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CONTRACTOR INDIRECT CQ.--TS WERE ESTIt4ATED FOR GROUPS OF ASSOCIATED ITEMS AS FOLLOWS: 12%of Direct C:onstruction Costs 18%of Di rect Cons tr'ucti on Costs 22%of Direct Construction Costs 27%of Direct Construction Costs 45%of Direct Construct"ion Costs .48%of Direct Construction Costs Ba}"'ch 31 ~1982 Attachment .A Sheet 2 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ContY'actor"Indirect Costs for ~~ain Construction Camp (Account 63) WATANA Catering and Support Housing Units Other Site Buildings Relocation of 160 Man Camp Heating and Ventilation and Electrical Power Site Facilities and Development 11 ,-J --....., .************"1 ..,**************************************************************** Includes totals in Account 336 site }~oads)ah~strjp (Hatana only)and road maint~nance. $000 43,868 389,842 '27 ,510_ 461,220 253,801 55% .$000 47,866 1,009,007 75,104 1,131,977 508,823 45% $ $Account 331 332 336 f.. Account 331 332 336 y,a)"cil j 1,1902 Attachment A Sheet 1 SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Feasibility Study Estimate Civil Horks-D'lrect &Indrrect Costs DEVIL CA~YON TOTAL CIVIL DIRECT CpSTS* HAT ANA TOTAL CIVIL DIRECT COSTS* *Incl udes total s for Accounts 331 and 332 1 ess deduction fOl~mechanical/ "electrical items. $ TOTAL ESTIHATED CIVIL INDIRECT COSTS $ INDIRECT COSTS AS %OF DIRECT COSTS $ TOTAL ESTlMATED CIVIL INDIRECT COSTS $ INDIRECT COSTS AS %OF DIRECT COSTS Ii:~., ADJ USTEDRATES LABOR RATE LABOR tv1ARK-UP BASIS fri nge benef;ts): 9.60% 4.45% .70% 2 ..00% 6.70% 1.60% 1.70% 26.75%-Say 27.00%r 14 hours at ~rate ==7 hours -;54 hours worked =.129=13~~..., ,,;:I J'/l 7 .~)7. It is assumed that the.work week will be two shifts of 9 hours each for 6 days per week or 54 hours worked per shift.All hours over 40 are based at the time and a half rate .. The labor rates listed on Table 14-4 were derived from The Alaska Department of Labor~rhe Association of General Contractors and Ex.(Base Rate X 1.16)(1.27)+F.ringes =Adjusted Rate or (Base Rate X 1.473)+Fringes ~Adjusted Rate. . var;ous trade agreements.The base rates and f~'i nge benefits 1i sted are the prevailing rates as of January 1982. allowances as a percent mark-up: A.Overtime 13.0% B."Two Shi ft Allowance 3.0%c.Labor Burdens (Not included in -Workmans Compensation -State Unemployment -Federal Unempl pyment ...Liability Insurance -~Jocial Security Insurance -1o]iday Pay -\~-rave 1 A11 owan ce The 1982 base rates have been adjusted.to include the following A.Ovc:rtime The overtime and shift allowance (16%)is a percentage mark-up to' the base rate;that sum is adjusted by the Labor Burden (27%)to which the fringe benefits are added resulting in an average hourly rate. B.Two Shift Allowance 1st shift::work 9,pay 9 hours 2nd shift ::;work 8%,pay 9 hours work 17~;pay 18 hours Therefore;~.hour -!18 hours pay::·.028 ::3% c.labor Burdens The Workmans Comp.ensation,Federal &State Unemployment,Liability Insurance and Social Security percentages were obtained from current requirements'. The Hal i day pay of 1.6 percent was deve.loped by assuming that of thea legal holidays,5 will be working days and the trades will receive double time pay. At 52 weeks/year X6 days/week ::312 days or 5 paid holidays~·312 days =.016=1.6%' D..TJravel Allowance The estimating assumption used is that after every eight weeks °vmrked,the employee will have 2·weeks off without pay and the contractor will pay for the travel expenses and 4 hours pay. Therefore;52 weeks/year ...10 weeks off =42 weeks worked per year X 54 hours worked/\'Ieek :::2,268 hours/year Allowing for 5 round trips at 8 hours pay each =40 hours and 40 hours .-;2,268 hours =.017 ;:1.7% The 1aborrates do not incl udeany indfrectcosts or contractors overhead and profit. ,~, include: 13%Overtime (Based on a 54 hour week) 3%Shi ft Allowance 27%tabor Burdens 1982 BASE FRINGES SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Indirect Labor Rates SUPERVISION Genera 1 Foreman Laborer Carpenters Mi 11wri ghts Pi Ie Drivers Major .Mechanics Bricklayers Teamsters Cement Masons Iron Workers Pipefitters Technical EnQine~rs Chief of Parties Party Chief Office Work Instrumentati on Head Chairman Stakehop Rea r Chai rman The adjusted rates 20.25 26.60 26.81 25.61 23.23 22.02 20.94 21.26 26.00 24.93 20.79 19.95 19 ..95 18 ..56 17.94 17.94 17.18 5.20 3.80 3.80 4.15 4 ..95 5.29 6.94 4.75 5.00 4.23 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5.84 5 ..84 1982 ADJUSTED HOURLY RATE 35.03 42.98 43.29 41.87 39.17 37 ..73 37.78 36.07 43 ..30 . 40,95 36.46 35.23 35.23 33 ..18 32.27 32.27 31,,15 1982 _1282 '.A.Q.J.USTED RATES: BASE fOREMAN FRINGES WORKER'FOREMAM .......1_•VI ,.~~ 44.75 3't.41 34.9~ 37,,0'5 38.31 34.94 37.05 37 ..05 33.54 34.9'. 34.41 35.31 35.31 35.'311 35.J)1 35.11 37.69 36.25 38 ..34 39.34 43.03 40.35 33.23 33.2]r ,33.23, 33.23 33.23 34.28 .36.211 38.0d> 35 ..MO 34 ..63 32.95 ,-.>A'&·x..t/';£:..~1'1' ;-••\~,~",t,.r, 33 ..40 34 ..36 3/••18 34.51 35.40 ItO .23 37.41 30.54 30.95 31 ..43 31.76 32 ..08 32.44 35.10 •,36.96 34.29 33.53 •31.85 39.17 33.96 '.6 ..16 74 ..18 317.24 'J2.94 33.47 35.58 36.84 33.47 35.58 35.58 32.07 33.47 32.94 32.55 32.78 33.11· 4.75 ~..75 5.29 3.80 3.80 6.13 5 .•00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5620 5.20 5.20 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4 ..15 4..15 4.15 4.83 6 ~/)/t 6 ..94 6 ..94 6.94 6 ..9/. 6.94 6.94 6.94 6 •.94 6.94 . 4..75 4.75' 4.75 21.02 23.45 24.13 25.05 24.00 19.03'. 19.03 19.03 19.03 19.03 19.74 21 ..22 22.48 20.67 20.15 19.01- 22.77 24.20 18 ..65 19 ..01 20.44 21 ..30 19.U1 "19.54 19.54 18.06 19.01 18.65 20.75 20.75 20 ...75 20 ..75 20 ..15 20.02 20.85 21.~5 23.15 22.00 17.20 17.l t8 17 ..81 18.03 18.25 18.49 20.47 21.73 19.92 19.40 18.26 '23.23 20.24 28.52 47 ..54 22,,00 17.65 18 ..01 19.44 20.30 18.01 19 D~4 19.44 17.06 18.01 17.65 18.87 19.·03 19 ..25 ,/ t. Tp~.e14-4 .~; ~, SUSITNA HY~~ilELECTRIC PROJ Eel LABOR RATES .... '0 ~~:""$~~~~~-",,:~'?~:r~~-:~-'~~:1~~~i, CLASSIFICNTrON' '~~. Master ~lechanic. Pi te Dr;ver~' Diving Foreman . Working Diver Plumb~rsg Steamfitt~rs Teamsters -BuggymobiLe -Fiv&tV Batch Tkuck Ope~ator -Fi tty CY Off Hi ghway Truck -Ei ghty CY Off H;qhway Truck -Tireman --Lo Boy &Twenty-five CY Truck -Redim;x Dri\l~r-TwelveCY -Syamper-Pickup &Water Wagon -Water Wagon-Euclid,Flatbed -Greasers Cemen~Mason I -General II -Form Setters III -Machine Operator IV -TunneLWorkersl Grinder,No~zleman Epoxy Application 19~45 V-Plasterer 20.10•Note:for Underground work·add 10 percent to rateS l i stediO • Bricklayers. Carpenters Hi IIwr i g.h t ,$ Ele!ct ricl ans Ironworkers laborers I -Bull Gang &Flagman II -Compact/Tunn~t III -Chu~R Tenders IV -Powderman Helper v ...Drillers VI -Powderman Operating Engineers!-(-)4 CY Loaders,Cranes,Shovels .'IA -(+)4 CY Loaders II -Compressors,Scree;n;ng Plant III -0;ler IV -Pumps ,. 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