SENATE BILLS 68, 69,70,AND 71
MARCH 24,1983
Senate State Affairs Committee
Committee Report --the Susitna Project
Senate Bills 68, 69, 70,and 71
The Senate State Affairs Committee held four days of
hearings on hydroelectric development and the proposed
Susitna project.Testimony on three days was primarily
from witnesses invited to address specific issues.In an
all-day public hearing in Anchorage,the views of more than
thirty members of the public were heard.The focus of the
hearings was on economic and fiscal concerns within the
province of the committee.
Summary of Principal Findings
1.Alaska's oil revenues have fallen below anticipated
levels,making uncertain the state's ability to fund the
Susitna project.
2.Falling oil prices have also affected the net benefits
of the Susitna project,and the Acres determination
that the project is economically feasible may no longer
be supportable.
3.Other questions,including whether Susitna would
be eligible for tax-exempt bonds,remain to be an-
4.As the federal construction license is not expected
before 1986,three years remain in which to reevaluate
the project's economics and financing and to gather
additional data before making a decision to construct.
5.Other APA hydro projects have experienced signifi-
cant cost increases.Power projects in Washington State
are facing default because of poor planning and man-
agement;this is expected to result in a tighter bond
market for new projects like Susitna.
6.Power sales contracts are a prerequisite for the
construction of Susitna.Utilities are reluctant to sign
take-or-pay contracts until they have assurance that
the price of this power will be competitive with alter-
7.The APA "is continuing to assess Susitna and the
alternatives,with a report expected in May.
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 1
8.The public,while supporting hydropower generally,
is concerned about the the costs of Susitna power,
both in power rates and in opportunity costs.
Bills Before the Committee
Of the bills currently before the committee,SB 68,SB
69,and SB 71 would authorize construction of Susitna and
would approve a finance plan for the project consisting of a
state appropriation of $2.3 billion in 1983 dollars to be
dedicated through a constitutional amendment and revenue
bonds of the APA backed by the general obligation of the
state.SB 70,an alternative financing bill,would provide
for power project funding through per capita "energy divi-
Background of The Proposed Susitna Project
The Susitna project is a two-dam (Watana and Devil
Canyon)hydroelectric project proposed by the Alaska Power
Authority (APA)to provide power to the railbelt area.As
planned,the Watana phase (1020 MW)would come on-line in
1993 and the Devil Canyon phase (600 MW)in 2002.
A 2t-year feasibility study was conducted by Acres
American at a cost to the state of $41 million.A $1 million
study of railbelt power alternatives 'was conducted concur-
rently for the Governor1s office by Battelle.
The Acres study concluded that the project was tech-
nically viable,envi ronmentally acceptable,and economically
feasible.The determination'of economic viability was based
on a number of assumptions,many of which have changed
since the completion of the study last year.
The APA Board of Directors,in making its recommen-
dations to the State of Alaska last April,noted that while
the project offers a potential for long-term benefits,realiz-
ing those benefits will depend on skillful management,prop-
er timing,and assumptions about an uncertain future
holding true.They concluded,liThe Authority believes it
is premature to make any 1 commitment,at this time,to
actual project construction.II .
The capital costs of the project are estimated at $5.1
billion 1982 dollars or $12.5 billion nominal dollars at 7%
inflation.Acres concluded that in order for power in the
early years of the project to be priced competitively against
thermal alternatives,a state appropriation of $2.3 billion
(later re~ised to $1.8 billion)in 1982 dollars would be
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 2
This appropriation,variously referred to as an equity
investment,state financing,grant,or subsidy would not be
repaid to the state's treasury;instead,benefits in terms of
jobs,economic development,and state electric rates would
be expected to accrue to Alaskans.
Last year,the legislature authorized work to be done
on project design and a license application to be submitted
to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC),and
appropriated $25.6 million.The engineering firm of
Harza-Ebasco has been selected for the design work;the
FERC application was filed on February 28.
Financing of Hydro Projects in Alaska
The Energy Program for Alaska (AS 44.83.400),adopt-
ed in 1981,provides that power projects developed by the
Alaska Power Authority are to be funded largely through
cash grants from the general fund,with supplemental funds
coming from the sale of revenue bonds by APA.The stated
purpose of this state participation in the funding of power
projects was to convert a portion of Alaska's one-time oil
wealth into a renewable resource with long-term benefits to
Alaskans.In addition,state funding of such
capital-intensive projects would help ensure that consumer
costs in the projects'early years would be competitive with
the costs from alternative (oil or gas)power sources.
The Energy Program for Alaska currently includes four
major hydro projects that are either in operation or under
construction.These are Solomon Gulch,Swan Lake,Tyee
Lake,and Terror Lake.So far,$270 million has been
appropriated by the Legislature for direct funding of these
projects.In addition,the APA has borrowed in the form of
short-term notes $200 million in interim 5inancing to supple-
ment the financing of these projects.The next major
projects anticipated to be added to the Energy Program for
Alaska are Bradley Lake and Susitna.
A characteristic of the Energy.Program for Alaska is
that each project must pay a proportionate share of the
combined outstanding debt.This means additional debt
cannot be added to the system in a proportion higher than
the existing ratio of debt to state funding without raising
all rates throughout the system.
Under this system there must be sufficient state reve-
nues available if hydroelectric projects are to be successful-
ly financed in Alaska ..As 88%of the state's income comes
from oil revenues,the future of the state,and its hydro
development plans,is inextricably tied to the price of oil on
the world market.
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 3
Future State Oil Income
There is now great uncertainty concerning the direc-
tion in which oil prices,which have fallen significantly in
the last year,are heading.While some analysts believe
that prices will stabilize in the long-run and continue to
escalate in real terms,others anticipate a serious drop in
the short-term that will only very gradual!y return to price
levels experienced during the last decade.
To demonstrate the expected severe decline in state
revenues,the Institute of Social and Economic Research
compared their 1983 preliminary projections of petro~um
revenues with projections they made just two years ago.
For FY 84,their former projection of $5.6 billion
(nominal dollars)compares to the new projection of $3.2
billion.For FY 93 (the year in which the Watana phase of
Susitna could be expected to come on-line)the 1981 projec-
tion of $13.8 billion compares with a new projection of just
$4.0 billion.
The Department of Revenue and the Legislatbve Finance
Division have projected similar revenue declines.Alaska's
peak oil revenue year appears to have already passed.
Effect of Oil Prices on Susitna
Lower oil prices will affect the Susitna project in
at least four major ways:
1)Lower state revenues may be insufficient to pay
for Susitna.
Reduced state income may mean that there are
insufficient state funds to pay for the state's
portion of Susitna.
The Legislative Finance Division has.compared
projected revenues to funds avai lable for7 capital
projects and to funds needed for Susitna.They
identify just $2.4 billion in nominal dollars avail-
able for all capital projects between 1985 and
1993,under current law,after subtracting funds
needed for the operating budget.This compares
to the $3.5 billion alone that would be required
for Susitna under S8 68 and to the $11.7 billion
that has been !dentified for other planned capital
projects.Even if the law were changed so that
both permanent fund inflation-proofing and divi-
dends were repealed,the analysis shows that
there would still be a total of only $6.6 billion
available for capital projects in the same time
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 4
2)Less state spending and reduced economic activity
decreases the demand for power.
Battelle,in revising its electricity forecasts for
the railbelt last year,adjuste~its forecasts
downward to I reflect this effect.The previous
peak demand projected.for 1995,for example,was
993 MW in the moderate case;the revised peak
demand is 791 MW for the same year.
3)Lower inflation rates may result in higher financing
If interest rates remain high,the discount
rate--the difference between inflation and interest
rates--will increase.Higher discount rates will
result in higher real costs for bonds.
4)Thermal alternatives to Susitna will be cheaper than
Less expensive thermal alternatives (oil,gas or
coal)reduce the net economic benefits of Susitna.
The financial feasibility of Susitna would also be
affected,as more state funding would be required
to assure the marketability of Susitna power.The
House Research Agency has studied the effect o~
lower natural gas prices on Susitna feasibility.
The recent gas contracts signed by Enstar Natu-
ral Gas Company and the Department of Revenue's
most-recent oil price.escalation forecast were used
as the basis for comparison with the Acres fea-
sibility analysis.The conclusion was that if oil
prices correspond closely to the Department of
Revenue's forecast,the price of power from gas
generation would be 38%less in 1994 than project-
ed by Acres,and 50%less in 1996.This means
that,in order for the price of power from Susitna
to be at a marketable rate,an additional $600-700
million in state grant funds,above the $1.8 bil-
lion projected by Acres,would have to·be appro-
priated to the project.
Key Feasibility Factors
The real discount rate and fuel price escalation are
the key feasibility factors that must fall within defined
limits for Susitna to be an economically feasible long-term
source of railbelt power.Acres,in performing the feasibil-
ity analysis,made assumptions on future values·of these
factors based on the information available at the tim'oof the
study.Acres performed a sensitivity analysis,that
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 5
showed the net economic effect of changes in these as-
Acres assumed a base case discount rate of 3%,and
the APA continues to assume that Susitna financing can be
obtained at that rate.Acres concluded that Susitna was
viable only with a discount rate of less than 4.2%;A dis-
count rate of 5%,the sensitivity analysis showed,would
result in a negative net benefit of over $500 million.The
current discount l~ate,according to Data Resources Inc.,is
more than 6%.Even that favorable rate assumes
tax-exempt financing.
It is not clear whether Susitna bonds will be eligible
for tax-exempt status.According to the APA,the I RS has
indicated that the "two-county rule"would prohibit
tax-exemption,unless power sale contracts were something
other than take-or-pay.The APA has identified alternative
methods of obtaining tax-exempt status,including granting
the APA authority to retail power (bYi2'Jassing the utilities)
or restructuring the existing utilities.
The fuel escalation rate assumed by Acres in its base
case was 2.6%above inflation to 2000 and 1.2%to 2010.An
escalation rate less than 1%,according to the APA,would
result in negative net benefits.A ze,:"o percent escalation
rate would result in a negative net benefit of over $1
Other critical factors in the feasibility analysis include
load forecasts,capital costs and capital cost escalation,and
base fuel costs.
There is now considerable uncertainty regarding oil
and gas price trends.Other elements of the feasibility
analysis are also in flux.The'APA is currently reevaluat-
ing the assumptions for its Susitna update,which wi II be
reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.Much
of this information can be fed into computer models,so that
project feasibility may be continually monitored.
Susitna Financing Plan
The APA is required by statute to submit a finance
plan for·each proposed project.Acres has prepared a re-
port for the APA,"Task ,11:Financing Options,II which is
the first step towards a finance plan for Susitna.
The financing options suggested by Acres,and re-
viewed by the APA's financial advisors,involve state ap-
propriations of between $1.4 and $1.8 billion (1982 dollars)
between 1984 and 1989,with the balance of funding coming
from revenue bonds.Two of the four options involve state
appropriations guaranteed through a constitutional
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 6
Among the recommendations of APA's financial advisors
are that prior to major state expenditures or the sale of
any bonds,participating utilities sign definitive contractual
commitments,an updated economic and financial analysis of
the project be completed,and the question of whether or
not tax-exempt bonds can be sold be answered.
The advisors stressed that bonding,to the greatest
degree possible,should be with revenue bonds,backed by
the moral obligation of the state,rather than relying upon
general obligation (G.0.)bonds.They said that G.O.
bonds would,in any case,be of limited usefulness,as they
will be marketable only if their maturity dates fall within
the state1s short oil revenue curve,and the state can only
incur an additional $565-$900 million in G.O.debt without
negatively affecting its bond rating.The advisors also
recommended that the state appropriation be made first,
before any bonds are sold.
Cost History of Other Power Projects
The four hydro projects of the APA that are either in
operation or under construction have experienced significant
increases in construction cost estimates between the fea-
sibility and actual construction stages.Trese have varied
from 54%for Swan Lake to 218%for Tyee.
The committee specifically reviewed the Tyee Project.
Its wholesale power price,even with the state paying 70%of
the capital costs,will be much higher than the cost of
diesel power for Petersburg and Wrangell.Problems ident-
ified were major changes in project design,poor initial cost
estimates,poor review of cost estimates,poor pricing anal-
yses,hasty decisions made without the benefit of accurate
data and analysis,overcapacity resulting in under-
utilization,and mid-project statutory changes.
In response to committee concerns,APA staff testified
that they expect to gain better control of project costs in
the future.through more professional and complete engineer-
ing work,closer supervision by the APA,and a require-
ment for independent cost estimates.
Other lessons may be learned from the experiences of
the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS),as
explained by Eileen Titmuss,a bond analyst for Drexel,
Burnham,and Lambert in New York City.
In WPPSS,Washington created an agency to enter into
long-term power sales contracts with utilities to build nucle-
ar plants.The bond market believed that the projects were
backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.
Senate State Affairs Committee Report,Page 7
Government,and the bonds found a generous market
acceptance.In truth,the real security behind the bonds
was the ability of the Bonneville Power Administration to
raise rates.When costs of the nuclear plants rose and
power demand proved to be less than had been projected,
two of the five plants had to be mothballed and a
substantial rate increase was proposed.Participating
utilities balked at the increase,claiming they simply could
not raise 14 the required revenues,despite take-or-pay
contracts.This has resulted in a revenue shortfall that
may soon force WPPSS into defaulting on these bonds.
The lesson.s of WPPSS that could be applied to Susitna
include knowing true and full project costs,having realistic
demand forecasts,requiring the utilities to participate in
project investment,providing for rate-payer education and
involvement,and close state monitoring of agency manage-
ment and contracting.
The bond market,after WPPSS,is expected to be
tighter because of competition for funds among other
large-scale projects.In addition,bond purchasers can be
expected to take a harder look at both the sanctity of pow-
er sales contracts and the economic assumptions underlying
project feasibility analyses.
Power Sales Contracts
Power sales contracts help assure the marketability of
a project's power.It is standard industry practice to
obtain power15 sales contracts prior to beginning project
Until now,the APA'has'not followed this practice,
and utilities have been under no obligation to purchase
power from its completed projects.In the Ketchikan case,
the power sale contract that was eventually signed allows
the utility to cease purchasing Swan Lake power if it be-
comes higher priced than the diesel alternative.
The APAis currently in the process of developing a
standard take-or-pay contract,requiring utilities to pur-
chase the power regardless of its cost.
Utilities are understandably reluctant to sign such
contracts if the price of project power may cost more than
the alternatives.This problem has been most apparent in
the case of Petersburg and Wrangell,where it appears that
the power from Tyee Lake will cost significantly more than
c'ontinuing to generate with diesel.
Utilities are also reluctant to sign take-or-pay con-
tracts for power under the Energr6 Prog ram for Alaska
because of flaws in the legislation.One concern is the
Senate State Affairs Committee Renort _Paae 8
prOVISIOn that if $5 billion is not appropriated for energy
projects by 1986,all projects must pay a 10%return on
state investment each year.Further,because of the "pool-
ing"nature of the Energy Program for Alaska,utilities are
responsible for paying a proportionate share of any new
debt that enters the system and have no control over rate
increases to meet that debt.This makes it impossible to
predict rates or ensure price stability.
The APA has recommended,the Federal Energy Regu-
latory Commission will require,and the Governor has insist-
ed that construction not begin on Susitna without first
having rigorous power sales contracts in place.The util-
ities are reluctant to make commitments and have indicated
that they will not do so until they have a better assurance
that Susitna costs will be competitive with alternatives.
All major railbelt utilities were represented at the
Anchorage hearing,and all testified that they must have
more information about the level of state funding and the
possible price of power before they will be willing to nego-
tiate take-or-pay contracts.
Although the Alaska Public Utilities Commission has no
jurisdiction over the APA,it does have authority to review
the power supply contracts of regulated utilities to ensure
reasonable consumer rates.It would likely become involved
if the reasonableness of Susitna prices came into question.
Information and Work Schedule
APA's Susitna feasibility update will not be completed
until mid-May,and will include,besides economic feasibility
factors,information on alternatives including Cook Inlet
gas,North Slope gas,coal,and Chakachamna hydro.
The Administration indicated that it will be prepared,
also in May,when oil market fluctuations may have
steadied,to discuss the state's ability to finance Susitna.
A license application was filed with FERC on February
28,1983.FERC approval for construction is not expected
until December 1986,although FERC hopes to expedite the
approval process.
The APA Board of Di rectors,meeting March 14,al-
tered their request for funding for the Susitna project from
the $37 million recommended in the Governor's preliminary
FY.84 capital budget to $22 million.This smaller amount of
money will enable them to continue with the work required
for FERC licensing,but will not provide for detailed design
engineering.The reason given for the decision was to re-
quest funds only as needed;as FERC licensing is expected
to take three years,it is not necessary to proceed with
Senate State Affairs Committee Reoort.Paae 9
detailed design work during FY 84.
The APA is also studying the possibility of lowering the
height of the Watana Dam.Preliminary indications are that
dropping the dam height by 85 feet could save 10%of the
W~tana construction costs for 12%less annual energy,whi Ie
a drop of 185 feet could save 20%of the costs for 26%less
energy.The intent of such a design change would be to
enhance the financial viability of the project by requiring
less appropriation of state funds.Although the project cost
would decrease,the per unit cost of energy would increase.
The two major outstanding questions regarding the
viability of the Susitna project concern its economic and
financial feasibilities.
Economic feasibility relates to the project's net bene-
fits,compared to the alternatives for providing electricity
to the railbelt.The study completed by Acres in 1982 con-
cluded that at that time the project appeared feasible.Since
that time,a number of fundamental assumptions have
changed and remain unsettled.An updated feasibility
analysis is required to determine if Susitna remains the
most economic choice.
This feasibility analysis must realistically consider the
alternatives to Susitna.These include Cook Inlet gas,
North Slope gas,coal,other hydro including Chakachamna,
and conservation.Each of these alternatives has so far
received far less consideration than the Susitna option.
Financial feasibility rel.ates to whether,regardless of
the project's economic feasibility,the project can .be fi-
nanced so that the price of power will be at a marketable
rate.The Acres analysis showed that a state appropriation
of at least $1.8 billion (in 1982 dollars)would be required
to keep the price of power competitive.Unless Alaska is
both willing and able to pay this price,the project will not
be financially feasible,.utUitieswiH not contract to purchase
Susitna power,and project bonds will not be marketable.
A workable finance plan for Susitna needs to answer at
least three questions:
(1)How much does the state need to appro-
priate to Susitna to assure that its power will be
initially priced no higher than the alternatives?
(2)Will state revenues be sufficient to make
such an appropriation without negatively impact-
ing other state needs?
(3)Can a mechanism be developed that
C"~_~.L_.L_A &&_:__,...:.&..&.__n .L n 1 n
would either guarantee the availability of the
necessary funds or provide for the accumulation
of all necessary funds prior to bondi'1g and con-
The finance plan proposed in the legislation before the
committee does not answer'these questions.The state I
revenues available for Susitna have not been determined,
the tax-exempt status of Susitna revenue bonds is uncer-
tain,the degree to which the state can safely obligate to
back the revenue bonds is unknown,and other elements of
a successful finance plan are absent.Accordingly,the
basis for acting on the bills is not currently available.
A public vote would be desirable to assure public
acceptance of both project subsidies and future power
rates.Such a vote requires a realistic and workable
finance plan,and a question for the voters with specific
information as to total project costs and levels of state
The FERC license for Susitna is not expected before
late 1986,so a construction decision is not required at this
1.Letter from Charles Conway to Governor Hammond,April
2.A distinction is made between economic feasibility and
financial feasibility.Economic feasibility relates to whether a
project is the lowest-cost option in the long-run.Financial
feasibility relates to the ability to finance a project in such
a manner that the price of power is competitive with alter-
natives.A project might thus be economically feasible with-
out being financially feasible.
3.The interim financing is divided between Tyee Lake ($50
million),Swan Lake ($35 million),and Terror Lake ($115
4.Recent forecasts are noted in "Alaska Energy Planning
Studies,II by Arion Tussing and Gregg Erickson,Nov.
1982.The authors note that,while the government agency
forecasters referenced by Acres project increases in real oil
prices,recent internal forecasts by petroleum producers
assume real declines through 1985 and a long-term trend
between a level nominal-dollar and a level constant-dollar
trajectory.The significance of varying forecasts is not
whether one may be more reliable than another but that
there is neither consensus nor certainty.
5."Comparison of ISER MAP Model Projections Prepared in
1981 for Battelle Railbelt Study and Preliminary Projections
Prepared in 1983,"prepared for the Alaska Senate State
Affairs Committee by Scott Goldsmith and Gunnar Knapp,
6.All revenue projections are simply projections,and actual
revenues could vary widely.The Department of Revenue
currently bases its projections on the 30th percentile of
probability,which means that there is a 70%chance that
revenues might be higher than projected.With the recent
drop in OPEC prices,however,the 30th percentile projec-
tions are considered most likely.
7.II Funds available for Capital Projects,II .memo to Senator
Vic Fischer from Milt Barker,Fiscal Analyst,Feb.21,1983
8."Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study,"Battelle,
Volume 1,Dec.1982,p.xv
Senate State Affairs Committp-p-Rp-nort_Prinp-12
9."Comparison of Susitna and Natural Gas Power Costs,"
memo to Rep.Hugh Malone from Jack Kreinheder,Research
Staff,March 3,1983
10.Plate 24,"Sensitivity Analysis,II Acres summary report,
11.Data Resources U.S.Review,Feb.1983
12.APA Susitna "Checklist,II Table 1,transmitted to Gov-
ernor Sheffield Jan,17,1983
13."Cost History of APA Hydro Projects",Chart 5 accom-
panying transcript of testimony by Gregg Erickson before
the Senate State Affairs Committee,March 1,1983
14.In Oregon,the courts have ruled that contracts binding
municipal utilities to WPPSS debts are illegal.At question is
whether the utilities had the right to make such commit-
ments without a vote of the ratepayers.
15.Letter to Charles Conway from Eric Yould,October 11,
16."Marketing of Project Power Under the Energy Program
for Alaska,"memo from Myles Yerkes to Eric Yould,Dec.
Erickson &Associates
Thomas Bay Power Commission
City of Petersberg
City of Wrangell
Environmental Services,Limited
Homer Electric Association
Golden Valley Electric Association
State Chamber of Commerce
Laborers'Union Local 341
Resource Development Council
Anchorage Chamber of Commerce
Matanuska Electric Association
Municipal Light and Power
Susitna Power Now
.Chugach Electric Association
Northern Alaska Environmental Center
Governor Sheffield
Eric Yould
Ray Benish
William Wakefield
Tom Singer
Ernie Haugen
Richard Underkofler
Kenneth Mason
George Matz
Ernie Mueller
Kent Wick
Bob Mellin
Mike Kelly
Jeff Bohman
Harold Pomeroy
Jeff Eustis
Bob Penney
Mano Frey
Joseph Henri
Jim Ayres
Paul Lowe
Larry Underwood
Wayne Beckwith
Budd Goodyear
Tom Stahr
Lee Woreham
Liz Gilbert
Sharon O'Dell
Nancy Lee
Mary Pat Haberle
Keith Treseder
Victor Mittasch
Judy Zimicki
Jim Sykes
George Skladal
Doug Stark
Ron Kuzek
Mark Beltz
Bill Holton
Brian Boyd
Earl Finkler
Chuck Konigsburg
Lisa Moorehead
George Rogers
Don Grimes
Steve McAleer
Sterling Gallagher
Tony Merritt
Gervin Wernock
Eileen Titmuss
Gregg Erickson
Lee Gorsuch
Milt Barker
Robert Heath
Harrison Call
Carolyn Guess
Dick Emmerman
David Rogers
AI Carson
Dennis Kelso
Fi rst Southwest
Fi rst Boston
John Nuveen
Acres American
Acres American
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Erickson and Associates
Legislative Finance Division
Department of Revenue
RMI Pacific Northwest
Senate Advisory Council
March 10,1983
Honorable Bill Sheffield
Office of the Governor
Pouch A
Juneau,Alaska 99811
Dear Governor Sheffield:
The Senate State Affairs Committee has completed extensive
hearings on the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project.We appreci-
ated your taking the time to share your thoughts on this project
with us.
The inescapable conclusion of the hearings is that the
precipitous drop in oil prices has substantially altered the economic
foundations of the Susitna project.Unless an immediate and thorough
re-evaluation is made,and new answers provided,Susitna may well
change from its desired goal of being the high benefit keystone to
future state development into an uneconomic white elephant with an
appetite for state funds capable of destroying Alaska's economy for
years to come.
It has become clear that action by you and your administration
is critical before the project can move ahead,and before we will be
in position to act knowledgeably on legislation pending before the
Senate State Affairs Committee (SB 68, 69, 70,and 71).We trust
that you will cooperate in providing the necessary information and
A summary of the extensive information and analytical work
presented at the hearings will be completed next week and will be
presented with the meeting minutes and edited transcripts.The
purpose of this letter is to share with you,immediately,some of the
questions that have been raised so that they may begin to 'get the
attention that they require.
Though most people favor hydroelectric power and Susitna,the
crucial question now facing Alaska is,simply,how and whether the
state can pay for the project.The economic and financial picture was
quite different a few years ago,when oil revenues were piling up
and it appeared that we would have billions of dollars in IIsurplusll
revenues to spend on Susitna.If we are to proceed,we must find
new ways of financing the project that will not undermine the fiscal
structure of the state.
The committee was told that falling oil prices will affect the
Susitna project in four ways:
*First,state revenues will be lower,and the funds simply
will not be available to appropriate the state's "equity ll
portion without sacrificing other needs.As Lee Gorsuch,
of the Institute of Social and Economic Research,testified,
it now looks as though our peak revenue year may well be
*Second,lower state revenues will result in less economic
activity within the state,which will reduce the future
demand for the project's power.
*Thi rd,lower oil prices and reduced economic activity
should result in a lower inflation rate,which may raise the
real cost of project financing.
*Fourth,lower prices mean that the cost of the thermal
alternatives to Susitna will be less.
To elaborate on the last point,a recent memo by the House
Research Agency indicates that with lower than expected gas prices
(as evidenced by the recent Enstar contracts)the Susitna project
would need subsidies of an additional $600-700 million in state appro-
priations,above the minimum$1.8 billion projected by Acres,as
necessary to simply make Susitna power marketable relative to the
Given the projected revenue situation,an awareness seems to
be emerging that the factors that made Susitna an economically
positive project just a short time ago may no longer be present.
These factors must be continually monitored from this time forward
so that when the time is right,we will be in a position to go
forward with Susitna.Some of these factors,as identified by OMS,
--load forecasts
--fuel prices
--capital costs
--the discount rate-
All of these factors are now different from the assumptions made by
Acres in evaluating Susitna eighteen months ago,and are still
At this stage,we have identified some of the key issues and
questions that now need to be addressed in order to proceed with
decisions on Susitna.We need your help to deal with them.
The basic question is:is there,can there be,a workable
finance plan for Susitna?So far,the Alaska Power Authority
has not presented a finance plan,only a list of possible
options.APA has suggested that only a dedicated revenue
stream of $1.8 billion ($1982)would satisfy the need for a cash
contribution by the state,with revenue bonds to supplement
the financing.Analysis by the Legislative Finance Division,
however,has found that such a dedicated stream would leave
no money for any other capital projects in the whole state.
Commissioner Heath has indicated that the administration is
livery nervous"about Susitna financing,but is not prepared to
comment more specifically on a finance plan until some of the
uncertainties in the oil market are resolved.I believe we will
have no progress on Susitna until a realistic financing plan is
in place,one that can be approved by all parties.
What are Administration plans with respect to Susitna
financing?'f ,
Is a financing plan being prepared?
When can the legislature expect a bona fide proposal from
the administration for financing Susitna?
What is the Administration position on the financing bills
pending before the Senate State Affairs Committee?
S8 68 --advisory vote on financing Susitna
S8 70 -_.Alaska Energy Dividend Fund
S8 71 --bonding for Susitna
Which of the Susitna study and feasibility assumptions
need to be updated,and how shall the updates be incorporated
into the project's evaluation?
Who will be responsible for what data,and how will it all
be tracked?
When will an authoritative re:-assessment be available?
Many of the factors in question were identified during our
hearings.They include the forecasted demand,fuel prices and
price escalation,capital costs,and the bond discount rate.The
APA is responsible for the update,but they have indicated that
it will not be completed until May.Even then,these factors will
still be subject to considerable uncertainty.
You and others testified to the'necessity to meet various
criteria before a decision can be made to go ahead with Susitna.
The FERC representative,William Wakefield,testified that
FERC approval is not likely before December,1986,maybe not
until 1987.
How far shall we go and what shall we do with Susitna
before we are sure that it is both feasible and financable?
What is the Administration position on S8 69,which would
authorize first phase construction of Susitna?
What schedules do you anticipate for provision of neces-
sary answers?
APA staff testified that a smaller Watana Dam is under
consideration.They also indicated the possibility of a differ-
ent,single dam on the Susitna River in lieu of the two-dam
configuration;it would be designed for smaller load demands
and would cost less.At the same time,site specific design and
engineering are being considered and appropriations have been
requested to pursue plans previously prepared.
What timing and effort is considered appropriate for fur-
ther preparatory work pending FERC approval?What further
action will be required in pursuit of FERC application action?
What costs are entailed in what activities in FY 84,85,and 86?
In other words,how much money is required,and when,to
keep the Susitna project viable during the FERC application and
re-evaluation periods?
APA staff testified that Bradley,in order to compete with
gas,would require a cash contribution of 50-75%of the project
cost which is estimated at a total of about $400 million.
How does Susitna fit with the need for and financing of
other planned hydro projects,specifically Bradley Lake?
How and when shal I we proceed with Bradley?Shall it be
the 135 MW size or the 60-90 MW size?Such decisions are
clearly intertwined with a decision on the timing of Susitna,and
they need to be addressed in that context.
In addition,is it wise to begin funding this smaller but
still expensive dam incrementally,without considering where the
full funding will come from and whether we can afford it either
with or without Susitna?
Serious questions have been raised about the extent to
which alternatives to Susitna hydro have been adequately
examined.This matter becomes particularly important if Susitna
decisions are deferred due to financing,marketability,or other
It has been very difficult in the past to evaluate alterna-
tives--gas,coal,other hydro--because they have not enjoyed
the same degree of financial support asSusitna.Atthough many
studies have been completed,the focus has not always been
clear.For example,of the two recent studies concerned with
using North Slope gas for electrical generation,one (Ebasco)is
principally a hardware study,and the other (Booz-Allen)
basically avoided the option because Ebasco had already looked
at it.The representative from Booz-Allen,when asked to
compare the gas option to Susitna,commented that the way to
decide on how to meet railbelt electrical needs was to identify
the need and then look at all the options,not to identify a
source and then show how it could serve the need.
It was also suggested that we let the marketplace do the
choosing,and then decide whether to subsidize the capital costs
of that choice.
In any case,in order to be prepared,additional consid-
eration of the short-term and long range alternatives to Susitna
appear to be called ,for.
How can we best continue to evaluate alternatives?Who
should do that?
Are there technologically lIc1ean ll ways of using coal for
power generation?Could such use facilitate development of coal
resources for export and other economic development?Would
state subsidies be required to make that feasible?How much
money would be required to adequately study coal potentials?
How can we best determine what the realistic prospects are
for use of gas to meet future power demand?What effect would
state equity or subsidies akin to Susitna have on future gas
and power cost?
Chakachamna and other hydro?
The Department of Commerce and Economic Development
(DCED)has documented significant savings,even in Anchorage,
through residential energy conservation.In other parts of the
country,utilities have found that it's usually more cost
effective to invest in conservation than in new generating
facilities.Even though conservation will not by itself solve
future power requirements problems,its potential for energy
and cost savings is enormous.
What role can and should conservation play in decreasing
the need for additional power for the railbelt?
How do the benefits of other alternatives,including sub-
sidized power costs,compare with the benefits of energy con-
There are many other questions that need to be answered in
the near future,including:tax-exempt bonding,land ownership,
fisheries mitigation,and power sales cQntracts.The ones I noted
above seem,based on the committee hearings,to be those that are
the most basic and urgent at this time.
The above questions are,of course,difficult to answer.But
they must be confronted in light of the fiscal realities now faced by
the Susitna Project.As the issues before us are of such importance
that they must be addressed at the highest level,I look forward to
your Administration taking the lead in seeking answers to all the
many questions and establishing a policy course for Alaska's energy
It is clear from the information we obtained in the hearings that
legislative actions on Susitna will be stymied unless we receive
critical financial and other information from your dministration.
Your cooperation in this will be greatly appreciat d.
cc:Commissioner Dick Lyon
Commissioner Esther Wunnike
Commissioner Dan Casey
Peter McDowell,OMS
Charles Conway
John Schaeffer
Robert Huffman ,•
March 16,1983
The Honorable Vic Fischer
Alaska State Legislature
Pouch V
Juneau,AK 99811
Dear Senator Fischer:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 10,
sharing with me the questions raised during the extensive
hearing held by the Senate State Affairs Committee on the
proposed Susitna hydroelectric project.
A copy of your list of questions has been sent to the Com-
missioner of the Department of Commerce and Economic Develop-
ment,Dick Lyon.I have asked him to personally coordinate
the Administration's response to these questions and to
assist you further,if necessary.
I look forward to receiving a summary of the hearings when
it is completed.
Bill $h~~-