HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA63l j ·-· l ~ I 1 1 ~ 1 . I . l 1 J I I 1 . I - I ) I 4 1.7 lJ L t! :t::;."j,oll *;;: ~'~~ .. " [}{]f!\[ffi(g£ 0 §®&®C0@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number &i3 __ Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL SUSIT~~A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT j I i I I . I Prepared by: II~~~(~ ' I FY 83 PROPOSED GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM FINAL JULY., 1982 I I I ) 1 I 11 ~ : ' i w .. w Prepared by: SUSITNA HYDROELECTRiC PROJECT FY 83 PROPOSED GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROGRAM FINAL JULY., 1982 ..__ __ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ 11 I~ .I 3 1 [ I; ! 3 ll 4 r: 5 6 7 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DAMSITE INVESTIGATIOn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.1 General • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • a • • o • • • • • • • a 2.2 Civil Structures 2.3 Geologic Structur·es • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 2.4 Miscellaneous Investigations D D e G D D D D D ~ • D ~ D e D D D D 0 0 e D D a e e e BORROW SITE D 3.1 General • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.2 3.3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Objectives Approach • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REL{CT CHANNEL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' 4.1 4.2 4.3 • • • • • • • • a • a • • • • a • • • a • • e • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • g • General Gbjectives Approach • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a -• • e • a a • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • a • o a a o • e • a BORROW SITES E AND I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . • • • • • 8 a • • • a • a • • • 5.1 5.2 5.3 e • • a • • a • • • • • • • • & a a • • • o • a • • o a • • • • • • • e • • • • • • a • u • • • • General Objectives Approach • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • o • a • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • e • c • o • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • o • a • • a • • • • • a LABORATORY TESTING • • • a • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • a e • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 General Damsite • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o Site D ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • Relict Channels/Borrow Borrow Sites E and I • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESULTS OF PHASE I INVESTIGATION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PROJECT SCHEDULE • • a o e • • • • o • • • • • • • a • • • a o • • • a • e a • a • • a • • • a a • • e a • a Page 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-7 2-13 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-1 6-1 6 ... 2 6-3 7-1 8-1 r .[ [ .~ I' .~ ' •• I. 1: IJ ' ·~ l g· ·' uj :1 i [ 'i i w· ; ,, I, ci ~ ~ ~ LIST OF TABLES NUMBER 2.1 2.,2 2.3 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5 .. 1 7.1 T~TLE Watana Damsite Geophysical Surveys Phase I Watana Damsite Geophysical Surveys Phase II Watana Damsite Hammer Drilling Program Watana Relict Channel/Borrow Site D Auger Drilling Program-Phase I Watana Relict Channel/Borrow SiteD Hammer Drilling Program-Phase II Fog Lakes Relict Channel Geophysical Survey Watana Relict Channel Geophysical Survey -Phasae I Borro\'1 Site E Hammer Drilling Program w Phase II Estimated FY83 Field Laboratory Testing I -I I ", i I ' il J d q '' l I I j '! ;jl :''I I d :! ;j J I ;t ' 'i ','!_ ,:" '! ~ I ~~ ~ < ~ •• :{ ,. I LIST OF FIGURES NU~1BER 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4 .. 2 4.3 4.4 4 .. 5 5.1 8.1 TITLE Watana Damsite Proposed FY83 Exploration Plan Watana Damsite Geologic Map Watana Borrow Site Map Borrow Site D Proposed FY83 Exploration Plan Fog Lakes Relict Channel Proposed FY83 Exploration Plan Watana Relict Channel Proposed FY83 Exploration Plan Watana Relict Channel Profiles Watana Relict Channel Proposed FY83 Hammer Drill Borings Watana Relict Channel Expanded Thalweg Section Borrow Site E Proposed FY83 Exploration Plan Geotechnical Schedule Task 5 FY83 I I I I I I I I I I 1 -INTRODUCTON This report details the proposed fiscal year 1983 (FY83) (July 1, 1982 through June 30, 1983) Task 5 Geotechnical program for the Susitna project. The scope of work has been directed to build upon the Task 5 Geotechnical Explorations completed in 1981, with objectives of reinforcing the feasibility recommend~ t ions and of addressing the areas of concet·n i denti fi ed by the Acres and APA consultant boards and review panelsa The level of effort for FY83 has been mandated by scheduling and logistic constraints and available budget. Because the Watana site is scheduled to be the first site developed, all FY83 activities will be directed toward that site. The FY83 field program will be performed in three phases. Phase I field work will commence on July 1 and continue through September 30; Phase II will begin in December-January and continue through March-April; and Phase III will commence in April -May and continue through the end of fiscal year. Subsequent phases of study would be a continuation of Phase III activities. This report is intended to provide a detailed explanation of the scope, objec- tive, methodology of approach 7 and schedule for the FY83 activities. It is the intent of this report to set forth. a general exploration program to be followed, not to 11 lock-in 11 the proposed field activities. To expedite the project, field data will be primarily reduced and interpreted in the field. This will assist the field personnel in guiding and revising the field studies as required to meet the objectives of the project. Activities in the Buffalo office will provide backup statistical analysis, revi~w and comment on the field interpretation, and final report and draw·ing preparation. Contract preparation and administration functions will also be supported by the Buffalo personnel. Work performed during Phase I will be used in detailed planning of the subse- quent phases of work. The four principal areas that will be investigated during FY83 are: -Relict Channels; -Borrow Site D; -Borrow Sites E and I; and -Damsite. 1-1 . ,, I I I I I I I I I I ~ I ll ,_J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The FY83 program will involve a multidisciplinary approach to include geologic mapping, geophysical explorations, subsurface investigation, and laboratory testing. The following sections detail the scope, methods, and schedule for Phase I. and II activities. The scope of Phase III will be dependent on informa- tion obtained in Phases I and II, as well as budgetary constraints for the fiscal year, and therefore are not detailed in this document. 1-2 I I .I ,, """ I I I I I 2 -DAMSITE INVESTIGATION 2~1 -General The FY83 damsite investigation will be a continuation of the previous investi- gation performed during 1980-81 programs (1980-1981 Geotechnical Report). The principal objectives are to: -Extend geologic mapping and confirm interpretations previously performed on site; -Determine depth of river alluvium beneath the proposed main dam and cofferdam; Detail overburden depth and general rock quality in the proposed major structure arch; and -Determine rock condition in areas of proposed major civil structures. The damsite investigations will consist of geologic mapping during Phase I; seismic profiling during Phases I and II; and drilling during Phases II and III. Details of the damsite exploration plans are shown in Figure 2.1 and are described in Tables 2.1 through 2.3. A schedule of field activities is contained in Section 8. 2.2 -Civil Structures (a) Main Dam and Cofferdam Riverbed Foundations .(i) Objectives The objectives of this investigation will be to conduct explorations for riverbed foundation conditions for the cofferdams and main dam~ Explorations wil"l examine both alluvial and bedrock conditions beneath the river and on the immediate adjacent abutments. Data from this task will be used in developing the general arrangement 2-1 ' ,. -.j' ' , , "rr' ~ ~ "\" ' -l' < \i. ('l .... ·, _;·. i) ~ Ji ,.r: ! l _, ·I ·j il ,l .,J .) '--. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and design of the cofferdams, and represents a significant and critical factor in determination of design parameters and criteria for cofferdam diversion and main dam planning. ( i i) Approach The alluvial deposits of the Susitna River, as determined to date, consist of gravel, cobbles, and boulders with a sand matrixo The thickness and type of material, as well as bedrock conditions, are known at only a few locations. Development of the general arrange- ment and design of cofferdams and the main dam wi 11 require detai 1 ed data on the following: thickness and types of alluvial material, frozen layers (if any), top of bedrock surface, bedrock lithology and structure, and depth to sound rock. The FY83 investigations to obtain this information will consist of geologic mapping, geophysi- cal explorations, and drilling. Geologic mapping, which will be performed during Phase I, will consist of two parts: first, exam- ination of the geology in the immediate area of the proposed coffer- dam locations; and, second, mapping of geologic structures on the abutments which may affect dam and cofferdam locations and design. Tfte 1 atter work wi 11 be discussed in a subsequent section. Geo 1 ogi c mapping of the cofferda~ sites will consist of examining alluvial and bedrock conditions in the immediate area of the planned loca- tions and extrapolation of this information to tie in with informa- tion from the damsite geologic mapping and previous explorations. Duriuy the winter a seismic refraction survey will be performed on the frozen river surface. The surveys will run from "The Fins" to downstream of the 11 Fingerbuster" (upstream to downstream damsite limits) to define the top of bedrock surface and alluvial thickness. The seismic lines will be arranged in a grid pattern both perpendic- ular to the dam axis and along the center of the river (Figure 2.1 and Table 2.2). The results of this survey will be the basis for selecting river borehole locations and for refinement of the 2-2 I ~ ; I ! , , I a I I I I , I l __ I I t_ I d I ,,, ';f ,;I I ' " Ld i.; < ;; I I I I Jj top-of-rock maps. Boreholes will be drilled during the winter from the surface of the frozen river to confirm the seismic line data and to sample alluvium and bedrock .. A "Becker" type hammer drilling, capable of drilling 400-600 feet deep in alluvial material will be used for the drilling and sampling. Drilling will consist of both plug holes and sampled holes (Table 2.3)e Plug holes (holes without systematic, deliberate sampling or coring, although sampling of the disturbed material will be conducted for hole-logging purposes) wil~ be drilled to confirm fluvial thickness and depth to sound bedrock as a calibration check on the seismic lines. Sampled holes will continuously sample the alluvium and bedrock. Rock drilling, for both plug and sampled holes, will continue until a minimum of 10 feet of sound bedrock is encountered to ensure that large boulders are not mistaken as bedrock. A minimum of two of the holes beneath the core of the proposed dam will be core-drilled to a depth of 50-100 feet and pressure-tested to determine rock permeability and to assess the quality of rock at various depths. ( i i i ) S c h ed u 1 e Geologic mapping for the cofferdam locations will be done by the team of two geologists who conducted mapping in the damsite in 1981. Because of the priority, this mapping will be done at the onset of the field season in Phase lo During the winter when ice conditions on the river are suitable, approximately 11,000 feet of seismic lines will be run along the axis of the river and an additional 4,100 linear feet in the cofferdam areas (Table 2.2). Drilling of the river alluvium will commence after completion of at least the initial seismic lines. A total of four drill holes are planned for each cofferdam site: two sample holes and two plug holes. Total drill footage for the cofferdam sites is estimated to be 800 feet. An additional seven drill holes will be drilled beneath the prcposed main dam, and two holes are planned to verify the seismic refraction data in the plunge pool area. While Table 2.3 details the assigned priority of these holes, the actual order of drilling and number of 2-3 ~~ I ~ f~ r ! ! I I , I I I 1 I ',f I ~i,; ;I I d 'I Ft I i' 1j 4( 'I ;; ;! >! I :{ Jj M (b) Portals holes will be controlled by the effectiveness of the seismic refrac- tion surveys and dri1ling rate. Since the river drilling program requires a thick, stable ice cover, the drilling in the damsite area_ wi 11 be performed according to av ai 1 ab 1 e c 1 i mat i c and snow and ice cover conditions r.ather than a fixed number of holes, Portals include the up~cream diversion tunnel portals and downstream diver- sion and outlet facilities, access, and tailrace tunnel portals. (i) Objectives The objectives of the portal investigation will be to conduct ex- plorations for portal locations, orientations, and support require- ments for upstream and downstream portals. Explorations will examine and define overburden materials and bedrock conditions and provide more definitive information on specific condi~ions at the proposed portal areas. While very detail~d drilling and possibly test adits will be necessary for deliberate portal design, .the FY83 program is expected to produce adequate information to allow prelim- inary siting design for these structures. (ii) Approach The primary geologic structur~s which may have an effect on the up- stream and downstream portal d~sign are the geologic structures re- fer·red to as "The Fins" and the "Fi ngerbuster," respectively (Figure 2.2). These features will be the main focus of data gathering. Both areas are characterized by northwest and north trending shear, fracture, and alteration zones .. Bedrock is well exposed in "The Fins 11 in a series of cliff faces. Outcrops are not as common in the "Fingerbuster" where talus covers much of the area. The investigation will examine and describe the type and thickness of overburden material, bedrock lithology and structure, depth to 2-4 I I ! I I~ \ I I I I . I;' ·' I : •.... < l ' I I I .I i M sound bedrock, rock permeability, permafrost (if present), ground water table, and areas of potential slope instability. Explorations for the portals will consist of geologic mapping, seismic refraction surveys, and drilling. Explorations will be more detailed and con- centrated than during previous investigations. Geologic mapping will precede other forms of exploration in the summer of FY83 (Phase I), and will form the basis for locating seismic lines and drill holes. Geologic mapping will consist of identifying and describing the following: overburden material and extent, bedrock outcrop extent, bedrock lithology, joints and joint spacings, shear, fracture and alteration zones, and areas of potential slope insta- bility. For the upstream portal, mapping will be done in an area approximately 500 feet upstream and downstream from the proposed portal locations and between river level and elevation 1,800 feet. Mapping for the downstream portals will cover an area from the toe of the proposed dam to the 11 Fingerbuster" shear zone, approximately 1,500 feet, and between river level and elevation 2,000 feet (Figure 2.2). Data from the mapping will be plotted on maps and sections at enlarged scales and on joint stereo plots. These data will be interpreted and used for further explorations and design require- ments . A seismic refraction survey will be run in the downstream portal area to define overburden thickness structures and depth to sound bedrock. Seismic lines will be run in a grid pattern based on the results of geologic mapping (Figure 2.1). An estimated 6,600 feet of seismic lines will be run. A 550-foot seismic line is planned at this time for the upstream port a 1. This 1 i ne wi 11 be run on the frozen river surface immediately offshore of "The Fins" structure (Phase I I) . Boreholes are planned to be drilled in both portal areas to deter- mine type and thickness of overburden material, subsurface conditions, rock permeability and ground water conditions. will consist of approximately 6 to 10 predominantly angled geologic Dri 11 i ng boreholes to various depths dur1ng Phase III. Total drill footage is esti- mated at 2,000 linear feet. Bedrock will be continuously cored, and 2-5 L ~: i :;t I ' ·I I ~ ,. ,\ :! ., ~· 0\j Jl ~l :1) ~I 1i 'I :a " 1! ,, 'li J11 ,, o.('l 11 ', ~~ il 11 t j; j. 1 ' ' J ' . ' 1 I . l ~~ V. I I I I I I I I I . I I i I core samples will be logged for lithology and structure. Selected samples will be tested for unconfined compressive strength using a point load tester. Following completion of the drilling, joint and fractm"e orientations at depth wi 11 be determined using a borehole camera. Water pressure testing will be done over the length of the borehole to determine rock permeability. At least one borehole in the upstream portal area-and two boreholes in the downstream portal area will be instrumented with piezometers for ground water monitoring. ( i i i ) S c h ed u 1 e Geologic mapping will begin following completion of cofferdam site mapping. One two-man team of geologists will be used for· mapping the portal areas. Seismic surveys will be run following geologic mapping in Phase I. Diamond core drilling would be done during Phase I I I. (c) Spillway and Intake Area This area includes the entire main spillway, control structure, and powerhouse surface areas, including the emergency spillway intake channel area. (i) Objectives The objective of investigating the spillway and intake areas is to locate any geologic features which pass through the area and might present adverse foundation or underground support problems. ( i i) Approach The geologic featur~s which are identified in the shear, fracture, and alteration zone studies (Section 2.3a) will be traced where possible into the proposed civil structure sites. Particular emphasis will be placed on the potential work slope stability problems in the intake and spillway channel cuts. 2-6 . I 1 J. l ' '_;:. .. ~J. l: n l I . w II ! 'J ·I :.·.· .. j . 1 . J The investigation will commence in Phase I with geologic mapping by the same team that is performing the other damsite geologic mapping, and will be followed by seismic refraction lines down the proposed spillway centerline, flip bucket ar·ea, and general intake area. The specific seismic refraction lines scheduled for this area of the north abutment total 6,600 feet. Borings in the intake facility and powerhouse area, which would be conducted in Phase II, would be planned to explore the structure location and simultaneously intercept any significant inferred geologic features in the vicinity. These borings would be the same ones discussed in Section 2.3(a)(ii). ( i i i ) S c h ed u l e The geologic mapping wi 11 be conducted late in the Phase I program, after the potential geologic features have been identified elsewhere in the damsite. Seismic lines will be run before the detailed mapping to serve as a guide for mapping. Boreholes in this area would be drilled in Phase III8 2.3 -Geologic Structures (a) Shear, Fracture, and Alteration Zones The shear, fracture, and alteration zones are the northwest and noY'th trending geologic features identified during the 1980-81 explorations • This aspect of the explot .. ation does not include "The Fins,11 11 Fingerbuster," and geologic features GF7 and GF8 which will be investigated during subse- quent detailed exploration (Figure 2.2, Section 2.3c). (i) Objectives The objectives of the geologic structure investigation are to pro- vide adequate geological and geotechnical information for developing the general arrangements. Explorations will be directed to deter- mining the nature and extent of these geologic features on the surface and representative cond·iti ons at depth. 2-7 I 11 J I I ~I ( il. ' ' t ~~ (ii) Approach Northwest and north trending geologic structures, which include shear, fracture, and alteration zones, were identified during previous investigations. These features were tentatively correlated across the site on the surface and to depth in boreholes. The FY83 investigation will attempt to confirm these geologic interpreta- tion and further delineate the trace, continuity, and attitudes of the less significant structures. Principal attention will be directed to the right abutment where the majority of civil structures are tentatively proposed. Specific areas requ1r1rg further investigation are geologic features GF2, GF3, and GF4, which were defined in the 1980-81 program as potentially projecting into the proposed powerhouse intake area (Figure 2.2). Explorations for the nor·thwest and north trending geologic struc- tures will consist initially of geologic mapping and seismic refrac- tion surveys (Phase I) followed by diamond core rlrilling (Phase III). Geologic mapping wiil precede other forms of exploration and will be the basis for locating the seismic lines and boreholes. Geologic mapping will consist of id€ntifying and describing the following: type of geologic structure, orientation and extent, degree of weathering or .31 terat ion and joint sets, and spacing. Geologic data will be plotted on maps and sectior~ at a suitable scale. These data will be interpreted in the field and used as the basis for planning future explorations. Mapping will cons1st primarily of traversing the extent of the structures and accurately locating their positions. Cross traverses will be run across the abutments as necessary~ Most of the traverse$ will be done on t~e north abutment between "The Fins" and "Fingerbuster" shear zones from river level to elevation 2,300 feet. On the south abutment, mappingwill extend from geologic feature GFlB to GF6B and from river :evel to elevation 2,000 feet (Figure 2.2). 2-8 '· l !'-~ l' -j!,, ' -, I J L, .I ,1'-' f I I I Jl j I Seismic refraction lines will be run on both abutments to define the location of low velocity zones related to shear, fracture, and alteration zones, as well as thickness of overburden materials and depth to sound bedrock (Figure 2.1). On the north abutment, one seismic line will be run from "The Fins" area paralle·l to the slope at about elevation 1,500-1,700 feet downstream to the 11 Fingerbuster 11 shear zone. This line will cross the entire abutment and all major geologic structures. An additional seismic line at approximately elevation 2,050 feet will connect seismic lines SL81-15 and SW-2 to complete coverage at this elevation. An estimated 4,600 linear feet of seismic lines will be run on this abutment. On the south bank, one seismic line will be run eastward from the end of SL81-20 between elevation 2,000 and 2,050 feet. This line will help define the extent of the geologic features GF3 and GF4. Line length is approximately 2,200 lineQr feet. Seismic velocities will be plotted on maps and sections at the same scale as geologic data. Correla- tions will be made where possible between low seismic velocity zones and mapped surface expressions of geologic structures. Based on the interpretation of geologic and seismic data, boreholes w111 be drilled (in Phase III) across various geologic structures to verify their presence and define their subsurface characteristics. Data will include joint spacing and, where possible, orientation, rock permeability and strength, and ground water and permafrost conditions. Drilling will consist of approximately 10 angled boreholes to an average depth of 500 feet. Locations of these borings will be based on Phase I and II activities. Boreholes may be drilled on both abutments and crossing beneath the river. nedrock will be continuously cored, and core samples will be logged for lithology and structure. Selected samples will be tested for unconfined compressive strength using a point load tester. Following completion, fracture and joint orientation at depth may be determined using a borehole camera and borehole geophysical logging. Water pressure testing will be done over the length of the borehole to determine rock permeability. Selected boreholes will be instrumented with piezometers and thermistors for ground water and temperature monitoring. 2-9 .il: !(, I . . I. I i i ~IJ A Ji ~ j (iii) Schedule Geologic mapping will begin following portal area mapping. One two-man team of geologists will be used for mapping on the abutments Diamond core drilling will be done during Plase III following com- pletion of portal area drilling. (b) Pluton Structure Objectives The objective of this investigation is to establish the geologic model for the damsite 0rea and potential quarry sources for general site arrangements. Explorations will examine the extent of the diorite pluton, the nature of its contacts with adjacent rock types, and its structural relationships. (ii) Approach The Watana damsite is underlain by a diorite pluton which has intruded into surrounding metasedimentary. West of the damsite, the pluton is overlain by andesite porphyry which, in turn, appears to be overlain by volcaniclastic rocks. The andesite porphyry has intruded the diorite pluton. The contact between the diorite and andesite porphyry is locally fractured with minor, local shearing. The andesite porphyry immediately above the contact is generally highly fractured, however, the underlying diorite is generally unfrHctured. The ~astern boundary of the pluton has been projected to cross through the reservoir area east of the damsite; however, thfs contact has not been adequately defined. The pluton is cross- cut by shear, fracture, and alteration zones. The origin of these zones, whether due to regional tectonic forces, local pluton related forces, or a combination of the two, has not been determined. 2-10 ·. ' () ' '. ·,-, ... ' j, ,. I , I I ·l I I 1 J! ~ " tn ~lz "I d 'I ! ~ D 'l ' .' l ' ' j ! ' l 1 :} u n .1 i ' 1 ' 'i i I 1 '· : l 1 ,,1 '· tl~ I B I I ~ I I I. I I I I II· I . I Sl ... I A l j :u l . ;j 1 I Understanding of the lithology, structure, and contacts of the pluton and surrounding rocks requires the preparation of a geologic model of the development of the diorite pluton and surrounding rocks in the damsite area. The geologic model can be used to predict the nature and extent of various lithologies and structures where there is a scarcity of data. Explorations for the development of a geologic model for pluton structure will consist of geologic mapping based on previous invest- igations. Mapping will consist of describing and defining the lim- its of diorite pluton, nature of lithologic contacts, nature of geo- logic structures at the contacts, and extent of geologic structures away from the main damsite. Geologic mapping will be done upstream and downstream from the damsite along the Susitna River, on Tsusena and Deadman Creeks, in Quarry Site A, and any other suitable locations as determined by aerial reconnaissance. Geologic mapping for this investigation will not require the level of detail or control as that done for the portals, cofferdams or shear, fracture, at1d alteration zones. Detail airphoto interpretation will be done prior to mappin; to identify locations to be mapped. In addition, detailed petrographic studies and age dating may be performed on various rock types collected during the mapping program to determine mineralogy, lithology, and the sequence of geologic events. ( i i i ) S c h ed u 1 e Geologic mapping for pluton structures wi 11 :~equire a team of two geologists during Phase I. (c) "The Fins" and "Fingerbuster 11 (i) Objectives The objective of this investigation is to complete explorations of these geologic features for general arrangements and design of un- 2-11 I 1 \ I . . " 1l der~;'ound ci vi 1 structures. Exp l0rati ons wi 11 examine and define the surface and subsurface nature and extent of these features . (ii) Approach 11 The Fins" and "Fingerbuster 11 bound the damsite on the upstream and downstream sides, respectively (Figure 2.2). Both features contain major northwest and north trending shears, fractures, and alteration zones which would have a significant impact on costs for any civil structures located within themo At present, these structures have been identified on the north abutment and tentatively projected to the south bank based on correlation with boreholes, seismic data, and topography. This investigation wi11 attempt to confirm these correlations and define and describe, in detail, the surface and subsurface characteristics of these features. Explorations will consist initia11y of geologic mapping, followed by seismic refrac- tion surveys (Phase I and II) and diamond core drilling (Phase III). Geologic mapping will be the basis for locating seismic lines and boreholes. Mapping will consist of identifying and describing the following: type of geologic structure, orientation and extent, degree of weathering or alteration, and joint sets, continuity, and spacing. Geologic data will be plotted on maps and sections at suitable scales. This data will be interpreted in the field for use in planning further explorations. Geologic mapping will consist of tracing the extent of these features by ground traverses and aerial reconnaissance. Mapping on the north bank will extend from the Susitna River to Tsusena Creek. On the.south bank, limited outcrops restrict mapping to within about one mile of the river. Seismic refraction lines will be run in both "The Fins 11 and 11 Finger- buster" areas to define the extent of low seismic velocity zones re- lated to these features, thickness of overburden, and depth to sound bedrock. The amount and location of seismic lines is dependent on the results of geologic mapping. An estimated 3,300 linear feet are ·planned for 11 The Fins 11 and 3,300 linear feet for the 11 Fingerbuster" (Figure 2.1). 2-12 ' ·~; '' . --;~;:~~ i 1 I I derground civil structures. Explorations will examine and define the surface and subsurface·nature and extent of these features. (ii) Approach 11 The Fi ns 11 and "Fi ngerbuster 11 bo . .md the damsite on the upstream and downstream sides, respectively (Figure 2.2). Both features contain major northwest and north trending shears, fractures, and alteration zones which would have a significant impact on costs for any civil structures located within them. At present, these structures have been identified on the north abutment and tentatively projected to the south bank based on correlation with boreholes, seismic data, and topography. This investigation will attempt to confirm these correlations and define and describe, in detail, the surface and subsurface characteristics of these features. Explorations will consist initially of geologic mapping, followed by seismic refrac- tion surveys (Phase I and II) and diamond core drilling (Phase III). Geologic mapping will be the basis for locating seismic lines and boreholes. Mapping will consist of identifying and describing the following: type of geologic structure, orientation and extent" degree of weathering or alteration, and joint sets, contir.u1ty, and spacing. Geologic data will be plotted on maps and sections at suitable scales. This data will be interpreted in the field f~r use in planning further explorations. Geologic mapping will consist of tracing the extent of these features by ground traverses and aerial reconnaissance. Mapping on the north bank will extend from the Susitna River to Tsusena Creek. On the.south bank, limited outcrops restrict mapping to within about one mile of the river. Seismic refraction lines will be run in both 11 The Fins 11 and 11 Finger- bustern areas to define the extent of low seismic velocity zones re- lated to these features, thickness of overburden, and depth to sound bedrock. The amount and location of seismic lines is dependent on the results of geologic mapping. An estimated 3,300 linear feet are 'planned for "The Fins 11 and 3,300 linear feet for the "Fingerbuster" (Figure 2.1). 2-12 JJ ,g ]j i jf II ( i i i ) S c h ed u 1 e Geologic mapping of "The Fins" and "Fingerbuster" is planned during Phase I with two geologists forming a team. 2.4 -Miscellaneous Investigations (a) Instrumentation of Existing Boreholes (i) Objectiv=s · ( i i) The objective of these explorations is to gain additional data on ground water and permafrost conditions in the bedrock at the main damsite.for design and construction activities. Approach To complete the 1980-1981 instrumentation program at the damsite requires installation of additional piezometers and thermistors. At present~ thermistors are located on the north abutment in BH-3 and BH-6. It is proposed that a thermistor string be installed in BH-8 ( dri 11 ed in 1981) to eva 1 uate permafrost conditions on the south abutment. ihermistor construction would be the same as the existing units with 16 thermistor points along a 250 foot cable. Two piezometer installations are proposed for special conditions in Borehoies BH-4 and BH-12. A pneumatic piezometer tip will be in- stalled at the elevation of the powerhouse in BH-4 to determine water pressure conditions at this depth. In BH-12, a pneumatic piezometer tip will be installed below the artesian aquifier at about 400 feet. To install the piezometers and thermistors, boreholes BH-4, BH-8, and BH-12 will have to be reamed out to the required depths to allow placement. Approximately 1,690 feet of reaming will be required. 2-13 tj' i Jl ;1 rl 'I i • I - 1 ''1,' l l J ,.1 ! ! rl l ' ', ! ' 11--• '1 ·--. I 'I l .I q '. ' .I l ') I j .,, I I I . 1 jl ' 1, ) I I l I ~ I I J l ~ ! ! -J -~ (iii) Schedule This work will be undertaken during Phase III. (b) Survey Control ( i) Objective The objective of establishing survey control is to establish ade- quate ground control for use in damsite investigations and to control the field mapping activities. ( i i) Approach Upon comm~ncing work in July, a survey grid will be established on both abutments and along the river for ground control. The grid will be on an average of 500-foot spacing with permanent markers established at designed locationso The grid will be tied into the state of Alaska grid system, which is the system establ1shed at the site in 1980-81. All field exploration performed on the damsite will be controlled by the surveyed grid. (iii) Schedule Work on establishing the grid will be undertaken in the early part of Phase I. 2-14 '1.: ' I I I I I •• I I Jl ~ I . Seismic Refraction line No.* SLB2-D*** SLB2-E Sl82-F SL82-G SL82-H Sl82-I SL82-J SL82-Ka Sl82-Kb Sl82-L SL82-M SLB2-N Sl82-0 Sl82-P Sl82-Q SL82-R TABLE 2.1: FY83 EXPLORATORY ~ROGRAM-PHASE I WATANA DAMSITE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS location** Downstream Portals, BH-6 towards BH-2 Downstream Portals, DM-C to SW2 Downstream Portals, SW-2 to river Flip Bucket, Spillway Area Rack Stability Downstream Portals, mid olope DH-9 to SLB0-·2 Spillway North Abutment Upstream North Abutment Powerhouse· Area Upstream South Abutment ~arth Abutment, Sl81-15 to SW-2 North Abutment Upstream South Abutment Downstream Portal Area, Right Bank Downstream Portal Area, Right 5ank Approximate length (ft) 2,200 1 '100 1,100 1,100 2,200 1,100 4,400 2,200 1,100 2,200 2,200 1,300 1 '100 1,100 1' 100 TOTAL 26,600 Purpose Depth to bedrock, overburden thickness. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions in "Fingerbusterll. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears, overall slope stability. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. Overburden thickness, bedrock conditions, NW and N shears. "The Fins," NW and N shears. "The Fins," NW and N shears. NW and N shears. NW and N shears. 11 The Fins," and possible east-trending structures. "The Fins"~ 11 Fingerbuster". *Seismic lines listed in order of priority, seismic lines Sl82-A through C are listed an Table 4.2. **See Figure 2.1. ***Upon execution of work, temporary line letters will be replaced with a permanent chronologi~ally sequential line number. I I I I I I Seismic Refraction Line No. SL83-AA* SL83-BB SL83-CC SL83-DD SL83-EE SL83-Ff SL83-GG SL83-HH Sl82-II SL83-JJ SL83-KK SL83-LL SL83-MM SL83-NN SL83-00 1ABLE 2.2: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGRAM -PHASE II WATANA DAMSITE GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Location Upstream Cofferdam Centerline Upstream Cofferdam, River Centerline Main Dam Centerline Downstream Cofferdam, Ri ver.• Center line Downstream Cofferdam Downstream Cofferdam Centerline Upstream Portal Main Dam River C~'-'*"erline Main Dam Upstream Toe Main Dam Upstream of Centerline Main Dam Downstream of Centerline Main Dam Downstream Toe Plunge Pool Plunge Pool Plunge Pool TOTAL Approximate Length (ft) 800 1,100 500 1,100 550 550 550 3,850 550 550 400 550 500 1,100 2,200 14,850 Purpose Depth of overburden and bedrock conditions. Depth of overburden, bedrock conditions, and "The Fins". Depth of overburden and bedrock conditions. Depth of overburdenr bedrock co~~itions, and "Fingerbuster". Depth of overburden, t~drock conditions, Depth of overburden, bedrock conditions, and "Fingerbuster". Depth of overburden, bedrock c~nditions, and "The fins". Depth of overburden, bedrock conditions, and NW and N shears. Depth of overburden and bedrock conditions. Depth of overburden and bedrock conditions. Depth of overburden and bedrock conditions. Depth of overburden, bedrock conditions, and "Fingerbuster". Depth of overburden~· bedrock conditions, and "fi;,gerbuster 11 • Depth of overburden, bedrock conditions, and "fingerbuster". Depth of overburdP.n, bedrock conditions, and "Fingerbuster~. *Upon execution of work, temporary line letter designation will be replced with a permanent chronologically sequential line number. ' l 1 I I :j 1 l I ! i I I . . l I I . l I I I I TABLE 2.3: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGRAM Drill Hole* Number location** Upstream Cofferdam HD-AA**** Sl81-4, SLB1-5 HD-88 Sl83-88 HD-CC SL81-5 HD-DD SL83-AA and SL83-88 Main Dam HD-EE Center line SL8.3-CC HO-ff Centerline Sl83-CC .and Sl83-HH HD-GG Centerline Sl83-CC Downstream Cofferdam HD-HH Sl83-DD HD-II Sl83-ff HD-JJ HD-KK ~~stream Portals HD-ll HD-MM HD-NN Main Dam HD-00 HD-PP HD-QQ HD-RR SL83-ff Sl83-EE and SL83-DD SL83-GG SL83-GG Sl83-88 Upstream Toe, SL83-HH and SL83-II Sl83-JJ and Sl83-HH Sl81-16 Downstream Toe, Sl83-HH and SLB3-II WATANA DAMSITE HAMMER DRILLING PROGRAM Approximate Depth (ft)*** 110 120 90 100 85 130 95 110 95 75 80 70 70 100 100 130 100 130 Sampling Alluvium and rock Alluvium and rock Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium and rock Alluvium Alluvium and rock Alluvium Alluvium and rock Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium Alluvium and rock Alluvium Alluvium and rock Pt~rpose Overburden material and thickness, bedrock surface, lithology and structure. Same as above. Overburden material and thickness. Same as above. Same as above. Overburden material and thickness; bedrock surface, lithology and structure. Overburden material and thickness. Overburden material and thickness; bedrock surface, lithology, and structure. Overburden material and thickness. Overburden material and thickness; bedrock surface, lithology, and structure. Overburden material and thickness. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Overburden material and thickness; bedrock surface, lithology and structure. Overburden material and thickness. Overburden material and thickness; bedrock surface, lithology and structure. I I Jj 1Jj , ~ r U' .. '.'.· .. • ~ l ~fj TABLE 2.3 (Cont'd) Drill Hole* Number Plunge Pool ~55 HD-TT Location** SL83-MM SL83-MM and Approximate Depth (ft)*** 90 90 Sampling Purpose Alluvium Overburden material and thickness. Alluvium Overburden material and SL83-00 and rock thickness; bedrock surface, TOTAL *Borings listed by priority. **See Figure 2.1 lithology and structure. 1,970 ***Assume 10 feet of rock drilling except 40 feet where rack will be sampled. ****Upon execution of work, temporary boring letter desigr.dtion will be replaced with a permanent chronologically sequential hole number. Note: While this table lists priority sequence, holes will not necessarily be drilled in this order, depending on ice conditions, weather, and drilling progresso • 3,22S,OOO -- .y.P I r .pP" ----- REFERENCE BASE MAP FROM COE,197B-I" •200' CC .. TINliES OFF' PAGE WATANA TOPO(;RAPHY,SHEET 8613 OF 26,COOROINATES IN F!::ET, ALASKA STATE PLANE (ZONE4l LEGEND BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS• Y PROJECTIONS AS SHOWN m OIH t978,COE JOIAMONO CORE BORING,HORIZONTAL BH• 8 l96v·B~AAI M TPRil 1981,AAI BACKHOE TEST PIT GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS• & SW·l SEISMIC REFR14CTION SURVEY END OR TURNING POIN'r DM•C: 1975, DAMES a MOORE SW·I 197B,SHANNON a WILSON Sl. 80-1 1280·81, WOODWARD•CLYDE CONSULTANTS PROPOSeD BOREHOLES: (3HD·AA HAMMER DRILL BORING PROPOSED GEOPHYSICAL SURVE'f: ~SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE· PHASE :t 8SL83·AA~ SEISMIC REFRACTION LliiE•PHASE lt (DASHED LINES ARE OPTIONAL) NOTE t, SEISMIC REFRACTION LINES SLBa·A THROUGH SLB<! •C ARE SHOWN ON FIGURE <I.Z. CONTINUES OFF PAGE 300' _,.,.,. 1:\ --,....... -- // --- / -- ~ § I! w • I "' ... §. ... j t --4-- Li::GEND LITHOLOGY: CJ ~ ~ 1..-srl DIORITE Til OUA M:NOR Gf!At.?O~T~IORITE, INCLUOES ANDESITE POR~H MINOR DACITE' .. ~Y,INCLUOES ·~•D LATITE DIORITE PORPHYi'Y CONTACTS: __!~ LITHOLOGIC 0 DIP WHERE' I<~~~~D \VfiERE l"lFERRED, STRUCTURE: f".?'-':""=1 !:::.~ YX r:::· ::=,J 1-a;...;::) :.~;;.- OTHER: SHEAR WIDTH G VERTtcAt.. UNLES:~');~ TUAII 10 FE'c.T, SHEAR WIOTfi HOV.'N ;NCLINED, VERT~E TEHAN 10 FEET KNOWN • XTENT 'ftnERE FRACTURE ZONE 10 FEET, VERTICAL ~~~s~REATER TfiAN FRACTURE DIP SHOWN ~.fe:W·~~~~~b~~h~ltfC5Eirl~ JOINTS.JNCLIN ~RTICAL I SET~0 •1 Ot,;~NI INCLINED, XCEPT FOR OPEN JOIJT~~LY, At:rERATION ZONE WIO-.u ' on AS SHOWN 6 WJ-I JOit!T STATION @]) GEOLOGIC fEATURE 0 () (/ : J <IJ I ''! ; j i ; i i ~~ '· l ,J I ! I' ·f· ) ' ; .~ '1 1 ! 1 j ' j I, J j ~ '! '{~ . I ' ~ JJ :ll 3 -BORROW SITE D 3.1 -General Borrow Site D has been identified as a zone ranging from 2,000-6,000 feet in north-south dimension, stretching over 12:000 feet from a point on Deadman Creek to the approximate thalweg of the relict channel, including approximately 7,000 feet of exposure as bluffs overlooking the Susitna River, for a total area of about 1,075 acres (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). The area has been identified as the most favorable source for impervious core material for a total estimated site requirement of approximately 8.25 mcy. The information to date on the borrow site comprises seismic refraction surveys, auger holes, several deep rotary drill holes, and shallow test pits. 3.2 -Objectives The objectives of the FY83 program are to obtain sufficient details to confi~m the stratigraphy developed during feasibility, and to develop a clear under- standing of material properties, ground water, and permafrost conditions. Results of the FY83 will form the oasis for the subsequent detailed design level investigations. The long-range objective of the Borrow Site D i~vestigations will be to determine: (a) Borrow site stratigraphy and extent of each of the various identified units of interest to a level adequate to develop volume-distance relationships, stripping parameters, and producible volumes. (b) Define site and adjoining areas, ground water, and permafrost conditions in order to allow optimization of production methodology, mining method, and water/frost handling. (c) Limits of desired excavation based on geologic conditions and desired material properties and determination of mining methods. (d) Continuity of material properties and their influence on production, processing, and placement requirements. 3-1 l~ ,t ll lJ (e) Engineering properties of the mater·ial as required for placement in the fill, including placement water content, gradation, plasticity, and compaction characteristics. Explorations will place emphasis on detailing volumes of reserve with vario~s properties to allow for selectivity in production, if necessary. 3.3 ~ Approach Since Borrow Site D lies within the relict channel area, the exploration for borrow materials will also provide desired information on the relict channel stratigraphy. The Phase I summer explorations on Borrow SiteD will be limited to: surficial outcrop mapping during early summer to delineate exposed borrow materials and bedrock; a.seismic refraction survey in both the borrow area and relict channel; and an auger/rotary drilling program which is intended to provide high quality split spoon and "undisturbed .. core samples to a depth of approximately 200 feet (Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1). The drilling will be performed with helicopter- transportable rigs equipped with a variety of drill tools enabling it to utilize rotary drilling with casing, hollow stem auger, and conventional wireline coring methods of advance. It is planned that each boring will commence with large diameter casing capable of obtaining 3-inch samples to an-approximate depth of 75 feet. It is anticipated that from 100 to 200 feet the auger system will not be effective; therefore, a wireline drill rod will be used with a "casing advancer 11 rotary tricone bit. Depending on drilling difficulty and sample recovery, it is likely that this method will, in a large portion, replace the augering method of advance. Normal advance procedure will involve taking of frequent samples, as described in a subsequent paragraph, with rotary drilling to overcome boulders and cobble zones and to advance between samples. Proposed borehole and seismic line locations are shown ih Figure 3.2. The information collected during the summer program will be used to locate the drill sites for the 1 arger· diameter hammer dri 11 boring to be conducted in the wi ntet~ when over- land access is possible. The winter Phase II program will be conducted as part of the relict channel exploration program and will involve use of a large hammer drill with large 3-2 {11 .. -.n ... i ·i iJ 1 . l 11 lJ inside diameter (6-inch) drill pipe (Figure 3.2 and Table 3.2). Continuous sampling of the blown out cuttings will provide large samples of the various stratigraphic units for use in ~~ologic interpretation of the stratigraphy and in materials laboratory testing. In addition, drive and core type samples will be taken at selected intervals. The drilling program in Borrow SiteD will be directed to: Obtaining information on the stratigraphy in relict channel and borrow site; and; Obtaining bulk samples of the potential borrow materials for subsequent testing. Due to the primary need for stratigraphic information and the fact that syste- matic pattern explorations of the borrow reserves will be conducted in the sub- sequent stage of design investigations, the emphasis of the FY83 program will be put on stratigraphic data collection. The sampling and instrumentation activi- ties carried out in this program will be directed at maximizing the level of information obtained from each boring. Instrumentation will be installed to pv-ovide baseline thermal and geohydrologic data. The various methods that will be utilized are described individually below: fj (a) Full depth sampling to provide material for geologic examination of the Jj 1J t l L larger particle sizes and for laboratory testing. (b) !1rive and core type samp.ling as is ""ppropriate using 2-and 3-inch standard split spoon with standard penetration blow counts. Denison sampling, and dry-blocked and conventional fluid circulation core barrel sampling will be conducted. (c) Casing drive tests (open casing 1rive tests) for general correlation of stratigraphy and density. (d) "Undisturbed .. samples, using such samplers as fixed piston, "Osterberg," "Shelby, .. <:nd other special split and tube type barrel samples. 3-3 Jj ' ! . ' ~ _j I·. ~ , , I ' .. .il' (e) Water level detection and monitoring both during and after drilling to detect various aquifers, perched water zones, and 11 dry11 zones. Due to the preliminary indications that the area hds a complex system of ground water levels, most borings will have a minimum of a standpipe type piezometer, and those which penetrate a definite zone of interest may have pneumatic or electric piezometers installed. This system of observation points will be correlated with the relict channel installations. (f) Limited aquifer permeability testing such as falling head and/or constant head tests will be performed where possible to obtain order-of-magnitude information on the ranges of permeabilities of the materials in the borrow site8 (g) Permafrost detection will be limited to observation of both seasonal and permanent frost during drilling and installation of thermistors in most of the holes. The probes will enable detection of permafrost in the following year after the frost has stabilized, and of the depth of annual frost pene- tration during the winter. This information will be utilized to evaluate the frost conditions likely to be encountered in 9xcavation and, at a later stage of design, will be used with the results ~; all thermal investiga- tions data to develop the borrow site productirin method to minimize the adverse effects of the frost in excavation and fill placement. (h) Depending on the variability of the stratigraphic units and material properties across the ~~ea, and the confidence in the geologic interpreta- tion from recoverd samples, downhole geophysical logging may be conducted. PVC plastic pipe will be installed in the borehol~s to allow logging at the end of Phase I or Ph~se II, if it is deemed appropriate at that time. (i) Depending on the nature of the materials encountered, special vane, core, or downhole insite density measurement testing may be performed in the boreholes. Standard penetration and tube sample density will be performed as a routine form of testing. 3-4 't~ 'f ~ . ' r l~' TABLE 3.1 (Cont'd) Boring* Number AH-Y** A H-Z AH-AA AH-BB AH-CC AH-DD** AH-EE AH-FF AH-GG AH-HH AH-II AH-JJ AH-KK AH-ll AH-MM AH-00 AH-PP** Approximate location*** D/RC on SL81-6 D on SW-3 RC between DR-26 and DR-22 RC on Sl81-13 RC on SL80-1 RC on Sl82-B RC on DM·-A D/RC near AH-D-8 D on DM-A D near AN-D-10 and AN-D-11 D near AP-18 D between AP-10 and AP-11 D nec;r TP-14 D near TP-10 RC on SL81-14 D/RC on DM-A D on DM-A RC near DR-20 RC near Sl81-15 D near SL81-19 D, SW of RR D, near TP-13 Depth ( ft) Assume all drill holes to 150 feet Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above. Same as above .. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as abo~e. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Instrumentation SP SP P = 2, SP P = 2, SP SP S? p :: 1 p = 3 SP SP p = 1 SP p = 1 SP P:1 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Purpose Add detail to stratigraphy and material properties. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as aboveo Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as abo¥e. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. AH-QQ AH-RR AH-SS AH-TT AH-UU AH-VV AH-WW AH-XX Miscellaneous, locations to be determined in field~ also for more detailed investigation of freeboard dike. *Borings listed by priority. ·HAuger borings adjacent to hammer drill holes .. ***See Figures 3.2 and 4.2. D = Borrow Site D P = Piezometer tips (pneumatic) RC = Watana Relict Channel SP = Standpipe Piezometer T = Thermistors Note: Standpipe piezometers may be largely replaced in the pneumatic piezometers depending on installation depth and cost. Quantities shown are maximum possible requirement. r r: r~ \l . r: .J -" ' ' J; 1 ! ,; TABLE 3.2: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGRAM -PHASE II WATANA RELICT CHANNEL/BORROW SITE D HAMMER DRILLING PROGRAM Boring* Number HD-A HD-8 HO-C HD-D HD-F HD-G HD-H HD-I HD-J HD-K HD-L HO-M HD-N Approximate Location*** RC on SLB0-1 near AH-H RC on SL82-A near AH-I RC on SL82-B near AH-K RC on SL82-B near AH-DD RC near DR-20, and AH-PP RC on SLB0-2 RC on SW-3 D/RC on SL81-6 near AH-Y RC near AH-0 RC on SL81-14 and SL82-C, near AH-T D/RC on DM-A, near AH-NN D/RC near TP-21 and AH-N D on SLB0-8, near AH-S D on SW-4 TOTAL Approximate Depth ( ft) 200' 100 450 300 225 50 150 425 425 525 225 400 600 250 4,325 *Borings listed by priority. **Auger borings ~djacent to hammer drill holes. ***See Figures 3.2 and 4.2. D = Borrow Site D P = Piezometer tips (pneumatic) RC = Relict Channel SP = Standpipe Pie~ometer T = Thermistors Instrumentation*** Puq~ose p = J Stratigraphy material, T properties, ground water, and permeability. p = 2 Same as above. On main T thalweg. p = 5 Same as above. p = 3 Same as above. p = 3 T Same as above. p = 3 Same as above. p = 2 Same as above. p = 5 Same as above. p = 5 Same as above. T p = 5 Same as above. r p = 3 Same as above. p = 5 T Same as above. p = 3 Same as above. T p = 3 Same as above. P = 50 tips, allow 20 additional tips for miscellaneous locations. T = 7 strings, allow 3 additional strings for miscellaneous locations. BO WATA~~A RROW SITE MAP LOCATION MAP -- LEGEND c--__ ::J BORROW/QUA RRY LIMITS FIGURE 3 .1 Ct'NTOiJRS OI.IITTE FOR CI.A'iiTY 0 <SEISW. UN"' BORROW fEET TO ~~IT.~~ u.ooo PROPOSED SITE 0 "'"' FY83 EXPLORATION PLAN ® AH·D·I ® AH·D-6 ~ .._ LEGEND AH·NN7HO·K . .._ ~\/0,..,.;-;::•c::;,.. •m """ -:/ _) 'c~l HYSICAL S ~ £sW·3 URVEYS• "Co SEISMIC REF! =---:;:::--.,. OM. A 1975 UICTION SURVEY EN ,"<!: ~~ ... , " • "'"' • """" """ '"""' """ 22~~ Sl 78, SHANNON a '"""" .... ..,... """' B • WOODWARD ('._ •'OREHOLES AND TEST ·CLYDE CONSULTANTS ... ""-,.:-.. . 0 OR·Z7 1"78 PITS• '""""'~):-.. . n. • ' COE ROTAR -"\:;~ ""AP-2.1 1978 y DRILL BORING ®AH-D-121 • COE AUGER BORING SBO,AAI A \ 1111 TP•II 1978 UGER BORING •di:361T-=> .., • COE BACKH AH·D· '" .., BULK S OE !EST PIT AMPLE LO PROPOSED CATtON I BOREHOLES• __, QAH•A __) 0HO·L AUGER BORING HAMMER ORIL 5 !'!.Q:!!. L BORING l HAMMER DRILL AUGER E!ORINGSBORINGS ARE LOCAT • z= EO ADJACENT TO c /"'"' I FIGURE 3.2 4 -RELICT CHANNEL 4ol -General Two areas have been identified on the banks of the proposed Watana reservoir where bedrock falls below the proposed reservoir elevation and, hence, provides a potential for reservoir leakageo The preliminary explorations and geologic mapping indicate that both of these areas may be abandoned Susitna River chan- nels or 11 relict channels", one between Deadman and Tsusena Creeks, and the second in the Fog Lakes area. The potential concerns regarding these areas are~ [ 1 (a) Potentia 1 for excessive reservoir 1 eak age of such magnitude as to affect tJ (b) l :J project economics. Potential for excessive local gradients under reservoir head which might cause piping of material and, hence, induce progressive failure of the rim material with ultimate breaching of the reservoir. ~1 (c) Overburden instability or seismic liquefaction potential which could result II l 'j ' I' 1 !,,.:o_ f :l ' ' ' ' L..i. ! I in breaching of the reservoir confinement. (d) Crest settlement due to saturation and permafrost thawing. 4.2 -Objectives The objective at ths FY83 program will be to assess the potential for these occurrences. The following factors must be adequately defined to allow proper evaluation of the ,Jhysical behavior of the relict channels under project operating conditions. -Stratigraphy; L~ Material properties; Boundary conditions; ' ' ' : J I . '.1 I I . f .. , u. -Geohydrology; Permafrost conditions; and -In-situ physical condition of materials. 4 .. 3 -Appr'oacb_ A two-phase program of exploration is proposed. The FY83 program will primarily address the more critical Deadman-Tsusena area relict channel which has been designated as the Watana Relict Channel. Preliminary assessment of the Fog Lakes Channel shows the freeboard at Fog Lakes is significantly higher than the Watana Relict Channel, and the local and overall gradient is much flatter and the flow path much longer than the Watana Relict Channel, which minimizes any hazard. It is therefore proposed to do only 1 imi ted seismic refraction i nvesti- gations in the Fog Lakes areas during FY83, with a more intense investigation being performed in the area during FY84 if needed (Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1). These investigations will be conducted to assure that significant flow paths or liquefiable zones are not present in the Fog Lakes Relict Channel. The Watana Relict Channel has a flow path of approximately 1 to 2 miles with an average gradient of about ten percent and a stratigrap~y wh;ch (based on the information to date) indicates potential for seepage. In addition, very limited subsurface data suggest that potentially liquefiable material may be present within the channel. The FY83 explorations will be jointly conducted with the Borrow Site 0 program since the borrow site lies within the confines of the relict channel areas (Sec- tion 3). The principal objective of the FY83 program is to: obtain representa- tive samples for stratigraphic identification; define material properties distribution; and determine geohydrologic conditions in the re:lict channel • The FY83 program for the relict channel will be performed i~ two parts, a summer {Phase I) and winter (Phase I!) program. This is principally due to field logistics and the inability of transporting 1arge drilling equipment overland 4-2 I I J I I ·j j j I I j I I I I I 1 I 1 ~ ,f I 'j J ! ·~ .. · i t ~ ! ! .:1 f~ l.l· J ' ' J f~ .; r~ j ~ Ji f 'l d i ) t ~~ ~ : ' ;l 1 ;~ j I , 1 ;I I ~· J . i 1 } i 1 ;j I' I .. ~ , a until the winter. Therefore, the summer program will use smaller helicopter- transported drill rigs that ~ill evaluate th~ upper 100-200 feet of the relict channel. These rigs will be the same rigs used in the Borrow Area D investi- gation (Section 3). Data from this program will be used in detailing the winter programQ The objectives of the FY83 program are to: (a) Phase I Perform surficial mapping of the relict channel; Define the surface and subsurface hydrologic regime in the upper 100-200 feet; Obtain undisturbed and disturbed samples at depth to identify strati- Hraphy and materia 1 properties; -Install instrumentation for monitoring ground water and permafrost; and; -Delineate extent of Fog Lakes Relict Channel. (b) Phase II -Confirm the geometry of the relict cham;el; Obtain large bulk and undisturbed samples at depth for stratigraphic delineation and material properties; Evaluate the geohydrt logic regime where possible; and -Install instrumentation for monitoring ground water and permafrost. Phase I will i~volve drilling approximately 50 bori0gs distributed through- out the Watana Relict Channel/Borrow Site D area and a limited geophysical program (Table 4.2). Proposed boring locations are shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.3. 4-3 r:, I j I ' j l i 1 1 l ,f I , ; 1 I ' j ___ J '! ,j The drill equipment will have capability of drilling a 6-inch sampler in the upper 20-50 feet; reducing to 4-inch samples to 75 feet, anc subse- quently reducing to standard 2-inch samples to full depth of 200 feet. The intent is to obtain as large a diameter sample as possible to maximum depth in order to determine the following conditions: -Soil moisture content; -Geohydrologic condition; -Soi 1 density; -Soil gradation; -Stratigraphy and sedimentary origin; -Permafrost conditions; and -Obtaining sarr.ples for laboratory testing to determine plasticity limits, compaction, permeability and dispersion potential. The results of the summer investigations are expected to provide a model of stratigraphy, ground water and permafrost regime~ and material properties in the upper 100-200 feet of the relict channel for use in subsequent design and estimates, and to assist in laying out the deep drilling program to be performed in the winter program. Phase II wi11 utilize the same large diameter hammer drill that was described for Borrow SiteD (Section 3). Approximately 14 holes are planned to penetrate to bedrock in the re"flct channel (Table 3.2). The drill cuttings will be used in stratigraphic identification and borrow materials testing. In addition, the drive and drilled sampling methods utilized in Phase III will be used to obtain "undisturbed" samples for laboratory tests. Proposed boring location for the hammer drill are shown in Figures 4.3 through 4.5. As in Borrow SiteD, emphasis in the sampling program will be placed on obtain- ing maximum size samples for stratigraphic information and materials investiga- tions. The various sampling methods that may be available are listed below. (a) Fu 11 depth samp 1i rtt~ and lrJg.gi ng of dri 11 cutting, which wi 11 pro vi de limited supplemental material and stratigraphic information. 4-4 . . . ~ ~ 1 . l i l ; i .. 1 : ! (b) Drive and coring sampling, using 2-and 3-inch standard split spoon samples, as well as special samplers such as the Denison. (c) "Unoi sturbed" samp 1 i ng, using speci a 1 11 fl oati ng tube 11 or pi stan type samples such as the 11 GUS 11 and "Osterberg" and various diameters of "Shelby 11 and similar split or solid thin wall tube sampling. (d) Casing drive testing, using the hammer drill to ascertain relative varia- tio~s in density. (e) Water level detection and monitoring, both during and after drilling operations . (f) Installation of well casing screens and piezometers for subsequent observa- tions and aquifer testing. (g) Permafrost monitoring through drill cuttings temperature measurement, observation of ice in the samples taken, and installation of frost probe PVC pipe for continued observation. If significant frost is detected at ~ depth, full thermistor strings may be installed if thought to be appropriate • (h) Downhole geophysical logging, as appropriate, to provide correlation of geologic interpretation between borings. Logging will be conducted in both the hammer drill holes a11d the summer (Phase I) rotary larger borings through 2-inch rvc pipe, which will be installed during drilling. .~ ~--. ~­;p, :lfl' * !'i~ . . ' ~ .. ;~Jl ..,, . ,, ( ;;·, Jtl'· h· 1~ I i' ~ ' i r J , I I I l .} I ! I I 1 ) J j ·I I ~ ' n ,..r. l' . F IF:r~ r~~ '"'"' ' -l r-· . ,q ; ) :.,. I 1 l .. .t TABLE 4.1: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGRAM FOG LAKES RELICT CHANNEL G(JPHYSICAL SURVEY Seismic Refraction Approximate Line No.* Location** Length (ft) Purpose SL82-FL-A Channel A 22,000 Determine gradient of channel. SL82-FL-B Cha'lne1 B 15,400 Determine bedrock gradient of channel. SL82-FL-C Channel A and B 22,000 Width of Channel A and B. Channel A 22,000 Determine bedrock gradient SL82-FL-D of possible additional channels. SL82-FL-E Channel A 15,400 Upstream width of channel. SL82-FL-F rhanne1 B 9,900 Width of channel. SLB2-FL-G Channel B 5,5DO Width of channel. *The seism1c lines shown here are based on more complete definition of the channel~. seismic linGs will be based on additional results obtained during the program. limited geologi~ dat~ suggested for The number and orientations of geologic mapping and interim field **See Figure 4.1 I 1 ;, 1 ~ 1 f' l 1 • Seismic Refraction Line No.* SLB2-A Sl82-B SL82-C SL82-S Or Sl82-T Sl82-U SL82-V Sl82-W TABLE 4. 2: FY83 EXPLOR1\ TORY PROGRAM -PHASE I WATANA RELICT CHANNEL GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Location** Relict che:mnel Relict channel Relict channel Relict channel Relict channel Relict channel Borrow Site D and relict channel Relict channel Approximate Len9th ( ft) _ 6,600 6,600 1 '100 6,600 6,600 1,500 1,100 3,500 Purpose Bedrock depth, overburden conditions. Bedrock depth, overburden conditions. lie in lines SL81-14 and SLB0-2 to complete coverage. Detail of main relict channel thalweg. Same as above. Tie in lines SL81-16 and Sl81-15X to complete coverage. Tie in lines SL81-16 and Sl81-18 to complete coverage. From SL81-13 to Tsusena Creek to complete coverage. *Seismic lines listed in order of priority, Sl82-D through Sl82-R on Te.ble 2.1. **See Figure 4.2. ~- !,, FOG LAKES PROPOSED ;YB;r::LICT CHANNEL EXPLORATION PLAN LEGEtm GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS· ~SEISMICR • fl.. FL-1 TO EFRACTION SURVE ~B YUH PROPOSED GEOPH YSICAL SU ~ SEISMIC RVEYS: st.SZ• ARE REFRACTION .; FL. A FIELttgE~~~~l~~~~~~~~~i/E~~~~E~;-INES SCALE 0 ~1!!=~51 ,;;;;==;a='2 MILES ·: · .. -.,· ' •• •;" ... lo ••• H3,f3:tp90 ~2~1 (' ~~ ~~ """'""''''•""'' ro'·"" """' ~'"""""'""'·'""" ''"'oo""' 0 L""'"'" "' !'loGE [ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~I !I ;y DETAILED OAMSITE SEISMI'VCINE AND BORING lXPLORATIOH MAP SHOWN ON FIGURE 2.1f / ~ (/ (/ /·.JaG-'::::::, WATANA RELICT CHANNEL PROPOSED FY83 EXPLORATION PLAN ~ ,..I ... SCALE 0 1000 2000 FEET ~ .... 2400 ~ tl 2000 r 1.,.~ 1200 [ 1 150 _ AZIMUTH _ 286 • OF SECTION l HD·H I ~~O~ECTED WfofECTED lOs•-AZIMUTH -315° 600' NE OM-A 200'SW l!D·C OF SE]CTION <IOO'NE :MXJ'NE i I PROJECTED ~jECTEO &~ I NORMAL MAXIMUM r SW•3 SLB0•2 SL8V·I ' '"""""" . ,-~~:_:~~---~-=r"":i -t I j' r 'T -1 . ---------~-.,. __ ...,. __ _ f (LOOkiNG·DOWNSTRI".AM) -----------, \t"" ------v~~-~--------~·'"''"" ------- -------·---------= .. -·-------... , ~1500± ,----.. .; ________________ ,. 1,! THIS AREA APPROXIMATELY 9000' UPSTREAM OF WATANA 'rj-oo----OA-1.1 CENTERUNE 2400r ~ 2000r § ~· ~ 1600 ill 1200 0 [~ ·-· NORMAL MAXIIolUM OPEf\:t!.TPIG LEVEL E.L.21B:S "i·-- .,. , -----..--. __ ...,.,. TtllS AREA APPROXIMATELY 300D'UPSTREAM OF YIATANA DAM CENTERUNE HO-G PROJECT£[! 400'NE I J SW-3 i HO-E PROJECTED IOO'NE I OM-A rNORMALMAXIMUM ~ l OPERATING POOL ' EDGE DR-20 -------"l!F~, SLB0•2 i DR·IB i -----, .~ SUSITNA RIVER TO TSUSENA CREEK ESTIMATED THALWEG ( DEEPEST PATH ) SECTION W-17 HD·D HO·A PROJECTED PROJECTED 200'SW 200' NE l I SL B2·B SL BO•I i i "THE FINS" TO TSUSENA CREEK SHORTEST FLOW PATH SECTION W-16 WATANA RELICT CHANNEL PROFILES 135"~ I 2400 20DO 1600 1200 0 •100 BOO FEET SCALE ~S5i~iiiiiiiu~· I 135° ~l r-TSUSENA CREEK n EL.I680 LEGEND CONTAC'tS: -----APPROXIMATE TOP OF ROCk GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS• 1200 fsw-1 INTERSECTION WITH SEISMIC REFRACTION LINE OM·C 1975, DAMES a MOORE SW·I 1978, SHANNON a WILSON SL SO· I 1960, WOODWARD· CLYDE CONSULTANTS SL81·2 1981, WOOOWARO·CL:fDE CONSULJJINTS BOREHOLES: OR-19 COE ROTARY DRILL BORING PROPOSED BOREHOLES: HD·A HAMMER DRILL BORING PROPOSED GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY• tL B2·A SEISMIC llEFRACTION LINE NOTES I. PROFILE ANO SEISMIC I..INE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON FIGURE 4.4. 2. SECnON ALONG OM·A SHOWN ON FIGURE 4.~. 3. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALE EOU:t!.L. 4 SURFACE PROFILE FROM I"• 20d TOPOGRAPHY, COE 1978 TOPOGRAPHY GENERAUZEO TO .±25 FEET. :1. TOP OF ROCK NORTHWEST OF SL BO·I IS PROJECTED UP TO 300 FEET TO PORTRAY ACTUAL THALWEG PROFILE. 6. AUGER BORINGS IN RELICT CHANNEL ARE SHOWN ON FIGURE 4.2. FIGURE 4.3 tf "" tl .... ..; "" 0 u. .q. "' -J ~ "" ~ n: :::J ~ c:: .. w 1-0:: iL i5 .. z z 3: 0: 0 :z: ;n 0 rn Ill w ID _J ,-J 0 -llcl(t~r..,.-- '1 l t I I ' ® ~ ~ ~ • "' .,; "" c:: :::1 .. iL z 0 t:i .., .... ~~ z ;!::. 0 ./! "' !:.: i 0 z g rn &·no J j ~ [gl ~ ~ w lr :::l (!) Li: l OJ 0 ell < ~ l L I I L 1 ft$1\HitfM"'ilR I l' I I ('~ ·;;::' 0 7:300 2200 ~ w ... 2100 !::: 19()0 1800 1700 ~~--------~----------------- _045.-. AZIMUTH __,..-?25• O" SECTION ("" AH-O/HO·I PROJECTED 700'NW I WATANA RELICT CHANNEL-EXPANDED THALWEG SECTION ·, ,# 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1600 I roD LEGEND LITHOLOGY< LZ1 c 0 IZill] . E,F ~ . [I] G D [.~'}~~ H ~a:,ttJ CONTACTS• KNOWN UNIT CONTACT INFERRED UNIT BOUNDARY X J' J K ~~ BEDROCK SURFACE WHERE DRILLFD. NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL 2.185 BOREHOLESt OR•26 COE ROTARY CORE BORINGS f:r NOTED AS FROZEN DURJNtt DRILLING PROPOSED BOREHOlES: HD·E HAMMER DRILL BORING AH ·B AUGER BORING NOTE I. LOCATION OF~ oiii..CNG SC:t3W1C LII'IE DM-e,""l'! FIGURE 4.4. · SCALE C !10 _ 160 FEET VERTICAL ~ 0 400 BOO FEET HORIZONTAL SCALE r:= l FIGURE 4.5 :.- ~r~ 11 I ! I ]·' l. ! {'' l! 'l \. ' bl 5 -BORROW SITES E and I 5.1 -Genera 1 Borrow Sites E and I include the Tsusena Creek outwash plain and Susitna River floodplain from a point approximately 2-1/2 miles downstream from the Watana dam site to a maximum distance of approximately 12 miles downstream (Figure 3.1). This material has been identified as the most favorable source for concrete aggregate, filter sand and gravel, and dam shell gravel r·equirernents totaling approximately 40, million cubic yards. The information in these ereas, to date, has been compiled from seismic refraction surveys, air photo interpretation, and various test pits and shallow auger holes. 5.2 -Objectives The overall objective of the Borrow Site E and I investigation is to obtain four types of information needed for refinement of construction processing and costs and material properties. These are: (a) Borrow site configuration to include lateral and vertical extent of suit- able materials and groundwater conditions. This information is needed to define type and method of excavation and placement. (b) Limits of reasonable excavation depth based on geologic constraints, strat- ification of deposit, and inherent stability of the materials. These limitations will have significant impact on the actual economically recoverable reserves which, in turn, can be expected to int.Juence maximum excavation depth, net excavation losses, and, consequently, equipment selection and overall land requirements for adequate development. (c) Material gradations, including both typical and local variations in the material quality, which will influence production methods and requirements and possible processing. 5-1 0 ' . (I () ,/ ' 6. ~) (1 f3 llJ . \ l1 L ltM j -, { T~ ~j 1~ L,j .,\v I:J ~~ ,. r \¥ -~ li \ ' I (d) Suitability of the material for use in concrete, filters, and dam shells. This information will be used in selection of the type of processing requirements and optimization of placement utilization as determined by cost. The objectives of the FY83 program are to: (a) Confirm the accuracy of previous seismic data and, therefore, borrow site quantity and reserve calculations; and (b) Determine material properties. 5.3 -Approach The amount of work that can be done within the FY83 is limited by time and the sampling equipment which wili be mobilized to the site. The large hammer drill, which is planned for use in the relict channel and river areas (Sections 2 through 4), will be utilized to Jrill several confirmatory borings to maximum practical excavation depth below river level in the primary source area of Borrow Site E with thG ;ntent of verifying the seismic data and obtaining samples for gradation~ ~nd laboratory testing (Figure 5.1 and Table 5.1). This drilling program should: verify the general overall suitability of the source; ascertain the approximate upper size limits and range of the gradation; provide adequ~te samples for physical and durability suitability; and give an indicati~~ of variability of the deposit with depth. Subsequent studies for final design investigaticns will determine the actual mineable limits, extent of variation in materials, ground water elevation, and the proces£ing that will be required for each of the major gr~dation variations. The ~Y83 summer program in Borrow Sites E and I will be limited to completion of surficial geologic mapping during Phase I to delineate all exposures of rock and borrow materials with the intent of defining material limits and geomorphologic features which may give indications of expected material properties~ It is anticipated that the information obtained from the mapping will be limited to identification of relict terraces, alluvial fan deposits, and river floodplain limits with~n the borrow site. Phase II borehole locations will also be established during the summer program. 5 .. -L , f F~ (; .' ..... • .. ",-,~l .. ~~ .L."'·· - cc1 tl {;~ l J ~l j c~ I ~~ j rl ' J I ,. J • : } ,, I( J D j ti~ J IP t ~L1 , -~J ,,c t ~· ' ,_j l,i I I 'L.J 1 t ......J j ~ tJ ~ ·i I I L.:i· The \'linter program will involve use of the large hammer drill which will continuously sample from ground surface to the maximum practical excavation depth (which is estimated at 125 feet below water level). The drilling will be distributed over the length of Borrow Site E to provide a general overall view of the borrow materials. Due to the wide spacin9 of these borings~ stratigraphic correlat~on is not expected to result from this drilling. The borings will be concentrated along the margins of the site to meet the criteria below: (a) Ready access and relatively level drill setup to minimize setup time and~ thereby, maximize the number of holes drilled. (b) Placement of at least ten of the holes on previous seismic lines to verify the seismic data interpretation • (c) Placement of several holes along the active river margin to verify the off-end-of-line seismic interpretation of alluvial depth and composition. (d) Placement of a line of holes near the north 1imit of the floodplain to confirm the average depth of alluvium and to assure that bedrock level do~s not rise rapidly in the north and east portions of the borrow site. (e) Spacing of the borings so as to maximize the information concerning the variability of stratigraphic conditions within the borrow site. Borenole sampling will be conducted as listed below: (a) Primary sampling will be continuous cutti~gs sampling up to 4-inch size particles. (b) Split spoon or Denison/Core Barrel sampling, as necessary, to sample fine sand, silt! or clay layers which may be encountered. (c) Casing dive tests (open casing drive tests) for general correlation of stratigraphy versus density for use in estimating excavation requirements. Since the borrow site is planned for dragline excavation, detailed density testing is not considered necessary at this time. 5-3 II \) c 0 'I l ,, •• ., tJ i 4 ., v \ I (d) Wat~r table detection and monitoring to provide information on potential dry versus wet excavation. Because the water table is expected to range from 10-30 feet below ground surface, simple standpipe piezometric monitoring will be utilized to allow continued monitoring of seasonal variations of the water table. (e) Frost detection wi 11 be limited to direct observation of drilling rate and temperature measurements of cuttings. No permafrost is expected in the borrow site; however, the depth of seasonal frost will be measured and checks wi11 be made throughout drilling operations to record any indica- tions of possible permafrost. If any permafrost is detected, thermal probe standpipes will be installed in the appropriate zones to detect the extent of the affected zone. In the remaining holes, standpipes will be installed to approximately 30 feet deep for detection of annual frost penetration thermal probe headings. 5-4 ,, ;:--~ r. .. :, ' TABLE 5.1: FY83 EXPLORATORY PROGKAM -PHASE II BORROW SITE E HAMMER DRILLING PROGRAM .. '1 f Boring* Approxir--ate Approximate Number Location** De2th (ft) Instrumentation*** Pur2ose '-HD-A SW-10, south end 60 Define stratigraphy, check on seismic line picks, material sampling • •• HD-ij SW-1 O, north end 125 SP FP Same as above. 1-'0-C SW-12, north end 110 SP FP Same as above. '~ HO-C SW-12, center 75 SP Same as above. HD-E SW-12, south end 125 FP Same as above. HD-F SLB0-9 1 north end 125 SP FP Same as above. • HD-G SLB0-9, center 110 S? FP Same as above. HD-H SLB0-9, so•·:h end 120 FP Same as above. • HO-I SL81-17 75 Same as above. HD-J Si~-13, center 75 SP FP Same as above. • HD-K SW-13, south end 175 Same as above. HD-L SW-·13, north end 60 SP FP Same as above. ff; HD-M On river bank 90 Same as above. HO-N On river bank 70 Same above. ', ~--:- as ,_ upstream of Tsusena ~' Creek j HD-0 At intersection of 60 SP S:une as above. SL80-11A & SLB0-118 vj· HO-P Upstream on Tsusena 100 SP Sam6 as above. ' Creek TOTAL 1,555 SP = 9 in~tallations, -allov.J 1 miscellaneous .t· installation • FP = 8 installat:'ons, aU ow 2 miscellaneous .. J instdltions.; i . ' .~.,) "*Sor~ngs l2sted by priority~ '" ' **See Figure 5.1. c ***SP = Standpipe piezometer. "J FP = Fr.ost probe. ~ ... .., H 3.U~.OOC .....:_ + -. g 0 0 ~ ... + BORROW SITE 0 g ,; .. .. + PROPOSED FY83 E EXPLORATION PLAN :.,:; CONTACTS: ·--MATERIAL LIMITS " BOREHOI ES "" • AND TEST PITS ,..AH·EI 1960 'AAI AUGER B •TP-5 1978 DRING 'coe: BACK.-1 BTF-E3 OE TEST PJT 'IP•RI3 1981, AAI BACKHOE T EST PIT GEOPHYSICAL SU 6!>-vt-12 SEISMIC R RVEYS• TURNING o"if~~ION SURVEY SW·12 1078 POINT • • SHANNON a W.. ~ SL80•9 1980·81 tt..!LN 'WOOOWARD·ct.: PROPOSED BORE :rt>E c·.~SULTANTS • HOLES: HO•A HAMMER DRILL B'lRING SCALE FIGURE 5.1 0 ~ r~ 6 -LABORATORY TESTING f. 6.1 -General I ~ r )l [ f ' . ( ' The material testing program for FY83 will be designed for providing ready assistance in data interpretation. To expedite the testing program, a field laboratory will be established for performing rcutine soil tests to include: -Gradation; Hydrometer; -Moisture; Atterberg limits; and Proctor. The more sophisticated tests will be performed by outside laboratories as required. 6.2 -Damsite As discussed in Section 2~ petrographic analyses will be performed on specimens of rock and sheared material obtained during geologic mapping activities. While petrologic rock type identification in slab section will suffice for delineation of the different rock types, full thin section petrographic analysis may be required for samples taken in contact or shear zones. The greater detai 1 of the thin section identification can provide valuable data concerning the emplacement sequence and subsequent shearing and vein injection history, which will be of significance in evaluation of anticipated alteration and rock strength at depth in the pluton. The samples wi 11 be taken from outcrops and from core dr·i lling to date, with an estimated 30 identifications and descriptions being performed. During Phase II, approximately 20 holes averaging 100 feet deep~(60 feet of overburden) are planned using a hammer drill. Limited spoon and barrel sampling will be performed, but a majority of the sampling will be retrieval of ai r-educted a 11 uvi urn through use of a eye 1 one separator. The estimated number of samples and routine tests to be performed on these samples are shown in Table 7.1. H, ·~·-""""~-~.·~ ....... ...-.--/"I ,; 6-1 - t ,\ i I ! ' • '' ' ~. ti.:J More detailed tests to be performed on undisturbed and other material samples will be undertaken following Phase II activities when an understanding of the subsurface materials in the damsite has been determined. 6.3 -Relict Channels/Borrow Site D The material properties in the relict channel are of significance to the geo- logic understanding of the region as well as in evaluation of the long-term stability of the area. The Fog Lakes Relict Channel geologic mapping may produce a limited number of bagged samples of alluvial deposits collected from face exposures, which can be submitted to standard sieve and hand specimen descriptive analyses. No detailed material testing is planned for the FY83 period in the Fog Lakes Relict Channel. The material testing program in the Watana Relict Channel will be conducted in conjunction with the Borrow Site D testing. The principal objective of the Phase I work is to identify and define the type and extent of stratigraphic units in Borrow Site D and the relict channel. rnerefore, the soil. .. testing progr·am during Phase I will be limited to routine tests as shown in Table 7.1. Undisturbed and disturbed samples taken during this phase will be stored until data interpretation has advanced to the level where a sophisticated material testing program can be planned. However, th~ type of tests that may likely be undertaken for the relict channel and Borrow Site D are: (a) Relict Channel -Permeability; Consolidation; -Di spersi on; -Strength/density testing; and -"In situ" triaxial strength. (b) Borrow Site D -Remolded permeability; -Dispersion; Triaxial strength on remolded material; 6-2 -. f' '• ~~·!1!~~~:118 - -Dilation (dynamic); f~ -Dynamic shear strength; \ j, f j' I- :..."j! f', ; Freez-thaw; and -Thermal properties. It is expected that the detailed testing program will be prepared after Prase I activities. 6.4 -Borrow Sites E and I Because this area is intended for use as concrete aggregate, filter, and shell material, a number of tests may be run after the completion of the winter program, as shown in Table 7.10 Since this borrow material will be processed, it will not be necessary to test for in situ properties such as moisture, strength, and density. However, extensive samples obtained during the drilling program will be run for gradations. A few representative hydrometers will be performed to provide typical data on settling times and water quality effects of the fines in washing and processing operations. Other sophisticated laboratory testing that may be run on compos·;te samples are: -Sulphate-soundness; -L.A. abrasion; -Freeze-thaw; Soundness (wetting-drying); -Proctor compaction; ~ Density-strength testing; and -Bulk permeability after washing. 6-3 f ~ ~. L:· I ~' \ ,t , 1' . ,(~ r· \ .u' [ L L l 7 -RESULTS OF PHASE I INVESTIGATION As previously specified, the majority of data reduction for the FY83 program will be performed in the field. This will allow use of the data in seeping the subsequent phases of studye The Phase I data wi 11 be used to update and refine those geologic and geotechnical interpretations presented in the Feasibility Report and the 1980-81 Geotechnical Report. As additional data become avail- able, add,enda to these reports reflecting these new data will be prepared as required. Finalization of these addenda are expected to be completed in November-December 1982. 7-1 ll~ ~ ~ ~ ,._... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... , ,., f\ " ,, ... ' ' ' \... . :. ·' "' ,.-. . ,, ·• ,_ " ~ " . '. ., \.; ~' l,o '· .... J.! :.; "-c-- ~, ·'"' ,, .1J TABLE 7.1: ESTIMATED FV83 FIELD LABORATORY TESTING Source No. of l.irab Sample Sample Type Test.1ng Reta1n for Holes Gradation Ur1Ve/Core Cyclone Gradat10n Hydrometer Moisture Atterberq Proctor Future Testing .Ser1e:; (Modified Summer 1982: & Stan- dard) Fog Lakes Relict Channel 0 15 0 0 15 15 5 5 0 15 Watana Relict Channel 24 10 BOO 0 200 50 50 50 0 100 & Borrow Site 26 20 850 0 200 100 100 100 5 100 Wi!"'lter 1982-83; Damsite River I Alluv iuu 20 -100 220 200 20 0 20 5 50 Watana Relict Channel 9 0 200 300 150 25 50 50 5 100 & Borrow Site D 5 0 150 300 150 25 150 150 20 100 Borrow Site E and I 16 0 300 200 2f 0 20 20 20 150 TOTAL (13,850 LF of drilling) 100 45 2,200 1,120 1,015 255 355 395 55 615 ! [II r r~ 1, f·"" . . f~:. f~ r: I ', . ' . ·' t.' i; 1,' ' • !11 I, l~ 1 ~ . ., '~ ~~ 14 l ~ .. -"" .. '.,# • ...._ .~;:'i...:.,_: ~ ~:~. ·.· :·~· ·:·,:. ·;•:. 8 -PROJECT SCHEDULE Figure 8.1 is the proposed schedule for FY83 Geotechnical Program. Key mile- stone dates to ensure performance of the work specified in Sections 2 through 5 ~re the mobilization of drilling equipment and personnel for Phase I into the field by July 6. Similarly, the mobilization of the hammer drill overland dur- ing December will be critical to allow for drilling in the relict channel and dam foundm:i on. Thererore, to accomplish th·i s, a contract for Phase I work must be in pla1:e by the second to the third week of June. The contract for the hammer drill must be let by September to allow adequate time for mobilization of the eq~ipment to the site. - I I I I I I I I I TASK I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DESCRIPTION l CONTRACTS l PHASE I l DRILLING SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY PHASEll I DRILUNG I SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY PHASE m --WATANA RELICT CHANNEL I GEOLOGIC MAPPING AUGER DRILLING B INSTRUMENTATION l HAMMER DRILLING a INSTRUMENTATION SEISMIC REmACTION SURVEY , BORROW SITE D I ' GEOLOGIC MAPPING I ! AUGER DR:LUNG 8 INSTRUMENTATION I HAMMER DRILUNG B INSTRUMENTATION MAIN DAM SITE GEOLOGIC MAPPING LOCATE SURVEY CONTROL POINTS CIVIL STRUCTURES GEOLOGIC STnUCTURES HAMMER DRILLING {RIVER BED) CORE BORINGS (ABUTMENTS) SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY I FOG LAKES RELICT CHANNEL GEOLOGIC MAPPING i SEISMIC REFRACTION SURVEY 1 BORROW SITE E HAMMER DRILLING a INSTHUMENTATION SURVEY CONTROL SET UP MAPPING GRID POINTS LOCATE SEISMIC LINES I LOCATE DRILLHOLES SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS 11 ::· '· : •• =~ . ··~ ':_, ..-3 .• , a t7Ji"'. ~::--:;/ :1, " -FY82 PHASE I . APR J MAY I JUN JUL J AUG J SEP I OCT I NOV I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 I I ' I I I I I I I SCvPE 610 DOCl.II.!E>m;. BlD rAW~OB DR U.ING lllllllliJIIII ~-I NOTIC~ TO BICkR;,.,""'"\ OUAt NEGO~ f AW MDB SURVEY -. I l.. .. .J.m'l.l.. ... J... ... I ! Blt DOCUMENTS BID • AW I NOTICE TO BIDDERS 7 f I I l I I l ! OUAL -.-I I I ~I I I I i I i ! I l I t • I I J I t I. I ~ ~ I ~ I ' I .. l f I . -~ I 1J I I -I I ~ ,.._ I . ~ I i SUPP REPORT PHASE I GEOTECHNICAL SCHEDULE TASK 55 FY83 " !'J " .. " ··r> 'I {) --· FY83 ----·-·---· '""'"' I PHASE Jr I PHASE Jli I DEC JAN I FEB I MAR I APR MAY JUN 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 ' I I I I r--I I I # ~ DRILLING .... NEGOT A, MOB SUR \lEY ,..., I l ()•·~····~~······~······ 111111 I ' l l ! I I I I I l l I l I I i I I l ! ' I l ' ' I ! t ' I I T I I l . l I I ....,... l i ··-I i I I l I I l I llllllliiiiii~~II!IJ I Ill BHII I ' I l I I I I I I ' I U SUPP REPORT PHASE n FIGURE 8.1 [iJ