HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccess plannign study 1982y PRCldET A w H y---_...... Tr::~ 1Lj '2':.1 .S3 p.\'2-::' no.i~2021 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 2 -SURVEYS AND SITE FACILITIES SUBTASK 2.10 ACCESS PLANNING STUDY JANUARY 1982 PREPARED FOR: ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library &Information ServIces Anchorage,Alaska ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACCESS PLANNING STUDY ,JI'JIl.TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vii 1 - INTRODUCTION 1 .1 The Study Area 1-1 1.2 Study Description 1-1 1.3 Objectives and Scope of Study 1-2 --1.4 Plan Formulation and Selection Process 1-3 1.5 Organization of Report 1-5 2 - SUMMARY 2.1 Scope of Work 2-1 2.2 Previous Studies 2-1 2.3 Project Design 2-1 2.4 Project Schedule 2-2 2.5 Logistics Requirements 2-2 2.6 Project Parameters 2-3 2.7 Alternative Segments 2-4 ..-2.8 Alternative Access Plans 2-4 3 - SCOPE OF WORK-3.1 Corridor Selection 3-1 or-3.2 Modal Split Analysis 3-2 co 3.3 Access Plan Development 3-2<.0 N..q- ..q- 0 4 - PREVIOUS STUDI ES0 0 II)4.1 U.S.Army Corps of Engineers - II) "1975 and 1979 4-1..-(") (")4.2 Others 4-1 .- 5 -PROJECT DESIGN 5.1 The Dams and Related Facilities 5.2 The Construction Camps 5.3 The Permanent Village 5.4 Air Strip 5.5 Project Access 6 -PROJECT SCHEDULE 6.1 Power Demand Growth 6.2 Generating Facility Schedule 6.3 Access Facility Schedule Constraints 7 -LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Construction Equipment,Materials and Supplies 7.2 Support Requirements 7.3 Permanent Village 7.4 Summary of Freight Movements 7.5 Personnel Movements 8 -ACCESS ROUTE DESIGN PARAMETERS 8.1 Roadway Parameters 8.2 Railroad Parameters 9 -CORRIDOR SELECTION 9.1 Methodology 9.2 Discussion of Alternative Segments (i)Description (ii)Line and Grade (iii)Drainage Features (iv)Bridges (v)Soils (vi)Environmental Concerns (vii)Segment Suitability 9.3 Corridor Summary i i 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-3 6-1 6-1 6-2 7-1 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-8 8-1 8-4 9-1 9-2 9-57 - - - - _. -, - - - 10 -ACCESS PLANS 10.1 Supply Sources and Shipping Options 10.2 A Ias ka Po rts 10.3 Modal Options 10.4 Access Plans (i)Description (ii)Ports (iii)Modal Split (iv)Sections Included (v)Borrow Pits (vi)Cost Estimates (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages 11 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 -APPENDICES 10-1 10-2 10-8 10-9 11-1 - A. B. C. D. Preliminary Design Development Proposed Alternative Segments Alternative Comparison -Grade,Curvature and Distance Terrain Unit Mapping D.1 Introduction D.2 Terrain Unit Analysis D.3 Terrain Unit Descriptions D.4 Terrain Unit Properties and Engineering I nterpretation Chart D.5 Regional Quaternary Geology D.6 Field Verification Program D.7 Regional Bedrock Geology D.8 References D.9 Terrain Unit Maps D.10 Test Hole Logs ;;; A-1 B-1 D-2 D-7 D-8 D-14 D-20 D-29 D-35 D-39 D-43 D-68 E.Environmental Concerns E-1 F.Cost Estimates F.1 Introduction F-1 F.2 Seaports F-1 F.3 Linehaul F-2 F.4 Railhead F-3 F.5 Bridges F-9 F.G Quantity Estimating Cross-Sections F-10 F.7 Drainage F-11 F.B Construction Cost Estimate F-35 F.9 Pioneer Road F-37 F .10 Logistics Costs F-39 G.Borrow Pits G-1 iy - ..... LIST OF TABLES Table - ...... -- 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 C.1 C.2 C.3 Major Quantities in the Dams Average Weekly Freight Movements Approved Roadway Design Parameters Approved Railroad Design Parameters Linehaul Rates in Dollars/Ton-mile Major Quantities in the Dams Construction Fleet Required Diesel Fuel Requirements for Construction Required Diesel Fuel Flow Rates Required Material Flow Rates Summary of Required Average Material Flow Rates Original Proposed Design Criteria Approved Roadway Design Parameters Approved Railroad Design Parameters Milleage from Ports to Railhead or Project Across the Dock Handling Costs Linehaul Rates in Dollar/Ton-Mile Basic Corridor Segments Maintenance Factors Borrow Pits Summary of Segments Used Summary of Aligment Parameters Combination of Segments into Corridors 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-7 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-5 7-7 8-2 8-4 8-5 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 C-1 C-2 C-3 F.2.1 Across the Dock Handling Costs F.2.2 Linehaul Rates in Dollars/Ton Mile v F-2 F-2 Table F.4.1 Railhead Estimate F .7.1 Culverts F.10.1 Watana Logistic Breakdown F.10.2 Devil Canyon Logistic Breakdown F.10.3 Road hau I Segment Costs F.10.4 Logistics Total F .11 Cost Estimate Breakdown Tables vi F-8 F-35 F-40 F-41 F-42 F-43 F-45 - LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 .1 Location Map 1-9 1.2 Access Study Logic Diagram 1-10 2.1 Project Access Location Alternatives 2-5 8.1 Typical Road Cross Section 8-3 8.2 Typical Railroad Cross Section 8-6 9.1 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 1 A,AB 9-7 9.2 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 1 C,1 D,1 E,1F 9-14 9.3 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 2A,2B 9-20 9.4 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 2C,2D,2E 9-25 9.5 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 2F,2G,2H 9-31 9.6 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 21,2J,JK 9-37 ,"",- 9.7 Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2L 9-40 9.8 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 2M,2N,2P 9-45 9.9 Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2R 9-49 9.10 Susitna Access Corridor -Segment 2RR 9-51 9.11 Susitna Access Corridor -Segments 3A,3B,3C 9-56 9.12 Project Access Location Alternatives 9-59 .,- 10.1 Access Plan #1 10-15 10.2 Access Plan #2 10-19,-10.3 Access Plan #3 10-22 10.4 Access Plan #4 10-25 10.5 Access Plan #5 10-27 10.6 Access Plan #6 10-31 .-10.7 Access Plan #7 10-33 10.8 Access Plan #8 10-37 vi,i -------'----"._,-, ~, Figure Page 10.9 Access Plan #9 10-39 10.10 Access Plan #10 10-43 10.11 Access Plan #11 10-46 A.1 Watana Dam Plan A-5 A.2 Devil Canyon Dam Plan A-6 A.3 Preliminary Watana Schedule A-7 A.4 Preliminary Devil Canyon Schedule A-8 B.O Access Corridors -Index Map B-2 B .1 Access Corridors -Alignments B-3 B.2 Access Corridors -Alignments B-4 B.3 Access Corridors -Alignments B-5 B.4 Access Corridors -Alignments B-6 B.6 Access Corridors -Alignments B-7 B.7 Access Corridors -Alignments B-8 B.8 Access Corridors -Alignments B-9 B.9 Access Corridors -Alignments B-10 B.14 Access Corridors -Alignments B-11 B.15 Access Corridors -Alignments B-12 B.16 Access Corridors Alignments B-13 B .17 Access Corridors -Alignments B-14 B.18 Access Corridors -Alignments B-15 B .19 Access Corridors -Alignments B-16 B.20 Access Corridors -Alignments B-17 ",,~,. B.21 Access Corridors -Alignments B-18 D.i Title Page -Terrain Unit Maps D-44 D.H Terrain Unit Properties and Engineering Interpretation 0-45 D.iii Terrain Unit Index Map 0-46 D .1 Access 'Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps D-47 D.2 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps D-48 D.3 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps D-49 D.4 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps D-50 vi i i, Figure Page 0.5 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-51 0.6 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-52 0.7 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-53 0.8 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-54 0.9 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-55 0.10 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-56 0.11 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-57 0.12 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-58 0.13 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-59-0.14 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-60 0.15 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-61 0.16 Access Corridors Terrain Unit Maps 0-62 0.17 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-63 ...~0.18 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-64 0.19 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-65 0.20 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-66 0.21 Access Corridors -Terrain Unit Maps 0-67 Test Hole Logs 0-69 ff E.O Access Corridors -Index Map E-2 E.1 Access Corridors -Envi ronmental Conflicts E-3 E.2 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-4 E.3 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-5 E.4 Access Corridors -Envi ronmental Conflicts E-6 E.6 Access Corridors -Envi ron mental Conflicts E-7 ~,"""'" E.7 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-8 E.8 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-9 E.9 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-10 E.14 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-11 E .15 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-12 E.16 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-13 E.17 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-14 E.18 Access Corridors -Environmental Conflicts E-15 ix Figure F.4.1 Typical Plan -Rail to Truck Transfer Facility F.5.1 Indian River Bridge F.5.2 Susitna River Bridge F.5.3 Cheechako Creek Bridge F.5.4 Fog Creek Bridge F.5.5 Road Bridge Southeast of Devil Canyon F.5.6 High Susitna River Bridge at Devil Canyon F .5.7 Rail Road Bridge Southeast of Devil Canyon F.6.1 Typical Road Section - 0 10%cross-slope F.6.2 Typical Road Section -15%cross-slope F.6.3 Typical Road Section -25%cross-slope F.6.4 Typical Road Section 30%cross-slope F.6.5 Typical Road Section -35%cross-slope F.6.6 Typical Road Section -40%cross-slope F.6.7 Typical Road Section -45%cross-slope F.6.8 Typical Road Section -50%cross-slope F.6.9 Typical Railroad Section 0 to 10%cross-slope F.6.10 Typical Railroad Section 15%cross-slope F.6.11 Typical Railroad Section 25%cross-slope F.6.12 Typical Railroad Section 30%cross-slope F.6.13 Typical Railroad Section 35%cross-slope F.6.14 Typical Railroad Section 40%cross-slope F.6.15 Typical Railroad Section 45%cross-slope F.6.16 Typical Rai Iroad Section 50%cross-slope F-4 F-12 F-13 F-14 F-15 F-16 F-17 F-18 F-19 F-20 F-21 F-22 F-23 F-24 F-25 F-26 F-27 F-28 F-29 F-30 F-31 F-32 F-33 F-34 G.1 Borrow Pit Locations x G-2 INTRODUCTION - SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ACCESS PLANNING REPORT 1 -INTRODUCTION The Susitna Hydroelectric Project has,for many years,been considered a viable source of lIc1ean ll energy for Central Alaska. The project has been viewed as including one or more dams on the upper Susitnq River.Extensive preliminary work has been done on the project by various government agencies.In an effort to expedite the project,the State of Alaska through the Alaska Power Authority,in late 1979,initiated the necessary feasibility studies and preparation of the necessary FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)license application.Access to the project is a part of those studies. 1 .1 -The Study Area The location of the project is approximately 120 air miles north of Anchorage (see Figure 1.1).The dams,as proposed,would be up stream from Talkeetna laying between the Parks Highway and the Denali Highway.This area is remote,with no existing access. The quantities of materials and supplies required for construction of the project and for the maintenance of the construction camps are of such a magnitude as to require major transportation faciltties to serve the project site. 1.2 -Study Description The Access Planning Study involved the selection of potential highway and rail road alignments that would serve the dam sites r23/d 1-1 selected for detailed study.The process involved aerial recon- naissance of the potential corridors,definition of the parameters which control the horizontal and vertical alignment and the selec- tion and analysis of alternative alignments which serve the needs of the entire project. 1.3 -Objectives And Scope of Study The objectives of the Access Planning Study are as follows: (a)To define an access route location or combination of route locations that will serve the supply needs of the hydroelectric project with a minimum of environmental impact. (b)To determine a reasonable combination of transportation modes which will provide a cost effective system of supply. (c)To define an access plan that will meet the overall scheduling requirements of the hydroelectric project. The Scope of the Study includes the definition and analysis of routes within three general corridors.Corridor 1 is located on the north side of the Susitna River from the Parks Highway to the Watana site.Corridor 2 is on the south side of the Susitna River between the same general termini.Both corridors were required to serve both Devil Canyon and Watana Dam site.The third corridor connects the Watana Dam site with the Denali Highway to the north.Both road and railroad access are to be considered. The study must examine the corridors and generate preliminary route locations and cost estimates.The cost estimates will include the costs of constructing the access,maintaining the facility and moving material over the route.The environmental impacts of the various alignments are to be addressed under Task 7,however a "'*"" r23/d 1-2 continuous flow of input from the environmental studies will be provided to aid in studying the alignments. Engineering,Soils,Cost and Environmental information will be combined to develop alternate access plans that satisfy the stated objectives.This report will present those alternate plans. 1.4 -PLAN FORMULATION AND SELECTION PROCESS There are a number of important factors to be considered in developing and analysing transportation facility plans.The locations of the dams,of course,dictate terminal points common to all access plans.The number and size of loads of material and supplies together with the volume of traffic to be generated by the construction camp population dictate the design parameters appro- priate to the facility.The terrain,soils and environmental con- cerns control and limit the possible location for the facility.All of these factors will be considered. .--' .- (a)Planning Methodology The planning process for transportation facilities of this magnitude is one of a series of iterations in which proposals are developed,tested,revised and tested again until a plan emerges that serves the desired function in a cost effective and environmentally sound manner.Following this pattern design parameters were developed,then potential alignments were selected that appeared to serve the project needs.A number of alternative alignments were identified for further consideration.During the process of evaluating the en- gineering considerations of the alternatives some were eliminated and-some sections of others were revised so that r23/d 1-3 all remaining sections conformed to the required design parameters.The information on the remaining sections was then given to the geological team and the environmental team for additional input.Consideration of this input has resulted in elimination of additional sections and changes in some of those remaining.The various available port facilities and transportation modal options were identified and then combined with the remaining possible alignments to form possible access plans.Each plan was then analyzed to deter- mine how well the project objectives were satisfied.Any advantages or disadvantages were identified and the estimated costs for construction,maintenance and logistics were developed. (b)Economic Analysis Each access plan has four major cost factors associated with it.Each of the cost factors were considered and used in comparing the alternate access plans and determining the cost-effectiveness of the various plans. - o o r23/d Construction cost estimates were prepared for each alternative.These estimates were very preliminary and valid only for comparison and determining the order of cost magnitude.More refined cost estimates are not possible or necessary at this stage of the work. Detailed cost estimates are not possible due to the lack of micro-scale data.The estimates prepared are, however,correct with regard to order of mag n itude and, because of the assumptions,for comparison purposes. Maintenance cost estimates were developed for the 1-4 - o o various plans.These costs covered only maintenance on the facility constructed.Maintenance costs on existing facilities that may be atributable to the project would be difficult to identify and the difference between plans would be insignificant. Logistics costs as used herein are the costs associated with moving material,supplies and equipment to the site. Port costs,freight rates for various modes,and the transportation modal split combine to generate signficant cost variations when comparing access plans.Each plan was evaluated by estimating the transportation costs for major material items to be moved to the site. Schedule costs were discussed in terms of time delays that would result from selecting any of the alternate plans.Dollar costs were not estimated for any such delays because the complexities of such estimates go far beyond the scope of this work.It is intuitively obvious,however,that with a project of the magnitude of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project any delays from the planned schedule will have major construction cost ramifications due to inflation and social cost resulting from the inability to meet the demand for power. 1.5 -Organization of Report The objective of the report is to present a series of alternative access plans which serve the needs of the Susitna Hydroelectric project.The report does not include a single recommended plan. -r23/d 1-5 The body of the report contains a discussion of the pertinent features.Detailed technical information is contained in a series of appendices.The report is organized as follows. Section 1.Introduction Section 2.Summary The section contains a complete Summary of the report..' Section 3.Scope of Wor k This section outlines the Scope of Work associated with the results presented with this document. Section 4.Previous Studies This section briefly summarizes the access information available in previous Susitna Basin Studies done by others. Section 5.Project Design This Section briefly describes the Susitna Hydroelectric Project in a way that sets the stage for the remainder of the access analysis. Section 6.Project Schedule This section discusses the overall planned schedule for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project and identifies the scheduling requirements for construction of the access facilities. r23/d 1-6 Section 7.Logistics Requirements This section presents the estimated quantities of the major items of equipment,materials and supplies that must be transported to the site during the course of construction,including the supplies necessary for the construction camp.Any particular constraints affecting the mobilization and/or movement of material for access construction are also discussed. Section 8.Access Design Parameters Tr.is section discusses the specifics of the basic design parameters for both road and rail road construction.The parameters discussed include curvature,maximum grades,horizontal and vertical clearance requirements,load requirements and surfacing require- ments. Section 9.Corridor Selection This section discusses the process by which the suggested corridors were selected for study and includes a discussion of each of the alignment segments originally investigated. Section 10.Access Plans This section presents a series of alternate access plans including a discussion of the pros and cons of the various available ports, shipping options,and land transportation modes.Cost estimates for each plan are developed which include construction,main- tenance and logistics costs. Section 11.Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions and recommendations are not a part of this report because additional environmental data is to be considered along r23/d 1-7 with the data presented here.A final recommendation is expected to result from that analysis combined with the results of this study. APPENDICIES - Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix 0 Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G r23/d Preliminary Design Development Proposed Alternative Segments Alternative Comparison -Grade,Curvature and Distance Terrain Unit Maps Environmental Concerns Alternative Plans Borrow Pits 1-8 LOCATION MAP - PREPARED BY' RIM CONSULTANTS,INC. LOCATION DREPARED FOR' MAP FIGURE 1.1 ,)~mJ:IImo=FinalPlanS.I.ctlonACCESSSTUDYLOGICDIAGRAMfiG.1.2D.velopeAlt.rnatlv.~PlanSPublicInputI--Logl,tlcEUlmatuMod.1SplitR.comendatlon,Soli,DataI--~~I--RailroadOption,PortFaclHtl..Road-wayOption,Logl,tlcR.qulrement,LandTransport~OptionsrEnvlronmtnlOl~Corridorl-I,IIConc.rn,.-----,Sel.ctlonIIJ<!lU1!!P!!, IINPUTFROMOTHERSLogl,tlc,I---JR.qulr.""n..Proj.ctSch.dul.D.fln.HProj.ctHD.fln.ProJ.ct'Obj.ctlv..DealgnI--Paramet.r,Pr.1IminaryDulgnD.v.IOpmllllIFROMnOTHERSINPUTFROMAVAILABLESOURCES,PASTaCURRENTSTUDIESi~(.::.":):)r»OnGIn-mnm~Igm»01:iiil.DI»GJ'is:.aiuIa:IIm."IJ~&JiiIg ..... - SUMMARY - 2 -Summary This summary is intended to provide a brief overview of the access study,its methods and results. 2.1 -Scope of Work The scope.of work for the Susitna Access Study was defined in general terms in the original Plan of Study (PaS)for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project.The pas required that three corridors be examined and the both road and rail options be included.The access plan was required to serve both Watana and Devil Canyon Dams and be able to satisfy the desired project schedule. 2.2 -Previous Studies Previous studies of the Susitna Hydroelectric project were reviewed to determine the extent of work that had been done relative to access.Very little had been done.The Corps of Engineers had carried the access question the furthest and their 1975 reports included a roadway that followed closely the alignment described as Plan 1 from Parks Highway to Watana on the south side of the river via Gold Creek. 2.3 -Project Design Preliminary design of the hydroelectric project provided input to the access study.The quantities of materials to be imported to the project site and the size of the work crews were considered in estimating the costs of transportion and in selecting the ports and land transportation modal splits suggested in the various plans. -r30/b 2-1 2.4 -Project Schedule The overall schedule for the Susitna Hydroelectric project has been set based on projected power requirements in the region.These studies show that power from Watana Dam is needed first with power on line required in 1993.A period of eight years is projected to build the facility.This requires initial construction in 1985.The Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions license is anticipated in late 1984 on early 1985.Construction of access facilities cannot predate the FERC license therefore an access plan was desired that would allow mobilization and resupply activities to occur in 1985.This meant a plan providing access to Watana that could be made passable in one construction season.The estimated construction time for Devil Canyon is seven years with construc- tion projected to begin in 1993. 2.5 -Logistics Requirements The primary requirements for imported material and supplies were provided by other tasks.The volumes of materials were combined with planned construction schedules to project required average rates of flow for supplies. TABLE 2.1 Major Quantities in the Dams - Excavation (Rock &Earth) Fill Construction Equipment Explosives Cement Reinforcing Steel Rock Bolts Steel Support &Liners Mechanical,Structural & Electrical Equipment Fuel r30/b Watana 22,000,000 c.y. 76,000,000 c.y. 16,000 ton 20,000 ton 350,000 ton 33,000 ton 12,500 ton 3,600 ton 15,000 ton 75,000,000 gal. 2-2 Devil Canyon 5,000,000 c.y. 1,335,000 c.y. 5,000 ton 3,000 ton 650,000 ton 22,000 ton 3,000 ton 2,200 ton 13,500 ton 17,000,000 ga I. - Camp populations were estimated at 4,500 persons for Watana and 3,100 persons for Devil Canyon.Past experience shows that camps of this size require 13 pounds of food and supplies per occupant and 1.1 gallons of fuel oil per occupant on a daily basis.*These quantities where combined with the construction schedules to develop the following average material flow require- ments for the project. *Data provided by Arctic Hosts,Inc.,Anchorage Alaska. TABLE 2.2 SUMMARY OF REQUIRED AVERAGE MATERIAL FLOW RATES Watana Dam Devil Canyon Dam Trucks 90 110 Contingency &Misc.18 22 Total 108 Truck Loads/week 132 Truck Loads/week Rail Cars 39 44 Contingency &Misc.8 9 Total 47 Rail Car Loads/week 53 Rail Car Loads/week 2.6 -Project Parameters The required freight movements and the size and weight of trans- formers and other major components were used to establish parameters for line,grade and load requirements for both railway and roadway options.These parameters were then used to identify potential access routes and are based on standards published by The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)and the American Railway Engineering Association (AREA). r30/b 2-3 ---,--------------'._-------- TABLE 2.3 APPROVED ROADWAY DESIGN PARAMETERS Design Speed Maximum Grade Maximum Curvature Design Loading (Construction Period) Design Loading (After Construction) TABLE 2.4 60 mph 6% 5% 80 Kip Axle &200 Kip total HS-20 APPROVED RAILROAD DESIGN PARAMETERS Maximum Grade Maximum Curvature Loading 2.7 -Alternatives Segments 2.5% 10° E-72. .... The design parameters were used to define a series of alternative alignment segments that could be mixed and matched to define alternate access routes meeting project requirements.The segments as originally defined were given to the soils and environmental teams for their input.That input,along with engineering considerations was used to eliminate some segments and modify others.The remaining segments were combined to establish preferred routes in each corridor.These corridor alignments are shown on Figure 2.1. 2.8 -Alternative Access Plans Alternative access plans were developed.Each plan included recommended Alaskan ports,line haul mode,location of transfer points and delivery mode. r30/b 2-4 PREFEREDROUTEINEACHCORRIDOROTHERALTERNATES1NVESTIGATEDPREPAREDBY'PREPAREDFOR'FIGURE2.1I2-5I The sea ports checked include the following: Anchorage Seward Whittier Valdez Anchorage is the preferred port for those items suitable for ship- ment in conventional containers and trucks.The port has the apparent adequate capacity and the best facilities of the four. The drawback in Anchorage is a lack of capabilities for roll-on roll-off rail shipment.Anchorage does,at times,have an ice problem. Seward is unable to compete directly with Anchorage in facilities or capacity.Seward is suitable for an overflow port as there is equipment available to handle container cargo and there is direct rail and highway access.Seward is an ice free port. Whittier is unique in that there is roll-on roll-off rail capability. Because of freight rates and handling charges Whitter is the obvious choice for arrival of all materials that can be shipped by rail car. Valdez has a considerable capacity and is expanding its port facilities.Valdez has been eliminated from major consideration for a number of reasons that would contribute to increases in project cost. o o o r30/b Lack of Rail Service Highest Wharfage and Handling Costs of Any of the Four Longest Truck Haul to the Project 2-6 Anchorage and Whittier are the ports selected and are common to all plans. Line haul rates were collected from the Alaska Railroad and several trucking firms.A comparison of line haul rates is shown below. TABLE 2.5 LINE HAUL RATES IN DOLLARS/TON-MILE Item Rail Truck Equipment 0.1878 0.2069 Steel 0.2577 0.2069 Cement 0.1565 0.2069 Fuel 0.1450 0.2069 General Cargo 0.1262 0.2069 Explosives 0.6267 0.2069 While certain items may move by truck with lower costs,the mix of items and quantities make it clear that the overall most cost effective line haul mode is rail.For this reason all plans con- template rail haul to the maximum extent practicable. A total of eleven access plans have been outlined.There are no plans including the segments around Portage Creek as the engineering,soils and environmental problems have combined to make the Portage Creek drainage very undesirable. Plan 1 serves both Devil Canyon and Watana Dam by road south of the Susitna River.This plan includes a rail head at Gold Creek and road access to the Parks Highway.This plan encounters significant amounts of critical wildlife habitat around Stephan and Fog Lakes.There are some extensive areas of deep organic soils and soils containing massive ic'e near Stephan Lake.There are major schedule constraints involving two major bridges and extensive rock construction.The schedule constraints are such r30/b 2-7 that the construction of Watana could be delayed by as much as th ree yea rs . Plan 2 is the railroad alternative to Plan 1.Plan 2 also does not satisfy the requirement of being able to allow resupply of con- struction activities at Watana in one construction season. Plan 3 serves Watana by road from the Denali Highway east of Cantwell.A railhead is called for at Cantwell.Access to the Devil Canyon Dam is by road with a railhead at Gold Creek.This plan meets all primary objectives of the study but does not include a direct connection between Watana and Devil Canyon.The road- way from Denali.Highway can be made usable for construction equipment and resupply in one construction season allowing access to Devil Canyon to be constructed as required. Plan 4 is similar to Plan 3 except that access to Devil Canyon is to be by rail rather than road. Plan 5 uses all roadway connecting with the Parks Highway and a railhead at Gold Creek.The south side of the river is followed to Devil Canyon.At this point the plan .calls for a low bridge over the Susitna River during construction,to be replaced by a road across the Devil Canyon Dam crest when that is completed.The road would then follow the north side alignment between Devil Canyon and Watana.This plan avoids the majority of the identified environmentally critical areas of all three corridors.The steep terrain in the location of the Devil Canyon low level crossing necessitates below standard road parameters.The design speed would be reduced to 30 mph. Plan 6 is the same as Plan 4 except that a road is included between Watana and Devil Canyon for the exclusive use of the maintanance and operations personnel.This plan satisfies all major objectives of the study. r30/b 2-8 .'-----------_._------,------- Plan 7 is the same as Plan 3 except between Watana and Devil Canyon for maintenance and operations personnel. major objectives of the study. that a road is included the exclusive use of the This plan satisifies all Plan 8 is similar to Plan 5 except that there is no road access between the Parks Highway and the rail head at Gold Creek. Supplies are hauled by rail to Gold Creek,then shuttled by truck to the two damsites.The advantage of this plan is a total lack to public access. Plan 9 is similar to Plan 8,except that rail replaces road access from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon.A road then continues from the railhead at Devil Canyon to Watana along the north side.This plan,while good from an environmental aspect,still has the major design constraint of the row construction bridge at Devi I Canyon. Plan 10 is similar to Plans 1 and 2.Corridor Two,along the south side is used.Access is by rail,from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon,then by road,along the south side,to Watana.This plan has the same environmental and engineering constraints as Plan 1 in the vicinity of Stephan Lake and Fog Lakes.The Fog Creek Bridge is a time constraint that could cause a delay of up to three years. Plan 11 serves the entire project from the Denali Highway.No access is provided at Gold Creek.Supplies are shipped by rail to a railhead at Cantwell,then trucked to Watana via the Denali Highway,then on to Devil Canyon along the north side.This plan has the advantages of no major bridges,no major environ- mental conflicts and no scheduling delays.The longer haul, however,makes this route the most expensive from a logistics standpoint. r30/b 2-9 The final choice of access plan will be made after additional input from the remainder of the study team can be evaluated. r30/b 2-10 SCOPE OF WORK - 3 ..SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work discussed in this Section includes the develop- ment and selection of corridor alignments,an analysis of modal split options and selection of alternative access plans designed to provide a cost effective access system that will satisfy the project requirments while meeting the project schedule. Further details of the Scope of Work may be found in Acres·Plan of Study (POS). 3.1 ..Corridor Selection The initial step in selecting the corridors was definition of the parameters that control line and grade.Preliminary estimates of the size and weight of the critical components were made and the width,grade and curvature parameters were selected to allow movement of those components After the controlling parameters were defined,possible alignments were identified using 1 :63,360 scale contour maps.A number of alternate segments were identified for further analysis.Potential corridors were to be identified on both sides of the Susitna River from the Parks Highway to Watana and,from Watana north to the Denali Highway.At least one corridor was to include a potential for rail service to both Dam sites. The alternative segments were grouped into possible total routes. The possible routes were compared with regard to alignment, gradient,soil conditions,environmental constraints and other considerations to determine the most favorable alignment within each corridor. r27/c 3-1 3.2 Modal Split Analysis The modal split analysis was necessary to suggest the optimum mix of transportation modes and the most advantagou"S transfer point between modes. Potential seaports and the cargo handling capability of the res- pective ports are of prime importance.It was necessary to deter- mine if roll-on roll-off rail barge service was possible or if material must come by barge and be transfered to rail and/or truck. Freight rates for the railroad and for truck haul were checked to determine the most economical way to ship various items within the State of Alaska. The estimated quantities of the major items were supplied from other tasks.Using these quantities and the rate information a variety of modal mix options were examined to determine the cost effectiveness of the apparent options. 3.3 Access Plan Development This effort is a mix and match exercise in which the various combinations of potential corridor segments and modal split options are tested to compare cost effectiveness of the over all plan and the degree to which overall project time schedules are served. The cost effectiveness of the various plans are based on combined costs of construction,maintenance and logistics over the construc- tion life of the project.The degree to which the overall time schedule can be satisfied is based on two factors,estimated construction time for the access facility and whether the plan will allow inital work on the dams to begin as planned. r27/c 3-2 PREVIOUS STUDI ES 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES The studies done by the various agencies that have looked at the Susitna Hydroelectric project have presented much information on the many alternative power developement plans.These sarne studies have included very little data on access to the project. Generally,construction of a road is presumed and little else is mentioned. 4.1.U.S.Corps of Engineers The 1975 report prepared by the Corps of Engineers incorporated a road access that corresponds very closely with one of the corridors defined in the study.That access proposal began at the Parks Highway near Chulitna Station,parallels the Alaska railroad south and east to a crossing of the Susitna river then proceeds up the south side of the river to Devi I Canyon and on the the Watana site via the north end of Stephan Lake and the west end of Fog Lakes.The faciJity contemplated was a 24-foot wide roadway designed for 30 miles per hour.A raiJ head was planned at Gold Creek also. 4.2 Others Other studies done on the Susitna Hydroelectric project over the years mentioned access only in passing and and did not develop access plans. r27/d 4-1 PROJECT DESIGN -_._---------------_. ... 5 -PROJECT DESIGN The Susitna Hydroelectric Project is developing as a two dam system.The total system will include,in addition to the dams themselves,all associated on-site power generating facilities,and transmission facilities.A large construction camp with at!of the required support facilities will be needed during construction,at each dam,and a permanent village for the operating and main- tenance staff will be necessary after construction is complete.An airstrip and other access facilities over which all of the equipment, personnel and supplies will reach the project site must be provided as early in the project as possible. 5.1 -The Dams and Related Facilities (a)The Watana Dam is projected to be a large earth and rockfill structure involving placement of approximately 76 million cubic yards of zone type embankment that will come largely from borrow areas near the site.The dam is to be located on the main stream of the Susitna River a short distance above the mouth of Tsusena Creek.During construction,the river is to be diverted through tunnels which will be gated and used for other purposes after completion of the work.The Power house is planned to be underg.round while the spillways are to be surface structures configured to prevent nitrogen saturation of downstream waters.Staging areas for con- struction activities are available on both sides of the river at the Watana Site. (b)The Devil Canyon Dam is projected to be a concrete arch structure set in the section of the Susitna River known as Devil Canyon.To achieve planned pool elevation,a low saddle dam will be required south of the main dam.River r27/e 5-1 diversion will again be through tunnels during the construc- tion period and the power house for this structure will also be underground.Construction activities will probably be staged from the south side at Devil Canyon because of the terrain. (c)The Transmission Lines are proposed for the north side of the river from Watana west to a connection with the Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie near Chulitna Pass.The final location of the transmission corridor has not been selected as of this time. 5.2 -Construction Camps A Construction Camp is 'expected to be located near the Watana site and probably on the north side of the river.Manpower requirements based on quantities of materials and projected construction schedule show a need for up to 4,500 persons during the peak of construction activities at Watana.Current plans call for a construction camp at each of the dams.There is a shortage of land suitable for a camp near the Devil Canyon site,however, there is one.site near the south end.Manpower projections for Devil Canyon construction indicates a peak population of 3,100 persons. 5.3 -Permanent Village The size and complexity of the overall system will require a full time maintenance and operations staff.Projections show that this staff including their dependents will require a permanent village of approximately 45 dwelling units plus support buildings. - r27/e 5-2 5.4 -Airstrip Over-all project development,the size of the work force involved and the remote nature of the site indicate that an airstrip will be desirable for a wide variety of reasons including the movement of personnel and a need of rapid emergency evacuation capability. To that end,a runway site has been located on the north side of the Susitna River near the proposed site for the Watana con- struction camp.It is expected that the airstrip will be constructed very early in the project.The proposed facility would be adequate for aircraft up to and including a C-130.The location study for the airstrip has been done as a part of another task. 5.5 -Project Access Providing access into a remote area such as the upper Susitna, while small in comparison to the total project,is a major under- taking in itself.Massive quantities of material,supplies,equip- ment and fuel must be moved to the project site in an uninterupted flow.Estimates of the amounts of the principal materials to be imported to the site and used in construction of the dams and related facilities are included in Appendix A.The movement of materials in such quantities requires a railroad or a high type of highway comparable to rural highways throughout the country. The access to the project is the topic of this study. r27/e 5-3 PROJECT SCHEDULE 6 -PROJECT SCHEDULE The Susitna Hydroelectric project is intended to provide electrical power to the Alaska Railbelt region.The time frame for providing the required generating capacity has been determined as a result of Task 6 IIDesign Development ll • 6.1 -Power Demand Growth The load and demand growth projections presented in the Task 6 IIDesign Developmentll report indicate that more electrical power will be required by the year 2000 than can be generated by the Susitna Hydroelectric Project alone.The demand over and above that which Susitna can satisfy will have to be provided from other sources,quite probably fossil fuel fired steam generators.The demand growth curves indicate that power from the Watana Dam is needed in 1993 and power from Devil Canyon Dam in needed by 2000.The Watana generating capacity can be installed in stages with the initial 400 megawatts available in 1993 and the second 400 megawatts on line in 1996. 6.2 -Generating Fac'ility Schedule Construction periods for Watana Dam and Devil Canyon Dam are projected as eight years and Seven years respectively.If power from Watana is needed in 1993 and an eight-year period is required to construct the dam then construction must begin in 1985.Power from Devil Canyon is needed in 2000.Backing up seven years indicates that construction must begin in 1993.The construction schedules currently show access construction beginning January 1985 with work on the diversion tunnels beginning during the second quarter of 1985 and on the cofferdams and main abutments of Watana in the third quarter of 1985. r27/f 6-1 6.3 -Access Facility Schedule Constraints Access is an integral part of the total project and as such may be subject to FERC approval for construction.Current project schedules are based on FERC licensing in late 1984.Access construction is currently planned to begin in very early 1985,as soon as possible following FERC licensing.If access construction is to begin in 1985 and construction activities on the dam are to begin in mid to late 1985 then it is necessary that an access facility be provided that can be passable for heavy equipment, explosives and fuel supplies sometime during the 1985 construction season.Any access plan that cannot be brought to rough grade and kept passable in a single construction season will require one of two schedule adjustments,access construction prior to FERC licensing or delay in work on the Watana Dam.Early reactions from regulatory agencies indicate a strong reluctance to issue the necessary permits for even a pioneer road prior to FERC licencing, however there has been no definite position taken. r27/f 6-2 LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS 7 -LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS The dams and associated facilities are of a size that require vast quantities of equipment,materials,supplies and personnel for construction.Because of the remote location,a base camp must be provided that will resemble a small town complete with all essential services near each dam site.A permanent village must also be provided for the operations and maintenance personnel who will be stationed at the project when construction is completed. The principle logistics requirements include the equipment, materials and supplies necessary for the dams and related facilities including the camp and permanent village,the food and other items necessary to provide for the crew during construction and the logistics requirements for construction of the access facilities. The requirements for the dams and related facilities and the camp supply needs will be discussed here.Logistic requirements for the alternate access plans will not be discussed in detail.Logistic requirements at access construction will vary with location,length, and bridge requirements.Significant constraints of access construction will be identified.The cost of this element of logistics will be included in the estimated construction costs. 7.1 -Construction Equipment,Materials and Supplies The following estimates of equipment,materials and supplies are presented as a basis for the cost estimates to be generated as a part of analyzing and comparing the various access plans to be presented. The major quantities to be incorporated into the project are shown in Table 7.1. r25/e 7-1 Table 7.1 Major Quantities in the Dams .... Watana Devi I Canyon Excavation (Rock &Earth 22,000,000 c.y.5,000,000 c.y. Fill 76,000,000 c.y.1,335,000 c.y. Construction Equipment 16,000 ton 5,000 ton Explosives 20,000 ton 3,000 ton Cement 350,000 ton 650,000 ton Reinforcing Steel 33,000 ton 22,000 ton Rock Bolts 12,500 ton 3,000 ton Steel Support &Liners 3,600 ton 2,200 ton Mechanical,Structural Electrical Equipment 15,000 ton 13,500 ton Fuel 75,000,000 gal.17,000,000 gal. Additional items that will be required for each dam include: Tires,Equipment Parts,and miscellaneous lumber and building materiaJ.Actual estimated quantities are not available and are largely a function of the contractor1s operation. For a comparison of transportation costs only the easily identified major items will be listed individually.These items will allow comparisons of the relative differences in transportation costs when reviewing alternative plans. In order to estimate quantities of fuel,tires and parts required at each site,estimates of equipment fleets with average unit fuel consumption figures were made.See Table 7.2. The fuel consumption rates shown in Table 7.2 are estimates based on Alaskan General Contractors experience with similar equipment. r25/e 7-2 Table 7.2 Construction Fleet Fuel Per Unit #Units * Equipment (1 gallon/hr.)Watana Devil Canyon 40 C.Y.End Dumps 21 40 6 8 C.Y.Loaders 15.5 10 5 Motor Patrols (Cat 14)6.5 8 4 D-9 17 30 5 D-7 8 10 3 Cranes 10 2 4 Rock Crusher 20 1 2 Screening Plant 10 1 2 Concrete Plant 10 1 2 Mixer Trucks 10 3 3 Fork Lifts 5 6 6 Dump Trucks 10 10 2 Compactors 8 6 2 Power Generator 20 2 2 Mi scellaneous 7 20 15 Pickups and 2 60 30 other Gasoline Vehicles Equipment Shipping Mode Watana Devil Canyon By Rail:Flat car loads 133 66 By Road:Truck loads 67 31 self driven units 143 62 Total Units 210 93 *The number of units represents the anticipated number of pieces necessary based on the materials needed to be moved,amount of time per machine to move them and the total time frame provided to complete the task.When this input was not available it is a result of estimates from previous project experience. r25/e ----------,--,----------- 7-3 Table 7.3 WEEKLY 01 ESEL FUEL REQU I REMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Equipment Type End Dumps Loaders Motor Patrols 0-9 0-7 Cranes Crushers Screening Plant Concrete Plant Mixer Trucks Fork Lifts Dump Trucks Compactors Power Generator Miscellaneous Vehicles **Total Gallons per week Watana gallons/week 94,080 17,360 5,820 57,120 8,960 2,240 2,240 1,120 1,120 3,360 3,360 11,200 5,380 4,480 15,680 227,700 Oevil Canyon gallons/week 14,100 8,680 2,900 9,520 2,700 4,480 4,480 2,240 2,240 3,360 3,360 2,240 1,790 4,480 11,760 78,330 *Assume 24 hours per day and seven days per week.An assumption has been made that 1/3 of the equipment will be down for service and maintenance at all times this provides for 112 hours/week base.**This is an estimated average fuel flowage during the major portion of the activity.Actual flowage may vary significantly. Table 7.4 REQUIRED DIESEL FUEL Diesel Fuel Truck Loads @ 7,500 Gal./Ioad *** Rai I Car Loads @ 20,000 Gal/load *** Watana 227,700 Gal./wk. 30 Loads/wk. 11 Loads/wk. Devi I Canyon 78,330 Gal./wk. 10.4 Loads/wk. 4 Loads/wk. ***Sizes of loads are typical of what is currently available. r25/e 7-4 TABLE 7.5 REQUIRED MATERIAL FLOW RATES Gasoline Truck Loads @ 7,500 Gal./load Rail Car Loads @ 20,000 Gal./Ioad Time Requirement*** Cement Quantity per week Truck Loads @ 30 ton/Load* Rail Car Loads @ 75 ton/Load* Steel (all) Quantity per week Truck @ 30 ton Rail Car Loads @ 75 ton Explosives Quantity per week Truck loads @ 30 ton Rail Carloads @ 75 ton Mechanical,Structural Electrical Quantity per week Truck loads .@ 30 ton Railcars loads @ 75 ton Tires and Parts ** Truck loads Watana 20,160 GaL/wk. 3 Loads/wk. 1 Load/wk. 7 yrs. 350,000 ton 1154 ton/wk. 38.5 Loads/wk. 15.4 Load/wk. 49,100 ton 162 ton/wk. 5.4 Loads/wk. 2.2 Loads/wk. 20,000 ton 66 ton/wk 2.2 load/wk 0.9 load /wk 15,000 ton 49.5 ton/wk 1.6 load/wk 0.7 load/wk 2 Loads/wk. Devi I Canyon 10,000 Gal./wk. 1.3 Loads/wk. 0.5 Load/wk. 6 yrs. 650,000 ton 2,500 ton/wk. 83.3 Loads/wk. 33.3 Load/wk. 27,200 ton 105 ton/wk. 3.5 Loads/wk. 1.4 Load/wk. 3,000 ton 11.5 ton/wk 0.4 load/wk 0.15 load/wk 13,500 ton 52 ton/wk 1.7 load/wk 0.7 load/wk 2 Loads/wk. Subtotal Trucks Loads/wk.52.7 Subtotal Rail Cars Loads/wk.22.2 92.2 38.1 *Sizes of loads are typical of what is currently available. **This Figure represents a rough estimate of truck/rail car loads of materials that will be needed for maintenance of construction equipment. ***Assumed deliveries over 10 months per year activity and 1 year less than total construction time.The schedules show startup period of about one year before the peak activity levels are approached. r25/e 7-5 7.2 -Support Reguirements Supplies and fuel for the base camps must flow steadily and smoothly.It has been estimated the construction camp population will be approximately 4,500 for Watana and 3,100 for Devil Canyon. A camp operation report together with information from experienced arctic work camp contractors indicates a camp of 3,000-5,000 people would require approximately thirteen (13)pounds of food and supplies per person per day and fuel for power and heat at 1.1 gallons per person per day.These figures convert to the following delivery rates: Camp Supplies 4500 persons 13 lb.x 2000 Ib./ton man-day x 7 days =204.8 tons/week (Watana) week 3100 persons 2000 lb./ton x 13 lb.x 7 days =141.1 tons/week (Devil Canyon) man-day week Truck Loads @ 30 tons each = Rail Cars @ 7S tons each = Watana 6.8 load/wk 2.7 load/wk Devil Canyon 4.7 load/wk 1.9 load/wk Camp Fuel 4500 persons x 1.1 gal.x 7 days =35,000 gal./week (Watana) day week 3100 persons 1.1 gal.x 7 days =24,000 gal./week (Devil Canyon)x day week r25/e 7-6 Truck Loads @ 7,500 gallons =5 loads per week for Watana;3\per week for Devil Canyon. Rail Car loads @ 20,000 gallons =2 loads per week for Watana;11a per week for Devil Canyon. 7.3.-Permanent Village The permanent Village is estimated as 45 dwelling units.It is expected that construction of the village will occur over a period of two years at an average of two truck loads of materials per dwelling unit. 7.4 -Summary of Freight Movements The following summary of freight movements is intended to show the order of magnitude for transport requirements on the access facility. Table 7.6 SUMMARY OF REQUIRED AVERAGE MATERIAL FLOW RATES Watana Dam Devils Canyon Dam Trucks 95 111 Contingency &Misc.19 22 Total 114 Trucks Loads/week 133 Truck loads/week Rail Cars 38 45 Contingency &Misc.8 9 Total 46 Rail Cars loads/week 54 Rail Cars Loads/week Note:Total includes Tables 7.4,7.5,camp supplies and camp fuel.Total does not include initial mobilization of construc- tion .equipment or materials for permanent village. r25/e ------_._-_....._-_._------ 7-7 7.5 -Personnel Movements In addition to the requirements for moving freight the workers themselves must be moved to the site.There are at least four options for accomplishing the movement of personnel depending on the nature of the access facility provided and the types of controls put on the construction personnel.construction crews and support personnel will be working 7 days per week and three shifts per day.Even with this kind of schedule large numbers of people will be off shift at anyone time.It would seem appropriate that these people have some way of leaving the area.Options include the following = 1.An aircraft shuttle 2.A rail shuttle if rail only is provided 3.A bus shuttle 4.Private vehicles An aircraft shuttle could be used for the movement of personnel to the construction camp.Transportation costs would be high and the mode is extremely vulnerable to weather limitations. Several of the access plans outlined herein include options for access to all or part of the project by rail only.The camp populations are such that a steady flow of personnel to and from camp may be expected.If only ten percent of the population travels on a given day I the total person trips will be in the range of 300 to 500 daily. Rail coaches normally seat 50 to 80 persons.If access to either dam is limited to rail only I then a regularly scheduled shuttle train .of an engine and two to four passenger cars will be needed to provide the required service.This service combined with the freight haul requirements will necessitate additional rail sidings and a much more complex communication system on the rails. r25/e 7-8 If roads are provided as primary access to the job site,a bus shuttle could be provided for personnel movements.This would best be handled by commerical carrier.The cost could be born either by the individual or the project. The use of private vehicle would be the simplest method to ad- minister.It would also allow the workers the greatest flexibility. If only 10%of the population travels on a given day,traffic volumes on the access road could exceed 500 vehicles per day. Traffic volumes at this level normally warrant a paved surface rather than a gravel surface. For the purpose of comparison,in this report,logistics costs will not include passenger transportation. r25/e 7-9 .•.......•.••._..•--.---,._._-_. ACCESS ROUTE DESIGN PARAMETERS 8.-ACCESS ROUTE DESIGN PARAMETERS The plan of study for the Susitna Project calls for the analysis of three general routes and two transportation modes to provide access to the proposed dam sites from port facilities or instate sources of supply.Consideration must be given to using road, railroad or a combination of both to serve the project. The alternate routes to be studied were required to accomodate the following: o o Serve all dam sites that might be proven feasible by other portions of the overall study. Corridors had to be included on the North and South sides of the Susitna River with connections to the Alaska Railroad near Gold Creek,to the Parks Highway and to the Denali Highway. I n order to be able to make a valid comparison between alterna- tives a basis for that comparison must be established,with this thought in mind,proposed design criteria were developed. 8.1 -Roadway Parameters Originally the access road was envisioned as a low volume service road.The road was to be adequate for moving the necessary amounts of material and personnel but not necessarily in confor- mance will all requirement for a major public highway.As a result the original proposed design parameters were for a 30 mile per hour design with a 30 foot top width. r25/f 8-1 TABLE 8.1 ORIGINAL PROPOSED DESIGN CRITERIA Road ~' Design Speed Maximum Grade Maximum Curvature Design Loading 30 mph 10% 19° HS-20 Design criteria such as these are used to establish guidelines for design.The designer normally attempts to provide horizontal and vertical alignment that is better than the minimum alignment such limits would provide.In order to maintain schedule,work began on a number of possible alignments prior to approval of the proposed criteria.While the corridor definition work was in progress information on certain primary dam components was developed that required flatter grades and curves.Satisfying these criteria would provide a roadway that would essentially conform to a 50-60 mile per hour design speed.Subsequent work confirmed the need for roadway design criteria for 60 mile per hour design speed.The relatively high roadway design parameters are required because of the size and weight of certain components of the dams that must be manufactured and imported to the site.The approved roadway design parameters are given in Table 8.2.With acceptance of the design parameters,a typical cross section was developed and is depicted in Figure 8.1. Projected traffic volumes suggest that asphalt pavement should be provided if personnel access to the construction camps is by private auto. r25/f 8-2 441-011,f\\...\...,0\0u~"'.\f\\...\...,0\\'V'V""!>',\a~'V~O-z;,~,'V7-"\~'/-0FILLSLOPEVARIABLE-..\~DEPENDINGONHEIGHT.,0OFFILL\\'1-","171_0"171-0"2"A.C.PAVING2"BASE-3/4'-0-19"BASE-2"GRADE"A"NFSSUBBASETHICKNESSVARIABLE-I'REI'AREDBY'RlIMCONSULTANTS.INC.TYPICALROADCROSS.SECTION~Io510SCALEINFEETTVPICALROADCROSSSECTION8-3PREPAREDFOR'FIGUREs... The 60 mph design criteria was attainable in all major corridors except one -the crossing of Devil Canyon to join the south corridor to the north corridor.The precipitous terrain in Devil Canyon can be crossed by a high suspension bridge spanding from the south bluff to the north bluff,or by a low bridge just above the high water level.The low bridge could be reached only by a 30 mph road (10%grades,19°curves)cutting into the sides of the bluffs.The low level crossing would be needed in any event as a pioneer road,because a high suspension bridge would require 3 years to construct.For the purposes of this report,the low level crossing has been used for the entire construction period. After the Devil Canyon Dam has been constructed,access will be rerouted to cross the dam along its crest.The rerouted access will be built at the 60 mph criteria. TABLE 8.2 APPROVED ROADWAY DESIGN PARAMETERS Design Speed Maximum Grade Maximum Curvature Design Loading (Construction Period) Design Loading (After Construction) 8.2 -Rail Road Parameters 60 mph 6% 5° 80 Kip Axle &200 Kip total HS-20 The volume of bulk materials to be moved to the Susitna project during the fifteen year period of construction make consideration of rail service mandatory.The principle concern with using the Alaska railroad was the load capacity of existing trackage and bridges.Horizontal and verticle c1earences governing the overall size of loads that can be moved by rail are controlled by existing facilities.The exisiting facilities conform to the American Railway r25/f 8-4 Engineering Association (AREA)standards.The Engineering office for the Alaska Railroad states that the ARR is currently rated as an E-50 railroad.They are in the process of up grading to E-80 facilities.The Chief Engineer for the ARR recommended using an E-72 loading for railway planning.Input from the railroad engineering staff and AREA standards suggest the following design parameters would be appropriate. TABLE 8.3 APPROVED RAI LROAD DESIGN PARAMETERS .... r25/f Maximum Grade Maximum Curvature Loading 8-5 2.5% 10 0 E-72. 14'-0"22'-0"19'-0"91_0".,r__I-...J-~-2'BALLAST14'-0"RAIIICONSULTANTS.INC.TYPICAL.RAILROADCROSSSECTION~IoI 236SCALEINFEETTVPICALRAILROADCROSSSECTIONF1BUREB.2[iii] CORRIDOR SELECTION - 9.0 -CORRIDOR SELECTION The general locations for the potential access corridors were defined in the POS.The next step in the process was the determination of where within these general corridors facilities could be built that would conform to the required design parameters.To that end,a series of alternate segments were identified and then evaluated.This section documents the process by which this segment selection was done and the results of the evaluation. 9.1 -Methodology The Susitna Hydroelectric Project is located on a section of the Susitna River that is remote wilderness.Earlier studies by government agencies had generated some contour mapping in the vicinity of the proposed dam sites.The only other available contour information was USGS mapping on a one-inch (1")equals one (1)mile scale with one-hunderd foot (100 1 )contour intervals. To aid the project team in selecting possible routes,a low level helicopter flight was made in late March,1980.A mosaic was then made of the USGS mapping from Gold Creek and the Parks Highway through the Watana site and out to the Denali Highway north of Watana.Using the preliminary design parameters and information gained from the overflight of the project area,a number of possible alignments were laid out on the map mosaic. The various alternatives were split into convenient segments. Some of these segments were unique while others could be common to two (2)or more alternatives.Each segment was analyzed for grades on a section by section basis.Each curve was checked .for degree of curve and deflection angle.Each curve and each identifiable gradient section were then tabulated.The various segments considered were combined to provide a total of r15/b ---_._----,-_._.------- 9-1 thirty-six (36)possible alignment alternatives that could conceivably be constructed to provide access to one or both of the principle dam sites.The various combinations of segments making up potential access route alignments were compared.The align- ments identified as being.the most attractive within each of the three (3)general corridors required by the plan of study was selected for further work.A low level reconnaissance flight with part of the environmental team was made April 30,1980 to review the proposed corridor alignments prior to the photographic flights. Valuable input for future analysis was gained,and there was nothing identified that would force a major line change at this early stage of the work. On May 5,1980 the proposed corridor alignments were approved for photographic flights. For the purpose of analysis the proposed general corridors are identified as follows: Corridor 1 Corridor 2 Corridor 3 On the north side of the Susitna River between the Parks Highway and the Watana Camp. On the south side of the Susitna River between the Parks Highway and Watana Dam site.This corridor is being studied for railroad possibilities as well as road.J ncluded in this corridor are the possible connections to Corridor 1. Connecting Watana Camp with the Denali Highway to the north. 9.2 -Discussion of Alternative A number of alternative segments were considered within each of these three (3)general corridors.The alternative segments within r15/b 9-2 .-. the respective corridors are discussed below and shown in Appendix B. (a)Segment 1-A (i)Descri ption This segment begins near MP 156 on the Parks Highway in the vicinity of Chulitna Pass.The line runs south east through Chulitna Pass crossing the rail road near summit lake,then proceeds easterly across Indian River and on to the Portage Creek Canyon.The line travels northeasterly for several miles while desending into a crossing of Portage Creek then south westerly while climbing out of Portage Creek to the north side of the Devil Canyon Dam Site.From Devil Canyon the line proceeds north easterly crossing into the upper reaches of Devil Creek then easterly through a 4,OOO-foot high pass and follows a drainage to a crossing of Tsusena Creek then south to the north side of the Watana Dam Site.Over-all length of the line is sixty four and seven tenths miles.The segment is shown on Figure 9.1. (ii)Line and Grade Segment 1-A is well within the desired limits with regard to alinement and grade with the exception of the portion through Portage Creek and near Devil Canyon.The terrain in Portage Creek Canyon is very difficult.Providing an align- ment through Portage Creek Canyon that conforms with the design parameters will require very heavy earthwork and several small to medium length bridges across the side drainages. r15/b 9-3 (iii)Drainage Features Most of the drainages along 1-A carry flows which can be passed through standard culverts quite satisfactorily. Bridges will be required for Indian River,and Portage Creek;multiplate at Devil Creek and Tsusena Creek. (iv)Bridges As stated,at least two bridges are expected.The Indian River bridge is a 440-foot long three span structure whose configuration is dictated more by the shape of the crossing than by the quantity of water in the river.The Portage Creek bridge will be a two or three span structure approxi- mately 200 feet long.Any construction within the Portage Creek Canyon will require additional structures in the under 200-foot class at several side drainages. (v)Soils Much of the alignment for segment 1-A from the Parks Highway to Devil Canyon traverses frozen soils,generally basal til I with moderate side slopes.Drill holes indicate permanent ice beginning at depths of around fifteen feet. The material consists of gravels,sands and silts.Properly handled the material can be used to construct road bed, however the silts and sands will erode readily unless protected.The material is generally frost susceptible due to the silt content which will require a substantial non-frost susceptible subbase layer in the road bed.The soil is very susceptible to thaw settlement making it necessary to severly limit the depth of excavation and then requiring extensive borrow areas to provide roadway embankment. r15/b 9-4 There are extensive organics in the section of line from the Parks Highway through Chulitna Pass.This material is ten to twenty feet deep and will be difficult to build on.The remainder of the segment encounters occasional small areas of organic soils.With the exception of the crossings of Portage and Tsusena Creeks these areas of organics can be avioided. The Portage Creek Canyon section traverses very steep cross slopes.Because of the frozen soils any road-way construction in the area could result in major erosion and thaw settlement problems at deep cuts will be unavoidable. The section of 1-A from Devil Canyon to Watana traverses soils with shallow to exposed bedrock.Most of this section traverses relatively gentle cross-slopes.These conditions will allow road bed construction without undue problems with erosion and thaw settlement.Borrow sources are available close by the alignment. (vi)Environmental Concerns Portions of Segment 1-A have significant potential environ- mental problems.The section between the Parks Highway and Chulitna Pass traverses an obvious wetland area and encroaches on the Denali State park.Both Indian River and Portage Creek are anadromous fish streams.I ndian River could be crossed without a serious conflict with the fish, however the potential for erosion that would result from construction in the Portage Creek Canyon may well pose a threat to the Portage Creek fish runs.The lower Portage Creek area has been identified as a potential raptor area and most of Portage Creek is known furbearer habitat.The alignment between Devil Canyon and Watana does not encroach on any environmentally sensitive areas. r15/b 9-5 ---------_._,-,-------_._-_.__.-._--------- (vi i)Segment Su itabi Iity Segment 1-A is actually a full length alternate alignment. The section from the Parks Highway to Devil Canyon is not considered suitable for access construction.This section has numerous construction,soils and environmental problems. The section from Devil Canyon to Watana remains viable. (b)Segment 1-B (i)Description Segment 1-B is an alternate to a portion of 1-A between Devil Creek and Tsusena Creek.The segment begins just west of Devil Creek and drops into the Devil Creek drainage,cros- sing the creek,and swings north and east past Mama Bear Lake,then south easterly through a wide pass at 3,400-foot elevation,then proceeds easterly to rejoin segment 1-A before reaching Tsusena Creek.See Figure 9.1. This alignment lies south of 1-A and utilizes a broader,lower pass which should be easier to keep open during and after snow storms.The cross slopes are gentle to moderate with the steepest being as the line climbs out of Devil Creek. This segment is 16.2 miles in length (ii)Line and Grade Alignment and grade on this segment are we!I within the required parameters. r15/b 9-6 .... cit ~•II W II: ~ I!I-u. ~. I II II ~•II ~ ti- 2 II I I!I•• ~- :E ~. •.. II•C ~... 2 II I I!I II• IE D D-IE IE D U III II II U U C C 2 I--II ::J tD U.'JII_--~ en ~.:41 Z ~~ ~ U) Zo (J ~.. ~ - (iii)Drainage Features Segment 1-B encounters no major or complicated drainage features.Cross culverts will be required at intervals.The only major stream crossing is Devil Creek,which can be spanned by culverts. (iv)Bridges No bridges in this segment (v)Soils Some frozen Basal till with shallow bedrock occurs as the line drops into Devil Creek.Cross slopes are such that heavy cuts should not be required.Erosion and thaw settlement problems should be kept to a minimum.The crossing of Devil Creek is on thawed soils generally Ablation tills and flood plain deposits which are good soils for road bed construction. Climbing out of Devil Creek,the line crosses good soils with bedrock at or near the surface.Frozen soils are not en- countered untill the east end of Mama Bear Lake.The remainder of the alignment is sporadically frozen soils however the terrain has gentle to moderate slopes which will allow road bed construction without heavy cuts. (vi)Environmental Concerns This segment does not appear to cross any environmentally sensitive areas.The alignment is generally at or above the ~ree line and conflicts with wildlife appear to be minimal. Where erodable soi Is are encountered,slopes are flat enough that a minimum of soil will be exposed thereby keeping the potential for erosion down. r15/b 9-8 (vii)Segment Suitability Segment 1-B is a viable alternate.It does exhibit some advantage over 1-A in that the pass is lower and such that snow control should be easier. (c)Segment 1-C (i)Description This segment leaves 1-B at Devil Creek and descends Devil Creek to the Susitna River then up the Susitna River crossing Tsusena Creek near its mouth and climbing to the north end of the Watana Dam.This alignment was intended to provide a water level access along the Devil Canyon reservoir.See Figure 9.2. The segment is 27.5 miles in length. eii)Line and Grade This segment can be constructed to meet 30 mph design speed but cannot meet the desired parameters.There are two sections where grades approaching eight percent cannot be avoided. (iii)Drainage Features This segment is generally side hill construction with numerous stream crossings.With the exception of Devil Creek and Tsusena Creek,culverts should handle the drainage concerns with no more than normal considerations. r15/b 9-9 (iv)Bridges Two bridges are positively identified at Devil Creek and at Tsusena Creek.Both bridges would be in the one hundred fifty to two hundred foot catagory with two or three spans. (v)Soils This alignment crosses generally marginal soils with some scattered frozen materials near Watana Camp.The portion of Alternate 1-C along the Susitna River is mostly in frozen materials composed of solifluction deposits which are composed of saturated soil material and rock debris especially subject to frost creep or down slope movement.In addition there are large slide scar areas crossed and one apparently active landslide area (see Appendix D).The unfrozen and organic soils at the surface are covering sections of permafrost and these soils are prone to frost heave and thaw settlement. Since the majority of the slopes face the south,thawing is more likely giving lower bearing strengths and very low slope stability as evidence by the existing slide scars. (vi)Environmental Concerns There are a number of potential environmental concerns with this alignment.Erosion from cut and fill slopes in frozen soils and existing slides would be a major problem.The timbered side hills are important moose and black bear habitat.The most important habitat area is near the mouth of Tsusena Creek. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is not very suitablei poor soils conditions,the inability to meet grade requirements,and the encroachments r15/b 9-10 on wildlife habitat make this segment unattractive.In addition,the alignment encroaches on a borrow area needed for construction of Watana Dam (Borrow Area C)and crosses a portion of the construction area. Cd)Segment 1-D This alignment is a shorter,steeper crossing of Portage Creek.The alignment uses switch backs,steep grades and sharp curves to minimize the amount of damage in the Portage Creek Canyon.See Figure 9.2. The segment is 9.0 miles in length. (ii)Line and Grade Vertical and horizontal alignment violate the desired parameters.There is no possibility of constructing an alignment on this segment that satisfies the design parameters. (iii)Drainage Features There are no significant drainage features on this alignment. Ditches and cross culverts would be standard type construc- tion. (iv)Bridge A bridge would be required at Portage Creek very similar to the segment 1-A Portage Creek Bridge;a three span structu re approximately 200 feet long. r15/b 9-11 (v)Soils This segment traverses some very steep ground completely characterized by frozen soils which are highly subject to erosion,thaw settlement and frost heave. (vi)Envi ronmenta I Concern s Portage Creek is an anadromous fish stream and there is concern that erosion of cut and fiJI slopes would be detrimental.In addition the alignment traverses known furbearer habitat and potential raptor nesting areas. (vii)Segments Suitability This segment is not considered to be suitable for further consideration. (e)Segment 1-E -(i)Description ,- - This segment is an 'alternate crossing of Tsusena Creek upstream from the 1-A crossing and connects with 3-A near Deadman Creek.See Figure 9.2. This segment is 7.5 miles long. (ij)Line and Grade While longer than the 1-A crossing,this segment crosses Tsusena Creek with easier grades and good horizontal alignment. r15/b 9-12 (iii)Drainage Features There are no significant drainage features on this segment. Normal ditch and culvert construction will serve. (iv)Bridges No bridges are needed on this segment. (v)Soils This segment crosses generally thawed soils exhibiting good road building characteristics. (vi)Envi ronmental Concerns The crossing is far enough up Tsusena Creek to avoid the most critical moose habitat.The soils are such that the erosion possibilities are low I making this an attractive option. (vii)Segment Suitability This is a good segment much more suitable than 1-A in the Tsusena Creek drainage.The bridge crossing is good and cross slopes are moderate. (f)Segment 1-F (i)Descri ption This segment is an alternate to the section of 1-A from Parks Highway through Chulitna Pass.This segment crosses the railroad track closer to the highway and traverses the base of Chulitna Butte against the railroad tracks connecting with 1-A east of Summit Lake.See Figure 9.2. - r15/b 9-13 SUSITNAACCESSCORRICOR••13M.NT1C-S7.15ML.E13M.NT1D=9MI....SEGMENT1.=7.15MI.SEGMENT1F=4.1·MI.9-14FOR:.FIGUREB-2[iill - This segment is 4.1 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This segment conforms with the preferred design parameters although is not as straight and flat as the comparible sections of 1-A. (iii)Drainage Features No major drainage features are encountered.There are a few small streams crossed which can be handled with culverts. The line does avoid the wetland area traversed by 1-A. (iv)Bridges This segment does not include any bridges. (v)Soils This section crosses frozen basal till and organic soils just as 1-A does,however,the extent of organics is much smaller. 1-F is further up slope and on moderate cross-slopes.The terrain is generally suitable for fill type construction often used to bridge organics and insulate frozen soils.As with other areas of the project there is some 10-15 feet of unfrozen soil over the permafrosti at least a portion of which can be worked in normal fashion provided due care is used with regard to erosion,thaw settlement and frost heave. (vi)Environmental Concerns The first two miles of the line encroach on a corner of Denali r15/b 9-15 state park essentialy parrallel to the rail road.This align- ment may require the taking of some dwelling units in the Chulitna Pass area.No critical habitats area appear to be impacted. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment essentially parallels the railroad and in so doing should have minimal added environmental impact.The wetland area in the pass is avoided and,while frozen and organic soils are a factor,they can be dealt with.This segment is preferable to the corresponding section of 1-A. (g)Segment 2-A (i)Description This segment begins at Sherman on the Alaska railroad south of Gold Creek.The alignment climbs the river bluffs via switchbacks to the higher ground near the head of Gold Creek.From there the line runs generally east on the high ground to the divide above Prairie Creek.The line then desends along a ridge and passes just north of Stephan Lake then proceeds easterly to a crossing of Fog Creek and north to the Watana Dam site past the west end of Fog Lakes.See Figure 9.3. This alignment is 56.7 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This alignment conforms quite well with the design parameters except for the climb from Sherman to the head of Gold Creek. This section is switchbacks using grades to ten percent and very sharp curves. r15/b 9-16 (iii)Drainage Features Drainage features along this route are routine.The only problem areas being the west area near Stephan Lake and near Fog Lake where flat,boggy and frozen ground will be difficult to drain. (iv)Bridges The only Bridge involved with this alignment is the crossing of Fog Creek.This is a major bridge.The canyon is fairly deep with near vertical rock walls.The length of the crossing is approximately 600 feet.The probable structure type is a continuous deck truss that can utilize cantilever type construction techniques.This bridge will take eighteen to twenty four months to construct and will require a passable road over which to transport materials.This bridge could be a major schedule constraint. (v)Soils This alignment traverses a variety of soils.The climb through the switchbacks from Sherman is in an area of frozen Basal till over bedrock.The steep terrain will require heavy cuts and fills which will not be suitable.The Basal till is erodable and subject to frost heave and thaw settlements all of which would be major problem in the switch back area. The section from the head of Gold Creek to the Prairie Creek divide crosses sporadically frozen soils and colluvial deposits mixed will bedrock.The material is generally acceptable for roadbed construction provided proper care is exercised with regard to frost susceptibility and erosion control.Scattered pockets of shallow organics exist that could be largely avoided. r15/b 9-17 From Prairie Creek divide to Watana the soils are Lusterines over frozen tills with pockets of organics and some bedrock near Fog Creek.The soils are acceptable for roadbed con- struction provided that consideration is given to frost susceptability,and thaw settlement and erosion.The soils near the end of Stephan Lake show evidence of massive ice. This area should be avoided if possible. (vi)Environmental Concerns The environmental concerns along this alignment are in the Stephan Lake -Fog Lakes area.These areas are prime habitats for varity of big game animal~,waterfowl,and fur bearers.There is a potential for raptor use in the Fog Creek area.These same areas have been identified as having archeological sites of potential significance.There is a concern that public access to these area will have detrimental effects on big game populations and on the archeaological sites. (vii)Segment Suitability The portion from Sherman to the Prairie Creek divide is not considered as suitable because of difficult line and grade restrictions above Sherman and the fact that this line does not directly serve Devil Canyon. The portion from the Prairie Creek divide to Watana is suitable for construction although there are some unavoidable environmental concerns.A portion of the line passes through b9rrow area H designated for use in construction Watana Dam. Some re-routing would be required to avoid the massive ice near Stephan Lake. r15/b 9-18 (h)Segment 2-B (i)Description This segment begins in at the south side of the Devil Canyon Dam site and travels south,up Cheechako Creek,about two miles before turning east and crossing the creek.The line then continues south easterly for about five miles whi Ie climbing to the top of a deep gorge.At this point the segment turns southerly following the top edge of th.e gorge to its head and join 2-A at the Prairie Creek divide.See Figure 9.3. This segment is 13.6 miles in length. (ii)Line and Grade The horizontal aJignment on this segment is acceptable.It is not possible to bring the portion south of Devil Canyon into conformance with the required gradient criteria.7%to 10% grades would be required for about two miles. (iii)Drainage Features This alignment is located on high ground with little or no drainages involved.The one exception is a three mile reach that follows a small stream.The line appears to be above the stream far enough to avoid direct conflicts and should be no problem. (iv)Bridges One Bridge will be required crossing Cheechako Creek.This will be over a deep rock gorge.It will be curved and will r15/b 9-19 SUSITNAACCESSCORRICORBEGMENTRA-I!5B.7ML.B.IIMENT8B-13.&MI.9-20FIGURE9.S[i] require long spans and some tall towers for the intermediate supports.Because the bridge will be on a curve it will likely be a steel box girder structure.A second,more conventional bridge may also be required across a tributary of Cheechako Creek. (v)Soils The soils are Basal till over bedrock -generally frozen along the first part of the line and bedrock or colluvium over bedrock along the remainder.The frozen till is on variable cross slopes much of it steep enough to require large fills to avoid cuts in frozen soils.Extensive borrow may be required to provide material for the fills. (vi)Environmental Concerns Portions of this segment traverse areas used by caribou as winter range because the wind keeps the ridge tops blown of snow.No other environmental conflicts have been identified. (vii)Segment Suitability The westerly section of 2-B near Devil Canyon is not suitable in that excessive grades cannot be avoided.The easterly end along the deep gorge approaching the Prairie Creek divide is highly suitable in that soils are rock,grades and alignment are satisfactory. (i)Segment 2-C (i)Description This segment runs south from 2-8 near Devil Canyon up the Cheechako Creek drainage to join 2-A.This was intended to r15/b 9-21 be the side connection to serve Devil Canyon from 2-A.See Figure 9.4. This segment is 7.5 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade The horizontal alignment on this segment is satisfactory however grades exceed the desired maximum with no way of improving it.Over four miles of the line would be in the 7% to 9%range. (iii)Drainage Features There are no special drainage features along the segment. Several cross drainages exist;however standard ditchs and culverts will serve. (iv)Bridge There are no bridges on this segment. (v)Soils This segment crosses unfrozen colluvial deposits and bedrock generally acceptable for normal roadway construction with proper attention to erosion control and frost classification of materials. (vi)Environmental Concerns There have been no significant environmental conflicts identified along this alignment. r15/b 9-22 (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is not considered suitable because of excessive grades. (j)Segment 2-D (i)Description This section begins at Sherman,crosses the Susitna River and cuts through a pass inside Denali State Park to connect with the Parks Highway.See Figure 9.4. This segment is 10.7 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade All of this segment conforms horizontal and vertical alignment. however. (iii)Drainage Features to the requirements for The grades do approach 6% This segment is located nearly in the bottom of drainages and may generate some conflicts with the streams.I n addition there is a wet area in the pass west of the river which may result in surface drainage problems. (iv)Bridges A major bridge over the Susitna River will be required. bridge will be a mulitspan structure,probably welded girders,and approximately 1,000 feet long. The plate r15/b 9-23 (vi)Soils The soils along this corridor have not been mapped.The material immediately north has been mapped and is frozen basil till over bedrock with some pockets of organics inter- spersed. (vi)Envi ronmental Concerns This segment cuts directly through Denali State Park.Some wetlands are involved,and while not verified,the vegitation is typical of other areas that have been identified as Moose habitat. (vii)Segment SUitability This segment is not considered viable because it passes through Denali State Park and would disrupt the Park without demonstrating an off setting distinct advantage. (k)Segment 2-E (i)Descriptions This segment connects 2A and 20 at Sherman with 1-A at Chulitna Pass.The line generally parallels the railroad and was looked at as an alternative to 2-D in connecting with the Parks Highway.From Sherman to Gold Creek the alignment runs between the railroad and the base of the mountain.In two locations it is squeezed into some difficult side hill con- struction.After crossing the Susitna River the line stays back from the bluff above Indian River to avoid some side hill construction.See Figure 9.4. - r15/b 9-24 SUSITNAACCESSCORRICORBBlaMENT2C-7.11MI.BIIIIMENT2C-1D.7MI...BBI3MBNT215-18.6MI.9-26FII3URB9.4. The length of the line is 15.6 miles. (ii)Line and Grade Horizonal and vertical alignment conform with the desired parameters. (iii)Drainage Features There are no special drainage considerations on this segment normal ditches and culverts will serve. (iv)Bridges There are a total of three bridges identified on this segment. The main stream Susitna River Bridge is located immediately upstream of the Railroad Bridge.The first of two bridges over Indian River is just upstream from the Susitna River and will be an approximately 400-foot,three span structure.The second bridge over Indian River is near Chulitna Pass this will also be an approximately 400-foot,three span structure. (v)Soils Th is segment has a va riety of soi I types.The portion south of the Susitna River crossing is largely alluvial and flood plain deposits exhibiting good road building characteristics. This material is unfrozen and normal care with erosion contol and frost heave will result in a quality facility.The section north of the Susitna River crosses frozen Basal till and,some floodplain deposits near the stream crossings. r15/b 9-26 (vi)Environmental Concerns The principle environmental concerns for the segment result from potential impacts on the Susitna and Indian Rivers.In each case there is a potential for equipment working in the streams.The impacts should be temporary in nature and not adversely effect the fish populations. The segment does border a State land disposal area known as the III ndian River Remote ll disposal. (vii)Segment Su itab i Iity The entire segment is suitable for construction.Only portions of it may be used depending on the final access plan accepted. (I)Segment 2-F (i)Description Segment 2F is a road alignment develop~d to shorten the distance traveled by 2A in crossing Fog Creek.The segment uses a bridge and somewhat steeper grade to effect a nearly straight crossing rather than a long switch back.See Figure 9.5. This segment is 3.9 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This segment does conform to the desired parameters for horizontal and vertical alignment.Grades do approach the 6%maximum.The horizontal alignment can allow safe truck r15/b 9-27 operations on the alignment and need not be designed at the maximum curvature. (iii)Drainage Features The segment does not encounter major drainage features other than Fog Creek.A bridge will be required for Fog Creek while other drainage considerations can be treated satisfactorily with normal ditches and culverts. (iv)Bridges A major bridge is required on this segment at Fog Creek the structure crosses a deep rocky gorge.The structure type suggested is a deck truss because of the probable span arrangement and height of intermediate support towers. Structures of this type require considerable length of time to assemble.One and one half to two years is probable. (v)Soils The soils are Lusterines over frozen Basal tills south of Fog Creek and frozen Basal tills over bedrock north of Fog Creek.There is bedrock at or near the surface at Fog Creek.The south side of Fog Creek is a designated borrow sou rce for Watana Dam. (vi)Environmental Concerns The entire area traversed by the segment has been identified as Moose and Caribou habitat.Fog Creek has been identified as potential raptor habitat. r15/b 9-28 (vii)Segment Suitability The segment is considered suitable for construction with one exception.The alignment does pass through one of the borrow sources for Watana Dam.For this reason segment 2-F was modified by segment 2-J. (m)Segment 2-G (i)Description Segment 2-G begins at Devil Canyon Dam on the south side and follows the side hill upstream while climbing to join segment 2B as both lines turn south away from the Susitna along the top of a deep gorge.This segment is an alternate to 2-B that can conform with design parameters.See Figure 9.5. Over all length of the segment is 7_7 miles. (ii)Line and Grade This segment has acceptable line and grade_The segment was designed to bypass the grade problems of segment 2-B_ (iii)Drainage Features Standard culverts and ditches will serve all known drainage considerations for this segment. (iv)Bridges This segment includes a major structure over Cheechako Creek just after leaving Devil Canyon.This structure would be a three span deck truss over a deep narrow gorge.This r15/b 9-29 --------------------------------------- type of structure will require one and one half to two years to construct.A bridge is also required at Station 1490,over an unnamed creek. (v)Soils Soils on the segment are varied.Portions of the line cross frozen Basil till with bedrock near the surface,exposed bedrock,and bedrock under Colluvium.Cross slopes are generally steep.This segment will require extensive rock excavation resulting in slow construction. (vi)Envi ronmental Concerns The segment passes along the Susitna River ban ks wh ich have been identified as potential raptor habitat.Extensive side hill construction on fairly steep terrain increases the potential for erosion and slides. (vii)Segment Suitibility This segment is suitable for construction should south side road access be selected.There are some scheduling constraints however because of the bridges and the extent of construction in rock. (n)Segment 2-H (i)Oescri ption This segment leaves 2-E at Indian River and closely parallels the railroad south across the Susitna River then turns north easterly to connect with 2-1 about two mi les upstream from Gold Creek.This segment would be one logical route if road r15/b 9-30 ...... ui to-•·.•z ~~ ::Ien z__•.].0 (J ~.. ~ 10"••IIIE:JCJ-II. ,.. % access were provided from the Park Highway while providing a rail head at Gold Creek.See Figure 9.5. This segment is 5.4 mIles long. (ii)Line and Grade The horizontal and'vertical alignments for this segment will meet desired parameters. (iii)Drainage Features The only drainage features of note on this segment are Indian River and the Susitna River. (iv)Bridges Bridges required on this segment would be similar in con- figuration to those required at the Susitna River and the first I ndian River crossing of Segment 2E.The location will vary from the 2-E rocation,however the general design would be similar. (v)Soils The soils encountered along 2-H are largely floodplain and terrace deposits with portions located on frozen Basil till. (vi)Environmental Concerns Both the Susitna River and I ndian River are anodromous streams at the proposed crossing.Bridge construction would have to be done in a manner approved by the responsible agencies.No other significant environmental concerns have been identified. r15/b 9-32 '---~----------'----'--'-''.._._-".,,-,- Some of these may or pipe arches of a A portion of the must be taken to (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is suitable for construction.All or part may be used depending on the final access plan adopted. (0)Segment 2-1 (i)Description This segment is located on the south side of the Susitna River slowly accending in elevation to reach the south end of Devil Canyon Dam.The segment begins about 2 miles above Gold Creek.See Figure 9.6. The segment is 11.4 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This segment has very good horizontal and vertical alignment generally providing an aligl'1ment that will be better than the required minimums would provide. (iii)Drainage Features Several drainages cross this segment. require large culverts such as multiplate type common to highway construction. alignment follows a small drainage,care protect this stream. (iv)Bridges It appears that no bridges will be required on this segment. r15/b 9-33 - (v)Soils Nearly all of this segment traverses frozen Basal till on side slopes varying from flat to moderately steep.Care must be taken not to cut so deep as to disturb the thermal regime without insulation or other special features to protect the underlying conditions.Large quantities of borrow will be required for this section because of the frozen soils. (vi)Environmental Concern No major environmental concerns have been identified along this segment.There are small wetland areas that must be considered in final design. (viii)Segment Suitability This segment is suitable for construction of roadway.Access to Devil Canyon from Gold Creek could be provided fairly rapidly via this segment. (p)Segment 2-J (i)Description This segment provides an alternative to 2A around Stephan Lake and the borrow area near Fog Creek.The alignment moves north of 2A as it passes Stephan Lake to avoid some wetland and bad soil areas then crosses 2A and runs south and east of 2A joining 2F north of Fog Creek.See Figure 9.6. The segment is 12.2 miles long. r15/b 9-34 (ii)Line and Grade This segment has good line and grade its entire length. There are some maximum (6%)grades at Fog Creek. (iii)Drainage Features This alignment crosses several small drainages of the type normally handled with culverts.There appears to be no significant drainage problems. (iv)Bridges There is a major bridge over Fog Creek.This bridge would be similar to the structure required on 2-F,multispan,and approximately 1,250 feet in length.It may be possible to use a welded plate girder structure rather than a truss.If so, some six to twelve months could be saved on the construction schedule when compared to the bridges on 2-F.This bridge will still require a year to build. (v)Soils The soils along this segment are largely Lusterines over frozen Basal tills.These soils are sensitive and require care in designing slopes,ditches and other features to avoid erosion,frost heave and thaw settlement.Cross slopes are generally gentle to moderate thus allowing cuts to be kept to a minimum. (vi)Environmental Concerns The entire segment traverses quality wildlife habitat.Moose, Bear,Caribou,Raptors,and Furbearers use this area.The r15/b 9-35 - segment does stay further from Stephan Lake,other than that the impacts would be comparible to 2A. (vii)Segment Suitability The segment is suitable for construction.It has two advantages over 2A in that it is further from Stephen Lake and the associated environmental concerns and it skirts the edge of borrow area H for Watana Dam. (q)Segment 2-K (i)Description This segment was proposed as a shorter alternative to a portion of 2-H.The segment leaves 2E as the south side of the Susitna River and turns sharply east climbing to join 2H on top of a bluff.See Figure 9.6. This segment is only 0.9 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade This segment conforms to the required parameters however maximum curvature and gradients are involved. (iii)Drainage Features No significant drainage features are encountered by this segment. r15/b 9-36 ItSUSITNAACCESSCORRICORBEGMENT·21-11.4ML·••caMENT2.1-12.2MI...SEGMEN~2K.D.~MI~&-37FIGUREB.BFOR:[i] (iv)Bridges No bridges are involved on this segment. (v)Soils The soils crossed are flood plain deposits and frozen Basal tills.Much of the alignment would require high fills con- structed of borrow.Some cuts in frozen material are also likely as the line joins 2-H on top of the bluff. (vi)Environmental Concerns No major environmental conflicts appear along this segment. (vii)Segment Suitability The segment is suitable but not desirable due to the use of maximum curves and grades and the requirment for high fills. (r)Segment 2-L This segment is parallel to 2-E connecting 1-A at Chulitna Pass with 2-1 east of Gold Creek.Portions are coincident with 2-E.The primary purpose of this alternate is to provide a line that has less potential for conflict with a State of Alaska Land disposal tract.Another potential Susitna River crossing is identified that allows the alignment to avoid going over or around a short,high bluff.See Figure 9.7. - - (i)Description This line is 8.7 miles long. r15/b 9-38 (ii)Line and Grade The horizontal and verticle alignments for segement 2-L satisfy all requirements. (iii)Drainage Features No abnormal drainage features are encountered.There are several small cross drainages suitable for conventional culverts. (iv)Bridges The Susitna River must be crossed.This structure can be a mulitspan continuous welded plate girder structure.The over all length is such that approximately two years will be needed to construct this structure.This segment also requires one bridge over Indian River.This would be a one span steel box girder structure about 180-foot in length. (v)Soils The soils traversed by the segment are predominately frozen Basal till.Care must be taken to avoid disturbing the thermal balance.The side slopes are moderate.The line is intended to stay along the break just on the top of a bluff along Indian River. (vi)Environmental Concerns There are salmon using Indian River,therefore care should be taken to minimize erosion.There is private property close to the line.Property owners have expressed a negative feeling about having any access facility near them. r15/b 9-39 SUSITNAACCESSCORRICORRIMCONSULTANTS.INC.I!SEGMENTE!L=B.7ML9-40l\FIGUREl-~~(PREPAREDFOR:S.7[i] (vii)Segment Suitability The segment is suitable for construction and would be preferable to the corresponding section of 2E.It reduces the possibility of any potential encroachment on private property. The line requires one less crossing of Indian River than does f'2-E,and provides a good crossing of the Susitna while eliminating the need to build over or around a bluff on the south side of the Susitna River. (s)Segment 2-M (i)Description This segment connects 2-1 with 1-A across Devil Canyon. The crossing is via a road that winds down Cheechako Creek Canyon to the south side of the Susitna River,crosses on a low bridge,climbs up the canyon bluff on the north side, then travels up a broad valley to connect with Segment 1-A. The portion within Cheechako Creek Canyon and along the north bluff of Devil Canyon is designed as a 30 mph road i the rest is at the required 60 mph design speed.This line is 7.9 miles long,with 3 miles at 30 mph. (ii)Line and Grade As described above,the line has 3 miles of below standard grades (up to 10%)and tight curves.The rest of the line conforms to the 60 mph design standards,but much of it is at the maximum 6%grade. (iii)Drainage Features No major drainage features,other than the SLisitna River,are crossed. r15/b 9-41 (iv)Bridges The Susitna River crossing will be a one lane temporary bridge,such as those made by Bailey Bridges.In order to avoid extremely sharp curves at each end of the bridge,it will be installed a skew.The resulting span will be about 620 feet long.This type of bridge can be installed in the first construction season. (v)Soils The road generally traverses exposed bedrock bluffs,with extensive rock work,and frozen basil till. (vi)Environmental Concerns The long term impact on the environment by this segment is minimal,because the steep,bluff cut sections are below the final water surface of the reservoir.Since the segment is within the construction limits of the Devil Canyon Dam and camp,no additional short term impact is expected by construction of the road. (vii)Segment Su itabil ity Ths segment appears to be the only suitable pioneer connection between Corridor 1 and Corridor 2.It can be used only during construction of the dams,as the flooding of the Devil Canyon Reservoir would submerge it.The segment is very suitable for use as a three year pioneer road while construction the bridge for segment 2-N,or marginally suitable for use during the entire 15 year construction period (if 2-N is not built). r15/b 9-42 (t)Segment 2-N (i)Description This segment connects 2-1 with with a high suspension bridge. only until Devil Canyon Dam is wi II cross the crest of the dam. The line is 7.3 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade 1-A,crossing Devil Canyon This bridge would be used completed after which traffic - The line conforms with the desired parameters for road construction,though much of the length is at the maximum 6%grade. (iii)Drainage Features No notable drainage features,except the Susitna River,are crossed by this segment. (iv)Bridges The Susitna River will be crossed by a 2,600 long suspension bridge,requiring a three year construction period.During bridge construction,the low level crossing,Segment 2-M, with its temporary bridge,would be utilized. -(v)Soils - The soils along this segment are general-Iy frozen basal till. r15/b 9-43 (vi)Environmental Conflict As with Segment 2-M,the environmental conflicts of a road in the immediate area of the dam will be a minimal addition to the impact created by the dam construction and activity. (vii)Segment Suitability Ths segment has been dropped in favor of Segment 2-M,the low level crossing.The low level crossing would have to be built in any case,as an immediately useable river crossing. The final alignment,after construction of Devil Canyon Dam is completed,will be across the dam crest.The suspension bridge would have to be dismantled after 12 years of use. (u)Segment 2-P (i)Description This segment connects 2-1 with 1-A using the same alignment as Segment 2-N,except that the Susitna is crossed via the Devil Canyon Dam crest.This segment will be built only after the dams are completed and is considered only as a maintenance access road,and not a construction access road. The line is 7.3 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade The alignment conforms to the desired parameters,though it reaches the maximum allowed 6%grade over much of its length.Lower speeds would be enforced along the dam crest,due to the volume of pedestrian traffic. r15/b 9-44 SUBITNAACCESSCDRRI.CDR•EGMEN~2M-7.BMI~.B.IIM.NT2N=7.~MI..BEGIMENT·813-7.3MI.9-45FIGUREs.a• (iii)Drainage Features No notable drainage features are encountered,except the Susitna River. (iv)Bridges No bridges are needed,as the Susitna River is crossed over the Devil Canyon Dam crest. (v)Soils The soils on this segment are generally frozen basal till. (vi)Environmental Conflict As with Segments 2-M and 2-N,the environmental conflicts of the road are over shadowed by the impacts created by dam construction and activity. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is suitable for use only after dam construction is completed. (v)Segment 2-R (i)Description This segment is the principle rail alternative identified for the project.The alignment is within corridor 2 on the south side of the Susitna.The line would begin at the railroad at Gold Creek traversing a short section of steep terrain at water level then becoming coincident with Segment 2-1 all the way to Devil Canyon.From Devil Canyon 2-R traverses the side r15/b 9-46 hill above the Susitna River parallel to and below segment 2-G turning south and requiring a full bench cut up the side of a steep gorge to the Prairie Creek divide above Stephan Lake. From this point the segment is essentially coincident with Segment 2-A all the way to Watana Dam except for a few sections that require wider swings to maintain the acceptable grades.See Figure 9.8. The line is 57.7 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade The line conforms with the desired parameters for railroad construction.The ruling grade is approximately 2.5%which we are advised is comparable to some mainline sections on the Alaska Railroad. (iii)Drainage Features Drainage features along the route include the same small streams and wet areas encountered by the roadway segments. Culverts will handle most cross drainages.although a few will be large enough to require multiplate or pipe arch type structures.There are some wetland areas that must be considered also,particularly near Stephan Lake. (iv)Bridge The railroad alignment requires two major bridges.The first is across Cheechako Creek just upstream from Devil Canyon. This will probably be a Deck Truss requiring three spans. This type of structure will require about two years to build and no rail service could be provided with any sort of bypass.The second is across an unnamed creek,1.9 miles beyond Cheechako Creek,at Station 1,455.This structure, -- r15/b 9-47 due to its proximity,could be built concurrently with the Cheechako Creek bridge. (v)Soils This alignment crosses the same general soil type as other segments described.Much of the alignment is on frozen soils that tend to be subject to erosion,frost heave,and thaw settlement with a few sections of deep organic soils and one section between Devil Canyon and Stephan Lake having very heavy rock work. This line also crosses the massive ice area near Stephan Lake. (vi)Environment Concerns The Environmental concerns for the railroad are the same as for the roadway.The primary area of environmental concern is near Stephan and Fog Lakes.2-R does encroach on the borrow area H for Watana Dam. (vii)Segment Suitability If railroad is chosen for access this segment is quite suitable. There are however certain schedule constraints to be considered.The Cheechako Creek bridge is a two year construction project.The portion of road bed from Devil Canyon to the Prairie Creek divide is,to a large extent,a rock excavation project requiring extensive blasting.This section alone will take a construction season.The terrain south of the Susitna makes winter mobilization very difficult if not impossible.Summer supply would require extensive roads and resulting environmental damage.It appears that construction of rail access to Watana would require three to four years. r15/b 9-48 [j]01•IIIIIE~I!I-II.\4...---oo,.....:...~-"-.+1--.::.l~~-...w--¥'-r--I-~~iI.. IE D D .~-IIE IE.'~~~.~)~D U...--CD I CD r--IA III • U r-- IDU•C IE 0 II til C ..... Z :2 t-Il I-CD I!I:I II III II u ~ uito- Z ~;.I ~enz 0 (,) 2.. II: (w)Segment 2-RR (i)Description This segment is an alternate railroad alignment in the Stephan Lake area which avoids the worst soils conditions of Segment 2-R in this vicinity.See Figure 9.9. Length of the segment is 13.6 miles. (ii)Line and Grades The alignment conforms to the required parameters for line and grade with no distinct advantage over 2-R. (iii)Drainage Features There are no unique or special drainage features on this segment.Standard drainage practice will serve adequately. (iv)Bridges No Bridges are required on this segment. (v)Soils The soils are predominately frozen Basal till or Lusterines over frozen Basal till.These materials require care in design and construction.They are common to all segments however. (vi)Environmental Concerns All environmental conflicts have been identified.They are essentially the same as for 2-R. r15/b 9-50 RIMCONSULTANTS,INC.BUSITNAACCESSCORRICOR.ElIIMENT2AR.13.BMI..,9-51FIGURES.1D[i] - (vii)Segment Suitability This segment does have some advantage over 2-R in that it avoids the worst of the organic soils near Stephan Lake and avoids borrow area H as designated for construction of Watana Dam. (x)Segment 3-A (i)Description Segment 3-A begins at Watana Dam on the north side of the river.The alignment proceeds north easterly to Deadman Creek then ascends Deadman Creek on an easy grade past Deadman Lake,continuing onto Butte Lake and connecting with the Denali Highway some 40 miles east of Cantwell.See Figure 9.10. The line is 38.5 miles long. (ii)Line and Grade The horizontal and vertical alignment of this segment are excellent. (iii)Drainage Feature All streams and intermitent drainages on this alignment could be served by culverts of varying sizes. (iv)Bridges There are no bridges on this alignment r15!b 9-52 (v)Soils The soils traversed along this alignment are unfrozen till, frozen Solifluction deposits,flood plain deposits,alluvial fans and Lusterines.The cross slope,with few exceptions are gentle enough so that major cuts and fills can be avoided. This will keep the disturbance of erodible and/or frozen soils to a minimum.The needed borrow areas to provide embank- ment over frozen soils will be much less than for other seg- ments discussed so far. (vi)Environment Concerns The environmental concerns identified to include archaeological finds near Deadman and Butte Lakes.A known Bald Eagle nest tree,and the fact that much of the line traverses areas sometimes used by the Nelchina Caribou herd as calving grounds and summer range. (vii)Segment Suitability This segment is suitable for roadway construction.The terrain is gentle enough that by using mulitple contracts and winter mobilization this entire alignment could be made possible in a single construction season,thereby minimizing any potential schedule impact on construction of Watana Dam. (y)Segment 3-B (i)Description This segment leaves 3-A at Deadman Creek and proceeds east into the Watana Creek drainage.The line proceeds up Watana Creek to its head then follows Butte Creek northeasterly to an intersection with the Denali Highway at the Susitna River. See Figure 9.10. r15/b 9-53 - (vi)Environmental Concern (v)Soils (ij)Line and Grade 9-54 This segment has been detemined to be less suitable that 3A or 3C for the following reasons. o The crossings of Deadman and Butte Creeks (vii)Segment Suitability This alignment also serves known Caribou calving grounds. (iv)Bridges The soils along this alignment are similar to thoses encountered along 3-A except that more wet ground is encountered as the Denali Highway is approached.The soils along this line were not mapped in detail. (iii)Drainage Features At this time no bridges are planned.The crossing of Dead- man and Butte Creek could be accomplished using Pipe arch structures that are much faster and more economical than bridges. All desired parameters for line and grade are satisfied. No abnormal drainage feature are encountered although crossings of Deadman Creek and Butte Creek are required. These will necessitate small bridges or large pipe structures. This line is 36.6 miles long. r15/b (ii)Line and Grade (v)Soils No Bridges are required on the alignment. 9-55 Intersects Denali Highway furthest from the potential railhead at Cantwell,thereby increasing hau I distance and the length of Denali Highway to be maintained. o This segment shows the largest amounts of unfrozen materials of any line investigated.Because of terrain and soil types nearly all of this alignment can be constructed with side borrow techniques requiring a minimum of disturbance away from the alignment. (iv)Bridges Drainage for the alignment will be by roadside ditches and standard culverts. (iii)Drainage Features The line and grade for this line are excellent comparing favorably with 3-A. (i)Description This segment is 23.4 miles long. This segment leaves 3-A north of Deadman Lake and travels northerly to intersect the Denali Highway west of Seattle Creek some 25 miles east of Cantwell.See Figure 9.10. r15/b (z)Segment 3-C IEo D-IE IEoo II II•ou C c( Z· I--II ::J CD rr •IIIIII:::JCJ-u. .. i II•CD C'J•II (II.. 2•I eI••-..-.- IiD.,••1Il'J t'JQI••cul'J(II.... 22 1111 I~metII"-. IEo D-IE IEoo II II•ou C c( Z· I--II ::J CD rr •IIIIII:::JCJ-u. .. i II•CD C'J•II (II.. 2•I eI••-..-.- IiD.,••1Il'J t'JQI••cul'J(II.... 22 1111 I~metII"-. (vi)Environmental Considerations This line avoids most of the area identified as caribou calving area.Summer caribou range is traversed,however little other environmental impact is identifiable from construction activities. (vii)Segment Suitabiltiy This segment appears to be quite suitable for implementation. It largely avoids the principle environmental concern per- taining to caribou calving.It can be made passable in a single construction season and it requires the least reconstruction and maintenance on the Denali Highway. 9.3 -Corridor Summary With the various segments identified and estimates made of grades and curvature a series of probable combinations were developed and compared.The criteria used to compare the alternative combinations are as follows: ... ° ° ° Overall length to be constructed; Average grade; Average deflection per mile . -The tabulation of the comparison in included in Appendix C. The alternatives identified as being most favorable based on length,alignment and grade are as follows: For Corridor 1.Parks Highway to Watana Dam site -North side Segments 1-A,1-B,1-E,and 3-A. r15/b Overall Average Grade Deflection Per Mile 9-57 72.50 Miles 2.4% 7°06 1+ .._-----_._.•._._--_....•...........~_._.._........_._--_......•...........-...-._-_.._._-_..•__._----------- This Corridor will be identified as Alternate A in further studies. For Corridor 2.Parks Highway to Watana Dam Site -South Side Segments 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-G,2-B,2-A,2-J and 2-F Overall Average Grade Deflection Per Mile 62.03 Miles 2.2% 7.0 50 0 ± This Corridor will be identified as Alternate B in further studies. For Corridor 3.Watana Dam to Denali Highway Segment 3-A and3-C Overall Average Grade Deflection Per Mile 44.32 Miles 1.3% 1°30 1± This Corridor will be identified as Alternate C in further studies. For Railroad.Use 2-R and 2-RR on the south side of the river from Gold Creek to Watana Dam site.This closely follows the preferred road alignment for Corridor 2. Overall Average Grade Deflection Per Mile 57.86 Miles 1.5% 5°11 1± This line will be identified as Alternate R in further studies. For Corridor 1 to Corridor 2 Connection.Devil Canyon Dam Crossing.Use Segment 2-M during construction and 2-P after the Devil Canyon Dam is complete. r15/b 9-58 PREPAREDBY'RAMCONSULTANTS.INC.PRO.lECTACCESSLOCATIONALTERNATIVESPREFEREDROUTEINEACHCORRIDOROTHERALTERNATESINVESTIGATEDPREPAREDFOR- ACCESS PLANS 10 -ACCESS PLANS The Access plan selected should provide a cost effective method of serving the total requirements of the project,including construction schedule,provide a facility that can serve the ultimate recreational uses following construction,provide for maintance of the facilities,and control or minimize the impact on the environment. 10.1 -Supply Sources and Shipping Options Nearly all material supplies and equipment that will be required for construction of the Susitna project will have to be brought in from outside Alaska.The major exception to this is fuel which is available from two separate in state sources. For this reason an assumption has been made that all such items other than explosives will be shipped from Seattle,Washington. Explosive will be shipped through Prince Rupert B.C.It is felt that this is reasonable in that sources of supply and transportation within the Continental United States will be identical for all alternatives and.that differences in shipping costs will result from Port of Entry in to Alaska and differences in modal split and route traveled within the state. Sources of fuel within the state are the refineries at Kenai and at North Pole,Alaska.Transport from Kenai would be via product pipe line to Anchorage and rail or truck from Anchorage. Transport from North Pole would be via rail or truck. Shipping options include a variety of transportation modes.There is no direct rail connection to Alaska therefore all items brought in from elsewhere must come by sea or air.Air Transport will not be adressed because of the costs involved and the limitation on quantities.Ships and barges will be most likely be used to bring r31/f 10-1 most items to Alaska.Trucks could be disparity between sea and trucking unattractive.The barges offer some connecting land transportation modes. used,however the rate makes trucking very options with regard to o o o o o Roll-on Roll-off Rail Cars Roll-on Roll-off Trucks Containers Pallatized Cargo Bulk Cargo The type and quantities of materials and supplies required by the project are such that the roll-on roll-off modes and containers are the obvious choice because of the reduced need for storage and handling. Once the materials are in Alaska the shipping options are reduced to rail or truck.Rail can offer bulk car load transport or piggy back from the dock to the project rail head.Trucks are capable of moving everything from either the dock or the project railhead. 10.2 -Alaska Ports The sea ports within Alaska that could serve the project are: 0 Anchorage 0 Seward 0 Whitter 0 Valdez r31/f 10-2 (a)Anchorage (i)Facilities o o o o o o Petroleum Terminal -612 feet long with multiple manifolds and electric hose handling hoists. General Cargo Terminal #1 -600 feet long -47 feet wide.Live load 600 pounds per square inch, Containers. General Cargo Terminal #2 -610 feet long -69 feet wide containers and Bulk Cement. General Cargo Terminals #3 898 feet long Roll-on Roll-off trucks and containers 35 feet of water MLLW at the dock face. Cranes 2 -40 Ton Level Luffing Gantry 1 -r~Ton Level Luffing Gantry 2 -2r~Ton Container Cranes r31/f o o Transit Shed 52,950 square feet ceiling -heated -Rail and truck access. Staging and Storage Areas A -4.6 acres B -6.4 acres C -6.7 acres 10-3 22-foot (ij)Limitations o o (b)Seward Cook Inlet does form heavy ice floes during the winter months.Tidal fluctuations keep the ice broken up,however there are periodic problems for shipping due to winter ice. There is no provision for roll-on roll-off rail. (i)Facilities o o o o One general cargo dock capable of handling a single ship. A single 40 ton level luffing gantry. Truck and rail service to the dock. 20 acres open storage. (ii)Limitations o o o (c)Whittier No covered storage Limited capacity No movement of explosive allowed (i)Facilities r31/f o Single dock with roll-on roll-off rail capacity 10-4 o Rail switchyard for storing cars from barge and making up train. (ii)Limitation o (d)Valdez No truck access (i)Facilities r31/f o o o o o o o o o o 600'X 60'wooden dock 33-foot of water MLLW at the dock face 1 -150 ton crawler crane 1 -100 ton fork lift 2 -30 ton fork lifts 3 - 9 ton fork lifts 5 - 3 ton fork lifts 200 acre open storage area four miles from dock 12,000 square foot warehouse at dock Two private barge docks having 0-to 1-foot of water at MLLW.Both were used during the Trans-Alaska pipe line construction. 10-5 o New dock under construction is a floating dock 700· x 100·with live load capacity of 1,000 Ib./sq.ft. and served by two 150 ton crawler cranes.Work should be completed in 1982. (ij)Limitations o No railroad access (e)Comparisons Anchorage is closest to the project and has the greatest flexbility.Winter ice and the lack of roll-on roll-off rail capability not withstanding Anchorage is a viable sea port for the project. Seward is a longer haul than Anchorage and does not have the capacity of Anchorage however it is an ice free port and could be used nicely as an alternate should ice conditions or volume of traffic become such that there would be delays in reaching Anchorage.For this reason Sewared is not con- sidered further except as an alternate if needed.It must be noted that explosives cannot flow through Seward. Whitter is a viable port for all items that can be shipped via rail car load lots.The roll-on roll-off rail barge capability is very attractive for bulk items and heavy equipment.Whitter is an ice free port so that material can flow year round. Valdez apparently will have the capacity to handle the material flow however this is the longest truck haul and there is no rail access to Valdez.The lack of rail acess and the length of truck haul combine to effectively eliminate Valdez from consideration as a viable sea port to serve the Susitna Project. r31/f 10-6 TABLE 10.1 Mileage from Ports to Rail Head or Project Anchorage Seward Whitter Valdez* Rail Haul to Gold Creek 149 mi 262 211 NA Devil Canyon 165 mi 278 227 Cantwell 205 mi 318 267 NA Watana via Devil Canyon 207 mi 320 269 Truck Haul to Gold Creek,via B-1 180 307 NA Devi I Canyon 193 320 NA 393 mi Cantwell 212 339 NA Watana via Devil Canyon,229 356 I'JA B-3 Watana via Denali Highway 277 404 NA 349 mi Watana via Devi I Canyon,234 361 NA A-2 *The road milage from Valdez is shown via Denali Highway and Richardson Highway and Corridor 3. r31/f 10-7 -------------------------- The access plans must include the ports through which materials should flow.For comparison purposes shipping rates through the possible ports were requested.Table 10.2 below includes lIacross the dock ll costs including handling as derived from the data supplied by port offices and shippers. TABLE 10.2 ACROSS THE DOCK HANDLING COSTS Cost in $/Ton Material (1)To (2)To (4)To (1)To From Seattle (6)Anchorage Seward Whittier Valdez Reinforcing Steel 72.00 72.00 55.00 86.00 Structural Steel 85.40 85.40 55.00 125.00 Cement 66.00 66.00 (3)55.00 80.00 General Cargo 80.00 80.00 55.00 110.00 Equipment 160.00 160.00 120.00 191.00 Explosives 89.00 Not Allowed 55.00 115.00 1 Quoted by Pacific Western. 2 Information not received -Estimated equal to Anchorge. 3 Rate for 140,000 lb Hopper Cars -Rates for Bags 100.00/ton as per ARR. 4 Rates derived from quotion by ARR. 5 Includes Stevedoring at all ports. 6 Explosives must flow through Prince Rupert,B.C. 10.3 -Surface Transportation Modal Options There are two obvious modes of transportation available to serve the project,Truck and Rail.The project may be served by either one or a combination of both.In order to compare the two modes the respective rates are presented in ton-mile figures.I n this way length of haul may be considered in the analysis. r31/f 10-8 TABLE 10.3 LINE HAUL RATES IN $/TON-MILE Item RaIl*Truck** Equipment 0.1878 0.2069 Steel 0.2577 0.2069 Cement 0.1565 0.2069 Fuel 0.1450 0.2069 General Cargo 0.1262 0.2069 Explosives 0.6267 0.2069 *From price per 100 Lb.rates quoted by ARR.**One rate for all quoted by three separate truck lines. The cost shown is an average of three rates. The modal alternates that seem most probable include the following: o o o Truck from port to the site. Rail from port to the site. Rail to Gold Creek or Cantwell and truck from the rail head to the site. -10.4 -Access Plans To this point three alternative Corridors have been defined, Corridors A,Band C.Estimates have been made of the amounts of materials required at each site and freight handling costs have been identified for the available transportation modes and ports. The three major costs pertaining to access are logistics,construc- tion and maintenance.Estimated construction costs are outlined. -r31/f 10-9 Maintenance costs will not be estimated in detail.Instead,an estimate of the relative difference in difficulty of maintenance will be applied to an average maintenance figure of $10,000 per mile per year.Alaska Department of Transportation and Public .Facilities records show an average annual maintenance cost of $10,000 per mile for primary highways. The alternate corridors identified herein are split into sections for further analysis.Those sections are as follows: TABLE 10.4 BASIC CORRIDOR SEGMENTS Section A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 C D H R-1 R-2 Description Parks Highway to Devil Canyon (north side) Devil Canyon to Watana (north side) Parks Highway to Gold Creek Gold Creek to Devil Canyon (south side) Devil Canyon to Watana (south side) Denali Highway to Watana Devil Canyon Trans-Dam Crossing Devil Canyon Low Level Crossing Gold Creek to DevIl Canyon Devil Canyon to Watana The access plans outlined on the following pages are made of combinations of the above listed corridor segments. r31/f 10-10 TABLE 10.5 MAl NTENANCE FACTORS Section Maintenance Factor* A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 C D H R-1 R-2 Parks Highway to Portage Creek Portage Creek -Devil Canyon Devil Canyon -Watana Parks Highway to Gold Creek Gold Creek to Devil Canyon Gold Creek to Stephan Lake Stephan Lake to Watana Denali Highw~y to Watana Devil Canyon Trans-Dam Crossing Devil Canyon Low Level Crossing Gold Creek to Devil Canyon Devil Canyon to Stephan Lake Stephan Lake to Fog Creek 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.7 0.6 *Based an author's past experience. Potential borrow pit areas are listed in the discussion of each access plan.The locations of the pits were determined by calculating the earthwork and locating areas along each corridor that would need borrow.The terrain unit maps were then used to determine potential pit sites.Environmental comment was provided by TES and is shown in Appendix G.The pit sites are shown on the segment maps in Appendix B.The entire area in which favorable material may be taken is shown,however,the actual pit will encompass a much smaller space.The pits are as follows: r31/f 10-11 TABLE 10.6 BORROW PITS Pit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 Corridor B-1, B-2,R-1 B-2,R-1 B-2,R-1 B-2,R-1 B-2,R-2 B-3,R-2 A-2 A-2 A-1 Map 6 6 6 7 7 7 2 2,3 2 Comments Private land - I ndian River Disposal area,relatively high value wildlife habitat Creek banks have relatively high value wildlife habitat and high erosion potential Creek bank erosion potential Partly wetlands (wet sedge grass habitat)Native Claim - Knik Medium -High value. Wildlife habitat, Native claim - C I R I Wi II be su bmerged Moose browse near lake Moose browse.Avoid creek on west edge. Not investigated because segment was dropped from consideration No potential borrow pits were investigated for section C because this segment had very minimal borrow needs (20,000 c.y.,partly for the Denali Highway). Section B-2 has by far the highest borrow needs -445,200 c.y.- and any plan that uses B-2 may have a higher impact on wildlife habitat,erosion,and visual esthetics.Rail road section R-1 parallels Section B-2,but because of the narrower typical section, only one fourth of the borrow needed in B-2 will be needed in r31/f 10-12 R-1.In the discussion of each plan,all the potential borrow areas for R-1/B-2 are listed (numbers 1 through 5)but not all of the areas will be developed for R-1. The alternate corridors identified herein are split into sections for further analysis.Those sections are as follows: (a)Plan I (i)Descri ption Access Plan I is a basic roadway plan beginning at the Parks Highway and serving both Devil Cayon and Watana dams from the south side of the river.See Figure 10.1. (ii)Sea Ports There are two sea ports that appear logical for serving the project.Anchorage and Whittier.These are common to all access plans.Seward is available as an emergency backup to Anchorage.All items that can be shipped in carload lots should enter the State through Whittier because of the rail barge facility.I nformation provided by railroad officials indicates that this facility can handle any rail load that can be shipped on main line trackage in the continental United States and fit on the barge.Other cargo should be con- tainerized for shipment through Anchorage because of port capacity and available area for short term storage. (iii)Modal Split The split in transportation modes is consistant through all plans.Based on ton mile freight costs,the railroad should be used to as near the project as practical for all items except explosives.Therefore the rail mode should be used r31/f 10-13 --------_._._..__.__..___---_..____._----------- for all items to a rail head at Gold Creek.For Plan I,a rail head should be provided at Gold Creek with truck haul from Gold Creek to the work site. (iv)Sections Included The corridor sections included in Plan I include B-1, B-2, and B-3. (v)Borrow Pits This plan uses borrow areas 1 through 6 (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of Plan Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL in 1982 dollars is outlined below: $119,072,148 12,645,460 7,426,900 214,438,356 $353,582,864 (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The Advantages of the plan are: r31/f o o o o The shortest haul to serve the project. Only one raIl head at Gold Creek Utilizes the same section from Gold Creek to Devil Canyon throughout the construction of both dams. Second to lowest logistics cost. 10-14 ,.-GJCDm~p~IJ"V::DmI::D~~:.•.r',.rCD..•-<~~~niIIIIII1111,.,.2ta~ The Disadvantages of the plan are: o o o o (b)Plan 2 The plan includes a major bridge above Cheechako Creek that will take 18-24 months to construct with about twelve miles of heavy rock construction immediately beyond.The rock work will be slow work and there is no easy access around Cheechako Creek to allow the rock work to proceed coincident with the bridge. A similar but shorter bridge is required at Fog Creek.The Fog Creek bridge will require approx- imately 18 months to construct.These time constraints combined with the length of facility to be constructed will require an overall construction period of nearly four years.The terrain is such that construction of multiple sections simultaneously would not be practical. Recent soils investigations have revealed massive ice at or near the surface with up to 20 feet of organic soils in the area north of Stephan Lake. Third highest borrow volume of all plans 672,000 cy with associated environmental and esthetic impacts. (i)Descri ption This plan is the railroad alternative to serve both dams.A spur track would be constructed beginning at Gold Creek and following the south side of the river to Watana Dam.There would be no roadway involved with this plan.See Figure 10.2. r31/f 10-16 (ii)Sea Ports Anchorage and Whittier would be the obvious sea ports for this plan.The rail barge capabilities of Whittier would be vital to this plan. (iii)Modal Split Transportation would be essentially single mode with all material being transported from the dock to the job site by rail.The movement of personnel would be by rail or by air. The volumes of personnel would p~obably dictate passenger train service.This service has not been included in the cost estimates. (iv)Sections I ncl uded This plan includes Sections R-1 and R-2. (v)Borrow Pits Plan 2 uses borrow areas 1 through 6 for borrow,but with smaller pits than Plan 1.Some areas may not need to be developed. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of Plan 2 in 1982 dollars is outlined below: r31/f Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL 10-17 102,964,049 10,294,280 3,624,000 213,620,024 330,502,353 (vii)Ad va ntag es/Di sad va ntag es o o o o o o o o o o This plan essentially eliminates concern about the impact of public access to the project area. The rail line could be used as a transportation facility to aid in potential mineral resources along pa rt of the route. Least cost to maintain Least Logistics cost A significant disadvantage is that the line must be built lineally rather than in simultaneous sections. Another disadvantage is the major bridge at Cheechako Creek.This also is an 18-24 month construction project. The section of heavy rock construction is even more severe than for Plan I because grades hold the line down further on the slope in the critical section. The ice and organic soils problems near Stephan Lake would have more impact on the railroad than on a roadway. As with Plan I,construction time would be three to four years. Second lowest borrow quantities of all plans (137 ,500 c.Y. ) r31/f 10-18 :!IGICD.11I.a.~IJ (c)Plan 3 0)Description This plan uses a combination of rail and truck.Construction of Watana Dam would be served from a rail head at Cantwell by truck across the Denali highway and along Alternate C. Construction of Devil Canyon dam would be served by truck from a rail head at Gold Creek with road access to Parks Highway.This plan does not include a connection between the two dams.See Figure 10.3. Oi)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split This plan requires rail heads at Gold Creek and at Cantwell. Materials would move from port to rail head via railroad,be transfered to trucks at the rail head and be hauled to the work site by truck.The movements of construction workers would be via private auto direct to the construction camp. (iv)Section Included This plan includes Sections B-1,B-2 and C (v)Borrow Pits Plan 3 uses borrow areas 1 through 5. r31/f 10-20 (vi)Cost Estimates This plan is estimated to cost as follows: Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of the plan are: 115,915,734 11,593,479 6,225,000 228,050,617 361,784,830 o o o o It utilizes Section C which is the only approach to Watana that could be completed sufficiently in one season to allow resupply of construction activities at Watana. Personnel access via private auto. No major bridges necessary for movement of con- struction materials. Segments B-1 and B-2 including the Susitna River Bridge could be built during the period of con- struction for Watana thereby eliminating the time constraints. The disadvantages of the plan are: r31/f o Potential environmental impacts resulting from public access to additional portions of the Nelchina Caribou Range. 10-21 II~&R(I)II:tII~.~II......uo.o.'I•!rN~)Ni-i~i.III~,~.,.-GJCDIII,.aCIJ (d)Plan 4 o o Second to highest logistics cost. Lack of direct access between dams for maintenance and operations staff. (j)Description This plan serves Watana by truck from a rail head at Cantwell and Devils Canyon by rail from Gold Creek.In the plan there is no connection between dams. (ij)Sea Ports The same sea ports are common to all plans.They are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split This plan would require rail service to Cantwell via existing trackage with construction of a rail head at Cantwell and truck service from Cantwell to Watana. Devil Canyon would be served by rail only from Gold Creek with the second rail head at the Devil Canyon dam site. All material would flow by rail to the rail head.Personnel access for Watana would be via private vehicle while a shuttle service would be required for Devil Canyon. (iv)Section Included This plan would require construction of Sections C and R-1 r31/f 10-23 (vi)Borrow Pits Plan 4 will select from borrow areas 1 through 5,but the pits will be small and not all areas will be developed. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of Plan 4 in 1982 dollars is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan include: 89,737,347 8,977,811 5,118,000 228,004,352 331,837,510 r31/f o o o o o Good compliance with required project schedule. Section C to serve Watana can be constructed sufficiently to allow resupply in one season using multiple simultaneous contracts for shortened sections with primary mobilization via winter snow road. No major bridges. Smallest borrow quantity of all plans (128,500 c.y., partly on the Denali Highway). Lowest construction cost. 10-24 )--In0n.~.IICD~IIIt~11i,..~.)-Zg.it•,.>iJ!GJCDm.ap,.IJII~"~~J~~~~~,,'~~~..•_/~J~--,,• .'._.-."f,l..,IJ,'~.___//•)I•.--~A!.,y~.,..no/1.'\r" The disadvantages include: (e)Plan 5 o o o Potential impact from public access. Need for rail shuttle to move personnel into Devil Canyon. No direct connection between dams for maintenance and operations staff. (i)Descri ption This plan serves both dams by truck from a rail head at Gold Creek.The south side of the river is used to Devil Canyon with low level crossing upstream from the damsite,then the north side is used to Watana.A road way connection to the Parks Highway is included. (ii)Sea Ports This plan utilized Anchorage and Whittier as do the other plans presented. (iii)Modal Split Rail haul to Gold Creek with a subsequent truck haul to the work site.Personnel would access the camps via private auto. (iv)Sections Included The Sections that would be included in this plan are B-1, B-2,and A-2.Devil Canyon is crossed during dam construction via H and after dam completion via D. r31/f 10-26 ...-GJCDII..aa•IIIJ..,yiNi'"Iigl;iI»-nnIIIIIIVr-»-21-III)) (v)Borrow Pits Plan 5 uses Borrow areas 1 through 5,7 and 8. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated costs of this plan are outlined below: Construction 122,279,828 Camp Facilities 12,215,529 Maintanance 7,780,900 Logistics 215,571,651- TOTAL 357,847,908 - (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan are: - o o The segments involved encounter the apparent minimum of environmental conflicts. Personnel access is via private auto. The disadvantages include: o A requirement for total construction of the access prior to being able to resupply construction at Watana. r31/f o Second highest borrow quantity associated negative impacts development (728,500 cy). 10-28 of all plans,with of borrow pit ,----------'-,------- (f)Plan 6 o The low levet crossing at Devil Canyon has 3 miles of 30 mph design criteria including 10%grades, sharp curves,a narrow bridge,and associated hazards. (i)Descri ption This plan is essentially the same as Plan 4 except that a secondary road is provided along the north side between the dams for use by the maintenance and operations staff.This plan would use the top of Devil Canyon Dam for a crossing rather than constructing a bridge. (ii)Sea Port As with all plans,the sea ports will be Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split This plan contemplates rail haul to Cantwell with truck haul from Cantwell to Watana and direct rail haul to Devil Canyon via Gold Creek.Personnel access to Watana by private auto and Devil Canyon by shuttle. (iv)Section Included The Sections included are A-2,R-1 and C (v)Borrow Pits Plan 6 plans use borrow areas 1 through 5,7 and 8 but not every area will be developed. r31/f 10-29 (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of the plan is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages 130,224,947 13,119,200 8,008,000 228,004,352 379,356,499 The advantages of the plan include: - - o o o Good compliance with the required project schedule. Section C to serve Watana can be constructed to a point that would allow resupply in one construction season using multiple simultaneous contracts over short sections with primary mobilization over winter snow roads. No major bridges involved. o Direct access between dams for maintenance and operations staff. The disadvantages of the plan include: r31/f o o The potential impact from inc~eased public access. Second to highest construction cost. 10-30 ]IGJCDm.apIDIJI,le.t..~.!~)iLt.~-n.~.21o.niMm~:I~.~u!i~,:,-2o.it.ml1)~rf; (g)Plan 7 o The need for a rai I shuttle to bring personnel to the Devil Canyon site. - -- - - - - (i)Description This plan serves Watana by truck from a rail head at Cantwell,Devil Canyon by truck from a rail head at Gold Creek with a road connection to the Parks Highway and a maintenance road connection between dams north of the river. This plan would use the crest of Devil Canyon Dam for a crossing rather than constructing a bridge. (ii)Sea Ports Anchorage and Whittier are the logical sea ports for this plan. (iii)Modal Split All freight would travel by rail to the appropriate rail head then by truck to the work sites.Personnel travel would be by private vehicle. (iv)Section I ncl uded The Sections include B-1, B-2,A-2,C with rail head con- struction at Gold Creek and Cantwell. (v)Borrow Pits Plan 7 uses borrow areas 1 through 5,7 and 8. r31/f 10-32 ::..~.:.J=.n~n~m_.IIICDuII..~2it"...-GJCDm..ap~IJ)r•l (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of this plan is outlined below: - Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan include: 157,403,334 15,734,868 9,115,000 228,050,617 410,303,819 - o o o o o Good compliance with the required project schedule. Section C to serve Watana can be constructed in one season sufficient to allow resupply. The only major bridge is over the Susitna River at Gold Creek and is not on the project critical path. Direct access between dams for the maintenance and operations staff. All personnel access via private auto. The disadvantages of this plan include: r31/f o o The potential impacts from public access. Highest construction cost of all plans 10-34 o o o Second to highest maintenance cost Second to highest logistics cost Highest total cost of all plans (h)Plan 8 o Highest borrow (748,500 c.y.)with pit development. quantities of all plans associated negative impacts of r31/f (i)Descri ption This plan is esssentially the same as Plan 5,except that there is no road connection between the Parks Highway and Gold Creek.The plan serves both dams by truck from a rail head at Gold Creek.The south side of the river is used to Devil Canyon with a low level crossing upstream from the damsite,then the north side is used to Watana.All truck tractors will initially have to be ferried to Gold C reek by train,than they will be able to shuttle between Gold Creek and the damsites. (ii)Sea Ports This plan utilized Anchorage and Whittier as do the other plans presented. (iii)Modal Split Rail haul to Gold Creek with a subsequent truck haul to the work site.Personnel would access the camps via train to Gold Creek,than bus shuttle on the road,or by air. 10-35 (iv)Sections Included The Sections that would be included in this plan are B-2 and A-2.Devil Canyon is crossed during dam construction via H and after dam completion via D. (v)Borrow Pits Plan 8 uses borrow areas 1 through 5,7 and 8. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated costs of this plan are outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintanance Logistics TOTAL (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan are: 89,910,524 8,980,995 5,942,000 215,571,651 320,405,170 r31/f o o o o The segments involved encounter the apparent minimum of environmental conflicts. Public access is restricted. Second to lowest construction cost Lowest overall costs. 10-36 :DGJCDII~D•CDIJ~-~I!ill....c.>:I:.~-n~n~.IIIICDU~2~CD)) The disadvantages include: - (i)Plan 9 o o o A requirement for total construction of the access prior to being able to resupply construction at Watana. Need to provide transportation for personnel access. The low level crossing at Devil Canyon has 3 miles of 30 mph design criteria including 10%grades, sharp curves,a narrow bridge,and associated hazards. - r31/f (i)Description This plan uses a combination of rail and truck.Construction of Devil Canyon dam would be served by rail from Gold Creek.Watana would be served by road from a rail head at Devi I Canyon,across a low level cross ing at Devil Canyon, and along the north side. (ii)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split This plan requires a rail head at Devil Canyon.Materials would move from port to Devil Canyon via railroad,then be transfered to storage for Devil Canyon or to trucks for Watana.Movement of construction workers would be via a combination of rail passenger shuttle,bus shuttle and/or air. 10-38 ~'~l~~~~~~,;';~~j·I1Y~~~.'~AJ~~,".,,'_,.-_no,~".,/~.___,/,t~".i.,.;....(~z~ll~~i~~-y/f'l,r'f~..---*''.''J'~In...:...::.:....:../. - " .."t"f~.~,'I!~~~I~~u;:~~.·~\N·~_~R~lo.>~.~-§IB?')tlt~~_5..32 I 0510...."',!,:,\'""~,,',-<",,:,,wwI:a::;oj;;~a.0GRAPHICSCALE~~,.~.0f,.~',."~'.y~'.l~..,'INMILESi~.181~~V\1.t/~/~~~M1LEGENDIi.~11•••..•......-..CORRIDORIALTERNATIVES..Z~-------CORRIDOR2ALTERNATIVES;12CORRIDOR3ALTERNATIVES=It--------RAILROADCORRIDORSCDROADRAILROAD.,.-GJCD.m.ao•.CDIJ Personnel transportation costs are not included in the estimates. (iv)Sections I ncl uded This plan includes Sections R-1, construction)and 0 (after construction) (v)Borrow Pits A-2,H (during Plan 9 may include borrow areas 1 through 5,7 and 8,but it is unlikely that all areas will actually be developed. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of Plan 9 in 1982 dollars is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan are: 95,101,441 9,601,689 4,128,000 215,594,496 $324,425,626 r31/f o o This plan essentially eliminates concern about the impact of public access to the project area. The segments involved encounter the apparent minimum of environmental conflicts. 10-40 o Second to lowest maintenance cost. This disadvantages of this plan are: o The first portion of the line must be built linearly, rather than in simultaneous sections. 0 The road beyond Devil Canyon,while it can be built in a relatively short time,cannot be started until the railroad is completed,hence delaying resupply of Watana by one to two year. o o (j)Plan 10 The need for rail/bus/air shuttles to bring personnel to both damsites. The substandard design criteria at the low level crossing of Devil Canyon,as described in Plan 8. .., r31/f (i)Description This plan is similar to Plan 9 except that the road between Devil Canyon and Watana is on the south side.As with Plan 9,Devil Canyon is served by rail from Gold Creek to the damsite. (ii)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Materials for each dam would travel by rail to the rail head at Devil Canyon.Watana supplies would then travel by road 10-41 along the south side to the damsite.As with Plan 9,a system of rail;.bus and/or air shuttles will be needed to transport personnel,and this cost is not included in the estimate. (iv)Sections Included This plan includes Sections R-1 and B-3. (v)Borrow Pits This plan may utilize any or all of the following:borrow areas 1 through 6. (vi)Cost Estimates The estimated cost of this plan is outlined below: -Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Advantages/Di sadvantages $92,893,762 9,294,053 4,728,000 214,461,201 $321,377,016 r31/f o o o Second to lowest total cost This plan eliminates public access impact,but requires a system of shuttles for construction personnel. The scheduling constraints and environmental impact are as discussed in Plan 1.Construction of a major bridge at Cheechako Creek,heavy road work beyond,and a major bridge at Fog Creek combine to stretch the overall construction time to four years.Massive ice at 10-42 ............................_..._._---- ...~.:DraeERJ.~aa.n.!m~III-IIII'Ui~2.1-..aoJ!GJCDm..ap..aoII] - - Stephen Lake and environmental concerns at Stephan and Fog Lakes are also disadvantageous. (k)Plan 11 (i)Description This plan serves the entire project by road,from a rail head at Cantwell.Material is hauled to Watana via the Denali Highway,then to Devil Canyon along the north side. (ii)Sea Ports Common to all plans are Anchorage and Whittier. (iii)Modal Split Material would travel by rail to a rail head at Cantwell,then be transfered to trucks and driven to Watana.Material for Devil Canyon would continue along the north side to the damsite.Personnel access would be via private car. (iv)Sections Included This plan includes Sections A-2 and C. (v)Borrow Pits Plan 11 uses borrow areas 7 and 8. (vi)Cost Estimates r31/f 10-44 The estimated cost of this plan is outlined below: Construction Camp Facilities Maintenance Logistics Total (vii)Advantages/Disadvantages The advantages of this plan are: $108,260,024 10,821,920 10,661,000 257,903,604 $387,646,548 o o o o No time constraint,as the portion of the road to Watana can be completed in one year.The portion from Watana to Devil Canyon can be completed during construction of Watana. Personnel access via private vehicle. No mcljor bridges. Lowest borrow quantity of the all road only plans (176,700 cy). The disadvantages of this plan are: r31/f o o o Longest haul of all plans,resulting in highest logistics cost and highest maintenance cost. Potential environmental impacts resulting from public access to additional portions of the Nelchina Caribou Range. Second to highest total cost 10-45 IIGJCDm..ap.a..aIJ...I••~»~...n~.~~IIIiIII11,.»2i:..a..a CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11 -Conclusions and Recommendations No final conclusions or recommendations are made at this time. Additional input is required from other project team members before a final plan selection can be made. r27/g 11-1 ...................__.._----_.._--_.__.._.__._.._._---- APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Appendix A -Preliminary Design Development The Susitna Hydrolelectric project includes two large dams.These structures are located in remote wilderness however the size of the structures are such that major transportation facilities are required.. to serve the project and small communities are needed to house the construction crews. In order to demonstrate the magnitude of the planned development plan views of the dams are included as are the projected con- struction schedules.Correspondence is included that identifies the major quantity requirements and crew requirements.This data has been used in the development and analysis of the various access plans. r27/n A - 1 • ,,, August 20,1981 P5700.11.10 T.1078 R&M Consultants Inc. P.O.Box 6087 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Attention:Mr.N.Gutcher Dear Mr.Gutcher:Susitna Hydroelectric Project Estimate of Total Weights As discussed with you on August 10,we have made an initial estimate of the total weights of various major items needed for construction of the Susitna development.These quantities should be used in completing the logistics portion of your access road report and are as follows: Installed Mechanical,Structural &Electrical Equipment Construction Equipment Explosives Cement Reinforcing Steel Rock Bolts Steel Support &Liners Fuel ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED Watana 15,000 ton 16,000 ton 20,000 ton 350,000 ton 33,000 ton 12,500 ton 3,600 ton 75 mill i on gallons Devil Canyon 13,500 ton 5,000 ton 3,000 ton 650,000 ton 22,000 ton 3,000 ton 2,200 ton 17 mill ion ga 11 ons r'1r.N.Gutcher R&M Consultants Inc. August 20 t 1981 Page 2 Please forward your completed report to us by September 15.If you have any questions or need further information please contact either Tom Gwozdek or myself at this office. SincerelYt tx9~~~ OM/l jr cc:J.Lawrence J.Hayden J.Gi 11 F.Toth ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED D.Mei 'I hede •..~ September 4,1981 P5700.11.10 T.1132 R&M Consultants P.O.Box 6037 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage,AK 99503 Attention:Mr.N.Gutcher Dear Mr.Gutcher:Susitna Hydroelectric Project Project Schedule As you requested,enclosed please find the following: 1.Preliminary Schedule Watana -July 1981 2.Preliminary Schedule Devil Canyon -July 1981 3.Most Recent Layout-Watana (reduced Dylar) 4.Most Recent Layout-Devil Canyon (reduced Dylar) As we discussed,these items reflect the present level of development of the Susitna Project and can be used in completion of your access road logistics study.Finalized layouts and schedules are,of course, impossible to provide at this time.Similarly,our present estimate for peak camp size is 4,500 units at Watana and 3,100 units at Devil Canyon. If you have any further questions,please call. Sincerely, Dennis Meilhede DM:db Enclosures cc:J.Lawrence J.Hayden T.Gwozdek ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED -:-1~e Liberty B,lnk 8u::':]!ng,Ma,ln at Court Buffalo.New YorK ,.)202 Teiepnone -~::>053--525 Telex 91'Q~23 ACRES BIJF ether Offices COlumbia,MD P,ttsburgn PA Ralelgn.NC:Washington.DC ) 1 WATANA DAM PLAN IIPDo I FIGURE A.1·IlUOo A-I _....-.,.-... ----.~ DEVIL CANYCIN DAM PLAN FIGURE PREPARED FOR: YEAR19841985198619871988 1989199019911992199319941995MAINACCESSTOSITECONSTRUCTIONACCESSATSITEIIDIVERSIONTUNNELSI..HM.......IInl.r.;CLOSURE8DEWATERCOFFERDAMSII..ACUMENTEXC~ATlDN/FOUNDJTIDNPREPARA"IONrTFILLPLACEMENT11••11111•••••111:MAINDAMIIUIIIIII••••••'1••••••11•••11111111.111111••1.••11••••111•••••••11.11111111111111.11111111111111•••••SERVICESPILLWAY,IEMERGENCYSPILLWAY,,INTAKES..JIPENSTOCKS,IPOWERHOUSE,TAILRACEIITURBINEIGENERATORIIINITIALIMPOUNDMENTU~ITS182ONLINE(400MW)TESTANDCOMMISSIONIII•••••I••I••••II~LEGENDKEY{EARLlESTSTARTOFACTIVITYUNITSa840NlINEIN1995(400MWl'""HiliCRITICALACTIVITIES(EARLIESTFINISHOFACTIVITYOTHERACTIVITIES,{LATESTFINISHOFACTIVITYSEASONALLIMITATIONS(400MW),....EPo\REDBY'PREPAREDFOR-O'."a\r.::""".\.AJiJ.•···"~I~l2PRELIMINARV\NATANASCHEDULE~ONSULTANTS.INC."\/FIGURE\1<-7 A 8........YEAR199219931994199519961997199819992000MAINACCESSTOSITE.......................CONSTRUCTIONACCESSATSITEI.DIVERSIONTUNNELS.............DEtNATERtCOFFERDAMS...EXCAVTEABUTMENTS-,rEXCAVATIONINIDECOFFERDAS /FOUNDATIOrPREPARATlO',...MAINDAMCONCRETEMAINDAM.........•••••••••••1111111••11.1'1.111111111••••••••••I.IU.OI.1.1••fUI.,I••'.B•••111.1111.1"••1.SERVICESPILLWAYEMERGENCYSPILLWAY,,INTAKESaPENSTOCKSSADDLEDAMPOWERHOUSE."TAILRACE,,TURBINEGENERATORIUNITIONLINEIJNIT2ONLINEINITIALIMPOUNDMENT..UNIT3ONLINE..'........fNIT4ONLINETESTANDCOMMISSIONII..LEGENp..KllEARLlESTSTARTOFACTIVITY.........,CRITICALACTIVITIES(EARLIESTFINISHOFACTIVITYOTHERACTIVITIESLATESTFINISHOFACTIVITY;,SEASONALLIMITATIONSNOTSHOWN....E"'..EDBY'PREPAREDFOR-'C~~MAJiJjC...;~c:s'.'~..CONSULTANTS,INC.PRELIMINARVDEVILCANYONSCHEDULEFIGURE- APPENDIX B PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES SEGMENTS Appendix B Proposed Alternative Segements Appendix B consist of a set of map showing each of the alternatives alignment segments studied during the course of the work. r27/p B-1 LEGENDCORRIDORIALTERNATIVESCORRIDOR2ALTERNATIVESCORRIDOR:3ALTERNATIVESRAILROADCORRIDORSHE:..E::""~'-10<;5,iO.fl,I2..,d:13Ai2E.OMlrre.ot-JOA~'Oe>C05<l'2fDOR2>Ar2e:.CDt-JiAfWf!!..D"-t-\ERE:IW,10jGRAPHICSCALEINMILESo5I5 432WI IPREPAREDIIYIPREPAREDFOR'IRFIGUREBIOOIB-2I (FOR:PREPAREDB.~.FIGURE'~-././~)I../,..!....~.~/.t-!,,//I/~/(I15,~~c\I PREPAREDFOR:FIGUREB,,2IIMILE23o,f?I/t.;2100PREPAREDBYI PREPAREDBY'191/20;GRAPHICseALE54849PREPAREDFOR:FIGUREB..3I6IRAMCONSULTANTS,INC. ..~..28PREPAIitEDFOR'FIGURE8.4<>Q<>o'.20Ia-6FORCONTINUATION,SEESHEET9I!'1/201/2I ' :fIItlUICONSULTANTS.INC.I'ftEMIitIEDBY' PREMMDCY,1/20,!GRAPHICSCALEQlPREPAREDFOR:FIGURE8.6IIRlrMCONSULTANTS,INC. FOR:FIGURE8..7I13-8IGRAPHICSCALEIN~ILE.~1/2!IpoRAIlICONSULTANTS.If'ilC. PREPAREDFOR:T31NFIGUREEI..SI8-9IrL.---..1/2;GRAPHICSCALEPREPARlElIBYI PREP!l'REDlaY'J'x2486'l?-iINMILE3•t123626,2272PREF'AREDFOR'FIGUREBegI8-10I T31NT30NPREPAREDFOR:FIGUREB.148-11IPfIEMREDBY' FOROONTINUATlON,SEESHEET.lLoIJfORCONTINUATION,SEEStEET1...,----3.6'~-...r---/<--V--,:1---/,''.~PREPAREDFOR:FIGUREB.'15IB-12PREPl\AEDlilYI PREPAREDBY·o1/2;,GRAPHICSCALEINMILEPJ1EPAREDFOR:FIGURE8.16IIRAMCONSULTANTS.INC. /PREPAREDFOR:FIGURE8..'17GRAPHICSCALEINMILE1/201/2;;;I8-14Icc\flUlMCONSULTANTS.INC.PfiEPAREDIllf' FIGUREB..1BI15I FOR:)~.,.8-o•FIGURE8.19",'"'MI2(J78j,/~'"-':.,f",,,-/0~,.c<;15(/1817()(!(1~~--•.()0~"..&C>...x3310{)~2419i>020DO.,'1,;..:r:jc,---------t\<\..0\..26\~.c'2.9,\Q(...I\\\~'~CP..;".'22II..I.,'......:~~~xm~\1z~_r_~~~___t\tt_T~~"7¥trn±rtr~_tI\·---'::..QI'lAPHICSCALEINMILE,--/1/2: P~EPAREDFOR:FIGUREIIEPREPAREDBY: 10PREPAREDFOR:1720,'.,FIGUREB,,21'0=18<ssoIIGRAPHICSCALEINMILE1/2;;RAMCONSULTANTS,INC.""EMPIEDlilYI APPENDIX C ALTERNATIVE COMPARISON APPENDIX C COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SEGMENTS GRADE,CURVATURE AND DISTANCE Appendix C lists the length,average grade and sum of defection angles for each segment studied and each potential combination of segments.This tabulation was used to select the combination that make up the prefered alignment within each corridor.Several segments studied have been omitted due to grade,curvature or environmental limitations.The reason for the exclusion of a segment can be found in the text discussion of that segment. TABLE C.1 SUMMARY OF SEGMENTS USED Segment 1-A 1-B 1-E 1-F 2-A ,-2-B 2-E 2-F 2-G 2-H 2-1 2-J 2-L 2-M 2-P 2-R 2-RR 3-A 3-B 3-C 4-A 4-B 4-C r27/0 Limits All but Chulitna Pass (Parks Hwy to node 1) All All All From junction with 2-B (node 30)to Watana From south junction with 2-G (node 21)to junction with 2-A (node 30) From Gold Creek railhead north to 2-H (node 20) From 2J (node 26)to 2A (node 25) All From 2-E (node 20)to 2-1 (node 19) All All All All -Pioneer Road only All only after Devil Canyon Dam is built All All All All All Existing Denali Highway:Cantwell siding to north end of 3-A Existing Denali Highway:Cantwel I siding to north end of 3-B Existing Denali Highway:Cantwell siding to north end of 3-C C - 1 ------------,----'--'-- TABLE C.2 SUMMARY OF ALIGNMENT PARAMETERS Distance Average Sum of Segment Nodes Miles Grade %Defl.Angles 1-A 1-2 0.3 0%0 0 2-DeviJ 25.3 2.88 2034 0 Devil-6 9.5 2.40 1139 0 6-8 18.9 2.49 1223 0 8-9 2.6 1.89 460 0 9-Watana 3.9 3.28 354 0 1-8 6-8 16.2 1.91 707 0 1-E All 7.5 1.96 436 0 1-F All 4.1 1.85 204 0 2-A 30-31 7.6 1.60 297 0 31-25 16.3 1.16 779 0 25-Watana 3.9 2.52 218 0 2-8 24-30 6.0 2.42 689 0 2-E 13-20 0.9 0 00 2-F 26-25 1.5 2.17 44 0 2-G 22-24 5.3 5.21 724 0 2-H 20-19 2.4 2.11 189 0 2-1 16-19 0.6 3.42 52 0 19-22 11.4 2.10 285 0 2-J 31-26 12.2 1.40 453 0 2-L 2-16 8.7 3.05 270 0 2-M All 7.9 7.37 1113 0 2-P All 7.3 5.10 899 0 2-R 13-22 15.9 1.78 446 0 22-31 20.2 1.67 2067 0 31-29 11.3 1.18 462 0 29-Watana 10.3 1.09 927 0 2-RR All 10.5 1.01 414 0 3-A Watana-10.5 1.9 1.96 63 0 10.5-11 3.2 1.70 159 0 11-33 14.1 1.39 276 0 33-Denali 19.2 1.15 659 0 3-8 All 37.2 1.10 1736 0 3-C All 22.6 1.30 365 0 4-A All 41.7 2.37 2590 0 4-8 All 54.9 2.16 3230 0 4-C All 21.0 2.50 1302 0 r27/o C - 2 TALBE C.3 COMBINATIONS OF SEGMENTS INTO CORRIDORS Distance %Av.Defl./Access Corridors Segments Miles Grade Miles Plan A1-A2 1-F,1-A 64.6 2.60 83.8 1-F,1-A,1-B 61.9 2.45 79.1 1-F,1-A,1-E,3-A 70.1 2.48 79.3 1-F,1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A 67.4 2.34 74.8 A1-B3 1-F,1-A,2-M,2-G,2-B,2-A 76.7 2.89 79.0 1-F,1-A,2-M,2-G,2-B,2-A, 2-J,2-F 74.1 3.01 77.9 ...,",,"~A1-C 1-F,1-A,3-C,3-A,4-C 92.5 2.07 47.6 1-F,1-A,3-A,4-A 109.8 2.10 54.5 1-F,1-A,3-B,3-A,4-B 126.9 1.96 58.5 B1-B2-'B3 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-M,2-G, 2-B,2-A 67.9 3.03 75.2 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-G,2-B, 2-A,2-J,2-F 61.6 2.35 52.5 1 B2-B3 2-E,2-H,2-1,2-G,2-B,2-A 53.8 2.08 59.1 ,.~.'.....2-E,2-H,2-1,2-G,2-B,2-A 2-J,2-F 51.2 2.22 56.6 B1-B2"A2 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-M,1-A 67.9 3.03 75.2 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-M,1-A, 1-B 65.2 2.91 70.3 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-M,1-A, "1-E,3-A 73.4 2.88 71.5 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,2-M,1-A, 1-B,1-E,3-A 70.7 2.76 66.9 5 B2-A2 2-E,2-H,2-1,2-M,1-A 57.5 3.04 82.8 2-E,2-H,2-1,2-M,1-A,1-B 54.8 2.89 77.5 2-E,2-H,2-1,2-M,1-A,1-E, ,.~3-A 63.0 2.87 77.9 2-E,2-H,2-1,2-M,1-A,1-B 1-E,3-A 60.3 2.72 70.2 8 B1-B2"C 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,3-C,3-A 4-C 87.9 1.94 33.9 3 (7) 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,3-A,4-A 105.2 1.99 43.3 1-F,1-A,2-L,2-1,3-B,3-A, 4-B 122.3 1.87 49.1 r27/o C - 3 _.~_..-,-'._._--_.-.......-----~---_. ..,.. TABLE C.3 (Continued) COMBINATIONS OF SEGMENTS INTO CORRIDORS Distance %Av.Defl./Access Corridors Segments Miles Grade Miles Plan B2-C 2-E,2-H,2-1,3-C,3-A,4-C 77.5 1.80 34.1 2-E,2-H,2-1,3-A,4-A 94.8 1.88 44.5 2-E,2-H,2-1,3-B,3-A,4-B 111.9 1.77 50.1 R1-A2 2-R,2-M,1-A 58.7 2.97 80.7 2-R,2-M,1-A,1-B 56.9 2.77 74.2 2-R,2-M,1-A,1-E,3-A 48.3 3.14 91.8 2-R,2-M,1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A 45.6 2.72 85.9 9 R1-B3 2-R,2-G,2-B,2-A 55.0 2.02 57.3 10 2-R,2-G,2-B,2-A,2-J,2-F 52.4 2.15 54.8 R1-C 2-R,3-C,3-A,4-C 78.7 1.77 33.2 4 (6) 2-R,3-A,4-A 96.0 1.85 43.7 2-R,3-B,3-A,4-B 113.1 1.74 49.8 R1-R2 2-R 57.7 1.50 67.6 2-R,2-RR 56.9 1.47 67.7 2 C-A2 1-A,3-A,4-A 115.0 2.06 60.2 1-A,3-A,3-B,4-B 132.1 1.94 63.3 1-A,3-A,3-C,4-C 97.7 2.03 54.7 1-A,1-B,3-A,4-A 112.3 1.97 57.1 1-A,1-B,3-A,3-B,4-B 129.4 1.86 60.6 1-A,1-B,3-A,3-C,4-C 95.0 1.92 50.8 1-A,1-E,3-A,4-A 120.5 2.02 58.7 1-A,1-E,3-A,3-B,4-B 137.6 1.90 61.8 ~} 1-A,1-E,3-A,3-C,4-C 103.2 1.98 53.2 1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A,4-A 117.8 1.92 55.6 1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A,3-B,4-B 134.9 1.82 59.3 1-A,1-B,1-E,3-A,3-C,4-C 100.5 1.87 49.5 11 r27/o C - 4 APPENDIX D TERRAIN UNIT MAPPING Appen'dix D -Terrain Unit Maps This appendix describes the terrain unit analysis for the access alternatives. This data identifies the surface geology and qualitatively discusses the engineering characteristics of the various soils.The alternative segments studied are plotted on the Terrain Unit Maps. The soil types and characteristics have been taken into account in developing the construction cost estimates for the alternate plans. The text that follows is a general report,applicable to more than just access road selection. r32/a D - 1 D.1 INTRODUCTION The feasibility study for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project includes geological and geotechnical investigation of the area extending from the Parks Highway 80 miles east to the mouth of the Tyone River and from the Denali Highway 50 miles south to Stephan Lake.The most cost effective method of generating and compiling baseline geologic information about this large,little-investigated region is through the methods of photointerpretation and terrain unit map- ping. This text and the accompanying terrain unit maps present the results of aerial photograph interpretation and terrain unit analysis for the area including the proposed Watana and Devil Canyon damsite areas,the Susitna River reservoir areas,construction material borrow areas,and access and transmission line corridors. The task was performed for the Alaska Power Authority by R&M Consultants,Inc.,working under the direction of Acres American, Inc. r32/a D - 2 - - Scope of Work and Methods of Analysis Work on the air photo interpretation subtask consisted of several activities culminating in a set of Terrain Unit Maps delineating surface materials and geologic features and conditions in the project area. The general objective of the exercise was to document geological features and geotechnical conditions that would significantly affect the design and construction of the project features.More specifically the task objectives included the delineation of terrain units of various origins on aerial photographs noting the occur- rence and distribution of geologic factors such as permafrost, potentially unstable slopes,potentially erodible soils,possible buried channels,potential construction materials,active flood plains and organic materials.Engineering characteristics listed for the delineated areas allows assessment of each terrain unit1s influence on project features.The terrain unit analysis serves as a data bank upon which interpretations concerning geomorphologic development,glacial geology,and geologic history could be based. Additionally,this subtask provides base maps for the compilation and presentation of various other Susitna Hydroelectric project activities. The area of photo coverage was divided into units of workable size,resulting in 21 map sheets.Base maps were prepared from photo mosaics and the terrain units were delineated on overlay sheets. Physical characteristics and typical engineering properties were developed for each terrain unit and are display~d on a single table. r32/a ,----------,.__.--,_.- D - 3 The execution of this project progressed through a number of steps that ensured the accuracy and quality of the product.The first step consisted of a review of the literature concerning the geology of the Upper Susitna River Basin and transfer of the information gained to high-level,photographs at a scale of 1: 125,000.Interpretation of the high-level photos created a regional terrain framework which would help in the interpretation of the low-level 1:24,000 project photos.Major terrain divisions identi- fied on the high-level photos were then used as an areal guide for delineation of more detailed terrain units on the low-level photos. The primary effort of the subtask was the interpretation of 300-plus photos covering about 800 square miles of varied terrain. The land area covered in the mapping exercise is shown on the index map sheet and displayed in detail on the 21 photo mosaics. During the low altitude photo interpretation a preliminary work review and field check was undertaken by R&M and L.A.Rivard, terrain analysis consultant.A draft edition of the Terrain Unit maps and report was completed and submitted for review to ACRES and L.A.Rivard.Comments and questions generated in the review of the draft report were analyzed by R&M and a second field check,a test hole boring program,and peat probe study was undertaken.The final revised maps are included herein. Terrain units composed of or including bedrock are shown on the interpretation.However,these divisions are interpreted only as weathered or unweathered bedrock.Detailed petrologic designa- tions and age relations of the rock units have been synthesized from U.S.Geological Survey sources (Csejtey,1978)and project field mapping accomplished to date.Rock unit designations from these sources are included on the maps.Lineaments,features- of-interest,and potential faults have not been shown as their delineation is outside the scope of R&M's work. r32/a D - 4 Limitations of Study This is a generalized study which is intended to collect geologic and geotechnical materials data for a relatively large area.Toward this goal,the work has been successful,however,there are certain limitations to the data and interpretations which should be considered by the user.The engineering characteristics of the terrain units have been generalized and described qualitatively. When evaluating the suitability of a terrain unit for a specific use, the actual properties of that unit should be verified by on-site subsurface investigation,sampling,and laboratory testing. An important factor in evaluating the engineering properties, composition and geologic characteristics of each terrain unit is extensive field checking and subsurface investigation.The scope of the current project allowed only limited field checking and subsurface investigations to date have been restricted to a few test holes in terrain units located along the access corridors. This lack of detailed ground-truth data further restricts the use of the terrain unit maps and engineering interpretation chart for site specific applications. r32/a D - 5 D.2 TERRAIN UNIT ANALYSIS A landform is defined (Kreig and Reger,1976)as any element of the landscape which has a defineable composition and range of physical and visual characteristics.Such characteristics can include topographic form,drainage pattern,and gully morphology. Landforms classified into groups based on common modes of origin are most useful because similar geologic processes usually produce similar topography,soil properties,and engineering character- istics.The terrain unit is defined as a special purpose term comprising the landforms expected to occur from the ground sur- face to a depth of about 25 feet.It has the capability to describe not only the most surficial landform,but also,an underlying land- form when the underlying material is within about 25 feet of the surface (i.e.a compound terrain unit),and areas where the surficial exposure pattern of two landforms are so intimately or complexly related that they must be mapped as a terrain unit complex.The terrain unit is used in mapping landforms on an areal basis. The terrain unit maps for the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project area show the areal extent of the specific terrain units which were identified during the airphoto investigation and were corroborated in part by a limited on-site surface investigation. The terrain units,as shown on the following sheets and described in this text,document the general geology and geotechnical char- acteristics of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project area. On the maps each terrain unit is identified by letter symbols,the first of which is capitalized and indicates the genetic origin of the deposit.Subsequent letters differentiate specific terrain units in each group and when separated by a dash,identify the presence of permafrost. r32/a D -6 -- During terrain unit mapping bedrock was identified,as per es- tablished techniques,only as weathered bedrock or unweathered bedrock.Details of bedrock geology shown on the mosaic maps is derived from Csejtey's USGS open file report on The Geology of the Talkeetna Mts.(1979)and from Acres American (unpublished data,1981).The letter designations are used here as those authors defined them and the rock units are shown only where the photointerpretation located bedrock on the maps.There has been no attempt to correlate units across areas of limited exposure or to modify the outcrop pattern.Bedrock symbols are shown in slanted letters with the capital letters defining the age of the unit and following lower case letters describing the rock type. r32/a D - 7 D.3 TERRAIN UNIT DESCRIPTIONS For this photo interpretation exercise,the soil types,engineering properties and geological conditions have been developed for the 14 landforms or individual terrain units briefly described below. Several of the landforms have not been mapped independently but rather as compound or complex terrain units.Compound terrain units result when one landform overlies a second recognized unit at a shallow depth (less than 25 feet),such as a thin sheet of glacial till overlying bedrock or a mantle of lacustrine sediments overlying till.Complex terrain units have been mapped were the surficial exposure pattern of two landforms are so intricatly related that they must be mapped as a terrain unit complex,such as some areas of bedrock and colluvium.The compound and complex terrain units behave and are described as a composite of individual landforms comprising them.The stratigraphy,topographic position and areal extent of all units are summarized on the terrain unit properties and engineering interpretations chart. - Bx -BEDROCK: r32/a In place rock that is overlain by a very thin mantle of unconsol- idated material or exposed at the surface.Two modifiers have been used for all types of bed- rock whether igneous,sedimen- tary or metamorphic.Weathered, highly fractured,or poorly con- ,solidated bedrock is indicated by the modifiers "W "(as in Bxw); unweathered,consolidated bed- rock is indicated by the modifier D - 8 - C -COLLUVIAL DEPOSITS: II U Il (as in Bxu).A modifier or special symbol for frozen bedrock has not been used,although bedrock at higher elevations may be frozen. Deposits of widely varying com- position that have been moved ,downslope chiefly Fluvial slopewash usually intermixed deposits. by gravity. deposits are with colluvial CI -Landslide:A lobe-or tongue-shaped deposit of rock rubble or unconsolidated debris that has moved downslope. Includes rock and debris slides, slump blocks,earth flows and debris flows.Young slides are generally unfrozen while older slides may be frozen. Cs-f -Solifluction Deposits:Sol ifI uction deposits are formed by frost creep and the slow down-slope,viscous flow of saturated soil material and rock debris in the active layer.This unit is generally used only where obvious solifluction lobes are identifiable.Includes fine- grained colluvial fans formed where solifluction deposits emerge from confined channel on a hillside onto a level plain or r32/a D - 9 valley.These landforms are often frozen as denoted by II-fll. Ffg -Granular All uvial Fan:A gently sloping cone generally composed of granular material with varying amounts of silt deposited upon a plain by a stream where it issues from a narrow valley.The primary depositional agent is running water (for solifluction fans,see Colluvial Landforms).Can in- clude varying proportions of avalanche or mudflow deposits, especially in mountainous regions. Fans are generally unfrozen. Fp -Floodplain:Deposits laid down by a river or stream and flooded during periods of highest water in the present stream regimen.Floodplains are composed of two major types of alluvium.Generally granular riverbed (lateral accretion)de- posits and generally fine-grained cover (vertical accretion)deposits laid down above the riverbed deposits by streams at ban k overflow (flood)stages. Fpt -Old Terrace:An old,elevated floodplain surface no longer subject to frequent flood i ng.Occu rs as horizontal benches above present r32/a D -10 floodplains,and posed of materials active floodplains. generaly com- very similar to - Gta -Ablation Till: Gtb-f -Basal Till: r32/a Relatively younger ablation till sheets with more pronounced hummocky moraine topography and less dissected than older till sheets.These deposits are pre- dominently of the Naptowne Glaciation,contain abundent cobbles and boulders,and consist of water-worked till.The abla- tion till may be sporadically frozen in the Denali Highway access corridors. Basal glacial till sheets,with subdued moraine morphology, which in the Watana Creek- Stephan Lake area are relatively older (probably deposited during Eklutna and older glaciations)and elsewhere are as young as Naptowne age.Often frozen in the Watana -Stephan Lake area with a higher silt and ground ice content as denoted by modifier II-fll;generally unfrozen in the Gold Creek - I ndian River area; and possibly frozen between Watana Camp and the Denali Highway. D -11 --------------------------- G Fo -Outwash: GFe -Esker Deposits: Coarse,granular relatively level floodplain formed by a braided stream flowing from a glacier. Long ridges of granular ice- contact deposits formed by streams as they flow in or under a glacier. GFk -Kame Deposits:Hills,crescents and cones of granular ice-contact deposits formed by streams as they flow on or through a glacier. L-f -LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS: o -ORGANIC DEPOSITS: Special Symbols and Landforms Generally fine-grained materials laid down in the Copper River proglacial Lake and gravelly sands deposited in the Watana Creek -Stephen Lake proglacial lake.Often frozen as denoted by modifier II-fll. Deposits of humus,"muck and peat generally occurring in bogs, fens and muskegs.Frequently overlies frozen material. In addition to the terrain unit symbols,several special symbols are used on the Terrain Unit maps to denote landslide scars,terrace scarps,frozen soils,buried channels and trails. r32/a D -12 Well defined landslide scarps,which indicate relatively recent failure,are shown as lines following the scarp trace with arrows indicating the direction of movement.Visible on the aerial photos within many of the terraces and outwash deposits are several different surfaces which may be related to sedimentation at a temporary base level which was followed by renewed incision.The various outwash and stream terraces are noted by lines following the scarps separating the different elevation surfaces,with tick marks on the side of the lower surface.Permafrost soils have been delineated on the terrain unit maps through the use of an -f following the terrain unit letter designation.By convention the symbol -f is used where the permafrost is thought to occur at least discontinously.Sporadically frozen areas have not been defined on the maps,however,the possible occurrance of frozen material within a terrain unit is described in the preceeding section on definitions and on the engineering interpretation chart. Buried channels along the Susitna River have been delineated by the use of opposing parallel rows of triangular teeth.Most of these features are minor and should have no impact on the present studies,however three buried channels south of the southern abutment at the Devil Canyon damsite,should be investigated to assess potential leakage around the dam.A similar but larger buried channel extends from near the mouth of Deadman Creek to Tsusena Creek.The trough is filled with quaternary sediments of several different types and ages some of which may have a high transmissibility.Because this channel bypasses the Watana damsite detailed work should be directed towards determining its width, depth,soil types,and potential for reservoir leakage. Existing jeep and/or winter sled trails have been noted on the Terrain Unit maps by a dash-dot line. r32/a D -13 D.4 TERRAIN UNIT PROPERTIES AND ENGINEERING INTERPRETATION CHART In order to evaluate the impact of a terrain unit with respect to specific project features an interpretation of the engineering char- acteristics of each unit is provided.On the chart the terrain units are listed in horizontal rows and the engineering properties and parameters being evaluated are listed as headings for each column.Within the matrix formed are relative qualitative char- acterizations of each unit.Several of the engineering properties and evaluation criteria are briefly discussed below.The chart is presented for general engineering planning,and environmental assessment purposes.In this form,the data are not adequate for design purposes but when additional laboratory and field informa- tion is acquired and synthesized,site specific development work can be minimized. Engineering Interpretation Definitions: Slope Classification r32/a Following guidelines established by the U.S.Forest Service,the Bureau of Land Management and the American Society of Land- scape Architects,slopes in the project corridor have been divided into the following classes:Flat - 0 to 5%;Gentle - 5 to 15%,Moderate -15 to 25% and steep -greater than 25%. References have been made to steep local slopes to account for D -14 small scarps and the short but steep slopes characterize ice contact drift. similar which glacial Probable Unified Soil Types Based on the laboratory test results,field observations, previous work in similar areas, and definitions of the soils,a range of unified soil types has been assigned to each terrain unit.Often several soil types are listed,some of which are much Jess prevelant than others. Information in the soil stratigraphy column will aid in understanding the range and distribution of soil types.Study of the borehole logs and lab test results will give site specific unified soil types. Drainage and Permeability How the soils comprising the terrain units handle the input of water is characterized by their drainage and premeability. Permeability (hydraulic conduc- tivity)refers to the rate at which water can flow through a soil.Drainage describes the the wetness of the terrain unit, taking into account a combination of premeability,slope,topo- graphic position,and the prox- imaty of the water table. r32/a D -15 Erosion Potential Ground Water Table r32/a Erosional potential as described here,considers the materials likelyhood of being moved by eolian and fluvial processes such as sheetwash,rill and gully formation,and larger channelized flow.In genera I th is relates to the partical size of the soil, however,the coarse sediments of floodplains have been rated as high because the surface is very active,and likewise coarse terrace deposits can have a high rating because of their proximaty (by virture of the their origin) to streams.(Mass wasting potential is considered under slope stability). Depth to the ground water table is described in relative terms ranging from very shallow to deep.I n construction involving excavation and foundation work, special techniques and planning will be required in most areas with a shallow water table and in some of the areas with a moder- ately deep water table.In areas of impermeable permafrost a shallow perched local water table may occur. D -16 Probable Permafrost Distribution The occurance of permafrost and the degree of continuity of frozen soil is described on the Engineering Interpretation Chart,by the following relative terms:Unfrozen-generally without any permafrost; Sporadic significantly large areas are frozen.Site specific work may be required before design;Discontinous -most of the area is underlain by frozen soils site specific work is required unless design incorp- orates features relating to permafrost;Continous the entire area is frozen.All designs should be based on occurrance of permafrost. Frost Heave Potential Those soils which contain signi- ficant amounts of silt and fine sand have the potential to pro- duce frost heave problems.A qualitative low,moderate,and high scale rates the various soils based on the potential severity of the problem.Where the soil stratigraphy is such that a frost susceptible soil overlies a coarse grained deposit,a dual classifi- cation is given;for these soils it may be possible to strip off the frost susceptable material. r32/a D -17 ----,--------,-------_._---------, Thaw Settlement Potential Bearing Strength Permafrost soils with a sign- ificant volume of ice may show some settlement of the ground surface upon thawing.In gen- eral,clays,silts and fine sands have the greatest settlement potential,forming the basis for the three fold classification presented on the chart.Un- frozen soi Is do not have the potential for thaw settlement,as denoted by II not applicable ll (NA).Thawing problems may be initiated or accellerated by disturbance of the surficial soil layers or the organic mat. Based on the terrain unit soil types and stratigraphy a qualita- tive description of bearing strength is given.In general coarse grained soils have a higher bearing strength than fine grained soils,but the presence of permafrost may significantly increase the strength of some fine grained soils (as indicated on the chart by the thermal state qualifying statement). Slope Stability r32/a The slope rating was evaluation of D -18 stability qualitative derived through each terrain units' Suitability as a Source of Borrow r32/a topographic position,slope,soil composition,water content,ice content,etc.The stability assessment considers all rapid mass wasting processes (slump, rock slide,debris slide,mud- flow,etc.).Several terrain units which have character- istically gentle slopes and are commonly in stable topographic positions have been oversteepened by the recent, active undercutting of streams and/or man (or by older processes not currently active such as glacial erosion and tectonic uplift and faulting). The stability of the terrain units on oversteepened slopes and natural slopes is described on the Engineering Interpretation Chart. Great quanties of borrow mate- rials will be needed for all phases of construction.The rating considers suitability as pit run and processed aggragete or impervious core and takes into account the materials present as well as the problems associated with extracting material from the various terrain units. D -19 ---_•.-._----_.._----_.- 0.5 REGIONAL QUATERNARY GEOLOGY Quaternary glacial events throughout South-Central Alaska pro- foundly affected the soils,landforms,and terrain units occurring in the project area.This history has been discussed and partially deciphered in papers by Karlstrom (1964),Pewe (1965),Ferrians (1965),and Wahrhafting (1958).However,these investigations are of such scope as to make them of limited value here.The photo- interpretation and resultant terrain unit mapping is the most detailed study of the Upper Susitna River Basin.The following discussion of Quaternary Geology is a synthesis of the new infor- mation,derived during the photointerpretation,supplemented by data from published sources. The major topographic features of Southcentral Alaska were es- tablished by the end of the Tertiary Period.What is now the Susitna project area was located in the relatively low northern portion of the Talkeetna Mountains,which separated the broad ancestral Copper River Basin lying to the east from the ancestral Susitna Cook I nlet Basin lying to the west.North and south of the Talkeetna Mountains and the adjacent large river basins stood, respectivily,the great arc of the Alaska Range and Chugach Mountains.Streams draining the region that would become the project study area may have flowed into either the ancestral Copper or Susitna River systems.During the Pleistocene the entire Susitna Project study area was repeatedly glaciated.Each of the glacial events would be expected to follow the same general pattern with several advances most likely reaching the maximum event described here. ... r32/a o -20 The onset of a given glacial advance in Southcentral Alaska would be marked by the lowering of the snowline on the regions numerous mountain ranges and the growth of valley glaciers,first in the higher ranges and those closer to the Gulf of Alaska. Advancing glaciers from the Chugach,Wrangell,Alaska and southern Talkeetna ranges would flow out of their valleys and coalesce to form large piedmont glaciers spreading across the basin floors,while the ice of the northern Talkeetna Mountains (in the project area)would still exist as valley glaciers.The piedmont glaciers of the Chugach and Wrangell Mountains would at some point be expected to merge,damming the ancestral Copper River and creating an extensive proglacial lake in the Copper River Basin.Alaska Range glaciers flowing southward would block possible ancestral drainage paths of the upper Susitna River creating a second lake which covered much of the project area and merged with the lake filling the Copper River basin.Glaciers flowing from the Kenai Mountains and southern Alaska Range would also merge creating another proglacial lake in Knik Arm,Cook I nlet,and the Southern Susitna Basin.Continued glacial advance would fill the basins eliminating the lakes and possibly forming an ice dome.Ice shelves may have extended many miles into the Gulf of Alaska.At this maximum stage many mountains in the project area were completely buried by ice as evidenced by their rounded summits while numerous others existed as nunataks. The deglaciation of Southcentral Alaska would follow a similar pattern but in reverse.Wasting of the ice would uncover peaks in the project area and the thinning and retreat of the glaciers in the Copper River,Upper Susitna and Cook Inlet regions would again allow lakes to form.Continued melting of the glaciers would remove ice dams blocking the proglacial lakes possibly creating a catastrophic (trench cutting)outburst flood.Intervals between glacial advances would be characterized by the fluvial entrenching of the Susitna and Copper Rivers and their tributaries.The r32/a D -21 earlier glacial events of the Quaternary Period are poorly known in the Upper Susitna Basin due to both the erosion of the older deposits and their burial beneath younger deposits.However, from the alpine topography and minor glacial sediments left on high slopes it can be demonstrated that early Pleistocene glaciers completely covered SouthcentraJ Alaska as in the maximal event described above.Most of the glacial deposits that remain and the terrain units used to describe them have resulted from later glacial events. The last glaciation to completely cover the project area is of un- certain age.It has been interpreted to be of Eklutna age by Karlstrom (1964)which may be correlated with the Illinoian glacia- tion of the Continental United States (Pewe,1975),however,with the limited data available an early Wisconsin (Knik)age may be just as viable.Whatever the age,ice flowing from the Alaska Range,the Talkeetna Mountains and several local highland centers spread across the project lowlands depositing a sheet of gray, gravelly,sandy and silty,basal till (Gtb-f).The till varies greatly in thickness,ranging from the 100+feet,displayed in some river cut exposures,to a thin blanket over bedrock.This till presumably overlies older,poorly exposed Quaternary sediments. It is recognized that the basal till,mapped as Gtb-f in the Stephan Lake-Watana Creek Area may actually represent several closely related events and that basal till in valleys north of Deadman Lake and downstream of the Devil Canyon site was probably deposited during younger glacial advances.Prominent lateral moraines of the major advance occur on the flanks of mountains bordering the central Watana Creek-Stephan Lake Lowland. Overlying the basal till unit and representing the next major depositional event is a lacustrine sequence.Presumably the lacustrine materials were deposited during the Eklutna (?)Glacial r32/a D -22 retreat and during much of the younger Knik and Naptowne glacial events.Du ri ng these stad ia I events g laci ers from the Alas ka Range blocked drainage down the present Susitna channel and probably through a low divide between Watana Creek and Butte Creek;Talkeetna River Valley glaciers blocked low divides between Stephan Lake and the Tal keetna River;and the Copper River Basin was occupied by an extensive proglacial lake.The lacustrine deposits mapped within the project area as Land L/Gtb-f,cover much of the Watana Creek-Stephan Lake Lowland and extend upstream along the Susitna River to the Susitna- Copper River Lowland.In the Watana Creek-Stephan Lake Lowland the unit is generally Jess than 20 feet thick and composed of medium to fine sand with a significant gravel content.The lake deposits of the Copper River Lowland are thought to be much thicker and finer-grained.The coarseness of the lacustrine sediments (i .e.gravelly sands in the Watana Creek-Stephan Lake area )is not unexpected as the ancient lake was impounded behind and ringed by glaciers which were activity calving into the lake. During the late Naptowne glacial event,in the Watana Creek- Stephan Lake portion of the proglacial lake,several deltas and strandline features were formed at about the 3,000-foot elevation. This shoreline level is higher than most reported shorelines of the proglacial Jake occupping the Copper River Basin.It is possible then,that during the Naptowne stadial the Watana Creek - Stephan Lake proglacial lake stood at a higher level because it was impounded behing another ice dam in the Kosina Creek -Jay Creek area.It is also possible that an outlet existed for much of the life of the lake (conceivably in Kosina -Jay Creek area).Flow from the lake would remove great quantities of fine grained suspended sediment,causing a relative increase in the coarseness of the sediment deposited in the lake. r32/a D -23 --------------,--_._---,._-_._--- Hummocky coarse grained deposits of ablation till (Gta)overlay lacustrine sediments between Tsusena and Deadman Creeks and basal till in the valleys north of Deadman Creek and in the Denali Highway area.These materials may be correlative with eskers and kames found along the Susitna River between the Oshetna and Tyone Rivers,and together they represent the extent of the last major advance of glacial ice into the project area.They are ten- tatively determined to be of Naptowne age (Late Wisconsin) (Karlstrom,1964)suggesting that the Knik Age glaciers were less extensive and their deposits were overridden and masked by Naptowne deposits.Lacustrine sediments of the large glacial lake occupying the Stephan Lake -Watana Creek lowland have not been mapped overlying the ablation till,indicating that some of the ablation till and ancient Watana Creek-Stephan Lake lacustrine sediments were time syncronous and that the proglacial lakes were drained shortly after the Naptowne maximum.One should note that several isolated deposits of ablation till are not necessarily indicative of this late advance and ice of Naptowne age did not deposit ablation till in all localities (most importantly in the Portage-Devil Creek area and in the area between Deadman Lake and the Denali Highway)i and that lacustrine sediments deposited in small isolated proglacial lakes have been found overlying ablation till. Intervals between glacial advances would be characterized by fluvial erosion and entrenching of the project area portion of the ancestral Susitna and its tributary streams,however,the majority of the interstadial fluvial hisory has been destroyed by subsequent glacial and fluvial history.Remnants of the older entrenching events are preserved in several abandoned and buried channel sections along the modern Susitna River.One of the largest older channels found,at the Vee Canyon damsite has a bedrock floor (cut below the bedrock floor of the present Susitna channel)which is now filled with fluvial and glacio-fluvial debris.The second r32/a D -24 buried channel,between Deadman and Tsusena Creeks,just north of the Watana site is filled with outwash and lacustrine materials with intervening till layers (Corps of Engineers,1979).Because ice of Naptowne and Knik ages presumably did not completely cover'the project area,and the tills in the channel have character- istics similar to the basal till unit attributed to the Eklutna Glaciation,it appears that a portion of the ancestral Susitna River valley of similar size and depth to the present valley existed as early as the Eklutna Glacial event (Illinoian).Eklutna age till and associated lacustrine sediments also filled some of the present Susitna varley,however,most have been subsequently excavated. The Eklutna age valley may have been graded to drain east into the Copper River Basin.The fact that the present Susitna River flows in a deep canyon across mountainous terrain (in the Portage-Devil Creek and Jay-Kosina Creek areas),and not across the low Susitna-Copper River of the Stephan Lake-Talkeetna River Divides may be the result of glacial derangement and/or the rapid drainage of proglacial lakes causing a pirating of portions of the Copper and Talkeetna River drainages. Other minor channel remnants include three buried channels above and south of the southern abutment at the Devil Canyon damsite that may be related to the drainage of a proglacial lake or an older position of the Susitna River.The channels are probably shallow but should be thoroughly investigated to assess potential leakage around the dam.A small,partially buried channel downstream of Portage Creek and another near the mouth of Devil Creek are remnants of the downcutting phase of the Susitna River.Similar channels are found near the river level just upstream of the Watana Damsite and downstream of Watana Creek. The present course of the Susitna River was probably established during or before the Wisconsin Glacial events.Sandy glacial till observed near the river level at the Devil Canyon site may have r32/a D -25 --------~.__.,,------..___--__---------_.__.-__----_._------------ been deposited by the glaciers forming the Naptowne Age ice dam. If this is the case,and the till is in-situ then most of the bedrock downcutting and removal of Quaternary sediment from the Susitna channel was accomplished before the end of the Wisconsin.If the till deposit near water level in Devil Canyon is older than the Naptowne event (Knik or Ekultna),it would indicate,an earlier incision date and that the river followed its present course since the Eary Wisconsin at least. Numerous modifications of the glaciated surfaces and the develop- ment of non-glacial landforms has characterized the Sustina project area since the Pleistocene.The stream incision,as previously discussed,has produced or at least excavated the V-shaped Susitna River Valley within the wide glaciated valley floor.This has rejuvenated many tributary streams which are now down - cutting in their channels,as is evidenced by the steep gradients in the lower portions of their channels,lower gradients in the mid-channel section and frequently a waterfall niche -point separating these stream segments.Several low terraces (Fpt) have been formed above the modern floodplain (Fp)of the Susitna and its major tributaries.Terraces at several different levels were found throughout the Susitna River Valley.Some occur high on the valley walls as eroded terrace remnants (upstream of Watana Creek)i while others appear as very recent,low,flat planar features.Near the mouth of Kosina Creek and in several other locations,the terrace materials overlie relatively shallow bedrock such that they may more accurately be called bedrock benches). Between the Oshetna and Tyone Rivers the thin terrace gravels overlie glacial till.The terraces are frequently modified by the deposition of alluvial fan debris (Ffg)and/or the flow of solifluc- tion lobes and sheets (Cs)across their surfaces.Correlation of the terrace levels on the air photos is difficult because of the lack of continuity and was,therefore,not attempted.In the Gold Creek area three different,low level terraces are clearly visible r32/a D -26 and in the Tyone-Oshetna Rivers area four terrace levels can be discerned.Between these areas the terraces rarely occur in groups and are more widely spaced.Most tributary streams also show multiple terrace levels with the best example being in Tsusena Creek where five or more levels appear as steps on the valley wall. The stream terraces are frequently modified by the deposition of alluvial fan debris (Ffg)and/or the flow of solifluction lobes and sheets (Cs)across their surfaces.Alluvial fans have also been deposited where steep small drainages debouch onto floors of wider glaciated valleys. Frost cracking,cryoturbation and gravity have combined to form numerous colluvial deposits.Steep rubbley talus cones have accumulated below cliffs and on slightly less precipitious slopes thin deposites of frost churned soils cover bedrock terrain (C). On numerous slopes in highland areas (as long Devi I Creek)and on the broad lowlands solifluction has modified the surficial glacial till and/or lacustrine deposits. The development of a number of landslides (C I)has occu rred throughout the project area.Most landslides were found within the basal till unit (Gtb-f or L/Gtb-f)on steep slopes above actively eroding streams.The incidence of failure within this material appears to be strongly related to thawing permafrost and consequent soil saturation.The basal till unit is frequently over- lain by lacustrine material and the lacustrine materials fail with the till.Most failures occur as small shallow debris slides or debris flows,however,a few large slump failures occur.The slumps and debris flows are marked with a special symbol on the Terrain Unit Maps.Steep rock slopes are assumed to be stable.However,this is undoubtedly not the case where unfavorably oriented r32/a D -27 discontinuities dip out of the rock slope.Such discontinuities must be identified and their effects assessed during on-site rock slope stability investigations. Finally,revegetation of poorly drained portions of the landscape has produced numerous scattered deposits of organic materials (0);and permafrost has developed in many areas. r32/a o -28 D.6 FIELD VERIFICATION PROGRAM To verify the terrain unit maps and to more fully characterize the soils along the various Susitna access routes a field study consisting of exposure site visits,a test hole drilling program, and an organic thickness study was undertaken.Information derived from the study served to increase the reliability of the engineering interpretation chart and aid in determining the potential impacts of geotechnical factors such as:the presence of, depth to and ice content of permafrost;frost susceptability; organic material thickness;construction material suitability and depth to bedrock.This data will allow better construction cost and time estimates and a more accurate preliminary design. However,the field investigations were not of the scope to do final design work or to make site specific judgments. Natural exposures of the terrain units were studied in two field trips.In the first trip the R&M photo interpreters,accompanied by L.A.Rivard,visted about a dozen exposures in several different terrains.This trip was carried out before the majority of interertation was completed and allowed the development of a glacial history model and an initial assessment of the soil characteristics.Some of the specific stratigraphic relationships and soil characteristics revealed in the exposure visits included: the presence of a gravelly sandy soil,interpreted to be of a highly active glacio-lacustrine origin,overlying a gray silty basal till,in the Watana Creek area;a coarse grained rubbery ablation till overlying the lacustrine sediments in the Deadman Tsusena Creek area;the existence of several deltas and kame deltas at the 3,OOO-foot elevation surrounding the Watana Creek -Stephan Lake lowland;massive degrading ice lenses in the basal till;solifluction features,thermo karst,and patterned ground throughout the study area and very thick lacustrine sediments in the Tyone - Oshetna River area. r32/a D -29 The second trip was made following reviews of the draft terrain unit maps and was directed towards refining unit boundaries, selecting test boring locations,and further characterizing the soils·engineering properties.Results of the second field visit included:confirmation of the existance and extent of the Watana Creek -Stephan Lake lacutrine blanket and its gravelly sand composition;the presence of several material sources between the Watana and Devil Canyon sites;and a check of the distribution of ablation and basal tills in the Watana-Denali Highway access corridors. The organic thickness study consisted of making multiple probes in areas identified on the terrain unit map as organics (0)which were potentially crossed by access roads.The probe instrument consisted of a modified oakfield sampler,pushed by hand into the peaty soils.A field party of a geologist and a laborer supported by a helicopter preformed hundreds of probes,providing a series of cross sections or profiles through most of the organic material deposits encountered along the access routes.The hand driven limit of sampler penetration seemed to be about 16 feet and in all cases the probe depths recorded were minimum organic thicknesses.The probing demonstrated that:1)in general the organic deposit thicknesses are directly related to the size of deposit (i.e.the large deposits are generally deeper);2)the thickness profiles usually appeared to be uniform with greatest organic material thickness occurring near the center of the deposits;and 3)organic deposits in bedrock dominated terrains were generally thinner than (ie.one half to one tenth the thickness of)organic deposits overlying thick deposits of unconsolidated material.The recorded organic material thicknesses ranged from less than one foot to the limit of sampler penetration, about 16 feet (several of deposits were probably significantly thicker than 16 feet)and had a median thickness of about 8 feet. All of the probed organic accumulations were completely saturated with a water table at the surface. r32/a D -30 The test hole boring program involved drilling 26 boreholes varing in depth from 6.5 feet to over 30 feet.I ndividual test holes were selected to verify the presence of specific terrain units in areas of uncertainty,document adverse geotechnical conditions,and to partially characterize a variety of the terrain units that will be encountered in the access corridors.ACME 55 rig mounted on a modified helicopter transported base was used by the field party (geologist,driller and driller's helper).Split spoon hammer driven samples were taken at 2.5-foot intervals for the first 10 feet,at five-foot intervals below 10 feet and at all detected changes in strata. Brass liner,moisture tin,and plastic bag samples collected in the field were transferred to the R&M laboratory where a few of the samples were analysed and the majority stored for later reference. Tests preformed included:sieve and hydrometer analysis;moisture content;organic content;dry density;and atterberg limit determinations.Based on these values the tested soils were classified according to the Unified,ASSHTO,and the Corps of Engineers Frost Classification systems. In general the terrain unit maps and engineering interpretation chart were corroborated by the drilling program.The distribution of test holes provided a somewhat balanced sampling of units related to extent and significance of the soils.Accordingly most of the holes were drilled in basal till (Gtb-7 holes)and lacustrines over till (L/Gtb-6 holes).Ablation till (Gta-4 holes),Lacustrine soils (L-3 holes),and Colluvium (C-3holes)follow in importance and number of test borings.The remaining test borings were located in solifluction over till and till over bedrock terrain units. This distribution of holes within terrain units provides a basis for refining the Engineering Interpretation chart and for checking the accuracy of the mapping delineations.Of the 26 test holes,22 were interpretated to have been drilled in the material as identified on the terrain unit maps.The correct interpretation of soil type r32/a D -31 for 22 test borings was thought to reflect an acceptable accuracy. Furthermore several of the holes were specifically located to refine our interpretation and as discussed below the conflicts were very minor in nature.Concerning the four test holes which conflicted with the terrain maps:two revealed Lacustrine sediments over 20 feet thick where Lucustrines (less than 20 feet)over till was expected;one hole was interpreted as encountering basal till (Gtb) where ablation till (Gta)was mapped;and finally one hole showed colluvial materials further downslope than expected (where basal till,Gtb,was anticipated).The terrain unit delineations where evaluated in light of the test hole data,and it was decided that significant new interpretation was not required.Instead the terrain unit boundaries in the test hole areas received minor adjustment.The existance and importance of all the terrain units was corroborated;no terrain units were eliminated or added.The regional interpretation framework (geomorphic model and glacial history)accurately accounted for the sampled soils,further verifying the model and,providing a valuable tool for interpretation in surrounding areas and the evaluation of site specific data. The characteristics of the soils revealed during the drilling program verified and increased the reliability and accuracy of the Engineering Interpretation Chart.Permafrost proved to less widespread than the draft report indicated occurring in only nine holes.These frozen soils,according to our limited sampling,were confined to the basal till,lacustrine and lacustrine over basal till terrain units.Massive ice,forming up to 50%of the soil volume, was found in the lacustrines (overlain by organics),while the permafrost in the lacustrine over till unit appeared to be relatively dry.Although per:mafrost was not encountered in test borings in ablation till or colluvium it is still thought that sporadic to discontinous permafrost is characteristic of these units. r32/a D -32 The laboratory sieve tests run on the lacustrine materials corroborated the field site visits and photo interpretation in that most of the soils are coarse grained,consisting of sands with some gravel and very little silt.An explaination of the origin of the coarse lacustrine deposits is presented in the section on Quaternary Geology.Sieve analysis also indicated that the abaJation till,which the initially was thought to be very coarse grained,does have a significant silt content.Early interpretations were based on visits of surficial outcrops which must have been well washed during or following deposition. Specific geotechnical problem areas revealed in the drilling program are limited to the organic and ice rich soils found between Stephan Lake and the Susitna River.Severe thaw settlement in the frozen sediments and an extremely low bearing strength in the organic materials will require rerouting or special design of the roads and rail lines in this area if the southern access corridor is selected. The test holes drilled along the proposed Watana-Denali Highway access corridor revealed generally favorable geotechnical conditions.Borrow materials are abundent,the route avoids adverse grades,only limited permafrost is expected and relatively few organic deposits were mapped. Test holes in the northern corridor between the Devil Canyon and Watana Sites also revealed generally favorable conditions.The lacustrine cover over basal till may actually decrease construction problems as there is a lower silt content (and frost susceptability) in the lacustrine material than in the tills.The till and solifluction over till terrain units adjacent to Devil Creek may be frozen but if frozen soil construction practices are employed problems can be minimized.Much of the corridor between Devil Creek and the Devil Canyon Dam site crosses bedrock dominated soils. r32/a D -33 ._----------_.._---_.._------------------ Between Devil Canyon and the Parks Highway (on Corridor B)test holes were drilled in basal till which is thought to be unfrozen in most places.Few construction problems are Ii key to be encountered in the till or terrace gravels adjacent to the Susitna River.However,problems may be encountered in crossing organic deposits,between the Parks Highway and Indian Creek,which were found to be greater than ten feet thick in many places. r32/a D -34 D.7 REGIONAL BEDROCK GEOLOGY The bedrock geology of the Tal keetna Mountains and Upper Susitna River Basin is examined in numerous publications varying in nature from site specific to regional.The most comprehensive report is by Bela Csejtey (1978),entitled the Geology of the Talkeetna Mountains Quadrangle.This paper and map deals with the ages,lithology,structure,and tectonics of the regions rock units.His results,supplemented by unpublished data from recent project field mapping,are the basis of this report1s bedrock unit identification.Csejtey (1978)concludes that southern Alaska developed by the accretion of a number of northwestward drifting continental blocks on to the North American plate.Each of these terrains had a somewhat independent and varied geologic history, consequently,many lithologies with abrupt and complex contacts are found.Csejtey notes that lithe rocks of the Tal keetna Mountains region have undergone complex and intense thrusting, folding,faulting,shearing,and differential uplifting with as- sociated regional metamorphism,and plutonism".He recognizes at least three major periods of deformation:"a period of intense metamorphism,plutonism,and uplifting in the Late Early to Middle Jurassic,the plutonic phase of which persisted into Late Jurassic; a Middle to Late Cretaceous alpine-type orogeny,the most intense and important of the three;and a period of normal and high-angle reverse faulting and minor folding in the Middle Tertiary,possibly extending into the Quaternary".Most of the major structural features of the Tal keetna Mountains trend northeast to southwest and were produced during the Cretaceous Orogeny. Major bedrock lithologies as mapped by Csejtey,and included on the terrain unit maps,are summarized as follows: r32/a D -35 Tv Tsu Tbgd Tsmg r32/a Tertiary volcanic rocks of subaerial and shallow intrusive origin with a total thickness of over 1,500 feet.The lower part of the sequence consists of small stocks,irregular dikes,flows and thick layers of pyroclastic rocks of quartz latite,rhyolite and latite composition.The upper part of the sequence consists of andesite and basalt flows interlayered with tuff.These rocks are mapped in Fog Creek and its major tributary. Tertiary nonmarine sedimentary rocks including fluviatile conglomerate,sandstone,and claystone with a few thin lignite beds.The only known exposures of this unit are in Watana Creek. Tertiary biotite granodiorite forming stocks which are believed to be the plutonic equivalent of unit Tv.The most extensive exposures are found on either side of the Susitna River from just up- stream of the Devil Canyon damsite to the northward bend in the river about six miles upstream of Devil Creek.An outcrop of Tertiary hornblende granodiorite (Thgd)is located just west of Stephan Lake. Tertiary schist,migmatite,and granite which display gradational contacts.The schist and Iit-par-lit migmatite are probably products of contact metamorphism with the entire unit possibly representing the roof of a large stock.The rocks occur in apprxoimately equal proportions with the largest exposures occurring in Tsusena Butte,west of Deadman Creek,and in the rec- tangular southern jog in the Susitna River. D -36 - TKgr Jam TRv Pzv r32/a Csejtey maps this unit at the Watana damsite, however,more recent field work (ACRES,1981) has shown that the Watana damsite bedrock consists of diorite and andesite. Tertiary and/or Cretaceous granitic rocks forming small plutons the largest of which is found in the headwaters of Jay Creek. Jurassic amphibolite with minor inclusions of greenschist and occasional interlayers of marble. The unit is probably derived from neighboring basic volcanic formations.The amphibolite ex- tends from the Vee Canyon damsite downstream for about 12 miles.Other Jurassic rocks which occur in extremely limited exposures include Trondjemite (Jtr)and granodiorite (Jgd) lithologies. Triassic basaltic metavolcanic rocks form in a shallow marine environment as evidenced by thin interbeds of metachert,argillite and marble.The individual flows are reported as up to 10 meters thick and displaying pillow structure and colum- nar jointing.This unit is mapped,in the project area,in the mountains east of Watana Creek. Late Paleozoic basaltic and andesitic metavolcano- genic rocks which form a broad band across the central Tal keetna Mountains from the southwest to the northeast.The 5,000+foot sequence is dominantly marine in origin suggesting that it is part of a complex volcanic ore system.The majority of the band of this unit crosses the D -37 --"-------_.__._,,._-------------------------- Kag TRvs project area just west of Tsisi,Kosina and Jay Creeks.Near the top of this unit several metamorphosed limestone reef deposits (Pis)have been mapped. Cretaceous argillite and graywacke of a thick intensely deformed flyschlike turbidite sequence. Low grade dynametamorphism to the low green- schist facies has allowed several early investi- gators to map portions of this unit as phyllite. The graywacke beds form about 30%to 40%of the unit and tend to be clustered in zones 1 to 5 meters thick.This unit is exposed at the Devil Canyon site.It extends downstream beyond Gold Creek and forms the mountain immediately east of Gold Creek. Triassic metabasalt and slate in an interbedded, shallow marine sequence found in two allochth- onous blocks in the upper sections of Portage Creek. Several of the above units have been used to describe rocks mapped by Acres between the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites. Where this data was available it took precidence over Csejtey's map. r32/a D -38 D.8 REFERENCES Listed below are some references which may be of help in provid- ing background information and/or details concerning the soils and bedrock of the project area. Anon.(1978)Seismic refraction velocity profiles and discussion, Watana and Devil Canyon Damsites.Shannon &Wilson,Inc., Geological Consultants,in the Corps of Engineers,1979, Supplemental Feasibility Report on the Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska;Upper Susitna River Basin,Hydroelectric Power and related purposes. Anon.(1975)Southcentral Railbelt Area Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin Interim Feasibility Report.Hydroelectric Power and related purposes.Prepared by the Alaska District,- Corps of Engineers. Anon.(1975)Subsurface geophysical exploration,proposed Watana Damsite on the Susitna River,Alaska:by Dames &Moore.In the Corps of Engineers (1975)I nterim Feasibility Report on the Southcentral Railbelt Area,Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin,Hydroelectric Power and related purposes. Anon.(1962)Engineering Geology of the Vee Canyon Damsite: Bureau of Reclamation unpublished report 37,p.4, Appendices. Anon.(1960)U.S.B.R.Report on the feasibility of hydroelectric development in the Upper Susitna River Basin,Alaska. r32/a D -39 Anon.(1979)Southcentral Railbelt Area Alaska,Upper Susitna River Basin -Supplemental Feasibility Report Hydroelectric Power and related purposes.Prepared by the Alaska District Corps of Engineers. Capps,S.R.(1940)Geology of the Alaska Railbelt region. U.S.G.S.Bulletin 907. Csejtey,B.,Jr.,W.H.Nelson,D.L.Jones,N.J.Silberling,R.M. Dean,M.S.Morris,M.A.Lanphere,J.G.Smith,and M.L. Silberman (1978)Reconnaissance geolgoic map and geochonology,Tal keetna Mts.Quad.,northern part of Anchorage Quad.and southwest corner of Healy Quadrangle, Alaska.U.S.G.S.Open File Report 78-558-A. Ferrians,O.J.,Jr.,R.Kachadoorian,and G.W.Greene (1969) Permafrost and related engineering problems in Alaska. U.S.G.S.Professional Paper 678. Ferrians,O.J.and Nichols,Donald R.(1965)Resume of Quaternary Geology of the Copper River Basin.In Guidebook to the Quaternary Geology of Central and South-Central Alaska,Guidebook for INQUA Field Conference F.Troy L. Pewe Editor. Kachadoorian,R.,and H.J.Moore (1978)Preliminary report of the recent geology of the proposed Devil Canyon and Watana damsites,Susitna River,Alaska.In the Corps of Engineers, 1979,Supplemental Feasibilty Report on the Southcentral Railbelt Area Alaska;Upper Susitna River Basin,Hydro- electric Power and related purposes. r32/a D -40 Kachadoorian,R.,D.Hopkins,and D.Nichols (1954)Preliminary report of geologic factors affecting highway construction in the area between the Susitna and Maclaren Rivers,Alaska. U.S.G.S.Open-File Report 54-137. Kachadoorian,R.,T.Pewe (1955)Engineering geology of the southern half of the Mt.Hayes A-5 Quad,Alaska.U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 55-78. 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Wahrhaftig,Clyde (1958)Quaternary and Engineering Geology in the Central Part of the Alaska Range.U.S.G.S.Professional Paper 293. r32/a D -42 r32/a D.9 TERRAIN UNIT MAPS D -43 ALASKAPO\NERAUTHORITVSUSITNAHVDROELECTRICPRO.JECTS-UBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSR&MCONSULTANTS.INC.ENGINEERSGEOLOGISTSPLANNERSSURVEYORS0-44 109876432GTERRAINUNITSYMBOLTERRAINUNITNAMETOPOGRAPHYANDAREALDISTRIBUTIONSOILSTRATIGRAPHYSLOPECLASSI-FICATIONPROBABLEUNIFIEDSOILTYPESDRAINAGEANDPERMEABILITYINUNFROZENSOILSEROSIONPOTENTIALGROUNDWATERTABLEPROBABLEPERMAFROSTDISTRIBUTIONFROSTHEAVEPOTENTIALTHAWSETTLEMENTPOTENTIALBEARINGSTRENGTHSLOPESTABILITYSUITABILITYASSOURCEOFBARROWGBKUUnwt,llthered.consolidatedoearoekCliffsinrivercanyonroundedknobsonbro<ldva'leyfloorlindmountainpeilks.ModeratetoNeolr-VerticallowDeepNilNilFine·PoorCoarse·GoodCCOlluvi.1IdepositsPredomi"oIntlyfoundoilthebueofsteeperbedrockslopesasAngulilrI.-ostCI"acked,blocksofcoalescingconesandhln,andrOCk,somesiltandsand.MOderatetoSteeprockglacier.GP.GW,GMSW,SMGood/HighModentetoHighDeepSporadicatLowElevation.Discontinuousi111HighEleviltionslowtoHighLowtoModer,lIteLowtoModer~teFine-PoorCo.rse-V.ri.bleCILandslidedepositsGM,SM,MLPoor/LowHighShallow(percned)Active·UnfrozenInactive-SporadicHighlowFCs-fRel~t"',ely~moolhto'.b~tetopo-gr..phytrUlledbytheflowofSiltynnd~ndundysiltshowing~teri~l~~ubJettedtofrequentcontortedl~yering.freeze/tl'1.....'tycles,GentlytoSteepingSloping5W,SM,MlFrozenHighDiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighHighlowPOO'FFfllGroinuloiroilluvioilronlowconeshoipeddepositsformedwheretHghgroidientstreoimsflowontofloitsurfoices.Roundedcobbles..nd9r..velwithSoind..nosomesilt,somesortingoindloiyeringofm~teri~ls.GW,SWGood/HIghSh.allo....Unfrozenlo...·HighHighFine-PoorCo.rse•GoodFpFlooOploill'depositsFloitpl..:ns,slightly~bove~nd..dj~centtothepresentSusitn.aRiveroindits.m.ajortribuUries.Roundedcobbles,gr.veloindSoindsortedoindI..yered.WithorwithoutSlitcover,GW,GP,SWSP,SMGOOd/HighHighVerySh~lIo...UnfrozenGeneroill}low(Highforsurfoitecover)lowSurfici.1SiltsloW,S~ndsoindGr..velsHighHighFine·PoorCo..rse•GoodFptTerr~ceFI.tsurhceremn.anlSofformerf1oo0pl""noeposltsisolotted.abovepresentfloodpl~in.Roundedtobbles,groivel~nds~ndwithsomesiltcoveredby.athinsiltloiyers,Sorted.andl.ayered,FloittoGentleGW,GP,SW,SP,SM,MlGood/HighlowDeepUnfrozenC.ener~lIylo...{Highforsurf~tecoverlowHighlowtoModer~teFine·PoorCOoirse•GoodEGFoOutwilshdepositsBottomsofU·shoipedtribut.ryv.Ueys..nd~dj..cerntoSusitnl.r....Rounded..strilt.dcobbles,gr.avel.andund,trudelysorted~ndllyered.GentleGW,SWGOOd/HighModerilteShillit"toDeepUnfrozenlowHighFine·PoorCOoirse·ExcellentEGF,EskerdepositsRoundedtoshilrpcrestedsinuousndgesinupperSusitnloire•.Rounded..strioitedcobbles,gr~vel,~ndund.CrudelytowellsortedIndl.yered.Steeplee.1SlopesGW,SWGood/HighDeepUnfrozenlowHighModerilteFine-PoorCo.rse-ExcellentGFkKoimedepositsRoundedtoHummockyhills.shoirp-crested,Rounded..stri~tedgrilvel,oindsilnd.sort.d~ndlilyered.cobbles,CrudelySteepleeoitSlopesGW,SWGood/HighModenteDeepUnfrozenlowlowHighModerlteFin••PoorCo~rs••Excellent-+GtoAbloitiontiltTributilryv.alleysideWillisilndv.all.ybottomsingener.l,b.tweenTsusen.ilndDe.dmlnCreekHummockyrollingsurr..ce,numerousch.nnels...Rounded~ndstri~tedcobbles,gr.Vt:I,ilndSoind,nosortingor'.yerlng.BOUlder-cobblelilgcoveringsurfoice.GentletoSteepGW,GM,SW,SMModerilte/ModerilteSh~t1o....·toModeriltetydeepUnfrozentoSporildiclo.....toModer.atelowtoModer~teModer.tetoHighModer~teFine-PoorCo.rse•FilirGtb-fS.nltill(froun)Bottomsv.atleysslopes.ofondr.rgerU-sh~pedoidjoicentgentleGr;lVelysiltyundOIIndgr.avelys~ndysilt;noI..yerlngorsort-109;cobblesOIIndboulderspoorlyroundeoandstnOlled.GentletosteepGM,SM,MlFrozenMOderateShoitlow(perched)toDeepDiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighlowifTh.awed.HighwhenfrozenFine-F~irCo.rse-PoorDoInsWillesbetweensmoillriseson10....'loinds.ndinhighelev.tionDecomposedOIIndundecomposedbedrockOIIre.s.Fliltsurfoicetoorg~nicmueri.lwithsomesilt.neptiketerrOilces.Fl~tPT,OllowAtsurr.ceDiscontinuousHighHighVerylowlowNilDL-flOlcustrines(frozen)lo,,'l~nds(below3000')noitsur-f~ceintheTyone-OshetnilRiver~reOil.S.andysilt,andsiltynnd.....ithocC.aSiOnoilpebbles,togrOlvellysilnd.OftensortedOIInd1000yered.GentleSP,SW,MlFrozenHighSh..llow(perched)DiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighlowwhenThilwed.HighwhenFrozenlowc-'-Gtb-f~Gtb-flOlcustrinesedimentsover.bluiontilll.acustrinedepositsoverbils~ltillSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overbillultill(frozen)GentlyroHingtohummockysur-filcesurroundingButtel.kelowl.nds,(below3000')betweenSteph~nl~keilndWoitilnilCreek,ilndextendingupstre~mpOlSttheTyoneRiver.Smoothtoloboitestepliketopo-grillphyongentleslopes~bovethepf"Ogl~c.~1l~kelevel,westofTsusen.aCreek.Str~tifiednndysilt~ndsiltys~ndoverunsortedsiltySOllndygr~vel.Wellsortedsiltynnd~ndsOllndysiltoverlyingboinltill.unsortedgrOlvels,s.nds..siltswiththinicelilyers,contortedsoill.ayering.GentletoModerOilteGentletoModerillteMooer..tetoSteepSP,SW.MlGW,GM,SW.SM~SM,SM,MlGM,SM,MlPoor/ModerUel~custrine-Good/GoodBilnlTill-FrozenFrozenModer~lelacustrine-HIghBilsillTiU-Moder~teModer~teShoi.lowModernelydeepSh.aftow(perched)Spor~dicl•spor~dictoDIscontinuousGtb·f-Discon-tinUOUStoCon·DiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighModerUetoHighHighHighLowitThoiwed.HighwhenFrozenlowifThoiwed.Highwh.nfrozenlowwhenTh.wed.HighwhenFrozenlowl01o.·lowFine·PoorCo.rse-F.irPoo,PooccC.-fGtoSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)over~bl~tiontillSmoothtolob~teOIIndhummockytopogrillphyi1longDudmilnCreekSilty,5OlIndy,gr~vel.andsiltygr~velySOllndshowingcontortedI~yering.Moder.aletoSteepGW,SWGM,SMFrozenSh.llow(perched)toDeepDiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighlowifThillwed.HighwhenFrozenlowPoocCs-fFptSolifluctIondeposits(frozen)overterr.cesedimentsSmoothtolob..teftowsoffrozenSilty,nndilndundysiltshow-finegr..inedmoiteriills,foundonjngcontortedI.yeringovergenUeterr.aceortheSusitn.,frequentsorted.nd1000yeredroundedbetweentheTyone.andOshetn~cobbles,gr.veloindundoRivers.GentleSW,SM,MlGW,SP,SWSP,SM,MlFrozenModerateSh~lIow(perched)toDeepDiscontinuousHighHighHighwhenFrozen.lowwhenThOilwed.lowFine-PoorCOoirse-GoodBC.-fBKUGtb-fBKUSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overbedrockFrozenb"$OlI1tilloverbedrockSmoothtolob.testepliketopo-g..phyonthefl.anksofsomemountoiins,northOlndsouthoftheDevilC~nyonoire•.Mixedgr.velssilnds.ndsiltswiththinicelillyers~ndfilintcontortedsoilIilyeringbedrock.ModerOilletoSteepModeroitetoSteeoGW,GMSW.SM,Mlbedrock~b~rockFrozenFrozenHighModer~leShaBow(perched)Sh~lIow(perched)DiscontinuousDiscontinuoustoContinuousHighHighHighHighHighlowifTh~w~.HighwhenFrozenlowlowPoocPoocBGtaBxuAbl.tiontilloverun-we,)theredbedrockHummockyrollingsurf.acetr~nsitionilltohighermountilinsildj~centtoDe.admillnCreek.RoundedOlndstriottedcobbles,gr-.vet~ndSOllnd,nosortingorI..yering,oVl!rbedrOCk.GentletoSteepGW.GM,SW,SMbedrockGood/HighModer~teShilliowtoModer~telydeepSporoidiclowtoModer~telowtoModer.atelowifThOlwedHighwhenFrozenModer.teFine-PoorCo..rse-FOilirB;U+BKUColluviumoverbedrockoindbedrockexposuresHigherI!lev~tionmounuin..re.asfindsteepslopl!sillonglheSusitnilRiver.nditsm..jorlribuuries.AngufoirblocksofrOckwithsome$OlIndOIIndsiltoverlyingbedrock.SteeptoNearVertiCil'GP,GW,GM,~BedrockGood/lowtoHighModeriltetoHighDeepSpor.lldiclowtoHighlowtoModeriltelowtoVeryHighModeroitl!toHighFine·PoorCo.rse-F.irC§iW+BKWCOlluviumwe.thered,poorlyconsolidoitedbedrockSm.llltcliffscutintonon-moirinesedimentsW~t.JIn~Creek.ndvolc~nlcsinFogCreek.terti.aryAngul..rrubblewithsiltilndnndOII'ongoverpoorlyconsolid.atednndterti.ryoverpoortyconsolidOiltedorhighlywe.lltheredbedrock.SteeptoNeoirVertic~lGM,SM,Ml,GW,SWGood/lowtoModeroateModerilteDeepSpor~dkDiscontinuouslowtoHighlpwtoModer.atelowtoModer.ateFine·PoorCoarse·PoorENGINEERINGINTERPRETATIONSPHOTOINTERPRETATIONaUBTASK!S.02r;:U=.=IIJ=lJ1:I~~~A~L~A~S~K~A~~~P~O-W..."-.".E~R::A:-Uc:-T_-H.".-:c:O~R:I-T:c:-=-Y~~:ASUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT4~OATIAPRil1981ISCAl.II--:D::.-;;",---,f:HO"'.+--------".,;;Cv;;;,,"'_=-.--------+:CHc-.-r.:,.,.:::.-r.:,.,.:::-f.!"C.~~!:-N..T•.!!"'C-~~=~=:=:=·~::.~,.~O~2===~+O'I""'·w"";;;o-;;~;;-.---r.I:A""",-t·t50-456t7ANDt8PROPERTIESUNIT9TERRAIN10 J~ALASKAPOWERAUTHORITYllliffijll---SU-SI-T-N-A--H-Y-D-R-O-E-L-E-C-T-R-IC'--P-R"O-J=-E"C-T-----lREVISIONSDA.TEBUBTABK!!5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONI-----f~-----jf____+-+___ITERRAINUNITINDEXMAP LSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSIAPDW11t-_A::ccL-::-cA::-cSK-,--A---=P-:-;O:-;:-W;:-;-ER-::=A7.U-;;-T--;::H;:;-;:O;-;;R::-;:1T:;-Y----1HUnWSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~~~2~O~O~Oiiiii~4~O,oOFEETLISCALEDATETriusicmetllbllultlindsillt-e,lininterbeddedsh.llowmarinesequence.livsKogCretaceous.rgilliteandgraywllck.e,orathick.deformedturbiditesequence,towgrlldemetllmorphismPzv(PIs)loillteP,lle-oZ01Cb.u:icilIndilodes,ticmeu-volcilnogenlcrocks,locillmetil-Ilmestone(Pis}.Tn",s",cbillS.lt,emet..",olcanlC'-OCIO,5oformeaInS""dlowmil!",n"envlr-cnmer'lllivJurilSSICamphibolite,trlCluSlonsofgreen-schIst&rnil.-bl,,;lac.1tronClem'tt(JtrJandgrillnod,or,tetJgd).Jam(Jlr)(Jgd)Terti~ryilnd/orCretaceousgrill",l,c,"~ormingsrnilillplutons.TKgrTsmgTertiarysChist.rntgmat,teandgrilmle,""presentingtheroofofillr.rg"Slock.~/~Trail/"/TertooiryOiotltegr,lnodiorrle;.ocalnornblenoegranodlo,.;t(ThgdLTbgdBuriedChannelTertiillrynon-moinnesedtrnentilryrocks;congtomerillte.silInd-stone,ilIndclollystone.TsuTvTerll/H"YVolcimicrocks;shilliowIntrusives.flows,ilIndpyrOClilstics;rovor,(ictobillultlc.BedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar,<\Tf]n_A7 TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUnw.athered,Bxucon.alidatedb~rockCCollu",llIldepositsCIL."dslldeCs-fSollnuctiondeposits(froz.")FfgG,.."ula,...lIuvi-''onFpFloodplaindepositsFptTerrac.GFoOutwa.na.poaiuGFeEske,.doposiuGFkKamedepositsGtaAbl.ltiontillGtb-f841ultill(frozen)°OrganicdepositsL-fLoICustrine.(frozen)~L.custrinesedimentsove,.Gta~J.tiontill~L~ustrJn.depositsove..biilUItill(frozen)Cs·f'Solifluctiondeposits(froun)Gtb-fove"banitill(frozen)Cs-fSolIfluctiondeposits(1'I"'O%INl)GtOova,..bJ.UontillCs-fSollfiuctiondeposits(frozen)FP"tove,.terrae.sediments~Solifluctiondeposits(froz.,)XUova"bedrockGJb-fFrozenbauttlllXUoverbedrockAblationtill~ova"un-w••theredbedrockColluviumover~+BXUbedrock.andbedrockexposure.~+BxWColluviumove,.w••theredorpoorlyconsoll-d.t«lbedrockPHOTOINTERPRETATIONLSUBTASK5.02TERRAINUNITMAPSIAPUlPIf-----_A_L_A_S_KA__PO_W_E_R:c.,--A_U,-T_HO,-R----,I_T_Y--iRUn[OSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~~~2~O~O~Oiiiiii~4~O!.OOFEETLISCALEDATETri<lssicmetilbasattimdslate,olnInterbeddedshallowmoilrlnesequence.livsC'-etaceousargilliteandg,-aywacke,ofathickdtfo,-medtu,-biditesequence,lo"grademetamo,-ph,sm.KagLatePaleOZOICb<isalticandanoe!>,t,cmeta-volcanogeniCrocks,localmeta-limestone(Pis).Pzv(Pis)livTroass,cba~aH,c~etavol(an,c":lcksrcrmedinshallowmaroneef"\vl'-Ollment.Jom(Jtr)(Jgd)JurilSSICamphibolite.,ncIU~donsorgreen-scn,st&moilrole;localt,-ondlem,te(Jt'-landg,-anOd,o,-,te(Jgd).//'/RockContact,.-..JTertiaryandlorCretifceousgran'tlc!>fermlngsmallplutons.TKqrTsmq~j/~Trail./TbgdTertiaryb,ot,teTertiarysch,stgranodlonte;localm,gmatlteanogr,mlle,horntlh;"ndegranod,oritereoresentingtheroof(Thgd).ofiIlargestock.BuriedChannelTert,ar,non-marmeseO,men!aryrocks;conglomerau',sand-stone,andclay:HoneTsuTvTertlar~Vole.n,trocks;shallowIntrUSives,flows,anooyrocIOlS!'CS;rhyolilic10basaltic.BedrockMappingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;(0TJn_AG !\LTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNomeUnweoithered.BxuconsoliduedbedrockCColluvialdePDsitsCIL.andslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgCr~1I1uli)r.lIuvl.l'.nFpFloodpl..indepositsFptTerrae..GFoOutwashdepositsGFeEsker(Jeposil~GFkKoimedepositst-GtaAbLationtill'"'":z:'"'"8_ultIll(frozen)'"Gtb-f'"~~°Organicdeposits=>Z~8~L-fLacuSlnnes(frozen)U.LL.lIcustrineGIOsedimentsoverabLationtillLlacustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbualtill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbaultill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GiOoverablationtillCs-fSolifluctiondepOSits(frozen)FPtoverterroicesedImentsCs-fSolifluctIon~eposilS(frozen)BXUoverbedrockGtb-fFrozenbils.lIltill-sxuoverbedrockAblationtill~overun·XU....eathl!'redbedrockColluviumover~+BxUbedrOCk,JndbedrOCkexposuresColluviumover~+BXW...·e~theredorpoorlyconsoli-d~tedbedrockSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSIAPO[QII--_A_L_A_S_KA---,-"P-::-:O::-::-W-::-:ER-=-=-=A:::-U:::-T-=H~0:-cR::-::-1T::-Y--tnunwSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONS.O~~~2~O~O~O~iiiiii4~O!O.OFEETLISCALEDATETnassICmet..basaltilndslate,anInter-DeCIdedshallo"m<lnneSeQuence.RVSCretilceouS~rgilhte~ndqrilywilCke,0'iltnlckcercrmedturbiditeseQuence,lowgrildemetamorpn,smKaqPZV(PIs)LatePaleOZOICbaSil""ane~ndesltlcmeu-volcanogeniCrocks,locoalmeta*llmestone(PIs).0-49TriaHicboaulticmetav('llcanH::rt'Cks'ormedInsh..trowmanneenvlr"roment.RVJuroassicamphibolite,,ncluSlonsofgreen-schist!.marble;localtrondlemlle(Jtr)imdgranodlonte(Jgd).Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)//RockContactr~/TKqrTerti~ryoand/orCretaceousgr~nlticsformingsm~1Iplutons.TsmqTbqdTert,arybIotiteTertl~rySChiSt,gr~nodlorlte;localm'gm~tite~ndgrilnlte,hornblendegrilnodiorla-representinglheroof(Thgd).ofoalarge:Hock.BuriedChannel~Trail.r-//TsuTertl.rynon*m.nnesedimentaryrocks;conglomerilte,silnd-stone,~ndclaystone.lertl~ryVolcilnlcrocks:sh~llow,ntrus'ves,flOWS,~ndpyroclilstlCs;rhyolitictotlilsaltic.TvBedrockMoppinqUnitsMiscellaneousMopSymbolsScarp~SlideScarA'"AbbreviatedDescriptionsJ] TvTsuTbqdTsmqTKqrJom(Jtr)(Jqd)RVPzv(PIs)KoqRVSTertiaryVolcanicTertiOlrynon-marIneTertiarybiotiteTertiarySChist,Terti.ilryand/orJurasSIcamphibolite,TriaSSICbasaltICLiltePilleozo;cbaullicCretaceousilrgillite'TriassICmetabasaltrocks;shalla....·sedlmennryrocks;groinod'Qrlle;localmlgmiltltFandgranite,Cretaceousgranltic!>Inclusionsofgreen-metavolCOlnlCrOCks,tnd.mdesiticm"t.l-andgr.aywilcke,of•oilndslilte,.nIntrU5.lves.flOW~tconglomerate,und-hornblendegranOdioritreoresenl,ngtheroofformingsmallplutons.schistt..marble;10c..1'armeDIn51'1.110....VOICiJnogenicrocks,thickC1eformed,nteroeddedshalh,>.....<Jndpyroclastics;stone,ilnoClaystone.{Thgdl.of;IIilrgestOCk.trond,em,te(JlrIandmarIneenvlronml£,-~localmet41-limestoneturbidltesequence.marInesequence.rhyolItictobasaltlc.granodlonte(Jgd).(Pis).10wgrademetamorphism]JBedrockMoppinqUnitsAbbreviotedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMopSymbolsScarp~Slidescar;('ITT~.~//BuriedChannel;.>-'Trail/'//~RockContactr~/0-50DATEO....~~2~O~O~Oiiiiiii~4~0'O.OFEETSCALE1=,RE....ISIONSCH.A1'P.APP.TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNomeUnwelthered.Bxuconsolid.lltedbedrockCC:oiJuvi.ll1depositsCIL",ndslideCs-f!'nlifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGr.llnular4l11uvialr.nFpFloodplaindepositsFptTerraceGFaOutwashdepositsGFeEskerd"'l..lositsGFkKamedepOSItsGtaAbl,itiontIllGtb-fBaultIll(frozen)0OrganICdepOSItsL-fL.custrrnes(frozen)LL.lIcustl"ineGiOsedimentsoverablationtiltLL..custrinedepositsoverGtb-fbanItill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverb.llnltill(froze;")Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GtOover.lIbl.tiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)FPtoverterracesedImentsCs-fSollfluctronoeposrts(frozen)BXUoverbedrockGtb-fFrozenb.llultilllrxUoverbeorockAbl,ltlon{.ll~overun4XU....e.theredoedrockColluviumover"lfxu+BxUbedrock.ndoedroCke>..posures~+BxwColluviumoverwe",{heredorpoorlyconsoli4d.tedbedrockLJALASKAPOWERAUTHORITYSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATION TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweillthered,BxuconsolidolltedbedrockCC.ollul,I;i11ldepositsCIlillndslideCs-tSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FtgGrillnulill".l1uvi.'r.nFpFloodpLillindepositsFptTerrillceGFoOutwiuhdepositsGFeEsker(jr'positsGFkKillmedepositsGtaAblilltiontillGtb-tBu,,_till(fronn)°OrOillnicdepositsL-tLillcuslrlnes(frozen)LlillcustrineGtasedimentsove,...bl.tiontillLl.custrinedepositsove,.Gtb-tbUiIIltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(fronn)Gtb-fave,.bois.Itill(frOlen)Cs-fSolifluctiondepos.its(frOlen)Gtci"""over..bl..tiontillCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FPToverterrolcltsedimentsCs-fSolifluctIonBXUdeposits(frozen)overbedrockGtb-fFrozenbillultill1rxUoverbedrockAblitiontill~ove,.un-weilltheredbedrockColluviumovertfxu+BXUbedrock..ndbedrockexposuresE&w+BxwColluviumoverwelltheredorpoorlyconsoti-d..tedbedrockLSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSI.PUlPII-_A_L_A_S_KA_--,-PO_W,...,.E-,R,....,...".,A,-U,-TH=O:-::-R,...,.I-,TY,.---lHUn0SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONS.o20004000FEETi'SCALEDATE.....RockContact~/BuriedChannel~Trail..r./TvTsuTbqdTsmqTKqrJam(Jtr)(Jqd)RVPzv(PIs)KaqRVSTertl..r",VolcanICTf'rtlllrynon-marcneTertiarybiotiteTertillrySChist,Tertillryand/orJur..SSIClImphlbolite,Tn..ss,cb..sattlcLatePaleOZOICCo..s.·;cCret..c~:>us/Irgll"teTriil.$sicmet.c..s..ltrocks;sn.llo,,",sedlmenuryrocks;granod,orlte;tocalmigm..t'te..ndgranite,CreuceousgranlticscnclUSlonsofgreen-meuvolc..nlCrOCKsandandesltlcmet..-andgraywilIcke,of•..ndstate..nIntrUSIves.flo....';,conglomer..te,sand-nornbiendegranodloritrepresentcngthercofformingsmallplutons.schIst&m..rOle;10c..1formedinsh..llowvolcanogenICr:cks,thickdeformedinterbeddedshallo....andpyroclastICS;stone,andcl<tystone.(Thgd).ofillI..rgestOck.trondlemlte(Jtr)andmanneenvIronmentlocalmeta-lImestoneturbiditesequence,mannesequence.rhyolitiCtobasaltIC.granodIorIte(Jgd).(Pis).lowgrademeUmorphlsmCs-fGttrlBedrockMoppinqUnitsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~Slidescar,<\TTAbbreviatedDescriptionsi~~~~~~~~~JJ O~2~02L-fLilcustrines(frozen)LLilcustrineGtasedimentsoverilbl;ltiontIllLLoicuslrinedepositsoverGtb-fbilultill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbll$illtill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GtOoveritt-lilliontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)FPtoverterrile.sedimentsCs-fSolirLuctiondeposits(frozen)BXUoverbedrockGtb-fFrozenbasilltill1m]overbedrockAbliltiontill~overufl-weiltheredbedrockColluviumover-efxu-+Bxubedrock.lind,bedrockexposuresColluviumoverBti+Bxwweiltheredorpoorlyconsoli-dilledbedrockTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUnwe..thered.BxuconsolidiltedbedrockCC:olluvi.i11depositsCILilndslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGnnul;lri1l1uviilltonFpFloodplilindepositsFptTerr;lceGFoOutwuhdepositsGFeEskerurpositsGFkKilmedepOSitsGtaAblilliontillGtb-fBilultillerrozen)°OrgiJnicdepos.tsLPHOTOINTERPRETATIONSUBTASK5.02TERRAINUNITMAPSIIPo[Pjl------=A-,."L=AS-,."K,-A-::-::-:P:-::-OW::-::E-,."R:-:-::-:A=UT---:H:-::-O::-;R::-;1T:-=-Y-------tHUnlOSUSITNAHyaROELECTRICPROJECTREVI$IOHS0ill;~~~2~O~O~Oiiiii~4~O,O.OFEETSCALEDATERVSTriilS$ICmetaO,n..lt,jndslille.ilnInuoroeOOedshallOWmoilnnesequence.Creuce:lUsilq;l'I"leilndilroilv.....ilcke.ofilthickdeformedturtllditesequence,lowgrildemfUmorphlsmKaqlatePilleoLo,cD"S""eanaandeslticmetil-voleilnogenlerceks,loeillmelil-llmestone(Pis).PZV(PIs)TnoilsSICboilSoilltlcmetavolcoiIn,crOCkSformedInshoilliowmoilnneenvironmentRVJur;lssicilmph,bolite,inclUSIonsofgreen-schist&moirble;loc.'trondlem'teUtr)ilndgrilnodlonle(Jgd).Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)//-RockContactr~/TKqrTertiilryilnd/orCreuceovsgr..nlticsformingsm.I1plutons.Teniilryschist,m'Qmill'leilnd9rOln'1",representingtheroofofiiilargestock.TsmqTbqdTertIaryblOllteQrilnod,or,te:localnornblendegrilnod,orll(ThgdL~/BuriedChannel9Trail/'/Tertl.irynon·m,lrlnesedlmenlilryrocks:cenglam",."I",:;ilnd-stone,andClilystone.TSIJTertl.'-YVOle.nierocks;sn.lIo...HltruS,yes.flow,,;,ilndpyroclilst'cs;rnyellllCtobasaltIC.TvBedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp/Slidescar;(\lTJ Abluiontilloverun-weolltheredbedrock.ColluviumoverbedrOck;lndbedrockexposuresColluviumoverwe,jtheredorpoorlyconsoli-dolltedbedrockLilcustrinesedimentsoverolIbluiontillSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)over(e..rOicesedimentsLolIcuSlrines(frolen)Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)overilbl.lltiontill'-JSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overbollultill(frozen)FrozenbollnltilloverbedrockLilcustrinedepositsoverb.nltill(frozen)SolifluctIondeposits(frozen)overbedrockCs-tFPtL-tCs-tGiCJCs-tBXULGteGtb-t1lxUCs-tGtb-tSUBTABK!5.02TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUnwe.lIthered.Bxuconsolldiltednedroc.kCCollu..,i.1depositsCILiillndslideCs-t~olifluctiondeposits(frozen)FtgGrollnulilr.1luvi.1ronFpFloodpl.indepositsFptTerrollcl!GFaOutwollshdepositsGFeEskertl"positsGFkK..medepositsGtaAblolltiontitlGtb-teolultill(frozen)°Oq;joinlCdeposits~+Bxu~+BXWPHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSIAPOWIII--_A_L_A_SK_A_P.,.-O-,-W.,.-ER-::-::-::A__U__T-,-Hc:-:0-,-R::-::-1T=-Y~MUnW$USITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~i~~~2~O~O~Oiliii~4~OPOFEETSCALEDATERVSTrlas:!"cmetabasalt.'10slate,iln,nterOeddedshallOWman'll"seQuence.KoqCretace::>us,Jrglli.teand~r,jyw,jck.e,ofoilthickdeformedturbiditesequence,lowgr,jdemetamorphismLatePaleOZOIC0..5.:;Candoindes.LICmeu·volcanogeniCrccks,loc,jlmeta-limestone(Pis).Pzv(PIs)RVTr'.5511:bilsalt,cmetavolcanIC:rOCkSformea,'1shallowm,jrlneenvironment.FORCONTINUATION,SEESHEET14Jam(Jfr)(Jqd)Jur,U5ICamphibolite,inclUSionsofgreen-Schist&mollrble;10c.1trond,em,lt(Jtr),mdgranod,orlte(Jgd)._//RackContactr~/Tertiaryand/orCretaceol,lsgriHl,ticsrormingsmallpluton$.TKqrTsmgTenLaryschist,Il'Ilgmatlteandgrilnlte.representingtheroofofaLargestock.TertiarybiOtIteg"'o1'1od'O"',II";localhornblendegrilnodlor,l(Thgd).Tbqd~.~//BuriedChannel~Trail"TsuTertiarynon-mar'nesedtmentilryrocks;conglomerate,sand-stone,andclaystone.TvTertl~ryVolcaniCrcck5;10'1.110.....IntrUSives,flow,;,andpyroclaS!IC5;rhvolltlctob.ultic.BedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviotedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar,.(\IT JCOlluviumoverbedrockandbedrockexposuresColluviumoverweatheredorpoorlyconsoli-datedbedrockAblationtilloverun-weatheredbedrockFrozenbasaltilloverbedrockSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overbanitill(frozen)Lacustrines(frozen)La,,;ustrinedepositsoverbanItill(frozen)SolifluctiondeposiU(frozen)overterrace5edimenUSollfluctiondeposits(frozen)Overbedrocklacustrinesedimentsoveri1blilltiontillL-fLGteCs-fBXUGtb-f~Cs-fGtb-ftPxu+BxuSUBTASK5.02~+BXWSolifluctionCs-fdeposit5(frozen)G"i'O~i~lerablation------+-------1Cs-fFPtTerrain TerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweathered,BxuconsolidatedbedrockCColluvialdepositsCILoindslideCs-fSl'llifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGr..nuLlir~i1luvi..1tonFpfloodpl.llindepositsFptTerrloceGFaOutw,;nhdepositsGFeEskerdt"jJositsGFkK.medepositsGtaAblationtillGtb-fBaultill(frozen)1-----°OrganicdepositsPHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPS\_PO[PII--_A_L_A_SK_A_P,...,.OW.,...,E,-R::-:--A,--U,-TH,-O.,--R-::-IT,-Y--jRUnlO$USITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~""'III~2~O~O~O_~4~O!OOFEETLISCALED....TETriaSSICmetabasaltandslate,anInterbedded5hallowmarine5equence.RVSKoqCretaceousargilliteandgraywacke,ofatnickdeformedturb'dltesequence,lowgrademetamorphismLatePaleOZOICbasalticandandeslticmeta-VOlcanogenicrocks,loca!meta-limestone(PI5).PZV(PIs)Triassicbas,JlticmetavolcanicrocksformedInshallowmarineenVironment.RVJam(Jtr)(Jqd)Jurassicamphibolite,InclUSionsofgreen-schistt.marble;localtrondlemlte(Jtr)andgranodlQrlte(Jgd)./,r-/RackContactr~/Tertiaryand/orCretaceousgraniticsformingsmallplutons.TKqrTsmq,--.-:;/9Trail,,r-./TbqdTertiarybiotiteTertiaryschist,granodiorite;localmlgmatiteandgrim,te,hornblendegranodiorl:~reoresentingtheroof(Thgd).ofalargestock.BuriedChannelTsuTertiarynOn-marinesedlmentilryrocks;conglomerate,sand-stone,andclaY5tone.Tv1ertl.ryVolcan,crocks;shallowIntrUSives,flOws,,lindpyrocl<istlcs;rhyolitictobasalt;cBedrockMappinqUnit,-MiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar,,<'01AbbreviotedDescriptions TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUn....e.thered,BxuconsolidatedbedrockCColluvi.1depositsCILa.ndslideCs-fSolifluctiondepOSIts(froun)FfgGranul'H"aHuvialhnFpFloodpl.irldepositsFptTerra.cf!GFaOutwa.shdepositsGFeEskerdepOSIt:!,GFkK.medepoSItsGtaAbl.tlontillGtb-fAnaltill(froun)°Orga.nlCoeOOioltsL-fLacustrmes(froun)LLa.custrineGiQsedimentsovera.blationtillLLacustrinedepOSItsoverGtb-fbanitill(frozen)~Solifluctiondeposits(froun)Gtb-foverbasa.ltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GiQoverablationtillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(froun)FPToverterracesedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(froun)BxuoverbedrOckGtb-fFrozenbasaltill"""BXUoverbedrockAbla.tiontill~overun-.....e.theredbedrockColluviumovertfxu+BXUbedrocka.ndt:ledrock,exposul""esCollu...iumover~+BXWwe.theredorpoorlycon-soli-datedbedrockPHOTOINTERPRETATIONLSUBTASK!5.02TERRAINUNITMAPSIAPm~JI--_A_L_A_SK_A_P-,--,O-,-W,,-ER-::-::-::A..".,U..".,T--::-H::-::O--::R::-::-1T,,-Y---iHUn[OSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTReVISIONSO~~~2~O~O~Oiiiii~4~O,oOFEETSCALE'-,DATE,/RackContactr~/~Tra,'1.~//BuriedChannel~rTvTsuTbgdTsmgTKgrJam(Jtr)(Jgd)livPzv(PIs)KaglivsTertl~ryVolColinicTertlollrynon*mollroneTerti.ryb,ot"eTertiarySChist,Tertiarrand/orJurolluic.mpnlcolite,Trloilssicb."olIltir:LateP;lIleozoicbollulticCretaceousolIrgiliiteTriilssicmeUbil$illlrocks;"hOllllowsedimentaryrocks;granOdiOrite;locOiImlgmat'te,lfldgr1Jnlte,CretaceousgraniticsinclUSionsofgrel!n'metolvolColInicrOLks.ndolIndes,l,Cmeta-ilndgrollywolcke.or•.ndsl.te,.nonlruSlvl!'s.ftows,conglomerilte,~und-hornblendegranodIoritereoresentingtheroofforming!maHplutons.schist[.marble;localformea'11~h",lIowvolCiinogenicrocks,thickdeformedInterbeddedshallow.lindoyree-lilstles;stone.,lindcl,iystone.(Thgd).of•lilrgestock,trondlemlle(Jtr)..ndm.nneenvirO""'t!nt.10c.1meU-hmeSloneturbiditesequence.marinesequence.rhyolitICtobasaltic.granOOlonte(Jgd).(Pis).lo"grademetamorphism,BedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar,<0' TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweathered,BxuconsoliduedbedrockCC:olluviilldepositsCILolIndslideCs-f50lifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGnnuLar,lIuvi.,t.nFpFlvodpl.aindepositsFptTernlceGFaOutwashdepositsGFeEskercJ"'posiuGFkK.medepositsGtaAbliiltiontillGtb-fRilUIt;1I(frozen)°Qrg,jnicdepositsL-fl.custrirus(frozen)LLileu,lrineGIOsedimentsover.bl.tiontillLLilcustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbu.'tilt(frozen)~SOlifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverb,lI5.ttill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GtOover.bhltiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)F""iitoverterr.ceudimentsCs-fSolifluctIonBxudeposits(frozen)overbedroCkGtb-fFrozenb,H.•1tilltmJoverbedrockAblilliontillareoverun-....·eillheredbedrockColluviumover~+BxubedrockilndbedrockexposuresColluviumoverrt:w+BXWweatheredorpoorlyconsoJi-dnedbedrockLSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSI.powII---:A-:L=AS-:K:-A~P:-::-OW:-::E-:R=A-:UT-:H:-::-O::-:R::-::IT:-::-Y-----iHUnWSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~i~~~2~O~O~Oiiiii~4~O!O.OFEETSCALEDATERVSTnasslcmetabasaltCilndslate,anInteroeddedshallowmCiinnesequence.CretaceousargilliteandgraywCilcke,ofathickaeformedturb,d,tesequence,lowgrademetamorphismKaqPZV(PIs)LCiitePaleozoicbCilsCillticandanoes,ticmeta-yolcCiinogenicrocks,10cCilImeta-limestone(Pis).RVTriassicbasalticmetayolCCiinicrocksformedInshallowmCilrlneenYlronment.Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)Jurassicamphibolite,InclUSionsofgreen-schIst$.mllrble;tocaltrondlemlte(Jtr)andgranodiorite(Jgd).r/RockContactr,../Tertiaryand/orCretaceousgran,ticsformingsmallplutons.TKqrTsmqTbqdTertiarybiotiteTertiaryscnist,granodiorite;localmlQmatiteandgranite,hornblendegranodion:frepresent,ngtheroof(Thgd).ofalaq;estock.BuriedChannel~Trail.r//Tert,arynon-marineseOlmentaryrocks;cor;rgtomerate,sand-Slone,andcl.fystone.TsuTert,aryVolc.nlCrOt:k.s;shallowIntr"lJslyes,flows,anapyroclastiCS;rhYOlitictobasaltic.TvBedrockMappinqU;lI'fSMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScarj(\l1AbbreviatedDescriptions L-fl.lcus!nnes(frozen)LlilcustrineGiClsedimentsoverolIbl.iltiontillLL.lIcustrlnedepositsoverGtb-fb;aultill(froun)~SolifluctiondepOSits(frozen)Gtb-foverbaHItill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GIOover.bl..tlontillSolifluctIonCs-fdepOSits(frozen)F""Ptoverterr.lcesedimentsCs-fSolifluctionBxuaeposlts(f,-ozen)overIjedrockGtb-fFrozenb.ls;lttilltmJoverbeorockAbl.tlont,11~overun-.....eillheredbedrockColluviumovertfxu-+BxubedrockOIndoedroc:kexposuresColluviumover~+BXWweilltheredorpoorlyconsoli-dOlledbedrockTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUnw•.lthered.Bxuconsolid..tedbedrockCColluvi".depositsCIl.lndslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgG,...nu!;)r""lIuvL.,r.nFpFloodpliolindepositsFptTerrae.GFoOutw.lshdepositsGFeEskerdeposil:loGFkK;lmedepOsItsGtaAbl~tiontillGtb-fRo1S.l1till(frozen)°O,-g.nlcoeposltsLSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSIAPOI~l~-,A,----L,--:A,----SK-,---A~P:-:::-OW-=-=E-,R=-=-=-=A:-:-:U,----TH::::0-::cR:::-:'T:-::-Y-------lHUn0SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONS20004000FEET!oISCALERVSTriaSSICmetaO"saltandslate.•InInterbeaaedsnaliowmannesequence.KaqCretilceousilrg,lIitea"ogr~l\"acke,ofilUllckoelormedturbidIteseouence,IOI,grademetamorph,smPZV(Pis)LatePale~zolcbaulttc,H'Cancesltlcmeta-"olcanogenlCrOckS.ecalmeta-l,mestone::>'SJ.RVTr,ass,cboil"iilltJf.'netavolc"nICrockslormedInst,allOwmilrlneenvIronment.Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)JurillSSICilImphloollte,inClUSIonsofgreen-SChIst&.marple;localtronCllemlte(J,rIandsranOCl,orlte(Jgd).I.//RockContact,'JTKqrT~rt,aqand'orCI'e!oiIC~OUSgranltlcsform,ngsmallplutons.Tsmq~/~Trail/JTbqdT~rtlilr)bIotIteTertlilr)SChist,granodlonte;10coiIImlgma!lt~oiIndgroiln'te,ho"nbl~nd~granodIoritereoresentlngtheroof(Thgd).ofalargestOCk.BuriedChannelTert'oiIr~non-moilrlnesedlmenl<1r~rocks;conglomeroilte,sand-stone,oiInacloilystone.TsuTvTertlillr~VolCillnlCrocks;SnililiowIntrUSives,flows,ilInClD\"roclilIstICS;rhyolitiCtobasaltic.BedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;(0T] JLTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUnweathered,BxuconsolidatedbedrockCColluvialdepositsCIlandslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGrilnuloralluviilll(onFpFloodpl",indeposit5FptTerrae'"GFoOutw,uhdepositsGFeEskerdeposIt:.GFkKamedepositsGtaAbLHiontillGtb-fRaultill(frozen)0OrganicdepositsL-fLacustrines(frozen)LL4IcustrineGiClsedimentsoverablationtillLLacustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbanitill(frozen)~SOlifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbasaltill{frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GiClover.blationtiltCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FPtoverterrollC!!sedimentsCs-fSolifluctionBxudeposits(frozen)overbedrockGtb-fFrozenbanitill~overbedrockAblationtill~overun-weatheredbeorockColluviumover~+BXUbedrock.lindbedrockexposuresEfxw+BXWColluviumoverweatheredorpoorlycon~('Ii'datedbedr.:l.,:kSUBTABK~.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPS~~D[PI~_A_L_A_S_K_A_P_OW_E_R_A_U_T_H_O_R_IT_Y_-;HUnlOSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONS20004000FEET,oiSCALERVSTriaSSICmetaboualtanoslate.anInterbedd!!dshallowmarl'll'sequenc!!.LGtb·fKaqCreta~e;)usargil,teand~ray....acke,ofthickoeformedturbldlt!!sequ!!nc!!,lowgrad!!m!!tamorphlsm-Pzv(PIs)LatePal!!ozolct...so"CandanO!!Slticmeta-volcanogeniCr~cks,loca!m!!ta·'lmestone(Pis).RVTriaSSICbasaltiCmetavolcaniCrOCksformedInShallowmarineenVlronrnen:Gtb-fBXUJam(Jtr)(Jqd)JurassIcamphibolite,InclUSionsofgreen-SChist&marble;localtrono/emlt!!(Jtr)andgranodlorlle(Jgd).TKqrRockContactTertiaryand/orCr!!taceousgranltlCSformingsmallplutons.TsmgTertiarySChist,migmatiteandgranite,representingtheroofofalargl!stock.TbqdTertlar~biotItegranodlorlle;localnornbl~ndegranodlorlt(Thgd).LGtlrfTsuTertl.rynon·marlneSedlm~nlaryrocks;conglomerale,sand-stone,andclaystone.TvTertiaryVolcaniCrocks;shallo.....IntrUSives,flows,andpyroclastiCS;rhyol'l'ctobas.ltlc.Gtb-f~BedrockMappingUnitsMiscellaneousMapSymbalgScarp~Slidescor,<\TTAbbreviatedDescriptionsJ L-fLacustrlnes(frozen)LLoicustrinesedimentsoverGtOablationtillLLacustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbanitill(frozen)Solifluction~deposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbo1lultill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GtOoverabliiltiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)FPloverterracesedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondepOSits(frozen)BxuoverbedrockGtb-fFrozenbaslIltill--exuoverbedrockAblationtill~overun-we.lltheredbedrockColluviumover1fxu+BXUbedroCkandbedrOCkexposuresColluviumover~+BXWweatheredorpoorlyconsoli-datedbedroc.kTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweathered,BxuconsolidatedbedrockCColluvi.11depositsCILolindslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGrollnuloilr.lIuvi.lt.nFpFtoodpl.indepositsFptTerrolcf!GFaOutwashdepositsGFeEskerdeposit..GFkKilmedepositsGtaAbt.tiontqlGtb-fRas;lrtill(frozen)°OrganicdepositsLSUBTASK5.02PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPS11"0[0I~_A_L_A_SK_A_P_O_W_ER_A_U_T_H_OR_I_T_Y-----jHUn(OSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECT4000FEETI2000REVISIONSoISCALETriassicmetabasaltilndsliHe.anInterbedoedshallowmarineseauence.RVSKaqCretaceousargilliteandgraywilckt:'.of•Ulickdt:'formt:'dturbldltt:'st:'quence,lo"grademetamorphism.Lat~Pale~lOtCoasaltlcClncances,ticmeta-VOlcanogenicrocks.localmeta-limestonelills}.PZV(Pis)FORCO~INUATION.SEESHEET12TriaSSICba!i.alticOletavolcan,crocksformt:'dlr'\shallowmannt:'envlronmt:'ntRVJam(Jtr)(Jqd)JurilSSICamphibolite.InclUSionsoforeen-SChist&marble;locallronalemite(JtrjandgranO(llonte(Jgd).I--'/RackCantactr--JTKqrTeniar~'ilnd/orCretaceousgranlticsformingsmallplutons.Tsmq~/~Trail//TbqdTenlarybiotiteTertiaryschist.grilnodlonte;Joc..1mlgmallteandgranite,hornblendegranodioritereoresentingtheroof(Thgd).ofalargestock.BuriedChannelTsuTenlarynon-m.nnesedimentaryrocks;conglomerate.Silnd-stone,i1ndclaystone.Tv"Tertlar.,Volc.nlCrocks;shallowIntrusives.flo.....s..1'10pyroclastiCS;rhyolitictobasaltic.BedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;('0'JJ LGtb-fLTerrain TerrainGtb-fUnitUnitSymbolNameUnwe.thered.Bx~("onsolid.tedbedrockCCelluv'.1depositsCILolIndslideCs-f~Qlifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGrollnulollr.lluyillt.nFpfloodpl.indepositsFptTerr.lceGFaOutwolshdepositsGFeEsker<.J"'~osits~;::..GFk::>K.medepositsZ~15GtaAbl,uiontill"-Gtb-fBilultill(froun)0Org.anicdeposItsL-flolcustrlnes(frozen)LlilcustrineGtasedimentsoverolibliltiontillLLoIC\.lstl"'inedepositsoverGtb-fbaultill(frozen)Cs-fSoli"uetiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbols.1till(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)""GiCoveroIbl.i1tiontillCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Fiitoverterr,lcesedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)BXUoverbedrOCkGtb-fFrozenbols.1till1lXUoverbedrockAblolltiontill~overun·....·e.theredbedr"ockColluviumover"Efxu-+BxubedroCkAndbedrockexposures,~+BXWCOlluviumoverweiltheredorpoorlyconsoli-diltedbedrockTvTsuTbqdTsmqTKqrJam(Jtr)(Jqd)RVPzv(PIs)KaqRVSTertlilryVolCiinicTertiilrynon-marineTertiilrybiotiteTertIaryscnist,Tertiaryand/orJurilnici1mphibolite,Triassicbas"llticLatePaleoZOICb.s.lt.cCret.ceous.rgtlliteTriassICmet,:;basaltrocks;shilltowsedlmenUryrocks;granodlortte;101.011mlgm,Hiteandgrilnlte,Cret.ceollsgraniticsInclUSionsorgreen-metavolcanicrO<.:ks,:;ndancesltlcmeu-andgr.ylVacke,OfiI,ndSlate,.nIntrUSives,flOws,conglomerate,s.nd-hornblendegran.;Jdioritt:reoresentlngtheroof~ormingsmallplutons.schistSmarole;localformedInsl1"1llo....volcanogenicrocks.tnlCI-.deformedrntereeddedshallowolIndpyroclastics;stone,olIndcLaystone.(Thgd).ofalar<;estock.trondlemite(Jtr)dndmarineenvrron"'ellt.localmeta-limestone[UrelOrteSeQUenCe,marineseQu!':nce.rhyolitictobasaltic.granodIOrite(Jgd).(Pis).lowgr.demetamorphism/\MAPSLSUBTASK5.02SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTALASKAPOWERAUTHORITYPHOTOINTERPRETATIONCH.AIIP.APP.ReVISIONSO....~~2~O~O~Oiiiii~4~O!OOFEETSCALE'_,DATED-AO//RockContactr~/BuriedChannel~Trail.r-//BedrockMappinqUnitsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;(0'AbbreviatedDescriptionsJJ 1L-fFORCO","INUATION.SEESHEET9TerroinTerroinUnitUnitSymbolNameUnweiilthered,BxuconsolidiiltedbedrockCColiuviiilldepositsCILoindslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGriilnularoiliuviiillr.nFpFloodpl..indepositsFptTerrilCflGFoOutwiilshdepositsGFeEsker(Jeposil~GFkKoimedepOSItsGtaAt:>loitiontillGtb-fBilUItill(frozen)0OrgilnicdepositsL-fLilcustrines(frozen)LLiilcustrineGtesedimentsoveriilbLiltiontillLLiilcustrinedepositsoverGtb·fbilultill(frozen)~Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-fOverbilSiil!till(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GteoveriilbliiltiontHICs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FptoverterrilC.sedimentsCs-fSolifluctionBXUdeposits(frozen)overbedrockGtb-fFrozenboiultill"'1mJoverbedrockAbl..tiontillareoverun-weoitheredbedrockColluviumover1fxu-+BxUbedrock..ndbedrockexposuresCOlluviumover~+BxWweoitheredorpoorlyconsoli·doitedbedrockMiscelloneousMapSymbolsScorp~Slidescor,<'lTMAPSLBUBTASK8.02SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTALASKAPOWERAUTHORITYPHOTOINTERPRETATIONCH.APP.APP.REVISIONSo20004000FEETSCALE~i~~~~~iiiii~!DATE//~RockContoctr~/BuriedChonnel~Troil/'//TvTsu'TbgdTsmgTKqrJam(Jtr)(Jqd)livPzv(PIs)KoqlivsTert••,..,.VolcaniCTerlloOlrynon-manneTert'a,.....brotHeTenioOi'-yschisl,Terti.ryand/orJurassic..mph.bolite,Tnil5sicb.salt,cLateP.leoZOlc0.$.';cCret.ceou$iIIrg,I'.leTriassicmet.casaltrocks;5h.1l0...sedimentaryrocks;grilnod,orrle;localrn'gm..tlleimdgr.nlle,CretilCeOU5grar1lticsinclusIonsofgrel!n-melavolc.InICrocksand.ndi!$ltlCrneu-oindgraywolcke.of•.ndsliltl!,.nmtru:!"ves,flow,;,conglomer"ate.sand-hornblendegrolnod'Orilrepresentingtheroofformingsmallplutons.schIst&marole;10c.Iformedinshallowvolcanogenicreeks,thickdeformedInterbeddedshallowandp~'rocloil5tlc5;stone,ilndclaystone,(Thgd).of•lolrgestock.trondlemlte(Jtr)a.ndmilrlneenvironmenttocillmetoi·llmestoneturbiditeseQuence,m<lrlneseQuence.rhyolitiCtoboisaltlC.grilnodlorlle(Jgd).(Pis).lowgrademetamorphismBedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsJJ Abf.tiontillBinitill(frozen)OrgOlnicdepositsLacustrines(frozen)TerrainUnitNameUnweotthered,consoliduedbedrockLilcustrinesedimentsover.bl.uiontillLotcustrinedepositsoverbu.!till(frozen)Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)overb.nltill(frozen)Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)overolIbliitiontillSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overterrollcesedimentsSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)overbedrockSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Floodplolindeposit5Frozenb;asaltilloverbedrockGrillnulilfi1l1uvi..1'.nColluviumoverbedrOCkandbedrockexposuresAblationtilloverun-weatheredbedrockColluviumoverweatheredorpoorlycon~oli­d..tedbedrockLoIndsJideK_medepositsEskercJeposit!j;Outw.shdepositsBxuCCIFptCs-fGFkFfgCs-fBXU°FpL-fLGtaCs-fFPt!>tQBXUGFeGFoCs-fGtQGtaGtb-ftlXUCs-fGtb-fLGTi)-fGtb-fsuaTASK5.02tfxu+BXUTerrainUnitSymbol~+BxwPHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSIIPD[PII--_A_L_A_SK_A----:Pc-c-0Wc:-::E--:R:-:c=A--:UT--:H:-::-O.,....R::-:IT-::-Y---tHUn0SUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~IIIIIIIII~2;,;;O~O~Oiiiiii~4~0'00FEETi_ISCALETriassicmetaDasaltandslilte.anInterDeddedshallowman.,esequence.RVSKaqCret.ceousargilliteilndgr.yl'·iilcke,ofiiithickaelormedturblaltesequence,lo\\grademetamorphism.LatePaleOZOICbasaltICandanaeSltlCmeta·volcanogenicrocks.localmeta-limestone(piS).Pzv(Pis)FORRVTnaSSICbasaltiC"'netilvolCanlCr:>cksformeaInshallo",·marineenvironment.FORCONTINUATION,SEESHEET9Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)Jurassicamphibolite,H'lCluSIOnsofgreen-schist.\.marble;localtrondJf!m,le(Jtr)andgranOdiOrite(JgdJ..--.,-."TKqr//'/RockContact,-../Tertiaryand/orCretaceousgran,ticsformingsmallplutons.TsmqI.lB+Bxu#"XU__~..-.~~.,j/~Trail./'TbqdTertiarybiotiteTertiarySChIst,granodiorite;loc4I1migmiltlteandgranite.hornblendegr;;lnod,oriterepresentingtheroof(Thgd).otalargestock.BuriedChannelTsuTertl..r~non-marlnll!sedimentaryrocks;congfomera.tt',sand-stone,ilndcLaystone.TvTertlilr'rVolcaniCrecks;ShilliowintruSives.flows,.mdpyroclastics;rhyolitiCtobasaltic.....BedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScarJ01'JJJ MiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar~~./BuriedChannel~Trail/'/OATIAPRIL1981,""O.CTO:i2:i02LSUBTASK5.02TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNomeUnwe.~h.".d.Bxuconsolia~t.dbedrockCC.olluvi..JdepositsCILoindslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGnnul......lh,Jvi..t'.nFpFloodpl..indepositsFptTerr.lceGFoOutw.sh.depositsGFeEskerul"lJositsGFkK..medepositsGtaAbJ;UiontillGtb-fBn.iltill(fronn)0Org..nicdepositsL-fLoicustrines(frozen)LLoicust,.ineG"t(]sedimentsover..billiontillLLoicustr-inedepositsove..Gtb-fbUilltill(frozen)£tlSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-fave..boluiltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits{frozen)GtOoveroIbl.tiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)Fptovertcrr.eltudimentsCs-fSolifluctionBXUdeposits~frozen)overbedrockGtb-fFrozenboilSilltill--sxuoverbedrockAbhlliontill~overun-weoilthe:redbedrockColluviumovertfxu-+BxubedrockoiIndbedrockexposures1Ew+BxwColluviumoverweuheredorpoorlyconsoli·duedbedrOCkSUSITNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTALASKAPOWERAUTHORITYPHOTOINTERPRETATIONCH.A1'P.AP1'.REI/ISIONSO~e:=~~~2~O~O~O~iiiiii~4~O!OOFEETSCALElivsTriassicmetab..s.ltandslate,anInterbeadedshallOWmarinesequence.KogCreroilceoUSargillite.ndgraywackl:',ofilthick(feformedturbldilesec;uence.lo"grademetamorphism,Pzv(PIs)LatePale':lZOICb<!luHicundandesltlcmeta-volcilnogenlCrocks.10c.1meta-limestone(Pis).FORCONTINUATION,SEESHEET18FORCONTINUATION,SEESHEET16livTri41sslcbasalt,cmetavolc.nlCrocksTormedInshallowmilrll""!eenvironment.Jam(Jtr)(Jgd)JurasSICamphIbolite,InclUSionSofgreen-scnlst&milr!)le;10Cilitrondiemlle(JlrJand"ranoOlonte(.Jgd).•I.//RockContactr'~TKgrTerti.ryandlorCreUceOusgranlticsform,ngsm.tlplutons.TsmgTbgdTertloilryblotlleTertioilrysch,st,groilnodlorlte;Jocoillm,gm.tite.Indgranne,hornblendegranodIoriterepresentingtheroof(Thgd).'of•largestock."Tertloilr}non-m.rlneSed,mentaryrocks;conglomer.te,sand·stone,.ndclaystone.TsuTv"Tertloilr}Volcoilnlcrock:;;;shoilliowInlrUSlves,flows,oiIndpyrocloilstlcs;rhyolitiCtobas.l~ic.BedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptions1J /\L-fLollcustrines(frozen)LlilcustrineGtOsedimentsoverolIbl.tiontillLL.custrinedepositsoverGtb-fb.ultill(frozen)~Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbas,ltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondecasits·lfrozen)GiOover.blilliontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)Fiitoverlerr4llCesedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)BxuoverbedrOCkGtb-fFrozenbas,ltill-sxuoverbedrockAbl.tiontill~overun-weiltheredbedrockColluviumover~+BXUbedrockandbedrockexposuresColluviumover--fxw+BXWweatheredorpoorlyconsoli-datedbedrockTerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNomeUnwe.thered,Bxuconsolid.tedbedrockCCollu...i,1depositsCIL,ndslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGr.nul.lr,lIuvi.1ronFpFloodpliolindepositsFptTerr.e,",GFaOutw.shdepositsGFeEskerdepositsGFkKilmedepositsGtaAbliltionti!!Gtb-ffl...!>.1till(frozen)°Or~anic:depositsSUBTASK5.D2PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSI_PO-f~If-----:A-,---L:-::AS-,---K,-A...,.,..,..-::PO-::-W::-::E---:R:-::-=A---:UT----:Hc-::-0::-cR::-:1T-::-Y-----lnun0susrTNAHYDROELECTRICPROJECTREVISIONSO~~~2iiiO~O~Oiiiiiii~4~O!OOFEET,-,SCALETriassicmetabaultandslitte,anInterbeddedShallowmarinesequence.livsCretaceousargilliteandgraywacke,ofathiCkdeformedturbiditesequence,lowgrademetamorphIsmKaqPzv(Pis)LatePaleozoicbasalticandandesiticmeta-volcanogenicrocks,localmeta-limestone(Pis).Triassic.basalticml!tavoitanicrOl.:ksformedInsl1ali"wmClroneenVIr(1I1rnent.livJurassicamphibolite,Inclusionsofgreen-schistSomarble;localtrondJemite(Jtr)andgranodiorite(Jgd).Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)//RockContactr~/TKqrTertiaryClnd/orCretaceousgrannicsformingsmCll1plutons.TsmqTbqdTertiilrybiotiteTertiarySChist,granodiorite;)olo.llmlgmatiteandgranite,hornbleflll('grarOl.-,.liorilereoresentlngthercof(rhgd).ofa100rgestock.BuriedChannel~Trail.~.//TsuTertiarynon-mannesedimentaryrocks;conglomerate,5i1nd-stone,andclaystone.TvTertiaryVolcaniCrocks;shallowIntrusives.flows,andpyroclastics;rhyolitictobasaltic,BedrockMoppinqUnitsMiscellaneousMopSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;(\T'AbbreviatedDescriptionsJ MiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScar;(\ffOAT(AUGUST1981L~"OJtCT052502TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbolNameUllweilthere:d,BxuconsoliduedhedrockCC:olJuvi.fdepositsCILilndsJideCs-f~olifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGr.nul.rilliuviillt.nFpFloodplilindepositsFpiTerrilceGFoOulwilshdepositsGFeEskerd('~ositsGFkKilmedepositsGtaAbfUiontillGtb-fBu~i1till(frozen)0OrgilnicdepositsL-fL.lIcustrines(frozen)LLilcustrlneGtasedimentsoverilbl.i1tiontillLUlicustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbilultill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverb.lultill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GiOoveroibliltiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)FPtoverterrilcesedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)BXUoverbedrockGtb-fFrozenbilultill""B"X"UoverbedrockAbl.tiontill~overun·wtiltheredbedrockColluviumover1fxu+BxUbedrockOIndbedrockexposures~+BXWColluviumoverwltilltheredorpoorlyconsoli-dolledbedrockaU.TASKe.oaPHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITMAPSREVISIONSO~IIIIIII~2~O~O~Oiiiiiiiiiiii4~O!OOFEET,-,SCALElivsCs-f/Gtb-fTrla$SICmetabasaltandslate.anInterDedded$hallowmarine$equenc:e.Cretaceousargilliteandgraywacke,of;Ithickoeformedturbiditesequence,lowgrademetilmorphlsmKaqPzv(Pis)LatePaleOZOICbas;llticandanaeslticmet.<l·vOlcanogenicrocks,localmeta-limestone(Pis).livTrlilssicbilsalticmetavolcanicrocksformedm1nallowmarmeenvironment.JurassIcampnloofite.InclUSIonSofgreen-schist8.ffiilrble;localtrondlem'te(Jtr)ilndgranodiOrite(Jgd).Jam(Jlr)(Jqd)//RockContactr/TKqrTertiaryand/orCrelOiceou5granlticsformingsmallplutons.TsmqTbqdTerti.rybiotiteTertiaryscnist,granodiorite;IOCillm,gmatlteilndgr.anite,hornblendegrOlnodioriterepreseontlngthercof(Thgd).ofaI.rgestock.BuriedChannel~Trail.///TS/lTertiarynon-marinesedimentaryrocks;conglomerate,sand-stone,andclaystone.TvTertiaryVolcaniCrocks;sh.lllowIntrUSives,flows.,jmdDyrccl<1lstlcs;rhyolilictobasaltic.BedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsJJ MAPS0....T!AUGUST1981I'I\0JlCT052502TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweltne,.ed.BxuconsolidltedbedrockCColluvi.ldepositsCIL.ndslideCs-f5Qlifluctiondeposits(froun)FfgGr,.nulillr.i1luvi.1tonFpFloodpLaindepositsFptTerrie.GFoOutw.shdepositsGFeEskerul"lJositsGFkK"medepositsGtaAbl.tiontillGtb-fBUilltill(froun)0Org.nicdepositsL-fL.custrines(froun)LLolcustrin.GtOsedimentsave,..bruiontillLL.custrinedepositsoverGtb-fb.nltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbillnltill(frozen)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits«rozen)G"iCover"blilltiontillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(frozen)FPtoverterr.cltsedimentsCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(froun)BXUoverbedroCkGtb-fFrozenbU'"till-sxuoverbedrockAbl.ltiontIll~overun-we.theredbedrockColluviumover"Efxu+BxUbedrockoIndbedrock,exposures~+BXWColluyiumoyerwe~theredorpoorlyconsoli-duedbedrockLBUBTABK15.08PHOTOINTERPRETATIONTERRAINUNITml---------lCH.APP.Apt.20004000FEET!oiREVISIONSQATETri.ssicmetaoilsaltandslale.antnlerbedaedshallowmannesequence.livsKaqCretaceous.rgiliite.ndgrav....acke.of•thickoerormedturtlldltesequence,10l'.grademetamorphism.Pzv(Pis).oiItePaleozo,coasalt'c.,noiIonoes,t,cmeu·volc.nogenlCrocks,10Cilimet.-I,mestone{Pis).livTnaSSlCb.isalt,cmetavolC.imcrockslormeaInsh.iIIOwmarIneenv,ronment.JuraSSIC.moh,Ooltte,InclUSIonsofgreen·scnist&marOle:10c.ItronOlemlteIJtr)andgranoo,or,tt!'(.IgdJ.Jam(Jtr)(Jqd)I.//RockContactr--JTKqrTertl.ryandlorCretaceousgranlticsformingsmallplutons.TsmqTbqdTertIarybIotIteTertiaryschIst.granodIorIte;localmlgmatlteandgranIte.hornolendegranodiorIterepresentingtheroof(Tngd).ofalargestock.BuriedChannelTsuTertlar)'non-m.nnesedImentaryrocks;conglcrnerate.sand-stone,andclaystone.TertIaryVolcanICrocks;ShallowIntrus,ves.flows.anoovrocLiistlC:S;rhyolItiCtobasaltic.TvBedrockMappinqUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMapSymbolsScarp~SlideScarA0'J ]/\OAT[AUGUST1981fOlilOJICT052502TerrainTerrainUnitUnitSymbalNameUnweathered.BxuconsolidatedbedrockCColluvialdepositsCILandslideCs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)FfgGranul.:lralluvialt.nFpFloodpl.indepositsFptTerrac..GFoOutwashdepositsGFeEskerdepositl;GFkKamedepositsGtaAblationJillGtb-f~asaltill(frozen)0OrganicdepositsL-flacustrines(froun)LlacustrineGtOsedimentsoverablationtillLlacustrinedepositsoverGtb-fbualtill(frozen).£U..Solifluctiondeposits(frozen)Gtb-foverbasaltill(froun)Cs-fSolifluctiondeposits(frozen)GtOoverablationtillSolifluctionCs-fdeposits(froun)FPToverterracesedimentses-fSolifluctiondepoSIts(frozen)BxuoverbedrockGtb-fFrounbasaltilltlXUoverbedrockAblationtill~overun-weatheredbearockColluviumover1fxu+BXUbedrockandbedrockexposuresColluviumover~+BXWweatheredorpoorlyconsoli-datedbedrock8UBTA8K".oaPHOTOINTERPRETATIONLTERRAINUNITMAPS_1--------1CH.»".A"".REVISIONSO~I~~~2~O~O~Oiiiiii~4~O,OOFEETSCALERVSTrlass.cmetaoasaltancslate.anInteroeddedshallowmarmeseouence.KogPzv(PIs)lUePaleOZOICCaS•.;-;CreUteOU$olIrg",.teanaanoeslt,cmet,.-and;ray......cke,ofiIvolcanogeniCr;~k,s,tnickdeformedlocalmeta-limestoneturb.diteseQuence,(PiS).lo.....grademetamorphismRVTrias$,tb,ualtlcmetilvolc.n,crecksformeaInsholllowmarlneenvlrO:"lmentJurassIcamphibolite,inclUSionsofgreen-schist&marole;IOCOIdtrond,ern.le(Jtr)andgranodiorite(Jgd).Jam(Jtr)(Jgd)Tertiilryand/orCretaceousgranlticsformongsmallplutons.TKgrTertiOirySChist,ffilgrnOltltf!i1ndgran,te,representingtheroofof01l,lrgestock.TsmgTertlOlirybiotitegranOello,.,te;tocoiIlf'lornblendegranodiorit(Thgd),Tbgd/BuriedChannel&Trail./JTsuTertlOirynon-marinesedimentaryrocks;conglomerate,sand-stone,andcla"slone.TvTert'OIryVolcanicrocks;shilllowIntrUSives.flo...'>,andpyroclastics;rnyolltictooilsa!t,c.BedrockMoppingUnitsAbbreviatedDescriptionsMiscellaneousMopSymbolsScarp~SlideScar$jJ - 0.10 SOILS LOGS D-88 SOILS CLASSIFICATION AND CONSISTENCY CLASSI FI CATION:Identification and classification of the soil is accomplished in i~ccordance with the Unified Soil Classification System.Normally,the grain size distirbution determines classification of the soil.The soil is defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the major elements.Minor soil constitutents may be added to the classification breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportions listed below;(i.e.,! sandy silt with some gravel,trace clay).I , no call -0-3%trace -3-12%some -13-30%sandy,silty,gravelly ->30%!. 1 >40%Numerous -Scattered -0-40% Iidentification and classification of soil strata which have a significant cobble and boulder content is based on the unified classification of the minus 3 inch fraction augmented by a description (i.e.,cobbles and boulders)of the plus 3 inch fraction.Where a gradation curve,which includes the plus 3 inch fraction,exists (samples from test trenches and pits)a modifier is used to describe independently the percentage of each of the two plus 3 inch components.If there is no gradation curve incorporating the plus 3-inch fraction (as in auger holes),the plus 3-inch material is described as a single component (i .e.,cobbles and boulders),and a modifier is used to indicate the relative percentage of the plus 3-inch fraction based ' on the field logs.The modifiers in each case are used as follows:i '1- .- SOIL CONSISTENCY -CRITERIA:Soil consistency as defined below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material.For. these materials,the influence of such factors as soil structure,i.e.fissure systems,shrinkage cracks,slickensides,etc.,must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below.In permafrost zones,the consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and unexplainably with ice content,thermal regime and soil type. Cohesion less Soils Cohesive Soils N* (blows/ft)Relative Density N* (blows/ft)gu -(tsf) Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 0-4 4 -10 10 -30 30 -50 >50 20% 20 to 40% 40 to 60% 60 to 80% >80% Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard 0-2 2 - 4 4 - 8 8 -15 15 -30 >30 o -0.25 0.25 -0.5 0.5 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -4.0 >4.0 ~...Standard Penetration "N":Blows per foot of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. Often the split-spoon samplers do not reach the total intended sample depth.Where .this occurs the graphic log notes a refusal (Ref.)and give an indication of the .cause of the refusal.Tight soils are indicated by a blow count value followed by a :penetration length in inches.The presense of large rock fragments is indicated by :a cobble and boulder callout following the refusal callout.In certain instances a blow count of 100+may be listed to indicate tight soils where total sampler penetration is possible with more than 100 blows per foot. PREPARED BY I RIM CONSULTANTS.INC. ----------_.__._.... PREPARED FOR' 0-69......._..__--=--=-=_._------------------ EX?LANATI ON OF SELECTED SYMBOLS STANDARD SYMBOLS g Em tZJ ~.......-ORGANIC \lATERIAL COBBL£S a BOULDERS <:-,/"..IGNEOUS ROCK SANDY SILT........- ~CLAY ~CONGLOMERATE WI METAMORPHIC ROCK ~SILT GRADING TO .~.CI!~SANDY SILT ~~II ~SANDY GRAVEL.SILT SANDSTONE ICE,MASSIVE SCATTERED COBBLES_......-(ROCK FRAGMENTSI LEiJ SAND a MUDSTONE ~ICE -SILT 8 INTERLAYERED SAND a SANOY GRAVEL 0°0 GRAVEL.~LIMESTONE ~ORGANIC SILT ~SILTY CLAY "ITR SAND°0 0400 SAMPLER TYPE SYM BOLS S I •••••1.4"SPLIT SPOON WITH 41 #HAMMER S.,••••1.4"SPLIT SPOON WITH 140 #HAMMER SI ••••.2.~"SPLIT SPOON WITH 1401#HAMMER Sh •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON WITH 340#HAMMER S••••••2.0"SPLIT SPOON WITH 140 #HAMMER Sz •••••1.4"SPLIT SPOON WITH 340#HAMMER Sp •••••2.~"SPLIT SPOON,PUSHED H••••"1.4"SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER HI ,••••Z.:I"SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE:SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE SAMPLE OEPTH. T •••••SHELBy TUBE Tm ••••MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb ••••PITCHER BARREL C•••••CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd ••••CORE BARREL WITH OOUBLE TUBE Bs ••••BULK SAMPLE A ••••,AUGER SAMPLE G•••••GRAB SAMPLE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE TYPICAL BORING LOG ~O'rD.-TOTAL DEPTH SANOy SILT ___~APP~X/~~TESTRATA CHANGE Lilli.,oNoViSibl.Ie.13'-~0'V.-IC£,DESCRIPTION 8 CLASSIFICATION (2)1Z,57.1 %.85.9 pet,28~GP (CORPS OF ENGINEEfiS METHCO/ '""\\\'"'-......UNtFJED OR FAA CLASSIFICATION \ "TEMPERATURE.of OR"Y OENS""Y WATER CONTENT BLOWS/FOOT SAMPLE NUMBER SANOY GRAVEL 26' &,1 ~.3 9~SCHIST-GENERAL/ZED SOIL DR ROCK OESCRIPTION "';AMPL£LOCATION EI ••.214.6 -£LEVATION IN FEET All So"!pl ••Ss_SA~PLER T"YPE ORG':'NIC MATERIAL 0, Con sid.VIsible Ice D -7 iCE+ML I ICE -SILT stimat.65%VIsible lee 90 562°1 STRATA CHANGE1Ii!"~'3-~~:""':":':":";':'':'''':'';,o L_-l' 80RING NUMBER __T.H.30-1:1 DATE ORILLED_IO_21_S0 FROZEN GROUNO SAMPLER T"YPE ...... Ss WATER TA8LE --.,...., 9* W.O. DRILLING SYMBOLS WD: WL: WS: While Drilling Water Level While Sampling AB: TO: After Boring Total Depth Note:Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated.In pervious unfrozen soils,the indicated elevations are considered tg represent actual ground water conditions,In impervious and frozen soils.accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained within a limited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required. PREPARED BY 1 EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS 0-70 PREPARED FOR: EXPUNATION OF ICE SYMBOLS Percf::ntage of visible ice has been grouped for the purpose of designating the amount of soil ice content.These groups have arbitrarily been set out as follows: 0% 1%-10% 11%-20% 21%-35% >35% No Visible Ice Little Visible Ice Occasional Visibie Ice Some Visible Ic2 Considerable Visibk Ice The ice description system is based on tha t presen l"J by K.A.Linell,and C.W.Kaplar (1966).In this system,which is an eXll:r.sion of the Unified Soil Classification System,the amount and physical d'ldracteristics of the soil ice are accounted for.The following tahle is a brief summary of the salient points of their classification system as modified Lo meel the needs of this study. ICE DES CR I PT ION S GROUP ICE VISIBILITY a CONTENT SUBGROUP SYMBOL -----~----- DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Poorly bonded N forfriablef---.--------------,--- N Ice not visible ~No eAcess I NbnWell~c:..e___•Nb 1----bonded I EAcess i NbtIIce Individual Ice crystals or VI in cl u Sl ons.r----"--------_.--- Ice coatrnQ$Vcallparticles--V Ice visible,<50%Random or irrequ I orly V rorientedIce formotlOllS - Stra tifi ed or distinctly orj en ted V siceformations Ice visible,>50%Ice wi th 5011 ICE + inclusions soi I ty pe ICE Ice withoutIndividuallayer>6"thick •soil ,nclusions ICE •In some cases where the soil is ice poor a thin Ice layer may be Called out by special notation on the 10Q,i e.2"ice lens at 7' PREPARED BY I EXPLANATION OF ICE SYMBOLS R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. 0,:,,"71· PREPARED FOR: l6.0'T.D. 0.0' @561 ----- -8.0' GRAVELLY SILT WITH SOME SAND AND SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Very Dense T.H.AH 1-1 -20-1 Sh Sh Sh SP II"'-~~1 ~.-c.~ORGANIC MATERIALSp.....(J)Loose 0.5' ~.SILT WITH SOME ORGANICS, .Ii f TRACE SAND AND GRAVEL •0-•.~Brown...L.....1Qo~1.5' o 1.5·~3.5'Numerous ,.............,...Cobble:;;; 0)57,GM GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND AND SILT Gr~ell..1?e~__5.0' @ ~h~pk)T s~itr~~lff Gray,Very Dense 0)40 - Water Table Not Encountered. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 1-1 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. 0-72 Scale: Prepared for: -'--------------------------'------~ __---l.0' ----~.5' SILTY SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL Gray,Very Dense @46.GM SANDY GRAVEL WITH SOMESILT Gray,Dense to Very Dense ®Ref~50/4.0" ®110 ,6.5%,124.3 peL,SM 1:lLltaa;.1....I.l.,;;L..:.;.;::..:.l:........:~..::..;:..::::..__J..5 •5'T.D. Sp EB-I Sp ~~-t. Sp Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh 12.0' W.D~I'.-rr.;,..""l!it -"l2.0' -::;;;r Completely WeatheredPHYLLITE SANDY GRAVEL WITH SOME SILT Gray 14.0' A.B·Y - ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 2-2 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Prepared for: 5ca1e'1"=3'.12-73 Sp Sp Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh ;::..=..=...;~..,...0.0' __1.5' No Visible Si\.L~DY GRAVEL WITH SOME SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES AND BOULDERS Brown to Gray,Very Dense, Sand and Gravel Angular to Subangular. Ref.,Cobble 130 106L::.II...c;;I'-I:::~16.6'T.D. Table Not Encountered. _. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH3-1 I'l&.M CONSULTANTS.IN~. - Scale:1"=3' Prepared for: Cobble 27.5'Boulder GRAVELLY SILT WITH SOME SAND N~D SCATTERED COBBLES @ Ref.;Cobble ~'7""I'_._'-_._. t;....t::....!Ia...27.5' T.D. Sh __.__.__.__._18.0' GRAVELLY SILT WITH SOME SAND AND SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Med.to Very Dense, Sand and Gravel AngulartoSubrounded _________7.5' C!JRLT WITH SOME SAND AND TRACE GRAVEL Gray,Angular to subro~~8~d®R------- AH 4-1 S S S S 0.0'A.aI...~~~O.0' "'="s 1-LM~r1 ORGANIC MATERIAL~hin Cobble Layer at 0.5'S 2 -----0.6' ~~~~~ORGANIC SILT WITH TRACE SAND Sh3Brown_______1.5 ' ~15,14%,104.7 pef,SM SILTY SANDBrown,Med~Dense to Dens~L SanulAngularf?\to Suo angu ar 0 16 Prepared for ~ ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 4-1 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Scale:1"=3' 0-75 --.-----------------------------------------"'1 l AH 4-2 9-7-81 0.0' Sp -ORGANIC MATERIAL "~Loose.~~Cobbles at Surface 0.5' Sp ::.~2 SAND WITH SOME----zmGJrn'I"CS '...•~AND SILT,TRACE GRAVEL0'11:,,:.Brown Med.Dense. "1 5'S •..' .0 SA D 'mTlI --smm 'Gro'\\TEL • p ~.~AND SILT "Brown Med.Dense,Sand "and Gravel Subangular IQ'ln'iU'lll 17i\-- - - _3.0' Ss ,0".~:'~Ref.,Cobbleg:~~J SANDY GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY ';''0 SAND WITH SOME SILT AND ~SCATTERED COBBLES Sh ~:.5 Ref.,Cobble,SM ~,bbSh;D..'q 6 Ref.,co l.l=,.0 . 1fAI~~G23ef.,Cob~8.0 ' SANDY GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SAND ~UTll SCAT'.I.'ERED COBBLES AND'BOULDERS 12.0'-14.0'Boulder '--_.....L..__,....-14.0 'T.D. Water Table Not Encountered. ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-78 Prepared for: Scale:1"=3' ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 4-2 ed by:Pr - 1.A'Sp A.B.!Sp Sp Ss Sh Ss Sh T.H.AH 4-3 9-6-81 0.0' 1 ~§~IC MATERIAL~~msLC.Q.bW..sLAt~f.as::e ',~GANIC SILT WITH 0.3' $ffRACE GRAVEL AND SAND 3 4 Brown,G~l Subrounded , 1.0 Sfu~DY SILT WITH TRACE GRAVi:L®8,1.8%,SM Gray to Brown,Loose toMeu..Dense,Sand and GravelAngulartoSUbangular @35 ®79,6.6%,SM GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILT~SCATTERED COBBLES AND .t:SOULDERS Gray,Dense to Very Dense, Sand Angular to Subangular, Gravel Subangular 19 ..0'-20.5'Boulder 1.-_....L.20.5 'T.D. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH4..,..3 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-ZZ Scale:1"=3' Prepared for: 1\,'" 12.5' ____17.5' SILTY GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND GraYi Very Dense,Gravel Angu ar to Subangular 3.0'-17.5'Scattered Cobbles SANDY SILT WITH TRACEGRAVEL GraY1 Very Dense,Sand Angu ar to Subangular 1&,;;,,::::...AL..&..:o.9'-R_e_f--:..,_5_0_/'--4_._0_"20 •5 ' T •D• Table Not Encountered T.H.AH6-1 9-20-8 0.0' Sp'"1 ORGANIC MATERIAL ,..,@Loose 0.8 ' 2 GRAVELLY SILT WITH SOMEORGANICSANDSAND . ~~«~rown,Sand Subangular 5'~~~1.Sh .:'i 3 --------- ...Q:.,'~~~k~T~If.~ME SAND ~":i1.:,"Brown-G~ay,Angular ,.fii\...tU-EmmeteJ1......_ __3 .0 Sh :.,.::.~T'7"";"SM :'.'::..,SILTY SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL .::~::';Gray,Med.Dense 5.0' @18 ' SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEJ, Gray Med.Dense, Angular to Subrounded 5'®42-,---..E. GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILT CD 39 Gray,Dense,Gravel Angular to Subrounded. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH6-1 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. 0-78 Scale:1"=3' Prepared for: 8.5' 0.0' ___12.5' GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND AND TRACE TO SOME SILT, SCATTERED COBBLES Brown,Very Dense Angu~aL ~o Subangular GRAV~LLY SAND WITH SCATTERED COBBLES Brown,Very Dense,Sand Angular to Subrounded. 9 Ref.,Cobble 20 0'wo..~"""",,,"""____________.T.D. Sh Sh br!lr6t-l ------ Sh CV 82,GM Sh Sh 0.0"T.H.AfI7-1 A.~9-18-81 ~p""Q;)ORGANIC MATERIAL Loose 0.6' Sp ORGANIC SILT WITH SAND Gray-Brown,Sand~Angnlar to SUbrounded 1.5 '3~------- GRAVEL WITH SOME SANDBrown,Dense,Gravel'"Angu.Lar to Subrounded ~3.0'@)~------ U SANDY GRAVEL WITH SCATTERED COBBLES ~.Brown Med.Dense to DenseO:o~"Gravel Angular to Rounded. Sh :~«.~®11.R·o'6.0' ;:.:..:GRAVELLY SAND WITH SaCAnTTERED COBBLES:,'::Brown,Med.Dense S dA:.:.'Angu.Lar to Rounded. Sh :':)..)~.'®27 -........ •4"." .~. R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ___.0'_-'-"-" ACCESS CORRIDOR AUGER HOLE AH7-1 0-78 Prepared for: Scale:1"=3' - GRAVEL WITH SOME SAND,SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Dense,Sand and Gravel Angular to Subangular @32 GRAVEL WITH SOME S.M·Jnl1ND S IL'T' AND SCATTERED COBBLES KL..lIIl::I....I -'21.5 'T.D. S S S -r;--.;;;.;;..-r-oi"'f""'"""-----------O.0'S .Ll-,,-~~ORGANIC MATERIAL S Loos~0.4' ~~f5N£iDS~H~lTH SOME ~~;~~,Loose,Sand and~el Sub~ar.1.5' GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILT""-Brown,Dense,Angular ~to Subangular 3.0'8)27 SANDY GRAVEL w'YTH TRACE SILT '5\24 Gray,Med.Dendse to 1~Dense,Sand an Grave Angular to Sub angular _________6.0' S S Water Table Not Encountered. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 7-2 R&M CONSULTANTS.ItIIC. 0-80 Prepared far: Scale:1"=3' S S S S ",=,--='r-+~:-------------0.0' ___1.5' SANDY SILT tS'I9~Brown to Gray,Loose to Medium Dense. ~L~WITH SOME SAN~6.0' AND GRAVELGray,Loose to Med.Dense,SanO and r,~ayel subangulartoSUbrounded. (2)13 ~9.0' ~40,9.0% 9.Q'-13.0'Some Visible Ice VR GRAVELLY SILT WITH SOME S~ND,SCATTERED COBBLES AND BOULDERS Green-Gray,Gravel Angular to Rounded. @Ref.,Cobble 13.0'-17.0'Little Visible Ice-VR 17.0' 17.0'-26.0'No Visible Ice Nbn SAND WITH TRACE SILT Gray,Sand Angular to Suhangular 23.0' SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL, TRACE SILT Gray,Sand Angular to Suhangular,Gravel Suhangular to Suhrounded Ref.,50/4.0"-........-'-"--26.0'T.D. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 8-1 ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-81. Prepared for: Sp Ss Sh Sh Sh Sh ~.-..:J,r-l"'=""'------------0.0 I ORGANIC MATERIAL Brown,Loose o 4 5'-6 5'Som~to Considerable ,VisJ.bl,e J.9.~,VS+VR 5 0'WIO:-----. ORGANIC SILT Brown _6.5'@)7---- ICE-ORGANIC SILT Tan 6.5'-10.0'Estimate 50-70%Visible Ice VR+VS @24 ~0.O'-20.0'Estimate 85%Visible Ice ICE-ORGANIC SILT _!L.JL....-20.0'T.D. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 8-2 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-82 Prepared for; Scale:1"=3' 30.5' T.D. "50 21.0' Ref. ----23.0' SILTY GRAVEL WITH SOMESAND Gray,Gravel Angular to Subrounded. Little to No Visible Ice 18.0'-30.5'VX Sh Sh 0.0'-2.0'Boulder 13,13.1%,124.4 pcf.,SM SILTY SAND WITH TRACE TO SOME GRAVEL Gray-Brown,~ed.to VeryDens~.t Grave Angular 'to SUDrounde . SILTY SAND WITH TRACE SOME GRAVEL 25 8-3 ,',:'.0 -o.':~/·::·i .fO.a :•..g,:",O........ .."..~:.•. i2=-~r=i~-------------O.0' Sh Sh Sh Ss Sh ..-1-4.0' __.__--l8.0' GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACESILT Gray-Brown,Sand and Gravel Subangular Ref .1.Cobble 'SANDy GRAVEL WITH TRACESILTANDSCATTEREDCOBBLES Gray-Brown,Very Dense, Gravel Angular to Subangular Sh-....,;..;".;:.L...&.;8::::,.1.'12~__..--21.0' Ss ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ------, ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 8-3 D-8 Prepared for: Sh Ref.,35 2.0" Water Table Not Encountered. 'I'm TIn TIn Ss Sh Ss Sh Sh Sh 0.0'~~~tI'J.O~R~G;::-AN;:;I;'C:::-;MA:;;;T;'E;;-;RI~A;:-;L;---O. 2 I ~C::J-~,2':.JQRGANICr.§IT,T WITHdSOME SAND r §QgwnU degs-e,SanJ;,1l,.~-l~ffi~t~;:~:,,:~O!m SNlD le'O, _____"'-.J 5 16 SAi'W WITH SONE GRAVEL~D SILTrayMed.Dense,ngnlar to SUbrounded ":";'::A:,;4-l ®37____5 . 5 I 0 5.5'-9.0 1 scattered Cobbles 7 83SANDY SILT WITH SOME GRAVEL Brown-G~ay,Very Dense,Sand and GravelAngulartoSubrounded. @s3 9.0' No Visible (VlsO SILTY GRAVEL WITH SOMESANDANDSCATTEREDCOBBLESGray,Very Dense,Gra1)'el Angular ___________13.0' SANDY GRAVEL WITH SOI'1E SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Very Dense,Sand andGravelAngulartoSUbangular lS.s'T.D. ._, I ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH9-1 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-8 Prepared for:l - r ! 0.0'T.H.AH9-2 A..llI.-9-10-81 0.0' --S~1 ORGANIC MATERIAL ~se ---IJ.5 ' 00RGAN""'IC"sILT -- '...,....~-lCDBrown . 1 5'iTS ---------,". 3 SANDYGRAVEL WITH TRACE ~~.....SILT Gray-Brown,Angular 3 0'n-------. §~ZELLY SILT WITH SOME Gray-Brown,Subrounded®i~AnguJ.ar ., 4.5'-7.5 I Trace Organicsl~~-b'~""'l2~2.--A"6 . 0 ' SILTY SAi~D WITH SOME GRAVEL (2)24,11.8%,122.9pcf.,SM. Gray-Green,Mea.Dense, Gravel Subangular 9 0'@26 -----. GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACESILT Gray-Green,Med.Dense, Gravel Subangular Ref.,40/1.0" SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT Ref. Green,Dense to Very Dense,Gravel Angular a4 20.0'T.D. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH9-2 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-05 Scale:1"=3' Prepared for: 1 I _ ......24.0'I Gray,Gravel Subangular to Subrounded @ 36 SILT WITH SOME GRAVEL, TRACE TO SOME SAND --.............._.__.-._-. ...Jt;....:..L..1...31.5 • Water Table Not Encountered.T.D. Sh Sh 13.5' SANDY GRAVEL WITH SOMESILTANDSCATTEREDCDBBLES Gray,Gravel Angular toSUbanguLar 13.5'-31.5'LittleVisibleIceVR @22SILTY SAND WITH SOl1EGRAVELGreenGray,Med.D~nse,Angular to Subrounded. @43 ~9.0· \,§)Ref.,50/3.0" 9,0'-13.5'OccasionalVlsibleIceVR+VX (2)22 SILT WITH SOME GRAVEL,TRACE TO SOME SAND Gray,Grav~l SubangulartoSUbrounded T.H.AH 9-3 -"'-':;'..\oU._.__•__•__•_._24.0' 0.0'Sp ~~r;:.;.l..+oIpo....,s""c-a-t"""""t-e-r-e""d""""c""o""b""b""""e-s-a""t""""surface ORGANIC MATERIAL Sp ~se..------0.5' Sp (DORGANIC SILT WITH TRACE g~Sn,Loose,Sand Angular to Subangul..:=:-3.0' Ss Sh Sh Sh Ss Ss Sh ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 9-3 ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Prepared for: l ! ! BEDROCK 50/3.0" ___5.5' ®Ref.,50/5.0" ®Ref 1:;0/2.A".,~ '----'-.........9.5'T.D. Sh Sh Sp Sh Sh Sh AH 14-1 A.B.y ~i9:;;;,-~1+{-;.s8~JI....-o.0' -=-Sp ~,.;G:limGANIC MATERIAL 0.6 I Sp ~GANIC SILT WITH S~SAND,TRACE GRAVELBrown!Lopse,Sand and~rave Subangular to Rounded.1.5' 3 SAND WITH TRACE -TO SOt-1E GRAVEL,TRACE SILT @ ~~n"Med.to Very DenseSan~Angular to Subrounaed 0.0' ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 14-1 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Prepared for: Scale 1"=3' 0-8 . - __24.0' Grey to Brown Grey, Dense,Sand Angular to Subangular 1 Ref.,50/3.0" @140 SAND WITH TRACE TO SOME SILT ._.'---_._. Sh Sh --8.0' to Brown-Gray,Dense, Angular to Subangular WITH TRACE TO SOME 56 SAND SILT Gray Sand 12.0'-31.0'No VisibleIce,Nf. _________0.5' SILT WITH SOME 8RGANICSANDGRAVEL,TRA E SAND Brown,Gravel Subrounded.1 5' 'l"""'mrn l:5"""m'l'H"""'S"o~VE L Brown-Grav,Med.Dense,'SS~d Snbangular torounded,Gravel. angular to Rounded 3 0 ,-. IT:i%;-TI4 :spcf:"";"GM . SAi.~DY SILTY GRAVEL Grav1 Mid.Dense,SandSuoallguar,GravelSubanguartoRounded 17 .._.__.__.__. _._24.0' Sh Sh Sh Sp Sp Sh Sp Sp Sh 8.0' W.D. 12.0' A.B.y ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH14-2 ~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-88 Prepared for: Scale:1"=3' Ah 14-3 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Scale:1"=3' Prepared for: 0.0' ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 14-3 26.0'T.D. 12.0'-26.0'. Brown,Very Dense, Gr~vel Anqular to SUbroundea. _______23.5' GRAVELLY SAND WrTH SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES . Brown-Gray,Subangular to Rounded. (2)25 SANDY SILT WITH SOME GRAVEL TO GRAVELLY SANDY SILT,BOTH WITH SCATTERED COBBLES Brown,Med.Dense to Very Dense,Sand Angular to Subangular,Gravel Subangular to Subrounded. ~~"!t------18.0' SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SLLT AND SCATTERED COBBLES 1 ORGANIC MATERIAL~L~~~e 0.4'~01-1 ~~MDSG~~ETH TRACE ~rown,Sand an~Gravel Subangular .. ----loS'~01-1 3 e ~E~;T¥RX8~o~~I~D~Brown,Loose,Subangular 4 uz-------3.0' """,""..c:I"I ~~~~ITH SOME SAND AND ~Brown,Loose,Subangular®ri------4.5' Sh Sh Sp Sp 2.5' H.D. --I.... Sh Sh Ss Sh D-89---_••.._-_._----------------'------------------------ ___loS' Sp Sh Sh Ss Sh Ss Sh AH 15-1 9-13-1 o.O. o 1 ORGANIC SILT WITH TRACE GRAVEL Brown,Loose,Gravel SubroW1ded.~~~~~------IS 130 86. SANDY .G~VEL Brown-Gray.to ..Gray, Med.Dense to Very Dense, Gravel Subangu~ar toSubroW1ded. 66 41 L.&...........uI.__•__•__•__•__24.5' Sh .",.....-......._.__.__._-. SANDY GRAVEL Brown-Gray to Gray, Dense to Very Dense, Gravel Subangular to Subrounded 24.5' Prepared for: ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 15-1 J=I&M CONSUL.TANTS.INC. Scale 1"=3' ·Q-90 Sand to AND 52SANDY GRAVEL WITH SCATTERED COBBLES BOULDERS Brown-Gray,Dense, and Gravel Angular Subangular. 24.0'"""'1"'T.'l'"---------------- Sh Ref.,Flowing Sands1!Li.I6Ll~"""""__"";"'"":'30.5 I T.D. Sh 125.9 pcf,SM 12.0'-19.0'Scattered .'Gobbles @10 SILTY SAND WITH TRACE TO SOME GRAVEL Gray to Brown-Gray, Loose to yery Dense,Sand An~ar to Subangular,Gravel qular toSubrounect. 41 ~.;..;oj-l...__---21.5' Sh ~~VELLY SAND WITH SOHE SILT Gray,Very Dense,Sand Angular,Gravel Angular to Subrounded. o.;;,;..~,.1 24.0' S5 Ss Sh Sh Ss Ss AH IG-l 0.0'"9-5-81 0.0' A.B.~,...,.,ORGANIC MATERIAL ~~~~N:fSw~~;Wta8;o I SOME SAND~~~'\Brown,Loose,Sand Angular ~3 -l.5' Sp \2) Ss 09 -~&M CONSULTANTS.INC. ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 16-1 Prepared for: -81, ! 79 GRAVELLY SAND WITH SCATTERED COBBLES _____24.0' Gray-Brown,Dense, Sana and Gravel Angular to Subangular. I&.::=:..;:..,L....I.:.......'--31.5' T.D. r-:r..,.,.....---- Sh 47 ®REF. SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT, SCATTERED COBBLES AND BOULDERS Gray-Brown,Dense to Very Dense, Sand and Gravel Angular to Subangular. @21Brown to Gray-Brownh Med.Dense to DenSe,SanuAnquiartoSUb~ounded,Grave.l Sunrouneted (})27 L..:....O.:......"""24.0' 9.0'~6a------- \:::.J SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL AND SILT Gray-Brown~Subangular to Subrounaed. \ir=,~fi---_-,--,-,-,-_.-,----,-11.0' Sh ss, Sh Sh S5 Sh S5 Sp Sp Preuarerl by" ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH19-1 R&M COI\ISI.Jl.TANTS.INC. Prepared for: Scale: 17.0'T.D. ____7.5' SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES AND BOULDERS Gray-Brown,Very Dense, Sand and Gravel AngulartoSubangular. AH19-2 9-3-81 0 O'1'::":"-:-:Ir-r"7"':"'l....-:'O'::'R-::G"':"AJ:-:~-::I-::C~MA~T=E~R~I~A~L:----• ~Loose ,0SkillY -s-I-.iTWi-Th---SOME'"O.5 I""'i"~-t ORGANICS . \Brow!l,Loose,Sanl1 ~Subrounded ,GJ20 -------1.5 (!)~~t...r~MSAND WITH TRACE TO Sm-tB GRAVELG~at6 SUbangular torn~t-t®iUO ~d..L.-4.5' SANDY GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILTGraY1Med.to Very Dense,Angu ar to Subangular ®125 Sh Sh Ss Sh Sp Sh Sp 3.0 '5s • A.B.!.Ss -ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH19-2 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. D-83 Prepared for: Scale:1"=3' __.__._24.0' ~~Iil--- -----28.5' SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT Ss Sh 13.5' and SAND Gray,Dense,Sand and Gravel Subangular SILTY SANDY GRAVEL 6 3rown-GraYdto Gray,Med.Dense',San and Gtavel. Angular to Subangular Sand Layer at 5.0' ILT WITH SOME ORGANICS, RACE SAND AND GRAVEL 1.....~.u.r~,oJwn,-Gr~Med.~S~l.0' "-'-'.....~__.__.__.__.__._24.0' ~!IA=.,l1,lf 18.5' GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES .~nrt-bo~7.5 ' 8 G~VEL WITH SOME SAND fu~D SILT AND SCATTERED COBBLES Gr~y,Very Dense,Gravel Subangul.aJ:. ~"ilAI~9~'2-:=..0.-'--'-__10.0 I SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL, TRACE SILT Brown-Gray,Dense,Sand Angular to Subangular, Gravel Subangular S S S 0.0'AH 20-1 A.B.~9-2-8 0.0' ~S..L JRGANIC MATERIAL -~l.urn lliills.!L-_____0.3 ' S.;."".......o;....t-r 2 S1 Prepared for: ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 20-1 R&M CONSUL.TANTS.INC. Scale:1"=3' D-94 28.0' 26.5'-28.0' Scattered Cobbles 56 57- SAND WITH SOME SILT, TRACE TO SOME GRAVEL Gray,Dense,Sand Subangular,Gravel Subrounded 36.5'~"""'-'----------- .....~1"""'\~......160--·_·--,.--·-25.0' SANDY GRAVEL WITH TRACE SILT 0.6' MATERIAL Loose 23.5' Gray,Med.Dense,Sand Subangular,Gravel Subangular to Subrounded ____-18 .5 ' GRAVELLY SAND WITH SOME SILT 06,ML SANDY SILT WITH TRACEGRAVEL Gray,Loose,Sand Subangular,Gravel Subangular to Subrounded. 0.0'.-=-,-;?,,..:r~------------' Ss Ss Ss Sh Sp ...3.5' Sp ~""'""'~~ORGANIC SANDY SILT Brown-Gray,Loose'lSand ./."':WL..JI........Angu.Lar to Suoangu ar. ~~~l~---5.0' :AND WITH SOME SILTDGRAVELGreen-Gray,Med.Dense t1-7P:.o.;++~Grave~angu~__0.5 ' Ss 11 .0' .B •..I --::-Sp ",",,~-I..'-'/ Prepared for: ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH 20-2 I'l&M CONSULTANTS.INC. Scale: D-85 3 128 31.5' Table Not Encountered.T.D. ._._._._.._25.0' 2 30 SAND WITH SOME SILT AND GRAVEL \'lITH SCATTERED COBBLES Gray ,Dense,Sand and Gravel Subangular ~~""'~28.5' GRAVELLY.SAND WITH SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Very Derise,Sand Suhangular ,Gravel .. Subangular to Subrounded and 7.0' 42 5.5'-7.0'Numerous Cobbles @82 GRAVELLY SAND WITH SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Very Dense,Sand Gravel Suhangular @24 GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT WITH SCATTERED COBBLES Gray,Med.Dense to Dense, Sand and Gravel Subangular ____________24.5' SAND WITH SOME SILT AND GRAVEL AND SCATTERED..,:._GOlillJ.£L .__.__. _25.0 ' Ss AH20-3 8-31-81 0 0' Sp ...,....,1 ORGANIC MATERIAL -~';"..,~ed.Dense 0 3' Sp .;.\ORGANIrS~w:r.m-TRACE· :~~SAND AND GRAVEL ::~.~:'~rown,Med Dense.,:.'.1 0'~~;~3~'29 --------- • :....:..SAND WITH SOME SILT AND ......: TRACE GRAVEL Ss '::,':-:®62 ~".:.:'.'Gray-Brown,Subangular ::.;.I':ffi to Subrounded. Ss ';-'::~6 Ref.,Cobble Sh 7 Ref.,Cobble Sh Ss Ss ACCESS CORRIDORS AUGER HOLE AH20-3 R&M CONSULTANTS.INC. 0-81 Prepared for: Scale:1"=3' CICD....'"~10IPROJECTNO.052506R$MCLIENT:AcresAmerican,Inc.CONS U LTANTS,INC.DATEDecember1,1981PROJECTNAMESusitnaHydro.SUMMARYOFLABORATORYTESTDATAPARTYNO.PAGENO.e-OlE-t>Lll::LIWETDRY%%H.U)H~gDEPTH3"2"1~':'1"3/4"1/2',3/8'#4#10#20#40#80#100#200.02LLPIDENSITYDENSITY~ISTUREORGAN.>Ll0E-t::r:(feet)Itfi"AHl-l33.5-5.(1005643 414139 35302624191815.89.0~H2-253.0-4.c10076 76747166575043.38323127.011.7~2-288.0-9.~10097949182736254434033.413.311?41?416.51\H3143.55.C10069696963605648393125]715l??11NI4-143.0-4.~1009A9A94A777645948.8?C;Q110~1r1A714.0-.._.~H4-254.5-6.(10096Al736962l:i23931?11813.75 1Nf4-353.0-4.~10098959186797260564QQ21.61.A1\H4-399.0-10.c100979595 93877663513631?C;F.71&:.&:.--1AH6-143.5-5.(10092928785Al7670611:\04738.018.0.IA.H7-178.5-10.(10072726754n42342519 14131?1c;?tlli8-143.0-4.c100QQq1QF.8077697QF.1c;1~H8-189.0-10.c9.0I\H8-246.5-8.(27.3 27.8~H8-368.0-9.']009t;R97970565242.6?4.9lLl.rI7l?AA13.1M9-277.5-9.(100939083766964555345.823.6137.4122.911R~H14-243()-LI.c1007878 74706560551:\1411q11?1a713931248117~H16-166.0-7c10096 95888170604642101lR?()4142.6125.913.3~19-143.0-4.c10074716766 63574736181511.7<c;till19-243.0-4.5100.979594--.9l8679·605340.113.3t\.H2G-l53.0-4.5100&:.?QNVNP227REMARKS:-.,._NOTE:SIEVEANALYSIS:PERCENTPASSIN~~ApkiiOv.9L)..-- PROJECTNO.._0_5_2...:;.5...:;.0.=.6_CLIENT:AcresAmerican,Inc.PROJECTNAMESusitnaHydro.R¢MCONSULTANTS.INC.SUMMARYOFLABORATORYTESTDATADATEDecember1,1981PARTYNO.PAGENO.C-02I~8fil~WETDRY% %UlH~~DEPTH3"2"1~"I"3/4't1/2"3/8',#4#10#20#40#80#100#200.02LLPIDENSITYPENSITYMOIST.ORGAN.filO8::I:(feet);;:~20-2109.010.<10096q4RqQ':l7f:..f:..Qr:;Qr:;,;51.329.21lli20-353.04.:10095959478hI),tl7.n::>f.1 Q?,;7_..--.._.--._--f----.REMARKS:_NOTE:SIEVEANALYSIS:PERCENTPASSIN'AP~/~C~ APPENDIX E ENVI RONIVIENTAL CONCERNS -----_..-____. Appendix E -Environmental Conflicts Appendix E is a series of maps on which the more obvious and/or critical potential environmental conflicts are indicated.This data has been provided by the Environmental team and is fully considered in analyzing the access plans. The following exhibits do not cover the currently perferred alignment from Deadman Lake to the Denali Highway.This segment was selected to avoid the caribou calving area around Butte Lake.The new line,however,does infringe on summer Caribou range. r27/q E - 1 PREPARED BY I RAM CONSULTANTS,INC. PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRICOR • ENVIRCNMENTAL CCNFLICTS _.....00 Il\IDEX'MAP FIGURE!......linD E-2 ---~QSCALE1":2000'15~~-H~i-/r~_.~/J-/./~rI~..',GOII'.'1J::JJm'1JIJTCIa.IImIII2C<III--D-I022)1im)I2n-Inl-mrillnCDo2n~0]InDGJ-IDc:III-DgII"'D(m•.aE~II~ PREPARED BY I "'.~"~'..-'~",r Ol \.) ". PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDOR ~ ENVIRDNMENTAL CDNFL=RE E.2 • "V~1ftJ~1ftCm-<mUI2CS!!!I'~_{(-/--~71(-----26/-~\2&/\I (30\1)',J/i28I -2.7.-r-'2b~-;JIrl,25J\1/30nnR1)\29~\'--f~"--'r--\~__./~"'"',.......'l9D-I02~~II"t~I'----.~0,'I~'b3\-.--/-'~---3~.-/]~~;mJ>~I~J(J(,-_,,-_'~!2n•_ill'It,31NgT~-In(J1~"8~~~m84~~--~/"nUlaucaeoOJ2n'II0~!:DnD-I_DQJam0mDI.J"V~1ftIJ~I./lj~I'~~\\\\b-~;---~~~____~L~__~_~J:~;'(J~~~1_,~~,.f?1>~-.L)2-[~t_U_J\_o:JlTINUATlOli.lEIH£T.QseALE,-:2000'~~~ PREPARED BY I RAM CONSULTANTS,INC. 1&1....c (Jen 1~! ~ i PREPARED FORI SUSITNA ACCESS caRRIDOR [i] ENVIRCNMENTAL CCNFLICTB IPon FIGURE EA IInu "a21mJ21moIII-<i~'--:..:_:.--':--:---:-'rnIn2CSInD-o-I22i»~I~)-InI»0I.,'--;I'!'1f5i",',.m-I"nIn)~DOJ20,.II,.0nDC-lJlDIDOm0rnD•II"a21IJ~r;:;;on021FORCONTiNUATtoN,SEESKEETIQSCALE"'"j1":2000" I.~Yll.....28../.~--'--............,..............--............._--------------~,fl;.===i,;.=:;.;.i1lr'lJ::-----""'================.......-.......-----:2Jm::Dmcm~mm,10'zeSmD-a-Iz2~J>&1mJ>~n~QI "15nmIr.-/ )r.,am2n.~0~-D'~'~i/nD..-D~I]Ri'~II0mDII_I~5mT~NcT.............II~._.,.,..,~C.I.!:!-s;:;;~Qf;CAIIE1":2000':D LJ :~~__N - ~ ,, PREPARED BY I RAM CONSULTANTS,INC. 1&1... C Uen PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CDRRIDDR ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONFL~~:~E E.S • l'V2Jm~2JI/~......-~icJ-'~r"'"r~'i±:ET-~'t\-l\CCCTmCJ'''/IX"• •"''''''(/ "/.",\.L·_·ttOO,\._Y'"\\,.I.t'i\1····...~.!WA~AItt.~.p/,,,::-/(~j',l~.,.;.-....--,-"'-/(/~o.'.J:i):\"...'/",,,,"-'./"CD'Jl"'?t,.,\....'.',5?~?1r:-::::\(;1~--/./25If)co.30-<II \III-~llI~:.:...:.~'?<:\¥'I/~~~"'.".~t,~r36~~32~__~-:«-34'II\1.3~i·t~..Jt;\.J...31~-I.32j33~1\,IIi"-<,WUmUJC7..\IJOO2C)~--,lID);/<c:;::::::?~~.IIII)\/-~'bD--IL-a2'12i~12m~~I2n._--.',---/...'\n,/))1716(.~..mWETAHDI!nIIIaOJ2nlr.{,Z/..-=+~~"~'I~\_rJI~:~\i21~'=---~_/~~j;/~~Tp'1~~~1,--.~il,.D~..-Dn...D'.".'.'/"CD-rIa:SD/'LlI?/~.pCD'V2JmtI~~~;~',(~~U-J1rv!h~~~y:!~\lJi]13111'i -/--"'--"TlIONAlAOOIIInNUATIOlI,lEEIHEET'5QSCALE,.:2000'~~2J - - ....- - PREPARED BY:PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDOR [iiJ ENVIRDNMENTAL CDNFLICTS .I_nn FIGURE E.14 IInu E-11 - - - PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDOR [i] ENVIRDNMENTAL CDNFLICTS IPom FIGURE E.1B 1100 E-12 - - - - § N - PREPARED BY: R&M CONSULTANTS,INC. PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDCR [i] ENVIRDNMENTAL CDNFLICTS IPOI FIGURE 1!.1B ling E-13 - - PREPARED BY I RaM CONSULTANTS,INC. PREPARED FOR: SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDOR • ENVIRCNMENTAL CCNFLICTB I_DO FIGURE E.17 lin E-14 - .- .......... PREPARED FORI t::::J \.'./';SUSITNA ACCESS CORRIDOR ~ RIIICO~~T~NT;:IN~./ENVIRDNMENTAL CDNF';::=-=&.18 • PREPARED BY I E-1& - APPENDIX F COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX F -COST ESTIMATES The overall costs of the various access plans must be a considered in the selection process.The access plans and their estimated costs are outlined herein.The process by which the estimates were generated is documented and the primary components of each plan are set forth. F.1 -Introduction Common elements to all plans include quantities to be moved,the ports through which all commodites are assumed to flow and the ton-mile costs of haul for rail and truck.The costs differences developed here in will result from differences in length,difficulty of construction and maintinance,bridges,rail heads,and the length of haul on each mode. F.2 -Sea Ports The Alaska sea ports identified for use in supplying the Susitna Hydroelectric Project are Anchorage and Whitter. Anchorage is the perferred port for those items suitable for ship- ments in conventional containers and trucks.The port apparently has adequate capacity and the best facilities of any Alaska ports. The draw back in Anchorage is the lack of capabilities for roll-on roll-off rail shipments. Whittier is unique in that there is roll-on roll-off rail capability. Because of freight rates and handling charges Whitter is the obvious choice for arrival of all materials that can be shipped by rail car. r26/b F - 1 Seward and Valdez were investigated and eliminated as primary ports for reasons of distance,port facilities and/or port costs. TABLE F-2.1 ACROSS THE DOCK HANDLING COSTS Cost in $/Ton Material (1)To (2)To (4)To (1)To From Seattle (6)Anchorage Seward Whittier Valdez Reinforcing Steel 72.00 72.00 55.00 86.00 Structural Steel 85.40 85.40 55.00 125.00 Cement 66.00 66.00 55.00(3)80.00 General Cargo 80.00 80.00 55.00 110.00 Equipment 160.00 160.00 120.00 191.00 Explosives 89.00 Not Allowed 55.00 115.00 1 Quoted by Pacific Western. 2 Information not received -Estimated equal to Anchorge.Rates for fuel included in modal alternate section. 3 Rate for 140,000 lb Hopper Cars -Rates for Bags 100.00/ton as per ARR. 4 Rates derived from quotion by ARR. 5 Includes Stevedoring at all ports. 6 Explosives must flow through Prince Rupert,B.C. F.3 -Linehaul Line Haul rates were collected from the Alaska Railroad and several trucking firms.Comparison of line haul rates is shown below. TABLE F-2.2 LINE HAUL RATES IN DOLLARS/TON-MILE r26/b Item Equipment Steel Cement Fuel General Cargo Explosives Rail 0.1878 0.2577 0.1565 0.1450 0.1262 0.6267 F - 2 Truck 0.2069 0.2069 0.2069 0.2069 0.2069 0.2069 While certain items may move by truck with lower costs,the mix of items and quantities make it clear that the overall most cost effective line haul mode is rail.For this reason all plans contemplate rail haul to the maximum extent practicable. F.4 -Railhead Railhead facilities will be required at one or more locations depending on the final plan adopted.The logistics estimates indicate a need to be able to handle a flow of 40 to 60 rail car loads per week.The detailed requirements for the railhead will vary with location however for the purposes of the study a typical facility has been developed and will be considered as applicable at all locations. The typical railhead layout is based on the following requirements. The proposed layout is shown in Figure F-4.1.The estimated construction materials for the typical rail head is are as shown in Table F-4.1. Scope:The rail head must be capable of handling about 50 cars at a time. 1)Piggybacks 2)Containerized (Sealand type) 3)Tank Cars 4)Hopper Cars Elements: 1)Sidings to store rail cars arriving and departing 2)Siding(s)to store rail tankers for on-demand pumping into truck tankers 3)Cement pumping areas r26/b F - 3 PREPAREDBY'L?i'~~~R&MCONSULTANTS,INC.FUELF-4t600•BREAK~l>-t("l::rZfTIPREPAREDFOR' IJJZ:z::ol-e(:::EENGINETURNAROUNDoo~Io100200SCALEINFEETRaMCONSULTANTS.INC.TVPICALPLANRAILTDTRUCKTRANSFERFACILITVFIGUREF.4.'!ill 4)Piggyback off loading area (ramp) 5)Containerized off loading area (w/crane or forklift) (contractors to supply equipment) 6)Truck storage and maneuvering area 7)Office space and employee facilities (contractor supplies) 8)Truck fueling/servicing (contractor supplies) Details o o ° ° Degree of curvature should not exceed 12 0 30' Require 45 1 length of track per car.Minimum main line or ladder to ladder spacing 18'center to center.Minimum body to body track spacing 14 feet. Maximum angle of ladder to sideing,for a slow moving freight yard,#8 frog,is 7°9 110 11 • Arrival and departure tracks should each be long enough to hold the longest train anticipated.Optimum yard capacity = 110%of arrival rate. Parameters: o o o ° Volume:50 cars/wk.Use a maximum of 50 cars arriving in 1 day.These could all be of one type. Length:need 45 1 per car =2,250' Between Sidings:Need 2 lane road (24 1 plus track width), minimum 14 1 from No.1 to 2,141 from No.2 to 3,29 1 from No.3 to 4,and 29 1 from No.4 to 5. Ladder Lengths:When spacing =141 ,difference in length = 111\1,when spacing =29 1 ,difference in length =231 1 r26/b F - 6 o o o Actual Lengths:No.5 Minimum =2,250',leg could be longer if terrain dictates. No.4 =2,250'(min.) No.3 =2,250 1 + 2 (231)=2,712 No.2=2,712+2(231)=3,174 No.1 =3,174 +111\=3,397 Note,No.1 siding already exists at Gold Creek and is 4000' long. Turnaround: R =460· A =100'(2 cars)(Tangent length beyond switch) Trucks:WB-60, WB-50,maximum turning radius =45', minimum turning radius =19.8,maximum length =65 1 ,max width =8.5 1 or for wide load parking slots:use 121 x 70 1 aisle:55 1 wide to allow for turn into stalls,#of slots =50 ea. Sources: o o Hennes,Robert G.and Ekse,Martin I.,Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering.McGraw Hill Book Company,1955 New York. Merritt,Frederick S.,Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers 2nd Ed.McGraw -Hill Book Company 1976 New York. r26/b F - 7 TABLE F-4.1 RAIL HEAD ESTIMATE AMOUNT 1.Clearing 2.Waste Excavation 3.Common Excavation 4.Rock Excavation 5.Borrow 6.Grade A Base 7.D-1 Base 8.AC Surfacing 9.Fabric 10.Topsoil and Seed 11.Traffic Control Devices 12.Subballast 13.Trackage 14.Dock Lumber (6 I1 x6 11 ) 25 ac. 78,000 cy 505,000 cy -0- -0- 4,900 cy 2,400 cy 2,200 tons -0- 15 ac. L.S. 25,800 cy 19,700 I.f. 16 mbf Note:Plans that call for rail segments (R-l and/or R-2)include the attached railhead(s)within the rail estimate.Separate railheads at Cantwell and/or Gold Creek are cos ted separately.The quantities used are the same in both cases. r26/b F - 8 F.5 -Bridges Bridges are major cost items and for some plans,major schedule constraints.Layout plans for the'major bridges are included. Bridge cost estimates are based on Alaska Department of Transporation and Public Facilities average bid information.This information was provided by a Department of Transporation and Public Facilities estimator.Bridge prices up-dated to 1982 dollars are approaching $150.00/square foot of deck for complete installa- tions. The railroad bridges normally include heavier members and founda- tion elements,however they are narrower.Information received from the Alaska Railroad Engineering department indicates that square foot costs for railroad bridges are approximately double that for highway bridge.Therefore a cost of $300.00/square foot will be used for estimating railroad bridge costs. Figure F 5.1 shows a 180-foot steel box girder structure over Indian River.This structure,with slight variations in height and/or length is typical of all possible crossings of Indian River. Figure F 5.2 shows the Susitna River structure proposed for segment 2-L.Other segments crossing the Susitna near Gold Creek would have a bridge that would have different alignment characteristics,however over-all demensions would be similar in most cases.Cost estimates are based on the structure shown. Figure F5.3 shows the road and railroad bridges over Cheechako Creek immediately above Devil Canyon.This structure is in a location that makes it a major time constraint. Figure F5.4 shows the roadway structure over Fog Creek. Figure F5.5 a roadway structure over an unnamed creek about two miles east of Cheechako Creek in Corridor 2. r26/b F - 9 Figure FS.6 shows the type and approximate size of structure that would be required to serve as a high bridge at Devil Canyon. This bridge will take approximately three years to construct.The $150/square foot cost is probably low for this type of structure however there is no eqiva/ent Alaska bridge,so that estimate is used. Figure FS.7 shows a railroad structure spanning the same unnamed creek crossed by the bridge in Figure F5.5 F.6 Quantity Estimating C ross Sections For purposes of estimating excavation quantities along the preferred routes within each of the 3 corridors and the railroad corridor,cross slopes were taken from available contour maps along with lengths of alignments. Cross sections were prepared for cross slopes of 0-10%,15%,25%, 30%,35%,40%,45%,and 50%.The upper 2 feet of material was considered as waste excavation on all alignments. It was considered that average variations of subgrade from the ideal cut equal fill section would be 10 feet. Frozen materials were considered to have a maximum cut of 10 feet to protect the 15 feet depth of frozen indicated in the soils information.This maximum cut depth requires a higher grade line than would be most economical for a balanced cut =fill section. Local borrow would be necessary to make up the difference. On cross slopes up to 10%,particulary along corridor #3 a borrow pit type of cross section is proposed to provide material for raising the subgrade elevation above the existing ground. Stripped or waste material can go back into the borrow pits. - r26/b F -10 Up to 15%cross slope,cuts will probably not exceed 10 feet.so no quantity variations would be anticiapted between frozen and unfrozen materials. The 25%,30%,and 35%cross slope sections indicate for unfrozen ground a +unfrozen and unfrozen section 10 feet apart vertically with the excavation quantity balancing the fill quantities. The Frozen subgrade upper and lower limits with a maximum of 10 feet cut require borrow to balance. On cross slopes of 40%and over,it was considered that after the 2 feet of waste excavation on the surface there would be another 3 feet of usuable excavation before encountering rock excavation. In rock excavation,the frozen condition does not require the maximum 10 feet cut requirement. Fill slopes on the roadway sections vary depending on fill height. Cut slopes are used as ~:1 in rock and 1~:1 or flatter in normal materials. Examination of the terrain unit maps provided additional informa- tion as to where rock and organics were to be encountered. Adjustments were made in rock and waste excavation from this information. The sections used for estimating are shown in Figures F6.1-F6.16 F.7 -Drainage The cross drainage requirements for the preferred alignment within each corridor were estimated.The design flows were determined by defining the respective drainage areas on USGS quadrangle maps and applying regression equations developed by the U.S. Geologic Survey...Flood characteristic of Alaskan Streams". Water Resources Investigation 78-129 R.D.Lamke 1979. r26/b F -11 ~~c::.~0:-Wv>..,\-II0:,--,,-!,I\zct0Z-00toV++0(\J00r<lr<lt1"''''''''':::;"""""trBRIDGE::'~;~:L{T::LI-1325-130020'FILL-"'--I;;,*~...,...J?';>;il$-V;>""':(}O""1)7n;;>;("OW7.i$'"-1275WS1275--1250050100200IIIIGRAPHIC'lCAlE'IN'FT.1BDFT.STEELBOXGIRDERBRIDGE""EMIlEDBY'PIlEPAREDFOR-i.~~~~0tINDIANRIVERBRIDGE•~ONSULTANTS.INt"FIGUREF.5.'IF-12 \-,~roO'"roro(0/II::l1J>II::~«0z~I--(J)::l(J)o<D+<D<D<Doo+CD<DlDoo+orolDoo+lDCDlDoo+oOllDov+OllD..JFILL_700140'6@200'2@300'2@.200'140'-900-800D;e:JI'/?o/kv/FILLc..-.,GII[-7;0"''Y:7.1*'''y~=v.---...J_~d:>....---.-J_-_---J_-_---J_----JUL--lLU--J~------'~~-600o100200400I I I IGRAPHICSCALEIN·FT.DRTHDTRDPICSTEELSTRUCTURE24BOFT.BRIDGEPtlEI'AIIEDBY'PREPAREDFOR'SUSITNARIVERBRIDGE~t..=R:":III:C:O:N:S:UL:TA:N:T:S.:I:NC:"=--=-":':"'--.:',..:F~I::::G=U::R=E:...:.F..:.=5:::.=2:...::-=M=~=R=:.aF-13 Cc(""":"oil::Il::•.Il::q-r-t<)--II800800q-0+++++coCDco0CDIIIIII'Itq-IIIt<)t<)t<)t<)t<)1111f160'200'600'200'-17001600-1500-14001300,--------FILL-c...-,oo+oq-t<)oCD+q-t<)t<)o,00200400I! -IGRAPHICSCALEIN·FT.CUT1160FT.STEELDECKTRUSSBRIDGEPREPAREDBY-CHEECHAKDCREEKBRIDGEPREPAREDFOR-FIGUREF.5.3IiiF-14 FILLo100200400I I I IGRAPHICSCALEIN·FT.-V10""..I:>::lLJlLJll::c.>{J<:5XV000000100++++reC\I101010It)C\I0000It)It)It)It)300'600'350',.....-z/FILL-2300-2200-2100-2000-19001250FT.,STEEL.DECKTRUSSBRIDGEPREPAREDBY'FOGCREEKBRIDGER&1oICONSULTANTS.INC.F-15PREPAREDFOR'GUAE".sA[i] -=:.:UJUJ0::(,)o10+""(l)""oo+I'-(l)""oo+oC1l""o10+l\lC1l""oo+""C1l""250'300250'-2400CUT2100FILL--'__---~~L---",~~~~~~=:::::::::::::===--=:::::::::::::=~~::=======~==~~====t===:~~~2~~;=-f====~"""",,~mr-;::;2.;.::2--,OI.-=-o----2300CUT~';6%:r-2200o100200400III IGRAPHIC-SCALEIN-FT.-20001900BODFT.STEELBDXGIRDERBRIDGE--FIlL!rIa11\"~'-J'Jlt------tROADBRIDGESOUTHEASTOFDEVLCANVDI\IRIMCONSULTANTS,INC.F-16PREPAREDFOR' )~,IC)II~V!,.,[!-nn.::::---J--I-",-,-:::=--::::~~CI:ILl>CI:<ZI-en:>en0000++CDQ)CDCDC\IC\I--200'UilDDFT.STEELSUSPENSIDNIIIR.OGlE1600'8+vQ)C\Ioo+o0>C\I3@2002@100'oo+C\I0>C\I-1700I1 1III11111Y•16001500-1400-1300-1200-1100o100200400I!II•"APHICaCALEIN·FT.SUSITNARIVEREL.890'.-1000-900·CRr'".~.r.::'"{~U~!··'1'/J:,,.....ft""CONSULTANTS,INC.HIGHSUSrrNARIVERBRIDGEATDEVILCANYONF-17-800PREPAREDFOR'FIGUREF.s.&[iii] o..,+a>vvCUT170'·;"oo+o10VClUJ::IE:>0:«UJZUJZ0::::>U600'n"8+<D10<t230'-1900CUT,,FILL-1800o100200400I~~II IHORIZ.I"=200'=I..VERT1"=100'GRAPHIC8CALEINFT.-1500-1700-1600...000FT.,STEE~CECKTRUSSBRICGE""EI'lIlREDliT'RAILROADBRIDGESOUTHEASTOFDEVILCANYON11&14CONSULTANTS.INC.-18PREPAREDFOR'FIGUREF....? 10%--------10'~I171_011171-0"~21/2'±..FINISHROAD2'±WASTE10'BORROWPITBORROWPITIoIj510SCALEINFEET20I'RE""'REDBY'RAMCONSULTANTS.INC.TYPICALROADSECTIONolIB'100/0CROSSSLOPEPREPAREDFOR'FIGUREF.B.'[iii]F-19 2'±WASTESUBGRADE441_011It.CUT8<FILLOF5'AFTERREMOVALOF2'UNSUITABLE5'CUT15%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONIIo51020SCALEINFEET\5%O.G.I'RE.....AI!DBY-TYPICALROADSECTION15D/oCROSSSLaPEF-20PREPAREDFOIl-FIIIUAEF.6.2IiiiiJ PREPAREDElY'RUICONSULTANTS.INC.o44'-011SUBGRADE+)FROZEN(+)UNFROZEN(-)FROZEN(-)UNFROZEN'----2'EXCAVATIONTOWASTE25%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONI!io51020SCALEINFEETTYPICALROADSECTION250/0CROSSSLOPEF-21-QPREPAREDFOR'FIGURE0=.&.3.• 2'±WASTE44'-0"----------1SUBGRADE(+)FROZEN(+)UNFROZEN30%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTION~i~~_~~~i.o51020SCALEINFEET-QI'IIlEMRI!DBY'RaMCONSULTANTS.INC.TYPICALROADSECTION!300/0CROSSSLOPEF-22PREPAREDFOR-FIGUREF.sA• (+)FROZEN(+)UNFROZEN(-)FROZEN2'±WASTE44'-0"SUBGRADE35%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONI Iio51020SCALEINFEET-oPI'IE.....REDBV•R....'CONSULTANTS,INC.TYPiCALROADSECTION350/0CROSSSLOPEF-23PREPAREDFOR'FIIJUREF.&.5iii] 44'-0"1-----------=(-1-)SUBGRAQE'-----:3'COMMONEXCAVATION5'OVERBURDEN2'WASTE40%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTION~__: Io51020SCALEINFEETQPIlE.....IIEDBY'TYPICALROADSECTION4QO/aCROSSSLOPEF-24PREPAREDFOR'FlOUREF.B.B. PRE...,.IIEDIV'44'-0"(+)SUBGRADE'----3'COMMONEXCAVATION'------------5'OVERBURDEN'------------------2'WASTE45%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONI :io51020SCALEINFEETTYPICALROADSECTION450/0CROSSSLOPEF-25oPIIEPAREDFOR' I'REPAIIEDBY-441-011.(+)SUBGRADE3'COMMONEXCAVATION'------------5'OVERBURDEN2'WASTE50%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONIiIo51020SCALEINFEETTYPICALROADSECTION500/0CROSSSLOPEF-211-oPREPAREDFOR-FIGUREF.6.B!iii 28'-0"5%10'---------- -2'WASTEll....--:;-1;;;','~-SUBBALLAST---'~BORROWPITSECTION0-10%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONI!Io51020SCALEINFEET""E""RED8V'R"MCONSULTANTS,INC.TYPICALRAILRDADSECTIDN0....10%CRDSSSLDPEPREPAREDFOR'FIGUREP.&.9!iiiF-27 I/'"2'WASTE28'-0"+)SUBGRAOE.(.,.)SUBGRADE10FT.~..\\.Q15%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYi::STIMATINGCROSSSECTIONoI510;SCALEINFEET20II'REFAREDIll"R&MCONSULTANTS,INC.TYPICALRAILROADSECTION150/0CROSSSLOPEF-28PREPAREDFOR-~UAEF.6.101811I 28'_0"'---2'WASTE25%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONoI510IISCALEINFEET20II'IlEI'AIIEDBY'TYPICALRAILROADSECTION·25D/DCROSSSLOPEF-21PIIEPAREDFOR-AQUAEF~...II~RI PRePAReDBY'R..1lICONSULTANTS.INC.28'-0"(+)FROZENSURADE(+)UNFROZEN._HFROZEN(-)UNFROZEN'----2IWASTE30%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONo510201~liiiiiIiiiiiiii~~~1SCALEINFEETTVPICALRAILROADSECTION300/0CROSSSLOPEF-30PREPAREDFOR'FIGUREF.&.12[iii] .\~.\.28'-0"(+lFROZENSUBRADE(tlUNFROZENHUNFROZE'----2'WASTE35%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTION.0'5'1020Iml_~I~~~~_iiiiiiilSCALEINFEET.~xlJJ«N;:00D:-U.~zPREPAREDBY'RIIMCONSULTANTS.INC.TYPICALRAILROADSECTION350/0CROSSSLOPEF-ll1PREPAREDFOR' 28'-0"(+)SUBGRADE3'COMMONEXCAVATION5'OVERBURDEN2'WASTE40%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONo.~·",00/0oI510SCALEINFEET20iI'IIEI'AIIEDBY'TYPICALRAILROADSECTION400/0CROSSSLOPEF-32PREPAREDFDA' 28'-0111-------I~1+)SUBGRADE~--3'COMMONEXCAVATION~---5'OVERBURDEN2'WASTEhi!PREPAREDBY'R&"CONSULTANTS,INC.45%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTION:Iio51020SCALEINFEETTYPICALRAILROADSECTION450/0CROSSSLOPEF-33PREPAREDFOR'FIGUREF.E.1S• I'ftEPAIlEDIIY'11&111CONSULTANTS.INC.28'-0"\+lSUBGRADE,--_3ICOMMONEXCAVATION'-----·5'OVERBURDEN,'------2'WASTE50%CROSSSLOPEQUANTITYESTIMATINGCROSSSECTIONIiIo51020SCALEINFEETTYPICALRAILROADSECTION500/0CROSSSLOPEF-34PIIEPAREDFOIl'F1DUREFoe.,. Culvert sizes and lengths developed by this process are shown in Table F 7.1. TABLE F-7.1 CU LVERTS (in lineal feet) Si,;::e A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 C R-1 R-2 DIA.L.F. L.F. L.F.L.F. L.F. L.F.L.F.L.F.---- 18 11 18,530 23,035 7,055 8,245 27,115 26,350 9,000 15,950 36 11 300 0 100 200 200 100 200 200 42 11 300 200 200 100 0 400 100 0 48 11 100 0 0 0 100 600 0 100 54 11 100 200 0 100 200 200 100 200 60 11 400 400 100 100 100 300 100 100 72 11 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 100 84 11 0 100 0 0 100 200 0 100 96 11 100 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 '108 11 0 200 0 0 0 200 0 0 '120 11 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 (1 )'144 11 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 )'168 11 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 )Pipes larger than 120 11 will be either multiplate culvert or pipe arch similar to IIArmco Super Span ll • (2)18 11 diameter pipes average 85 1 long under highway,50·under railroad,larger pipes average 100 feet long. F.8 -Construction Cost Estimates The construction costs estimates outlined below include mobiJiza- tion,construction camps,and construction surveys.The tabulated values for each plan,broken into pioneer road construction and maintenence,permanent road/rail and maintenence,and camps,are at the end of this appendix. Disscussion of Bid Items Clearing.Included is clearing and grubbing of vegetation to ten feet outside of excavation limits,and disposal of the material. r26/b F -35 Waste Excavation.Removal and disposal of existing topsoil,muck, organics and other deliterious material. Rock Excavation.Removal of material too hard to economically rip. Price includes placing in the fill or stock piling for later use in the structural section. Common Excavation.All other excavation including removal and disposal or placement in fill. Borrow.Where insufficient material is acquired for fill from common and rock excavation separate payment will be made to develope,excavate,and place material from borrow pits. ... NFS Subbase.Non-frost susceptible granular material meeting standard specifications. Grade IIA II Base and D-1 Base. meeting standard specifications. Granular,crushed material A.C.Sufacing.Bituminous concrete,including aggregate,asphalt binder,prime coat and tack coat. Guardrail.Standard single rail guardrail. Culverts.18 11 cross culverts are figured per linear foot.Larger culverts (36 11 &over),for individual stream crossings are each multiplied by appropriate costs per foot,depending on diameter, and lumped into one sum.Costs includes placement,any special bedding requirements on materials,and head walls. Fabric.Standard Mirafi or Typar filter fabric,to be placed over organics too deep to economically remove and replace. Thaw Pipe.One thaw pipe per culvert.Price includes hangers, caps,standpipes,etc. r26/b F -36 Topsoil and Seed.Topsoil will be manufactured from appropriate materials removed under waste excavation.Seed includes a hydroseed mixture of seed,fertilizer and lime. Traffic Control Devices.Includes all standard signs and pavement markings,plus reflective paddle boards as delineators along the entire length of road. Bridges.All highway bridges,regardless of type,are at present figured on the same per square foot basis.Rail bridges are also figured on a single price per square foot bases. Rail Yard Control Devices.Includes all standard traffic devices for both the rail and the truck areas. Subballast.Granular material meeting standard specifications. Trackage.Includes rail,ties,and ballast.Switches are considered as equivalent to 200 feet of track for the purpose of this estimate. Dock Lumber.Includes furnishing and installing 6 x 6 treated lumber to form two docks -one side loading and one end loading. F.9 -Pioneer Road The estimated quantities were broken into two phases -Pioneer Road (first two years)and permanent road (remaining five to thirteen years).For the purpose of this estimate,the following items were assumed. 1) r26/b The Pioneer Road is figured 15%longer than the final road,to account for turnouts and more winding alignment. F -37 2)Top width of the road is 16 feet.The structure consists of cordorouy,as needed,unclassified fill, topped with 8 inches of D-1 base. 3)Cuts and fills of the Pioneer Road will,where ever possible,be in the same location as the permanent alignment.Borrow needs will be taken from side borrow in future permanent cuts.D-1 quantities in the Pioneer Road have been subtracted from the total permanent alignment quantities of borrow.Clearing, waste excavation,common excavation and rock excavation quantities necessary to build the Pioneer Road have been ommited from the permanent road quantities. 4)Minimum width sections of culverts will be installed, where ever possible,in there permanent location.The culverts will be lengthened when the permanent road is built.Similarily,where fabric is called for,only enough to cover the pioneer road foot print will be laid at first.The rest of the fabric is under the permanent road estimate. -- 5) 6) 7) r26/b Only one temporary bridge is included in the pioneer estimate -across the Susitna River at Devil Canyon. All other crossings will be constructed temporarily of banks of culverts covered with unclassified fill.Since route B-1 can be bypassed by direct service from Gold Creek,and since the B-1 segment can be accessed at several points along it length,no temporary bridges will be built at I ndian River or Susitna River. The permanent railhead will be constructed as quickly as possible as there is no II p ioneerll alternative. Guard rail,thaw pipes,topsoil and seed,and traffic control devices will be installed in the permanent road only. F -38 8)A pioneer road will be built before construction of the rail road.The segments used for the pioneer roads are B-2 (for R-1)and B-3 (for R-2). F.10 -Logistics Costs The logistic costs are the costs directly associated with movement of freight.Table F .10-1 tabulates the railroad costs associated with Watana.Table F .10-2 tabulates the railroad costs associates with Devil Canyon.Table F .10-3 tabulates the truck haul costs for both dams.Table F.10-4 shows the combined logistic costs for all plans. r26/b ---_.-.--- F -39 ROADHAULSEGMENTCOSTSF.10-3GoldCreekDevilDeviltoCanyonCanyonDeviltoCantwelltoCanyonWatanatoWatana$/tonMi.12Mi.36Mi.Watana41Mi.ItemTonsRate(B-2) (B-3)65Mi.North(A-2)AllWatana1,095,500.20692,719,9078,159,72214,732,8329,293,01715161718AllDevil1,066,600.20692,648,154-14,344,1709,947,861192122susi9/f3II, WATANALOGISTICBREAKDOWNTableF-10.1RailBargeContainerBargeWhittier(Anchorage)RailRoad16Mi.1'49Mi.Gold42Mi.56Mi.62Mi.AnchorageCreekDevilGoldWhittiertotoCanyonCreekCostCostCosttoGoldDeviltotoTons$/tonCost$/tonCost$/tonMi.AnchorageCreek~onWatanaCantwellCanst.Equimpment16,000120.00$1,920,000--0.1878186,298447,71548,077126,202168,269Explosives20,00055.001,100,000--0.6267777,1081,867,566200,544526,428701,904Cement350,00055.0019,250,000--0.15653,396,0508,161,475876,4002,300,5503,067,400Rein.Steel33,00055.001,815,000- -0.2577527,2541,267,111136,066357,172476,230RockBolts12,50055.00687,500--0.2577199,718479,96651,540135,293180,390SteelSupport3,60055.00198,000--0.257757,519138,23014,84338,96451,952Mech.,str"elc.equip.15,00055.00825,000--0.1262117,366282,05730,28879,506106,008Constr.Fuel300,00055.0016,500,000--0.14502,697,0006,481,500696,0001,827,0002,436,000CampFuel51,00055.002,805,000--0.1450458,4901,101,855118,320310,590414,120Tires&Parts21,800--80.001,744,0000.1878610,01265,505171,950229,266CampSupplies74,600--80.005,968,0000.12621,402,763150,632395,410527,213Village1,400--80.00112,0000.126226,3252,8277,4219,894Contingency&Misc.196,600--80.0015,728,0000.12623,696,827396,9751,042,0591,389,412-----1,095,50045,100,500.23,552,0008,416,80325,963,4022,788,0177,318,5459,758,0581234567susi9/f1 DEVILCANYONLOGISTICBREAKDOWNTableF10.2RailBargeContainerBargeWhittier(Anchorage)RailRoad16Mi.149Mi.Gold56Mi.62Mi.AnchorageCreekGoldWhittiertotoCreekCostCostCosttoGoldDeviltoTons$/tonCost$/tonCost$/tonMi.AnchorageCreek~onCantwellConst.Equimpment5,000120.00$600,OQO'.-.187858,218139,91115,02452,584Explosive3,00055.00165,000--.6267116,566280,13530,082105,286Cement650,00055.0035,750,000--.15656,306,95015,157,0251,627,6005,696,600Rein.Steel22,00055.001,210,000--.2577351,503844,74190,710314,486RockBolts3,00055.00165,000--.257747,932115,19212,37043,294SteelSupport2,20055.00121,000--.257735,15084,4749,07131,749Mics.,str.,ele.equip.13,50055.00742,500--.1262105,629253,85127,25995,407Constr.Fuel68,00055.003,740,000- -.1450611,3201,469,140157,760552,160CampFuel30,00055.001,650,000--.1450269,700648,15069,600243,600Tires&Parts18,700--80.001,496,000.1878-523,26759,190196,664CampSupplies44,000--80.003,520,000.1262-827,36788,845310,957Village1,300--80.00104,000.1262-24,4452,6259,187Contingency&Misc.205,900--80.0016,472,000.1262-3,871,702415,7531,455,1361,066,600$44,143,500$21,592,0007,902,96824,239,4002,602,8899,110,1108910111220Jsusi9/f2!• LOGISTICS TOTALS Table F-10.4 TOTAL TOTAL Plan 5 &8:Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Go Id Cree k:3,4,10,11 Truck to Devil Canyon:15,19 Northside Truck to Watana:18 Plan 4 &6:Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Cantwell:7 Rail to Devil:12 Truck to Watana from Cantwell:17 $134,388,000 66,522,573 13,527,783 $214,438,356 $134,388,000 66,522,573 12,709,451 $213,620,024 $134,388,000 66,523,573 9,758,058 14,732,832 2,648,154 $228,050,617 $134,388,000 66,522,573 9,758,058 2,602,889 14,732,832 $228,004,352 $134,388,000 66,522,573 5,368,061 9,293,017 $215,571,651TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Dams:12,5,6 Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Truck to Dams:15, 16,19 Plan 3 &7:Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Cantwell:7 Truck to Watana from Cantwell:17 Truck to Devil from Gold Creek:19 Plan 2: Plan 1: Plan 9: Plan 10: Use:Water:1,2,8,9, Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Devil:12,5 Northside Truck to Watana:18 TOTAL Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Gold Creek:3,4,10,11 Rail to Devi I Canyon:12,5 Truck to Watana:16 TOTAL $134,388,000 66,522,573 5,390,906 9,293,017 $215,594,496 $134,388,000 66,522,573 5,390,906 8,159,722 $214,461,201 r26/b F -43 Plan 11: r26/b LOCISTICS TOTALS (Continued) Table F-10.4 Use:Water:1,2,8,9 Rail to Cantwell:3,4,7,10, 11,20 Truck Via Denali to Dams:17,21,22 TOTAL F -44 $134,388,000 85,390,741 38,124,863 $257,903,604 r26/b COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN TABLES F -45 susi12/a1ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.111ChulitnatoGoldCreekB-1Road(13.26Mi)Clearing118AC$5,760.00$679,680.00WasteExcavation270,190CY4.801,296,912.00CommonExcavation173,864CY4.20730,228.80RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts2,820LF28.8081,216.003611+Culverts-LS20,496.0020,496.000-1BaseMaterial71,556TON21.601,545,609.60Fabric5,465SY3.0016,395.00TOTAL$4,370,537.40Maintenence27Mile-Year$4,000.00$108,000.001 Isusi12/a2ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.0036"+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00 susi12/a3ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.113DevilCanyontoWatana-SouthB-3Road(36.46Mi)Clearing271AC$5,760.00$1,560,960.00WasteExcavation585,666CY4.802,811,196.80CommonExcavation255,812CY4.201,074,410.40RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts10,850LF28.80312,480.0036"+Culverts-LS124,752.00124,752.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial196,778TON21.604,250,404.80Fabric27,408SY3.0082,224.00TOTAL$10,216,428.00Maintenence73Mile-Years$4,000.00$292,000.00tt, susi12/a4ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.121ChulitnatoGoldCreekRoadB-1,(13.26Mi)Clearing92AC$5,760.00$529,920.00WasteExcavation305,290CY4.801,465,392.00CommonExcavation396,316CY4.201,664,527.20RockExcavation35,850CY14.40516,240.00Borrow95,896CY6.00575,376.00NFSSubbaseMaterial136,500CY8.401,146,600.00Grade"AIIBaseMaterial74,480CY16.801,251,264.00D-1BaseMaterial31,080TON21.60671,328.00A.C.Surfacing28,462TON.79.202,254,190.40Guardrail9,800LF43.20423,360.001811Culverts4,240LF28.80122,112.003611+Culverts-LS30,744.0030,744.00Fabric13,379SY3.0040,137.00ThawPipes7,555LF43.20326,376.00Topsoil&Seed130AC3,600.00468,000.00TrafficControlDevices13MI18,000.00234,000.00Bridges90,440SF180.0016,279,200.00TOTAL$27,998,766.60Maintenence173Mile-Years$10,000.00$1,730,000.00 susi12/a5ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.122GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRoadB-2,(12.31Mi)Clearing28AC$5,760.00$161,280.00WasteExcavation97,892CY4.80469,881.60CommonExcavation44,772CY4.20188,042.40RockExcavation23,625CY14.40340,200.00Borrow416,311CY6.002,497,866.00NFSSubbaseMaterial126,750CY8.401,064,700.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial69,160CY16.801,161,888.00D-1BaseMaterial28,860TON21.60623,376.00A.C.Surfacing26,429TON79.202,093,176.80Guardrail6,700LF43.20289,440.001811Culverts4,950LF28.80142,560.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric5,585SY3.0016,755.00ThawPipes8,845LF43.20382,104.00TopsoiI&Seed86AC3,600.00309,600.00TrafficControlDevices12MI18,000.00216,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$9,989,125.80Maintenence160Mile-Years$12,000.00$1,920,000.00I JIsusi12/a6ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.123DevilCanyontoWatana-South,RoadB~3,(36.46Mi)Clearing360AC$5,760.00$2,073,600.00WasteExcavation1,164,494CY4.805,589,571.20CommonExcavation1,308,618CY4.205,496,195.60RockExcavation246,750CY14.403,553,200.00Borrow15,693CY6.0094,158.00NFSSubbaseMaterial375,375CY8.403,153,150.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial204,820CY16.803,440,976.00D-1BaseMaterial85,470TON21.601,846,152.00A.C.Surfacing78,271TON79.206,199,063.20Guardrail8,300LF43.20358,560.001811Culverts16,270LF28.80468,576.003611+Culverts-LS57,888.0057,888.00Fabric69,133SY3.00207,399.00ThawPipes27,915LF43.201,205,928.00Topsoil&Seed410AC3,600.001,476,000.00TrafficControlDevices36MI18,000.00648,000.00Bridges109,140SF180.0019,645,200.00TOTAL$55,513,617.00Maintenence219Mile~Years$13,000.00$2,847,000.00 susi12/a7ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.22Railheads.222RailheadatGoldCreekClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700LF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence15Year$28,600.00$429,900.00, I Isusi12/a8ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT1.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$342,000.00342,000.00Catering&OperationSupport40,890Manday39.501,615,155.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS1,752,000.001,752,000.00Catering&OperationSupport228,550Manday39.108,936,305.00TOTALPROJECTCOST$139,144,508.20 susi12/a9ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT2.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyon8-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Year$4,000.00$100,000.00,, )susi12/a10rllITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT2.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.116DevilCanyontoWatanaB-3Road(36.46Mi)Clearing271AC$5,760.00$1,560,960.00WasteExcavation585,666CY4.802,811,196.80CommonExcavation255,812CY4.201,074,410.40RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts10,850LF28.80312,480.003611+Culverts-LS174,576.00174,576.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial196,778TON21.604,250,404.80Fabric27,408SY3.0082,224.00TOTAL$10,266,252.00Maintenence73Mile-Year$4,000.00$292,000.00, susi12/a11ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT2.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilitie~.21PermanentRailRoad(IncludingRailhead).211GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRailR~1,(16.29Mi)Clearing68AC$5,760.00$391,680.00WasteExcavation129,482CY4.80621,513.60CommonExcavation549,157CY4.202,306,459.40RockExcavation2,200CY14.4031,680.00Borrow79,611CY6.00477,666.00Subballast192,467CY8.601,655,216.20GradeIlAIlBaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.00D~1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.001811Culverts1,390LF28.8040,032.003611+Culverts~LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric300SY3.00900.00ThawPipes10,100LF43.20436,320.00Topsoil&Seed116AC3,600.00417,600.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges0SF360.000.00Trackage110,300LF140.0015,442,000.00TOTAL$22,171,723.20MaintenenceRail212Mile~Years$5,000.00$1,060,000.00~ailhp;l1-OP\~i1C;:lnVon7tYe:;>r-::,PApOOnn~$?nn200(\().,1,!,!t,. I Isusi12/a12tITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT2.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.212DevilCanyontoWatanaRailR-2,(41.57Mi)Clearing215AC$5,760.00$1,238,400.00WasteExcavation655,074CY4.803,144,355.20CommonExcavation971,388CY4.204,079,829.60RockExcavation168,960CY14.402,433,024.00Borrow0CY6.000.00Subballast447,096CY8.603,845,025.60GradeIINIBaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.001811Culverts12,490LF28.80359,712.003611+Culverts-LS132,624.00132,624.00Fabric37,970SY3.00113,910.00ThawPipes16,750LF43.20723,600.00Topsoil&Seed335AC3,600.001,206,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges36,720SF360.0013,219,200.00Trackage248,000LF140.0034,720,000.00TOTAL$65,534,080.40MaintenenceRail249Mile-Years7,000.001,743,000.00Railhead8Years28,600.00228,800.00 susi12/a13ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT2.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$267/00.00$267/000.00Catering&OperationSupport31/750Manday39.601/257/300.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS645/000.00645/000.00Catering&OperationSupport207/800Manday39.108/124/980.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$116/882/329.00,, susi12/a14'IITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.111ChulitnatoGoldCreekB-1Road(13.26Mi)Clearing118AC$5,760.00$679,680.00WasteExcavation270,190CY4.801,296,912.00CommonExcavation173,864CY4.20730,228.80RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts2,820LF28.8081,216.003611+Culverts-LS20,496.0020,496.00D-1BaseMaterial71,556TON21.601,545,609.60Fabric5,465SY3.0016,395.00TOTAL$4,370,537.40Maintenence27Mile-Year$4,000.00$108,000.00 susi12/a15ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommomExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00, Isusi12/a16ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACIL1TIES.115DenalitoWatanaCRoad(44.32Mj)Clearing0AC$5,760.00$0.00WasteExcavation0CY4.800.00CommonExcavation0CY4.200.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts0lF28.800.003611+Culverts0LS0.000.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial0TON21.600.00Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$0.00Maintenence0Mile-Years$0.00$0.00 susi12/a17ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.121ChulitnatoGoldCreekRoadB-1,(13.26Mi))Clearing92AC$5,760.00$529,920.00WasteExcavation305,290CY4.801,465,392.00CommonExcavation396,316CY4.201,664,527.20RockExcavation35,850CY14.40516,240.00Borrow95,896CY6.00575,376.00NFSSubbaseMaterial136,500CY8.401,146,600.00Grade"A"BaseMaterial74,480CY16.801,251,264.000-1BaseMaterial31,080TON21.60671,328.00A.C.Surfacing28,462TON79.202,254,190.40Guardrail9,800LF43.20423,360.0018"Culverts4,240LF28.80122,112.003611+Culverts-LS30,744.0030,744.00Fabric13,379SY3.0040,137.00ThawPipes7,555LF43.20326,376.00Topsoil&Seed130AC3,600.00468,000.00TrafficControlDevices13MI18,000.00234,000.00Bridges90,440SF180.0016,279,200.00TOTAL$27,998,766.60Maintenence66Mile-Years$10,000.00$660,000.00,t I,susi12/a18"I-,~ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.122GoldCreektoDevilCanyon-RoadB-2,(12.31Mi)Clearing28AC$5,760.00$161,280.00WasteExcavation97,892CY4.80469,881.60CommonExcavation44,772CY4.20188,042.40RockExcavation23,625CY14.40340,200.00Borrow416,311CY6.002,497,866.00NFSSubbaseMaterial126,750CY8.401,064,700.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial69,160CY16.801,161,888.00D-1BaseMaterial28,860TON21.60623,376.00A.C.Surfacing26,429TON79.202,093,176.80Guardrail6,700LF43.20289,440.001811Culverts4,950LF28.80142,560.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric5,585SY3.0016,755.00ThawPipes8,845LF43.20382,104.00TopsoiI&Seed86AC3,600.00309,600.00TrafficControlDevices12MI18,000.00216,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$9,989,125.80Maintenence62Mile-Years12,000.00744,000.00 susi12/a19ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.125DenalitoWatanaRoadC,(44.32Ml)(Plus21.00Mi)Clearing800AC$5,760.00$4,608,000.00WasteExcavation2,245,400CY4.8010,777,920.00CommonExcavation2,450,800CY4.2010,293,360.00RockExcavation41,800CY14.40601,920.00Borrow20,000CY6.00120,000.00NFSSubbaseMaterial470,000CY8.403,948,000.00Grade"A"BaseMaterial300,000CY16.805,040,000.000-1BaseMaterial162,500TON21.603,510,000.00A.C.Surfacing148,813TON79.2011,785,989.60Guardrail4,200LF43.20181,440.0018"Culverts30,350LF28.80874,080.003611+Culverts-LS468,120.00468,120.00Fabric12,907SY3.0038,721.00ThawPipes28,750LF43.201,242,000.00Topsoil&Seed514AC3,600.001,850,400.00TrafficControlDevices69MI18,000.001,242,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$56,581,950.60Maintenence523Mile-Years$8,000.00$4,184,000.00f, 1susi12/a201ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.22Railheads.221Railhead-CantwellClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABse4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700CF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence7Years28,600.00$200,200.00 susi12/a21ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.222Railhead-GoldCreekClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700CF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence8Years28,600.00$228,800.00t, IIsusi12/a22ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT3.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$162,000.00$162,000.00Catering&OperationSupport19,590Manday39.40771,846.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS1,251,000.001,251,000.00Catering&OperationSupport240,630Manday39.109,408,633.00TOTALPROJECTCOST$133,734,212.80 susi12/a23ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$ 51760.00$6501880.00WasteExcavation3241998CY4.80115591990.40CommonExcavation2911163CY4.20112221884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts31460LF28.80991648.003611+Culverts-LS131824.00131824.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial661444Ton21.60I11435I190.40Fabric31192SY3.0091576.00TOTAL$419911993.40Maintenence25Mile-Year$41000.00$1001000.00J. susi12/a24ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.115DenalitoWatanaCRoad(44.32Mi)Clearing0AC$5,760.00$0.00WasteExcavation0CY4.800.00CommonExcavation0CY4.200.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018/1Culverts0LF28.800.003611+Culverts0LS0.000.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial0TON21.600.00Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$0.00Maintenence0Mile-Years$0.00 susi12/a25ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.125DenalitoWatanaRailRoadC,(44.32Mi)(Plus21.00Mi)Clearing800AC$5,760.00$4,608,000.00WasteExcavation2,245,400CY4.8010,777,920.00CommonExcavation2,450,800CY4.2010,293,360.00RockExcavation41,800CY14.40601,920.00Borrow20,000CY6.00120,000.00NFSSubbaseMaterial470,000CY8.403,948,000.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial300,000CY16.805,040,000.000-1BaseMaterial162,500TON21.603,510,000.00A.C.Surfacing148,813TON79.2011,785,989.60Guardrail4,200LF43.20181,440.001811Culverts30,350LF28.80874,080.003611+Culverts-LS468,120.00468,120.00Fabric12,907SY3.0038,721.00ThawPipes28,750LF43.201,242,000.00Topsoil&Seed514AC3,600.001,850,400.00TrafficControlDevices69MI18,000.001,242,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$56,581,950.60Maintenence523Mile-Year$8,000.00$4,184,000.00, susi12/a26ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.336ROAD.&RAILFACIL1TIES.2RailFacilities.21PermanentRailroad(IncludeRailhead).211GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRailR-1,(16.29Mi)Clearing68AC$5,760.00$391,680.00WasteExcavation129,482CY4.80621,513.60CommonExcavation549,157CY4.202,306,459.40RockExcavation2,200CY14.4031,680.00Borrow79,611CY6.00477,666.00Subballast192,467CY8.601,655,216.20GradeABaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.0018"Culverts1,390LF28.8040,032.0036"+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric300SY3.00900.00ThawPipes10,100LF43.20436,320.00Topsoil&Seed116AC3,600.00417,600.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges0SF360.000.00Trackage110,300LF140.0015,442,000.00TOTAL$22,17~,723.20MaintenenceRail81Mile-years$5,000.00$405,000.00Railhead7Years$28,600.00$200,200.00 susi12/a27ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.22Railheads.221Railhead-CantwellClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00TopsoiI&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700CF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence8Years28,600.00$228,800.00tI susi12/a28ITEMDESCRIPTIONQYANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT4.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$87,000.00$87,000.00Catering&OperationSupport10,450Manday39.40$411,730.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS819,000.00819,000.00Catering&OperationSupport195,910Manday39.107,660,081.00TOTALPROJECTCOST$103,833,158.20 susi12/a29ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.111ChulitnatoGoldCreekB-1Road(13.26Mi)Clearing118AC$5,760.00$679,680.00WasteExcavation270,190CY4.801,296,912.00CommonExcavation173,864CY4.20730,228.80RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts2,820LF28.8081,216.003611+Culverts-LS20,496.0020,496.00D-1BaseMaterial71,556Ton21.601,545,609.60Fabric5,465SY3.0016,395.00TOTAL$4,370,537.40Maintenence27Mile-Year$4,000.00$108,000.00, I Isusi12/a30ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACIL1TIES.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460IF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009[576.00TOTAL$4,991[993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00 susi12/a31ITEMDESCRIPTIONgUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.114DevilCanyontoWatana-NorthA-2Road(41.25Mj)Clearing369AC$5,760.00$2,125,440.00WasteExcavation855,321CY4.804,105,540.80CommonExcavation619,500CY4.202,601,900.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts9,200LF28.80264,960.003611+Culverts-LS114,960.00114,960.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial222,640TON21.604,809,024.00Fabric14,946SY3.0044,838.00TOTAL$14,066,662.80Maintenence83Mile-Years$4,000.00$332,000.00 I Isusi12/a32ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.118DevilCanyonLowLevelCrossingHRoad(7.88Mi)Clearing170AC$5,760.00$979,200.00WasteExcavation498,845CY4.802,394,456.00CommonExcavation549,417CY4.202,307,551.40RockExcavation749,641CY14.4010,794,830.40Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts5,100LF28.80146,880.003611+Culverts-LS0.000.00Bridges12,480SF180.002,246,400.000-1BaseMaterial36,966TON21.60798,465.60Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$19,667,783.40Maintenence118Mile-Years$5,000.00$590,000.00 susi12/a33ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.121ChulitnatoGoldCreekRoadB-1,(13,26Mi)Clearing92AC$5,760.00$529,920.00WasteExcavation305,290CY4.801,465,392.00CommonExcavation396,316CY4.201,664,527.20RockExcavation35,850CY14.40516,240.00Borrow95,896CY6.00575,376.00NFSSubbaseMaterial136,500CY8.401,146,600.00Grade"A"BaseMaterial74,480CY16.801,251,264.00D-1BaseMaterial31,080TON21.60671,328.00A.C.Surfacing28,462TON79.202,254,190.40Guardrail9,800LF43.20423,360.001811Culverts4,240LF28.80122,112.0036"+Culverts-LS30,744.0030,744.00Fabric13,379SY3.0040,137.00ThawPipes7,555LF43.20326,376.00Topsoil&Seed130AC3,600.00468,000.00TrafficControlDevices13MI18,000.00234,000.00Bridges90,440SF180.0016,279,200.00TOTAL$27,998,766.60Maintenence173Mile-Years10,000.001,730,000.00, I Isusi12/a34ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.122GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRoadB-2,(12.31Mi)Clearing28AC$5,760.00$161,280.00WasteExcavation97,892CY4.80469,881.60CommonExcavation44,772CY4.20188,042.40RockExcavation23,625CY14.40340,200.00Borrow416,311CY6.002,497,886.00NFSSubbaseMaterial126,750CY8.401,064,700.00Grade"A"BaseMaterial69,160CY16.801,161,888.00D-1BaseMaterial28,860TON21.60623,376.00A.C.Surfacing26,429TON79.202,093,176.80Guardrail6,700LF43.20289,440.0018"Culverts4,950LF28.80142,560.0036"+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric5,585SY3.0016,755.00ThawPipes8,845LF43.20382,104.00Topsoil&Seed86AC3,600.00309,600.00TrafficControlDevices12MI18,000.00216,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$9,989,125.80Maintenence160Mile-Years12,000.001,920,000.00 susi12/a35ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.124DevilCanyontoWatana-NorthRoadA-2,(41.25Mi)Clearing207AC$5,760.00$1,192,320.00WasteExcavation681,179CY4.803,269,659.20CommonExcavation984,473CY4.204,134,786.60RockExcavation146,527CY14.402,109,988.80Borrow73,145CY6.00438,870.00NFSSubbaseMaterial424,710CY8.403,567,564.00Grade"AIIBaseMaterial231,739CY16.803,893,215.20D-1BaseMaterial96,704TON21.602,088,806.40A.C.Surfacing88,557TON79.207,013,714.40Guardrail6,050LF43.20261,360.0018"Culverts13,840LF28.80398,592.0036"+Culverts-LS179,040.00179,040.00Fabric34,874SY3.00104,622.00ThawPipes24,435LF43.201,055,592.00Topsoil&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$31,619,730.60Maintenence248Mile-Years$10,00.00$2,480,000.00, IIsusi12/a36ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.128DevilCanyonTrans-DamCrossing,RoadD,(7.26Mi)Clearing45AC$5,760.00$259,200.00WasteExcavation132,300CY4.80635,040.00CommonExcavation114,500CY4.20480,900.00RockExcavation12,200CY14.40175,680.00Borrow90,200CY6.00541,200.00NFSSubbaseMaterial27,960CY8.40234,864.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial15,260CY16.80256,368.00D-1BaseMaterial6,370TON21.60137,592.00A.C.Surfacing5,830TON79.20461,736.00Guardrail2,640LF43.20114,048.0018"Culverts1,785LF28.8051,408.003611+Culverts-LS0.000.00Fabric0SY3.000.00ThawPipes1,785LF43.2077,112.00Topsoil&Seed29AC3,600.00104,400.00TrafficControlDevices3MI18,000.0054,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$3,583,548.00Maintenence7Mile-Years$13,000.00$91,000.00 susi12/a37ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.21Railhead.222RailheadatGoldCreekClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00TopsoiI&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700CF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence15Years$28,600.00$429,900.00! susi12/a38ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT5.63CAMP.1Came.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities1LS$750,000.00$750,000.00Catering&OperationSupport90,570Manday39.203,550,344.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities1LS1,059,000.001,059,000.00Catering&OperationSupport175,350Manday39.106,856,185.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$142,276,257.00 susi12/a39ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAilFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112ChulitnatoGoldCreekB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,~98CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460lF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-lS13,824.0013,824.00BridgesSF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444Ton21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Year$4,000.00$100,000.00 IIsusi12/a40ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.115DenalitoWatanaCRoad(44.32Mi)Clearing0AC$5,760.00$0.00WasteExcavation0CY4.800.00CommonExcavation0CY4.200.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018"Culverts0LF28.800.0036"+Culverts0LS0.000.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial0TON21.600.00Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$0.00Maintenence0Mile-Years$0.00$0.00 susi12/a41ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.125DenalitoWatana-RoadC,(44.32Mj)Clearing800AC$5,760.00$4,608,000.00WasteExcavation2,245,400CY4.8010,777,920.00CommonExcavation2,450,800CY4.2010,293,360.00RockExcavation41,800CY14.40601,920.00Borrow20,000CY6.00120,000.00NFSSubbaseMaterial470,000CY8.403,948,000.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial300,000CY16.805,040,000.00D-1BaseMaterial162,500TON21.603,510,000.00A.C.Surfacing148,813TON79.2011,785,989.60Guardrail4,200LF43.20181,440.0018"Culverts30,350LF28.80174,080.0036"+Culverts-LS468,120.00468,120.00Fabric12,907SY3.0038,721.00ThawPipes28,750LF43.201,242,000.00Topsoil&Seed514AC3,600.001,850,400.00TrafficControlDevices69MI18,000.001,242,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$56,581,950.60Maintenence523Mile-Years$8,000.00$4,184,000.00, susi12/a42ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.13MaintenanceRoad.131DevilCanyontoWatana-North,RoadA-2,(41.25Mi)Clearing576AC$5,760.00$3,317,760.00WasteExcavation1,536,500CY4.807,375,200.00CommonExcavation1,603,000CY4.206,732,600.00RockExcavation146,500CY14.402,109,600.00Borrow156,700CY6.00940,200.00NFSSubbaseMaterial424,700CY8.403,567,480.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial231,700CY16.803,892,560.000-1BaseMaterial96,700TON21.602,088,720.00A.C.Surfacing88,600TON79.207,017,120.00Guardrail6,050LF43.20261,360.0018"Culverts23,000LF28.80662,400.003611+Culverts-LS407,520.00407,520.00Fabric49,800SY3.00149,400.00ThawPipes24,400LF43.201,054,080.00Topsoil&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$41,487,600.00Maintenence289Mile-Years$10,000.00$2,890,000.00 susi12/a43ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.21PermanentRailroad(Includesrailhead).211GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRailR-1,(16.29Mi)Clearing68AC$5,760.00$391,680.00WasteExcavation129,482CY4.80621,513.60CommonExcavation549,157CY4.202,306,459.40RockExcavation2,200CY14.4031,680.00Borrow79,611CY6.00477,666.00Subballast192,467CY8.601,655,216.20GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.001811Culverts1,390LF28.8040,032.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric300SY3.00900.00ThawPipes10,100LF43.20436,320.00Topsoil&Seed116AC3,600.00417,600.00RailYardTrafficControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges0SF360.000.00Trackage110,300LF140.0015,442,000.00TOTAL$21,171,723.20MaintenenceRail81Mile-Years$5,000.00$405,000.00Railhead7Year$28.600.00$200.200.001,I,t,,,,,,!~,, I Isusi12/a44)1ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.22Railheads.221Railhead-CantwellClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00Grade"A"BaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00SubbalJast25,800CY8.60221,800.00Trackage19,700CF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence8Years$28,600.00$228,800.00 susi12/a45ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT6.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$87,000.00$87,000.00Catering&OperationSupport10,450Manday39.40411,730.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities1LS1,215,000.001,215,000.00Catering&OperationSupport291,700Manday39.1011,405,470.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$151,352,147.20,t, susi12/a461ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.111ChulitnatoGoldCreekB-1Road(13.26Mi)Clearing118AC$5,760.00$679,680.00WasteExcavation270,190CY4.801,296,912.00CommonExcavation173,864CY4.20730,228.80RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts2,820LF28.8081,216.0036"+Culverts-LS20,496.0020,496.000-1BaseMaterial71,556Ton21.601,545,609.60Fabric5,465SY3.0016,395.00TOTAL$4,370,537.40Maintenence27Mile-Year$4,000.00$108,000.00 susi12/a47ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mj)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00I, )Jsusi12/a48ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.115DenalitoWatanaCRoad(44.32Mi)Clearing0AC$5,760.00$0.00WasteExcavation0CY4.800.00CommonExcavation0CY4.200.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018"Culverts0LF28.800.0036"+Culverts0LS0.000.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial0TON21.600.00Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$0.00Maintenence0Mile$0.00$0.00 susi12/a49ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads&Bridges.121ChulitnatoGoldCreek,RoadB-1,(13.26Mi)Clearing92AC$5,760.00$529,920.00WasteExcavation305,290CY4.801,465,392.00CommonExcavation396,316CY4.201,664,527.20RockExcavation35,850CY14.40516,240.00Borrow95,896CY6.00575,376.00NFSSubbaseMaterial136,500CY8.401,146,600.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial74,480CY16.801,251,264.00D-1BaseMaterial31,080TON21.60671,328.00A.C.Surfacing28,462TON79.202,254,190.40Guardrail9,800LF43.20423,360.001811Culverts4,240LF28.80122,112.0036"+Culverts-LS30,744.0030,744.00Fabric13,379SY3.0040,137.00ThawPipes7,555LF43.20326,376.00Topsoil&Seed130AC3,600.00468,000.00TrafficControlDevices13MI18,000.00234,000.00Bridges90,440SF180.0016,279,200.00TOTAL$27,998,766.60Maintenence66Mile-Years$10,000.00$660,000.00~ susi12/a501,jITEMDESCRIPTIONgUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.122GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRoadB-2,(12.31Mi)Clearing28AC$5,760.00$161,280.00WasteExcavation97,892CY4.80469,881.60CommonExcavation44,772CY4.20188,042.40RockExcavation23,625CY14.40340,200.00Borrow416,311CY6.002,497,866.00NFSSubbaseMaterial126,750CY8.401,064,700.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial69,160CY16.801,161,888.00D-1BaseMaterial28,860TON21.60623,376.00A.C.Surfacing26,429TON79.202,093,176.80Guardrail6,700LF43.20289,440.001811Culverts4,950LF28.80142,560.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric5,585SY3.0016,755.00ThawPipes8,845LF43.20382,104.00Topsoil&Seed86AC3,600.00309,600.00TrafficControlDevices12MI18,000.00216,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$9,989,125.80Maintenence62Mile-Years$12,000.00$744,000.00 susi12/a51ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.125DevilCanyontoWatanaRoadC,(44.32Mi)Clearing800AC$5,760.00$4,608,000.00WasteExcavation2,245,400CY4.8010,777,920.00CommonExcavation2,450,800CY4.2010,293,360.00RockExcavation41,800CY14.40601,920.00Borrow20,000CY6.00120,000.00NFSSubbaseMaterial470,000CY8.403,948,000.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial300,000CY16.805,040,000.000-1BaseMaterial162,500TON21.603,510,000.00A.C.Surfacing148,813TON79.2011,785,989.60Guardrail4,200LF43.20181,440.001811Culverts30,350LF28.80874,080.003611+Culverts-LS468,120.00468,120.00Fabric12,907SY3.0038,721.00ThawPipes28,750LF43.201,242,000.00Topsoil&Seed514AC3,600.001,850,400.00TrafficControlDevices69MI18,000.001,242,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$56,581,950.60Maintenence523Mile-Years$8,000.00$4,184,000.00,•t susi12/a52l}\}ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.13MaintenanceRoad.131DevilCanyontoWatana-NorthSide,RoadA-2,(41.25Mi)Clearing576AC$5,760.00$3,317,760.00WasteExcavation1,536,500CY4.807,375,200.00CommonExcavation1,603,000CY4.206,732,600.00RockExcavation146,500CY14.402,109,600.00Borrow156,700CY6.00940,200.00NFSSubbaseMaterial424,700CY8.403,567,480.00GradeIIA"BaseMaterial231,700CY16.803,892,560.000-1BaseMaterial96,700TON21.602,088,720.00A.C.Surfacing88,600TON79.207,017,120.00Guardrail6,050LF43.20261,360.001811Culverts23,000LF28.80662,400.003611+Culverts-LS407,520.00407,520.00Fabric49,800SY3.00149,400.00ThawPipes24,400LF43.201,054,080.00Topsoil&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$41,487,600.00Maintenence289Mile-Years$10,000.00$2,890,000.00 susi12/a53ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAilFACllITIES.2RailFacilities.22Railhead.221Railhead-CantwellClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-lS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700IF140.002,758,000.00Docklumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence8Year$28,600.00$228,800.00tIl,•I \susi12/a54lITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.222Railhead-GoldCreekClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00SubbaJlast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700LF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence7Years$28,600.00$200,200.00 susi12/a55ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT7.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-lS$162,000.00$162,000.00Catering&OperationSupport19,590Manday39.40771,846.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-lS1,647,000.001,647,000.00Catering&OperationSupport336,420Manday39.1013,154,022.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$182,253,201.80,•, Isusi12/a56ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACIUTIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.0036"+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial66,444Ton21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00 susi12/a57ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.114DeviICanyontoWatana-NorthA-2Road(41.25Mi)Clearing369AC$5,760.00$2,125,440.00WasteExcavation855,321CY4.804,105,540.80CommonExcavation619,500CY4.202,601,900.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts9,200LF28.80264,960.003611+Culverts-LS114,960.00114,960.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial222,640TON.21.604,809,024.00Fabric14,946SY3.0044,838.00TOTAL$14,066,662.80Maintenence83Mile-Years$4,000.00$332,000.00I,t susi12/a58ITEMDESCRIPilONQUANilTYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACILlilES.118DevilCanyonLowLevelCrossingHRoad(7.88Mi)Clearing170AC$5,760.00$979,200.00WasteExcavation498,845CY4.802,394,456.00CommonExcavation549,417CY4.202,307,551.40RockExcavation749,641CY14.4010,794,830.40Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts5,100LF28.80146,880.003611+Culverts-LS0.000.00Bridges12,480SF180.002,246,400.000-1BaseMaterial36,966TON21.60798,465.60Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$19,667,783.40Maintenence118Mile-Years$5,000.00$590,000.00 susi12/a59ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoad.122GoldCreektoDevilCanyon,RoadB-2,(12.31Mi)Clearing28AC$5,760.00$161,280.00WasteExcavation97,892CY4.80469,881.60CommonExcavation44,772CY4.20188,042.40RockExcavation23,625CY14.40340,200.00Borrow416,311CY6.002,497,866.00NFSSubbaseMaterial126,750CY8.401,064,700.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial69,160CY16.801,161,888.00D-1BaseMateriaJ28,860TON21.60623,376.00A.C.Surfacing26,429TON79.202,093,176.80Guardrail6,700LF43.20289,440.001811Culverts4,950LF28.80142,560.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric5,585SY3.0016,755.00Thaw Pipes8,845LF43.20382,104.00TopsoiI&Seed86AC3,600.00309,600.00TrafficControlDevices12MI18,000.00216,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$9,989,125.80Maintenence160Mile-Years$2,000.00$1,920,000.00f, susi12/a60ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD,RAIL&AIRFACILITIES.124DevilCanyontoWatana-North,RoadA-2,(41.25Mi)Clearing207AC$5,760.00$1,192,320.00WasteExcavation681,179CY4.803,269,659.20CommonExcavation984,473CY4.204,134,786.60RockExcavation146,527CY14.402,109,988.80Borrow73,145CY6.00438,870.00NFsSubbaseMaterial424,710CY8.403,567,564.00GradeuAIlBaseMaterial231,739CY16.803,893,215.200-1BaseMaterial96,704TON21.602,088,806.40A.C.Surfacing88,557TON79.207,013,714.40Guardrail6,500LF43.20261,360.001811Culverts13,840LF28.80398,592.003611+Culverts-LS179,040.00179,040.00Fabric34,874SY3.00104,622.00ThawPipes24,435LF43.201,055,592.00TopsoiI&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$31,619,730.60Maintenence248Mile-Years$10,000.00$2,480,000.00 susi12/a61ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.128DevilCanyonTrans-DamCrossing,RoadD,(7.26Mi)Clearing45AC$5,760.00$259,200.00WasteExcavation132,300CY4.80635,040.00CommonExcavation114,500CY4.20480,900.00RockExcavation12,200CY14.40175,680.00Borrow90,200CY6.00541,200.00NFSSubbaseMaterial27,960CY8.40234,864.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial15,260CY16.80256,368.000-1BaseMaterial6,370TON21.60137,592.00A.C.Surfacing5,830TON79.20461,736.00Guardrail2,640LF43.20114,048.001811Culverts1,785LF28.8051,408.0036"+Culverts-LS0.000.00Fabric0SY3.000.00ThawPipes1,785LF43.2077,112.00Topsoil&Seed29AC3,600.00104,400.00TrafficControlDevices3MI18,000.0054,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$3,583,548.00Maintenence7Mile-Year$13,00.00$91,000.00JJt,, Isusi12/a62ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.22Railhead.222Railhead-GoldCreekClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700LF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence15Year$28,600.00$429,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT8.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$675,000.00$675,000.00Catering&OperationSupport81,430Manday39.203,192,056.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS567,000.00567,000.00Catering&OperationSupport116,290Manday39.104,546,939.00TOTALPROJECTCOST$104,833,519.00J}ft, susi12/a641ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial66,444TON21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.114DevilCanyontoWatana-North,RoadA-2,(36.46Mi)Clearing369AC$5,760.00$2,125,440.00WasteExcavation855,321CY4.804,105,540.80CommonExcavation619,500CY4.202,601,900.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018"Culverts9,200LF28.80264,960.0036"+Culverts-LS114,960.00114,960.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial222,640TON21.604,809,024.00Fabric14,946SY3.0044,838.00TOTAL$14,066,662.80Maintenence83Mile-Years$4,000.00$332,000.00tt JIsusi12/a66ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.118DevilCanyonlowlevelCrossingHRoad(7.88Mi)Clearing170AC$5,760.00$979,200.00WasteExcavation498,845CY4.802,394,456.00CommonExcavation549,417CY4.202,307,551.40RockExcavation749,641CY14.4010,794,830.40Borrow0Cy6.000.001811Culverts5,100LF28.80146,880.003611+Culverts-lS0.000.00Bridges12,480SF180.002,246,400.00D-lBaseMaterial36,966Ton21.60798,465.60Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$19,667,783.40Maintenence118Mile-Years$5,000.00$590,000.00 ___I'_I--.ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads.124DevilCanyontoWatana-North,RoadA-2,(41.25Mj)Clearing207AC$5,760.00$1,192,320.00WasteExcavation681,179CY4.803,269,659.20CommonExcavation984,473CY4.204,134,786.60RockExcavation146,527CY14.402,109,988.80Borrow73,145CY6.00438,870.00NFSSubbaseMaterial424,710CY8.403,567,564.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial231,739CY16.803,893,215.20D-1BaseMaterial96,704TON21.602,088,806.40A.C.Surfacing88,557TON79.207,013,714.40Guardrail6,050LF43.20261,360.001811Culverts13,840LF28.80398,592.003611+Culverts-LS179,040.00179,040.00Fabric34,874SY3.00104,622.00ThawPipes24,435LF43.201,055,592.00Topsoil&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$31,619,730.60Maintenence248Mile-Years$10,000.00$2,480,000.00•t•ft, susi12/a68ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.128DevilCanyonTransDamCrossing,Road0,(7.26Mi)Clearing45AC$5,760.00$259,200.00WasteExcavation132,300CY4.80635,040.00CommonExcavation114,500CY4.20480,900.00RockExcavation12,200CY14.40175,680.00Borrow90,200CY6.00541,200.00NFSSubbaseMaterial27,960CY8.40234,864.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial15,260CY16.80256,368.000-1BaseMaterial6,370TON21.60137,592.00A.C.Surfacing5,830TON79.20461,736.00Guardrail2,640LF43.20114,048.001811Culverts1,785LF28.8051,765.003611+Culverts-LS0.000.00Fabric0SY3.000.00ThawPipes1,785LF43.2077,112.00Topsoil&Seed29AC3,600.00104,400.00TrafficControlDevices3MI18,000.0054,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$3,583,548.00Maintenence7Mile-Year$13,00.00$91,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.21PermanentRailRoad(IncludedRailhead).211GoldCreektoDevilCanyonIRailR-11(16.29Mi)Clearing68AC$5,760.00$391,680.00WasteExcavation129,482CY4.80621,513.60CommonExcavation549,157CY4.202,306,459.40RockExcavation2,200CY14.4031,680.00Borrow79,611CY6.00477,666.00Subballast192,467CY8.601,655,216.20GradeIIA"BaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.001811Culverts1,390LF28.8040,032.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric300SY3.00900.00ThawPipes10,100LF43.20436,320.00Topsoil&Seed116AC3,600.00417,600.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges0SF360.000.00Trackage110,300LF140.0015,442,000.00TOTAL$21,171,723.20MaintenenceRail212Mile-Years$5,000.00$106,000.00Railhead-DevilCanyon15Years$28,600.00$429,000.00II IIsusi12/a70ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT9.63CAMP.1Came.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$675,000.00$675,000.00Catering&OperationSupport81,430Manday39.203,192,056.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS$627,000.00$627,000.00Catering&OperationSupport130,630Manday39.105,107,633.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$108,831,130.40 ""'......"",••&-11&.01,•ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT10.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.1Roads.11PioneerRoads.112GoldCreektoDevilCanyonB-2Road(12.31Mi)Clearing113AC$5,760.00$650,880.00WasteExcavation324,998CY4.801,559,990.40CommonExcavation291,163CY4.201,222,884.60RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts3,460LF28.8099,648.003611+Culverts-LS13,824.0013,824.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial66,444Ton21.601,435,190.40Fabric3,192SY3.009,576.00TOTAL$4,991,993.40Maintenence25Mile-Years$4,000.00$100,000.00,t susi12/a72iITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT10.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.113GoldCreektoWatana-SouthB-3Road(36.46Mi)Clearing271AC$5,760.00$1,560,960.00WasteExcavation585,666CY4.802,811,196.80CommonExcavation255,812CY4.201,074,410.40RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018/1Culverts10,850LF28.80312,480.0036/1+CUlverts-LS124,752.00124,752.00Bridges0SF0.000.000-1BaseMaterial196,778Ton21.604,250,404.80Fabric27,408SY3.0082,224.00TOTAL$10,216,428.00Maintenence73Mile-Years$4,000.00$292,000.00 --_.._,-.-ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEIAMOUNT10.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.12PermanentRaods.123DevilCanyontoWatana-South,RoadB-3,(36.46Mi)Clearing360AC$5,760.00$2,073,600.00WasteExcavation1,164,494CY4.805,589,571.20CommonExcavation1,308,618CY4.205,496,195.60RockExcavation246,750CY14.403,553,200.00Borrow15,693CY6.0094,158.00NFSSubbaseMaterial375,375CY8.403,153,150.00GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial204,820CY16.803,440,976.00D-1BaseMaterial85,470TON21.601,846,152.00A.C.Surfacing78,271TON79.206,199,063.20Guardrail8,300LF43.20358,560.001811Culverts16,270LF28.80468,576.003611+Culverts-LS57,888.0057,888.00Fabric69,133SY3.00207,399.00ThawPipes27,915LF43.201,205,928.00Topsoil&Seed410AC3,600.001,476,000.00TrafficControlDevices36MI18,000.00648,000.00Bridges109,140SF180.0019,645,200.00TOTAL$55,513,617.00Maintenence219Mile-Years$13,000.00$2,847,000.00•1 susi12/a74IITEMDESCRIPTION.QUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT-10.336ROADRAILFACILITIES.2RailFaciIities.21PermanentRailRoad(IncludeRailhead).211GoldCreektoDevilCanyonRailR-1,(16.29Mi)Clearing68AC$5,760.00$391,680.00WasteExcavation129,482CY4.80621,513.60CommonExcavation549,157CY4.202,306,459.40RockExcavation2,200CY14.4031,680.00Borrow79,611CY6.00477,666.00Subballast192,467CY8.601,655,216.20GradeIIAIIBaseMaterial4,900CY16.8082,320.00D-1BaseMaterial2,400TON21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200TON79.20174,240.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.0018"Culverts1,390LF28.8040,032.003611+Culverts-LS32,256.0032,256.00Fabric300SY3.00900.00ThawPipes10,100LF43.20436,320.00Topsoil&Seed116AC3,600.00417,600.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Bridges0SF360.000.00Trackage110,300LF140.0015,442,000.00TOTAL$22,171,723.20MaintenenceRail212Mile-Years$5,000.00$1,060,000.00Railhead-DevilCanyon15Years$28,600.00$429,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT10.63CAMP.1Camp.11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$267,000.00$267,000.00Catering&OperationSupport31,750Manday39.601,257,300.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS582,000.00582,000.00Catering&OperationSupport183,830Manday39.10_7,187,753.00TOTALPROJECTCOST$106,915,814.60II• susi12/a76ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT-11.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.11PioneerRoadsII.114GoldCreektoWatana-SouthA-2Road(41.25Mi)IClearing369AC$5,760.00$2,125,440.00iWasteExcavation855,321CY4.804,105,540.80ICommonExcavation619,500CY4.202,601,900.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.0018"Culverts9,200LF28.80264,960.003611+Culverts-LS114,960.00114,960.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial222,640TON21.604,809,024.00Fabric14,946SY3.0044,838.00TOTAL$14,066,662.80Maintenence83Mile-Years$4,000.00$332,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT11.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.115DenalitoWatanaCRoad(44.32Mi)Clearing0AC$5,760.00$0.00WasteExcavation0CY4.800.00CommonExcavation0CY4.200.00RockExcavation0CY14.400.00Borrow0CY6.000.001811Culverts0LF28.800.003611+Culverts0LS0.000.00Bridges0SF0.000.00D-1BaseMaterial0TON21.600.00Fabric0SY3.000.00TOTAL$0.00Maintenence0Mile-Years$0.00$0.00, susi12/a78ITEMDESCRIPTIONgUANTITYUNJTSPRICEAMOUNT-11.336ROAD&RAJLFACILITIES.12PermanentRoads&Bridges.124WatanatoDevilCanyon-North,RoadA-2,(41.25Mi)Clearing207AC$5,760.00$1,192,320.00WasteExcavation681,179CY4.803,269,659.20CommonExcavation984,473CY4.204,134,786.60RockExcavation146,527CY14.402,109,988.80Borrow73,145CY6.00438,870.00NFSSubbaseMaterial424,710CY8.403,567,564.00GradeIIA\IBaseMaterial231,739CY16.803,893,215.200-1BaseMaterial96,704TON21.602,088,806.40A.C.Surfacing88,557TON79.207,013,714.40Guardrail6,050LF43.20261,360.0018/1Culverts13,840LF28.80398,592.00361\+Culverts-LS179,040.00179,040.00Fabric34,874SY3.00104,622.00ThawPipes24,435LF43.201,055,592.00Topsoil&Seed326AC3,600.001,173,600.00TrafficControlDevices41MI18,000.00738,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$31,619,730.60Maintenence206Mile-Years$10,000.00$2,060,000.00 susi12/a79ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT~11.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.125DenalitoWatanaRoadC,(44.32Mj)(Plus21.00Mj)Clearing800AC$5,760.00$4,608,000.00WasteExcavation2,245,400CY4.8010,777,920.00CommonExcavation2,450,800CY4.2010,293,360.00RockExcavation41,800CY14.40601,920.00Borrow20,000CY6.00120,000.00NFSSubbaseMaterial470,000CY8.403,948,000.00Grade/IA/IBaseMaterial300,000CY16.805,040,000.000-1BaseMaterial162,500TON21.603,510,000.00A.C.Surfacing148,813TON79.2011,785,989.60Guardrail4,200LF43.20181,440.001811Culverts30,350LF28.80874,080.0036/1+Culverts-LS468,120.00468,120.00Fabric12,907SY3.0038,721.00ThawPipes28,750LF43.201,242,000.00Topsoil&Seed514AC3,600.001,850,400.00TrafficControlDevices69MI18,000.001,242,000.00Bridges0SF180.000.00TOTAL$56,581,950.60Maintenence980Mile-Years$8,000.00$7,840,000.001 I Isusi12/a80ITEMDESCRIPTIONQ!JANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT11.336ROAD&RAILFACILITIES.2RailFacilities.22Railheads.221Railhead-CantwellClearing25AC$5,760.00$144,000.00WasteExcavation78,000CY4.80374,400.00CommonExcavation505,000CY4.202,121,000.00GradeABase4,900CY16.8082,320.000-1BaseMaterial2,400CY21.6051,840.00A.C.Surfacing2,200Ton79.20174,240.00Topsoil&Seed15AC3,600.0054,000.00RailYardControlDevices-LS720.00720.00Subballast25,800CY8.60221,880.00Trackage19,700LF140.002,758,000.00DockLumber16MBF580.009,280.00TOTAL$5,991,680.00Maintenence15Year$28,600.00$429,000.00 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYUNITSPRICEAMOUNT11.63CAMP.1Camp."11PioneerRoadCampCampFacilities-LS$243,000.00$243,000.00Catering&OperationSupport29,430Manday39.401,159,542.00.12AccessRoad/RailheadCampCampFacilities-LS912,000.00912,000.00Catering&OperationSupport217,580Manday39.108,507,378.00TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$129,742,944.00I m10/j1·ICostItemPlan1Plan2Plan3Plan4Plan5Plan6PioneerConstruction$19,578,958.80$15,258,245.40$9,362,530.80$4,991,993.40$43,096,977.00$4,991,993.40Perm.Construction99,493,189.4087,705,803.60106,553,203.0084,745,353.8079,182,851.00125,232,953.80CONSTRUCTIONTOTAL$119,072,148.20$102,964,049.00$115,915,733.80$89,737,347.20$122,279,828.00$130,224,947.20Ranking8571910PioneerMaintenence$500,000.00$392,000.00$208,000.00$100,000.00$1,130,000.00$100,000.00Perm.Maintenence6,926,900.003,232,000.006,017,000.005,018,000.006,650,900.007,908,000.00MAINTENENCETOTAL$7,426,900.00$3,624,000.00$6,225,000.00$5,118,000.00$7,780,900.00$8,008,000.00716489PioneerCamp$1,957,155.00$1,524,300.00$933,846.00$498,730.00$4,300,344.00$498,730.00PermCamp10,688,305.008,769,980.0010,659,633.008,479,081.007,915,185.0012,620,470.00CAMPTOTAL$12,645,460.00$10,294,280.00$11,593,479.00$8,977,811.00$12,215,529.00$13,119,200.00SUBTOTAL$139,144,508.20$116,882,329.00$133,734,212.80$103,833,158.20$142,276,257.00$151,352,147.20Logistics$214,438,356.00$213,620,024.00$228,050,617.00$228,004,352.00$215,571,651.00$228,004,352.00Ranking219-107-84 - 57 - 8PLANTOTAL$353,582,864.20$330,502,353.00$361,784,829.80$331,837,510.20$357,847,908.00$379,356,499.20Ranking648579Continuedonnextpage CostItemPlan7Plan8Plan9Plan10Plan11PioneerConstruction$9,362,530.80$38,726,439.60$38,726,439.60$15,208,421.40$14,066,662.80Perm.Construction148,040,803.0051,184,084.40 56,375,001.8077,685,340.20 94,193,361.20CONSTRUCTIONTOTAL$157,403,333.80$89,910,524.00$95,101,441.40 $92,893,761.60$108,260,024.00Ranking112436PioneerMaintenence$208,000.00$1,022,000.00 $1,022,000.00$392,000.00$332,000.00Perm.Maintenence8,907,000.004,920,000.003,106,000.004,336,000.0010,329,000.00MAINTENENCETOTAL$9,115,000.00$5,942,000.00$4,128,000.00$4,728,000.00$10,661,000.001052311PioneerCamp$933,846.00$3,867,056.00$3,867,056.00$1,524,300.00$1,402,542.00Perm.Camp14,801,022.005,113,939.005,734,633.007,769,753.009,419,378.00CAMPTOTAL$15,734,868.00$8,980,995.00 $9,601,689.00$9,294,053.00$10,821,920.00SUBTOTAL$182,253,201.80$104,833,519.00$108,831,130.40$106,915,814.60$129,742,944.00Logistics$228,050,617.00$215,571,651.00$215,594,496.00$214,461,201.00$257,903,604.00Ranking9 -104 - 56311PLANTOTAL$410,303,818.80$320,405,170.00 $324,425,626.40$321,377,015.60$387,646,548.00Ranking1113210I APPENDIX G BORROW PITS Appendix G-Borrow Pits This appendix contains the two letters from Terrestrial Environmental Specialists concerning the selected borrow pit areas. Both dam and road borrow is discussed.Portions of the maps accompanying the letters were reproduced.For reference,a map showing the borrow pits in relation to the whole project is included.More detailed drawings of each pit can be found on the Segment Maps in Appendix B. r21/e G - 1 ,..~-~L,'"-~~"(',(,..Ii'/,,-\.--l.~'<it,0bO/.''.~,'J>,,,,,.-:,)d',J_.~/Q7·O''0,"'\( •6·,~<;""J',--..._~)-',(/./(II....-~Q~~r"~,.....•'0VABM(.•~,/',fC,5/r'N"'"f~'-:tzJ'",:)f~•Z/ \",."".1\'\1''~rt\L\Chufllina,L""II",/,(,/VABMA'Qear/C:?'oj---...",,',"'.'()"',!3710,rL'\,r-\4~49,\>J'(I~"':''-/"".,I\-"\J'/•L),/.,'I1(;39~7)'\~SI'\,~I~:~f"i~_o('.10>l?~""/lr',.,,/'I;c.•(l';;:(I,.)'J~,l!',t;,1'I-./J'Jf/.~'),,I)l,:-'dI'<_.,'--«..",r.Ii,In,J'[I_,I"v.~_._"--",.,1-3l.1,-:1f{---,~..~:'I(\-'---../~30NORTH"(nOOO)ii"-'[-.--'-,,'7~QW---/'..."f,Z.J-lc,,.."•~l',"\.../...~lI'IJ_../<'..•I"(I.r (, I I.-'~:v'"ItIi'.~~..,'t~.r'.i>)•'f':'.I','/~/,,~L1\.~(...fPREPAREDBYI505MILESiiiSCALEI :250,000",.!'--:~;<,I:(-~''~./--'~""V".~:\"J'-rrr,:':r\.',WI(.\"),';),~:l«.'I')..'",~53P4[j"~Ir"}'f·..~l,/,~J.-'./';~/f.i/0".'·4~IY:'_,~,:~lr(~:.~i(.~(,\,l',PREPAREDFOR:RIMCONSULTANTS.INC.BORROWPITLtlCATIDNSG-2FIGURE~~[iJ --.. :rerrestrial nvironmental Specialists~inc. R.D.1 BOX 388 PHOENIX,N.Y.131311 (31:1)6911-7228 November 5,1981 218.858 Mr.Norm Gutcher R&M Consultants,Inc. P.O.Box 6087 5024 Cordova Street Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Dear Norm: Enclosed please find a copy of a map indicating access route borrow areas.We have given these areas identifying numbers, superimposed them onto vegetation habitat type maps,and have commented,where appropriate,on the use of particular areas.These comments are included on the attached table.One qeneral comment we have is that since most of these borrow areas are in forested habitat, provision must be made to clear,and then properly dispose of,woody vegetation.Also enclosed is a copy of a letter and map sent by Joe McMullen to Lance Duncan of Acres.Joe's letter addresses environmental sensitivity of lettered borrow areas for the dam sites. You might find some of the information contained therein useful. If I can be of any further help,or if you identify any other potential borrow areas,please contact me. Sincerely, Cathie A.Baumgartner Environmental Study Deputy Director CAB/vl Enc. cc:M.Grubb BorrowAreas-AccessCorridors(a((b)AreaTownshipSectionsGeneralLocationVeetationTypes-ValueCOlTlTlents1IT31N,R2W(9&10)NearconfluenceofClosedMixedForest.88Privatelands-IndianRiverSewardMeridianIndian&SusitnaOpenWhiteSpruce.94RemoteParceldisposalarea,riversDisturbed--thereforeprobableconflictwithpresentandfuturelanduse;contactAk.DNR,DivisionofForest,Land,andWaterManagement(LandManagementSection)todetermineexactlywhereparcelshavebeenstakedTwoidentifiedvegetationtypesbothhaverelativelyhighwildlifevalue2IT31N,R2W(11)EastofconfluenceofClosedMixedForest.88COlTlTlunitytypeshavesimilar,IndianandSusitnaOpenMixedForest.95relativelyhighwildlifevalues;rivers,southofstayawayfromcreekbankandSusitnaandnorthofbedifpossibleGoldCreekPotentialerosionproblembecauseofslope3IT31N,R2W(2)AlongCorridor2,ClosedMixedForest.88StayawayfromcreekbedandnortheastofClosedBalsamPoplar.62bank-closedpoplarnotconfluenceofIndianreallyvaluablehabitatperseandSusitnariversbutisfoundalongstream-banks4IT31N,R1W(2&11)Alon~Corridor2,westClosedMixedForest.88Ifpossible,stayasfarawayofDevilCanyondamOpenBlackSpruce.82fromwetsedgegrasshabitatsiteWetSedgeGrass1.00(NEcornerofborrowarea)asRock.44possibleNativeClaim(Knik)(a)Numberedareasrefertoaccompanyingmaps.Letteredareasrefertopreviouslyidentifiedborrowareasfordamsites.(b)WeightedRelativeValues-SeeAccessRouteEnvironmentalReport(TES-October1981).....;,II \(b)(a.)AreaTownshipSectionsGeneralLocationVe~etationTypes-ValueComments5T31N,RIW(1&12)AlongCorridor2,westClosedMixedForest.88Allsamehabitat-mediumtoofDevilCanyondamhighinwildlifevalue,makessitenodifferencewhereborrowedfromNativeClaim(CIRI)6T31N,RIE(3)SouthshoreofSusitnaWoodlandBlackSpruce.76Makesnodifference-willbeRiver,eastofDevilClosedBirchForest.66underwateranywayCanyonOpenBlackSpruce.82NativeClaim(Knik)7T32N,RIE(24)NortheastofDevilOpenTallShrub.77StayasfarawayfromthelakeCanyondamsiteBirchShrub.80aspossible,birchshruboccursonSWhalfofarea-goodwinterbrowseformoose8T32N,R2E(3&4)NortheastofDevilBirchShrub-.80Stayasfarawayaspossib1eCanyon,justwestofLowShrub-.88fromsmallcreekonwesternDevilCreekborderofborrowarea,i.e.,starttoborrowfromeastsideAlmostentireareaisbirchshrubwhichprovidesgoodwinterbrowseformooseAT31N,R5E(3,4&5)NorthofFogLakes,WoodlandBlackSpruceSeeletter-McMullentoDuncansouthofWatanadamMat&CushionTundraNovember3,1981siteLowShrubWi11owShrubOpenBlackSpruceBT32N,R5E(26&27)NearWatanadamsiteClosedMixedForestSeeletter-McMullentoDuncannorthofSusitnaRiverClosedBirchForestNovember3,1981WoodlandBlackSpruceCT33N,R5E(17)NorthofTsusenaButteWoodlandWhiteSpruceSeeletter-McMullentoDuncanT22S,R5WalongTsusenaCreekLowShrubNovember3,1981(FairbanksMeridian)BirchShrubOpenTallShrub (a)AreaDEFGH(b)TownshipSectionsGeneralLocationVegetationTypes-ValueCommentsT32N,R5E(22,23,NorthofWatanacampBirchShrubSeeletter-McMullentoDuncan26&27)anddamsiteLowShrubNovember3,1981ClosedBirchForestClosedMixedForestOpenMixedForestT32N,R4E(35&36)AlongnorthshoreofWoodlandWhiteSpruceSeeletter-McMullentoDuncanSusitnaRiverwestofClosedMixedForestNovember3,1981WatanadamsiteOpenWhiteSpruceT32N,R5E(16)SouthofTsusenaButteBirchShrubSeeletter-McMullentoDuncanClosedMixedForestNovember3,1981LowShrubT32N,RIE(32&33)AtDevilCanyondamClosedMixedForestSeeletter-McMullentoDuncansiteNovember3,1981T31N,R4E(21,22,23,NorthofCorridor2,OpenBlackSpruceSeeletter-McMullentoDuncan&24)southofFogCreek,ClosedMixedForestNovember3,1981southwestofWatanaWoodlandBlackSprucedamsiteLowShrubt,t•I,I, ·r~i '~~).. ;:,. \ 1 ..,.....'.-.,-~.J."~ ,------------_._-------_...•----.._----.---_._----------------------------- I t)\. /:TErrc=str~2~L .:~.~~.\,,~tl:"¢'...-j6".,·-.....1),.,-:....-.=~~V ;ron n ~l;.;:n I:...ciJ ~'~..;-~:t .... \"':.;;;.,'i~c:;pe-c 1-:;~Ie...""S'Inc'I :{~"'~~b1P-y.,G1 ~,-oJ ".• 't;".....,.:.'-.~)R.C.I BOX 388 PHOENIX.N.Y.1313!1 (31516911-7228_-.:.=::4--,•_ November 3,1981 218.851 ---.._~---:--~-.-... ,.,.'.\ Project Manager Susitna Hydroelectric Project Acres American,Inc. Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 "Attention:Lance Ducan /' Dear Lance: As we discussed on October 21,1981,please find enclosed a preliminary relative sensitivity map for the borrow areas presently under consideration.If there are additional borrow areas whose locations have not been forwarded to us,please let us know. We tried to take the different facets of the environmental studies into consideration for the production of this sensitivity map.The information varied in specificity among disciplines.We could be fairly accurate for wildlife and vegetation,since we have fairly good vegetation/habitat maps.Information for fisheries,cultural resources,land use,recreation,and aesthetics was also considered. Keep in mind that the sensitivity map is a relative rating that was prepared to aid Acres in their selection of one portion of a borrow area over another.There are probably no environmental concerns in any of the borrow areas that would absolutely preclude their development (e.g.endangered species).The development of an area of high sensitivity will simply result in a greater environmental impact and more mitigation costs than the development of an area of medium or low sensitivity.In addition to the map.we have collected some preliminary general thoughts and specific cqmments for each borrow area. ,. -. Lance Duc an November 3,1981 Page Two;218.851 The general comments are as follows.We have assumed that all disturbed areas will be reclaimed.For reclamation,it is very important to stockpile the topsoil and return it to the surface following development.Fertilization and seeding will probably also be required.The reclamation should begin as soon as the development of an area is completed.If a given area is to be developed in different stages (i.e.at different times),then it would be best to stockpile the topsoil on the next area to be developed;and begin reclamation and return the topsoil to the area currently being developed when the development is complete.In general it is probably best to develop areas in a manner that wi 11 1imit the surface area to be di sturbed. This will limit the impacts,especially on wildlife,vegetation,and cultural resources.We assume the floor of the developed area will be reclaimed and available for use by wildlife.The one drawback to going deep but limiting surface area may be in the area of visual exposure (aesthetics).Those areas that are along the reservoir would probably be best developed so that disturbance will be within the impoundment zone.This type of development may remove more land from terrestrial habitat,but it will "hide ll the disturbed area from view,at least at full pool elevation.Since the pool elevation of the Watana impoundment will fluctuate quite a bit,this type of development will work best for borrow areas within the Devil Canyon impoundment.I do not know if you are considering Native Claims in your evaluation of borrow areas,but all of the borrow areas,with the exception of C,F and the northern half of D are within Native Claimed land. The preliminary comments specific to particular borrow areas are as follows: Borrow Area A This area is close to the Watana Dam Site,therefore,its develop- ment would keep the disturbance in proximity to other construction activities.The area has a relatively low sensitivity for most environmental concerns,especially the elevated central portion which is covered by mat and cushion tundra.However,visual exposure to existing areas of recreational use (Fog Lakes)and areas of potential future use (Watana impoundment and construction village)would be high if this borrow area is developed.If the south-side access route (and/or south-side camp and village sites)is selected,the visual exposure of this borrow area will be an especially important consideration.During our telephone conversation we discussed the development of this area as a pit with one open side and high walls on three sides.This would probably be best,with the only drawback being visual exposure.For aesthetic purposes it would be best to face the open side away from view,or attempt to screen the opening from view,perhaps by contouring the open side. Borrow Area B This relatively small area will be adjacent to other construction activities and largely within the Watana Reservoir.There does not appear to be any major environmental problem with its development. - -. - Lance Duc an November 3~1981 Page Three;218.851 Borrow Area C There are several environmental concerns associated with this borrow area.This borrow area is located north of Tsusena Butte and will require the development of some type of road to connect it to the Watana Dam Site.The development of such a road will result in direct impacts associated with habitat removal and indirect impacts associated with the opening of.a previously inaccessible area to easy access.The bottom land within borrow area C contains a large amount of willow shrub,which provides good winter browse for moose.The development of borrow area C would potentially influence the fish resources of Tsusena Creek.Fina11y~there are nine known archeological sites within this borrow area. Borrow Area D Borrow area D wi 11 be close to other construct i on and camp activities.Its location will help limit the impacts on wildlife. However,because of'its location it will be visible from the Watana Dam vicinity,permanent village,and possibly the access route.As a result,care should be taken in the reclamation of this area. Borrow Area E It appears that borrow area E will be largely with~n the Devil Canyon impoundment zone.Because of its 10cation~this borrow area does not appear to have any major environmental drawbacks,except for the area near the mouth of Tsusena Creek.If possible,development should be limited in that area,especially if other activities will not disturb this area. Borrow Area F This area is north of the Watana Dam Site.Depending on the route selected this area may be adjacent to an access route.There do not appear to be any major environmental concerns for this area~although the western edge along Tsusena Creek is probably relatively more sensitive because of potential influences on the Creek.The borrow area will be within a potential high visual exposure zone. Borrow Area G This area is within the Devil Canyon impoundment on the south side of the river just upstream of the Devil Canyon Dam Site.Its development will not result in any additional environmental impacts. ----------- Lance Ducan November 3,1981 Page Four;218.851 Borrow Area H As was borrow area t,this borrow area is distant from the Watana Dam vicinity.Direct and indirect impacts associated with road development to this area will occur,although the area would be accessible if a southern access route was selected.Raptor nesting habitat on the cliffs along Fog Creek may be disturbed if this area is developed.There is potential for the disturbance of Fog Creek if this area is developed.Also,the northeastern corner contains some known archeological sites. I hope that the enclosed information will aid Acres in the selection and development of borrow areas.If you have any questions concerning any aspect of the information presented,please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Joseph M.McMullen Plant Ecology Group Leader JMM/vl cc:K.Young - - - - - -, ...., ,.". -1~--\.·1 12 FOG Z,A tl LEGEND ~RELATIVE LOW SENSITIVITY ~RELATIVE MEDIUM SENSITIVITY ~RELATIVE HIGH SENSITIVITY