HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA67DRAFT STUDY To Determine the Desirability of Creating The Denali National Scenic High\Nay An Interagency Study Prepared under the Direction of the Alaska Land Use Council May 1983 DRAFT STUDY To Determine the Desirability of Creating The Denali National Scenic Highway ' An Interagency Study_ Prepared under the Direction of the Alaska· Land Use Council May 19·83 HARZA-EBASCO Susitna Joint Venture Document Number "l ---r-~-:8s~=" Return To 1!'\ ... t"'n,~~~:T CO~JTROl I -· • ~· ... SUMMARY Section 1311 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) requires that a study be completed to determine the desirability of creating a Denali National Scenic Highway System in Alaska. This report analyses a study area which includes nearly 500 miles of existing highways in Alaska and makes recommendations based on that analysis. The objectives of the study are specified i n the legislation. Giving special consideration to the scenic and recreational values of the area, and to their protection, the study is to determine if it is desirable to designate a National Scenic Highway for the purposes of (1) enhancing the experience of persons traveling between national parks in southcentral Alaska and; (2) providing a symbolic and actual physical connection between those parks. The study recommendations pertain only to Federally-managed public lands in Alaska. • • • The responsibility for this interagency study was assigned to the Alaska Land Use Council (ALUC). This group was created under Section 1201 of ANILCA to foster cooperative land management and planning between Federal, State and other agencies in Alaska. A specific function of the Council is to conduct cooperative studies. A Study Group was appointed by the council to oversee the completion of this study. ===~- RECOMMEND AT IONS • • 1. Parks, Richardson and Edgerton Highways -No Designation This recommendation stems primarily from the fact that little Federal public land exists along these routes. This recommendation was unanimous among all members of the Study Group. 2. • • McCarthy Road -No Designation • • • This recommendation was based on: a. the lack of significant contiguous Federal public lands; b. the ability to manage this road corridor for its natural, scenic and recreational values using existing Federal and State authority; c. a cooperative planning effort between management agencies, under the direction of the Alaska Land Use Council, could effectively manage this area for its natural values without a Federal desig-' nation; and d. public comments were adverse to the creation of this route, or any other route, as a part of a National Scenic Highway System. This recommendation was unanimous among all members of the Study Group. See page 55 for a more detailed analysis. - - • - ,.. 3. Denali Highway -No Designation • While this segment contains the greatest contiguous stretches of Federally-managed public lands, this recommendation was made for the same reasons as stated in #2 through #4 above. See page 46 for a detailed analysis. This was the recommendation of all study group members with one exception (see page 47). 1._ Pursuant to Section 13ll(a), all Federal public lands within one mile on either side of centerline of all highways located within the study corridor (see page 67) were withdrawn from all forms of entry or appropriation under the mining laws and from operation of the mineral leasing laws of the United States. Based on the preceding recommenda- tions, it is also recommended that this withdrawal be cancelled. --·,....--~ ... ... .s. -=· .... - ·- .. --, ,.. il ,. I ,_ i'l ...-· r '(" I I 'J I ' I - • .. PREFACE -"'" -I The purpose of this study is to recommend to Congress the desir- ~ ability of establishing a Denali Scenic Highway in Alaska . • There is little doubt that the corridor withdrawn for this study is truly "scenic." Regardless of formal designations, the majestic scenery along most of the c.orridor will probably remain far longer than the highway corridor, or those who use it. The question appears to be, then, given the fact that most of the 500 mile study corridor is indeed "scenic," what did Congress have in mind when it mandated this study which is required by Section 1311 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA)? - The Act did not define the term "scenic highway." Furthermore, there is no generic predecessor that can be used to define "scenic highway." While there are scenic highways and parkways at a Federal level, and scenic highways managed by several states, the management and purposes differ. Therefore, no speci- fic criteria exist upon which to base recommendations in this report, although the study team has drawn heavily on the experi- ence gained by other similar studies or designations. The objectives of the study are briefly described in the legis- lation. In conducting the study, the study team, when making their recommendations, was directed to consider: -the s c en i c and r e c r e a t ion a 1 v a 1 u e s o f the 1 and s w i t h drawn for this study; -the desirability of enhancing the experience of persons traveling between national parks in Alaska; and • -.. • • --- .. - • • I -the desirability of providing a symbolic and actual physi- cal connection between those parks. The questions then, that this study will address are, first, whether a national designation is desirable or necessary to protect these values, given that the management priorities of public (Federal) lands are subject to change and, second, if such a designation is recommended along any part or all of the study corridor, what shall be the intent and extent of that desig- nation? J_ --• • This is not a management plan. Rather, it is a study mandated by Congress to determine the feasibility and desirability of establishing a national scenic highway along certain existing highways in Alaska. If Congreao decides to create such a scenic highway, then, at that time, a management plan would be written. The study that follows, then, results from the combination of (1) statements of purpose and goals described in the legislation and its history, (2) the experience and lessons learned by examining other scenic highways and their management, (3) the survey of resources and factors that relate to or may be affected by a scenic highway designation, and (4) an analysis of the effects of making a particular designation. The report and recommendations resulting from the study are to be given to the President so that he may report to Congress. ... ... I I • -----•• "' ... • --, I --'II -- 2 • • - t •• f.! r :~ • I f ... '' .,. ~J. I • I • ~ --... ... TABLE OF CONTENTS ......--a = --= --I --.... -... ·-· . .. • • -- --• . ......... -~~~:-Pa ge ~ PREFACE . . . •• 1 • I • • I --il .t -. • • INTRODUCTION • ••••••• ! •••••••• 6 • Area Map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Legislation and Legislative History Study Organization • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Goal of Study Critical Issues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :J..' ••••• ... m SECTION ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS P a rks Highway, Richardson Hi g hway, and Parks Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... • 9 • 1 1 • 1 1 ............ ·-· .2 0 Ed ge rton Highwa y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 1 _, Land Status • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 1 .. Existing/Proposed Land Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2 1 Segment Map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 • • Scenic and Recreational Resources . ... • .. • • • • ••• 2 3 • _.... ---.. Other Considerations -•••• 2 5 ----I • _.. ,~ --- Richardson Highway • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I -~; ............. ~"".~• ...... . ......... . • • • ••• 2 6 ---"·------Land Status .. r~ .0::::.. '":---r • --I I- = - ~------------ ·-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ex isting/Proposed Land Use • • • . . . . . . . Segment Map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scenic and Recreation a l Resour c es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 .27 .28 .29 .. ... I • •• • Ill. • • J • • • • • • • ... .. • • Edgerton Highway Land Status Existing/Proposed Land Use . . . . . . Scenic and Recreational Resources Segment Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -• • • • Other Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·-~ ·-~ JJ. •• Richardson Parks, Rationale and Edgerton Highways Recommendation and • Denali Highway -. • • r ... I' ·-:.-.. . -.. • • ·~ • ._ p Land Status Existing/Proposed Land Use Segment Map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scenic and Recreational Resources Other Considerations •• Alternatives • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Preferred Alternative and Rationale ·-• McCarthy Road • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I Land Status , -L . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • Existing/Proposed Land Use • •••• .35 .35 .35 ••••• •••• • • 3 7 . . . . • •• 4 6 •• ••• 46 •• 48 .-Segment Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 .48 .48 .so .53 • L __ ----.. ... J --· 1- Scenic and Recreational Resources Other Considerations • • • • • • • • • • • • Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preferred Alternative and Rationale ~ -, ... .. . -II-- -~ .. -• 4 • • • • • • • • .. .55 .55 • • r~ .. I ~~ ~ • I •• • • •• ~L I 1 .. • I • I I I. A P P EN 0 LX E S -1 • • A. Bibliography B. Public Involvement c. Legislation • • • I • • • --D. Study Organization •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••68 E. Boundaries, Administration, Costs and Legislation •••• 6 9 I • •• • :,~~~~~~~~ • • II ~ II • . -· • • • ... • • . .. . . II I I • I y• -• ·--:-.. • -• I • • . . • • • • -----_....-.. ..... • • ~-· .. : ... -.I I • 1 .. -.. • I. ~_...3-~ • --------------- • • -----.- -I _..J_.._I I; .. 1_.1-. .• I .. -. .-. .. . --- ·-. . -. L - • ... • -. • I • • .. .,. • • .-• I -. ... , :1 • ~. rml'- I -. r ...... .._ ~· 5 -• --• -• • I r --- -• .. . • -... • I 1 .. • • .. • 1- • I • - I . • ---.--· -II ... I ... • -------.__....... -- -- I --.... ,,._ -~. ., "I .. -... ---. ..,. : = ...... l .. ..... , -I --1 • --~ ·-......... -~ 1 I !It •• ""t" I r -r ..... ... --... ........,. - - -• • L. I •a-I ~ ! _.... - --··-_._ .. T t _I • -... -. ~ I \ --i ·~ t~ .. I r -J ~ .. -I Jl. I • • • li. • -· I • .. •• I - •• I ! INTRODUCTION I ii '!.-:~ l--. .. -~ .... .: . :.· . I. • : ;---=1 'I I ':: - : _-I ."\ :---_;J. l . -----I _., ._. , ... 1 -. .. ---.. _....._ _ __.__._ ... • • • -------.IW -..-...- • • ----.. -.._. -----• --II; -I • I -J .. ,..-- --------:-----a..-__... ---------- 6 .· I -I Map ~. ~enali Scenic Highway Study Corridor --. c---- I _, LEGISLATION AND LEGISLATIVE HISTORY I -- •• , ..--• • • L .. ~--- This study report is intended to meet the requirements of Section 1311 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). This section of the law is shown in Appendix C. This Act requires the Secretary of the Interior, in conjunction with the Secretary of Transportation, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the State of Alaska, and the affected Regional Native Corporations, to study the desirability of estab- 1 I lishing a Denali Scenic Highway to consist of all or part of the I \ "'"-,_ . following existing highways: the Parks Highway between the T a 1 ke e t n a J u n c t ion and the en t r an c e to Den a 1 i N a t i o n a 1 P a r k , the Denali Highway between Cantwell and Paxson, the Richardson High- way and Edgerton Highway between Paxson and Chitina, and the existing road between Chitina and McCarthy. The study report must be submitted to the President by the Secretary no later than December 2, 1983. This report must include the views of all members of the Study Team along with the views of the Governor of Alaska and, in :\ j addition, contain recommendations as to the creation of a Denali .. . . • - • Nat ion al Scenic High way, "together with maps thereof, a de fin i- tion of boundaries thereof, an estimate of costs, recommendations on administration, and proposed legislation to create such a scenic highway, if creation of one is recommended." II Legislative History for Section 1311 of ANILCA is rather sparse. The House Interior Committee, when speaking of the Scenic Highway Study, stated that the study should be a cooperative effort between the Secretary, local Native Corporations and the State. The commit ~ further stated that the study should consider whether the existing approaches to Denali and the Wrangell-St. Elias National Parks/Preserves should become a scenic highway linking the two national parks and thus provide a road corridor that would enable tourists and residents of Alaska to have better access to the parks and a scenic round trip from Anchorage to each park. (Report //95-1045, p. 221). B ---• ·-~ ....----·~ ~ ail -~ r .-... r I • • - The Senate Energy Committee (Report /196-413 pp. 306 & 307) also addressed the Scenic Highway Study contained in HR 39 and stated: • • • • • • The committee does not intend that this study affect existing businesses, residences or other occupancies along the study route . It is the intent of the study that the scenic highway serve to promote tourism between the two park system units . The withdrawal during the study relates only to mining and mineral leasing and will not affect existing residences, businesses or other occupancies. - .. ... ~ I Additionally, the House Congressional Record speaks to the issue of minor road realignment and maintenance on p. H-10549, which I specifically states that "minor" realignment and maintenance is not to be construed so as to allow widening or substantial up - grading of the "primitive" McCarthy Road. STUDY ORGANIZATION By delegation from the Secretary of the Interior, overall lead and ,responsibility for the Denali Scenic Highway assigned to the Alaska Land Use Council (ALUC). "" I Study was • • • • • - • Under the auspices of the ALUC, a Study Group was created to I I • -•• • • • complete the study and submit it, through the ALUC, to the Presi-• dent, and then on to Congress as required by the Act (see Appen - dix D & Illustration 1). I ... The Study Group directly represents the ALUC and has been ap- pointed by it. The Technical Team was also created by the ALUC and is composed of representative s of various Federal, State, Regional and local agencies, who were appointed by the respective agencies to actually draft the study. directly to the Study Group. ' --• - - I r • • -• • 9 I I • The Technical Team reports I iii ., ·. -I .... .. . ::. I -. ---~-------------------------- • -. -0 I I I I . I I ~ Illustration 1 • ~ . l ~ I ' I ~ ~r· I ll I I • t .., r L - TICHHICAL TIAII " El 1 I I ~ . d· •• I I ~ • t I I I I 'I'll ( ( ~ I I I • ( • 1- ~ • • • T -I _I I I I I I :1 I I • I I .o11 il:i I I • • • I I .. I""'' • • i I I I II I F I • -'-' -I I--'-•• r--.~ Jl!. .~I _.,. ... • I -• I I ·I ~ ~ r I I I I I I • [ I ... • • -~-· u • --... • GOAL OF STUDY - The goal of this study is to determine the desirability of crea- ting a Denali National Scenic Highway along any, all, or none of n e a r 1 y 5 0 0 m i 1 e s o f ex i s t in g high w a y s in A 1 a s ka • • il • I The study objectives are outlined in ANILCA. While completing the study, the Study Team was directed to consider: the scenic and recreational values of the lands withdrawn under this section, the importance of providing protection to those values, the desirability of providing a symbolic and actual physical connection between the national parks in Southcentral Alaska, and the desirability of enhancing the experience of persons traveling between those parks by motor vehicles. (Section 1311, ANILCA) CRITICAL ISSUES ._ -· ... I In light of the discussion above, it is necessary to determine which lands the Act requires be studied, what these lands are to • I be s t u d i e d f o r , and wh a t o b j e c t i v e s s h o u 1 d be c on s i d e r e d in t h i s study. Consequently, land status, scenic highway definition, and symbolic and physical connection are critical issues. Also, a n I""" cooperative approach to management of existing highway corridors • II - is discussed whereby various land management agencies could con- solidate their planning efforts in order to achieve unified, common management goals. • • Land Status . - Section 1311 of ANILCA requires that all public lands within the designated corridor be studied and recommendations be made regarding designation as a National Scenic Highway. Public lands are defined in ANILCA as Federal lands which have not been selected by the State of Alaska under the Statehood Act or by Native Corporations under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Since r ec ommenda t ions are Federal public lands, land ownership l 1 -• I -------• only is - • • to be made for these a major consideration. • • r • .. • . I • ~·;.r • •• J • • - ---------- •• r • • • • • .- • I • • • • Land status along the study corridor is quite varied. The Federal Government, the State of Alaska, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, various Native corporations and numerous private indi- viduals all own or manage land in the study area. (See Appendix C). The corridor is approximately 472 miles long. Of this approximately 24 percent is in Federal ownership, 33 percent in State ownership, 6 percent in Mat-Su Borough ownership, 29 percent in Native corporation ownership and 8 percent in private ownership (Table 1). These percentages include State and Native corporation selected lands as well as those lands which have been cohveyea under ANCSA and the Statehood Act. ANILCA withdraws a 11 Federal "pub lie" lands located one mile on either side of centerline during the coarse of the Study. Since the selected lands, described above, are not "public lands", they are not withdrawn under Section 1311. The withdrawal contained in Section 1311 applies only to new mineral entry or leasing. Consequently, valid existing mining claims are not affected by this study. Additionally, other forms of use of the "public lands" are not affected by the withdrawal • ~·· -1 ---• • • --~-., . f-:~ r-z ~-1 ' ,.,. T.l · -.. ~ ... 1111. .I ,.. • • .. .-....... l • I " I • ,. '·l ~ I -I .__ • ._. •-• I -I "'I ... .. • • • 1.1 ·-· -··-... .. -. .----;---~ ~ -t:..--:-.. ..----' --...-r ... -........ Ill -I 1 2 I ,.... • ......-:--""1j ~ •• • •. • r -.. -------- • • -~ • • • • • r I I • • I ,. - I • • • • .. I BLM NPS ARR State * Borough Native * Private TOTAL * Includes - -~i"•.r::.. ~.· "' -.. . -........... - Denali National Scenic Highway Study Corrtdor Estimated Length and Generalized Ownership 10 mi. 7% 75 mi. 54% r 26 mi. 19% • .. 20 mi. 15% }lJ 7 mi. 5% 138 mi. • I Denali Highway(%) 88 mi. 65% 16 mi. 12% 29 mi. 21% 2 mi. 2% 135 mi. Richardson Highway(%) 9 mi. 37 mi. 36% 13 mi. 13% 103 mi. Edgerton Highway(%) 20 mi. 60% 13 mi. 40% McCarthy Road(%) 7 mi. 11% 20 mi. 32% 33 mi. 52% 3 mi. 5% 63 mi. Total(%) 97 mi. 21% 7 mi. 1% 10 mi. 2% 155 mi. 33% 26 mi. 6% 139 mi. 29% 38 mi. 8.% 472 mi. • • I A • • • • 1 I II !l , - I Symbolic and Physical Connection r. .... The Act requires that the "desirability of providing a symbolic and actual physical connection between the national parks in So u t h c en t r a 1 A 1 a s ka " be s t u d i e d • Regardless of whether any of the corridor is designated as a National Scenic Highway, the fact remains that the Denali National Park and Preserve and the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve are physically connected by the Parks, Denali, Richardson and Edgerton Highways and the McCarthy Road. The question of a symbolic connection is somewhat more difficult . What was intended by this term cannot be ascertained from the Act nor from the legislative history. It would appear that a sym- bolic link would not necessarily be a true link, i.e., "actual physical." Con s e q u en t 1 y , a s ym b o 1 i c 1 ink c o u 1 d the o r e t i c a 11 y only include a portion of the entire 500-mile corridor. The symbolic connection mentioned by Congress would be desirable if the two parks had some development theme in common, and if many tourists really do travel between the two parks by motor vehicle. Denali National Park is a popular tourist destination by motor vehicle partly becaus e of its central location between Anchora g e and Fairbanks and because its relativ ely established tourist facilities are only a few miles off of one of the State's major intercity arterials (the Parks Highway). Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve has not developed tourist facil- ities and the National Park Service has indicated that they intend to manage it as a wilderness park, with few motor vehicle/ tourist r e lated facilities. The Park Service has not decided yet where th ~access to the park will be, but the McCarthy Road in its present condition could not serve a large number of motor ... • I • rl ,.• I - -I • -L r I • -- • • • • ~ a, I I lliil -- • :J Table 2. -g ~ ~ ~ -2rj .:;: ~ ., () ., ., I O::IQI~"S C:O) -~~~8_~GI~oc -.., CIO > ori 0 ~~~~ 8 trl 'B~~QI~b .. -c~ ~;,~:;:~~~~~ - STATE ~~~~ .s~~ct COMMENTS -I - .-4 IN r ~ ~ oD " 00 ~ "J:J-'C G/OP$ ~ Art zona X y X X X l)A Scenic Roads, Historic Roads & Parkways I 2) Restricted access (driveways & intersections) 3) Allows acquisition of easements . . . -I Arkansas X YX X J --I -::-_ -- California X X Y XX X X 1) Advertising signs restricted ' I 2) Requires protection plan from local government ~ -Color ado X y X X 1) Criteria are general • 2) Advertising signs restricted I --, ·-, r . -- ~.i ~ cO Maine I y X X 1) Preservation actions developed on site specific basis Mas s achuse tts X NX X 1) State recognizes local designations -2) Maintenance restrictions (tree cutting, fence r emoval) Mi s sissippi X N X X ~ . - Nebra ska XX X 1) Maintenance Standards relaxed in case of con fl i ct Nev J ers e y XX NX X 1) "Parkway" system, restricted use & access . ~ ,. -- Nev York I I• X 1) No Statewide System l ..-\. -- Ohio X y X X 1) Criteria & protection are general in nature Oregon X X X 1) Restrictions on signs & junkyards --- South Dakota X X X 1) Commits fixed amount of money to system's construction Tennessee XX X X 1) Parkway System .. 2) Protection measures to be studied 3) Increased maintenance -~-- Vermont X y X X 1) Roadside maintenance restrictions Virginia X y X X 1) Protection based on local zoning 2) Authority to buy easements This information was compiled from the material sent by each state, and shows the variability among state programs. Columns l and 2 indicate the type of road included in the system . Column 3 indicates whether any criteria are used in route selection . Columns 4, 5, and 6 indicate the level of government making the route selection, Column 7 is marked if the designation means no more than posting the route as scen!c, and Columna 8 and 9 indicate whet her there are any aotivity restriction& associated with the designation, or speci al pr o t ect ion measure& ~any of the values associated with the deaignation. 15 ~ - I • ..'!. -• It appears that the two park units at present have no common bond other than both being National Parks in Alaska. The need for a symbolic connection between the two National Parks has not been demonstrated. • Range of Definitions -.I. Before examining the desirability of a scenic highway desig-.. (I -. .. nation, it is necessary to know what that designation means and what criteria must be considered before such designation is made. In short, the term "scenic highway" must be defined. To do so, the Study Group examined other Federal and State efforts to develop scenic highways. • Two relatively comprehensive Federal references are A Proposed Program for Scenic Roads and Parkways prepared by the U.S. Depart ment of Commerce for the President's Council on Recreation and Natural Beauty, published June 1966, and the Manual: National Scenic Highway Study 1974, prepared by the Federal Highway Admin- istration (FHWA), U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Scenic Highways include the multistate Great River Road and various scenic highways through National Forests and lands admin- istered by the U.S. Forest Service, such as the Highland Scenic Highway, the Tellecho Plains-Robbinsville Road and the Kancamagus Scenic Road. Finally, the Parkways of the National Park Service were briefly examined to determine their applicability to this study. Information on state scenic highways was requested from each state to determine what has occurred on a state level that might ~ provide useful information. Thirty-eight (38) states responded, and of those 15 reported some kind of scenic highway system . Table 2 summarizes the nature of the state scenic highway systems. This research indicates that there is no single, accepted set of d e f in it i v e c r i t e r i a wh i c h a s c en i c hi g h way m us t me e t • 16 • ' In some '• .. ~ -L ---•t --• ..... .. I -• states, a scenic highway designation is strictly a legislative process without any explicit criteria. At the other extreme, at least one state requires a survey, in one-tenth mile increments, detailing about 30 positive and negative elements of the la!ld- sc ape. Common to the criteria studied is the concept of outstanding and unique scenic beauty. One set of criteria that was referenced by several sources was found in the 1974 Manual prepared by the FHWA. The range of factors c onsidered includes: -the scenic quality of the corridor; -service to major population centers; -economic feasibility; -availability and variety of complementary facilities -availability of other scenic routes and recreation resources in the area; -access to parks and recreation areas; -providing connectivity among recreation facilities; -access to major highways-commuter and nonrecreation travel needs; -potential for conserving energy and meeting user needs; -protection of corridor and ecology; -public demand for development; and -suitability for use by other modes. These criteria were developed to apply to all of the They offer a useful expansion of the issues in S e c t ion 1 3 1 1 o f AN I L C A , i. e • : -the scenic and recreational values of the land; -the importance of providing protection to those -the desirability of providing a symbolic and link between parks; and values; physical -the desirability of enhancing the experience of trav e ling between parks by motor v ehicles. people The range of management considerations for scenic highways was also examined. In general, state-authorized scenic highwa y s are existing multipurpose roads with little difference in management from that of other highways. Federal efforts in the past have tended to involve more new construction and to be more dedicated to recreational use. Minimal implementation of both Federal and State scenic highway systems may be simply marking the highway as a scenic route . Colorado has restrictions o n advertising signs ....I _. =--m-.-.. -• ~-~ ,Ia • -.. ... • ... j .. • • ... • ..-.. .I II= • -.. ----------- .. -- -. i Ill -· • • .~ .. • • .. and Oregon also restricts junkyards in designated scenic areas. Massachusetts and Vermont have restrictions on roadside mainten- ance activities like tree-cutting and fence removal. Several states, including Arizona and California, are authorized to buy scenic easements or obtain property in fee title through purchase or gift. Several responses from states without scenic highway....l systems indicated that scenic and recreation values along their highways receive similar protection through department policies or local zoning restrictions. At another level of development, the Federal Government is pro- viding money to Mississippi River states for improvements to roads in the Great River Road system along the Mississippi. The improvements being funded include general pavement and alignment upgrading, and the provision of turnout and roadside recreation facilities. About $250 million has been authorized for Great River Road projects through 1983. The funds are appropriated by Congress as a line item under the Federal-Aid to Highways Act. An ext r em e exam p 1 e of a s c en i c highway i s a Park wa y ad min i s t e r e d by the National Park Service such as the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Natchez Trace Parkway. The entire corridor along such a road is managed primarily for its scenic and recreational values, as a part of the National Park system. Travel may be restricted to non-commerical use and entrance fees may be charged. A Parkway, being a linear National Park, is recognized as a distinct classi- fication; there is no evidence either in ANILCA or the legis- lative history that Congress intended such a designation for the Denali Corridor. Since there has been no uniform application of the designation "scenic highway," this study will not adopt any single specific descriptive definition, criteria, or management plan. For the purposes of this study, the foregoing discussion of the range of management options will serve as defining what a scenic highway in Alaska ~ be. Each segment of the corridor will be studied •-with this range of alternatives in mind. -~ .. 18 . 1-• .---• -• --ra • .... -• "&. • .... .. "' I I .._ • . • • .. • • ...~ "" • • .. • II ------l . -· ., II • • • • • • • There are a number of agencies which currently have responsibili-~ ties and interests in lands and resources adjacent to the high- ways within the study corridor. Regionally, numerous plans exist or are proposed which, if implemented, could impact land uses or resources along these highways. Locally, many of those who own or manage lands or resources directly adjacent to the highways within the study corridor have plans, either existing or proposed, on how those resources should best be managed. Because of the existing and potential impact of these planning efforts at both a regional and local level, the agency repre- sentatives in the Study Group (Appendix D) recognized the need for a means to coordinate planning efforts and land management. Therefore, a position paper, seperate from this document, will be prepared and presented to the Alaska Land Use Council (ALUC) on how to best plan for and manage these and other resources within the study area. The ALUC has statutory authority to establish cooperative planning zones in which the management of lands or resources by one agency may significantly affect the mana g ement of lands or resources of other agencies [ANILCA Section 120l(j)]. As cooperative planning would appear to be particularly appropriate for this study area, this paper will examine how Federal, State, regional and local agencies can cooperatively manage those lands -· • I • Ill • I and resources within the study area to protect and enhance the _. •• recreational and scenic opportunities. submitted as a part of this study This proposal will not be but will be submitted seperately to the ALUC for their evaluation and action. • ..... -.-... .. .... • -II • • • • • • -.. • • • ....------- -I I .,.--I -I .. - • • I . -• I • I f:l • • •• -_ _. I -... -... -II I .. -J .. r~---r -. • I ~ ,r .. • .. .... • , • I --... H ........ - I I ..... • •• .,. " I ..... -. --....., "% .. ____ .... b ;,. *'-_ ~ r. ..._. r "'I I I • -,.., 1 II I • ·'---· II. SECTION ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS II :I.. I _ _. • -- -I -• I - I -• ... .--... • rl ~- • :I !1-II IIIII 1 .... 111 • • .... • • • -r--.. I ,.. -1 ,.~ ·---- . ------------- ------ • • 20 • ... . I- . . ----.. I- -.--. - L I "' • - _ ..... -• . .II -.. • L 1 r I I • • • • . ]1 • -.. .... -r ._ w;J.- ._ 1 -I -. ~ -- ~· . . I' I ... I 1.~ .. PARKS, RICHARDSON AND EDGERTON HIGHWAYS • • .. - Because of numerous similarities, the most notable of which is land status, the Parks, Richardson and Edgerton Highways are discussed together, and one recommendation is made for all three. PARKS HIGHWAY • Land Status • The Parks Highway from the Talkeetna Junction (milepost 99) north to the entrance of Denali National Park and Preserve (i.e., the Nenana River Bridge, milepost 231.1) is within the study corri- dor. This section of the corridor is approximately 138 miles long. Of this length, approximately 75 miles of the land along the roads are owned by the State of Alaska; approximately 26 miles are owned by the Mat-Su Borough; approximately 20 miles are Native Corporation owned land, about 7 miles are in private ownership, and the remaining 10 miles are under the administration of the Federal Government and withdrawn as gravel reserves for the Alaska Railroad. (Map #2 ,Table 1) -. • • I .. I • I Existing/Proposed Land Use Existing land use along the Parks Highway is varied. Numerous small settlements and businesses dot the route. These include Road Junction, Hurricane, Colorado, Summit, and II • • - /- II I l I the Petersville Cantwell. • • ·" . . . I • I •. • ··~/ From milepost 132 to milepost 169, the Parks Highway passes through the Denali State Park; however, there are scattered inholdings of private land. Activities within most of the Park are restricted to non-motorized uses. Discharging of firearms is not allowed in the Park. .. • • • --'2 1 _....--..... ·--- -·--- • II -I II -I! -- - Federal Public Land ... •. I ..... ~: :,. --~__;;... ........ ...... ······ t't't't' ::~r. ········ ~rr t't't' ~(( ((( .... (( (I' (( (I' (t (( I Federal Public Land ~"" ~~~ ~ Talkeetna .. ,.,. ...... t't't' ······ ,. ...... ········ (((( ............ (f"r( P'( (~(P'P'r ~(P'r ((r' ))J. To Anchorage ----- --- r • .. -· .:. • .... --- .__ -. ) -. __. ... LEGEND • Federal Public Land I Native Corporation Land r State Land -Other Private Land See page 11, Land Status for more information .... ---• .:t:;-. ·..: ·-• • I -- Map 2. Parks Highway Land Status -22 ----I -1 ~ I }. - .· • , Several parcels of State owned land north of the Denali State • Park have been tentatively identified as being available for settlement under the State's land disposal program. These parcels may or may not be disposed of, depending upon public interest. II J ll not the by the Alaska Power Although Authority (APA), Project has been an alternative preferred access route to the studied from Hurricane proposed Susltna Hydro (milepost 174) east, and therefore, it could become a possible access route to that area pending the outcome of APA's study and review process. ..J Except for the entire the extreme northerly portion study cor r id or is wi thin the of the Mat-Su Parks Highway, B o rough • Th e corridor area has not been zoned; thus the Mat-Su Borough exer- cises little regulatory control over the area although it has legislative authority to do so. However, along approximately 26 miles of the corridor from Talkeetna junction northward, the Mat-Su Borough owns lands that are being considered in the Borough-wide Com pr ehensiv e Plan tified for disposal. Scenic and Recreational Resources and have tentatively been .-I I -I id en- • The scenic resources of the Parks Highway were inventoried in 1978 by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The DNR study, divided the subdivided entitled "Scenic Resources Along the Parks Highway," highway into segments based on character types, and the character types into assessment units no longer than three miles. The "intrinsic visual quality" of each assess- ment unit was rated according to its various components, includ- ing patterns of form, line, color, and texture. Also assessed for each unit was a "composite visual quality" rating which added or subtracted the effect of development on the intrinsic visual quality. The potential for screening development areas with vegetation was also rated. Unless otherwise stated, the values and ratings referred to are the "composite visual quality." 23 • • •• ... • I I • ,. • II • -According to this study, scenic values along the Parks Highway range from low to exceptional. Excluding the portion of the highway passing through Denali State Park, about 25% of the segment rated low, 15% moderate, and the remainder high to excep- tionally high in scenic value. The largest block of Federal land, managed by the Alaska Railroad near Hurricane, was rated as exceptionally scenic. The roadway there curves through a rolling topography with many unobstructed views of Denali National Park and Mount McKinley. The foreground lands have a low capability to absorb visual impact. Recreational opportunities in this area of Federal land include a paved Gulch berry II viewpoint at milepost that includes a trail picking. Other scenic 170.3 and a rest area at Hurricane with several scenic views and good features along the Parks Highway -dense stands of birch-spruce forest on gently rolling topography; -views of Mount McKinley, the Alaska Range, and their numer- ous glaciers; and the -canyons and bluffs of the Chulitna River, Hurricane Gulch, and Honolulu Creek. -developed and undeveloped rest areas and turnouts, includ- ing some at specific viewpoints; I • -fishing in feeder streams of the Susitna River and the ~ Chulitna River and in v arious lakes in the area; • -camping at Honolulu Creek or in the Denali State Park; 24 ... • - • --. 'I -picnicking at Byers Lake -boating at Byers Lake; 'I • I .. or any of a number of rest -hiking at Denali State Park; and areas; -hunting and trapping between Talkeetna Junction and entrance to Denali State Park. Other Considerations - The corridor passes through or near several mineralized prov .- inces. Near Broad Pass are many mining claims, with known deposits of gold, lead, copper, and zinc in the area. Other minerals found along the corridor include silver, platinum, nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. Non-metallic resources include coal, sand, gravel, and a low potential for oil and gas. The • commercial value of these resources is unknown. Water power ...... sites inventoried by the Alaska Power Authority include two sites on the Chulitna River, as well as the sites being developed on · the Susitna River. Additionally, A~ Willow-Healy Intertie Project parallels the Parks Highwa·y for much of its length. The Parks Highway is a major transportation link and connects the State's two most populous cities: Anchorage and Fairbanks. The Parks Highway also provides a vital commercial link between the port facilities in Anchorage and interior Alaska. The Parks Highway meets Federal-Aid Highway standards. Because of its importance as a transportation corridor, it has also been desig - nated as a part of the Interstate Highway system . ... 25 'I • II R Lill i • RICHARDSON HIGHWAY Land Status That portion of the Richardson Highway that is within this study corridor is approximately 103 miles in length. Of this about 44 miles is either State selected or conveyed to the State under the Statehood Act, and about 37 miles is either Native Corporation selected or conveyed to various Alaska Native Corporations under ANCSA. There are private parcels scattered along the highway with concentrations at Paxson, Gakona Junction, Glenn Highway Junction, Copper Center and Edgerton Highway Junction. These private lands encompass approximately 13 miles of the study corridor. The remaining 9 miles are Federal public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. (Map 113, Table 1) Existing/Proposed Land Use As is typical of highways in the State of Alaska, the Richardson Highway has numerous small businesses scattered along its length. F o r the mo s t p a r t the bus in e s s e s are con cent r a ted wh ere the private lands are concentrated. Several historic roadhouses are located within the study corridor. The most notable of these is the Sourdough Roadhouse at Mile 147, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline parallels the Richardson Highway for the entire length of the study corridor. Within this section of the study corridor, numerous access roads and material sites exist associated with the construction and operation of the pipeline . This section of the Richardson Highway is located outside of any organized Borough. Therefore, the area has not been zoned by the -26 ..... --------r.. • • • • • ----- . -• . --- - ( 1 Map 3. Richardson llighway Land Stat us I ~ II ' Denali :t Highway -I. I .- 1 I .J.l ' . ' . \ 1 I - ' ... - ' l • I LEGEND Federal Public Land I Native Corporation Land r State Land -Other Private Land See page 11, Land Status for more information . ·--' -\ . Iii G - Glennallen To . Anchorage I /. I To Fairbanks Gakona Gulkana Glenn Highway I ... Federal Public Land - To Tok Federal Public Land - .- • • Borough and the State has not elected to impose zoning restric- tions either. There are no current land-use plans for this area. Several areas within the corridor include lands which the State has identified program. This will continue for future settlement under its property has to be offered been offered in past until the available transferred into private ownership. Scenic and Recreational Resources land disposal disposals and land has been According to a Draft Study prepared by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the scenic resources along the Richardson Highway are mostly of moderate value, with several areas of high value and a relatively confined area of low scenic value. Near Paxson, distant views of the Chugach and Wrangell Mountains to the south and the Alaska Range to the north contribute to the high scenic value. Foreground features in this area include the Gulkana River, the river valley, and Paxson Lake. Much of the terrain is rolling and the road generally conforms well to the topography. At the extreme southern end of this segment are stunning views of the Wrangell Mountains with Willow Lake in the foreground. Much of the Richardson segment is an enclosed corridor through the spruce/hardwood forest, and of moderate scenic value. The areas of low scenic value include the more-populated areas near the junctions with the Tok Cutoff and the Glenn Highway. Recreational opportunities are half of the Richardson Highway. ---more abundant along the northern Along the Gulkana River and at Paxson Lake are campgrounds and good spots to put in and take out rafts, canoes, kayaks or motorboats. As a Wild and Scenic River, the Gulkana receives considerable use for float trips, and it is a good fishing river as well. Campgrounds along the route include two Paxson Lake Campgrounds, the Sourdough Creek Camp- ground, and the Dry Creek Campground . Also, along the Richardson Highway are trails for hiking and access to various lakes and the Gulkana River . Trailheads include the June Lake Trailhead, Gillespie Lake Trailhead, and Haggard Creek Trailhead . . 28 .... • • • .. Other Considerations The area along the Richardson Highway is not as heavily minera- lized as other segments of the study corridor. There are several isolated mines, and the area around Paxson Lake is noted as a mineralized province containing molybdenum, gold, and copper. At the extreme south end of the Richardson segment is a highly mineralized area, containing chromium, nickel, copper, and platinum. Sand and gravel are exposed along the Copper River, and the Copper River Petroleum Basin has a low potential for oil or gas deposits. Caribou and moose may be found along this segment. ..... - A fall caribou migration route crosses the highway about midway between Paxson and Gulkana. During the winter, moose will concentrate along the Gulkana and Copper Rivers. There is a moderate concentration of furbearers within the area. The Richardson Highway, like the Parks Highway, is a major trans- portation and commercial link to Interior Alaska. Valdez, the southern terminus of the Richardso ~~Highway, is the site of the northernmost year-round ice-free deepwater port in the State. (This was the ma j o r reason for s e 1 e c t in g V a 1 de z as the t e r minus of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.) That part of the Richardson Highway between the Glenn Highway Junction and Gakona Junction has been designated an Interstat e rout e and the remainder of the _ ---~ Richardson Highway is a Federal-Aid primary route . 29 - EDGERTON HIGHWAY Land Status The Edgerton Highway is approximately 33 miles long. The length is within the study corridor. About 20 miles is either Native-selected or conveyed, while 13 miles is in private owner- ship. There are no Federal public lands on this segment (Map #4, Table 1). Lands in private ownership were predom- inantly patented under the Homestead Act, and farming remains the livelihood of many of those along the route, particularly between the small communities of Kenny Lake and Lower Tonsina. There are a few small parcels of State land. The Liberty Falls Campground, although belonging ~o the State, continues to be managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through a cooperative agree- ment. Existing/Proposed Land-Use The Edgerton Highway is not within any local governmental unit. Land-use planning is virtually non-existent. Future land-use of the area will in large measure be determined by the major land- owners; e.g., the appropriate Native corporations. The highway is a Federal-Aid Secondary route. • Scenic and Recreational Resources -- Using the numerical rating system of the DNR consultant, the Edgerton Highway is one of the most scenic of any of the seg- ments. Except for short lengths with moderate ratings, the entire road is highly scenic. Mount Drum, Mount Sanford, Mount Blackburn, and Mount Wrangell offer the backdrop for small farms and homesteads along th e road. According to the study, the farms .<~ and homesteads are generally neat, and add to the character and quality of the view. The Copper River is also a scenic 30 - • • :-. ... -.. ... II .. , -"" II ... r-~-/I \:~ ~ I OlNALI NATIONAl • PAAk { To Glennallen Richardson • I I II Highway Chitina To Valdez LEGEND · Federa 1 Pub 1 i c Land Native Corporation Land State Land Other Private Land See page 11, Land Status for more information Hap 4. Edgerton Highway land Status There is no Federal Public land in this segment. 31 • I r I . ' • .. I • • . -- I I Iii attraction, being a braided river in a broad valley with steeply cut banks. The road varies from flat and straight near Kenny Lake to winding nearer to Chitina. Ground cover in view ranges from spruce/hardwood forest to alpine tundra, to rocky, barren ground. :::3' • Near Chitina are several lakes which not only add to the scenic qualities of the road, but are good recreation sites as well. On emile lake has a rest a rea and picnic table. Gray ling and rainbow trout can be caught from Twomile Lake and Threemile Lake. The Cop p e r Rive r is pop u 1 a r f o r sub s is ten c e sa 1 mo n f ish in g and for floating. Hiking and camping facilities are available at Liberty Falls Campground, where berry picking can also be pro- ductive. These facilities receive very heavy use during the peak salmon runs on the Copper River. Buffalo can sometimes be seen across the Copper River, and mountain sheep in the hills above Twomile and Threemile Lakes. The Tonsina River, which crosses the highway, offers an exciting whitewater float-trip. Other Considerations The entire length of the Edgerton Highway lies within a highly mineralized area, with known deposits of chromium, nickel, copper and platimum. The westernmost end of the Edgerton Highway lies within the Copper River Petroleum Basin, but the probability of oil or gas deposits is co nsidered low. The western half of the corridor area is mostly agricultural • Moose and furbearers may be present anywhere along the Edgerton Highway, but are not known to be concentrated there. Black bear will concentrate along the Copper River. • • Of particular significance is the fact that there are virtually no Federal lands along the Edgerton Highway. .. 32 • I I .. I I! PARKS, RICHARDSON AND EDGERTON HIGHWAYS RECOMMENDATION AND RATIONALE: ..ra; I • I I L No Designation r • ; The Study Group concurred unanimously that it is undesirable to recommend that these highway segments be designated as part of a National Scenic Highway (NSH) System. The rationale behind this conclusion includes the following points: - 1. • 2. Land Ownership S e c t ion 1 3 1 1 o f AN I L C A (A p p e n d i x C ) man- dates that recommendations be made to Congress on "pub 1 i c" (Federal) lands. The Parks, Richardson and Edgerton High- ways traverse lands that are almost entirely non--Federally owned make or managed. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to a recommendation to create a NSH on these highway segments. 111 ... .... II Commercial Use -The Parks and Richardson Highways are major commercial corridors in Alaska. As a principal intent of Congress was that a scenic highway serve to promote tourism, a potential conflict exists between a national designation and the existing reliance on these highways as commercial routes. 3. Public Opinion-Over 25 public meetings were held in Alaska • to seek out comments and concerns relating to creation of J . . ----.._ a National Scenic Highway System in Alaska (see Appendix B) • It was apparent from those meetings that there was over- whelming opposition to any such Federal designation in Alaska. 4. Existing Authority -The State of Alaska has existing authority to create and manage a State Scenic Highway System, if they so choose. 33 - ---I s. -. - cooperative-Management land managers (Federal, There is a recognized need among State, local and private) in Alaska that an opportunity exists to consolidate and coordinate • 1j management efforts on their lands to address common manage- ment goals, especially for those lands adjacent to trans-~ port a t ion cor rid o r s in A 1 as ka ( See Discussion on Page 1 9 ) • An interagency effort will be undertaken to address these management goals and issues such as the management of recreational and scenic values along existing highways. The Study Group cone luded that this is a more desirable approach to protection of scenic and recreational values, and enhancement of tourism than a National Scenic Highway designation. .. - • r-J _-; ;~ • ..)II • G • ..... t-~ -.. - ~ - ... . - I -.!,....,.. ., . . •• ~ t , .'C l . 1 .. --- ... J r .... .Jill IIIII I _ , , _ ... ---... I II I ---.. ... -..,. . - r . ---,. .. 1 • --· • A ,.,• ,_ ;~::~_--£ -· ...... --I ,_ 1 ... - I ~ • I t , I .. 1' I .. DENALI HIGHWAY Land Status The entire length (135 miles) of the Denali Highway is within the study corridor. This highway provides the east-west link between Cantwell, on the Parks Highway, and Paxson, on the Richardson Highway. Until completion of the Denali Highway in 1957, the only access to Denali National Park (formerly Mt. McKinley National Park) was via the Alaska Railroad. The Denali Highway remained the only vehicle access to the National Park until the opening of the George Parks Highway in 1972. Of the highways involved in the study, i.e., the Parks, Denali, Richardson, Edgerton and McCarthy Road, the Denali has by far the greatest amount of ANILCA public land adjacent to the road. The route crosses approximately 88 miles of ANILCA public land (BLM), 16 miles of State land, 29 miles of Native Corporation owned land and 2 miles of other private land (Map #5, Table 1). Most of the private lands are located near Cantwell and Paxson. Several commercial establishments are scattered along the route, for instance, at Mile 20 (Tangle River Inn), Mile 22.6 (Sports- man's Lodge), Mile 42 (Maclaren River Lodge), Mile 52 (private campground), Mile 77 (Susitna Lodge), Mile 82 (Gracious House), and at Mile 100 (Adventures Unlimited). Native western located Corporation end of the primarily owned Denali at the lands are located primarily at the Highway, while the State lands are eastern end. BLM lands are located along the remainder of the route . Existing/Proposed Land-Use The Denali Highway traverses the BLM Denali planning block. The Denali planning block is part of the larger Southcentral Planning 35 II I To ll Fairbank s • Cantwell ' ' • I '• ' ( I lN 0"\ Parks Highway f t" I Jl I. • .. r! -··· Ill To Fairbanks To Glennallen LEGEND •· Federal Public Land I Native Corporation Land ,. State Land -Other Private Land See page 11, Land Status for more information 5. Denali Highway Land Status Iii • I • ... .. ,_ .. .. Unit. 1980. A land-use plan for this unit was completed by BLM in The passage of ANILCA in late 1980 prompted an amendment to the original plan. This amendment, pertaining to the Denali planning block, was completed in July 1982. The major provisions of the amendment allow mineral activities to take place in the planning block. However, the Denali Scenic Highway Stuuy Corridor was specifically excluded from the opening order which allows mineral exploration, leasing, and location. By the same token none of the lands within the Denali study corridor laws or were opened to designated for settlement under the Alaska Settlement lease or sale under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act. These decisions were postponed to allow for completion of the Denali Scenic Highway Fe as ib il i ty Study as well as for c omp let ion of the Ma tan uska-Sus i tna-B elu ga Corporative Planning Program being prepared jointly by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and the State of Alaska. Basically, the Denali Highway west of the Maclaren River and approximately 20 miles east of Cantwell is within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough; i.e. Milepost 40 to Milepost 107. The joint plan for the area is not scheduled for completion until late 1983. Therefore, recommendations on future settlement are pending. That portion of the Denali Highway which transects the Mat-Su Borough is within the Talkeetna Mountains Special Use District. The intent of the ordinance establishing this I District is to ---_J provide the Borough with a Multiple Use Management Tool. Allowed uses of the district are "recreational, mining, grazing, timber harvest, guiding, hunting, fishing, trapping, water resource use and enterprise activity." Scenic and Recreational Resources The scenic resources of the Denali Highway (and the remainder of the Corridor being studied) were inventoried by the Alaska 37 Dep ar tment of Natural Resources in 1982. The work was done u n de r t he same project manager and consultant who prepared the Par ks H ighway report. d ra f t report. The following description is taken from th e The Denali Road is characterized by very high visual resource values. This is due to the numerous distinctive landscape elements along its length and the constantly unfolding views t h at are expressive of the full range and diversity of t he five landscape character types. At the western end of the road, views across forested uplands to the Nenana River encom- pass the Talkeetna Mountains and the Alaska Range, including the glaciated peaks of Mt. McKinley, Mt. Deborah, Mt. Hess and Mt. Hayes. The Susitna River dominates a broad valley land- scape enclosed by the Alaska Range, Talkeetna Mountains and the Clearwater Mountains. Expansive vistas across glacial topography with associated features of moraines, eskers , kettle lakes and pingoes are defined along the edges by moun- t ain ranges, including the Clearwater, the Amphitheat e r Mountains and glimpses of the more distant Wrangells. - -------The road alignment generally conforms to the surrounding topography, resulting in a route that provides continually changing views and orientations. In addition it~ gen e r al location on the mountain foothills provides a series of composite views that include the full range of landform , waterform and landcover elements for each unit. While some areas along the Denali have a truly superlative scenic quality, the entire length of the highway is a rich scenic resource. The richness of the views is also due in part to the openess of the landscape. Along most of the highway the vegetation is low brush or tundra; there are few trees to obscure views. In addition, the flat to rolling glaciated valleys yield broad views that can almost reach from horizon to horizon, adding a sense of immensity to the landscape that is only bounded by s teep mountains. • 1 The a rea, therefore, is exceptional for sightseeing a nd pho to- g raph y, not only because of the beautiful views, but also beca u s e of t he opportunity to see wildlife and to view unique geologica l f ea t ures such as a melting pingo, kettle lakes and eskers . From th e Denali Highway there are opportunities to see caribo u, (pa rt of the Nelchina herd crosses the area in late Augu s t , ea rly September), moose, bear, beaver, porcupine, ptarmigan, an d s wa n s . The probability of seeing these animals is greate r t ha n 38 .. on other State highways because there is views salmon are can generally be seen August and September. unobstructed along from the bridge over less traffic, the Denali. and the Spawning the Gulkana River in A photographer or hiker may also be interested in the historic sites near the road. The Tangle Lakes Archeological District is entered on the National Register of Historic Places. Some of the artifacts there are among the oldest found in Alaska, and the area may contain evidence of essentially continuous human use for about 10,000 years. Close to the Susitna River is the townsite of Denali, near which gold was discovered in 1903. Gold mining continues there today. Tangle Lakes Highway of fer and many of good fishing the for small streams along the Denali grayling. The Tangle Lakes are the headwaters for River. The Delta the Delta River, a National Wild and Scenic River Canoe Trail can be reached from the ... Tangle Lakes campgrou ~ Acces-s o the Upper Tangi"e Lakes ?- Wilderness Canoe Trail is from the Tangle River Boat Launch. There are trails in the area which can be used for recreation. Examples of such trails include Swede Lake Trail, Landmark Gap Lake Trail, Roosevelt Lake Trail, and Snodgrass Lake Trail. Other trails have been used for mining ~urposes. Some trails are open to off-road vehicle (ORV) use, although the Clearwater Controlled Use Area prohibits the use of motorized vehicles for hunting. In some areas, berry picking can be fruitful. BLM campgrounds are Several of the maintained at Brushkana Creek and Tangle Lakes. lodges offer guide service as well as lodging. These resources are important not only to the tourists driving the highway, but to Alaskan residents as well. The Denali Highway area has been an important hunting location for Alaskan residents even before the highway was completed. Hunter check stations were operated by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska Dept. 39 of Fish and Game on the highway beginning in shows the numbers of hunters counted between 1954. (Table 3 1960 and 1971.) They and that also recognized the importance of the surrounding habitat established caribou range stations along the Denali Highway have been studied since the early 1960's . The attrac- tiveness of the area for hunters probably stems from several in t e r r e 1 a ted char act e r is t i c s wh i c h are d up 1 i c a ted by on 1 y a few other locations in Alaska. First, the area possesses a diversity of moderately abundant wildlife populations, including moose, _______., caribou, grizzly bears, ptarmigan, spruce grouse, waterfowl, snowshoe hares, and furbearers. Of special importance is a reasonable opportunity of success for hunters pursuing caribou from the Nelchina herd. Second, Denali Highway junctions are located between, and within reasonable driving distances of, the major population centers of Alaska. Third, a large portion of the highway is located above timberline, a characteristic which enhances some aspects of hunting. Fourth, the road seems to have had 1 i t t 1 e imp a c t on migrations by either car i b o u or moose and provides the hunter with the opportunity for a relaxed drive (in part due to low numbers of other vehicles) while serching for a location to stop and glass the surrounding country side. Fifth, the 128 mile distance from Paxson to Cantwell and accompanying spur trails, rivers, and lakes can accommodate a relatively large number of hunters using a variety of equipment, thereby mini- mizing competition among them. Sixth, the location is ideal for family outings because of the presence and the variety of game as well as berries and fish provide a broad spectrum of outdoor activities. 40 Table 3. ADF&G Denali Highway hunter check station results, 1960-71 . • ._ ,. I -Er II r ... t 1- tf I I • -• . .. ._ ... a J ., ~-'~I I ·- ~ .. --I --,.-- ~ . . ~ ... ... ... - Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 19 71 I -I I - L I -. - I I :L.im -.... ------IIH t. .. --~ -__,._ __ --· .. '\,.~_-- ~·-I . --, -4 ! ---... --· -~ -------... I'll r J Dates of Operation Number of hunters 8/20-10/03 ..... • 18 92 ------8/20-10/05 -... 3694 -. .--.. -~~~~ - 8/12-10/21 ...-... ,. 5271 .. -• • ~ • 8/17-10/28 ... 4814 19 •r-~· 8/12-10/12 • ..__I~--.. -5052 8/14-10/10 3088 8/15-10/10 2799 8/14-10/09 .u ----2977 8/10-10/02 .,. ........ -3238 II 8/10-10/13 • • 4029 rl 8/10-10/02 --2176 • 8/10-09/23 3247 -------... --- ~ I ---L -..... !' -I ... -- -1-I ... - r .---- ... -- 41 J .... -- ~ -- I I Although hunting and other recreational interests are usually biologically compatible, the two different types of users are frequently intolerant of each other. In situations where the two different do occur and user groups co me in f r e que n t co n t a c t con f 1 i c t s managers have usually responded by restricting need not always be the case however, as Canadian hunters. This Park authorities have demonstrated by excluding non-hunters from portions of their Parks during open hunting seasons. Regardless of whether or not a scenic highway designation is made, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to enhance recreational resources along the Denali Highway. In its 1980 Management Framework Plan (MFP), which covers the Denali area, BLM outlines its management approach for the next 10 years. Included in the MFP are the following projects: ...... -- a. develop water trails in addition to those already completed, Maclaren River to Susitna River to Tyone River to Lake Louise; h. rehabilitate campgrounds at Tangle Lakes and Brushkana Creek; • 0 I • c. develop three-family-unit waysides every 10 miles along Denali Highway; d. develop 10-unit family campgrounds near the Clearwater River; • •• e. develop an interpretive program using the Denali High- way Information Plan as the base study. The Denali Highway Information Plan was prepared by the Colorado State University in 1976. It discusses information signs, pamphlet programs, visitor information centers, and interpretive pullouts (e.g., for geologic points of interest such as eskers or a melting pingo, for wildlife viewpoints and scenic viewpoints, for identi- fication, and for education); 42 I - r:i' -... - - • 11 I I I .. ... .. - .-.. .. f. develop or maintain foot trails for extended hikes or day hikes, e.g., Tangle Lakes Campground to Sourdough Campground, Tangle Lakes Campground to Cantwell via historic route, Denali Highway north along Maclaren -g • River, and Denali Highway along Brushkana intersect Cantwell trail; and develop winter-use trails out of Paxson. Creek . • • to • Implementation of any of these projects is subject to funding levels. • • _ .. _ • • The outstanding scenic resources of the area were recognized in the Management Framework Plan (MFP). Specifically, the Sugarloaf Mountains, the Talkeetna Mountains, the Alaska Range, the Maclaren River, the Clearwater River, and the Monahan Flats were identified as highly scenic. As such, these areas should be managed in accordance with BLM guidelines J which suggest that "changes in any of the basic elements (form, line, color and texture) caused by proposed the characteristic landscape. not attract attention." Other Considerations .. ' I - activities should not be evident in A contrast may be seen, but should • Of significance are Alaska Power Authority's (APA) plans for development of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Present plans call for the construction of the Watana Dam first, and later another dam at Devil's canyon, both on the Susitna River. Proposed access to these sites is via the Denali Highway at a point approximately 21 miles east of Cantwell on Federal public land, where APA proposes construction of an access road south to the Watana Dam site. This road would be of approximately the same width and quality as the Denali Highway. Additionally, APA proposes the construction of a temporary (20 years) overhead 150 KV transmission line. The exact location of this line is not 43 • ._ ~ II II II - known; however, location within the viewshed of the Denali Highway could have a significant effect on existing scenic quality. Additionally, upgrading of the Denali Highway from Cantwell east approximately 21 miles to the junction of the proposed Watana Dam access road is planned. Another APA project, the Fairbanks-Anchorage intertie (a power transmission project), is proposed to cross the west end of the Denali Highway on ,~rivate Native Corporation owned lands. ._ • • In a letter dated December 21, 1982, the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities reported that they have: • ·---- several proposals to upgrade the Denali Highway. These include reconstruction £!:_ rehabilitation possibly with paving or without paving. There are many variables and factors involved in establishing any definitive plans or time schedule for this work. The only preparations to date are the comple- tion of a Location Study Report and Environmental Assess~nt evaluating reconstruction of the Denali Highway including recommendations; and preliminary engineering work for recon- struction of the Denali Highway from the Parks Highway to Seattle Creek. At this time we haven't decided whether or not to pave the Parks-Seattle Creek segment. It is entirely possible that we would reconstruct only certain segments of the highway and rehabilitate others or rehabilitate a section and postpone its reconstruction. Again, traffic forecasts, costs and other factors will influence our ultimate decisions. I -- Even with the upgrading, the State is not, at this time, proposing year-round (winter) maintenance. The State has a 300-foot right-of-way along most of the Denali Highway, and the vast majority of realignments and other upgrading would take place within the existing right-of-way. -- The effect of the State's plans on the resources along the Denali Highway is unknown. The State projects a 4 per...:_e ~ per year increase in traffic along the route through 1985 and 3 percent per year thereafter through 2005. Wh e the r a s c e n i c h i g h way designation will cause greater rates of increase in traffic volume is not known, but is generally assumed. 1-__ II 44 I 1-1- I ------------- • I i • • • • I II II I Commercial land use is at present very limited on the Denali Highway, and consists of the various lodges along the route and a few active mining claims, the most notable of which are at Valdez Creek and the old townsite of Denali near Milepost 79. Should the Denali Highway become the access route for construction of the Watana Dam, then commercial traffic will increase dramatically on the portion of the highway east of Cantwell approximately 20 miles. ... ___ .. Active mining occurs not only around the old townsite of Denali, but also elsewhere along the road, as much of the area is minera- lized. Major metallic minerals are gold, molybdenum, and copper. Other minerals in the area are platinum, nickel, and chromium. As mentioned earlier, it is likely that the traveler will see wildlife from the Denali Highway, and the area is used by local hunters and those from Anchorage and Fairbanks. There is concern that an increase in traffic which may accompany an upgrading of the road and scenic highway designation may cause the Ne lch ina caribou herd to avoid parts of their present range. Unfortunately, there is no data which will allow prediction of the effect a scenic highway designat~will have on traffic levels, but it is generally thought that an upgrading of the road would have a greater effect on traffic levels than designation alone. I .. - As with the other highway segments the entire range of alter- natives for a scenic highway were considered under the "designa- tion" alternative. Regardless of which alternative Congress may choose pursuant to sect ion 1311 of ANILCA, there is recognized need in Alaska to manage the outstanding resource values found along the 135 mile Denali Highway. A cooperative planning effort is being undertaken within Alaska to coordinate land use plans and concerns within various Federal, State, local and private agencies. 45 • I -- I ALTERNATIVES Alterhatlve ·t -No designation. Alte rnatlve '2-Designation The cost associated with this Alternative 1upgraaln g ~the 'hlghway without · pavlhg) is $88,000,000. This cost is for reconstruction to a safe and modern standard without paving. approximately $20,000,000 to this figure. Paving would add PREFE RRE D'ALTE RNATIVE 'AND'RATIONALE I ... II Alternatlve·t No Designation The Study Team concluded that a "no designation" alternative was segment of the study corridor fof\Yth'e ~ ( most desirable for ~,o l ~dwi ng reasons: this 1 • Cooperatlve-Hahagefueht -The Study Team felt that under the auspices and direction of the Alaska Land Use Council (ALUC) the existing land manager along ~he Denali Highway should consolidate their planning and management efforts so that common concerns and goals are attained (See Page 19). It was felt that the direction for this effort could be coordinated by the ALUC and would be more desirable than a Federal designation along this route. 2. Exlsl:lh~( Autnc>rlt)r -As with the other highways within the study corrodor, there is existing State authority to manage the right of way with consideration of scenic and recrea- tiona 1 values without a Federal designation. Further, the major land manager of the lands adjacent to this highway, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has completed management plans which recognize the need to manage their lands for 46 I I, : l ~ I II 3. their scenic and recreational values. The cooperative management approach, discussed above, would then consoli- date their management planning with these of the State and other adjacent land owners to achieve a common objective. Puollc -concern. There has be en overwhelming pub 1 ic op po- sition to the creation of a Federal Scenic Highway System in Alaska (See Appendix B). ~*-X:- The Study Group was not unanimous in this recommendation. In a letter received on February 14, 1983, Ahtna Incorporated's position was set forth. That letter is as follows: _,. __ ......... -It is Ahtna, Incorporated position that there is a need to designate a Federally recognized scenic highway link between Denali National Park and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Ahtna recommends that the Denali Highway be designated a modified scenic highway that would take into consid- eration commercial use while at the same time providing for the up grading of the Denali to a primary highway that could be used extensively during the summer months for tourism and recreational travel. We recommend that the Denali Highway be realigned and pa v ed to Federal highway standards at the earliest possible date. Areas that have high scenic value could be identified and protected through a procedure that considers the views of all the land holders in the area. We feel that developed areas could continue their operations without further government intervention and regula- tions. Ahtna recommends that the State designate the highways between Paxson and McCarthy as a scenic State Highway without adding any additional regulations on adjacent land owners or hinder State ability to upgrade the road system. 4 7 - - McCARTHY -ROAD Lana · stal:us The McCarthy Road is 63 miles long and connects the small towns of Chitina and McCarthy. Approximately 3 3 miles of the road cross Native Corporation owned land, 20 miles cross State land, 3 miles cross private lands, and about 7 miles cross National Park Service lands. With the exception of the westernmost mile, the entire road is within the external boundary of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (Map #6, Table 1). The amount of the route land administered by the National could increase significantly if Park Service along a proposed State of Alaska I Nat iona 1 Park Service land exchange is consummated. A block of land between Long Lake and the Kennecott River along approximately 12 miles of the road would be affected. The road for the most part follows the old Copper River and Northwestern Railway Company right-of-way.· This right-of-way was granted in the early 1900's. The railroad was built to haul supplies to and copper ore from the Kennecott copper mines near McCarthy to the ice-free port at Cordova. The State claims ownership of this right-of-way by virtue of a quit-claim deed from the u.s. Department of Commerce to the State of Alaska pursuant to the Alaska Omnibus Act (PL 86-70). Future land use, to a large extent, will depend upon the land-use plans adopted by the State of Alaska, the various Native Corpora- tions and the National Park Service. The area is not within any organized borough or other local governmental unit; therefore, local governmental land-use controls are non-existent. 48 .. II ~I • -• l 'I "'I ·- ----/lA • ;:!'-; .. A \i.~ DENALI NAT IONAL PARK l To Glennallen Richardson Highway Chitina (To tVa 1 dez LEGEND •· Federal Public Land I Native Corporation Land r State Land -Other Private Land See page 11, Land St atus for more info r mation ~i~~lt'&:fw., ~,.J. ~'1/I'AfV.I. McCarthy ~~ .~ p~I.I.L ... ·PP~IIIA: {• I 77f~::~ I Federa 1 Public Land Map 6 . McCarthy Road Land Status 49 -- National Park Service planning could have a significant effect on the use of the McCarthy Road even though the road crosses very little Park land. The majority of the land outside the study corridor is administered by the Park Service; thus, off-corridor development and use will be controlled by the Park Service. This adjacent land use and planning will no doubt affect land use within the study corridor. The Park Service land-use plan for the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve is presently being drafted. The Park Service representatives on the Study Group have indicated that a Scenic Highway Designation would have little impact upon the Park. •=-• • Scenic and Recreational Resources The following description of the scenic resources of the McCarthy Road is taken directly from the draft of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources report quoted earlier. That draft suggested the road be called the McCarthy Wild and Historic Road, and consequently, that title appears in the following description. -~·- Along the road between Chitina and McCar- thy seen ic resource values are quite variable. The most dramatic views and experiences tend to be concentrated near • the two ends around the Copper and Chitina Rivers at the west end and the McCarthy-Kennicott area at the east end. There are several highlights in between - particularly the Kuskulana Bridge and gorge, the Gilahina railroad trestle and Long Lake area. However, for the most part the landscape visible from the road between Chitina and McCarthy is typical of that found a long major river valleys in south cent r a 1 A 1 as ka . T h is is , to a 1 a r g e extent, the result of the position of the road in the landscape. It follows upper terraces on the north side of the Chitina River valley, through dense, predominantly spruce-hardwood forest. This location limits good views to the Chitina River itself and to the higher Wrangell Moun- tains to the north and east, which are either too distant or hidden by nearby lower mountains. 50 .,c n I • .. In spite of this the McCarthy Wild and Historic Road does provide a visually interesting and, at times, memorable experience due to a combination of factors which enhance and complement the inherent visual opportunities within the landscape. First there is the spatial definition. The road, in passing through the predomi- nantly dense forest landcover offers an interesting range of spatial experiences - from "tunnels" created by unmaintained roadside vegetation completely enclosing the road, to places wheE.!!-f natural and man-made openings offer opportunities for pa no ramie views, to numerous places where variations between these two extremes exist. Second, the character of the road is a source of interest. It is narrow, gen- erally unmaintained, with small bridges, potholes, wet spots and drainage channels c r ossing its surface. These tend to slow the traveler and are a constant focus of attention. The road is in many ways a challenge to drive, creating a unique experience not found on many other commonly traveled roads. Third, land use and development adds to the visual interest. Since the scenery is oftentimes not particularly distinctive, the land uses along the road become an important addition, either opening up distant views across their clearings or by calling attention to picturesque homesteads or to remnants of the bygone railroad era. The railroad features are of special significance and visual interest even though some are being removed and the remainder are deteriorating or becoming overgrown with vegetation and are not highly visible. Fourth, there is a sense of destination associated with this road. Most people drive it to get to the McCarthy-Kennicott area, not to pause and spend time along the way. Thus there is a real sense of anticipation and a greater emphasis on the destination rather than the experience of getting there. f While all roads to a certain degr ~ instill this feeling of destination it is particularly strong along this one because there are few intermediate stops. .51 These four conditions-spatial definition, road character, land use, and sense of destination-work together to make this 63 mile long road visually and experientially rich. There are few developed recreational resources along the road. ~ . The photographer will find the scenic resources of interest and the railroad buff or historian will be interested in what remains from the Copper River and Northwestern Railroad. Sculpin, Van and Strelna Lakes are stocked with rainbow trout and coho salmon, and, of course, the Copper River provides several runs of salmon. Other streams have low productions of Dolly Varden, grayling and salmon. Long Lake has grayling, rainbow/steelhead, whitefish, burbot, Dolly Varden, Lake trout, red and coho salmon. Long Lake produces an escapement of 4 to 46,000 red salmon annually with an estimated equal number caught in the commercial fishery. Campsites are available at one or more lodges along the route. The McCarthy Road has never had the abundance of wildlife that is present along the Denali Highway . Major wildlife species include moose, brown and grizzly bear, black bear, spruce grouse, hares, and furbearers. Sheep and goats are located in nearby mountains but are rarely seen from the road itself. During 1981 18 moose I hunters reported hunting on the McCarthy Road killing 7 moose. -.1 These figures no doubt underestimate the numbers of moose hunters (no hunter check stations have been operated) but in relative importance, the McCarthy road is not as important for moose hunting area as many other areas in Alaska except of course to local hunters. During some years, snowshoe hare populations have been quite high on the McCarthy road whil.e other more northerly hare populations have already crashed. During those years a relatively large number of snowshoe hare hunters may travel to the McCarthy Road, but this phenomenon cannot be expected to re-occur more often than every 9 to 10 years. The McCarthy Road does offer transportation to the McCarthy airstrip where fly-in hunters for sheep, goat, brown/ grizzly bear, black bear and bison depart for the remote parts of the Wrangell-St. Elias Preserve. 52 - .. ... • • - • .___, • • • ... • Other Considerations --. - I • ----... The McCarthy Road is in extremely poor condition. Road main - tenance at present is minimal. Be that as it may, the McCarthy Road is the only vehicular access to the town of McCarthy and to numerous private residences along the road . It carries a certain amount of traffic in spite of the fact that the Kennecott River immediately west of town can only be crossed by use of a hand - cable tram because the two bridges have washed away and have not been replaced. - For the McCarthy Road to remain eligible for Federal-Aid Highway • • - • r money, it must retain its status as a 11 major}collector." Unlike ~ the Denali Highway, the McCarthy Road is cons ide red an "uncon - • structed" road. Therefore, if the State classifies the road as a "major collector", (the State is currently revising its func- tional classification system), it must commit to construct the road as a secondary route. Construction to secondary standard s would certainly change the seen ic and re c rea t io nal experiences the road now offers. Improving the surf ace and bridges may be considered quality of the driving a beneficial change by • some, but not others. The consultant working on the DNR scenic resources inventory judged that making significant changes in the road, such as drastically altering the alignment or significantly widening the road and clearing vegetation, could have a negative impact on the scenic values and the recreational experience of -driving the road. Cons true tion and ma intena nee as a secondary highway would almost certainly increase traf f ic on the road. The McCarthy area is a highly mineralized area, as evidenced by the Kennecott Copper Mine (now inactive) and nume rous g old mines . Nearer to Chitina is a mineralized area containing chromium, nickel, copper and platinum. There are no large scale mining operations at present. The known remaining copper deposits are generally high quality-low quantity or high quantity-low quality. There is low probability of another Kennecott. In general, the I , 53 I I L ... • - i: --- l ,,..... ... other mineral deposits around McCarthy are small and well scattered. However, as ~price of these minerals rises, so does the likelihood that mining claims will be more strongly exploited. ... I -· J ... There is very limited grazing or farming in the area due to the nature of potentially the be soil of and climate. Some commercial quality. of The the forest impacts of may any harvesting are unknown, but heavy truck traffic would affect the condition of the road. A Scenic Highway designation should not interfere with the operation or management of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Planning for the Park is ongoing, and the wilderness areas of the Park are away from the road. If at some future time the National Park Service were to select a primary entrance and develop a visitor facility inside the Park, a Scenic Highway designation on the McCarthy Road may influence that decision . ........... ... Finally, if a scenic highway designation causes traffic on the road to increase significantly, it will negatively impact the seclusion sought by many of those now living there. As with the other highway segments the entire range of alter- natives for a scenic highway were considered under the "designa- tion" alternative. -I ... Regardless of which alternative Congress may choose pursuant to section 1311 of ANILCA, there is a recognized need in Alaska to manage the outstanding historic resource valu e s found along the 63 mile McCarthy Ro ~ A cooperative planning effort is being undertaken within Alaska to coordinate land use plans and concerns with in various Federal, State, local and private agencies. 54 • ALTERNATIVES Alternative ·t -No designation. Alternative ·z -Designation. The cost associated with this alternative is $45,000,000 in 1985 dollars. It is an estimate for construction to a safe and modern standard without paving, and includes replacement of deficient y bridges. PREFERRED 'ALTERNATIVE '&'RATIONALE I I No Designation. -- tt--.~------ • The Study Group unanimously agreed that the McCarthy Road should not be recommended as a National Scenic Highway for the following reasons: 1i. Lana · Owners nip -while almost entirely with in the external boundaries of Wrangel-St. Elias National Park, the ownership of the lands immediately adjacent to the road (See Table 1 and Map 6) are, infact, predominately non-Federal. 2. 3. Exlst1ng·AutnorltY-From a Federal perspective the National Park Service (NPS) has the authority and is mandated by law to manage this park as a wilderness park. As such}it is the intent of the NPS to manage the park lands adjacent to the McCarthy Road for their natural scenic and recreational values. Further, the State of Alaska has existing authority to manage the road and its right-of-way as they so choose. cooperatlve -Hanagefuefit highway corridors in As their is the case with the other study, an effort to initiate cooperative managment of this highway segment among 55 - - 4. various land managers is underway. It was felt by the Study Group that this method of interagency, cooperative planning and management could enhance the scenic and recreational opportunities along these routes without a requirement of a formal Federal designation. The effort should be direct- ed, it was felt, under the auspices of the Alaska Land Use Council. Publlc -cotntnent During numerous public meetings held in communities adjacent to the study corridor, there was over- whelming public opposition to creation of a National Scenic Highway System in Alaska (See Appendix B). It is, therefore, the unanimous recommendation of the Study Group that the McCarthy Road not be designated a National Scenic Highway. • so ... • .. ... .. I ... • ... • • •• J'. • • • • • I • • .... -t .. -.. ..1. I --, -• --,_ .. _ .,..---- • ... I --- -11 L ,.1 -· ... _ _. ... -----......a. ---· --... -• -n -- _ .. .. " .... L II •• Ill ~ -t r-.~~-.. :-... _ • • •• ... ... --• - I ..... . --... 'll ... -r-. APPENDIXES I· ....-.-.. ... .. -~ , .. . _..... ._ - • I -a ,.... I _....,...""' ,... . I: --...• .... -----_:_ _I • • - ..-·--.......,.. ----------...r--~-- .... N -·~ ....... _ _..~------.. ---·--•~--"·· •4 I I lli1 ::we ,.-• .Ill ~--. • • I •- • • • • • • D I - • •••• ·-· • I I • r----- ... • ~-~...I -- ~-I:: -i I r ... ....... L ----L ..L• ... • t I • , ... I II .. ... . ,., ., __ -.. -... --..... ---.... .. J I ... -· - --_ .. ---I • ---... -----. ---• ~ .... ___________________ _ .. . . ., ------ ....____ ----------------.. -------- I-' . • ·- ... ---- -.. • --- II • r------~ -_---... _ .... ___ _ ---------------57 ---..c -- • - :...rr APPENDIX A BIBLIOGRAPHY lr ~ Dessauer, P.F.; Harvey, D.W. An historical resource study of the Valdez creek mining district, Alaska--1977 (J.L. Beck, editor). Anchorage, AK: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage District Office; 1980; WICHE report No. 24610 • Joues and Jones. Scenic and recreational highway study, prepared for the Legislative Transportation Committee. Olympia, WA: State of Washington; 1974. Jones -. and Jones. An inventory and evaluation of the environmental, aesthetic and recreational resources of the Upper Susitna River, Alaska, final report. Anchorage, AK: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District; 1975; Contract No. DACW85-74-C-0057. Logsdon, . ;:-. • • C.L., et al. Copper River -Wrangells socioeconomic overview. Report prepared by the Institute of Social and Economic Research of the University of Alaska for the U.S. Forest Service. Alaska: U.S • Department of Agriculture with the University of Alaska; circa 1976. Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Background report, comprehensive plan, Matanuska- Palmer, AK: 1978. Susitna Borough. Milepost, The Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Publishing Company; 1982. Miller, W.D.; Auberman, R.; Fletcher, R.C. The Denali Highway information plan for the Bureau of Land Management. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University; 1976. Pragne ll, R.C. Scenic road: A basis for its planning, design and management. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; 1970; Engineering Technical Report ETR-770Q-2. Shane, B.A. et al . The Wrangell Mountains: Toward an environmental plan. State of State of Santa Cruz, CA: University of California Environmental Studies Of fice; 1973. Alaska, Department Visitor Industry: Enterprise; 1978. of Commerce and Economic Development. Alaska A summary. Juneau, AK: Division of Economic Alaska, Department of Resource bibliography, Natural Resources. Susitna River basin: 1977. Supplement by Davy Lockhart, 1979. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Susitna basin land use / recreation atlas. Anchorage, AK: Division of Research and Development; 1980. 58 • •• • • • • 'I II • • • • .. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Scenic Resources along the Parks Highway. Anchorage, AK: Division of Research and Development, Land and Resource Planning Section; 1981. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Denali to Wrangell-St. Elias: assessment and management of scenic resources along the highways between Denali and Wrangell-St. Elias National Parks, prepared by D.L. Kuklok et al. for Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Anchorage, AK: 1982a. Unpublished draft supplied by Alaska DNR. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Final report: Roadside recreational facilities study, Richardson Highway-M82.6 to Ml85. 5. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Natural Resources; 1982b; No. cc 10-0901. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Land use issues and preli- minary resource inventory: Vol. 1 of 2, planning background report. Ma tanuska-Susitna--Beluga Cooperative Planning Program; 1982c . State of Alaska; Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. Alaska regional profiles, Vol. 1, Southcentral region; edited by Lydia Selkregg. Anchorage, AK: State of Alaska; 1974. State of Alaska, Department of Transportation. Location study report, Cantwell to Paxson, Denali Highway. Fairbanks, AK: Alaska Depart- ment of Transportation, Interior Region Reconnaissance Section; 1981; Project RS-0750(1) State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Six year transportation improvement program, fiscal years 1983 1988, Assembled by Statewide Policy Section Southeast Region, Planning and Programming. Alaska: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; 1982a. State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. tion of highway and maintenance costs. Fairbanks, AK: Compila- 1982b; Report No. AK-RD-82-16. State of Arizona, Department of Transportation. Guidelines for the establish- ment of parkways and historical and scenic roads (Draft). Roadside Development Services, Highway Division. State of California, Department of Public Works . for the official designation of Sacramento, CA: 1970; 81219-500-11-70. The scenic route: A guide eligible scenic highways. State of Nebraska, the Board of Public Roads. Procedures for classifications and standards; Minimum design standards. Lincoln, NE: 1981. State of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation and Department of Environ- mental Resources. Guidelines to improve the aesthetic quality of roads in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, PA: State of Pennsylvania; 1978. 59 State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation. Tennessee parkway plan. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Development; 1982. State of Vermont. Designating Scenic Roads: A Vermont field guide. u.s. Montpelier, VT: Vermont Scenery Preservation Council and Vermont Transportation Board; 1979. Department of Agriculture, Forest location and design of the Monongahela National Forest, Service; 1964 July. Service. Evaluation criteria for the proposed High land Scenic Highway in West Virginia. Elkins, WV: Forest U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Talladega Scenic Drive recre- ation management composite. Montgomery, AL: National Forests in Alabama; 1968. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. ment, proposed Wrangell Mountains Washington: GPO; 1973. Final environmental state- National Forest, Alaska. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest. Copper River -Wrangells area guide, preliminary. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Region; 1977. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Final E.I.S., Highland Scenic Elkins, WV: Forest Service, Highway study. Draft EIS, 1981. Monongahela National Forest; 1982. U.S. Department of Commerce. A proposed program for scenic roads and park- ways. Prepared for the President's Council on Recreation and Natural Beauty. Washington, DC: GPO; 1966. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Budget. Manual: Scenic roads and parkways study. Washington, DC: Bureau of the Budget; 1964; No. 41-6454. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Management frame- work plan: Chitina Valley. (unpublished) Available for reference at the Anchorage District Office, Bureau of Land Management; 1973. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of resource management plan for District, first draft; by J. L. District Office, BLM; 1979. Land Management. Interim cultural the Tangle Lakes Archeological Beck. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Visual resource management program. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Land Management, Divison of Recreation and Cultural Resoruces; 1980a; GPO No. 024- 011-00116-6. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Management frame- work plan: Southcentral planning area. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage District Office; 1980b. Available at Anchorage District Office, Bureau of Land Management, 4700 E. 72nd Ave., Anchorage, AK 99507. 60 .. • • .. • U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. BLM land use plan for Southcentral Alaska: A summary. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage District Office, BLM; 1980c. • U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Draft amendment to the Southcentral Alaska Land-Use Plan for the Denali/Tiekel planning blocks. Anchorage, AK: Anchorage District Office; 1982. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Sleeping Bear Dunes: Scenic road study. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan: 1977 .. U.S. Department of Transportation. Manual: National scenic highway study. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation; 1974. U.S. Department of Transportation; State of Alaska Department of Transporta- tion. Environmental assessment Big Timber to Paxson, mile 129-186, Richardson Highway. Juneau, AK: Federal Highway Administration; 1982a; Project RF-071-3(4). U.S. Department of Transportation; State of Alaska Department of Transporta- tion. Environmental assessment, Cantwell to Paxson, Denali Highway. Juneau, AK: Federal Highway Administration; 1982b; Project RS-0750(1). United States, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Alaska National Interest Lands. Washington, D.C.: Publication 95-153. Workshops on 1978; Senate United States, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Alaska National Interest Lands. Washington, D.C.: 1979; Senate Report 96-413. ... • --- 6 1 ... --- • • ~ -· • ~ li ... .- APPENDIX B PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT The pub lie invol verne n t process employed in the Denali Scenic Highway Study was first outlined by a scoping team working under the auspices and direction of the Alaska Land Use Council (ALUC). That plan consisted of five basic components: 0 0 0 0 0 inform the public of the study and solicit comments and questions in an effort to have those concerned parti- cipate in the project, analyze and use those comments received, distribute the draft study report to the public, conduct formal public hearings to gather comments, and analyze and respond to those comments in the final study report. The f i r s t s t e p , info rm in g the pub 1 i c and r e que s t in g in p u t , w a s done in conjunction with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) and the National Park Ser vice (NPS). It included printing and distributing an information brochure and questionnaire, compiling a mailing list, and holding public meetings in communities along the route. The question- naires were distributed by, and returned to, the DOT&PF, and the public meetings were held in association with the DOT&PF's public meetings for regional planning. A schedule of the meetings held is in Table B-1. The formal public hearings, to elicit comments on the draft study and the accompanying environmental statement, were to be held at Cantwell and Copper Center. The first series of public meetings showed very strong and wide- a pre ad opposition to a Federal seen ic highway in any form. The 62 0 " .. a 11 -I - • overriding feeling expressed by those attending the meetings was that people fear that a Federal designation will ultimately lead to land use restrictions and l oss of private properties, regardless of assurances to the contrary. Therefore, nearly everyone attending the meetings was very much against the scenic highway designation . General distrust of the Federal Government was voiced. A petition was signed by almost 500 people against a seen ic highway designation be cause "the proposed withdrawal will cause severe hardships to long time residents, hunters, fishermen, and campers who love these lands and care for them." The most vocal, overwhelming rejections of a scenic highway designation came from the communities of Paxson, Chitina, and Glennallen. Representatives from Paxson traveled over 150 miles to an ALUC meeting in Anchorage strictly to voice opposition to the designation. • II There were many questions raised about what effect a scenic --, highway designation would have. While some voiced the feeling that their input would have no impact on the final recommendation and decision most people were anxious to be kept informed and to have continued input into the study efforts. ,. Nevertheless, most people recognized a need for better road maintenance, and agreed that these roads (as well as most roads in Alaska) are scenic. Also, several lodge owners and workers indicated that they would welcome more tourism, and that the poor condition of the Denali Highway was a definite deterrent to visitors. Others noted a need for more dump facilities and "cleaning up" after tourists. The questionnaire which was distributed at the meetings and mailed out was prepared to determine what people thought a scenic highway was or should be, and what qualities and impacts people associated with such a scenic hi g hway. A number of those who attended the public meetings objected, because many of the 63 • ques tiona assumed the existence of a scenic highway, and they expressed the fear that any answer could be interpreted as support for a designation. It was made clear that they weren't interested in saying what a national scenic highway should be, only that they didn't want one. Approximately 350 of the questionnaires were returned, and while they have not been analyzed statistically, each one has been read. The following summarizes the information from the responses. The most objectionable land use along a scenic highway is a large scale commercial development such as a shopping center or fac- tory, whereas small scale commercial developments (e.g. stores, gas stations or restaurants) are quite acceptable. The Denali Highway and the McCarthy Road were considered by most to "qualify" as scenic highways, even though a national designation may be u nde s ireab le. The Richardson and Edgerton Highways were gene r- ally considered much less scenic . The majority of respondents could see both advantages and disadvantages for corridor resi- dents of a seen ic highway designation, but corridor residents envisioned threats to their existing lifestyle more often than they envisioned advantages. For the tourist, a seen ic highway designation was seen also as having both advantages and disadvan- tages. About half of the respondents not living in or near the corridor agreed that long term protection of the significant qualities or resource values in the corridor would enhance the experience of tourists, while almost no one from the corridor agreed with that viewpoint. Nearly half of those 1 i ving in the corridor added strong comments against a national designation. As a r e s u 1 t of these f irs t pub 1 i c meet in g s , the pub 1 i c in v o 1 v e- ment plan was strengthened by scheduling public meetings in the communities virtually every other month. Public meetings were also held in Anchorage and Fairbanks. In response to the concern and questions raised during the first series of public meetings, a video tape was produced in which the Federal Co-chairman of the ALUC, the Commissioner of the DOT&PF, the Regional Director of the NPS, Ahtna's General Manager and others responded to some of the most commonly asked questions. 64 ,. • • • .... .. ' , At more recent public meetings, even though opposition to a Federal scenic highway still was predominant, some individuals noted that on Federal lands, such a designation may be preferable to other decisions (i.e., National Park classification) that would affect their lifestyle more adversely. In summary, there was s ignif ica n t opposition to any Federal designation for the following reasons: A. ) Basic distrust of the Federal Government B • ) "National" designations in Alaska have already brought significant and unwelcomed land use restrictions. -;._ • ~· -r-r • • Ill .. • ., ... • ... ... II 1.1 -li • -.. ~. ---.. ---.. --..- ft .... ---.-... '-1-., - IZ • ~ -• _.. -II a • ... • -. 7 -• • • ...... .... ~· -~ IC -• • II II il ---_._- II .. • I -... • ., 65 r. 1 ~~ -1 r Iii - Table B-1, Schedule of Public Meetings DATE PLACE June 14,1982 Gakona, Alaska June 1 5 Copper Center J u ne 15 Glennallen J u ne 16 Chitina June 17 Kenny Lake June 22 Paxson June 23 Cantwell June 29 McCarthy Sept 27 McKinley Park Village "' October 1 Paxson October 4 --Glennallen -,._. I ..__ Oc t ober 5 Chitina October 6 Kenny Lake October 8 Fairbanks October 12 McCarthy November 9 Fairbanks November 1 1 Anchorage December 15 Glennallen December 16 Kenny Lake February 1 7 t 1983 Talkeetna March 11 Fairbanks March 12 Cantwell March 14 Anchorage March 16 Glennallen March 17 Paxson March 21 Chitina March 22 Kenny Lake 66 .. APPENDIX C PUBLIC LAW 96-487-DEC. 2, 1980 8CDnC BIOBW-'Y STUDY SJIC. 1311. (a) WITBDBAWAL.-8ubject to valid ezisting righta, all 16 usc 8200. public laDda within 8D area. the centerline of which is the centerline of the Parka Highwa1 from the entrance to Denali National Park to the Talksetna junc:tion which ia one hundred and thirty-.ix miles aouth of Cantwell. the Denali High~een Cantwell and Paucm, the Rich.ardacm Hiahway and Highway betwa:m Pauon and Chitina, and the ailtillg road between Chitina and McCarthy (u thoee highwaya and road are depicted on the official IDapl of the department of tran.portation of the State of Alaaka) and the boundariell of which are parallel to the centerline and one mile distant thm-efi'Olll on either side. are hereby withdrawn from all forma of entry ar appropriation under the mining laWI and from operation of the mineral leasing laWI of the United States. Nothing in thia aec:tion shall be ccmst:rued to preclude minor road realignment, miDor road improvement, or the extraction of gravel for such pur-h::n. from lands withdrawn or affected by the study mandated (b) SnmY.-During the three-year period beginning on the date of enac:tment of thia Act, the Secretary shall study the desirability of establiahiDg a Denali Scenic Highway to consist of all or part of the laDda d8ICribed in subeeetion (a) of thia aec:tion. In conducting the studiee, the Secretary, through a study team which includes repre- eentativea of the Secretary of Transportation, the National Park Senice, the Bureau of Land Management, the State, and of each Regional Corporation. within whose area of operation the Janda delc:ribed in sublection (a) are located. shall consider the scenic and recreational values of the lands withdrawn under this section, the importance of providing protecti9Jl to those values. the desirability of providing a symbolic and actual physical connection between the national parka in lOUth central Alaska, and the aesirability of enhancing the aperiem:e of peraons traveling between. those parks by motor vehicles. Memberw of the study team who aie not Federal employees shall receive from the Secretary per diem (in lieu of apenaee) and travel allowaDc8ll at tbe·rates provided for employees of the Bureau oflDdiaD·Affairs in Alaaka in grade GS-15. (c) CooPD.ATIOM Nom:z Hz.uuNoa.-In conducting the studies required by tiWI aection. the Secretary shall cooperate with the State and shall couu1t with each Village Corporation within whoee area of operation Janda deecribed in thia eection are located and to the meximum extent practicable with the owner of any lands adjoining the lands deecribed in subeecticm. (a) concern.ing the desirability of establiabing a Denali Scenic Highway. The Secretary. through the National Park Serrica, shall aJ.o give such public notice of the study u he deems appropriate, incl~ at least publication in. a newa- papei' or newspapers having general circulation in the area or areas of the l8Dda deecribed in subeec:tion (a)r and shall hold a public hearing or hearinp at. one or more locations convenient to the areas aftected. (d) RKPOBT.-Within three yean after the date of enactment of thia Act, the Secretary shall report to the President the results of the studiacarriecl out pursuant to thia section together with hia recom- mendation u to wbetber the IIC8D.ic highway studied· should be establiahed and, if hia recommendation ia. to establish the acenic highway, the 1andl described in aubsection (a) which should be included therein. Such report ahall include the views and recommen- dations of all members of the study team. The President shall ad viae the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House . of Repreeentatives of hia recommendations and thoee of the Governor of .Al.aska with respect to creation of the acenic highways, together with mapa thereof, a definition of boundaries thereof, an estimate of costa, recommendations on administration, and proposed legislation to create such a acenic highway, if creation of one ia recommended. (e) PDioo ow WITHDRAWAL-The lands withdrawn under subsec- tion (a) af thia section shall remain withdrawn until such time as the Congresa acts on the President's recommendation, but not to exceed two years after the recommendation ia transmitted to the Congress. 67 stuay·croup Wayne Boden Chuck Budge Chuck Chappell Robert Venusti Reed Stoops Sterling Eide Charles Hubbard Martin Finnesand Herbert Smelcer Mac Stevens Cary Brown Joan Gidlund Charles Howard John Martin Dave Watsjold Al Meiners Bill Beaty Lee Adler APPENDIX 'D STUDY ' ORGANIZATION -U.S. Bureau of Land Management ( Chairman) -National Park Service -Federal Highway Administration -Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities -Alaska Department of Natural Resources -Alaska Department of Fish and Game -Cantwell Shareholder Association -Chitnia Native Corporation -Athna, Inc. -Matanuska-Susitna Borough -u.s. Bureau of Land Management Leader) -National Park Service -Federal Highway Administration (Project -Alaska Department Public Facilities of Transportation and -Alaska Department of Fish and Game -Alaska Department of Natural Resources -Alaska Department of Natural Resources -Ahtna, Inc. APPENDIX "E BOUNDARIES~-ADMINISTRATION~-COSTs;· AND " LEGISLATION The Act required that the boundaries, the administration, the cost, and appropriate legislation be provided if a recommendation was mad e for the designation of a National Scenic Highway. Since the Study Group has not recommended National designation the above information is unnecessary and therefore is not included in this report. 69