HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA347I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q g FRESHWATER HABITAT RELATIONSHIPS ARCTIC GRAYLING-THYMALLUS ARTICUS ALASKA DEPARTMENT Of ASH & GAME HABITAT PROTECTION SECTION RESOURCE ASSESSMENtT BRANCH .APRIL, 198 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FRESHWATER HASITAT RELATIONSHIPS ARCTIC GRAYLING (THYMALLUS ARCTICUS ) By Steven W. Krueger Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division Resource Assessment Branch 570 West 53rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 May 1981 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and from the Auke Bay F·lsheries Laboratory of the Natior.al Marine Fisheries Service freely gave their time and assistance when contacted about this project and it is a pleasure to thank them and fishery biologists from other agencies, especially those who provided unpublished data and observations from their own work. The librarians of the Alaska Resources Library and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were of great help. This project was funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Energy and Land Use Team, Hab 4 tat Evaluation Procedure Group, Fort Collins, Colorado. Contract No. 14-16-0009-79-119. TABLE OF CONTENTS Arctic Grayling Page I. Introduction 1 A. Pur;Jose 1 B. Distribution 2 D. Life History Summary 4 E. Economic Importance 12 II. Specific Habita t Requirements 13 A. Lake In l ets/Outlets 13 1. Upstream Migration 13 2. Spawning 15 3. Post-Spawning Movements 19 4. Development of Eggs and Alevins 19 5. Sunmer Rearing 20 6. Migration to Overwinter i ng Areas 22 7. Overwintering 22 B. Bog Streams 22 1. Upstream Migration 22 2. Spawning 25 3. Post-Spawning Movements 28 4. OevelorAnent of Eggs and Alevins 30 5. Sunmer· Rearing 31 6. Migration to Overwintering Areas 32 7. Winter rearing 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III. IV. v. VI. Page C. Mountain Streams 34 1. Upstream Migration 34 2. Spawning 35 3. Egg and Alev in Development 36 4. Suntner Rearing 36 5. Migration to Ovel""ttf i ntering Areas 40 6. Winter Rearing 40 D. Spring Streams 42 1. Upstream Migrat i on 42 2. Spawning 43 3. Sunmer Rearing 43 4. Migrati on to Ovel""ttfintering Areas 43 5 . Winter Rearing 43 Habitat-Arctic Grayling Relati onships 44 Deficiencies in Data Base 53 Recommendations and Further Studies 55 Literature Cited 58 I . INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The purpose of this project is to describe how selected physical and chemical features of lotic habitat within Alaska influence the survival and behavior of the various life stages of Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus {Pallas}. Objectives of this project are: 1) To gather data from published and unpublished sources within Alaska . Canada and Montana and from conversations with fishery biologists from the above areas concerning the relationships between lotic aquatic habitat and Ar·ctic grayling survival and behavior. 2} To develop an Alaska data base composed of narrative and tables of observed physical parameters to better understand habitat-Arctic grayling relationships; and 3) To identify areas where data are lacking and to recornmend studies to fill gaps fn the data . The following "Life Histor:-y Sunmary" and "Specific Habitat Relationships" sections will identify the lotic habitat relationships of the various life history and seasonal behavior stages of the Arctic grayling which include: upstream spawning mi gration; spawning; post-spawning movements; incubation; sunmer rearing; -1- I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I migration to overwintering areas; and winter rearing B. Distribution The Arctic grayling is a holarctic species of the genus Thymallus. Within North America it occurs from Hudson Bay west through northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, the Northwest Territories (excluding most islands of the Arctic archipelago), l.he Yukon and most of Alaska. In Eurasia it fs found as far west as the Kara and Ob Rivers and south to Northern Mongolia and North Korea. Several i solated, relict populations exist in North America. One is located in a fraction of its original range in the extreme headwaters of the Missouri River drainage in Montana (Nelson, 1953). Two other relict populations are found in Canada, one in southeast British Columbia and the other in southwest Alberta (Scott and Crossman, 1973). An Arctic grayling population ir the Great Lakes region was eliminated in the 1930s. Possible causes were log drives during the spawning season, intense angling effort and general habitat degradation (Creaser and Creaser, 1935). Attempts to restock these waters failed. Arctic grayling have been introduced to Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Vermont (Scott and Crossman, 1973). Arcti c grayling are distributed over much of Alaska (Figure 1) (McClean and Delaney, 1978). Distribution of Arctic grayling within southeast Alaska is primarily limited to stocked lakes. Occasionally fish drift downstream in large stream systems, such as the Stikine River. These rivers often support substantial populations of grayling in their headwater reaches (McClean and Delaney, 1978). -2- Insert Figure 1 I • MA IN STUDY SITES CD T.AN.AN.A RIV ER (2] IC.AVIK RIVER [j] GULIC.AN.A RIVER· I1J TYEE L.AICE [3] COLVILLE RIVER .ALEUTIAN ISlANDS • • "' • ,A.J7 .t;~.::. ~tl,., FIGURE 1. DISTRIBUTION OF ARCTIC GRAYLING IN ALASKA (FROM ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, 1978) AND MAIN STUDY SITES . -3- l r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( . Numerous clearwater tributaries and lakes within the upper Copper and Susitna River drainages contain Arctic grayling. Grayling are found in the Gulkana and Oshetna Rivers. Arctic grayling are extremely limited within the Prince William Sound area and lower Copper River drainage and somewhat limited within the lower Susitna River drainage . Both of these l arge rivers are glacial and support relatively small populations. However, a few clearwater tributaries of. the lower Copper River and many clearwater tributar1es of the lower Susitna River, such as the Talachulftna and Chunflna River, and Lake Creek contain Arctic grayling. Arctic grayling are not found on the west side of Cook Inlet south of Tyonek (McClean and Delaney , 1978). Numerous lakes within the Kenai Peninsula were stocked and now suoport reproducing populations of Arctic grayling. These include Crescent, Upper and Lower Paradise, Bench and Twin Lakes (McClean and Delaney, 1978). Selected lakes on Kodiak and Afognak Islands contain Arctic grayling. Grayling are also found in clear water streams of the Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay drainages. Especially large individuals are found fn the Ugashik and Becharof Lake and Togiak River drainages (McClean and Delaney, 1978). Arctic grayling are widely distributed in the remaining Arctic and sub-Arct i c areas of Alaska, with the exception of the Yukon-Kuskokwim River delta area (McClean and Delaney,· 1978). Life Hfstorx SummarY Arctic grayling usually migrate to spawning sites just prior to or during spring breakup. migration of this f i sh Several factors influence the upstream including distance separating overwintering and spawning sites, streamflow and water temperatures. Tack (1 971) reported upstream movement of fish -4- within the ice covered Chena River about 2. 5 wee ks prior to breakup conditions. Tripp and McCart {1974) reported upstream mov ement of f i sh in the ice cov ered Mackenzie River to ice-free tri butaries . Fish passage can be prevented by ice jams, beaver dams or waterfalls. The swinming perfonnances of adult and juvenne Arctic grayling are influenced by f i sh size, water temperature, current velocity and the size and extent of barriers. Sex and spawning condition also influence the migration of adult fish (MacPhee and Watts, 1976). The importance of the spawning migration to j uvenile fish is not clear. Tack (1980) related this phenomenon to homing. Juvenile fish may become imprinted on vi sua 1 , o 1 factory or other conditions and recognize the spawning area upon maturation. The establishment of male spawning territories may i nitiate spawning activity {Kruse, 1959; Bishop, 1971 ; Tack, 1971}. Males select terri toria l sites for various physical conditions where spawning wi ll eventually take pl ace . Grayling territories vary in size with respect to stream width, wa t er depth, current velocity, channel configuration, spawner density and , possibly, other conditions. Kruse (1959) measured territories of 0.15 by 0 .61 m (0.5 by 2.0 ft) in a 1.5 m (5 ft ) wide reach of Northwest Creek, an inlet of Grebe Lake, Wyoming. However, 1 n a wider ( 2. 4-3.0 m, 8-10 ft) reach of the same stream, territory dimensions were approx i mately 1.2 by 1.2 m (4 by 4 ft). Tack {1971 ) noted that male f ish territori es in the out l et of Mineral Lake, Al aska were about 2.4 by 2.4 m (8 by 8 ft). Ripe males establish spawning territories and vigorously defend them from other males. Short head-on thrusts usually repel -5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sub-adults. Adult males are r epe ll ed by lateral displays. sometimes followed by direct attacks (Tac k, 1971). Grayl i ng spawn in areas with surface current velocities l ess than 1.4 m/sec (4.5 ft/sec ), varying water depths and relatively small, unimbedded gravels about 2.5 em (1 in) in diameter. Fertilization occurs after the females leave their holding areas and pass through male territories. The females are pursued by ·~everal males who attempt to court her . The successful male places his dorsal fin over her back, initiating simultaneous body arching and vibrating. The male may drive the posterior third of the female's body i nto t he substrate where eggs and sperm are released. The fertilized eggs sink to the bottom of the stream and adhere to the substrat e. No actua l redd is constructed but the eggs may be covered by as much as 5 em (2 i n.) of dislodged substrate. There i s no parenta l care of the eggs. After spawning, the female resumes her former rest ing position before possibly spawning again. Both sexes may spawn more than once with various partners. They are capable of spawning annually (Brown, 1938; Kruse, 1959; Bishop, 1971; Tack, 1971; Scott and Crossman, 1973). It is not known whether juvenile and adult Arctic grayling return to the same spawning stream. The duration of Arctic grayling spawning activity may range from four days to two weeks {Warner, 1955; Tack, 1971; McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972; Tripp and McCart, 1974). Age of maturity is variable and genera lly is greater i n the northern rea ch es of this fish 's range . Grayling have been fo und to reach sexual maturity at age 2 or 3 in Mich i gan (Creaser and Creaser, 1935 ) and in Montana (K ruse, 1959) streams. Most fish in t he North Sl~pe (of the Brooks Range, Alaska ) and northern -6- Yukon and the Northwest Territories mature between ages four to nine (Bishop, 1971; McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972; deBruyn and McCart, 1974;.Craig and Poulin, 1974). Fish in the lower Kuskowkwim River, Seward Peninsula and Tanana River, Alaska reach maturity at ages five to six (Alt, 1966 and 1978; Wojcik, 1955). The life span of Arctic grayling is variable; northern populations generally live longer than southern populations. Maximum ages of Arctic grayling from Montana range from seven to eleven years (Brown, 1938; Nelson, 1953). Several fish from selected Beaufort Sea drainages in the Yukon Territories and the Chandalar River drainage in north -central Alaska ranged in age from 15 to 22 years (de Bruyn and McCart, 1974). Maximum ages of fish from various Tanana River, Alaska drainages are about 11 years (Tack, 1973). Regional differences in grayling life spans may result from varying environmental conditions over their range (Craig and Poul i n, 1974) or from differences in aging techniques (scale versus otolith). Female fecundity varies with fish size and stock. Brown (1938) reported egg fecundities ranging from 1,650 among Grebe Lake, Wyoming individuals (length and weight unknown) to over 12,900 eggs among large (0 .91 kg (2 lb)) females from Georgetown Lake, Montana. Mean fecundity va 1 ues among fema 1 es from Grebe Lake varied from 1,900 eggs in individuals less than 280 mm (11 in) fork length (fl) to 2,800 in fish exceeding 305 mm (12 in) fl. Female fish ranging in fork length (fl) from 331 to 373 mm (x • 353 mm) from Weir Creek, a small tributary of the Kavik River, Alaska contained from 4,580 to 14 , 730 eggs (i • 8,482 eggs) (Craig and Poulin, 1974). Ten females (295 to 395 mm fl) from the upper Chandalar River, Alaska drainage contained 2,330 to 9,150 eggs (i • 4,937 eggs) (Craig and Wells, 1974). Development of Arctic grayling eggs to hatching occurs very rapidly (13-32 days) and ·fs influenced primarily by water -7- ( J r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I temperatures (Henshall, 1907; Ward, 1951; Bishop, 1971; Kratt and Smith, 1971; Tryon, 197~). The hatched fry, or alevins, with attached yolk sac, are about eight mm long (Scott and Crossman, 1973). The yolk sac is completely absorbed in one to two weeks. Kruse (1959) examined survival of emergent grayling in Grebe Lake, Wyoming. He estimated that fish surv ival through the fry stage was about six percent in one of several inlet streams. Probable causes of this high mortality were egg dislodgment , predation and low fertilization . Water vell)ci ty could also influence egg and a l evin survival. No redds were constructed during spawning and ferti 1 ized eggs may not have been covered with gravel . Alevins hatching within the gravels probably have higher survival than those hatching on the exposed substrate (Kratt and Smith, 1977). The gravel provided cover, decreased the chances of dislodgement and lessened swimming stresses in the early stages. Growth of Arctic grayling varies considerably over its range, but fish from northern reg i ons generally grow more slowly than f i sh frt~m southern areas (Craig and McCart , 1974b ). The largest grayling recorded from Alaska weighed 2.13 kg (4 lb, 11 oz ), and was 54.6 em (21.5 in) long (Ugashik Narrows, Alaska Peninsula, 1975). The Canadian record grayling weighed 2.71 kg (5 lb, 7 oz ) and measured 53.3 em (21 i n) ( Northwest Territories, 1967 ). Growth rates of young of the year (yoy) Arctic grayli ng can be extremely variable among drainages due to differences 1n length of open water (growing) seasons, temperatures and food supplies. For e.xample, 49 fish within t he outlet of Chick Lake (along the Donnelly River, a tributary of the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Canada) atta i ned a mean fork length (fl) of 49 nm ± 4 nm by 8 July, 1973. In contrast 38 individuals from a small inlet to Chick Lake were only 20 mm ± 4 nm by July (Tripp and -8- McCart, 1974). The Chick Lake inlet had lower water temperatures and lower benth ic invertebrate standing crops than t hose of the Chick Lake outlet . Elliott (1980) noted substantial differences in growth rates among yoy Arctic grayling among small bog and mountain streams within Alaska. He ascribed those differences to f ood availability, water temperatures and durations of the growing seasons. Arctic grayl i ng are opportun i stic feeders and consume more and larger prey as they grow. Young of the year fish have been observed feeding prior to total yolk sac absorption (Brown and Buck, 1939; Kruse, 1959). Fish inhabiting lakes may consume Daphnia and chironomid larvae and pupae. Elliott (1980) inv esti gated the summer food habits of fish in selected spring , rapid-runoff and bog streams cros sed by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS}. Early yoy fish (less than 3.5 mm fl) consumed about three different aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate taxa whereas 1 a rge r yoy fi sh { equa 1 to or greater than 3. 5 mm fl ) consumed up to eight taxa. lnmature chironomids were the most frequently eaten taxon. La rger fish consume drifting inma ture and mature aquat ic invertebrates, mature terrestrial invertebrates and occasionally leaches, fishes , fish eggs, shrews and lemmings {Rawson, 1950; Kruse, 1959; Bishop, 1971; Scott and Crossman, 1973). Mature fish apparent ly feed infrequently or not at all during the upstream spawning migration. Arctic grayling may feed during the winter. Fish, captured by gill net under the ice wi thin poo 1 s of the Sagavan i rktok and Co lville Ri vers, Alaska, contained ephemeropteran and plecopteran nymphs (Alt and Furniss, 1976 ; Bendock, 1980). Predation on Arctic grayling eggs and alevins by other fishes coul d s ig nifi cantly reduce fish producti on. Tack (1 971 ) reported -9- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I whitefish preying upon Arct i c grayling eggs at the outlet of Mineral Lake, Alaska. Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus (Linneaus)), round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum (Pal lu s)), northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus), longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus (Forster)), and other fishes may a 1 so consume Arctic gray li ng eggs and alevins (Bishop, 1971; MacPhee and Watts, 1976; Alt, 1977). Spawned-out adult fish may remain within spawning areas or migrate considerable distances to su11111er feeding areas within lakes or streams. A spawned-out fish tagged in late June 1972 in a lake outlet entering the Mackenzie River near Norman Wells, Northwest Territori es was recovered within a month in the Great Bear River, 159 km (99 mi) distant (Jessop et al., 1974). Tagged adults have been shown to leave Poplar Grove Creek, Alaska, a small bog stream, within several weeks after spawning and move to other areas for feeding (MacPhee and Watts, 1976; Williams and Morgan, 1974). Movement of juvenile fish out of spawn i ng streams can occ:ur during or slightly after adult fish emigration. Decreased flows and lower food availability influence both adult and juvenile fish movements. Some juvenile fish may remain near spawning areas through the summer. Studies examining the summer microhabitat selection by juvenile salmonids in various Pacific Northwest streams ind i cate that larger individuals progressively move to faster and deeper stream reaches for increased cover and food availability (Everest and Chapman, 1972; Lister and Genoe, 1970). Most of the la;'ger juveniles were found in relatively fast water with some cover and areas of low current velocity. Everest a.1d Chapman (1972) speculated that fish hold in areas of low current velocities and feed in areas of faster velocity with higher pr ey densities . -10- Fry (y oy ) may remain within their natal streams or migrate to other system.s where they feed and grow during the relathe ly short Arctic and sub-Arctic open water season (McCart and Bain, 1972; MacPhee and Watts, 1976). The movement of larger, older f ish out of spawning streams may lessen competition among age classes. Rearing fish are segregated by size (ag e ) with yoy fish generally occupying areas of lower current velocities, and more shallow water. Yearling and older fish generally occupy deeper, slightly faster areas (Chfslett and Stuart, 1979). Larger fish have been observed in pools upstream of smaller fish; areas which probably contain higher densities of prey (Vascotto, 1971). Fish appear to return to the same sunmer rearing areas. Many tagged individuals have been recovered the following ,year in the same areas (Tack, 1980). Limited stud i es monitoring fish movements in small bog and mountain st~ams have detected a late summer to early fall out migration of juvenile and yoy fish (McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972; MacPhee and Watts, 1972). Downstream movement of juvenile fish generally occurs slightly before migration of yoy fish (C raig, McCart and Bain, 1972). Arctic grayling must migrate to their overwintering grounds before the streams become impassable from low flows or ice buildup. Decreasing water temperatures and flows associated with the onset of winter probably infl•Jence the timing of migration to overwintering areas. The winter distribution of Arctic grayling is more restricted than the summer distribution . Most bog and many small mountain and lake inlet and outlet streams become dewatered or freeze so 1 i d during the fa 11 and winter months. Fish overwinter in Takes, open pools, spring and glacial streams and in spring fed mountain streams. Fish have been found in pools of large i nterior Alaska mountain streams, such as the Chena River . Spring streams in the Tanana River drainage in interior Alaska -11- l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I with seemingly suitable conditions for overwintering fish, do not appear to support overwintering of Arctic grayling (Reed, 1964; Pearse, 1964; Van Hyning, 1978). Spring fed streams along the north slope of the Brooks Range, Alaska, are often the only areas with flowing water and arP. important fish overwintering areas (Craig and Poulin, 1974). D. Economic Importance Arctic grayling are the basis of an important summer recreational fishery. The broad food habits of this fish allow anglers to use a variety of t~chniques, including fly casting. Roadside angling is popular during the summer on streams and lakes along the Alaska, Steese, Elliot, Taylor, Glenn, Parks, Richardson and Nome-Taylor highways . Fly-in and float fishing trips are also popular during the summer. -12- II. SPECIFIC HABITAT REQUIREMENTS. A. Lake Inlet/Outlets 1. Upstream Migration a. Water Temperature Water temperatures associated with the upstream migration of Arctic grayling to s pawning areas withir inlets and outlets of lakes may t~nge from 0°C (32°F: to about 4°C (39 .2°F ). Warner (1~5) stated that fisn began entering a selected inlet of Fieldi ng Lake as soon as there was flowing water. Water temperatures of the inlet during the initial phase of the migration were not given but water temperatures duri ng the las: two days of the migration were 0.6°C and 1.1°C (33°F and 35°F). Many arctic streams may be impassable to Arctic grayling prior to spring breakup because of ice conditions or dewater i ng. Fish have been observed moving upstream through narrow furrows in anchor ice created by meltwater (Wojcik, 1955). However, maximum numbers of fish usually migrate within these streams at or near peak flow conditions (MacPhee and Watts, 1976; Tack. 1980). Ri pe Arctic grayling have been detected moving upriver within ice-covered spawning streams such as Trai 1 Creek. a tributary of the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Canada (Jessop , Chang-Kue, Lilley and Percy , 1974 }. Arct i c grayling may ascend rapid runoff and bog streams , and inlets and outlets of lakes as soon as flow conditions permit passage to spawning sites. -13- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tack (1 972 ) reported Arctic grayl i ng at the roouth of the Mineral Lake outlet approx i mately nine days after water temperature o f the same outlet reached 1°C (33.8°F). The first large catch of fish at the same location occurred three days later, probably a funr.tion of the 1 ength of time requ 1 red to move from their overwintering habitat . Kruse (1959) noted that Arctic grayling fn Grebe Lake, Wyoming, begin spawning migrations into four inlet streams and the outlet stream (the Gibbon River) when water temperatures range from 5.6° to 7.8°C (42°-46°F) and 2.2° to 4.6°C (36°-40°F ), respectively. Average daily water temperatures at the conclusion of the spawning migrations in the inlet and outlet streams were 7.2° to 8.3°C (45°-47°F) and 2 .2° to 8.9°C (36°-48°F). These temperatures are noticeably higher than those associated wi th spawning migrations in Fi elding and Mineral Lakes. Tack (1980) found no correlati on between roomentary temperature reductions below 1.0°C and upstream movement of fish in the Chena River. Diel water temperature patterns may influence upstream fish movement in other strea~s (Wojcik, 1954, Warner, 1955; MacPhee and Watts, 1976). b. Current Velocity Arctic grayling usually beg i n spawning migrations to i nlets and outlets of lakes dur i ng breakup conditions . Wojcik (1954) first observed fish in one of several inlet streams of Fielding Lake, Alaska as it began flowing in mid-May, 1954. Warner (1955) observed the first fish 1 n the mouth of the same stream the -14- following year shortly after open water appeared in early June. Tack (1972) reported Arctic grayling entering the outlet of Mineral Lake from the Tok River, via the little Tok River, during high flow conditions. Mature and innature individuals were captured by gillnet as they congregated near the lake's ou t let. 2 . Spawning a. Water Temperature Water temperature appears to significantly influence Arctic grayling spawning. Wojcik (1954) observed fish spawning in an i nlet tributary of Fielding Lake in water temperatures of 3.3°C (38°F). Three to four days later, at the termination of spawning activity, water temperatures redched 7.8°C (46°F). Warner (1955) stated that fish spawning began in the same stream the following spring when maximum water temperatures approached 4.4°C (40°F). Tack (1972) reported male fish establishing spawning territories in the outlet of Mineral Lake when water temperatures approached 4°C (39 .2°F). Spawning ceased when water temperatures decreased and remained below 4°C (at 2°-3°C) for two days. Fish resumed spawning when water temperatures reached 4°C (39.2°F) and continued for four additional days as water temperatures ranged from 4° to l0°C (39.2°-50°F). Grayling were reported spawning in southern tributaries of the Mackenzie River in water temperatures ranging from 8° to 16°C (46.4°-60.8°F) by Jessop, Chang-Kue, Lilley and Percy (1974). -15- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Arctic grayling spawned in four inlet tributaries of Tyee Lake, near Ketchikan, Alaska during May and June of 1980 in water temperatures ranging from 6° to 11°C (4 2.8°-51.8°F) (Cuccarease, Floyd, Kelly and LaBelle, 1980). Water temperatures of the streams during initial fish spawning were not reported . Fish spawning occurred in four inlet streams of Grebe Lake, Wyoming in water temperatures ranging from 4.4°C to 10°C (40°-50°F). Water temperatures in the outlet stream during fish spawning ranged from 2.2 oc to 10°C (36°F-50cF} (Kruse, 1959). Brown (1938) observed several fish spawning in a small, beaver dammed inlet tributary to Agnes Lake, Montana in water temperatures of 10°C (50°F}. b. Current Velocity Arctic grayling spawn in a wide range of current velocities in inlets and outlets of lakes . Wojcik (1954) reported fis:, spawning in "slow, shallow backwaters, and not in riffles as had been supposed" in an inlet stream to Fielding Lake. The following spring the fish spawned in surface current velocities of about 1.2 m/sec (3.9 ft/sec} (Warn er, 1955}. Observations were 1 imited by ice and snow cover during 1954 and 1955. Surface current velocities in territories of 22 males along the outlet to Mineral lake, Alaska ranged from 0.34 m/sec to 1.46 m/sec (1.1 ft/sec-4.8 ft/sec} with a mean value of 0.79 m/sec. (2.6 ft/sec} (Tack, 1971}. -16- c. Substrate Arctic grayling have been reported spawning over gravel substrates of inlets and outlets of lakes within Alaska and Montana. Warner {1955) observed fish spawning over fine {about 1 em) gravel. Much of the stream was covered by ice and snow, therefore observations were made a 1 ong an 0. 18 km ( 200 yd) open reach near the mouth of the stream and in smaller open areas upstream. Tack (1971) described the spawning substrate in the outlet of Mineral lake as being "pea size." Fish spawning has been observed within rif1:les and runs of four inlet tributaries to Tyee lake near Ketchikan, Alaska. Spawning substrate ranged from sand to small cobble. Coarse sand and gra vel to about 2.5 em (1 in) in diameter was commonly used by most fish (Cuccarease, Floyd, Kelly and LaBelle, 1980). Arctic grayling were observed spawning over a sand-gravel subs t rate in an inlet stream to Agnes lake, Montana by Brown (1938). He discussed the 1 imi ted variety of substrate and other habitat conditions within the stream and the need to better determine the characteri sties of optimum Arctic grayling spawning habitat in Montana streams. Kruse {1959) ranked sand (.3 em), gravel (.3-7 em) and rubble (7.6-30.5 em) in descending order as suitable substrate material for Arctic grayling spawning. Riffles were utilized more often than pools for spawning. Fish were reported spawning over relatively fine gravel, not exceeding 3 .8 em (1.5 in) in diameter with -17- r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I most material not exceeding 1.25 em (0.5 in } in d i ameter, within the outlet of Bench Lake, Alaska (personal communications , Stephen Hammarstrom, 1981). Similar size substrate is used for spawning in the outlet of Crescent Lake, Alaska (personal communication, Ted McHenry, 1981). d. Water Depth Arctic grayling spawn in a range of water depths. Selection of spawning sites is more strongly influenced by current velocities and substrate conditions. Fish in a n inlet to Fielding Lake spawned in "shallow back waters" (Wojcik, 1954) and in depths of 16 em ( 6 in) (Warner, 1955}. Water depths measured in 22 fish terri tories in the Mineral Lake, Alaska outlet stream ranged from 0.18 to 0.73 m (0.6 to 2.4 ft) with a mean value of 0.30 m (1.0 ft.). Cuccarese, Floyd, Kelly and LaBelle (1980} observed fish spawning in various i nlet streams to Tyee Lake , Alaska in water depths ranging from 0.15 to 0. 91 m (0.5-3.0 ft.} in the largest and most intensively utilized stream and from 0.05 to 0.46 m (0.17-1.5 ft} in several smalier, shallower streams with substantially fewer spawners. -18- e. Li ght Grayling spawning occurs during daylight hours and probably stops during the evening (Scott and Crossman, 1973). Few observations of Arctic grayling spawning have been made during the evening (K~s e, 1959 ). Netting at the Bench Lake outlet found few Arct i c grayling spawning during evening and early morning hours (persona 1 COIIIIlJni cation, Stephen Hanma rstrom, 1981). 3. Post-Spawning Movements Spawned-out Arct i c grayl i ng (f i sh hav i ng completed spawning ) co1m10nly vacate spawning s i tes within lake inlets and outlets and return to lakes or to other areas (Wojcik, 1954; Warner, 1955; Tack, 1980). Fish spawning within the outlet to Mineral Lake leave the stream upon completion of spawning and migrate downstream and then up to the Little Tok River or Tra il Creek . Food availab ili ty probably infl uences post-spawning fi sh movement and distri bution (Tac k, 1980 ). Small lake inlets may become dewatered by mid to late sunwner. Adu 1 t spawned-out fish typ i ca 11 y 1 eave these intermittent streams after spawning and enter lak~s (Kruse, 1959). 4 . Development of Eggs and Alevins a. Water Temperature Stream water temperatures influence Arctic grayling deve 1 opment rates within 1 ake in 1 ets and outlets. Kruse (1959 ) observed that eggs hatched 19 day s after -19- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fertilizat · n i n an inlet stream to Grebe Lake at water temperatures from 3.9° to 9.2°C {39.0°-48 .5°F ). Fertilized eggs from an inlet to Fi elding Lake, Alaska re~"' .red 18 days to hatch in water temperatures ranging from 6.1° to 9.4°C (43°-49°F) during the spring of 1954 and 1955. Fertilized eggs r·equired only eight days to hatch in water temperatures of 15.5°C {60°F) at an Alaskan hatchery. Henshall (1907) recommended minimum water temperatures of 5 .5°C (42°F) for successful development of Arctic grayling in Montana hatcheries. Water temperatures characteristically rise during the incubation period; therefore, eggs are not usually exposed to freezing. However, no upper -or lower lethal temperature data for Arctic grayling eggs were found in the 1 iterature. 5. Summer Rearing a. Current Velocity Low flows during incubation could result in desiccation or freezing of developing eggs and alevins. Wojcik (1954) noted significant diel flow fluctuations along an inlet of Fielding Lake, Alaska and discussed the possibility of recently fertilized eggs becom ing exposed, desiccated or frozen. Downstream migration of yoy fish within inlets of lakes is probably a response to more sui tab 1 e current ve 1 ociti es and an abundance of food items in 1 akes. Newly emerged yoy fish held positions in "quiet water coves and eddies" during the day along an inlet to -20- Grebe Lake, Wyoming (Kruse, 1959). At night th e yay fish vacated areas of low current velocities and act iv e ly migrated downstream t o Grebe Lake. Fry have also been found in shallow margins of Tyee Lake, Alaska and in small , shallow, pools in the delta area of i nlet streams of Tyee Lake. High aquat i c invertebrate production in littoral areas provided ample food (Cuccarese, Floyd, Kelly and LaBelle, 1980). Fry have not been observed in mainstem reaches of the inlet streams. Arctic grayling fry within l ake outlets typica lly occupy areas of low current velocities. Yoy fish have been observed in stream margins with shallow depths and low current velocities {personal commun i cation, Stephen Hammarston ~nd Ted McHenry, 1981 }. b. Water Depth Water depths occupied by yoy fish in lotic and lentic areas may vary considerably. Depths are probably selected for the assoc i ated current velocities and food ava i labil i ty. Fry within several inlats to Grebe Lake, Wyoming occupied shallow, slow hab i tats prior to migrating downstream to Grebe Lake (Kruse, 1959}. Fry within Tyee Lake, Alaska occupy shallow littoral reaches ranging in depth from 2 to 46 em (1-18 in) . They also occupy shallow, q•.;1et pools in delta reg i ons of the inlet streams rather than the ma in stem reaches (Cuccarease, Floyd, Kelly and LaBelle, 1980). Yoy fish have been observed in shallow margins of the outlets of Bench Lake and Crescent Lake, Alaska {personal co111T1Unication, Stephen Hanmarston and Ted McHenry, 1981 ). -21 - l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. Migration to Overwintering Areas No information was found in the 1 iterature concerning movements of Arctic grayling within lake inlets and out l ets to overwintering areas. Fish probably overwinter in lakes that are relatively deep and do not freeze to the bottom. 7. Overwintering No information was available in the literature concerning overwintering habitat of fish within lakes. The winter ecology of Arctic grayling within lakes is poorly understood (personal communication, Fred Williams, 1981). B. Bog Streams 1. Upstream Migration a. Water Temperature Adult grayling usually migrate upstream before juveniles. Water temperatures are lower at this time. Upstream migration of yearling, older juvenile and adult grayl i ng within Poplar Grove Creek usually commenced when mean water temperatures ranged from 2° to 4°C {36°-39°F) during early to mid-May of 1973, 1974 and 1975. Upstream movement usually ceased when water temperatures approached 12° to 14°C (54-57°F) during late Ma_y to early June. Mean water temperatures during peak upstream migration of yearling fish (6°-12°C) were consistently higher than temperatures during adult upstream migration (3°-7°C). Oiel variations in water temperatures never exceeded 2°C during May and June. -22- Mature •green • (non-ripe) Arctic grayl i ng entered Weir Creek , a tri butary of the Kavik Ri ver, Alaska when water temperatures were about 5°C. The mi gration ceased when water temperatures approached l2°C (Craig and Poulin, 1974). Upstream migration of adults in Weir Creek was similar: mature fish were first observed in water of about 4°C (39°F). Migration ceased when temperatures reached 15°C (60°F) (Craig and Poulin, 1974). Maximum water temperatures at the termination of the juvenile upstream fish migration reached 20°C (67°F). b. Current Ve l ocity and Discharge The upstream migration of juvenile and adult Arctic grayling in bog streams usually coincides with high flows result i ng from snow melt and surface run-off during spring breakup . The first mature •green• fish were taken nine days after breakup i n Weir Creek, Alaska duri ng early June (Craig and Poulin, 1974 ). The t i me between i nitiati on of flow i n Weir Creek and arri val of fish was probably due to the di stance from overw i ntering areas to the creek (probably the Shaviovik River, about 85 km distant). Wojcik (1954) captured mature •green• fish at the mouth of Shaw Creek and Little Salcha Creek 1n the Tanana River, Alaska in early April 1953 and 1954 wh i le the streams were frozen and i mpassable to fish. However , as melt water scoured furrows i n the ice, the fish began migrati ng upstream. MacPhee and Watts (1976} trapped adult an d juvenile f i sh i n Poplar Grove Creek, a tributary of the Gulkana River, at peak and decreasing stream flows associated with spring breakup. -23- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The upstream fish migration may span several weeks . Streamflow can be substantially reduced by the time the upstream migration of adult and juvenile fish is completed. For example, flows wit;1in Poplar Grove Creek, Alaska decreased during the upstream migration of adult and juvenile Arctic grayling during 1973, 1974 and 1975 (MacPhee and Watts, 1976). Adult and juvenile fish generally began moving upstream in mid-May durin~ the initial stages of the open-water season. The relatively high discharge at this time ranged from about 1.3 to 4.0 m3tsec (46-141 cfs). However, the peak of the juvenile fish migration consistently occurred at lower flows, about five to ten days after the peak of the adult fish migration. Juvenile migration continued for several days after the adult migration. Discharge at the end of the adult and j uvenile migrat i ons were generally less than 1.1 m3tsec (38 cfs}. The yearling fish lagged several days behind the older juven i le fish . Upstream migration of juvenile and adult Arctic grayling in Weir Creek, a tributary of the Kavik River, Alaska, resembled migrations in Poplar Grove Creek. (McCart, Craig and Bain, 1974}. Adult fish migrated upstream in Weir Creek. in 1971 between early and late June, 1971 as discharge decreased from 20 m3 /sec to about 2 m3;sec. Juvenile fish moved upstream from mid to 1 ate June, about two weeks after the peak. of the adult fish run. Juvenile and adult Arctic grayling migrated upstream in Nota Creek, a tributary of the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Canada, during spring breakup in May. Dur i ng this time dishcarges decreased from -24- 1.67 m3/sec to 0.38 m3/sec (58 to 13 cfs) (personal communication, Derrick Tripp, 1981). Current velocities may influence the timing of juvenile and adult fish passage in bog streams. MacPhee and Watts (1976) demonstrated that large Arctic grayling could negotiate faster water than smaller fish. Decreasing flows may enhance the ability of juvenile fish to pass upstream and could be responsible for t i.e lag between adult and juvenile fish. Other factors, such as increasing water temperatures, probably influence the timing of the upstream migration of juvenile and adult fish (MacPhee and Watts, 1976). 2. Spawning The influences of current velocity, water depth and substrate on fish spawning in bog streams are not well documented. Flood stage flows and yellow or brown stained water limit observations. Spawning data correlated to water temperature and flow conditions are available. Selected studies using weirs and seines noted the spawning condition of fish (•green•, •ripe• or •spa~med out•), water temperature, actual or relative flow conditions and direction of fish movement. a. Water Temperature Water temperatures of bog streams can be considerably higher than those of lake inlets and outlets during spawning . Minimum water temperatures may approach 4°C , the water temperature which apparently triggers spawning in lake inlets and outlets (Tack, 1980), and may approach or exceed 10°C (50 .0°F). Arctic grayling -25 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I have spawned at the outlet of lea Lake, A 1 as k a i n wate 1· t emperatures of JO C (44 °F) (McCart, Cra ig and Ba i n , 1972). The Tea Lake system drains a flat, marsh y arec and is a bog stream. Bishop (1971) reported that water temperatures of about go to l0°C (47°-50°F) appeared to s t imulate f ish spawning in Providence Creek, Northwest Terri tories. Maximum water temparatures in Weir Creek during the Arctic grayling spawning period ranged from 4° to 16cC (39°-61°F ) (Craig and Poulin , 1974). Max i mum water temperatures in Nota Creek whtm Arctic grayling wen 1'ripe11 ranged from 3.5° to ll°C (38°-51°F). MaximurT. water temperatures at the peak of spawning ranged fr>m 4.5 ~ to ll °C (40°-52°F) (personal coJTITiunication, Derrick Tripp, 1981). Water temperatures in Happy Valley Creek during Arct ·c grayling spawning ranged from 4° to 12 °C (39°-53°F) (McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972). b. Current Velocity and Discharge Observations of Arctic grayling spawning with respect to current velocities are limited. Several pairs of spawning fish were observed in shallow riffles along Mainline Spring Creek, Alaska (personal coiTITiun i cation, George Elliott, 1980). Flows within bog streams are typically high but usuall) decrease during the Arctic grayling spawning period . Flows in Happy Valley Creek, Alaska decreased substantially over the 10 day spawning period. Arctic grayling spawned in Weir Creek, Alaska for 10 days as -26- flows decreased. Arctic grayiing in Poplar Grove Creek, Alaska spawned in late May to early June as streamflows decreased from peaks of about 1.1 m3t sec (23.2 cfs) in 1973 and 4 .0 m3t sec (8 4.8 cfs) in 1971 (MacPhee and Watts, 1976). Bishop (1971) r e ported fish spawning in Providence Creek , tributary of the Mackenzie Riv er, during breakup conditions. c. Substrate Arctic grayling appear to use a wide range of substrate s i zes in bog streams f or spawn i ng. They spawned over gravel ranging from 2.5 to 3 .75 em (1 -li in ) diameter in Mainl in e Springs Creek near Atigun Pass, Alaska (personal communication, George Elliott, 1980). Spawning has also occurred in the outlet of Tea Lake, Alaska, near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, over sand and fine gravel substrate. about 0.6 em (i in.) in diameter (C raig, McCart and Ba i n, 1972). Substrate used for spawning in Providence Creek, Northwest Territories, Canada was gravel mixed with sand. Fish did not spawn over pure mud , sand or clay (Bishop, 1971 ). Fish spawned i n orga nic detritus in Mill ion Dollar Creek, Alaska, along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline (p ersonal communication, George Elliott, 1980). The substrate i n Mill i on Dollar Creek is silt and fine sand overlain by organic muck (Elliot, 1980). -27 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I 3. d. Water Depth Observations of water depths used for spawning in bog streams are limited. Sev era 1 pairs o·f fish spawned in riffles 5 em ( 2 in) deep in Mainline Spring Creek, Alaska (personal communication, George Ell iott, 1980). e. Light Fish appa rently spawn only during the day , as observed by Bishop (1971) in Prov i dence Cre ek. Post-Spawning Movements Arctic grayling may migrate downstream irrmediately after spawn ing. In 1973, post-spawners left Weir Creek, Alaska within two weeks after spawning. Large juvenile Arctic grayling also emigrated within two weeks. Tagged adu lt fish from Weir Creek, Alaska were captured later in t he Kavik River and the Shav iovik River (Craig and Poulin, 1974). Rapidly decreasing streamflows probably influenced f ish movements. Tagged adult post-spawners from Happy VallPy Creek displayed similar downstream movement following spawning. No adult fish were found upstream of the weir (McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972). An outmi gration of adult and j uvenile Arctic gray l ing occurred in Poplar Grove Creek during late May and early J une after s pawning and when streamflow·s were steadily declining. Emigration of spa wned-out adults extended from -28- mid-May through mid-June 1973 as flows steadily declined from 1.4 m3/sec (49 cfs) to 0.3 m3/sec (11 cfs). Large juvenile Arctic grayl ing outmigrated after the adults during mid-J une. Not all adult and large juvenile Arctic grayling left Poplar Grove Creek; of the 1,085 adults and 1,973 large juvenile fish found migrating upstream, only 779 and 937 were detected passing downstream. Many of these fish migrate to the Gulkana River drainage (Williams and ~organ, 1974; Williams, 1975 and 1976). Weir data suggest that adults may remain in Poplar Grove Creek until the stream freezes in ft\ 11 . Adult grayling ususally leave Nota Cr eek, a bog stream entering the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Cana da, within t wo weeks after spawn i ng . Some spawned-out adults may return to food -rich Nota Lake for short periods of time. Emigrat ion of large five and six year old juveniles was followed by younger, smaller individuals through early J uly. By mid-July young of the ye ar Arctic grayling and some yearli ng and two year olds occupied Nota Creek (p ersonal communication, Derrick Tripp, 1981). Decreased living space and food availability associated with low flows are probabl y important factors influencing f ish move ments . Tack (198() sugg ested that the outmigration of juvenile and spawned-out adult fish may allow yay fish to rear and feed in natal streams without competition. Adult and j uven :le fish may rear in other stream systems that are rich in food, such as spring streams. -29- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. De velopment of Eggs and Alevins a. Water Temper~ Extremely limited information is available concerning egg incubation and water temperature relationships in bog streams . Bishop (1971) subjected fertilized eggs to a range of water temperatures. He determined that eggs hatched in approximately 14 days at a mean water temperature of 8.8°C (48 °F). Arctic grayl ing eggs required 18 to 21 days to hatch in Nota Creek in water temperatures ranging from 5.5° to l3 °C (42°-55.5°F} and a mean water temperature of 9.6° to 10 .3°C (49°-50 .5°F) (personal communication, Derrick Tr i pp, 1981). b. Current Velocity and Di sc harge Spates could dislodge and destroy eggs and severely reduced flows could lead to desiccation. Aquatic habitat selected by rearing yoy fish in bog streams may have current velocities of from 0 to 0.15 m/sec . Larger f i sh generally select faster water. Elliott (1980} measured mean column velocities at holding positions of 'ea rly' yoy (~ 35 mm fl) and 'late' tOY (> 35 mm fl) fish i n sel ected bog streams during Ju ne and Augu ~t 1980. The mean column current velocities assoc i ated with 'early ' yoy fish were 0 .02, 0.07 and 0.03 m/sec i n Million Dol lar Creek (n = 198}, Pamplin 's Potholes (n = 175), a~d the Tea Lak e i nlet, Ala ska (n =57), respect ivel y. -30 - Larger 'late' yoy fish were found in slightly faster mean current velocities: 0.08, 0.09, 0.14 and 0.1 m/sec. in Pampl i n's Potholes (n = 87), Tea Lake inlet/outlet (n = 71), North Fork Fish Creek (n = 33), Mainline Spring Creek, Alaska (n = 18), respectively. 5. Summer Rearing a. Current Velocity Newly emerged yoy fry select protected stream areas where current velocities are extremely low (personal corrmunication, George Elliott, 1980; de Bruyn and McCart, 1974; McCart, Craig and Bain, 1972). Typical emergent fry rearing areas include shallow backwaters and flooded stream margins and side channels. Juvenile fish (age 1 and older, measuring 50-250 rrm fl) have been observed in bog streams with slightly greate~ current velocities than yoy fish. The average mean current velocities occupied by juvenile fish in the Tea Lake inlet (n = 9) were 0.175 m/sec and in Main l ine Springs Creek, Alaska (n = 16), 0.196 m/sec. Limited observations of adult Arctic grayling (250 rrm fl) from bog streams showed adult fish holding in mean c~rrent ve l ocities of 0.262 m/sec (Elliot, 1980). b. Substrate Rearing fish of all ages were associated with a variety of substrates inclusing c1etritus, silt, sand, and gravels. Arctic grayling showed little movement in small bog streams during July and August following fish spawning and movement to surrmer rearing areas and before movement of fish to overwintering areas (McCart, -31- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Craig anaBain, 1972; Craig and Paulin, 1974; MacPhee and Watts, 1976). c. Water Depth Water depths occupied by rearing fish vary consi derably. Newly emerged yoy fish have been found in extremely shallow, slow water, flood channels and backwater sloughs (Personal communication, George Elliott; de Bruyn and McCart, 1974; McCart, Craig and Ba in, 1972). Early yoy fish occup ied small bog streams with depths from about 0.09 to 0.85 m (0.3-2.8 ft). Late yoy occupied depths (within the same streams) rang ing from 0.15 to 1.07 m (0.5-3 .8 ft) (Elliott, 1980). Juvenile and adult fish in bog streams along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System were fo und in water depths from 0.21 to 1.07 m (0 .7-3.8 ft). 6. Migration to Overwintering Areas Significant downstream movement of fish has been observed in bog streams during late summer, apparently in response to declining water temperatures and flows associated with the onset of winter. Emigra tion of yoy and juvenile fish may also occur duri ng the summer. -32- a. Water Temperatur~ Decreasing water temperatures may influence the downstream movement of Arctic grayling. Significant numbers of yoy and juvenile fish move d downs tream in Weir Creek, Alaska during Se ptember 1973. Min imum Wdter temperatures during earl y , mid and late September were about 1°, 4° and 0°C, respectively. Downstream movement of juvenile fish occurred about one week before yay fish in Weir Creek. No apparent relationship co uld be demonstrated between downstream movement of juvenile or yay fish and water temperatures (Craig and Poulin, 1974). Sim ilar downstream movements of yay fish occurred in Poplar Grove Cr,eek, Alaska. Of the 65,536 yoy fish observed between July 17 and October 18, 1973, 96 % ( 62 ,680 ) were observed i n the 1 ower reaches during October (MacPh ee and Watts, 1976). In Poplar Grove Creek, downstream migration of yoy fish may be related to stream temperatures. b. Cu rrent Velocity and Discharge No relationship could be found between the downstream movement of j uvenile or yay f i sh and stream flows in Weir and Poplar Grove Creeks. 7. Winter Rearing Winter rearing areas for Arctic grayling are limited in bog streams because they often become dewatered or freeze solid during the w1nter . Winter rearing areas such as deep lakes, deep pools of mountain streams or spring fed streams , may be qui t e distant from summer rearing areas. Fish overwintering -33 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I areas in the Shaviovik River and suiiiTier rearing habitat within Weir Creek are about 85 km (53 mi .) distant (Craig and Poulin, 1974). C. Mountain Streams 1. Upstream Migration a . Water Temperature Low water temperatures are prevalent during the upstream migration of adult and juvenile Arctic grayling. Upst r eam migrants were taken in Vermillion Creek, Northwest Territory, Canada about one week after breakup when water temperatures ranged from 0° to 3°C (32°-37°F) (personal coiiiTiunication, Derrick Tripp, 1981). Tack (1980) also found that water temperatures of at least 1.09 C (34°F) stimulate upstream movement of Arctic grayling in large mountain streams like the Chena River near Fairbanks, Alaska. b. Current Velocity ana Discharge Upstream migration of adult and juvenile Arctic grayling usually occurs during high flows at spring breakup. A weir placed in Vermillion Creek captured upstrea ,n migrating adult and juvenile Arctic grayling for t e n days after peak flows in May of 1973 and 1975. The M~ck enzie River was covered with ice for up to ten days af ter breakup occurred in Vermillion Creek during 1973 and 1975 (personal communication, Derrick Tripp, 1981), and observations of fish migration were not made. -34- Observations made und e r the ice along the Chen a River indicate that Arctic grayling initia te upstream movement pr ior to breakup (Tack, 1980 ). The fish were probably movi ng to ups tream reaches of the Ch ena Rive r or its tributari es. The relative i mpor tance of streamflow and water temperature i n relati on t o upstream f ish migration is poorly understood . 2. Spa wni ng a. Water Temperature Limited data is available concerning t he relationship between Arctic grayling spawni ng and stream water tempe ratures . Spaw ning in the Chena River drainage ha s been obs erved in water temperatures of soc (Ree d, 1964 ; personal commu nication , J erome Ha l lbe rg). Tack (1980 ) discussed the possi bility of the 4°C isothe rm influencing the distribution of spawnin g fish in large streams like the Ch ena River . b . Current Velocity and Discharge Fish s pawn in mountain streams i n a wide range of current velocities . They have been o bse ~ved spa wn ing in a n ov erflow slough in the Che na River, Alaska a t I re'1atively low current velocities (Reed, 1964 ) and i n riffles of the Ea s t For k Chena River, Alaska where surface ft/sec ) 1'191). current veloc ities approach 1.4 m/sec (4 .5 (p ersonal communication, J erome Hallberg, Bendock (1 979 ) reported spawning in pools of the Colville River , Alas ka with negligibl e current. Nelson (19 54 ) obs erved fis h spawning activity along Red Rock Creek, Montana in the ends of riffles . Fish -35- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. c. spawning occurred in similar low flow areas along the East Fork Chena River, Alaska (personal communication, Jerome Ha 11 berg, 1981). Substrate Arctic grayling use a variety of substrates for spawning includi~g mud, silt and gravel up to 4 em (1 .5 in) in diameter. Bend ock (1979) observed fish spawning on silt overlaying gravel in the mainstem Colville River, Alaska and its tributaries . Spa wn ing substrate used by Arctic grayling i n the E3st Fork Chena River, Alaska consists of fine gravels from 0 .75 to 4 em (0 .4-1.5 in) in diameter (p ersonal communication, Jerome Hallberg, 1981). Spawning has also been observed in muddy sloughs along the Chena River (Reed. 1964 ). Arctic grayling in Red Rock Creek, Montana spawned in gravel-rubble sub strate of unknown size but not in pure silt or sand substrates . Egg and Alevin Development No informatio n was found in the literature which discussed egg and alevin development in mountain streams. 4 . Summer Rearing a. Water Temperature Results of st~ndard, 96 hour bioassays (at test wa t er temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 24.5 or 21.5°C) indicate that Arctic grayling can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Fish from the Chena River near -36- -------------~~----- Fairbanks, Alaska were used for this study. Results were expressed as median tolerance 1 imit (T LM ), the temperatu re at which 50 perc en t of the individuals in a test die (LaPerri er and Car lso n , 1973). Results indicated t hat young of the year f ish are apparently mo re tol e ra nt of re latively high water ter.pe ratu res t han o lder fish . Th e TLM of yay fish exceeds 24.5°C, the highest test water temperature. lndividuals of 10 em fl had TLM val ues of 20 .0 to 24.0°C and fish of 20 em fl has TLM val ues of 22.5 to 24 .5°C . The small fish were acclimated at 4°C and t he larger fish at 8°C. Bioassay results indicate that water tempe ra ture diffe rences of 2°C at relati vely high water ~emperatures can cause very different survival rates of Arctic grayl i ng . For example, survival of 20 em fl f ish was 100 percent at 22.5°C (72 .5°F) and 0 percent at 24.5°C (75°F). These bioassay results may not apply to actual stream conditions beca us e fish co uld avoid warm wa ter temp era t ures by moving to coo ler areas. b. Cu rrent Velocity and Discharge Recently emerged yoy fry generally occupy areas with low cu rrent velociti es. The sma 'l new ly emerged fry (about 20 ITin total length at 14 cays ) have limi~ed swimming abilities. Chisl ett and Stuart (1979) noted that newl y emerged f ry clustered i n shallow, protected reache s of flood cha nne 1 s , backwat er s 1 oughs and sidechannel pools of the Sekunka River , Br itish -37- ----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Columbia. These fish are found in similar habitats in the East Fork Chena River, Alaska (personal communication, Jerome Hallberg, 1981). Nelson (1954) noted that recently emerged yay fish were distributed in "backwaters and protected areas ... , away from strong currents" within Red Rock Creek, Montana . Older yay fi5h crcupy progressively faster waters. 'Early' yay fish (S 35 mm fl) occupied a mean current ve locity of about 0.07 m/sec (0.22 ft/sec) (n = 183 ) in 5el ected headwater areas of the Gulkana River, Alaska in early July. Larger yay fish (> 35 mm fl) inhabited slightly greater current velocities, 0 .16 m/sec (0.52 ft/sec) (n = 157) (Elliot, 1980 ). Chislett and Stuart (1979) fou nd yay fish (~ 35 mm fl) occupying slow current areas of backwater and side chann els in the Sekunka River and Martin Creek, British Col umbia during July 1978. Side channels contained flowing water and were less ephemeral tha n backwater chann e ls. All yay fish were found in low current velocities. Most of the backwater hauitats dewa tered during August 1 ow flows and yoy fish (:> 35 rrm fl) inhabited sidechannel riffle areas and margins of mainstem riffles. By September and October yoy fish occupi ed sidechannel riffles and margins of mainstem riffles where current velocities approached 0.8 m/s e:. Yay fish at this time ranged from 50 to 96 mm fl (Ch 1slett and Stuart, 1979 ). -38- Summer distributions of yearling and older fish were limited to mainstem and side channel pools in the Sekunka River, British Columbia . Older fish, age 4 to 8+ {old est aged fish ), occupied larger, deeper pools than the younger fish. The distribution of juvenile and adult Arctic grayl iu g in selected Alaskan mountain streams is similar to the the distribution in the Sekunka River, British Columbia where adult and juvenile fish are generally restrict~d to poo ls and sloughs (Alt, 1978; personal communication, Jerome Hallberg, Joe Webb, Terence Bendock, 1981). Fish will mo\e 1nto shallower, faster riffle areas fo r more food, such as sa 1 mon an c. whitefish eggs ( Sondoc k, 1979; Alt, 1978). c . Water Depth Yoy fish generally occupy shallow lotic habitats with low current velocities. Fry in the Sekunka River, British Columbia selected shdllow areas in sidechannels and backchannels (Chislett and Stu art, 1979). Yoy fi:;h have been observed in backwater sloug hs and sha~low pockets of protected water in the East Fork Chen a River, Alaska (personal communication, Steven Grabacki, Jerome Hallberg and Sandra Sonnichsen, 1981 ). Older fish generally select deeper pools (Chislett et al.; personal co mmunications, Steven Grabacki, Jerome Hallberg and Sandra Sonnichsen, 1981). -39 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I d. Cover Recently emerged yoy fish seek various fonns of in stream cover when disturbed. Young (17 -45 days old) fry in sha 11 ow, s i 1 tbottomed backchanne 1 s of the Sekunka River moved into deeper water with various ty pes of i nstream cover. Similar aged yoy fish in sidechannels used substrate interstices and shadows of boulders for cover. Nelson (1954) noted that 14 to 21 day old fish in Red Rock Creek, Montana made little movement when disturbed and appeared to be "relatively helpless." Older fish colllllonly use logs, boulders and turbulence for i nstream cover (persona l colllllunication, Jerome Ha 11 berg, 1981 ). 5 . Migration to Overwintering Areas Little is known about Arctic grayling migration to overNi ntering areas. Tack (1980) obse rved a slow downstream moveme nt of Arctic grayling in the Chena River, Alaska and compared it to the faster emigration of fish in North Slope mou ntain streams where winter conditions occ ur very early (Yoshi hara, 1972 ). Yoshihara (1972) observed many fish moving downst r eam in the Lupine River i1111led iate ly after water temperatures reached freezing. Age distribution of • emigrants in the Lupine River is not known . 6 . Winter Rearing The distribution of overwintering Arctic grayling is more limit ed than the summer distribution. Streamflows are lo w, much or a ll of the stream is ice-covered and s t ream reaches -40- ca n be frozen solid during the harsh Arctic an d sub -Arct ic winters . Ov erwintering areas i n mountain streams include pools of intermittent or flowing streams (such as Colville and Chena River, Alaska, respectively) or spring fed streams which remain ope n during winter months (the lower Shaviovik River, Alaska). a. Current Velocity Curre nt velocities in overwintering sites ar e probably very low. Conventional current velocity meters do not functio n at air t emperatures below freezing. Fish overwinter in ·i ntermittent pools of the Colville River where current ve l ocity is negligible. In the Hulahula River overwintering sites had current veloc i ties of 0.15 m/sec (0.5 f t;~:ec ). b. Water Depth Fish have been o bserved under the ice in pools of at l~ast 1.4 m (4.6 ft) depth in the Colville , Chena and East Fork Chena Rivers. Bendock (1980) found fish in intermittent pools deeper than 1.5 m (4.8 ft) in a reach of the Colville River, Alaska. Fish are restricted to pools in the East Fork Che na River and the mainstem Chena River, Alaska (Tack, 1980) during the winter months (Hallberg, personal commu nication, 1981). Arctic gray l ing have been taken by Kaktovik, Alaska villagers in the Hu lahula P.iver in late April (Furniss , 1975) and through the ice in the East Fork Cha ndalar River near Arctic Village, Alaska (McCart, 1974). Maximum water depths were about 0.6 m (2 ft) in open water of the Hulahula River. Water depth of the East -41- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fork Chandalar River was 1.5 m (5 f t }. These sites are thought t o be im portant overw i ntering areas for Arctic grayli ng. Spring fed mountain streams are often the only sites fn the North Slope where water remains flowing throughout the winter. These streams are important overwintering sites for Arctic grayling. Alt and Furn i ss (1976) captured adult ~~:tic grayling i n a spring fed pool in the Frankl i n Bluffs area of t he Sagavanirktok River, Alaska on May 6, 1975 . The approx i mate depth of the pool was about 1.2 m (3.9 ft}. c. Dissolved Oxygen Bendock (1980} measured dissolved oxygen levels ranging from 0.6 to 4.6 mg /1 in Arctic grayling overwinteri ng sites in the Colv i lle Rive ,·. Dissolved oxygen levels were about 4.8 mg/1 in the Sagavanirktok River at the Franklins Bluff site on April 10, 1975 (Alt and Furniss, 1976 ). D. Spring Streams 1. Upstream Migration Limited i nvestigations indicate that Arctic grayling may enter springfed streams after spawning (Reed, 1964; Pearse, 1974; Tack, 1980). -42- 2 . Spawning Arctic gray li ng apparently do n~t spawn in springfed streams where low water t emperatures may adversely influence egg and alevin development (Va nHyning, 19 78). 3. Summer Rearing Arctic grayling rear in springfed streams. Reed (1964) reported that adult fish enter the Delta Clearwater River in early June and younger juvenile fish enter in late July. Pearse (1974) found similar trends in the Delta Clearwater in 1973; although adults tended to remain in the headwater reaches and immatures remained downstream. 4 . Migration to Overwintering Areas Reed (1964) stated that immature, catchable (by rod and reel) Arctic grayling moved downstream early i n 1963 in the Delta Cl ea rwater River. Larger adult fish remained in the river through most of September. Some tagged adu 1 t fish were fou nd at the mouth of the Delta Cle al"'\'later River in late October. I 5. Winter Reari ng I Arctic grayling apparently do not rear in i nterior Alaska I springfed streams (VanHyning, 1978), but have been found in springfed streams in the North Slope (Craig and Poulin, 1974). -43- I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III . HABITAT-ARCTIC GRAYLING QELATION SHIPS Tables I thr ough VI summarize the reported water temperature l evel s associated with various life stages and activities of Arctic grayling. Table VII lists the reported current velocities (or discharges ) associated with different life history stages and Table VIII, the substrate types used for spawning. -44- I ~ tn I Table 1: Observed water temperatures associated with upstream migration of Ar ctic grayling to lake inlets/outlets. Parameter Water Temperature Observed Values 5.6 -7.8°C Remarks Maximum water temperatures during last 2 days of fish migration First mature fish captured during fish migration Water temperatures of several inlets to Grebe Lk. during ini tia l fish spawning migrati on ac tivity 19531 1954 Water temperatures of outlet (Gibbon R.) to Grebe Lake, Wyoming during initial fish spawning migratiion activity Location Reference Inlet to Fielding Warn er (19 55 ) Lake, Alaska Outlet to Mineral Tack (1972) Lake. Al,;ka Four inlets to Kruse (1959) Grebe Lake. Wyomtng Gibbon River, outlet to Grebe Lake, Wyoming Kruse (1959) ------------------- I • en I Table If: Observed water temperatures associated with upstream migration of Arctic grayling within bog (tundra) streams. Parameter Water Temperature Observed Values Remarks Maximum water temperatures during early to late stage of adult fish spawning migra- tion . Incomplet e fish sampling due to high flows, 1973. Ma xi mum water temperatures beginning and end of adult fish upstream migration, 1971. Weir placed in stream after fish migration began. Ma ximum water temperatures from start to near term1n ~­ t1on of juvenile fish upstream migration, 1971. Initial average water tempera- tures of Poplar Grove Creek during start of adult, sub- adult, juvenile fish upstream migration during May 1973 -1975. Average water temperatures at end of adult, sub-adult, juvenile fish migration in June 1973-1975. Location Weir Creek, Tributary to Kavfk R., Alaska Happy Valley Crk, tributary t!l Sagavanerktok River, Alaska Happy Valley Crk, Sagavanerktok River, Alaska Pop l ar Grove Crk, tributary to Gulkana R., Alaska Poplar Grove Crk, tributary to Gulkana R., Alaska Reference Craig and Poulin (1974) McCart, Craig and Bain (19 72) McCart, Craig and Ba1n ( 19 72) MacPhee and Watts (1976) MacPh ee and Watts ( 1976) I ~ ....... I Table IJI : Observed wat er temperat ures associated with Arctic grayling s pawning in mountain streams. Parameter Observed Valu es Remarks Wat er 5.6°C In s tantaneous water tempera- Temperature ture of slough where fish were obse rved s pawn i ng Instantaneou s wate r tempera- ture during fish s pawning activ1 ty ln stanta neou ~ water tempera - ture during fish s pawning activity Instantaneous water tempe ra - t ure during fish spaw ning acti vity In stantaneo us water tempera- t ure during fish s pawning ac tivity l ocation Reference Slo ugh along Reed (1964) Chena Riv e r, Ala sk a Riffle. E. Fork Hall be r g Chena R 1 ver. (p ersona l Alaska conmuni cation) Seab ee, Rainy, 8E;nd ock Foss i1 Crks , (1970) tributaries Co lville R .• Al aska Nuk a River, trib-Ben do ck utary, Colville (1 979) River, Ala s ka Aniak R, trib-Alt (19 77) uta ry, Kuskokwim River , Ala ska ------------------- I ~ (X) I Tabl e IV: Observed water temperatures asso c iated with Ar ctic gray l ing spaw ning in l ake inl ets/out l ets. Parameter Water Temp erature Observed Valu es Remarks Initi al f i s h s pawning activity occ urred Fi s h spa wn ing act i vity was completed at this temperature 3-4 days after co llJTlen ceme nt of spawn ing act iv ity. Firs t s pawning activ i ty observed Fi s h s pawnin g ce~se d a s water temperat ure dropped bel ow 4°C Fi s h spa wni ng lc tivity res ume d and l asted 4 additional days Fi s h actively s pawning fi s h actively spa wni ng Fi s h active ly s pawni ng Fish actively spawning Loc ation Reference Inl e t to Fielding Wojc ik (1954) Lake, Ala ska Inl e t to Fie lding ~oj c ik (195 4 ) Lak e , Al as ka Outlet to Min e r al Tack {1972) Lak e , Alaska Outle t to Min era l Tack {197 2 ) Lake, Alaska Outl et to Mine r a l lake, Alaska Severa 1 in 1 ets to T_yea Lake , Alaska Four inl ets t o Grebe lk , Wyoming Outlet to Gr ebe Lak e, Wyoming Gibbon River Inl e t to Agne s lake , Montana Ta ck (1 972 ) Cuccarease, Fl oy d Kell y , LaBe ll e (1980 ) Kr use {1 959) Kruse (1959) Brow n (1938) I ~ "' I Table V: Observed water temperatures associated with spawning of Arctic grayling within bog streams . Parameter Water Temperature Observed Values Remarks Direct spawning observation, one temperature reading Fish spawning activity seemed to be related to these wate r temperatures. Maximum water temperatures based on occurrence of rfpe and spawned-out Arctic gray- ling captured by weir Maximum water temperatures during Arctic gra y ~~ng spawning activity ba sed on condftfon of fish in weir Location Outlet Tyee Lk, Alaska Reference McCa rt, Craig and Bafn (1 972) Providence Crk, Bishop (19 71) tributary to Mackenzie River Northwest Territory Weir Creek, Craig and Poulin Alaska (1974) Nota Creek, Alaska Tripp (p erCio na l conmun i cat ton . 1981) ------------------- I c.n 0 I Table VI: Observed water temperatures associated with Arctic grayling egg and alevin development. Parameter Water Temperature Observed Values 6.1 ° -9.4°C x::: 7.JOC Remarks Eggs hatched in 19 days Eggs hatched in 18 days in 1954 and 1955 Eggs at hatchery facility hatched in 8 days Location Inlet to Grebe Lake, Wyoming Inlet to Fielding Lake, Alaska Somewhere in Alaska Ref e r e nce Kru se (1 959) Wo .i c i k (1954) ; Warn e r (1955) Wojcik (1954) I U'l ..... I Tabl e Vlf: Relationship of current velocity (or di scharge) to specific li fe history stages. Activity Spawning Early Development Juvenil e Rearing Adult Summer Habitat Adu l t Winter Habita t Up s tream Migration Current Rate or Flow s low, shall ow backwater 1.2 m/s .34 m/s to 1.46 (x =.79) shall~w riff les 1.1 m3/sec 4.0 m /sec low flow and riffles of 1.4 m/s negligible .02, .07, .03 m/s sha ll ow, prote cted areas shallow pools s hall ow pools .08 to .195 m/s .8 m/s .26 m/s open areas at breaku~ 1. 3 -4 m /s 2 m3ts3-, 20 m3 /s 1.67 m /s at breakup at breakup high flow Reference Wo jci k • 1954 Wa r ne r. 1955 Tack, 197 1 Elliott, 1980 Mac Phee and Wa tts, 1976 Mac Phee and Watts , 1976 Ha 11 berg, 1981 Bendock, 1979 Elli ott, 1980 Chis lett and Stuart, 19 79 Cuccarese et al., 1980 Ha111na rs ton. 1981 Elliott, 1980 Chis lett and St uart , 1979 E 11 i ott , 1980 Chislett and St uart, 1979 MacPhee and Watt s , 1976 MacPhee and Watt s , 1976 McCart et a 1. , 1974 Tripp, 1981 Wojc ik, 1954 Warne r, 1955 Tack, 1972 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table VII I : Reported substrate types used for spawning. Substrate Fine gravel (1 em ) "pea -size" sand to small cobble sand -gravel sane, gravel, rubble fine gravel ( <3.8 em) fine gravel gravel, 2.5 -3.75 em sand, fine gravel sand, gravel organic detritus sand, muck mud , silt, gravel(~ 4 em) gravel, .75-4 em -52 - Reference Warner, 1955 Tack , 1971 Cucc arease et al., 1980 6rown, 1938 Kruse, 1959 Hammarstron, 1981 McHenry, 1981 Elliott, 1980 C14 aig et a l., 1972 Bishop, 1971 Elliott, 1980 Elliott, 1980 Bendock, 1979 H a 11 berg , 1981 ['/. DEF ICIENCI ES W DATA BASE Facto r s i nf luenci ng the migration of adu lt and j uven il e Ar ctic grayling from overwintering areas to spawn i ng streams is apparently infl uenced by flow and wate r temperature conditions. The timing of adult and juveni le fish migrations are not understood; the juvenile f i sh run l ags several days to several wee ks behind the adult fish in ce rta i n areas. Information about selection of s ite s in mountain, lake inlet and outlet, bog and spring streams i n relation to current velocity , water depth and substrate i s limited. Most of the obse r vations were made i n l ake inlets and outlets and mountain streams. Habitat selection by spawning Arctic grayling is influenced by at least three variables -substrate, water depth and current velocity - which collec ~ively determine t he habitat quality. For example, Arctic grayling may be excluded from spawning areas by excessive cu rrent ve l ocities desp ite acceptable substrates and water depth s. Th ere i s limited i nformat io n on the i nteraction of vari ous physica l parameters. Factors infl uencing the survival and development of eggs and alevins are not well understood. Studies indicate that egg dislodgeme nt by other spawning fish and spates may be a major cause of morta 1 i ty . Minimum water temperatures required for successful egg development are not known; however, water temperatures above 6°C (42°F) have been recoiTITiended. The movement of Arctic grayl ing to overwintering areas appears to be i nfluenced by f low and wate r temperatures associated with the onset of wi nter. This emigrat ion may be of short duration or extend over several weeks . There is very little information about Arctic gra yling overwintering ar eas. Fish oveNi ntering in the North Slope are li mited to open water areas or to streams whi ch do not completely freeze. Fish oveNintering in i nterior Alaska and Canada may remain -53 - ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I in spri ngfed and gl acier streams. It is not known whether young of the year Arct ic grayling burrow into interstices within cobbl e an d rub bl e as water temperatures approach freezing. The age structure of Arct i c grayli ng populations during the open-water season may be significantly different among various lake inlet and outlet, bog, mountain and spring streams. Some streams appear to function as nursery areas for young of the year and older juvenile fish, and other streams may support only lar~e juvenile and adult fish . Fish may be either sedentary or nomadic during the open-water rearing s eason. Expla nations for fish emigration are specula t i ve but 1 iving space and food availability are probably influential. Studies of j uven il e and adult Arc tic grayling habitats focused on water depth , current veloci t i es and substrate i n small bog and mountain streams. Methods of describing water depth, cu r rent velocity and substrate characteristics varied among studie ~. Some invest ·gators measured current velocity at t he site of s pawning Arctic grayli ng; others estimated surface curren t velocities. Substrate si ze classi f ication systems also varied; few researchers evaluated su bs trate i mbeddedness at spawning sites. The effects of water t emperatures and current velocities on a grayling's ability to ascend culverts has been studied for juvenile and adult fish. Relatively few tests were conducted with yearling grayling. -54 - V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND FURTHER S~UDIES In depth investigations are needed to detGnnine the relationships between specifi c chemical and physical features of aquatic habitats and grayling growth and behavior. For example, investigations should be designed and conducted to assess the f actors which influence development and survival of Arctic grayling eggs and alevins in bog. lake inlet and outlet. spring and mountain streams. In vest igations should consider egg dislodgement. predation, desiccation, and diel drift of emergent fry. Water t emperatures and ice conditions during grayling egg and alev i n development may be easier to sample than the lower water temperatures and thicker ice cover characteristic of Pacific salmon and char incubation periods. Laboratory studies should assess the effects of various durations of low water temperatures on t he development and s urvival of eggs and alevins. Water temperatures at or below threshold level s co uld cause morpholog i cal deformities, slow deve lopment rates and high mortality among eggs and alevins. The se investigations could explain the apparent avoidance of spring streams by spawning Arctic grayling. Weirs could be used to sample grayli ng from bog. mountain, spring and lake inlet and outlet st reams to relate r esiden ce time and migration to stream flow. water temperature and other physical and chemical stream factors. Unique tags on upstream migrating adult and juvenile f i sh would provide specifi c migration data. Data from consecutive years could be used to determine Arct ic grayling homing to specific spawning and rearing streams. Arctic grayling spawning sites should be studied more extensively in northern latitudes. Characterist i cs of spawning habitat in terms of -55- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I water depths, current velocities and substrate conditions should be compared with habitat availability for specific stream systems. Water temperatures and fish spawning activities should be monitored to detect spawning activity cycles . Internal radio transmitters could be used to monitor grayling movement to and within open-water rearing areas and overwintering sites.. Radio telemetry could be used to study fish migration rates and patterns. Surgical implantation of radio transmitters is probably the best method for spawned-out adult and large juvenile fish. Surgical implantation has less affect on fish equilibrium than esophageal insertion {Winter, Kvechle, Siniff and Tester, 1978}. Rates of healing, condition of internal organs and the occurrence of infection among the fish should be determined for various water temperatures. Criteria for radio transmitter selection should include size of transmitter and antennae, transmitter various temperatures, and signal receptions at various depths. The feasibility of marking juvenile Arctic grayling with fluorescent pigment should also be determined. A variety of color combinations could be used to identify specific stream locations and dates of marking. Lack of scale development may prevent pigment retention by yay Arctic grayling less than li months old. Comprehensive sampling of fry would determine movement of yay Arctic grayling . Weirs of small mesh screen could be used to monitor yoy Arctic grayling movements. However smaller mesh size also necessitates more frequent cleaning of the weirs. Weirs should remain within streams as long as possible prior to freeze-up to monitor Arctic grayling movements and physical and chemical habitat components. Weirs could remain in spring streams which remain ice-free to monitor the presence of fish . -56- Investigations shoul r.l be conducted to determine open-water, lotic microhabitat selection by juvenile and adult Arctic grayling using techniques similar to those described by Everest and Chapman (1972 ). l"hese i nvestigations should describe water depths, current velocities, substrate, proximity to nearest fish and instream cover. Snorkel i ng, which has been used extensively in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere, can be used where bank observations of fish are difficult. Microhabitat investigations could complement fish movement data from weirs and radio telemetry studies. Microhabitat studies could also explain the apparent segregation of various age classes of Arctic grayling in certain rivers such as the Chena River. Food availability and various physical and chemical habitat influence the s~mmer, open-water distribution of Arctic grayling within streams. Ori f t and substrate samp 1 i ng of invertebrates can be used to assess food availability and its relationship to the distribution of Arctic gray li ng. Studies of juvenile and adult Arctic grayling overwintering habitat should continue. Gillnets, SCUBA and other techniquP.s could be used to i nvestigate these overwintering habitats. Fish passage studies should be conducted to assess the ability of juvenile and adult Arctic grayling to ascend culverts and other high current velocity areas . MacPhee and Watts (1976) determined that the ability to ascend culverts was a function of culvert length and spawning condition. Studies of yoy and older juveniles would identify fish movement during the summer rearing season. The possibil i ty that excessive current velocities associated with culverts prevent young grayling from reaching small rearing strP-ams should be investigated. -57- [ ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II VI . LITERATURE CITED Alaska Department of Fi sh and Game. 1978. Alaska's Fisheries Atlas. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Vol. II. 196 p. Alt, K. 1977. Inventory and Cataloging of Arctic Area Waters. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1976-1977 . 18(G-I-P):1-tla. Alt, K. 1978. Inventory and Cataloging of Sport Fish and Sport Fish Waters of Western Alaska. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1977-1978. 19(G-I-P):36-60. Alt, K. and R. Furniss. 1976. Inventory and Cataloging of North Slope Waters. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress. 17(F-9-8) p. 129-150. Bams > R. 1967. Differences in performance of naturally and artifically propagated sockeye salmon migrant fry, as measured with swimming and predation tests. J. Fish. Res. Board (An. 2415):1117-1153 . Bendock , T. 1979. Inventory and Cataloging of Arctic Area Waters. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1978-1979. 20(G-I-I):1-64. Bendock, T. 1980. Inventory and Cataloging of Arctic Area Waters. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Galli!. Federal Aid fn Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1979-1980. 21(G-I-I): 1-31. Bishop, F. 1971. Observations on spawning habits and fecundity of the Arctic grayling. Prog. Fish Cult. 27 :12 -19. -58- Brown, C. 1938. Observations on the life history and breeding habits of the Montana grayling. Copeia (3):132-13€. Brown, C. and G. Buck. 1939. When do trout and grayling fry begin to take food? J. Wildlife Mngt. 3(2 ):134-140. Chislett, G. and K. Stuart. 1979. Aspects of the life history of Arctic grayling in the 3ekunka River dra i nage, British Columbia. British Columbia Fi sh and Wildlife Branch. 110 p. Craig, P. and P. McCart. 1974a. Classification of stream types in Beaufort Sea drainage between Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and the Mackenzie delta .1!1 Classification of streams in Beaufort Sea drainages and distribution of fish in Arctic and sub-Arctic drainages. P.J. McCart, ed. Canadian Arctic Gas Study Co. Bio logical Report Ser i es. 7 (1): 1-47. Craig, P. and P. McCart . 1974b Fall spawning and overwintering areas of fish populations along routes of proposed pipeline between Prudhoe Bay and the Mackenzie delta, 1972-73 .1!1 Fisheries Research Assoc i ated with Proposed Gas Pipeline Routes in Alaska, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. P.J. McCart, ed. Canadian Arctic Gas Study Ltd./Alaska Arctic Gas Study Co . Biological Report Series . 15(3):1-36. Craig, P. and V. Poulin. 1974. 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The grayling (T hymal lus sign ifer) i n northern Saskatchewan. Ca nadian Fi sh Cult. 8 p . Reed, R. 1964 . Life hi story and migration patterns of Ar ctic grayl i ng. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Research Report No. 2 . 30 p. Re ed, R. 1966. Obs ervation of fishes associated with spa wn ing salmon. Trans . Am. Fish . Soc. 96 (1 ):62-66. -62- Ro gus ki, G. and P. Winslow. 1970. Mo nitoring and evaluation of Arctic wa t ers with emp has is on the North Slope drainage . Alaska Dept . of Fish and Game. Federa l Aid in Fish Resto rati on. Ann ua l Repo r t of Progress, 1969-1970. Schallock, E. and F. Lotsp e i ch. 1974 . Low winter dissol ved oxyg en in some A 1 askan rivers. U.S . En vi ronmenta 1 Protection Agency. Eco 1 ogi ca 1 Report Seri es Report. 33 p. Sco tt, W. and E. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Fi sh. Res. Board. Can. Pub. 173 . 996 p. Tack , S. 1971. Distribution, abu~dance and natural history of the Arctic grayling in the Tanana Ri ver drainage. Al aska Dept . of Fish and Game. Federa l Aid in Fish Restorat ion , Annual Report of Progress, 1970-1971. 12(F-9-3 ). 35 p. Tack, S. 1972. Distribution, abundance and natura l history of the Arctic grayling i n the Tanana River drainage . Alaska Dept . of Fish and Game . Federal Aid i n Fish Restorat i on, Annual Report of Progress, 1971-1972. 13(F-9-5). 34 p. Tack, S. 1973. Distribution, abundance and natural history of the Arct i c grayl i ng in the Tanana River dra i nage. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1972-19 73. 14 (F -9 -6). 34 p. Tack, S. 1980. Distribution, abundance and natural history of the Arctic grayling in the Tanana River drainage . Alaska Dept . of Fish and Game . Federal Aid i n Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1979-1980. 21(F -90 -12). 32 p. -63- I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I Tripp, D. B and P. J. McCart. 1974. 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Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River and Pri nee Wi 11 i am Sound drainages and the Upper Susitna River drainage. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1973-1974. Project F-9-6, 15(G-I-F):24 p. Williams, F.T . 1975. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copp~;-River and Prince William Sound drainages and the Upper Susitna Ri ·1er drainage. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1974-1975. Project F-9-7, 16 (G-I-F):23 p. -64- Williams, F.T. 1976 . I nventory and cataloging of sport fi sh and sport fish waters of the Copper River and Prince William Soun d drainages and the Upper Susitna Riv er dra i nage. Alaska Dept . of Fish and Game. Federal Aid i n Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 197 5-1976 Project F-9-8, 17(G -I -F):22 p. Wilson, W., E. Buck, G. Player and L. Dreyer . 19 77. Winter water availability and use conflicts as related to fish and wildlife in arctic Alaska. A synthesis of i nfonna tion. Arctic En vironmental Infonnatio n and Data Center. Univerisity of Alaska, Anchorage. 222 p. Wilson, W., E. Trihey, J. Baldrige, L. Evans, J. Thiele and D. Trudgen. 1981. An assessment of envi ronmenta 1 effects on ope ration of the proposed Terror Lake hydroelectric f acil ity, Kod i ak, Alaska. Arctic Envi ronmenta 1 tnfonnation and Data Center . Univers ity of Alaska, Anchorage. 419 p. Winter, J.D., V. Kuechle, D. Siniff and J.R. Tester. 1978. Equipment and methods for radio tracki ng freshwater fish. Miscel laneous Report 152 -1978. Agr i cultural Experiment Station. Univ ersity of Minnesota . 18 p. u! II [I ]. fl I Jl Wojcik, F. 1954 . Spawning habits of grayling in interior Alaska. Work Plan D. Job No. 1., Alaska Game Conmission . U.S. Depart of the [j Interi or, Fish and Wildlife Service. Quarterly Report. Report No. 2. Wojcik. F. 19 55 . Life history and management of the grayling in interior Alaska. Unpub. M.S. thesis . Univ . of Alask, Fairbanks. 54 p. Yoshih ara, H. 1972. Monitoring and evaluation of Arct ic waters wi t h emphasis on the North Slope dra i nages. Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game. Federal Aid i n Fish Restoration, Annual Report of Progress, 1971 -1972 . Pro j ect F-9-4, 13(G -111 -A):49 p. -65- I