. 207 pp. Gabler.A.1976.Susitna Dam cost going up.Anchorage Times.December 12. 1976. McCoy,G.A.1974.Preconstruct ion assessment of biological quality of the. Chena and Little Chena rivers in the vicinity of Chena Lakes flood control project near Fairbanks,Alaska.U.S.Geological Survey Water- Resources Investigations 29-74:84 pp. Stalnaker,C.B.and J.C.'Arnette (cds.).1976.Methodologies for the determination of stream resource flow requirements:An assessment. Prepared for U.S.Fish and Wildlife Services Office of Biological Services Western Water Allocation by Utah StateUniv.199 pp. U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.1976.Southcentral railbe1t area-Susitna River Basin.Fish and Wildlife studies related to the Corps of Engineers Devils Canyon-Watana Reservoir hydroelectric project. Studies conducted by the Alaska Dept.ofFish and Game under contract·. agreement with the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.Feb.158 pp. and appendices.. Wickett,w.r.1959.Effects of siltation on success of fish spawning. Proceedings of the 5th Pacific NorthwestS~lposium on Water Pollution Research.U.S.Public Health Service,Water Supply and Water Pollution Control Program.Portland,OR.March 23-24.pps.16-22. -40- - r- APPENDICES 1 -I 1 l. J .~)1 -~I ]9 1 1 1 )1 / -~ ..'.... -·--··----.•.~w-..._...~~__. . .__~__ __.._.__. .__..__._._ Water Quality Data Collected from the Susitna River at the Parks Highway Bridge Between July 21 and October I,1976,Devils CanyonProject,1976. Appendix A Table 1. Temperature Total Spec.i!1c Suspended solids CmSTI}------ l<eather (OF)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Non-"_- ConditionS Water Air (ppm)pH (mg/l)(mg/l)()Jm.~os/ClIl)(Ftu)1'1i.terab'le.Settlable Total 20 101; 561 587 )16 17 78 237 465 424 3 79 26 96 16) 10 8S 122 1)2 160 50 45 so 50 50 607.6. 8.1 8.0 10 13 115) )8 6852 4) 35 mostly sunny most 1Y sunny most.1 y sunny mostly mostly sunny I :)0 p.m. Tilne 2:00 p.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. .12:45 p.m. 29.95 30.10 Barometric. Pressure loll 10/12 7/21 7/27 9/1 Date l j ; I i I I -j ·1 I I - I f" !.. l.. ~ ." ....... .. ~41-.. ·'r,'............ J i 1 J }-j »i 1 ] /' / j ," i ))i ") Appendix A Table 2.Water Quality Data Collected from the Susitna River at the Gold Creek Railroad Bridge Between July 13 -October 1,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Date l!arolUtric. Pressure Time Temperature Weather ("F) Conditions Yater Air D.O. (ppm)pH Total Hardness.Alkali (mg!l) (mg!l) Specific Conductance (lllllhos!em) Suspe~ded Solids (cg/l) Turbidity Non-(Ft~)Filterable Settlable Toeal 49'13 7/13 12:00 Cloudy noon Rain 7/16 2:00 p.m. 8/10 2:20 p.g!.Clear 8/13 2:50 p.llI.cloudy Rain 8/24 7:00 p.m.clear 8/27 2:45 p.m.mostly sunny 917 29.45 4:20 p.lll.Cloudy 9/10 10:50 a.m.Cloudy 9/28 29.1 S.4:25 p'.m.Mosely cloudy 9/30 I :20 p.m.Mostl)' sunny so 53 51 43 44 54 75 63 53 II 11 12 7.9 8.3 8.0 8.0 8.3 " 40 so 50 58 45 30 45 40 45 30 - 4 2'- " " 105 125 125 146 132 230 90 15 10 28 90 92 23 18 725 76'; 325 22 s 753 859 417 45 2] j _~~~.l,.))1 1 J , i J J )1 )J 1 Appendix ATable3.Water Quality Data Collected from the Susltna River Upstream of Portage Creek between July 15 and September 29.Devila Canyon Project.1976. Tempera ture Total Specific SuspendedSollda (~g/l) Barometric ("E)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity 1\on-'•Weatller Date Pressure Tme Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (Ills/l)(mg/l)(IlMosl em),(Ftu)Fiiterable Settlable Total 7/l5 -12:30 p.m.p~rt1y 49 76 11 7.9 50 45 125 320 41 1,232 1,273 cloudy- rain 7/29 .11 :30 a.m.partly 50 65 11 8.0 55 55 140 220 86 443'529 cloudy 8/13 29.50 9:30 a.m.IllOst1y 48 5S 12 8.0 55 40 115 210 117 412 529 sunny 8/25 29.45 11:45 a.m.partly 50 57 12 8.0 ~50 45 120 140 71 387 458 cloudy 9/8 29.30 11:55 a.m.overcast .49 12 8.0 60 SO 165 ..30 29 76 105 -4 rain 9/29 29.25 11:30 a.m.partly 41 39 12 8.0 60 SO 170 20 11 13 24 cloudy • ". . ;' -43- ,..,'". I I It i i: :~ I ]1 I j ... ,I -} - 1 ~ -44- ) ... J j') j j J---.j).J ~I·..I I I ))J j Appendix A Table S.Limnological Data Collected from Slough 11 and 13 between June\23 and September 30.Devils Canyon Project,1976. Temperature Total Specific Barometric Weather.(Op)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Gage Susitna Pate Pressuro Time Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (mg/l)(mg/l).....(uMos/cllI)(Ftu)Y.eight(PT)Plow (CFS) Slou&lL!!.i 6/23 -2:05 p.lI.clear 45 60 ------4.00 20,600 7/14 -3:45 p.lII.part!y cloudy 51 74 10 7.5 85 105 55 193 4.24 20,500. 7/28 -:11:00 a.lII.cloudy'46 60 .------3.66 20,OC/O 8/11 (.-7:00 p.lI•partly cloudy 47 59 12.7.6 90 55 230 8 3.47 18,000 8/26 -12:30 p.m.Illostly sunny --.,-------3.17 13,900 9/9 211.85 4:20 p.lI.partly cloudy 39 45·12 7.4 95 70 210 0 2.01 6.570 9/30 -,.12:20 p.lII.clear 38 42.-.....--2.00 5,800 Sloulh..!! 6/25 •clear /.41 0.85/0.44 19.600-.-.,.----.- ,.'..: 7/14 -4:30 p.m.partly cloudy 44 72'10 6.7 90 70 200 55 0.86/0.49 20,500 " 7/28',-'.-cloudy 43 .-.--- --0.82/0.45 20,000 ! 8/11 -8:00 p.lII.partly'cloudy 40 SS 10 7.4 80 65 170 0 0.83/0.43 18,000 B/27 - - -.-.- - ----0.84/0.27 13,000. 9/9 29.75.:,5:35 p.lI.partly cloudy 47 51 12 7.6 85 60 200 0 O.SI/dry 6,570 ,' P/30 -1:45 p.lI.clear 36 48 ,.-.----0.22/dry 5,800 . -'....':-.:... -4S- " ..:---. I I j E '!.))i I i i -)-'];.-1 -1 J.. ( /' AppendIx ATable6.-·Vater Qua~lty Data Collected from Sloughs 14 and 15 between June 25 and September 30.Devil.Canyon Project.1976. Barometric Temperature -Total Specific Date Veather (Op)0.0.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Gage Sushna Pressure Title Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (mg/l)(mg/l)..__.(urnhos/em)(Ftul Height(Fr)Flow (CFS) Slough 14 .. -J 6/25 ·4:50 p.m..46 ··~-·-·.1.82 19,600 7/14 ·6:00 p.m.partly'cloudy 4S 63 ·12 6.8 35 20 85 -2.07 20,500 .' 7/28 •1:00 p.lII.cloudy 43 1.49 20,000··.-.-·--- 8/11 ( •8.50 p.llI.·partly cloudy 43 49 9 6.9 45 IS 90 -1.28 18,000 8/27 ·1:00 p.m.cloudy 43 57 ·.···-0.93 13,000 · 9/9 2~.80 •6:40 p.m.partly cloudy 44 49'o ..0.29 6,57096.9 35 40 95 9/30 .·2:05 p.lD.clear 44 47 0.27 5,800·- ---·. Slou.&!!.1! 6/30 ·.clear 43 66 -- -··-2.23 20,000... 7/13'-8:30 p.m.c:1oudy~ra1n 47 54 9 6.8 2S.30 68 -2.65 20,000 7/28 ·3:00 p.llI.cloudy 50 ··.----1'.83 20,000 8/12 ~rain 2.02 .19,000·10:00 a.lII.44 S2 7 6.7 30 10 72 0 8/26 ·'.7:00 p.m.clear ,47 57 .-···-1.08 13.900 ;. .9/27 29.40 5:20 p.m •overcast 41 47 9 6.7 2S 30 68 0 0.76 6,480 -46-. ))_,-1 )I-,J i »]j ~1 )1 i j ]-Ii ( Appendix A Table 7.Water Quality Data Collected from Sloughs 16 and 17 between June 24 and September 29,Devils Canyon Project,1976. 'r3mperature Total Specific Barometric Weather (OF)D.O.'pH Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Gage Susiena Date Pressure'Time Conditions Water Air (ppm)(mg/1)(mg/1),(u:r.11o 5/cm)(Ftu)Height(FT)Plow (CFS) Slough 16 6/24 -1:30 p •••clear 54 62 --··.·'2.17 19,900 7/15 ·7:30 p.lIl.rain 49 52 10 7.2 35 20 85 ·1.77 19.200 7/28 -3:30 p.m.cloudy 50 -------'1.55 20,000 8/12 I 29.50 10:50 a.m.rain 45 51 10 7.1 45 ,35 80 0 1.75 19,000 8/26 ·5:00 p.lII.clear 49 60.·- - ..--0.81 13,900 9/7 29.40 6:30 p.m.overcast 42 47 6 6.2 20 30 60 0 0.45 6,480 9/29 ·,5:40 p.m.clear 47 41 --··-·,0.44 6.060 Slough 17 -<;-..."". 6/24 -3:50 p.llI.clear 48 .··- --·1.97 19.900.64 .7/15 ·6:45 p.m.partly 'cloudy 40 10 7.0 30 35 80 -.1.92 19,200 7/28 .. 42 1.64·4:00 p.lll.cloudy - -··---20,000 8/12 29.55 .1:40 p.m.cloudy 38 1.8751,~6.6 25 30 66 0 19,000 8/26 ·4:00 p.m.clear 41 60 ··-·- - 1.01 13,900 9/29 29.30 '3:50 p.m.mostly sunny 41 43 11 6.9 '2S 20 75 0 0.45 6.060 ". / -47,,; t •..-.---. , I J I--L.L-')I.:'0'\I..~- 1).);1 1 , .,~ ( ....j, Appendix A Table 8.Water Quality Data Collected from Sloughs 18 and 19 between June 15 and September 29,Devils Canyon Project,1~76. Temperature Total .Specific Barometric Weather (OP)D.O.Hardness A.1kali Conductance Turbidity Gage Susitna Date Pressure Tillie Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (mg/1)(mg/l).(umhos/cm)(Ftl,l)Height(FT)P1o ...(CPS) Sloui!!....l! 6/24 --...53 - -----.1.80 19,900 7/1S -7:00 p.lII.rainy 48 60 S 7.0 60 SO 118 -1.78 19,200 7/28 4:30 p.m.;cloudy'49 1.77 20,000·-------, 8/12 29.55 3:35 p •••cloudy 48 S4 9 7.3 40 45 105 0 1.78 19,000 8/26 ·4:30 p.m.clear 42 54 ---- --1.68 13,900 9/29 29.30 4:35 p.m.mostly 'sunny 47 50 11 8.0 55 SO 135 0 0.98 6,060 SlouBill. 6/24 - --43 - ------2.49 19,900 7/15 ·5100 p.m.partly cloudy 49 .64 10 7.5 60 40 140 .2.39 19,200 7/28 -5:00 p.m.cloudy 49 --.----1.98 20,000 8/12 29.55 6:50 p.m.cloudy 45 5S 9 7.1 70 SO 142 -2.37 19,000 8/26 -7:30 p.m.cloudy 47 ---- - - -1.96 13,900 9/8 29.40 S:10 p.m.overcast-l'ain.44 47 12 7.8 60 60 ISO -1.80 6,240 9/29 -3:10 p.m.mostly sunny 42 44 ------1.82 6,060 -48-... J j \1li ~1--J .1 I J I ( ]J )I )1 I J I Appendix A Table 9.Water Quality Data Collected from Slough 20 between June 24 and September 29.Devils Canyon Project.1976. Temperature Total Specific Barometric Weather (OF)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Gage Susitna Date Pressure Time Conditions \"ater Air (ppm),pH (mg/l)(mg/l),(umhos/cm)(Ftu)Height (FT)Discharge (CFS) 51ou~ 49 62 ---2.78 19,900 6/24 -.- 4:00 p.ra.partly cloudy 55 76 11 7.7 40 35 105 5 above gauge 19,200 7/15 - 6':00 p.m.cloudy 52 -------2.66 20.000 7/28 - r 8:00 p.m.cloudy 50 S3 11 7.7 3S 40 05 0 2.64 19.000 8/12 29.55 7:00 p.m.partly cloudy ------.-2.60 13,900 8/26 -- 29.35 .overcast-rain 43 47 12 7.6 SS 40 110 0 2.63 6,240 9/8 '4:05 p.m. 2:00 p;m.clear 39 48 ---.2.70 6,060 9/29 - ,; ...49- ~..._. J 1 )---3 1 lj J 1 .~1 J Y )I i ( J Appendix A Table 20.Water ~~ity Data Collected from Willow Creek,Little Willow Creek,Kashwitna River and Caswell Creek between July 21 and October 12,Devils Canyon Project,1976. ])ate -BarometJ:'ic Pressure Time Weather Conditions Tempe:tature ,("F) \later Air D.O. (ppm)pH Hardness (mg/l) Total Alkali (mg/l) Specific Conductance (}lI:lho s/cm) Turbidity (Ftu) Suspended Solid9(~/l) Non-- ~1iterable Settlable Total 1 . ,- ~" t· ~-. !.< (.- ; ! ~ "f j. f i I. ! ~..-~-_.-....._-~ Willow Creek 7/21 6:50 p.m.partly 56 68 10 7.6 20 20 72 cloudy 9/1 29.10 5:30 p.m.cloudy 49 57 11 7.5 20 20 80 0 rain 10/12 30.25 10:45 a.m.clear -.,;14 7.4 30 30 92 0 Little Willow Creek 7/21 -5:55 p.m.partly 57 74 10 7.4 10 10 38 cloudy 9/1 30.05 5:00 p.m.mostly 47 61 11 7.2 10 20 34 0 cloudy 10/12 30.20 5:10 p.m.clear --13 7.1 30 20 48 ~ Kashwitna River 7/21 -4:10 p.m.mostly 55 74 11 7.7 20 15 44 sunny 9/1 30.00 4:05 p.m.partly 47 60 11 7.5 20 20 48 10 cloudy 10/12 30.15 4:20 p.m.-clear ----14 7.5 25 15 65 0_....~.........--,;........:;--~--_. Caswell Creek 7/21 -4:50 p.m.partly 58 77 10 7.5 20 20 55 cloudy 9/1 30.00 3:25 p.m.partly 49 57 11 7.3 15 10 52 0 cloudy' 10/12 30.15 3:50p.m.clear --13 7.1 20 15 55 0 ! -50-' J j _J I 1_~.)l )J j j ).))I ] ,. Appendix A .. Table 11.Water Quality Data Collected from Sheep Creek.Goose Creek.and ~ontana Creek betWeen July 21 and October 12.Devils Canyon Project.1976. TeItperature<.Total Specific Suspended_~ol1dsLll!&ill Barollletric Weather:(oF)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Non-· Date Pressure·Time Conditions Vater Air (ppm)pH (mgtl)(mg/l)(lunho slem)(Ftu)niterable Settlable Total.- Sheen Creek 7/21 -3.:15 p.m.clear 58 75 11 7.4 15 20 32 9/1 30.00 2:30 p.m.partly 50 61 12 7.8 15 10 40 5 cloudy 10/12 30.15 3:15 p ....clear 13 7.2 20 IS 55 0 Goose Creek 7/21 -2:15 p.llI.clear 44 72 11 7.3 10 20 36 9/1 30.00 1:40 p.m.mostly 45 57 11 7.2 10 IS 42 0 liunn:, 10/12 30.10 2:35 p.m.clear --13 7.2 20 10 SO 0 .~Iontana Creek 7/21 -12:20 p.m.clear·S4 76 10 7.4 10 20 46 0 9/1 29.95 12:00 p.Pl.mostly 47 5S 11 7.4 10 10 4S 0 sunny 10/12 30.~O 2:00p.m.clear --14 7.3 10 S 48·0 -51- .,.......... J ~,.,''l-_U-J _L......_,~~.__l:.,"~.•>, j ))J 1 J J J 1 (( 1 AppendiX A Table 12.Water Quality Data Col1ected£rom Slough 3C and Chase Creek between June 26 and October I,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Weather Temperature Total Specific BaroJ:letric (OP)D.O.Hardness Alkali Conductance Turbidity Gage Susitna Date Pross\l%'e Time Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (l:Ig/l)(mg/l),__,(umhos/cm)(Ftu)Height(FT)Discharge (CFS) -- lI'hiskers Creek 6/2(,-1:~0 p.m.clear 58 -------1.10 20,300 7/16 -1:30 p.m.partly cloudy 54 66 9-7.4 20 '20 46 -0.70 18.400 7/26 -4":35 p.m.partly cloudy 56 60 ------0.97 19,000 8/10 I 18,000-11:30 a.m.mostly sunny 5,6 75 9 7.1 20 20 48 5 0.96. 10/1 29.90 10:10 a.m.elear 37 35 12 7.0 20 10 22 0 (·)0.2 Chase Creek 6/26 .1~:45 a:m.clear 56 68 .-- ---5.40 -20,300 7/16 .1:00 p.m.cloudy-fain 54 64 9 7.3 15 20 48 -5.39 18,400 7/Z6 -,7:30 p.m.partly-cloudy --------5.33 19,000.....,1' 8/10 -1:10 p.m.mostly sunny 58'70 10 7.1 10 20 46 0 5.39 18,000 8/31 -3:45 p.m.partly .el oudy 50 59 --.---5.28 9,340 9/30 29.75 5:00 p.m.clear 41 43 f2 '7.1 15 is 48 0 5.38 5,800 ".... .. ", ,:- -52- t-.,__• .... "1 -.....j i .J 1 l ].)1 I))1 j > 1 ,.. Appendix A Table 13.Water qual1ty Data Collected from Fourth o~July Creek.Gold Creek.Indian River and Portage Creek between July l7~n:d Septew,er 28.Devils Canyon Project,1976....\.. j Temperatu.re Total Spec1!ic Suspen~ed Solids (mg/l) Batoz:etric Weather ("n D.O.Hardnesa.Alkali Conductance Turbidity Non-' Date lressure T1llIe Conditions Water Air (ppm)pH (mg/1)(mg/1)(jlmhos/cm)(Ftu)Filterable Sett1able Total. ; Fourth of July Creek 7/14 -11:30 p.lII.partly SO 63 10 7.2 5 15 68 0 cloudy 8/11 -9:05 a.lll.partly 53 59 10 7.3 10 10 35 0 cloudy 8/27 -11 :00 a.m.clear 47 57 9/7 29.80 .11:30 a.lII.mostly 45 62 12 7.5 5 10 25 0 sunny Gold Creek . 8/26 29.35 10:30 a.lI.mostly 43 57 11 8.3 95 80 190 0 sunny 9/8 29.45 6:40 p.llI.overcast -49 12 8.2 105 70 220 0 drizzle Indian River .. I. I 7/15 5:30 p.lII.partly 42 67 11 7.6 10 20 42 0-. cloudy 8/12 29.55 12:00 nOon cloudy 48 SO 10 7.5 \:'20 55 0 rain 8/'1.6 -2:00 p.lIl.mostly 46 -- -sunny 9/28 29.15 5:55 p.m.cloudy 44 45 12 7.4 IS 20.52 ,0 ..'.,. •Portage Creek 7/15 -1:30 p.llI.partly 44 76 11 7.5 25 20 72 0 cloudy 8/13 29.50 11:30 a.m.mostly 47 68 11 7.5 30 20 70 0 sunny 8/25 -12:00 noon mostly SO sUnny o/A 2A.~n 12:40 tl.m.overcast :43 45 12 7.9 40 10 118 ...o·._.• .._---...._.-.-...-..---...,'._'.._--,---,-___.__._;"5.l:~~~..._.':~..-._..'....---~..._._-- J .]1 J £ ..~I ..,i )L ]I J ))1 J j I f f -]J--~1--·-".1 ._T·-,,·J j J i ].~')I "I 1 j I , Appendix A Table 15.Thermograph Set in Susitna River above Chase Creek;Daily Maximum and Minimum Water Temperatures,Devils Canyon Project 1976. Temp.-F Temp.of Temp.of Temp.of Date M:1x.~l1n.Date Max.Min.Date Max.Min.Date Max.Min. JWle 21 -51 July 20 57 55 Aug.18 51 49 Sept.16 45 44 22 52 49 21 57 55 19 50 49 17 44 44 " 23 5S 50 22 51 56 20 52 50 18 44 43 ,24 55 52 23 57 56 21 52 51 19 44 43 25 56 53 24 --22 53 .52 20 44 44 26 58 55 25 --23 54 52 21 44 44 27 59 56 26 56 54 24 -52 22 45 43 28 58 56 27 55 55 25 --23 43 42 29 58 55 28 55 54 26 --24 42 42 30 59 55 29 55 54 27 --25 42 42 30 59 .55 28 --26 43 42 July 1 55 51 31 59 58 29 --27 44 42 2 53 51 30 --28 43 .·41 3 52 51 Aug.1 59 58 31 -48 29 41 4 51 49 2 58 58 5 48 47 3 59 57 Sept.1 49 47 6 52 48 4 58 56 2 48 47 7 55 51 5 56 55 3 48 46 8 58 54 6 55 54 4 46 44 9 58 56 7 54 54 5 45 44 10 58 57 8 54 52 6 45 44 11 58 56 9 52 50 7 44 44 12 57 56 10 53 _50 8 45 44 13 56'55 11 54 52 9 46 45 14 57 54 12 54 53 10 46 45 15 .55 54 13 54 53 11 46 45 16 55 54 14 54 53 12 46 43 17 56 54 15 53 53 13.45 44 18 56 5S 16 52 52 14 46 45 19 57 S5 17 52 51 15 46 45 ;'55- )j l-L l-1-,1--,::,.l ~J I i I )""1 1 j J ... j .''. Appendix A Table 16.Thermograph Set inSusitna River between Devi1's Canyon and Portage Creek;Daily Maximum and Minimum Water Temperatures,Devils Canyon Project,1976. Temp.OF Temp.OF Temp.OF Temp.OF Temp.OF Date Max.Min.Date ~I..,x.Min.Date ~Iax.Min.Date Max.Min.Date Max.Min. June 22 50 50 July 21 S3 53 Aug.19 --Sept.17 43 43 Oct.16 33 33 23 50 50 22 53 53 20 --18 42 41 17 34 33 24 51 51 23 S3 53 21 --19 42 41 18 35 34 25 52 52 24 53 53 22 --20 42 41 19 35 34 26 54 52 25 53 52 23 --21 43 42 20 35 35 27 54 54 26 52 52 24 --22 43 43 21 35 35 28 55 54 27 52 52 25 52 49 23 43 42 22 35 35 29 55 55 28 52 52 26 49 48 24 42 41 23 35 33 30 55 53 29 53 52 27 48 47 25 41 41 24 33 33 SO 55 53 28 47 46 26 41 41 25 33 33 July 1 52 52 31 56 55 29 46 46 27 --26 33 33 2 52 52 30 47 46 28 --27 33 33 3 51 51 Aug.1 57 54 31 47 47 29 --28 33 30 4 50 49 2 58 55 39 -36 29 31 30 5 49 48 3 57 55 Sept.1 47 47 30 31 31..6 49 48 4 55 53 2 47 46 Oct.1 36 35. 7 53 49 5 54 54 3 46 45 2 35 34 8 54 52 6 54 52 4 45 45 3 35 34 9 55 54 7 S3 52 5 43 43 4 36 3S 10 54 54 8 52 52 6 --S 37 36 11 55 54 9 51 49 7 --6 38 37 12 55 54 10 48 48 8 45 44 7 38 38 •13 55 54 11 50 48 9 45 44 8 38 34 14 54 54 12 52 50 10 44 44 9 34 32 15 S3 52 13 52 51 11 44 44 10 32 32 16 52 52 14 52 50 12 44 43 11 32 32 17'52 52 15 52 51 13 43 43 12 32 32 18 53 52 16 51 51 14 43 43 13 32 32 19 53 53 17 -~15 43 43 14 33 32 I 20 S3 53 18 -~16 43 42 15 33 33 ., Ir ! Ir' I j !; !' I"-56,-----------_..'.... •> -57- )J 1 )I 1 J J I ])I )J Appendix A Table 18 •.Susitna River discharge at Gold Creek;USGS Provisional Data,1976. ~lay _ _June July Augus~September Gage --------------tage --Gage Gage Gage Day Height Discharge Height Discharge Height Discharge Height Discharge Height Discharge .. I I \iJo. 1 1 ~.43 17,200 10.01 20.600 20,000 2 10.28 22.200 10.38 22.800 21,000 3 .10.99 26.900 10.17 21.500 21,000 4 11,31 29,500 9.80 19.300 21,000 5 11.30 29,400 9.76 19.100 20.000 6 11,29 29.300 9.38 16.900 20.000 7 11.07 27.600 9.02 15.100 20.000 8 10.98 26,900 9.29 16,400 20.000 9 10.61 24.300 9.71 18,800 19.000 10 11.36 29,900 9.88 19,800 18.000 11 --------11.79 33.300 9.79 19.200 18.000 12 8.72 13,600 11.78 33.300 9.76 19.100 19.000 13 9.01 15,000 11.36 29,900 9.91 20.000 20.000 14 8.95 14,800 11.16 28.300 10.00 20,500 20.000 15 8.65 13,200 11,08 27.600 9.79 19.200 20.000 16 8.51 T2-,000 10.96 26,700 9.65 18.400 20,000 17 8.33 11.900 10.86 26.000 9.77 19,100 20.000 18 8.52 12.700 10.34 22.500 19.000 20,000 19 8.73 13,600 9.81 19.400 20,000 9.79 19.200 20 8.53 12,700 9.67 18.500 19,000 9.41 17.000 2r---8.50 12.600 9.77 19.100 20.000 9.21 16,000 22 8.62 13.100 10.08 21,000 20.000 9.09 15,400 23 8.91 14.600 10.02 20.600-21,000 8.99 15,000 24 9.02 15.100 9.90 19.900 21.000 8.81 14.000 25 8.98 14,900_____9.85 19.600 20.,000 8'.81 14.000 26 9.02 15,100 9.97 20.300 19.000 8.78 --13,900 27 9.10 15,500 9.99 20.400 19.000 8.61 13.000 28 8.90 14.500 10.09 21,000 20.000 8.33 11,900 29 8.68 13.400 10.07 20.900 20.000 8.12 11.100 30 8.94 14,700 9.91 20,000 20,000 7.81 9.840 31 9.07 15,400 19,000 7.67 9.340 -58- 7.63 7.65 7.47 7.34 7.19 7.09 6.76 6.68 6.79 6.85 6.87 6.79 6.64 6.51 6.45 6,60 6.76 6.57 6.48 6.59 6.89 7.14 7.28 7.19 6.99 6.82 6.76 6.69 6.62 6.52 9,200 9,280 8,640 8.220 7.770 7,470 6,480 6,240 6,570 6.750 6,810 6.570 6.120 5,780 5.620 6.000 6,480 5.920 5.700 5,980 6.870 7,620 8.040 7.770 7,170 6,660 6,480 6,270 6,06() 5,800 '-'....~ Appendix A Table 19.Slough 3 Cross-Sections and Stage r.auge Information,Devil s Canyon Project,1976. Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is a tree on eastside of slough.tlark is 10.0'above slough bed and gauge is 46'from lTIurk (ribbon). June 26,1976 "..... Elevation Distance froT:!mouth to gauge Water surface height at gauge Slough width at gauge f1axiJ:luJIl depth at gauge Change jn bed elevation Bed surface composition Slough width at mouth Slough depth at mouth Susitna River mean daily discharge 528 ft. 30 yds. 0.73 ft. 29 ft. 0.75 ft. sand,gravel 33 ft. 1.66 ft. 20,300 CFS 25 30 ",.... - Slough Cross-Section..L to Banks and Adjacent to G...ugc (6/26/76). Width Ft.0 ~10 15 20 ~~rz==:=-7 f;<2 ] Cl Cross-Section at Houth.L to B:mks· (6/~6/76)• mdth F.t •.0 5 10 IS 20 25 30 35 t:f\==7 -59- Location of Gauge:Permanent markcr is tree on cast side of slough.nark is 10.0'above slough bed and gauge is 67'from mark (yellow paint). '~- Appendix A Table 20.Slough 10 Cross-Section and Stage r.auge Information,Devils Canyon Project,1976. .- Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge Water surface height at gaugc Actual "'ater depth at gauge Slough width at gauge Haximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Slough width at mouth Slough depth at mouth Susitna River mean daily discharge June 25,1976 630 ft. 100 ft. 5.80 ft. 2.47 55 ft. 2.31 ft. silt,sand 19,600 ers September 9,1976 630 ft. 100 ft. 3.71 ft. 0.13 ft. 3 ft. 0.47 ft. -0.2 ft. silt,sand 6,570 CFS ~ Slough Cross-Section.L to Banks and Adjacent to r.auge (6/25/760. \."idth Ft.0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 0 1 ~.c: 4-J ~2c::: 3- ..--60- Appendix A Table 21.Slough 11 Cross~Sect ions and Stage Gauge Informat ion,Devil s Canyon Project,1976. Locat ion of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on cast side of slough.!!ark is 12.0'above slough bed and gauge is 26.0'from mark (paint ,and ribbon). June 23.1976 September 9.1976 I~ Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge .Water surface height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge Slough width at gauge Haximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Slough \'Iidth at mouth Slough depth at mouth Susitna River mean daily diSCharge 668 ft. 100 ft. 4.00 ft .• gravel.boulder 20.600 CFS 656 ft. 100 ft. 2.03 ft. 2.04 ft. 18 ft. 2.04 ft. sand,gravel.boulder 6.570 CFS 11 in Three Separate Channels on 9/9/76Slough Cross-Section of Channel \ Farthest from Susitna River to Banks and . Adjacent to Gauge 9/9/76..Cross-Sect ion of mdJlc Channel to banks ~l/9/76. .Cross-Section of Channel Closest to Susitna River to Banks. ~width width Ft.0 5 10 15 20 Ft.O 5 10 15 20 Ft.O 0 0 0 ..t::}'5 1 -Zl4-J Po ~Po. G>G>0 "0 2 "0 2 "0 2 -61- width 5 10 15 20 2S Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on east side of slough.rtark is 11.0 feet above s laugh bed and gauge is 10 feet froin mark (paint and ribbon)•. -Appendix 'A Table 22.Slough 13 Cross-Section and Stage Gauge Information t Devils Canyon Projcct t 1976. June 25 t 1976 Septcnber 9 t 1976 -~ Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge \'later surface height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge Slough width at gauge f~ximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Slouth \vidt}t at mouth 'Slough depth.atl?outh Susitna River mean daily discharge Slough Cross~Section..1..to Banks and Adjacent to Gauge (6/25/76). 688 ft. 40 ft. 4.18 ft. 0.8S ft. 11 ft. 0.85 ft. siit t sandt gravel 9 ft.' 0.55 ft. I9 t 600 CFS 664 ft. 40 ft. 3.63 ft. 0.37 ft. 6 ft. 0.37 ft. -0.31 ft. silt,sandt gravel Oft. 0.00 ft. 6 t 570 CFS Ft.0 2 4 width 6 8 10 12 -62- -. Appendix A Table 23.Slough 14 Cross-Sections and Stage Gauge Information~·Dcvi]~.. Canyon Project~1976. Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on east side of slough.rtark is 9.0'above slough bed and gauge is 26'from mark . .... June 25.1976 September 9~1976 .... Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge Water surface height at gauge Actual \\later depth at gauge Slough width at gauge rlaximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface cooposition Slough \·/idth at mouth Slough depth at mouth Susitna IU.vcr mean daily discharge 685 ft. 100 ft. 1 ~82 ft. 1.82 ft. 19 ft. 2.15 ft. grcivel~silt IS ft. 1.41 ft. 19~600 CFS 660 ft. 100 ft • 0.29 ft. 0.22 ft. 17 ft. 0.60 ft. 0.0 ft. gravel,sand,silt 1 ft. 0.3 ft. 6~S70 eFS width 1520105 Slough Cross-ScctionL to Banks and Adjacent to Gauge (9/9/76). Ft.0 o .......:....2 Slough Cross-Section.L to Banks and Adjacent to Gauge (6/25/76). width Ft.0 5 10 15 20 o r-, -63- Locat ion of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on \-/est side of slough.nark is 10.0'from slough bed and gauf~c is located 13.0' feet from mark (ribbon). Appendix A Table 24.Slough IS Cross-Sections and Stage Gauge Information,Devils Canyon Project.1976. June 24,1976 September 7.1976 Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge Water surface height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge Slough width at gauge f·laximulil depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bcd surface composition Slough width at mouth Slough depth at rnouth Susitna River mean daily discharge 703 ft. ISO yds. 2.23 ft. 31 ft. 2.15 ft. silt 41 ft. 3.44 ft. 19,900 CFS 691 ft. ISO yds. 0.76 ft. 0.54 ft. 7.2 ft. 0.64 ft. +0.2 ft. silt,sand,gravel ,J 1 ft. 0.4 ft. 6,480 CFS Susitna River 1-lea11 Daily Discharge Slough Cross-Sect ion..)..to Banks at Staff Gauge (6/24/76). 41 Banks 31 36 Slough Cross-Sect ion.L to at 'buth (6/24/76). width 6 11 16 21 26 31272124 *."Ft.1........... 0 1 .t:2 ~ g.3 "l;) 4 width 12 IS 18Ft.0 3 6 9 0 1 2 .c: ~3 G,)..., 4 ~. -64- -Appendix A Table 25.Slough 16 Cross-Section and Stage Gauge Information,Dcvil.9 Canyon Project,1976. Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree or north side of slough.nark is 13.0'above slough bed and gauge is 44'from mark • .- Slough Cross-Section.Lto Banks and Adjacent to (jaug<;l,Beginning from the North Bank (6/24/76). width 827S606S70554045.503530252010155Ft.0 O""""""_..L-_-l-_-L_--'r..-._.L-_-4-_-'-_---"_--l'-_.L-_~_.,....t____'__.L_._...l_._~,.J. r ......, 3 -65- ~, Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on west side of slough.~Iark is 12.0'above slough bed and gauge is 24.0'from mark. Appendix A Table 26.Slough 17 Cross-Sections and Stage Gauge Information,Devil s.Canyon Project,1976. June 24,1976 September 29,1976 .- IHevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge 'tater surface height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge Slough \vidth at gauge lfuximum depth at gauge Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Slough width at mouth Slough depth at mouth 715 ft. 50 yds 5.~O ft. 1.76 ft, 29 ft. 1.76 ft. very soft silt 35 ft. 4.40 ft, 19,900 CFS 50 yds, 3.78 ft. .60 ft. .60 .ft., .40·.£t. very soft silt o o 6,060 CFS ," 4 s 3S Slough Cross-Section L to Banks at ~buth (6/24/76). width 15 20 2S 30290510 0 1 .c ~2 .t) ~ 33 1 Cross-Section of Slough l...to Banks &Adjacent to Gauge (6/24/76)..d JWlt \ Ft.,0 5 10 15 20 2S o .... ,- --66- ", Appendix A Table 27.Slough 18 Cross-Section and Stage Gauge Information, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on north side of slough.Mark is 6.0'above slough bed and gauge is 24'from mark. June 24,1976 Sept.29,1976 - Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to ga4ge Water surface height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge Slough width at gauge Maximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed\surface compo s i ti on Slough width at mouth Slough depth at mouth Susitna River mean daily discharge 714 ft. 40 yds. 1.80 ft. 1.80 ft. 38 ft. 2.54 ft. s"i 1 t 3 ft. 0 •.3 ft. 19,900 CPS 40 ycls. .98 ft. .98 ft. silt o ft. a ft. 6,060 CFS Slough Cross-Section..Lto Banks and Adjacent to r.uage (6/24/76) width 10 15 20 2S 30 3S 38Ft05 .-C1 1 """os:: ~ ~2 '0 3 ..... :.~ Appendix A Table 28.Slough 19 Cross-Sections and Stage Gauge Information, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Location of Gauge:Permanent marker is tree on south side of slough.Hark is 9.0'from slough bed and gauge is 53 1 from mark. 3 Ft.0 5 o J un e 25,I 976 S e pt.8.1976 Elevation 72~ft.718 ft. Approximate distance from mouth to gauge 50 ft.50 ft. Water surface height at gauge 5.32 ft.5.13 ft. Actual water depth at gauge 2.~3 ft.1.59 ft. Slough width at gauge 60 ft.5~ft. Maximum depth at cross-section 2.53 ft.1.72 ·ft. Chan g e i n bed e leva t ion +O.1 ft. Bed surface composition soft silt so·ft silt Slough width at mouth II ft.0 Slough depth at mouth 1.95 ft.O. Susitna River mean daily discharge 19,600 CFS 6,240 CFS Slough Cross-Section to Banks &Adjacent to Gauge (6/25/76) width 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 I L ~2 II) "0 .,... Slough Cross-Section to Bank~&Adjacent to Gauge (9/8/76) width Ft-0 5 10 I 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 54 0 1 J:... 0- G.J2v 3 -68- ~, location of Gauge:Permanent mark is tree on south side of slough. Ma r k i s I O.0 I abo v e s lou gh bed and g aug e i s 47' from tree. Append i x A Table 29.Slough 20 Cross-Sections and Stage .Gauge Information, Devils Canyon Project,1976. June 25,1976 Sept.ember 8.1976 724 f t. ISO yds. 2.63 ft. 2.50 ft. 32 ft. 2.60 f1. silt,sand 4 .ft.' 0.5 ft. 6,240 CFS 709 ft. ISO yes. 2.73 ft. 2.50 ft. 32 ft. 2.33 f1. silt,sand 3S ft. J.l3lt f1. 19.600 CF$ Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge Water surface,height at gauge Actual water depth at gauge -Slough width at gauge Maximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Slough width at mouth S~outh gepth at mouth Susitn~River mean daily discharge ..... 3 width ft-_~--:..t::...._..&.:1:...:5::......:2;;A.:O::-"';'--=.LL--J.-52 Slough Cross-Section~to Banks E Adjacent to 5auge (9/8/76). .)3 .c... 0- .::2 Slough Cross-Section-l-to Banks &Adjacent to Gauge (6/25/76).--i '-.- -69- Appendix A Tab I e 30.Slough 3C Slough Cross Sections and Stage Gauge Information, Devils Canyon Project,1976. Location of ~auge:Permanent ~arker is tree on north side of slough.Mark is 11.0'above slough bed and gauge is 50.0'from mark. - Elevation Approximate distance from mouth to gauge ~ater surface height at gauge Slough width at gause Maximum depth at cross-section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition \o/i d t h Depth Actual water depth at gauge Susitna River mean daily discharge June 26,1976 426 ft. I,DOOft. 1.10 ft. 1)0 f t. 1.30ft. silt,sand 1.10 ft. 20,300 CFS October I.1976 1.000ft.. Bel 0 \'J Ga u 9 e i 8.ft.- 0.4 ft. -0.25 ft. silt,sand.grvl 0.3 ft. <5,800 CFS .....- Tributary Cross-Section~to Banks and .I\djacent to Gauge (6/2(,176). width 9 12 15 1863fLO0......_-"--_.1.--_.1.--_'"--_.1-----', width 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 901 a 110 120130~Ft o 0 s::. """1a. Q.I "'0 2 Stteam Discharge =~.15 CFS ..... OZl a. Q.I "02 Trlbutary Cross-Section ~to Banks Appox.0.25 Mi.Above Gauge (7/26/76). Chinook ~almon Sp~wn at this Site • -70- Location of Cauge:Permanent mark is rOck on"west side of creek. Ma r k i s I.0 I abo v e c ree k bed and 9 aug e i s 5.0 I frora mark. Appendix A Table 31.Chase Creek Cross-Sections and Stage Gauge Infor~ation, Devils Canyon Project,1976. 50 f t. 5.38 ft. 2.05 ft- 13 ft. 2.05 ft. o s·and ,gravel June 26,1976 Sept.30,1976 ljf,2 ft. 50 f t. 5.110 ft. 2.07 ft. Hi f t. 2.07 ft. 3 sand.gravel 17 ft. 1.16 ft. 20,3QO CFS 5.800 CFS to gauge Elevation Approximate distance from mouth Water surface height ~t g~uge Actual water depth at gauge Tributary width at gauge Maximum depth at cross-Section Change in bed elevation Bed surface composition Tributary width at mouth Tributary depth at mouth Susitna P-iver mean daily flow ,~- Tributary Cross-Section ...L to Banks and Adjacent to Gauge (6/26/70. Tributary Cross-Section ...L to Banks and Adjacent to Gauge (7/26/76). Tributary Cross- Sect ion at t10uth (6/26/76) Discharge=2.1]CFS 15 20 .c.1 u a. .~2 "0 width Ft.O 5 10 o 12 .~.....':.M_ width 369 3 .c.... 0.2., ~ width 5 10 15 20 3 FLOo .c. u 0.2 ~., "... '-71- ..... ..... Appendix A Table 32.Tributary Flow Data,Devils Canyon Project,1976. .Tributary Date Flow (CFS) Portage Creek 9/8/76 500 (Est.) Gold Creek 9/8/76 17 Fourth of July Creek 7/27/76 12 9/9/76 37 Whiskers Creek 8/26/76 4 \. -72- "......' ....-.-:""'~"'-"'-''''''''.-""'''-~''r:''f .... .... APPENDIX B SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DAM IMPACTS Adams J James R.1969.Thermal power,aquatic life and kilowatts on the Pacific Coast.Presented at American Power Conference annual meeting, Chicago,Illinois,April 22-25,1969.In:Proceedings of the American. Power Conference.Vol.31.Dept.of Engineering Research.--racific Gas and Electric CompanYJ Emeryville J California.pp.2-12. Andrewj F.J.and G.H.Ceen.1958.Sockeye and pink salmon investigations at the Seton Creek hydroelectric installation.Inter.Pacific Salmon Fis.Comm.Progress report.New Westminster,B.C.,Canada,113 pp. 1960.Sockeye and pink salmon production in relation to proposed dams in the Fraser River system.Inter.Pacific Salmon Fish.Comm.Bull.XI.New Westminster,B.C.,Canada.259 pp. Andrew J F.J.,l..R.Kersey,and P.C.Johnson.1955.An investigation of the problem of guiding downstream migrant salmon at dams.Inter. Pacific Salmon Fish.Comm.,Bull.VIII.·New Westminster,B.C.,Canada. 6S pp . Anonymous.No date.Facilities to pass downstream migrants and reservoir rearing data.[Forwarded by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration..National Marine Fisheries Service.Columbia Fisheries Program Office,P.O.Box 4332,Portland,Oregon].17 pp. Antonikov,A.F.1964.Hydroelectric construction and the problem of fish passage facilities.Hydroelectric Construction,No.3,pp.26-29. Translated by Ole A.Mathisen,Fisheries Research Institute,Univ.of Washington,College of Fisheries.Circular No.225.Seattle.December,. 1964. Atton.F.M..1975.Impact analysis:Hindsight and foresight in Saskatchewan. ~.Fish.Res.Board,Canada J Vol.32 (1).January.pp •.101-105. I I I I I I ! I ·1 j ! -~ Austin,R.W.1973. and problems. Turbidity: 7 pp.+Fig. Some definitions,methods of measurement [Memorandum,March 9,1973J. Beiningen J K.1.and W.J.Ebel.1970.Effect of John Day Dam on dissolved nitrogen concentration and salmon in the Columbia River,1968.Trans. Am.Fish.Soc.,Vol.99(4),Oct.pp.664-671. Bell,M.C.1952. Vol.44(4): Streams,dams and salmon movements. July..pp.32-40 • Western Fisheries, - •'1953.Fisheries research at high dams in Washington--~S;:;-t:-a~t"-e-.-"::B~r-'-i"""tish Columbia Natural Resources Conference,Transactions, 6th:Victoria,B.C.pp.102-106. -73- " - 1954.Salmon fisheries versus power development. World Fishing.pp.392-396+. 1973.Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria.Fisheries engineering research program.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.North Pacific Diyision,Portland,Oregon. Loose lea~,34 charts. Bell,Milo C.,A.C.Delacy,an~H.D.copp.1972.A compendium on the survival of fish passing through spillways and conduits.For the Fisheries Engineering Research program.U.S.Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division,Portland,Oregon.January.121 pp.+figures. 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Brannon,E.L.1965.The influence of physical factors on the development and weight of sockeye salmon embryos and alevins.Progress report No. 2.Intern.Pac.Salmon Fish.Comm.,New Westminste'r,B.C.,Canada. 26 pp.---- 1972.Mechanisms controlling migration of sockeye salmon fry.Bu~l.XXI.Intern.Pac.Sal.Fish.Comm.,New Westminster, B.C.,Canada.86 pp. 1956.Some principals in the thermal requirements of fishes.Quart.Rev.BioI.Vol.31(2),June.pp.75-87. 1953.Research in salmon migration over high dams: The nature of the biological problems.British Columbia Natural Resources:Conferences,6th Transactions.pp.96-102. - - Brett,J.R.1952.Temperature tolerance in young Pacific salmon. Res.Board Can.Vol.9(6),Nov.pp.265-323. J~Fish. -74- ....1957.Salmon research and hydropower development. J.Pish.Res.Board Can.Nanaino,8.C.July IS . 1957. Fish.Res.Board Can. Salmon research and hydroelectric power. Bull.No.114.Ottawa,Canada.26 pp. J. Bush,Robert D.1974.Flows in rivers in the Susitna system.Xerox copy of a personal communication (unpublished).5 pp. 1958.Implications and assessment of environmental stress.H.R.MacMillan Lectures in Fisheries:The Investigation of Fish-Power Problems.Edited by P~.Larkin.Institute of Fisheries, Univ.of British Columbia,Vancouver.pg.69-83. Calderwood.W.J. Fish.Soc. 1928.Hydroelectricity and salmon fisheries. Vol.58,pp.154-160. Trans.Am.· - .... -. Calkins,Thomas P.1959.The effect of fin removal on the swimming ability of young silver salmon.Fisheries Research Institute.Circular 109 .. College'of 'Fisheries.Univ.of Washington.Seattle.Nov. Canada Dept.of the Environment.1973.Water requirements for the fisheries resource.Fisheries and Marine Service,Pacific Region, Vancouver,·B.C.Prepared by A.F.Lill and R.E.Hamilton.Environmental Quality Unit,Southern Operations Branch.April 24.21 pp.+Figs. Canada Dept.of Fisheries.1957.A report on the fisheries problems related to the power development of the Cheakamus River system. Vancouver.B.C.March .•39 pp +Figs. Canada Dept.of Recreation and Conservation.1976.Method for determining minimum accc-ptable flows in British Columbia's salmon,char.and trout streams.Draft copy.Fish and Wildlife Branch.Victoria.British Columbia.March.67 pp. Canada Fisheries and Marine Service.1975.Additional aquatic resource studies in the Aisminik system relative to hydroelectric development. Environment Canada.Fisheries and Marine Service,NBCY Division, PAC/T-75-4.Northern Operations Branch,Pacific Region.7 charts. Canfield.W.1968.Method for counting coho fry in ~mall streams.J. of Fish.Res.Board of Can.Vol.25 (3).March.pg.823. Chambers,John.1963.McNary spawning channel:Resume of the five years study,1957~1962,first draft.State of Washington,Dept.of Fisheries, Research Div.May.66 pp. Chambers,John S.,T.K.Meekins,and J.H.Harris.1964.Research relating. to McNary supplemental spawning channel.Annual report.(July 1,1963 through June 10,1964).State of Washington,Dept.of Fisheries, Research Div.38 pp +appendix. -75- Clay,C.H.1955. Vol.6(101. Downstream fish migration oyer dams. Oct.pp.15-18. B. C.Prof.Engr. ..... -- Clemens,W.A.1958.The Fraser River salmon in relation to potential power development.H.R.I<1ad1illan Lectures in Fisheries:The Investi- gation of Fish-Power-Problems.Edited by P.A-.-Larkin,Institute of Fisheries,University of British Columbia,Vancouver.pp.3-10. Cobb,J.N.1925.An experiment in lifting salmon over high dams. Journal of·Electricity,Vol.54(lJ.Jan.pp.50-53. CollingS'\>M.\R.1974..Generalizations of spawning and rearing discharges for several Pacific salmon species in western Washington.USGS in cooperation with the State of Washington.Dept.of Fisheries.Open file report.Tacoma,Washington.39 pp. Collings,M.R.,R.W.Smith and G.T.Higgins.1972.Hydrology of four streams in western Washington as related to several Pacific salmon species:lhnnptulis.Elochoman,Green and Wynochee rivers.U.S.Dept. of the Interior,Geological Survey.Prepared in cooperation with the State of Washington,Dept.of Fisheries,Tacoma,Washington.128 pp .. Collins,Gerald B.1952.Factors influencing the orientation of migrating anadromous fishes.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Fishery Bull.Vol.52 (73) No.585.Woodshole Oceanographic Contribution Institution.U.S. Gov't.Printing Office.Washington,D.C.pp.374-396. 1954.Research on anadrom~us fish passage at dams. U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Seattle,Washington.Reprinted from Transactions of the Nineteenth North American Wildlife Conference, March 8,9,l~1954.Wildlife Management Institute,Washington,D.C. March.pp 418-423.. 1956.Research on fishway problems.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.Nov.pp.118-125.[xerox copy of a section of U.S. Army Corps of 'Engineers repo~t]. 1958.The measurement of performance of salmon in fishways.H.R.MacMillan Lectures in Fisheries:The Investigation of Fish-Power Problems.Edited by P.A.Larkl~-rn-st{tut-c-Of-~Fisrlerles,-~ Univ.of Britishtolumbia,Vancouver.pp.85-91. 1963.Fish passage research.Reprinted from American Zoologist.Vol.3(3).August.1 pp. No date.New methods for study of fishery problems. U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service.·Seattlen,Washington.7 pp. {personal copy,original]. -76- . ..Y'" ''"- No date.The measurement of performance of salmon in fishways.U.S.Fish &Wildlife Service.Seattle,Wn.pp.85-91. Collins.Gerald B.and C.H.Elling.1960.Fishway research at the fisheries-engineering research laboratory.U.S.Dept.of the Interior. Fish &Wildlife Service,Bur.of Commercial Fisheries.Circular 98, Nov.17 pp. Collins.Gerald B.,J.R.Gauley,and C.H.Elling.1962.Ability of salmonids to ascend high fishways.Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.Vol.91(1)Jan. pp 1-7. Collins,Gerald B.,et ale 1975.The Snake River salmon and steelhead crisis,its relation to dams and the national energy crisis.North- west Fisheries Center.National Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle,WA. Feb.30 pp. Collins.Gerald B.•P.S.Trefethen,and C.D.Volz.1975.Factors affecting electrotaxis in salmon fingerlings.Processed Report.Prepared by Northwest Fisheries Center.Natl.Marine Fisheries Service,Seattle, WA.June.45 pp. Conroy.Fay.1976.Desirable stream flows for salmon spawning and rearing. Personal conununication.Washington Dept.of Fisheries.Olympia,\'lA .. Feb.10.2 pp. Cooper,A.C.1973. McKinley Creek Pacific Salmon 34 pp. Temperature control during sockeye spawning period in in 1969.Part I.Progress Report No.27.International Fisheries Commission.New Westminster,B.C .•Canada. ..... Cooper.A.l.1965.The effect of transported stream sediments on the survival of sockeye and pink salmon eggs and alevin.Inter.Pac. Salmon Fish.Comm.,Bull.XVIII.New Westminster,B.C.,Canada.71 pp. Cooper,Edwin L.JEd.).1967.A symposium on water quality c~iteria to protect aquatic life.Presented at the 96th annual meeting,Kansas City.Missouri,Sept.1966.Am.Fish.Soc.Special Publication No.4. Supplement to Vol.96(1).Trans.Am.Fish.Soc.37 pp. Curtis,Brian.1959.Changes in a river's physical characteristics under substantial reduction in flow due to hydroelectric diversion.Calif. Fish and Game.Vol.45(3).pp.181-188. Davidson.Robert C.•et.ale 1959.Experiments on the dissolved oxygen requirements of cold-water fishes.Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol.31(8).Aug.pp.950-966. 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Saskatchewan.Edited by Judith Mitchell.Produced by J.S.Wilson. 181 pp. Dickson.I.W.1975.Hydroelectric development of the Nelson River system in northern Manitoba.~.Fish.Res.Board Can.Vol.32(1)Jan. pp 106-116. .....Dill and Northcote.1970. density on intragravel (oncorhynchus kisutch) July.pp.11~1-l199. Effects of gravel size,egg depth.and egg movement and emergence of coho salmon alevins.~.Fish.Res.Board Can.Vol.27(7) Dominy.C.L.1973.Recent changes in Atlantic salmon runs in the light of environmental changes in the Saint John River.BioI.Conserv .• New Brunswick,Can.Vol.5(2).pp.105-113. Dooley.John M.1975.Application of U.S.Bureau of Reclamation water. surface profile program (WSP)Proceedings of the Fort UnionCoal Symposium.Vol.2.Aquatic ecosystems section.Sponsored by the Montana Academy of Sciences at Eastern Montana College,Billings •. Montana.April.pp.138-154. 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