HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA217•.. ~' ' ,\ ·~ ' ' '; .. -"~~-· .., ..... ,. __ "' I I Design Calculation Cover Sheet PROJECT No. p 57oo· Ob. 111m Ftl..£ Nc. p ~?liD· /Jr.. o6 I Q' SERIAl. Nc. Q032. PROJECT Tlil...E S v~ JT»9 -Hy()tD eL-€ c.£ 8 l c Peors.q - . AL~k4 PDwf;A. !hfr!1otZ.t rr . DEPARTMENT c~ ISc.t::t. A)J t""' -IN PF /h_.,.o CA l.CUL.ATlONS FOR ! b I V~.ftOPJ 'j1) J •• Ji.) ~ l-f w .,., ,..., ~ .. If o clr /M€C.h'/1;V~'C...5 ORJGJ NAl. BY If/, A . :r. /Jt>~ DATE I Ocr I IC,IJ . CHECKED ElY OAT! I I . REV No. BY DATE CHECKED DATE I I -I I I I I I I I I. I --I I I I I I I I _, I I -· I I I I I I ... Sv PI"»-L'T A~OVEt) BY ~CJ /l.OL.if M e..e rt lht7 u h'! Pkv:t r_ lrO I. *--t> l) ~ (LE.III>..nJI (~)- PROF'i.SSJ ONAL ENG IN E$lS SEAl. ' ORIGINAL. COPiES P'...AC£0 IN MAIN ~L£ ON CLOSURE OF PROJECi ~ BY OAT! --~ I C. t9 I t13 I TOTAl No. OF SHEETS ft.?.;, {,J t {1!5\1';:. rl ' • ' G 0.04.0t Fer• ,_.. 4 r' l I I l l l f \ l l ... > w cc N U') .... ci z :E cc 0 u. Calculations SUBJECT: s :::17 I '-- I ---l£k -+--- JOB NUMBER p 'S"'? -00 • O b · l FILE NUMBER _______ . SHEET_~/ ___ OF_..:::.:>:.....--- BY /l(/h11.j . APP -· ..----=:=::: /' / {',.J-J v~\-ic: J t:::: . DATE ac,/ 1'1~> DATE --1-4-1 -·-----\ \, -'\ \ -' - 1o r 6 3 ~o!"' f'Et.JtJ.1 ~o be{ 'l .b"'J l..l. t/.1~~6- C-L.&Mt ¥"\ v vK - 1 J'< 0 UIJ t> f' ;!A .! 1'1 1 F-1 (v} 'tq-)(' ! M V li (t:HJ!.vn1"'2 3 SH1Fi SYfif..-n) 'b, vE((s, o)J .. rv,..nJSrt. x r Gt..l? o JJ • .... ::> UJ a: :' ~: "" 1.0 f ""' j' 0 z :E a: 0 u. AIIU Calculations SUBJECT: r~ : G:, :J'( = J.S J" lt ::. o·7r JL~-= /·O ~e;==-:::. J·o 9'7·5 ,. r I·O -Y..-'){..- b 6•/J /·0 32·5 s~--:s( R~~ : 1o-'7f 0~ ..jy, -~ ... :rf ..,_ /·~ .:rot ::. 0·1! ~l..J ":' } • t) r;: JZ r-:. I· D ~ -q-z . ..r /·f .,. ;. 0 -¥--{; (). ?J j.o &, '% SO·~ · JOB NUMBER p t; 2.so • O '- FILE NUMBER _____ _ SHEET Z.. OF f' --~- BY /yAfO DATEO~ Ifill APP DATE IS" 1 = 5""S'o >' C· 7 -,c b2.·~ ) 4-Lf- -6 lf-] p ~' \rc_ -:. (Jt .... :> w a: ,.. ( N t·' U') .~· ~ 0 z. ~ a: 0 u.. A~IU Calculations SUBJECT: -z (f~ ': 9 :r r ~ f,s ::r e. ~ 2· 0 -...lw::::. }•D Si?. t~ =-2~ -s- ~2. s 1, r -)'-- ~ t.D 'Z·7. \Jn -:o q -;j"y: J·S Tc.._ :: 2-o T (.J -::. o·b b S fl. F -::. "L·S ,. r 6 7. r 7 .,..._ 7'1::1 --}·37 g~ ~ , 2 .S /?.-L . (3,~ t.,~ ~t~ r~ JOB NUMBER f'5"7DO • f>' FILE NUMBER _____ _ SHEET 3 OF ____.:::::;;____ --- BY /l/19tf1J APP 2-1 V'h, , )J) vr-d_ . DATE oa" ,,~/ DATE -·- I I \l f '• ,, . , . .... ! \' -> w " I ~~: N LO '· ~·· .- d z :i:: " 0 u. 1 J~lm · Calculations SUBJECT: c~ JL t2<Qh zs-r -s-Doi :r, :::. q J y -I· s j " ;:: -;-. 0 ,J ~ -0· bb r« ,-= :::. 1 · r. 37 s ,.r; y. -)C i )O 0·31... 2~ 3( SfJJ_; L..t . .u 1.--{<., ct & Q Q \~ JW:; C>·h~ St? F :-S· Q -f2.c; J.O 'f. --'(5 0, ~ O·C>t. b·bt 'f. - s:'""· 0. o-66 ,..,.i ;,..· c, -.I • ...L (;.... /'.J I LU ~~-~---· ----------~-- JQB NUMBER P'>7fJO • 0' FILE NUMBER SHEET ~ OF .s BY /V/JrJ1J DATE 0'-"'I,PI APP DATE ~ 3 7 -f)/ -~h. ~ (/t"Vt.. J OVY--../,:.., JOB NUMBER/'s700· ~ FILE NUMBER __ _ -SHEET .> OF S: 1 ----CtJiculations sua teeT: BY /V.dTIJ DATE 0<4""/'f'l ~--------------------------------------------~~A~P~P========~D~AT~E-- _ 3·o Y'-'1 - -IO I _, .... :> w a: ,• l t·' N Ltl f ·~"" -. "''~ 0 z ~ ~I I ' SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA -ROCK MECHANICS ASPECTS OF DIVERSION TUNNELS 1 -GENERAL The layout assumed for these tunnels was SK 5700 C6 218 A SK 5700 C6 226 SK 5700 C6 227 determined from dravli ngs October 14, 1981 October 13, 1981 / ,., .. · October 13, 1981 ./ No:_ The plan position shown on drawing SK 5700 C6 218 A is not consistent with the upstt"'eam portal location. It is understood that the drawing SK 5700 C6 226 is the preferred portal location and the plan location of the tunnel at the upstream end will be.mov.ed approximately 140 feet south. The tunnel is assumed to be "Dee" shaped with a span of 35 feet and height of 35 feet (see attached sketch). The tunnels are 4.200 feet long. It is . understood that the tunnels ~re required to be lined with insitu concrete ' for hydraulic consideration. It is assumed that th~ lining would be at least 1.5 feet thick,.thereby increasing the excavated span to 38 feet. The left tunnel falls at 0.95% downstream from~~ ele-.·ation .1,490 feet ,· to 1,450 feet. The right tunnel falls at 0.24% downstream~~ elevation from 1,430 feet to 1,420 feet. The tunnels are spaced 2.5 D when D is the spa~~of the tunnel center to center, i.e. 57 feet of rock pillar horizontally / between tunne 1 s. /. The tunnel alignment is 255° (W.C.B.) which is approx.ima.tely parallel to "'-·\'I •'· '-\ the river for about 80% of its length. The maximumrcover'to the tunnel crown is 550 feet. tM. t~Jc .... ,......... ~'"' A:L 4~ 7: fi. 7~-w ~'"?:~ }17·n .. ~ ~ The tunnel alignment passes through 6 surface mapped fracture zones. The fracture zones intersect the tunnel alignment at 50° to 60°. The width of fracture zones, as mapped on the surface, total 220 feet, i.e. 5% of the tunnel length but it is expected that there will be some shears not mapped which will occur at depth and also there will be some improvements of the .shea·r zones wi -ch depth. It will be assumed tr1at these two factors wi 11 tend to cancel each other out. ~t , \'" , '"' --v-.. /' ~~:' ' This is reflected in the ~esults from the exploratory drillings. BOREHOLE NO. 2 6 8 % Borehole Length BOREHOLE ROCK QUALITY DISTRIBUTION RQD 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-90% 19 15 22 17 5 2 13 22 4 7 18 16 28 24 53 55 9% Bet '" 18% 18% 90-95% 95-100% -- 13 14 15 43 18 38 46 95 15% 32% Although the boreholes dril1ed from the surface vertically or near vertically is not directly analogous to a horizontal tunnel, there~ sufficient similarit~ to give a good indication of expected rock quality. 2 -ORIENTATION OF JOINTING Tne tunnel alignment parallels the major joint set II and intersects major joint set I at an angle of 35° to 75°. The major joint sets are steeply dipping. See "b2ology of Diversion Tunnels 11 • 3 -UPSTREAM PORTAL The portal is located just to the south of the 11 Fins". Minor shearing associated with the "Fins 11 intersects the portal area at approximately 30° to 40° with the line of the tunnel. The extent of this shearing is not yet ·defined. It should be assumed that the cut slopes will be at 1H:4V with 10 feet wide berms at 40 foot vertical intervals. The portal arrangement, as-sh · ~700 GS-226; i~.gp~~~9ed ~I IC.IJ---:· mainly by the access required along the river bank. It is suggested that the access ramp start within the tunnel at 1,430 feet elevation. This will shorten the ramp and allow some saving in excavation of the cut for the access road. The ramp and remaining excavation down to 1,430 feet.elevation within the portal area could be excavated after the tunnel breakthrough and mucked out through the tunne 1 . Us:i.-Rg..tf:l;j,s-met1lorl~-ef---wc:rrl<4·ng;-the-per-ta·1-cal 1 be lllovect-s~·ds . ' t~4~r. If the rock surface adjacent to the river is lower than at presently indicated, the level of the river retaining rock dyke will have to be raised by a small embankment. B~cause of the strong river current at the outside of the bend, a concrete ~r wall may be preferable. It should also be considered that the minor shearing associated with the 11 Fins 11 will pass through the rock dyke and considerable rock support may be required. The permeability of the clyke may need to be reduced by grouting or dumping impervious material on the upstream face. In view of the fast flow of the river at tr.is point, grouting should be allowed for at this stage. Considering the probable shearing parallel to the 11 Fins 11 , extensive bolting of the whole portal face should be allowed for a 25 foot long tensioned rock bolt at 5 foot centers and two closely spaced rows of rock bolts around the periphery of th2 tunnel. 50% of the area of the cut slopes will require to be shotcreted to a thickness of 3 inches, 25% of the area reinforced with mesh. The sides of the portal excavation will require 50% of the area rock bolted with 25 foot long bolts. 4 -TUNNELS For hydraulic consideratio~ the diversion tunnels will be lined with insitu concrete. S~ctio~of the tunnel will require temporary rock support for the time the rock is exposed between excavation and concrete lining. 17~ of the tunnel ....._ ,.\!; length will require concrete lining from support considerations~ .See at~-Red ~pport-c~i~ri~. Temporary support should be installed soon after excavation and light support may be used to prevent excessive overbreak thereby saving on concrete to fill the overbreak. The orientation of the tunnel alignment relat :ve to joint set II is unfavorable but due to the restriction on the location of the portal, the alignment of the tunne 1 cannot be changed to h.Mi any s i gni fi cant effect on the .support required. It is expected that the excavation will be in two stages. The semi-circular top section followed by the lower bench to final invert level. ~ \ In good rock with minimum support1 advance rates vf 160 feet per week for the top ~eading could be achieved. An average of 100 feet .per week overall is expected. The bench excavation should average 300 feet per week. Enlargement of the upper tunnel in two locations is required for energy dissipation structures and gates. This will be mainly an enlargement vertically and, therefore, will not increase the tunnel span. Extra supports in the form of rock bolts .and shotcrete will probably be required. Slight adjustment of the gate structures may be made to locate the enlargements in good rofok away from shear zort_~ ·At the location of th~ctures and the plu. g iritne lower -~---~ tunnel, the concrete should be well into the rock. The normal irregular overbreak associated with drill and blast .e-~cavation shoulrl be suffic-ient; but if the quality of rock and bl_ast-i-ng··is-·such that a very smooth profile is being obtained, tQen .some -trimmi~; or adjustment of peripheral holes will be required. " _,. '"' At the downstream end of the lower diversion tunnel, a junction will be formed with the tailrace tunnel. This junction should be formed at the same time as the diversion tunnel is constructed to avoid blasting close to the concrete lining of the diversion tu~nel. A stub heading about 40 feet long on the line of the tailrace tunnel should be excavated and left unlined until the tailrace tunnel is completed. The junction of the access tunnels with the energy dissipating gate structures should also be formed prior to concreting of the upper dtversion tunnel. 5 -DOWNSTREAM PORTAL The location of this portal is severely restricted due to the close proximity of the downstream cofferdam, the chute spillway and service spillwt~· discharge valves and tailrace tunnel. The geology of the portal area is controlled by the major shears trending at 45° to the tunnel axis. A zone of alteration with minor shears and fractures has been mapped on the surface crossing the tunnel alignment 100 feet to 200 feet from the portal. As at the upstream portal, a rock dyke will give protection to the portal area during construction. It is anticipated that the excavation slopes will be at 1H:4V. The portal face will be extensively bolted in the same manner as the upstream portal. ·~-... _.,. «.' -~'f"'~·-:-"'--------, _,...........,,___~,_..,._.,..._._..,_ --:-'---/-0--.o••••,.~ ~~---__,..,_, -·~-~---Won>-•-U,'-•'"'~~•.><,_,,_,__..,.,_.._....,_.,...._.,_.,.,.,_~-----··"-<.o--•"--'.-.----•~-"''-•0 '"' ,,......,_ I l., r !' I l l l I r l l ! l I l I t;'' Drawing SK 5700 G6 218 shows an ups-tand between diversion'tunne 1 porta_ls_;___but I ' -_.. -"--·----_,. --...,, ( · with the tunnels ~t 30 feet differen-~--e1-evation with 57 feet spacing, this .· upstat)d would probably...-require extensive SUJl.Uort. It may be m.o.re_economical ' / to-· remove this rock upstand. Generally, a rock cover of 1.5 D (where ~ ~ the tunnel span is required . However 1 since the tunnels will be concrete lined, it may be possible to reduce this requirement to 1.0.0 cover. Since the portal is in a zone of·major shearing a'd alteration, a cover of 1.5 D should be assumed until more detailed information is available on the portal geology. 6 -EXCAVAT10N SLOPE DRAiNAGE Drainage channels should be provided at the top of all slopes to channel surface run off away from the cut slopes. Pressure relief holes may be required. For estimating, assu~e 25% of the cut slope ar~ea will require drain holes 10 feet X 10 feet grid~ feet in depth for upstream and downstream portals. l; 1 -INTRODUCTIO~ 2 -SCOPE $ubtask 6.21 -Watana Diversion Scheme Closeout Report 3 -DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 -General 3.2 -Reservoirs 3.3 ~ Cofferdams 3.4 -Inlet and Outl~t Structures 3.5 -Tunnels 4 -TUNNEL SCHEMES 4.1-General 4.2 -Hydraulics 4.3 -Capit · Costs 4.4 -Optimization 4.5 -Cofferdam Closure 4.6 -Low Level Outlets 5 -SELECTION OF DIVERSION SCHEME 5.1 -Scheme Selection 5.2 -Opei"ation 5.3 -Final Closure ·and Reservoir Fi11ing 5.4 -Continuing Studies - 1 _, ... ~""'" " .. . . ... ·----.. -2 1 -INTRODUCTION The objec:tive of this closeout report is to present the results of the Diversion Scheme studies and present information on the selected scheme. Bastca11y a diversion scheme study is a simple economic optimization of the tunnel diameter vs. cofferdam height. In optimizing the tunnel diameter certain limiting crit';ria have to be adhered to. These would include but are not limited to geologic conditions which would determine structural support conditions for· the tunneling, foundation conditions which influence the type of cofferdam and treatment, physical geometry of the site which would limit the size or type of cofferdam, flows to be handled by the scheme, and construction . s~quence and scheduling. An addftional consideration that ha~ to be investigated and evaluated for the Watana diversion scheme. is tbe tr;corporation of the low. level outlet into the diversion tunnel. The requirement and parameters for the low level outlet are presented in Closeout Report 6.17, Watana Spillways, Preliminary Design. -3 2 -SCOPE The scope of the study was to conceptua1iz~ a diversion scheme or schemes, detenni·ne and evaluate the flows and water levels the scheme would be required tc handle, determi·ne the various heights of cofferdams required for the various tunnel sizes, estimate capital costs for the various schemes, select the tunnel size and corr~sponding cofferdam height. Upon completion of the selection of the optimum tunnel diameter, the preliminary design of the tunnel and cofferdam used for the capital costing aspect are refined and c~nfirmed. Operation~ during construction were cons.idered and incorporated into the pre- liminary design of the tunnels. The operation of tunnels during final closure and the finu1 closure scheme or sequence itself was detennined .. As part of the hydraulic studies incorporated in the diversion studies was the deve1opment of downstream tailwater elevations considering ice buildup in the downstream reach of the river. This directly affected the water surface e!avations which directly determined the upstream cofferdam height. The incorporation of a permanent low level outlet into one of the diversion tunnels was cons·idered. This involved preliminary design comparison of a sepa?"ate low level outlet versus incorporation of a low level outlet .. - 4 1,_ -DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 3.:_1:_ _-: __ Genera 1 The first -parameter to be established in any diversion study is the flow or recurrance peri· ad flood that has to be handled by the diversion scheme. This is detennined by an economic risk analysis in which the cost of the diversion scheme is compa:"ed against the damage that would result from a flood beyond the capabilities of the diversion scheme, and the risks involved in exceeding the capabilities of the scheme. Wt I{ This ~ be carried out during the detai'led design phase of the project however· general criteria by others such as the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have established criteria and experience which is acceptable for' feasibi1 ity studies .. The general criteria adopted by Jnd recognized by ---.------- international insurance companies is a 10% risk per annum is acceptable. This translates to a diversion design for a 1 in 10 year exceedance flow or flood per year of construction. Preliminary estimates show that a c~,f\t~\ L. 3 ,... cr r wr\.~ ~o.--.c. e.. ~--c-e_ t a "' construction period of 5 years is required to-construct tt:le mair; aam·te aR-se:1~ati'oe "'~ a f1ood overtopping the cofferdam would Jet be U'f\C~..tte~l~lv._ ~'fl'? ~ r-4-w..cv--t.e ~ ~ detrimental to the main dam and Ot'~9:t~~~ Thus a 10 year exceedance · risk per year on a cumulative basis for a 5 year construction period equates ~ r J.l,..t... (> • ..._~ ,_t.. ( ""-'_. · ..... ,, .. ..,..." to a 50 year recurrance period flow or a 10% risk of exceedance. This ~ f1ow has been established as 83,000 cfs. (See Subtask 6.09, Design Cri'teria). ... 5 Once tfu: flow· or flood bydrograph ts selected several diversion schemes were devi'sed and layed out to conform fo the site geometry and characteristics. A.JJ.,l •o""-.. ( J.,~'""'-t"~~,JI?.N"~-~-~ OJ't""f..- .!.)ii\er·iddftJOh¥' •aa;tz ·,is outlined in the following subsections. - 6 3.2 -Reservoirs In the tunnel/cofferdam optimization studies the height of the coffer-· dam, and thus the size of the resr~oir, is optimized by economic comparison against the tunnel diameter. The Watana Reservoir resulting from the cofferdam was anal tzed for possible ·flood storage, and routing of the design flood. The reservoir was too small to provide any storage and.the routing effects were very sma11. - 7 3.3 -Cofferdams The cofferdams will be earth and rockfi11 structure!i with the height to be determined from the optimization studies. Ccmsideration wi11 be gi·ven to founcdation treatment due to the alluvium present in the Susitna riverbed. (a) Foundation Treatment Foundation treatment will consist of a s\~urry W9-11 throu~~h the alluvium miiteria1 to bedrock excavation tl') sound rock in the abutment areas .. The depth of alluvium materi.a'J, in the river bed area ranges from non e~i stant to a maximum of 100 feet. The a 11 uvi urn materia 1 is a si.l ty sandy gr·avel w-ith numerous cobbles. The soil/bentonite slurry wall wi11 be constructed through the closure dam and alluvium material to ~~drock and will minimize the amount of seepage into the maindam excavat.ion. The abutment areas will be cleared and grubbed with excavation of all material to sound rock prior to placement of any cofferdam material. (b) Upstream Cofferdam The upstr~am cofferdam wi 11 be a zoned embankment founded on the closure dam. See Figure/Drawing --· The closure dam wi11 be constructed to elevation 1475 based on a low water level of elevation - 8 1470. It',wi11 consist of coarse material on the upstream side grading to finer material on the downstream side. When the closure dam is completed the soil/bentonite slurry wall can be eonstructed to minimize seepage into the main i:iam foundation excavation. It the slurry wall is not effective in preventing seepage into the excavation a dewatering system can be established in the main dam excavation. The cofferdam from elevation 1475 to 1545 will be a zoned embankment consi·sting of a central rove, fine and coa.rse filters, and rock and/or gravel shells with rip rap on the upstream face. The core material will come from BoT"row Area uou and wi11 be the silme material to be used in the main dam. The 'filter materials wi11 be obtained from Borrow Area "E 11 and will also be the same as the materials to be used in the. main dam. The rock for the cofferdam she11s will come from either Quarry L or A. Gravel material wi11 come from Borrow Area "E". The choice of rock or gravel for the shells (c) Downstream Cofferdam The downstream cofferdam will be a closure dam constructed frpm elevation 1440 to 1472. See F.igure/Drawing • --It wi11 consist of coarse material on the downstream side grading to finer material on t~e upstream side. When the closure dam is completed the soil/ bentonite slurry wall can be' constructed in the finer material to minimize seepage i'nto the ttain dam foundation excavation. A dewater1ng system can be installed in the main dam excava~ion if required. The downstream slope will be protected by a rip rap layer. J l l I I ! - 9 The wi.dth of the crest of the cofferdam can be varied if. clearance of the outlet structures are required. ; \ -10 3.4 -In-let and Outlet Structuras The inlet and outlet structures ar.e reinforced concrete structures. The intake structure will support and house vertical lift fixed wheel gates for contro·l and fina 1 c1 osure. The intake and gates will be designed to operate under the following condi'tions.. (a) Gates open, reservoir partially full (b) Gates open, reservoir full (c) Gates partially open, reservoir partially full (d) Gates partially open, reservoir fu11 (e) Gates closed, reservoir partially full (f) Gate closed, reservoir full. The intake will have a rounded corner (bell mouth) entrance to reduce energy losses and prevent cavita:tion, The outlet structures will have slots for provisions of stoplog installation. ll 3.5 -Tunnels The*tunnels were designed to accomodate the structural geology of the site. The major joints sets to be avoided ran ----------- Thus the range of unacceptable orientation i.s -----------· The range of pr:eferred orientation . lS '-.. ~-------------------------_________ _, ________________________ .. The 1ocation of the dam and the layouts indicated the tunnel alignment of is acceptable. ---------------------------------- The tunnels are designed to handle the flow stated in Section~thu~ the resulti.ng velocities at•e approximately 50 ft/sec and are presented in Table • --This nece~ssitated the concrete lining of the tunnels be of a thi"ckness sufficient to prevent scour. Geotechnical data and evaluations indicated structural support of the tunnels wtll be required. For the study purposes a percentage of the .tunnel length i's estimated to require rock bolting and steel sets for T ~ . ' support, This is presented i"n able .~e cost est1mates 1nclude these porttons of support. Geotechnical considerations for the sizes of tunnels investigated favored a smaller diameter two tunnel sch~ over one large diameter single tunneL It was also decided for security and risk considerations, two tunnels were superior to a single tunnel. _tt,l\.· ,.I, -12 4 -TUNNEL SCHEMES 4.1 -~nera1 Description The general schemes considered during the study consisted of a pressure tunnel scheme and a free flow tunnel scheme. These pressure tunnel schemes were further subdivided into a pressure tunnel with a free outlet and a pressure tunnel with a submerged outlet. The pressure tunnels .flow full and are designed for an internal pressure. The pressure tunnel with a submerged outlet has the crown of the outlet portal a·lways submerged under all flow conditions. This is the most common and widely used type of diversion scheme. The other pressure tunnel with a free outlet has the crown of the outlet portal never submerged under all flow conditions. The free flow tunnel scheme is a scheme-where the tunnel flows free and is not designed for internal pressure. The various tunnel scheme? were optimized for optimum tunnel diameter. This necessitated several diameter tunnel sizes be evaluated for costs, assoctated cofferdam height, and physical layout arrangement. Layout studi·es of the project site 1 oca_ted the diversion tunne 1 s on the r· cC!" t<;. ~ IJ~C Ot'" ~ Nortfl. bank of the Susitna River. The North bank was selected due to41ess length of tunnel required.than the South bank. The geotechnical consider- attons favored the North banko The South bank would have required the If tl ""'1h e.. p, Itt s tunnel to pass through a major shear 7.one. The North bank has tbe "fins 11 located near the upstream portal of the tunnel and a shear zone located ~ near the do\'lnstream porta 1 of the tunne \ the diversion tunne 1 can be v ,, -13 located between these two features however there is virtually no tolerance or room for adjustment. -14 4.2 -Hydraulics Hydr.aulic studies were carried out to detenr;ine the 50 year· recurrence period flow. This was established as 83,000 cfs. The initial step estimated the routing effects to reduce the outf1 ow of the di \.•ersi on tunnels to 76,000 cfs. Hydraulic calculations were then carried out to determine the Headwater/Discharge relationship for the various types and diameters of the tunnels. This is presented as Figure 1; 2, 3, and 4. The tunnel diameters presented in the graph are for a modified horshoe shaped tunnel. The area for this shape of tunnel is 13.7% greater than· for a circular tunnel with the same diam~ter. The tunnel sizes investigated establi'shed the maximum ve1oci·ty under the f1ooci flow in the 50 ft/s to A \\ , ' 60 ft/s range. This dictated the requirement of concrete linir.g. ~ rt vaiue of 0.014 was selected for the concrete lined tunnel. .I, .. -'( I, : -J·' ' -15 4.3 ~ Captta1 Cost~ Capital costs were developed for the optimization studies. (a) Cofferdams An earth and rockfi'll·. cofferdam with a 30 ft crest width, 2H: 1 V side slopes, and a cross sect~on that has 70% rock or gravel, lOS filter, and 20% impervious materi.al was used for quantity take offs. Several dam heights were selected and layed out. Quantity take offs were carried out and unit costs applied. A g~aph showing the Dam Elevation/Capital Cost rea1iion~hip was prepared and is shown as Figure 5. (.b) Tunnels Major quantities for the tunnels were calculated for the various diameter tunnels. These included rock excavation, concrete lin2r, rock bolts, and support· steel sets. Unit costs were applied and the capital cost of·tbe tunnels were developed. Portal quantities for the upstream and downstream portals were calculated and con- sisted of rock excavation and rock bolts for support, These were included in the capital costs for·the various tunnel diameters. The capital costs for the various tunnel diameters are presented in Figure 6. The difference in costs for the same diameter tunnel for the pressure vs. free flow tunnel are due to the portal costs. The submerged tunne 1 s are at a 1 ower elevation than the free f1 ow -16 tunnels and require a larger portal, thus a larger cost. The tota.1 costs do not include the costs ·for the intake structures or gates. It i's esti rna ted these costs wi11 vary direct 1 y with the tunne 1 diameter and therefore wi11 not effe~the optjmization analysis. -17 4.4 -Oettm1zation The ~ptimization consisted.of developing the capita.1 cost of the dam required for the vartous tunnel diameters. This.was.accomp1ished by first sel e.cttng a 15 ft freeboar.d requirement.. 5 ft is for settlement and wave run up. 10 ft is ·for ice. The .10 ft for ice is a provision for ' possible ice jamming downstream:. thus raising the tai1water elevation and subsequent headwater elevatiun. Using Figure 4, the 15 ft freeboard) requirement and Figure 5, the capital cos.t of.. the dam/tunnel diameter relationship was produced and is presented in Figure 6. The total capital costs of the various tunnel diameters were then produced and are presented in Figure 7. Thi.s is a composit.of the indivi·dual costs presented in Figure 6. From ·Figure 7 it can be seen that 30 ft is the optimum diameter '"'Pre. Sa.S. u or ._ · 1 for the f,.-ee fiseH tunnel. w~ 't e... ~ S 4--\-l ~ ~'e.. op+~-""-J..'-,_ e.--+'-~ ..f.o.r ..Yv-L.. J:re~ .. f-( .. o.~ ~"'-~ e....l C ~L ~ -18 f.; 4.5 -Cofferdam Closure An important constderati on .at this point· is the cofferdam closure. For. the pressure tunnel scherne thi-s. is no problem for the invert of the tunnel ;·s ·below the riverbed· elevation·. Once the tunr.e1· is complete the riverf1ow will divert to the tunnel with only a 10 ft high closure daiii. The free· flow tunnel scheme however has the tunnel invert some 30 ft above the riv~,..bed. This will necessitate an end dumped closure dam some 50 ft high. There are design problems invo1ved in dumped fill of ·these heights however it· can be done. A more serious prob·1em is the size of particle (boulder) of the dumped fi11. As the closure dam crosses the river.the water surface increases along with the vel:Jcity of the river to be closed. This necessitates large boulders of sufficient weight be. and dumped to resist the velocity of the river water. The size of boulders ~~pected to resist these velocities are large (greater than 3 ft diameter) and availability of them is small. Therefore it is impractical to assume the free flow scheme. -. ---~-~-----~!!!!!"'JIII!"I!II!'. -----------JIIIIS3111!11.-DIIa;ii-fo""""'W;~··~-<tat ..... P.-.--•--·---.. --_,P:lloloS'_...*li.....-..........:...···-~·e.-t'Y"'"-''"''st"'-"'><•11,.,.¥"-...._'&-.l&·•-•-•u¥_tt_e_~.._ ...... Ja'_J_RW---~~~~ 19 ~·~:) 4.6··-Low Leve 1 ·Out1 ets (; ' X./ In keeping with current practice it has been decided to provide for drai.ning of the reservoir.· The provision of draining of the reservoir is for an extreme emergency case. Preliminary studies showed the low. level outlets with capacity to draw the reservoir down in 4 months (in cor~1pliance with Corps of Engineers Regulation No. 1110-2-50) .was prahibitavely high. fe\e( A capacity of 30,000 cfs at full reservoir ~tor the low level outlets was arrived at afte.r evaluating the conversion of one diversirm tunnel into a pennanent low level outlet and if'\ keeping consistent with the project spi11way.s discharge capacities. Environmental considerations required the low 1eve1 outlel prevent nitrogen supersaturation of the discharged waters. This requirement necessitated the use of an energy di.ssipation device. Two alternatives for energy di.ssi.pation were investigated. One ·alternative was Howell Bunger valves and the other alternative was an ex'pansion chamber. The expansion chamber was· selected as the preferred alternative. The valve alternative would have rquired a large number and size of valves that were not compatible s J'Z-1:.. eJ.--tt.;_ wi th thefl diversion tunne 1. The "sudden expansion'' which makes the expansion chamber dissipate energy is a proven scheme that has baen used on qther projects. The ~1ica project a,\rJ -H-t_ ~1.~ Cc--'1•-~·~ "?u-~t~et.4·_, a.,.,.e_-fuo i• iAE of the p~evious projects where this type of dissipation device has . -20 worked sati·sfactori·1y. One constratnt of the dissipation chamber is the requirement that the chamber be located above tailwater· in elevation.. If the chamber is submerged, cavitation wculd result in the area of the discharge. jet enter~ng the expansi.on chamber. This constraint necessitated i\.c....+ the diversion· tunnel to be converted to a low level outlet be a 11 free flow'' tunne 1 or a "pressure tunne 1 with a ·Free out 1 et 11 wh i 1 e it is being .used as a diversion tunnel. I • ! ( r II 10 X 10 TO Ji INCH • Ill X 15 ltiCIIES t<EUFFEL 8: ESSER CO. UADt IH US A 1 47 1320 t I .) I I t I I . ~ I t t · () ... ,I ' r=r. • I « ., ... ~t 1Wlt ld r:b~'~ . ( ( IO X to TO J~ INCfl • IO X 15 INCIIES KEUFFEL llr ESSER CO. loiAD£1H USA. 1 47 1320 !]I 11 j .>. ( \ I . . i-I+H-f+ Hf.l '1 .,. 1.1. n/,cl \ ~­ / \· ·- ''--• .--+ :. -. ',..;..;.... - l l ! I ! I I l ! I c::: c != c::: = c::: = :::: c.- c::: = = :::: c: c -J: -.,.,. .-..., -· j -· - - :::c::: .. ,-=$ ,I c: l_ 'I .- • ( \ I ( t 1(.~ 10 X tO TO a INCH • 10 X 15 INCHES t;:;. tU:U~ fi:L lit ESSI:.R CO. II All[ 1H US 1.. t f-H·H+H-H,H.-1 · t . { j ·1 ·' 'l I ... ···l Ill . I L .,, . J : d - ~; :i.320 ... 'i I .I i l l 1 I 1 I .. · ... t· ' . . . r .. 1 .. .. . ' . ' > • • .. • • ••• •• . . . ' . ' . . J++H'H1 l .. • . '. ~ ! . ' . l . . · -· H+.H+H · · -H-H+rH 1H· -+HH +t+H+I-I-HH+t+tl-t1 .. H ++t.+t+t .. , ..... Jl .. '. .. .. . 1', .. I - 1- C/1 0 'v .J <: -. - !---'-+"-. -· -·- •. 3o TW~ --. I ' • • 90 f'· ... '-. 0 70 N C'l") ..... !;2:/\ ~ Q -'1-_,0 ~n .._/ V\ r-- c-1 0 0~0 ... _J < t-- Ill ~ !:! .. g.c v -.. ..) 4c ,,,. -,., )(:i < 0~ --:~: • • 0 -ci \-ou Zt: -w ~~ "' 0~ ~cl 30 -~~.. x!l; =Ill -:r: w • ..., - 2o \0 - •· ·- ~· -· .... -! .. ·-----------· I l - Twc.... -. J • I. I t r.' ! -21 5 -SELECTION OF THE DIVERSION SCHEME 5.1 -Tunnel Scheme Selection· From Figure. 7 the selection of·the tunnel scheme \-Jou1d appear to be two - 30 ft di'ameter pressure tunnels. However, if the pressurf~ tunnels are selected a separate low level release wi11 have to be constructed to avoid the cavitation problems that would occur if one of the pressure tunnels was converted to a low level release. Taking the incorporation of a low level release into·consideration, and referring to Figure i :it wouild appe::ar the selected scheme would be two -35 ft diameter free flow tunnels. However with the free flow (or pressure tunnel w·ith a free outlet) tunnels there are major problems with cofferdam· closure explained previously in Section 4.5. The solution, and subsequent selected scheme is a combination one pressure tunne~l and one free flow (or pressure tunne1 with a free outlet) tunnel. Two 30 ft diameter tunnels were selected and investigated. The cofferdam required will have a crest elevation .of 1595. This is about a 150 ft hi'gh cofferdam. Layout drawings showed the 150 ft high dam would push the inlet portal upstream and into the mi:idle at "The Fins". This is very undesirable. Subsequent layout drawings and investigations showed two -35 ft diarreter tunnels require a cofferdam with a crest elevation . of 15.40. This is about a 90 ft high cofferdam. The reduced size coffer- ~ . dam is preferable over the higher cofferdam and the cost increase is considered insignificant. The reduced size cofferdam also a11ows the -22. entrance portal of the diversion tunnels to ba moved downst-ream to the edge of 11 The Fins 11 • For the reasons presented two 35 ft diameter modified horshoe shaped tunnels wo~ selected as the diversion scheme. Dna tunnel will be submerged and act as a pressure tunnel. The other tunnel will be 1 ocated at a higher e 'J e.vati on and act as a free flow tunne 1. An upper and 1 ower tunne 1 scheme was used successfully previous 1y in the 0 V"O v \ l \ e_ \) ~ project. ~-~ -23 ~ 5.2 -Operation . ' ., ... t As stated previously during diversionltunne1 will-operate as a pressure tunnel at a11 times. This is the lower tunne1. The. other tunnel wi11 operate as a free flow tunneL This is the upper tunnel. Both tunnels will have operating gates at the entrances to control flow during operation and to enable final closure to take place. To develop the operat·~ons more: accurately the discharge rating curve for the selected scheme was developed. This· is presented as Figure 8. The routing of the 50 recurrance pe.riod flow is presented as a hydrograph in Fi gur·e 9. An iwportant consideration in the operation of the diversion is ice. The ice considerat.ions can be· broken down into two major headings. One heading is ice janming downstr.e·am of the diversion .tunnels in the open river channel. If this were to occur the tailwater elevation could rise, and thus overtop the downstream cofferdam. By raising the tailwater elevation the headwater elevation .would also rise, possibly overtopping the upstream cofferdam. The other heading is ice jamming inside the tunnel, or tunnel entrance, thus blocking the outflow and possibly over- topping ~he upstream cofferdam. This potential problem of ice jamming inside.the tunnel is eliminated by using the upstream control gates to keep the tunnel entrance submerged during operation., th:1s ·eliminating ,the possibility ·of ice entering the tunne 1. The 1 ower tunne 1 (.pressurt' tunne 1 ) is a 1 ways subme-rged c:o the .. • • ,, -24 gates do not need tr> be lower.ed. The·upper tunnel (.free flowl wi11 not be in use except during the higher flows. It is ?lanned to operate the diversion with titt; up-pc;r tunnel' closed at a11 times. Using only the lower t.unnal th~ reservoir upstream of the cofferdam will be allowed to rise to E1 1525.. This will discharge approximately 50,000 cfs. This is the yea:r recurrence period flow.. For any 'flow above 50,000 cfs .up to i6,000 cfs the upper tunnel gatss will be opened, eith~r partially or fully, to pass the required flow. At a11 times while the upper tunnel is in operation the entrance to· the tunnel .will be ~ubmerged thus preventing ice from p.ossi'bly entering the tunnels This may require operating the upstream gates only partially open. The first heading of potential ice considerations, ice jamming downstream of the tunnels in the open river, was studied and it was found this is not a problem. The stretch of river from the downstream diversion portal to the Devil Canyon site, an approximate 500 ft drop in riverbed elevation wa·s:examined for possible ice jarrming. It was found during the investigations that stretch of river had no location large enough in su"'face area where a large ice mass could form, thus fostering the possibility of an ice jam fanning. Another consideration regarding ice during diversion operation that was investigated was the possibility of i1!e in the reservo.ir being pushed up against, and possible overtopping the cofferdam. This ~~ c~~s~ erosion and structural damage to the cofferdam. Studies determined that this problem could be eliminated by constrttcting the dam 10 ft higher or allowing 10 ft additional freeboard for ice buildup or installing an . .. • -25 ice boom. From the cost curve presented in Figure 5 an additional 10 ft of freeboard ~n the dam costs app~oximately $700,000. It was decided an ice boom can be installed more econonrlcai1y~ The operation of the tunnels .during· diversion is as stated previously. The lower tunnel wi11 handle the majority of the flows alene. The entrance will be submerged a11 the time therefore the gates will always be open. Tha upper tunnel will alw~s be closed until the reservoir teaches elevation 1520. Then the gates should be partially opened half way. From the rat1ng curve presented as. Figure 10 it can be seen that this can handl~ flows up to ----cfs. If the reservoir cont1ftues to rise open the gates fully. If the reservoir elevation falls, close the gates accordingly. The operation.of the upper tunnel will operate as a free flow tunnel. The slope is ~reat eno~gh that f1ow in the tunne1 is supercritical and a hydraulic jump wi11 not take place. After final closure the 1owe.1eve1 outlets will have the capacity to discharge 30,000.cfs at full reservoir elevation of 2020~ They will be l capable of operating at heads up ·to 550 ft and capable of withstanding static heads up to 750 ft. ihe rating eurve for the low level outlet discharge is presented in Figure 11. ~~._v) ~,~t. The reservoir~down A incorporating the low 1ev~1 outlets is estimated at 14 months and is presented graphically in Figure 12 for various "start" times of the year. 0 .) -26 Conv~rting one of the diversion tunneis to a low level outlet after using it as a diversion tunnel necessitsted a scheme or seque:oce for final ci osure. It was estimated a one year duration is required to construct and install the penncnent low levei outlets in the existing diversion tunnel. This re.qui red the 1 ower or su;.;merged tunne 1 pass a 11 f1 OlliS. The 1 ower tunne 1 can pass 50,000 cfs alone without overtopping the cofferdam. This is a ----recurrance period flow. Considering the construction duration is oniy one year, a· 10 year recurrence_ period flow to be handled is . -""\~ \t ~ consistent with the entire project de.sign flow.~ Therefore the lower tunnel alone is considered to have sufficient capacity to ac-e:. as the diversion for one year.. During the construction of the low level outle.ts hA -1k ~~'PW -t.J-~t..\ ~he intake operating gatefwi11 be closed. The gate and intake structure will be de~igned for reservoir elevation of 1540 ft which is an externa1 pres~ure head of 120 ft. Prior to commencing operation of the low level outlets coarse racks wi11 be installed in the upstream intake structure in slots provided~ Upon completion of the iow ... leve1 outlet in thf; upper tunnel the intake gate will be opened and the 1tM 1eve1 outlets wi11 commf:mce operation. Upon conrnencing operation of the lO.IfJ level outlets the 1ower tunnel wi11 .be temporarily closed with the intake gates and construction of the penn-e\" ~ . v~~(\ anentf·wi11 a1so commence~ filling of tha reservoir. It is estimated it will take a. years duration to complet~ly place and cure the plug. • •\ . / • • -2.7 During th.is time the upstream gate and intake structure will be designed 1 f\.~ll.CI to for a reservoir elevation of 1800 ft. whi·ch is an external pressure/ .. ,f 400 ft. The fi 11 i ng· of the rese·rvoi r wi 1 i take 4 years to comp 1 ete to fu 1 1 reservoir operating e:evation of·2185~ After 3 years of filling the reservoir will be at elevation 2150 and will allow operation of power plant to commence. The filling sequence was determined· from the main dam· elevation at that time during construction, th~ starting reservoir pool elevation at that time during cunstruction, and the capability of the reservoir storage to absorb the inf1o~vo1ume from a ~OC)year recurrence period i~fiow ~-""' without overtopping the rna in da.m. The 5b e; ... recm"rer.:e period fl cod volume was se·lected to ~ consistant with the recurrance period flows and risks used for the design of the diversion a~d entire project. This information is presented graphica11y as Figure 13 . •• 0 <:: 28 5.4-Continuing Studies and Reco111ne.ndations Subsequent studies have shown the structural design of the tunnels to be better accomodated if the tunnels are circular in diameter. Due to the tunnel size optimization determining a 35 ft diameter modified horshoe shaped tunnel to be the optimum size, this equates to a 38 ft diameter circular shaped tunnel section. Layout studies of the energy dissipation chamber in the ~ow level ou.tlet necessitate the chamb~r be 45 ft diameter to physically acccmodate the gates· and passages required for the chamber. It is necessary to construct the larger diameter tunnel section in the initial construction of the diversion tunnel rather than afterwards which would require removal of the tunnel lining and enlarging. St'Jdies conducted or constructing th;; lower tunnel showed that leaving an 11 origina1 rock cofferdam 1 L in place and removing it prior to corrmence- ment of operation of the diversion tunnei, is economically advantageous over constructing a sheet pile cofferdam for ·construction of the portal and the ·tunnels . . >•··---~-..• ~.---··--·--··>~·---~·-· ··~---··-·"'-"'' ........................ :----····-~·-""l'lC I . l I t ' ·; \ . I ; l t f j