HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA65G=il&OO~& CJ §®&®©@ Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENT CONTROL • --------·--------====--~~·----~-w=====~~~ SUSITNA HYDROELE(;TRIC FJRQJECT Prepared by: ~~~f~ REPORT ON SPECIALIST CONSULTA~TS PANEL MEETING #5 ··r:·EnUAR'I ··7 1982 r .: -< ~" •• • l, .) ·-r . ___ ALA .. ~3Kl\ POWER ALJTHOR i-r,,~-_· -----J 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA ~~YDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORT ON SPECIALIST CONSULTANT PANEL MEETING NO. 5 FEBRUARY 17, 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 • INTRODUCTION 2. AGENDA 3. LIST OF ATTENDEES 4. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 5. PROJECT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 6. RELICT CHANNEL GEOLOGY 7.-RELICT CHANNEL TREATMENT 8. RESERVOIR SELECTION STUDY 9. SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR DAMS 10. WATANA DAM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL 11. -WATANA DAM EARTHQUAKE ANALYSIS 12. DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM DESIGN 13. ROCK MECHANICS CONSIDERATIONS 14. PRESENTATION BY J. D. LAWRENCE 15. PRESENTATION BY S. N. THOMPSON 16. PRESENTATION BY D. W. LAMB 17. PRESENTATION BY A. S. BURGESS 18. PRESENTATION BY R. K. IBBOTSON ·19_. PRESENTATION BY J. W. HAYDEN 20 .. REPORT BY SPECIALIST CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I· I I I I I. I I I I I I ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORT ON SPECIALIST CONSULTANT PANEL MEETING NO. 5 FEBRUARY 17~ 1982 1. INTRODUCTION 2. AcreE Specialist Consultants Panel Meeting No. 5 was held onF~bruary 17~ 198~~ in Buffalo. The meeting was attended by Dr. A. Hendron, Dr. R. Peck and Mr. M. Copen. Dr. Lynn Sykes was unable to attend the meeting. The objectives of this meeting were to review the project general ar- rangements prior to completion of the final draft feasibility report. AGENDA 08:30 08: 4·5 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:30 ,., :00 11:30 12:00 1 :00 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:30 5:00 I\•troduction -J. D. Lawrence Project general arrangements -J. De Lawrence Relict channel geology -S. N. Thompson Relict channel treatment -D. \~. Lamb Reservoir level selection -J. W. Hayden Discussion Seismic design parameters for dams -J. D. Lawrence Discussion Lunch (brought in) Watana Dam design and construction materials -D. W. Lamb Discu.:;sion Devil Canyon design -R. K. Ibbotson Discussion. Wrap-up -J. D. Lawrence Comments by panel Adjourn 3. LIST OF ATTENDEES Acres External Panel Members Dr. R. Peck . Dr. A: Hendron Mr. M. Copen (Dr. L. Sykes was unable to attend) I I I I I I I. I •• I I I I I I I I I I 3. LIST OF ATTEND~£ (Cant' d) Alaska Power Authority R. Mohn Acres ,,,/'"" "'DC. D. H. MacDona 1 d .. tf.. Eichenbaum ·1:. ._ ""vlo 1 ofsky .. ..r: McCaig ~~· G. S. Thomson ..JY."".· C. Willett ~· Do Lawrence ~~-W. Hayden ....1}~ W. Lamb ...s:-N. Thompson L. C. Duncan R. Miller R. K. Ibbotson ..;r{"' ~-Singh/0. Peck -Recorders 4. INTRODUCTORY REr~ARKS (Speaker: J. D. Lawrence) John Lawrence started the meeting by a welcoming address and briefly stated the objectives of the meeting. In particular, five major objectives, listed below, were outlined9 -Five Major Objectives: (i) Seismic Design Parameters for Dams (ii) Watana Dam Design and Construction Material (iii) Devil Canyon Arch Dam Design (iv) Reservoir Level Selection (v) Relict Channel Treatment .. A brief description of each objective was given along with a summary report on the status of each objective. 5. PROJECT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT (Speaker: J. D. Lawrence) First,·the general arrangements for the Watana site were presented. The main features of the Watana project are main earthfill dam, underground powerhouse facilities located on the north bank, a 3-gated spillway with an emergency spillway (fuse plug type) on the north bank, a multi- level intake, and two diversion tunnels. The discussion on main dam was presented later by D. Lamb. The diversion facilities consist of an upstream cofferdam, two separate 35-ft diameter tunnels at different elevations and a downstream cofferdam. One of the tunnels will be modified into a low-level outlet during the project operation. The upstream cofferdam incorporates a slurry cutoff trench through the riverbed and an impervious core to reduce/control seepage during diversion. Gray Thomson stated that the cofferdam construction schedu1a I I I I • I I I I I I was tight and that he was concerned. A disc::Jssion ensued on the aeration slots in the spillway. G. Thomson stated that a publication on Guri project in Venezuela presents an interesting discussion on slot size which are designed on the basis of model tests. Dr. Hendron had some questions about the spillway trajectory. John Hayden explained that the trajectory is aligned with the river centerline. All transformer facilities are underground. After a discussion with APA Board, emergency spillway was widened at the inlet so that the earthen fuse plug height could be reduced. Con- struction should start early in 1985. The fill placement for the main dam is on critical path. Devil Canyon general arrangements were discussed nexto The main features are mai~ arch dam, a saddle dam on the south bank, main gated spillway, emergency spillway with erodible fuse plug, underground powerhouse and multilevel intakes, diversion tunnels and a long tailrace tunnel. Additionally, seven gated openings with valves are provided in the arch dam for water release. Some questions were raised by the panel con- cerning the cold climate effects on the concrete in the arch dam. Acres• response was that they did not consider that to be a serious concern. Gray Thomson expressed"reservations about deep vertical access shafts and preferred inclined adits. It was also suggested by the panel that a more permissive languag~ should be" used in the reports when discussing seepage cutoff, grouting and the like. No other serious questions were raised. A short discussion on construction schedule followed. It was stated that the construction of the Devil Canyon project is being pushed back. II 6. RELICT CHANNEL GEOLOGY (Speaker: S. N. Thompson) I I I I I -I I I During a previous meeting with the APA Board in Anchorage, the question of potential for liquefaction and mitigating methods was raised. In that context, S. Thompson briefly described the geology of the relict channel and various stratigraphic units that depict different geological time and processes. ·Although the information avai1~ble is of a limited nature, the correlations between data gathered from borings and seismic refraction surveys were developed to demonstrate that a preliminary understanding of the geology has been developed. It was pointed out that additional investigations will be conducted to further define the geology and gather more definitive data. 7. RELICT CHANNEL TREATMENT {Speaker: D. W .. Lamb) D. Lamb briefly described the four potential problem areas relating to the relict channel. These are (1) leakage, (2) piping, (3) permafrost, and (4) liquefaction. He stated that the first three were adequately discussed in Anchorage to the satisfaction of the APA Board; however, the question on liquefaction was still outstanding. Since then, Acres has made more detailed geologic interpretations of the area and evaluated potential alternatives. t~ith the use of profile dra\'ling, D. Lamb explained that the layers below layer "H" are believed to have been overconsolidated due to g.lacial ice loads and probably shaken by earthquakes several times ' .-----------------------------------------------~~ .; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I under saturated conditions. Therefore$ the concerns for liquefaction are more likely limited to the layers "H 11 and above. It was also po-inted out that the nonnal operating reservoir level has been lowered to elevation 2185 and th~t the saddle dike across the relict channel would only provide freeboard during high flood conditions. An alternative was pr£- sented to deal with the liquefaction of layers above layer "H 11 , should it be deemed necessary during future studies. This would include excavation of a trench (about 135-ft deep) and construction of an embankment within ~his trench. The total amount of excavation is estimated to be 30 x 10 cyd. It was stated that the cost of the alternative will be included in the project cost but the alternative will not be included in the design at this time. Future investigations and studies will be carried out to determine the need for it. 8. RESERVOIR SELECTION STUDY (Speaker: J. W. Hayden) J. Hayden stated that the economic study was done on the reservoir level selection which indicated that the project economics will not change significantly if the reservoir level is lowered to elevation 2115 ft. Such a lowering will result in 50-million dollar loss of energy =1nd 100- million dollar reduction in the cost. Panel made a comment that in that case it may be more desirable to lower the dam rather than pay the cost penalty which will also reduce the potential of liquefaction in the relict channel. However, there were other considerations including emergency spi 11 way fuse p 1 ug and use of excess energy produced by th.~ project. Given all thes~ constraints, a normal operating reservoir level of 2185 was selected by AC\'~s. There \'Jere no further discussions on this subject. 9. SEIS~UC DESIGN PP.0~METERS FOR DAMS (Speaker: J. D. Lawrence) J .. Lawrence described that after discussions with the APA panel, Acres has adopted the deterministic approach for the seismic design of the dams. The Watana Fill Dam will be designed using time history analysis for a Benioff Zone magnitude 8.5 event. Devil Canyon arch dam will be designed using response spectrum approach and trial load method of analysis. For this approach, the ground motions generated by a terrain earthquake of magnitude 6 to 6-1/4 near the site will be more severe than Ben·ioff Zone earthquake. It was further stated that Dr. Seed believes the design of arch dam should be done for a Safety Evaluation Earthquake; however~ t~e input motion in the analysis should be reduced to 0.8 of its peak value to compensate for the limitations in analytical procedures. This will be consistent with design approaches used on other important projects of similar critical nature. It was also stated that the design will be done for the 84th percentile ground motion for the Benioff Zone events and 80th percentile for the terrain events.. There were some concerns raised by the panel as to the validity of reduction of ground motion to 80 percent and the use of a 10-percent damping in the concrete. Mr. Copen stated that he felt this was quite acceptable. It was further stated there were still some questions about the magnitude of the terrain earthquake to be used& Dr. Sykes believes that the magnitude should be 6-1/4 to 6-l/2, whereas wee maintain that magnitude 6 should be an upper limit. APA panel in Anchorage stated that the design should be based on . ' .. I I I I -· I I I I I I I I I < 6-1/4 magnitude.. Some discussion toc1k place about 1943 event which is magnitude 7.3. It was a general concensus that thi.s event is probably related to a fault remote from the dam sites and that it was, in light of WCC's findings, not critically important to locate that fault. 10. WATANA DAt4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (Speaker: D. W. Lamb) D. Lamb presented the design of Watana fill dam. The key features of this dam are central impervious core, wide u/w and d/s filters, a relatively free draining u/s shell and provisions for the grout curtain and the drainage curtain. The foundation treatment includes provisions for removal of all the overburden under the dam~ weathered loose rock under the shells and excavation to sound rock under the core and the filters. Some discussion centered around the excavation volumes and philosophy and panel indicated that in its view too much rock was being excavated. It was clarified that up to 40 ft of rock excavated under the core and the filters included allowance for shaping for foundation, cleaning and preparation of deep gullies filled with weathered rock and overburden and allowances for the shear zoneso The dam cross section used in the presentation did not show a filter blanket under the d/s shell and it was pointed out this will be shown on the final drawings. Panel stated that the arguments to have drainage galleries under the dam were not very convincing in the text although it did not object to having such galleries shnuld there be need for them. The proposed slopes of the dam are 2:4H:lV u/s and 2H:1V d/s. These slopes, particularly the u/s slope, may be revised during the final design phase. The u/s shell will be constructed using processed gravel/ cobbles from the riverbed with minimum size of 1/2 in. to 3/4 in. and maximum size equal to 1/2 the lift thickness (lift thickness 36 inches) .. Panel indicated that normally the maximum size allowed. is equal to 2/3 to full thickness of lift. For the core material~ some questions were raised about the moisture content. Panel believes that it is not critical if the maximum density is not achieved during compaction. Some questions were raised about the ava.ilability of the material and ·related environ- mental concerns for mining of gravels/cobbles from the riverbed. It was stated that sufficient reserves have been located for the dam construction. It was pointed out that allowance was made for post-construction settlement (1 percent of height) and slumping during seismic event (0.5 percent of height). · II 11. WATANA DAM EARTHQUAKE ANALYSIS (Speaker: Ao S. Burgess) I I I I A. Burgess presented results of earthquake analysis. The dam geometry analyzed included 2:4H:lV slopes upstream and 2H:1V slopes downstream. Two cases were anz 1 yzed: one with a soft core ( K2 = 200) and one \•Ji th a stiffer core (K2 = 700). The material properties were selected using data from the Oroville dam analysis. The properties for other materials were discussed. At the end of construction, some arching was noticed when sofi: core properties were !JSed and almost no significant arching when stiffer core properties were used. The effective stresses in upstream shell were much sma11er than those in downstream shell and shear stresses were also low in the upstream shell. Effective stresses in co,re I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I. were about 1/2 of the overburden loads The time history used in the analysis had a maximum peak acceleration of 0.55g and length of record between 10 sec and 30 sec. Three iterations were used and a good con- vergence achieved between second and third iterations. The maximum acceleration at the crest was 0.36g for the soft core and 0~39g for the stiff core. The dynamic shear stresses were within shear strength except in top of core and shallow depths in shell indicated some ravelling of slopes may occur. However, no large scale failure was indicated. The pore pressures in the upstream shell would dissipate. For the final design, slopes steeper than those used in this analysis will be investi- gated • 12. DEVIL CANYON ARCH DAM DESIG! (Speaker: R. KG Ibbotson) Arch dam analysis was done using response spectra and trial load method of analysis. T':·-'Jgram ADSAS was used. Response spectra representing maximum terrai ,. earthquake \tJas used. Criti ca 1 damping for the concrete was 10 percent and the maximum acceleration was reduced to 80 percent of its value to obtain input motion for the analysis. The resulting stresses were discussed and found to be acceptable.. It was discussed that greater arching effect can be obtained by shortening the radius but the gains were small. The stresses in cantilever portion were not too high. The natural period of the dam is between 0.14 and 0.5 seconds. The results indicated the dam to be safe under earthquake loading conditions. 13. ROCK MECHANICS CONSIDERATIONS (Speaker: S, N. Thompson) VS/jh A discussion took place about rock mechanics considerations at both the sites. The d/s portals for the diversion tunnel is in favo~able location. At the intake, the mafn problem is Joint set II which is about 20 degrees oblique. The cut is about 200 ft. high and needs to be minimized. The cut is outside the shear zone and thus increases its heiaht. The rock ,, cuts are high and may have stability problems. Additional investigations will be required and the money should be included in the cost. At the Devil Canyon site, major joint set I perpendicular to the main spillway cut and the secondary set is sub-parallel. The high cuts for the spillway channel are laid back along the bedding planes. Joint sets are favorable on that side for the tunnel. Joint set iii is very localizeda Prepared by I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I 14, PRESI;NTATlON BY J .. D. LAWRENCE ------------------- S K A ... KEY MAP LEGEND --1.»--l'lt1WIIY ,.,..,s r~ .., ...... T --st:CtllftlM'f .._'-' ~0- ·---· S(COimM'f -II!(-· ---!IAII.IIOAD --., """" ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY . -~ ~·rDI'IOEl.ECTIIIC F'f!OJECT - RAit.BELT AREA PUlT£ MARCH 1982. I --------- -- -- --- - - - lilA" Ata:!!!l IIOAQ COI<STIIUCT!OOI ~!CAD tot.._:.:ttt snt ROaO 'Utll~ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ·-stiSffi'iA iiltwii iJ:fRiC f'ROJECT WATANA GENERAL LAYOUT SITE f'"AQlmES NARCH 198~ --· -------··-. kfttJ Allt:lltltt.. NICOIIJI'Oft~h-' PLAT£ 35 ---- • NOTE IQJ!IIQo\lllll W IOII"DW ,lllf:AI f'Ml...,..AIIY ONI.Y It u:n.ooo ··-_ .. - :.,.., -- -- • QU&IIIIY•A IIOCIFII.I. IOII!Ict Jl .. i! .. .. ~r--....r-~""''"i;~ ~ F . --~~ t () ------·· Q . __ J. ... ---- -- ~-..... 22'00 -... - .• ~TANA StTELAYOUT - PLAT£ ~2 ------------ --- ._ !--~·~ --------..__....-:!. . ,........~"' w .,..._. ... -~---- ........ :::---:,.-,.,~·::·~ ~----· ~· ---- ) { ( ) I ICAU i l .-~-.. ..__ ! .. \ ~ la'"' .. .. .. 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MAJ!IlfUII flt191!1 SCAlf, A ---- r; ALASKA POWER AUTHOfUTY •. -· SUSitNA ~ECTI'I1C f'ftO.I£Ct' MARCH t9!12 .. __ ..... _________ ~ AC:Jtt!&&WUnCA•*~ --- t400 ~ rooo It • -- ~ oeoo -----.. --·-~--·- 5 ttDO 1'500 - --- ' IIIOUT C1111Ti1111 ----ill \ ULLfiiY \----DII""NAct: IIOUS SECTION A·A t&Lta ·---------···--· 1400 --------------------------- --- - ---- lONOIJ.UOINAL SECTIOf1 t,OOKIItO IJI'STIIlA!! CAlf: II '!J.rl t~ll.!... L !_ ! .. !... -~ L!. ! D !. 9. ! ~ 0 L T ~-!~I ~~TIIWI.! •. ! .. .L !!. ! !. !. .!!. .! .. .!!_.!..I!. f. -·----" GROUT HOLE SPACING !CAlf; c I' • I'IIIUAII'r CIIIOUT "'l£5 S• S!CONMft'( • T • ltii"AIIY O• ~IAfi:IINAIIY -- -MOO l!!OO 11100 ttoo !-TID'IT 11110\IT c:tii!T.III DE TAIL • OIIDUnM· ~~mAtt CIIOLLtln' ,.;.ou:~- 0 too !tC:U"" L----- ALASK:A '~OWER AUTHORITY ----~~PI'tOJ'tCT 'WIATANA MA'IN DAM GROUTmS 8 ORA~~GE MARCH fM2 PLATE 46 ----- -- -- ·~.· .... 0 ... -t.. .. , .. ... .... nr.o n2o IW.O IC..OO 1920 tteo IUO SECTION A-A 1400 SECTKlN 8-B ---- .. -- .... ---·-· -- '> 'h ·, ---- ALASKA. POWER AUTHORITY SUSiiHiimiim.ECiiiiC f'ftOJ£CT • • WATANA DOWNSTREAM PORTALS PLAN 8 SECTIONS MARCH 19!2 -------------AC:Rt! &lll!"tC.IJt CCCI'ti"'Mitt'CI !'\.ATE 42 ---- flll'll --- ---- ·----.. ~-··~·-·--~-..-· ... -.. - .---t-- ~--=-t: _ _J ------·-·· ___ ,1 . l I . -· -1 ·- trooL.~-:.,:-'.,-oo~------------:o::-ooo=--------------'~.,-:.:::oo::-----------,l\1;;-:;•oooo ______ ·----~ PROFILE lUHH£t. I ~CAU! 8 -- .......... ~l'li'IOUtO S'JIWAC[ ----~ . ----.. _ -' ·.:· ~ .... --- 1 .. __ ~,-- -t!C! =t.t a g m · · ~'~" !!CAlf. A r-P--8)0-----wZT-· f'ttT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY --SUSiTN'ifiY~lfQC~ WATANA DIVERSON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ---------------- ~---.. ---.... -__ ........ --·~· Oltotnm !\Jftnct} " ~ -~-·-~-- Foil:£ Cl' --.... ~£?·-~ 1:100 ··---~··-·~-----~ ----·---- ~~~------------------_____ _J~----------------------_J~~----------------------=!9~•~o~o----------------------~,:,~.o~o~--------------------~ .. ~o~.~oo;---~ •• ~ ... ;,o;---------------; .. o~.~o~a--------~· .. 5 •00 Olf')O "•00 PROFIL!-TUNNEL It :r "'0 Hto 1440 ·looo ·...: iiiPi !Moos CiMi COAIIU "lTI:II i.(i:! Q . / ·rap cw IIOCit llf:OUIII[o _... _____ ~"'ll\rr----------it---------"---1111'9111GIIi\ WATANA UPSTREAM COFFERDAM Slt I WATANA DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAU SCAlf: I SCAU; A ,. .. If IliA. TIJIII!n. I 44'.1fOIA IIJIINI:ll CROSS SECTION AT PLUI (TYPICAL) ItT I SECTION ALONG t OF TUNNEL AT PLUG LOCATION IUS SCOI£Dt£1l OIUVfl 51tOOJNO !)IIAIH· TYPICAL CROSS SECTION "" o 4o ao .._.n SeAL! II P£--£"!;;~7;;;;;;;7ii1:;;1 0 100 zoo nt~ SCAlf: A, ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~~"RiC~·-- WATANA DIVERSION SCHEME SECTtONS WAflCH 1982. -------' -- ------,r-·-·· ... ·-·-·n !:A+t ,. • II r'f 't r I I I 1 -tnnan: I I ..-H-·- -;::: PLAN ATn::i54!1 ~- I 1 • ,.. I I l ' r I I I I I I I I I I : ' I I I I, r ! fELe45/f \ I 1 I I I t f 1 I I I I ~ . . .: 1 iliUIII'; l~t.IIIUI !.\,!4!_0 _ ._......_,.....,!'lrfCU..----....wro~ [1.~111:'. "---·-·-'- !LEVATION SCALE A .1· !Ul.AC£ li£Al-rACI'; ·-- FlOW ·---... Uk[Ull'; -- . . : . ' . ·. \·_. ~,. . . . . . : : . . . ' . . . .··. ' ... · ... · ·,.~. . . .. , ... · .· . .~-~~ ---. ... --- :1 ~ SECTION 8-B SCAlf: A --- ~ }" - .. ,0 .. ,. __ .... ff'OO / ITH 17"50 ll" -- .,:. .. " I' { LOCATION PLAM SCAlF. II All 1..-..... ll "~910011U:O~T ~A>ICHOII '"'=·g.ll~:n~~lt~ ~ll:l"HOU "'~ li"DIUI'[Tll! 9l.l~Yt ~ 'e30moi.IOAliOit .IIOUt"INott ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY -· --S\iSiiN4 H'lal!oE!..ECTRIC Pfta.IECT WATANA DIVERSKlt( INTAKE STRUCTURES ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~·~~~-~(~~~~~--~~ lolAFICH l902 ---•• .. ----- II' C\1&. CHAN II[ It DIOAtlf ~ Yf"S TI!UII Plllt IUIPt~[D WUAL-- IIDDr SllOJCIIEU l- Ill" 01 •. CDIISTtiUCTIOtl Plf'l!: OIIAII! -l-·-· . ~ --··· i~~:cr'-----~-­...... IJl..LI.tYEL WD.U. UPSTRE~Itl Pt.UO 5CAlt II IE+e IE+! ••n CIIAUfttR LOW lEVEL OUTU:T DOWNSTREAM PltJt !CAll!: D n.ow ' TUIIIItL . > --::--___ --· ---• - SECTION ALONO C. OF TUNNEL NO. I !CAlt A ACOUSTIC _,,. I ::'al"tW~0" ~ ~-----· .... IJUL COIIDUIT lllllltO c+r I " .. t IUNflfl SECTION D-O SCAlt II .. ---a . _ "u .. •nr.ct v-------------------~ . r..-L IIMI .... ,~~. OUE GAll , Ill" OUL COti!IIIUCTIOII -·-' PIP[ DftAIII r·-a·. It'·•· GAlt !lr[l!tlfll tXISTitiG COIII'~ffE tUIIH{l l1HIIt0 ··~U[l CONDtiiT ltltll!ll SECTION 8·8 SCAl£ II SECTION E-E !CALl!: II -S' 1M. PIIESWIIE lltltn Hou: SECTION F-F SCAU II -- !C&It A o~e~-~-~-=-~ltl:;;;;;;;iiiiiii~~~'!' '!'ft' ~~C::~ .. ,•.oii~Ei:iiiiiiiiiiiJQI5i! ·rtu ALASKA ~WER AUTHORITY SiiSinfi~ECTRIC moJECT 'Ml!.T-ANA EMERGENCY RELEASE SECTIONS f>L4l£ .,_ARCH 1992. 43 ---.. .. -------- PLAN ~ EL 2207 I I • 1 I I I I l 1 l I I I 1 '· I I I . I I I I I I I I I I ---r-., I I I I r I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I -t-t- l I ! I l I I 1 I I ___ n.:W" -. _.-!!.:!!!<> u• I -- -~IO)SUAn .-----.'--:1 -~...,. ·~-r -t--.-_.n1~-o -. _-j-- SECJIOOAL PLAN BETWEEN EL 2066' & EL 2150' -- I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I i I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-!..~ SECTI01!_ f1J! .. -.a .. -- ~ECliON A-A 0 SC.Al[ .. 3l f(t! ALASt<A POWER AUTHORITY ·----~n; ihOOOO.~moTECT-· WATANA OUTLET FACUTlES GATE STRUCTURE 111!-.UU:H 1982 ---.. ------ ••f.f:L ut·--:~ • _ -. . -.. --.-:'~~ --- OECTID~ B-a 'CAt.l. C --- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY --· susONA ~~PROJECT WATANA OUTLET F ACILITJES GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLATE 48 ------- \ I ' '"co .... !i .. _ ... _.. __ .., __ """"'...,....., ~ --.. ----· -·--------- 1800 1!100 ---·-·--1---~---------~ .. -------·-·-·----- PROF!b§ __ .. , - \. t ., ' "" ·'\~o . '-' .. ,.., .. _ --- ALASKA f'OW~R AUTHORITY '" • "SUSiiiA.~tctme~Cf ~A MAIK Sf"tt..LWAY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAt( l\ :PROFILE MARCH 19~ ·--· ---------· ii<:OUA"lOIClOII~ I'L~TE 49 --> ---- l1ll'lll [\.. ~ ·- ~ .. ~ J j ~ ., t ~ - 4 CCMTIIOI.. 11lltll;t00t, --· .. . !·+ --· ~ --· ~ / ... I AT[ I!OI'If .. ., !!tALM fAct tlilUiant IIClt .. . . IO,·.o· ... ---· _ . &Cct" o~' I I I ~-r·~~ . -~·r _, I ,riiOY!tl(m ~~ I .~ ~1·1· I ·r-- r-Ll I .r IIOYttiDIT ollliiiT lJ·~= ~-. ·-' ...... ""'""""'-·-----V'--- !ECTION A-A '<-•·.-··--· --... -- ~~ .!a'~~· ...... .. A '--, .... u -·- n.mr ' -··-··~-----------~---- I ! I f- -- SECTION C·C . ~~~~-------------------- SECTION D-D --· - . "'~ ..,. .. ., to--I t • I J l I T~ t l I 1 t J ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ·-.. SUSlTHA Hl~ Nt0JECT WA.TANA MAIN SPU.:WAY CONTROL STR'JCTURE PU~lE 50 ---- UQO IIIlO Ill!! 1140 litO ~ 1100 !! • 10110 2 .. ~ ... ;! 1~0 1040 -·--·---"--- 1010 rooo -- SECTION C-C NUl. - SECTION A-A .. --- SECTIOif IHt (TlPICAl) 10 40 ~~ --a ALASkA POWER AUTHORITY S\iSiiiii ln~1El.ECTRK:. PROJ£t:T ~ MAlt. SALLWAY CHUTE: SECTIONS 40--.. ---------.... aott1: AN[fUtAN WI~ -·-! ----- -'V-I·· I t Sl'li.LWAY .. _____ .Jcr. ____ "1 SECTCON A-A (TYPICAL) - lLI5D7 tUR,IC! ACCUI ftOAD ... ... VAlV[ !E.~TIOjt D-D .. - 1 Sl'lllWAY I ftA VAl't[ : ~-'lV[ VlllW: \IAlV[ I"LAM AT ELEV. I!J!T ____ eo"._:C{f'""---- SECTION 8-1 - VOl\'C ALASKA POWER t\UTHORITY . SI.ISrt~UIYOftQEU:ClRIC moJECT WATANA MAtH :SPILlWAY fLIP BUCKET t'li&SCHARGE STRUCTURE PLATE MARCH t982 52 -----'----" " JJ - ,_'!J.,o. \ ) / ~ ICAlt A ---------··· -·"-----1-----1~!:·~~--~-~--~--~~-~~--~~~~~~~±=~~~~~~~~~~~~4·-- Iii tooo • \ . ~"§J.lll ~ t;6aL-,L,. ,._. f.. "J.,_ ·---1 ... -.... .-l" l--__ .t. L-'"" 1 .ro.·oo ttoO t; lifO : !! I 1110 liTO -· tiiO - SECTION A-A IIOII~AL 11.\XIIIU:II ~IIATI!It'U:vtl 1181 ......... t'OD ll50 UOD 1150 c PROFILE 1CAlt•A fCitl!Qf.l ~ .. ·---··-*~-... _,_ .... __ ._., -~--... -~ .. -_... --·--· ...... ~ OIIIIIMAl. 8liOUifD SUIIPACI!:~' .---·----· ------------· -~or~~-· _ .. ---~-.~··-::-:··~::::r:·==-~-'"""'" _____ .. IIOAO I PilOT QWIIctl l!:llrtoO l:....:-::~~7·-····~-:::!'.!'~.;:;... ~ stCTION 8-B f'U!E PLU9 IClllt II --------~ SECTION THROUGH fUSE PL 1.J.i scaa c ti!IO •. '' to!IO 1000 ---------·. SECTION C-C .SCAlE oil ~··~~ 1pqnu ALASKA POWER AUTHQR!H' -··--~"~~"'' WATAHA EMERGENCY SPILUJtA'( Pt.AT£ 53 -- ... "' - noo UllO 1000 ltOO ~ tAOil ! z -- ------------------------------------~- ----··------, n' ta 1"£\l~TOC.K. (ccNC. I.JNI!P) 0 nco . --·---. ··-··---. ·· ~ > ~ IC."O "' ..... ., ''"0 --·-.. ?/d C!11. T"ll.lt,.e!. 'T\INNI!:I. · ,.:c;~c. u...fti> PROFILE ,rJ81 ·--· - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUiiiiA tiroROO.Eei'iiC~--• WATANA POWER FACILITIES GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAn: 54 ----•• ./1ll~~\!L~i:~~~ .. '\'"l .. lti&O ~-L~ --a'I'Of"\.011 OUIOII ~ IL. tt&~ 11>0.11 t ..,..._,~ A !!:_1~ 11U.~"Jrt.t:t<.- .!b1Ql!_ '1 "tftA~A.ctt-. •. !h!!!!!L "' 3_2', .. ·:.~~ftACl( . J"' • r-----l A '\ .... SECTION THRU INTAKE GATE CONTROl HOUSE -• •• - PLAN AT EL.2021 cp . . FRQt.:T ElEVATION §EGHOH 8-8 - SEGnON C-G ''M·~~'Hinl" t; ..... . r! .... _ -- SECTK>It A·A Bill ALASKA. POWER AUTHORITY ·-SUSiTNi~a:rmc Pl'n.'ECT lJA.TANA· P<lWER ltfTAkE PLANS, SECTIONS 8 ELCVAno:~ lATE 5A --- I SECliON A-A ~lf> -@1·- PLAN ;c;;ur .. tt~O" • ·~ SECTION B·6 'Cat.l & - gcmH o-o Y.la I'> - ISOMETRIC "'u' - Mill - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY iuslrMi~ f'ROJ£CT ------•• ,,, , '"" 1·~ .... ~ ~ IA8D !M<:..C. 14411 '"'' ''"'" I!IIA 11UI " ./ ' g - SEC'lnl A-A !!ICAUlB ---- / --- ALAS!(~ ~WER AUTHORITY --SUSit"Mi.~liFti!!C~---· WATANA POWER fACILITIES PLAN & SECTIONS MARCH 1982 l'll\lE 55 ----- ~ tf·o· -f.-. --- I INTI ------- jn l, I lllilt4 UOIIT!I 1 l t ! .... 8 .... ..... ·--~-"' - ~.~.ECTIOI'I ITHIIIU CtlfT£11 1.111£ or UIIITS) o.~n. -·-·· --···~ .. ~ f_ ·-------- tL..!4!1' •• ' • .... • ----· ----·· _ .. _ ti,J'~' ·- !L.!~'' -- I IHTS -- I IJOI!T41 --- 1\LASKA POWER AUTHORI'fY ;u;~ Hl'OOOEI.ECli!IIC ~·+-•• WATANA POWERHOUSE SECTIONS lURCH 1982 -.. ---- r-Aetl\~ 1\011<11\. • r-)tj.o' I' ' r------~ l + +I r• 1 \..J... _____ J, I ,~_,_, f-. . -n~o· __ _.. •j --+- SECTION A·A !GiLr. e --- -- - ---- - --.. ~M···-·"' e~:o• s er.'-o• r+ A • J•'·o· et~o· ~~-... n:o· n'•o' ---------r---··--·-I -·-., II -, .., ..... ___ , / .. l r· ---. If 7 i I ~------! I I L /~ I I I ., JW. ~~ ~tuSl l ' ,, 141_ -t----__ 0'1.. lfoo« ' C.llk.l!ill»f c:~e~.a~r 110-l HO.I /=·~ -ir~. I 1to'.o' 11o~o· ----··----+~---··"-~·--'~:o .. .. -.-'~ -... -~ Mil .. AL~=:=~TY WA~A TRANSFORM£ft GALLERY PLAM a S£CTIONS -------- DESCRIPTION 1983 191)4 ttD!I 1986 ·-I----.. 001 Sift r~.t~uttts Of oe DM:-TU'Itl(l.! "' 10 tal'n:IIOAUS II IJ MAI!I DAM ·~ ,. ua .. CIIIJT£ -.tvay ., rll MIMCf. 5Pil.l'III&Y ~\liiHt\. tl n nnan n 14 l"fHSlo;;11S 30 fAiliiACf: ISUOillt al&WII(II 51 It ~/GEHf.IIATOIIS l3 ................. ..,._, .... --- )4 M£CH I tlf.CY SYSff.N! " ,. '"·"~ i.iNU' ~~ rut AJif) COYWIS!IOft ~-· -r----·-·-.,., ·-----~ b ...... tfO.J'l UMCAMiiiRW;i"'itc.fU .. r·--·-·-· ~. -·-·· . -~---t--·- ... -----··----·· --··---t--~ •... - .. -·-----·--+-----. . l --- -------- 19117 19811 1989 1990 1991 -r---~· ---··-···· -·----·----·--1----·--------! 1994 .... 110.1_1 ~ . t I t-- --.-...... _ ....... -~- ~~mntatlltliMffrlfrrlll" '""''" !"""""' ~~ ••••••••• • ••• lt.,t • ----~--1 ' '''"''''''' ' ll,ll • ·~·"'· . ~ ''''"''''' "'"""'"""'""'" .• __ • ~n,t • ,,,,,,,,,,, -----·-·--.... -•••••••••••• "''''''''''"" '"""'-''''' I l f ., .... ;.;,;,;,;;;; ;;,;.~ ... ; ... ~l .. ; ; ..... ~ .... ~.~ • 1 ;;;;;;;;; ;,;;;;;,;,;;,,;.},;, ,;,;;,.;,., .. ._;..;.!;..; .. • i I -·-·-·-·-101' Si"~ .. -J II'I''''IJ•••" tt••••••••••• ~ . --· I-t n: ... n ~· "-t ... " Ill tf 131: t,;. ~ .... wlr•e•1att~e' .-nals,;,. 4J! .., •• _j - ---·~ ----· 0~ ,;;...;;;..~-t• ~:;a::·-:~ j· ys y• .,...u• I z -AC:CEPJ?ACIUfal -~ al.eAYATIOIIff"OUMOATM*lltiAtllltwt ''-''''" filL -CCIIOCMK .,., ••• WC:ICA-AVti.WC:tRICAl ---_,OWOIIfiU .,.,.,. "''"""' ~.·lff__I_A_L....;I\:..:S;;;.K..;.A:..:. . ..;.P:..:.O..;.W:..:;E;;:;;.R;;.;.;.;.A_U..;.T_H;.....o_R_tT_Y--t I ~ ~·-SUStlNA tM'lRCE\.ECWc PRoJECT WA.TANA CONSlR:UCnoN SCHEDUl.E II I II - I! I t L I I I LEGE~ e -FIXED CCWE 0 -HOLLO\¥ JET 3. sCI 800 I f-w w u.. I 0 <( w 600 :I: z (!) U) w 0 400 200 0 0 25 4. .9. 22. ~WATANA l2.a .,5 168 - 14. 17. 6. __..100 7. 21. 50 75 VALVE DIAMETER -INCHES FREE DISCHARGE VALVE EXPERIENCE PLOT 2. 110 188 1\10:991 AV SITES I. KEBAN 2. ROUND BUTTE 3. TOLT RIVER 4. MAMMOTH POOL 5. LA AMISTAD 6. PORTAGE MTN . . 7, COPETAN DAM 8. CAUFORMA 9 . .SIG CREEK IO.GLEN ~ I I H.J..GRY~SE ~ 12. VILLARINO 13. MANGLA 14. DARTMOUTH DAM 15. NEW MELONES 16. NEW MEI..DNES 17. JUNCTAN I 8. MW MOUNTAIN I 9. NEW EXCHEQUER 20. CAVADO 21. PORTAL 22. LAKE MATTHEWS /DEVIL CANYON • 19 • 013 ,. 20. s-- 100 125 i 1 ' j ~~'Y----------------------~__/ ------~-------~---- I .. ,, ... ( ' \ ~ J . ) ) \ .. ' I \ ... . • ' laiQ \ I .. ...... \. o ~ ~~fF.ET 9".-L£ ......-:;;;'"'Z:ii nlll --~L~~K_~ POWER AUTHORITY Mill SUSil!Q tmlfiOEl.EX:TRIC PROJ£CT OEVlL CANYON SITE LAYOUT IU.RCH t982 ---- ---- ---- I ... I .. I "' / --- I ... -- -- i .. "" ""-._ ·"'·~·""' .. ' ·....r---- ) <) ) Bill ' 'l!bo ff ALASI<A POWER AUTHORITY -~ Soioo iOimai6RiCPRO:i£ci-· DEVIL CANYON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT LAYOUT OF STRUCTURES ------------------- ---AI:CUI ROADIPVIM411EIIfl ---ACCIIIJIOAD{tt:-.tATI -f'[IIWANEIIl liT[ IOQAD __ ,... ___ UTeliDOA ALASX'A POWER AUTHORITY ~,-------~· susrDiA KTOOO£LECTIIIC DEVIL CANYON GE~AL LAYOUT SITE FACILITIES MARCH 1912 . ' .. ': .. . . -. . . . . ·. . .. _ ...... ··.. . : :_. . ·. . . . .. . · .. .. ' • • • • '" , • • • • •' • ' • • .. ' t -f• > • ~ •• ~ .. f • • .,. ---- lliii'OIIAI!t C:OiilliiUCliOit ACCUI IIOAO NJ,US,OOO 1400 ISOO • DOWNSTMAJI· '""Of llll.EIIIAT£ U.IU STIIJCIIII( --.. -- PLAN !ICALt.A -- ·,, --- -·· -·- ". -IIOCII Tllr -· •• ' TO lit AlloiCN£0 &FT£11 lilA II. WAlE II lt.:. !>t4 CONSlii\ICTlOif OF 1 1 Ulftl(l IL ttG _,r ::TO ·".':_~.:ss;------+--L--"ii't!i;~~:----":'!±:-:.t"""-===+==;;:;.:,;!ll£!!1.115iiii[;=4===~=.:..;;~~=>;;:J-:=!:IL;,.=_I:~· .UA>L il{ll U. '!.\.- -.. J 0•00 1•00 KHOO 15,.00 IIOQI TO£ TO II£ II'!MO\ItD .Villi COOIUIIUClOI OF TI-l. PROFILE AT C£NlERUtl! 11JIINCL SCALE A ---- 0 SCAlE a@ 0 SCAlf: A I ALASKA. POYIER AUTHORiTY SUSit"-'-~ECTi'liC PROJ£CT DEVIL CANYON DtvERSU2~! GENERAL ARRANGEMENT MARCH 1982 ---- -- ---- - - --- - -- ··RifDWfEEL ' ~T£ / ~~!~ ~.!!•-- PLAN AT ELEVATION 947 .. <aL. A DIVERSION INLET STRUCTURE Et EVATIOH B·B StAll A \ I •• I ·, .......... ~ I COOIT"'T • .,__L .. l-j-I•. o:o ... OLIDAl.Oiol \ I . I I c,JtOUTINro \ I I I SECTION T~ P!,UG ~C.ALt! • c t SECTION C·C SCAt( A PLAN AT ELEVATION 698 S(AL( • tTI~L ~ 1101.(5 F'OR COHI4C.T <1~...., ~/M­tttel • . I TWICAL TUNNEL SECTIOt:J 6CALE 8 c i o J -'fH, fECT sc ... cosez_ ? ~ 1--! f£ET SCN..I:A .~ , Kill ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ·--sUSilbi;I.~ECTAIC PROJf:CT~~-· DEVIL CANYON DiVERSION SECTIONS I\IARctt !982. PLATE 70 ----------- PROFILE (LOOKING UPSTREAM) ------ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY -' SiiSiii.\·~ I'ROJ£CT MARCH 1982. ---- - I I -- ( ---- I 8 !! I PLAN Of ARCH -- \ \ \ \ - \ ... \ J ---- ALAS~A POWER AUTHORITY -· SuSi~ ~ I"RRJt:CT t J I ----------- - --:----~~ .-.. ..... ~ . / ,---...... -~ ... ~-~-------------·---~~ 'In 151&0 I ' f11JU .... T .~. --- -- - 0 .t Pl.~N AT EL 1466 x--r=,~=n~1~c===]r!~~===_=]r:T.~=n=~=~3~,-----:--===·~:::~=p~:~:~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I II l : l J I ~E!tllmt H Rl~tH ... ~!?.4T~~LiliRt)§L §bOCK ' ' '~••Qa:>U'r:1N4 NA-• ~y IIIII ALASKA POWER AUTUORITY suS.iil4 KltJiaUJ:Tf:IIC PftOJECT DEVIL CANYON THRUST' M.OCKS )f(ARCH 19~ PLAT£ 74 --- ~DO 1:!>00 1<100 1"100 1200 1100 -- - .. fAa<!! E (!!>Oi<!i«i t!PSTAE AWl ~LILA DETAIL - ~T AI l:::o14)!.!MUH t~HHT as;no:,:t ~e • - - I I --- - - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~~fllC PftOJECT DEVIL ~"!'iON SADDLE DAM GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS JURCtt 1982 -' ---•• pB ~~~~~==~~~= -""'l AWS£-W.l ~WL. 1\0'N "o ..... ,. __ .... .. A. ~, ··~ 0 now t." --~­Q ;; --.. ---.. SECTION S·B IUU. ... / A .t --f __ ] - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY susilii lt-t~ l'ftOJECT DEVIL CANYON POWE~ INTAKE STRUCTURE PU\N AND SECTIONS MARCH 1982. PLAl'£ 83 -------· ... - - 1 ... IECTIOfl A·A ac.•LQ • .... .... '1.6 --- SECTt::W 8-B S-eA.\..& a -- Bill ALASlfi:A :POWER AUTHORITY ~~PftOnCT IJEiiL CANYON POWERHOUSE PLAN a .SECTIONS MARCHI9~ PlATE 86 --- SECTION A A. !SU:1tllif t~etttiUIUt<Hllttt) -.. I g: -.. --- t I I I t;UT ~ .... IT o4 ,....--~11.:.'---___ ~h·_ A ______ ~r ' ' ~~--_j -----· --··-~----·-·-·-··-·--~:..~·~--- f+.B ~IJU)ItlAL SfCTON (!tlllll Cliii£R ul<E OF UH111l lUll ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY __ll, . --MllNA tti.oaitiiiiC PROJ£CT DEVIL CANYON POWERHOUSE SECTtoNS M~ftCH 1982 ----------... ~--:.. ACAII AMIRCAII at~Ot< --- SECTION A·l! aw.a e. -.. - \ \. 5fCTIOr! 9·8 SCALI!;& }, - SECTION D•D tcAl-1!1:1 -.. AC:C:f!!>S S<'.O.I'T _,,.. PO\NLQUOUSP. ·--· / ... -- BIB ALASKA ~WER AUTHORITY SI.ISITM IQ!MOE\.ECTRIC PROJECT OE.Vtt.. ~NYOh POWEl\ FACIUTIES A~SS WARCH 1982 1 - I ·-~ -•• SECTION A•A a<:"ll • - r----- ...,--..1i--.~ / l SECTION 8-B IICAU.I! & ----· -r SECTION C·G 5C .. I.I 6 Ill ·- ~-. SECTION O"D TMAOOQH C:A!~I llMAFT !SCAU C - 0 4 -:f•"·u ICALt: C I ICAI..Lt a? ~ jlh;U ~,. SCALE A :pur ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ... _ .. SUStTm if..tiiiii fl:l RIC f'ftOJECT DEVIL CANYON. TRANSFORMER GALLERY PLAN AND SECTIONS MARCH~ L------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JL·~~~-~·~·~H~P~~~-~-~ai~~~-~~~aJL __________ _j~l~~~ -·-- 1000 - ---·-- .~-.----... _ ... _~---.· -~--· .......... II'Ot CtM c:M!IT .,_, l.lt.S ~ ' -·-·~· .. 0 ~ o.u ataiT a.: 14""ii ---------, • .. " .. ~t:."'· ... UM'i 011' ./ '' OftCUT Cl..f'IT~ - -· ~-~-=-~~=·~=;~~==~~~~========~~;:~::~~~;:::;t~ ~~~1-\ _#" -~-c:=:;;::;=.n== ......-'7. \ \ .. ~ ... -. ··-''{ ' . ' ' "· ' ' ... B ',, ... .... ... _ -... ~VELOPED PAOI'ILE LOOI(Ui UPSTREAM KAlil A --- ---- 0 !WoU< a! 0 500U:.A Ill &..-:J-~1 _______ ;I: I. ________ J -c::HIO '0-~ ~.:ro~ ~~ -01' ...._ 1'\..Ua &-=-3 "UT 100 ~tt.c::r ALAStcA POWER AUTHORITY SUS~~~~ PRQ,J£Ct DEVtt.. CANYON MAIN DAN GROUTING AM0 DRAINAGE ~ARCH 1982 PLATE 75 -----l" ---... OUCRIPTION t-r-------·-· ~-~ ll.;;-~--·· ·- l-" ----~-~ .. _ _, .... _ [~ -~ ·-.. -·---~ Ot "" VAC1LIIIEI ·-----· ----· .. ~ 10 IIAIII OAII II II IAOl'l.l. OAU " 14 1(~11% SPILLW./VALYCI ..... . ·--··""·• ~ II II 1111 .. CIIUTl IPI\.L-1 .. ---." 10 f'OWCII .. l .. IE tl U l"lNITOQII ,_ ... --· n tl --....... _____ ,, .. to 11M81HfllaEIIVLUOIIa lin IHl 1994 .... IH7 ------·-------· ----·-·~ -----------------~-·-----------c:oau--y --· ------·~--------;----------T-----.;Q.ft~M~------+···· -·-·------1---------Jf---------f-----~.l:>.:-:-.....:_:o~:_:o~:_:-;.._:-.:_:-.:-J-i'-':-.,-.;_:-.:_~--·----·--·-----·--~·-··-. _ ... , ... -=--. -··-·---T ,_____ . ------l- ··-··· --~-· -----l-------1-------+-------i--------··· '-··----~~· --------i-·------1-------t-------+------r----- --------! 111111 -._"TP"! .,. ______ .,1 :-...,,,,,,,,, ··•·•· ··---. 1 -------t ............. ....... _ ...... , _ .. ___ , !!IIIII! -·-;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;.;; . -----.... --.,. - n• •• _., ... iiitltii -----;--------t----------.. -------·----------- 2000 i--- .. I!IYIJ!MM P\111 ,,,,,,,,,, •••••••••umteta ----·-·~·1--·------i,-------.. ,. -11!!81 ----·--· -·------1----------· . --··---· ~ ------1------·---.... ------- .... -· j .. -· ---,. 1"-. lOOt -·----· ----;~~;;;;;;;;;;.·.~-~;;;;;;·.; .... ·-.... -----r--·-... . ........ . . __ -_ -_ -:"" __ --_-·~ ~ •• ;~~~.;;;;f.!; •• ,;.;;;;.,;;;;.,.y --------1----------···----·-· ----·-----·----- --- 2002 200.5 Cl . --·-.. +---------t:- 011 ~--.. ---,.-r--------t--1 o:s -----;-----------·,-i~ Ill 10 II .. I! .. II " It ----·~·i-.. II ____ ,! II -----~-4 . •, ~·-----·-11!: ----1~ l 1; I; ~~ -----·--·-· ·-----. ··--------··---· ;.;;!;.;., ... ~ • .;.;l;.,;.~ •• .t . .; ...• , •. .;,.,;;. 12 IIICK.IILIECI, IITSlt= ·--·------1-----·-· -----~ --·---·----.. ·~--------1----------t---" --------.-.. t--------1-----·-·--·---+------·-.... t----- ·------· ···~·t-----------+--------t·--·---t--------1--------- ···--·----·1------t-------+·-----· :Ill tiU.HIMISSfOII L-il -------t-------·----· .. " ·-·-·······-·---1--·------t------·-·· --- g;&)jtll!!!!VfiL...- -"''''''' -·--+-·' .. .~ .J!'!!ol!I!UQII_ , fT'I\I<'GIPN.I/1~1 «q;ee -. ,. -~ .... ~_...-1Sit:IMJ1~ -....::..:... · atwc · .......... ,., _ 1 t IBIBIIIIBIBii!BII BIBIIaiBIB _.. .. .. ~-~--------·-t-------t-----------·-·---··-----------·---·· . ----..L -~------t----·-·-1-----··----·· ----t~-:_"1 I W' ~~'-!It·--·' . ____ , ... --11-------1---------t-------- !~ tltll ae_------·f--------11-------+-----··-•• ·-···-------jf---. ------·~---------L------=~o--------!"'"_-~-------·~----_-_--: ~ ==I'~~_-_ -IU:atHI1'1oQ.mU ~ SICI.WI.f~·._,.YNAt••t .:-.,,,,,,, ~L -COOOCI8ft a1a1atat .._CMAIICII.L RKflltCiill ----~Q ALASKA. P'OWER AUTHORITY SUSltHA ~taiiie iiftOJ£CT' -· DEvtL CANYON. CONSTRUCllON SCHEDULE - - --.. £!1 ~- f \ 1800 .. l•r.oo < ~ ~.toO . ~ aiiOO I ---· ---- ( •. \ \ \ ) -- ALASKA POWER AUTHORlTY ·--Si.iSilii'it~ I'R\')JE:CT DEVlL cAtffON EMERGENCY SPILLWAY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAT£ 81 ---- - 1(·10 .. .., ------ SfCTION A·A !leAL!.-= " .... --- -___ _j §fC!!ill:L..LHROUGH_f!J§E. f_L!J§. SClU ~ t ~PilOT CH.,.NHEL ~/ ·:._---hi~ -----· r-t~'"~ ---l-12~-1 .. / .. TYPICAL SECT!QN C·C ~~U.A --... TYPICAL §ECT!()N 8·~ S.CA.if A ~ !-1 C.Ultep =>fL ... ~ OK.GI<o\'<1!Ll'r'1c>l 1t;t• -····-. ~ ' . . . .:::-"":::;', -" ---- BIR ALASKA. POWER AUTHORITY Silsttii~£CTRIC PROJ£CT DEVIl. CANYON EMERGEMCY SPILLWAY SECTlONS lURCH 1982 f'LATE 82 ------- -' I 1500 ... 00 1100 il100 9 ·J: 1100 g i DETAIL l :t 1000 ~ --- WN Al El. 930 ...... ---- .-----·--------+---...,.- ! ' --- Ill ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY -·-SUStfHA Hl~ PROJ£CT DEVIl,. CA~YON OUTLET fAClLITlES I "KUS .";r-;a;~t; L------------·------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------~~~~~~------~--~ ---- - -- IZQD i • 1100 e 5 1000 .~---........ .,..., ____ ......... ·---_._ ___ _ tOO --- I "'--.............. -....-....._. --------...... ..... _ ----- --·-~ .... --'"'. _____ ... ___ _ PROFILE ----- Mill - ALASKA ?OWER AUTHORITY --~~·f'ftOJECT DE'l1L CANYON MAIM 'SPILLWAX GENERAl. ARRANGEMENT PLAtt AND PROALE MARCH !982 PLATE 77 ----- - ------.. --- TYPICAL SECTION THEIU CENTERliNE Of ROLLWAY ~IF --r .1 :: --~ ------, ________________ _ I I I I I I i irwu ---'li .1011r 1 ·: i,.., I 1: I I I j .l.__ - I I I I l l r-tr~~~~~UW~-Lr-i-------------------~----~ 1 • r ..:; I!IO't(I«JJT .~CW~T I I !.... I I v: ; ; r ---.:' i H . .. ~-·- SECTION A-A ARQI DU.I • -. lltRUSTkOCit I l IU 0 I ~· ~ . -.. . _ ..... ~--~---- .. ELE\IATION B-B [L K&li t--·----_!«!:::.L__ •1 II'OIIA4t STill' LOG IMULT STOIIAG[ SECTION C·C MOIIMAt. M4XICIUif 01'!114Tlil0 ltvt:L ll.14U ~-----..,.- - I I I I ;-t" l I I I \; I I q I .. I I I I I I \ ~---- I l I I ~ I l I I ~ I I I 1. t· [ - I I I l ~ ... -. !.. I. - I I I I ' I I ' I 1 ' I .... ~----------1 o • '"ttu Sc.\Lt: c::sz..w.;;,;a IJHI I A~~ POWER AUTHORITY. IIIIi!-SUSl'mof. 'Hl'OOO£l.ECTJ'IJ PftOJEr.t DEVIL CANYON MAIN S'PILLWAY CONTROL STRUCTURE ------·------- - - §gC!!OO ft-6 SCAt[• A - , OIIAIIIAOE tiOI.£1 eALtERT 110'&10'1 ___ ,.. ___ ........ --- • 10 0 -· .. N DETAIL 2 SC.lll•ll _ .i !?:" AHCIIOIII ----< Mil , .. ALASKA. POWER AUTHORITY --· SUSi"'TM ~f'f'OJ(CT DEVlt.. CANYON MAIN SPILLWAY etruTE PlATE NARC!« t9SZ 79 II I EARTHQUAKE GROUND filQTIONS I I SOURCE BENIOFF TERRAIN ~1AGNITUDE 8~ 6 6~ I SIGNIFICANT 45 6 10 DURATION <SEC) I WATANA DISTANCE CKM) 63 10 10 . I MEAN PEAK ACCELERATION (G) 0.35 0.50 ? • I 84TH PERCFNTILE ACCELERATION (G) ? ? .? I • • I DEVIL CANYON 90 10 DISTANCE (K~1) 10 I f"~1EAN PEAK ACCELERATION (G) 0.30 0.50 0.50 I 84TH PERCENTILE ACCELERATION (G) ? ? ? I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TERRAIN EQ. MAGNITUDE 6~ TO 6~ DR~ SYKES REVIEvJ OF WCC REPORT 1943 Et\RTHQUAKE RELATIONSHIP TO SITES - - --- -.. - - -"-- -. ~\ ----- l I GENERALIZED WESTERN /BOUNDARY OF THE I/ TAlKEETNA TERRA;N • I ! ' '* 1943 EARlHQUAKE DEVIL l CANYON - MAGNETIC ANOMALY '--tALKEETNA THRUST , -F !IIi -;> ·-.... 0 lO SCALE IN MILES ! t t . l COOKINLET ~~------------------------19_4_3_E_A_R_TH_a_u_A_K_E_S_T_R_uc __ ru_R_A_L_.~ ___ ru_RE __ S_M_A_P_· ____________________ ~ <:::::. --··. -·· . -···-· .. "--·. --··-··~-·-· --·-··--·--· ---.-"-··· ~-------··----···-·-.. ---.. ·-··---·-·--------·--···-----.. -· .................. ·--·-' ... ' '< ·-· •• -·'' .~:/' I I l I APPROACH TO SEISfv11C I DESIGN OF STRUCTURES I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I -DETERMINISTIC -FILL DAMS -TIME HISTORY DYNAMIC ANALYSIS -ARCH DAM-RESPONSE SPECTRA- TRIAL LOAD (ADSAS) ANALYSIS 0 0 TII\NSPARENCY MOUNTS i'JWNTURE POUR TRANSPARENTS ;I . ;I ~·5rAEffilER .LUMOCOLOR N0:991 AV ) ':I 1.6r-------------,------------------------------------~ ~ ~ t il ~ • 1 !I • ~. -~ 01 -c: • .E -'I t!. ' I» ,: "ii (.J (.J 5 < .I -;:; .... -(.J I» c. en ·~ I I I I I I I ,._ 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 Period (sec) Damping =-0.05 84tt:l Percentile 1 Resp0nse spectr-t!lm of acceleration time history shown in Figu.re 8·10 3 10 RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR A MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKE ON THE BENIOFF ZONE j j ...... .,!" -;i-- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - 0: UJ ..J 6 Ill ~ ffi ~ oy- m (J) .. 0 z 0: 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ :J _J (/) 1-z w a: (/.)<( 1-a. zoo ::lz o<C ~·~ >-a: 0::> zo Wa.. a: <t:w a.O:: (J):::> 1-Zz <o ~~ -a -"' rn c' 0 ·p 19 ..... II "'ii 0 0 4( s ~ a. rn 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.03 0.1 Q.3 Period (sec) i 10 MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR MAXIMU~ti TERRAIN EARTHQUAKES I I EARTHQUAKE I I GROU·ND MOTIONS 1· SOURCE I I . MAGNITUDE SIGNIFICANT DURATION1 (SEC) I WATANA ~-7 BENIOFF TERRAIN 81/2 6 6 1/2 45 6. A1JQ . ' ' .·': I DISTANCE (KM) I . MEAN PEAK 63 <10 <10 l -=' I ACCB ERATI9N (g) 84th PERCENTILE I ACCEJ ERATION (g) I DEVIL CANYON I DISTANCE (KM) I MEAN PEAK I ACCELERATION (g) 84th PERCENTILE I ACCELERATION (g,) I I Q35 0050 Q60? • ass oso? o.7o? • 0 - 90 <10 <10 Q30 0~50 0.607 • 0.4 7 060? 0.70 .. I -SAFE I Y EVAWATION EARTHQUAKE (SEE])) . -BASED ON TERRAl.N EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS . . -MAGNlTUDE "6 V4 TO 61/2"CENTER 10 KM FROM DAM . tJt51Nt1r -STRUCTURE DESIGNED=oiO:Wm:ts:tA1'i& EFFECTIVE. PEAK ACCELERATION OF 0.8 x 80th PERCENTILE SEE ACCELERATION .• "'oc>' - 2.0 r----------========~---------.. 1.6 " ~iEI) . t(f 2 1.2 n:o tfi . IJJ 0: a.. LJJ: 08 Vl _J~ . " lJJ u u <( 04. ap=0.55o I. ' . . Ms • s 114 , CAMPING ~VATIO 0.10 I .. l ! ' • i I ' . ' \ l i 1 ' o~--~--~'~~~~~--~~~~--~ 2 3 10 .01 .03 0.1 0.2 0.3 I PERIOD (SEC) MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA . . MAX. TERRAIN EQS ( __ ~) - - 2,0-=-----------=-~==---------.... 0.01 .03 Ms• 61/2 DAMPlNG RATIO 0,10 01 0.2 ·0.3 I Z 3 PERIOD (SEC) MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA MAX: TERRAIN EQS 10 I I I -· I I I I I I I I a· I I I I I /XlttCH .DAM -S~R&E~MRE DE$t~~ED TO WllllifH~:lfNID EfFECTIVE H'f£0\\lf-. ACCELERATION OF IDJ~.$ x 80TH PERCENTILE Sl£1£ AtCELERAT I ON • • ' . 0 --------------,, ---- 060 ~ 0.20 :;;: u u <I w .'{l -0.20 ID ~·: t·~·~ ~~a.:\ .. J lJ !P.I,i~j!\\~1111• t~~~~jil f \~1~.1~.~ 1\· }lri1~!,l1jJ~ Ju ~~!1\:i; ~~' lt!Jrf~ ,\l~l,il:~itl~l ,1 11\\Vta·1 ~ilil :,H 1 JJ h_LJ.dlJ·.r lJl::~L~ ·'!!~~~-~ , ... L.J!..u, .. ll\ ··.C..U· ~· .,... • _ ... ._ • • ' (' " ' • ' . ' '"11. ~~f\'l 1.] I Mll\ ~·, n''; ~ l'i r 11 ~ i lli]l 'l1(rml\i!J ~~I' l'i: t rt. [Ill ~I~ II f,~v ifli' ~i)H' l\ rp I \r)P!~ 'ill' jo '1!1'"'1 I I ,, ...... ' .. "fl Th .. ' ' .. \ •. ' ~ ~n -----~. -o6o I I _J__~___t __ l I __ L I L __ L l___l___l ..... L~_l 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 3600 ..;200 48.00 54.00 GQOO 65.00 72.00 7800 8400 90.00 !itS.:10 TIME (SEC) EARTHQUAKE TIME HISTORY FIGURE 8617 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·--·---~-~-~· ---··----------~~-·~~-~--~---~·-----.. . .. ·- ----- -en r .. 113 i (/) ~ c : I, 0 ·;:; IQ ... !lJ !lJ u u <{ IQ .... ;)J . u ' !lJ " J a. '(}) ----------- t.O 0.8 0.6 0.4 ." 0.2 o~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~ 1 . 3 10 0.01 0.03 10.1 0.3 Perioci {sec) MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR MAXIMUM EARTHGUAKfS ON THE Bf:NIOFF ZONE AND OENAU FAULT- DEVIL CI\NYON DAM SlTE .. ---- ·"' . .I; .. ~ " .. A ;: . l' i ~ • ~ i; ' r I, . L I ~ ~ ' I .. .. -cn 1'0 (/) .. c 0 ·;::; 1'0 .... Q) Q) u u <( 1'0 .... .... 0 Q) a. (/) --.. ------·--.. - l.OF.===========~~~-~-~.~-~====================~=====================:~ 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.03 0.1 . . ' lESENtl · .... ,,~,, .. · '~~llimr09Jig ~ifl~!.!Y •.i: ===~.IDllfllnij f.l~ig E'@.tlft . ' 0.3 Period (sec} 1 3 10 MEAN RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKES ON THE BENIOFF ZONE AND DENALI FAULT WATANA DAM SITE - I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I . 15. PRESENTATION BY S. N. THOMPSON I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2500 ~ 2300 t;j w \L. ~ .2100 5 > w ..J UJ 1900 1700 2500 ,_ 2300 l:;j LLI ..... ~ 2100 ~ > I.1J iil 1900 1700 2700 2500 2100 1900 <C I.1J z :; :r u < ,:::~: l 100+00 I '15+00 I 40+00 I 90+00 J. SECTION CONTINUES TO STATION 220 +00 ~ GROUND 8 BEOROC.K SURFACE RISING l 85+00 044o 4 AZIMUTH 22. 4 ,. OF SECTJON- LOOKING TOWARDS WATANA RESERVOIR I 25+00 • 20+00 " AZIMUTH c 044 -.., .. ,.__OF SECTION-224 LOOKING TOWARDS WATANA RESERVOIR I ao+oo I 75+00 nH-oo 001 o ~ AZIMUTH lSI"' OF SECTION- LOOKING TOWARDS WATANA RESERVOIR I 15-TOO OR·20 I lO"tOO 60+00 .... :z 0 A. 1:> z ~ :::l .... TO WATANA EMERGEN.C't SPILLWAY ... AND DAM "V I 5+00 .SSHlO O+OO < uJ z :J 2500 2.300 2.100 !900 1700 i 2500. 2300 2.100 1900 1 1700 50+00 m w .z ..J 2700 OM·A-224" ~ oot·~-oM-a ,_ !, 20° FPSl ......... ··,·.·2·0-.0 ... F.P·S··...I• ;J'. ~ .... ''\ •. 1.,30 ... 0 .. F .. P.S ................... --.. , ••.. -~~~. ................................ -...... s.~~ ............................... ,. .. ,. ....................... -.... ·-····......... r 2500 2300 150+00 145+00 1'10+00 " I 135+00 130+00 125+00 !20+00 WATANA l llO+OC 2!00 1900 100+00 REFERENCE• DAMES a MOORE, 1975. RELICT CHANNEL SECTION COE,I979. LEGEND LITHOLOOY: ~~Ta':lii: SCDROCK UNFERfiED TO BE OIORITED r-:--? C\"ERBUROEN, STRATIGRAPHIC U~":irS L..._:j AS SHOWN CONTACTS; AP.PROXI!MTE TOP OF ROCK "'"""" NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LE\'El £L.2185 . BOREHOLES~ DR·ZO (£}sTRATI~RAPHY~ DR~zo CQE; ROTAlW DRILL BORING GEOPHYSlCAL SURVEYS: ~~ OM• A SSSMlC REFRACTION SURVEY ENC o:'l: TURNING f>OINT•t975, DAMES S MOORE 12,000 FPS OTHER: W-16 t NOTES SEISMIC VELOCITY CHANGE SEISMIC VELOCITY IN fEET PE:i'< ~\Cl:>ND iNTERSECTION. WITH CROSS SEC:UG-:N 'W·l6 I. SE:Cn<ms READ FROM TOP TO lOWE?. LEFT ( STA. o-+00 TO lSOtOO) SEtSMlC liNES !lV·A a 6 2. SECTl:;).'i LOCATION SHOWN ON. FIGURE S.3'5 3. SECTl.cNS W·JS 8 W•f7 S!iOWN OF; *"l'$JRE 6.35 4 VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALf; Eet;~L 5. SECTION ELEVATIONS FROM COE ~· .. :2i>O' TOPOGRAPHY, 1978 . 6. SECTtC!N COINCIDES CLOSEL.,Y WITH 0:!.\10£ BETWEEN SUSITNA RIVER AND TSUS~A CREEK DRAINAGES. THIS SECTION R£PRE5EN."CS NA"l-RC'A'£ST ~El.iCl' CHANNEL WIDTH 'fli:HERt GROUND SURFACE IS ABOVE MAXIMUIW; 'POOL. ELEVATION. 7; SECTION LIES ON DAMES AND MOQ~ SEISMIC LINE DM-A AND OM-8, 1975. B. SEISMIC LINE ElEVATIONS CORRECTEC 'AS· PER COE SURVEY AND NPAS AIR PHOT~ 'l.ll.PS, 1978' 9. REFER TO TABLE 6,1 FOR SEISMIC \ELOCITY ANO MATERIAl CORRELATION. 10. SEE F!Gt.JRE 6.3:2 FOR STRATIGRAPi'!lt:: <::OLUioiN AND GENERAL NOTES. 0 200 400 FEt=;T SCALE 2222-.•ic =- FIGURE 6.31 I I !f ~, I N3,2SO,OOO I I I I N3,232,000 I I I N3,234,000 I I I I N3.236,000 I I I N3,238,000 I I ~r Ol ozy o· -t ~~ §J ol 8i &I ~~ ~H t-.1 1'-,, wl wl l I WATANA · RELICT CHANNEL 8 BORROW SITE D STRATIGRAPHIC FENCE DIAGRAM SHEET I OF 2 ol O! o.l ~~ :;I COMifiUES TO 493 6 fEET 8f !1 ,., I I 11 Jj I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N3,230,000 N 3,2.:32.,000 N 3,2:34,000 H 3,2:36,000 N3,238,000 ti w :r ,.., w w C/Jf w z ..J :r 0 ~ :I: OR-2.2 OR-19 CON'riNUES TO 493.6 FEET oi 0! O.,i' ..:-.,., ,_, "'t 0~ oc o,: '"l N' ;:J wi I WATANA GENERALiZED STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN BORROW SITE 0 AND RELlCT CHANNEL COLUMN UNIT: [ -] -SURFICIAL [=:J C OUTWASH CJ 0 D € " a F AlLUVIUM a FLUiliAL DEPOSITS ()1HWASH "fiLL /WATERLAIN TILL ~ ~ H A:.LUVIUM [::J! TILL J EJ ,f ~lLUVIUM ~t~ K ALLUVIUM 18':.aiW SED ROCK, DIORITE NOTES ESTtMAT£0 DESCRIPTION: THICKNESS: 0-5' SOULDERS,ORGANIC SILTS AND SANDS. 0-18' SIL1 Y SAND WlTH SOME GRAVEL AND OCCASIONAL CQBBLES. 12.' AVERAGE USUALLY BROWN, BECOMES GRAY IN LIMITED AREAS. THICKEST IN NORTHERN PORTIONS OF AREA. THINNING SOUTKWARtl, OFTEN ABSENT NEAR SUSITNA RIVER. 0-15' Q -!\S' l~'AVERA\0~ 2 -50' !2' AV12RA'GE 0 -40' IO'T06S' > 20'AVERAGE TO tso• SAND WITH SOME SIL1\ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL. GENERALLY BROWN, FOUND ONLY ALONG COURSE: OF liMITED DRAINAGE CHANNELS FORMED Ut OUTWASH E. GENER~LLY SORTED. SAND,SILT,Gil:AVEL AND COBBLES, PARTLY SORTED, WITH FRAGMENTS SUB·ANGUL.AR TO ROUNDED. SILT AND SAND LENSES OFTEN PRESENT. BROWN TO GFl~Y BROWN WITH A COBBLE/BOULDER ZONE OFTEN PRESENT AT THE BASE OF UNIT F _ CONTACT BETWEEN E ll F' IS OFTEN POORLY DEFINED. CLAYEY, Sll..TY SAND, USUAllY GRAY, OFTEN PLASTIC. COI~TAINS COBBLES AND GRAVEL IN MANY AREAS. OCCASIONAt..LY PRESENT AS A LACUSTRINE DEPOSIT SHOWING LAMINATIONS AND/OR VARVES. GENERAl-LY A Tll.L DEPOSITED THROUGH OR NEAR STANDING WATER. SAND,SILT, GRAVEL, PARTLY TO WELL SORTED. OFTEN ABSENT BETWEEN UNITS G S l UNIT REPRESENTS PERIOD OF MEl.l'ING PRODUCING ALLUVIUM/OUTWASH BETWEEN THESE DEPOSITS. APPEAP.S AS NAnROW BANOS REPRESENTING CHANNEL FILLINGS. THICKEST IN WESTERN PORTION OF THE AREA. POORLY SORTED SANO,SILT, GRAVEL AND COBBLES, OCCASIONALLY WITH CLAY. GENERAUY GRAY TO GRAY BROWN. CONTINUITY UNCERTAIN DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION AT DEPTH. SILT OR SAND LAYER liNCHES ·6 INCHES THICK OFTEN FOUND IN CENTER OF UNIT I. BASE UNIT ON TOP OF BEDROCK, EXCEPT IN BURIED CHANNEl THALWEG. CONTACT BETWEEN I a J OFTEN POORLY DEFIN£0, AND LOCALLY INCLUDES AN ALLUVIUM DESIGNATED J' SANO,GRAVEL,COBBLES,BOULDERS, FEW FINES, PERMEABLE. FOUND ONLY IN THALWEG OF BURIED CHANNEL. TOP AT 292 FEET, EXTENDING TO ROCK AT 454 fEET JN DEPTH IN DR-22.. IExPi:ORAT!>:'N LOCATIONS S~OWN ON HI:>URES 5.1 AND 6.40. 2. FOR LEGENtlOF SYMBOLS SEE FIGURE 6.~ 3 EXPANDEt'< SECTION FROM DR·I3 THROUI>~ OR-20 SHOWN ON FIGURE 6.33. 4 LETTERS USED TO DEANE UNITS ARE AR~ITR4RY AND WERE USED FOR CORREU;n.:)...,. PURPOSES. 5 THE ACCURACY AND THICKNESS OF SOH .. AND ROCK STRATA IS SUBJECT TO VER!F ICATJON. 6 THIS FIGURE IS GENERALgEO FOR GRAPHlt PRESENTATION FOR MORE SPECIFIC lNFORMATlON REFER TO TEXT AND BORING lOGS SCALE SCALE RELICT CHANNEL S SORROW SITE D STRATIGRAPHIC FENCE DIAGRAM SHEET 2 OF 2 FIGURE 6~32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2400 ...... ~300 -~:~:~\:/~ :~~/-.; _::. :· .... 2200 ;::- 11.1 ~ 2100 L 1900 I BOO 1700 -045·~ AZIMUTH --..-225• OF SECTION WATANA RELICT CHANNEL-EXPANDED THALWEG SECTiON 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 LEGEND LITHOLOGY: D . c ~ [E) E.r ITZill . ' [ZJ] . G ... -. H ~ . CONTACTS: KNOWN UNIT CONTACT INFERRED UNIT BOUNO.ARY r J' J K '''''' NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING l.E\'EL EL~II!!i BOREHOLES: OR"26 COE ROTARY CORE BORINGS f:r NOTED AS. fROZEt-1 DURING ORILU~ NOTES I. SEE FIGURE 6.32 FOR STRATIGRAPHIC Ci:ll.t.lMN AND GENERAL NOTES • 2. SEE FIGURE 6.31 FOR TRUE SCALE SECtt~N OF SAME: GENERAL AREA. 3. VERTICAL TO HORIZONTAL SCALES 5•l .. 4. PERMAFROST DATA (TEMPERATURE. Pl.ClS ON FIGURE 6.28), DR-13 NO TEMPERATURE DATA DR-~0 NO PERMAFROST DR-22 FROZEN 72' TO 110' DR·26 FROZEN 19' TO 55' DR-27 FROZEN O' TO 44' 5, BEDROCK ELEVATIONS BASED ON SEISMIC REFRACTION. DATA {FIG.5.11 6. THE ACCURACY AND THICKNESS OF S~ ~NO ROCK STRATA IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION.. 7. THIS FIGURE IS GENERALIZED FOR GRA!~ f'RESENTA.- TION. FOR MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION' ~"'1"ER TO TElG" AND BORING LOGS. SCI'.i...E 0~·~· ~. ~~~,~~O;.;a~I$0FEETVER~L 0~~~~400§;;;;;;;;;;;8~00 FEET ~TAL SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-w 2400 ~ 2000 z 0 i= ~ 1600 w ..J w 1200 ... IIJ 2400 ~ 2000 ·~ ~ ~ 1600 rd 1200 l . l· 150..___ AZIMUTH -zaso OF SECTION I., 'II: SUS IT "!_A RIVER I (LOO ... G """~l EL 1500± TH!S AREA APPROXIMATELY 9000' UPSTREAM OF WATANA OA.M CENTERUUE . ~I NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING LEVEL EL 2185 SUSITNA RIVER (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM} EL 1470± ~ / ------------' THIS AREA APPROXIMATELY 3000'liPSTREAM OF WATANA DAM CENTERUNE •THE FINS" 1 NORMAL MAXIMUM OPERATING POOL EDGE SW•3 ., SL81·16 Ai OM-A 1 r rNOF,t. ALMAXIMUM • OPERATING. POOL I DR-20 OR·t9 ' EDGE SLB0-2 i DR-18 OM-A r SUSITNA RIVER TO TSUSENA CREEK ESTIMATED THALWEG {DEEPEST PATH) SECTION W-17 SL BO·I "THE FINS" TO TSUSENA CREEK SHORTEST FLOW PATH SECTION W-16 WATANA I RELICT CHANNEL PROFILES rose-AZIMUTH -315o OF SECTION I ~ 2400 2000 1600 1200 SCALE LEGEND CONTACTS: -----APPROXIMATE TOP OF ROCk GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS: fsw•t ~1RSECTION WITH SEISMiC REFR:...->ON OM·C 1975, DAMES a MD~ SW•J 1978, SHANNON a ~1L.SON SL BO·I ISSO, WOODWARO·CL)n£ CONSUt.'Q,\-;'S SL 81•2 l9Sl. WOODWARO·Ct:roE COI•ISUt.'t:.~~ BOREHOLES: DR-19 COE ROIARY DRILL BORING NOTES I. PROFILE AND SEISMIC LINE LOCATIONS ~~'S ON FIGURE 6.35 , 2. SECTION ALONG DM·A SHOWN ON FIG~ ~5; 3 VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALE EQt;rA;;. 4 SURfAC~ PROFILE FROM I"• 200'TO!>QG.."'~~"Y. COE 1978 TO!>OGRAPHY GENERALIZED TO :;~ F£::0, 5. TOP OF f\OCK NORTHWEST Of' SL 60·1 1$ ~.:l..'F:CTEO UP TO 300 FEET TO PORTRAY ACTUAL. N~Yt''EG PROFILE FIGURE 6.34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16. PRESENTATION BY D. W. LAMB -., .. - E L E v A T I 0 N I N ---------------.. 2200 RESERVOIR EL: 2185 FT. PMFEL 2202 2100 2000 F E F; T 1~~~~~~~~---r----~----~--~r---~-----r·----~----r---~----~--~~~~~~~ 0 200 400 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 HORIZONTAL DiSTANCE IN FEET WATANA RESERVOIR FREEBOARD DIKE CROSS SECTION 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 VERTICAL E~GGERATION = 2 ------------------- SOIL UNIT COMPOSITE SAMPLE C & D MEAN E & F MEAN GMEAN GRADATION RESULTS WATANA BORROW AREA D PERCENTAGE OF TOTA~ SAMPLE COARSER BETWEEN FINER THAN THAN #4 #4 & #200 #200 15°/o 40°/o 45°/o 5°/o 60°/o 35°/o 12°/o 53°/o 35°/o -li .. • •" .. .. QO/o 45°/o 55°/o PI UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY SAND (SM) NP (SM) NP . (SM) _ 10 (ML) ------ ------- u.s Slol'dord 51••• Or-nlnQs In lnchlt U S.Siondorcl Sit•• N~ml>eu tlrcltomolu 110 100 200 2'10 100 /2 I 3/4 112 3/ 20 10 l -0 "·--!-6 s 211 s~ e "l'~~~-! -r-r::~~-~ ~ r .. r .. ~ ·---·-· ~--------'j . ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'['-·" ~~--r---_,..._., __ ... ..,_ ·--r-r---~ ,'\ ~' ["-.~ f~"-~ . -·-1-'----·-----~ ~" l"-.~" ~ .._~ ·--· ,,._, 1-·--·t-1--r--t-· ""' ~"""" "\ 1---I" I' ["\. -" ....... r-t---····--· _,_ t---~ I'" L'\ ~ ···-·---... -~ ·-· _,_ t-· ----·r I-· ,-I" ~ ,, [''-. ----.• --!~ ·---·--t-1-r-. --i> :\ i""'~ ~ """· ' .. ·-:---~ --· . --·-r- ___ .. '-l"\. .~ 1~"-~""" .. ··t-. --1-r-!-·-~ L~ ~ -·-t-r---··-t-t-. ' -r-t-··-1--·----· ~ ~""' ,. ~ ~ ... ,.. -. ,, --t---1---,, -r-t--·-.. '\ l"'."'-~' I' I" I"~ --r-r--·---. ·--~· ---· -t-· 1-~"' ""'\ -·1--1'\!' ~ --~--.. ·--t-t---·-··----~-•.(\ ,,,, ,"\ r--. l'f' !"\["\. •. . . :-r---·-· .... r" ~~ -~ ·!---- 90 80 70 -~ 40 ~ 0.. 20 10 .. 1-t-... - . ":-:--'---c .. ~ --·-.. _ . ..__ __ -. QD 0 1000 sco !SO 100 !I D 0!1 01 I DOU..DERS COBBLEs MOISTURE CONTENT LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INUEX Coarse RANGE B-21 °/0 0-17 NP-2 GRAVEL fil'lll AVERAGE 128% 12.1 NP SAND Medium Fine WATANA-BORROW AREA D GRAIN SIZE CURVES-UNITS C,D + C/0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~" C'\ ~~ ~ ~' "~'\ ---- ·~o c.-..-. --10 20 30 -.c -go • ·--40 ~ •. -.. --•.r...u-s ... 1---·-·=-50 • .. ... D '. -~~ 0 u r-~ c .. .. ------u ... .. ~-10 0.. 0... ·-~ -60 ~"~-,_ -~-"" ""' l'i' ~ "*-~'\: f0 1'\.f"\. t-... 90 ..... ~~I'\ 1\, ['(~ '\ ~~ 001 o~ "iloot 100 FINES Sill Sites -------------- 2400 2400 2300 i 2200 z 2100 0 i= ~ 2000 2100 1900 1900 1800 1800 1700 ~------r-------r-------~------~------,-------.--------r-------r------~------~1700 WATANA RELICT CHANNEL- EXPANDED THALWEG SECTION 10,000 ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I SYMBOL c E ·-"-·&,~- F G Jf J QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BURIED CHANNEL AREA UNIT OUTWASH OUnYASH ' . .., .. ,; TILLJWATERLAt:-.: TILL INTERGLACIAL ALLUVIUM TILL MAXIMUM THICKNESS 18' 55' .. 65' 45r , . ' ~ ' .. -·.· ~-J • ' .... . ~-"':::;: .. so' MATERIAL TYPE SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES. SILT, SAND, GRAVEL, COBBLES, SORTED.-. ~· ' ~ '•, CLAYEY SILTY SAND, WITH GRAVEL AND COBBLES, OFTEN PLASTIC. SAND, GRAVEL WITH OCCASIONAL SILT, SORTED. "" ~_> ., -' " ,.,. _, -~ • < SILT, SAND, GRAVEL COBBLES, POORLY SORTED. - - - -.z:; 00 u ~ .... ~ .... .. c: ii: c ~ ~ n. ---------- US. Stondo<~t Slna Oponlnto In lftdlot Hydrol'ltel•• 100 12 9 6 r -~;r-rr 3 2 11/2 l !/of 1/2 318 4 10 20 40 iSO 100 200 270 90 f' ~ ~ ~'\.. ""-" -. 1-i-:--"" '"' "~" . _, __ ---~--~-' ~~ 80 ~" --1-· i--... . ·--- 70 -r-f-r f- ---r-f-----· 60 50 . r----_,_ ·10 •I- . . 30 20 10 01000 !100 COOBLES MOISTURE CONTENT LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX t---r-· GRAVEL Coarse Floe RANGE AVERAGE 6.6-13 °/o 0-17 NP-2 10.2 °/o 12.8 NP ['.~ ;r I T ""' ~ i~ ['\.: f.:'.... f-- 1\ •"-.,."-. ["-."' ~""' -.[\ 1'-[\ [" ~ ~"""' ""' !'-~" !'...".... "'' '"'" ~'to-. ~ L"-l\ ~ ~"""' I\ I' " ""' ~ :0 [\.. '\ f\.. """" ""' !"-1.\: ~ '" ~" ~""" r-1' I'-!'\." k'\."' ~ ' ["-. '" '\ :' !\: ""' ~~ -~" 1\~ ['. "' ~ ("\.. """""' "" !'-~ 10 L'\'-' ~""'-"'" ['!\ ... :-;l'\ ['. ~ ~""""' ~ ~ 1\ .. t0 ['... ".... "''"" f\1' 1"-l" r...; t-"' ~ ~"'"' 1-f'\ ['\, ...... ~"""' f'f" ('\ I'--.. ' I' . ['I' ['\, - .. ~t'-~ " i'- --·---·· 0!1 Ql SAND Medium Fine WATANA-BORROW AREA 0 . GRAIN SIZE CURVES-UNITS E,F + E/F ~ ,:-.. L"-.."'- K r0( ·' ~" ~ r-...~ F::l.. '\ ~" I" -- -. -. .. -. -~ ~ ~ E:: ~ f"' I" ['~ ~"" ~".... I' I' I"[\, ~ ~ ~ r-.. L"-~ ~"' FINES !ail! Sites ... ._ .. ,_ 0 -=·- -~--· 10 --- 20 "_.,.,,.,,__ 30 ·-· 40 50 ·-~-... 160 70 --'-80 90 .2\."-.'\; -z:: "' • ~ .. • .. ... 0 0 u c .. u ... .. n. --- .c; ••• ---!---- US. Slo"""'d Slue 0;-onlnQs 1ft tnthn 100 r-·-r-.:, • 12 9 6 -· -- 90 -~- 80 . 70 . 1-· .c 00 o; * 60 ""' .a ... 50 .. c: -1-~- u: .. --c: 40 :J -·-- d n. 30 20 10 01000 500 100 50 COBBLES Coarse RANGE MOISTURE CONTENT 6-40% LIOUID LIMIT 17-35 PLASTICITY INDEX NP-15 ---.. ... -- 10 20 40 eo 100 200 270 ' ~"'" ""'" '"~ """' ~""""' I I I T ~ ,., __ ~!'-- ......:: ['1"-t'--[", ~ ~ l'-,"' ~ I'\. I'-~ ~ . ~ t't:-._ 0 "'"' i'.."'"'" r'\~ l'-.. ["' ~"' ~~ ~ 0-." ~""""' ~~' ~ '""" ~""""' --~ - ""' '"" """' I'-~ ["., ['\. ~" :\.'\."V ~ ·I-~" 1-,.1'\, ·"' l'-.'-' """"""""' r-,1' '~"' '~ 1"\ t'-. ,. 't'--l'-' ~ ~"' '1.( :\ l'\. ...... ,....._ "" I\ "" l'..."' ['\.""" """"' "'"' -' 1'-L'-1\: '""' . "" ~ l'' ~ """" r0-""""' ' "' !'\['\ 1'\."-~"' ~" D GRAVEL Fine AVERAGE 20.2 °/o 2.6 10 .... ~ ~ ["\_"'""" . ' . f-~~ ~"'"' f-~""""' -,-· """""' -f-. f--·-" . . - ---5 0.5 01 SAND Medium Fine WATANA-BORROW AREA 0 GRAIN SIZE CURVES-UNITS G+F/G r'K ~ t\r'\ "l'- 1-,.'\, " ~,I, "" t\'\, "' ~i'-":'-- !' ['\. !"- 0.05 ~ ~ ~"\. ·- ~ ~ ~~~ ' ' - ~ !"\."' ~""""' ~ ·~-"' ~ ~" l'\.""~ --., -0-l'-. "\ ~""" """"\ t\"\ ~ L" 1'\.~ ~"""' -· !'.['\, 1\ 1'\"\. ~"' """"""" 1-.1" 1'-['. [\. ~ ~" ~"'"' 1'-f'. [\ ""' l'\ ~ l"\_"'~ t'-1" I' L"-~ ·.( ~"" 1'\r'\ ['. l'-.. I"\" ~-· -- t--r.; ,~, • ,l 0,01 0~ FINES sui SlLes --- 0 10 20 30 -.c:. ... i 40 ~ ""' .a ... 50 "' .. ... a 0 u 60 ;: II> u ... u 70 Q. 80 90 - ---- - - -------- US. Slat>dord Sl••• Os-~ '" l11d1et 100 IZ l' 6 3 Z 11/2 I 314 1/2 3/IJ II r·~ t' ~ ~ '-----1-·--. ...... ·-~ --1-------.. ·f-1--- - 90 80 - 70 .... ~ 50 . 1-f-- u. 1----~ .. --·· . -. 10 -01000 500 100 COBBLES MOISTURE CONTENT LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX Coarse RANGE 9-13% 19.2-39 0.9-14 0.-" ~"' "'-' ~ ~"'~ 1~'-' -.. . D GRAVEL Fine AVERAGE 10.3% 29.1 7.5 Hrdfomotor . " I I I T I 1'3~ .. ~ 1'['\ l" ~ ~ -< "" I" r-.." [\..'\ ~ .. - tO 20 40 110 100 "00 270 0 10 I' L'\ l" '"" ~"'' .,..,._. .. ~ ["'\ !'\" ~"\ 1'..."'"'" 20 -"-. ~ '~~ ~"'" "" . ._ ..... , r-~ '"'"" '\:'\ :" 30 -•• <4. --'""' '" ·" -:: ~ ---~ i\.·" C\ i'-.~ 40 .• r-· r'\~ l'\ ~ ~ &.. ~ -r-,__ ·-1--· ~~ ~ ~"' ~~ -$:10:. i--. -_ _, ·--1-f---. t--~ ~"" 10-. "'"' ~ ~ ="''" ~"\ ~"'"" 1\ ['o. 50 60 -... ---~ --· f----~'\..__'\ ""' ["'\ ~ >A. ~ " ~L" ~ ~ -1-. -.. -f--f-~1'[\[\r-.."~ "~ 1--.. ' .. I' o:'l:' "'" """" • f-1--~ ~ " i": ~ 1:'-."'"' "" 1\: ~ -- =i j~ "" "f'"' [\ !'.. "l"'\::"' ~ ~-'--------~ 1:: t:..l'.~k'\"')l~ 70 80 so 5 0.5 01 005 001 0~ SAND Medium Fine FINES ]c1:::1 Sill Siles WATANA-BORROW AREA D GRAIN SIZE CURVES -UNITS I,J +I/J --- ~ ... • ~ ,... .... .. • .. ... a 0 u c .. u ... .. a. - - ----.. -- ------·--- US Sloml<><d Sieve Opening• In lnthu U.S. Slt>fldt~<ol Slow• Numbaro Hydcomolor 100 12 9 6 s z 11/2 I 3/4 1/2 3/e 4 10 20 40 110100 200 21.9 0 -.-.--· -;--r r-.. ~ ' -~ -~ ... f-1-----·-1---~ -- 90. ....... ~ ------~B5%LNo.4 10 . .. f-1--I-~ ......... i'---~ 60 ... ··-··- .............. 20 .. ---,_ -·--""" .• ,.... ~--r-- 70. '-I--i'!'-30 ~ -,_ --I: 01 1-----01 ;; r--... • ;:; 60. . ---· "-.. 1!0 3: ,.. f-.... -i-. 1-·-· -.... ..0 ""' ... ... 5Q .. H-1-· 50 • .. . -... c: 45 °/0 L. No. 200 ... iL 0 .. r-· ·-.. -----· 0 ..... i'.. 0 ~ 40 .. -~ f-· , ....... -·--60 c u ~ f--- b... ~ Q. v 30 • f-10 Q. !'-... ""' t--- 20 "t-.. eo 1·--["--.. t-. 10 90 01000 !500 100 !10 D !5 0!5 01 0.0!1 O.ot O.!lO!i ,_~.,, 0001100 OOU.OERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES Coorse Fine Medium Fine Slit Sizes G• 2.71 WATANA COMPOSITE GRAIN SIZE CURVE-BORROW AREA 0 ------------------ US. SICit'ldcwd Slovo ()penlnft too lndlu 100 COBBLES 10 20 30 r "' i '10 ~ >.. .Q .... 50 IJ .. .. r:l 0 0 lt:n c • u .. .. 10 c.. 60 90 150 D 5 0.5 QJ O.Oll 0.01 O.IJOO QOOIIOO GRAVEL Coarse Fine SAND Medium Fine WATANA REQUIRED GRAiN SIZE CURVES MAIN DAM FINES Silt Sizes ------ 400 BOG 1200 --- WATANA - SECTION THROUGH MAIN DAM AT MAXIMUM HEIGHT DRAINAGE HOLES 1600 2000 2400 DISTANCE IN FEET -------- 2800 3200 3400 3600 I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I I I ® ® @ 0 5 0 MOISTURE CONTENT (0/o) 10 15 20 25 -. :· ;'· X 0 X X X 34% 33% 33% X X X X X -- --- - U.S Slondo<d S'le•• Opcnlfto1 ... In dill l --r-' -"T -~~~~-~· -~ 12 9 II 100 90 .. BO ~ ~ ... ·- t--- 70 -f--·- ~ "' o; ~ 60 " .... f-·-f-.,.. .0 ·•·I-·-1-. -... 50 • c u: -.. -· --w~--- ... c 40 :1 ~ --n. 30 20 ... 10 . .. 01000 100 COBBLES ------- U.S. Standard Stt•• ~·• tlydro,.,•••• 5 2 11/a I ~4 1/2 S/IJ -f--- -·-- •· -r--r------· --r---- -I) GRAVEL Coarse Fine .. 10 20 40 110 100 200 2i'O flo.~ :\ '"" 1 I t' ........ ~ -~"' ; r-~ -....., '~ :-~ '" '\.''\ ~ ,...-!--. ' '\ ~ . . ----· '\: ~'-~'\~ ~ ~ " b.._' . I-;---~' ·I-I-···f-'tx"-~ -- -r--I--. -'-- \"-.' I-~ .. - - ----!I 0!1 Of SAND Medium Flnt WATANA-BORROW AREA D GRAIN SIZE CURVES -UNIT H t---r- f- ~ "' " ,, ,, ,,"-~to!.. " ~ ~ ~ o.os - - - - --- -- - """" "~~ ~ " f\:~ 001 0,005 FINES Sill Slze'.l - () --10 2() ··- 3() - 40 50 ~,,._ " 11::1"\ "-- 70 ·-ao 90 o.oot100 :.-.. • ~ a 0 u ~ • .. .. .. Q. - - ------------------- ( ........ .. ...,., E L 2200 E v A T 2100 . I 0 N I 2000 N F E 1900 E T 1!00 RESERVOIR LEVEL 2185 FT. HORIZONTAL DISTANCE IN FEET TOTAL CUT== 13 MILLIGM CU. YD. DAM VOLUME = 4.5 MILLION CU. YD. BURIED CHANNEL ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED DEPOSITS . LIMIT OF GLACIAL OVERCONSOLIDAllON OVERCONSOLIDA'TED DEPOSITS '\. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATANA -RELICT CHANNEL PROFILE SADDLE DAM ~ N69°W tsl-1 A DRU19 SW-3 569°£ + N45°\~ SLi-1 ?:15- 2000 MAX OPER POCL 2215 FT 1470:: 1500 1000 EXISTING EDGE OF RIVER TO TSUSENA CREEK = 9300 1 OPERATING POOL = 6200' 2215 2000- 1500 1000 ~ N32°W S32°E ~ SL 81-3~ MAX OPER POol 2215 FT <I ,./ /' L CUTOFF DR-18 OR-20 SECTION A - A uTHE FINS 11 to TSUSENA CREEK DIRECT LINE, SHORiEST DISTANCE ON UPSTREAM FLANK OF DAM SITE PLUTON )> N75~w t I SL81-16 SW-3 EXISTING EDGE OF RIVER TO TSUSENA CREEK = 12,000' OPERATING POOL TO TSUSENA CREEK = 7, 7oo· SECTION B - B 6 i I m·~-A .. SECTION ON APPROXIf~ATE THALWEG, LOCATION ABOUT 4000 1 UPSTREAM OF UPSTREAM COFFERDAf~ 1"=1000' LOOKING DOHNSTREPJ4 REtiCT CHANNEL PROFILES I SL80-2 1625' TSUSENA CREEK S75°E 4+ N45°~~ ~ I SL80-l TSUSENA CRE::.K I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17. PRESENTATION BY A. S. BURGESS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORMAL MAXIMUM 0?2RATlNG LEVEL EL. 2185 PROCESSED GRAVEL Fl~ CORE EL. 1340 WATANA DAM MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION CREST EL2205 -~ ""'· ---.<-_,____ o~<-~ NOTE= FOR D£TAILED CROSS SECTION SEE PLAT~ 9 IN VOLUME 3 OF FEASIBILITY REPORT. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . · .. ·,· ... · ... ".· .:,.·· ... ·l:.: ' , •• r· • • • . . ~ .o.;,_,_....,_ ... _.._H FINITE ELEMENT MODFL HCR11ZONTAL SLlCE N0.3 .. HORIZONTAL SLICE N0.2 HORIZON. 7-ltL SLICE NCLl I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SYMBOL A VALUE -;40. SYMBOL )( VALUE 5. B c D -J20. -100. -so. L M N 10. 20. 40. E F G -so -4o, -2o. 0 p 0 60. 80. 100. H -JO. R 120. I -5. s 140. J 0. END OF CONSTRUCTION STATIC RUN SOFT CORE VERTICAL STRESS (SIGv) ( KSF) I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SYMBOL VALUE SYMBOL VALUE A -140. K 5. B c 0 -12.0. -JOQ. -do. L M N . 10. 20. 40. E F G H J -so. -40. -2Q. -JO. -s. 0 0 p a R s 60. 80. 100. 12.0. 140. STATIC RUN SOFT CORE 2-D EFFECTIVE CONFINING STRESS (S!G 2.')(KSF) I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SYMBOL VALUE SYMBOL VALUE A B c 0 E F G -140. -t20. -100. -80. -60. -40. -20. H -10. -5. J 0. L IQ M 20. N 0 40. 60. p 80. Q R S JOO. 120. 140. .. ·. ~.· '.<! •"" ·.~·~ ·.a . '·. END OF CONSTRUCTION .. STATIC RUN STIFF CORE VERTICAL STRESS. (SJGv) (KSf'} ~ '.' -4 ' (',.~ . . '!' . . . . . .. . ~ ; . . \ . '. ' ..... . ' . ·e • . ... ""!i' ' •• . . ·~ ~~ ,· . . .. . ... ~;. . . .. . -.. ,.";. .... ~~,..· \) ~ _, ·'t • • •• v .... '... • ' ' J. • 1 ,.,. . -' . .;~ .. . , ,. J I I I I I I I I I I I m I I I I I I SYMBOL VALUE SYMBOL VALUE A -140. K 5. B c 0 -120. -!00. -80. L M N 10. 20. 40. E F G H J -60. -.40. -20. -10. -5. 0. 0 p 0 R s 60. 80. 100. 120. 140. ,, STATIC RUN STIFF CORE 2 -0 EFFECTIVE CONFINING STRESS (SlG 2'} ( KSF) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.60 -0 20 ~ . - ' . -o.so '----'---L---L_.-l...__-L _ _t_____j _ _J__.I___t.__...t__--1-_...~....-----L_...;..~__L---L._-'-----l--l-~-...~__.__.L__...L--__.L..-...t__-L_-~.---l.. _ _,__--J..._--L._---..~ 0.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42..00 48.00 54.00 TIME (SEC) 60.00 66.00 72..00 78.00 84.00 90.00 96.00 EARTHQUAKE TlME HISTORY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SYMBOL A VALUE 0.1 SYMBOL K VALUE Ll 8 c D 0.2 0.3 0.4 L M N 1.2 1.3 1.4 f t I I E F G H J 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 LO 0 p 0 R s 1.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 DYNAMIC RUN SOFT CORE ORAlNED SHEAR STRESS EXCEEDANCE ( TAUdeff/TAUfd} 1.________ _______ --,............_~------------------...:..-__-.........._~= .. I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~--------- SYMBOL A VALUE 0.1 SYMBOL K VALUE 1.1 B c D 0.2 0.3 0.4 (> L M N 1.2 L~ L4 -·--.. _ "'- .. I E F G H J 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 p 0 R s L5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 DYNAMIC RUN STIFF DRAINEC~ SHEAR STRESS . . . CORE EXCEEDANCE (TAUd&fi/TAUfd} ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I ·I - -I- t&. - 0.0 2205.0 2192.3 2170.0 1526.0 1400.0 0.1 CREST OF DAM MAX. AC C El.ERA TJON 0.3 0.2 BASE OF DAM RUN STIFF CORE DYNAMIC LERATION vs. HEIGHT MAXIMUM ACCE 0.4 0.5 0.6 FlGURE 86 .3 6 • I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18. PRESENTATION BY R. K. IBBOTSON ---------·------ - - -- f () C..) -----------··-------·-- . -·----------------·-----------,....,...~~ •---~., LIVJJ:· --.c __ __ llt&&.l 1 ' r ,.., -~-----------·---. ---------------------------·-·-·--~-···-·-------·--------------- -I I I f I ' - II '• •• - ,, .. ! ,, : ' i ' '~ • II " I I I :.., I -- I I \ ' l '· I I J - I> • ,. - Q 0 .. .. ~ . - J I I I I I I I -......... ........ fbAN Cf ARCH - \ \ - \ \ \ \ . \ - ' I . \ \ .) -- - • s~ ... ,. •• , ---· -~---~---·-"'"' ----~.~--------------------------------------- - -1---=~=~-=-----=-=----=-~--=-==-=-....__:--------·-· ___;;:-~__;;·=·;............;-=;;;..._ i I J I I - •aN I ! ~ • ••O• \ ., • ~ • ..... - ... I 1 li ~ •• hl4.l •• ,, .. , .. .;~ .... ,. (tft .... , ... ,., e, ·Ot.l J • ' J !I oa ,., '" -· .. ·~-- \ .. \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ -~· .. .!Ill ...... Ill'" ..... , .. 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L .. ' . . ·: ./ J2.<7 ·~ LF V T L ____ J __ ·-___ J --··-·--1 ··-_J__ .. v w Q CD <0 c.o ~ en en ~ -, 0) Q) I/) If) "' en ,._ . . . ,..: .. 1'0 0 t-0 C\1 . • . . . Q) 0 0') &() 0 Q) -,.._ 0 en U) 0 J() co Q G 0 ,._ <0 <0 v t()-N Q ----Ct-----(D Q) ,..... <0 ._.: ...= .,_.: ....,: ...,: .,_; t-= ...= .._; t-= a-: ...,: en (/). en (/) (/) (/) U) (I) Cl) Cl) en Ul ARCH STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM) .. ,. ·-·· ... -----·----·· -·----------·--------.--------·--j - \370 1265 .. ( f 'J_(X) (100 /(~)()(') . ;;. .. , .•. ' "....,,., __ ,.,. .. .. - ' v t-. ro t- t.O -.,..: (/) - I I ~ U) If" . 0 Q CD - . 0 (f) pq -a-: (/) r-= (I) > I 0 ~ N 0 C\1 -t-= (I) CD Q) . 0 I en . I If) Ol 0 0 I . 41) 0 U) t-= (f) CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM) . --~~----~~- I ...... ~ 0 t\1 ton • ~ U) I CJ) t- ui ,.._ v ...,: (I) I ·f --""''~------,.-... -·-------~,----· ··---------------------------------~/ --.-- --·--· .. _______ ------~ ·-·-·--· -------1 I - -32 -149 -135 -8 5 ·-----·----~ 4 ______ ~ Q_ --~ -·-' I 0 v CD 0 a> CD \0 tO en ,..._ ·(J) 0 10 (J) 0\ an f() Q) (Jl ": '¢" ~ . . ~ 10 10 0 t-0 C\J ,...: ol tri 0 a> c.o t.O cri t-0 (Jl tD 0 0 10 Q) 0. 0 0 t\.l t-,..._ lO CD ~ 10 N 0 Q) ~ t-tD tn v --t-= t-= t-t-= ~ ~ .,_.: ....,: t-= t-= t-= t-= t-= t-= U) (/) (J) (I) (I) CJ) tl) CJ) (/) tn U) Ul en (}) ARCH STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM) .. -·---- ,_-,,.,.. ,._,j;_ I , // l v __ u __ _ u u u u u ;:: I f•'. -L ... I 5 I 2 . I I 2 9 . . -----.... . . -----____...!~ -92 - 2 4 "' 2 2 6 2 ~ 3 4-~ ------------·--71~ -0 3 "'J 7 3 0 6 3 8 +-------+--·-+-----5~: I 6 ~~-' ---3! I 5 I ~ ·-----. --·-1 9 I 0 197~2 I 4 -§ :_ 3 9 -----~+-9~-L.J L. ,. 354"" 3 I 5 4 • > r-' • r"' ,. -r, •-r J .,.. ' f • T : .l·. J. ~ ' -"-f" \ n Jt.. • [·. '''·, r-t•_.--·· ....... I .f' -I _J.. oct tO 10 . 0 ,.... Q 10 to 0 O't tD c.o ¢ 10 -t-= t-= t-= t-= U) C1) (/) (/) 0 (1) . N 0 (\J ._.: (/) I 5 4 4 7----- 45~ 4 215 tO Q) &0 Ol ,..,: d I'() -0 - ~ ~ en U) t() cri co co t-= U) CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL ro THE FACE , I'() 0\ ,._ Ql Ql <n "": '¢ ,..._ . . &0 0 co Ul Ul 0 0 0 <\l; ,..._ CD ,..._ tD 10 v t-= ~ t-= r r: (/) (I) U) til (/) Of THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM} ( __ ··--------··---·--·------___;,----~------------------------------- - - - ' . ------ ---------·- 14G/3 1370 11.85 Hl)O. t-.• r~ . ,-..:. c '-; . ~.. l . ~ en t-(J) ...... m en t-v . . . .. ~ N Ill 0 Q) til It) . Cl) () 0 0 N t-rt) Q) t-(I) 10 v ~ t-= a-= ,...: ..= t-.,..: (.1) (.1) U) U) (/) C.. I LOOKING UPSTREAM) • -- -··--·----···-·-··---·-------------------------------------__ .,. _ ___.,.... .. - - - --· ---' ---·--..... ·----'--" I J4(()3 1~10 - f /265 ' .. "") ... . . ~ , I ( '. t ' ... _, ...,. 0 . IQ ,.._ CD a-: Cl) 0 d 0 f.O -t-= 'CI) 0 a-: (/) 0 -------r CD 0 ro en d . N CD 0 ro N --.,.: . ...,: Cl) (I) 0 CD en . 0 ---a-: Cl) 0 -~118 63 0 I ___ , __ ,. -- 0 2 CD It) ,..= ro 0 a-: (/) co IQ en ~ en en ,.._. . d . en 10 QJ (I) 0 0 0 CD CD ,.._ CD .,.: ...,: a-= a-= (/) (/) (I) U) STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING Ufl§IR~~t!' - d) g-.. t-~ u) . c.o t-N q-&{) ti ..,: U) "' CANTILEVER ...... ···-···------··-··--·-·--·----·-· -···------------·--------------· -.---·-·· ' ·-···--- 14b3 ! i 1370 1 12651 12.0C> 1 \(.l() <n . (X) -t- .,._: Ul ¢ . 0 fl) t-0 Ul <D -.,..: t-= V) Ul 167 . 216 =------,:":.::5 1 ~I 7 --3§ =---, 0 1 ' , r-. ' """ .... ''Y • 1. I r ••• \ ' _,: ""... • .... - . #-\ ._.. CD 0 U) f.D ro 0'\ U) 10 If) <n to . . en Ql t-0 N ,...; . . . • en 10 en CD 0 0 ro a> 0 0 ¢ S'O N 0 0 --c.o Q) t- .,._: t-= r: ...,: t-= ._; t-= .,._: Cl) Ul 'CI) (I) Cl) U) U) Ul ARCH STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING -~-- m t; en 1- f'-.: f"": N . Q) \1) If) m 0 "' t-rt) CD wn v v r: ~· a....:: .t-= U) ttl U) t/) UPSTREAM) -.__... ......... _ ............ -:· I 14& 3' r----~0t:r--r--- 1370 IZClJ i "' \ '• t ~ . --~ . . ... " . ( . <.J.h.~ " .. ~. .,..J • I .... "' ... , ' U L'2 .~,.. , F· .... .... -" v -. 0 rt) 0 ,.... tD tD .,..: .,_: en en 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" -·---·--··-- Ill 7 0 -~--·~-'"-2 3 2 2 0 I 4 -2 I 0 6 I 2 ---- 2 9 .L~ .. 292 tD ~ <.0 tO ro (Jl r--rtl CD I{) rt) Ol m r-: v ..... . . Ol . (J') 0 C\A 0 ,...: en trl 0 Q) tD tD 0 rt) G) 0 0 0 (\J ~ ro (\J -0 m CD t-<D Ill ---~ t-= ..,.: r-: t-= ,_: t-! .-.: t-= t-= (/) en tl) tl) U) U) (I) en (I) (I) CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM) "'""'-,.-·•---_..., ____ , ___ •-··------------------------------·----;-.,,.·"-·.:._n '~-.-___ _ (J) ,.._ Ill ,.._ v t-= (I) - 1370 I lOO ~00 "'ZO 8 c:n . CD -,.._ -. t- U) •:-_r·: • ~­ .......,J( ....... l-1 • t-. ro t- CD -...,: Cl) t_J L i ' l' , ..... ·, .j ' v . 0 0 CD -._: U) .I (}_ t-en <4' a-: (f) ARCH ---- . ·---~--.,,, 464 437 403 .--2 4 2 4 2 6 0 5 ---'"""· -· --~ ... _ -· --- 219 2 U) 0 co tC U) ~ G) en I() • rtl 0 . . ,..: t\1 0 • tO c:n CD 0 0 co rtl N co --t-= t-= t-= t-.,..: (/) U) (J) ~ Cl) STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM ,.. I ~ en t-en t-0\ en t-.,.,... ,..... N . . . .. . 60 0 CD SQ. tO • ~ 0 0 0 N ,.._ , co t-U) &n. v v . a-: ...: t-a-: t-= t-= Cl) U) (I) U) (/) (I) LOOKING UPSTREAM) ---.o:-...... .. -' .a.;_~~...,..._ I ' .f --'"""~ ---j I I I i I 1370 1- . ' I 12.05 \- 1/()(,"i r- ---- . LJ L I . r ~ \.-..... -l-1 V'Jl-. ·1. . r•l o- r--. 0 CD cD U) ro "" d G) CD v .., --t-= t-= ~ Cl) U) (/) 0 (h . t\1 0 -- I --·------ 1 CD en . 0 . --t-= en ---- __ J I U) 10 m ro 0\ Ol ,.... . . 0 g) Ol .n m 0 0 0 co CD ,.... CD t-= t-= a-: t-= (/) en (/) Cl) CANTILEVER STRESSES (PARALLEL TO THE FACE OF THE DAM LOOt< lNG UPSTREAMl t t-51 v ~ (Q !\! t-} In v· t-= ...,: Cl) Cl) ~----·-··--·-·-~--·--__________________________ >_,...,._, __ -·-~"':·_ ... ,.-~· .. . .... . . ~. . . . .. . :. . -. . . .. . . . . -. .. . . I I I I I 19. PRESENTATION BY J. W. HAYDEN I' I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I (· . • -<' .• ... . • ,.. -·" ' "~ • , .. ._ -"" . . ..,. " ••. -., _, .. '""' ------------------ --~ ~--' ,., .. ---' .. --:') 1950 1951 195! IllS! ISS4 1955 1958 IS57 19!1 1959 IHO 19et IHf ISS:S 1!1&11 1970 1971 1974 1975 "" 1978 0 ~n=~~~ .. ~51~~.,=s~~~~~~~s=:s-L~.,~~~~~=,~~.,~sa~~.=,s~7~~.,~s~e_L~.,~s~o-L~I9~ao~-me~•~~ ... ~!-L~~~s-L~,s~a~4~=.,=•s~~ .... ~~~.,~.~T~L~.,~n~-=s~n~~ .. ~70~~ .. ~7~1-L~.,~T~!J-~.,~7:s~~.~,7~4~~.,~n=-~.,~r~a-L~.,~77~-=~~~n~~l9=7~a~~lv=~:-~,~::,-J Y[AII WATANA TOTAL OUTFLOW-CFS - ------ ----- I ! I It 14 ~ltn•IO'I T.lllWi\TER RATIHG -------- ~~ 15 75 1----+-"---~'" .. 10 1----t--- 4~ 1---r-~---·---· ... 0 '10~~100 RETUR!I ~~RIOO 1'1£1.~1 fLOOO FREQUENCY AFTER ROUTltiG Ill ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ··Sum~~ PROJECT WAT.A.."'A HYDROLOGICAL DATA SHEET I ------- 0 o L----~5-----~L---~a----~~~---"~--~30~--~5 nail!: IDA~ I 1•!0 YEI.P. FLOOD t~l - 110 !CO 140 1!0 .2 .. 100 f u ~to 10 40 10 0 0 5 -- 10 1$ 10 Till[ IDA"BI fo!O,OOO YEAR FLOOD tll4 0 ~ 15 tO 15 l!C(DAYSI 1•10,000 YEAR FLOOD -- z•o "o ;zoo .. ~ ~teo ... 120 eo ~0 0 0 - 10 - IS ro tiC (Cl/I'S) - PROBABLE MAXIMUM FlOOD ---- ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY' PLATE MARCH 1982 34 -------------- 20000 ~ I 0 -11180 - 0 1950 l,l 111S2 1953 111!14 ltBS 19111 1151 1"8 111!11 IV30 '"' ltet ltU 1!'414 I !He -"\'tAll DEVIL CANYOt( TO TAt. OUTFLOW-CFS 147ll00 ; ~14f5.00 J a 137!1.00 "~ l9!lt mz 1153 1154 1.,0 .. ,. "'7 ""' '"' 10110 !tel It&£ IIU ltll4 I~ IHQ I'MT 191111 Y£1.11 IIM9 1170 1171 "n "" 11174 1918' QEVIL CANYOtf Ag!lf;RVOIR ELEV~ION·J'T ----r-------------~-· ----_--··~ ~ ; ____ ~ ---- AU. "ft.r.IIS All£ WAT£11 YURS • OCTOB£11 TIIIIOIICII S£l'T£U11£R. 2. fflfl.CW TO ll£V1I. CANYON £QUALS TOTAL OUTFI.DS' FI!Oiol W.TAIIA I'LUS COimi!!!UTIOI'f n.iM fiiOII IIIT£RV£ltltl3 AII£A OETW££11 DAII sm!!. PEVIL CANYON ENERGy-GWH "" 1971 A 1177 --.. 1150 ' 'iii{, •• r l'i • j .... ~ r~1! 1;1 " 1978 111l11 . IIIlO Inti ALASKA ~WER AUTHORITY IIIIIJ lt--~..,s"'USJ=TM=-tn:~.""'~=.,..,=:-:-::-:::PimJB:T'::=-:=:----t DEVtt. CANYON SIMULATED RESERVOIR OPERJmON MARCH 19SZ; -- - 340 StQ 280 NO f u 8~ 0 • ~ I&Q .. It\' eo 40 0 1412 - IUQ 14SII ,." g .... 8 5 IOU 14110 14&1 1458 14!14 0 - --- = Ill to 25 :SO 311 ..... Tllil: I DAYS! PROBABLE MAXIMUM fLOOD 5 1!1 20 Z!l =Q T1foll; lo-I'SI PROBABLE MAXIMUM FLOOD 3!1 -- --- - --- --- AL.ASKA POWER AUTHORITY -SUSiiNi'ltl~mo.JECT- DEVIL. CANYON HYOROLOOlCAL DATA SHE£T~ PLATE 66 I ..,... I- I I ·~ .ll• I I I I ' I I I I I t t t I I 740 720 700 680 ..... LLJ UJ 660 u. I 0 <[ 1.1.1 :I: 1- UJ z 640 620 600 580 100 " ' . ·:~ US% G!:MER.\ "'Q1 • •' :;;, . RATED POW!R "· >i - "' < l JII:S&fV( ltR EL 2185 ----• _11 --~·· .~.,.....·,~~-·~· ._ ,. - ll . ; ~ \o--__ , ~ ·' . ·- '.t .. . I ' ·~t I .. ,, ,. . ;. ·~\\ ,, ·-~ l . .. "' -!'~ •'+ " " i .t.;.; ·,.) .. ~ j ~~ """' '. ~} t' ; . .,, >;-,.., / i ,. ' ' f I! . "' l . ~ ' t ~ " a ! I ~ f t .. ~ I :l" . 1,· ... i' ; ' ~ ' wetGtum A ERAGE HEAD ; ·. ,_ ~ i I .! ; / . .;._-: i ! ~ ' •• • ! . l/1 I '' ,, ., 1 ~ ... .. -. : ;: " J INIMUM OECEME ~ ~ . ' II i j . ., l! i . : i l '' i! . . ) ~~no MW < I I j ; l « \ . I I i ! l,ew~-/ ~ ., BEST EJRFl( flA.L ~ I I '• I . ! I ! I \ . : RIESE~'«01f ~-ElL. 2045 -- i l ' ! I ' j ' -----· . .... -·~--- 120 140 160 180 200 220 UNIT OUTPUT -MW WATANA -UNIT OUTPUT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -.. 0 -"' ... - (300 7200 7100 X 7000 t-a: ~ t-z Ll.l "' Ll.l f 6900 ~ Ll.l t-en >- CI) :E a: ~ 6800 _(!) z 0 _\ f I I I I I 1 . . i I -. ~ . " ' r I I I I I I I I ~ 6700 ~---~----r---------~--------·r---------~-------4--------~ 6600 ~--------~--------~--------~--------~-------~--------~ 6500 . ...__ ____ ......... l ____ ...._ _____ ...._ ____ .L-____ ,__ ___ __, 2140 2160 2180 2200 2220 2240 2260 DAM CREST ELEVATION (FEET) SELECTION OF RESERVOIR LEVEL FIGURE 9.17 - ---- ---- ------- --- . . , WI'S ---II() •• ·<>-,.,. ""'·~ -~ -rl ~ ~--! ·: ~ ·-·-~-le . " _,.. .. -. +-·+~-. / I i . L ! ·1 r---t---·-'---sro :-·--.,,_.,..., .. _ ---~-··--n~--'"'-.. "··-f-·-·-r--··· p eo ---! ,. . ~..,....,. .. "' --l· ...• --!, c .• ·-J, ! . v~ v I ~ ~400 t--··· / ,, -v '" "'"''c""" ....... <;;.,, -r •· -· ·- ./ v v J ~ ,..._ ___ "--'l•-·"'·"'" .,·-... ...,._ l _ _,, t--· -t-~-v 1?.0 i I / 2 d 1!00 1-· ' ·-r--,.10!1 ....,....,.. .. , .. --~-.. 4--~ v L i :t ,;:: fi ~ f 1 ~ tl ~ 'L !!. r--·- ,_ __ r----r-·· HO ! to -~-... -.~.' • ,. "· -1 ~-~ f-·/ I IL 1'0$ ~ 1 ~ fJ' ~ !ZOO ! 0 1'5 --------··-·_ ...... .,.. r·. +·- rf I ! ~ ' ~ f ·l -------eo r-------~...,._~ ~-.,,, .. .. ,.. . ··4· ..• v ~ t1 45 ... -~------7-·.-~-'-' ·-· --, v .. l-1100 -. ~ I fo-l t"""' -· r--8!50 -------50 • -~-< "'..,_. ~---""''-"'. .. .., .. ·--·-... ~· . ·~···· I/-i J ; ' . t ~ 1000 ·-·-e 1---~ f-»•·---"-"''' "'"'"' ,. ·--~-' t ~-t-· --f--.-· 0 j • 145 -· ~005 z 5 10 to 501\llt' = e.tw R£l\lM l'tm:JO (\'EI.II!Il 100 0 I! 4 II 8 10 12 14 I 20 40 eo eo 100 11!0 140 l!lO teo 200 Fl.OOO FREOIJEtt:Y CURVE Wl.UOC (~nET ll IO'l -tcnlllO"I RESERVOIR V!l.lJME TAII.WATER RATING CURVE ~ ad ALASKA PCW£R AUTHORITY SUS1TNA H~ PftOJECT DEVIL~ON HYDROLOO!CAl.. DATA SHEET 1 :-A<;u~~&ni..J () r-ATE liAReH 1982 65 I ~-~-... ~,·-~··-·--~· ~~--~·'-·----~·· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-J I I I I I •• •• I I I I I I I I • • I -U)o -X ~ -en 1-~ C/il 0 0 z 0 ~ (,) => 0 0 a: 0- LL. 0 :r 1-a: 0 := 1-z UJ (I) UJ 0:: Cl.. 7300 7200 7100 ~ 7000 6900 6800 6700 6600 6500 .2140 2.160 1 -l I I I " I I I I I t I • t I i I l I I ,_,. j l l i • ' l I I ! ll ' I I ' l J l J I ' ! l I i ' I ! i . 1 ' l i I A l I I . ! ! I I ~ ! l I . I I I f l I l ! l I ' l l l ! 1 i I I -,-- I l I I ! I I l I I I { ' ; I ! t i ; i l I I l i· : l l I I I ' I I I I I t l I i 1 I I I ! l I ! I 1 i 1 I . I I l ; ! I I I l ! l . I ! 1 I I I i ! ' I l i i I ! I ~ l l I I i J I I I ! I I j ' i ' I ' l ; I i I . I ! ' ' I I ' I l I I l ' I j l j l I ' I I l I I I \ .I \ 2180 2200 2220 2240 2260 DAM CREST ELEVATION ( FEET) WATANA RESERVOIR I DAM CREST ELEVATION I PRESENT WORTH OF PRODUCTION COSTS I I FIGURE 9.4 I A~lm I j .• . ' Vo ~.. • • • ... • • • • ~ .. • ' t ·" • I I I I I 620 I • 600 I I 580 .... I.IJ I.IJ u.. I ' Q <( L!J = .... 560 I I.IJ z I 540 I 520 I 100 120 140 160 JBO 200 220 •• UNIT OUTPUT-MW I DEVIL CANYON-UNIT OUTPUT I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I ••• I I I I I I •• I 20u REPORT BY SPECIALIST CONSUL TAN'. S • • • '.. • .: .• ' • • •, § / • '".• ... : • "-;•~ 1 • • ... *~ •• T • ~· • .. • " ' • -•..,• •• • ~.--~~ •• -.. ~-. ---:;-:---: I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION February 18, 1982 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY EXTERNAL REVIEW PANEL REPORT NO. 5 The Alaska Power Authority External Review Panel for the Susitna Hydro- electric project met with the Acres Review Panel on February 18, 1982. The Acres Externa 1 Review Pane 1 h_ad convened i ndependent1y on February 17. Both meetings were conducted at the Acres American offices in Buffalo. In addition to Panel Members, Robert Mohn of the Alaska Power Authority and repr·esenta ti ves of Acres American were present. The objective of these meetings was to discuss the few remaining topics regarding the project which required resoluti~n. Various members of Acres American staff presented discussions regarding geotechnical ques- tions, seismicity, hydraulics and design. The Panel appreciates the courtesies extended to it by Acres American and the planning and preparation of discussions presented in the meetings. / • • • •• ·.-•• • f!. •• -• • • ........ ~---~ • • • ,.·. • • : • • • : • . -. : . .. .. -. . . ~ .. ~ : .. ._ ... .~ ~ • • • t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Design Earthquake for Devil Canyon Dam The studies conducted by Acres 1 consultants on seismology (Woodward- Clyde Consultants and Dr. Sykes) have indicated the need to design both Watana and Devil Canyon Dams for an earthquake occurring in the Talkeetna Terrain very close to the damsites and having a. i.iagnitude of the order of M = 6!. For this purpose, it is recommended that both dams be designed to withstand moti6ns having a peak acceleration of 0.65g, a spectral shape similar to tha! presented in the Woodward-Clyde reports, and a duration of strong shaking of about 8 seconds. These are appropriately conservative motions for critical structures such as the dams of the Susitna Project. For the purposes of engineering analysis, the motions used for excitation of an analytical model of a dam may well be different from those of the Seismic Safety Evaluation Earthquake discussed above. For the type of analysis being used by Acres to evaluate the seismic safet-Y: of Devil Canyon Dam the Panel believes that it is appropriate for this structure to base the analysis on design motions having the following characteristics: Peak acceleration: Damping Ratio : Spectral Shape : 0.55g 10% As recommended in Woodward-Clyde report for 10% damping The use of these motions for analysis and design purposes is in keeping with those used for similar earthquakes for critical structures in other highly seismic regions and will provide the required degree of assurance of the ability of Devil Canyon Dam to withstand very strong motions (peak acceleration = 0.65g) in the remote possibility that a local earth- quake of magnitude = 6i should occur. It should be noted that the above reconmendation applies only to the proposed Devil Canyon concrete arch dam and that design motions for other structures in the Project may be different from that recommended above, depending on the characteristics of the structures and the analysis pro- cedure being used for evaluating their earthquake resistance. .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 Hydraulic Design of Spillways and Outlets Acres responded to questions raised by the External Review Panel in its review of Watana and Devil Canyon drawings which are to be included in the final draft of the Feasibility Report. The Panel concurs in the answers to these questions and the design revisions that have been made with the exception that it still is of the opinion that the Tarbela air slot design for the spillway chutes would be more effective than the proposed aeration gallery with outlet ducts. However, this question-will need to be resolved by large-?cale hydraulic model tests in the final design of the spillways. The Panel concurs that the revised emergency excavated spillway channel with a long relatively small invert slope to a pilot channel with·a steep slope·is superior to the previously proposed excavated channel with several invert drops. It is suggested that in final design the slope of the excavated channel be reduced as much as is practical in order to de- crease velocities and erosion in this channel. ·Liquefaction Potential of Soils in Relict Channel At its last meeting in January, the Panel requested that Acres investigate the possible effects of earthquake-induced liquefaction in the surface ~ soils of the relict channel. This question has been addressed in there- port of Acres External ReNiew Panel, dated February 18, 1982. We agree with the recommendations expressed in this report relative to the lique- faction potential of the soil in the re1ict channel. H. 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