HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA220ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1577 C Street Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Te 1 ephone: ( 907) 279-9631 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TASK 6 -DEVELOPMENT SELECTION SUBTASK 6.05 DEVELOPMENT SELECTION REPORT FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 1981 ACRES AMERICAN INCORPORATED 1000 Liberty Bank Building Main at Court Buffalo, New York 14202 Telephone: (716) 853-7525 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SELECTION VOLUME I -MAIN REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ......................................... ,................ iii LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................... vii 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 . 1 -The Study Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2-Project Description ......•.................................... 1-2 1.3-Objectives and Scope of Current Studies .................•..... 1-2 1.4 -Plan Formulation and Selection Process........................ 1-5 1.5-Organization of Report ........................................ 1-7 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope of Work .......................•....•.................... 2-1 2.2-Previous Studies ..•.............. ~ ............................ 2-1 2.3-Railbelt Load Forecasts ....................................... 2-2 2.4-Railbelt System and Future Power Generating Options ........... 2-4 2.5 -Susitna Basin................................................. 2-5 2.6-Susitna Basin Development Selection ........................... 2-9 2.7-Susitna Hydroelectric Development ..•.......................... 2-11 2.8-Conclusions and Recommendations ..............•................ 2-12 3 -SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 -Development Selection Studies ...•............................. 3-1 3.2-Continued Engineering Studies ................................. 3-3 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES 4.1 -Early Studies of Hydroelectric Potential ...................... 4-1 4.2-U.S. Bureau of Reclamation-1953 Study ....................... 4-2 4.3 -U.S. Bureau of Reclamation -1961 Study ..... ~................. 4-2 4.4-Alaska Power Administration-1974 ........................•... 4-2 4.5-Kaiser Proposal for Development .............••.•.............. 4-2 4.6-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-1975 and 1979 Studies .......... 4-3 5 -RAILBELT LOAD FORECASTS 5.1-Introduction .................................................. 5-1 5.2-Electricity Demand Profiles •.................................. 5-2 5.3-ISER Electricity Consumption Forecasts ........ , ............... 5-2 5.4-Past Projections of Railbelt Electricity ...................... 5-6 5.5 -Demand Forecasts.............................................. 5-7 5.6-Potential for Load Management and Energy Conservation ......... 5-8 5.7-Load Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies ........... 5-9 i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SELECTION VOLUME I -MAIN REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) 6 -RAILBELT SYSTEM AND FUTURE POWER GENERATING OPTIONS Page 6.1 -Introduction.................................................. 6-1 6.2 -Existing System Characteristics............................... 6-2 6.3-Fairbanks-Anchorage Intertie................................ 6-3 6.4-Hydroelectric Options......................................... 6-4 6. 5 -Therma 1 Options.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 6. 6 -Impact of the Fue 1 Use Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 6.7-Other Options ...................... : .......... ~............... 6-14 7 -SUSITNA BASIN 7.1 -Introduction.................................................. 7-1 7.2-Climatology and Hydrology..................................... 7-1 7. 3 -Region a 1 Geo 1 ogy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 7.4-Seismic Aspects ............ ,.................................... 7-6 7.5-Environmental Aspects......................................... 7-9 8 -SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SELECTION 8.1 -Terminology ................. ~.................................. 8-1 8.2-Plan Formulation and Selection Methodology.................... 8-1 8. 3 -Dam Site Se 1 ect ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 8.4 -Site Screening................................................ 8-4 8.5-Engineering Layout and Cost Studies........................... 8-5 8.6-Formulation of Susitna Basin Development Plans................ 8-12 8.7-Evaluation of Basin Development Plans......................... 8-19 8.8 -Comparison of Generation Scenarios With and Without the Susitna Basin Development Plan................................ 8-29 9 -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT 9. 1 -Se 1 ected Plan. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 9.2-Project Description........................................... 9-1 9.3-Construction Schedules........................................ 9-9 9.4-Operational Aspects .. ~........................................ 9-10 9.5-Environmental Review ................. ~........................ 9-11 10 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 -Conclusions.................................................. 10-1 10.2 -Recommendations............................................... 10-2 i i LIST OF TABLES Number 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Title Historical Annual Growth Rates of Electric Utility Sales ......................•........ 5-12 Annual Growth Rates in Utility Customers and Consumption Per Customer ............................. 5-13 Utility Sales by Railbelt Regions .................... 5-14 Railbelt Electricity End-Use Consumption (GWh) ....... 5-15 Base Case Forecast (MES-GM) (GWh) .....•......•....... 5-16 Summary of Railbelt Electricity Projections 5-17 5.7 Summary of Recent Projections of Railbelt Electric Power Requirements (GWh) .................... 5-18 5.8 Performance of Past Projections Railbelt Electric Power Requirements .......................... 5-19 5.9 Forecast Total Generation and Peak Loads - Total Railbelt Region ................................ 5-20 5.10 Railbelt Region Load and Energy Forecasts Used For Generation Planning Studies ...........•.......... 5-21 6.1 Total Generating Capacity Within the Railbelt 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.2 System .................................•..•.......... 6-16 Generating Units Within the Railbelt-1980 .......... 6-17 Operating and Economic Parameters for Selected Hydroelectric Plants ................................. 6-19 Results of Economic Analyses of Alternative Generation Scenarios ................................. 6-20 Summary of Thermal Generating Resource Plant Parameters .......................................••.. 6-21 Alaskan Fuel Reserves .............................•.. 6-22 Summary of Climatological Data ....................... 7-18 Recorded Air Temperatures at Talkeetna and Summit in oF ......................................... 7-19 iii LIST OF TABLES (Cont•d.) Number 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Title Maximum Recorded Ice Thickness on the Susi tna River ........................................ 7-20 Average Annual and Monthly Flow at Gage in the Susitna Basin ........................................ 7-21 Flood Peaks at Selected Gaging Stations on the Susitna River ........................................ 7-22 Suspended Sediment Transport ......................... 7-23 Different Vegetation Types Found in the Susitna Basin ................................................ 7-24 8.1 Potential Hydroelectric Development .................. 8-32 8.2 Cost Comparisons ..................................... 8-33 8. 3 Dam Crest and Full Supply Levels ..................... 8-34 8.4 Capital Cost Estimate Summaries Susitna Basin Dam Schemes Cost in $Million 1980 ........................ 8-35 8.5 Results of Screening Model ........................... 8-36 8.6 Information on the Devil Canyon Dam and Tunnel Schemes ....................................... 8-37 8.7 Devil Canyon Tunnel Schemes Costs, Power Output and Average Annua 1 Energy ................................ 8-38 8.8 Capital Cost Estimate Summaries Tunnel Schemes in $Mi 11 ion 1980 ..................................... 8-39 8.9 Susitna Development Plans ............................ 8-40 8.10 Energy Simulation Sensitivity ........................ 8-43 8.11 Susitna Environmental Development Plans .............. 8-44 8.12 Annual Fixed Carrying Charges ........................ 8-47 8.13 Results of Economic Analyses of Susitna Plans - Medium Load Forecast ................................. 8-48 8.14 Results of Economic Analyses of Susitna Plans - Low and High Load Forecast ........................... 8-49 iv LIST OF TABLES (Cont•d.) Number Title Page 8.15 Results of Economic Sensitivity Analyses for Generation Scenario Incorporating Susitna Basin Development Plan 1.3-Medium Forecast ............... 8-50 8.16 Economic Backup Data for Evaluation of Plans 8.17 Economic Evaluation of Devil Canyon Dam and Tunnel Schemes and Watana/Devil Canyon and 8-51 High Devil Canyon/Vee Plans .....................•.... 8-52 8.18 Environmental Evaluation of Devil Canyon Dam and Tunne 1 Scheme ........................................ 8-53 8.19 Social Evaluation of Susitna Basin Development Schemes/Plans ........................................ 8-54 8.20 Energy Contribution Evaluation of the Devil Canyon Dam and Tunne 1 Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-55 8.21 Overall Evaluation of Tunnel Schemes and Devil Canyon Dam Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-56 8.22 Environmental Evaluation of Watana/Devil Canyon and High Devil Canyon/Vee Development Plans .............. 8-57 8.23 Energy Contribution Evaluation of the Watana/Devil Canyon and High Devi 1 Canyon/Vee Plans ............... 8-59 8.24 Overall Evaluation of the High Devil Canyon/Vee and Watana/Devi 1 Canyon Dam Plans .................... 8-60 8.25 Results of Economic Analyses for Generation Scenario Incorporating Thermal Development Plan - Medium Forecast ....................................... 8-61 8.26 Economic Sensitivity of Comparison of Generation Plan with Watana/Devil Canyon and the All Thermal Plan ................................................. 8-62 8.27 Social Comparison of System Generating Plan with Watana/Devil Canyon and the All Thermal Plan ......... 8-63 8.28 Generic Comparison of Environmental Impacts of a Susitna Basin Hydro Development Versus Coal Fired Thermal Generation in the Beluga Coal Fields ......... 8-64 v LIST OF TABLES (Cont•d.) Number Title 8.29 Overall Evaluations of All Thermal Generation Plans with the Generation Plan Incorporating Watana/Devil Canyon Dams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6 5 9.1 Outflows from Watana/Devil Canyon Development Stage 1 Watana 400 MW ................................ 9-15 9.2 Outflows from Watana/Devil Canyon Development Stage 2 Watana 800 MW ......................•......... 9-16 9.3 Outflows from Watana/Devil Canyon Development Stage 3 Devil Canyon 400 MW .......................... 9-17 10.1 Energy and Capacity Forecasts for 2010 ............... 10-4 vi LIST OF FIGURES Number 1.1 1.2 1.3 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Title Paqe -·- Location Map ......................................... 1-10 Plan Formulation and Selection Methodology ........... 1-11 Planning Approach .................................... 1-12 Damsites Proposed by Others .......................... 4-4 Historical Total Railbelt Utility Sales to Final Customers ...................................... 5-22 Forecast Alternative Total Railbelt Utility Sales 5-23 Energy Forecasts Used For Generation Planning Studies .............................................. 5-24 Location Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23 Formulation of Plans Incorporating Non-Susitna Hydro Generation ..................................... 6-24 Selected Alternative Hydroelectric Sites ............. 6-25 Generation Scenario Incorporating Thermal and Alternative Hydropower Developments -Medium Load Forecast ........................................ 6-26 Formulation of Plans Incorporating All-Thermal Generation ........................................... 6-27 All Thermal Generation Scenario-Medium Load Forecast ............................................. 6-28 Data Collection Stations ..............•.............. 7-25 Average Annual Flow Distribution Within the Susitna River Basin .......................................... 7-26 Monthly Average Flows in the Susitna River at Gold Creek ........................................... 7-27 Regional Geology ..................................... 7-28 Relative Densities of Moose-November, 1980 ......... 7-29 Winter Distribution of Moose-March, 1980 ........... 7-30 vii LIST OF FIGURES (Cont•d.) Number 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Title Page Location and Territorial Boundaries of Wolf Packs -1980 ......................................... 7-31 Susitna Basin Plan Formulation and Selection Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-66 Profile Through Alternative Sites .................... 8-67 Mutually Exclusive Development Alternatives · .......... 8-68 Damsite Cost vs Reservoir Storage Curves Damsite Cost vs Reservoir Storage Curves Damsite Cost vs Reservoir Storage Curves Schematic Representation of Conceptual Tunnel 8-69 8-70 8-71 Schemes .............................................. 8-72 Capital Cost vs Energy Plots for Environmental Susitna Basin Plans .................................. 8-73 Generation Scenario with Sustina E1.3 -Medium Load Forecast ........................................ 8-74 8.10 Generation Scenario with Susitna E2.3 -Medium Load Forecast ........................................ 8-75 8.11 Generation Scenario with Susitna E3.1 -Medium Load Forecast ........................................ 8-76 8.12 Generation Scenario with Susitna E1.5 -Load Load Forecast ........................................ 8-77 8.13 Generation Scenario with Susitna E1.3 -High Load Forecast ........................................ 8-78 9.1 Watana Fill Dam Preliminary Construction Schedule .... 9-18 9.2 Devil Canyon Thin Arch Dam Preliminary Construction Sc hedu 1 e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19 9.3 Stage 1 -Watana Reservoir (400 MW) Operation of the Watana/Devil Canyon Development Plan E1.3 ............ 9-20 9.4 Stage 3 -Watana Reservoir (800 MW) Operation of the Watana/Devil Canyon Development Plan E1.3 ............ 9-21 viii LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd.) Number 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Title Stage 3-Devil Canyon Reservoir (400 MW) Operation of the Watana/Devil Canyon Development Plan El.3 Discharge -Stage Frequency Curve Susitna River Page --"'-- 9-22 at Gold Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-23 Discharge -Stage Frequency Curve Susitna River at Susitna Station ................................... 9-24 Discharge-Stage Frequency Curve Susitna River at Sunshine .......................................... 9-25 ix LIST OF PLATES Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Title Page Devil Canyon Hydro Development Fill Dam .............. 8-79 Watana Hydro Development Fi 11 Dam .................... 8-80 Watana Staged Fi 11 Dam ............................... 8-81 High Devil Canyon Hydro Development .................. 8-82 Susitna III Hydro Development ......... · ............... 8-83 Vee Hydro Development ................................ 8-84 Dena 1 i & Mac 1 aren Hydro Deve 1 opment s ................. 8-85 Preferred Tunnel Scheme 3 Plan Views 8-86 Preferred Tunnel Scheme 3 Sections ................... 8-87 Devil Canyon Scheme 1 Plan and Section ............... 9-26 Devi 1 Canyon Scheme 1 Sections ....................... 9-27 Watana Scheme 2 9-28 Watana Scheme 2 Sections ............................ . 9-29 X 1 INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared by Acres American Incorporated {Acres) on behalf of the Alaska Power Authority (APA). The report es~entially represents a milestone in the Plan of Study {POS) for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project · currently being undertaken by Acres under the terms of an Agreement with APA dated December 19, 1979. The Susitna POS was first issued in February 1980 and subsequently revised in September 1980. It describes in detail the many and complex studies to be undertaken from January 1980 through June 1982 to assess the feasibility and the environmental impact of the proposed Susitna Project~ The POS dlso addresses the requirements for filing a F~RC license application should p·oject feasibility and environmental acceptability be established. Studies through March 1981 have mainly been concerned v1ith evaluation of the need for electric power in the Alaska Railbelt Region and consideration of the alternatives for meeting these power needs both with and without a Susitna Basin hydroelectric development. This Development Selection Report presents the results of this initial step in the POS process, and provides recommendations and justification for continuation of study of a specific basin development. The remainder of Section 1 of this report deals with a descriptiort of the study al"ea and the proposed Susitna development and a summary of the objectives and scope of the current studies. 1.1 -The Study Area The main stream of the Susitna River originates about 90 miles south of Fair- banks where melting glaciers contribute much of its summer flow (see Figure 1.1). Meandering for the first 50 miles in a southerly direction across a broad alluvial fan and plateau, it turns westward and begins a 75 mile plunge between essentially continuous canyon wail? before it changes course to the southwest and flows for another 125 miles in a broad lowland. For more than 30 years, the vast hydroelectric potential of this river has been recogn~zed and studied. Strategically located in the heart of the South Central Railbelt, the Susitna could be harnessed to produce about twice as much electrical energy per year as is now being consumed in the Railbelt. The Susitna River syst.em, with a drainage area of more than 19,000 square miles, is the sixth largest in Alaska. Major tributaries include the Yentna, Chulitna:) Talkeetna, and Tyone rivers. A substantial portion of the total annual stream- flm'l occurs during spring and summer and is generated by glacial melt and rainfall runoff. The water during this period is turbid. Winter flows consist almost entit'ely of ground water supply and are generally free of sediment. Freezeup starts in October in the upper reaches of the basin, and by late November ice covers have formed on all but the most rapidly flowing stretches of the river. Breakup tenerally occurs around early May. The Susitna River and its tri: Jtarie~ are important components of Alaska's highly prolific fishery resource. Salmon, Dolly Varden trout, grayling, and whitefish are found within the Basin. Waterfowl habitat in the glacial outwash plain supports trumpeter swan and migratory fowl. Bear, moose, and caribou thrive there. In short, wildlife resources are plentifuL. Extensive studies 1-1 / are necessary both to determine their total value, the impacts which any development may have upon them, and the nature. of mitigative measures which might be taken to eliminate or offset negative environmental consequences of hydroelectric development. 1.2 -Project Description ·The Susitna Basin has been under study since the mid-forties by agencies such as the Water Resources and Power Services (WRPS, formerly the USBR), the Alaska Power Admi ni strati on, and the US Army Corps of Engineers ( COE), as we·ll as H .J. Kaiser and Company. The more recent and most comprehensive of these studies were carried out by the COE. The optimum method of developing the basin's potential was determined by the COE to comprise two major hydroelectric developments. The first of these would require a dam at Watana and the second, a dam at De vi 1 Canyon. This deve 1 opment vJas found to be economi ca 11 y vi ab 1 e and would provide the Railbelt area with a long-term supply of relatively cheap and reliable energy. Studies completed by Acres to date have ·confirmed that the preferred development should consist of two large hydroelectric dams at Watana and Devil Canyon (see Figure 1.1). The Watana dam would be constructed first. It would involve a fill dam roughly 880 feet maximum height, and because of the large reservoir volume created would pro~ide adequate storage for seasonal regulation of the flow. Initially, 400 MW of generating capacity would be installed at this site. This would later be expanded to around 800 MW to allow for additional peaking capacity. The Devil Canyon dam would be the next stage of the development. It would involve a 675 feet maximum height double curvature concrete arch dam and incorporate a 400 MW powerhouse. The total average annual energy yield from this development amounts to 6200 GWh. The power from the total development would be conveyed to the Railbelt system by as many as four 345 kV transmission lines running from the project sites to the proposed Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie in the vicinity of Gold Creek. The capacity of the currently envisaged intertie would ultimately be increased to a total transmission capability of two 345 kV lines from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Access to the project site is still under study. Alternative routes being con- sidered include a road access from the east via the Denali Highway, and rail and road access from the west via the Parks Highway, and the railroad passing through Gold Creek. It is envisaged that substantial air support would be re- quired during the construction of the project and an airstrip would be constructed near the Watana site. The current schedule ca 11 s for the fi r_st 400 MW at Watana to ·be on-line by 1993. The additional 400 MW at Watana would 'be commissioned as required and probably be brought on-line in 1996. The Devil Canyon development would be brought on-line in the year 2000. 1.3 -Objectives and Scope of Current Studies The prima!·y objectives of the studies are: -To establish technical, economic, and financial feasibility of the Susitna project to meet future power needs of the Railbelt region; 1-2 -To evaluate the environmental consequences of designing and constructing the Susitna project; File a completed license application with the Federal Regulatory Commission in June 1982. 0 The overall scope of work involves a broad range of comprehensive field and office studies over a 30 month period from January 1980 to June 1982. These have been divided into specific tasks and are discussed briefly below. The major portion of the work is being conducted b: Acres with the support of several subcontractors. o (a) Task 1 -Power Studies These studies involve the development of a range of power and energy pro- jections for the Railbelt area. The energy forecast work has been under- taken by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) under contract to APA. Woodward Clyde Consultants (WCC), under subcontract to Acres, produced the associated load duration curves and power forecasts .. (b) Task 2 -Surveys and Site Facilities This task includes the construction and maintenance of a 40 man field camp located at the Watana sito and the provision of aircraft and helicopter support to the field teams. The camp construction and maintenance is being undertaken by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI), and Holmes and Narver, Inc. (H&N) under subcontract to Acreso Local aircraft companies are providing fixed wing and helicopter support alsu under subcontract to Acres. Also included in this task is an extensive range of survey and mapping work being undertaken by R&M Consultants, Inc. for Acres and ancillary studies dealing with site access, land status, and reservoir clearing studies. (c) Task 3 -Hydrology This task incorporates an extensive field data collection program being conducted by R&M and associated office studies required for the project which are being conducted jointly by H&M and Acres. (d) Task 4 -Seismic Studies This work incorporates a wide range of field and office studies aimed at developing an understanding of the seismic setting and potential earthquake mechanisms of the region and determining the seismic design criteria for the structures to be built. Most of this WOrk is being conducted by wee under subcontract to Acres. (e) Task 5 -Geotechnical Exploration This task incorporates all the geotechnical exploration field work con- ducted at the Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites. Much of the field work is being carried out by R&M under subcontract to Acres. 1-3 (f) Jask 6 -Design Development This task incorporates the planning and engineering studies for selecting the most appropriate Susitna Basin development plan and for producing the conceptual engineering designs for the selected development. This work can be divided into two stages: (i) Stage 1 -Development Selection This phase of the work encompasses the river basin planning and Rail- belt system generation planning work aimed at determining the mo·st appropriate basin development plan. (ii) Stage 2 -Feasibility Design This phase includes the more detailed engineering studies aimed at optimizing the selected project and producing the ~onceptual designs for inclusion in the FERC license. (g) Task 7 -Environmental Studies These studies encompass a broad range of field and office studies aimed at determining potential environmental impacts due to the project and de- veloping appropriate mitigating measuresQ Much of this work is being con- ducted under subcontract for Acres by Terrestrial Environmental Specialists (TES). The large game and fisheries studies· are being conducted by The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) under a reimbursable service agreement with APA. (h) Task 8 -Transmission This task includes the studies necessary to develop conceptual designs for the transmission system required to convey Susitna power into the Railbelt system. This work is being conducted by Acres with some support from R .. W. Retherford and Associates (RWRA), a division of International Engineering Company { IECO). (i} Task 9 -Construction Cost Estimate and Schedules This \-Jork involves the production of detailed construction type cost esti- mates and construction schedules of the project and is being conducted by Acres with some assistance from F. Moolin and Associates (FMA). · (j) Task 10 -Licensing This task covers the work required to produce the FERC license documents and is being carried out by Acres. (k) Task 11 -Marketin9 and Financing This task includes support studies dealing with the risk and financial as- pects associated with the project. These studies are requried to identify and se.cure the necessary funding for the project and are being carried out by Acres with support from specialist consultants. 1-4 (1) Task 12 -Public Participation Program APA is conducting an extensive public participation program to keep tjle public informed on the progress and findings of the study and to obtain feedback from them on issues they believe are critical to the successful implementation of the project. Acres and the subcontractors support APA in these activities on an as required basis. (m) Task 13 -Administration This task deals with the Acres administration of the entire study effort. 1.4 -Plan Formulation and Selection Process A key element in the studies being undertaken is the process which is being applied for formulation and comparison of development plans. Much emphasis is being placed on consideration of every important perspective which may influence the selection of a particular course of action from a number of possible alter- natives. A description of the generic plan formulation and selection metho- dology is presented in Appendix A. An essential component of this planning process is a generalized multi-objective development sele.ction methodology for guiding the planning decisions. A second important factor is the formulation of a consistent and rational approach to the economic analyses undertaken by the studies. (a) Planning Methodology A generalized plan formulation and selection process has been developed to guide the various planning studies being conducted. Of numerous planning decisions to be made in these studies!t perhaps the most important are the selection of the preferred Susitna Basin development plan {Task 6), and appropriate access and transmission line routes (Tasks 2 and 8)e The basic approach involves the identification of feasible candidates and courses of action, followed by the development and application of an appropriate screening process. In the screening process, less favorable candidates are eliminated on the basis of economic, environmental, social and other prescribed criteria. Plans are then formulated which incorporate the shortlisted candidates indjvidually or in appropriate combinations. Finally, a more detailed evaluation of the plans is carried out, again using prescribed criteria and aimed at selecting the best development plan. Figure 1.2 illustrates this general process. In the final evaluation, no attempt is made to quantify a11 the attributes used and to combine these into an overall numerical.,evaluation. Instead, the plans are compared utilizing both quantitative and qualitive attri- butes, and where necessary, judgemental tradeoffs between the two types are made and highlighted. This allows reviewers of the planning process to quickly focus on the key tradeoffs that effect the outcome of the deci- sions. To facilitate this procedure, a paired comparison technique is used so that at any one step in the planning proc~ss, only two plans are being evaluated. 1-5 The studies aimed at ·selecting the best Susitna Basin development plan involve consideration of a large number of alternative courses of action. The selection process has been used in three parallel applications in an attempt to simplify the procedure. Two Railbelt generating scenarios, one involving only thermal generating units and a second involving a mix of thermal and other potential (non-Susitna) hydro developments were evaluated separately, as well as a Susitna/thermal scenario. Information on these alternative generating scenarios is necessary to make a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the .. with Susitna 11 generating scenario by means of a comparison of the three different scenarios. Figure 1.3 graphically illustrates the overall planning process. Steps 1 to 5 of the formulation and selection methodology are applied to developing a plan incorporating all-thermal generation and a plan .incorporating non-Susitna hydro generation.. These studies are outlined in Section 6 of this report. The same five steps are also applied to the development of the best "with Susitna" generating scenario as outlined in Section 8. The final comparison or evaluation of the three scenarios is carried out using a compress.ed format of the methodology as a guideline to yield the required preliminary feasibility assessment.. This aspect of the study is covered at the end of Section 8. (b) Economic Analyses As the proposed Susitna development is a public or State project~ all ·planning studies described are being carried out using economic parameters as a basis of evaluation.. This ensures that the resulting investment decisions maximize benefits to the State as a whole rather than any individual group or groups of residents. The economic analyses incorporate the following principles: ( i ) ( . . ) 1 l • Intra-state transfer payments such as taxes and subsidies are excluded; Opportunity values are used to establish the costs for coal~ oil and natural gas resources used for power generation in the alternatives considered. These opportunity costs are based on what the open market is prepared to pay for these resources. They therefore ref1 ect the true value of these resources to the State. These analyses ignore the existence of current term-contractual commitments which may exist~ and which fix resource costs at values different from the opportunity costs; (iii) The analyses are conducted using "real 11 or inflation adjusted parameters. This means that the in~erest or discount rate used equals the assessed market rate minus the general rate of inflation. Similarly, the fuel and construction cost escalation rates are adjusted to reflect the rate over or under the general inflation rate; 1-6 (iv) The major impact caused by the use of these inflation adjusted para- meters is to improve the relative economics of capital intensive pro- jects (such as hydro generation) versus the high fuel consumption pro- jects (such as thermal generation). It also leads to the selection of larger economic optimum sizes of the capital intensive projects4 These shifts towards the capital intensive projects are consistent with maximizing total benefits to the State. 1.5 -Organiz~tion of Report The objective of this report is to describe the results of Susitna Basin devel- opment selection studies, i.e. Task 6, Stage 1. It also· briefly outlines the results of some of the early Task 6, Stage 2 eng.,neering studies aimed at refin- ing the project's general arrangements. In order to improve readibility of the report~ much of the detailed technical material as well as the review of the statu? of technical support studies is in- cluded in a separate volumt.~ of appendices. The report is organized as follows: Volume 1 -Main Report Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Summary This section contains a complete summary of Sections 4 through 10 of the main report. Section 3: Scope of Work This section outlines the scope of work associated with the results presented in this report. Section 4: Previous Studies This section briefly summarizes previous Susitna Basin studies by others. Section 5: Railbelt Load Forecasts In this section, the results of the energy and load forecast studies undertaken by ISER and wee are summarized. It concludes with a discussion of the range of load forecasts used in the Susitna Basin planning studies. Section 6: Railbelt System and Future Power Generating Options This section describes currently feasible alternatives considered in this study for generating electrical energy to·meet future Railbelt needs. It incorporates data on the performance and costs of the facilities. Section 7: Susitna Basin This section provides a description of the physical attributes of the Susitna Basin including climatologic, hydrologic, geologic, seismic, and environmental aspects. · 1-7 Section 8: Susitna Basin Development Selection The Susitna Basin planning studies and the Railbelt system generation planning work carried out are discussed in this section. It includes a destription of the Susitna Basin development selection process and preliminary assessment of the economic and environmental feasibility of the selected Watana/Devil Canyon hydropower development. Section 9: Susitna Hydroelectric Development This section describes, in more detail, the selected Watana/Devil Canyon project and includes a discussion of the results of the preliminary operational studies and a surrmary environmental review of the project.. The project general arrangE:~­ ments described result from initial Task 6, Stage 2 engineering studies and therefore present a more up-to-date picture than the arrangements described in Section 8. Section 10: Conclusions and Recommendations In this section recommendations are made for the Sus i tna Basin development p 1 an considered by Acres to merit further study. It also deals with tentative con- clusions with respect to the project's technical, environmental, and economic feasibility. Volume 2 -Appendices A: Plan Formulation and Selection Process A description of the generic approach to site scenarios, plan formulation and p 1 an evaluation is presented. B: Thermal Generating Sources This appendix outines the detailed backup to tne thermal generating unit per- formance and cost information presented in Section 6 of the main report. C: Alternative Hydro Generating Sources The studies undertaken to produce the shortlist of a'lternativ·e hydro develop ... ments discussed in Section 6, i.e. those outside the Susitna Basin, are des- cribed in this appendix. D:· Engineering Layout uesign Assumptions This appendix describes the design assumptions that were made in order to develop the engineering layouts for potential power development projects at the Devil Canyon, High Devil Canyon, Wat.ana, Susitna III, Vee, Maclaren, and Denali sites .. E: Susitna Basin Screening Model Here a description is presented of the computer model used to screen out uneco- nomic basin development plans, as discussed in Section 8. 1-8 " F: ~~le and Multi-Reservoir Hydropower Simulation Studies The computer model used to simulate the monthly energy yield from the various Susitna development plans is described in this appendix. Details are presented on the average monthly firm and average yields for the development plans discus- sed in Section 8 of the main report. G: Systemwide Economic Evaluation (OGP5) This appendix contains the detailed backup information to the computer model runs used in the economic evaluation of the various generating scenarios consid- ered in the planning studies. H: Engineering Studies The backup studies to the project general arrangements described in Section 9 of the main report are presented in this appendix .. I: Environmental Studies This appendix contains the detailed backup data on environmental aspects gather- ed by Acres during the course of investigations and by the various subcontrac- tors. 1-9 LOCATION MAP LEGEND_ \f PROPOSED DAM SITES ' . . . LOCATION rv1AP .. , 0 !-.... " FIGUHE 1.1. DEFINE OBJECTIVES INPUT FROM AVAILABLE SOURCES -PREVIOUS AND CURRENT STUDIES FEEDBACK FEEDBACK PLAN FORMULATION AND SELECTION METHODOLOGY LEGEND ---'\ STEP NUMBER IN 4 STANDARD PROCESS (APPENDIX A ) FIGURE 1.21MIRI DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALL THERMAL GE~ERATING PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF AN OTHER HYDRO GENERATING PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF A SUSITNA BAS IN GENERATING PLAN ALL THERMAL PLAN OTHER HYDRO PLAN SUSITNA PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE BEST GENERATING SCENARIO LEGEND RECOMMENDED GENERATING SCENARIO J APPLICATION OF FtAN FORMULATION ANO '------~ SELECTION METHOOOLOGY 0 END PRODUCTS PLANNING APPROACH 1.5 [i] FIGURE .. 2 -SUMMARY 2.1 -Scope of Work The Scope of Work discussed in the Development Selection Report includes the development selection studies and prelim1nary engineering studies aimed at refining the general arrangements of the selected Watana and Devil Canyon dam projects. The develoJlllent selection studies constitute Stage 1 of the Task 6 design studies as described in the Acres POS, and include the following: (a) Review of Previous Studies and Reports (Subtask 6 .. 01) {b) Investigate Tunnel Alternatives (Subtask 6.02) (c) Evaluate Alternative Susitna Developments (Subtask 6.03} (d) Watana and Devil Canyon Staged Development (Subtask 6.06) (e) Thermal Generating Resources (Subtask 6.32} {f) Hydroelectric Generating Sources {Subtask 6.33) (g) Environmental Analysis (Subtask 6.34) (h) Load Management and Conservation {Subtask 6.35} (i) Generation Planning (Subtask 6.36} (j) Developnent Selection Report (Subtask 6.05) As the development selection studies were finalized work continued on engineer- ; ng design studies aimed at refining the general arrangements at the Devil Can- yon and Watana sites. These studies involved the production of alternative general arrangements incorporating earth/rockfill and concrete arch dams at both Watana and Dev .1 Canyon. These arrangements w~re co sted and eva 1 uated to determine which is the most appropriate. Design work is being carried out on the proposed thin arch dam at Devi 1 Canyon to ensure that such a structure can safely withstand the anticipated seismic loading. Extensive use was made of computer stress analyses in the design studies. 2.2 -Previous Studies Shortly after World War II had ended, the USBR conducted an initial investiga- tion of hydroel~ctric potential in Alaska, reporting its results in 1948. Res- ponding to a recommendation in 1949 by the nineteenth Alaska territoria~ legis- lature that Alaska be included in the Bureau of Reclanation program, the Secre- tary of Interior provided funds to update the 1948 work. The resulting report, issued in 1952, recognized the vast hydroelectric potential within the terri- tory. PArticular emphasis was placed on the strategic location of the Susitna River between Anchorage a.nd Fairbanks as \!~·ell as its proximity to the conn~ct.i ng Railbelt (see Figure 1.1). A series of studies was commissioned over the years to identify dam sites and conduct geotechnical investigations. By l96lll the Department of the Interior proposed authorization of the two dam power system involving the Devil Canyon and the Denali sites. The definitive 1961 report was subsequently updated by the Alaska Power Administration (at that time an agency of the Bureau of Reclanation) in 1974, at which time the desirability of proceeding with hydroelectric development was reaffirmed. 2-1 The COE was also active in hydropower investigations in Alaska during the 1950's and 1960's, but focused its attention on a more anbitious development at Rampart on the Yukon River. This project was capable of generating five times as much electric energy as Sus itna annually. The sheer size and the techno 1 og ic al ch a 1- lenges associated ~~th Rampart captured the imagination of supporters and effectively diverted attention from the Susitna Basin for more than a decade. The Rampart report was finally shelved in the early 1970's because of strong envirormental concerns and uncertainty of marketing prospects for so much energy, particularly in light of abundant natural gas which had been discovered and developed in Cook Inlet. The energy crisis occasioned by the OPEC oil boycott in 1973 provided some further impetus for seeking developnent of renewable resources. Federal funding was made available to complete the Alaska Power Adrn1nistrati.on's update report on Susitna in 1974 and to launch a prefeasibility investigation by the COE. The State of Alaska itself commissioned a reassessment of the Susitna Project by the Henry t1. Kaiser Company in 1974. ' · Altho~Agh the gestation period for a possible Susitna Project has been long, Feder a·~~ Stf1t,2, and private organizations have been virtually unanimous over the y,-ears iri <'~Ci)I1Inending that the project proceed. 2.3 -Railbelt Load Forecasts The feasibility of a major hydroelectric project depends in part upon the extent to Yklich the available capacity and energy are consistent with the needs of the market to be served by the time the-project comes on line. Attempting to fore- cast future energy demand is a difficult process at best. It is therefore par- ticularly important that this exer·cise be accomplished in an objective manner. For this reason APA and the State of Alaska jointly awarded a separate contract to ISER to prepare appropriate projections for the Alaska Rai 1 be 1 t reg ion. (a) Electricity Demand Profiles Between 1940 and 1978, electricity sales in the Railbelt grew at an avet'age annual rate of 15 .. 2 percent. This growth wa.s roughly twice that for the nation as a whole. National and Alaskan annual growth rates for different periods between 1940 and 1978, and the historical growth of Railbelt utility sales from 1965 consistently exceeded the national average. How- ever, the gap has been narrowing due to the gradual maturing of the Alaskan economy. Gro\~h in the Railbelt has exceeded the national average for two reasons; the population growth in the Rail belt has been higher than the national rate, and the proportion of Alaskan households served by electric utilities was lower than the U.S. average so that some growth in the nt.mber of customers occurred independently of population growth~ (b) ISER Electricity Consumption Forecasts The ISER electricity demand forecasting model conceptualized in computer logic the linkage between economic growth secnarios and electricity consumption. The output from the model is in the form of projected values of electricity consunption for each of the three geographical areas of the 2-2 Railbelt (Greater Anchorage, Greater Fairbanks and Glennallen ... Valdez) and is classified by final use (i.e., heating, washing, cooling, etc.) and consuming sector {commercial, residential, etc). The model produces output on a five-year time basis from 1985 to 2010, inclusive. The ISER model consists of several submodel s 1 inked by key variables and driven by policy and technical assumptions and state and national trends. These submodel s are grouped into four economic mode1 s which forecast future levels of economic activity and four electricity consumption models which forecast the associated electricity requirements by consuming sectors. For two of the consuming sectors it was not possible to set up computer models; therefore simplifying assumptions were made. The overall approach to derivation of the peak demand forecasts for the Railbelt Region was to examine the available historical data with regard to the generation of electrical energy and to apply the observed generation patterns to existing sales forecasts. Information routinely supplied by the Railbelt utilities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was uti 1 i zed to determine these load·-patterns. The analysis of load patterns emphasized the identification of average patt~rns over the 10-year period from 1970 to 1979 and did not consider trends or changes in the patterns with time. Generally, the use of average values was preferred as it reduced the impact of yearly variations due to variable weather conditions and outages. In any event, it was not possible to detect any consistent patterns in the available data. The average hourly distribution of generation for the first weeks of April, August and December was used to determine the typical average load pattern for the various utilities. As a. result of the relatively limited data base, the calculated load duration curve \-Jould be expected to show less variation than one computed from a more complete data base, resulting in an overestimation of the load factor. In addition, hourly data also tend to average out actual peak demands occurring within a time interval of ·less than one hour. This could also lead to overestimation of the load factor .. It is, however, considered that the accuracy achieved is adequate for these studies, particularly in light of the relatively much greater uncertainties associated with the lo~d forecasts. (c) Load Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies Three ISER energy forecasts were considered in generation planning studies. These include the base case (MES-GM) or medium forecast, a low and a high forecast. The low forecast is that corresponding to the low economic growth as proposed by ISER with an adjustment for low _government expenditure (LES-GL). The high forecast corresponds to the ISER high economic growth scenario with an adjustment for high government expenditure (HES-GH). Electricity forecasts derived in this study represent total utility genera'- tion and include projections for self-supplied industrial and military generation sectors. Included in these forecasts are transmission and dis- tribution losses in the range of between 9 and 13 percent, depending upon the generation scenario assuned. These forecasts, ranging from 2. 71 to 4. 76 percent average annual growth, were adjusted for use in generation planning studies. 2-3 " The low forecast case assumed above incorporates an annual growth rate of 2. 71 percent. This rate would be reduced with enforcement of energy con- servation measures more intensive than those presently in use in the State. M annual growth rate of 2.1 percent was judged to be a reasonable lower limit for electrical demand for purposes of this study. This represents a 23 percent reduction in growth rate v.nich is similar to the reduction developed in an independent study authorized by the State. The implementation of load management measures would result in an addi- tional reduction in peak load demand. The residential sector demand is the most sensitive to a shift of load fran the peak period to the off-peak period. Over the 1980-2010 period, an annual peak load growth rate of 2.73 percent was used in the low forecast case. lrJith load managanent measures such as rate reform and load controls, this growth rate could be reduced to an estimated 2.1 percent. The annual load factor for year 2010 would be increased from 62.2 percent in the low forecast to 64.4 percent in the 1 owest case .. 2.4 -Railbelt System and Future Power Generation Option~ If constructed, the Susitna Basin developnent plan would provide a major portion . of the Rai lbel t Region energy needs well beyond the year 2000.. It is clearly important to detennine the most economic basin developnent plan which clearly defines details such as dam heights, installed generating capacities, reservoir operating rules, dan and powerhouse staging concepts, and construction sche- dules. To accomplish this, it is first necessary to evaluate in economic terms the plan in the context of the entire Rail belt generating system. This requires that economic analyses be undertaken of expansion al ternativcs .for the total Railbelt system containing several different types of generating sources. These sources include both thermal and hydropower generating facilities capable of satisfying a specified load forecast. Economic analyses of scenarios containing alternative Susitna Basin develo!lilent plans being .investigated would then revea.l W'lich is the most economic basin developr1ent plan. This process and the compar ... ison of other factors such as environmental impacts and social preferences essentially falls within the purview of "generation planning 11 • These systemwide generation planning stud·ies require a comprehensive process of assanbling the necessary information. This information includes an assessment of the existing system character·istics, the planned Anchorage-Fairbanks inter- tie, and deta i 1 s of various generating options including hydroelectric and thermal. The. implications of the Fuel Use Act (FUA), and consideration of other options such ·as tidal and geothermal energy generation are also important fac- tors. Performance and cost information required for the generation planning studies have been developed for the hydroelectric and thermal generation options but not for the tidal and geothermal options. Preliminary indications are that these options are as yet not competitive with the more conventional options considered. The tYAJ major load centers of the Railbelt Region are the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area and the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area. At present, these tWJ areas operate , independently. The existing transmission system between Anchorage and Willow consists of a network of 115 kV and 138 kV lines with interconnection to Palmer. 2-4 Fairbanks i~ primarily served by a 138 kV line from the 28 MW coal-fired plant at Healy. Communities between Willow and Healy are served by local distribution. There are currently nine electric uti-lities (including the Alaska Power Administration) providing power and energy to the Railbelt system. l~ith the exception of two hydroelectric plants, the total Railbelt installed c;apacity of 944 MW as of 1980 consists of fifty-one thermal generation units fired by oil, gas or coal. Engineering studies are currently being undertaken for construction of an inter- tie bet\\een the Anchorage and Fairbanks systems.' As presently envisaged, this connection will involve a 138 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy and would provide capability for transferring 50 MW of capacity at any time. It is scheduled for completion in 1984. Current intertie studies indicate that it is economic to construct this intertie such that it can be upgraded to the 375 kV Susitna transmission capability when Watana comes on 1 ine. It was concluded that a fully interconnected system should be assumed faY' all the generation planning studies outlined in this report, and that the intertie facilities would be corrmon to a11 generation scenarios considered. In the pre- liminary comparisons of alternative generation scenarios, the cost of such intertie facilities was also assl.l11ed to be common. However, in final compari- sons of a lesser ntJnber of preferred alternative scenarios, appropriate consid- eration was given to relative intertie costs. The cost of transmitting energy from a particular generating source to the interconnected system i.s included in all cases. Selection of non-Susitna plans which incorporate hydroelectric developments was accomplished by the application of a five-step methodology (Figure 1.2). Step 1 of this process essentially established the overall objective of the exercise as the selection of an optimum Railbelt generation plan which incorporated the pro- posed non-Susitna hydroelectric deve1opnents, for comparison with other plans. Under Step 2 of the selection process, all feasible candidate sites were identi- fied for inclusion in the subsequent screening exercise. A total of 91 poten- tial sites were obtained fran inventories of potential sites published in the COE National Hydropower Study and the APA report 11 Hydroelectric Alternatives for the Alaska Rail~~-lt". From these 91 sites, 10 were selected for further study on the basis of economic and environmental superiority after a four-iteration screening process. 2.5-Susitna Basin Information presented herein on the climatological, physical and environmental ·characteristics of the Susi.tna River Basin has been obtained both from previous studies and the field programs and office studies initiated during 1980 under Tasks 3, 4, 5 and 7. {a) C 1 i mato 1 ogy and Hydro 1 ogy The climate of the Susitna Basin upstream from Talkeetna is generally characterized by cold, dry winters and warm, moderately moist st.mmers. The upper basin is dominated by continental climatic conditions while the lower 2-5 basin falls within a zone of transition between maritime· and continental climatic influences. The Susitna River usually starts to freeze by late October·. River ice conditions such as thickness and strength vary according to the river channel shape and slope, and more important1y, with river discharge. Periodic measur'ements of ice thickness at several locations in the .river have been carried out during the winters of 1961 through 1972. Ice breakup in the river commences by late April or early May and ice jams occasionally occur at river constrictions, resulting in rises in water level of up to 20 feet. · Seasonal variation of flows is extreme and ranges from very low values in winter {October to Apri 1) to high summer values {May to September). For the Susitna River at Gold Creek the average winter and summer flows are 2100 and 20,250 cfs respectively, i ·.e. a 1 to 10 ratio. On the average, approximately 88 percent of the streamflow recorded at Gold Creek station r occurs during the summer months. At higher elevations in the basin the distribution of flows is concentrated even more in the summer months. For the Maclaren River near Paxson (El 4520 feet) the average winter and stmner 1=1ows are 144 and 2100 cfs respectively, i.e. a 1 to 15 ratio. The most common causes of flood peaks in the Susitna Basin are sno\\tTie'lt or a combination of snownelt and rainfall over a large area. Annual maximun peak discharges generally occur between t4ay and October with the majority, approximately 60 percent, occurring in June. Some of the annual maximum flood peaks have also occurred in August or 1 ater and are the result of heavy rains O'ier large areas augmented by significant snownelt from higher elevations and glacial runoff. (b) Regional Geology The upper Susitna Basin 1 ies within what is geologically called the Talkeetna fvbuntains area. This area is geologically complex and has a history·of at least three periods of major tectonic deformation. The oldest rocks {250 to 300 m.y.b.p.*) exposed in the region are volcanic flows and 1 imestones which are overlain by sandstones and shales dated approximately 150 to 200 m.y.b.p. A tectonic event approximately 135 to 180 m.y.b.p. resulted in the intrusion of large diorite and granite plutons, which caused intense thermal metamorphism. This was followed by marine deposition of silts and clays. The argillites and phyllites which predominate at Devil Canyon were· formed from the silts and clays during fau'lting and folding of the Talkeetna t"'ountains area in the Late Cretaceous period {65 to.100 m.y.b.p.). As a result of this faulting and uplift, the eastern portion of the area \vas elevated, and the oldest volcanics and sediments were thrust over the yqunger metamorphics and sediments. The major area of deft 'Tiation during this period of activity was southeast of Devil Canyon and l,,_l uded the Watana area.. The Talkeetna Thrust Fault, a well-known tectonic feature~ trends northwest through this region. This fault was one of the major mechanisms of this overthrusting frcm southeast to northwest. The Devil Canyon area was probably deformed and subjected to tectonic stress during the same period, but~ no major deformations are evident at the site. *m .y .b. p. : mi 11 ion years before present 2-6 The diorite pluton that forms the bedrock of the Watana site was intruded into sediments and volcanics about 65 m.y.b.p. The andesite and basalt flows near the site may have been formed immediately after this plutonic intrusion, or after a period of erosion and minor deposition. During the Tertiary period (20 to 40 m.ycb.p.) the area surrounding the sites was again uplifted by as much as 3,000 feet. Since then widespread erosion has removed much of the older sedimentary and volcanic rocks. During the last several million years at least tVtQ alpine glaciations have carved the Talkeetna Mountains into the ridges, peaks, and broad glacial plateaus seen today. Postglacial uplift has induced downcutting of str·eams and rivers, resulting in the 500 to 700 feet deep V-shaped canyons that are evident today, particularly at the Vee and Devil Canyon dan sites. Tilis erosion is believed to be still occurring and virtual1y all streams and rivers in the region are considered to be actively downcutting. This con- tinuing erosion has removed much of the glacial debri·s at higher elevations but very little alluvial deposition has occurred. The resulting landscape· consists of barren bedrock mountains, glacial till-covered plains, and ex- posed bedrock cliffs in canyons and along streams. The arctic climate has retarded devel opnent of topsoi 1 . . , .... .furthe~· geologic mapping of the project area and geotechnical investigation of the proposed dam sites was initiated under the current study in 1980~ and will continue through early 1982. The Talkeetna fvbuntains region of south-cent\--al Alaska lies within the Talkeetna Terrain. This term is the designation given to the immediate region of south-central Alaska that includes the upper Susitna River basin. The reg ion is bounded on the north by the Dena 1 i Fault, and on the west by the Alaska Peninsula features that make up the Central Alaska Range. South of the Talkeetna Mountains, the Talkeetna Terrain is separated from the Chugach Mountains by the Castle Mountain Fault. The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project dam sites are located in the western half of the Talkeetna Terrain. The eastern half of the region includes the relatively inactive, ancient zone of sediments under the Copper River Basin and is bounded on the east by the Totschunda section of the Denali Fault and the volcanic Wrangell tvbuntains. (c) Seismic Aspects Regional earthquake activity in the p\'·oject area is closely related to the· plate tectonics of Alaska. The Pacific Plate is underthrusting the North Jlmerican Plate in this region. The major earthquakes of Alaska, including the Good Friday earthquake of 1964, have primarily occurred along the boundary between these plates. The historical seismicity in the vicinity of the dam sites is associated with crustal earthquakes within the North Pmerican Plate and the shallow and deep earthquakes generated within the Benioff Zone, which underlies the project area. Historical data revea.l that the major source of ear~hquakes in the site region is in the de,ep portion of the Benioff Zone, with depths ranging between 24 to 36 miles below the surface. Several moderate size earthquakes have been reported at these depths. The crustal seismicity within the Talkeetna Terrain is very low based on historical records. Most of the recorded ear·thquakes in tile area al~e reported to be r~ 1 ated to the Dena1 i-Toschunda Fault, the Castle Mountaqn fault .or the Ben1off Zone. 2-7 (d) Environmental Aspects Numerous studies of the environmental characteristics of the Susitna River Basin have been undertaken in the pasto The current studies were initiated in early 1980 and are plo.nned to continue indefinitely. These studies constitute the most comprehensive and detailed examination of the Susitna Basin ever undertaken, and possibly of any comparable resource. The SUsitna basin is inhabited by resident and anadromous fish. The anadromous group includes five species of Pacific salmon: sockeye (red); coho {silver); chinook (king); pink (humpback); and chun (dog) salmon. Dolly Varden are also present in the lower Susitna Basin with both resident and anadromous populations. Anadromous smelt are known to run up the Susitna River as far as the Deshka River about 40 miles ·from Cook Inlet~ The project area is known to support species of caribou, moose, bear, wolves, wolverine and Da11 sheep. ' Furbearers in the Upper Susitna Basin include red fox, coyote, lynx, mink~ pine marten, river otter, short-t a i 1 ed weasel, 1 east weasel, muskrat and beaver. Direct innundation, construction activities and access can be expected to generally have minimal impact on th·ese species. One hundred and fifteen species of birds were recorded in the study area during the 1980 field season, the most abundant being Scaup and Commor. Red- poll. Ten active raptor/raven nests have been recorded and of these,) two Bald Eagle nests and at least four. Golden Eagle nests \-.x>uld be flooded by the proposed reservoirs, as wouid about three currently inactive raptor/ raven nest sites. Preliminary observations indicate a low population of waterbirds on the lakes in the re~~on; however, Trllrlpeter· Swans nested on a n IJllber of 1 akes bet wee~ the Oshe:t na and Tyone Rivers. Flooding would destroy a 1 arge percentage of the riparian cliff habitat and forest habitats upriver of Devil Canyon dam. Raptors and ravens using the cliffs would be expected to find alternate nesting sites in the surrounding mountains, but the forest inhabitants are relatively common breeders in forests in adjacent regions. Lesser amounts of lowland.meadows and of fluviatile shorelines and alluvia, each important to a few species, will also be lost. None of the waterbod ies that appear to be important to waterfowl will be flooded, nor \'li11 the important prey species of the up- 1 and tundra areas be affected. Impacts of other types of habitat al tera- tion will depend on the type of alteration. Potential impacts can be lessened through avoidance of sensitive areas. Thirteen small mammal species were found during 1980, and the presence of three others was suspected. During the fall survey, red-backed voles and masked shrews ·were the most abundant species trapped; and these, plus the dusky shrew, appeared to be habitat generalists, occupyin~ a wide range of vegetation types.. Meadow voles and pygmy shrews were least abundant and the most restricted in their habitat use, the former occupying only meadows and the latter forests. The Susitna River drains parts of the Alaska Range on the north and parts of the Talkeetna Mountains on the south. Many areas along the east-west portion of the river, between the confluences of Portage Creek and the 2-8 Oshet~a River, are steep and covered \'/ith conifer, deciduous and mixed conifer, and deciduous forests. Flat benches occur at the tops of these banks and usually contain low shrub or woodland conifer corrmunit ies. Low mountains rise from these benches and contain sedge-grass tundra and mat and cushion tundra. The 1980 archaeological reconnaissance in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project area located and documented 40 prehistoric sites and one historic site. It is expected that continuous reconnaissance surveys in 1981 will locate additional ~ites. Sites are also docunented adjacent to the study area near Stephan Lake, Fog Lakes, Lakes Susitna, Tyone and Louise, and along the Tyone River. Detenninations of significance of sites will be based on the intensive testing data collected during the summer of 1981 and national register criteria which determine eligibility for ·the national register of historic places .. Conmercial fisheries constitute the oldest cash-based industry of major importance within the region. The industry has changed substantially during the past 20 years and continues to be modified as a result of both biologic and economic stimuli. The salmon industry has always been a major component of the industry in terms of volume and value. Since 1955, the king crab, shrimp, and Tanner crab fisheries have undergone major developnent, and halibut landings have increased substantially in recent years. The total wholesale .value of commercial fish and shell-fish for the domestic fishery of Alaska in 1979 was just over $1.2 billion including a catch of 459 million pounds of salmon with a wholesale value of just over $700 million. Existing land use in the Susitna Project area is characterized by broad ex- panses of open wilderness areas. Those areas where deve 1 opment has oc- curr·ed often included small clusters of several cabins or othe.r residences. There are also many single cabin settlements throughout the basin. There are approximately 109 structures within 18 miles of the Susitna River bet ween Gold Creek and the Tyone River. . These inc 1 ude four lodges involving some 21 structures. A significant concentration of residence cabins or other structures are found near the Otter Lake area, Portage Creek, High Lake, Gold Creek, Chunila Creek, Stephan Lake, Fog Lake, Tsusena Lake, Watana Lake, Clarence Lake, and Big Lake. 2.6 -Susitna Basin Development Selection A comprehensive series of engineering and planning studies were carried out as a basis for formulation of Susitna Basin development plans and selection of the preferred plan. The selection process used is consistent with the generic plan formulation and selection methodology discussed in Section 1. The recommended plan, the Watana/Devil Canyon dam project, is compared to alternative methods of generating Railbelt energy needs including thermal and other potential hydro- electric developments outside the Susitna Basin on the basis of technical, economic, environmental and social aspects. As outlined in the description of the generic plan formulation and selection methodology (Section 1.4) five basic steps are required .. These essentially consist of defining the objectives, selecting candidates, screening, formulation of development plans and finally, a detailed evaluation of the plans. 2-9 The objectives of these studies are essentially twofold; the first is to deter- mine the optimt.m Susitna Basin develop11ent plan and the second to undertake a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the selected plan by comparison with alternative methods of generatin£ energy. Throughout this planning process, engineering layout studies were conducted to refine the cost estimates for power or water storage developnent at several dam sites within the basin~ As they became available, these data were fed into the screening and plan formulation and evaluation studies. The results of the site screening exercise indicate that the Susitna Basin developnent plan should ·incorporate a combination of several major dams and powerhouses 1 ocated at one or more of the fo 11 owing sites: -Dev i 1 Canyon -High Devil Canyon -Watana -Susitna III -Vee In addition, the following two sites are to be considered as candidates for supplanentary upstream flow regulation: -Maclaren -Denali To establish the likely optimum combination of dams, a computer screening model was used to direct 1 y identify the types of p 1 ans that are most economic .. Results of these runs indicate that the Devil Canyon/Watana or the High Devil Canyon/Vee combinations are the most economic. In addition to these t\\0 basic developnent plans, a tunnel scheme was also introduced. This alternative pro- vides potential environmental advantages. by replacing the Devil Canyon dam by a long power tunnel. A further alternative developnent plan involving the two most economic dam sites, High Devil Canyon and Watana, was also considered. The main criterion used in the initial selection of Susitna Basin development plans, is that of economics. Environmental considerations are incorporated into the assessment of the plans finally selected. The results of the final screen- ; ng process indicate that the Watana/Dev il Canyon and the High Devil Canyon/Vee plans warrant further, more detailed study. In addition, it was decided to study further the tunnel scheme and the Watana/High Devil Canyon plan. Four basin p 1 ans are considered. Plan 1 dea 1 s with the Watana/Dev il Canyon sites, Plan 2 with the High Devil Canyon/Vee sites, Plan 3 with the Watana tunnel concept, and Plan 4 with the Watana/High Devil Canyon sites. ID assess- ir.g these plans, a reach-by-reach comparison was made for the section of the Susitna River between Portage Creek and the Tyone River. The Watana/Devil Canyon schane \\Ould create more potential environmental impacts in the Watana Creek area. However, it was judged that this was more than compensated for by avoiding the even greater potential environmental impacts in the upper reaches of the river, which would result from a High Devil Canyon/Vee development. 2-10 From a fisheries' perspective, both schemes would have a similar effect on the downstrean anadromous fisheries although the High Devil Canyon/Vee scheme would produce a slightly greater· impact on the resident fisheries in the Upper Susitna Basin. Except for the increased ·loss of river valley, bird, and black bear habitat, the Watana/Devil Canyon development plan was judged to be more environmentally ac- ceptable than the High Devil Canyon/Vee plan. Although the Watana/Devi1 Canyon plan is considered to be the more environmentally compatible Upper Susitna develoflllent plan, the actual degree of acceptabii ity is a question being addressed as part of ongoing studies. The two plans in were also evaluated and compared in. terms of energy contribu- tion criteria. The Watana/Devil Canyon is assessed to be superior due to its higher energy potential and the fact that it develops a higher proportion of the h~sin's potential. In terms of social criteria, as in the case of the dam versus tunnel comparison, the Watana/Devil Canyon plan is judged to have a slight advantage over the High Dev i1 Canyon/Vee plan because of the higher potential for displacing nonrenewable resources. The overall evaluation indicates that the Watana/Devil Canyon plans are gener- ally superior for ,u.ll the evaluation criteria considered. Thus, the Watana/ Devil Canyon plan is judged to be the best Susitna Basin development plan. 2. 7 -Susitna Hydroelectric Development The studies discussed in this report conclude that, on the basis of the analyses to date, the future developnent of Railbelt electric. power generation sources should include a Susitna Hydroelectric Project. However, further work is required to fully establish the technical and economic feasibility of the wJSitna project and to refine its design. The selected basin development plan involves the construction of the Watana dam ta a crest elevation currently estimated as 2225 feet, with a 400 MW powerhouse scheduled to commence operation by 1993. This date is the earliest that a project of this magnitude can be brought on-1 ine. A delay in this date would mean that additional thermal units would have to be brought on 1 ine to meet the pl"ojected demand, resulting in an increase in the cost of power to the consumer. This first stage would be followed by expansion of the powerhouse capacity to 800 MW by 1996 and possibly the construction of are-regulation dam downstream to allow daily peaking operations. More detailed environmental studies are required to firm up the requirement for this re-regulation dam; it may be possible to incorporate it in the Devil Canyon dam diversion facilit·ies~ The final stage involves the construction of the Devil Canyon dam to a crest elevation of 1465 feet with an installed c ...... acity of 400 MW by the year 2000. Should the load growth occur at a lower rate than the current medium forecast, then consideration should be given to postponing the capacity expansion proposed at Watana, and the construction of the Devil Canyon dam to the year 2002, or possibly even 2005. These latter t\~ dates correspond respectively to the low forecast and the extreme low forecast incorporating an increased level of load 2-11 management and conserv~tion. For actual load growth rates higher than the medit.Jll load forecasts, construction of the Devil Canyon dan could be advanced to 1998. Although it has been demonstrated that this developnent plan is extremely es;o- nomic for a wide range of possible future energy growth rates, the actual sche- duling for the various stages should be continuously reassessed on perhaps a five year basis .. It should also be stressed that the dan heights and installed capacities quoted above are preliminary and subject to modification as the more detailed project optimization studies are conducted in 1981. The dan type selected for the Devil Canyon dam site has been revised from the rockfill alternative assuned in the initial Basin developnent studies, to a thin doublecurvature concrete arch darn. More detailed engineering studies carried out subsequent to the planning studies described have indicated this dan type to be more appropriate to the site conditions and slightly more cost effective. At this stage of the study, a preliminary assessment of the construction sche- dules for the Watana and Devil Canyon dams has been made, mainly to provide a reasonable estimate of on-line dates for the generation planning studies. trbr·e detailed construction schedules will be developed during the 1981 studies. In developing these preliminary schedules~ roughly 70 major construction activi- ties were identified and the applicable quantities such as excavation, borrO\i and concrete volumes ~are determined. Construction durations were then estima- ted using historical records as backup and the expertise of senior scheduler- planners, estimators and design staff. A critical path logic diagran was devel- oped from those activities and the project duration was determined. The critical or new critical activity durations were further reviewed and refined as needed. These construction logic diagrams are coded so that they may be incorporated into a computerized system for the more detailed studies to be conducted during 1981. 2.8 -Conclusions and Recommendations {a) Conclusions A standard n!ethodology has been adopted to guide the Susitna Basin develop- ment selection process described in this report. It incorporates a series of screening steps and concludes with plan formulation and evaluation pro- cedures. Both the screening and plan evaluation procedures incorporate criteria relating to technical feasibility, environmental and socioeconomic aspects, and economic viability. The economic analyses are required to assist the State in allocating funds optimally and are there.fore conducted using a real (i.e., inflation ad- justed) interest rate of 3 percent and a corresponding general inflation rate of zero percent. Fuel costs are assumed to escalate at specified amounts above the general inflation rate. Analyses based on the foregoing assumptions have allowed certain conclusions to be made fm" future Railbelt generation planning purposes. Previous studies over the past 30 years have thoroughly investigated the potential of the basin, and the most recent studies conducted by the COE 2-12 have concluded that the Watana-Dev il Canyon developnent plan is the preferred option. However, review of these studies has indicated that a certain amount of revision is appropriate. These revisiohs are necessary both to develop a more uniform level of detail for a11 the alternative sites considered, and to reassess the earlier planning decisions in the 1 ight of current load ·projections 7 which are generally lower than those used in the earlier studies. The current (1980) Railbelt System annual energy requirement is estimated to be 2790 6\\h and the pea.k demand 515 MW. Near future demands can be satisfied by the existing generating system, the cornnitted expansion at Bradley Lake (hydroelectric) and the combined cycle (gas-fired) plant at Anchorage. These will meet the demand until 1993 provided an Anchorage-- Fairbanks inte.rtie of adequate capac1ty is constructed. A range of technically feasible options capable of meeting future energy and .capacity demands have been identified and include the fo11o\':ing: -Thermal Units . Coal-fired steam generation: 100, 250, and 500 MW • Combfned cycle generation: 250 MW , Gas turbine generation: 75 MW . Diesel generation: 10 MW -Hydroelectric Options Alternative developnent plans for the Susitna Basi_n capable of pro- viding up to 1200 to 1400 MW capacity and an average energy yield of approx irnate 1 y 6000 G\'1h . . Ten additional potential hydroelectric developnents located outside the Susitna Basin and ranging from 8 to 480 I~W in capacity and 33 to 1925 Gwh annual energy yield. Indications are that the utilities will be subject to the prohibitions of the Fuel Use Act and that the use of natural gas in new facilities will be restricted to peak load application only. The Susitna Basin developnent selection studies indicated that the 1200 ft1W Watana-Devil Canyon dam scheme is the optimllll basin deve1opnent plan from an economic~ envirormental, and social point of view. It involves an 880 feet high fill dam at Watana with an ultimate installed capacity of 800 MW, and a 675 feet high concrete arch da11 at Devil Canyon with a 400 NW powerhouse. This project will develop approximately 91 percent of the total basin potential. Should only one dam site be developed in the basin, then the High Devil Canyon dam, which develops 53 percent of the basin potential, provides the most economical energy. This project, however, is ncit compatible with the Watana-Devil Canyon developnent plan as the site \\OUld be inundated by the Devil Canyon developnent. 2-13 Comparison of the Rai1belt system generation scenario incorporating the Watana-Oevil Canyon Susitna development and the all-thermal option reveals that the scenario 11 With Susitna" is economically superior and reduces the total systan present worth cost by $2280 mill ion. An overall evaluation of these two scenarios based on economic, environmental, and social criteria indicates that the "with Susitna" scenario is the preferred option. The "with Susitna" scenario remains the most economic for a wide range loao forecast and parameters such as interest rate, fuel costs and fuel escala- tion rates. For real interest rates above 8 percent or fue1 escalation rates below zero, the all thermal generating scenario becomes more econo~ ic. However, it is not likely that such high interest rates or low fuel escalation rates would prevail during the foreseeable future. Economic comparisons of the generating scenarios "with Susitna 11 and the scenario incorporating alternative hydro opt ions indicate that the present worth cost of the 11 With Susitna11 scenario is $1190 mill ion less. Prelimary engineering studies indicate that the preferred dam type at Watana is a rockfill alternative, while a double curvature thin arch concrete dan is the most appropriate type for the Uevil Canyon site. (b) Recommendations The recommendations outlined in this section pertain to the continuing studies under Task 6 -Design and Development. It is asslJTied that the necessary hydrologic, seismic, geotechnical, environmental, and tranmission system studies will also continue to provide the necessary support data for completion of the Feasibility Report. Project planning and engineering studies should continue on the selected Susitna Basin Watana-Devi1 Canyon development plan. These studies should encompass the fo 11 owing: -.Additional optimization studies to define in more detail the Watana-Qevil Canyon development plan. These studies should be aimed at refining: . Dam heights. Installed capacities. As part of this task consideration should also be given to locating the tailrace of the Devil Canyon powerhouse closer to Portage Creek in order to make use of the add it iona1 head estimated to anount to 55 feet . . Reservoir operating rule curves . . Project scheduling and staging concepts. A more detailed analysis of the staging concept should be undertaken. This should include a reevaluation of the powerhouse stage sizes and the construction schedules. In addition, an assessment should be made of the technical, environmental and economic feasibiaity of bringing the Devil Canyon dam and powerhouse on-line before the Watana developnent. 2-14 This may be an attractive alternative from a scheduling point of view as it allows Susitna power to be brought on-line at an earlier date due to the shorter constr ucti <;m period associ a ted with the Dev i 1 Canyon dam. The general procedure established during this study for site selection and plan formulation as outined in Appendix A should be adhered to in undertaking the above optimization stud11~s. The engineering studies outlined in Subtdsks 6.07 through 6.31 of the POS should con.tinue as originally planner! in order to finalize the project general arrangements and details, and to firm up technical feasibility of the proposed develOIJllent. As outlined in the original Task 6.37 study effort, the generation scenario planning studies should be refined once more definitive project data are obtained from the stufJies outlined above and the Railbelt generation alternatives study is completed. The objective of these studies should be to· refine the assessment of the economic, environmental, and social feasibility ot the proposed Susitna Basin developnent. 2-15 3 -SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work discussed in this section of the Development Selection Report includes the development selection studies and preliminary engineering studies aimed at refining the general arrangements of the selected Watana and Devil Canyon darn projects. · Further details of the Scope of Work may be found in the Acres' POS· (1,2}. 3.1 -Development Selection Studies These studies constitute Stage 1 of the Task 6 design studies and include the fo 11 0\-Ji ng: (a) Review of Previous Studies and Reports (Subtask 6.01) These activities involve assembling and reviewing all available engineering data pertaining to Susitna Basin hydropower development. The results of this work are summarized in Section 4 and are also reported separately in Reference (3). (b) Investigate Tunnel Alternatives (Subtask 6.02) In this subtask conceptual engineering designs of a long power tunnel alternative to the Devil Canyon dam are produced and evaluated in terms of economic and environmental impact. This work is summarized in Section 8 and is reported in detail in Reference (4). (c) Evaluate Alternative Susitna Developments (Subtask 6.03) This subtask incorporates studies aimed at developing engineering, cast and environmental impact data at all potential sites within the Susitna Basin and a series of screening and evaluation exercises to produce a shortlist of preferred Susitna Basin development options. These studies include the developm-ent of engineering layouts at several candidate sites within the basin in order• to improve the accuracy of. capital cost estimates. Computer models are used to screen out non-economic development plans and to evaluate power and energy yields of the more promising dam schemes. This work is described in Section 8. Detailed results are contained in Appendices D; E, and F. (d) Hatana and Devi 1 Canyon Staged Development (Subtask 6.06) As an extension to the engineering layout work described above, several additional layout studies have been undertaken to investigate the feasibility of staging dam construction at the larger damsites such as Watana and High Devil Canyon. Consideration is also given to methods of staging the mechanical equipment. The results of these studies are include,d in Section 8. 3-1 (e) Jhermal Generating Resources (Subtask 6.32) Economic benefits of proposed Susitna Basin ~evelopments are evaluated in terms of the economic impact on the entire Railbelt electrical generating system. It is therefore necessary to develop cost .and performance figures for alternative energy generating resources including thermal and other potential hydro sites located outside the Susitna Basin. The subtask involves studies undertaken to develop performance and cost data for a range of feasible thermal generating options including coal fired steam, gas turbine, combined cycle and diesel plants. The results of this subtask are reported in Section 6 and Appendix B. · (f) Hydroelectric Generating Source (Subtask 6.33) This subtask involves an extensive screening exercise incorporating economic and environmental criteria. The aim of this exercise is to shortlist several potential hydroelectric developments located outside the Susitna Basin which could supply the railbelt with energy. Conceptual sketch layouts are produced for the shortlist developments in order to estimate the capital costs more accurately. Computer models are used to indicate the power and energy yields. The result of this work are reported in Section 6 and Appendices C and F, (g) Environmental Analysis (Subtask 6.34) This subtask includes the environmental studies necessary to screen the potential hydroelectric developments outlined in (f) above and to provide general information on the potential environmental impacts associated with the thermal generating resources. The results of these studies are outlined in Sections 6 and 8 and in Appendices A and C. (h) Load Management and Conservation (Subtask 6.35) In order to thorough 1 y assess the economics of tt·e proposed Susi tn a development plan for a wide range of projected load forecasts it is necessary to assess the potential impact of possible future local management and conservation practices. A brief study is undertaken to determine the impact of a feasible 1 oad management and conservation scenario and appropriate adjustments are made to energy and 1 oad forecasts fo.r use in the generation planning studies discussed in Section 5. (i) Generation Planning (Subtask 6.36) This subtask involves the systemwide economic analyses undertaken to determine the economic benefits of vat"'ious Susitna Basin development plans and alternative all-thermal and thermal-plus-other-hydro generating scenarios. These latter two scenarios are studied in order to assess the economic benefit associated with developi.ng the Susitna Basin. A computer generation planning model is used to undertake these analyses. 3-2 Section 8 and Appendix G outline the results of this work. (j} Development Selection Repo~~ (Subtask 6.05) This subtask deals with the production of the report. It also includes a summary of the load projections prepared by ISER and the power projections provided by wee in Section 5. Addition a 1 study work is also carried out to formalize the project development selection process, i.e. to integrate the results of the studies outlined above to provide a comprehensive selection process incorporating economic, environmental and other considerations. 3.2 -fontinued Engineering Studies As the development selection studies were finalized work continued on engineering desig~ studies aimed at refining the general arrangements at the De vi 1 Canyon and Watana sites. These studies i nvo 1 ve t:he production of alternative general arrangements incorporating rockfill and concrete arch dams at Watana and several alternative concrete arch dams at Devil Canyon. These arrangements are casted iLnd evaluated to determine which is the most appropriate. Design work is carried out on the proposed thin arch dam at Devil Canyon to ensure that such a structure can safely withstand the anticipated seismic loading. Extensive use is made of computer stress analysis techniques in the design studies. These studies are scoped in Subtasks 6.04, 6.07, and 6.08 and the re~ults are summarized in Section 9 and Appendix H. 3-3 LIST OF REFERENCES {1) (2) (3) ( 4) Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study, Prepared fer the Alaska Power Authority, February, 1980. Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Plan of Study, Revision 1, Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, September, 1981. Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Review of Previous Studies and Reports, Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, February~ 1981 .. Acres American Incorporated, Susitna Hydroelectric Project -Investigate Tunnel Alternative, Clos(~out Report prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, April, 1981. 3-4 ~--------- 4 -PREVIOUS STUDIES In this section of the report a summary is presented.of studies undertaken by the WRPS (formerly the USBR), the COE and others over the period 1948 through 1979. 4.1 -Early Studies of Hydroelectric Potential Shortly after World War II ended the USBR conducted an initial investigation of hydroelectric potential in Alaska, and issued a report of the results in 1948. Responding to a recommendation made in 1949 by the nineteenth Alaska territorial legislature that Alaska be included in the Bureau of Reclamation program, the Secretary of Interior provided funds to update the 1948 work. Th~ resulting report, issued in 1952, recognized the vast hydroelectric potential within the territory and placed particular emphasis on the strategic location of the Susitna River ·between Anchorage and Fairbanks as well as its proximity tc the connecting Railbelt {See Figures 1.1 and 4.1). A series of studies was commissioned over the years to identify dam sites and conduct geotechnical investigations. By 1961, the Department of the Interior proposed authorization of a two dam pov.rer system involving the Devil Canyon and the Denali sites (F·igure 4 .. 1). The definitive 1961 report \ltas subsequently updated by the Alaska Power Administration (at that time an agency of the Bureau of Reclamation) in 1974, at which time the desirability of proceeding with hydroelectric development was reaffirmed. The COE was also active in hydropower investigations in Alaska during the 1950~s and 1960's, but focused its attention on a more ambitious development at Rampart on the Yukon River., This project was capable of generating five times as much electric energy as Susitna annually. The sheer size and the technological challenges associated with Rampart captured the imagination of supporters and effectively diverted attention from the Susitna Basin fot" more than a decade. The Rampart report was finally shelved in the early 1970's because of strong environmental concerns and the uncertainty of marketing prospects for so much energy, particularly in light of abundant natural gas whi.ch had been discovered and developed in Cook Inlet~ < The energy crisis precipitated by the· OPEC oi 1 boycott in 1973 provided some further impetus for seeking development of renewable resources. Federal funding was made available both to complete the Alaska Power Administration's update report on Susitna in 1974 and to launch a prefeasibility investigation by the COE. The State of Alaska itself commissioned a reassessment of the Susitna Project by the Henry J. Kaiser Company in 1974. Although the gestation period for a possible Susitna Project has been lengthy, Federal, State, and private or·ganizations have been virtually unanimous over the years in recommending that the project proceed& Salient features of the various reports to date are outlined in the following sections. 4 , -I 4. 2 -U.S. Bureau of Reel amation --1953 Study (1) The USSR 1952 report to the Congr~ss on Alaska's overall hydroelectric poten- tial was followed shortly by the first major study of the Susitna Basin ·in-1953. Ten dam sites were identified above the railroad crossing a.t Gold Creek (see also Figure 4-1): -Gold Creek -01 son = De vi 1 Canyon -Oevi 1 Creek -Watana -Vee -Maclaren -Denali -Butte Creek -Tyone (on the Tyone R~ver) Fifteen more sites were considered below Gold Creek. However, more attention has been feGuse.d over the years on the Upper Susitna Basin where the topography is better· sui"Led to dam construction and where less impact on anadromous fisher- ies ts expected. Field reconnaissance eliminated half the original Upper Basin list and further USBR consideration centered on Olson, Devil Canyon, Watana, Vee and Denali. A11 of the USBR studies since 1953 have regarded these sites as the most appropriate for further investigation. 4.3 -U.S. Bureau of Reclamation -1961 Study (2) In 1961 a more detailed feasibility study resulted in a recommended five stage development plan to match the load growth curve as it was then projected. Devil Canyon was to be the first development--a 635 feet high arch dam with an installed capacity of about 220 MW. The reservoir formed by the Devil Canyon dam alone would not store enough water to permit higher capacities to be econom- ically installed since long periods of relatively low flow occur in the wir~er months. The second stage waul d have increased storage capacity by adding an earthfill dam at Denali in the upper reaches of the basin9 Subsequent stages involved adding generating capacity to the Devil Canyon dam. Geotechnical investigations at Devtl Canyon were more thorough than at Denali. At Denali~ test pits were dug, but no drilling occurred. 4.4 -Alaska Power Administration -1974 (3) Little change from the basic USBR-1961 five stage concept appeared in the 1974 report by .the Alaska Power Administration. This later effort offered a more sophisticated design, provided new cost and schedule estimates, and addressed marketing, economics, and environmental considerations. 4. 5 -,Kaiser Propos a 1 for Deve 1 opment ( 4} The Kaiser study, corrmissioned by the Office of the Governor in 1974, proposed that the initial Susitna development consist of a single dam known as High Dev1l Canyon (See Figure 4.1). No field investigations were made to confirm the tech- nical feasibility of the High Devil Canyon location because the funding level was insufficient for such efforts. Visual observations suggested the site 4-2 was probably favorable. The USBR had always been uneasy about foundation condi- tions at Denali, but had to rely upon the Denali reservoir to provide storage during long periods of low flow. Kaiser chose to avoid the perceived uncertain- ty at Denali by proposing to build a rockfill dam at High Devil Canyon which, at 810 feet, would create. a large enough reservoir"' to overcome the storage problem. Although the selected sites were different, the COE reached a similar conclusion when it later chose the high dam at Watana as the first to be constructed. Subsequent developments suggested by Kaiser included a downstream dam at thE Olson Site and an upstream dam at Susitna III (see Figure 4.1). The information developed for these additional dams was confined to estimating energy potential. As in the COE study, future development of Denali remained a possibility if foundation conditions were found to.be adequate and if the value of additional firm energy provided economic justification at some later date. ·Kaiser did not regard the develop!l!ent of an energy consumptive aluminum plant as necess~ry to economically justify its proposed project. 4.6 -u.s. Army Corps of Enaineers -1975 and 1979 Studies (5,6) The most comprehensive study of the Upper Susitna Basin to date was completed in 1975 by the COE. A total of 23 alternative developments were analyzed, includ- ing those proposed by the USBR as well as consideration of coal as the primary energy source for Railbelt electrical needs. Tne COE agreed that an arch dam at Devil Canyon was appropriate, but found that a high dam at the Watana site would form a large enough reservoir for seasonal storage and would permit continued generation during low flow periods. The COE recommended an earthfill dam at Watana with a height of 810 feet. ln the longer term, development of the Denali site remained a possibility which, if constructed, would increase the amount of firm energy available, even in very dry years. An ad-hoc task force \o.Jas created by Governor Jay Hammond upon completion of the 1975 COE Study. This task force recommended endorsement of the COE request for Congressional authorization, but pointed out that extensive further studies, particularly those dealing with environmental and socioeconomic questions~ were necessary before any construction decision could be made. At the Federal level, concern was expressed at the Office of Management and Budget regarding the adequacy of geotechni ca 1 data at the Watana site as we 11 as the validity of the economics. The apparent ambitiousness of the schedule and the feasibility of a thin arch dam at Devil Canyon were also questioned. Fur- ther investigations were funded and the COE produced an updated report in 1979. Devil Canyon and Watana were reaffirmed as appropriate sites, but alternative dam types were investigated. A concrete gravity dam was analyzed as an alterna- tive for the thin arch dam at Devil Canyon and the Watana dam was changed from earthfill to rockfill. Subsequent cost and schedule estimates still indicated economic justification for the project. "' 4-3 LEGEND ~ TYONE. & DAMSITE 5 0 5 15 E I I I SCALE IN MILES DAMSITES PROPOSED BY OTHERS ./-..J---v .,J / J ,... -------------/ FIGURE 41 IIIR I LIST OF REFERENCES (1). u.s. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Alaska District), District Manager's Reconnaissance Report of August, 1952 on Susitna River Basin: A Report on the Potential Development of Water Resources in the Susitna River Basin of Alaska, 1952. (2) u.s. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Alaska District), Devil Canyon Project, Alaska: Report of the Commissioner of Reclamation and Supporting Reports, 1960. (3} Alaska Power Administration, Devil Canyon Status Report, Juneau, Alaska, May, 1974. ( 4) H. J. Kaiser & Company, Reassessment Report on Upper Susitna River_ Hydroelectric Development for the State of Alaska, September, 1974. (5) u.s. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers (Alaska District), Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes: Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin -Interim Feasibility Report, Anchorage~ Alaska, 1975. ( 6) u.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers \A 1 ask a District), Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes: Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin-Supplementary F~asibility Report, Anchorage, Alaska, 1979. 4-5 '·· 5 -RAILBELT LOAD FORECASTS 5.1 -Introduction The feasibility of a major hydroelectric project depends in part upon the extent which the available capacity and energy are consistent with the needs of the market to be served by the time the project comes on line. Attempting to fore- cast future energy demand is a difficult process at best; it is therefore parti- cularly important that this exercise be accomplished in an objective manner .. For this reason APA and the State of Alaska jointly awarded a separate contract to ISER to prepare appropriate projections· for the Alaska Railbelt region .. Section 5 presents a review of the economic scenarios upon which the ISER fore- casts were based and a discussion of the forecasts developed for use in gener- ation planning studies. 5.2 -Electricity Demand Profiles This section reviews the historical growth of e'!ectricity consumption in the Ra·ilbelt and compares it to the national trend. Railbelt electricity consump- tion is then disaggregated by regions and by end-use sectors to clarify past us age patterns. {a) Historical Trends Between 1940 and 1978, electricity sales in the Railbelt grew at an average annual rate of 15.2 percent. This growth was roughly twice that for the nation as a whole. Table 5.1 shows U.S. and Alaskan annual growth rates for different periods between 1940 and 1978. The historical growth of Railbelt utility sales from 1965 is illustrated in Figure 5.1. Although the Railbelt growth rates consistently exceeded the national aver- age, the gap has been narrowing in 1ater years due to the gradual maturing of the Alaskan economy. Growth in the Railbelt has exceeded the national average for two reasons: population growth in the Railbelt has been higher than the national rate, and the proportion of Alaskan households served by electric utilities was lower than the U.Sp average so that some growth in the number of customers occurred independently of population growth. Table 5.2 compares U.S. and Alaskan growth rates in the residential and commer- cial sectors. (b) Regional Demand Electricity demand in the Railbelt, disaggregated by regions, is shown in Table 5.3. During the period from 1965 to 1978, Greater Anchorage accounted for about 75 percent of Railbelt electricity consumption followed by Greater Fairbanks with 24 percent and Glennallen-Valdez with 1 percent. The pattern of regional sharing during this period has been quite ,stable and no discel"nible trend in regional shift has emerged. This is mainly a result of the uniform rate of economic development in the Alaskan Railbe1t .. 5-1 (c) End-Use Consumption Railbelt electricity consumption by major end-use sector is shown in Table 5.4. In the residential sector, electricity consump~ion is largely attrib- uted to space heating; utilities such as refrigerators, water heaters, lights and cooking r·anges rank next in order of usage. In the commer- cial-industrial-gover·nment sector, end-use consumption is less clear because of a lack of data; however, it is reasonable to assume that elec- tricity is used ma·inly for lighting, space heating, cooling and water heating. Consumption in the miscellaneous sector is attributed mainly to ; street 1 ighting and usage in second homes. The distribution of electricity consumption in these end-use sectors has been fairly stable. By 1978, the commercial-industrial-government and residential sectors accounted for 52 percent and 47 percent respectively. In contrast, the 1978 nationwide shares were 65 percent and 34 percent respective ly{l). 5.3 -ISER Electricity.Consumption Forecasts As outlined in Section 3, the electricity consumption forecasts were undertaken by ISER(1). This section briefly discusses the methodology used by ISER to estimate electric ener£\Y sales for the Railbelt, and summarizes the results obtained. · (a) Methodology The ISER electricity demand forecasting model conceptualized in computer logic the linkage between economic growth scenarios and electricity con- sumption. The output from the model is in the form of proJected values of electricity consumption for each of the three geographical .areas of the Railbelt (Greater Anchorage, Greater Fairbanks and Glennallen-Valdez) and · is classified by final use {i.e., heating, washing, cooling, etc.) and con-· suming sector (commercial, residential, etc). The model produces output on a five-year time basis from 1985 to 2010, inclusive .. The ISER model consists of several submodels linked by key variables and driven by policy and technical assumptions and state and national trends. These submodels are grouped into four economic models which forecast future levels of economic activity and four electricity consumption models which forecast the associated electricity requirements by consuming sectors. For two of the consuming sectors it was not possible to set up computer models and simplifying assumptions \-Jere made. The models and assumptions are ·described below. (i) Economic Submodels -The MAP Econometric Mode 1 MAP is i.m econometric model based on forecasted or assumed 1 eve 1 s of national economic trends, State government activity, and developments in the Alasl<a resource sector. These economic. indi- cators are translated into forecasted levels· of statewide popul a- tion by age and sex, employment by industrial sector, and income. 5-2 -The Household Formation Model The household formation model groups individuals into household units on the basis of national and state demographic trends. The output is the forecast number of household heads by age and sex? which is in turn an input to the housing stock and electricity· consumption models. -Regional Allocation Model This model disaggregates MAP's projections of population and employment into regions of the Railbelt. The model uses econo- metric techniques to structure regional shares of state popula- tion, the support sector, and government employment. Housing Stock Model The housing stock model utilizes the output from the household formation model, the regional ·population information from the regional allocation model} and the results of an independent survey on housing choice. These outputs are combined to protluce the number of housing units by type (e.g. single family, duplex, multifamily, etc.) and by region for each of the forecast years. (ii) Electricity Consumption Submodels These submodels are structured to determine electricity requirements for various demand components: -Residential Non-space Heating Electricity Requirements This model estimates electricity requirements for household appliances utilizing the following information: • number of households . appliance saturation rate • fuel mode split . average annual consumption of appliance • average household size Residential non-space heating electricity requirements are obtained by summing the electricity requirements of all appli- ances. -Residential Space Heating This modPl estimates space heating electricity requirements for four types of dwelling units: single family, duplex, multi- family, and mobile home. The space heating electricity require- ment for each type of dwelling unit is calculated as the product of the number of dwelling units, fuel mode split and specified average levels of consumption. 5-3 -Commercial-Industrial-Government Total electricity requirements for the commercial-industrial- government sector are defined as the product of non-agricultural wage and salary employment and average electricity consumption per employee. Electricity consumption per employee is a function of time and application of conservation standards. This implies that new electricity users in this .sector will have different electricity requirements than previous customers. -Mi see 11 aneous This model estimates two remaining sectors of electricity con- sumption: i.e. street lighting and recreational homes. (iii) Consumption Sectors Not Modeled Electricity requirements were not modeled for two sectors of demand: Mi 1 itary For many reasons, including a lack of historical data, no model is included to correlate military electricity consumption with causal factors. Hence, future electricity requirements for the military are assumed to be the same as the current level. -Self-Supplied Industrial No model is included to project future self-generated electricity for industry. Existing users are identified and current electricity consumption determined for APA sources. New users and future consumption levels ·are identified from economic scenari o.s. (b) Assumptions To make these models operational, a number of additional assumptions are incorporated: The electricity market is presently in a state· of relative equil ibriun ex.cept for Fairbanks where a shift away from electric space heating is underway. This equilibrium is expected to remain in effect throughout the forecast period because of relatively constant fuel price ratios. The price of energy relative to other goods and services will continue to rise. a Rising real incomes will act to increase the demand for electricity. ~ Federal policies will be effective in the area of appliance energy con- servation, but will have a much smaller impact on building stock thermal efficiencies. 5-4 -No State conservation policies directed exclusively toward electricity will be implemented. -No sign~ficanL State policies designed to alter the price or availabil- ity of alternative fuels will be implemented. No new electricity technologies will be introduced. In terms of residential appliances: ·• Saturation rates will follow national trends; For some appliances, reduced household size will act to reduce average electricity requirements; . Consumption is a function of the appliance scrapping rate as the average age affects efficiency; Unspecified appliance consumption will increase to accommodate the Possibility of new domestic electricity applications. \) In term~ of residential space heating: A slight trend toward single family homes is projected; Average housing unit size will continue to grow; Natural gas availability will not significantly increase; Space heating alternatives such as oil, wood or coal wiil not greatly affect aggregate space heating demand; No significant increase in the number of heat pumps will occur. In terms of commercial-industrial-government use: Employment will grow more rapidly than the population; No major energy conservation measures are anticipated; The distribution of electricity end-uses will not shift significantly. -Miscellaneous utility sales {street lighting and second home use) will grow at rates consistent with predicted total utility sales. (c) Forecasting Uncertainty To adequately address the uncertainty associated with the prediction of future demands, a number of different economic growth scenarios were considered. These were formulated by alternatively combining high, moder- ate and low grov1th rates in the area of special projects and industry with State government fiscal policies aimed at stimulating either high, moderate or low growth. This resulted in a total of nine potential growth scenarios for the State. In addition to these scenarios~ ISER also considered the potential impact of a price reduced shift towards increased electricity demand. As outlined below, a short list of six future scenarios was selected.. These concentrated around the mid-range or 11 most likely11 esti- mate and the upper and lower extremes. 5-5 (d) Forecast Results I • ) \1 Base Case The ISER forecast which incorporates the combination of moderate ~ economic grnwth and moderate government expenditure is considered to be the 11 most likely" load forecast. This has been identified for the purpose of this study as the "Base Case Forecast". The results of this forecast are presented in Table 5.5 and indicate that utility sales for the Railbelt will grow from the 1980 level of 2390 GWh to 7952 GWh in 2010, representing an average annual growth rate of 4.09 percent. Over the period of the forecast, tpe highest growth rate occurs from 1990 to 2000 at 4 .. 76 percent, followed by a decline to 3.33 percent during the 2000 to 2010 period. (ii) Range of Forecasts In addition to the base case, the ISER results incorporate a higher and lower rate of economic growth coupled with moderate government expenditure, and they also incorporate the case where a shift to electricity takes place. These forecasts do not provide a c·omplete envelope of potential growth scenarios because the impacts of high industrial growth/high government expenditure and lpw industrial growth/low government expenditure on electricity demand have not been included. Estimates of these impacts have been computed by the method of proportionality as approximations to the model runs. A summary of aggregate Railbelt electricity growth for the range of scenarios is presented in Table 5.6 and in Figure 5.2. The medium growth rate of 4.1 percent is shown to be bounded by lower and upper limits of 2.8 percent and 6.1 percent respectively. In comparison, historical electricity demand in the Railbelt has increased by 11 percent. 5.4 -Past Projections of Railbelt Electricity Demand A number of electricity projections have been developed in the past. The dis- cussion here is confined to work conducted since 1975 in order to compare ISER's forecasts with previous wcn··k and to rationalize any differences that occur. Forecasts of electric povter requirements developed since 1975 (excluding ISER 1 s latest forecast) are summarized in Table 5.7. A cursory examination indicates that differences which occur in the early years progressively increase within the forecast period. The performance of these forecasts can be ascertained by comparing them to 1980 utility sales. Table 5.8 snows the rercent error in the forecasted growth rate to 1980. As can be seen, all of the forecasts signifi- cantly overestimated 1980 consumption. These forecasts are also significantly different from those developed recent1y by ISER; the differences are mainly attributed to assumptions concerning economic growth and electricity consumptior rates. Although the economic growth a-:;sumptions incorporated in previous studies have Vdried wid£1y, they have been generally more optimistic with respect to the type, size and timing of projects and other economic events. This has ~onsequently resulted in higher projections of economic activity compared to the recent ISER study. · 5-6 Electricity consumption rates in the ISER studies are generally lo~'/er than those in previous studies. This is essentially because ISER has been the first to incorporate estimates .of applian~e saturation rates, end-use patterns and con- servation measures. 5.5 -Uemand Forecasts (a) Appro2_£h The overall aptroach to derivation of the peak demand forecasts for the Railhelt Region was to examine the available historical data with regard to the generation of electrical energy and to apply the observed generation patterns to existing sales forecasts. Information routinely supplied by the Railbelt utilities to the.Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was uti l i zed to determine these load patterns. (b) Load Patterns _, .. The analysis of load patterns emphasized the identification of average pat- terns over the 10-year period from 1970 to 1979 and did not consider trends or changes in the patterns with time. Generally, the use of average values was preferred as it reduced the impact of yearly variations due to variable weath~r conflitions and outages. In any event, it was not possible to detect any patterns in the available data. The average houriy distribution of generation for the first weeks of April, August and December was used to determine the typical average load pattern for the various utilities. As a result of the relatively limited data base, the calculated load duration curve would be expected to show less variation than one computed from a more complete oata base resulting in an overestimation of the load factor. In addition, hourly data also tend to average out actual peak demands occurring \vithin a time interval of less than one hour. This could also lead to overestimation of the load factor. It is~ howeverg believed that the accuracy achieved~is adequate for these studies,_ particularly in light of the relatively much greater uncertainties associated with the load forecasts. (c) Sales Allocation Although the above load data are available by utility, the kWh sales fore- casts are based on service area alone.. The kWh sales data \'-Jere allocated to the individual utilities utilizing a predicted mix of consumer cate- gories in the area and the curr""ent mix of sa 1 es by consumer category for the utilities serving the area. (d) Peak Loads The two data sets were combined to determine composite peak loads for the Railbelt area. 5-7 The first step involved an adjustment to the allocated sales to reflect losses and energy unaccounted for. The adjustment was made by increasing the energy allocated to each utility by a factor computed from historical sales and generation levels. This resulted in a gross energy generation for each utility. The factors determined for the monthly distribution of total annual genera- tion were then used to distribute the gross generation for each year. The resulting hourly loads for each utility were adaed together to obtain the total Railbelt system load pattern for each forecast year. Table 5.9 summarizes the total energy generation and the peak loads for each of the low, medium, and high ISER sales forecasts, assuming moderate government expenditure. The load factors computed in this study average seven percentage points higher than the average load factors observed in the four utilities over the 10-year period. 5.6 -Potential for Load Management and Energy Conservation Utilities nationwide are currently paying increasing attention to the implemen- tation of load management and conservation measures in an attempt to reduce or shift peak load and to reduce energy demand. Load management is defined as the "shifting 11 and corresponding reduction of peak demands and the alteration of daily load shapes by means of appropriate measures. Although some load manage- ment techniques can result in a slight increase in daily energy demand, the objective is essentially to accomplish a reduction of peak demand with no signi- ficant difference in total energy demand. Load management may generally be achieved by one of two methods: direct control, in which the utility controls the end-use devices; or indirect control, in which price incentives are used to motivate load shifting by the consumer. Conservation is defined as a net reduc- tion in energy demand by means of appropriate measures, with a corresponding reduction in peak demand. The potential benefits of power demand control and reduction measures require careful evaluation before implementation on a major scale. A considerable amount of research and development work has been undertaken in the Lower 48 to develop methods and cost strategies, and to assess the potential impact of such strategies on demand. As a result of this work, load management and energy con- servation concepts have either been implemented or are being planned by many utilities. The anticipated effects on the growth of future peak load and energy consumption in the utility systems have been included in their forecasts. Cur- rently in Alaska, one utility, Anchorage Municipal Light and Power, has insti- tuted an experimental time-of-day rate for electricity. Although conservation is essentially accomplished by a reduction in demand, it may also be regarded as a means of diverting available energy to other uses, or creating a 11 new" source of energy. A recent study by the Alaska Center for Policy Studies (2) indicated that conservation was the most economically attrac- tive source of new energy available to the Railbelt area. This conclusion was based on evidence from existing weatherization programs and projections from the Alaska Federation for Community Self Reliance in Fairbanks. However, the total amount of energy that can be made available by such means is relatively small compared to the total Kailbelt system energy demand up to the year 2010. 5-8 The ISER forecasts incorporated the impacts of certain energy conservation measures, but did not include any load management. In this study, opportunities for implementation of additional progrillliS of intensified conservation and load management measures are considered in the generation planning studies. These are discussed in more dt. ·,ail in the following section. 5.7 -Load Forecasts Used for Generation Planning Studies This.section outlines the adjustments that were made to produce the total Rail- belt system electricity forecasts to be us~d in the generation planning studies described in Section 8. (a) Adjusted ISER Forecasts Three ISER energy forecasts were considered in generation planning studies (see Table 5.6). These include the base case (MES-~~) or medium forecast, a 1ow and a high forecast. The.low forecast is that corresponding to the low economic growth as proposed by ISER with an adjustment for low govern- ment expenditure {LES-GL). The high forecast corresponds to the ISER high economic growth scenario with an adjustment for high government expenditure tHES-GH). The electricity forecasts summarized in Table 5.9 represent total utility generation and include projections for self-supplied 1ndustrial and mili- tary generation sectors. Included in these forecasts are transmission and distribution losses in the range of 9 to 13 percent depending upon the generation scenario assumed~ These forecasts, ranging from 2.71 to 4.7b percent average annual growth, were adjusted for use in generation planning studies. The self-supplied industrial energy primarily involves drilling and off- shore operations and other activities which are not likely to be connected into the Railbelt supply system. This component, which varies depending upon generation scenario, was therefore omitted from the forecasts used for planning purposes. The military is likely to continue purchasing energy from the general mar- ket as long as it remains economic. However, much of their generating capacity is tied to district heating systems which would presumably· contin- ue operation. For study purposes, it was therefore assumed that 30 percent of the estimated military generation would be supplied from the grid system. The adjustments made to power and energy forecasts for use in self-supplied industrial and military sectors are reflected in Table 5.10 and in Figure 5.3 The power and energy values given in Table 5.10 are those usea in the generation planning studies. Annual growth rates range from 1.99 to 5.96 percent for very low and high forecasts wi.tn a medium generation forecast of 3.96 percent. {b) Forecast Incorporating Load Management and Conservation In order to evaluate generation plans under extremely low projected energy growth rates, the 1 ow forecast was further adjusted downward to account for add·ltional load management and energy conservation. The results of this scenario also appear on Table 5.10. 5-9 -ISER Conservation Assumptions For the residential sector, ISER assumed the federally-mandated efficien- cy standards for electrical home appliances would be enforced from 1981 to 1985 but that target efficiencies would be reduced by 10 percent. Energy saving due to retrofitting of homes was assumed to be confined to single family residences and to occur between 1980 and 1985. Heating energy consumption was assumed to be reduced by 4 percent in Fairbanks, 2 percent in Anchorage and between 2 and 4 percent in the Glennallen-Valdez area. Enforcement of mandatory construction or performance standards for new housing was assumed in 1981 with a reduction of the heat load for new permanent home construction by 5 percent. In the commercial-industrial-government sector, it was assumed by ISER that electricity requirements for new construction would be reduced by 5 percent between 1985 and 1990 and by 10 percent during the period 1990 to 2000. It was assumed that retrofitting measures would have no impact. -Impacts of Recent Legislation The National Energy Conservation Policy Act includes a variety of incen- tives and mandates for energy conservation and alternative energy use by individuals, state government and business. The new programs consist of energy audits of residential customers and public buildings, insulation and retrofitting of homes through loan and grant programs, improvement of energy efficiency of schools and hospitals, and use of solar energy. The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of November 9, 1978, requires state public utility commissions to consider certain rate-making standards for utilities if they have sales in excess of 500 million kilo- watt hours. The established standards to be considered are: . Rates to reflect cost of service; . Abolition of declining block rates; . Time-of-day rates; . Seasonal rates. Both Chugach Electric (CEA) and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department (AMLPD) are affected by the provisions of PURPA regarding rate and service standards for electric utilities. According to the report by the Alaska Center for Policy Studies (2), the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) intends to deal with the rate and load management considerations called for by PURPA in 1981. -Study Assumptions The programs of energy conservation and load management measures that could be implemented in addition to those included in the ISER forecast are the following: 5-10 . Energy programs provided for in the recent state energy conservation legislation; . Load management concepts now tested by utilities, including rate reform, to reflect incremental cost of service and load controls. These measures could decrease the growth rate of energy and winter peak projected in the ISER forecast and the forecasts used in generation plan- ning. The impacts would be mainly in the residential sector. The impact of state energy conservation legislation has been evaluated in a study by Energy Probe (3) which indicated that it could reduce the amount of electricity needed for space heating by 47 percent. The total growth rate in electricity demand over the 1980-2010 period would drop from an average of 3.98 percent per annum (projected by ISER in the MES-GM fore- cast), to 3.49 percent per annum. Energy Probe indicated that the electri- cal energy growth rate could be reduced even further to 2.70 percent per annum with a conservation program more stringent than that presently contemplated by the State legislature. The low forecast case assumed above incorporates an annual growth rate of 2.71 percent. This rate would be reduced with enforcement of energy con- servation measures more intensive than those presently in the State legis- lature. An annual growth rate of 2.1 percent was judged to be a reasonable lower limit for electrical demand for purposes of this study. This represents a 23 percent reduction in growth rate which is similar to the reduction developed in the Energy Probe study. The implementation of load management measures would result in an addition- al reduction in peak load demand. The residential sector demand is the most sensitive to a shift of load from the peak period to the off-peak period. Over the 1980-2010 period, an annual growth rate for peak load of 2.73 percent was used in the low forecast case. With load management measures such as rate reform and load controls, this growth rate could be reduced to an estimated 2.1 percent. The annual load factor for year 2010 would be increased from 62.2 percent in the low forecast to 64.4 in the lowest case. 5-11 TABLE 5.1 -HISTORICAL ANNUAL GROWTH RATES OF ELECTRIC UTILITY SALES Anchorage and Fairbanks Period u.s. Areas 1940 -1950 8.8% 20.5% 1950 -1960 8.7% 15. 3~~ 1960 -1970 7 .3~~ 12.9% 1970 -1978 4.6% 11.7% 1970 -1973 6. 7~~ 13.1% 1973 -1978 3.5% 10.9% 1940 -1978 7.3% 15.2% 5-12 TABLE 5.2 -ANNUAL GROWTH RATES IN UTILITY CUSTOMERS AND CONSUMPTION PER CUSTOMER Greater Anchorage Greater Fairbanks u.s. Customers Consumption per Customers Consumption per Customers Consumption per (Thousands) Customer (MWh) (Thousands) Customer (MWh) (Millions) Customer (MWh) Residential 1965 2.7 6.4 8.2 4.8 57.6 4.9 1978 7.7 10.9 17.5 10.2 77.8 8.8 Annual Growth Rate (%) 8.4 4.2 6.0 6.0 2.3 4.6 (J1 I ._. w Commercial 1965 4.0 1.3 7.4 1978 10.2 2.9 9.1 Annual Growth Rate (%) 7.5 6.4 1.6 TABLE 5.3-UTILITY SALES BY RAILBELT REGIONS Greater Anchorage Greater Fa1rbanks Glennallen-Qaldez Ra1lbe!E Iota! 1 1 1 1 Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of Sales No. of Regional Customers Regional Customers Regional Customers Custorrers Year GWh Share (Thousands) GWh Share (Thousands) GWh Share (Thousands) GWh (Thousands) 1965 369 78% 31.0 98 21% 9.5 6 1% .6 473 41.1 1966 415 32.2 108 9.6 NA NA 523 41.8 1967 461 34.4 66 NA NA NA 527 34.4 1968 519 39.2 141 10.8 NA NA 661 30.0 1969 587 42.B 170 11.6 NA NA 758 54.4 1970 684 75% 46.9 213 24% 12.6 9 1% .8 907 60.3 1971 797 49.5 251 13.1 10 .9 1059 63.5 1972 906 54.1 262 13.5 6 .4 1174 68.0 1973 1010 56.1 290 13.9 11 1.0 1311 71.0 1974 1086 61.8 322 15.5 14 1.3 1422 78.6 1975 1270 75% 66.1 413 24% 16.2 24 1% 1.9 1707 84.2 01 1976 1463 71.2 423 17.9 33 2.2 1920 91.3 1 ..... 1977 1603 81.1 447 20.0 42 2.1 2092 103.2 .,. 1978 1747 79% 87.2 432 19% 20.4 38 2% 2.0 2217 109.6 Annual Growth 12.7% 8.2% 12.1% 6.1% 13.9% 9.7'% 12.6% 7.8% NOTES: ( 1) Includes residential and commercial users only, but not miscellaneous users. Source: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Power System Statement (_). NA: Not Available. TABLE 5.4-RAILBELT ELECTRICITY END-USE CONSUMPTION (GWh) Commercial-Industrial Year Residential -Government Miscellaneous 1965 214 248 9 1966 241 275 8 1967 208 241 8 1968 294 355 11 1969 339 407 12 1970 402 489 14 1971 478 555 25 1972 542 613 17 1973 592 698 19 1974 651 749 20 1975 790 886 28 1976 879 1012 26 1977 948 1117 21 1978 1029 1156 27 Average Annual Growth 12.8% 12.6% 8.8% % of Annual Consumetion 1965 45% 53% 2% 1970 44% 54% 2% 1975 46% 52% 2% 1978 47% 52% 1% 5-15 TABLE 5.5 -BASE CASE FORECAST (MES-GM)1 (GWh) 0£1!1£~ 5ales to ~II ~onsum1ng Sectors Sales M111tary Self-Supp!J.ed Glennallen-Net Industry Net Year Anchorage Fairbanks Valdez Total Utilitl Generation Generation 19BO 1907 446 37 2390 334 414 1985 2438 669 64 3171 334 571 1990 2782 742 75 3599 334 571 1995 3564 949 88 4601 334 571 2000 4451 1177 102 5730 334 571 2005 5226 1397 119 6742 334 571 2010 6141 1671 140 7952 334 571 Average Annual Growth Rate (%) 1980-1990 3.85 5.22 7.32 4.18 o.o 3.27 01 1990-2000 4.81 4. 72 3.12 4.76 0.0 o.o I 2000-2010 3.27 3.57 3.22 3.33 o.o 0.0 ,_. 1980-2010 3.85 4.50 4.54 4.09 o.o 1.08 "' NOTES: (1) Reproduced from ISER' s ( -) Medium Economic Growth/Moderate Government Expenditure Scenario (without price induced shift to electricity). V1 I ,_, ...., TABLE 5.6-SUMMARY OF RAILBELT ELECTRICITY PROJECTIONS Utilit~ Sales to All Consuming LES-GL 1 MES-GM Year Bound LES-GM (Base Case) 1980 2390 2390 2390 19B5 2798 2921 3171 1990 3041 3236 3599 1995 3640 3976 4601 2000 4468 5101 5730 2005 4912 5617 6742 2010 5442 6179 7952 Average Annual Growth Rate (%) 1980-1990 2.44 3.08 4.18 1990-2000 3.92 4.66 4.76 2000-2010 1.99 1.94 3.33 1980-2010 2.78 3.22 4.09 NOTES: Lower Bound = Estimates for LES-GL Upper Bound = Estimates for HES-GH LES = Low Economic Growth MES = Medium Economic Growth HES = High Economic Growth GL = Low Government Expenditure GM = Moderate Government Expenditure GH = High Government Expenditure MES-GM with Price Induced Shift 2390 3171 3599 4617 6525 8219 10142 4.18 6.13 4. 51 4.94 Sectors HES-GM 2390 3561 4282 5789 7192 9177 11736 6.00 5.32 5.02 5.45 (1) Results generated by Acres, all others by ISER (_). (GWh) HES-GH 1 Bound 2390 3707 4443 6317 8010 10596 14009 6.40 6.07 5.75 6.07 Military Net Generation (GWh) I'ES-GM (Base Case) 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 LES-GM 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 Self-Supplied Industry Net Generation (GWh) MES-GM (Base Case) 414 571 571 571 571 571 571 3.27 0.0 0.0 1.08 MES-GM with Price Induced Shift 414 571 571 571 571 571 571 3.27 o.o o.o 1.08 HES-GM 414 847 981 981 981 981 981 9.0 0.0 0.0 2.92 '-" I ..... 00 TABLE 5.7 -SUMMARY OF RECENT PROJECTIONS OF RAILBELT ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS (GWh) Study Number/Source 1. South Central Railbelt Area, Alaska Interim Feasibility Report: Hydro- electric Power and Related Purposes for the Upper Susitna River Basin, Alaska District Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, 1975.(_) 2. Electric Power in Alaska 1976-1995 1980 Low Med High 3020 3240 3550 Institute of Social and Economic 2478 3877 Research, University of Alaska, 1976.(_) 3. Alaska Electric Power: An Analysis of future Requirements and Supply Alternatives for the Railbelt Region, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 1978. (_) 4. Upper Susitna River Project Power Market Analyses, U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration, 1979; South Central Railbelt Area, Alaska, Upper Susitna River Basin, Supplemental Feasibility Report, Corps of Engineers, 1979 (_) and Phase I Technical Memorandum: Electric Power Needs Assessment, South Central Alaska \~ater Resources Committee, 1979 (_) 2600 3400 2920 3155 3410 1990 Low Med High 5470 6480 8540 5415 12706 8500 10800 4550 6110 8200 1995 2000 2025 Low Med High Low Med High Low Med High 6656 8688 12576 8100 11650 18520 8092 20984 10341 17552 16000 -22500 5672 8175 11778 7070 10940 16920 8110 17770 38020 2 Study Number 2 3 4 NOTES: Year of TABLE 5.8 -PERFORMANCE OF PAST PROJECTIONS RAILBELT ELECTRIC POWER REQUIREMENTS1 Annual Growth Rate of Percent Errar4 Net Energy Between in Forecast Net Energy (GWh) Forecast Year & 1980 of Growth Year of Forecast 3 Rate to Publication Forecast for 1980 Forecast Actual 1980 (%) 1975 1851 3240 11.9 7.3 + 63 1976 2093 2985 9.3 5.9 + 58 1978 2397 3000 11.9 4.8 + 148 1979 2469 3155 27.8 6.5 + 328 (1) Net Energy figures calculated from sales plus 10 percent for losses (2) Corresponds to Table 5.7. (3) Assuming 1980 Net Energy consisting of 2390 of sales plus 10 percent losses. (4) Indicates overestimation. 5-19 TABLE S.9 -FORECAST TOTAL GENERATION AND PEAK LOADS-TOTAL RAILBELT REGION 1 ISER Low (LES-GM)2 ISER Medium (MES-GM) ISER High (HES-GM) Peak Peak Peak Generation Load Generation Load Generation Load Year (GWh) (MW) (GWh) (MW) (GWh) (MW) 1978 3323 606 3323 606 3323 606 1980 3522 643 3522 643 413S 753 198S 4141 7S7 4429 808 5528 99S 1990 4503 824 4922 898 6336 1146 1995 5331 977 6050 1105 8013 1456 2000 6599 1210 7327 1341 9598 17SO zoos 7188 1319 8471 1551 11843 2158 2010 7822 1435 9838 1800 14730 2683 Ul ' N 0 Percent z. 71 2.73 3.4S 3.46 4.76 4.76 Growth/Yr. 1978-2010 NOTES: (1) Includes net generation from military and self-supplied industry sources. Source: Reference ( ) (2) All forecasts assume moderate government expenditure. Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Notes: TABLE 5.10-RAILBELT REGION LOAD AND ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES L 0 A 0 CASE low Plus load Management end Low Medium Conservation (LES-GL)2 · (MES-GM)3 (LES-GL Adjusted)1 load toea toad MW GWh factor MW GWh Factor MW GWh Factor 510 2790 62:.5 510 2790 62.4 510 2790 62.4 560 3090 62.8 580 3160 62.4 650 3570 62.6 620 3430 63.2 640 3505 62.4 735 4030 62.6 685 3810 63.5 795 4350 62.3 945 5170 62.5 755 4240 63.8 950 5210 62.3 1175 6430 62 .. 4 835 4690 64.1 1045 5700 62.2 1380 7530 62.3 920 5200 64.4 1140 6220 62.2 1635 8940 62.4 " High (HES-GH)4 -Load MW GWh Factor 510 2790 62 .. 4 695 3860 63.4 920 5090 63.1 1295 7120 62.8 1670 9170 62.6 2285 12540 62 .. 6 2900 15930 62.1 (1) LES-GL: Low economic growth/low government expenditure with load management and conservation. (2) Low economic growth/low government expenditure. LES-GU (3) MES-GM: Medium economic growth/moder~te government expenditure. (4) HES-GH: High economic growth/high gov·ernment expenditure. 5-21 t -::c 3: (,!) - (/) w _J <! (/) >- t--(.) 0:: t- fd _, w 2500 ··~----------~~----------~----------~- 2000 r-----------~~-----------T--~~------~ 1500 1000 0 ~------------~----------~------------~ 1965 1970 1975 1980 YEAR HISTORICAL TOTAL RAILBELT UTILITY SALES TO FINAL CUSTOMERS FIGURE 5.1 ~~~~ 5-22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 -:X: 3: I I (!) -ff}t 0 _J <( (/) 9 >-i- u 8 0:: i- (.) 7 w _J IJ-1 6 5 4 3 2 LEGEND HES-GH = HIGH ECONOMIC GROWTH t HIGH GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE HES-GM = HIGH ECONOMIC GROWTH + MODERATE GOVERNMENT EXPEM:>ITURE MES-GM = MODERATE ECONOMIC GROWTH + MOC€RATE GOVERNMENT EXPENilTURE LES-GM : l!JN ECONOMIC GROWTH+ MODERATE GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE LES-GL :: LOW ECON~IC GROWTH t LOW GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE II HES -GH I I I , I , I / HES- o~--------._--------~--------~--------~--------_.--------~ 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 YEAR FORECAST ALTERNATIVE TOTAL RAlLBELT UTILITY SALES 5-23 FIGURE 5.JIRI I I -----!lfU'"'i'C _._ __________ o; ______ _, ___________ .....__,. I I !6--------------------------------------------------------------- -::t:. LEGEND HES-GH : H1GH ECONOMIC GROWTH + HIGH GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE MES-GM = MODERATE ECONOMIC GROWTH t MODERATE GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE LES-GL = LOW ECONOMIC GROWTH +LOW GOVERNMENT EXPE~DITURE LES -GL ADJUSTED = LOW ECONOMIC GROWTH +LOW GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE + LOAD MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION I I I I I I I I .I I I HES-GH I I I I I I I I ~ iO~------------------~-------------------+~~--------------~ (!) -z Q 9 t:i 0:: w z w ·a (!) >-._ (3 7 n: ...... (.) ~ 6 l1J / , , , " , , , / / , , ~ , , , , I I 0 __________ ._ ________ ~ ________ _. __________________ ~--------~ 1980 1985 1990 1995 YEAR 2000 2005 2010 ENERGY FORECASTS USED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIE. S r.;.;j FIGURE 5.3 • 5-24 LIST OF REFERENCES (l) Institute of Social and Economic Research, Electric Power Reguirements for the Railbelt, June, 1980. (2) Alaska Center for Policy Studies, Energy Alternatives for the Railbelt - Study of End-Use Structuv·e, Energy Conservation Potential, Alternative Energy Resources and Related Public Policy Issues, August, 1980. (3) Energy Probe, An Evaluation of the ISER Electricity Demand Forecast, July, 1980. 5-25 6 .. RAILBELT SYSTEM AND FUTURE POWER GENERATION OPTIONS 6.1 -Introduction Effective planning of future electric power generation sources to meet the pro- jected needs of the Railbelt Region must address a number of concerns. Apart from the obvious goal of planning to meet projected power and energy needs of the region, careful consideration must be given to the trade-offs which will be required in satisfying those needs within the constraints of technical feasi- bility, economic necessity, acceptable environmental impacts and social prefer- ences •. The hydroelectric potential in the Susitna River Basin is but one of the available options for meeting future Rai~belt demand. If constructed, the Susitna Basin development plan would provide a major portion of the Railbelt Region energy needs well beyond the year 2000. In order to accurately determine the most economic basin development plan which clearly defines details such as dam heights, installed generating capacities, reservoir ~perating rules, dam and powerhouse staging concepts, and construction sche- dules!) it is first necessary to evaluate in economic terms the plan in the con- text of the entire Railbelt generating system. This requires that economic analyses be undertaken of expansion alternatives for the total ftailbelt system containing several different types of generating sources. These sources include both thermal and hydropower generating facilities capable of satisfying a speci- fied load forecast. Economic analyses of scenarios containing alterna~ive Susitna Basin development plans being investigated wou1d then reveal which is the most economic basin development plan. This process and the comparison of other factors such as environmental impacts and soci a 1 preferences, essentially fa11s within the purview of 11 generation planning~~. These studies are discussed in more detail in Section 8. This section describes the process of assembling the information necessary to carry out these systemwide generation planning studies. Included is a dis- cussion of the existing system characteristics, the planned Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, and details of various generating options including hydroelectric and thermal, a discussion of the implications of the Fuel Use Act {FUA), and a brief outline of other options such as tidal and geothermal energy generation. Per- formance and cost information required for the generation planning studies is presented-for the hydroelectric and thermal generation options but not for the tidal and geothermal options. Preliminary indications are that these options are a.s yet not competitive with the more conventional options considered. Emphasis is placed on currently feasible and economic generating sources. Other options such as wind, solar and biomass-fired generation are not considered in this study. An independent study currently being undertaken for the State of Alaska by Battelle Pacific North!!lest Laboratories addresses all such options. It should be stressed that the non-Susitna generation options have only been -dealt with in sufficient detail to develop representative performance. and GOSt data for inclusion in the alternative Railbelt system generation scenarios. The primary objective is tq carry out a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the selected Susitna Basin development plan by comparing the costs and benefits of the uwith Susitna scenario" with selt=cted 11 Without Susitna scenarios". 6-1 6.2 -Existing System Characteristics (a) System Description The two major load centers of the Railbelt Region are the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area and the Fairbanks-Tanana Valley area (see Figure 6.1). At present, these two areas operate independently. The existing transmission system between Anchorage and Wi 11 ow consists of a network of 115 k V and 138 kV lines with interconnection to Palmer. Fairbanks is primarily served by a 138 kV line from the 28 MW coal fired plant at Healy. Communities between Willow and Healy are served by local distribution. There are currently nine electric utilities (including the Alaska Power Administration) providing power and energy to the Railbelt system (See Table 6.1). In order to obtain information on the current (1980) installed generation capability of these utilities, the following sources were consulted: (i) Published Documents -WCC Report, ''Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Railbelt", September, 1980 (1). -IECO Transmission Report for the Railbelt, 1978 (2). -U.S. DOE, "Inventory of Power Plants in the u.s.," April 1979 (3). -Electrical World Directory of Public Utilities 1979 -1980 Edition (4). -Williams Brothers Engineering Company, 1978 Report on FMUS and GVEA Systems ( 5). · -FERC Form 12A for the following utilities: -Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Department (AMLPD) -Chugach Electric Association (CEA) -Homer Electric Association (HEA) -Fairbanks Municipal Utility System (FMUS) (ii) Discussions With: -Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department (AMLPD) -Fairbanks Municipal Utility System (FMUS) -Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) -Alaska Power Administration (APAd) Table 6.1 summarizes the information received from these sources. Some discrepancies are apparent especially with respect to AMLPD and CVEA. The ACRES column lists the installed capacity data used in the generating 6-2 planning studies described in this report and represents. a resolution of discrepancies in data collectedo Table 6.2 includes a detailed listing of units currently operating in the Railbelt, information on their performance characteristics, and their on- line and assumed retirement dates. With the exception of two hydroelectric plants, the total Railbelt install- ed capacity· of 944 MW as of 1980 consists of fifty-one thermal generation units fired by oil, gas or coal, as summarized in Table6.3. (b) Schedule Retirements In order to establish a retirement policy for the existing generating units, sever a 1 references were consul ted including the APA draft feasi- bility study guidelines (6), FERC guidelines, and his"'torical records. Utilities, particularly those in the Fairbanks area, were also consulted. Based on the above, the following retirement periods of operation were adopted for use in this study: -Large Co a 1-Fi red Stearn Turbines ( > 100 fvtW): -Small Coal-Fired Steam Turbines (< 100 MW): -Oil-Fired Gas Turbines: -Natural Gas-Fired Gas Turbines: -Diesels: -Combined Cycle Units: -Conventional Hydro: 30 years 35 years 20 years 30 years 30 years 30 years 50 years Table 6.2 lists the retirement dates for each of the current generating units based on the above retirement policy. (c) Schedule of Additions Only two new projects are currently to be committed within the Railbelt system. The CEA is in the process of adding 60 MW of gas fired combined cycle capacity in Anchorage .. The plant will be called Beluga No.8. for study purposes, the p]ant is assumed to· come on-line in January 1982. The COE is currently in the post-authorization planning phase for the Bradley Lake hydroelectric project located on the Kenai Peninsula. As currently envisaged, the project includes 94 MW of installed capacity and would produce an annual average energy of 420 Gwh. For study purposes, the project is assumed to come on-line in 1988. 6.3 -Fairbanks -Anchorage Intertie Engineering studies are currently being undertaken for construction of an inter- tie between the Anchorage and Fairbanks systems. As presently envisaged, this connection will involve a 138 kV transmission line between Willow and Healy and vmuld provide capability for t\"ansferring 50 MW of capacity at any time. It is scheduled for completion in 1984. Current intertie studies indicate that it is economic to construct this intertie such that it can be upgraded to the 345 kV Susitna transmission capability when Watana comes on-line. 6-3 A brief study was undertaken to check the validity of the assumption that a fully interconnected system should be maintained as the total system capacity increases over the next 30 years. A simplified analysis was carried out in which the economics of two alternative all-thermal generating scenarios was evaluated for the ISER medium load forecast. The first scenario, called the "intertie scenario", allows for additional transmission to be added as needed, with increased capacity requirements being met by the most economic generating units constructed in optimum geographic locations. The second scenario restricts the intertie to 138 kV and assumes that increased capacity require- ments will be met by separate developments in the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas. Both scenarios incorporate the committed CEA combined cycle 60 MW plant in 1982 and the 94 MW Bradley Lake hydro plant in 1988. After 1992, in either scenario, additional generating facilities will be required in both Anchorage and Fair- banks. The preliminary economic comparison was therefore only carried out for the period 1980 to 1992. The intertie scenario requires upgrading of the existing 138 kV line to 230 kV and new 230 kV lines from Anchorage to Willow and from Healy to Fairbanks in 1986. No additional capacity is necessary. The second scenario requires 75 MW of gas turbine generation to meet the reserve requirements in the Anchorage area in 1988, and a 100 MW coal-fired unit to supplement the generation capacity in the Fairbanks region in 1986. The total present worth cost in 1980 dollars of the second scenario exceeds that of the first by just over $300 million. The analysis clearly indicates that it is extremely economic to construct and maintain a fully integrated system. This conclusion is conservative as it does not incorporate the benefits to be derived for a fully interconnected system in terms of load sharing and economy energy transfers after the year 1992. The actual benefit of the interconnected system could be somewhat higher than esti- mated. Based on these evaluations, it was concluded that a fully interconnected system should be assumed for all the generation planning studies outlined in this report, and that the intertie facilities would be common to all generation scenarios considered. In the preliminary comparisons of alternative generation scenarios, the cost of such intertie facilities were also assumed to be common. However, in final comparisons of a lesser number of preferred alternative scenarios, appropriate consideration was given to relative intertie costs. The cost of transmitting energy from a particular generating source to the intercon- nected system is included in all cases. 6.4 -Hydroelectric Options Numerous studies of hydroelectric potential in Alaska have been undertaken. These date as far back as 1947, and were performed by various agencies including the then Federal Power Commission, the COE, the USBR, the USGS and the State of Alaska. A significant amount of the identified potential is located in the Railbelt Region, including several sites in the Susitna River Basin. As discussed in Section 6.1, feasibility assessment of the selected Susitna Basin development plan is based on comparisons of future Railbelt power 6-4 generation s·cenarios with and without the project. An obvious 11 Without Susitnau scenario is one which includes hydroelectric developments outside the Sustina Basin. The p'lan formulation and selection methodology discussed in Section 1.4 and Appendix A has been applied in the developmen~ of Railbelt generation plans which include and exclude Susitna. Those plans which involve the Susitna Pro- ject are discussed in detail in Sections 7 and 8. Those plans which incorporate hydroeler.tric developments other than Susitna are discussed in this Section .. (a) Assessment of Hydro Alternatives The application of the five-step methodology (Figure 1.2) for selection of non-Susitna plans which incorporate hydroelectric developments, is present- ed in detail in Appendix C,. This process is summarized in this section and Figure 6.2. Step 1 of this process essentially established the overall ob- jective of the exercise as the selection of an optimum Railbelt generation plan which incorporated the proposed non-Susitna hydroelectric develop- ments, for comparison with other plans. Under Step 2 of the selection process, all feasible candidate sites were identified for inclusion in the subsequent screening exercise. A total of 91 potential sites {Figure 6.3) were obtained from inventories of potential sites published in the COE National Hydropower Study (7) and the APAd report 11 Hydroelectric Alternatives for the Alaska Railbelt 11 (8} .. (b) Screening of Candidate Sites The screening of sites required a total of four successive iterations to reduce the number of alternatives to a manageable short list. The overall objective of this process was defined as the selection of approximately 10 sites for consideration in plan-formul?cion~ essentially on the basis of published data on the sites and appropriately defined criteria. The first iteration in this process was based on a coarse screen in which sites which were considered technically infeasible or not economically viable were re- jected. For this purpose, economic viability for a site was defined as energy production costs 1 ess than 50 mi 11 s per k~~h, based on economic para- meters. This value was considered to be a reasonable upper limit consis- tent with Susitna Basin alternatives (See Section 8}. Energy production costs were derived for each site considered, using the capital cost data published in the cited reports, updated to 1980 levels, and using published cost escalation data and an appropriate contingency allowance. As discussed in Section 8, annual costs were derived on the basis of a 3 percent cost of money, net of general inflation. Allowances for operation and maintenance costs were also included in these estimates. For this initial screening process, the reported energy yield data for each site were then used as a basis for estimating annual energy production costs in mills per kWh. As a result of this screen, 26 sites were reject.ed and the remaining 6b sites were subjected to a second iter·ation of screening. The additional criteria established for this screening were environmental in nature. Based on data published in the COE and APAd reports, (7, 8) rejection of sites occurred if: 6-5 (i) They would cause significant impacts within the boundaries of an existing National Park or a proclaimed National ~lonument area; (ii) They were located on a river in which: -anadromous fish are known to exist; -the annual passage of fish at the site exceeds 50,000; - a confluence with a tributary occurs, upstream of the site, in which a major spawning or fishing area is located. As a result of this screen, 19 sites were rejected and the rema1n1ng 46 sites were subjected to a third iteration of economic and environmental screening. At this stage in the se 1 ect ion process, adjustments were made to capital and energy production costs for each site to take account of transmission line costs to link each site to the Anchorage-Fairbanks inter- tie. A representative list of 28 sites was thus derived by judgemental elimination of the more obviously uneconomic or less environmentally accep- table sites. These sites were then categorized into sizes as follows: -less than 25 MW: 5 sites -25 MW to 100 MW: 15 sites -greater than 100 MW: 8 sites The fourth and fi na 1 screen was then performed in which a more deta i 1 ed numerical environmental assessment was made. Eight evaluation criteria were utili zed: -Impact on big game -Impact on agri cul tura 1 potentia 1 -Impact on waterfowl, raptors and endangered species -Impact on anadromous fish -Restricted land uses -Impact on wi 1 derness areas -Impact on cultural, recreational and scientific resources -Impact generated by access The above environmental ranking criteria 11ere assigned numerical v1eights, and scale ratings for each site and each criterion were developed using available data. Total scores were then calculated for each site by summing the products of the weight and scale ratings. This process allowed the number of sites to be reduced to the ten sites listed in Table 6.3. (c) Plan Formulation and Evaluation In Step 4 of the plan selection process, the ten sites shortlisted under Step 3 were further refined as a basis for formulation of Railbelt genera- tion plans. Engineering sketch-type layouts were produced for each of the sites, and quantities and capital costs were evaluated. These costs are also listed in Table 6.3 and incorporate a 20 percent al1011ance for contin- gencies and 10 percent for engineering and owner's administration. A total of five plans were formulated incorporating various combinations of these sites as input to the Step 5 evaluations. 6-6 Power and energy values for each of the developments were re-evaluated 1n Step 5 utilizing monthly streamflow and a computer reservoir simulation model. Details of these calculations are given in Appendix F and the results are summarized in Table 6.3. The essential objective of Step 5 was established as the derivation of the optimum plan for the future Railbelt generation incorporating non-Susitna hydro generation as well as required thermal generation. ·rhe methodology used in evaluation of alternative generation scenarios for the Railbelt are discussed in detail in Section 8, The criteria on which the preferred plan was finally selected in these activities was least present worth cost based on economic parameters established in Section 8. The selected potential non-Susitna Basin hydro developments (Table 6.3) were ranked in terms of their economic cost of energy. They were then introduced into the all thermal generating scenario during the planning analyses (See Section 6.5), in groups of two or three. The most economic schemes were introduced f/irst and were followed by the less economic schemes. The results of these analyses are summarized in Table 6.4 and illustrate that a minimum total system cost of $7040 million can be achieved by the introduction of the Chakachamna~ Keetna, and Snow proje.cts (See a 1 so Figure 6.4). Additiona) sites such as Strandline, Allison Creek and Talkeetna-2 can also be introduced without significantly changing the economics, and would be beneficial in terms of displacing non-renewable energy resource consump- tion. 6.5 -Thermal Options As discussed earlier in this Section, the major porti·on of generating capability in the Railbelt is currently thermal, principally natural gas with some coal and oil-fired installations. There is no doubt that the future electric energy de- mand in the Railbelt would technically be satisfied by an all-thermal generation mix. In the following paragraphs an outline is presented of studies undertaken to determine an appropriate all-thermal generation scenario for comparison with other scenarios in Section 8. A more detailed description of these studies may be found in Appendix B of this report. (a) Assessment of Thermal Alternatives The plan formulation and selection methodology discussed in Section 1 .. 4 and Appendix A, has been adopted in a modified form to develop the necessary all-thermal generation plans (see Figure 6.5). The overall objective established in Step 1 is the selection of an optimum all-thermal Railbelt generation plan for comparison with other plans. In Step 2 of the selection process, consideration was given to gas, coa 1 and oi 1-fi red generation sources only, from the standpoint of techni ca 1 and economic feasibility alone. The broader perspectives of other alternative 6-7 resources and the relevant environmental, social and other issues involved are being addressed in the Battelle alternatives study. This being the case, the Step 3 screening process was therefore considered unnecessary in this study and emphasis was placed on selection of unit sizes appropriate for inclusion in the generation planning exercise. Thus for study purposes, the following five types of thermal power generation units were considered: -Coal-fired steam -Gas-fired combined-cycle -Gas-fired gas turbine -Diesel To formulate plans incorporating these alternatives it was necessary to develop capital cost and fuel cost data for these units and other related operational characteristics. (b) Coal-Fired Steam Aside from the military power plant at Fort Wainwright and the self- supplied generation at the University of Alaska, there are currently two coal-fired steam plants in operation in the Railbelt (see Table 6.1). These plants are small in comparison with new units under consideration in the Lower 48 and in Alaska. (i) Capital Costs Based on the general magnitude of the Railbelt load requirements, three coal-fired unit sizes were chosen for potential capacity addi- tions: 100, 250 and 500 M\j. All new coal units are estimated to have an average heat rate of 10,500 Btu/kWh, and involve an average con- struction period of five to six years. Capital costs and operating parameters are defined for coal and other thermal generating plants on Table 6.5. These costs include a 16 percent contingency, a 10 percent allowance for construction facilities and utilities and 12 percent for engineering and owner's administration. The costs 11ere developed using published data for the Lower 48 (9) and appropriate Alaska scaling factors based on studies conducted by Battelle (10). It is unlikely that a 500 MW plant will be proposed in the Fairbanks region because forecasted demand there is insufficient to justify placing this much capacity on line at one time. Therefore, costs for such a plant at Fairbanks are not included. To satisfy the national New Performance Standards (11), the capital costs incorporate provision for installation of flue gas desulfuriza- tion for sulphur control, highly efficient combustion technology for control of nitrogen acids and baghouses for particulate removal. 6-8 (ii) Fuel Costs The total estimated coal reserves ~n Alaska are shown on Table 6.6. Projected opportunity costs for Alaskan coal range from $1.00 to $1.33 per million Btuo A cost of $1.15 was selected as the base coal cost for generation planning (see Table 6.7). The market price for coal is currently within the same general cost range as the indicated oppor- tunity cost.. · Real growth rates in coal costs (excluding general price inflation) ar~ based on fuel escalation rates developed by the Department of Energy (DOE) (12) in the mid-term Energy Forecasting System for DOE Region 10 which includes the states of Alaska~ Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Specified price escalation rates pertaining to the industrial sector was selected to reflect the bulk purchasing advantage of utilities more accurately than equivalent rates pertaining to the commercial and residential sectors. A composite annual escalation rate of 2.93 percent has been computed for the period 1980 to 1995 from the five yearly values given by the DOE. This composite rate has been assumed to apply to the 1995-2005 period as suggested by the DOE. Beyond 2005, zero real growth in the conl price is assumed. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs and ~epresentative forced out- age rates are shown on Table 6. 5. (c) gombined Cycle A combined cycle plant is one in which electricity is generated partly in a gas turbine and partly in a steam turbine cycle. Combined cycle plants achieve higher efficiencies than conventional gas turbines. There are two combined cycle plants in Alaska at present. One is operational and the other ts under construction (See Table 6.1). The plant under construction is the B.eluga #9 unit owned by Chugach Electric Association (CEA). It .will add a 60 MW steam turbine to the system sometime in 1982. (i} Capital Costs A new combined cycle plant unit size of 250 MW capacity was considered to be representative of future additions to generating capability in the Anchorage area. This is based on economic sizing for plants in the Lower 48 and projected load increases in the Railbelt. A heat rate of 8500 Btu/kWh was adopted based on technical publications issued by the Electric Power Research Institute (13). The capital cost was estimated using the same basis and data sources as for the coal-fired steam plants and is listed in Table 6.5. 6-9 (i i) Fuel Costs The combined cycle facilities would burn only gas with the opportunity value ranging from $1.08 to $2.92 per million Btu. A gas cost of $2.00 was chosen to reflect the equitable value of gas in Anchorage, assuming development of the export market. Currently, the local incremental gas market price is about half of this amount due to the relatively light local demands and limited facilities for export. Using an approach similar to that used for coal costs, a real annual growth rate in gas costs of 3.98 percent was obtained from the DOE studies for 1980 to 2005. Zero percent was assumed thereafter. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs and a representative forced outage rate are given in Table 6.5. (d) Gas-Turbine Gas turbines are by far the main source of thermal power generating re- sources in the Railbelt area at present. There are 470 MW of installed gas turbines operating on natural gas in the Anchorage area and approximately 168 MW of oil-fired gas turbines supplying the Fairbanks area. (See Table 6.1). Their low initial cost, simplicity of construction and operation, and relatively short implementation lead time have made them attractive as a Railbelt generating alternative. The extremely low cost contract gas in the Anchorage area also has made this type of generating facility cost- effective for the Anchorage load center. (i) Capital Costs A unit size of 75 MW was considered to be representative of a modern gas turbine plant addition in the Railbelt region. Ho1~ever, the possibility of installing gas turbine units at Beluga was not con- sidered, since the Beluga development is at this time primarily being considered for coal. Gas turbine plants can be built over a two-year construction period and have an average heat rate of approximately 12,000 Btu/kWh. The capital cost was evaluated using the same data source as for the coal- fired plants and incorporates a 10 percent allowance for construction facilities and 14 percent for engineering and ovmer's administration. This cost includes provision for wet control of air emissions. (ii) Fuel Costs Gas turbine units can be operated on oil as \~ell as natural gas. The opportunity value and market cost for oil are considered to be equal, at $4.00 per million Btu. Real annual grov1th rates in oil costs were developed as described above and amounted to 3.58 percent for the 1980-2005 period and zero percent thereafter. 6-10 (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance costs and forced outage rates are shown in Table 6.5. (e) Diesel Power Generation Most diesel plants in the Railbelt today are on standby status or are oper- ated only for peak load service. Nearly all the continuous duty units were retir·ed in the past several years due to high fuel prices. About 65 MW of diesel plant capacity is currently available. {i) Capital Costs The high cost of diesel fuel and low capital cost makes new diesel plants most effective for emergency use or in remote areas where small loads exist. A unit size of 10 MW was selected as appropriate for- this type of facility. The capital cost was derived from the same source as given in Table 6.5 and includes provision for a fuel injec- tion system to minimize air pollution. {ii) Fuel Costs Diesel fuel costs and growth rates are the same as oil costs for gas turbines. (iii) Other Performance Characteristics Annual operation and maintenance and the forced outage rate is given i n Tab 1 e 6 . 5, (f) Plan Formulation and Evaluation The six candidate unit types and sizes developed under Step 2 were used to formulate plans for meeting future Railbelt power generation requirements in Step 4. The objective of this exercise was defined as the formulation of appropriate plans for meeting the project Railbelt demand on the basis of economic preferences~ Two different cases of natural gas consumption policy v1ere considered in formulating plans. The first, called the "renewal" policy allo\'Jed for the renewal of natural gas turbines at the end of their economic lives, antici- pating the possible exemptions that utilities may obtain from the FUA. The second policy, called the 11 no renewals" policy assumed that the utilities would not be allowed to reconstruct plants as they are retired and that they would only be allowed to construct new plants with not more than 1500 hours of annual operation (see Condition 9 of the FUA as discussed in Section 6.6). 6-11 In the subsequent Step 5 evaluation of the two basic plans, the OGP5 gener- ation planning model was utilized to develop a least cost scenario incor- porating the necessary coal, oil, and gas fired generating units. The results for the very low, low, medium, and high load forecasts are summar- ized in Table 6. 4. They indicate that for the medi urn forecast the total system present worth cost is slightly higher than $8,100 million. As illustrated by the results displayed in Table 6.4, these two policies have very similar economic impacts. The difference in present worth costs for the medium forecast amounts to only $20 million. For purposes of this study, therefore 9 it is assumed that the "no renewals 11 policy is more appropriate and is used to be representative of the all thermal generation scenario. Figure 6.6 illustrates this all thermal generating scenario graphica11y. 6.6 -Impact of the Fuel Use Act (a) Ba.ck_ground Th:? uPow•cr Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 11 (FUA), Public La\v 9~-620~ regulates the use of natural gas and petroleum to reduce imports and conserve scarce non-renewable resources. It is, therefore~ essential to understand the implications of this act and to incorporate important aspects in the generation planning studies. Section 201 of the FUA prohibits the use of petroleum or natural gas as a primary energy source in any new electric power plant and precludes the construction of any new power plant without the capability to use an alter- nate fuel as a primary energy source. There are, however, twelve differ- ent exemption categories incorporated in the Act. Plants which can be included in any of these categories may qualify for a permanent exemption. These exemption catagories are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ( 7) {8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Cogeneration Fuel mixture Emergency purposes Maintenance of reliability of service (short development lead time) Inability to obtain adequate capital State or local requirements Inability to comply with applicable environmental requirements Site limitations Peak load power plants Intermediate load power plants Lack of alternative fuel supply for the first ten years of useful life Lack of alternative fuel supply at a cost which does not substan- tially exceed the cost of using imported petroleum. 6-12 ·(b) FUA and the Railbelt The two Anchorage utilities, Chugach Electric Association (CEA) and Anchor- age Muni ci pa 1 Light and Power Department (AMLPD) have been ab 1 e to maintain relatively low electric rates to their customers by the use of natural gas from the Cook inlet region. ~s repQrted to the DOE in June of 1980, CEA paid an average of $0.32/Million Btu (MMBtu) for gas, with its cheape~t contract supplying its largest plant with gas at $0.24/MMBtu. Compared to the U.S. average price of over $2.00/MMBtu, this situation represents an obvious incentive for the continued use of natural gas for electric genera- tion by CEA. AMLPD reports that its cost for gas is approximately $1.00/MMBtu, which is still below the national average utility price. The price differences exist because CEA holds certain long term contracts at favorab 1 e rates. In spite of the low gas prices currently enjoyed in Anchorage, it is assumed that the cost of natural gas will rise rapidly as soon as suitable export facilities now under consideration are developed. Thus, the "oppor- tunity11 cost of $2.00/MMBtu discussed earlier is considered appropriate for future system comparisons and relevent to the discussion on the FUA pre!'."cnted here. It can also be argued that the Cook Inlet reserves are sufficiently large and the cost of delivery to potential markets in the Lower 48 is 1ow enough to make export to these states feasible. Assuming that new gas-fired generation would be either a gas turbine or gas-fired boiler located in the Anchorage area, there would be no parti,- cular capital or time planning constraints and the unit would be actively used to meet the anticipated load. Under these assumptions, the exemption categories 1 through 5 would not apply. Categories 6 and 7 require the existence of some state, local or environ- mental requirement which would preclude the development of the plant using an alternative fuel,. As no such constraint is foreseen, it is 1 ike ly that these categories would apply. To obtain an exemption under category 8~ it must be shown that alternative fue 1 s are inaccessible due to physi ca 1 1 i mi tati ons, and that transporta- tion, handling and storage, and waste disposal facilities are unavailable or other physi ca 1 1 imitations exist. It is not anticipated that generation facilities, including coal, are inaccessible and is therefore not likely that this category would apply. To qualify for exemption 9 for peak load power, a petitioner must certify ti~at the plant will be operated solely as a peak load plant. In addition, the EPA or appropriate state administrator must also certify that alternat- ive fuel use (other than natural gas) will contribute to concentration of a pollutant wh1eh would exceed a national air quality standard. However, due to the shift in concern regarding the use of gas as compared to oil, this reqairement appears to be liberally interpreted. If this certification could be obtained, any plant would still be limited in output to only 1500 hours of generation per year at design capacity. 6-13 Exemption 10 for intermediate load power plants is available only when petroleum ·is used as the primary energy source. This exemption category waul d therefore not apply" To obtain exemption 11, the petitioner must demonstrate an effort has been made to obtain an adequate and reliable supply of an alternate fuel and show that such a supply will not be available for 10 years of the useful plant life. The petitioner must also prove that the earliest possible online date for the alternative is not soon enough to prevent reserve capa- city margins becoming unacceptably low. It is not anticipated that exemp- tions would be granted under. this category. Exemption 12 requires that the alternative source is at least 30 percent more costly than similar plant operating on imported oil before an exemp- tion is granted. The actual cost of natural gas does not directly enter into the decision. Results of the studies outlined in this report indicate that there are coal-fired and hydro alternatives which can produce energy at prices well below that associated with imported oil. It is, therefore, . also unlikely that this exemption is applicable. {c) Conclusions The Anchorage utilities are subject to the prohibitions of the FUA for the development of ne\'1 sources of power generation. Existing facilities may continue to use gas, but the use of gas in new facilities will apparently be restricted to peak load applications only. 6.7 -Other Options The more exotic types of electric utility generating stations, such as wind 2 biomass, solar, tidal and geothermal are being investigated for application to the Railbelt in the Battelle alternatives study. These could provide a portion of the Railbelt's generating needs in a conjunction with a thermal or thermal/ hydroelectric generation plan. It is recognized that these options could be incorporated into the generation plan, however a cursory review of the two of these resources which are most likely to be developed {geothermal and tidal) would indicate that their contribution would be ancillary to the principal alternatives described in the previous sections. (a) Geotherma 1 Of the numerous geothermal sites identified in the state, only a few are located in the South Central Region encompassing the Railbelt (14). Of these, all but one are low temperature sources (100-ZOO~F) and therefore feasible only for building or process heating. The high temperature Klawasi site, located east of Glennallen, has been recently investigated for electric power generation potential (14). Although a study has been made for the development of this site, it has not been funded. No potential consumer for the energy has been identified, mainly because it is remoteness from any existing or planned major transmission connection from the site vicinity to populated areas to the south or \'lest. As suggested by this study, this type of energy would possibly be feasible if the Alaska pipeline corridor becomes populated since the geothermal site is near the route of the line. 6-14 Based upon available data, a potential site capacity on the order of several hundred MW may exist, although only a 25 MW development is discussed. Unless a transmission loop paralleling Alaska Highway Routes 2 and 4 or 1 is constructed, the· likelihood of a geothermal development at this location economically supplying any of the Railbelt needs is remote. Geothermal sources have therefore not been considered further in this study. (b) Tidal Power The Cook Inlet area has long been recognized as having some of the highest tidal ranges )n the world, with mean tides ranges of more than 30 feet at Sunrise, on Turnagain Arm, 26 feet at Anchorage, and decreasing towards the lower reaches of Cook Inlet to 15 feet or so near Seldovia. Initial studies of Cook Inlet tidal power development {15) have concluded that generation from tide fluctuation is technically feasible and numerous conceptual schemes ranging in estimated capacity of 50 MW to 25,900 MW have been developed. Preliminary studies indicate that the tidal power would require some type of retiming of energy production to be useful in the Railbelt electrical system. The earliest estimate of on-line data for a tidal plant would be the mid 1990's. Studies are currently underway to develop more specific information on how much and \'lhich portion of the Railbelt energy needs this type of generation could supply and what the cost would be. This information is not available for consideration in this phase of the generation planning studies. 6-15 Abbreviations AMLPO CEA GVEA FMUS CVEA MEA HEA SES APAd TOTAL Table 6.1 -TOTAL GENERATING CAPACITY WITHIN THE RAILBELT SYSTEM Railbelt Utility Name Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Department Chugsch Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal Utility System Copper Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Homer Electric Association Seward Electric System Alaska Power Administration 6-16 Installed Capacitt {MW) WCC( ) !£Co( J oOt( ) ELt .. wo. ( ) ACRES 1980-1978 -1979 1979 -1980 184.0 420o0 211.0 67 .o 18.0 0.9 2.6 5.5 909.0 130.5 411 .. 0 218.6 65.5 0.6 9;,2 5.5 30.0 870 .. 9 148.0 402.2 230.0 68.2 13.0 3.0 1.7 5.5 30.0 901.6 108.9 410.9 211.0 67.4 0.9 3.5 5.5 30.0 838.0 215.4 411.0 211.0 67 .1;. .., 0.9 2.6 5.5 30.0 943.6 Table 6.2 -GENERATING UNITS WITHIN THE RAILBELT -1980 Railbelt S£a£10n On1£ On1t Installation Heat Rate Installed M1n1mum Maximum Fuel Retirement Utility Name R Type Year (BTU/kWH) Capacity Capacity Capacity Type Year (MW) (MW) (MW) Anchorage AMLPD 1 GT 1962 15,000 14 2 15 NG 1992 Municipal AMLPD 2 GT 1964 15,000 14 2 15 NG 1994 Light & Power AMLPD 3 GT 1968 14,000 15 2 20 NG 1998 Department AMLPD 4 GT 1972 12,000 28.5 2 35 NG 2002 (AMLPD) G.M. Sullivan 5,6,7 cc 1979 8,500 140.9 NA NA NG 2009 Chugach Beluga 1 GT 1969 13,742 15.1 NA NA NG 1998 Electric Beluga 2 GT 1968 13,742 15.1 NA NA NG 1998 Association Beluga 3 GT 1973 13,742 53.5 NA NA NG 2003 (CEA) Beluga 4 GT 1976 13,742 9.3 NA NA NG 2006 Beluga 5 GT 1975 13,742 53.5 NA NA NG 2005 Beluga 6 GT 1976 13,742 67.8 NA NA NG 2006 Beluga 7 GT 1978 13,742 67.8 NA NA NG 2008 Bernice Lake 1 GT 1963 23,440 8.2 NA NA NG 1993 2 GT 1972 23,440 19.6 NA NA NG 2002 3 GT 1978 23,440 24.0 NA NA NG 2008 0"\ International 39,9731 I Station 1 GT 1965 14.5 NA NA NG 1995 .... 2 GT 1975 14.5 NA NA NG 1995 .._, 39,9731 3 GT 1971 39,973 18.6 NA NA NG 2001 Knik Arm 1 GT 1952 28,264 14.5 NA NA NG 1985 Copper Lake 1 HY 1961 15.0 NA NA 2011 Golden Valley Healy 1 ST 1967 11,808 25.0 7 27 Coal 2002 Electric 2 IC 1967 14,000 2.7 2 3 Oil 1997 Association North Pole 2 GT 1976 13,500 64.0 5 64 Oil 1996 (GVEA) 2 GT 1977 13,000 64.0 25 64 Oil 1997 Zehander 1 GT 1971 14,500 17.65 10 20 Oil 1991 2 GT 1972 14,500 17.65 10 20 Oil 1992 3 GT 1975 14,900 2.5 1 3 Oil 1995 4 GT 1975 14,900 2.5 1 3 Oil 1995 5 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 3 Oil 2000 6 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 3 Oil 2000 7 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 3 Oil 2000 8 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 3 Oil 2000 9 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 3 Oil 2000 10 IC 1970 14,000 2.5 1 y Oil 2000 Table 6.2 (Continued) RaJ.lbelt Station On1t Ontf lnstallat 10n Heat Rate Installed Mtn1mum Max1mum Fuel Ref1rement Utility Name # Type Year (BTU/kWH) Capacity (MW) Capacity (MW) Capacity (MW) Type Year Fairbanks Chen a 1 ST 1954 14,000 5.0 2 5 Coal 1989 Municipal 2 ST 1952 14,000 2.5 1 2 Coal 1987 Utiltiy 3 ST 1952 14,000 1. 5 1 1. 5 Coal 1987 System (FMUS) 4 GT 1963 16,500 7.0 2 7 Oil 1993 5 ST 1970 14,500 20.0 5 20 Coal 2005 6 GT 1976 12,490 23.1 10 29 Oil 2006 FMUS 1 IC 1967 11,000 2.7 1 3 Oil 1997 2 IC 1968 11,000 2.7 1 3 Oil 1998 3 IC 1968 11 '000 2.7 1 3 Oil 1998 Homer Elec. Homer= Association Kenai 1 IC 1979 15,000 0.9 NA NA Oil 2009 (HEA) Pt. Graham 1 IC 1971 15,000 0.2 NA NA Oil 2001 Seldovia 1 IC 1952 15,000 0.3 NA NA Oil 1982 2 IC 1964 15,000 0.6 NA NA Oil 1994 3 IC 1970 15,000 0.6 NA NA Oil 2000 0> I Matanuska Talkeetna IC 1967 15,000 0.9 NA NA Oil 1997 ...... 00 Elec. Assoc. (MEA) Seward SES IC 1965 15,000 1. 5 NA NA Oil 1995 Electric System (SES) 2 IC 1965 15,000 1.5 NA NA Oil 1995 Alaska Eklutna HY 1955 30.0 NA NA 2005 Power Administration (APAd) TOTAL 943.6 Notes: GT = Gas turbine CC = Combined cycle HY = Conventional hydro IC = Internal Combustion ST = Steam turbine NG = Natural gas NA = Not available ( 1 ) This value judged to be unrealistic for large range planning and therefore is adjusted to 15,000 for generation planning studies. Table 6.3-OPERATING AND·ECONOMIC PARAMETERS FOR SELECTED HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS Max. Average Gross Installed Annual Plant Capit'l Head Capacity En err Factor Cos~ No. Site. River Ft. (MW) (Gwh (%) ($10 ) 1 Snow Snow 690 50 220 50 255 2 Bruskasna Nenana 235 30 140 53 238 3 Keetna Talkeetna 330 100 395 45 463 4 Cache Talkeetna 310 50 220 51 564 5 Browne Nenana 195 100 410 47 625 6 Talkeetna-2 Talkeetna 350 50 215 50 500 7 Hicks Matanuska 275 60 245 46 529 8 Dlakachamna Chakachatna 945 500 1925 44 1480 9 Allison Allison Creek 1270 8 33 47 54 10 Strandline Lake Beluga 810 20 85 49 126 NOTES: (1) Including engineering and owner's administrative costs but excluding AFDC. (2) Including AFDC, Insurance, Amortization, and Operation and Maintenance Costs. 6-19 Economic2 Cost af Energy ($/1000 Kwh) 45 113 73 100 5!1 90 8~ 30 12!\ 115 Table 6.4-RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF ALTERNATIVE GENERATION SCENARIOS Installed Capac1Ey (MW) by Iota! System lofal System Category in 2010 Installed Present Worth Generation Scenario 0GP5 Run ~Fiermai ~aro Capacity in Cost - lype bescr1p£1on Load Fa recast Id. No. cal Gas 011 2010 (MW) ($106) All Thermal No Renewals Very Low 1 LBT7 500 426 90 144 1160 4930 No Renewals Low L7E1 700 300 40 144 13B5 5920 With Renewals Low L2C7 600 657 30 144 1431 5910 No Renewals Medium LME1 900 B01 50 144 1B95 B130 With Renewals Medium LME3 900 B07 40 144 1B91 B110 No Renewals High L7F7 2000 1176 50 144 3370 13520 With Renewals High L2E9 2000 576 130 144 3306 13630 No Renewals Probabilistic LOF3 1100 1176 100 144 3120 B320 Thermal Plus No Renewals Plus: tied ilHTl L7W1 600 576 70 744 1990 70BO Alternative Chakachamna (500)2-1993 Hydro Keetna (100)-1997 No Renewals Plus: Medium LFL7 700 501 10 B94 2005 7040 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1997 Snow (50)-2002 0"1 No Renewals Plus: Medium LWP7 500 576 60 B22 195B 7064 I N Chakachamna (500)-1993 0 Keetna (100)-1996 Strandline (20), Allison Creek (8), Snow (50)-199B No Renewals Plus: Medium LXF1 700 426 30 B22 197B 7041 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Strandline (20), Allison Creek (B), Snow (50) -2002 No Renewals Plus: Mediun L403 500 576 30 922 2028 7088 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Snow (50), Cache (50), Allison Creek (B), Talkeetna-2 (50), Strandline (20)-2002 Notes: (1) Incorporating load management and conservation (2) Installed capacity Table 6.5 -SUMMARY OF THERMAL GENERATING RESOURCE PLANT PARAMETERS PLANT TYPE coAL-FIRED STEAM COMBINED GAs Parameter CYCLE TURBINE DIESEL 500 MW 250 MW 100 MW 250 MW 75 MW 10 MW Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 10,500 10,500 10,500 8,500 12,000 11,500 O&M Costs Fixed O&M ($/yr/kW) 0.50 1.05 1.30 2.75 2.75 0.50 Variable O&M ($/MWH) 1.40 1.80 2.20 0.30 0.30 5.00 Outages Planned Outages (%) 11 11 11 14 11 1 Forced Outages (%) 5 5 5 6 3.8 5 Construction Period (yrs) 6 6 5 3 2 0'1 Start-up Time (yrs) 6 6 6 4 4 I N .... Total Ca~ital Cost ($ mll 1on) Railbelt: 175 26 7.7 Beluga: 1,130 630 290 Unit Ca~ital Cost ($/kW) 1 Railbelt: 728 250 778 Belu a: 2473 2744 3102 Notes: (1) Including AFDC at 0 percent escalation and 3 percent interest. Table 6.4-RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF ALTERNATIVE GENERATION SCENARIOS Installed Capac1Ey (MW) by Iota! System Iota! System Cat egor:t in 2010 Installed Present Worth Generation Scenario OGPS Run ~liermai Hyaro Capacity in Cost - iype Oeser 1pt 1on Load Forecast Id. No. cal Gas 011 2010 (MW) ($106) All Thermal No Renewals Very Low 1 LBT7 500 426 90 144 1160 4930 No Renewals Low L7E1 700 300 40 144 1385 5920 With Renewals Low LZC7 600 657 30 144 1431 5910 No Renewals Medium LME1 900 801 50 144 1895 8130 With Renewals Medium LME3 900 807 40 144 1891 8110 No Renewals High L7F7 2000 1176 50 144 3370 13520 With Renewals High LZE9 2000 576 130 144 3306 13630 No Renewals Probabilistic LOF3 1100 1176 100 144 3120 8320 Thermal Plus No Renewals Plus: Medium L7W1 600 576 70 744 1990 7080 Alternative Chakachamna (500)2-1993 Hydro Keetna (100)-1997 No Renewals Plus: Medium LFL7 700 501 10 894 zoos 7040 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1997 Snow (50)-2002 "' No Renewals Plus: Medium LWP7 500 576 60 822 1958 7064 I N Chakachamna (500)-1993 0 Keetna (100)-1996 Strandline (20), Allison Creek (8), Snow (50)-1998 No Renewals Plus: Medium LXF1 700 426 30 822 1978 7041 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Strandline (20), Allison Creek ( 8), Snow (50)-2002 No Renewals Plus: Medium L403 500 576 30 922 2028 7088 Chakachamna (500)-1993 Keetna (100)-1996 Snow (SO), Cache (SO), Allison Creek (8), Talkeetna-2 (SO), Strandline (20)-2002 Notes: (1) Incorporating load management and conservation (Z} Installed capacity Table 6.5 -SUMMARY OF THERMAL GENERATING RESOURCE PLANT PARAMETERS PLANT TYPE ~OAC-FIR~B SI~AM CDMBIN~D GAS Parameter CYCLE TURBINE DIESEL 500 MW 250 MW 100 MW 250 MW 75 MW 10 MW Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 10,500 10,500 10,500 8,500 12,000 11,500 O&M Costs Fixed O&M ($/yr/kW) 0.50 1.05 1.30 2.75 2.75 0.50 Variable O&M ($/MWH) 1.40 1.80 2.20 0.30 0.30 5.00 Outages Planned Outages (%) 11 11 11 14 11 1 Forced Outages (%) 5 5 5 6 3.8 5 Construction Period (yrs) 6 6 5 3 2 en Start-up Time (yrs) 6 6 6 4 4 I N ,_, Total carital Cost ($ m1l 1on) Railbelt: 175 26 7.7 Beluga: 1' 130 630 290 Unit Caeital Cost ($/kW) 1 Railbelt: 728 250 778 Belu a: 2473 2744 3102 Notes: (1) Including AFDC at 0 percent escalation and 3 percent interest. Table 6.6 -ALASKAN FUEL RESERVES ea 1ng Approximate Value Reserve Field Reserve Btu/lb Coal (million tons) Buluga 2400 7200 -8900 Nenana 2000 7500 -9400 Kenai 300 6500 -8500 Matanuska 100 10300 -14000 Gas (billion cubic feet) North Slope 29000 plus Cook Inlet 4200 plus Oil (billion cubic feet) North Slope 8400 plus Cook Inlet 200 Table 6.7 -FUEL COSTS ANO ESCALATION RATES SELECTED FOR GENERATION PLANNING STUDIES ue ype Parameter Natural Gas Coal 011 Economic Cost -$/Million BTU 2.00 1.15 4.00 Annual Escalation Rate -% Per1od: 1980 -2005 3.98 2.93 3.58 2006 -2010 0 0 0 6-22 LOCATION MAP LEGEND \I PROPOSED DAM SITES --_,-PROPOSED 1:36 Kl/ Ll NE -um• EXISTING LINES LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1m t N ~ SITE SELECTION PREVIOUS STUDIES ENGENEERING LAYOUTS AND COST STUDIES PLAN CRITERIA DATA ON OIFFE~NT THERMAL GENERATING SOURCES COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUAi"E -POWER AND ENERGY YIELDS -SYSTEM WIDE ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVE ECONOMICS CRITERIA ECONOMICS 4 ITERATIONS SNOW { S} -CH, K CH, K,S a THERMAL BRUSKASNA (B) -CH, K 1 S LEGEND KEETNA ( K) -CH 1 K.S,SL,AC CACHE ( CA) -CH, K,S,SL,AC I\ BROWNE ( BR) -CH, K, S ,SL,AC 1 CA, T-2 -u4\ STE':P NUMBER TALKEETNA-2 (T-2) fN STANDARD HICKS ( H) PROCESS CHAKACHAMNA ( C H ) {APPENDIX A) ALLiSON CREEK ( AC) STRANDLINE LAKE ( SL) FORMULATION OF PLANS INCORPORATING NON-SUSITNA HYDRO GENERATION . IIIII FIGURE 6~2 .[8 I :!>f.~ EQl.iAI..S A?PROXIMA.i!::lY 40 MILES & G 0 o-25 MW 25·100 MW :> 100~ •• STRANDLINE L. 13 • WHISKERS 26. SNOW 39. LANE , 2. LOWER BELUGA 14, COAL 27. KENAI LOWER 40. TOKICHITNA 3. LOWER LAKE CR. 15. CHULITNA 28. GERSTLE 4L, YENTNA 4. ALLISON CR, !6. OHIO 29 .. TANANA R. 42. CATHE~AL .BLUFFS 5. CRESCENT LAKE 2 17. LOWER CHULITNA w. BRUSKASNA 43.. JOHNSON s. GRANT LAKE 18. CACHE 31 .. KANTISHNA R. 44 .• aRO\'me J 7, McCLURE BAY 19. GREENSTONE 32. UPPER BEW.GA 45. JUNCTlON IS. a. UPPER NELLIE . JUAN 20. TALKEETNA 2 33. COFFEE 4G. 'JAct'.oN lS 9. POWER CREEK 21. GRANITE GORGE ~. GULKANA R. 47. TAZILNA 10. SILVER LAKE 22. KEETNA 35. KLUTINA 48. KENAl LAKE n. SOL(}MON GULCH 23. SHEEP CREEK 36. BRADLEY LAKE 49. CHAKACHAM~iA 12. TUSTUMENA 24. SKWENTNA 37. HICK'S SITE 25, TALAC~lUUTNA 38, LOWE FM;ORE &31•1 SELECTED ALTERNATIVE HYDROELECTRIC SITES ;=' ~2 0 0 I >- }- (.) ~I <3: (.) 10 8 .:I: ~6 0 0 0 I >- (.!) ~4 z w 2 715 1980 PEAK LOAD LEGEND 1990 D HYDROELECTRIC t~fi~j~)i~!j!~J COAL FIRED THERMAL E:Zl GAS FIRED THERMAL 2000 OIL FIRED THERMAL( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM NOTE : RESULTS OBTAINED FROM · OGPS RUN LFL 7 TOTAL DISPATCHED ENERGY CHAKACHAMNA EXISTING AND COMMITTED 198.0 1990 2000· TIME 1954 2010 2010 . GENERATION SCENARIO INCORPORATING THERMAL ! .. Bill .. I AND ALTERNATIVE HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMEf"TS -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST~ FIGURE 6.4 6-26 l ) PREVIO~S . STUDIES '-~ UNIT TYPE SELECTION COAL : 100 MW 250 MW 500 MW COMBINED CYCLE: 250 MW GAS TURBINE : 75 MW DIESEL : 10 MW PLAN FORMULATION OBJECTIVE ECONOMIC COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUATE SYSTEM WIDE ECONOMICS EVALUATION OBJECTIVE GAS RENEWALS NO GAS RENEWALS ECONOMIC NO GAS RENEWALS LEGEND FO.RMULATlON OF PLANS INCORPORATING ALL-THERMAL GENERATION STEP NUMBER IN STANDARD PROCESS (APPENDIX A) FIGURE 6.51 BIR I >-1- (.) ~· <t (.) 10 8 :t: 3=6 (!) 0 0 0 >-(!) 715 1980 1990 LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC M~%~i~i~~~lJ COAL FIRED THERMAL I2:ZJ GAS FIRED THERMAL 2000 OIL FIRED THERMAL ( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM) NOTE : RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN LMEI 1895 2010 ffi 4 TOTAL DISPATCHED z ENERGY w 2 EXISTING AND COMMITTED 0------------------------------------------------------------------~ 1980 1990 2000 2010 TIME ALL THERMAL GENERATION SC.ENARIO [i] -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST-··~~~ FIGURE 6.6 ftl [I 6-28 LIST OF REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) (4) {5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Woodward-Clyde Consultants~ Forecasting Peak Electrical Demand for Alaska's Railbelt, September, 1980. IECO, Transmission Report for the Railbelt, 1978. U.S. Department of Energy, Inventory of Power Plants in the u.s., April, 1979. . Electrical World, Directory of Public Utilities, 1979-1980, 87th Edition .. Williams Brothers Engineering Company, Repo"rt on Fairbanks Municipal Utility .System and Golden Valley Electric Association, 1978. Alaska Power Authority, Plan of Study fot Project Feasibility and FERC License Application, Volume I, 1979. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Hydropower Study, July, 1979. Alaska Power Administration, Hydroelectric Alternatives for the Alaska Railbelt, February, 1980. Electric Power Research Institute, Coal-Fired Power Plant Capital Cost Estimates-EPRI AF-342 (SOA 77-402), Final Report~ December, 1977. {10) Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Alaskan Electric Power -An Analysis of Future Requirements and Supply Alternatives for the Railbelt Region, March, 1978. (11) The Bureau of National Affairs {BNA), BNA Policy and Practice Series: ~ir Pollution Control, Section 101; Ambient Air Quality Standards, Section 111; State Policies, Section 121, New Source Performance Standards, 1980. {12) U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Conservation and Solar Energy, Federal Energy Management and Planning Programs; Methodology and Proceduf-~S for Life Cycle Cost Analyses -Average Fuel Costs, Federal Register, December, 1980. {13) Electric Power Research Institute, Combined C cle Power Plant Capital Cost Estimates -EPRI AF-610 (SOA 77-402 , Final Report, December, 1977. (14) Markle, D., Geothermal Energy in Alaska~ Geo-Heat Utilization Center, Apri 1, 1979.- (15) Acres American Incorporated, Preliminary Assessment of Cook Inlet Tidal Power -Phase 1, Prepared for the State of Alaska, September, 1981. (I 6-29 I I 7 -SUSITNA BASIN 7.1 -Introduction The purpose of this section is to describe climatological, physical and environ- mental characteristics of the Susitna River Basin and to briefly acquaint the reader with some of the ongoing studies being undertaken to augment previously recorded data. It deals with general descriptions of the climatology, hydrology and geology, and seismic· considerations and outlines the environmental aspects .. The information presented has been obtained both from previous studies and the fi£Hd progra'Tis and office studies initiated during 1980 under Tasks 3, 4, 5 and 7. 7.2 -Climatology and Hydrology The climate of the Susitna Basin upstream from Talkeetna is generally charac .... terized by cold, dry winters and warm, moderately moist summers. The upper basin is dominated by continental climatic conditions while the lower basin falls within a zone of transition between maritime and continental climatic influences~ (a) Climatic Data Records Data on precipitation, temperature and other climatic parameters have been co 11 ected by NOAA at several stations in the south central region of Alaska since 1941. Prior to the current studies, there were no stations located within the Susitna basin upstream from Talkeetna. The closest stations where long-term climate data is available are at Talkeetna to the south and Summit to the north. A summary of the precipitation and tempera- ture data available in the vicinity of the basin is presented in Table 7.1. Six automatic climate stations were established in the upper basin during 1980 (see Figure 7.1). The data currently being collected at these stations includes air temperature, average wind speed, wind direction, peak wind gust, relative humidity, precipitation, and solar radiation. Snowfall amounts are being measured in a heated precipitation bucket at t_he Watana station. Data are recorded at thirty minute intervals at the Sus·itna Glacier station and at fifteen minute intervals at all other statiot~s. (b) Precipitation Precipitation in the basin varies from low to moderate amounts in the lower elevations to heavy in the mountains. Mean annual precipitation of over 80 inches is estimated to occur at elevations above 3000 feet in the Talkee.tna Mountains ~nd the Alaskan Range whereas at Talkeetna station, at elev~tion 345 feet, the average annual precipitation recorded is about 28 inches. The average precipitation reduces in a northerly direction as the conti- nental climate starts to predominate. At Summit station, at elevation 2397 feet, the average annual precipitation is only 18 inches. The seasonal distribution of precipitation is similar for all the stations in and · surrounding the basin. At Talkeetna, records show that 68 percent of the total precipitation occurs durjng the warmer months, May through October, 7-1 while only 32 percent is recorded in the winter months. Average recorded snowfall at Talkeetn~ is about 106 inches. Generally, snowfall is re- stricted to the monthl of October through April with some 82 percent snowf a 11 recorded i n t)'e period November to March. The U.S. Soi 1 Conservation ~e,"vice (SCS) operates a network of snow course stations in the basin and records of snow depths and water content are available .as far back as 1964. The stations within the Upper Susitna Basin are generally located at elevations below 3000 feet and indicate that annual snow accumulations are around 20 to 40 inches and that peak depths occur in late March. There are no historical data for the higher eleva- tions.. The basic network was expanded during 1980 with the addition of three new sno\'1 courses on the Susi tna g1 aci er (see Figure 7 .1). Art"'ange- ments have been made with SCS for continuing the collection of information from the expanded network during the study period. . (c) Temperature Typical temperatures observed from historical records at the Talkeetna and Summit stations are presented in Table 7 .2. It is expected that the temperatures at the dam sites will be somewhere between the values observed at these stations. (d) ·River Ice (e) The Susitna River usually starts to freeze up by late October. River ice conditions such as thickness and strength vary according to the river channel shape and slope, and more importantly, with river discharge. Periodic measurements of ice thickness at several locations in the river have been carried out during the winters of 1961 through 1972. The maximum thicknesses observed at selected locations on the river are given in Table 7.3. Ice breakup in the river commences by late April or early May and ice jams occasionally occur at river constrictions resulting in rises in water level of up to 20 feet. Detailed field data collection programs and studies are underway to iden- tify potential problem areas should the Susitna Project be undertaken, and to develop appropriate mitigation measures. The program includes compre- hensive aeri a 1 and ground reconnaissance and documentation of freeze-up and break-up processes. This data will be used to calibrate computer models which can be used to predict the ice cover regime under post project conditions. It will then be possible to evaluate the impacts of anticipated changes in ice conditions caused by the .project and any proposed mitig~tion measures. Water Resources . Streamflow data has been recorded by the USGS for a number of years at a total of 12 gaging stations on the Susitna River and its tributaries (see Figure 7.1). The length of these records varies from 30 years at Gold Creek to about five years at the Susitna station. There are no historical records of streamflow at any of the proposed dam sites. For current study 7-2 purposes, available streamflow records have been extended to cover the full 30 year period using a multisite correlation technique to fill the gaps in flow data at each of the stations. Flow sequences at the dam sites have subsequently been generated for the same 30 year period by extrapolation on the basis of dra.i nage basin areas. A gaging station was established at the Watana dam site in June 1980 and continuous river stage data is beirJ collected. It is proposed to develop a rating curve at the station with streamflow measurements taken during the 1980 and 1981 seasons. River flows will be calculated and used to check the extrapolated streamflow data at the Watana site. Seasonal variation of flows is extreme and ranges from very low values in winter (October to Apri 1) to high summer values (May to September). For the Susi tna River at Go 1 d Creek the average winter and summer flows are 2100 and 20,250 cfs respectively, i.e. a 1 to 10 ratio. The monthly average flows in the Susitna River at Gold Creek are gi\ven in Figjre 7.3". On average, approximately 88 percent of the streamflow recorded at Gold Creek station occurs during the summer months. At higher elevations in the basin the distribution of flows is concentrated even more in the summer months. For the Maclaren River near Paxson (El 4520 ft) the average winter and summer flows are 144 and 2100 cfs respectively, i~e. a 1 to 15 ratio. The monthly percent of annual discharge and mean monthly discharges for the Susitna River at the gaging stations are given in Table 7.4. The Susi tna River above the confluence with the Chu 1 i tna River contributes only approximately 20 percent of the mean annua~ flow measured near Cook Inlet (at Susitna station). Figure 7.2 shows how the mean annual flow of the Susitna increases towards the mouth of the river at Cook Inlet. (f) Floods The most common causes of flood peaks in the Susitna River Basin are snow- melt or a combination of snoltATlelt and rainfall over a large area. Annual maximum peak discharges generally occur between May and October with the majority, approximately 60 percent, occurring in June. Some of the annual maximum flood peaks have also occurred in August or later and are the result of heavy rains over large areas augmented by significant snowmelt from higher elevations and glacial runoff. A regional flood frequency analysis has been carried out using the recorded floods in the Susitna River and its principle tributaries, as well as the Copper, Matanuska and Tosina Rivers. These analyses have been conducted for two different time periods within the year. The first period selected is the open water period, i.e. after the ice breakup and before freezeup .. This period contains the largest floods which must be accommodated by the project. The second period represents that portion of time during which ice conditions occut in the river. These floods, although smaller, can be accompanied by ice jamming, and must be considered during the construction phase of the project in planning and design of coffer dams for river diversion. The results of these frequency analyses will be used for estimating floods in ungaged rivers and streams. They \'li 11 a 1 so be used to check the accuracy of the Gold Creek Station rating curve which is important in 7-3 determining spillway design floods for the proposed Susitna River projects. Multiple regression equations have been developed using physiographic parameters of the basin such as catchment area, stream length, mean annual precipitation, etc. to assess flood peaks at the dam sites and inter- mediate points of interest in the river. Table 7.5 lists mean annual, 100 and 10,000 year flood peaks as well as the 50 year flood peaks under water and under ice cover conditions. These latter flood peaks are included as they are representative of the flood conditions for which the construction diversion facilities must be designed. Estimates of the probable maximum floods in the Susitna Basin were made by COE in their 1975 study (PMF). A river basin computer simulation model (SSARR) was used for that purpose. A detailed review of the input data to the model has been undertaken and discussions held with COE engineers to improve understanding of the model parameters used. A series of computer runs with the model have been undertaken to study the effects of likely changes in the timing and magnitude of three important parameters, i.e. probable maximum precipitation, snow pack and temperature. These studies have indicated that the PMF is extremely sensitive to certain of these parameters and that additional refinement of the flood estimation technique is warranted. (g) River Sediment Periodic suspended sediment samples have been collected by the USGS at the four gaging stations upstream from Gold Creek (see Figure 7.1) for varying periods between 1952 and 1979. Except for three samples collected at Denali in 1958, no bed load sampling has been undertaken at any stations. Data coverage during high-flow, high sediment events is poor and conse- quently any estimate of total annual sediment yield has a high degree of uncertainty. The most comprehensive analysis of sediment load in the river to date is that undertaken by the COE in 1975. Table 7.6 gives the COE estimates of sediment transport at the gaging stations. 7.3 -Regional Geology The regional geology of the area in which the Susitna Basin is located has been extensively studied and documented (1, 2). The Upper Susitna Basin lies within what is geologically called the Talkeetna Mountains area. This area is geologically complex and has a history of at least three periods of major tectonic deformation. The oldest rocks (250 to 300 m.y.b.p.)* exposed in the region are volcanic flows and limestones which are overlain by sandstones and shales dated approximately 150 to 200 m.y.b.p. A tectonic event approximately 135 to 180 m.y.b.p. resulted in the instrusion of large diorite and granite plutons, which caused intense thermal metamorphism. This was followed by marine deposition of silts and clays. The argillites and phyllites which predominate at Devil Canyon were formed from the silts and clays during faulting and folding of the Talkeetna Mountains area in the Late Cretaceous *m.y.b.p.: million years before present 7-4 (\ period (65 to 100 m.y.b.p~). As a result of this faulting and uplift, the eastern portion of the area was elevated, and the oldest volcanics and sediments were thrust over the younger metamorphics and sediments. The major area of deformation during this period of activity was southeast of Devil Canyon and included the Watana area. The Talkeetna Thrust Fault. a well-known tectonic feature which has been identified in the literature (note wee report), trends northwest through this region. This fault was one of the major mechanisms of this overthrusting from southeast to northwest. The Devi1 Canyon area was probably deformed and subjected to tectonic stress during the san1e peri ad, but no major deformations are evident at the site {Figure 7.4). The diorite pluton that forms the bedrock of the Watana site was intruded into sediments and volcanics about 65 m.y.b.p. The andesite and basalt flows near the site may have been formed immediately after this plutonic intrusion, or after a period of er-osion and minor deposition. During the Tertiary period (20 to 40 m.y.b.p.} the area surrounding the sites was again uplifted by as much as 3,000 feet. Since then widespread erosion has removed much of ·the older sedimentary and volcanic rocks. During the last several million years at least two alpine glaciations have carved the Talkeetna Mountains into the ridges, peaks, and broad glacial plateaus seen today. Post-glacial uplift has induced downcutting of streams and rivers, resulting in the 500 to 700 feet deep V-shaped canyons that are evident today, particularly at the Vee and Devil Canyon dam sites. This erosion is believed to be still occurring and virtually all streams and rivers in the region are considered to be actively downcutting. This continuing erosion has removed much of the glacial debris at higher elevations but very little alluvial deposition has occurred. The resulting landscape consists of barren bedrock mountains, glacial till covered plains~ and exposed bedrock cliffs in canyons and along streams. The arctic climate has retarded development of topsoil. Further geologic mapping of the project area and geotechnical investigation of the proposed dam sites was i ni ti ated under the current study in 1980, and wi 11 continue through early 1982. 7.4-Seismic Aspects Relatively little detailed investigation of the seismology of the Susitna Basin area had been undertaken prior to the current studies. A comprehensive program of field work and investigation of seismicity was initiated in 1980. The.seismic studies referred to in the following sections were specifically aimed at developing design criteria for the Devil Canyon and Watana dam sites. However~ much of the discussion is pertinent to all dam sites in the Susitna Basin and is therefore included in this section. (a) Seismic Geology The Talkeetna Mountains region of south-central Alaska lies within the Talkeetna Terrain. This term is the designation given to the immediate region of south-central Alaska that includes the upper Susitna River basin (as shown on Figure 7.4). The region is bounded on the north by the Denali Fault, and on the west by the Alaska Peninsula features that make up the Central Alaska Range. South of the Talkeetna Mou,ntains, the Talkeetna Terrain is separated from the Chugach Mountains by the Castle Mountain 7-5 '· ··. Fault. The proposed Sus1tna Hydroelectric Project dam sites are located in the We$'~t::rn half of the Talkeetna Terrain. The eastern half of the region includes the relatively inactive, ancient zone of.sediments under the Copper River Basin and is bounded on the east by the Totschunda sectio11 of the Denali Fault and the volcanic Wrangell Mountains. Regional earthquake activity in the project area is closely related to the plate te<;tonics of Alaska. The Pacific Plate is underthrusting the North American Plate in this region. The major earthquakes of Alaska, including the Good Friday earthquake of 1964, have primarily occurred along the boundary between these plates. The historical seismicity in the vicinity of the dam sites is associated with crustal earthquakes within the North American Plate and the shallow and deep earthquakes generated within the Benjoff Zone, which underlies the project area. Historical data reveals that the major source of earthquakes in the site region is in the deep portion of the Benioff Zone, with depths ranging between 24 to 36 miles below the surface. Several moderate size earthquakes have been reported to have been generated at these depths. The crustal seismicity within the Talkeetna Terrain is very low based on historical records. Most of the recorded earthquakes in the area are reported to be related to the Denali-Toschunda Fault, the Castle Mountain Fault or the Benioff Zone. · {b) Field Investigations For project design purposes, it is important to identify the surface expressions of potent-ial seismic activity. Within the Talkeetna Terrain, numerous 1 ineaments and features were investigated as part of the 1980 seismic studies. Utilizing available air photos, satellite imagery and airborne remote sensing data, a catalog of reported and observable discon- tinuities and linear features (lineaments) was compiled. After elimination of those features that were judged to have been caused by glaciation, bedding, river processes, or-man's impact, the 216 remaining features were screened. The 48 significant features passing the screen were then classi- fied as either being features that could positively be identified as faults, or features which could possibly be faults but for which a definitive origin could not be identified. The following criteria were used in the screening process: -All lineaments or faults that have been subjected to recent displacement are retained for further study. -All lineaments located within 6 miles of project structures, or having a branch that is suspected of passing through a structure is retained for further study unless there is evidence that they have not experienced displacement in the last 100,000 years. -All features identified as faults which have experienced movement in the last 100,000 years are retained. ~ These guidelines were formulated after review of regulatory requirements of the WPRS, COE, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and several state regulations. 7-6 Of the 48 candidate features, only 13 features were judged to be signifi- cant for the design of the project. These 13 features include four fea- tures at the Watana site ( i ncl udi ng the Talkeetna Fault and the Susi tna feature) and nine features at the Devi 1 Canyon site. It is worth noting that no evidence of a surface expression was observed in the vicinity of the so-called Susitna feature during the 1980 studies. These thirteen features will be further investigated during 1981 to establish their potential impact on the project design. {c) Microseismic Monitoring To support the identification of potential faults in the project area, a short-term microseismic mon·itoring network was installed and operated for three months. The objective of this exercise was to collect microearth- quake data as a' basis for studying the types of faulting and stress orien- tation within the crust, the correlation of microearthquakes with surface faults and lineaments, and seismic wave propagation characteristics. A total of 265 earthquakes with sensitivity approaching magnitude zero were recorded. Of these events, 170 were recorded at shallow depths, the largest being magnitude 2.8 (Richter Scale). Ninety-eight events were related to the Benioff Zone, the 1 argest being magnitude 3. 7. None of the microearthquakes recorded at shallow depths were found to be related to any surface feature or 1 i neament within the Ta 1 keetn a Terrain, including the Talkeetna Fault. The depth of the Benioff Zone was? distinctly defined by this data as being 36 miles below the Devil Canyon site and 39 miles below the Watana site. (d) Reservoir Induced Sei smi ci tx The subject of Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) was studied for the pro- posed project area on a preliminary basis using worldwide RIS data and site specific information. The phenomenon of RIS has been observed at numerous large reservoirs where seismic tremors under or immediately adjacent to the reservoir have been corre 1 ated to periods of high fi 1 ii ng rate. In recent years, this subject has drawn considerable attention within the engineering and seismic community. It is thought that RIS may be caused by the in- creased weight of the water in the reservoir or by increased pore pressures migrating through and .11 1ubricating 11 joints in the rock and acting hydrauli- cally upon highly stressed rock. Studies indicate that for a reservoir system to trigger a significant earthquake, a pre-existing fault with recent displacement must be under or very neal~ to the reservoir. The presence of a fault with recent displacement has not been confirmed at either site. The analysis of previously reported cases indicated a high probability of RIS for the proposed Susitna reservior on the basis of its depth and volume, if faults with recent displacement exist nearby. Most RIS recorded events are believed to be due to an e.arly release of stored energy in a fault. Thus~ in serving as a mechanism for energy release, the resultant earthquakes are likely to be smaller than if full energy buildup had occurred. In no case studied has an RIS event exceeded the estimated maximum credible earthquake on a related fault. Therefore, RIS of itself 7-7 will not control the design earthquake determination and is considered only for purposes of estimating recurrence intervals of potential events. (e) Preliminary Ground Motion Evaluations On the basis of the geologic and seismic studies, three main sources of potential earthquakes have been identified at this time. These sources are the Denali Fault located roughly 40 miles north of the sites, Castle Mountain Fault less than 60 miles south of the sites and the Benioff Zone 30 to 36 miles below the su·rface. No evidence has yet been found to indicate that any of the features and lineaments identified to date could be regarded as surface expressions of faults that have experienced dis- placement during recent geologic times. Thus, for current study purposes~ no attempt is made to assign potential earthquake magnitudes to the 13 features identified ·as warranting further study. Further field studies will be conducted on these features during 1981 to ensure that eliminating them from consideration is justified. For preliminary project design puroses, very conservativ~ assumptions have been made for anticipated ground motions which would be caused by possible earthquakes occurring on the three faults. The Denali Fault has been assigned a preliminat~y conservative maximum credible earthquake value of magnitude 8. 5. This earthquake, when attenuated to the sites~ is postu .. lated to generate a mean peak acceleration of 0.21g at both the Watana and Devil Canyon sites. The Castle Mountain Fault has been assigned a preli- minary conservative value of magnitude 7.4, which would generate a mean peak acceleration in the 0 .. 05g to 0. 06g range at the sites. The Benioff Zone has been assigned an upper bound conservative value of ma~nitude 8. 5, which would generate a mean peak acceleration of 0. 41g at the 14atana site and 0.37g at the Devil Canyon site. ·The duration of potential strong motion earthquakes for both the Denali and Benioff Zones is conservatively estimated to be 45 seconds. It is evident that of these three potential sources, the Benioff Zone will govern the design. Further studies will be undertaken to finalize these maximum credible earthquake magnitudes and to further evaluate the features identified within the Talkeetna Terrain. There is every indication that further study will lead to a reduction in the design earthquake magnitudes for the three known faults. Due to their distant locations, none of these faults have any potential for causing ground rupture at the sites. Numerous large dams have been designed to accommodate ground motions from relatively large earthquakes located close to the dam. In California, darns are routinely designed to withstand ground motions from magnitude 7.5 to 8.5 earthquakes at distancesr,of 12 miles. Dams have also been designed to accommodate up to 20 feet of horizontal displacement and three feet of vertical displacement. All of these conditions are more severe than those anticipated at the Susitna sites. Oroville Dam in central California was designed to withstand severe seismic loadings and has been progressively analyzed as new data and methods become available.. Current evaluations indicate that the dam, which is comparable in size to Watana, could with- stand seismic loadings comparable to those postulated for the Watana and Devil Canyon sites. 7-8 7.5 -Environmental Aspects Numerous studies of the envi ronrnental characteristics of the Susi tna River Basin have been undertaken in the past. The current studies were initiated in early 1980 and are planned to continue indefinitely. These studies constitute the most comprehensive and detailed exm~ination of the Susitna Basin ever under- taken, and possibly of any comparable resource. In this section, descriptions of ambient biological and vegetation conditions are presented. These descriptions are based on reviews of the literature as well as the preliminary results of on-going studies. (a) Biological { i ) Fi sheri es The Susitna basin is inhabited by resident and anadromous fish. The anadromous group includes five species of Pacific salmon: sockeye (red); coho (silver); chinook (king); pink (humpback); and chum (dog) salmon. Dolly Varden are also present in the lower Susitna Basin with both resident and anadromous populations. Anadromous smelt are known to run up the Susi tna River as far as the Deshka River about 40 miles fr'om Cook In 1 et. Salmon are known to migrate up the Susitna River to spawn in tributary streams. Surveys to date indicate that salmon are unable to migrate through Devil Canyon into the Upper Susitna River Basin. To varying degrees spawning is also known to occur in freshwater sloughs and side channels. For a number of years in the past, distribution data has been collected for the lower Susitna River and tributaries. As part of the ongoing studies, additional resource and population information is being collected. Principal resident fish in the basin include grayling, rainbow trout, lake trout, whitefish, sucker, sculpin, burbot and Dolly Varden. Si nee the Susi tna is a gl aci a 1 fed str~am the waters are silt 1 aden during the summer months. This tends to restrict sport fishing to clearwater tributaries and to areas in the Susitna near the mouth of these tributaries. In the Upper Susitna Basin grayling populations occur at the mouths and in the upper sections of clear water tributaries. Between Devil Canyon and the Oshetna Rivers most tributaries are too steep to support significant fish populations. Many terrace and upland lakes in the area support lake trout and grayling populations. (i i) Big Game The project area is known to support spet.i es of caribou, moose, bear, wolves, wolverine and Da11 sheep. -Caribou: The Nelchina caribou herd which occupies a range ·of about 20,000 square miles in southcentral Alaska has been important to 7-9 hunters because of its size and proximity to population centers. The herd has been studied continuously since 1948. The population dec 1 ined from a high of about 71, 000 in 1962 to a low of between 6,500 and 8,100 animals in 1972. From October 1980 estimates, the Nelchina caribou herd contained approximately 18,500 animals composed of 49 percent cows, 30 percent bulls and 21 percent calves. During the late winter of 1980, the caribou were distributed in the Chistochina-Gakona River drainages, the western foothills of the Alphabet Hills and the Lake Louise Flat. There were two main migra- tion routes to the northern foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains ... The first route was across the Lake Louise Flat to the calving area via the lower Oshetna River, and the second was across the Susitna River in the area from Deadman Creek to the 11 big bend 11 of the Susitna. Calving occurred between the Oshetna River and Kosina Creek between the 3,000 to 4,500 feet elevations. The main surrmer- ing concentration of caribou occurred in the northern and eastern slopes of the Talkeetna ~1ountains between Tsisi Creek and Crooked Creek, primarily between 4,000 and 6,000 feet, Most caribou were located on the Lake louise Flat during the rut. During early winter the herd was sp·l it in two groups. One group was located in the Slide Mountain-little Nelchina River area and the other was spread from the Chistochina River west to the Gakona River through the Alphabet Hills to the Maclaren River. It appears that at least two small subherds with separate calving areas also existed, one in the upper Talkeetna River, and one in the upper Nenana-Susitna drainages. The proposed impoundments would inundate a very small portion of apparent low quality caribou habitat. Concern has been expressed that the impoundments and associated development might serve as barriers to caribou movement, increase mortality, decrease use of nearby areas and tend to isolate subherds. /-Moose: Moose are distributed throughout the Upper Susitna Basin. Population estimates for November 1980 in census areas 6, 7 and 14 (Fig. 7.5) were approximately 830 and 3,000 respectively. Winter distributions are shol'm on Figure 7 .5. Studies to date suggest that the areas to be inundated are utilized by moose primarily during the winter and spring. The loss of their habitat could reduce the moose population for the area. The areas do not appear to be important for calving or breeding purposes, how- ever they do provide a winter range that could be critical during severe winters. In addition to direct losses, displaced moose could create a lower capacity for the. animals in surrounding areas. -Bear: Black bear and brown bear populations in the vicinity of the proposed reservoirs appear to be healthy and productive. Brown bears are ubiquitous throughout the study area while black bears appear largely confined to a finger of forested habitat along the Susitna River. 7-10 The proposed impoundments are 1 ikely to have 1 i ttl e impact on the availability of adequate brown bear den sites, however the extent and utility of habitats utilized in the spring following emergence from the dens may be reduced. The number of brown bears in the 3,500 square mile study area is approximately 70. Black bear distribution appears to be largely confined to or near the for·ests found in the vicinity of the Susitna River and the major tributarieso Utilization of the forest habitat appears most preva 1 ent in the early spri ngo In the 1 ate summer b 1 ack bears tend to mo\re into the more open shrublands adjacent to the spruce forest due to the greater prevalence of berries in these areas. Most vf the known active dens in the Devil Canyon area will not be inundated although several known dens wi.ll be inundated by the Watana Resevoir. -Wolf: Five known and four to five suspected wolf packs have been identified in the Upper Susitna Basin (Fig. 7.6) (3). Territory sizes for the five studied wolf packs averaged 452 to 821 square miles. Known wolf territories are eventually non-overlapping during any particular year. A minimum of 40 wo 1 ves were known to inhabit the study area in the spring of 1980. By fall the packs had increased to an estimated 77 wolves. Impacts on wolves could occur indirectly due to reduction in prey density, particularly moose. Temporary increases could occur in the project area due to displacement of prey from the impoundment areas. Direct inundation of den and rendezvous sites may decrease wolf den- sities. Potential for increased hunting and trapping pressure could also act to increase wolf mortality. -Wolverine: Wolverines occur throughout the study area a 1 though they show a preference towards upland shrub habitats on southerly and westerly slopes. Potential impacts would relate to direct loss of habitat, construction disturbance and increased competition for prey. -Dall SheeQ: Da11 sheep are known to occupy all portions of the Upper Susitna River Basin which contains extensive areas of habitat above 4,000 feet elevation. Three such areas in the proximity of the project area include the Portage-Tsusena Creek drainages, the Watana Creek Hills and Mount Watana. Since Dall sheep are usually found at elevations above 3,000 feet, impacts will likely b~ ~estricted to potential indirect disturbance from construction activities and access. (iii) Furbearers Furbearers in the Upper Susitna Basin include red fox, coyote, lynx, mink, pine marten, river otter, short-tailed weasels least weasel, muskrat and beaver. Direct innundation, construction activities and access can be expected to generally have minimal imp·act on th~se species. 7-11 (iv} Birds and Non-Game Mammals One hundred and fifteen species of birds were recorded in the study area during the 1980 field season, the mn.:;t abundant being Scaup and Common Redpo 11.~ Ten a-ctive raptor/raven nests have been recorded and of these~ two Bald Eagle nests and at least four Golden Eagle nests would be flootied by the proposed reservoirs, as would about three currently inactive raptor/raven nest sites. Preliminary observations indicate a lo'll popul~iton of waterbirds on the lakes in the region; however, Trumpeter" Swans nested on a number of 1 akes between the Oshetna and Tyone Rivers~ Flooding would destroy a large percentage of the riparian cliff habitat and forest habitats upriver of Devil Canyon dam. Raptors and ravens using the cliffs could be expected to find alternate nesting sites in the surrounding mountains, and the forest inhabitants are relatively common breeders in forests in adjacent regions. Lesser amounts of lowland meadows and of fluviatile shorelines and alluvia, each important to a few species, will also be lost. None of the waterbodi es that appear to be important to waterfowl wi 11 be flooded, nor will the important prey species of the upland tundra areas be affected. Impacts of other types of habitat alteration will depend on the type of alter·ation. Potential impacts can be lessened through avoidance of sensitive areas. Thirteen smart mammal species were found during 1980, and the presence of three others was suspected. During the fall survey, red-backed voles and masked shrews were the most abundant species trapped; and these, plus the dusky shrew, appeared to be habitat generalists, occupying a wide range of vegetation types. Meadow voles and pygmy shrews were least abundant and the most restricted in their habitat use, the former occurring only in meadows and the latter in forests. (b) Vegetation The Upper Susitna River Basin is located in the Pacific Mountain physio- graphic division in southcentral Alaska (Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska 1973). The Susitna River drains parts of the Alaska Range on the north and parts of the Talkeetna Mountains on the south. Many areas along the east-west pm'tion of the river, between the confluences of Portage Creek and the Oshetna River, are steep and covered with conifer, deciduous and mixed conifer, and deciduous forests. Flat benches occur at the tops of .these banks and usually contain low shrub or woodland conifer communities. Low mountains rise from these benches and contain sedge-grass tundra and mat and cushion tundra. The southeastern portion of the study area between the ~usitna River and Lake Louise is characterized by extensive flat areas covered with low shrubland and woodland conifer communities. These are often intermixed and difficult to distinguish in the field or on aerial photographs becatJse of i ntergr adati ons. The area between the Mac 1 aren River and the Denali Highwa~.t along the Susitna River is covered with woodland and open spruce stands~ Farther east, the area has more low shl~ubland cover. The 7-12 ' Clear Mountains north of the Denali Highway have extensive tundra vegetation. The floodplain of the Susitna-River north of the Denali Highway has woodland spruce and willow stands. The Alaska Range contains most of the permanent snowfields and glaciers in the study area. If proposed maximum pool elevations are required~ the Devil Canyon (mapped at the 1500 ft elevation) and \~atana {mapped at the 2200 ft elevation) reservoirs will inundate approximately 3603 and 15,885 ha of area respectively; 2753 and 13,669 ha, respectively, are vegetated (Table 7 .. 7). A total of 18,109haof vegetation will b~ lo!jt if al1 borrow areas (outside the impoundment areas) are a1so totally utilized. Borrow sites may eventually be revegetated, however. The 1&~109 h a of impacted vegetation represents roughly 1.2 percent cf the total vegetated area in the Upper Susitna River Basin. Assuming maxi mum imp act i fl the impoundment and borrow areas, the vegetation/habitat types which wi 11 he 1 ost (and the apparent percent each is of the total available in the entire basin) ate presented in Table 7. 7. Pr:oblems created by comparing maps of two different scales resulted in apparent percentages of overlap which are highly inflated for the comparison of birch forests in the impact areas with that of their availability of the overa11 basin. However:i it r.an safely be said that birch forests will be substantially impacted by the project, relatively more so than any other vegetation/habitat type. The only other types which would recieve relatively substantial impact are open and closed conifer-deciduous forests and open and closed balsam poplar stands. The access road or rai 1 road wi 11 destroy an addition a 1 150 to 300 h a of vegetation, depending of the route selected, and assuming access is from one direction only and a 30m wide roadbed is utilized. Three-hundred hectares is roughly equal to 0.02 percent of the vegetation in the entire basin. The primary vegetation t.ypes to be affected are mat and cushion tundra, sedge-gras~ tundra~ birch shrubland and woodland spruce. Preliminary observations indicate that the impoundments and alternative routes are well below the elevation where potential threatened or endangered species might occur. c) Cultural Resource~ The archeological study presently being conducted as part of the Susitna Hydroelectric program is th.e only intensive archeological survey to have been conducted in the Upper Susitna Basin. The archeological data gathered from thi .s study wi 11 greatly add information and understanding of prehistoric native populations in central Alaska. 7-13 The 1980 at"cheo1ogical reconnaissance, in the Susitna Hydroelectric Project area, located and documented 40 prehistoric sites and one historic site. It is expected that continued reconnaissance surveys in 1981 wi 11 1 ocate additional sites. Sites are also documented adjacent to the study area near Stephan Lake, Fog Lakes, Lakes Susitna, Tyone and Louise, and along the Tyone River. Determinations of significance of sites will be based on the intensive testing data collected during the summer of 1981 and national register criteria which determine eligibility for the nationai register of historic p 1 aces. Geological studies generated data that were used in selecting archeological survey locals. Data concerning surficial geological deposits and glacial events of the last glaciation were compiled and provided limiting dates for the earliest possible human occupation of the Upper Susitna Valley. This is the first time this type of study has been done in this area. Paleontological studies were conducted that identified the Watana Creek area as a tertiary basin with a fossil bearing deposit. A tertiary basin is unique in the region thereby making this basin a significant site for obtaining data on regional tertiary flora and fauna.. · Impacts on cultural resources will vary in relation to the type of activities that occur on or near them. Within the Devil Canyon, Watana Dam study area it is expected that with the development of this scheme approximately half of the cultural resource sites wouid receive direct impact and the other half indirect impacts. The Watana Creek tertiary basin would also be inundated. Si nee few reconnaissance surveys have been conducted outside the Devi 1 Canyon/Watana Dam study area, the precise number of sites that would be impacted by a High Devi 1 Canyon/Vee Scheme cannot be listed at this time. However, preliminary data analyses indicate a clear number of archeological sites toward the east end of the study area. In addition, there is a high potentia 1 for many more sites a 1 ong the 1 akes, streams and rivers in this easterly region of the Upper Susitna River B~sin. Additional sites could be expected near caribou crossings of the Oshetna River. In summary, a preliminary assessment of available information suggests that there perhaps could be a greater number of archeological sites associated with High Devil Canyon/Vee Scheme than the Watana/Devil Canyon Scheme~ (d) Socioeconomics As part of the Susitna Hydroelectric program a socioeconomic program has been implemented to identify the socioeconomic factors that will be affected and to determ.:tne the extent to which they wi11 be impacted. The results of this study will also provide input into the selection of the type and location of certain project facilities. {i) Population The Southcentral Railbelt area of Alaska contains the State's two largest population centers, Anchorage and Fairbanks. Preliminary 1980 census figures indicate the Railbelt contained 280,511 people, 71 7-14 percent of the state population of 400,331. The state population has increased approximately 30 percent since 1970. The Mat-Su borrow area had a 1980 population of 17,938 and Valdez-Cordova-8,546. Housing in the Mat-Su Burrow is primarily single family year round units. Vacancy rates for Mat-Su Borough, Fairbanks, and Anchorage were 5.5% (289 units) 9.1% (1,072 units) and 10.2% (5,729 units) respectively. In addition to year round units, Mat-Su Borough has 1,141 recreational units. (ii) Economics Both Anchorage and Fairbanks are regional economic centers for the Southcentral Railbelt area. Government, trade, and services comprise the major ·portion of the area's total employment. Construction and transportation are also important. Making relatively less significant contributions are the financing, mining, and manufacturing industries, while agriculture, forestry, and fisheries contribute even less. After government, the two groups having the largest employment are trade and services. Their importance as sources of employment for the Railbelt area residents is a further manifestation of the region's two relatively concentrated population centers and of the high degree of economic diversity, as well as levels of demand for goods and services, which are substantially higher than in most other parts of Alaska. The importance of construction is largely due to the high level of expansion experienced by the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas since 1968. This growth was partly attributable to the trans-Alaska pipeline project. Consideration of additional natural resource exploitation projects is continuing to encourage increased construction activities. High levels of employment in the region's transportation industry reflect the positions of Anchorage and Fairbanks as major transporta- tion centers, not only for the Southcentral Railbelt area but for the rest of the State as well. The Port of Anchorage handles most of the waterborne freight moving into southcentral and northern Alaska. Internati ona·l airports at Anchorage and Fairbanks serve as hubs for commercial air traffic throughout Alaska and are important stopovers for major international air carriers. Anchorage also serves as the transfer point for goods brought in the area by air and water, which are then distributed by air transport, truck or by Alaska Railroad to more remote areas. Valdez is the states largest port handling an annual tonnage of 60 million tons. Ninety-seven percent of this involves the shipment of crude petroleum from the pipeline. The ports of Anchorage and Valdez handle 2.2 million tons and 0.4 million tons respectively. Although exerting relatively little direct impact on total employment, mining, finance, insurance, and real estate play important roles in terms of the secondary employment they generate in the region. 7-15 "' ,, ,,, Most agricultural activities in the Southcentral Railbelt area take place in the Matanuska, Susitna, and Tanana Valleys. The potential for agricultural in these areas of Alaska is considered favorable, although development of the industry has not been extensive. Commercial fisheries activity is the oldest cash-based industry of major importance within the region. The industry has changed substantially during the past 20 years and continues to be modified as a result of both biologic and economic stimuli. The salmon industry has always been a major component of the industry in terms of volume and value. Since 1955, the king crab, shrimp, and Tanner crab fisheries have undergone major development, and halibut landings have increased substantially in recent years. The total wholesale value of commercial fish and shell-fish for the domestic fishery of Alaska in 1979 was just over $1.2 billion including a catch of 459 million pounds of salmon with a wholesale value of just over $700 million. The tourist industry plans an increasingly important role in the economy of Alaska. In 1977 approximately 504,000 people visited Alaska spending a total of $374 million. (e) Transportation ( i ) ( i i ) Rail. The Alaska Railroad runs from Seward on the Gulf of Alaska, past Anchorage, up the Susitna Valley, past Mount McKinley National Park, and down to Fairbanks on the Tanana River, a distance of 483 miles. The Federally constructed and operated Alaska Railroad was built between 1914 and 1923. Annual traffic volume varies between 1.8 and 2.3 million tons. Coal and gravel account for 75% of this. The system is operating at only 20% of its capacity. Roads. Paved roads in the Railbelt area include: the 227-mile Sterling-Seward Highway between Homer and Anchorage, with a 27-mile side spur to Seward; the newly-constructed 358-mile Parks Highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks; a 205-mile section of the Alaska Highway that connects Tok Junction with Fairbanks; the 328-mile Glenn Highway connecting Anchorage with Tok Junction; and the 226-mile Richardson Highway from Valdez, on Prince William Sound, to its junction with the Alaska Highway at Delta Junction, 97 miles southeast of Fairbanks. The only road access through the upper Susitna basin is the 135-mile gravel Denali Highway between Paxson on the Richardson Highway and Cantwell on the Parks Highway, and the 20-mile gravel road from the Glenn Highway to Lake Louise. The Denali Highway is not open for use during the winter months. (iii) Air. In addition to major airlines within Alaska, there are numerous small commerical operators plus the highest per capita ratio of private aircraft in the nation. Many small remote landing strips are scattered throughout the Susitna basin, and float planes utilize many lakes and streams to ferry freight and passengers to the remote back-country areas. In many areas of the State, the only access is provided by the airplane. 7-16 (iv) Other Forms of Transportation. ATVs and other types of off-road vehicles provide transportation into area~ in the upper Susitna basin where there are no developed roads. Several developed trails are shown on maps of the upper basin. Trai 1 s are utili zed by ATVs, trai 1 bikes, hikers, horseback riders, and winter travelers. Shallow-draft river boats, small boats, canoes, rubber rafts, and kayaks utilize sections of the upper Susitna River, a few tributary streams, Lake Louise, and some of the other lakes for recreation purposes. Except for these few areas, boating use is practically nonexistent within much of the upper basin. (f) Land Use Existing land use in the Susitna Project area is characterized by broad expanses of open wilderness areas. Those areas where development has occurred often included small clusters of several cabins or other residences. There are also many single cabin settlements throughout the basin. Most ~f the existing stru:tures are related to historical development of the area involving initially, hunting, mining, and trapping and later . guiding activities associated with hunting and to a lesser extent fishing. Today there are a few lodges mostly used by hunters and other recrea- tionalists. Many lakes in the area also included small clusters of private year round or recreational cabins. There are apprximately 109 structures within 18 miles of the Susitna River between Gold Creek and the Tyone River. These included 4 lodges involving s.ome 21 structures. A significant concentration of residences, cabins or other structures are found near the Otter lake area, Portage Creek, High Lake, Gold Creek, Chunila Creek, Stephan Lake, Fog Lake, Tsusena Lake, Watana. Lake, Cl ar~nce Lake and Big Lake. Perhaps the most significant use activity for the past 40 years has been the study of the Susitna River for potential hydro development. Hunting, boating, and other forms of recreation are a 1 so important uses. There are numerous trails throughout the basin used by dog sled, sno~mobile and ATV's. Air use is significant for many lakes providing landing aret.s for planes on floats. There has been little land management activity for the area. However, Federal and State agencies, native corporations and the private sector have been involved heavily in the selection and transfer of land ownership under the Alaska Statehood and the Alaska Native Claims settlement Act. Most of the lands in the projec~ area and on the south side of the river have been selected by the native corporation. Lands to the north are generally federal and managed by BLM. 7-17 TABLE 7.1 -SUMMARY OF CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION IN INCHES STATION JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL Anchoraoe 0.84 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.59 1.07 2.07 2.32 2.37 1.43 1.02 1.07 Big Delta 0.36 0.27 0.33 0.31 0.94 2.20 2.49 1.92 1.23 0.56 0.41 0.42 11.44 Fairbanks 0.60 0.53 0.48 0.33 0.65 1.42 1.90 2.19 1.08 0.73 0.66 0.65 11.22 Gulkana 0.58 0.47 0.34 0.22 0.63 1. 34 1.84 1.58 1. 72 0.88 o. 75 0.76 11 • 11 Matanuska Agr. Exp. Station 0.79 0.63 0.52 0.62 0.75 1.61 2.40 2.62 2.31 1.39 0,93 0.93 15.49 McKinley Park 0.68 0,61 0.60 0.38 0.82 2.51 3.25 2.48 1.43 0.42 0.90 0.96 15.54 Summit WSO 0.89 1.19 0.86 0.72 0.60 2.18 2.97 3.09 2.56 1. 57 1. 29 1.11 19.03 Talkeetna 1.63 1. 79 1.54 1.12 1.46 2.17 3.48 4.89 4.52 2.54 1. 79 1.71 28.64 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES Anchoraqe 11.8 17.8 23.7 35.3 46.2 54.6 57.9 55.9 48.1 34.8 21.1 13.0 Big Delta -4.9 4.3 12.3 29.4 46.3 57.1 59.4 54.8 43.6 25.2 6.9 -4.2 27.5 Fairbanks -11.9 -2.5 9.5 28.9 47.3 59.0 60.7 55.4 44.4 25.2 2.8 -10.4 25.7 Gulkana -7.3 3.9 14.5 30.2 43.8 54.2 56.9 53.2 43.6 26.8 6.1 -5.1 26.8 Matanuska Agr. Exp. Station 9.9 17.8 23.6 36.2 46.8 54.8 57.8 55.3 47.6 33.8 20.3 12.5 34.7 McKinley Park -2.7 4.8 11.5 26.4 40.8 51.5 54.2 50.2 40.8 23.0 8.9 -0.1[ 25.8 Summit WSO -0.6 5.5 9,7 23.5 37.5 48.7 52.1 48.7 39.6 23.0 9,8 3.0 25.0 Talkeetna 9.4 15.3 20.0 32.6 44.7 55.0 57.9 54.6 46.1 32.1 17.5 9.0 32.8 Reference 4 TABLE 7.2-RECORDED AIR TEMPERATURES AT TALKEETNA AND SUMMIT IN "F N talkeetna Summ1t Daily Daily Monthly Daily Daily Monthly Month Max. Min. Average Max. Min. Average Jan 19.1 -0.4 9.4 5.7 -6.8 -0.6 Feb 25.8 4.7 15.3 12.5 -1.4 5.5 Mar 32.8 7.1 20.0 18.0 1.3 9.7 Apr 44.0 21.2 32.6 32.5 14.4 23.5 May 56.1 33.2 44.7 45.6 29.3 37.5 June 65.7 44.3 55.0 52.4 39.8 48.7 Jul 67.5 48.2 57.9 60.2 43.4 52.1 Aug 64.1 45.0 54.6 56.0 41.2 48.7 Sept 55.6 36.6 46.1 46.9 32.2 39.6 Oct 40.6 23.6 32.1 29.4 16.5 23.0 Nov 26.1 8.8 17.5 15.6 4.0 9.8 Dec 18.0 -0.1 9.0 9.2 -3.3 3.0 Annual Average 32.8 25.0 7-19 TABLE 7.3-MAXIMUM RECORDED ICE THICKNESS ON THE SUSITNA RIVER Location Susitna River at Gold Creek Susitna River at Cantwell Talkeetna River at Talkeetna Chulitna River at Talkeetna Maclaren River at Paxson 7-20 Maximum Ice Thickness (Feet) 5.7 5.3 3.3 5.3 5.2 MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANNUAL -cfs TABLE 7.4-AVERAGE ANNUAL AND MONTHLY FLOW AT GAGE IN THE SUSiTNA BASIN STATION (USGS Reference Number Susitna River Susitna River Susitna River Maclaren River at Gold Creek Near Cantwell Near Denali Near Paxson (2920) (2915) (2910) (2912) % Mean(cfs) % Mean(cfs) % Mean(cfs) % Mean(cfs) 1,438 824 245 1 90 1,213 722 204 78 1,085 1 692 187 71 1,339 1 853 1 233 1 82 12 13,400 10 7,701 6 2,063 7 845 24 28,150 26 19,330 23 7,431 25 2,926 21 23,990 23 16,890 29 9,428 27 3,171 19 21,950 20 14,660 24 7,813 22 2,557 12 13,770 10 7,BOO 10 3,343 10 1' 184 5 5,580 4 3,033 3 1 '138 3 407 2 2,435 2 1,449 2 502 168 2 1 '748 1 998 318 111 9,610 6,300 2,720 975 7-21 TABLE 7.5 -FLOOD PEAKS AT SELECTED GAGING STATIONS ON THE SUS!TNA RIVER Annual Flood Peaks -cfs Drainage ean Station (USGS No.) Area-mile 2 Annual 1:100 yr 1:10,000 yr Peaks -cfs Gold Creek Gage ( 2920) 6,160 53,000 118,000 185,000 106,000 Cant we 11 Gage (2915) 4,140 33,700 68,000 118,000 61! 700 Denali Gage (2910) 950 17,800 43,600 63,000 36,600 7-22 TABLE 7.6-SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT Sediment Initial Transport Unit Weight Station (Tons/year) (Lb/ft 3 ) Susitna at Gold Creek 8,734,000 65.3 Susitna near Cantwell 5,129' 000 70.6 Susitna near Denali 5,243,000 70.4 Maclaren near Paxson 614,000 68.6 7-23 TABLE 7.7-DIFFERENT VEGETATION TYPES FOUND IN THE SUSITNA BASIN Hectares of vegetation types to be impacted compared with total hectares of those types. Woodland spruce Open spruce Open birch Closed birch Open conifer-deciduous Closed conifer-deciduous Open balsam poplar Closed balsam poplar Wet sedge grass and cushion tundra Tall shrub Birch shrub Willow Low mixed shrub Lakes Rivers Rock Total Areas NOTES: Impoundments Devil Canyon Watana A 162 (0.09)1 862 (0.73) 73 (0.73) 470 2 300 (1.28) 758 (4.75) 73 10 3 12 (0.25) 19 (0.01) 58 (0.17) 16 (0.015) 6 (+) 1 (+) B35 (5.69) 14 (0.01) 3603 (0.22) 4766 (2.53) 228 (0.12) 3854 (3.24) 48 (0.04) 318 (2.85) 491 2 1329 (5.68) 869 (5.44) 23 100 (2.07) 580 (0.45) 474 (1.41) 55 (0.52) 785 (0.15) 47 (0.22) 2106 (14.35) 63 (0.06) 15839 (0. 97) 6 (0.12) 78 (0.12) 18 (0.01) 18 (0.05) 101 (0.02) 3 (0.01) 500 (0.03) c 77 (0.04) 7 (0.01) 23 (0.22) 92 (0.27) 113 (0.02) 10 (0.07) 322 (0.03) Borrow Areas D 15 (0.01) 12 19 (0.08) 2 (0.01) (0.02) 8 (0 .01) 73 (0.22) 109 (0.02) (+) 228 (0.01) F 9 (0.04) 55 (0.01) 1 (+) 6 (0.04) 71 (+) Numbers in parentheses are the percent of the vegetation as found in the entire Upper Susitna Basin. H 227 (0.12) 125 (0.11) 94 (0.40) 7 (0.07) 46 (0.01) 499 (0.03) Upper Susitna River Basin 188,391 118,873 968 323 23,387 15,969 4,839 65,001 3 4 129,035 33,549 10,645 471 ,461 21 '162 14,678 113 712 1,211,992 ( 1 ) (2) Hectares of closed birch are apparently greater in the impact areas (mapped at a scale of 1:24,000) than for the entire basin (mapped at a scale of 1:2)0,000), because the basin was mapped at a much smaller scale, and many of the closed birch stands did not appear at that scale. (3) (4) Balsam poplar stands were too small to be mapped at the scale of which the Upper Susitna River Basin was mapped. Total hectares of mat and cushion tundra are much greater than this, but many hectares were mapped as a complex with sedge-grass tundra. ---J I N U1 5 0 5 SCALE IN MILES 15 ~ TYONE & DAMSITE CANTWELL • STREAMGAGE SUMMIT \J CLIMATE '\]SUMMIT DATA COLLECTION STATIONS J_" ............... _..v _, ,.----- / J PAXSON6 _./ GULKANA'\J FIGURE 7.1 IIRI CHULITNA RIVER YENTNA RIVER 39°/o SUSITNA RIVER DEVIL WATANA CANYON SITE SITE 1iL 20o/~1 GOLD CREEK too 0/o COOK INLET TALKEETNA RIVER ::: . :;:;: PARKS HIGHWAY BRIDGE GAGING STATION SUSITNA GAGING STATION AVERAGE ANNUAL FLOW DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE SUSITNA RIVER BAStN FiGURE 7. 2 50,000 LEGEND -Q 40,000 WETTEST YEAR-1962 2 0 (..) AVERAGE YEAR w (/) 0:: w a.. DRIEST YEAR -1969 -......J 1-30l000 I N w -.....:! w lL. (..) m :::> (..) - ~ 20,000 0 ..J lJ.. ~ <! w .. 0:: t- (/) 10,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOWS IN THE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEK FIGURE 7.3 -- R llW T33N T 31 N T 32 N T 31 N T 30 N z <C cs a: w :E 0 a: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*rr*rrAn~~~~~'*"~r--~----~~~~ Modified from Csejtey, et al, 1978 w tf) • • CENOZOIC QUATERNARY r---, I I ._ ___ , TERTIARY MESOZOIC CRETACEOUS E..::.-:::-=-::-1 r-_-_-_-::_ -_-:s t--.:..-.:..---:... --:J JURASSIC rnmrro LEGEND UNDIFFERENTIATED SURFICIAL DEPOSITS UNDIFFERENTIATED VOLCANICS 8 SHALLOW INTRUSIVES GRANODIORITE, BIOTITE-HORNBLENDE GRANODIORITE, BIOTITE GRANODIORITE SCHIST, MIGMATITEt GRANITIC ROCKS UNDIVIDED GRANITIC ROCKS MAFIC INTRUSIVES ARGILLITE /~NO LITHIC GRAYWACKE f7\ 7\ !\/'\*~ :.6 A A 6,!!1 TRIASSIC ~z-;....., tN .~...\>"..>..,, _____ ,_, PALEOZOIC AMPHIBOLITES, GREENSCHIST, FOLIATED DIORITE BASALTIC METAVOLCAN JC ROCKS, META BASALT AND SLATE BASALTIC TO ANDESITIC META VOLCANICS LOCALLY INTERBEDDED WITH MARBLE THRUST FAULT TEETH ON UPTHROWN SIDE,DASHED WHERE ---··--y • • • OOTTED WHERE CONCEALED INTENSE SHEARING ••• '\1 •••• \1 •• POSSIBLE THRUST FAULT, TEETH ON UPTHROWN • SIDE '\f PROPOSED DAM SITES o 2 4 6 a ~P-1~-~-jjliM~-.z--~--il-~. 5;-~~~~-........ . SCALE IN r:41LES GRANODIORITE, QUARTZ DIORITE, TRONDHJEMITE REGIONAL GEOLOGY FIGURE 7.4 LOCATION MAP LEGEND: CENSUS AREA ZERO DENSITY LOW DENSITY MEDIUM DENSITY HIGH DENSITY 10 0 IO 30 SCALE IN MILES RELATIVE DENSITIES OF MOOSE -NOVEMBER, 1980 FIGURE 7. 51 ~~IR I '-l I w 0 LOCATION MAP MODIFIED FROM REFERENCE ( WINTER DISTRIBUTION OF MOOSE -MARCH, 1980 10 0 10 30 SCALE IN MILES FIGURE 7.6 IiiJ LOCATION MAP LEGEND: m WATANA PACK ~ TYONE PACK mJ]J]] SUSITNA PACK ~ TOLSONA PACK -r--, ..) I I SUSPECTED PACK L __ ...J 10 0 10 30 SCALE IN MitES LOCATION AND TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES OF WOLF PACKS -1980 FIGURE 7.7 LIST OF REFERENCES (1} Gedney~ L~ and Shapiro, L., Structural Lineaments, Seis~icity and Geology of the Talkeetna Mountains Area, Alaska, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975. . (2) Csejtey, B. Jr., et al. 11 Reconnaissance Geology Map and Geochronology, Talkeetna ~10untain Quadrangle, Northern Part of Anchorage Quadrangle, and Southwest Corner of Healy Quadrangle, Alaska 11 , U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report, 78-558A. (3) Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1980 Draft Annual Report. (4) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Section, Local Climatological Data. 7-32 8 -SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SELECTION This section of the report outlines the engineering and planning studies carried out as a basis for formulation of Susitna Basin development plans and selection of th~ preferred plan. The selection process used is consistent with the gener- ic plan-formulation and selection methodology discussed in Section 1.4 and Appendix A. The recommended plan, the \~atana/Devil Canyon dam project, is com- pared to alternative methods of generating Railbelt energy needs including ther- mal and other potential hydroelectric developments outside the Susitna Basin on ·the basis ef technical, economic, environmental and social aspects .. 8.1 -Terminology In the description of the planning process, certain plan components and process- es are frequently discussed. It is appropriate that three particular terms be clearly defined: (a) Dam Site (b) Basin Develoement Plan (c) Generation Scenario -An individual potential dam site in the Susitna Basin, equivalent to "alternative" and referred to in the generic process as "candidate". - A plan for developing energy within the basin involv- ing one or more dams, each of specified height, and corresponding power plants of specified capacity. Each plan is identified by a plan number and subnumber indicating the staging sequence to be followed in developing the full potential of the plan over a period of time. These are equivalent to the uplans" referred to in Appendix A. - A specified sequence of implementation of power gen- eration sources capable of providing sufficient power and energy to satisfy an electric load growth forecast for the 1980-2010 period in the Railbelt area. This sequence may include different types of generation sources such as hydroelectric and coal, gas or oil- fired thermal. These generation scenarios are required for the comparative evaluations of Susitna Basin generation versus alternative methods of generation. 8.2 -Plan Formulation and Selection Methodology As outlined in the description of the generic plan formulation and selection methodology (Appendix A) five basic steps are required. These essentially con- sist of defining the objectives, selecting candidates, screening, formulation of development plans and finally, a detailed evaluation of the plans. The objectives of the studies outlined in this section are essentially twofold, 8-1 The first is to determine the optimum Susitna Basin development plan, and the second is~ to undertake a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the selected plan by comparison with alternative methods of generating energy. Studies carried out to meet the first objective follow the prescribed method- ology and are outlined in the following subsections. Step 2 of the methodology, which calls for the selection of candidate dam sites, is outlined in Section 8.3. Step 3, screening, is discussed in 8.4 while Subsection 8.6 deals with Step 4, plan formulation. The final step, plan evaluation, is dealt with in Subsection 8.6. Figure 8.1 illustrates the process and highlights the data sources and techniques used for plan formulation and evaluation5 Throughout this planning process, engineering layout studies were conducted to refine the cost estimates for power or water storage development at several dam sites within the basin {Section 8.5}.. As they became available, these data were fed into the screening and plan formulation and evaluation studies. The second objective is satisfied by comparing generation scenarios that include the selected Susjtna Basin development plan with alternative generation scenar- ios including all-thermal and a mix of thermal plus alternative hydropower developments. The selection and screening of alternative hydropower thermal units and developments is discussed in Sections 6.4 and 6.5 respectively. The plan formulation step which involves developing the alternative generating scenarios is outlined in Section 8.7 below. The final evaluation of the plans is also discussed in Section 8.72 8.3 -Dam Site Selection In the previous Susitna Basin studies discussed in Section 4, twelve dam sites were ~identified in the upper portion of the basin, i.e. upstream from Go1d Creek (see Figure 4.1). These sites are listed below: -Gold Creek -Olson (alternative name: Susitna II) -De vi 1 Canyon -High Devil Canyon (alternative name: Susitna I} -De vi 1 Creek -Watana -Susitna III -Vee -Maclaren 8-2 -Denali -Butte Creek -Tyone Fig~~re 8.2 shov1s a longitudinal profile of the Susitna River and typical reser- voir levels associated with these sites. Figure 8.3 illustrates which sites are mutually exclusive, i.e. those which cannot be developed jointly since the downstream site would inundate the upstream site. All re 1 evant data concerning dam type, capita 1 cost, power, and energy output were assembled and are summarized in Table 8.1. For the Devil Canyon, High Devil Canyon, Watana, Susitna III, Vee, Maclaren and Denali sites conceptual engineering layouts were produced and the capital cost estimated based on calculated quantities and unit rates. Detailed analyses were also undertaken to assess the power capability and energy yields. At the Gold Creek, Devil Creek, Maclaren, Butte Creek, and Tyone sites, no detailed engineering or energy studies were undertaken and data from previous studies were used with capital cost estimates updated to 1980 levels. Approximate estimates of the potential average energy yield at the Butte Creek and Tyone sites were undertaken to assess the relative importance of these sites as energy producers. The results in Table 8.1 show that Devil Canyon, High De vi 1 Canyon, and Watana are the most economic large energy producers in the basin. Sites such as Vee and Susitna III are medium energy producers, although slightly more costly than the previously mentioned dam sites. Other sites such as Olson and Gold Creek are competitive provided they have additional upstream regulation. Sites such as Dena 1 i and Maclaren produce substantially higher cost energy than the other sites but can a 1 so be used to ·j ncr ease regulation of flow for downstream use. For comparative purposes the capital cost estimates developed in recent previous studies, updated to 1980 values, are listed alongside the costs developed for the current studies (Table 8.2). These results show that the current estimates are generally slightly higher than previous estimates and, except in the case of Vee, differences are within 15 percent. At Devil Canyon current total development costs are similar to the 1978 COE es- timates. Although the estimates involve different dam types, current studies have indicated that at a conceptual level the cost of development at this site is not very sensitive to dam type. The results in Table 8.2, therefore" indicate r-elative agreement. Costs developed for the High Devil Canyon dam site are very close while those at Watana exceed previous estimates by about 15 percent. A tnajor difference occurs at Vee where current estimates exceed those deve 1 oped by the COE by 40 percent. A 1 arge portion of this difference can be ascribed to the greater level of detail incorporated in the current studies as compared to the previous work and the more extensive foundation excavation and treatment that have been assumed. This additional foundation work is consistent with a standard set of design assumptions used for developing all the site 1 ayouts reported here. S(~cti on 8. 4 and Appendix D discuss these aspects in more detail. 8-3 8.4 -Site Screening The objective of this screening exercise is to eliminate sites which would ob- viously not feature the initial stages of a Susitna Basin development plan and which, therefore, do not require anY further study at this stage. Three basic screening criteria are used; these include environmental, alternative sites~ and energy contribution .. (a) Screening Criteria (i) Environmental The potential impact on the environment of a reservoir located at each of the sites was assessed and catagorized as being relatively unacceptable, significant or moderate. -Unacceptable Sites Sites in this category are classified as unacceptable because either their impact on the environment would be extremely severe or there are obviously better alternatives available. Under the current cir- cumstances, it is expected that it would not be possi~le to obtain .the necessary agency approval, permits~ and licenses to develop these sites. The Gold Creek and Olson sites both fall into this category. As salmon are known to migrate up Portage Creek, a development at either of these sites \·JOuld obstruct this migration and inundate spawning grounds. Available information indicates that salmon do not migrate through Devil Canyon to the river reaches beyond because of the steep fall and high flow velocities. Development of the mid reaches of the Tyone River would result in the inundation of sensitive big game and waterfowl areas, provide access to a large expanse of wilderness area, and contribute only a small amount of storage and energy to any Susitna development. Since more acceptable alternatives are obviously available, the Tyone site is also considered unacceptable. -Sites With Significant Impact Between Devil Canyon and the Oshetna River the Susitna River is con- fined to a relatively steep river valley. Upstream of the Oshetna River the surrounding topography flattens and any.development in this area has the potential of flooding large areas even for rela- tively low dams. Although the Denali Highway is relatively close by, this area is not as isol at-cd as the Upper Tyone River Basin,. It is still very sensitive in terms of potential impact on big game and waterfowl. The sites at Butte Creek, Denali, Maclaren, and, to a lesser extent Vee, fit into this category. 8-4 -Sites With Moderate Impact Sites between Devil Canyon and the Oshetna River have a lower poten- tial environmental impact. These sites include the Devil Canyon, High Devi·I Canyon, Devil Creek, Watana and Susitna sites, and, to a lesser extent, the Vee site. {ii) Alternative Sites Sites which are close to each other and can be regarded as alternative dam 1 ocati ons can be treated as one site for project definition study purposes. The two sites whicheJfall into this category are Devil Creek, which can be regarded as an alternative to the. High Devil Can- yon site, and Butte Creek, which is an alternative to the Denali site. {iii) Energy Contribution ~ The total Susitna Basin Potential has been assessed at 6700 GWh. As outlined on Table 5.11, additional future energy requirements for the period 1980 to 2010 are forecast to range from 2400 to 13,100 GWh. It was therefore decided to limit the minimum size of any power develop- ment in the Susitna Basin to an average annua 1 energy production. in the range of 500 to 1000 GWh. The upstream sites such as ~iac 1 aren, Denali, Butte Creek, and Tyone do not meet this minimum energy generation criteriono (b) Screening Process The screening process involved eliminating all sites falling in the un- acceptable environmental impact and alternative site categories. Those failing to meet the energy contribution criteria were also eliminated un- less they have some potential for upstream regulation. The results of this process are as follows: -The 11 Unacceptable site 11 environmental category eliminated the §l>ld Creek, 01 son, and Tyone sites .• -The alternative sites category eliminated the Devil Creek and Butte Creek sites. -No additional sites were eliminated for failing to meet the energy con- tribution criteria. The remaining sites upstream from Vee, i.e. Maclaren and Dena 1 i, were retained to ensure that further study be directed toward determining the need and viability of providing flow regulation in the headwaters of the Susitna. 8 .. 5 -Engineering Layout and Cost Studies In order to obtain a more uniform and re 1 i ab 1 e data base for studying the seven sites remaining, it was necessary to develop engineering layouts for these sites 8-5 and re-evaluate the costs. In addition, it was also necessary to study staged developments at several of the larger dams. The basic objective of these layout studies is to establish a uniform and con- sistent development cost for each site. These layouts are consequently concep- tual in nature and do not necessarily represent optimum project arrangements at the sites. Also, because of the lack of geotechnical information at several of the sites, judgemental decisions had to be made on the appropriate foundation and abutment treatment. The accuracy of cost estimates made in these studies is probably in the order of plus or minus 30 percent. (a) Design Assumptions In order to maximize standardization of the layouts, a set of basic design assumptions were developed. These assumptions covered geotechnical, hydro- logic, hydraulic, civil, mechanical~ and electrical considerations and \'lere used as guidelines to determine the type and size of the various components within the overall project layouts. They are described in detail in Appen- dix D. As stated previously, other than at Watana, Devil Canyon, and Denali, little information regarding site conditions was available. Broad assumptions were made on the basis of the limited data, and those assump- tions and the interpretation of data have been conservative. It was assumed that the relative cost differences between rockfill and con- crete dams at the sites would either be marginal or greatly in favor of the rockfill. The more detailed studies carried out subsequently for the Watana and De vi 1 Canyon site support this assumption (see Appendix H). Therefore, a rockfill dam has been assumed at all developments in order to eliminate different cost discrepancies that might result from a considera- tion of dam fill rates compared to concrete rates at alternative sites. (b) §eneral Arrangements A brief description of the genera 1 arrangements deve 1 oped for the vari O'JS sites is given below. Plates 1 to 7 illustrate the layout details. Table 8.3 summarizes the crest levels and dam heights considered. In laying out the developments, conservative arrangements have been adopted, and whenever possible there has been a general standardization of the component structures. ( i) De vi 1 Canyon (Plate 1) -Standard Arrangement The development at Devil Canyon is located at the upper end of the canyon at its narrO\':Iest point. It consists of a rockfi 11 dam~ sin- gle spillway, power facilities incorporating an underground power- house, and a tunnel diversion. The rockfi 11 dam rises above the va 11 ey on the 1 eft abutment and terminates in an adjoining saddle dam of similar construction. The dam rises 675 feet above the lowest foundation level with a crest 8-6 elevation of 1470 feet and a volume of 20 million cubic yards. It consists of an inclined impervious core~ filter zones, and an over- lying rockfill shell. Part of tne shell '!Jill come from excavation at the site but the majority will be blast rock from local quarries. It is anticipated that core and filter materials will also be avail- able locally. The core is founded on sound bedrock, and full foundation tr·eatrnent is a 11 owed for in the form of contact grouttng 5 curtain gr)outi ng, and drainage vi a a network of shafts and ga 1- leries. All alluvium and overburden material are removed from the shell foundation area. Diversion is effected by two concrete-lined tunnels driven within the rock on the right abutment. Upstream and downstream rockfill cofferdams with aqueous trench cutoffs are founded on the river alluvium and are separated·from the main dam. Final closure is achieved by lowering vertical lift sliding gates housed in an up- stream structure followed by construction of a solid concrete plug within the tunnel in line with the main dam grout curtain. Subse- quent controlled downstream releases occur via a small tunnel bypass 1 ocated at the gate structure and a ':~owe 11 Bunger valve housed with- in the concrete plug. The spi 11way is 1 ocated on the right bank and consists of a gated overflow structure and a concrete-lined chute linking the overflow structure with an intermediate and terminal stilling basins. Suf- ficient spillway capacity is provided to pass the Probable r~aximum Flood safely. The power facilities are located on the right abutment. The massive intake structure is founded within the rock at the end of a deep ap- proach channel and consists of four integrated units, each serving individual tunnel penstocks. Each unit has three outlets at different levels allowing for various levels of drawoff and corresponding temperature control of releases from the seasonally fluctuating reservoir. Each outlet is controlled by a pair of vertical lift wheeled gates and incorporates provision for upstream guard gates. · The penstocks are concrete-lined over their full length except for the section just upstream of the po~1erhouse which is steel-lined to prevent seepage into the powerhouse area. The rock in this vicinity is generally badly fractured by blasting operations during power- house cavern construction activity. The powerhouse houses four 100 MW (or 150 MW) vertically mounted Francis type turbines driving overhead 110/165 MVa umbrella type generators. These are serviced by two overhead cranes running the length of the main power hall and an adjacent service bay. The main power transformers are housed in an underground gallery located above the draft tubes .. This gallery also houses a gentry crane for operating the draft tube gate~> required to isolate the individual draft tubes from the common downstream manifold and tailrace tunnels during mairitenance. The control room and offices are situated at the surface adjacent to a surface switchyard. 8-7 -Staged Powerhouse As an alternative to the full power development~ a staged powerhouse alternative was also in~estigated. The dam would be completed to its full height but with an initial plant installed capacity in the 200 to 300 MW range: The complete powerhouse would be constructed together with concr·ete foundations for the future units, penstocks and tailrace tunnel for the initial-2-100 MW (or 150 MW) units. The complete intake would be constructed except for gates and trashracks required for the second stage. The second stage would include installation of the remaining gates and racks and construction of the corresponding penstocks and tailrace tunnel for two new 100 MW (or 150 MW} units. Civil, electrical, and mechanical installation fot these units would also be completed within the powerhouse area, together with the enlargement of the surface switchyard, during the second stage. ( i i) Watana (Plates 2 and 3) -Standard Arrangement {see Plate 3) For initial comparative study purposes, the dam at Watana is assumed to be a rockfill structure located on a similar alignment to that proposed in the previous COE studies. It is similar in construction to the dam at Devil Canyon with an impervious core founded on sound bedrock and an outer shell composed of blasted rock excavated from a single quarry located on the left abutment. The dam rises 880 feet from the lowest point on the foundation and has an overall volume of approximately 63 million cubic yards. The crest elevation is 2225 feet. The diversion consists of t\'/in concrete ... lined tunnels located within the rock of the right abutment. Rockfill cofferdams!t also with im- pervious cores and appropriate cutoffs, ure founded on the alluvium and are separated from the main dam.. Diversion closure and facili- ties for downstream releases are provided for in a manner similar to that at Devil Canyon. The spillway is located on the right bank and is similar in concept to that at Devil Canyon \vith an intermediate and terminal stilling basin. The power facilities are located within the left abutment \'lith simi- lar intake, underground powerhouse and water passage concepts to those at Devil Canyon. The power facilities consist of four 200 ~1\~ turbine/generator units giving a total outp~:Jt of 800 MH. -~aging Concepts As an alternative to initial full development at W.atanct, staging al- ternatives were investigated. These include staging of both dam and powerhouse construction. Staging of the powerhouse would be similar to that at Devil Canyon, vJith a Stage I installation of 400 MW and a further 400 NW in Stage II. · 8-8 In order to study the alternative dam staging concept it has been assumed that the dam would be constructed for a maximum operating water surface elevation some 200 feet lower than that in the final stage. (See Plate 3). The first stage powerhouse would be completely excavated to its fin- al size. Three oversized 135 MW units would be installed together with base concrete for an additional unit. A low level control structure and twin concrete-lined tunnels leading into a downstream stilling basin would form the first stage spillway. For the second stage, the dam would be completed to its full height, the impervious core would be appropriately raised and additional rockfill would be placed on the downstream face. It is assumed that before construction commences the top 40 feet of the first stage dam is removed to ensure the complete integrity of the impervious core for the raised dam. A second spillway control structure would be constructed at a higher level and incorporate a downstream chute leading to the Stage I spillway structure. The original spillway tunnels would be closed with concrete plugs. A new intake structure would be constructed utilizing existing gates and hoists, and new penstocks would be driven to connect with the existing ones. The existing intake would be sealed off. One additional 200 MW unit would be installed and the required additional penstock and tailrace tunnel constructed. The existing 135 MW units would be upgraded to 200 MW. This can be accomplished as described below. -Staging Generating Equipment Turbine-generator equipment operates at one particular speed and us- ually performs at maximum efficiency for a relatively small range of head variation. If the head varies significantly, the turbine effi- ciency is reduced, and unit operation may be rougher with increased potential for cavitation. The options available for selection of turbine-generator equipment for staged dam construction are consequently fairly restricted. In general, these options would include: o Selection of the turbine and generator so that the equipment will operate satisfactorily at one intermediate head with some loss of efficiency during both the initial and final stages; o Modification of the turbine-generator rotational speed for the final stage of operation; o Replacement of the turbine runner for the final stage of operation; o Replacement of the runner and modification of turbine-generator speed for the final stage of operation. The first option is the simplest alternative from an equipment point of view. However, the change in head will result in an efficiency 8-9 penalty in one or perhaps both stages of operation. Unless the head change is relatively smal13 the energy loss due to reduction in efficiency would out~;Jeigh the additional capital expenditure associ- ated with the other alternatives for staging. The second option involves increasing the generator speed when the reservoir level is raised so as to maintain turbine operation at or near the best efficiency point during both stages of operation. For first stage.operation, the unit speed may be selected slightly lower than normal to avoid excessive speed for the higher head operation. The generator speed change can be accomplished by changing the stator winding connections and a 1 so changing the rim and rotor winding electrical connections to reduce the number of poles. A change in generator speed would result in a marginal reduction in generator efficiency. The third approach involves installing a new runner with a higher optimum operating head once the dam is completed to its full height., Such an option has been used on other projects. For very large changes in head however, the shape and dimensions of the initial and final runners vary considerably. This may result in difficulties in designing the turbine di str i but or to accommodate both runners without a sacrifice in turbine efficiency. The fourth method is essentially a combination of the second and third options, resulting in a change both in the turbine runner and the unit speed after the dam is raised to its full height. Such an approach would be suitable for a staging scheme involving a signifi- cant increase in head. In addition to the above considerations it should be noted that the generators, transformers, circuit breakers, bus bars, power trans- mission cable and ancillary equipment must be selected to accommo- date the higher capacity \'Jhich will be ava.ilable in the final stage of operation. For the staged dam construction at Watana, maximum operating head would increase from about 520 feet to 720 feet. The units would be required to operate for. part of the time under substantial dra\tdown conditions under both stages. Option one would not in this case be appropriate because of the large range in head involved. Option four on the other hand is not warranted because it is designed to cope with much larger head changes than are currently envisaged at ~~atana. Preliminary analyses indicate that of the two options re- maining, the third would provide the more cost effective solution for Watanao However, should staged development appear economic, more detailed studies would be required for the selection of gener- ating equipment. This refinement is not expected to significantly affect the over a 11 economics of the staging concept, and ther-efore is not considered necessary for this phase of the study. {iii) High Devil Canyon (Plate 4) The development is located between Devil Canyon and Watana. The dam is an 855 feet high rockfill dam similar in design to Uevil Canyon, 8-10 containing an estimated 48 million cubic yards of rockfill with a crest elevation of 1775 feet.. The left bank spillway and the right bank powerhouse facilities are also similar in concept to Devil Canyon. The installed capacity is 800 MW. The left bank diversion system is formed by upstream and downstream earth/rockfill cofferdams and twin concrete-lined tunnels with typical cutoff and downstream release facilities. Staging is envisaged as two stages of 400 MW each in the same manner as at Devil Canyon with the dam initially constructed to its full height. (iv) Susitna III (Plate 5) The development is comprised of a rockfill dam with an impervious core approximately 670 feet high. The dam would have a volume of approximately 55 million cubic yards and a crest elevation of 2360 feet. The spillway consists of a concrete-lined chute and a single stilling basin and is located on the right bank. A powerhouse of 350 MW capacity is located underground and the two diversion tunnels are located on the left bank. (v) Vee (Plate 6) A 610 feet high rockfill dam founded on bedrock with a crest elevation of 2350 feet and total volume of 10 million cubic yards, has been con- sidered. Since Vee is located further upstream than the other major sites the flood flows are correspondingly lower, thus allowing for a reduction in size of the spillway facilities. A spillway utilizing a gated overflow structure, chute, and flip bucket has been adopted and is located within the ridge forming the right abutment of the dam. . ~ The power facilities consist of a 400 MW underground powerhouse located in the left bank with a tailrace outlet well dot>mstream of the main dam. The intake is f0unded in a rock shoulder to the left of the dam. A secondary rockfill dam is also required in this vicinity to seal off a low point. Two diversion tunnels are provided on the right bank. (vi} Maclaren (Plate 7) The development consists of a 185 feet high earthfi11 dam founded on pervious riverbed materials. Crest elevation is 2405 feet. This reservoir would essentially be used for regulating purposes. Although generating capacity could be provided a powerhouse has not been shown in the proposed layout. D-iversion is through three conduits located in an open cut on the left bank and floods are discharged via a side chute spillway and stilling basin on the right bank. 8-11 (vii) Denali (Plate 7) Denali is similar in concept to Maclaren. The dam is 230 feet high, of earthfill construction, and has a crest elevation of 2555 feet. As for Maclaren, no generating capacity is shown. A combined diversion and spillway facility is provided by twin concrete conduits founded in open cut excavation in the right bank and discharging into a common stilling basin. (c) Capital Cost For purposes of initial comparisons of alternatives, construction quantities were determined for items comprising the major works and structures at the sites. Where detail or data were not sufficient for certain work, quantity estimates have been made based on previous Acres• experience and the general knowledge of site conditions reported in the literature. In order to determine total capital costs for various structures, unit costs have been developed for the items measured. These have been estimated on the basis of reviews of rates used in previous studies, and of rates used on similar works in Alaska and elsewhere. Where applicable, adjustment factors based on geography, climate, manpower and accessibility were used. Technical publications have also been reviewed for basic rates and escalation factors. An overall mobilization cost of 5 percent has been assumed and camp and catering costs have been based on a preliminary review of construction man- power and schedules. An annual construction period of 6 months has been assumed for placement of fill materials and 8 months for all other operations. Night work has been assumed throughout. A 20 percent allowance for non-predictable contingencies has been added as a lump sum together with a typical allowance for large projects of 12 percent for engineering and administration costs. The total capital costs developed are shown in Tables 8.1, 8.2, and 8.4 • It should be noted that the capital costs for Maclaren and Uenali shown in Table 8.1 and 8.2 have been adjusted to incorporate the costs of 55 MW and 60 MW plants respectively. 8.6 -Formulation of Susitna Basin Development Plans The results of the site screening exercise described in Section 8.3 indicate that the Susitna Basin development plan should incorporate a combination of several major dams and powerhouses located at one or more of the following sites: -Devil Canyon. -High Devil Canyon. -Watana. -Susitna III. -Vee. 8-12 In addition, the following two sites should be considered as candidates for supplementary upstream flow regulation: -~1aclaren -Denali To establish very quickly the likely optimum combination of dams, ~ computer screening model was used to directly identify the types of plans that are most economic. Results of these runs indicate that the Devil Canyon/Watana or the High Devil Canyon/Vee combinations are the most economic. In addition to these two basic development plans, a tunnel scheme which provides potential environ- menta 1 advantages by rep 1 acing the De vi 1 Canyon dam by a 1 ong power tunnel and a development plan involving the two most economic dam sites, High Devi-l Canyon and Watana, were also introduced. These studies are outlined in more detail below. The criteria used at this stage of the process for selection of preferred Susitna Basin development plans are mainly economic (see Figure 8.1). As " discus·sed below, environmental considerations are incorporated into the furthei' assessment of the plans finally selected. (a) Application of Screening Model Basically, this computer model compares basin development plans for a given total basin power and energy demand and selects the sites, approximate dam heights, and installed capacities on a least cost basis. The model incorporates a standard Mixed Integer Programning (MIP) algorithm for determining the optimum or least cost solution. Inputs essentially comprise basic hydrologic data, dam volume-cost curves for each site~ an indication of which sites are mutually exclusive, and a total pov1er demand required from the basin. A time period by time period energy simulation process for individual sites and groups of sites is incorporated into the model. The model then systematically searches out the least cost system of reservoirs and selects installed capacities to meet the specified pm'ier and energy demand. A detailed description of the model as well as the input and output data are giver: in Appendix E. A summary of this information is presented below: ( i ) Input Data Input data to the model take the following form: -Streamfl 0\'1: In order to reduce the camp 1 exi ty of the mode 1 , a year is divided into two periods, summer and winter, and flows are speci- fied for each. For the smaller dam sites such as Denali, Maclaren, Vee, and Devil Canyon, which have little or no overyear storage capability, only two typi ca 1 years of hydrology are input. These correspond to a dry year (90 percent probability of exceedence) and an average year (50 percent probabi 1 ity of exceedence). For the other larger sites, the full thirty years of historical summer and winter flows are specified. 8-13 -Site Characteristics: For each site, storage capacity versus cost curves are provided. These curves were developed from the engineering layouts presented in Section 8.4. Utilizing these layouts as a basis, the quantities for lower level darn heights were determined and used to estimate the costs associated with these lower levels. Figures 8.4 to 8.6 depict the curves used in the model runs. These curves incorporate the cost of the appropriate generating equipment except for the Denali and Maclaren reservoirs, which are treated solely as storage facilities. -Basin Characteristics: The model is supplied with information on the mutually exclusive sites as outlined in Figures 8.4 to 8.6. -Power and Energy Demand: The model is supplied with a power and energy demand. This is achieved by specifying a total generating capacity required from the river basin and an associated annual plant factor which is then used to calculate the annual energy demand. (ii) Model Runs and Results A review of the energy forecasts discussed in Section 5 reveals that between the earliest time a Susitna project could come on line (in early 1993) and the end of the planning period (2010), approximately 2200, 4250, and 9570 Gwh of additional energy would be required for the low, medium, and high energy forecasts, respectively. In terms of capacity, these values represent 400, 780, and 1750 MW. Based on these figures, it was decided to run the screening model for the following total capacity and energy values: -Run 1: -Run 2: -Run 3: -Run 4: 400 MW -1750 Gwh. 800 MW -3500 Gwh. 1200 MW -5250 Gwh. 1400 MW -6150 Gwh. The results of these runs are shown in Table 8.5. Because of the simplifying assumptions that are made in the screening model, the three best solutions from an economic point of view are presented. The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the results shown in Table 8.5 are as follows: -For energy requirements of up to 1750 Gwh, the High Devil Canyon, Devil Canyon or the Watana sites individually provide the most eco- nomic energy. The difference between the costs shown on Table 8.5 is around 10 percent, which is similar to the accuracy that can be expected from the screening model. -For energy requirements of between 1750 and 3500 Gwh, the High Devil Canyon site is the most economic. Developments at Watana and Devil Canyon are 20 to 25 percent more costly. 8-14 (b) -For energy requirements of between 3500 and 5250 Gwh the combinations of either \~atana and Devil Canyon or High Devil Canyon and Vee are the most economic. The High Devil/Susitna III combination is also competitive. Its cost exceeds the Hatana/Devil Canyon option by 11 percent which is \"iithin the accuracy of the modele -The total energy production capability of the Watana/Devil Canyon developments is considerably larger than that of the High Devil Canyon/Vee alternative and is the only plan capable of meeting energy demands in the 6000 Gwh range. The reasons why this screening process rejected the other sites is as follows: Except for the one case, Susitna III is rejected due to its high capi- tal cost. The cost of energy production at this site is high in com- parison with Vee, even allowing for the 150 feet of the system head that is lost between the headwaters of High Devil Canyon and the tailwater of Vee. Maclaren and Denali have a very small impact on the system's energy production capability and are relatively costly .. T•;nne 1 Scheme - A scheme involving a long power tunnel could conceivably be used to replace the De vi 1 Canyon dam in the Watana/Dev i 1 Canyon Sus i tna deve 1 opment p 1 an. It could develop similar head for power generation at costs comparable to the Devil Canyon dam development, and may provide some environmental advan- tages by a voiding inundation of De vi 1 Canyon. Obviously, because of the low winter flows in the river, a tunnel alternative could be considered only as a second stage to the Watana development. Conceptually, the tunnel alternatives would comprise the following major components in some combination, in addition to the Watana darn reservoir and associated powerhouse: -Power tunnel intake \-Jerks. -One or two power tunnels of up to forty feet in diameter and up to thirty miles in length. - A surface or underground powerhouse w·ith a capacity of up to 1200 MW. -A re-regulation dam .if the intake works are located downstream from Watana • ... Arrangements for compensation for loss of flow in the bypassed river reach. 8-15 Four basic alternative schemes were developed and studied. All schemes assume an initial Watana development with full reservoir supply level at elevation 2200 feet and the associated powerhouse with an installed capac- ity of 800 MW. Figure 8.7 is a schematic illustration of these schemes. -Scheme 1: This scheme comprises a small re-regulation dam about 75 feet high, downstream of Watana, with power tunnels leading to a second power- house at the end of the tunnel near Devil Canyon. This power station would operate in series with the one at Watana since the storage behind there-regulation dam is small. Essentially, the re-regulation dam pro- vides for constant head on the tunnel and deals with surges in operation at Watana. The two powerhouses would operate as peaking stations result- ing in flow and level fluctuations downstream from Devil Canyon. -Scheme 2: This proposal also provides for peaking operation of the two powerhouses except that the tunnel intake works are located in the Watana reservoir. Initially, the powerhouse at Watana would have 800 MW in- stalled capacity which would then be reduced to some 70 MW after the tun- nels are completed. This capacity would take advantage of the required minimum flow from the Watana reservoir. The power flow would be diverted through the tunne 1 s to the pm'lerhouse at Devil Canyon with an i nsta 11 ed capacity of about 1150 MW. Daily fluctuations of water level downstream would be similar to those in Scheme 1 for peaking operations. -Schemes 3 and 4: These schemes provide for base load operation at Devil Canyon powerhouse and peaking at Watana. In Scheme 3, the tunnel devel- ops only the Devil Canyon dam head and includes a 245 feet high re- regulation dam and reservoir with the capacity to regulate diurnal fluc- tuations due to peaking operation at Watana. The site for the re- regulation dam was chosen by means of a map study to provide sufficient re-regulation storage, and is located at what appears to be a suitable dam site. In Scheme 4, the tunnel intakes are located in the Watana res- ervoir. The Watana povJerhouse installed capacity for this scheme is 800 MW, as for the \4atana-Devil Canyon development, and is used to supply peaking demand. Table 8.6 lists all the pertinent technical information and Table 8.7, the energy yields and costs associated with these four schemes. In general, development costs are based on the same unit costs as those used in other Susitna developments. Little geotechnical information is available for much of the proposed tunnel routes. Nevertheless, on the basis of precedent, tunnel construction costs are estimated on the assump- tion that excavation will be done by conventional drill and blast opera- tions and that the entire length may not have to be lined. Tentative as- sumptions as to the extent of lining and support are as follows: -31 percent unlined. -34 percent shotcrete-lined. -26 percent concrete-lined. 9 percent lined with steel sets and concrete. 8-16 Based on the foregoing economic information, Scheme 3 produces the lowest cost energy. A review of the environmental impacts associated with the four tunnel schemes indicates that Scheme 3 would have the least impact, primarily be- cause it offers the best opportunities for regulating daily flows down- stream from the project. Based on this assessment, and because of its economic advantage, Scheme 3 was selected as the most appropriate. More detailed general arrangement drawings for this alternative were produced (Plates 8 and 9) and casted. The capital cost estimate appears in Table 8.8. It should be noted that the cost estimates in this table differ slightly from those in Table 8.5 and reflect the additional level of de- tail. They also incorporate single and double tunnel options. For pur- poses of these studies, the double tunnel option has been selected because of its superior reliability. It should also be recognized that the cost estimates associated with the tunnels are probably subject to more varia- tion than those associated with the dam schemes due to geotechnical uncer- tainties. In an attempt to compensate for these uncertainties, economic sensitivity analyses using both higher and lower tunnel costs have been conducted. (c) Additional Basin Development Plan As noted above, the Watana and High Devil Canyon dam sites appear to be in- dividually superior in economic terms to all others. An additional plan \'las therefore developed to assess the potential for developing these two sites together. For this se'heme, the Watana dam would be developed to its full potential.· However, the High Devil Canyon dam would be constructed to a crest elevation of 1470 feet to fully utilize the head downstream from Watana. Costs for the lower level High Devil Canyon dam were developed Jby assuming the same general arrangement as for the higher version shown in Plate 4 and appropriately adjusting the quantiti~s involved. (d) Selected Basin Development Plans The essential objective of this step in the development selection process is defined as the identification of those plans which appear to warrant further, more detailed evaluation. The results of the final screening process indicate that the Watana/Devil Canyon and the High Devi1 Canyon/Vee plans are clearly superior to all other dam combinations. In addition, it was decided to study further the tunnel scheme as an alternative to the Watana/High Devil Canyon plan. Associated with each of these plans are several options for staged develop- ment, including staged construction of the dams and/or the power generation facilities. For this more detailed analysis of these basic plans, a range of different aproaches to staging the developments are considered. In order to keep the total options to a reasonable number and also to maintain reasonably large staging steps consistent with the total development size, staging of only the two 1 arger deve 1 opments, i.e. Watana and High De vi 1 Canyon, is considered. The basic staging concepts·adopted for these developments involve staging both darn and pov1erhouse construction or alternatively just staging powerhouse construction.. Powerhouse stages are considered in 400 MW increments. 8-17 Four basic plans are considered. briefly described below. Plan 1 Plan 2 the High Devil Canyon-Vee and Plan 4 the Watana-High Devil These are summarized in Table 8.9 and are involves the Watana-Devil Canyon sites, sites, Plan 3 the Watana-tunnel concept Canyon sites. Under each plan several alternative subplans are identified, each involving a different staging concept. (i) Plan 1 -Subplan 1.1: The first stage involves constructing Watana dam to its full height and installing 800 MW. Stage 2 involves construct- ing Devil Canyon dam and installing 600 MW. -Subplan 1.2: For this Subplan, construction of the Watana dam is staged from a crest elevation of 2060 feet to 2225 feet. The power- house is also staged from 400 MW to 800 MW. As for Subplan 1.1, the final stage involves Devil Canyon with an installed capacity of 600 MW. -Subplan 1.3: This Subplan is similar to Subplan 1.2 except that only the powerhouse and not the dam at Watana is staged. (ii) Plan 2 -Subplan 2.1: This Subplan involves constructing the High Devil Canyon dam first with an installed capacity of 800 MW. The second stage involves constructing the Vee dam with an installed capacity of 400 MW. -Subplan 2.2: For this Subplan, the construction of High Devil Canyon dam is staged from a crest elevation of 1630 to 1775 feet. The installed capacity is also staged from 400 to 800 MW. As for Subplan 2.1, Vee follows with 400 MW of installed capacity. -Subplan 2.3: This Subplan is similar to Subplan 2.2 except that only the powerhouse and not the dam at High Devil Canyon is staged. (iii) Plan 3 -Subplan 3.1: This Subplan involves initial construction of Watana and installation of 800 MW of capacity. The next stage involves the construction of the downstream re-regulation dam to a crest eleva- tion of 1500 feet and a 15 mile long tunnel. A total of 300 MW would be installed at the end of the tunnel and a further 30 MW at the re-regulation dam. An additional 50 MW of capacity would be ·in- stalled at the Watana powerhouse to facilitate peaking operations. -Subplan 3.2: This Subplan is essentially the same as Subplan 3.1 except that construction of the initial 800 MW powerhouse at Watana is staged. 8-18 ? (iv) Plan 4 This single plan was developed to evaluate the development of the two most economic dam sites1 Watana and High Devil Canyon, jointly. Stage 1 involves constructing Watana to its full height with an installed capacity of 400 MW. Stage 2 involves increasing the capacity at Watana to 800 M~J. Stage 3 involves constructing High De vi 1 Canyon to ·a crest elevat·ion of 1470 feet so that the reservoir extends to just downstream of Watana. In order to develop the full head between Watana and Portage Creek, an additional smaller dam is added down- stream of High Devil Canyon. This damwou1d be located just upstream from Portage Creek so as not to interfere with the anadromous fisher- ies and would have a crest elevation of 1030 feet and an installed ca- pacity of 150 MW. For purposes of these studies, this site is refer- red to as the Portage Creek site. 3.7 -fyaluation of Basin Development Plans The overall objective of this step in the evaluation process is to select the preferred basin development plan. A preliminary evaluation of plans was ini- ti a 1ly undet~taken to determine broad comparisons of the avai 1 ab 1 e a 1 ternatives. This was followed by appropriate adjustments to the plans and a more detailed evaluation and comparison. (a) Preliminary Evaluations Table 8.9 lists pertinent details such as capital costs, construction per- iods and energy yields associated with the s11~ected plans. The cost infor- mation was obtained from the engineering layout studies described in Sec- tion 8.4. The energy yield information was developed using a multireser- voir computer model. This model simulates, on a monthly basis, the energy production from a given system of reservoirs for the 30-year period for which streamflow data is available. It incorporates daily peaking opera- tions if these are required to generate the necessary peak capacity. A 11 the model runs incorporate preliminary environmental constraints. Seasona 1 reservoir dr·awdowns are 1 imited to 150 feet for the 1 arger and 100 feet for the smaller reservoirs; daily drawdowns for daily peaking operations are limited to 5 feet and minimum discharges from each reservoir are maintained at all times to ensure all river reaches remain watered. These minimum discharges were set approximately equal to the seasonal average natural low flows at the drm sites. The model is driven by an energy demand which follo\'JS a distribution cor- responding to the seasonal distribution of the total system load as out- lined in Section 5, Table 5.10. The model was used to evaluate for each stage of the plans described above the average and firm energy and the installed capacity for a specified plant factor. This usually required a series of iterative runs to ensure that the number of reservoir failures in the 30-year period were limited to one year. The firm power was assumed equal to that delivered during the second lowest annual energy yield in the simulation period. This corres- ponds approximately to the 95 percent level of assurance. A more detailed description of the model, the model runs, and the average monthly energy yields associated with the development plans is given in Appendix F. 8-19 A range of sensitivity runs was conducted to explore the effect of the res- ervoir drawdown limita1:ion on the energy yield. The results of these runs are summarized in Table 8.10. They indicate that the drawdown limitations currently imposed reduce the firm energy yield for Watana development by approximately 6 percent. (b) Plan Modifications In the process of evaluating the schemes, it became apparent that there would be environmental problems associated with allowing daily peaking op- erations from the most downstream reservoir in each of the plans described above. In order to avoid these potential problems while still maintaining operational flexibility to peak on a daily basis, re-regulation facilities were incorporated in the four basic plans.. These facilities incorporate both structural measures such as re-regulation dams and modified operation- al procedures. Details of these modified plans, referred to as El to E4, ~re listed in Table 8.11. A brief description of the changes that were made follows: {i} El Plans For Subplans 1.1 to 1.3 a low temporary re-regulation dam is con- structed downstream from Watana during the stage in which the generat- ing capacity is increased to BOO MW. This dam would re-regulate the outflows from Watana and allow daily peaking operations. It has been assumed that it would be possible to incorporate this dam with the di- version~ works at the Devil Canyon site, and an allowance of $100 million has been made to cover any additional costs associated with this approach. In the final stage, only 400 MW of capacity is apded to the dam at Devil Canyon instead of the original 600.MW. Reservoir operating rules are changed so that Devil Canyon dam acts as the re-regulation dam for Watana. (ii) E2 Plans For Subplans 2.1 to 2.3 a permanent re-regu1ation dam is located down- stream from the High Devil Canyon site at the same time the generating capacity is increased to 800 MW. An allowance of $140 million has been made to cover the costs of such a dam .. An additional Subplan E2.4 was established. This plan is similar to E2.3 except that the re-regulation dam is utilized for power produc- tion. The dam site is located at the Portage Creek site with a crest level set so as to utilize the full head. A 150 MW powerhouse is in- stalled. As this dam is to serve as are-regulating facility, it is constructed at the same time as the capacity of High Devil Canyon is increased to 800 MW, i.e. during Stage 2. ( i i i ) E3 P 1 an The Watana tunnel develoyment plan already incorporates an adequate degree of re-regulation and the E3.1 plan is~ therefore, identical to to the 3.1 plan. 8-20 {iv) E4 Plans As for the El Plans, the E4.1 plan incorporates are-regulation dam downstream from Watana during Stage 2. As for the El plans, it has been assumed that it would be possibl_e to i.ncorporate this dam as part of the diversion arrangements at the High Devi 1 Canyon site, and an allowance of $100 million has been made to cover the costs .. The energy and cost information presented in Tabl1~ 8.11 is graphically displayed in Figure 8,.8 which shows plots of average annual energy production versus total capital costs for all the plans. Although these curves do not represent accurate economic analyses, they do give an indication of the relative economics of the schemes. These evalua- tions basically reinforce the results of the screening model; for a· total energy production capability of up to approximately 4000 Gwh, Plan E2 (High De vi 1 Canyon) provides the most economic energy whi 1 e for capabilities in the range of 6000 Gwh, Plan El {vJatana-Devil Canyon) is the most economic. The plans listed in Table 8oll are subjected to a ~ore detailed analy- sis in the following section. (c) Evaluation Criteria and Methodology The approach to evaluating the various basin development plans described above is twofold: -For determining the optimum staging concept associated with each basic plan (i.(. the optimum subplan) economic criteria only are used and the 1 east cost staging concept is adopted. -For assessing which plan is the most appropriate, a more detailed e\h'~lua­ tion process incorporating economic, environmental, social, and ener·gy contribution aspects are taken into account . 3 Economic evaluation of any Susitna Basin development plan requires that the impact of th~ plan on the cost of energy to the railbelt area consumer be assessed on a systemwide basis. As the consuliler is supplied by a large number of different generating sources, it is necessary to determine the total Railbelt system cost in each case to compare the various Susitna Basin development options. The basic tool used to determine the system costs is a cc..rnputer simulation/ planning model (called OGP5) of the entire generating system. Input to this model includes the following: -Load forecast over a specified period of time (as conta ·i ned in Section 5, Table 5.10). -Load duration curves (as outlfned in Section 5.5). -Details of the existing generating system (Section 6.2). -A list of all potential future thermal generating· sources with associated annualized costs, installed capacities, fuel consumption rates, etc .. (as outlined in Section 6.5)¢ 8-21 -Fuel prices (as outlined in Section 6.5). -A specified hydroelectric development plan, i.e. the annualized costs, on-line dates, installed capacities, and energy production capability of the various stages of the plan (as outlined in Sections 6.4 and 8.5). -System reliability criteria. For current study purposes, a loss of load probability, (LOLP) of .1 day /year is used. Utilizing the above information, the program simulates the performance of the system, incorporates the hydroelectric development as specified, and adds thermal generating resources as necessary to meet the load grovlth and to satisfy the reliability criteria. The thermal plants are selected so that the present worth of the total generation cost is minimized. A summary of the input data to the model and a discussion of the results follows. A more detailed description of the model r-uns is presented in Appendix G. As discussed in Section 1.4, the basic economic an~lyses undertaken in this study incorporate "real 11 discount and escalation rates. The parameters used are summarized in Table 8.12. The econor.ric lives 1isted in this table are the same as the assumed economic lives outltned in Section 6.2. {d) Initial Economic Analyses s Table 8.13 lists the results of the first series of economic analyses un- dertaken for the basic Susitna Basin development plans listed in Table 8.11. The information in Table 8.13 includes the specified on-line dates for the various stages of the plans, the OGP5 run index number, the total i nsta11ed capacity at the year 2010 by category, and the total system pre- sent worth cost in 1980. The present worth cost is evaluated for the period 1980 to 2040~ i.e. 60 years. The OGP5 model is run for the period 1980-2010; thereafter steady state conditions are assumed and the genera- tion mix and annual costs of 2010 are applied to the years 2011 to 2040. This extended period of time is necessary to ensure that the hydroelectric options being studied, many of which only come on-line around 2000, are operated for periods approaching their economic lives and that their full impact on the cost of the generation system are taken into account. The highlights of the results in Table 8.13 can be summarized as follows: ( i) Plan E 1 ... Watana-Devi 1 Canyon Staging the dam at Watana (Plan E1. 2) is not as economic as con-. structing it to its full height (Plans El.l and E1.3). The economic advantage of not staging the dam amounts to $180 million in 1980. -The results indicate that to the level of analysis performed, there is no discernible benefit in staging constructi'on of the Watana powerhouse (Platts El.l and E1.3). It is considered likely, however, that some degree of staged pm·1erhouse construction wi 11 ultimately be incorporated due to economic considerations and also because it 8-22 ( i i ) provides maximum flexibility. For current planning purposes, it is therefore assumed that the staged powerhouse concept, i.e Plan El.3, is the most appropriate ~~atana-Devi 1 Canyon deve 1 opment p 1 an. Additional runs performed for variations of Plan El.3 indicate that system costs would increase by $1,110 million if the Devil Canyon dam stage were not constructed. Furthermore, a five year delay in construction of the Watana dam would increase system costs by $220 million. These increases are due to additional higher cost thermal units which must be brought on line to meet the forecast demand in the early 1990's. -Plan El. 4 indicates that sho.ui d the powerhouse size at Watana be restricted to 400 MW the overall system cost would increase by $40 million. Plan E2 -High De vi 1 Canyon-Vee I -Plans E2.1 and E2.2 were not analyzed as these are similar to El.l and E1.2 and similar results can be expected. ·-The results for Plan E2.3 indicate it is $520 million more costly than Plan E1.3. Cost increases also occur if the Vee dam stage is not constructed. A cost reduction of approximately $160 million is possible if the Chakachamna hydroelectric project is constructed instead of the Vee dam. · -The results of Plan E2.5 indicate that total system generating costs would go up by $160 million if the total capacity at High Devil Canyon \tiere 1 imited to 400 MW. (iii) Plan E3 The results for Plan E3.1 illustrate that the tunnel scheme versus the Devil Canyon dam scheme (E1.3) adds approximately $680 million to the total system cost. The availability of reliable geotechnical data would undoubtedly have improved the accuracy of the cost estimates for the tunnel alternative. For this r•eason, a sensitivity analysis was made as a check to determine the effect of halving the tunnel costs. This analysis indicates that the tunnel scheme is still more costly by $380 million. (iv) Plan E4 The results indicate that system costs associated with Plan E4.1 ex- cluding the Portage Creek site development are $200 million more than the equivalent El plan. If the Portage Creek development is included, a greater increase in cost would result. (e) Economic Sensitivity Analyses Plans El, E2, and E3 were subjected to further sensitivity analyses to assess the economic impacts of various loadgrowths. These results are summarized-in Table 8.14. 8-23 The results for low load forecasts illustrate that the most viable Susitna Basin development plans include the 800 MW plansji i .. e. Plan EL.5 and E2.5. Of these two, the Watana-Devil Canyon plan is less costly than the High Devil Canyon-Vee plan by $210 million. Higher system costs are involved if only the first stage dam is constructed, iee. either Watana or High Devil Canyon. In this cas·e, the Watana only plan is $90 million more costly than the High Devil Canyon plan .. Plan E3 variations are more costly than both Plans El and £2. For the high load forecasts, the results indicate that the Plan E1.3 is $1040 million less costly than E2.3. The costs of both plans can be reduced by $630 and $680 million respectively by the addition of the Chakachamna development as a fourth stage. No further analyses were conducted on Plan. £4., As envisaged, this plan is similar to Plan E1 with the exception that the lower main dam site is moved from Devil Canyon upstream to High Devil Canyon. The initial analyses out- lined in Table 8.13 indicate this scheme to be more expensive. (f) Evaluation Criteria As outlined in the generic methodology (Section 1.4 and Appendix A), the final evaluation of the development plans is to be undertaken by a per- ceived comparision process on the basis of appropriate criteria. The fol- lowing criteria are used to evaluate the shortlisted basin development plans. They generally contain the requirements of the generic process with the exception that an additional criterion, energy contribution, is added. The. objective of including this criterion is to ensure that fuli considera- tion is given to the -total basin energy potential that is developed by the various plans .. (i) Economic: The parameter used is the total present worth cost of the total Rail- belt generating system for the period 1980 to 2040 as listed in Tables 8.14 and 8.15. {ii) Environmental: A qualitative assessment of the environmental impact on the ecological~ cultural~ and aesthetic resources is undertaken for each plan. Emphasis is placed on identifying major concerns so that these could be combined with the other evaluation attributes in an overall assessment of the plan. (iii) Social: This attribute includes determination of the potential non-renewable resource displacement, the impact on the state and local economv, and the r·isks and consequences of major structural failures due to seis- mic events. Impacts on the econonw refer to the effects of an invest- ment plan on economic variables. 8-24 {iv) Energy Contribution: The parameter used is the total amount of energy produced from the specific development plan. An assessment of the energy development foregone is also undertaken. This energy loss is inherent to the plan and cannot easily be recovered by subsequent staged develop- ments. (g) Results of Evaluation Process The various attributes outlined above have been determined for each plan and are summarized in Tables 8 .. 16 through 8.24. Some of the attributes are quantitative while others are qualitative. Overall evaluation is based on a comparison of similar types of attributes for each plan. In cases where the attributes associated with one plan all indicate equality or superior- ity with respect to another plan, the decision as to the best plan is clear cut. ln other cases where some attributes indicate superiority and others inferiority, these differences are highlighted and trade-off decisions are made to determine the preferred development plan •. In cases where these trade-offs have had to be made, they are relatively convincing and the decision making process can, therefore, be regarded as fairly robust. In addition, these trade-offs are clearly identified so the recorder can inde- pendently answer the jt~dgement decisions made. The overall evaluation process is conducted in a series of steps. At each step, only a pair of plans is evaluated. The superior plan is then passed on to the next step for evaluation against an alternative plan. ( i) De vi 1 Canyon Dam Versus Tunne 1 The first step in the process i nvo 1 ves the eva 1 uat ion of the Watana- Devil Canyon dam plan {El.3) and the Watana tunnel plan (E3.1). As Watana is common to both plans, the evaluation is based on a compari- son of the Devil Canyon dam and tunnel schemes. In order to assist in the evaluation in terms of economic criteria~ additional information obtained by analyzing the results of the OGPS computer runs is shown in Table 8.16. This information illustrates the breakdown of the total system present worth cost in terms of capi- tal investment, fuel and operation and maintenance costs. -Economic Comparison 0 From an economic point of view, the Devil Canyon dam scheme is su- perior. As surrmarized in Tables 8.16 and 8.17, on a presen~ worth basis, the tunnel scheme is $680 mill ion or about 12 percent more expensive than the dam scheme. For a low demand growth rate~ this cost difference would be reduced slightly to $610 million. Even if the tunnel scheme costs are halved, the tota1 cost difference would still amount to $380 million. As highlighted in Table 8.17, con- sideration of the sensitivity of the basic economic evaluation to potential changes in capital cost estimate, the period of economic analysis, the discount rate, fuel costs, fuel cost escalation, and economic plant lives do not change the basic economic superiority of the dam scheme over the·tunnel scheme. 8-25 -Environmental Comparison The environmental comparison of the two schemes is summarized in Table 8.18. Overall~ the tunnel scheme is judged to be superior because: o It offers the potential for enhancing anadromous fish popula- tions downstream of the re-regulation dam due to the more uniform flow distribution that will be achieved in this reach; -o It inundates 13 miles less of resident fisheries habitat in river and major tr.ibutari es; o It has a lower impact on wildlife habitat due to the smaller in- undation of habitat by the re-regulation dam; o It has a lower potential for inundating archeologicc-1 sites due to the smaller reservoir involved; o It would preserve much of the characteristics of the Devil Can- yon gorge which is considered to be an aesthetic and recrea- tional resource. -Social Comparison Table 8.19 summarizes the evaluation in terms of the social cri- teria of the two schemes. In terms of impact on state and local economics and risks due to seismic exposure, the two schemes are rated equallyo However, the dam scheme has, due to its higher energy yield, more potential for displacing nonrenewable energy resources, and therefore scores a slight overall plus in terms of the social evaluation criteria. -Energy Comparison Table 8.20 summarizes the evaluation in terms of the energsy con- tribution criteria. The results shown that the dam scheme has a greater potential for energy production and develops a larger portion of the basin's potential. The dam scheme is therefore judged to be superior from the energy contribution standpoint. -Overall Comparison The overall evaluation of the two schemes is summarized in Table 8.21. The estimated cost saving of $680 million in favor of the dam scheme is considered to outweigh.the reduction in the overall environmental impact of the tunnel scheme. The dam scheme is therefore judged to be superior overall. (ii) Watana-Devil Canyon Versus High Devil Canyon-Vee The second step in the development selection process involves an eval- uation of the Watana-Devil Canyon (E1.3} and the High Devil Canyon-Vee (E2.3) development plans. 8-26 -Economic .Cornpari son In terms of the economic criteria (see Tables 8.16 and 8.17) the Wata·na-Devil Canyon plan is less costly by $520 million. As for the dam-tunnel evaluation discussed above~ consideration of the sensitivity of this decision to potential changes in the various parameters considered (i.e. load forecast, discount rates, etc.) does not change the basic superiority of the Watana-Devil Canyon Plan .. -Environmental Comparison The evaluation in terms of the environmental criteria is summarized in Table 8.22. In assessing these plans, a reach by reach compari- son is made for the section of the Susitna River between Portage Creek and the Tyone River. The Watana -Devi 1 Canyon scheme wou 1 d create more potential environmental impacts in the ~Jatana Creek area. However, it is judged that the potential environmental im- pacts which would occur in the upper reaches of the river with a High Devil Canyon-Vee development are more severe in comparison overall. From a fisheries perspective, both schemes would have a similar effect on the downstream anadromous fisheries although the High Devil Canyon-Vee scheme would produce a slightly greater impact on the resident fisheries in the Upper Susitna Basin. The High Devil Canyon-Vee scheme would inundate approximately 14 percent (15 miles) more critical winter river bottom moose habitat than the Watana-Devil Canyon scheme. The High Devil Canyon-Vee scheme would inundate a large area upstream of the Vee site util- ized by three subpopulation of moose that range in the northeast section of the basin. The Watana-Devil Canyon scheme \'JOuld avoid the potential impacts on moose in the upper section of the river; however, a larger percentage of the Watana Creek basin would be inundated. The condition of the subpopulation of moose utilizing this Watana Creek Basin and the quality of the habita~ appears to be decreas- ing. Habitat manipulation measures could be implemented in this area to improve the moose habitat. Nevertheless, it is considored that the upstream moose habitat losses associated \'lith the High Devil Canyon-Vee scheme \tiOUld probably be greater than the Watdna Creek losses associated \'lith the Watana-IJevil Canyon scheme .. A major factor to be considered in comparing the two development plans is the potential effects on caribou in the region. It is judged that the increased length of river flooded~ especially up- stream from the Vee dam site, would result in the High Devil Canyon-Vee plan creating a greater potential diversion of the Nelchina herd's range. In addition, a larger area of caribou range would be directly inundated by the Vee reservoir., 8-27 The area flooded by the Vee reservoir is also considered important to some key furbearers, particularly red fox. In a comparison of this area with the Watana Creek area that would be inundated with the Watana-Devil Canyon scheme, the area upstream of Vee is judged to be more important for furbearers. As previously mentioned, the area between Devil Canyon and the Oshetna River or. the Susitna River is confined to a relatively steep river valley. Along these valley slopes are habitats important to birds and black bears. As the Watana reservoir would flood the ri v.er section between the Watana Dam site and the Oshetna River to a higher elevation than would the High Devil Canyon reservoir {2200 feet as compared to 1750 feet) the High Devil Canyon-Vee plan would retain the integrity of more of this river valley slope habitat. From the archeolooical studies done to date, there tends to be an -. increase in site intensity as one progresses towards the northeast section of the Upper Susitna Basin.-The High Devil Canyon-Vee plan would result in more extensive inundation and increased access to the northeasterly section of the basin. This plan is therefore judged to have a gr~ater potential for diract1y 0r indirectly affecting archeological sites. Due to the wilderness nature of the Upper Susitna Basin, the crea- tion of increased access associated with project development could have a significant influence on future uses and management of the area. The High Devil Canyon-Vee plan would involve the construc- tion of a dam at the Vee site an~ the creation of a reservoir in the more northeasterly section of the basin. This plan would thus create inherent access to more wilderness than would the Watana- Devil Canyon scheme. As it is easier to extend access than to limit it, inherent access requirements are considered detrimental and the Watana-Devil Canyon scheme is judged to be more acceptable in this regard. Except for the increased loss of river valley, bird, and black bear habitat the Watana-Devil Canyon development plan is judged to be more environmentally acceptab 1 e than the High De vi 1 Canyon-Vee plan. Although the Watana-Devil Canyon plan is considered to be the more environmentally compatible Upper Susitna development plan, the actual degree of acceptability i_s a question being addressed as part of ongoing studies. -Energy Comparison The evaluation of the t\'IO p1ans in terms of energy contribution criteria is sumnarized in Table 8.23. The Watana-Devil Canyon scheme is assessed to be superior due to its higher energy poten- tial and the fact that it develops a higher proportion of the basin 1 s potential. 8-28 -----------~-----~- -Social Comparison Tab.le 8.19 summarizes the evaluation in terms of the social criter- ia. As in the case of the dam versus tunnel comparison.,, the Watana-Devil Canyon plan is judged to have a slight advantage over the High Devil Canyon-Vee plan. This is because of its greater po- tential for displacing nonrenewable resources. -Overall Comparison The overall evaluation is summarized in Table 8 .. 24 and indicates that the Watana-Devil Canyon plans are generally superior for all the evaluation criteria~ ' (iii) Preferred Susitna Basin Development Plan Comparisons of the Watana-Devil Canyon plan with the Watana-tunnel plan and the High Devil Canyon-Vee plans are judged to favor ·the Watana-Devil Canyon plan in each case. The Watana·-Devi 1 Canyon p 1 an is therefore se 1 ected as the preferred Susitna Basin development plan, as a basis for continuation of more detailed design optimization and environmental studies .. 8.8 -Comparison of Generation Scenarios With and Without the Susitna Basin Development Plan This secti·on outlines the results of the preliminary studies undertaken to com- pare the~preferred Railbelt generation scenario incorporating the selected Watana-Devil Canyon dam development plan, with alternative generation scenarios. These studies are not intended to develop comprehens~ve and detailed alternative generating scenarios but merely to obtain a preliminary assessment of the feasi- bility of the Sus"'tna plan in terms of economic, environmental, and social cri- teria. The main alternative generating scenar·io considered is the all-thermal cption, and a detailed evaluation of the 11 ~'/ith Susitna 11 and the all-thermal generation scenarios is carried out. In addition to this, a less detailed assessment of the generating scenarios incorporating non-Susitna Basin hydro development is also conducted. The objective of the latter evaluation is to assess the econom- i cs of deve 1 oping a 1 ter·nat i ve and generally sma 11 er hydro projects. A more com- prehensive comparison would require more detailed analyses of the environmental and technical aspects at each of the sites which are not being undertaken under the current studies. (a) 11 Without Susitna" Generation Scenarios The developnent and· evaluation of Railbelt generation plans incorporating all-thermal and thermal plus non-Susitna hydroelectric alternatives, is discussed in Section 6. Results of all-thermal and thermal with Susitna alternatives are given in Table 6•4· 8-29 (b) Comparison of All-Thermal and ,. uWith Susitnan Generation Scenarios (i) Economic Comparison In terms of economic criteria~ the 11 WithSusitna" scenario is $2280 million less costly than the all-thermal option. In order to explore the sensitivity of this comparison in more detail, several additional runs were carried out with the OGP5 model. For these runs~ parameters such as projected load growth!} interest rates, fuel costs and escalation rates-economic lives, and capital costs were varied and the impact on the overall system costs assessed. The detailed results are presented in Table 8.25 and are summarized in Table 8.26. A brief outline of these results follows. The economic advantage of the '1with Susitna" scenario decreases with decreasing load grm>~th but still amounts to $1280 million for the very low forecast. A lmver limit thermal plant capital cost estimate was also considered. The cost estimate was based on the minimum Aluska cost factor adjustment reported in the literature rather than the average factor used for the standard cost estimates which appear in Table 6.4o Even though this results in a 72 percent reduction in the thermal capital cost~ the "with Susitna" scenario is still $1850 million more economice The second type of capital cost sensitivity run involved increasing the Susitna Basin hydro development cost by 50 percent to represent an extreme upper limit. Even with this cost ad- justment, the "with Susitna" generating scenario costs are still less than the a 11-therma 1 scenario by $1320 mi 11 ion • . As shown in Table 8.26, shortening the period of economic analysis from 60 to 30 years (i.e. to 1980-2010) reduces the net benefit to $960 million. The int-erest rate sensitivity run results indicate that the 11 With Susitna" scenario is more economic for real interest rates of zero to eight percent. At rates above this, the thermal scenario becomes more economic. A fuel cost sensitivity run using an assumed 20 percent reduction to the estimated cost of fuel reduces the cost difference to $1810 million. Fuel cost escalation is an important parameter and the sensitivity analyses show that for zero percent escalation on all fuels the dif- ference in total system costs reduces to $200 million. A zero percent escalation rate for coal-only reduces this difference to $1330 million. The final sensitivity runs assumed the economic lives of all-thermal units is extended by 50 percent. This reduces the cost difference to $1800 mi 11 ion. The above results indicate that the "with Susitna" scenario remains the more economic plan for a wide range of parameters. At real inter- est rates exceeding 8 percent, the all-thermal option becomes more attractive. It is, however, unlikely that such high rates would ever materialize. Although .the net economic advantage of the 11 With Susitna" scenario is significantly reduced, a zero fuel cost escalation rate still results in a more expensive a11-therm~1 generation scenario. 8-30 (ii) Social Comparison The evaluation in terms of social criteria is summarized in Table 8.27. The "with Susitna" scenario provides greater potential for non-renewable resource conservation and is, therefore, regarded as superior from this point of view. There is insufficient information available at this time to fully evaluate the impact on the state and local economics. The pattern of power investment expenditures will probably tend to be more regular with the all-thermal plan and hence there is potentially a more.grad~ ual impact than with the Susitna-inclusive generation plan. The timing of the Susitna type investment ts probably more disruptive in relation to other large scale Alaskan projects. However, this could result in counter-cyclical investment that would tend to reduce such disruptions. · (iii} Environmental Comparison Table 8.28 broadly summarizes the environmental impacts associated with the two scenarios. As indicated, both hydro and thermal devel- opment have potential for environmental impact. However, the extent to which the potential impacts are realized is very site specific. As specific information on potential future coal-fired generating sources is not available at this time, the overall comparison is generic rather than site specific. (iv) Overall Comparison An overall evaluation is summarized· in Table 8e29. This indicates that the uwith Susitna" scenario is clearly superior with regard to the economic criteria and suggests that there is not a distinguish- able difference between the evaluations based on environmental and social criteria. It is therefore concluded that the scenario incor- porating the Watana-Devil Canyon plan is superior to the all-thermal scenario. (c) Comparison of the "With Susitna" and Alternative Hydro Generating Scenarios Comparison of the 11 With-Susitna 11 and alternative hydro Rai1belt generation scenarios have been made only on the basis of economics. Although prelimi- nary screening of the ~:lternative hydroelectri~ developments is made as described in Section 6, the absence of immediate site-specific data pre- vents a more detailed assessment of non-economic aspects. The 11 with-Susitnau scenario is generally $1190 million more economic than the scenario incorporating the alternative hydro developments. Although development of the Susitna Basin is more economic than developing alterna- tive hydro, this does not imply that alternative hydro should be neglected. In fact, as several of the combination runs involving both Susitna and non- Susitna hyd~~o alternatives indicate, it may be economically advantageous to consider development of several alternative hydro sites in conjunction with Susitna. 8-3·i TABLE 8.1 -POTENTIAL HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT Average Economic 1 Dam Capital Installed Annual Cost of Source Proposed Height Upstream Cost Caj:?acity Energy Energy of Site Type Ft. Regulation $ million (MW) Gwh $/1000 kWh Data Gold Creek2 Fill 19~ Yes 9~0 260 1,140 37 USBR 1953 Olson ( Susitna I I) Concrete 160 Yes 600 200 915 31 USBR 1953 KAISER 1974 CDE 1975 Devil Canyon Concrete 675 No B30 250 1,420 27 This Study Yes 1,000 600 2,9BO 17 " High Devil Canyon " (Susitna I) Fill B55 No 1,500 BOO 3,540 21 " Devil Creek 2 Fill Approx No B50 co Watana Fill BB~ No 1,B60 BOO 3,250 2B " I w N Susitna III Fill 670 No 1 '390 350 1 ,5BO 41 " Vee Fill 610 No 1,060 400 1' 3 71l 37 " t4aclaren 2 Fill 1B5 No 5304 55 1BO 124 " Denali Fill 230 No 4B~4 60 245 B1 " Butte Creek2 Fill Approx No 40 1303 USBR 1953 150 Tyone 2 Fill Approx 60 No 6 22 3 USBR 1953 ~: (1)Includes AFDC, Insurance, Amortization, and Operation & Maintenance Costs. (2)No detailed engineering or energy studies undertaken as part of this study. (3)These are approximate estimates and serve only to represent the potential of (4)Include estimated costs of power generation facility. these two dam sites in perspective. TABLE B.2 -COST COMPARISONS Ca!;!ital Cost Estimate2 (19BO $) D A M ~ r R E ~ ~~~!] o 1 R t R ~ Installed Caplfal Cos£ lnsta [led CapJ.tal Cost Source and Site Type Capacity -MW $ million Capacity -MW $ million Date of Data Gold Creek Fi l1 260 1 B90 USRB 196B Olson 1901 (Susitna I I) Concrete 550 COE 1975 Devil Canyon Fill 600 1 ,ooo Concrete Arch 776 63D COE 1975 Concrete Gravity 776 910 COE 197B High Devil Canyon (Susitna I) Fill BOO 1,500 700' 1 ,4BO COE 1975 00 Devil Creek Fi l1 I w w Watana Fill BOO 1,B60 792 1,630 COE 197B Susitna [[[ Fi l1 350 1,390 445 KAISER 1974 Vee Fill 400 1,060 770 COE 1975 Maclaren Fill 55 530 Denali Fill 60 4BO None 500 COE 1975 Notes: (1) Dependable Capacity (2) Excluding Anchorag8/Fairbanks transmission intertie, but including local access and transmission. TABLE 8.3 -DAM CREST AND FULL SUPPLY LEVELS Staged Full bam Average Dam Dam Supply Crest Tailwater Height 1 Site Construction Level -Ft. level -Ft. Level -ft. ft. Gold Creek No 870 880 680 290 Olson No 1,020 1,030 810 310 Portage Creek No 1,020 1,030 870 250 Devil Canyon- intermediate height No 1,250 1,270 890 465 Devil Canyon - full height No 1,450 1,470 890 675 High Devil Canyon No 1,610 1,630 1,030 710 No 1,750 1,775 1,030 855 Watana Yes 2,000 2,060 1,465 680 Stage 2 2,2011 2,225 1,465 880 Susitna III No 2,340 2,360 1,810 670 Vee No 2,330 2, 350 1,925 610 Maclaren No 2,395 2,405 2,300 185 Denali No 2,540 2,555 2,405 230 Notes: (1) To foundation level. 8-34 TABLE 8.4 -CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES SUSITNA BASIN DAM SCHEMES COST IN $MILLION 1980 Devd Canyon High Dev1l Canyon Watana Sus1fna I I 1 Vee Maclaren lknah 1470 ft Crest 1775 ft Crest 2225 ft Crest 2360 ft Crest 2350 ft Crest 2405 ft Crest 2250 ft Crest Item 600 MW 800 MW 800 MW 330 MW 400 MW No ~ower No eower 1 ) Lands, Damages & Reservoirs 26 11 46 13 22 25 38 2) Diversion Works 50 48 71 88 37 11B 112 3) Main Dam 166 432 536 398 183 106 100 4) Auxiliary Dam 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 5) Power System 195 232 244 140 175 0 0 6) Spillway System 130 141 165 121 74 0 0 7) Roads and Bridges 45 68 96 70 80 57 14 ro 8) Transmission Line 10 10 26 40 49 0 0 I w 9) Carrp Facilities and Support 97 140 160 130 100 53 50 U"l 10) Miscellaneous 1 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 11 ) Mobi.lization and PreE.aration 30 47 57 45 35 15 14 Subtotal 757 1137 1409 1053 803 379 333 Contingency (20%) 152 227 282 211 161 76 67 Engineering and Owner's Administration (12%) 91 136 169 126 96 45 40 TOTAL 1000 1500 1860 1390 1060 500 440 Notes: (1) Includes recreational facilities, buildings and grounds and permanent operating equipment. TABLE B.5 -RESULTS OF SCREENING MODEL Total Demand First Second o a Cap. Energy Site Site Cost Site Run MW GWh Names Names $ million Names 1 400 1750 High 15BO 400 BB5 Devil 1450 400 970 Watana 1950 400 9BO Devil Canyon Canyon 2 BOO 3500 High Devil 1750 BOO 1500 Watana 1900 450 1130 Watana 2200 BOO 1B60 Canyon Devil Canyon 1250 350 710 TOTAL BOO 1B40 co I 3 1200 5250 Watana 2110 700 1690 High 1750 BOO 1500 High 1750 820 1500 w 0"> Devil Devil Canyon Canyon Devil 1350 500 BOO Vee 2350 400 1060 Susitna 2300 3BO 1260 Canyon Ill TOTAL 1200 2490 TOTAL 1200 2560 TOTAL 1200 2760 4 1400 6150 Watana 2150 740 1770 N 0 S 0 L U T I 0 N N 0 S 0 L U T I 0 N Devil 1450 660 1000 Canyon TABLE 8.6 -INFORMATION ON THE DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCHEMES Dev i 1 Canyon Tunnel Scfieme Item Oam Reservoir Area (Acres) 1,sno 320 0 3,900 n River Miles Flooded 31.6 2.0 0 15.8 n Tunnel length (Miles) 0 27 29 13.5 2.9 Tunnel Vslume ( 1000 Yd ) 0 11,976 12,863 3,732 5, 1"51 Compensating Flow Release from soo 1 Watana (cfs) 0 1,000 1t000 1,000 Downstream 2 Reservoir Volume (1000 Acre-feet} 1,100 9.5 350 Downstream Dam Height (feet)' 625 75 245 Typical Daily Range of Discharge From Devil ~anyon 6,000 4,000 4,000 8,3011 1,900 Powerhouse to to to to to (cfs) 13,000 14,000 14,000 8,900 4,2'l0 App-roximate Max.imum Daily Fluctuations in Downstream Reservoir (feet) 2 15 4 Notes: i 1, 000 cfs compensating flow release from the re-regu1 ation dam. Downstream from Watana~ 3 Estimated, above existing rock elevation~ 8-37 00 I w 00 TABLE B.7-DEVIL CANYON TUNNEL SCHEMES COSTS, POWER OUTPUT AND AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY Stage STAGE 1 : Watana Dam STAGE 2: Tunnel: -Scheme 1 -Scheme 22 -Scheme 3 -Scheme 4 ~: Watana Dev1l Canyon BOO BOO 70 B50 BOO Tunnel 550 1,150 330 365 Increase 1 in Installed Capacity (MW) 550 42D 3BO 365 Devil Canyon Average Annual Energy (Gwh) 2,050 4,750 2,240 2,490 (1) Increase over single Watana, BOO MW development 3250 Gwh/yr (2) Includes power and energy produced at re-regulation dam (3) Energy cost is baSed on an economic analysis (i.e. using 3 percent interest rate) Increase 1 in Average Annual Energy (Gwh) 2,050 1,900 2,1BO B90 Tunnel Scheme Total Project Costs $ Million 19BO 2320 1220 1490 3 Cost of Additionyl Energy (mills/kWh) 42.6 52.9 24.9 73.6 TABLE 8.8 -CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES TUNNEL SCHEMES COSTS IN $MILLION 1980 Item Land and damages, reservoir clearing Diversion works Re-regu lation dam Power system (a) Main tunnels (b) Intake, powerhouse, tailrace and switchyard Secondary power station Spillway system Roads and bridges Transmission lines Camp facilities and support Miscellaneous* Mobilization and preparation TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Contingencies (20%) Engineering, and Dwner 1 s Administration TOTAL PROJECT COST 8-39 557 123 wo dia tunnels 14 35 102 680 21 42 42 15 131 8 47 1,137 227 136 1,500 453 123 14 35 102 576 21 42 42 15 117 8 47 1,015 203 122 1,340 TABLE 8.9. SUS!TNA DEVELOPMENT PLANS Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Stage ( 1980 values) 1 GWH. ~ Plan Construction Date Leve 1 -ft. down-ft GWH • 1.1 1 Watana 2225 ft 800MW 1860 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 2 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 1996 1450 100 5500 6230 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 MW 2ii6o 00 I """ 0 1. 2 1 Watana 2060 ft 400 MW 1570 1992 2000 100 1710 2110 60 2 Watana raise to 2225 ft 360 1995 2200 150 2670 2990 85 3 Watana add 400 MW capacity 130 2 1995 2200 150 2670 3250 46 4 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 1996 1450 100 5500 6230 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 HW 3060 1.3 1 Watana 2225 ft 400 MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 600 MW 1000 1996 1450 100 5500 6230 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1400 MW 2890 TABLE 8.9 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor (1980 values) 1 ~ Plan Stage Construction Date Level -ft. down-ft. GWH GWH • 2.1 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft BOO MW 1500 1994 3 1750 150 2460 3400 49 2 Vee 2350 ft 400 MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW 2560 2.2 High Devil Canyon 00 1630 ft 400 MW 1140 1993 3 1610 100 1770 2020 58 I .,. 2 High Devil Canyon ~ add 400 MW Capacity raise dam to 1775 ft 500 1996 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400 MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW 2700 2.3 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft 400 MW 1390 1994 3 1750 150 2400 2760 79 2 High Devil Canyon add 400 MW capacity 140 1994 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400 MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 MW 2590 3.1 Watana 2225 ft BOO MW 1860 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 2 Watana add 50 MW tunnel 330 MW 1500 1995 1475 4 4890 5430 53 TOTAL SYSTEM 1180 MW 3360 TABLE 8. 9 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Plan Stage ConstrtJction (1980 values) Date 1 Level -ft. down-ft. GWH GWH % 3.2 Watana 2225 ft 400 MW 1740 1993 zzon 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1994 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Tunnel 330 MW add 50 MW to Watana 15on 1995 1475 4 4890 5430 53 3390 CP 4.1 1 Watana I 1995 3 ..,. 2225 Ft 400 MW 1740 22no 150 2670 2990 85 N 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity 150 1996 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 High Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400 MW 860 1998 1450 100 4520 5280 50 4 Portage Creek 1030 ft 150 MW 650 2000 1028 50 5110 6000 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 135 0 MW 3400 ~: (1) Allowing for a 3 year overlap construction period between major dams. (2) Plan 1.2 Stage 3 is less expensive than Plan 1.3 Stage 2 due to lower rrobilization costs. {3) Assumes FERC license can be filed by June 1984, ie. 2 years later than for the Watana/Devil Canyon Plan 1. TABLE 8.10-ENERGY SIMULATION SENSITIVITY Reservoir Maximum Installed full Supply Reservoir Annual Energl-Gwh Plant Capacity Level Drawdown Factor 1 Development M\t/ Feet feet firm (%) Average (%) % Watana 2225 feet BOO 2200 100 2510 (89) 3210 ( 101) 45.8 800 2200 150 2670 (94) 3250 (103) 46.4 BOO 2200 175 2770 (98) 3200 (101) 45.7 BOO 2200 Unlimited 2B30 (100) 3170 (100) 45.2 Notes: (1) Second lowest energy generated during simulation period. 8-43 TABLE 8.11. SUS!TNA ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS Stage/lncremental Data Maximum Capital Cost EarliP.st Reservoir Seasonal Plant $ Mi !lions On-line Full Supply Draw-Factor Plan Stage Construction (1980 values) 1 ~ Date Level -ft. down-ft GWH ~ E1.1 Watana 2225 ft 800MW and Re-Regulation Dam 1960 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 2 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAL SYSTEI~ 1200MW '2llbiT 00 E1.2 1 Watana 2~60 ft 400MW 1570 1992 2000 100 1710 2110 60 I 2 Watana raise to _.,. 2225 ft 360 1995 2200 150 2670 2990 85 _.,. 3 Watana add 400MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 230 2 1995 2200 150 2670 3250 46 4 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW Jll6IT E1.3 1 Watana 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 400MW capar.ity and Re-Regulation Dam 250 1993 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 408 MW 908 1996 1450 100 5520 6070 58 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW "2ll9IT TABLE 8.11 (Continued) Cumulative Stage/Incremental Data System Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Millions Ill-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Plan Stage Construction (1980 values) Date 1 Level -ft. down-ft. GWH GWH % E1.4 Wa tan a 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Devil Canyon 1470 ft 400MW 900 1996 1450 100 5190 5670 81 TOTAL SYSTEM 800MW 2640 E2.1 1 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft BOOMW and 00 Re-Regulation Dam 1600 1994 3 1750 150 2460 3400 49 I .,. 2 Vee 2350ft 400MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 <.r1 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW 2660 E2.2 1 High Devil Canyon 1630 ft 400MW 1140 1993 3 1610 100 1770 2020 58 2 High Devil Canyon raise dam to 1775 ft add 400MW and Re-Regulation Dam 600 1996 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400 MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200MW 2800 E2.3 1 High Devil Canyon 1775 ft 400MW 1390 1994 3 1750 150 2400 2760 79 2 High Devil Canyon add 400MW capar.ity and Re-Regulation Dam 240 1995 1750 150 2460 3400 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400MW 1060 1997 2330 150 3870 4910 47 TOTAL SYSTEM 1200 2690 TABLE 8.11 (Continued) umu a 2ve Stage/Incremental Data Si:stem Data Annual Maximum Energy Capital Cost Earliest Reservoir Seasonal Production Plant $ Mi !lions On-line Full Supply Draw-Firm Avg. Factor Plan Stage Construction (1980 values) Date 1 Level -ft. down-ft. GWH GWH % E2.4 1 High Devil Canyon 1755 ft 400MW 1390 1994 3 1750 150 2400 2760 79 2 High Devil Canyon add 400MW capacity and Portage Creek Dam 150 ft 790 1995 1750 150 3170 4080 49 3 Vee 2350 ft 400MW 1060 1997 2330 150 4430 5540 47 TOTAL SYSTEM TI"Iiil" 00 E3.2 1 Watana I 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1993 2200 150 2670 2990 85 _,. "' 2 Watana add 400 MW capacity and Re-Regul at ion Dam 250 1994 2200 150 2670 3250 46 3 Watana add 5fljW Tunnel Scheme 330MW 1500 1995 1475 4 4890 5430 53 TOTAL SYSTEM 1180MW mrr E4.1 Watana 2225 ft 400MW 1740 1995 3 2200 150 2670 2990 85 2 Watana add 4~8MW capacity and Re-Regulation Dam 250 1996 2200 150 267fJ 3250 46 3 High Devil Canyon 14 70 ft 400MW 860 1998 1450 100 4520 5280 50 4 PortagP-Creek 1030 ft 150MW 650 2000 1020 50 5110 6000 51 TOTAL SYSTEM 1350 MW >miT NOTES: m-Al lowing for a 3 year overlap construction period between major dams. (2) Plan 1.2 Stage 3 is less expensive than Plan 1.3 Stage 2 d1.te to lower 100bilization costs. (3) Assumes FERC license can be filed by JtJne 1984, ie. 2 years later than for the Watana/Devil Canyon Plan 1 a TABLE 8.12-ANNUAL fiXED CARRYING CHARGES -·;oo Economic Parameters Total Economic Cost of Annual Life Money Amortization Insurance Fixed Cost Project Type -Years % OJ % % 10 Thermal -Gas Turbine (Oil fired) 20 3.00 3,.7.2 0.25 6.97 -Diesel, Gas Turbine (Gas fired) and Large Stearn '· Turbine 30 3.00 2.10 0.25 5.35 -Small Stearn Turbine 35 3.00 1.65 0.25 4.90 Hydropower 50 3.00 0.89 0.10 3.99 " 8-47 TABLE B.13-RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF SUSITNA PLANS-MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST !lus1Ena rleveloement Plan Inc. InstalLed Capac1£y (MW) by Ictal System Iota! System On hne OaEes Cate9or~ in 2010 Installed Present Remarks Pertaining to Plan Stages OGP5 Run lhermal Hydro Capacity In Worth Cos~ the Susitna Basin No. 1 2 3 4 Id. No. Coal Gas l:hi DEfier !lus1£na 2010-MW $ Million DeveloEment Plan E1.1 1993 2000 LXE7 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5B50 E1.2 1992 1995 1997 2002 L5Y9 200 501 0 144 1200 2045 6030 E1. 3 1993 1996 2000 LBJ9 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5B50 1993 1996 L7W7 500 651 0 144 BOO 2095 6960 Stage 3, Devil Canyon Dam not constructed 199B 2001 2005 LAD7 400 276 30 144 1200 2050 6070 Delayed implementation schedule E1.4 1993 2000 LCK5 200 726 50 144 BOO 1920 5B90 Total development limited to BOO MW Modified E2.1 1994 2000 LB25 400 651 60 144 BOO 2055 6620 High Devil Canyon limited to 400 MW 00 E2. 31 1993 1996 2000 L601 300 651 20 144 1200 2315 6370 I 1993 1996 LE07 500 651 30 144 800 2125 6720 Stage 3, Vee Dam, not .,. 00 constructed Modified E2.3 1993 1996 2000 LEB3 300 726 220 144 1300 2690 6210 Vee dam replaced by Chakacharma dam 3.1 1993 1996 2000 L607 200 651 30 144 1180 2205 6530 Special 3.1 1993 1996 2000 L615 200 651 30 144 1180 2205 6230 Capital cost of tunnel reduced by 50 percent E4.1 1995 1996 1998 LTZ5 200 576 30 144 1200 2150 6050 Stage 4 not constructed NOTES: ( 1) Adjusted to incorporate cost of re-regulation dam TABLE 8.14-RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES OF SUSITNA PLANS-LOW AND HIGH LOAD FORECAST Susitna Develo2m7nt Plan Inc. Installed Capacity (MW) by Total System Total System Onl~ne Oates Categor~ in 2010 Installed Present Remarks Pertaining to Plan Stages OGP5 Run Thermal H~dro Capacity In Worth Cost the Susitna 8asin No. 1 2 ~ 4 ld. No. -Loal r!as Oil Other Susitna 2010-MW $ Million Development Plan VERY LOW FORECAST1 E1 .. 4 1997 2005 L7B7 0 651 .50 144 800 1645 3650 LOW LOAD FORECAST E1.3 1993 1996 2000 Low energy de~~ does not warrant plan c~ties E1.4 1993 2002 LC07 0 351 40 144 BOO 1335-4350 1993 LBK7 200 501 80 144 400 1325 49!~0 Stage 2, Oevll C&nyon Dam, not constructed E2.1 1993 2002 LG09 100 426 30 144 BOO 1500 . 456\'J High Devil Can~ limited to 400 MW 1993 LBU1 400 501 0 144 400 1445 485GI Stage 2, Vee il~t not co constructed I ~ E2.3 1993 1996 2000 Low energy d~nd does not ~ warrant plan c~ities Special 3.1 1993 1996 2000 L613 0 516 20 144 780 1520 4730 Capital cost uf tunnel reduced by 50 pel:'Cent 3.2 1993 2002 L609 0 516 20 144 780 1520 5000 Stage 2, 400 Mtt addition to Watana, not toostructed HIGH LOAD FORECAST E1.3 1993 1996 2000 LA73 1000 951 0 144 1200 3295 10680 Modified 2005 2 £1.3 1993 1996 2000 LBV7 800 651 60 144 1700 3355 10050 Ch,akachamna hy~lectric generating station (480 MW) brc!Ught on line .as a rourth sta1ge £2 .• 3 1993 1996 2000 LBV3 1300 951 90 144 1200 368.5 11720 Modified 2003 2 E2.3 1993 1996 2000 LBY1 1000 876 10 144 1100 3730 11040 Chakachamna hydroelectric generating station (480 MW) brought on line as a fourth stage NOTE: - (1) Incorporating load management and conservation Oescri[!tion Parameter Var~ed Interest Rate Fuel Cost ($million Btu, natural gas/coal/oil) Fuel Cost Escalation (%, natural gas/coal/oil) Economic Life of Thermal Plants (year, natural (') gas/coal/oil) I <.n 0 Thermal Plant Capital Cost ($/kW, natural gas/ coal/oil) Watan~/Oevil Canyon Capital Cost-($million, Watana/ Devil Canyon) Probabilistic Load Forecast NOTES: (1) Alaskan cost adjustment (2) Excluding AFDC TABLE 8.15-RF.SULTS OF ECONOMIC SENSITIVITY ANALYSES FOR GENERATION SCENARIO INrORPORATING SUSITNA 8ASIN DEVELOPMENT PLAN E1.3-MEDIUM FORECAST o a o a System System Installed Capacity (MW) by Installed Present Categorl in 2010 Capacity Worth Parameter OGPS Run IFiermaJ R~aro In 2010 Cost Values !d. No. l":oai Gas [hi Other Sus1tna MW $ Million 5% LF85 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 4230 9% LF87 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 2690 1.60/0.92/3.20 L533 100 576 20 144 1200 2040 5260 0/0/0 L557 0 651 30 144 1200 2025 4360 3.98/0/3.58 L563 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5590 45/45/30 L585 45 367 233 144 1200 1989 6100 350/2135/778 LED7 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 5740 1990/1110 L5G1 300 426 0 144 1200 2070 6210 2976/1350 LD75 300 426 0 144 1200 2870 6810 L8T5 200 1476 140 144 1200 3160 6290 factor reduced from 1. 8 to 1.4 Remarks 21)% fuel cost reduction Zero escalation Zero coal cost escalation Economic lives increased by 50% Coal capital cost reduced by 22% Capital cost for Devil Canyon Dam increased by 23% Capital cost for both dams increased by 50% TABLE 8.16-ECONOMIC BACKUP DATA fOR EVALUATION Of PLANS Parameter Capital Investment Fuel Operation and Maintenance TOTAL: Iota! Present Worth ·cast For 1981 -zo40 Period $ Million (% Total) Generation Pian With High Devil Canyon -Vee 2800 (44) 3220 (50) 350 (6) 6370 (100) Generatlon Plan Generat1on Plan With Watana -With Watana - Devil Can):'on Dam Tunnel 2740 (47) 3170 (49) 2780 (47) 3020 (46) 330 (6) .340 (5) 5850 (100) 6530 {100) 8-51 All Themal Generation Plans 2s2n Ol> 524.0 (64) 370 (5) 8130 (100) co I (j1 N TABLE 8.17-ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCHEMES AND WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE PLANS ECONOMIC EVALUATION: -Base Case SENSITIVITY ANALYSES: -Load Growth -Capital Cost Estimate -Period of Economic Analysis -Discount Rate -Fuel Cost -Fuel Cost Escalation -Economic Thermal Plant Life Low High Period shortened to (1980 -2010) 5% 8% (interpolated) 9% 680 650 N.A. Higher uncertainty assoc- iated with tunnel scheme. 230 520 210 1040 generation Higher uncertainty associated with H.D.C./Vee plan. 160 As both the capital and fuel costs associated with the tunnel 80% basic fuel cost scheme and H.D.C./Vee Plan are higher than for Watana/Devil Canyon plan any changes to these parameters cannot reduce the 0% fuel escalation Devil Canyon or Watana/Devil Canyon net benefit to below zero. 0% coal escalation 50% extension 0% extension Remarks Economic ranking: Devil Canyon dam scheme is superior to Tunnel scheme. Watana/Devil Canyon dam plan is superior to the High Devil Canyon dam/Vee dam plan. The net benefit of the Watana/Devil Canyon plan remains positive for the range of load forecasts considered. No change in ranking. Higher cost uncertainties asSoci- ated with higher cost schemes/plans. Cost uncertainty therefore does not affect economic ranking. Shorter period of evaluation decreases economic differences. Ranking remains unchanged. Ranking remains unchanged. c:> I (}1 w TABLE 8.18 -ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUAllON OF DEVIl CANYON OAM AND TUNNEL SCHEME Environmental Attribute Ecological: -Downstream fisheries and Wildlife Resident fisheries: Wildlife: Cultural: Land Use: Concerns Effects resulting from changes in water quantity and quality. loss of resident fisheries habitat. Loss of wildlife habitat. Inundation of archeological sites. Inundat ion of Oev il Canyon. Appratsal (Differences in impact of two schemes) t-.b significant differ- ence between schemes regarding effects down- at ream of Oev U Canyon. Oi fference in reach bet ween Oev il Canyon dam and tunnel re- regulat ion dam. Minimal differences between schemes. Minimal differences between schemes. Potential differences bet ween schemes. Significant difference bet ween schemes. Identification of difference With the tunne 1 scheme con- trolled flows between regula- tion dam and downstream power- house offers potential for anodromous fisheries enhance- ment in this 11 mile reach of the river. Devil Canyon dam would inundate 27 miles of the Susitna River and approximately 2 miles of Devil Creek. The tunnel scheme would inundate 16 miles of the Susitna River. The most sensitive wildlife ha- bitat in this reach is upstream of the tunne 1 re-regulation dsm where there is no significant difference between the schemes. The Oev il Canyon dam scheme in addition inundates the river valley between the two dam sites resulting in a moderate increase in impacts to wildlife. Due to the larger area inun- dated the probabll ity of inun- dating archeological sites is increased. The Oev H Canyon is considered a unique resource, 80 percent of which would be inundated by the Devil Canyon dam scheme. This would result in a loss of both an aesthetic value plus the potential for white water recreation. OVERALL EVALUATION: The tunnel scheme has overall a lower impact on the environment. Appraisal Judgement t-.bt a factor in evaluot ion of scheme. If fisheries enhancement oppor- tunity can be realized the tun- nel scheme offers a positive mitigation measure not available with the Devil Canyon dam scheme. This opportunity is considered moderate and favors the tunnel scheme. This reach of river is not con- sidered to be highly significant for resident fisher lea and thus the difference between the schemes is minor and favors the tunnel scheme. The difference in loss of wild- life habitat is considered mod- erate and favors the tunne 1 scheme. A significant archeological site, if identified, can proba- bly be excavated. This concern is not cons ide red a factor in in scheme evaluation. The aesthet ic and to some extent the recreational losses associ- ated with the development of the Devil Canyon dam is the main aspect favoring the tunnel scheme. 5cheme JUdged to have the least potential ii!Jlact funnel DC X X X Soc1al Aspect Potential non-renewable resource displacement Impact on state economy Impact on local economy Seismic exposure Overall Evaluation TABLE 8.19-SOCIAL EVALUATION OF SUSITNA BASIN DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES/PLANS Parameter Million tons Beluga coal over 50 years J Risk of major structural failure Potential impact of failure on human life. tunnel Scheme Devil Canyon Dam Scheme H1gh Dev1l Canyon/ Vee Plan Watana/DeV11 Canyon Plan 80 110 170 210 .. All projects would have similar impacts on the state and local economy. All projects designed to similar levels of safety. Any dam failures would effect the same downstream population. 1. Devil Canyon dam superior to tunnel. 2. Watana/Devil Canyon superior to High Devil Canyon/Vee plan. Remarks Devil Canyon dam scheme potential higher than tunnel scheme. Watana/ Devil Canyon plan higher than High Devil Canyon/ Vee plan. Essentially no difference between plans/schemes. TABLE 8.20 -ENERGY CONTRIBUTION EVALUATION OF THE DEVIL CANYON DAM AND TUNNEL SCHEMES Parameter Total Energy Production Capab1hty Annual Average Energy GWH Firm Annual Energy GWH % Basin P~tential Developed Enerry Potential Not Deve oped GWH Notes: Dam 2850 2590 43 60 lunnel 2240 2050 32 380 Remarks Devil Canyon dam annually develops 610 GWH and 540 GWH more average and firm energy respectively than the Tunnel scheme. Devil Canyon schemes develops more of the basin potential. As currently envisaged, the Devil Canyon dam does not develop 15 ft gross head between the Watana site and the Devil Canyon reservsoir. The tunnel scheme incorporates addi- tional friction losses in tunnels. Also the compen- sation flow released from re-regulation dam is not used in conjunction with head between re-regulation dam and Devil Canyon. (1) Based on annual average energy. Full potential based on USSR four dam scheme. 8-55 TABLE 8.21 -OVERALL EVALUATION OF TUNNEL SCHEME AND DEVIL CANYON DAM SCHEME Ali RIBUtE Economic Energy Contribution Environmental Social Overall Evaluation SUPERIOR PLAN Devil Canyon Dam Devil Canyon Dam Tunnel Devil Canyon Dam (1>1arginal) Devil Canyon dam scheme is superior Tradeoffs made: Economic advantage of dam scheme is judged to outwei<jl the reduced environmental impact associated with the tunnel scheme. 8-56 co I (J1 -....J Environmental Attribute Ecolopical: 1) 1sheries 2) Wildlife a) Moose b) Caribcu c) Furbearers d) Birds and Bears TABLE 8. 22 -ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF WATANA/DEVlL CANYON AND HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Plan Comparison No significant difference in effects on downstream anadromous fisheries. HOC/V would inundate approximately 95 miles of the Susitna River and 28 miles of tributary streams, in- cluding the Tyone River. W/OC would inundate approximately 84 miles of the Susitna River and 24 miles of tributary streams, including Walana Creek. IIOC/V would inundate 123 miles of critical winter river bottom habitat. W/OC would inundate 108 miles of this river bottom habitat. flOC/V would inundate a large area upstream of Vee utilized by three sub-populations of moose that range in the northeast sect ion of lhe basin. W/OC would inundate the Watana Creek area utilized by moose. The condition of this sub-population of moose and the quality of the habitat they are using appears to be decreasing. The increased length of river flooded, especially up- stream from the Vee dam site, would result in the HOC/V plan creating a greater potE'ntial division of the Nelchina herd's range. In addition, an increase in range would be directly inundated by the Vee res- ervoir. The area flooded by the Vee reservoir is considered important to some key furbearers, particularly red fox. This area is judged to be more important than the Watana Creek area that would be inundated by the W/OC plan. Forest habitat, important for birrls and black bears, exist along the valley slopes. The loss of this habi- t at would be greater with the W/OC plan. There is o high potential for discovery of archeologi- cal sites in the easterly region of the Upper Susitna Basin. The BOC/V plan has a greater potential of affecting these sites. For other reaches of the river the difference between plans is considered minimal. Appraisal Judgement Due to the avoidance of the Tyone River, lesser inundation of resident fisheries habitat and no significant difference in the effects on anadromous fisheries, the W/IJC plan is judged to have less impact. Due to the lower potential for direct impact on moone populations within the Susitna, the W/OC plan is judged superior. Dm to the potential for a greater impact on the Nelchina caribou herd, the BOC/V scheme is considered inferior. Due to the lesser potential for impact on fur- bearers the W/OC is judged to be superior. The HOC/V plan is judged superior. The W/OC plan is judged to have a lower po- tential effect on archeological sites. X X X X X (X) I U1 (X) TABLE 8. 22 (Continued) Environmental Attribute Aesthetic/ Land Use Plan Comparison With either scheme, the aesthetic quality of both Devil Canyon and Vee Canyon would b" impaired. The HDC/V plan would also inundate Tsusena falls. Due to construction at Vee Dam site and the size of the Vee Reservoir, the HDC/V plan would inherently create access to more wilderness area than would the W/DC plan. Appraisal Judgement 8oth plans impact the valley aesthetics. The difference is considered minimal. As it is easier to extend access than to limit it, inherent access requirements were considered detrimental and the W/DC plan is judged superior. The ecological sensitivity of the area opened by the HDC/V p len rein- forces this judgement. OVERALL EVALUATION: The W/DC plan is judged to be superior to the HDC/V plan. (The lower impact on birds and bears associated with HDC/V plan is considered to be outweighed by all the other impacts which favour the W/DC plan.) NOTES: W = Watana Dam DC = Oev il Canyon Dam HOC = High Devil Canyon Dam V = Vee Dam X TABLE 8.23 -ENERGY CONTRIBUTION EVALUATION OF THE WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE PLANS Parameter Total Energy Production Capability Annual Average Energy GWH Firm Annual Energy GWH % Basin Potential Developed (1) Eneriy Potential Not Deve oped GWH (2) Notes: Watana/ Devil Canyon 6070 5520 91 61) High Devil Canyon/Vee 4910 3870 81 650 Remarks Watana/Devil Canyon plan annually devel- ops 1160 GWH and 1650 GWH more average and firm energy re- pectively than the High Devil Canyon/Vee Plan. Watana/Devil Canyon plan develops more of the basin potential As currently con- ceived, the Watana/- Devil Canyon Plan does not develop 15 ft of gross head between the Watana site and the Devil Canyon reservoir. The High Devil Canyon/Vee Plan does not develop 175 ft gross head between Vee site and High Devil reservoir. ( 1) Based on annual average energy. Full potential based on USBR four dam schemes. (2) Includes losses due to unutilized head. 8-59 TABLE 8.24 -OVERALL EVALUATION OF THE HIGH DEVIL CANYON/VEE AND WATANA/DEVIL CANYON DAM PLANS AIIRIBOIE Economic Energy Contribution Environmental Social Overall Evaluation SUPERIOR PLAN Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon Watana/Devil Canyon (Marginal) Plan with Watana/Devil Canyon is superior Tradeoffs made: None 8-60 TABLE 8.25 -RESULTS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSES FOR GENERATION SCENARIO INCORPORATING THERMAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN -MEDIUM FORECAST Total System Total Installed Capacity (MW) Installed System by Category in 2010 Capacity Present Description Parameter OGP5 Run Thermal In 2010 Worth Cost Parameter \laried Value Id. No. l'!oai Cas !HI Hydro Total MW $ Million Remark-s; Interest Rate 5% LEA9 900 800 50 •f44 1895 5170 9% LEB1 900 801 50 1t~4 1895 2610 Fuel Cost ($ million Btu, natural gas/coal/oil) 1.60/0.92/3.20 L1K7 800 876 70 144 1890 7070 20% fuel c~i!: reduction Fuel Cost Escalation (%, natural gas/coal/oil) 0/0/0 L547 0 1701 10 144 1855 4560 Zero escalatitJn 3.98/0/3.58 L561 1100 726 10 144 1980 6920 Zero coal c0$t escalation Economic Life of Thermal Plants (year~ natural 45/45/30 gas/coal/oil L583 1145 667 51 144 2007 7850 Economic li f~ increased co I'! 50% r "" Thermal Plant Capital __. Cost ($/kW, natural gas/ 350/2135/778 LAL9 1100 726 10 144 1980 7590 Coal capital ~t reduced coal/oil) by 22% co I 0) N Parameters LOAD GROWTH CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE PERIOD OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DISCOUNT RATE FUEL COST FUEL COST ESCALATION 5 ECONOMIC THERMAL PLANT LIFE Notes: TABLE 8.26 -ECONOMIC SENSITIVITY OF COMPARISON OF GENERATION PLAN WITH WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND THE ALL THERMAL PLAN Present worth of Net Benefit ($million) of total generation system costs·for the Watana/Devil Canyon plan over the all thermal plan. Sensitivity Analyses Very low Low Medium High Low Thermal Cost2 High 3Hydroelectric Cost 1980 -2040 1980 -2010 8~~ (interpolated) 9 ., ,. 0% escalation for all fuels m~ escalation for coal only 5m~ extension to all thermal plant life Present worth ($ m1llion) 1280 1570 2280 2840 1850 1320 2280 960 2280 940 0 -80 1810 200 1330 1800 Remarks The net benefit of the Watana/Devil Canyon Plan re- mains positive for the range of load forecasts con- sidered. System costs relatively insensitive. Capital cost estimating mcertainty does not effect economic ranking. Shorter period of evaluation decreases economic dif- ferences. Ranking remains unchanged. Below discount rate of 8% the Watana/Devil Canyon plan is economically superior. Watana/Devil Canyon plan remains economically super- ior for wide range of fuel prices and escalation rates. Economic benefit for Watana/Devil Canyon plan rela- tively insensitive to extended thermal plan economic life. (1) All parameters, except load growth, tested using medium load forecast. (2) Thermal capital cost decreased by 22~~. (3) Estimated Susitna cost increased by 50~~. (4) All fuel costs reduced by 20%. Base case costs $/million Btu: Coal 1.15, Gas 2.00, Oil4.00 (5) Base case escalation: Coal 2.93%, Gas 3.98%, Oil 3.58%. co I 0) w Social Aspect Potential non-renewable resource displacement Impact on state economy Impact on local economy Seismic e>:.posure Overall Comparison TABLE 8.27 -SOCIAL COMPARISON OF SYSTEM £L:NERATION PLAN WITH < WATANA/DEVIL CANYON AND THE All iHERMAL PLAN Parameter Million tons of Beluga coal, over 50 years Direct & Indirect employment and in~ come. Business investment. Risk of major structural failure Potential impact of failure on human life. All lhermal Generation Plan Gradually, contin- uously growing impact. Generat2on Plan w2th Watana/Devil Canyon 210 Potentially more dis- ruptive impact on economics. All projects designed to similar levels of safety. Failure would effect only operating per- sonnel. Forecast of failure would be im- possible. Failure would effect larger number of people located downstream, however, some degree of forecasting dam failure would be impossible. No significant difference in terms of overall assessment of plans. Remarks With Watana/Devil Canyon plan is superior. Available information insufficient to draw definite conclusions. Both scenarios judged to be equal. TABLE 8.28 -GENERIC COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF A SUSITNA BASIN HYDRO DEVELOPMENT VERSUS COAL FIRED THERMAL GENERATION IN THE BELUGA COAL FIELDS Environmental Attributes Ecological: Cultural: Aesthetic/ Land Use: Concerns Sus1tna Basin Development Potential impact on fisheries due to alteration of down- steam flow distribution and water quality. Inundation of Moose and furbearer habitat and potential impact on Caribou migration. No major air quality problems, only minor microclimatic changes would occur. Inundation of archeological sites. Inundation of large area and surface disturbance in con- struction area. Creates addi- tional access to wilderness areas, reduces river recrea- tion but increases lake rec- reational activities. 8-64 Thermal Generation Potential for impact on fisheries resulting from water quality impairment of local streams and local habitat destruction due to surface disturbances both at mine and generating facili- ties. Impact on air quality due to emission of particu- lates so 2 , NO , trace metals and wa~er vapours from generating facilities. Potential destruct ion of archeological sites. Surface disturbance of large areas associated with coal mining and thermal genera- tion facilities. Creates additional access and may restrict land use activi- ties. TABLE 8.29 -OVERALL EVALUATION OF ALL THERMAL GENERATION PLANS WITH THE GENERATION PLAN INCORPORATING WATANA/DEVIL CANYON DAMS AltRIBUTE Economic Environmental Social Overall Evaluation suPERIOR PLAN With Watana/Devil Canyon Unable to distinguish difference in this study due to site specific nature of impacts No significant overall difference Plan with Watana/Devil Canyon is judged to be superior Tradeoffs made: Not fully explored 8-65 PREVIOUS STUDIES AND FIELD RECONNAISSANCE 12DAM SITES SCREEN ENGINEERING LAYOUT AND COST STU Dl ES 7DAM SITES COMPUTER MODELS TO DETERMINE LEAST COST DAM COMBINATIONS 3 BASIC DEVELOP- MENT PLANS DATA ON DIFFERENT THERMAL GENERATING SOURCE;..;::S;__ ____ ~....-___, COMPUTER MODELS TO EVALUATE -POWER AND ENERGY YIELDS -SYSTEMWIDE ECONOMICS GOLD CREEK CRITERIA DEVIL CANYON DEVIL CANYON 1-E-C_O_N_O_M_IC-S-----l HIGH DEVIL OBJECTIVE ECONOMIC WATANA I DEVIL CANYON CRITERIA WATANA I DEVIL CANYON HIGH DEVIL CANYON ENVIRONMENTAL CANYON DEVIL CREEK ALTERNATIVE WATANA WATANA SITES SUSITNA m SUSITNA ill ENERGY VEE VEE CONTRIBUTION MACLAREN MACLAREN DENALI DENALI BUTTE CREEK TYONE '---------'HIGH DEVIL CANYON/ VEE HIGH DEVIL CANYON I WATANA ADDITIONAL SITES PORTAGE CREEK ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL ENERGY CONTRIBUTION PLUS THERMAL LEGEND DIS HIGH DEVIL CANYON DIS WATANA ~STEP NUMBER IN STANDARD PROCESS (APPENDIX A) SUSITNA BASIN PLAN FORMULATION AND SELECTION PROCESS FIGURE 8.1 • PORTAGE CR. - 100 I .., .. H <r z _,_ u; ·;:::, Cl) -z ~ ~ z <t <[ u <[ 1905'-z ~~ z t: ....J £i <( (/J > 0 1-2050.!. ::l lL! ~ (/J 0 (/J :z: ....J 2200' > (!) w . ~, > :r: 0 1750' 0:: (I) w r--f450' ~ dl 0 - ~ 1 ~ (!) I 1000 1 870 --11- to2d 500' 120 140 160 ISO RIVER Mt• ... ES ., l&J w > 200 OSHETNA RIVER ,....----~ 2000 1 I I I I ~__._.._.,li. TJ--TYONE RIVER 1------"-"""'-2000 1 F I I I ~· I I fS z I w !i I ;:J I 1-....J I t- I u z => <t l&J ~m 0 RIVER w 1- I 2350'! ::1!2395!~ 2535 _____ ..,_ l I II 1.. I !..,.,.- L2300' 220 240 260 280 3 2 2 I PROFILE THROUGH ALTERNATIVE SITES FIGURE 8.2 [i] 00 1 m 00 I GOLD CREEK OLSON DEVIL CANYON HIGH DEVIL CANYON· DEVIL CREEK WATANA SUSITNA:m VEE HIGH DEVIL CANYON DEVIL CREEK WATANA. SUSITNA m. LEGEND COMPATIBLE ALTERNATIVES VEE D MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE ALTERNATIVES ~ DAM lN COLUMN IS MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE IF FULL ··: .. :. : · · ·:: SUPPLY LEVEL OF DAM IN ROW EXCEEDS THIS VALUE-FT. ·:t4:E'~5 .. ···::(~i):5} . VALUE IN BRACKET REf:-ERS TO APPROXIMATE DAM HEIGHT. MACLAREN DENALI MACLAREN DENALI . ·.·-.· .. · ·,_··.· '. ~ '. . BUTIE 'CREEK TYONE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES BUTTE ~ CREEK ~ ~ t! H H ·-· TYONE FIGURE a5 lil <.D 0 )( - <Do >< -1- (/) 0 0 1500 1000 500 • ;oo •• DEVIL CANYON . . : . 1000 2000 3000 RESERVOIR STORAGE (10 3 x A F) HIGH DEVIL CANYON 1000 LEGEND e COST DEVELOPED DIRECTLY FROM ENGINEERING LAYOUTS COST BASED ON ADJUSTMENTS TO O VALUES DETERMINED FROM LAYOUTS 1500 4000 DAMSITE COST VS RESERVOIR STORAGE CURVES FIGURE 8.4 8-69 <f -~ (/) 0 u 2400 2000 1860 1600 400 LEGEND e COST DEVELOPED DIRECTLY FROM ENGINEERING LAYOUTS COST BASED ON ADJUSTMENTS TO O VALUES DETERMINED FROM LAYOUTS 0 o~---2~oo-o---4-o~o-o __ 6_o~o-o---soo~o---lo~o~oo---I-2000~--~~--• RESERVOIR STORAGE ( 103x AF) 1500 1000 (.!)Q )( -~ (/) 0 u 500 0 WATANA 1390 1000 2000 3000 RESERVOIR STORAGE ( 103x A F) SUSITNA liT 4000 DAMSITE COST VS RESERVOIR STORAGE CURVES FIGURE 8.5 8-70 1000 800 ~ 600 )( ~ BOO 600 tD Q )( -~ 400 1- (/) 0 () 200 /500 ~ 1060 LEGEND e COST DEVELOPED DIRECTLY FROM ENGINEERING LAYOUTS COST BASED ON ADJUSTMENTS TO 0 VALUES DETERMINED FROM LAYOUTS 0~--~----~----~----~--_.----~------~ 800 .;;-600 Q X = t; 400 0 () 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 RESERVOIR STORAGE ( 10 3 x AF) MACLAREN 440 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 RESERVOIR STORAGE ( 10 3 x AF) DENALI DAMSITE COST VS RESERVOIR STORAGE CURVES FIGURE 8.6 8-71 2200 FT. WATANA 800 MW •j• 2 MILES y-----1475 FT. ~--RE -REGULATION DAM 2 TUNNELS 38 FT. DIAMETER 800 MW-70 MW 2 TUNNELS 38 FT. DIAMETER DEVIL CANYON 550 MW 1150 MW ·-· RE-REGULATION DAM 30 MW 300 MW 30 FT. DIAMETER 800 MW 2 TUNNELS 365 MW 24 FT. DIAMETER SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF CONCEPTUAL TUNNEL SCHEMES TUNNEL SCHEME # I. 2. 3. 4. FIGURE 8.7 8-72 LEGEND STAGE I STAGE 2 ~ PLAN El o---0 PLAN E2 ~---~ PLAN E3 0-·-·~ PLAN E4 I / I E3.2 Q I 3 I I I I E 1.1 1000~-------------------------------------~-----------------+---~ 0~---------~------------~------------~------------~------------~------------~~ 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY-GWH CAPITAL COST VERSUS ENERGY PLOTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSITNA BASIN PLANS FIGURE 6000 88. 3 ~ ~ 2 0 0 0 >- 1- (.) g_l <( (.) 10 8 J: s:6 (.!) 0 0 0 >- (.!) ~ 4 z w 2 1980 LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC l::f:::f:::f:::f::l COAL FIRED THERMAL EZ] GAS FIRED THERMAL • OIL FIRED THERMAL( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM NOTE : RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN L8J9 DEVIL CANYON (400 MW) WATANA-1 (400 MW) EXISTING S COMMITTED 0~--~--------------------------------------------------------------~ 1980 1990 2000 TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA PLAN E 1.3 -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST- FIGURE !"L 7Ll. 2010 8 JiiiJ ~ ~ 2 0 0 0 >-1- 0 '(tl 4: 0 10 8 ::r: 3:6 (9 0 0 0 >- (9 ~ 4 z w 2 715 1980 1990 LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC f:ffffl COAL FIRED THERMAL Ell GAS FIRED THERMAL 2230 2000 2010 • OIL FIRED THERMAL( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM) NOTE: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN L60 I TOTAL DISPATCHED ENERGY VEE(400 MW) HIGH DEVIL CANYON-I (400 MW) EXISTING AND COMMITTED 0~--~--------------------------------------------------------------~ 1980 1990 2000 TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA PLAN E 2.3 -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST- FIGURE 8-75 2010 8.10 •. 3 ~ 2 0 0 0 >-I- () ri:l <! () 10 8 I: 3 6 (!) 0 0 Q >- (!) ~4 z w 2 1980 LEGEND' D HYDROELECTRIC MfffJ COAL FIRED THERMAL Ell GAS FIRED THERMAL -OIL FIRED THERMAL (NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGR NOTE: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN L607 TUNNEL(380 MW) WATANA -I ( 400 M W) EXISTING S COMMITTED 0~--~--------------------------------------------------------------~ 1980 1990 2000 TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA PLAN E3.1 -MEDIUM LOAD FORECAST- FIGURE 2010 8.11 [ii] 1.6 ~ 2 0 0 0 1.2 I .8 >- !:: (.) <( a.. <( (.) >- <.!) 0::: w z w .4 8 6 4 2 1980 1990 LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC ltttt:l COAL FIRED THERMAL D GAS FIRED THERMAL -NOTE: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN LC07 2000 DEVIL CANYON (400MW) WATANA (400 MW) EXISTING 8t COMMITTED HYDRO 1272 2010 0~--_.--------------------------------------------------------------~ 1980 1990 2000 TIME GENERATION SCENARIO WITH SUSITNA PLAN E 1.5 -LOW LOAD FORECAST- FIGURE -77 2010 8.12. 3.5 3 ?: ~ 0 g 2 I >- 1- u it <( Ul :I: ?: <..~ 0 0 0 16 12 I 8 >- (!) a:: w z w 4 1980 1990 LEGEND: D HYDROELECTRIC [JffJ COAL FIRED THERMAL E] GAS FIRED THERMAL 1000 2000 -OIL FIRED THERMAL( NOT SHOWN ON ENERGY DIAGRAM) NOTE: RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OGPS RUN LA73 TOTAL DISPATCHED ENE 1980 1990 TIME 2000 DEVIL CANYON (400 MW) WATANA-2 ( 400 MW) 2010 2010 GENERATION SCENAR 10 WITH SUSITNA PLAN E 1.3 HIGH LOAD FORECAST FIGURE 8.13 [i] 8-78 ti Ul "- z z \100 0 l.i 1000 ~ C-\00 .J w 800 ill. IG.OO 1-----··· ---······ -t~o I ~ l&oo ~-----------------------~~~~~~---------- :z 0 1400 / , GE.NE.RAL ARRANG'E.ME.NT ~ ~ r~oo ORIGI)..!Al.. GROUND ..J 1'200 w SCAt-E.: A S E.CTlON A·A. SCALE.: f!l. LONGITUOINA.L SE.CTION TWRU ct_ OF OAM SCAL-E.: B !GOD FINE FIL TEl< r , G~UT GAL.U:.RY '\-DRAIN SECTION TJ-ti<U DAM SCALE; B r-~ORMAl.. MA1C W.J.,. ~ 1450 1 ~------------------------------------------------- 1'500 tJ 1400 Uf 1~00 "- z I'Z.OO z 1100 0 ~ ~ 1000 ..J "\00 lll 800 !SCALE. A. o $C6.1-E e, 0 800 FI!ET 40::> F~ET ·-___ ... " lOCO 1500 C.HAINA.GE. IN F£E.T POWER FACILHlES PROFILE. SCALE: B CHA.INAGE. IN FEET SPILLWAY PROFILE SCALE.~ B EXISTING C\~L.Il'IO SURFACE. ON RIGHT' 510£. OF SPILLWAY PLATE OEVtL CANYON HYDRO DEVELOPMENT FILL DAM o.n OEC.I981 ! ·~ -=-· l '2'!0:1 l I ,-- GEN~RAL ARRANGEMENT SCA.L.E.: A ORIGINt...J... GI<OUND SURFACE. -~ r CREST El.. '222.s'' , AT~ 0~ DAM 1- Ill IJl b.. "Z 7 0 ~ > l(f ,.1 •.ll -;_\cP 2200 2100 '2000 ----- 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 14CO ______ .... __ ..... .-..---- SE.CTION A-A SCALE.: C " LONGITUDtNAL SECTION THRU ¢l: OF DAM SCA!..S1.e 1- b) IJl u. ~ z 0 ~00 22.00 2100 !2.000 1900 1800 I"IOQ I GOO 0 CO""STRUC.TION AOIT ROC!(. ANCHOF<S ti '111 fJ.. z 2 Q ~ > Ul ..J w ' lJQIO!."""L M.eut w.t., E.L. '2200 -~_..., SECTiON Tl-lRU DAM ' 'SCA-L-E;~ POWEQ. FACILill E.S PRO~ILE. SCAJ...~~ ~ ~ 2?.00 2'200 '2;100 :2000 1900 taoo 1"700 IC.OO 1500 1400 1~0 0 &CO IN FEET SCAt.£ A. 0 500 1000 FE.E'.T S PI LUNAY PROF t L£. . . . -· SCAl-E..: e SCALE. f.:> 0 PLATE 2 WATANA HYDRO DEVELOPMENT FILL DAM DMt DEC.I9BI i I I 'l'lOO ------ 210\') '.SCALE. : P.., ........ ---------- LONGITUOINAL SECTION T\-IRU (j;. OF DAM SCALE:& NO !'<MAL MAX OPERATING l.'E.VEL-E:L • .Z '2001 ·~~ 2200 ~ 2.100 2.000 u. 2 \900 :z 0 1600 ~ ~ .J Ill 1900 J-----~~~~~~~-ti ··--------·----------·-----~~---.-...~-~---=~~ :f1800 3ti00 z Ola.oo t:: ~loco ~14CC Jooo FE.E.T SPILLWAY PROFILE. NORMAl... MA'X. 2.100 2000 ti· !900 ul I.L 2 ISOO ~rroo ~ :g1C600 lJl cl1SOO w.t... at.. 'l.O(X)' G~OIJT CURTA.>"!-- \ GAL-I...E~ \...__ Dl<A..It-.1 SECTlON THRU DAM '.SCAt..E • e, ,. ,,4·UNI1' tNTAIG.E. (STAG!;. JI) ......... ...... .._..,. _____ _ ........... , POWE.R FACIU TlE.S PROFILE. I SCALE: B SCALE. A 0 SOO ICXX> FE.E.T -··· SCALE. e 0 .ZOO PLATE 3 1 BIR ]~----ALA--SKA_. _Po_w_· .E_R_A_u_r_Ho ...... R_n_v___. $U$1TNA li\'OIIOiU.ECTI!IC l'ftOJtC"f WAr ANA .STAGED FILL DAM hi Ill tL 2 .z 0 ~ ~- lil ~ •. \ . GE.NE.RAL ARRA..NGE.MENT SCA\.;e. ; A. El<CAV.ciJ".JON FOR CORE: CI<E5T E.L. 11""1'5' AT rJ: OF' OAM LONGlTUDt NAL SECTION T~ QU d; OF DAM ti ~ ~ z 2 ~ > lJJ _J Ul 'SOo !SLOPE. --.. I ·~ JSOO 800 "' 1-1<100 liJ H! 1500 2 .1400 z I~ Q !4 l200 > ~ 1100 toa:> 900 ·--.. ,---·--· 500 0 0 SECTION TI-II<U DAM $C::ALE: C) OTEEL LINER. lN FEE'T POWE.I<. FAClLfilE.S PROFILE SCAL.IS.~ ~ SCAU:.A 0 400 ··~ 200 400 FiiE.T GQOt.JNO 5l.IRFACE. r"Z.· :24' OIA. CO~CICI:LTE. LINE.O "TUl!.lloJE.LS PLATE 4 OlJ1'L.eT SiRUCTURe I [iJ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ··~-----------------~ IIIli SUSITHI, lt'I'OROEt.ECTR•c t'RO.UCT HIGH DEVIL CANYON HYDRO DEVELOPMENT D-'n DEC .1981 I----M...+----.;..,_ .. _________ -t----1r--t--t---i. ',;;.· ~; ~:/·~ 0.:: .~·.:.~ • J<!._;, 0PA~T¢1H't Oft.'\wtHO fifO. t-:,...,.,,-1':-=+----------11=[1;:::!ld.IONS==------~----r.:,;:u:::,-t:m.=t •. -:::m=."'t::~~~+-,_.,-~-----t!,~:~~ .. cs·l L---------------------------------------------~~~~--------------------------"-------------------------------------------------------------------------~.2;_. _________ , '7.000 ----------- ....-----.__-----'-,..·---~ '2100--.. /~-----·-·-·-~....---·- '2.'200 ~...-UPPER RE.SE.RvoH~ LEVEL tz.SOO ?.r;,OO .~~ \ .........._. GE.N£QAL ARQANGEMENT SCA.LE.: A. I~CC 1800 s .. LoPe.~ ~cR.t..ST EL. '2*-01 i AT 'E OF OA.M ~~~------------~~--=~-----~----------------------------- ....... '~ -----__ ..... .. ~-..________ t. -----------...1'-----.......;... ____ =-""'-=---:-:-;;::; __ --------------· LONG\TUDINA.L SECTION T~RU p OF DAM SCALE-; B NO~MAt. MA){ .V/,1.. ::.,..,---------·-------_-::;£·=· 1-.\0RMAL MAX, W.t.,, SL,'Z.340 1 SE.CTJON T~R.U DAM Q400r----------------+--------------~ POWER FACIUTES PROFILE. NORMA.\.. MA.'It. W. t. .• Et..'2~' SCAt.E.:e, sPU .. LWA'( CONTROL. SiRlJG'T.URE. 5· 551 " &5' WI-IE.Et. MOtJNTED GA'TE.$ !5 (0 CI4A.lN~G;. IN 1'-'Et::.T SPILL\l.JAY PROFlLE. ~c.A.LC.: ~ IS I PLATE 5 'll!ltlii--AL_A_SKA--·-:-:-PO_W::-:-E"""":R':"':A~U7TH-:-O::-::R-:-:IT"::":Y---t: ftllll} IUSITNA H'VOIIOIILI!CTIUC PROJECT SUSITNA m HYDRO DEVELOPMENT ""'" OEC.I981 I I ___ j SPILLWA."(~---- OlV~lOt-l TU~NELS <Z400 l-2.~ w ul 2.2.00 u. ~ '2.100 z 0 2000 ~ ~ t<?IOO ~ .l$.00 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCALE. • A. CR,E.ST E.L "2 ~SO' LONGITUDINAL SECTlON T~RU 4.. OF MAIN DAM SCALE.#S t;j Ill u. ~ z 0 ~ > uJ .J ul '.Z.c:;oo 'ZSOO '240o 'Z~OO '2'2.00 '2.100 '2000 1900 1800 \ ~OI..E.OA.M l;j 111 u. :?; :z 0 ~ ::> w _J Ill 2400 '2.500 2200 '2100 2000 1900 1eoo 1100 !GOO NORMAl. MAX. W.L..• E.!-. 2.~~ I FINE Fli...Tit.R"' \ GROUT GAl-LER'( \"'> GROUT CURTAIN ::;:o1 1 <:::::;:DRAIN SEC-fiON "THRU MAIN DAM POWER. FAC l LIT\ES Pl<OFILE. '!!>C.A.l.-E. ~ e SPILLVvAY PROF'tl.E. SCALE: e. SCALE.: & sCALE. A 0 --.-~ SCA.t..E. 5 0 '200 · 4a:::> F'EE.T PLATE 6 I··~~ 11---Al_A_SK_A_P_O_W_E-:-::R -:--A:"':"':UT:-:H:-::-0:-:-RI:-:-TY=-1 M [j S.USITNA HYDROELECTRIC I'ROJECT VEE HYDRO DEVELOPMENT o~n DEC.I9SI l ! I I i l ' I I I ' I / /\ ·'? I \ I / L-'2.500 'Z4So --/ '·------- ! .1 .. / / / ; I MACLAREN GE.NE.RAL ARRANGEMENT SCALE; A <Q~ .. ____ / DAM CROSS SSCTtON SGA.LE.tC. SECTION A-A CONCR.C.TE SLAe. SE.CTION C-C 'Z'2.00~------------------------~----~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B-B SCALE.: C DENALI G£NE.RA.L ARRANGE.M£NT SCALE!A. I / l .I {',( . ~,.· I ) \ \ \ \ ) 2400~~~~~~._~~----~~~~~~~~~~L---~~~~~~~~---~------ 25~L_ ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~~==~~~~ \ ·-.,FIL.TER. \SEMI· PE.I<,VIOt)S DAM CQOSS SECTION SCAL..£:'5 4· IG>'xo'Z1 W~E.E.I... MOUNTE.O GAlES SEC:::TION 0-D SCALE: C. SCAL.E. A 0 400 800 FS:E.T PLATE 7 I I I -- llfllf 1~----A_LA_s_KA_P_o_w_e_R _A_u_TH_o_R_Irr_. ~ Mill S\JSITNA HYDIIOELECTRIC PAOJEC:"t 400 FE.E1 ---.-.. _._ . SCAL.t: C 0 iOO ··--· DENALI a MACLAREN HYDRO DEVELOPMENTS SC'-!EME. ~ PLAN ScA.Le 0 2 MIL.E. I ; --...____1900-- 1.400 ~ ·=~ ------·- _,-----·· .~· (--------__/ . noo ,,,w..-. .... 40'Wli:SO'HIGH VERi'ICAL LIFT GA"TE'S "----------~---------------........._ ·.. SPIL.LWAY Cl<E.'ST .,..,___... t.:,.l4~5. ~----- GE.NERAL ARRA~GI:.ME.NI QE· RE.GULATION QA.M SCA.L.E 0 300 GOO FEET . -............... NOTE:,: ALL. PLANS AND UYOUTS FOR CONCEPTUAl.. STUDY Pti~SE$ ONI..'f, ~ENERAL ARRANG~MENT .Qg\!IL CAN::tQN F=\::>WE'.R.J.~OUSE. SCAI.E. 0 400 800 FEET PLATE 8 118Hrt IJ--A_LA__;,__SKA_PO_W~E_R _AU_T_H_O~RilY~. -I fill!j IUIITfiA H\'DftOI!I.I!CTI'IIC Pft0i.£l:'f' PREFERRED TUNNEL SCHEME 3 PLAN VIEWS I . 1100 ~ 1!00 1100 '"00 1600 ,_ .,. .... d. :5 1400 :z: 0 ·~ > 1!00 UJ ... .... l'l~ RE-REGULATION DAM TYPICAL SECTION SCA.I...E.: A, POWER TUNNEL INTAKE SECTION NORMAL MAX. .a.t47S' --·- UNLINED ScALE.: A ~W•40H Vi!ErtCAI... I.! FT' c;.ATI\:5 SPiLLWAY PROFILE f l A A '--l~:lw&PNJ CONC. LlNEO WISiEEL SET SE.CTION A·A J;f;TAIL. A !TrP.J TYPICAL tUNNEL SECTIONS (t-.OTlo sc~<.t..E.) ... ... ... d. ''oc 1500 1400 z laQO :z: 0 ._ l'lOO ~ "' ~ w noo 1- ll1 ll1 IL ~ z 0 ~ 1~0 > UJ ..J w 1000 IH=·~·-o . --- . -----~ ----- SURGE. T.A-'11< ------ . -----l 1 I I ORIFICE. ------ OISTANCE. IN Mll...f!.S TUNN.E.L ALIGNMENT. -.......-......,~ -------------------------~ '~ ~~0\b. TA.II-I<A.CE ,. TUNNEl- " \ \ TAII.~AC:! S'!OI"~S. NORM.\ I. T.W.l.. El..B~~~=---i=~~~~~~==~~~ E~~· ~~~~~~::::::=~~==~-------------------------------~~~~---------:r-------------------~~~J---~~CcC~~i;R~~ i?ETAJL S. (TYP.) DEVIL CANYON POWER FACILITIES PROFILE' DRILl.HOLE l" OJA. ROO:EAI.T j DETAIL "A. HEX NUT ;GI<OUT AS .RE.QVI12£.D I' (NP.) "' SCAt..!;;.: A NOTE; Al...t.. STRUCTURAl-AND St.JPPORT DETAll.S ARE. CONCEPTUI\1.. AJ.JD FoR. 'STUDY PURPOSE$ ONI..V. SCAl-E A 0 roo. PLATE 9 200 Fer::r ROCK BOLTS ROCK BOLTS 4 SHOTCRETE TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTIONS (NOT TO SCAI..E) DE.TAlL "e), PREFE;~~EO TUNNEL SCH~ME 3' SECTIONS 9 -SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT The studies discussed in previous sections of this report conclude that, on the basis of the analyses to date, the future development of Railbelt electric power generation sources should include a Susitna Hydroe1ectric·Project .. Further work is required to fully establish the technical and economic feasibility of the Susitna project and to refine its design. The project as currently conceived is described in this section. 9.1 -Selected Plan As described in Section 8, the selected Susitna Basin development plan involves the construction of the Watana dam to a crest elevation of 2225 feet with a 400 MW powerhouse scheduled to commence operation by 1993. This date is the earliest that a project of this magnitude can be brought on-line. A delay tn this date would mean that additional thermal units \vould have to be brought on-line resulting in an increase in the cost of power to the consumer. This first stage would be followed by expanding the powerhouse capacity to 800 MW by 1996 and possibly the construction of a re-r-egulation dam downstream to allow daily peaking operations. More detailed environmental studies are required to confirm the requirement for this re ... regulation dam and it may be possible to incorporate it in the Devil Canyon dam diversion facilities. The final stage involves the construction of the Devil Canyon darn to a crest elevation of 1465 feet with an installed capacity of 400-MW by the year 2000. 'should the load growth occur at a lower rate than the current medium forecast) then consideration should be given to-postponing the capacity expansion proposed at Watana and the construction of the Oevi 1 Canyon dam to ··the year 2002 or pos- sibly even 2005. These latter two dates correspond respectively to the 10\'l load forecast and the extreme 1 0~1 forecast incorporating an increased 1 eve 1 of 1 oad . management and conservation.. For actual load growth rates higher than the medium 1 oad forecasts., construction of the De vi 1 Canyon dam caul d be advanced to 1998 •. Although it has been determined that this deve 1 opment plan is extremely economic for a wide range of possible future energy growth rates!) the actual scheduling for the various stages should be continuously reassessed on, sayJ) a five year basis. It should also be stressed that the dam heights and installed capacities quoted above are essentially representative orders of magnitude at this stage of project planning. These key parameters are subject to modification as the more detailed project optimization studies are conducted during 198lo The darn type selected for the Devi 1 Canyon dam site has currently been revised from the rockfill alternative described in Section 8 to a thin double-curvature concrete arch dam. More detailed engineering studies carried out subsequent to the planning studies described have 'indicated this dam type to be more appropriate to the site conditions as we11 as slightly more cost effective. The results of these engineering studies are contained in Appendix H. 9.2 • Project Description At this stage in the development of optimum project designs, various alternative project layouts are .being produced for both 'the·. Watana and Devil Canyon sites. These layouts are being compared from both technical and economic viE·Mpoints and this comparison \'Jill 1ead to the selection o.f possibly two or three basic layouts at each site for study in more detail. 9-1 At this early stage certain 1 ayouts are discerned to be more attractive than their counterparts. Of these, a single layout i.lt each of the Watana and Devil Canyon sites has been selected as representative of the possible final develop- ment, and is described in this section. · These 1 ayouts are indicative of the present stage of the study. Much fie 1 d work i'S still planned together with design and refinement studies, and these layouts should on no account be regarded as the final developments at this time. (a) Watana (Plates 12 and 13) ( i) ~ite Geologx The dam site at Watana is underlain by a dioritic intrusion (pluton) .. - The site has a favorab 1 e confi,gurati on because the river has cut down through the intrusion, resulting in a narrow canyon. The pluton is bounded at the upstream and downstream edges by sedimentary rocks that show evidence of being deformed and arched upwards by the plutonic intrusion (Figure 7.4}. The evidence to date indicates that the sedimentary rock has been eroded from the top of the pluton at the irrmediate site.. Follo'v"1ing intrusion, at intervals that have not yet been determined, volcanics erupted into the area.. These volcanics form the basalt flows exposed in the canyon near Fog Creek downstream of the site, and the andesite flows over the pluton at the dam site. There is no indication of basalt flows within the immediate dam site, but the andesite has been detected in several borings in the western portion of the site.. The nature and characteristics of the diorite-andesite contact will be further investigated in the 1981 program. The surficial material at the dam site is predominantly talus and very thin glacial sediments on the abutments, with limited deposits ·~of river alluvium and lake clay at isolated locations. The river ch~nnel is filled with up to 80 feet of alluvial deposits derived . from till and talus material. The drilling and seismic lines indi- cate that the bedrock weathering averages ten to twenty feet, with a very disti net gradation from weathered to unweathered rock. The sur- ficial weathering processes seem to be primarily physical rather than chemical. Bedrock quality below 60 feet is uniform to the maximum depths drilled .. The pattern of sound, unweathered rock zones are separated by shear zones of rock a 1 tered by injection of fe 1 site -and andesite dikes, with subsequent deterioration of the broken rock by groundwater. The basic conditions are favorable to construction of both surface and underground structures, with remedial treatment likely to·be limited to shear zones. (ii) Geotechnical Aspects ., The Watana dam site lies predominantly on sound diorite while some portions of the downstream shell overlay andesite. The upper 10 to 40 feet of rock is weathered. The seismic considf'rations for the site, as discussed in Section 7, indicate that the relatively uncom- pacted alluvium (up to 80 feet in depth) would have to be removed ... from underneath most of the dam. In addition, it is a.ssumed that up" 9-2 to 40 feet of rock excavation wtll be required under the impervious core and the supporting filters to found the dam on sound competent rock. This type of fQundation preparation is considered narmal for lar-ge dams of comparable size. Shear zones and joints within the rock foundation have been 1 ocated and wi 11 require-consolidation and curtain grouting. These. features may also necessitate the inclusion of drainage features within the foundation and the abutments as indi- cated in the present arrangement. Permafrost is present on the left abutment and may a 1 so be present under the river cham1e 1. The data indicater; that this is 11 warm 11 permafrost and can be economically thawed for· grouting. A deep relict channel exists on the right bank upstream of the dam. The overburden within this relict channel contains a sequence of glacial till and outwash interlayered with silts and clays of glacial origin. The top of rock under the relict channel area v1ill be below the reservoir level. Further investigations will be undertaken to precisely define the characteristics of the channel.. However, the data co 11 ected to date d0es not i nd:i cate that it wi 11 have any major impact O!l the feasibility of the site. The rock conditions. in the 1 eft bank, where the underground power- house ·1 s currently proposed, are favorab 1 e, and the powerhouse cavern will require only nominal support. However, additional investiga- ticms will be conducted to determine the exact location and orienta- tion of the features, so as to minimize the impact of joints and any possible unfavorable stress orientation. ~4ateri a 1 s for construction of a fi 11 dam and re 1 ated concrete struc- tures are-available within economic distances. Impervious and semi- pervious core and filter materials are available within three miles · upstream of the site, (Figure 7.4) and a good source of filter mater- ial and concrete aggregate is available at the mouth of Tsusena Creek just downstream of the dam. Rockfill is available from a quarry source immediately adjacent to left abutment of the dam and from structure excavations. There is also a possibility of using rounded r·iverbed material for the dam shells if adequate quantities are available. Further investigations will be conducted to better define the quantity and characteristics of material in each source area and the relative economics of each borrow location. (iii) Dam The main dam is an earth/rockfi11 structure with the majority of the materials excavated from selected borrow areas, but v1ith a small portion derived from excavation for the structures at the project site. The compacted impervious till core is protected upstream and downstream by gravel filter and transition zones and supported by shells formed from compacted layers of blasted rock and gravel materials. The maximum height of the dam above the foundation is approximately 880 feet, the crest elevation is 2,225 f;set and the developed crest length is 5400 feet.. The crest width is 80 feet, the upstream and downstream slopes are 1:2.75 and 1:2 respectively and the over a 11 volume of the dam is currently' estimated as approximately 63 million cubic yards~ The dam is founded on sound bedrock. Upstream and downstream cofferdams ar0 founded on the river alluvium and integrated with the mai-n dam. A low lying area above the right abutment is closed with an approxim- ately 25 foot high impervious fill saddle dam .. (iv) Diversion During construction, the river is diverted through two concrete-lined tunnels driven within the rock of the left abutment. The tunnels are set low and will flow full at all times. Upstream control structures at the tunnel inlets will regulate flows to maintain a near constant water level in the reservoir and allow formation of a stable ice cover and to prevent ice buildup within the tunnel inlets. Control will be affected by vertical fixed well gates housed within the up- . stream structures. These wi 11 also be utilized for final closure -together with mass concrete plugs constructed within the tunnels in alignment with the dam grout curtain. The river will be diverted upstream by means of a rock/earthfill cofferdam founded on the riverbed alluvium.. Cutoff beneath the cof- ferdam is formed by a slurry trench to rock. ( v) Spi 11 wa_y The spillway is located on the right bank and designed to pass the routed 1:10,000 year frequenc,y design flood of approximately 115,000 cfs without damage to any of the project structures. The spillway is also capable of passing flows of up to 230~000 cfs corresponding to the probably maximum flood at Watana. This would require a reservoir surcharge up to 5 feet below the dam crest level. During passage of this major flood some damage to the spillway chute and discharge structures and scme downstream erosion within the river valley would be accepted .. The spillway consists of a gate structure, with three verti ca 1 fixed wheel control gates, a concrete lined chute and a flip bucket, simi- lar to that at Devil Canyon (Section 9.2(b)), discharging into a downstream plunge pool excavated from the alluvium within the river- oed .. (vi} Power facilities -Intake The intake is situated upsb"eam of the right abutment of the dam. It is set deep within the rock and is similar in structure to the De. vi 1 Canyon intake with pro vision for drawing off water a.t differ- ent ~evels within the fluctuating reservoir. 9-4 ' ' f -Penstocks Four concrete-lined tunnel penstocks descend at an inclination of 55° and terminate in steel liners at the powerhouse feeding the high pressure t~rbines. -Powerhouse The powerhouse complex is similar to that for Devil Canyon with separate powerhouse and transformer bay caverns. The main cavern houses four 200 MW turbine/generator units consisting of vertically mounted Francis turbines driving overhead umbrella type generators serviced by the main overhead crane. Major offices and the control room are incorporated in the administration building at the surface. An elevator descends from this building to provide personnel access to the powerhouse. Vehicle access to the powerhouse and transformer gallery is by unlined rock tunnel leading from the bottom of the valley. -Tailrace The turbine draft tube tunnels lead from the powerhouse to a common manifold supplying a single partly-lined tailrace tunnel which emerges, below river level, downstream of the main dam. (vii) Downstream Relf!ases At the present time there is provision made for emergency drawdown of the Watana reservoir. This vii 11 take the form of an i ntt~rmedi ate level reservoir outlet~ Flows are controlled by high pressure gates located in an underground chilmber, and a concr-ete-lined tunne 1 discharges into the diversion tunnel, downstr·eam of the concrete plug. Small releases, during shutdown of the generating plant, are made via a small diversion incorporated with the underground control structure. (b) Devil Canyon (Plates 10 and 11) (i) Site Geology Devil Canyon is a very nat'row V-shaped canyon cut through relatively homogeneous argillite and graywacke. This rock was formed by low- grade metamorphism of marine shales, mudstones, and clayey sand- stones. The bedding strikes about 15~ northeast of the river align- ment through the canyon and dips at about 65° to the southwest. The rock has been deformed and moderately sheared by the northwest acting regional tectonic forces~ causing shearing and jointing parallel to this force (Figure 7.4). The glaciation of the past few million years apparently preceded the erosion of the canyon by the river .. Glacial deposits blanket the valley above the V-shaped canyon, while deposits in the canyon i tse 1 f are limited to a 1 arge grave 1 bar just upstream of the canyon entrance, and boulder and talus deposits at the base of the canyon wa 11 s. 9-5 Bedrock conditions at Devil Canyon vary within a limited range due to changes of lithology, but the rock is basically sound and fairly durable. Jointing and shears ate frequently quite open at the surface, but there is a general tightening of such openings with depth. The major joint set strikes about North 30° West across the canyon, and may be an indication of shear zones in this direction. Twominor sets strike roughly North 60-90° East, with dips of about 50-60° south and 15° south. The orientation of the joints, and particularly the shear z.ones, is not well defined. Further field mapping in 1981 should clarify this. (ii) Geotechnical Aspects The Devil Canyon dam site lies on argillite and gray\'/acke exhibiting significant jointing and frequent shear zones. The nature of the rock is such that numerous zones of gouge, alteration, and fractured rock were caused during the major tectonic events of the past, in addition to the folding and internal slippage during lithification and metamorphi~m. Consequently, zones of deep weathering and altera- tion can be expected in the foundation. Excavation of up to 40 feet of rock will expose sound foundation rock, and consolidation grouting and dent~l excavation of badly crushed and altered rock will be nec- essary to provide adequate bearing surfaces for the dam. Overburden within the narrow V-section of the valley is minimal. The left bank plateau, which is the location of a saddle dam, has a buried rivei channel paralleling the river. The overburden reaches 90 feet under a small lake in this area and construction of the saddle dam \-Jill require excavation of considerable amounts of till and lake deposits or construction of a cutoff ex~ending down to bedrock. Seepage cont~·~1 will be effected by two methods: first, by general contact and ct.,nsc~ idation grouting to control flow at the dam foundation contact, an~: second by a deep grout curtain ~lith corresponding drainage curtain to limit downstream flow through the .foundation. Permafrost has not been detected at the site but, if it does exist, it is not expected to be substantial or widespread. A thawing program can be incorporated in conjunction with the grouting if necessary. Construction materials are available in the large gravel bar immedi- ately upstream of the dam site. The materials in this bar are . estimated to be adequate in quantity for all material needs of the concrete dam. The lakebed and till deposits in CheechakD Creek (approximately 0.25 miles upstream), may be sources of a substantial portion of impervious material for the earthfill saddle dam, · (iii) Dam The main darn is curr.ently proposed as a thin cnncrete arch structure with an overall height of 650 feet and developed crest length of 1,230 feet. The crest width is 20 feet and the base width at the cr·own canti 1ever is 90 feet. The geometry of the arch corresponds to a two center configuration which is compatib'le v1ith the assymetric transverse profile of the valley. 9-6 The central section of the dam rests on a massive concrete plug~ founded deep within the valley floor and the upper arches terminate in thrust blocks located high on the abutments. A concrete wall extends 4 feet above the upstream edge of the crest to allow additional surcharge during passage of the probable maximum flood • . A low lying area on the left abutment is filled by a saddle dam. The saddle dam is a rockfill structure with an impervious core. It abuts and surrounds the concrete thrust block with the core wrapping the concrete to provide a seal. Overburden wi 11 be excavated to all ow the core to be founded on the deep underlying bedrocka A continuous grout curtain and drainage system is provided beneath the main and saddle dams linking with similar systems upstream-of the powerhouse and beneath the main spilhoJay. Grout and drainage holes are driven from a series of interconnecting shafts and galleries which will allow continued access beneath the foundations of the dam., (iv) Diversion River diversion during construction is similar to diversion far Watana with twin concrete-lined tunnels and upstream control structures. Cofferdams are as described previously. Full use of storage at Watana will be used to safeguard construction at De~il Canyon. ( v) S pi 11 ways The main service spillway is located on the right abutment and is designed for flows of up to 90,000 cfs. Discharges are controlled by three vertical fixed wheel gates housed in a concrete overflow struc- ture incorporated in a right thrust block. Flows are routed down a steeply inclined concrete lined chute, founded within sound bedrock, and discharge over a flip bucket into the river. The flip bucket is a massive concrete structure contiguous with the chutea It imparts a vertical velocity component to the discharges, training them along a uniformly curved invert and ejecting them in a broad shallow jet into the river well downstream of the dam. Alluvium within the river is removed to bedrock in the vicinity of the area of impact of the dis- charge jet. A secondary spi 11\rtay system designed to discharge 40,000 cfs is pro- vided within the dam in the form of four submerged orifices high in its center section. These orifices are controlled by 15 feet x 15 feet vertical lift gates and discharges are. thrown clear of the dam into a downstream plunge pool excavated in the rock beneath the exis- ting riverbed. ' The combination of the above spillways is sufficient to pass the routed 1:10,000 year frequency design 'flood of 130,000 cfs. Greater discharges are possible by allowing surcharge of the reservoir to the 1 eve 1 of the dam crest wave wall. 9-7 Beyond the rockfi11 saddle dam on the left abutment a channel is excavated in the rock and runs approximately 1,400 feet downstream discharging into a tributary valley to the main river. The channel is closed by an impervious fill fuse plug which can be overtopped during excessive floods and will wash out, probably after some local excavation has been carried out, to the full section of the rock channel.. Discharge down this channel plus surcharge over the main spillways will allow for passing of the full probable maximum flood in the unlikely event that this should ever take place. (vi) Power Facilities -Intake The intake is located upstream of the right abutment of the dam. It is a massive concrete structure set deep in the bedrock at the end of a short upstream power canal.· The intake is formed of four adjacent units, each with the capability of drawing off water at levels throughout and below a 150 feet range of drawdown within the reservoir. These levels are controlled by large vertical shutters operating in t\<IO sets of guides set one behind the other. By rais- ing and ·towering the shutter·s, openings can be created by varying 1 evel s over the height of the structure. These shutters wi 11 not operate under pressure as closure of the intakes will be performed by vertical fixed wheel gates set downstream of the shutters. -Penstocks Four concrete lined tunnel penstocks lead from the intake and des- cend at an angle of inclination of 55° to horizontal to the under- ground powerhouse. Just upstream of the powerhouse the 1 i ni ng changes to steel in order to prevent seepage into the main power cavern and to contain the high internal pressures in the vicinity of the fractured rock caused by blasting the powerhouse excava- tion. -Powerhouse The powerhouse complex consists of two main excavations; the main power cavern housing the generating units service bay and mainten- ance areas, and the transformer and draft tube gate gallery. The main cavern houses four 100 MW turbine/generator units. The turbines are vertically mounted Francis type units driving overhea<rl umbrella type generators serviced by an overhead crane travelling the length of the powerhall and end service bay. Switchgear, minor offices, service areas and a workshop are housed in this area. Upstteam bus duct galleries are inclined from generator floor level at the power cavern to the transformer gallery running the length of the powerhouse and set above the penstocks. Vertical shaft~ ure r.~; sed from the draft tubes to the downstream side of the power- h~:·use and these incorpor.ate vertical guides for the operation of closure gates within the draft tubes and function as surge shafts dur·iug changes of flow within t~e tailrace. 9-8 -. Cable shafts rise from the transformer gallery to the surface and the power lines are carried from these across the dam to t~e switchyard on the left abutment. The control room and main administration building is located at the surface. Vehicle access to the powerhouse is via an inclined rock tunnel driven from the bottom of the river gorge. Personnel access is by means of an elevator operating between the powerhouse cavern and the administration building. -Tailrace Downstream of the gates, the draft tubes merge into a single concrete lined tailrace tunnel which will be set below river level· and will flow full at all times. (vii) Downstream Releases Releases downstream during shutdown of the power plant will be made through Howell Bunger valves set close to the base of the dam and discharging freely into the river valley. 9.3 -Construction Sched~les At this stage of the study, a preliminary assessment of the construction sched- ules for the Watana and Devil Canyon dams has been made. The main objective has been to provide a reasonable. estimate of on-line dates for the generation planning studies described in Section 8. More detailed construction schedules will be develnped during the 1981 studies. In developing these preliminary schedules, roughly 70 major construction activi- ties were identified and the applicable quantities such as excavation, borro\1/ and concrete volumes were determined. Construction durations were then estimat- ed using historical records as backup and the expertise of senior scheduler- planners, estimators and design staff. A critical path logic diagram was developed from those activities and the project duration was determined. The critical or near critica·f activity durations were further reviewed and refined as needed. These construction logic diagrams are coded so that they may be incorporated intoa computerized system for the more detailed studies to be con- ducted during 1981. - The schedules developed are described be.low: (a) Watana Rockfill Dam As shown in Figure 9.1, it i ~> expected to take approximately 11 years to complete construction of the Watana dam from the start of an access road to the testing and commissioning of all the generating units. Principal com- ponents of the schedu 1 e inc 1 ude approximately 3. years of site and local access, 1-1/2 years for river diversion and most of the remaining time for foundation preparation and embankment placement. This period compares to 15 years estimated in the COE 1979 report. The most important differences that the COE provided for a 4-1/2 year period of access road construction prior to any work being done at the site. In this study, because of the 9-9 economic advantage to be gained from an early on-line date, a "fast tracku approach has been adopted during the early stages of construction. This i nvo 1 ves overland winter access and extensive aircraft support to the early activities associated with construction of the diversion system and abutment excavation for the main dam. Only about six months per year can be used for fill placement due to snow and temperature conditions. Fill placement rates have been estimated at between 2.5 and 3.0 million cubic yards per month. This is somewhat higher than the 1979 COE figure of 2.4 million cubic yards per month placement over a five-month annual placement period. It has been judged ·that the early on-line date would justify the implementation of construction systems with higher production rates. It is expected that the river can be i m- pounded as construction proceeds so as to minimize the time lag between the completion of the dam embankment and the testing and. commissioning of the first power unit. The schedu 1 e shows the ear 1 i est date power production from the Watana dam could start would be January 1993. This is based on starting construction of access roads in early 1985 as soon as the FERC license \s received. (b) Devil Canyon Thin Arch Dam As shown in Figure 9.2, it will take approximately 9 years to complete the _dam from the start of constructing access to the site to the testing and commissioning of the power units. As far-as construction of the dam is concerned this schedule agrees with that developed by the COE. It does, however, incorporate an addition a 1 1-1/2 years for construction of a main access road from the Watana site. The key e 1 ements in determining the over a 11 schedu1 e are the construction of diversion tunnels, cofferdams, the excavation and preparation of the foundation and the p 1 acement of the concrete dam. For purposes of estimat- ing activity durations, it is assumed that embankment and curtain grouting will be done through vertical access shafts on each embankment. (c) Interpretation of Schedules The attached figures represent an 11 early start" schedule and the majority of the study effort to date has been expended in determining the "critical path 11 which controls project duration. During the continuing 1981 studies the "non-critical" items will be scheduled to take into account resource availability and financial and cl-imatic aspects. This will result in the 11 non-critica1u items being more rjgidly scheduled than is shown in the attached figures. 9.4 -Operational Aspects Section 8 outlines the results of the power and energy evaluations for the selected plan. This section supplements. the information and illustrates some of the monthly reservoir simulation results and highlights the downstream flow characteristics which .are important from an environmental point of view. 9-10 Figures 9.3 through 9.5 illustrate the operation of the reservoirs for a typical 30 year period. Figure 9.1 shows the monthly energy production, inflow, out- flows, and water levels for the Stage 1 Watana 400 MW development. Figures 9.4 and 9.5 illustrate similar results for the final fully developed two dam scheme. The reservoirs have been assumed to be operated to produce monthly energy pro- duction that follows the same general shape as the seasonal pattern of the total Railbelt electricity demand. During the summer months, particularly during late summer when the reservoirs tend to be full, additional or secondary energy is generated in order to utilize some of the water that would otherwise be spilled. The secondary energy production and spillage is clearly illustrated. The figures indicate that during Stage 1 the Watana spillway would be operated 8 out of every 10 years and that in 7 of these years, flow would be discharged for 2 or more months. Once the total development is completed, the spillways would only be operated for roughly 2-1/2 years out of 10 and most of the time for a period of less than a month· in a given year. At this stage of development, the Devi 1 Canyon spi 'ilway waul d be operated 7 out of 10 years, and during 3 of these years spill would occur for 2 or more months. Tables 9.1 to 9.3 summarize typical outflows from the downstream dam in the preferred development. These flov1s include water coming from the turbines and water passing over the spillway. It wi 11 be noted that dai 1 y fluctuations are kept to a minimum for the Watana 400 MW development. Outflows from the Devil Canyon dam in the fu11 development plan also show limited fluctuations. However, for the Stage 2 400 MW capacity addition at Watana substantial daily fluctuations do occur and may require downstream regulation. 9.5 -Environmental Review The environmental input into the Susitna studies has two major components; miti- gation planning and impact identification~ Mitigation planning includes avoid- ance, reduction, and compensation. In participating in the Susitna development selection, our objective was to identify what development scheme(s) was most en- vironmentally compatable, thus, avoiding many potential impacts. In addition, design features were recommended to reduce potential impacts even if the most compatable sites were selected. Identifying compensation measures and the ac- tual prediction of environmental impacts are the subject of ongoing studies. The results of these studies will be included in our 1982 feasibility report to be available prior to making the decision as to whether or not to proceed with FERC licensing. (a) Environmental Aspects The Upper Susitna Basin has been considered as a potentia 1 hydroelectric development site not only because of the economics and energy potential but also because of its relative compatabi lity with the environment. Compared to other potential large hydro development sites (e.g .. Rampart on the Yukon Ri yer or Million Do 11 ar on the Copper River).. The Upper Susi tna has less potential environmental impact. A ccmparison of alternatives to Susitna is outside the realm of these studies, however, they are being fully assessed in a parallel-study being conducted by Batelle. 9-11 As with any type of major development, hydroelectric projects can cause and have elsewhere caused significan,t environmental impacts. In regard to re- ducing or eliminating environmental impacts, probably the most important factor is the selection of a development plan that is basically as inher- ently compatible with the environment as possible. Retrofit type mitiga- tion measures which are often of minimal success and usually very costly are undesirable. Development characteristics that have caused problems on other hydro pro- jects that are not inherent to Susitna include: -The diversion of major rivers. -The direct blockage of anadromous fish migration due to the barrier created by the dam. The amplification of flow regulation problems caused by having a series of reservoirs with minimal storage and poor spillway design. -Inundation of large areas of prime wildlife habitat. Thus, although the Susitna Hydroelectric Project still has the potential of creating environmental impacts, many of the major potential impacts often associated with hydroelectric developments are avoided bythe selection of the Upper Susitna Basin. ~ 'For studies within the Susitna Basin it is still important that environmen- tal input sti 11 be provided into the decision making process. To date~ the major envi ronmenta 1 imput into the Susitna studies has been directed to ... \vards evaluation of alternatives, recommendation of design features, estab- lishment of operating limits for planning purposes, and the collection of baseline data. The major environmental objectives are to {1) ensure that environmental compatibility is incorporated as a principle factor in devel- opment selection and design~ and (2) to present a clear picture of the en- vironmental consequences of developing the final selected scheme. Parts of objective (1) are presented in this report where an environmental compari- son of alternative Susitna developments is presented. The product of ob- jective (2) will be contained in the environmental section of the feasibil- ity report prepared at the end of Phase I studies. It must be noted that although environmental compatibility has been incor- porated as a desirable objective, it is not a sole factor in the decision making process. The interrogation of economic viability, technical feasi- bility, and environmental acceptability have necessitated judgements and tradeoffs. To faci 1 it ate a ration a 1 assessment, these judgements and tradeoffs have been defined as clearly as possible. In some instances, economic and environmental preferences recommended similar action; an ex amp 1 e being the Watana/Devi 1 Canyon p 1 an where the reservoirs are basic- ally confined to the tiver valley. In other instances a specific decision has been made that an economic expenditure is required to retain environ- mental compatibility; examples being multi level intake structures to allow for some temperature control of discharge water and the provision for down-. stream daily _re-regulation of flows. In sti 11 other instances, the econom- ic expenditure was not considered warranted to reduce or avoid resultant 9-12 environmental impacts; an example being a tunnel scheme at a cost c·f $680 million to avoid the inundation of the upstream portion of Devil Canyon. As design studies progress, continued environmental impact assessments will be incorporated. An environmental assessment of the selected scheme will be incorporated into the fi naJ feasi bi 1 i ty report. This report wi 11 be made available for government agency and public review prior to making a decision as to whether or not to proceed with FERC license application .. In 1975 (updated in 1979) the COE produced an En vi ronmenta 1 Impact State-- ment on the Watana/Devil Canyon Development. The information gathered by the COE in this study is being enhanced by insight obtai ned from the 1980 studies and in areas where study effort is continuing as part of the pre- sent study. (b) .Hydrology Under existing conditions seasonal variation of flows in the Susitna i_s ex- treme. At Gold Creek the average winter and summer flows are 2,100 and 20,250 cfs respectively, a 1 to 10 ratio. With regulated discharge result- ing from a hydroelectric development, downstream flows between Devil Canyon and the confluence of the Talkeetna/Chulitna rivers will be relatively con- stante Figures 9.3 -9.5 show the differences between inflows and outfiows and the occurrence of spilling with the project at various stages of devel- opment. These changes in flow will be attenuated downstream due to the un- altered inflow from tributaries. Percent contribution from these tributary streams under existing conditions is shown in Figure 7.5. The monthly flow and resulting stage at Gold Creek, Sunshine and Susitna Station with and \'li thout the project are shown in Figures 9.6 to 9 .a. Under existing conditions the level of suspended sediment is very high in the summer months (23 to 2620 ppm) and relatively low in the winter months (4 to 228 ppm, ADF&G 1975). With the project, a glacial flow will result year round wi.th suspended solids in the releases at Devi 1 Canyon Dam .Projected to be in the 15-35 ppm range. Changes in dissolved gasses, _specifically nitrogen, will be dependent on the spillage occurrence and the design of the spillways. Although it is considered that the majority.of potential_nitrogen supersaturation problems can be avoided (or minimized) through design and operation, sufficient study has yet to be conducted to confirm this. Temperature of the discharge waters wi 11 be adjusted to approach the natur- al river water temperatures through the incorporation of multilevel intake structures. Even so, slight changes in discharge temperatures can be ex- pected at certain times of the year, the extent to be predicted by means of a reservoir computer model presently being developed. Although it is essential to alter seasonal flows in order to produce ade- quate power during the winter when the demand is highest, it is -possible to avoid or dampen daily fluctuations in flow by means of operating the down- stream powerhouse as a base load plant or incorporating a re-regulation dam.. As thi,s constraint has been incorporated into the proposed Watana/ De vi 1 Canyon deve 1 opment, potentia 1 impacts associated with dai 1 y fl uctua- tions due to peaking operations are avoided .. " (c) Mitigating Measures In developing the detailed project design a range of mitigating measures required to minimize the impact on the environment will be incorporated. This is achieved by involving the environmental studies coordinator as a member of the engineering design team. This procedure ensures constant interaction between the engine~fs and_environmentalists and facilitates the identification and design of all necessary mitigation measures. There are two basic types of mitigation measures that are being developed: Those which are incorporated in the project design and those which are in- cluded in the reservoir operating rules. These are briefly discussed below. (i) Desi~n Features The two major design features curr~ntly incorporated include multi- level power intake structures to allow some temperature control of released water and provision of a downstream re-regulation dam to assist in damping the downstream discharge and water level fluctua- tions induced by power peaking operations at the dam. During the 1981 studies these two features will be designed in more detail and other features incorporated as necessary. Of parti{;Ular importance will be the design of the spillways to minimize the impact of nitro- gen supersaturation in the downstream river reaches. Consideration will also be given to developing mitigation measures to limit the im- pact on the environment during the project construction period. The access roads, transmission lines, and construction and permanent camp facilities will also be designed to incorporate mitigation measures as required. (ii) Operating Rules . As outli.ned in Chapter 7, limitations on seasonal and daily reservoir level drawdown, as well as on downstream minimum flow conditions:~ have been imposed. During 1981 more detailed studies will be under- taken to refine these current constraints and to look at detailed op- erational requirements to adequately control downstream water level fluctuations, water temperature, and sediment concentration. 9-14 Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV <.0 DEC I ~ c.n Note: (1) Total TABLE 9.1 -OUTFLOWS FROM WATANA/OEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1 WATANA 400 MW Average Outflow (cfs) Monthly Average 1\vera9e Oa1I~ Inflow (cfs) Monthly Peak Off peak 1147 7699 7834 7603 971 7409 7538 7316 889 6758 6873 6676 1103 6168 6264 6100 10406 5689 5699 5682 23093 5571 5571 5571 20344 8227 8227 8227 18012 14263 14263 14263 10614 10299 10299 10298 4394 6503 6523 6498 1962 7497 7578 7439 1385 8237 8369 8143 outflow includes powerhouse flows, compensation flows and spills. Average Monthly Spills (cfs) 1779 6582 2744 Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Note: TABLE 9.2 -OUTFLOWS FROM WATANA/DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT STAGE 2 WATANA BOO MW Average OUTFLOW (cfs) 1 Monthly Ave raga ;l!;verage IJa~I~ Inflow (cfs) Monthly Peak Off peak 1147 7699 15663 2011 971 7409 14979 2001 889 6758 13419 2000 1103 6168 12003 2000 10406 5689 10703 2108 23093 5571 10524 2033 20344 8227 11337 6006 18012 14263 15224 13576 10614 10299 12358 8827 4394 6503 12783 2017 1962 7497 15139 2039 1385 8237 16737 2166 (1) Total outflow includes powerhouse flows, compensation flows and spills. Average Monthly Spills (cfs) 134 431 TABLE 9.3 -OUTFLOWS FROM WATANA/DEVIL ~ANYON DEVELOPMENT STAGE 3 DEVIL CANYON 400 MW . Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Notes: Average Monthly Inflow (cfs) 8595 8280 7576 6988 8235 9294 9524 13534 11188 7838 8462 9211 Average Monthly Outflow (cfs) 8666 9216 7394 6833 7806 8796 8967 16239 13491 7950 8889 9383 Average Monthly Spills (cfs) 24 958 7129 4180 (1) Operated as a base load plant. Minimal daily flucbJations. (2) Total outflow includes powerhouse flows, compensation flows and spills. 9-17 ~ 1984 (985 1986 1987 1988 ~989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 YEAR - ' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ·tr 12 "' ACCESS TO SITE 3 PIONEER ROAD MAIN CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ' AT SITE DIVERSION TUNNELS . DEWATER ~ ' rEXCAVATION INSIDE CJFEROAMS/ FOUN COFFERDAMS EXCAVATE ABUTMENTS7 DATION PREPARA lON I ./ 1 I FlLL PLACEMENT I I, 2 r·-,..-... -I I MAIN DAM .. SERVICE SPILLWAY .... -... ' ~ ~ I INTAKES I PENSTOCKS I ... I POWERHOUSE 1 -·1 0 TAILRACE J ~ I ' TURBINE/GENERATOR ., INITIAL IMPOUNDMENT UNIT I ONLINE r l UNIT 2. ONU 'IE UNIT30NU ~El 'UNIT4 :>NUNE TEST AND COMMISSION --~ . . I LEGEND NOTES CRITICAL ACTIVITIES I. MAIN DAM SCHEDULE BASED ON FILL PLACEMENT RATES OF 2.5 TO 3.0 OTHER ACTIVITIES MILLION CUBIC YARDS PER MONTH. 2. FIVE TO SIX MONTH FILL PLACEMENT SEASON ASSUMED. KEY 3. BASED ON ACCESS FROM DENALI HIGHWAY AND ASSUMES OVERLAND EARLIEST START OF ACTIVITY WINTER ACCESS AND AIRCRAFT SUPPORT DURING 1985. L . /EARLIEST FINISH OF ACTIVITY WATANA FlLL DAM fill ... fLATEST FINISH OF ACTIVITY PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FIGURE 9.1 . " 9-18 l _l_ 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 t997 1998 1999 2000 YEAR I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L -JWATANA VDEVIL CANYON ROAD MAIN ACCESS TO SITE l ,--, CONSTRUCTION PCCESS AT SITE DIVERSION TUNNELS "' COFFERDAMS . DEWATER J EXCAVATION fNSlOE COFFERDAMS/ I EXCAVATE ABUtMEN~, FOUNDATION PREPARATION l I -1 .. J-J ... MAIN DAM CONCRETE •I 2 -I I . . MAIN DAM .. ~ -. SERVICE SPILLWAY - ~ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY -"' _, I INTAKES a PENSTOC!:<S - SADDLE DAM .. - POWERHOUSE :..j -. TAILRACE I I TURBINE GENERATOR I J ,.. -, UNIT I ON LINE UNIT 2 ONLiNE INITIAL IMPOUNDMENT UNIT 3 ON LINE 1 H , +UNIT 4 ONLINE TEST AND COMMISSION :) . ' LEGEND NOTES CRITICAL ACTIVITIE.S L SCHEDULE ASSUMES DENAU-WATANA HI.GHWAY ALREADY AVAILABLE .. OTHER ACTIVITIES 2. BASED UPON SlX MONTH CONCRETE PLACEMENT SEASON. KEY EAR L1 EST START OF ACTIVITY i /EARLIEST FINISH OF ACTIVITY DEVIL CANYON THIN ARCH DAM •• ;LATEST FlNISH OF ACTIVITY --I. PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FIGURE 9.2, 9-19 ~---~--~----~--------~-----~----------------------- .- 0 * ::z: w ,..... C/) LLO u c: ........ 0 -:;: ('J 0 _..J lL z (.') 0 ,___. ~ - ( ...s ~ . ~ n fl I J~ lL.r u ~J u ~ ~ 1 n n ru 1 1 ~ ,.! jl I k u ~ ~ k l,_j 1\-~ AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY j n ~ ~ « ~ i~ ~ ~ fi· ~ ru ~ 11 ~ I ~j n ;fll 1 Jl ll n [i ' ~ l J ~I ~ r l IL" iL., 1 ~ )~ u] 1 r1 I . r~ 1 ] l t l l 1 ~ ~ :L u ~ [L_ ~.._f !' ,, ft. U' u l-1 ~ ~ ~ b b. L ~ k ~ r. . • r ... I<"" ' . r. r.r. C" .. r..,., r . . C" • . -. -o I '3,..~0 I 9,.~ I l 9;;2 I 9;;3 1 9:;4 19~:.> 19;.>6 19 .... 7 J 9;:>o 19.;9 19?0 s 961 1962 I 963 1 9'34 196.;:> 1966 1957 1968 1369 I 970 1 971 . l ~72 1973 t 97 4 1975 T97f? l 'J77 i 97b 197~ !"') 0 0 AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLOW AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE • (.:} t c: rrMAXI ~ U M EU VATION i ~0 ~ ~~ 1\ !~ fl\ {t\ ll\ !~ i ~J C1l~J 1\ f~ 11\ f 1\ (\II\ J 1\ J 1\ f\ f \ f ~ ;-~ n r\ fl\:f~ 1,\ i \ rl\ f i\ /I\ tl ~ ~ v v v "' lJ \J lJ 1J ~ iJ 1) u u "' 1J 'Ll lJ lJ "' v \ tl\ J \J I;J v \J \J \J ~ 'jJ I <()4-~~--~~-+---4---~~--~--+-----+---~--~~-+---+--~-----~--r---+---~---r---+---+-t1~r~+-\.r. ~--+---4-~;-----r---r---T---~--_,, >N ~· J& u.. .t~ ·---~--~~--+---~---+--~~--4---~--~-----+---~---+----~~~---r--~----+----r---+----i----4--+ ~.~ w<~~ -·~··~, ; 0 ~MI.· l N I MUM ELEVP!ftON Ji 0 I f .. 1 ' . I ~ 1'~50 t951 1952 1953 i954 1955 1956 1957 195S i959 19130 1961 1962 1963 i9?4 1965 1966 1967 1968 19~9 !970 i971 1972 1973 1974 1975 197? 1'.377 1975 1979 AVERAGE MONTHLY EL£VATION NOTE : WATER YEAR OCT.-SEPT. STAGE 1-WATANA RESERVOIR { 400 MW) I , OPERATION OF THE WATANA I DtVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT PLAN E 1.~ FIGURE 9.31111 I : 9-20. -0 - * C.') C.) ..-. . :C C) ::s-.:t <!1 (f) I..Lo uC: ....... 0 3 (\J 0 _..J ~L z8 ,_ . _, -~ n .. .n fl. 1 J1 \_ ~ fl-1 ~J k I ... ' ,.... n ~ 11 l n ~JI 1 1 .,_ ,J j1 I u rl_ ~ ~ 1,_ k.l ~ AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY I 11 - ~ ~ ) 1 11 1n ~ 1 1 l ! u l J ~ 1,_ ~ l ln L., l g ~l 1 r1 (1 l. l t l 1 ,.... u ~l ll-\__ ~s L u IL-iL-\.... .... ~ "l_ u l ~ [1... it-IL---. a 18.J0 19 .. d 19.J2 1:3~3 19.J4 195>.> 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1861 1962 1953 J954 1965 l96f; t967 1968 !9139 1970 a97l 1'3!2 1~)73 ,974 1375 I~FI3 1977 1976 tr79 r. -e_· .... C" • C" r. . . . . . . !"'"\ 0 * 0 ,..._.a (J) • LL.O u ("\) w -,--- I - ~ ~ I !-" l r .... ~ N ~ ~ I " I I «·•··-,-·~ : r 1 r ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~, AVERAGE MONTHLY lNFLOW "'-"'--··---r---· --~ ~--, -:-·-..... --r ~---r-" 1 ..... --HT·~··· -1 ~·-r-.... :r·-·-T~-·--r-· ---·-· -~--r--- i I I .. _ SPII_LS - n J n ~TURBINE n ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ~L ~ ~ ,...J ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C) C::> O:::a <(' • I o 19;,)0 l9 •. d 19~2. 19...~3 19;:>4 19..~~ 19~13 19.;7 t9..>S 19 .... 9 1960 t961 1952 1963 t964 196~ 1966 t967 ,968 1969 1970 197, 1372 197::5 1974 137~ !97? ,~.F7 l!Fo 1979 r: r· c: t" . c: c-r::: c: r-,_' c-. "' ' . c:" t ' • . c: ' (.) tn AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE ~ 0 NOTE: WATER YEAR OCT.-SEPT. STAGE :5-WATANA RESERVOIR ( 800 MW) OPERATION OF THE WATANA/ DEVIL CANYON DEVElOPMENT PLAN E l.3 FIGURE 9.4~~~~~~ 9-21 ·I ~-1 .... · ·,'i- --------~---·;~-------------------------------------~----------~----~--------------~ ....... 0 (') 0 .,...~ C:l * " 0 (") 17\1 -30 C::J 0 -·! .- Lt .. -· u-·• • ~ ' t• ' I n I f il : r A ~ j~L Nl ~~d ' .. ---. ~ ~ [ r _[ 1 ~vu r1 p~ J~~ rv ~-~ ri" ~J~J r~ .. - AVERAGE MONTHLY ENERGY -~ l ! I I l --·- -~" ····· .. ····--.. ·--· -,. ' . 1 I I J r i -, J ~ : _[ ... r-n a n n i ~~'\J ~~ ~J N ~u ~ f1j ~~ .t""\}1 ~~~'1 l~~ ~~ ]'-..,.ft-.-li~"'~-~,_,ll ~~--1,_ ~~ i~~ -'u I -- ! . I > "'t:' "'{'r: ;r._.._C_ (''~ • \ i:" r ("_· t r. . ..... r .. .-. ? r:: • . -. o ~~~o ~~~~ 1~~2 1~~3 ,9~4 19~5 19~6 19~7 t9ob 19~9 1960 t96t ,ss~ 196~ ,9B4 196~ 196~ 1967 .966 1969 1970 t071 1972 1973 t~74 1975 19?6 1977 1978 1979 J I"") 0 -o AVERAGE MONTHLY INFLOW *0 l . .~---+--~~~+---~---+----r---+---~--~----~--~---r---;----+----r~-+----~--ti----+--~----+---~---+-7,--~--4----r--~----r---;---_, 0 t '<t . Q 0 . ,....o '-l.") .--'Ct' LL . .-- ' AVERAGE MONTHLY DISCHARGE ~MAXI._ UM EU . -l :VATIOl\ ' i l I ~ tMINIMUM ELEVA: .. ION . I 1950 t951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 .. 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 t971 1972 1'373 l974 1'975 . AVERAGE MONTHLY ELEVATION N 0 TE: WATER YEAR OCT.-SEPT. STAGE 3-DEVIL CANYON RESERVOIR (400 MW) OPERATION OF THE WATANA/DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT PLAN EL5 9-22 '\ i1 .................. _.,.1 --~--------------------------------------~~~--~~~--~' --~~~~~~ I i 1975 19!7 1075 1979 FIGURE 9.5 flil ----~---- 5 -· 11 4 I I' ~ -l ~. m PF t:-. ·P~o~...::T ~s Cl J~o~ ~~ ~' ~S: lfi Er 5 l~ • 4 ·- f.C>W£~·1t~ri) l 2 I l . I .l ! T I 1 I I i -, l I I ,Ill ! ~ 1 i 1 -, I ! l 1~i ~ ' 4 I .J I ·i I 10 2 5 10 2~) 50 RETURN PERIOD, YEARS DISCHARGE -STAGE FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT GOLD CREEl< NOTE~ BASED ·oN PRELIMINARY DATA) SUBJECT TO REVISION 9-23 F1GURE ro ··-...., ... r ·-f~ ··-u;. -tl i t .. 9.Ji] . - 4 -20 I"" 2 ~ ~ 19 ~ H+~~~~~~~+H+H+H~A+~~~~T+++~',~~H+~H+~+-~~H+~+-~t8 ~ H+HN~~~+H~~~+H~~~~:~~~+H*+~~~:~~ ~~~~)~·~~~}~~~~~!~8 ~ "' I.L.. ~ H+HH**++rH+H~+H~~+H+H~~~H+H+~++~+-~+H~~~~~~~~~~I5i ~ ~ :r 5 t-H-W.W.;.t.H++-of-Ho++-i ....... o+H~...f.H~~-++-H+~++-Q.H+~+-+-+-+-...f..H-Hri~~+-+-+-~++H++:>I-+........_. 14 :I: :!: I= .... w 09 E :z: ~. 8 w ~7 ~ x ~ <t 16 :E 5 4 _1_ l I f ! ~ ¥ l . ~ . ! 'L ! i .l 1 I : J t iiH+~++~-+-~~~~~~~-~~~~ to4 w.~~~.w~~~~~-~~~~~~~--~~--~~~ .. ~--~~~~~ 2 5 to 25 so RETURN PERIOD, YEARS DISCHARGE-STAG.E FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT SUSITNA STATION NOTE.: BASED ON PRELl MARY DATA t SUBJECT TO REVlSlON 9-24 FIGURE 9 .J ~~~ . ~l :; ' ·'" .· ' ·~-·-' ~~.. ,__ . .._~, ... ·-. .., .. :~ . . . ·" .. ~ . ' " ,. ' ~ ' . ' . --55!!D!-- 6 5 4 3 2 ~ . , .. 5 4 3 2 4 10 !• = :JI~ ·-f1f 1.11:' • ... ~ , ~ ~ fF !"~"" I" ~ ,. II -I -! •• &I ! ~ r- i I [.j ! ! I! l H i 2 5 10 25 50 RETURN PERIOD, YEARS 9~r C>J: ~~q ~5 .. ) ,~ 1.\1 t:. 'li1l 1- '"""'II~ ~~ u... ...... ~~~~tk~~fr, ¥Ois: . & -·91~ s=~~ 156~ ~5 • 5 t I ,. l ; ! • I . ~ . I ! I f DISCHARGE-STAGE FREQUENCY CURVE SUSITNA RIVER AT SUNSHINE NOTE: BASED ON PREL1MINARY DATA SUBJECT TO RETURN 9-25 FIGURE 9.811111· \ \ '-.ALLUVIUM S>IOULD &. DRE.OGE.D OUT 7 \ ~ J GENER.A.L ARRANGEMI:.NT DATE I / MAX. NORMAL OPERATING LE.VE.L E.L. 1450' so' 1500 .------1--- 1400 1----- ioOO L.OCALIZE.D CONCRETE LINING % \. \ \ 8 t{} I I ! CUT· OFF TRENCH SE.CTION A-A FUSE Pl..UG EL.l4~4 1 PLATE 10 ALASKA POWER Al,JTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DEVIL CANYON SCHEME I PLAN AND SECTION """DEC. 1981 MAX. NORMAL OPERATING - LEVEL E.L. 14SQ' "4--)'-----j I :;a::> Ill<= 1200 CONCRE.TE. PL.UG CROWN SE.CTIO N 1500 MAX NORMAL. OPE.RATINGl E.L ' u:vEL E.L. 14So' ~-l<!&_l 14= 1----------------- 1300 EL.l'lGS' GROUT CURTAIN 1100 SERVICE. SPILL.WAY APPROAC~ C~ANNE.L ARC~ DAM THRUST eLOCk SECTION THRU POWER FACILITIES 1'1.00 1------------------- 1100 DIVE.RSION TUNNELS 7ooL·----------------------------------------------- DAM PROFILE (L.OOK.ING UPSTRE.Alyl) MAX. NORMAL. OPE.RA!"ING E-L EL. 1450' :...--.. ~~-- 1..14Go'· FIXE.D W~EiJ.. GATES ROCK (T'(R) 1100 L_ ______________ -, _____ _ 1000 SUIZFAC.! ( 12K?,~T ~IDE) IAVG.TWL EL. 8':>0' 8oO l_ __________________________________________ -=~A~LU~VIUM 01ZE.04E.O OUT~ 5ECTION Tl-IRU SPILLWAY SCALE. 0 100 2.0:) FEET ~~iiiiiiiiij DATE REVISIONS 01. N?, »¥. II ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ~~R II--,-U-S_I_T_N_A_H_Y_D_R_O:-:E:-:L-:E:-::C:-:T:-:R:-;1-;:-C--;:P-;;R-;;0-;J-;E;:-C:;T--a DEVIL CANYON SCHEME I SECTIONS .,n OEC.I981 -----~150 0 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT CH. zoo 4(X) FE.eT 12 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA SCHEME 2 ~ .. DEC.I98t 19CD 1800 1750 PRESSU12.E 'i2E..UE.F DQAINS SPlLLWAY PROFILE SCAL-E.: A SECTION D-D SCAl.E.' A 1&50 1800 1~50+------------------------------ SECTION E-E 1<:000 EXCAVATE ALL.UVIUM 1500 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~--~~~~~-----7~~1N RIVER BE.D 1450~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~--~~--~~----------------­ ··-------.. --........ .. 1400L---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------- '22.50 3 ·W'-'E.E.L MOUNTED GATES -35 1 W )( 401l4 -------ORIGINAL GROUND~-------- SCALE.: A Dl<AINAGE. GALI..E.RY SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SCALE 'A sCALE.: A DATE ~' ~I ~I 4' TYPICAL CHUTE WALL SECTION SCALE: 13 SECTION C-C Sct>LE.: A REVISIONS PLATE 13 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA SCHEME 2 SECTIONS om DEC.I981 1\ 10 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 -Conclusions (a) A standard methodology has been adopted to guide the Susitna Basin develop- ment selection process described in this report. It incorporates a series of screening steps and concludes with plan formulation and evaluation pro- cedures.. Both the screening and plan evaluation procedures incorporate criteria relating to' technical feasibility, environmental and socioeconomic aspects, and economic viability. {b) The economic analyses are required to assist the State in allocating funds optimally and are therefore conducted using a real (i.e. inflation adjust- ed) interest rate of 3 percent and a corresponding general inflation rate of zero percent. Fuel costs are assumed to escalate at specified amounts above the general inflation rate. (c) Previous studies over the past 30 years have thoroughly investigated the potential of the basin and the most recent studies conducted by the COE have concluded that the Watana-Devil Canyon development plan is the prefer- red option. However, review of these studies has indicated that a certain amount of revision is appropriate, both to develop a more uniform level of detail for all the alternative sites considered and to reassess the earlier planning decisions in the light of current load projections which are generally lower than those used in the earlier studies. (d) The current {1980) Rai 1 be 1 t System annua 1 energy requirement is estimated to be 2790 Gwh and the peak demand 515 MWo Near future demands can be sat- isfied by the existing generating system plus the committed expansion at Bradley Lake {hydroelectric) and the combined cycle {gas fired) plant at Anchorage till 1993 provided an Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie of adequate capacity is constructed. (e) . Energy and capacity forecasts for the year 2010 can be summarized as in Table 10.1. (f) A range of technically feasible options capable of meeting future energy and capacity demands have been identified and include the following: -Thermal Units • Coal fired steam generation: 100, 250, and 500 MW • Combined cycle generation: 250 MW • Gas turbine generation: 75 MW • Diesel generation: 10 MW -Hydroelectric Options • Alternative development plans for the Susitna Basin capable of provid- ing up to 1200 to 1400 MW capacity and an average energy yield of approximately 6000 Gwh. 10-1 Ten additional potential hydroelectric developments located outside the Susi to a Basin and ranging from 8 to 480 MW in capacity and 33 to 1925 Gwh annual energy yielda {g) Indications are that the utilities will be subject to the prohibitions of the Fue 1 Use Act and that the use of natura 1 gas in new faci 1 i ties wi 11 be restricted to peak load application only. (h) The Susitna Basin development selection studies indicated that the 1200 MW Watana-Devi 1 Canyon dam ·scheme is the optimum basin development plan from an economic, environmental, and social point of view. It involves a 880 feet high fill dam at Watana with an ultimate installed capacity of 800 MW and a 675 feet high concrete arch dam at Devil Canyon with a 400 MW power- house, and deve 1 ops appro xi mate l y, 91 percent of the tot a 1 basin potentia 1. Should only one dam site be developed in the basin, then the High Devil Canyon dam which develops 53 percent of the basin potential provides the most economical energy. This project, however, is not compatible with the Watana-Devil Canyon development plan as the site would be inundated by the Devil Canyon development. (i) Comparison of the Railbelt system generation scenario incorporating the Watana-Devil Canyon Susitna development and the all thermal option reveals that the scenario 11 with Susitna" is economically superior and reduces the total system present worth cost by $2280 million. An overall evaluation of these two scenarios based on economic, environmental, and social criteria indicates that the "with Susitnau scenario is the pref~rred option. The "with Susitna" scenario remains the most economic for a wide range load forecast and parameters such as interest rate, fuel costs and fuel escala- tion rates. For real interest rates above 8 percent or fuel escalation rates below zero, the all thermal generating scenario becomes more econom- ic. However, it is not likely that such high interest rates or low fuel escalation rates would prevai 1 during the foreseeable future . . (j) Economic comparisons of the generating scenarios "with Susitna" and the scenario incorporating alternative hydro options indicate that the present worth cost of the 11 With SusitnaH scenario is $1190 million less. · (k) Preliminary engineering studies indicate that the preferred dam type at Watana is a rockfi 11 alternative while a double curvature thin arch con- crete dam is the most appropriate type for the Devi 1 Canyon site. 10.2 -Recommendations The recommendations outlined in this section pertain to the continuing studies under Task 6 Des.ign Development. It is assumed that the necessary hydrologic, seismic, geotechnical, environmental, and tranmission system studies will also continue to provide the necessary support data for completion of the Feasibility Report. Project planning and engineering studies should continue on the selected Susitna Basin Watana-Devil Can .. von development plan. These studies should encompass the following: c 10-2. (a) Project Plannin_g_ Additional optimization studies should. be conducted to define in more detai 1 ~ the l~atana-Devi 1 Canyon deve 1 opment p 1 an. These studies should be aimed at refining: -Dam heights ~ -Installed capacities: as part of this task consideration should also be given to locating the tailrace of the Devil Canyon powerhouse closer to Portage Creek in order to make use of the additional head estimated to amount to 55 feet. -Reservoir operating rule curves -Project scheduling and staging concepts: a more detailed analysis of the staging concept should be undertaken. This should include are- evaluation of the powerhouse stage sizes and the construction schedules. In addition, an assessment should be made of the technical, environmental and economic f easi bi 1 i ty of bringing the Devil Canyon dam and .powerhouse online before the Wantana development. This may be an attractive alternative from a scheduling point of view as it allows Susitna power to be brought online at an earlier date due to the shorter construction period associated with the Devil Canyon dam. The general procedure established during this study for site selection and plan formulation as outlined in Appendix A should be adhered to in under-. taking the above optimization studies. (b) Project Engineering Studies The engineering studies outlined in Subtasks 6~07 through 6.31 should con- tinue as originally plahned in order to finalize the project general arrangements and details, and to firm up technical feasibility of the pro- posed development. (c) Generation Planning As outlined in the original Task 6.37 study effort~ the generation scenario planning studies should be refined once the more definitive project data is obtained from the studies outlined in Sections (a) and (b) above and the Railbelt generation alternatives study is completed. The objective of these studies should be to refine the assessment of the economic, environ- mental, and social feasibility of the prorosed Susitna Basin development. 10-3 TABLE 10.1 -ENERGY AND CAPACITY FORECASTS fOR 2010 load Growth Very low {i.e. incorporating additional load management and conservation measures) low Medium I High 10-4 Project Annual Energy Demand Gwh 5,200 6,220 8,940 15,930 Equivalent Annual Rate of Increase 2.1~0 2.7% 4.1"l% Peak Demand MW 920 1,140 1,635 2~,90f)