HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA13SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS CLOSEOUT REPORT Prepared by : ~&M COI'J,?ULTANT!:?i, INC. TASK 2: SURVEYS & SITE FACILITIES FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 1981 Prepared for.: -'---ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY-----.J [}{}£fru~&.:J§rn3&®©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number /3 s•USITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~IYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS CLOSEOUT REPORT TASK 2: SURVEYS & SITE FACILITIES FINAL DRAFT OCTOBER 1981 Pr&pored by: Prepared for: nnrn H&M CON,SUl...TANTS, 11\JC, ..__ __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ --~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORJTY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2 -SURVEYS & SITE FACILITIES .. SUBTASK 2.16 -CLOSEOUT REPORT. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS OCTOBER 1981 Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 Cor·dova Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS CLOSEOUT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS LJST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objectives 1.2. Report Contents PAGE .jj ii 1-1 1-1 1;..1 2 .. -. SUMMARY 2-1 3 Nf SCOPE OF WORK 3-1 3.1 Background 3-1 3 .. 2 Field Method 3-2 0 3.2~1 Control Network 3-2 3.2.2 Procedure for Field Survey 3-3 3.2.3 · Bed Material Anarysis 3-4 3.3 Results 3-6 . APPENDIX A -Correspondence and minutes from me~tings related to Subtask 2 .. ~16. APPENDIX B -Plots and summarized field notes for cross sections from Deadman Creek to Talkeetna. APPENDIX C -Plots and summarized field notes for partial cross- sections below Tal keetn4.~. .. j - ... LIST OF TABLES Number Title 3.1 Susitna River Profile Data Summary 3. 2 Description of grid photograph locations for bed material analysis Susitna River bed material distribution analysis LIST OF FIGURES -------..,~ Number Title 3 .. 1 Maps showing river cross-section locations between Deadman Cr-eek and Talkeetna 3.2 Longitudinal river profi!e from Devil Canyon to Talke~l:na 3. 3 Sample of bed material analysis data sheets FOLDER -River Cross Section Location Map .. ii .... Page "' 3-8 3-11 3-15 3-16 3-20 3-21 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 .1· -Objectives Study of downstream hydrographic conditions is a vital part of the total data cotJection effort during the feasibility study for the· Sush:na Hydroelectric Project, particularly because of potential project impact on the river ffow regime. Subtask 2.16, Hydrographic Surveys, was designed to provide field. data relating to existing river gradient and cross-sectional configuration of the active floodplain along the Susitna River through the reach from Deadman Creek to Talkeetna.. The cross-section data and Manningr~ roughness co2fffcients determined by bed material · analysis were used directly in developing the Corps of Engineers HEC-2 water surface profile model (Subtask 3.06) and in preparing the interim report on sediment yiefd and river morphology studies (Subtask 3.07). In addition, the information gained through Subtask 2.16 can be used in environmental studies to help determine potential , impacts on fisheries, as well as on vegetation communities and related game habitat areas due to proposed changes in flow regime caused by project development. 1. 2 -Report Contents The methodology and results of work carried out under Subtask 2. 16 are presented in this reportc lt includes background informa 'r) on selection of river cross-section Jocations 1 as well as plots an\_:· summarized fi.eld notes for each cross section surveyed. Also, a longitudinal profBe of the river was developed using dis- tances between the cross-sections measured from aerial photographs and bed elevations along the thal'..veg obtained from survey data of the main channel. An example of the bed material analysis tech~1ique used ii l con- junction with field surveys is also included, along with a s~ mmary of the methodology used to obtain the bed material samples ar-.d the resulting grain-size distribution determined for each cross-r.-ection . where sampling was done. r24/k 2 -SUMMARY Subtask 2.16 involved survey of river cross-sections on the Susitna River from Deadman Creek to Talkeetna to define the river gradient· and configuration of the active floodplain. The results will provide baseline data for engineering and riverine habitat assessment during the first phase of the feasibility study for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project .. During meetings· held at R&M Consultants in early September of 1980, a mufti-disciplinary task force established criteria for locating the proposed cross-sections, identified locations of special interest and delineated the cross-section lines on aerial photo- graphs of the river. Field surveys began in September after final review and approval from the Buffalo office of Acres American, Inc. Ground control surveys consisted primarily of third-order vertical r:ontrol and scale-accuracy horizontal control. Vertical control was based on a National Geodetic Survey first-order level line running parallel to the AJas.ka Railroad tracks and on a first-order level line run by R&M under Subtask 2.09. The vertical controJ was used to establish elevations on aluminum survey caps set on the left ( easter!y) side of the river at each cross-section site .• Elevations along the cross sections were determined through use of differential leveling and vertical angle leveling. Key features measured or described during field survey of each section included such ~hings as major breaks in stope of the iand surface, geometry of «all river channels, limits to vegetation and average bed material size along the exposed river bed • • In c9njunction with tha survey work, a preiiminary analysis of bed material along the riv,er was carried· out using the uGrld-by-. Number" technique described by Kellerhals and Bray in nsampling procedure for coarse fluvial sedimentsli. Included in this closeout report are the results from that analysis . with ~Xplanation of the methodology used to collect and analyze th~ sampies. Also included are plots and summarized field notes for each cross-section surveyed.. From survey coordinates the thalweg elevation in the main channel was defined and the longitudinal profile of the river between Devil Canyon and 7al keetna was drawn. r24/a 2-1 3 -SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 ... Background Discussions were held with a mt.~iti-discipUnary task force, in- cluding representatives from Acres American 1 Alaska Department of Fish and Game (A.D. F.&G.), R&M Consultants and Terrestrial Environmental Services (TES) in September of 1980 to select ten• tative river· cross-section locations between Tal l<eetna and Devil . . 0 Canyon. This reach was divided into five subreaches de'fined as: 0 0 0 0 0 Portage Creek Confluence Gold Creek/Indian River Confluence Sherman/4th of July Creek Susitna River in the Vicinity of Curry Susitna River near the Chulitna -Susitna Confluence For each sub reach 1 cross-section locations marked on aerial photo- graphs were based on some of the following criteria: 0 0 0 0 0 0 available funding for the subtask I requirements for the HEC-2 computer program, including hydraulic control points and characteristic cross·-sections to describe channel geometry. apparent changes in river gradient lee jam considerations . instream flow/fish habitat considerations1 including stage relationships between the mainstem Susitna and selected side channels or sloughs, and fish passage at major tributaries identification of hydraulic and morphologic conditions of mainstern subreaches .. ' The section of the river between Cross-Sections 13 and 18 ap- peared very similar in terms of channel characteristics (channel width, divided flow, etc.) to a section of approximately equal length between RM 122.0 to 115.40, Cross .. Sections 18-19. To save the expense of additional field work, it was decided to superimpose data from surveys through the downstream section on" the un- surveyed reach between Cross-Sections 18 and 19 for more complete modelling of the water surface profile. ~ . After final review and approval by the Buffalo office of Acres America:a, Inc. 1 62 cross-section locations were defined for the reach between Talkeetna and Portage Creek. Figure 3.1 shows the location of the cross-section lines. r24/f 3-1 Appendix A includes corr~espondence and minutes from meetings relating to selection of cross section locations for Subtask 2 .. 16. _ Additional cross-sections between Portage Creek and Deadman Creek were surveyed in the spring of 1981 to extend the existing survey of the river channel. These cross-sections were origina.lly included under Subtask 2.07, but have been described j: this report for completeness. In September 1981, Subtask 2.16 was expanded to include partial cross-sections in the river from Talkeetna t!l Cook Inlet, primarily tp aid in navigation studies· of the lower river.. These cross- sections are included as Appendix C. 3. 2 -Field Methods 3. 2. 1 -Control Surveys The · ground control surveys for the river cross-sections consisted primarily of third-order vertical control and scale- accuracy horizontal control .. A control point, monumented with a 5/8" x a·ou rebar was set on the left side of the Susitna River on each cross-section line. Each rebar has a self-identifying 1~11 alumfnum survey Cclp fixed to the top. The locations of the control points and the aHsnment of the cross sections were pre-selected and marked on aerial photog~"aphs. Field locations of the control points were determined by reference to prominent local physical features. A few of the control points were photo- panelled to aid in location and scaling on later aerial photo- graphy. Cross-s~ction alignment was set-out according to the pre-selected~, route marf{ed on the aerial photographs. Methodz used to layout the lines included use of compass bearings, reference to prominent features, and traverses from the rail road. · The cross-sections were stationed with the orgin {0+00) ~at some point on the left side of the river. The control point position fell at Station 0+00 or at a station of higher value. Stationing was oriented so that all cross-section points had . non -negative station values. Vertical control was based on a National Geodetic Survey { N. G. s. ) first~order level Hne (Line 101 ; Quad 62149) that parallels the railroad and on a first-order level line run by R&M under Subtask 2.09 -Cqntrol Surveys. Thlrd-order level Joops wer-e run between the first-order points and the control points set for each cross-section. This vertic.cll control was used as a basis to determine elevations along each cross-section. Individual elevations along the cross sections r24/f .· 3-2 were ascertained by the use of differential leveling and vertical angle. leveling. 3.2.2. -Procedures for Channel Survey The control points served as reference marks for all sub- sequent surveys of the river. This includes not only those surveys carried out under Subtask 2.16J' but also for freeze- up and breakup water surface measurements made during the winter of 1980-81 and miscellaneous surveys used in calibra- tion of the HEC-2 model and l"iver morphology studies. The length and orientation of each cross-section was deter- mined initially during the meetings in September 1 1980 with the understanding that field adjustments would be made where needed to provide the best information on the hydraulic and morphologic conditions at each site. The length of each line was determined by several different factors, primarily to ensure delineation of the floodpl'l~n boundaries and definition of all the r·iver channels.. At locations where the river was confined within the valfey walls, the cross-section line rar. from valley wall to valley wall w1th estimates of the valley wall height and slope. In broader reaches 1 when the river was less confined; the cross-section line extended across aU major channels. Where the land surfe~ce sioped with a constant gradi·ent away from the. rlver 1 the survey extended up to 100 feet landward from the top of bank. If the land surface was terraced or of irregular grada, the line extended away from the river to the first major break in slope. For much of the river from Talkeetna to Gold Creek, the Alaska Railroad bed served as a good end point for the cross section line along the left bank. To satisfy requirements for the HEC-2 water'" st.1rface profile .. model, each cross-section was oriented perpendicular to flo\v of the river. In reaches of divided flow, it was -often necessary to have angle. pbints in the line to insure that cross-section lines would be perpendicular to fJow in each channel. Field :adjustments were made to correct errors in original orientation of the lines drawn on aerial photos with corrections noted on field maps and notes .. Appendix B inCludes a plot of each cross-section from Talkeetna to Deadman Creek with a summary sheet listing stations and elevations corresponding to the key feature!; described below. For engineering and environment~JI purposes, each cr'"'css section included definition of: r24/f 3-3 ·o 0 0 0 0 0 0 major breaks in slope of the land surface adjacent to the river channel (s) remnant channels in the river floodplain changes in dominant vegetation types through islands or ;along the banks elevation of ice scars on trees along the banks limits to vegetation for the major channels 1 as well as 1 for side channels or sloughs average bed material size and transitions in bed material type along the exposed river bed geometry of all river channels water surface elevations along the right and left edge of water on the date of ·survey for at I channels and sloughs the line crossed .. ; At the end of each line, tln the right bank, a temporary benchmark was estabiJshed to close the survey. Some of these were simply prominent rocks along. snore~ However 1 at some cross sections 1 a nail was set in a tree or rebar driven into the ground along the top of the bank. These TBMs should be useful reference points for future work on. the river. The 1 11 =5oor scale mosaics produced from aerial. photo- graphs show the locations of the temporary benchmarks considered to have reliable survey coordinates. A set of these river mosaics has not been included with this reportr but are available through R&M Consultants to those interes·ted. Upon completion of the field work for Subtask 2.16, a river thalweg profile was developed using elevations of the river bed determined during survey of the channel. The lowest measured point in the main channel was used for the thalweg elevation and distances from one cross-section to the next were scaled off the river mosaics. These elevations and distances are presented in Table 3 .. 1. The points were plotted to produce the profile (Talkeetna to Portage Creek) shown in Figure 3.2. For interpretation, it is useful to compare this profile with Figure 3.1 showing locations of each cross section and changes in channel characte.ristics (single channel vs. divided flow 1 etc.) r24/f 3.2.3 -Bed Material Anal~sis During survey of the cross-sections, preliminary analysis a·r the bed material along the river ,was carried out using the 11Grid-by-Nlh-nberu technique as described by Kellerha~s and 3-4 Bray · in 1 11 5ampHng Procedures for Coarse Fl.uvial Sed1ments 11 , • In the above noted paper 1 several techniques were: pt'esented for sampling bed material. The 11 Grid-by- Numbern technique was selected as the most acceptable 1 cost-effective means of determining the particle size of bed material along the Susitna from Portage Creek to Talkeetna. The sampling method employed a grid constructed from aluminum and wire measuring 60 em by 60 cm 1 inside dia- meterr with a mesh of 5 em squaE·es. The grcd was positioned ove.r the selected sample area and a vertical photograph taken of the area. It was important to make the photograph as close to vertical as possible to reduce distortion and mis- representation of grain dimensions. Selection of each sampling slte was based on a subjective decision as to the ·best representation of average bed material through a particular reach. Table .3. 2 describes the location of each grid photo with gener~l notes. on the gradation of material up- stream and downstream or from left bank to right bank. Once the photograph was taken and developed 1 measurements were taken of the grains. The intermediate or b-axis was used to define grain size. In the photographs, this generally corresponded to the smaller visible axis. The grain located under alternating grid intersections was measured and used as one sample point. For each photograph, a minjmum of fifty such points were measured, except in locations where large material size limited the possible number of sample points.. The larbe grains often covered more than one grid intersection. In .such a case, all but one intersection was discarded as a sample point and a substitute grain was randomly se!ected· for each discarded grid intersection.. This resulted in double counting of some grains, but overall, this approach pravented biasing the sample by unduly weighting the large· grains: Grains smaller than approximately 8 mm were eliminated from the sample as belng too small to accurate~y measure. When a small grain feU under a grid interzection, the nearest larger grain was measured instead~ or,ce all the sample points were measured a frequency analysis was run to determine the distribution of particle sizes at each cross section site. Grains were ranked from largest to smallest with the frequency of each size interval expressed as the number of grains falling into a given size category as a percentage of the total number of grains in the sample. Ffgure 3.3 is an example of the format used to present the grain size data. The graph at the top of the pape shows results from the frequency analysis 1 with sample points . measured from the grid photograph shown at the bottom of the page. The .0161 DSOJ 084 values listed on the 1 J .. Hydraulics Div .. , ASCE, August., 1971. r24/f 3-5 sample sheet are one way of quantifying the distribution of grain sizes. The values are taken from the "best-fit11 line drawn for the plot of grid sample points. They are inter"- preted as follows.: o 16 = 16% of the material sampled is equal to or smaller than the reported size. o 50 = 50% of the material sampled is equal to or smaller than the reported size. o 84 = 84% of the material sampled is equal to or smaller than the reported size. Tabl_e 3.3 lists the o16 , o50 , and o84 values for all the cross sectrons sampJed. J n the field, a standard par tide size classification recom- mended by the American Geophysical Union Subcommittee on Sediment Terminology Was used. The size breakdown is as follows: Material Clay Silt Sand Gravel Cobbles Bo~iciers Bedrock Size in mm 0.00024 -. 0.004 .004 .... 062 .062 ... 2.0 2.0 -64.0 64.0 -250.0 above 250.0 From these measurements and descriptions of bed material_, Manning•s •n• roughness determinations were made for use in the HEC-2 model .. 3.3 -Results After completion of the field surveys and initial plotting of each cross-section from Portage Cr"eek to Talkeetna, it was determined that more information was needed to accurately delineate the flood ... plain boundaries through certain .reaches of the river. To accomplish this, fie1d descriptions of the surface topography 1 USGS 1:631 360 topographic m~ps and susitna River mosaics were used to extend certain cross-sections. Stations and elevations corresponding to the floodplain limits and beginning of the relatively steep valley walls were estimated. This data was included with field survey coordinates to provide input data for the HEC-2 model. r24/f 3-6 In some critical locations, this approach could not provide the detail needed for defining the topography of the jand surface, especially in areas where cross .. section lines crossed clear water sloughs of special interest for riverine habitat assessment. Additional field work was defined to extend key cross-sections from the end points of the original survey. This data collected in March, 1981, gave better definition t..o the bed elevation and channel geometry of several clear water sloughs and tributaries, as well as to the slope of the land surface away from the main river channel. Snow cover on the land surface and ice cover in most side channels or sloughs hindered collection of descriptive informa· tion on vegetation types and especially bed material types in the channels. Further data for the H EC-2 model was collected during survey of an additional six cross-sections between the low.er end of Devil Canyon and Portage Creek, and 23 cross-sections between Devil Creek and Deadman Creek. The procedure for earryihg out field surveys was the same as that used for the original cross-sections .. However1 no bed material analysis was carried out through these reachs. The river is confined within narrow bedrock valley walls. Material exposed along the channel bank is predominantly bedrock fragments accumulating at the toe of steep valley walls. There is . very little river transported material deposited along the banks. All of the cross-section data, including bed materia[ analysis, was used in calibrating the H EC-2 model for varying ffow levels under pre-project conditions. Results from this modelling effort will be presented under Subtask 3.06 -HydrauHc and Ice Studies. Also, information gain!=d on channel geometry., riVer gradient and ber4 materia! size distribution ~·Jere utilized In sediment yield and river morphology studies (Subtask 3. 07). The -preliminary report refined the major sub-reaches in the Susitna from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna from those listed in Section 3.1 of this report. The . defjnition of these sub-reaches was based on field data and obser- vations relating to hydraulic ·and morphologic characteristics gathered since the September, 1980, meetings for Subtask 2.1,6 .. It also indudes qualitative anaiysis ·of river behavior, past and present, with prediction of futur·e changes in river morphology and behavior .. Results from Subtask 2.16 have provided baseline data for the above mentioned studies. As specific sites were identified as those deserving closer· study for engineering or environmental· reasons1 ___ _ additional field survey work can be carried out to provide more refined informat.ian. local changes in .river gradient, surface and subsurface bed material and the relation between mainstream and side channel or slough hydr~uuc characteristics can he more accur.ately defined. r24/f 3-7 r24/f TABLE 3.1 SUSITNA RIVER PROFILE DATA SUMMARY CROSS SECTION LRX-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RIVER MILE · 98.59 99.58 100.36 100.96 101.52 102.38 103.22 104.75 106.68 108.41 110.36 110.89 . 111.83 112.34 112.69 113.02 116.44 117.19 . . . 119.15 119.32 120.26 120.66 121.63 1..22.57 123.31 124.41 3-8 THALWEG ELEVATION 332 .. 6 344.4 352.6 357.1 359.4 364.1 366.6 386.2 401.0 414.4 426.5 437.2 446.1 449.7 453.4 452.9 481.7 483.3 500.9 503.4 515.5 507.6 526.2 532.1 533.8 549.8 r24/f CROSS SECT!ON LRX-29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 TABLE 3.1 (cont.) RIVER MILE 126.11 127.50 128.66 129~67 130.12 130.47 130.8i 131.19 131.80 132.90 133.33 134.28 134.72 135&36 135.72 136.40 136.68 136.96 137.15 . . . 137.41 138.23 138.48 138.89 139.44 140.15 140.83 141~49 3-9 THALWEG ELEVATION 563.3 578o4 586.8 597.2 607.0 608.9 605.5 614~0 618.8 634.7 641.5 650.0 655.3 663.9 657.6 674.6 673.5 681~4 681.9 685 .. 3 694.2 693.5 701.9 707 .. 2 717.2 726.3 735.2 r24/f CROSS SECTION LRX-56 p 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 TABLE 3.1 (cont.) RIVER MILE 142.13 142.34 143.18 144.83 147.56 148.73 148.94 149.15 149.35 149.46 149.51 149.81 150.19 3-10 THALWEG ELEVATION 744.4 745.5 756.9 775.8 808.5 819.5 822.3 827.2 825.4 836.1 837.2 840.6 829 .. 6 Cross Section LRX-4 LRX-5 LRX-6 LRS-7 LRX ... 8 LRX-9 LRX -10 LRX -11 LRX -12 LRX ... 13 LRX -14 LRX -15 LRX -16 LRX -17 TABLE 3.2 GRID SAMPLE PHOTO LOCATIONS Photo Location Far Right Channel, left Bank, on Line -at Station 53+50 Center of Mid-Channel Bar -at Station 63+38, Uniform Material Size on the Bar Grid on Mid-Channel Bar, Station Uncertain .. No Photo · Main Channel -Left Bank, Exact Station Unknown ·but Between 31+13 and 31+26 Main Channel -Left Bank Station Between 20+83 and 21+87 Main Channel -Left Bcu;t< Between 11 +25 and 11 +49 Main Channel -Left Bank, between 20+30 and 20+74: (Closer to 20+30) No Photo No Photo Upstream from X-Sec Line on Right Bank of East Channel No Photo Right (West) Channel -Left Bank 1 at Approx. Station 25+80 No Photo Comments Coarser Material Along R/B of West Channel Larger Material on Both Left and Right Banks of Main Channels Cobbles 10-1211 Diameter Scattered on the Bar Material on Right Bank Appears to Have Same Size Distribution D5 would be Slightly LaPger than l.ndicated by Grjd Good Representation of Bed Material Large Rounded Boulders and CobbJes in the Channel U/5 & D/S of x-.sec. Line r24/f 3""11 Cross Section --- LRX -18 LRX -19 LRX -20 LRX -21 LRX -22 LRX -23 TABLE 3.2 -Continued Photo Location Main Channel -Left Bank Between Stations 10+73 and 1u+82 Main Channel -Left Bank Station 15+83 and 16+40 West Channel -Left Bank Upstream of X-Sec. Line near Station 34+00 . Left Bank Main Channel, Photo taken 2001 Downstream of Line Right Bank Main Channel Between Station 16+58 and 16+78 Right Bank, Main Channel Between Station 19+31 and 19+42 LRX -24 & 25 No Photo LRX -26 LRX -27 LRX -28 LRX -29 LRX -30 r24/f Left Bank Main Channel, Photo Taken Downstream of Line ApprAJx. Betw.een Station 25+13 and 25+38 Left Bank Main Channel Bet~aen Station 23+23 and 23+48 Left Bank East Channel 'setween Stations 11+96 and 12+28 Left Bank Main Channel Between Stations 34+66 and 35+32 On Mid-Channel Bar, Station Uncertain for Photo, Assumed to be Approx. 22+00 3-12 · Comments Large Boulders in the Vicinity of X-Sec. Good Representation of Material on Both Banks Grid Shows Material in High Water C~annel 1 Island Covered with Scattered Patches of Sand & Cobbles Right Bank Mater~al Larger 1 May Better Represent Material Moved at High Flow Good Representation of Bed Material Good Representation of Bed Material Along this Shore Good Representation of Bed Material Along Left Bank Coarser Material on Right Bank, Including Sm.all Boulders Material Size Consistent Upstream and Downstream Good Representation of B.ed Material Good Representation of Bed Material Upstream and Downstream Best Representation of Bed Material, left Bank Protected by Rip-Rap Cross ·Section LRX -31 LRX -32 LRX -33-39 LRX -40 LRX -41 LRX -42 LRX -43 LRX -44 LRX .. 45 LRX -46 LRX -47 LRX -48 LRX -49 LRX -50 LRX -51 r24/f TABLE 3.2 -Continued Photo Location Left Bank .Main Channel, Set Downstream of Line on Cobble Bed in Dry High Water Channel Between Islands Left· Bank Main Channel No Photos Left Bank -Main Channel - No Photo Left Bank Main Channel Left 'Bank Main Channel Between Station 27+74 and 29+00 Left Bank -Main Channel on Wide Exposed Cobble Bed No Photo Far Left Bank Between Station . . . 11+23 and 11+72 No Photo Right Bank of Main Channel Between Station 22+79 and 23+30 Left Bank -Main Channel Right Bank Main Channel Near Station 14+80 Right Bank Main Channel Between Station 16+57 and 16+ 70 3-13 Comments Good Representation of Material Along Shore Right Bank Material Coarser Overall Does not Represent Larger Cobbles Onshore Uniform Cobble Bed Material Smaller th;;n Exposed Grav. & Cob. on Downstream end of I sf and Large Cobbles and Boulders Scattered Along the l ~ed, not Represented by Grid Photo Taken Where Right Channel of Indian River. Joins The Susitna Cross Section LRX -52 LRX -53 LRX -54 LRX -55 LRX -56 LRX -57 LRX -58 LRX -59 LRX -60-68 r24/f TABLE 3.2 -Continued Photo Location No Photo Right Bank Main Channel Near Station 24+00 Right Bank Main Channel Between Station 21+04 and 21+31 Right Bank Main Channel Right Bank Main Channel Between Station 22+ 71 and 22+93 Left Bank Main Channel Between Station 11 +14 and 11+26 Right Bank Main Channel Left Bank Main Channel No Photos 3-14 Comments Good Representation of Bed Material, a few Boulders Along Shore. Right Bank Material Much Coarser than Left Bank Bed Material on Right Bank Coarser than Left Bank Same as LRX -54 Right Bank has Some Larger Material mi$c7/c1 TABLE 3.3 SUSiTNA: LOWER RIVER CROSS SECTIONS BED MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS LRX Number o16 (mm .. ) o50 (mm.) 4 13 25 5 12 21 6 20 47 8 19 45 9 14 32 10 58 94 11 18 43 14 20 36 16 8 26 18 12 :36 19 47 80 20 16 38 21 26 49 22 8 21 23 22 48 26 25 54 27 19 43 28 13 31 29 32 59 30 33 64 31 28 49 32 19 43 40 20 46 42 15 38 43 19 44 44 14 35 46 29 53 48 21 56 49 26 53 50 18 53 51 44 88 53 86 125 54 18 43 55 178 220 56 29 73 57 20 47 58 62 112 59 26 66 3-15 o84 (mm.) 46 39 112 112 72 152 100 66 92 110 132 92 95 58 108 113 100 68 110 122 84 100 110 94 94 88 ··100 155 112 160 170 188 105 265 183 110 200 170 MAP SCAlE I 63,360 PLIITE _2_ ~~ ·.~ . ~ ( . ~c·~·· Pr ared by: -, .. 'FIGURE 3.,1 RIVER CROss-SECTION LOCATIONS R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. )~ 6;., e~<. PLATE~ ·--7~ ••• SCALE I 63,360 Pr ared for: , FIGURE 3.1 CON'I'fiUED. R&M CONSULTANtS. INC. l . R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. t.J I .... 0 Pr · ared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ... ·. . . PLATE 7 MAP SCALE I• 63 360 " . Pr ared for: . . FiGI.JR! S.1 CONnNUED w l l\J 0 · ~&M CONSULTANTS. INC. . RIVc&;c MtLES . LONGITUDINAl: RIVER PROFILE FROM DEVIL CANVOM 1'd .TALK.EETNA Prepared for: FIGURE s.2 · ~~~(~ R&M CONSULTAN~s. INC. 1 :II.______ _ ____..= % equal to or smaller than D1s= 2cf '"_, Doo= 53 Ito'" . SAMPLE: OF BED MATER.IA.Z.: ANALYSIS DATA SHEETS • FIGURE 3.3 3-21 P...:epared for: misc7/c2 APPENDIX A CORRESPONDENCE AND MINUTES FROM MEETINGS .RELATED TO SUBTASK 2.16 R&M CONSULTANTS. INC. 5024 CORDOVA a BOX 6087 II ANCHORAGE':, ALASKA 99502 a PH. "07•279·04U II TLX. 090•25'36'0 ENGINEERS GEOLOGISTS PLANNEt:<S SURVEYORS : September 9, 1980 R&M No. 052216 Re: Review of Meeting an Monday, September 8 1 1980 Concerning Subtask 2.16 1 Hydrographic Surveys The meeting incl~ded: Brent T. Drage -R&M Leslie Griffiths -R&M Woody Trihey -Special Consultant to Acres Tom Trent -ADF&G Christopher Estes -ADF&G Bob Williams -T. E. S . ..\ Bob Krogseng -T. E~S . .. Milo Bell is also involved in the Lower Susitna studiesr but could not be in Anchorage for the meeting~ The objective of the meeting was to locate river cross sections to be surveyed from Talkeetna to Portage Creek, which would provide baseline data for engineering design purposes and instream flow studies. An outfine is attached summa.rizing key items covered during the meeting. Review of detalled discussion on each agenda item is 'included in the following pages. ANCHORAGE Ejf.lRBANK'!S JUNE?.U I misc1/a Page 2 RIVER CROSS SECTIONS -TALKEETNA TO DEVIL CANYON 1. Develop Cross Section Location Criteria o t-lyd rau lie modeling 0 0 0 0 0 Ice p races s model In-stream flow model Fisheries studies Sedimentation and Water Quality Modeling River Moplology Studies 2. Identify Reaches and Specific Locations Deserving Special Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Portage confluence Gold Creek/Indian River confluence Sherman/4th July Creek Curry Chase to Chulitna confluence Side Sloughs Tributeries 3. Preliminary Cross Section Layout on 1 11 = 4,0001 Mosaic . 0 Group x-section 1s through sp~cific interest reaches 0 Satisfy main-stem geometry requirements for Item 1 4. Cross Section Layout on 1 u = 500~ Blow-Ups 0 0 0 0 . Refine for engineering hydraulics Refine main-stem hydraulics for in-stream flow Arrive at agreement with multi-disciplinary task-force considering time frame and budget limitations Derive field procedures and data collection format 5. Field Trip by Multi-Disciplinary Task-Force 0 0 Finalize section Jocations Refine field procedures 6. Office Debriefing of Task-For·ce ·--~ ... -., -.,--. -.----------------------,--'---------------.-·-· ___ ..;..;......._.......,. t=,·· 2:. 1 v ''---------------..:.oo.----.:..._ ______ ;.....;;..; __ ..__ __ , ________ ....._ __ misc1/a Page 3 ITEM 1: DEVELOP CROSS SECTION LOCATION CRITERIA Data collected from the river cross section surveys wil1 be used in the future as input for hydraulic modeling, ice process modeling. sedimentation and water quality modeling, in stream flow studies and fisheries studies. 1. Hydraulic Modeling -Cross section survey data will be used in the H EC-2 computer program developed by the Corps of Engineers for modeling water surface profiles under varying flow conditions. Ideally, a continuous water surface profile should be generated froin DevH's Canyon to the mouth of !he Susitna River. Howev~'r r the scope of this . phase of the hydrographic surveys cov~rs only the reach from· Devil's Canyon to Talkeetna. Acres American 1 Inc. has adapted the model to account for ice cover in the winter months. Woody Trihey questioned whether the adapted model took into account the change from open-channel, flow 'to pipe flow or pressurized flow resulting from the presence on an ice cover. A closer review of the model will be necessary to determine if additional modifications to the program need to be made. 2. Ice Process Modeling -The lee cover process model developed by Acres American lnc. will be used in addition to the HEC-2 program to ensure tf)at potential problems such as frazil ice accumulation, ice jamming and flooding are addressed in engineering design work. The ·reach o-f· river in the vicinity of Gold Creek has been identified as one of primary importance in this regards. Cross sections located upstream and downstream of the railroad bridge crossing the Susitna River at Gold Creek should provide data on channel geometry . -~~ ... -·. .·----. !""-'"-----. ~·,·-····-- .. ,. .. : ::.: ·:. }:,~·~1~~....:.--~.......,;:."-._,_......,. _________ .......... _____ ....:.;.,.._......._ .... ·_· ~· _ ... _·~ ...... --.........:..·-· --------··-·--· ----- ... -............ ,_ ....... _________ ~--··•"--'"'--··-... - misc1/a Page 4 ·· 3. and other river characteristics which will improve under- standing of the processes of generation and collection of frazil i.ce at freeze-up and locations of ice jams during river breakup. Sedimentation and Water Quality Modeling Recommendations were made to expand the scope of work to include more detailed data collection of water quality and suspended sediment 1 especially ·in sloughs and tributaries of the Susitna River. This data would be· utilized in fisheries and instream flow studies to make correlations between stream flow and water quality and to predict post-project effects on sedimen- tation and water quality downstream of the proposed DeviJ's Canyon dam. 4. I nstream Flow and Fisheries Studies -The l.FG incremental approach will be used for instream flow studies. Hydro- graphic surveys will provide basic data on the physical para- meters for each of the representative r.eaches. More detaUed ' breakdown of the reaches into subreaches or microhabitats in the future will be based, in part, on the correlation between hydraulic parameters and spec_ies distribution or available habitat area. The water surface profile will be modeled using the \VSP prc2ram. It is similar to the HEC-2 program, except that it requires water surface elevations recorded at the· time of survey to remain constant across the channel.~ Survey work ln the past has shown ~his does r;ot always hold true. In reaches with divided flow and sloughs 1 water surface eleva- tions may vary from channel to channel. Adjustments wilt have to be made during operation of the program to account for this problem. ; \ misc1/a ITEM 2: iDENTIFY REACHES AND SPECIFIC LOCATiONS DESERVING SPECIAL INTEREST Page 5 The tributaries and reaches of river listed below were identified as being of primary importance for engineering design work: 0 0 0 0 The Susitna River upstream and downstre?m of Gold Creek. The Susitna River in the vicinity of Sherman. The Chulitna -Susitna -Talkeetna confluence near the town of Talkeetna.· Major tributaries: Portage Creek, Indian River,· and 4th of ,July Creek .. These locatic:ms are generally compatible with areas of interest for fisheries studies. In addition, small tributaries and sfoughs are of special inter~est for fish habitat studies. misc1/a Page 6 ITEM 3: PRELIMINARY CROSS SECTION LAYOUT ON 1 11 :::: 4,000' .. MOSAIC The original scope of work planned for 60 cross sections to be located along the len!gth of the Susitna River from P(">rtage Creek to Talkeetna. Based on needs for engineering studies and compatible require·,. ments for environmental studies the river was divided into five reaches defined by changes in channel characteristics and gradient. These reacht:s were defined as! 0 0 0 0 0 Portage Creek confluence ~Gold Creek/Jtndian River confluence Sherman/4th of July Creek Susitna River· in the vicinity of Curry Susitna River· from Chase to the Chulitna confluence These divisions may need to be re-evaluated after completion of field work if no significant differ·ence is found in physical para- \ meters between certain reaches or jf ·areas of change in channel gradient are more precisely defined. For each of the river segments listed above, cross section lines \tVere laid out to describe the river through that reach, including hydraulic control points, location of sloughs and tributaries, flood plain delineation 1 division of flow and general channel characteris- tics. In some specific locations 1 adjustments were made to eliminate the need for additional crvoss sections~ --~~------~~~-<~~ ~·--~------------------------------------------~---------------------------""""'-'-... ·i:.•l J ..... " _______________ ........, ________________ .... --......- misc1/a Page 7 At the Whiskers Creek confluence, a staff gage could be set up that would tie into known water surface elevations surveyed at a cross section upstream. Temporary bench marks tied into the level control network could be established near the entrance to sloughs of particular interest for fisheries studies. This would facilitate more detai1ed survey work done in the future .. Above Chase 1 two adjacent segments of approximately equal length appeared very similar. on the photos in terms of channel character·- istics. Both were areas of divided flow with comparable channel widths. It was agreed that only one segment of the river would contain cross section dur·ing this preliminary phase of the study. Data from the surveys woufd be superimposed on the unsur·veyed segment upstream for modeling the water surface profile. If field work and data analysis showed this approach to bf~ invalid additional cross sections would need to be added in this reach. Likewise, hydraulic parameters for a straight, nar·row segment above the Chulit~a confluence will be simulated based on surveys of two other straight, narrow segments in the reach from Chase to the Chulitna confluence. A total of 64 river cross sections w~~~ drawn onto the 1u = 4,000' mosaic. Also, two additional cross section location on the Susitna River downstream of the Susitna-Chulitna-Talkeetna conf!uences were recommended by lan Hutchison of Acres American, Inc. during a phone conversation with Brent Drage on Tuesday, Septemb~t-10th. A complete outline of proposed cross section locations developed by Acres Amer·ican, Inc. in Buffalo should be . ' on hand for comparison and t'eview at the meeting on Wednesday 1 September 11th. ----------"'----~--~""'-"'"'-'~~--'·· ~· misc1/a Page 8 ITEM 4: CROSS SECTION LAYOUT ON 111 = SOO• BLOW-UPS Cross section locations were transferred from the 1 11 = 4,000' mosaics to 1 n = SOQ• blow-ups with some refinements. Locations of hydraulic control points, such as channel constrictions and apparent changes in channel gradient1 were better defint~d ,~~nd cross sections positioned accordingly. Refinements were also made in cross section Jocations to better establish correlation between water surface. elevations in the main stem, major tributaries and sloughs for instream flow studies. Also, whenever possible, cross section lines were adjusted to facilitate field operations. Jt was generally agreed that completion of cross section sLtrveying would take about five weeks. Work is scheduled to begin the last week of September and should be finished by the first we~ek of November. Survey resuJts and other data coliected at the cross section will he incorporated into a report to be used in the future fo:r data analysis, as outlined in Item 1. One report will be prepared for each of the characterist~c reaches defined. The proposed format is outlined below: 1 . Introduction 0 0 0 Reach location referenced to river mites along channel thalweg .. Photo mosaic of the reach showing cross section loca- tions. Summary of features: key cultural features, hydraulic controls and environmental features. ~--------.;..__ _________________ ... ~_ ... _ .. _ _. '----··-~-.. -....... '.' misc1/a Page 9 0 Summary of report contents. 2. Regime Analysis 0 0 0 Des::ription of channel characteristics. Analysis of behavior -past and present. Projection of future behavior assuming natural condi- tions, without the project. 3. Transects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plot of cross section, including list of .x and y coordi- nates. Record of water surface elevation at the time of survey. Calculated hydraulic parameters. ' ' Vegetation limits and general classification. Miscellaneous features 1ncluding: bedrock outcrops, bar formation, debris accumulations, ice scars 1 etc .. -Description of bed material. Photographs of each site to Hlvc:trate cr:Jss section characteristics., misc1/a Page 10 ITEM 5: FIELD TRIP BY MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TASK-FORCE Cross section locations will be finalized during a field trip on Tuesday 1 the 9th of September by a multi-disciplinary group, including Brent Drage (R&M) 1 MHo Bell (special consultant to Acres) 1 Bob Williams (T. E .S.) and Christopher. Estes (ADF&G). Their· recommendations will· be reviewed in a final meeting on . Wednesday, the 1Oth of September. OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Brent T .. Drage R&M Consultants Ian Hutchison Date: File: SUBJECT: Susitna Hydroelectric Project Subtask 3.03 Bed t4ateria1 Sampling o> 22...1 c. September 17s 1980 P5700. 11.10 We have reviewed the 11 Grid-by-Number11 technique you have proposed to utilize for collecting river bed material .samples in the Susitna. t'-le agree with the procedure for use in the Susitna Studies. We assume that bank material samples will also be taken at the river sections. The data collected should be incorporated in the field data logs which should be sent to us regularly. // i, •• ' ·~ I ! ' I.P .. G. GK:cmt OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Brent T. Drage I. Hutchison Date.· September 9, 1980 File: P5700.11 .. 10 SUBJECT: Susitna Hydroelectric Project Subtask 2.16-Hydrographic Survey Further to our telecon yesterday we enclose a marked up Xerox copy of the 1" = 4000 1 scale photographs of the Susitna River between Portage Creek and Talkeetna confluence showing recorrnnended locations of river-transects to be surveyed under Subtask 2.16. We have re.tained the transects se 1 ected by you to the extent possib 1 e. Changes we have made result from a need to better meet the following engineering requirements .. 1. To model the river reach adequately for prediction of pre-and post- project water levels, velocities as well as growth rate, extent and stability of ice-cover, and river temperature regirne. 2. To derive reservoir operational constraints imposed by dmoJnstream requi.rements with respect to water quality, and allowable fluctuations in water levels and discharges. 3. To assess morphological changes due to project operation. 4.;1 Tq provide adequate data for assessment of environmental impact of the project on fisheries habitat. Effectively!! the alterations we have made distribute the transects more unifqrmly over the entire reach instead of concentrating on two ends. We have still attempted to retain several features like islands~ sloughs \~hich may be of interest to fisheries studies and incorporated new sections Nhich are hydrauically sign·ificant. We have marked the transects in green in the attached copy whjch is the only one available with us at this time. Please mark uo a copy and return to us as soon as possible for our records. We appreciat& that the exact location of the transects has an element of flexibility d9pendent on actual field conditions encountered. . ~ -f/. . GK:ccv Attachment cc: J.D. Lawrence J.W .. Hayden ,.• ·t/l/L'.A~ -----t. .... -· 1 1.P I. Hutchison G. Krishnan File K. Young Registcn~d Professional Engineer Mr. Brent T. Drage R & I-f Consultants, Inc. 5024 Cordova Box 6087 Anchorage., Alaska 99502 Dear Brent: MILO C::. BELL Consulting Engineer BOX 23 MUKILTEO, WASHINGTON 98275 September 19, 1980 I have already expressed my approval of the transect locations taken below the Susitna dam sites. These may not all be needed for fisheries uses •. I will examine the flight pictures and list those that I believe will give the desired information.. Some ti.J-ne in the future lateral transects will be needed to define useful gross areas for fish production. ~ I have read the three papers you furnished me covering the in- stream measurements for spawning, rearing and food production. If this is the approach that ADF&G will approve and use, a number of field tests and measurements will he required to satisfy the program. It basically uses depth and velocity as major factors with refine- ments of light penetration and temperature in the scoring system. The substrata is also given major weight in scoring. The latter is somewhat more difficult to obtain in deep rivers .. The. behavior of the adult fish in this river system must be known in ordev to set limiting velocities, and the depth below and above, for which zero'is assigned and the area beyond given no value. TL11ing of the fish runs and expected temperatures can be deter- mined, along with water clari't'J. Any factor, such as low oxygen, which would result in a score of zero gives a no value for any area. Food producing and rearjng areas depend on similar physical factors. In general, then, areas may be both spatming and food producing or food producing and rearing. In the Susitna there may be wintering areas for young fish requiring special measurement as their effectiveness depend on ground water sources. To obtain the above data,conditions at more than one flow level are required. You stated that perhaps three transects could be measured at different flow levels until freeze-up time. I shall suggest three such areas aftett I have had a chance to ~tudy the pictures~ c. c. 1-fr. Clinton Atkinson Hr. Robert Vlilliams ~yours, misc7/c3 APPENDIX·' B PLOTS AND SUMMARIZED FIELD NOTES FOR CROSS-SECTiONS FROM DEADMAN CREEK TO TALKEETNA LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED ON CROSS SECTION PLOTS AND SUMMARIZED FJELD NOT-ES ST A.. = Station ELEV .. = Elevation R.R .. or Ak. R.R. = Afaska Railroad G.S. = Grl{)undshot CH. or CHAN. =Channel MC = Main Channel HW = High Water L/8 = Left Bank LOB= left Overbank R/B = Right Bank ROB = Right Overbank EOW = Edge of Water DIS :: Downstream U/S =Upstream TRAN. or TRANS. = Transition SOUL. = Boulder COB. = Cobble GRAV. =Gravel RX =Rock DIAM. = Diameter FRAG. = Fragment VEG .. = Vegetation ALD. = Atder B/R. = Birch CW = Co'}tonwood SPR. = Spruce WIL. =Willow r24/l1 SUS I INA l-l'rDROELEr~TR I C PRO.JECT CROSS-SECTION NUMBER ln 310~0~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ z 0 ~ u: > G.J 330.0 ,_] rz ·,n n W .:u:..J, .J ........................................ \.. . ' .................... ., .. ~··· ... ·~·····••f• ...... ,. .... , ····~······t· ... ········'"·~··· it ....... ~ 3i0.Q-+---------~--------~--------~----------~--------~--------~--------~--------~· l "nO n IJI). • \.) 150(:).0 2000.!) 3000.0 3SOO~O 1000.0 ~RX-I /o roo 33S.o l 332.2 SRNl> 331.8 Z7r3t 33o.ID STI4l.. 011/ C.C88LI! BEb 337.7 • SPIUilS€ Wll..t.,ows s SRN'b , 335"'. 3 ~ SAN/:> ~ 1.. 0 <; .:TAM f ACt!£'MtJ&.~TEl> t:>EBR's 31+ fDI ; SRNb f SPRRSE W~< .. t..O~'$ 33 t.. 9 39+oj a a a. 7 eeSBL.&$ 4i~LD3 331...0 SRNb ..,, t-'13 334.1 <!,o 8St..ES 42 # 9o 334., of::s TIP c"F S!lNil 13RR ~XX-/ £L£V. .bESCi?/PT,;ON 4/pt7o 333.8 J I -#'fR TUR<E c:!w. E R'bEii ~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SEC1.~0N f'.Jumber 2 ll"'t'fo 3,..3. 9 11-11$" 33S.f I Jf.~8:t 3se.o 3f.~ ... 7 18-161 34~.1 33~ .. 7 ~-1-1-Ss I J l 1 I 3¢1.9 I --- E.sr#'~~7'61> N1.'GP P"~Nr -S'#~UJ. D£R op II 'G# l.vATE lfl C/IAIV~£'L -SAND 8£~ f R 1 r;;,-r rqp oF 8 A /-'k -SP;fJits.;: w~"-4 o w.r i A~OJFf2.s /At' SA~V~ ,. roP t~F PI'JNk -;'tt~J,C~Le cN!II4NNF&. rAI'IN.S:t!T./f'N ,:· SANI/'J e' SPII~.s.£ VE G-. 70 , Ct16 81:. Es <~r' SIIHttJ , rR~':'r~~A/;-SAIVD ( $~AC.4 r:,q/II!JI.I!",r ?o tl'f ED I i.Pjlfl'f C 6/J IJ L E .r ESTI~t4rt:~ IIIGN /'d/AI'r -CQIJ~L 4$.$ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 3 -'..Rx-3 .})~'Te ol-~ :s,.~vE;: N'fl.fiE.I'1/1.£A. /9,. f'18C · ~ 11A C.JI ~~ 19:t.U ( ~xle.n ~l~ n. ./n /ef.l o ve,. h 4,.. k) ' J11BfiiAintG.s :S'TIIt/0/'1 Et-£V • , 'l /(. '#00' 3S4-2 /ft:d$7 3 4!/6,.~ ,,,., 72. 311.9 /7408 34/.t; 17-l~l' 3-98 ·" t:J 0 '1-18 34~.9 roP DJ:' 8Rif'k. _,LD.ERS' 1 1 """'A'TV/iE If CD Tl"o,..,WO~D,J" 1~+:t"' 3~~.c 7f;i£ op 4A'N'A: -TDP St>"<. 3 91~ f.. , 'fS+37 $/qN'&I f Co81Jt.GS 16<~ 93 3~f.8 TAAH~ ./r/t7/V TD· SAlVO SO'IO~ 31'." TRI'INS' ITUJN TO c~884.GS S2..~~f 3'17.0 7A A~JS~"'7DN ro SAND S3 -lol 349.o H/GH PD"/IVT' QN' S'JII N' (J. $''91-63 3?6.Z SNot.~LDE~ OF .J"I'it'ALL CHA~GJ.. SS"-1 c~ 313., l l..o"" Pt~IN"r s-,.,. 71 31}CJ.7 I t:c7TD#Wf'IHJS ~ Ai.I>EA $ roP t;i. ·r:'" 8/iuK-' I . SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 4 -'Rx-1 ·-jaor77 I ! . f6;6R 13 ~+f~ I' 14£1. ! :)1~ i \3+ of'"' I t:E> ~f'¢ ~H~r yfiG!llt l3C) i 79 w,.tre 1 tAfl,6<-l "(.o tl 7 L!0#31 . # ! 1~ +OS" - 3 .!"2.. 8 3SI·8 3S3.J /OP fJr IJ ANI::. , T'AII NS J rtt~N o! /JN'lt:./1 To AL~£/'<.S' T'OI' Or IJA;vk-ELl 6G dr A~IJEA.S .¥ , .SPHAC' F t:D7Tt>N W trJI·t:JiJS . Ct>IJI1t..:s (7.!'~) f C.t.eAII/ J/AIVD {~.r") I ' f\1fJrliV/n Gs \ ./ "\. ToP t:u=· /!,AtVk -~ATi.~AE ;('J_.tRt:::H., ' 7 .SPA. vcs_, & Co 1T(il,-lN'D o,t,~_s;. S~G A~DE'"S ,. SUSITf\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT -•• ~•--~,....,..,..,.,,. ~ ... ~ • a . Et..£V .s-'1-J .. ~#f :ss-r. .. ,. . I S"'1 .,. ',. Bs-7 .. ? I S'S'"-1$", 3S?. 4 t L .S"t.. ~ .. 1 363.0 3.s-8. I 3s~. 7 TA.tltft"'S;ri(>N: V£G. 'rt:l G-AAV£1.., C048.t.G tf/ND .S ~IVIfJ P 19 TC.N E J f roil' oF SliNk-MDIJJ!llt,..iT.E IJEN'.rrrr eo '11"t>#c.vo t?bS' ToJ!S ~~:;:: 8AN".I:-Af A ltV t::.J,f~.lfi'A"E L .II E i'J &IS tS'P VEGG TA Tt OA.' TAIIIfi'J"17;tJriV: Stn'L _ r,; C.OIJIJLES c .SO/VIE 6RAVI$''l, · S IIA'I'J., <::/l}:JV£L ,4NtO Sc:~ 77t/l§!t:J COIJIJl.E:r I , 3~~.1 3&"7. s- 73.,. "7 I 611' AVe~ -C.oi'Ja LE P~IITJ!A Ill I. TttE 0~ Tt:JFISU /L i4:AAJ'~ TOP' oF 1./JI/,VK,:. I/£G-con~ f.UOOIJS" .;1/ SP/Ivt:.E, F-r:Atv.r ~ GRA.l'.SF.s , r<>P OF HIGHEil TER/lACG- 4.EG;# ALDE'Ils /~ t:t:J71"t:?N"'OoA- .s"l'lll. VC.E -~Afii"O SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CAOSS-SECTIOf\J Number 6 i I . t ....... . { ~ blr77 "2.+1~ ,,3 -1'-S'o ~3.,. 'I.S ,41-&3 "1f-7t a' <J.J 3''· 8 3,0./ Zl:d.f:J .~~'·I 3'70 ... {; (UP OP 8H,v~-WILL~.·~.;r _. .. 4 .F£'--" ~c.b£/l.s TO'£ CIP /IJRN'k -TAAA'S/T'"N .-.. GA.~ VA! c. r~ .,~o /tt. TOjlj t:lr 4RIY): -,+tATv~ E· CD1'1"txNWot1,{J. S:Pif VCE /., F/l..llEA. S SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTtON Number 7 ""'j-....... .._ __ ..,..... _________ ....... -· -·-·-·,---"!'·----·-*··---"1-'-----~ {"0 ~-~ •• 6' •••••• Sfo:flt~A No. i(..$<X-7 J.:>,yr;; or :s,_.~ve. 1" ~ oe:roeeR h, Jf8C · 312. 7 lo+82. /1 .;,ol 3h9;.Z //+OS 3/:do.4 3h7. 1 18+12 3hh.1 2.0'112. 3h$l7 2.2rlc 3hf, e. Z3 -1-11 3h,#3 z.s +34 3h4 .. .3 2.4-rSB 3t,7~ 9 2.4+ hf 374.'1 2SIS".$;· 313~7 27-lcfS" 3&ts.o '1+S'$ 372 .. 9 HII~CN 2 .6, /9'8/ ( N'ltj/tiT L!'.J(T£NS/ON) , MFJI'I#/#G.S ' , l"'l I ' T'R~Ns~rlo;v Tt:l l!cSBL.ES F J:jleAf/11:4 (ro~ t:>F LEFT IJRHJ() eoesr.£S , £ 19 FE~ SMIU.e. 8t:JU4.0£~S , mnns1r10N' c: ciJ. i fiHJJJ/.. To :SRNb -NJ't;# I PDINY ell 14LANb. -----"-~ VPS17eE/1M rtP oF fi.G<;er~77cN Od ,./SLAN~ : HIXI:b bJ I LLOGIJ i 1/111MJ9?7/lfe£ eD7TcN /.4J cc b I I • t;Ril VEL f SoME C.088LE.S " .bar£ oF SI.IRfiEY : ocroBI!'R h, 19So 318.1 37t>.7 31h-8 MIIReH 2h1 19 8/ ( GJtrGNSioAI) • JIIJFJI'IJo/ntG.s \ n.' 1 l.GP:r '7t::JP OF 8hH~ ;:ar COitiP'L.t.JENC£ Dr 7'Z&l0 .SMI9LL C~ANAIE.t.s SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT l i i ~ 1 i { . i - l ; I t l i i I l r i f 1 I I l ! . f I t I l S/IJT/0/11 3& r8t7 373 ·3 To-P &F 8,tJNJC -,I!:DG£ oP V.£G -SJ!'8tlc.G J tS/A.CH " ... ~ ~ 1- ... ~ oo ~-~ i"' 1-.. 1- r- s: 1-· 0 1-0 ·-~~C'fJ "1- d ~ 1- ~ 1-. -i-'..U f.· " 1- 1-. r-() ~«b . 1-r: 1-- a . :10 t!) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT · CR.OSS-SECTION Number 9 TO COifBLt; 1 ·nrFINs,noN~ ,.:nilE/!!: f J I (..JIL./,.01-VS ro .:51"J!'./C> • 0 .:: L...ccs-rJoN or q R 1!:> f b,6 : ;<;-,...,,.,.. ' Usa ~ :::. #""" .Ds'l ~ 7e. m,.... ()a I I • 0 t I ·~ '\ ' 1 ·r I I ; I \ ' ' I \ f • ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~~tot CO It~~~ ltlvll ~~~I I I I II ~~lit I It I~~~ tll~_L« Sfa...f ion No. .bRTE OF' Sf/Rti£Y : OC"1b8£R 7_.. 19 SQ ;4fNReN 21, ~981 ( t.e;..; 4cu.k e,xle""sie-~&.) £LEV. </oz. 9:r /9/Cl.> 3'3w7 . 2t:>-J03 387-& 2.01>12. 384 .. 1 2or83 . 38/.(e, 38/.0 ' • CCJ8lJLE 8£1;;, ._SDH£ S/ZE R$ LErr 8RA'k T/1?/:JN.s.rno.N: C..o8SL.Es ro ToPso.u .. 8J9A'.If( , W/ .SPHRS£ (#~19SS~.S f ~~LL0(4)S • . c 8/~CH ' 1 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC "PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 0 0 ~ t;~IJ) SAHPt.E l.ocJJn·oN b.,~:' .Ja ~ bso: 74 b8'1= tS2 /C T-8 8 -11/. 8 /I,J-co 4-lo~t II -IZ.s' 3 95: () "-" JIP -r3o 311. 94- liP -t-1-b 3~S. 8 Jb -1-5"8 1-o~--7 3D-roo 1·zs. 7 . 7:1?'19I'IS. C,7(PS. f wu .. -t.:OB. ! ~ iSDt.Jll:u~5'~s ' C0/3 £ S/9 Nl:> 7Z>P OF al9/\lk OIV I'SL AND -1"{19-TZJRE' Ct..'-'/ /~ FE~ SMili..L sP~. -n:>l-:. otr:: BHNI<-s.vE'sr er~t:JH.#£7:t.. (VlEtj ~ MfJTZIRe t!£'.1 / .Fl Fe l-U ~l!N /" WILL, yout'lfi-!'W, ) /R. ~IJ'S". VE(j -t!.oB / rjR/91/. BE6 t' ~fiNS. COB ~ SOIL/ C.D<f f ~i?.BV'. $41 i )( se..oMP&o Ml·h'ti'ttR<.. J9r 81}sc {.}F c!'-UTpn/"11< ~ () ... SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC. PROJECT ' CROSS~SECTION Number 1 1 ·~ ['» i 1- "" 1-"rRRIISt 'r/OAI: CCB8LG1 RNA RNC7UL"IIt q"'QVE~ Tb 1-Vet; -iit. bE~S R#£) S>lifRU. 81 tl~N __...,.. ~ ~() . J 1-t' 1-I I 1- 1-I !- .., I s .. T..r.RN.s'ITI'oN. 1 Q,RRVEL roe( I 1-881...~8£0 I ~ ~0 • ~-~ RAI$177<>•b V£l£7'...;;<W TO 10 I Tlii ~11V£L 1 r ~ ' 1- Hll'tfiR£ ~t: $eMit LRR_< I 1- i-I 1-• £ CC1TCNf.4i)Oob I ; I .. 'r;PNoe.£, : l),o \ l'fRIIV H JUH /31~C# ~ ..So/1£ R L.b RS ' [.. .. ., ,. ~-~ t ------~--~ ..,.t1-. I 1-\.-.......... ---i..---;:;;;;oa 1 J 1- _ ... ~, .... I ' 1-. il !- 1-~· i'" Q: t..QCR710N OJ qRib />1/CTO .~ ~0 • bl&. = IB '""" F-~ I b,.i'"('l = "/3 ..... .. f)t\ ----..... 1-b 8 ., = loo .......... ' 1-! ' ~ 1-\ i 1-I !- ...... ...,.,.,. .. _~ ~-oooo Q . ~o ao 0 \ o• ~-~~ oo . oo (\~OJ 1-~ Q I I I I • * • • I <p~. , • , .• • ~ joo I .I I. I .ll .I. I I I '} t I I • I I • ·t \. .. a • a a • I I ,.,;, I I I I i I I • 0 a lr 0 I I ·a t .l.~x-II .lJiirE oF .St/~VE#f: Ot!roBER IJ., I'!So £L£V. 1-t-Z.o <} 23. 2. 2.o+o3 i'ao.8 2.0+10 20+30 Z<> -174 4o7. B 2717S 28+ 13 So3./ ,..,R/t.(!N 4a1P..-1981 ( l..eFr IS'KrENS/ON) , MIIIIN/NGS '"' , 7CP OF BRII/k -HII~R£ VE4£TRT/ON o;:o- l.IIRt;E (/.S"' ~) CoTTOIV4J004., HRNY ~E&;!{)r~ ~ BIRCII f .SilROt!.E ., SOME Jf/l..b £Rs. roE ~ 619N~-TRn.Nsrnonr 1/IZCt-rnr,oN TO t;R~I/Gi.. T"I?RNSI'riO'N.' CNAVEL To COIJ8l.£ . TA.RNS~77o,Y 11:) VEq£TI177oN: Au.l£-R.s, (;AhS.SE$ .SHRI.L BIRCH (roe ~ -BR#Ic S'n/TH:JN) ., 'N £ SUSIT.NA HYDROELECTRiC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 2 ~--Veq_ n:> J ..-rnAJt/s# !nc..J.· C081Jl.£5 'r--fRL«. So~~.fJE-1 ~ -;-tJ~AVE ~ BE of · J ANb A Jf:"EliJ S ~ nt To SP ~.RSE t;NA.S.SF $;9/VJ) / ~ ,, -/ ~~~o i I TOP OF BDNI<-l/£(1 .. 'H/JfTVA'£' Oil= AL.bG~ I -E--Wn. f c.cvowwec , II I..OW, SIRC#, .b 1 I _,..,.. ..... --.. I .. ....-----I ~-----:. if ...,... ...... ---.. ,, ............... ---~---,..,... : ~() • ' u I;) -~ l. •' -... r .. ;I .. t u ~ • !I ~ I J I 1 . I"' \ ~ ,.,o I ' 1 •tl -~ !"' \ I !" I .. \ .,J \ !'<t>---..... . !- ~ '• "" ~ !\ 0 ~t= -.. ,. • :. !- "" 1-0 . oO oo oO oo oo oo r ~ts0o ~ ~ 0 '.) 0 <l . '>~ I t I I I I t ~<;) 1-il. il l ., D. ~ _IL I I ').'1 I l li L.f.._l t ') l L.L I l t_'l I '},'.__I_ I I __ t I t_ I ~~ • • I ~ .·~ • I t l: ~ 1i • I !I II ELEV. /o.; 71 4ei.B lh-ISh 432.b ' MAA'H'IH G s .."-, C.08BL.GS' ToP OF' BRA/I(-SPIJR.S£ V€q -Hnt'n:/&E osr .;9.!./:u!lf!, WI'Uo~ 1 ~.InCH f, CoTTON (A.)Oo.o SUSITN.A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I i l l l t I l .b»rc oF :Sf,I:VEY; oeroBEiR #/11 7 £ '1 t lo -,71 11-HPo I s--rz..B 44-t. 2. 48 rMC IS-r~ )Lij.s-,4 AC8 ..jJ+?s 1-s-0,9 Z/+81 I ;;! fa T" 7 {p 44-l.~ Z 7-fS'1 9-'38 .3 2 7 t-87 1-40,7 2.9 +2.2.. 47o.y 1{ B /?N<.j()LR~ RtP-~IlP , Scr-~E LR~if$E ~OcJ.Vf::!Cl} Boot...I.)E~:s /N c#.q#,..;tt;, 90 ~c:r S M-C1CJB Be. ES ; H-FEW j] o U'-DE .o:u;, .vt I X: € o t:-.J / ~ IU1 11':. _1/ Sr-I N a T"IV~Ns. eo a _....., <;R4SS • # FEc..J SP~. aw A-t../:). €' ro? o,t:. 819NK l ~ , #lt;H PT o~v t.St.RN./) C:..oiJ .. 8 E l:> SUSITNA HY'DROELECTRlC PROJECT CROSS-SECTiON Number 1 4 £1-EV /O -roo 454.7 /0+9o /3i-2Z j42.Z J4+s;t. 443.71 I I& rctv #7.o /b -IS~ -1-4-S: I 17-1-18 1-<1-8.,7 J7+¥2. '/~O.(? 2.1 1-4-8~3 z. 0 -1 .z::#' Zo rz8 -1-43 •. ,, . " 444_ cy L...oa LOB M*" c I bESCi?/PTi'OI'{ :Jf.AALI. Coi3._. t;~FJV~ J 1'70t!vt~1tlLF-/TCb .&>£J3,iU.s ri-T TOE 0;:: i3#¥Nii:; , . .s/<!j,;.fs o~ St..t..1 MPut/<f t;f!A V. (/S9o) HI~# PT. oN c.oe, ,8/1~ CjRiibE$ ro f.iii!r-ltl r'lf:i;Ats ro t;,?/TS:f l!..o /j. Sc b Y E ~ ( .4Lo. 1114 fi TZ.IRE C(....) ., .; <::r-~flis.) -a o ('IS 177/Vr" f1i2 19 i:J~ TO 8 ~St:F l::) ,.::: H /cio/h!: R Tl::ii?.e~ct: ,.-o wssr SUSITf\JA HYDROELECTRIC PFtOJECT CROSS-SECTlON Number 1 5 .----~" ...... .,.._...~-.--._..,....._ ... ...,_,......_.,.,...~_..,._~...,.,... ... ~ ... -,_~.--,.1.--...,........_.._, .. _____ ..,.. ___ ~ ............ ..,_.. .. ~~------~·-- ! ! l Sfi:llt/4 w1rH coee~~r i l l ' ' . l ! l . l I ! } ro vEt;. !---! ; SCA7TER£~~ ' PR-rC#ES ..;....._"* i • VG~. 7"'¢ CIA-RVE.J-<!088~£" 8 1::# I ~ ' } l I ! • <!~BSL£_ 8Eb f { ' I • • ! i .. ....,.._..; rRIM/srruuv'• I t!oBBJ..ES ro t i VGt;. i l l . EL£V /'t1 fl N N nl G s \ '\. .... ~7/./ t-.08 <f-{p'J. 3 ror> Bt7NJ< -19;e 77FI'C/AL " riNfvt. n R ~IP-RnP ro w.nreit!s Ei'.Jt;E /Z:J-35 4s.z. 3'7 JZ -!-96 ~s-s-. z /3roo <f-.Sts.•. 7 ToP oF BANifC VG'(j I E/I'RC/:/, L..JU.LCtW ;4t_b. l.-O.B ib-t-zl 4S7,. Cf MC!. l&t-38 <1-53~5' I /k~rJS. .VEt:; -?"' (j/?19V f Cot3 .. /f;tBs-<fs-o, z.3 23-r/2 9-53.8 23-t-'1-o <1-.:57~ s-v ~ ,_ --__ IJ+.G, --2-~+3D 4-?S,O (PRo.:r.EcTEo s rl1 .. / Ec..cv. "-. oF= BL.tJFF ~) SUSITNAl HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION t~umber 1 6 - ~a () ~6 ........ .._ /0 -r33 c:L-r; 7 • ;:> o .. /1--F-8 7 17+11 <'lfo3. 2. < 11'+4-3 ~s-~ f&_. 2..0-f 1'1 71-~7# 0 ' zo+9h %/.f Gz-r9's 46?2· to 2.3-rOJ <!-s-~. s- 2.3-t-44-4-s-8, z. 2.3 'TS"/ <fkor (p z~-r3 7 4-57,.0 I -$P~t?!~E Ta "VE <; -t;R.fl!&Stf:S roP op B&NK 'rop c;:: S/INJ< -Hl'fi# wA-n;;~ Cff~NNL:;"'­ V.E''l : ,l '-l>t:Rs, rt::RN.s ... c.<) ./'~~'t:'w.s rRI';NS. VE<.j _,. C.o8 raP_, ol= a /9/V/-<: -~o..d 2 F-1. w. C#A-'VN'E.C:. e i:>t:; E c;: VE<j, $19/Vl::> a~o CH4N_ 'SPI7eS£ ~ i/E Cj. F S~N6 . N I<';H Poovr -rop OF BA-l-Ik ~ f.! 0 ii~ T~IJNS. :; I} N;::. F Veq ._.,.. . \o'1j\-~ f\ ~ ·ci) (!'z,f~ 3c+9t3 3 11-'12. 3Z-i3J ?2-rS"9 33-t<io I I . $1'JNb -'T'OPS~I'L f <j~/ISSES 1-tcJ .5 4s~.34 '1:-S$ .34 "f-(;:,4. 3 4-(1)2.. c; /OG OF i3'-l.1 P.C V£ (j. : BIRC!H,. sri!. 47• . '-'.0 r~t RAIStrJt:;, ~oB. ~ltAV f SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTIO~~ Number 1 7 ____ ,........,.__ '" ..... __ ...,. ___ ·--·,_·----------...,.------...,......----- ! I ·1 s#.AJb ~·~cas'£ J!ieb i C!OBBLL! ~~~z:J t.IP.$ rRtrAM 1·· j • · ~ 1 erreNr o k vEq. · i l i i I .....,_ CO,BI..E'.S I l fc:cS8'G BG~ __[.. t ~ l ~ i ~ • ..,._ .'TR»AJsrrloNt c.o4. ~ SJ'U(4V i<U.t.. ..,. Jh i ! . 1 It 1 • f l :~--·-. . : w--t·~-~-----f···-. ) . .. --~ 1 ! [ , 1 ' . I -~--;--1 t\. r--r-~~----~ I ~ I /A\ l. !.. ---..... l Y .... '· ..... I ...... ·-... ~ ' t, ', ,__ r I· ~~· I \..__ /i ~--~ · I 1 · l : -~ l l l f I l l l( .... l . l l t ! \ i .4J I • S h ~~01 I I I I I l ~~~~0• <.&.! • I l '1~~0• I I I .J /012.0 4-7 J. [;, /ors3 j(g f83 2t+S8 4-S"ID., <} 2./-t-"8/ 4s-t&>.5" .Z.2.+2..b 1-&3#3 2.2.+33 4~CJ .. 7 ' oeTo~~ /o t98o / /'4/U(CI-t c~ /98/ {RNjHr EA''Tei'I.S/ON) , Mflr-l#niG.s \ , 1"\. /; MC!. -- roP oF BITNk #lt:;/1 PT. ON 'St.RNil ; (u/s f:.XTENr oF= VE'~~) <"..cSBLe 13eo # Srl No f C!.oB ~ c:oe sc....:s ToP Ot= i3flNk SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT- CROSS-SECTION Number 1 8 ii'r VE<; ro f;.fAV£L. f SOH~ It" 8£b TRRN.S' r.1a COB8t.E$, 'RRfiE' 6 t..lJ~E~ .....,_Co8'at. ~ !--TJtRN.S' .,_,oN: t!088£E.S TO ~NAVE£ ~ fbo - ~ ,._T~/JA ",S; No# 71:l $ -9~ ilo4Ysou .. I --. -I fr.'..("E Co i'TON' 4:/0C I . i+-TO';; "JF IJRNK -HhT ~. -'V.!!U~ .SP/l OCE' ~ .tJ,ir:C'N" ' -I I \r i -~o. I I I ~be' l _j ____ ' 1'~-. . -1 I .1 ____ I l -... _ / -; t -~~ . ...._ ... _ ·" I ~ ...... ......,' -t f -It .: ~Q I ~()( ~ ' ' .... .. t ; ~ 1 -\ I -0 ,:-t;~/b ~11107 Q -'-""'\ I 0 11" LOC.R'T7DN !;' -' .o;'ip ':: /2.. "'~ ' -~0 ............... , bso:; 3~,.. .... ~ ' ~ ,.. ba'f = uo ... ~ .. ~ . ,.. 0o I 0o ~ 0 oo \)0 c:§~ ~ ~~ () \)0 r ~Q () ~ () l ~ t?l () ~' ~ _l _l_ 1 _ I l _I I I I ~ I I I I t I J ~I .tttlfl ~I ttl II II ~tit I~ I 11 ltllltlft ':>., J. l & I I !.--1-J- J No. ~-/8 £LEV. . ~ ~fl.N'srr/on.· Vcq. ro cooeL.G;, <;.eAve" f So""1E Bou c.O~~ 70P o,t:'. 8DNk -~~/JT~JC£ CO?ToV'G..> <toA , SHIOI..t. SPHlJCl: 1QHo 8/~t:!# 30'il'/O 3o-J97 iso .. o l SUSIT~,JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION t~.Jumber 1 9 ~J:<x-19 /4-rs7 5"02.8 lorbo c:nb,-;£ /S""-1-83 4*9o.9 2.! I'Bo 491. 8 • fl1B r-/J.Jnl Gs ' , r'l.. ,.t.1 e C..EN rER L.INc ~-R .. /of> oJC .&ihVK -/::) L. bZ?~.s F a~ • Tie IJN '$' • Vi3t$ ~ CC$iU .. es ToP CP J.!lNA/f< VE~: M 1'1-Tl.ifi.!E cw.; seA17~~Eo BtRC ;y ~~X-11 EL.£Y /4f-S7 s-o:z.. 8 G€N~RLJN$ ~.~. MC JS'riPfJ ~{p, "f. lo~ o;= SI?AIK -tJ i. br;: iC!. s F aw ' IS"f-83 4-90.9 nAN:L VE~ -:;, COI!filt..E=S 2.1 1-Bo 491. a reP 6F B;:}Nf<' -Vt=r:; 1 ""'~TU.;;e.E CLU ... 4'17·8 SCFI~E-0 BrleCH I Y. l SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 2 0 .<.Rx-2o .b,;rc o,.~ :s ,~\1£ Y : Nov. 9 / /t;, I £t..£V - 13 t-12. 5"D3d B ro P or-i'l/:;Nk rc ~.a, ~u- ' Sfll'll;} F COiSSt.c 8c,O 498./ zo rot If Nj H PtuN r -..,,., ""·-I VI •7YCttir4'3.. ) 0 J.,LL J!)Lbt!'i@-..,~ """-' 2.$'" +o tf 1-q9. fs, ToP OF B/JNK-H. tu. (! H4NNE'c_ 'City. 2 5"' r3.z. -fCjs .. 3 \'\·' ~~ ,~ ~· ~~ c, zw -t-:<.~ 4'ls~::J , ebtfrc CF \IGtt;. ~H)JO f /7 FEW CCCI • 2-7-to'f Soo, 9 ...._ 2-8 -lf)c: S"O/. l /0 ;:> CP i31TN I< ~ WEsr CJ/19~-WEL. VEt$. dO·f/2 17'i. 7 S~Nll c.oea'-IE'S' SI~#R,S.E u .. :U£. , .; 3Z 7 /:et Cf9f~7 COlJoLes 33·r4~ "1-91-.o "17': It/tiS~ C.C8 '---"'"5/-i.Nb $3-f'17 "194. Cj eoBif!Lc=s EL.£V a 7+-o(J 1-98.1 I I 37-f-23 5'02, 'i . cas. F ?nT:CJfEs 0 ~ s~.a . ;4-t.bGRs f t;l?;4$SES TOG-OF 8LPFI= ~·!M ..,..., VE~ : B1;;e;CH-/ HFe A.> SPx lJC€" 37+4-o s-"07,0 f<OU (cn~..c.u.lo.-kd pc-ir..:;f ~ s /~, 'a/' Uo/f) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION l'lumber 21 ..t.Rx-21 • a • .: :s ... ;:vet': Nov. 8 ... f IS'" /0 t-1<1> 5ZS.1-L.Cl/3 .lorZ-9 Sz3.S i/-13'¢ s-oB. 4 /1-t 97 S/2. 8 /3 -J-1 "1 :!>11-. $'" Lcr'B JVJ{!. S"l2 .o Zo-rBz. 2..1 -t3z ot7.z ' Z1tzo · sz4.o 1 C.Er-/r€~£11\/G R.R. roP or-1319NK H'lf4/l WB~~ C}IRNi'IGt.. C08B£.E ec-u rer' '-' .4~ TOP OF BRNK r.eH-1\fs_ c..oe __,.. S4No C' WU .. t'-OCA.J.S #ftj#-;>r o:N snl"i~ ~~ WU ... LCtWS To fi?-o P 8./lNK TO~ a.-:-1.31}N~ -MHTURE CW f 19-C...bER:,s (rt...OOO.i'>Lf?N•I FeR. C?R.ctJ< e~~~,,.,ft;;. .F~¢1"1 WEST) {c.of;Jsn::;Nr ~R.~L:>E ·7?;)o.)fl,eil /toC/1! BL..uiCIC ) \. rZ> n.J.S w Esr SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC ·PROJECT CROSS-SECTION ·Number 22 ...... ...._........,.. ........... r·~..-..-~ ........... -....... .........-...s. ..... -'. ~p OF -BRill'(-HRTf./llE Cw f i Rl..bE~s + I '• L TRR/JS, : CoB. :f SHI!H· • aotH. l>ER.S ry VEt;. f sou. II .. nO TRRAJSinti,At: I ~:> UII/CD#J$CI..Ib__ll~ I · F/1 .. 1.. ;:e~ R.lit. ---. t s~.r:. ro eostil.a J ~ I • 1\ J ... ' . j ' ~ ~ 1. • I J! l t ....... ' .-.... .................... f'l .. IT ,.... ~"6>#~ ....,._. T/t /;N:Uno/11: SOU. T'O CCIJ8L6S l . i . f f } 1 I 1 !,'' A ', ' I f I ..._~ .. Cj! RI../..VV~ t. PRII -UNIF~R"H 4~AIIE4.. ! I I r---rei! .. ;c.f..1P~on .. IJ.RN~ ! . . ~- !!-reP OF sJNK -f.-1/iTUR~ J,_.., ~ J'.!U.beR.s I I • i /9 ~ i ' ;_ ,.. f I .. . .. .. . .. ·• ·•. l' ··~-..... ~ ....... I I j f I i ! ! { I ----'l . i I ~ I I ,.,.... ' I . / I 1 l l I .. t I I l tp "' I J " t '\ I I \! 1/ " I \ ; t" I I t 1 \ r 1 I \J ! l I I I r r I .. .. . • I A..R.x-.zz .}),.;7~ . oF ::St.-f:VE1' : /'.Jt'>v. 8 E. f{p . , /11 FJ I'I.N / 1'1 G .s '!1. I ~0+13 5'2 (p~!J /J-t-16:. ~23.3 /1+4o 571, 3 llPr18 .23.,-0S frt3. I z4 -t12. s-z2.. o I I J J.-1C. l CE"' T"ER..L .IN G R-~. TOP OF 8HNI< -UN CoNS"OL16R;n:;-~ :ru .. L. FLJR. ~.~. ~ll-/VS~ Ft"L.~ __. e.c/::f.dt..ES . \IE~ f' sou ... TVP CJ.JC .&RNK MRTUR.e !'l-V {tc..P rc $' D.I"M), HLbER..S Tof:> oF 819/Vf<:. -Pt/1-TURE CC-t...~ F 14-t.. bE~ " SUSITi\IA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 2 3 ' ' T"o.P oF SRNIC: MATU~t!. :SPRU,t!E (. /i4bE/i:S -----• I l I ·r\. 1 \I j 'I ( : t } ..t \f ,' \! v t i l .b,;rc= or :s"'.evE~ ·~ Nov. 8 tj/9 . S38.t MC /3-J-37 13+-?s 5'2 . .3. s I '1+42. S2.J.o 2.0'1-oB t M~rr.tteE ew ,~ .sPII DeE F -HLo&Rs .Z:I!!: I Y!5" S:l! @; " :z.4+o3 s:zJo.7 2-4+30 sz.o.t ' 2€o'f"2.4 I 5'"2. 3. 0 11 r~/UVS. C.08 -..... S'C./4. { VE~. :2ls: ,..32. S"z.8. I Ht~ H Pr. oN lst..BN.O L-1+03 .S.22.Z Z?l-'1.3 :z~ I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC. PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 2 4 -.. - "" I -. ..sRNb f SCR7'r£Riib C088J..I.:S::a---_.,'"' .. j fa 0 i t~~ .. i- i- fa -0 : (:)0 Q .. f'Do _-~-.... ~ ... f>\0 O'"' ~ • i .• _.t__J_ .l t • • .(..~x -2:'1 • EL£V. /VJFJ "'N·ot G .s ' 1'"\. I '. sa4.7 roE <JF" 8/lHA:' -r~nNs.~n~# o~ .so.t~ r V£<:;. . . S23./ Si!.o.o A;Vt;1.1t.I9R ~"Ck /ICCC.U•1tJt.i9 rec. l/r THE 7DE I'· F~w ~/VER 'TI(t,f/HSPo~rEb CO:l!UjL.ES SUSITNA l-IYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . CROSS-SECTION Number 2 5 .... I- I- I- I- C08./]LE.:5 f SI:UVLl ---11---•.,., MIIT"UR I: CoTraNWcobs e RLbERS ____.., TIUM'S,7JON • t:oll i SOn .0 7l::l Vet;. ( CC7Tc~t.; cobS f'• AUlERS) -7bP or 431-. Hk-wiU...ow.s , ~ . "r.RRdS,n( N TO 'SR~bV'.Ser,L --... 1 • , ..,.__ ri?A~IT/pl'l 7t.) C088LE:S j A FEiN 8oCI.C~£~ 1-~0 .~<t) TRJ:IJI/s'FQON 'Tb Co88U::S_.. ! I 1 +-"TIIUIN.S TUM{ TO v..:c;, Yc""'" tf.oy.-•.,ootuf'A~;s r~.~~~R~N.~~~~T~~~c~~~r-S~~~~b-fJ~~CoB~.----~------~--~~----~----~-1-4-~--------~---~.____...___.. __ ____._f ~ TO ..SPG,IlSc VC{f l t.,..__ 'TRF/.f1lS'TJIOAf: S1T4: T"C> CC80l.E t,. ~S-b f ccSBul • : , I I++SP~C ... , .... cjw.s 1 ~ c.<J~Jse..£ 4Ei _,.. i I ~·I .,_JIIRTUte£ c.t:m'l~woobr r )J_ ~() .~ : ~ ~ . l ~TRRNS.rn ~.'If.• .so+:-7b CO 'fJSl.£'s r".J\ I f ' • ' ~ "TR nAI4n··J'c.N' 7't SRN~l> ~~---~~-~~--+~~.-~-~-4~~~-~·~!~.-, -~~-~ "" I~~.... , , l , ~... I u ~ . ~, ...... ......, , ...... ....,. .-~-; ,. ~~~() I I ,/t:'v-l ~.;..~J '·~\.j I I f . ·. l~ 1 } "" -t l --1' V--t--J__j,_U ~·-or---- r-., 1; ;' "" •v \t '\. 1-v ~ ~ 1-.._roE OF 8£UPI'f 60" itz.G£S RNb co88£.ES ~nO .,'.)f.' rf--..._--------r--------------~--------------~----~~-------~-----~-------------~-+-------------1-.11/X OF lfRRV.i£"4 SHRt.t. CoBl IIJtlb SAINIJ ~ () :,_,,no .. ~ 0 ~ •. ~ ••••• li • ~tf~ c§lo ~ob oO oO oO ~· 0 I 0 0 0 0 a 0 tz:'. 0 o o • 0 o 0 ·~~ 0 I • I • a I • '!>~ • 0 I a 0 I ti ·'>~ I • • • • I t ~~_L I I f t l I ' b~n: oF ;sc,;:VE r : i>J() V. 7 f 11 /5r8z. :;)40. tP7 L.OB ~27.3 /&·I 9-;L 19--r 17 / 9-r 8c: 22.7" 73 3o·too . 3or71 ' .$"/l IV o F c a a e' c..: s 114.! s ? .-? hv.<; ..e .t:: .o T"Ci:l or-8 FIN~ ? s J. I'> t...~.Nb) -r1 FITURt: C.-~ e' A-t...bt£i(! ~ HIC?H PT. c.uv YEfi. ~s, HN'O Tc~*:J o;:::: df.fNI< -H t.tJ ~ di9N. ( V£~. ~ So;,) t c..ouac..e:~-E' S/IALA -rce o_.;: 6119-Nt< ToP o,c:. 8~NI<:: ' 'T'iZ/ltVS Coa F S41VQ ---"> r -rt?-nNs. To e:..oa £ ,:; J=Ew.; t!st:uu: .. CJ<?"~:s • r~J:;ci'Js. c.o d. ~ VE'G-: (Yo V#v !" '-U ~· '1-'-lH~;O'tS) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJE,CT CROSS-SECTION Number 22 --· ........... A ... .M..r ... ~...._ ....... "'"'~..-..-...... ~-.... ,_... 7'0P e/!!" 819N"'-HIJTtJRe CW f ·~· R Lb!!/l$ l I . t • ... • ' TRRAIS. : C-oS. 'f SM.,-.... SOUl. bER$ ~ \lEt;. ' SOIL. f 0' nO TIUUJS'Irt~N: ,, ~:> uN~OJoiSot..a:l,.ii~ J ,:11..1.. ~t>lt R.~. --9 I s~~:. Yo ~ca84,o I ~ 1'-,, \ .. '· . i 1 ( ~ • • i • I I \ J ! : i I I . J -f t l I f I l t • • ' f t . I . 33·rl3 s-3~c.z.. 33TZ.S l r 52. c;.~ f) 34+ 2.2. S34.z .34+ sz 53 i:;. 0 as r37 s4.o"o I •TCIP. or: 8/JNK -/-l'.c.u. {'i.H-4-~VNe-(;. eb.t;t: aF, E"~ ~ ,::t N S, ::> o l tL __,. • ~~,,..o!!!41'~.._.......,.._ eo B B LEiS ;--JIJ( oP C}~fiV. 1 SM.Ih-L Cos. I snue> cuV' ..: s rtr::u . .~ <-J:J e:~ c 1= a a R I dout.oe~s f" COISB1..cS # :>t-or£ VEtj : 8/IU~N ... Sr.lt.~ qK-#sse.s.,. t.•.U'-t..c-:....>s. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 2 6 ·' -~·· .... I' ' ! i l ' ' l ~ #.,-.. .. _,_ ..... ll ' ~ ~ '~' i ··~ .. · · · ·· ·I I l l Q l f ~0 TRRJISir t>i+l TO ~~ 8 L U ,!:";::o l !'..... ( .:::.) NOV. 17 ('-''ltV'~) .Ui9Te oF :sc-~'1/EY: ,yol/. 7 wffi"tc.. 7 -120 /B r/h 18733 /8 -rea 2-S'-ror '2..5-T'/3 27+"17 30-r (J;,3 3 I -J-18 s-s-o. 7 .57&?. '1- 538.4- S3 7. 7 517.8 S--12~ 4- 5.3 <!-~I s-Bs-~ e s-t:ft. sa LOB , ' ¥ St:FlrTt:;RIE'i:l B~~CH __.,.. I DENSE C C.U F /1-t.. .OSRS ' Ml!. I I I t:~OB E .SMflt..l. .(30t.J'Lbei\: . ri?.fiNS. .. SUSITNA H'r'DROELECTRIC ··PROJECT ) ' t \ CROSS-SECTIOt-! Numb.er 2 7 • t b,. i:' /'I '" "" J bse" 43 • t bSfz /00 I i ! 0 I o<> ~ ! s •' • . Nov. 7 £ /7 • "Ti-4o SSB.z LOB /o-r?o ~S3~11 /(t, ~00 2.3 t-zo 23 r2.3 5+8. s 2..8-ros $12~8 2Br3Z St:f--7. 7 • 2. 8-r3.$" s-:s-1.s M~ ~CB 2.. 9 --(" 7 $'" s-s-"'1. 0 l I /)J5N~li' C'W ~ ,/1£ .0Eie3 TOP or-BHNK-SLc:UJij # r-t n ~If! e t? c;...; i 44-'-.O .s ~ i,..J I L' 0 l..WS ., AI S4-tiV<".:) 54Nb Bo t)L-b~s~ S~E .. r ~/r/Js. 7"0 VE($ ~ Sol< .. reP or-Bn-Nk ~ cw, TOE OF TEI?ie~<JE' C.oS~t.ES 19 e..J> eiZ!., t¥ Pew s;t>,r:.- - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (jo ~0 } ........ . CROSS-SECTIOt~ Number 2 8 I I Sto:ho..-. No. 0 l 1 0 I t~ i 'l,J • • I ~. • ' • • • //t 78 13+SC 13 -t-8/ 19·r78 2-l..fSZ. z..z. r7z Z.3-t-.tf4. 2,:$ ·T"'j 0 24-ta3 I .zs·to3 ~s-r~(.,. s-wt. B ss-;. Bt S'S~J ·~ s~·.o 5"59 • ., su. c; .4- :759 .. 4 SS7.8 ss4-.4- .!f"77 0 LOB J"fC MC. R.oB :;::,r;-rc.-..<co ~~.:..c:..,.. Cc.v f s~~~ ~/ Ft!'.kNS S,IOt..ILIJeJ? .t:>P HIO•CJ/~.,Y. Sf'~~ ;-;e/1/Vs. sA N'o -c; ~ t9 v, #6r oF a.,·YNI(' II w c• H 1"7#. "TC'J? C11=: 13 ;T-1\.1 K -M. fi /d CH#_,.AI'E'- Coii.i3Eb ~.o.B R Ci E ,~ c.·Jl I Sf1N o ., (/H iJ,;N.t::t.s Pff~tlt:UEc. 7?> .:lt''--..-eCt. ,.#\}£) BtEtitAI :;,~r"Jh'St: \IE$. t~fJu,vilt?tvr bE:BR.is t9C!c.:ur.,U·c. ~rt:o NG,:Jf? ra ' ·-Go.r~. ~ CGI.,i . VECj: WIL~ Yo"111&; ,/L-b£~s J::.c.>c-t.•rt(,)t:..;:JrEA. , / ()~~~~ el:>~c c-.r: vG~ -MCb. i:J~Ns.-ry "TR.If~s. ro :s?A~s;;. YooN('.,. wn .... t..c~ ' ~;{"J 8 ,r S '!IV~ SUSlTNA .HY.DROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 2 9 -··~---~ N /.fiN IN'Jl7' ~R CN.R#NEL ~ r-CoBBL£ 84, 'b BT '(} l-l POlo ~ .. TRR$n-u:. w; li!cek ,#:RACf NCAJ'Z!"& r-. 1 . ro VEy_(~ 'I~CN) ...._... -- : 9Jo ·'l " 81/CK&tt'RTER SL ~f.l, NS -SILTY .~it'b Beb RN4Vt.AI( ,I-~ r-R.(JC.k F~Rt:;HG nfr.S"--; !I 1-/ .. ' 'Ia · !-{I ~ ! «fE~. 1"'o !! TRRIISIT/oP: ~(o~o r, I H f:/:;)/'Jt;IJII1 C.08 b '-=s . ~RS I ~ 'TOP<!JF ,..~ )A • bEH.S'E )'U .. CJ I 1-' ' I ,-, ,~ f R J:EW ( ':071'0fl/ CAJOOb.S• --· I "" ' -..... nl , ... ) __ .... ....----a>-, I !-\ ... , • r./ , "----, l . 'J 1 t ' ~ .,. .. I { ' ~ ' 't ----.. ·t I) . , If ti;'{~--t -. () l J v -<.,"\ .. ·-..... j~ J I ..,_ ~ \ ' ~-"' l t'\ J'l \ I o:~c.A'T#OP oF ~,tb PH01' 0 _, \,1 0 -':J6 bi'ID ~ 32,.1...,. .. !>s-o= SYm-. I i- I:J&/ S" //I!Hnrn -"t.. !'" f-0 . ' ~ ~':)~() () ~0 ~0 ,lo () ':;() ,~ $(:) f-. "\ "\ ~ . ~1. . 1 :-... -.~~·· ~ '· .l. _I t r _1 f l ~ttttlllt ~~~-I ~I f I .I I I 'trJ.rtl1l ~;I t 'I I . r f t I ft,>', I I I t I I I ~Rx-29 .S83. I S74.1 /1-F2Q S71. h s?z. .. o S78.Z 577.4 S7~. 8 lb+S2 S75:7c S79"/ Z.o-to8 S77.<1 573 .. 2. S78. -1- S72.9 $SO.o I I I l I I I BE f;llfl SPIJRSE V£ t; -i.cJU •. £t:U.,.i> i S#f'JI'JIDY SO~L "' Tl< R~S ~ VE (j --"" ~Eb. Coli 8 LES /JN(j-tJL.4~ :sP,tU . .!: FR/Jt;.HEN?S (aP ro~ ~ bi"YM.) '/~/INS. ll )(. J: ~~~-_. V& 9... (.D~k. CN) SUSITf\IA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 30 .... • t i ,, .... j ' \ .. ... , J ' l 1 " I • J . . l ' .. ' 1 ..,.,. i RCCVHtt..t/lt~ • bGIJ/ii.:S 4 'G RLb EllS-'E' ~ Ycuuf ~ 19NS,7701'/ ~"' 1111~. TD 31'1ti1C. T6E oJ: R~~ EJJ.o~~ . -'-~x-3o 21+41 23 'J!<·'fo -3 1+168 81+88 ~ ~:/,..,. 08 ) L32 +,, S"8~.,.4 s-87. 2 .$"'86. S'" s-s 1., ST/9.' .!j8.,9 .. "' S8S:l S87. I ~6~.., S",/. I ~'f.(. I I I I .Me Aoo i • . I t t l , I I GllA·V£L. f .rAND ToP OF I!JitN:k-11/,JI. Pr fJIV .rAtvt:J f 1 tPf'}Pi. TN ;:,11/s. 7'1:2> SPR flSE. .f.AJ~'-· (~F o;: 8AN/!::) TAANS. Cc;IJ. ~ VEij (J'ou,.,6 cew !q Si"Jt S£4tbJ.liiV6·r) To I' DF 4AN/( VE<r -....... c.oe. r;qAII'S. V£G_. .._. /<:.E. coVIA.E'b c:#liiiii'""G'.: j6f.AT.Eit M~ ~· J. ' 11 .,. ?Cf S'"8&~8 12. ,l2$"' 588.7 -f.3+-JI S"8fJ.3 '?-3-ISS" s--e~;. r 'f?~s--t:, S8S."11 ~friPI s-''-.. o I . TfJP o;: SANK -.f"/.De t:;H~ I SANO f ACC~VLATE~ IJE8AIS I' S L,tl;t'fti'D. SI"'AI'O 1.6'/ Acc.v;s;.~LA-UIJ ~E.JJRr.r. (t.AA~E tj'"' ~E., OF IVEAR t...l( VEil. TTC.Al.. /l.t>(!J:::; SL~FF' VEG-: ;tc.A7TG/l,/;J!J SP/JIIt:G t:l8,.Q . • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSs-SECTION Number 31 Tl:U: OF iJEI>IlO'r:!i: SLUF,:', T~ rJN.:$,-r~o# ~oa-f s.;tx. r..c-RS :rc V£<i. +----~ \ • --.,...-~-R-'NS-,-n-ro-!~--. .:-lf.-'El$-f-._,.-s-o-,L-t-n:>--e-oi!J-IIl.-~----.....,.~- .... l RNb $t!N 7TERE 1:> R CJ EJ'i!.S _,.,.1 I I • 1i C.01'7"0Jilt.Jcoo. ~ I'HHJ9TX 'RE'.SPRt.ICC ~ : i"\.o f• "" r-........... __ _...,. , ·1-•_! fJ'U I l I '\ .,.-•• ._ !-........ ~ ~-~-----v·t/'''\1 { --,1 __ r~~~ -v~~-----~\*.i-----_-l,~~-f :,_~a 'v -\ !' ~-~----------~---------~~--------+----------~----~------~-----------·~ l ,........... I -.. -- : ., tj~lb P/IOT.O THII!E# botJJI1',SrREAM : tJQ lt"ROH CR~SS S£C7TCN · .... ~------1--------+-------~bJt·-::: 28,_ - I- f- I- t-() ~ (;,'\r>.a t-~v 1--:1 __ t I I I I I ·• . I ~0 1:: qt:'/lt·l•· bei ~ Si ,,.,.... ""-• .<..~x-31 //~os-&.o-8. 7 11"123 hoa. ~ /.1'1<11 S'tB.J • bEN$£ VEG -t!W F AJ~A. "" /*f. I "''ll/ S97.2 ...... ct~,,. JS+SJ 5'12.$.5 ,.,.,~ ~~\.. tt·· i/fl /b r1o7 S''/24SS • 6£q-'N .SAN.O F ~06-e<..E'.S "' s.n#A L!.~'.f3~ S<ftt. 1 f2o~ia l.oJ .. 8 . T.t!\0 OF" SRN~ 2t>-ISS S9b.3 Ef&li~lt-~~""£&. 2..1 rh2 5"'13~7 r..(» RJIIs... VE t; ~ S/JNL:> /z:uet $941/.2. Lzst91 IJoo .. s- ~19#s. rb W;'LLOtAcJJ E• YCUNG Cc::..:l ., ----.~ TOP OF eJQn~ zs-+rs ~ oc., R'-be~ Z.s-/4f.S S'98. B 211-J3 S99·7 2.7rS2 $'/9-'j .,f .. Rkb • .-..... HRrlii?E !!.~ c:N/scA~Gb .it'/.J-tO.f~ 34r32. l,o.3 .. 5 /OP ~F 8A.VK 34+3'1 S91~8 rRF~#s-.. v£a. F .sot' ___,. eoSo.LEs 3 8-1?8 s'/4.cS" 3 9.,27 Stft'J .I e.t:J8 f BouL .. -+ Ve4 ((!Yli.J,.'J£0.;. A~Ct. OF 8LUFP ~PhVC~ 31+</o t;J:t;.,o • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTIOl'~ Number 3 2 ---......... ~-·---..., ------.. -· --~ ... ,. ....... ~~,..............~~-----------~,......... ......... ... ........ _ .... ,.......,. ______ -.. l ..,__CoBBLE J i i 8£b -l ! i } I '+o~ T~l'fNSI7',#N' 7"b DEVS{i CWo'! • cf A-t.DEJ:.r " 33r9t 3(.,+ I' I &os-.r- 37~,0 {ro7.2. 38-~o.s-t ~to., 39172. Is t!J7.2 3' f-Bo. b0, .. 3 10+4' ''1>'7.{ TOE D~ iScCII«k 8Lt1F"P~,.. 7AAN.J'JTit~N: A Nt;UUIJl lltlt:..i:: W1'TH /ftt!EA. C 068 I..E..f ,I I 8 ou .CG E'lt S To VE G. ( Co71"~ ~,. ltl s, , .1..~£1/l$ ~ .4 F~ w-S~~ u CG) ·sus·ITNA H'r'DRO·ELECTRlC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 33 I. i .-:-.~~._,..,~,~== • ....,.....,.,............._~ ... .__....._,._.,..............,.,,_,~,---"-_.1..,..sc;w•----------r-· I l } ! ' i > . I 1 \ i .. -.. -~ ! .L.~x-3i O<f!+~oo "3c:t. ().; o8+o• ~2$"*0 o8/-o3 ~ /8.,..$'" /0 "'"77 ~/$"r2. /0., 84 ~II-9 II +12 ~~D· ~ /2. + 4.t ~0'7~ s-.r 13 +12. "'""',; lt1/I-4,Z 61ft. t6 IS"'~~Z.. &r r8. I 17 -ll:r l615'-? /!J~7D "'I,Z. tf 1?-1-Bt {,/$'"~9 2o.Jo3 "/8. c ;1..0+9' ~~'"~.., 2~+07 ~;.ij.? ~8""18 (a, /1.· 1 28-11" &'1.2~4 CENTER.LJHE k.A. ~C>l.'l IJ /It t!JI 1 WIL lt>w I Gil AS.!, ~I'AR.SG SPRvt:F ~ • I T~tlf;N.s, TD" ~0 t;I;VG, C:::.c.c.... &I ll£..VSE A ~P EA.r l , j ' l ' TOP tiP ;S,4iVK-Yo~vut; cw &' .O~'N.re-(4t. ,0~ l ~ 'Til ~4/V.S ~ vG & --:~JJ J'A..v.D .!:I .rPAA.rE cA.!: a. c T~AA/S •. .,.~C) <;oo ... .§~lf.~l.-~Ea • .~ ... ~ .:.t -- TI<ANS i"o ~ < t¥0 ' & 4' ~o"' A~ S'E" W•'<-~ .. ·.-...~ i i rRAN'J" .. To /JI!M.rli' A Lt:J. "'-"'1:... c::: ~) •. 1 ' -,. , I I I TRAtv;.c. ro J~AtAru~E I i GI.V E A~tlll. , ew, A.tL:J. ~ A P£«--SPR. r 4t..DEA.S -'-0 w,... 1/JT. -~.fl..&~ A'A<!N"T rR.AIYS. 71:> Cw & 1 $PA. , AIJ(. c. e,c, A L/.J. .t' t::A "'T"IZR IUJ SP!l. , - SPit ALO .J'I!/.17r£ Jfl E 0 c::w -) ,. .e.oe 1"\C:: SPA • .1' A t.D • ., A FEIN 8 JRt!H (iJE(;I..V ;'lfffl,.,.. • c#. ) TllAN.r. ~~ e,! Sott. .....,. JIIA'b I -•- • 1'1 R IV#;# G .s S'TI9¥;o.rl EL.£V . ,_; .bESCJ?IPT.,ON l ~ 3~+8o ~;4"z i t I 3 77-73 ~0 8 .. -T>I • f ;t::"At..I..EN" 'T~EE s A CCf.J,;Illf(.liATE"D A"""'O,t.··t:- SPI'fi<.SF CfuV/VtJ. ~14 &.1 SAne i I I 3 8+S"7 "o~.r i i 11~3-9 wza. ·t. ~G ll..o/1 11.; G:o <0 ''·~ · 1.Z..-?so 4/7. f i I 4'/Z-1 '" ~ ,<1-~4 I I l t:j5.,.37 f:gj'C,.. '' I f</+D~ ~I<J.~ D I S'A~D 1 C.~ --..., !/£ G-: Tt>G OP .NEAAl.t"' et ~.,. Q~ lrZ7~ ~ 1!013 l SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 3 4 ) I L. I / 8 .,t$"tr> /8.;83 ~8?8'1 ·r l &,21. ? ~.:Z3# 9 /d4C-2 I# 1r?. l i I l....oi.S ,c.t<: TRAIV..r~ TO ~AH/0 1 SeA 7TGAE'J c.,c;ii!f • .( .SP.Ail.S:~ A LIJEA.S """0 0 .. I'J G "'_s, "Tt' A L..D Ell re> .P " ,:: 4 A-I"~ r't·4"""".r. r~ ct~-e. -"'11X q., s ~~-t!"' '1'"oP vp 8AIVIC *"I A.liJ •. ·sUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT J L ... -· .. ! • . ,, ~ f i l I . \ .. l i l !' I . ' CROSS-SECTION Number 3 5 , Mfif'IAI/IIGs \"'.I ; '1.3& .. 7 " J 13 .,.,,7 •·.:z·"~.r t.oB ""'t:. 'TtJP DF &4/Vk /2 ..,./}., Gi-~.Z-1 ~A/1/.s.. .SOIL ...o~y ~- 13~9~· ~/8.3 I "1-r:Jc. (,'IS: 73 t1f&-3 "''· ~ I 1 'I 1:1 , . .,,~ 7 /fs> 1-37 (i,~tJ.-3 ,.,.,.~s i:;IZ.. 8· /"1-1~. f.· Is-. B& co e. .l A F £&v s""""" d ov".o .. • I?.,_ 1"1 '~;(i., Q ./8-lt>? -&>· z~ .. l 19£ &.~.~rr f/£ G : 8t~t t:.H1 e""' A£.rJ. ~ i4 ;~:"£,., J'.PA. ; ~ (rop Dl= ~;tfNK) I SUSlTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTlON Number 3 6 I : •-~~-o74fRN'Sffl'o,V: .S~/.C (' YE~. l"b ~rt'A"' ~ CoS!ft..E:s q~AYG(. !'• s,g~l"~ ' . ..._.r;ttA.V.:t,T/OH Y.~ ..StVH.6 f• SP~ £ WZitMV W'Ut:. ~ +--~~J T/aN>•SAIV'b 7b CA~~BeGS' t;Jt'A~ t!'l. ' RNb .$~b +--roT~£ cF ~Solie L/ANk-o/#.ej :/U~Y t!R.-£K ~4 ~A/N • • * ~~X-3h 1'9f4f8 /p.JJ/.1 l<fi~l h2.S-3 IS'~~ 4, ~ 1$"./~r IS"~8B G,z.3. o /6p 77 ~11.1 21-t-IIJ> ~Z-3 • ..3 Zl-lct2 ft>2.7;,. 4 ZZ-IZ7 ~z.a.4 2.2.-171 ~2.Z. (p 2.3 "'lfj 8 ~a/.~ 2:4+2.2 li>lf. 4 2-S"-13 7 {pf'f. 6 2. fJ, (-jt:J, k;. 2. 2. ./ 28 -lbo ftJ2.1. 5 28.,ta.g {,2.</. 8 32-1-3t> i . l r j I 1 i I : I THR#$. ~};U. U¥/U# E' 1/Gti -C.088., i'. SM • .i!lou4b. , <-~-~ r~.QI\Is. ro se#b i sPn.R.se Y.eu...v<; w~'-''o~s SUSITNA . HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT l I . ··--.... ' ' J l· .1 , ., ... - :1 :• :I .<..~x-3? /0 1>0' 17+7~ 23tlt; '33.7 I i I I r:!.od. l. A~ G G t; lfAV. f:A;/ S: cArr£ AG .D s AAI"i:J P.llt:A:6'1 · tl 0£1!JAJ.S (_ro? e~~ Sff·,.,~) ., susr-rt\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT i l 1 ~ ( ...... .J. 1r?o /0-1-oo IIr '' 12.+os:- /ti~3, ~(;,.,. ~4 2t>., -;10 ~1-1-?(J 22 -tt2.' 2 3-1,34 Z-3 ., (;.t, z ~ <1-.$'7 27-11, 2 8+o.< Z.8.,.3~ 2 8-ts-t ~8f .. $'" (;,s-.'9.3 Gf.7. 7 <:s¢3 • ..( ~ 4:t .. 8 "4(0.3 ,4, .. 7 "~.3. " '~1.o ~4·~·' '·41-.r '3?. 31 ·{,f./.3 ''/.t. 3 €,4/.o "'18.' G .s. lJE81l1J' A C Cf;'MVl' ;'1-TCIJ J...oG :TAA 1 .41..S"o, 771lA IV .I'. co.,e ~ Gli AS'.$ #!- SeA-7TE~IE 4 l! OI.L T,qAN.r. VE G ~ OVEilFLO.t.f.tr .<!#A~ fA;/ Col!l f SAN41'J <JED f;ll ANJ. C.t:UJ --;a. Wle. fA l. D. .1'1 C v.ec 'All( ED t!""'-" ~ .SP/l. 8tlL G~/1$;.,. """'',..!Itt. b. rop O'P TEA~A.c:& • SUS1Tf\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~ 1-- ~ 1-() 1-~~() ~.~111·1111 ~0 ~I t I I I I "' I . CROSS-SECTION Number 3 9 ~0 0 \ I :. t I 1' I I I ~':>0 ~0 ':>() ~~I I I I I 1 ~~. o tIt to~~~ tIt t t 1 f I I I I I .l..~x-39 E J..£V. h B9.o 14r1Z 1P 53 .. o I i I I 2.1199 I I ~ roP OF 7c~I!..QCE -.19~.0 ~ cr~cl<CN <::,.£,VTc,e OP r~OIW/N($ CA!Ce H -SANb ·f'C~J)V. 8£J:), SM ..:. ME .0, CCSI.U-~ , f .SO/~ V£G J R i.t:J. 'I!' < ~ R 'i e e o " o« u:> o o.o.;s ( , 7RIVNS. l/G c; f S0/4 ( ~G VG 4 <t!l J!'";l}eN~ ·--~-.or-... " ~ c oe. ~ s .11*-f.. . .Sob~<tbtE~-, No B.tee-A~ /',., S'~o;>;!') T~AN.s • .$ANI.) _.,. :t:!dO. W/ A FEW .SMr 8ou4.,0 • F ~oM E. t:;~ J9 v .P R rc IV iF's • TitANs~ eoa -(}~A¥. B&ACH __,..,. so"~ 70J0 OF .SRN~ -V£ '~. roc o,t-r.e~q/JC£ (R.x .. 8Lu~~) I l: ii SUSITNA· HYDROEL-ECTRIC PROJECT . I* I* - -0 : q,~,...() • 1.YJ i-I I .1 t I I i I l CROSS-SECTION Number 40 r~/1/'J~»~N: CRAY'£'L 7~ VEt;. ; IU•IbY S'OU;, n~o foo ·v 1. ~illltlt•t ~ ••• • • j ----·-- ))...;;~ or St.-!?VEf: oc:roecR 2o~ 19Sc Ni/J:"C.II ZS, l7l3t (xtC.,/Ir t;--'('TCNS/clll) ' M11 !'lAin/ Gs 57/J'rl0/11 £ t..£V. ' ,.~ I , YC ~or., . /07S"8 fa 7ft;-! Me /o "'7'9 ,~ b/~2. /C.f-91 453.8-1- . /~7'7<'-t;s-r -34 ' /(Q r87 ~s-e.r=. 17to~ ~50 . .:;- ,t.~~ .:': /7-rot., t:,&,o.s- - 2.1-!'0() L? • .J .;,., --•J 3 9+S'0 foft,3.8 , .. \it~ .; ~ '/ \.. 1-r>t-oo ~SS'"3 \t~->~ / . raG C r )3,¥/V;<' \ (..I..J-47,::-R .e,e.c.. <;e. t!i: ,.._, nv C ;I,:JN""-'S" .7o'J~ 4o .,.£>(.> &5S.:S /'/O r,ec;c J:; C:;:. 7'1-1 At=P7flf) ICE: cr ~ ~?N,!':;. 4o+qo bb!.S' 0 "12. r-oc &;!:>!. 8 !-" ~ : 0 ~-'0~- ~ .. !- 1- I- I- I- I- ~ ~0 ~ro ~oo-.. -.. - !- ~ I- I- !- ~ 1-~ ~~;t SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 41 E.L.£\1 11-1-oe II "/$7 '''· 8 TAAN's. t:;RAV l e.o8 ~ VEG-CG-RAS..t, Ai~.k' f' .$.r-i. c:~) TOp tJ ,t: -S' ~,., iD /SAN It: 7o fO o ,e. SAl"/~ HtA.>-. CNAHNE-1. SANe~· ~N/ .rt:A TT'EIZELJ COI!J -L~o; ;Cr. /N"" H/t;# WI9TGA C.HA,. -~ 'V"£ a-. 'l A LD EAS (ro-,o op 8ANIC) Tt>P QP 81'9/VA: TAAIYJ'. t/£G _,. SANJO COB , TAAP"S. (;.OS .£ 1 G RAV. ,.._,. .J"ANIJ V So tL e' VGG .• ~ , I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 42 c;;,O ~r;§l ~~tlifttt ~ ••••••• O! ~OC.~1'lt:>l{ O~ qRib PHDro b,,_ t · IS"'""- .l>so.: 3$ "''"' ba'l• I:J1~ -/2.+ol 703.3 ~ ~!. t)..::: ??::>P' OJ: rE;(~·.nc£ ~114/2 (.Nob. bEN.:S.~T Y.J fD7o.3 rt:J~ OF rE,e,RI9e,£ -T~ANS. VEc:P, -S~N'O f , liz"'" 94 ~~~ .. Btl .S.IlNb f q~;n/. #\\ l I :\.. ! \6vl\:£4 -i /3 'i-1/ 1:>,6.5 v!?AV. W/ I};::"£~ St! A.77Z ,/e Gb /JOtli.bSJ!S s \)f • I • t . 113+2.9 ,,to.S4 , S/"INb £ G.~/!JVEi. I la -t.s''l 1,1,gk2 ~~IJV • c C.CSi!JLES , IS"-1 ~' I '&>7.3 S/iNb · E' CoiJ~.s.e .:; stnv£4 -~ow ~r. .;.,.; <:.N' .tUVNe, A /(u-167 fl;b ? .. ft .lt?rx: CoB1 C?~AV. F S A,o/ZJ ; l /bf/32. 47o.4 i i FJ£1... .s;uvA I i ... ~-~-~ 17"1·11. 61.9.1 i SANA l4'/Pnr<:H£s O.e' co8 .. E' 4o<W oeNS/7"f/ I I .. Nc;i!5£7~1L . G jl'ovi4/G INU.1.,4W " ft>~l87 I Zc-t.S'/ I_OB Ct:>88L£.S 2.Z-J·73 (, 71. 5 14 e.. H/GH ,cr. ON /S.l..ANb, roJO c:;: 8AN.k" ; 2.2..-IS4 bi>B. 94 M£b. c.o,e8'-£s dt6~.1 i z. 7-129 co.s. c. SoM£ <$RAVE"-• 30"117 ~7~.1 "' ' i. r~/J/1/s. 'TO ToP .:to/~ I I 30'1'2.3 ID7/,.,f.. . MC. • V Cfl. ( J41/1n/lf! £ t:!~) So/<. I • I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 43 o:Lpa.qT"Io/'1 o~ c;~1b P#oro. b.r{D ::"" ,,/'1\,.. 1 ' ' a . I .f l I l • . bso = 1~4-· -'i--------+-------t-<~a--t-'1 -----+-------1 ,.. . \_,I '-'Sf :-94 ,, ,. , • ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 tJQv i r:§lv ~Qv 00-u ~C) ~0 \0 a• i I l. _.1 t I I I ~111/1 Ill ~LIIIL_Lil ~IIJttl II ~I IIILILl ~••••ittl Sfo:.fion No. EL.£'1 7CI. 4 "81. 9 24123 /,8.2.'/ 24-F4o irJ74.2 2..4'1 81 67a.z 2. 7-117 b 7'·3 2.7-F 74 b74~' 2f-l S7 a,,,_~ 31~79 lc~3 .. 4 3:2.1'/Z. b70 .. $f 32:12.7 b.7S:. b 3ar-ss b tft:J."' " q.~AVE.t. 8£b .IN S/1!>£ C/IAN"NGI. ( Gl/.tJNN£1. N.t')S $t:ou~ HOi.£S $' J:JEe.IJ w/ GR.D~ 8£'b) I ~AV. f cos. r~n..vs. t;~AvictJe-v~t; (H« c..u~~t;tPA~8~~sP~ ~ r~,t;AI.:r.. VGt:;. -........,. S;<J.No ~/ SOf'lt£ Co88£cS (SAN/J <:.oVGA OV~A C:oe .. ) T/!ANs. SANtO ....... coe. I (j~AY .. -J.u/ ~·;,q;.H-r Vc~r r~11J.Is. ~ .. ----.. ~0 SUSI.TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT "' CROSS-SECTION Number 44 : q,o .. . . . ,. . . . . L~x-44 .i)..;Te aF Se,.ieVEr: OCTOCJI!Il /7, 1980 19.; 7~ 6tt I. 7 ~l &, 91. s -~~ \.. 2.1-Y"-1 ~ro. \0\)-'\ " s # \\ . 2.3 .J 02 "s e. 1,:, b3~23 ~89. 8 c.\..tf.""'fz 3 -lit> I 6.82-S s•t\e e 1 ••• HB \J~\.. 2. 4 "' 4s-&82.9 trf.S) 2.$'+~6 "8.3. 0 25-t 7'1 "98./ t27-i ~$ lt:>fo.! 2. 87" 03 (D8f../ 2.8713 ID B $. ·(a, z 9tl<tl G:t sa. o 3</.;o-1 "B o. oh 3ir3S' ~a a~ .. o 3"1-J-11 fJJ91 .. 5 OCTQBE;l 20~ /98o ('HAIN CH.&INI'ti£Jt.) /1R/lC!I c~ /<lSI ( ~/fiN'r 8 A...V/14: £XT£'NS/OIV) I /VJFJI'/N/IIG.S I .f n. r~n#s . .c"At.oM flln?"~~£ rA.crs _., G.Jn ... F. ,t!'J~.o£~ • T/i'ANS. VG' (t, _.... <!o8. • (c. t>/JIJLG' S /A/ ~~~ ~ S ( r~£ .C3F" 8ANk) ./N 17-NS AAif'.j:J) 7"~ANS, C 0(1, ~ S HNtO .(...J/ S'C"'1;£ C::Oiflt!U.£$ rR.tuvs. SANI:. / coe. ---.. V~ ~ .. : (.:c.w~ "'~ t:>, G"(-141~ TOP OJ:" 8R/I/K CO.d BLEs T"Jf!~NS. To ToPS0/;1... 8RNk.; $ iONb ~h?c:HCS p T" TO£ o J:" 1.3/J N I< vsq. ~> r-· ~· ro· r-. 1- ~ fl>o -'<> ---· - -0 : ro""~o "' foV ie ·; t t t I 0 t SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 45 ~Q ~1· ........ . ~· . ' I r i qFCnVEL ~ St9 ,b • li t,..-HIKTUJ:>/c cF .s"'tR.lf fULbEif!S, coset. es. ~ 7;f1ks1 rroN ro t.AJ JLLO~s i ------4-~-------4--~~-+-----~~ 4R~ES ...-co1rLES ~l'lfEb 6> trH VE(i. ~Jl : 0 ~ "> i 0 I I • : •il t I l l I a ,--' I I f : J) ~~X-jS /o<~-Bl '9o.6 //r7fo &, 87 .. 0:· /st-~4 &,93. 32. ~~ -1-IZ. ~s-a. eo /h-1·2.0 ~ ........ ~~- fJ,tjo" IG /7#Z8 ~97./ ..... ' i --q. s. -n>P 0~ MRN· M~bl! t:.c.NCJ!.Er£ .Boll.t.beftS n..e' Jilt;#, GXTENlJIN(j-/00' ll/s ' rRR-r/S. 70 WIL. f y~RS'SC.S . t-------,o -1 ... - ~ - 0 :-. ·--· ~ : ,o d ~ -1 ~ 4.1 -- .... ... .. ~ oO -'\ -. -. .. .. -- ~· 9;0 ~oof) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 46 . I 9 • I .StQ..f ion (\1 o. 0 r 4-ot!Rr;'OI\T OF' ~NAt) .1>,1107'0 bi'G. ~ 2.9 ht~ l)56 = 53tn:r;.o. .¢8¥ = 100 ,,,, 1£J....£V ?al.o '"···--~~,-..... ~. --··,..--... -. """'"'-· _,.,..,_,. __ ,_ ----~ /.1 t>-i!.3 /S-187 b 91 ~ I /h-lhb ~e 7.17 :>:=: I /VJ c. i I TOE 011!' TE~fi!RnCE (nt.e.,MRruee cw f sP~.) ToP CJF .s,q N.b b-RA! S~Nb ~ / C.olJ. PBTC'HGS . {Jotn.b. f i.RR t;E C o.813~Es , 8t:1Nk H,t)TGRI/N. J (JR.t'JVCL. f SR#l:>. p,q~ert,t;t.J.. Y co vc,e trb ~/ ;:--,r; -'<-~N ne~E.s- t -~ -+ d. ~ cu -\.u 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- ~ ,o ... "\ 1- 1- 1- ~ ~ !-- ~ ,o Pt" !- io . 1- i-· ~ ~()0 i- 1-- foe 1- 1-'"'. ~ 9JQ to: CO .. • -. .. .. &0"() ""fJv,_..., ; SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO~JECT CROSS-SECTION Number 4 7 l I f ;.. i"-;} r-0 I • • I I I 0 I oO J . Q. I il I 1_1 ti I ~~I • ..: •• I I I rJ.l 0 ~ I I I _I _ I I _L -~- .£~x-17 D~7e o,r:-:Sr;~Vcl': OCTOBER. ~S' 198o I E.t..EV 7<>1-8 /2:f Ct:J 12.1-18 21-135 7Z8. ~ hAilCII a~c:t, 1981 Lci3 ! l t1C I • ' : ' . N/'t;N WRTER CN_A.NNil/!4.. W</ AJ.t.t:I!..CJ.tU..s I I# J'NE CHANt f H<!t!tiJI.fUUnFo b€Q~~.S /#Ci..IJ..t;:v,N~ IY' b!RH-.SP./!CUe£ ~G.$ Jl/t;N ,li7: ON /.SLANb .SANb Seb CHAN· W/ ..Sl!A7T~'!_b._Co88L£..$ f SoME Ne~.ETA.IL ' Q ·-;.. ~ ) {1.1 -Lu !- !- 1-- ft .. : rz,O ~· -- ~ !- !- !-() -1' --'-. ~ 1- 1- ~ oo -~ - "'· .: ~ I". 1-. ~-~o -6 SUSI·TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 48 a . n ,JJ i Y •.•••... ~. ·····••• 0:: l.cCiirlt:I.IV OF CJR'b "P/I<OTO. b;'" .'!! 21 """' .b So :: S6 ,. "" b_1i~':: /S.5 m,,.... ST iJ I n::uv /0-100 //..,.¢.I /lr.lo //~27 . //~~3 /2.732. /3-ICO " /3~21 17·rtfD 18+15 2!Z.t 79 23--1 3o 2.3-f-1-.3 ,_. . 2.:i+OO sla#-1 !.,. '414 2S'th3 2..trt "'s '- 2.1-123 271'79 7oz .. az. 700.02. 697. ca. /;']5. /Z hS9'.~8 br;c.</Z. ~Sf. S'~ b 92. 22.. b9 7 .. 12. h ltJJ. 7o . IP91. l7 i;Jfb.,2 7o2 .o,z. .,99.8 b'11. 0 "tts.e it't? .. S' 731./ I .. ! Me Te>P ~,:" ~ANA:' -W. N.l.. f• t$~.11SS£.S Ebt:JE t!>~ V£(.;. TRfliVS.. ShAl~Y SOd .. _,. C08. t:AJ/ SCi97?£'~CJ:l Y.o~.t-Jt;. Y£<J. '?'Rh/'IS. To t!e8i1~.s Oi'tl 8/JHK or )(· OVc!';t eHA.NNG~ • coe~ -~ s~Hb • IJN~FOR.M C.o8. ~/ S'hN.O PRrCNE,s ('-S"!.) . 7"cp oF 8 F1NI<-MAl~ C N<i9NNc'-. L.A;t(jl!'~ COb. ( 8-~o ~.; bNi M.) . "Ti?RNS. ro VEq.. f S~NllY SOIL ToP OF 8 FIN I< s:- \) ..... ...... d ~ QJ -~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 49 !-'TRFJNS~Jf'lOAI: V£_y. I !-7'<) COBB'S iS" F• 1-C.OR~s£ QkR v~c.__, !- ~ !- ~ o.,O ll I rRPNS. 'noN: JoB8t.£S .,_--t--.RNb Co.LES' . • 'l J Tt> Hf~r-UR.c i SA"' 4, ~RV'C,,. ' ; +-----~~~--~---+~-----------~----------~-------r---~-----------~ J : ~· I t..: k/ t 1 l•r-C:CBBLES . t .e-TRRN$'r: 'DHI C.o88J..GS ro SRN'.Or Sol''-f 4A . .U'4.1..o~S ' ~ rR AN ~/TR!:JN: wu.~ o ~.s ro lHRrQ ~e Si'"H&~c£ '1, co~woob., SHAU a 8htrC!N 1- 1- I'" i 1 .. . :- ~~0 f i ,...... .... _ .. ___ . I i . -------1 • ,.., _____ !.,i • .. • .. I --I !'" • !'" I 1-0 5 I I ~\ lr------4~-----+---+~~·;---------+----~----~~----------~------~~ "' --.. ~ I "'; !-... !-() !U ~,(l \·~ ~~ ~-----------i·~·-----+-·--~~~--------~--\ ~' p.. !- ~ -: () : Et:oo i'"_l~l~l.L_I_. Ill t \ / ~ ............. D ~q _'}~. -~~~ • I 0 I I I 0: JJpPRCJ('. I. ot:.nT,DAI or: (iR tb Ph o 7l) -------+------------+------------l1h= 2&.na,.... bso.: s::J,..b Da'f.:: 112 rm .. I I t 733./ TOP oF BRN~ /Z+oh '78. sa 18 til T"~flNS. <! oB ~ -"'P MIX snNb <i'~R~ CoB. TOP o;:-BERCH / /1171 7ct.8 2./-tt:J9 7o5:/ TRJJAis. ~ <F "''.£<o-ws " 21 +3a 7/.3./ 32.700 32.+oS ?Zo,o c t) ·-""i- d ) cu -tu SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 50 f- !- 1- !- r- !- ~ ~0 ~----------~--------~· ~----------~--------~~---------4-----------4--------·--~ THA-/S'~T/CA(: C.08/JJ.£S 7b ~ P\' !- ...so(;l---• ..;.. :Sot~;. i VEti (:z.Naul#N RNt~ FLoo~ P<.~~N) I r- !- !-r- ~ I l e ~ ,.,o ~----------1~--------~,b~----------+-----------·+--L--------~----------+---------~ I F1" 1- I • 1., ---I 1- !- !- 1- !- ~,o - ~ I. -.. -... ..... ~.J I i I . . ·~----·--· ~,-.. ;_j.f ·f------+-o-.:: -~--"1-a-w-~+-~-t;-R·.,b PHon:;; l>/h: 18~~ bso =53,........, !--.;. I I . 1 ~ .-~ bs"f ::-/1>0 -""' ~~-----..-.-~··\ l~----...--+--..------4-------~--------~--------·- ':' ~oo ' !-• J ~ \ r--.; ' , t ,.,. tl r-q,"' v 0 ~ q, ~ oO o(;j !-LI~IItt·lt ~~~~Ill II . Sfo..t ion No. .});;re-oF' ~,;,~V£1'' t::iCTOBER 13, /180 I"'RRCJI 2" 1981 (Rit;Hr 8AAII<EXTEN:SIOA/) ~ , MFJriAI/.tJGs • I"\ , I I ·:. . /~-~ 78 70/.98 /.! ::. I I ,, 77tA#s: VE.:;.:--9' A/.,£t'!t C:.o.B. e~x #A?..9Ci. SR/i'.b . ., ~;9~NE::s CoB. P,.t:J7CHES OF (J~RV. E'SnNJ:> fllEP . ~· . ;:"J<o/'1 l#b#J.N R/VC/tl) THA#S .... Ct:>8 __... ToPSOIL/ VE($. -ZN.L:V·.cJ.Af/e/Vc~ F"Lo~.-9/H SUSITNA· HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 51 'TO.£ OF ROC/< FAe.£-RNGVI:.J1R F",q_,'H;N~N73;, -PF£tA:. RoUNbcb C,( 88l.E.S ' ' "Q 1\ '} ...... . /3~ "'B /<'/193 ·/b -J$7 /V> 'I 7o I lb-180 I /?riZ 2.2.-l'fS 7so .. o 71Z.3 7cb.S 7o.S.I 7t>7. o'l 7/o. 83 7/S.' 7/S" ... 7 72ft;..O I·• .:. .~ ~ .::; . !" IV FG£43 Aov#~£b C.088L.c-s coee.--•-s;;No f'. t;;.E>AV. c.t..Y'R ;:-EtA:J c oc:a~ SPARSE q~DSSE.$ t!/Et;/N W/~€.QW. ~· ;(U~E;e. -. ---() SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 52 rJ~ 0 :1ooo .. '.) ~ .. . ' . . .. . . . ' . . ..... "- . lJRT"4 oP SIIRv&Y: ocroB£7t /ot-t:n:> 7 .s.s:. (,7 M.-'f •.J /Of2.tf 71S:.3 / t:)-Jl$') 7 J3.4flr //~08 7..tS-o 713. s 72./.h 711. .. 1 ZS-17o 7..tt..s 3!.,•3o 7/h./4 31+71 V£~ -CN 0/JNJ/ T"''E or 84NA: ... Co8iJLES -S /Ll£ CNAHN£~ cos. i t;J?nY. I S/1/tlll _F C088LE.S -PATCHES Rosn.y c.os. '· T~nNS". TDI>St:J/' f VC: (J ~ (:.OiJIJI...l!S ¥ TifJ:JI'IS. t!o/J. ~ TOP Sou.. f V£~. To£. 0.11!' T£A'PBCE (es.flm4-l~e/) SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION· Number 53 oO ~,1 t I I t I I I ,t..Rx-sa 5/IJI.torl E.t...£'1 743.0 LDi: /0--100 i ' I 17i 7$" 7as.v· W /Ll..OWS .f' S;:JN6 Y Tcl>sotL -Tl>P oF 8DNA:- 72.7. 3 f l 732.. 3 1 I 7~0 .. 0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 54 ~ . TRR#.SJ T/cN SA#b ~ 7?:>P.!fD/L . · 1 <4---At.bEA ~~ CJRA.SSES I ~ ~ bl'r/9 c: 071""-"· EVEt:; !'" l- . .--'?'RAN. ~/r"ol'll r "'Tt>P.Sc. ,, 1"'t> «!QBS£ E :-SIINb .. :-.. ~ .. .. J-~~ ~ ~0 C:oBBL£-<.; ~Atl£1.. 8t:JR. • sc_h f\ i --- :-SR!ib HIKEb ZfT# I ' !'" COS8L • • .. nRJ11s1nQ#: iroPso/L I .. \ .. 7"'0 SANb f • ........... __ . ' • ... 0 ---. -------J c ~~ ---:----...... l i .. , ' \ v ' .. ~ .. • ... \ ~ l .. . t .. ~i. , f' ..... .. . -~ .. ..._, ; "'' . I o--· .. . _, ' ,, -' : ~0 ' ... / ·~ I ' I f\ ' .. /** • .. ' .. .. , . :-' / ... ..._ ...... ~ . o-::l.~o/11 oF t;ll!~b PNCT !='> :-.. 4&. =ISM~"\ ~'t-Q b~ ::' <)/3 -~ Pl.l b Btl:: /aS f"4'M 1- 1- ~ ~· 0 ~§l "0 ()0 '.>0 oo ·1.'oo "0 :-~ 0 't: '.) ~ 0 i-5 t. I I I o I t I 1, I I! ,j I i I • \it & ••••• '6 \ ••.••.•• t • ~It I 0 ··11 ·o t • I . '). ••••••• lit ·,: ........ • . . - ~ C) rBI!INk rr:E. ~ £.b 8~-R(!N FISSE;S <;~ llt-38 c:!:...' /li-59 ~ ""~ -oft \:.. .\o~,o /i!. 'f 7o /..3731 1,4,. "" l~,-o-r J5rlo7 /~-,78 2.11'31 2.1.JS3 7"9/. 7 7-1<>~ 9 ?.34f!J. 8 738 . ..,. 74(o .5' 7-i.s!J .. o x:. J l I • VE<;. {: TOPSOIL -... ,....o,o ot:' IlANA: ~ AAIS'. SAN.b __... TOp OF 8RNJ( /t17H i'T"' t ro.PSC)/~ -.> eoe8~& B£b ,· 4 ,J:'£/..r..]J S;.fA~I.. So (Jt.l::J ER.s "' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS--SECTION Number 55 r-· .. t £ f-SANbf j~AV L i-l 1- 1- to. ~ 10 SRNb, C:b8L..:S l t;./fiR. :E'l. .. 1\ ~: VEc;.ro r-C.OB8LES~ 1-r-· r-It : fbo 4~ :I I· 1-~I 1-'l !-t i-. • -':10 ~, L . . ---------.; .. _ I ----. ~-------... -0 1-- :It~ -. . 1- .. 0 ;1f!>~o oo ~0 -·-- .. ~ -0 -~ !", i. •-•-• ••• ~ ........ ~ .......... 1..--T. ~A#Smo#~ SO/ ~ ?'OSANt:> I~ .. '7~1JI'../SI7?t:W .-.:s f/Nb 71:1 C.oSSL ~si-"eouc. ae.es • " ......--sR/tlb .E COSBt.Es ' -- ..,__.C:OII 'I)LES e" tJR.rN'E~ " ~~ SANb;. ~ -COBBLES # ,.__c:oBBt..ES £ ' .SaeJt..b id'R -· - ~ANSrT' p.,.., I ...-vs;. II 0 I l ~-~--, - ' ,, ........... , I \ l ,, ' ) ' ~' I l ... ...J oO ~0 'J 1 \ei6oe•~• ~ t t t I l t li t -. a . - ' • :f -·-- I . ' I. ! ~ ~~ l -..... __ .... ____ ,.,.. ao ~0 () , ~ ....... 't ......... ~ o:Loc.R77011 o' t;.J/!I.b PHt:.rrO bit. : 178rn- b$'o • zzo """" b,Aq: 2,{:,S~ /b-130 /6-1-37 17-1-?o 2.2.J '' .2.3-!DO E.t...EV 7So.o 714~0 75/.0 LOJ3 .M(! f I MC '?"C£ OF 7"E~.!C-RC£: ~ANS"~ VE (f. ro l!o8st..&.s , S.t/;Hb f CC881..£S w/ St:,RUE/?E.b QHAI4 /N S'be' C/;IONNG£ SI9Nb .E'· 4~.19VE£ TOP O.F 814Nk ~_n,vs. ve-e;.-+ S~N.o , S/JNb f coer -S'll£b~ 0~ H/b-CH/JN. 8;}.(! SUSIT~JA HYDROELECTRIC. P'ROJ,ECT CROSS-SECTION Number 56 /0-1 co // '11-/F 753.4 7ss:4 75'3.7 1S'3. 7 7s4.s 17 -liS 22.-1'11 1'·50 .. 'l"' Z2..f93 7SS-9 11 , I • '77e~NS-C~ f. ~p~ ~ /:U.:~£/<$ /JL./)E~ ;' ~o.!IJV't; CU. , rNRN:s. L.ow Pr; -C.o88LES • 80 Ul.bEii!S E Co88L£S ' 7"/f~AE.s. COIJeL£ _.,. VEe;. (ciA) j"R.t.b) ro£ OF 8i..!JFr SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 57 • : .ri, SHRU.. C~BtCS CJ,;;-;1~;.C'NGS oF 5 Nb T!fi!RIIs,r)oN: YEfJ. '7C ~BBLE.S ; ....;,-I' j J , i ; • ~" -G'/£N)H'K OF CO/IBL'f$ isl'lNb \~p ALb~$; lRR9£ ~~4i' :· I i I l .. .b6"~E ~#~;··~,TN "'"l ., -· ._ .. -~· -·· ·-'T -·--~:-J;.:;;;:;:;.:;,;l;~ ... '[~--; UI.1>4Jt$ SoH£4I SP~OCE. ~· f . HEbU.JH~ 8/J!t:N i ~ . l I 1 (PoCI'I!£TS of SRNb F 9~11 EL) ~, ; j' ~~~.....-+ 7~l:u~s,n1:uv~· I cc88t.Gs ro ; ' . J, l "f/£(i •. !t J 1 1 e ·-. . .. !!"". . .. . l ---.. .. .. -! . .. ·-· .. t ,----~-... -jl' ·-· ........ ·-· --1--. ------.. l :, i 1 ~ ~ J J I! ' ~.,~· I· J : If\ f . t . i ' t t . •""" lj l 1 l l pI ' ~ .. -I ,. I, l d 1\ ~ l . l. I. • I ,.._ ..-,~ ,<w,._" .... .._ ..... : I I l · ,., l t 1 i "-t, ; 1 1 l v' l i I I~ I 0 I~ j · ~ 1 1 ~h~~ bl 1 I W l ~ ~~ I • I I I I I.~~~ I I I ' I ..! ,g~ l h' 0 $ t:jR/.1> SAMPLE t.OC.RTION 1>11.: ao ,_."" b~s 41 btt.tl 't' /f:O ; • 1 ~Rx-S7 .b,.;rc oF ::Sf..~V'Ef : 0 C.TC8E¥J.. .:a3, J'18o ;¥~ItCH 2 &.;-~'/1/f 'LE.FT .flANJt: tEltTE~.S'IfiUV) 1/..,.lo · II .,._, "'- l?f11 / 7'1-7(1 17 "} 8l ?$/./ 1$'/ .. g 7S7. 9' 1-{t!.. t i f ' I . S~. Co.S. w/ S';fND PA Tt.NE.r f?;V SJicn.,~Gif OF ~IQ--C.HA,.-4!1~/f JSv~ ""'nc SAtvt:J G-Ct:I44~:E..r #,.., rHo·Ul.DEA I oF~ MR. <!.O/J8LES WI/ ScATTEAE'IO 80Vt.bEA,S ( fJr:u:~£rs .o!= SAtN.O f GMat) T~AN'.&.. Coli --+ V£ G-.. 1"'0£ o~ ~IGN 'J",MA t!£' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 58 I O-f 18 . /0-i ?:J. tirBii 13+-34 /(J ~~.., E 1-.£\1. 17&.D 7t:J.r. 7 14?.2.. 7117.7 it LOS f ruE o.& A~Lf.l~ ~AIVK -7D 'HISH Tte4Ns. &p'if.. ~ c;lltAs;£s -tJ sA;vifJ , . ;'fiii~4Li!S S#D E. cHA-At'..¥£',1:. ~ Po,.,.R£1:> w ATE/I $;1#Ni'.U/Gil4V. 8£D , SA-IYA E A ,C£wr Ct>48LE.S , 0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Numb,er 59 l)l& = '" '"~ bso,. h4. ba'f* l?o 711.. I 1,0 .. 1 ,Jt+-3r ?8&. .. 8 I I F L t:fJ DJl to L.A I'Afl" ~ £ .Pf:!f;:S IT ,If! A.~ .r~ €.A ~ EHr'EA.fNGr. 'Ys ., SA,.,t> f SM. GiiA ~ /":fAt&~' cJ.IAA'/V'EL -C:t:I/3.(J1..:c:S A FEw-SM. dO~(.l' 4EG1h' VEG-ro~ "" 1:1('4Nk (ew-,. A~P~ .SPil. i 'JI'A) , # SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 't I CROSS--SECTION Number 60 u:o W ~ ,$1 f4 II*"=' 4il& • , /f1FJ I'INnl Gs ' .I .-'l SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 61 ' ~ \ l ~ ' ~ \ a " ~ : I ~~ ._, I BltbROCK ~~~ l :.; ~ ~ i u t-------+-------t·f-------+------.,_1-----+ ·---+----4-------f .; !- ~ l ~ l ~ I l ) t~~ -C~J ;~ v _.,/ : . ,~ \· ./' ' ~' '\ ~/ ' /' ,, ..... :.--"" _ .. ... ~------4------1--"-"""'.,.....C:::;.._-4--------ll---·"-----·+-------+------1 "" .. "' '!I rJl ficc§l ~-~ 6 I 0 O_f_! t \.I I o I I I I . . .. . ~xx-61 9 .f 9$ 840.0 f1(! BEl> ROCK .to.,coc Saz.48 0 ' r-1 ,, '!,.o,w, Xi l3Eb.!lDC.I( F.J1t!£ 41'2., ,. 8 7 832,.4~ Eow Rf8 .S4bROC.k ~~C.£ ......... .. " I a .,. c &, 83Sr ~ ToE ot: SGbRoe~;: I= Rt!£ t: b ·-· -t'"i d ) qJ -.. "0: r ... .. - !'"· .. -: ~() •f) . !- i--. .. ~ ~0 i-f) .. • --. . :. ~() -~ .. 1- ~ fa F- i- ~ ~0 i-~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 2 9 r9S ~t:'J '1-00 13 _,.Ot:> /3 '1-·ht;, 13+2" Si".o 8 33.89 S33, 9o 83B.s 843.0 . . .. --~·· ... .s.J.p va /!try wa.lls J ,-,o.,;.. cAa.""'t'\.~ I c.o,f'~e.:t~ SUSITNA HYD·ROELECTRJC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 63 .. " • • I'" I !-... I 1- I'" t) I fbij Tit/INS. 811 01:.£/V SEbROCI{ a '1'!!> Ve'4. 1 !. ··--I i-• i-~p R.ocl( wt:IU. 1--I !-I i" () I r-'t)~ I i-v 1-roE OF Ci IFF' • 1-' ,. ~-~. 1- r- ~ ~0 I i ~ .I r-'b ~ - !- ....... i . \ • . /' . ' . ' .,, . 0 ,, / ·tJ'?) v'' ,, .,, ~ ,, ,,/ -" '--- ___ __, I'" I'" 0 r.>o ao ao 0() 0() ~-fb'llco oO I'" 'f(j 0 ' 'z; '!) .~CC i-·liltOIII 9' I I I l I I I t ~ i ~ I I 0 I I I \ I I' I I t' I 1 \ ••••• ttl \ t I I t I I t II ........ ,, .. Sfo..-/;on No. ! tl i .i..;(X-63 13+os 844.3 13 90fi 847. I I TO£ Oj: ST£EF> R.OCI< w.nLL """ . . . -. : roo <b . - ~ '1"QE -- : tJo ~~ . .. ": -. ~ ~ t-0 .. ~ io- 1- i- i'" r- i'" ~ 1)0 !-fb 1- 1- i-- -~fj ~ 'b rJl SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 4 • • • I 0 I .. I -0 • • I -rc« c ~~-sTEEP .~toe • ':EP R.Ot!l< I TR.It ~s. 8Roit:£H oF sr• ' ~AL~ \ • BEl> ~oeA: T1:'l VE4. . I I Q I 3 ~I I I • I I ' ' 1 .f I 7 - l I ,...,.... .. ' ,...., .. -------' \ # , ' "/ \ # \ ~ \ ,, ' l \ ... __ ,l Q oo 0 rJl ' . rJl oO '?) ~ oO ~ ~ fl) ~ ••••••. lfl -~~ I I l t I I • \ililll·illl ~-f I I I t I I I ~ \, ....... '> I I I .. 1. l l· I _I' '). I t _j I I I __ LI ~- ~~x-64 EJ...£'1 /oroo 840.7 13.,..3o 848.23 I roc OJ:" Sr££p ROCI(, WR4l.. 1 rlfRHS. 8Ro~~t.EA/ l!l:.bR.OCN. rc V£q. - -. .. -- . 0 ti-t -.. ~ .. : ~§l .. fb . -'To£ --.. 0 ~t~'l :-· :" :" ~ . ~ ta~ r-~ 1- 1- 1-- -0 .. 'On;jr.Jl ~ E) SUSIT.NA HYDROELECTRJC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 5 - C.o88LE c ~~~ I I I • . ~I I 5FII<Ib' eoaaL£' 819~· I ToE o ~ Srt:EP R.Ol!IC' U.. '/ r• hNS. 8Eb~OC:~~ .. ~, i ~=~ AtjM£/o/7'$ 7\:1 V· • I oF~ i:rCEP ROC/It WALL\ . l ' I ,. ' ·I • f "t /----r--... 'llr I I , J ,., I ' ·J ' ' i ~ \ , \:, ./~· ' i ' .,., ...... ,. ~4 , __ ,... ~ aO ~ ~:J~ Qf;J t>o Ill . oo ~ oo _fb .. ~ ...... tt>'. • • • • •• t \a l' L I ~1 ~I~ I~ _l~ l I '\9; 1' 't ~£ t -~ ~I ~•-~~! ~·~ ')_.I,~, i It~ ~~ ........ ") f t I i I. I I I - ~Rx-6S }).,t;T£ oF SV~V£'1 : /0 '1'-00 842. 85 842.43 13-J-47 844.. 9 '"' +84 I SRA/b !• COBSt.E 6R~ • So/so H~Jt. eo 8i3l.ES 'Z. • I.V.., b IRH. Hl<'jil Pr O.N SRR. -Co8B'e BE.b TO/! oF STEEP ~OC.~ £.4.)-RL' ~ Ttf:RIV'.TI7'7011/ 4: R.O;-., ,B EbR.Oe~r;: J:RI:UiHSN7'S Te vEt;. 1- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1- ~ 1() t 1- 1- 1- i" !- :. ~ 0() flj :. i- :. !-ro.£ 1- ~ ~() I-lb. f.·; 1- !- 1--- 1- ~ ~ ~() ~-~ - - F> () ~3USITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 6 •• . I 8 t I 7o£ t:JP' srEEP II!.CCH WJ I • 7Jl. ANS. BGb~t:JCA: f ~.E' I F!IM f;ME.NTS 'TO tl-1. :sn ~.0 I <!O/JIJLE B . • • l I II OF llGCI< Ct.II::J:" \ f. •· '" . I :. I \ l l a' • ~ .. , r 1 '/ ·--.~. '-.• ~ ~'....,. ~ ... , ,, ' I ,/ ' , ,, I '1':~ ;~ _..,./ ........... loio""" ""'--.:>.,.,. n ~Q t)o ()() oO : 'b'bt)() 0() . ,t:J ~ 01 ij Cb a I t~t I I i • I I t>', I I t I i I i ') ......... ~ t _f. • ' ' •• ~. -~ •••• i .• iltli -~ t I a i I I t I '> .......... o'O +OO 13+aa 846.8 85'3. 7$ . J\1/Bi'I/'//NG.S • "' .1 , #'fi# Pr t!J.V S:RNb f t!088c..I!F 6~~ TOE Cit" STiaE/i' R.oC~ ~.AJRI..I...,. ~~o 77l!RNSr;7cN' J:'R.0/'4 i3£bK.~C.k Fle.At:; ""tENTS 71:) VJ:'t:;. t-o ~ ' I-· .. 1- t 10 ~-~ 1- ~ 1- 1- 1- ~ ~0 i-(l) !- i- !- !- !- .: 0 ;fb'J !- ~ !-.., !- 1-· !- ~ ~0 !-tO !- " ~ -.. 0 : tJf!)oo ~. ~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 67 ~ • I . I 7':/t/lNSiTION t B ~O.t:L!AJ aEb~e"' i ! .. .ro vEt;. I I I ~1! oF ltoe, to CU.c"# I I I • ; I ' \ I I I -I ........ -. ' -'· I . . -~ .. J ... " .. / v~ . . .......... -r .,,. ~ .. .. . .J. . . . .. .I • -~ . --··-·· . I , ' I . \ \ I I .... .,. .. -' ................ ----......_ ...._. __ .... .,. ...... ___ ... ________ (j tlc:, oo oO ' atl ofl 0 I . ~() () ' tz; ! ~ . --, ••••••••• ~ ........ ~ ......... '). I I I I t I ·t I' . ':-.. · .... ,. \~ . &'ttil"tttt ~ ........ ~Rx-"7 EL.£'1'. /o·t-oo 8'18.10 8S3.47 l: -r d . "' " ~ 1- i" = 1() Cb. 1- 1- fo 1- 1- 1- ~ Q\) ~<>'0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS~SECTION Number 6 8 t ! I . t ., l I I l . I 5 ! IIE4..,"n) I I 18£bRol!K I • ' I : ~ l>E!/1«. !'" '\ 1 r I " ' v...,u.,~ OCJ< WR4L. RT \ ~ ~Rq$ Lu lot I . fJNVOii :Sr;#JP~ "' i/ ~ ~ ' Ia \ I •, ~.~a t-t) \ I 1-\_ I 1-1 I ' 1-\ '!.~-~ .... -........ ·--' "' 1-' II' , "" ' I ~ ~0 \ I ro \. t· . \ l ' • I "' . I "'' ' . Ia \ l "' .. ~() . Qa ~,., aa~/ a -ao no oo ~-q, ~:f~ ,.,o ') () \ ~' /~ «?1 ~ 'J ~--.~I I I It I ·~······i~~ ····~· '). t I I I I _l j__ _l .,.. I I I I e a I & \i ........ I)' f • I 11 I I I I , S7'1J1'".1orl' /o.;.oo Bt.J. 7o BSI. f#9 . /IIJFJ tJ N/ II G s ' 1'\. , TOE OF 3TEEP RoCt< W~Lt..,. TR:R/\1$' T70N: V'Eq 1"1:) i3ROir:.EN 8G6ROCI< To£ oF J'COC.t< WA LJ.. d..T 4EVu. CRN Ydi't/ ~rAFF <JFIC#£ .. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS_,_SECTION Number 1 21 UP. X-IZI STATION ELEvA-rtoN t:) I! ..S t:. P. I~ II oN = 10 J()() IZI?-J4 To£ ()~ (Jklrr ]Dp Or 1<--£ L.t$, I / /0-1&-(, li.Ofo( I eH..J}NNe.l-a~ m M /l1.3/ /l.OitJ, 0 eiiANN£L BtJ7/lJf.-/ /Zt 76 /2/0,Z. eHANNEL 8o77DM /3-IZZ. llll. I tiiiJIJN£L Bo1fl11 /3+5/ !214.3 R. Toe. tJr RtPc,IE- · /ZZ~~ 75' · · s;B '' /f£8/J~ . J ll B.. 131-Sf tu/ IJL eAf_ SUSITt~A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT. CROSS-SECTION Number 1 2 0 ... -·-: I o ! I •• ••T_.._, --a-rT-*' ._4--.!loli•--•_,.--1010_.,.IIIWII..,..._•..__.,. I I I I ~ I ----~' -~::>":-----~--f~~~/~1.--.. ···-·---~-----'-··-···-· ... , . "' a ~ -, i I · ,\ i -( I ' I t ) • -t-·---.. --\----.. --1-·-----.............. -... ! ....... ______ . \ s I I \ I I I J \ J - \ : . • , ) I ------·----"\;:._._ ... ~----"T---·---·-··f ..... --------·.-·-.. ·--··-•"'""' I Q J 0 )~~' IIA-IIh~ STATtON t::J.E..SC.~IPTto N 3-t!JO /JJO.o /0-150 l.Z81~BZ 6/8 II /? t8!}~ .bJ/ /JL. (!,~p ;~ /.,8, {, 1/~t.s-• 127/, 8' -eJJANN&L 8,7R>M ~~~IS" IZ7/, B tH-ANIIc/.. 8o11DH l~t/t,k /l{,~ 1-{!,If liNN£/.. &1/l)l'/ /3-rj$ lt~,.s e,t/ANI'J£L /3o717JM lftiZ. IZ70,6 · · CJ/4/VNeb. $o1/Dif !Sr/,Z Jl71~J 'II. '• t.IIAIJN£L Bo11D'1 ;> " /1.-105" 1;80, fo loe. DF lf. Bt~AIX ,,+/' /Z.BJf 2. SNLD. ~r If, BANK /6,t30 I~.JO,C;) S'4J 11 /?GSAt f.tJ I J;J... tAP) /?. P, iz-~so 1300;00 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 11 9 ~~-.. ------,~--~----~----~------~----~--~ ur<x-JJ9 : STATION SI.5:J ,t-8!} 7., .If/ 8 .J lb ~~~tJs /5-13$ 20+00 zo <~II 16<~2, 21-1 If 2J+S8 23i-l1- 21-f/8 2S +15'. 251~, J.St50 2S+87 EL~VAIIGN 1343,C. 19.31-,Z. 133?# .f J338#4i?. !3.38113S 1310,82. /J?-0, ~s- 19381 ft; 133?-,1- 1315;' 13Z4.,5 ;JZ7,S /3Zt,,S 13/.],.J 1331-,.J 13~/.0 13~7./f rtJE. II= SJ..oP£ I CJ£Ns& 8/tiJ$11 /VJU.IJoW 8.£4/,N.J G,~S. 1 M£AJ)o{,c) 6/.0.5 ~~S, C?f s;. ~.s. J P£.Ns£ .5PNvc.e.. .. ~ '' li'£41JR, w/ /Jt-. &p · J L"B, ... SilL~ TolE. &1AJJ/V£L-£mH eHANJV£L &m>k eJIANtJa s()~H 6JJJ»N&t-&7J7JH CHIINJJ£1,. &1/Dh R. roe R, Sus -~1/U>, stS 11 ./f.rlttl. r»/ /JL. ~P SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 8 UT<x-liS D A..,. E. oF su ~v~ Y : ·/11JI!{;I-/ ll 1 lJB/ STAT/ON 1/r 00 II 1-1b 11+3e /Z-102 IZ+:J/ ..... s !++O· IS+S4 /It>? 22. lh +35 17+35 17-r 18 17+.:1/. J:J+Z3 l/J+/,1-r · ELEVA/ION 13t,7,4S 1.350,35 1350,30 135()1 7 ;3111'/3, I 1335,' J33.;f;2 J831r I) (. 133Z,O . 1337,2 /342.8 1.31-7,3 1.31-h,1- J3++.S 1341.1 !:54o,:J 13.· A.? ~~ .T/..,- : /ce. at: &096. 1 L, B. d,JeDIJN/) SHoT ~-II o~IPAIJ /AJ e lA L 8 P 11 &vn'\ fN · n ~,.. Ar ) , ·• L* SJILD, /?, 7D~ t:JF MAIN' ~JI9NIV~/..) L# h£ l.sJ.AAJP ). ' S#J.D. IJ)F I.St./JNO UP. X .,. J /8 (~;11~-t.) 0 A 1 E oF-su~vgy :/1/JRCJ/ If; 1~8/ STAll' ON ELEVA I ION t:J E.J .e .R t P If o N ;.J-~81P 1~4~,3 R, Toe. I.!J -~~o /31-J~ {p 1/, ~Ill./). ZD+OO /3,:)0,3/ o/s 11 l!eBIIR GJ/AL. C!AP J "~ Zl+l~ J3StJ, 1-7 ~.S, 22-J.33 1345:67 (;;. S, Z3r87 /341-,:17 q,5, 21-tt/5 /.31:7, :J7 . ' <;, .:S~ 13'1-7. 77 ' . \ or ~t>&,£ J li:B, Z7-~-07 . "J{j£ D SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 11 7 Gl 1R X-117 I . ·~~-------==~~~--------,---------~===================-- 3+/0 .:..f + 8Z 8'~ 7.;1 J7?1I>() Zo+1fo 21 -1.3?- ZR.fB!J 23+80 25~7+ 2ht45 2'+58 !385,1?0 1.378, (){) 1$71~ St 137Z,l' 1374,35 137!J, 4 1370, D /3b/,8 1358,7 J$1,5;!} . /3b/," /3S7, 6 131?(,,3 1.383, 8/ ~~~. J SeATT$Jf&> C:SP~ ~8 11 f/£MR IAI/ ,4L. t.~~ ~ L., B, . · .:fHtJui.DU /.., 8, '"'· 7D£ L., 8, - 16e or R, #JUsto£ ) ro,-~ 1~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTIOf\J Number 1 1 6 ~-·--~~~,----~·-----~---------· ~i---·--~··--.. ·r-----~~ ' .. .. , .... ---··----~', ---'"" ,. .. ._.. "~-,-.._.,..------~·-·n--~ ....,...._,.I...,!.. --~••• --""'"*"P------4 • • • .... , I ' f '.. I ~, : : .. ,_.,._.~·· ~ -...:--·-·--·-"'""''" ~·-.... -~J ,)iol•_....._.. " .... ,-...... ....,...__""" ... _ '.... : l ~, l I -. .____ . i I -. ·-·----------~:!-.::::::-:\--··· -t· .. -· 'i" .. ---+-·--·-· ·-··-· . \ . l I I .. __,..._ ... ~·r~ ' ' \ J STATION fiJ.;fJO zz f/Z. 1Z.J30 2Z+/;' Z3+ZZ tS'~tJ8 25tSb 2~+{)tJ lt,+-{~ 27;;./t;f l74 7S" 0 ELEVA'TioN 14/fJ,O /400,0 /38/,CJ !380~81 138/. I /877.8 137t,, 0 13hf. 7 1.3hZ.Z /3ltl7 l3,Z5 /37,,8 /389#24 . (JrJ?tJUNP Silo/ % 11 li'EI.I~ W/ /IL. t!9P I L. B. Sill/), DF L. B • ' # . · · Eot,t. oF 5/JAk£ Jl.ct,A71J77~N "• Ctl!911AI£L 8tJ7Jl)/1 ei/IJNN£L 8o77DH eii/JNN£l Bo7il111 t.JJAN#£1-&17t!}/ , If, Tot! ~;;:: fbt..J.StP£ SUSITNA HYDROEL'ECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 11 5 - -1-.. 0 A I' e OF Sv~ve Y' : )\1;11(C)/ /0 I /.58} STATION El.tVAiiON /IJr{)() 14135" ~~~ /f.GBAI{ IIJ/ AIJJH. t!AI' J L.,B~ j(J -134 /385,3 L, 7;r; 0/V Ice /0 r70 138B. $ · C:.#ANN&l 8tJ1F~H II t-;2{) J388, 0 {l,JIANN&J. BomM 1/-t~$ !38~t-. t.I/ANIV&l BoiT411 IZ+/7 J38J, I -t#4NN&t s,rr.,/1 /.3t/& 1385:1 ·tJIANN£t Bo11o11 ' /1rh5 J387.Z . '(]JIANN£L &110H //, +03 !39~'/,7 ~ t ~ '8 1 8£8AA~ ~~ /JWJ1. t!A~ I fl ~ 201-()3 /3!7.!7, z t;*5' 2S+40 !1-11,.87 (J. $. Z7+87 /13Z. 3/ t; Jf'DuN 1.) ,j~f'JT SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SE(~TION Number 1 1 4 ' \ I ~c,O I l I t-·--··r-----f-.,.-----f-..... --~~---+~---....... -~·~ ----·-·----··-~ \ I I Jo I J l UP.x-1/f- fJ AT E. 0 F SV~V£ Y : f11Jttl/ .!J1 /()8/ STAT/ ON ELEVA710N t:JE..sc. ~»PliO N /0 +00 /OrZZ /Ot38 /Of 71- J/tZ/u II +33. )5 +DZ. 15-rf? /It> +SZ 17 + +8 /~+ 07 ~l.J.OZ. JJ.;.o? I /4/.J,O(p /411, 7 11-/tJ ,:J /1-l()lj 141;; I /1-/1-, I 11JS:28 /4/3, 8 lf0'/-,4 /fOB,S J10fo,5 J4o!J, e lfJ/,S lf/1./ !1/f. 83 I /414.3 If//, 1-• ' . . \ If! SHLD, ~F /;r.sr /sl..4NC>1 L,8 dr 2KP 61,/NAIC.L J..,. Toe. -;'~D 6JIJNN£L L. SHLO. -ZND ht.ANP -5,te 11 li~Ae w; IJLvH. IJ-4~ ; 1./~x -!H 11.1. (I P. X-I If {t'At?t,) 0 A IE OF SCiitV£Y HFJI(CJ-1 ~, )r38/ = - STATION ELEVA710N t:JE..SG/fl.f~I/Of\1 2/+..Sl Zlt~B 28 .J.I).f. 28t08 Z8t3J 3CJ~8t, 32 -r40 33., 43 33r13 35 t 41- 1-Zt78 1-3+35 11//, 7 lfl~, B . 1417.8 .J4/3,8 1413,4 !4-6?,5 /404,.3 11/1,7 14-IJ,S. I 1-18,8 J1-IS: fo 11-/Z,O 14 /Z,{:; J4/1,f !13/,17 If, S/lt..P, ~~ SHAlL &ANN£t eN' 2ND lsi..4NP ~ SiJLp ()!= ZNf) ~LAN/.) 1 Li ~IIJ.D oF-f!AtN t'niPPI!. . t • ·.~ /f. 7i>e. IJr .MAIN 6-JIIJIIIAifL 1 L, JO.e or 3eo lsMAIP L, S#LI), -3~&> !.JI../INO erl(. tf.J, -cilff) /.:sLANO R. <5JJt..O, • 3~r; htAND ; L, ft'-R .. -1-rd 6JAH4'- SLJSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT . - CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 3 ! 1 r 1 __ .. _ ............. _ -/-... "P.....,_.,.--.. -. f I I i ,~/" ~-~~~~--+--~--~-- 1 ~ .... { I ~, / 1 • ~ j • do/ l ..--.~____._.. ---.. --+--_,/" :'" I ---.. {---.--+-----• ~~ r /" I. ,, ·-1· .. ---11-··-·--·-·1--!----t-·-·-.J..-.-- 1 ) I 1 I ·-~.~.J; _ __,It---"---·+------~-····~-· -t ·---~ 1· ~o I 0o a ~ URX-//3 \ 0 A I E. OF SU~V£V : }1,9RC.I.J ~ /.:78/ STAT/ON E;.;!:vA 71 oN /0-100 1118 I 0 lac ~r V#..f17t.4l tLJF~ L,B, ) kl' OF ID f 1/ 111/,3 e,;/AIIN'EL BDTT()ft1 !0 f1J. Jfi)J~o f!_IIIJI{HEL 8"170!1 /2.J 1.J /407,3 6/ANIVE~ Bamrl . /4r<f.{p lf/~8 tiiANN£L . Bd7/1)Pf /1-+(,1 !1-/.J, :J 7De. ()r /1,8, l4 1 7! ;41.13 , SJIL[), or-;?,8: 11-tYZ. I?E,~ ····~' I?EaJJe w; 1/LoH. t!.1J# )f1,8, Icc SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 2 r----.-\...,_..--~---r---.----,------.........-..,.... -........ ~0 \1 // ~ ll I / ~----~,:·r-·----r-----.---~ ............. J·---~-fl·---·~·--;"1-·-----·· ~~~· l I ~. I i , I #~ II r /' ~ ' *"'" l l' ,~ J ,..,. . 1 \ ~; ,,, I / ·-''--:::-:1.L'~~--~--··J----~-----·-----· ... ---··--·...--· ... --.-~ .... CII<X-//c STATION ELEVA/ION /Or60 /0 + IZ. Jl .;oz I~+ 4-/ 1431-.8 /3 f4Z. 14-., Zl 111/.8 /1-153,5' 1413,63 t:JE.SG~.tPifON JJ.Il.{) ~F tf,·~ ) rJ'HAt.t.. ro JI£P. -5PRIJC.C. ~8 If fl E8Af w I /)l..VJ1. &P SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION t~umber 1 1 1 1 I ' \ .____,...~ -~ --..,.r-·--T-r -l-· · i»o \ ~ \ --r--.f~----~---------------+---·-----·---.------i---t , I t I \ ··I . j i -----1---+-----r--~-~-·t-_J _L-1:_ \ I l I \ I I I . I I I . l • /., . ---~· _ _. _____ --~ ... -.. -j_..,.-~ ____ ,__. , ......... ____ _ ~~ I /~ , ' # ' I \ . I \ I I ,, -~----~ I l l j '~0~ •• •·• 1.• I ~~0.0 ••• , , J~~~t)u, 1 1 .J Ut<x-1// STATION /lf03 /ltS3 IS"tll J5r4/ /t;;t (," ELt=vAito.N 118/, 71-- l.fa.¢-f 06 J1-13,Sb 1'1-30, 84 11-3/. ~+ !138~/Jif !#Z,70 /41/f,JO Jf8/,.J(:; t:J ESc II. I P1.1o N SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT· CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 0 i t r f t --··--· .. 1----!-t-----·-·----i ~ t I' I ' I I roo • j ' I ! I . t f f f I } ! ~ · . ' f . 1 ,I ~ I \ . . i{ ~-I 1 ~ \ ~ S 'l I ~ ' I \.l I \ f • ~ ! ;'' '\ ! l \. i \ri ' ~~~ 0.1 I L~ • k~~QI I I I Llt~Q~L Ll I I Ji~~\)1 I I l 000 UI<X-//0 STATION JCJ -rOO /Of~O 1Zt38 13+:J/ /7.;. 75 21+:7$ 2R-ree 23188 Z'frOf ELEvA-rloN i.f-57.18 1~35.8 /1-18,43 1447.1- !438,Z.. 1135,7 . 141-Z,S ;45f,>~I)Z..,. w I AJ..OJ1 t!./;P ) L, B: ' To£ 6N &~11r Sit>!! L, ~IIJ.I) DF ~!No· fjtAKP twr£t! br i'NP /st.ANIJ 1 % 11 ft.c61ie.. wj f}LlJH. t~P SIIW. I 19. 8, ) ~ Nt> I Jt.AJVJ) C.HIJNN£L.. Bo71~/1 ef/ IJNNIJL BoT/?JI1 T~E J ~8, f 5 1a 11 R~jjAA. w; A/JJH eAP , R,e: SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 09 C/RX-/0:} 0 AT E. OF Sc.n~vgy : /1/J/?CI/ 71 /.:J8/ STATION ELEVA71CN t:JE.sc.~'f4TION "'"'8'' RL~IJI( ~ /0-tOO /455",..J(p IN/ AtiJH, eAP) L, 8, /0+83 J4f/, 8 C!I!INNcL 8o7JOJ1 J3o~37 !138.1 CJJANN£t-· BolTD/1 /47 7~ 1137,3 ti.JIJNNeL 8o7f()fi jt, f()3 11-38,3 CueNN£t. 8DJTOM /{,t,:f;} /41Z7 e.Jit9tVN£L. 8eil1lJ/'f ''-;ez.s Jf(,(;, '3 . ·"'4 II R£BAI( w I At/JH t!AJPI ToP ~F eL)rP, /1,& . ' SUSITNR H\(DROELECTRIC PROJECT \ 208 r • • • I • • \ . . . . : . I f I * t I I 'l> l I t I o I ' t t f I I t: I t\. f t I t t I t t~ I 'I I I • t I ~":. l: . : ' ! 'J '-' l I' • I • i • 'IJ I I I t I I ···~-·········· , .......... ~-·-··4·~---···--···········r···········--~----~----~·-········--·,········--········~ --·~·······~······ I I I I I la l I " I I I 1 ' ·: i : ! ! , .. l I 1 t J • • t • • 1 I 1 t f 1 . : . : . : . ,. ·. . . ' ·( <l> ~ : ~. ! ~~ \~.... ~ : : : : :1 < -------------·--K···---........ --.--~----.. -----·--......... ---.. -----.-------r------------------;~--------------~-11 .. ----------------·· : : . : i : t "-I l t : . : '· .; l : i, \ : : I <b ! . ' ! ~0 : .. : : .... ' • I I • • I • '# • \ : I : ' I : ••••••••••••••·-~--•••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••·-~------••a•G•------~·-•••••••••••••·--~----·-•••••••••t••1••••-•-•••••••••••• ,. I I t I f I I • 1 • . . . .. t \ I I : . : : ' I I o I o • • • ~ : : : • • l t-fJ : \ : : I \ : t : 1 ! I f -··-··-····,·---J-~-·---~~----·----~·-·----------------~----~-----·-·-··--~---·---------·----J---------··--··~--~----~--~·--------·-' -. I I I 1 • • "' I • • f I I . ' ' .. . . I t I t J I 1 I I I l » 1 • • t • l : " : : : : J# .: I .... f I I !---I i flrb ~ ~. --q;.---...-. l---~it>---i··. ~.o ... ___... i .-lb ~ : ~v : .,_<1/" ! t'•V :, h. I.})· : .. ~ : I 'vl{.) I ' )' I It_ c-~J I It_~"'!: I 1 t I I r I 1 r , I ,._. r 1 ,"' , I ., I :: STATION /0-iOO /01~5 Ja +42 /0 -t9/ Jf+ZI J4-r71- /41.J/o ELEVAIION 145'/,.J 14-1-~2 ;#3,Z. /4'15.3 l1S~b ;47Z2/ JO£ ~ /btL . , (f) N /t:,£. tJIAII/J£L Bo71dl1 SUS I T~-~R H'(DROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 108 l : ~ .!~ • • '1- • I l \ I • • I I I I I l : : : : <l> l I I t • I .. 0 : ·. ! : : ! : : \ yr, > \ I ! • I I l I J J I II f ' t • 1 t ' •••••••••-••••••,•••••••-•••••• •••~••a•••-••••••••••••r•a•••--••••••••••••·-~•••••••••••••••\•••~•·••"~•••••~··~-•••••••• ·~•--•••• • t I t I t • • • • • • • I ' I J 1 I I I \ : I : I ! t I I • l I ~ 1 :. I I I t • ' t • • • I t : t ! t /J0 I '\l i I ~ i l ...._ \ 1 t J 1 ...... ' : : . '"' ! .... • 1 • ' y 1 t . 1 .• 1 I 1 ------------~---~------------------J-·-----~-----------~---~------------~-\---~--~-------·····---------------·-~J.~----···-··-~----·-• t· t t ' I I \ I t I t : . : : : } I l 'I, f 1 1 1 t I • t •. .. I I I I t I \ 1 l I I I t I t "... I I 0 . . . • I l r ...... · • . " k'U : I : I \ 1 I' 1 I I It 'I t : t : I : l --···--··-------··----------··-·---~-----····~-----··-~·--··----·-····---~-----·····-----~--~-------····--·----~·····1 ··----~·----: • • • : t . ' . \ ,, J l • I ) I ~ \ ~ ~ I : : : ~, . ~/b l \ : : /': ~) : : :-: \_' I I t I f I t "'I t I .. I I I ' l ----------------1---------.. · ·-----..... ·-----·-·--:;:~ -·-r ----------------·-r··----------------1·-------;··----· ·1· ·---· --------·----- • '-. I t • I : ~-: : J-: . . ~-. : . : : . ----+-: / : I I .-~VI fl> I . . .,.--.-. . . I 1 • fl.~ I : 1 : r....:v • I I t'\:;.(" t O fl. X-/08 . I STATION £L~VA7'1oN /0-100 147~, oro sA u '8 R.esiJI{ wj AJ.IJM fJAP; L,B. .SJ/J,D, /0 -!-/{, /4/,8. 0 Sus. $JILO. (;N 1., B, /Ot$2 /1-.Y/, .3 e,;ti9NN£L Bo7i~'1 /0.,. B:J 1447.5" eJIIJNA!tl Bc7TOJ1 //t-33 /1-45.7 C./JANIVI!L 8oJTdl1 /1t ?S 1~13,1-CIIAN.N£L 8olm11 I.J<~Z/ 14-¢.1;2 eiiANN£L 8oJt&H /.3-Ji,S 11-S/.4 . C#ANN£1,. 8o7!6N /4-J30 145XS /o~ or e~.,rr /f".5~ /188#J3 % II /f£8/JJr w I ,4/..0J1. C!AP ) R.B. ToP or ~u~;: SUSIT~JR HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CRC>SS-SECTIC)N Number-207 ' f I t • • i l j It • J '(I I I 0 : I \ll:_ t t ' : I t 1 ' : : ! ! : : ••••••••••••••• ,--·············-·-~···••••••••••••••••r••••·······~······~·-···•••4••••••··-,-~·········••••••·~·-····-~··-··~··••• • : 1 • .; . . : : I l~ ! ~ l I t! I • # ~ : : ,. ~: : : I t ' . ~ : : : : : ... -~--------------~------------------J-----·-------···---~--------------~-·-'·-·····----·····--·--------------···-J~-~·--······-······ \ : : : !'!' I I t t t, : ! : : ..: J ' t I I I I I • • ' • I I I I I I I 1 \ I l . . . ' A : : . : : : I : ('"-.lv I I I t -.I I I ~-'!J' I t I I I I .lr'\ t ' I I • I } t \. < 1 I t I t I v J l. : ' : • : ·······-········•······-~---·······~·-·~·-·············~·-········-·······r··············-~--~··················~---~·······~······-• \ I 'I t l I • : . : ' : ,. . I ' • '· • I I I .a· t t J 'i I • ' • • ! l • ! : = : : : I I t : I : : : : :/ : 0 I f I ... I t.~ ! \ . 1 : / .. --, , i ! \~ I I I • • , I I I I I I • ' 1 I I I " ;;r" • t ••••••-···~·••••)•••••••••••~•••••·~--~~·-~·•••••••••••~•••••••••••••••• -~··•••••••-•••••W••~•·•••••••••••••-·•~··••••••••••••••••• I I I I t I .. I t 'I f I t t t \ 1 I .tl I I t t I I /j I I I I I I t I t I I t l I I 1 I I t I I t t t _. I I 1 : '\' I .:..--_. I : I t .__,_ ._.--., • t : i I • :, ~ ·---• 1 • : • •• • • • I t ¢ t I I I I I '; '1 I I I J l , I I I I . I '~ I . I. • !.-.l...l..,.l.-l-\.-li......I....L-.I...,.L. .... _,....JL.-"-"-...... ..1..." L I ~ t 0 A IE OF Su~v.e:Y : /1/Jif!GH ,,J:JB/ STATION /0 f()() 10 +50 /3t1Z 191/JZ /ff3J 14~ 73 }ft-85 ELEvA liON /~(p!J.$3 1958,+ 1441-,7 /41-3,, l45Z, 7 /453;3 !455;, /4/t,O, 8 ;lt-6, 7 11-7/.51 . 10/t t~P &,rp t 'TtJ£ eN /e£ j}IL~ ()P i£1>9£ -Si'o'' R'allf.. w/,lit.. t!AfJ <e 6.8cw 1 A'. it SUSIT~~R HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT (:ROSS-SECTION Number· 107 I I I I I • I t f : I : • " : J" • \: : ·': : ~ . . : : <l> : '! : t&-:;r:¢ t : ' . : : '\ :~ : : : : : \t t I • I l t ~--············-~··· ··-··-···----~---·····-------·-··r····-············~~------·····-·····~,---···············--·········-~·-····· \ I t • I l I • I I •• • /)<l> 1 \ 1 I ! t,_\ I \ I ! 1 I 1 \ ., t I I I t • I I I 1 t I' • • t.. , ···----·-··-----·-··-··-------~--------·----···------·-~·-~---------~-----\-·---------~----1··········-········-J--···--------···---• • • I \ .: t t I t J t l 1 I f I I I I I 4 : : ~... : : : I 1 I • I I . . . , ; \i . ~ : : <l> I I 1 I I I t I I t 0 I l i t t I I t ~ . . . t t I 1 I l t I '-< J t I 't I tl ~ : ~ :. 1 : • ••••••••••••~•-•~•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••---~~••••~•••••o•••,•••••• c•••··~•••••••••••••~••-•••••••••-•••••• t t I -' t f : l I : I : • I : ._ I : j I : I t \ I J I I . : : : : : :.. : : : : : I I I t t I • I I I t t 0 ! I ! I i: t &..' : : \ : : : : t,:"J I I I t I J \ ...... I I t i I I f ~ t .: 1 I " : I I : ···-·········---~·-····-·-·-··-···-~·-·······r····--··-~-·-··············-~--················~-·~·-···~·····*····~··········-~·-····· I • '-• • I . I I t ---.... t /II 1 • 1 I ' '-I I ~ I t : f ~ • : 'J I • I '-I itt I t I : t '-: ,I I : i I I .,...._ •• -=:a-.. •--.._.~ 1 -t . . . ' , f • ' J • I • I I I : ! : : ·: " • t • • : I : : t I URX-/0 7 OA'TE. OF Su~ve.V STATION El.EvAitoN ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 -r 00 ;o T-SO /DrSJ !/"'/' 1/tSh /2t1/ /Jf8t.. 1.3+88 1.3t"3 11 t-0(:, ;526;0 1~8Z. 7 11-76~8 14,7,5 !15f.S /118,7 !415.5" 11fb, b 14/oO,j /1-83.2. 11-:71./5 ' 1'1"-o/'1. e11P /(:;£ Cr' h'IJ..i.. Le;--r 84HI)' :51/J..J). CI/AI(IVC2 8o7J7>11 C!I4NNEL Bo711}11 · .e/1/1/{/af&t.. 8tJ7TaH .. CHANN£L Bo7T~I1 Toe or f3t.,rr .'5/1.!/). Or eur:F I R. g, ~II fi'£1J;9lf tJj I}Lu)1·. 6:JfJ H\(DROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number .106 • • • • t ·: t I '~ . . • • • • • • J '0-• ,., • • t.~ : i : ! : ~ ,. : \,...... j' I t I 1 t ~ : : : : ! : -······-······· ~-······-··········~---·········-······r······---~······-·•·~··-~~--···-~·---,··--·····~··•·····~-·-······-·····•••• •• : l : • • : I l I t l I 1 ·: : ; : ; I t I I t • • t ' • t I I I • • • "-! -t ! 1.1> ·t· ~ :1 ) ... , . ' . . . . '\~ t. ! i : : : • : .... -··· .. ---.----·l·-·········· ------:-.-----.. --...... ···r .. --------~--. ----:·-------.--.----·--1-------i' .... -.---:------... --------··-- • • • t I 1 1 .; ' : f ! : =· : I :-\ • ! • • • ' t • f A • • • • • I I _'{.1 • : • ! • ' ! t'.-. I"' • 1 J. ~ 1 ~-v • ~ I I ' ' / • '\ K • ' ' ... • • ' I\ l l • f ' I I a ' -' " • ' ' t ······-~---·····~~-· ·•v··········-~-------~··········-~·········~····-···r·········~~-DG···-~---,-·-··········-~··················· ~ I t II 1 l li • ' • J • ' t • ' I I I • I . • I I t I J I \ t t i I ~ : : : : : : .J I I t I I I l I I ~<l> .. \ : : , .. "-...... : , , .............. -w ~J : :/ ~ : / '-' • ; " ----:. ..~ t """'# I t I t I C • J' l f -~••••••-•••••••J••••••••••••••••••~•s••~••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••~•••••••J•~••••c••~•••~~--·~··••j•••~••••••~••-: '. '! • : 1 I \.. ! / l f f t • ~ __.,. J ' • ' : -•• ' ~ - . : ! ! : I I 1 f I .\ I : : : : : ~ t-t 1 fi I • I • I ' 1 I • I I t • f I I I f't, 1 f/} I lJ'.. • I : l tt:v : tl<• I (},~ ! : I {>'V i f'J...~~ ~ ~'V f . • ~v • ,~ • ~ • L...L....\....t.-L...L-.l..-'-..l.....l.....L...I....L...I....Ii.-\...L-L-L....I..-'--'--'--'-~!--L.. .. :~ ~ r , I .. · , 1 • , , ,1 l J CJP.X-10~ STATION ELEvA-rtoN /t1 + oS' Itt + 'T I II t-7.3 13 f-'~ llf + 36 I~~?. 3 SUS.ITf\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 05 -r ·-· _.....,...~,--~ -· r---·----r--.,.._--..... ~ \ -,. I I ~0 \ i : ~---r··~ -----"1-_______ ll--t---1- . t \\ 1 • ' { l . • l .. l . \ 1 \ ~~ --4--\\---.. -_________ L_t----------1------1---~ ll· ! \ .tl'tJ' i ' }. I . ' ,.. 't ' \.J .... ..;,.~~ t.' .. \ ,1~ J ~roo I I · l \ l j .... __ ..,__, __ .,,_..,f I :0: • ,-1!1',..... .... __ -· ~-·-·••·t~·~·-\·--~-t•·---... -· ..... ~-·~•""•----~~ ••·-- 11• \ I ,--~--/ I -,, /.l I o0 ''!>. tS rJ) ~ ~ 1 ~ UT<x-tt>r STATION ELEvA 'liON --~----------------------------------, .... /0 +DO ./0 + 6't II +77 . ·. /418?. 3 I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 04 fJP. X-to .cr I" 81 STATION EI..EVAIION J:) E .St:.ll. J P II() N /~711. (I /3 + .3~ 19G?. I ·¥,~.18 SUSfTNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 03 UP.X-/c3 STATION ELEV-"\710N To£ OF' N/i!LS,oe I EAP.~ o~ , .SH~C. G.S. /0 + 33 II + :lo 13 + ~7 /7 t 't8 :Zo + 811 " :1.¥ +to SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT URX-/C:l DATE.. OF Suf.l.VE.Y STATION ELEVP\I'ION /0 -1 00 IS"":Z £1.3 g to +-a.r 1~"1· 7 I :I.. .,. '17 /..ro~~ C. C:: #A /V/V'E~ BD;ro......,.,_ '· 13 .., 31 IS"' I:<. 3 T()E ·op 7GI'f~Ace" ., 13 + S( IS':<~.' To;o OF TE;?/(,4 c E ,; . /'; + 0, /c-33. ~ 8~EAk SP. 131~. VEt$'. .. /I$ + 32 I S">31. ' '7~E :ll +o? ~ I + 3#-f Ull.x-'"' DATE OF Sut<vc:Y 'f) 17111 STATION ELEVA II ON I<> + 1'-r 1&""21. 8 J() ,. S'3 FO + ~3 1s-11. I /J) 0 7. , I'T + D¥ 1¥+ ~I IS"+ o I IS""/9. tt 17 + ,~ /N + o"? l II t-l.f-1 IS" II 2 IS2' ·ll«'f At..v/11"\. cAr'.~ A'.s. r-24/m1 APPENDIX C PLOTS AND SUMMARJZED FIELD NOTES FOR PARTIAL CROSS-SECTIONS BELOW TALKEETNA Appendix C Purpose Under Subtask 2c 161 this cross-section data will be incorporated in a study assessing the effects of controlled river discharges on commercial and recreational navigation on the Susitna River. Site Selection General· locations were determined through consultation between Woody Trihey (Consultant t<) Acres), Paul Janke (ADNR) and Steve Bredthauer {R&M). The study required cross-sections and water surface elevation·s of heavily used access channels leading to the main channel of the Susitna. The principal areas that afford direct access are Talkeetna via the Talkeetna River, Kashwitna Creek via Susitna Landing and at WH low via WHiow Creek. Indirect access to the Sus!tna River is available at Alexander Creek where hunting and fishing lodges have boats available for charter. Specific locations were determined by field inspection of sites that could become critical to navigation at low discharges. Procedure The survey procedures for these cross-sections are the same as outlined in Section 3.2.2 of this report with· several exceptions .. No provisions were made to use this data :or the HEC-2 model since these cross-sections are not tied to .any vertical datum. Approximate elevatiorts for compairison were estimated from U.S.G.S. topographic contours, and referenced to T .B .. M.1s. These are all spikes set in mature tr·ees and should be recoverable for correlation with future studies. · Staff gauges were installed in the havigable channels on the cross-section and arrangtnents were made through. local residents and ADF&G personnel to monitor and report readings on a weekly basis. With this information a critical discharge for channels leading to access areas can be determined. r24/m · - 1 ... I ·' ..:: ~.. .. .. .. --.. ... L .; ;. ... ~ ~ ~~ .. ~ ·. "' .... :~ ~ ~~ . .. .. , ~·' ' PAR71AL L II.~- '•' :: . •1: <;; . :1-..... it ..e.: ~ + ... . ' CRoSS-SECTION . .. 1 .. kA 1 • •' . ·- ·- . ~ -, .. r •' , .... , ..~ .. .. . . , ... ~· 1o . ' . . . . , . . ~ ---... '• .. tl L R..x-TI<A .OATS .STATION 00 + 00 II + 7C 18.,.. 81 ;z r. .,. .;o .:ZI +'II I ' ELEvA.71~N 3'12. 117 3~~. ro 33'l. :ZS"' 3 "'t>. ,I 3.3ct.oo .J3"1.8r .13 Cf • D$' 3¥2.~2. 3-j~.(i.O 3'11.S'"J 3'12~ ~· :JLJ~. "tr ,3.31/. ID J'JI. 93 31./i. ~~ 3'/:i.S'"I J "'· 1 r 3tt2 • ..,~ "3 ~ '· 3.4 :J'/3 .. 8( 3&-J. o. 8.0·· 34./2. ,..., 2 ~ .S: 9o :1 ~· r .. .:z" 1.13"""- .. 1J t1 IT""" oF 10 ll Y S t.t:JtJ 6H )6!0 t1.F IJA~J:~ Tt:nO ~;t: ..t'Lf/IP£ /D p 0 F ..r" 0 p E I L G,: 7 JJ A ....... k /1"' .1'1 fAr c N4A'A"$<(o J3 D IT• ,._ 0 F. , AI,., C:..H A N#"V/.: ~ .,1 T H 1/.1-fA;~.$ G Tb P o.,:: 1/ lG-fiT 6 ANk J .....,., A,.,...... <: NA,vA:;'(?"~ t ....,. . . . ... ~ . , • .. . ... .. . . . ·. ... ,.., •. ·-· . .. •. ::- .. · . ·PARTIAL ~ --~ .... · ":~~, .... ~ ... , ~~ /!" ., . •J • .,I: to· · .. !·--· i ' ·· . .. . . '· ,, .,, ... .. , ,:" .. 't . .. .. ~.~.,. C~oss-SEC. -,:voNS .• d ·I. 'ri' :.-··:AT .. /<ASII WITH!+ ¢1l. . . .. _.,.,. .. ·~ ~ . ,; " . . .. ..... . .. '· .· ~ ' .. -~·· ...... _ .. ·, . . \ :· ..... .. J . +-.. 61 : L P. X-I< TA l 0 A I E. OF Su~v.e:Y · SEPT. :13, l'tBI STATION ELE:vA-rtoN FT. CJ E.Sc.f< f P 'TIO N (ASSV""ED) /S'"O.oo SPIIrE. IN ~() ,, 131/'J t:.H 1-EF; l3ANk ~ /OfOO /~1. ~· V.£G. LINE AT l-EFT SAN I< IOi.lO /$"~. ?.2 {OJ!' OF ~'liSE II.,_ 2~ 11;119.2$ \..ovA TEA AT II t "I ll.f 6. 83 OEE!OEST PfJIN.., o,: c: H;:... ·"i-IY E L II + 73 1¥11. 3'+ \.oV' A. 'T E ,q StJ~FJftc:..E AT I< E. tA,r I :I. +-99 1$"0./~ . ToE 0~ fl2.,a. 12 t ?.3 IS" 2. 8o -roP OF /J. t3. # ALSC U£ a.-. LINt I fi"l.f. 2 't l.. Jl:( -kTA I LIJ.X-I<TA ~ 0 A IE. OF Su~v.e:Y : SEP7. 23, lffil STATION ELEvA710N t..lt')(-k"TJ!I~ L.,e. ,v;)l(.. IH Jfi-OE~ , /:LEV. Jtssv~ ED FAt>-. TNITIIfL. EJ,E,v If T t. ~ )("" -k7'14 I LO /0 + ~~ I ~o • 31 t"OP oF L.ErT 1314 All< /0 + ,, II.JIJ. 8$" "'-' A T E /fl. Suii2FJ!ft:..E AT 1.../#vv #' ~1\1# C./lA NNE1- to + 2.7 l"'l.f.ti>3 CHANJJEL So TTfi.A'\ ,, + 't3 l"'•fl,. ~..,. ~ A'TE/2. .SVP.PAc.E AT R 'E"" """""' Jl\o I AI'" c.HANIVGt. ~ 12. + 3o l'"ltJ. "'" \.N". ATE~ .SvliF;ttc.E AT LEJ.v , c...HAIVNEL Sll:JE 141 ;. 7 f) 1 \..ov' It IE J1t SV~F'I'ft!£ AT l'l E"'V, 41 Kl£ t:..HAIYNEL I'+~·Bl I ToP t1F Rlt;.-Hr AJANk IS"I·io 7'tf....,..,. L~X -k.IJ-4~ A.. 8. ., /VAIL-IN $""" 14 L.L. TlfEE THE MAJORITY' oF THE \.lv'AIEA AT THIS Cllo.r-..r -SEC.T/DN IS FI..OT.NJN G AGAINST THE LEFT BANK THE TH6 f~.SJIIVA /It'\ AIN CHA/<INEl.. E/tiCOUNTEAIAJ (;. /liE a-~iu.'e'-BAR AI IHE MICUOLE. OF THE c./loss-SEC.(/t:~N ANtJ 13E.JNG-Oc Pl. ec T£"' b INTo THE ~t) SloE CHJ\NNEt.S ; . .;._, .... ;. . ... , ... .. L !U1ll ;•J i I i -· .I j_ LR.X- 0 A-; IE OF SU~V£Y' STATION ELEvA lie-N Js-10. '18 L. ~X -/CTJ4 3 L • J3 • .J $ JfJ II< E I N ;t o '* 1!11 Fl. c. H tJ l'r.S E. I'J o N AN J4SS'r..tM EIO ,, EL.EVJ4.T't1.,.,. ItT L. ~X-I< TA ; LIS /0 +co l-eFT 814 N K L. E ,_,., II + 1¥ C.J.IANNEL. J a, + '+I AT I'? •• '77 I S"o. $'; TIJ.-.. '' :. /. ( i . . . .'~ * _,.t~.•" . .,._,... r-k ' ),;. • · ..• · ff!.·, •. ., .... ...... :;: ' .·' . I' J .. r, . \ ', • ·1 .. "-! ~ . ·r. ' ~ '• • ... • .. ... ' t. \ ·,: ' LRX-\;vl...C' STAT/ON /0 + 3 8 OF ELEvA'TION f:!~. 10 61,. 00 Qo • .::lo (Assv-E.t1) fJt>. Ot:J . . t)E.S•e!I<JP'TION I-EtAF ' ! ~ ---- ~ "" -.. .. L P. X-WL.O ~ STAT/ON /& 172 /0 + ,, Jo + tla 13 +11.3 l OF Stl~VE..Y ELEVATION (Ass~"" ED) ,~. Ot:J 8 '/. 6o ' :: ·t ... ,, .. ! ' I 1 •. l ., L R X -vv.c..tD 3 OATE. STATION £ l..E v A 7 I o N ' Ts~ 1... 4. SPikE IN IAEE /(J .,. 43 8/. 1,9 II 't '?o n + 73 II r ?'- II -f IJ :Z. J .z + 07 '~ .,. r"3,. IJ $'". S'".3 ,;... + ra ,PG. '' '" ..., c;. a C}o. tr RIGHT I!IANI: OF 13 + 87 86' • .36 TDP LEFT /3 +''f G'G. ~ r 1'1 T I~ /?S". 07 Oo 7 TeJ..- I 'I ..,. t,t, 8~-:1.8 IS' r o o ,o. '" ... . .. _ ~ -rop oF ?D· c.;o . . .. ·~ . . .. ~~ .. ~ ' . . ., ... ., ... , ... .,. . ~ ...... ." L 1< X-ALEX 0 A "T E. OF SU~V£Y STATION ELEvA'TION ' Ts~ fl.I.SE /OP OF ~IS'E. I~ -t '10 3'"/. ,8 TOP Dl= JQ,.sE ~~ t-ctr ~ct. or 8tj77"c""""' ~F I>A.v < CHAAI'.M'et., 17 t-"JS"" J () • .r' /(1,0 oP t.G ;.::r ~A"'~ /=O~ ,-a., 'll ........... e.NAA/..ve, 2 7·? Go LE"""' 18 .,.. "'0 ~ 3. , C) 8o-r7,""""' DP. •"""' A,,.,. c H...q ...VAo'£1. . ~ ?. ea ~ Ew• .2 J ... /0 J7. sr /tiP OF RJ G•J-/7 ~A.Nk ,:ot< .,..,., A l.;v CIIA. N'AI'E' 2a +'?e> 3 G. 6o /lli£14~ IN' 6-J~ItOI E .. .vr .t3 ~ 80c ~fl. ?o C.H A '*'"" I!U .. 80T7'~~ .:t3 +'S"" 3;t. 7f · ... "-to OP /flt.SE. a-;. G I L.£tN"' "-l.f r 3o 2.2. ;II .t= H Jlt..V,.,. ~ L IJ07tD#N\ .i ..,. 11 t> A. Et.~V 2.'1 + 70 3 I· I ct -ror> 0~ ~I.SE -'l7· tJ" I-E""" .:tG .,. .::l C) ~ '/. 3 3 c:RA,v..vEL fJ D 7 7 (1 """"'- .:t '7· ,, AE\.oV' .:t' + $'"(1 3 7. or TDP oF A.I~HI .«AAti"K J.8 + 7o Jo. a.s IJt> TTo,..,.... "F StolE St..DV t;.l-f 2,(1. I 0 L£""' 2«tf'1S' • t:~P SIDS. c. II A;v..,.,.,£ t.. J A/"tll' C:.t:I""""'T/;vVtJ V,S: /lf. ~ 0 IJDTTO........., 30 + O(Q ~"· ~ .3 8 AEAIC '""""' G !fAt:n.tA~-T L R. X-A-LEX STATION .3 I + /ltJ ). ELEvA"TION 37 . .3 I ( Jfssv,...,. Eo) ~o. oo