HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA350THREESPINE STICKLEBACK -GASTE.ROSTEUS ACULEATUS AlASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH &GAME HABITAT PROTECTION SECTION RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BRANCH FRESHWATER HABITAT RELATIONSHIPS f I ~~ I I I APRIL,1981 I I . I I I I I I I I I I . IG II FRESHWATER HABnAT RELATIONSHIPS THREESPINE STICKLEBACK (GASTEROSTEUS ACULEATUS) By Stephen S.Hale Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division Resource Assessment Branch 570 West 53rd Street Anchorage,Alaska 99502 May 1981 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and from the Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service freely gave their time and assistance when contacted about this project and it is a pleasure to thank them and fishery biologists from other agencies, especially those who provided unpublished data and observations from their own work.The librarians of the Alaska Resources library and the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service were of great help. This project was funded by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,Western Energy and Land Use Team,Habitat Evaluation Procedure Group,Fort Collins, Colorado.Contract No.14-16-0009-79-119. TABLE OF CONTENTS THREESPINE STICKLEBACK Page I.INTRODUCTION 1 A.Purpose 1 B.Distribution 2 C.Life History Summary 2 I.Size and Age 4 2.Maturity and ~eproduct;on 6 3.Feeding and Competition 9 4.Distribution and Behavior 13 O.Ecological and Economic Importance 15 II.SPECIFIC HABITAT RELATIONSHIPS 16 A.Spawning 16 I.Temperature 16 2.Water Depth 16 3.Substrl!te 17 4.Aquatic Vegetation 17 5.light 1B 6.Size of Territory 19 B.Incubation 19 I.Temperature 19 2.Dissolved Oxygen 21 C.Juvenile Rearing 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O.Adults 1.Temperature 2.Water Depth 3.Current Velocity 4.Dissolved Oxygen 5.Chemical Parameters 6.Feeding Ill.CONCEPTUAL SUITABILITY INDEX CURVES IV.DEFICIENCIES IN DATA BASE AND RECOMMENDATIONS 21 21 23 23 24 2S 26 27 40 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. LIST OF FIGURES Oistribution of threespine st;c~leback in Alaska (Morrow,1980)and main study sites. Conceptual model of relationship between threespine stickleback embryos and temperature. Conceptual model of relationship between threespine stickleback adults and water temperature,current velocity,and water depth. Conceptual model of relationship between threaspine stickleback adults and dissolved oxygen concentration and pH. LIST OF TABLES Data table Spawning 3 37 38 39 30 II.Data table -Incubation of embryos III.D,ta table -Adults 31 33 I I I.I NTROOUCTI ON I I I I I I I I I I I I A.Purpose This report compiles existing information on the freshwater habitat requirements.tolerances,and preferences of the threespfne stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.)and provides a data bilse for habitat evaluation procedures.The threespine stickleback 1s generally regarded as a hardy species,tolerant of a wide range of habitat conditions. I nfonnat;on on phys ;01 og1 ca 1 to 1erances and requ i rements have been gathered from throughout the range of the species.However, observations on actual conditions observed in oodies of water where sticklebacks occur are generally restricted to Alaska.The threespine has been extensively used as a laboratory fish for behavioral and pollution studies.Much work has been done on the physiology of the species in Europe~but relatively little in North America.It is recognized that habitat requirements may differ for stocks from different geographic areas,but present data available from Alaska are insufficient to demonstrate this within the State. Within the Gasterosteus aculeatus complex,three forms are generally recognized {McPhail and Lindsey,1970}.There is a partially plated freshwater fonn (called leiurus),a heavily plated marine form {called trachurus},and an intermediate form (semiannatus).This report is restricted to the totally freshwater form (leiurus),even though the anadromous forms may use freshwater habitat during the br~eding season. This report emphasizes habitat require,nents,primarily those of a physical and chemical nature.Certain biological factors affecting the well being of the population,such as feeding, -1- predation,camoetition.parasites,and disease.are not comprehensively treated. B.Distribution The threespine !iitickleback is widely dis~ributed in the no:"th'~rn hemisphere in North America.Europe,and Asia.Except for Europe,it is not found more than a few hundred kilometers fl"Om the coast.On the Atlantic coast of North America,it rangl!S from Baffin Island and the Hudson Bay area down to Chesapea'te Bay.On the Pacific ~oast of North America,it occurs fron Alaska to Baja California.On the e.r:stern coast of Asia.-t ranges from the Bering Strait south to Japan and Korea (Scott and Crossman,1973;Wootton,1976). In Alaska,the threespine stickleback occurs in all coastal lreas from Dixon Entrance to the Alaska Peninsula.the Aleutian Islands and Bristol Bay (Morrow,1980).It also occurs in the westt!rn tip of the Seward Peninsula and on St.Lawrence Island;howe\'er, the freshwater leiurus form is not thought to be present in the latter areas (McPhail and lindsey,1970;Wootton,1976).(Sl~e Fi9ure I.1 The leiurus form occurs in both lakes and streams. c.Life History Sunmary An excellent synthesis of threespine stickleback 1 ife history has been presented by Wootton (1976).Behavi ora 1 aspects of threespine stickleback life history regarding reproduction (spawning and incubation of eggs)have been extensively documented and will not be dealt with in this report.Section II.Specific Habitat Requirements,will examine data on to1erances and preferences for phys i ca 1 and chemi ca 1 pa rameter; -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •, ,, •, '0 •• , Pc •t.Dle.rlbutla"ot Thr •••plne .lId .eln atudy aU ••. ·3· MAIN STUDY SITES [i]Wood AI...Laka. [&)IIlack Lak ••Clllgnlk Lak. [!J Lall ••Kartull Lak.· ~L _LalI. I•\• \ I• • •--"I)YP'.....$l atlcklabac.itt AI ••ka <Morrow,1980) history aspects other th.an reproductive behavior for juveniles and adults.emphasizing Alaskan studies.Much of this section has been provided by Cannon (1981),with permission of the author. 1.Size and Age Cannon (1981)identified three discrete size classes of threespine sticklebacks in lower Jean Lake on the Kenai Peninsula.Standard lengths ranged from 22-71 mm.One size class (Sl •32-33 mm)was captured in surface tows in June and early July;weekly abundance for this size class in the catch decreased during this time.A smaller size class (~ •28-29 mm)entered the catch in mid-June and rapidly dominated the catch by mid-July.During July and August, two size classes were distinguished in baited minnow traps fished on the lake bottom.Stickleback (SL •3R-40 mm)were taken in littoral areas;a larger size class (S-L •51-52 mm) was captured at depths of 19-20 m. In Lake Nerka (Wood River lakes)Burgner (1958)observed a trimoda1ity of size distributions which suggested the presence of three age groups in early summer.Stickleback fry did not ap~ear in catches until August and were abundant in September.The maximum age was reached at three years or more and in adult fish.females were larger than males.The life history of populations.inhabiting Karluk and Bare Lake on Kodiak Island was studied by Greenbank and Nelson (1959). Lifespan was determi ned to be 2+years,some i ndivi dual s probably lived past a third winter.Young of the year were first observed in collections made in early July;this size cl ass was reported to be very abundant and soon dam;nated the catch.Mature females attained a somewhat larger size than did males.Narver (1968)described the general life history of threespine sticklebacks in the Chignik Lakes on -4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the Alaska Peninsula.Determination of age was accomplished by exam;nat ion of 1ength-frequency.An i nterpretati on of size distribution for a September sample plac~d Age 0 fishes within the 20-30 nm fork length (F.L.)size range,Age 1+ within 40-45 mm range and Age 2+within 55-65 mm range.Fry first appeared in tow net catches in early August;their density increased rapidly.Engel (1971)also identified three size classes in beach seine and minnow trap catches in Johnson,Scout.and Bear Lakes on the Kenai Peninsula. Length of life was estimated to be 2+years,mean lengths for ripe males and females in Bear Lake were 50.5 mm (F.l.) and 49.5 mm respectively.These lengths correspond to those found by Greenbank and Nelson for Age 2 fish.The abundance and size of threespine found in lake Aleknagik (Wood River lakes)were examined by Rogers (1972).Age groups were assigned on the basis of length frequency.Age 0 fish were approximately 10-20 mm (SL)by the first week of August and initially appeared in beach seine hauls in mid-July.Age 1 were 30-35 mm,Age 2 were 40-50 mm,and Age 3 were 55-65 mm. The variations in age and size structure found in these studies undoubtedly reflects differences in genetic and environmental influences between the respective populations. Direct comparisons are confounded by d~fferences in sampling gear and measurement methods used.Rogers (1972) demonstrated that in years of unfavorable growth,major stickleback age groups showed distinctive length frequencies;but in years of good growth,the older year classes overlapped. -5- 2.Maturity anj Reproduction Initial sexual maturity in the Lower Jean Lake stickleback population probably occurs during the second summer of life (Cannon.1981).Fi shes thou9ht to be Age 1 whi ch were captured in tows and minnow pots were sexually mature;a smaller size ~lass,Age 0,'was n-ot mature.Only one age class at sexual maturity was reported by Greenbank and Nelson (1959)and McPhail and Lindsey (1970).R0gers (1968).8urgner (1958).and Narver (1968)suggested that threespines mature at Age 2.Carl (1953)and Jones and Hynes (1950)stated that breeding occurred during the first year of life {Age 0).Variation in these estimates cannot be explained with available information;however, differences in length of season,food availability and genetic character were probably influencing factors. A decrease in Age 1 stickleback catch per unit effort for surface tows in lower Jean lake during the course of the summer and the presence of a similar ~ize class in shallow shoreline areas suggested that there was a migration from pelagic to littoral habitats (Cannon.1981).8ecause Age 1 fish were sexually mature and were strongly suspected of spawning in littoral areas during this time,the movement appeared to be associated with reproductive activity. Tinbergen (1952)and Narver (1968)described a spawning migration of schools of threespine stickleback into shallows.Males then left schools to establish territories. Saerends (1957)stated that when reproductive instinct in threespine is act1vated,adult fish begin to migrate.These migrations appeared to correspond with a reproductive stimulus that is only satisfied when the fish reach shallow, warm waters with abundant vegetation. -6- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Although characteristic behavior a~sociated with breeding was not observed by Cannon (1981)in Lower Jean lake,the majority of the 1ake population apparently spawned in the lake.Spawning emigrations from the lake were not observed during the summer.however.they may have occurred prior to mi d-~ay.Sti ckl ebacks were not found in hi gh dens;ties milling near the inlet and outlet creek weirs nor attempting to pass through them.Greenbank and Nelson (1959)reported that in Karluk Lake.threespine in breeding condition were observed in the lake.but nesting was not witnessed. Various authors have noted a variety of materflJ's used in construction of nests.Tinbergen (1952)described nests constructed of small twigs.grass and other debris; Greenbank and Ne1 ..n (1959)and Vrat (1949)discovered nests fonmerl from cemented sand gr~ins. Male sticklebacks apparently require tho sight of aquatic vegetation for the initfatfOn'of·nest building (Pelkwijk and linbergen.1937.cited by Aron,on.1957).flarver (1968) noted that the occurrence of stickleback.1n spawning condition was greatest in areas where submergent flora was plentiful.Hagen (1967)observed sticklebacks nesting in still and standing backwaters near dense stands of aquatic vegetation.Male sticklebacks eXhibiting breeding colors an~females with distended abdomens were observed in ~r near thick patches of Chara 1£.in Lower Jean Lake (Cannon. 1981). Egg production in EuroDe3n populations has been estimat~d to b.100-200 eggs per spawning (Assen.1967;~ootton.1973 b). McPhail and Lindsey.1970)reported that in populations from the Pacific Northwest.graVid females will often spawn several times per season and l~y 50 to 200 eggs ~t a time. The number of eggs per spawning and the number of spawnings -7- per season have been shown to be positively correlated to the size of the female (Wootton,1973 .).~e sU9gested that pODul~tion estimates which ignored the high potential of egg production and ~urvival provided by t~!f"AJ1ti-seasonal spawni'lg capacity of large females and the protective nestin~behavior of males could grossly underestilMte stickleback production and would incorrectly assess the importance of this species to the energetics of the freshwater comounity.Potapova et al.(1966)found that the quantity and vi.biTlty of egg production 15 related to growth rate and lipid storage;large f ....les exhibit higher fecundity. The rigors of breeding evidently lead to increased mortality.This view is supported bY detailed descriptions of the complex nature of stickleback reproductive behavior provided by Tinbergen (1952)and van lersel (1953,cited by Wootton,1976).High mortalities reported by Rogers in Lake Aleknagik may have resulted from a decreased resistance to high temperature due to the stress of spawning.Narver (1968)observed high death rates associated with spawnin9 stress in the Chignik Lakes.Alaska.These high mortalities and the territorial spawning of sticklebacks were considered possible density-dependent population regulators.Hagen (l 967)descri bed post-reproductive mortality in the threespine population inhabiting the Little Campbell River, B.C.Many adults were found in extremely poor condition; fungus and other parasitic eruptions were noted. Sticklebacks in Karluk and 8are Lakes on Kodiak Island apparently incurred a high mortality after spawning and appeared nutritionally deprived (Greenbank and Nelson, 1959).Engel (1971)reported post-spawning mortality in study lakes on the Kenai Peninsula.Alaska. -8- • • • • • • • • • • • • I 3.Feeding and Competitio~ Feeding investigations of stickle~acks in North America have determined that their diet is composed mainly of zooplankton and ;nsects.The fi sh are opportuni sti c and food sources 3re related to seasonal and regional availability.Carl (1953)found cladocera and cope pods in the majori ty of stickleback stomachs collected in Cowichan Lake.B.C.; insects,ostracods,anphipods and algae were also observed. Greenbank and He 1son (1959)di scussed the importance of chironomid larvae and pupae.cope pods and cladocera in the feeding of sticklebacks in Karluk and Bare lakes.Other i terns encountered aecasi Dna l1y were pea clams.as tracods 1 ratiters,snails,leacht:.J.planarians.fish eggs and water mites.The importance of chironomids decreased over the summer.Most larger sticklebacks fed on ostracods and fish eggs;fewer of them fed on cladocera.Chironomid larvae and entomostraca were found to be primary food types in threespine sticklebacks in littoral areas of Lake Aleknagik with Entomostraca being their major prey in limnet;c areas (R0gers,1968).Sticklebacks inhabitin9 Black Lake,a shallow lake.fed predominately on insect larvae; threespines in Chignik Lake.which has only a small littoral zone,fed totally on zooplankton (Parr,1972). In Lower Jean Lake.feeding habits of threespines reflected differences in their distribution (Cannon,1981)and seasonal availability.Fish utilizing bottom waters preyed on food species which were not caught in plankton hauls because most of these species 1he on or near the bottom. Threespines foraging in the limnetic surface zone preyed largely on planktonic invertebrates.Age 1 sticklebacks (St,30-32 nm)fed predominately on copepods in mid-June; but for Age 0 sticklebacks (~.28-30 nm)rotifers were dominate prey during J~ly.The availability of prey species -9- in surface waters may have fluctuated during the summer,due to variations in their abundance or distribution.Surface and bottom feeding threespine sticklebacks in Lower Jean Lake were ecologically separated (Cannon,1981). Distributional differences were considered a mechanism by which stickleback age classes minimized competitive stress and maximized the utilization of lake resources.The ability of threespines to utilize 1imnetic waters as well as bottom environments demonstrated their adaptability to use a wide rang.of conditions thus allowing exo10itation of diverse aquatic niches.Separation of age classes between 1imnetic and bottom habitats were believed to be associated with spawning migrations.Exposure to a wide variety of habitat types was facilitated by these movements. Anatomical and physiological differences between age groups may have enforced separation. Because spawning and early rearing occur in shallows, stickleback life history is closely associated with littoral habitats.The quantity of suitable littoral area potentially serves as an important stickleback population regulating factor (Narver,1968).Ecological expansion would depend on the physical condition and the magnitude of co-actions (competition and predation)found in adjacent environs.For these reasons,the variety of potential niches accessible to sticklebacks and consequently their distributional patterns can be expp.cted to vary seasonally and between systems. Spatial differences exhibited between Age 0 and Age 2 sticklebacks and rearing sockeye salmon in Lr~er Jean Lake provided a mechanism to reduce interspecific competition (Cannon,1981).Rearing sockeye were not caught in surface tows after mid-July;this decl ine occurred in conjunction with a large recruitment of Age 0 sticklebacks. -10- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Feeding similarities between sticklebacks and rearing sockeye have been reported .by Burgner (1958)in the Wood River Lakes,Alaska,Narver (1968)in the Chignik Lakes. Alaska,and Krokhin (1957)in the Kamchatka lakes,USSR. Common prey preferences have suggested potential competition for food.In nature,many similar species appear to coexist while seemingly in competition;however,detailed observations have revealed differences in habitat and behavior that permit coexistence. R0gers (1968)compared the food of sockeye salmon fry and threespine sticklebacl<s in the Wood River Lakes.In littoral areas.the benthos was used more by sticklebacks than sockeye fry;surface insects were utilized more by sockeye.In 1 imnetic areas.winged insects were an important prey for sockeye,but were rarely ingested by sticklebacks.Parr (1972),who studied the feeding of j uvenil e sockeye and res i dent fi sh speci es i ncl udi ng threespine in the Chignik lakes,indicated that a dis- similarity existed between stickleback and sockeye feeding. Sockeye more frequently fed on winged and pupal insects.In lower Jean lake,a comparison of feeding between these species (although limited to only a five week period)found similar differences (Cannon,1981).Sticklebacks and sockeye inhabiting surface waters during this period utilized similar prey,but sockeye appeared to prefer winged insect species more than sticklebacks. Partitioning rations among sticklebacks and rearing sockeye in Lower Jean Lake I1Ppeared to be accomp1 ished through differences in spatial distribution (Cannon,1981).Age 2 threespine utilized bottom habitats.Age 1 sticklebacks and juvenile sockeye exhibited similar distribution patterns and feeding;however,spatial overlap and prey similarity are only prerequisites to potential competition.A significant -11- decrease in Age 1 threespines was observed during the summer in Lower Jean Lake.This reduction was believed to be associated with reproductive migrations which brought adult fish bottom environments.The rapid recruitment of Age 0 sticklebacks into the near surface waters during July may have influenced the apparent shift in vertical distribution of juvenile sockeye into deeper water stratums and restricted the return of Age 1 sticklebacks into 1imnetic areas.The high preference of Age 0 sticklebacks for rotifers was not shared with sockeye or adult threespine,a small mouth size possibly was responsible for the apparent differences in feeding preference,although Age 1 threespine of approximately the same size fed predominately on cope pods in June when rotifers were abundant in the net plankton. Temporal variations in the vertical distributions of prey species may have been involved.Rogers (1968)suggested that temporal as well as spatial differences in stickleback-sockeye feeding relationships could exist. Narver (196B)developed a conceptual ""del of sockeye- stickleback co-actions for populations in the Chignik Lakes. He concl uded that threespi ne sti ck 1ebacks whi ch were ecologically a littoral species would be displaced from 1imnetic areas by rearing sockeye if the young salmon rema;ned abundant.Parr (1972)detenni ned that the abundance of Age 0 sockeye i,the Chignik Lakes had an adverse effect on resident fish populations including threespine sticklebacks.Burgner (1958),Kerns (1965),and Rogers (1972)have suggested a similar population regulation of stickleback abundance by large Age 0 sockeye salmon recruitments in the Wood River Lakes.Reduced spawning escapement due to overharvest or environmental factors have resulted in periods of reduced sockeye fry abundance in the Wood River and Chignik lakes.During these years I -12- i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 tick1eback.s were able to rap;dly occupy vacant ni ches (Burgner.1958;Naryer.196B). The threespi ne st i ckl eback is the dam;nant fi sh spec;e$ inhabiting Lower Jean Lake (Cannon,1981).Its dominance is favored by a prolonged spawning time.a substantial littoral spawning habitat with abundant submergent vegetation.an ability to utilize deep and shallow bottom hab1~ats as well as pelagic areas for feeding,reduced intraspecific competition between age classes via differences in their spatial beh~v1or and diurnal migrations,and an apparently low level of interspecific competition frG~rearing sockeye salmon in limnetic areas. 4.Distribution and Behavior An apparent diel migration of threespines in surface waters of Lower Jean Lake was observed by Cannon (198l)during the sumner.The abundance of sti ckl ebacks in surface tow net samples collected in the Wood River Lakes by Burgner (195B) remained high throughout the day and night.Diel zooplankton migrations probably influenced stickleback distribution in lower Jean lake.Stomach analysis of threespine from different periods showed no significant decrease in numbers of whole undigested zooplankton.If feeding continued throughout the day and night.sticklebacks conceivably would concentrate at depths where prey density was high.Vertical migrations of limnetic zooplanlctens conmonly occurring in Alaska lakes have been observed (Rogers.1974). A reducti on in i nterspeci fi c competi ti on between sticklebacks and sockeyes could result from seasonal variations in vertical distribution.Because threespine are more resistant to high temperature and illumination and ··13- because they are equ i pped with a se 1f-conta i ne';:defense mechanism,near-surface water residence would be less ecologically intolerable for stickleback than for sockeye. Outside of breeding season,stickle~ack feed in schools (Tinbergen 1952).Generally.schoolfng fish are the same size because fish of similar size swim at the same speed. Size in sticklebacks varys between sexes and schools comprised of all males or all females have been observed (Narver.1968).Possible benefits attributed to schooling behavior have included increased feeding efficiency, predator detection and defense,increased ability to locate a mate,enhanced learning ability,and efficiency of movement (Eggers.1975).Schoo 11 ng was observed in sticklebacks in surface waters (juveniles)and in shallow littoral areas (adults)of lower Jean Lake (Cannon.1981). MacMahon (1946)described the threespine stickleback as the fiercest "reshwater fish in Britain for its size.Its highly flexible fin motions are well suited to feeding in the dense vegetati on and submerged debri s of the 11 ttora 1 environment.Hagen (1967),who conducted dispersion studies of threespi ne.reported that sti ck1 ebacks (1 ei urus)were a sedentary fish.Recaptures of marked fish were never made beyond 200 m from the point of release.Sticklebacks in Lower Jean Lake generally exhibited,lethargic swimming activity (Cannon.1981).Adult sticklebacks observed in schools feeding in algae beds and solitary fish which were probably spawning moved slowly through the water.Even pelagically feeding schools of Age 0 threespine swam sluggishly near the surface.Rapid swinming motions occurred during territorial defense and occasionally in pursuit of prey,but only for short distances. -14- I [ [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O.Ecological and Economic lmoortance The threespine stickleback is often abundant where it is found and plays a significant ro~e as a predator,competitor,and prey species in many lake ecosystems.There has been concern regarding the stickleback a~a potential competitor with sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)fry but recent studies (Cannon,1981; Manzer,1976;Rogers,1972;Wootton,1976)have indicated that competition to the detriment of the sockeye fry does not often occur.(See also discussion in Section I.e.,life History Summary.)In artificial situations,such as the reclamation and re-stocking of lakes with rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri),the presence of threespine sticklebacks may be detrimental to the t~out population (Engel,1971).In many areas,sticklebacks are an important prey species for predaceous fish such as trout, sa lmon,and northern pi ke (McPha i1 and li ndsey,1970;Wootton 1976)and for fish-eatin9 birds (Scott and Crossman,1973). The threespine stickleback has been harvested only to a minor extent.They have been used for oil,meal,fertilizer,and animal food,inc1udin9 sled d09 food (Wootton,1976). Because the threespi ne sti ck 1eback is hardy,easy to keep,and widely distributed,it has proven to be an important laboratory fi sh.It has been extens he ly used for behavi ora 1 studi es and for studies on the effect of water pollution (Wootton,1976). -15- II.SPECIFIC HABITAT REQUIREMENTS A.Spawning 1.Temperature The surface water temperature during the breeding season in lower Jean Lake ranged from about 12 to l8°e (Cannon,1981). In a st;-eam of southern British Columbia.the average temperature during the breeding season was 16°C (Hagen. 1967)and a stream in England during the spawning season had temperatures ranging from 16 to 19'C (Lindsey,1962). Greenbank and Nelson (1959)stated that the water temperature in two lakes on Kodia~Island may influence the time of spawning.Threespine sticklebacks spawned earlier in Bare lake (surface water temperatures from mid·May to end of July were 4.4-22.B·C)than in the deeper Karluk Lake (3.3-13.9°C).Ba9ge"nan (1957,eited by Wootton,1976) found that increased temperatures (about 20°C).given a sufficiently long daylength.accelerate the maturation process. 2.Water Depth Male threespine sticklebacks build their nests in streams or in shallow areas of lake shores.Hagen (1967)found that the average depth of nests in Little Campbell River,B.C., was 24 cm;some nests were built in water as shallow as 4 em. -16- • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.Substrate The nests are constructed of small twigs.plant materia'. and sand.Some nests may be constructed mostly of sand grai ns (Greenbank and Ne han.1959;McPha i1 and Li ndsey. 1970). Nests in the River Wear.England.were built on a -muddy· bottom (Wootton,1976).The same substrate was used by the leiurus form in Little Campbell River,B.C.(Hagen,1967). Hagen gave ma 1e stf ckl ebacks a choi ce between liS J.nd"and "lrIJd"substrates in the laboratory and found that they demonstrated a strong preference to build their nests on the mud.The leiurus form in Hayer lake.B.C.also occurred on a soft mud bottom (Moodie,1972).Scott and Crossman (1973) state that threesp1nes prefer sandy areas for nest building (form not mentioned). 4.Aquatic Vegetation Stickleback nests are usually found in or near aquatic vegetation. Hagen (1967)observed stiCKlebacK (leiurus)nests in the Little Campbell River,B.C.near dense stands of aquatic vegetation such as Oenanthe,Potomoseton,Nuphar,~, Hyosotis,G1Yceria,1l2h!,lemma,and green algae.The fish always nested among broad1eBved vegetation. In the laboratory,Hagen (1967)presented males of the leiurus form with a choice between Oenanthe (a plant found in the headwaters)and Elodea (a lower river plant)and found a strong preference for the fanner.In a survey of streams on Vancouver Island,during breeding season.Hagen found 1eiurus plentiful only in areas with dense aquatic -17- • vegetation.The leiurus fonn in Mayer Lake,B.C.•occurs- only among the thick vegetation of inlet stream margins and stream mouths and apparently does not occur in open water (Moodie.1972).The littoral zone of Mayer Lake ;s densely covered with Sphagnum and emergent grasses. Na rver (1966)reported that spawn;"9 st;ck 1ebacks ;n the Chignik.Lakes were most abundant where aquatic vegetation was plentiful.However,Karluk and Bare lakes on Kodiak Island.which have good populations of sticklebacks,have only sparse aquatic vegetation (Greenbank and Nelson,1959). 5.Light Gonad maturation of three~pine sticklebacks in the spring ;s depend~nt on both an adequate light intensity and on an adequate day1ength (Baggerman,1957,cited by McInerney and Evans,1970).Baggerman found that high temperature (20·C) by itself is not effective in inducing sexual maturation, long photoperiods are also required.Baggerman also showed that sticklebacks exposed to 269-323 lux (25-30 ft-cand1es) matured slightly more rapidly than those exposed to 161 lux (15 ft-cand1es).McInerney and Evans (1970)reported that sticklebacks (presumably the trachurus form)exposed to an energy level of 370 ergs/cm(sec in the laboratory had maturation rates comparable to those of wild fish.This energy level is equivalent to illuminance levels ranging from 230 lux (at the green wavelength)to 5 lux (at the purple wavelength).McInerney and Evans also tested the effect of 1i ght qual i ty (wave 1ength)by expos;ng fi sh to four segments of the visible spectrum ranging from 388-653 millimicrons (long ultraviolet to short red).They found no major differences among the four in affecting the rate of gonad maturation. -IB- I I I I I 6.Size of Territory Wootton (1976)states that the maximum density of threespine stick.leback nests is 4_5/m 2 and that the minimum distance between nests 15 30-50 em.The average di stance between nests in the River Wear.England,ranged from 143-237 em (Wootton,1976). I • • • • • I • • • • I I I B.Incubation of 8mbryos 1.Temperature The time to hatching is directly dependent on temperature. Wooton (1976)plotted the data of several investigators and found that the time to hatching varies from about 5 days at 25"C to about 15-43 days at B"C.At lB-19"C,hatchin9 occurs in about 8 days and the y01 k sac is absorbed in another 4 days.Studies in Alask.a have reported hatching times of 14 days at a water temperature ranging from 9_16°C (Kodiak Island;Greenbank and Nelson,1959)and 5 days at a water temperature varying from 21.1-22.8°C (Kenai Peninsula; Engel,1971).Neither of these studies was in situ. Heuts (1947),in laboratory studies in Belgium,found that the best survival of eggs incubated in freshwater occurred at water temperatures of 15-26°C.Heuts showed that the eggs are adapted to a narrow range of temperatures.Lindsey (1962)reared the freshwater fonn in the laboratory at temperatures ranging from 10_28°C.No eggs were successfully reared in freshwater at 10°,12°.14°,or 28°e, and survival at 16°and lBoe was less than optimum. However,there may have been factors present other than temperature which lowered the survival rate.Lindsey also found that fish reared at higher temperatures (22°e and greater)had a higher proportion of females than fish reared -19- " at 20°C and below.Lindsey further showed that eggs from females with few lateral plates have a higher optimum development temperature than eggs from females with more plates.The approximate optima were:26°C (2 maternal plates),20-27"C (4 or 5 maternal plates),20-22"C (6 maternal plates),and 16"C (7 maternal plates). Wootton (1976),citing the work of 5warup (1958.1959). stated that abnormal development occurs when newly fertilized e99s are exposed to very low (O"C)or very high (33°C)temperatures for a duration as short as 1.5-3.0 hours.One of the abnormalities was the production of fish with a triploid number of chromosones.These fish developed and grew at the same rate as normal (diploid)fish.but were misshapen. Hagen (1967)measured water temperatures ranging from 16 to 23"C during the nesting of sticklebacks in Little Campbell River,B.C.Some approximate surface water temperatures for various lakes in Alaska measured at the approximate time incubation occurs are:Bare Lake,61 -23°e,and Karluk Lake,41 -15°e (Greenbank and Nelson.1959);lower Jean lake,13 -18°e (Cannon,1981),Johnson and Scout Lakes on the western Kenai Peninsula,12 -18°e,and Bear lake in the Kenai Mountains.7 -15°C (Engel,1971);Wood River lakes, 10 -14"C (Rogers.1968);Lake Nerka,9 -lB"C (Burgner, 1958);Black Lake,12 -15"C.and Chignik Lake,9 -]J"C (Parr,1972). -20- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. 2.Dissolved Oxygen Given the fact that sticklebacks nest in shallow areas with adequate light penetration and aquatic vegetation.dissolved oxygen levels in the water near the nests are probably rarely a limiting factor.However.the eggs are placed inside covered nests,often on muddy bottoms containing much dead organic matter.and often in areas of little or no current,so circulation of water through the nest to replace the oxygen used by the enmryos 1s necessary and is accomplished by the fanning of the mole.In the absence of fanning,van lerse1 (1953,ci~ed by Wooton,1976)noted that eggs became moldy and died.The rate of fanning reaches a peak shortly before hatching;presumably.this is when the oxygen requirement of the _ryos is highest.When van lersel ran water low in dissolved oxygen and high in carbon di ox;de through a nest ;n the 1aboratory I the amount of fanning by the male increased. Juvenile Rearing After leaving their nests,young sticklebacks form schools,which may be an adaptation for cover,and eventually join the adults. There is 1ittle information to suggest that young of the year have habitat tolerances,preferences,or requirements different from those of adults. Adult Life 1.Temperature The adult threespine stickleback is usually regarded as a eurythermal fish (Wootton.1976).Jordan and Garside (1972) studied the upper lethal temperature of threespine sticklebacks (probably the trachurus form)from the harbor -21- of Ha1ffax,Nova Scotia (where the sal inity ranges from 20·30 pptl which had been acclimated to various combinations of temperature and sa1fnity.The highest upper lethal temperature (28.8·C)was noted for fish acclimated to 20·C and 30 ppt salinity,tested at 12 ppt,and the lowest upper lethal temperature (21.6·C)was shown by fish acclimated to 10·C and a salinity of 0 ppt,tested at 30 ppt.Fish which had been acclimated to freshwater at 20·C,and tested in freshwater,had an upper lethal temperature of 27.2·C. There were no significant differences in survival among the different sized fi sh (tota 1 1engths ranged from 30-80 1lIII) tested.Coad and Power (1973),citing 8ertin (1955)state thot the threespine can tolerate temperatures around 25·C and is also tolerant of temperature changes.Heuts (1947) found with the leiurus form collected at O·C and placed into water at 25 -28·C that fish with fewer lateral plates survived longer than fish with more lateral plates.Hean survival time was around 40 hours.Heuts also stated that the freshwater form will not tolerate 11ow'temperatures. The threespine stickleback is found in Alaskan lakes with late spring to early fan temperature ranges of anywhere from O·to 23·C (Burgner,1958;Cannon,1981;Engel,1971; Greenbank and Nelson,1959;Parr,1972;Rogers,1968 and 1972).The stickleback may not be found at the extremes of thi s range if they have a choi ce of more moderate temperatures.Little information is available on t~rlture preferences or on temperature distribution during late fall,winter,and early spring.In the summer, sticklebacks move into warmer,shallower,water but this is probably more a function of reproductive and feeding requirements than a demonstration of temperature preferences. -22- I I I I I I Temperature influences the rate of growth.Wootton (1976), citing the work of Cole,reported that the mean growth efficiency increases from 5.9%at 7.0°C to 11.3~at 20.0°C. Beukema (1968,cited by ~ootton,1976)found that the feeding rate also depends on temperature,the rf'te of stomach evacuation ranging from about 16 hours at l"i-12°C to "one night"at 18-20 0 e. 2.Water Depth I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. The depth distribution of threespine sticklebacks in lakes results from temperature preferences,feeding migrations, reproduction requirements,predation and competition.They are generally a ~hallow water fish,particularly in the suntner when they move into the shoals along the shore. During the summer they range from the surface to the bottom in lower Jean Lake (21.3m)(Cannon,1981)and Johnson (4.0 m),Scout (6.1 m),and Bear (18.3 m)lakes (Engel,1971)on the Kenai Peninsula.In Karluk lake on Kodiak Island,they have been caught from the surface down to 24.4 m,but none were caught in attempts at 38.4 m or at 61.0 m (Greenbank and Nelson,1959).Very few fish were caught below surface waters in Lake Nerka during the sumner;the deepest stickleback was caught at 7.3 m (Burgner,1958). Current Velocity Although threespine sticklebacks commonly occur in streams, they prefer areas with little or no current (Hagen.1967). Hagen conducted a thorough study in Little Campbell River, B.C .•and determined that swift waters are an unfavorable habitat.The average current velocity in a section of the stream where the leiurus fonn was plentiful was 3 em/sec (grad;ent about 1.5 m/km).A section with an average velocity of 23 cmlsec had only a few sticklebacks of the -23- leiurus form and a riffle section with an average velocity of 74 cm/sec had none.When Hagen transplanted the fish from the low current area into an area of fast current.they migrated into areas of slower current.When Hagen gave males a choice between standing water and moving water in an aquarium.they demonstrated a strong preference for nesting in the standing water.Hagen also reported that some fish successfully passed through a 70 m long culvert with a current velocity of 92 cm/sec,although this was not a common occurrence. 4.Dissolved Oxygen Krokhin (1957)calculated that the oxygen consumption of threespine sticklebacks in Kamchatka lakes where the temperature ranges from 2.0 to l4.3°C would range from 0.127 -0.365 m9 Oz/hr-g live weight.He found that fish in the laboratory at a temperature range of 0.5 -19.5°C used oxygen at a rate ranging from O.lZ -0.55 mg OZ/hr-g 1 ive weight.Threespine sticklebacks from some English streams had an oxygen consumption rate ranging from 1.0 microliters OZ/hr-mg dry weight (1 microliter <1.43 micrograms)for 500 mg dry weight fish to about 2.5 microliters/hr-mg dry weight for 70 mg dry weight fish (temperature not given;Lewis et a1..197Z). Jones (1948 and 195Z.cited by Wootton.1976)stated that the minimum dissolved oxygen (00)level at which threespine sticklebacks can exist is about 0.Z5 -0.50 mg/l.Jones found that the avoidance response of sticklebacks is triggered when the fish are exposed to water with a 00 level of 0.3 mgll at low temperatures.At 20°C,the response occurs at 2.0 mgll.indicating the fish have a lower tolerance for low 00 conditions at higher temperatures.In a survey of some English streams,Lewis et al.(1972)found -24- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I that threespine sticklebacks were most abundant in waters with 8 -12 mg O2/1.less abundant in waters with 6 - 8 mg O2/1,and absent from waters with 2 - 5 mg O2/1. In Lower Jean Lake,sticklebacks were caught near the lake bottom during the S~~r where 00 levels ranged from 3.0 - 6.5 mg/1 (Cannon.1981).These levels apparently had no effect on feeding activity.Dissolved oxygen levels above the thermocline ranged from 10.1 -14.0 mg/l.Greenbank and Nelson (1959)reported that the ,tick1eback population in Karluk and Bare lakes are in waters where there is an "abundance"of dissolved oxygen at all depths during the sunmer.They also stated that the threespine stickleback 1115 known to survive over winter in shallow lakes in northern temperate and subarctic zones,where ....dissolved oxygen sinks to a trace ....". 5.Chemical Parameters Threespine sticklebacks have been reported to occur 1n waters with a pH range of:7.0 -8.7 in Karluk and Bare Lakes (Greenbank and Nelson,1959);6.3 -7.0 in three Kenai Peninsula lakes (Engel,1971);and 6.8 in Little Campbell River,B.C.(Hagen.1967).Jones (1948.cited by Wootton, 1976)tes ted the tal erance of the fi sh to a wi de pH range and reported that they avoided a pH of less than 5.6 or greater than 11.4. A survey of some English streams conducted by Lewis et a1. (1972)showed that the threespine did not occur in waters which smelled of hydrogen sulfide and rotting vegetation. -25- • 6.Feeding Krokhin (1957)calculated that threespine sticklebacks in some Kamchatka lakes.where the annual temperature range is 2.0 -14.3"C.consume daily between 0.08 9/fish in winter and 0.23 g/fish in August.This represents 1.8 -5.1%of body weight.The monthly food consumption ranged from 2.70 - 6.77 g/fish.for an annual total of 42.49 g.which is equivalent to 8 or 9 times the average weight of an adult (4.5 g).In Lake Oal 'neye.Krokhin (1970)calculated that.2 the monthly food consumption ranged from 0.80 gIg 1 ive weight in January to 2.185 gIg live weight in August. Manzer (1976)reported that the daily ration of threespine stickleback in Great Central Lake on Vancouver Island,B.C., was 6.6%of the body weight in July and 7.8%in October. Wootton (1976)states that.to support a population of threespine sticklebacks.an area must produce suitable food ---on-the order of 10 -100 g/m 2-yr. -26- -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III.CONCEPTUAL SUITABILITY INDEX CURVES Conceptua 1 5uitabil ity ;ndex curves are presented for water temperature.current velocity,water depth,dissolved oxygen concentration,and pH in Figures 2 through 4.Data to support the curves ;s included in Tables I.II.and III.These curves hould ,lot be construed as a graphical presentation of actual data.Rather,they are intended to be hypothetical models of the relationship between threespine sticklebacks and certain environmental parameters.As with any hypothesis,they must be tested and verified before being applied to any particular situation. The curves are based on publ ished and unpublished data and on conversations with fishery biologists who hav~~orked with threespine sticklebacks.Both experimental laboratory data and field measurements and observations were used.The suitabil ity index for each environmental parameter ranges from zero to one.An index of one indicates an optimum or preferred level of that particular parameter and an index of zero indicates a completely unsuitable level. Data from laboratory physiological studies in European populations of threespine sticklebaCKS indicates that the optimum temperature during incubation of embryos is B or goC higher than the average surface water temperature during the presumed incubation period in several Alaskan lakes (Figure 2).Until the temperature tolerance of Alaskan sticklebacks has been studied in physiological laboratory studies,it must be assumed that the optimum temperature for European sticklebacks (about 22°C)does not apply in Alaskan waters which rarely reach 22°C. A problem encountered in constructing the curves is that much of the data in the literature concerning environmental parameters of threespine stickleback habitat does not relate various levels of the parameters to some measure of habitat sUitability.Often,ranges of the parameter are given based on measurements taken throughout the area occupied by threespines but there is no indication that one point -27- • on th~range is any better or worse than any other point in terms of habitat sUitability. The curves are drawn using data from throughout the natural rar:ge of the threespine stickleback.Although there probably are differences in habitat preferences and tolerances for different geographical areiS or even in different streams of the same geographical area,there i!- not enough data to support drall'ling separate curves at this time. However.one must be aware that any point on the curve,especially toward either extreme.may bp.unsuitable for a particular stock.Hew far the stock deviates from the curve fIlJst be determined by field measurements and experimentation with that particular stock. A second precaution regarding the curves concerns the interaction If various parameters.A given level of one parameter can have a different effect on the fish as the level of another parameter varitls. For example,a dissolved oxygen concentration of 3 mg/l may be suitable at a water temperature of 5°C.but unsuitable at a temperature of 20°C.Ideally.given enough data.a separat..dissohed oxygen curve should be drawn for each of several different temperatures.The overall suitability of any particular habitat is a summation of the interacting effects of many parameters. A third precaution to consider is that the effect of less than optinJm levels of any parameter on the fish depends strongly on the duration of exposure.Stickleback embryos exposed to a water temperature of 33°C for 1.5 -3.0 hours experience an abnormal development (Swarup, 1958 and 1959,cited by Wotton,1976),but survive.Embryos exposeQ to 33°~for a longer period of time would die. A1so.di fferent ages with;n ali fe stage probab 1y have di fferen 1• habitat requirements.For example.the oxygen requirement of emtryos is highest just prior to hatching.However,because of insufficient data.it is not possible to draw separate curves for different ages. -28- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Overall,the suitability index curves presented in this report provide an indication of conditions which make a desirable threespine habitat and conditions which make a less desirable habitat.Also.although the curves are general,they can sho~:di fferences ; n habi tat needs among threespi nes and other species.Further,the process of constructing these curves is beneficial in defining areas where more data is needed.Lastly.these curves can aid in the design of experiments and sampl ;09 programs.As more data becomes available. these hypothetical curves can be further refined. -29- Table 1.THREESPINE STICKLEBACK Adult -Spawning Parameter Observed Values Remarks location Reference Temperature.ea.12-18 'C 5.6 -22.8 3.3 -13.9 16 16 -19 Wa ter depth,4 em 24, ~• surface water temperature during Lower Jean lake breeding season surface water temperatures Bare Lake during June and July Karlu~lake average during breeding seasop.Little Campbell River,B.C. during spawning season Hobson's Brook. England shallowest nest Little Campbell River.8.C. average depth for nests Cannon (1981) Greenbank and Nelson (1959) Hagen (1967) Lindsey (1962) Hagen (1967) -------------------Table II.THREESPINE STICKLEBACK Incub3Lion of Embryos Parameter Observed Values Remarks location Reference Temperature,16 -26 best survival rate Belgium (laboratory)Heuts (1947) ·C 10 -14 no eggs successfully reared England (laboratory)Lindsey (1962) 16 -lB survival less than optimum 20 -26 best survival 2B no eggs successfully reared >22 lower male:female ratio than fish reared at ~O°C 16 -26 optimum development temperaturesi the,fish with fewer maternal platesw ~lldving higher optimum temperatures, 0,33 exposure to these temperatures England 7 Swarup (195B and for 1.5 -3.0 hours causes (1 aboratory)1959,cHed b~ abnormal development Wootton,1976 B time to hatching is 15 -43 days various Wootton (1976)-5 time to hatch1ng 1s 5 days 25 time to hatching is 5 days 13 -lB approximate surfac~water temp.lower Jean lake Cannon (19B1) during incubation ~erlod 12 -18 approximate surface water temp.Johnson lake Engel (1971) during incubation period Table II.Cont'd THREESPINE STICKLEBACK Incubation of Embryos Parameter Observed Values Remarks Location Reference Temperature 12 -18 approximate surface water temp.Scout lake 'C during incubation period 7 -15 approximate surface water temp.Bear lake during incubation period 67 -23 approximate surface water temp.Bare lake Greenbank and during incubation period Nelson (1959) 47 -15 approximate surface water temp.Karluk lake during incubation period 10 -14 approximate surface water temp.~ood River lakes R0gers (1968) during incubation period , 9 -18 approximate surface water temp.lake Nerka Burgner (1958), during incubation period 12 -15 approximate surface water temp.Black Lake Parr (1972) during incubation period 9 -13 approximate surface water temp.Chignik Lake during incubation period - -------------------Table Il I.THREESPINE STICKLEBACKS Adults Parameter Observed Values Remarks Location Reference Temperature.27.2 Upper lethal temperature for the Halifax,Nova .Jordan and Garside ·C trachurus (1)form acclimated to Scotia (l972)ZOde 1n freshwater (laboratory) 25 tolerable general Bertin (1925,cited by Coad and Power. 1973 ) 25 -2B The le1urus form collected at 0°Belgium Heuts (l947 j and placed into water with these (laboratory) temperatures died after an average of 40 hours;fish with fewer lateral plates survived longer than fish with more plates, ww 7.0 mean growth efficiency of 5.9%7 Cole (unpublished,, cited by Wootton. 1976 ) 20.0 mean growth efficiency of 11.3% 11 -12 rate of stomach evacuation was ?Beukema (196R, 16 hours cited by Wootton, 1976) 18 -20 rate of stomach evacuation was "one night" Table III.Cont'd THREESPINE STICKLEBACKS Adults Loea ti on Reference lower Jean lake Cannon (19B1) Johnson and Scout Engel (1971) lakes Greenbank and Nelson (1959) R0gers (1968) Bur9ner (1958) Parr (1972) Bare lake Bear lake Karluk Lake Lake Nerka Wood River lakes Remarks Jun -Sept 6 yrs;observed water temp. fi sh present early Jul -early Sep.;observed water temp Black lake ft sh present early June-mid-JulYi observed water temp. fish present Jun 1 -Sep.15;observed water temp. ft sh present Jun 1 -Sep.15;observed water temp. fish present mid May -mid Sept.;observed water temp. fish present mid Hay -mid Sep.;observed water temp. fish present Aug.,observed water temp.fish present 11.5 -15.0 Parameter Observed Values Tempera ture •6.9-17.7 ·C 3.9 -15.0 8.9 -18.3 4.4 -22.8 3.3 -15.0 6.7 -14.2 0.0 -20.0 , w f" 9.0 -13.0 late Jun -early Sep.;observed water temp Chignik lake fi sh present -- ----•- -- --- -- ----Table III.Cont'd THREE'IHE STICKLEBACKS Adults Parameter Observed Values Remarks location Reference Water Depth I 0-21.3 (bottom)suntner lower Jean lake Cannon (19B1) m o -4.0 (bottom)sunmer Johnson Lake Enge1 (1971) 0-6.1 (bottom)SUlTlT1er Scout lake o -18.3 (bottom)sunmer Bear lake o -24.4 sUlTITler Karluk Lake Greenbank and Nelson (1959 ) 38.4,61.0 none caught;sunmer 7.3 greatest depth at which fish lake Nerka 8urgner (1958),were caughti summerw '(' o -10 Jun -Sept.Kamchatka Krokhln (1957) Lakes,USSR 50 -60 Deco.Jan .•Feb. Current 3 average in leiurus habitat Little Campbell Hagen (1967) Velocity,River t 8.C. em/sec (stream 23 marginal habitat population) 74 poor hab i ta t 92 fish were able to negotiate a 70 m culvert with this velocity Table Ill.Cont'd THREESPi~E STIC~LEBACKS Adults , ll:, Parameter Dissolved Oxygen "gil pH Observed Values 0.25 -0.50 0.3 2.0 8 -12 6 - 8 2 - 5 3.0 -6.5 10.1 -14.0 <:5.6 or)1l.4 6.8 6.3 -7.0 7.0 -8.7 Remarks minimum level tolerable level at which avoidance response is triggered at low temps. level at which avoidance response is triggered at 20'C fish most abundant in reaches with this level fish less abundant in reaches with this level fish absent from reaches with this level healthy f1sh caught near lake bottom at this level;summer level above thermocline,summer avoided by fish measured value r.reasured value measured value location Grea t Brita 1n (laboratory) England lower Jean lake Great Britain (laboratory) Little Campbell River,8.C. kenai Peninsula lakes Karluk and Bare lakes Refp.rence Jones (1948 and 1952,cited by Wootton,1976) lewis et a1 .• (1972) Cannon (1981) Jones (1948,cited by Wootton,1976) Hagen (1967) Engel (1971) Greenbank and Nelson (1959) • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THREESPINE STiCKLEBACK INCUBATION Alaslaon obs.rvatlons i 10 ! •European•It:""'"physiological""c uud .•s, ~05 -"0--, '",, 0 0 __10 __..-20 30 Woter temperoture,·C Figure 2 Conceptual model of relatIonship between Threesplne sttcldebock embryos and tdmperoture. See text for Qualifications for use of this curve (NOT RECO.....ENDED FOR APPl.ICATION TO SPECIFIC wATERSHEDS WITHOUT FIELD VERIFICATION) -37- See text for qualifications for use of these curves t HOT RECO"'MENQ£D 'OA "PPUCATION TO S"C.te WAT!RSH£DS W~THOUT FIELD YEIlI ..IC.'TION) ADULTS 0 0 10 20 30 Water temperature,'C 10.... I, I 0.5l, x IwO~::0.,. I I >-30 60 90... ~Current velocity,em/seciii :! 5 1.0V>, I ,.......Summ.,\,, ,rearing,dls~"but ton W,nt., I distribution, I 0.5 '~Spawn,ng :distribution,,, 0 20 40 60 Water depth,m 0.5 THREESPI"JE STICKLEBACK 10 rlgure 3.Conceptual model of relatlonsnlp between ThreesPlne stickleback adults and woter temperature.C\Jr,ent ",eloelty (streom pOPulations only).and woter depth -3B- Figure 4.Conceptual mod.1 of relatIonship between Threespine stickl.back adults and dissolved oxygen concentration and pH . Dissolved nxygen,",gIl 12 1210 See text for Qualifications for use of these curves (NOT .-eCOMMENC!D FOR APP1..ICATION TO ,"ePIC WATERSHEDS Wr1'HOUT MLD VERI'ICATION) 8 86 pH ADUL TS 4 42a 0'-+--::::::::....+----+----+a 0.5 1.0 x wo Z >1.0... ~ c«... => '"0.5 THREESPINE STICKLEBACK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •-39- IV.DEFICIENCIES IN DATA BASE AND RECDHHENDATIONS Although extensively used in behavioral and pollution studies elsewhere,the interest in the threespine stickleback in Alaska has centered mainly on its supposed role as a competitor with rearing sockeye salmon and rainbow trout.These Alaskan studies,therefore, have naturally concentrated on the distribution and feeding of sticklebacks. Physiological studies on Alaskan populations are needed to define the tolerances to environmental parameters such as temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration.This need ;s dramatically shown by the difference between European physiological studies of temperature tolerance and the known temperature regime existing in Alaskan lakes where the sticklebacks are present (Fig.2). Information is needed within the State.To on lake populations. on stream populations of threespine sticklebacks date.Statewide investigations have concentrated More data from Southeast Alaska is needed to describe regional differences within the State.The Southeast populations may be more similar to the populations described 'in British Columbia than they are to the Bristol Bay populations.Additionally.there is some indication that sticklebacks in the Kenai Peninsula area are exposed to and adapted to higher temperature regimes than sticklebacks in the Bristol Bay area. A study in Alaska of differences in habitat requirements among the three forms of Gasterosteus aculeatus (leiuru1,trachurus,and semiannatus)would be beneficial as strong differences have been demonstrated elsewhere;for example,Hagen1s (1967)work in British Columbia.Virtually nothing is known of the populations on the Seward Peninsula and Saint Lawrence Island (presumably trachurus).Because these populations are on the edge of the species range,studies of -40- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I these fish may provide interesting information about the environmental limits of the species. Very little infonnation is available on the habitat needs of the threespine sticKleback during the stage immediately after hatching )ut prior to leavir-g the nests.During this period 9 they are still !In(l~r the parental care of the male.There are also many questions ibollt their life history between leaving the nest until they first begin to show up ;n mi nnow traps and fyke nets as young of the yea r.In Alaska,few observations have ever been made of actual nests -41- LITERATURE CITED Aronson,l.R.1957.Reproductive and parental behavior Chapt.III. Part 3,271 -3J4 in Margaret E.Brown (ed.).The physiology of fishes.Vol.II.Behavior.Academic Press.New York.526 pp. Assen.J.van den.1967.Territory in the threespined stickleback Gasterosteu5 aculeatus L.An experimental study in intra-specific competition.Behavior Suppl.16:1-164. Baerends.G.P.1957.Ethological analysis of fish behavior.Pages 229 -269 in Mar9aret E.Brown.(ed.).The physiolo9Y of fishes. Vol.I.Academic Press,New York.pp. Burgner,Robert l.1958.A study of fluctuations in abundance.growth and survival in early life stages of the red salmon (Oncorhynchyus nerka Walbaum)of the Wood River lakes,Bristol Bay,Alaska.Ph.D.Thesis. University of Washington~Seattle.200 pp. Cannon,Richard.1981.Summer feeding and distributional behavior of threespined stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus,in lower Jean lake, Alaska.1974.M.S.Thesis,University of Alaska,Fairbanks.pp. Carl,Clifford G.1953.limnobiology of Cowichan lake,British Columbia. J.Fish.Res.Bd.Can.,9(9):417-449. Coad,R.W.and G.Power.1973.Observations on the ecology and phenotypic variation of the threespine stickleback,Gasterosteus acu1eatus l.,1758,and the blackspotted stickleback,~.wheatlandi, Putnam 1867,(Osteichthyes:Gasterosteidae)in Armory Cove,Quebec. Canadian Field Naturalist 87:113-122. Eggers,Douglas M.1975.A synthesis of the feeding behavior and growth of juvenile sockeye salmon in the limnetic environment.Phd Thesis, University of Washington,Seattle.217 pp. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II fl Engel,Larry J.1971.Evaluation of sport fish stocking on the Kena; Peninsula-Cook Inlet Areas.Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration,Annual Report of Progress,1970- 1971.Project F-9-3.Job No.G-ll-F.Vol.12:1-34. Greenbank,John,and Philip R.Nelson.1959.life history of the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus in Karluk Lake and Bare Lake,Kodiak Island,Alaska.U.S.Fish and Wildlife Ser. Fish.Bull.153.Vol.59:537-559. Hagen"M.J.1967.Isolating mechanisns in threesp;ne sticklebacks (Gasterosteus).J.Fish.Res.Bd.Canada,24 (B):1637-1692. Heuts.M.J.1947.Experimental studies on adaptive evolution in Gasterosteus aculeatus L.Evolution.1:89-102. 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