HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA1dI I I l I I I I I � I I : susitna . H.ydroelectnc SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS ' OCTOBER 1981 PREPARED BY I PREPI.RED FOR: .... CONSULTANTS, INC. !il __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ ___. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2 -SURVEYS & SITE FACILITIES HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS OCTOBER 1981 Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Prepared for: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone (716) 853-7525 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2 ·SURVEYS AND SITE FACILITIES HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 -INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Objectives 1.2. Report Contents 2 -SUMMARY 3 -SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 Background 3.2 Field Method 3. 2. 1 Control Network 3.2.2 Procedure for Field Survey 3.2.3 Bed Material Analysis 3.3 Results PAGE ii ii 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-3 3·4 3-6 ATTACHMENT A -Correspondence and minutes from meetings related to Subtask 2.16. ATTACHMENT B -Plots and summarized field notes for cross sections from Deadman Creek to Talkeetna. ATTACHMENT C -Plots and summarized field notes for partial cross-. sections below Talkeetna. -i - 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 .1 -Obje cti ves Study of downstream hydrographic conditions is a vital part of the total data collection effort dur i n g the feasibility stud y for the Susitna Hydroeiectric P roj e c t , pa rticularly be c a u s e of potential project i m pact on the river flow regim e . Subtask 2.16, Hydrographic S u rveys , was d es igned to provide field data relati ng to ex isting river" gradient and cross-sectional configuration of the active floodplain a ion g the Susitna River through the reach from D eadman Creek to Ta lkeetna . The cro s s-secti on data and Mann ing 1 s ro u g hn ess coefficients determined by bed material an a lysis were used directly in developing the Corps of Engineers H EC-2 water surface pt•ofile model and in pre paring the report on sediment yield and river morphology stu di es . In add itio n , the information gai n e d through S u btas k 2.16 can be used in environmental studies to help d etermin e p otential i m pacts on fishe r i es , as well as on vegetation co mmu nities and related game h a b itat areas due to pro p o s ed changes in flow regime caused by p roj ect development. 1. 2 .. R e port C onte n t s The methodology and results of work carried out under Subtask 2.16 are p rese nted in this report. �t indLtdes background informat ion on selection o'f river cross-section locations , as well as plots and summarized field notes for each cross section surveyed. Also, a longitudinal profile of the river was developed using dis­ta nces between the cross-sections measured from aerial ph ot ogra p h s and bed efevations along the thalweg obtained from survey dat a of the main channel. An e x a m p l e of the bed material a nal ys is technique used in con­ junction with field surveys is also i nclude d , along with a summary of the methodology use d to obtain the bed material samples and the resulting grain-size distribution determined for each cross-section w he re sampling was done. r24/k 1-1 2.-SUMMARY Subtdsk 2.16 in vo tve d survey of ri v er cross-sectJons on the Su sitna River from Deadman Creek to Talkeetna to define the river gradient and configuration of the a cti ve floodplain. The res ults will provide baseline data for en gin eering and riverine habitat a sse s sm ent during the first phase of the fe a si bll ity study ·for t he Susitna Hydroelectric Projectco During meet i n gs held at R&M.�· Cons u lta n ts in early September of 1980, a multi -disciplinary task force established c ri ter i a for locating the proposed cross-sections, identified l o cati on s of speci ai interest and delineated the cross -s ecti on Jines on aeria l photo­ graphs of the river. F1eld surveys began in Septemb e r after final review and approval from the Buffal.o office of Acres Ame ri ca n 1 Inc. Ground control su r ve y s co n sisted p rima ri ly of third-order verti cal control anrl s ca le -a c c u rac y hor'izontal control. Vertical control was based on a N ati o n al Geodetic Survey first-order level line running para ll el to the Alaska Railroad trac ks and on a first-order level line run by R&M under S u b t as k 2. 09. The vertical control was used to e sta b li sh erevations on alum i nu m survey caps set on the left (ea ste rl y ) side of the river at each c ross -s ection site. EJevntions along the cross sections were determined through use of differential l e vel in g and ver•tical angle l eveli n g . Key features mea.sured or d es cr i b ed during field survey of eac h section included such t h i n g s as majo r breaks in slop e c·f the la nd surface, geometry of all r ive r cha nn els , limits to veg e t a tio n and average bed material size along th e exposed river bed. In conjunction with t h e survey work, a preliminary analysis of bed m ater i a l along the river was carried out u s in g the 11Grid-by­ Number11 tech n i q ue described by K eller h als and Bray in 1 1 S ampling procedure for coar s e fluvial sediments11• lnclud'ed in this closeout report are the resul ts from that a n aly s i s with explanation of the m etho d ol o g y used to collect and analyze the sam ples . Also included are plots and summarized field notes for each cross-section surveyed. From survey coordinates the thalweg elevatio n in the main channer was defined and the longitudinal profile of the river between De vi I Canyon and Ta lk eet n a was drawn. r24/a 2-1 3 -SCOPE OF WORK Discussions were held with a multi-disc:iplinar'Y task force , in­ cluding representatives from Acras A merica n , Alaska Department of Fish and Game (A.D.F.&G.), R&M Consultants and Te rrestrial Environmental Services (TES) in Septemb e r of 1980 to select ten­ tative rivet.. cross-section locations between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. This reach was divided into five sub reaches d efin ed as: 0 0 0 0 0 Por·tage Creek Confluence Gold Creek/Indian River ConfJuance Sherman/4th of July Creek Susitna River in the Vicinity of Curr·y Susitna Ri ve r near the ChuHtn� -S u s i tna Co nfl u ence For each sub reach, cross-section locations marked on aeria l. photo­ g rap h s wer�� based on som e of the following criteria: 0 0 0 0 0 0 available funding for the subtask requirements for the HEC-2 computer p ro g r am , including hydrauflc control poi n ts and characteristic cross-sections to describe c h a nnel geometry. apparent c h an g es in river gradient ice jam considerations in stream flow /flsh habitat considerations�" including stage relcttionships between the mainstem Susitna and s e l ec ted side cha nn e l s or s lo u g h s , and fis h passage at major tributaries identification of hydraulic and morp h o l og i c conditions of malnstem subreaches The section of the river between Cr\)SS-Sections 13 and 18 ap­ peared very similar in terms of c ha n nel characteristics (channel width, divided ffow, etc.) to a section of appr ox i m ate ly equal length between RM 122.0 to 115.40, Cross-Sections 18-19. To save the e xp e n s e of a d d iti ona l field work, it was decided to superimpose data f rom surveys through the downstream section on the un­ su rveyed .·each between C ross-S ecti ons 18 and 19 for more complete modelling of the wa te r surface profile. After final review and a pprov al by the Buffalo office of Acres American, Inc. , 62 cross-sectio n locations were defined for the reac h between Talkeetna and Po rtage Creek. Fig ure 3.1 shows the location of the cross-section lines. r24/f 3-1 Attachment A includes correspondence and minutes from meetin(JS relating to selection of cross section locations for Subtask 2o 16. Additional cross-sections between Portage Creek and De�d �an Creek were surveyed in the spring of 1981 to extend the �x �sttng survey of the r·iver channel. These cross-sections w �re or!g1nall_y included under Subtas.k 2. 07, but have been descrtbed 1n th1s report for completeness. Jn September 1981, Subtask 2.16 was expanded to include part_ial cross-sections in the river from Talkeetna to Cook Inlet, pr1marlly to aid in navigation studies of the !ower river. These cross-sections are included as Attachment C • .. "'. 2 -Field Methods 3.2. 1 -Control Surveys The ground .controf surveys for the river cross-sections consisted primarily of third-order vertical control and scale-c:ccuracy horizontal coi;trol. A controi point, monumented v .. ith a 5/811 x 3011 rebar was set on the left side of the Susi i:na River on each cross-section line. Each rebar has a self-identifying 1�:� aluminu� survey cap fixed to the top. The locations of the control points and the alignment of the cross sections were pre-selected and marked on aerial photographs. Field locations of the control points were determined by reference to prominent local physical features. A few of the control points were photo-panelled to aid in location and scaling on later aerial photography. Cross-section alignment was set-out according to the pre-$elected route marked on the aerial photographs. Methods used to layout the fines included use of compass bearings, reference to prominent features, and traverses from the railroad. r24/f The cross-sections were stationed with the orgin (0+00) at some pc)int on the left side of the river. The control point position fell at Station 0+00 or at a station of higher value. Stationing was oriented so that ali cross-section points had non-negative static.ln values. Vertical control was based on a National Geodetic Survey (N.G.S.) first-o rder level line (Line 101; Quad 62149) that parallels the railroad and on a first-order level line run by R&M under· Subtask 2.09 -Control Surveys. Third-order level loops. were run between the first-ord er points and the control points set for each cross-section This vert· 1 t I . . . d b " d ICa con rc was use as a as1s to etermin e elevation s slang h t. I d . . d I I . u ea c cross -sec ro.n. n lVI ua e evattons along the cross sections 3-2 r24/f were ascertained by the use of differential levelin g and vertical an g J e leveling. 3. 2. 2. -Procedures for Channel Sut"Vey The co ntrol points served as reference m ar ks for all stJb­ sequent su rv ey s of the ri ver . This in clu des not only those surveys car ried out un de r Subtask 2. 16, but also for freeze­up and breakup water surface mea s ureme n ts ma de du ri n g the winter of 1980-81 and miscellaneous sut'veys used in c a li b ra­tion of the H EC-2 mo d el and river mo rpholog y st u die s:. The length and orientation of each cross-section was deter­ mined initia lly duri ng the meetings in Se p tem ber , 1980 with the understanding that fi el d adjustments wo uld be made where needed to provide the bes t information on the hyd raulic and morphologic conditi ons at each site. The Jength o f each line was dctermi.'led by several different fact ors , primarily to e n su re deiineation of the fl oodpl ai n boundaries and definition of all the river c h annel s . At locations where the river was confin e d within the valley walls, the cros s-secti o n fine ran from valley wall to valiey wall with e sti m ates of the va ll e y wall height and slo p e . In bro ade r reaches, when the river was less co n fine d , the cross-section line extended across all major channels. Where the lan d s u rfa ce slo p e d with a con sta nt gradient away from the river, the surv€:y extended up to 100 feet landward from the top of bank. if the land surface was te r raced or· of irreg u la r grade, the line extended away from the ri ve r to the first major b re a k in slop e . For m·uch of the r i ve r from Talkeetna to Gold Creek, the Alaska RaHr-oad bed s erve d as a goo d end point for the cro�s section l i n e along the left bank. To satisfy requirements for the H EC-2 w at e r surface profile m od el , each cross-section was oriented p e rpen d�c u la r to flow of t h e river. In t .. eaches of divided flow, it was often necessary to have an gle points in the line to insure that cross-section lines would be p e rp e n di cular to flow in each channel. Field adju stments were m a d e to correct errors in origina! or ie ntation of the lines d ra wn an aerial photos with corrections noted on fi e l d maps and notes. Attachment 8 i ncl udes a plot of each cros s-section from Talkeetna to Deadman Creek with a summary sheet li sting stations and elevations cor re s pon di ng to the key fe a tu r es described below. For engineering and e nv i r o nme ntal purposes, each c ros s section included definition of: 3-3 0 major breaks in slope of the Jand surface adjacent to the river channel (s) 0 remnant channels in th e river floodplain 0 cha n g e s in dominant vegetation types through !stands or along the banks 0 elevation of ice scar·s on trees along the banks 0 l im i ts to vegetation for the major channels, as well a�, for side channels or sloughs 0 average bed material size and transitions in bed material type along the e x posed river bed 0 0 geometry of all river channels water surface elevations along the right and left edge of water on the date of survey for all channels and s lo ughs the line crossed. At the end of each li n e , on the right bank, a temporary benchmar k was established to close the survey. Some of these were simply prominent ror;ks along shore. However, at some cross sections, a nail w�s set in a tree or re bar driven into the ground along the top of the bank. These TBMs should be us eful reference points for future work on the river. The 111=500' sca!e mosaics p roduc e d from aerial p h oto ­ graphs show the locations of the temporar-y benchmarks considered to h ave reliable survey coordinates. A set of these river mosaics has not been included w i th this repo rt , but are available through R&M Consultants to those interested. Upon completion of the field work for Subtask 2.16, a river thalweg profile was developed using eltavations of the river bed determined during survey of the channel. The lowest measured point in the main channel was used for the thalweg elevation and distances from one cross-section to the next were scaled off the river mosaics. These elevations and distances are presented in Table 3.1. The points were plotted to produce the profile (Talkeetna to Portage Creek ) s hown in Figure 3.2. For interpretation, it is useful to compare this profile with Figure 3.1 s h owing locations of each cross sectio n and ch anges in channel characteristics (single channel vs. divided flo w , etc.) r24/f 3.2.3 -.§ed Material Analysis During survey of the cross-sections preliminary analysis of the. bed material .. along the river wa � carr"ted , . . out using the ' Grrd-by-N umber•' technique as described by K e ll e r hals and 3-4 Bray in 1 "Sam p li ng Procedures for C oar se Fluvial Sed imen ts ", . . !n the above noted paper, several t e;,;hn i q ues were presented for sampJing bed material. The 11Grid-by­ Number'11 technique was selected as t h e most acceptable, cost-effective means of d etermini n g the partic le size f)f bed material al ong the Susitna from Portage Cr·eek to Talkeetna� The s3mpling method employed a grid t�onstructed from alumi num and wire measuring 60 em by 60 em, · inside d i a ­meter, with a mesh of 5 em squares� The g ri d was positioned over the selected sample area and a verti cal photograph taken of the area. It was important to make the photogra ph as close to vertical as po s si ble to reduce distortion and mi�· .. representation of gra i n dimensions. Selection of each s ampl ing site was based on a subjective decision as to the best representation of average bed material thl'·ough a particular reach. Table 3. 2 desct'ibes the location of each grid photo with general notes on the gradation of materia� up­ s t r eam and dow n stream or.. from left bank to right bank. On ce the photograph was ta ken and d evelo ped , measurements were taken of the grains. The intermediate or b ... axis was used to define grain size. In the p h otog ra phs , this generally co rr es ponde d to the smaller visible axis. The grain located under alternating grid intersections was measured and used as one sample po i n t. For each photograph, a m inimu m of fifty such po i nts were measured, except in ),")cations where large material size limited the possible num b er of sample points . The large g rain s often covered more than one grid intersect ion. In such a case, a l l but one intersection was discarded as a sample ooint and a s u b stitute grain was rand oml y selected for each discarded grid intersection. Thjs resulted in double counting of some g r·ains , but overall, this approach prevented b iasi ng the sample by unduly weighting the large grains. Grains smaller than approximately 8 mm were el iminated from the sample as being too small to accurately measure. When a small grain fell under a grid i nterse ctio n , the nearest larger g r ain was measured instead. Once all the sam p l e points we re measured a frequency a nalysis was run to determin e the distribution of parti c l e sizes at each cro ss section site. Grains were ranked from largest to smc:tllest with the frequency of each size interval expressed as the number of gra i n s falling into a given .size category as a percentage of the total n um ber of gra ins in the sample.. Figure 3. 3 is an example of the format used to present the g rain size data. The graph at the top of the page shows results from the frequency a n alys i s , with sample points measured from the grid p h otog ra p h shown at the bottom of the page . 'The 016, 050, 084 v al ues listed on th e 1 J. Hydraulics Div., ASCE:-August, 1971. r24/f 3-5 sa mple s heet are one way of quantify!ng the di stri b ution . of g ra in sizes* The values are taken from the "best-fit': l i n e drawn for the p!ot of grid sample points. They are Jnter- preted as follows: 016 = 16% of the material sampled is equ a l to or smaller than the reported size. 0so = SO% of the material sampled is equal to or smaller than the re po rted size o 084 = 84% of the m ateria l s a mp l e d is e qual to or smaller th a n the reported size o Tabl_e 3o3 lists the o16, o50, and 0�4 val u es for all th e cross set:i:JOns sam pled . 1 n the field, a standar d particle size classification recom �A mended by the Ame rican G eop h ys ica l Union Subcommittee on Sediment Terminology was used. The size breakdown is as follo ws : M ater i a l Clay Si f t Sand Gravel Cobbles Boulders Bedrock Size in mm 0.00024 ... Oo004 o004 -.062 .062 -2.0 200 -64o0 64.0 -250o0 above 250.0 From these measurements and descriptions of bed mater;ar, Mann in g 's 'n' roug hn ess determinations v1er·e made for use in t h e HEC-2 model. 3.3 -Results After completion of the fielq surve ys and ini ti a l plotting of ea c h cross-section from Portage Creek to Ta lkeetna , it was determi n e d that more i n fo rmatio n was needed to accurately delinecJte the flood­pfain boundarres through certain reaches of the river. To c.'c complish this, field d�scriptions of the surface topography , USGS 1:63,360 topographtc maps and Susitna River mo s a i cs were us-ed to extend certain c ross -s ections o S ta tio n s and elevations cor·respon ding to the floo dplain limits and be ginn i n g of the relativel y stee p valley walls were estimated. This data w as included with field survey coordinates to provide input data for the H EC-2 model. r24/f 3-6 In some critical locations, this approach could not provide the detail needsd for defining the to p ography of the land surface, especially in areas where cross-section Jines crossed clear water sloughs of special fnterest for riverine habitat assessment .. Additional field work was defined to extend key cross-sections from the end points of the or:ginal survey. This data collected in March, 1981, gave better definition to the bed elev ation and channel geometry of several clear· water sloughs and tributaries, as well as to the slop e of the land surface away from the main river channel. Snow cover on the land s urfa ce and ice cover in most side channels or slo u g h s hindered collection of descriptive informa­tion on vegetation types and especially bed material types in the channels. Further data fo r the H EC-2 mo del was collected during survey of an additional six cross-sections between the lower end of Devil Canyon and Portage Creek, and 23 cross-sections between Devil cr�eek and Deadman Creek. The procedure for carrying out field surveys was the same as that used for the original cross-sections. HoweVE!r, no bed material analysis was carried out through these reachs. ;rhe river is confined within n a rrow bedrock valley walJs. Material exposed along the channel bank is predominantly bedrock fragment s accumulating at �he toe of steep valley walls. There is very little river transported material deposited along the banks. All of the cross-section data, including bed material analysis , was used in caEbrating the HEC-t� mo d el for varying flow levels under pre-project conditions. Results from this modelling effort will be presented under Subtask 3. 06 -Hydraulic and Ice Studies. Also, information gained on channel geometry, river gradient and bed material size distribution were utilized in sediment yield and river morphology studies (Subtask 3. 07). The preliminary report refin e d the major sub-reaches in the Susitna from Devil Canyon to Talkeetna from those listed in Section 3.1 of this report. The definition of these sub-reaches was b ased on field data and obser­ vations relatin g to hydraulic and mor·p h ologic c haracte ristics gathered since the September, 1980, meetings for Subtask 2� 16. It also includes qua.litative analysis of river behavior, past and present, with prediction of future changes in river morphology and behavior'. Results from Subtask 2.16 have prov!ded baseline data for the above mentioned studies. As s pe c ifi c sites were ldentified as those deserving closer study for engineering or enviro nm e n ta l reasons, additional field sur v ey work can be carried out to provide more refined information. Local changes in river gradient, surface and subsurface bed material and the retatlon between mainst ream and side channel or slough h). draulic characteristics can be more accurately defined. r24/f 3-7 r24/f TABLE 3.1 SUSITNA RIVER PROFIL-E DATA SUMMARY CROSS SECTION LRX-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RIVER MJLE 98.59 99 .58 100.36 100.96 101.52 102.38 103.22 104.75 1 06 .68 108. 4''1 110.36 110.89 111.83 11 2.3 4 112 .. 69 •J13·. 02 116.44 117.19 119.15 119.32 120.26 120.66 121.63 122.57 123.31 124.41 3-8 THALWEG ELEVATION 332.6 344.4 352.,6 357.1 359.4 364.1 386.6 386.2 401.0 414.4 426.5 437.2 446.1 449.7 453.4 452.9 481o7 483.3 50 0 �9 503.4 515.5 507.6 526.2 532.1 533.8 549.8 r24/f CROSS SECTION LRX-29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 TABLE 3.1 (cont.) RIVER MILE 126.11 127.50 128�66 129.67 130.12 130.47 130.87 131.19 131.80 132.90 133.33 134.28 134.72 135 .36 .,3r _,.? I 0. f.-136.40 136.68 136.96 137.15 137.41 138.23 138.48 138.89 139.44 140.15 140.8 3 141.49 3-9 THALWEG ELEVATION 563�3 578.4 586.8 597 .2 807.0 608.9 605.5 614.0 618.8 6 34 .7 641.5 650.0 655.3. 663.9 657.6 674.6 673.5 68 1 .4 681.9 685.3 694.2 693 .5 701.9 707.2 717 ,,, t • t:.. 72.0.3 735.2 r24/f CROSS SECTION .. LRX-56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6 4 65 66 67 68 TABLE 3.1 (cont.) RIVER MILE 142.13 142.34 143.1 8 144.83 147.56 148.73 148.94 149.15 149.35 149�46 149.51 149.81 150.19 3-10 THALWEG ELEVATION 744.4 745.5 756.9 775.8 808v5 819*5 822.3 827.2 825.4 836.1 837 .2 840.6 829.6 TA BLE 3.2 GRiD SAMPLE PHOTO LOCATIONS Cross Section LRX - 4 LRX -5 LRX - 6 LRS - 7 LRX -8 LRX -9 LRX -10 LRX -11 Photo Location Far Right Channel, Left Bank, on Line -at Station 53+50 Cent..:• of Mid-Channel Bar -at Stat!on 63+38, Uniform Material S!ze on the Bar Grid on Mid-Channel Bar, Station Uncertain. No Photo Main Channel -Left Bank, Exact Stati o n Unknown but Between 31+13 and 31+26 Main Channel -Left Bank Station Between 20+83 and 21+87 Main Channel -Left Bank Between 11+25 and 11+49 Main Channel -Left Bank, between 20+30 and 20+71;.: (Closer to 20+30) LRX -12 No Photo LRX � 13 No Photo LRX -14 Upstream from X-Sec Ljne on Right Bank of East Channel LRX -15 No Photo LRX -16 Right (West ) Channel -Left Bank, at Approx. Station 25+80 LRX -17 No Photo r24/f 3-11 Comments ----- Coarser Material Along R/B of West Channel Larger Material on Both Left and Right Banks of Main Channels Cobhles 10-1211 Di ameter Scattered on the Bar Material on Right 83nk Appears to Have S a me Size Distribution o50 wo ul d be Slightly Larger than Indicated by Grid Good Representation of Bed Mdterlal Large Rounded Boulders and Cobbles in the Channel U/S & D/S of x-sec. Line Cross Section LRX -18 LRX - 19 LRX -20 LRX -21 LRX -22 LRX -23 TABLE 3.2 -Con ti n ue d Photo Location ------ Main Channe! .. Left Bank Between Stations 10+73 and 10+82 Main Channel - Left Ba nk Station 15+83 and 16+40 West Channel -Left Bank Upstream of X-Sec. L ine near Station 34+00 Left Bank Main Chan n el , Phc. :o ta ke n 200' Dow n st rea m of Line Right Bank Main Channel Between Station 16+58 and 16?78 Right Ban k 1 Main Channel Between Station 19+31 and 19+42 LRX -24 & 25 No Photo LRX -26 LRX -27 LRX -28 LRX -29 LRX -30 r24/f Left Bank Main Channel, Ph oto Taken Downstream of Li ne Approx. Between Station 25+13 and 25+38 Left Bank M ain Channel Between S tat i o n 23+23 and 23+48 Left Bank East Channel Between Stations 11+96 and 12+28 Left Bank Mai n Channel Between Stations 34+66 and 35+32 On Mid-Channel Bar, S tati on Uncertain for Photo, Assumed to be Approx. 22+00 3 ... 12 Comm e n ts Large Boulders in the Vicinity of x-sec. Good Representation of Mate rial on Both Banks Grid Shows Material in High Water Chann e l , Island Covered with Scattered Patches of San d & Cobbles Right Bank Mate ri a l Larger, May Better Represent Materia� Moved at High Flow Good Representation of Bed Material Good Repres entation of Bed Material Along this Sh o re Good Representation of Be d Material Along Left Bank Coarser Material on Right Bank, I :1cluding Small Boulders Materi<3l Size Con siste n t Ups tream and Downstream Good Rep res e ntation of Bed Material Good Representation of Bed Material Upstream and Downstream Best Representation of Bed Material, Left Bank Protected by Rip-Rap C ross Se ction LRX -31 LRX -32 LRX -33-39 LRX -40 LRX -41 LRX -42 LRX -43 LRX -44 LRX -45 LRX -46 LRX -47 LRX -48 LRX -49 LRX -SD LRX -51 r24/f TABLE 3.2 -Continued Photo Location Left Bank Main Channel, Set Downstream of L�ne on Cobble Bed in Dry High Water ChanneJ Between I stands Left Bank Main Chan nel No Photos Left Bank - Main Chan nel No Photo Left Bank Main Channel Left Bank M a i n Chan nel Between Station 27+ 74 and 29+00 L�ft Bank -Main Channel on Wida Exposed Cob bl e B�d No Photo Far Left Bani< Between Station 11+23 and 11+72 No Photo Right Bank of Main Channel Between Station 22+79 and 23+30 Left Bank -Main Chat1t"t�f Hight Bank Main Channel Near Stat ion 14+80 Right Bank Main Chan nel Betw·-!en Station 16+57 and 16+ 70 3-13 Comments Gaud Representation af Material Along Shore R ight Bank Material Coarser Overall Does not Represent Larger Cobbles Onshore Uniform Cobble B ed Material Smaller than Exposed Grav. & Cob. on Downstream end of Island Large C:'"'bbfes and Boulders Scattered AI on a the Bed., not -' . Represented by Grid Photo Ta ken Wh e re Right Chan n el of Indian F<iver Joins The Susitna Cross Section LRX -52 LRX -53 LRX -54 LRX -55 LRX -56 LRX -57 LRX -58 LRX -59 LRX -60-68 r24/f TABLE 3.2 -Con tinued Photo Location No Photo Right Bank Main Channel Near S ta tion 24+00 Right Bank M ain Channel Betwee n Sta tion 21 +04 and 21 +31 Right Ba nk Main Chan nel Right Bank Main Channel B etween Station 22+71 and 22+93 !..eft Bank Main ChanneJ Between S ta ti on 11+14 and 11+26 Right Bank Main Chan nel Left Bank Main Channel No Photos 3·14 Comments Good Representation of Bed Mate ria l , a few Boulders Along Shore. Right Ba nk Mate ria J Much Coarser than Left Bank Bed Material on Right Bank Coarser than Left Bank Same as LRX -54 Right Bank has Some Larger Material mi sc7/c1 TA BLE 3.3 SUSITNA : LOWER RIVER CROSS SECT IONS BED MATER IAL DISTRI BUT ION ANALYS IS LRX Number o 1 6 (mm.) o 50 (mm.) 4 13 2 5 I; .... 12 21 6 20 47 8 19 45 9 1 4 32 10 .58 9 4 11 1 8 43 14 20 36 16 8 26 18 12 36 19 47 80 20 1S 38 21 26 49 22 8 21 23 22 48 26 25 54 27 1 9 43 28 13 3 "i 29 32 59 30 33 64 31 2 8 49 32 1 9 43 40 20 46 42 15 38 43 19 44 44 14 35 46 29 53 .. " 21 56 4� 4 9 26 53 50 18 53 51 44 88 53 86 125 54 18 43 55 178 220 56 29 73 57 20 47 58 62 112 59 26 66 3-1 5 o 8 4 (mm.) 46 39 112 112 72 152 100 66 92 110 1 3 2 92 9 5 58 108 113 100 68 110 122 84 100 110 94 94 88 10�.) 155 112 1f30 170 188 105 265 183 110 200 170 PLA1 E _2_ MAP SCALE I G3 ,l60 Pr ared for : R&M CONSULTA NTS, INC. l ��BJ : .. ,. -. J P-�------------�.--------------------------------��----�------------------------------------------------------------� / MAP SCALE 1· 63,:560 Pre ared by : Pr ared for : FIGURE 3.1 CONTINUED R&M CONSULTA NTS, INC. '· r: FIGURE 3.1' CONTiNUE:D A p D [@ R&M rc ONiS ULTA NTs, •Nc. 1 JIU IJ[d ·L:==�====------·-----·--· .. -·.._:_. ----------===.� ...... - w I ........ \!) ,.......------.-::_�.�-:---. -------:-:----.=;;--... , ____ ,.-� .... -.. ----------------1 R&M CONSULTA NTS, INC. PLATE . 7 cl rJ �� � "?Q ../'"' Qf() __./" ' . FIGURE 3.1· CONTINUED. ·' MAP SCALE h63,360 Pr ared for : I ��Ill ll ------------------=-------====.. �============-,==�---------· ,_ w I N 0 Pre ared by : 1 2 0 130 1 4 0 . RIVER MILES Prepared for : LONGITUDINAL RIVER PROFILE FROM DEVIL CANYON TO TALKEETNA FIGURE 3.2· ,A nnro I ----------------�--------�-----=d='·ti=ul=]U�I � ... � ... ----2 ---,�-· .. .,..�-, ........ �·,.,.__�., -�� --� �------------�--------------------------------------�----------A------�----------------.' I I R&M CONSULTA I'\lTS. !NC. % equai to or smaller than Dts = 2� m.., Dso= 53 �n .... SAMPLE' OF BED MATERIAL: ANALYSIS llATA SHEETS ' FIGURE 3.3 3-21 Prepared for: m7i c2 ATTACH MENT A COR RESPONDENCE AN D MINUTES FROM MEETINGS REL AT ED TO SU BTAS K 2.16 .. .. ------·�·����···_:_._· __ ·_._·_._�-·_:: __ ·;_-��-�:.�_�··_:<_��: __ ·:�_:._.�-�:�·�:�··_:._.�_�':··_<_·�--------··_.-·· __ ._--- ENGINEERS GEOl-O GISTS PL.ANNERS S URVEYORS �&M CONSULTA NTS, INC, 5024 COROOVA 2 BOX 6087 1!1 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA �9:i02 II PH. 907•279·04 83 II T ,X. 0!>0•253 60 : . Septemb er 9, 19qo R&M No. 05221 6 Re : Review of Meeti ng on Mo nday , S e pte m b e r 8, 1980 Concerni ng Subt ask 2.16, Hyd rog rap hic Su rveys The meeti ng included : Brent T. Drage -R&M Leslie Griffith s -R&M Woody Trihey -Sper ial C o n s u l ta nt to Acres Tom Trent -ADF&G Ch r i s to p h e r Estes -ADF&G Bob W i l l iam s -T.E.S. Bob Krog ser.� -T. E. S. Milo Bel l is also invo lved in th e Low er Su.:.)itna stL dies , but c o u l d not be in Anchorage fo r th e m e eti ng . The objecti ve of t h e meeti ng was to locate river cross secti ons to be surveyed from Ta l keetn a to Port age Cree k, wh ich wo u ld prov ide b a s eline data fo r en gineeri ng d e s ign pu rposes and i n s t r ea m f l o\"'1 studies . An outl ine is atta ched s u m m a r i z ing key items cov ered du ri ng the meeting . Revi ew of d e t a i l e d discussion on each agenda item is i n cl u ded in th e fo l lowing pages . i\NCHO RAGE FAI RBANKS JUNEAU V At.UI::':Z \V A" . ..._ m i s c 1 /a Page 3 . ITEM 1: DEVELOP CROSS SECT ION LOCAT ION CR iTER IA Data co llected from the river cross secti on surveys wi ll be u sed in th e future as i n put for hyd ra ulic m o d e l ing , ice process m o d eli n g . sedimentation and wate r qu a l ity mod eling 1 i n s t r e a m flow stu dies and ·�i sheries studies . 1. Hydrau lic MosJeling -Cross s e ct i o n survey data wi ll be used in t h e H EC-2 CO Q1putet" prog ram d e vel o p e d by the C o r p s of En g i n eers fo r mod el i ng wate r �u rface profi les under va r y i n g flow c o n d i ti o n s . Ideally, a co nti nuou s wate r s u rfa c e profil e shou ld be g e n e r ate d fr·om D e v i l 's Canyon to th e mouth of th e Susitna R i v e r . However , the scope of th is p h a s e of th e hyd rog ra phic su rveys covers o n l y the l"e ach from Devi Ps Canyon to Ta l keet n2 . Acres Ame ri c a n 1 I n c . h a s a d a p t e d th e m o d e l to account for ice cov er in th e wi nte r m o n t hs . Wo o d y Trihey q ues t i o n e d wheth er th e adapted m o d e l to ok into a ccoun t th e c han g e fro m open-channel flow to p i p e flo\v or pressu rized flow r e s ulti n g from the presence or: an ice cover . A cl oser r e v i e w of th e mod el wi ll be neces sary to determ ine if addition al mod ifi cations to th e prog ram need to be m ad e . 2. Ice Proces s M o d e i i rt.9. -The ice co ver p r o c e s s mod el d e v e l o p e d by Acres A meri c a n Inc. wi ll be used in a d d iti o n to th e HEC-2 prog ram to e n s u re th at p ote n ti al problems such as frazil ice accumulati on , ice jamm ing and fl ood ing are add res sed i n enginee r ing oesign wo rk. The reach of r i v e r in th e vicin ity of G o l d Cree k has been id enti fi ed as one of pri m a ry importa nce in th is regards . C r o s s sect ion s l o c a ted upstream and down s t rea m of th e r a i l r o a d bridge cro ssing th e Susitna River at Go ld Creek shou ld p rovi d e data on channel geo m e t r y ·-------·-··-� ---· ---·----··-· ft I .· . -' "'���-·---��"" ....-::::.� r.--_,..,..______ . . ... ,.._" --- " •P ,• ;.,'.; ;:� �. ,i==tf&-i 01L;_· .---...:........_.:::,;:�; ·;..;_� �·· _;..,._. ____ __.:..........;, .......... _.___.,;,._..___..,N..: .. ·-...'',;_:,--........__,._:_ _ __,_....__ _______ __,;__ .... " Page 2 misc1 /a : RIVER CROSS SEC TIONS -TA LKEETNA TO DEVIL CANYON 1. Deve�op Cross Section Location Criteria 0 Hyd rau lic mod eling 0 0 0 0 0 Ice process mod el In-stream flow model Fi sheries stu dies Sedimentati on and W::�ter Quality Mode ling River Mo plology Studies 2. Identify R e a c h e s and Specific Locati ons De servi ng Special Inte rest 0 Porta ge co nfl uence 0 Gol d Creek/I ndian River co n fluence 0 Sherman/ 4th July Cree � 0 Curry 0 Chase to Chulitna confl uence 0 Side S l o u g h s 0 Tribute ries 3, Prel imin ary Cross Secti on Layout on 1u = 4,0001 Mosaic 0 0 Gr�up x-section's th rough sp�cific irterest reache5 Satisfy ma in-stem geometry requirements fo r Item 1 4. Cross Sectio n La yout on 111 = 500' Blow-Ups 0 0 0 0 Refine for en gineering hydraulics Refi ne main-stem hydraulics fo r in-stream flow Arrive a t ag reement with multi-disc iplinary ta sk-fa rce:! con s i d e ring ti me frame and budget limitations Derive field proced ures and data co llection fo rmat 5. Field Trip by Multi-Disc iplinary Tas k-F orce 0 0 Fi nal ize secti on locations Refi ne fi eld proced ures 6. Offi ce Debriefi ng of Tas k-Force •' --------::::;:;-.-----........ ---------------------·----------------· . ··-· ---------p , ... f;···�:J 0·�--------------------�--��--�--�--�------------------------------ misc1/a Page 1 ITEM 1: DEVELOP CROSS SEC TION LO CAT ION CR ITER IA Data col l ected from th e river cross sect ion surveys wi ll be used in the fLJture as in put fo r hydrau lic mod eling , ice process modeling. sedi mentati on and w a t e r quality modeling , in stream flow s tudi e s and fi sheries studies . 1. Hyd ra ulic Modeling -Cross section su rvey data wi ll be used in th e H EC-2 co l})puter prog ram deve loped by th e Corps of E n g i n eer s fo r modeling water su rfa ce profil es under va ryi ng fiow co nditi on s. I dea l l y , a c o n t i n u o u s water s u rfa c e profi le shou ld be gen erated from Dev il's Canyon to th e mouth of th e Su sitna River. Howeve r, the scope of th is p h a s e of th e hyd r og rap hic surveys co ve1 ·s on ly th e reach from D evi Ji s Canyon to T a l k eetn a . Acres American , Inc. has ad apted th e model to acco u n t for ice cov er in th e wi nter months . Woo .:ly Trihey q u e s t i o n e d whet her th e adapted model too k into acco unt th e ch ange from ap,�n -channel flow to pipe flo\v or pressu ri zed flow resulting from th e pre s e n ce on an i c e cover . A cl oser r e v i e w of th e mod el wi ll be necessa ry to d e te r m ine if add ition al mod ifi cation s to th e prog ram need to be m ade . 2. Ice Process Mod el ing -The ice co ver p r o c e s s mo del deveiaped by Acres A m e ri c a n Inc. will be used in addition to th e H EC-2 prog ram to en sure th at potenti al problems such .a s fraz il icA accumulation , tee jamming and f l o o d i n g are add res sed 1n en gineering d e sig n wo rk . The reach of r i v e r in th e vicinity of Go ld Creek has been identifi ed as one of prima ry importa nce in th i s re gr.tds . Cross secti ons located upstream and down stream of th e ra ilroad bridge cros sing th e Susitna River at Go ld Creek s hou l d provi de d a t a on channel geometry Page 4 misc1/a 3. 4. and oth er river ch a racteristics w h i ch wi ll i m p r o ve under­ s tandi n g of th e processes of g e n eration and co ll ecti on of frazi l ice a t fr eeze-up and locati ons of ice jams during river b rea k u p . Sedimentati on and Water Quality Mod e ling Reco mmen datio ns were made to exp a n d th e scope of wo rk to incJ ude mor e detai led data co l l e ct i on of water quality and suspended �;e dim e n t , especial ly in sloughs and t ri b u taries of the Susitna River. Th is d a ta wo l::j b e uti l ized in f i she ries and instream flow stu dies to make co rrelat i ons between stream fl ow and wate r q ual i t y and to pred ict post-p roj ect effects on sedimen­ tation and wate r quality down stream of th e proposed Devi ''s C a n y o n dam . I nstream Flow and Fisheries S tu die s The I FG incrementa l approach wi ll be used for i n stream f low st u d i es . H y d r o ­ graphic surveys wi ll provide b a s i c data on th e physical para­ mete rs fo r each of th e r ep res e n t a tive reach es . More detailed brea kd own of the r ea ch e s into subreach es or microh abitats in the futu re w i ll be based , in pa rt, on th e c o r r ela t i o n between hydrau lic pa ramete rs and speci es distri b ution . or avai lable habitat area . The wate r surface profi le w i l l be mod el ed u s i n g th e WS P prog ram . It is simf:lar to t h e H EC=2 prog ram , ex cept th at it r e q u i r e s wate r surface elevati ons recorded at t he ti me of su rvey to rem a i n con sta nt across the ch annel . Su rvey wo rk i n th e past has shown this does not a l ways ho ld true. 1 n r e ach e s with divi ced fl ow a n d slough s, wate r sur ·f a c e eleva­ tion s may va ry from ch a nnel to ch annel . Adju stm ents w i ll have to be made during o p e r a t i o n of th e program to a c co u nt fo r th is p r o b l e m . mi sc1 /a ITEM 2: IDE NT I FY REACH ES AND SPECIFIC LO CAT IONS DESERV ING SPECIAL INTEREST Pag t� 5 The tributa·ries a n d reach es of river l i s t ed below were ide ntifi ed as being of prima ry importa nce fo r e ngin e e ri n g design wor k: 0 0 0 0 The Su�·itna River upstream and downstream of Go ld Cre ek . The Susitn a River in th e vicinity of Sherm an . Th e Chulitn a -Susitn a -Ta l keetna co nfl uence near th e tow n of Ta l keet na . Major tr ibuta ries : Po rt a g e Cree k, Indian Rive r, and 4th of July Creek . Th ese locations are generally co mpati ble with areas of inte rest fo r fi sheries stud i e s . In add ition , sm all tri buta ri es and s l oug h s are of spec ial int erest for f i s h habitat st udies . ,. -� : . c:::J _l\V/1 .... ·.��'\./ l_. __ __;. ________ _:_�---�-------------------· misc1 /a Page 6 ITEM 3: PRELIMIN ARY CROSS SEC TION LAYOUT ON 111 -4,000 ' MOSA IC Th e original scope of wo rk p lan n ed fo r 60 c ros s sections to be loc a ted along th e l e ngt h of t h e Susitna River from Po rtage C r e ek to Tal keetna . Based on needs fo r en gineering s tu die s a n d c o mpati b l e require ­ m ent s fo r environmental stu dies th e river was divided into five rea ches defi ned by ch anges in channel cha racterist ics and grad ient. These reaches were defi ned as : 0 0 0 0 0 Porta ge Creek confl uence Go ld Cree k/Indian River co nfl u e n ce She rm a n/4t h of July Cree k Susitn a River in th e. vicinity of Cu r ry Susitna Rive r from Chase to the Chulitn a c onf luence These divisions may need to bf" re-ev alua ted after completion of fi eld wo rk if no s ign i fica nt diffe rence is fo und in phy s i cal pa ra ­ .n e ters betwe en cert ain reaches or if ·ar-e a s of ch ange in c hann e l gradi ent are more precisely defined . Fo r each of th e rive r segments li sted above , cros s secti on l i nes were !aid out to d e s c r i: e the river th r�o ugh th at reach , i ncl u d i n g hydraulic con tro l p oi n t s , location of slo11ghs and tri buta ries , flood plain del i nea tio n 1 d ivi sio n of fl ow and g·�n eral ch annel c h a r act e ris­ tics . In some spe cifk l o c a t i o ns 1 adj u stments were made to eliminate th e .n eed fo r addition al cros s sections . ·,. �----��--=--���-��-�-------------------------------------�------------------------------­;-------.........,-·I ��.;•" j "...!' '---'·--·-------------------------·---------------· --- mjsc1 /a Page 7 At th e Wh iskers Creek co ;,fl uence, a staff g a g e cou ld be set up that wou ld ti e into k n o wn wate r surface elevati ons su rveyed at a cross sect ion upstream . T e mpo r a r y bench ma rks tied into th e level con tro l netwo rk cou ld be e s t a b l i shed nea r th e ent r a n c e to sloughs of particu lar interest for fi sheries studies . This wo uld fa cil itate more detailed su rvey wo rk do ne in th e f utu r e . Above Chase , two adjacent segments of approx imat ely eq ual len g t h appea r ed very simi lar on th e photos i n terms of channel characte r­ ist ics . Both w e r e areas of divided fl ow with c o m p a r a b l e channel wi dths . It w as ag reed th a t o n ly one segment of t he river wo uld contai n cross sect ion du r ing t h i s prel imi11ary phase of th e st udy . D a t a from th e su rveys wo uld b e superimposed on_ the unsu rveyed segment upstream fo r m od el i n g _ th e watE:r surfa ce profile. If fi eld wo rk and data analysis showed th is approach to be invalid ad djti onal c r o ss sect ion s wo uld need to be a d d e d in th is reach . Li k e w i s e , hydraulic parameters fo r a straight, na rrow segment a bov e th e Chu lit na c o n f l u e nce will be s i m u lat e d based on surveys of two oth er straight, narr ow segm ents in the rea ch from Chase to th e Chulitna co nfl uence. A to t al of 64 r 1 v e r cross sect ion s were drawn o n to th e 111 = 4,000 ' mo sai c. Als o , two addition al cross section location on the Susit n a River d o w n s tre a m of th e Susitna-Chulitna-Tal keetna co nfl uences were recommended by Jan H u t c h i son of A c r e s American , Inc. during a phone Septe mber 1Oth . convers ation with Brent Drage A co m p l ete outl ine of proposed on Tuesd av, cro ss secti on locations developed by Acres A m e r i c a n , Inc. in B uffalo shou ld be on hand fo r c o m p a r iso n and revi ew at th e meeti ng on Wednesday , Septe mber 11th. - -'• ,__ '"'"':\ -.......... · t=;{?� [ \':/'L__..:;...........:·::...· _2:'··�··....,;· ·:.w.. ____ .:.._..:.;·.·:......:..._:_�-_....__ __________ _._ ___ __.. ____ _ --------· ..... -.----·-----·----·--------·- I - mis c 1 /a Page 8 ITEM 4: CROSS SECTION LAYOUT ON 111 = 500' BLOW -UPS C ro s s s e ctio n l o c ations were tran sferred ·f rom th e 1': = 4,000' mo saics to 1" = 500 ' blow-ups with some refi n e m e nts . Locations of hyd ra ulic co ntrol poi nts , such as channel co nstricti ons and apparent changes in ch annel grad i e n t , were b e tt e r defined and cross sections po s i t ione d accordingly. R efi n ement s wt::re als o made in c r o s s secti on locations to bett er esta b l i sh co rrelation betwe en wate r su rfa ce elevations in th e main stem , m aj o r trib uta ries and s l o ughs fo r in stream flow stud!es . A l s o , w h ene v e r p o ssi b l e , cross secti on lines were adj usted to lc:acil itate fi eld oper a t i ons . It was g e n e r a l l y agreed th at com pletion of c r o s s secti on su rveying wo uld ta ke a b o u t five w e e k s . Wo rk is s c h ed u l ed to b e g .i n th e last week of Septem ber and s hou l d be fi nished by th e fi r·s t wee k of November . Survey resu lts and oth er data co llected at th e cross secti on wi ll be incorpo rated into a repo rt to be used in t he futu re for data anal y sis , as outl i ned in Item 1. One report wi ll be p r e p a r e d fo r each of th e c h a r a cte r i s t ic reaches defined . The p ro p os e d fo rm at i s o utl i n e d below : 1 . Int r o d u ct i o n 0 0 0 Reach location referen ced to rivet" m i les a l o n g c h a n n e l t hal w e g . Photo mos aic of th e reach showi ng cross s ect i o n loca ­ ti on s . Summa ry of fea ture s: key cultural featu res , hydraulic co ntrols and e n vi ro n mental featu res . :.------��---���������-�����--------------------------------------\ •,. ���f\Vfi ... ·�· .-.... ,... .. --·--·-,·-·�--·-r--------� \.1' ... ( ! ,. misc1 /a Page 9 0 Summary of repot't co ntents . 2.. Regime Ana lysis 0 0 0 Descri ption of channel characterist ics . Analysis of behavior -past and p r esento Projecti on of futu re behavior assuming natu ral con di­ tio ns, without th e proj ect . 3. Transects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '-'�� .. Plot of cros s section-' including li st of x and y coordi­nates � Reco rd of wate r surfa ce elevati on at the ti me of S' Jrvey . Calculated hyd raulic parameters . Vegetation l i m i t s and g ener al cl assifi cation . Miscel laneous fe atu res incl uding : bed roc k outcrops , ba r fo rm ation , debris accumulation s, ice sca rs , etc . Descr ipti on of bed mate r ial . Photog rap hs of each site to illus trate cross secti on ·· cha racte rist ics . . . ' .• , ' misc1/a Pag e 10 lTEM 5: Fl ELD TR IP BY MU L Tl -DISCI PLI NARY TA �h-FORCE Cross section locatiCJns wi ll be fi nalized during a fi el d tr ip on Tuesday , th e Bth of Septem ber b y a multi-disc iplinary gro up, including Brent Drage ( R&M) 1 M i l o Bel l (speci al con sultant to Acres ), Bob Wi lliams (T .E.S.) and Christop her E s t e s (ADF&G). Their recom mendations wil l be t'"ev iewed in a fi nal m eet i n g on Wednesday, the 1Oth of September . OF FICE MEMORANDUM TO: FR OM: Brent T. Drage R&M Consul tants Ian Hutchison Date: File : SUBJEC T: S us i t na Hy droe1 ectri c Proj ect Subtns k 3.03 Bed tlt ateri al S am pl i n g S eptemb e r 17j 1980 P5700 .. ll.l0 We have re vi ewed t h e 11 Gri d-by-Numb er11 t e c h n ique you have propos ed to u ti l i z e for col l ecti ng ri ver bed ma teri al sam pl es in th e Susi t na. We ag ree wi t h th e procedure for u se in th e Susi t na Stu dies. We a s s u me that b a n k materi al sampl es wi ll also be t ake n at th e ri ver secti on s. The ·data co l l ected shoul d be inc orpo rate d in t h e fi el d data logs wh ich shou l d be sent to us regularl y. I.P.G. GK: cmt •' /} I .t '-··· •"j I I \ • - I l I r· f"'· l OFFIC.E MEMORAN DUM TO: FR O M: Brent T. Drage I. Hutchi son .. , . ' Da w: Sep temb er 9, 1980 File : P5700.11 .10 SUBJEC T: S u s i tna Hyd roel ectri c Proj e ct Subtas k 2.16 -Hyd rographic Survey Further to our tel econ yes terd�y we encl os e a marked up Xerox copy of th e 1" = 4000 ' scale p h o to g raphs of the Susitna Ri ver �etween P 9 rtage Creek and Ta l keetna confl uence showi ng r ecomm e n d e d locat1 ons of r1 ver-tra ns ects to be s urveye d under Subtas k 2.16 . We have re tai ned the t r a nse cts sel ected by yo u to the extent poss ib le. Changes we have mad e resul t fr om a need to be tter meet th e fol lowi ng engi n e eri ng r e q ui remen t s . 1. To model the river reach adequately for pred icti on of pre-and post­ proj ect water level s, vel oci ti es as we l l as growth rate , ex t e n t and stabi lity of ice-cover, and ri v et"' temp erat u re r·e gi me . 2� To d e r i ve reservoi r o p era ti o n a l constraints imposed by downs tream req ui remen ts wi th res pect to water qual ity, and al lowa bl e fl uctuati ons in water level s and di scharges . 3. To as sess morphol ogi ca l changes due to p r oj e c t operati on . 4. To p ro v i d e adeq uate data fo r as sessme nt of envi ronme ntal i m p a c t of th e proj e c t on fi sheri es habi tat. Effe cti vel y, the al terati ons we have made distri bute the trans ects more uni fo nn1y over t h e enti re re;�ch instead of concen trating o n two ends . We have still attempted to reta·i n severa l fe atu res like isl ands , sl ough s wh i ch may be of interes t to fi s heri es studi es and incorporated new Sf.:cti ons wh ich are hy drau ical ly signi fi cant. We have ma rked the t ra n s ects in green in the attached copy wh ich is the on ly one avai lable wi th us at th is ti me. Please mark up a copy and ret u r n to u s as soon as possible for our records . We app reci ate that the exact locati o n of the transects has an el eme11t of f l e x ibility d�ptmdent on actual fi el d condi ti ons encoun tered . -�/ GK :ccv Atta chme nt cc : J.D. L awren ce J.W. Hayd en / ,(A��v'A ) ��--��-------�-fv I . Hutchi son -----'""""--- G. Kri shnan Fi le K. Young Registered Professional Engineer Mr o Brent T. Dra g e R & M Cdnsultants , lnc 9 5024 Cordova Box 6087 . . Anchorage , Alaska 99502 Dear Br ent : MILO C.SELL Consulting Englneor BOX 23 MU KILTEO, WASHINGTON 98275 September 19 , 1980 I have already expressed my appr oval of th e trans ect locations taken below the Sus itna. dam sites . Thes e may not all be needed for fi s heries uses . I w!ll examine the flight pictur es and list thos e that I beli eve will give the des ired information ,. Some time in the futur e lateral trans ec.ts will be needed to define us eful gro ss areas for £ish p r o du c t i on . I have read the three papers you furni shed me cover ing the in­ stream measurements for s p awn ing , rearing and food producti on . If this is the approach that ADF&G wil l approve and use, a numb er of field tests and m ea sur ement s "\'l ill be required to satisfy the program . It basically uses depth and ve locity as maj or factors with refine­ ment s of light penetra�ion and temperature in the scoring system. The sub strata i s als o given maj or weight in s coring . The latter is som ewhat mor•e difficult to obtain in deep rivers . The behavior of the adult fish in this river system mu st be known in order to set lim i t ing velo cities , and the depth below and above , for which zero is ass igne d and the area beyond given no value • . T�uing of the fish runs and expected t emp er atur e s can be deter­ mined , along with wat er clarity .. Any facto�, such as low oxy gen , whi ch would result in a score of zero 5ives a no value for any ��ea . F,o od producing and rearjng ar eas depend on similar phys i��l fa ct o rs . In general , then , area� may be both s p aHn in g and food pr o du c ing or food producing and -rearing . In the Sus itna there may be winte�ing ar eas for young fish requiring special m e a s ur em ent as th eir effectiveness dep end on ground water sour ces . To obtain the above dc:1.ta , conditions at mg11g than Due flow level are required . You stated that perhaps thr ee trans ects could be measur ed at different fl ow levels unt il fr eeze-up time . I sh a ll sugges"t three such ar eas after I have had a chan�e to study the pictures . c.c. Hr . Clinton Atkins o n Hr-. Rob er t �l ill iams �)Z(yours , m7/c3 ATTAC H MENT B PLOTS AN D SUMMARIZED FI ELD NOTES FOR CROSS -S ECT IONS FROM DEADMA N CR EEK TO TA LKEE TNA L I ST OF ABBR EV IATIONS USED ON CROSS SECTION PLOTS AND SUMMA R IZED FI ELD NOTES STA .. =Stati on ELEV . = Ele vati on R. R. or Ak. R. R. = Alas ka Rai l road G.S. = Groundshot CH . or CHAN . = Chan nel MC -= Main Channel HW = High \\late r L/B = Left Bank LO B = Left Overba nk R /B = Right Ban k ROB = Right Overban k EOW = Edge of Water D/5 = Down st ream U /S = Upstream TRAN . or TRANS . = Transition BOlt L. = Bou l der COB . = Cobble GRAV . =Gravel RX = Rock DIAM. = Diameter F RAG . = Fragment VEG . = Veg etati on ALD . = Alder 8/R . = Birch CW = Cottonwood SP R. = Spruce WI L. = Willow r24/11 z 0 !--1 G.J SUS I TNA HYDR OELECTR IC CRLlc_��:_1-SECT I 01� I�Ut18 EP PRO .JEC.T' 1 n 3 11 0 -0 -11'----------: --..-------------�·�..a.._..-. t __ !G __ _,_ ____ • _____ ..., --J V r J ---\ / ---.. ----/� ........... \; ....... . 3'.30,0 -· .......................... . r�J 3(?n . a 310. fJ -·+------�.-----_,.----.....,..-----,-----....,....--------.... i -------.,.------; 100 0,0 1so o.o 2ooo.o 2soo .o 3ooo.o 3soo.o 1ooo.o 1soo .a snoa .n STAT ION . • S££ �?TJ1 CH£b SV MMf:lk.'/ SlleE1-s /:OR 6EsC/Cif>T70"' 0�'>-Vet:;E.r�r1 oi'\J f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .<...R.x-1 .})�7e oF :Si.-KVEt': E t..£\1 33 8.0 33G..3 33 2 .2 18 +7� 33L S 333.5 Z7t-JJ 33 0.!; 3J+ t!O 33 7,7 3fl:>+Olc 33 $". 3 31+ (e,/ 33 �. 9 ' ! ri 3t;+o9 a.g 2. 7 4/t-4.3 33 �. 0 '1-J t-93 334.1 42. � 'lo 33 4.9 SR/'J .l> STI L '-ON C. OS �I.e BE b SPRkS tr WII.. I_ CII.•.JS $ SRN b . ' SA N:O E SPFI RSE W11..1.. 0 /.lt..lS . COBSLSS ;(Rx -; , £ J... £ v. l'-'Jn f'lj>.l/.4 G.s \ "'-.I 3a3.a 33 7 . .c. SUS ITf\jA HYDRO ELECTR IC PROJ ECT r.oTTON t.\1 0 b:S j bEi'IS·;t ALbERS ____,. I I • • LU �'t��0 • ..._ u .lf.�0._., 1 1 .. bd:lo ,/ J. I a l CC UM UL.�TE.b /0 +00 18 161 2.4t-S8 2"1 -1-S.s- 2r'i-'17 � IJ+.s-8 3 1�3¥ 3�i-7' 3'9-.,. 91 E. J...£V 342.1 �3 .5"� 7 33 7�0 33 8.Z 342.1 3 "1 . 9 33 B .. z 31o.2_ ' t�fJ f\IN/.N G.s ' / 1"'\. Nr.i ot'N£/.t ()£SC.A I' IJ·n . o,:-IJ & tJ, �A IE" A �� .1.. ·. Gsr�P1"' 7'6tD N.!IS.Irf Pt:J,IVr -S,H�V� 1:>£' R c;: P /Gil' 1-vA r·EJfl. C#AN#£"� -SA IVIJ 8EJ:J • Rlfi/1'7 'T'D'P oF 8AIVk -SP;IJAS.E W/�€- & H Y . . r i AI.O . .£A s /t!V SAN� I ro P c.!= 1/ANJC -Mllli>L£ cHI4 N""F&. -rA IUV •. rJrro/1/ : St4 tYID e' .SPII�.s£ VE �. ro • C�8 (JtL £-s .?1 SAN .O " GltAV£' -ca.a s�.e 8/:Z) SAND r�lt'.r.' Tra¥:.-r' SI'I I'Yt· £ $,;f111'fl,t. C08.1JJ. £..!' ro ,. lltfEC II.'""'"' CCI,I).(J(.ES E sr, ,t(·J9 rE A:) 1-!IG N' fOfli"'r -COtBl/1. cS II I G-/1 PJOIIV r -£12(;,£' A cc Ll"" VL A TG a SANo -l c � Po tN T ' S �Nb ct RCCf..l�t< VL J.'ITED {.a.·GS • oA VE GE'rf'4 no,v 7'0 FA/f. RIG-liT 4AN.t: @ 31-1"1 SUSrTNA ri YD R OELECTRIC PROJ ECT CRO SS--SECTI ON t�umber 3 .......... .._ ..... _.. ... _,_l ............ "�--· .... ��-··--.., .. _ ..... .., ................. ,.� ............ -................. ....,. ..... T_,.A�--....,.-.... _T1 --.=_:::;:r·:;-:,:-::: } 1 TR RIJS . ;rd> S�Nb � I 1 • I .,.. i I j jrR fl#Js . To eor a'e:s - ...... I I I ' I , I . TR .q,-:s trO� .�0. S/11'/b r-·--St;./1> f1 t!OBBLE.S-� --.... ! � ..... , "TD £ O'F SOIL 1!1/JI'IK -· "' � corro�t��ool:l.:J ! "", l • r .. . . . � : • \�: ! � r-....... ... ....... � � �-/'· .. 1 1• �· o .,. .., ""-.(;. I ,.,.....,. �tP l t:i �r ---... � .. -- I r�r I l�· ...___ I-I�TU.ICE C0 7r. NWOObr f ln.IHiR:..s u 1 � r · . . . ! . !; . . /. -. . J . . ---· ... -. -. -.. - -. ---! !' I I I . . [ ...... . I\ : I I \ I I I \·v I { i I . . .. . ... . -....... , _..... . . ... . ... -�-· ...... ·�-·" ... _ .. __ �· .. . I I .I..Rx -3 :s�.-RVE ;r : No t / E ,��t�8£� /3 , /"'Oa. l'f I'IA· c.H 2� 19/il ( eJC"'e.n.:i'"·"' Jn.. /e {+ �ve-r-b Qt,-,.. J..) 1S-I-3? 3 91--l- 16 +93 3'1-1-8 .S0:-(.0� 3 �'." S2,.-i-2.'f 3 <;-7. 0 S3 -t 01 349./fl l S'?il63 3 .,.�. 2. s $"f02. 313., S'"l> t 7'/-3f.'/.7 CO. Trol'tl' WOt>�S T<>E o,.c �AtYA:' --re P So�<.., S.&1HO E'' Ct>-8(J£$S ,. rill A,.,., s , r/'"'-"" ro. .Sr/1"" TR I1t!'V.S '''OAr ..,..Cb a�OOL,e-s �� Alt/S/f7ow re> SA.-tP'L:J H/GH Pa:-�;._,., O.H Sfo N�. SH o�L.�E!? OJF J'�AI...L CH'A" At-41'-G':L Low-I' O!IN'T' ro P (Jr 41fvk - t:.o7ToJV 14.1 t:N�KJS i 14 I.. I> E� S # SLJSITNA l-l Y DRO E LEC-rR�,C PROJECT' CROSS-SECTION Number 4 f I. � 'f ••· ,, �··••• .. w•�·-#>• ' I :1 1 /'1 R "'"'/"' Gs .DEsc/?tP//0/11 J �s �r.�n �r �/�o �rl�������£�v;·====��·�==�·��/====F===========F=======================�=====================: . - 1J-J S3 1� ," QS" �jti# . 141-eR. i 12. ,,2."1-vJ i-"� c)I A ,# : l 4f.3 t1o 1 i f.-1 -1-1 (, I I "/t;"f;s- 3$/. "' 3�4-. r 3$'"3 .. S" 3S"2.8 3..ro. 7 3So .. 4 3S/.8 J'f,. ' 3S9.J JS"j .. J ro p D'r 8 .ll" Nlc ., 7*A A'NS I II �N·.! lSI� c.JI To A.!. 41 E � ..r 'T"'(1.P OF 8A,v)( -EtO.thS' t7r:" .'/.t.IJ�,q.s c' , SP 19/.?·c· F c.o 7r6 N Gt..� "D�.S' I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I . I I I I £ J...£V I I To P c.F 6·Atfo'X -/ft'r,ll"rlJ�E 8 //flc:"� I .SPI'l v�E> ,., Co TTl?#' r.vo-o.a .s;. St:�A1E A�IJF�..S • I I I I I I I I I I �I SUS ITf\JA HYD FtO E LE C TR IC PROJ ECT CROSS--S ECTI ON Number 5 II II •• • I I I I I I • • . • • • £1 II , J"'JFJ r/N/.11 Gs ' , .., �======�==========��========�==========�==��======��-�==�====---���==--====�:==�·�����=·==��· Sl +21 S-1-IS"T- $""#/-+ ?8 s-.s--1-S', . l i _f"(. .,.�7 1 .__ l l 3 s-r. � IJ, 3.$"*'? .. 9 3S9. 4 363�0 3S8 . I 3S"b . 7 TA Aittt'S/770N : V£G . r-o G-AA VGJ..,... C04 8J..S, �MQ ���� Pfl rC HeJ T4P' OF 8 if: IV Jr: .. Pl t:JtJ P ll RTG {)£ Ar'J .rr y eo 7rt�>#e.vo �o.s "TbP' �· 8A/VK -A'f A r;v CH" ,q ;VA/ E � ., .EJJ t;.e cr>l= VE t;G rA·nou T�llrV'.rrTIOA/ : .So l£. .S O/tlt E GR.·� VG' L S.-J;N't(J _, t;AA V£J. �A'I:J .SeA Tr�� .EI/J Co•B Ql.E"S I i i I l I I I I I t -r r;.4 +a a 1 J i r I 7.iH W3 1 .,. I 73 +� •. { t 1 1 ' ,4-Jt; ,q�;i//1 Gs i I I I I r l I i flP;!'J'V!f'£ L-tZoO,�t.E �AT.EA IA L r-voE o,...t:: TO �'.!"O:/� A!J•At"VAt .,-op t7JF 8Jif9:!'/k .,! V£G -t:£C.:/'5't:�.;PF Wt:J o,o.r_, S�.£VC.E; F.F.q;V.r ,� GRA J.f"FS' , f rep O.P IFI ·G.N .EA TE I< ,r A c F -l. .(j ,:E t::= ;,.,-;1- 4D c /l S. /...s,...-Co 7i 0� '-'CI OA -.f' to� v e. IS ..!7" A-1'1"0 SUSITf\Ji\ H'YDRO E LE CT RI C �P ROJE C1. CROSS-S EC*ri ON l�umber 6 37o.4 bl t-77 3,o.l 3 "'·I � . 3 70. .. ' 1 , Jl1fl "" ;;nt G.s ' / 1"'\. I f I £o tv Pt:n;Yr /N' #NJ;-H wA r-t::(� CH tfli1A/·,ve-, .MIX Q.p S;::f't�Vr;.� GAICI VE L �£.' l!044Lc G Rt:/VE. L. 1'rJ>P. o� e·�vk ­� �. ,/], E tt s (0 £ OP IJ,t:tNk -T;tt,eri'V.S:.;t 'Yif:IM ..:.. G�.-'9 VE c. ro So:/(. TO P Or J!,t:�N')C -..NrAI�,<l e· C C:71'ati'Vc../Cit1;D � SlDJt l.JC/S' f rtl.l:lc/< S SUSil-NA H'f DROELECTRIC PROJ ECT T�/;l•ISI TIO!I: "COIJfCJ�AV. 7:)• C<IIJ, fNITH SO lt;�A'I.C� f F£W ZHI UI. &u:t..,Q�S � -;'JIUIJ/SI'riONt .�� -;.ji c.o!J8L4S f �A\f�L - C: ,, 0 + d � � ltJ .. --··--·I CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 7 ----�-----�-·--·��T�---------�-- ...-liPs TREFlM Tl� OP V£f1 £T� /t::JN OIV �$1.AIIIb • MIKE.JJ W/L LO ..... --.... ·I +--r� HS -'TIOIII : Sfll'llb ' , ' ;' ... , ' . ,. .. v Sfo..-il on No . • _r /HJ&I RTI.IR E I I i I ' l ,j �Rx -7 J),.;,e; oF �.,�V£1': OC"rOB£-R h 198.t:J Hll!tC# z �; 1981 ( H/(jNT �K rE.NSl a,v) 37Z. 7 lo+B Z. //�0/ 3h9.Z /1 +o.s-3 t, b.4· 3/, 7. 1 18+-IZ I 3hb. 7 l 3/,$, 1 2.4 +1D9 374.9 31,s.o 372..'} I TRRN.S/rloN 7t:> C.o 88LES E" f:$�.,t1 V£4.. ; (ro� -OF LEFr .gnHI<) • E ,q FEW SM.4.t.t. 11/0 U.LLJEJ.'�S ' VP snt:/IM r,;p � V.G t;c rA770A/ ON .I'SLA H� Ml.f(ci;) bJ ILLO� e' /�H/9 741/C;'e t:!.0 17bN h) CO b I � . qRn VEL. f SoM E C:.088 LES I I I I I I I •........ - I I I •,_, . J II 11 J ( 11 11 1." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ·" ·"\· .. ... ... :;. .. .bn-r£ oF Sf/RV£Y : oc.;-o8£R � If/Sa .. E. t...£1/ 3 78.1 37°· 7 371·3 372.2 3 7h .. 8 391. 8 MIU�CH 2h, /98/ ( EX TG'�SI ONJ .i.G;o/" -:f"O P OF 8N A'X:. Fir' Co.N#"�LJeNCE o;e" �o .SMI9Lt. C;;tANNeLS ' . -�--· .... � SUSITNA HYDROELECTR IC PROJ ECT i I I l . . • . I 10r qRJIJ SA HPI,.£ l.o (:�'TION ! l ' r I l I . i -'...Rx -8 £ /....£'/ r ; . TO'P t>,C 6ANIC -.& DG£ oP V£G -S,P/C VC:::£ I £ iS .lA CH , 31-;. )3 373.9 373·3 3'1'+"9 37� .. 7 EIJ G E orr v£(;Gr,r;r/oH -GA AS.I ES� ri"-D E; U<.. 393.o . i �---------------------------------------------------------------------------- •. .. ' .. ; �· ·'' SUSITNA HYDROELE CTR IC PROJ ECT · CROSS-S EC.f i ON Number 9 IP. R/'JS' no/'/� S 1'1 :V b 70 C o li't.!L e GNfJ�1CL /1-1 IX --fill' 0 .... • I • oo oO 0 0 ��I I lIt It ��I D LLI oo () I, �' I I I I I I t .St o...fion No. o0 cP �� I I t I a a �� I I I I 0 a I � ,, . �·.:�� .. !/ . ./ : -! , .. ' '· �Rx -? .l:J�TE o;:" Sf/�V£Y : OC"ToB£� 7 19S o ,. £LEV. O-t 7o 4oe. 9s 19 /0C 20 +03 384.1 2orS3 38/. ft:, 2h +3 B 39/. 0 3 f.J 2./ ,4-fJ:IR C.II 27, /9 131 ( 1..��� t6a...n k e.Jtk,.s«r,._) , • ... C 088 LE S £b , -... SNHE .SJ�Z£ ,9$ £c,r::-r SN#k TH E/N..SJ"TTo J\1 : C:.088�E.S TO ...,-�p.SO ,L.. 8D;V � , W/ $P�RS£ GN /l.S.SE.s e w��.t.ows , . c 8t�CH • ,... SUSITf\JA l-f 'iD R OE LECTR IC PROJ ECT CRO,S S-S ECTION Number 1 0 0 : fiRI.D SA IIPJ..E LOC/I"I"J:o.fr! t.>,lt> ': .5B ��,� Oso :: 'If =IS� T""R�.A/S�T�O NJ CoBB,F.S 7b C08. £• i('RV. MIX • , .. � I ... j •• • ..,,..,,, " ... ,.. ·•··<c. ' • •.,. Jt ""' � • SL.VMPE ,._,R TGR!h94. .Bfl.sE ct�rSa#k r I I l I I I l I l I I I I l I l I I I , MR IVNNI GS ',.,_,I ====T===��==�====�==================-� ll l z. 3 /U f.:!:-(..: /!.: I :::i ,: ·ff/. f. 4t t-'. J • -. 0 .. :.�//. I� •. <.::: • I 4c L. • .:>- .­J- l?-/'),.J S t3 d NI< · ( v £ <f V t.. \' .__. 0: !:. i" (· rl 1': t-1 !'I' G. L to . ,.u; e •: r7 Ft. .. �:s i-R'f!TH . '-.Lt.) .. SUSITNA HYD RO EL.E CTR IC PROJ ECT l ' CROSS-SEC TIOt·� Number 1 1 T/UINSr 'r-I OA!: C08 8L£� RNb �.Ait;IJLn� q�/JY£� 7'b Ve"q: -19L b�.ttS H/tl� SMRU. 8.1 iCON -·---+---""I t -_ _11!--------t --··-·��---� � t � Tlt RNSJ rro.-.'.1 �R RVEL ro <!< IJ8U: BCb ! :� I "'� � �-----------------�.__..----------------��-------------�---------------��---------------t�------------------·-r--------;.-------1 _:;: .. TA. RW'SI170N : VE ( £7flT70N' TO (p Fi"I9 VEL �---ttl l � : I � . l1.J r-HR 'lliRE v� G: soM£ LnR_t, £ corroi\fwoo� i' 1-\ 1'111/J ';' H�fbii.IH 131 /PCII � �PNtJC � � ,._"/, Q SO/"fE lllb • ll.S : ... , ----""'-, .. -I --1-I ... __ .. # J -.t-l ---...... _t:=;;::;;-.;:--a&:or---·=--' 7--, ,--------4------· --� �,, : t Jl l i-0: t..oc n77o1J o1 CjR"'b PHo -ro : \0 61 1. = 18 �"'�"' �--�------·----�-----------��-----b�-�-�-;-��3��-"-"----t-------------·----+------------�·w���----------�----�-------... b81 " l.oo •. ,... \ ... 1-\ I t o ���--� I t ��':l oO d� c,Oo , �oO oO \ :-..,�t: �I � I I I II I 01 I I I I 0 I I � 0 ��LL_I�������··�·��··�·��··�'��··����··����·I���o�l �l��··�·��·�·l�l��������·�����-�-�� , -f..Rx -II ./);Jr� oF .SI/�VE �: OC.ro8ER I{, 1 9'S o £L£V. .If 2.3. 2. 2.o+o3 �2 o. 8 20+10 4ts .. e 20+3() 4J a.9 Zo 174 4o7. B 411." 27f 7S 42 2.0 28+ 73 51"3./ MRR. (!JI 2 &,... 1981 ( LeJI!"r EK rcN'S/OAI) ... "'?CP OF BR.Nk -l''"h1T�R£ VEt:ftETRT/0/41 o;:­LIIRf:i.E (ts.., �11) CoTTo.N�ooc , HRN Y ffE blll/1 I 13/R.CN f S.P�IJC£ , SO..�E /IL .O�� . ro .:· o.c IJ/9/V K -T�l9/ll.srn�'oN: V£Gt THTicN TO t;.R �VG£, TOP OF 8J.u.z:-;:­' SUSIT.f\J A HYD RO ELECTRi C PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTI Ot� Number 1 2 'N �� lrE q. Tb '!. CIV1VEL 8£Jl ( u ·- £ 1-"" ... � teO �� 1-1-"' "" !-� � �0 �-� ..... 1-"' � � � � ... IJ,o "'c. 1-!-1-"' 1-... "' 0 �-�" 1-1--- 0 J � �p 0 �0 .. I I -0 a t 0 I 0 � n I I I I J I I I I e • t-I . r g I ' I � \ \ \,!''........_ 9 oo ��0 t I I I I I I IJ +-r�n#'sJ To s.;o ro p oF' "'E- w n.. , ... .-----I I jr/Or't:• C0881..£.5 ANb H�£t.J S I?,RSE l}R/J�� � :SJfi!JNb � 8/JNJ<-Y£C: .. hl�rt/Ai;; o,r= 1.. ow J 8Nl c� f Co?revv ;.;'..Jo a: __. ... ----__....,.--· f--•-_,... ...... �-- . -l f � I !I J J. I ·; I 4 ,J r§l c.§) oo � () '.) �t talat'•• �'a I I I I_X_l__.l _,:-I � I 5 I I I I N o . '1 Rl..l.. l:/ o lN • ./)EJ � w' / A.t:bG� I .b II .,..,...,..--� ·- oo 0 co � �,1. I t I I I I I ��I ,a 1 a u I 1 .t..�x -/2, · ..b,;r� o;:-.SVNVEY .: oc:ro8£R /2../ 198o , EJ.EV. Jt!ANHI�lGs ',.._I /Oi-20 /o '/-71 12 7.9 432.b R r�t9NS/rl'CiV : V£q e Ttf9 7N:uv -n:, CO.£!-C�"l V.lBEL � (!OEJBL.CS TO P oF' BRNI(-SP !lRSG V€($. -H1)("rr:I�E OJ!' /9"-lu::�, wn . .t.ow�, �/.RCN f. Co rro,.;wooo S.US ITNA HY DROE LECT RIC .P ROJ ECT CROSS-S EC�fiON �l umber 1 3 I . ' I [ t i � I .I f �.R.x-,3 £ L.£ v. /L•r.ii .-:··�·� .. I r:..' t I .:J-/' 5::::::;0: I <.� ,,. .:>-:. • :_ .2. l f c� 1 2.C:t '-" �: "· c;. c· .. . • MR !VNoi Gs \ "\. I , / l I I Tc.",:-<'• ·: � .,, .< ' -:.( ... (. <S t"� f L),�r: H) �V (,.'�·'t. 7� L "' ..... '( ..-Tc },/C �� ··�r I ' f II: I I� .-l 1/<..! ll i r} i \ r . l :y ,j - SUSIT��A HYD RO E LE C TR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTi ON Number 1 4 I.OCr T'J oN b1" : 20 ,._ I .... . . . . 'I dis a = a " I ' .. I �i D8 i' r: '" I # I# � I� ������·d���������L �I �I �I ���,\�L��.����������LL��� o.�����·n·�����dU /3 J-2 2. j (, .f ::r ,"! .t /� rt l ;b ts·,;; 17 ns l].;.r./2. Zl Z<.:•'� 2c r�r· £ t..£V .,./ <#'*'� �') _z .:_!d :3 . •t 7 :;;:�-/. c 4"'-<-:s: I .:::... <;.' <' •• , o .. I '/$"'0./p ..!.4� t: ' ::;, .,_.!'-3 It 4�3.� l ) ... --. C '• > C:. I.:J t.= � l' , JIIJFJI'INni G.s . , "l I I I l I I I L.CJ3 � r . I /VI C. -,,;At-t.. ..,. C':e."•;j, c r?t'l v. , . r �t7 M s c• •• � .R • .e. rt et.· •.• (.-r-t n .6 J \1 i:.' <; -·:> ·-c• c:•,v :S 177'"''' (. . . . SUSIT�,J A l-!YDf10 ELECTR IC PROJ ECT CRG)SS-S ECl"l ON f\l umber 1 5 ,<_�x -16" E t..£V I l• r lt..• ... -.r..71./ /3 rc c. /b ·rZ I .c::; 7. c: I I (.;-r 3 f:. 4-:)J --':! /& rf!_� <:/ :!>-c _ '-3 2 3-rl-2.. "?·�-3 t�. .zsr�c. <!:) 7. .s-� 2. -·t-3 �:· �?;-, <.. 1- I /�R r.J #nl Gs ' J "' --�--��------ -�-�----··------····--�---------------�� LCB ·rc:·? Ed rVI< TC' /-" c r--e A /1/ A::: .I . . l (._ ' .. .. : �0 -� SUSITNAI HYDROELECTRIC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTION r�umber 1 6 1+-SflNb 8Cb �--------��·--------- �--------�- ++-----�----�--------��---------�----------� -t-� .. lU ..._ .. l!j . . � � tOO �� 1--�-· .. � . .. : �0 t-� .. • .';1;1 ' ' .. ' I 1.. I ' l I 10 ri& I jO "t'"'33 l I /1--fB 7 ( IS"·rO y I l 17'+4-3 I 2..0-f'/7 I l GZ -r 9s 2 3 ro; l 2.3 -t44- l 23 -t-S'f I 2..4-.,-3 7 I < £ t..£V 1-71. b a -e 7 . � . 9-h /. I 4&2' (.;, <f. tlb .. S" +.sa.z. <f-�G o .. fo 1-57,0 1-st;, _o ' Mn r�J./ni Gs ..DESC.i?IP/ /ON I E VL:N H IX f!..DB f t:;I'?/V V'. ro P OF B&Nk TOP ol= Brr iV/-< -�o..c:l Z. #. W • CH .4NNE l.. E DCit: ot= V/i?Cjr 'SI� tv'b ae:C> C ri'JCh4oE. "SPi'IR'SE r VIE <i� E s4 No Nf�H Po ;Nr -ro p OF BA-NK • /RHNS. 5B Nt::J r Vs q _.,.. <2. o B. . . . I! I 1 I i' � . i I . i I , I ' ' ) ,c .... ... 3o+98 3 1'1-12. 3Z73 / ?.Z rs-9 33 -t<�o 34t-so ft.-, f. 5 4ss . .-34 1-4 . S$ • .3 • -1-l? <f. 3 4-�2.. 7' <f'lll!il . o I l'1FJ ro./Nnl G.s I .I ,_ I P-.O B ' S/7 1'1!> -"'> /DPSCJ/L f 9�/ISSES TCJ P OF /3 HNK -SJ b£ s·t- u tJ t;/.1 ro .:= C> ,-:-csHN.e "SILT ,C �.ff'/' -#-?r 8 El::J ) C1 R /1 V. 8�NK TO P t:.F 8RNK /CJ E OF L3 Lt..'J=:� vE q. : 8//?f'N' sri? . '· (;.,t./ C.£1/o. kci �m 1-' elev. (!?.J SL CJi"'E of i3 ._t;;::-�) . 'rR ANSIT"IO �013 . t.j�AV f SUSIT�\fA HYD RO E LECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI O�J f\J umber 1 7 Ei-£V. /C I :Z.C :J-73. r <i-7 I. b /Cl r-!i ] CC'.7c'.l3c:,<. /C• l'i8o , /"1 l7i?C i-t 2 7 I 9 8 1 j , Mfl 1'/N//'J Gs I � "' 1-J C!. 'TicH NS . ,�ICjt-1 PT. c•N F'S t.. ; : : l ,y t) / (Ll/:. e;.rLN r ..... v : : : . (�) c .;•d.UL. .:: /3.;; 0 Sl'l N o f C' c.J t:i. Cc.,d 8L c·;; . . SUSITN.A HYD RO E LE C TR IC PROJ ECT 71UINS/ r�o. COB 8££'.S� I..RN �£" .8 � • VE<; ro ];.rnve� i soHc. c.U�E� -fb\} . -t>r . 1-r t- -\ r \} � �"' ' _, r I I I ,.. I t : () I t ��6 - ·-1 r l \ '-.. � �0 � 1-... �() oo � 0() � 0 1-I I I I I I '} I I ·-·-· " ' ............... I CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 1 8 ----coa 'at i: 8£b !-TRR ;VS ' "I'C:N.: C.68BL E.S ro GRn Ve£ . 1-r�.n"" S/T.IoN TO SHJI l!l Y son .. --1. ToP ·� 8RAI.I< -Hh-��.OE Com>N'o.>O< -· I .. --Srh« SPk D<"E If 8/R t.W' r--�:---·----·-�----.... I --...... L r--... ... .._ . ... II ... ... _..,. ' J Ji -·· ·-i I I I 0 :: LOCR'n'CU./ v' . oo oo c:P � 'J,0 , I I � \ l I I I I I t·. I I I I L .l !No . • I 4, I I I I , ___ I I / - OJ�:" t;�/.0 P#OT ..o..,(., ; /C..""� OS"O = 3" ,... .... l>IJ 4f ::-//0 .... ""' 0 (J(), � 'J t f I I l _l_ L 0 \)Q � --�� d I I . I I , .UCX-/S /0 +73 1tca .7 3o t>9o 3o+97 ' MAJINUIG.s ' , - �flNS/T/0#.• V.Ct;. T"o CO SlJ t..ii; t::j�;) V£"£ f' SoHE. 8.oel .t.l:.£�s 7CP � ,BDNk -�,;TI./�e co;:r�w �oiO I , SHJl'J I..L S;O_Rtc.H::� iqd6 d/�C8 SUSiT�,J A HYDROELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI Oi'J t··lumber 1 9 I I I i I t I b l 1 ,: \ . \ ' \ I • � l J " __ ... ......__ .. -I .. . l . I i I 0 = ;.Rib s.Jr..: J..;c;;.:.O",;i i l>,.." r 47' �"�<•,.,.., i b_,.o 1ft so r I o o 1 fo0 d� I I W.. Q. t 'tL l I I I I a..a..J :l f �Rx -17 E J . . . £V. .: i �7 f. - ( . L' r." .:f .d L l.· .!. /C /""' C.·'· /JhJtVI< . . SUSITNA HYDROELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTION Number 2 0 .}).,.;7c o,r: �-,;.�VEr : NC.'"/. C) E It:: ' , /VJFJ I'Irlni G.s I I"\ ,/ 13 r1� .. 1.., f . I I :.-"C I I ,-; <'•r. 7 .-I I, r c: .:' . c. • , . -·:-S-'.fND L � • l" i .. I ·-' ·_!'; T'-'•-' c.· .-)],�.;,tJ I< -t"Jt-l ll.·li:.�-C'<.L t-. I"TL.c:::u::��S I , . lt.'l-i. . ,_s t;;,�,l K .: 1) �.·t.. t. • "'�·,, ,., •. ,.j d t..t.:. ;:: rfN {) r /) 1-i.' ,.: ;-{) l..J Ct• iJ r"J tV /<: s·�-� "'() c; ..... . ,..;t.. .. !".. , ,., H I I c• ( H,:.IIY'.N£. '- ( ,, u . v e,,: . 11 t.. lJ �:-· /:<? ::. Y t 1 v' ,<.J 6.- . \I q I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, ·�·-J I I I . I ---·· ·-· "-��-�---�. , J11fli'IN/JIGS \ .I "-£ l.. £ v. .DESCR!PTrON =======F======�========�======-f·=============================== 3 7 ·r<-'(• 1-9 8. i 3 ·;-r..:.3 s-c· 1. c..• I ' i'"K htVS ;J-L.Di:::.R.S i:. t;j;?,;,::.--:;"� Tc f.:: C F t3 t.. t.· ,.:·;:: SUS ITr��A HYD RO ELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON i'J umber 21 E t...£V. /C I �', il l '77 13 j 11 J ·.!t ;;7 21 r 3.: "J"' I '1. 2. ' I 7 c t c 6 ' C /il .J;.f 1'-li:l "-"/ �J-" •c. L t.' v-::.. ....... 4.. "\"� ,..j .. -c ,., ,_, d I. c .:. ........ ; :; c: /t j"/.:: .K '-;:. C; (1•:1 , . �� .... ,· c::•,..,r""L,:; I'N ;-c...,., i.t ,.��" .._ !-<" t!..•*..J'f'4. .. "' . .(liN·..._ ·. - ;· . . :.� •. �. ' 1 ; :' . i ,'·i 't·• 'l .. ;' :j ' ., SUSI1.NA HYDROE LE CTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 2 2 ' ' .. \J ,., l I , I I . . . . . . . ..... -... 0 :: <;Rill S111.PLE 4ocnT'4�'� .b� ': B Mit\ I l JjS"o : 21 .. __ . ·-· ..... j b� � _se . I ;(Rx -22 £ L.£ '1/. I C ·f·t3 52 l�.s- t; rtl.:;l 5"2�. -3 /1 f "7c.""l :Si'l, 3 '"'" £/B �t 'L 7 ::-2..2.' ? :r;4.3 -� I >. I � -� r 12 5' 2. .::J-. c I· .DESC.R/P//0/If' ( ' <.. # ..z . .e. ci it /V t<. d r/t \1 I< -l.•t•/,,..-� ... ,� , . . c:;..:�.ril/£...;<:.. l'•h ;._,R:L (•,, . � SUSI1.f\IA HYD R OELECT RIC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 2 3 I 3 r:)'i :2 t.: ( .32. ---·----.-."----���--; ..;::; . .,. -,>• �c.-RV£1': �v· "'V B [ ;-...... # "" • J 'i £ /.... £ v. 53 R. I :;-..i. i. c . . . ,:,....;..� 'S"2. f.. • I .522 .2 I l I \ •· ;--; H 7 il ;';: i < .;.. s ;� (•,..{ r�· ,.� ,v.s . c .. -.d . ( rf I y /.I SHN D ---?R ON$. vt:.:c..· ' ---C:t:'o. T.-� l�tVS . 1-/ 1 <i rl ?T • !." /\1 I.S c. ,9;V .0 C lf<'-/N tvL;' <.. If t.. c• ·" G- ,Sc..ri ;V i)) . . .. . . · .... � * . SU'SI TNA HYDROE LE CTR I .C PROJ ECf CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 2 4 --. ---=1 • I -SR/Jb f SCh7'(£REb COIJ8'-_.__.,.. I . � �() . 1 �-� j -�-·-� f-T� IJNSI 'T.I 0/4/:-5"o u. f VE G. "nJ t-:SAJ't//:l. � f-<! o7ro NW o Ob.S 1-, 1-fA FEto Al..bERS _ ___, I-r--.. ...... ... () ............ �-�'?) ............... �, .. � � ' I-\ - � l -. -��0 "................... . ........... 1-1-1-:"' '-'0 � .. -- . ' t �..... . . """" -sH � .. , ...... ., � .:Ji.t. eo lJt«E.s /II - 7be ......... ....._ ..... ___ ' . ,, �b t:;.RAV.i!".t. OF {3£/;>ROC '-FN C'e ·- I// .1 ·· .. '1, ! "\., ..... ..J ... � " • I I I '-• -1 0 -�0 0 oo oo �-Clio 0 \ 1-.LI 1111 'I I I .. !. I I � I I '.1 I I I l '}��0. ! ..a...u. I c �0 ��I I I I I I oo � � I I I I I I oo � ��� No . , ... I fV/fJ 1'/Nnl G.s '..,. , //.;oa l/-1/4 sa 4.7 //7-56 523./ sao. o ro £ a�;:-8£D�Ck .C'R CE -N£-4HI.. Y VeA'T�<:�� ... A.Nf;U l.Jf:JR �c::!Ck /:fCf:0/4(,11.19 T'E.O ;lr 7;tlE rc E " F£w �/VE � rA?/lAISJla.RrEb coaet:.es !1 ' ' ' . � i\ I I I ; !I 1 ·I '1 j 1 .j \ i I l . ) SUSITNA HYD RO E LE C TR IC PROJ ECT • CROSS-SECTI ON Number 2 5 r------------r------------�----·------�r------------r------------�---------·--�-----------"" C08.[JL.£� f s/INI:J ---+--tool f. +--10 £ OF 8i.U FF, <30Liit-.O£� NNb C088L.ES r------------4--------- ---�-------------�-------·----�-------------�---------�·-4 ------------4 -f. � ... !o-f-,o 0 -� oo f- ' lllllltlt l oO . �� rJ� � . a() �I It I I I II �I I I I I 1 S{�;..-/-io n_ . /Vo . r+t--.�tJx oF HRJiV4 RNb SRNb �oo oo I � I I r I I D I ��I I I I I I , t • /5r8 z 1-0 8 .::S:Z. 7. 3 /&19� 19rl7 S3 .z...!;J llf-r Be :;:3o . 9 I 22 7" 7:1 03 1 .7 ' ZZ t78 S3 <J.,cj �4+zB 5'3 tv.'f 5-3 .-d. :;l • • 3o tO o 3 o ·r 7 { \ TO P .:S'/lNCl TiC ,;,,,s . r..o e ac..e-s TO TO 1:l £..1 r-8 R AI r::: ( s J. IS c:.. /::; ri,t>) ra p o ;= B H tV I< (vc:c;.E;' sa ,,) � co a a'· c!.-E' s /fiV l::l . lo P o ,c. 8 /f. N 1<. E • IS L HI'V 0 ( dooL D ��s ���:tNS. C.O d � Vt:;:G- : (Yo v{IJG-"�'-' � ��t.. b Ef�s) t J� ! I ,r l IT ' ; : l j I ,· 1 "'' f ... srnr/o;N Ei-.£1/ = . >; ! I 33·r l3 s-3 {&.·.� I 33 72.5" 52..9 .2. l} 3 4+2 2 5"3 4.2. 34-·t-52. 53 6:>. 0 ::18 r3? S'3 z .1- 3 'i •f"Z..Q f!J-3 0 1 7 I . fl1 f) 1'1 # nl G .s ' / "l e.l>�€ cp VE ($. TR A /\IS� S c> IL __,. �l••• s: v·�-� eo iSBL.&S l3 E <$/N �J R TZI.R c V G ("j -ew. �HNS. Sc /t:... --4> C.OB8t..C:S r-11 x oP c; R nV. 1 SM. �t.. c o.s . r' :;,:;.A'� oA/ $Hoot:.. ac:R o 1= 8 BR BD !,.!t...OJ:�S �l-Or£ Vf;tj I F COIO Bt:... t:S . : BtiCCII S?lf . .. . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SlJSI"fNA HYD RO ELECTR IC PROJ'.ECT CROSS-SECTIO�N Number 2 6 TRIUJO:SI r Otfl/ TO J:o Cf< B l. lJ ;:-,r: 7 ·l 2 C" /e rtt... /8 r 3:3 I 5" :J-C'. ·; ..:>-::; �/ 7 I ' /-/(''/ ;7 . '-'''"0) LCB .! -. 1'-/ t:. I f _..., ,�.t.."'d f' 5t·•lit..c .-"'3 r �. . . . . Q":'� ' -.... . '·· (' �·'- ' i I· SUSITf\JA H'r'DROE LECTR I C PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI Ot-l Number 2 7 . J 1 I I l () . () . �P l.:f.J I _,J ) j�...., I V ,,.; I .i. �...r I ' I """ I ' • I L� L L I • .a l j I I t � .. ' A...&..J. .J-1 t <I> ' � � \� J ' ' '... .. \J ..... � .. / '-· I \ I �' I 1\ ' I .. "'l � l l j' ! � . I I I I • . • . • • i '! l: � l t I _ .. « To P etF S'RN. a ew., RLbt:'/:t � I t R PEW I SPR <><£ . ' • l � . •• .. "·A • •< • .,. -' l l i l l ! 'l l �Rx -Zl /C' t 7C· /£: .,.. C.'. Lf. 1 c · .. - �(.. ., ��­�.¢:::4:::l....:.:.:.. S:5"8. 2.. I �-:. i 7 No •J. 7 F /·1 } j I I , .. � .. 5;' (' ,.; i7E't? c;::. t� I R <' t+ '[' 51 J .-?. ----=;-, -r·, ,_, IN c.' ,·-t ;..; ;V. h'c..U.:;.,-<:; I ·,-':;t:> fC" AI ..,.-• < • ,,. ,,�_. ..;,('IJc_ � �.-C:-(:_• --(·.c·i:j' { t;K �v , ... j I .&.. ·r c: •· ::r� \ " ·, ' SUSITNA HYD RO E LE CTR,IC PRC)J ECT .,. .. , .... ) """ .S1>Nb ,.,. rC OB BLES �RN.SJ 770N: Q �!A tiE l.. To SIMI[)�. CROSS-S ECTION Number 2 8 i I 11f--,/J£b HIJ.T G'A.'.tfot o,:" t/N/,:.-o �""t �£�ul'-j (!0 88,L £1,. S'tJ H.t: P.IJ Tt:'H OF GR'RJ.£'L �Alb .SIJNb I I +---8£'t:;.tN SPnN.s£ VE;(/I!:T.R rtOIV; �C OH t.ILI1TE/:J bi!'B �/. . -+ MEOIVI'rl l:JE/./SIT� V£Ci : WIL�ows,R.t.L>.e.rt RNf6 l I.IVIHFliUR.C ed ;rCM'w oo6 t...l.frN 0,4.� SOl'-I +-TRRNSJ77oj -ro $,t:J#b . ' ..__'4"8 LES r 5R .U"' J r: ro r o,:-leoel<. 81... J'"F, C0 88L ES i .Sl.UHPE'b NRrr}R/Illl. . ----.i . - .... : I __ _ .• ·-. ·· ·---!--.. -·-..... 'I i l' I I II I 4 --._, ...... ,_,_"' . "'' . ,' ' �-/\ 1 \ f I \,; ------�--------\) -·--·'" ·------·----1--.--, . I j r � ;(/<x -28 /l i 78 Ia ·I-SO 13 t-81 14-J.fd .,. • I I 'J·r 78 Z 1-fSZ-Z.2 t-72 2.3 -t-44-z� -:r'-io 24-r::z:J .,. ...--....7 . .2 s -to 3 -z. s-riG. "" z. 7 .fz..fo :2.7 -t-Bo E J . . . . eV. 5(J;J /. 8 5lP O .4 4--7 0 """ � • 0 5'77. 0 I 1 I I L O B !'1C HC. RoB :519 N6 j Co&. I coa. deb -: .':' rr FTCr� C 0 /iiJ L 0 / -.:.<..J/ FC:�N:; C -...: ·roP or: an-N""' If W C: H J"lN. L-I?RCjE c! cJ:l l. Sff'NO ( htl B ,, N D :; ;>,.;. R i1 C � C: t. � .::ur •. :,ect. 1AIE:) � BtE f:it.AI ::il::.r-;Rsc: vsc,;.. t"J Bu,vt>.�Nr l:lc:a;cis ,:f(!''on a.:t+rGo ,vG ,q� TRIINS. /0 MH TU �E V£{j ·-r...u r(.. . �· C!�) v!!: c; : w 11.. ,. YcJ GJN t; rl�!.lU;�s ..,. n c co�.. r-r",,.:; n:c. -ED<j E C"•F VG.� -M{;b. �GN.S r ry i:u;.�tet: �/J-H S . TO s?A-Rsc:-Yo v,vc,. tutl....t.. c t..J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HY.DROELECTR IC PROJ E C-r CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 2 9 /1 /.fj,IJ '#N 7e'R. CH.R/1/NEL C:oB8LE 81. l:> hr 40 I...J POl � rR ,qJVS/T/cN : Roek IC"R R c:;lla:'NTS' I r- 1"' r-0 r-�':)�0 �() 1. . \,.,; fo I I ' I I I I I I ' I I I I I I -ro V«v-(t. :/J �CN) -, i� � �� � �� \ 1 1 il-..a-&..''-"'...11'-'-�'-�....._',�&.'-''......l'lo.oohl ..._, .·,d • ...&....� ty',._I,_.L-'I..,...L...L'...�...o�l'-"-�.&..� .......... �-'-�'-r....l.�.,_� 11-'--��"-• • ._,_l..a-&.ll.....a-..�l_..a ..... ......,al , ll j � '.'1 � 'i ' ' ! �;: t'i �r I ' ! tl Jl ! t . 'l " .... 5 I, I I I � ' ·� ll li il '_I ' -'.R.x- 2 9 ' l\7fJ JINni GS sr/Jrro/'1 . £ 1.. £ v. • J ==;=�======�===n===F======�==========================� /t r2o 12.-ICO 1z -r"''c /</1·00 /6d20 lb l-.52 /8 -!59 2070 8 2.2 "'so a3 +03 .3'i 71f 34-I IP" Gt-;i; '10:1.$2. 4o1 70 "'o i8C I .S8 3.1 574.9 S71. IJ, s7Z.D S78.2 577. 4 s-7c . 8 57.5':7c 579./ S77.</- ..S" 9. '1 S7E-2. S78. -1- S72.9 51D 8 .3t. 573� S' $$0.0 11 C.. V£ Cj -WI4LOW i S,tUi!�Y SOn .. "' • �P.So�L E VE � : /"14 7'!/.f:E cw . e /YL.t'>. • , 4£.1:>. f MJ9�R E C W. (tiP 70 ,s-" b�RM). /1/Vt:;dLP..{i! :sHA Le F.N .Rt;HEAIT.S' (u P ro .2. "�tt9M.) '/�IJN:S .• �.'(. �c:�A 'i� -+ VE �. (.8 /�Ch') I I I I I I I I I I I .I I .I I I I SlJSITf\lA l-f YDRO El_E C1.RIC PROJ ECT I ,,, 6> _JO r ! , ,. . . ' i CROSS-SECTION ��umber 30 ·r··­, ' ,.;"' ., ... IJ,_, �· ' I , \, f .... f ., I .. , I \ \ I i i l ! ' (,}:lo I o ooo I oo o" ������������������d.�������j �����·��.�L�I�.�r�'-'���.1�1 ��-L��LdJ��h����l �L ����.LL�i�'�i �r -��l s�£-���o�J �I �I � j IUCVM V l.R . bG81US Jl" i ) II II 1! �� ,) � �� l� l ! 1 l·l l ! j�' ) ' -!' l i L.R.x -30 //tS'O 11 +2-.r I 'J+&,t 2/t-41 23 -139 2S'"t$.o -· 28 f1..s- 31+�8 . 3'� + oiJ 33--12 7 StJ 4,4f} S"87. 2 SS I;. S'" S"(f; 7. 7 s-91· '1 .s-e, 1·" sa S"-1 sa 7. ' S""87. 7 ----·---·--------� ... ..,._,_o·-� NoV. � ( w�t7C:A) No V. 18 (L.AN'L:Jj I Mfi NN/N GS ' .I n. I I ....... � AolJ I I I , GflAVEL f .rAND lo P o;: 8/tiV.k - H!t;JI. p;-tiN' SAtv/0 "f' (fA'/J f'i. T�AN.r. 7<b SPR IIS E.. W/,. (rof o ; : : 8A Nie) I Qll;qV.. t Ca:.($ 7:1/RN.S: CoiJ. � VE G (J'o ut4"6 c:.w 61 SJ".At .S£�'"" ,.., TO ,-OF .8AtV� VE <:r __,. C..0-6, V£1;� ........ /CE. Ct.:>VLA E.t> �r.EA /4'� lf1.4 r£AI.4L � V.C G. I I I I I f0</!9 I 1·J -1-CJ CJ I 1..z..,t2r I -f.-3 + II I 1-3 .;s s "11--1-s-' I 1?-J-'1 I I I I I I I I I �86,. 8 SB B�7 Sll !$.3 s-8 6� .r S8 S. 41J.7 s-, .. j 0 I / n. I I . I I 1 i fl.08 TOE._ o,: NE'A R l-l( VEA. TTCA !s.. ll CICJ::::. Bt..VFF Vc£G-: Se.A7T£�GCJ SP4 Vt:E J! 6/Jil !: t:l SUSITNA HYD RO ELECTRIC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 31 r-----------�----------T-·----------�-----·-· ----�----------�----------�-----------, � ... t-t-() �' i- � I"' ... -() -oo --: -t-t-t-9� � -- � --0 - Tl:Uf OF .sE'b RO�--=: 8L UFF, TH. �M$"1'#.f.O N COIJ. f BolA!. ��RS 7b V£(j. • (jRIO P/l oro TJ 1 KGN b<)u.�t1',STRE�·'/M FRoH c.�c;:SS ScCTT� ·�...':, 'b �----------�----------+---·------·---�A�v�-=�2�8,������+--------------4-------------l---·---------f -DS'o ..:: "1911 -tr• -c,8 '1 .... 8"1 "��"' Sfo...-hon . N o . , �Rx -31 E J...£'1. //l o.::;-'cB. 7 11 .;2 3 �0 3. $"" //-1'41 5'18 . I -11 f 11 5'77. 2 /S +81 5'12.5.5 Lb �o 7 :5 '12 4 s-.s- _'1>,+3<1-5<1 ']. � r-: 20 -1-73 'o/ .. 8 2o�s a S9b.3 Jll��� � 1£ £"' /1,. 12.1 -1-1>2 S'/3.�7 I 2 31-S/ 5"9'1 . .2. Lz3t 9t &,oo.s-25'+ /8 fa. oc., 2£-1 48 S98. 8 Z'lr /3 S 99-7 2.'?-18112 S'/9. 1 34 1"32. 1,03,.5 3·'1 +34· S7ij .. S 3 B-1'18 s9-/.o5 3 9'-t2 7 Stf1. I 31+ <1-o t;!tJ.O l...O.B -� --- ----1'1 c A ' ·" ,. - , &>£/\/se ve-e -cw �·J!()�.�. " -7Z'P OF 8/1N� 74� FlNS ... VE 9 _..,. S'I9 Ni:> • ro l.4J/LL!OW e ycu.JN G C t:...' , ........... " - £ c� . . .... RL b.-.... HRTfJR E e.tJ �/ sc A�€b /IL .O.f�A /0 P �F BAA//< rRE1NS'. V£� i SOIL.. __,., C oBBLE.S I (c-JUJ PLL>. A �€t.l 's P/? t.t:!G" l ! I r�PN$. CoB £ Bo uL. __,. Ve .cp. ro <: ol!' 8L "�='F' l SUSIT[\IA 1--�YDRO ELEC-r RIC PROJ ECT CROSS-SEC TION Number 3 2 .<,Rx -32. o+ot:.t. 6>19. 0 ., l<t/. I "''·· 0 31-+ 33 '011 .. 7 3�+ft �lo. 1 38--; 72. 3«.1:1-B o; II bESCJ?/P//0/11 r0:e: o,�t: .6FD.ttoe.�: IJL vF,r:· .. rlt'ANJ:J rr fl""'-': A Nt;.t.�L.A;t /Ct>c./1: r;;v,T"H ,qt�.EA. C t:�68 1..ES .I I Oo"' t:..r:HFit S lrJc VG G. ( Co11"� �t�•tD ��� "1�4JEI'l.r 1 1'1 F�tMJ siP� � cs) SUSITf\JA HYD RO EL.E C TRI C PROJ ECT CF-lOS S-SECTION Number 33 1"" _____ ,·--�-�-, I l ! I l } '\. . . -..... ····r· ..... :·-· .. �-·-·- -·. --·---,, I c I I l I \ l. l I \ I ' t • f I i I : : l . f. t, . f', l k ,.\ il ........... i·,\--,f ···· . '\ ' "4/t i\1 ... ( ,• : ' 8 v •• 'It '· 1 \ :; :1 I u ; �� .. "J ;,j ,.. ,.. I ·I: I i : ·; .. " \ 1,: L I \l ( . . . . . . �j j . ... -\.. . ·j .... V. .... --. l '· . \ I 1 !� \}{ j l l l I � " j ..... ··-· .. ··-. -���-- -.. I 1 l l ! " ,I .... • .. , .. __ ...... ,., .. ._ .. -I I I I ; I l . l • . . 1 . . . . •.. . . .. � . li i ; l --o ·� ·-•tn ••� '>·• • •�••••• •• "'" i ! ·l: I I ,o oo { ; l �0 I I# # {# ...J..J 1 , .1. , I 9 , , 1 r .1--a 1 1 j � 1 1 •• L.&. LJ ... I , 1. , 1 a , , , ,�J c;, , ..&. I I I 11 SEE RTrACJIEl> SUHH tJRV SHEET F-'b R .i>E/:"1'1 1\/Ir/oN 01=" VEt;E rRrlo N F 8Eb MR-7"Eit 1Ri. . I � ... I I I sriJ1-/orl E�£\1 I . o�o�-oo "3(!). (2l o8+od �2�.0 I o8+o3 (i, 18 .. .s- I /0 -1-77 �/5' •. 2. I �0 .,. 84 �'fl.-9 I 11 +J2 &. /0 . " f "o7. s.r I IZ -f4i I 13 +72. "II �" 11 -J.42 f. /I , G I 1$'""1-IZ t..r 8 .1 I 17tiS' fs:, 15"-? I B r 7o "' , 2'. q I 17-1-8( &;�.s I 2o�o3 "/IJ. 0 I :J.. O+ 8" 6,1"·7 2�+0 7 �1 4· 1 I �8 i-18 �/1.·., I :z a t7r, "/.2.4 I I , J\1 f1 r1 N nl Go .S ' "'' � , .t..o.s ..Me r� At�Y.S •. ro cc.a. .§_.44-'f&.L -�G z:J. �o� .. --...-.:...-.- c.u.. 1 A �t!CJ •. 4Lo EA..t TI?.A!VS. '" <ew &1 sPA. /4<t; )(, ( �·· c. c.v-.. A L/.). � <:A 7r'!£{f( E.a SPA, - SPit ,qLI:J ..f'C.A7rE � E if.). cw.,. -J � �1 'f4L D -No cc-�PI( • .r A Lo, A F£""" 8J�C.J.t _, ( 8 E .:,,Ar /lfl"'l,v' • c:H.) 771 ftAI"J' • 1.<1:� .i So '"' _.,.. ..J' til At"() . , . u,; I 1:.. • C::: w.,;,. • i l l l \ 5 �{ I� �� I I ! I ! l I ) j. ! f ( .. J .L ! i i .l);yre-oF s;;,�v£r = . £ 1..£'V. L I-3-:!ir8a (&,/f}.A.z 37+73 bO •.. Of 38+J"1 �t:t'-.r l 11 �3 � '-' ;za . t. 11 -l fir o (� ''·� 1.Z..-r so t:..l7. : .;.z � 1r, "/�,<f c:;.s .,. J"'i G/0 I" 9 11 f-0 (;, CiPt<J.. D 'f $"",Z O C!J �.2.7. � $ p �R.£5 tff.lV/V� SAlVO £ COl/ (J. .. 4-i'Jir. &.1 :SA,;Y;j J' T<;J S OP' A'..FAR L'r"' Ve RTic. �1. �� b/fl #ci:' IS'I..t:PFF I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HY DROELECTRIC PROJ ECT I I I I I j 1 0 i ,,Q ?._.i. I a CROSS-SECTI ON Nu mber 3 4 l ' • \ • ' I .R U �E f R.S .(.Rx -31 £ J..£Y. /.P·2 0 b .P7:. 3 //,f.1$" 6>4-.z.o /j' ,f. �0 �'21'. 0 /2.+ 42 ,,//� ?8 13 7-Z't!/ '*'" r 7 14 -:,'f? �/1·-3 /{,. ,t-1 0 C,21. ' 17-fO'-,,%3. b / 8-!S"tb (;;2$. 9 j-J'�-JIJ.3 li 2 . . �2-/8"18f "1 1." I I 7 'IZ O f#ll� 7 2s-+o 1 "2 e�. s-2.�1/f ��$'7.0 l 2'/t 81 "3S. 0 ,; • TI?�/V.r" TO �A H.0 1 SC:A 'fTGJftE r.J c.�/3 .. .f' SPA�.S::� A-!.IJEil,': m' 4#S.. 7'0 .0£ ArS S" A-,_4:J, ro P <1 � 4 A"'� 1 /�t4;�V..£.. �� C:el-'(l ,. E t; RA V. I CoS. dEC .Min< t:P,# SPr(_ a r.c,.. ro to tl',. .�/I IV/< SUSil-��.A H'f'D ROE LE CTRI C PROJ ECT I .. J \ . • j 1 I I t -· .. I I • CROSS-SECTI Ot�J Number 3 5 ... E PR UC E 1+9h "'s-/.0 ' /C r'-<IJZ tir3b. 1 13 .;"7 �.;r � • .r /.Z 7"0>1 �;z.z_ 4'f ( J /3 ,. <J,. &,/8. :s l ''IS: 73 t J <tf. .P 3 D ! �1 ],,· ;;·l �!! '"-'l ltl t"'-1-"-3 I .t bn.� �� q lJ /f"1'7J "�'· 7 !U l I I ' I /&r f-87 "/1:7 . ..3 ! l I i 1 1 -1-:l.B bf.Z. g. ' I I l l 'i 1: /?�� fD·I r. at. i B ' /7 r 11-, . .2:Z •. 0 ./8 ��? &z�� l 23 +/&. I tLt>i3 J i j I t.o /3 ,...,<::.. I l"fG /(o ,S 7bt:' Cl!= f3A',"i ·'"/;; TRAA/J.� J'OI" � �-T�AN.;t'. 1 SA;t!'� .I e o a. , 1 C.t::'/3. I co e. I A F £,. ..r.;'lo'\. .d C1 v L. .o • .!: • T�.4N'.f', 'TO SO/£. 4AN'k I ,(J E GIN r./E. G : .d 1/f.'C.H'I c:� .AL.t:J.. 'f..,� ;t:',C U* .J'PA. I (ro p o ,c � A.r�rk-} :. I I I I f- SUSITNA H'(DROELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTION Nu mber 3 6 73f?RMSIT/CM': Sp/l: ['Vee;, r�:fl� c� Co8l!t.E� <;�.,IJYGG 1"• .S,t; :0 � -+-i-TRRAIS/7/t:M/ r.� .$N.N'C. {"• SA £ }6•� lJ'.(..l.C� ' I I I I I I p I E J.. £ '{. 11t4f8 �.a/. 1 11-1 e1 i.>2.3. 3 1.$"�.3 " '-fS: h /S 7c!d G,2,,3, 0 /6 t ?7 �19.1 2/r/�D �2..3.3 21 -12.2. (p2.7 .. 4 ZZ-1'2.7 �z.a..1 2.2:-1·71 �2Z.� Z.3 4 88 �2.1. � 2.44� �11. 4 2S-13 7 lP/9. 6; 2 4-t +It> l..Z.2../ I 28 -1-�o (;2.1.5 2e+�e 112<1. 8 32-1"30 I I i I l I j 1 I j ! I I TIN'IN'S. .QJ..<. uVn;H £ VG CJ. -CoB.g. 1' .SH. Bc�44:>. , "TOP oF 6 R.N'� H/t:p#-...OT. ��· .ISI..AN.C. -�/Hn-,.,,rJ;,q. C#�N#�� . ' /�fiN.S . SOli. f V£'G, -... fZ<)8/ G�"'V. f S.t1N't:;; -r-.te ,Q;Vs . -ro S..rl#b i S.P _.llR.S �· �Ye u..V<; w/�<(... O t . . o . : J S ' c 08, I' Col9.es t: G� AV. .· -.•..:_,; I • I I I I II SUS IT.N A HY'D RO E LE C-rR IC PROJ ECT .�{�-37 �.$/ .. � 23 t/' a,33. 7 .· C!.o.S . l . . t4k&£ t;AAV. �/ScArr£�G o S-4#.1:> s' .0£ ,8 � y S (_TO p 0 .,/: 81'1 /.V .IC > , P4t:�E r. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7"0 P a,: 8R / Fl �£w ' co Tf"'D H SUS ·I Tt\I A r�YD R OELECTR IC PROJ ECT J(.Rx -.38 o F Et..£\". � 7-t 7 o f6·8 f .. s-/0 rOO t;.s-4 .3 J/s'-1, "1-7� 7 1�+0$" "¢,3 ... { /ti -,'31 (;, 4:C� 8 Ji ./t;, r :i4 "4G.3 �) n•• ��j � •·' "4'� 7 --r*� 20 �70 fi � �/+78 �13� '-I� �.2 7'2 ' '1<1�o II 23 ��4 �<J-t-.7 Z3 <� "' '1-l-<) I � "+.S7 '31. 3r �1-1-1 6. (# ?J. 3 28+o.z (., -��· 3 2.8+3;t {,;;41.. 0 28</s-1 "18.' 1 ---�----------- G s. A CC.V;41'1.tn:.;4•r:CIJ DES I{( 1 J I...OG .:TA <"1. I AL.s"o, mtct N.rr CCijj -} G� AS$ � sc� n-.e �e. ..o a o/!_ T,q AN:S'.. V.E G --. �v£/Q FL O t-AL <!.J/;.1 ,.,... c ,.,/ C.o4 f SAh'� (]G D. Ti"f AN;t". c:.o4 ---... lA;Ju. fA L .o. VE C �I XED t:l'-�SPil,. BJ�. (;�AS:. , WILJ A�.o . T"Q /' "p TE.P..fl.A 4!C • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYD RO E LE C TR IC PRO�JECT -� . - - --�0 -o�o I l .I l I �� .I _l _j_ �0 �';"l _! t I I l_ CROSS-SECT ION Number 3 9 �C) 0 � t .J. L I t _j I _l �0 � � I L I I J _1 �' I S-f c.../1 on �0 0 �' I t t _j I J. No . 0 .,J� 'V,_w ' (:)0 I I I I ' ���..L ! I I I I I f E t... £V ·//�a2 IJ>S"/. 4 let t 7Z &, S3 . o � </"!. 0 /9�78 1..>$'0 . I . ' �7 .. o 1. ' .., I'� j ! ' I I· /-'1 c. I I , ro ,o o;:-7c R.eAce--1'9£b . -; e.��.C-'1 c.c-111.,..e � or-;: 'o �/A/� c�.:: e -�< _ s�/V il ,.· c� ;;v. I (j'.e;l'l V � S t-1. CO 8 BL&.:S # I /fl./:;. � <.&?R q e c-o.r; o;'\1'&.:> eo.os • 8E.l) ' f so n. � C! a.B .• �· s � ..Sou<t..c e;-..e.: No BA':�/Q � /;'</ S<.o.;:»C') T�IJ�.s. S-"N6 -eos. w/ A r.: LJ .s ;-.. , ao "<-l:l. F so� e (iR,.Q V PR-7C8 E"S' • II; . . . . SUSITNA HY D RO E LE C TR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTI ON Number LJ.Q 7'/l A/1. /TIOA.I." A Ll..i.JVI L BN-"'K 7o ti! .BB l.ES---.,. R/1/b J:R V£1.. 1 S fo.:f ia Y\ No . i ', t \- . ) t !. ., .b...YTE' oF :S"-�V£1': oc:rodl:R 2o., 198 c E i-£ V. /o -r..;rs �7h-i /o -t1 7'9 £; h/.2. /C rf-9 -f-�53.,8-1- . /:i. 7"7.2 hS'f ·3-1 /(o r8 7 058-2.. 17 t 0,3. �Sb.� /7-r.o (., {;,�o . :;.- 39 "i-:S O &G:.3 .a 1-or-oo &5Sr 3 · 4o r·e t..' *' _. � ... l4o+9 o ;.:J.:J '.J • ..:::. b� I. r 42. r-o o �ft:..f. 8 ./- I • r � NiU."C!-1 2SJ /7!31 (�!C,HT S.>t'T£N.S ic.N) /VJ C.. l -·' �. .. .. _-: . ... • .-../0 r;:;-vc .oc;.7;a.r ����) ro t.-cr & -:::-vr.:. -,• " \ ;1..:.:� ;: ;:: i �"'-­- J I l J I J l I I I 1 SUSITI\JA HYD RO E LE C.TR IC PROJ ECT TIMNS/7/ol'l: SRNb {V�t;. 7"0 c.De,BLIES CROSS-S ECTI ON Nu mber 41 S//tl.ro/'1 1/Y.oo 11 r.s-7 -1 3 +to ,, -1 ?$ lh -1 93 /7 -j-1;:., --.2 0 �s-O> .Z o � 8 S ��� c,.Vr� 21 ..j. .s-8 r-32 +38 .;t � +S7 'lC u} ·,� r.t" Z3 + '17 z 1-1·4-s-.:Z .s--r�o .Z.St-7S" :lS ..;. fJ. 8 3o +z ' 3 0 -1 '9-3 3s--r oo '''· 8 ,/;3 .,Z "" 4·-9 . ""'4� 8 6 "0� 9 (p •r.. $" '"1--8 ""'-' (&,"3. I hh 1.5 Lot:3 T/l AAI"s. q.RAV -!' c:.o.e -·� VE (ir CG-I<AS.J', A(.D.1 s..-.. c�) A.!.D £.4$ (rr>,o op 8ANIC) ToP �,c 8f"!t"VK r�A/t"s. v.s-c; � ...rA..v� T/(A N'.r. SA /Yt:l --+ ALA e' (;�A.5'.S r ·T�AI'V.r ve-e;. --;.. co s e1 cr'A AV. ,. SUSITNA �-I YDROE LE CTRIC PROJ ECT 1-. 1-�0 () �-��oo c(.) 1-..L.l. II..JIL..J...'..a....J '..J'L...L..L-1 ·-��-�I I •• I I CROSS-SECTI ON N.urnber 42 ()() � �I I I I I I I co � '!> .•. ilill 0: LOCATION o� C)R'J> PR oro b11t1 ;r IS"""" .bso -= 3& ,., "" .ba'l ·.. '11 """"' . /2.7-0/ F �..,2 I rz . .J '11 I I ·1 /3 r l/ I 1 /3 -f2.9 I l3 1 .! 1T Zo -tS1 2. 2.1"13 2.2."1S4 $0 -1/7' E t . . . £V ,.�7. 87 (,7/. 5' &,1, 8. 94 l i L.o e 1·--1 e.. (l"tc .:t.. oG.Nsn Y.J ret: C);:" rE��/1(!,£ -r.�?fiNS-v.:q. -.s.£J..vo SIJN b ' S/1Nb • E' Coll.R..s£ q�AJ/G�.--'.oW Pr. " -.. _ .. SANA LN/PnrCH£S o� co8. f' -'O W �eNS Na�£7P IL.. f yo i.IN'f- W /£L..Ot.J.J co�S ££5 N /G,N. ,07: ON IS LANb, ro JO o,:" 8,/lNA;-.,. I <!08. f. SoM£ c; RJ91/E� • c () ..... -;.. d � ru -lU SUS ITNA HYD R OELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTION Number 43 ;.. � 1-f.-1-r-() 1-XJQ) 1-1-... --0 -li:Jf() - -. ;.. r-: ;.. �-· �-10 -� ;.. 1- 1- �----------�------------I" I. � --c..':l00 n.O 1\.o . 1"\.o ,._"o 0o 1"\.o -'��O Ov ,':Jv j Ov nVJv o,.O '?>�v ��-�o•..a•-'1-..1-1 '-''1-..&...& ••...t...�'...l'i-.1...1._. '-''-o��..o.&"'...&....L....£...1'1.-1..,!....,/J....L.&.....\...&.t ...a....l'lil-....... 1 ..&.1 ...__�; I I I -�I 1_ J _11_ l __ l I _" I I I I I I _.L L.l I Sf o..+ion No. I I .I ?.,t b.S r/o1 oa I /o r$4 \.-s\oU� -l O i l l A �) l lo l 77 �'Df . I I I II ,t 8/Q 12. -ra4 L �4tZ3 24 1"/0 24-t 81 2. 7-f /7 271 74 .29-i $7 31 �79 J�f/2. 3Z.-IZ1 3 2 r 3s 70/.4 "8/. 9 "'73. lo1 /,73 .lc 8 "77� .$' 14 5/�S A B -2.1 '74-2 67 3.2 b 7'-3 b 7"1 .. � t:.' r. � �,3. 4 t.,7o4 $"f b 7.S: "' b 'j�. I) q.RIJ VE'J.. 8£1:) ./� .SN:>c C//JJN'N£1. ( �1//)N/V£./. N/JS Sc ou� HOlES S' �G'cP w/ GR.OV. 8 Cb ) <;�;1V. i c oe . T��JN.s . VG'IS. --.:.11o S;IJNO W/ S0 1"4c C08.tiJ.¢.,$" (SANIJ co V£.« ove� coa . ) /�,e:JN.S'· SA.H.t:::. -to C 08. .f Ci .eAJI� �·/ L.:/t;-H-7 t.::oi.WSC 1 SANA l" ,J:j,£;11 q.c,-...q� -Caa. S,lJ Nb IJEb SllAt'l/J, I ,LJ N'Q.tH..� R. � SN/1./.£ ,c-�� GIYC..vrs , TO E o.c-VER n c../U .. �;{. ;::-,q c:� � f-� ,o P\' r-r-s:: :-0 : oo ---+-d � � QJ ---llJ - --0 -�q, -f-. ,_· r-· ,_ 0 -'Ott) SUSil-NA HYD RO ELECT RI C PROJ E C1- _ • Jt --� I I • • CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 44 0 -0 ,o I I I ; I I . . ·I S-1-o..tion No. O �Loc.Qrto /11 c'>F •GIV� ,0.#07<( c§� o0 �Q d 0 I iI I ( v� I I I I I I I bIll � /4 M"" 1 b5 71 : ee ""I· oo ��I I I I I . , l . I '1 -J 74 �l �C" \.. 2 I r'l t,r< \Ov'\ � s 11 '\ a .3 ' oz I j.z..3 'f-23 ..._ r e.��""j 23 i'l#l s ,a t . a. 'D o � N la J \ \1�\-2. 4--1 4S' s l1 �.s) 2.$+.5'6 L.. 2. S'-; 7'1 27-1 9.3 2. a ,... os 2E!dl3 Z9tl� 31 -to4 34 -t3$ 31-t -11 6 9 1. 7 �91. 5 '8E.o &B9. 8 682.S "8&. 9 �� 8.3. e ,,aS./ lc9o . .3 �8"·' IPB3. ·� �82. 0 "B o. oto 113 8/o. ,o (p 9/ .. s /·1 ., . - -r��/1/s. ro Ya uNG v� q (.&�o. / §�Ass) -70,10 oF 8-'JN'X: T�ANS . V£' <:;. --.. t::o!J. I (c. o!JIJI.G' s /# ��/� G .s (n:ut <'F" 8�./Vk) /A/ rN "S' ,q�,r,Q) T�ANS, C.O{J, � S.RN,O t.w/ SO�G C.OC/19�-ES (R.IJNS, SANt; /' t:oa. ___,_ V¢'_ � . .: (..c.wJ �4 1:> � 'TO}' OF CJFJNK co..s Bi..E.s T'.,�;qN's. 7"0 To P.SO/:l.. lJ RNkJ $�Alb ,,i97"CNC'S /J-r roE o� SA lVI( VG c;. • SUSITNA HYD RO ELECTR IC PROJ E:CT I CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 45 ,,. c{J � �I I I I I I I l 1 l I � �Rx -jS ' f\1fl f'INnl G-s I J'1. I £L£V -�==�======�====�======�==========================� /O +Bt lt.813. z.o "91./ ..... ' , --q. s .. "T?JP OJ: HR/>1 -H�bE <!0/Vt:�.e/'E �O t.IL.be;i!S J .,.8 11/t;#., S"XT ENbh'lt:f-/00 " b/s . ri?J:I/VS� TO WI�. f r;�nSS�..S .......... / ... .. .. t-1-.. � rz..O � i-.. 1-c 0 . . ·-.. -,... � ,o d � r-"\ � lJ..J .. 1-1-1-1-1-� oo � -. .. ---.Cbo -� -. --... ---------�-----------------------------------------�· SUSITNA HYD RO ELECTR IC PROJ ECT . 0 • I CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 46 00 �'. . .· .... co 0 � I t l l I I I 0 Sf o..fi on 1\l o. �.a � �� I I I I I I I 0 =�ottRr/01\f OF ��10 PA OTO b/G:. t:: 29 hw� bso :: S3rnr" I I ��� l· \ ., I !t I J•<' '� l� �� I I r j. --r L I �! 1 J ! '1 ' ; 'j o t--s-o ------... ,., . //-ra ts I� "�"Z3 .�.,-�-�'1 /S -187 /h ·l l:>b Zo -tsz E J . . .£V. 7o t.o ,. __ . --··-.... _ . .,, .. _-.... ____ .. :::..� it9?. e _; _::,;:_· 6J 92 . "' &:,S9. b C.:, 91-. I "'S 7.17 (q8b. 73 TO E OJr" T£�RF1Ce ( Nt..o ... �"'R r(/�e cw f, s P..e .) ' T�FJNS.-V£lj. � :SH/1'-l. COB. 'f t:;�J9V. ToP oF .S ,q N·.Ll .8 19 J! SFJNb �/Coli. P;CJ 7CHGS I lJ;:}.Nk H/JrG�;FU. : c;RJJ V£1.. f S-'"JN b p,I?�TI'/JLL Y t!OVE�Ell t..J/ J:"N LLC/'11 �e£s- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t \:\ ..... SUSIT NA HYD ROE LE CTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 4 7 �------------�-------------T------------��------------�------ -----�------------��----------� � � . � � � �·�0 i-1-1-1-r- Q I I I I ' I �J:P ; yr' t I I I I I I ·I oo 0 ' I I I I I I I I .}),.;re o,r: :S v�V £ 1' : OCTOSE� /.$" 198 o I MIHU!.H .a", 1981 EL.£V 7t>t .. B /2 t-co 7 0 o. "-' L o i3 ! \ 12.'1-1� /Sf7Z h9to �B . /8 r_c7 ''1� .. 3 18 i-2.0 f-0/3 IS-�r "/3 �>rs. s t1 C.. I B t 'J&, '72-� 2./.;./lt:J 2/-t35 72 8. � I I TOP o;:' 8�/VIt -WI'/ 9RJ!J.SS f" IU.i>c.RS H/t;N WR'T'iG� CN ANIV$l.. 6.P/ AJ/.(.�O>�.S ' /H 7lfiE CN A/<1, ,e' RCCtJ-"fU�l7:b b£Q��S I /N CI..U.b/'ntt:; /¥' .bi�'M-SP �Ut!.£ L..elc;,,s 11/t;H ,bT.; ON iS LANb .SAN.b BE.b c.IIA;V. wj SC/J�-:.-.o�Co 88L E.S t SoME Nc�S E''rAI � VE G. /Ai t!J. .. I (..) /L . f $1"1 . Co. 'ffON t..:) OOI:l.S 0 ·- QJ - � t-: rz,O 4' r-1-1-r-1-r-r-'0 ... "\ ... ... ---oo -"\ r-1-!-= � 1-. 1-. 1-· () 1-fOq) 1-1-1-r-1-0 : '0��00 1-� 11111111 SUS ITNA .H YDROELECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-SECTI ON Nu mber 48 l I co BBlES f Si ' CoBBI.£S SNJ<I.b i.JI'fl.l �rCH£S � CoBBLES .c t:;.en l/£i.. . - I i 711!:{PISI TTcW= �N'b Y $o U. -rt:> C I ,-<;KAYFL w, w """'.,..""a : yo vl'l(j VE t; . l E/::Jf¥: OJ:"VEG.-----..... -...... .. \ .,. ..... .,.... ... l .,._.. -r--1 .,..,-:::::.__ ____ v I . -Wb I l �::.. -· �j I f • • 1 \). I I I f 0 �0 I I . ' I ! I I I I ·I \-• I � -�� / oo 0 � I ! I ' .. ,/ ;� J I --- If"'\ .... ' v· l \ ' ' - 00 'J \I I I I �C!o �-··- \ ' \ \ \r I I . B.8 LES ( 8 �/o "'Dt �.) I � I C.oRRS-;1 Q�R V£1.., :=r o ce {'""""'L . l • I l7.1i?P+-IT.ION Tl l • SR.Nb Y I l l • I 4-f---S L o t.Jt;N l 0 I I �\ I f----·-t-P·-·--·-------: \ t ,/ .,.t '/ oo ,� I t ' I \ � . I . • � 1 \ . \1. /... ____ oo � �� I I I I 0 I I I I s. B' 0:-£.oCJ1rlt:M/ oF q.R ib 'PII CIO .bl" 1: 21 '""' b So : S6 ""'' b ...... f V-·�'Te oF :s,;.�VEI': O c-rt::>BER. /<f /980 .,1 £ J...£V I 10 -100 7oZ ,/3a //r o 1 70 0.02. //T-10 697. 02. //727 b95. /2. . //7 53 hB9'.&,8 I 12.7 32. bt:;c.<1Z. ·] /3 /0Q 6 8 1. 5"3 1 � 13 -ta' 692.2.2. i 17·r'!tJ /.e, 9 7, ?2. MC. l 18 + IS 6>lJ1.7o 2.Zt 79 fo91. 17 r 23 130 �fjb.&,a /VJ c 23 -t-1-.EI 7oZ .02 R o i;: ' I ,-i 2..i+OO {., 99.8 I ' I r.... 2S't lo3 h'l I. o sl•��"1 4 I'� ZS"t '/S "'Ia. e .... 2.1 1 2.3 ''1 1 . .5" 2.71 79 73'1.1 To P O,t:" ./) FJ ;"'I k' -w./'"-· E' Q�h.S'S ES Ebr.j£ c,r:-v.e�. T�RN'S. S.IQN.I.>Y sa;-._ � C Oi:l . G.J/ SCA77E'�C Yo uN(j Y£�. .S/Mrl.b_ W/ SC -977£R E:b cos. f t;�e v. toH TCHcs ��Jtl$. To co.!Ji]�.s 0 ,.., O�NK -···-.. • coe. E S.F)Nb liN/PCJ RM C.oB. t.v/ S�N l.1 P �TC'NEs ('-8/� . re p o r 8 FJIVI<-MAl/tV C H;CJ N N cL. L�Jeej£'� co e. ( s-�o ...... .o .-A\ t-1.) Ct>RilS£ �� ..QV. SH/Jt.t.. CtJ8 J " OC(YlSJoNAl.. .. . ...... . IR RNS� ro ve �. f S;:J.IlU�Y SOIL 7o P oF 8FJN K TO P oF" an#�< -Wli..t..o�;vs £sr/M I9reo 47w .Pd/NT /h C#R N...Vc-' � o,:-IJ;::)H.K re G O.,c" TE'..tf!� ,rJC € '77:>P o,c-T�R.R./QC'E s: u ·� --1-d ) Q} -� SUS ITNA HYD RO E LECTRI C PROJ ECT � � �0 �· -- ,.. - � t-� �0 P\' - I" -,o -1' r-I- -· -. 0 �0 1-0 � f()� 0 r-':Jo 1-I I I I I I t I t " 0"' 0 � I _JI,tll CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 49 �· l/.N �.rr-o'rtM Ctt:>&tU.£s ("1-.ro"".o,..,...,.) f'.o '':> \� '} I I I I I I a 0 I - O : IJpPJ!CK. l..t.:1CI1TrCN o� (JRib p;.; 0'7<0 b,. -.r"':a wiii�O• �;:J t••tt I 4Rx -41 IE k.£ V. /1 -168 733./ ''18 . ss 18 'f II 7o <{. 5 /1t 71 1ol. 8 7o.S:! 2/ + 32. 71 3./ 32.t00 720.0 'l , fl1FJ I'I.Nnl G.s . , ,.,.. .. ...:J .. - 'rR flNS � C.oB. � M/X S.lJNb ')�R � CoB � /OP OF 8£'/IC N " , T'R JJAI.S . COB -TC:JPSC/L. E' WI �<.O LVS ' , 41./� __.... 1'1.1J'"Ti?1R e SPR . f C4J ., .s:M/U .. £ 8h�CN I I I I I I I I I • I I I •• c t) ..... -+-. r; .) Ill -lU SUSf,T NA HYD R OEL.E CTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Nurnber 50 �--------------T-----------�-----------r----�-----r-----------�----------��----------.. 1-i"' --0 .Itt!) ---- --· 0 �tz; - I . .. �oo ; oo vJ ! nO �I tt 1,1 t! I Vt I I I II Sto-+ io n iV o. l:>/ic:> =-18 i1011""' �ro =-S3 "'"'"' �Rx -so f f E 1-.£ V . 7i!.o. o 70 1. 34 70/.98 OCTOB � /3,, /980 /'1RR C.J.I ;e(p !9g,/ (RU;H r 8-'INJ<SXTENSI O AI) � I ..... . - -.. ..... ;... J\--· CoB. P�7C HES OF <;;RN V. F'SnN.lJ (b EP. ��OH /N'Z>I/9.1'./ �I VC.R) TR �IVS� COB � ro PSOIL / VE'f$. -Z.N.D/�N R.�V.l!f"� F.t.o�h /N .. ... ..... I I I I I I I I I ·I I .. -· SUS ITNA HYD RO ELECTRI C PROJ E C-r CRos·s-SECTI ON f'.J umber 51 I· I 70£ OF /UX!k FA t!£ -F1NQ t/L.�R F�·1 (,i.f:'#EA/73; fl F£1.4:. Rot.hVl:.l£'1::> C.( BB.t..�.S 1 -4<>8 �Lis � QA'R�El ON8RR ! 11/!bl tJH C!088L �S : l ' -·----r--- -•• ·•-- I • I . r '7>1?.<9NSIT7<>J>h CoS. TO .SRN• f <JA'R VC< 1-d I fH.)trN n F"�w l!:oBB./..1. �.:s .t9Nib � !I SP �RSC. 9 HA.S:S es k�0 I I ��--�---Bir(iiH w IL.( ow f i!IL.l>e.ll.S �--�------��---------·------r----Ht-- --------+---·------i-----..... -:.-..1--·/Jc:;/otc/ co r.�-'oN'W<)•,:,.b 1-�,� I �; 1-�� �,.o �, .. /d , -i------...."'c--· Or LoC.RTiaN o;:­CJRib PJi orr::> I ::>16 r: 4i fl'rri'\'\ 1 bso 'c:. ag,,.,, � . -l l>sq =1 1Q , .. � .... -1------t-----P----·-+--·------------.. - '· ' \. �� J '-...... ,· ... ". '"'r---.. /' "Q�, V' o � ... :u • t;§j '\ ........ -"t-<o <o 0 �. 4 f. f II ' .4 •• tj •• � •••••••• I ';,() '\ � . ' ' .. ' 0o ';,o I I ���It I I I ���I I I I I I [ l i i I ! I I /3 -J � B /<I 193 •/(D -1-.S? /ft, 'I ?o lh l ao /7 -1-12. 2..2. -1 'fS 1B a.O 712.3 7c b.S 7oS. I 7o 7. o1 7/o. 83 7/$'. I 7/5". 7 7 2 1P .O f''.: 1: -; .:2 .. e.os. ! G..r.nv. OIV M/D--CNAIV. an� C088 .----• .. :S/JN .O i <;iRA V. e.o/ R �CL4J C. O<JE. � S/>/)Ji!:.>E 'i.RJ'J SSE'..S t!J£c;/N t...u<:�ow <!! .I!Ubc� ... --··,. SUSITNA HY DRO ELECTR IC PROJ E Cl­ cRoss--sECTI ON Number 52: �----------�----------��·----------r-----------�----------�-----------r----------� t-I • ·�/>.,9 7C#I!'.s CJol:' SNNb f C.Oij filES 1--C!o61JLE.5 £ ' • q,.e JOI/�.!. �·C'OS BL/i:.S WITH c_;N;J V£1.. i R Jf:"�$1'1/QLl.. �o u£l)£R$' 1-� CoBBL£.:5 .o�.r ·" 1-...--s.nA/b 1 .so HE c:;Fu1 , .... 1. / � �() 1..-'r-T�nNSfl"IC·N rp V£S). /1 e 7"0£ O#' &�"'� J1 ___ ·--_ 1+-TRflNS I'Tf;oJ'I.• To P.so;.t. €' �«;· �:f.--f:Us8��S: �b ;; orv-� ,U,,retj.!" qHP V££ 1 � cc}-L.t!.SI f 4 �. I // � � "' 1 I �� T/\'/ll'w �/T-'4'11 t • colJR t. !s:s' 'n:) ,: t-�v 1 l .5o/l.. {" V£t:;. l � ! ---f--1:-'+-------J ��-: / � 1-I I t-,I � ;: ,;' d � � __ ,.. ',�1' \ i � t "' \ -. I 'V. ---�-�..:..,_o ____ -+----·--l---\\-. L._: ___ ·-----+--------�---·---·-----f I-I-0 � �01,0 1-':lv I I I I I I """ I .._..., .: . . . I I I oo '>� I I I I I I I 't . .<..R.x -S2. £L£V /t:>t-CO 735.. "1 /O fZ.'/ 71S:.3 /t:J-1-S"I 713. -<//,. //r o e 7/S-o 20ib<l 7/�.z. 713-8 7J flf/,s 72./.b 7 I"� 'I Z817o 7/�.s 3/-130 7/1. cS 7/b./4 718./ 32.-{-z.o 7 ,30." Vl I , ·-·· .. . ................. ·-· , .. . M l, .__, M·� 1(0 B RoE bESCJ?!PT/ON V£� -cuv 8,t7Hk ra � o;-en,v"' Co� 8L E' S -S .t£.4':.-C/.I .QN#E'� . C!oB. !" t;RR V. .. --.... -.,- . r�n.v.s� ro P:sau .. f ve (j _..., coee Le.s ( T�fi1.NS. Coil. _.....,. rot> so u... f VC'fj. rcE 0� T�P:.:";J/CE (�s-llma.l��) s: 0 ·-� � qJ -� - ----: �0 -'\_ -1-1-1-1-� 1!>0 f'\' 1-1-!-" 1-1: � '},() �-i-1-I"' 1-,o �· -... SUSITNA HYD RO E LECTR IC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 53 ...... __ "1 1 \: l � I 'Jl --�r----------�·------------�r------------t----·------_,·--·----------;------------1 I I .. � � I. :� ·� .� � I � .J(Rx -S.3 /o y.oo /8 t 72 /8 r8o /8 .,. 8$' EL£V. 7 43.0 72 8. 'I ' 72 7.- 7.32.. 3 7 �0.0 L O E;. L a s 1'-t C w tu .. ows f S.zJNA Y rt::JPsou.. -ro P or ,onN.c- TO P OF' 1:3 IJNt< -"Tie.4.Ns. ToPSo/L __,.. SUS ITNA HYD RO ELECTR IC PROJ ECl .. r-:-r-� r-f-�0 r-'\ r-i-1- !- --...... ______ ?-0 ----. �lll t-r: r-f-� 1-1-� 1?>0 � .. 1---- �q,O ---1- � �· -t' () . �0 I I • • I I • I • • CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 54 TR I.:JN.SJ T/oN S/1 /llb � Tbf>.:SV /L ..t-/ll.bEif: fS; t;�n.sscs I >' {VEt; ..----rR n/11. <>/T/t:u'i t Tt>P.Sc S//Nb . . <!o8BL£- <i PA V£1.. 8RR-� "" ... --·-t-·-------SiUv'b H IX£b w COBBL E:S rru:ulsJ 170H : ro SR Nb --........ .... _ --- t ·-0 -= lCJC.RT7oN �0 : 1' I I I I I • • 0 �r.ll' I 1-c .Pso /L I I t-----··-; ),.. \ v· l • \ \ l . { a, .............. �.....__ ... / ..... ·---............ -...... / � GRJb PN orp . I 4" =IS �""' b..ro = 9'3 "'"""' b I!JiJ :: �o.S" �- dl �0 0 � �.,Lilli �I L ' ' .... oo � I I I I I \ 0 I I I I I I • 1 No .I "' ...... ___ ..... ., " I �0 � �I I I I I • I �uN'9 t!o'7'Tb#t.w. ! ' ' I l ,L 71:> (!OBBl. E 17� · seA t -!..- I I I I � ' fJ •• I I ,.,...... ... · oo ,o. • I t t I t t I I •' ' OObS• ls orl3nltfk ir� y 7"£/t! Eb 81/?CN R.IJSSE:S �· ., /o t-eo 7'1/. 7 -· L..o.B II t-38 7"1 0#9 . /I ..J· "/'! 7.3 b.4 !J'<l �\ /1 7-59 7.3 .3.4 �0· .,;> c..\0 '0" \-s.V'1-z.o /e.., 76 7.3 4.o /.3 -1..3 1 733 -S'"o I �_; .. ,.�. ?.3 4. 8 S'ftJ..j. 73 8."1" / _s;.(p 7 7�o . $' :::fo1.e /.s"'-t 7 8 7.3 1-7 1-1.2 2./-t3 1 21-1.53 7 4 <1!fp 0 • v s �. ,. -ro P ..sou .. -ro p c�B AN� :SPNL> ('?'A'nA�s . Td P.S•':J./'-T0 .5ANb.) SAN.b �IX£Jl w/t!oBS t..E� coe -GA' A v. 8Eb S�Nb �/INS. SANb. -· "T"'p o� i3FJNK /-117H ?7'" SAN-O Y , -ro,oso/<:.. .£ v��- • ro ;>so/� � e. 08 /:J ./,£' SE.b /.t:J J:G� .SHA�I... 80Ut.b E SUSITNA HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJ ECT CROSS-S ECTI ON Number 55 --------r------'"'T""'------.,..,·-·-----....------..,....-------r"-------. SR Nb{ � f.j�,R �£L ---+- I­I­,.. I­I­I-f-0 .�A � SRNb, ck.B LE.S I c;�n �" ... ,__.r,'r?I)/'I..Sinb/11: SO .Ir-70 SAN€> • 7eiJN.s'/71CW: ..:sjn11.� ro coBBL'f;s;'8ot.n:.be.es 4 • -sn/'lb l cosst.es i-'\ \ �----------·�------4-----+-4---------�------+�---��--------�---------�----------·� T-R DA!sr nol\�: VEe;. TO c � ·-"'1-cl � QJ -�· l fo C.OB Bt.ES__, 1-!-� � �0 P\' "" 1-1- ... 1--!-':>0 P\' :,..· -�-� -� [ :I ..... -..... coBB L ES llf-· ---f.-.1 ��=S IT?PN TD Cj 0 --., • [ : ' ! f.�---1--·--+-·-+-------f·--++--1--1--+-+----· _, ____ --+·-fl--· -·---� a . -----2 _____ _..�o.-L ---------J � l ��0 . r., ... ,, s� 1--------lt--------J-------,.__--...,:z---\ ·--� \.._ �·---:;;;;•/_', ___ , ___ , � j ··--------- -I'" -1-1-"!>0 1 :0 1- "\� 1-• • -. • • • .. '�-)i �0o 1.<-.Jo 0o "o ����a a a •• �a •• t II t t ���Ito I Dt ��� . . . 0: LoCAT'IoH Ot«" ()RI..b PHorO b./t,., = 178 """" " 2ZO ..... � /o+oo //-1·s-o 12 -r 93 .1�3 �L3 /h-f3 C /6 -J3 7 /6 -IS*' 1 7 -1 1o 2.2.-} 77 E J.. £ -.,t. 7S"o . o 71 3�� 713-3 7'77. a 71•8. &:, 7.!/b . 2.. 714�0 7-f Z. S3 75/. 0 , J11R f'IAinl (i·S I / ""' <-0� /u e rc .c or -re �/li!'rlCt:: 7'1T!nNS'� V£ � ro (!o88.l.E.S SN.Nb / C0 8J3L E.S w/ SC/l7TE�E A <;R.Il V. /N S/.l>E C.#BNNG4 S;J Nb .�· li �,9 V.£'� To P OF B,tJNk mPIVS. VE e;. -+ S,rJNb • SI1N b f CoB. -S'//Lb . OF" M lb -C#.IJN. 6 .1}� . t!oS, f q,e,q V. 1..>)/ SJ:)Nb PATC.�Ye.s -H/ G// .P7; ..., ...,..., •• J • , ... � J J I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITr\I A HYD R OELECTR IC PROJ ECT CFIOSS-S ECTIOf'� l'J umber 56 ' \ '. l 'l ' l !"' �� ,g I I I I ' I i' � l /o .;.oo /<!1 y. o? // �// II �"'fo IE!. . .;. 77 I 3 .J. "7 .S' /S' )• B7 /�+07 /&, �27 17 ./t$ ZZ -193 7/t,.o.o 75$';. s 7S3.4 7ss:4 7S3 .7 1.5'3.7 75 B.,t:; 75 4.8 7S.3-0 75 �.4 7SS' .. 9 1 LoB /\1 c. 1 .. , .• . - , �/IN's. .v e:c;---> c.oee. f ��.QV. rR /Mts-coee. -+ Yo g#� &lE G. ( c w) T�RIVS. COl/eL E __,. YE t;. (C '-'> i'�.t.b.) 'rO E OF �L a,:-;: I . SUSITf'�A HYD RO E LECVTRIC Pf10J ECT CROss·--sEC'TI ON Number 57 0 �r (jRJ.!> SAMPLE LOC.tflTION J>lh = 2.0 �tlo"\ b.:sb . 41 /IY.Jo J7r11 �· I 7'1-78 I ,, J7 f 81 I � I •1 � I I' £t...£V. 7SI.J ?S/. S 7S7. 9' S.-'t� t:o£. w/ J"ANC ,OA Tr:H.E..f" D',v SJ/or.�LOG� o,l!" � 10-C.PA;V-. &f"f.te Co /3.t!U...ES �/ .'ft::.ATTE�EC S� VLbE�S ( fJoc k£rs en= Stf#4 f G�.4 v..) ri'(A./II".c.. Cod -+ V£ G-. rot:· oF ;:;: .. 'Gil Tfi?/!A't:!£" ] ,)• '· I I I I I �· ,. SUSil�f\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT C.I071'£R.E.o q�li 1 yccu.l� WI,,� sni'IA / QRR'I£'L DEb � ; • • i CROSS-SECTIOI\1 Number 58 £./...£ 1/. I0-1 18 7"-1. Do . /0-1 �:l 76./. 2? //.,l.:t-1 7�4. 7 =� 1.11- a c1 1&,,. 2 i=: iii �.� �k ;3+�� 77o .. Cf I 13+32.. 7f.'l.2. �� /3-:1�? 7fe7. s I 18t�7 7�3A :23 1'1�28 7,7. 7 19' -1 1�· 77�.8 I , rqE <:�.e ALL VI/. .:.9,q/VX ..._. :?o "/T,ilt.N Tll!ANs. �# ... ; f!'.;AJI:f$£S � SAN� , . /t'fl� tOLe S/D £. c.HA·H'A'£L 1 ,,o,..o£o w ATE/2 S .4 h'I:J �� 4-1/4 V. 8 .ED , S.4..,...A E A ;t:&fM" C068LG'S , G�IIJ'.S .r! �.,...,.,.,6--W.JL. " T�AH.S, C..O.d(SLEJ. & .ST�GAftf (;,f(lf,W. �· V.E&. , 1 I 1 1 I ) p J J I I I J I I I I I I J I SUSITf'JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ....... --;-------·-..--;-­ ,,r: LOO.l> PLAIN £poSfr I SRI'tlb A.Nb .:SHRL t:#RAVEL " J '" I I I . i ' ·-..... --.. J --..._ ..... . -..­' ! /,)'" = '':> "'"� bsa ..-'=>1:. bB'f• l?o ,o } i· �-� �t )j,:;7e-t• "' � � n . STiilro/V' .. !i I //�D7 � II +1s- ,-/�·.;3.s- 'I.· . . ' '' f. .N oF sv�VEY z --c>cr.o8G P.. , £L£v. /IIJPI'VN/NGS '"' .I 71�./ 7'o� I ?Sr.. 8 �3 198o J r1C.. t"'J c. FL,f:llt>� �I-AI',.,.. 4-.EP�S /T r�CJ"""""' J"�€,A/t't. /EAn:EArtwGr lA/$ , sA,-ve> f �. �llA 'V. tl":fA-1� cJ.JAJH/YEt.. --c:.·e�.e,aJ...c� A Fee.v $M. do'-'�D. 4E GIN" VE G-_., ro,o e�,e 4,.s$NI< (etA.#'� ,4�,:)., .SPIT. � 1.11�) SUlSI1-f\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 60 ,...... ..... ---.,��� .... ...,._ _ _..,.,....; -· ----··---,---... . . .. 1.-..-----·-� --...... T� ... ·---·r--· w i i l �'!I'I.S/770/V'I 8c•tJfACR.S ANb i ; l C.o88LE.S T"t:Jl V&C). I • T.t!IIN.S'I'riOII{: V� To--.... i•1'1 11 :�i e.o88LESJ .j SHIU..l.. 8o�/:Jc.f:s •. 0 t. � ?Jfl' i l � � i ,..-� '"' . �----··-�····-·--·-.. --.: .. '"-....... -......... ·-............. -·� ..... ---·...----.. ·--.. .. BEg/_it t!()JJSLES \ i -� /N l" G(j. --z-....,.,..•1 ! i l 1 • \ = ! 1 � I . ··---�--·-·"'4 ...... .... ...... t l I \ �- § : i I l " . I I 1 \'\ 1 � 1 i I ·1 -l '�\· ·-r .................... r,.·--·--... -............ �-..1 ... _ ........... --·-·-·j�.-, .. 1. .. _, ____ .. __ _ • J ! . I i "" l j , I I 'l»-.1.._ ;1, • ··�,' I j ... .,...,.-.,... /l ( l ........... j I' ;, l [I l -...... �..... ..--"' II : ! ' : ......... ; . . . 1 . -..... _.!---..... -......... , ___ :��.-�,,)< ·-. ---- . - -!-· ...... ------- jl J ! l ' i tt�0�o li o0 cP i cP l ().,c§l . ..d; �v Q ; '\ I '},: -..J , "'' � l r • I I j;_ I I J I I L' l � ., .. .LL.I q l-J I� I r I ... u I �. L I I 8 I I .. 1.'} I I ..l.u.lm�: ....... � .............. �..�.. ...... """"""-' I'' ' I ! �Rx-'o £..t...£V ll+l'l 82. 8. 3 ltr38 ToE D# ISL..t#FP -1iftA� /rrM/ �: t$ot�J. L>GA.J' A..vD t.•tUJ/]l. E� ,..-o VeE'& (Jtfl'A,tACG �18/� C/1) I I I I I I • � ·-""i-! dl � � :-; � j r-1-1-!-' 1-1-� �() 1-fb I" 1.. I" !" --: �() tb . ----1--0 �fb� 1-1-1-!-' • 1-1-� �0 fb --.. I"' () .. 'b'n.O .. 'Ov I I I I f t I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS·-SECTION f\lumber 61 ----\+--------+--------·-r--------�·-------·---r--------� oo f�j"' •.•••••• I a l • • oo ' '> I I I t I t I f -------�------� --·----t .-0 'l-\J � I I I • • I t I 'boo �r:§� �� IL�.L �I�)��L-�·�·�·1�1�1� .. I j f i I �-61 .}).,:;TE oF Sv�I/EY" : •• Oc:TOBEA. 22., 198 0 £L.£V. 9-f 9S S4D.O i·lC /o-1-oo 83z.48 .12.-�>87 83;z.. 4ct /3 raft, 838r 9 I BEbROCK �·O•W 7's 6Eb�OC...l( r..&;c.e � E J:J W 'o/s .13£ l:JROCI< �.ACE -roE or: S£b �o <!.K FRee SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 2 I I i· ' .· ! I l I ! I ·D�Tc oF :S'-'�VEY: ·. OC'ro8£� .2C.., 19So 9 t9S /o +-oo 13 roc I� 'f-/" . 13�2, l $ib. O a 33. B9 833, 9o 83 s . .$' 843.0 . . 1'1 ·� ·- � ....... _ . S�l>RtJC.� i£, o, LI.J • ./ NLA��y VGRT'ICAI. �X. �AC.4' � E. a. w, 8 ... .skp vc::t./lc>y wa.lls, .mc:11� cA<:t."'n.e I co-np�d · SUSI.TNA H'iDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 63 � > � r-0 r-'06 f. i-r-r-r-�0 co 1-r-ToE ot: c� ' r-r-0 r-9J t;C -. r--0 r-'b'?J 1- -0 -ro,;oo 9J J I L _l _I _I I I I .... ,_ I ! j I IFF J I � '-i I \ ' I '-, �'\. ", . TRRJJS. 13R �" 7L-' fo�EN [)EbROCi< TO VE<.i. 1 I ;-I ' ' / ,, / /"' ' '---· ---� oo oo 0 -��-_I I I I I I I � I I _I I _I I I ! oo oo ' � '} _I t I I I t l I \ i I _I I I I I I Sfo--/,o n No. ·-· . I I I I I I I I I roe OJ:' $ rE �J> R.ocll: wRt.l.. .V I : . c§l oo tl� � \:1111111 �1111!111 .lw.Rx-b3 /0 -1-0 0 839./Z. 13+os 844.3 B47. I l 1fWZl'T - 1--i-r-i- i-60 co .. i-� '1"0£ oF � � 0 fb(Q - :. � -bco �� . -- --0 -tlb - !- !-0 tt>,.,;oc 'b f-I I I I I I M r.MW«jT �nr w -· SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC-r ST E P R.OCI< �4« \ oc �' I I J I I CROSS-SECTION Number 6 4 --I I I I T I --l \ ' ' \ ' \ -c-\ ' ' \ l ---.., ('§) 0 I �I I I I I I I � - ,---· , , / , /' , , 1/' oo ' �I I I t t I • No. ______ ..,....., ---- oo � � i I I I � f ' I I t I • • I I I I '7"0·� ( I I TR!r i[_E O J -f I I • I I 7--. .' oo 'b � I I I I I -·-p�: sTEEP li:oe �s. .SI'l��EN �OC.tc: TO VE'4. oo � �I ,I ! I • • � -<-Rx-64 .bATE Or .SU�vEY : M;:;'.. 2.1,. 19 81 , f\1fJf'IN,I#GS �S�-;�· ·;lr�/�o�.rl�F�E�J...;C;·�Y�===:I===;· ���:===F=======t==========================·n· ./0'1-0C 13-t-3o B4o.1 848.23 roc OJ:" $ r&£P Kt:JCi< WRLI.. 1 TRR�l:r. I!JRoN!.t:N l3Sb�OCJ<. ro VEt;. ' \:) .... "1-6 ) Qj -LU r-r-f-f-0 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 5 • I t--------+------.. ·-------1---f---t--------1 r-t� f-f-r-f-() • I J ToE o <-ST�EP R.cct< u.. RLI.. ; J:t. rlt;MEAIT$ � �E(j • • • a I -s·· A.l'ls. <Jeb.ate>c�� t---------�------------------�+---�--�----------�----·�---r--------� r-fb'O f-r-r-r- � �() 'b r-f-r.- t-�() -ro£ o� �r£E::c:z�<\ , i \l't·-t---t-t----1---t-:-+-� /�.l /----. I l , .. , I , �, . ·! \ L' t------�-----t\ / '' ,' ----�------i ' �/ ��· Cb I"' r-,.., .. / I I I I I I I t o0 � o � co ' I I ! I J j I I 1.J .. �Rx-6.s £L.£V. /O +-oo 84Z. 8.5 842.43 '3+41 84/cJ. 9 J{g +84 asa. ?z. H,qy 2.1 1981 " SRio/1:) f C.Oi38Lc /3R� -SeJ/So M�!<. eo 813,LES 12. -/� ... c IA/'1. 70� oF :STEEJ:> �OC.I< �RLt." TkiUvS'T'ION' �!COM BEbR.O<!K I=R.I:U:jH�N"TS ro 1/l!:tf, • • r ., \) ·-�-� IU --ll! - - -� .-10 tt>' -- 1- -() -'b'O -1-1-1-1-. ':lo t ;-' 1- -· SUSITN,A, H�YDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 6 6 re£ c:;;:- • I I --4 ----------+----------�--------�---·------4------------� �OCI<. Ct. 11::.;;-\_ I I roE t:Jf:' srEEP RoCk WJ ''-.­ 1 FR.' �M�.vr.s ro ve li. I I : I TIC RN$. Bl!ib�OCJ< I --+---1----t-----t---1-l-l/ I • � ' I � t-o �/' ,,, I ..... «o _____ -------�\ , ., -�·'--------1------1 r§l I I �,1 I I I I I / ��-� ... ,. ... , ... ....._. ..... .,..,.. 'I I I I I I ! I oo 6 � C I I I I I I I I I I I I I'O +Oo 8.1{.3. 17 1.3 .;.aa 84/r..B GS3.1$ T"<J� c.c: RoC I< �Lrt:;:"' � �-1/�N Pr dN SANb .;-. ' • <!oBS<.G 8#9� I I I I I I f-� -1. (.) -<o � ----00 tO ----f-�}� -� r--� r-1-� �0 :-� .. 0 fbl!Joo ... � J I I I SUS1TN/� HYDROELECT.RIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 67 * • r-I . I TRANSITION I 8 �Oil;:� A/ lSEbli!oCk ; T'C VE4. l I I 11!01' RO<• c 1../j:;:' i I I l \ I ' I a • r. J 1 I - I -·�� I I ' I ' \ I I ...... .. -/ -......... ... ------... ...._ __ ----. --....._. .................... �---.,..,.. -- oo c:§l 0() co oo oo j ()-' � ! I!) � 'J I I I _.l '>It I IIIII '>111111_11 '\ I I I I I I I I ,1111�111 '> I I l I I I I I � I I _I I I I l I I I I gL£V. \:,. / ======F=====�=·=O�=·== = = � = = = = � = = = = � = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = � /oroo I SLIB.Jo 85"3.47 ' • / ',: � r � r-� r-() r-fb1. � 1-1-1-� 1-� �,0 " 1-1-r-1-1-� �0 t-fb .. . . .. . -�0 "'b .. � 1-� 1-.. t'?)() "'fb tfJ i" � 1-J J Ll -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJEc·r CROSS-SECTION Number 6 8 \ I I ' I l I � -r/1 MSmoN' lfE'Cf. TO I( eROK£1'1 IBEbRO<!K I I 8 t 'l . ' ' \ l • \ I \ \ ' \ ' ' l 0() 0 .�·. t \ l� \. I ' I \ ' I \ l '·\ o I ! ,r:l ,' I I I t I � �'\.A'� I I I I t ; ! I I II • I J 1 . l/ro u �; !� I .J I I .,.,.,. .... _. ..... ..., "·'"'!· .. ' '"" �- -�- . .. . oO oo � � �� t tJ t t I I ��I I I I I I I I No. oO tc �llltllll OC:I< WRJ,l-RT �NVO.Y Sr-9r-� 1 I . l j ()0 � ').', ···�_L..A I i : /O·J-00 £J...£V. s"''· 7o ToE OF .:5TJ::EP RoC W L4>RLI..� TRRAISI'T70N: liE£; TO i3RO!c:EN B G6ROCI< Toe oF ./COC.K WA -L. tl.T .,o.;.·vu .. CRN Y<::JN �r'AFF GRG£. SUSITNA r-t'v�DROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Numb�r 1 21 : i�--�-- ��0 \ f · I • _____ ... __ : ___ .. _ .... ___ .., -\�._ .... *,.. .... --...... �#·�·-,. .... , ........ _.., .. "' .... ..., .... -..... - __ ..................... a·--·--· .._,. ........... .__ ... ___ . .._ ., __ ."" __ ..__t_...........,. , I I , : � o � I n� ' .· : I " • . ! ---·---�·� �----·-···--•·••"' ·�� �-�---···�-· -·----...�-�·-- -�-·---j�_.-_,,_.. -.•�w--- __ _. -:'-·-���..,._-\ I • ' i ' • I I --•••---·---· '·-�-·-• -··-•·�•��-·-··�--••••• -·-•--v-�-·-·-�---�·----·�· . ....,�-�-· .. M-•�··--"-l•••·•-·-·,.....,..,.. __ . I c \) , ) I � ' / . "' --. ' ·�-"---...... .......,. ..... INI\0:) ....,._, ""-.......... 1 ov t ,' ..:.�0c o0 o0 o0 o0 . \ cP o0 Q» 0 '\' IJ; � a..u..ul � '.) ORX-lei STATION 10 +60 !Zif�4 To£ 01� aJ-.!rr .I J;;p "r /c.£.. / L,� /0-1 t,� 1eoro( 1 C!.IIANA!tl.- 13c7TDM llr3/ /l.Ofo� 0 {!,JIANN£/.. 8fJ7mH /Zt 71, /Z/0, Z. t!NANNeL 8o71DM 13�Z2. ll./1 I I t-H.tJNPct B�711J1 /3+.5/ !ZJ4,3 /?, 'ke tJr frloft£ /ZZ�� 75" .. o/8 II /f£M� . J )?, B, !3t5f �� /JL {!,IJf. ' . ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT. CROSS-SECTION Number 1 2 0 ORX-/�0 STATION EL!2VAII ON ;t; 3t.30 /3)0,0 i /0-160 IZ8148Z i: .lit!-� /27/,$ I /�.J/5 IZl/,8 ij I l I /?fiPb /2/,), 1 f ( J '! i /3tjf3 !l.kJ.S I [ lftZl.. 12.70,6 !Stf,Z. }�71�J 1" -ro5'" /�8D1 h. /�+/{:; /Z.8ji 2 /�t30 J�.Jo, o.; zz�so ;300�00 6; /1 v8 /f£.SB� .6J/ /JL� ei}P ) ;.,e, eiiANN£1.. 8tJ7Tt>M C,r;.IINNG/... Bo11DH ti/IJ/'JN £t 8orrtJJ1 e11 .tJ AJN ct. /3o7f?JH · · Cti!INAI£'-SoT/Df1 . \ tdAIJAJ£L Bo11D'1 loe or If', /J�NK �J.lW. fJr )(, .8,9NK s13 tr /?G�.4� w/ �L. �AP) )?.{3. I I I .I SUSITNA H'iDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 9 -- -r------ �� I • I I . I , __ ,....___ ·----··---"_. ___ ..... __ ... _ ....... � " __ , __ .-..... _,.,.,_. �·.-_.r�,.;, .... ,,. ______ .......... _____ " ...... ____ .,_..,_.._. ! i t I I I � · I �0 \ . . I I c; ------\----�·,t�--��,�·-· �-;,p""'· _-.:::::.::�:":-���-M-'·---��-.11.. f,, ,.. __ . �,. ___ Oc ···�---.-·-·--\ .,.,..,.. " b • \ ,. __ ._ _ __._.,. t I '\ I i I \ I a t � � I \ I t I • 1 : i� [ -.. ..-... -------� ..... -1!\jr'�·--- ·--_.,, ____ _.., ....... -.-I.J• ........ _, ... ,, -·00'1·-... ��--... --.... 1---.-._ ..... _. __ .... l ....... "'_ ... ,.l_,.._ .. __ , .. \ t . \ :1' ..... ' / � \.,' ----f\-• --------''f• ·f'"'--•-••--"'"--'"t---· ... _. ______ .._.w..t,_...,'\.-.... , ..... -.... �"�'-••.-•4'-··- ._ .. _ - ·••K#-4P:·H •. � .... .,.__.,. .. , ... , ... ,. ... _..,_..__, .. _. ___ ..,.._;-._. ().\ 0 -. ! f'-� • n " I 0 il··�:� o" l oo-1 �Ju . f'\" . , o" (\a f 4- 1 e e 1 e 9 ;..a I'? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s� 1 � 1 1 e 1 1 1 � J ,a 1 e 1 I 1 • 11: �� I a I L l 1 ,.., : ' e 1 1 t I I I ':J"': l I 1 I 1 1 1 I CIRX-Jl!J 0A7E. OF Su�V£Y -� -----------------------------------------------·------------� -� ----�--�----------- 1.5 .;35 20.;(;() 211 If ZI+S8 l 2.3i-/t}-{ 11--J./8 � 2S f/5" j .25t,j{, 'F : l.St50 � 25"+87 I 1340,82. 133�4 13Z5;' 13Z4'.5' ;JZ7,S' I .!If/. 0 J3K/-7, If -----------------------------------� e.,;�tJ/V£1-BomH eJJIJNN£'-&m.A-1 e.IIAJJ��£L Ec1JlJH &./1/JJN&/... &7flJH CHIJJJAJ£L 8�710)1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT r-'\ ' ' CROSS-SECTIOf'J i'-!umber 1 1 8 ----�-. ----T···--·-- :i .. � w �. .. ;1 !1+38 I Z+OZ. I _1 /2+.$/ 1 I 13tS4- /4-+ot? IS+54 . //o-1 zz I ·� l. /lr, +3'-' I 17+35 /7 r f6 17-J:l/ ORX-118. 0 A T E 0 F St.n� v� Y : ·l14�tt;,l-i i I 1 J:J8/ £LeVA liON 131P7, 4S J.JS"0,35 /350 .. 30 1350,7 ;3·13, / 1335, &, )3.3-?-,2. !331� 0 133Z,O J3..j7, 2 /34Z.8 l 1.3/f 7, 3 /31-/,�1- 13++.5 134+. I 1 !34o,.:J . I 3.A. .. � � ) r£,- 1 I Ice ot: &1J94 J L� � � �DIJN /) :f f/0/ 6/co .. II OL'2/Jt:> 1 /J J e ·A 1 0 Y t1&/..N7#\ (;J n£-. i}r ; L1 u. L I Sil /../), .. trJAN#£1,.. BD 7T/JH .. t..IIAN;Vc.t.. BomH R, 7D& e;,t: MAIN CJI$AI/ll�/... ) L' h.£. l.sJ.A,UL) ). , S#J..,O, tJJr l.st../JNO R, roe Or lstJJIJ/.) � L, 7De t1Jr Si:>,£ CHA NAJ£L q,S, 1}/ $;�o£. t#ANA.16L o A-; E. oF su�vc:Y :t1ARCJI $1; /J8) STATION ;.!J-r8b I.!!J -r..JO ZD + 00 ZI+IZ 22�.3.3 23 -rS/7 :Z1t85 £L£vAIION I :ZA/o 3 /�I � /34!7# � 13ao#3/ J3StJ, 1-7 1345:67 1341-,:17 13f!J,:J7 f/, Toe. If, c11/J...Q 6/s '' /(58/J£ (i, S, C,,S, t.?�� .. <;, .5>* �/AL. f1AP; !317 77 ' . ' t:Jr �pe,t: 1 /i, 13� Z7-J-07 . 10£ R,B, SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 7 m •••�--•••-- ,..,.., ... .._,_ "7""'------r--. ------1 I I i l . ' = \ ! ___ ,to_�_ --.. --.. -!'"'--'-... �-----···----·--� .. """"-·-· -----.-·� ..... ,__ ... -. .............. t- � ........ ---·-\ f ' .• t \ J li..o ' : �"U \ f . - --- , -----·· -·--·· ----------· ··---�-·--r---t--. ''· . I I � . ' . t o '-,, �oiP�4 I 1>,)'\ -----· ------��:t====-· � =--==-----�-----·--··---·--__ J_:_ ____ -·-----' 5 . � : II :\ ! I \ I ., * \ , '\ I ' ' · a -----• ,_....,._, ___ .,_ -�-·-� ·-·-•''"--·-�· -�,y--�·····---�--'"r...:..:J•• •• "•·---\�••• -·; ··-�--··-·· ""---·------· . '� OR. X-117 SThT! ON 3+/0 5+8Z �0+00 Z.o+o? Zo+ ft, 2/t39- ZZ+8!1 23+80 zs-� 1+ Z�Pt+S 26, +58 £'L£vAIION ;3BS,RO 137Z,2J 1370, D ;.3�/,8 !3.58,7 J31t,5;3 /3b/," /357. {, 13'(,�3 /383,$/ l1'-!-) ,5 Cn41T$ 1!.££> c5PR, �8 '' f/£MR wj ,44.. �I' ,� L, 8, . 'SHDtJJ.DU /.., 8, • .. To£ L. 8, /�£. e>,� /i: ;/;u s;DE ; /ol� cr /GE.. c$/8 11 I? .£691( �/At.. CAl' ) If, 8,. SUS,ITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION i'Jumber 11 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UR.x-II � STATION EL�VAIION -·"-----;------r---------- 1t-t50 j/)1{)0 20:�-{)0 ZlfiZ ZZ-�30 22+/:;(:; 23+ZZ. ZJ-rtJ.J 2�t-5b l. &,+ tJO 2t,.;..fS 27r/o / t7-��' 14/0,0 /400.0 /38/,0 !380,3/ 13 8/# I !37l8 IJ7t,, 0 131P/, 7 /,3/,Z.Z /3G,/, 7 13ioZS !376,8 J38.J,Z4- .5i's '' lf£4M w/ 4t... &J.I', L. B. s Jl_lp, OF L. 8, /., roe t11 AMV£1-Bo7idl1 t/IAN#£1.. &dd}/ If, TolE. /Jr fhLJ.S!.PL % '' ff£!3Al w; lit. t!AP" tf. J/till/1?£ SUSITt\jA HYDRQE.L.ECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 5 -w···r---1 , ...... ---�· ..... -..... I f I . I I 0 ' � I i :.....-------.. , .. ..,·---·-·----------.. _.....__..._._._. ---·t• ...---,«-----..,..,.--'WI• .. I'fl'-•-.. -....... ._.... _____ .. I , ; o '-I �' I . j .....,__ ___ ,!-.. �------ -------··� ,.,_ -· ... . -·--�·· -·�·�-·...-�·�--� �--�--1 I I / I 'bof:P � .,/ I , ____ ..... � ---· ,.L:. ... _,�-w--�--�·��...---•1�----� -·-----� r--�--I l \ j I . \.; ... ; '0() � �-� � �� � 'J (J � .. .&.I i i��' _,_...............,_ .......... _,_.,&.-..-• c....,l..._f ...... ii L.....,..l,.....w..1.1 ...,..1 ..._1 ....,., ..,.��.oo!i.0..._., ,.......,, ..._a ....,t,J .. ...t..I!J. ..._., •r.-:..(d---.. ...................... I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I i � ORX-j/5 0 A I E 0 F s u � v c: y 1'1 �(CJI lO I I" 8 J STATION ELEv.oC\IION JO t·OO 14135.J /0 -134 /3!}5, 3 /Ot-70 1388.8 /I -r,Z{J J,J88, 0 I /t 6 8 !38�?-. /2+!7 J383, I J3r/{;, /.385: I 11 .,,s )3{!7,2 I' +03 !.39.9, tl 20�>03 /3.!3., z 2o+4o !1-lt,�B1 Z7+87 /1-32.3/ � II il'.£/JI}If ,v./ 4/.J)Hw IM� j L, �e o/V" Ice C:.I-/ANN .C l 8D7f�H e11ANN£l BomN f!.IIAiiN.tt B<'n-aH tJI-'JNN&t s,Tf�/1 ·t.IIAN/I£l Bodth'f " . ' f1JJ.4NN£1-&i!OH Y: 1 �a' !/&eAR. tv I /Jt,!)J1. CA � J �,5, (J J 5. t;�tJNO ..f'JJDr L-,8; !l� SUSITNA HYDROEl_ECTRIC PROJECT ,I I I' I - * - - - " ' . . . . . � ... ,.., ·'-"�"" ·< ____ ,... .... ..__ ..... ,... ORX-J/1- 0 A T E. 0 F SU � V£ Y JV/Att/1 .J1 /�8/ STATION EL£vAi'loN JC)E.Sc.fl.JPIION /0 -J. 00 /Otl2 /Ot38 /Of 71- )f-;Z� II +33 /(-1/)8 ;S +-07 }5-rf7 /b +St. 17 f +8 /4/�,0h 1411, 7 Jfj(),.J 1.1-10#/ /41! I /111� I /4JS,2f3 /4/3, 8 jlj-()4-, 4 1 11-oss . I /40J, 8 lf//,5 ;1-/1-. I J1llf. 83 /1/1,3 If//, f .. ,f. Sf/L[), t;� IK.>T /JLIJNO.I L., 8 �;::. 2uP 6J�Mi/6L 1,. Toe. -.2,vo !.t�IJNN&L L. 5HLO. -CNO ;.,t-ANP 6i8 u /?E�AR w; IJLvH, t.AJP ) U�x -!If J1.l j i � l i l ' I t i �� !�1 lfJ I , I. I .. l I I ! URX- DATE. ) ! STATION ! i 1 1 { l q .l ! i 21+51 Z/tit;B JZ. + 40 3�1-�43 '· 33r13 35f 4f 1)1-2 �07 ' ; ' (S� \. �2+33 l fZ f � 7 \ .. · fZf 78 OF Sut<vgy ELt=vA_,..It:JN 11//, 7 I " ' /f/1-, 8 1417.8 .14/3,8 /4/3,4 jt/-6'1,5 /401;3 /111-� 7 J.fi1S ; 1-18, e /1/S: fo 11-/Z,O /1/Z,/b !1/1-,f /13/,17 /'-/ t'}�CJ.J J I ) /38 I /?, c5)1tf), �;:. 5HAll 6-;lfNN£t �IV 4.;p /st..4AlP If, SiJtJ) ()r Z�v'f) /JLANlJ 1 L, :J;Jt.l) cr /14;N t!IIHIJAI&L er�. t./.J. - 31f!) /sLAA/0 ,......---· ,---. ! �() I � I --··--·-�-- l CROSS--SEC'TION t�umber 11 3 �----,--·. -�-�//T � ......... ..-.... �--·-�- // ,;-. l -·-;.,.· 1,/,., -�---------.. 1-·-----:--4-------· �' I • /� . I • f I --·-�- ·---+\·-··-j __ --------�--·------�----___ .. _________ . ·-·-·-� -""' , .......... / C/RX-J/3 l '� 0 A IE OF SUIIVC:V : /14RCJI � J.:J8/ [�:,, ;:! ��:* \i \ j•· l i i i i,J II \� \ I 1 I STATION /0., 00 /0 f 1/ !0 �-1� /Zt1Y /&Jf4� /1-+(p.f. /4171 !1-tYZ ELEVAI'ION Jt/8, 0 Ice ()r }#�Titlll /11/,3 t!.i/t4N'/VEL 8o7T�).f Jf.tJJ,o {!,1/IJ!v'Ha. /3DlJ0/1 !40Z3 ei/IJNIVEL Bo7/2Jrl I f/1, 8 t1111NN£L .8d71ZJ}f . !f/.J, :J ICe �r: /1:.8, ;4 ZJ,} · S#LO, o;: If!� 11-l3,1� ei-Jrrl L,� J Tol' or /c. c. ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROjECT // ,. oz. 12 ++I -� +>< l!ltc3� ;� J /3-I(,J 1 /4 1 2/ _, t�' ' \ uR.x-112 I DATE. OF El..EvAI•'CN --------------------------------------------- !1Z4-. o /'fi.J, f /43/,1- !434,8 I 1-3t:.,5 I .tf.ef-0./ /1-f/. 8 /413,63 · erK. -.:fM4LL /sL/JNL/ ' . •. SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 1 1 \ ____,....·-�r,---, - -T __ 1 ___ _ �0 \ � \ --,....._....-··-•�-·�·-•-•·•--�·•·--n� ·--\ I \ t ' ..........,.___�\-+---_.., ... - ---�· --' ' \ ' \ ·r � m ·.� �j � � ;-,� 1 l � ) l I � I I I / J � . . . l: . ' 1 � STATION ..... 8+7j :J+"S II f03 il tS3 /4-J-S3 11-rc98 /�tl7 /St-4/ ��-� tt Ei.EvATI ON 11-81� 71- lf.1tf, 06 /cP cr 811111( J1-1..3,Sh EJJ(;� ()r V .69/1 T-4 i?O,A/ 1430,/f t#ANHEL BcmH 1'1-30, 81 e_lf!JKNEL 8o7TOH !1-3/. �1 e;JANIV£'-Bo7TOH ;#38,�{-. ·IOC'lnr BIWK ' •I !HZ, 7lJ, ··Eo�£ or VE�?A 7A 7JOA/ /111-,.:.10 /o! ()r 8;iHK 11-8/.J� SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CROSS-SEC'TION Number 1 1 0 ----.----� • ......-1 __ T_ .. ·-I - - --·11 · I l I t 1 I ! -· ---------···--·--.l-----·-J +-·--"·-----1----------i ,. . I I I . I i I . I I .i I l_ .._ __ .. _ ·--·---,._. -----------r----------i-----------1--! .. ------------- -- -·- -------, ! -I l I \ j I � � ' f ' -,------1 ------r� -----------··::�r:--------r-·r----... ·-· ----....... --------. I 1{ J. ! /' l \ l \ i � ' • I� .i \ ,.l If \ l. � II i l . \ \ l ' ; " • l ------�--·-,.,�---·-·�· \� ·---�� �·-··-·�� . _ .. ______ \ .. -.... v.,., ... �---····--·--·· ···-·"'·�-r----.. -� ...... _ .. ___ _ v I I /;1 \, I I I , i � �� '""i J 000 00 00 �������'��u�·�et� � � f��� fJR.X-//0 DATE. .STATION EL£VAIION J{) +00 /Ot20 1/r�O '�1 J�t�4-·� '� .. � 1Zt38 I 1 13 +10 'J.3-r1(o 4 1 /3+-:J/ J /S+�� '1i 17 +75 ' !I" 18 .;(g"' I !i -r(p'f ' l :ZO.J(p8 l 2/+9.:5 ,, i cRree 1 I -1� ?3.; 88 �4 f04- & ..... ���·-�--·�----. >•< 11-57,/8 /438,1 11-11,0 1�18,5 !111,.J J-135. 8 ;447.1 /438 I z_ I 1.35':� 7 !41-l,B J45(r;,OZ. l .. . . ... t.JE..St:..fl.IP/IDN S.; II "8 RsaAJe w I AL.0/1 C/;P ) L, B. to£ oF //;J.. L L, SJIL!) DF /!.Nl/ ist.ANO twn� Or i'NP /st.ANIJ1 %11 �£8/J£. wj /}LLJH. t/JP s !li.J), J 19. 8, } � Nt> I Jt.AN.D C.f/IJJVN£L Bo 71oft (},# IJN;V£L .Boi/0}1 T6e, �b� 5la '' R�J1JAR wf IJLIJH ��" , /f.e; SUSITNA HYDROELECl--RIC PROJECT CROSS-SECTION Number 1 09 __ ._......,._ \ / -1-· .. .....,..._/ __ l ___ _ -·..-.-..--·--.-\----·----�--------+----J 1--------·--\ i . . ' i \ t i l \ .,. I • � . . � . I ---t-----·---\,---·-----·1--···-----·· ------.. · -+--·--1---· --·--tl � I l . \ I : 1\ ! J l ....,____.,--1----'-\---·--1"-·-�--------· -·---1···----1---.. ··-------. ' I ' . , I . l \ I ; : \ .. -..• 1 I ) t-"-----i-�· ... -·�·-�w-�-·-·---------����� -�----·--··--···-··--·vt��·-·--···-�-··-·••--•·-·�-• ..........___ --e�:.J ... I! .... ...,.............. .. , I 0o I I l�� I I ' • I I I I UP.X-/0:3 DATE OF SU�VE.Y f I ! I STATION ELEvA"TION JC)E..SC.�IPIION /Ot-OC 1150:,J� ""<� II fi£6/N( w1� ALVH. eAP) L, � /Of83 /41-/, 8 I C;l/JNN6L 8a7!0J1 /3-r37 !938.1 C;.J.tJNN £L.. BoTf0/1 14 7 7(; 1�37,3 CIJIJ;VNcL 8o7101--/ It., ., OJ ;'1-38,3 C/JBN'A!cL BollOM /'t5:J /1-1Z 7 e J./ t9tV HE 1.. 8oJmH 16-� ez.s 11-''· �3 . sh" . � !1£B/Jif W/ AI..!JH C!AP; TOP oF eurr1 /f,8, I I ::> .. lJ SIT r······ . .JR H ' I \ D F-�0 ELE CT'R I c: PRC)JEC-1 CROSS--SECT I Ot\J t··.Ju rnb e r ?0-n t.:.../CI \ : � <l> ' : I I • • I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t�.-0 : 'l.h 1 I ��-------------���------------------········�·······�--�·-················· .................. l ..... �--·······---�1 ................. . . : :· . : I I \ l 1.. 1: " .-� <l.> � �\t:.. � I II l l . � I I I \ l 11l I I I II r················K ·················· I t a I ···-············:··r····---···--·----·r ·····-----········1 : ····-·········--11··················· I I I I I :' I I It I I . \ : I : I I I 0 1 I I I I I r.,.;. • • • 11.."(} : I • t I J."\ ' ' • ' • \ I I J • ( I �--··············! .. \---··········--�---·············--·�---··············-}·-································r·-�---·-···----·--·-·· I ) I I I , • • • • i I I I I I I J \ I I ' • • I I : I I I I I (.)<l> l 1\ : \� : I t j I I' I / -·------·-_______ ) ... _____ i_ .. - .._ ...... ---.. ..,: .... __ ............. ·-···· ---..... ---.................. -.. -.. �----------·---........ •• --•• .,. • ..... • ---........ i l I : -·••••;'1'"" I •• ••••• ••••••• � I I ' . I I I I \.. 1 I I • • I .._. � • --?1'1) • --.!.---� b�--: \<b . . : (',<ll·· I � ' I \. V I ·s.-I .}' . I I I I I --I I" - ""-t.l} I I <l� I ... ·:i� I I ��· I �---, . -. ' ---I i <l>f.l> : \,�<( I I I c.<lfl> v"> I I I I I I C/ I< X-,Ro8 (ltJ8 A) DAlE. OF .Su �vc.Y : f1J1/(CH 71/38/ .STATION ;0 -J()O /01!5 ;a +12 /0 -J-9/ Jf+Z/ 14�7-t­ /4 -J.Jh ELEVAI'ION 1�70,!� J4541J )4-1-�2 ;#3,2 J41-�3 !-IS�{, ;472.2/ t:; E ..S c. fl. I P II oN JO£ oF /At.L . .J �N /c,£. t/IA#iJ£1-BoTTa� eiiANN£l 8oiTDH ef/IJJ/JJ£1.. 8oJ.TI)# l(J/' ();: �II)€ �'-'-; 8, .8, II . . . S/8 Ji' &.IIJ.t. w /IlL I f11P ) ;;: 8. ' ., H''/DRO ELl.CTR I C PRO JEC T . • I I I I I • I I • \ \ CROSS-SECT ION Nu m be r-108 • • I • I I • I I I I I f.�<l> i : ' : . I I I \�· I ' I I \ I I I •.•..••.....•... , .......•••.... ·-·�-----·----: : : ' J I j I t ------·-r ···-··············:·------------------��----------------��---------w•••····· \ I · I' I I I • I I I ' I I • • 1 0 � ! J .. t:.. I • : I I " : 1 '�� I t ! 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J •••••••• •. • •••• • •. �-.... • •• • • ·--•••• • ••• : ' : : �-� : : -I \ I I I t I I I I /# t I t 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I t t I I • I � I I : ... • .!..--"" • : I --•. • I I t I : • --• I : I ' t I i I l I I I I I 1 I : : . : (J 1< X-2t> 7 (1D 7 A) 0 A T E 0 F s u � v c: y /1/111.(.,1/ (,I ;!18 I STATI ON ELEVA II ON )0 +50 l/ '1-73 13 +1Z I 31,JZ. //-'1,35 )4 1 73 /ft85 1?58 ,1 1 4 4 1-1 7 /41-3,!} 1452,7 14-53,3 ;455;� 14�0, f3 !1�6,7 '1 4 7/.SJ t I j fJL � oP L£1)9£.. .51"'' RaAe w/ �'-* �P @ 6etJ w) If, .8: H\(0R(JELECTR I C FI RO JECT r···.J u rnb e r· 10? I I • I t I II � • • • • • I I I I I I I I • • I l I I I I t • • • • I I"\._ I I J : " 1 I I ---------------·i ---�-------------J _____ *·------------r -------------�----�-----------------�\--·-----------------·-------------·--• • . . ' . • • I I \ t I I I t I I l A\ : : t t I 0 \ : : .. :1 I ' : : : '..... : • : . : : •· ! : ... I I I I I 'l I -·····--a···--··1 ·------�-----�-,---i-····-----------···r ······---------- - -�----·-········--1 ·1 ·�--------····-··-J----··-·--···-····· 1 I I il I I I t I I I 1 I I I "".. J I I t I I I J I I I I t • I \I 1 • I • • • I t I t"l> : ·: ).<o '(• I 11 ! I 1 l : J."\ I I I \.' t �� I I I \: I I I I ----------------4--·-------------�-·------�-------�---�------------=-----�---fl�---*··------�------------------�------------------• I I I 1 . .. ' : :' : l· ! \ J l I I I I : : .:,<l> I : \ i : ' �,._ . : . : \t t : t t I ) �-•••••••••••••••••'r•••••••••••••••�•-J•••••••••••�•••••• .. '••••••••••••••••••• ................... ' ........ ·--�� --... -· .. -:-.......... ·r ...... ···-, l J \... ' • t ---..... • . . .. . : : '� ...... l l t I 0 t I I I h: t I JA I fl I t)\ 1t.. � � : rl:{-' : ..-}:V � Q) I :1,'{.� I ,�v (;) : \V..) ,· ... ;." L....JL...J....J.-.J...J..-L-..l-.1-L..iL....IL...J.�-�....J. • ..L.-l-l...,b-l-L-I I . I I I I • I "I • • I -· \ ,, " I • ; O !<X -/0 7 0 ATE OF SU I'<VE.. 'Y STATI ON EL !;vAi'"ION .. /O rOO !18Z, 7 ;o +SO 14-76.8 115?,5 /118 , 7 /.3 +&8 14 too, 1 /1-J./.15 t:) ES c. I< I PIto N .:5# LIJ. '. ' .. c·u .._} H\tDRCJELE CTR IC PRO JECT rRoc c SEr"'T I ..-'t··J .,_. .__. ._1 -• l.. l.) \ t···.J u rn b e r-.106 • • • • ' . • • I : I . . : 11 : ('j.<b I : 0 • I : �v ·: : : : I : '"' j: : : : : "'# I J J I -I ......•........ , ................. i·�---·····-�·········r ·················-�·-···············-,-·-·········�---·-�----··············· I I I I I I i t1 I l I I I .. . . . . I I t I 1 t 1 I I t I I I 1 I I : t : I : I I • A l i I I I I --: : : : ) : a I I I I <l> � : :. : t0 l : . : \ J 0 I I I 0 0 ., .. I '\ I : I t t ----·········---,------------------�--------------�----��·-----------------;··---------·�-----�-------·t ·······--�--------··········· ' • I I I I I 1 I I • I I t I • • * • I I l \ t I t I I • I I I* I .. I :.'\ : : : \ I I I : � 1 : I : , : : : I I \ I I I ---�------------�---�--------------�-------------------�-:----------------�----·······--�----�-------··········»�---······y········· \ ' ' \. • • ' ' ' /'--.. ' , . ' • ;._} 41> \ v: .''"'---, t:-:· \ • I / '.' I ---· / 0 I � I t J .-., fl l ··�·····-•··�···�·•••••••••••·J �---�•·•••••••••••••••;••}•••••••-••••••••••r ••••••••••••••••••{••••••••••••••••·•�·•••••••••••••••••• I I I I ' \.. : / ' . ' _,---. . : : '-_,..t---: . l I I I j I I 1 I I I I I I I : � ' ¢� : : ,.,.'(}) � " : '\� '\� . .._.-J........._..._.._.__._._._.__._.._..J....1_! I L I I I r I ! " 1 I I I I -� f :.1 � I .. ij , I ·' ' . . . I • I OR X-I"" OA T E .OF Su �vc.Y' STATI ON ELE VA /I ON /11 + oS' /'?.;. ;(. 7 /0 + '+I I'IS.S: 7 II r 7.3 /c,t "/,.3 /3 1-"� /'r.J-1.?. &1 l'f + o't I <:f s-3. 2. I 'I t-3" �� c; '7. 3 l'f r'"�-/IT 73 . .r CJE.St:./l. JPilo N /�CS AT tt...EPT dAA'K CHA.,........ 8 t:l 77" (.P ,;..-.., C#A.,v:. .(3�-n-c� CA/A;"Y. .ac 77u,-,. CAIA ...-v . A c 7TG?� /t:J E DP If<.. I Gh1 T �A ......,K ..SHL IO .J .STAA T ,., ,.c .sr£:-.s� $'RAiO £ SUS ITf\JA HYD RO E LE CTR IC PROJ ECT I I I [ I ' I I I ! . ' t I I I . , I • ,. OATE. STATI ON /o +oo '" -1 31-f /0 ..,. � 0 /0 + 6'1 II + 77 ' OF SU �V£Y ELE VA /ION l'r7tP. t9 0 /�/?'. � /';1�8. / /���. � 1"1-�1. I 1�37. 3 t:JE..SC.fl.lfOI!O N AL � ..... ""'t.. . CA� ., � s.er $A...VK SH � .a. "� 8A."�"'k /t7 .G' oF 1($ A,.,.. k ..J E.£)G'£ oP cH,.,A--. ' .. ;tg..-, 7T"t?� / e.-t: U P.. X -/o <;' OA T E. OF STATI ON £L �VA IION 1�711. g /0 + .:1 c. 17'-tD e. -, Iii�?. I Is-'1 '" I.¥ 7 c-. '+ /7' '12. 18 C) E .s c.. � �� ll o N C H .,;tiM/. 8 o -;r t�.A-t SUSITNA HYDRO EL·E C TR IC PROJ ECT ·CROSS-SECTI ON Number 1 03 __ .. _____ . -·-�--------r I :.!i -� j ·.� :·: J ,,� J i I \· I 0; ' i 0 A I E. OF SU �V£}-" STAT/ ON ELE vA liON 0� T .2 I /$"'1:?. 8 07 -+ "" /$"t.:f::l, ' 08 -1 t9"? /s-�o. ? /0 ..,. "0 /S'o o. 8:] /0 + 33 l&f ?'t. i II ·f 2o I / r,t ?7 . .r 13 + 2.7 !'T 9 tii.C, l.r" r o8 /4-f-9 o/. � /7 t '8 I� CfJ • .s-" :Zo .,. (lfl 1 tt-� cr. C) /s-o 1. :1. SHe. a. /C'E c,c .s�o/Jc .I l3 e (; /,.. c::. 7T, """"�. v.e <». .s � " FJ .t?' G .. S. At.'-'� c"' ,.a, r-o ,o r; ;:: tdA .h'K t C,H/1 ,#. .{3 "71'"/S"l . C/-/AAP". /3CJ ?r0� cA�-•A ....v. ,t!Jc 7T't:'�. C;?A ,..... JSo 7rt?..-•. C/TA ....V· ..:3, 77" 0 � I C#A....v. SUS ITNA HYL . :O ELECTR IC PR�OJ ECT CROSS-SECTI ON Number 1 02 • "Jo l J , r·----·-··...)., j � I . F l _.,_,. .. -t "-.. ...¥"'"' i .....,.._..., __ �--+--------7---+---�-----"..�;;.;=--·r--.--·�--I • t l i t ,o I 'j ' I l I oo \ L / . I � \ I . -·--t---r---_.....______ ·· ···------· ---·····--· �.-.... ,._ ... ___ ...... _. ___ ,_ .... _,� ..... \ I I \ t \ ' I f.IP.X-/C :l OA T E. OF STATION El..EVAiiClN /" ., 00 IS"":Z ¥.3U I" + 't7 1'-1 ?5'. 3 /0 j. B.r 1'+"1· 7 I ;t + '1-7 /..ro "· � 13 -1.31 /�33. � It# + 3:l /$"3/.' 2o f 'fl .1t +3¥ A�V/"\. CA!'O 0/1/ .SlOE H/�� C.#A.;v,..._,G� So 77'f?.,....e.'\.. c::: )I A-.............. /if cC .(J 0 7r � ...-e- C.#AA//V't� LJo ;ro.....-c-t. SP. � 81�. , --�----- Ufi.X -/O I I OATE. OF Su t<ve.Y I ,STATI ON EL I:vAIION I /t:f +-00 I 5'".:1 S. 7 7 i /0 +I� t.s-2/. 8 I I 10 .;. t;3 10 + ,� /,s-'1/. I I 1-:J. +-0 � I I'T + (}� IS"'o '· ' I I I 17 i- ,,..� ,I 19 + 0'7 To E f 'g + "+I I 11 ;t 0 + �� j .t I r 7 S"" c' i I S'" o II. #of. JS""/1 . � I ,.2;l + sr I .I .I I ATTAC HMENT C PLOTS AN D SUMM AR I ZED Fl ELD NOTES FO R PARTIAL CROSS -SECT IONS BEL OW TA LKEETNA Attach m ent C l:_u rpo s e Under S u bta s k 2.16, th is c ro ss-s e ct i o n data wi ll be incorpo rated ;n a stu<iy a sse ssi n g the effects of co n t ro l l e d river dischar"ges on c o m m e r c ia l and recreational n a v i g a ti o n on the Susitna Riv er. Site Selection General locati ons were deterrt1ined th rough consultation :>etween Woo dy Tri hey (C o n s ulta n t to A c res ), Pauf Janke (A DNR) a nd Steve Bredthauer (R&M ) . The study required cross-sect! :>ns and wate r su rfa c e elevati ons of h e avi ly used access channe!s le.lding to the main ch�nnel of th e Susitna . Th e pri nCipal areas th at affo rd direct access are Ta l keetn a vi a th e Tal keetn a River 1 KHs h w i tn a Creek via Susitna L a n d i n g and at Wil low via Wi llow Cre ek . Indirect access to t h e Susitna River is avai lable at A ex ander Cree k where hunt i ng a n d fi s h i n g l o dge s have boats avai lable fo r ch art er . Spec i f i c locati ons were d et e r·m i n e d by fi eld i nsp e ct i o n of s:ites that coLt ld becom e c r i ti c a l to n a v i g a t i on at low d i s c h a r g es . Proced ure The sur v e y p roce du r es fo r th ese cro ss-section s are the s a m e as outli ned in S e ct i o n 3.2.2 of th is report with several ex ception s. No p rov i s i o n s were made to u s e this data for th e HEC-2 m o d e l since th ese cross -sect ions are not tied to any ve rti ca ' dat um . Approx i mate elev a t i o n s fo r c o m p a r i s o n were e s t i m at �d from U.S.G.S. to pog ra phic co ntou rs , a n d ref�ren ced to T.B.M.'s. T h e s e are aiJ spi kes set in matu re t r e e s and shou ld be rec.overable fo r co rrelation with futu re studies . Staff gauges were install ed in th e n a v iga b l e channels on th e cross ... secti on and a r r a n g m e n ts were mad e th r·ou gh Jocai residents and AD F&G p e r s o n n e l to mon itor and re port rf�a dings on t1 w e e k l y basis. With thi s i n fo r m a t i o n a crit icaJ d isc h a r g e fo .r t:hannel s l e ad i ng to acc ess a r e a s can be dete rm ined . r24/m -'1 - •, -l-RM 90 .. ·�· '· ... · . . :� .. . ·.,...: ... " : : ... • . ' PA RTIAL CP.oSS-SECTIO/V -·· L�>< ·-TkA I '•· . "M �.:--... ---.... -. 11;-:-.. -<.� .,., ... " .. __ .t.. .. ·- ..... . •... �· -:- t ' ·..... ..... ""' ,• � (� r 1 E :: -•i � -!! .. -u .. � f z ., ' ... t .· 'j . t � l 0 I c I. 1 l I J I I I: i I '. l; _., ' •�·� � ! a: �: """ -� L R X-TK;tt DATE oF Su f<vE.Y STATI ON oo +oo () l + ar /1 +7" JC + , 8 18 r g, EL£vA "7' IoN 3 CfO • ., I 33t).oo 3'#2. ,, J'JI. 93 3 'JI. 3 4 s .€1"1 . :Z:?; J 9 81 T 8"""'-t..l<x ' /VA le.. ,'iY Lo&- To P oF LEP 'T 8A .-vJ.: !Jc T"T'_... oF �ll Y St..ov G f/ ��I' 0 I= tJ ANk i TO to "F ..r l.. t>it:J£ ' 13� TT• ...-. "P .........., fllti"V' c.HA AI"/VE� .., 7/-IALw.E. & ro P o� A 1 G-H -r 8 A Nk 1 ,., A,..,... c I�A.;V.,.Yc� l t I I jt I t ! 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