HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA62I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I~ I I I .I I SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1982-84 GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM SUBTASK 5.07 REPORT Prepared by: ....____ __ ALASKA POWER AUl-HORITY __ ____, ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC P~OJECT DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS PROGRAM TABLE OF·-CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS PROGKAI4 GOALS • • • • • ~ ~ e, • • • 4 • • e • • • 1.1 -Design Level Prvgram Go<,ls ···9·*··························· (a) Program Philosophy t ........... ~ ............ ~·······!'., ........ .. (b) Pata Uses •••••••••••••••a••••························· (c) Previous Explorations ·····························ft··· (d) Constraints ··~••••••••••••••••••··~····.,······~·a••••• 1.2-Investigative Procedures ·················~················· (a) Investigative Methodology .; ........................... . {b) Methods of Exploration •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (c) Data Reduction and Compilation •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 .. 1 -Program Development ............................... o••••••••••• 2.2-Design Level Geotechnical Investigations-Watana •••••••••••• (a) Damsite -Abutments and Underground •••••o•••••o•••••·· (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Damsite-River Area o ................... o .............. . Relict Channels ...................................... ~) ••• Impervious Borrow······················~·············· Granular Borrow ....................................... . Rock Quarry ............................................... . Reservoir ·······~······ .. •••••••••••••••••·•··········· Aux i 1 i ary Fa c i 1 it i es ...................... ,, ............ . 3 DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS-DEVIL CANYON •••••• 3. 1 -Progratn Deve 1 opnent ......................... .., ............... . 3.2 -Design Level Geotechnical Investtgations-Devil Canyon ...... . (a) Oarnsite-Abutments and Underground ................... . (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Ua1nsite -River Area ......................... o ••••••••• Re1ict Channels ••••• ~ ................................... . Impervious Borrow Sources ........... "•••••o•••········· Granular Fill L~d Aggregate Sources ••••••••••••••••••• Rock Quarry Site.s •••••••••• o •••••••••• o •• ,. ............ . R e s er v o i r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • •• Auxiliary Facilities ~································· Pag~ 1.'"1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1 ".; -v 1-5 1-5 1-9 1-11 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-9 2-12 2-15 2-19 2-21 2-22 2-25 3-1 3-l 3-2 3-2 3-5 3-7 3-8 3~9 3-10 3-11 3-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contta) 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 ACCESS ROUTES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. , ••••••••••••• Program Deve 1 oprnent ........................... &' ••••••••••••• Program Scope • • • • a • • e • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • e o • • • • • e ~ • • • • • • • • • s • • (a) Route Aligrnnent {b) Bridge Locations • • • • • • a ~ e • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • a • • • ~ • • o ~ o • • (c) Slope/Cut Stability and Hazard Analysis ••••••••• , •••••• (j) Subgrade Conditions o • • • a e • • • • • • • • • • • • • a o • • o c • • • ~ ·•· • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • e • • a • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ • • • • e • • o 0 • • • (1.~) Borrow Materials········~····························· • • Q • • • c • • • • • • • 8 • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • TRANS"'U SS I ON Program Deve l Ot)nent • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 8 • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • Program Scope •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (a) Route Alignment ·············••••c•• , ................. (;. (b) Major Crossings (c) Hazard Analysis (d) Tower Foundation. • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • ~ • • o • • • • • • • e • • o • • e • a • e • • • o • e • • • • c • o G • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ e ~ • • • e o a • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • e • o • e • • • • • • • a • o • • • • (e) Substations/Switchyards •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-3 5-1 5-l 5-1 5-2 5-2 5 ') -'- 5-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE 1.1 Exploration Methods 1.2 Detailed Exploration Method Breakdown 1.3 Specific Field and Laboratory Tests 1.4 Correlation Matrix of Potential Relationships 1.5 Geotechnical Interpretation Working Media 1.6 Investigati~e Procedure -Scope Presentation Format 2.1 Watana Damsite -Geotechnical Parameters 2.2 Watana D,amsite -Geotechnical Exploration Recorrmendations 2. 3 ~Jatana Re 1 ated Areas -Geotechni ca 1 Parameters 2.4 Watana Related Areas -Geotechnical Exploration Recommendations I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE 1~1 Schematic of Phases of Geotechnical Investigations 1.2 Geotechnical Program Fermat -Watana 1.3 1982-85 Proposed Geotechnical Investigation Program l.A Exploraticns Pr,..~ram Development 1.5 Systematic Prv~edure for Explorations and Data Interpretation 1.6 Data Reduction and Compilation Procedure 2 .. 1 \~at ana ;.. General Arrangement 2.2 hatana Camsite -Geclc£iC Map ~.3 Watana -Ecrrow Site Map 3.1 Devil Canyon -General Arrailyement Oevi 1 Canyon -Geologic f ... lap Devil Canyon -Geologic Section DC-3 r. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATI~NS PROGRAM GOALS ~~--------------------~--------------- 1.1 -Design Level Program Goals (a) Program Philosophy The preparation of a geotechnical investigation program on the design level is set forth as subtask 5.07 under the Plan of Study for the Susitna Hydro- electric Project. The stated scope is to accomplish: 10 Design of the geotechnical exploratory investigations program for 1982·-1984 to obtain basic design data for Watana damsite, dam construction materials and reservoir area, and for the selected acces: road and transmission 1 i ne routes. 11 In order to accomplish this scoping task, an integrated look at total de- sign data requirements was necessary. The work scoped as the 1982-84 act- ivities represents the total design level geotechnical data collection pro- gram up to award of contracts for construction, but does r.ut include such -items as test fills, excavation stability monitoring, and pre-production placement condition testing; which properly falls under construction moni- toring and design parameters verification costs. For this reason, the pro- gram outlined below has been designated the Design Level Geotechnical Investigations Program to distinguish it from the other various phases of investigations (Figure 1.1). The schedule of geotechnical activities has been based on the preliminary engineering design and construction schedule presented in Plate 16 of the Fe~sibi~ity Report Summary, March, 1982. Changes in this schedule may have. a major impact on geotechnical activities. Similarly, the program pre- sented in this report assumes that overland access will be restricted dur- ing 1982-84; :~hereby limiting the type of. equipment to be used, as ~:ell as the field program planning. 1-1 I I 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J The Design Leve.l Geotechnical Investigations Program has been developed to expa~~ the feasibil~ty level information into a complete geologic~ rock mechanics, and physical model of appropriate detail to support deta~led engineering and design on the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. For simplic- ity and appropriate distinctior between various aspects of the project, the program scope has been separated into four distinct and essentially inde- pendent areas of investigation: Watana damsite and reservoir; Devil Canyon damsite and reservoir; -Access routes; and -Transmission corridor. This breakdown is appropriate because it reduces the scope into areas of activity th~t may be conducted independently. It also represents a logical separation in p 1 anni ng and supervision both in terms of geographic .l aca 1 e and of probable phasing of the work to correspond to varying start-of-. construction dates in the overall project schedule. (b) Data L!ses The over a 11 program for design 1 eve 1 investigations wi 11 provide i nforma- tion for a number of design and planning activities, a representative list of which is given below: -General arrangement adjustment; -Feature design and optimization; -Construction quantity and cost optimization; -A·lternative technical factor selection; Facility design and construction method simplification and value engi- neering; -. -Environmental impact assessment and mitigation design; and -Responding to public inquiry and concern. 1-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (c) Previous Exploration~ Previous explorations at the Susitna sites are documented or referenced in the 1980-1981 Geotechni"cal Report. The future investigations will suppie- m€nt and expand upon this previous work. Previous investigations included geologic mapping, subsurface exploration in overburden and rock, seismic surveys, down hole testing, and laboratory testing of rock and soil samples. The information gathered so far has been sufficient in provi.ng the feasibility of the project, but further explorations are necessary for design and construction of the facilities. (d) Constraints ( i) Schedule . The investigations wi 11 be split into two stages. Stage I, con- ducted in Fi seal Year 1983 (July, 1982 -June, 1983), wi 11 enhdnce understanding and data on general geology of the Watana site. Details of this program are summarized in this report and further defined in Fiscal Year 1983 Geotechnical Explor&~ion Programv This will enable arrangements and layouts to be optimized and confirmed .. Investigations for final design of the Watana features (Stage II) wi 11 provide specific design data for structures at specified loca- tions, data for detailed estimates:; and data for the construction schedule; as well as providing all the layout and design geotechni- cal data for those construction items which are not on the critical design schedule; such as camp facilities, emergency spillway~ switchyard, and site contruction roads. 9ue to the scheduling con- straints, the two stages will not be distinct but will tend to over- lap, with t:·te 1982-1983 program providing the basis for layout of the subsequent explorations in the critical areas as shown on Figure 1 .. 2~ The preliminary schedule is based on a preliminary construction activities schedule as presented in the Feasibility Report Summary, and as shown in Figure 1.3. 1-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I ., I I I . ·. . . : •. _. ·,. ·. (ii) Budget An inherent constraint with the geotechnical program is budgetary limitation and the fiscal year basis of funding. Funding for the project is based on a 12 month fiscal ye.ar ranging from July 1 to June 30. The fiscal year ends in the middle of the summer fieln seasons. Therefore, detailed planning and scheduling must be allowed' for to insure that site activities are not restricted due to budgetary limitations during the prime good weather month~. The total budget will have to include all design level geotechn-ical activities through preparation of bid documents, which might, de- pending on project schedule, run into FY85 for some activities at Watana. C~2arly, a large portion of the site access and virtually a 11 the Devi 1 Cc.~,yon and transmission. design wi 11 be conducted. after 1984 because the schedule does not require this data at an early date. (iii) Access and Weather This investigation program is planned on the assumption that access roads to the damsite will not be constructed until after the FERC license is granted, and that over1and mGvement of v~hicles and equipment is limited to the winter period when the thickness of frozen ground and snow cover is acceptable to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and any other responsible regulatory agency. There- fore, the program takes into account the restrictions this imposes on the i nvesti gati on by 1 imi ti ng the type of equipment that can be used onsites-which will reduce efficiency of onsite geotechnical work. These restrictions will increase costs due to continual heli- copter support requirements, increased unproductive time during drill rig moving, winter work loss of productivity, and limitation of the program flexibility in locating explorations. 1-4 I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I -. I I 1.2 -Investigative Procedures (a) Investigative Methodology The methodology for the investigation program has been developed with four primary considerations in mind: -DATA INTEGRITY, ~o assure accuracy and standardization of i nformat 1 :Jn. -MAXIMIZATION OF FEATURE DETECTION probability, both of anticipated and unexpected features with emphasis on collection of fully descriptive data at· ~ach si gnifi t.J.nt feature. -PROGRAM FLEXIBILITY, to increase or decrease committment to a particular teature based an the ongoin~ interpretation effort. -FISCAL CREDIBILITY, both in t.erms of data received for do 11 ars spent 1 n investigations~ and in terms of dollars spent in the investigations as compared to the sensitivity of the project schedule or construction cost to potential variability in the geotechnical condition explored. These considerations are discussed in the fo 11 owing sections and are re- flected in the explorations methodology shown in simplified form on the Explorations Program Development schematic (Figure 1.4). ( i) DATA INTEGRITY -The criteria of ensuring accuracy and standard i- zat ion of information introduces sever a 1 equipment and support re- quirements. The basic primary approach to this criteria is use of a detailed field procedures manual and specific forms to guide the data collection activities. Other standardization will be insti- tuted in th~ following areas: -Utilization of current nationally accepted standards of testing and measurements, both to facilitate understanding of there- su 1 ts and to ensure uni forr11i ty of sampling and testing proced- ures, and thereby, site-wide comparability of results. 1-5 I I I I I I I, I I 3 I I I I I I I I I -Use of adequate samp 1 i ng and testing methods that wi 11 accur- ately define site geotechnical conditions, with particular attention to effect of sample size on data results. -Training of field personnel to ensure conformity of field pro- cedures and data collection. -Standardization of reporting format and forms to serve as a guideline to data collection. Adequate amounts of testing to provide a valid data base for analysis of expected variability of in-situ conditions, and to provide a data base against ~hich individual results can be tested to detect anomalous results, results which have been in- advertantly int1uded in the wrong data set, or that are a result of errors in field sampling procedure. ( i i) The MAXIMUM OF FEATURE DETECTION methods involves use of a variety of data collection and reduction means ranging from visual obser- vation through precise field and 1 aboratory instrumentation. The various means of in\estigation \"lhich may be used are described in Section 1.2(b)9 broken down into four general classes by level of sophistication (Figure 1.5). Basically, the Reconnaissance and Primary means h?.ve been utilized in prior investigations at the sites, and wil) be used throughout the continuing program to eval- uate areas not covered in the pre-design level work and to obtain additional data density in the existing work areas. The Advanced Explorations can provide more representative data, data from loca- tions where Primary exploration is prohibitively expensive or does not provide adequate information, and to detect properties of materials which can only be measured through use of more sophisti- cated means and equipment. The Special Techniques include sophis- ticated and highly specialized means that can provide the desired information wher·e other methods f ai 1. The Speci a 1 Techniques, in many instances, may not be required at a 11 on the project. This 1-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I· I I I I (iii} systematic procedure of data collection, ty combining progres- sively more advanced explorations with concurrent data reduction, will increase the efficiency of the exploration and interpretation activities. The development of PROGRAM FLEXIBILITY requires procedures for program planning and field operations which minimize the chances of failing to observe or sample significant features, without com- mitting resources in excess of those necessary to obtain the re- quired information. The basis for this goal is sequential devel- opment of the interpretation model utilizing the results of the existing data at each phase. Continuing effort will be made to assess the potential of additional data collection efforts, detecting additional features or obtaining the more detailed and precise i nform,at ion needed 1 n design. The combination of phased explorations, utilizing increasingly sophisticated methods in each subsequent phase, a11ows checkpoint review of the exploration effort being expended versus the infor- mation being obtained •. In most instances, preliminary contact with a specific feature or material has been achieved in Recon-· naissance or Primary stage explorations, and based on the results of that work the proper level of investigation can be determined at this time for production of design level data. For optimiz.ation of the overall exploration and geotechnical de- sign program, a large degree of flexibility in field equipment and schedule is desirable, and with the magnitude of program required on this size project~ the adaptability and flexibility of the pri- mary exploration equipment may be increased by three primary pro- cedures: -Selection of versatile equipment; -Augmentation with additional resources and specialized tools and equipment; and -Onsite availability of a diverse selection of equipment. 1-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I By having diverse and versatile equipment onsite and supplementing this with signif~cant backup and support tools and facilities~ the 1 arge-scale program wi 11 inherently have the physical flexibility ' to adapt to unexpected conditions that may be encountered. The field supervision will then operate under the program procedure to adapt to ~arious conditions through the following options: - -Modification of data cullection method; -Selection of alternative ~~quipment; -Repositioning of exploration sites; and -Selection of a different level of sophistication. (iv) The FISCAL CREDIBILITY of the explorations programs is being incorporated through four basic means, all of which are based on the utilization of composite data reduction with a methodology to maintain all field data compilations up to date with the explora- tion program progress, as outlined in Section 1.2(c). The four means of control in the planning are: -Use of the progressive levels of exploration sophistication to utilize only as complex and expensive a method as is called for tn obtain the desired information. Use of a staged exploration scheme which will utilize the simp- ler and, therefore, less experisive methods for initial target definition, thereby saving the detailed methods of investiga- tion for areas that have been definitively located and deter- mined to be critical. Ideally, each stage of exploration will progress concurrent with the design stages to provide the level of information that is consistent with requirements for design criteria. Combination of detailed and general investigations to provide very specific information at critica1 control points, with less s~tlfic confirmatory data to fill out intervals between the 1-8 I I I I, I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I 1 detailed data points and to provide basis for extrapolation while still maintaining confidence in the final model. -Assessment of the sensitivity of project schedule or cost to the geotechnical data on any sp~::::ific feature, with the intent of weighting the exploration expenditures in favor of those fea- tures or considerations which have the greatest potential im- pact. A detailed risk analysis or least-cost sensitivity matrix ·analysis would not be justified, either on the basis of the man- hours it would take to develop and monitor, or considering the complexity and diversity of geotechnical conditions. However, a subjective and estimate"level objective ass~ssment of construc- tion sensitivity to various parameters will be utilized to assess the merits of additional or more sophisticated studies. (b) Methods of Exploration The d1ver~ity of exploration methods that can be used to obtain geotech- nical data is limited only by the cost effectiveness of the systems. Be- cause of the wide range of conditions and factors being investigated on the project sites, this section will present a summary of the various m~thods, their uses!> and the app 1 i cabi 1 i ty of the methods, in genera 1, to the proj- ect. The specific design feature scope statements will be presented in subsequent section as ~ set of summary sheets showing which methods of ex- ploration are anticipated for use on each feature. As discussed in Section 1.2(a), (i), and (ii), the geotechnical program has been planned on the basis of four general levels of sophistication in data collection, and use of standardized testing and samp~ing procedures. The levels of exploration studies at~e: Reconnaissance Level studies which serve to give an overview of work re- quirements and the best techniques to be used for obtaining the desired information. They also serve as the basis for locating most Primary Investigations. l-9 I • • I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I -Primary Investigations, which includes most of the traditional mear1s of drilling and geologic mapping, and includes routine 11 disturbed" sampling .. and testing, and labot'atory testing usually associated with routine geo- technical design. -Advanced Explorations include the sophisticated down hole and laboratory testing techt!liques, "undisturbedu sampling, in-place testing methodsf and the speciali2;ed drilling and sampling techniques for penetration of zones which cannot be routinely sampled~ or in which normal 11 primary 11 sampling methods are not effective. These methods also include the more sophisti- cated, yet ·::ommonly available remote sensing and profiling methods for surface detection of subsurface conditions. -The Special Techniques include those methods or equipment which are either prohibitively expensive or too time consuming for conventional use, but produce the detailed or sophisticated information needed for a detailed understanding of conditions, and are used on features or materials which are critical in development-of design criteria or design solutions, Each of the different generic types of exploration activity can be broken down into this expanded level of sophistication system (Table 1.1). The generic types of activity to be utilized are determined through use of the systematic exploration program development methodology (Figure 1.4) and can include any of the vai-ious detailed techniques and variations shown on Table 1.2. These specific and trade-name techniques can be combined into generic subsets, each of which includes a set of specific applications which introduce similar levels of sophistication or expense. By assessing the potential significance of the geotechnical feature being exp·lored!l one co.n use the risk reduction or potentia 1 savings from avai 1 abi 1 ity of the data to define the, level of sophistication (and~ consequently 5 tne explora- tion cost) which is appropriate to that feature. 1-10 I I' I I ' ' 1-· I . I I ·I I I I I ,, I I I (c) Data Reduction and Compilation Data reduc-tion and campi latior 1 s the single most crit.ical activity in- volving office and field staff coordination because unless the data is r~ ... duced, compiled, and summarized properly, the significance and validity of $) the field data can easily be lost or misrepres~nted. This common problem can be minimized through use of comprehensive data collection forms that e 1 imi nate the need for office 11 i nterpretation" of the data i tse 1 f. Use of such forms and record keeping procedures places the total responsibility of accurate data taking wit~i the field or laboratory personnel, so the office personne 1 can then concentrate on defining data re 1 at i onshi ps and corre 1 a- t ions which will extend the understanding 1f th~ geologic model. There- fore, the data collection procedures will be conducted in accordance with the applicable procedure manual or $tandardized test procedure, and the flow of information and ched~ procedures wi 11 be in accordance with the flow diagram.on Figure 1.6 . The field sampling and laboratory testing procedures will be conducted, to the greatest extent possible, in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) annual books of standards. " Where ASTM standards or guidelines are-not available or adequate, the fol- lowing organizational standards or procedure manuals will be applied: (i) American Association of State Hi~hway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). (ii) U.S .. Army Corps of Engineers, Office of Chief of Engineers (COE) Design Guides, Engineering Manuals, and Standard Specifications. (iii) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Design Standards and Engineering Monograph Guidelines. (iv) U.S,. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Techr1ical Bulletin Guidelines and Procedures (alluvial and placer deposit sampling and reserve calculat~ons). 0 1-11 I I I I - I I I ll I- I I -~ I I I I I I I I (v) U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) testing procedures and reserve calc~la­ tion methods. The particular parameters which may be tested are presented in Table 1.3~ Each feature or project aspect (Sections 2-5) also references summary tables of anticipated testing, broken out by purpose and applications. (d) Interpretation and Reporting The interpretati0n and reporting procedures from the crux of the design parameter definition process. Since the level of geotechnical effort to accurately define the geotechnical subsurface conditions at the site is un-- known, the interpretive technique(s) that can best be applied cannot be clearly specified at this time. Therefore, only a guideline list of pos- sible correlations can .be developed, with the intent of investigating the .. lidity of these potential correlations, as the detailed data is received. A partial matrix of possible relationships that may apply at a particuliir feature or arec.. is presented on Tab1e 1.4. Adherence of the data to any of these relationships will be tested statistically in the final interpreta- ~ion,_with initial apparent relationships being developed from the field and office working media shown on Table 1.5. In many instances, correla- tions may appear by coincidence due to the local condition~ but would net be expected to prev ai 1 site-wide, whi 1 e ot~1er corre 1 ati·ons \<lhi ch might be expected may not appear in the analysis due to local site variability, erosional history, or ather transient influences. In most cases, the cor- re1;tion matrix method will be used to point out relationships of apparent significance which might merit further interpretatiOli or investigation, • rathet" than to form a primary basis of conclusions. Report presentation will emphasize the pertinent relationships derived in the interpretive process, with the majority of the data being prepared in graphical or tabular format. Emphasis wi 11 then be placed on descriptive text utilizing extensive cross-referencing to the location figures, tables, and correlation graphs used to develop the interpretation. 1-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I TABLE 1.1: EXPLORATION ~lfTHODS CtvEC OF 50PHlslttATTO~mN~----------------------------------------~------------------------------ ~----------------------------~-------------------------,,-·------~------~~~------~~~~~~------~----------------------++------------------------------------ SPECIAL ~OTES --~GE;;.:N.:.:~E:.;:;R:.::.I;::.C ...:.A.;.;:C..;..T;::.l V.:..:I.:..:T..;..Y ___ +-____ :..;.;RE:;.;C;.:;;O.;.;;..NNA ISSANCE SURFACE & SAI:PLII\G: GeoloQlC l<lapp1no Remote Sensmg of Sr,rface features Remote Sensmg for Evidence of Subsurface Feaf.ures Feature Location Surveys Borehole/Explorations locat 1on Surveys P.ydrographic/R1ver Cros·; Section Surveys Quarry Material Location Borrow Material Locat1on SUBSURFACE: Stratigraphy, Bedrock Location Rock Qualitv Determjnation -Shallow -At Deplh Damsite & Quar:-rv Sampl1ng -Shallow · -At Deplh Overburden & Sorrow Hater1al Sampling -Shallow _. At Oct~th Borrow ~1ater1al Extent 1 Qu~=Jlity at Depth Aena1 overfliohts or spot fteld \"Jali<-over, <H r photo Interpret a- tat wn. ttncontrolled au· photo mosaic evaluatJon. Standard 9 x 9" air photos - color or black and white, map l1neament stud1es. Field-pick on air photos or USGS 1 inth = 1 mile maps. F1eld-spol on a1r photos or topo- graphic maps. Scale from air photos and maps. Geologic mapping air photo inter- prelat ion. Geologic mapping a1r photo inter- pretation. Outcrop mapptng, probe holes. Surface outcrop sampling. Inferred from surface qeologic mapping • Outcrop sample collection. Inferred from surface mapp:ing. E.xposure sampling. Inferred from surface mapping. Inferred from geolJg1c mapping, mterpretation. * See .instrU'llenlat!on and i: est mq Interpret a~ ion. PRIHARY Air photo 1nterpretat1n~, ard \ape and brunton traverses. Cant rolled air photo study, tJ•ansfer lo base map by air photo int-erpre- t at ion methods. ERTS Satellit.er SLAR, low-level photography, thermal thf"matic mapping. Air photo panel or tape and Brunton, compass resect ion. Stadia/intersection survey; tape and Brunton, air photo panel 1Dcat.ion. Field survey by soundings. Hand dug samplest face exposure channel samples. Hand du9 test pits and channel samples. Seismic, resistivltyr drilling, te.at pits or trenches~ Cere drilling, pr~be holes WJth bottom grab samplest seismic methods Rock corjnq, drill hole loqqing. Surface gPophysicsJ percussion probe holes. Rt-i.a·y core bonng. Auger sampling, test pHUng. Auger or small diameter rotary bormgs. Surface geophyics, probe borJngs. ADVANCED Survev controlled detatl feature mapp1;:.0 and photography. Satell1te lmagery, airborne radar, 1nfrared photography. Prof1ling radar, non-vi3ible band 1magery -airborne or ERTS. Survev instrument~ stadia/ resecEion survey.· Full t ranstl or EDH survey. Se1sm1c sonar profJling. Test blasts, laboratory tests. Bulk sampling-test trenches. Shafts, adits, large-diaflleler borings~ Shan, test. trench or large diameter boring, geophysics. Down hole camera, geophysical logqinq, dmmhole rock mechantcs inslrllilentalion. Test trenches. Pattern core bor.mg. Larqe test trenches. Bucket auger, larqe reverse circulation borings, down hole> geophysics. Larqe diameter borinqs, larqe test pits. Te-lt>pholo nosaic, fu11 surveyer. grid system, laraP-ocale mapr1nq. Advanced satellite, low-level mull 1-spec1al scanning; low-level tow:~d auborne detectors. Surface radar, maqnetor'leter, gravimeter. Grid control survey with large- scale mapp:ang. Theodolite/hiqh precision EDM survey; auto-surveyor. Sonar/rad1omet ric grid or blanvet surv~ys. Svstematic geochemicdl, media separation JTlethod sampling. Systematic geochewlcal, media separation method tlarr:pling. Radar, ~nwn hole g~ophysics. Down holn rock m!:'chanics instru- mE>ntation, advanced borehole geophys1cs. Dowr. hole logginq* and instrunen- tat ion, acilts and shaft-s, :in-situ testing. Trial blast. Trial blast, large diameter bored shafts or calyx holes. Trial excavation race. Trial shaft/caisson. Shafts, exploratory deve lopmenl • Prtmnrv h=:vl'l normRll~ adequate for qeneral !'tt.'pping. Advanced stage usually reserved for hard to detect cnt 1cal features. Special r&rely used in qeotechnica1 work. Advanced st aqe usunll y reserved for hard to detect-critical features. Special rarely used in geotechnical work. level normally progressively increases from reconnaissance through construction. New precision equipment fre-que11t1y cheapest~ Sound mas and sonar prof1l1nq usun 1\ y adequate .. Geotechnical level seldom exceeds the advanced phase. Geotechnical level seldom exceeds the advanced phase. Primary usually limit of methods used. Level usuallv advances throuqh reconnal~$ance to final design programs. •·See logging and mst.rlJllent at )on su:nm<>r~. NorrnaHy limited l o pnmary methods. Level advances through reconnaissance to f~nal des~gn programs. Level depends on exposure availability. Level depends on exporure availah1lity. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TA£3t E 1. 1: EXPLORA TillN l•lETHODS (Cant' d) ~~--------------------r-------------------------~----------------------------------------·----·L~Envtnc~o~r~sno~prrA~r~s~ri"t~.A~r~tonNr---------------------~--~--------------------------~~------------ GENERIC ACT!' T_Y ___ +------R..;.;E..;..CO.;...N_N.;...A...;.l..;..SS,;-..;A..;..N...;.1C"""'E----+--------P-R..;..IM .... A_R_Y ______ t------A-OVANCED SPECIAL INSTRUMENTATION & TESTING: Water Table L.etection Water Table fbnifor1ng Water Quality Testing Ground rlater Flow Heasurement Permafrost Detect~on Thermal Mc-uHoring Thermal Properties Determination Permeability Groutabil ity Geologic Age Determination Slral1.graphy -Horizons -Oenstty -Moisture -Cant mu1 ty -Chemistry Bonng -Inclination -Duection -Condl t. ion Rock Fractures/ Joir.~s Rock P ~opert Jes Surface waiers reconnaissance. Surface reconnaissance photography. Surface sampling. Surface mapping. I Resistivity probes, standpipes, air 1 i fl recovery. floalst standpipe measurements. Ba.il mg, pU."llp samp Ies. Dye tracing, piezometers. Thermometer on surface matenals Visual/thermometer on recovered and water, inferred photography. 1 boring samples, down hole probes. RepetJ.t ive thermometer readmgs. Thermal probes. Based <Jn material type, gradation. Disturbed sample laboratory testing. Based on mater.i.al t·ype, gradation. Standard casing or packer testing. Estimat.e based on material grada~ tion, fracture frequency. Based on published geologic history of area. In fer red from geo 1 ogy, surface samples, standard drive samples. Inferred from geoloqy, surface samptes, standard drive samples. Inferred from geolog:-, surface samples, slandard drive samples. Inferr.ed from geology, surface samples, standard drive samples. "PPjari", s1ngle-shot camera. Single-shot compass camera. Caliper Jog, res1st1vity, gamma loqs. Recovered core, oulcrops. Recovered core,. outcrops. Based on permeability, single-hole test grouting. Based on mapped stral-1graphy. lnsper::tion of recovered samples. Drilltnq, surface qeophys1cs, standard drive penetrat1on. Recovered samples. Multiple drill holes with test1ng of r~covered samples. Recovered boring, ground water samples. "Acld Bottle" or incllnometer. Inc l i nor1et er. Borehole camera. Borehole camera/v1deo. Laboratorv tesring of recovered core, dm1n hole se1sm1::=, ga"":v;a logging. * Se~ 1nstru:nenl abon and tesl1ng interpretation. Piezometers. Piezoneters. Elect r1c mt>t ers. Downhole flm-1 tracer (flowmeter} Multi-point thermistor stnngs, Infared scanning. Thermistors. ln-place ther~stistor evaluation! undisturbed sample laboratory testing. Grouted packer or well screen testing. 01electric, sonic prohes. El~ctric, nuclear recorders. Coni inuous automal1c sampler. Rad10nucl ide t.racing, integrated analog coupled pl~zometers. Automatic continuous readmq system of therMistors. - Automatic continuous read1nq syslem of thermistors. Continuous prof1le recorder data regression analysis. Large-scale aquifer pump testing w.it.h multiple holes and observa- tion systern. Multiple-hole test qrout. proqram. full-scale test with subsequent coring, excavation to check effectiveness, losses. Radio carbon, Potassiun-Argon, StrontiUhl dating. Resistivity! qamma logging. Neutron density (gamma}. Spontaneous se1sm1c, resist iv- J.ty, qamma. Cross-hole seismic, res1stlv1ty, gamma. Electric inclinomet~T·. Electric down hole compass. Acoustic profller. Caliper loq, acoustic prof1ler. Goodman jack, CSI~ or plat v jock, cross-hole se1sm1c. I Remnant magnet isn, salt concentra- tions, rad1o-isotope concentration and ratio companson. Down hole photography. In-situ samplinn. E-~1 mduced currf."nt, cross-hole radar, rad10. Gyroscopic surve}'Or. Gyroscop1c surveyor .. Dmm hole displacement probe, down hole radar. Dovm hole radar, acoustIc profl1 es (SCAT), X-ray dlffractJon. Hydrofradurinq1 overcormn- NOTES II I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1.2 -DETAILED EXPLORATION METHOD BREAKDOWN 1. SURFACE OBSERVATION MArPING REMOTE SENSING 2. DRILLING PLUG/PROBE OVERBURDEN SAMPLING CORE 3. EXCAVATION TEST TRENCH -Air photo base field mapping -Detailed base map field mapping -Plane Table -Tape & Brunton/studies mapping -Theodolite/precision survey !"lapping -Vertical, high and low oblique, horizontal surface controlled and uncontrolled photograph¥ -Tele-photo or photo-transit ground photography -Satellite imagery/mult1-spectral thematic scanner -Aerial narrow-band scanner -Towed magnetic, gravity, rad1oactivit.y, gas detectors -Aerial strip, s~de look1ng, integrated scann1ng radar -Airborne thermal infared 1magery, thermal thematic mapptng -Rotary drag or tricone dr1lling -Rotary-percussion (blast drill) -Percussion (airtrack, jackhammer) -\~ash boring -Jetting/chopping jet drilling -Spira~ or single flight augers -Hollow stern augers -Bucket auger -Reverse circulation rotary -Reverse circulation rotary-percussion -Churn -Rotary coring -Spoon and tube sampling -Rotary drive barrel sa.rn,·,ling Penetratometer/vane shear testing -Rotary carbide or diamond -Hollow stem drive cores -Calyx -Reverse circulation "air lift'• cor1ng -Test trench -hand -Test trench -dozer, backhoe, dragline -Test trench -chain or belt excavator -Test block ~ in-situ hand excavated -Test block = sawed or sliced I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I TABLE 1.2 (Cant'd) TEST PIT/BLAST -Hand dug sample pit -Hachine sample test pit -Explosives sample test pit -Hand dug "channel" or "black" sample -Machine excavated rock face -Test blast CAISSON/SHAFT -Hand-du~ -Backhoe 1 clamshell -Drilled/raise based -Mechan1cal drill/blast/muck -Caisson -Bucket 'auger -Calyx ADIT -Exp !oratory adit -Drilled acces~ 4. SURFACE GE8PHYSICS -Seismic refraction -Se1smic reflection -Resistivity -Sonar/sonic profiling -Magnetometer -Gravimetr.•r -Radar -Radiatiun detection -Gas sensors 5. PERMANENT DOWNHOLE INSTRUMENTATION THERf4AL PIEZOMETRIC DO::FORMAHON -ThermocoupJa/thermistor strings -Thermistor probe standpipes -Recording ther~~meter -Standpipe ·~ Pneumatic -Electric, dielectric -Nuclear probe -Mechanical float -Continuous automatic sampler -Inclinometers -Extensometers, borehole -Borehole deformometers -Adit/opening extensometers -Seismometer -Impression packers I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1.2 (Cont'd) 6. DOWNHOLE TESTING NATER LEVEL -Manual "plunking" -Air lJ.ft -~'W' scope ( res~stiv fty, 10n detection) -Piezometer -Son1c probes -Bailing -Imagery (see follow1ng) -V1sual/mirror PERMEABILITY -Open hole tests -falling head; constant head; rtstng head; pump recharge -Packe~ pressure test1ng -Cross-hole dye/radionucl~de testing -Downhole borehole flow meter -Coupled piezometer readings -Electro~magnetic 1nduced current SEISMIC VELOCITY -Single po~nt "P" wave IMAGERY DENSITY, MOISTURE t-tODULUS HARDNESS -Single point Shear ("S") wave -Multi-point "S" wave -Cross-hole seism1c -Borehole camera-single shot ("bullseye"); reel or circumferential (conventional); video; televiSlon -Acoustic profiling (SCAT) -Thermal profiling -Downhole prof~ling d1electric response radar -Fiber optic "periscope" Digital imag~ry processor -Nuclear (gamma-gamma) -Induced res1svitity -Nuclear (neutron density) -~~ontaneous potent1al -"Chirp" acoustics -Cross-hole tad1o -Probs (physical penetratl:on) -Plate Jacking -Rad1al Jacking ("Goodman" type) -Dllatometer -Dynam1c shear wave -Direct l~boratory stress-stra1n testing -Nuclear logging -Downhole penetrometers -Dr1llability index, petrographic tests I I I I: .., I I • I I .-;;. I I I I I I I I I I c TABLE ·1.2 (Cont'd) IN-SITU STRESS INCLINAriON DEFORMATION -Oriented jack1ng -Overcor~ng (CSM, CSIRO, USBH) -Closed tunnel pressure tests -Hydrofracturing -Screw-plate tests -Inclinometer, electr~c -Impression packer -11 Ac~d-bottle" inclinometer -"Pajari" type deviation meter -Gyroscopic surveyor -"Totco" type inclination smgle-shot 1nclinometer -Extensometers (rod) -Caliper I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b I TABLE 1.3-SPECIFIC FIELD AND LARORATORY TESTS The following list is Intended to be representative of the generic parameters or data collection methods that will be utilized, as approporiate. Within each paratneter, a number of specific test procedures are implied for evaluation of various elements, factors. or variables within the general narameters. 1. WATER GROUND WATER -Piezometric levels -Aquifer transmissivity, anistropy -Aquifer permeability -Aquifer source determinations flow tracing, gradient.s QUALITY -Drinking & camp use -Closed circuit cooling, HVAC use -Effect on permanent 1nstaUat1on (prec1p1tation, corros1on solulion1ng) -Concrete mix ••sa -General environmental discharge acceptablllty, post-pr~ject (Relict Channel. drainage facilities) 2. SOIL AND OVERBURDEN -IN-SITU 3. ROCK IN-SITU -Composition, petrology, strat1graohy -Gradation Weathering.. age Perrr.eability -Dynamic behavior -Density. porosity (disturbed and in-situ) -Swelling/collapsing behavior -Petrology -rhneralog1cal composition of critical material -Rock quality (fractures, void<:;) -Wp~f-hering, age -Permeability -Strength -mass and d1Econt1nult1es -Existing stress conditions (downhole jacking; overcor1ng; pressure testing; plate jack£ng, etc.) -Mass seismic velocity I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I I I 1ABLE 1.3 (Cont'd) 4. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AGGREGATE, FILL MATERIAL CONCRETE PAVEMENT (ncn-conc-rete) -Mo~sture, absorpt1on -Gradation -Oenstty -Impurrties, adverse constituents -Weathering resistance (shrinkage, soundness) -Processing resistance (L.A. abrasion) -Alakali reactivity -Freeze-thaw resistance, frost heave susceptiblllt.y -Adverse coatings, leachates -Petrology -Strength (static, dynamic-compressive, tens1on, shear) -Placement/compaction properties -Permeability & consolidation behavior (laboratory and test flll) -Dynamic behav~or -Piping, erosion behav~or -M~x design, spec1fications -Strength -Modulus, Poissons ratio -Weathering res.tstance (soundness) -Freeze-thaw resistances -Mix design, specifications -Penetrat~on reststance, strength -Thermal performance -Part~cle surface bond1ng character~stics 5. THERMAL CONDITIONS {applies c.:nly to permafrost areas and c.r1t1cal earth fill materlals) -Incident energy, degre~-day environ;nent -Permaf:.::Jst detect ion -Conductivity (lab and by retrof1t of temperatures at depth to kr'lown inc~dent energy) -So1l creep, consolidat ton propert 1es when frozen -Static, dynamic modulus (compressi.ve, shear) -tleat capacity, diffus1v1ty -Frost suscept1bil~ty -Freeze-thaw expans~on/contract~on Compactive effort on frozen so.1l at various degress of saturation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I I I . z c ...... ..... ··z d; c ..... 1->-_J < .,... c -c..; a.. ...._ _.;,...... < ' < ;.. C! w t.: c: 1:.::; .,_, ........ ......... •-"' -< z ~-:-,... 'I:-> ,_. ;:::< ~ d; 0 c. <-' u :: t .. .:: ,_ ' ' PiW$1CAL OR SAI·PLING FACTOR . .., u c w, (INDEPENDENT fACTOR) TOPOGRAPHIC: Elevation 0 0 --Depth frorir Surface 0 + -+ Depth Into Rock 0 + -+ lateral Extent + + + 0 Exposure Direction ----D~stance from Surface \'later ----Topographic Morphology ----Depth above/below Hater Table 0 --- GEOLOGIC: D1stance from Geologic reat.ure + 0 + -Geomorphologic Location + + --Roci{/Soil Type I + + + Permeabil ily --0 -Density ----Pel'mafrost ----Hocl<. Quality/Fractures -+ 0 -Stratigraphy + I + + SAMPLING: (or Test Zone) Sampler Diameter ----Sample Volume ----Sampler Type --- -Samp 1 ing Pre ''tre -0 --Test ~let hod ----Test Procedure ----Sample Handllng -0 -- ~ Likely to be a s1gmf1cant Influence or correllat ion. 0 Poss1ble Influence or correllation. Unlikely source of mfluence~ I Not applicable, or identify case. u..; " ...... IJ') w ...J u -:z !-c a: -< ._ c.. < c . < X ; < ::.. 0 0 + + -- + 0 0 - 0 - + + -- -- + + + + + --- 0 --+ + + + + + - 0 + + 0 + + + + 0 + TABLE 1.4~ tormrtATIOI~ HAHtlX Of POTENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS I·~Alt.IUAL t'JmPEHl? OH CW\UITID\• nE 11 n m~·~ f! ' . -..~iTR~!)~i~~~~~~~~~r-------------------------------~------------------~ FA > ,_ ...... > Ill ..... ,_. :r. > tn ...._ ....... c:; z :::< >-c ~ c ._ ........... Z>-t.:i ;:> ..... E: . z ........ ._J Wd; c::: :I: z ...... ;:-...... ........ c ~ 1-c cr >-to u·....-1-> c; ...... w 1-...... < .... :::: :I: l"' w l>.C 1-cr z fJ: ~ w w ,_ :E: l>. ·~ t.r: w U"' ~ ~ . >-c::: = c::: cr wz -z < ..... 0 w L;. c: .!...J DC c ttl u ::;t: ~ 0.. Cl.. uu :::E: :;.".: ....... ..... w ........ .... ::::: r.r. 1....: c::: ....... ttl ...... ttl r..: :::) w z ....! w z 1-c w c:: c: u >-._J r.."l C) ..... !-c::: ....... 1....: ..... ttl c::. ttl l.f' c::: ...... > ttl t-'7 u w t... > c ..... c:: ....... tn ' ...... u c:: w z ..-c:: ..... Lw tf} c.n 1-u... @ < w ...... c::: I:-c:: tfl ~ < til 7.: < ..,. z ...... .6:: <t: >-1-I ,_ -~ tn :t: 0 c::: 2 C-c !...; ;;; w ..... ttl r-:l t:< c:: !!... . l -----Qc + -- + + + 0 + + 0 -- + -0 + -0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 -- + -0 --0 0 --0 0 0 0 -+ + -- + + 0 ~ -+ + -- + 0 0 + + + I 0 0 + 0 + + -} + + 0 0 + 0 + I + 0 + + + 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 + + + + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 + + 0 + + -+; + 0 -D 0 -0 0 0 -+ -+ + -+ 0 -- + + + + + 0 + + + + -+ I 0 + + 0 0 -I -0 + --+ 0 0 0 0 + + + + + + + 0 + + + 0 0 0 . + + 0 0 + + + + + 0 + + 0 + + 0 0 + + 0 0 + + 0 + + + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 + + + I + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 -D -+ + + + + + I + + + 0 + + 0 0 0 0 + + + + -0 0 + 0 --+ + 0 + 0 + + + + + 0 .... --+ + ------+ . + + 0 + -+ + 0 + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 0 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + 0 0 0 0 + -+ + + + -+ + + -+ + + + + 0 + ... + + + + + + 0 0 + + + + + + + + + 0 -+ + -+ + -+ ~ + + + + I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1.5: GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETATION WORKING MEDIA PHYSICAL MEDIA Borehole "stick" models represenUng explorations in three dimensions. CARTOGRAPHIC GRAPHIC MATHH1ATICAL -Physical prof1le or "fence" diagrams w1.th wood cross sections on a topographic base map creating an intet"locking "fence" network of sections. -"Block" models of geologic conditions or borrow material areas. -Rock and soil sample comparison boards showing "type'~ samples. -Isometric "fence" diagrams and sections. -"Isopach" or 11 1so .. value" maps of particular properties or physical characteristic. -"Layer" maps of data grouped by type or magnitude of feature or characteristic. -Plotted weightings of vertical averages includmg "strip", "triangle", and weighted cumulative "depth" block analyses as applied to mining reserve calculations for determination of weighted or area average values. -Two and three-variable plots on rectangular and triangular graphs~ -Summary plots and range-of-value graphs of physical sizes orientations, propert1es, typically including the followlnq typical properties: • Gradation and grain size coefficients; • Rock quality indices; • Permeability and temperature data; u Moisture and Atterberg limits; and • Rock and soil classifications. -Geologic sections and elevations includ1ng borehole logs and stratigraphic colt.rnns showing several factors on adjace~t colunns. -Statistical analysis, such as: • Means and standard deviation comparisons; • Method of moving averages.; and • Monte Carlo simulation. -Mathematical correlation determination by: • Linear and curvilinear regression; • Multi-variate correlation analysis; and • Distr1but:ion curve-f1tting (\'/eibull or equivalent). I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I TABLE 1.6: INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE-SCOPE PRESENTATION fORMAT OBJECTIVES -Design data requirements. -Requirements for in-situ natural condition data. -Known conditions needing clarification. -Potential conditions needing clarif1catiun. -Data/parameters to be acquired in this scope objective. APPROACH -Exploration methods planned for known and potential conditions. -Design pararaeters (initial) development. -Preliminary design. -Test for cost/design sensitivity to p2rameters. -Modify/optimize parameters/design. DISCUSSION -Interaction w1th design disciplines. -Optimization coordination-schedule and costs. -Simplification/standardization of design. -Other major aign1ficant factors • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I YEAR 1918 1952 1957 1975 1957 -58 1960 1978 -79 1975 1980 -1982 Scheduled (1902 -1984) (1985 -1994) (1993 ---) FIGURE 1.1: SCHEHATIC 'JF' PHASES OF' GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS PHASE SITE IDENTIFICATION SITE RECONNAISSANCE PREF'EASIBILITY STUDIES . FEASIBILITY DETERMINATION FEASIBILITY CONFIRMATION/ REEVALUATION DESIGN LEVEL CONSTRUCTION MONITORiNG/ VALIDATION OPERATIONAL MONITORING PERFORMED BY USGS USBR .USBR, USGS CO£ USBR, USGS (Watana & Devil Canyon) (Watana & Devil Canyon) {Devll Canyon, Transmiss1on Access Routes) {Watana) (Devil Canyon, Transmission Access Routes) USBR (Report) (Devil Canyon) COE {Watana, Transmisslon) Alaska Power Administration (Report) Acres Commonwealth Assoc. AcresiR&M TO BE DETERMINED (Devil Canyon, Watana) (Transmission Intertte) {Transmission, Access Routes) I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 1.2: GEOTECHNICAL PROGRAM FORMAT-WATANA DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS PROGRAM GOALS I i' PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY ... . --" GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK 1-----·------J;.'* 1982 -1983 GEOTECHNIGAL PROGRAM PROGRAN DATA REQUIRENENTS (OBJECTIVES) , CONSTRAINTS, PHILOSOPHY OF SAf.PllNG PROCEDURES PROGRAM SCOPE Of WORK 1 • b GENERAL IL! DETAILED SCHEDULE & r----------:~-SCHEDULE, PRIORITIES l'Jo> BUDGET ...- .. ADDITIONAL CRITERIA INPUT, ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS GEOTECHNICAL DATA REQUIREHENTS SUHMARY (CHECK LISTS) EXPLORATIONS INVES TIGA 1' I VE NETHODOLOGY (TABLES) GEOTECHNICAL PROCEDURES HANUAL I I I I I I I I I I Jj I I I I I I I I 196'2 1963 t 1984 J F M A M ! J i J I A I S ' 0 J N I D J I F j·M A ! M l .J J ! A I S i 0 I N J 0 f J ~ F I M i A 1M I J 1 J t~ s I 0 t N ! 0 l Ill II I ~ l. 1 l I l r : ·'! i ; , t ~ l I I .I J 1985 FIMJAIM!JIJ l A .~ S ! 0 i'~ WATANA BORROW AREAS INVESTIGATION /RESERVOIR GEOLOGIC MAPPING DRILLING & TESTING LABORATORY TESTING GEOPHYSICS t ' . I t I i : I l 'i .. I I·~ I I I j ~ I I ! I I I ; i i,: j i I 1 1 1 !-; 1 1 I . 1 1 ' 1 1.· • 1 'r· .. · .~.. ; j 1 ! . ; 1 •. ~'._i_.~.U-+~;~·f_.:_.~f.am; ._ .. _..'._.:._._.l_.r-.~ _.1.--.1~· ._~ ... ~ ..... : ...... : .. · ... J~i r ~ , ~ :. · . . , i •. 1 , ~ I ! 1,! I ii I~ I i I l ~,: ! I ! I I ' I I I ~ ! ' l i l i l .. il ' I . I ilia& • i j I ,. I ' ' I I ; I t----R-E_L_I_C_T~C-HA_N_N_E_L_IN_V_·-ES_:f_l_G_AT_I_G_N _____ -+-____,....__...:.:. -:-t 1 . --'-.-t--__;_; -+~ -~-_._j---:l-+-_,; __ • ___,:--; --i--------,.-~1 ·;· . ~~:4--, -+.!' -! •• -+,: ____,:_.,..;_' --+-J-I.__; ---+j--'-l ---t-j'"~" ~ I jl I l '' I 'l l ! j ' I I ! . ; ; :I l i! :I l!:: IiI: l: : l J! l ::~~NA::R~~::~NG ,: 1 ;: ~ !RIIIjl'~·-*_'.,~--~ _.,_,_ .. i __ ~ ...... .!..~-: ~l--111!'-~~-~!11~ .... : . .-'lllr·!-1· :·lll--~::.jll,:-~-~~:-~1-.jll_.i -~ i i ,: -,··. : 1 1~ 1 4 ! l I • I " I l ~.· I I 1:' 1 .,. . t t-~--~-----------------1---t--+-t--+•-t---+--+--+-+--+--+----+-+---!--+-' ---f-+--+----+-f--.,_j-.,--·-··--+--+----+~f---!--+-___._j..-.J.--+--+---4-+--''I--+-·~t--+--+--+--ii----t-------+.-___,_--"t···~-----l DAMSITE INVESTIGATION I I l I I GEOLOGIC MAPPING l ~-~~ ~--' lllll!llfJt .... 1.11 11111111~ .. 1111!--!&!llllifl~ I I ! I ri I I 1 I i -i..... ...,; I I I H ! I I l l ! I ! l I GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS DIAMOND DRILLING RIVER DRILLING TEST ADITS LABORATORY TESTING ACCESS ROAD * DRILLING a TESTlNG I I. I 1,1 I i I I i I I t ,. ! I i ; ' I 'i I lilT I I! I l J 1-............ ~n•~•n••u• I II J I I I I i l I I I I I ~ j I t i I l ~ I TRANSMISSION LI!\IES * l. I l.· ~.; .. ·. 1!. I I ~ I I 1 . ; I ! ! j ~ t , J ~-----·-------------·---------1---t--+-t---t--+--t-t--+--i-: -+-+--+--1---+--+--t---i--t-t --t-,__.. T~--~· --J f-· t-· -t---+--t---r--Jr--+---+-1 --.~-+--t--+--t!-=--. ll ! II I IIi II I DRILLING a TESTING DEVIL CANYON ** DJ[\.MSITE INVESTIGATIGN I RESERVOIR GEOLOGIC MAPPING GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS DIAMOND DRILLING ll! I! I ! t l I i I J ! ! ! I i I 1; ll. l !· II 1, I 1 I I I ! ; l ~ ' ,,. li ~ : ~,' 1~1 '·.·. t' l i I ! l I I I i I> ! 1 I:; l!! II l i I : I' ill I; i l i I'! I I i i l l I I I I I l 1 11 ,. i I l l I i l i ' l J 1 ! l I ; ; i l ; . I : I 1 1 1 i 'i i : · ! , 1 1 • ' I : , I : I I l I! l 1 1 ., • I I I 'I: I' l I ., l I I I I I I II i I : ; I I TEST AD ITS 1'.1 II l I ll '· !' ,' l . ! l l ' ,. I i t I ' I ! ' I LABoRAToRY TEsrtNG 1 1 1 1 l 1 . f 1 1 i '. ; ! ....... i __ ·~---f-_,.L-+---+-....... l _____ !·-+--··-· .... 1 ..... ·.---r'.··-··"·····+·), ~--s-o-R~:_:_:_L_:_:_~-a-1 :_:_:_~_:_:_A_T_to-N-.----~~,~~~~-!~:~~~~~~~.~~~+,~I~i~~+l~~~-~~,-rlll-TIT--l-~r 1r ~~: ~~~ LABC)RATORY T .-STING I ! .~!. i ' l. I. ll I 1 F : l 't ! ' ' ! l ,1·.~ ,.-1! i . ! I ; I' . . . . t: .· . I I I I i J J t i t l ! 1 ! J I J l ! I i I ! l : I I * TO BE DETf'r"MiNED At A LATER DATE ~SCHEDULE FOR INVESTIGATION IS 11EPENDENT ON DESIGN a CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1982 -85 PROPOSED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROGRAM i I ~ ~ i !. I ! ... II. ~ ' I I I I ......... l . l I ! ! i,., ~i-1!111. -llllll::...:j l FIGURE U3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffi I I I I I FIGURE 1.4: EXPLORATIONS PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT LEVEL OF EFFORT Individual team members plan program in respective area of prime expertise --------- ---- Team review with d1rect first level management input Team concurrence ----------------- Full managerial and 1n-house consultant review .t\CTIVIfY ITEMIZE DATA REQUIREMENTS ' PRIORITIZE & SCHEDULE ACTIVITIES ~· I DEVELOP RECDt·1HENDED SCOPE I EVALUATE RECot-tMENDED SCOPE ' DEVELOP PRELIMI~AR\' ITEMIZED SCOPE ' ASSESS CONFLICTS, OVERLAPS, PRIORITY CONSEQUENCES l DEVELOP RECOMHENDED PROGRAt~ ' RESCOPE AS NECESSARY ~"""!----------- PRODUCE FINAL SCOPE I ESTIMATE COSTS, DELAY POTENTIAL 1-------------- DETAILED SCHEDULE ' . PRODUCE CONTRACTS, ACQUIRE MATERIALS OBJECTIVE "Wish List» of 1nforrnat1on needed for design activtties. Balance data requirements against design demand and prtortties, design schedule. Scope out realistic program within budget, schedule constratnts. Evaluate best methods of data collection. Match data requirements to explora- tions methods to develop detal.led methodology, assiqn levels of effort for each data collection activity. Evaluate conflicts between various data demands and exp lor.ation/de.stgn schedules. Produce recommended proqram combin1ng all indtvtdual team membe~~" .requirements. Incorporate comments. Product detatled scope of work state- ments, plans. Detailed schedule and program cost development. Program preparation and mobilization activit 1es. I I I I I I I I I I ' .. I I • I I I I I I I FIGURE 1. 5: SYS TEt4A TIC P.ROCEDURE FOR EXPLORATIONS AND DATA INTERPRETATION LEVEL OF SOPHISTICATION OBJECTIVE & DATA INTERPRETATION RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL ACTIVITIES PRIMARY INVESTIGATIONS ,r ADVANCED EXPLORATIONS L_ , SPECIAL TECHNIQUES _ Identification of targets ~ for detailed investigations. ... -.... - Pattern recognition to allo~ construction of trial interpret1ve model and general picture of material properties .. Search for specific detailed data necessary for. design parameters and test the abil1ty to model the in-s1tu cond1tions. Includes samp- llng of homogeneous materials for statistically valid par- ameters, and of pervasive or continuous non-homogeneous features for contifluity .. Detailed evaluation af.ln- situ properties of conditions which are critical to design or analysis but cannot be reliablv determined from rout1ne' investigations. I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 1.6: DATA REDUCTION AND COMPILATION PROCEDURE FIELD PERSONNEL OFFICE PERSONNEL 1 I COLLECT & DOCUi·1ENT LOG IN RAW FIELD FIELD DATA DATA ,, PROOF, EDIT REVIEW, LOG FIELD LOGS -FIELD DATA 'f ' ·- PLOT DATA PRODUCE FINAL PLOT EXPLORATION ON NAPS .. I FIELD DATA -LOCATION DATA -, r ,. PRODUCE FIELD SUHHA.RIZE PERFORM.DATA INTERPRETATION FIELD DATA COMPILATION & CORRELATIONS rr-... - PRODUCE SUPPLEMENTAL _ .. PRODUCE SUNMARY PLOT FINAL LOGS, SAMPLE INDEXES ~ LOGS DATA , , REVIEW, COt-1t4ENT ON I SUMMARY TABLES, ·' FINAL DAU. -FINAL LOGS PRESENTATION , . " l REVIEW, COMMENT ON PRODUCE FINAL INTERPRETATION --INTERPRETATIGN DATA PRODUCT I FILE ORIGINAL ~ FIE:LD LOG ~ ~ FILE At-1ENDED CORRECTED LOGS PRODUCE LOCATION, -FIELD DATA MAPS PRODUCE -LOCATION MAPS PRINT FII\JAL _. TABLES, LOGS PRINT FINAL -SECTIONS, MAPS l I I ·I I I I I •• I I I I I I I a· I I I 2 DESIGN LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS -WATANA 2.1 -Program Development For purposes of program seeping, the watana geotechnical investigations have been broken out by physical areas in which the work would be performed, as fol- lows; and each scope statement will be outlined in the presentation format shown on Table 1.6. -Damsite -Abutments and Underground, including all power facilities, under- ground structures and tunnels, and spill\'Jay facilities. -Damsite -River Area, including all foundation areas within the active flood plain, river grout and cutoff sites, cofferdam sites, and plunge pool area; including adequate upstream and downstream coverage of areas where riverbed material removal may be required for diversion training or outlet channel mod- ifications. -Relict Channels, including both the primary concern area between Deadman and Tsusena Creeks, and the southern Relict Channel between the Susitna River and Fog Creek, designated the Fog Lakes Relict Channel. -Impervious Boirrow Sources concentrating on Borrow Area Site D, with Borrow Site H being discussed as a potential backup source. -Granular Fill and Aggregate Sources including Borrow Sites E, F, I and J. with emphasis on Sites E and I since this combined area is currently expected to produce essentially all the concrete aggregate, filter materia·!, and d~~ shell material for the project. Borrow Sites F and J will be covered by the geo- logic mapping and general limit delineation seismic investigations, but since they are not critical to project feasibility or 1nstruction costing, drilling and 1mpling operations can be delayed until the critical geotechnical invest- igations at the damsite, relict channels, and primary borrow sites have been completed. 2-1 I I ·~ I I I s I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Rock Quarry Sites including Quarry Site L, which has been delineated for potential cofferdam construction, and tJuarry Site A 'fllhich comprises the backup quarry. Because Site L constitutes a potentially lower cost and more readily developed shell material source than Site E, it comprises a backup to ;SitE~ E which is not critical to schedule or overall costs. The site will be in'!estigated to determine its suitability for use, and the magnitude of it.s potential for shifting shell material development off the critical path in the cofferdam construction schedule. Quarry Site A should be investigated later in the program to the feasibility level only to assure that it constitutes a viable backup in case of need. -Reservoir contairnnent and operational factors and constraints including poten- tial for water losses, slope instability or failures, and environmental conse· quences of operation from the geotechanical factors vie\·lpoint: -Auxiliary Facilities inc'luding construction camp and permanent village facil- ities, airfield, off-site maintenance, recreational, and-associated nor.-operationa1 facilties. Each wr·iteup will discuss the more critical or specific conditions and para- meters which may affect design of construction:; assuming the exploration altern- atives presented and discussed in Section 1.2. The ~eneral rundo'lm of yeotech- nical parameters ana objectives Hhich may be considered for each particular feature or structure is presented in tabular format, as for example in Table 2.1 for the damsite areas. The objectives \vill be discussed in the text only for the most critical and controversial cases. The subsequent approach and discus- sion statements will then cover the particular techniques or unique application~ which might be used in the geot~chnical investi]ations, with a tabular format of recommended exploration methoc3 sur1111arizing tt·~ e1tire range of structures, as for example ir. Table 2.2,. for the damsite areas. The tabular forillat is appli- cable to each section, lising the particular problems anticipated and the probable explorations methods as applicable to each major structure or iden- tified features. z-2 I, I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I 1.2 -Design Level Geotechnical Investigations -Watana (a) Oamsite -Abutments and Underground Objectives The obJective of this investigation Hill be to obtain the necessary design level geotechnical data to finalize the general arrangements, to establish construction costs and schedules for the surface and underground civil features (Figure 2.1). This data will consist of the geology and engineering properties cf the materials on the dam abutments and underground. The investigations wjl1 examine geologic conditions and geotechnical problems within the damsite area that were identified in the 1980-.81 Geotechnical Report and need fur·ther study. In addition, provisions within the program should be made to examine any as yet unkno\'m conditions which may become evident during the design level investigation. Table 2.1 is a matrix of the 'types of geotechnical factors which vlill be assessed for the surface and underground civil structur~s {Figure 2.1) vtithin the darnsite area. The matrix is a prioritized system wllich shmcJs the criticality of the geotechnical factors to the design of the civil structures. The rating system ranks the geotechnical factors on a scale of 1 to 4~ with 1 being critical to des1gn and 4 haviny little engineering impact. This system is descr·lbed in de·cai 1 on Table 2.1. The geotechnical factors for vthich data vlill be ac- quired are divided into the folio\'Jing categories: geuloyic, physical environmental, geomorphologic, in-situ material properties and opera- tional properties. The criticality of design level data in these catesories is discussed below. Geologic factors include lithology and discontinuities. KnovJledse of lithologic variations is essential to the design of both surface and subsurface structures, but is not critical to the general arrangenent. 2-3 I, I •• I I I I I I I I 1·. ' I I I I I I The location of discontinuities will have major impact on the orienta- tion and support requirements for underground structures and on the large rock cuts in the main spillway • Physical factors include the surface water, ground water, and thermal characteristics of the damsite. The surface and ground water charac- teristics will impact on drainage requirements, concrete mixtures, linings and construction methods. Thermal conditions which will impact on the site are permafrost and the presence of free ice. These conditions could lead to differential settlement under surface founda- tions such as the freeboard dike. The effect of water and thermal characteristics will primarily influence costs and scheduling. Geomorphology includes topography, weathering and stability in the dams it e. · The topography of the ground and bedrock surface wi 11 affect the location and depth of excavations and so will be a major influence on the arrangement of surface civil features such as the dam and spillways, as well as the diversion tunnel portals and power intake structure. Rock stability in the damsite is primari:y related tQ the d·iscontinuities which are discussed above. The underground structures are affected strongly by unstable rock conditions and will be lucated and oriented to minimize the effect of discontinuities. Potential stability problems following inundation could affect the materials beneath the freeboard dike, as well as cuts at the power intake and diversion tunnel portals. Both rock stability and post-inundation stability data are essentia~ to the general site arrangement In-situ material properties include those physical characteristics of soil and rock which are measured in the field or laboratory. Rock I properties such as compressive, shear and .. ensile strengths are re- quired to determine the behavior of the mass under various stresses which \'li ll occur in foundations and underground openings. The effect of rock strength is generally not as critical a-; the presence of dis- continuities in the rock ma~1 so these properties, although essential to design, are not normally critical to general arrangement. 2-4 I I 'I I I . I I I I I I I I I I. I I c. I I) Soi 1 and overburden properties \'lill only have a major impact in the area of the freeboard dike, because they are normally removed under the major structures. Radical changes in overburden thickness, which is also included in this section~ can affect estimated dam quantities and necessitate changes in general arrangement. Underground struc- tures are not effected by overburden thickness except at the portals, where unanticipated thicknesses wili affect cost and schedule .. Permeability \•fill primarily affect the design considerations of grout curtains and cutoff walls, but usually wi11 not affect yenera1 arrangement.. It \oJi 11 also influence the grouting procedures, mixtures and equipment \'Jh i ch wi 11 be used both on the surface and underground. The erodibility, pipeability and dispersion characteristics of the materials in the damsite are critical to the arrangement of the free- board dike due to the dike location and the depth of overburde~ beneath it. Other areas \"ihere these characteristics are of concern can be remedially treated and so will not normally affect arrange- ment. Seismic response and the effects of inundation are two operational properties \~hich will have major impact on the desi~n of both surface and subsurface structur~s. These properties are critical ~ri1narily to the arrangement of the freeboard dike and major cuts. Approach and Discussion To obtain the types of data discussed ~nder 11 0bj ect i ves", a deta i 1 ed design level investigation has been outlined. The investigation of the abutments and underground areas is considered in two parts: geo- logic features and civil features. Geologic features include the major lithologic and structural features in the damsite~ Civil fea- tures 1nclude all foundations, CdVerns, tunnels and spillways in the damsite. These features ar,e listed in Table 2.2. The. geologic fea- tures are discussed separately from the ci vi 1 structures because they will be investigated not only for their effect on the design of civil 2-5 I I I I :;:;;;' I •• I I I I I I I I 1\ .I •• I I structures, but also for the development of a geologic model of the damsite. This model \'lill be used to predict geologic conditions at depth and in other areas of scarce data. The geotechnical factors discussed above will be determined, where appropriate, for the geologic and civil structures. These factors will be investigated by various methods: surface observations, drill- ing, excavation, surface g_eophysics, downhole instrumentation and downhole testing. Details of the methods are presented on Table 2.2, which is a matrix of recommended geotechnical exploration methods versus geologic and engineering features. The matrix shows the suit- ability of the various exploration methods for a particular geologic or civil feature. (i) Geologic Features Details of the geologic features in the damsite are presented in the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report. In summary, the geologic features in the damsite area include the major shear zones, 11 The Fins 11 and 11 Fingerbus:·er 11 , smaller damsite shears (GF1-GF7), an alteration zone on the left abutment (GF8), and the contact between the diorite pluton and the surrounding country rock (Figure 2.2). These discontinuities were identi- fied during feasibility investigations, but will require more detailed study. Large scale mapping will be required for all features except the pluton boundary, and will delineate surface extent and character. Full survey control will be utilized in critical areas. Drilling wi 11 consist of probe holes, overburden sainpl ing and rock coring. Core dri111~1g will be used to investigate fea- tures to determine lithoiogy and extent of discontinuities. Samples will be taken for in-situ material properties, and overburden will be sampled for those features which 1 ie beneath the dam foundation. Plug and probe holes will be drilled if required. 2-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I No extensive excavaticns are planned in the investigation of geologic features. Test trenches may be dug across the ~amsite shears and in the area of the alteration zone to determine con- ditions of discontinuitie~, lithologic variations, weathering and stability. Samples will be taken as required. All excava- tions will be mapped in detail. The components of a surface geophysical program are shown on the footnotes to Table 2.2, and in further detail on Table 1.3. The seismic refraction method has been used extensively on the abutments of the damsite with good success. The primary area for geophysical surveys will be on the left abutment alteration zone and right abutment excavation areas to define extent, overburden thickness, top of rock surface and bedrock quality. Other :ieismic techniques will be used where appropriate .. Permanent downhole instrumentation will be principally placed in those geo.ogic features beneath the dam foundation" Therm- istors and piezometers will be installed to monitor changes in the physical environment of the abutments, and to provide design data and construction monitoring of frost-thawing and aggradation. Downhole testing will be conducted on all features except the pluton boundary. Testing methods, shown on Table 2.2~ \~ill be used to collect data on the physical environment, in-situ pro- perties and stresses, and extent of discontinuities as appro- priate to each feature. (ii) Civil Features The types of civil features to be investigated in the damsite area are listed in Table 2.2. The geotechnical investigation will examine surface conditions for the main ~am, cofferdams, freeboard dike and spilhvay foundation~ and suhsurface condi- tions for underground features. 2-7 I I I I I I I ·~ ' ~ ' I I I I I I I I Surface observations:. which include geologic mapping and photo interpretation, will be used primarily for the main dam abutments. Large scale detail mapping of geologic and geQoorph01ogic features will be done using survey control. A 11 surface mapping for under- ground features should be completed before the detailed feature design phase begins. Drilling will be done for all civil features, and includes subsur- face drilling in test adi.ts. Plug/probe holes should be drilled for all features except in the pm'lerhouse adit, to determine general overburden thickness and rock quat'ity. Overburden samples will be taken for 1 i thol ogic i dentifi cation, stability ana 1ysi s and material properties tests. Sampling for subsurface features is recomme.nded for the portal areas. Core drilling can recover rock samples to identify surface and subsurfac~ discontinuities and depth of \'feath- ering beneath the foundations. Samples wi 11 be taken v1here appro- priate for laboratory testing. Bath plug/pr .. obe. holes and core holes will be used for testing and instrumentation equipment installa- tion. ·> Excavations to exam1ne surface and subsurface geologic conditions should be done for major surface foundations and underground fea- tures. Test trenching can be done beneath the spillway and free- board dikes to examine overburden and bedrock 1 ithalogy, permafrost conditions, ~tleathering, stability, and erosion and piping potential. It is recommended that test adits be excavated into the major underground features to determine geotechnical conditions for design of the underground structures~ and to develop efficient underground design. Seismic refraction surveys or other geophy 5 i ca 1 :netnods can be used to determine overburden thickness, rock surface and rock quality. Permanent down hole unstrurnentatian should be installed beneath all major dam faundat ions and in the unrj'=rground features. Thermi star 2-8 I I I I I· I • I'· I I- I I I I I I I I strings and piezometers will be installed in drill holes as required to measure thermal and ground water conditions. Inclinometers wil·1 be installed where necessary to evaluate slope stability. Down hole testing covers a wide range of geotechnical test methods. Various tests have already been done at the damsite; however, additional testing is recommended in the design phase drill holes. Testing should be done _at the location of all . civil features to define the water and thermal characteristics, rock and soil material properties, permectbility and operational response properties. (b) Damsite -River Area Objectives The objective of this part of the investigation will be to obtain the necessary design level geotechnical data to finalize the general arrangement and to establish construction costs and schedules for Eivil foundations located within the active river floodplain. This data will consist of the geology and engineering properties of the bedrock and alluvium to determine the suitability of the material for a dam foundation. The thickness and lithology of alluvium in selected areas was examined during feasibility studies, which determined that, due to lack of information at this stage, this material should be assumed unsuitable for feasibility estimates. Design level studies should expand these previous studies to examine the in-situ material properties and operational properties of the alluvium to determine its suitability as a foundation. Significant design, cost and schedul~~g benefits may be realized if the alluvium proves suitcJble for founda- tion use. 2-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The types of data to be acquired for the river area are shown on Table 2.1. The format of this table is rlescribed in the previous section (2.2 (a)). The criticality of river area data is .primarily listed under 11 Cofferdamsu on Table 2.1. The heading "Dam Foundation" includes both the abutnents and the river area foundations. The geo- technical factors for Hhich data collection is recommended are divided into the follo~1ing categuries:. geologic, physical, geomorphologic~ in-situ properties and operational properties. The criticality of design level data in these categories is discussed below. Geologic factors include the lithology and discontinuities within the bedrock and alluvium. These factors are necessary to the design of the darn~ but are not critical to general arrangement· since unsuitable .. material can be treated or renoved. Discontinuities should have no effect on co.fferdam design. The physical environment factors are the surface \·later, yround Hater and thermal characteristics of the river area. These characteristics may be used to deter111i ne if 1 eakage or sett 1 ement \'li 11 or cur under the main dam or cofferdam foundations. Problems related to these factors may be treated during construction and are primarily cost and scilt:ruu 1 e related. Geomorphologic factors include topography, Heathering and stability of the materia 1 s beneath the river. The topography of the r·ock surface may be critical to the arrangement if the surface is radically differ- ent than anticipated, thereby affecting the dam dimensions. \·leathered bedrock materia 1 requiri 19 remova 1 from the foundation \'JOUl d have a significant cost and schedule influence only. Topography and \veatheri ng are not critical to cofferdam arrangement. Data on stabi 1 i ty re 1 ated problems is cri ti ca lly necessary to the foundatio.l design and arrangement. The suitability of material beneath the main and coffer dams is essential since it may not be 2-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I removed, and so could affect overall dam excdvation levels~ and hence overall space requirementse The in-situ material properties of the r·ock and alluvium should be supplemented by laboratory testing., ·These properties ~Jill ~enerally affect design considerations of the main dam and.cofferdams. However, the thickness of the alluvium could require a change in the arrangement of the main dam if this material is to be removed. Alluvial properties such as density, porosity, compressive strength, dynamic strength, erodi~ility and pipeability are generally critical to arrangement since this material may serve as the cofferdam foundation. Operational properties such as seismic response, effects of inunda- tion, wave funnelling and thermal degradation will influence design parameters \tith impact on general arrangement. ~ Approach and Discussion The exploration methods for the river area should be designed to supply adequate data to satisfy the requirements of the geotechnica 1 designs. The exploration methods are shovm on Table 2.2, which is a matrix comparing geologic and civil features versus ex~loration method. In section 2.2 (a), the geologic factors \·Jere presented in terms of establishing a geologic model. Since thi~ has been described previously, 1t will not be repeated here •. The effects of the geologic factors will be presented here strictly in terms of their effects on civil features. Surface observations of the river area civil features should be com- pleted prior to the design phase. Drilling activities should be partially completed prior to design level activities. During the design phase, the drilling program should continue with .alluvium samp- ling and rock coring. These samples may be used for determining geo- logic conditions and in-situ material properties. Drill holes will 2-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be used for downhole instrumentation and downhole testing where appro- priate. Excavation in the river area should be done only where geo- logic conditions warrant it. Surface geophysical exploration should be completed prior to th~·. design phase investigations. . Permanent downhole instrumentation should be installed 1n selected drill holes beneath the main dam and cofferdams. Thermistor strings may be used to determine the thermal conditions within the alluvium and bedrock. Piezometers should be installed as reouired. ' Additional design level down hole testing shoula cc.nsist of a var'iety of geotechnical methods to be performed in alluvfum and bedrock. Recommended tests are shown on Table 2.2, and should be designed to measure the water depths, permeability, seismic velocities, density and moisture contents. Test results can be used for determining in-situ material properties and operational properties, particularly the. seismic response and effects of inundation. (c) Relict Channels .Objectives · The two identified relict channel areas at the ~~atana damsite (Figure 2.3) were discussed in depth in the 1980-81 Geotechni~al Report and the particular poten":ial problem$ associated with these abandoned river channels were discussed in the Feasibility Report. Basically, the primary concerns regarding these areas are: -Potential for excessive reservoir leakage of such magnitude as to affect project economics; -Potential for excessive flow gradients under reservoir head, which might cause piping {internal erosion) of ·material and hence, induce progressive failure of the reservoir confinement; 2-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Overburden instability or seismic liquefaction potential, v1hich could result in breaching of the reservoir rim; and -Crest sett 1 e.11ent due to saturation and per:nafrost tha1t1i ng. The definition of present conditions and the development of a concep- tual engineering model of the relict channels is necessary to provide a determination of necessary remedial action or operational procedure rules. Approach The definition of the relict channel conditions can be accomplished by ·dividing the investigation into a ser·{es of oarameters to be defined, such as: -Stratigraphy; -Material Properties; -Boundary conditions; -Geohydrojogy; -Permafrost conditions; and -In-situ physical properties. The progra•:l of investigations has been divided into tvto sta~1es anc.l may include assessment of tile various parameters as sho~m on Table 2.3 -.~tage !-Fiscal Year 1983 (July 82-June 83) .. ~age I investigations-will utilize limited seismic refraction sur- veys to refine the Ha_tana f:,;;~l ict Channel confi,.;;uration data, anu to assess the overali width and local gradients of the Fog Lakes Relict Channel. Detailed stratigraphic ar:d materials sampling is planned for the summer :'l~d winter phases in the Hatana channel, \'Jith a 1 im- itea local borehole permeability testing program. Following co11ec ... tion of the bc.:sic stratigraphy, hydr·Jlogy and boundary ccnd1tions!'( the fina1 design phase Hould incorporate d det.ai1~\l i~vestigation based on the results of the Stage I studies. I I - I I I I i I I I I I I I " I I I I I -Stage II -Desi~Level Investigatio~ The deta i 1 ed investigation ~Ji 11 be p 1 an ned only after the ana 1ysi s~ of Stage I data~ Under ideal conditions, the Stage I studies could remove all concerns about the relict channel areas. However, in all ., likelihood, at least a limited design level and operation program wi 11 be required. The recommended Stage I I program \'IOUld i ncl uae the following activities, as detailed on Figure 2.4, dependent on Stage I and progressive Stage II results: -Stratigraphic borings, sampling and downhole geophysical logging; -Large diameter material sampling borings, using both "disturbed" and 11 Undistur·bed 11 sampling; -Laboratory testing to evaluate sensitivity., pipeability and con- . solidation properties; -Field density and shear strength tests; -Field permeability, piezometric testing; -Field aquifer· flo~ tracingi .. , Computer a qui fer mode 1 i ng; ~· Field thermal moni taring for permafrost, including recovery of permafrost samples; \:) -Age determination for evaluation of stratigraphlc relationships; • -Pump testing in large diameter wells; and -Construction and operation of a floYI monitoring weir system at the channel outlet area. uiscussion Tile specific potential problem areas are discussed belo~1. .. Leakage requires knowledge of the hydraulic characte·ristics of the channels) including bedrock profilei width, reservoir exposure, gradient, transmissivity and stratigraphy. Hydraulic modellins would probably be required to develop an understandlng of channel 2-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I characteristics under operational conditions, utilizing piezometric and flow characteristics under natural conditions to provic~ initial cal ibrat·ion of the model. Piping evaluation requires· the gradient and flow stratigraphy infor- mation described above, plus detailed information .on the matel:"'ial quantities and cohesion in the potential flow zones. -Instab.il ity could ilivolve either reservoir rim slope stability pro- blems, which requires geologic information and general soil strength parameter data; and seismic instabi 1 ity potentia 1, which is depen- dent on in-situ hydrostatic conditions and in-situ material proper- ties. Analysis would be conducted on hypothetical failure modes using data fr·om 11 Undistut~bed 11 sampling operations .. -Settleme~+ could involve natural ~aterial response to saturation, vJhich can be determined from undisturbed borehole sampling; or thaw- ing of permafrost. In either case, systematic borings and sample testing can be used to assess the potential magnitude of the problem and to design any necessary remedial measures. In general, the investigations for the relict channels require first an assessment of potential parameters which could .be beyond acceptable ranges, then progressively more sophisticated parametric testing and ev~luation for those conditions which merit continued concern.. The entire pr·ogram, in order to avoid excessive expense, must be a contin- ual program of feedback of field and laboratory information into engi- neering evaluation to assess the impact and potential resolution of problem ar·eas encountered. An 1ndication of the range of potentially significant parameters is shown on Table 2.3 . (d) Impervious Bar~ Objectives The current project general arrangement (Feasibility ~eport, 1982) 2-15· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ca 11 s for a cowpacted impervious till core in the t~atana dam. Because of the cri~ical seismic conditions and permafrost environment at the site, a number of generic material properties could be significant in the Jesign or construction of the project. The full range of poten- tially significant factors is indicated on Table 2.3, ranked by esti- mated importance to general design activities. The major geotechnical properties of significance are shown below: -In-situ Borrow Site Properties • Stratigraphy and a v ai 1 ab 1 e reserves • Ground-water • Permafrost • Continuity of material properties • Hoi sturE ·.::ontent -Placement and Pr-ocessing Requirements • Workability {plasticity, cohesion) • Gradation (maximum particle size, piping protection) ~ Compaction properties (Proctor density) • Consolidation, internal strength -Operational Properties • Seismic response {dynamic strength) • Permeability, piping resistance, cracking behavior • Surface frost penetration behavior • Long term consolidation - ApproacB The potential dam impervious core material sources ~dentifit::.' in previous stuaies have been designated as Borrow Sites D and H (Figure 2.3)~ Due to the site proximity and apparently better-drdined 2-16 I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I .. characi;er of Borrow Site D, it has been designated as the primary source. All explorations will be concentrated there unless conditions are found to be less desirable, in vlhich case, the type of program planned for site 0, would be extended to Site H. The planned progra1i1 ;-,corporates the same two-s·~age. investi9ations as the Watana Relict Channel (Section 2.2 (c)), with the FY83 investiga- tions being a consequence of the need for Re 1 i ct Channel i nft')rhla~ ion will serve to simultaneously address, with additional lab testing~ the major in-situ Borr0\'1 SiteD condition questions.· The specific ueo- technica1 conditions to be tested or evaluated are indicated witt; an approximate measure of significance, on Table 2.3., Discussion The detailed sampling and testing procedures outlined on Table 2 .. 4 can be used to varying levels of sophistication (Tt:tole l.i~) as required to obtain the necessary desi yn data and construction procedure/cost esti- mates. The special sampling and detection methods that are required for design level investigations, will be controlled by the probable critical parar.teters, \vhich are listPd below. -In-situ Borr0\'1 Site Properties • i'toi sture content and uniformity • Permafrost ice content and temperature, which affects excavation difficulty • Ground water level and transmissivity, potentially affectir.g bortmt pit operation • Excavation area trafficabilit.y, which is d function of soil strength and moisture • Available reserves and stripping ratio, \'Jhich controls production cost 2-17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" Pl acement and Processing Kequ irements • On-fill transport, ra1s1ng and compaction equipment r2quirements . Compaction density and strength ~ Gradation and internal coefficients . Consolidation and triaxial strength -Operational Properties • Dynamic response behavior of the construction 111aterials after dam, completion, which is a critical factor in the dam design, and wil~ involve dynamic testing and simulations . Core permeability and piping resistance, and the self-healing characteristics in event of seismic 0r settlement fracturing, which is critical to design considerations and will control placement specifications in construction . Post-construction behavior of the core face and crest area und~r the influence of freezing winter temperatures, critical for design considerations, but is not likely to result in signifi- cant design or cost variations . Long-term dam consolidation and creep performance, wh:tch may affect the detailed design of the dam section and is ther-efore significant even though the generai arrangement or overall cost is not likely to be affected by these factors In general, the specific boring information developed in pre-design stages (including the FY -83 program) wi 11 have to be expanded on larger scale samples through test pit op:rations and large-diameter laboratorj' testing, with a, confirmation program in construction entailing a test-fill and construction performanr;e monitoring. 2-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (e) 3ranular Borrow Objectives The objectives of the granular borrow investigations wil I be to iden- ~ tify in sufficient de~ail and accuracy the availability, properties, and cost of fill and aggregate mater~als for the various project uses. The properties and quant1ties available r1u:·t be sufficient for antici- pated construction needs, and of adequa\. · quality for the long-term life applications proposed below. Uam granular fi 11; -Dam and auxiliary filters; -Concrete ag:fregate; -Asphaltic concrete aggregate; -Gravel road surfacing; -Road sub-base; and -Camp structure base pads. Approach The investigations approach needs to assess a number of factors which affect cost or usability of the materials for a specific use. The parameters which migh~ affect a particular borrow site are listed on Table 2.3. Based on the investigations to date, three genera~ source areas have been identified, as shown on Figure 2.3. These areas are Tsusena Creek, the Susitna ~iver valley, and possibly the overburden in 8orrow Site D. The explorations and data compilation programs will incor- porate factors such as (,aul distance, elevation, material suitability and adverse natural conditions. The particular exploration 111ethods which might be expected to be u~ed are shown in Table 2.4. 2-19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Discussion There appears to be adequate quantities of granular borr0\'1 ;uateri a 1 in the Watana area. Hm'lever ~ a number of factors which wi 11 strongly influence suitability for various uses need to be assessed. Due to the v-arying constraints on cost, vol urne required, and engineering pro- perties limits, it ;nay result that different areas may be utilized for different purposes. The primary factors are listed belm~: -Transportatipn distance (haul costs); Deposit configuration (controls size and hence economics of mining equi pnent); \!later table in borro\'J site (determines mining lilethod); -Permafros~ (controls equipment selection, wastage, rehandle); -Gradation; -Percentage of fines, cohe~ive material (process1ng requirements); -Elevation (centrals haul costs); -Stream/river flood potential (affects risks of losin~g production, access to site); -Environmental factors such as vegetation, stream/river div~rsion requirements, visual impact, siltation potential, and -Materi 31 'fleatheri ng characteri sties. In general, explorations to date have determined the material in i3orrow Site E (Figure 2.3) as suitable. Therefore, utilization of Sites F, I~ and J will depend on restraints on the use of E or limited benefits in haul distance t~ tt0 usage pointn Risk analysis and enviroP.mental factors may influence the final site selection, so the geotechnical investigations need to anticipate this fact and evaluate alternatives in sufficient detail to provide flexibility in ('"election and contractor operations. 2-20 I I I I I I I ••• I I I I I I I, I I I I the usage point. Risk analysis and environ,nental factors may influ- ence the final site selection so the geotechnical investigations need to anticipate this fact and evaluate alternatives in sufficient detail to provide flexibility in selection and contractor operationso (f) Rock Quarry Objectives The feasibility level design and estimate are based on all construe-< tion materials being from the grat.u1ar borrm'l source-s (E, F~ 1, J, Figure 2.3) with the only blasted rock use being for economic disposal of waste rock frum excavations. Therefore, the investigations of potential rock sources (Figure 2.3, Quarry Sites A, B, L) will be li1nited to reconnaissance level work to ensure backup availability, ~f needed. Approach Should a need or economic advantage develop for quarry rock produc- tion, the full ranae of geotechnical explorations (Table 2.4) could be applied to the potential quarry site. Under tile full development plan, a series of critical factors could influence production and usage plans: -Type and breakage characteristics; -~·Jeathering characteristics; -Placement and compaction effort requirements; -Placement and compaction durability, and -l\s-bui 1 t strength and dynatili c behavior. The design criteria ~ttould be developed through examination of roc:" quality in place and by borings and laboratory testing~ 2-21 I I I I, I J; I I I I I I I I I I I I I (g) Discussion n The three potential quarry sites which have been identified to date, in addition to waste rock from excavations, could be utilized early in construction as a readily available source of access road fill, or for cofferdam construction. The investigations to date, which have been limited to reconnaissance mapping and one set of weathering durability tests now i.n progress indicate that Quarry Site B would be uneco- nomical when compared to the other sites because of excessive over- burden as the face retreats into the hillside. Site L, along the river, was designated to provide a readily accessible quarry for the critical cofferdam construction activities, if needed. Quarry Site A appear·s to have adequate capacity for providing far more than any anticipated demand for blasted rock. It is also in the most suitable location for site construction. The determination of quarry requirements, optimal source location, and the economics of development will certainly control the anticipated use of these sites and hence, the requirements for explorations and geotechnical evaluation. Reservo·\r Objectives The reservoir area 1s significant to geotechnical design in two areas: slope stability and leakage p~tential. The objective of studies in the reservoir area, exclusive of "Relict Channels", (Section 2.2 (c)), would be as follows: -Determine leakage potential to adjacent drainage; Determine possible one-time reservoir filling losses in saturating previously unsaturated areas; 2--22 I I I .,. I •• ,, I. •• I I I. •• I. I I I I I I -Assess current active or historic slides to eva'luate potential for activation or progressive reactivation, and to assess the potential of adjacent similar areas failing; -Assess the potential for new sliding or bank failu~es under the influence of reservoir wetting or from fluctuating reservoir levels; -Assess the pote.ntial for significant turbidity deposit migration from reservoir banks or riverbed deposits to the damsite which might int~rfere with dam operation; Assess the p~tent:ial for significant bank erosion and L~aching under res~rvoir fluctuation, waves or ice action; and -Assess the po~ential for adverse natural chemical contamination of reservoir waters from contact with overburden or rock along the reservoir. Approach The general approach to addressing these potential areas of concern would be to evaluate the significant potential geotechnical parameters controlling the physics of each condition, as outlined in Table 2.3. The physical factors would be evaluated first by field reconnaissance mapping to validate and expand on the initial reservoir mappintJ (1980-81 Geotechnical Report). For those areas of potential concern, soil sampling by hand and by air-transportable drill would be used to obtain samples of the material. Laboratory testing of such samples would provide the necessary design parameters. If areas of signifi· cant slope or rock instability were encountared, an expanded drilling program with piezometric and thermistor installation and monitoring would be considered to further evaluate the potential for failure, and other detailed investigations might be conducfed as outlined in Table 2. 4. 2-23 I I I I I ··~ I I I I I 1: I I ·I I I I I Discussion Uue to the great expanse of the reservoir area and the very signifi- cant cost of explorations in the remote reservoir areas, a parametric assessment of the benefit of exploration would be conducted. Recon- naissance level surficial geology mapping would suffice for most envi- ronmental, aesthetic and engineering assessments. Expansion to drill- ing and instrumentation should be weighed against several factors listed below, which might show expense to be excessive for the benefit gained. -Cost of remedial "cosmetic" repairs to eroded areas ver~us cost of detailed, assessment of erosion potential. -Cost of lost energy value potential in worst case versus cost of -determining probable los5 due to leakage, reservoir bank retention or bank creep into the reservoir area. Cost of physical slide hazard removal versus cost of measuring and monitoring potential slide area. -Probability of damage to proje::~t features from a particular slide or slope failure, as a function of dist1nce from the critical features. The last two considerations are probably the most significant in terms of cost, because the expense of drilling and instrumentation would be significant for even minimal investigations. Most potential slide or instability features would not be hazardous to operation or physical facilities due to their distance from the damsite and could therefore be deleted from consideration. Likewise, slide areas of significance, if local or widely scattered in nature, could be intentionally removed prior to pool fillirig in a controlled manner, at less cost than anal- yzing and monitoring their condition. However, if recreational shore and boating use of the reservoir is considered, th2 slope stability question assumes a greater significance due to safety aspects. At 2-24 ,, ~ •' ! ·' ~ ' J ~ ,., 'I • tt-,, r~ t~ :J f'(i ' r1 hiJ ,. ,1 i ' ,, t\t' ""-.. : l .,\1.-~ \..;.._J' .+.;t e\ ,•l Q:j ~· 't ,lr'' t1; I J·~ l! ,, ~~ ~~ ~JE .. ~ ''f . . ~., • 4 •I , ~~~«: . I ' o-,:J< Me,¥ \ ,j I • li« \.,~~ •. j I• '-b.i this time, no major hazard to any users or the project has been detected, but investigations to an appropriate level of detail should be conducted prior to commencement of reservoir filling. (h) Auxiliary Facilities Objectives The Auxiliary Facilities grouping has been introduced to include such support, maintenance, living and recreational facilities as may be constructed and include the following types of features: Site access roads; Runways/airfields/helipads; Construction camp; Permanent operating personnel village; -Shop/maintenance structures; -Control buildings; -Switchyard; Water supply; Waste disposal facilities (liquid, solid); -Fuel storage; and Visitor centers, campsites, recreational areas. The investigations would be designed to provide the necessary geotech- rdcal design parameters for siting and design of these structures. Approach The investigations programs for these features would be very similar to that for an equivalent structure in any location. The geotechnical factors which are considered potentially· signif1cant to these struc- tures are listed on Table 2.3. Each type of structure, being of a different use and design life, would be designed using the exploration best suited to economically design the feature. 2-25 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Discussion While the specific exploration methods which might be selected from Table 2~4 might vary, the following general factors apply t0 all structures and would be considered in each case: -Foundation conditions; " -Ground water; -Permafrost; -Water quality; -Inherent stability; -Natural hazards (flood, slide debris flows) avalanche, rock falls, icing, fire); and Project-induced hazards; tflood, waves, bank sliding, rise in water table, permafrost thawing, falls, machinery, roads, water releases) to visitors/guests/residents. 2-26 ·. I I I TABLE 2.1: WATANA DAMSITE -GEOTECHNICAL PAi~AMETERS I I I DAM FREEBOARD MAIN HiERGENCY DIVERSION PQ\iER PONER POWER ACCESS · GEOTECHNICAL FACTOR . FOUNDATION DI}(E SPILLWAY SPILLWAY COFFERDAMS TUNNELS INTAKE TUNNELS CAVERNS TUNNELS Gt0LG~£C: lithology -Material Type 2 2 2 2 -2 2 2 2 2 -Material Oensitv 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -Material Uniformity 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I Discontinuities -Shears 2 -2 2 -1 1 1 i 1 -Joints 2 -1 2 -1 2 2 1 2 -Contacts 2 2 2 I 2 -2 2 2 2 2 -Inclusions --2 --2 2 2 2 - - PHYSICAL: I I ~later -Water Table 3 2 3 '3 2 2 3 3 2 3 -Aquifers, Flow Direct ion 2 2 2 2 2 2 -2 -2 -Surface Drainage 3 3 3 3 -3 -----Chemistry --3 .. -3 -3 3 3 I Thermal -Temperature 2 2 2 3 3 2 l 2 2 2 -Ice filled Voids 3 2 3 3 3 3 } 3 3 3 -Conduct iv1ty, 2 2 --------Thermal Properties I I GEOMORPHOLOGY, WEATHERING: Topography -Ground Surface 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 -3 -Rock Surface 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 Weath~ring -Weathering in Bedrock 3 -3 1 -1 1 3 -3 I Stability -Rock 2 -1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 -Overburden 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 ----Organic r~at 3 ----------Existing or Ancient 2 -1 2 2 1 2 1 -1 Slides I . Reworked Stability -2 --2 ------Inundated Stabtlity 2 1 --1 1 1 ----Riverbed Materials 3 ---1 2 ----I I I I I I . . ~. ~ ; :.~~ . ::·:." ·> . -. : . . . : . . . : . ' . . : . . . . . ' ~ ~ . . . -,• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I DAM FREEBOARD HAIN EMERGENCY DIVERSION POWER POWER POWER ACCESS GEOTECHNICAL FACTOR FOUNDATION DIKE SPILLWAY SPILLWAY COFTERDAH!: TUNNELS INTAKE TUNNELS CAVERNS TUNNELS IN-SITU MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Rock -Density 2 -2 z -2 2 2 2 ... .: -Corrpressive Strength 2 -2 2. 2 2 2 2 2. 2 -fensi le Strength --2 --2 2 2 2 2 -Shear Strength 2 -2 - - 2 2 2 2 2 -Modulus .,. 2 -z --2 2 2: 2 2 -Effect of Wettmg 2 -2 z -2. 2 ? -· -c. Borrow Material, OverL .... ·den -Density -1 --1 ------Voids, Porosity -1 --1 ------Compressive Strength -1 --1 ------Shear Strength -2. --2 -.. ----f.1odulus -2 --2 ------Compressibility -1 --2 .... ~ ----Noisture -2 ---------Thickness 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 J -3 Permeability, Groutability 3 2 3 -Shears, fractures 3 -3 -2 z 2 -Stratified Overburden -2 --2 ---- - Erodability 1 pipeability, dlspersion 2 1 2 2 1 2 --- -charactet".:istics . OPERATIONAL RESPONSES: I Seismic 2 ., 2 J 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -I i -Repeated inundation 2 1 --~ 2 2 •. 2 -- --Repeated wave action 2 2 -2 2 ~· -----Thermal effect on permafrost 2 2 --------I LEGEND: 1 -Critical t..., design. Adverse condition could affect feasibility of current. general arrangement to extent of changinq overall fea~ure location or design. t.Jusually involves overall stability or support problem, or potential failure from applied project or seismic effects. Inherently implies cost significance. 2 =further information needed to provide values or l'efined criteria asStJnptions for use in developmf'r"! of deta).Jnd design. Usually involves Hems of strength, erodability, topography that can be solved through design without major changes in g~neral arrangement. Generally incluo""'S all structural factors. Inherently includes cost significance. 3 = Factors that could be expected to signt f~cant ly affect· only canst ruct:.ion costs, schedule or quantity estimates 1 and therefore> might d1ct-ate design changes or feature relocation for cost rather than funct ]anal or structural considera~ ions. ... . 0 I I TABLE 2.2: h1ATANA OAMSITE -GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION RECOMHE'NDATIONS I SURfACE OBSERVATION DRILLING EXCAVATION PERMANENT DONN HOLE INSTRUMENTATION DOWN HOLE TESTING PLUG/ OVERBUIWEN lt.~l MAPPING. PHOTOGRAPHY PROBE SAt.PLING CORE TRENCH fEATURE -CIVIL (1) (2) ( J) (4) (5) (6) Main. Dam -Rlver P,S P,S s P,S P,S N I -Abutments P,S,O P,S,D D D P,D Q I Cofferdams s s P,S P,S P,S N Diversion Tunnels 5 s D N 0 N Intake Structure s s D 0 D Penstocks s 5 D N 0 N i Powerhouse N N N N P,D N Surge fl\amber N N D N [). N I Tailraces s s D 0 D N Access Tunnels s 5 D D 0 N I Outlet Control s s 0 0 D Q I Hain Spillway s s 0 D D D Plunge Pool P,D s D D Q N I Emergency Spillway s s D S,D D D freeboard Dike s s P,S,O P,S,D Q 0 Site Roads D D D P 11 D q II P,D [; Camp/VIllage D D P,D P,O N D I -I LEGEND: C ::: Completed N = Not likely to be appropriate Q .::. Questionable -will be revised only if geologic conditions warrant. use I NOTES: Dos1gn Level lnvesti;:~at ions Est-!mate -Watana Categories inc 1 ude fo Bowing mc.thods/techno 1 ogy: 1. l.t.!:ll/t'll BLAST (7) N "'J N 0 N N N N N N N Q N Q a Q I N l:Al!::i~ljN/ SHAFT ~DIT (8) (9) a N Q 0 a N N D N N N Q Q D Q D a D N D N N N N N N N N Q N N N N N SURFACE GEOPHYSICS THER~HSTOR PIEZmlETF:H lNCLINOHETER (10) (11) (12) (13) P,S D a N P,S P,D P,D a P,S 0 Q N s D 0 Q s Q D 0 Q D D N 0 I N P,D D N N D D N N D D Q 5 0 D Q. s a D Q s P,Q 0 I Q I ( 5 N N N D a D N c P,S P,S Q Q a 0 N '· D, D D N I D = Scheduled for design level investigations P = Partially completed in previous explorat-ions S = Schedule· for fY83 explorations WAitK !:it!~. tC LEVEL PERMEABILITY VELOCITY (14) (15) (1$) P,O P,O D P,D P,D 0 P,D P,D Q 0 0 0 0 D D 0 D D P,O P,D D D D D D 0 0 D D 0 I 0 D D D 0 D I I N N I' Q I Q Q Q P,S P,D Q 0 Q N D 0 N - I 2. J. All levels of on-the-ground geologic mapping. Controlled and uncontrolled vertical and cbli.que aerial photography, and low 1blique to horuontal surface photoqraphy, wlth associat-ed qeo;oqic:/geomorpholoqic inl~t'preration and'lllap preparation. Rotary, auger, percussion, wash borin·g and jetting type holes in whi,:h only tha cuttings are s<:!mpled. Used to detect stratigraphic variations and rock surface. All types of drilling in which dehberate sampl tng is c0nducled l·"'dudlng hoUow stem, sprial fli'ght or bucket auger, reverse circulation, churn, corir.q 1 spoon, and tube sampling. Diamond, carbide, and calyx core recovery methods. Also includes reverse circulation 11 air lift 11 type coring methods. 4. 5:. I 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I 11. 1Z. l3. Trenches or blocks excavated to provide linear exposure by means of hand shovel, saw, backhoet dozer, drag1 ine, etc. Pits and face exposures produced by bulk excavation with dozer, backhoe, or explosives on a larqer scale than (6) to check bulk homogenity and )n depth of material properties. All forms of deep vertical excavation to allow in-place inspection of materials. Inclues hand-dug, clamshell, and large diameter bucket auger/calyx operations. Rock excavation to gain access for in-place deep underground rock mechanics testing and m-silu. geologic evaluation. Surface geophysics includes all of the following methode listed in approxi111a! e order of probability of use on t.he project: -Seism1c refradion -Seisr.-ic reflection -Resistivity -Sonar/sonic profiling -t-tagnetomet er -Grnv imeter 1hermlslor strings, thermal probe standpipes; both permanent down hole instrunent and lf'ltermittent reading manual systems. Standpipe, pnellllatic, and electric systems. . . . . . CANER A ( 17) 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 D D 0 0 N Q 0 N N I I 14 .. 15. 16. I Any type of bore hole deformat1on or dtsplacement devtce includ1ng "slope 1nd1cator" type instrunent.s and extensometers, deforrnomet·ers. filly means of w:-1 er level detection prinr to h~Jle completion; manual "plunki'"':gn, ah lift, ''M-Cope" or piezometer. Any comtlinat ion of all permeabilib and aquifer tests including packer tests and open hole tr-sts f>uch as falling, constant, or rising head and pump tP'3ts, and cross-;Jole aquifer tracing by dye or radtonuclide. Both s1ngle-point seismic shear or uptt wave, and cross-hole seismic. 17 .. 18. 19. 20o I oot'e hole camera 1 video, al:'ousl.:ic proflhng. tJuclear and vJdeo, acoustic prornmg. All types of plat~ or rad1al jackmg, dllatometer, duecl shear, bulb, and lShear wave tests. Oriented jack.mg, overcoring, c:iosed tunnel pressur.e tests, and hydrofracturing. Dt.NS l TY HOI STURE (1R) S ,D D s,o D D D 0 0 D D D D Q D P,S,D P,D D I IN-~.l ~-u NODULUS ST?E:S~ (19} czr· 0 'll D (? 0 ~. 0 c D a D Q D t D Q' D jJ 0 a a ~ t.- Q c: N ~ ~ N. 0 \lc ,. ~ 1\i. ~ 'U I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL FACTOR - GEOLOGIC: Lithology -Material Type -Matenal Densitv -Material Uniforr'itity Oiscont muit ies -Shears -Joints -Contacts -Inclusions PHYSICAL: Water -Water Table -Aquifers, Flow Direction -Surface Drainage -Olemistry Thermal -Temperature -Ice Filled Voids -Conductivity, Thermal Properties GEOf-lP~PHOLOGY, WEATHERING: Topography -Ground Surface -Rock Surface Weathering -Weathermg in Bedrock Stab.il ity -Rock -OverburdPn -Organic Mat -Ex 1sting or Ancient Slides -Reworked Stability -Inundated St.ab.i 1 H y -Riverbed Materials .. TABLE 2.3: WAl'ANI ~ELATED AREAS -GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS .. RELICT CHANNELS I!w!PERYIOUS GRANt:! AR CONCRETE ROCK 11m T ANA _.!:_ Uli _AKtc!:':l BORROW fiLL BOl1RO\~ AGGREGATE QUARRY RESERVOIR 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 1 1 -· 3 ---1 1 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 ---3 ------2 -2 2 2 3 -2 ... ----2 3 - ' 2 2 3 3 3 J 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 --I 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 3 --3 4 --2 ---- ~ 2 2 3 3 3 --2 2 3 3 3 3 2 -----3 -----f --2 1 1 3 J 3 3 2,4 2,4 4 4 4 4 -4 2 2 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 2,4 2,4 -4 4 4 4 -1,4 1,4 4 4 4 -1,4 -~----4 SITE ACCESS CAI-P MISC. AUX. ROADS RUNWAY FACIL IT!ES FACILITIES 2 ---2 £ ---2 --2 2 2 ----2 --2 -------- 2 2 2 I 3 --4 4 3 3 3 3 --4 4 I 2 -2 2 3 2 2 2 -2 2 2 0 3 3 3 -3 2 . -2 ---- 2 ---2,4 2 -6. 4 2,4 2,4 4 2 ---2 2 2 -2 --2,4 ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · '\BLE 2.3 (Cont 'd) .. ' RELICT CHANNELS It-PERVIOUS GRANULAR CONCRETE ROCK SiTE ACCESS CA~ MISC. AUX. GEOTECHNICAL FACTOR _!t~l\I~A t Uli. U<\Kt.:> BORROW fiLL BORROW AGGREGATE QUARRY RESERVOIR ROADS RUNWAY FACiliTIES fACILITIES ~1ATERIAL PROPERTIES: -. In-S1tu -Lithology 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 -2 2 --Uniformity 2 2 3 3 3 3 --2 2 --Laterial Extent 2 2. 3 3 ) 3 --2 2 --Vertical Extent 2 2 3 3 3 3 --2 2 ---Densitv 1 1 2 --2 --2 2 2 -Moistute 2 2 2 ----2 2 2 2 -CompresSlbility 2 2 -----2 2 2 2 -Vo1ds 2 2 ----.. -2 2 2 -Permeability 2 2 2 ---2 -2 2 r 2 Processabil ity 1 1 1 2 . 2 --------Wastage, Reserves --2 2 2 2 --2 --- CONSTRUCTION PLACE~ENT PROPERTIES: LEGEND: -Compaction - - 1 1 -2 .. l 2 2 --Moisture --1 2 --.. 2 2 2 -Camp ressib i llt y I - - 2 2 -2 -2. 2 I --Weathering Resistance --2 2 1 2 .. ----Unrformity --) 3 3 "S -., 3 3 -Gradation --2 2 2 I 2 I -2 2 2 -frost Susceptibility --2 2 1 2 -2 2 2 -Concrete Reactivity ----1 ----2 1 = Critical to design. Adverse c!lndition could a.ffect feasibility of 'current general arrangement tc extent of changing overall feat.ure location or designo involves overall stability or s_upport problem, or potential fai lur.e from applied project or seismic effects. Inherently implies cost significance. ----- 2 2 - Usually 2 = further information needed to provide values or refine<t criteria assurrptions fm· ust> in ··cf':!velopment of detailed desJ.gn. Usually involves 1tems of strength~ erodability, topography that can be solved through design without major changes in general arrangement. G~neral1y 1ncludes all structural faders .. Inherently includes cost significance., 3 =Factors that could be expected to significantly affect only construction costs, schedule or quantit-y estimat~s, and therefore miqht dictate design changes or feature relocat.ion for cost rather than functional or structural cons1derations. 4 ;: Features or items that demand aUent ion for development of & model of site condJtions for use in environmental, general project development or public affairs issues .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - SURfACE OBSERVATION MAPPING PHOTOGRAPH' t"LUl?t PROBE FEATURE (1) (2) (3) GEOLOGIC: Watana Relict Channel 5 s P,.s fog Lakes Relict 5 5 Q Channel "The finstt P,S,D P,S Q "f:i ngerbust er" P,S,O P,S Q L.A. Alterat1on Zone S,D s Q Dams]te Shears P,S,D P,S D Pluton Boundary P,S P,S Q Reservoir Stability D D N MATERIAL SOURCES: lilflervious P,S P,S P,S Granular P,S P,s P,D Rock P,S,D P,D D LEGEND: C : Cor..1pleted 0 : Scheduled for design level in~restigations N = Not likely to be appropriate - DRilLING UVt.Kt$Ut<Ut.N lt..SI SAWLING CORE TRENCH {4) (5) (6) P,s,o 5 N 0 N N Q D Q(D) Q P,O Q(O) D P.,D D D P,D D Q D Q D N N P,S,D P,S P,D P,S,D N P,D D D N P = Partlal1y cOillp!eted 1n previous explorations Q =Questionable-will be required only if geologic condition~ warrant S : Scheou1ea for FY83 explorations . . use .. NOTE: For footnotes 1 through 20 see Table ?. .. 2 · TABLE 2.4: WATANA RELATED ARE,\5 -GEOTECHNICAl EXPLORATION RECOMMENDATIONS .· EXCAVATION i PERMANENT DOWN HOLE' INSTRUMENTATION DOWN HOLE TESTING It.!> 1/1-' ll L:A.l!::l!::lUN/ SURFACE WAltJ{ . :JI:.l~IHC DE..NS!IY L.l'..l.~.J.IU BLAST SHAFT ADIT GEOPHYSICS THERMISTOR PIEZOHETER INCLINOMETER LEVEL PERMEABILITY VELOCITY CAMERA MOISTURE MODULUS srmrss (7) (8} (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) {17) (18) (19} (7,...1\ ......;-...o.. j . N Q N P,S P,S P,S Q P,S S,D 0 N P,S N ~ N Q N P,S,D a D 0 0 0 Q N D N ~ .. ~~ N Q P,S N Q N 0 D D 0 N 0 "'t:r N N Q P,S N 0 N P,D P,D 0 D N D C' N N N P,D D P.,D N P,D P,O 0 Q N Q y\ *"· N N Q P,S P,D P,O N P,D P,D D P,D N P,n ~) N N Q P,S N N N N Q Q Q N D tt. N N N Q D 0 D D a N N D t<: ~ I ----· D Q N P,1 P,S P,s N P,S N D N P,S N ~' D Q N P,Q 5 P,S N P,S N D N P,s N tt· 0 N. N D D D N D N D Q N· N ~ "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H 3,225,000' ~-... "'" ... ------· / / / 1- 1 . \ 'l-·4_:..- j ~ ~--> ~~ V" ---.-·"·-./" i --~· l ... / ACCESS iii ____ .,.. ..... ----..... ---·---------i_ ! -----, .. ; CREST OF DA 1 EL. 2210 If _,---.,.. i. ~ / .... '-----' : ---·~ TAr ,.11 }·•RACE · ,..,•,INEL WATANA GENERAL ARRANGEMENT --_. ........... __ ~ ·---""~"-- ACCESS TUNNEL bOWNSTREAM :;::;:c-:~.t:::'l··~~:::::::~~~~-PORTALS . -. //· . . ... .) 1 NOTES: l GENERAL SEE fEA ARRANGEMENT DETAlLS. SIBILITY REPORT ~~~ENERALtZE:Z SPEClFi: 0 200 SCALE ·~~~5iiiiiii.;4~00 fEET FIGURE 2J I 1 J . ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - .. •' / • • ... l o'J ~~. ,.'Z:,'·. f •. SCALE ~~ORITE TO QUART A NOR GRANOOIO:.T~ORiiE. INCLtr::-" NOESI1'E POR ---~ MINO~ DACITl~Jin', INCL~E:S ~ DIORITE 0 U.Ti)'l;£. . PORPHYRY CONTACTS~ --145 LITHO -DIP vfOGIC, DASHED STRUCTURE; HERE I(NOWN WiitRE INFERRE::. r-···· L._l SHEAR WIDTH VERTICAL UNLE~~EATER' niAN lQ p==- SHEAR, WIDTH DIP S.."!C'I't" --• INCLINED LESS nt!." KNOWN • VERTICAL EXii:E 10 FEE"'" • u .... loT WHEl?"' FRACTURE -10 FEET. V ZONE, WIDTH • ERTICAL ut•• GREATER TW' I FORAFCTURE ZON"' , .... ESS DIP SIK'n~ . E"'T IN ... , Wt"'-H t. ' WHERf: 'I<NrMNEO, vf.frri:~S Ttt.l.'< JOINTS' N EXTe,- VERTic:Al_NCLINEO OPEN EXCEPT Fl SETS 't AS~ , ~S:CLINEt:' C1 OPEN ,-::...~~C'i.:.Y, ' .... _ ' s} ALTERATION """~ric~ SHOW"!' ZONE, wm; OTHER: .o. WJ-1 JOINT STATION GEOLOGIC FEATURE FEET DETAILS 0 lN 198 F GEO..-OGIC F£A' O-81 GEO...,ECHNIC ;nm!'s PRES~-=-At. Rt;.PORT. • ' _, .. FIGURE 2.l2 -' ' ... : . . ~ ; . . ' : :.. . \ . . ·.. . ~ :. _; . . . , .... · ... ..: . . . . ·~ . , . . .. : '\ . . . . .. 1 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I WATANA BORROW SITE MAP .. *;.jt·· ~----4 ,~~~- 0';??-" r ,_........ ' · . .... ..,.,_ (~~-"'(. i ........ j t~:~ --~-~ ~ ' ,;::<;<\." ~-·--~i"::_.,---, ~-_.w';:,_1~ .... . ' ~... ;;'~--. ~--~ 0 LOCATION MAP SCALE [ ------~----------------------------~~---- LEGEND . c:: =:1 BORROW I QUARRY LIMITS NOTES: I. DETAILS OF BORROW SITES PRESENTED itt 1980-81 GEOTECHNICAL REP<CRT. FIGURE 2.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 -DESIGN LEVEL l:iEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION~ -DEVIL CANYON 3 .. 1 -Program Development "' Tht~ D~v i 1 Canyon deve 1 opment is schedu 1 ed ~ under the current over a 11 project schedule!~ to lag behind Watana by approximately 9 years, Since it is unlikely that further geotechnical investigations wi 11 be conducted at the Devil Canyon site during the 1982-84 period, a detailed Devil Canyon geotechnical program has not been developed in this report. For simplicity and coherence in the geotechnical program development, the Devil Canyon activities have. been broken out into the same eight areas as at Watana, and area listed below. Each of the areas has been defined in relation to the Feasibility ~eport General Arrangement, a simplified version of which is pre- sented in Figure 3.1. -Damsite -Abutments and Underground~ which includes all power generation and flow regulation facilities, underground structures and tunnels, and spillway facil'ities .. This classification also includes main dam thrust blocks and the left abutment saddle darn. -Damsite-River Area, including all foundation and cofferdam areas within the active floodplain, grout curtain and cofferdam cutoff areas, and the spillway plunge pool areas. It also includes adequate upstream and downstream coverage of areas which might be excavated for diversion or tunnel outlet channel training. r -Relict Channel -which at the Devil Canyon site is limited to the depression which is planned as the saddle dam constructior areau This feature also bounds the left abutment thrust block, and intercepts the discharge area of the emergency spillway. 3-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Imperyioats Borrow Sources, which has not been identified in proximity to the site~ While the quantity of core material required for the saddle dam is not excessive, at the feasibility level no local source was locatedi so the esti- . mate assumed a very long haul from the Watana borrow site. -Granular Fill and Aggregate Sources, which to date include Borrow Site G, im- mediately upstream of the dam at river level; and possible use of excavated material from the saddle dam area. -Rock Quarry Sites, which to date include possible use of excavated material from the spillway and thrust block areas and from required underground and dam foundation excavation; and a designated "ijuarry K" approximately a mile south of the damsite. -R~servoir containment and operational stability, including potential for water loss, slope failures3 and environmental consequences of geotechliical behavior under reservoir operational conditions. -Auxiliary Facilities, which include construction and permanent living, sup- port, and maintenance faci~ ties; switchyard structures; and recreational and associated non-op.erational facilities .. Because thP. scope of this report does not entail development of specific program recommendations, an outline format has been adopted to note the major factors or areas of concern, without expansion to the detail presented in the Watana sec- fion. While specific geotechnical parameters and exploration method tables have not been produced, the factors and procedures presented on Tables 2.1 through 2.4 would apply equally to the Devil Canyon site~ although with variances in the criticality and priorities. 3.2 -Des.ign Level Geotechnical Investigations -Uevil Canyon (a) Damsite -Abutments and Underground Objective The objective of the design phase ~eotechnical investigation of the 3-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I abu~nents and underground areas should be to define the surface and subsurface conditions for the location of the main dam and saddle dam foundations, and t.: e location and orientation of tunnels and caverns {Figure 3.1) •. The investigation objectives should be based on known geologica; features identified during previous studies (Figure 3.2) and other potential adverse conditions Hhich may be found. A detailed discussion of the site geology is presented in the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report. In summary, known geolog·(c fea·- tures ··nclude discontinuities such as northedst trending dikes (Hl-;14 and F1-F8), and shear z.ones (GFl-GFll), open joints on the .. left abutment and bedding plane foliation, which may effect the stability of the foundation and subsurface features, and an apparent bedrock lo'll beneath Borrow Site G of unknown origin (Figure 3.3). An east-west trending shear zone (GFl) lies beneath the saddle dam- site, as \'lell as thick overburden conditions \·thich may dllo'r't leakage or settlement beneath this structure. To meet the design requirements of this site, a detailed list of geotechnical factors to be studied must be assembled as was done for the Watana site (see Section 2.2 and Table 2.1). Tne geotechn1cal factors include geologic conditions, physical environment, geomor- phologic conditions, in-situ material properties and operational properties. These factors should be considered \~here appropriate for d~n and spillway foundations underground tunnels and caverns, and the numerous auxi 1 i ary construction features. Appr~ach and Discussion The required geotechnical data discussed above and in Table 2.1 must be obtained through a c6mprehensive exploration program. This pro- gram, as at the vJatana site (Section 2.2a), should be comprised of an investigation of gec 1 ogic features both for a geologic model of the site, as well as for their effects on civil features Table 2.2 show~ the exploration metnods reco~nended fi ~he Watana site. 3 ... 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <:" Similar techniques will be used for the Devil Canyon explorations. These techniques and the geotechnical factors for which they should be used are discussed below. Surface observations will be conducted for all civil features to map in 1 arger scale the 1 ithology _nd discontinuities, topography, weathering, and slope stability at the sites. Drilling activities will consist of plug/probe holes, overburden sampling and rock coring. -Plug or probe holes will be usea for determining overburden thickness, top of bedrock surface and bedrock quality, as well as for installation of down hole instrumentation and for down hole testing. Overburden and rock samples will be taken for determining lithology and in-situ material properties. Overburden samples may be necessary primarily in the relict channel beneath the saddle dam area (Figure 3.2). Rock coring will be done across shears and dikes on both abutments of the main dam, as well as across feature GF-1 beneath to saddle dam. Exploratory excavations will be planned across geologic features to determine lithologic extent of discontinuities, topography, weather- ing, and stability. Test trenches or pits will be most jppropriate for surface structures such as the intake, spillways, 1 eft abutment thrust block, and saddle dam foundation. Shafts and/or adits \vill be used for the underground features where design parameters are critical to cost or support design. Surface geophy~ics includes a variety of techniques listed on Tables 1. 3 and 2. 2 These methods will be used where appropriate to deter- mine the extent of discontinuities, overburden thickness, bearock topography, and weathering. Surveys will be done.in the area of the bedrock low, across snear GFl, along the spillways and dam abut- ments, and for underground features, particularly in the portal areas. 3.-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Permanent down hole instrumentation wil1 be installed to monitDr the physical environment and slope stability. Thermistor strings and piezometers wi 11 be used where appropt~f ate beneath surf ace features and in underground areas to determine thermal conditions and ground water, res~ectively. Inclinometers may be installed if necessary. Down hole test methods are listed on Tables 1.3 and 2.2. These are recommended for determining water level, aquifers, permafrost, weathering in bedrock, stability, in-situ material properties, and operational properties for all features as approprjate. (b) Damsite -River Area Objective The objectives of the design phase geotechnical investigation of the river area will be to define the subsurface conditions beneath the main dam and cofferd~~ foundations. This includes determining the properties and thickness of alluvium, and defining bedrock discon~ tinuities and weathering. The investigation objectives will be based on known geological features identified during previous studies (Figure 1.1) and pote\ltial conditions which may be found. Known geologic features include northeast trending dikes (Ml-M4 and Fl-F8) and shear zones (GFl-GFll) mapped on the abutments (Figure 3.2), and bedding plane foliation which may affect stability and leakage beneath the foundation. Potential conditions to be antici- pated may be the presence of an east-west trending shea-r_, simi 1 ar to GFl, beneath the river, and unfavorable alluvial material beneath the cofferdams which may affect groutability and foundation stabil- ity. To me:.c:t the design requirements~ detailed geotechnical data must be obtained. A list of the recommended geotechnical factors to be studied was assembled for the Watana site (Table 2.1), and is dis- cussed in Section 2.2 and listed in Table 2.1. These factors 3-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I include geologic conditions, physical environment, geomorphologic conditions, in-situ material properties and operational response properties .. Approach and Discussion The required geotechnical data discussed above and in Table 2.1 may be obtained through a comprehensive exploration program. Table 2e2 shows the exploration methods recommended for the river area at the Watana site. Similar techniques will be used for the Devil Canyon explorations~ These ~echniques and the geotechnical factors for .. which they should be used are discussed belcw. Surface observations for river area features were essentially com- pleted during prior explorations. Drilling activities in the river area will be used to determine alluvial thickness, bedrock surface, lithology and discontinuities, and down hole testng and instrument installation. Samples will be taken for in-situ material properties tests. Drilling will be done at both cofferdam !ocatio~s and beneath the river through bedrock between the abutments. Detailed structural explorations in the river area may consist of caissons in alluvium of the cofferdam area, and an adit beneath the river to determine lithology, discontinu,Jties, weathering, stabil- ity, and rock mechanics properties. Surface geophysics may not be practicable in the r1ver area due to high water velocities. Permanent down hole instrumentation and testing will be done to determine the thermal environment, in-situ material properties and operational properties of the ailuvium and bedrock. 3-6 I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (c) Relict Channels Objective The objective of investigations of Relict Channels in the Devil C~nyon Reservoir will be twofold. The first, which is explained in detail under Section 2.2(c) for the Watana site, relates to water tightness and potential reservoir rim instability. The second, which applies only to the Devil Canyon damsite, is the engineering stability of the relict channel which occupies the saddle damsite, which is significant to the actual damsite arrangements and saddle dam design. ApprGach and Discussion To date, no evidence of potential leakage or rim instability prob- lems has been detected. While a more thorough field reconnaissance is required, the fact that a vast majority of the reservoir area is exposed igneous or metamorphic rock reduces the risk, and makes slope stability a less significant p~onlem. The question of block rock-slide failure will require additional in-depth study, but the evaluaton :;f reservoir sta')ility and water-tightness is expected to be straight forward and definitive. The saddle dam relict channel was identified in the initial site re- connaissance investigations, and has therefore been considered throughout the p~eliminary arrangement studies. The issues at ques- tion which need resolution in the design studies are listed below, and relate to the dam arrangement and cross-section shown in Figures- 3.1 and 3.3. -Alluvial depth; -Allivium bearing capacity with depth; -Seismic response and stability of al1uvium if used for saddle dam; -Permeabi1ity of alluvium if used for foundatinn; 3-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Rock permeability under saddle dam area; -Alluvium erodability an~ bedrock surface between the saddle dam- site and the valley which the emergency spillway is designed to empty intos which is significant under any final design arrange- ment with the current emergency spillway location, but is particu- larly critical if the downstream shell of the saddle dam were to be designed to rest on the a 11 uv i urn rather than on bedrock; and (J -Depth of weathering in the rock unde·r the saddle damsite, which will be a function of the geologic history of the channel. In summary, the currently available information on the reservoir stability and saddle dam relict channel indicate that whil~ more detailed studies are needed, the results of the studies are likely to influence only project costs, rather than arrangement; and then only in a beneficial manner since preliminary design was based on conservative assumptions. (d) Impervious Borrow Sources Objective The objective of the impervious borrow studies will be to locate a more economic and suitable source of impervious or semipervious material for the Devil Canyon development. The current planning assumed trucking material from the Watana damsite, because 0f a lack of suitable material in the Devil Canyon vicinity. Approach and Discussion The only anticipated use of imper·vious material at this time is for saddle dam, cofferdam, and emergency spillway fuse plug core mate- rial. The continued search for suitable material will be based on the assessment of several different alternative designs, which could 3-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I . (e) tolerate varying quality of materials in the structures. Alterna- tives of artificially crushed or bentonite-m"xtures material manu- factured into a suitable c~teria1, concrete or metal faced or core structures, and various pervious core alternatives. may be looked at to determine tradeoff economics. Geotechnically, four alternatives ~ \t/Ould be investigated in detail to assess the potential for cost reductions: -Selective fine enhancement of natural local matt:rial by crushing or screening; -Production of suitable material by direct crushing qf available rock; -Selective mining and blending of locally available source materials; and -Importation of materials by rail fro.n a till or lacustrine deposit downstream of the damsite. In all cases, the .effect of the impervious borrow studies must be contra 11 ed by the potential economics of targeted schemes prior to investigation, to ensure that any possible scheme Hould result in a cost savings over the present alternative. Hhile the availability of suitable matsrial might affect the design of the various earth- fill darns proper, it is not likely to result in general drran9ement changes, and hence, is not a design critical function. Granular Fill and Aggregate Sources Ob~ective The granular borr0\'1 investigations have the goal of ldentifyiny ade- quate reserves of material in suitable quality and at reasonabl~ cost for the following uses: -Concrete aggregate and sand, -Grout and shotcrete aggregate and sand; 3-9 I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1: I I -Construction roads and pads -subgrade ·-wearing surface (grave 1) -aggregate {concrete) -Camp/village pads and footin·gs; -Filter material; and -Dam shells, as required by design criteria. Approach and Discussion .' The investigations to date have identified two source areas for granular borrow; the saddle ddm excavation and relict channel area, and Borrow Site G immediately upstream of the damsite (Figure 3.1). The suitability of the material for all uses must continue to be investigated to assure that it satisfies the same criteria as de- tailed in Section 2.2(e) for Watana. A-critical cost factor is the suitability of the saddle dam.area material without excessive pro- cessing cost, and the geotechnical factors listed in Table 2.3 apply equally to the lJevi 1 Canyon clams ite. A critical schedule and cost function is the overall project devel- opment schedule, because the use of Borrow Site G depends on a diversion scheme which does not significantly elevate the river. Therefore, the diversion tunnel size and the availability of Watana damsite regulation is critical to the project. In order to assess the impact of these factors, detailed reserve and suitability block- ing will be required. (f) Rock Quarry Sites Objectiye The investigation for rock quarry materia'1 will be directed at pro- viding adequate construction rock and riprap for use in: 3-10 I I I I ·I' I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I -"Construction roads; -Construction pads; -Dam she ll,s (cofferdam, saddle dam); -Slope erosion protection; and -Concrete· aggregate: Approach and Discussion The level of investigations which may be performed will depend totally on the anticipated demand for blasted rock materials. The factors influencing cost and the exploration methods which might be utilized·are comparable to those listed in Tables 2.3 and 2.4. The preliminary reconnaissance and sampling indicates that reserves and general rock qua 1 ity wi 11 not be a concern, so once· reserves and performance suitability ar~ confirmed, emphasis would be placed on the economics of production and particular suitability for each app 1 i cation. (g) Reservoir 0 Objective The reservoir safety and economics depenu on a number of factors, as listed below, and can be assessed in terms of risk and anticipated damage, which then controls the level of remedial or preventive measures to be taken in design and construction. -Water tightness; -Overburden stability; -Rock stability; -Bedload/sediment behavior; -Environmental restraints; -Seismic response; -Reservoir fluctuation and wave response; and Icing and wave erosion. 3-11 ", ;{. :· ·:. -~ -. ·. •. ·.~ .:· ·~ ... ~::··:.~:: . . . I •• I I I I I I I I 1: I I I I I I, I I The objective of reservoir geotechnical assessment wo: oe to adequately answer questions and addv~ss in design the following issues: -Water retention; -Damsite safety; -Recreational safety; -Environmental damage/impact; -Operational restraints. Approach and Discussion The approach to the reservoir studies would consider the same fac- tors as those listed in Table 2.3, and for the same reasons as s~ated for the Watana ~eservoir (Section 2.2(g]), so no specific discussion will be presented here. (h) Auxiliary Facilities Because both the Watana and Devil Canyon projects incorporate the same aux .. iliary features, there is no need to duplicate the discussion in this section. 3-12 I I I N3,221,000 I I I I I I I I •• I \ -~ . } '"-----._/ I I I I I I g ~ t ~ g w w I,)UARRY SiTE K ~I MILE SOUTH l I I /1 I l ~I .--' 1 ) . y• E~~GEN.C'l' SPILLW.A ~~----------~FU$EPLUG / I' 'EL l465.5 .,, './ .' (/ EL 1434 /1. . ..__ ------------+--/4---.._ ~ \\' I '·· DEVIL CANYON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT .' NOTES·. I. GENERAL ARRA.NGn!E~T iS GENERALIZED. SEE ~e? l;:su=<~~lT·· REPORT FOR SFE:;::'-'~0:: tiETA~~.:. 0~~~2~0~0;;;;;?;4~00 FEET SCALE F ~ FIGURE 3.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·' I I : '-.. ,,. ::::::·-·,>~ . f < { "> '\. • • > BORROW SITE G oc-i\ t. < ' REFERENCE' BASE IMP FROM RaM, 19$1 -t•,.z~::l' li£V1L CANYO!i i()I>OGRAPH't. COORDINATES IN FEE1',.ALASKA STAlE PLANE (ZONE 4) I \ I •' i I . ' r /-,.f DEVIL CANYON GEOL061 C MAP •: . ,_,_ --·-~-- ·- • _,, • ., ·-"<-· "'' ............ _,~~ ..... . --~-..-.. -... -.. __. __ , ., LEGEND LITHOLOGY: LJ OVERBUR&EN, UNDIFFERE~{iEA':'£0 CJ ARGILLITE .AND GRAYWACKE OUTCROP r""71 Ff;!.SIC DIKE, WIDTH SHO'<IN WHERE GREA'ffi'l' L., • ....2.,j THAN 10 FEET r~-;, MAFIC DIKE, WIDTH SHOWN! WHERE GREA-re::;· L"ll!__j THAN lO FEET ·CONTACTS: ----LIMIT OF OUTCROP STRUCTURE: ~·-, SHtAR, WIDTH SHOWN. WHtilt GF\EATER T"rf'-!1, L._,_j 10 FEET, VERTICAL UNLES.$ t)IP SHOw!'. OTHER: 'DC-I t..t .;\OCJ·t (§) Ml Fl SHEAR, WIDTH LESS THA'\ W FEET, IN;:~ Ut~; VERTICAL, EXTENT WH£R:2 ~NOV.N FRACTURE 'ZONE, WIDTH S!i~WN WHE=:t GREATC:R THAN 10 FEET • VERTICAL U~E;:: DIP SHOWN JOINTS, INCl.INED, OPEN l!'iCU:.0£0, VERne;:.:.. t SETS l AND II ONLY l e:::oDJNG/FOLIATlON,II'!CU:.••'RI. VERTICAL. GEOLOGIC SECTION LOCATION JOINT STATION GE(~ bGIC FEt.t URE MAFIC DIKE FELSIC DIKE NOTES t. CONTOUR INTERVAL .50 FEU 2. EXTENT OF SHEARS, FRACTUR.~ ~ONES AND ALTERATION ZONES ARE INF£~~;:1) BASED CN GEOLOGIC MAPPllfG AND SU~FA~:!:: l:XPLORAT!C~S:. AND ARE SUBJECT TO VEIM'c~~'HON THROu;;'+ FUTURE DETAILED INVESTIGA":' .;:-!\$ 3. DETAILS OF GEOLOGIC FEACUR~~ l>"lESEfjTEC IN 1980·81 GEOTECHNICAL RE~*l 0~~~20~?~;,;-;;;~ 4~~0 FEET SCALE £_. '""' FIGURE 3~2 ;, ! LEGEND LITHOLOGY: c:m. OVERS\JROEN, UNOIFFERENTIATE:D c=J ARGILLITE AND GRAYWACKE ~ INFERRED ORIENTATION OF BEDOING/ ~ fOLIATION, APPARENT DIP WHERE NOTED R;:'~:;,m FE\..SIC DIKE, WIDTH SHOWN WHERE ~!:.::::..1 GREATER THAN 10 FEET {"""•""""11 MAFIC DIKE.~ WIDTH SHOWN WHERE 1--_._J GREAT!;R TMAN 10 FEET CONIACTS: -----APPROXiMATE TOP OF ROCK ---LITHOLOGIC, DASHED WHERE INFERRED ST.RUCTURE! r-·---, SHEAR, W:OTH SHOWN WtiERE GREATER L.__i THAN 10 FEET ,....-... ~ FRACTURE ZD_NE_. W1DTH SHOWN WHERE L.;...:J GREATER THAN 10 FEET GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS:. i" sW-!5 lllTE.RSECTIQN WITH SEISMIC REF.RACTION LINE sw -IS 1978, SHANNON a WILSON SL80-13 1980, WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS SL81-2Z 198l,WOOOWARD-CLYD£ CO~'SULTANTS SE.ISMIC VElOCITY CHANGE ~~~ SEISMJC VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND BOREHOLES: SWl LITHOLOGY~· •. l ! • FRACTURE t 1 ZONE ~ . S• SHEAR DH-1 USSR DIAMOND CORE BORING 8 H • I AAI DIAMOtiO CORE BORING AH • Gl AAI AUGER HOLE OTHER: DC-I~ @) Ml Fl NOTES INTERSECTION WITH GEOLOGIC SECTION DC-I GEOLOGIC FEATURE MAFIC O!KE FELSIC DIKE SECTICN lOCATION SHQ•,tS \.IN FIGURE 3.2 2. VERTICAl. 6 HORIZC!'!TAL SCALES EQUAL. 3.. SURFACE PROFILE .FROM 1"','2001 TOPOGRAPHY, RBM,l981. 4. EXPLORATION LOGS AND SEISMIC LINE Sa:TIONS SHOWN IN I9B0-81 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 5. EXTENT OF SHEI!JRS, FRACTURE ZONES. AND ALTERATION ZONES ARE INFERRED BASED ON GEOLOGIC MAPPING AND SUBSURFACE EXPL.ORAT!ONS,ANDARESUBJECT TO VERlflCATION THROUGH FUTURE DETAILED ltWESTIGATIONS. ------'-'-·-.:........:.:. .. ..:....:....:.--,...;;... ....... -..,.;..---~---"""------------..... 1500 :z 0 ~ > t1J ..l I>J 500L POWERHOUSE, TRANSFORMER GALI.E:RY 8. SURGE CHAMBER PROJECTED 390' E Access TUNNEL--c::J .... ..... ,. -..: __ _ MAIN SPILLWAY APPROACH CHANNEL /; :/ ~~· I 11 I 'l-'J!~·---~ /; I ;/ I ·; . . ~/, ~ /j: . FELSIC UlKE BOTTOM PROJECTED I 190'W 1!4 oc......-AZIMUTH -..p..lSO" · · · OF SECTION LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST OF MAIN DAM EL.I46:31 OEVl L CANYON GEOLOGIC SECTION DC-3 TtiRUST .. i..._T-OPEN JOINT BLOCK ;I,._ f ~~MAFIC DIKE BOTTOM PRt'JE;;Ttll 250'W BOTTOM PROJECTED 280'W 0 100 SCALi:: . _ £ ~~-~T :; BOTTOM PROJECTED 15'E -$· FIGURE 3.3 1 j l l 1 I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 -ACCESS ROUTES 4.1 -Program Development For progr~n seeping, the following breakdown of geotechnical investigation cate- gories has been used: -Route alignment; • -Bridge locations; -Slope/cut stability and hazard analysis; -Subgrade conditions; and Borrow materials. Because the current construction schedule calls for delaying access road con- struction until after r:'eceipt of the FERC license, the exploration activities may not fall in the time frame covered by this report. Therefore, only a brief checklist format presentation has been made which lists the major geotechnical considerations which would need consideration in the design phase. 4.2 -P~ogram Scoee Objective The random of geotechnical factors given in the "Approach .. section .belo~1 is intended as a general guideline of the major factors ~t.Jhich ar'e readily apparent as potential influences on access road design or costs, and is not ·intended to be an outline of all factors to be considered in the detailed design activities. The general geotechnical factors needing consideration are generally the same as for 11 Site Access", and are listed in detail in Table 2.3,. and the exploration methods \'lhich could be utilized to conduct data collection are presented in Table 2o4. J . 4-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ••• I '1: I I Approach (a) Route Ali 9.D.!~ent J General suitability of geologic conditions·over varying adjustments in alignment within the selected corridor; -Potential mass geologic effect on route; Potential gross reservoir operating effect on route segments near reservoir rim; and -General seismic loading enviromnent. (b) Bridge Locations -~J\i nimum safe c 1 earance for future river of slide m~anders, grov1th !I bank collapse or erosion; -Potential for mass wasting or deposition at bridge site or nearby, causing flow div~rsion or blockage; -Foundation adequacy under design loads; • Hydraulic; • Geostat ic; • Seismic; • Construction loads (oath during bridge construction and loads being carried by bridge during construction of the project); -Evaluation of alternate bridge types for bridge site, -Specific site selectioni and -Site remedia"l measure requirements. 4-2 I •• ~ I I I. I I I: I I I I I li I I •• I I (c) SlQQ~Cut Stability and Hazard Analysis -Rock/land slides, talus slides; -Creep of rocks or soil~ including solifluction and rock glacier movement; -Avalanche; -Flood, -Seismic -(direct motion of structure, foundation/footiny collapse, induced slide/avalanche hazard); and ~ Reservoir bank erosion/wave hazard. (d) Subgrade Conditions (e) -Bearing capacity; -Long-term consolidation/creep;. -Overburden slope stability; -Ground water seepage/blockage; -Per·mafrost, especially f·ree ice; -Organics in soil, peat~ moss, etc. Frost susceptibility; and .. Seismic stability, especially liquefaction •. Borrow fviaterial s - -Weathering resistance; Hat:1 c ··tance; Cor,·, . ·c. suitabi1ity; and -~~ear··. · ·, t.Jrface durabi 1 ity; 4-3 • •o •, : I '' ,.4 • ',: , ~ ~ Y: • ~ • ' • • ' . " t' • • , ~ -~ l' • • • '* .. ~ ; .. :~ • : lO • •• • • • • ' • • ··~ • • .. • • ' • .. ill • "' ~ . . ' ... " t I ·I~ I I I I I ,, I I I I - I I 'I I~ 'I: I I 5 -TRANSMISSION 5.1 -Program Development For the purposes of program seeping, the transmission facillties geotechnical investigations have been broken into the following major areas of concern: -Route Alignment; -ivlajor Crossings; -Hazard Analyses; -Tower Foundation; and -Substat ions/S\·Iitchyards .. Each \vriteup has been developed to address the major geotechnical areas of concern or design activity and does not present all exhaust the parameters \~hich would be considered in final design. While the general parameters \'lhich might be considered are the same as on Table 2.3., the development of specific scope and recommendations is not \'lithin the scope of this report because the current -construction schedule places commencement of transmission line beyond 1984. 5.2 -Program Scope Objective ~Jhi 1 e the deve 1 opnent of a specific program of proposed exp 1 oration is beyond the time frame encompassed in this report, a general rundown of the major parameter~ has been developed below, in checklist format. Each major factor, along with its various r~nJfications and associated criteria, would be evaluated to an ade~uate extent for design, with provision for construction phase confirmation \~here the factor i~ not: critical to design and can more economically be handled in construction. The general conditions and geotechnical philosophy, as described in Section 4.2 preceeding, apply to transmission studies as welle 5-1 I I I I I I ,, ' ~ ~~· ' I I I ' I "' I I I I I 1/ I I Approach Major factors to consider in design studies: (a) Route Alignment -Geotechnical influence on span lengths; -Seismic response on alternative adjustments; and Access road right-of-\·Jay stability. (b) ri\ajor Crossings -Ninimum safe clearance from natural features being crossed; Long-span guying and add~tional support requirements; -Long-span versus suspended conduit type structure foundation di ffi cul ties; -Geotechnical stability of feature being crossed ~probability of river meandering, slide area extending to adjace ': areas, et~., ); and -Foundation adequacy to handle line pulling loads to cross obstacle. (c) Hazard Analysis -Rocki1ands1ides; -Creep; -Avalanche; -Flood and5 -Seismic-direct motion, foundations collapse, slides/avalanche hazard. {d) Tower Foundation -Soi 1 depth, stratigraphy, -Soil strength/b~aring capacity, depth to bearin~ layer, 5-2 I I ll I I I I I, I I. I I I I I I I I I -Deformation characteristics; -Anchor pu 11 out· resistance; -Sci 1/rock \veatheri ng potentia 1; -Stability under loading; -Chemically corrosive conditions; -Electrical grounding resistivity; -Permafrost; -Water table; -Frost heave potential; -Concrete borrow material locations; and • Alternative foundation designs, with test loadingse (e) Substations/Switchyards -Soi1 depth, stratigraphy; -Bearing capacity, depth to bearing 1 ayer, -Deformation/consolidation properties; -Stability under load; -Seismic response; -Corrosive condition; -Electrical grounding resistivity; -Permafrost; -\~ater table; -Frost heave potential; -Concrete/road borro1;1 materia 1 l a cations; -Footing/pad alternative designs and; -Access facilities foundations stability. 5-3