HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2047JUNE 1984 DOCUMENT No.2047 W.M{/"PEf"~j Of F I~i &~ $Sa-itt~Rd. __iA AnMfIB ml-.U., FISCAL YEAR 1986 BUDGET BOOK ~~JALASKA POWER AUTHORITY _~~,. J;~~~~[ID~@©@ .j,NA JOINT VENTURE SUSITNA' HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No.7114 /"'.': - .... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FISCAL YEAR 1986 BUDGET BOOK Prepared by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Document No.2047 Susitna File No. 'f~ {'1~5' ,S6 \:l-\1-'} r\O.~O Lf 7 - ..... c.o LO COc.oc.o M ooo LO LO "M M Final Report September 1984 ARLIS .... ~_""""'·Rli __l'i'.!II _ Alaska Resources Library &InfonnatlOn ServIces Anchorage,Alaska .- --i HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE FISCAL YEAR 1986 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The attached budget presents the estimated requirements for Harza-Ebasco to continue the licensing and permitting work necessary 1n FY86.The licensing and permitting budget is divided into two parts. The first part is a Base Budget which presents the minimum requirements to support the licensing activity,the issue settlement process,and the pennitting activity necessary to obtain long lead~time permits.The second part provides a Supplemental Budget allowance which would be necesssary should the discovery process or the hearing process be extended beyond the current schedule.Additionally,the Supplemental Budget would provide for environmental mitigation demonstration projects. The major effort which would be funded by the Base Budget is continuation of the envoronmental programs to provide analyses of data collected to date, preparation of testimony for environmental hearings and preparation of issue papers required in the settlement process.In addition,there will be some continuing data collection in the Aquatic Program,the Terrestrial Program, and the Social Science Program for use 1n both the settlement and hearings processes.The Need for Power studies will support the Power Authority's power sales agreement negotiations with the utilities and also the economic aspects of the hearings.The licensing support and permitting budget estimate will be utilized primarily in (1)the settlement of issues with state and local agencies,(2)to coordinate the licensing interfaces with FERC,and (3)to continue the permitting processes.Funding of the project management and project support office in Anchorage is included in the Base Budget. The Supplemental Budget would be utilized only when and if authorized by the Power Authority.Included in the Supplemental Budget are allowances for 210151 1 841009 '~~_'~I "·~_f '~'~""""_ extension of the discovery process beyond that which is currently scheduled and for an extension of the time required to offer testimony in the Environmental and Need for Power hearings.The time currently scheduled for testimony as shown in the FERC Susitna Project Status Report is judged to be on the low side for a project of the magnitude and complexity of Sustina. Therefore,there is a high probability that the Supplemental Budget for this effort will be required in FY86. The Supplemental Budget also includes an Environmental Program which would be used to demonstrate the feasibility of potential mitigation which would be implemented to replace salmon spawning habitat that would be lost when the dam is in operation.The transmission system cost and alignment may be subject to reanalysis as a result of FERC hearings and contacts with the utilities;the Supplemental Budget includes an allowance for such work. 210151 2 841009 --_._--------------~ .... TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE Task 1 consists of level of effort activi ties associated with'the highest level of project team managers.These managers direct the efforts required to complete the FERC licensing process for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project within the established budget and schedule consistent with established technical standards. Management efforts are divided into categories including overall project management,licensing management,administration and control management, envi ronmental program management,engineering operations management,and contract compliance.All of these project management activities will take place in the Anchorage office • Services 01-010-01 Overall Project Management To direct the accomplishment of the env1ronmental,regulatory,and eng1neer- ing tasks required to obtain the FERC license and the Federal,State,and local permits required for the Susitna Project,three senior level managers will be utilized,namely the Project Director,the Licensing Manager,and the Administration and Control Manager. The Project Director 1S responsible for all serV1ces performed and will provide the principal contact between the Power Authority and the Cont"- ractor. The Project Director will: o 12302/1 840907 Direct all activities of the Joint Venture.This will be done primarily thru his 2 principal subordinates,the Licensing Manager and the Administration and Control Manager 1 o Maintain close liaison with the 'Power Authority o Review and sign all communications with the Power Authority "'"' o Initiate Internal Review Board participation ~n project work as required to support the FERC license application The Licensing manager will also be the principal point of contact the Power Authority's legal counsel and the Contractor. -- """ o Generally guide and direct the development of detailed procedures to be used in the execution of project work The Licensing Manager will be responsible for all of the Contractor's activ- ~ties related to obtaining the necessary licenses and permits for the initi- rtion of construction of the Susitna Project,including providing support ~or 'the FERC license application;obtaining Federal,State,and local ~ermits;and directing any engineering operations necessary for such activ- j ~ties. t 'etween he Licensing Manager will direct the activities of: o The Environmental Program Manager (Task 4) o The Engineering Operations Manager (Task 3) o The Need for Power Manager (Task 40) n addition,the Licensing Manager will perform the duties of the Licensing I ISupport and Permitting Manager for Task 6. he Project Administration and Control Manager will be responsible for all f the Contractor's activities related to contract administration,cost and schedule control,accounting,and office management. 112302/1 ~40907 I 2 The Project Administration and Control Manager will manage Tasks 2 and 39. Principal responsibilities include: o Non-technical administration of subcontracts o Administration and accounting in the Anchorage offices o Project team budget,cost,and schedule control functions o Preparation of project status reports o Site logistics o Maintenance of the document control systems o Project procurement o Administration of "the Anchorage office including management of all project support personnel In addition,the Project Administration and Control Manager will perform the duties of the Contract Manager under Task 2. 01-010-02 Environmental Program Management The Environmental Program Manager will implement the work plan described in Task 4 and 42 and direct all environmental programs needed for project licensing. The Environmental Program Manager will be the principal Contractor contact with Power Authority environmental staff on technical issues and will assist as needed with settlement of environmental issues. The Environmental Program Manager will also manage: 12302/1 840907 3 o Planning and executing all environmental programs necessary to supply data which supports the FERC licensing process o Resolving environmental 1ssues that may impede project licensing and permitting o Preparing periodic progress reports on the status of all enV1ron- mental program activities r I I o Preparing all technical environmental documents developed by the Contractor and its subcontractors 01-010-03 Project Engineering Management The Engineering Operations Manager Report will function on a part time basis to oversee Tasks 3,5,7,and 41.Efforts will also consist of.obtaining necessary engineering data,primarily from the home offices of specialty individuals,to respond to FERC requests. The Engineering Operations Manager Report will also function within the above named tasks to perform specific engineeering assignments required for FERC.The Engineering Operations Manager will be the principal contact with the Contractor's Internal Review Board. 01-010-06 Home Office Liaison and Support The home offices of the Joint Venture partners will supply short term tech- nical and managerial support.Most of these support efforts have been included 1n the individual tasks 1n which they will be required. Coordination of activities through liaison between the Anchorage office and the home offices,however,will be a management responsibility and 1S -12302/1 840907 4 included 1n this task.Also included in this task is an allowance for the ..... I i .- Project Director to utilize home office personnel to support special efforts. Directs 01-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses This budget item includes the'cost of airfare and expenses for lodging, meals,etc.while traveling on project business and per diem expenses for temporary assignments • 12302/1 840907 5 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Prelimina~y Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 01 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 818000 768000 01-010-01 (11-{110-02 01-010-03 01-'010-06 MANAGEMENT &CO-ORO.OF TOTAL PROJECT MNGMT &CO-ORD.OF ENVIRON &LICENSING MANAGEMENT &CO-ORO.OF ENGINEERING CONTRACT COt1PL I ANCE ~(OTHER HO SUPPORT 506000 150000 60000 52000 768000 TOTAL DIRECTS 01-'020-01 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES 50000 50000 50000 '-.- .... ..... ! TASK 2 PROJECT SUPPORT SERVICES FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE Project support serV1ces consist of activities that can be categorized into Administrative Services,Project Control,and Contract Administration.The Task 2 services budget is limited to personnel in these departments and support from home offices.In addition,direct costs which are general in nature and are used by all HE staff are included in Task 2.Support services from subcontractors are limited to drafting for Task 2 needs and an allowance is included as a support for special presentations.The primary duties are categorized into items including general administration and clerical support, "accounting,contract administration,purchasing,cost and schedule control,document control,and quality control. SERVICES 02-011-01 General Administration and Clerical Support The Administrative Manager is responsible for office administration, document control and communications,quality control,purchasing,and word processing.The General Administration group includes the Office Supervisor,Document Control Supervisor,Word Process ing Supervisor, Purchasing Agent,and clerical support staff. 02-011-02 Accounting The Accounting staff will maintain accounting records and make payments.Their responsibilities include audits of subcontractors'and Contractor's invoices to verify contract compliance and adherence to accounting practices as they may affect project invoicing to the Power Authority.The scope of services is to: 12302/2 840907 1 o Provide timely investment of project and Power Authority funds, o Process invoices from subcontractors,consultants,vendors and joint venture partners, o Maintain general ledger books of accounts, o Prepare Contractor's invoices, o Perform bank reconciliations, o Assist in reconciliation of billings to cost reports, 1 I " 'r o o Perform periodic audits of subcontract invoices, Establish and maintain capital asset inventory in accordance with Power Authority procedures,and o Provide project cost data as a part of the accounting statements. 02-011-03 Contract Administration The Contract Administration function will be located-. i I administer subcontracts.Duties include pre-award ~n Anchorage to and post-award controls.In both phases,staff members are assigned to handle contract administration services in support of the Technical Manager. During pre-award,the Contract Administrator prepares and issues bid packages,receives and commercially evaluates bids,and provides input 12302/2 840907 2 for the letter of recommendation.The Contract Manager performs the technical overview and is responsible for schedule and cost compliance. The Contract Administrator supports the Contract Manager post-award by responding to correspondence dealing with commercial matters,assessing of invoices and claims,as well as-implementing contract closeout procedures and audi ts.The final approval of invoices and signatory authority rests with the Administration and Control Manager and the Project Director respectively. of the Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture r I The scope of these services ~s to: o Prepare Contract terms and conditions in accordance with the needs of the particular contract,while adhering to the established HESJV procedures and the requirements of the Power Authority, o Place advertisements of upcoming subcontract proposals ~n newspapers, o Prepare,assemble,and ~ssue bid packages, o Receive and commercially evaluate subcontract proposals, o Prepare recommendation letters, o Upon receiving comments from the Power Authori ty;conduct negotiations in the best interests of the Power Authority, o Prepare and issue change orders, r I I f""" II I o 12302/2 840907 Prepare and issue contracts, 3 o Administer on-going contracts, o Assess claims,and o Support ADF&G 1n leases and other serV1ces. 02-011-04 Purchasing The Purchasing Department procures supplies,materials,and equipment for Anchorage office operations and,when required,the camp. The scope of services 1S to: o Establish and maintain purchase requisition and order logs, o Solicit bids,receive bids,and evaluate proposals, o Expedite items to meet delivery requirements,and o Prepare and maintain material received reports. 02-011-05 Document Control The Document Control Department pr.ovides the project with a computer- ized information management system.This Department also maintains the following: o The tracking of FERC requests for supplemental information for which responces are being prepared, o The tracking of past responces to FERC requests for supplemental information and agency comments to provide a basis for preparing timely responses to questions raised by intervenors, r I 12302/2 840907 4 o The logging/tracking of project rela ted documents and r o document distribution schedules, The tracking of actions required by Harza-Ebasco ~n response to external requests or needs, o The tracking of actions required from external sources to provide timely information to Harza-Ebasco operations, F" i o The tracking of commitments made by Harza-Ebasco ~n the responses to agency comments,and .- .... o The logging/tracking of all correspondence related to the project. 02-012-01 Project Control Management The Project Control Manager (PCM)directs the Cost/Schedule Engineers and rev~ews all work projects before publication.In addition,the PCM tracks all Project Change Requests,Changed Work Authorizations and the status of Management Reserve funds.Special projects and presentation materials are prepared by the PCM with assistance of the Cost/Schedule staff. 02-012-02 Cost/Schedule Control The Cost/Schedule Engineer's responsibilities are:to monitor actual cost and the consistency of the remaining project activities with the schedule of the remaining work,develop work schedules in conjunction with the task leaders,monitor progress against the budget and sc·he- dule,and analyze both cost and schedule variances . 12302/2 840907 5 ..... I I J Directs 02-020-01 Temporary Services This item covers expenses of temporary help for clerical serv~ces (secretaries,word processors,clerks,etc.).In addition,this item covers hiring of short term staff to handle peak loads,especially in word processing,or for intermediate absences of permanent staff (illness,vacation,etc.). 02-020-02 Phone/Communications This item includes operating costs of the Anchorage office telephone system,the charges related to the Watana Camp telephones, charges which are project related from the Home Offices,and the costs of operating the telecopy and telex machines. 02-020-03 Office Rent This item covers the costs for leasing office space at 711 H Street and amortized leasehold improvements. 02-020-04 Furniture Rental/Purchase In order to meet immediate minimum requirments;desks,bookcases, tables,chairs,etc.are rented over short periods from local suppliers.Upon verification of availability of surplus inventory from the Power Authority,decisions to purchase additional furniture (and reduce rental furniture)are made. 02-020-05 Consumable Supplies This item covers all office supplies,including paper and supplies,word processing supplies, computer supplies,and general office supplies. reproduction center drafting supplies, 12302/2 840907 6 i I 02-020-06 Postage,Air Express,Freight This item includes all postage,overnight express packages,parcel post,and other shipment costs for correspondence,documents,and other materials. 02-020-07 Reproduction This item includes photocopying and printing for Task 2 at commercial print shops. 02-020-08 Vehicle Expense This item includes the cost of leasing vehicles for Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture,plus gas,oil,servicing,and repairs. 02-020-09 Insurance This item includes general liability insurance,errors and om1SS10ns insurance,vehicle insurance,and personal property insurance on behalf of Harza-Ebasco in accordance with contract terms with the Power Authority. 02-020-14 Reproduction Equipment Rental &Maintenance This item includes one Xeros Model 9500,one Xerox Model 1075,one Xerox Model 3450,and another cop1er to be selected.The 9500 copier is utilized for major copying efforts.One copier is used exclusively for Document Control,and the other cop1er is used by the Environmental Group.These copiers are on rental agreements,which include ..... maintenance • 12302/2 840907 7 02-020-16 Office Equipment Procurement This item covers office equipment,including telecopier,typewri ters, desk calculators,etc. 02-020-17 Personnel Relocation This item covers the relocation of permanent personnel (longer than one year assignment)to the project.Costs include shipment of household effects and one vehicle,costs associated with disposal/rental of previous residence,etc. 02-020-20 Travel &Living Expenses This item covers the air fare and per diems of temporary staff assigned to Anchorage,per diems of permanent staff travelling on business outside of Anchorage,and per diems for home visits. 02-020-22 Computer Includes the cost for miscellaneous upgrades and replacements for the existing microcomputers. 02-020-34 Special Presentations This item includes an allowance for the cost of materials for presenta- tions which are requested by the Power Authority.At this time,none are scheduled. 02-020-36 Warehouse Lease &Improvements This item covers the costs for the warehouse being leased to store the core samples form Watana and other Susitna related Power Authority 12302/2 840907 8 property.In addition,an estimate of $20,000 ~s included to erect - storage ~helving,fencing and partitions as required in the warehouse. 02-020-41 Harris Computer -Data Line This item covers the monthly charges for the data line from Anchorage to the Harris computer in Chicago. 02-020-42 Harris Computer -User Charges This item covers the monthly charges for use of the Harris computer - principally for Document Control and the tracking of commitments to FERC. 02-020-43 Document Equipment &Supplies This item covers the purchase of equipment and other supplies to support the Project's Document Control functions. 02-020-44 Microfilming Equipment &Supplies Includes only the cost of-supplies for the microfilming operations. Subcontractors 02-103-02 Drafting -Frank Moolin and Associates Drafting support services for budget and cost control presentations, forms,flow charts,etc. 12302/2 840907 9 02-103-03 Special Presentation Drafting -Frank Moo1in and Associates This item is an allowance for drafting services provided to the Power Authority for specific,special request items. 02-113-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to 2 percent of the subcontractor costs. - 12302/2 840907 10 ...... Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 02 TOTAI_SERVICES -09/17/84 3649600 2223000 02--011-01 02--011-02 02'-011-03 02--011-04 02'-011-05 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND CLERICAL SUPPORT ACCOUNTING CONTRACT ADMINIATRATION PURCHASING DOCUMENT CONTROL 560000 290000 310000 80000 230000 1470000 02--012-01 PROJ ECT CONTROL MANAGEMENT 02--012-02 COST SCHEDULE CONTROL TOT AI_DIRECTS 181000 572000 753000 1396000 .- I ! ~, ..... I 02--020-01 02'-020-02 02--020-03 02'-020-04 02--020-05 02'-020-06 02--020-07 02--020-08 02--020-09 02--020-14 02--020-16 02--020-17 02--020-20 02--020-22 02--020-34 02--020-36 02--020-41 02'-020-42 02--020-43 02--020-44 TEMPORARY SERVICES PHONE 1 COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE RENT FURNITURE RENT 1 PURCHASE SUPPLIES POSTAGE,AIREXPRESS,FREIGHT PHOTOCOPY 1 PRINTS VEHICLE EXPENSE INSURANCE REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT RENTAL at MAINTENANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT &MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL RELOCATION TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS MATERIALS WAREHOUSE LEASE AND IMPROVEMENTS HARRIS COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS HARRIS COMPUTER CHARGES DOCUMENT CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES MICRO FILMING EQUIPMENT &SUPPLIES 36000 1200(10 303000 10000 160000 74000 86000 96000 110000 96000 15000 48000, 25000 35000 20000 48000 48000 48000 6000 12000 1396000 -- ..... r- I [ TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 02--103-02 CIRIIFMAA -DRAFTING 02'-103-03 CIRIIFMAA -SPECIAL PRESENTATION DRAFTING 02-113-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 12000 18000 600 30600 30000 600 f"'" i I ..... -- TASK 3 FY86 ENGINEERING LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE BUDGET The work program for FY86 includes only activities necessary to support the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)licensing process.In some cases,activities are a continuation from FY85. Services 03-010-07 Support for Input to Testimony Provide engineering input to counsel,the pre-hearing process, discovery requests and the direct filed testimony prepared for the Dam Safety Hearings. 03-010-09 Support for Need for Power,Dam Safety and Environmental Hearings This activi ty provides the expected support requi rement for the FERC process activities relating to the hearings which will be continued in FYa6. In support of the Dam Safety Hearing Process,Devil Canyon Dam feasibility design review will be continued • 03-010-20 Support for FERC Technical Requests Engineering responses to technical questions and requests made by FERC will be provided to support the licensing process. 12302/3 840907 1 .... 03-010-21 Project Cost Estimates for Hearings Updates and reV1S1ons to the cost estimates will be made 1n support of the Licensing Administrative Hearing processes. Directs 03-020-02 Travel and Living Expenses Travel and living expenses to coordinate and oversee activities 1n the Chicago and Bellevue offices associated with the above work.The travel estimate consists of the following: Between Anchorage and Washington DC Anchorage and Chicago Chicago and Anchorage Chicago and Anchorage Anchorage and Bellevue Subcontractors Estimated Number 1 2 2 2 2 Estimated Duration Each 3 5 10 6- 20 r- i 03-143-03 Acres American -Administrative Hearing Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony. 03-133-03 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to 2 percent of subcontract costs. 12302/3 840907 2 .- Alaska Power Authority Harza-EbascQ Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 03 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 245200 180000 03-010-07 03-010-09 03-010-20 03-010-21 SUPPORT FOR INPUT TO TESTIMONY NEED FOR PWR!DAM SAFETY &ENVIRO HEARING SUPPORT FOR FERC TECHNICAL REQUESTS PROJECT COST ESTIMATES FOR HEARINGS 20000 45000 40000 75000 180000 TOTAL DIRECTS 03-020-02 TRAVEL &LIVING EXPENSES TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 03-133-03 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 03-143-02 ACRES-PREP DRCT TESTIMONY!SAFETY HEARING 03--143-03 ACRES-ADMINISTRATIVE HEAF:INGS 30000 200 25000 10000 30000 30000 35200 200 35000 .... ..... TASK 4 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE 04-011-04 SSP-General Administration and Contract Management This effort will consist of general administrative activities such as weekly staff meetings,progress report preparation,budget revisions and refore- casting,and the nontechnical aspects of contract management as well as contract preparation,preparation of amendments and CWA's,rev1ew1ng invoices and progress reports,and tracking expenditures relative to budgets.This activity will be conducted by Harza-Ebasco. 04-011-09 SSP-Settlement Process Input The Social Science Program will provide ongoing input into the set tlement process by reviewing agency concerns,consolidating them into conC1se 1ssues,and participation in internal and agency meetings and preparation of issue papers aimed at resolving issues.This cost account covers only those settlement process efforts requiring less than a person-week each month for preparation.Thi s activi ty will be conducted by Harza-Ebasco with support from Frank Orth &Associates and EDAW,Inc.as required. 04-110-10 SSP-General Licensing Support Numerous miscellaneous activities will be required to fully meet the requirements of the Power Authority and FERC for completing the licensing process smoothly.These activities will be supportive of the other main activities of the Social Science Program • .... 12302/4 840907 1 .... .... .... .... 04-011-11 SSP-Workshops An important aspect of the settlement process ~s the dissemination of information to familiarize agency personnel with Social Science Program study methodo logies,analyses,and resu1 ts for FY 1986 work.Harza-Eba sco will be responsible for organizing and conducting the workshop.Frank Orth &Associates and EDWA,Inc.will provide input as required. 04-011-13 SSP-Hearing Preparation Steps in the hearings process that will require participation by members of the Social Science Program include the discovery process,filing of direct testimony,filing of rebuttal testimony,possible filing of surrebuttal testimony and cross examination of witnesses.A major element of the environmental hearings process will focus on the impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on cultural resources,socioeconomic and recreational resources and the potential effectiveness of planned mitigation measures. The primary activities which will occur during FY86 include the selection of persons who will testify on behalf of the Power Authority,consultation with Power Authority Licensing Counsel,responses to discovery requests from FERC and intervenors,preparation of written direct testimony,preparation of rebuttal testimony and presentation of testimony under cross-examination. Specific deliverables to result from the activities of this task include: (1)designation of expert witnesses to testify on terrestrial resources on behalf of the Power Authority;(2)position papers by expert witnesses defining areas to be discussed and input required from other participants; (3)responses to discovery requests;(4)outlines of direct testimony from each expert witness;and (5)drafts of direct and rebuttal testimony. Representatives from Frank Orth and Associates and EDAW,Inc.will participate in this task at the request of Harza-Ebasco • 12302/4 840907 2 ...... - 04-011-14 SSP-Program Coordination This cost account covers coordinating the activities of Social Science Program subcontractors and Harza-Ebasco Social Science Program subtask leaders.It also includes the efforts required to ensure cross-discipline coordination with the Aquatic and Terrestrial programs and with Harza-Ebasco hydrologic,engineering,and logi stica1 personnel.Harza-Eba sco wi 11 be responsible for organizing and conducting all coordination meetings.Frank Orth &Associates and EDAW,Inc.will participate as necessary. 04-011-19 SSP-Detailed Plan of Study Development and Updating This effort includes the finalization and updating of the Social Science Program Detailed Plan of Study for FY 1986 and the development of the Detailed Plan of Study for FY 1987.Each document will provide the rationale and objectives for each work activity as well as a description of the study area,methodology,da ta management,and deli verab1 es.Harza- Ebasco will be responsible for preparing and updating the Social Science Program Detailed Plans of Study.Frank Orth &Associates and EDAW,Inc. will provide input as required. 04-011-22 CR-Report Review In this task,Harza-Ebasco will provide technical rev1e~of all reports prepared by cultural resource contractors.Harza-Ebasco will provide all review comments in writing to the Power Authority. 04-011-24 CR-Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning Harza-Ebasco will evaluate how and to what degree all identified cultural resource sites and/or districts within the Project area (which have been determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places)will be affected by the Project.In the absense of formal determinations of National Register eligibility,assessments of impacts will be made for all .... 12302/4 840907 3 .- sites which are considered significant under the criteria established through significance studies.For all National Register eligible (or significant)sites or districts which will be impacted by the Project, recommendations will be made for means of avoiding or miniminizing those impacts identified as adverse.A plan for mitigating the effects to cultural resources will be developed in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer and the National Park Service. 04-011-40 SE-Refinement of Impacts on Communities This task 1S a continuation of the studies conducted in FY85.The first ".... I step in this task was to review the methods used to collect information on the local impact communities.Based on this review,a detailed plan of study was developed for each of the principal components:the household survey,the business survey,the public sector survey,and the refinement of social effects.Household and business surveys have been conducted by personal interviews with a representative sample of households and business owners/managers in each community.The public sector survey was conducted by personal or telephone interviews wi th publ ic officials.These surveys will be continued in FY86 and the information obtained will be used to refine the description of the existing environment and the analysis of social effects.Methods used in FY85 will be reviewed and revised as necessary to assure consistency in the data colletion and to focus on why that information 1S useful.The information will lead to resolution of a number of 1ssues regarding community boundaries,vacant housing,and the defini tion and identi fication of local businesses.Special at tent ion will be given in the analysis of FY86 data to comparison with FY84 and FY85 results.For each community in the study,one report presenting the survey results will be prepared.Included 1n each report will be a section comparing the characteristics of the community in FY86 to FY85 results and to assumptions used 1n the ISER and the Susitna socioeconomic models. Harza-Ebasco will have overall responsibility for this task.Frank Orth and Associates will assist in the development of the plan of study and the 12302/4 840907 4 .- .... revision of the questionnaires,the analysis of the data,and the preparation of the draft and final reports. 04-011-44 SE-Mitigation Plan Update During FY8S,activities were undertaken to improve the ability to delineate specific mitigation measures and to assess their likely effectiveness.The FY8S activities resulted 1n the development of a detailed work plan describing the flow of the data collection,analysis to be conducted and further formulating the mitigation plan.In'FY86 the mitigation alternatives will'be further refined through the acquisition of more specific information about the mechanisms,programs,and agencies available for providing the recommended mitigative actions.Specific attention will be paid to the trade-offs that are involved in project design and mitigation alternatives.Once a reasonably satisfactory plan for the socioeconomic component has been developed,the team will be 1n the position to participate 1n trade-off evaluations with representatives of the other components.The analysis wi 11 resul t 1n the preparation of a draft and final Mitigation Plan Update Report.Harza-Ebasco will have primary responsibility for this task and will take the lead for organ1z1ng the work and for preparing the reports.Frank Orth and Associates will participate in the analysis of the consequences of various mitigation measures; 04-011-61 RE-Recreation Plan Refinement Refinement of the Recreation Plan will involve coordinating the results of the Recreation Subtask with the results of the Socioeconomic,Aesthetic,and Land Use subtasks and the Terrestrial and Aquatic programs.Meetings will be held with agency representatives to discuss the results of impact refinement studies and how they may affect the Recreation plan.Discussions with Native groups will also be held to determine the actual demand and/or need for linkages to Native landholdings and overall compat-ibility with regional recreation opportunities and goals.Harza-Ebasco will be responsible for directing and managing the work to be completed in this 12302/4 840907 S - ..... task.EDAW,Inc.will conduct the necessary work to refine the Recreation Plan and will prepare the draft and final refinement reports. 04-011-73 AE-Aesthetics Mitigation Plan Refinement A plan to mitigate the project's impact on aesthetics will be developed ~n draft form. 04-011-98 SE-Report Review In this task,Harza-Ebasco will provide technical rev~ew of all reports and final computer output prepared by all socioeconomic subcontractors. ,""'" 12302/4 840907 6 -~ - TERRESTRIAL TASK DESCRIPTIONS 04-013-02 General Plan of Study/Workscope Preparation The general plan of study for FY87 will describe the specific study objectives and work tasks,detailed study methodology,quality assurance procedures,schedules and deliverables for each study element.Workscopes for continuing and additional studies by subcontractors will be developed. The workscopes will reflect specific issues pertaining to the analyses of effects of the Susitna Project.This 1S a H-E task with input from subcontractors,primarily LGL. 04-013-08 Response to FERC Supplemental Information Requests This effort involves the preparation of responses to FERC requests for supplemental information.Responses to previous requests as well as a limited amount of new requests is included.This is a H-E activity. 04-013-09 Terrestrial Workshops An important aspect of the settlement process 1S the dissemination of information to familiarize agency personnel with project study methodologies,analyses,and results.This process will also facilitate feedback from the agencies which will assist the resolution of impact issues and mitigation plans.The primary means of providing for this information transfer will be through a series of workshops during 1985 and early 1986. Appropriate members of the Terrestrial Study Team will coordinate and participate in these workshops and coordination meetings depending on the particular topics to be covered.Deliverab1es will consist of prepared workshop materials and presentations and workshop summaries. -12302/4 840907 7 - 04-013-10 Mitigation Plan Refinement This task represents the refinement of botanical and wildlife resource mitigation plans through the specific identification of objectives, implementation procedures including schedules and probable costs,and- supporting technical rationale.Information on wildlife and wildlife habitat necessary for decisions concerning the selection of alternative instream flow regimes will be provided.In addi tion,mitigation planning for wildlife must be consistent with measures proposed in the fisheries, socioeconomics,and recreational areas and the construction and operating plans for the project.The FY86 Mitigation Plan Refinement Report will address such refinements as necessary. 04-013-11 Impact/Mitigation Planning Tracking System A "bookkeeping"system 1S being maintained and applied to the terrestrial biology program,so that the current status of impact assessment,mitigation planning,and resolution of each impact 1ssue can be tracked and easily determined as the program progresses.This process was initiated during FY84 with the preparation of an Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning Summary for Wildlife and Botanical Resources.This document is a matrix which summarizes impact assessment and mitigation planning as it evolved through the spring of 1984.The matrix is organized so that the development of impact assessment and mitigation planning can be followed horizontally across each page. Revisions will be made to the Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning Summary to document refinements accomplished during the FY86 program. Refinements contained in various FY86 proj ect reports,including the impact assessment and mitigation planning refinement reports,will be shown in the successive revisions.In particular,it 1S expected that the "Proposed Mitigation Measures"column will show refinement during FY86. 12302/4 840907 8 .- - -- ..... ..... 04-013-15 Settlement Process During FY86,the settlement process will continue with the achievement of negotiated resolutions to specific issues raised by regulatory and resource agenc1es.H-E staff will provide technical support for the set tlement process through preparation of technical documents for use by the Power Authority negotiations team and through preparation of appropriate documents detailing the agreements rea~hed in the negotiation process. 04-013-19 General License Support Numerous miscellaneous activities will be required to fully meet the requirements of the Power Authority and FERC for completing the License Process smoothly.These activities will be supportive of the other main activities of the environmental program. 04-013-20 ADF&G Big Game Studies The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)may be conducting limited big game field studies including moose browse inventory studies and severe winter studies (should a severe winter occur),as well as conducting various office analyses.H-E will provide techncial review,coordination with other activities and logistical and other support • 04-013-30 Moose Browse Inventory The objective of this task is to provide accurate and preC1se estimates of standing crop biomass of winter forage for moose in the middle Susitna Basin.Sampling efforts will be prioritized based on available vegetation maps,vegetation types known to contain important winter browse speC1es, aerial extent of important vegetation types t cost-benefit ratio of sampling intensity to statistical accuracYt and logistic feasibility.A biometrician will work closely with the project leader and work crews to assure the statistical validity of the sampling effort. 12302/4 840907 9 Sampling efforts will be undertaken during July and August of the summers of 1984 (FY85)and 1985 (FY86).Preliminary vegetation maps of selected areas in the middle Basin will be used to stratify the samples during 1984.At randomly located sites within vegetation types stratified by elevation, slope and/or aspect,approximately twenty I-m2 quadrats will be clipped. Current annual woody growth of browse species important in winter moose diets will be clipped and bagged by speC1es.Samples will be oven-dried and weighed to determine the weight of browse avai lable per uni t area by vegetation type. Data collection,analysis,and report writing will be conducted by ADF&G with participation and substantial input from LGL.H-E will provide technical review,coordination with other activi ties,and logistical and other support. 04-013-32 Impact Assessment Refinement This task represents any refinement of botanical and wildlife resources impact assessments through incorporation of new information collected and new analyses conducted since FY85.Emphasis will be placed on areas "of agency concern and specifically at resolving 1ssues.The FY86 Impact Assessment Refinement Report will address such updates and refinements. 04-013-34 General Administration and Contract Management This task is designed to provide support to the Environmental Study Program 1n the form of general administrative activities such as weekly staff meetings,budget review,reV1S1ons and reforecasting,technical progress reV1ew of H-E staff and subcontractor activities.The task includes preparation of contract documents,necessary amendments to the contracts, and supporting documentation.Monthly progress reports will describe the status of each study program based on the previous month IS activi ties. These reports will include any or all of the following as appropriate: activities completed,problems and solutions,personnel considerations, .- 12302/4 840907 10 program modi fications,status of budget and schedule and upcoming activi ties.Also included in this task are the preparation of change work authorization requests,reV1ew of subcontractor·invoices and progress reports,and monitoring of subcontractor budget expenditures. 04-013-36 FERC Hearings Preparation During FY86,preparation of written direct testimony on envi ronmental concerns will be completed and filed with the Administrative Law Judge on behalf of the Power Authority.Following filing of the direct testimony, written rebuttal testimony will be prepared and filed which responds to the direct testimony of opposition witnesses.Power Authority witnesses will also prepare for cross examination which will be conducted 1n January, 1986. 04-013-42 Candidate Mitiation Lands Assessment The objective of this task 1S to provide specific recommendations to the Power Authority concerning tracts of land to be managed for wildlife habitat compensation,with technical documentation supporting the recommendations. The desired locations,acreages,and physical and botanical characteristics of these lands will be more clearly defined as a result of these recommendations.Previous studies included detailed examination of all avai lable information and extended di scussions wi th proj ect wi ldl i fe and habitat specialists,and an aerial reconna1ssance of candidate lands identified as a result of the office activities.If necessary,FY86 efforts will include an additional aerial surveys of candidate lands to support the selection process. 04-013-43 Habitat Enhancement Studies The objective of this task is to identify factors determining differential use by moose of areas cleared through burning,logging or other means in the Susitna Basin. 12302/4 840907 11 - - There are two categories of factors that must be considered:1)Those which affect the vegetation response (qualitative as well as quantitative).These include site characteristics such as existing vegetation,soils,topography, etc.:2)Those factors which affect the moose population's ability to take advantage of increased forage qualtity or quality.These include geographic and climatic factors that affect availability of forage,non-nutritional factors that limit the rate of increase of the existing population,movement patterns of the existing population,and factors that might create secondary problems such as attracting moose to areas of high human/moose conflict. Examination of disturbed sites should help to identify and assess the factors that influence their usefulness to moose.The initial review of sites will be made based on available information in FY85.This will be followed by preliminary field evaluations of moose use and vegetation characteristics.More detailed quantitative studies of selected sites may be conducted in FY86 as deemed necessary. 04-013-44 Downstream Riparian Studies The objectives of this task are to:(1)obtain a more complete and accurate understanding of vegetation dynamics and its relationship with flow and ice dynamics in the downstream floodplain,and (2)refine our assessment of downstream impacts.Objective 1 will be at least partially satisfied through the conduct of field sampling at the vegetation sites in the downstream floodplain sampled in 1981.This sampling at the same locations with 3 years in between will significantly enhance our understanding of vegetation dynamics.Additionally,field observations,examination of aerial photographs taken between 1981 and 1984,and data from 1ce observation and flow studies conducted during that period will provide information on the relationships between vegetation dynamics and ice and flow dynamics. We can refine our assessment of downstream impacts through a limited office analysis based on the results of field studies,the Wildlife Habitat/- 12302/4 840907 12 Instream Flow Relationships Report,and flow and ~ce analyses.More extensive office analyses or additional field studies recommended by the Wildlife Habitat/Instream Flow Relationships Report or subsequent studies will be undertaken in FY86 when appropriate. 04-013-45 Raptor Studies Raptor studies related to the Susitna project will be essentially complete by FY86.The cost account allows for additional efforts relative to the specific design of the rapt or mitigation plan,particularly for eagles. 04-013-49 Social Sciences Mitigation Planning Input There is a need for considerable input from the Terrestrial Program to the Social Sciences Mitigation plans as well as the Project Recreation Plan. This task allows for that input on both a technical and policy basis.It is primarily a H-E task but will receive input from subcontractors. 04-013-50 Design Criteria Manuals During FY86,engineering design will begin for the Susitna Project.Design criteria mannuals will be developed which will include criteria to be used in the design of project facilities which will minimize adverse effects to the environmental resources.Specific manuals will be developed for design of the access road,transmission line,dam and powerhouse and the construction camp and permanent villages.Additionally design criteria will be developed for facilities necessary for implementating the mitigation plans. 04-014-01 Administrative Assistant To assist the Environmental Manager and the three sub-task leaders ~n handling administrative matters,an Administrative Assistant will be hired. 12302/4 840907 13 04-016-02 Participation in Workshops and Other Aspects of the Settlement Process An important aspect of the settlement process ~s dissemination of information to -familiarize resource agency personnel with project study methodologies,analyses and results directed toward resolution of primary impact ~ssues.The .primary method for providing this information will be a ser~es of agency workshops in which specific topics will be discussed. Appropriate members of the Aquatic Study Team will participate ~n preparation for or actually take part in specific workshops depending on particular topics to be covered. The Power Authority will meet with resource agenc~es to attempt to reach settlement on various issues and negotiate a project flow regime.Aquatic Team members will provide various information,analyses,documents and other support as requested by the Power Authority. Deliverables will consist of prepared materials and/or presentations as requested to support the settlement process. 04-016-03 General Coordination of Aquatic Program Activities This task requires ~ffort from all members of the Aquatic Study Team.H~E--has an over-all coordinating function that includes monitoring all activities in the aquatic studies to insure that team members are able to accomplish their tasks and that sufficient progress ~s being made toward over-all study goals.Each team member is responsible for maintaining an appropriate level of communication and coordination with other team members who share common,integrated or related tasks. 12302/4 840907 14 ..... Program coordination will be achieved by various means including: 1.Joint preparation of study plans • ..... 2.Weekly team meetings. ..... 3.Team-wide dissemination of information reports,correspondence and memos • 4.Frequent meetings and data and information exchange among team members with related tasks. There are no other specific deliverables for this task.However,memoranda describing the results of or need for coordination will be prepared when appropriate to affect necessary changes in planned activities,schedules, etc. 04-016-04 Instream Flow Relationship Studies The Instream Flow Relationships Report will describe the relationships between mainstem flow and fish habitat. It will be derived technical reports. primarily from information These reports are: contained 1.n a series of 1. 12302/4 840907 Fish Resources and Habitat of the Susitna Basin -this report will be a consolidation of the information on the aquatic resources of the Susitna Basin that 1.S currently dispersed throughout numerous reports,memoranda and workshop minutes.It will be based on information and data that is available through June 1984.This report may be updated as addi tional information becomes available. 15 ..... - 2.Watershed Processes Report this report will describe the physical processes that occur within the Basin.It will be focused primarily on preproject to with-project changes ~n streamflow,channel stability and groundwater upwelling. 3.Watl~r Quality/Limnology Report -this report will consolidate much of the existing information on water quality in the Basin and focus on preproj ect versus wi th-proj ect changes.Some addi t ional modl~lling and field studies (primarily concerning turbidity and suspended sediments)will be incorporated into this report to refine information from previous studies. 4.Resl~rvoir and Instream Temperature this report will present instream temperature forecasts for a range of operational and climatological conditions and a preliminary commentary of their effects on fish habitats and ice processes.During the first half of FY8s review comments will be addressed,the discussion of with- project instream temperature effects on fish will be enhanced and interpretive discussions of instream temperature effects on ~ce processes and ~ce effects on aqtiatic habitat will be added to the reVJleW draft.An initial report will be available by the end of An updated vers~on will be made ~n FY8s that will incorporate additional modelling refinements based on 1984 temperature data. 5.Aquatic Habitat Report -this report will describe the response of aquatic habitat surface areas to mainstem discharges.The r1.ver reach to be analyzed first in FY8s will be from Talkeetna to Devil Canyon.Efforts on the lower river are continuing and wi 11 be 12302/4 840907 described in the Lower River Study Plan. Compositing follows compilation of site-specific habitat reLationships and proceeds to completion of flow relationships hydrographs (FRH)which incorporate relevant informat ion on 16 instream flow habitat relationships and speC1es di stribut ion', abundance and timing.Composi ting 1S a highly analytic step req ui ring familiarity with detailed Susitna field and refined data,assessment design and quantification techniques.A general compositing process has been established,however,the detailed -rationale and analytic techniques must be developed as part of this task. 04-016-05 Economic and Environmental Comparisons Process Several alternative weekly flow regimes will be defined and compared.The flow regime will range from the optimum environmental (aquatic habitat)to the optimum econom1C reg1mes and will include natural flows and flows presented in the License Application.Other alternative regimes will be selected based on the needs of navigation,recreation,riparian habitats and water quality. A project optimization procedure will be used to evaluate alternative flow regimes.This is a computer based,iterative process that will be used to narrow alternatives to a small set of regimes that best provide for the needs of both energy and power generation and the various downstream uses of the r1ver.Emphasis during the Project optimization process will be placed on compar1sons of Project economics and fish habitat.At several steps 1n the procedure the effects of the flow regimes on physical parameters such as water temperature,water quality and ice processes as well as impac:ts of these physical changes on other instream relationships and uses will be evaluated.These in-process evaluations are necessary to establish boundaries for the next iterations. Minimum and m.aximum environmental flows will be established and input to the weekly reservoir operations model to produce a time series of expected flows and energies (based on a 33 year record of historic flows)for four energy demand levels.This will be required to exam1ne the influence of increasing energy demand levels that will occur during the life of the 12302/4 840907 17 - .- - project.Composited habitat relationships will be used to forecast relative fish habitat for the 33 years of record..The resulting time series will be presented as habitat duration curves. The resu1 tant flow regimes will be analyzed to detennine effects (both positive and negative)on each instream flow use.Mitigation opportunities and associated costs will be examined for those instream flow uses that are adversely affected.The affect of each flow regime 011;project benefits and costs will be detennined for comparison with the corresponding environmental effects. 04-016-06 Recommended Flow Regime Report Provide support and consultation to the Power Authority to develop and document a recommended flow regime from the reg~mes presented ~n the Economic and Environmental Comparisons Report. Summary of thl~impacts associated with this regime will also be presented. The report developed under this task will be used as the pr~mary document for the flow negotiation process.It will be presented in draft fonn to the var~ous utilities and resource agencies.Depending on the outcome of this rev~ew,the report will either be:1)finalized,if no significant comments are received,or 2)a second draft will be prepared (based on comments received)in anticipation of actual instream flow negotiations. A working report that will be developed ~n draft fonn.The final fonn will depend on results of the review process. 04-016-07 Aquatic Resources Impact Assessment The Susitna aquatic investigations program includes the following steps: field data collection and analysis,deve10pmerit of habitat relationships, 12302/4 840907 18 - development of composite flow relationships hydrographs and flow optimization.After the tradeoffs between habitat/fish populations and power generation have been examined 1n the comparisons process,a recommended operating reg1me will be developed and negotiated.It 1S expected that this regime will have some flow-related effects on fishery resources which must be quantified and described in order to plan specific measures to mitigate these effects.This task will quantify the impacts of the negotiatE!d operating reg1me.Impact analyses of alternative flow regimes will be presented 1n the Economic and Environmental Comparisons Report and the Recommended Flow Regimes Report.This impact assessment will be more detailed and comprehensive. A report detailing expected impacts of a negotiated flow reg1me on aquatic habitat.The schedule will depend on the progress of negotiations. 04-016-08 Flow Negotiations The Power Authority will enter negotiations with var10US resource agenc1es to finalize a Project flow schedule.Participation and assistance will be needed from various aquatic study team members (and members from other disciplines)during these negotiations in order that technical assistance be provided to the Power Authority.·The coordinator for assuring that this assistance is provided will be H-E.All members of the Aquatic Study Team may be needed to assist the Power Authority in preparing for the actual negot iat ions. The overall deliverable 1S a negotiated flow schedule for Project construction and operation.This will be a memorandum of understanding between the Power Authority and the various resource agencies.More immediate deliverables will include memoranda,analyses and other documents as requested by the Power Authority. 12302/4 840907 19 ,...., 04-016-09 Preparation of Materials for FERC Hearings Steps in the hearing process that will reqU1re participation by members of the Aquatic Study Team include the discovery process,filing of direct testimony,filing of rebut tal testimony,possible filing of surrebut tal testimony and cross examination of witnesses. The primary activities which will occur duri~g FY85 include the selection of persons who will testify on behalf of the Power Authority,consultation with Power Authority Licensing Counsel,responses to discovery requests from FERC and intervenors and preparation of written direct testimony. Specific deliverab1es to result from the activities of this task include: 1.position papers by expert witnesses defining areas to be discussed and input required from other participants. 2.Responses to discovery requests. 3.Drafts of direct testimony from each expert witness. 4.Presentation of rebuttal and testimony under cross-examination. In addition,the designated expert witnesses will participate 1n activities leading to de:~iverables of other aquatic study tasks. The schedule for accomplishing this ~ask will be coupled with the schedule set by FERC for the environmental hearing process. 04-016-10 Mitigation and Enhancement Planning ....A mitigation report is being developed that will identify mitigation opportunities associated with anticipated Project conditions.The report will further develop the mitigation plan identified in the FERC license - 12302/4 840907 20 ~r - application and explore ad'ditional mitigation alternatives compatible with Project mitigation policy. A draft report will be produced by the end of the first quarter of FY86. The report will identify potential areas and methods for habitat modification based on existing information through FY 1984 and FY85 field efforts. It is anticipated that Project condi tions may improve habi tat downstream from Devil Canyon.If habitat improves,there may be an opportunity to enhance salmon runs into the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach.The anticipated habi tat condi tions under Project operation,based on existing information,,will be evaluated for their potential to support enhancement. Specific locations and methods will be identified where possible.An enhancement evaluation will be included as a section of the mitigation report. 04-016-13 Adult Salmon Spawning Surveys Routine escapement surveys of streams,sloughs,side channels and the ma~n channel Susitna River will be performed in 1984 to meet the study objective. The surveys will be performed on the ground except for selected tributaries and the main channel which will be surveyed by helicopter.Surveys will be performed by the following schedul e: Sloughs Tributaries Mainstem and Side Channel Weekly,August 15 -October 7,1985 Weekly,July 21 -October 7,1985 Weekly,September 1 -October 7,1985 -- Slough,side channel,tributary and mainstem habitats associated with the lower Susitna River will be surveyed weekly from the air,from August 15 to October 7.Areas where adult fish are observed will be ground truthed to determine if the area is an actual spawning location and the extent of its use. 12302/4 840907 21 ADF&G SuHydro will conduct the study.HE will rev~ew the report and provide comments and recommendation at var~ous stages of the study. 04-016-14 Resident and Juvenile Anadromous Fish Studies To assess the effects of these changes ~n flow reg~me on the habi tat of resident and juvenile anadromous fish it ~s necessary to determine distribution of the species over different seasons and to develop the predictive capability to estimate changes in available rear~ng habitat asa function of mainstem discharge to assess the effects of changes in flow regime on the habitats of resident and juvenile anadromous fish.This study will address only the open water season because ice compounds a quantitative assessment of the rearing habitat. Studies conducted by ADF&G SuHydro (1981-1984)have provided insight into distribution of the species and responses of habitat in the backwater zones near slough and tributary mouths to mainstem stage changes.The distribution information has provided some insight into the year round distribution of coho and chinook salmon but has provided limited information on pink,chum,and sockeye salmon juveniles. This information and the continuation of these studies will provide the long term baseline data needed to monitor effects of the operation of the Susitna Hydro Project. Distributional data over the seasons will be used to estimate the relative seasonal importance of rearing habi tat for the di fferent spec~es. information will be supplemented by the outmigrant trap studies. This ADF&G SuHydro will conduct the study.HE will rev~ew the report and provide comments and recommendation at var~ous stages of the study. 12302/4 840907 22 ..... 04-016-15 Main Channel Salmon Escapement Monitoring Escapements in the lower reach have been monitored from 1981 through 1983 into the Yentna River at RM 28 and in the Susitna River main channel at RM 80.The results document annual escapement numbers,timing distribution and migrational behavior of sockeye,pink,chum and coho salmon at these locations.Similar information on the chinook salmon escapements to RM 80 are available for 1982 and 1983. This task will quantify the numbers of sockeye,pink,chum and coho salmon that reach RM 20,enter the Yentna River (RM 28),reach RM 80 and reach RM 120 of the Susitna River.This task will also determine their migrational timing and behavior.The same basic data will be collected for chinook salmon escapement in the Susitna River main channel at RM 80. This information will be obtained by implementing a tagging operation at RM 20,using sonar counters and fishwhee1s in the Yentna River and operating tagging sites at RM 80 and RM 120. ADF&G SuHydro will conduct the study.HE will reV1ew the report and provide comments and recommendation at var10US stages of the study. 04-016-16 Outmigration Studies Studies by ADF&G SuHydro of outmigrants from the middle r1ver were begun in 1982 and wer,e expanded 1n 1983.This data set has provided valuable information as to the success of the preV10US summers'spawning runs,the effects of discharge on redistribution of rearing juveniles and has provided population and survival estimates (when coupled with adult escapement data). Extrapolation of this data set over a longer period of time and at several key sites will provide a comparative index of the production of individual sloughs. A mark and r1ecapture study of outmigrant juveniles will be conducted to repeat a 1983 study.The juveniles are marked with coded wire tags (OWT)at 12302/4 840907 23 selected sites and recaptured at a downstream smolt trap at Talkeetna ....Station • juveniles. Emphasis will be placed·on increased tagging of chum salmon Other data collected during operation of the outmigrant traps will include catch per unit effort and data on daily river stage,turbidity,temperature and other habitat parameters. The relative prod·uction of sockeye and chum salmon in four side sloughs will be estimated by weir counts and recovery of marked fish.Sites near the mouths of sloughs 8A,9,11 &21 will be weired with small mesh seines for three consecutive days.Fish collected on each day will be marked with a unique dye mark and released.Recaptures on all days will be recorded. This information will be analyzed to estimate emergence and outmigration rates from the sites.These results will be compared with habitat .... information and results of the egg incubation studies at each site.These comparisons should help determine the applicability of the results of Vibert incubation box studies to explaining overall production limits in sloughs • Several outmigrant traps will be established near the mouth of Portage Creek during the summer of 1984.Chinook and coho collected at these sites will outmigrants will be measured for length and the mark recorded.These unique data will be used to estimate outmigration rates. ....be fin clipped and released approximately four miles upstream.Recaptured .... .... The timing and rearing of juvenile salmon species has not been established 1n the lower river.The importance to assess the potential habitat effects of Project flow regulation of habitats associated with the mainstem lower Susitna need to be established • Monitoring of outmigrant timing and condition will be conducted at a site below the confluence of the Susitna and Yentna Rivers.This outmigrant trap will provide an estimate of the timing,S1ze and relative numbers of juvenile salmon that are leaving the fresh water system.Chinook movement .... 12302/4 840907 24 into the mainstem environments will be estimated at temporary outmigrant intermittently on the Deshka River.The movement of chum,slough sockeye and chinook into the lower river will be evaluated.by use of the data obtained from the Talkeetna station trap and intermittent sampling of the Talkeetna Riv;2r. The study will conducted by ADF&G SuHydro.HE will reV1ew reports and provide comments at various stages of the study • ..... 04-016-19 Hydro-Meterological Physical Data Collection place for measurement of climatic the Watana gaging site so no new The physical data collection will """ Physical data collection by R&M will encompass measurement,reduction,and reporting of physical field parameters.Efficient reservoir and powerplant operation will require knowledge of seasonal snowpack,rainfall, temperature,and winds and their relationships to runoff timing and volumes. Forecasts of energy availability will depend on water supply forecasts based on past years:I correlations,making collection of simul taneous streamflow and meteorologic data very important. Recording instrumentation 1S already 1n and snow parameters and di scharge at installations are foreseen for this year. be of three primary types: o .Climatic data - o o Snow surveys River discharge at the Watana damsite - - .... Climatic Data:Operation and maintenance of S1X Susitna Basin recording weather stations (Glacier,Denali,Kosina,Watana,Devil Canyon and Sherman) will continue through the year.The seventh existing station at Eklutna Lake,will be decommissioned in May 1984 and kept as a spare unit which should greatly enhance system reliability. .... 12302/4 840907 25 ----_._.._._--,~--,-~-----,----------------- Snow Surveys:The cooperative snow surveys with SCS will continue January through June 1985.They wi 11 include aerial and on-the-ground surveys conducted primarily in the upper basin to provide seasonal snowpackdata for water suppli studies and to support the special glacier studies. Watana Discharge:The streamgage at Watana will be maintained through the open-water season and through 1985 freeze-:-up.Monthly discharge measurements will be made by boat during July through September to verify the stage-discharge rating curve.One winter discharge measurement will be made through the ice. .... Climatic Data: September)• Data will be summarized on a water year basis (October - - Snow Surveys:Data will be published monthly (February -June)by SCS 1n Snow Surveys and Water Supply Outlook for Alaska. Watana Discharge:Report on July average discharge data for the water year through September 1985. 04-016-31 Development of Long-Term Monitoring Plan Preproject studies have been designed to predict potential impacts due to Project construction and operation and to describe means with which to avoid or minimize these impacts •.To assure the mitigation plans incorporated into the license are achieving their intended goals t a long-term monitoring program must be developed and initiated. Efforts under this task will concentrate on developing a detailed planning document that can be presented to the var10US resource agencies.This document will describe the potential impacts to be monitored,the methods and parameters to be monitored t the limits of concern,potential measures 12302/4 840907 26 -------,,-.-------,-------~._---------------_......_------------- ..... to rectify the impact and an alternative schedule for completion of certain elements of the monitoring program if no impacts are detected. The Power Authority,with the assistance of Harza-Ebasco,organizations ~n the aquatic study team and individuals from other disciplines,will develop a working document that will be presented to the various resource agencies for review and comment.If needed,a meeting will be held to resolve any areas of disagreement.The document will then be finalized and submitted for incorporation into the license. Harza-Ebasco will coordinate the planning efforts for the Power Authority. 04-016-37 Preliminary Mitigation Studies for the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna Re.:lch The objectives are: -1.To identify potential sites for habitat modification in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna Reach. 2.To evaluate the feasibility of var~ous habitat enhancement techniques. The task will consist of field mainstem,side channel,and surveys and studies to identify potential slough areas for habitat modi fication. -i Habitat charac:teristics demonstrated to be important components of presently ut ilized habi tats such as depth,temperature,substrate and presence of upwelling will be used to develop evaluation criteria. After candidate locations are identified,an analysis will be performed to evaluate the conditions likely to exist under Project operation and identify methods to.promote use of these areas by spawning or rearing salmon.Side ..... 12302/4 840907 27 ---,",IiI'_~~_ij-,--_._.~--,--------_.......--------,---------------------- - - and upland slough sites exist within the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach that exhibit some characteristics expected under Project operation.These slough sites will be used as models of Project conditions and examined to evaluate modifications that would promote their use as habitat.Efforts 1n FY8S will be restricted to physical and/or biological monitoring of habitat conditions.Project conditions to be evaluated include wetted areas with improper substrate,areas of suitable substrate with insufficient flow and suitable spawning habitat that is inaccessible because of low mainstem water levels. Candidate arei90S 1n the mainstem and side channels will be surveyed in fall as flows drop to levels that approximate anticipated Project flows.A physical assessment of habitat will be performed to evaluate their potential suit"ability as habitat under Project conditions.Key parameters include temperature,substrate,depth,velocity and presence or absence of upwelling. The results of the FY8S field investigations and habitat analysis will be presented 1n the ADF&G SuHydro 1984 field season report series.This analysis will be used by WCC to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed habitat modifications as effective mitigations and will be included in the Second Interim Mitigation Report. 04-016-39 Mitigation Planning for Construction Activities Activities anticipated to produce aquatic impacts include construction of the access road s,transmission lines,floodplain gravel pi ts,camps, permanent vi llage and other project faci Ii ties.The mitigation planning effort will identify appropriate mitigation,such as siting,scheduling and designs,that will avoid or minimize impacts for the construction activities and facilities.The mitigation plan will be included in the construction impact assessment report. 12302/4 840907 28 A detailed construction mitigation plan will be developed.The plan will be organized by activity or facility. 04-016-40 Impoundment Resident Fish Mitigation Planning Available information on resident fishes ~n the impoundment area will be summarized to update the assessment ~n the FERC license application. Mitigation options will be refined to further assess their applicability as compensatory measures.The options considered will be submitted for agency rev~ew and policy decision.Emphasis will be placed on those options that ,.r appear to have the highest probability of success. A report will be prepared describing the impoundment area resident fish populations,the anticipated loss of habitats and expected consequences to fish populations,and the options considered as compensation.A preferred project mitigation alternative will be presented. 04-016-41 Baseline Water Quantity and Quali ty Monitoring at Tsusena and Deadman Creeks A water monitoring plan will be developed to produce the information necessary to document water quality and quantity parameters in sufficient detail to assist in facilities designs and to acquire appropriate permits. The plan will be based on a thorough review of permit and design information requirements amd produce data sufficient to: Tsusena Creek .water source is1.determine whether the adequate to produce trea,tment)• proposed sufficient potable water supply (with 2.produce design criteria for a potable water supply treatment facility·using Tsusena Creek water. 12302/4 840907 29 3.provide estimates of the quantity and quality of waste effluents dis,charged from the potable water treatment facility. 4.estimate the waste assimilative capacity of Deadman Creek and the with-project effects on water quality. 5.produce design criteria for a wastewater treatment facility discharging effluent to Deadman Creek. A report summar~z~ng necessary monitoring programs for Tsusena and Deadman Creeks which will outline: 1.monitoring schedules. 2.sampling locations. 3.type of samples collected. 4.quantity of samples collected. 5.cost estimates of monitoring program. 04-016-42 Evaluation of an alternative Method to Monitor Main Channel Salmon Escapements The current method (tag/recapture)of enumerating adult salmon ~n the Susitna River,while effective,is very labor intensive and costly.A more cost effective method for enumerating upstream migrant adul t salmon ~s desired for anticipated needs in a long-term monitoring program.This task will test the Biosonics Model 101 hydroacoustic unit. In FY84 ADF&G used a Biosonics unit on the Yukon River and,al though the report ~s not yet available,the biologist in charge indicated the unit performed well.ADF&G is proposing to use Biosonics equipment in five' 12302/4 840907 30 ..... .... Alaskan r~vet'systems ~n FY85.Included are the Stikine,Kenai and Yukon rivers,all glacial systems.Features that are most promising for application in the Susitna River are a long counting range (250 meters)and no requirement for a counting substrate. The unit will be installed at the Parks Highway Bridge.Two fishwheels will be operated nearby to apportion the counts.The final adult salmon population estimates from the Biosonics unit will be compared to the population estimates generated by the tag-recapture method. The final product will be a written final report summar~z~ng the capabilities,limitations and overall effectiveness of the Biosonics unit. Included will be recommendations for future applications ~n the Susitna River. 04-016-56 General License Support Numerous miscellaneous activities will be required to fully meet the requi rements of the Power Authority and FERC for completing the Licensing Process smoothly.These activities will be supportive of the other main activities of the Aquatic Program. 04-016-57 Issue Papers/Settlement Process The settlement of agency ~ssues ~s a pr~me goal of the FY86 studies.To facilitate the settlement process H-E will prepare several technical documents to support the negotiation and settlement process.The documents will include a brief statement of the status of each ~ssue.Internal planning memoranda for resolving each issue,and a ser~es of technical papers which summarize the available information pertaining to each·issue • 12302/4 840907 31 - ..... ..... ..... 04-016-58 Monthly Progress Reports The monthly progress reports will describe the status of each study program based on the previous month's activities.These reports will include many or all of the following:activities completed,problems and solutions, personnel considerations,program modifications,status of budget and schedule,and upcoming activities. 04-016-60 General Administration and Contract Management This task is designed to provide support to the Aquatic Program in the form of general administrative activities such as weekly staff meetings,budget review,revisions and unforecasting,technical progress review of HE staff and subcontractor activities.The task includes preparation of contract documents,necessary amendments to the contracts and supporting documentation.Also included in this task are the preparation of change work authorization requests review of subcontractor invoices and progress reports and monitoring of subcontractor budget expenditures.This task will be conducted by HE aquatic program staff • 04-016-61 General Plan of Stydy/Workscope Preparation The General Plan of Study for fiscal year 1986 will describe the specific study objecti.ves and work tasks,detailed study methodology including sampling and analysis procedures,data management and report formats, quali ty assurance procedures,data management and report format ~,qua Ii ty assurance program,and detailed schedules and deliverables for each study element. Works copes for continuing and additional studies for the subcontractors will be developed.The works copes will reflect specific issues pert raining to the analysis of effects of the Susitna Project.The workscopes will be developed in consultation with appropriate resource agencies as part of the general licensing process. 12302/4 840907 32 - - ..- Directs 04-020-01 Travel &Living Expense Air travel and the associated expenses for staff who will be required to support the task activities. 04-020-01 Printing This item will include production of cop1es of all Enviromnental study documents fr~n Harza-Ebasco or the subcontractors.These documents will be for di stribut ion to intervenors,lawyers,agenc1es,the cl ient,and subcontractors as required. 04-020-06 Miscellaneous This item will include any miscellaneous direct expenses required to support the environmental program which is not budgeted elsewhere. 04-020-07 Relocation Cost to reloc':;Lte personnel to Anchorage for performance of this task. Subcontractors The following subcontractor activities will be performed.Use the Reference No.to locate the task description for each item • 12302/4 840907 33 Cost Account Title Reference Number Frank Orth &Associates .- r ! -- 04-113-03 04-113-04 04-113-07 04-113-10 04-113-20 04-113-31 EDAW 04-123-02 04-123-05 04-123-06 04-123-08 01-123-21 04-123-50 04-123-51 04-123-53 04-123-59 A.Dekin 04-133-01 ERTEC 04-183-01 12302/4 840907 Supplemental DEIS Review Workscope and Detailed Plan of Study Socioeconomic Mitigation Plan Update SE Projection Revisions Hearing Preparation Model Refinement EDAW-Supp1ementa1 DEIS Review RE-Workscope and Detailed Plan of Study RE-Sett1ement Process Input RE-Hearing Preparation RE-Recreation Plan Refinement AE-Workscope and Detailed Plan of Study AE-Sett1ement Process Input AE-Hearing Preparation AE-Aesthetic Mitigation Plan CR-Program Approach CR-Program Approach 34 04-011-08 04-011-19 04-011-44 04-011-13 04-011-08 04-011-19 04-011-09 04-011-13 04-011-61 04-011-19 04-011-09 04-011-13 04-011-73 04-011-23 04-011-23 -Cost Account Title Reference Number Cultural Resources Subcontractor .... - - .- 04-153-01 04-153-02 Milo Bell 04-253-01 R&M 04-263-01 04-263-03 04-263-09 04-263-19 04-263-41 04-263-56 04-263-60 AEIDC 04-273-02 04-273-03 04-273-04 04-273-05 04-273-07 04-273-56 04-273-60 12302/4 840907 CR-Fie1d Work CR-Report Preparation Milo Bell Consultation Agency Workshops Aquatic Program Coordination Hearings Preparation Hydrology Metero1ogy Data Collection Water Quality (Tsusena/Deadman) General License Consultation Contract Management/Administration Workshops Aquatic Program Coordination Instream Flow Relationships Env.&Eco.Comparisons Aquatic Impact Assessment General License Consultation Contract Management/Administration 35 04-011-23 04-011-22 04-016-09 04-016-02 04-016-03 04-016-09 04-016-19 04-016-41 04-016-56 04-016-60 04-016-02 04-016-03 04-016-04 04-016-05 04-016-07 04-016-56 04-016-60 - ..... Cost Account EWT&A 04-283-02 04-283-03 04-283-04 04-283-08 04-283-12 04-283-56 04-283-60 Woodward C1yd~ 04-293-02 04-293-03 04-293-04 04-293-10 04-293-37 04-293-56 04-293-60 LGL 04-303-09 04-303-10 04-303-11 04-303-30 04-303-32 04-303-36 04-303-42 04-303-44 12302/4 840907 Title Workshops Aquatic Program Coordination Instr~am Flow Relationships Flow Negotiations Middle River Habitat Analysis General License Consultation Contract Management/Administration Aquatic Workshop Aquatic Program Coordination Instream Flow Relationships Mitigation/Enhancement Plan Mitigatin Demonstration General Licensing Consultation Contract Managment/Administration Terrestrial Workshop Mitigation Plan Refinement Impact/Mitigation Tracking System Moose Browse Inventory Impact Assessment Refinement FERC Hearings Preparation Candidate Mitigation Lands Cases Downstream Riparian Studies 36 Reference Number 04-016-02 04-016-03 04-016-04 04-016-08 04-016-12 04-016-56 04-016-60 04-016-02 04-016-03 04-016-04 04-016-10 04-016-37 04-016-56 04-016-60 04-013-09 04-013-10 04-013-11 04-013-30 04-013-32 04-013-36 04-013-42 04-013-44 ~ I Cost Account LGL (continued) 04-303-45 04-303-46 04-303-50 U of A Palmer 04-313 .07 04-313-36 Title Raptor Studies Swan/Eagle Nest T-Line Survey Design Criteria Manuals Terrestrial Workshops FERC Hearings Preparation Reference Number 04-013-45 04-013-46 04-013-50 04-013-09 04-013-36 U of A Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit 04-323-09 04-323-10 04-323-36 04-323-50 Terrestrial Workshops Mitigation Plan Refinement FERC Hearings Preparation Design Criteria Manuals 04-013-09 04-013-10 04-013-36 04-013-50 R.A.Krieg &Assoc. 04-333-09 04-333-10 04-333-36 04-333-50 Terrestrial Workshops Mitigation Plan Refinement FERC Hearings Preparation Design Criteria Manuals 04-013-09 04-013-10 04-013-36 04-013-50 U of A Dr.Kessel ..... 04-343-09 04-343-10 04-343-36 12302/4 840907 Terrestrial Workshops Mitigatin Plan Refinement FERC Hearing Preparation 37 04-013-09 04-013-10 04-013-36 -- Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 04 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 4420606 2117000 ..... .... I 04-011-04 04-011-09 04-011-10 04-011-11 04-011-13 04-011-14 04-011-19 04-011-22 04-011-23 04-011-24 04-011-40 04-011-44 04-011-61 04-011-73 04-011-98 04-013-02 04-013-08 04-013-09 04-013-10 04-013-11 04-013-15 04-013-19 04-013-20 04-013-30 04-013-32 04-013-34 04-013-36 04-013-42 04-013-43 04-013-44 04-013-45 04-013-49 04-014-01 SSP-GENERAL ADMINISTRATION &CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SSP-SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT SSP-GENERAL LICENSING SUPPORT SSP-WORKSHOPS SSP-HEARING PREPARATION SSP-PROGRAM COORDINATION SSP-DT'LD PLAN OF STUDY DEVELOPl'lENT AND UPDATING CR-REPORT REVIEW CR-PROGBAM APPROACH CR-IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION PLANNING SE -REF I NEMENT OF I MPACTS ON COl'll'lUN IT I ES SE-MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE RE-RECREATION PLAN REFINEMENT AE-AESTHETICS MITIGATION PLAN REFINEMENT SE-REPORT REVIEW GENERAL PLAN OF STUDY i WORKSCOPE RESPONSES TO FERC SUPPL INFO REQUESTS TERRESTRIAL WORKSHOPS MITIGATION PLAN REFINEMENT IMPACT /MITIGATION PLANNING TRACfGNG SYSTEr'! SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT GENERAL LICENSE SUPPORT ADF&G BIG GAME STUDIES MOOSE BROWSE INVENTORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT REFINEMENT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION CANDIDATE MITIGATION LANDS ASSESSMENT HABITAT ENHANCEMENT STUDIES FURBEAIRER AND TRAPPER STUDIES RAPTOR STUDIES INPUT TO SOC SCI MITIG PLANNING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE 19200 66000 9000 5400 196000 . 66000 14400 10800 20800 79000 95000 25000 30000 39600 23600 20000 6000 12000 28000 8000 43000 8000 7000 9000 10000 60000 135000 5000 6000 5000 3000 7000 120000 699800 372000 120000 04-016-02 AGENCY WORKSHOPS I SETTLEMENT PROCESS 04-016-03 GENERAL AQUATIC PROGRAM COORDINATION 04-016-04 AEI-INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS 04-016-05 ENVIRONMENTAL.AND ECONOMIC COMPARISONS 04-016-06 RECOMMiENDED FLOW F:EPORT 24000 28800 14400 30000 14400 o Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET 09/17/84 04-016-07 AQUATIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT 28800 04-016-08 FLOW NEGOTIATIONS 66000 04-016-09 FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION 332000 04-016-10 MITIGATION I ENHANCEMENT PLANNING 132000 ~04-016-13 SALMON SPAWNING SURVEYS 5400 04-016-14 LOWER RIVER RESIDENT AND JUVENILE STUDY 5400 04-016-15 SALMON ESCAPEMENT 5400 F"'"04-016-16 OUTMIGRANT STUDIES 5400 I 04-016-19 HYDROl.OGY I METEROLOGY DATA COLLECTION 10800 04-016-31 LONGTERM MONITORING 21600 04-016-37 MITIGATION DEMONSTRATION 50800 04-016-39 CONSTHUCTION IMPACT MITIGATION 5400 04-016-40 H1POUNDMENT MITIGATION 10800 04-016-41 WATER QUALITY -TSUSENA I DEADMAN CREEKS 10800r""'",04-016-42 ALTERNATIVE ESCAPEMENT 4200 04-016-56 GENER~~L LICENSE SUPPORT 4200 04-016-57 ISSUE PAPERS I SETTLEMENT PROCESS 66000 04-016-58 MONTHl.Y PROGRESS REPORTS 7200 04-016-60 GENER~\L ADMINISTRATION AND CONTRACT MANAGE~1ENT 14400 04-016-61 PLAN OF STUDY I WORKSCOPE PREPARATION 27000 925200 .- ! TOTAL DIRECTS 350000 ..... 04-020-01 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES 150000 04-020-04 PRINTING 80000 04-020-06 MISCELLANEOUS 20000,...,04-020-07 RELOC~~TION 100000 350000 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 1953606 04-113-04 WORKSCOPE AND DETAILED PLAN OF STUDY 5000 04-113-07 SOCIOECONOMIC MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE 10000 04-113-20 FDA -HEARING PREPARATION 10000 04-113-31 MODEL REFINEMENT 20000 45000 04-123-05 RE-WOFWSCOPE AND DETAILED PLAN OF STUDY 3000 04-123-08 RE-HEARINGS PREPARATION 10000 04-123-21 RE-RECREATION PLAN REFINEMENT 10000 04-123-50 AE-WORKSCOPE AND DETAILED PLAN OF STUDY 3000 04-123-53 AE -HE~iR I NGS PREPARAT I ON 10000 04-123-59 AE-AESTHETIC MITIGATION PLAN 8000 44000 04-133-01 DEKIN--CUL TURAL RESOURCES PROGF:AM APF'ROACH 20000 20000 .... Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET 09/17/84 04-153-01 CR-FIELD WORK 120000 04-153-02 CR-REPORT PREPARATION 60000 180000 04-183-01 ERTEC--CUL TUf::AL RESOURCES PROGRAM APPROACH 58000 58000 04-253-01 M.BELL -CONSULTATION 20000 20000 !"""04-263-02 RM-AGENCY WORKSHOP 5000 04-263-03 RM-GENERAL AQUATIC PROGRAM COORDINATION 30000 04-263-19 RM-HYDROLOGICAL 1 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 210800 04-263-41 RM-WATER QUALITY <TSUSENA I DEADMAN)30000 04-263-56 RM-GENERAL LICENSING CONSULTATION 25000 04-263-60 RM-CONTRACT MANAGEMENT I ADMINISTRATION 10000 310800 04-273-02 AEI-AGENCY WORKSHOPS /SETTLEMENT 10000 04-273-03 AEI-GENERAL AQUATIC PROGRAMS COORDINATION 30000 04-273-04 AEI-INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS 10000 04-273-05 AEI-ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC COMPARISONS 125000 04-273-07 AEI-AQUATIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT 70000 .....04-273-56 AEI-GENERAL LICENSING CONSULTATION 20000 04-273-60 AEI-CClNTRACT MANAGEMENT /ADMINISTRATION 10000 275000 04-283-02 WT-AGENCY WORKSHOPS 10000 04-283-03 WT-GENERAL AQUATIC PROGRAM COORDINATION 15000 04-283-04 WT-INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS 150000 04-283-08 WT-FLClW NEGOTIATIONS 15000 04-283-12 WT-t'1IDDLE RIVER HABITAT ANALYSIS 25000 04-283-56 WT-GENERAL LICENSING SUPPORT 10000 04-283-60 WT-CONTRACT MANAGEMENT I ADMINISTRATION 10000 235000 04-291-37 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FOR MITIGATION DEMO.100000 100000 04-293-02 WC-WOF~KSHOF'S 8000 r-04-293-03 WC-AQUATIC PF:OGRESS COORDINATION 12000 04-293-04 WC-INSTREAM FLOW RELATIONSHIPS 100000 04-293-08 WC-FLOW NEGOTIATIONS 15000.....04-293-10 WC-MITIGATION 1 ENHANCEMENT PLANNING 150000I 04-293-37 WC-MInGATIm~DEMONSTRATION 65000 04-293-56 WC-GENERAL LICENSING SUPPORT 10000 04-293-60 WC-CONTHACT MANAGE1'1ENT I ADMINISTRATION 10000 370000.... Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING 8(PERMITTING BASE BUDGET 09/17/84 04-303-09 04-303-10 04-303-11 04-303-15 04-303-30 04-303-32 04-303-36 04-303-42 04-303-43 04-303-44 04-303-45 04-303-46 04-313-09 04-313-36 TERRESTRIAL WOF:KSHOPS MITIG~\TION PLAN REFINEt1ENT IMPACT /MITIGATION TRACKING SYSTEM SETTLEMENT PROCESS MOOSE BROWSE INVENTORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT REFINEMENT FERC HEARING PREPARATION CANDIDATE MITIGATION LANDS ASSESSMENT HABITAT ENHANCEMENT STUDIES DOWNSTREAM RIPARIAN STUDIES RAPTOF~STUD I ES SWAN/EAGLE T-LINE NEST SURVEYS TERRESTRIAL WORKSHOPS FERC HEARING PREPARATION 10000 50000 8000 8000 30000 25000 40000 10000 10000 3000 6000 1500 1000 5000 201500 6000 -i .... i I""" I I 04-323-09 TERRESTRIAL WORKSHOPS 04-323-10 MITIG~\TION PLAN REFINEMENT 04-323-36 FERC HEARING PREPARATION 04-333-09 TERREE3TR I AL WORKSHOPS 04-333-10 MITIG~~TION PLAN REFINEMENT 04-333-36 FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION 04-333-50 DESIGN CRITERIA MANUALS 04-343-09 TERRESTRIAL WORKSHOPS 04-343-10 MITIG~~TION PLAN REFINEMENT 04-343-36 FERC HEARING PREPARATION 04-400-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 1000 6000 8000 1000 9000 5000 10000 1000 4000 5000 38306 15000 25000 10000 38306 .- - .... - ..... I ..... - - TASK 5 FY86 GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE BUDGET There are no plans for any funding in FY86 for a Geotechnical Field Exploration Program. Services 05-010-11 Watana Observation Device Monitoring Prepare observation device data graphs. 05-010-12 Observation Device Reading Read and test groundwater and temperature at the Watana site. 05-010-13 Compilation of Geotechnical Field Data Implementation of field and laboratory methods to obtain basic data including ongoing the monitoring of the subsurface si te conditions. Geologic data on groundwater and temperature summaries which were furnished to the FERC staff will be updated and any questions raised by FERC will be answered. 05-010-20 Geotechnical Support for Dam Safety Hearings Geotechnical input to the dam safety hearings will be provided. Directs None estimated. 12302/5 840907 __________________~_._~~_a ·_ Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 05 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 130500 130500 05-010-11 05-010-12 05-010-13 05-010-20 WATANA OBSERVATION DEVICE READING OBSERVATION DEVICE READING COMPILATION OF GEOTECHNICAL FIELD DATA GEOTECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR DAM HEARING 38500 20000 20000 52000 130500 - - - - TASK 6 FERC LICENSING,SETTLEMENT,&PERMITTING FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE The prime r,es ponsibili ties of this task are to coordinate support activities for the FERC licensing process,the settlement process,and the various permits required for the project.Task 6 will maintain a coordinating,a supporting,and a monitoring role.The level of effort activities and the deliverables are described below. Services 06-010-04 Supplemental Information Request Tracking Task 6 personnel will provide technical support for a computerized tracking system for FERC and other agency requests for supplemental information.The tracking system will also include information items to be sent to FERC which were referenced in previous res ponses to information requests. 06-010-05 Permit Support Close coordination with the permitting subcontractor and with Contrac tor technical personnel will be maintained to ensure timely acquisition of permits and other authorizations necessary for project activities. 06-010-07 Settlement Support - The Contractor required for 12302/6 840907 will the coordinate its personnel issue settlement process. 1 and other support Included will as be contributions to agency coordination guidelines,identification and preparation of issues lists,issue analyses,preparation of draft letters to agencies,coordination during preparation of study plans for resolving issues,coordination of issues tracking reports, dissemination of reports and other technical material to agencies,and coordination of responses to agency comments. 06-010-09 Environment/Dam Safety Hearings Support These hearings will address matters of engineering and safety of project structures and operation,and any environmental matters still in dispute.Coordination of Contractor effort and assistance to_expert witnesses and Power Authority Counsel will be provided during all phases of these hearings,including the pre-hearing conference, I""" i ..... ! discovery and supplemental discovery periods,preparation of direct testimony,and preparation of expert witnesses for cross-examination. Directs 06-020-01 Printing Printing costs for materials to support settlement. 06-020-02 Travel and Living Travel to Anchorage and living expenses for home office support,and Anchorage personnel travel and expenses for License/Permit Tracking and Settlement meetings are estimated to be as shown. 06-020-04 Relocation Costs for relocation of home office personnel. 12302/6 840907 2 -------------------,-------------------------------------- 06-020-05 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous direct co~ts. 06-020-06 Workshop Directs Direct costs for s~x settlement process workshops. Subcontracts 06-135-01 Monitoring Field Permit Application Preparation,Processing and ..... I CIRI/Moolin ,and Association (CIRI/FMAA)will assist the Contractor in identifying data needed for field program permit applications, reviewing work plans needed for these permit applications,processing and submitting the applications to the appropriate agencies,monitoring field work to lnsure compliance with permit stipulations,and preparing input for the permit tracking system. 06-135-02 Long Lead Time Permit Applications CIRI/FMAA will prepare applications for long lead time permits as appropriate. 06-134-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of the contractor cost. 12302/6 840907 3 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates '09/17/84 LICENSING &.PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 06 1010844 ~TOTAL DIRECTS 06-134-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS TOTAL SERVICES 742624 58696 191751 382421 109756 742624 104000 18000 20000 50000 10000 6000.104000 164220 80500 80500 161000 3220 3220 PRINTING TRAVEL &LIVING EXPENSES RELOCATION MISCELLANEOUS WORKSHOP DIRECTS 06-135-01 CIRI /FMAA-FLD PRMT AF'F'L PREP,PROCESS AND MON IT OF: 06-135-02 CIRI/FMAA-LONG LEAD TIME PERMIT APPLICATIONS 06-020-01 06-020-02 06-020-04 06-020-05 06-020-06 06-010-04 LICENSE 1 PERMITS TRACKING 06-010-05 PERMIT SUPPORT 06-010-07 SETTLEMENT SUPPORT 06-010-09 ENVIRONMENTAL 1 SAFETY HEARINGS SUPPORT r ... .... FY86 TASK 39 LOGISTICS FY 86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE Task 39 involves logistical support for the Susitna project.The support contributions include all aviation and lodging in support of field activities. For FY86 base!budgeting,it 1S assumed that the field camp will be closed on October 1st for the winter,and that Talkeetna will be utilized as an operations base until camp reopening April 1st. Services 39-010-01 Logistical Services Coordination of Logistics Direct Costs 39-020-02 Jet Fuel Purchased out of Camp Jet fuel purchased away from the camp refers to refueling of heli- copters at places other than the Watana Camp fuel dump.The limi ted fuel capacity of the helicopters requires them to take on fuel 1n Talkeetna,Cantwell,and other locations when their missions have taken them out of nmge of Watana Camp or when operating from Talkeetna with the camp closed • 12302/39 840907 1 - 39-020-04 Out of Camp Lodging Talkeetna lodging includes the costs associated with room and board in motels in Talkeetna when Watana Camp is closed. 39-020-10 Extraordinary Aircraft Support Extraordinary air support 1.S the chartering of aircraft other than those currently subcontracted when an unusual or infrequently used type of aircraft is required. Subcontracts 39-143-02 -39-143-27 Helicopter Air Logistics Furnish rotary w1.ng support for field activities. 39-153-02 -39-153-27 Alaska Air Guides -Fixed Wing Provide·fixed W1.ng support for commuting to site and aerial observation. 39-193-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to 2 percent of subcontractor costs. 39-203-02 -39-203-26 CIRI/Moolin Camp Operation ..... ..... CIRI-Moolin lLS responsible for housekeeping, maintenance support • food serV1.ce,and 12302/39 840907 2 .... 39-203-37 CIRl/Moolin Special Projects -Generator Synchronization Gear With a slightly more than minimal load on our largest generator (275K) the camp starts to brown out.With the addi tion of the heat tape requirement for the all weather water line,and the electric motors for the Air Quality Baseline Program it will be necessary to switch in and synchronite combination of 2 generators for a total of 550 or 380 kilomwatts as required.The equipment for this must be purchsed and connected.No winter operation will be feasible without this. 39-203-38 to 39-203-40 CIRI/Moolin Management CIRI/Moolin personnel in Watana Camp and Anchorage who manage and coordinate the logistics efforts. 39-203-41 Camp Close &Reopen Labor and materials to close the Watana Camp in the winter and reopen it in the summer. 39-203-42 Camp Fuel Airlift Purchase and transport of fuel to storage bladders at Watana camp. 12302/39 840907 3 TASK 39 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cast Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET 1802160 TOTAL SERVICES 135000 ~ 39-010-01 HARZAlEBASCO LOGISTICAL SERVICES 135000 135000 "'"'TOTAL DIRECTS 78000 39-020-02 JET FUEL PURCHASED OUT OF CAMP 46000 F'""39-020-04 OUT OF CAMP LODGING 22000 39-020-10 EXTRADRDINARY AIRCRAFT SUPPORT 10000 78000 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 1589160 .-39-143-00 HELICOPTER AIR LOGISTICS 708000 708000 39-153-00 ALASKA AIR GUIDES 28000 28000 39-193-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 31160 31160 39-203-00 CIRI/Ft'1AA CAMP OPERATION 208000 39-203-37 GENERATOR SYNCHRONIZATION GEAR 30000 f"""39-203-38 CIRI/MOOLIN -PROJECT MANAGEMENT 141000 39-203-39 FIELD EMERGENCY TECHNICIAN 130000 39-203-40 FIELD CAMP OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 161000.-39-203-41 CAMP CLOSE ~(REOPEN 52000 39-203-42 CAMP FUEL AIRLIFT 100000 822000 ------_._--------------------------- .... - TASK 40 NEED FOR POWER STUDIES .FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE This task 1S concerned with project operation,resource utilization,and,to a lesser degree,financing.The services effort for FY86 involves a continuation of the discovery activities begun in the previous fiscal year, and participation 1n the administrative hearings on dam safety and environment. Services 40-010-01 Economic Update This deliverable 1S related to the settlement process,utility power sales agreements and the FERC licensing process.The work will cosist of reviewing economic assumptions and making adjustments as required by current and future economic trends.A summary status report of current and forecast economic conditions will be completed as part of this task. 40-010-05 Pre!hearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony This deliverable 1S related to the Environmental Hearing Process.The effort consists of finalizing direct testimony and preparing rebuttal testimony.The testimony 1S anticipated to cover econom1cs,fuel price forecasts,project operation,capacity and energy production,generation expansion and financial requirements. 40-010-06 Discovery Activities,Environmental Hearings ...... This deliverable 1S related to concerns Need for Power subjects. 12302/40 840907 the Environmental Hearing Process and The work will consist of collecting, 1 ---._.__.-,------ compiling and disseminating infonnation;expanding discussion of testimony of others;and indexing and filing. The estimate 1.S preliminary because the extent of the activi ty cannot be anticipated. 40-010-29 Project Operation and Dispatch This deliverable is related to the power sales negotiations and settlement process.Reservoir operation studies and operatin planning studies will be required to support flow negotiations with resource agencies and to support power sales negotiations with railbelt utilities. 40-010-33 Utility Expansion Planning Thisdeleverable is related to the power sales negotiations with railbelt utilities.It will be necessary to assist each of the railbelt utilities to determine the optimum utility expansion plan for each utility before final power sales agreements can be completed. 40-010-34 Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings This task c011lsists of participation by Need for Environmental Hearings including presentation examination,and conferences with counsel. Power personnel of tes t imony , 1.n the cross- 40-010-35 Preparation of Initial,Reply &Exception Briefs -Environmental Hearings This effort i.s part of the Environmental Hearing Process.The effort consists of assisting counsel in preparing briefs,the reV1.ew of opponents briefs,and.the preparation of recommendations to the Authority and counsel. The estimate 1.S preliminary because the extent of the activity cannot be anticipated. 12302/40 2 840907 - Direct Costs 40-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses Air travel and the associated subsistence expenses for staff who will be required to support the task activities. 40-020-03 Computer Models runs for economic and project operation studies. 40-020-04 Printing Printing costs for any pre-hearing studies. 40-020-05 Communication Communication,reproduction,postage,etc. 40-020-09 Generation Planning Computer Model Operation The cost to run the generation planning model. Subcontractor Costs 40-103-05 Acr,es,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Test imony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-103-06 Acres,Discovery Activities Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period. 12302/40 840907 4 - - - -- .- 40-103-34 Acres,Presentation of Testimony,Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-113-05 Battelle,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct:testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-113-06 Battelle,Discovery Activities,Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period. 40-113-34 Battelle,Presentation of Testimony -Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-123-05 S.H.Clark,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-123-06 S.H.Clark,Discovery Activities Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period. 40-123-34 S.H.Clark,Presentation of Testimony-Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony • F""" I 12302/40 840907 5 .... 40-133-05 ISER,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-133-06 ISE:R,Discovery Activities -Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period 40-133-34 ISER,Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-153-05 Dames &Moore,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearing. 40-153-06 Dames &Moore,Discovery Activities -Environmental Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period. 40-153-34 Dames &Moore,Presentation of Testimony - Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-173-05 P.Weir,Prehearing Studies &Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearing. 12302/40 840907 6 40-173-06 P.Weir,Discovery Activities -Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the Discovery Period. 40-173-34 .P.Weir,Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-233-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of subcontractor cost.- i~- .- 12302/40 840907 7 ____l_'-------------~---------------------------------.:......- .... -- Alaska Power Authority Harz a-Ebasco SLlsi tna Joi nt VentLlre Fiscal Year 1986:P~eliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 40 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 520400 240000 40-010-01 40-010-05 40-010-06 40-010-29 40-010-33 40-010-34 40-010-35 ECONOMIC UPDATE PRE-HEARING STUDIES AND PREPARATION OF TESTIMONY DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS PROJECT OPERATION AND DISPATCH UTILITY EXPANSION PLANNING PREPARATION OF TESTIMONY-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS PREP.OF INITIAL REPLY &EXCEPTION BRIEFS-ENVIRO 20000 50000 30000 50000 40000 30000 20000 240000 TOTAL DIRECTS 107000 40-020-01 40-020-03 40-020-04 40-020-05 40-020-09 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS,ETC. GE -OGP COMPUTER MODEL 40000 30000 2000 5000 30000 107000 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 40-103-05 ACRES-PREHEARING STUDIES AND PREP.OF TESTIMONY 40-103-06 ACRES-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING 40-103-34 ACRES-PREP.OF TESTIMONY-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 40-113-05 BATTELLE-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY 40-113-06 BATTELLE-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 40-113-34 BATTELLE-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING 10000 10000 10000 10000 5000 10000 173400 30000 25000 40-123-05 40-123-06 40-123-34 40-133-05 40-133-06 40-133-34 SH CLARK-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY SH CLARK-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS SH CLARK-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING ISER-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY ISER-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS ISER-PREP OF TESTIT10NY ENVIF:ONMENTAL HEARINGS 10000 10000 20000 10000 5000 10000 40000 25000 40-153-05 DAMES&MOORE-F'F:EHEAR STUDIES ~1.PREP OF TESTIMONY 40-153-06 DAMES&MOORE-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 40-153-34 DAMES&MOORE-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRO HEARINGS 10000 5000 10000 25000 --I Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscall Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET 40-173-05 F='.WEIH-PREHEAF:ING STUDIES AND PREP OF TESTIMONY 40-173-06 P.WEIF~-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 40-173-34 P.WEIR-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 40-233-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 09/17/84 10000 5000 10000 3400 25000 3400 - - TASK 41 SUSITNA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE Purpose The purpose of this task is to support activities required for licensing, pennitting,land use rights and access as related to the Project Transmission Line. 41-010-01 Transmission Line Hearing Support This subtask includes a level of effort for environmental hearings support in matters relating to the transmission line. Directs 41-020-01 Travel and Living Expense Direct costs cover air fare and travel expenses related to accomplishing this task. Subcontracts 41-100-01 Consultant In support of the environment hearings some subcontracts will be assigned to consultants for expert testimony. 41-300-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of the subcontract cost. 12302/41 840907 ~",_.__~;,_;;:::Ai4£4 ---G ---__-__---------- ,~ ,..., - TASK 42 HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC STUDIES FY86 LICENSING AND PERMITTING BASE Task 42 will include the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses required to support assessments of project impacts on the aquatic ecosystem. Assessments of project impacts on the aquatic ecosytem will be required for the negotiated settlement of the licensing process and for support to the FERC Hearing Process. Services 42-010-01 Supervision &Coordination Task 42 coordinators will work with personnel of the Aquatic Terres- trial and Socioeconomic Study Teams to ensure that hydrologic and hydraulic studies provide the necessary testimony support for the FERC hearing process and the settlement process.They also will provide technical reVlew for work by Aquatic Study subcontractors and for hydrologic and hydraulic studies by Task 42 personnel.The coordi- nation function also ensures that hydrologic and hydraulic studies will be accomplished in a timely and efficient manner.This item includes budget for the above management and coordina tion functions.In addi- tion it provides budget for the general level-of-effort for this task including:participation 1n coordination meetings of the aquatic studies team,participation in meetings and workshops with concerned state and federal agencies,preparation of investigation memoranda and work scopes,preparation of budgets,compilation of progress and status reports,computer support and word processing servi ces in the home 12302/42 840907 1 offices for reports and memoranda prepared for all subtasks of Task 42. This sub task will be completed by January 31,1986. During FY86 the following studies will be emphasized: 1-reserV01r temperature study, 2.instream ice study, .-3 •slough geohydrology study,and 4.sediment deposition study. 42-010-02 Reservoir Operation and Instream Hydraulic Study To support th'e FERC hearing process testimony will be prep.ared on the following studies which were carried out in FY84 and FY85. 1.Reservoir operation study 2.Stream water surface profiles (steady state) 3.Water level fluctuations due to load following operation. - It is anticipated that these studies will not requ1re a large effort during FY86.It is not expected that much testimony or license support will be required of these studies.These studies will be completed by January 31,1986. 42-010-04 Reservoir Temperature/Ice/Turbidity Study """' Testimony wil be prepared temperature modeling made and g1ven 1n FY84 and 1n support FY85.A of the limited reservoir number of -- additional reservoir temperature simulations will be undertaken 1n 12302/42 840907 2 ---~---,---------------._._---------------------- -- support of th.~"Hearing Process to examine alternative flow regimes for impacts. 42-010-09 Instream Ice Studies Testimony will be prepared and g~ven ~n support of the instream ice modeling made in FY84 and FY86.A 1imted number of additional river - - ice simulations will be undertaken in support of the Hearing Process to examine alternative flow regimes for impacts. 42-010-12 Slough Geohydrology Study The purpose of this study in FY8S will be to support testimony at the FERC Hearings.It is not anticipated that new slough geohydrology data will be collected or analyzed in FY86. 42-010-23 Lower River Sediment Study The study of potential deposition and elevated water levels at the confluence of Susitna and Chulitna Rivers will continue ~n FY86.It is anticipated that this will be completed in early 1986.A mathematical model of sediment processes in the confluence area developed in FY8S will be run a.nd a report will be finalized.The report will include estimates of potential deposition and elevated water levels, recommendations and evaluations of mitigation measures.It is also anticipated that testimony regarding this study will be presented in the FERC Hearings. 12302/42 840907 3 Directs 42-020-01 Travel and Temporary Living Expenses Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses will be carried out 1n the home offices,primarily 1n Chicago.FERC Hearings will be held in Washington,D.C.and Environmental Studies will be carried out in Anchorage.A total of 15 trips have been budgeted.Seven of these would be between'the home office and Anchorage for coordination of studies,field visits and discussion with counsel during the preparation of briefs;five trips would be between the home offices and Washington,D.C.and three would be between Anchorage and Washington, D.C. 42-020-02 Relocation The cost associated with demobilizing one family from Anchorage to Chicago and the monthly costs of property management and storage. 42-020-03 Computer Charges To support t1estimony (environmental related)studies will include operation of several mathematical models using electronic computers. The reserV01r temperature model (DYRESM)wi 11 also be run as part of the FERC Hearing negotiated settlement processes.A limited number of runs will be made as necessary to provide information requi red for set t lement. 12302/42 840907 4 -- ..- The instream ice model will also be run during the Hearing settlement processes.Procluctions runs of this model will be for the same condi- tions as the reservoir temperature model. Streambed aggradation or degradation in the reach between the Susitna- Chulitna confluence and the Sunshine bridge will be computed us~ng a state-of-the art model such as the V.S.Army Corps of Engineers model HEC-6 or a model developed by Simons and Lei,Inc. 42-020-06 Miscellaneous This item will cover such things as printing,film,aerial photos (from USGS EROS data center)and other items which are necessary but not covered under specific budgets. Subcontracts 42-103-01 Reservoir Temperature/Ice Study Dr.Paul Hambl in of the Canadian Center for Inland Waters wi 11 be retained to provide consultation on the development of testimony on the model for reservoir thermal behavior • 42-113-01 Instream Ice Process Study A consultant will be retained to provide consultation on the development of testimony for the model of instream ice processes. 12302/42 840907 5 - - .F"'" 42-143-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A fee ~qual to two percent of subcontractor costs. 42-163-01 Glacier Data Collection Dr.Will Harrison of the UAF Geophysical Institute will continue his glacier data collection program in conjunction with the development of the streamflow forecasting methods. 42-173-01 Streamflow Forecasting A consultant will be retained to begin development of long term and short term stream flow forecasting methods for use 1n project operation.This will be contingent on the results of work accomplished in FY85 regarding the feasibility of such methods. 42-183-01 Sediment Consultant A consultant ~iill be retained to interpret results of sediment modeling studies for the confluence area of the Susitna and Chulitna Rivers. 12302/42 840907 6 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitha Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING BASE BUDGET TASK 42 TOTAL SERVICES 09/17/84 422000 270000 42-010-01 42-010-02 42-010-04 42-010-09 42-010-12 42-(110-23 SUPER".&COORD. RESERVIOR OPERATION &STREAM HYDRAULIC STUDIES RESERVIDR TEMPEF:ATURE STUDIES INSTREAM ICE STUDIES SLOUGH -GROUNDWATER STUDY AGREDI~TION -DEGRADATION 75000 22000 56000 56000 21000 40000 270000 ..-TOTAL DIRECTS 101000 42-020-01 42-020-02 42-020-03 42-020-06 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES RELOCIHIDN COMPUTER CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS 35000 23500 40000 2500 101000 ""'"I TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 42-103-01 RESERVIOR TEMP/ICE CONSULTANT 42-113-01 INSTRlEAt1 ICE CONSULTANT 42-143-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 42-163-01 GLACIER DATA COLLECTION 42-173-01 STREAMFLOW FORECASTING 42-183-01 SEDIMENT CONSULTANT 5000 5000 1000 20000 10000 10000 51000 5000 5000 1000 20000 10000 10000 -~_._~--------------------- ..... Task 2 Project Support Services FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services None Directs 02-020-01 Temporary Services To support an intensified discovery process and a lengthened testimony duration,additional temporary services help will be required in document control and word processing.Tne document control effort would require two clerks for a thrr month duration to assist ~n the peak reproduction and cataloging load.The added word processing ~s also estimated to require two word processors for three months wno would provide second shift capacity to meet the added word processing peak loading. 02-020-05 Supplies Additional supplies,principally for the xerox reproductions,will be required.An additional 300,000 copies are estimated to be required over a three month period the cost of these supplies is included here. 02-020-06 Postage Air Express A fifty percent increase in present expenditures for postage would be estimated for the tnree month period of intense discovery effort • 27602/2 840910 1 02-020-07 Photocopy/Prints To handle excessively large documents and/or extremely quick completion of discovery related reproduction requests,an allowance of $15,000 is included for reproduction through outside services. 27602/2 840910 2 ",.. Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET TASK 02 TOTAL DIRECTS 09/17/84 150000 150000 ~. 02-020-01 02--020-05 02--020-06 02--020-07 TEMPORARY SERVICES SUPPLIES POSTAGE,AIREXPRESS,FREIGHT PHOTOCOPY /PRINTS 50000 30000 20000 50000 150000 Task 4 Environmental Program FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget 04-011-08 Supplemental DEIS Review Assumes Draft EIS ~s rewritten during FY85 and available for comment during FY86.Also allows for responding to other agency comments on the DEIS as - requested by FERC. 04-011-09 SSP-Settlement Process Input Assumed intensive input by aquatic staff in the settlement of ~ssues with resource agencies. 04-011-13 SSP-FERC Hearing Preparation Assumes increase in Discovery Request,extended hearings period and additional Harza-Ebasco staff persons involved in the hearings process. 04-013-15 Settlement Process Input Assumes intensive input by aquatic staff ~n the settlement of ~ssues wi th resource agencies. 04-013-16 Supplemental DEIS and FEIS Review Assumes Draft EIS is rewritten during FY85 and available for comment during FY86.Also allows for responding to other agency comments on the DEIS as requested by FERC. 27602/4 840910 1 04-013-36 FERC Hearings Preparation Assumes increase in Discovery Request,extended hearings period and additional Harza-Ebasco staff persons involved in the hearings process. 04-016-01 DEIS Supplemental Review Assumes Draft EIS is rewritten during FY85 and available for comment during -FY86.Also allows for responding to other agency comments on the DEIS as - requested by FERC. 04-016-09 FERC Hearings Prep Assumes increase in Discovery Request,extended hearings period and additional Harza-Ebasco staff persons involved in the hearings process. 04-016-37 Mitigation Demonstration A demonstration project will be performed ~n an area selected by the FY85 mitigation study.The purpose will be to certify the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures. 04-016-45 Primary Productivity Studies Within the Susitna River,Other Glacial Streams and Some Non-Glacial Streams r Appropriate substrates (either natural or artificial)from various habitats of the Susitna and other rivers will be analyzed for indices of autochthanous primary productivity (e.g.,chlorophyll "a "per unit of standing crop organic carbon).Additional physical measurements such as water depth,turbidity,suspended sediment,discharge,temperature,Secchi disc or other photic zone indicators will be made in each sampling site. Physical characteristics will be analyzed to investigate the relationship between benthic primary productivity and habitat physical parameters. 27602/4 840910 2 - Comparative data from various Susitna River habitats and from other south- central Alaskan rivers will be useful in forecasting with-project impacts to the downstream biological food web,including resident and anadromous fishes. 04-016-51 Heavy Metal Leaching Potential From Reservoirs A literature searcn and analysis will be performed and related to the present level of limnological knowledge about the Susitna River.A - -I qualitative assessment will be made of the project related changes may occur in dissolved or particulate heavy metal cations such as: Arsenic Lead Barium Manganese Beryllium Mercury Boron Nickel Cadmium Selenium Chromium Silver Copper Silver Iron 04-016-52 Baseline Study of Mercury Concentrations ~n Resident Fishes which ADF&G will collect and properly preserve representative samples of adult, piscivorous resident sport fish in the Susitna River: a)upper r~ver including Maclaren,Tyone and Oshetna tributaries; b)reservo~r area reaches,including major tributaries; c)middle reach d)lower reach including the Chulitna,Talkeetna,Kashwitna,Deshka and Yentna Rivers. Appropriately preserved samples will be sent to a predetermined laboratory for analyses by approved techniques to determine tissue mercury content. 27602/4 840910 3 ..... ..,.. - Discussion and summary of sample locations,sample preservation and analysis techniques,all data and recommendations for future study will be presented in report form by H-E.The draft R~port,will be prepared by March 1,1985 and final completed June 1,1985. 04-016-57 Issue Papers for Settlement Process Assumes intensive input by aquatic staff in the settlement of ~ssues with resource agencies. 04-016-61 General Plan of Study/Workscope Preparation The General Plan of Study for fiscal year 1986 will describe the specific study objectives and work tasks,detailed study methodology including sampling and analysis procedures,data management and report formats, quality assurance procedures and detailed schedules and de1iverab1es for each study element.The various tasks described ~n the study plan will address specific elements necessary for completion of analyses for several .aspects of the FERC Licensing procedure including supplemental input to the DEIS,input to the FEIS,the Settlement process and the Hearings process. Workscopes for continuing and additional studies for the subcontractors will be developed.The workscopes will reflect specific issues pertaining to the analysis of effects of the Susitna Project.The workscopes will be developed in consultation with appropriate resource agencies as part of the general licensing process. Directs 04-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses Assumes extended hearing schedule requiring transportation to and expenses in Washington,D.C.for expert witnesses. 27602/4 840910 4 Subcontractor Frank Orth &Associates 04-113-03 FaA -Supplemental DEIS Review Refer to description of cost account 04-011-08. 04-113-20 FaA -Hearing Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-011-13. EDAW 04-123-02 EDAW -Supplemental DEIS Review Refer to description of cost account 04-011-08. 04-123-06 RE -Settlement Process Input Refer to description of cost account 04-011-09 1n the base budget. 04-123-08 RE -Hearings Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-011-13. 04-123-51 AE -Settlement Process Input Refer to description of cost account 04-011-09 1n the base budget. 04-123-53 AE -Hearings Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-011-13 1n the base budget. 27602/4 840910 5 --_._..__.~-~---------------------- ~, .... R & M 04-263-09 Hearings Prep. Assumes R &M staff person(s)will testify. AEIDC 04-273-09 Hearings Prep. Assume two staff persons from AEIDC will testify. EWT&A 04-283-09 Hearings Prep. Assumes one staff person will testify. 04-291-37 Construction Contractor for Mitigation Demo. Refer to description of cost account 04-016-37. WCC 04-293-09 Hearings Prep. Assumes one staff person will testify. 04-293-37 WC -Mitigation Demonstration Refer to description of cost account 04-016-37. M.Bell 27602/4 840910 6 - I""'" ! 04-253-01 Milo Bell Consultants Assumes M.Bell will testify 1n hearings. LGL 04-303-15 Settlement Process Refer to description of cost account 04-013-15. 04-303-36 FERC Hearings Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-013-36. UA -Palmer 04-323-36 FERC Hearing Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-013-36. R.A.Krieg 04-333-36 FERC Hearings Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-013-36. B.Kessel 04-343-36 FERC Hearing Preparation Refer to description of cost account 04-013-36. 27602/4 840910 7 f"" I r- I I ! - - Sub Hand ling Fee 04-400-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to 2 percent of the subcontractor costs. ..... 27602/4 840910 8 -- Alaska Power Authority· Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING ~PERMITTING SUPPLEf1ENTAL BUDGET TASI<04 TOTAl.SERVICES 04-011-08 DEIS COMMENTS 04--011-09 SSP-SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT 04--011-13 SSP-HEARING PREPARATION 09/17/84 30000 132000 464000 3790320 2082000 626000 ..... .... ..... 04--013-15 04--013-16 04--013-36 04-,016-01 04--016-09 04--016-37 04--016-45 04--016-51 04--016-52 04--016-57 04--016-61 SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT SUPPLEMENTAL DEIS AND FEIS REVIEW FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION SUPPLEMENTAL DEIS REVIEW FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION MITIGATION DEMONSTRATION PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY STUDIES WITHIN SUSITNA RVR. HEAVY METAL LEACHING POTENTIAL FROM RESERVOIRS BASELINE STUDY OF MERCURY CONCENTRATIONS IN FISH .ISSUE PAPERS /SETTLEMENT PROCESS PLAN OF STUDY I WORKSCoPE PREPARATION 50000 40000 220000 42000 530000 100000 12000 10000 20000 132000 300000 310000 1146000 TOTAL DIRECTS 04--020-01 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 04-113-03 FDA -SUPPLEMENTAL DEIS REVIEW 04--113-20 FDA -HEARING PREPARATION 04--123-02 EDAW -SUPPLEMENTAL DEIS REVIEW 04--123-06 RE-SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT 04--123-08 RE-HEARINGS PREPARATION 04--123-51 AE-SETTLEMENT PROCESS INPUT 04--123-53 AE-HEARINGS PREPARATION 04--253-01 M.BELL -CONSULTATION 04--263-09 RM-FERC HEARINGS PREPARATION -----_...._--- 90000 5000 75000 10000 6000 66000 4000 10000 50000 165000 90000 90000 1618320 80000 96000 50000 165000 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET - r, "-----,,-,-_._~.-----, 09/17/84 .- Task 6 ..... ..- .- Licensing Support &Permitting n86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services 06-010-09 Env/Safety Hearing Support Additional support will be required 1n the event of increased hearing testimony duration and/or excessive discovery requests. 06-010-11 Settlement Negotiation The Contractor will assist the Power Authority during formal negotiating sessions with the agencies and other settlement participants. Directs 06-020-02 Travel and Living Additional travel·and living expenses due to settlement negotiation are estimated to be as shown • 27602/6 840910 1 ---------~-_._---------------------------------------------- - j I 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET . ,~ .... TAS/<06 TOTAL SERVICES 06-010-09 ENVIRONMENTAL /SAFETY HEARINGS SUPPORT 06-010-11 SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS TOTAL DIRECTS 06-020-02 TRAVEL &LIVING EXPENSES 58696 82168 10000 150864 140864 140864 10000 10000 ._-,_._---_._----------~---------------- .... .... - .... .... Task 7 Electrical Power System Studies FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services 07-010-50 Transmission System Refinement Studies Study system impacts resulting from transmission line refinements carried out in Task 41.Will be performed only if required by hearing process. Directs 07-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses Cost of travel and subsistence. 07-020-05 Computer Use of computer time to assist 1n performing the study. Subcontracts 07-200-01 Transient Network Analysis Subcontractor Subcontract to perform an analysis of network transients based on the refined system. 07-300-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of subcontract cost • 2760217 840910 1 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fi seal Year 1986:PreLiminary Cost Estimates. LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET TASK 07 TOTAl.SERVICES 07-'010-50 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM REFINEMENT STUDIES TOTAL DIRECTS 45000 95600 45000 45000 20000 07-'020-01 07--020-05 TRAVEL &LIVING EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES 5000 15000 20000 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 07--200-01 TRANSIENT NEnl/ORK ANALYSIS SUBCONTRACTOR 07--300-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 30000 600 30600 30000 600 ,--,-,-_.,----------------------------------- .... Task 39 Logistics FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Subcontracts 39-800-00 Watana Camp Airstrip An airstrip would be constructed near the Watana Camp to facilitate all subsequent activities at the camp site.The airstrip would greatly reduce the dependence on helicopters and would allow larger,heavier loads to be moved into camp without the use of special,high-cost helicopters. 39-193-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of subcontract costs. 39-203-36 Satelite Disk Procurement and installation of a satelite disk to enable reception of television signals for the camp.This item would save monthly movie rental cost and increase morale at the camp. 27602/39 840910 1 --_._._-_.------------------------------------------L 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING ~(PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET ..... .- ..... TASK 39 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 39-193-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 39-203-36 SATTELITE DISK 39-800-00 WATANA CAMP AIRSTRIP 11280 14000 550000 575280 575280 11280 14000 550000 --,-,,---.,,-------------------------------- - Task 40 Need for Power Studies Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services 40-010-01 Economic Update This deliverable is related to the settlement process,utility power sales agreements and the FERC licensing process.If key economic parameters have ch~nged since the previous economic update,a supplemental budget will be required to complete this activity. 40-010-04 Discovery Activities -Need for Power Hearings Requests for information and the preparation of responses for these information requests by the FERC staff,intervenors,and other agencies and individuals has been substantially greater than anticipated.If the requests continue at the same level,a greater level of effort will be req uired than is estimated.This task provides for a greater level of effort in responding to Discovery requests and will be necessary if there is a delay in the Need for Power Hearings. 40-010-05 Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony This activity ~s a continuation of the prehearing studies described ~n the Base Budget.Supplemented funds would be required if greater participation from Task 40 is needed in the Environmented Hearing. 27602/40 840910 1 40-010-06 Discovery Activities -Environmental Hearings This activity reflects a greater participation ~n the Discovery Activities related to the Environmental Hearings. r>"'" I 40-010-13 Presentation of Testimony -Need for Power Hearings !"""" I .... The present schedule allocates three weeks for the Need for Power Hearings. There is a likelihood that either this schedule allows insufficient time for the hearing process or that the hearings could be delayed and overlap into FY86.This task provides for either a longer hearing period or a delay in the process.The scope of work consists of the presentation of direct and subsequent rebuttal testimony and conferences with counsel concerning cross- examination of witnesses for APA,FERC.and intervenors. 40-010-27 Comments on Supplemental DEIS &Input to FEIS Current events indicate that there is a possibility of a second draft of the EIS or that the final EIS may be delayed.The occurrence of either of these possibilities would suggest substantial revision to the existing DEIS and would necessitate further review of the EIS on behalf of the Power Authority. 40-010-29 Project Operation and Dispatch This activity reflects greater than anticipated project operation and dispatch simulation studies requested by either railbelt utilities or resource agencies in connection with negotiations on power sales agreements or acceptable flow regimes. 27602/40 840910 2 _"_o·_-·U_llIf~_.~'----------------- .... r .... 'II 40-010-30 Settlement Process,Economic Data Input The settlement proces~is currently underway.Workshops are being provided for the benefi t of resource agency personnel.However,negotiations have not commenced.Considering current schedules,there is a strong possibility that settlement will not be completed .in FY85.This task provides for support from the Need for Power group during negotiations. 40-010-33 Utility Expansion Planning This activity reflects greater participation in the updating of utility expansion plans. 40-010-34 Presentation of Testimony This task consist of.increased participation by Need For Power Personnel during the Environmental Hearing.This task would be necessary if either the duration of the Hearing or the level of effort is increased. Direct Costs 40-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses Additional a~r travel and the associated subsistence expenses for staff who will be required to support the increased level of task activities. 40-020-03 Computer Additional models runs for economic and project operation studies. 40-020-04 Printing Printing costs for additional studies and reports. 27602/40 840910 3 ----------------------------------------------- r- I r I - II 40-020-05 Communication Communication,reproduction,postage,etc. 40-020-09 Generation Planning Computer Model Operation The cost to make additional model runs. Subcontracts The subcontractor costs will be increased by: (1)extension or delay of either the Discovery or the Testimony portions of the Need For Power Hearings (2)a record draft of the EIS or a delay in the FEIS (3)additional involvement in the sellement process (4)a greater level of activity in the prehearing studies and Testimony associated with the Environmental Hearings (5)the extension or delay of either the Discovery or the Testimony portions of the Environmental Hearings. Acres 40-103-04 Acres,Discovery Activities -Need for Power Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 27602/40 840910 4 ..... ..... ...... 40-103-05 Acres,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-103-13 Acres,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony 40-103-27 Acres,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-103-30 Acres,Settlement Process -Economic Data Input Provide support in Settlement Process. 40-103-34 Acres,Presentation of Testimony,Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. Battelle 40-113-04 Battelle,Discovery Activities,Need for Power Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-113-05 Battelle,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings • 27602/40 840910 5 40-113-06 Battelle,Discovery Actitivites,Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-113-13 Battelle,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power .... Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony 40-113-27 Battelle,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-113-34 Battelle,Presentation of Testimony -Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. S.H.Clark 40-123-04 S.H.Clark,Discovery Activities,Need for Power Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-123-05 S.H.Clark,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. ....,40-123-06 S.H.Clark,Discovery Activities Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. r 27602/40 840910 6 --_._"'...."""...-~.~-------------_._------------- - - - ..... - ".,. 40-123-13 S.H.Clark,Administrative Hearings -Need for,Power Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony 40-123-27 S.H.Clark,Comments on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-123-34 S.H.Clark,Persentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. ISER 40-133-04 ISER,Discovery Activities -Need for Power Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for informatio~during the Discovery period. 40-133-05 ISER,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearings. 40-133-06 ISER,Discovery Activities -Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40~133-l3 ISER,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony 27602/40 840910 7 .... -- r "'""I I .... r ii' 40-133-27 ISER,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-133-34 ISER,Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. General Electric 40-143-13 GE,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-143-27 GE,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to DEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-143-34 GE,Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony. Dames &Moore 40-153-04 Dames &Moore,Discovery Activities Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-153-05 Dames &Moore,Prehearing Studies and Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearing. 27602/40 840910 8 40-153-13 Dames &Moore,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power. Attendanc~at Hearing and presentation of testimony 40-153-27 Dames &Moore,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-153-34 Dames &Moore,Presentation of Testimony Hearings Environmental - ~ "! ..... Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. Paul Weir Company 40-173-04 P.Weir,Discovery Activities -Need for Power Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-173-05 P.Weir,Prehearing Studies &Preparation of Testimony Prepare direct testimony for Environmental Administrative Hearing. 40-173-06 P.Weir,Discovery Activities -Environmental Hearings Contribute to preparation of responses to requests for information during the discovery period. 40-173-13 P.Weir,Administrative Hearings -Need for Power Attendance at hearing and presentation of testimony 27602/40 840910 9 ,...., F"'" I .- ..... 40-173-27 P.Weir,Comment on DEIS and Provide Input to FEIS Provide input to EIS process 40-173-34 P.Weir,Presentation of Testimony -Environmental Hearings Attendance at Hearing and presentation of testimony. 40-233-01 Subcontractor Handling Fee A handling fee equal to two percent of subcontract cost. 27602/40 840910 --_._------_. 10 - - ,1IIJiiIlI j I 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco SLlsitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET TASK 40 rOTAL.SERVICES 1370120 640000 40--010-01 4(1--010-04 40-'010-05 40--010-06 40-'010-13 40--010-27 40-'010-29 40-'010-30 40-'010-33 40-'010-34 ECONOMIC UPDATE DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER PRE-HEARING STUDIES AND PREPARATION OF TESTIMONY DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS PRESENTATION OF TESTIMONY-NEED FOR POWER COMMENTS ON SUPPLEMENTAL DEIS &INPUT TO FEIS. PROJECT OPERATION AND DISPATCH SETTLEMENT PROCESS,ECONOMIC DATA INPUT UTILITY EXPANSION PLANNING PREPARATION OF TESTIMONY-ENVIRONl1ENTAL HEARINGS 30000 80000 100000 20000 70000 140000 50000 100000 20000 30000 640000 TOTAL DIRECTS 112000 40-020-01 40-020-03 40-020-04 40-020-05 40-020-09 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES COMPUTER CHARGES PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS,ETC. GE -OGP COMPUTER MODEL 55000 20000 2000 5000 30000 112000 - TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS 40-103-04 ACRES-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 40-103-05 ACRES-PREHEARING STUDIES AND PREP.OF TESTIMONY 40-103-13 ACRES-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 40-103-27 ACRES-COMMENTS ON DEIS &PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 40-103-30 ACRES-SETTLEMENT PROCESS-ECONOMIC DATA INPUT 40-103-34 ACRES-PREP.OF TESTIMONY-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 40-113-04 BATTELLE-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 40-113-05 BATTELLE-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY 40-113-06 BATTELLE-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 40-113-13 BATTELLE-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 40-113-27 BATTELLE-COMMENT ON DEIS &PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 40-113-34 BATTELLE-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING 40-123-04 SH CLAR.(-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 40-123-05 SH CLARK-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY 40-123-06 SH CLARK-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 40-123-13 SHCLARK-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 40-123-27 SH CLARK-CMNTSON DEIS &PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 10000 10000 20000 15000 10000 20000 10000 10000 15000 40000 24000 20000 20000 20000 10000 50000 15000 618120 85000 119000 ._,----~._~------_._---~---------------~---------------- - Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 09/17/84 40--123-34 SH CLARK-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING 30000 145000 .-40-'133-04 ISER-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 10000 40-133-05 ISER-PREHEARING STUDIES &PREP.OF TESTIMONY 10000 40-'133-06 ISER-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 5000 40-133-13 ISER-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 15000 40-133-27 ISER-COMMENTS ON DEIS &PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 15000 40-133-34 ISER-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 20000 75000 I"d'II* 40-143-13 GE-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 7000 40-143-27 GE-COMMENTS ON DEIS AND PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 5000 40-143-34 GE-PREP.'OF TESTIMONY -ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 10000 22000 -40-153-04 DAMES&MOORE-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 10000 40-153-05 DAMES&MOORE-PREHEAR STUDIES &PREP OF TESTIMONY 10000 40-153-13 DAMES&MOORE-ADMIN.HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 25000 40-153-27 DAMES&MOORE-CMNT ON DEIS &PROVIDE INPUT TO FEIS 15000.....40-153-34 DAMES&MOORE-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRo HEARINGS 15000 75000 40-173-04 P.WEIR-DISCoVERY ACTIVITIES,NEED FOR POWER 10000 40-173-05 P.WEIR-PREHEARING STUDIES AND PREP OF TESTIMONY 10000 40-173-06 P.WEIR-DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES-ENVIRO HEARINGS 5000 40-173-13 P.WEIR-ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,NEED FOR POWER 30000 40-17:!,-34 P.WEIR-PREP OF TESTIMONY ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS 30000 85000 40-233-01 SUBCONTRACTOR HANDLING FEE 12120 12120 r r- I ..... ..... Task 41 Transmission System Siting &Licensing FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services 41-010-50 Transmission System Refinement Studies Refine the transmission line routing and staging of vol tage changes to optimize total costs for utility connections and environmental impacts if required as a result of FERC hearings • Directs 41-020-01 Travel and Living Cost for travel and subsistence. 41-020-04 Printing Outside printing serV1ce to reproduce the study results in sufficient quantity to satisfy FERC,counsel,etc.needs. - 27602/41 840910 1 .... I Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET TASK 41 TOTAL SERVICES 41--010-50 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM REFINEMENT STUDIES TOTAl.DIRECTS 09/17/84 375000 425000 375000 375000 50000 """i I 41--020-01 41-020-03 TRAVEL &LIVING EXPENSES PRINTING 40000 1000(1 50000 -I "... .- ..... - Task 42 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies FY86 Licensing &Permitting Supplemental Budget Services The FY86 base budget was compiled assuming the FERC Licensing Process continues on sch.edule.Delays in the schedule resulting from the need to prepare a second DElS,lengthened testimony or discovery periods or the need for additional technical support for testimony.The base budget assumes that the discovery period will be completed on July 31,1985;that the administrative hearing will continue for six months between July 3,1985 and January 25,1986;that initial briefs will be filed on March 28,1986;that reply briefs will be filed on April 28,1986 and the administrative law judges decision will be issued on July 25,1986 ..The primary effort for Task 42 in FY86 based on this schedule will be ~n the administrative hearing.Some effort will be required during the preparation of initial and reply briefs,but this is expected to be small.Additional budget would be required if the discovery period is delayed beyond July 25 since Task 42 will ac tively part icipate in the discovery proces s.Addi tionally,if the administrative hearing is extended beyond six months,additional effort will be required.The supplemental budget ~s based on the following assumptions: 1.The discovery period ~s lengthened by three months until October 31,1985,and 2.The testimony period ~s lengthened by three months to n~ne months. 27602/42 840910 1 ,------------------_.,------------------- ..... .... ..... .... r The primary studies which would be affected would be the Reservoir Temperature Ice Turbidity Study,the Slough Geohydrology Study and the Lower River Sediment Study.Budget from the two accounts listed below will be reallocated to these studies as required. 42-010-25 Increased Discovery Period Additional work in preparation of discovery requests and responding to requests for information would be carried out for the assumed three month additional duration. Services 42-010-26 Increased Testimonty Duration Additional work in preparation of testimony and technical support of testimony will be required if the Administrative Hearing is lengthened by an assumed three months. Directs 42-020-01 Travel and Living Expenses An increase will be required to support the longer time required and additional trips to Washington,D.C.and Anchorage. 42-020-03 Computer Charges Additional runs of computer models to aid 1n testimony • 42-020-06 Miscellaneous An allowance for such things as additional air express,meeting rooms in Washington,D.C.or stenographic support in Washington,D.C. .... 27602/42 840910 2 ,..... 09/17/84 Alaska Power Authority Harza-Ebasco SLlsi tna .Joi nt Venture Fiscal Year 1986:Preliminary Cost Estimates LICENSING &PERMITTING SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET .- TASK 142 870000 ,-I, ,, I rqTAL SERVICES 619000 I I 142-010-25 INCREASED DISCOVERY PERIOD 231000 142-010-26 INCREASED TESTIMONY DURATION 388000 619000 I1 TfAL DIRECTS 251000 142-020-01 TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES 52000 ,42-020-03 COMPUTER CHARGES 192000 142-'020-06 MISCELLANEOUS 7000 251000 ..-" .-. - - ----------,_.._.------------------