HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1931/ ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT SERIES ,... ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &InfonnatlOn ServIces Anchorage.Alaska TK t If-;;2 ~ ,53 Aloi V\.t>~,'131 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SUSITNA HYDRO AQUATIC STUDIES REPORT NO.3 AQUATIC HABITAT AND INSTREAM FLOW INVESTIGATIONS (MAY-OCTOBER 1983) Chapter 2:Channel Geometry Investigations Edited by: Christopher C.Estes and Douglas S.Vincent-Lang Prepared for: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 W.FIFTH AVE. ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501 PREFACE This report is one of a series of reports prepared for the Alaska Power Authority (APA)by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)to provide information to be used in evaluating the feasibility of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies program was initiated in November 1980.The five year study program was divided into three study sections:Adult Anadromous Fish Studies (AA),Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Studies (RJ),and Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studies (AH).Reports prepared by the ADF&G prior to 1983 on this subject are available from the APA. The information in this report summarizes the findings of the 1983 open water field season investigations.Beginning with the 1983 reports,all reports were sequentially numbered as part of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Report Series. TITLES IN THE 1983 SERIES Report Number Title Publication Date 1 2 Adult Anadromous Fi sh Investi gati ons:April 1984 May -October 1983 Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish July 1984 Investigations:May -October 1983 3 4 Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations:May -October 1983 Access and Transmission Corridor Aquatic Investigations:May -October 1983 1984 1984 "... This report,"Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow 'Investigations"is divided into two parts.Part I,the "Hydrologic and Water Quality Investigations ll ,is a compilation of the physical and chemical data collected by th ADF&G Su Hydro Aquatic Studies team during 1983.These data are arranged by 'individual variables and geographic location for ease of access to user agencies.The combined data set represents the available physical habitat of the study area within the Cook Inlet to Oshetna River reach of the Susitna River.Part II,the "Adult Anadro- mous Fish Habitat Investigations",describes the subset of available habitat compiled in Part 1 that is util ized by adult anadromous fish studied in the middle and lower Susitna River (Cook Inlet to Devil Canyon)study area.The studies primarily emphasize the utilization of side slough and side channel habitats of the middle reach of the Susitna River for spawning (Figure A).It represents the first stage of development for an instream flow relationships analysis report which will be prepared by E.W.Trihey and Associates. MIDDLE REACH ADF 8G FIELD CAMPS OVERALL STUDY AREA Ell • ,, ", ............ ............, "\ \ \, I I I,, I In I "-..Jl / /'-......./ /......--,"'"--- I I //' // I I I I I // /Gold Creek Co -"/(RM 136'/--'~11 . I Cuny Com (RM 120.6\//J/i·~a'k(:~n~oiri)''- ~ MAP AREA ~ o 25 I I miles ··0 .....'" Figure A.Susitna River drainage basin. J _I ,I ~I I ~I ,Jl g ]I J fl CONTENTS OF REPORT NO.3 Part One Chapter 1 Stage and Discharge Investigations. 2 Channel Geometry Investigations. 3 Continuous Water Temperature Investigations. 4 Water Quality Investigations. Part Two Chapter 5 Eulachon Spawning in the Lower Susitna River. 7 -i .- 6 An Evaluation of Passage Conditions for Adult Salmon in Sloughs and Side Channels of the Middle Susitna River. An Evaluation of Chum and Sockeye Salmon Spawning Habitat in Sloughs and Side Channels of the Middle Susitna River. a An Evaluation of Salmon Spawning Habitat in Selected Tributary Mouth Habitats of the Middle Susitna River. 9 Habitat Suitability Criteria for Chinook,Coho,and Pink Salmon Spawning. 10 The Effectiveness of Infrared Thermal Imagery Techniques for Detecti ng Upwell ing Groundwater. Questions concerning this and prior reports should be directed to: Alaska Power Authority 334 W.5th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Telephone (907)276-0001 Channel Geometry Investigations of the Susitna River Basin 1984 Report No.3,Chapter 2 by:Tim Quane,Isaac Queral,Theresa Keklak,and Don Seagren, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies 2207 Spenard Rd. Anchorage,Alaska 99503 ABSTRACT Channel geometry data have been collected by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Feasibility Study Team since 1982 at twenty-one side channel,upland and side slough and tr'ibutary habitats located in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.These data have been used to describe the channel character- istics of these study sites.Thalweg profiles,depicting the overall gradient,extent of backwater,and substrate composition of the site, were constructed from the data for four side channel and thirteen upland and side sloughs.Cross section profiles,illustrating the cross sectional channel characteristics and wetted surface area as a response to stage changes,were also developed for selected stage/discharge monitoring stations within these study sites.These data are used by other project biologists and engineers to evaluate the impact of hydro- electric development on the Susitna River. i TABLE OF CONTENTS AB STRACT oil••••••••••••••••D •••II •••••••••"III III!I ••0 ••III " 0 ••'""1£•••III •-0 • • ••i TABLE OF CONTENTS III!I ••••••••••••••••••••••$••••III!I •••••••••$..ii LIST OF FIGURES .••.•••.•.•..••••..•...•.•clil.......................iv L1ST OF TABLES .••.•iii 0 ••••e "••••••III • • • • • • • •••vi i; LIST OF APPENDIX TABL,ES ....•..••..•.•....•....•.O ••C1 •••••••••••••x 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..•...•..•..•..•....•..•..••..••..•0 ••••••••••ill -0 1 1.2 Objectives liICI.1 r 1.1 Background e ••••••• 1.2.1 Thalweg Profile Study ......•.......•...••....... 1 1 "... 1.2.2 Cross Sectional Profile Studies.................1 2.0 METHODS·•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••..••3 2.1 Site Selection 0-..................3 2.1.1 Thalweg Profile Surveys.........................3 2.1.2 Cross Sectional Profile Surveys.................3 2.2 Field Data Collection..................................3 2.2.1 Thalweg Data Collection Procedures..............3 2.3 2.2.2 Cross Sectional Data Collection Procedures . Analytical Approach . 3 7 2.3.1 Thalweg Profile Study Analysis..................7 2.3.2 Cross Sectional Profile Study Analysis.7 3.0 RESULTS...•..•........•......•...•....•..9 3.1 Side Channel Habitats .........•..•.......•............9 3.1.1 Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)..............9 3.1.2 Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)..•..........•....•...9 3.1.3 Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)......•...14 ii 3.1.4 Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)......................21 3.2 Side Slough Habitats...................................21 3.2.1 Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)...........21 3.2.2 Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6)....•.•.•....•....•.....25 3.2.3 Side Slough 8A (RM 126.2).......................25 3.2.4 Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3)........................32 3.2.5 Side Slough 9A (RM 133.2)......32 3.2.6 Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7).................•..•..40 3.2.7 Side Sloughs 16/168 (RM 137.7)..................40 3.2.8 Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2)..........•............46 3.2.9 Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)46 3.2.10 Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)......................53 3.3 Upland Slough Habitats.................................53 3.3.1 Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3).....................59 3.3.2 Upland Slough 10 (RM 133.8)...59 3.3.3 Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0).64 3.4 Tributary Habitats.....................................64 3.4.1 Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1).................64 3.4.2 Gold Creek (RM 136.8)...........................64 3.4.3 Indian River (RM 138.6)...64 3.4.4 Portage Creek (RM 148.8)........................71 3.5 General Results ...•..••..••.•••••..•..••......•••.•.•••71. 4.0 DISCUSSION ...•ill.............................................75 5.a GlO SSARY ~• ••••. •• ••••••••••• •••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •76 6.0 CONTRIBUTORS................................................79· 7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.•. •. ••••••••••••••••••. •. •. •. . •••. ••. •. . . ••80 8.0 LITERATURE CITED Ill..81 9.0 APPENDICES .......•..•..........so.....82 iii ~- - - - LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 5 2-1 2-2 Locations of channel geometry study sites in side channel~slough~and tributary habitats of the Susitna River during the 1983 open water season •.......••... Streambed (thalweg)profile of Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)Q G 10 2-6 2-7 2-3 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)..................•••....•..•.•11 2-4 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................15 2-5 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)and water surface elevations correspondi ng to various rna i nstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................17 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various rnainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). ....... .... .... ... ... . . . . . ... ... .... ....... . . . ... ... . . . ... ...... .....18 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gagings station 1529200)..............................20 2-8 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................22 2-9 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................24 iv LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure No. 2-10 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)and water surface elevations correspondi ng to va ri ous rna i nstem Sus itna Ri ver discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200 )$•••II •••II Cl C •••"C ill •••II liI 'II ••••••••••••••••••••••••II ••III •26 2-11 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)...............................28 2-12 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)............•.........•....••.....•..30 2-13 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 8A (RI\1 125.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................31 2-14 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 8A (RM 125.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................35 2-15 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................37 2-16 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................39 2-17 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 9A (RM 133.2)and surveyed water surface elevation corresponding to a mainstem Susitna River dis- charges of 9,400 cfs at Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 2-18 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................42 v - -- - - Ipq ".., LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure No.. 2-19 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Si de Slough 11 (RM 135.7)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................44 2-20 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 16/16B (RM 137.7)and surveyed water surface elevation corresponding to a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 16,500 cfs at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).••.•.••.••••~..••..••..•o........•.....e...45 2-21 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 16B (RM 137.9)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................48 2-22 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................49 2-23 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)..................................•..51 2-24 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................52 2-25 Cross secti ana 1 profi 1es of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................55 2-26 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)....................56 2-27 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................58 vi LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure No. 2-28 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)0 ••ollI •••60 2-29 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................62 2-30 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 10 (RM 133.8)and surveyed water surface elevation corresponding to a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 12,200 cfs at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 15292000)0.......63 2-31 Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200)..0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••-e ••••65 2-32 Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200).....................................67 2-33 Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamflows 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 68 2-34 Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Gold Creek (RM 136.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamflows.............69 2-35 Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Indian River (RM 138.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamflows.............70 2-36 Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Portage Creek (RM 148.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamflows.............72 2-37 Gradient profile of the Middle Reach of the Susitna River (Talkeetna to Portage Creek}..................73 vii - LIST OF TABLES Table No. .... .... 1"'" I f'''' .- 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 Channel geometry study sites in side channel and slough (upland and side)habitats of the Susitna River during the 1983 open water season •••.......... Substrate ClaSSiiication system used during the 1983 open water eason ..•.••...••.•...•.......•....•..•..... Cross sectional profile sites in Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)0$••••0 •••••••••••0 I Cross sectional brofile sites in Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)...•.........................•..••.0 •••••••••••••• Cross sectional profile sites in Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)110 •••••••••••••••••••••Ill. Cross sectional profile sites in Side Channel 21 (RM 140.·6)...•..•........•..•..........•'III ••• Cross sectional profile sites in Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)..•..•.......•.......•.......•....... Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6). 4 6 13 16 19 23 27 29 2-9 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 8A {RM 125.3}•.....••••....•...••.......•••..•....•.•.....e.e..33 2-10 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 9 {RM 128.3}38 2-11 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 11 ('RM 135.7),_... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 "... 2-12 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 168 {RM 137.9}. 2-13 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2). 47 50 2-14 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)54 2-15 Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)57 2-16 Cross sectional profile sites in Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)61 2-17 Cross sectional profile sites in Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)66 viii LIST OF TABLES Table No. 2-18 Summary of site gradients,adjacent mainstem Susitna River gradients,and backwater areas in side channels and sloughs (side and upland) corresponding to mainstem discharges,1983 .••....•..•...••.. ix 74 - - .... """', ..... -, LIST OF APPENDIX A TABLES Table Page 2-A-l Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Mainstem 2,Side Channel -Northwest (Left)Channel (RM 114.4),1983 ••...•..••••.•.....••2-A-l ,~.,2-A ..2 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)'I profile of Mainstem 2 Side Channel ..Northeast (right)Channel (RM 114.4),1983 .••.•...•....•...•••2-A ..3 2-A-3 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8),1983 .•.....••2-A-8 2-A-4 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2), 1983..,.~•"........•.....•..........•.....0 ••••••e " •oU •'Ii 2-A-12 2-A ..5 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6),1982 .........2-A-14 2-A ..6 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2),1983 ................................,,0.011 ••••2-A-19-2..A..7 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slo~gh 8A (RM 125.3),1982 ..........2-A ..21 2-A-8 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3),1982 ........•..2-A-26 2-A-9 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 9A (RM 128.3),1983 ..........2-A-29 2-A-I0 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 11 (RM 135.3),1982 ....•.•...2..A-32 '"'"2-A-ll Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 16/168 (RM 137.7),1983 •••..•2-A-35 2-A-12 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 20 (RM 140.1),1983 .•.•..•...2-A-39 2-A ..13 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8),1982 ...•......2-A-43 2-A-14 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 22 (RM 144.3),1983 ..........2-A ..45 2-A-15 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3),1983 ........2-A-48 x LIST OF APPENDIX A TABLES (Continued) Table 2-A-16 2-A-17 2-A-18 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 10 -Northwest (left) Channel (RM 133.8),1983 .••.•..•••.••.•.•••••...•••• Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 10 -Northeast (right) Channel (RM 133.8),1983 •.••..•....••.•••.........•. Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0),1983 . xi 2-A-50 2-A-53 2-A-57 .- ..... - LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES Table 2-B-1 2-B-2 2-B-3 2-8-4 2-B-5 2-B-6 2-8-7 2-8-8 2-B-9 2-B-1O 2-8-11 2-B-12 Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -mouth,staff gage 114.4W6.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 ....•..••••.....••.... Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem2 Side Channel -lower backwater,staff gage 114.4S9. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 •........•... Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -upper backwater,staff gage 114.4S7. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 ......•....•. Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel Q site,staff gage 114.4S5.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 6,1983 ....•.. Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 - Northwest channel head,staff gage 114.4H3. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 24,1983 .••..•....•.• Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel Q site,staff gage 114.4S8.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 4,1983 .......•. Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel head,staff gage 114.4Hl.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 23, 1983 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 - mouth,staff gage 133.8W5.Surveyed byADF&G on July 17,1983 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 - head,staff gage 133.8H4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -mouth,staff gage 136.2W3. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 20,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -head,staff gage 136.2H2.Survey- ed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 .•..•.......•........... Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - mouth,staff gage 140.6W1.Surveyed by AOF&G on September 12,1983 . xii 2-B-1 2-B-2 2-8-3 2-B-4 2-B-5 2-B-7 ·2-B-8 2-B-9 2-8-10 2-8-11 2-8-12 2-8-13 LIST OF APPENDIX 8 TA8LES (Continued) Table 2-8-13 2-8-14 2-8-15 2-8-16 2-8-17 2-8-18 2-8-19 2-8-20 Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - lower Q site,staff gage 140.6S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 .•...••••••.•..••.••..•.. Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - mid channel,staff gage 140.6S2.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 .....•................... Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - A5 Head,staff gage 140.6S3.Surveyed by R&M i n 1982 CI D • Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - upper Q site,staff gage 140.6S7.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 13,1983 ...••.••...•....•........ Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - A6 head,staff gage 140.6H5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 (1. Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -mouth,staff gage 101.2W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11,1983 ••..•..••.•.....•..... Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -Q site,staff gage 101.2S3.Surveyed by ADF&G ori July 3,1983 •..•...•.....•...........•.. Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -head,staff gage 101.2H5.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983 •.•..•....•.................... 2-8-14 2-8-15 2-8-16 2-8-17 2-8-18 2-8-19 2-8-20 2-B-21 2-8-21 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - below mouth,staff gage 113.6W8.Surveyed by AOF&G on September 12,1983 ...•...•.•.....•.••...... 2-8-22 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - mouth,staff gage 113.6W8.Surveyed by AOF&G on July 5,1983 . 2-8-23 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -Q site,staff gage 113.6S2.Surveyed by AOF&G on July 5,1983.0 0 0 •••••0 •••••••••••••••• 2-8-24 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - head,staff gage 113.6H4.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983 . 2-8-25 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - mouth,staff gage 125.3W5.Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983 . xiii 2-8-22 2-8-23 2-B-24 2-8-25 2-8-26 - LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) r I"'" i {, .... 2-8-26 2-8-27 2-B-28 2-B-29 2-8-30 2-8-31 2-8-32 2-8-33 2-B-34 2-8-35 2-8-36 2-B-37 2-8-38 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - upper backwater,staff gage 125.3S6.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 .....•.................•... Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - lower Q site,staff gage 125.3S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 Clc eeo ••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel Q site,staff gage 125.3S3. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 ......•....•...... Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel head,staff gage 125.3H2. Surveyed by ADF&G on May 15,1983 ...•.......•..•.... Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel head,staff gage 125.3H7. Surveyed by ADF&G on August 4,1983 .............•... Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 - mouth,staff gage 128.3W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 1l tI • Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 -Q site,staff gage 128.3S1.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 3,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 - head,staff gage 128.3H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 23,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - mouth,staff gage 135.3Wl.Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - Q site,staff gage 135.3S6.Surveyed by ADF&G on June 29,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - head,staff gage 135.3H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 16B - Q site,staff gage 138.0S5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 II .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 168 - head,staff gage 138.0H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 .. xiv 2-B-27 2-8-28 2-B-29 2-8-30 2-B-31 2-8-32 2-B-33 2-8-34 2-B-35 2-8-36 2-8-37 2-B-38 2-B-39 LIST OF APPENDIX BTABLES (Continued) ~: 2-B-39 2-B-40 2-B-41 2-B-42 2-B-43 2-B-44 2-B-45 2-B-46 2-B-47 2-B-48 2-B-49 2-B-50 2-B-51 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 - mouth,staff gage 140.1W4.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 D ••••"••eo ••ill e e •Go •CiI eo e "'"••.0 CiI 0 eo III Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 - Q site,staff gage 140.1S5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 0 ••••CI ••••••••III e III 00 eo ill ••••0 •1&•••CI II •••••••••••III I:'"Cl Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 - head,staff gage 140.1H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 II G eo .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - mouth,staff gage 142.0W5.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 17,1983 111 •••••••••••••••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Q site,staff gage 142.0S6.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 17,1983 .....•.....•.....e .e ••e •••••••••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Northwest head,staff gage 142.0H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 IIIl Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Northeast head,staff gage 142.0H1.Surveyed by RM ;n 1982 co .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - mouth,staff gage 144.3W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - mid Slough,staff gage 144.3S4.Surveyed by R&M in 1982.o G ••1II Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - Q site,staff gage 144.3S6.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 •....................•.......•.................. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - head,staff gage 144.3H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983 ......•........................... Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -mouth,staff gage 112.3W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -backwater,staff gage 112.3S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 ........•..•..•.......... xv 2-B-40 2-B-41 2-8-42 2-8-43 2-8-44 2-B-45 2-B-46 2-B-47 2-B-48 2-B-49 2-B-50 2-8-51 2-8-52 - ,..., - LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) "..., - 2-B-52 2-B-53 2-B-54 2-B-55 2-B-56 2-B-57 2-B-58 Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 -access,staff gage 140.0Wl.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 •...•..••...•..•..•.••..• Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 below mouth,staff gage 140.0S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 ••.••.•...••..•••.....••. Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 - Q site,staff gage 140.0S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 •••.••.•••..••.•••..•.... Cross sectional elevations of Fourth of July Creek -Q site,staff gage 131.1Tl.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983 •..•.•.•.•.•..•..••...•••... Cross sectional elevations of Gold Creek -Q site,staff gage 136.8Tl.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 16.,1983 .•..............•III ••••••e ••••••••••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Indian River -Q site,staff gage 136.8T2.Surveyed by ADF&G 1983 stream flow data . Cross sectional elevations of Portage Creek -Q site,staff gage 148.8Tl.Surveyed by ADF&G 1983 stream flow data " xvi 2-B-53 2-B-54 2-B-55 2-B-56 2-B-57 2-8-58 2-B-60 "'" - """I 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)Su Hydro Aquatic Fea- sibility Study Team has collected channel geometry data since 1981 in association with stage/discharge and fish habitat data.The primary emphasis of these studies has been to define the hydraulic conditions present within selected side slough habitats in the Ta"lkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River and to determine how these hydraulic conditions influence fish habitat availability and utilization.Results of these investigations (ADF&G 1981,1982)have been used to determine the mainstem discharges required to breach the heads of selected side sloughs,passage conditions present within selected side sloughs and side channels as a function of mainstem discharge,and spawning habitat availability and utilization. 1.2 Objectives The primary objective of the FY84 open water fi el d season (May 1 - October 15,1983)channel geometry program was to collect channel geometry data in side channels,sloughs (side and upland),and tributaries to support fishery and hydraulic studies.Results of the channel geometry study are summarized in this report.Fishery and/or hydraul ic studi es util i zing these results wi 11 be presented in other chapters of this report and other reports. The channel geometry program was divided into two studies;the thalweg profile study and the cross sectional profile study. 1.2.1 Thalweg Profile Study The objectives of the 1983 open water field season thalweg data col- lection program were to develop thalweg profiles to: 1.evaluate the influence of mainstem discharge on passage within selected side channel,side slough,and upland slough study sites (Chapter 6,Report 3);and, 2.illustrate the influence that mainstem discharge,gradient, and channel morphology have on the formation of backwater within selected side channel,side slough,and upland slough study sites. 1.2.2 Cross Sectional Profile Study The objectives of the 1983 open water field season cross section data collection program were to develop cross sectional profiles to: 1.evaluate the influence of mainstem discharge on specific passage conditions that exist within selected side channel and side slough study sites (Chapter 6,Report 3); 1 2.assist in determining the mainstem discharge required to breach the head porti ons of selected side channel and side slough habitats (Chapter 1,Report 3);and, 3.assist in describing the hydraulic conditions of each stage monitoring station at side channel,slough (upland and side) and tributary study locations (Chapter 1,Report 3;Chapter 7, Report 3). 2 - -- - '1"'" I I I r ..- - 2.0 METHODS 2.1 Site Selection 2.1.1 Thalweg Profile Surveys During the 1983 open water field season thalweg profiles were surveyed at sites listed in Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1.Thalweg profiles were developed for all sites where passage conditions were evaluated. 2.1.2 Gross Sectional Profile Surveys Cross sectional data were collected during the 1983 open water season at locations presented in Table 2-1 and Figure 2-1.Survey data were collected at each stage monitoring station (staff gage site)located in side channel,slough and tributary study sites.These data were collected to support the passage investigations study (Chapter 6,Report 3),the stage/discharge investigations study (Chapter 1,Report 3),the hydraulic modeling study (Chapter 7,Report 3),and the spawning habitat evaluation study (Chapter 7,Report 3). 2.2 Field Data Collection 2.2.1 Thalweg Data Collection Procedures Thalweg survey data were collected along the entire length of the slough or side channel using the standard surveying techniques of differential leveling.Points of significant morphological features such as tops and bottoms of riffles and pools were noted as thalweg points.Information collected for each thalweg point included streambed elevation,water surface elevation,substrate,and distance between thalweg points.The specific techniques and procedures used to collect thalweg survey data are presented in the FY84 ADF&G Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984). Substrate was assessed visually at each thalweg point using the classi- fication system presented in Table 2-2. 2.2.2 Cross Sectional Data Collection Procedures For most study sites,cross sectional profiles were developed using survey data collected at transects within selected study sites.Cross sectional information included streambed elevations,water surface elevations,and horizontal distance from bank headpin.The survey techniques and procedures used in the collection of cross sectional data are presented in the ADF&G FY84 Procedures Manual,(ADF&G 1984). Cross sectional profiles of Indian River and Portage Creek were constructed from streamflow measurement data.Water surface elevations and hori lonta 1 di stances were recorded at each flow measurement poi nt along a transect.The streambed elevations were derived by subtracting the depth of the water column from the water surface elevation recorded at each flow measurement point.Flow measurement techni ques and data collection techniques are presented in the ADF&G FY84 Procedures Manual (ADF&G 1984). 3 Table 2-1. Site Channel geometry study sites in side channel,side slough,and upland slough habitats of the Susitna River during the 1983 open water season. River Mile Side Channels Mainstem 2 Side Channel Side Channel 10 Upper Side Channel 11 Side Channel 21 Side Sloughs Whiskers Creek Slough 8 8A 9 9A 11 16 16B 20 21 22 Upland Sloughs 6A 10 19 Tributaries Fourth of July Creek Gold Creek Indian River Portage Creek 4 114.4 133.8 136.2 140.6 101.2 113.6 125.3 128.3 133.2 135.3 137.7 137.9 140.1 141.8 144.3 112.3 133.8 140.0 131.1 136.8 138.6 148.8 - - SIDE CHANNEL.SLOUGH AND TRIBUTARY CHANNEL GEOMETRY STUDY SITES I TALKEETNA -DEVIL CANYON l Whlskers Cr••" SlouQh o ! MILES 10 I .- - ~, Figure 2-1.Locations of channel geometry study sites in side channel,slough,and tributary habitats of the Susitna River during the 1983 open water season. 5 Table 2-2.Substrate classification system used during the 1983 open water season Silt Sand Fine Gravel Gauge Gravel Rubble Cobble Boul der 6 1/4 - 1 in 1 - 3 in 3 - 5 in 5-10 in 10 in _. - -. -- - - -i .... - 2.3 Analytical Approach 2.3.1 Thalweg Profile Study Analysis Thalweg profiles consist of a series of elevations of the deepest part of a stream channel and the corresponding water surface elevation .determined for each thalweg point.Thalweg profiles transverse the entire length of the study site with the thalweg survey data plotted as streambed elevations and water surface elevations. Water surface elevations determined from staff gage readings and the corresponding mainstem Susitna River discharge at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 15292000)were also plotted on the thalweg figures.The water surface elevations illustrated represent the range of water surface elevations observed during the 1983 open water season. Areas of backwater were determined from the water surface elevation profiles at various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gagi ng station 15292000)and the channel geometry of the study site. Streambed gradients of the study sites are determined by dividing the difference between the thalweg (streambed)elevation of the most down- stream portion of the thalweg profile (usually the mouth of the side channel or slough)and the thalweg elevation at the most upstream portion (head)by the length of the thalweg survey.The general substrate composition of the channel is illustrated beneath the thalweg profi 1e. Mainstem gradients corresponding to the study sites were determined by dividing the difference between the known elevation of the upstream Lower River Cross Section (LRX)and the elevation of the LRX just downstream of the study site by the distance between the points. The general substrate compositon of the channel is illustrated beneath the thalweg profile. Thalweg profiles are used to evaluate potential passage problems in the study sites as determined by the depth of water within the study channel corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges. 2.3.2 Cross Sectional Profile Study Analysis Cross sectional survey data consists of a series of elevations perpen- dicular to the stream channel,beginning from the left bank (looking upstream)continuing to the right bank,including every major change in channel topography.Data were graphed as streambed e1 evati on versus horizontal distance.Included in the cross sectional profiles of side channel sand sloughs (si de and upl and)are a seri es of water surface e1 evati ons determi ned from staff gage read;ngs and the corresponding mainstem Susitna River discharge recorded at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 15292000).Illustrated on the cross sectional profiles of triburary discharge stations are water surface elevations determined from staff gage readings and the corresponding streamflow of the 7 tributary.The water surface elevations illustrated on the cross sections represent the range of water surface elevations observed during the 1983 open water season. Cross sectional profiles are used.to support modeling studies and to assist in determining the hydraulic conditions governing the study site. 8 - - ..- 3.0 RESULTS Thalweg and cross sectional profiles developed from survey data collected in the Tal keetna to Devi 1 Canyon reach of the Susitna River are presented according to the following habitat types,:side channel, slough (side and upland),and tributary. 3.1 Side Channel Habitats Survey data used in the development of thalweg profiles were collected at four side channels in the Ta"lkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River during the 1983 open water season.The thalweg data recorded are presented in Appendix Tables 2-A-l to 2-A-5.The cross sectional survey data were collected at five side channel s and are listed in Appendix Tables 2-B-l to 2-B-17. Thalweg profiles and cross sectional profiles produced for study sites in side channel habitats are presented below by site. 3.1.1 Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4) Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)located on the east bank of the Susitna River,is a V-shaped channel approximately one mile long. Approximately 1,600 upstream of the mouth the northwest (left)channel is joined by the northeast (right)channel.Each channel is separated from the mainstem by a large vegetated island. The thalweg profiles of Mainstem 2 Side Channel (Figure 2-2),were developed from survey data collected during a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 9,080 cfs and an estimated side channel flow of less than 1 cfs.Substrate in the northwest channel is primarily silt and sand in the backwater area,and gravel or rubble in the upper portion.Cobble and boulder substrate predominate in the northeast channel. The backwater area in the northwest channel extends upstream at least 1,200 feet at mainstem discharges between 16,000 and 21,700 cfs (USGS gaging station 15292000).At a mainstem discharge of 31,700 cfs the backwater area in the northwest channel increases to approximately 2,000 feet upstream.The backwater area is reduced to approximately 800 feet into the northwest channel at a mainstem discharge of 9,080 cfs.In the northeast channel very li ttl e backwater effect has been observed over the full range of mainstem discharge occurring during 1983. The gradient of the northwest and northeast channels is 10.2 and 12.5 ft/mi respectively.The corresponding mainstem Susitna River gradient is 9.2 ft/mi . Cross sectional profiles developed for Mainstem 2 Side Channel are presented in Figure 2-3.Each of the seven sites corresponds to the location of a staff gage (Table 2-3). 3.1.2 Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8) Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)located on the west bank of the Susitna River,is approximately 0.5 mi long and is separated from the mainstem 9 MAINSTEM 2 THALWEG PROFILE UAINSTEM 2 fJPIIOfIU nUDY Alli.o' .A ..TRlAN.IO "..fIOll IURYlY DA.n:,83tY.lZB WAIMSlCY Q la.Slid "••II!>~.OHO I;h IIT~Q'::~~~~:~~=:=::t ~~"::IU"'" IUIITNA lWEI IUCH GRAD"NT,'i_Z 11/",i lITE GUOIUT,::::::::~:.~::~: -WATU tURFACE ~DAn;Of SUIVlY L...JaILT/IAND E5J 4MA'IiL '''UBIL[ 1m CO.Il''eOuUln -WATER aURfACE 'ROM STAGE DATA 41Hoo 60+00 oIloiooo iliDtOO ~+oo aoioo 5OtoO 4'tOO 25+00 40400 20too 5TREAMSEP $TAT ION Uu') 'StOO luao 30100 ' IOtOO 4.' 4.0 47. ~47' Z 0 ~>472"l '"'"470 "'"I- 4" 4" 0:00 s:oo 4.'~NORTHEaST CHANNEL 464 (RIGHT CHANNEL) 4.' %480-1 ~"l~O cu ~418 j:.. ~474 ~ tI::472 I- 470 4•• 4"il:oloo115';00 2.64.00 f-'o STREAMBED STATION U .., I Figure 2-2.Streambed (thalweg)'profile of ~Iainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). J -l J I 'I ~I 1 J }.1 J l j J 'I.')i>' ]1 --l -1 -1 1 )1 ,J l 550 400 4$0 ,; ....................~'8,IOOch / ACKWATER I ..tel LOWE~I:4S9..GAGE .•..84~ Z ..so 0 S ...e > "82III ...J III 41. STAff GAGE III D.ADf aG CROSS ~ 1---1 SECTION III:47.....'DO~ "70 I 114.4We 1"1""1'-,,,.,, 0 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE Ifeell MOUTH GAGE 114.4W6 491..•"s"..UPPER BACKWATER GAGE 1/4.457 4 7 0',iii ,iii $I •iii i i • i 47'~r .J1,700c~. 482 100 150 200 2$0 $00 350 400 450 '-4iIiiilI::~--I".OO&h o ~0 S .. >~ III III ~ III:...474~..........L/"7.Z~Oc'. 100 150 200 250 aDO 350 400 4$050 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE Ifeetl HORIZONTAL DiSTANCE Ifeet I Figure 2-3.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 15292000). 4811 HE CHANNEL Q SITE ~GAGE 114.4S8•~..4 Z 4.0 0 j:...o:t>III 411... III III 418~ :J II:474... 410 ~eo ,00 ,io 200 ao 1100 300 400 4eono400400 ~;;J 11,100.'. ..................~:;7 ::::::~: 4.81 NW CHANNEL Q SITE ~GAGE 114.4S5••,., ~ Z 4'0 0 S '88 >III 4U.... III III 418, ~a:414... 410 . 100 2eo JOO000'80 200 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE ,"."HORIZONTAL DISTANCE "..II 400400000JOG 1 III,JOOe.. aa1eOOcl@ 4881 NE CHANNEL HEAD ~GAGE 114.4HI•484~ Z 480 0 S ... >!j 482 III...418, ::> II:414... 410 ~200200100'DO.0 NW CHANNEL HEAD GAGE 114.4H3 6-.......~~/1__~-..,7••'" "...........II,eoO!:'. ,iii iii iii i ./1 i I X i I I iii iii J iii I I I I i Ei50 7 0 7 0 800 8&0 900 0 1000 1050 1100 I1'O ...... N 498 ~494•:490 z 0 4 ••'j: o:t 48:!>III....47'III III ::>410 '"I- '70 I> HORIZONTAL DISTANCE'18.'1 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE ""11 Figure 2-3 (continued).Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4)and water surface elevations corresponding to,various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). I J J ,•~•..~J l I ••~l J Table 2-3.Cross sectional profile sites in Mainstem 2 Side Channel (RM 114.4),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency If"'"Mouth 114.4W6 9/22/83 ADF&G Lower Backwater 114.459 9/22/83 ADF&G Upper Backwater 114.4S7 9/22/83 ADF&G NE Channel-'Discharge Station 114.458 7/04.83 ADF&G NW Channel Discharge Station 114.4S5 8/06/83 ADF&G NE Channel Head 114.4H1 9/23/83 ADF&G "~NW Channel Head 114.4H3 9/24/83 ADF&G ;""'"' -13 by a large gravel bar.Slough 10 enters Side Channel 10 approximately 379 feet upstream from the mouth of the side channel. Survey data collected for the development of the thalweg profile (Figure 2-4)of Side Channel 10 was recorded on two occasions both during non-breaching rna instem di scharges.Survey data for stations -3+20 to 3+79 were recorded at a Susitna River discharge of 18,600 cfs (USGS gaging station 15292000).Stations 5+62 to 26+87 were surveyed during a mainstem discharge of 12,200 cfs.Side Channel 10 flow was estimated to be less than 1 cfs on both survey dates.The backwater pool area illustrated in the thalweg profile consists of a thick layer of silt and sand.Alternating pools and riffles occur upstream of the backwater area.Substrate is primarily cobble/boulder or gravel/rubble with silt deposited in the pool areas. The backwater area extends approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the mouth area at mainstem discharge greater than 18,600 cfs.At a mainstem discharge of approximately 12,200 cfs,a reduced area of backwater occurs extendi ng upstream approximately 400 ft above the mouth.The gradient of Side Channel 10 is approximately 22.3 ft/mi,while the gradient of the adjacent mainstem area is 9.0 ft/mi. During the 1983 season,cross sectional data were collected at six locations in Side Channel 10 (Table 2-4).The surveys which were conducted in support of the physical habitat modeling study are presented in Chapter 7.Cross sections of the mouth and head of Side Channel 10 are presented in Figure 2-5. 3.1.3 Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2) Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)located on the east bank of the Susitna River,is a single channel approximately 0.4 mi in length and is separ- ated from the mainstem by a well vegetated island.Approximately 1,400 feet upstream from the mouth,Upper Side Channel 11 is connected with the head of Slough 11. The backwater area in upper Side Channel 11 extends approximately 450 to 500 ft into the side channel with corresponding mainstem discharges of 11,400 to 31,700 cfs (Figure 2-6).Thalweg survey data were collected duri ng a breachi ng rna i nstem di scharge of 18,900 cfs and an estimated side channel flow of 55 cfs. Above the backwater area,Upper Side Channel 11 consists of a series of long riffle,s and pools.Silt and sand deposits occur in the backwater and pool areas.Cobble and boulder substrate predominate in the riffle areas. The gradient of Upper Side Channel 11 is approximately 23.6 ft/mi and the corresponding mainstem gradient is 16.ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at five staff gage locations in Upper Side Channel 11 (Table 2-5).Cross sections developed from data collected at the head and mouth gages are presented in Figure 2-7. 14 - - 1 J I -1 1 -1 1 1 J 1 1 ...... (J"J SIDE C.HANNEl-10 &a P,ul,t.'lIll111,A'M I!:.51.10_101'51"11,", SIDE CHANNEL 10 THAlWEG PROFILE iI/NYU DAn,8101Il)/UO'li -'-'WAtE:ll IUlllf.lU ON C1AT!CII IUIIIIVU ."...,SUM II til'Or,lll C,.....j.'1,600/11.1:00 ell _IULll ....Ng'IT~II;<I ell 1::3 llIAYEL '"IJ"U: IUII'N"IlIVr.R IlIACH liRAQIENT'I.OII/IN m cO.'U:IIDUUIEfl...'f GIlAllIEN1,U,Sfo'.i -w..nl IURt"Allf fIlO..,UliE DATA STAEAMIJED STATION "..II 20;00 Figure 2-4.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various malnstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). Table 2-4.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8),1983. ·16 SIDE CHANNEL.10 120 140"160 180 200 220204060BO HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) MOUTH GAGE 133.8W!5 ]---------------,.~-2.~OOOc.,. "1------------'7"'--21,IOOds l5O-"",~---------:::~::'---_I..,"C?O.f' 666 664 -662..660~.,.. 6SBZ 2 6S6~«>6S4 1&1 ....I 6S21&1 1&1"6:::l Q: ~648 646 644 0"- - 666 664 662-660•:! 66B Z 0 666 ~«664> III 6S2....I 1&1 1&1 660 :::l Q:648 ~ 646 644 0 HEAD GAGE 133.8H4 20 40 60 BO 100 120 140 160 ISO 200 220 240 2llO 2BO 300 320 340 360 3l!O HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feen Fi~ure 2-5.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 152900) "17 UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II THALWEG PROFILE ...... co 665 660 .. D- zo !:t>675 Ul J Ul Ul ::J II: I- 670 UPPER SIDE CHANNEL \I ______sus/rNA ,.,100ctl ~ 21.900 eta 16,000 l:h 12,2:00 tta -# 11,400 ell 2 3 STUDY TRANSECT LOCATIONS IADF II G MODELING STUDY,19631 SURVEY DATI!:,830120 MAINSTEII 11101 Gold Cro.U.16.600.1. SITE II:55 GIl SUSITNA RIVEIl REACH GRADIENT,16.61t/ml SITE GRADIENT.23.61t1mi --WATER SURFACE ON DATE OF SURVEY Il1!l'!iiSILT/SAND ~COBBLE /BOULDER --WATER SUIlFACE FRO II STAGE DATA --~---- -ltOO OtOO 6tOO 10i-00 16+00 20tOO STREAMBED STATION (fool) Figure 2-6.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). J I J ...~!.J ,~~11 J I !J l J I J." Table 2-5.Cross sectional profile sites in Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency ~Mouth,ADF&G Model 136.2W3 7/20/83 ADF&G Transect 1 ADF&G Modell 136.2S4 1983 ADF&G Transect 2 -ADF&G Modell 136.255 1983 ADF&G Transect 3 ADF&G Modell 136.251 1983 ADF&GIf'~Transect 4 Q Site Head 136.2H2 7/18/83 ADF&G 1 Cross section presented in Chapter 7. - 19 --••.. "lI90 6n 688 MOUTH GAGE 136.2W3 UPPER SIDE CHANNEL II C.STA~~GA•• I-I.&D~••C_S SECTiONo_ L...;-m-I CANru.••.ele' 67lS eT 672 ....._...._...,._...,-,...,...,..."l""'".,...,...,..'T.....,._..,_-,~...., a 20 40 lIO 80 100 120 140 Ilia 180 200 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE"(f8et) 690 HEAD GAGE 136.2H2 688 3r.'OOch-..686 1.,IOOcfl•145.0001:11......684 Z 0 ~882 <II:>6801&1 oJ 1&1 678 1&1 ~676II: ~ 674 672~..........-_.,....,....,.."""I""..,...,....,.~po-.,.."I"'""'"T"'''''''I""-r.......,-_,.........., 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 lIOO HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-7.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various rilainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 20 -. I - ,...- - - Cross sectional profiles of the habitat modeling locations are presented in Chapter 7.The cross section of Upper Side Channel 11 gage 136.2H2 is restricted to that portion of the channel which is generally breached during the open water season. 3.1.4 Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6) Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)is a relatively straight,single channel, approximately 0.9 mi 1eng and is located on the south bank of the Susitna River.It is separated from the mainstem by a series of well vegetated islands and gravel bars.At sufficient mainstem discharge, turbid mainstem water enters the side channel through several intermittent channels.The mouth of Side Slough 21 flows directly into the upper portion of Side Channel 21. The thalweg profile of Side Channel 21 (Figure 2-8)shows that in general,pools are located in the mouth and head areas.Beginning from station -50+00,the backwater area extends approximately 1500 ft into the side channel at mainstem discharges exceeding 16,000 cfs.The thalweg figure was developed from data recorded during a non-breaching mainstem ~ischarge of 7,800 cfs and an estimated side channel flow of 5 cfs.Substrate in Side Channel 21 is predominantly cobble/boulder with silt/sand deposits in the mouth and pool areas. The gradient of Side Channel 21 is 12.4 ft/mi and the corresponding mainstem gradient is 16.6 ft/mi. Cross sectional data was recorded at 10 sites within Side Channel 21 during the 1983 open wat~r season (Table 2-6).Cross sections corresponding to the locations of staff gages are presented in Figure 2-9.Cross sections developed in support of the habitat modeling study are presented in Chapter 7. 3.2 Side Slough Habitats Survey data necessary for the development of thalweg profil es were collected at ten side sloughs in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.The thalweg data recorded are listed in Appendix Tables 2-A-6 to 2-A-13.Cross sectional surveys were conducted at nine side sloughs.The cross section data are presented in Appendix Tables 2-B-18 to 2-B-49. Thalweg profiles and cross sectional profiles produced for study sites in side slough habitats are presented below by site. 3.2.1 Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2) Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)located on the west bank of the Susitna River,is a single channel approximately 0.6 mile long.The slo~gh is separated from the mainstem by a well vegetated island. Whi skers Creek enters the slough approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the slough mouth. 21 N N SiDE CHANNEL 21 Q -PROfiLE STUDY AREA &\~STREAMBED STATION 760 766 760 ~ ~ 746 zo;::: ~... ~740... :> It: I- 1>6 730 / I 2 ,4 6 liTUOY TR ....NSfer LOtAflOriS IAOfBG MODELI~G STuPT.195~1 SIDE CHANNEL 21 THALWEG PROFILE SURVEY 0",1£:82.1014 --WATER SURFACE ON DATE OF SURVn ~AINSTE"Q 101 Gold Cr..Il~'7,800 ell c:J SILT/SAND SITE Q:'<:,.~COBBLe.I IOULOii,:R SU$lTNA RIVER REACH GftADIENT:16.6 fl/mi --WATER SURFAcE fROM STAGE DATA SITE GRADIEHliI2.4 'I/mi 1150- ,.. J,«;.,• STUDY TRAHnel LOCATiONS lAD"'''G MODELIKG STUDY,198U -50+00 -!HOO 0'00 Figure 2-8.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). J J 1 -~l I ..~;,:~~J I .J I J .J J •j J Table 2-6.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency ~ Mouth 140.6W1 9/12/83 ADF&G ADF&G Modell 1983 2 ADF&G Transect 1 ADF&G Modell 1983 2 ADF&G-Transect 2 ADF&G Modell 1983 2 ADF&G Transect 3 ADF&G Model,140.654 1983 2 ADF&G Lower Q Site I"'"'Transect 4 ADF&G Modell 1983 2 ADF&G Transect 5 Mi d-Channe 1 .140.652 9/13/83 ADF&G Channel A5 Head 140.653 7/11/82 RM~ Consultants r-Upper Q Site 140.657 9/13/83 ADF&G Station r Channel A6 Head 140.6H5 7/11/82 R&M Consultants 1 Cross section presented in Chapter 7. 2 No staff gage station located at this site. 23 Tt.+__....._,.......r--......_"'"T"............."'!':"......~"""'!..~~~~~-~~ HORIZONTAL DIST.,tCE "••U "0 MOUTH GAeE 140••WI TOO.111. Z 1<0 S! i -~1<0.... "0:n... "t Tt. oo ... SIDlE CHANMIL 2.1 TOO ". CHANNEL AS OAO'l140.8."3 - -. TOO LOWER 0 SITE SASE 140.••• TIO ~111 Z TO. S! !C T..i:i... T"....la.ooo ..."1'lI.""'lrl..T.10.""'".. Tit Tt.Tt·+................-.-'"I'IO...,-...,-....-,...,_.-........-_........_.. oo KlO I"ZOO UD '*'310 40Q HORIZONTAL DISTANCI (te.tl TOO T" :TIt.-~ i ~.. ~0:,.. UPPER 0 'ITE liIAGE 140._87 HDftlZOMTAL DISTANCI U ••t I TOO lllD CHANNEL GAO£,1~.S2. 100. Zq.. ~ d...::>..,.... ". .._... ".11.10".,,, TOO ". 'It CItANNIlL •• SAllE 10CUH, U"OOO.,.. ..e,OOO'.1 "-__..........~J "._." II,toOt'" HO'R1ZOf!llTAL DISTANCE It••n Tt·+--.........'......-'"I'IO...-.......,-...I"'""-.......-....,..,,,;'-<-...1'",....-.....,-.-."I';......-."'lj·0.....,7Jo HORIZONTAL DiSTANCE""un Figure 2-9.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various ~ainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200) 24 - -, I A backwater pool,illustrated in the thalweg profile (Figure 2-10) extends at least 500 feet into the channel at mainstem discharges greater than 12,200 cfs.At a mainstem discharge exceeding 24,000 cfs the backwater area increases to at least 1,000 feet.The thalweg figure was developed from data recorded during a non-breaching mainstem dis- charge of 9,080 cfs and an estimated slough flow of less than 2 cfs. Substrate in the lower slough is primarily gravel,while rubble/cobble predominate in the upper slough areas. The gradient of Whiskers Creek Side Slough is approximately 9.2 ft/mi while the adjacent mainstem gradient is 4.9 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at three staff gage lDcations in Whiskers Creek Side Slough (Table 2-7).The resulting cross sections are presented in Figure 2-11. 3.2.2 Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6) Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6),known also as Lane Creek Slough,is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.The slough is approximately 0.4 mile long and is separated from the mainstem by a well vegetated gravel bar.An area of backwater occurs at the mouth during periods of moderate to high mainstem flows.However,no thalweg or stage data were recorded to determine the extent of the backwater area and corresponding mainstem discharges. During the 1983 open water season cross sectional survey data were recorded at three staff gage locations and at a site located below the mouth (Table 2-8).The cross sectional profiles are presented in Figure 2-12. 3.2.3 Side Slough 8A (RM 126.2) Side Slough 8A (RM 126.2)is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.The slough is approximately two miles long and is separated from the mainstem by a,large vegetated gravel bar.Approximately 2,500 ft upstream of the mouth,the slough divides into two forks:the northeast (right)channel and the northwest (left)channel.A beaver dam is located upstream approximately 2,000 feet from the mouth.A series of beaver dams are also found upstream in the northeast channel. The backwater area in Side Slough 8A extends approximately 1,000 feet into the slough from the mouth during mainstem discharges as low as 10,000 cfs (Figure 2-13).At mainstem discharges exceeding 31,000 cfs backwater extends at 1east 1,400 ft.upstream from the mouth.The tha 1weg profil e extends from the mouth to the head of the northeast channel.Data for stations -3+74 to 38+23 were collected at a non- breaching mainstem discharge of 6,750 cfs with an estimated slough flow of 20 cfs.Stations 38+73 to 106+63 were surveyed during a non- breaching mainstem discharge of 7,110 cfs and an estimated slough flow of 20 cfs.Thalweg survey data were not collected in the northwest (left)channel. 25 WHISKERS CREEK SLOUGH THALWEG PROFILE WHISKERS CREEK SlOU~H !l :;:=~;~[~"~;rT~O-:A ...~ SUIIYIEY PAn::15092. MAINSTEM Q tol 6014 Cr••'.,8.080 cl. liTE 0 =<2 GI. IUalTNA RIYER IIUCK CiRAOliHT,4.9 tllmi SITE:GaAOI£NTI '.2 Il/II\i --"'AUR SURfACE ON DAn:Of IUIIVIEY SO.AVEL I .UIILIellOtlLl1••ULDIR . ---O~PT"ntl.....na -WATE~SURfACE:FROiI 8YAGl:DATA >70 24,000 cis 21,600 ch15,600 ch----- 12,200 d. !lI,IIOO 4lh------------------~------------------=======:; ..ouTHOfl SL()~ :;366 =z !1.....>... .J 360...... :> 0:... N O'l DiDO 5+00 10+00 l!;Jtoa 20tOO 25+00 50+00 STREAMBED STATION "eet) Figure 2-10.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Whiskers Creek Side Slough (Rr~101.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). I ~;1 J I .~l ~~1I J I 1 J J •I )J...~ Table 2-7.Cross sectional profile sites in Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency.-Mouth 101.2W1 9/11/83 ADF&G Discharge Station 101.253 7/03/83 ADF&G Head 101.2H5 7/03/83 ADF&G - .... ~, 27 HEAD GAGE IOl.2H5 '\:::J IIIIOUS!"fl ~ll.IDDchl 140 16012010080604020 WHiSKERS CREEK 380 SLOUGH -3786S~lia:;7iI----IAOF "'G GflOSS ~376SECTION o 1.1l -374L--..J ZUIT lA"...1 ••111 0 S 372 >370III .J 368ILl ILl 366:> It:364I- '....."..,~......."..I 362 360 0 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet! 140 16012010080604020 \.<:~z~'.:~::: Q STATION GAGE 101.2S3 380 378 •376 .~ 374 z 0 372 j: q;370;>- ILl 368.J W ILl 366 :> It:364 I- 362 360 I 0160140120100806040 '\.'"===::::~----•.440ch 20 MOUTH GAGE 101.2WI Nco 380 -378 ;376::. Z 374 Q 372I-q; 370>ILl .J 368 ILl ILl 366 ::> It:364.... 362 360 , 0 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE 1t8etl HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (f.et! Figure 2-11.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). I t I 1 I .~1 l ~-1 ~I )I )J I ..~ Table 2-8.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency-1BelowMouth 9/12/83 ADF&G Mouth 113.6W8 7/05/83 ADF&G Discharge Station 113.6S2 7/05/83 ADF&G Head 113.6H4 7/05/83 ADF&G 1 No staff gage station located at this site . .... .... 29 __SUSIrNA iI/VCII-.,,:V' SIDE 5LOUGH iii o n"'"IAiI..-::nlt:lllU ~ 1.l...~~:"'.1 ... ~ MOUTH ''''lIE UI.8WI r -1I.'oacr•~~...._111 ... 2i ~ .J...... "'".. HEAD ''''GIE 115.8H4 '" wo ..,40 "0 .10 200 220 240 HORllOIiT,AL DISTANC';u."u ..10 100 IIlO 140 "0 HORIZONTAL DISTA.NCE crnl~ ... Q SITE GAGE:1I~.BS2 ! ,"' IILOW MOUTH (AI ~~~:~:=::: "~ ;;j... "l!: 4(;0''iii iii Iii 'j ,I 'iii iii ----..10 100 120 .40 leo 110 200 UU HORIZONTAL DI5TANCE I r"l) ..~o ~•i 'i i , i , ,iii i ,iii • i ; I g 10 ~120 ~l~IW ~~~ HORIZOIiTAL DI$UNCi {fun Figure 2-12.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 8 (RM 113.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). )J J J 1 I 1 1 )~.1 I I ~..J J 1 ~I -1 1 -I I "1 I ]J 1 I ]j ]I SLOUGH 8A THALWEG PROFILE W l-' .n; .!670 z ~~565 ~... '50 ADfle GAGE I2s.n.. IUflYIT OaT':IItJOl~1&111015 .....I...TI...G '"IoIlI CrIMI>7.110/Ii,7I0 "'" IITI:Q 1'.11,80 d, IU.IT••RIVIR RIE,I,GM ,,,APIINY,....III. "1'1 UADIIENT,11.5 11I..t -WATU IURf'lOl OW PATI 01 .....vl.. D ••U/....ND ~GUYIL/"U .....r. _to'IIU'IDULDU ---N,l"'.lll111_TED -"UIUII IilUR'ACf fROM ''''Gf PAT" 5~O\oO otcio''D:O~I i 10:00 .',,100 I ~O!Oo'fat);)i I ';Oto~;16100 .aJoO ":.0'.00''10100 i aJ~i i;o100 .i e.loo I 10100 i 711~•'.0100 edoc'.0100'i 'I~i .0&.00".QIl•.io i i 110'.00 STREAMBED STATION (lootl Figure 2-13.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 8A (RM 125.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). Gravel and rubble are the predominant substrate types in the lower slough and cobble/boulder predominate in the upper slough areas.The backwater area and the beaver dam pools are primarily silt and sand. Substrate in the northwest fork is mainly rubble/cobble. The gradient of the slough is 11.5 ft/mi while the corresponding mainstem gradient is 9.2 ft/mi. Cross sectional data were collected at seventeen locations in Side Slough 8A during the 1983 open water season (Tabl e 2-9).The surveys whi ch were conducted to support the model ing study are presented in Chapter 7.Cross sections surveyed at six staff gage locations are presented in Figure 2-14. 3.2.4 Side Slough 9 {RM 128.3} Side Slough 9 is approximately 1.2 miles long and is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.The slough is separated from the mainstem by a large vegetated island.Two small tributaries located approximately 500 and 3.000 ft upstream from the mouth flow into the slough.Near the head.Slough 9 is joined by a small upland slough referred to as Slough 9B. Data for the development of the thalweg profile of Slough 9 (Figure 2-15)were collected on three occasions.Stations -8+76 to 14+32 were surveyed during a mainstem discharge of 12.500 cfs and an estimated slough flow of 8 cfs.Data were collected at stations 16+47 to 33+57 at a mainstem discharge of 14.400 and an estimated slough flow of 8 cfs. The remaining stations were surveyed at a mainstem discharge of 7,950 and an estimated slough flow of 8 cfs. The backwater area extends at 1east 500 feet upstream at ma i nstem di scharges exceedi ng 15.200 cfs.At hi gher di scharges the backwater area is increased.Substrate in the backwater areas is primarily composed of shifting sand or silt bars.Upstream of the backwater area the substrate is primarily gravel/rubble and cobble/boulder with silt deposits in the pool areas. The gradient of Slough 9 is 13.8 ft/mi while the corresponding mainstem gradient is 8.7 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at ten locations in Slough 9 {Table 2-10}.Cross sections of habitat modeling transects are pre- sented in Chapter 7.The cross secti ons correspondi ng to three staff gage locations are presented in Figure 2-16. 3.2.5 Side Slough 9A {RM 133.2} Side Slough 9A {RM 133.2}is approximately 3.300 ft long and is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.The slough is separated"from the mainstem by a large vegetated island. The thalweg profile data of Slough 9A were collected during a non- breaching mainstem discharge of 9,400 cfs and an estimated slough flow 32 - - - """ ~Table 2-9.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 8A (RM 125.3),1983 • ..- Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency Mouth 125.3W5 10/19/83 ADF&G Upper Backwater 125.3S6 7/18/83 ADF&G Lower Slough 8A 125.3S4 7/18/83 ADF&G,-Discharge Station NW Channel Q Site 125.3S3 7/18/83 ADF&G ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 1 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 2 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 3 AD F&G Mode 11 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 4 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G """Transect 5 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 6 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 7 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 8 pwt 2ADF&G Modell 1983 ADF&G Transect 9 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 10 33 Table 2-9 (Continued). - Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 11 NE Channel Head 125.3H7 8/4/83 ADF&G -NW Channel Head 125.3S3 7/18/83 ADF&G 1 Cross section presented in Chapter 7. 2 No staff gage station located at this site. 34 j -_.•..]1 1 )1 ]]1 1 )1 j 1~ SIDE SLOUGH SA Ii.STAff GAGr: .............D'aa CROSS SECTION o 1000 ~I.""•••.,.e,., ,,£~ :~.,. NIVEN_ / w U'1 484 MOUTH GAGE 125.3W5 484 UPPER BACKWATER GAGE 125.356 480 480 160 180 200 220 240 2410 28010012014080604020o 464 472 4418 456',i , i ,iii ,i , i 8 i •I i j ,i • , •!g , ,i j 418 zo 5>III ..I III III :> It:.....460 -. 220 240 2410 280200 I 160 110'00 120 140804104020 •~--'I.DOOch ~_--IS.IOOII" ............--'.llOIl" ~---- ••4741~ Z 0 472 j: of>488 III ..I III 484 IaI J~.:> It:.....480 4541 I0 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (tut)HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (tut) Figure 2-14.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough8A (RM 125.3) and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 464 480 !476 zo 472 i= ~>468 ~ I1J U4 I1J :::l 0:I-460 LOWER Q SITE GAGE 125.3S4 484-.NW CHANNEL HEAD -GAGE 125.3H2 480-••478~ Z 4721 J It,OOO cf. 0 17,400 a'i i=~>468~ III 414 III :::l 0:480I- , g iii',,i4561 :i , ,ii',i i .I I I • I • I •406'•iii i I g i , i g iii 'i gig i 9 , ,,i i 9 i o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 280 280 o 20 40 80 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 280 280 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (full HORIZONTAL DISTANC,E (fa811 w (J) 464 472 480 NE CHANNEL HEAD 484-.GAGE 125.3H7 j 476 zo i= ~>468 ~ III I1J :::l 0:I-460 484~NW CHANNEL Q SITE .GAGE 125.3S3 480..:476-z 0 472 i=<t.>466 I1J ..I I1J 464 I1J :::l 0: I-460 456 1 :i •iii ,iii :iii ii'I •i 'i 6 , ,i &, o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 456'iii , ,i •iii iii i • ,g i • i g ,gig ft g i o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 HOR IZONTAL DISTANCE (f88t!HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (full Figure 2-14 (continued).Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 8A (RM 125.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). J J J ]j I "I J j J .1 I J J )~] D B ..~--1 J 1 J 1 1 'I -)1 SLOUGH 9 THALWEG PROFILE o r;- SURVEY OATE;820824/820812/821012 MAlt/STEM Q 10'Gold Croak),12,500114,40011,950 ofo SITE Q (..."8 01. SUSITNA RIVER REACH GRAOIENT.8.111/." SITE GRADIENT;13.8 It'ml • --WATER SURFACE ON OATE OF SURVEY c:::::J liLT'UNOI•.;...:,;...·3 GRAVEL I RUBBLE. ~COBBLe ,BOULDER --WATER SURFACE fROM STAGE OATA 610 &OIl 590 ~ z 0600 ~ ILl -'ILl ~l5elIl =~ I-22,100 <l.~~ .;~1ti6t .......~dfff,/ffi W "'-J 60tQQ5lltOOllOiOO45<0040t003lltOOlIOtOO2lltOO20i0015<0010t005<000'00-5<00 *I i j I I j·_~·-;·-i I IADF8.0 MOOEUtiG SrUDY.196iU -IOtOO iii • ,j I I I I iii i •iii iii Iii »iii iii Iii i i »i iii Iii ,ii'i i •I • • • •Iii i •i i • , i STREAMBED STATION (fBBt) Figure 2-15.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). Table 2-10.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3),1983. ~ Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency Mouth 128.3W3 9/14/83 ADF&G ,~ ADF&G Modell 2 8/3/83 ADF&G Transect 1 "'" ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 2 ADF&G Mode,l 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 4 -ADF&G Mode,l 128.351 1983 ADF&G Transect 6 Q Station - ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 7 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 8 ~ ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 9 ADF&G Modell 2 "sa1983ADF&G Transect 10 Head l28.3H3 8/23/83 ADF&G -, 1 Cross section presented in Chapter 7. 2 No staff gage station located at this site. 38 ~- - j 1 ])1 i »II I j -J 1 J ) 588'.iii i ;i , i i •i , • , ,iii , i iilU SIDE SLOUGH 9 A STAfF GAGE .....-.AOFaG CROSS SECTION '----------''111 612 ';60B .: 604zo i=600«>III oJ 596 III III ;:l 592 0:: I- Q SITE GAGE 128.3H2 L:::I ~::::::::~ID.100c:', o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 leo 200 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (r..11 w ~ HEAD GAGE 128.3H2 612 5B8 1 ii'i •iii ;iii •iii .,iii •iii.II •I I I ~,i 8 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ZOO 220 240 360 380 400 420 ~'"'1~:--....."""===~~~~=........-----....._=---_//~0«=",100". >'~~~ IIIiii 596... ~592 I- 592 566 0 20 40 60 60 'DO 120 140 160 180 200 612,MOUTH GAGE 128.3W3 I ~606 .:-604z '2 t--600«>.... ....J IIJ .... ::> D: f- HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feel I HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-16.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). of 5 cfs.The thalweg profile of Slough 9A is presented in Figure 2-17. Although a backwater area has been observed at Slough 9A,data necessary to determine the extent of the backwater area have not been collected. The mouth (backwater area)is composed primarily of silt and sand. Above the backwater area the slough is characterized by a series of riffles and pools.Although cobble/boulder is the predominant substrate,gravel and rubble are found in the riffle areas.Silt/sand deposits are contained in the pool areas. The gradient of Side Slough 9A is 15.7 ft/mi and the adjacent mainstem gradient is 11.1 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were not collected at Side Slough 9A. 3.2.6 Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7) Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7)is located on the east bank of the Susitna River and is approximately one mile long.The slough is separated from the mainstem by a large vegetated island.The head and mouth of Slough 11 are joined by side channels of the mainstem Susitna River. The thalweg profile (Figure 2-18)of Slough 11 was developed from data collected at a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 6,600 cfs and an estimated slough flow of 3 cfs.At mainstem discharges between 10,600 and 37,000 cfs the backwater area extends approximately 200 ft upstream. Substrate in the backwater area is mainly gravel/rubble with silt and sand deposits.Above the backwater area,substrate in Side Slough 11 is predominantly gravel/rubble.The upper portion of the slough is composed primarily of cobble/boulder substrate. The gradient of Slough 11 is 19.8 ft/mi while the corresponding mainstem gradient is 10.3 ft/mi. Cross sectional profile data were collected at three staff gage loca- tions in Side Slough 11 (Table 2-11).The cross sectional profiles are presented in Figure 2-19. 3.2.7 Side Sloughs 16/16B (RM 137.7) Side Sloughs 16 and 16B (RM 137.7)are located on the west bank of the Susitna River.The mouth of Slough 16B is joined by the head of Slough 16.The Slough 16/16B complex is approximately 0.6 miles long.Each slough is separated from the mainstem by a large gravel bar and a well vegetated island. One thalweg profile of the Slough 16/16B complex was developed (Figure 2-20).The thalweg survey data were collected during a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 16,500 cfs and an estimated slough flow of less than 1 cfs.At this time,a backwater area was observed extending approximately 600 feet upstream from the mouth of Slough 16.No stage and correspondi ng di scharge data were coll ected to further defi ne the 40 "'"' i J 1 i SlOUGH 9A 1 j ~l J )1 J ~l SLOUGH 9A THALWEG PROFILE +:- ~-•••.: z 0 ;:::•••":-.. oJ.. ... :::I •••It.... C STUDY PROfiLE AREA 411Af"MnO ITATI"'. SURVEY DATl:8309Z9 U,AINSTi"W Q lat Gol4 Crllll),8.40q ,Ito OIYE Q hat),5 cia susiTNA.RlvlR REACH GRADIENT I 1I.I't1",i Bill GRADllNT:16.1 tt/",i --WAlER SURFACE.ON DATE Of SURVU c:J SILT I SAND 181I ...VEL I RU ••LE I8BI COili'Lll BOULDER - --DEPTH lSTIW"TED 0+00 '+00 10+00 '''00 21»00 u+oo 50-1-00 STREAMBED STATION I'",I Figure 2-17.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 9A (RM 133.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). SLOUGH II THALWEG PROFILE 685 SLOUGH II rEl PROfiLE STUDY AREA .6.sTREAM BED STATION SURVEY DATE:821017 MAINSTEN Q (a'Gold C,,,k).6,660 ch SITE Q 1..11,3 cl. SUSITNA RIVER REACH GRADIENT'10.3 fl m' SITE GRADIENT,19.8 111m' --WATER SURFACE ON DATE OF SURVEY P:~Y'I SILT I SAND (;-.:;:::!I GRAVEL I RUBBLE ~COBBLE I BOULDER --WATER SURFACE FROM STAGE DATA -Po N 680 G> .2! -675 Za t- <I:> W ..J L&l 670 W::> 0: t- 665 d.~.,(:1527,000 cis .':'::.....~.:.~:. ~fs .':..::.:':-:• 10,600 t:h--:-:r<~[f;;;;;;;':....'" 50+0045-+0040"-0035+0030-10025"-0020+0015+0010+005-1000-100-5-100 660 I 1 •__.__•I -IO-+O~'iii iii ii'• , ,I 'i •iii ••iii iii iii iii iii iii iii Iii d •ii'i •iii iii STREAMBED STATION lIeet) Figure 2-18.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). I !1 )J I J J J )I .J J..~I I I J Table 2-11.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7),1983. Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency ~ Mouth 135.3Wl 10/19/83 ADF&G Discharge Station 135.3S6 6/29/83 ADF&G Head 135.3H3 7/28/82 R&M Consultants - - 43 SIDE SLOUGH II .6 .u"'CII: ....-...,u eftOIinCTlo",. ... L..;m-J......."'....'.. .92~Q SITE.GAGE 835.3S6 '"l "4 Zl 0 ,eo S>'7'III ...I III III '72 :;) It:...,., I"0 ao 40 .0 -11,200a.a~1,,'OOCIftl .........'0••00..' 10 100 120 140 110 110 200 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (le.ll ~ ~ HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (,..ll B84 '.iii iii i 'i i j •••,i 4 i : i •ij i Jig i i A 4 l ij iii ii',&i 3 i 4 Ioro~10 10 ~~~__~~~~~~~ HORIZONTAL DISTANCE If..tl HEAD GAGE 136.3H3 "2.., i "4:. ~110 t=~If. !j III III '72 :;) It:..............J 1f.IOO d................7 '1.100." -----,;lIP ':1:::::~, MOUTH GAGE 135.3WI 692 '" ~•:.81. z o '110S >87'III ...I i&J IT2 III i....., Figure 2-19.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 11 (RM 135.7)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 1 I J )I 1 J )j ~J J ~I I ••i I -1]1 -I 1 J 1 ,)t J "1 j 1 SLOUGH i6/16B THALWEG PROFILE SLOUGH 16/1611 t ?Ii '50105 13 PRDflLE STuDY AfIIEAIASTRIUIIBEDS1Al"ON SURVEY D4TE",B)0111 MAINST£M Q (01 "old C"..I:16,5oo,.h SirE Q:<leta SUSITNA RIVU REACH GRAOIENT,10.9 fI/mi SITE GRI-OIEN1::tg~~:~~~~I;.~I~~~i --WATER SURFACE ON OATE OF SURVEY E.r:d BILT/SAND mIl GRAVEL /RUBBLE r;am COBBLE /BOULDER ~ ()1 105.. '"0 100~ "'..J "'~ II:695.. OtOO 5t-OO 10+00 15+00-~(HOO 251'00 )OtOO Figure 2-20. STREAMBED STATION lteet) Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 16/16B (RM 137.7)and surveyed water surface elevation corresponding to a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 16,500 cfs at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). backwater effects which occur in Side Slough 16.A backwater area has not been observed at the mouth of Side Slough 16B. Substrate in the backwater area of Slough 16 is primarily silt and sand. The upper portion of Slough 16,and Slough 16B are characterized by a series of pools and riffles.Substrate is composed mainly of gravel and rubble,however,cobble/boulder are found in some areas.The pool areas are deposited with silt and sand. The gradient of Slough 16 is 9.9 ft/mi,while Slough 16B has a gradient of 17.2 ft/mi.The gradient of the mainstem adjacent to the Slough 16/16B complex is 10.9 ft/mi. Cross sectional profile data were collected at only two staff gage locations in Slough 16B (Table 2-12).The resultant figures are presented in Figure 2-21.Cross section surveys were not conducted at Slough 16. 3.2.8 Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2) Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2)located on the south bank of the Susitna River is a single channel slough approximately 0.5 mi long.The slough is separated from the mainstem Susitna River by a large vegetated island. Two tributaries flow into Slough 20.Waterfall Creek enters approxi- mately 1,500 feet upstream from the mouth,and a small unnamed tributary enters near the head of the slough. The thalweg profile (Figure 2-22)of Slough 20 was developed from data collected during a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 18,600 cfs and a slough flow of 5 cfs.At mainstem discharges exceeding 8,480 cfs the backwater area extends approximately 300 feet into the slough.The backwater area increases at higher mainstem discharges.Silt and sand predominate in the backwater area of Side Slough 20.Above the backwater area,Side Slough 20 consists of alternating pools and riffles.Substrate is composed of gravel/rubble with areas of cobble/boulder at the head.Pools contain deposits of silt and sand. The gradient of Side Slough 20 is 13.5 ft/mi and the corresponding mainstem gradient is 13.4 ft/mi. Cross sectional surveys were conducted in 1982 by R&M Consul tants at three staff gage locations (Table 2-13).The cross sections are presented in Figure 2-23. 3.2.9 Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8) Side Slough 21 located on the south bank of the Susitna River,is approximately 3,000 ft long.The slough is separated from the mainstem by a large vegetated gravel bar.Approximately 1,500 feet upstream from the mouth,Slough 21 divides into two forks:a northwest (left)channel and a northeast (right)channel.The mouth of Slough 21 flows directly into the head of Side Channel 21 where a pool is formed (Figure 2-24). 46 - - ~, - ,~, Table 2-12.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 16B (RM 137.9),1982 . I .- Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency Discharge Station 138.0S5 7/24/82 R&M Consultants Head 138.0H3 7/22/82 R&M Consultants - - "'"", 47 SIDE SLOUGH 168 a.STAFF GAG! ~'DF II G CRO$! Sl:CTfDN ~uo '-rnr-' IJl••••••I ••••a _J4I",rflfA 1I1V-11f- I ~i 714 Q STATION GAGE las.oss 712 710 -•.e 701 z 2 701~<>704IIJ -l III 702 III J _Z8,ZOOct.II:700 --11.7DDc.h~""'\ ne n. 0 20 40 60 BO 100 120 '40 160 110 200 ., HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet I 7'4 HEAD GAGE las.OHa 712 710 0; .:!701 -Z S!7011 ~Z~,2.00c.fI;<>704 IIJ 20,ZOOc.fD -,-l IIJ 102 IIJ J 700a: l- 691 """\ B91 I 0 20 40 110 10 100 120 140 160 110 200 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) ~, Figure 2-21.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 168 (RM 137.9)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 48 1 )J J j J 1 J 1 j ])1 J 1 SLOUGH 20 \..1 SLOUGH 20 THALWEG PROFILE .po \D 735 ---SU S /1"4'4 ".'-, -TIY~I9.............. J40_~E& SURVEY'DATE::630115 "'I"STEW Q 101 Gold C".kl:IB.60D ct, SITE Q:15 et. SUSITNA RIVI[R RE:ACH GRADIENT:13.4 fl/mi SITE GRADIENT:13.15 tl/mi --WATER SURfACE:ON DATE:Of 5URYE'W'o SILT/SANO ~GRAVEll RUBBLE ~COSBlE:I BOULDER --WATER SUIUAC[FROM STAGE DATA 730 '"125 :::> 0:... 720 0':00 5+"00 IO-tOO Hi+OO ZOtOO 25tOO 30tOO Figure 2-22. STREAMBED STATION (Ieet) Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). Table 2-13.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2),1982. 50 ~, """ - 1 )1 1 ))J 1 J J 1 I ~J "ji ~SUSlrNA RIVER _________ 740 1 HEAD 738 GAGE 140lH3 ~•13_•~ Z 1~4 !2 1321 -------I-.........-::::;I 3Z,500 ttl oC ...J 2Z.S00cf. >~21,500'" III 7>0 ..J III 128 III ~lZU 0: I-12. 122 100 120 140 180 180 200 220~o 40 10 80o ."~~~~'~~';;h '20' .,..... $140,1 A STAff /iAlilHCROSSHCfloH ~---!..J. IIU1..._...., HORIZONTAL DISTANCE U ••" 1401 Q SITE lU GAGE 140.185 '=•138•~ Z 134 0 ~lU III 730 ..J III lui \I 32,eiOO cf.I 17,OOOtt• _32,500 c',III 126 \=---'8,480 cf.~ 0: 17.000ch I- 8,480cr.124 122 tTl I-' 1.01 MOUTH 7>8 GAGE 140.IW4 !736 z n. 0 S 132 >...no ..J...120... ~no0: I- 12. 122 ,I 0 20 40 60 ~100 120 140 I~180 ~2~o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 180 200 220 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE If..,)HORIZONTAL DISTANCE u..n Figure 2-23.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 20 (RM 140.2) and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). SLOUGH 21 THALWEG PROFILE SLOUGH 21 m-PROf ILl!STUll'll AREA.a -STREAMBED STATION //SURVE~DATE,821014 MAINSTEM Q (at Gold CruU;1.800 d, SITE 0,5 ell SUSITIIA RIVER REACH GRADIENT,12.1 111m. SiTE GRADIENT,22.9 111m; --WATER SURfACE ON DATE Of SURVEY _8ILT/SAND 1m CD88LE I BOULDER --WATER SURfACE fROM STAGE DATA 155..,SLOUGH l!1 NORTHWEST I LEfT CHANNEI-l U1 N 150 145 u ~ zo ~140 >... ..J...... ~ 0:735.... 730 I Z :I"eo 6.l'II STUDY TRANSECT l-OCATIONS (AOf a Ii MOOELING STUDY,'982) IAOfftG GAGE' 140.652 1••.: zo ~750 ".... ..J...... ;> '".... •iii iii iii I •74:i If iii •iii I 725 'i ,I I iii Iii ,iii i'iii i I I \iii Iii j Iii iii i •i ,iii iii iii -15fOO -IOtOO -5+00 OtOO ~tOO 10..,00 l~tOO STREAMBED STATION 1,..11 20tOO 25tOO 30tOO Figure 2-24.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 1 I },J J I ))j J cJ I I J I I I } .- - - Thalweg survey data of Side Slough 21 were collected during a mainstem discharge of 7,800 and an estimated slough flow of 5 cfs.No backwater has been observed in Side Slough 21.Cobble and boulder are the predominant substrate types found in Slough 21.The pool areas contain deposits of silt and sand. The gradi ent of Si de Slough 21 is 22.9 ft/mi,whi 1e the correspondi ng mainstem gradient is 12.1 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at eight locations in Side Slough 21 (Table 2-14).Cross sectional surveys conducted in support of the physical habitat modeling study are presented in Chapter 7.Cross sections which correspond to four staff gage locations are presented in Figure 2-25. 3.2.10 Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2) Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)is approximately 0.5 mi long and is located on the north bank of the Susitna River.The slough is separated from the mainstem Susitna River by a vegetated island.A small tributary flows into the slough approximately 2,000 ft upstream from the slough mouth. The thalweg profile of Slough 22 was developed from data collected at a non-breaching mainstem discharge of 16,400 cfs and slough flow of 3 cfs (Figure 2-26).A long riffle extending approximately 300 ft upstream of the mouth of Slough 22.The next 1,100 ft is characterized by two long, deep pools.Above the pools,the slough gradi ent increases to form a riffle area separatig two shallow pools. An area of backwater extends above the first riffle to the second large pool,approximately 1,400 ft,at mainstem discharges greater than 23,000 cfs.Cobble and boulder predominate throughout the slough with deposits of gravel/rubble found in the riffle areas.The pool areas contain sand and silt. The overall gradient of Side Slough 22 is 15.0 ft/mi and the corre- sponding mainstem gradient is 11.5 ft/mi. Survey data were collected at three staff gage locations in Side Slough 22 (Table 2-15).The resultant cross sectional figures are presented in Figure 2-27. 3.3 Upland Slough Habitats Thalweg profile survey data were collected in three upland sloughs in the Tal keetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.The survey data are presented in Appendix Tables 2-A-14 to 2-A-17. Two upland sloughs were surveyed for the collection of cross sectional data.These data are presented in Appendix Tables 2-B-50 and 2-8-54. The thalweg profile figures and cross sections are presented below by site. 53 Table 2-14.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8), 1982,1983.- ADF&G Modell 2 .. 1983 ADF&G Transect 3 ADF&G Modell 2 ~1983 ADF&G Transect 4 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G ~ Transect 5 ADF&G Mode 11 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 6 ADF&G Modell 2 1983 ADF&G Transect 7 Mouth 142.0W5 5/17/83 ADF&G ~~ Discharge Station 142.056 5/17/83 ADF&G NW Channel Head 142.0H3 7/11/82 R&M Consultants NE Channel Head 142.0H1 7/11/82 R&M Consultants -, 1 Cross section presented in Chapter 7. 2 No staff gage station located at this site. ~ 54 ~I 1 U"1 U"1 1 _1&4 ! i5 ~ ~.. ~t- "} MOUTH GAGE 142.0We •0 Q SlTE GAG IE 142.0$8 "1 ) ...tloOO'"",_DO", 11.1.... HORIZONTAL DISTANCE "(I ..U ",-.1,n:=u: 1 ~ ", ! ~ S ~ ~..:> ~ i5 S ~.... ~t- 1 ,.. 1 BIDI: .""uGH 2:1 t::.n ..,"'" l----J,I.....II C.Q'~•"MC1'la. ~ HIM HEAD ClAGE 142.0H5 HORIZONTAL DISTANC~!full HE HEAD BAel 142.0HI i ........lIe 11.,10011' j ~,OOlltlll11,;_," l ]s HQRIZONTAL Q'STAHCE Iful) ...nt',.I I ,i , ,iii i 800 ~o ~~~~~"0 MO ~ HORIZONTAL DiSTANCE (tun Figure 2-25.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8)and water surface elevati6ns corresponding to vartous mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). SLOUGH 22 THALWEG PROFILE ---Sus/rNA HI VcR --- G)144.15 SURVEY DATE,630716 MAINSTEM Q (Df Gald Cr••IIi):t6}400 eh SiTE Do 3.to SUSITNA R'VER REACH GIIAD'ENT'11.5 tt/m; SiTE GRADIENT,'5.0 film; --IUTEA SURFACE ON DATE Of SURVEY E[J SILT/UNO I'Z3 GRAVEL I RUBBLEmCOBBLEIBOULDER --WATER SURFACE FROM STAGE DATA Ul (j) .... z Q......> W ..J W '"~ '".... 785 28,200 tff, 780 I -_.- -----"':':":"':"':'l"~';,~J1 77.1 ii,i STREAMBED STATION 0 ••1) 20;00 25 tOO 30tOO Figure 2-26.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). I J .1 J •J ,t ~••"I I J I~ Table 2-15.Cross sectional profile sites in Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2), 1982,1983. 57 ~ SiDE SLOUGH 22 A n ....,..Ill: i--ItI~'IU·O" o IUO 1.......;m-' 1.,.1 $14'., ~$"$JTIiA NH/CIl- U1 00 MOUTH 11l1....J GAGE 144.~W3 !'" 100 z "00;:..>......... ~ '".... 110 ux..00 iOO i!SO 300 ..0 .00 4io tOO "0 IiOQ HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (,..n ?iii]Q SllE 784 GAGE 144.356.10. If.-..0 Z ,..5! I-,....>.."......,.... ~no'"..110 ,.. '0 100'100 lOO 25Q )00 350 400 480 1500 no .00 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE 0 ..11 200 2$0 "00 UQ ..00 do aoo U,J soc HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (luU 1 \=::;;0-'\,"....luG 41'1 --II,rOO"6 7&"1 HEAD 10.GAGE 144.3H2.... If. 700 Z "00;: "0..>..........,.... ::>"0'"..110 '"'0 100 I~O176',Iii iii iii I 'iii iii Iii i i j I '0 100 I~O ZOO 210 JOO 360 400 4150 11.00 UO 500 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (tUt) 186..."IUD-SLOUGH GAGE 144.3S4 ..0 ..lia:. zo 781;::..> OJ.. III 18ft ~ '"..110 Figure 2-27.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage·sites in Side Slough 22 (RM 144.2)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). J J I Y J .J J I .W •J ~«J ~I J - - - 3.3.1 Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3) Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)located on the west bank of the Susitna River,is approximately 1,500 ft long.Approximately 1,200 ft upstream from the mouth,the slough divides into two forks:a northwest (left) channel and a northeast (right)channel.A beaver dam is located in both channels approximately 1,300 ft from the mouth. The thalweg profile (Figure 2-28)of Upland Slough 6A was constructed from data collected during a mainstem discharge of 11 ,600 cfs and an estimated slough flow of less than 1 cfs.A backwater area extends from the mouth approximately 1,200 feet upstream at mainstem discharges as low as 0,600 cfs.Substrate in Slough 6A is composed primarily of silt and sand.' The gradient of Slough 6A ;s 6.0 ft/m;and the adjacent mainstem gradient is 10.6 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at two staff gage locations in Slough 6A (Table 2-16).The cross sectional profiles are presented in Fi gure 2-29. 3.3.2 Upland Slough 10 (RM 133.8) Upland Slough 10 (RM 133.8)is located on the west bank of the Susitna River.Approximately 300 ft from the mouth,Slough 10 divides into two forks,a northeast (right)channel and a northwest (left)channel.The northeast channel is approximately 1,000 feet long while the northwest channel is approximately 1,500 feet in length.Slough 10 flows directly into Side Channel 10 approximately 400 feet upstream from the mouth of the side channel. The thalweg profile (Figure 2-30)of Upland Slough 10 was developed from survey data collected during a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 12,200 cfs and estimated slough flow of 1ess than 1 cfs.A backwater area in the northwest channel extends approximately 1,000 ft upstream from the slough mouth at a mainstem discharge of 12,200 cfs.A backwater area approximately 300 ft in length was observed in the northeast channel during the same mainstem discharge.No stage data were collected to further quantify the extent of the backwater areas at various mainstem discharges. Both the northeast and northwest channels are a series of pools and riffles.Substrate in the northwest channel is boulder/cobble with deposits of silt and sand in the riffle and pool areas.The northeast channel is characterized by boulder/cobble with thick d~posits of silt and sand. The gradient of the northwest channel is 13.5 ft/mi,while the northeast channel gradient is 21.8 ft/mi.The corresponding mainstem gradient is 8.9 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were not collected in Slough 10. 59 -SUSlTfiA "WE"- SLOUGH 6A THALWEG PROFILE nOUGH 6A rJJ PROfiLE STUDY AREAe.slREAM8EU slATlON. $112 ",,'1.':~'.:~.""~"':'~."'l" "''''::.;1, SURVEY DATE,B50950 IIAItISTEM Q I.,G.ld Cr..k"11,600 .1. SITE Q 1••Il'~I ,I. SUSITNA RIVER REACH GRADIENT,10.6 film; SITE GRAillENT,6.0 II/mi --WATER SURfACE ON DATE Of SURVEY C]SILT/SAND rz:J GR AVEL I RUBBLE --WATER SURfACE fROM STAGE DATA ua bEfT CH&~~J!_ ___8Iav,r D... I I I I I I I I 40a.....RIGHT CHANNliL IO.600c:h------------~------~----------~---------------- Z6,OOOch ------------------------------------_ 21,700.::11--· 1.,.00,10 ./ 400 101 ;:) '"I- ...o l- 4:> 101 ~oo J 101 :... Olo "--B •••"Da .. ~u wattr B"f'.C. 400 .,,' 0+00 0 ..00 IOtOO 14+00 STREAMBED STATION I tut I Figure 2-28.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 'J :I j .1 J J I ••J ,J J. -- J J J J J Table 2-16.Cross sectional profil e sites in Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3),1983. """'" Staff Date Site Gage Obtained Agency Mouth 112.3W1 7/5/83 ADF&G Backwater 112.3S3 9/10/83 ADF&G - .- 61 120 ~ .....rO.c \ 10080 -SiJs/rNA R/VER- HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) ,;;;;;;;:::=::::;:;::::::::======::;;::;2:-:S1~7ODofll__I.~at. "'""---.....,r----IOtSOOch A STA~~IAU H::~t,Z.C-.-t , ••IT UPLAND SLOUGH 6A 470 BACKWATER 48 GAGE 1t 2.383..•~ z S! ~c>... ..J -JI.7ooeh...--1_,IOOd. 1&1 45 --.a.eaoc'":l ll::414~ 452 450 0 20 40 50 80 100 120 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (f••t) ..70 468--•41111•-484 Z 52 482 ~~480 1&1 ..J 4581&1 1&1 458 :l ll::454~ 452 450 0 20 40 80 Figure 2-29.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharoes at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200),- 62 J I }1 1 1 1 -fi Ii sURVEY OAT£,6309U --WAT£R SURFAC£ON DATE OF SURVEY M"'JNST~M Q (af Gold Cr..ld;12,200 cfs ~SILT/SAND SITE Q:<:I eft G GRAVEL I RUa&LE SU5ITNA RIVER REACH GRA.PIENT:9.D ft/mi ~COBBLE:I BOULDER SITE GRADIENT;NORTHUST cHANNEL:21.8 "/1lI1 NOftTHWEST CHANNEL:I ).!Io tt/ml SLOUGH 10 NORTHEAsT (RIGHT CHANNEL I SLOUGH 10 THALWEG PROFILE 647 , , .Iii iii iii j ~660 !:t~ ~ o SL.OU<!I!JQ. o Profil_Study Areo / O'l W e+oo 10tOO STREAMBED STATION (I..tI 15.00 !650 Z 0;: '">... .J... W :::>a: I- 645 SLOUGH 10 NORTHWEST (LEfT CHANNELl 4+00 5tOO 10tOO 16.00 20+00 STREAMBED STATiON lfoell Figure 2-30.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 10 (RM 133.8)and surveyed water surface elevation corresponding to a mainstem Susitna River discharge of 12,200 cfs at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). 3.3.3 Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0) Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)is approximately 1,000 ft long and is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.A side channel of the Susitna River connects the slough with the mainstem .. A thalweg profile was developed in Slough 19 (Figure 2-31)during a mainstem discharge of 10,300 cfs and slough flow less than 1 cfs.At mainstem discharges exceeding 10,700 cfs,the backwater area extends approximately 300 feet up from the slough mouth. Substrate in the backwater area consists of silt and sand.Upstream of the backwater area the substrate is composed of gravel/rubble or cobble/- boulder. The gradient of Upland Slough 19 is 16.9 ft/mi and the adjacent mainstem gradient is 14.1 ft/mi. Cross sectional survey data were collected at three staff gage locations in Upland Slough 19 (Table 2-17).The cross sectional profiles are presented in Figure 2-32. 3.4 Tributary Habitats Cross sectional survey data were collected at discharge sites located at four tributaries in the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River.The survey data are presented in Appendix Tbles 2-8-55 to 2-8-58.Cross sectional profiles are presented below by site. 3.4.1 Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1) Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1)is a steep gradient,clear water stream with a narrow streambed channel.A cross sectional profile of the discharge station is presented in Figure 2-33. 3.4.2 Gold Creek (RM 136.8) Gold Creek is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.It can be characterized as a steep gradient,fast running stream with many pool and riffle areas.A cross sectional profile developed for the discharge station in Gold Creek is presented in Figure 2-34.. 3.4.3 Indian River (RM 138.6) Indian River (Figure 2-1)is located on the east bank of the Susitna River.The channel is highly braided from the mouth to an area approxi- mately one mile upstream.A cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Indian River was developed from streamflow measurement data (Figure 2-35).The stage/discharge investigations of Indian River (Chapter 1)indicate that substantial bedload movement occurred at the discharge station in 1983. 64 - - - - - 1 1 i ))~.1 ~-J ---j SLOUGH 19 THALWEG PROFILE SURVEY DATE·,810926 MAINSTEM Q (01 Gold Creek),10,300 eta SITE Q,<I efs SUSITNA RIVER REACH GRADIENT'14.1 ftlmi SITE GRADIENT:16.9 film; -WATER SURFACE ON DATE OF SURVEY li;\%i;WJ£:it SILT I SAN D 1':";'~iJ GRAVEL I RUBBLE F.1~!~M COBBLE I BOULDER --WATER SURFACE FROM STAGE AREA l!l140 RIVER -__SUS I rNA [;j PROFILE STUDY "RU /1;,STRE"MBED ST"T10N SLOUGH III I C':~-~C'~::'~'."M....·'·....i···"··...'"'\......,..•.,:.J.:lJi';;..;..y~J 125 -••... O'l <.TI z o ~ ct> III --' III III :J a: ~ 26,800cf.~ 20 900 cis 1'.1/...·.~li!!..:."I "-.•,~.l n'l 720-1 17,000 cis -- 715 OtOO 5+00 tOtOO STREAMBED STATION (flit) Figure 2-31.Streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem Susitna River discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). Table 2-17.Cross sectional profile sites within Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0),1983. Staff Date ~ Site Gage Obtained Agency Access 140.OVn 9/14/83 ADF&G Below Mouth 140.053 9/14/83 ADF&G Discharge Station 140.054 9/14/83 ADF&G p" - '""" 66 I +1 1 -J ])]J l -1 liD16010104020 BELOW MOUTH GAGE 14O.0S3 r-J '1.1000'•==-............---:c:::::....10.TOO ... --I /-8,100 ••• 752 110 i 721::; Z 721 0 ~72. IaI 712 .... l&I 720 IaI 711::. II:~7'1 714 b IOPLANDSLOUGH19 lJt.STAFf UIN.i&JIUli .........AOF eG '''OSSSEctION ~'••,,::.1.:'1'1'-_--SUS ITNA RIVER- HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (teel) 0'\ "'.J 112 ACCESS 112]Q SITE 730 GAGE 14O.0WI 730 GAGE 140.054 •721 •721~~ Z 726 726Z00 i=724 724 •I-4:4:>722 >722IaIIII....720 .... IaI IaI 720 III 711 IaI 711:)::. II:716 II: l-I-718 714 714 0 20 40 10 10 100 120 0 20 40 10 10 100 Iilo HORIZONTAL DISTANCE ifill)HORIZONTAL DISTANCE Ifeel) Figure 2-32.Cross sectional profiles of the staff gage sites in Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0)and water surface elevations corresponding to various mainstem SusitnaRiver discharges at Gold Creek (USGS gaging station 1529200). - 4th OF JULY CR . .0.STAFF GAGE t--tAOFliG CROSS SECTION 1 2jO - - - 3530252015105 \-..,__!lUi ch ~;::============::j--16.4 ch,--2.2cfl Q SITE GAGE 131.ITI o 622 620....,.---r----.,....---r---..,..--....,~-.....,r_--., 624 626 628 630 zo I- <C>LL1 ..J LL1 LL1 ~ 0::: I- - --4D 4D.... HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-33.Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Fourth of July Creek (RM 131.1)and water surface elevations corresponding to various st reamfl ows . 68 - f " r ~I ~ I I GOLD CREEK 6 STAFF GAGE ......--tADFlIIG CROSS SECTION \ 704 Q SITE GAGE 136.8TI--702G CD--Z 7000 I- <{ >,~LU 698..J LU LU -153.6 ch ::>696 58.0 cfl 0::34.1 ch I- 7060504030zo10 694-+__..,.__..,.--...,..--""""--"",,,,--.,..--.. o HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-34.Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Gold Creek (RM 136.8)and water surface elevations correspondi!ng to various streamflows. 69 INDIAN RIVER ll.STAFF GAGE ~ADFaG CROSS SECTION a 100 I I FEET I A"roa.Soo'o) - .... Q SITE GAGE 138.6T2 ....-,.-4t19.0Gh It====================-::f 173.0ch'---97.9cf. zo t-<C 848 >LIJ ~ LIJ LIJ :) 0:846 t- eSI -G eeo a:l-- o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-35.Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in ,Indian River (RM 138.6)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamfiows.- 70 - - ~ I r- ,I ,- .... ! 3.4.4 Portage Creek (RM 148.9) Portage Creek is located on the north bank of the Susitna River.It is a large,fast running tributary with many pool and riffle areas.A cross sectional prof"ile of the discharge station was developed from streamflow measurement data (Figure 2-36). 3.5 General Results Figure 2-37 is a gradient profile of the reach of the Susitna River from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon and includes the locations of the channel geometry study sites.This profile was developed form data collected by R&M Consultants in 1982 (R&M,1982). Table 2-18 lists the gradients of the thalweg profile study sites,the adjacent mainstem Susitna River gradients,and the gradients of the backwater areas within the study sites.Also included are the ranges of the backwater areas observed and the corresponding range of mainstem Susitna River discharges. 71 PORTAGE CREEK t::J.STAFF GAGE ,---,ADF8JG CROSS ~SECTION o ZIIO,1 ~EET CAptlr•••S••lo) ~, - 267.0 ct. ~-----------------------....---1088.0 ctl 789.0 cis 843 Q SiTE GAG E 148.aT I-842CD CD--Z 841 0 ....840«>1Ll -' 1Ll 839 L&.I :::::l 838a:.... 837 ......--....-.,..-.....-....,.--,....-.,..-..,.-...,.--,....-.., o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 _. HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (feet) Figure 2-36.Cross sectional profile of the discharge station in Portage Creek (RM 148.8)and water surface elevations corresponding to various streamflows. 72 1 J ~~1 j ~C~~~-J -~~1 ~~...~~J ~I ~~---=-..:.1tI ~~~~~:JI, ......, w 900 800 700.... Gl Gl... zoi=600 <l:>W .....l W w 500 ;:)a:: I-- 400 300 WHISKERSfSWJ.H'....."ITI fS:U.GH 6A I U) MAINSTEM]I (SC) SUSITNA RIVER GRADIENT Middle Reach L.-.J DI,tance from Head to Mouth Relative to Su,ltna River Mile SC -Side Channel U -Upland Slough S -Side Slough T -Tributary 145140135125130 RIVER MILE 120115110105 200-1 I I I I I I I I !I I I 98 100 Figure 2-37.Gradient profile of the Middle Reach of the Susitna River (Talkeetna to Portage Creek). TABLE 2-18.Summary of site gradients,adjacent mainstem Susitna River gradients,and backwater areas in side channels and sloughs (side and upland)corresponding to mainstem discharges,1983. RANGE OF OBSERVED CORRESPONDING BACKWATER AREA RANGE OF SITE MAl NSTEM GRADIENT OF FROM MOUTH MAl NSTEM GRADIENT GRADIENT BACKWATER AREA OF STUDY SITE DISCHARGE SITE RM (H/MI)(FT IMI )(FTlMI)(FT)(CFS) Mainstem 2 Side Channel -NW 114.4 10.2 9.2 6.33 800 -2,000 9,000 -31,700 Mainstem 2 Side Channel -NE 114.4 12.5 9.2 --No backwater area observed Side Channel 10 133.8 22.3 9.0 22.4 400 -1,200 12,200 -22,700 Upper Side Channel 11 136.2 23.6 16.6 24.4 5001 11,400 -31,700 Side Channel 21 140.6 12.4 16.6 9.5 1,5001 16,000 -33,000 ......, Whiskers Creek Side Slough 101.2 9.2 4.9 9.5 500 -1,000 12,200 -31,800.j::::. Side Slough 8A 125.3 11.5 9.3 10.8 1,000 -1,400 10,600 -31,000 Side Slough 9 128.3 13.8 8.7 12.4 5001 15,200 -22,700 Side Slough 9A 133.2 15.7 11.1 --No data Side Slough 11 135.3 19.8 10.3 17.0 200 1 10,600 -32,000 Side Slough 16 137.7 9.9 10.9 6.9 600 16,5002 Side Slough 16B 137.9 17 .2 10.9 --No backwater area observed Side Slough 20 140.1 13.5 13.4 26.1 300 1 8,480 -32,000 Side Slough 21 141.8 22.9 12.1 --No backwater area observed Side Slough 22 144.3 15.0 11.5 9.6 1,4001 22,900 -28,000 Upland Slough 6A 112.3 6.0 10.6 10.6 1,2001 10,600 -26,000 Upland Slough 10 NE 133.8 21.8 9.0 20.2 300 2 12,2002 Upland Slough 10 NW 133.8 13.5 9.0 2.6 1,0002 12,2002 Upland Slough 19 140.0 16.9 14.1 1.0 3001 10,300 -26,800 Backwater area restricted over a range of mainstem discharges. 2 Observation limited to single mainstem discharge with backwater area noted during thalweg survey • J I J I .J I 1 J I ••J J •J I ~.I J,'J3.. - ,~ 4.0 DISCUSSION Channel geometry data have been collected since 1982 at 21 side channel, upland and side slough,and tributary habitats located in the middle reach of the Susitna River.These data were collected to describe the relative channel characteristics of these study sites.This data supports the evaluation of passage conditions (Sautner et al.1984)and spawning (Vincent-Lang et al.1984)and rearing (Schmidt et al.1984) habitat modeling within these study sites and the evaluation of mainstem di scharge effects on the hydraul ic conditi ons of these study sites (Quane et al.1984). Thalweg profiles,depicting the streambed gradient and substrate composition,were constructed for four side channel and 13 upland and side sloughs.Generally,upland and side sloughs were found to have less gradients than do side channels.Ranges and means of gradients measured at study slough and side channels are 6.0-22.9 ft/mi and 14.8 ft/mi and 10.2 to 23.6 ft/mi and 16.2 ft/mi,respectively (Table 2-18). Additionally,substrates in upland and side sloughs are smaller than substrate observed in side channels. Water surface elevations obtained at high,medium,and low mainstem discharges were illustrated on the thalweg profile of each study site to depict the presence and extent of backwater as a function of mainstem discharge at each study site.Backwater was observed to occur during evaluated discharges at all but two of the study sites (Side Sloughs 168 and 21).Backwater areas,extending up tq 1,500 ft,were found to occur at the remaining 15 slough and side channel study sites (Table 2-18). Cross section profile,illustrating the cross sectional channel characteristics of slough and side channel study sites,were also constructed for selected stage and discharge monitoring stations within study sites.These profiles were used to validate assumptions used in the derivation of rating curves.Additionally,water surface elevations,obtained from stage reading at high,medium,and low flows, were superimposed on each cross section profile to graphically depict the response of wetted surface area to changes in mainstem discharge at each study site. 75 r r I - 5.0 GLOSSARY Backwater Area - A reach of stream with reduced or no velocity and a rise in stage resulting from a hydraul ic or physical barrier. Backwater areas in habitats adjacent to the Susitna River usually are due to an increase in mainstem discharge and occur at the mouth of or within a side channel or slough. Breaching -The overtopping of the head of a side channel or side slough by the mainstem river. Clearwater Plume -the extension of the clearwater of a tributary into the turbid mainstem at and below the confluenceof the two.Due to the different densities of the mainstem and tributary waters,these two water bodies do not readily mix,causing a clearly def-ined clearwater extension of the tributary along the river bank at end below the actual confluence.Size of the plume is a function of tributary flow and mainstem discharge. Datapod - A dual channel,electronic instrument capable of simul- taneously measuring and recording from each channel on a continuous basis.Datapods have been used to monitor stage,temperature and dissolved gas concentrations. Discharge -Discharge,or streamflow,is defined as the volume rate of flow of water passing a specific location for a specific point in time.Dimensions are usually expressed as cubic feet per second (cfs).For the purpose of this report discharge will refer specif- ically to mainstem habitat and streamflow for side channel,slough and tributary habitats. DSM - A non-volatile,ultraviolet (UV)erasable,solid state data storage module capable of storing approximately 3 months of stage, temperature or dissolved gas concentration data. Gaging Station - A location which has been established for monitoring stage,flow and/or discharge. Habitat -The surrounding environmental conditions to which a particular species and 1ife stage of fish responds both behaviorally and physiologically. Head -The upstream or point of origin of a lotic water body. Lower Reach (of the Susitna River)-The segment of the Susitna River between Cook In 1et and the Chu 1itna Ri ver confl uence.(See also middle reach and upper reach). Mainstem Habitat -Consists of those portions of the Susitna River that normally convey water throughout the year.Both single and multi- ple channel reaches are included in this habitat category.Ground- water and tributary inflow appear to be inconsequential contribu- tors to the overall characteristics of mainstem habitat.Mainstem habitat is typically characterized by high water velocities and well armored streambeds.Substrates generally consi st of boul der 76 and cobble size materials with interstitial spaces filled with a grout-like mixture of small gravels and glacial sands.Suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity are high during summer due to the influence of glacial melt-water.Discharges recede in early fall and the mainstem clears appreciably in October.An ice cover forms on the river in late November or December. Mean Daily Discharge -The computed mean mainstem discharge per 24 hour period for a USGS gaging station. Middle Reach (of the Susitna River)-The segment of the Susitna River between the Chulitna River confluence and Devil Canyon.(See also lower reach and upper reach). Monitoring Station - A station set up for the collection of a particular data base. Mouth -The downstream confl uence of a loti c water body with another water body. Overtopping -See breaching. Peripheral Habitats -Aquatic habitats adjacent to the mainstem Susitna River habitat (e.g.side channel,side slough,upland slough, tributary mouth and/or tributary habitats). Side Channel Habitat -Consists of those portions of the Susitna River that normally convey water during the open water season but become appreciably dewatered during periods of low mainstem discharge. Side channel habitat may exist either in well defined overflow channels,or in poorly defined water courses flowing through partially submerged gravel bars and islands along the margins of the mainstem river.Side channel streambed elevations are typical- ly lower than the mean monthly water surface elevations of the mainstem Susitna River observed during June,July,and August. Side channel habitats are characterized by shallower depths,lower velocities and smaller streambed materials than the adjacent habitat of the mainstem river. Side Slough Habitat -is located in overflow channels between the edge of the floodplain and the mainstem and side channels of the Susitna River.It is usually separated from the mainstem and/or side channels by well vegetated bars.An exposed alluvial berm often separates the head of the slough from mainstem discharge or side channel flows.The controlling streambed/bank elevations at the upstream end of the side sloughs are slightly less than the water surface elevations of the mean monthly discharges of the mainstem Susitna River observed for June,July,and August.At intermediate and low-discharge periods,the side sloughs convey clear water from small tributaries and/or upwelling groundwater.These clear water inflows are essential contributors to the existence of this habitat 77 - """ r I ~ I . "'" type.The water surface elevation of the Susitna River generally causes a backwater to extend well up into the slough from its lower end.Even though this substantial backwater exists,the sloughs function hydraulically very much like small stream systems and severa 1 hundred feet of the slough channel often conveys water independent of mainstem backwater effects.At high discharges the water surface elevations of the mainstem river is sufficient to overtop the upper end of the slough.Surface water temperatures in the si de sloughs duri ng summer months are princi pa lly a functi on of air temperature,solar radiation,and the temperature of the local runoff. Stage -The height of the water surface above an established datum plane.Stage can be converted to true water surface elevation if the observations are converted into project datum. Streamflow -Same as discharge but refers specifically to side channel, slough and tributary habitats whereas discharge denotes streamflow in mainstem habitats.See Discharge. Tributary Habitat -Consists of the full complement of hydraulic and morphologic conditions that occur in the tributaries.Their seasonal flow,sediment,and thermal regimes reflect the inte- gration of the hydrology,geology,and climate of the tributary drainage.The physical attributes of tributary habitat are not dependent on mainstem conditions. Tributary Mouth Habitat -Extends from the uppermost point in the tributary influenced by mainstem Susitna River or slough backwater effects to the downstream extent of the tributary plume which extends into the mainstem Susitna River or slough.. Upland Slough Habitat -Differs from side slough habitat in that the upstream end of the slough does not interconnect with the surface waters of the mainstem Susitna River or its side channels even at high mainstem discharges.These sloughs are characterized by the presence of beaver dams and an accumul ati on of si It covering the substrate resul ting from the absence of mainstem scouring dis- charges. Upper Reach (of the Susitna River)-The segment of the Susitna River between Devil Canyon and the headwaters (See also lower reach and middle reach). USGS Water Year -The USGS water year runs from October to September and the years designation is determined by the end of the period.The 1983 water year occurs from October 1 of 1982 to September 30 of 1983. 78 r- ! i""" I r- ! 6.0 CONTRIBUTORS PROJECT LEADER Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Project Leader PRIMARY AUTHORS REPORT COORDINATORS EDITORS DATA PROCESSING DATA COLLECTION DRAFTING TYPING 79 Christopher Estes Tim Quane Isaac Queral Theresa Keklak Don Seagren Douglas Vincent-Lang Tim Quane Camille Stephens Theresa Keklak Douglas Vincent-Lang Camille Stephens Theresa Keklak Allen Bingham Aquatic Habitat Staff Sa 11 y Donovan Carol Hepler Skeers Word Processing F !I I - 7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this study was provided by the State of Alaska,Alaska Power Authority.Input into study design was provided by E.W.Trihey & Associates. 80 ,"i'" 8.0 LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G).1982.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies t Phase II,Basic Data Report;Vol.4:Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Studi es,Parts I and 11.Anchorage, Alaska.Prepared for Acres American t Anchorage,Alaska. 1983.Aquatic Studies Procedures Manual.Phase II.Prepared for ------Acres American,Inc.,Anchorage t Alaska. Quane,T.,P.Morrow,and T.Withrow.1984.Chapter 1:Stage and discharge investigations.In Report No.3:Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investigations (t~ay -October 1983).C.Estes and D. Vincent-Lang,eds.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska. Hydro- Inc., Sus itna Hydroe 1ect ri c Proj ect: Prepared for Acres American, R&M Consultants,Inc.1982. graphic Surveys Report. Anchorage,Alaska. Sautner,J.,L.Vining,and L.Rundquist.1984.Chapter 6:An evaluation of passage conditions for adult salmon in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River.In Report No.3: Aquati c Habitat and Instream Flow Investi gati ons (May -October 1983).C.Estes and D.Vincent-Lang,eds.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studie~.Anchorage,Alaska. .... Schmidt,D.,S.Hale,D.Crawford,and P.Suchanek.1984.Report No. 2:Resi dent and juvenile anadromous fi sh i nvesti gati ons (May - October 1983).Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska. Vincent-Lang,D.,A.Hoffmann,A.Bingham,C.Estes.D.Hilliard,C. Steward,E.Tri hey ,and S.Crumley.1984.Chapter 7:An evaluation of chum and sockeye salmon spawning habitat in sloughs and side channels of the middle Susitna River.In Report No.3: Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Investi gati ons (May -October 1983).C.Estes and D.Vincent-Lang,eds.Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies.Anchorage,Alaska. U.S.Geological Survey (USGS).1982.Water Resources Data for Alaska: Water Year 1982.USGS Water -Data Report AK-82-1.Anchorage. Alaska . 81 ,... ! r r I r r r, r- f I.. 9.0 APPENDICES "'-._---' r r - r r, r-, I I !""" I I 9.0 APPENDICES 82 TERMS USED IN THALWEG AND CROSS SECTIONAL DATA TABLES Bench Mark -That point in the immediate vicinity of the study site (i.e.,head pin,nail in tree ba?e or ground)which is assigned an elevation (usually 100 feet)from which relative elevations of headpins,the water surface and stream bed were determined.All bench marks are surveyed into project datum to obtain true elevation. Comments -Unique or important characteristics of the channel at a particular station (i.e.,riffle,pool,staff gage location,modeling transect location,etc.) Depth - r Dewatered - Distance - LWE - LWS - Point - RWE - RWS -.- Station - Substrate - The distance from the water surface of the surface to the substrate at the point where the thalweg elevation was surveyed. No water present at time of thalweg survey.At higher flows,water may be present. The linear measurement between two points or stations. Left bank water edge Left bank water surface Refers to a station where an elevation was determined and is numbered from the mouth upstream. Right bank water edge Right bank water surface The upstream (positive)or downstream (negative)distance referenced from the month of a slough.The mouth is assigned the station 0+00 (note that this definition differs from that used in cross-section tables). The predominant particle size in the immediate area where the thalweg elevation was surveyed based on the following criteria (Modified Wentworth Scale). SI -Silt (very fine particles) SA -Sand (fine particles) SG -Small gravel (0.25"to 1"diameters) LG -Large gravel (1"to 3"diameters) RU -Rubble (3"to 5"diameters) CO -Cobble (5"to 10"diameters) BO -Boulder (10"diameters and greater) Thalweg Elevation -The elevation of the lowest point in a cross section at a particular station. TBM - Thalweg - TR - WSEL - Temporary bench mark (see definition for bench mark). The line following the deepest part or middle of the bed or channel of a river or stream (Arnette,J.J.1975). The baisc definition has been expanded to include sloughs and side channels. ADF&G modeling study transect Water surface elevation. ,lIIili'fM!, - - .... ~: ~- .- Appendix 2-A LIST OF APPENDIX A TABLES Table Page 2-A-l Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Mainstem 2,Side Channel -Northwest (Left)Channel (RM 114.4),1983 •..•..•••..•....•..•.2-A-l 2-A-2 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northeast (right)Channel (RM 114.4),1983 ..••......•••.••.•.•2-A-3 2-A-3 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8),1983 ..•..•.•.2-A-8 ,~2-A-4 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2), 1983 ..........................................................................2-A-12 2-A-5 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6),1982 .........2-A-14 1""'.2-A-6 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2 ),1983 ...............................................................................2-A-19 2-A-7 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 8A (RM 125.3),1982 ..•....•.•2-A-21 f"""2-A-8 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 9 (RM 128.3),1982 ..•...•....2-A-26 2:"'A-9 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 9A (RM 128.3),1983 ..........2-A-29 2-A-I0 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 11 (RM 135.3),1982 ......•...2-A-32 2-A-11 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)-profile of Side Slough 16/168 (RM 137.7),1983 ......2-A-35 2-A-12 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 20 (RM 140.1),1983 ..........2-A-39 2-A-13 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8),1982 ...•.•....2-A-43 r- 2-A-14 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Side Slough 22 (RM 144.3),1983 ....•.....2-A-45 2-A-15 Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3),1983.•......2-A-48 I""" LIST OF APPENDIX A TABLES (Continued) Table - - 2-A-16 2-A-17 2-A-18 Data used to-develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 10 -Northwest (left) Channel (RM 133.8),1983 •..•..••.••.•...•.••.....•.. Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 10 -Northeast (right) Channel (RM 133.8),1983 •••.•..••.•...•.••.•...•••.• Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg) profile of Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0),1983 •••...•• 2-A-50 2-A-53 2-A-57 ~, - J ~--.I 1 1 i J j Appendix Table 2-A-1.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Mainstem 2 -Northwest (left)Channel (RM 114.4)t 1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)1ill (ft)Substrate Comments 1 -1 +21 471.86 2.99 474.85 CORU Mainstem 121 2 o +00 472.61 2.17 474.78 SICO Mouth of Mainstem II,Backwater 100 3 1 +06 473.74 0.90 474.64 SI High point in backwater pool 185 4 2 +91 472.47 2.03 474.50 SICO Backwater 308 5 5 +99 472.47 2.07 474.54 SICO Backwater pool N 197I ~6 7 +96 472.08 2.44 474.52 SICO Backwater poolI I-'"30 7 8 +26 473.60 0.82 474.42 SI Riffle/backwater 276 8 11 +02 474.45 0.36 474.81 RUCO Pool/riffle 58 9 11 +60 473.66 1.17 474.83 LGCO Pool at Gage 114.4 S7 t mid pool 79 10 12 +39 474.53 0.32 474.85 LGCO Riffle/pool 147 11 13 +86 475.82 0.39 476.21 RUCO Pool/riffle 150 12 15 +36 473.48 2.74 476.22 RULG Pool 77 13 16 +13 474.21 2.01 476.22 RUCO Pool,right channel joins at 34 this point 14 16 +47 475.74 0.47 476.26 RUCO Riffle/pool 272 15 19 +19 476.30 0.39 476.69 RULG Pool/riffle 99 Appendix Table 2-A-l.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)1lli iftl Substrate COl1V11ents 16 20 +18 475.88 0.80 476.68 RULG Pool 88 17 21 +06 476.32 0.28 476.60 RULG Riffle/pool 214 18 23 +20 477.11 0.37 477 .48 LGRU Ri ffle 184 19 25 +04 478.34 0.36 478.70 LGRU Pool/riffle 327 20 28 +91 477.29 1.44 478.73 RULG Pool 417 N 21 33 +08 478.32 0.27 478.59 LGRU Riffle/poolI»232I N 22 35 +40 478.60 0.35 478.95 CORU Pool/riffle 359 23 38 +99 477.66 1.14 478.80 RUCO Pool 354 24 41 +53 477.11 1.71 478.82 RUCO Pool 50 25 42 +03 478.61 0.22 478.83 CORU Ri ffl e/poo 1 38 26 42 +41 479.09 0.30 479.39 CORU 61 27 43 +02 481.09 0.00 481.09 CORU High point 50 28 43 +52 480.90 0.00 480.90 CORU At gage 114.4 H3B 54 29 44 +06 480.30 0.38 480.68 RUCO Edge of solid ice 35 30 44 +41 478.85 1.85 480.70 RUCO Mainstem,head of left fork I I J .J I J J J I .1 J I _1 .I I J ;) -1 )1 '}1 J --»1 J 1 "-I 1 I } Appendix Table 2-A-2.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Mainstem 2 -Northeast (right)Channel (RM 114.4),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft ).llil Substrate Comments 1 16 +13 474.21 2.01 476.22 RUCO Mouth of right channel 60 2 16 +73 475.63 0.57 476.20 LGCO 12 3 16 +85 475.94 0.27 476.18 LGCO 28 4 17 +13 475.13 0.97 476.10 LGCO 35 5 17 +48 474.09 2.00 476.09 LGCO 78 N 6 18 +26 473.29 2.85 476.14 LGCO I 43:t:- I 7 18 +69 473.85 2.30 476.15 LGCOw 18 8 18 +87 473.41 2.75 476.16 COLG 18 9 19 +05 475.77 0.40 476.17 COLG 16 10 19 +21 476.63 0.15 476.78 COLG 32 11 19 +53 477.20 0.15 477.35 COLG 111 12 20 +64 477 .65 0.10 477 .75 COLG 54 13 21 +18 477.17 0.60 477.77 COLG 39 14 21 +57 477 .46 0.30 477 .76 COLG 60 15 22 +17 476.82 0.95 477.77 COLG 67 Appendix Table 2-A-2.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)lftl Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 22 +84 477.32 0.40 477 .22 COLG 106 17 23 +90 477 .35 0.40 477 .75 COLG 117 18 25 +07 477 .38 0.45 477 .83 COLG 36 19 25 +43 477 .24 0.52 477 •76 COLG 87 20 26 +30 475.87 1.90 477.77 COLG 95 21 27 +25 476.32 1.40 477.72 LG N 12I )::0 22 27 +37 476.77 1.00 477.77 LGI .po 9 23 27 +46 477 .35 0.42 477 .70 LG 34 24 27 +80 477.72 0.05 477.77 LG 68 25 28 +48 476.69 0.95 477 .64 COLG 162 26 30 +10 475.44 2.20 477 .64 SASG 86 27 30 +96 474.48 3.20 477 .68 SACO 112 28 32 +08 475.05 2.65 477 •70 LGSG 177 29 33 +85 478.77 0.00 478.77 COLG 77 30 34 +62 478.30 0.10 478.40 COLG 170 g !I I I J J I D I §I o~~J .~~J 1 1 -]J J J -J 1 J --1 --9 ] Appendix Table 2-A-2.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft) (ft)'l.f!l Substrate Comments 31 36 +32 477 .62 0.80 478.42 COLG 71 32 37 +03 477 .92 0.50 478.42 COLG 15 33 37 +18 478.38 0.20 478.58 COLG 13 34 37 +31 478.29 0.29 478.58 COLG 52 35 37 +83 478.65 0.10 478.75 COLG 63 36 38 +46 479.55 0.10 479.65 COLG N 74 I 37 39 +20 479.67 0.10 479.77 COLG::t:> I 13In 38 39 +33 479.62 0.15 479.77 BOCa 83 39 40 +16 479.28 0.50 479.78 BOCO 132 40 41 +48 478.47 1.32 479.79 BOCa 59 41 42 +07 478.81 1.00 479.81 BOCa.47 42 42 +54 478.40 1.40 479.80 BOca 42 43 42 +96 478.84 0.95 479.79 BOCO 140 44 44 +36 479.33 0.40 479.73 BOCa 98 45 45 +34 479.71 0.00 479.71 BOCO 135 46 46 +69 480.25 0.00 480.25 BOca 63 Appendix Table 2-A-2.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)iliL (ft)Substrate Corrunents 47 47 +32 480.51 0.00 480.51 BOCO 16 48 47 +48 480.68 0.00 480.68 BOca 11 49 47 +59 480.14 0.40 480.54 BOCO 58 50 48 +17 480.05 0.41 480.46 BOCO 26 51 48 +43 479.83 0.64 480.47 BOCO 24 52 48 +67 481.54 0.00 481.54 BOCO N 53I ):0-53 49 +20 481.00 0.00 481.00 BOCOI Q)114 54 50 +34 481.12 0.00 481.12 BOCO 305 55 53 +39 482.71 0.00 482.71 BOCO 161 56 55 +00 482.59 0.00 482.59 BOCO 141 57 56 +41 482.77 0.00 482.77 BOCO 57 58 56 +98 482.65 0.00 482.65 BOCO 41 59 57 +39 482.55 0.10 482.65 BOCO 27 60 57 +66 482.42 0.25 482.67 BOCO 41 61 58 +07 482.55 0.12 482.67 BOCO 19 I j j J J "I J I I ,I 1 I ~I J J I , -J "I 1 )1 ]1 -l I'\> I ):;- I "" Appendix Table 2-A-2.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 62 58 +26 481.80 0.89 482.69 BOCO 14 63 58 +40 482.61 0.00 482.61 BOCO 6 64 58 +46 483.84 0.00 483.84 BOCO 142 65 59 +88 484.55 0.00 484.55 BOca Appendix Table 2-A-3.Data used to develop the streambed thalweg profile of Side Channel 10 (RM 133.8), 1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Corrunents 1 -3 +29 644.26 5.40 649.66 SIBO Mainstem 134 2 -1 +95 645.63 4.16 649.79 SIBO Mainstem 195 3 o +00 645.29 4.57 649.86 SIBO Mouth at Gage 133.8 W5A, 84 Pool -backwater 4 o +84 645.10 4.67 649.77 SIBO Pool -backwater 96 5 1 +80 647.20 2.66 649.86 SIBO Pool -backwater N 53 I 6 2 +33 647.63 2.15 649.78 SIBO Pool -backwater)::0 I 23co 7 2 +56 647.34 2.49 649.83 SIBO Pool -backwater 26 8 2 +82 647.55 2.28 649.83 SIBO Pool -backwater 22 9 3 +04 647.06 2.76 649.82 SIBO Pool -backwater 9 10 3 +13 647.40 2.44 649.84 SISA Pool -backwater 11 11 3 +24 647.98 1.82 649.80 SISA Pool -backwater 14 12 3 +38 649.07 0.77 649.84 CO Riffle 41 I J J •J J J •a .1 I .~~I J ,J ]1 1 )J )1 J }...j » Appendix Table 2-A-3.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft) (ft)(ft)Substrate Corrunents 13 3 +79 647.67 2.18 649.85 CO 183 14 5 +62 650.67 0.51 651.18 SILT Pool 185 15 7 +47 650.69 0.51 651.20 64 16 8 +11 650.57 0.63 6,51.20 Backwater pool 115 17 9 +26 649.85 1.36 651.21 85 18 10 +11 650.32 0.90 651.22 CO N 197 I 19 12 +08 650.42 0.83 651.25 Bottom riffle:x::- I 81\D 20 12 +89 651.04 0.28 651.32 Bottom next riffle 18 21 13 +07 651.33 0.31 651.64 Top of riffle 52 22 13 +59 652.02 0.22 652.24 Top of riffle 154 23 15 +13 652.05 0.36 ,652.41 Bottom of riffle 52 24 15 +65 652.46 0.36 652.82 Top riffle 73 25 16 +38 651.19 1.66 652.85 35 26 16 +73 650.72 2.12 652.84 Bottom pool 35 27 17 +08 652.36 0.49 652.85 Bottom of riffle 28 Appendix Table 2-A-3.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)if!l Substrate Comments 28 17 +36 652.67 0.45 653.12 Top of riffle 32 29 17 +68 648.94 4.22 653.16 Bottom of pool 38 30 18 +06 652.26 0.93 653.19 Bottom of riffle 10 31 18 +16 653.11 0.30 653.41 Top riffle 74 32 18 +90 651.81 1.68 653.49 Pool 46 33 19 +36 651.85 1.63 653.48 Pool N 21 I 34 19 +57 652.85 0.65 653.50 Pool):;> I 40I-' 0 35 19 +97 651.13 2.39 653.52 Pool 62 36 20 +59 653.16 0.35 653.51 Bottom of riffle 27 37 20 +86 654.24 0.25 654.49 Top of riffle/TR4 131 38 22 +17 654.06 0.54 654.60 Pool 52 39 22 +69 653.35 1.24 654.59 Pool 52 40 23 +21 652.91 1.65 654.56 FHU TR5 32 41 23 +53 652.77 1.79 654.56 Pool 94 42 24 +47 654.11 0.43 654.54 Bottom of log jam 5 I J t I I ,J .I 11 .~J I )..~I i .J J ~.;'fI 1 1 -C]1 -cl )!-1 1 Appendix Table 2-A-3.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft) (ft)ilil Substrate Conunents 43 24 +52 654.53 0.58 655.11 Top of log jam/bottom of riffle 20 44 24 +72 655.28 0.40 655.68 Top of riffle 13 45 24 +85 655.30 0.40 655.70 Pool lower 58 46 25 +43 654.86 0.85 655.71 Pool mid 56 47 25 +99 655.24·0.47 655.71 Pool/riffle 40 48 26 +39 655.80 0.46 656.26 Riffl e/pool N 24 I 49 26 +63 655.94 0.35 676.29 Pool bottom:l:> I 24............50 26 +87 656.62 0.09 656.71 Head-barely breached Appendix Table 2-A-4.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Upper Side Channel 11 (RM 136.2),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 1 +75 675.68 2.35 678.03 SISA Backwater 0 2 1 +01 674.81 3.25 678.06 SISA Backwater 74 3 o +21 674.73 3.35 678.08 SISA Backwater 80 4 o +00 674.32 3.70 678.02 CO Backwater 21 5 o +62 674.64 3.40 678.04 CO Bottom of riffle 62 N 6 o +81 674.40 3.60 678.00 CO Bottom of riffle I 19)::- I 7 1 +31 674.79 3.23 678.02 SICO End backwater....... N 50 8 1 +54 675.60 2.40 678.00 SICO End backwater 23 9 2 +31 676.60 1.50 678.10 SICO 77 10 3 +75 676.05 2.00 678.05 SICO 144 11 4 +32 676.06 2.00 678.06 SICO Bottom of riffle 57 12 4 +85 677.05 1.00 678.05 SICO Mid riffle 53 13 6 +37 678.71 0.85 679.56 SICO Top riffle 152 14 7 +19 678.76 1.00 679.76 SOCO Small riffle area 82 15 8 +55 679.66 0.90 680.56 COBO Riffle 136 J I ,)J J )]•.1 I 1 I I I I J I J --I Appendix Table 2-A-4.(Continued) ]--1 1 )j I )l Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft) (ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 10 +12 680.50 0.65 681.15 COBO Top of riffle 157 17 11 +43 680.08 1.30 681.38 COBO Top of riffle 131 18 12 +08 679.42 1.95 681.37 COBO Top of pool 65 19 13 +73 680.56 1.35 681.91 COBO Mid riffle 165 20 14 +30 681.73 1.18 682.92 COBO Riffle 57 21 15 +41 681.91 1.38 683.29 COBO RiffleN111I )::>22 16 +84 682.55 1.32 683.87 COBO RiffleI I-'143w 23 17 +77 682.71 1.35 684.06 COBO Riffle 93 24 19 +24 682.22 1.50 683.72 COBO Riffle 147 25 19 +95 683.91 1.25 685.16 COBO Riffle 71 26 20 +80 684.45 1.11 685.56 COBO Top of riffle 85 27 21 +69 684.04 1.66 685.70 LGBO Mid pool at head 89 28 22 +32 684.31 1.42 685.73 SISA 63 Appendix Table 2-A-5.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Channel 21 (RM 140.6), 1982. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)iftl Elevation (ft)illl li!l Substrate Comments 1 -51 +68 731.05 0.40 731.45 Mouth 46 2 -51 +22 730.95 0.45 731.40 Bar at mouth 41 3 -50 +81 730.15 1.35 731.50 Bottom of riffle 24 4 -50 +57 730.55 1.05 731.60 Riffle 26 5 -50 +31 731.15 0.75 731.90 Top of riffle 74 N 6 -49 +57 731.65 0.30 731.95 PoolI ):>200I......7 -47 +57 730.25 1.70 731.95 Pool~ 90 8 -46 +67 730.70 1.25 731.95 Top of pool 2 9 -46 +65 731.25 0.70 731.95 Top of pool 108 10 -45 +57 731.50 0.45 731.95 Top of pool 61 11 -44 +96 731.50 0.60 732.10 Bottom of run 58 12 -44 +38 731.65 0.60 732.25 Top of run 17 13 -44 +21 732.40 0.20 732.60 Riffle 11 14 -44 +10 732.10 0.55 732.65 Top of riffle 28 15 -43 +82 731.30 1.35 732.65 Pool 53 16 -43 +29 731.85 0.80 732.65 Top of pool 88 17 -42 +41 732.05 0.65 732.70 Run 126 J .~I J !,.1 J )••I !;t J i J I " 1 Appendix Table 2-A-5.(Continued) ]1 J -)I ]I Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point illl .litl Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 18 -41 +15 732.55 0.50 733.05 Run 130 19 -39 +85 731.05 2.05 733.10 Pool 146 20 -38 +39 731.45 1.65 733.10 Top of pool 20 21 -38 +19 731.55 1.55 733.10 Top of pool 31 22 -37 +88 732.75 0.35 733.10 Top of pool 87 N 23 -37 +01 733.65 0.50 734.15 Riffle I 82)::> 24 -36 +19 734.55 0.25 734.80 Top of riffleI...... 0"1 45 25 -35 +74 734.85 0.60 735.45 Top of riffle 66 26 -35 +08 734.90 0.70 735.60 Pool 80 27 -34 +28 735.20 0.40 735.60 Pool 38 28 -33 +90 735.35 0.35 735.70 Top of pool 37 29 -33 +53 735.90 0.40 736.30 Top of riffle 62 30 -32 +91 735.40 0.95 736.35 Pool 91 31 -32 +00 736.00 0.35 736.35 Pool 87 32 -31 +13 736.10 0.70 736.80 Run 39 33 -30 +74 736.10 0.80 736.90 Pool 67 34 -30 +07 736.00 0.90 736.90 Pool 57 Appendix Table 2-A-5.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate COllJl1ents 35 -29 +50 736.55 0.50 737.05 Top of pool 9 36 -29 +41 736.85 0.45 737.30 Top of riffle 53 37 -28 +88 737.05 0.40 737.45 Bottom of riffle 47 38 -28 +41 737.10 0.65 737.75 Riffle 85 39 -27 +56 737.50 0.35 737.85 Riffle 48 40 -27 +08 737.50 0.55 738.05 Riffle N 42 I 41 -26 +66 737.80 0.45 738.25):. I 33........ O"l 42 -26 +33 737.35 0.95 738.30 Boulder run 19 43 -26 +14 737.85 0.45 738.30 Boulder run 22 44 -25 +92 737.35 0.10 738.45 Boulder run 75 45 -25 +17 737.90 0.60 738.50 Top run 63 46 -24 +54 738.10 0.45 738.55 Pool 31 47 -24 +23 737.55 1.00 738.55 Pool 101 48 -23 +22 738.05 0.55 738.60 Top of pool 63 49 -22 +59 738.55 0.25 738.80 Bottom of riffle 100 50 -21 +59 738.60 0.45 739.05 Riffle 113 51 -20 +46 739.30 0.25 739.55 Riffle 87 ,J t J I J I 1 J J )J !J 01 I I J 1 I '1 ])J 1 1 )J 1 ')~ Appendix Table 2-A-5.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)1ftl Substrate Conunents 52 -19 +59 739.45 0.55 740.00 Riffle 95 53 -18 +64 740.20 0.30 740.50 Riffle 108 54 -17 +56 740.85 0.50 741.35 Riffle 88 55 -16 +68 741.60 0.50 742.10 Riffle 96 56 -15 +72 742.10 0.55 742.75 Riffle 82 57 -14 +90 742.25 0.50 742.75 Riffle N 70I ):>0 58 -14 +20 742.00 0.85 742.85 RunI......90'J 59 -13 +30 742.55 0.30 742.85 Run 128 60 -12 +02 742.15 0.75 742.90 Top of run 80 61 -11 +22 742.20 0.80 743.00 Pool 103 62 -10 +19 742.65 0.35 743.00 Pool 163 63 -8 +56 742.70 0.30 743.00 Top,of pool 54 64 -8 +02 742.55 0.70 743.25 Run 73 65 -7 +29 742.75 0.80 743.55 Run 63 66 -6 +66 743.65 0.40 744.05 Run 32 67 -6 +34 743.40 0.75 744.15 Run 152 68 -4 +82 743.05 1.20 744.25 1982/TR-3' 97 Appendi~Table 2-A-5.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point if!l (ft)Elevation (ft)litl illl Substrate Comments 69 -3 +85 742.00 2.25 744.25 1982/TR-4 141 70 -2 +44 743.65 0.68 744.35 1982/TR-5.from cross section 60 survey data 71 -1 +84 744.10 0.51 744.60 1982/TR-6.from cross section 89 survey data 72 -0 +95 743.25 1.58 744.80 1982/TR-7.from cross section 95 survey data Channel A-6 N I 1 -8 +56 742.70 0.30 743.00)::- I 26....... 0:>2 -8 +30 741.80 1.20 743.00 73 3 -7 +57 742.80 0.20 743.00 53 4 -7 +04 743.80 0.20 744.00 61 5 -6 +43 743.85 0.55 744.40 112 6 -5 +31 743.50 0.90 744.40 133 7 -3 +98 744.50 0.00 744.50 Dewatered 179 8 -2 +19 747.21 0.00 747.21 Dewatered 70 9 -1 +49 747.44 0.00 747.44 Dewatered I I J J I ,J .1 c!}~)j J J J ,,J I 1 1 I 1 1 j 1 1 I 1 Appendix Table 2-A-6.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Whiskers Creek Side Slough (RM 101.2),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 1 o +00 361.87 1.06 362.93 LGRU Mainstem/slough confluence 236 2 2 +·36 362.15 0.99 363.14 LGRU Deep spot in run (near mouth 209 at gage) 3 4 +45 361.96 1.45 363.41 LGRU Deep spot in run 77 4 5 +22 363.06 0.52 363.58 LGRU Mid-run 95 5 6 +17 364.29 0.19 364.48 LGRU Mi d-run N 131 I 6 7 +48 364.63 0.40 365.03 LGRU Riffle/pool )::-73I I-'7 8 +21 363.35 1.73 365.08 LGRU Pool\.0 52 8 8 +73 364.36 0.74 365.10 LGRU Pool/riffle 35 9 9 +08 365.10 0.31 365.41 LGRU Riffle/pool 292 10 12 +00 363.20 2.25 .365.45 LGRU Below ice at creek mouth 152 Pool lower 1/3 11 13 +52 363.97 1.45 365.42 RUCO Above ic~,pool upper 1/3 111 12 14 +63 365.02 0.42 365.44 RUCO Pool/riffle 20 13 14 +83 365.56 0.25 365.81 RUCO Riffle/pool 296 14 17 +79 362.73 3.00 365.73 RUCO Pool frozen over -depth esti- 366 mated -top of ice surveyed 15 21 +45 365.47 0.32 365.79 RUCO Poo 1/riffl e 106 Appendix Table 2-A-6.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 22 +51 366.38 0.20 366.58 RUCO Riffle/pool 213 17 24 +64 363.46 3.00 366.46 RUCO Pool -frozen over -estimated 118 depth -top of ice surveyed 18 25 +82 366.33 0.20 366.53 RUCO Forks converge -begin of pool 295 19 28 +77 366.80 0.30 367.10 RUCO Top of ice -depth estimated 63 R&M,cross section 20 29 +40 366.97 0.00 366.97 RUCO Low point at head dry N I )::- I N 0 J J .,5 J J §J •J J I I I ]J I I'''1 J -)-]J J J 1 -1 )I )1 j Appendix Table 2-A-7.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Slough 8A (RM 125.3),1982. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 -3 +74 558.60 1.05 559.65 Riffle 74 2 -3 +00 559.40 0.35 559.75 Top of riffle 75 3 -2 +25 558.95 0.85 559.80 Backwater 75 4 -1 +50 558.40 1.40 559.80 Backwater 50 5 -1 +00 557.85 2.05 559.90 Backwater 63 N 6 -0 +37 559.40 0.50 559.90 Backwater I 37)::> I 7 o +00 558.50 1.45 559.95 MouthN I-'133 8 1 +33 556.95 3.00 559.95 Pool 6 9 1 +39 559.30 0.70 560.00 Head of pool 50 10 1 +89 559.95 0.20 560.15 Top of pool 113 11 3 +02 560.60 0.35 560.95 Top of riffle 107 12 4 +09 559.70 1.25 560.95 Pool 74 13 4 +83 560.40 0.55 560.95 Pool 114 14 5 +97 560.05 0.90 560.95 Pool 151 15 7 +48 560.05 0.90 560.95 Pool 112 16 8 +60 560.15 0.80 560.95 Pool 53 17 9 +13 559.70 1.25 560.95 Pool 144 Appendix Table 2-A-7.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 18 10 +57 560.55 0.40 560.95 Pool 22 19 10 +79 560.75 0.20 560.95 Top of pool 18 20 10 +97 561.15 0.20 561.35 Top of riffle 37 21 11 +34 560.85 0.55 561.40 Run 43 22 11+77 561.05 0.45 561.50 Run 43 N 23 12 +20 561.00 0.55 561.55 Run I 40~ N 24 12 +60 561.50 0.20 561.70 Bottom of riffle N 20 25 12 +80 562.05 0.60 562.65 Bottom of pool 72 26 13 +52 562.05 0.65 562.70 Pool 24 27 13 +76 562.40 0.30 562.70 Pool 7 28 13 +83 562.40 0.40 562.80 Run 41 29 14 +24 562.15 0.70 562.85 Run 15 30 14 +39 562.60 0.40 563.00 36 31 14 +75 562.80 0.35 563.15 47 32 15 +22 563.00 0.40 563.40 123 33 16 +45 563.50 0.20 563.70 244 34 18 +89 563.60 0.30 563.90 10 J J •1 J .I J I I ,I i J J )J J J J C C .I C -1 1 ._)1 J J i ]1 )j ] Appendix Table 2-A-7.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 35 18 +99 563.50 2.00 565.50 Top of dam 156 36 20 +55 563.00 2.50 565.50 150 37 22 +05 559.50 4.00 565.50 Right bank 269 38 24 +74 563.50 2.00 565.50 Pool 132 39 26 +06 562.50 3.00 565.50 Pool 208 40 28 +14 564.00 2.00 565.75 Water's edge N 111 I 41 29 +25 563.75 2.00 565.75):> J 90Nw42 30 +15 564.55 1.23 565.78 132 43 31 +47 564.05 2.31 566.36 89 44 32 +36 561.25 5.13 566.35 66 45 33 +02 565.60 0.76 566.35 41 46 33 +43 565.70 0.79 566.45 103 47 34 +46 565.85 0.95 566.80 176 48 36 +22 566.15 1.29 567.45 113 49 37 +35 566.30 1.16 567.45 88 50 38 +23 565.45 1.98 567.45 50 51 38 +73 566.60 0.43 567.05 Bottom of riffle 131 Appendix Table 2-A-7.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft).li.tl (ft)Substrate Comments 52 40 +04 568.40 0.16 568.60 Top of ri ffl e 185 53 41 +89 567.80 0.82 568.60 Top of pool 44 54 42 +33 568.35 0.56 568.90 Top of riffle 140 55 43 +73 568.25 0.84 569.10 Top of pool 45 56 44 +18 569.10 0.64 569.75 Top of riffle 69 57 44 +87 567.80 1.95 569.75 Pool N 67 I 58 45 +54 569.15 0.60 569.75 Top of pool)::- I 35N .j::o.59 45 +89 569.15 0.64 569.80 Bottom of riffle 71 60 46 +60 570.15 0.58 569.75 Top of riffl e 159 61 48 +19 570.05 0.79 570.80 Pool 151 62 49 +70 569.60 1.27 570.85 Pool 178 63 51 +48 570.55 0.32 570.85 Riffle 116 64 52 +64 570.20 0.74 570.90 340 65 56 +04 567.90 3.00 567.95 Frozen,depth estimated 331 66 59 +35 567.90 3.00 567.50 Frozen,depth estimated 291 67 62 +26 570.40 0.50 570.90 178 68 64 +04 570.95 0.35 571.30 178 J J I .J I J I t I J J !!I J J J J )-..1 1 1 ]1 J I Appendix Table 2-A-7.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)illl Substrate Comments 69 65 +82 571.90 365 70 69 +47 571.25 0.97 572.25 217 71 71 +64 573.80 ----Dewatered 290 72 74 +54 573.70 0.24 573.95 170 73 76 +24 573.15 ----Dewatered 293 74 79 +17 575.35 ----Dewatered N 339 I 75 82 +56 576.45 Dewatered):>---- I 120N U"1 76 83 +76 575.05 Dewatered---- 975 77 93 +51 576.15 ----Dewatered 1012 78 103 +63 579.20 ----Dewatered 300 79 106 +63 580.25 ----Dewatered Appendix Table 2-A-8.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Slough 9 (RM 128.3),1982. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)Jitl (ft)Substrate Comments 1 -8 +76 588.10 1.11 589.20 62 2 -8 +14 588.00 1.22 589.20 65 3 -7 +49 588.40 0.83 589.25 142 4 -6 +07 589.00 0.62 589.60 53 5 -5 +54 588.90 0.88 589.80 96 6 -4 +58 589.45 0.45 589.85 N 82I )::>7 -3 +77 589.60 0.34 589.95I N 145O'l 8 -2 +32 589.20 0.77 589.95 206 9 -0 +26 588.05 1.96 589.95 26 10 o +00 588.30 1.67 589.95 Mouth,WSEL estimated 274 11 2 +74 588.45 1.58 590.00 245 12 5 +19 587.85 2.07 589.95 7 13 5 +26 589.80 0.18 590.00 114 14 6 +40 589.80 0.38 590.20 98 15 7 +38 591.00 0.25 591.25 143 16 8 +81 591.85 0.22 592.00 146 I J B J J i .J I !.~I .~!I J I I J i ~l 1 I )-1 J 1 -,1 1 1 i Appendix Table 2-A-8.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point illl (ft)Elevation (ft)illl (ft)Substrate Comments 17 10 +27 591.70 0.42 592.10 105 18 11 +32 591.20 0.93 592.15 300 19 14 +32 591.50 0.67 592.15 215 20 16 +47 591.40 0.90 592.30 1982/TR-l,WSEL estimated from 290 cross section data. 21 19 +37 591.80 0.70 592.50 1982/TR-2,WSEL estimated from 168 cross section data. 22 21 +05 591.80 0.80 592.60 1982/TR-3,WSEL estimated from N 28 cross section data. I 23 21 +33 592.40 0.30 592.70 1982/TR-4,WSEL estimated from~ I 41 cross section data.N .......24 21 +74 592.10 0.90 593.0 1982/TR-5,WSEL estimated from 91 cross section data. 25 22 +65 592.00 1.30 593.30 1982/TR-6,WSEL estimated from 116 cross section data. 26 23 +81 592.40 0.90 593.30 1982/TR-7,WSEL estimated from 187 cross section data. 27 25 +68 590.80 2.60 593.40 1982/TR-8,WSEL estimated from 138 cross section data. 28 27 +06 590.00 3.40 593.40 1982/TR-9,WSEL estimated from 158 cross section data. 29 28 +64 589.80 3.70 593.50 1982/TR-I0,WSEL estimated from 152 cross section data. 30 30 +16 591.85 1.25 593.10 123 31 31 +39 592.75 0.40 593.15 94 32 32 +33 593.65 0.48 594.15 124 Appendix Table 2-A-8.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft).illl Elevation (ft)(ft)Jill Substrate Conunents 33 33 +57 594.40 0.42 594.80 173 34 35 +30 595.10 0.20 595.30 294 35 38 +24 596.10 0.20 596.30 290 36 41 +14 597.00 0.35 597.30 184 37 42 +98 597.10 0.20 597.30 202 38 46 +00 597.35 0.20 597.55 N 183 I 39 46 +83 598.25 0.10 598.35):> I 145N 00 40 48 +28 599 ..85 0.35 600.20 295 41 51 +23 600.20 0.20 600.40 241 42 53 +64 601.20 0.00 601.20 Dewatered 177 43 55 +41 600.85 0.00 600.85 Dewatered 168 44 57 +09 601.65 0.00 601.65 Dewatered 248 45 59 +57 602.40 0.00 602.40 Dewatered 145 46 61 +02 602.60 0.00 602.60 Dewatered 149 47 62 +51 604.60 0.00 604.60 Head,dewatered J J .J J I }J J •~I .~J J J .1 l J 'I I 1 I -.-J ~I J Appendix Table 2-A-9.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 9A~1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point illl (ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)iftl Substrate Comments 1 -2 +40 639.72 0.42 640.14 COSA 63 2 -1 +77 639.49 0.70 640.19 COSA 52 3 -1 +25 639.51 0.75 640.26 COSA 71 4 -0 +54 639.77 0.60 640.37 COSA 54 5 o +00 639.44 0.90 640.34 COSA Mouth of Slough 81 6 o +81 640.04 0.45 640.49 COSA N 67 I 7 1 +48 640.46 0.30 640.76 COSA)::> !36N 1.0 8 1 +84 639.52 1.30 640.82 COSA 36 9 2 +20 640.23 0.60 640.83 COSA 31 10 2 +51 640.35 0.60 640.95 COSA 60 11 3 +11 641.78 0.30 642.08 COSA 68 12 3 +79 641.36 0.80 642.16 COSA 27 13 4 +06 641.99 0.45 642.44 COSA 46 14 4 +52 642.35 0.50 642.85 COSA 29 15 4 +81 642.55 0.40 642.95 COSA 33 Appendix Table 2-A-9.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)J.itl Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 5 +14 642.44 0.60 643.04 COSA 1 17 5 +15 642.77 0.35 643.12 COSA 22 18 5 +37 643.27 0.25 643.52 COSA 50 19 5 +87 643.46 0.20 '643.66 COSA 40 20 6 +27 643.62 0.30 643.92 COSA Mid-riffle/run 60 21 6 +87 643.82 0.30 644.12 Pool/riffle N 133,22 8 +20 644.13 3.00 644.13 Estimated depth -deep pool):> I 50 WSEL surveyedw 0 23 8 +70 642.32 1.83 644.15 Riffl e/pool 53 24 9 +23 644.78 0.19 644.97 Begin riffle/across from beaver 135 lodge 25 10 +58 640.51 4.50 645.01 Estimated depth -deep pool 66 WSEL surveyed 26 11 +24 644.11 0.90 645.01 Shallow point 153 27 12 +77 642.01 3.00 645.01 Estimated depth -deep pool 55 WSEL surveyed 28 13 +32 643.44 1.56 645.00 High point 254 29 15 +86 643.42 1.62 645.04 Deep point/pool 51 30 16 +37 644.49 0.53 645.02 Riffle/pool 38 I J )I J J J J J ]I I j I I J 1 -J )i J "I I J 1 -j 1 !1 1 Appendix Table 2-A-9.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments-- 31 16 +75 645.09 0.38 645.47 Pool/riffle 108 32 17 +83 642.71 2.85 645.56 Deep point 69 33 18 +52 644.98 0.58 645.56 Riffle pool 49 34 19 +01 645.55 0.47 646.02 Bend in slough 136 35 20 +37 646.84 0.48 647.32 Pool riffle 159 36 21 +96 645.21 2.16 647.37 Deep point in pool N 113I37 23 +09 646.83 0.56 647.39 High point in pool)::> I 61w ........38 23 +70 645.97 1.41 647.38 Deep point in pool 118 39 24 +88 646.75 0.63 647.38 Riffle/pool 15 40 25 +03 647.13 0.48 647.61 Poo 1/riffl e 22 41 25 +25 646.42 1.16 647.58 Deep point in pool 35 42 25 +60 647.32 0.26 647.58 Riffle/pool 70 43 26 +30 647.85 0.29 648.14 Pool/riffle 320 44 29 +50 647.27 0.90 648.17 Deep point in pool 129 45 30 +79 647.96 0.24 648.20 Riffle/pool 179 46 32 +58 649.11 0.26 649.37 Slough branches from this point, High point,Head of slough Appendix Table 2-A-I0.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Slough 11 (RM 135.3),1982. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 -7 +09 662.80 1.70 664.50 Below mouth 165 2 -5 +44 664.00 0.52 664.50 Below mouth 300 3 -2 +44 665.30 0.50 665.80 Below mouth 115 4 -1 +29 665.15 1.03 666.15 Below mouth 129 5 o +00 665.45 0.85 666.30 Mouth 171 6 1 +71 666.00 0.37 666.35 Top of pool N 137I ):>7 3 +08 667.90 0.49 668.40 Top of riffleIw212N 8 5 +20 667.55 0.90 668.45 Top of pool,depth estimated 72 9 5 +92 668.30 0.33 668.65 Top of riffle 235 10 8 +27 668.25 0.45 668.70 Top of pool 124 11 9 +51 668.95 0.55 669.50 Top of riffle 157 12 11 +08 669.25 0.43 669.70 Top of pool 94 13 12 +02 670.00 0.44 670.45 Top of riffle 325 14 15 +27 669.80 0.91 670.70 At R&M well 79 15 16 +06 670.50 0.21 670.70 Top of pool 35 16 16 +41 670.75 0.30 671.05 Top of riffle 218 17 18 +59 669.65 1.32 671.00 Pool 139 J ])I ~1 J .I I 1 !I !)l I )J ]1 Appendix Table 2-A-I0.(Continued) -J ,\-'!I -f Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point .illl J.ill El evation (ft).illl (ft)Substrate Comments 18 19 +98 671.05 0.27 671.30 Top of pool 51 19 20 +49 673.15 0.24 673.35 Top of riffle 117 20 21 +66 673.55 Ice 673.55 Pool 300 21 24 +66 673.05 0.51 673.55 Top of pool 56 22 25 +22 674.30 0.28 674.55 Top of riffle 241 23 27 +63 674.40 0.25 674.65 Top of pool N 48 I 24 28 +11 675.15 0.25 675.40 Top of riffle)::> I 300ww25 31 +11 675.45 0.00 675.45 Pool,dewatered 300 26 34 +11 675.35 0.00 675.35 Top of pool,dewatered 302 27 37 +13 677 .30 0.00 677.30 Dewatered 128 28 38 +41 682.80 0.00 682.80 Channel,dewatered 154 29 39 +95 679.75 0.00 679.75 Channel,dewatered 100 30 40 +95 682.55 0.00 682.55 Mound,dewatered 190 31 42 +85 680.70 0.00 680.70 Mound,dewatered 211 32 44 +96 680.25 0.00 680.25 Bottom of pool,dewatered 106 33 46 +02 680.40 0.00 680.40 Top of pool,dewatered 68 N I );:. I W -Po Appendix Table 2-A-I0.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Corrunents 34 46 +70 682.80 0.00 682.80 Mound,dewatered 177 35 48 +47 681.35 0.00 681.35 Bottom of pool,dewatered 139 36 49 +86 681.35 0.00 681.35 Top of pool,dewatered 123 37 51 +09 684.60 0.00 684.60 Head,dewatered ;~m )I J J I ~1 l J J I I ]1 )I J j ..J 1 ]1 1 j ~_.J -._-j Appendix Table 2-A-11.Data used to develop the streambed profile (thalweg)of Side Slough 16/16B (RM 137.7),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 -0+84 694.33 2.53 696.86 RUSI Mainstem 84 2 o +00 695.51 1.38 696.89 SI High point end of sand spit 168 3 1 +68 694.60 2.30 696.90 SICO Low point in backwater 45 4 2 +13 695.02 1.89 696.91 COSI Low point in backwater 88 5 3 +01 695.59 1.28 696.87 RUSI Pool/backwater 183 N 6 4 +84 695.80 1.12 696.92 SGLG Low point in pool I 22):> w 7 5 +06 696.71 0.23 696.94 SGLG Run/poolU124 8 5 +30 695.87 1.02 696.89 SGLG Low point in run 43 9 5 +73 696.26 0.75 697.01 sasg Riffle/run 118 10 6 +91 697.63 0.25 697.88 SGRU Pool/riffle 107 11 7 +98 695.93 2.07 698.00 SGSI Low point in pool 222 12 10 +20 697.88 0.15 698.03 RUCO Mainstem LWE 26 13 10 +46 698.34 0.00 698.34 LGCO High point,dewatered 42 14 10 +88 696.44 1.55 697.99 SACO Low point in pool 21 15 11 +09 697.59 0.40 697.99 SGRU Riffle/pool mouth 168 27 Head 16 Appendix Table 2-A-11.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 11 +36 697.89 0.25 698.14 SGLG Poo 1/riffl e 43 17 11 +79 696.77 1.38 698.15 SISG Staff gage 138.0W1 42 18 12 +21 696.74 1.42 698.16 COSI Low point in pool 78 19 12 +99 696.74 1.41 698.15 RULG Low point in pool 21 20 13 +20 697.62 0.55 698.17 SALG High point in pool 21 21 13 +41 696.64 1.52 698.16 SASG Low point in pool N 12I )::.22 13 +53 697.76 0.42 698.18 SALG Run/poolIw200'1 23 13 +73 697.87 0.32 698.19 SA High point in run 23 24 13 +96 697.93 0.30 698.23 SGLG Riffle/run 30 25 14 +26 698.81 0.10 698.91 SGLG Poo 1/riffl e 118 26 15 +44 697.75 1.18 698.93 COLG Low point in pool 41 27 15 +85 698.46 0.45 698.91 COLG Run/Pool 52 28 16 +37 698.49 0.43 698.92 RUSG Riffle/run 91 29 17 +28 699.91 0.10 700.01 SGRU Run/riffle 16. 30 17 +44 699.51 0.53 700.04 RULG Low point in run 51 J I ~j !_J J J )J ,!-~:I J m J ,J J j 1 J 1 )J Appendix Table 2-A-11.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate COlTUllents 31 17 +95 699.72 0.31 700.03 LGCO Pool/run 32 32 18 +27 699.31 0.74 700.05 LGSG Staff gage 138.0 S58 13 33 18 +40 699.18 0.87 700.05 SARU Low point in poool 36 34 18 +76 699.73 0.30 700.03 LGSG Run/pool 47 35 19 +23 699.79 0.26 700.05 RUSG Ri ffle/run 19 36 19 +42 700.03 0.27 700.30 RUSH Run/riffle N 132 I 37 20 +74 700.30 0.28 700.58 RUCO Riffle/run;p I 33w......,38 21 +07 700.51 0.31 700.82 eORU Run/riffle 87 39 21 +94 700.32 0.54 700.86 RUeO Low point in run 15 40 22 +09 700.58 0.29 700.87 RUeO Riffle/run 138 41 23 +47 701.38 0.15 701.53 RULG Run/riffle 30 42 23 +77 700.84 0.68 701.52 LGSG Low point in run 20 43 23 +97 701.31 0.21 701.52 LGSG Riffle/run 71 44 24 +68 702.60 0.01 702.61 RUeO Run/riffle 34 45 25 +02 702.07 0.54 702.61 RULG Low point in run 30 Appendix Table 2-A-11.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)iill (ft)Substrate Comments 46 25 +32 702.19 0.42 702.61 RULG Poo 1/run 81 47 26 +13 701.63 0.94 702.57 LGRU Low point in pool 55 48 26 +68 702.47 0.10 702.57 LGRU Riffle/pool 87 49 27 +55 703.23 0.01 703.24 LGRU High point 26 50 27 +81 702.93 0.28 703.21 LGSG Low point in small pool 29 51 28 +10 703.26 0.00 703.26 SGRU High point,dewatered N 12I;r;:.52 28 +22 702.86 0.46 703.32 SGRU Low point in small pool, w 26co 53 28 +48 703.31 0.00 703.31 SGLG High point,dewatered 33 54 28 +81 702.70 0.38 703.08 SGLG Low point in small pool 22 55 29 +03 703.18 0.00 703.18 LGRU High point,dewatered 58 56 29 +61 703.62 0.00 703.62 CORU High point,dewatered 44 57 30 +05 702.57 0.62 703.19 CORU Mainstem I I I I ~J i i )J I )]!.1 !j )1 -1 l i I ]1 ].J 1 I 1 Appendix Table 2-A-12.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 20 (RM 140.1)~1983., Distance Station Thalwe~Depth WSEL Point (ft) (ft)Elevation (ft)(ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 1 o +00 722.33 2.00 724.33 CORU Mainstem 17 2 o +17 722.79 1.77 724.56 SI Mouth high point 13 3 o +30 722.62 1.95 724.57 SI Low point in backwater 41 4 o +71 723.37 1.22 '724.59 SI High point in run 27 5 o +98 723.15 1.46 724.61 SIRU Low point in run 30 N 6 1 +28 723.51 1.10 724.61 RULG High point in run I 20)::> I 7 1 +48 723.30 1.33 724.63 LGSl Low point in runw \.0 31 8 1 +79 723.54 1.08 724.62 RUSl Staff gage 140.1 W4C 59 9 2 +38 723.55 1.07 724.62 LGRU Low point in run 46 10 2 +84 724.11 0.54 724.65 LGSG Riffl e/run 66 11 3 +50 724.57 0.39 724.96 LGRU Mid-riffle 33 12 3 +83 724.50 0.67 725.17 COLG Run/riffle 47 13 4 +30 724.10 1.09 725.19 RULG Low point in run 30 14 4 +60 724.33 0.85 725.18 LGSA Riffle/run 110 15 5 +70 724.84 0.39 725.23 RUSG Mid-riffle 79 Appendix Table 2-A-12.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments ~~49 724.52 0.79 725.31 CORU Run/riffle 103 17 7 +52 724;46 0.90 725.36 RULG Pool/run 14 18 7 +66 723.89 1.48 725.37 RUBO Low point in pool 69 19 8 +35 724.94 0.43 725.37 SGLG Riffle/pool 50 20 8 +85 724.61 0.87 725.48 RULG Steel/shallow riffle 29 21 9 +14 726.13 0.30 726.43 LGCO High point n riffle 15 N 22 9 +29 725.99 0.61 726.60 LGRU Run/riffleI ):>225I+:>23 11 +54 725.60 1.13 726.73 LGSG Staff gage 140.1 S5Ba 12 24 11 +66 725.89 0.83 726.72 LGSG Riffle/run 68 25 12 +34 726.19 0.86 727.05 LGRU Low point in riffle 44 26 12 +78 726.79 0.48 727.27 SGLG Run/riffle 99 27 13+77 726.56 0.74 727.30 LGRU Low point in run 24 28 14 +01 726.62 0.69 727.31 LGRU Riffle/run 36 29 14 +37 727.20 0.40 727.60 RUC1 Poo 1/riffl e 64 30 15 +01 725.22 2.38 727.60 SIRU Waterfall creek enters 57 31 15 +58 724.16 3.45 727.61 SI Low point in pool 169 I I J J 1 J J ,1 I J l I I J ~.~,) j 1 J Cl 1 J -.O C]----1 1 -1 J Appendix Table 2-A-12.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 32 17 +27 726.15 1.46 727.61 SICO High point in pool 107 33 18 +34 725.69 1.92 727.61 SICO Low point in pool 105 34 19 +39 725.81 1.80 727.61 SICO Low point in pool 94 35 20 +33 725.18 2.45 727.63 RUCO Riffle/pool 25 36 20 +58 726.76 0.27 728.03 LGRU Run/riffle 176 37 22 +34 728.10 0.06 728.26 SALG High point in run N 123I );:>38 23 +57 727.90 0.45 728.35 LGRU Low point in runI .j:::.39I--' 39 23 +96 728.21 0.17 728.38 LGCO High point in run 22 40 24 +18 727.87 0.57 728.44 LGCO Low point in run 25 41 24 +43 728.09 0.39 ·728.48 RULG Riffle/run 21 42 24 +64 728.68 0.29 728.97 RULG Run/riffle 55 43 25 +19 728.47 0.59 729.06 CORU Low point in run 108 44 26 +27 728.96 0.42 729.38 COLG Pool/run 81 45 27 +08 728.50 0.91 729.41 LGCO Low point in pool 21 46 27 +29 729.16 0.26 729.42 SGLG Riffle/pool 10 47 27 +39 729.69 0.19 729.88 LGRU Pool/riffle 17 Appendix Table 2-A-12.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft) (ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 48 27 +56 729.23 0.65 729.88 COLG Tributary enters 51 49 28 +97 727.79 2.10 729.89 RULG Low point in pool 6 50 28 +13 729.01 0.90 729.91 RULG High point in pool 14 51 28 +27 728.52 1.38 729.90 RULG Low point in pool 33 52 28 +60 729.85 0.08 729.93 RULG Head of pool 25 53 28 +85 729.32 0.74 730.06 RULG Small pool in riffle N 24I ):>54 29 +09 730.03 0.04 730.07 LGSG High pointI +=-14N55 29 +23 729.89 0.22 730.11 LGSG Small pool in riffle 60 56 29 +83 730.27 0.00 730.27 CORU Pool/riffle,dewatered 36 57 30 +19 729.52 0.77 730.29 COSI Low point in pool 31 58 30 +50 730.15 0.15 730.30 RULG Head of slough 30 Head of pool 59 30 +80 730.39 0.00 730.39 RUCO High point,dewatered 91 60 31 +71 729.75 0.54 730.29 CORU Mainstem J !I ~.J ,I J I l J J I ]_I J J I )J -,1 :-~-1 ]J ~S i -1 --1 --1 1 1 1jj Appendix Table 2-A-13.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 21 (RM 141.8), 1982. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)1!tl Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 o +00 743.15 ----1981/TR-13 82 2 o +82 743.45 ----1981/TR-12 118 3 2 +00 743.85 ----1981/TR-ll 126 4 3 +26 744.10 ----1981/TR-I0 314 5 6 +40 744.80 ----1981/TR-9 204 N 6 8 +44 745.55 ----1981/TR-8I )::>214I +=0 7 10 +58 746.30 ----1981/TR-7w139 8 11 +97 747.06 ----1981/TR-6,point between left 106 and right forks,from this point thalweg is measured up . left fork. 9 13 +03 747.75 ----1981/TR-5 206 10 15 +09 749.65 ----1981/TR-4 212 11 17 +21 748.30 ----1981/TR-3 440 12 21 +61 752.10 ----1981/TR-2 297 13 24 +58 753.80 ----1981/TR-l Appendix Table 2-A-13.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point .llil (ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments Right Fork 1 11 +97 747.06 0.3 747.36 Depth estimated 50 2 12 +47 747.04 0.3 747.34 Depth estimated 124 3 13 +71 747.18 0.3 747.48 Depth estimated 63 4 14 +34 748.74 Riffle 126 5 15 +60 749.48 Pool N 152I );:.6 17 +12 748.84 PoolI....110....7 18 +22 749.98 Dewatered 186 8 20 +08 750.84 Dewatered 176 9 21 +84 752.78 Dewatered 224 10 24 +08 753.26 Dewatered 194 11 26 +02 754.06 Dewatered 247 12 28 +49 755.54 Dewatered I ]J t 1 J ~J J J l I I J J J I J ! -)1 J J 1 j j jj --1 -)1 ] Appendix Table 2-A-14.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Side Slough 22 (RM 144.3), 1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 -0 +40 777.79 1.4 779.19 CO Mainstem 40 2 o +00 778.91 0.30 779.21 BOCO Riffle/backwater 141 3 1 +41 779.57 0.65 780.22 COBO Run/riffle 162 4 3 +03 779.52 0.77 780.29 COBO Pool/run 346 5 6 +49 776.25 4.08 780.33 SI Low point in pool 116 N 6 7 +65 777.74 2.57 780.31 SICO High point in poolI ;J;;-16I ~7 7 +81 777.56 2.75 780.31 SI Low point in pool0140 8 8 +21 778.88 1.40 780.28 SI Mid-point 156 9 9 +77 779.24 1.06 780.30 SICO Low point in pool 41 10 10 +18 779.95 0.34 780.29 SI Run/pool 55 11 10 +73 779.75 0.60 780.35 COSI Ri ffl e/run 13 12 10 +86 780.06 0.35 780.41 COBO Staff gage 144.3 S4C 13 13 10 +99 780.11 0.39 780.50 CaBO Pool/riffle 251 14 13 +50 777.29 3.23 780.52 SICO Low point in pool 21 15 13 +71 778.12 2.41 780.53 SACO Channels converge 34 Appendix Table 2-A-14.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Corrunents 16 14 +05 780.32 0.20 780.52 SALG Riffl e/pool 40 17 14 +45 780.64 0.27 780.91 SGRU Gradient change 88 18 15 +33 782.33 0.12 782.45 BOLG Bend 95 19 16 +28 782.49 0.33 782.82 COLG Riffle divides 254 20 18 +82 782.42 0.66 783.08 COBO Pool/riffle 143 21 20 +25 781.25 1.85 783.10 RUCO Low point in pool N 7I )::>22 20 +32 781.73 1.37 783.10 COBOI .j:::o 34O"l 23 20 +66 782.62 0.48 783.10 CORU Riffle/pool 9 24 20 +75 782.73 0.43 783.16 CORU Staff gage 107 25 21 +82 783.41 0.30 783.71 RUSO Spring fed fork of slough enters 40 26 22 +22 784.66 0.00 784.66 BORU High point,dewatered 3 27 22 +35 784.28 0.00 784.28 BORU Low point,dewatered 10 28 22 +35 784.47 0.00 784.47 CORU Bend,dewatered 52 29 22 +87 784.55 0.00 784.55 CORU Low point,dewatered 63 30 23 +50 786.02 0.00 786.02 CORU High point,dewatered 55 J I J 1 1 J J .1 .~!) " 1 I J .~!1 -J -1 1 j 1 1 .]11 -J Appendix Table 2-A-14.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth ~JSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 31 24 +05 785.84 0.00 785.84 CORU High point,dewatered 29 32 24 +34 785.66 0.00 785.67 BORU low point in pool,dewatered 43 33 24 +77 787.17 0.00 787.17 CORU Bend,dewatered 109 34 25 +86 787.91 0.00 787.91 CORU High point,dewatered 121 35 27 +70 786.06 0.87 786.93 COBO Low point in pool 19 36 27 +26 787.00 0.00 787.00 COBO High point,dewatered N 29, 27 +55 786.45 0.42 786.87 SIBO Low point in pool)::>37I +::0 30........38 27 +85 787.17 0.00 787.17 SICO High point,dewatered 22 39 28 +07 785.96 0.95 786.91 SIBO Low point in pool 32 40 28 +39 787.45 0.00 787.45 CORU High point 32 41 28 +71 787.00 0.00 787.00 SA ~tainstem LWE 9 42 28 +80 786.08 0.96 787.04 COSA Mainstem Appendix Table 2-A-15.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 6A (RM 112.3),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEl Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)1!:tl (ft)Substrate Comments 1 o +00 452.75 3.05 455.80 SI Mouth 34 2 o +34 453.09 2.84 455.93 SI Transect at staff gages 109 3 1 +43 453.45 2.47 455.92 SI RJ-TR1 256 4 3 +99 453.97 2.00 455.97 SI RJ-TR2 120 5 5 +19 453.35 2.50 455.85 51 RJ-TR3 N 99 I 6 6 +18 452.62 3.58 456.20 51 RJ-TR4:I:- I 80-l:::>co 7 6 +98 452.37 3.44 455.81 SI RJ-TR5 103 8 8 +01 451.27 4.72 455.99 SI RJ-TR6 123 9 9 +24 451.88 4.02 455.90 SI RJ-TR7 179 10 11 +03 450.76 5.14 455.90 SI RJ-TR8 105 11 12 +08 454.13 1.86 455.99 SI RJ-TR9 95 12 13 +03 456.07 0.39 456.45 SI left fork bottom of dam 7 13 13 +10 458.64 0.00 458.64 lOGS left fork -top of dam J J J ,1 I J !J !I J I J }~J J ~ 1 j 1 ]~)--._)1 ---1 )1 )I -1 ] Appendix Table 2-A-15.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Conments Right Channel llA 12 +08 454.13 1.86 455.99 SI RJ-TR9 17 12A 12 +25 454.36 1.53 455.89 SI Mouth of right fork 17 13A 12 +42 455.25 0.74 455.99 LGSG Top of gravel bar 18 downstream of dam 14A 12 +60 454.64 1.50 456.10 SI Right fork -bottom of dam 7 N 15A 12 +67 458.72 0.00 458.72 LOGS Right fork -top of damI ~ I +:::> ~ Appendix Table 2-A-16.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 10 -North- west (left)Channel (RM 133.8),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft).llil Substrate Comments 1 3 +79 647.67 2.18 649.85 CO Pool -backwater, 12 sidechannel junction 2 3 +91 646.98 2.83 649.81 CO Pool/backwater/deep hole 26 3 4 +17 649.08 0.78 649.86 CO Bottom of run/backwater 71 4 4 +88 648.73 1.20 649.93 CO Top of run/backwater 55 5 5 +43 648.42 1.50 649.92 CO Pool/backwater 48 N 6 5 +91 647.97 1.96 649.93 SrSA Pool/backwaterI»45I U1 7 6 +36 648.15 1.77 649.92 SISA Pool/backwater0 70 8 7 +06 648.80 1.10 649.90 SrSA Pool/backwater 36 9 7 +42 648.25 1.68 649.93 SrSA Pool/backwater 54 10 7 +96 647.74 2.20 649.94 SISA Pool/backwater end of log 18 right fork of Slough 10 starts here 11 8 +24 647.54 2.48 650.02 SrSA Pool 36 12 8 +50 647.75 2.27 650.02 SrSA Deephole -pool 19 13 8 +69 649.00 1.02 650.02 SrSA Pool 41 14 9 +10 648.64 1.39 650.03 SrSA Pool 20 15 9 +30 648.89 1.14 650.03 SARU Pool 55 ]J .~I I J ]J t I .~J J I I J I I I ]1 ))1 1 j » Appendix Table 2-A-16.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)1m 1f.!l Substrate Comments 16 9 +85 648.64 1.38 650.02 SABO Pool 48 17 10 +33 648.85 1.17 650.02 SABO Pool 94 18 11 +27 647.72 2.30 650.02 SABO Pool 43 19 11 +70 648.15 1.86 650.01 SACO Pool 3 20 11 +73 647.95 2.06 650.01 SACO Pool 37 21 12 +10 648.31 1.71 650.02 SACO Pool N 37I ):>22 12 +47 648.46 1.57 650.03 SACO PoolI U1 49t-' 23 12 +96 647.78 2.22 650.00 SI Pool 50 24 13 +46 648.01 2.00 650.00 SI Pool 61 25 14 +07 648.07 1.93 650.00 SICO Pool 64 26 14 +71 648.20 1.80 650.00 SILG Pool 20 27 14 +91 647.87 2.13 650.00 SILG Pool (mainstem backwater from 80 this point to the mouth 28 15 +71 649.00 1.07 650.07 BOca Bottom riffle 66 29 16 +37 649.65 1.16 650.81 SICO End of pool/top of riffle 81 30 17 +18 649.24 1.58 650.82 SICO Mid pool 71 Appendix Table 2-A-16.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)iftl (ft)Substrate Comments 31 17 +89 649.75 1.08 650.83 COBO Bottom of riffle/top of pool 6 32 17 +95 650.39 0.65 651.04 COBO End of pool/top of riffle 52 33 18 +47 649.33 1.72 651.05 SICO Pool 32 34 18 +79 650.61 0.46 651.07 COLG Bottom riffle 32 35 19 +11 650.86 0.56 651.42 COLG R&M Q Station N ):> I U"I N J .,J I j _,J i E .1 ~I ,Ji J ;I I I .~ i •i ]-1 Appendix Table 2-A-17.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 10-Northeast (Right)Channel (RM 133.8),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft )Elevation (ft)1ill.(ft)Substrate Comments 1 7 +96 647.74 2.20 649.94 SISA Pool/backwater,end of log 8 2 8 +04 648.22 1.72 649.94 SI 18 3 8 +22 648.58 1.36 649.94 SIBO 24 4 8 +46 648.74 1.20 649.94 SIBO 49 5 8 +95 648.73 1.20 694.93 SIBO 20 N 6 9 +15 648.66 1.27 649.93 SIBO Numerous decaying logsI»15I Ul 7 9 +30 648.89 1.04 649.93 SIBOw 13 8 9 +43 649.05 0.88 649.93 SIBO 21 9 9 +64 649.16 0.89 649.94 SIBO 36 10 10 +00 648.75 0.78 649.94 SIBO 10 11 10+10 648.91 1.19 649.94 SIBO 21 12 10 +31 649.14 1.04 649.95 5180 24 13 10 +55 649.14 0.82 649.96 SIBO 19 14 10 +74 649.38 0.58 649.96 SIBO 22 15 10 +96 649.34 0.64 649.98 SIBO 22 Appendix Table 2-A-17.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 16 11 +18 649.79 0.38 650.17 5180 23 17 11 +41 649.79 0.42 650.21 5180 18 18 11 +59 649.43 0.80 650.23 5180 14 19 11 +73 649.84 0.39 650.23 5180 '11 20 11 +84 649.61 0.66 650.27 SI80 30 21 12 +14 649.60 0.72 650.32 5180 N 30I ):>22 12 +44 649.88 0.55 650.43 5180I 01 17+:0- 23 12 +61 650.00 0.46 650.46 5180 30 fry in pool near 24 log across slough 24 12 +85 650.00 0.53 650.53 5180 12 25 12 +97 650.27 0.35 650.62 5180 42 26 13 +39 650.35 0.47 650.82 SI80 42 27 13 +81 650.86 0.22 651.08 5180 34 28 14 +15 650.96 0.24 651.20 5180 16 29 14 +31 650.91 0.30 651.21 SI80 23 30 14 +54 650.53 0.72 651.25 SIBO 27 j J }I !I .1 j I J I I J .1 J J I J I -1 »i J 1 )1 1 Appendix Table 2-A~17.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft) (ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 31 14 +81 650.44 0.82 651.26 S180 28 32 15 +09 650.37 0.89 651.26 SIBO 23 33 15 +32 650.66 0.64 651.30 S180 24 34 15 +56 650.49 0.85 651.34 S180 26 35 15 +82 650.45 0.89 651.34 S180 22 36 16 +04 650.58 0.75 651.33 S180 N 28I )::>37 16 +32 650.23 1.10 651.33 S180I U1 25U138 16 +57 650.87 0.48 651.35 51BO 14 39 16 +71 651.02 0.33 651.35 SIBO 23 40 16 +94 650.82 0.56 651.38 5180 Bank seepage -bear kill 19 chum salmon 41 17 +13 650.48 0.90 651.38 SIBO 18 42 17 +31 650.08 1.32 651.40 S180 14 43 17 +45 650.71 0.70 651.41 S180 18 44 17 +63 649.99 1.41 651.40 5180 23 45 17 +86 650.60 0.80 651.40 SIBO 15 N I» I U1 0) Appendix Table 2-A-17.(Continued) Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft) (ft)Substrate Comments 46 18 +01 650.99 0.40 651.39 SIBO 12 47 18 +13 650.77 0.60 651.37 S180 12 48 18 +25 651.99 S180 Elevation of nail placed on log as T8M .1 I t I i J I t I I I J 1 J .J .1 .J I ] 1~1 1 1 --1 -1 i Appendix Table 2-A-18.Data used to develop the streambed (thalweg)profile of Upland Slough 19 (RM 140.0),1983. Distance Station Thalweg Depth WSEL Point (ft)(ft)Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)Substrate Comments 1 o +00 718.79 0.39 719.18 SISA Mouth of slough 79 2 a +79 718.77 0.46 719.23 SISA 100 3 1 +79 718.58 0.68 719.26 SISA 105 4 2 +84 718.81 0.71 719.52 SISA 127 5 4 +11 719.58 0.57 720.15 LGRU 216 N 6 6 +27 720.32 0.51 720.83 LGRU I 103::x:- l 7 7 +30 721.15 0.12 721.27 CaBOU1 -...J 141 8 8 +71 722.01 0.00 722.01 CaBO Dewatered 61 9 9 +32 721.88 0.14 722.02 CaBO 55 10 9 +87 721.95 0.03 721.98 CaBO ...-.-...•••# r Appendix 2-B LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES Table - I'"'" I I - 1-- I 2-B-l 2-B-2 2-B-3 2-B-4 2-8-5 2-8-6 2-8-7 2-8-8 2-8-9 2-8-10 2-8-11 2-8-12 Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -mouth,staff gage 114.4W6.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 ••.•••..••.•••••..•... Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -lower backwater,staff gage 114.4S9. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 .•.•....••.•• Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -upper backwater,staff gage 114.4S7. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 •••....•..•.. Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel Q site,staff gage 114.4S5.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 6,1983 ..•.... Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 - Northwest channel head,staff gage 114.4H3. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 24,1983 ...•....•.... Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel Q site,staff gage 114.4S8.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 4,1983 ......••. Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel head,staff gage 114.4H1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 23, 1983 It Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 - mouth,staff gage 133.8W5.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 17,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 - head,staff gage 133.8H4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -mouth,staff gage 136.2W3. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 20,1983 ...............•.. Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -head,staff gage 136.2H2.Survey- ed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 ..•..........•.........• Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - mouth,staff gage 140.6Wl.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 . i 2-8-1 2-8-2 2-8-3 2-B-4 2-8-5 2-8-7 2-8-8 2-8-9 2-8-10 2-8-11 2-8-12 2-B-13 LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) Table 2-8-13 2-B-14 2-8-15 2-B-16 2-B-17 2-8-18 2-8-19 2-B-20 2-8-21 2-8-22 2-B-23 2-B-24 2-8-25 Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - lower Q site,staff gage 140.6S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 .••....•.•..•.•..•••••... Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - mid channel,staff gage 140.6S2.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 .•.•.•••......•.•....•... Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - A5 Head,staff gage 140.6S3.Surveyed by R&M i n 1982 0 II .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - upper Q site,staff gage 140.6S7.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 13,1983 ...•••....•..••.......... Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 - A6 head,staff gage 140.6H5.Surveyed by R&M i n 1982 II ~.." Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -mouth,staff gage 101.2W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11,1983 ••••..•..••..•........ Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -Q site,staff gage 101.2S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983 •..••..•..•..•..•.......•.•. Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Side Slough -head,staff gage 101.2H5.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983 "0. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - below mouth,staff gage 113.6W8.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 ....•....••.•....•....••. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - mouth,staff gage 113.6W8.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -Q site,staff gage 113.6S2.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983 ..5 •••••"•••••••••••••••••••••8 ••••••••0 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 - head,staff gage 113.6H4.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,.1983 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - mouth,staff gage 125.3W5.Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983 . ii 2-B-14 2-8-15 2-8-16 2-B-17 2-8-18 2-B-19 2-B-20 2-B-21 2-8-22 2-B-23 2-8-24 2-B-25 2-8-26 .... LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) - i""'", .... 2-B-26 2-B-27 2-B-28 2-B-29 2-8-30 2-B-31 2-B-32 2-8-33 2-B-34 2-B-35 2-B-36 2-B-37 2-B-38 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - upper backwater~staff gage 125.3S6.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 •••.•..•.•.••••.•...••••.•. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - lower Q site,staff gage 125.3S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 •••.••.••••••.•••••.•....•.•.. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel Q site~staff gage 125.3S3. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983 •••.•..•...••••..• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel head,staff gage 125.3H2. Surveyed by ADF&G on May 15,1983 •••..•...••........ Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A - Northwest channel head,staff gage 125.3H7. Surveyed by ADF&G on August 4,1983 •••.......•...... Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 - mouth,staff gage 128.3W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 -Q site~staff gage 128.3S1.Surveyed by-ADF&G on August 3,1983 1111 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 - head~staff gage 128.3H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on A~gust 23,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - mouth~staff gage 135.3W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - Q site~staff gage 135.3S6.Surveyed by ADF&G on June 29,1983 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - head,staff gage 135.3H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 O8 CI .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 16B - Q site~staff gage 138.0S5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 168 - head~staff gage 138.0H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 .. ; i i 2-B-27 2-B-28 2-B-29 2-B-30 2-B-31 2-B-32 2-8-33 2-8-34 2-B-35 2-B-36 2-B-37 2-B-38 2-8-39 LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) 2-B-39 2-B-40 2-B-41 2-B-42 2-B-43 2-B-44 2-B-45 2-B-46 2-B-47 2-B-48 2-B-49 2-B-50 2-B-51 Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 mouth,staff gage 140.1W4.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 (II '0 III • • •05 II III 4l'II ..It e ..e II ill 0 III Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 - Q site,staff gage 140.1S5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 II e ..III G ..f)0 III III 0 &l ..II •ill'III (I D II II!8 "III (,II Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 - head,staff gage 140.1H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 G II III '5 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - mouth,staff gage 142.DW5.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 17,1983 ••..........•.......11I ••••••••0 ••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Q site,staff gage 142.0S6.Surveyed by ADF&G an May 17,1983 ..;.II III -0 II .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Northwest head,staff gage 142.0H3.Surveyed by R&M i n 1982 III Ii'.. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 - Northeast head,staff gage 142.0H1.Surveyed by RM in 1982 .....•....••..00 •••••••••••••••••••••11 •• Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - mouth,staff gage 144.3W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983 . Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - mid Slough,staff gage 144.3S4.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 III oil .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - Q site,staff gage 144.3S6.Surveyed by R&M in 1982 .. Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 - head,staff gage 144.3H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983 II . Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -mouth,staff gage 112.3Wl.Surveyed by ADF&G on J u1y 5,1983 .. Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -backwater,staff gage 112.3S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983 ....•..•..•..•.....•..... iv 2-B-40 2-B-41 2-8-42 2-B-43 2-B-44 2-B-45 2-8-46 2-8-47 2-B-48 2-B-49 2-B-50 2-B-51 2-8-52 ..... - - ~, - ~, -. LIST OF APPENDIX B TABLES (Continued) .... - 2-B-52 2-B-53 2-B-54 2-8-55 2-B-56 2-8-57 2-8-58 Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 -access,staff gage 140.0W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 .•.......•...•.•.•...•... Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 below mouth,staff gage 140.0S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 .....•..••....•.....•.... Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 - Q site,staff gage 140.0S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983 .•....•..........•......." Cross sectional elevations of Fourth of July Creek -Q site,staff gage 131.1T1.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983 ........•...............•... Cross sectional elevations of Gold Creek -Q site,staff gage 136.8T1.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 16,1983 'II .. Cross sectional elevations of Indian River -Q site,staff gage 136.8T2.Surveyed by ADF&G 1983 stream flow data c ••••••••••••• Cross sectional elevations of Portage Creek -Q site,staff gage 148.8T1.Surveyed by ADF&G 1983 stream flow data . v 2-B-53 2-8-54 2-8-55 2-8-56 2-8-57 2-B-58 2-8-60 Appendix Table 2-B-1.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -mouth, staff gage 114.4W6.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983. I""'" , STATION 0.0 0.0 4.6 10.9 13 .6 ELEVATION 483.86 483.49 482.83 480.89 478.79 DESCRIPTION LBHP 114.46LB ADF&G GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK ..-33.6 477 .20 61.6 476.69 88.6 475.73 108.6 475.31 135.6 474.98 LEW ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 2.1 198.6 224.6 244.6 267.6 293.6 311.6 316.6 333.1 338.6 474.54 473.91 473.23 472.73 472.47 472.66 472.58 472.37 471.73 473.00 351.6 474.30 356.3 474.97 RE~" 370.6 475.58,.... 388.6 475.16 407.3 475.92 BOTTOM OF LEFT BA~~ 409.1 477.91 TOP OF RIGHT BANK 417.2 479.99 ....424.4 484.19 TOP OF RIGHT BANK 441.2 485.27 GROUND BY RBHP 441.2 485.47 RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.4W6RB 2-B-1 Appendix Table 2-B-2.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -lower backwater,staff gage 114.459.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22.1983. STATION 0.0 0.0 2.5 6.5 11.6 ELEVATION 483.84 483.50 483.49 481.93 478.42 DESCRIPTIon LBHP 114.489LB ALCAP ADF&G GROUND BY LBRP TOP OF LEFT BANK MID BANK BOTTOM OF BANK - 26.0 476.78 54.5 475.61 ~ 78.5 475.65 122.5 475.65 146.6 475.15 LEW 165.5 183.5 199.5 213.5 237.5 250.5 267.5 288.5 298.5 319.5 328.1 342.5 362.5 376.5 382.5 387.1 392.3 398.0 398.0 474.25 473.38 472.76 472.88 472.47 472.52 473.00 473.97 474.18 474.58 475.05 476.16 477 .60 479.91 480.60 482.96 485.23 486.10 486.48 REW BOTTON OF RIGHT BANK ~UD-BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBRP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.489RB 2-8-2 - .- Appendix Table 2-8-3.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -upper backwater,staff gage 114.457.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 22,1983 • STATION 0.0 0.0 4.5 11.8 3LO ELEVATION 484.93 484.46 484.41 480.05 477 .84 DESCRIPTION LBHP 114.4S7LB ADF&G ALCAP GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 47.0 65.0 79.2 111.0 128.5 476.36 475.91 475.27 474.20 473.60 LEW ------------------------------------------------------------------- 142.8 152.6 163.6 180.0 206.0 227.8 243.2 271.7 297.0 322.8 473.33 473.55 474.57 474.58 474.10 474.40 475.23 475.64 476.69 476.53 REW ------------------------------------------------------------------- 350.0 372.4 379.0 395.0 404.2 411.4 411.4 476.22 476.92 479.26 480.10 484.07 483.93 484.66 BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK VEGETATION VEGETATION TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RIGHT BANK 114.4S7RB ADF&G REBAR 2-8-3 Appendix Table 2-B-4.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northwest channel Q site, staff gage 114.4S5.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 6,1983. ~-----------------------------------------------------------------~STATION 0.0 0.0 13 .3 19.0 26.5 ELEVATION 489.37 488.96 489.06 483.64 483.05 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.4S5LB GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 35.0 59.0 73.4 90.0 98.0 483.40 484.11 483.45 483.40 483.89 107.0 483.59 129.0 483.72 -130.5 482.34 144.0 481.23 153.0 483.10 ""'" 164.2 483.32 169.8 482.29 181.0 482.46 ~ 192.0 481.52 LEW 200.0 480.96 ~ 217.0 480.20 246.0 479.45 265.0 478.33 282.0 478.67 ~ 324.0 479.14 376.0 379.0 385.0 395.0 395.0 481.59 482.21 487.27 487.62 487.97 REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.4S5RB 2-8-4 Appendix Table 2-B-5.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 - Northwest channel head,staff gage 114.4H3. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 24,1983. -STATION 0.0 0.0 13 .7 21.5 24.1 37.3 48.0 76.0 102.4 134.0 177 .9 184.9 227.8 254.0 296.8 339.0 392.0 436.0 493.0 541.7 595.6 649.0 678.0 714.0 767.0 ELEVATION 487.68 487.20 487.23 486.35 484.41 484.35 485.43 484.47 485.09 485.15 483.37 484.03 483.59 483.50 483.77 483.83 483.58 483.24 482.73 482.65 482.94 482.74 482.39 482.04 481.92 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.4H3LB GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK LWE 2-8-5 Appendix Table 2-B-5.continued. ,~ STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ~, 792.0 481.18 830.0 481.00 870.0 480.96 903.0 481.95 ~ 937.0 482.59 RWE 979.0 1017.0 1059.0 1083.0 1093.0 1105.0 1118.0 1118.0 482.38 484.42 483.09 484.14 485.79 487.24 487.52 487.98 BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK NID RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 114.4H3RB 2-B-6 - - Appendix Table 2-B-6.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northeast channel Q site, at staff gage 114.488.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 4,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------!0.0 488.73 TOP OF LEFT BANK 10.0 484.27 BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK 24.0 483.91 .~48.0 481.92 50.0 480.41 LEW - -! .... I 60.0 72.0 82.0 93.0 101.0 104.0 125.0 135.0 143.0 148.0 158.0 168.0 172.0 478.94 479.12 478.98 478.71 478.86 479.11 479.52 480.54 480.75 483.54 485.24 485.31 488.98 REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK 2-B-7 Appendix Table 2-B-7.Cross sectional elevations of Mainstem 2 Side Channel -Northeast channel head. staff gage ll4.4H1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 23.1983. ~---------------------------------------------------------------~--STATIOU 0.0 0.0 15.6 21.6 26.6 43.7 80.0 118.0 170.0 227.0 412.6 428.0 443.5 455.0 471.0 477 .5 ELEVATION 490.54 490.17 489.85 487.48 485.57 485.90 486.11 485.93 485.46 485.92 485.74 486.26 487.58 491.29 499.43 498.69 499.07 DESCRIPTION LBHP 114.4HILB GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK MID BANK BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK MID-BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP 114.4HIRB 2-8-8 ~, "'" - Appendix Table 2-B-8.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 -mouth,staff gage 133.8W5. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 17,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- - i 0.0 6.5 24.0 31.0 55.0 108.0 148.0 205.0 205.0 650.90 650.81 646.08 645.41 646 .44 650 .82 654.46 655.14 655.28 CLIFF LEW REW TOP OF BANK GB RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 133.8WRB 83 ,- I - ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- 2-8-9 Appendix Table 2-B-9.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 10 -head,staff gage 133.8H4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.0 23.0 81.0 96.0 120.0 135.0 152.0 ELEVATION 661.29 660.93 660.20 658.14 658.11 657.14 656.65 656.33 656.25 657.46 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP ADF&G 134.3HLB83 GB TOP LEFT BANK BOTTOl'l OF BANK ~, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 178.0 206.0 227.0 260.0 270.0 285.0 300.0 310.0 320.0 330.0 350.0 360.0 366.0 366.0 657.67 657.21 656.23 657.06 656.37 656.20 656.98 657.03 657.54 658.79 659.02 659.61 659.64 660.73 TOP OF RIGHT BANK GB RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 134.3HRB83 2-8-10 Appendix Table 2-B-I0.Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -mouth,staff gage 136.2W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 20,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 0.0 51.0 73.5 92.0 119.0 130.0 149.0 166.0 185.0 ELEVATION 682.31 682.01 680.53 677 .90 674.58 676.88 676.72 676.58 676.99 676.05 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP ADF&G 136.2WLB 83 GROUND AT ALCAP EDGE OF VEGETATION LEW THALWEG 188.0 675.69 BOTTOIo!OF RB 196.0 677 .95 RWE 208.0 684.35 TOP BANK VEGETATION 214.5 684.68 GROUND AT ALCAP .-214.5 685.00 RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 136.2WRB 83 ~ ! 2-8-11 Appendix Table 2-B-11 Cross sectional elevations of Upper Side Channel 11 -head,staff gage 136.2H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------~------------------------------------ 0.0 0.0 2.0 5.5 60.5 125.5 198.5 361.5 455.5 582.5 635.5 822.5 896.5 935.5 975.5 991.5 1017.5 1037.5 1051.9 1051.9 691.28 691.04 691.25 686.23 685.12 685.80 685.62 685.97 686.88 686.74 686.68 686.83 686.07 685.05 684.50 685.91 685.96 687.66 691.09 691.38 LBHP ALCAP ADF&G 136.5HLB 83 GROUND BY ALCAP VEGETATION TOP OF BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BA~~ SPARSE VEGETATION REW BOTTOM THALWEG LEW BOTTmI EDGE OF VEGETATION TOP OF BANK RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 136.5HRB 83 2-B-12 ~, - Appendix Table 2-B-12.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -mouth,staff gage 140.6W1. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION r 0.0 736.13 LBHP ALCAP ADF&G 140.6W1LB I 0.0 735.71 GROUND BY ALCAP 15.0 734.48 MID-BANK 19.0 735.23 41.0 733.03 EDGE OF VEGETATION 47.0 731.63 BOTTQIol OF BANK 53.0 731.53 63.0 731.87 105.0 731.53-131.0 730.66 156.0 165.0 180.0 203.0 218.0 241.0 293.0 310.0 346.0 387.0 729.99 729.59 729.76 729.79 729.44 729.22 729.39 729.38 729.79 730.62 LWE RWE F'402.0 732.19 BOTTON OF RIGHT BANK 415.0 735.17 MID-BANK 421.0 '735.74 TOP OF RIGHT BANK 436.0 738.00 GROUND BY ALCAP 436.0 738.41 RBHP ALCAP 140.6W1RB 2-B-13 .- Appendix Table 2-B-13.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -lower Q site.staff gage 140.6S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12.1983. ------------------------------------------------------~-~---------~STATION 0.0 0.0 16.0 26.0 39.0 ELEVATION 742.26 741.99 740.01 739.10 737.32 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 140.6S4LB GROUND BY ALCAP MID-BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK 68.0 736.17 LEW ~ 87.0 735.62 117.0 734.89 144.0 735.99 172.0 736.19 197.0 229.0 260.0 277 .0 289.0 293.0 294.0 294.0 735.77 736.44 737.31 737.33 737.80 741.43 745.18 745.91 REW EDGE OF VEGETATION MID-BANK GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 140.6S4RB 2-B-14 - - Appendix Table 2-B-14.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -mid -channel,staff gage 140.652.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 13,1983. r STATION 0.0 0.0 15.0 21.0 30.0 ELEVATION 747.48 747.82 746.27 744.02 742.97 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP 140.652LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION BOTTOM OF BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- .... 44.0 81.0 114.0 170.0 174.0 190.0 195.0 209.0 223.0 231.0 251.0 286.0 302.0 340 .0 350.0 350.0 744.03 744.53 743.78 742.98 742.59 742.19 742.59 742.05 742.27 741.59 742.09 742.19 742.83 744.29 752.72 753.45 LEW REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP ALCAP l40.6S2RB 2-8-15 Appendix Table 2-B-15.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -AS head,staff gage 140.6S3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 8.0 12.0 21.0 32.0 751.27 751.03 746 .20 745.80 744.10 LBHP R&M ALCAP 141.7A5RB TOP OF LEFT BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 40.0 44.0 56.0 68.0 88.0 116.0 119.0 124.0 144.0 744.00 743.80 743.10 743.90 744.20 746.23 746.75 750.10 7 SO .18 BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK RBHP R&M ALCAP l4l.7ASLB 2-B-16 ~- - Appendix Table 2-B-16.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -upper Q site,staff gage 140.6S7.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 13,1983. .... STATION 0.0 0.0 26.0 37.0 67.0 ELEVATION 751.78 751 .48 751.33 749.03 746.27 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP 140.6S7LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK 93.0 744.29 LEW 113.0 743.26 143.0 744.42 REW ~..177 .0 745.37 219.0 747.09 250.0 260.0 270.0 299.0 305.0 320.0 324.0 334.0 342.0 347.0 347.0 746.91 744.75 744.19 743.23 743.55 743.43 744.23 745.32 749.01 749.85 750.49 LEW REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BA~~ TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ALCAP 140.6S7RB 2-8-17 Appendix Table 2-B-17.Cross sectional elevations of Side Channel 21 -A6 head,staff gage 140.6H5.Surveyed by R&M in 1982.~I, STATION 0.0 18.0 27.0 48.0 60.0 ELEVATION 753.04 752.15 746.55 745.15 746.35 DESCRIPTION LBHP R&M ALCAP 141.8A6RB TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK 66.0 746.85 78.0 746.35 LEW 84.0 746.55 -,REW 116.0 747.85 BREAK 138.0 747.35 TOP OF LOW BANK 158.0 169.0 197.0 218.0 285.0 299.0 341.0 390.0 438.0 482.0 744.95 746.65 744.95 747.15 749.05 747.95 749.15 749.05 749.25 748.95 BOTTON OF BANK """ - 526.0 748.65 556.0 748.45 LEW 574.0 748.35 59500 748.25 617.0 748.15 !ii!lWc'l 636.0 660.0 679.0 695.0 706.0 717.0 748 .05 748.35 748.45 748.75 752.65 753.45 BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK REW TOP OF RIGHT BANK RBRP R&M ALCAP 141.8A6LB 2-8-18 - - - Appendix Table 2-B-18.Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Creek Side Slough -mouth»staff gage 101.2Wl. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 11»1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 0.0 9.0 14.0 20.0 24.2 38.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 96.0 105.0 ELEVATION 370.02 369.90 368.44 366.36 365.33 363.43 362.49 362.14 362.44 362.09 362.41 362.56 362.42 362.24 362.25 DESCRIPTION LBHP R&M ALCAP 101.2WIRB GROUND BY HEADPIN TOP OF LEFT BANK MID BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION LEW ------------------------------------------------------------------- r I 111.0 114.4 119.2 126.5 133.0 133.0 362.61 363.45 365.89 366.57 370.22 370.41 REW EDGE OF VEGETATION MID BANK GROUND BY HEADPIN RBHP R&M ALCAP 101.2W1LB 2-8-19 Appendix Table 2-B-19.Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Creek Side Slough -Q site,staff gage 101.253. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983. --------------------------------------------~~----------~----------STATION 0.0 2.0 09.0 16.0 19.0 ELEVATION 373.21 371.68 369.08 367.42 366.19 DESCRIPTION HIGH BANK TOE LEW ~, 31.0 364.63 38.0 364.21 THALWEG ~ 44.0 364.25 50.0 364.37 55.0 364.55 66.0 76.0 84.0 95.0 105.0 125.0 365.33 366.11 368.03 368.16 370.38 370.93 REW EDGE OF VEGETATION RBHP R&M ALCAP 101.4S3LB HIGH BANK 2-B-20 - .~ Appendix Table 2-B~20.Cross sectional elevations of Whiskers Creek Side Slough -head, staff gage 101.2H5.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3,1983. ,.... I ,~ STATION 42.0 48.0 64.0 74.0 80.0 85.0 91.0 98.0 108.0 119.0 128.0 142.0 147.0 152.0 ELEVATION 367.42 366.48 368.39 369.98 369.42 368.16 367.62 367.81 367.46 367.33 367.44 368.25 368.27 374.14 DESCRIPTION LEW REW LEW REW TOE HIGH BANK 2-8-21 Appendix Table 2-B-21.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -below mouth,staff gage 113.6W8.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 5.3 10.8 12.2 16.7 19.7 22.7 25.9 32.7 44.7 49.7 55.2 66.7 71.7 78.7 93.0 93.0 471.23 470.79 470.49 466.70 465.83 466.01 466.29 466.31 466.71 467.00 467.36 467.75 467.28 466.96 467.42 469.09 469.85 470.33 LBHP ADF&G REBAR GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK.LEW CHANNEL BOTTOH REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G REBAR 2-8-22 "'" - - """ I"'" , Appendix Table 2-B-22.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -mouth,staff gage 113.6W8. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION f"'"0.0 471.11 LEFT HIGH BANK,7.0 470.81 11.0 468.96 LEW 15.0 466.37 19.0 465.85 25.0 34.0 41.0 51.0 74.4 100.0 112.0 467.58 468.42 468.93 469.63 470.19 470.26 470.84 REW EDGE OF VEGETATION 2-8-23 Appendix Table 2-B-23.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -Q site.staff gage 113.652. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983. --------------------------------------------------~---------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------~--- 0.0 13 .0 26.0 30.0 31.0 36.0 43.0 52.0 57.0 61.0 64.0 72.0 77 .0 470.97 470.78 470.76 468.94 468.06 467.40 4fJ7.36 467.46 467.74 468.92 470.25 470.76 471.02 EDGE OF VEGETATION TOP OF BANK LEW BOTTOM OF BANK MIDSTREAM BOTTOM OF BANK REW TOP OF RIGHT BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION 2-8-24 ,~ ...' - - """ Appendix Table 2-B-24.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8 -head t staff gage 113.6H4. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5 t 1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 15.0 22.0 36.0 476.23 476.57 475.76 475.10 475.90 LBHP R&M ALCAP 114.1H1 RB GROUND BY ALCAP HIGH BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 55.0 71.0 82.0 95.0 101.0 476.08 475.73 475.95 475.56 475.73 -------------------------------------------------------------------108.0 110.0 122.0 140.0 151.0 153.0 160.0 178.0 196.0 205.0 208.0 216.0 229.0 235.0 237.0 476.13 475.13 475.97 475.47 475.00 474.41 474.92 474.53 474".12 474.05 472.96 472.53 481.34 481.73 481.85 THALWEG HIGH BANK RBHP R&M ALCAP 114.1HlLB 2-8-25 Appendix Table 2-B-25.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A -mouth,staff gage 12S.3W5.Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983. -----------------------------------------~-------------------------STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION -----------------------~------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 8.0 14.0 16.0 566.01 565.82 563.99 563.25 562.49 LBHP R&M ALCAP 12S.2WIRB GROUND BY LBHP ALCAP MID LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 30.0 561 ~34 LEW 52.0 560.68 61.0 560.69 81.0 560.11 106.0 559.67 ~ ------------------------------~--~----------------~----------------113.0 118.0 137.0 156.0 165.0 170.0 175.0 177 .0 178.0 179.0 184.0 189.0 189.0 559.12 559.25 558.93 558.62 558.93 559.26 560.61 561.36 562.22 566.21 567.57 568.37 568.54 REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK MID-BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBRP RBHP R&M ALCAP 125.2W1LB 2-8-26 - MJl!'oI, - - ,~ Appendix Table 2-B-26.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A -upper backwater,staff gage 125.3S6. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983. f'"''STATION 0.0 0.0 3.0 13.0 28.0 ELEVATION 570.07 569.82 569.73 564.95 564.73 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 125.3S6LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK MID-BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION 32.0 563.77 33.0 563.33 40.0 562.93 LWE 62.0 561.05 94.0 561.52 -~I 132.0 562.29 155.0 561.49 "...170.0 562.88 RWE 171.0 563.86 BOTTON OF RIGHT BANK 187.0 564.75 HID-BANK-197.0 206.0 206.0 566.77 567.53 567.95 TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RB ALCAP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 125.3S6RB 2-8-27 Appendix Table 2-B-27.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough SA -lower Q site,staff gage 125.3S4.Surveyed by ADF&G on Ju 1y 18,1983. ~---------------------------------------~------------~------------- ..., STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION -~-------------------------------------------~-~-----~------------- 0.0 0.0 10.0 12.0 19.0 23 .0 26.0 38.0 50.0 52.0 54.0 68.0 85.0 87.0 101.0 567.97 567.44 566.12 564.20 564.50 564.26 565.71 565.72 564.84 563.51 562.99 563.25 563.53 563.88 565.98 LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 125.3S4LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK DRY STREAM BED BOTTml OF RIGHT BANK HIGH BANK MID-GRAVEL BAR HIGH BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK RWE BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK ..... ----------------~------------------------------~------------------- 126.0 167.0 171.0 175.0 177 .0 185.0 199.0 215.0 226.0 235.0 239.0 239.0 566.41 565.93 564.55 564.02 563.61 562.91 563.55 565.45 565.26 568.38 568.89 569.28 MID-ISLAND TOP OF LEFT BANK MID-BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK LWE RWE EDGE OF VEGETATION MID-BANK TOP OF BANK GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP 125.354 ADF&G ALCAP 2-B-28 - i~ Appendix Table 2-B-28.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A -northwest channel Q site,staff gage 125.3S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 18,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION -0.0 573.32 LBHP ADF&G ALCAP 125.3S3LB 0.0 572.90 GROUND BY ALCAP 9.0 573.06 TOP OF LEFT BANK 16.0 570.13 MID BANK 22.0 568.48 BOTTOM OF BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.0 29.0 35.0 44.0 64.0 69.0 71.0 82.0 95.0 122.0 122.0 566.61 566.15 565.81 565.70 566.03 566.34 567.19 568.61 570.70 571.47 572.08 LWE RWE EDGE OF VEGETATION BOTTOM OF BANK MID-BANK TOP OF BANK GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 125.38LB ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-B-29 -------------------------------------------------------~-~-~------- Appendix Table 2-B-29.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A -Northwest channel head, staff gage IZ5.3H2.Surveyed by ADF&G on May 15,198~. STATION 0.0 0.0 66.0 100.0 135.0 172.0 232.0 260.0 279.0 ELEVATION 577.11 575.46 574.29 574.23 573.55 573.18 573.11 573.92 582.40 DESCRIPTION LBRP R&M ALCAP 126.1H4RB EDGE OF VEGETATION EDGE OF VEGETATION RBHP REBAR 2-8-30 ~, - - ~, Appendix Table 2-B-30.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 8A -Northeast channel head, staff gage 125.3H7.Surveyed by ADF&G on August 4,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 16.5 20.0 24.0 36.0 50.0 54.0 56.0 60.0 583.87 583.52 583.48 580.33 579.30 578.98 578.99 580.33 579.75 578.51 LBHP ADF&G REBAR GROUND BY LBHP TOP OF LEFT BANK MID-BANK BOTTQ!tl OF BANK ----------------------------------~-------------------------------- 62.5 577.80 67.0 579.28 75.5 579.46 86.0 579.64 97.0 579.59 103.0 108.0 119.0 126.0 132.0 140 .0 151.0 168.0 180.0 187.0 200.0 209.0 225.0 234.0 247.8 260.0 271.0 294.5 294.5 578.97 578.05 578.33 577 .37 577 .98 577 .95 577 .18 577 .39 577 .06 577 .12 577.13 577 .31 577 .19 577.60 578.39 579.33 579.10 579.96 580.28 GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G REBAR 2-B-31 Appendix Table 2-B-31.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 -mouth,staff gage 128.3W3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983. . ------------------------------------------------------------~------ STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ~, 0.0 592.59 LBHP ADF&G REBAR 0.0 591.38 GROUND BY LBHP 3.0 591.36 TOP OF SAND BAR 4.7 590.68 6.3 589.96 LEW ~ 10.0 589.62 17.0 589.84 31.0 589.82 41.0 589.63 49.0 589.44 -59.0 589.76 64.7 590.01 REW 74.0 591.96 -~78.4 592.71 BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK 78.8 595.29 TOP OF RIGHT BANK 93.0 93.0 596.03 596.44 GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G ALCAP 128.3W3RB 2-B-32 - Appendix Table 2-B-32.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 -Q site,staff gage 128.3S1. Surveyed by ADF&G on August 3,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------,.... - STATION 0.0 0.0 5.0 8.0 11.5 ELEVATION 600.15 599.45 597.49 596.30 593.72 DESCRIPTION ADF&G REBAR LBHP GROUND BY LBRP loUD-BANK BOTTml OF LEFT BANK 21.0 593.70 ,.".41.0 594.08 76.0 593.73 97.8 593.59 LWE 110.0 592.93 - 130.0 148.0 155.7 166.4 168.3 171.0 192.3 192.3 592.57 592.48 593.59 595.35 597.03 598.18 599.67 600.20 RWE EDGE OF VEGETATION MID-BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBRP ADF&G REBAR RBRP 2-B-33 Appendix Table 2-B-33.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 9 -head,staff gage 128.3H2. Surveyed by ADF&G on August 23,1983. -~-----------------------------------------~~------~--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 0.0 15.0 25.0 31.0 36.0 46.0 61.0 68.0 78.0 94.0 108.0 122.0 134.0 138.0 ELEVATION 604.97 604.50 604.77 604.45 603.99 603.94 604.11 603.86 603.68 604.01 603.91 604.17 604.09 604.22 604.00 DESCRIPTION ADF&G REBAR LBHP GROUND BY LBHP LWE ~, - - 152.0 604.69 - 169.0 604.38 175.0 604.63 RWE 194.0 604.93 210.0 604.63 220.0 250.0 259.0 272.0 289.0 311.0 336.0 360.0 370.0 385.0 391.0 409.0 412.0 416.0 416.0 604.28 605.38 605.59 605.20 605.51 605.50 605.10 604.35 602.69 610.84 602.67 604.00 607.90 608.19 608.68 LWE RWE BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK.EDGE OF VEGETATION GROUND BY RBHP ADF&G REBAR RBHP 2-B-34 - - - Appendix Table 2-B-34.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 -mouth,staff gage 135.3Wl. Surveyed by ADF&G on October 19,1983. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 3.0 16.5 41.0 64.4 83.4 107.6 114.8 120.0 672.77 672.57 670.96 670.42 669.14 668.15 667.45 667.64 667.38 666.60 LBHP ALCAP R&M 135.5WILB GB TOP OF LEFT BANK.EDGE VEGETATION MIDDLE BANK BOTTON OF LOW BANK 126.5 666.30 LWE 133.2 665.81-137.0 665.61 144.0 665.83 148.4 665.45 - 154.0 155.7 162.2 173.5 184.6 186.6 186.6 665.75 666.31 666.88 667.78 669.24 671.97 674.00 RWE BOTTOM OF LOW BANK MIDDLE BANK BANK BANK 2-8-35 Appendix Table 2-B-35.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 - Q site,staff gage 135.356. Surveyed by ADF&G on June 29,1983. --------------------------------------------------------------~---- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 0.0 11.5 23 .5 43.6 674.36 674.06 673.69 674.19 673.04 LBHP ALCAP R&M 135.7S2RB GB 72.0 672.19 98.0 671.53 ~ 107.6 670.74 LEW 118.7 670.71 125.6 669.77 THALWEG 129.9 147.3 162.6 669.83 670.78 674.27 REW MIDDLE OF HIGH BANK 2-8-36 - - Appendix Table 2-B-36.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 11 -head.staff gage l35.3H3. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 13 .0 21.0 31.0 40.0 688.67 688.10 685.30 684.80 684.90 LBHP ALCAP R&M LRX44 TOP BANK BOTTOM OF BANK 53.0 685.10 65.0 684.90 79.0 684.70 90.0 684.90 98.0 684.00 108.0 116.0 129.0 140 .0 154.0 168.0 182.0 197.0 213.0 229.0 246.0 263.0 280.0 292.0 299.0 307.0 684.20 685.50 685.40 685.60 685.70 685.60 685.10 685.80 686.60 687.30 687.70 688.30 688.80 689.00 689.70 689.36 TOP OF BANK GB RBHP ALCAP l36.5R4LB 2-8-37 Appendix Table 2-B-37.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 16B -Q site,staff gage 138.085. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 7.0 10.0 32.0 39.0 46.0 53.0 61.0 67.0 78.0 84.0 ELEVATION 706.50 704.87 703.27 700.98 699.97 699.77 699.67 699.87 699.67 705.37 705.62 DESCRIPTION LBHP R&M ALCAP l38.0S3RB RBHP R&M ALCAP 138.083LB 2-8-38 ~I Appendix Table 2-B-38.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 16B -head,staff gage 138.0H3. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. STATION 0.0 5.0 7.0 21.0 29.0 ELEVATION 708.22 707.00 704.14 703.64 703.40 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G REBAR RB 41.0 703.10 53.0 703.10 66.0 703.00 80.0 703.30 94.0 703.48 - - ""'"i 107.0 126.0 149.0 173.0 187.0 195.0 703.70 703.70 704.10 704.70 704.60 708.86 RBHP ADF &G ALCAP LB 2-8-39 .------------------------------------------------~------------------ Appendix Table 2-B-39.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 -mouth,staff gage 140.1W4. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ~l, - 0.0 733.76 LBHP R&M ALCAP LRX-53 LB 11.0 732.58 22.0 732.38 27.0 131.58 TOP BANK 30.0 129.48 BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK - 38.0 54.0 75.0 78.0 89.0 109.0 114.0 121.0 128.0 136.0 142.0 148.0 154.0 161.0 168.0 176.0 189.0 201.0 209.0 727.88 726.98 727.08 125.63 125.48 724.98 124.42 122.92 123.12 723.62 124.02 124.32 124.72 124.82 124.92 125.02 125.51 121.22 128.14 RBHP R&M ALCAP 140.lWl RB 2-B-40 -- - ~, -, - Appendix Table 2-B-40.Cross sectional elevations of 5ide Slough 20 -Q site,staff gage 140.155.Surveyed by R&M in 1982. -- STATION 0.0 4.0 9.0 13 .0 18.0 22.0 27.0 31.0 36.0 41.0 ELEVATION 732.20 731.70 727.48 726.40 726.00 726.00 726.10 726.10 726.50 726.50 DESCRIPTION RBHP R&M ALCAP 14O.252LB TOP BANK 46.0 726.60 51.0 726.80 57.0 726.90 61.0 727.10 66.0 727.20 - "... 70.0 74.0 79.0 727.48 728.40 729.66 LBHP R&M ALCAP 140.252RB 2-8-41 Appendix Table 2-B-41.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 20 -head,staff gage 140.1H3. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- i\IO'Ilii STATION 0.0 15.0 32.0 47.0 59.0 71.0 79.0 84.0 93.0 102.0 ELEVATION 734.25 733.90 733.10 732.80 732.40 732.10 731.73 731.50 731.30 731.10 DESCRIPTION RBHP R&M ALCAP 140.6H3LB ~I --~----------------------------------------------------------------110.0 731.00 117.0 730.60 123.0 730.50 -~129.0 730.50 BOTTOM 134.0 731.71 141.0 737.33 LEHP R&M ALCAP 140.6H3RB 2-8-42 tlG'lP, - Appendix Table 2-B-42.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 -mouths staff gage 142.0W5. Surveyed by ADF&G on May 17)1983 • .------------------------------------------------------------------- - -I 1 STATION 0.0 9.0 32.0 54.0 85.0 99.0 120.0 130.0 ELEVATION 751.49 744.21 743.55 742.82 742.62 744.36 744.47 750.97 DESCRIPTION LBHP REBAR ADF&G 1981 LBHP8 BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK RBHP REBAR ADF&G 1981 RBHP8 2-8-43 Appendix Table 2-B-43.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 -Q site,staff gage 142.056. Surveyed by ADF&G on May 17,1983. STATION 0.0 19.0 42.0 86.0 90.7 109.0 116.3 ELEVATION 751.21 745.89 746.18 744.92 744.31 744.88 751.61 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP 141.9S8RB BOTTOM OF BANK LEW REW BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK 2-B-44 ..... - - - - - - Appendix Table 2-B-44.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 -Northwest head,staff gage 142.0H3.Surveyed by R&M in 1982. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION -0.0 759.26 LBHP R&M LRX-56 0.0 758.34 GROUND BY LRX-56 26.0 755.34 39.0 754.74 55.0 754.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.0 74.0 106.0 136.0 158.0 756.61 754.84 755.34 754.64 756.21------------------------------------------------------------------- - 161.0 198.0 754.84 755.44 2-8-45 Appendix Table 2-B-45.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 21 -Northwest head,staff gage 142.0H1.Surveyed by R&M in 1982. STATION 795.0 831.0 867.0 893.0 928.0 929.0 952.0 957.0 977 .0 ELEVATION 757.01 756.81 757.01 756.71 755.67 755.61 757.11 756.68 761.38 DESCRIPTION BOTTOH OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK 2-8-46 - - - - Appendix Table 2-B-46.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 -mouth,staff gage 144.3W3. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983. "'"STATION 0.0 0.0 13 .0 50.0 66.0 ELEVATION 787.62 787.23 781.77 780.76 780.37 DESCRIPTION LBHP ADF&G REBAR GROUND BY ALCAP BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK LEW ------------------------------------------------------------------- 71.0 780.01-92.0 779.77 115.0 779.74 132.0 780.34 168.0 780.35 REW I""" I 190.0 228.0 266.0 300.0 331.0 379.0 405.0 410.0 443.0 498.0 513.0 523.0 525.0 530.0 560.0 575.0 576.0 576.0 781.03 781.61 781.68 781.77 781.61 781.63 781.72 783.85 783.86 784.27 782.73 782.82 783.92 784.07 782.37 782.78 782.75 784.11 EDGE OF VEGETATION BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G REBAR 2-B-47 Appendix Table 2-B-47.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 -mid-slough~staff gage 144.3S4.Surveyed by R&M in 1982. - STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION 0.0 785.16 LBHP R&M ALCAP 144.4S2RB 10.0 784.19 23.0 784.35 TOP OF LEFT BANK 33.0 780.78 ~ 38.0 779.57 BOTTOM 43.0 50.0 55.0 65.0 82.0 96.0 100.0 110.0 779.22 778.89 777.66 778.52 780.94 784.72 787.25 787.56 BOTTOM BOTTOM TOP OF RIGHT BANK RBHP ADF&G 144.3S4A 2-8-48 - - Appendix Table 2-B-48.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 -Q site,staff gage 144.386. Surveyed by R&M in 1982. STATION 0.0 3.0 5.0 17 .0 21.0 ELEVATION 789.54 788.57 785.88 783.72 783.43 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP 144.6S3RB TOP LEFT BANK TOE.BOTTOM OF LEFT BA~~ 25.0 783.24 30.0 783.21 35.0 783.21 40.0 782.86 45.0 782.90 .- - 53.0 71.0 82.0 110.0 783.74 785.29 788.89 789.54 RBHP ADF&G REBAR 3 LB 2-B-49 Appendix Table 2-B-49.Cross sectional elevations of Side Slough 22 -head,staff gage 144.3H2. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 15,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ~- - STATION 0.0 0.0 13.0 19.0 33.0 54.0 76.0 90.0 105.0 115.0 127.0 135.0 152.0 159.0 169.0 ,184.0 191.0 203.0 218.0 232.0 237.0 263.0 265.0 ELEVATION 790.07 791.19 790.58 789.78 788.72 788.96 788.02 787.79 786.78 786.35 787.16 788.87 789.55 789.25 787.85 788.97 787.54 788.68 790.21 791.45 793.53 793.39 795.00 DESCRIPTION LBHP REBAR ADF&G GROUND BY LBHP EDGE OF VEGETATION EDGE OF VEGETATION BOTTOM OF RIGHT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP SPIKE IN COTTONWOOOD 2-B-50 - - - Appendix Table 2-B-50.Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -mouth,staff gage 112.3Wl.Surveyed by ADF&G on July 5,1983. - STATION 0.0 10.0 16.0 21.0 27.0 ELEVATION 467.29 467.51 466.50 459.61 457.51 DESCRIPTION LEFT BANK TOE ------------------------------------------------------------------- - 42.0 56.0 69.0 71.0 83.0 88.0 94.0 102.0 112.0 120.0 457.23 457.35 456.77 455.96 452.16 452.54 453.42 456.28 457.28 458.64 LEW REW RIGHT HIGH BANK 2-8-51 Appendix Table 2-B-51.Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 6A -backwater,staff gage 112.353. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 12,1983. STATION 0.0 0.0 10.6 16.6 17 .6 ELEVATION 460.16 459.66 458.30 455.65 455.29 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP 112.3S3LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK BOTTOM OF LEFT BANK AND LEW - 19.6 454.62 24.6 454.68 28.6 455.09 30.6 453.84 32.6 453.71 36.6 38.6 39.6 42.3 45.0 45.3 52.2 52.2 453.56 453.93 454.42 455.65 455.82 457.55 458.19 458.88 REW BOTTml OF LEFT BANK TOP OF RIGHT BANK GROUND BY RBHP RBHP ADF&G REBAR 2-8-52 Appendix Table 2-B-52.Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 -access,staff gage 140.0W1.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983. -------------------------------------------------------------------""'"I STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION ~"'X 0.0 719.57 MAINSTEM REW 20.0 720.37 GRAVEL BAR 27.0 719.94 GRAVEL BAR .~56.0 719.72 GRAVEL BAR 59.0 720.36 SAND BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------- !"""\ !! 88.0 98.0 100.0 103.0 109.0 111.0 117.0 117.0 719.95 718.61 718.03 718.64 720.25 721.00 724.52 724.71 SAND BAR LEW THAL\o1EG REW BOTTOM OF BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 140.0W1RB 2-8-53 Appendix Table 2-B-53.Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 -below mouth,staff gage 140.0S3.Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - .... STATION 0.0 15.0 28.0 38.0 48.0 ELEVATION 719.97 720.55 720.31 719.96 720.42 DESCRIPTION MAINSTEM LE\ll - 75.0 720.09 -81.0 719.75 95.0 719.85 105.0 720.02 120.0 719.11 LEW 135.0 717.01 142.0 716.80 THALWEG -, 150.0 718.16 156.0 717.74 165.0 719.03 -. ------------------------------------------------~------------------ 168.0 169.0 176.0 176.0 719.38 722.32 722.87 723.23 BOTTOM OF BANK TOP OF BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION GROUND BY ALCAP RBHP ALCAP ADF&G 140.0S3RB 83 2-8-54 - .... - Appendix Table 2-B-54.Cross sectional elevations of Upland Slough 19 -Q site,staff gage 140.084. Surveyed by ADF&G on September 14,1983. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STATION 0.0 0.0 6.0 10.0 11.'0 ELEVATION 724.52 724.25 721.84 720.81 720.02 DESCRIPTION LBHP ALCAP ADF&G 140.0S4LB 83 GROUND BY ALCAP MIDDLE BANK BOTTmI OF BANK LEW 16.0 719.68 THALWEG 18.0 719.65 21.0 720.02 REW 30.0 720.35 33.0 721.86 TOP OF BERM VEGETATION ,.... ..... 36.0 38.0 42.0 44.0 52.0 71.0 71.0 720.01 719.45 719.99 721.61 722.43 724.94 725.22 LEW BOTTOM OF POOL REW TOP OF BANK EDGE OF VEGETATION MIDDLE OF BAl>.'K GROUMG BY ALCAP RBHP ALCAP ADF&G l40.084RB 83 2-B-55 I I Appendix Table 2-B-55.Cross sectional elevations of 4th of July Creek -Q site,staff gage 13l.1T1. Surveyed by ADF&G on July 3»1983. - STATION 0.0 0.0 3.0 4.5 7.0 ELEVATION 627.69 627.47 626.46 624.79 623.93 DESCRIPTION LBHP R&M ALCAP 131.1T3LB GROUND BY ALCAP TOP OF LEFT BANK LWE ..... 10.0 622.39 13.0 624.09 .~ 16.0 623.27 19.0 623.30 22.0 623.41 ~.------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.5 624.41 25.5 624.77 RWE 27.0 627.06 TOP OF RIGHT BANK """"31.0 627.98 GROUND BY ALCAP 31.0 628.54 RBHP R&M REBAR 2-B-56 Appendix Table 2-B-56.Cross sectional elevations of Gold Creek -Q site.staff gage 136.8Tl. Surveyed by ADF&G on May 16,1983. --------------------------------------------------~---------------- - - STATION 0.0 11.0 20.0 28.0 32.0 41.0 54.0 61.0 ELEVATION 699.81 700.69 695.82 695.09 694.99 695.71 698.16 698.87 DESCRIPTION RBHP R&M ALCAP GOLD CREEK 136.8T2RB 1982 TOP BANK LEW BOTTON TOP OF BANK LBHP R&M ALCAP GOLD CREEK 136.8T2LB 2-B-57> I I Appendix Table 2-B-57.Cross sectional elevations of Indian River -Q site,staff gage 138.6T2. Developed from ADF&G 1983 streamflow data. STATION 0.0 0.4 0.6 1.6 1.6 ELEVATION 847.49 847.49 846.99 846.59 847.28 DESCRIPTION LEW 2.4 846.69 5.1 846.48 5.8 846.49 6.1 846.73 8.9 845.84 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 10.1 11.9 14.1 14.2 846.39 846.48 845.79 846.28 846.09 14.9 845.67 18.0 845.99 20.9 845.49 22.1 845.86 23.9 845.39 26.1 845.83 26.4 845.89 27.9 845.09 30.1 845.68 30.6 845.79 33.9 34.1 34.8 36.9 38.1 41.9 43.2 46.1 46.9 47.4 845.49 845.33 845.99 846.19 846.08 846.29 846.29 846.46 846.31 846.19 2-B-58 - Appendix Table 2-B-57.continued. STATION 51.6 51.9 55.6 55.8 56.5 ELEVATION 846.29 846.19 846.38 846.19 846.29 DESCRIPTION 59.6 846.28 60.0 846.19 61.9 845.61 63.6 845.78 64.2 845.99 66.9 845.09 70.0 846.18 71.9 845.49 72.2 846.09 75.0 845.99 75.6 846.99 79.6 846.93 80.2 846.69 81.6 847.28 81.9 847.27 - 82.9 83.2 847.49 847.49 REW 2-8-59 I I Appendix Table 2-B-58.Cross sectional elevations of Portage Creek - Q site,staff gage 148.8T1.Developed from ADF&G 1983 streamflow data. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - STATION ELEVATION DESCRIPTION 0.0 841.33 LEW 1.8 840.94 5.0 839.54 8.0 838.83 10.0 838.54 ~I 13.0 838.73 15.0 838.44 18.0 838.73 20.0 838.74 23.0 838.53------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.0 28.0 30.0 33.0 35.0 838.44 838.53 838.44 838.53 838.14 38.0 838.33 40.0 838.14 43.0 838.33 44.0 838.14 48.0 838.14 52.0 53.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 838.14 838.03 837.94 838.53 838.34 2-B-60 - - Appendix Table 2-B-58.continued. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... - ..... - STATION 63.0 64.0 68.0 72.0 73.0 76.0 78.0 80.0 83.0 84.0 88.0 92.0 95.0 ELEVATION 837.93 837.64 837.79 837.74 838.13 837.84 837.33 837.74 836.83 837.74 837.34 838.74 841.33 REW DESCRIPTION 2-8-61