HomeMy WebLinkAboutSusitna Hydro Project General File Index 1982j--····--··-· I '. . 1 .. \ i rKl&OOcglA\ c ~00~®©@ : q Susitna Joint Venture ·. t1 Document Number I»J ;·{) ,I ~~ --PI-eas~.-;~Re:::::::.tu-)r~~T-o­ -·-· ..... -....... ~,....-;.* . t·j DOCUMENT CONTROL ~~~~~---r,,---....--------------. _ _,_ -~ ____________ ....., ____________________ -..... t r ·· II I ;. -~,~~ I 1 l .·. ; . 'l I I , .j : I . ~ ~f; i • d ' :i ' ' • i ... t i J I I I I I I I ~ I I I l I l l I I SUSrr~\JA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT l"i-P~~~2ff:t,EBASCO Sn~it;:a Joint Venture ALASKA PONER AUTHORITY Document Number /0/ P(e!lse R'3turn To ~~~¥~m~g~~T CONTROL GENEPJ,~ FILE INDEX Prepared by: I I ~~I] 11 I I I L--··-· -J . __ A. LASKA POVVE R AUTHOR !TY: .. ~-==~- . J I) _,.,, --" -~~lJ ---' . -· !clONe) lO\ ..-----Document Transmittal Alii To: Project: Harza Engineering Company 150 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 Attention: Mr. Bruno Troville Susitna Hydroelectric Project Subject: General File Index/Document Transmittal The following are enclo!ed: Description I Title General File Index -June •A -For Approval or Comments B -For Constructio" c -See ExpiMatory Lauer D -For Information e -For Purchasing F -Drawing& Approved G -Dr.wings Approved Except • Noted H - ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORAT.ED 900 LIBERTY BANK BUILDING MAIN AT COURT BUFFALO, NEW YOnK 14202 Telephone: 716-853-7525 Telex: 91-6423 Please Sign and Return Acknowledgement Copy. Drawing Number 24, 1982 . Copi• to: (First copy) ORIGINAL HARZA .ENG1NEER1.NG CO. = Revision Number Code* Number of Each D FORM AA! • 009 5/81 : ;. ~ I ' :I I • I I I I ' I l 11 . ·-"' ··' P5700o00 .00.10 .00.20 .00.30 • 00.40 .00.50 .00.60 P5700.0l P5700.02 .02.01 .02.02 .. 02.03 .02.04 .. 02.05 .02.05 .02.'16 .02.07 .02.0B .02.09 .02.10 .02.11 .02.12 .02.13 tJ~./¥ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GENERAL FILE INDEX General File Index and Revisions Calculation File Index and Revisions Drawing File Indexes and Revisions Acres Transmittal Indexes and Revisions Acres Report Indexes and Revisions . External Report Indexes and Revisions Library Index of Reference Material Project Standards and Uirectives Office Administration -General Staffing Anchorage Office Engineering Cost Estimates P & C Budgets Project Procedures -Drafts Project Procedures -Final Correspondence with CDC CDC Manuals Other Computer Manuals Bank Statements and Correspondence Scheduling -General Terminal Activity Report Time Analysis Progress ~eport Time Analysis Report (Bar Chart) PCUf~ ~ j.M-rn ~if;; June 24, 1982 HA.RZA ENGINEERING CO, - I ·If I I I I I I I I ; I ·~ ~ .02.16 .. 02 .. 17 .02.18 • 02 ;,19 .. 02.20 .02.21 .02.22 .02.23 .02.24 P5700.03 .03.01 .03.02 .03.03 .03.04 .03.05 .03.06 .03.07 .03.08 .03.09 .03.10 .03.11 ·. Budget -Correspondence Budget -Approved Budget -Drafts Watana Camp Operation Estimates for Phases 2 & 3 Document Transmittal Forms March 1981 Cost Estimates to Complete Cash Flow Projections Project Charge Numbers Proposals to APA -Correspondence So 1 icitati ons from Potential Subcontractors Qualification Statement Vqlume 1 Qualification Statement Volume 2 Qualification Statement Volume 3 POS Executive Summary POS Part A POS Part B POS Part CI POS Part CI I POS Part CIII Tyee Lake Hydro Project ?5700.04 Press Clippings, Articles, etc . Technical Papers, etc. -Task 1 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 2 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 3 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 4 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 5 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 6 Technical Papers, etc. -Task' 7 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 8 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 9 Technical Papers~ etc. -Task lU • 04.0100-0199 .04.0200-0299 .04.0300-0399 .04.0400-0499 .04.0500-0599 .04.0600-0699 .04.0700-0799 .04.0800-0899 .04.0900-0999 .04.1000-1099 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ II i _, .04.1100-1199 .04.1200-1299 .04.1300~1399 .04.1400-1499 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 11 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 12 Technical Papers, etc. -Task 13 Miscellaneous Susitna Articles p 5700.05 . 05.01 .05.02 .05. 03 .05.04 .05.05 P5700.06 P5700.07 .07.01 .07.02 .07.02.01 .07.02.02 .07.02.03 .07.03 .07.04 .07.05 .07 .. 06 . • 07.07 .07.08 .07.09 .07.10 .07.11 .07.12 .07.13 .07 .. 14 ?5700.08 '08 .. 01 Draft POS Revisions 1st POS Reprint -Draft ' 1st POS Reprint -Fi na 1 2nd POS Reprint -Draft 2nd POS Reprint -Final Revision 1 tc Feb. PUS Public Relations Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Intern a 1 Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence by Task Intern a 1 Correspondence by Task Inter·na 1 Correspondence by Task Internal Correspondence bJ' Task -Task 1 -Task 2 -Camps -Access -Surveys -Task 3 -Task 4 -Task 5 -Task 6 -Task 7 -Task 8 -Task 9 -Task 10 -Task 11 -Task 1~ -Task 13 .. Task 14 Solicitations From Other Consultants Austrian Tunnel Companv . "( -General Road I I I I I I I .I I I A~ I ~ 11 ~ 11 t.~ I I .1~· ~ .. .J ?5700.09 . 09. 01 .09,10 .09. 11 .09. 17 .09.20 .09.21 .09.30 . 09. 31 .09.40 .09.41 .09.50 .09.51 .09.55 .09.59 .09.60 .09.64 .09.65 .09.66 .09.67 .09.68 .09.70 . 09. 71 .09.80 .09.81 !7'-/. 80 .09.90 . 09.91 .09.92 .09.93 .09.94 .09.95 .09.96 .09.97 .09.98 .09.99 lps7oo. 1 o • 1 0. 01 Invoices to APA Acres Purchase Orders R&r~ Invoices R&M Purchase Orders Invoices from LGL Frank Maclin & Associates Invoices Frank Moolin & Associates Purchase Orders TES Invoices TES Purchase Orders WCC Invoices WCC Purchase Orders CIRI/H&N Invoices CIRI/H&N Purchase Orders S. R. Braund & Associates -Invoices Invoices from Frank Orth & Associates Salomon Brothers Invoices Invoices from Woody Trihey Retherford -Associate -Invoices Retherford -Associate -Purchase Orders Major Investments -Invoices Invoices -KNIK/ADC ADF&G Invoices PAC-RIM Financial Services Invoices Invoices from Peter Sandor Purchase Orders from Peter Sandor / /1! tic: 1 {:E"S F;;2v m V tV 1 V. 0 F A k' Control Data Corporation Invoices Control Data Corporation Purchase Orders Invoices from Akland Helicopter Purchase Orders from Akland Helicopter Invoices from Other Consultants Invoices from Ely, Guess & Rudd Invoices from Air Logistics Invoices/Aircraft Services Insurance -Non-owned Aircraft Insurance Invoices -Misce1ianeous Contracts -Legal Correspondence Acres -APA Contract - Drafts ;1. '" I . 10.02 ' '· ·~-. ~ 10.03 I .10.10 .10.11 I ~10.12 . 10.13 I .1 0. 14 ;1 0. 15 I .10.16 .10.17 I . 10. 20 . 1 0. 21 • 10.30 .I . 10. 31 .10.40 :I .10.41 . 10. 50 .I . 10. 51 . 10. 60 I . 1 0. 61 . 1 0. 65 I , 1 0 .. 66 .. , 0 .. 67 . 10. 68 I . 10. 69 . 10. 70 I . 10. 71 . 10.72 I . 10. 73 .10.74 I "1 0. 80 . 10.81 I .10.82 . 10.83 ...... _..J I . 10.84 . 10.85 1....,.-;;:;.t ·IJ • 1 o. 86 m ~ Acres ~ APA Contract -Final Acres -APA Contract Amendments Acres -R&M Subcontract -Drafts Acres -R&M· Subcontract -Final . Acres -Denali Drilling Subcontract Summer 1982 Seismic Surveys Subcontract Winter 1982-63 Seismic .Surveys Subcontract lf_tVh (/) 1 ~It) · Winter 1982-83) Dri 11 i ng Subcontract Winter 1982-83 Mobilization Support Subcontract FY83 Downhole Geophysical Logging Subcontract Acres -Frank Moolin & Assoc. Subcontract -Drafts/with backup Acres -Frank Moolin & Assoc. Subcontract Acres -TES Subcontract -Drafts Acres -TES Subcontract -Final Acres -Woodward-Clyde Subcontracts -Drafts Acres -Woodward-Clyde Subcontract -Final Acres -CIRI/H&N Subcontract -Drafts Acres -CIRI/H&N Subcontract -Final Acres -Salomon Brothers Subcontract -Drafts Acres --Salomon Brothers Subcontract-Final Acres -Retherford Subcontract -Drafts Acres -Retherford Subcontract -Final Acres -Stephen W. Noey Lease Agreement Cook Inlet Native Agreement Acres -LGL Alaska Research Associates APA-ADF&G Contracts Other APA Contracts Acres -Other Subcontractors Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center Insurance -Cook Inlet Properties Inc. Insurance -Acres -APA Insurance -Acres -R&M Insurance -Acres -FM&A Insurance -Acres TES Insurance -Acres -Wee Insurance -eiRI/H&N Insurance -Alaska National Insurance Company/FMA I I ,. I' ·I I I I . l 0. 87 . l 0. 88 . 10.89 . 10.90 • 10.91 . 10.92 "1 0. 93 . 10.94 . 10. 95. . 10.96 . 10.97 . 10.98 . 10.99 \ 10 .. 100 .• 10. 1 01 ·. 10.102 /C, IC::] ·.10.110 Insurance -Alaska Helicopter Inc . Arctic Environmental Information Data Center Arctic Environmental Contracts -High Lake Lodge Contracts -ERA Helicopters Contracts -Akland Helicopters, Ir.c . Contracts -Major Investments, Inc . Akland Lawsuit Contracts -Air Logistics Contracts -Kenai Air Lawsuit -Chugach Boat Sales Corpor~ate Insurance (AAI) Aircraft RFP Information Contracts -LGL Contracts -Frank Orth & Associates Contracts -AEIDC "" -\A,·c_c..- Contracts Denali Drilling .• 10.111 Contracts -Air Logistics -Helicopters · .10.112 Contracts-Air Logistics-Fixed Wing l Cr j j 'J , f' c.t ;4-.k, , ,~"• , ~ ~· ? ,-..._.c.;;; ,...L_ t:.:::> :.p' s ;'' =7li & • I · M'V • -· 1!!3 .. ~A--;-71 ? ~". J /.) ( P5700.11 Correspondence with APA .11.10 Correspondence with R&M o1l.ll Correspondence with Battelle . 11.12 . 11.13 .11.14 .11. 15 .11.16 . ll.lf, Correspondence with Diversified Engineers & Constructors Inc . Correspondence with Hanscomb Associates Inc . 1/ .. /o .11.20 . 11.21 . 11 . 22 .11.30 • 11 . 40 .11.41 .11.50 Correspondence with Ebasco Correspondence with EPRI Correspondence with Correspondence with /t ,., Correspondence with Peratrcvich and Nottingham, LGL Alaska Research Assoc . #~It~ FM&A Inc. Correspondence with First Boston Corporation Correspondence with Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc . Correspondence with TES Correspondence with WCC (Seismic Studies) Correspondence with WCC (Power Studies) Correspondence with CIRI/H&N I I I I I I . I :t I I I .I ·I .•. II ' !; '! ·I I [ '[ ' l . ll. 51 . 11 • 52 .i1.55 ~11.56 ~ 11. 57 .11.59 .11.60 .11.64 .11.65 • 11.66 .11.67 . 11 . 68 . 11. 69 . 11 . 70 • 11 . 71 .11.72 • 11 . 73 . 11. 74 .11.75 .11.76 . 11 . 77 . 11 . 78 . 11 . 79 .11.80 . 11.81 . 11. 82 . 11 . 83 . 11 . 84 . 11 • 85 • 11. 86 .11.87 I> 11.88 • 11 • 89 • 11.90 .11.91 . 11 • 92 .11.93 .11.94 • 11 . 95 Correspondence with Other Consultants Correspondence with Steering Committee Correspondence with Stephen Braund & Associates Correspondence with Davy McKee Corporation Correspondence with AHTNA Corporation Correspondence with Frank Orth and Assoc. (Task 11 Work) Correspondence with Salomon Brothers Correspondence with \4oody Trihey Correspondence wi~h Retherford & Assoc . Correspondence with AIASCOM Correspondence with BC Hydro KNIK/ADC Joint Venture Correspondence with Engineering Hydraulics, Inc . Correspondence with ADF&r, Correspondence with F&WS Correspondence with ISER Correspondence with Corps of Enqineers Correspondence with DNR Correspondence with BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Correspn~dence with DEC Correspondence with Matanuska Electric Association Correspondence with Golden Valley Electric Association Correspondence with Anchorage Municipal Power and Light Correspondence with Chugach Electric Association Correspondence with Fairbanks Municipal Utility System Correspondence with Cordova Public Utilities Corr~spondence with Copper Valley Electric Association Correspondence with Homer Electric Association Correspondence with Seward Electric System Correspondence with University of Alaska and AEIDC Correspondence with USGS and SCS Correspondence with FERC Correspondence with Commonwealth Associates Correspondence with Consulting Board Members Correspondence with Other Federal Agencies Correspondence with Other State Agencies Correspondence with Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Correspondence with High Lake Lodge Correspondence with ERA Helicopters ' •., I I I I I •• I ·I •• I I I I ;I ;I ·I ~~ I . 11 • 96 .11. 97 . 11.98 . 11. 99 P5700.12 . 12. 01 . 12.02 . 12. 10 . 12.20 . 12.30 . 12.40 .12.41 . 12 .. 50 . 12. 60 . 12~ 70 • 12. 71 . 12. 72 P5700.13 .13.10 . 13.20 • 13. 30 .13. 40 P5700.14. . 14. 01 . 14.02 . 14.03 . 14.04 • 14.05 . 14.06 . 14.07 . 14.08 • 14.09 .14.10 .14.11 Correspondence with Akland Helicopters Correspondence with Boeing Computer Service Correspondence with Aquabionics, Inc . Correspondence with Major Investments Progress Reports to APA Progress Reports from Acres/Anchorage to Acres/Buffalo Progress Reports from Acres/Columbia to Acres/Buffalo Progress Reports from R&M Progress Reports from FM&A Progress Reports from TES Progress Reports from WCC (Seismic Studies) Progress Reports from WCC (Power Studies) Progress Reports from CIRI/H&N Progress Reports from Salomon Brothers Progress Reports from ADF&G Progress Reports from F&WS Pro~ress Reports from ISER Minutes of Meetings -Acres/APA Minutes of Meetings -Acres Internal Minutes of Meetings -Acres/Subcontractors Minutes of Meetings -Acres/Other Groups Minutes of Meetings -Acres/External Internal Technical Memoranda -General Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 1 Internal Techni~al Memoranda -Task 2 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 3 Internal Technical Memoranda Task 4 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 5 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 6 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 7 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 8 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 9 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 10 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 11 I I 'I· i I I I I :I I. I I I I :I ;a I •· !aj . . :,~ \ . ·~ 1., fit! l!!t n .14.12 .14 .13 P5700.15 .15.001-099 .15.101-199 .15.201-299 .15.301-399 .15.401-499 .15.501-5 99 .15.601-699 .15.701-799 .15.801-899 .15.901-999 I(ternal Technical Memoranda -Task 12 Internal Technical Memoranda -Task 13 Internal Document Approval Records Design Transmittals and Reports -General Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 1 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 2 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 3 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 4 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 5 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 6 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 7 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 8 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 9 .. 15.1001-1099 Design Transmittals and Reports -Tas~ 10 .15.1101-1199 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 11 .15.1201-1299 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 12 .15.1301-1399 Design Transmittals and Reports -Task 13 P5700.16.001-249 .16.250-499 .16.500-749 .16.750-999 P5700.17 .. 00 .17 .. 01 .17 .02 .17 .03 .17 .04 .17.05 .17 .06 .17.07 ?5700.18.00 .18.01 .18.02 Topographic/Geologic Map Files Borehole Log Files Test Pit Log fiies Aerial Photographs Regulatory Documentation Regulatory Documentation-FERC Regulatory Documentation -Corps of Engineers Other Federal Agencies State Agencies Regional Agencies Local Agencies Field Study and Camp Permits Correspondence with Generating Equipment Manufacturers Correspondence with Other Equipment Manufacturers Correspondence with Construction Companies ' / r I I I I .18.03 .18.05 el8.Q6 .18.10-99 .18.11 .18.11.01 Correspondence with Materials Supply Companies Correspondence with Housing Manufacturers Correspondence with n·ansportation Manufacturers Manufactw'ers' and Contractors' Catalogues Correspondence with Aircraft Companies/Helicopters Correspondence with Aircraft Companies/Fixed Wing II P5700.19.00-99 Economic and Environmental Reports I I ,!!} a ! _!/ "~ W, ~a C:' ,,..,..,.J,t fl P5700.20.00 .20. 01 ~20.02 .20.03 .20.04 .. ~0.05 .. ~O .. Oq .20.07 .20.08 .20. 09 .20.10 .20.11 .. 20.12 .20.13 P5700.21.00 .21.01 .21.02 .21.03 .21.04 .21.05 .21.06 .. 21..07 .,1.08 .21.09 Daily Time Reports 5700.00 Daily Time Reports 5700.01 Daily Time Reports 5700.02 Daily Time Reports 5700.03 Daily Ti~e Reports 5700.04 Daily Time Reports 5700.05 Daily Time Reports 5700.06 Daily Time Reports 5700.07 Daily Time Reports 5700.08 Daily Time Reports 5700.09 Daily Time Reports 5700.10 Daily Time Reports 5700.11 Daily Time Reports 5700.12 Daily Time Reports 5700.13 ~1anhour Detai 1 Reports 5700.00 Man hour Detai 1 Reports 5700.01 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.02 Manhour Uetai 1 Reports 5700.03 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.04 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.05 Man hour Deta i 1 Reports 5700.06 r~anhour Detai 1 Reports 5 70U. 07 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.08 Man hour Detai 1 Reports 5700.0~ 'I I .21.10 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.10 .21.11 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.11 I .. 21.12 t·1anhour Deta i 1 Reports 5700.12 .21.13 Manhour Detail Reports 5700.13 I . i P5700.22.00 Cost Detail Reports 5700.00 I .22.01 Cost Detai 1 Reports 5700.01 .22.02 Cost Detai 1 Heports 5700.02 I .22. 03 Cost Uetail Reports 5700.03 .22 .. 04 Cost Detai 1 Reports 5700 .. 04 .22.05 Cost Detai 1 Reports 570U.Ob I .22.06 Cost Deta i 1 Reports 570U.06 .22.07 Cost Detai 1 Reports 5700 .. 07 .I .. 22.08 Cost Uetail Reports 5700.08 .22.09 Cost Detail Reports 5700.0~ ., .. 22.10 Cost Detail Reports 5700.10 .22.11 Cost Detail Reports 5700.11 1: .. 22.12 Cost Detail Reports 5700.12 .22.13 Cost Detail Reports 5700.13 .I P5700 .. 23.00 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.00 I I. .23.01 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.01 .23.02 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.02 f l • 23.03 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.03 I a .23.04 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.04 [ ~. ·I .23. 05 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.05 t r :a .23.06 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.06 l• t .23.07 Manhour Summary Keports 5700 .. 07 I ! . D. ..23.08 Manhour Summary Keports 5700.08 . ··~-·k' .23.09 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.09 . ~ ·a. .23.10 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.10 .23.11 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.11 ~~ N U, .23.12 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.12 ~ .23.13 Manhour Summary Reports 5700.13 i'~ ~ a ~ a I I P5700.24.00 Cost Summary Reports 5700.00 ' ' .24.01 Cost Summary Reports 5700.01 I .24.02 Cost Summary Reports 5700.02 .24.03 Cost Summary Reports 5700.03 I .24.04 Cost Summary Reports 5700.04 .24.05 Cost Summary Reports 5700.05 I .. ~4.06 Cost Summary Reports 5700.0b .24.07 Cost Swrmary Reports 5700.07 I .24.08 Cost Summary Reports 5700.08 .24 .. 09 Cost Summary Reports 5700.09 .. 24.10 Cost Summary Reports 5700.10 I .. 24.11 Cost Summary Reports 5700.11 .24.12 Cost Summary Reports 5700.12 I .24.13 Cost Summary Reports 5700.13 ·a p 5700.25.00 Disbursement Detai1 Reports 5700.00 i ' ? " .25.01 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.01 1: .25.02 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.02 .25.03 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.03 I .25.04 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.04 .25.05 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700 .. 05 I,, .25.06 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.06 .. 25.07 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.07 .25.08 Disbursement Detail Reports 570U.08 I .25.09 Disbursement Detail Reports 570U.09 I I .25.10 Disbursement Detail Reports 570U.l0 r a .25.11 Disbursement Detail Reports 5700.11 I .25.12 Disbursement Detail Keports 570U.12 .I .25.13 Disbursement Detail Repotts 5700.13 l ' • ,, t ·a ?5700 .. 26.00 Daily Time Reports 5701.00 L . ' .26.01 Daily Time Reports 5701.01 r! i a .26.02 Daily Time Reports 5701.02 .26.03 Daily Time Reports 5701.03 b~ ~ n· ~ Q ~ k'' .. :!.· 1 I I I .26.04 Daily Time Reports 57U1.04 I .26.05 Daily Time Reports 5701.05 • 2ti.. 06 Daily Time Reports 5701.06 .26 .. 07 Daily Time Reports 5701507 I .26-08 Daily Time Reports 5701.08 .26.09 Daily Time Reports 5701.09 I .26.10 Daily Time Reports 5701 .. 10 .26.11 Daily Time Reports 5701.11 I .26.12 Daily Time Reports 5701.12 .26.13 Daily Time Reports 5701.13 I . p 5700.27.00 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.00 ·a .27. 01 t~anhour Deta i 1 Reports 570L,01 .27 .. 02 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.02 I .27.03 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.03 .27.04 Man hour Deta i 1 Reports 5701.04 .27.05 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.05 i .27.06 Manhour Deta i 1 Reports 5701.06 .27.07 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.07 :I ~ . 27.08 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.08 I .27.09 Manhour Detail Repor·ts 5701.09 I .2/.10 Manhour Detail Repor~ts 5701.10 .27.11 Man hour Deta i 1 Reports 5701.11 a .27 .. 12 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.12 .27.13 Manhour Detail Reports 5701.13 ,; P5700.28.00 Cost Detail Reports 5701.00 • .. 28.01 Cost Dl~ta i 1 Reports 5701.01 '& i ~: .28.02 Cost Detail Reports 5701.02 ~ ' ' • ~ ~ ..28.03 Cost Detail Reports 5701.03 I 'B .. .28.04 Cost Deta i1 Reports 5701:'04 -~ .28.05 Cost Detail Reports 5701.05 ~~--g . 28.06 Cost Detail Reports 570l.Oti , . .28.07 Cost Detail Reports 5701o07 ~· a I -~ ' I l 1 I ( I· :I .28.08 Cost Detail Reports 5701.08 .28.09 Cost Detail Reports 5701.09 , .I .28.10 Cost Detail Reports 5701.10 .28.11 Cost Detail Reports 5701Q11 e .28.12 Cost Uetai1 Reports 5701.12 . ..28.13 Cost Detail Reports 5701.13 :I P5700.29.00 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.00 .29.01 Manhour Summary Keports 5701.01 I .29.02 Manhour Summary ~eports 5701.02 :a .29.03 lVlanhour Summar·y Reports 5701 .. 03 .29.04 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.04 .29,05 ' Manhour Summary Reports 5701.05 ;! .29.06 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.06 . : I • 29.07 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.07 ·a .29.08 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.08 .29.09 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.09 m .29.10 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.10 e ' Manhour Summary Reports 5701.11 .29.11 .29.12 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.12 ' ·a f ' ~! . . 'i . .29.13 Manhour Summary Reports 5701.13 0 p 5700.30.00 Cost Summary Keports 5701.00 .. 30.01 Cost Summary Reports 5701.01 !'' ( 0 .30.02 Cost Summary Reports 5701.02 l l .30 .. 03 Cost Summary Reports 5701.03 \ :0 .30.04 Cost Summary Reports ~7Ul.04 1 I .30.05 Cost Summary Reports 5701.05 L I '0 .30.06 Cost Summary Reports 5701 .. 06 . ' !' • .30.07 Cost Summary Reports 5701.07 I. r ~c· .30.08 Gust Summary Reports b701.08 }; ! ' f; .30.09 Cost Summary Reports 5701.09 !~ l't .30.10 Cost Summary Reports 5701.10 F 0 ;"(·' ,, _,, ··" .30.11 Cost Summary Reports 5701.11 I .30.12 Cost Summary Reports 5701.12 ·a .30.13 Cost Summary Reports 5701.13 '0 i\ ', • I I I I .I ••••• . t ~~ HI ta . I 9 ·o ·~ ·o • P5700-31.00 • 31*01 .. 31.02 • 31.03 .31.04 .31.05 .31.06 .31.07 .31.08 .31.09 .31.10 .31 .. 11 .31.12 .31.13 P5700.32.00 .32. 01 .32 .. 02 .32.03 .32.04 .32. 05 .. 32.06 P5700.33.00 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.00 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.01 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.02 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.03 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.04 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.05 Disbursement Deta i 1 Reports 5701.06 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.07 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.08 Disbursement Detail R~ports 5701.09 Disb~rsement Detail Reports 5701.10 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.11 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.12 Disbursement Detail Reports 5701.13 Accounts Receivable Financial Status Reports Project Fee Report/Backlog Computing Center Usage Reports Cost Reports Project Summary Graphical Display of Monthly Cost Report Legislative Information