HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1951- - .- 'I .....4 INCREASES IN FISH MERCURY LEVELS IN LAKES FLOOQED BY THE CHURCHILL RIVER DIVERSION.NORTHERN MANITOBA by R.A.Bodaly,R.E.Hecky and R.J.P.Fudge Department of Fisheries and Oceans Freshwater Institute 501 University Crescent Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 2N6 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ....' . ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL INFOFtMAilt:>N AND DATA CENTER 707 A STREET ANCHORAGE,AK 99501 TK ,/4;)5 0tlS c>sE *~~A-J3 no.Iq-;-l Running head:Fish mercury increases in flooded ·lakes ~l". -----_._- I'•• ABSTRACT Bodaly,R.A.,R.E.Hecky,and R.J.P.Fudge.1983.Increases in fish mercury levels in lakes flooded by the Churchill River diversion,northern Manitoba~Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci.- Reservoir creation has often been inferred as a cause of elevated fish mercury concentrations.Increases in fish muscle mercury levels,occurring .....coincidentally with flooding,are documented for three lakes affected by the Churchill River diversion for which pre-and post-impoundment data were available.For example.pike ([sox lucius)and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) muscle mercury levels from Southern Indian Lake,which was increased in- - surface area by 21%by flooding in 1976,increased from baseline values of 0.2 -0.3 ~g 9_1 prior to flooding to 0.5 -1.0 ~g_l in 1978-1982.Muscle it" mercury levels from predatory species (pike and walleye)from all ten lakes tested in the Churchill,Rat and Burntwood valleys flooded by the Churchill -diversion are near to or exceed the current export marketing limit of 1.0 ~g 9_1 •Because mercury levels in fish from nearby unf100ded lakes have not shown recent increases,atmospheric fallout of the metal does not appear to be the cause of the problem.Also,there are no known industrial sources of mercury in the area and no agricultural activity.Post-impoundment mercury -..-..- "ld'" ~ ooo l!) l!) '"("I) ("I) levels in predatory fish appeared to be related to the flooded terrestrial area compared to pre-impoundment lake area.They were highest (l.lS -2.90 ~g g_1)in Rat and Notigi lakes which were increased in surface area by 282%were lower (0.60 -1.53 ~g 9_1 )in lakes immediately below Notigi Reservoir increased in surface area by 31-37"',and were lowest (0.45 -;1.03 !-lg g_l)in W\Southern Indian and Wuskwatin Lakes,increased in surface area by 13-21%. -ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information SerVices Anchorage.Alaska .....Fish mercury levels responded quickly to impoundment,increasing noticeably within 2 - 3 yrs.Declines in mercury concentrations had not,in """general.taken place within 5 - 8 yrs of impoundment,with the exception of \'Ihitefish (Coregonus clupeafonnis)from Southern Indian lake. It is hypothesized that observed fish mercury level increases were due to the bacterial methylation of naturally occurring mercury found in flooded soils. Key words:lake whitefish;walleye;northern pike;mercury,impoundment, river diversion;mercury methylation • ...,. .... ..... .... 1. Table LIST OF FIGURES Area of Churchill River diversion in northern Manitoba including lakes and sample sites referred to in text • LIST OF TABLES 1.Changes in water level and surface area of several lakes affected by the Churchill River diversion project., .... .... -. 2. 3. 4. Fish mercury levels (~g 9_1 )from lake whitefish,walleye and northern pike from Southern Indian Lake. '..Fish mercury levels (~g 9_1 )from lake whitefish,walleye and northern pi ke taken from Rat and Burntwood Ri ver bas i n 1akes f1 aoded by the Churchill River diversion. Mean and range of total mercury concentrations in various possible source materials at Southern Indian Lake and Notigi Reservoir • .... - 1 - INTRODUCTION Fish mercury levels in excess of 0.5 IJ.g g_l have generally been accepted as evidence of industrial pollution,however fish with high mercury levels occur in many pristine lakes unaffected by industrial sources of mercury (e.g.Koirtyohann et ale 1974;Wobeser et ale 1970;Johnels et al.1967). This natural variability in fish mercury concentrations from unpolluted environments makes it difficult to interpret high mercury levels in fish from infrequently sampled lakes.Although several studies have implicated reservoir formation as the cause of high fish mercury concentrations observed after flooding (Potter et al.1975;Abernathy and Cumbie 1977;Cox et al. 1979;Bruce and Spencer 1979)we do not know of any published studies which present both pre-and post-impoundment data on fish mercury concentrations to verify that increases have actually occurred.We present such information here and suggest possible mechanisms based on our knowledge of the environmental changes which accompanied impoundment. MATERIALS AND METHODS STUDY AREA The majority of the flow of the Churchill River in northern Manitoba (Fig.I),was diverted into the Nelson River basin for hydroelectric purposes by a series of lake and river manipulations over the period 1974-1978.The point of diversion was Southern Indian Lake,flooded 3 m above the mean lake level in 1976.Water was diverted out of Southern Indian Lake via a diversion channel,down the Rat River valley,through a control structure at Notigi_ Lake~into the Burntwood River and then to the lower Nelson River (Fig.1). The Notigi control structure flooded lakes in the Rat River valley,including Issett,Pemichigamau,Rat and Notigi lakes,from 8 -15 m,over the period ~ I ""'"I .... - - 2 - 1974-76.Lakes downstream of Notigi Lake on,or connected to the Burntwood River,such as Wapisu,Footprint and Wuskwatim,have experienced a rise 1n water 1eve 1s of 3-5 m due to increased Burntwood Ri ver flows.Table 1 gives the changes in water levels and surface areas of lakes affected by the diversion.Bodaly et al.(in press)give a more detailed description of the Churchill River diversion project. COLLECTION OF DATA Sampling of fish for muscle mercury determination was carried out in two different ways:survey sampling and commercial sampling (Bodaly and Hecky 1979).Survey samples were captured by graded mesh experimental gill nets, and,in the case of Southern Indian Lake,samples were ~eparated according to the region of the lake fished •.For individual fish,fork length was measured (to the nearest 5 nm)and mercury concentrati on was detenni ned from a porti on of muscle taken from the caudal peduncle area.In the case of commercial samples,fish were removed from time to time from commercial catches and were classified only as to lake of origin.A sample of at least five fish weighing no less than 6.8 kg was taken for each detennination.Fillets,one from each fish,were combined and homogenized prior to mercury determinations (in triplicate).Mercury concentrations were determined according to Hendzel and Jamieson (1976)who reported an analytical.precision of ±O.025 ~g g_1 at 0.5 ~g g-l ~sh muscle tissue.Survey samples from Southern Indian Lake and Issett Lake were collected by the authors.Other data is from McGregor (1980) ~~~ and ~sh;n9 ~~j S~rtiees,Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg,Manitoba (unpublished data). Water samples were taken from various locations on Southern Indian Lake, the Churchill River,Pemichigamau Lake and Notigi Lake in September 1978 and ". ""'"- 3 - detection limit of the total mercury analysis in water is 5 x 10-6 lJ9 g_1 and of the methyl mercury ana 1ys is is 0.2 x 10-6 ~g_1. Samples of unflooded bank materials were collected from various locations adjacent to the Churchill River diversion (Fig.1)in 1981.Subsamples were dried to constant weight·at 105°C,ground with a mortar and pestle.and passed through a 1.0 rrm mesh screen •.A weighed portion was digested with aqua regia, brought toa boil,simmered for one minute,cooled and made to 50 mL volume. The analysis for mercury was completed with the semi-automated procedure of Armstrong and Uthe (1971).Surface sediment samples were collected in the summer of 1980 with an Ekman dredge and treated similarly to the bank July 1981 (Fig.1).Samples for total mercury were collected from 1 m depth ~using a van Dorn sampler and returned to the laboratory in 300 ml glass reagent bottles.Sample preservation,extraction and analysis followed closely that of Kopp et ale (1972).Ten L surface water samples for methylmercury determination were collected in polyethylene carboys.The methylmercury was extracted from acidified water into benzene.Subsequent analysis followed the method of Uthe et al.(1972).The methodological.... [ material.Suspended sediment was collected by continuous flow centrifugation in August 1980 from known volumes of lake water and subjected to the same treatment except that screening was not necessary.A Sorvall RC2-B centrifuge was used at 14,500 RCF with a flow rate of approximately 50 mL min-1• RESULTS Increases in fish mercury levels coincident with flooding Both pre-and post-impoundment fish mercury data are available for Southern Indian Lake on the Churchill River at the point of diversion,for Issett Lake at the upper end of the Notigi reservoir,and for Wuskwatim Lake, - - - ..... - 4 - on the Burntwood River below Notigi reservoir.These data demonstrate that mercury levels in fish increased significantly soon after flooding in all three lakes. Muscle mercury levels in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), northern pike (Esox lucius)and walleye (Stizostedion vitreum)from Southern Indian lake have increased substantially from before the impoundment of the lake to after lake impoundment (Table 2).For example',mean mercury concentrations in lake whitefish survey samples from Region 4 were higher after impoundment,with means of 0.22, 0.10,0.14,0.08 and 0.11 ~g_l in 1978 to 1982 respectively,as compared to a pre-impoundment mean of 0.05 jJ.g 9_l in 1975 (Table 2).Similar increases have occurred in lake whitefish from The Channel,Camp 9,and Region 6 (Table 2).Although levels from 1975 were determined from samples stored,frozen for approximately three years before analysis,there has apparently been little effect due to storage because 1975 levels reported here are comparable to the lake whitefish mean mercury concentration of 0.05 ~g g_l determined prior to flooding (1969-1973)from 6 samples removed from commercial shipments (Table 2).Unfortunately,mercury levels in commercial shipments have not been monitored since 1973.Hendzel (personal communication)reports no detectable changes in mercury concentrations in fish tissue stored frozen for many months.Frozen storage, if accompanied by severe dehydration,might increase mercury concentrations on a wet weight basis,and therefore the mercury concentrations observed for the 1975 whitefish samples represent maximum estimates. Samples of the two predatory fish species landed by the Southern Indian Lake commercial fishery,walleye and northern pike,also show post-impoundment increases in muscle mercury levels as compared to pre-impoundment levels (Table 2).Mercury levels in walleye commercial samples were relatively - - - 5 - stable at 0.2-0.~~g g_l over the period 1971 to 1977 but were much higher (0.57-0.75 ~g g_l)in 1978-1982.Northern pike mercury levels were somewhat higher than walleye before lake impoundment,in the range 0.25-0.35 ~g g_l over the period 1971-1973.Levels in pike may have been elevated in 1976-1978 to 0.4-0.5 ~g g_l and means in 1979-1982 (0.67-0.95 ~g 9_1 )were much above pre-impoundment levels. Mean mercury levels in walleye from Wuskwatim Lake were relatively stable over the pre-impoundment period 1970-1977 at 0.25-0.44 ~g g_l but increased to 0.76,1.00,and 0.89 ~g g_1 in 1979,1980 and 1981 respectively (Table 3). Whitefish mercury concentrations also increased,rising from 0.08 i.l9 9_1 in 1970 to 0.33 ppm in 1981 (Table 3).Mercury concentrations in lake whitefish muscle frcm ·Issett Lake doubled from·a mean of 0.15 ~g_1 in 1975~prior to Churchi 11 Ri ver di versi on,to a mean of 0.32 ~g g_1 in 1978,after Churchi 11 River diversion (Table 3). It is well known that mercury concentrations in fish tend to increase with fish size (Scott and Armstrong 1972;Scott 1974;Huckabee et a1.1979), however,increases in mercury levels in fish in new impoundments noted here were not due to changes in the average size of fish sampled.Significant changes in the average size of survey samples have,in general,not occurred and where changes in fish size occurred,average mercury levels did not usually follow average fish sizes (Tables 2 and 3).In the case of commercial samples,mean fish size tends to be held rather constant by the use of one size of commercial gill net mesh.Furthermore,significant correlations between fish size and mercury concentrations were not the rule for pre-or post-impoundment survey samples from the Churchill River diversion area; significant correlations were observed in a majority of survey samples only for pike (14 of 22 samples)whereas significant correlations were observed in -. .... .... ,""" .... - 6 - a minority of samples of whitefish (7 of 20 samples)and walleye (9 of 24 samples). Regional differences in post-impoundment mercury levels Only post-impoundment data were available for other flooded lakes located on the route of the diverted Churehill River.All of these lakes contained fish with mercury levels much higher than expected background concentrations (Table 3).In general,mercury levels in predatory fish after impoundment were highest in lakes now covered by the Notigi reservoir,were moderately high in lakes flooded by diversion flow downstream of Notigi control structure,and were lowest in Southern Indian Lake (Tables 2 and 3).Mercury levels in predatory fish from Notigi reservoir lakes ranged from ~.6-2.9 ~g g_1,while the comparable range for lakes below Notigi was ·0.6-1.5 (.Lg g_1 and for Southern Indian Lake was -0.4-1.0 ~g g_1.Mercury levels in whitefish tended to be higher in lakes below Notigi reservoir and lowest in Southern Indian Lake • Time course of elevated fish mercury levels Mercury levels in predatory fish became elevated within 2-3 years of lake impoundment and there was no indication of general declines fram peak levels within 5-leyears of impoundment.Predatory species from Southern Indian lake showed elevated mercury levels by 1978,two years after flooding.There were 2notrendstowardsdeclininglevelsovertheperiod1978-198t (Table 2). Mercury concentrations in walleye were relatively stable both in survey and commercial samples over this period.Survey samples of pike taken from specific regions of the lake show generally increasing mercury levels over 2-1978-8&,and mercury levels in commercial shipments were highest in 1981 .-- 7 - (Table 2).In lakes now covered by the Notigi reservoir,impounded over the period 1974-1976,high fish mercury levels were evident by 1977-1978 when the lakes were first sampled (Table 3).Mercury levels in predatory fish showed .-~"fA.u.tc1EnJCA..-Hu..~d/q"rt-/qez)W· l-sam pling was irreguiar (Table 3).In lakes downstream of the Notigi control structure,flooded by diversion flow in 1976-1978,elevated fish mercury levels were evident by 1977-1979 (Table 3).As with Notigi reservoir lakes, sampling was irregular and post-impoundment trends are not obvious. Mercury levels in whitefish from Southern Indian Lake also responded .....quickly to flooding and were elevated by 1978,two years after lake impoundment,when first sampled (Table 2).However,in contrast to mercury levels in predatory fish from all impounded lakes in the area,whitefish mercury levels from Southern Indian Lake.decreased consistently over the period 1978-1982,although pre-impoundment levels had not been reached by 1982. - - Water,Soil,and Sediment Mercury Concentrations .Tota 1 mercury concent rati ons in water collected from 17 1ocat ions (Fi g. 1)in 1978 and 1981 were <5 x 10-6 ~g g-1,the limit of detection with the methods and sample volumes used.Similarly,13 of the 14 analyses for methylmercury in water were below the limit of detection,0.2 x 10-6 ~g g_1, while a concentration of 0.4 x 10_6 ~g g_1 was observed in the forebay of the Notigi Reservoir. Terrestrial soils are a possible source of mercury in new impoundments. Soils underly approximately three-quarters of the surface area of Notigi Reservoir (Table 1)and eroding banks are a continuing source of terrestrial .~oo material to the Southern Indian lake reservoir (Hecky et al.,this VOlum]:. Bank materials generally consist of three recognizable horizons:an upper - 8 - .- 1ayer of moss,1itter and humus,a second 1ayer of hi gh 1y organi c surface -.soils (soil horizon A)and the inorganic subsoil (soil horizon C).The greatest mass of material brought into suspension due to shore erosion is of fine grained silts and clays which originate from extensive glacio-lacustrine deposits surrounding the lake (Newbury and McCullough this volume,p.DO)• .-Mercury concentrations in the upper,organic rich soil horizons are clearly higher than in the inorganic C horizon (Table 4).Lake sediment mercury concentrations are similar to the eroding,inorganic bank materials but lower than the organic horizo~(Table 4}.Suspended sediments collected from lake water are substantially higher in mercury concentration than surface sediments i"""' I - collected from the lake bottom (Table 4). DISCUSSION The present data show that increases in fish mercury concentrations have occurred coincidentally with increases in water level and that high mercury levels have been observed after inundation in all lakes flooded by the Churchill River diversion.Pre-flooding data.available for Southern Indian Lake,Issett Lake and Wuskwatim Lake show increased fi sh mercury concentrations soon after increases in water levels.Lakes on the diversion route between Issett and WusKwatim,for which there were no pre-diversion data (Rat,Notigi,Wapisu and Footprint lakes)show high fish mercury concentrat~ons in years immediately following diversion and flooding,and these concentrations presumably represent increases over pre-flooding concentrations.Increases in fish mercury concentrations appear to be restricted to lakes flooded for the Churchill River diversion and there is no suggestion that similar increases have occurred in undisturbed lakes over the same time period throughout northern Manitoba.In fact,there are over 30 ..... ..- ..... ""'" -9 - lakes in northern Manitoba (north of the 55th parallel)for which fish mercury levels have been detennined from corrmercial shi rxnents during t~hiCh . show no trends of increasing fish mercury levels (data from ~~hing i~~ DUv.~ lRd\,l~tl"j'Ser l /iee3',)Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Winnipeg,Manitoba). This indicates that the recent increases in fish mercury levels in Southern Indian Lake and lakes on the Rat and Burntwood Rivers are probably not directly due to atmospheric fallout.Mercury analyses on a 20 cm sediment core from Southern Indian Lake show a slow,constant increase in Hg concentration from the base of the co~e to the top,resulting in a 2X top to bottom differenti al in mercury concentrati on (G.J.Brunski 11,unpubl.data). but there is no evidence of drama~ic increase in ~tion prior to flooding.An approximate doubling in mercury flux to the sediments since 1900 has been identified at a number of "pristine"locations and has been attributed to an increase in atmospheric fallout of mercury because of industrialization (Kemp et ale 1978;Weiss et al.1975).The observed increase in the Southern Indian Lake core is consistent with this apparent global trend.Modern deposition rates of mercury in Southern Indian lake (G.J.Brunskill,pers.comm.)are below the pre-modern deposition rates for the upper Great Lakes (Kemp et al.1978)and are similar to the deposition rates on the Greenland glacier (Weiss et al.1975).Suspended sediments - collected in Southern Indian lake after "impoundment (Table 4)are enriched in mercury relative to older deposited sediments;this may reflect a recent change in mercury availability in the lake. There are no known point sources of mercury and no agricultural activity in the Churchill diversion area which could supply a sudden surge in mercury deposition beginning in 1976.Although it is not possible to rule out the possibility that all the geographic areas listed above might have unusual - -10 - geological formations which provide a rich local source of mercury,it seems unlikely that mercury-rich mineral formations are the ultimate cause of the elevated fish mercury concentrations in all these reservoirs.Source materials at Southern Indian Lake tend to be low or average in their mercury content when compared to similar materials analyzed elsewhere (Andren and Nriagu 1979;Andersson 1979).The modern mercury deposition rate in Southern Indian lake prior to flooding in 1976 is among the lowest reported in the literature (G.J.Brunskill,pers.comm.).We conclude that there is no reason to be1ie~e that the Southern Indian Lake-Notigi region has unusually high mercury concentrations in source material.Instead it seems that reservoir formation and associated inundation of land in itself has led to higher fish i I •mercury concentrat10n. The hypothesis that reservoir formation can lead to elevated fish mercury'levels was initially made by Potter et a1.(1975)and Abernathy and Cumbie (1977).A similar hypothesis has more recently been made by others (Bruce and Spencer 1979;Waite et a1.1980;Meister et a1.1979;Cox et a1. 1979).These hypotheses have emphasized that reservoirs provide new sources of mercury in inundated soils (Abernathy and Cumbie 1977;Meister et a1.1979) or increased availability of naturally transported mercury because of increased retention of inflowing material (Potter et al.1975).Problems associated with elevated fish mercury levels in newly impounded reservoirs are quite widespread in North America.They have been reported in Labrador, Saskatchewan,Manitoba,Arizona,Illinois,South Carolina.{references above}, Utah (Smith et a1.1974).Idaho (Benson et al.1976;Kent and Johnson 1979>- Mississippi (Knight and Herring 1972).and elsewhere.It now seems clear that this is a widespread phenomenon which has come to the attention of fisheries workers in the last decade due to the recent introduction of routine testing of fish for mercury levels. '. .... ..... ..... ..... -11 - Mercury in fish muscle exists predominantly in the organic or methylmercury fonn (Westoo 1966).The methylation of inorganic mercury is known to be primarily bacterially mediated in nature (Beijer and Jernelov 1979;Bisogni 1979).Increased bacterial production due to degradation of flooded terrestrial vegetation,peat and humus probably serves to promote mercury methylation;Furutani and Rudd (1980)showed that an increase in microbial substrate resulted in increased rates of mercury methylation • We hypothesize that,in lakes flooded by the Churchill River diversion, elevated fish mercury levels were due to the bacterial methYlatioJof naturally occurring mercury found in flooded soils.The apparent relationship over the Churchill River diversion system between the increase in lake surface \" area and mercury levels in predatory fish,where fish mercury levels were highest in the extensively flooded Notigi reservoir,supports this hypothesis.The primary source of mercury was probably the upper,organic soil horizon because mercury levels in this soil layer were much higher than in inorganic subsoil layers.Inorganic subsoil is apparently not acting as a· major source of mercury because the addition of large amounts of inorganic subsoil to the water column through shore erosion in Southern Indian Lake (Newbury et al.1978)did not result in fish mercury levels approaching those found in the Notigi reservoir where shoreline erosion was negligible but increase in area flooded was greater. Water mercu~y levels throughout the Churchi 11 River di versi on system were very low.This has been reported for other new reservoirs where fish mercury levels were elevated (Cox et al.1979;Potter et al.1975;Abernathy and Cumbie 1977)and was expected because the geochemistry of inorganic mercury strongly favors association with particulate phases (Cranston and Buckley 1972;Hannan and Thompson 1977),and the biogeochemistry of methylmercury ..... - - .... .... -12 - strongly favors association with biota owing to its aqueous and lipid solubility and affinity for sulfhydryl groups {Carty and Malone 1979}.In Southern Indian Lake,water concentrations were <5 x 10_6 ~g_l (or 5 pg g-l) while mercury concentrations on suspended sediments were 0.20 ~g g_l.a concentration factor of at least 2 x 10 5 ,.and mercury concentrations in pike were approximately 0.60 ~g g_l,a minimum concentration factor of 6 x 10 5 • These concentration factors are simil ar to those reported in the 1 iterature (Potter et al.1975). Average muscle mercury levels in predatory species (walleye and pike) exceed the Canadian marketing standard of 0.5 I1g g_l (and usually the U.S. standard of 1.0 119 g_l)in every lake on the Churchill,Rat and Burntwood rivers flooded by the Churchill River diversion project.The widespread nature of the high fish mercury level -new reservoir association makes it imperative that elevated fish mercury levels be considered in all impact assessments of proposed reservoirs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many persons assisted in field collections and we would especially like to thank Helen A.Ayles (Metcalfe)for collection of the 1975 whitefish samples and Neil E.Strange for collection of the 1981 soil samples.The Southern Operations Directorate.Fisheries and Oceans,Winnipeg provided unpub 1i shed data and performed the fi sh mercury ana·l yses.A.·Lutz performed the soil mercury analyses. REFERENCES Abernathy,A.R.,and P.M.Cumbie.1977.Mercury accumulation by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)in recently impounded reservoirs.Bull •. Environ.Cantam.Taxicol.17(5):595-602. ..... - - ~ ! I""'", l -13 - Andersson.A.1979.Mercury in soils.pp.79--112.l.!l J.D.Nriagu (ed.)The biogeochemistry of mercury in the environment.Elsevier/North Holland. Amsterdam. Andren.A.W.and J.O.Nriagu.1979.The global cycle of mercury.pp.1-21- In J.O.Nriagu (ed.)The biogeochemistry of mercury in the environment. Elsevier/North.Holland,Amsterdam. Armstrong,F.A.J.,and J.F.Uthe.1971.Semi-automated determination of mercury in animal tissue.At.Absorpt.Newsl.10:101-103. Beijer,K.and A.Jernelov.1979.Methylation of mercury in aquatic environments,pp.203-210..ill J.O.Nriagu (ed.)The biogeochemistry of mercury in the environment.El sevier/North Holland,~lsterdam. 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Weiss,H.,K.Bertine,M.Koide,and E.D.Goldberg.1975.The chemical composition of a Greenland glacier.Geochimic et Cosmochirn Acta 39: 1-10. ..... .... -17 - Westoo,G.1966.Determination of methylmercury compounds in foodstuffs. I.Methylmercury compounds in fish,identification and determination. Acta.Chern.SCand.20:2131. Wobeser,G.,N.D.Nielsen,R.H.Dunlop and F.M.Atton.1970.Mercury concentrations in tissue of fish from the Saskatchewan River.J.Fish • Res.Board Can.27:830-835 • .' Table 1.Changes in water level and surface area of several lakes affected by the Churchill'River diversion project. Areas and levels are estimated under long term mean levels prior to diversion and under projected mean levels after full Churchill River diversion.Sources:McCullough (1981);Brown (1974);Vitkin (1979);D.Windsor, Manitoba Hydro,pers.comma ================"",======-,----= 250.6 258.2 248.1 258 247.8 258 251.1 258 249.0 258 247.8 257.9 242.0 257.2 239.9 243.2 ' 239.0 242.6 231.0 233.0 Lake Southern Indian Notigi Reservoir] Issett Karsakuwigamak Pemichigamau Central Mynarski West Mynarski Rat Notigi Wapisu Threepoint & Footpri nt Wuskwatim . Pre-impoundment level (m) 255.0 Post-impoundment 1eve1 (m) 258.0 Pre-impoundment area (km 2 ) 1977 153 3.7 18.8 19.3 11.5 6.2 78.4 15.1 49 75 70 Post-impoundment a rea (km 2 ) 2391 584 67 103 79 -= Relative change % +21 +282 +37 +31 +13 1 Pre-impoundment water area for Notigi is the sum of the several lakes (listed under Notigi Reservoir)which existed before impoundment.~~ J I I m I L «J i -(t I I L ~Table 2.fish mercury levels (~g got)from lake whitef1sh.walle.ve and northern pike from Southern Ind1an Lake. Region of lake given for survey samples (see methods for d1fference between survey and conrnercial sample).See fig.1 for location of region of lake. Mean fork Mean mercury Range of length(cm) concentration mercury of survey Species Region Year (~g g-1)concentration *sampl es sample Whitefi sh The Channel 1975 1 0.06 0.03-0.12 50 33.2 1978 0.30 0.06-0.60 17 42.3 1919 0.25 0.04-0.55 26 33.9 1980 0.21 0.02-0.42 24 33.5 1981 0.20 0.04-0.34 25 34.2 1982 0.09 0.03-0.27 25 40.1 Camp 9 1975 2 0.05 0.03-0.08 25 33.5 1979 0.13 0.06-0.26 40 40.1 1980 0.13 0.04-0.59 28 37.9 1981 0.10 0.04-0.35 24 35.1 1982 0.09 0.03-0.27 25 40.1 Region 4 1915 0.05 0.02-0.10 25 31.6 1978 0.22 0.09-0.38 16 33.7 1979 0.10 0.06-0.30 68 37.0 1980 0.14 0.05-0.37 27 37.0 1981 0.08 0.03-0.32 67 35.8 1982 0.11 0.06-0.21 25 39.0 Region 6 1975 0.07 0.03-0.12 25 32.9 1979 0.31 0.05-0.55 30 38.6 1980 0.20 0.04-0.44 20 33.3 1981 0.14 0.03-0.38 26 32.6 1982 0.11 0.01-0.36 36 32.5 (Coomercial)1969 0.05 1 1970 0.05 0.02-0.08 2 1972 0.11 1 1973 0.02 0.02-0.02 2 Walleye The Channel 1979 0.47 0,25-2.19 30 33.3 1980 0.56 0.29-2.04 33 39.3 1981 0.55 0.35-1.22 32 38.7 1982 0.45 0.23-1.41 24 38.9 Camp 9 1979 0.59 0.32-1.80 11 40.6 1980 0.53 0.37-0.76 14 38.8 1981 0.45 0.35-0.51 5 35.2 1982 0.47 0.32-0.55 25 40.6 Region 6 1978 0.80 0.45-1.20 15 43.5 1979 0,47 0.06-1.14 21 35.5 1980 0.59 0.33-1.03 28 37.6 1981 0.64 0.32-1.94 26 38.2 1982 0.78 0.31-1.66 25 35.5 (COIIII1erci a 1)1971 0.19 0.15-0.22 6 1912 0.21 0.18-0.23 3 1973 0.28 0.20-0.35 3 1975 0.30 0.22-0.38 2 1976 0.24 0.20-0.32 4 1977 0.26 0.23-0.30 2 1978 0.57 0.33-1.12 7 1979 0.75 0.47-1.21 6 1980 0.54 0.35-0.92 8 1981 0.62 0.26-1.26 20 1982 0.62 0.51-0.61 5 Pike The Channel 1979 0.57 0.29-0.89 35 49.7 1980 0.57 0.05-1.11 38 53.2.....1981 0.64 0.42-1.00 25 52.0 1982 0.77 0.48-1.09 25 54.2 Camp 9 1979 0.58 0.36-1.10 35 55.4 1980 0.61 0.41-1.01 31 56.5 1981 0.66 0.43-0.95 24 54.4 1982 0.68 0.43-0.96 25 60.3 Region 4 1979 0.49 0.30-1.20 .54 52.8 1980 0.63 0.45-0.91 28 53.9 1981 0.72 0.19-1.13 25 55.2 1982 0.63 0.35-0.82 24 58.2 Re9ion 6 1978 0.77 0.28-1.72 15 66.6 1979 0.59 0.42-1.21 60 53.0 1980 0.78 0.42-2.55 34 53.7 1981 0.89 0.55-1.15 25 55.4 1982 0.96 0.38-1.54 28 55.2 (C~rcial)1971 0.26 0.24-0.29 4 1972 0.32 0.24-0.40 5 1973 0.30 0.26-0.33 3 1976 0.47 0.25-1.02 10 1977 0.43 0.42-0.45 2 1978 0.50 0.25-0.83 7 1979 0.88 0.53-1.51 9 1980 0.67 0.45-1.12 14 1981 0.95 0.53-2.04 28 1982 0.90 0.25-1.99 11 r~Th1s sample is a cllllC1ned sample fT'Olll Re9ions 2 and 6 (see F1g.1). 2 This sample ..as taken fT'Olll Region 2 (see F1g.1). "..------"---_._-- ..- Table 3.Fi sh mercury 1eve 1s (~g g-l)from 1ake wh;tef;sh.wa 11 eye and northern p;ke taken fram Rat and Burntwood River basin lakes flooded by the Churchill River diver<s;on.See Fig.1 for 1ocat;on of 1akes.Issett, Rat and Notigi laKes are part of Notigi reservoir;other lakes are downstream of Notigi Reservoir. Type of sample and ntallber Qf samples (see Methods);s also indicated. Mean fork Maan me rcury Range of Type of length (em) concen t rat i on mercury of survey lake Spec;es Year (Ilg g_l)concentra ti on sample samples sample--Issett 101M tefish 1975 0.15 0.02-0.30 survey 24 36.9 1978 0.32 0.17-0.40 survey 5 31.0 1982 0.21 0.12-0.36 survey 25 38.4 _an eye 1978 1.52 1.24-1.95 survey 5 38.9 1982 0.79 0.20-2.52 survey 19 34.7 Pike IS7a 0.61 0.37-0.74 survey 5 57.3 1982 0.90 0.36·1.75 survey 26 59.6 Rat IIhl tef;sh 1978 0.40 0.26-0.59 survey 5 43.9 1978 0.37 commerc;al 1-1980 0.32 0.15-0.61 survey 24 42.2 1980 0.34 cOlllT\l!rc;a1 1 lia 11 eye 1978 2.54 2.39-2.67 commercial 5 1978 2.56 2.17-3.51 survey 26 44.9 1979 2.32 1.68-3.29 survey 25 45.0 1980 1.15 0.41-3.37 survey 22 40.8 1980 1.15 conrnerci a1 1 Pike 1978 2.14 2.04-2.25 commercial 5 1978 2.05 1.47-2.49 survey 24 69.8 1980 2.32 commercial 1 't Notigi Wllitef;sll 1980 0.12 0.07-0.25 survey 6 42.1 1981 0.23 0.12-0.71 survey 38 30.9 Walleye 1978 1.41 0.19·2.91 survey 19 42.2 1978 1.32 0.26-2.32-commercial 3 1980 2.90 2.11-3.47 survey 4 45.2 'i""'"1980 2.59 comnercial 1 1981 1.88 0.95-2.55 survey 29 41.6 1982-1.23 C.98-1.63 survey 6 50.3 1982 1.11 ccmnercial 1 P;ke 1977 1.59 conmercial 1 ~1980 1.95 1.62-2.29 survey 5 78.8 1981 1.70 0.24-2.82 survey 50 58.1 1982 1.85 1.32-2.38 survey 10 73.8 1982 2.06 1.91-2.21 collllll!rc1a 1 2 Wap;su Walleye 1977 1.17 0.14-3.03 survey 91 41.1 1977 1.33 0.80-1.81 COlllllercia I 3 Pike 1977 1.08 0.32-2.25 survey 38 67.2 1977 1.53 1.48-1.61 cOl1lllerc;a1 3 Footprint Waneye 1978 0.82 0.29-2.61 survey 40 38.2 1980 0.92 0.31-1.72 survey 12 39.4 1981 1.10 0.71-1.76 survey 30 37.6 Pike 1978 0.60 0.28-0.90 survey 36 45.7 1980 .1.38 0.82-3.37 survey 8 52.6 1981 1.12 0.83-1.74 survey 14 52.0-Threepoint IoIl1i tefi sll 1980 0.56 0.34-0.91 survey 10 42.9 1981 0.23 0.11-0.41 survey 16 33.3 Walleye 1980 1.18 0.62-1.81 survey 10 40.3 1981 1.35 0.84-2.05 survey 42 38.1 Pike 1980 1.28 0.49-3.05 survey 10 68.8 F'"1981 1.33 0.44-2.27 survey 28 51.7 Wuskwat;m 101M tefisll 1970 0.08 cOllllll!rcial 1 1981 0.33 0.18-0.78 survey 28 39.8 Walleye 1970 0.34 cemnerci aI 1 1971 0.25 cOl1lT.ercial 1 1973 0.40 conmercial 1 1974 0.44 conmercial 1 1975 0.35 cOll'lllerci a1 1 1976 0.26 cOllllll!rcial 1 1977 0.38 conmercial 1 1979 0.76 0.25-2.18 survey 90 41.5 1980 1.00 0.78-1.41 survey 19 41.3 1981 0.89 0.62·1.36 survey 34 39.9 Pike 1979 0.91 0.21-5.31 survey 75 56.0 1980 1.03 0.79-1.21 survey 7 60.5 1981 0.80 Q.47-1.98 survey 25 51.4 Mystery Walleye 1979 1.13 0.53-1.75 survey 33 46.2 ~1ke 1979 0.79 0.23-1.64 survey 45 54.1 Table 4.Mean and range of total mercury concentrations in various possible source materials at Southern Indian Lake and Notigi Reservoir. Total mercur1 content (~g g-) ~Source Date sampled n Mean Range Moss/l itter/humus July-Aug 1981 83 0.095 <0.005-0 .290 Soil A horizon July-Aug 1981 47 0.090 <0.005-0.220 Sail C horizon July-Aug 1981 60 0.041 <0.005-0.180 Lake sediment July-Aug 1980 28 0.036 0.010-0.070 ~ Suspended sediment Aug 1980 4 0.255 0.120-0.360 Water Sept 1978 and 17 <5 x 10-6 July 1981 ....------~- -. ! - .. SOUTHERN INDIAN LAKE ~ ~ ~L \~ NOTIGIL. DIVERSION CHANNEL .Water Sample.;.Total Mercury +Water Sample-Total Mercury and Methyl Mercury •Bank Material III Sediment Core Sample ,., f ,-;' .~....j i