HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA2327-*\1-SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FINAL REPORT BIG GAME STUDIES Volume VIII DALL SHEEP Nancy G.Tankersley ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ·FISH AND GAME Submitted to the Alaska Power Authority April 1984 DOCUMENT No.2327 - - - - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT. FINAL REPORT BIG GAME STUDIES VOLUME VI I I ..DALL SHEEP Nancy G.Tankersley ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Submi tted to the Alaska Power Authority April,1984 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Infonnation ServIces AnchorElge~Alaska ,1%. g5Y ho.'l3l1 - ..... PREFACE In early 1980,the Alaska Department of Fish and Game contracted with the Alaska Power Authority to collect information useful in assessing the impacts of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project on moose,caribou,wolf,wolverine,black bear,brown bear and Dall sheep. The studies were broken into phases which conformed to the antic- ip,ated licensing schedule.Phase I studies,January I,1980 to June 30,1982,were intended to provide information needed to support a FERC license application.This included general studies of wildlife populations to determine how each species uS49d the area and identify potenti al impact mechani sms .Phase I I studies began in order to provide additional information during th~~anticipated 2 to 3 year period between application and final FERC approval of the license.Belukha whales were added to the spE!cies being studied.In these annual or final reports,we are narrowing the focus of our studies to evaluate specific impact me<::hani sms,quantify impacts and evaluate mitigation measures. This is the second annual report of ongoing Phase II studies.In some cases,objectives of Phase I were continued to provide a more complete data base.Therefore,this report is not intended as a complete assessment of the impacts of the Susi tna Hydro- ele~ctric Proj ect on the selected wildlife species. The information and conclusions contained in these reports are incomplete and preliminary in nature and subject to change with further study.Therefore,information contained in these reports is not to be quoted or used in any publication without the wri tten permission of the authors. The reports are organized into the following 9 volumes:, - Volume I. Volume I I. Volume III. Volume IV. Volume V. Volume VI. Volume VII. Volume VI I I. Volume IX. Big Game Summary Report Moose -Downstream Moose -Upstream Caribou Wolf Black Bear and Brown Bear Wolverine Dall Sheep Be1ukha Whale ii .- ,..... - - SUMMARY Dall sheep studies have focused on the three areas of sheep habi tat nearest the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon dams Mt.Watana,Portage Creek-Tsusena Creek-Denali Highway (access corridor)and the Watana Creek Hills.During Phase I studies,a mineral lick used by a small Dall sheep population was discovered in the Watana Creek Hills,adjacent to the proposed Watana i~poundment.A minimum of 31%of the observed 1983 sheep popu- lation traveled 5 mi or more to the Jay Creek lick area,which is below alpine sheep habitat in the lower 4 mi of Jay Creek.Sheep triavel to this area even though another smaller lick with similar ch~emical anomalies is located wi thin their alpine range.The Jay Crleek lick soil,containing significantly high levels of sodium, is exposed in several areas mostly between 2200-2400 ft.Sheep, atlt:racted to the area spent about 14%of the time below 2200 ft. The Watana impoundment normal maximum operating level is desig- nated as 2185 ft with an average annual drawdown of 120 ft ,and flood levels up to 2200 ft.Although these proposed impoundment levels will not directly inundate any major licking areas, erosion and ice shelves may result in the loss of licking and resting areas,and inhibit travel along and across Jay Creek to well-used sites.However,erosion may possibly also expose lick soil in new areas.The lick's close proximity to the impoundment will make the sheep seasonally vulnerable to disturbance from corlstruction,transportation and recreational activities.No she~ep use of areas on Mt.Watana (directly south of Watana impoundment)or near the Denali Highway access corridor was doc:umented. iii ..- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page "... SUMMARY iii .-. LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii - LIST OF FIGURES x I NTRODUCT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...1 - - STUDY AREA . . . . . . . . Watana Creek Hills . . . Jay Creek Mineral Lick Area . Archeology . . . . . . . East Fork Mineral Lick . . . METHODS Color-Marking . Observations-Jay Creek . . . . . . . Observations-East Fork Lick . . . . . . . . Lick Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . Aerial Surveys . . . ....... RESULTS . . . . . . .... Jay Creek Lick Area .. Daily Use by Individuals .. Seasonal Use . . . D~sturbance .... iv 3 3 3 6 6 8 8 8 13 13 16 17 17 17 20 20 -TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont I d) Page - - - Sex and Age of Lick Users . . . . . . . . Area Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elevational Use :. . . Activities . . . .... Other Species . . .... East Fork Lick . . .. . . Daily Use by Individuals . . . . . Sex and Age of Lick Users . . . . . . Other Species . . . .... Lick Analyses . . ..... Population Surveys . . . . . . . Watana Creek Hills.. Access Corridor . . . . . . . . . . Mt.Watana . . .. . . ...... Hunter Harvest -Watana Creek Hills . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . Impacts of Watana Impoundment . . . . . Climatic Impacts . . . . . . . . Increased Human Access Mitigation Recommendations Recommendations for Further Study . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIT:ERATURE CITED 21 22 24 28 39 39 39 44 45 45 53 53 59 64 64 64 64 68 68 70 71 71 72 -i - PERSONAL COMMUNICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 v ,,- - APPENDIX I. TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) Number of different sheep in various sex and age classes using East Fork lick Page 77 ..... APPENDIX I!.Daily summary of sheep at Jay Creek mineral lick area •'II ••••'II 79 ""'" .- - ..... APPENDIX III.Miscellaneous observations of sheep in Jay Creek lick areas vi 91 Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. LIST OF TABLES Sheep color-marked in the Watana Creek Hills in April 1983 . . . . Largest number of sheep seen in Jay Creek lick area in each sex-age group at one time . . . Sheep crossings between the Bluff area and East Ridge observed from 11 May to 11 July Page 9 19 23 -Table 4.Sheep-hours of use at observed licking sites on the Bluff and East Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 -i ...., Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Adjusted standardized deviates for sheep-hours spent feeding and bedded in four locations of study area . . . . . . . . Adjusted standardized deviates for sheep-hours spend licking, feeding and bedded in 6 elevational zones in entire viewing area Adjusted standardized deviates of time spent licking,feeding, and bedding on the Blu.:f in six elevational zones . . . . . . . vii 34 36 38 - - - .- Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. LIST OF TABLES (cont'd) Largest number of different sheep seen in each sex and age group during one day at East Fork lick . Average number of different sheep seen per day per hour of observation for East Fork and Jay Creek licks from 28 May to 16 June and 22-24 June Mineral element results (ppm) from aqua-regia digestion of soil samples taken from Jay Creek lick and control sites Water soluble mineral elements and sulfate (ppm)from soil samples taken from Jay Creek lick and control sites ... Page 41 43 46 48 Table 12.Water soluble mineral elements and sulfate (ppm)from soil samples taken from East Fork lick and control sites ... viii 50 - -Table 13. Table 14. LIST OF TABLES (cont I d) Mineral element results (ppm) from aqua-regia digestion of soil samples taken from the East Fork lick and control sites ... Number of.Dall ~heep observed in the Watana Creek Hills during an aerial survey on 9 March 1983 Page 51 54 Table 15.Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Creek Hills during an aerial survey on 20 June 1983 56 Table 16.Highest summer counts during aerial surveys Watana Creek Hills completed in the 57 -- ..... - Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Sheep seen on aerial survey west of proposed Denali Highway access route on 11 March 1983 . . . . . Sheep seen on aerial survey west of proposed Denali Highway access route on 21-22 June 1983 . . . . Legal ram harvest in Watana Creek Hills,1980-83 . . . . . . . . . ix 60 62 65 - ,..... LIST OF FIGURES Page - ,.... ..... ..... Fig.1. Fig.2. Fig.3. Fig.4. Susitna Basin study area Map of Lower Jay Creek mineral lick area . . . . . . . . . . . Locations of mineral licks and color-marked sheep in Watana Creek Hills . . . Aerial photograph of Jay Creek mineral lick area . 4 5 7 10 ..... .... Fig.S.Hours of observation in-Jay Creek lick area and hours sheep were present . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Fig.6. Fig.7. Fig.8. Lick and control sample locations . . . . . . . Photograph of lick cavity on East Ridge . . . . . . Sheep seen in Jay Creek lick area per day . . . x 14 15 18 - Fig.9. LIST OF FIGURES (cont I d) Page Time sheep spent in various locations of Jay Creek lick area during four periods of summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 - Fig.10. Fig.11. Fig.12. Fig.13. Fig.14. Fig.·15. Fig.16. Time sheep spent in various elevations around Jay Creek lick area . ...... Time sheep spent below 2200 ft and 2300 ft during four periods of summer . . . . . . . . . . . Time sheep spent in four activities during four periods of summer . . . Time sheep spent in various activities at five locations Photograph of Bluff and East Ridge lick locations . . . . Time sheep spent in activities by elevational zone . . . . . . Time sheep spent in activities on Bluff by elevati~nal zone xi 26 27 29 30 32 35 37 - - ..... ,.- I Fig.17. Fig.18. Fig.19. Fig.20. Fig.21. Fig.22. Fig.23. LIST OF FIGURES (cont I d) Sheep seen at East Fork lick per day . . . . . . . . . . . . Rate of sheep use of Jay Creek and East Fork licks Percent by weight of soil with various grain sizes from Bluff l East Ridge l Cabin Ridge and South Field ravine licks . . . . . . . . . . . Location of sheep seen on aerial survey of Watana Creek Hills on 9 March 1983 Location of sheep seen on aerial survey of Watana Creek Hills on 20 June 1983 . Location of sheep seen on aerial surv~y west of Denali Highway access corridor on 11 March 1983 . . . . . Location of sheep seen on aerial survey west of Denali Highway access corridor on 21-22 June 1983 . . . . . . . xii Page 40 42 52 55 58 61 63 • - - r - ..... ..- INTRODUCTION· Three areas in the vicinity of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project were investigated for project impacts on Dall sheep--the Watana Creek Hills,near Mount Watana,and north and west of the pro- posed Denali Highway access corridor (Fig.1).Besides distur- bance from construction activi ties,aircraft traffic,and pos- sibly ground traffic in these areas,probably the major direct impact of the project on sheep will be disturbance of the Jay Creek mineral lick area in the Watana Creek Hills.This lick is adjacent to the proposed Watana impoundment and is used by sheep mostly in early summer.The Jay Creek lick area will be sub- jected to flooding and erosion,and sheep attracted to the lick will be seasonally vulnerable to human disturbance. Mineral licks are heavily used by Dall sheep in Alaska and Canada (Dixon 1939,Palmer 1941,Gross 1963,Pitzman 1970,Heimer 1973, Gill 1978).Some sheep have been documented to travel 12 mi out of their way to visit a lick before moving to summer range (Heimer 1973).Heimer (1973)has found that fidelity to the Dry Creek lick in the Alaska Range year after year is high,approxi- mating 100%for ewes,and 80%for rams.Because of the apparent importance of mineral licks to Dall sheep in Alaska,Heimer (1973)recommended that licks be designated critical habitat areas. Various elements have been suggested as the one sought by ungu- lates at mineral licks.Essential macro-elements for ungulates are calcium,chlorine,potassium,magnesium,sodium,phosphorus, and sulfur.Essential micro-elements are iodine,iron,copper, zinc,manganese,cobalt,molybdenum,selenium,chromium,tin, vanadium,fluorine,silicon and nickel (Franzmann et al.1975). Hanson and Jones (1976)hypothesized that sulfur may be a major lick attractant.However,as Weeks (1978)pointed out,sulfur is abundant in plant tissues and is not universally found in high 1 -----_._-- ..... ..... levels in natural licks.Hebert and Cowan (1971),Weeks and Kirkpatrick (1976),Fraser and Reardon (1980)and others have presented convincing evidence that sodium is the desired element for moose (Alces alces),mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), and white-tailed deer (Odocoifeus virginianus).At the Dall sheep lick at Dry Creek,Heimer (1973)found 7.3 times as much sodium,3.0 times as much potassium,3.6 times as much calcium and 14.9 times as much magnesium in the lick soil compared to soil from nearby areas not eaten by sheep.Because of the high phosphorus content of sheep forage in spring,Heimer (1973)sug- gested that calcium and magnesium may be the desired elements. However,calcium and magnesium have not been selected by ungu- lates at lick sites (Stockstad et al.1953,Fraser and Reardon 1980)and there is no evidence for a magnesium appetite even in magnesium-deficient animals (Denton,1982).Geist (1971a)and Heimer (pers.commun.)have shown that bighorn and Dall sheep exhibit an appetite for sodium by using table salt (NaCl)to bait sheep.Denton and Sabine (1961)reported that a sodium defi- ciency in domestic sheep does lead to an increased appetite for that element. Mineral lick use is highly seasonal,occurring mostly in spring and early summer (mid-May through mid-July in interior Alaska). The Dry Creek lick in the Alaska Range has received heaviest use during June.The timing and intensity of use has varied somewhat from year to year depending on weather patterns,which influence sheep movement to licks (Heimer 1973). The goal of this study was to document the use and importance of the Jay Creek lick to the Watana Creek Hills sheep population. Some aerial observations and limited ground observations during 1980-1982 are reported in Tobey (1981),Ballard et af.(1982), and Tankersley (1983).More intense ground and aerial work occurred during 1983 and is the basis for this final report. This included obserVing and quantifying use of the lick area, classifying the sexes and ages of lick users,determining the 2 seasonal timing of use and chemically analyzing lick samples. Results were compared to use of the East Fork lick (about 7.5 mi north).An additional goal was to document seasonal sheep di s- F'" tribution in the Watana Creek Hills,the area west of the Denali Highway access corridor,and the Mt.Watana area. STUDY AREA WATANA CREEK HILLS .... The Watana Creek Hills in the northeastern Talkeetna Mountains (Fig.1)are approximately 20 mi 2.,They generally range from 3000 to 5896 ft in elevation,and are roughly bisected by Watana Creek and an unnamed drainage.The vegetation is predominantly woodland spruce in the lower elevations,with birch and willow shrubs,and sedge and grass tundra in higher elevations.Rock cliffs are common in the central'hills.Wolves (Canis lupus), brown bear .(Ursus arctos),and in lower elevations black bears (U rsus americanus)inhabi t the area. JAY CREEK MINERAL LICK AREA The Jay Creek mineral lick area occurs in the lower 4 mi of the creek where elevations generally range from 1900 ft to 3000 ft. The vegetation is predominantly spruce woodland with scattered stands of deciduous trees,and birch/willow shrubland.About 2 mi from the mouth on the west side is a large rock bluff (Fig.2).The Bluff extends along the creek for about 0.2 mi rising to 2550 ft.The Bluff rock is mostly quartz biotite schist with feldspar inclusions in fracture zones and veins. Calci te veins occur along the Bluff face.Some soil,'possibly -clay weathering products ~r loess,occurs between the rock crevices and coats some rock surfaces.Much of the lower 200 ft of the Bluff is covered with scree.The Bluff also has stands of aspen and poplar,with scattered spruce trees along the upper portion.Many forbs emerge on the Bluff during May,such as 3 o 10 20 ml, I I i ", --1 .po 1 j ] ACCESS CORn~DOR SURVEY AREA q 1 JAY CREEK LICK AREA qa EAST FORK LICK AREA 'i~i;:'~l MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN ABOVE 3000' 1 J 6 I CLEARWATER MOUNTAINS i ) Figure 1.Susitna Basin study area. ...•••""II.I !I••••e ;;oJ ~LANDINQ PAD (2450') 5 .Cabln Rlage Licks Map of Lower Jay Creek mineral lick area.Figure 2. /..............-..." ....-----L_""-; -Rav'ne Lick SOUTH FIELD NORTH BI.UFF. RIGHT FIELD LEFT FIELD ------ NORTH FIELD UPSTREAM LICK • SLUFF .- .... anemones,monkshood,.saxifrages and pyro1a.Lick sites were found on the Bluff (generally 2250-2400 ft),East Ridge (about 2260-2285 ft),downstream (about 1950 ft),and upstream (about 2190 ft,and on north bluff)(Fig.2).Well-used lick cavities where the fine-grained soil had been eaten were found on East-Ridge,Cabin Ridge (about 2290 ft)and in the South Field Ravine (about 2240 ft)(Fig.2).Sheep trails and scat were found around the red cliffs (Fig.2)and it appeared this area may be used as a lick,although no lick cavi ties were located. Archeology To date,22 prehistoric sites have been located in the Jay Creek lick area.Radiocarbon dating on charcoal from two of these sites produced dates which indicated that the oldest component at si te TLM 143 (directly north of the Bluff)is about 4100 years old and the oldest component at site TLM 128 (approximately 1.2 mi north of the Bluff)is about 7000 years old.Both of these si tes contain animal bones and are probably remains of hunting camps. EAST FORK MINERAL LICK The East Fork mineral lick is adjacent to a small tributary of Watana Creek (Fig.3).Sheep lick at two small areas of wet gray clay exposed on an unvegetated bluff approximately 3500 ft in elevation.The bluff is approximately 250 ft at its base,rising 250 ft high in a triangular shape and is composed of metavolcanic rocks with metabasalts predominating.The surrounding vegetation is predominantly sedge and grass tundra and mat and cushion tundra,with willows and alders lining the creek sides.Steep, rocky cliffs are common in the area.Sheep are common in the area year-round,and caribou (mostly bulls)roam the Watana Creek area during summer. 6 - Figure 3. I;EAST FORK LICK Locations of mineral licks and color-marked sheep in Watana Creek Hills.Circled numbers refer to data in Table 1. 7 METHODS COLOR-MARKING ,.,.... .- - - On 5 and 7 April 1983,a total of 21 sheep were color-marked in the Watana Creek Hills (Table 1).This was done to facilitate identification of individuals at the Jay Creek and East Fork licks,and also to determine the distance travelled to the Jay Creek licks.Ten ewes and sub-yearlings north of Watana Creek were marked with red paint,and.10 ewes and sub-yearlings and one young ram south and east of Watana Creek were marked with blue paint (Fig.3). A CO:z -charged Nel-Spot Paint Pellet Pistol firing oil-based paint pellets and a Cap-Chur rifle type pro- jector firing syringes (without needles)filled with oil-based paint were used for marking the sheep from a Bell 206B I I I helicopter.The resulting marks varied from spots about 2 in.in diameter,to streaks up to 15 in. OBSERVATIONS -JAY CREEK The study area was divided into zones by location (Fig.4)and 100-foot elevational differences.Elevations in the Bluff area _were estimated with a Micro 00-1 surveying altimeter and markers were placed at the 2100',2200',2300',2400'and 2500'levels. Marker locations and estimates of one-hundred foot elevational contours were drawn on a 9"x 13~"black and white photograph of the Bluff area. Detailed observation of sheep in the Jay Creek lick area began 15 Mat 1983 and ended 11 July 1983.General notes on the number and illse~and age of sheep in the area were kept during camp construc- ! ti~n,11-14 May.The area usually was observed from 0400 -2100 hoJrs daily,with a few exceptions due to rest periods,fog, helicopter logistics or lack of personnel (Fig.5).Observations were made from or near an 8'x 8'plywood cabin (Fig.4)with the aid of 10 x 40 binoculars and a 20-45x spotting scope.Not all 8 -I *Sheep #2 marked twice.No sheep #3. 9 M'o Figure 4.Aerial photograph of Jay Creek lick area. ..~,..... -1 1I JULY IJ111--_~J -1 1 1 2400 0 CJ .h ••p •••n In .r•• 0 III no .h••p •••n 2200 2000 1800 Z 0-1800l- e( > II:1400 W (I) m 12000 iLl I-'0 1000 I-' (I) a: ~0800 0 + 0800 0400 0200 0 ';:', ·I~I ..,I~I '..Iwl · , .1(;1 II~',1"'1 • . •I~I ' . ·.I~I .. MAY JUNE Figure 5.Hours of observation in Jay Creek lick area and hours sheep were present. - - - - ..... - of the lower Jay Creek drainage could be seen from the obser- vation cabin,especiaily the east side.Some observations of sheep on the bluff were made by observing from the East Ridge during 15-30 May until sheep were observed using the area for licking,feeding and resting.Sheep seen moving to areas out- of-view were kept track of until they returned or were assumed to have left the area. A helicopter landing zone,about 800 ft east and 160 ft higher in elevation from the observation cabin (Fig.4),was established to reduce the disturbance to sheep in the lick area.Also,pilots approached the zone from the east or south to reduce di sturbance. When sheep were present,the activity and number of sheep in each area and elevation were recorded every ten minutes.For analy- sis,these sampling observations were divided by 6 to obtain an estimate of sheep-hours spent in a location or in a certain activity.Beginning 19 June,the general weather conditions were recorded at these intervals also.The sex,age,ram horn size and time of all sheep entering or leaving the study area,as well as those present at 0400 hours,were recorded daily.Sheep in the' lick area were categorized as:adult ewe,lamb,yearling,two- year old,or by the rams minimum horn curl size:1/4-curl,1/2- curl,3/4-curl,7/8-curl.Ages and curl size were assessed by referring to drawings in Nichols (1972)and the Alaska Hunting Regulations No.23 (1982-83).Young rams were distinguished from ewes by their genitals.Color-marked sheep,or other identifi- able individuals seen,were noted daily.Also,the sex,age and number of sheep crossing Jay Creek in the study area were re- corded dai ly. ~ecords of elevation and activities of sheep began when they were first seen moving towards the main lick area (mostly from the north or east).Areas where sheep licked the mineral substrate on the Bluff and East Ridge were circled and numbered on 9"x 13!::i"black and white photograph.If a sheep was seen licking or 12 eating soil at the 10-minute sampling period,the location of the lick spot was also recorded.Daily maximum and minimum tempera- tures,rainfall and general observations of sun,clouds and wind ~were also recorded. OBSERVATIONS -EAST FORK LICK Sheep using the East Fork lick were observed daily from 28 May to 16 June,and from 22-24 June from 0400 -2100 hours with a few exceptions (Appendix I).The number of different sheep that used the lick,as well as their sex,age and curl size (rams')were recorded dai ly.The time of lick use,and an estimate of the number of lick visits made per individual were also recorded.(A lick visi t was defined as a continuous period on the lick bluff). LICK SAMPLING AND ANALYSES .....Ii - ,... Forty-four soil and rock samples from lick areas and comparative sites were collected in the Watana Creek Hills during June and July for mineral element analyses (Fig.6).Some well-used lick si tes (East Ridge,South Field ravine,Cabin Ridge)had obvious cavities where sheep had eaten into the soil (Fig.7),which made locating sampling sites easy.However,sites on the Bluff,and lesser used upstream and downstream sites did not have this feature,and locating exact lick spots was much more difficult. Jay Creek control samples were taken from unused soil sites, sometimes with a different color and texture,along the creek and other areas in the hills.Lick samples from the East Fork lick were taken from two small sites on the bluff where mud was eaten. Control samples were taken from other exposed soil on the bluff which was not eaten by the sheep.Samples were collected with plastic utensil~and placed in plastic bags to avoid contamina- tion from handling. Samples were analyzed by the inductively-coupled argon plasma (ICAP)scan method for 15 elements plus sulfate (Tables 10-13). 13 .... ~ I' ~i I ••0 ,I ... !I I 2 •• Figure 6. e33-39 e29,30 Lick and cnntrol sample locations. 14 27.28-~ - -- - -i - - - ..... Figure 7•Photograph 15 East Ridge.l Ock cavity onof~ Although only 10 samples were selected for water soluble element analyses,because of confusion with the laboratory all 44 samples were analyzed for water soluble cations.Twenty-fi ve of these were also analyzed with a 4:1 reagent grade nitric:hydrochloric acid leach for "total"elemental content,by the ICAP method. Also,22 samples were analyzed for sulfate content.The water soluble cations would certainly be available for sheep digestive intake.However,the acid in the rumen is not as strong as what was used for "total"elemental content and not all of the ele- ments released by aqua-regia digestion wou·ld.be metabolically available to sheep. AERIAL SURVEYS A late winter sheep distribution survey of the Watana Hills was done with a Piper PA-18 Super Cub on 9 March 1983 by an inexper- ienced observer and an experienced pilot/observer.Mountainous areas were searched for sheep or tracks by flying along a mid- level contour and circling.Flatter (snow-covered)areas were searched less intensively.The temperature was about 20°F with sunshine,mostly calm skies and nearly complete snow cover (less than 1 week old)with little or no snow on south-facing and steep slopes.Another survey was flown on 20 June 1983 to look for lambing areas,new mineral licks,and to obtain a more complete population count.This survey was also done in a Piper 18 Super Cub with the same observer,but another experienced pilot/ observer using the same search method.The weather was mostly sunny,about 45°r with only light turbulence.Snow remained in gulleys and patches above 3200 ft (except for south-facing and steep slopes)making observation conditions only fair to good. All sheep observed on these surveys were classified by ram horn size,or as "ewes"(mostly ewes,yearlings and 2-year olds)or lambs,counted by group,and their locations plotted on a 1:250,000 scale U.S.G.S.togographic maps. 16 ,.... .'- .... - RESULTS JAY CREEK LICK AREA Daily Use by Individuals From 11 May to 11 July,the number of different sheep seen daily in the Jay Creek mineral lick area varied from 0 to 31 individ- uals (Fig.8).A minimum of 46 different sheep using the Jay Creek licks was calculated (Table 2).Some recognizable indi- viduals (color-marked and others)stayed from 2 to 15 days (Appendix I I).Some of thi s variation was due to the seasonal nature of mineral lick use and observer or aircraft disturbance (discussed below),while other variation may have occurred due to weather-influenced travel._For example,the absence of sheep during 14-15 June (Fig.8)may be due to severe wind and thunder- storms which occurred late on 13 and 14 June.Sheep (mostly ewe-lamb groups)were again present in the area on 16 June,which was followed by several mostly sunny and calm days. Color-marked individuals were rarely resighted.Only two blue- marked sheep were observed in the Jay Creek lick area--ewe #6, and sub-yearling #17 on 29-31 May (Appendix I I).Ewe #22 was observed about 0.5 mi southeast of her marking location on 16 May.The low level of resightings of blue color-marks was probably due to fading and molting of the color-marked area. Blue was a difficult color distinguish from grayish dirt spots and molting areas.Rams began molting in mid-May,and by early June most all sheep except pregnant ewes were molting.No red- marked sheep were resighted.The absence of red-marked sheep resightings was probably because most if not all red-marked sheep remained north of Watana Creek until at least early July.This area was a major lambing area,where a large concentration of ewes,lambs,yearlings,and two-year-olds were observed through- out June. 17 ]1 I )J 1 )1 --1 'I ] 26- >-<o .....20- f.. II Ram.C>1/4 curl horn) flJ Ew ••,yearling.,2-~.ar-old. •Lamb. /i z ~16t.....0.IOOw W ::I:....en 10-u. 0 a:w ~6-"1~ Z l ~j O~" !"!'witI~'t . . . . .II H!l I¥ W"I /20 MAY :26 ,[11/ ~'",jld;.." ~111 ..16 ./11/ IIII ! ,••1 !t1Hili 1i 1(J 'I, i RI! ,11 f 1.1~111 ;J r,~lft I ~61 JUNE 12c ~Im ---"1 ~6 I ~IoIi=I ~ I ~Iiia: I ~I I ~I 1m ~~.!g !11~lr"1iOf1l'I61'-I JULY • I 111 Figure 8.Sheep .seen in Jay Creek lick area per day. 1 -]1 I I J 1 j i )) I-' \0 aTable2.Largest number of sheep seen in Jay Creek lick area in each sex-age class at one time. RAM S E L Y 2-Y ?1/4 ~1/2 ?3/4 ~7/8 TOTAL 10 5 7 4 5 9 3 3 b TOTAL 26 ewes and young 20 rams 46 a These codes will be used for all tables: E =ewes L =lambs Y =yearlings 2Y =2-year-olds ~1/4 =>1/4 curl ram <(1/2 curl):z 1/2 =~1/2 curl ram <(3/4 curl) ~3/4 =='2.3/4 curl ram <0/8 curl) >7/8 =.2 7/8 curl ram-b .This included 1 full curl ram and 2 less than full curl. - - - .... Seasonal Use From 11 May to 11 July,sheep were frequently seen in the study area,with some exceptions (Fig.5).From 15 May to 11 July,a collective total of 5,615 hours of sheep use time was recorded in the study area,resulting in an average of 6.1 sheep use hours per hour of observation.Sheep were continually present in the area from 21 May to 12 June (Fig.5).Another intensive use period occurred from 16 to 20 June when ewes first brought their lambs to the lick area.The shorter use periods recorded after 20 June (Fig.5)probably occurred because lick attraction was declining although sheep were still coming to the lick area as late as 10 August (Appendix III).Disturbance from the common late afternoon and evening wind and thunderstorms may have also contributed to shorter use periods. Disturbance Overall,sheep disturbance from humans in the lick area was minimal.Only three incidents provoked sheep to exit the lick area for some amount of time.On 14 May,14 rams in Right Field exited the area to the north after seeing two of us photographing them from the Bluff area.Some of these rams returned to the Bluff area on 21 May (Appendix II).Two other times when one or two sheep travelled by the observation cabin and saw observers, they exited ea~t (4 June and 9 July).Occasionally,sheep using East Ridge were aware of human observers in or near the cabin, but this did not cause them to leave.From 11 May to 30 May, observers were occasionally present on East Ridge when sheep were using the Bluff.This may have hindered sheep use of East Ridge during thi s time. Only two out of 19 helicopter landings at the cabin or at the landing pad caused sheep to leave the area.Aircraft overflights and landings in the study area were generally discouraged,except 20 - when necessary to transport personnel or supplies.Usually radio communication aided in setting helicopter transport times when few or no sheep were present.Also,helicopter pilots approached the area from the south or east to reduce disturbance.On 20 June,a ewe and lamb group of 10 exited north from the Bluff when a helicopter landed at the pad to transport an observer for aerial fixed-wing survey work.Eight of these sheep had been in the area since 16 June,two since 18 June,and had spent most of the morning on the upper right portion of the Bluff and in Right Field.It appeared that thi·s group was preparing to leave anyway.On 23 June,an unsolicited helicopter landing caused a ewe-lamb group of seven sheep to cross from East Ridge to the Bluff,then continue to exit north.Thi s group was new to the area that morning,although they could have been using the area a .'- few days earlier and spending time east of the study area. Only one fixed-wing overflight caused sheep to exit the study arecL No recol:-d was kept of the number and approximate al ti tude of overflights by fixed-wing aircraft,but there were approxi- mately four oVlerflights per week.On 8 July,a Cessna 180 flying approximately at 1,000 ft above ground level disturbed an ap- proaching group of 12 ewes and lambs in North Field.They exited north and did not return by 11 July. Sex and Age of Lick Users Five rams were present in the lick area on 11 May when observa- tions began.Rams used the area exclusively from 11-28 May and most ram use occurred before 14 June (Fig.8)~Large ewe groups appeared on 29 May.The size of ewe groups in the study area dropped on 1 June,then slowly increased with another peak during 16 to 18 June (Fig.8).Lambs were first brought to the study area during this second peak.Appendix II has a complete list of sexes and ages of sheep using the lick area on a daily basis. The minimum number of different individuals using the Jay Creek licks in each sex and age class is listed in Table 2. 21 - .... - -- Area Use Generally,groups of sheep entered the lick area for the first time from the mountains to the north or northwest,a distance of at least 5 mi.Often,the Bluff was visited first.Individuals or groups of sheep would commonly mix or separate and travel around the Bluff,South Field,East Ridge or upstream areas (Fig.2)from a few days up to 2 weeks.Only one group of sheep (6 ewes and 1 lamb)were ever seen venturing south of the down- stream lick (Figs.2,4)(for 2 hours on 17 June).Twenty-four crossings of Jay Creek by a total of 99 sheep (not all different individuals)between the Bluff area and East Ridge were docu- mented during the study period (Table 3).Eleven of these were from the west side to the east side;13 were from east to west . Obviously,not all crossings in the area were observed (e.g., between 2100-0359 hours)and some crossings occurred upstream out of the viewing area. Collectively,sheep spent 57.5%of all recorded time on the Bluff,followed by 16%in Right Field and North Field (Which included the main travel corridor),11.4%on the East Ridge and nearby areas,8.0%in the South Field area and 7.1%in Left Field.The'proportions of time in the various areas varied during periods of the summe'r. Four time periods between 15 May and 11 July were chosen to analyze the time spent by sheep in the lick area (Fig.9).These were based on the sex and age groups and number of sheep seen in the area (Fig.8).Use of the Bluff area was highest during 29 May to 13 June (Fig.9).Early (15-28 May)and late (1-11 July) in the lick season,Right Field and North Field were used the most.The early use is high probably b~cause observations began after rams had already used the main licking areas and were spending most of their time feeding and traveling to lesser-used upstream licki.ng areas and back to the mountains.Late use was 22 ~>l 1 -'1 ,''1 1 1 I J '. .~'1 1 Table 3.Sheep crossings between the Bluff area and East Ridge observed from 11 May to 11 July. *RAMS DATE TIME II SHEEP E L Y 2Y ~1/4 "l.1/2 ~3/4 "l.7/8 COMMENTS 5/30 0730 3 1 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 6/1 1620 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff 6/4 1130 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 6/5-6 overnight 3 1 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 6/7 1230 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff 6/13 1050 12 7 2 1 2 East Ridge to Bluff 6/17 1540 8 5 2 1 Bluff to East Ridge 1820 7 5 2 East Ridge to Bluff 6/17-18 overnight 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff 6/18 0430 5 4 1 Bluff to East Ridge 0650 5 4 1 East Ridge to Bluff N LoJ 1250 10 5 3 2 Bluff to East Ridge 1330 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 1830 10 5 3 2 East Ridge to Bluff 6/20-21 overnight 3 2 1 Bluff to East Ridge 6/23 1510 7 4 2 1 East Ridge to Bluff (probably scared by helicopter) 6/26 1110 2 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 1320 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff 1440 2 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff 1600 3 1 1 1 Bluff to East Ridge 6/29 1050 2 2 East Ridge to Bluff ]330 3 2 1 Bluff to East Ridge 1900 6 3 1 2 East Ridge to Bluff 2000 2 1 1 East Ridge to Bluff *See Footnote "a"on Table 2 for explanation of abbreviations. proportionately high probably for similar reasons,except that it was ewe groups'using the area (Fig.8)for a relatively small amount of·time (Fig.9A).Sheep use of the East Ridge did not begin until 30 May,probably because sheep were hindered to some extent from using it by observers on the Ridge periodically until that time.East Ridge use peaked during 14-30 June and remained relatively high during 1-11 July (Fig.9).Generally,sheep returned to the north or northwest.However,sheep frequently used the east side of Jay Creek after 30 May and it appears that some sheep spent considerable time foraging in the hills to the east of the lick area during June (see Population Surveys).On 1 or"2 June,8 sheep (2 rams,6 unknown)were seen at bluffs along the Susi tna River southeast of the main lick area where lick -~ -samples #27 and 28 two trips to the (Appendix I I ) . Elevational Use were taken (Fig.6). lick area from the Some sheep made at least mountains to the north Of all the sheep that could be viewed,more of their time was spent between 2200-2299 ft (25.7%)than in any other 100-ft contour (Fig.lOA).However,these figures do not include time spent in areas not completely visible,but below a certain maxi- mum elevation.For example,sheep spent time hidden in areas such as the South Ridge (below 2,300 ft)and on the Bluff behind the East Ridge (bel~w 2,200 ft).When these periods of time are incorporated into the analysis,sheep spent 13.8%of the time below 2,200 ft"and 46.4%of the time below 2,300 ft (Fig.lOB). These averages have seasonal components (Fig.11).Sheep use of these lower elevations peaked during 29 May to 13 June,a time when total use of the area was also high (Fig.llA). 24 I l 1 I 1 1 )1 )1 1 B 1 80 I -- --Ea.t Ridge --Right Field,North Field --Bluff 8-.-8°l/' -South FI.ld I \ - --Eaa'Rldaa •.······l.ft Field 1 / \Right FI.ld,North FI.ld 10 Z \--Bluff 0 I \South FI.ld l-I \..........l.ft FI.ld r-__ •>/-,«,/\'0IIJl-I \(/)I \ z CO UJ /0 I \&l.\I.L. (/)/0 I I \UJ \:E 10 /«\;:)/I-\0 \/:r /I.L.\/....\0 \(/)../«I-40 ;:)1 I \z 0 IIJ N :r \0 I \VI I « IlL \IIJ UJ a /&l.\UJ 30 :r \(/)/\ I.L.'"0 '"\a:/--2 '\20 /-----\IIJ ..- CO \/----..- :E /\;:)'" './..--,'...- z '.....Ill •••D • ..- '\ / '0 "11 m..\'.\./\-.o...........'\--./ 11"""............../ """co .... •11 ••••'""';;..........'" ...-\./ oj «I I"r---'"'----I I I ./ ••II ..._ 0 1-11 -1-2'1-28 -'-18 '-14 -0-30::-~1-11 -5-28 I 1-28 -'-13 I '-14 -'-30 DATE DATE Figure 9.Time sheep spent in various locations of Jay Creek lick area during four periods of summer. j i 1 -)1 -1 1 100 J } 10301eo wII:Ii-25+ I-70.....~I I IL "#. 0 .., I-eoIw zZ20.., W 0 0 N IX aow :J: IL. 0 c( --- W ILl Hi >40-N Z I- 0\- 0<.... ..J:z: J 30w :IiIL.10 :3(f) 0w 20::E-.... Ii ELEVATION (FEET) o 2600-269912400-24991230O-23geI2200-22geI210O-210~200D-20001 ELEVATION o <2800 <21100 <2400 <2300 <2200 <2100 , Figure 10.Time sheep spent in various elevations around Jay Creek lick area. ·..'1 I -]1 )J )]1 J 1 ''1 /\00 <2200'11 115 <2300' ~ Z --Tot.l010 110 -- - -<2300'... -e:-<2200' >8 460: W eI) 10 0 8 ...40 IL Z W0Q. a::eI) 7 35::»W 0 ::t:J:-....... eI)•/\30N0:'u.......I \0::»I \0 I \...:J:IS I \Z 26 Q./\w W /\0 W /\0: :J:4 I \w eI)I \Q.20 IL I \ 0 /\ /\ 0:3 I \\.16 w /\ 10 /\ ::t /\ :::J 2 /\\.10Z/~".............................\.6................ O~I 6-28 -0-13 10-14 -o-~0 I 6-21 -6-28 I 6-28 -0-13 l 0-14 -0-30 I 7-1 -7-8 DATE DATE Figure 11.Time sheep spent below ...2200 ft and 2300 ft during four periods of sununer. - Activities Sheep activity type was recorded every 10 minutes.An ana1ysi s of variance of activity type with four periods of the day re- vealed that there was no relationship between the two.50/days with some missing observation times (Fig.5)could be included in the activity analysis.Also /there was no relationship found (p eO.001)between activity and presence of rain,so all data was used without regard to rainy periods.However,the weather data at 10-minute intervals was only collected after 19 June and the sample size for rainy periods was low (49 out of 643 cases). A1so,rain or other weather conditions may have affected the presence of sheep in the area (e.g.traveling to the study area), rather than activity once in the study area (see Daily Use by Individuals). Of 5/615 hours of observed sheep activity,most was spent bedded (32.7%)/followed by feeding (30.3%)/hidden from view (25.4%)/ moving or standing (8.7%)/and licking (3.0%).If the time spent hidden is omitted,overall sheep spent their time bedded (43.8%)/ feeding (40.6%)/moving or standing (11.6%)/and licking (4.0%). These proportions varied somewhat seasona11y,with licking gradually increasing during four periods of the summer /and moving or standing and feeding showing an inverse relationship (Fig.12A).Period 4 is somewhat anoma10us,showing no feeding or bedding,probably because the time spent was very small (Fig.12B)and only East Ridge and North Field were used at this time for brief licking and traveling bouts (Fig.8).The total time spent licking is definitely under-represented because some known lick sites (e.g.South Field ravine and Cabin Ridge)were not visible. A compilation of sheep-hours in various activities in 5 locales is shown in Fig.13.Seventy-five percent of the licking ob- served occurred on the Bluff and the remainder was observed on 28 ]1 1 1 -]1 ]-I 1 ]1 ····'1 J 80 4.6 -- -hdded --'eedlng .......movlng/a'andlng -licking 8-14 -8-301-28 -8-13 DATE •••e •.',.....'.... .' zo 4.0 I- 0< > ffi 3.6 rn mo lL 3.0o a: ;:) o 2.6 X...rna: ;:)o 2.0 X 0. W w 1.1 Xrn lL o 1.0 a: w m :I;:).6 Z ....,. 7-1 -7-11 .,,.......... ,. ~-"\.. \.. \.: \: \:,,':\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -- - - -bedded--0-'eedlng .......movlng/a'andlng -ticking .'.'.'..'.'.'.'..'.. ."'.'' 0-'f I-UI-1-28 I t'I-:'!-!H3 I 0-,..-g-iiu I 1 DATE eo 70 30 40 10 20 10 10 I- Z W D.. rn w :I-l- lL 0 I- Z W N 0 \0 a: w 0. Figure 12.Time sheep spent in four activities during four periods of summer. 30 []bedded o feeding mhidden II moving/standing e licking EAST RIDGE LEFT FIELD RIGHT FIELD SOUTH FIEL CABIN RIDGE _ Time sheep spent in various activities at five locations. 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 > t--1100>-t- O 1000~ ~ 0 900 (I) a: ::l 800 0 J: 700 800 500 400 300 200 100 0 BLUFF Figure 13. -- - -- .-I - I"'" , East Ridge.The two known licking sites on East Ridge (Fig.14) ranked second and fourth out of all sites observed (Table 4). However,this is not an accurate indication of the true distri- bution of licking intensity in Jay Creek because not all down- stream and upstream lick sites were not completely visible. Because moving or standing was usually a transitional activity between bedding,feeding or licking,only bedding and feeding activities were statistically analyzed.The Bluff was used more than expected for bedding than feeding (P<O.001),whereas the Left and Right Field areas were used more than expected.for feeding than bedding (P<O.OOl)(Table 5).No statistical dif- ference was found between these two activities in the East Ridge vicini ty,but these activities constituted only 27.4%of the sheep-hours observed there (57.1%of the time the sheep activ- i ties were hidden from view)(Fig.13).South Field had too little activity data (97%was hidden)to analyze.Most likely a large proportion of the time sheep spent hidden in South Field (435 sheep-hours)was at the lick. A compilation of sheep-hours in various activities at 9 different elevational zones is shown in Fig.15.Licking,of course, occurred more between 2200-2399 ft (peO.001)with 85%of the licking observed there.The areas below 2200 ft and 2400-2499 ft were used more than expected for feeding than licking or bedding (P<e.OOl)(Table 6).Bedding occurred more than expected at 2200-2299 ft and 2500-2599 ft (P<0.001). Sheep-hours of activities only on the Bluff at 6 elevations are shown in Fig.16.Again,most of the licking (82%)occurred between 2200-2399 ft (p<e.OOl)(Table 7).Twenty-seven different licking sites on the Bluff were generally locatedj only four of these occur~ed below 2200 ft and six between 2400-2499 ft.The five most ~i~ed Bluff sites are identified in Fig.14.Feeding Ioccurredmore than expected below 2200 ft (peO.eOl) 31 --1 W N Figure 14.'Photograph of Bluff and East Ridge lick locations. Circled numbers refer to data in Table lq. _. Table 4.Sheep-hours of use at observed licking sites on the Bluff and East Ridge.This does not include popular lick sites in South Field ravine and other downstream and upstream areas. LICK /1 APPROXIMATE .FROM FIG.14 ELEVATION (FT)SHEEP-HOURS 1 2320-2350 36.2 2 2285 28.0 3 2250-2290 20.3 4 2260 12.7a 5 2380-2400 8.5..... 6 2400-2500 8.0 ....7 2280-2300 7.7 a of this lick became difficult after leaf-out mid-June •.....Observation ..... ..... -33 Table 5.Adjusted standardized deviates for sheep-hours spent feeding and bedded in four locations of study area.All locations except East Ridge and Cabin Ridge show significant differences (P<O.OOl).Licking was not included in the analysis because it was only observed on the Bluff and East Ridge. - .- ,.... Location Feeding Beeded Bluff -34.3 34.3 Left Field 14.6 -14.6 34 East Ridge Cabin Ridge -0.5 0.5 Ri,ght Field North Field 31.5 -31.5 ...]1 I 1 ]1 1 J 1 ) oo • ' 800 600+-II •bedded II r ...-2000ofeedingmmoving/standing EJ licking I •• • I' 400en I--I -I -I +1500a: ::J 0 en :I:a: 300 ::J Q.I 6 w :I: W 1000 w :I:Q.V1 en W 200 W J: en 600 I I I •--II'R •I •I -I.I 100 ELEVATION Figure 15.Time sheep spent in activities by elevational zone. Table 6.Adjusted standardized deviates for sheep-hours spent licking, feeding and bedded in 6 elevational zones in entire viewing area.All scores were significantly different than expected (at least P <0.05)except feeding at 2500-2599 and bedded at 2300':2399.- Elevation 2000- 2100-2200-2300-2400-2500- 2099 2199 2299 2399 2499 2599 F- Licking -2.6 -5.0 16.4 6.6 -5.5 -16.1 Feeding 14.1 16.9 -14.7 -2.5 4.5 0.8 Bedded -13.0 -14.8 7.8 -0.3 -2.2 6.0 ~ NOTE:Activities at elevations above 2600 ft were not analyzed because no licking occurred there,and the activity data collected comprised only 2%of the total.Also,the "moving or standing" activity category was not analyzed because this was only a transitional activity among licking,feeding and bedding. 36 1 I )]1 j 1 ]I )i I -i 1 I I j 1 1600 1400 13001 lfi beddedofeeding 1200+"•movlng/atandlng 1100 ...EJ licking 1000 rn a:900 ::) 0 800:I: I n..700 w w W 800--...I :I: fI) 600 400 300 200 100 0 ELEVATION (FEET) Figure 16.Time sheep spent in activities on Bluff by elevation zone. Table 7.Adjusted standardized deviates of time spent licking,feeding and bedding on the Bluff in six elevational zones.All but those with *are significantly different than expected (P <0.05). - Elevation Licking Feeding Bedded 2000- 2099 -2.4 15.7 -14.4 2100- 2199 -4.9 14.5 -12.1 2200- 2299 5.6 -5.7 3.1 2300- 2399 11.8 -8.2 2.9 2400- 2499 -1.5* 1.1* -0.4* 2500- 2599 -13.6 0.7* 5.3 Note:The "moving or standing"activity category was not analyzed because this was only a transitional activity among licking,feeding and bedding. 38 while bedding occurred more than expected between 2200-2399 ft and 2500-2599 ft (P<O.OOI)(Table 7).Sheep often rested on the rock outcrops at the Bluff lick sites. Other Species Caribou,mostly bulls,were common the in area during May.How- ever,none were seen using the licks.Cow and bull moose were observed occasionally,however,none were seen on the Bluff or using any licks in the area during the study period. EAST FORK LICK Daily Use by Individuals Because thi slick is wi thin the tYP.ical alpine summer range of these sheep,the use patterns were not like those at Jay Creek. Individuals or groups of sheep would visit the East Fork lick usually for hours rather than days at a time.Even though some sheep made repeated lick visits in a day,individuals (or groups) could usually be recognized throughout the day.The number of different sheep observed at the lick per day varied from 0 to 37 from 28 May to 16 June and 22 to 24 June (Fig.17,Appendix I). The variation was probably due to weather-influenced movements, human and aircraft disturbance,and other factors.A minimum of 47 different sheep using the East Fork lick was calculated (Table 8). Al though the sheep use pattern at the East Fork and Jay Creek licks were different (Fig.18),the overall sheep visitation rates at the East Fork and Jay Creek licks were similar (Table ~!!).However,this comparision may not be an accurate indication of a similar amount of lick use because of the dif- ference in hours vs.days of sheep presence in the two areas. 39 J NE .-p- I- l-I Rams C~1/4 cur.'horn),.. I-o.Ewes.I-yearlings,2-year-olds I-I-I Lambs' l- I--l- I-~.- l- I-.... l- I-"" i_~ l- I- I-p- I-... ,-I- l- I- I-""...I r- I-,.. I-I-,.....I I-...-tD II-Z.-0 l-I'""-I:;~.,rS.t- I-:t 4(p ,?~.> -100 ,. M.e::.~.. ,,:~:Jti:I W ,I- , I «~CIJ I-'.~ED $0 II-l\lI l I l-.'n )j i~1 ~-~,0 Ir'.<z ~.I ~,"';te.'.'i'I J ~ i2 S 0 1 I 5 l10 15 ~2 12· MA Y U 6 o 10 30 15 35 25 20 r-0- W W Z co u. .-0 a: w-m :i :') r-Z - Figure 17.Sheep seen at East Fork lick per day. 40 _____________-------,------------1 -1 i ]1 1 I I 1 J --1 -1 ) Table 8.Largest number of different sheep seen in each sex and age group during one day at East Fork lick. '*E 19 L 5 Y 9 2-Y 4 ~1/4 3 ~172 4 RAM S ~374 2 ~778 TOTAL 1 TOTAL 37 ewes and young 10 rams 47 .p-..... *See Footnote "a"on Table 2 for explanation of abbreviations • ---Jay Creek rams ---East Fork rams ---Jay Creek total sheep ---East Fork total'sheep ---Jay Creek ewes &lambs ---East Fork ewes &lambs 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 \ 2.0 2.0 zww (J) ~ W W J: (J) u..o a:w CD :E :)z > e( Q .....0 -t-..&....I-..I-..I-+..I-..I--I--1-+--I--I-..L-+=~..L-..L-..J..l,+L-+-..l-_---+-+-+--J zo-l- e( >a:w (J) CDo u.o a: :)o:c ..... - - - - MAY JUNE Figure 18.Rate of sheep use of Jay_Creek and East Fork licks. 42 .- Table 9.Average number of different sheep seen per day per hour of observation for East Fork and Jay Creek licks from 28 May to 16 June and 22-24 June. .- - - East Fork Jay Creek Rams 0.09 0.35 43 "Ewe"Group 0.67 0.43 TOTAL 0.76 0.78 No color-marked sheep were noticed in the East Fork area.Fading dye,dirt and molting patches on the sheep may be the reason. Also,red-dyed sheep (all ewes or subyearlings marked north of Watana Creek)may not have used this area much if at all during the observation period.Only two groups (two ewes,two year- /""'"lings,one 2-year-old on 30 May;six ewes,five lambs,one 2- year-old on 16 June)were known to cross Watana Creek to vi si t the East Fork lick.The north side of Watana Creek seemed to be the major nursery area,and ewes may have been reluctant to cross while pregnant or with very young lambs.On the 20 June aerial survey,55 sheep (41 "ewes"and 14 lambs)were seen on the mountainside north of Watana Creek (Fig.20,Table 17).On 24 June,54 sheep (36 "ewes"and 18 lambs)were seen in the same area from ground observations.A total of only 19 lambs were seen in the entire Watana Creek Hills aerial survey in June,so these lambs were the maj ori ty of lambs in the population. No sheep were identified to use both Jay Creek and East Fork licks ,although this may certainly be possible. Sex and Age of Lick Users - - - A daily tally of sheep by sex and age and age class is given in Appendix r.Ram use of the East Fork licks was much lower (Table 9)and unlike at Jay Creek was nonexistent during 31 May to 10 June (Fig.18).Thi s may be because rams used the East Fork lick before observation began,then moved to the Jay Creek area.The majority of rams observed on the 20 June aerial survey were east of Jay Creek,and none were in the vicinity of the East Fork lick.Ewe group use was higher at the East Fork licks (Table 9)and also showed a different pattern than Jay Creek use (Fig.18). 44 ..... - """' Other Species Caribou (mostly bulls)were occasionally seen in the East Fork area,however,none were observed using the lick. LICK ANALYSES Laboratory analyses of selected lick and control samples for water soluble "total"by (aqua-regia digestion)elemental content were done for 32 elements plus sulfate.Results for 15 essential elements and sulfate are shown in Tables 10-13.To normalize the results,a log (10)transformation of ppm levels was used before testing for differences in means (T-Test).To calculate means for elements with samples containing levels below detection limits,the sample level was assigned the maximum possible level (e.g.,0.09 ppm for aqua-regia digestions results,0.04 ppm for water soluble results,0.9 ppm for sulfate). Samples from lick cavities (East Ridge,Cabin Ridge and South Field Ravine).were significantly higher (P<0.05)in "total" sodium and chromium and somewhat higher (0.10<P <0.05)in copper, iron and magnesium,compared to control samples (Table 10). These samples also contained a higher (P<O.05)amount of water soluble sodium,magnesium,calcium and sulfate as well as the less predominant element of phosphorus (Table 11),This was in contrast to samples collected from the Bluff lick sites,which were comparatively low (P <0.05)in water soluble sodium, magnesium and phosphorus (Table 11).Water soluble calcium was also somewhat lower (P =0.56)in the Bluff samples.Not enough Bluff samples were analyzed for "total"elemental content to compare with lick cavity results.Soil from the lick cavities was very fine-grained whereas the Bluff soil co1~ected was much coarser (Fig.19)and no lick cavities were found on the Bluff to accurately pinpoint licking sites.These chemical and physical differences shed doubt on the accuracy of selecting the Bluff 45 1 J I ]J 1 J j J ]-J 1 Table 10.Mineral element results (ppm)from aqua-regia digestion of soil samples taken from Jay Creek lick and control s1tes (F1g.6).~1 Sample.C~Co Cr __C~Fe l(M9 .MIl Ha H1 81 Lick Cav1ties So v Zo 3 4 7 8 19 20 10,200 20 7,500 17 9,470 20 15,100 16 11,100 16 10,600 16 40 30 40 30 33 36 100 100 99 82 77 70 44,000.1,300 35,000 410 38,700 640 30,500 725 30,100 1,110 33,170 1,200 18,700 14,600 17,370 14,650 14,560 13,120 625 475 790 520 456 500 2,800 1,740 3,410 3,960 1,785 1,750 30 25 30 28 27 29 200 420 200 264 280 225 5.0 0.6 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 110 84 100 86 82 88 105 90 94 79 78 85 -x 1';,662 17.5 35bl 88cl 27,919:1 898 15,500:1 561 2 574bl 28,-265 0.99 91.7 88.5 Low Use Sites 35,560 1,380 32,300 1,230 30,900 420 26,940 425 49,860 865 26,630 1,050 ~ O'l 17 18 21 22 23 24 27 28 11,100 16 11,230 15 18,220 16 19,500 13 22,740 23 29,700 28 13,560 12 11,800 12 37 31 24 23 44 52 15 16 70 60 46 45 138 145 77 65 18,840 23,990 24,200 645 535 550 12,400 11,200 12,20f) 11,870 25,500 9,670 9,135 560 520 545 464 905 375 420 1,090 1,000 675 945 500 385 1,140 940 30 26 24 21 38 42 14 12 120 .175 228 217 98 139 277 390 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 92 85 81 81 108 124 62 74 88 76 58 54 130 126 45 50 x 17,231~1 16.8 30.3 80.8:1 30,312 756 Bluff 14,826 605bl 834 26 206 0.09 88 78 13 14 6,320 22 10,450 15 23 25 170 84 45,150 37,200 620 320 13,830 9,740 690 429 155 840 25 22 175 249 <0.10 <0.10 105 87 74 63 (cont1nued on next page) j ]1 1 ]J I i 1 J I I )1 I ) Table 10 (cont'd). Sample It Ca Co Cr Cu Fe l(Hg Hn Na N1 61 Sn V Zn Control Sites 16 6,200 17 24 100 33,970 230 13,460 448 180 28 215 <0.10 84 80 29 11,560 16 37 50 30,600 780 10,800 560 1,225 25 270 <0.10 95 68 31 6,190 8.9 22 28 18,980 550 5,100 280 765 16 895 <0.10 55 110 32 14,100 7.8 20 40 16,000 990 6,670 228 1,260 17 182 <0.10 42 58. 44 6,685 14 27 44 28,100 1,050 10,560 515 685 22 125 <0.10 72 83 -8,947 12.7 26 52 25,530 720 9,318 406 823 21.6 337 0.09 70 80x al Se was not detected in any of these samples ~0.10 ppm) bl Means calculated from log (10)transformations were s1gnificantly higher (P(0.05)than means from control samples.-~cl Means calculated from log nO)transformations were somewhat higher (0.1O<P<0.05)than means from control samples.~ 1 i )J I I 1 ~l j I 1 ~J 1 Table 11.Water soluble mineral elements and sulfate (ppm)from samples taken from Jay Creek lick and control sites (Fig.6). Sample #Ca Cr Cu Fe K "g Mn Na Ni P Be Si SO,V Zn Lick Cavities (0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.18 <0.05 0.14 fO.05 0.08 <0.05 0.08 101 0.07 121 <0.05 7.9 .0.12 6.2 <0.05 34 0.06 250 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 1(0.05 <0.05 (0.057.1 4.6 2300 <0.05 <0.05 5.7 2050 <0.05 (0.05 0.22 0.63 <0.05 0.50 (0.05 1.0 0.10 <0.05 11 <0.05 (0.05 <Or05 6.9 (0.05 0.34 <0.05 .9.3 665 <0.05 0.80 (0.05 5.0 2450 <0.05 0.43 <0.05 9.0 <0.05 0.27 0.27 6.6 2600 <0.05 30 <0.05 30 <:0.05 465 <0.05 360 <0.05 330 <0.05 760 <0.05 750 <0.05 130 <0.05 180 <0.05 0.18 <0.05 <0.Q5 300 360 190 4.7 3.7 2.8 5.6 5.9 2.6 6.5 5.2 5.4 2.0 3.4 0.29 0.13 0.33 0.16 0.13 0.09 8.8 0.18<0.05 16 14 52 250 530 290 360 590 560 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 19 20 ~ 00 -x 296al 0.04 0.09 1.7 4.7 152 01 0.07 337 al 0.04 0.46al 0.09 7.2 2013 41 0.04 0.04 Low Use Sites <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 (0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 7.2 <0.05 8.5 <D.05.<0.05 <0.05 <0.05 (0.05 <0.05 (0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 16 <0.05 <0.05 2.9 1000 <0.05 (0.05 2.5 800 <0.05 <0.05 4.8 <1.0 <0.05 <0.05 6.1 7.2 5.3 5.2 1.9 1950 <0.05 <0.05 0.25 <0.05 0.64 <0.05 0.17 <0.05 6.3 (0.05 0.12 (0.05 9.5 4.9 <0.05 (0.05 (0.05 12 4.0 <0.05 <0.05 (0.05 16 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 11 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 2.4 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 2~4 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 13 <0.05 245 <0.05 6.7 <0.05 <0.05 0.11 (0.05 <0.05 2.7 . 3.7 <D.05 3.9 <0.05 9.8 <0.05 4.2 0.05 295 125 33 4.5 4.5 2.9 3.0 7.9 5.0 3.0 2.6 11 6.3 0.52 0.90 0.46 1.0 0.29 0.24 3.1 4.3 0.15 3.70.05 0.13 0.14 <0.05 <0.05 <0.0548 480 23 26 40 22 25 27 465 185 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18 17 -x 13441 0.04 0.06 1.5 5.1 49.3al 0.05 31.241 0.04 (continued on next page)- 0.14 0.04 5.7 753 41 0.04 0.04 ]J J 1 1 J j 1 1 1 ) Table 11 (contDd). Sample It Ca Cr Cn Fe lC Hg No Ha Hi P Se 5i SO,V Zn Bluff SOU <.0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.07 2.8 <0.05 26 <0.05 4.5 <0.05 0.14 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <,1.0 <0.05 2.6 6.4 9.6 <1.0 <0.05 <0.05 0.08 <0.05 0.09 <0.05 0.07 <0.05 470.06 9.9 <'0.05 <0.05 <0.05 4.8 <0.05 6.0 <0.05 3.11.2u 6.6 1.8 3.2 1.11.4 0.38 1.0 350.72<.0.05 75 48 39 44 9 10 13 U -x 52 0.04 0.22 9.4 ·3.1 11.8 0.33 5.9 0.05 0.07 0.04 16.4 0.04 0.07 Bluff Rock (Crushed) 11 12 24 30 <.0.05 <0.05 0.07 0.06 2.7 0.37 1.9 1.3, 2.5 0.08 1.9 <0.05 9.6 <.0.05. 3.8 <0.05 0.15 <0.05 0.10 <0.05 5.1 1.3 <0.05 <'0.05 <0.05 <0.05 11 <,0.05 <0.50. 2.3 <'0.05 <0.05 '';~.05 0.06 <0.05 0.10 <0.05 0.12 (0.05 <0.05 1.9 <'0.05 2.2 <'0.05 1.10.43 <'0.05 <'0.05 <'0.05 <'0.05 <,0.05 <'0.05 <0.05 <0.05 140 2.1 8.0 <.0.05 <.0.05 8.4 <1.0 <.0.05 <0.05 2.7 2.9 1.8 0.32 <0.05 139 0.06 <0.05 0.10 <0.05 0.274.4 2.4 (0.05 3.4 <0.05 0.85 <0.05 <0.05 <0~05 0.50 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 3.4 <0.05 <'0.05 <0.05 5.1 <0.05 0.12 <,0.05 1.9 "",0.05 0.08 <0.05 21 20 0.05 0.09 1.4 <0.050 0.33 <0.05 31 0.08 0.14 2.7 <,0.05 0.14 <0.05 3.8 <1.0 <0.05 <0.05 0.8 <'0.05 <0.05 <0.05 12 <1.0 <'0.05 <'0.05 5.5 0.10 0.44 0.28 0.43 0.17 0.08 0.15 0.06 Control 2.2 0.05 0.65 <0.05 4.4 0.27 0.29 1.7 2.8 1.1 7.4 10 60 8.0 2.6 1.6 4.0 6.8 3.2 6.1 1.6 1.3 1.9 14 0.39 5.5 9.1 17 24 3.6 11 1.0 1.0 0.14 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.09 0.88 1350.19 30 <0.05 ~.O <0.05 26 32 15 17 ISO 43 44 42 16 29 30 31 32 40 41 15 .r::- ID -x 26.4 0.05 0.18 18.9 4.6 8.3 0.67 2.4 0.06 0.12 0.04 21 32 0.08 0.15 al Means calculated from log (10)transformations were significantly higher (P<0.05)than means from control samples. ])J ]J j 1 ]J I 1 1 I ~l i ]i 1 Table 12.Water soluble mineral elements and sulfate (ppm)from soil samples taken from the East Fork lick and control sites (Fig.6).~1 Sample #Ca Cr Cu Fe K Hg Mn Na N1 P S1 SOt V Zn East Fork Lick 33 87 4.1 1.8 645 29 510 3.3 245 0.86 0.96 315 4.0 0.46 34 90 <0.05 1.4 270 40 300 2.6 255 0.60 0.61 200 230 1.2 0.25 35 21 1.2 0.4 245 33 150 1.7 115 <0.05 0.35 820 1.9 <0.05 36 38 2.0 0.56 465 33 300 2.9 150 <'0.05 0.79 1750 200 3.8 <0.05 -59 1.8 1.04~1 406~1 34bl 31Sbl 2.6~1 191bl 0.39 0.6JJ:1 77lbl 2.~1 0.20x East Fork Control 37 5.8 <0.05 <.0.05 6.9 1.5 1.8 0.40 1.6 <0.05 <0.05 5.8 <0.05 <0.05 V1 38 18 <0.05 <0.05 0.22 1.8 1.1 <0.05 1.2 <0.05 <0.05 1.1 <1.0 <0.05 <'0.05 0 39 14 <0.05 <0.05 0.14 3.7 13 <0.05 0.30 <0.05 <'0.05 1.7 4.0 <0.05 <'0.05 -12.6 0.04 0.04 2.4 2.3 5.3 0.16 1.03 0.04 0.04 2.9 0.04 0.04x al Se and Sn were not detected in any of these samples «0.05 ppm). bl Means calculated from log (10)transformations were signif1cant1y higher (P(0.05)than means from control samples. .1 J J J ---1 J J ]I J I )-] Table 13.Mineral element ~esu1ts (ppm)from aqua-regia digestion of soil samples taken from the East Fork lick and control sltes (Fig.6).~ Sample #Ca Co Cr Cu Fe K Hg Hn Na Ni P Si V Zn East Fork Lick 34 30,200 27 90 92 40,770 510 39,100 1,050 8,150 105 135 no 97 47 36 49,000 42 115 114 64,700 590 69,500 1,440 13,400 10 140 645 155 65 East Fork Control 38 31,370 29 34 346 48,540 180 21,340 930 345 42 545 160 149 82 39 21,530 39 <0.10 400 58,900 385 17,400 1,960 70 42 345 610 <O.lQ 125 111..... al Se and Sn were not detected in any of these slUllPles KO.1Oppm). -]1 1 1 I J J l I 1 1 70 60 I- 60 I \Bluff .011 J: C!J Llok --cavill ••-UJ;= >40 \J1 mN I-30 Z UJ 0 20a: UJ Q. 10 0 <.063.1 .6 1.0 6 10 20 GRAIN SIZE'(mm) Figure 19.Percent by weight of soil with various grain sizes from Bluff,East Ridge,Cabin Ridge and South Field ravine licks. ,.,.. .... - - - lick sample locations.Low use sites were significantly higher (P<O.05)in "total"calcium and manganese (but not sodium or magnesium)'than control sites and copper was somewhat higher (0.05<P<0.10)(Table 10).Only water soluble sodium,magnesium, calcium and sulfate were again higher in the low use lick sites (P<0.05)(Table 11). Water soluble sodium,magnesium and phosphorus and several other elements were also significantly higher (P<0.05)in the East Fork lick samples compared to control samples (Table 12).However, unlike the Jay Creek licks,water soluble silicon and iron were the two most abundant elements in the East Fork samples.The laboratory reported that extremely high solids occurred in the water extraction of these samples and that they were unable to completely filter out or centrifuge the suspended particles. Consequently,some of the elements reported may be high because of this phenomena.Not enough samples were analyzed for "total" elemental content to compare lick and control sites statistically (Table 13). POPULATION SURVEYS Watana Creek Hills Eleven rams and 86 ewes,sub-yearlings and two-year-olds were recorded during the aerial survey on 9 March 1983 (Table 14). Most of the sheep were observed on wind-blown or south-facing slopes on the western end of the hills (Fig.20). On the 20 June survey,34 rams,96 ewes,yearlings and two-year- olds,and 19 lambs were observed (Table 15).This population count (149)was less than last year's count (Table 16).Again, the majority of the sheep were found on the western end of the hills,however,one large group was observed east of the Jay Creek lick area (Fig.21).The major concentration of lambs was north of Watana Creek,across from the East Fork lick..Ground 53 -.c_~l 1 i -}l I )J I -J l I 1 Table 14.Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Creek Hills during an aerial survey on 9 March 1983. RAM S Obs.II Sub- for Fig.20.7/8 curl 7/8 curl Ewes a Yearlings TOTAL - 1.2 5 2 9 2.2 1 3 3.9 1 10 4.3 1 4 5.2 2 4 6.7 3 10 111 7.2 2 ~8.6 2 8 9.1 1 2 10.3 3 11.3 3 12.3 1 4 13.3 3 14.2 4 3 9 15.S 2 7 16.1 3 1 S 17.1 1 2 4 18.S 2 7 TOTAL -1--l""()""""6"3 2""3"97 a Ewes include unidentified young rams and yearlings of both sexes. - 5 0 5 ml el!!!!!!!I::4:1::55-!!c1F===:r1=~I 5 0 Skill - -' -J i Figure 20. SURVEY AREA Location of sheep seen on aerial survey of Watana Creek Hills on 9 r1arch 1983.Circled numbers refer to data in Table 14. 55 -"',fi J I 1 t "}1 I Table 15.Number of Dall sheep observed in the Watana Creek Hills during an aerial survey on 20 June 1983. RAM S Obs.II bforFig.21.a 3/4 curl Ewes Lambs TOTAL Remarks3/4 curl 1.2 2 2.4 4 3.11 11 at East Fork lick 4.11 4 15 5.6 6 6.1 7 8 7.2 3 5 8.7 14 8 29 9.6 1 7 111 10.10 10 20 m 1i.15 15 12.1 1 13.15 4 19 14.4 4 15.3 3--- TOTALS 10 24 96 c 19 c 149 c a 3/4 curl differentiation was used to lessen aerial harassment. b Ewes include unidentified young rams and yearlings of both sexes. c A group of 7 ewes and 3 lambs that left the Jay ek.lick area at 0830 (moving north)may have been missed on the survey. --J I 1,-J )I I I }1 )-')1 )1 1 1 Table 16.Highest summer counts completed in Watana Creek Hills. %%Survey Large Smal\Large Small %Time Date a Lambs TOTAL Rams Rams Lambs Surveyor (Hrs)Rams Rams 8 Sept.1967 ----220 -------Nichols Aug.1968 ----183 ---26.6 Nichols 3 Aug.1973 10 40 176 5.6 22.7 McIllroy 24 Aug.1976 4 30 130 3.1 23.0 Eide 11 July 1977 4 33 152 2.6 21.7 Spraker 23 July 1978 5 34 189 2.6 18.0 Eide 1.8 22 July 1980 9 19 42 174 5.1 10.9 24.1 Tobey 2.5 28 July 1981 2 37 43 209 1.0 17.7 20.6 Westlund 3.3 3 Aug.1982 0 19 38 200 d 0 9.5 19.0 Westlund 1.8 20 June 1983 10 c 24 19 149 6.7 16.0 12.7 Tankersley 4.5 U1 ...:J a A large ram was one having a 7/8 curl or greater horn on the 1981 and 1982 surveys.On the rest of the surveys.a minimum of 3/4 curl was used. b New category begun in 1980.Small rams associated with ew~groups (mostly yearlings and 2-year-olds) are not included. c At least 3 of ~hese were 7/8 curl or larger. d A group of 7 ewes and 3 lambs may have not been counted (see Table 10). ,~ ~- - ~. ..... 5 0 5 ml I!!I!!!!!!!I:=::Ile~5:S:::!-!i::t:1 ====rl==:jl 50 Skill SURVEY Figure 21.Location of sheep seen on aerial survey of Watana Creek Hills on 20 June 1983. 53 \~ - ,.- I - surveys from the East Fork lick on 24 June indicate there were at least 20 lambs in population.No new mineral licks were di scovered on aeri al or ground surveys. No evidence of a lick in the northeastern hi lIs was found (re- ported in Tobey,1981).The potential lick site approximately 7 mi northwest of the Jay Creek bluff reported from the August 1982 aerial survey was determined not to be used as a lick,from ground observations in May and June. Access Corridor On 11 March 1983,an inexperienced observer and an experienced pilot/observer in a Piper PA-18 Super Cub surveyed winter sheep distribution in the mountains west of the access route.Thirty sheep were observed in 1.5 hours (Table 17).Much of the area was not intensively flown ,due to heavy snow cover.Sheep were seen in the Soule Creek and Tsusena Creek drainages about 12 mi from the proposed access route (Fig.22). On 21-22 June 1983,the same observer and another experienced pilot/observer in the same aircraft type surveyed the area to look for mineral licks,lambing areas,and to record sheep and mountain goat distribution.Fifty-two sheep were observed in 6.2 hours (Table 18).No mineral licks were found.Most of the sheep were found in the East Fork of the Jack River,Soule Creek and upper Tsusena Creek drainages (Fig.23).No sheep were found closer than 2.5 mi to proposed access route.No goats were observed,although other ADF&G personnel have reported small numbers of them in the upper Portage Creek area on 19 March 1983 and 3 December 1982 (L.Aumiller and W.Taylor,pers.commun). These are the furthest north observations of mountain goats in the state. 59 ...~J J I J )1 eel e1 J J j 1 ) Table 17.Sheep seen on aerial survey west of proposed Denali Highway access route on 11 March 1983. RAM S Obs.It for Fig.22.7/8 curl 7/8 curl Ewes a Lambs Unclass.TOTAL 1.16 16 2.3 3 3.1 1 2 4.5 5 5.4 4 TOTALS -0--5--1--0-24 30 '"a0 Ewes include unidentified young rams and yearlings of both sexes. - SURVEY - - - 0-;::e :Q I 5 0 5km . ". '-.'-. "....... Figure 22.Location of sheep seen on aerial survey west of Denali Highway acc'ess corridor on 11 March 1983.Circled numbers refer to data in Table 17. 61 1 J 1 ~-)~i 1 I 1 )11 Table 18.Sheep seen on aerial survey west of proposed Denali Highway access route on 21-22 June 1983. RAM S Dba.II for Fig.23.3/4 curl 3/4 curl Unclass Ewes a Lambs TOTAL 1.5 5 2.14 1 15 3.1 1 2 4.I 1 5.2 2 6.6 1 7 7.1 1 2 8.4 4 0'\9.2 2 N 10.I 1 ll.4 4 12.3 3 13.1 3 4------ TOTALS 2 5 14 29 2 52 a Ewes include unidentified young rams and yearlings of both sexes. ..... ,~ i SURVEY 'AREA 5 0 5n 'I!!!!!!!I:::::=::::F ......a:4===r1=::::il 5 0 Sian ........ - Figure 23.Location of sheep seen on aerial survey west of Denali Highway access corridor on 21-22 June 1983.Circled numbers refer to data in Table 18. 63 Mt.Watana On 11 March 1983,an inexperienced observer and an experienced pilot/observer in a Piper PA-18 Super Cub looked for sheep in the Mt.Watana area (Fig.1).No sheep or tracks were observed in O.6 hours of survey time. Another survey was flown with the same observer and another-experienced pilot/observer in a Piper PA-18 Super Cub on 21 June 1983.Again,no sheep were seen in 0.5 hours of survey time. HUNTER HARVEST -WATANA CREEK HILLS No rams were shot by hunters in the Watana Creek Hills during _1983.The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has records of only four unsuccessful hunters for 1983 in this area.This was in contrast to a small harvest which has occurred in recent years (Table 19). I~ DISCUSSION IMPACTS OF WATANA IMPOUNDMENT ......The Watana Creek Hills sheep population could be vulnerable to severe impact from the proposed Watana impoundment because of disturbance to the Jay Creek lick area.This area,adjacent to the proposed Watana impoundment,is used by a large proportion of the sheep population in early summer.A minimum of 31%of the observed 1983 population used the Jay Creek lick area,and up to 31 individuals (21%of population)were seen in the lick area at one time (the most ever recorded).Almost half of the time sheep were in the lick area,they were below 701 m (2300 ft)wB,ich would be subjected to flooding and erosion.Rams used the l~cks I early in the season,followed by pregnant or barren ewes'and yearlings,with ewe-lamb groups not arriving until June 16.This pattern is similar to those reported for mountain goats by Hebert 64 Table 19.Legal ram (7/8 curl)harvest in Watana Creek Hills 1980-1983. Hunters Rams Killed 1980 11 (8)a 10 1981 11(2) 6 1982 11(4) 5 1983- 4 (0) o· - - a Number in parentheses denotes the number of non- resident hunters included in total (required to hunt with a guide or close relative). / 65 " and Cowan (1971),for Dall sheep (Heimer 1973),and for moose (Tankersley and Gasaway 1983).Sheep travel some distance to use this lick as both winter and summer surveys have located most of the population 7 or more air mi from the Jay Creek lick area. Two color-marked sheep traveled 5 mi or mOre to the Jay Creek lick area between April and late May.Although Heimer (1973) reported that sheep have traveled greater distances to a lick si te,this reported travel was wi thin typical alpine habitat which included escape cliffs (Heimer,pers.comm.).In contrast, the Jay Creek lick area and much of the terrain traveled between observed summer and winter range is atypical sheep habitat,being relatively flat with low shrubland and trees and little rocky cliff escape habi tat. It appears that the essential macro-elements of sodium,magnesium and calcium are the predominant lick components.Sulfate was also a major water soluble lick component.Of all these elements and compounds,sodium is most likely the main attractant.High levels of sodium are often reported from natural licks (Fraser and Tankersley,in prep.)and sodium is the only element of these choices that has been shown to be selected for by ungulates at lick sites (Stockstad et al.1953,Fraser and Reardon 1980).It is al·so possible that an essential micro-element such as copper may be an important lick element.Indications of a copper deficiency in wild Alaskan moose have been reported (Flynn et m. 1977),but there is no evidence that any trace element deficiency causes an appeti te for that substance. Even though the East Fork lick had higher "total"sodium levels (as well as magnesium and calcium)than Jay Creek,sheep still endure the danger of travel to the Jay Creek lick and visit it at a similar rate to the East Fork lick.This may be because water soluble elements are more important,or because of the limited .size of the East Fork licking area,or due to habitat,earlier spring phenology,or some other benefit of the Jay Creek area. 66 .- ...... - .... ..... Also,the similar visitation ~ate is not necessarily the same as the amount of licking done in each area.'In any case,the significant use of the Jay Creek area in addition to the East Fork lick is well documented,but not well understood.Addi- tionally,attraction of the Jay Creek Bluff for licking as well as resting (escape cover)needs to be clarified by additional observations and soil analyses.Archeological finds in the immediate vicinity raise intriguing questions about the history of Jay Creek lick use. The cycle of filling and draining in the Watana impoundment will subject the lick area to flooding and erosion and possibly will leave ice shelves along the creek banks during the peak lick use season.The Watana impoundment normal maximum operating level is desginated at 2185 ft in elevation,with possible flooding levels up to 2201 ft (Alaska Power Authority 1983,Exhibit B).During the heaviest lick use season (May and June),the target minimum reservoir levels are 2092 f1;(May)and 2125 ft (June).The highest annual target minimum reservoir level is 2190 ft for September (Alaska Power Authority 1983,Exhibit B).Even at the normal minimum operating level of 2065 ft,the lower portion of the creek valley will be flooded.The proposed impoundment levels will inundate a few low use licking areas (downstream 1950 ft,upstream 2190 ft,Bluff below 2200 ft),and consequent erosion and ice shelves may result in the loss of more high use licking and resting areas (especially on the Bluff and East Ridge),as well as inhibiting travel along and across Jay Creek. However,erosion may possibly expose more lick soil in new areas. This soil deposit may be widespread in lower Jay Creek and also in other areas around the Watana Hills.Similar laboratory results to high use areas were obtained about 2200 ft on similar looking exposed soil bluffs 10 mi SE on the north bank of the Susitna River (#27,#28)where sheep were observed in early June. Even some "control It samples taken from similar looking exposed soil bluffs had high sodium values (#29 4 mi NW,and #32 12 mi 67 - - NW)I .although no sheep use was observed there.Leaching sodium· or other water soluble cations from the lick soil does not appear to be a potential impact.However 1 sheep attracted to the lick area may be seasonally vulnerable to disturbance and habitat degradation from timber harvest around the impoundment 1 and other human activities. The Watana Creek Hills has a small isolated sheep population l used by sheep hunters and guides.The nearest additional sheep habi tat occurs southwest across the Susi tna River around Mt. Watana l and also farther northeast in the Clearwater Mountains across a larger valley.The Watana impoundment 1 with seasonal hazards of a large width of open water l ice shelving and unstable ice conditions and mud shelving may depress or eliminate any possible sheep immigration from the southwest.This could make any detrimental impacts of the project on the Watana Hills sheep population even more serious 1 as population recovery from a proje~t impact could be greatly slowed or made impossible by loss of immigration opportunities. CLIMATIC IMPACTS A delay in spring plant growth in areas near the Watana impound- ment (Alaska Power Authority 1983 1 Exhibit E)may degrade some of the Watana Creek Hills and Mt.Watana sheep habitat.If the Watana impoundment causes additional snow accumulation in nearby areas l important south-facing slopes in the Watana Creek Hills may become poorer winter habi tat. INCREASED HUMAN ACCESS The project helicopter there were development will undoubtedly increase fixed-win~and traffic.Because precautions were usually taken l few observations of sheep disturbed by aircraft in 68 II - this study.However,low-flying aircraft,especially helicop- ters,are known to disturb Dall sheep (Linderman 1972,Nichols 1972,Lenarz 1974).Groups of ewes and lambs (possibly including young rams)react most strongly to helicopters (Lenarz 1974). The dangers of aircraft disturbance include injuries sustained by sheep while fleeing (Linderman 1972),wasted metabolic energy expense (which could become critical if the disturbance is repeated during stressful winter or lambing periods)(Geist 1971b),and abandonment of habitat (Linderman 1972),which could .lower the population size.However,some sheep show habituation to aircraft that maintain regular flight patterns and do not approach sheep closely (Lenarz 1974,Summerfield 1974,Reynolds 1974).MacArthur et 01.(1982)found no cardiac or behavioral responses by unhunted adult bighorn sheep to helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft flying 400 m or more away. Roads and reservoirs developed by the project will allow in- creased access by vehicles and hikers who can also disturb sheep (Tracy 1976,MacArthur et al.1982).One area where the Denali National Park Road was built directly through sheep habitat receives less use by sheep now than in the early 1940's,but the exact cause of this apparent abandonment is not clear (Tracy 1976).Tracy (1976)also reported that a few Dall sheep (mostly ewe and lamb groups)in Denali National Park we're disturbed while crossing a small valley with a road when vehicles were present. Tour buses stopping,people exiting and making loud noises increased (respectively)the disturbance to the sheep (observed by their behavior).Reactions of sheep to moving vehicles more than 200 m away were minimal (Tracy 1976).These sheep were habituated to traffic and not hunted.Among unhunted sheep popu- lations,sheep may habituate more readily to human presence (Geist 1971b). MacArthur et al.(1982)documented relatively few cardiac re- sponses (8.8%of trials)and fewer behavioral responses (0.9%of 69 trials)of bighorn sheep to vehicle passes.Most of these responses (73.7%)occurred when the vehicle passed within 25 m. Humans approaching on foot,especially accompanied by a dog, elici ted stronger responses (MacArthur et at.1982).These sheep were living in an unhunted sanctuary and had been regularly exposed to humans and vehicles along a nearby road.No ewes with lambs were monitored,which are more sensitive to disturbance (Murie 1944,Smith 1954,Jones et at.1963). MacArthur et at.(1982)recommended restricting human acti vi ties to roads and established trails,and discouraging dogs in areas of sheep habi tat. - .- A road built in the upper Portage Creek area could cause vehic- ular disturbance and increased hunting or poaching access which would be damaging to the small colony of mountain goats present there. MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS Lowering Watana's maximum reservoir level to 2000 ft in elevation would eliminate much of the physical disturbance to the main Jay Creek lick area.Also,certain methods and scheduling of con- struction activities and access would reduce the impacts of the Susi tna Hydroelectric proj ect on sheep. Timber harvest within 2 air mi of the Jay Creek lick area should _be restricted to late August through April.The area within 0.5 mi of .the lick area should remain untouched by clearing activi- ties,including roads,logging equipment and debris,except for those portions below the minimum operating level (2065 ft).Any clearing wi thin 2 air mi of the lie't:area should be delayed as long as possible until just before the reservoir begins filling. This will condense the physical effects of the Watana development into a shorter time period. ~70i ~ , .- Air traffic should be prohibited below 1000 ft above ground level and discouraged between 1000-1500 ft above ground level wi thin. 1.0 mi of mineral licks 1 May -15 July.Helicopter landings within 1.0 mi of mineral licks should be prohibited during 1 May -15 July.Boat and ground access within 1.0 mi of the Jay Creek lick area and other mineral licks should be prohibited from 1 May -15 July. If the project substantially reduces availability of mineralized substrate in the Jay Creek lick area,options of mining or blasting the lick area to expose additional substrate,or sup- plying similar mineral elements near the Jay Creek lick area or other areas wi th rock cliff habi tat should be considered. RECOMMENDAT IONS FOR FURTHER STUDY Impact assessment and mitigation planning is incomplete without estimating the extent and availability of the lick soil post- impoundment.Mapping and analysis of the extent of the lick soil and cliffs exposed post-project should be done by a geomorpho- logist or other qualified geoscientist. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to the following people: Polly Hessing,Bob Cassell,Enid Goodwin,Warren Ballard,SuzAnne Miller,Tammy Otto,Larry Van Daele,Hilary Van Daele (all ADF&G) and Tom Dilley (UAF)for assistance in the field;Granville Couey and Bob Lund (Frank Moolin and Assoc.)for cheerful logi stical support;Vern Lofstedt (Kenai Air),Jerry Dixon,Jerry Abshire, Bill Murphy and Ken Rose (all Air Logistics)for safe and cooper- ative helicopter operation;Wayne Heimer for advice on field methods;Lyman Nichols (ADF&G)and Ai Lee (Lee's Guiding Service) for expert fixed-wing surveying;SuzAnne Miller (ADF&G)for assistance in data analysis;Susan Lawler/and Becky Brewer 71 ,~ -- (ADF&G)for typing ~his.report,Carol Riedner for preparing the figures;and Karl Schneider (ADF&G)for providing me with this study opportunity. LITERATURE CITED Alaska Power Authority.1983.Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Application for license for major project before the Federal Energy Review Commission.13 volumes. Ballard,W.B.,J.H.Westlund,C.L.Gardner,R.Tobey.1982. Susi tna Hydroelectric Proj ect,Phase 1 Final Report,Big Game Studies,Vol.III Dall Sheep.Alaska Dept.Fish and Game.21pp. Denton,D.A.1982.The hunger for salt.Springer-Verlag,New York. and J.R.Sabine.1961.The selective appetite for Na+ shown by Na + -deficient sheep.J.Physiol.157:97-116. Dixon,J.S.1939.Some biochemical aspects of deer licks.J. Mammal.20:109. Flynn,A.,A.W.Franzmann,P.D.Arneson and J.L.Oldemeyer. 1977.Indications of a copper deficiency in a subpopulation of Alaskan moose.J.Nutr.107:1182-1189. 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Rest.,Proj.W-6-R-3,Work Plan E. 73 - -- Lenarz,M.1974.The reaction of Dal1 sheep to an FH-1100 heli- copter.Chapt.III in Jakimchuk,R.D.,ed.The reaction of some mammals to aircraft and compressor station noise disturbance.Can.Arct.Gasline Stud.Biolog.Rep.Ser. Vol.23. Linderman,S.1972.A report on the sheep study at the Deitrich Ri ver he adwa ters .Appendix I I I in Ni cho 1 s , L.and W.Heimer.Sheep Report,Vol.XIII,Proj.Prog.Rep.Fed. AidWildl.Rest.Proj.W-17-3,W-17-4 . .....MacArthur,R.A.,V.Geist, and behavioral responses bance.J.Wi ldl.Manage. and R.H.Johnston.1982.Cardiac of mountain sheep to human distur- 46:351-358. Murie,A.1944.The wolves of Mount McKinley.Fauna of the Nat.Parks of the u.S.Fauna Ser.5 238pp. Nichols,L.1972.Productivity in unhunted and heavily ex- ploi ted Dall sheep populations.In Nichols,L.and ~ W.Heimer.Sheep Report,Vol.XIII,Proj.Prog.Rep.,Fed. Aid Wildl.Rest.Proj.W-17-3,W-17-4,Job No.6.4R. Palmer,L.J.1941.Dall sheep in the Mount Hayes region.u.S. Fish Wildl.Servo Prog.Rep.27pp.Typescript. r - Pitzman,M.S.1970.Birth behavior and lamb survival in moun- tain sheep in Alaska.M.S.Thesis.Univ.Alaska,College. 116pp. Reynolds,P.C.1974.The effects of simulated compressor station sounds on Dall sheep using mineral licks on the Brooks Range,Alaska.Chapt.II in Jakimchuk,R.D.,ed. The reaction of some mammals to aircraft and compressor station noise disturbance.Can.Arct.Gasline Stud. Biolog.Rep.Ser.Vol.23. 74 Smith,D.R.1954.The bighorn sheep in Idaho--its status,life history,and management.Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Bulletin No.1,Boise,Idaho. Stockstad,D.5.,M.S.Morris,and E.C.Lory.1953.Chemical characteristics of natural licks used by big game animals in western Montana.Trans.North Am.Wildl.Conf.18:247-258. Summerfield,B.L.1974.'Population dynamics and seasonal move- ,F'" ment patterns of Dall sheep in the Atigun Canyon area, Brooks Range,Alaska.M.S.thesis,Univ.Alaska.109pp. Tankersley,N.G.1983.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Phase II Progress Report.Big Game Studies,Vol.VI I I Dall Sheep. Alaska Dept.of Fish and Game,Anchorage. - Tankersley,N.G.and W.C.Gasaway.Mineral lick use by moose in Alaska.Can.J.Zool:2242-2249. Tobey,R.W.1981.Susitna Hydroelectric Project Annual Pro- gress Report,Big Game Studies,Part VI I I Sheep.Alaska Dept.Fi sh and Game.12pp. Tracy,D.M.1976.Reactions of wildlife along Mount McKinley National Park road. Alaska,Fairbanks. to human activity M.S.Thesis,Univ. Weeks,H.P.Jr.,and C.M.Kirkpatrick.1976.Adaptations of whi te-tailed deer to naturally occurring sodium deficien- cies.J.Wildl.Manage.40:610-625. 1978.Characteristics of mineral licks and behavior of visiting white-tailed deer in southern Indiana.Am.MidI. Nat.100:384-395. 75 .... .- ~ I PERSONAL COMMUNICATION Aumiller,L.,Game Technician,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,King Salmon. Heimer,W.,Game Biologist,Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fairbanks. Taylor,W.,Game Biologist,Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Anchorage . 76 J I c-l --I I -~-I 1 1 lII Appendix I.NuIllber of different sheep in various sex and age classes using East Fork lick. Total Sheep RAMS Date Hours <:bserved Present Uncl.E L Y 2Y illl ill]b/4 ius SHEEP ID #'s 5/28 1130 -2200 0 5/29 0400 -:noo :n 1 9 ~•3 1 1 5/30 0400 -2310 16 1 5 3 3 3 1 5/31 0400 -:noo 6 1 3 2 6/1 0400 -2230 10 6 1 3 .......... 6/2 0400 -2100 8 6 1 1 .6/3 0400 -1830 1 1 6/4 0750 -2130 12 1 6 2 2 1 6/5 0430 -2100 1 3 3 1 6/6 0400 -2100 23 1 9 2 9 2 6/7 0400 -2100 8 2 5 1 1 ]1 J J ----1 -1 .--1 I I 1 I Appendix I.(cont'd) Total Sheep RAMS Date Hours (bserved Present UncI.E L Y lY ~1I4 ~1I2 2374 2778 SHEEP ID "s 6/8 0400 -2100 10 •5 1 6/9 0400 -2010 17 7 9 1 6/10 0400 -1800 1 1 6/11 0800 -noo l l 6/12 0300 -noo 13 1 .t 3 3 1 1 .....6/13 0300 -noo 17 •1 •3 t 1co 6/14 0300 -2100 l8 11 l 6 l 3 l 2 6/15 0300 -2100 9 5 3 1 6/16 0300 -1630 37 19 5 8 1 3 1 6/22 1300 -2100 3 2 1 Exit at 1300 when helicopter landed 6/23 0330 -2100 11 5 1 2 2 1 6/24 0330 -1100 11 5 2 3 1 5/20 o ]1 1 '~~~~1 'I I I j ]]1 1 J Appendix II.(cont.'d) '1'otal •Sheep Sheep RAMS- Dat.e '1'111\e In '1'111\8 Out Enter/Exit Present Unci.I L Y n ~1/4 ~l/2 ~3/4 i=7/!SHEEP ID .'s 5/n (0400)0 1545 +11 11 3 1 1 23,24 5/22 (0400)11 3 7 1 23,24. 5/23 (0400)11 3 7 1 23,24 'Xl 0 1 23,245/24 (0400)11 3 7 5/25 (0400)11 3 7 1 23,24. 5/26 (0400)11 3 7 1 n,24 5/27 (0400)11 3 7 1 23,24 1950 -9 2 2 6 1 23 5/28 (0400) 1921 +7 2 9 1 1 3 3 1 24 ,1 I 1 1 J 1 -1 J J I J Appendix II.(cont 'd) =---1 ] Appendix II.(cont 'd) I J I l 1 J I 1 )i 1 1 Total I Sheep ,Sheep lWIS Date TIme In TIllie Out Enter/Ex~Present UDel ..I L 1 21 ~1/.~1/2 ~3/•.~/8 SHElP IQ"s 6/2 (overnight)+4 1 2 1 (0400)7 1 2 1 2 1 27,28,29 1100 +5 12 1 3 1 6/3 (overnight).-2 1 1 (0400)10 ---2 2 :2 1 :2 1 27,28,29 1100 +2 12 1 1co IV 11230-1 11 6/4 (0400)11 2 :2 2 1 3 1 27,28,29 1040 -2 9 1 1 1330 -1 8 1 1610 +l 9 1 brok.rt.bo. 1910 -1 8 1 brok.rt.bo. 6/5 (0400)8 1 2 .2 1 2 27,28,29. 1250 +5 13 3 :2 1720 -2 11.·1 1 1 1 1 ]-j 1 I J 1 Appendix II.(cont'd) 'total ,Sheep Sheep RAMS Date 'time In 'time Out Enter/Exit Present UncI.I L Y 2Y ~1/.~ln ~3/.'l:I/8 SHEEP ID I's 6/6 (0400)11 1 2 1 •1 2 27,28,29 1030 +2 13 1 1 '26 1810 -7 6 l'1 1 3 1 126 6/7 (0400)6 1 2 '1 2 27,28,29 1000 +l 7 1 00 1210 +1 8 1 w I 1450 -4 4 1 1 :3 1630 -1 3 1 6/8 .(0400)3 1 :3 27,28,29 0800 +5 8 4 1 1040 +2 10 1 1 1200 +4 14 2 1 1 126 1350 +4 18 3 1 full curl 6/9 (0400)18 3 3 1 9 1 1 126,27,28,29 0500 -3 15 ").1 full curl .. 0930 -1 14 1 1 'I I 1 I 1 1 J 1 -I .--1 -1·-1 ---1 J Appendix II.(cont I d) "Total I Sheep Sheep RAMS- Date Time In Time Out Enter/Exit Present Uncl.E L Y n it1/4 ~1/2 ~:3/4 ~/8 SHEEP ID I's 6/9 1200 -4 10 2 1 1 '26 cont.1220 -1 9 1 1240 +1 10 1 1310 -1 1 1 6/10 (0400)9 1 2 1 5 27,28,29 00 1520 +7 16 2 2 3 ~ 6/11 (0400)16 3 4 3 1 5 :17,28,29 0950 -4 12 4 2030 -4 8 2 2 6/12 (0400)8 1 4 1 1 1 1200 -8 0 1 4 1 1 1 6/13 (0400)0 0800 +2 2 1 1 1020 +15 17 9 1 2 1 2 1220 +1 18 1 ]) Appendix II.(cont'd) J ,1 1 1 I 1 ! tot.al •Sheep Sheep RAMS- Date Tlll1e In tlll1e Out Enter/Exit Present Uncl.I L Y 2Y ~1I.~1I2 ~3/t ~/8.SHEEP ID ,I. 6/13 1330 +1 19 1 cont.1350 -12 7 7 ~1 ~ 1420 -5 2 2 1 1 1 1700 -2 0 1 1 6/14 (0400-2100)0 co V1 (0400-2100)06/15 6/16 (0400)0 1540 +20 :i0 10 3 3 3 1 1730 .-1 19 1 6/17 (0400)19 9 3 3 3 1 6/18 (0400)19 9 3 3 3 1 0930 +2 21 1 1 1510 ':'10 11 5 2 2 1 1630 -1 10 1 ) Appendix II.(cont td) 1 -J 1 ]J -))j 1 .-1 Total I Sheep Sheep RAIlS Date Time In T1me OUt Enter/Exit Present Unci.B L Y 11 ~114 ~1I:t ~3/4 ~/8 SHEEP ID ".. 6/19 (0400)10 5 3 1 1 - 6/20 (0400)10 5 3 1 1 0820 -10 0 s·3 1 1 2050 +3 3 2 1 ~ (X)6/21 (0400)3-2 1 0'\ 1150 -3 0 2 1 1640 .+6 6 3 1 1 1710 +2 8 1 1810 -1 6 1 2000 -6 0 3 'I 1 6/21 (0400)0 1610 +2 1 1 1100 -1 0 1 6/23 (0400)0 1240 +7 7 ..2 1 1550 -7 0 4 1 1 1 1 -1 J 1 1 ]I J Appendix II.(cont I d) Total .•Sheep Sheep RAMS Date Time In Time Out Enter/Exit Present Unc1.E L Y lY iU/t ~1/:I ~3/t ~/8 SHEEP ID ". 6124 (0400)0 1550 +1 1 1 1830 -1 0 1 6125 (0400)0 0950 +2 2 1 1 co 1030 +4 6 3 1 '-J 1930 -3 3 3 6/26 (0400)3 1 1 1 1100 +l t 1 1520 -1 3 1 1620 -3 0 1 1 1 6/27 (0400) 0610 1400 6/28 (0400-2100) +1 -1 o 1 o o 1 1 ) Appendix II.(cont'd) J 1 1 1 1 ])I Total I Sheep Sheep RAMS Date Time In Time Out Enter/Exit Present Unc1.E L Y 11 ~l/t -=113 -=3/t ~/8 SHEEP ID I's 6/29 (0400)0 0140 +1 1 2 1 3 ] 0810 +3 10 2 1 0950 +2 11 1 1000 +2 it 1 1 1110 -2 11 ] 00 1410 -2 10 1 1 00 2030 -2 8 2 1/1 (0400)0 0850 +2 2 1 0950 -2 0 1 6/30 (overnight)-5 3 3 0910 -1 2 1 0920 +2 4 1 1 1230 -2 2 1 1 1410 -2 0 2 "'~'1 Appendix II.(cont'd) J 1 1 'J 1 ).~1 Total •Sheep Sheep lWIS Dete Time In Time Out Enter/Exit Present Uncl.B L Y 21 ~1I4 ~1I2 ~3/4 ~/8 SHEEP ID ". 7/1 (0400-2100)0, 7/2 (0400-0900)0 7/3 NO DATA co 7/4 NO DATA \0 7/5 1530 13 5 5 1 2 1630 -6 7 2 2 1 1 1740 -2 5 1 1 1800 -5 0 2 2 7/6 (0400-2100)0 7/8 (0400)0 1250 +12 12 """ 1300 -12 0 "4 " lQ-• Cl lot B=en GIl ~.... Ki....... '"!AI ........ ~ JII ~....... ~ 1\1 >-..-.... >-~~ """"~ I'I:l ~~ •~ ~ F"'"<tJ i ~Co C I .,:u t!<tJ lQ 0 ....0 0 0a.c utn10I At <tJ.. il'~........+I U .....c 10ItnU<tJ,.a <tJ B 0 :ti.0 U 0\ Iii ~ <tJ ..go -g Eot g .,g ....1"'0........ c·0 b I...0 0.0 ....0 0...u •1"'0 ••...Ei e ....0 0..-~Eot..oa 0 ....!.u 0\....~............... Co !1"'0 1"'0 1"'0 ~< -j ·~~l 1--1 1 J 1 j 1 Appendix III.Miscellaneous observations of sheep in Jay Creek lick areas RAMS Date Time I SheeR UncI.E L Y 2Y !l/4 !1/2 Z3I4 !71B Location CaotENTS ·6/18 1010 5 3 1 1 North bluff upstream Did not come to main lick area. 6/23 1350 5 :z 3 North bluff upstream 6/26 1730 2 :z North blUff 1/12 0800 10 6 2 2 Upstream lick 1/19 0800-2100 0 Viewing area \0 7/21 0800-1800 0 Viewing area~ 7/22 0800 0 Viewing area and upstre811 8/10 1700 4 2 2 Upstream below north bluff 4 :2 2 Red cliffs,east side 1 1 Left field