HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA61~; ' il . Jl~ / .. ··:~-­ . .t -~ (: r-----· --· .. fXJ££ru~£o@;@£®©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number ~~~1..__ Please Return To .. ;f DOCUMENT COI~TROL I ----·---............ """""""'------ , ~ ' l 1 ' t ' l .. I : J. ./~ r., ' ,j i I . '["' • j d J I . ·~~ IJ ·~ ' . flA~ZA-EBA~C() Su~itna Joint Ventur~ Document Number ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY . ~~ SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT~'-----'-j------ IT Y STUDY P!e~"e lle'•••n To FEAS I B I L IJI'1GIJ~~1EfJ'f COlCT!iOt SUMMER 1982 SEISMIC SURVEYS PROGRAM RELICT CHANNELS AND DAMSITE AGREEMENT NO. P5700.10.13 ~_lUL Y 1982 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1577 c Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 276-4888 -J ,."\ r l ···~. ~. ·-r-. '- ·-L. l"' l. . l - I ( I l J I • > ' ~CNo lol ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED AGREEMENT NO. P5700.10.13 FOR SUMMER 1982 SEISMIC SURVEYS PROGRAM RELICT CHANNELS AND OAMSITE-- TO BE PROVIDED BY IN CONNECTION WITH SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES JULY 1982 Acres American Incorporated Consulting Engineers 1577 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 :t . L. . 'IE ... :-~ ~.. ~,. ·'\I ~ .:.,-. ,.._.·. , .. :·c·. TABLE OF CONTENTS l -THE AGREEMENT (Pages 1 -41 ) 2 -ATTACHMENT A -SITE AND PROPOSED WORK LOCATION PLAN 3 -ATTACHMENT B -SITE INFORMATION PACKAGE -PREVIOUS WORK SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT, 1980-81 GEOTECHNICAL .REPORT, EXTRACTS 4 -ATTACHMENT C -SCHEDULE OF PAY ITEMS 5 -ATTL\CHMENT D -INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 6 -ATTACHMENT E -BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT TEMPORARY USE PERMIT AK-017-0096 7 -ATTACHMENT F -ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME REGULATION~ 8 -ATTACHMENT G -NATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY AND THE INDIVIDUAL COOK INLET NATIVE VILLAGE CORPORATIONS, AND THE COOK INLEr REGION, INCORPORATED i ,, l . 11 J 'i ~ ' \ . . •' 111.:' THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this~$? day of~~~sr-in the year Nineteen Hundred an~ Eighty Two by and between: Acres American Incorporated Buffalo, New York 14202 OF THE FIRST PART ·hereinafter referred to as the 11 Acres" and Woodward-Clyde Cons u1 tants Inc_orporated 701 Seasame Stre~t ftn~horage, Alaska 995b3 hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS, Acres has entered into an agreement with the Alaska Pow~r Authority to study the feasibility of development of a hydroelectric project known as the Susitna Hydroelectric Project located in the Upper Susitna River Basin; AND WHEREAS, Acres may require certain seismic survey and interpreta- tion operations and work incidental thereto to be carried out from time to time by the Contractor; AND WHEREAS, Acres and the Contractor have agreed that the following general conditions consisting of Section one (1) through Section four (4) including Attachments, shall apply in respect to such seismic survey operations; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized as of this /9 day of ,/14/ca...>r 1982. Acres American Incorporated Contractor By:~~ Title: Vice Presjdent By: Tit 1 e: l 'l !· •j l -1 l l ., .. ' . : .l ··!. '/"~ ·c· :.,:··. t :; ·, ~L SECTION 1 . GENERAL PROVISIONS ;.:·:·: ~' '. ' ·-'"' : :;~ . ~J ' ~): . ,, '.·~ .... INDEX TO SECTIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT SECTION 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 1. 1 -Definitions ..... A ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1.2 -Communications and Notices................................ 1 le3-Contractor's Undertakings ...•........•. ~·-····2·········· 2 1.4 -Prosecution of Work by Contractor........................ 2 1.5 -Unemployment and Social Security Payments and Workmen's Compensation ................................... :-3 L 6 -Indemnity by the Contractor ............................... ~.. 3 1.7-Injuries and Infringements of Rights ... ~················· 3 1. 8 -Confi denti a 1 i ty .................. " • . . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . • . . . • . • • 4 1.9-Patent Rights .............. ····-·······-·--·················· 4 1.10-Nondiscrimination ..••... ~································ 4 1.11 -Insurance... . • . . . . • . . . . • • . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • 6 1.12-Time Sheets and Invoices •................•..•........•..• 6 1.13 -Termination of Agreement ... ., . . . . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . • . .. . • . . . . • • 7 1.14-Applicable Regulations, Permits, and Access Requirements. 8 1.15-Arbitration ...................•...... ~··················· 9 1.16-Excusable Delays ............................................ 10 1.17-Assignment ...••...........•........................•....• 10 1.18-Changes ......•...........•.•.......•....................• 11 1.19 -Examination of Costs ...................................... '11 1.20-Alaska Preference ..... <:·································· 12 1.21 -Subcontractor Approval ..................................... 12 1.23-Governing Law ............................................ 13 1. 23 -Waiver of Contract Breach ........ A ••••••••••• H • • • • • • • • • • 13 1.24-Severability of Invalid Provisions ....................... 13 1.25-Additional Provisions ...•................................ 13 SECTION 2: SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2.1 -Work Under This Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 14 2 • 2 -Gene r a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3-Location and Site Description ............................ 14 2.4-Scope ...................................................... 16 2.5-Commmencement and Completion .............................. 17 2.6-Contractor-Furnished Material and Equipment .......•.... ~. 17 2.7-Field Engineering ................................ · ....... 18 2.8 -Interpretation and Report Standards ............... · .. · ... 19 2. 9 -Facilities Provided to Contractor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2 .10 -Access. ~ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.11-Explosives Handling ....................................... 22 2.12-Contractor-Supplied Workmen and Personnel ...•............ 22 2.13-Project Closeout ....•.................................... 23 SECTION 3: SCOPE OF WORK 3.1-Mobilization and Demobilization ............•............. 25 3. 2 -Fog Lakes Relict Channel. ......................... ···· ... 25 . INDEX TO SECTIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT (Cont'd) SECTION 3: SCOPE OF WORK (Cont'd) Page 3.3 -Watana Relict Channel. ................................. 26 3. 4 -Dams i te I!" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • 26 3.5 -Interpretation .....•.................................•. 27 3.6 -Reporting .......•..............................• ~ ....•. 27 3.7 -Standby Time ..•.....•.•.....•..•....••....••..•.....••. 29 3.8 -Special Equipment Requirements ..•.......•.•....•....••• 29 SECTION 4: PAYMENT CONDITIONS 4.1 -Mobilization and Demobilization .....•.....••••••••..•.. 31 4.2 -Relict Channels-Unit Price .• -.• :.~·.-.·:-:-....•....•..••.. 31 4.3 -Equipment and Personnel Operating Rate .•.•.••..•...•.•. 32 4.4 -Equipment and Personnel Available Rate .•••...•........• 32 4.5 -Downtime ... 411 ........................... , •••• "' ••••••••••••• 33 4.6 -Other Contractor-Supplied Equipment and Material •.....• 33 4.7 -Special Pajffient Provisions .•...........•............... 34 / .. SECTION 1 -GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 -Definitions {a) The word •:contractor" shall mean the person,· persons, firm, company, or corporation awarded work as hereinafter provided • . (b) The word 11 Acres" shall mean Acres American Incorporated, as prime consult- ant on the Susitna Hydroelectric Project for the Alaska Power Authority .. (c) The acronym "APA 11 shall mean the Alaska Po.wer ·Aul:nority. (d) "Seismic Surveys" means an investigation of subsurface conditions being carried out by the Contractor under contract to Acres and includes all work required in connection thereto. (e) "Engi neer 11 means the Acres fie 1 d engineer or appointed representative · assigned to the Seismic Surveys. (f) "Schedule" means the schedule of contract prices attached hereto as Attach- ment C and forming part of this agreement. (g) "Site" means the at'ea around and adjacent to the Watana Dams i te of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, together with the identified reservoir, relict channels, and related proposed borrow sites, as indicated in Attach- ment A. (h) ~~c II th 1 · rew means ose personne and equ1pment necessary ependently perform seismic survey operations subject of Seeton 2.12. 1.2 -Communications and Notices and adequate to ind4 to the restrictions All communications between Acres and the Contractor about this Agreement shall be addressed to the following personnel at Acres and Contractor, respectively. ACRES: Vern Smith Deputy Resident Manager Acres American Incorporated 1577 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 276-4888 Telex: 09025450 CONTRACTOR: Rupert G. Tart Vice President Woodward-Clyde Consultants In~orporated 701 Sesame Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 276-2335 All notices required by this Agreement to be giyen Qy_either party shall be deemed to be p~·operly given and received if made in writing to the other party by certified mail, .telegram, telecopy or telex addressed, directed or hand delivered as provided in this Article, save that telex and telecopy transmittai must be confirmed as received in complete and readable copy to constitute ful- fillment of contract requirements. 1.3 -Contractor•s Undertakings (a) The Constrc,ctor shall do all work and furnish all labor, tools, and equip- ment required for performing and ~ompleting the work awarded to him as hereinabove set forth, and as that.work may be modified pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. (b) In performing any of the work awarded under this Agreement, the Contractor shall adopt his own methods, w~ys, and work and select the equipment and labor subject to Acres approval and, as hereinafter provided for. Acres may, at the discretion of the Engineer, require the Contractor to utilize such equipment and means as may be deemed necessary to correct deficiencies in data collection or clarity. 1.4 -Prosecution of Work by Contractor (a) All work shall be prosecuted with diligence and shall be done in a good, substantial, and vmrkmanlike manner in accordance with all applicable codes and standards. 2 ., ,l.i (b) The Contractor shall employ only competent m~n in the performance of t~e work herein; and the Engineer shall be notified in advance of the Contractor's intention to use, in performance of the field work, any technical personnel not previously listed in the Qualification Statement. (Attachment C-2). 1.5 -Unemeloyment and Social Security Payments and Workmen•s Compensation The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay all dues and assessments payable under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and Unemployment Tax Act an_d the State Unemployment Insurance Act applica~le:_th~reto and the applicable Workmen's Compensation Insurance; and the Contractor agrees to duly report and pay over in the manner provided by law the moneys required thereby to be deducted and withheld, and to make such paj11lents required of it by said Acts; and any such subcontractor shall be required to agree to make such reports and payment in respect to his employees or operations and shall, upon request, furnish Acres with satisfactory evidence that he has complied with the pl~ovi si ons of any such Act. 1.6 -Indemnity by the Contractor The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless Acres, APA, and its employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, actions, suits, proceedings: or damages, whatsoever (including consequential damages), injury(s) includirg death sustained or suffered by any employee or workman of the Contractor or his agent$ while engaged on or in connection with any or all work performed under this Agreement, but excluding any claims or demands arising out of a negligent act or omission of Acres. 1.7-Injuries and Infringements of Rights The Contractor shall further insure that he, his agents, and all workmen and persons employed by him or under his supervision and/1r control shall use due care and diligence that no persons or property is injured and that no rights are infringed in the prosecution of any seismic surveys. Contractor shall notify ~ 3 the Engineer at the earliest opportunity of all injuries or illness occuring on the job, and assist the Engineer in completing and filing all required injury reports and forms. 1. 8 -Confident i a 1 i ty The Contractor shall insure that all findings, results, determinatio~s, and information resulting from the seismic s~rveys are held confidential and for the sole use of Acres and APA. All drawings, reports, and documents prepared by the Contractor in connection with services furnished hereunder shall be the pro- perty of Acres, and shall be delivered to Acres on co~pletion of the work under this Agreement. The Contractor shall insure that all workmen and persons employed by him regard information resulting from the seismic surveys as confidential. 1.9 -Patent Rights The Contractor shall insure that any method of work performed or material fur- nished by him hereunder shall not infringe upon any patent issued or pending, covering any such method or n1aterial and claimed by the patentee or owner of the patent as an infringement, and in event of any such claim, the Contractor agrees to defend, inder.-tnify, and hold Acres and APA harmless from any and all cost or expense arising out of the Contractor's use of any such method or material. 1.10-Nondiscrimination Agreement, Certification and Affinnative Action Compliance Ouring the performance of this Agreement, Contractor agrees as follows: (a) Contractor will not dic:::;riminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religi0n, color, sex, or national origin. Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure thdt applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. Such action will include, but not b1~ limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; 4 ;II ~ I layoff or termination; rates of an_y or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. {b) Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for enployment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. (c) Contractor will send to each labor union or rep-resentative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by Acres advising the labor· union or workers' representative of contractor's commitments, under Section 202 of Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employmentc (d) Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, and the rules, regulations, and relevant (e) (f) orders of the Secretary of Labor. Contractor will furnish all information and reports, required by Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, and accounts by Acres and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. Contractor and all associates performing Services must canply with the provisions of (a) the ag1eement bet\'-~een the Alaska Power Authority and the Individual Cook Inlet Native Village Corporations and the Cook Inlet Region, Inc., (b) the Rureau of Land Management Stipulations, and (c) the Alaska Oepartment of Fish and Game Regulations applicable to the Susitna Hydroelectric Project ~~ich this Agreement supports as defined in Attachments G, E, and F, respectively. 5 I . ' ' L· I [ (g) In the event of Contractor's noncompJ,icance with ti1e nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this Agreement may be cancelled, terminated) or suspended in whole or in part, and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further contracts, in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, and other such sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rules, regulations or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. {h) Contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exemptedlby rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor, issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order Number 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such previsions will b~ binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 1.11 -Insurance (a) The Contractor shall take out, maintain, and keep in full force and effect during the currency of this Agreement, a policy of public liability and property damage insurance, in an amount that is acceptable to Acres. (b) Prior to commencement. of work, evidence shall be furnished to Acres that policies have been issued to the Vendor for the aforementioned insurance. These policies of insurance are subject to the approval of Acres. (c) The Contractor undertakes to assume and abide by the requirements for Work- men's Compensation in the state of Alaska and covenants to provide Acres with proof of such compliance. Insurance requirements are indicated in Attachment 0. 1.12 -Time Sheets and Invoices (a) The Contractor shall s·ubmit a daily field report to the Engineer containing the particulars of all chargeable items in accordance with the Schedule. This record is to be signed by both the Engineer and the Contractor's representative and will constitute the basis for invoice quantities. 6 ' .; · .· ,'it~~~~rit;1~\-·: .\- . ~'A.L;;.;. " . ' ' ;· ,· \ • < :: •• ~ ""' I ' (b) the Contractor shall submit to Acres~ within two weeks of the end of each month for each monthly billing period, an invoice in triplicate giving a detailed breakdown of all charges in accordan~e with the annexed Schedule and showing tLe job title and job number and all receipts where applicable. Invoices submitted late or incompletely will be deferred to the following month for payment. (c) Upon receipt of the invoice required by Clause 1.12{b), Acres will acknowl- edge receipt thereof and advise the Contractor whether or not the same has been approved for pa)111ent, and in th.C' ev·ent that any i tern is not approved, will give particulars as to why it was rejected. (d) No pa}11lent will be made by Acres for services performed under this Agree- ment until such time as the APA has approved individual invoices, as neces- sary, and has paid Acres therefore. In no case, however, will payment of approved invoiced items be delayed more than 45 days from receipt of invoice. (e) Invoicing shall be made in accordance with the Schedule of Pay Items, with each item referenced to the applicable pay item. Man-hour breakdowns, receipts, and itemized invoices need be shown only for those items being paid as a reimbursab~c or hourly rate (Pay Items 3, 4 and 5). Per foot unit rate and lump sum items should be invoiced by quantity performed under the Schedule of Pay Items, without cost details. 1.13 -Termination of Agreement (a) This Agreement shall apply to every Seismic Surveys Operation within the scope of this agreement unless this Agreement has been terminated in accordance with Clause 1.13(b), or an alternative agreement has been nego- tiated. (~) The performance of the work under this Agreement may be terminated bv Acres in whole, or in part: (i) Whenever the Contractor shall default 1n performance of this Agree- ment (including in the term 11 default" arty such failure by the Con- tractor to make progress in the prosecution of the work hereunder as 7 endangers such performance) and shall fail to cure such default within a period of ten (10) working days after receipt from Acres of notice specifying the default; and (ii) Whenever Acres shall terminate for its convenience. Acres may terminate this Agreement by delivery to the Contractor (by per- sonal service or by registered mail) of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the Agreement is terminated and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. '" (c) This Agreement may terminate by notice from Acres as specified in Section 1.13{b), but in any event s~all terminate on December 30, 1982~ without further notice, unless a modification extending the terms and pay items of this Agreement sha 11 have been executed prior to that date. 1.14 -~pplicable Reguiations, Permits, and Access Requirements Contra~tor represents an1 warrants that (1) Contractor is in compliance with and shall continue to comply with and secure compliance by its subcontractors with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, decisions, ordinances, stipulations and with the particular environmental and access pennits ?"'d agreements contained in Attachments E, F, and G hereto (collectively "Law"), including but not limited to the provisions <>f Alaska Statutes 36205 and 36el0 and regulations thereunder to the extent the same are applicable to the award and performance of this Agreement~ dnd (2) the award of this Agreement to Contractor shall not ccntravene any of the foregoing Law. Contractor or its subcontractors shall bear any additional costs and defend, indemnify, and hold Acres hannTess ffom any expense resulting frcxn violation and correction thereof. Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold Acres harmless from any liability or penalty which may be imposed on Acres by reasvn of any alleged violation or violation of Law by Contractor or· its subcontractors and also frcxn all claims, suits or proceP~ings that may be brought against Acres arising under, growing out of, or occurring by reason of \'Jork perfonned under this Agreement with 8 "'' :? ."· .. ~~~bX· [) respect to such alleged violation or violation of Law whether brought by employees of contractor or its subcontractors, by thirrl parties, or by any governmental authority. contractor shall not, under any circumstances, enter into negotiations with any governmentai authority or agency to develop acceptance of variations or revisions of law without Acres' prior approval. Acres will act as prime contact with governmental agencies on all such matters relating to this Agreement. 1.15-Arbitration (a) Al 1 claims~ disputes, and other matters in question between the parties to this Agreement, arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, shall be decided by arbitratiun in accordance with the Construc- tion Industry Arbitration Rules of the Amet"ican Arbitration Association then prevailing unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. No arbitra- tion, arising out of or relating to this A9reement, shall include, by con- solidation, joinder or in any other manner, any additional person not a part to this Agreement except by written consent containing a specific ref- erence to this Agreement and signed by Acres, the Contractor, and any other person sought to be joined. Any consent to arbitration involving an addi- tional person or persons shall not constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute not described therein or with any person not named or described therein. This Agreement to arbitrate and any agreement to arbitrate with an additional person or persons duly consented to by the parties to this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitra- tion 1 ''1. (b) Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to this Agreement and with the American Arbitration Associa- tion. The demand shall be made within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute, or other matter in question has arisen. In no event shall the demand for arbitration be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute, or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. 9 \: ); ~;; ;'lt~' I r I l' l t r I l l j l I I (c) The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jur- isdiction thereof. 1.16 -Excusable Delays Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, Contractor shall not be in defauit by reason of any failure in perfo·rmance of this Agreement in accordance with its tenns (including any failure by Contractor to make progress _in the prosecution of the work hereunder which endangers such performance) if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control _and wi_thQ_ut the fault or negligence of Contractor. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or the public enemy; expropriation or confiscation of facilities; was, rebellion,. sabotage or riots; and floods, that could not reasonably have been anticipated; fires, explosions, or other catas:trophes; strikes or any other concerted acts of workmen; or other occurrences which are not within the control of the party affected and which by the exercise of reasonable diligence said party is unable to prevent or provide against. If the failure to perform is caused by the failure of a subcontractor to perform or make progress, und if such failure arises out of causes beyond the cJntrol of both Contractor and subcontractor and without the fault or negligence of either of them, Contractor shall not be deemed to be in default, unless (a) the supplies or services to be furnished by the subcontractor were reasonably obtainable from other sources, and (b) Acres shall have ordered Contractor, in writing, to procure such supplies or services from such other sources, and (c) Contractor shall have failed to comply with such order. Upon request of Contractor, Acres shall ascertain bie facts and extent of such failure and, if any failure to perfonn was occasioned by any one or more of the said causes, the schedule of Work shall be revised accordingly, subject to the rights of Acres under Section 1.13 hereof, and subject to the r·ights of both parties under Section 1.15 hereof. 1.17 -Assignment This Agreement is not assignable without prior written authorization from Acres, nor is any subcontract issued by Contractor for work to be performed under this Agreement assignable without prior written authorization from Acres provide~ 10 r ! I !. I. I i . I ,. I., .. ) ' ~I l l that such authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement is assignable by Acres without change of conditions at the direction of APA, and may be assigned to such party as APA my direct. 1.18-Changes (a) c~ntractor shall not make changes to the Scope of Work or undertake work for Acres additional to the Scope of Work without prior written authorization from Acres. (b) Acres may, at any time, by a written order ~e~ive!~ to Contractor, make change to, or authorize additional work outside the Scope of Work contained herein. (c) If any such change or addition causes an increase or decrease in the esti- mated cost of or· time required for the performance of any part of the work under this Agreement, whether changed or not by any such order, or if such change otherwise affects any other provisions of this Agreement, and equit- able adjustment shall ~e made by Acres: -In the estimated cost of completion or schedule, or both; and -In such other pro visions of the Agreement as may be affected, and the Agreement shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by Contractor for adjustment under this Section must be asserted with- in thirty (30) days from the date of receipt by Contractor of the notification of change; provided, however, that Acres, after deciding that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this Agreement. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute within the meaning of Section 1.15 of this Agreement. 1.19 -Examination of Costs ACRES shall have the right to examine Contractor's books, records, documents, and other evidence; and Contractor shall employ accounting procedures and practices, sufficient to reflect properly all invoice costs, including overtime and all direct costs of whatever nature claimed to have been incurred and 11 ~· ,~,_~"'.M', ~ ~c ', • :'l~<r. • ; ,.. anticipated to be incurred for the performance of the Seismic Surveys. Such right of examination shall include inspection at all reasonable times during normal business hours at Contractor's offices, plants, or such parts thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Agreement. The materials described above shall be made available at the offices of Contrac- tor at all reasonable times during normal business hours for inspection, audit, or reproduction, until the expiration of three (3) years from the date of final .payment under this Agreement and for such longer period, if any, as is required by applicable statute, or by other Sections of this Agreement, or by (a) and (b) below: (a) If this Agreement is completely or partially terminated, the records related to the work terminated shall be made available for a period of three (3} years from the date of any resulting final settl~rnent therefor. (b) Records which relate to disputes under Section 1.16 of this Agreement or litigation or the settlement of claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement, shall be made available until such disputes, litigation, or claims have been disposed of, and for a period of three (3) years after settlement of claims. 1.20 -Alaska Preference Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of A.S. 36.05 and 36.10 and of any regu1 at ion thereunder with respect to emp 1 oyment preferences to Alaskan residents and firms in the performance of this Agreement or of any subcontract hereunder. 1.21 Subcontractor Approval Acres reserves the right to review and approve in advance any subcontractor or subcontract proposed to perform services covered by this Agreement. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 12 1.22 -Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska. 1.23 -Waiver of Contract Breach The waiver by Acres of any breach of this Agreement or the failure of Acres to enforce at any time, or for any period of time, any of the provisions hereof, shall be limited to the particular instance; shall not operate or be deemed to waive any future breaches of this Agreement; and sha 11 not be construed to be a ~~ -- waiver of any provision, except for the particular instance. 1.24-Severability of Invalid Provisions If any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to contravene or be invalid under the laws of any particular state, county, or jurisdiction where used,.such contravention shall not invalidate the entire Agreement, but shall be construed as if not containing the particular provisions or provisions held to be invalid in the particular state, county, or jurisdiction; and the rights or obligations of the parties hereto shall be construed and enforced accordingly. 1.25 -Additional Provisions The agreement between APA and the Alaska Native Corporations, and applicable Bureau cf Land Management and Alaska Department of Fish and Game stipulations and regulations as attached to this Agreement (Attachments E, F, and G) are considered part of this Agreement, and are to be adhered to by the Contractor and incorporated as part of all sub-tier contracts as necessary to insure compliance with the said agreement and stipulations. 13 SECTION 2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS " "> " J ,, SECTION 2 -SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2.1 -Work Under This Agreement The contractor shall provide the necessary and appropriate equipment, materials, and skilled manpower to perform the subsurface investigation program and shall undertake the Seismic Surveys in accordance with this Specification. 2.2 -General The purpose of the Seismic Surveys is to secure subsurface information regarding the geologic and geotechnical properties of the material and ground ~lter under- lying the Site, with particular emphasis on the depth to bedrock and rock qual- ity variations. Information will be gathered by interpretation of seismic refraction velocity data generated by explosives or other suitable Contractor- furnished energy source~ approved for use by the engineer. 2.3 -Location and Site Description The site of the Seismic Surveys to be carried out under this Agreement is located near the Susitna River approximately 90 miles upstream from Talkeetna between Tsusena and Deadn,an Creeks (Attachment A). Work wi 11 be conducted in the abutment areas of the proposed Watana damsite and in the upper flatland areas surrounding the damsite for a distance of 10 miles upstream. Overburden at the Site consists primarily of glacial tills, outwash, and alluv- ium with boulder and gravel zones, although significant rock talus exists on the valley slopes in the damsite area. Previous investigations have determined the following general stratigraphy from the surface downward in the reiict channel areas. These general conditions may not prevail over the entire area of invest- igations~ and variations will not be basis for claims or "change-of-conditions" claims~ and indeed one of the objectives of this work is clarification of existing overburden and bedrock conditions. 14 D Surficial Deposits Organic silts and sands with cobbles and boulders. Outwash Silty sand with gravel and cobbles. Alluvium and Fluvial Deposits Sand, silt with occasional gravel to 160 feet or more. Till/Water Lain Till Clayey silty sand with gravel and cobbles, often .plasti..cl.;. up to or exceed- ing 65 feet thick. Till Silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, poorly sorted; to 60 feet thick or more. Intergl aci a 1 Sand, gravel, with occasional silt, sorted; to 45 feet thick or more. A typical cross section is given in attachment A, figure 4.5 Alternating sequences of alluvium, outwash, and till have been detected in the area. Scattered frozen ground is found and depth to bedrock varies from zero to greater than 500 feet. Copies of dri 11 1 ogs and seismic surveys from a 11 previous investigations are available for inspection at Acres upon request of the Contractor. An extracted set of documents from the seismic surveys r~ports for the 1980 and 1981 field seasons, which included work in all the areas covered under this contract, have been included as Attachment B to indicate previous work. These attachment~ are intended as an indication of the previous seismic interpretation work and do not necessarily represent actual or anticipated conditions under this contract. Previous geotechnical reports and boring logs are available for inspection at Acres offices in Anchorage and Buffalo, New York during normal business hours. The Fog Lakes Relict Channel has not been drilled, but is expected to be similar in materials to the Watana Relict Channel. The photos and sketch in Attachment A (labeled Figure 6.30) indicates the general conditions in the Watana Relict Channel 15 area. An indication of present inferred geologic conditions are shown in the figures in Attachment B. The Oamsite area constitutes a significant portion of the work. Typical conditions are shown in Attachment A by the photos labled Figure 6.18. Overburden is not expected to exceed 100 feet at any point. Heavy talus accumulations and scatt- ered rock outcrops may occur on many of the lines. 2.4 -Scope The work to be performed under this Agreement shall comprise all activities necessary to perform seismic refraction surveys .. and-ir:tte.rpretation, as detailed below. Performance shall include all work performed by the Contractor's forces, assisted by brushing~ laborer and survey support provided by Acres as specified in Section 2.9. The actual footage of seismic survey under this contract is indeterminate, but is estimated as follows: -Oamsite: -Watana Relict Channel: -Fog Lakes Relict Channel: 26,600 LF 27,000 LF 37,400 LF Tentative line locations and lengths are shown in Appendix A. The exact line locations, sequences, and length will be determined in the field by the Engin- eer. Alternative or secondary lines are shown for the relict channel areas, and are noted on the Tables and/or Figures as such. These represent additional or alternative locations which may be run in addition to or in lieu of the primary lines which form the basis for the estimated footages above. The purpose of the work specified shall be to determine; within the limits and accuracy of modern equipment, knowledge and methods; the thickness and general nature of the overburden underlying each line, and seismic velocities and variations in the upper 50-100 feet of bedrock. Final report preparation and presentation of data shall be in accordance with Section 3.6. 16 ·.·.·.:~· ·; ;.1 I I i ·. l l l 2.5 -Co~nencement and Completion (a) Commencement Contractor shall begin performance under this Agreement on or about August 11, 1982 (anticipated awa~YJ date) and proceed such that all equipment and personnel are on-site prepared to commence work by August 20, 1982. The contractor shall diligently proceed with the Seismic Surveys until directed to cease by Acres or its Engineer, or until termination of this agreement as defined in Section 1.13. Estimated duration of the field program will be approximately 6 weeks, and normal operating conditions will be one 12- hour, daytime shift per day. The Contractor sha}~complete field work on or before September 30, 1982, and report submittal shall be as stated in Section 3.6e (b) Completion The work under this Agreement will be considered complete when either. of the following take place: (i) Final acceptance as defined in Section 2.13(b); or (ii) Termination as defined in Section 1.13. 2.6 -Contractor-Furnished Material and Equipment The materials and equipment to be provided by the Contractor at the Site shall include all equipment~ materials, supplies and associated adjuncts required for the effective conduct of the Seismic Surveys, i ncl udi ng but not 1 i mi ted to the following specific items: All Contractor-furnished material below applies separately to each seismic crew unless otherwise specified, and shall be in sufficient quantity to perform the specified work, and shall be in good working order. Adequate spare parts shall be onsite to repair and/or replace normal or expected wear and tear, damage, and malfunctions, including all electrical and electronic components which could be expected to fail or have a significant risk of failure during the contract dura- tion. Payment for all items under this section is irnplicity included entirely in the Contract Pay items set forth in the Schedule of Pay Items, Items 1 through 4. 17 ·; (a) Seismic refraction electronic and electrical equipment to trigger and mont- tor seismic shock waves with a minimum capacity of 12 channels of input from the geophone layout. {b) Cables, wires, and geophones to run line lengths of not less than 500 feet in a single shot, with not less than 12 geophones operating simultaneously. (c) Swamp phones (or approved equivalent), cables and other materials necessary to run lines up to 1,000 feet through swampy or marshy terrain with stand- ing water up to 2 feet deep. (d) All safety and operational materials for producing the necessary seismic energy. To be specifically included are transport and storage containers which meet all FAA, ICC, BATF, Matanusk&-Susitna Borough, OSHA and State of Alaska regulations for handling, transport, and storage of any explosives brought onsite. (e) Adequate equipment and material to run the seismic surveys and obtain ade- quate results in overburden depths to 800 feet through all types of over- burden which may be loose or dense, dry or wet~ frozen or partially frozen or covered with organic material. (f) Distinctive and readily visible stakes or hubs to mark shotline points requiring survey, including at a minimum all start, end, and turning points. Markers shall be readily recoverable by the survey crew~. Contractor shall keep in mind necessary stickup and durability for markings to be visible after wind, rain, normal animal activity, seasonal vegetative color changes, and through up to 2 feet of snow. 2.7 -Field Engineering The Engineer at the Site will determine the exact location of the Seismic Surveys and will direct the Contractor with respect to sequence of lines shot and adequacy of results. 18 2.8 -Interpretation and Report Standards Interpretation in the field, as required under Sections 2.4, 3.5 and 3.6, shall be conducted to the best ability of the qualified person performing the work, considering the uncontrolloed nature of the data. Final report format and presentation shall be in accordance with Section 3.6 All interpretation shall be performed in accordance with the current standards and methods of practice in the industry. The draft and final report pres- entations shall represent the best interpretation of the results obtained, and shall discuss in the text as appropriate alternative interpretations cons- idered, if any, and the quantitative confidence fn the -report interpretation. 2.9 -Facilities Provided to Contractor The following will be provided for the reasonable use of the Contractor: (a) Fuel for equipment onsite: leaded regular gas and diesel No. 1; to be pro- vided at the camp. Contractor shall provide appropriate DOT-approved containers for transport to any equipment requiring fuel. (b) Camp: housing and food for contractors personnel at the Site while performing activities specified in the Scope of Work. (c) Indoor repair and storage space of approximately 200 square feet, with 120 V electrical power in reasonable quafltity. Since camp power is provided by onsite generator, occasional power fluctuations, surges and outages occur. Therefore, adequate reserve battery packs should be provided to allow for at least two continuous days of field operation V'ithout access to camp power. Contractor shall also provide any necessary filtering or protection devices necessary to protect equipment being charged from damage by pO\ver fluctuations. Charging systems which charge batteries external to the instruments are encouraged. 19 ~ .... ·-~.-·-·-""''-"'"'~~-.. ~,·¥'''~"~~ ........... --~~·"·-"'" ._.._ .. , .. ' · ~It::. lr I ' .. l&lr ! .\ 1~' ~; tl' i; (d) Helicopter transport of personnel to and from work sites and to and from camp and staging area. For purposes of mobilization and demoblization of personnel and equipment specifically required under this Concract, the staging point will be from an air field in the Anchorage area, or at the Contractor's request, a point within easy access of the Parks Highway near Talkeetua or Hurricane (Vicinity of Broad Pass, Alaska), at the Engineer's discretion. For purposes of transport of personnel and material throughout the operational phases of the Contract, the following transportation will prevail and be provided at no cost to the Contractor. (i) Personnel changes/turnarounds will be staged from an airfield in the Anchorage area. The Contractor must· provi~e-at least 48 hours notice of transportation requirements to Acres, and flight departure time shall be as scheduled by Acres on the designated day. Payment for standby will be made for normal time in transit. Excessive personnel trips will be backcharged against Contractor's earnings at the direct cost to Acres. (ii) Equipment and materials weighing less than 2000 pounds and able to be safely carried in the 9 passen~er aircraft provided by Acres will be transported under the same 48 hours notification re~uirement, free of charge to the Contractor, from Anchorage to the Site or return. Contractor shall be responsible for loading and un~ loading aircraft unless specifically released from that responsibil- ity by Acres or the aircraft operator. Contractor shall be respon- sible for timely delivery or parts and materials to meet scheduled departure time. Downtime will be charged against crews awaiting parts or materials which were not provided under the 48-hour notifi- cation requirement. Contractor is responsible for safe packaging of all materials and equipment to avoid damage in transit. Explosives/ hazardous substance transport shall be in accordance with all appli- cable regulations, shall meet the aircraft operator's requirement, and may require up to 72 hours advance notice of transport require- ments. Blasting caps and explosives will usually not be carried to the site on the same day, so scheduling of shipments should take 20 this into account. Transport of explosives to the work site from the on-site storage area will require separate flights from personnel trans- fers but should not present problems in schedule. (iii) In the event the Contractor desires more expedient supply of mate- riais, crews, or parts to reduce his downtime cost, or in the event the supplies or materials are too bulky or heavy for transport on the aircraft provided by Acres, the Contractor will provide Acres not less than four hours notice of Contractor's requi)ement for transportation. Pickup will be available only during normal field operations hours at either Hurricane on the Parks Highway, or Gold Creek on the Alaska Railroad, or such other-{:}ickup point as may be mutually agreed upon at the discretiDn of Acres. Weights and rig- ging must be acceptable to the pilot ana must be in safe condition for flying. Each load must be under 3,000 pounds in total weight. Contractor shall be responsible for rigging and loading of any items exceeding 60 pounds per piece or 2xceeding the interior cargo capac- ity of the helicopter performing the pickup. (e) Helicopter for transport of equipment to and between work sites with a maximum lift capacity of 3,000 pounds. (f) Communications between work site and camp and reasonable business use of camp phone to call Anchorage ~rea for parts, recording time worked, etc. (g) Two laborers, for each Seismic Surveys crew, up to a maximun of two crews, for use by the Contractor in brushing, staking, and manual labor tasks related to the work under this contract. Supervisory control will be through the Engineer, but operational control will be under the Contt'"actor" s crew chief. (h) Control surveys of line locations and elevations following completion of the line. Survey data will be provided to the contractor as the data becomes available for use in his interpretation. Contt"actor's personnel shall assist the survey crews as necessary to locate any points which cannot be readily found by the survey crew. 21 ,, <\ ', . :_· . lil·· .· :' -· r l . ~ l l ~ ! • !,·, 2.10 -Access Since helicopter support is necessary for access to the sites, support of Seis- mic Survey operations, crew changes, equipment moves and maintenance, Acres will provide the required helicopters for access and support at no cost to the Con- tractor. The helicopters will be operated by crews and/or pilots experienced in external load operations. The large~t helicopter for external load operations will have a maximum hook-load capacity of 3,000 pounds. Use of helicopter sup- port by the Contractor will be subject to the terms of Section 2o9. 2.11 -Explosives Handling The Contractor shall be responsible for securing, handling, and storing all explosive materials used, in accordance with all applicable regulations. Stor- age and transport containers in accordance with these regulations shall be pro- vided by the Contractor, utilizing his own materials or rented items. 2.12-Contractor-Supplied Workmen and Personnel The Contractor shall provide adequate crew and technical personnel to execute the scope of work stated herein. The field techn~cal crew member, or the Geologist (if provided), performing the interpretation, shall be experienced in seism·ic refraction surveys in glacial overbur·den, permafrost, and rugged mount- ainous terrain, in Alaska. The Contractor shall include in the crew a full-time technician thoroughly familiar with the repair and operation of the equipment and performance of the required line shooting and interpretation, and one indiv- idual must be designated as the Contractor's authorized field representative. A full-time geologist or geophysicist experienced and qualified in field inter- pretation and alternative line shooting and layout procedure shall be on the crew to facilitate fi~ld interpretation decisions and efforts to successfully obtain adequ~te seismic records. Contractor must provide, as part vf this proposal and Agreement, the names, qualifications, and experience of the technical personnel proposed for this job, and the position each individual would fill on the crew. Qualifications should be submitted in the format shown on Attachmert C-2. 22 ·-···-~-;: ----... ~f;: .. ,· I\) ------· ----_]--... " .............. -. ... .. . ,, ' -_c~.. • •• >, ~' ' .. '. ': ~ ,' d i: . i .. '~·:-~·~r: '.' : ·~ : ' ~· , .. ! i~ ~. Contractor sha 11 determine the necessary crew requirements, btJt Contractor per- sonnel onsite may not exceed six persons without prior approval of the Eng·:neer. Staggered crew mobil.ization or demobili:cation will be allowed, and due to camp space constraints, delayed arrival (to early September) of a second cr:w, if needed, is preferred. At the request of the EnJineer, the Contractor shall remove immediately from Lhe Site any workmen who, in the opinion of the Engineer, misconduct themselves or are incompetent or negligent in the performance of their duties or violate camp rules; and such persons shall not be employed again on operations for Acres without written permission fran Acres. Rep l acem~nt .. ~er~ne 1 must be onsi te within five calendar days, and nonavailability resulting from lack of personnel will be considered downtime. Copies r·. the camp rules are available on request from bidders, and will be provided to the successful bidder prior to start of work. 2.13 -Project Closeout (a) Cleanup The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of waste material or rubbish caused by his employees or work. Contractor shall maintain work sites in a clean and workmanlike manner and shall comply with all state and federal regulations regarding environmental dis- turbance, and shall comply with the attached environmental restrictions and permits. Engineer and Contractor shall l'Se their best efforts to minimize any damages to the environment. Shotholes need not be backfilled. in addition, at the completion of the work and prior to final inspection, the Contractor shall remove all temporary structures and all rubbish and waste specifically including his tools, containers, wrappers, cables, shot wires and surp 1 us materia l:s , and s ha 11 1 eave his work a rea "CLEAN", ready for immediate use. No burning of rubbish and/or waste materials shall be permitted on the Site. If the Contractor fails to clean up the work area 23 ·' .. ;;!! . .. t .. : .. : r~·.· :.~ t ., l . ,. . J:.: ·~: ,·· ·~·lj i l . •! ~. ~! l_ . . ' as specified, the Engineer shall clean up the sites and the Contractor shall be backcharged for the expense. (b) Ffnul Acceptance Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer in writing. Upon receipt of written notice, the Contractor and the Engineer shall conduct a final inspection of the work sites which will result in either a written final acceptance or a written punch list of deficiencies • If the final inspection results in a written punch list, the Contractor shall perform all necessary corrective work which, when work is completed, will require another fir.e1 inspection of the Site. (c) Upon completion of all work covered by this Agreement, all property pro- duced or purchased under this Agreement shall be transferred and delivered to Acres. 24 ' I ll::. ,j .'1 i .. \ ~l· i \it. . . . ( i ·. ! 1'· '· l ·':~:: ;'t: ·. > ' .... ~ .. '' '" ! ,: ~ ' .. i d~ ~ SECTION 3 SITE WORK ~) \ SECTION 3 -SITE WORK 3.1-Mobilization and nemobilization Mobilization and demobilization shall include preparation of equipment and transportation of personnel and equipment to the project site and return upon contract completion of all of the Contrator's personnel and equipment to his base. Equipment, supplies, and crew will be transported to and L'Om the site in accordance with the provisions of Sect:ion 2 .. 9 at no cost to the Contractor. {a) Mobilization Mobilization will be considered complete when all personnel and all associated equipment and materials necessary to commence operations are on the Site and are set up at a work site ready to work. (b) Oemobilization Demobilization will begin when seismic operations and field interpretation at the last line site has been completed and Contractor has been notified to remove his equipment .. Oemobi1ization will be considered complete when all personnel, equipment, and surplus material is removed frooi the Site and cleanup is complete as defined under Section 2.13. 3.2 -Fog Lakes Relict Channel Work to be performed in the Fog Lakes Relict Ch nnel area is estimated to total 37,400 linear feet of line, (Attachment A) in segments of about 1,100 feet each. The intent of these lines is to define the subsurface profiles of the suspected relict channels and to ascertain the probable highest point of the bedrock profile on the channel thalwegs, therefore, shifting of the lines from the locations shown may be necessary to follow the channel. At any point, a line trend may be abandoned in favor of alternative locations if it is felt to be necessary to obtain the required information. All lines shot in this area are expected to exceed l,Onn feet each. The primary objective is to determine 25 depth to bedrock, however, general intermediate and rock velocity data is also required. Accuracy as a percentage of overburder depth is critical, particularly in the deepest areas. All points along the line shall be staked as necessary to obtain accurate locations within one foot horizontally and vertically at start, end and turning points, and within 10 feet along the lines. A11 markers shall be clearly labelled with the line and point numbers. 3.3 -Watana Relict Channel The work to be performed in the Watana Relict Channel area is predominately ,~ill-in lines to tie into or supplement the 1980-81 lin.es. Total estimated footage in this area is 27,000 linear feet, (Attachment A) in straight line segments of 1,100 feet typically, and estimated line lengths of 1)100-6,600 feet. The primary intent of these lines is to obtain detailed top-of-rock profiles. All points along the line shall be staked as necessary to obtain accurate locations, within one foot horizortally and vertically at start, end, and turning pints, and within 10 feet along the lines. Lines are expected .to be predominantly straight, with not more than one or two turning points per 1 i ne. 3.4 -Oamsite An estimated 26,600 linear feet of line are to be conducted in the damsite area (Attachment A). The accurate dete rrni nation of depth to bedrock and bedrock velocity variations are the primary co.ncerns in these lines. All lines shall be staked for accuracy within one foot vertically and horizontally at critical points, and within 10 feet along the lines. Individual line segments are expected to be straight lines (in plan) at least 550 feet in length. Line segment locations will be laid out in the field by Acres prior to shooting. Minor shifts in location will be allowed to avoid excessively difficult work areas, subject to approval by the engineer. Overburden within the damsite is shallow in mort areas, with an estimated maximum depth of 1\JO feetG Contractor shall have capability of geophone spacings suitable for determining depths to bedrock from O-H10 feetc Variations in bedrock velocity across the site, which may indicate fractured, sheared and 26 J, tli i ] .I I '"-"' I ' ' i lll! J • 1 I I i i ~ 4 ' 1[11i ' ·I . 11 I . i faulted areas, shall be specifically noted and investigated in detail, as approved by the Engineer. All points along the line shall be staked as necessary to obtain accurate locations within one foot horizontally and vertically at start, end and turning points, and within 10 feet along the lines. 3.5 -Interpretation Field interpretation shall define; within the limits imposed by field conditions, lack of survey, and the unadjusted sei.smi~ _r:ecords; the approximate overburden velocity, top of bedrock location, and approximate bedrock velocity variations. Significant detail is expected with respect to bedrock conditions in the damsite area, whereas a more gener·al conditions interpretation similar to that of Appendix R is acceptable in the relict channel areas. Computer refinement and interpretation simi 1 a r to that performed in the 19RO-Rl surveys shall be used under this contract, with refinement and application of experience and judgement being performed by the chief interpreters for the draft and final reports. These reports shall be prepared under the direction of, and be signed by, and experienced re£;isteted geophysicist. 3.6 -.Reporting (a) A daily field progress report shall be provided to the Engineer, listing work accomplished for that day's shift, with quantities claimed under each pay item. This report, which may be on simple fill-in form, shall be signed by the Engineer and the Contractor's Field Representative, and will constitute the record of field contract services when signed by both {b) (c) parties. Field interpretation shall be performed as specified in sections 2.4, 2.R, and 3.S and provided to the Engineer in rough field format understandable to a geologist or engineer. The Contractor shall provide three ccpies of a draft report, complete in 27 all essentials but without completion of editing, proofreading, or fina.l minor interpretation changes, to Acres by November 1, 19R2. Format shall generally be as described in section 3.fi (e) below. (d) The Contractor shall provide ten copies of the final report, in the format specified in 3.6 (e) below, to A res by November 24, 19R2. This final report shall adequately addre5s all questions~ suggestions and corrections to the draft report, review of which will be completed by Acres and returned to the Contractor not later than November 12. (e) Acres will provide to the Contractor by September-15, 1982 a sample format for report preparation and figure format, and will specify the view direction to be shown on all figuresG In general, report format will be similar to that shown in Attachment B., The text shall contain at a minimum a description of work performed, conditions encountered, line lengths, designations, shooting details., and the interpreted results giving inferred material types and conditions underlying each line. One blank Mylar copy of each necessary base map will be provided by Acres to the Contractor for use in preparing the report& Drafted ink profiles (on mylar) of each line shall be prepared in the general format shown in Attachment B with horizontal scale of one inch equals 200 feet, and vertical scale of one inch equals 100 feet unless prior approval for deviation is obtained. All figures shall be clear and readily understanu._...,;le, shall clearly define top of bedrock and materia 1 ve 1 oci ties, s ha 11 indicate interpreted break-i n-ve 1 u(:i ty locations, and indicate variations and discontinuities as detected. All oris nals shall be capable of high quality reproduction by xerox, photographic, and offset types of reproductions. (f) Time-distance diagrams shall be provided for each line on neat drafted reproducible pencil or ink format in the 11 0riginal 11 report only, without duplication on the extra copies~ Time -distance plots need not be at the same scale as profiles, but must be clear and complete. (g) All original field notes, plots, seismic travel records, drawings, report 28 ,.,, ' . '... :) '.: ·~ 1•,~~;ft:~::\{~~~it~:~ J11.n ; ... -t} • ; l . (h) original, and related original contract document shall be provided to Acres upon completion of the contract. Sequential line number designations shall be assigned and utilized for all field and report work as follov~s, as approved by the Engineer. Fog Lakes lines -SL82-FL-1 and up as neccessary Watana Relict Channel and damsite lines -SL82-1 and up as nec~~ssary 3.7 -Standby Time Standby time refers to that time when Seismic Surveys equipment, mater-ial, and crew are ready to begin work at the direction of the Engineer but work is not possible because of wec}ther, lack of Engineer-provided transportation to or at the site, or other reasons beyond the control of the Contractor. However, delays in moving crews to or fr<:xn the work site up to 1/2 hour total per day shall be considered normal in the operation, and will not be chargeable. Standby time shall be chargeable up to a maximum of 8 hours per shift. Standby time will be considered in accordance with the following items: ( i) ( i i) ( i i i ) ~lhen crew is detained in camp for entire shift, 8 hours of Standby will be chargeable; When 8 or more hours of work are performed during a shift, subsequent Standby will be chargeable only for time the crew is detained at the drill site; and When less than 8 hours of work is perfonned during a shift, Standby will be chargeable to make a maximum combined total of 8 hours of pay; unless crew is detained at work site. 3.8 -Special Equipment Requirements Oue to the special and varied nature of the seismic exploration activities, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to acquire and use, under the provision of 29 Item 5 of the Schedule, those itens of special equipment that the Engineer may deem necessary to properly perform the exploration tasks. Alternative 1 y, at the Engineer's discretion, the Engineer may acquire supplies or equipment and provide them to the Contractor for the Contractor's use in performing the Seismic Survey operations. All items acquired under this provision shall remain in the ownership of the project at all times, and the Contractor shall incur no interest or right of ownership by the use thereof. To allow utilization of Engineer-specified equipment, modification of Contractor-owned equipment may be necessary. It is expected that such modifications would be limited to standard options, or similar items. All modifications shall be agreed to in writing by' Engineer and Contractor prior to making any modifications. Any Contractor-owned equipment modified under this section will be returned to its original condition on ccxnpletion of the job at the Contractor's request. st.uuld the Contractor have, in his ownership or available to him, items which are required under this section but not required by any other conditions j n this Agreement, the Engineer may, at his discretion, negotiate with the Contractor a rental or usage rate for such Contractor material~ and equipment. 30 1tl '• · .. ; 1lllj ( .r. \, . ,, . d '-J, q 1~,--~: SECTION 4 PAYMENT CONDITIONS SECTION 4 -PAYMENT CONDITIONS 4.1 -Mobilization and Demobilization For all activities associated with mobilization and demobiliz~tion as described in Section 3.1 Acres will pay the Contractor the lump sum prices stated in Item 1 of the Schedule. Mobilization will be paid at completion of the mobilization, and demobilization will be paid only at completion of demobilization and sucessful acceptance of cleanup conditions. Failure to adequately perfonn demobiliz-~tion and cleanup as specified in Section 2 .. 13 to the satisfaction of the Engineer will be cause. for .n.onp.ayment for demobilization. Payment for mobilization and demobilization shall be deemed to fully cover all expenses of transporting men, materials and equipment to and from the pickup point designated under section 2.9. If more than one crew is utilized on a staggered field arrival schedule, Acres wi 11 pay the Contr·actor one-ha 1 f of the 1 ump sum price stated in Item 1 of. the Schedule folloHing conpletion of mobilization of the first crew to the site, Acres will pay the Contractor the other one-half of the lump sum price stated in Item 1 of the Schedule following canpletion of mobilization of the last crew to the site. 4.2 -Relict Channels -Unit Price This rate shall apply to all Seismic Survey Operations conducted in the Fog Lakes and Watana Relict Channels areas, as shown ;n Attachment A and as specified in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. Ac1es will pay the Contractor at the rate stated in Item 2 of the Schedule for each linear foot (as measured in horizontal projection) of seismic line run and accepted. This payment shall be deemed to include all interpretation and report preparatio.'l as specified in sections 3 .. 5 and 3.n and all associated costs of perform·ing the work~ 31 n1 · . t:1r- -' ' ; : f , t. I f ;., .... ,.. lj .1: 1·. ;·_ ~. ' i ' : 1 ~= ·~~~:n]~ ' ' ., ~ f ~ ~ J r· ' (' l ' ' . ' ' .. ~ ~ iii' lr· ' J i " - I '; 1 I .·;nr ' u l 4.3 -Equipment rtnd Personnel Operating Rate This rate shal 1 apply to all Seismic Survey Operations in the damsite area where the crew and equipment are operational and working. The equipment and personnel operating rate shall include all operations associated with conducting se·ismic Surveys and shall include all personnel, equipment and materials as specified in Section 3.4. Acr~s wi 11 pay the Contractor at the rate stated in Item 3 of the Schedule for Contractor•s oper~ting and working equipment and personnel, up to a maximum of 12 hours per shift for each crew, unless specificall1 authorized by the Engineer to exceed this period of work. This payment shall be deemed to include all interpretation and report preparation as specified in Sections 3.5 and 3 .. 6 and all associated costs of performing the work. For purposes of payment regular hourly rates will apply to the first 8 hours per day to a total of 40 hours per week. Overtime hourly rates will apply· to all hours over 8 hours per day or a total of 40 hours per week. 4.4-Equipment and Personnel Available Rate This rate shall apply to all Seismic survey Operations where the crew and equipment are available for work but not working due to causes beyond the Contractor's control, after mobili~ation is complete and pr1or to completion of field work. Acres will pay the Contractor at the rate per crew stated in Item 4 of the Schedule for Contractorts equipment and personnel available, up t~ a maximum of 12 hours per shift for each crew e-xcept as noted in Section 3.7. For purposes of payment regular hourly rates will apply to the first 8 hours per day to a total of 40 hours per week. Overtime hourly rates will apply to all hours over R hours per day or a total of 40 hours per w/'ck. 32 'I I :-1 •• I j I I ' : I :.,' .. l-·.· i ~ . ' l .. ·~ 'L 4.5 -nowntime nownt·ime refers to that time when the seismic instruments or associated equipment is not operating because of mechanical or electrical failure, lack of repair parts or equipment, or lack of crew. For do•.:ntime Acres will pay the Contractor at the equipment and personnel Available Rate stated in Item 4 of the Schedule as approved by the Engineer up to a cumulative total of 24 crew-hours total. No payment will be made for downtime in excess of 24 total crew-hours. Maximum downtime chargeable per shift for any crew will be 12 hours. 4.6-Other Contractor-Supplied Equipment and Materials Acres will pay the Contractor under Item 5 of th~ Schedule, the invoice cost plus lC percent handling charge, plus actua1 transportat·ion invoice costs for those item5 of special equipment or materials as defined in Section 3.8 supplied by the Contractor at the ;·witten request of the Engineer. No payment wil I be made for Contractor supplied equip:nent unless specifically requested l'' the Engineer in writing. Transportation costs shall not include Contractor trans~ortation of materials to or form the project staging areas" Should ?rldition to or modification of Contractor-owned equipment be necessary to allow utilization of Engineer-specified equipment as defi~ed in Section 3.R, the Co11tractor \'/ill be paid actual invoice costs on materials plus his direct labor at the 11 available 11 rate specified in Item 4 of the Schedule for all directed modification of the equipment to meet the project requirements, plus reimbursement on the same b3sis for returning the Contractor-owned equipment to its original condition. No payment will be made for equipment, materials, or supplies which become lost, stuck, damaged, worn, or broken as the result of lack of maintenance, normal wear and tear, natural environmental or wildlife incidents, or negligence of the Contractor. No payment will be rna~~ Fn~ tools, cables or seismic survey supplies that, in the opinion of the Engineer, are lost, stuck, or damaged because of poor work practices or negligence of the part of the -() 0 33 ··G f' 1 .;. ~: 'f ·- . \ ll t • l. ,~ ... ~-. ~~:r' r:r iT H 11 .· trr [! l Contractor. No payment will be made for consumables unless approved by signature of the Engineer at the Site. 4.7-Special Payment Provisions (a) Acres will pay the Contractor in accordance with the Schedule, and except as otherwise provided herein or by memorandum in writing signed by the Engineer, payment in accordance with the Schedule will be deemed to constitute full payment to the Contractor for all labor, equipment, material, and services supplies in respect of the Seismic; Surveys. (b) Payment as defined under Sections 4.3, 4.4, and 4~5 will be made only up to a maximum combined total of 12 hours per shift per crew. In no case wi 11 payment be made for cumulative tot a 1 charges for the sum of Items 3 and 4 of the Schedule in excess of 12 hours per shift for each crew, unless approved in writing by the Engineer. (c) For each crew, if any payment conditions defined in Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 occur on the same day, payment will be made according to the following priority only for the period of time said payment conditions occur simultaneously: ( i ) ( i; ) ( i i i ) (iv) (v) First, for conditions defined under Section 4.1; Second, for-conditions defined under Section 4.2; Third, for conditions def)ned under Section 4.3; Fourth, for conditions defined under Section 4.4; and Fifth, for conditions defined under Section 4.5. For each crew, no payment shall be made under more than one of the payment conditions even though more than one of these payment conditions may occur simultaneously. (d) Statements with copies of signed shift reports and all applicab\e invo1ces for expenses must be submitted monthly, in accordance with Section 1.12 of th;s ~greement. 34 (e) If this contract is terminated Acres will pay the Contractor at the rates stated in the Schedule for work completed. Acceptable partially completed work will be paid at direct cost to the Contractor, based on audited invoices, pay and overhead costs~ Unacceptable incomplete vwrk will not be paid for • ....... _ (f) When performing under Section 4.3 or 4.4, and subject to approval of the Engineer, crews may be combined for joint operations to increase efficiency. Payment·for·combined crews will be made as if the crews were working independently. (g) Upon successful completion of the field work required for the seismic lines and acceptance of the contractor•s preliminary field interpretation by the engineer, Acres will pay the contractor 65 percent of the app- licable rates stated in schedule C-1. Acres will pay the contractor the remaining 35 percent upon acceptance by Acres of the final inter- pretation and report preparation. Acceptance of the contractor's preliminaFy field'interpretation by the engineer does not guarantee acceptance of or payment for the final interpretation or report. (h) For purposes of initial payment following the completion of field work, the length of seismic lines run in the Watana and Fog Lakes relict channels will be based on the measured distance (either taped or taken from maps) along the completed lines as approved by the engineer. Upon completion of survey work the exact length of all lines (as measured in horizontal projection) will be calculated and the payment quantities adjusted accordingly. 35 C! ,<0 I,,, ATTACHt·lEiH A SITE AND PROPOSED vJORK LOCJ\TION PLAN ATTACHMENT A SITE AND PROPOSED WORK LOCATION PLAN The fo 11 owi ng documents are provided in this at tach men t , showing the 1 oca- tion and extent of proposed work. As t~ese figures are extracted from a previous report, references to tables or figures not included herein should be neglected. It should be noted that line n;;:l,~rs shown herein are planning designations only, and permanent numbers will be assigned in accordance with Section 3.6 of the Agreement. CONTENTS COVERAGE Site Location Plate 1 Location Plan Fog Lakes Relict Channel Figure 3.1 Site Location map indicating location of: Fog Lakes Re 1 i ct Channe 1 , \~a tan a Re 1 i ct Channe 1 , Watana Dam Site. Table 4.1 Estimated Fog Lakes Relicc Channel scope under this contract is first two lines listed, or alternates at similar estimated footage. Figure 4.1 Fog Lakes Relict Channel exploration map-showing primary and alternate proposed line location under this contract. See Table 4. 1. Watana Relict Channel Table 4.2 Estimated Watana Relict Channel scope under this con- tract, all items. Note 11 0R 11 condition on 4th and 5th i terns. . ' ' ' ' ' CONTENTS Figure 4.2 Figure 6.30 Figure 4. 3 Figure 4.5 Watana Dam Site Table 2.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 6.18 COVERAGE Watana Relict Channel exploration plnn-showing proposed line locations under this contract. See Table 4.2. Schematic and photos -showing ~latana Relict Channel area. Topography at Fog Lakes Relict Channel area is generally similar. Watana Relict Channel profiles -showing interpreted bedrock along two selected. profiles and location of several proposed seismic lines. Actual field conditions may vary significantly from that shown. Watana Relict Channel expanded thalweg section - illustrating an inter~reted cross section and the bed- rock variation interpretation, the further definition· of which is the primary objective of the lines in this area under this contract. Estimated Dam Site scope under this contract, all items. Dam Site exploration plan showing proposed line locations under this contract. Phase II lines shown on this plan are not included in this primary contract. Photo showing steeper portion of dam site area down- stream of proposed dam centerline (Ref. Figure 2. 1). '} t ! I " j lf:.ltli~J , '' ··-.:. ;:cr '·. l . 1-':t;:.> ·I~ ,) .. ' ,/,1'' \ j c ' ~~},.· ' ,.1{ 0 i 1 r; 2°0 J 61 ' ~ t;./ ! 11\,.,it" 0 •• '(S I> ~.;.' ' ' ' d '1 (3' = \) J;}' 0 1 [ · .. ,,_· l ' i . ·~ f ,f -~. t . I . ~ .--,.-r::-. ... .....-( --"- "~ ...---.. ~ ,- 1~--·~. ~~ ~~~ _,.·. __ .c~ ~:~~ c ..;; ~- ,-' ..... 1(, .:::;t ,;:~·:-::.8 ~~ t;; • ; :1 •· ~.;."f';t,' .;.·'--:~-'-·~ "' jl ~,., ~~ ~~~,.J "' •'-....._ =---1 --l ~ r· ~-"' ....---. ..------; ~ ~ ., ... , ........ _____________________________ ,. \------------------,.. •,.. OF A4ASKA GU ... If.\ , )t ! \ i l ·-- ----.....:... \ -------. \ . 'jffr" ..... "";::":.."::::J-... \ r· \ -------- . l ( . \ ~ usr ~. ) ;roM "'\ \ ) k'C.I'_.. ~ \ • ro-t> . . . L""' <: ~ \ -~u """""-___ ) ~1 • ..-zc•· .., ----...... "-':J-c.~'"""~ ~r.,.,.,- \ • ~ _. ,, "'!9!." /~ ......_ ... __ . ~ . ' . ' • .-V'.___ • \ ~~ h ,. '-·>JJ ~---4--•' . \ .f. _ • ...,, ~ ~ ""· '<2'::>. ,, . \ "' / ,, 1.' ~·:-,..... ,,\!!,... .-· \ "'. ,...,,..-;;,!~JS·· ~l .. f,t ~,/ -<9!}" '~' _.,.. .... I f7 <f-~"" ,,,. ~· .-.. / J 1.. , ~r, ... ,. •. -Q~ '\ \ x'·~~!f'WATANA)-K. r~ ') \ · DEVIL /';:-·~ ~1'-oi . ~! _ · " CANYON ff' \ ~ ' r ~-'\ \ ,,. ~-·~--" "~ "'\ <J to;~t~-r-) \ ~~,-,t~Y .T.~~~~ ... , \ -~ ...... ,_ !f.~. )~'?]. '\,. I 1~ f ~. __,) <ti '\,. \ ~., t~' I ,,'l'!li>J!t::.-~"""----.....~.,...,. '-.' ~of· ..-t/ i/" ~;'"1o .J 'j' ...,/ ··~<¥it. " .L ·-~·-· \ LOCATION PLAN I.PLATE1 ----I -~--~ -~~-·--. .,., --~--:--~"""~---..,.-4""'~--:---::-..-,-· 'C\ e t':> JJ FOG LAKES / ~ELIC\CHANNEL _f'J {;'.J l WATANA BORROW SITE MAP \ LOCATION MAP SCALE O 4 8 MILE"5 BORROW I OUARRY UMITS 0 I Z MILES SCALE , .. r ..... · I., L ,. 'i .. \ I L Seismic Re fr&ct ion Line No.· SU32-FL-A SL82.-FL-8 SLSZ-FL-C SLBZ-FL-0 SL92.-Fl-E SLBZ-FL-F SLS2-FL-G TABLE 4.1: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGRAH FOG Lq,KES REL!Cf CHANNEL GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Approximate Location** Length (ft) Puq~ose Channel A 22,000 Determine gradient of channel. Channel B 15,400 Determine bedrc· , · gradient of channel. Channe 1 A and 8 22,000 Widt~ of Channel A and B. Channel A 22,000 Determine bedrock gradient of possible additional channel-:s-; Channel A 15,400 Upstream . .,idth of channel. Channel ... 9,900 ~lidth of channel. Channel B 5,5100 Width of channel. *The seismic lines shown here are based on more complete definition of the channels. seismic lines will be base:d on additional results obtained du•ing the program. limited geologic data cuggested for The number and orientations of geologic mapping arod interim field HSee Figure 4.1 ' -:_, (I ,·;:) \-;: t) 0 I !J;.\ _..,-~ ~-.) c ... G -::. fJ ~SLOZ•FL•G f><)SSIDLE EXTENT OF CHANNEL 0 L? \_ (_r 0 \._ /". . ----~ i ' --~-== .; ~ \ FOS LAKES f\ELICT CHANNEL 1:::::::--~-~~.-:-, ~) ---;·----~-~-c-;-~~~.----::-~--·--.~~~~;P:H:Q:p:·o~S:E:D~F~Y:8:3 EXPLORATION PLAN '',. 'e '-' -::'" \\. ; \\ ,. LE-GEND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS: ~ SEISMIC RF.FRACTION SURVEY U"E r-1.·1 TO " FL·1D PROPOSED SCALE 0z=:::::=S;;;;;~2 MILES ., ''!] () '~-f ::_,) L . " \_, L --~'l li r I, I l f L·,· L j 1 'il t l f l l ~ . !. ( i ; ¥ L Seismic .Refraction Line No.• SL82-A SLSZ-'d SLSZ-C SLBZ-5 Or SLSZ-T SU~Z.:U SL82-V Sl92.-W TABLE 4.1: fY83 tXPLORATORY PROGRAM -PHASE 1 WATANA Al:..dCT CHANNEL GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Approximate Location•• Length ( ft) Purpnse: -· Relict channel 6,600 Bedrock depth, overburden conditions. Relict channel 6,6()0 Bedrock depth, overburden cor;,d itions. Relict channel 1,100 Tie in lines SL81-14 and SLS0-2 to complete coverage. Relict channel 6,600 Detail or main relict chanrre 1:-tha lweg. Relict channel 6,&00 Same as above. Relict 1:hao.. 1 1,500 Tie in lines SL81-16 anrJ SL81-15X to complete coverage. Borrow Site 0 and 1,100 TiP. in lines Sl81-16 and relict channel S-1.81-18 to complete coverage. Relict channel 3,500 from SL81-13 to Tsusena Creek to complete coverage. u.seismic lines li,;ted in ol.'der or priodty, SLBZ-0 through SLBZ-R on Tahlc 2.1. ••See figure 4.2. . ~--\ r-~----·---,.-·~-~~ '""'-:-'~-..,-.-·~)"'~.~~ci~.,,~;~f9::Jf> . • :::::;::::, \) Q -:;.':~~~:,~ ~. ,, (1 I I . I 0 ~;: _j !j JU22;:5DQO ~· ... lXI9><X...--- ... ~ •• TD.H·OIHD·N l Rf;f£R£NC£: 1"•200' C0£,1978 WATAU404MSITE T()(.·~·'RAf'rl,Sk'EET I THROUG!t i6 ~ "'· r;!r 1 COfiTII<UES Of'f PAG( m ~ ... -----------.....---------------- I §I ~ ,, ~ ~ ~· ;c:j .. , ... .... ... ... I I WATANA RELICT CHANNEL PROPOSED f"YB3 EXPLORATION PLAN I \ •:, v ~ ... :i/• f:: 0 <4 8 LOCATION MAP S!:AI.E r .......... I LEGEND BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS: BOREHOLES: "·-QAH·G AUGER BORINGS .liO•f HAMMER OlltU. BORING PROPOSED GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS! I HAMMER DRILL BORINGS, EXCEPT HO·F AND HO·G, ARE LOCATED ADJACENT TO AUGER )ORINGS. Z.SEISMIC REFRACTION LINES SLB2•D THROUGH SLBZ• R ON fiGURE Z .I. 0 1000 2000 fEET ..;CALE C: ____ .............,. MILES ----~-_, ________________ , ... _, .................. ·-·--------~-·-·---··--·--------·--·--··--·----------------------------------.. W4.TAJIA DAMSITE LM(Il;;ENCt' SPIJ.l.\'JAY Sol'f I GENERAL VIEW OF INLET AREA a WESTERN HALF OF OUTLET ZONE -'-~·,.. .. __ -..... ~·~ .... ~~-~._ ...... ' SEt SKETCil Urt(1W .. ...-··. ARTIST'S SKETCH WATANA RELICT CHANNEL PHOTOS _...·-· .!. ------ t.I1'ROXIMATC TIIALWEG EXIT AT TSUStrlA CREEK SHORTEST FLOW ~ . ...... -·"-"-· ..,·_. ------ TSUSENA .... ·CREEK ~ CONTACTS NOTES APPROXIMATE NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL, EL.ZIB5' POSSIBLE fLOW PATH IF SEDIMENTS ARE PERMEABLE. l, REUCT CHANNEL PROFILES SHOWH Oil AGURES 6.31 AND 6.33 z. PHOTO LOCATIONS a RELICT CHANNEL TOP OF ROCK SltOWH ON FIGURES 6,30 AND 6,35 3, PHOTOS TAKEN SUMMER l980(LEFTI a SUMMER 1981 (RIGHT!. 4. RIGHT PHOTO LOOKS OOWII SHORTEST POTENTlAL FLOW PATti. CLEARED SPOT NEAR CENTER OF PHOTO IS TOPOGRAPHIC LOW, EL. ZZOO FEET. PIIOTO LOCATION SHOWN OH LEFT PHOTO. 5, ARlJSTS..SKETCH LOOK5 OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF RIGHt.eHOTO. FIGURE 6.30 ..........:..-..,-====~--~·· .. ... "' ~ 2000 "' 0 .SU~TNA RIVER !LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) IIOI!MA.L IAAXIMVI.t OPERAT~G t..EVEL£UIB5 HD•H SI..BI·IG .J, NORM A. I.. MA.XIMUI.t r OPERATING POOL EDGE HD·I I'ROJE·:T£!) 1100'":: SW•J . I -!C"------------~,..J ~ . -----------~ ·~~----->= ~ 1&00 ----.... ... ... 12.00 EL ISOO:i ---- J.-7 --=~~-~~~= . j 9000' UPSTREAM OF WA.TANA I 1• DA.Iol C£1ITDIUNE. , E 2400~ ~ 2000~ 5 ~ ~ ~ 1&00 1200 ._ I j. susrr114 RIVER IIO!li.W.. IAAXIIoiUM OPERA.T~ t..EVf.L EL 2185 _T __ _ "T ; --------- THIS .AREA N'I'ROXJioiATELY 3000'UPSTREAl.t OF W4TANA DAM CENTERUWE HD•G PROJECTEI'I 400'SE I sw·:s i HD•E F:flOJECTED IOO'NE . J Dloi·A SLB0-2 r~~ i~m !~. -------~~:JilL~···----, SUSITNA niVER TO TSUSENA CREEl( ESTIMATED THALWEG ( DEEPEST PATH ) SECTION W-17 HD·D Hil•A PROJECTED PROJECTED zoo'sw 200'HE I I SL 82.·8 SL &o•l i i "THE FINs• TO TSUSENA CREEK SHORTEST FLOW PATH SECTION W-16 WATANA RELICT CHANNEL PROFILES HD•O PROJECT(.'!! IOO'NE I SLBZ•A HD•C PROJECTED <400'HE I SLBZ•B f r f I ·-AfiMUTii • 106 OF )se:]~~~N-315 Pm!JECTEO 300'NE SLOO•I r 2 .. 00 ZODO 1&00 IZOO 0 "ClO 800 7EET SCA.LE ~~ HO•B PROJECTED :IOO'NE LEGEND CONTACTS: '""1 -----APPROXIMATE TOP OF ROOC GEOPHYSICAL ~URVEYS: 'f'sw·l ~:JRSECTIOH WITH SEISMIC REfPACTlOH Dlo!·C ~TS, DAMES a MOORE SW•I 1978, SHANNON e. WILSON SL 80·1 1980, WOODWARO•CUOE CClNSUI.llWTS SL 81•2. jg81, WOOOWARD·CLYO£ CClNSUI.llWTS BOREHOLES: DR·I9 COE ROTARY DRILL BORING PROPOSED BOP.EHOLES: HD·A HAMMER DRILL BORING PROPOSED GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY: tSL 8Z•A SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE I. P!IOFILE AND SEISUIC LINE LOCA.TlONS SHOWN ON FIGURE 4.4. 2. SECTI<lN ALONG DM·A SHOWN ON f'IGl!RE 4,:1. 3 VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALE EOUAL. 4. SURrAO:E PROFILE fROIA I"• ZOo' TOPOGRAPHY, cot: 1978 TOPOGRAPHY GENERAUZED TD .tz~ FEET, ~ TOP Of' ROCI( NORTHWES1' 01' SL 80•1 IS PROJCCTED UP TO 300 FEET TO PORTRAY ACTUAL THAU't'EG PROFILE. &. AUGER BORINGS IN REUCT C>IMIIIEL A.RE SHOWN ON fiGURE 4.2. 2400 2300 2200 6 t ;:: ~ ·=~ taoot. 1700 -045•.,._ AZifoUTH --?25• ' OF SECTION (" AH·OIHO•I PRCJECTEO 700'NW I WATANA RELICT CrlANNEL-EXPANDED THALWEG SECTION ... ... J 2-400 2300 UDD 2f00 2000 1900 1700 LEGEND LITHOLOGY~ CJ c [22] E,F 1::·\':'·H G CONTACTS• KN()Y{N UNIT COIITACT ---INFERRED UNIT BOUNDARY .11\lil"""' OEDROCi< :;URFACE WHI:.!lt DRILLED. '''''' NORMAL. MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL. EL..2185 BOREHOLES• OR•26 COE ROTARY CORE OORI'IGS f.J-NOTED AS FROZEN DURING DRILLING PROPOSED BOREHOLES: HO•E HAMMER DRILL. BORING All-tl -AUGER BOrliNG NOTE L. L.OCI<TlOH OF sa:TJO!i A:..CJf.J lKI$1o!K: LJ1o1E DM -ft, OH FIGURE -4.~. 0 80 160 FEET VERTICAL SCALE t" •. -::bft = 0 400 800 FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE~ .r,;;'· __ · . . . (;- /: I ' /} '/ L -; I L i .,~,_"" !I Ji J• i' II~ J TABLE 2.1: rY83 EXPLOR~TORY rROGRAM-PHASE I WATANA DAMSITE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Seism.i.c Refractir:m l.i~Nij.* Location** Sl82-0"H Downstream Portals, BH-6 towards BH-2 SL82-E Downstream Portals, DH-C to SW2 Sl82-F Downstream Portals, SW-2 to river SL82-G Flip Bucket, Spillway Area Rock Stability SL82-H Downstream Portals, mid slope SL82-I DH-9 to SLB0-2 SL82-J Spillway SLB2-Ka North Abutment SL82-Kb Upstream North Abutment SL82-L Powerhouse Area SLS2-M Upstream South Abutment SL82-N Noeth Abutment, SL81-15 to SW-2 Sl82-0 North Abutment SLS2-P Upstrtam South Abutment SL82-Q Down$tream Portal Area, Right Bank s;_az-R Downstream Portal Area, P.ight Bank TOTAL Approximate Length (ft) 2,200 1,100 1 J 100 1,100 2,200 1,100 4,400 2,200 1,100 2,200 £,200 1,3GO 1,100 1,100 1,100 26,600 Purpose Depth to bedroc'c, overburden thicknes::.;. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions in "Fingerbustec", Over.burdeA thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears, overall slope stability. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. "The Fins," NW and N shears. "The fins," NW and N shears. NW and N shears. NW and N shears. "The Fins," and possible east-trending structures. "The Fins". ''F lngerbuster". *Selumic lines listed in **See Figure 2.1. ~ .. Upon execution of work, sequential line number. order of priority, seismic tines SL82-A through C are listed on Table 4.2. temporar:-line letters will be replaced with a permanent chronologically ' I ~ • i ·. • l . • to •• I • • ' C-l .. ~:·_ c· '{. I 'l 0 •. _j I!" 0 W3.~,000 -- § >-... ... w I + § "' ... ... ... ______ ,/ + RtfERENCE' BASE MAP ffiOM COE,I97B-I"•ZOO' CONTINUES orr I'I'GC WATANA TOPOGRAPHY, SHEET 8 613 OF 26.COOnDINATES IN FEET, ALASY.A STATE PLIIHE (ZONE"*) LEGEND BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS• ~DIH I978,COE ]DIAMOND CORE BOAING,HORIZOtiTAL PROJECTIO!lS AS SHOWN BH• 0 1900·BI,AAI • TPRi: 198I,AAI BACKHOE TEST PIT GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS: ~ SW·I SEISMIC REFRACTIO!l SURVEY END OR TURNIHQ POINT ~·C 1975,04111ES BWOORE SW·I 1978, SHANNOII 6 WILSIJt. SLBD-1 1960-0I,WOOOWARD·CLYOE COI4Sl.ILTAIITS PROPOSED BOREHOLES: .HD·AA HAI.IWER DRILL BOlliNG PROPOSED GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYt ~SEISMIC REFRACTIO!l LINE-PI4ASE r ~ SEISI.IIC REFRACTION LINE-PHASE l': (DASHED LINES ARE OPTIONAL) NOTE I. SE!~~IC REFRACTIOtl LINES SLBZ·A THROUGH st.BZ·C -AAESiiOWN ON FIGURE 'I.Z. o't=~~zos;o;;;;;;;;~;2oo FEET I I f r· :·· i..... .• r---------------··-·· -·· w>-!::~ Cl);:c JJJo.. Oc: ANDESITE PORPHYRY ----J>i ~~ -r--- GF IJJ !:: c: Q 0 NOTES: !.OOKING DOWNSTREAM (WEST) FROM CI:':NTERLit~E I. GEOLOGIC FEATURES GF5, GF 68, GF78, AND GF 7C DESCRIBED IN SECTION 6.1. 2. DASHED LINE IS ANDESITE PORPHYRY a DIORITE COI'iTACT. WATANA GF5 GEOLOGIC FEATURES DOWNSTREAM OF CENTERLINE FIGURE 6.18 ATTACHMENT B SITE INFORMATION PACKAGE -PREVIOUS HORK SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1980-81 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, EXTRACTS .n L L ATTACHMENT B SITE INFORMATION PACKAGE -PREVIOUS WORK SUSITNP. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1980-81 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT, EXTRACTS The attached extracts from the Geotechnical Report are provided as examples of the report format required (subject to minor modifications to meet current report standards) and of the conditions encountered in recent explorations. CONTENTS COVERAGE Previous Explorations Figure 2 Fog Lakes seismic line locations Figure 5.1a Figure S.lb Appendix I Extracts from Seismic Refraction Surveys, 1981 report (/.· ·· ... _c c·. I ..:..J Fog Lakes A 1 Lines 81-FLe raction Traver I -1 to 81 se -FL-48 12 ···---- ~ -tJ- 1 _....,.&--2SL!:r"-33 34 ---:-& 29 41 42 __ _ / / / / 1 I I -~ 48 / / / / // / \ .. ~··· fo -v··. WATANA DETAIL ARE (Figure 11 ·A I WATANA DAM "-\ .· ~··· I ~REEK!· .. __ ...----r-....... ··~···_/ \ .. ·· . ..______., WATANA V APPROXIMATE ICINITY MAP -LOCATION LINES OUTSIDE DE OF REFRACTION __,____ TAIL AREA ·iru --..... .., ....... --.-. ... ~ .. -___ ..._ ____ . .-_____________ .. _ .. __ .., ____ ·-·-~ ..... ..-......... -~---··--.. ·--·""----...... --... ----··-"·--·~-··· ...... '" ._ ............ ____ .,_, __ ...... _ ..... ·----.... __ ._ .. ,. ..... --.~ ..... ., .. _ _..., ....................... ,. .. __ ,..,_ .. __ ~ .... -----.. ·-------------....,.., ;;: '· -l:.. DETAILED BOilROI\' SITE 0 EXPLORATION MAP SHOWN ON FIGURE 6.4~ I I ! ·l :; .. u REFERENCE 1"•200' COE,I978 WATANA OAMStTE TOPOGRAPHY, SHEET I THROUGH 26 /, "' ..J "' ~~ "' I :10 0 ,. / .« CONTINUES OFF PAGE SEE NOTE 9 ~··· I ·' DETAILED DI\MSITE SEISMIC LINE AND DORING EXPLORATION MAP SfiOWN 011 fiGURE 5.1 b "f SL80·3 ,' WATANA SW·I .!l "' 6 <D ..J en ' 0 "' .J en DAMSITE VICINITY-EXPLORATION MAP l •' .. •f .. ' ;l, .. LOCATION MAP 0 4 8 MILES SCALE L .. ·----- .. ·----·-·----- LEGEND I BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS: • .:_~ OR·I6 1978,CO£ ROTARY DRILl. BORING GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS: SEIS:~IC REFRACTION SURVEY END OR TURNING POINT OM· C -19i's, DAMES 8 MOORE SW-2 1978, SHANNOII a WILSON SL81•5 1980·81, WOODWARO·CI.YOE CONSULTANTS NOTES I DETAILED EXPLORATION MIIP OF OAMSITE ON FIGURE 5,1 b 2. BORROW SJTE D TEST PITS AND AUGER HOLES, Mi WELL AS SEISMIC LINES, SHOW/I ON fiGURE 6,40, 3. DETAILED SECTION ON DM·A a B ON FIGURE 6,31. 4 RIVER ALLUVIUM TEST PITS SHOWN ON FIGURES 6.51 AND 6.52. 5 RELICT CHANNEL AREA MAP SIIDWN ON FIGURE. 6.35, 6 CONTOUR INTERVAL 1001 , ENLARGED AND TRACED FROM REFERENCED BJISE MAP. 7 DaM SEISMIC LINE LOCATIONS CORRECTED PER COE SURVEY AND REFERENCED BASE MAPS 8 S B W SEISMIC LINE LOCATIONS CORRECTED FROM ORIGINAL FIELD BOOKS AND SaW, 1978, 9. LINE DM•B CONTINUED 11,000 FEET NORTH OF iURNING POINT SHOWN IC> COE EXPLORATION LOGS AND SaW SEISMIC PROFILES AS REFERENCED II WCC SEISMIC REFRACTION DATI. <;HOWII IN APPENDICES tl MID I IZ II!ORTHltiG Gfi!D LINES ARE IN ERROR BY APPROXIMATELY 50 FEET, NORTH, FROM STATION N 3, 23Z, 000 TO N 3, 234,000 0 1000 2000 FEET SCALE~..,;; FIGURE 5.1o ') ' ' '·· .) f ( I I \ -~ . "' "' -' ii: 0 lE u :i· "' ·w "' :1: <II "' 0 z "' .C/) .. 3 z ';) S· ~ffi ~~ ~ffi W IL OW ua: cd ~ :t: "' ., "' 0 ..J w a: 0 z w (!) w _J (I) w .J 0 :J: w a:: 0 CD ·. .-- •' .. , . . ~ i. I ·' ~ I ' ' \ \ .. "· .} /' ! • .. ,, 131 -· b z ' '; ) o) ..J· "-• ~ X "' ~ 3 w a: "' % a: 0 Gl w 0 u 0 w t; "' ..J .... "' 0 % " 8ci ..JX ..JO ..JZ ~~ ~i "' ... 0 ~ X "' ... u 0 z w 11. "-"' = z ~ :c "' "' "' z :::; % 0 ;:: ·U "' a: ... .., 0:: u i !!:: .., "' u u Jl: .,; I ! : j • ~ j I I } ' I . ' \ ·. · . \·\\ \-:\··--. \ \ \ c. .. -... ... .. ,_ ... .., ... :~ Jl ~ ... u Cl) '· ·. ·. ~ ~. 1, I \ ~[ iii[ IL ·:Q[ ,·(wL .. i .• SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEISMIC REFP~CTION SURVEYS 1981 Submitted to R & M Consultants 5024 Cordova Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ~~r ~r ![ ·1.·[ ·()[ ~~ .. - ·-~- ~ ~ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTR~TIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 0 I~lTRODUCTION .. , ............. .., ................. . Page , , ..!,.-,.!. 1.1 Purpose ....................... -·--·......... l-1 1.2 Scope of Work ............. , ........ 8....... 1-2 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION................. 2-1 3 . 0 LIMITATIONS ................ Ql ................... . 4. 0 SPRING TRAVERSES ... a ••••••••••••••••••••• c ••••• 4.1 Traverse 81-1 ........................... . 4.2 Traverse 81-2 ......................... , ... . 4.3 Traverse 81-3 ........................... . 4.4 Traverse 81-4 ........................... .. 4.5 Traverse 81-5 ........................... . 4.6 Traverse 81-6 ............................ . 4.7 Traverse 81-7 .............................. . 4.8 Traverse 81-8 ........................... . 4.9 Traverse 81-9 ........................... . 4.10 Traverse 81-10 .................. 6< •••••••• 4.11 Traverse 81-11 ......... 4················· 4.12 Traverse 81-l2•••••••••••••••••••••••o••• 5.0 SUMMER 1981 SURVEYS............................ 5-1 5.1 Traverse 5.2 Traverse 5.3 Traverse 5.4 Traverse 81-13 .......................... . 81-14 ..................... ~ ..... . 81-15 .......................... . 81-16 .......................... . 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 "., Table 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 ·.~ Figure 13 ~r.; Figure 14 tH ~;·,· . l) Figure 15 (lj Figure 16 Figure 17 ~j Figure 18 Figure 19 ~ [:. Figure 20 ' t Figure 21 ~ Figure 22 y Figure 23 l ~~ "'. ?~ ~·t; ''·. ' ~ .. 'tot,.., ~ ·~ ' I ; 1 .. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1980 -1981 Seismic Refraction Line 0ata Location of Seismic Refraction Lines - Watana Detail Area Watana Vicinity Map -Approximate Location of Refraction Lines Outside Detail Area Location of Devil Canyon· Seismic Refraction Lines ... Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-1 and 81-2 Seismic Refraction Profile·s ·-ar-3, 81--4, and 81-5 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-6 and 81-7 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-8 and 81-9 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-10 and 81-11 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-12 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-13 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-14 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-15 and 81-16 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-17 and 81-18 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-19 Seismic Refraction Profiles 81-20 and 81-21 Seismic Refraction Profile 81-22 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 1 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 2 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 3 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 4 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 5 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles Sheet 6 Fog Lakes Seismic Refraction Profiles -Sheet 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of geophysical surveys performed during the spring, summer, and fall of 1981 on the Upper Susitna River, Alaska, approximately 125 miles north of Anchor,age. These surveys were performed under contract with· R &-M Consultants ( R & M) as part of their subcontract ·with Acres American Incorporated (AAI). The 1981 geophysical program was easentLa~y a continuation of surveys performed during 1980 under the same contract. Results of the 1980 surveys were submitted to R & M in a report dated 19 December 1980. Interpretations included in this report are based in part on the 1980 work, on prev1.ous seismic refraction surveys (Dames and Moore, 1975; Shannon and Wilson, 1978), and on limited boring and surface mapping information. Locations of all refraction traverses from 1975 through 1981 are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3. Figure l covers the immediate area of the proposed Watana Dam site and Figure 2 shows line locations outside of the immediate site area but in the same vicinity. Figure 3 shows line locations near the proposed Devil Canyon Dam site. 1.1 Purpose Geophysical surveys from 1981 and from past years were accomplished as part of feasibility studies for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project proposed by the Alaska Power Authority. Seismic refraction and limited magnetometer surveys were intended to investigate the nature and distribution of bedrock and overburden materials and to supplement dat~ from other sources such as borings and geologic mapping. , n ~ ' fl '. :ciw lC c. l-2 For all surveys run during 1980 and 1981, line locations were specified by AAI. Some of the 1981 locations were recommended by Woodward-Clyde Consultants at the close of the 1980 season, and incorporated in the 1981 program. 1.2 Scope A total of 7 21 900 ft of refraction line was run in 1981 during three separate f.ield effo~ts (spring 1. summer, and fall) to bring the two-year totai"·· to approximately 1001 ooo· linear feet. In addition, approxima_tely.-~000 ft of magnetometer line was run near Devil Canyon in an unsuc- cessful attempt to detect buried mafic dikes. The spr1ng seismic refraction survey consisted of 21,900 ft of line at 12 locations (Lines 81-1 through 81-12) across the river and adjacent low-lying areas near the Watana site (Figures 1 & 2). Field work was accoinplisheo between l April and 14 April 1981 when the river was frozen. The low water level and low water velocity plus access afforded by ice allowed refraction surveys to be run in areas where they would be infeasible later in the year. A draft report of the results of the spring work was submitted to R & M dated 18 June 1981. A total of 22,200 ft of refraction line was run during the month of July as 10 separate traverses (Lines 81-13 through 81-22). Nine of these were run at the Watana site (Figure l), some as continuations of existing lines. One traverse was run on the proposed south abutment at Devil Canyon (Figure 3). From 26 October to 15 November, 1981, a 28,800 ft traverse was run from rock outcrops uear the proposed \"latana south abutment to a point approximately 5 miles to the east. The . ·; ~) t 1-3 locations of lines 81-FL-1 through 81-FL-48 are shown on This traverse crossed an area of suspected Figures 1 & 2. buried channels in the Fog Lakes area. flagged by R & M surveying. During shot points and The alignments of all traverses were or AAI personnel prior to refraction refraction ~ork, the location of all geophones. were flagg\.~d. The coordinates and elevations of each of the shot and geophone points. for spring and summer traverses were ~ubsequently. sqry~~d by R & M. For the fall work (Fog Lakes) R & M provided coordinates and elevations at all turning points and breaks in slope. Data for all seismic refraction traverses accomplished The table during 1980 and 1981 are summarized in Table 1. includes line numbers used in this report, line numbers used by R & M for coordinute and elevation surveys, presen- 'rhis tation data, line configuration data, and comments. report discusses the interpretation of 1981 traverses in detail and references 1980 lines where they • proxi-are ~n mity to the 1981 survey lines . \ Ci '} ~ §: ~ ~ .... .,'! ..,. ..,, [ J ... , ~ ..,, i §j l ~ .... .... I ! I OR•ZT 0 DR•I3 ( J j . 1:: §~~ f~ U) .• ,. ;!r~ ~,;t •.. •Oil ~ A::: ·~;~ . _., ,. " ~: .... , .,.. ,._, w: LINES ~ I, lOCATION A 2. ~lflOR MIO-~CURATE: TO t lOO INE CHANG FEET ES OF OIRECTI~N N I,'IT Sfii'WN J'':'; l t t . ,_J wee Line No .• ------R & M Location Profile Survey No. Figure Figure 81-5 81-5 2 5 81-6 81-6 2 6 81-7 81-7 1 6 81-8 81-8 1 7 81-9 81-9 1 7 81-10 81-10 1 8 81-11 81-11 1 8 l ~. I 81-12 81-12 1 9 I .. i 81-13 80-lX 2 10 ... J 81-14 80-2X 2 11 i i •. J 81-15 & lSX BH-11 2 12 ! 81-16 16-81 2 12 1 Sl-17 J 2 13 J 81-18 QSB 2 13 81-19 ] QSB 2 14 81-20 SW-lX 2 15 ~~ 81-21 81-22 BH-12 2 15 17 3 16 I . 81-FL-1 to I 81-FL-48 Fog Lakes 1 & 2 17 -23 [ TABLE 1 (Continued) Line Time-Distance Length Plot Figure (ft) A-1 450 A-1 4.,50 ~i A-2 ~~ : ~ -~~ 3',-2.00 .. l'i~ , .. ·-~ ·'·~ .;~ A-2 2, 5.00 ,J .. "~: !•: A-2 2,000 t '• A-3 2,100 A-3 2,800 A-3, 2,000 B-1 3,200 B-2 3,300 B-3 2,1po B-3 2,200 B-4 1,100 B-4 2,200 B-5 1,100 B-6 1,600 B-6 1,850 B-6 1,500 Cl -C7 28,800 ::;:, Number of Segments/Sh1./.:; 1/3 1/2 3/9 3/6 2/6 2/6 3/9 2/7 3/10 3/5 4/11 2/8 1/5 2/10 1/6 5/11 5/19 3/6 48/138 . •· ,, Co1hments ,;.'. Run Over River Ii~~, 0.5 Mil~s Upstream from Proposed Watan \·Dam Centerline. . :f~· . Run Over R1ver I.•~ 0.1 M1les Upstream from ~~'·'· Proposed WatanafDam Centerline. , , . t:l,'i'·i'., Run Over ~iver !~~~-4.0 Mil:s.Downstream from Proposed \vatanat::~Dam Centerl1ne. R~'": Run Over River Ide, 5.2 Miles Downstream from I·' 1·''.' Proposed Watan~;· Dam Center-1-i-ne. Run Over River Ice, 7.3 Miles Downstream ±rom Proposed Watana~Dam Centerline. Run Over River I9e, 8.2 Miles Downstream from i, Proposed Wa tana~~.Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice, 9. 3 Miles Downs·tream from Proposed Watana·Dam Centerline. Run Over River Ice, 10.1 Miles Downst~eam from Proposed \vatana Dam Centerline. Nat ana Relict Ch~nnel Area--Extends 80-1 Watana Relict Chcinnel Area--Extends 80-2 North Extension· Not Surveyed Watana Rt Abutmen.t--Fins Area ,. Watana Relict Channel Area Watana Relict Channel Area--Not Surveyed Watana Relict Channel Area--N of Quarry Source B Watana Relict Channel Area--N of Qu=.rry Source B Watana Left Abutment--Extends SW-1 East I Watana Left Abutm'ent--Crosses 81-20 Devil Canyon Left Abutment--Crosses 80-12 and 80-13 I Watana Fog Lakes ~rea--Continuous Profile I to NE to NE-- ''I ; ~·- 2.0 DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION Field procedures used during the 1981 season were similar to those of the 1980 survey (Woodw·ard-Clyde Consultants 1 1980). A Geometries/Nimbus model ES-1210E' twelve-channel stacking seismograph and an explosive energy .. source was used for all lines~ Line lengths and geophone spacing varied as-discussed later in separate sections. Data reduction for the 1981 surveys .. was.--accomplished in a similar manner as for the 1980 lines~ essentially following the procedures of Redpath (1973). Rigorous delay time methods were used for: only a few lines for which data was sufficient and teo complex for adequate interpretation by approximation methods. Time-distance plots of the data are included in Appendix A (spring surveys), Appendix B (summer surveys), and Appendix C (fall-Fog Lakes surveys). Interpreta'"cion of these lines are shown as Figures 4 through 23 and are discussed in Sections 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. These sections discuss the setting of each traverse, our interpretation, and anomalous or ambiguous condit.i.ons which became apparent during data reduction and subsequent review of all available data. Our conf~d~nce in the contacts between layers of differing velocities on the figures is variable. Solid lines repre- sent well controlled contacts with the depths shown prob- ably within 20 percent of the true total depth. Dots on a line represent depths calculated by the delay time method or by approximation techniques. Dashed lines are less well controlled with an estimated possible deviation from true depths on the order of 30%. Queried dashed lines are 2-2 assumed contacts that are based on assumed velocities and information other than that resulting directly from data reduction, or that are inferred by the data but are not mathematically explicit. ~~ ,. l'"'l r ~:' \ :, 3" J LIMITATIONS Seismic refraction is a widely used and well suited exploration tool for engineering projects but is subject to certain limitations which should be kept in mind when evaluating the . interpreta·tions presented in the following sections D The effects of inhomogeneities I irregular contacts, .. blind zones 11 and hard:...over-soft conditions are discussed below. Othe-r limit(:·tions which result from the site environment and from the sp_ecif.i.e..d. scope of these surveys apply particularly to seismic work performed at the Susitna sites. The seis~ic refraction technique depends upon measuring the first arrival of a seismic wave at geophones placed on the ground surface progressively further tram an explosive charge or other seismic source. Arrivals at nearest phones generally indicate travel directly through low-density surface materials. At points further from the source, the seismic wave arrives sooner than would be expected from travel through surface materials, having traveled in part through deeper, more dense, and therefore higher velocity layers. If subsurface layers are uniform, horizontal and the seismic velocities progressi-v-ely increase with depth, a mathematical model can be developed from the arrival time data that approximates actual conditions. Several condi- tions exist in nature, however, which make interpretation of the data less precise and introduce ambiquity into the model. ln ideal situations, plots of arrival times versus distance (see Appendices A, B, and C) produce straight lines, the inverse slopes of which represent the seismic velocity of the subsurface material. Deviations of the data from straight lines indicate inhomogeneity within layers, !) 3-2 irregular layer contacts, or inaccuracy ~n identification of first arrival time. Sufficient data is seldom available to distinguish amoung these possibilities. It is also difficult to determine if irregularities occur in near- surface layers or at depth. In many cases, the data resulting from local or lateral velocity changes can· alsd be interpreted as contact irregularities. Thin layers at depth also present a problem~ Ideally each layer is represented on a time-distance ··plot-as a separate stra~ght line, Thin layers may produce no indication of their existance in the data regardless of the detail of the survey. Such 11 blind zone .. cases can affect the calculated depth to deeper layers, such as bedrock, by a theoretical maximum of 30 percente Layers with seismic velocities less than overlying layers are not detectable by refraction. This situation is suspected i:.o exist in several areas, at the Watana site in particular, where less dense sediments may underlie frozen, more dense ground. Non-seismic information, such as boring data, is required to resolve hard-over-soft conditions, enabling correction of the refraction model, which is otherwise likely to be in error by as much as 30 percent for the depth of deeper layers. Several conditions occur which preclude collection of the optimum quantity and quality of data. These include weather: ground conditions and, of course, the time available to resolve operational problems which may arise. For the Susitna work, field data reduction was performed to assure the sufficiency of results from each line. In some cases, however, time and budget constraints precluded running additional lines which may have resolved some uncertaint.i.es. ! ~ :cJ l : .01 l 3-3 In interpreting data which is less than straight forward, the tendency is to produce as simple a model as possible without violating the restraints of the data. In these cases, the experience and judgement of the interpreter is important in producing a geologically reasonable picture. The presence of an experienced geologist during shooting of the lines and during interpretation, combi~ed with the results of previous investigations, increased the likeli- hood that profiles presented herein reflect a fairly accurate model of existing conditions suitable for evalua- ·4··-- tion of the feasibility of the project. Further explora- tion is required to resolve the uncertainties identi- fied during these surveys. . i .J t Lt ....... 5.0 SUMMER 1981 SURVEYS Traverses 81-13 through 81-19 were located on the north side of the river, upstream from th~ proposed Watana Darn. This area is under lain by a buried or 11 relict" channel. Velocities of channel fill material. vary considerably ·as discussed in relation to the individual t·raver·ses below. From borings discussed in the 1980 report (Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1980) , these rna terials are known to include well consolidated glacial tills-an·d--outwash deposits, younger alluvial deposits, and some lacustrine sediments, all possibly frozen in part or entirely. Alth~ugh the seismic velocities of the channel fill referenced with each traverse are a reflection of material properties, no subsurface boring data was available in the vicinity of the 1981 traverses to identify the type of material that migh,t be represented by a particular velocity range. Traverses 81-20 through 81-22 were run in areas of shallow bedrock on the south abutment at Wat.ana and on the south abutment at Devil Canyon. For these as well as for the other lines, higher velocity bedrock (ie 15,000 to 20,000 fps) is presumably more competent than lower velocity bedrock (ie 10,000 to 14,000 fps). Specific rock types or degrees of weathering, however, cannot generally be distin- guished by velocity alone. Correlation of the seismic velocities reported herein with the most recent surface · mapping and boring information may provid~ a better idea of the extent of particular mapped units and struc- tural features away from their locations known from out- crops or cores. 5.1 Traverse 81-13 Three 1,100 ft geophone spreads overlapped line 80-1 by 500 f·t and continued that traverse an additional 2, 800 ft to 0 5-2 the northeast as shown in Figure 1. The traverse crosses undulating topography which rises gently to the: northeast. The interpreted profile of traverse 81-13 {Figure 10) shows a continuation of the relict channel with a relatively uniform depth toward the northeast end of the line where it shallows. Bedrock, with s.eismic velocities ranging from 13,000 to 15,000 fps is from 200 to 250 ft deep beneath most of the traverse. Channel fill rna teria_l ranges from 6,000 to 8,000 fps and surficial sediments, which are thicker toward the southwest end of .the ... l.in.e \vhere it overlaps 80-1, average 2, 200 fps. Several irregularities in the time-distance plot (Figure· B-1) appear to be d.ue to topographic effects. 5.2 Traverse 81-14 The southwest end of traverse 81-14 is located about 600 ft from the northeast end of traverse 80-2. Three 1, 100 ft lines were used to extend traverse 80-2 to the northeast. The n9rthern end of the line turns north tc the edge of a small lake as shown in Figure 1. Relatively smooth topo- graphy rises gently to the northeast to within 1,000 ft of the small lake, then drops gently toward the lake. The t.cpography along the northern 1, 000 ft was not surveyed i the profile shown in Figure 11 for that area was approxi- mated from small scale maps and field notes. The interpretation of traverse 81-14 (Figure 11) shows 18,000 fps bedrock to be 500 ft deep beneath the southwest end of the line. This requires a drop of about 200 ft from the northeast end of line 80-2 which is not inconsist .. ent with the 19:30 interpretation. The 500 ft depth places the thalweg of the channel at an elevation of about 1;700 ft, which is similar to that found on line 80-1 to the west and somewhat de,=per than on lines to the southeast. This -' ~ \\ .. 1. , .I "t ~ i : . I ;l I L~ 5-7 east side of the traverse to produce more detailed data in that araa. Gently rolling topography along the traverse rises slightly toward the east. Figure 15 shows that bedrock, interpreted to be about 18,000 fps, under.lies the entire traverse at shallow depth, generally less than 10 ft. A srnal~ wedge, up to 50 ft thick, of intermediate velocity material, averaging 7,000 fps overlies bedrock near the east end of the line. This material was identified as varved silts and clays in b or i n g D H-2 5 ( U . S . Army Co r p s -o .f .. E ~ i n e e r s , 1 9 7 9 ) o 5.9 Traverse 81-21 Four overlapping 550 ft geophone spreads and several 225 ft detail spreads were run across the suspected projection of the Fingerbuster structural feature on the south abutment of the proposed Watana Dam. The total length of the line was about 1900 ft. It crosses line 81-20 near its northeastern end. The topography rises steeply to the southwest along the traverse. The purpose of traverse 81-21 was to delineate, if possi- ble, the Fingerbuster zone in order to locate a drill site for further exploration of the zone. As shown on the interpretive prof i 1 e of the travers e ( E· i g u r e 1 5 ) , the structural zone appears to occur as an area of 12,000 fps bedrock flanked by more competent 18,000 fps bedrock. This is overlain by 1,500 to 3,500 fps surficial materials which range in thickn··]ss from zero to 40 feet. The location of the zone was thought to be known more precisely from apparent anomalies on field time distance plots. Several anomalies apparent on the time-distance plot (Figure B-·6) , can be attributed for the most part to topographic irregularities and to changes in thickness of .. . j .. \._ L ' 1 ; ~ i Lt I I. lc.J l 5-8 the near surface layer. The zone appears to be delineated by a prominent slope bre~k to the west and a rapid thinning of surficial deposits to the east. It appears that a topographic low exists over the central portion of the zone. The depression appears to be due to erosion by a crossing stream. 5.10 Traver~e 81-22 This traverse was run as three overlapping 550 ft geophone spreads along the ridge on the south abutment of the proposed Devil Canyon Dam. The eastern portion of the traverse crosses the southern ends of lines 80-12 and 80-13. The somewhat irregular ground surface along the traverse slopes do\Alnward toward the east end . The interpretive profile of traverse 81-22, shown in Figure 16, shows very shallow bedrock ranging from 11,000 to 15,000 fps overlain by surficial materials of 1,800 to 2, 000 fps. The surficial material appears to average about 10 ft thick but thickens to as much as 30 ft at one location near the east end. Intermediate layers of 5, 000 and 10~000 fps interpreted for the south ends of 80-12.and 80-13 were not apparent from the data for 81-22. .··~ l. L ' ·ll : LJ l. ~--t':_ ) '' ...J 6.0 FALL TRAVERSES-FOG LAKES AREA The Fog Lakes traverse consisted of 48-500 ft geophone spreads with common· end shot points. The location of the traverse was selected to cross areas of possible buried channels which could contribute to seepage from -the reservoir. Topography along the line is gently rolling and relatively flat loca~ly. Elevations r~nge from less than 2, 300 ft across the Fog Lakes valley, approximately five miles east of the proposed Watana Dam, to about 2, 400 ft ~ ~ .. ·-- near the proposed south abutment. The interpretation of the data for the traverse, shown in Figures 17 through 23, indicates that apparent bedrock velocfties vary substantially along the traverse, from 20,000 fps to as low as 10,000 fps. Two types of intermediate material are apparent. The first ranges from 4, 500 to 7, 000 fps and is interpreted to consist of poorly consolidated, saturated glacial deposits. The second ranges from 8, 000 fps to as much as 10,500 fps. This is suspected to be well consolidated glacial sediments in part or entirely frozen. Surficial deposits range from 1,000 to 3,000 fps, are as thick as 50 ft in some areas, and are absent in others. Several areas along the traverse appear to be underlain by buried channels which extend below the proposed reservoir level. The two most prominent of these are near the west end of the traverse (Figure 17) and beneath t:1e Fog Lakes Valley (Figures 22 and 23). Near the west end, a channel which may be as deep as 300 ft (to ~levation 2,030) is filled mainly with low velocity (4300 to 6000 fps) de- posits. Higher velocity channel fill (9000 fps) is indi- cated near the east side of the channel but the contact I. l l .. L )..J I ' . .....) i 6-2 between the two types of channel fill is uncertain. It is possible that the higher velocity material is permafrost, in which case unfrozen sediments (with lower velocities) could be present below it and the total depth of the channel could be somewhat less than shown on the profile. The width of the deepest part of the channel appears ·tO be about 1,000 feet. The apparent channel in the Fog Lakes Va~le¥·i~-more than a mile wide. The deepest part appears to underlie the lowest part of the valley at an elevation of about 1,940, 350 ft below ground surface. Much of the rest of the channel, which extends below the topographic high northwest of the valley, is below an elevation of 2,100 feet. The shape of the channel shown on the profile is based on marginal arrival-time data from distant offsets and from minimum depth calculations where distant offsets did not penetrate sufficiently to detect rock. The shape, therefore, could be significantly different, especially on the west side where depths could be greater. The interpretation shown, however, is considered to be a reasonable estimate of the maximum depth within the Jimits of the uncertainties of the data. The most critical uncertainty is the nature of the 8, 000 to 11,000 fps apparent channel fill material. If this material is interpreted to be well consolidated glacial deposits then the interpreted profile as shown in Figures 22 and 23 is appropriate. However, if the material is frozen, then lower velocity material could underlie the perma- frost and depths to bedrock could be shallower than shown on th~? Figures. 0 L. I· l l N1 [ .jl 6-3 A third possibility, which is not likely, is that the apparent channel fill could instead be weathered bedrock, at least in part. If this were true the bedrock velocity would be so close to that expected for frozen or well consolidated sediments that the contact between them could not be distinguished. It is remotely possible that the apparent iridications of high velocity bedrock at depth are the result of irregularities in shallower, ·very low "Jelocity weat.hered rock or from steeply dipping contacts between v1eathered bedrock and higp Y.~.)._ocity channel fill. An a~tempt was made to resolve the nature of high velocity apparent channel fill material using shallow reflection at ~he location of refraction line 81-FL-3. Results were r.aot definitive but the t,:ost likely reflection appears to place the bedrock contact at a depth of 170 ft beloy.r ground surface which is similar to the depth indicated by refraction in that area. This depth, however, indicates an anomalous high near the middle of the broad channel which makes the interpretation even more tenuous. Other areas of apparent channeling are present along the central portion of the traverse. These chanr .... ::.s, although broad in some cases, are all above eleva~ion 2,150 and generally shallower than elevation 2,200. At several locations along the Fog Lakes ~raverse, bedrock lows appear to coincide with higher seismic velocities which is contrary to conditions elsewhere in the vicinity. No explanation for this is evid•.~:Jt from the present data. -~--~-~~-·----~--·--~-·--·--·-··------~~--''· .· \\ •; .. - 1-w I' z 0 22QO 2100 ~ 2000 > w ..J w 1900 ..... ·r ........ . Dottcd.lines from 1980 interpretation ....... Overlaps __J 80-1C --) N35E- 81-13 ----2000 l' 2500 ..,.... --.......... -/ ' . ..-l 2200 2000 --------- - -----....., ..-6000~ ,~· 2100 -----..,.....,.,. ~ I; / / .._---:! 8000 ~ l~ .~ ~ r,.;~ 2ooo ~ u k ~ ~ I r <{ . ~ ~~(.: ·!. ' . ---------------~ -~ -----;i ' --':" 1900 ---..----:--1 -j 1 7000 .. ------------13000 .. ·-····---------.J 1800 1800 2300 I j§ I 2200 [_~ tu I ~ w u. z 2000 0 I- <( > w ..J w 2100 t ' 2000 r 1900 ' .. • .:> ' 8000 PRE:PAREO BY WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS ' 13000 N35E- / / / / ------------...--........ ......__ ---,.,-------- 6000 ---- ................ __ ......... / / / " ---15000 2300 2200 ~ w w u. z 0 i= 2100 <( > , !.U ..J w 2000 1900 SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILE LINE 81-13 (80 -IX) I Compressional velocities in feet per second 0 100 200 HI I HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 10 •• !-w w u.. z 2100 0 2000 j::: <{ > w -1 w 2200 2100 1-w w u.. z' 0 j::: <{ 2000 > w ..J w 1900 1800 EASI- -------- 18000 N45E- \ \ \ ? \ 18000 81-20 Crosses LINE 81-21 l Crosses LINE 81-23 ,, ? --...... ? --.. 1 7000 ....... / --------- 81-21 12000 / 18000 / / /' 7 18000 /- SEISMIC REFRACTION p;iQFILES LINES 81-20 (SW-IX) AND 81-21 (BH-12) 1 2100 1-w w u.. z 2000 9 1- <{ 1900 > w -I w 2200 2100 1-w w u.. z 0 2000 1- <{ > w -1 w 1900 1800 ii ' Compressional velocities in feet per second .0 100 200 E3 I 3 HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 15 81·F L·5 81-FL-6 r-s48E- 81-FL-7 f • I' 81·Fl·8 2300 1-2500 {9?91 ~----4000 3000 3000 3600 2000 -2300 ... w w u. 2200 1- 2 0 i= 2100t-.J <t w-> z ...1 w 2000 1900 1- 2300 1-2500 -- 18,000 1-w w lL "----·- z 0 i= :E UJ z <t 2200 r-:I: ---3800 ---2000 ------,__ __ 8500 8500 .......... -? .....__ ____ _ 23,000 81-FL·9 ,IJ1-FL·10 S48E- ----·--·------------------o--. ~·· t 9300i 10,000 8500 ~­>t' ;.i'-:,, ~' -2200 l:i:i -~'"1;.~' !F 1 ;,t ____ g· . l--~ r-,---_ ...-F, , i:: --/ .: z -------~ ,----· / / / 17,000 81-FL-11 (933) --.. 18oo __ IJQQ_ ___ 21oo 17,000 w z UJ lL z 0 i= <t > 2100 ~ UJ 2000 2000 0 1800 _]~I--./ 3800 3000 >------c::::::::...______ - 2300 ---8000 --------...._ ....-..._ 8000 10,500 9000 ....... ~---v-----------~ n.ooo 1-w w lL z· 0 i= 2200 <( > Compressional wave velocities in feet per second Numbers in parentheses above topographic profile refer to survey points 0 100 200 I.,...,.,_/. 1 __ -?----,...... -- > (.) ~ ~ w ~ 20,000 IJ,!_ z lL 0 w ...J w 1--1 E:-=3 HORIZONTAL SCALE /1 2100 1- FOG LAKES SEISMIC REFRACTION PROFILES SHEET 7 OF 7 0 z w w en-2100 FIGURE 23 L_---------------------------~---=~~==~~~· ,..,>'"---.• - . ··I. \ \ ~ l ~~ ' { ........ -·- ATTACHMENT C SCHEDULE OF PAY ITEMS , . ·· .. "I· ·;· '(\ -'-----··-~-~·----· I • r i ( -~ f It· ll ,, Q, ~~ I I,. .····: .·· lr, - ATTACHMENT C-1 SCHEDULE OF PAY ITEMS Estimated* ITEM Description Quantity Unit Amount .. l 2 3 4 5 * a) Mob i 1 i z at i on b) Demobilization Seismic Survey Operations, Relict Channel Areas Equipment and Personnel Operating Rate per Crew and all materials Equipment and Personnel Available Rate per crew (may not exceed rates sbown in Item 3) --... Other Contractor-Supplied Equipment and Material Approved by the Engineer 1 1 64,400 160 reg 176 OT 36 reg 12 OT Lump Sum Lump Sum ··-- Linear Foot Crew Hour Crew Hour Per Item Estimated Total $ Amount of Contract $1000 $1000 $0.52 Regular Overtime $150 $150 $ 90 $ 90 (Invoice + 10%) + Transportation &90 ,208.00 For the purposes of bid evaluation, a total price based on the estimated quantities shown in Items 1 through 4 will be the basis for determination of the lowest bidder, subject to the qualifications requirement of Section 1.4 and 2.12, and Attachment C-2 and the terms of Section 1.15. Estimated hours shown are total crew-hours, determined by totaling payable hours for ea~~ individual crew. - ··---... "":""'-.... ,4},', .: ;: ~ i:JIS>i "'!f,"'+_ < ··i• I I . I ' ~\ I 'I l " ATTACHMENT C-2 QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT -PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE ! This Personnel Experience Statement shall briefly list recent experience in the type of operations specified in Section 2.4 and 2.12 as a minimum, and will include all direct interpretation and technical fiela personnel being proposed for work under this contract. Designation of personnal shall include position title and whether the individual will be the primary field interpretations. Indicate intended crew size and which indfvidual(s) will be the Contractor's field representative. Use additional pages in same format as shown, as necessary. Name, Position Title Work Experience in Type of Work Spe~ified Experience (Years): .-.. ., -Total Seismic Project Description -Project Geographic -Alaskan/Permafrost (Brief description of · Location Years in which -In Position Shown types of worK performed by -Approx. Total Foot-Experience Personnel, as relates to age of Seismic ' 0~~urred conditions specified in Lines Section 2.12, para. 1) I I . ' ·I ) } . . (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) I J I ... a::::a ' . ;c:::;;:l Name, Position Title Experience (Years): -Total Seismic -Alaskan/Permafrost -In Position Shown R.G. Tart Project Manager 4-Seismic 8-Alaskan 8-In position shown Hork Experience in TyJ'!e of Work Specified ~------------~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~---·---------4 Project Description (Brief description of types of work performed by Personnel, as relates to conditions specified in Section 2.12, para. 1) Experience as Lead (•r Assistant Field Lead fgr Refraction Seismic Crew 1) Air F~rce Hard Rock Silo-Bedrock depth~nd property assessments for missiLe silos. l 2) Ranch to California-Depth of over- burden studies for roadway. 3) Birchwood Interchange-.. tippability study for contractors bid estimate. Experience as Project Manager of Re- fraction Seismic Surveys Mr. Tart serves as Geotechnical Manager of the Anchorage WCC office and has managed numerous projects both in Alaska and out- side. The following projects had major geophysical programs: 1) Bradley Lake-Rock property, over- burden, and geologic interpreta- tions for various aspects of dam design. -Project Geographic Location -Approx. Total Foot- age of Seismic Lines Ylyoming, Utah, New (50' 000 ft) California (5 '000 ft) Alaska (1;000 ft) •I ) ) Alaska (10 ,000 ft) 2) VLA-Soil properties, water table, and seismic properties of materials underlying rail transported ~adio telescopes~ Magdalena, New Mexico (40,000 ft) Years in which Experience Occurred 1967-69 1972 1977 1979 1973 I I I '} \ l I l ! l Jan D. Rietman, Ph.Dft Registered Geophysicist Registered Geologist Project Technical Director 7 Yea1.s Alaska 7 Years as Deputy Director of Geophysics for HCC, 10 Years other Companies Dennis E. Jensen, H. S. Project Geophysicist Project Geologist Registered Engineer- ing Geologist Field Representative and Primary Interpreter 15 Years Experience 10 Years Seismic Refraction 5 Years Alaskan 5 Years as Seismic Refraction Crew Supervisor ExperienE!e as Technical Director Dr. Rietman has served as technical director and report author on over 200 seismic projects. The following projects reflect his Alaskan experience. 1) Point Thomson Development 2) Susitna Hydroelectric Project 3) Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 4) ANGTS Pipeline 5) Yakutat LNG Facility 6) Alyeska Pipeline Experience in Alaska ; 1) Alyeska Pipeline Crew Supervisor Clear Water Lake Study 2) Susitna Hydroelectric Project Assessment of overburden and bedrock conditions at borrow areas, dam sites, and at Fog Lakes. 3) ANGTS Pipeline Project Geophysicist Non-Alaska Experience Crew member to project geologist/ geophysicist on seismic refraction investigations for dams and nuclear power plants. North Slope, AK (10,000 ft.) Susitna River, AK (10,000 ft.) Homer, AK (9,000 ft.) Fairbanks Vicinity (10,000+ ft) Yakutat, AK (15 ,000 ft) Delta Junction, AK (20,000 .ft,) Delta Junction, AK (20,000 ft.) Susitna River, AK (55 ,000 ft.) I I Fairbanl<is, AK (lO,OOO~)ft.) California, Nevada Utah, Arizona (10,000+ ft.) 1982 1981 & 1980 1981 & 1980 1981 1979 1976 1976 I 1980 & 1981 1981 1972-1982 -\1 L c. ~·· ~:~ . -:' "' ~! ~ j ' l l I I \ ~ l ; I I I ,' j . . Ronald L. Hees Asst. Project Geophysicist Registered Geophysicist Years of experience: Experience in Alaska 1) Bradley Lake Damsite Evaluate damsitet tunnel, and powerhouse rockmass conditions and overburden using seismic refraction. 2) Bradley Lake Access Road Seismic refraction evaluation of road alignment overburden Seismic: 5 Alaskan: 3 Current Position: 2 and rock conditions. 3) ANGTF Pipeline Del~neate possible faults having proj.ect impact us.ing seismic and other geophysical methods. 4) Susitna Hydroelectric Project Assessment of overburden and bed- rock conditions under the ice- covered Susitna River. 5) Exxon Point Thomson Seismic refraction and other geo- physical surveys for geotechnical and permafrost investigations. Recent Non-Alaskan Experien~: 1) Confidential Oil Project Supervision of 6-man refraction crew and collecting digital data for velocity analysis. 2) Seismic Evaluations of Dams Field and interpretation supervise of seismic refraction studies. 3) Jordan Valley Pipeline Field and interpretation super- visor . NE of Homer, AK (6,000 ft.) Homer, AK (3,000 ft.) Fa· )anks to Canada (3,000 ft.) Susitna River, AK (22,000 ft.) North Slope of AK (10,000 ft.)· Blanding~;; Utah so miles}rf continuous coverage. California, Utah, New Mexicot 20 sites Jordan 30 miles of pipeline route coverage. 1979 1980 1980 1981 l 1982 1982 . --- 1978-1982 1979 I f R.G. Dugan Assistant Field Manager R.F. Black Geophysical Assistant Staff Engi>· . .=er Soils Foundation Systems, Inc. 1976-1979 A. Dale Berry Geophysical Assistant Experience as Field Manager And/Or Logistics Coordinator 1) Over-the-Ice Drilling Set-up enclosed rig fo.r geot:~chnical borings. 2) Pilgrim Hot Springs Thermal l..J'ell-Manager logistics of moving rig and equipment to remote site. ~perience on Seismic Crew 1) L0cation of suspected fault zone. for geologic study of subdivision site (Ditz-Crane Homes). 2) Rock Rippability Study. Beaufort Sea, AK Seward Peninsula, AK Richmond, CA (500 ft) Santa Clara, CA (300 ft) 3) Location of suspected fault zone. Antioch, CA (300 ft) Alaskan Field Experience 1) Atka Soil Investigation (Aleutian) Atka, AK technical and soil sampling. 2) Akutan Soil Investigation (Aleutian). 3) Bethel Waste Heat Recovery System Soil Drilling Program. 4) Trail Lake Fish Hatchery, Well draw-down tests. 5) Mega-structure parking (~on­ struction assistance). Alaska Field Experience 1) Exxon Gravel Islarid Instrumenta- tion-Installed and monitored Thermistors, Sondex, and Slope Indicators,,and reduced and analyzed data. Akutan, AK Bethel, Al.<: j I ) ) Moose Pass, AK Anchorage, AK Beaufort Sea, AK ·' 1980 l 1982 1978 1979 1979 01 1980-81 1981 1980 1979 1979 1981 I Stanton L. Clarke Geophysical Assistant Keith F. Mobley Geophysical Assistant Richard J. Upton Geophysical Assistant 2) Shell Over-the-Ic~ Drilling ~ Logged borings and analyzed data. Alaska Field Experience 1) Northwest Pipeline Blast Testing- Monitored tests with seismographs, reduced and analyzed data. 2) Exxon Gravel Island De.sign and Construction Verification - Performed design analyses and monitored construction including field and laboratory soil te9ting. Alaska Field Experience Beaufort Sea~ AK Fairbanks, AK Prudhoe Bay, AK Beaufort Sea, AK 1) Shell Gravel. Island Construction Beaufort Sea, AK Monitoring-Set up field laboratory, conducted tests as necessary, and monitored construction. 2) Alyeska Pipeline Monitoring -Atigun Pass, AK Installing and monitoring thermisto s and slope indicators. Alaska Field Experience 1) Alyeska Pipeline Drilling-Logged and analyzed results of drilling done to investigate pipe settle- ment, State Office Building Drilling Program-Assisted in coordination of 26 hole. drilling program. Gulkana, AK I 1 .. . . '.I .. r r Anchorag~l AK 1980 1980 0 1982 1981 1981 rr • Q~ :Q : i 10: ~ ~· - ') ATTACHMENT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ,, ,. D 1 '0 ' p ~ ATTACHMENT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contr~ctor has procured and maintains the following insurance coverage. Such insurances are subject to the approval of Acres and shall remain in force until termination of this Agreement. The Contractor shall provide complete copies of all policies if requested by Acres. (1) Workmen's Compensation Insurance in compliaoce.wjth___statutory ubligations imposed by law. Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of $500,000 per accident. '?) l-, Comprehensive Automob.ile Liability Insurance for all ovmed vehicles, non-owned vehicles, and hired vehicles used in the performance of the work with the following limits of liability. $1,000,000 cclbined single limit per occurrence. (3) General Liability Insurance covering premises operation, independent con- tractors, products,~ompleted operations, blanket contractual, broad form property damage, and personal injury with the following minimum limit of 1 i abi 1 i ty: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. This insurance shall be provided throughout the Contract term and shall continue in force, for any and all claims r~sulti~q from occurences during the Contract "· term, for a period equal to the legal limit or ~~atute of limitations for filing a claim against the Contractor, Acres, or APA. Acres and APA (The Alaska Power Authority) shall be listed on the policy or policy endorsement as additional insureds. I I ~ ' I Q, o· Q" ·~ q a rt ~· G t 0 l 0 0 Q 0 Under no circumstances will any of the policies above be cancelled or modified without at least 30 days prior notification to Acres. Before any work is started under this Agreement, current certificates of insurance must be furnished to Acres and must contain the following information: Name of insurance company, type of insurance, policy number, and expiration date; -Limits of insurance and amount deductible; and -Name insured. 0 ,,_,. ____ ,, ,_ -·--------~~'"''"'---~----·--_,~._.:], !' ~ ~ .r II : - ,, l