HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 Cultural resources survey report 1983SUS.TNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1982 CUL.TURAl..RESOURCES SURVEY PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W.5th Ave. Anchorage,Alaska 99501 .1 I I j I I I I I I Pr~pc1:'ed for: r I illflj ~[---'tl\LASK/~POVVER FINAL REPORT MARCH 1983 I , Prepar"'d by: I i 1.IN1Vr-'(~SiTY OF J .GLAS'l<:A !f:USEUM AUTHOR ITY _--=--J ..;, Prepa red by: UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA MUSEUM MARCH 1983 FINAL REPORT y PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power AuthoritY. 334 W.5th Ave. Anchorage,AI8ska 99501 1982 CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY LIB SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT II Prepared fOr: iiJ ;1~-I~_~qyrf u [/t ==::~..=~~.=========~~~-o S/1 ' /' o I C C D o o o o [] o 8 o o -. ..J B D ') ,ALASKA POWER AUTHOR ITY I L ~ [ [ [ [ [ C E C E G C B 6 C [ C P b ('I) r-.. <.0 T""" ('I)o T"""oo 10 10 ~ ('I) FINAL REPORT 1982 FIELD SEASON SUB-TASK 7.06 CULTURAL RESOURCES INVESTIGATION FOR THE SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY IN THE MIDDLE SUSITNA RIVER VALLEY Prepared By E.James Dixon,Ph.D. Archeologist Principal Investigator Geo rge S.Smi t h,M.A• Archeol ogi st Project Supervi sor Mau reenL.King,B.A. Archeol ogi st Jay D.Romick,M.S. Geol og;st University of Alaska Museum December 1982 ARLIS AJaskaResources Lihrarv &Information Services library Building,Suite III 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage,AI<99508-4614 \\( 1'-\25 •'S '6 A1.3 "0,3 5CJ ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i ii vi vi i i 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-5 2-8 2-8 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-6 3-9 3-12 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-16 3-16 3-16 3-19 3-22 3-25 . ... . . . . 3.1 -Introduction ......•.......•..• 3.2 -Watana Dam and Impoundment .........•...... (a)Archeological Sites -Discussion and Results (i)TLM 115 • . • . . . . . . . . . • . (ii)TLM 119 (i;;)TlM 126 . . . . . . . . (;v)TLM 137 . . . . . • . . . . . • . . (b)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion •.. 3.3 -Proposed Access Route and Associated Proposed Borrow Areas (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion (b)Hi stori c Si tes -Results and Di scussi on . . . . 3.4 -Transmission Corridor,Fairbanks to Healy ..•. (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Di scussion (i)HEA 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii)FAI 213 . (iii)FAI 214 . (b)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion ... 2.1 -Archeology and History (a)Research Desi gn and Strategy . . . . (b)Data Collection and Field Procedures (i)Reconnaissance Testing. (ii)Systematic Testing. 2.2 -Geoarcheology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 -Areas Exami ned,1982 . . . • . . . 3 -HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES DOCUMENTED IN 1982 . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . LIST OF FIGURES . 1 -INTRODUCTION 2 -~1ETHODOLOG Y. p l C C C C o [ B 6 [ C [.-:1.•.·.u [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 3.5 -Other Portions of the Study Area . (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion (i)TLM 118 (i i)TLM 120 (iii)TLM 121 (iv)TLM 122 (v)TLM 123 (vi)TLM 124 (vii)TLMI25 ••.. (vi i i)TLM 127 (i x)TLM 128 •.•.." (x)TLM 129 (xi)TLM 130 (xi i)TLM 131 (xi i i)TLM 132 (xi v)TLM 133 (xv)TLM 134 .••. (xvi)TLM 135 (xvi i)TLM 136 (xvi i ;)TLM 138 (xi x)TLM 139 (xx)TLM 140 (xxi)TLM 141 (xx;i)TLM 142 (xxi;i)TLM 143 (xxi v)TLM 144 (xxv)TLM 145 (xxvi)TLM 146 (xxvi i ).TLM 147 (xxviii)TLM 148 (xx;x)TLM 149 (xxx)TLM 150 i i; Page 3-26 3-26 3-26 3-29 3-32 3-35 3-38 3-41 3-44 3-47 3-50 3-54 3-58 3-61 3-64 3-67 3-70 3-73 3-76 3-80 3-83 3-86 3-89 3-92 3-95 3-99 3-103 3-106 3-109 3-112 3-115 3-118 l-~ r~ L" [ [ [ [ L C [ C C [ f..~jLd [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [' -' [ L [ C C [ C L G C [ [ 8 [ (xxx;)TLM 151 (xxxi i)TLM 152 (xxxi i i)TLM 154 (b)Historic Sites -Results and Discussion 3.6 -Systematic Testing (a)Int roducti on . (b)Sites . (i)TLM 128 ..... (;;)TLM 130 (i;i)TLM 143 4 -GEOARCHEOLOGY,TEPHROCHRONOLOGY. 4.1 -Int roduct;on . . . . . . 4.2 -Analytical Methods . 4.3 -Granulometric Analysis . 4.4 -Appearance Under Binocular Microscope. (a)Devil Tephra ... (b)Upper Watana Tephra (c)Lower Watana Tephra. (d)Oshetna Tephra . ... 4.5 -Minerology ... (a)Hornblende .. (b)Orthopyroxene (c)Plagioclase ... (d)Opaque Minerals. (e)Quartz . (f)Minor Accessory Minerals 4.6 -Grain Count Analysis . 4.7 -Glass Shard Morphology . 4.8 -Discussion . 4.9 -Concl usi on and Suggesti ons for Further Work . 4.10 -Archeological Significance . iv Page 3-121 3-125 3-128 •3-132 3-133 3-133 3-133 3-133 3-155 3-174 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-18 4-24 4-25 J ] J '] A (ALa+eJedas ~unoq H£"V -I"V saJn5~~'uo~+ewJoJuI l£q+U~Puuu:J)S31V:LJl A3J\~nS UNV SNOIlV:lJl 311S ~u SdVW -XION3ddV I-H ............•..•........•..•....•.....•...AHdVH~OI18IS -9 1-L •...•..••..•.•••.••••.•••••.••••.••.••••3J~3UNOdS3(jCiO:)-S vi LIST OF TARLES PnCje Table 1.1 Soil nescriptions for Composite Soil Profilp., River .•.•..••.........•.....•.....•......•........•4-3 Stratigraphic Location of SafTlples from the Susitna Unit,TLM 130 ••.••••••.•.•••.••••••••..•••..•.•••.•3-17n TLM 13n ••••.•••••.•.•••••••••.•...••..••••..••••.••3-158 Artifact Summary,TLM no ~-10fj Faunal Material,TLM 130 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-108 Artifact Summary by Test Square anrl Stratiqraphic lJnit,TLM 12~•..•••.•••..••.••••••.••.••••••••••••.3-1~7 TLM 12R ••.••.•••.•••.•••••.••••••••••.••••.••••••.•.3-139 Artifact Summary,TLM 128 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-14~ Fa una 1 Mat e ria 1,TLM 128 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 -14n Arti fact Summary I)y Test Square anrl Strati grnphic Reproducibility nf Glass Shorn Counts ••••••••••••••4-5 Grai n Si ze Anal ysi s for 1 ~Susitnfl Tephra •••••••••4-8 Mean Val ues for Groi 11 Counts of Susitna Tephra •••••ll-17 Scori aceous vs."esicul i'lr Gl ass Shards •••••••••••••4.-21 r~ean and Stflndarn nevi ati on for Oevil,llppp.r t4atana, anrl Lower "Jatana Tephra Gl ass Sha rrl r:ount ••••••••••tl.-n TLM 143 3-194 Faunal Material,TLM 143 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-20Q Artifact Summary by Stratigraphic Ilnit,TLM 143 ••••3-213 Arti fact Summary by Test Square and Strati graphic Unit,TLM 143 ........•.•.•..•.....••.'..•••••.•.•.••3-219 Tflble 1.9 Soil Descriptions for Cnmposite Prnfile, Table 3.5 Soil nescriptions for COl11positp.Soil Profile, TLM 14:i •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-178 Table 3.10 Artifact Summary TLM 141 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-192 Table 3.11 Tools and Tool FragfTlents by Stratigraphic Unit, Table 3.6 Tnbl e 1.7 Tabl e 3.8 Table 3.12 Table 3.13 Table 3.14 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Tabl e 4.3 Table 4.4 Tiihl e 4.~ Table l~.n Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Tabl e 1.4 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ C b C [ b Ei 6 p...lj [ C L [ [ [ [ r i L_~ [' [ C C C E o t G E [ [ r.-..·.~ju [ LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1. Figure 3.2. Fi gure 3.3. Figure 3.4. Fi gure 3.5. Figure 3.6. Fi gure 3.7. Figure 3.8. Figure 3.9. Figure 3.10. Fi gure 3.11. Figure 3.12. Figure 3.13. Fig u re 3.14. Fi gure 3.15. Figure 3.16. Fi gure 3.17. Figure 3.18. Figure 3.19. Figure 3.20. Fi gure 3.21. Fi gure 3.22. Figure 3.23. Figure 3.24. Fi gure 3.25. Figure 3.26. Fi gure 3.27. Figure 3.28. Figure 3.29. Figure 3.30~ Figure 3.31. Site Map TLM 115. Site Map TLM 119. Site Map TLM 126. Site Map TLM 137. Site Map HEA21 O. Site Map FAI 213. Site Map FAI 214. Site Map TLM 118. Site Map TLM 120. Site Map TLM 121. Site Map TLM 122. Site t~ap TLM 123. Site Map TLM 124. Site Map TLM 125. Site Map TLM 127. Site Map TLM 128. Site Map TLM 129 A. Site Map·TLM 129 B. Site Map TLM 130.. Site Map TLM 131. Site Map TLM 132. Site Map TLM 133. Site Map TLM 134. Site Map TLM 135. Site Map TLM 136. Site Map TLM 138. Site Map TLM 139. Site Map TLM 140. Site Map TLM 141.. Site Map TLM 142. Site Map TLM 143. vii Page 3-5 3-8 3-11 3-14 3-18 3-21 3-24 3..28 3-31 3-34 3-37 3-40 3-43 3-46 3-49 3-53 3-56 3-57 3-60 3-63 3-66 3-69 3-72 3-75 3-79 3-82 3-85 3-88 3-91 3-94 3-98 Figure 3.32. Fi gure 3.33. Figure 3.34. Figure 3.35. Fi gure 3.36. Figure 3.37. Figure 3.38. Figure 3.39. Fi gure 3.40. Figure 3.4l. Figure 3.42. Figure 3.43. Figure 3.44. Fi gu re 3.45. Fi gure 3.46. Figure 3.47. Fi gure 3.48. Figure 3.49. Fi gure 3.50. Fi gure 3.5l. Figure 3.52. Figure 3.53. Figure 3.54. Figure 3.55. Fi gure 3.56. Figure 3.57. Fi gure 3.58. Figure 3.59. Figure 3.60. Site Map TUM 144. Site Map TLM 145. Site Map TUM 146. Site Map TLM 147. Site Map TLM 148. Site Map TLM 149. Site Map TUM 150 ... Site Map TLM 151. Site Map TUM 152. Site Map TLM 154.. • • . .••... Site Map TUM 128.• . • . • . •.•.. Composite Soil Profile TLM 128. Site Map TUM 130.• . . . . . • Composite Soi 1 Profile TLM 130 •. Site Map TUM 143.• . . . •.. Composi te Soi 1 Profil e TLM 143.• • Arti facts from sites UA82-95 (TUM 115)a,UA82-64 (TLM 124)b-c,UA82-70 (TLM 130)d,UA82-73 (TLM 133)e,UA82-74 (TUM 134)f..•....• Arti facts from site UA82-68 (TLM 128).....• Arti facts from sites UA82-75 (TLM 135)a,UA82-76 (TLM 136)b,UA82-80 (TLM 140)c-d,UA82-84 (TLM 144)e,UA82-94 (TUM 154)f,UA82-101 (HEA 210)g. Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Artifacts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Art i fact from si te UA82-83 (TLM 143).. . . Arti fact from site UA82-83 (TLM 143).. . Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Artifacts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). vi i i Page 3-102 3-105 3-108 3-111 3-114 3-117 3-120 3-124 3-127 3-131 3-134 3-136 3-156 3-157 3-175 3-177 3-237 3-237 3-238 3-238 3-239 3-239 3-240 3-240 3-241 3-241 3-242 3-242 3-243 [ [ r- L~ r-' L~ [ rL~ r L~ [J [J [ [. ••..•.. -< j U L [ fJ [ FIGURES A.I -A.38 BOUND SEPARATELY Fi gure A.I.Locati on of Sites and Survey Locales,Tal keetna Mts.0-5 .....................A-5 Fi gure A.2.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.D-4 .....................A-6 Figure A.3.Location of Sites and Survey locales,Tal keetna Mts.0-3 .....................A-7 Fi gure A.4.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mt s..0-2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8 Figure A.5.Location of Sites,Talkeetna Mts.C-4.. ... .A-9 Figure A.6.Locati on of Sites and Survey Local es,Tal keetna Mts.C-2 ............••.....•.A-IO ix Sample Location Map..............• Granulometric Analysis of Susitna Tephra •.... Numerical Percentages of Minerals in the Susitna Lacking Glass Mantles in the Susitna Tephra. Numeri cal Percentage of Gl ass Shards in the Susitna Tephra.• . • . . . • . . . • . . • Scanning Electron Photomicrographs of Vesicular Glass Shards.A)Vesicular Glass from the Devil Tephra.B)Scori aceous Gl ass from the Lower Watana Tephra.•. Photomi crographs of the Two Gl asS Shard Textural Types.A)Transparent,Vesicular Glass Shard. B)Scoriaceous Glass Shards with Transparent Mineral Grains ......•.... Numerical Percentage of Scoriaceous Glass in the Three Upper Susitna Tephra ..... 4-16 4-13 Page 4-20 4-2 4-7 4-19 4-13 4-14 4-15 Percentage of Plagioclase and Quartz Tephra.. Numeri cal Grai ns.. Fi gure 4.4. Figure 4.8. Figure 4.7. Fi gure 4.I. Figure 4.2. Figure 4.3. Fi gure 4.6. Figure 4.5. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ C b C C [ S [ C [ U [ Figure A.7. Fi gure A.8. Figure A.9. Figure A.10. Fi gure A.11. Fi gure A.12. Fi gure A.13. Fi gure A.14. Fi gu re A.15. Figure A.16. Fi gure A.17. Fi gure A.18. Fi gure A.19. Figure A.20. Fi gure A.21. Figure A.22. Figure A.23. Fi gure A.24. Figure A.25. Fi gure A.26. Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mt s.C-l.. . . . . . . . . . . . Location of Sites,Talkeetna Mts.B-2. Location of Sites,Talkeetna Mts.B-1. Location of Sites,Healy A-3. Location of Sites,Healy A-2. Location of Sites,Healy 0-4 ... Locat i on of Si tes ,Heal y 0-5.. . . . . . . . . . Locati on of Sites,Fai rbanks A-5.. . . . .... Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Su rvey Local e 5 (1982).. Su rface Reconnai ssance and Subsu rface Testing in Survey Locale 110 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 111 . Su rface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 112 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 113 •..•.•.•.••.. Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 116 . Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 116 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 118.. . . . . . . . ..-.. Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsu rface Testing in Survey Locale 119 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 121 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testig in Survey Locale 125 . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 125 . x Page A-ll A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-20 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 [ [ r-~ I L _ f- f__' [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ L f' [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c C E l G 8 [ L L U [ Page Figure A.27.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 126.. . . . . .. ... .. . .A-31 Figure A.28.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127 ...............A-32 Fi gure A.29.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 127.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-33 Fi gure A.30.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127 ...............A-34 Fi gure A.3l.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 129 ...............A-35 Figure A.32.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 129 ...............A-36 Figure A.33.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 130 ...............A-37 Fi gure A.34.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 131 ...............A-38 Fi gure A.35.Site Locati on Map TLM 137.• • • • • • •I,• • •A-39 Figure A.36.Site Location Map HEA 210.·. . .. . .... . A-40 Fi gure A.37.Site Location Map FA!213.· ... . . ... . .A-41 Figure A.38.Site Location Map FAl 214.·.. . .... . . . A-42 xi [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c C E o E B l [ [ U [ 1 -INTRODIC nON This document presents the results of the reconnaissance level survey and systefllatic testing conducted cluring the 1.QR2 field season.Results of the previous two field seasons (IQRO and 1981)are presented in "Final Report,Subtask 7.01i,r,ultural Resources Investirjation for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project"(nixon et ~.1982). For the 19R2 field season the research design and strat~gy clevelopeel for the overall cul tural resource program was appl i eel,a summary of whic:~is presented in Shapter 2.Surface reconnaissanc~ancl subsurface testing was conducted in 15 survey locales,along the proposed access route,along the Fairbanks to Healy portion of the proposed transmis- sion corridor,as well as areas associated with geotechnical testing. Aeri al reconnai ssance was conclucted along the proposed access rotlte and the transmission corridor including the section between Willow and Anchorarje.A total of 5?sites was documented in these areas,hrinfJing the total sites documented to date to 1fi7.These sites are di scussed in r:hapter 1. In aclrlition to reconnaissance level survey and testing,three sites were systematically tested,hringing the total sites systematically tested to date to 21.Twenty of the ?1 sites tested at this level ap- pear to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Pl aces. Analyses of tephra samples,discussed in Chapter 4,indicate that three of the four tephra can be distinguished based on petro~raphic study. The peterographic analysis largely agrees with the field evidence that there are three and probably four tephra units in the I~per and Middle Susitna River area.This analysis will aid in the correlation of components at different sites which are found between the saflle tephra units. 1-1 Because not all surveyahle portions of the study have been examined. continued arcl1eological investigation is necessary in orrler to complete the cultural resource inventory.In arldition.continued systematic testing required to evaluate site significance and eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. Correspondence relating to the cultural resource portion of tl1e Susitna Hydroelectric Project is included in Chapter 5 and a hibliography is included in Chapter n.The confidential appendix inclurles site location maps.and survey locale maps. Sections concerning impacts and mitiqation were originally includerl in this report.Three sections have been deleted;the reader is referred to Chapter 4 of Exhibit E of the FERC license application dated Feb- ruary 1QS3. 1-2 [r' l~ j-' L_j n---' nL; c c c [ [ [ C [ L [ [ L ~ [ [ [ f' [ L C C ~ [ g E [ [ U [ 2 -METHODOLOGY 2.1 -Archeology and History (a)Research Design and Strategy For 1982 field studies the research design and strategy developed for the overall cultural resource program was applied,a summary of which is provided here.The research design integrates the current archeologi- cal,hi stori cal,ethnological,and geol ogi cal data into a cultural chronol ogicalframework and developes a research strategy that is st ruc- tured to predict site occurrence in relation to physical and topographic features within the limits of contemporary archeological method and theory.For a more detai 1ed di scussi on of the research design and strategy see Di xon et al.(1982),Chapter 2.-- Based on the delineated cultural chronology,documented site locales for each culture period,and geoarcheologic evaluations,survey locales were i denti fi ed -as exhi bi ti I1g potenti al for site occurrence.These local es """",are then subject to on-the-ground reconnai ssance level survey aimed at locating cultural resources representing various periods of Alaskan prehistory and history.In addition to survey locales,areas subject to ground di sturbi ng acti viti es associ atedwi th the project are al so examined. Based on an analysis of site locational data from regions adjacent to, and within the study area,the features characteristically associated with site occurrence are overlooks (areas of higher topographic relief than much of the surrounding terrain)lake margins,stream and river margins,and natural constructions (areas where the topographic setting and surrounding terrain form natural constrictions which tend to funnel game animals using the area)(Dixon et !l.1982). In addition to identifying areas having archeological potential (survey locales),areas that have no or very low potential for containing cultural resources and/or are not surveyable given present testing 2-1 methods were also identified.These areas include steep canyon walls, areas of standing water,and exposed gravel bars.These areas were eliminated from survey unless they were subject to specific activities associated with the hydroelectric project such as:auger holes,bore holes,seismic lines,test trenches,helicopter landing pads,or other ground disturbing activities.In these cases the area was examined using standard reconnaissance level survey techniques,when possible. It can easily be noted in the review of site locational data that many sites have been subject to reoccupati on and share more than one of the defined physical,topographic,or ecological features characteristic of archeological site locales.It would appear that there may be a com- pounding effect in human utilization of a locale,if more than one of these major variables occur,thus possibly increasing the probability of its use and subsequent reuse.It is also recognized that this analysis is limited because it does not address known chronol ogi cal and settl e- ment pattern gaps in the archeol ogi cal record. A problem in the delineation of the topographic,physical and ecological features listed above is that a variety of specific settings are sub- sumed under these general categori es.One objecti ve of t he research desi gn is to attempt to obtai nmorepreci se data rel evant to prehistoric settlement patterns and the juxtaposition of individual sites in rela- tion to the natural environment.Survey locale forms were completed for each locale examined to assist in refining site location information. Thi s form is presented i nAppendix C of the 1982 report (Di xon et al.-- 1982).Data collected during the 1980 and 1981 field season was incor- porated into survey locale selection in 1982. Detai 1ed site speci fi c i nformati on such as,geomorphi c featu re on whi ch sites were located,topographic position and elevation,slope,exposure, view,stratigraphy,as well as details about the surrounding terrain and environment was gathered during field studies.This specific kind of information may enable an analysis of settlement patterns in relation to ecological variables and human response to changes in these variables 2-2 r~ l" r-'l) r-' \1_, \' L~ Iiu ~J C U ~tJ [ r [ L [ [~ [:L L [ [ [ [ [' [ [ [ C rJt; C C t 8 l [ [ U [ through time.A site survey form was used on this project which out- lines the specific kinds of information mentioned above (Dixon et ~. 1982,Appendix C).Similar information was also collected at locales where test pits did not yield cultural evidence to facilitate analysis of areas where sites do not occur. The research design and strategy developed was based on a plan designed to provi de feedback data throughout the project so that new data coul d be used to modi fy,refi ne and further develop the cu1tu ral resource investigation.A two-fold increase (25%to 53%)in the number of survey local es produci ng si tes duri ng the 1982 fi e1d season is di rect 1y att ri- butable to the refinement of site 10cational data made possible by the analysis of data collected during the 1980 and 1981 field seasons. (b)Data Collection and Field Procedures (i)Reconnaissance Testing To insure consistent data collection in the field and provide a system- atic format for data retrieval,a Site Survey Form was used for thi s project (Dixon et ale 1982,Appendix C).The form served as a basis for-- recording specific information on each site located during the recon- nai ssance 1evel survey as well as a basis for systemati c testi ng con- ducted during th~1982 field season by the six-person field crew. The form is organized into major categories including:site location, envi ronment,site desc ri pt i on and condition,photog raphi c records and additional information such as a site map and location of test pits. Subcategories within each of these headings provide specific data on these topics. Daily field notes were kept by each crew member.Field notebooks for ~ reconnaissance survey recorded much of the same information found on the Site Survey Forms,such as site location,topography,vegetation,soils, extent of site,and photographs taken.Field notebooks for systematic 2-3 testing also recorded a detailed description of soils,stratification of soils,drawings of significant features or artifacts.i!!.situ,horizontal and verti cal pl acement of arti facts and features excavated at the site, site maps,methods of excavation and collection of non-archeological samples (soil,pollen,radiocarbon).Crew leaders kept a continuous log of all areas surveyed,noting both the location of all test pits and natural exposures and the presence and absence of cultural material. Once an archeol ogi cal site was located,additi onal shovel tests were excavated,when possible,to the north,south,east,and west of the test pit which first documented the site.This testing was designed to assist in determining extent of the the site as well as to locate additional cultural material.In an effort to keep site disturbance to a minimum,preliminary testing at each site was limited,and the number of tests made at each site varied with the nature of the specific site. All test pits were numbered,mapped,and backfilled. The 1ocati on of all excavated and surface call ected arti facts were recorded.Specimens recovered during reconnaissance level survey were bagged by arbitrary 5 em levels,unless natural stratification was encountered.Radi ometri c samples coll ected were doubl e wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in ziplock bags.All individual bags from each test were placed in a larger bag with site number,name,date,and location on the outside.All test pit bags were placed in a site bag wi th the site number and date on the outsi de.All site bags were organized by survey locale. A site specific and regional map was made for each site.Site maps included horizontal and vertical datum points,site grid,all test pits made,location of surface artifacts,features (such as hearths,cabin remains,house pits),distance and direction to other sites or major land features,a scale,date,name of person drawing map,name of person recordi ng data,and reference to pages in fi el d notebooks on whi ch additional information was recorded.Regional maps showed the site in relation to a larger portion of the study area including nearby rivers, 2-4 r c" r~ I L_.~ r~' LJ [ nl_; o o [l =.1 8 f~ !. ....._.J L [ [ [, C [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c C E [ t § C C [ U [ lakes,topographic features,vegetation communities,and other sites in the immediate area. Photographs were taken of each site located.The fi rst pi ctu re at each site was an identification shot indicating site number,date,and crew. Other photographs recorded the environment around the site,features at the site,soil profiles exposed in test pits,and arti facts or features i!!.situ before removal by excavation.Photographs are on file at the Universi ty of Al aska Museum. Detailed soil profiles were drawn of soi)deposits exposed during test- ing.These included a description of color,grain size and consistency. Measurements documenti ng depth and thi ckness for each unit were al so recorded.Soil profiles are on file at the University of Alaska Museum. A catalog of all specimens collected in the field during surveyor excavat i on was prepared.Pertinent data was recorded for each s peci men. The reconnaissance level survey was directed toward on-the-ground eval- uation of preselected survey locales that have been identified for the study area.Along with this evaluation an attempt was made in the field to identify areas that potentially may be eliminated from further survey,and the location of as many site locales as possible. (i i)Systemati c Testi n9 Prior to systematic testing,horizontal and vertical site datums were estab1i shed and a topographi c map prepared.To faci 1i tate recordi ng data,the datum was located,when possible,so that the entire site area would fall north and east of the datum point.A 12-inch spi ke was placed at the datum location with an aluminum tag containing site infor- mation. A Sokki sha BT 20 transit,50 m tape and metric stadia rod were used to establish a base line oriented to conform to local site topography in an effort to facilitate excavation.The northern end of this baseline was 2-5 established as "Grid North";all subsequent horizontal measurements referenced to grid north. Placement of test squares was determined by the crew leader in charge in consultati on with the project supervi sor and pri ncipal i nvesti gator and was based on the results of preliminary reconnaissance testing,site topography,surface cultural and noncultural features,and additional shovel testing.Coordinates of test squares located off the initial grid system were determi ned by tri angul ati on from the nearest two gri d stakes.Individual test square elevations were established from the closest grid stake elevation by use of a string and line level.After completion of systematic testing,all reconnaissance level test pits, systematic test squares,and shovel test 1ocati ons were recorded on the site map. After the site was mapped and gridded systematic testing began.Fre- quently systematic testing was initiated adjacent to the test which produced cultural material during reconnaissance level testing.Subse- quent 1 m by 1 m squares were laid out to assist in determining the spatial extent of the site and to collect information for evaluating and dating the site.Systematic testing was designed to efficiently collect enough data with which to address site significance.Weighted against this consideration was the question of how much testing is necessary to adequately address this problem.An attempt was made to excavate the minimum number of tests needed to address this problem.The average number of tests placed on a site was four.However,in a few cases, additi onal tests were necessary because of the low frequency,or in some cases the lack of,cultural material in the initial tests. Excavation of 1 m by 1 m squares was conducted by natural stratigraphic levels when possible.However,in a few cases soil stratigraphy was not conducive to this method and excavation by arbitrary levels was employed.Careful attenti on was paid to the identi fi cati on of tephras in relation to cultural remains because their relationship provided relative dating and intersite correlation.Test squares were excavated with trowels and all dirt was screened through ~-inch screen unless the 2-6 [ nL__; B o o o [j u [ L [, [ L [ [ [ [ [ [' f' [; C C C C b ~ t [ [ U L soil was too wet,in which case it was examined by hand.Artifacts were measured from the south and east wall s of each test and vertical measurements were made with"string and line level tied to the square datum.When possible,tephra samples and organic material for C14 dating were collected.C14 samples were wrapped in two layers of alluminum foil,placed in plastic bags,and oven dried at the University Museum's archeology lab as soon as possible. Soil profi 1es for test squares that produced cultural materi a1 were drawn.Soil colors were determined using a Munsell color chart on dry samples.Composite soil profiles were also drawn summarizing soil stratigraphy at the site.Composite soil profiles are included with each individual syst.ematic test report.All arti facts collected were cataloged and accessioned into the University of Alaska Museum.All test squares were backfilled upon completion of testing,and each site was restored as much as possible to the condition in which it was originally found. The thickness of soil units sometimes varies greatly even between adjacent squares,as does the occasi ona1 presence or absence of speci fi c soil units.The composite soil profile is a generalized profile. Elevation above or below datum and provenience of artifacts from indi- vidual test squares cannot be directly correlated with the canposite site profiles.However,in a broad sense,associated soil units and contact between soil units are accurate for each site. Three distinct tephra have been identified in the study area.These units were given regional names for purposes of field identification and nomenclature.The names given the tephra in order of increasing age are as fo 11 ows :Devi 1 (l800-2300 B.P.,A.D.150-350 B.C.),Watana (2300- 3200 B.P.,350 B.C.-1250 B.C.)and Oshetna (greater than 4700 B.P., 2750 B.C.and possibly as old as 5000-7000 B.P.,3050 B.C.-5050 B.C.). These ash fall s have not yet been corre1 ated to tephra from other regions known to date to the last 7000 years.Munsell color designa- tions were used to describe tephra color.Whenever possible color matching was done using dry samples.For a more detailed discussion of tephra see Chapter 4. 2-7 2.2 -Geoarcheology Geoarcheological field studies were confined to examination of the three sites systematically tested (TLM 130,TLM 128,TLM 143).In additi on conti nued research on the tephra defi ned in the Upper Susitna Ri ver Region was undertaken.Geoarcheological field examination was aimed at defining the stratigraphy at each of the systematically tested sites in order to delineate tephra and cultural horizons (see Chapter 4). Tephrochronological studies were aimed at establishing criteria for distinguishing the various tephra including mineralogical and morpho- logical differences and/or similarities (see Chapter 4). 2.3 -Areas Examined,1982 During the 1982 field season 14 new survey locales were examined at the reconnaissance level (110,111, 112,113,116, 118,119,121,125,126, 127,129,130,and 1.31).Additional reconnaissance level survey was also conducted in survey locale 5 (see Appendix for survey locale maps). Preliminary reconnaissance level survey was conducted along the proposed transmi ssi oncorri dors from Fai rbanks to Heal y and Anchorage to Wi llow and along the II new ll segment of the proposed access route west of Deadman Creek.Areas affected by geotechnical testing and a proposed winter II cat traiP were also examined during the 1982 field season. 2-8 \L . [' II n u o 0, [ U L L: U [ [ [ c [ [ r L C L C E [ E b.·~"B C [ [ U [ 3 -HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES DOCUMENTED IN 1982 3.1 -Introduction Surface reconnaissance and subsurface testing in 15 survey locales, along the proposed access route,along the transmission corridors from Fai rbanks to Heal y and Anchorage to Wi 11 ow,and areas associ ated wi th geotechni cal testi ng documented 52 sites duri ng the 1982 fi eld season. Thirty-six of these sites were located in survey locales,12 along the transmission corridor from Fairbanks to Healy,3 along the proposed access route,and 1 associated with geotechnical testing.The total number of sites documented to date is 167. Eight of the 15 survey locales (53%)produced cultural resources.Thi s is considerably higher than the percentage of survey locales producing sites during the fi rst two years of the project (28 of·111,25%).Thi s is no doubt due to refinement of data concerning site locations within the study area which were incorporated into survey locale selection in 1982.It is likely that further refinement of this data will continue to make reconnai ssance su rvey more effi ci ent. Of the 52 sites documented during the 1982 field season four are located in the Watana Dam and impoundment area,three along the proposed access route and associated borrow areas,12 within the proposed transmi ssi on corridor from Fairbanks to Healy,~nd 33 in other portions of the study area adjacent to the proposed impoundment.Three of the known sites wi thi n the proposed transmi ssi on corridor from Fai rbanks to Heal y were located through on-the-ground testing.The remaining nine sites are documented in the files of the Alaska State Office of History and Archeology.Three of the sites located along the proposed access route and associ ated borrow areas have not been recorded,and it wi 11 be necessary to record these sites as well as the unrecorded sites along the transmission corridor. Reconnaissance level survey along the proposed transmission corridors from Fairbanks to Healy and Anchorage to Willow was preliminary.Due to 3-1 late selection,the Watana Dam to the Intertie portion of the transmis- sion corridor has not been examined.A review of the records at the State Offi ce of Hi story and Archeology di d not produce any documentati on of sites along the Anchorage to Willow portion of the corridor.How- ever,this is due to the fact that no archeological or historic surveys have been conducted in this area.Although it was possible to land a helicopter for surface reconnaissance and subsurface testing along the Fairbanks to Healy segment of the transmission corridor,dense forest vegetat ion prohi bi ted t hi sal ong t he Anchorage to Wi 11 ow segment. Further survey is required along the transmission corridors to complete the cultural resource inventory. Site reports in thi s secti on are arranged by the foll owing areas: Watana Dam and impoundment,proposed access route and associ ated borrow areas,proposed transmission corridors,Fairbanks to Healy,and other portions of the study area.Sites receiving systematic testing in 1982 are presented in section 3.8. 3-2 (~ I L~, [~ (--1 L" f", r'iU fi' -~ [J 1] [I L' [' J f!' L' r [ [" U L [ [ [ f' [ [ L [ C C ~L [ 8 f3 t [ [ U [ 3.2 -Watana Dam and Impoundment (a)Archeological Sites,Results,and Discussion (i)AHRS Number TLM 115,Accessi on Number UA82-95 Area:1.5 kIn northwest of Kosina Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 121 Area Map:Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.24 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 450920 Northing 6962550 Latitude 62°47'30"N.,Longitude 147°57'48"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.9,SE~SW~NE~ Site Map:Figure 3.1 Setting:The site is located at an elevation of ca.580 m asl (1900 feet)on the northern slope of theSusitna River Canyon,1.5 km north- west of the mouth of Kosina Creek (Figure A.4).It is situated upon a relatively flat bench on a north-south trending finger ridge sloping down the canyon wall perpendi cul ar to the Susitna Ri ver.The Susitna River flows 250 m away,down a moderately steep (20-degree)slope.The eastern edge of the ridge is also steep (ca.20 degrees),fonned by a small tributary drainage.The ridge slopes gradually to the west,and fonns the eastern edge of a relatively gentle canyon slope.The site is located on the southernmost flat bench of the ridge,before it drops sharply towards the Susitna River.This bench is approximately 20 m long (east-west)and 10 m wide (north-south),where it projects out from the sloping ridge.The site is located on its outennost edge.Apart from the moderately dense spruce,bi rch,and cottonwood forest which surrounds the site and neighboring tert'ain,the bench provides a point of high relief affording a good view of surrounding countryside.The 3-3 Susitna River is visible to the south and east,and is readily acces- sible from the site.To the southeast,Kosina Creek and the sand bar in front of it can be seen.Thick vegetation obstructs the view to the north,east,and west. Reconnaissance Testing:A black basalt projectile point (UA82-95-1; Figure 3.48,a)was unearthed in an initial shovel test,and was deter- mined to be situated in stratigraphic unit 4 (Oshetna tephra),near its contact with gl ad a1 dri ft.Thi s test was expanded into a 40 em by 40 em test pit (test pit 1),but no additional artifacts were found. Five additional shovel tests placed on the bench failed to produce cultural material.Examination of the surface of the edge of the bench and the slope beneath it was a1 so negati vee Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface : 1 Black basalt pr<>jectile point (UA82-95-1;Figure 3.48,a) 3-4 (~ LJ r-' L ,--, L, o c [ [J E u U L [ [J [ Contour Interval:1 rn Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.S.M. SE ~SW ~NE ~Sec.9 Site Map TLM 115. 3-5 ~ -N- ~ 20 J 10 1 METERS o I Figure 3.1. Site Datum x Test Pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Spruce Tree *Birch Tree <:> Cottonwood Tree C3J [ [' [ [' [ [' L [: L C C [ E Li [ [ [ U L (ii)AHRS Number TLM 119,Accession Number UA82-59 Area:ca.9 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Local e 118 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.22 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 444900 Northing 6964900 Latitude 62°48 1 48 11 N.,Longitude 148°4 1 50 11 W. T.31 N.,R.7.E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.2,NW~NE~N~ Site Map:Figure 3.2 Setting:The site is located on the north side of the Susitna River on the central portion of a continuous ridge which is approximately 400 m long and 30 m to 40 m wide.The ridge is oriented in a northwest to southeast direction roughly perpendicular to the river,sloping gradually from the uplands down to the Susitna River canyon.The site is at an elevation of675m asl (2200 feet)on a discrete section of the ridge.Thi s area of the ridge has a 2-degree to 3-degree southward slope and then slopes more steeply for about 30 m to 40 m at which point the ridge makes a gradual change in direction to a north-south orienta- tion.A deflated area,20 m by 12 m,flanks the east side of the ridge. The exposure contained artifactual material,which is probably the result of erosion of the ridge top.To the east the ridge slopes at approximately a IS-degree angle toward a small creek which is ca.30 m lower in elevation.This creek flows southward into the Susitna.The ridge slope is more gradual in all other directions.From the site area there is a clear view to the east overlooking the small creek and drainage system in addition to the uplands.The Susitna River valley is discernible to the southeast.Visibility in all other directions is limited due to trees.Vegetation on the site includes scattered spruce, lowbush cranberry,dwarf birch,Labrador tea and lichens.Stands of bi rch with intermittent spruce are apparent on the ridge slopes grading into a lowland spruce-hardwood forest. 3-6 (~ LJ i-' I l_~ n t-, ..-Y o flL) o tl-! -.' [j 0= ! I [-- ,_/ U 1J L l_, ~l_> L [ [ [ [ [ l L r '=" c "••-oJ Reconnaissance Testing:The site contained a diffuse surface scatter of fl akes whi ch were located on an exposure on the eastern face of the ridge,and along a game trail which runs along the eastern edge of the ri dge.One subsurface fl ake was located ina shovel test di rectly west of the deflated area.This shovel test was expanded into a 40 em by 40 em test pit (test pit 1),but no additional artifacts were found. The flake which was recovered came from an upper strata of dark brown silty-sandy matrix with finely sorted organics.This stratigraphic unit is situated above the Devil tephra.Another test pit (test pit 2)was placed approximately 16 mnorth of test pit 1,2 m west of the location of 2 basalt flakes found on the game trail.No arti factual material was found in test pit 2. Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 3 Chert fl akes 4 Basalt flakes Subsurface: 1 Chert fl ake 3-7 -----~ ----------------~------ Contour Interval: [ C [' L [; [~ [ [: L fJ tJ\ Ii f.-i' ,~-- I'.;.. ....----_.. .~ -N- ~ 20 J ca.1 m 10 1 METERS o I a o 0-:7 ...~....,I , ~/-,-" I I'0'(-.I_I I ) I I ITest1'p ,_'- I I~\ \ \ \ \ ~o \ ~ Test Pit Shovel Test Site Datum Blowout Perimeter Spruce Tree Surface Artifact (Plake) x ~ -:- Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.S.M. NW ~NE ~NE ~Sec.2 '\ I I ,.~~ :::...==~ =~ Figure 3.2.Site Locati on Map TLM 119. 3-8 ! l li.-t-----.~-----~II-;· lJi (iii)AHRS Number TLM 126, Accession Number UA82-66 r~ l~" [ [' cL Area:ca.1.5 km Area Map: USGS Map: northeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.33 Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 130 [ f" [ [ t b [ [! E 13 ("- ,,-" C L G [ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 437720 Northing 6968020 Latitude 62°50'13"N.,Longitude 148°13'11"W. T.32N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.30,SW~NE~NW~ Site Map:Figure 3.3 Setting:The site is located on the crest of a ridge 600 m north of the Susitna River,ca.1.5 km northeast of the mouth of Watana Creek,at 634 m asl (2080 feet).The ridge is composed of glacial drift,oriented in a northwest-southeast direction.It is approximately 80 m long and about 10 m wide along the relatively flat crest and slopes moderately steeply to the south,west,and east,towards lower terrain charac- terized by broad marshy areas and irregular kames and terraces.The ri dge ri ses about 10 m above t he western marshes and from 4 m to 10 m above the southern and eastern kame topography.The site 1i es to the north about 2 m above a broad,fl at pl ateau connecti ng the site ri dge wi th other ridges of simil ar height to the north.The vi ew from the site is panoramic,but occasionally obstructed by moderately dense white spruce and bi rch forest.To the west the Watana Creek canyon and i nter- vening marshland is visible,while to the south and east the kame topo- graphy north of the Susitna River canyon is visible for ca.500 m.The ri dges and pl ateau north of the site are vi si ble for a di stance of about 300 m.The surface of the site is fairly extensively covered with lichen,low heath,and dwarf birch vegetation,along with white spruce and paper birch.Fallen spruce trees and occasional frost boils expose underlying gravels in a few places. 3-9 Reconnaissance Testing:Two flakes were recovered from test pit 1 below the pink-gray Devil tephra unit,and above the glacial drift,but their preci se strati graphi c posi ti on is not known.Two additi onal shovel tests were placed on top of the ridge with negative results.The sur- face of the ridge and gravel exposures were closely examined,but no additional cultural material was recovered. Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 1 White rhyolite flake 1 Light gray cryptocrystalline flake 3-10 c'-~> r~_i )I i...•-- (I L, lJ 6 D nLj r:I _ U ~LJ fj r', I L c [, L ~-H- ~ o 10 20 I I I METERS Contour Interval:2 m Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.32 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. SW ~NE ~NW ~Sec.30 Site Map TLM 126. 3-11 Figure 3.3. Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Birch Tree 0 Spruce Tree r:p; Fallen Spruce ~ [ [] l [ C D [ ~ L L [ C [ r L [ [ [ [ f' .~-~ (iv)AHRS Number TLM 137,Accession Number UA82-77 Area:ca.2.5 km northeast of the confluence of Tsusena Creek with t he Sus;tna Ri ver,sei smi c 1i ne 82-A Area Map:Figure A.2;Location Map:Figure A.35 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-4,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 420180 Northing 6968020 Latitude 62°50 1 9"N.,Longitude 148°33 1 5]11 W. T.32 N.,R.5 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.29,SW~SE~NW~ Site Map:Figure 3.4 Setting:The site is located on a discrete kame ca.2.5 km northeast of the confluence of Tsusena Creek with the Susitna River at an elevation of approximately 640 m asl (2100 feet).The kame is the highest of a small set of kame ridges and knolls that abut the eastern slope of the Tsusena Creek drainage in the site locality~A 2.5 m deep gully separates the kame from gradually rising or rolling terrain to the south and east,whi 1e to the north there is a gradual downward slope to the margin of the Tsusena Creek canyon,which is ca.6 km to the northwest at its nearest point and ca.150 m (500 feet)lower in elevation.Two small lakes lie ca.1 km to the northeast at approximately the same elevation as the site. The cultural material occurred in a test pit (test pit 1).5 m below the broad,rounded apex of the kame,which is ca.70 m long in an east-west direction and ca.10 m wide in a north-south direction,and approxi- mately 20 m from its eastern end.The view from the site includes relatively thinly vegetated slopes to the north and south,and the Susitna vall ey to the west.The vi ew to the east is obst ructed by white spruce stands,but woul d otherwi se encompass roll i ng terrai n of moderate 3-12 r rl n B LJ C L~ [ L C' L C' I ..,...._..~-. \", t., L [ [ L [ (~ L [ [ [ [ C [ E [ F ~' [ [ (' l l~ [ relief.Vegetation at the site consists of well-drained tundra with small shrubs and scattered spruce and birch,and is similar to that of the surrounding area. Reconnaissance Testing:The site consists of two subsurface flakes .. There was no surface indication of the site.A single brown chert flake was found 10cmbs ina shovel test,whi ch was expanded into a 40 cm by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1).A small black basalt flake was found 10 cmbs to 12 cmbs in test pit 1 ina small area of coarse gray sand. Although the upper soil units revealed in test pit 1 (interpreted as the Devil,Upper and Lower Watana tephras)were largely continuous and well-horizoned,the flakes were found in a lower soil which was mottled, texturally variable,and evidently cryoturbated,rendering stratigraphic placement difficult or impossible.Six other shovel tests dug on the kame produced no additi onal arti facts. Collected Arti fact Inventory Su bsu rface: 1 Brown chert fl ake 1 Small bl ack basalt fl ake 3-13 C'L__l [ Contour Interval:1 m. [1 D Lf [, [ B D [ i. i [] r '1.,'-....-..J 20 J ! -N- ~ * METERS o o o 10 I I * o o .** Test Pit Shovel Test Site Datum x Seismic Line Endpoint ~ Birch Tree () Spruce Tree ~ Figure 3.4. Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.32 N.,R.5 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.29 Site Map TLM 137. 3-14 L~: L, r~~ l l~ !~ r~ r- L~ f'L [ [ C L C hL-~ [ t §l L [ [ U [ (b)Hi stori c Sites -Results and Di scussi on None located during 1982 field season. 3.3 -Proposed Access Route and Associated Borrow Areas (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion Three sites were located during reconnaissance level survey in 1982. These sites,TLM 153,TLM 155 and HEA 211 were not recorded due to time constraint$.Therefore,it is necessary to return to these sites at some future date to record them. (b)Historic Sites -Results and Di scussion No historic period sites were located during the 1982 field season along the proposed access route and associated borrow areas. 3-15 3.4 -Transmission Corridor -Fairbanks to Healy (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion (i)AHRS Number HEA 210,Accession Number UA82-101 {" l > {"'" 1 Area:ca.0.3 km southeast of confluence of Healy Creek with the Nenana Ri ver,Proposed Transmi ssi on Corri dor Area Map:Figure A.12;Location Map:Figure A.36 USGS Map:Healy 0-4,Scale 1:63,360 T" I ''i.-.__.' [ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 405050 Northing 7081350 Latitude ~3°50'55"N.,Longitude 148°55'49"w. T.12S.,R.7 W.,Fairbanks Meridian Sec.28,NW~SW~NE~ Si te Map:Figu re 3.5 Setting:The site is located at ca.427 m asl {1400 feet)on an alluvial terrace ca.30 m (100 feet)above and ca.0.3 km southeast of the confluence of Healy Creek with the Nenana River.The terrace is 60 m wide oriented east-west,becoming northeast-southwest to the south, where it narrows and terminates ca.2 km distant from the site.The terrace is dissected by a 2 m deep dry gully about 120 m south of the site.A terrace 6 m hi gher than the terrace on whi ch the site is located rises abruptly to the east and southeast within 40 m of the site.A lower terrace 1i es to the north and west of the site about 15 m above the current levels of the Nenana River and Healy Creek.The view from the site includes the Healy Creek floodplain and valley wall to the north,t he Nenana Ri ver fl oodpl ai n to the northwest,west,and sout h- west,and the relatively low terrain on the west side of the river,as well as the southward continuation of the terrace sequence to its terminus against the north facing margin of hilly uplands forming the Healy Creek valley wall ca.2 km distant. 3-16 IJ B fJ [] C D' f: \-J [ \-; \...- L [ L r-~ l _ l' [ [ [" 1- [ r: [0 ~ C [~ E s) [ [ [ [~ ~ The terrace su rface is wi nd-scoured,but patchy vegetati on composed of dwarf birch,forbes,lichens,and a few small spruce occurs.The lower terrace to the north is well-vegetated with grasses and shrubs.The north si de of Healy Creek and the west si de of the Nenana Ri ver are forested wi thspruce and hardwoods. Reconnaissance Testing:Surface reconnaissance was conducted over the terrace surfaces within an area up to 1 km south and southeast from the Healy Creek mouth.The site consi sts of two loci with an isolated surface artifact found at each.Locus A consists of a cryptocrystalline flake found on the interior surface of the terrace ca.30 m away from the base of the upper terrace.Locus B is ca.40 m north of Locus A on the north edge of the terrace overlooki ng Healy Creek and consi sts of a retouched gray chert flake (UA82-101-2;Figure 3.50,g).No features or other cultural material were observed.Due to the exposure of alluvial gravel s over most of the terrace surface,no subsurface testing was conducted. Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Brown cryptocrystalline flake 1 Gray chert retouched flake (UA82-101-2;Figure 3.50,g) 3-17 r-' \ -~,...*__;:/.;-~ -N- ~1~- L> L IJ fl D [J' 0.[C f'r L.J Surface Artifact -1- o l 10 1 METERS 20 J (j'U [ f- 7 W.,F.M. 1/4 Sec.28 S.,R. SW 1/4 NE Contour Interval:1 m. Healy D-4 T.12 NW 1/4 x fIB o * Site Datum Wind Deflated Area Dwarf Birch Clump Spruce Tree L: Figure 3.5.Site Map HEA 210. 3-18 [ L [ [ [ C r-L r~ [ E e.-:.; ~'''-- c []-.•...-- t n c l~ [ U [ (ii)AHRS Number FA!213,Accession Number UA82-102 Area:ca.10 km northeast of the confluence of Birch Creek with the Nenana Ri ver,Proposed Transmi ssi on Corri dor Area Map:Fi gure A.14;Location Map:Fi gure A.37 USGS Map:Fairbanks A-5,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:Ul}1 Zone 6 Easting 398870 Northing 7123050 Latitude 64°13 1 11 11 N.,Longitude 149°6'10 11 ~J. T.8 S.,R.8 W.,Fairbanks Meridian Sec.15,SW~NE~S2~ Site Map:Figure 3.6 Setting:The site is located at ca.203 m asl (750 feet)on the top of a steep (45-degree)south-facing bluff where the orientation of the bluff edge changes from northwest-southeast to northeast-southwest. Approximately 30 m below the site at the base of the bluff is a 300 m wide abandoned stream channel which is presently well-vegetated,with only a small stream flowing along the base of the bluff on which the site is located.A bluff of slightly lower el.evation occurs on the opposite side of the channel.The whole bl uffjstream channel system is located on gradually northward sloping terrain of low relief except for some deeply incised drainages,such as that of Windy Creek,which is 1 km southeast of the site at its nearest poi nt. Vi si bility from the site is excellent to the northwest,where the channel begins to open out onto the Tanana Flats outwash plain,to the west and south with the channel bottom and faci ng slopes in vi ew,and along the southeastern conti nuati on of the channel bottom.~10untai nous upl ands fonni ng the south edge of the Tanana Fl ats are in vi ew several kil ometers di stant to the south and southeast.Vi si bil ity in other directions is restricted by the relatively level,brushy ground on top 3-19 of the bluff which descends to the Tanana Flats ca.1 km north of the site.A large ca.30 hectare lake is located ca.5 km northeast of the site,and the Nenana River is ca.7 km southwest of the site at its nearest poi nt . Vegetation at the site consists of scattered spruce and thick stands of young birch,with the major portion of the ground cover formed by lichens,moss,and forbes.The channel has well-developed spruce bog vegetation.Along the edge of the bluff,sands and silts overlying glacial drift are currently undergoing deflation,which has created a 2 m by 5 m unvegetated area at the point of inflection.The deflation conti nues to the northwest and northeast but moderates along rel ati vel y strai ght adjacent bl uff edges. Reconnaissance Testing:The site consists of both surface and subsur- face artifactual material.A surface lithic scatter was located in a deflated area (4.5 m by 2.5m)at a point of inflection of the bluff edge.Twenty-nine flakes of various material types were recovered from the surface scatter.One of three shovel tests excavated in the site area contained a single basalt flake.Test pit 1 was placed on the northern edge of the defl ated area.One chert flake was recovered and a massive charcoal lens with oxidized matrix was located in the test pit. The lens may suggest a hearth feature although no artifactual material was found in association with it.One flake,located on the bluff edge 50 m northwest of the surface scatter,was not collected. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 29 Flakes of various material types Subsurface: 1 Basalt fl ake 1 Gray chert fl ake 3-20 C~'I1, C~') L r"--__1 [ (" L [~ I"",·.··:....' ~ C~( r~ "\...-;.,./ [ l\ PJJ C' (,J [ ['" -~.... r~' [ [, r~ r~ Fi gure 3.6.Site Map FA!213. 3-21 ~ -N- ~ 4 J Q 2 I I METERS Contour Interval:1 m. Fairbanks A-S T.as.,R.aW.,F.M. SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.15 I-1- x o o c:> o * G Test pit Shovel Test Site Datum Surface Artifact Deflated Area Birch Tree Spruce Tree I [ [' [ r: 1j C' L Q [~ [ '-.;, E D [ 1~; [' " U C (iii)AHRS Number FAI 214,Accession Number UA82-103 r: L~ c' Area:ca.1 km southwest of the confluence of Birch Creek Nenana River,Proposed Transmission Corridor Area Map:Figure A.14;Location Map:Figure A.38 USGS Map:Fairbanks A-5,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 388420 Northing 7118120 Latitude 64°10'22 11 N.,Longitude 149°17 1 50 11 W. with the [' L~' T.8 S.,R.9 W.,Fairbanks Meridian Sec.34,NE~SE~S~ Site Map:Figure 3.7 Sett i n9 :The si te i s located at ca.366 m as 1 (1200 feet)on the east- ernmost point of the broad,relatively flat crest of a northeast- southwest trending ridge.To the east and northeast of the site a steep (30-degree)slope abruptly descends ca.90 m (300 feet)to the Nenana River floodplain.The confluence of Birch Creek and the Nenana River is located ca.1 km to the northeast of the site.The steep-wall ed Bi rch Creek drainage lies ca ..5 km to the west of the site,defining the west side of the site ridge.The ridge forms part of a system of low moun- tains which reaches its highest elevation,554 m asl (1816 feet), ca.3 km to the northwest of the site.The site is located near a communications tower in a recently cleared 60 m by 30 m area. Visibility from the site is excellent to the southeast overlooking the Nenana River floodplain,to the east where the floodplain is constricted within a ca.1.5 km wide steep-walled corridor,and to the northeast where the floodplain opens out onto the Tanana Flats outwash plain.The steep slopes of hilly uplands forming the east Nenana River valley wall are also in view.Visibility in other directions is limited by the forested ridge crest.Within 8 km of the site,but at least 3 km distant,are several lakes which exceed 10 hectares in size. 3-22 q~_." 1J e f\ X",' ('j I ':-"k;;",! ClU,./ [J D r> U C'Q.~' l 1,; ~-~i_:\,, ~ l r~ "L r 'w [' [ [I fJ (~ [l G e D E e C 1"...j r\.. G ( L Vegetation at the site reflects the recent clearing of the communica- tions tower site and includes fireweed,grass,and young trees,with some original ground cover of mosses and small shrubs left intact. Vegetation of the ridge crest and slopes is upland spruce-hardwood forest.Adjacent low flat areas are characterized by lowland spruce forest,with extensive boggy areas. Reconnaissance Testing:No surface indication of the site was observed. One obsidian flake was found in shovel test 1,which was expanded into a 40 em by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1)and produced four basalt flakes (10 cmbs to 20 cmbs).Shovel test 4,50 cm west of test pit 1,produced 6 basalt flakes from approximately 13 cmbs.Two other shovel tests produced no cultural materi al.No features were observed. Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 10 Basalt flakes 1 Obsidian flake 3-23 c- L~ f"1l~..J ('j U C D c C. L, [J [ cr '(j f-'~ro; f\tJ C···j .-1 rr·- L r~ \ (' I..,'.! -H- ~ ........-...... o ___ o r.ebar with flagging I• o - communication ~ tower ~ --- ~ >< ~"" -- --..~ "----- ~--.. Figure 3.7.Site Map FAr 214. 3-24 0 10 20 Test pit 0 ,I I Shovel Test 0 METERS Site Datum x Contour Interval:1 ffi. Birch Tree 0 Fairbanks A-S T.8 S.I R.9 w.I F.M. Fallen Birch -NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Spruce Tree "*Fallen Spruce ~ r L r l. r:...J C r~ [ [ [~ L f1~7 f='....:.t~7 C E'- .~..•.lj t~ t L '''''"',,' [ C The following sites are located within the proposed transmission corridor from Fairbanks to Healy:HEA 026,HEA 030,HEA 035,HEA 037, HEA 038,HEA 080,HEA 083,HEA 119 and HEA 137.These sites are on file in the State Office of History and Archeology,but remain to be field checked. (b)Hi stori c Sites -Results and Oi scussi on No historic sites were recorded along the transmission corridor between Fairbanks and Healy during the 1982 field season. 3-25 3.5 -Other Portions of the Study Area (a)Archeological Sites -Results and Discussion (i)AHRS Number TLM 118,Accessi on Number UA82-58 Area:Unnamed lake shore west of Devil Creek,Survey Locale 111 Area Map:Figure A.1;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.17 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-5,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 395050 Northing 6968600 Latitude 50°00'03 11 N.,Longitude 149°03 1 39"~J. T.32 N.,R.2 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.27,NE~NE~SW~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.8 Setting:The site is located on the top of an elongate north-south oriented knoll (ca.60 m by 30 m in size),18.3 m (60 feet)above the southeast end of an unnamed 1 hectare lake which is at an elevation of 488 m asl (1600 feet).The site is 400 m southeast of the confluence of High Lake's outlet stream and Devil Creek.Devil Creek enters into the Susitna River 1.3 km to the south and is 152 m (500 feet)lower in elevation than the site knoll.Two other knolls,6 m to 12 m lower in elevation,are within 200 m to the southwest.The view from the site is panoramic to the north,northeast and northwest,encompassing the entire lake and the terrain 1 km to 3 km distant up to an elevation of 701 m asl (2300 feet).To the east,west,and south the presence of trees obscures the view of a poorly drained ravine which is at lake elevation and lower.To the south-southwest the Susitna River valley is partially visible. Vegetation in the low areas surrounding the site knoll consists of grasses,black spruce and paper birch forest with dwarf birch thickets. 3-26 c"\L. (~ ( u r~~, \if t r t·) (I [I, C' ,L-~ L r L... ( [/ 8\ L Il,- '~-- (~ L ,-, I, ~.~ l-" ......- r IJ [ e E l/ ,,; r.<~ ~~ r~ r--- l~" "l~); f~1 l~ L~ r " b The surrounding uplands are closed black spruce forest.On the site knoll vegetation consists of a continuous moss and heath ground cover with large boulders and exposed bedrock apparent.Scattered birch and black spruce along with low bush cranberry and dwarf birch are also present. Reconnai ssance Testi n9:No cultu ral materi al was found on the su rface of this site;however 5 small gray chert flakes,3 fire cracked rocks and charcoal were found in a shovel test which was placed on the upper central porti on of the knoll.A 40 cm by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1) was placed adjacent to the shovel test.Test pi t 1 reveal ed numerous small flakes (gray banded chert),a bifacial tool fragment,a microblade-like flake,and 4 fire cracked rocks.A carbon sample was also taken.This material was located 6 cmbs to 10 cmbs below the unit surface within a thin lens of very fine dark brown matrix containing carbon to the contact with underl yi ng tephra.Ni neadditi onal shovel tests placed on the knoll fail ed to reveal any other cultu ral materi al • Two tephras were observed in the profile of the test pit.The uppermost tephra is pinkish-gray in color with sharp contacts with the dark colored cultural lens above it and with a gray;sh tephra below it.The two tephras are simil ar in textu re,but can be di sti ngui shed on the basts of color.It is possible that the upper "tephra"is a cultural ash.At this level of testing it can not be detennined if the lower gray tephra was associated with the Devil or Oshetna tephra units. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 31 Flakes,light gray to white chert with banding 1 Microblade-like flake,gray chert 1 Li ght gray chert bi face,tool fragment or poi nt base? 7 Fi re crac ked rocks 3-27 r- L/ C'l Test Pit 0 Contour Interval:1 m Shovel Test 0 Talkeetna Hts.0-5 Rock ~T.32 N.,R.2 E.S.M. Spruce Tree ~NE ~NE ~SW ~Sec.27 Site Datum x r:1.' /L2Q3 {~ rjl~,,/ f'" L_~ ~ [/,.- C f='. [•.1 ["1.; L t-\ ,~/ l~ \-j ,_.i r~-; j -N- ~ 12 J 6 1 METERS edge Figure 3.8.Site Map TLM 118. 3-28 0 0 ~* 0 ~ *0 00 Test 1x ~ <:) %0 ~*la.eve, 12m 0 I [ \-' " r~ c Area: (ii)AHRS Number TLM 120,Accessi on Number UA82-61 ca.5 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Local e 116 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.20 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 r fl -, L \" r~ l~ [~ ~ CI C c: lJ r; 6 C ·12·~. l·-v C [I [I {.' b c Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 440200 Northi ng 6963900 Latitude 62°48 1 5 11 N.,Longitude 148°10'0 11 W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.4,NW~SW~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.9 Setting:TLM 120 is one of several sites on a system of knolls and low ridges which are oriented in a north-south direction sloping gradually northward toward the Susitna River.The ridge-knoll system is di ssected by a series of unnamed creeks and drainages which flow north into the Susitna River and drain upland areas.The site is situated on a low- lying ovate knoll located between two unnamed creeks,one ca ..3 km to the east and the other ca ..8 km to the west.It is 686 m asl (2250 feet),1.2 km south of the Susitna Ri ver and 198 m(650 feet)hi gher than the river in elevation.The knoll is approximately 25 m in diameter at the level upper extent and is defined mainly by its north exposure which slopes gradually over a distance of 30 m.The slope to the east,west,and south is more gradual.The predominant view is to the north overlooki ng the Susitna River valley and the topography on the northern side of the river.The river itself is not visible.A north- south trending ridge ca.400 m west of the site,on wich TLM 121 and TLM 125 are located,is also visible from the site.Vegetation of the site vicinity is open black spruce forest and includes hummocky,poorly drained areas with mosses,willows,lowbush cranberry,blueberry and grasses.Vegetation at the site consists of scattered spruce trees,low shrub,mosses and lichens.Approximately 20%of the ground surface is exposed in the site area. 3-29 Reconnaissance Testing:The site was characterized by a surface scatter of basalt flakes 3 m by 1.5 m in spatial extent.Ten of the 16 surface fl akes were cl ustered wi thi n a 50 em by 50 em area in the central por- tion of the scatter.A 40 em by 40 em test pit was excavated along the northeast edge of the scatter and subsurface flakes were recovered 1 cmbs to 2 cmbs.These flakes were of the same lithology as the sur- face material.The absence of the Devil tephra in the upper extent of test pit 1 makes the interpretation of the stratigraphic position of artifactual material problematic.Six additional shovel tests placed on the knoll and the knoll perimeter fail ed to reveal any additi anal sub- surface material. Call ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 16 Basalt fl akes Su bsu rface : 7 Basalt flakes 3-30 t~ 1- r' \. (, \ r- \. C~....._., !-=\ \.J'. (, t\ o"-- r\ l) [) D r~, "r".;,~ r~, r\ ~: '1·; '. t~ (' l- rl 1,,".... f-N- ~ 20 J **~*'i'£: 10 1 METERS ,.,..n \TM---" 'l- Contour Interval:l m Test 1 Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.S.M. NW ~SW ~SW ~Sec.4 o 1 ~ ~ o ~o * x o o '* ,.,....c;;;::.) Figure 3.9.Site Map TUM 120. 3-31 Test pit Site Datum Shovel Test Surface Lithic Scatter S9ruce Tree '-=' "L [~ l; t cu (; [ (; [~ c! r-' l. (j e c r' l- [ [' c Area: (i i i)AHRS Number TLM 121,Accessi on NumberUA82-60 ca.5 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 116 Area Map:Fi gure A.3;Survey Local e Map:Fi gure A.20 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 L~ r-c \. c: Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 441950 Northing 6964100 Latitude 62°48'13"N.,Longitude 148°10 1 35"W. 1.31 N.,R.7 L,Seward Meridi an Sec.5,NW~NE~SE~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.10 Setting:The site is located on a north-south oriented ridge 1 km south of the Susi tna Ri ver and 5 km sout heast of the mout h of Watana Creek. The site is situated at an elevation of 686 m asl (2250 feet),on a flat area near the north edge of the ridge.The ridge measures ca.400 m along its axis;the plateau measures 145 m by 150 m.Drainages flow north to the Susitna River along both sides of the ridge.The site is situated 2 m east of the plateau 1 s western edge,50 m south of the plateau's northern end,and 175 m south of the ridge's northern tenninus.The drainage immediately west of the site is small and the drainage on the east side of the plateau is a very shallow boggy area 150 m distant.The view from the site overlooks the western drainage forested with bl ack spruce.Two knolls are vi si ble to the west.The knoll furthest west is higher than the site plateau by ca.30 m.To the east the plateau is highly visible for 150 m because it is not forested. Northeast,beyond the northern rim of the pl ateau,the northern bank of the Susitna River is visible,along with rising topography on the north side of the Susitna River.To the south,the plateau ends abruptly 100 m from the site,where it meets a 5-degree slope.This slope rises 30 m to the rim of another plateau that lies along the ridge.Another site (TLM 125)is situated 70 m south along this higher plateau, however,only the rim of the plateau is visible from the site.Site 3-32 f~/ r'Li t~ (: tJ l C\ [j 1,'.~\ ,, .' l' ~1 \L,,"< r L (0) C [ [ c' [ f' l [ C [~ ,>C C~ Q C LJ [ [.~C C C (: (, L L C vegetation consists of a patch of white lichens 5 m by 6 m in diameter. The site plateau is covered in herbaceous and woody plants including 10wbush cranberry,cranberry,bearberry,Labrador tea and dwarf birch. Along the perimeter of the plateau are black spruce,which become crowded in the nearby drainages. Reconnaissance Testing:The site contains subsurface cultural material from the one excavated test including 23 calcined long bone fragments,8 pieces of fire cracked rock,and charcoal pieces.No features were noted during excavation of the test pit.Cultural material was recovered from a stratigraphic unit directly above the Devil tephra. On-ground reconnaissance in soil exposures around exposed bedrock,and two shovel tests nearby were negative. Collected Art;fact Inventory Su bsu rfac e: 22 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,large mammal 8 Fi re cracked rocks 3-33 Figure 3.10.Site Map TUM 121. 3-34 Test 1 ox ConLour Interval:50 em It LJ I \" t lo; [ r'·'·l ;'-- [ (' c t.-L,j C' ( \, r~ l' t. ee r ! -N- ~ 12 1 6 1 METERS Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.4 E.S.M. NW ~NE ~SE ~Sec.5 o 1 o ~ Test Pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Spruce Tree ~ [ r l", (' l.! r' L,~' Area: (iv)AHRS Number TLM 122,Accession Number UA82-62 ca.3.5 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.25 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.D-3,Scale 1:63,360 r~ t __.., [ r't,. C t C c. L OJ G t C~ c- \-, (, L (, l.; L Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 437400 Northing 6964100 Latitude 62°48 1 14"N.,Longitude 148°14'05"W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.6,SE~NW~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.11 Setting:The site is located ca.3.5 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River,at ca.686 m asl (2250 feet) (Figures A.3 and A.25).It lies on a low ridge in the center of a relatively flat,gently northward sloping lacustrine plain bordering the Susitna River.The plain,which is about 500 m wide from the edge of the river canyon to the north to the steep uplands in the south,is about 190 m (600 feet)higher than the Susitna River at its nearest point.The plain is generally boggy,containing a number of small drainages and ponds;a small lake (less than 1 hectare)is located ca.1 km west of the site.A series of low,rounded ridges and knolls composed of glacial drift stand 3 m to 10 m above this plain along its length.The site occupies the southeastern end of one of these ridges, about 3 m above the surrounding plain and 0.5 m below the top of the ridge.The ridge is low and broad,oriented in a linear fashion along a northwest-southeast axis.It is approximately 100 m long and 35 m wide at the southeast end,where the site is located.The view from the site is panoramic in all directions,affording a good vantage point over- looking the black spruce forest and bogs of the surrounding plain,the steep uplands to the south,and of the extensive plain north of the Susitna River.The Susitna River and canyon are not visible from the site.Vegetation on the ridge consists of lichen,low heath,dwarf 3-35 bi rch,and scattered spruce .Small def1 ated and undef1 ated frost boi 1s are common. Reconnaissance Testing:The site consists of a single basalt flake found on the surface in a deflated area (1.2 m by 2.5 m area)on the northeast face of the ridge.A 40 cm by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1)was dug in soil adjacent to this gravelly deflated area,~th negative results.The flake was 22 cm northwest (300°)of the southwest corner of test pit 1 (site datum).Seven additional shovel tests were placed on the ridge end,and other deflated areas were examined carefully.No additional artifacts were found. Collected Artifact Inventory Surface: 1 Basalt f1 ake 3-36 [ C' r,.- r''II, C' [ r~ L r" 1 8 {'-j -' ('t, [ [. C} C, C~ (, C' L" C· [' " I' l_.~~' (~"'1 I l~ [ r i l ~' r l_~ r-~ lJ [' -) c r,; L n L~ (J * ~ -N- ~ b Contour Interval:50 cm Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.1 R.7 E.,S.M. SE ~NW ~SW ~Sec.6 Site Map TLM 122. 3-37 ~.ETERS 15 J 10 1 5 I o l Fi gure 3.11. Test pit a Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Deflated Area ,--.\~./ Surface Artifact -:- Spruce Tree * e c [ [ [ C Area: (v)AHRS Number TLM 123,Accession Number UA82-220 ca.3.7 ~southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey"Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 cL r (, L, r·~ tJ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 438080 Northing 6964300 Latitude 62°48'18"N.,Longitude 148°12 1 50"W. To 31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.6,NW~NW~SE~ Site Map:Figure 3.12 Setting:The site is located on the crest of a low ridge at approxi- mately 686 m asl (2250 feet)near the center of a lacustrine plain south of the Susitna River,3.7 km southeast of the mouth of Watana Creek (Figure A.3).The ridge is arcuate,running roughly north-south with a narrow southern end and a lobate northern end.The ridge,approximately 100 m long (north-south)and 35 m to 40 m wide,is 2 m higher in eleva- tion than the surrounding plain at the narrow southern end and about 10 m higher than the gradually sloping plain at the northern extremity. The plain in this area is approximately 500 m wide (north-south), sloping gradually fran steep southern uplands to the rim of the Susitna River canyon.The Susitna River lies about 200 m in elevation below the plain.While the plain is generally relatively flat and boggy,numerous similar well-drained ridges and knolls rise from 3 m to 10 m above the surface along its entire length. The site is located on the ridge crest near the center of the ridge.A large gravel exposure on the eastern face of the ridge also contains artifactual material,probably eroding from above.From the site a good view of the surrounding plain and southern uplands is available.The Susitna Ri ver and canyon to the north cannot be seen.A small creek runni ng 500 m east of the site (the nearest avail able water,except for 3-38 c r~ ~ r- l,. f·~.' •....., ~.') C C'j C' C C {; [ I·L [ [. [ [ r r" \, [~ r r~ t~~ [ C C C n L r:u r[; t C [ [ r~ L r"L bogs)is masked from view by rather dense black spruce woodlands. Vegetation on the site includes lichen mat,low heath,dwarf birch,and scattered spruce,though exposed glacial drift and frost boils occur over much of the site surface. Reconnaissance Testing:The site contains two small possible cache pits and a surface scatter of weathered bone and charcoal (Figure 3.12). Pit 1,southwest of site datum,is roughly circular with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 35 em.Pit 2,ca.15 m to the northeast,is elliptical,measuring 2.0 m (north-south)by 1.5m (east-west),and is 50 em deep.Between the two pits on the crest of the ridge (and extend- i ng down the eastern slope for about 3 m to 5 m)are scattered fragments of weathered,but unburned,bone.Two diagnostic bone fragments were collected,one an unburned rib fragment,possibly caribou,and one an unburned long bone fragment,possibly caribou.A small concentration of charcoal lies 60 cm southwest of site datum.A 40 cm by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1;southwest corner is site datum)was dug in the vegetation mat near this surface scatter.A small piece of charcoal was found in the west sidewall,located below the Devil tephra.No charcoal was cal- l ected.No other arti factual materi al s were found.Seven shovel tests scattered along the ridge produced negative results.The backfill of the shovel test in pit 2 contained possible birch bark. Call ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Unburned rib fragment,possibly caribou (Rangifer tarandus) 1 Unburned long bone fragment,possi bly cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) Subsurface: 2 Pieces possible birch bark 3-39 r'L r [ {': -~ [ G G E n [ r l c r-' \ r-' 'L" [~ -N- ~ 10 J 5 1 jvJETERS @ o 1 o Contour Interval:1 ffi. !~ s h 0 vel t c:.~:___"".5 m hom datum x o o -..,....----, """ 0,"'"*'",,,/*"/...,...,'\ I '\I , t '\'T est 1/_1_\o I ,Ix',I -~I ,1-1 I L ,-I I I I \", @*.'\.,'/ \I \I '\\ '\\ '\'\ '\) '\, "I~I \i o I -"',_,"," ....._-_..." Test Pit Shovel Test Site Datum Surface Faunal Remains ~- Surface Charcoal Concentration -l- Depression ~ Spruce Tree '* Talkeetna Hts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.IS.M. NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.6 f' L [ Figure 3.12.Site Map TLM 123. 3-40 l [ [ [ r [ [ r L" [ C C C C C b t L C [ C rL (vi)AHRS Number TLM 124,Accessi on Number UA82-64 Area:ca.3.75 km southeast of the mouth of Watana Creek,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.D-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 438650 Northing 6964200 Latitude 62°48 1 15"N.,Longitude 148°12 1 10"w. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.6,NE~SE~SE~ Si te Map:Fi gure 3.13 Setting:The site is located ca.3.75 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River,at ca.686 m asl (2250 feet)(Figure A.23).It lies on a low ridge in a relatively flat,gently northward sloping lacustrine plain bordering the Susitna River.The plain,which is about 500 m wide from the edge of the river canyon to the north to the steep uplands to the south,is about 190 m (600 feet)higher than the Susitna River at its nearest point.The plain is generally boggy, containing a number of small drainages and ponds.A small lake (less than 1 hectare)is located ca.1.2 km west of the site.A series of low,rounded ridges and knolls composed of glacial drift stand 3 m to 10 m above the plain along its length.The site occupies one of these ridges.The ridge is low and broad,oriented ina linear fashion along a north-south axi s.It is approximately 200 m long,from its northern termi nus to where it merges with the steeply ri si ng southern upl ands (the valley wall),and approximately 45 m wide.A small creek runs northward approximately 200 m east of the site.View from the ridge crest is panoramic,affording a good vantage point overlooking the black spruce forest and bogs of the surrounding plain,the steep uplands to the south,and the extensive plain north of the Susitna River.The Susitna River and canyon are not visible from the site.Vegetation on 3-41 the ridge consists of lichen,low heath,dwarf birch,and scattered spruce.Small frost boil s are common. Reconnai ssanceTesti n9:The site consi sts of one basalt projecti 1e point (UA82-64-1;Figure 3.48,b)found on the surface in a deflated area (3 m by 5 m)on the crest of the ridge (Figure 3.13),and one modi fi ed brown chert flake (UA82-64-2;Fi gure 3.48,c)found on the surface of a frost boil (1 m by 2 rrt)on the east face of the ridge near its base and approximately 90 m north-northeast of the basalt projecti 1e point.A 40 cm by 40 em test pit (test pit 1)was dug in soil adjacent to the projectile point,with negative results.The projectile point was 2 m south (180°)of the southwest corner of test pit 1 (site datum). Sixteen shovel tests were placed on the ridge between,and in the immediate vicinity of,the surface artifacts.Other deflated areas were exami ned carefully wit hout addi ti anal arti facts bei ng found. Collected Artifact Inventory Surface: 1 Basalt projectile point (UA82-64-1;Figure 3.48,b) 1 Modified brown chert flake (UA82-64-2;Figure 3.48,c) 3-42 I' \..c f' L ,I l [J [ r~ t. !u c PtJ c rl.; [ [ [ [ J' L [ L [ ~ -N- ~ 40 J 20 1 o I METERS contour Interval:1.5 ffi. o Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.6 I .... I ....\.~0'\" '..I....I ~~ (r'~'",~'-1-,r 6".[a..~ ,I'*\_-- 0* Site Map TLM 124. 3-43 ° ~ Fi 9 ure 3.13. Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum X Surface Artifact I-,- Deflated Area .--.."_J Spruce Tree * [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ C [ C [ [ C [ l [ C C (vii)AHRS Number TLM 125,Accession Number UA82-65 Area:ca.1.5 km Area Map: USGS Map: sout h of the Su sitna Ri ver,Su rvey Locale 116 Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.20 Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 [ nL, r rl, Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 440250 Northing 6963950 Latitude 62°63 1 10"N.,Longitude 149°00 1 25"w. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Sewa rd Me ri dian Sec.5,NE~SE~SE~ Site Map:Figure 3.14 Setting:TLM 125 is located at ca.686 m asl (2250 feet)on a low knoll approximately 1.2 km south of the Susitna River.The knoll is part of a ridge system which extends in a north-south direction from near the shore of the Susitna River towards the uplands and mountains to the south.Numerous such features,also containing knol,ls of varying height above the surrounding terrain,are located in this survey locale. Between the knoll ridges numerous small drainages flow into the Susitna River.The knoll on which the site is located is approximately 5 m above the surrounding terrain,which consists of low bogs and dense stands of black spruce.The top of the knoll is relatively flat and the site itsel f is located on the southeast porti on of the knoll.The slope of the ridge to the north is gentle for at least a kilometer until it begins to drop off to the river.The slopes of the knoll on the east, west and north,although greater than 15 degrees,do not pose an access probl em due to the short di stance to the su rroundi ng 1owl ands.The closest lake (2 hectares)to the site is located 5 km to the northwest next to the Susitna River.This knoll,as well as other knolls in the area,provide dry "islands"in the relatively wet terrain which comprise most of the survey locale.The view from the site is panoramic although the knoll itself is only a few meters above the surrounding terrain. The view would be increased considerably if the trees below the site were not present. 3-44 r [ r~ L o G: [ r",',.LJ o [ [ [ L [' L [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ C l [ E [ fj ~ [ t [ L C Vegetation on the site consists of small isolated black spruce stands with scattered birch.Low brush,lichens,and moss cover most of the si te where trees are not present.A few very small defl ated areas are located on t he knoll. Reconnaissance Testing:No surface indications of a site exist on the knoll.A total of seven shovel tests were excavated,one of which produced cultu ral materi al.Shovel test 1,on the ext reme southeast portion of the knoll,produced 1 basalt flake at 8 an below the surface. Test pit 1,excavated directly east of the shovel test,produced 2 additi onal basalt flakes from just below the organi c hori zan ina stratigraphic unit consisting of sandy silt with some pebbles 4 cm to 8 an below the surface.Charcoal lenses and isolated charcoal lumps were also present in this same stratigraphic unit. Call ected Arti fact Inventory Su bsu rface : 3 Basalt flakes 3-45 0 10 20 Test pit 0 I I , Shovel Test 0 METERS Site Datum x Contour Interval:1 ffi. Boulder C Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. Spruce Tree '*NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.S Birch Tree 0 o '* Fi gure 3.14. o * Test ~ ***~.'*"('C' Site Map TLM 125. 3-46 ~ -N- ~ [ [~ [ [' [~ [_. [ o D [J D [J [ [ [ L [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ C l C 8b [ E E [ C [ [ [ (vi i i)AHRS Number TLM 127,Accessi on Number UA82-67 Area:ca.7 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 116 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.20 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 441650 Northing 6963700 Latitude 62°48 l 00"N.,Longitude 148°8 1 40"W. To 31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.4,SW~SE~SE~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.15 Setti ng:The si te is located on a kame featu re whi ch can be desc ri bed as an elongated knoll,east to west in orientation,and ca.686 m asl (2250 feet).The knoll is 1.2 km south of the Susitna River and ca.7 km southeast of the mouth ofWatana Creek.The knoll itself is approximately 60 m in length along its east':'west axis and ca.10 m in width.The site is located on the eastern portion of the knoll with the site area characterized by a generally level area 20 m in length.The knoll is situated between two unnamed creeks which flow northward to the Susitna River.These drainage systems border the eastern and western edges of the knoll.The knoll is distinguished primarily by its north face which slopes 3 mover a distance of 20 m.The primary view from the site is to the north encompassi ng the topography on the northern side of the Susitna River.Vi sibility to the east,west and south of the site is limited by forest vegetation although lateral moraines and mountainous peaks can be seen south of the site,above the present vegetati on.The creeks to the east and west are obscured by spruce forest.Surface vegetation at the site includes scattered black spruce with a ground cover of lowbush cranberry,Labrador tea,blueberry, heath,mosses and lichens.The area surrounding the site is charac- teri zed by poorly drai ned bl ack spruce forest. 3-47 Reconnai ssance Testi n9:No arti factual materi al was found on the surface.Basalt fl akes were located in two shovel tests whi ch were wi thi n 1.6 m of each other.One of these shovel tests was expanded into a 40 cm by 40 em test pit (test pit 1),and 4 additi onal flakes were recovered.The material found..i.!!.situ from test pit 1 was located within a dark brownish matrix to the contact with the underlying Devil tephra,2 cmbs to 4 cmbs.An additional flake was found within the Devil tephra.In addition to the artifactual material,2 small circular depressions were observed on the site surface.These depressions were ca.60 em in diameter and 10 cm deep and are located within 1.5 m of each other.Test pit 1 is situated on the northeast edge of the north- ernmost depressi on,bi secti ng the feature edge.No truncati on of the strata was observed,rather the soi 1 units followed the contours of the depression.Nine additional shovel tests were placed in the site area with negative results. Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface : 8 Basalt fl akes 3-48 [ f~ ~ [: [' [ [' [J n [ c [ [ [ [ [ L [ L 0 10 20 I I I Test pit 0 METERS Shovel Test 0 Contour Interval:1 m Site Datum x Talkeetna Mts.D-3Depression0.-n 31 N.,R.7 E.S.N .1 • *Sw ~SE ~SE ~Sec.4SpruceTree ! -N- ~ o o 0..[JTest 1 WOO ctJ Figure 3.15.Site Map TLM 127. 3-49 o *o o * [ L [ [ [ [ [ C C C E [ [ 6 [ C [ U L 3-50 Setting:TLM 128 is located on a level area at the intersection of two di fferent ri dge systems on the west si de of Jay Creek 3.9 km northeast of the Jay Creek and Susitna River confluence.The site,at an eleva- tion of ca.836 m asl (2750 .feet),is a prominent topographic feature higher in relief than the surrounding terrain.The two ridges which intersect at the site location include a major ridge system orientated in a northeast to southwest direction,roughly parallel to Jay Creek, and a minor ridge orientated in a northwest to southeast direction extendi ng down toward Jay Creek.The level area is ca.35 m by 30 min dimensi on and is situated on the south and west porti on of the two ridges.The topographic setting of the site vicinity is characterized by a glaciolacustrine plain with an undulating surface composed of ridges and knolls to the south,and upland hills rising to elevations of 1113 m asl (3650 feet)to the north and west.To the northeast and east the topography is similar to the site terrain,including the major ridge with minor extensions and prominent topographic features.The view from the site is essentially panoramic,obstructed only by higher terrain 200 m to 300 m north and west.Of particular emphasis is the view in the southern directions from the southern area of the site.This view encompasses the glaciolacustrine plain with various terrain features and the area extending from the uplands down to the rim of the Jay Creek Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 456250 Northi ng 6964500 Latitude 62°48 1 38"N.,Longitude 147°51'25"W. r , [ r-~ [ [' [' [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ L L t L 127northeastofJayCreekMouth,Survey Locale Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.28 Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.1,SW~NE~NE~ (ix)AHRS Number TLM 128,Accession Number UA82-68 Site Map:Figure 3.16 ca.3.9 kin Area t·1ap: USGS Map: Area: [ [ [ [ [ r'L [ C l B E [ [ E [ b [ U [ valley,in the vicinity of a mineral lick,1.2 km southwest and 61 m (200 feet)lower in elevation.Site vegetation includes low brush and scattered spruce .Lowbush bl ueberry,cranberry,bearberry and crowberry form the predominant site vegetation.Lichens,mosses and grasses occur on the ground surface with soil exposed only in a few locations along game trails and in an 8 m by 4.5 m exposure on the west edge of the si te.Frost featu res were al so observed parti cul arl yin the southwest area where surface arti facts were locate<!. Reconnaissance Testing:The site consists of both surface and subsur- face material.A grayish-white chert biface fragment (UA82-68-3;Figure 3.49,a)was recovered from the surface in the southwest area of the site on a cryoturbated area.A 40 cm by 40 cm test (test pit 1)was placed adjacent to the frost feature.Arti factual material was recovered from two different stratigraphic levels.Six rhyolite and five basalt flakes were found in association with a dark brown finely sorted organi c matri x to the contact with an underl yi ng 1i ght gray deposit {Devil tephra).The proximal end of an obsidian microblade (UA82-68-15;Figure 3.49,b)was situated in a grayish silty sand matrix ca.25 cm lower in elevation than the dark brown organic unit.The orientation of the blade was flat and the area fran which it was recovered di d not appear di stu rbed .The proveni ence of t hi s blade may indicate a component prior to the deposition of the Oshetna tephra.In additi on to materi al recovered from test pit 1 and the adjacent frost feature,a black chert lithic,possibly a tool fragment (UA82-68-16), was collected from the soil exposure in the southeast portion of the site area.On the western slope there is a square depression which appears to be the result of excavation into the slope.This surface feature is 1.7 m by 1.7 m in dimension and while slumpage has occurred, the depression has parallel and straight walls.This feature seems recent in origin.Five shovel tests were placed on the level central area of the site,all with negative results. 3-51 Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: Bi face fragment,gray;sh white chert (UA82-68-3;Fi gure 3.49,a) 2 Rhyolite flakes 1 Black chert lithic (possible tool fragment)(UA82-68-16) Su bsu rface : 1 Gray obsidian microblade -proximal end (UA82-68-15;Figure 3.49,b) 6 Rhyolite flakes 5 Basalt flakes 3-52 L r--' r-' [ r: [i _.J [ [ C [ L [ [, [. L L L~ ~ -N- ~ I \ I * o ~ o @ o Figure 3.16.Site Map TLM 128. 3-53 Test 1 0 1:_x_:T o Test Pit 0 0 10 20 I J I Shovel Test 0 ~1ETERS Site Datum x Contour Interval:1 ID. Surface Artifact -:- Deflated Area (:)Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. Spruce Tree *SW 1/4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Dead Standing Tree @) [ r [ [ [ r'L [ b l B ~ C [ ~ [ [ L [ L (x)AHRS Number TLM 129,Accession Number UA82-69 Area:ca.4 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek with the Susitna River,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.D-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 438800 Northing 6964300 Latitude 62°48 1 18"N.,Longitude 148°11 1 58"W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.5,NW~NW~SW~ Site Map:Figures 3.17,3.18 Setti n9:The si te,consi sti ng of two loei,is located ca.4 km south- east of the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River,at ca.700 m asl (2300 feet).It 1i es on a low ridge in the center of a relatively flat,gently northward sloping lacustrine plain bordering the Susitna River.The plain,which is about 500 m wide from the edge of the river canyon to the north to the steep uplands in the south,is about 190 m (600 feet)higher than the Susitna River at its nearest point.The plain is generally boggy,containing a number of small drainages and ponds.A small lake (less than 1 hectare)is located ca.1.4 km west of the site.Two small creeks lie on each side of the ri dge where the si te is located,100 m to 200 m away to the east and west.A series of low,rounded ridges and knolls composed of glacial drift rise 3 m to 10 m above the plain along its length.The site consists of two loci located on two separate but adjacent knolls on a single more or less continuous,sinuous,north-south trending ridge which is ca.400 m long and 50 m to 100 m wide at its base.Locus A is situated on top of a hi gh,tri angul ar knoll about 100 m south of the northern end,with a related feature near the base of the ridge just east of the knoll.Locus B lies at the top of a flat rounded knoll 200 m to the south of Locus A.Visibility from the ridge is excellent, 3-54 ~ r~ L, fJ -~ [ J ~J o C o C [-.' ~ [ -[ L t [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ l [ E [ [: -' B [ C [ U L since it is one of the highest in the vicinity,and offers a panoramic vi ew of small drai nageson both si des of it,as well as of the bl ack spruce woodlands and bogs of the plain (north,east and west)and of the southern uplands.Vegetation on the ridge consists of lichen,low heath,dwarf birch,and scattered spruce.Small deflated and undeflated frost boil s are common. Reconnaissance Testing:The site consists of two loci.Locus A con- tains a small surface and subsurface lithic scatte,r with a small pos- sible cache pit (0.8 m in diameter and 15 cm deep)26 m to the east (105°)near the base of the slope.It was not tested.A 40 em by 40 cm test pit excavated adjacent to the surface lithic scatter (test pit 1) revealed basalt flakes.i!l situ in and above the Devil tephra.The southwest corner of test pi t 1 is the site datum. Locus B lies approximately 200 m south (200°)of Locus A,and consists of an isolated posSible cache pit 1.4 m in diameter and 30 cm deep.It was not tested.Twenty-seven shovel tests were placed between andi n the vicinities of the loci,and deflated areas were examined carefully. No addi ti onal arti facts were found. Collected Artifact Inventory Surface: 7 Basalt fl akes Subsu rface: 31 Basalt fl akes 3-55 [ C {' Figure 3.17.Site Map TLM 129,Locus A. 3-56 r-' l [ c n c c c [ f' [ [ [; C L [ 40 J ~-H- ~ 20 1 METERS o I Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T3l N.,R.7 E. NW ~,NW ~,SW ~,Sec.5 Contour Interval:1 meter .....-., ,~.-' o cpitFeature Blowout Birch l 'OCUS B, /I 2040,/ 200 m fro m ld a t um '*«:«€«: o Surface Artifact Test Pit Site Datum X Shovel Test 0 Spruce (live) Spruce (dead) Site ~1ap TLM 129.Locus B. 3-57 ~ -H- ~ 20 J 1 meter Sec.5 10 1 METERS o 1 Contour Interval: Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E. NW ~,NW ~,SW ~, ««~o o o ~c*~. o Fi gure 3.18. pit Feature @ Shovel Test 0 Spruce Tree (Living)*Spruce Tree (Dead)««:~ [ L [ [ [ [ r~ l C C E [ b ~ [ t [ L E (xi)AHRS Number TLM 130,Accession Number UA82-70 Area:ca.4.6 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 439480 Northing 6964370 Latitude 62°48 '26"N.,Longitude 148°11 1 14"W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.5,S E~S E~NW~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.19 Setting:The site is located on a small knoll at approximately 671 m asl (2200 feet)near the southern rim of the Susitna Ri ver canyon, 4.6 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek and the Susitna River.The knoll,a northeast-southwest trending glacial kame about 30m long,7 m wide,and ca.1 m high,is situated on a glaciolacustrine plain which slopes gradually up from the Susitna River canyon rim (100 m north of the site)for a di stance of about 500 m to merge with steep- walled uplands in the south.The plain is relatively flat and boggy, but numerous knolls and ridges are located on it.These range from 25 m to 300 m in length and from 1 m to 10 m higher than the plain,and provide dry areas within the boggy plain.The knoll on which TLM 130 is located is one of the smallest knolls in the area.Small drainages traverse the plain in a north-south direction;one of these lies 100 m to the west of the site,forming a small canyon to the northwest.A larger creek lies 250 m to the east,beyond a series of higher ridges and knolls.The view to the east is obstructed by these ridges which are ca.6 m high.To the south and west the view of the boggy plain is partially limited by open black spruce forest and low knolls.The uplands to the south are clearly visible,and the Susitna River canyon (but not the river)is vi si ble to the north.Vegetati on on the site consists of fairly continuous lichen mat and low heath,with dwarf birch 3-58 [ r~ "--' r-- lo [ C ntj U C o C [ L [ L t l~ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ e [ E [ t is [ [ [: t C growing on the sides.Spruce are scattered about the sides,and make up open woodlands and thickets in the bogs away from the site,60 m to the south.Gravel exposures and frost boils are rare. Reconnaissance Testing:All artifactual material collected at TU4 130 was recovered from test pit 1,near the center of the knoll.From an initial shovel test,15 pieces of burned bone and 6 unmodified flakes of 5 different lithologies were recovered.This was expanded to a 40 cm by 40 an test pit,excavated to a depth of 30 cm.Recovered from thi s test were 3 unmodified flakes,of 3 different lithologies,found in Devil tephra (3 an below surface).At the contact between Devil and Watana tephra,4 cm to 5 cm below surface,1 brown chert endscraper (UA82- 70-11;Figure 3.48,d),2 unmodified flakes,4 pieces of burned bone (one with a possible cut mark)and 56 pieces of burned bone were recovered in situ.Within the Watana tephra,between 5 cm and 10 cm--- below surface,2 unmodified flakes and 82 pieces of burned bone were found.Charcoal was scattered abundantly throughout thi s stratum;a sample was taken for radi ocarbon dati ng.An additi onal shovel test J at the north end of the knoll yi elded no arti facts.No surface arti facts were found. Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 1 Brown chert endscraper (UA82-70-11;Figure 3.48,d) 6 Bl ack basalt unmodi fi ed fl akes 3 Brown chert fl akes 1 Gray-brown chert flake 1 Gray-black chert fl ake 1 Orange-brown chert flake 2 Gray rhyol ite fl akes 157 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Charcoal sample 3-59 L Ll C [ U [j [ [ [, [ L lJ [ 20 J ~ -N- ~ 10 1 METERS o l Talkeetna Mts.0-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. NE ~NE ~NW ~Sec.5 Contour Interval:1 rn Site Map TLM 130. 3-60 Figure 3.19. Test Pit 0 Site Datum x Shovel Test 0 Spruce -=# [ [ [ [ L [' [ [ l C E [ [ r [ [ [ [ [; (xii)AHRS Number TUM 131,Accession Number UA82-71 Area:ca.4.5 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek with the Susitna River,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 439660 Northing 6964320 Latitude 62°48 1 23"N.,Longitude 148°11'15"W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.5,NW~NE~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.20 Setting:The site is located on a low knoll ca.1 km south of the Susitna River and ca.4.5 km southeast of the confluence of Watana Creek with the Susitna River (Figure A.26).The knoll is located in an area characterized by low ridges and knolls on a relatively flat,gradual north sloping lacustrine plain,at an elevation of ca.677 m asl (2220 feet).The steep south wall of the Susitna canyon lies within 600 m of the site to the northeast.A small clearwater creek lies 60 m to 80 m to the west of the site.The knoll is ca.20 m by 30 m at the base, with a north-south trending major axis,and rises to ca.1.5 m above adjacent flat ground surface.The view from the top of the knoll is obstructed by 2 m to 5 m high discontinuous ridges and knolls within 100 m to the north and northeast,but is good to the east and west, encompassing hummocky,poorly drained areas and broad low drainages in these directions,as well as the facing slopes of low ridges not more than .5 km distant.To the south,the gradually rising lacustrine plain is in vi ew,as well as the steeply ri si ng upl ands whi ch form the south wall of the Susitna Valley ca.0.5 km to 1 km distant.A reduction in the density of black spruce thickets and woodlands from ca.30 m to 150 m to the east,south,and west of the site would result in improved visibility.Vegetation on the knoll consists of lichens,grasses, 3-61 forbes,low shrubs,and one small spruce tree.Small deflated and undeflated frost boils occur sporadically. Reconnai ssance Testi n9:The si te contai ned one brown chert f1 ake found on a deflated frost boil near the top of the knoll.A single 40 em by 40 em test was dug immediately southwest and slightly upslope from the location of the flake,intersecting the margin of vegetative mat sur- rounding the deflated area and exposing undeflated stratified soils, with negative results.Frost boils on and near the knoll were examined carefully,but no additional arti facts were found.No shovel tests were dug. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Brown chert fl ake 3-62 [' (' I L ..· J~--" i l [~ C C C C C r-' L [j [ [ [ L. [ Talkeetna Mts.0--3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.5 Contour Interval:30 cm. ~ -N- ~ 10 I /* 5 1 ~1ETERS o I Site Map TLM 131. 3-63 Figure 3.20. * *; Test pit 0 Site Datum x Surface Artifact -:- Deflated Area ;-~,'........... Spruce Tree * [ [ [ [ r L [ [ C [ E [ [ 8 [ L L L C Area: (xiii)AHRS Number TLM 132,Accession Number UA82-72 ca.6 km Southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 116 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.20 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 c [' I' L. Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 441350 Northing 696~800 Latitude 62°48'03"N.,Longitude 148°9'50"W. T .31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.4,NW~SW~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.21 Setting:The site is located on a northeast-southwest oriented knoll 1.2 km south of the Susitna Ri verand 6 km southeast of the mouth of Watana Creek.The site is situated at an elevation of 686 m asl (2250 feet)on the center of the south end of the knoll.The knoll is flat- tened on top,measuring 45 m by 25 m.Numerous large soil exposures give evidence of cryoturbation.The knoll is one of several east-west trending knolls that are separated by drainages or bogs.The knolls are kame deposits situated upon a 1 km wide gently sloping lake terrace whi ch is al so ori ented east-west.Shall ow drai nages fl ow north along the sides of the knoll.These drainages and the terrace area south of the site are obscured from view by dense stands of black spruce. Northern views from the site are also limited by spruce in the drainages and by its positi on on the knoll,although the vi ew from the northern limit of the knoll is panoramic,encompassing the gentle slope descend- ing to a flat plain bordering the Susitna River.The river is visible for several kilometers in all northerly directions,as is rising topo- graphy on its north side.Other knolls are vi si ble to the west and northeast,ca.200 m di stant.Vegetati on on the site knoll consi sts of large areas of lichens,crowberry,blueberry,Labrador tea and dwarf bi rch.Vegetati on surroundi ng the knoll in all di recti ons except north is composed of stands of dense bl ack spruce and thi ck sphagnum moss 3-64 [ U C C C [' [ [- r,~ [" [ [ L ~. r [ r [ c [ b E r.:..[~ G·.h-' [ E ~ L e [ L L covering the ground.The flat plain bordering the Susitna River is heavi ly vegetated with bl ack spruce and wi 11 ow.Several sites have been located on nearby knoll s to the east and west (TLM 120 through 125,TLM 127,TLM 129 through 133,and TUM 064). Reconnaissance Testing:One single gray chert flake was found on the surface of a di sturbed soil exposure.Thi rteen shovel tests were pl aced on the knoll and numerous soil exposures were investigated,all with negat i ve results.A test pit was not excavated at TU4 132. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Gray chert fl ake 3-65 r' (--' [' r- f, [ o [' o c o "",,'--------- I -... I 'I 'I ..,',\ \. 0 0 O}~0 (,','"",;,' \,0 --,',".. ..':""'...~,' 0 ~!I r~ -N- *"'-~ ,,--------'"-.......'/'.'.\., I \,I I ' :I ;0 0: :0,' \I \I \.- I •I l,I,, I ~I'"",I I X,' I : ,I I I,I~_1_I,0', \0 : ,","'...._---,' o I 6 1 METERS 12 J [ Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Surface Artifact + Deflated Area <::, Spruce Tree '* Contour Interval:1 rn. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.4 f- w L: L Figure 3.21.Site Map TLM 132. 3-66 L l [ [' [ [ [' [ [~ [ l C C [ [ t [ [ [ L L (xiv)AHRS NumberTLM 133,Accession Number UA82-73 Area:3.4 km southeast of Watana Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 125 Area Map:Figure A.3;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.26 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-3,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 438150 Northing 6964590 Latitude 62°48'33"N.,Longitude 148°12'50"W. T.31 N.,R.7 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.6,NW~SW~NE~ Site Map:Figure 3.22 Setting:TLM 133 is located at 677 m asl (2220 feet)on the broad crest of a glacial drift ridge 100 m south of the rim of the Susitna River canyon,3.4 km southeast of Watana Creek mouth.The ridge is approxi- mately 150 m long trending in a northeast-southwest direction,with a broad fl at top about 35 m wi de.It is arcuate in shape,wi t h hi gh points on the northeastern and southwestern ends and a saddle approxi- mately 1 m lower in elevation between them.The site is located in this saddle,midway along the ridgetop.The top of the ri dge is from 3 m to 5 m higher than the surrounding flat,boggy glaciolacustrine plain, which extends on all sides.To the north,the plain is only a small a rea about 25 m wi de between the edge of the d ri ft ri dge and the ri m of the Susitna River canyon.To the south,the plain ri ses gradually towards steeper upland areas,about 500 m distant.Numerous other ridges and knolls are found on this plain along its ca.10 km (east- west)length.Small to moderately large creeks crosscut the plain in some areas;one of these flows northward,150 m east of the site.Else- where the plain is boggy,or low and intermittently wet.The Susitna River canyon,north of the site,drops steeply 200 m down to the Susitna River;access to the river is possible by more gradual ridges located to the nort hea st and nort hwest.From the ri dgetop,the Su si tna Ri ver and its canyon can be seen,and a commandi ng vi ew of the su rroundi ng 3-67 lacustrine plain and southern uplands is available to the south,east and west.Site vegetation consists of dwarf birch shrub,low heath, 1i chen mat,and scattered spruce and paper bi rch.Frost boi 1 sand gravel exposures are common,especially on the sloping sides of the drift ridge.Game trails are common. Reconnaissance Testing:A single projectile point (UA82-73-1;Figure 3.48,e)was encountered on the surface of a lichen mat in a game trail. A 40 em by 40 em test pit (test pit 1)was placed adjacent to the loca- tion of the point,but no additional cultural material was recovered. Twel ve shovel tests were scattered around the ri dgetop and surroundi ng area,with negative results.Game trails,gravel exposures,and lichen mats were closely exami ned,but no addi ti anal surface arti facts were recovered. Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Brown chert projectile point (UA82-73-1;Figure 3.48,e) 3-68 r' t [( -" C [ r.....~i \~ L.: [. [ L [ [ L [ 0 40 80 I I I Test Pit 0 METERS Shovel Test 0 Contour Interval:75 em. Site Datum x Talkeetna Mts.0-3 Surface Artifact -'-T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. I NW 1/4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.6 Birch Tree <:) Spruce Tree * ~ -N- ~ o Figure 3.22.Site Map TLM 133. 3-69 [ [ [' [ [' [ [ [ e [ c [ t t [ C [ L C (xv)AHRS Number TUM 134,Accession Number UA82-74 Area:ca.3.5 km nort h-nort heast of Jay Creek Mout h,Survey Locale 127 Area Map: USGS Map: Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 456200 Northi ng 6964150 Latitude 62°48 1 22"N.,Longitude 147°51 1 35"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,S84SE~NE~ Site Map:Figure 3.23 Setting:The site is located on a descending discontinuous ridge 300 m long,oriented northeast-southwest.The site is situated at an eleva- tion of 800 m asl (2625 feet)at the southern tip of the ridge,about 3.5 km north-northeast of Jay Creek mouth and 3.2 km north of the Susitna River.The southern end of this ridge branches,forming two separate ridge sections (a western and an eastern)separated by a small drainage swale 3 m lower in elevation and measuring 75 m by 40 m.The site is situated on the eastern section of the ridge which measures approximately 100 m by 200 m.The site is in the middle of a gentle slope on a gravell y soi 1 expo su re measu ri ng 1.5 m by 1.5 m.Vi ews from the site are obscured to the northwest and west by spruce and interven- ing topography.A gentle slope rises 200 m to the north upon which TLM 128 is located.Mountainous foothills are visible to the north about 2 km distant.Views to the south and east include high topography on Jay Creek's east side and the Susitna River's south side (3 km distant). Site vegetation on the slope adjacent to the gravelly soil exposure includes cranberry,crowberry,blueberry,and extensive lichen mat. Flat areas between slopes have woody shrubs of dwarf birch and Labrador tea.A small black spruce stand west of the site separates the site and the drainage swale.Black spruce and aspen are on the south and east 3-70 f~" l_ c: tJ p U [ '! -" C C f; \_- [ [ l-" -) l_, U [ [ [ [ r r c c [ E [ b [ [ t [ [ L L L facing slopes descending to Jay Creek.The gently rising northern slope is covered in dwarf birch with isolated black spruce.Other sites are present nearby.Within 1 km of TLM 134 are TLM 128,135,136, 144,and 143. Reconnaissance Testi ng:The site is a surface 1it hi c scatter.No subsurface artifacts were observed at the site.Six shovel tests were placed in the site area.Three green retouched chert flakes were located on a gravelly soil exposure on a gentle slope.The three flakes articulate forming an edge modified tool (UA82-74-1,2,3;Figure 3.48, f).Additi anal surface reconnai ssance of soil exposures and 1i chen mat revealed one other surface artifact that may have a modified edge.It lies 10 m south of the site datum on a flat area below the site.A shovel test was pl aced adjacent to thi s fi nd,but no arti facts were observed.One 40 em by 40 em test pit was excavated at the site,with no further arti facts present.Charcoal sample UA82-74-4 was taken from the test pit fran within soil unit 6 beneath the Oshetna tephra. Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 3 Green chert flakes,retouched,articulating (UA82-74-1,2,3; Figure 3.48,f) 1 Possibly modified rounded gravel 3-71 r' ! f' Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.1 [' [~ 9u [j [J Q C [ L [ [ [ r~~ -N- ~ o Contour Interval:1 m. o 10 20 t I I HETERS o --."x,', I , ,*,-~F ,.",,\,"~-~''.~ '*o 0 '*/\ '*0 /lTest 1 Test Pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Surface Artifact -'-, Deflated Area '.::) Spruce Tree *' Figure 3.23.Site Map TUM 134. 3-72 [ L 3-73 Setting:The site is at an elevation of ca.800 m asl (2625 feet)on a discrete linear rise situated on the southeastern terminus of a broad sloping ridge.This ridge is oriented in a northwest to southeast direction roughly perpendicular to Jay Creek.The ridge descends from an elevation of 838 m asl (2750 feet)to the rim of the Jay Creek canyon.The linear rise is parallel to the ridge and has steep east, southeast and south slopes averagi ng 10 to 15 degrees.The east slope continues down to Jay Creek which is 400 m east and ca.152 m (500 feet) lower in elevation.The southeast and south slopes descend into a drainage which flows into Jay Creek.The linear rise on the ridge terminus is separated from an additional rise,ca.60 m northeast,by a broad swale.This rise is the location of TLM 134,a surface lithic scatter.TLM 135,on the southeastern edge,occupies an eroded area on the central portion of the crest of the linear ri se.The upper extent of this terrain feature has dimensions of ca.100 m by 15 m.The ridge system is bordered on the southeast and northeast sides by drainages which flow into Jay Creek draining the upland area.Visibility of these drainages and Jay Creek is obscured by vegetation and by the slope angle.Terrain northeast of the site is similar to the site area with ridge extensions perpendicular to Jay Creek.Southwest of the site the Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 456150 Northing 6964050 Latitude 62°48 1 20"N.,Longitude 147°51 1 37"W. 127northeastofJayCreekMouth,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,SE~SE~NE~ (xvi)AHRS Number TLM 135,Accessi on Number UA82-75 ca.3.5 km Area Map: USGS Map: Site Map:Figure 3.24 Area: [ [' [ [ r [' [ [ e c D C [ 812 [ C [ L L terrain broadens out to a glaciolacustrine plain with discrete topo- graphic features.The predominant view from this site is to the south and southwest toward the vicinity of a mineral lick which appears to be the focal point for the location of sites in this area.The mineral lick is about 800 m south where Jay Creek makes tight gO-degree turns. North of the site the upland topography is visible including the terrain features on which TLM 128 and TLM 144 are located.The view to the northeast is restricted by a ri se on the northeastern terminus of the ridge upon which TLM 134 is located.Vegetation on the site consi sts of scattered spruce with lowbush cranberry,blueberry,dwarf birch, lichens,crowberry,bearberry and scattered grasses.An open mixed spruce-hardwood forest is characteri sti c of the vegetati on on the slopes wi th hi gh brush in open areas. Reconnaissance Testing:The site is composed of surface lithic arti- facts exposed in an eroded area on t he crest of a di screte 1i near ri se. Arti factual materi al came from a 3 m by 2 m area of thi s exposu re and included a basalt corner notched projectile point (UA82-75-1;Figure 3.50,a),and 5 basalt waste flakes.A 40 cm by 40 cm test (test pit 1) was placed on a vegetated area off the exposure with negative results. Five shovel tests were pl aced along the crest of the ri se,but none of these contained arti factual materi al . Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Basalt corner notched projectile point (UA82-75-1;Figure 3.50,a) 5 Basalt fl akes 3-74 }' '..-. (~-, ( f" 1. i \.. u [j [] LJ [{ [ [ r~: L L t L Figure 3.24.Site Map TLM 135. 3-75 Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 SE 1/4 ~m 1/4 Sec.1 Contour Interval:1 ffi. ~ -N- ~ 40 J ~ 20 1 METERS o t x o o I-1- ,-'\'-..~ '* Deflated Area Site DatUfJ Test pit Spruce Tree Shovel Test Surface Lithic Scatter [ [ [ [ [ [' [ c [ C B [ [ £] [; [ [ L L r (xvii)AHRS Number TLM 136,Accession Number UA82-76 Area:3 km north-northeast from Jay Creek ~10uth,Survey Locale 127 I~ (" L~ Area Map: USGS Map: Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Tal keetna Mts.D-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455800 Northing 6963750 Latitude 62°48'10"N.,Longitude 147°51'58"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,SE~NW~SE~ Site ~1ap:Figure 3.25 Setting:The site is located on a small circular knoll approximately 500 m west of Jay Creek about 3 km north-northeast from its mouth. Terrai n southeast of thi s knoll slopes gradually for approxi matel y 40 m to the western rim of Jay Creek.Situated at an el evati on of 787 m asl (2580 feet),and ca.146 m above Jay Creek,the site is characterized by a 1.5 m rise above surrounding terrain.The level area at the upper extent of the knoll measu res ca.5 m by 7 m wi th basal measu rements of ca.13 m by 17 m marki ng the lower extent.Approximately 250 m to the northwest a conti nuous southeast faci ng hi 11 descends from an el evati on of 823 masl (2700 feet)down into a shallow basin with a west to east fl owi ng creek situated ca.150 m northeast of the knoll.Two narrow (ca.50 cm)and shallow (ca.30 cm)st reams t hat merge and bi sect along a relatively straight path,ultimately flow into Jay Creek approximately 1.4 km east of the site.Thick brush obscures the creek from view. Site vegetation includes blueberry,Labrador tea,fireweed,crowberry, moss,black spruce,lichen (white and yellow),dwarf birch,equisetum, willow,grasses and rare juniper.Cryoturbation is evident across the 1 evel knoll crest.The conti nuous southeast faci ng hi 11 descri bed above determines the extent of visibility to the no~h,northwest,west and southwest.Visibility to the south is limited to the gentle sloping 3-76 [; C [J o nC~ U [ [ [i [ r [ [' [ [ r- l. r L C b l C Q C L ~ [ l L [ [ terrain of the valley rim.Adjacent valley margins to the north and northeast are di scerni ble through open forest up to 1 km.In the absence of a t hi ck spruce stand,ca.40 m we st,t he vi ew wou 1dine rease in that direction.Several sites have been di scovered within a 500 m radius of TUM 136,the closest being TUM 143 situated approximately 200 m sout hwest . Reconnaissance Testing:Both surface and subsurface cultural material was recovered.The site was initially identified by a 2.5 m by 2.5 m 1ithi c scatter on the central porti on of the level knoll crest whi ch is ori ented in a northeast-southwest di recti on.A total of five flakes and three bone fragments were collected from the cryoturbated surface, including a basalt tool fragment (UA82-76-1;Figure 3.50,b).No sub- surface shovel tests were excavated,however a single 40 cm by 40 em test pit (test pit 1)was excavated northeast of the surface feature. Arti factual material was recovered from three di fferent stratigraphic units.These include 21 flakes and 62 calcined bone fragments between 2 em and 8 em below su rface from the contact of a gray-white fi ne si lt (Devil tephra)with a yellow-brown fine silt and within the yellow-brown fine silt unit.Twenty-two flakes and 5 bone fragments were located in a red-yellow fine sandy silt 8 em to 12 em below the surface (Watana tephra).Six flakes were recovered in a reddish-brown sandy clayey silt,12 em to 20 em below the surface,below a thin layer of gray silt (Oshetna tephra).All faunal material consisted of calcined medium to large mammal long bone fragments.The distribution of artifactual material in the test pit indicates that the site is multicomponent. Carbon sample (UA82-76-51)could date the cultural component between the Devil and Watana depositions. 3-77 Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Black basalt tool fragment (UA82-76-1;Figure 3.50,b) 1 Rhyolite flake with retouched edge (?) 1 Basalt flake 2 Rhyolite flakes 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal Subsurface: 2 Red chert fl akes 2 Yellowi sh-brown chert flakes 21 Basalt flakes 24 Rhyolite flakes 67 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 3-78 [ r"··~ I l [' [ lJ o C' L [; L [ L [ C [ [ r-* Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.H. SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.1 Contour Interval:50 cm. ~ -N- ~ 10 I 5 1 METERS o 1 x o -:- '% Test Pit Surface Artifact Spruce Tree Site Datum r l r {, L L [ [..~ ._~' L [~~. .c= v~t,. [, [ ~ [~' ~ L [ [ Figure 3.25.Site Map TUM 136. 3-79 (xvi i i)AHRS Number TLM 138,Accessi on Number UA82-78 Area:2.75 km north of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 127 Area Map:Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 455330 Northi ng 6963500 Latitude 62°48 1 06"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 36"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,NW~SE~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.26 Setting:The site is located on an east-west trending kame ridge 2.75 km north of the mouth of Jay Creek,about 200 m northwest of a tight bend in Jay Creek,at 810 m asl (2650 feet)elevation.The ridge is slightly arcuate,and is about 50 m long (east-west)and 5 m wide at the rounded top.The site occupies the center of the ridge at its crest.It stands about 2 m above a small terrace to the north,whi 1e to the south,east and west it is from 6 m to 10 m higher than the sur- rounding terrain.A drainage channel curls around the west end of the kame from the terrace to the north,headi ng southward down a steepeni ng canyon into Jay Creek.A drainage tributary to this canyon lies to the south,leaving the ridgetop a relatively high promontory isolated on a" sides by relatively deep drainages (10 m for the two tributaries,and over 200 m for the very steep Jay Creek canyon).An excellent view of the surrounding undulating terrace,sloping down southward to the Susitna River canyon,is available from the site.To the north and west,the nearby Jay Creek uplands,rising to 1100 m (3650 feet)eleva- tion,are prominent,while to the east can be seen much of the mountains and terrace on the opposite side of Jay Creek.Jay Creek itself cannot be seen,nor is it accessible,from the site,because of the extremely steep canyon wall.A mineral lick,favored by sheep,is reported to be located in the vicinity.Low lichen and heath vegetation covers much of 3-80 ( (, r" [. rl_. [' C C [; ,{""U [' ['''.'.' \ i ," L' [ C, r,'.·c' C f-~ I~' )-~' r~ l. [ I·, ..- L C r C p"-="§ [ [ u E [ rL L [ [ the surface of the site,with numerous frost boils,rodent burrows,and game trails exposing underlying sediments.Dwarf birch,scattered spruce and paper bi rch forest the sides of the ridge and surrounding terrain. Reconnaissance Testing:A single flake was noted on the lichen-covered surface of a frost boil area.A test pit (test pit 1)40 em by 40 cm was placed adjacent to the location of this flake,but no artifacts were encountered.Five shovel tests were al so pl aced on the ri dge,with negative results.Surface exposures were also examined closely,but no additi onal arti facts were found. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 81 ack basalt fl ake 3-81 r' nt" ,.-, '0 C! \1Li [, [' L r~- l ~ -N- ~ 20 J 10 I oo o I * Test 1 o 0x * Test Pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Spruce Tree '*Fallen Spruce ~ METERS Contour Interval:1 m. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.rot. NW 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.1 [ [i f L Figure 3.26.Site Map TLM 138. 3-82 u c [ [~ [ [ L L [ D l 8 ~ [; F ~ [ C [ l [ (xix)AHRS Number TLM 139,Accession Number UA82-79 Area:2.5 km north of the mouth of Jay Creek,Survey Locale 127 Area Map:Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455400 Northing 6963200 Latitude 62°47 1 58"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 30"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,SE~SE~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.27 Setting:The site lies on a broad,flat-topped ridge paralleling Jay Creek canyon,on the west side of Jay Creek 2.5 'km north of the mouth of Jay Creek.The ridge,approximately 400 m long in a north-south direc- tion and from 20 m to 100 m wide descends gradually southward in an undulating,stepped fashion.It is part of the large gradually sloping (4 to 5 degrees)undulating terrace north of the Susitna River,and is divided from the rest of this terrace by Jay Creek canyon,adjacent to the east,and by a small unnamed tributary canyon,30 m to the west. The site is located on the eastern edge of the ridge top at 770 m asl (2530 feet)elevation,at the edge of Jay Creek canyon.The ridge is fairly constricted where the site is located,being about 25 m wide. Jay Creek canyon drops steeply to 160 m below the level of the site directly east of the site.To the west,the small drainage canyon is approximately 15 m deep.This small creek is the nearest accessible water.From the site,Jay Creek canyon is vi si bl e to the so·utheast and east.The lower,narrowi ng reach of the ri dge and adjacent drai nage canyon is visible to the south,while to the west the undulating terrace can be seen for a di stance of about 500 m before hi gh ground and trees block the view.The uplands beginning 500 m to 1000 m north of the site are plainly visible from the site.The area is covered by dwarf birch 3-83 scrub,with scattered spruce and paper birch.Cranberry,lichen,blue- berry,and Labrador tea make up a fairly continuous ground cover. Reconnaissance Testing:Cultural material was found in a single test pit,in'subsurface context.Forty-six flakes of six different material types and seven pi eces of bu rned bone were coll ected from a charcoal level beneath the organic mat and above (and slightly mixed with)an ashy silt layer (Devil tephra?).In this charcoal layer,and the upper portion of the yellow silt layer (Watana tephra)below this,48 flakes of five lithologies and 71 burned bone fragments were recovered.All faunal material from the site consisted of calcined medium to large mammal long bone fragments.No additi onal cultu ral materi al was encountered on the surface or in two other shovel tests placed in the vi ci nity of test pi t 1. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Subsurface: 63 Gray rhyolite flakes 2 White rhyol ite fl akes 8 Gray chert fl ake s 6 Brown rhyolite flakes 9 Black basalt flakes 1 Gray basalt fl ake 3 Li g ht gray rhyo 1i te fl akes 78 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 3-84 J \ ( l r- ~-- c F'"U C: o L-' [J r:L.d [ ! L r- L, (--.. I " \. [ [ r~1 L [ [, L r-' U Q [ E * ~ -N- ~ B 8 L C [, L fL 0 10 20 I I I Site Datum x METERS Test Pit 0 Contour Interval:50 em Shovel Test 0 D-2TalkeetnaMts.Spruce *T.31N.,R.8 E.,S.M. WLl SE !.:I,SE '.I,sw!.:l,Sec.1Boulder Figure 3.27.Site Map TLM 139. 3-85 (xx)AHRS Number TLM 140,Accessi on Number UA82-80 Area:ca.2.1 km 127 Area Map: USGS Map: north-northeast of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Si te Location:UTM Zone 6 East i ng 455450 Nort hi ng 6963050 Latitude 62°47 1 50 11 N., Longitude 147°52'28 11 W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.12,NE~N~NW~ Site ~1ap:Fi gure 3.28 Setti n9:TLM 140 is located on the crest of a north-south trendi ng ridge along the west side of Jay Creek,approximately 2.1 km north- northeast of the mouth of Jay Creek.The ridge,fonned by the con- vergence of Jay Creek canyon and an unnamed tributary drainage canyon, lies at 757 m asl (2475 feet)elevation,about 153 m (500 feet)above the level of Jay Creek 250 m to the east.The ridge narrows to the south and bends eastward as the tributary drainage canyon steepens and bends towards Jay Creek.At this southern end the ridge is narrow and crested,but to the north the ridge top is broad and flat,merging with the gradually sloping undulating terrain surrounding the area.Surface arti facts were found on game trai 1s along thi s ridge top from the narrow southern end northward about 100 m.West of the site ca.75 m,the tributary drainage occupies a low broad area about 3 m to 5 m below the level of the site.At the southern end,the canyon is about 15 m to 20 m below the site elevation.The bottom of the canyon is not visible from the site;Jay Creek is not visible either,the view being blocked by trees.The tributary creek is visible to the west,but the view to the surrounding terrace is blocked by higher terrain 150 m to the south- west and west.The slope to the north is not visible,being blocked by forests around the site.Open spruce woodland covers the site area, 3-86 (' 1 i \,".__...1 [ [; U' D f' Li [ [ L L. L L! [ [\ [' [ [ L [ ,[ 1: ('J t Q' [ [ ~ [ [ L~i L-' ...- L with a moderately dense cover of dwarf birch,low heath plants,and lichen mat.Extensive exposed areas are present along frequent game trails and on the steep southern end. Reconnaissance Testing:Cultural material was found on the surfaces of game trails in three localities.A single gray-white chert flake was found approximately 35 m north-northwest of site datum,and a si ngle black basalt flake was encountered on the southern end,approximately 50 m south-southeast of site datum.A black basalt biface midsection (UA82-80-5;Figure 3.50,c)and four flakes of three material types were found in the vicinity of the site datum.A 40 em by 40 em test pit (test pit 1)in this area yielded a black basalt biface fragment (UA82- 80-6;Figure 3.50,d)and 11 fl akes of three materi al types beneath the organic mat and above the pink-gray silt layer (Devil tephra?).No additi onal arti facts were found on the surface or in ei ght other shovel tests. Collected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Gray-whi te chert fl ake 1 Black basalt biface fragment (UA82-80-5;Figure 3.50,c) 1 Black basalt flake 1 Red chert fl ake 2 Gray rhyolite flakes Subsurface: 1 Black basalt biface fragment (UA82-80-6;Figure 3.50,d) 8 Gray rhyolite flakes 2 Black basalt flakes 1 Yellow translucent flake 3-87 Contour Interval:1 meter Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NE ~,NE ~,NW ~,Sec.12 Test pit Shovel Test site Datum Spruce (Live) Spruce (Dead) Surface Artifact o o x ~ ~ -:- o 1 20 1 METERS 40 J ~ -H- ~ rr-'L r~ L CJ'L_-l C r L D' u' [} n\L [ [ Ift Figure 3.28.Site Map TUM 140. 3-88 Oi C r~ l~ r-~ [ L f. ()'L [ t' L r: l~ e ,[ [ ~ E [ [ [: L L (xxi)AHRS Number TLM 141,Accessi on Number UA82-81 Area:2 km north-northeast of the mouth of Jay Creek,Survey Locale 127 Area Map:Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.28 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455140 Northing 6962870 Latitude 62°47 1 45"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 40"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.12,SW~NE~NW~ Site Map:Figure 3.29 Setti ng:The site is located on a kame terrace,ca.746 m asl (2450 feet),2 km north-northeast of the mouth of Jay Creek.The site over- looks a tributary canyon to Jay Creek canyon on the east,which drops approximately 150 m down a moderately steep slope to Jay Creek,500 m eastward.The kame terrace is oriented roughly north-south,and is approximately 70 m long and 30 m wide,with a broad,flat top.The site is located midway along the terrace on its eastern edge.A clearwater creek lies 100 m to the northeast in the steep tributary canyon,and a small (I-hectare)marshy pond lies 200 m to the west.From the site,a panoramic view of the tributary canyon and Jay Creek canyon is available to the east and south.The undulating kame topography making up the gradually sloping terrace north of the Susitna River (of which the site terrace is a part)is visible to the north,west,and south,though higher terrain 400 m away blocks the view to the west beyond this dis- tance.Open spruce woodland,with a moderately dense cover of dwarf birch and low heath plants,comprise the vegetation of the site and surrounding areas. Reconnaissance Testing:Cultural material,consisting of 50 flakes of two material types and one black basalt bi face fragment (UA82-81-15), 3-89 was encountered in test pit 1 beneath the organic mat at and in the underlying gray-white fine silt (Devil tephra).A sample of.charcoal from the contact between the organic mat and Devil tephra units was also coll ected from test pit 1.Three fl akes were call ected from a small soil exposure on the slope of the terrace,5 m east-southeast of site datum.Seven additi anal shovel tests.were pl aced on the kame terrace, with negative results.No additional surface arti facts were encoun- tered. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface : 1 Black basalt bi face fragment (UA82-81-15) 18 Black basalt flakes 34 Gray rhyolite flakes 1 White rhyolite flake 3-90 f~ (' l (~;~J lj [~~... --i' f·\......c r\\ U [ [ [' f! [, L\ C f" l_ r~ l , ! -N- ~ *o* *- 0.,.l.,R &M "\""survey ~marker 0 r'L c c r [' [ [ Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.12 Te st 1 0 0x I~~* 0*?\,*';\<* 20 J 10 1 METERS o l Contour Interval:1 ffi. Test Pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Deflated Area ..-,,,-, Surface Artifact _I- I Spruce Tree * Cc c:.=; C-=..-~ _x [1 [ t: L [ C L [ Figure 3.29.Site Map TUM 141. 3-91 (xxii)AHRS Number TLM 142,Accession Number UA82-82 I\. ! Area:ca.1.8 km 127 Area Map: USGS Map: north-northeast of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale Fi gure A.4;Su rvey Local e Map:Fi gure A.28 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 (' l_ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455020 Northing 6962750 Latitude 62°47 1 40"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 50"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.12,N84SW~NW~ Site Map:Figure 3.30 Setting:The site is situated on a low knoll 747 m asl (2450 feet) located upon a plateau .8 km west of Jay Creek and ca.1.8 km north- northeast of Jay Creek mouth.The knoll is elongate,oriented roughly north-south measuring 30m by 11 m at the base,and is 3 mhigher in elevation than the surrounding plateau.The area can be described as lacustrine deposits over glacial till.The site is situated in the middl e of the knoll 8 m from the northern end.Other simi 1ar knoll s are present to the southeast,east and northwest within 200 m of the site knoll.Several small drainages flow east and south off the plateau feeding Jay Creek to the east 500 feet below,and the Susitna River to the south.Views to the northwest,south,and east are panoramic, encompassing the Jay Creek drainage,Susitna River valley,and interven- i ng roll i ng terrai n.Westerly vi ews are obscured by a nearby stand of black spruce.Vegetation at the site consists of lichens,crowberry, wild rose,Labrador tea,grasses and some lowbush cranberry.The northern end of the knoll is covered in dwarf bi rch,as is the perimeter of the knoll.In all di recti ons except east the terrai n undul ates and is covered with dwarf birch and Labrador tea,with small stands of black spruce.A flat grassy I-hectare marsh borders the site to the east. 3-92 (~ ~-=j c [ [j [ rL.J L L, L" l~ .[\ L [j r ~ L [, L c c c c r., ~.3 ~ b [ [ (..•.~ ..'" 0=t [ " [ [ [' L Reconnaissance Testing:Artifacts recovered in subsurface testing include 5 lithic flakes,10 pieces of fire cracked rock,9 pieces of burned bone (long bone),one tooth fragment,and ca.172 burned bone fragments.No surface arti facts were found.Fi ve shovel tests were placed on the knoll.Only one of the shovel tests contained cultural remains;this test became test pit 1.Cultural materials came from a stratigraphic unit 4 cmbs to 10 cmbs sandwiched between the recognizable Devil tephra and Watana tephra,and a C-14 sample of this unit was coll ected. Collected Artifact Inventory Subsu rface: 1 Bl ack basalt fl ake 1 Dark yellowi sh brown chert flake 2 Transparent quartz fl akes 1 Transparent quartz fl ake wi th cortex 10 Pieces of fire cracked rock 1 Carpal/tarsal fragment,calcined,large mammal,possible caribou (Rangi fer tarandus) 1 Flat bone fragment,calcined,large mammal 2 Phalanx fragments,distal portion,calcined,large mammal,possible cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 167 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 1 Sesamoid bone,calcined,large mammal,possible caribou (Rangifer tarandus) 1 Tooth fragment,i nci sor,unbu rned,cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 3-93 c> Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Marsh ~ Spruce Tree *Birch Tree 0 a 6 12 ,,I HE TE RS L lJ (, t, [\ C c~;t=~ Cl E~ [] ~ j -N- ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contour Interval:1 m. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.H. NE 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.12 ?¥. **'* *****~%'%,*'0 **?¥ Figure 3.30.Site Map TLM 142. 3-94 t: L c\ Latitude 62°48 1 07"N.,Longitude 148°52'09"W. Site Map:Figure 3.31 Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 455600 Northi ng 6963700 T..31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridi an . Sec.1,SW~NW~S~ of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Local e 127 Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 (xxiii)AHRS Number TLM 143,Accession Number UA82-83 3 km north Area Map: USGS Map: Area: [, [ ['j '[ r Cj c c L r~ L Fe [ F.-,""", ~ [ [ L l~ Setting:TLM 143 is located at ca.775 m asl (2550 feet)elevation on a broad,slightly undulating gentle slope west of Jay Creek at the rim of Jay Creek canyon,3 km north of the mouth of Jay Creek.The slope overlooks Jay Creek canyon just north of a very steep cli ff face above a tight meander of Jay Creek,and is approximately 150 m (500 feet)higher than Jay Creek at its nearest point.The site lies on the edge of this canyon,wi th some materi al occurri ng on a moderatel y steep slope below the canyon rim leading into the steep canyon itself.The site appears to be confi ned to wi thi n 50 m of the canyon rim,but the extent of subsurface remains is unknown.The gentle slope descends gradually to the northeast;small linear kames,1 m to 2 m high and ca.30 m long trending northwest-southeast,make the surface undulate slightly.This gentle slope is the northeastern edge of a large glaciolacustrine plain on the north side of the Susitna River.The plain has numerous kame ridges on it,and generally descends southward in a gentle,undulating slope.Because that part of the slope on which the site is located descends northeastward,the rest of this plain is not visible from the site due to i nterveni ng hi gher ground to the southwest.Jay Creek canyon is easily seen meandering from the northeast to south of the site.Jay Creek is not easily accessible from the site due to the steepness of the canyon to the south,though moderately steep ridges 3-95 c L leading to the creek east of the site may provide access.A small clearwater stream flows 150 m north of the site at the bottom of a gentle slope.This is the nearest accessible water.Beyond this stream the Jay Creek uplands are visible.These extend to the west,blocking the view in that direction.Located in the steep canyon area south of the site is a mineral lick popular with mountain sheep.Sign of game is abundant in the site area.Over a dozen archeological sites have been found within 1 km of this lick area.The site is covered with a moderately dense stand of dwarf birch and fairly complete ground cover of lichen and low heath plants.Spruce,willow and paper birch are scattered on the gentle slope above the canyon,and become fairly dense on the canyon slopes.Game trails,rodent burrows,and frost boils provide a few areas of exposed sediments. Reconnaissance Testing:A sparse surface scatter of lithic material was fi rst encountered on the rim of the canyon and edge of the gentl e slope leading away from it.Eighteen flakes,composed of basalt and rhyolite, were noted on the surface within an area of 70 m (northwest-southeast) by 20 m (northeast-southwest).Eight of these flakes were collected, and the rest were mapped in place.These flakes were foundi n areas of subsurface exposure (game trails,rodent burrows,frost-boiled areas, and places of active downslope movement of material).A single 40 cm by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1)was placed on the southeast end of a small kame,30 m north of the canyon edge.A dense layer of cultural material was encountered in thi s test pit at 12 cmbs to 25 cmbs,underl yi ng a discontinuous gray silt unit (Oshetna tephra).Two projectile points (UA82-83-1,2;Figure 3.51,a,b,respectively),one side-notched and the other lanceolate with the base missing,were found in this cultural layer at 12 cmbs and 15 cmbs,respectively.Over 1300 flakes,composed of basalt,rhyolite,and several kinds of chert,and over 1300 long bone fragments of calcined bone were recovered from test pit 1 in tfiis layer as well"No additi onal subsurface testi ng was conducted. 3-96 f' ( C " -;' -~ C [ r--~ \,- C,L~: [; [ L' L ( .~..~ {~ L [ [ r (~ L rL [ L ,_/ C t 8 ~t b e ~Ei [; C [ (' [ Collected Artifact Inventory Surface: 4 Gray-black basalt flakes 1 Yellow rhyolite flake 1 White rhyolite flake 2 Li g ht brown rhyol i te fl a kes 1 Brown rhyolite fl ake Subsurface: 2 Black basalt projectile points (UA82-83-1,2;Figure 3.51,a,b, respect i vel y) 1300+flakes,many different material types 1356 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3-97 Figure 3.31. Test Pit Site Datum Surface Artifact Birch Tree S9ruce Tree o Jl -:- c * o 20 40 I I I METERS Contour Interval:1 m. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.1 Site Map TLM 143. 3-98 ! -N- ~ J~' r"(_I r \, r l\.....,I c~ ("\', j (, L: G r~: [: [ r-'t L' t. t' f r, 1,..1 r' l..(xxiv)AHRS Number TLM 144,Accession Number UA82-84 ( ( lL ~~ Area:ca.3.7 kIn Area Map: USGS ~1ap: northeast of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.29 Tal keetnaMts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 127 r' \. r \- () r ~J tr) l,J F"r------= \.4 t' "«J l; G [I t' ~- ~..-; l· [ r" l~ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 456000 Northing 6964400 Latitude 62°48'35 11 N.,Longitude 147°52'40 11 W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward ~1eridian Sec.1,NW~SE~NE~ Site Map:Figure 3.32 Setting:TLM 144 is located north of the Susitna River ca.3.7 km northeast of the mouth of Jay Creek.The site morphology includes a prominent elongated knoll and 2 small circular knolls within 10 m north of the elongated knoll.The elongated knoll is the primary topographi c feature and at an el evati on of 831 m asl (2725 feet)is the hi ghest point of topographic relief between its location and Jay Creek.The elongated knoll is orientated in a southwest to northeast direction and is ca.20 m by 5 m on the level crest area.The 2 smaller circular knolls are 1 m to 1.5 m lower in elevation and from 7 m to 9 m in diameter.The southern face of the elongate knoll slopes moderately steeply at about a 10-degree angle for 75 m at which di stance the slope becomes more gradual and merges onto a gl aci 01 acust ri ne plain conti nui ng for about 500 m to the Jay Creek valley rim.North and east of the site,slopes are more gradual and continue for 25 m before rising to upland hills which reach elevations of 1113 m asl (3650 feet).A small clearwater creek was observed approximately 200 m southwest of the site. This creek is a tributary of Jay Creek flowing northwest to southeast, draining the upland areas,and is accessible from the site.The view from the elongate knoll encompasses the Jay Creek valley and surrounding terrain and is obscured only minimally by present vegetation on the southern slope.This site is an excellent vantage point for observing 3-99 the uplands down to the vicinity of the reported mineral lick.While this site was being recorded 14 Dall sheep were observed making this descent.In the northern directions visibility is obscured oy upland hills.The predominant vegetation on the site consists of low brush with a ground cover of lichens,crowberry,blueberry,Labrador tea, cranberry and scattered grasses.The southern slope includes dwarf birch,alder and spruce cover with denser spruce stands at lower eleva- tions.North of the site,as elevation increases,the vegetation zone changes to open shrub.Erosi onal features are apparent on the east and southwest slope of the knoll as well as on the central portion of the crest. Reconnaissance Testing:The site includes two areas,the prominent elongate knoll and the smaller circular knoll.The site was initially located by su rface 1ithi c debitage found on the exposu re on the knoll crest.Additional surface reconnaissance located a basalt corner notched projectile point (UA82-84-1;Figure 3.50,e)on the southern slope of the knoll.A 40 em by 40 cm test (test pit 1)was placed in the vicinity of the surface lithic scatter and a site datum established in the southwest corner.Excavation of this test pit yielded 2 flakes and 1 calcined long bone fragment,each recovered from different strati- graphic contexts indicating that this site is multicomponent.In addi- tion to the previously mentioned cultural material,lithics were found in 2 of 5 shovel tests placed in the site area.One of these shovel test s was located on the western end of the elongate knoll and contai ned 5 fl akes.The other shovel test situated on a small ci rcul ar knoll, north of the western porti on of the elongate knoll,contai ned 3 small flakes. 3-100 rj ~ r-' ~ " ( r { I.! r ( \ (, (, rr--l, ('~ (1 [, Ci ,[;\ 'f.... (; [ r,t ( ~! (\ ~" (\ f (', l [ (""-. "l._' [ r--' "- (, ~" [ F C r [~ ~ t2 r ~7 8 ~. [ f ~- ,~ l- [ r ' L~ Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 1 Basalt corner notched projectile point (UA82-84-1;Figure 3.50,e) 2 Ba sa 1t fl a ke s 1 Rhyolite flake Subsurface: 4 Basalt flakes. 1 Red chert flake 1 Brown chert fl ake 4 Rhyolite flakes 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,medium to large mammal 3-101 Site Datum x Surface Artifact ~- Deflated Area ,==' Spruce Tree ~ (/ r' \.' (\ ,l C\ '" c( (J. r'i(' {;, (\ l,- (' '\. r~i, \ ( I '(!I f"-H- l'I I r \. ('. \, 20 J 10 1 METERS Contour Interval:1 In. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.1 o I[J o 58* Shovel Test 50 CIn.Contour Test Pit if' GJ f' t Figure 3.32.Site Map TLM 144. 3-102 C\ L (1 ".. r \(xxv)AHRS Number TLM 145,Accessi on NumberUA82-85 (' l c Area:ca.1.7 km Area Map: USGS Map: northeast of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.28 Talkeetna Mts.D-2,Scale 1:63,360 127 r ~, (,, \" {' \-' C f r l:} e c "C) '[2 L t~ (' b [ l Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455650 Northing 6962400 Latitude 62°47 1 25"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 10"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.12,NW~NW~SE~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.33 Setting:The site,at approximately 716 m asl (2350 feet),is located on a ridge which extends eastward from a glaciolacustrine plain ca.1.7 km northeast of the confluence of Ja~Creek with the Susitna River.Jay Creek,which'is 300 m east of the site,flows southward 137 m (450 feet)below the site area.The creek is relatively inacces- sible due to the steepness of the slopes extending down to it.200 m north of the site the creek bends westward and then makes a sharp turn to the east.The site is situated on the central portion of the ridge which is ca.200 m in length.The ridge slopes eastward at a moderate angle in the site vicinity for a distance of 15 m,and then decreases for 40 m.The ridge rises at this point,reaching its apex ca.100 m east of the site.North and northeast the terrain broadens out for a distance of 35 m to the rim of the Jay Creek canyon.Visibility from the site is partially obscured to the east,north,and south by present vegetati on.From the level area above the site,2 m higher in el eva- ti on,there is a vi ew of an amphitheater shaped cli ff.Thi s formati on is the location of a reported mineral lick and is ca.1 km north of the site.To the south the Jay Creek mouth is visible.Vegetation on the site includes both low and high shrub,scattered spruce trees,shrub birch,alder,blueberry,willow,lowbush cranberry,with a ground cover of lichens,mosses,and scattered grasses.The eastern,northern and 3-103 southern slopes are characterized by closed mixed spruce-hardwood forest.Thi s forest i ncl udes stands of bi rch and spruce with under- growth of mosses and grasses,and brush in the open areas. Reconnai ssance Testi n9:The site contai ns both surface and subsurface material.Basalt,rhyolite and chert flakes were located on a game trail which runs along the crest of the ridge,with the scatter confined to an 8 m by 1m area on an eastward facing 4 to 5-degree slope.On this slope the ground surface appears to be additi onally eroded by weatheri ng processes.A 40 cm by 40 cm test (test pit 1)was pl aced north of the lithic scatter off the edge of the game trail.Subsurface material from this test pit included 107 flakes and 93 calcined long bone fragments. Only 2 stratigraphic units wererecogni zed,a dark brown finely sorted organic layer and an underlying light grayish-brown silty matrix with gravel s.The arti factual materi al was associ ated with the upper strata. Partially burned wood was also visible within this strata in the unit profile.Two additional basalt flakes were located 22 m west of the scatter on the level area of the ridge 2 m higher in elevation.Three shovel tests were placed in this area,all with negative results. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Surface: 3 Rhyolite flakes 3 Basalt flakes 1 Gray chert fl ake Subsurface: 67 Rhyol ite fl akes 32 Basalt flakes 6 Gray chert fl akes 2 Bl ack chert fl akes 1 Burin spall fragment (?) 1 Skull fragment,calcined,medium to large mammal 92 Long bone/flat bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 3-104 'f>c, r \'. c r \ U r' \ c: (~ Ci, '- 6 r\ \) {) (, ,-' C'" (~ r \ ( ~. (' [, r'\. r" l r !-N- ~ 20 J * ***'* 10 1 ~IETERS o I Contour Interval:1 ffi. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.12 OO°l:) * *Test 1 .......--.......0 ---.~..-!.~....._--_: _1- o 0 1 "*TO '***"* Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Surface Artifact -,-I ,.~ Deflated Area .'__I Birch Tree C Spruce Tree '* (~ ~. (~ ~ c r' \-,' (, l~ ~~ r L ,~ Il~ t C t r' \ [' l· [ l" [ (~ L Figure 3.33.Site Map TLM 145. 3-105 (xxvi)AHRS Number TLM 146,Accession Number UA82-86 ( \ { Area:ca.2.5 km Area t1ap: USGS Map: north of Jay Creek Mouth, Fi gure A.4;Survey Local e Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale Survey Locale 131 Map:Figure A.34 1:63,360 "i \/ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455100 Northing 6963800 Latitude 62°48 1 10"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 43"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Sewa rdMe ri dian Sec.1,SW~NW~SE~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.34 Setting:The site is located on a broad sloping hill that descends from upland elevations 1114 m asl (3654 feet)down to a glacio-lacustrine plain 762 m asl (2500 feet).The site is topographically higher than terrain to the south and southeast situated approximately 7 m to 8 m above the lower undul ati ng pl ai n at a positi on i ntermedi ate between the Susitna River and the WatanaHills to the north.The site is at an elevation of ca.834 m asl (2750 feet)where the plain begins a gradual northward ri se to the Watana Hills.The south facing slope of the knoll gradually descends to the undulating plain,ca.30 m distant.Neither Jay Creek or the Susitna River are visible from the site,however the valleys can be seen.A gradual east sloping draw levels out approxi- mately 125 m northeast of the site.A small downcut valley adjacent to TLM 138 is situated at the eastern extent of the draw.Another narrow and shallow clear water stream is situated ca.100 m directly south of the site.The latter stream originates from two kettle lakes (l and 2 hectares)ca ..75 km west of the site.Although not vi si ble from the site,the stream is visible from a kame crest 70 m south of TLM 146.In addition to the two lakes mentioned above,a third lake,Laha Lake,is visible from the site to the southwest.The three lakes are situated within a radius of 700 m and are easily accessible.Site vegetation i ncl udes wi 11 ow,dwa rf bi rch,white and yellow 1;chen,Labrador tea, 3-106 r' \. ,"",(\t; {~r' (, ... C C\ ( \. c: (j (, (. \." ~ t L' (' l,0 c (' l, (~ \./ (' \-. {' ~ {' \/ ",.,/ c e (~ ~- ~ C c e r~ c r (0 L, blueberry,crowberry,heath,and spruce.Surrounding vegetation in- cludes all of the site species plus fireweed and mosses.Dwarf birch and blueberry stands are considerably more dense below the site terrain feature. Reconnai ssance Testi ng:Intensi ve su rface and subsu rface reconnai ssance was conducted after a shovel test revealed a basalt flake (UA82-86-1). No arti facts were found on the surface or in subsequent subsurface shovel tests including a 40 em by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1).The flat level area north of the site area (ca.40 m by 20 m)was extensively examined with negative results.Adjacent deflated areas,across the crest,were exami ned but produced negati ve results.Frost heavi ng (boiling)is apparent across the level crest north of the site area and discontinuous stratigraphic units observed also evidence cryoturbation. Collected Artifact Inventory Subsurface: 1 Basalt flake with retouched or utilized edge (UA82-86-1) 3-107 c (' { (, J ( \,,," t f'\ \ r ( L f\ \.. f\b' [i {) (\ (~ r''\' r'\!, !-H- ~ 40 J stream 100 m. 20 1 METERS o I Contour Interval:1 ffi. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.I R.8 E.IS.M. SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.1 o o o oo*- 20 m.x 40 m. flat summit Test Pit Shovel Test Site Datum Spruce Tree ~ Figure 3.34.Site Map TL~1 146. 3-108 {' v L r' l_, r~ l., r~' r' l Area: (xxvi i)AHRS Number TLM 147,Accessi on Number UA82-87 1.6 kin north of Jay Creek Mouth,Su rvey Local e 127 Area Map:Figure A.4;Location Map:Figure A.28 USGS Map:Tal keetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 r l, [ ,., \,0 Plj E r' [J ~ C'·., (J c I;; C F b (, b (; l, [ Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455130 Northing 6962500 Latitude 62°47'30"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 50"W. To 31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridi an Sec.12,S 94SWl;;NWl;; Site Map:Figure 3.35 Setting:The site is located at an elevation of 735 m asl (2410 feet) on a broad flat terrace 1.6 kin north of the mouth of Jay Creek,850 m west of Jay Creek.The site is on the east side of the terrace,which measures 100 m (east-west)by 250 m (north-south),approximately 60 m north of the terrace's southern limit (Figure 3.35).The terrace slopes southward in a stepped fashion;dropping abruptly 10 m south of the site,then fl atteni ng out for 50 m,1 m lower than the site.A ci rcul ar basin lies 50 m southwest of the site;it is 5 m lower in elevation,and measures 50 m in diameter.Beyond this basin the terrace descends gently into a well-defined drainage,300 m to the southwest.On the terrace,50 m to the west of the site,lies a small kame 20 m long (northwest-southeast)and 6 m wide.It is 1 m higher in elevation than the level terrace.The terrace extends about 200 m to the northwest and west,where it merges with undulati ng kame topography.To the northeast and east the terrain is low and boggy,about 2 m lower in elevation than the site.Views from the site are good in every direction except west, where the small kame obstructs western terrain.However,the area west of the kame contains a small drainage that flows south joining the major drainage southwest of the site.vJest of the small drainage (l00 m)the terrain rises 10 m higher than the site.A 2 hectare marshy basin is visible 100 m south and southeast of the site.Vegetation on the site 3-109 and su rroundi ng terrace consi sts of dwarf bi rch and Labrador tea wi th a groundcover of blueberry,cranberry,fireweed,wild rose,and white lichens.To the north,the plateau is forested with black spruce.The low bog area to the northeast and east has grasses,willow,much cinque- foil and crowberry with numerous black spruce.The marshes to the southeast and south are grassy,while the nearer (more westerly)marsh is transiti onal wi th wi 11 ow and dwarf bi rch present.Bl ack spruce are present in the drainage area along the west side of the plateau,and abundant on the hi gh terrai n west of the site. Reconnai ssance Testi ng:One 1arge gray rhyolite fl ake with bl ack streaking was found in a shovel test.Its stratigraphic position is not known.Subsurface shovel tests pl aced nearby did not reveal additi onal cultural material.Surface reconnaissance of ground squirrel burrow berms was al so negative.One test pit (test pit 1)was superimposed over the shovel test where the fl ake was found,but no other arti facts were observed.A charcoal sample was taken from a large charcoal layer between the Watana and Oshetna tephra units. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Su bsu rface : 1 Gray rhyolite flake 3-110 r I,~ r'" \ (, ( \, f ~ I ( ~, {~ ('1 l) {~..', ... r-:· .-.~ ..J C:j (' (' L' {' C' (. l, l (, I., [ i' ~.' Contour Interval:1 meter Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SE '4,SW !.a:,NW ~,Sec.12 Site Map TLM 147. 3-111 ! -N- ~ 24 1 16 1 METERS 8 1 o Po a l o x o o Figure 3.35. Test pit Site Datum Shovel Test f' l . c C l,0 C C~l:J ~ C C~ r..i~~ C C C C [' r (0 Area: (xxviii)AHRS Number TLM 148,Accession Number UA82-88 1.75 km north-northeast of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 127 Area Map:Figure A.4;Location Map:Figure A.28 USGS Map:TalkeetnaMts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 {, r'\ \ r \ r- \ Site Locati on:UTM Zone 6 Easti ng 455300 Northi ng 6962600 Latitude 62°47 1 35"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 30"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.12,SW~S~NW~ Site Map:Figure 3.36 Setting:The site is located on the northwest corner of a roughly triangular broad,flat terrace,approximately 400 m west of Jay Creek, 1.75 km north-northeast of the confluence of the Susitna River and Jay Creek.The terrace lies at 732 m asl (2400 feet)elevation,and is part of the gradually sloping undulating glaciolacustrine plain north of the Susitna River in this area.It is separated from the rest of this plain by Jay Creek canyon 150 m to the east,an unnamed tributary canyon 100 m to the north,and a small drainage 100 m to the west of the site.The small drainage to the west is 5 m lower in elevation than the terrace top.The larger drainage north of the site drops abruptly about 60 m in depth.The site 1i es on the upper edge of the western slope of the terrace,approximately 0.5 m below the level top of the terrace.From the site,Jay Creek canyon and the canyon tributary to it are visible to the nort h,and the Jay Creek up 1ands,2 km to 3 km di stant,a re vi si b1e as well.Portions of the undulating plain are vi si ble to the west (up to 500 m distant)but the view is obscured by spruce forest and inter- vening hills.The marsh and small slow creek 100 m to the west provide the nearest easily accessible water.Clear running water is available from the tri butary canyon to the north,250 m away.Several small (1 hectare or less)ponds and marshes are found to the west.To the south,the view of the terrace and Susitna River canyon rim is obscured 3-112 r'\. r \ C" C: C, Gl C; [ r'- [' L, r- L, C L L [' [ [ [ rl. r L 6 G r-:c ~ C C & C t [ C [. L by spruce forest.The terrace top is visible to the east,but Jay Creek canyon cannot be seen.Numerous other archeological sites in the area (TLM 128,138,139,140,141,143,and 147)are visible to the north and west.The terrace is vegetated with moderately dense dwarf birch, lichen,Labrador tea,blueberry,and other heath shrubs.A few scattered spruce occur in the vicinity of the site,and are more common on the plain west and south of the site.The marsh 100 m west of the site contai ns low boggy heath pl ants and grasses.Spruce-bi rch forests are dense on the slopes of canyons to the north and east. Reconnaissance Testing:Cultural material was encountered in subsurface context in a single 40 em by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1).Twenty white rhyolite flakes were found in an initial shovel test,occurring from 1 cmbs to 6 cmbs in dept h.El even additi onal whi te rhyolite fl akes were encountered duri ng excavati on of test pit 1.These occur from 4 cmbs to 7.5 cmbs,under the organi c mat.Fl akes occur ina charcoal unit (Unit 2)directly below the mat,in a pinkish-gray fine silt unit (Unit 3:Devil tephra),and in the contact between them.A few flakes appeared to come from within the organic mat in the shovel test. ,Despite 7 additional shovel tests placed in the vicinity of test pit 1 and extensive surface examination,no other artifacts were found. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 31 White rhyolite flakes 3-113 0 10 20 I ,I Test Pit 0 METERS site Datum •Contour Interval:50 em Shovel Test 0 Talkeetna Mts.D-2 Spruce ~T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.f-l. SW J..t,SE ~,NW ...,Sec.12 IJJ o ~-N- ~ r' (, r~ l, I' \ [' L ( I i L, {~ r~ l.~ LJ r l,i c [" 't.: rl.,; c f ' L r (L,. Figure 3.36.Site Map TLM 148. 3-114 t'.,," L' r- l,_ [(xxi x)AHRS Number TLM 149,Accessi on Number UA82-89 3-115 Site Map:Figure 3.37 Latitude 62°48'08 11 N.,Longitude 147°53'04 11 vI. Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 454800 Northing 6963700 West Side of Jay Creek,Survey Locale 131 Figure A.4;Location ~1ap:Figure A.34 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Laha Lake, Area Map: USGS Map: Area: T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,NW~SW~SW~ Setting:TLM 149 is situated at approximately 808 m asl (2650 feet)on a low knoll,2.8 km north of the mouth of Jay Creek.The knoll is crescent shaped wi th a 30 m long and 15 m wi de southern portion ori ented northwest-southeast.The northern portion is 20 m by 8 m oriented north-south.The site is situated in the middle of the northern knoll portion which is about 5 m above the surrounding terrain on its west side and about 1 m above the surrounding terrain on its east side.The site knoll is one of many knolls within a 200 m radius that vary between 800 m asl and 823 m asl.Thi s large group of kame knoll s trends east- west for approximately 1.2 km from the east side of Laha Lake.The site knoll is 500 m east of t he easternmost ti p of Laha Lake and 100 m north of a small unnamed creek.The view from the site to the north and northwest includes a series of kames,averaging 815 m asl,mountainous foothills 2 km distant,as well as mountain peaks reaching 6000 feet asl.Vi ew to the northeast is obscured by a hi gher knoll 40 m di stant. Beyond kames to the east,high topography on the east side of Jay Creek is visible.To the southeast the kame topography descends gently for 100 m.The Susitna River drainage is visible 3 km distant as is high topography on its south side.A plateau on the east side of Jay Creek is also visible to the southeast.The creek (100 m distant)is not visible from the site,although it is audible.Site vegetation consists r- L [ r: c {~., -_.... C [ t ~..c.=.---- ~ [ {~ ~ [<' C [ C [ of a white lichen mat,lowbush cranberry,crowberry,blueberry,Labrador tea,and low-lying dwarf birch,along with a few willow.One young black spruce is growi ng 4 m west of the site datum.Other knoll s wi thi n a 200 m radius are similarly vegetated.Knoll slopes tend to exhibit exposed gravelly soil and are lichenous.Swales or shallow draws between knoll s are covered with dwarf bi rch.Dense bl ack spruce thickets stand in seasonal drainages between knolls.Other sites within this stretch of undulating kame topography east of Laha Lake are TLM 138,146, 150,151,152,and 154. Reconnai ssance Testi ng:No su rface arti facts,were observed at TLM 149. The subsurface assemblage consists of burned bone (968 fragments)coming from a cultural layer between 5 cmbs to 10 cmbs in a 40 cm by 40 em test pit (test pit 1).The cultural layer lies between the Devil and Watana tephra units.Dense boneconcentrati ons were encountered in the south half of the test pit.Two small light brown rhyolite flakes were also located in association with the burned bone in the southwest quarter of the test pit.A charcoal sample was obtained from the northeast quarter of the test pit,which may provide a radiometric date for this strati- graphic contact.Three additional shovel tests placed on the knoll feature did not produce cultural material. Coll ected Arti fact Inventory Su bsu rface : 2 Light brown rhyolite flakes 963 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 2 Phal anx,di stal porti on,small mammal 1 Metatarsal/metacarpal fragment,calcined,medium to large mammal 1 Carpal fragment,cal ci ned,cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 1 Astragalus fragment,calcined,small mammal C-14 sample (UA82-89-11) 3-116 c r L [' 't , r'~ L J L" r' l c r 'L c' r'l [L C C {~ I' L l r" L. [ r'L L L o ~ -N- ~ 20 J o 10 1 METERS Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NW ~,SW ~,SW ~,Sec.1 o l Contour Interval:1 meter Site ~1ap TLM 149. 3-117 Fig ure 3.37 . site Datum " Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Spruce ~ t E Q C [ [ ~ [ L [ L L rL r [ [ [ Area: (xxx)AHRS Number TLM 150,Accessi on Number UA82-90 2.6 km north of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 131 Area Map:Figure A.4;Location Map:Figure A.34 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.D-2,Scale 1:63,360 [' r' L r~ L f' Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 454780 Northing 6963500 Latitude 62°48 1 00"N.,Longitude 147°53 1 10"W. To 31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward t<1eridi an Sec.1,N~SW~SW~ Site Map:Figure 3.38 Setting:Located on the crest of a small kame ridge,TU1 150 lies at an el evati on of 802 m (2630 feet)asl,2.6 km due north of the mouth of Jay Creek.The kame ridge is one of a series of similar kame ridges on an undulating terrace between Jay Creek,750 m to the east,and Laha Lake, a 7 hectare 1ake 500 m tQ the west.The ridge is ori ented roughl y, northeast-southwest,and is approximately 150 m long and 20 m to 30 m wide.It is fairly linear,broadly rounded in cross-section.The site is approximately 10 m southwest of the central high point of the ridge, on the flattened ridgetop.A slight swale,1 m to 2 m lower in eleva- tion than the ridgetop,separates the ridge from a slightly higher ridge to the west and northwest.Higher ground also lies to the southwest, approximately 75 m distant,across a dip 4 m deep.To the southeast and east across a relatively low drainage (7 m to 10 m lower than the site elevation)are similar but smaller kame ridges.Low kames and ridges are found to the northeast and north,approximately 75 m away.A small clear water creek,the outlet stream from a small pond northeast of Laha Lake,flows 100 m to the north.Beyond this creek,rolling uplands lead to hills of up to 1113 m (3650 feet)approximately 2.5 km to the north. From the site,a good vi ew of the roll i ng kames to the east and north ; s available.The view to the south and west is partially to completely obscured by open spruce woodland and intervening terrain.Jay Creek 3-118 r" L r'b c r"'( LJ C r:u r'~ L [ [ L J' l L [ r [ [ [ [ [ rL c [ FL ~ [ [ t [ L [ L L lies in a steep-walled drainage 750 m to the east.It is inaccessible, owing to the sheer walls.A mineral lick favored by game is reported from here,and numerous other archeological sites have been discovered in thi s area.The site and surrounding terrai n are vegetated by dwarf birch scrub,with Labrador tea,blueberry and other low heath plants, and lichen providing a fairly continuous ground cover.Spruce are scattered on the kame top,and are denser in the lower swale areas. Reconnai ssance Testi ng:Cultural materi al was encountered ina $i ngle 40 em by 40 cm test pit (test pit 1).Four black basalt flakes were found in an initial shovel test,beneath the organic mat and above 7.5 cmbs.Upon expansion of this test to test pit 1,4 additional black basalt flakes were encountered between 4 cmbs to 6 cmbs,beneath the organic layer and within and above the underlying pink-gray silty Unit 2 (Devil tephra).At 9 embs to 12 cmbs,beneath Unit 4 (Watana tephra),5 calcined small to large mammal long bone fragments were encountered. One piece,found at 9 cmbs in the west wall of test pit 1,was located within the gray silty Unit 5 (Oshetna tephra);the others were found within or at the upper contact of this unit.The stratigraphic distri- bution of cultural material in test pit 1 strongly suggests that the site contains more than one component.Despite extensive surface exam- ination and the placement of eight additional shovel tests,no other arti factual materi al was found. Collected Artifact Inventory Subsurface: 8 Bl ack basalt fl akes 5 Bone fragments,calcined,small to large mammal 3-119 Figure 3.38.Site Map TLM 150. 3-120 ~ Test pit 0 site Datum x Shovel Test 0 Spruce *'Flagged Tree 4 ~~/;i? o 10 20 I I I METERS Contour Interval:1 meter Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. NE ~,SW ~,SW ~,Sec.1 [ r l L j r-' \" -N- ~I L [ [ D C [ 0 C [ r L [ [ [ E L r' l 3-121 Setting:The site is located in an area characterized by kettle and kame topography ca.2.5 km north of the Jay Creek and Susitna River confluence.The kame features are dissected by a series of swales, drai nages and creeks.'The kame feature on whi ch thi s site is situated is approximately 100 m in length oriented northeast-southwest.The kame has the appearance of an elongated ridge with 3 di screte ri sese The site is on a circular rise on the southwest end of the kame 732 m asl (2400 feet),15 m by 6 m in area.A circular rise on the center of the kame and 1 m hi gher than TLM 151 is the hi ghest poi nt of topographi c rel i ef on thi skame feature.The ci rcul ar ri se associ ated with TLM 151 is defined primarily by the slope of the south and west faces which descend 2 m to 3 m over a distance of 10 m.The kame feature is bordered on the north and south sides by swales,ca.15 m in width,with creeks on both the western and eastern sides.There is excellent access from the site to the small creek on the west side of the kame ridge. This creek is an outlet for an unnamed kettle lake which is one of three kettle lakes 6 km to 8 km northwest of the site and is also a Jay Creek tributary.The creek flows south past the site,bending northwest 150 m upstream.The Jay Creek valley rim ;s ca.500 m ~Jest of the site.At that location Jay Creek makes a sharp turn and an amphitheater formation is evident.This formation is the location of a mineral lick.The Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 455100 Northing 6963450 Site Map:Figure 3.39 131northoftheJayCreekMouth,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Survey Locale Map:Figure A.34 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Latitude 62°47 1 58"N.,Longitude 147°52 1 45"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.1,S~SW~SW~ (xxxi)AHRS Number TLM 151,Accessi on Number UA82-91 ca.2.5 kIn Area ~1ap: USGS Map: Area: L L, [ [ [ [ C [ C ~ C C 6 [ [ L [ L location of this site in between the uplands to the north and northwest and Jay Creek to the east may be correlated to movement of game toward the mineral lick.Vi sibility from the site is partially obscured in all directions by scattered spruce trees.To the north,upland hills which attain elevations of ca.1097 m (3600 feet)can be seen.Kame features are in view for 150 m to 250m.The site vegetation consists of scattered spruce trees and brush including dwarf birch,blueberry,and heath.Li chen,mosses,and scattered grasses are common on the surface. Vegetation in the site area is similar to that on the site with denser brush in swales,drainages,and along creek margins. Reconnaissance Testing:This site contains only subsurface material; there was no surface indication of the site.Fi fteen bone fragments \'1ere recovered from a shovel test located on a level area on the eastern end of the kame feature.This shovel test was expanded into a 40 em by 40 cm test (test pit 1).Five hundred and thirty-six calcined long bone fragments,one calcined medium to large mammal rib fragment,and 13 flakes representing 4 material types were found in this test.The materi al was associ ated with a cultural unit (7 cmbs to 20 cmbs)beneath a unit of dark brown finely sorted organics.The cultural matrix truncates a unit of yellowish-brown fine grained matrix (Watana tephra) whi chi s stratigraphically lower than the cultural unit.Thi s may indicate a cut and fill type of relationship and consequently a pit feature.The cultural unit itself had a mixed appearance with a reddi sh-brown silty matri x,a gray;sh matri x (tephra or cultural ash), and charcoal lenses and flecks.A carbon sample was collected (UA82- 91-21)which could date the cultural unit.No additional subsurface testing was conducted in the 15 m by 6 m level area on which the site is si tuated. 3-122 1-- i- l_ I~ !- u [ [ D [ l_,," L [ [ l_ [ L [ [ L [ [ [' [ C [ C ill [ b ~ [ C L [ [" G Collected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 8 Basalt fl akes 2 Gray chert fl akes 2 Chalcedony flakes 1 Rhyolite fl ake 31 Long bone fragments,calcined,small to large mammal 519 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium to large mammal 1 Rib fragment,calcined,medium to large mammal 3-123 [' f F~ L: r~ IL r-- L D [ U [ [ [! [, [ l c [j ~-N- ~ 20 J 10 1 METERS o I Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SE ~,SW ~,SW ~,Sec.1 Contour Interval:1 meter ?#- Site Map TLM 151. 3-124 ~ # x ~ o Figure 3.39. ?It ~ ~c)~ Spruce Test Pit site Datum ~ [ [ f [ [ [ r~ l E C o [ [ G....b [' L [ [ l (xxxi i)AHRS Number TLM 152,Accessi on Number UA82-92 Area:ca.2.7 km northwest of Jay Creek Mouth,Survey Locale 131 Area Map:Figure A.4;Location Map:Figure A.34 USGS Map:Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 454350 Northing 6963620 Latitude 62°48 1 05"N.,Longitude 147°53 1 35"W. T.31 N.,R.8 E.,Seward Meridian Sec.2,NW~SE~SE~ Site Map:Figure 3.40 Setti ng:TLM 152 is located in an area of ice contact featu res 2.7 km northwest of the Jay Creek and Susitna River confluence.The site,at an elevation of 802 m asl (2630 feet),is situated on a prominent elongate kame feature overlooking two kettle lakes.These lakes are ca.2 and 7 hectares in si ze wi th the 1arger 1ake 100 m west and the smaller lake 50 m south of the kame feature.An additional 1 hectare kettle lake is located 125 m northeast of the site,but is obscured from view by intervening terrain.The kame,50 m northeast-southwest by 20 m northwest-southeast,is separated from kame features to the east by an outlet stream which drains the 2 hectare lake and flows eastward eventually draining into Jay Creek.The site is situated on a rise, ca ..5 m higher in elevation,on the eastern portion of the kame.An additional rise,at the same elevation,is evident on the western end. The southern and eastern sides of the kame facing the drainage and lake have moderate slope angles dropping ca.8 m to 10 m to the lake margin. Slopes in all other directions are more gradual and undulating in appearance.The view from the site encompasses a lake south of the site in addition to portions of a lake to the west.In all directions the terrain consists of kettle and kame topography.Visibility varies from 1 km to 5 km depending on the position of surrounding kames.There is a cl ear vi ew to the southeast of the kame featu re on whi ch TLM 154 is 3-125 located.The site has a fairly continuous cover of blueberries, Labrador tea,crowberries,dwarf birch,and lichens.Small surface exposures are present.Vegetation in the surrounding area is similar to that of the site with denser brush along the outlet stream and small stands of spruce in lower areas between kame features. Reconnai ssance Testi ng:The site consi sts of a si ngl e gray chert fl ake located in a shovel test on the eastern upper extent of the kame feature.Surface reconnaissance and 5 shovel tests placed along the kame failed to reveal any additional artifactual material.The shovel test which contained the chert flake was expanded into a 40 em by 40 cm test (test pit 1),with negative results. Call ected Arti fact Inventory Subsu rface: 1 Chert fl ake 3-126 [' [~ [-, l'; -' U l o [ [] [ [ [ L L, L [ [ ~-N- ~~ *- ca.50 m to Little Laha Lake "'-----, I I r n 9 \~I "",_......" ~ oo ,.--'"-, /"/, I \ 0'0 \ \I "I""...-"---"""'" L _\.Increase In elevation [ [ [ [' [ [ [ E ~ [ E Contour Interval:1 meter Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.3l N.,R.8 E.~S.M. NW ~,SE ~,SE ~,Sec.2 ~ [~ .d C L [ [ Test pit 0 Shovel Test 0 Site Datum x Spruce '* Birch 0 Half-contour Fi gure 3.40. o I Site Map TLM 152. 3-127 10 1 METERS 20 J (xxxi i i)AHRS Number TLM ..154,Accessi on Number UA82-94 L: I' Area:2 km north Area Map: USGS Map: of the mouth of Jay Creek,Survey Locale Figure A.4;Location Map:Figure A.34 Talkeetna Mts.0-2,Scale 1:63,360 131 Site Location:UTM Zone 6 Easting 454450 Northing 6963400 Latitude 62°47'58"N.,Longitude 147°53'30"W. To 31N.,R.8 Eo,Seward Meridian Sec.2,SW~SE~SE~ Site Map:Fi gure 3.41 Setting:TLM 154 is located at an elevation of ca.808 m asl (2650 feet),on a south-facing kame ridge 250 m south of Laha Lake,ca.2 km north of the mouth of Jay Creek (Figure A.4).The kame ridge lies 80 m to the south-southeast of the edge of a small (2 hectare)oval lake southeast of Laha Lake.The top of thi s ridge is 10 m higher than the level of the lake,and is 5 m higher than the elevation of the site. The ridge descends to the southwest in three separate fi nger ridges, each approximately 75 m long.The site is located along the broad flat crest of the middle finger ridge,50 m southwest of the top of the kame ridge,which is approximately 20 m wide (northwest-southeast),and slopes gradually in an undulating fashion.It is surrounded by boggy areas 3 m to 5 m lower than the elevation of the site,30 m to the southeast,50 m to the southwest,and 10 m to the west.To the north 150 m beyond the kame ridge top,is the outlet stream to the small oval lake.This small sinuous clear water creek runs eastward,eventually emptying into Jay Creek canyon,1.5 km to the east.The ground around the creek and small lake is also low and boggy in contrast to numerous well-drained kame ridges nearby.The regional kettle-and-kame topo- graphy surrounding the site has a local relief of from 5 m to 20 m; kames are larger and higher west of the site,near Laha Lake.From the site,view to the east,west,and northwest is restricted by the 3-128 [' ! U [J [ n: ~_., [ .[ l--' _.J L [, [' t~ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [] E [ [ ~ [ [ [ L [ irregular terrain.From the ridgetop,however,a panoramic view is available of the broad undulating kettle-and-kametopography on the terrace of the Susitna River valley to the south and east,as well as Laha Lake to the northwest.The Watana Hills can be seen further to the north,while Jay Creek canyon is visible to the east.The Susitna River canyon can be seen to the south.The region around the site,and the site itself,is vegetated with a fairly continuous cover of dwarf birch, low heath plants,blueberry,and lichens.Spruce are scattered in lower terrain.Bog grasses are found in low,damp areas.On the ridgetop large areas of exposed gravel are present,but not on the site itself. Reconnaissance Testing:An initial shovel test revealed 12 flakes of two different material types.With expansion into a 40 em by 50 em test pit (test pit 1),150 gray rhyolite and gray-white quartzite flakes were recovered.These flakes were found in two stratigraphic units within a dark humic layer beneath the organic mat (unit 2),and in the underlying gray-white silt (unit 3,Devil tephra).Si x subsequent shovel tests were placed in the vicinity of test pit 1.In shovel test 2 (Figure 3.41),a lanceolate projectile point (UA82-94-4;Figure 3.50,f)\'Jas uncovered from an unknown stratigraphic position.In addition,3 gray rhyolite flakes were found on the surface of a lichen mat,40 m to the northwest of site datum.The gravel exposures on the ridgetop and other areas rel at ively clear of shrubby vegetati on were carefully exami ned for additi onal su rface arti fact s,but none were found. 3-129 Collected Artifact Inventory Surface: 3 Gray rhyolite flakes Subsurface: 1 Gray rhyolite lanceolate projectile point (UA82-94-4;Figure 3.50,f) 17 Gray-white quartzite unmodified flakes 116 Gray rhyolite unmodified flakes 3-130 r~' [ i~- u [j r c [ f' L_, [, [ [ l_' L L ~ -N- ~ Site Map TLM 154. 3-131 ~ ~x ~~~ Fi gure 3.41. Test Pit 0 0 10 20 I I I Site Datum x Shovel Test METERS 0 Shovel Test (biface)•Contour Interval:1 meter Spruce ~Talkeetna Mts.D-2 Surface Artifact -:-T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SE l:t,SW l:t,sw l:t,Sec.2 Marsh ~ [' [ [ [ [ L [ [ L C Q [ [ E [ [ L L l (b)Historic Sites and Discussion No historic sites were located in other portions of the study area during the 1982 field season. 3-132 f ·-·! _._J r [j n F D n [' [ L [ [ [0 [' [' r [ [ [: [ [ c [ c: ~.~ E [ E ~ L [ [ L l 3.6 -Systematic Testing (a)Introduction Three sites received systematic testing in 1982:TLM 128,TLM 130 and TLM 143.As with previous sites selected for systematic testing these sites were selected out of the sites located during the 1982 field season because they appeared to have the potential for providing infor- mati on concerni ng the cultu ral chronology for thi s porti on of Al aska. (b)Si tes (i)Systematic Testing TLM 128--Jay Creek Ridge Site Location:See section 3.5 (a-ix). Testing:Systematic testing at TLM 128 consisted of three 1 m by 1 m test squares.These test squares were placed in the vicinity of a surface erosional feature located on the southern portion of the ridge (Fi gu re 3.42).The test s qua res were po si t ion ed ina chec kerboard pattern wi th one of the test squares superimposed over test pit 1,whi ch was excavated during initial reconnaissance in the 1982 field season. Placement of the three test squares was designed to provide a 3 m con- tinuous profile in an effort to define the content,extent and strati- graphi c positi on of arti factual materi al recovered from su rface recon- nai ssance and in test pit 1. Di scussi on: TLM 128 was initially identified by the presence of artifactual material in association with an erosional feature.This material included flakes of rhyol ite and fi ne grai ned chert in additi on to a chert bi face frag- ment (UA82-68-3;Figure 3.49,a).Test pit 1 was placed adjacent to the erosional feature.Artifactual material recovered from this test pit was correlated with two different stratigraphic levels.This included additional rhyolite and chert flakes from the organic-Devil contact 3-133 -'I,~GN-f' 't xN 100/e 100 a 5 10 0 I I Systematic Test Square ~TERS Reconnaissance Test Pit •Contour Interval:50 cm Site Datum x Talkeetna Mts.0-2 m 21 N.,R.8 E.,S.M... Deflated Area '::J SW ~NE ~NE ~Sec.1 Surface Lithic Scatter -1- Figure 3.42.Site Map TLM 128. 3-134 L IIu n [,: c [ [j l" [ [ [ [l f' L r~ [ [ [ [ [ [ C L E E [ E E [ [ L [ C (unit 1 to unit 2)and the proximal end of an obsidian microblade (UA82- 68-15;Figure 3.49,b)found within silty sediments (unit 5)33 cm below the surface and 2 cm to 5 cm above the paleosol (unit 6). All three 1 m by 1 m test squares excavated at this site contained arti- factual material.The collection of artifacts is summarized in Table 3.2,and their distribution by test square and stratigraphic unit is summarized in Table 3.4.Seven soil/sediment units were identified.A total of 4613 lithics and 12 bone fragments were collected during systemati c testi ng,and two cultu ral components were defi ned. Site stratigraphy can be discussed in two broad categories as the upper and lower stratigraphy.The upper stratigraphy includes three distinct tephra units and a surface layer of organic material (Figure 3.43).The three tephra units were defined on the basis of color and texture.At the contact between the Watana tephra (unit 3)and the lowermost Oshetna tephra (unit 4)a thin lens of charcoal fragments was frequently en- countered.The upper stratigraphy of Tl.Jv1128 indicates that erosion has been prevalent on the ridge.While the surface organic material and all three tephra units are present in each test square they lack continuity. The uppermost Devil tephra (unit 2)is often absent or mi xed wi th surface organi c materi ale The di sconti nuous nature of the ·Devi 1 tephra indicates erosion after the Devil tephra deposition.In addition,the Devil tephra rests unconformably on silty eolian sediments (unit 5) indicating that erosion was active prior to the deposition of the Devil tephra.The lowermost Oshetna tephra (unit 4)is only preserved in areas where there is the middle Watana tephra (unit 3)indicating that post Watana erosion was fai rly extensive.Cryoturbation and root turba- tion may have also contributed to disturbance of the upper stratigraphy. The lower stratigraphic units at Tl.Jv1 128 include fine silty-sandy eolian sediments (unit 5)which are underlain by glacial material within a silt matrix (unit 7).At the lower extent of the eolian sediment,1 em to 5 em above the contact wi th the glaci al dri ft,is a thi n lens of very dark brown organic matrix with carbon.While this paleosol was present in all three of the test squares it had a patchy and discontinuous 3-135 SOIL UNITDEPTH(em) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 PROFILE 1 2 3 4 Sa 5b Sc ~'?'!:~6 7 ]-CULTURAL CULTURAL L' [' i-' Pi c [ C [j [] L Unit 6 Charcoal sample UA82-68-320:2630.:!:780 B.C. Note:The sample was very small and was given special handling and greatly extended counter time.Larger-than-usual statistical error is due to small sample size. Figure 3.43.Composite Soil Profile TLM 128. 3-136 [ L L [ [ TABLE 3.1 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS FOR COMPOSITE SOIL PROFILE,TLM 128 [ [: [ L [ L [ C C G-.:l~ C C E t L [ L L L~- Soi 1 Unit 1 2 3 Descri pti on Organic layer,surface organic layer and partially decomposed organi cs wi th dense fi brous root materi a1 (7.5 YR 3/2 dark brown);continuous unit although variable in thickness from 1 cm to 6 cm.Often mixed with unit 2 (10 YR grayish brown). Tephra (Devil)/alluvial A horizon (7.5 YR 7/2 pink- ish gray);very fine silt sized particles with fibrous root material.Discontinuous unit.Dis- turbance due to root turbation and surface erosion. Often mi xed wi th unit 1. Tephra (~Jatana);variable in color depending on degree of oxidization.Upper zone (7.5 YR 4/6 strong brown)is .5 cm to 3 cm in thickness with granular structure.Oxidized zone grades into unaltered tephra (10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown) which varies from 2 cm to 7 cm in thickness.Dis- continuous unit.Indistinct contacts and mixing with units 2 and 5a.Where mixing is not evident contacts are sharp.Unit 3 was defined in all three test squares although often mixed with other soil units in N92/E99 and N91/EI00.In N90/E99 thi s unit occurs only in the northern portion of the 1 m by 1 m unit. 3-137 TABLE 3.1 (Continued) Soi 1 Unit Oescri pM on f' (~---- f' l.~ 4 5a 5b Tephra (Oshetna);very fine silt particles mixed with sand (10 YR 6/2 light brownish gray);clear contacts at both the upper and lower extent,with a thi n di sconti nuous zone of charcoal fl ecks at the upper contact.Charcoal flecks extend into unit 4. This unit was recorded in all three of the test squares alt hough di sconti nuous in hori zontal extent. Variable thickness from 1 cm to 3 cm. Oxidized fine silty sand (10 YR 4/6 dark yellowish brown);continuous unit varying in thickness from 4 em to 14 cm.Contact with the overl yi ng unit (unit 4)is sharp.When unit 4 is absent the contact with the overlyi ng matri xis clear.Lower boundary of this unit was gradational and defined on the basi s of color. Unoxidized fine silty sand (2.5 Y 4/4 olive brown); same texture as the overlying unit (unit 5a). Continuous unit varying in thickness from 5 cm to 35 cm.Increase in the vertical depth of this sediment is evident along an east to west transect (5 em thick along the east wall of N91/EI00 and 35 cm thick along the west wall N92/E99).Gradational contacts. 3-138 tJ o [ [j [ [ r: L L r \_-_.- t' J~ TABLE 3.1 (Continued) r~ r- [ [ [ r't . [ [ [ [1 c C E [ [ [ L [ t Soi 1 Unit 5c 6 7 De scri pt i on Fine silty sand similar in texture to unit 5a and unit 5b although mottled in appearance (2.5 Y 4/4 01 i ve brown and 7.5 YR 4/6 strong brown).Mottl ed appearance is probably the result of oxidization. Contact with unit 6,which is within this unit,are sharp.The overlying contact with unit 5b is grada- ti ona1 while the under1 yi ng contact with the gl aci a1 drift (unit 7)is sharp.Continuous unit in all three of the test squares,thickness varies from 2 em to 13 cm. Finely divided organic material with charcoal (7.5 YR 3/2 dark brown);thin discontinuous layer .5 cm to 2 cm thick.Soil unit has a greasy texture. Sharp contacts with unit 5c.Located in all three of the test squares.Pa1~osol. Gravels,cobbles and boulders within a silt matrix; maximum boulder size 55 cm.Decomposed rock was observed.Silt and gravels formed concretions. Excavation into this unit defined limit of excava- tion for the 1 m by 1 m test squares.Glacial deposi t. 3-139 appearance.The morphology of this paleosol conforms to the underlying glacial material.Its presence indicates a period of stability and accumulation of organic material.The thickness of the eolian sediment vari ed between the three test squares.The overall range of thi ckness was from 14 em to 54 em with the sediments being generally thicker in N92/E99.In addition,in that test square,bou1ders--the largest one measuring 55 cm in diameter--were encountered in the glacial deposit beneath the si 1ty sediments.Boulders were not present in the other two test squares.A1 so in N92/E99 the gl aci a1 deposit and the pal eoso1 slope abruptly from the southeast to the northwest corner of the unit. The surfaces of the overlying strata are generally horizontal suggesting that the surfaces whi ch were associ ated with uni t 6 and uni t 7 di d not conform to the present ridge morphology. In summary the stratigraphy at TLM 128 represents three different sedi- mentary processes.The initial deposition was glacial in origin as represented by unit 7.This was followed by the second sedimentary process which was the deposition of fine silty sediments (unit 5). Interruption in eolian deposition of these sediments is indicated by a paleosol (unit 6).The final sedimentary process is represented by the deposition of three di stinctive volcanic tephras. The uppermost cultural component at TLM 128 can be correlated to the Devil tephra (unit 2).Lithic artifacts were recovered in association with this tephra in two of the test squares (N91/E100,N92/E99).Review of the stratigraphic position of this lithic material as summarized on Tab 1e 3.4 ;ndi cates that di stu rbance of the uppe r st rat i g raphi c uni t s may be too great to recover the exact stratigraphic position of this component.In other words,it can not be unequivocally determined if this component occurred prior to or after the deposition of the Devil tephra,although the paucity of material on the contact between the Devi 1 and Watana unit s suggest s a post Devi 1 component. A total of 42 f1 akes were coll ected from the upper canponent.The lithic specimens are small waste flakes representing rhyolite,white to gray chert,and basalt material types.While no tools were recovered 3-140 f r't_ Au C o C D L [' [ [ r f [' [ [ [ c f' [ [' [ C G G C t G L [ [ L L duri ng systemati c testi ng,a bi face fragment of fi ne grai ned gray chert (UA82-68-3;Figure 3.49,a)which was surface collected during initial reconnai ssance can be correl ated to the upper canponent because the material type was not found in the lower component or in the lower st rati graphi c units.An additional bi faci all y worked tool fragment (UA82-68-321;Figure 3.49,a)was found at the site after systematic testing.Unfortunately this tool was located on the surface of one of the backfi 11 ed test squares and consequently 1 acks proveni ence.The tool fragment articul ates wi th the su rface coll ected bi face fragment to form a complete asymmetric biface which may have broken as a result of heat treatment (suggested by a glossy sheen and potlid fracture). Subsequent to breakage of the ori gi nal bi face the basal porti on was modi fied with bi facial retouch at the corner formed by the medial break and the right edge of the original biface.Displacement of the tool was probably the result of backfilling in the vicinity of the erosional feature where original surface arti facts were found (Figure 3.42). The lower component at thi s site is represented primarily by cultural material fran one of the three test squares (N90/E99).Artifacts con- sisting of 4554 lithics and 12 bone fragments were recovered in associa- tion with a buried soil (unit 6)at the lower extent of the 1 m by 1 m unit.Only 11 flakes were found in a similar stratigraphic context in N91/ElOO and no arti factual materi al was found in associ ati on wi th the paleosol in N92/E99.The spatial distribution of the lithic debitage indicates that this component does not extend in a northward direction. Its areal extent to the south would be limited as the ridge narrows considerably in that direction. Flakes of green chert,brown translucent chert and basalt totaling 4503 in number account for 99.6%of the lithic debitage in this lower com- ponent wi th green chert representi ng the domi nant materi al type (4138 fl akes).The debit age is characteri zed by a si ze range of fl akes from 7 cm to less than 4 mm in diameter.In addition,two large chunks of green chert (UA82-68-189,UA82-68-246)were recovered.As mentioned above,the majority of the material was of a green chert although exami- nation of grain size suggests that two different material sources may be present. 3-141 Only 11 of the lithics found in the lower component exhibited evidence of modification.Most of these lithics can be described as flakes with either unifacial or bifacial marginal retouch (UA82-68-186,187;Figure 3.49,d,e).A biface tip (projectile point tip?)of brown translucent chert (UA82-68-85;Figure 3.49,c)and a basalt biface fragment (UA82- 68-222)were the only two artifacts where modification was not re- stricted to the margins.Two of the modified flakes (UA82-68-225, UA82-68-226;Figure 3.49,f)are blade-li ke in shape with evidence of retouch on the margins.UA82-68-226 is particularly interesting as it has been bifacially worked on three of the edges.At least three flakes (UA82-184,UA82-68-79,UA82-68-80)showed possi bl e edge wear.The morphology of 31 of the lithics suggest the manufacture of blade-like flakes,however,given the quantity of lithic debitage these blade-like fl akes may not be the result ofa speci fi c 1it hi c technology. ~Jhile some of the lithic material was recovered from a stratigraphic context above the paleosol and some from below the paleosol vertical displacement appeared to be minimal.Artifacts were concentrated within the paleosol and many had greasy organic material on their basal sur- face.The topography of the pal eosol and of the lower component was of interest as it sloped 20 em to 25 em down from the northwest and northeast corners of N90jE99 toward the central porti on of the test square.The surface therefore had a trough-li ke appearance in the north hal f of the test square.Flakes were frequently lyi ng flat on the paleosol surface but due to the steepness of the slope these flakes often had an upended appearance.The majority of the lithic material was located in the southern more 1 evel porti on of thi s square.The slope of the paleosol conformed to the slope of the glacial material and was separated from the 91 aci al deposit by 1 cm to 5 em of si lty sedi- ment.The absence of a cultu ral strati graphi c unconformity suggests that this phenomena is geologic in origin. Faunal material recovered at TLM 128 consists of 11 calcined small to large mammal bone fragments.The bone fragments were in association with the paleosol (unit 6),and lithic artifactual material in N90/E99 (Table 3.3). 3-142 [ r, U r'--' [: C l [ L L L [' [ r' r~ L [ r~ f' [ L C [ E b C t t [ [ L [ [ Ten charcoal samples were collected for radiometric dating.These samples were collected from all three of the test squares in association with two different stratigraphic levels.Three samples were collected, one from each test square,in association with the contact between the Watana and Oshetna tephras (unit 3 to unit 4).These samples would provide an upper limiting date for the Oshetna tephra.The seven remaining samples were collected from the paleosol.Sample UA82-68-319 and sample UA82-68-320 were both collected from the same stratigraphic context in N90/E99.These sampl es were combi ned and produced a date of 4580 ±780 years:2630 B.C.(BETA-5362).Unfortunately this sample may have been too small to provide an accurate date for the pal eosol and the lower cultural component. Evaluation: The topographi c posi ti on ofTLM 128 on a promi nent ri dge provi des an excellent overlook of the area extending from the uplands down to the Jay Creek valley rim in the vicinity of a mineral lick.During recon- nai ssance survey the fi el d crew observed both Dall sheep and cari bou in this area.Artifacts,consisting primarily of waste flakes,recovered during systematic testing suggest that this site functioned as a hunting overlook where tool manufacture occurred. Results of systematic testing were able to define two components.The verti cal di stri buti on of arti facts suggests that thi s site was occupi ed some time after the deposition of the Devil tephra (ca.1800 B.P.)and prior to the deposition of the Oshetna tephra (ca.3200-4700 B.P.).The majority of the artifactual material was found in association with the lower component stratigraphically positioned on a paleosol 23 em to 49 em below the Oshetna tephra.A radiometric determination on a charcoal sample collected from the paleosol tentatively dates this component to 4580 ±780 years:2630 B.C.(BETA-5362)although the accuracy of this date may be questionable due to the small sample size. 3-143 Unfortunately no diagnostic tools were recovered during systematic testing although the proximal end of an obsidian microb1ade was col- lected during initial site reconnaissance.The correlation of the microb1ade fragment to the lower component is problematic.The micro- blade,found in situ in test pit 1,was stratigraphically positioned 2 em to 3 em above the paleosol and represents the only obsidian arti- fact collected from this site.Microb1ades are frequently associated with the American pa1eoarctic tradition and may suggest an age for this component 01 der than that suggested by the radi ometric determi nati on of a charcoal sample from the paleosol. Further systematic testing at TUM 128 may enable more accurate dating of the lower component as there is an excellent possibility of collecting charcoal for radi ometri c dati ng.Additi ona1 excavati on waul d a1 so define more precisely the stratigraphic placement of the upper cultural component.Further investigation of the ridge north of the location of test squares excavated during systematic testing is required.The collecti on of di agnosti c arti facts in associ ati on wi th the 01 der occupa- tion would be critical in the interpretation of this occupation,and its placement in the cultural chronology of the upper Susitna River.TUM 128 is unique among sites from the project area because it contains a well developed stratigraphic sequence below the Oshetna tephra. 3-144 f' rc l' (c fj [ Gu n~-j c [ [: I' '-_4 [ L t t-- TABLE 3.2 ARTIFACT SUMMARY,TLM 128 l / r--. !. [ [ [ [ [ C r c-. t~ '--' o l F ~ [ L [ l L Lithic Material 4139 245 125 32 12 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 8 30 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total:4613 Faunal Material 12 Green chert fl akes Brown transl ucent chert fl akes Black basalt flakes Whit e rhyo 1i te fl a ke s Brown opaque chert fl akes Bl ack chert fl a kes Gray rhyolite flakes Gray chert fl akes Dark gray rhyolite flake White chert fl ake Greenish white rhyolite flake Pinki sh gray chert flake Modified flakes,green chert (UA82-68-184,186, 187,79,80,81,271,226) Blade-like flakes,green chert Chunks green chert (UA82-68-189,246) Modified flake,brown translucent chert (UA82-68-86) Blade-like flake,brown translucent chert (UA82-68-171 ) Modified flake,pale brown rhyolite (UA82-68-261) Biface (projectile point)tip,brown translucent chert (UA82-68-85) Biface fragment,black basalt (UA82-68-222) Bifacially worked gray chert tool fragment (UA82-68-321) Bone fragments 3-145 TABLE 3.3 FAUNAL MATERIAL,TLM 128 Soi 1 Unit Oescri pt ion f r' L f' Ic, N90jE99 5c,6,7 8 Long bone fragments,calcined,small to large mammal 5c,6,7 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,large mammal 6 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,small to large mammal 3-146 . j', I-IU IJ C o [ l-; " [ r' t" [, [ L L TABLE 3.4 ARTIFACT SUMMARY BY TEST SQUARE AND STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT,TLM 128 [ [ [ [ [ L [ C H l3' (" [j l [ b E [ [ [ L [ Soil Unit 1 (surface organic layer) 1 and 2 (organi c and Devi 1 tephra mixed) Contact of 1 and 2 (organic and Devi 1 tephra contact) 2 (Devil tephra) Ito3(organic to Devil tephra/ Watana tephra contact) N90/E99 Test Squares N91/ElOO 1 White chert fl ake 1 Black basalt flake 3 Whi te rhyolite fl akes 1 Greenish-white rhyolite flake 1 White rhyolite flake 1 Black basalt fl ake 3-147 N92/E99 2 ~~hite r hyo 1ite fl a ke s 8 White rhyo 1ite fl akes 1 Gray chert fl ake 15 White rhyolite fl akes 1 Gray rhyo 1i te flake 1 Gray chert fl ake 2 White rhyolite fl akes 2 Gray rhyolite fl akes 1 Basalt fl ake TABLE 3.4 (Continued) f~: r Soi 1 Unit Contact of 2 and 3 (Devil tephra and Watana tephra contact) Contact of 3 and 4 (Watana tephra and Oshetna tephra contact) 4 (Oshetna tephra) 5c above 6 (mottled si lt above paleosol) N90/E99 1 Black basalt fl ake Radi ocarbon sample 1 Green chert fl ake 201 Green chert fl a kes 19 Brown transl ucent fl akes 15 Black basalt flakes Test Squares N91/EI00 1 Black basalt flake 1 Dark gray rhyo 1i te fla ke Radiocarbon sampl e 5 Green chert fl akes 1 81 ack basalt flake 3-148 N92/E99 1 White rhyolite fl ake Radiocarbon sample j-' \.__-1 C E n o [ [ r: Lv,' [ [, [ L L TABLE 3.4 (Continued) N90/E99 5c and possi bly 6 (mottled si lt above pal eosol and possi bl y paleosol) r" [I, l~ L f' C' L_~ [ U L E, f2 C t E [ C c~ L L Soi 1 Unit 1 Black chert flake 1 Brown translucent chert bi face (projecti 1e poi nt?) ti p (UA82-68-85) 1 Green chert b1ade-l i ke fl a ke with bi faci al retouch on three margins (UA82-68-226 ) 1 Brown translucent chert fl ake wi th marginal retouch (UA82 -68-86 ) 2 Green chert bladelike flakes (UA82-68-88, UA82-68-228) 10 Green chert flakes 1 Brown translucent chert fl ake Test Squares N9l/EI00 3-149 N92/E99 TABLE 3.4 (Continued) Soi 1 Unit 5c and 6 (mottled silt and pa 1eosol ) 6 (paleosol) N90/E99 361 Green chert flakes 5 Brown t ransl ucent fl akes 1 Black chert flake 1 Green chert flake with possible edge wear (UA82-68-184) 684 Green chertfl akes 15 Black basalt flakes 12 Brown translucent chert fl akes 1 Brown chert fl ake wi th cortex 1 Black basalt bi face fragment (UA82-68-222) Test Squares N91/ElOO 1 Black basalt fl ake 4 Radiocarbon samples 3-150 N92/E99 Radi ocarbon sample [ [ L I"~ I 1 _·, --.' 1-- e" r'\._~ [1.J [j [) o [l fJ [' L~ L [' [.. L r'"' l_< TABLE 3.4 (Continued) N92/E99 3-151 Test Squares N91/EI00N90/E99 1 Pale brown rhyo 1i te fl ake with unifacial retouch along margin (UA82-68-261) 2 Green chert fl akes with bi faci al retouch along margin (UA82-68-186, UA82-68-187) 11 Green chert blade-li ke flakes 1 Green chert fl ake with modi fi ed edge (UA82 -68-271 ) 2 Green chert chunks (UA82-68-189, UA82-68~246) 3 Calcined bone fragments 2 Radi ocarbon samples Soi 1 Unit 6 (paleosol continued) [ [ [ [ [' [ n E C U C E E [ C [ L [ TABLE 3.4 (Continued) Soi 1 Unit 5c below 6,possibly 6 (mott 1ed si lt below paleosol, possi bly paleosol) 5c,6,to contact with 7 (pal eosol to contact with the dri ft) N90/E99 1 Green chert flake 2 Bl ack basalt fl akes 2857 Green chert flakes 203 Brown translucent fl akes 85 Black basal t fl akes 8 Brown opaque chert fl akes 1 Bl ack chert flake 17 Green chert bladelike flakes (UA82-68-76, (UA82-68-175 ) Test Squares N91/E100 3-152 N92/E99 ) ~~~, r~~(: r~ " [ r~~ L; r- '-..-_./ L] q b [J [J, o o [j [~ [; [; [ L [ r' l ' [,TABLE 3.4 (Continued) r'I~ \~ \.:.;~' r''--~. rL r u E b C C C"..t-~ E [ C [ L [ Soi 1 Unit 7 (Glacial dri ft) N90/E99 2 Green chert fl akes wi th edge wear (UA82-68-79, UA82-68-80) 1 Green chert flake wi th unifacial marginal retouch (UA82-68-81) 9 Bone fragment s, cal cined 1 Pi nki sh gray chert flake 2 Brown translucent chert flakes 2 Bl ack chert flakes Test Squares N91/E100 3-153 N92/E99 TABLE 3.4 (Continued) Soil Unit N90/E99 Test Squares N91/ElOO N92/E99 [ r'l r~ c: 1 Green chert flake 3 Brown c he rt fl a ke s Rodent burrow unit 5c(?) (mottl ed si It) 5b,5c, or b (s;1t , mottled s;lt or pal eosol ) No Prove- nience 1 Green chert bl ade-l;ke fl ake with marg;nal retouch (UA82-68-225) 2 Green chert fl akes 2 Brown translucent chert fl akes 15 Green chert fl akes 1 Brown. t ransl ucent chert flake 1 Brown translucent chert b1ade-li ke flake (UA82-68-171) 1 Black basalt flake 1 Bi fad ally worked gray chert tool fragment (UA82-68-321) 3-154 1 Green chert fl ake c: (. j \.. .L. '····'·--4, j tl (~ c D [i [i [J c: L [ L [ r~ l, [ r-' L [' [ r~ L t c G B C E f>h.-:.() L t~ [ [ [ (ii)Systematic Testing TLM 130--Brown Scraper Kame Site Location:See section 3.5 (a-xi). Testi n9:Four 1 m by 1 m test squares were excavated during systemati c testing (Figure 3.44).The four test squares were located on the south- ern portion of a kame where reconnaissance testing was conducted during the 1982 field season.These tests were placed in a checkerboard manner providing a 4 m continuous profile along the east 100 grid line from north 94 to north 98.The pl acement of these squares was desi gned to define the cultural component(s)identified during initial reconnais- sance,and to obtain additional diagnostic artifacts. Di scussion: All four of the test squares produced cultural material with three of the squares containing both lithic and faunal material and the fourth square containing lithic material only.Five soil units were identified above the glacial drift including the Devil,Watana,and Oshetna tephra sequence (Figure 3.45,Table 3.5).One or possibly two archeological components are represented at the site. Site stratigraphy at TLM 130 site is composed of 15 cm to 20 cm of soil/sediments underlain by glacial deposits of sandy till with gravels, pebbles and cobbles (Figure 3.45,Table 3.5).Three tephra units were i denti fi ed and referred to as t he Devil,~~atana and Oshetna tephra units.A thin lens of grayi sh-brown matrix was located within the Watana tephra in between the upper oxidized Watana and the lower yellowi sh-brown Watana tephra.Thi s lens lacked continuity and was often patchy in appearance.Its stratigraphic position indicates that this site was occupied during the Watana tephra deposition or that there are at least two tephra depositi ons represented (i.e.,upper and lower Watana).Mi xed strati graphy,the undul ati ng appearance of the soi 1 units,and gravels located in all stratigraphic units indicate that cryoturbation has been prevalent on the kame.A thin layer of 3-155 0 5 10 0 I I ISystematicTestSquareMETERS Site Datum >ll'x Surface Artifact I Contour Interval:50 em.-,- Reconnaissance Test Pit •Talkeetna Mts.0-3 Reconnaissance Shovel Test •T.31 N.,R.7 E.,S.M. NE 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.5 Figure 3.44.Site Map TLM 130. 3-156 f' l, c C'\ f"\,. [' Q o IJ o 8 U C t~ I') l~.i [ L~ l [: [ 3-157 charcoal sample UA 82-70-158:A.D.530 ~70. Figure 3.45.Composite $oi1 Profile TLM 130. CULTURAL 7 3b Sa Sb 6 1 2 3a ~S 3c SOIL UNITPROFILE ..5 30 o 35 20 25 10 15 Unit 4a DEPTH (em) Q C b t [ L [ ~>:; L [ r:u r'l;< [' [ l', '" [i t E TABLE 3.5 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS FOR COMPOSITE SOIL PROFILE,TLM 130 C"c f' to. .\\ '\/' Soi 1 Unit 1 2 3a 3b Descri pti on Organic layer;roots,crowberry and lichen underlain by decomposed plant fragments and finely divided organic material (7.5 yr 3/2 dark brown)continuous unit 1 em to 4 cm in thickness.Clear to sharp contacts with unit 2.Contai ns charcoal. A horizon/tephra (Devil);very fine silt sized particles;(10 YR 6/2 light brownish gray)contains small charcoal fl ecks and a small number of gravel s, variable in thickness and continuity;clear to sharp contacts wi th unit 3. Tephra (Watana);oxidized zone at upper extent of tephra unit (7.5 YR 4/6 strong brown)variable in color depending on degree of oxidization.Granular structure.Sharp upper boundary.Variation in depth from 1 cm to 3 cm. Tephra (Watana);very fine particles,unaltered tephra,(10 YR 6/4 light yellowish brown).Unit 3a, the oxidized zone or zone of iron accumulation, grades into 3b.Continuous unit throughout the site although variable in depth.Lower contact with unit 5 is sharp. 3-158 Ll g [7 bT,~ 0.1~~ fj U [ [ [ [ L! L r-' I" f~ r l ' TABLE 3.5 (Continued) [ [ L [ OJ C n G ~ C t t r: C L [ Soi 1 Unit 3c 4 4a Oescri pti on Tephra (Watana);similar in stratigraphic position to unit 3a.Cultural alteration wi th small charcoal flecks and bone fragments evident.Variable in color wi th porti ons that are grayi sh brown (10 YR 5/3)that grade into areas similar in color to unaltered tephra (10 YR 5/6).Contacts are cl ear to gradational.Located in units N94/EI00,N96/EI00 and N95/E99.This unit lacks conti nuity and does not extend into N97/E99.From?em to 9 em in thi ckness. Very fine silt sized particles.Discontinuous lens located within the Watana tephra stratigraphically positioned in between units 3a and 3b.Variable in color possibly due to degree of cultural alteration (10 YR 5/2 grayish brown to 10 YR 6/4 light yell owi sh-brown).Thi ckness vari es from .5 em to 1.5 em.Discontinuous unit which was observed in all test squares duri ng horizontal excavati on but onl y located in 3 of the test square profi 1es (N95/E99,N96/EI00,N97 /E99).Contacts wi th 3a and 3b were clear.May represent a cultu ral su rface. Dark brown (10 YR 3/3)fine grained matrix located at the upper extent of unit 4 contained numerous bone fragments,in addition to charcoal,and possibly organic material.Only located in one test square (N95/E99). 3-159 TABLE 3.5 (Continued) Soi 1 Unit Descri pt ion [' C' f' ", f' \, Sa 5b 6 7 Thin lens (less than 1 cm)of dark gray;sh-brown (10 YR 3/2)matrix which contains charcoal.Defines the upper extent of unit 5b which has sharp contacts with the overlying strata (unit 3).Located in all four test squares but lacks continuity. Tephra (Oshetna);gray in color (10 YR 5/1).Clear contacts at both upper and lower extents.Unit is di scontinuous with an undulating appearance.Tephra has a granu 1ar st ructu re andconta ins a small number of gravel s.Vari es in dept h from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. Silty sandy matrix with coarse sand particles and gravels.Variability in color depending on degree of oxidization (10 YR 5/8 yellowish-brown to 10 YR 4/6 dark yell owi sh-brown).Cl ear to sharp contact at upper boundary.Glacial drift. Medium to coarse sand with gravels,pebbles and cobbles.Unconsolidated and dark grayish-brown in color (10 YR 4/2).This unit determined limit of excavati on. 3-160 (, l, \8' U fl "-...J Cl o r; l) U C L L Bl L l~ (, l" r l, [ {1 t", L [, ntj fJ r~ l''f ] P6; C G ~' (: C F L [ lichen and organic material at the upper extent may indicate that vege- tation was not present to stabilize the surface.Surface frost features were evident along the kame edges with an erosional feature bordering t he western porti on of N97 /E99. Arti factual material was recorded from the upper stratigraphic units,of the four test squares.These stratigraphic units include the surface organic layer,Devil tephra,Watana tephra and a lens of matrix within the Watana tephra.Material found in association with the Oshetna tephra appears to be the result of frost activity.Cryoturbation has probably mi xed arti factual materi al through several strati graphi c levels,as was indicated by the apparent lack of concentration in the distribution of lithic artifacts and material types,flakes upended relative to stratigraphic contacts,and undulating stratigraphy. Although there is no clear separation,the vertical distribution of faunal material is lower than that of lithic material and may indicate that there are two components at the site. The Upper Component at the site is associated with the upper strati- graphic levels including a surface organic unit (unit 1)and an under- lying lithologic unit (Devil tephra unit 2)to the contact with the middle Watana tephra (unit 3a).Of a total of 143 flakes recovered from this site,96 were in association with these stratigraphic units.In addition,27 small bone fragments were recovered from the same strati- graphic context.This quantity of bone is minimal when compared to the lower units,and their provenience may be the result of vertical dis- placement.The lithic material includes seven different material types. The majority of the lithics are concentrated in two centrally positioned test squares,N95/E99 and N96/E100.While evidence for the Upper Com- ponent is based primarily on the quantity of lithi cs rather than the distribution of different material types,the separation appears valid when contrasted to the di stri buti on of faunal remai ns at the site. Artifactual material,including numerous calcined bone fragments and lithic debitage,was located throughout the middle (Watana)tephra to the contact with the lower (Oshetna)tephra in three of the four test 3-161 squares.Of the 1187 bone fragments recovered from thi s site,1082 were in association with this stratigraphic unit.The spatial distribution of the faunal material indicates that this is a localized phenomena. The majority of bone fragments were recovered from N95/E99,although fragments were al so recovered from N96/E100 and N94/E100.The hori- zontal distribution of bone fragments in N96/E100 defines a northern edge to this concentration of bone fragments at TLM 130,with almost all of the faunal materi al recovered from the southwest and southeast quad- rants.In addition,bone from N94/EIOO consisted of only 76 small fragments,with 73 of these fragments recovered from a small area in the northeast quadrant.This unit then defines a southern edge to the concentration,limiting the spatial extent of the bone concentration to an area of 2 m to 3 m in di ameter.Of parti cul ar interest was a thi n di scontinuous lens,1 an or less in thickness,of gray;sh-brown matrix within the Watana tephra.This lens is stratigraphically positioned beneath the oxidi zed zone of the ~~atana tephra 1 an to 3 em below the Devil and Watana tephra contact.It was recogni zed in all fou r of the test squares,and was associated with faunal remains and lithics in three of the test squares.In N95/E99 dark stai ned organi c matri x, associated with this lens,contained numerous bone fragments and charcoal.In both N94/ElOO and N96/E100,bone was found on the upper contact of this unit with larger (ca.5 an to 7 em)long bone fragments resting on the surface in N96/E100.While artifactual material was found both above and below this lens and horizontally beyond the extent of it,the lens appears to be part of an occupational surface.In portions of N94/EIOO,N95/E99 and N96/EIOO,the Watana tephra was altered and contained charcoal flecks with indistinct lenses of grayish- brown matri x,correl ati ng stratigraphically with the gray;sh-brown unit. Review of the collection of artifacts recovered from this site (sum- marized in Table 3.8)indicates that the stratigraphic position(s)of the cultu ral component (s)remai ns probl emati c.The lithi c arti factual material occurs in highest frequency in upper stratigraphic units,but also occurs in lower stratigraphic units.There is no distinct division between lithic material types in the cultural strata (Figure 3.45).The 3-162 c (, r~ r r~' l.! C'i <:r-J r~J (i l~;' u r1 ~~ 0' U C [} [ [, [ b) [ [ rc" [ [1 (. l, r." C~ G C 6 o C E t C [-..~ --' [ C t grayish-brown lens associated with a dense concentration of bone frag- ments clearly indicates site use during the interval between the deposi- tion of the upper and lower Watana tephra.If an additional component is represented,the displacement of lithic material may be too great to define its original stratigraphic position or its correlation to the faunal material. One radiocarbon determination on charcoal is available from the site. Sample UA82-83-64,collected from a dark organic matrix associated with the grayish brown lens,produced a date of 1420 ±70 years:A.D.530 (Beta-5363).The stratigraphic position of the sample dates the cultu ral component associ ated wi th the faunal materi al.Al so,as the sample is from a stratigraphic position between the upper and lower Watana tephra,it shoul d date the time interval between the depositi on of these tephra.Other radiometric dates from the project area suggest that the upper Watana tephra was deposited prior to 1800 years B.P. whi le the date obtained from the TIJI1 130 sample suggests that the upper Watana tephra was deposited after 1400 years B.P.vJhen consi deri ng the amount of cryoturbation observed at the site it is possible that the radiocarbon sample was contaminated and therefore does not provide a reliable date. Lithic material,which was collected during both reconnaissance and systematic testing,represents at least seven different material types. During reconnaissance testing an endscraper (UA82-70-11;Figure 3.48,d) of yellowish-brown chert was found in situ in test pit 1 in association with the Watana tephra.During systematic testing 26 flakes of the same material as the scraper were located.Unfortunately,as with the other lithic material,these flakes came from a number of different strati- graphic levels.One of these flakes,located at the Devil-Watana tephra contact,exhi bi ted uni fad al retouch and may be a tool fragment (UA82- 70-171).A possible burin spall fragment (UA82-70-210)of a gray chert was recovered from within the Watana tephra unit.The remaining lithic materi al i ncl uded 143 fl akes with no apparent retouch or modi fi cati on. Material types and the number of flakes associated with each type are summarized on Table 3.6. 3-163 Faunal material from the site consi sted of 1195 bone fragments,the majority of which were calcined,and ten tooth fragments.Most of the faunal material can be described as small unidentifiable fragments,but tooth fragments,teeth,and two calcined metapodial fragments were identified as caribou or possible caribou (Rangifer tarandus).The majority of the faunal material,including all identifiable specimens, is concentratedi n the Watana tephra and the associ ated grayi sh-brown matrix.Only 3 bone fragments were found in the Devil tephra,and only 59 were found at the upper Watana tephra contact. Evaluation: The areal extent of the kame upon which the site is situated and the spati al extent and nature of the arti fact assembl age i ndi cate that TL~l 130 probably functioned as a temporary campsite where tool manufacturing occurred.While a multicomponent site may be represented.,systematic testing was only able to accurately define one component.Failure to clearly document either the presence or absence of an additional com- ponentmay beatt ri buted to cryotu rbati on and the subsequent di st ri bu- tion of lithic material types,with specimens intruding into a number of di fferent st rat ig raphi c 1aye rs • The component which was defined at TLM 130 is situated stratigraphically within the Watana tephra.Numerous calcined bone fragments (unidenti- fiable mammal bone fragments and caribou),waste flakes,a yellow-brown chert endscraper,and a probable burin spall were located within the Watana tephra to the contact wi th the Oshetna tephra.The majority of this material was found in a grayish-brown lens which is stratigraph- ically positioned between the upper oxidized Watana tephra and the lower unaltered Watana tephra. A radiocarbon determination of 1420 ±70 years:A.D.530 (Beta-5363) was obtained from a charcoal sample collected from the grayish-brown lens in the Watana tephra.As the sample is in association with arti- factual material it should date the cultural component within the Watana tephra,and possibly the interval between the deposition of the upper 3-164 r~' L r l I'~ r~ Fl,:!b L: [j, n---..-1 C' f1 \'.,0' r'·l,,1 C r ' L C L r r~ l., r~ l [ [ [ [ [3 e C R 6 C 8 t L C [ [ L and lower Watana tephra.However,the date does not confonn to the presently accepted date for the upper Watana/lower Watana contact (2700 B.P.).It is possible that the radiocarbon sample was contaminated and therefore does not provide a reliable date. If an additi onal component is represented at thi s site it postdates the upper Watana/lower Watana contact.This component would be distin- gui shed primarily by the fact that the majority of lithic arti facts were recovered throughout the stratigraphic levels above the contact. While systematic testing has detennined that the site area is limited, further excavation of the remaining area may provide data pertinent to the prehistory of the area.Specifically the location of diagnostic material could resolve questions regarding the Choris/Norton Tradition (ca.A.D.500 to ca.1500 B.C.).Further excavation may accurately detennine the number of components at thi s site "in addition to resolving questi ons regardi ng the date of the cultu ral component. 3-165 TABLE 3.6 ARTIFACT SUMMARY,TUM 130 Lithi c Materi al [~ [' r c, 50 39 26 15 6 4 3 1 Total:144 Faunal Materi al 1195 10 Basalt fl akes Gray rhyolite flakes Yell owi sh-brown chert fl akes (UA82-70-171)Uni facially worked,tool fragment? Dark reddi sh-brown chert fl akes Gray chert fl a kes (UA82-70-210)Probable burin spall Black chert flakes Cl ear obsi di an fl akes Chalcedony flake Bone fragments Tooth fragments 3-166 r""' I L r~ l""" r~ l~~...l 6' [, G n C rL~ r-' L L L [ L [ TABLE 3.7 Soi 1 Unit FAUNAL MATERIAL,TLM 130 N96/E100 Desc ri pt ion 3-167 12 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,small-large mammal 27 Long bone fragments,calcined,madium-large mammal 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,large mammal 70 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Tooth fragment,incisor,large mammal,possible cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 3 Tooth fragments,molar,large mammal,possible caribou (Rangifer tarandus) 108 Long bone fragments~calcined,medium-large mammal 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,small-large mammal 6 Tooth fragments,molars,large mammal,caribou (Rang;fer tarandus) 3a 3b 3c 3a/4 contact 3c/4 contact 3a/3c contact [ [ [ [ [ c [ c {j c c [ b' r~~] [ L [ L [ TABLE 3.7 (Continued) Soil Unit Desc ri pti on G L [ r ' t, 4 2 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal N94/E100 2/3 contact 34 Long bone fragments,calcined,small-large mammal 1 Long bone fragment,calcined medium-large mammal 3a 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,medium-large mammal 3c 72 Long bone fragments,calcined,small-large mammal 4 2 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3,5,6,7 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,medium-large mammal N95/E99 2 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,mediuw.-large mammal 3-168 r~ 'L_ o n U c c c rlJ [ [ L C II l_" L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [ B B..·,.·..l:J [ b E L b [ L L TABLE 3.7 (Continued) Soi 1 Uni t Desc ri pt ion 1/3 contact 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 2/3 contact 21 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3 1 Metatarsal/metacarpal fragment,calcined,large mammal,possi ble cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 493 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3/4a contact 1 Metatarsal fragment,di stal porti on,cal ci ned, large mammal,cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 4a 301 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 5 33 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3-169 TABLE 3.8 ARTIFACT SUMMARY BY TEST SQUARE AND SOIL UNIT,TLM 130 [ [' [ Soi 1 Unit 1 (surface organi c 1ayer) Contact of 1 and 2 (organi c and Devi 1 tephra contact) N94/ElOO 1 Fl ake, black chert 1 Fl ake, rhyolite Test Squares N95/E99 5 Fl akes, basalt 4 Flakes, dark reddish- brown chert 3 Fl akes, yellowi s h-brown chert 1 Fl ake, gray rhyol ite 3 Bone fragments (organic-Watana tephra contact) 3-170 N96/E100 2 Flakes, Gray rhyol ite 1 Fl ake, clear obsidian 4 Fl akes, basalt 2 Fl akes reddi sh-brown chert 2 Flakes,gray rhyolite 1 Fl ake, clear obsidian 1 Fl ake, gray chert N97/E99 1 Fl ake, basalt 2 Fl a kes, basalt r-~ L r-c \ r" l. l' C o E C C 1-1 L [ [; {...•.'.. ..-- L U L 2 --6 Flakes,2 Fl akes,1 Flake, (Devil basalt basalt rhyol ite tephra)6 Flakes,1 Fl ake,1 Fl ake rhyolite rhyolite basalt 4 Flakes,1 Fl ake, yellowi sh-brown yellowi shoo chert brown chert 1 Fl ake,reddi shoo brown chert 1 Fl ake unknown materi al 3 Bone fragments Contact of 5 Fl akes,9 Fl akes,4 Flakes,2 Fl akes, 2 and 3 rhyolite rhyolite gray rhyol ite gray rhyolite (Devil and 2 Fl akes,5 Fl akes:l 2 Fl akes,1 Flake, Watana yellowi shoo yell owi sh..yell owi shoo yell owi shoo tephra)brown chert brown chert brown chert brown chert 1 Fl ake,4 Flakes,1 Fl ake, reddi sh-brown reddi sh-brown basalt chert chert TABLE 3.8 (Continued) L [ [ [ [ [ [ C [J D E C G H c.L 6 [.~ _··c L E Soi 1 Unit N94/E100 Test Squares N95/E99 3-171 N96/ElOO N97/E99 TABLE 3.8 (Continued) Contact of 2 and 3 (Devil-Watana tephra contact) 3-172 [J lJ L [ L L r-' 'L r~ u [ U o b C o ~ [; r [ [ N97/E99N96/EI00 4 Fl akes, basalt 2 Flakes, dark reddi sh- brown chert 1 Fl ake, yell owi sh-brown chert 1 Fl ake, gray chert 1 Flake, bl ack chert 184 Bone fragments 9 Tooth fragments 15 Fl akes, basalt 4 Fl akes, rhyolite 4 Flakes, yellowi sh- brown chert 1 Fl ake, black chert 1 Flake, gray chert 1 Flake, chalcedony 1 Pass;ble burin spall fragment,gray chert (UA82-70-210) 482 Bone fragment s Test Squares N95/E99 4 Flakes,basalt 1 Tool fragment? un;facially worked, yellowi s h-brown chert (UA82-70-171) 21 Bone fragments N94/ElOOSoi1Unit 3 (Watana tephra) i ncl udes: 3A:Ox;d;zed Watana 3B:Unaltered Watana 3C:Watana tephra with charcoal fl ecks TABLE 3.8 (Continued) N97/E99N96/E100 2 Flakes, gray chert 1 Fl ake, bJ ack chert 1 Fl ake, dark reddi sh- brown chert 31 Bone fragments Radiocarbon sample (Units 3a, 3c,and 4) 11 Bone fragments 4 Fl akes, basalt 2 Fl akes, yellowi sh- brown chert 302 Bone fragments 1 Cari bou metapodi al Radi ocarbon sample (Unit 4a) 3-173 Test Squares N95/E99 4 Bone fragments 22 Bone fragments fran organi c matri x wi th Oshetna tephra -cryotu rbat i on- N94/E100 3 Bone fragments 1 Fl ake, basalt 73 Bone fragments Soi 1 Unit Mixed 3,5,6 (Watana tephra, Oshetna tephra,and Gl aci al dri ft) 4 (very thi nand Oi scon- ti nuous gray;sh- brown lens within the Watana tephra) 5 (Oshetna tephra) I~ [ [ [ [ [ [ c [J D ~ [ E ~ [ [ L [ L {iii}Systematic Testing TLM 143--Mineral Lick Site Location:See section 3.5 (a-xxiii). Testing:Five 1 m by 1 m test squares were excavated at the site during systematic testing.Three of the test squares were located on the southern portion of a kame in the vicinity of test pit 1,which was excavated during reconnaissance testing.The three test squares were placed in a checkerboard pattern providing a 3 m continuous profile along the ElOO grid line from N93 to N96,with one of the test squares superimposed over reconnai ssance test pit 1.The placement of the test squares was designed to further define the cultural component encoun- tered during initial reconnaissance.Two additional test squares were pl aced off of the kame to defi ne si te extent (Fi gure 3.46). Di scussi on: During reconnaissance testing a scatter of lithic material wasencoun- tered in an area ca.70 m by 20 m whi ch borders t he Jay Creek canyon rim.Surface artifacts were located in areas of soil exposures includ- ing game trails,rodent burrows,frost features,and areas of active downslope movement.A si ngl e test pit pl aced on a kame 30 m north of the canyon rim revealed a layer of cultural material,with ca.1300 flakes,ca.800 bone fragments,and two ~situ projectile points (UA82-83-1,2;Figure 3.51,a,b). While all five of the test squares excavated during systematic testing contai ned arti factual materi al the majority of material was recovered from the three test squares located on the kame feature.A total of ca. 33,350 lithics,ca.31,500 bone fragments,38 fire cracked rock/hearth rocks,and 92 tools and/or tool fragments were collected.The collec- tion of artifacts is summarized on Table 3.10,distribution by strati- graphic unit is summarized on Table 3.13,and distribution by test square and stratigraphic unit is summarized on Table 3.14. 3-174 Lj [' [ [~' [ l~ [. [1 D D D o [ [; [ L L L. L. [ l~ [ [ [ [ [ c c E [3 [ E [2 o 12.5 1 25 J Reconnaissance Test Pit • [ b t3 Systematic Test Square Site Datum 50 cm.Contour o x METERS Contour Interval:1 m. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E.,S.M. SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.1 [ c Figure 3.46.Site Map TLM 143. 3-175 Six main material types have been recognized in the lithic tools and debitage collected at the site,including basalt,rhyolite,chert, obsidian,chalcedony,and quartz.The classification is designed to reflect lithic traits of light transmission and grain size,with further subdivisions based on Munsell Soil Color Chart colors.While the termi- nology may contain petrological inaccuracies (for example,in the use of the term II r hyolite ll to designate a probable sedimentary material)it is sufficient to establish that a number of lithic sources are represented in the site collection. Nine soil/sediment units were identified at TLM 143 (Figure 3.47,Table 3.9).No individual test square contained all nine of the recognized units although five of the units were present in all of the test squares.Variability in stratigraphy between the test squares located on the kame compal"ed to the test squares located off of the kame was observed.The stratigraphy of the three test squares located on the kame was generally uniform with less post-depositional disturbance than observed in the two test squares located off the kame,where the processes of downslope movement and reworking of stratigraphic units were evident,particularly in N71/E91. Three major kinds of stratigraphic units can be identified at the site: natural depositi onal units,the contacts between them,and a cultural unit.In general,the st rati graphy consi sts of gl aci al dri ft deposits (unit 9)overlain by fine silty eolian sediments (unit 7),which are overlain by silty sediments that have been interpreted as being volcanic in origin.Two and possibly three tephra units were recognized,with the lowermost Oshetna tephra (unit 6b)only defined in one of the test squares (N71/E91),where it showed evidence of reworking.The middle Watana tephra (unit 4)and the uppermost Devi 1 tephra (unit 3)form a continuous unit across the site.The entire stratigraphic sequence is overlain by surface organic material (unit 1). In addition to the above mentioned units a number of localized units were also recorded.At the contact between the surface organic mat and the Devil tephra a thin lens of very dark brown finely sorted organic 3-176 L L l~ [ [' [J D E [1LJ [l B [; [] [ [ [' L [ Charcoal sample UA82-83-1698:2150 ~60 B.C. Figure 3.47.Composite Soil Profile TLM 143. 3-177 10 5 20 30 15 25 35 40 DEPTH (e m) o • PROFILE 3 TESTS ON KAME FEATURE 9 7 1 2 33a 4:~I:;:::'::;::';'::;,,:,::,,::H4¥1,/t'{','??"t;::;';:':;:;JfI c Sa Sb Sc ~;.::.;::"~..:''''':.''':'.':.~ SOIL UNITS CULTURAL 7 9 8 1 3 6a 6b 4b 4a 4d PROFILE 2 TESTS OFF KAME FEATURE units 5a/5b 15 5 30 10 20 50 45 25 40 35 DEPTH (em) o [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c C B ~ [ t U [ r: [ c l TABLE 3.9 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS FOR COMPOSITE SOIL PROFILE,TLM 143 Soi 1 -Unit 1 2 3 Descri pti on Organic layer;lichen,crowberry,and sphagnum moss underlain by poorly consolidated soil with roots and finely divided organic material (5 YR 3/2 dark reddi sh brown).Thi ckness of organi c uni tis partially dependent on the type of surface organics, i.e.,up to 16 cm in areas where surface organic material consists of sphagnum moss;to 2-6 em in depth where lichen cover is on the surface. Very fine sandy matrix with finely sorted organic materi al and small charcoal pi eces (5 YR 2.5/1 black).Thin di scontinuous lens between the surface organi cs (unit 1)and the Devil tephra (unit 3). Leaching of carbon and organic material into the underlying tephra was evident.This unit was not observed in the two test squares located off the kame featu re . A horizon/tephra (Devil);very fine silt sized particles consolidated by roots and rootlets. Continuous unit across site varying in thickness from 1 cm to 5 cm.Variation in color dependent on degree of leaching from overlying units (10 YR 5/1 gray to 5 YR 6/2 pinki sh gray).Sharp contact with underlying unit 4.Extensive reworking of this unit was evident in N71/E91.A small amount of charcoal was observed wi thi n thi s unit. 3-178 [' f' r- [' [ [' [l [ [j [] B [_.~ -' le.-, --~ L [ l L. [, TABLE 3.9 (Continued) [ [ r [ [ [ [ C L E C [ [ E [ L L U L Soil Unit 3a 4a 4b Oescri pti on Fine grained organic matrix with small charcoal pi eces (7.5 YR 4/2 dark brown);very t hi n, approximately 1 em thick,and di scontinuous lens stratigraphically positioned between units 3 and 4. This unit was only observed in the north wall pro- fi 1e of N94/E99. B hori zon/tephra (Watana);oxi di zed zone at upper extent of tephra unit (7.5 YR 4/6 to 7.5 YR 5/8 strong brown).Fine to medium grained silt.Medium to coarse sand sized granule concretions in the most highly oxidized zones.A generally continuous unit 1-2 cm thick in the test squares on the kame (N93/E100,N94/E99,N95/E100)and 1-10 cm thick in the test squares off the kame (N71/E91,N99/E79). Sharp contact with the overlying strata (unit 3). Tephra (Watana);very fine silt sized particles (Io YR 5/6 yellowish brown).Gradational and undulating contact with oxidi zed tephra at the upper extent of t hi s tephra uni t.Ident i fi ed in all fi ve of the test squares although reworking of this soil was evident in N71/E91 and in N99/E79.Thickness of the unit in these squares varied from 1-11 cm off the kame feature to 1-6 cm in the three contiguous test squares on the kame feature.While some mixing with other units was evident in the test squares located on the kame this unit had a generally continuous and horizontal appearance. 3-179 TABLE 3.9 (Continued) Soi 1 Unit Descri pti on r-' _J 1_ [j 4c 4a 5a Very fine silty matrix similar in texture and stratigraphic position to unit 4b although variable in color (7.5 YR 5/8 strong brown).This unit was only i denti fi ed in N95/E100 st rati graphi cally posi- tioned above Sa,above a concentration of charcoal. Possi bly the result of thermal oxidi zati on of unit 4b. Fi ne si 1ty brown mat ri x (lO YR 3/3)wi t h a mi xed and mottled appearance.This unit was only identified in N71/E91 which had considerable evidence of re- worki ng of the soil units.Di sconti nuous unit stratigraphically positioned above unit 4b,and varying in thickness from 2-21 cm. Fi ne si 1t si zed partiel es (2.5 YR 4/2 dark grayi sh brown to 10 YR4/3 brown/dark brown).Thin,1-2 em, continuous lens defined in the three test squares located on a low kame.Sharp contact with the over- lying unit (unit 4).Defined on the basis of color, texture,and the quantity of artifactual material. Contains charcoal.Thi s stratigraphic unit defines the upper extent of Feature 2. 3-180 [ c c [-) - ! j n [J _I L [i _J L, L [ L C, TABLE 3.9 (Continued) [ ~ [ [' [ [ [ t L [j C [ E [ L [ [ [ L Soi 1 Unit 5b 5c 6a Descri pt ion Oxidized silt similar in texture to unit 5a (7.5 YR 4/6 to 7.5 YR 5/8 strong brown).The unit is con- ti nuous in the three test squares situated on the kame and is associated with numerous artifacts t fire cracked rock t and carbon.This unit varies from 2 cm to 6 cm in thickness and is associated with Feature 2 t a cultural component t and Feature 3 t a hearth feature within Feature 2.Contacts are variab1e t i .e q sharp contact between unit 5b and 'unit 7 t and diffuse contact between unit 5b and unit 5d t and unit 5a and unit 5b. Silty matrix which underlies unit 5b and is asso- ci ated with Feature 3 (5 YR 4/4 reddi sh brown to 10 YR 3/3 dark brown).Contai ns numerous bone frag- ments t carbonized matrix and fire cracked rock. Indistinctive unit observed in the east and south wall s of N95/ElOO and the"north wall of N93/EI00. The unit was observed during excavation of N94/E99 although not defined in the test square profiles. Sharp contact with underlying units 7 and 9. Thin lens of organic matrix and charcoal (10 YR 3/1 very dark gray).Vari es in thi ckness from 1 to 3 cm and occurs at the upper contact of unit 6b.Only defi ned in one of the test squares (N71/E91). 3-181 TABLE 3.9 (Continued) Soil Unit 6b 7 8 9 Oescri pti on Tephra (Oshetna);very fine silt sized particles (10 YR 4/2 dark grayi sh brown).Only defined in N71/E91.This unit had an undulating and irregular appearance whi ch may be the result of reworki ng of the soil and sediment units. Silt sized particles with some sand (2.5 Y 4/4 olive brown).Continuous unit across site area.Contacts vary from sharp to gradati onal wi th sharp contacts evi dent when unit 5b or 5c are at its upper extent. Thickness varied from 1 to 10 cm in test squares on the kame and 4 to 20 em in test squares off the kame.Sediment is possibly eolian in origin. Fine silty organi c matri x with charcoal (10 YR 3/1 very dark gray to 10 YR 2/1 black).This unit lacks continuity and where it is present it is both thin (l cm or less)and discontinuous.Possibly a buried soil.Located in N99/E79 and N71/E91. Coarse sand with gravels,cobbles and small boulders.Maximum boulder size 35 cm.The majority of cobbles were rounded,7 to 13 cm in diameter. Frost shatteri ng observed in some rocks but was not .extensive.Weathered rock and grus also observed. Excavation into this unit determined limit of exca- vati on for the test squares. 3-182 [ L t- [ I- e [l o [ -.-.i. ._{ ) ~LJ [J [j [ [r L L tJ [, L r~ [ [ [ [ [ t 6 o B [ E lJ [ [ [ [ L material with charcoal (unit 2)was identified in the test squares on the kame.The unit may be the result of soil processes as indicated by the variation between the 0 and A horizons.In N71/E91 where the Oshetna tephra was observed,a thin layer of finely divided organic material was present at the upper contact of the tephra (unit 6a).In both N71/E91 and N99/E79 a very thin and di scontinuous lens of a fine silty organic matrix with charcoal (unit 8)was recorded in the lower extent of the silty sediments and/or on the contact with the glacial drift.This lens may represent a paleosol. Unit 5,a cultural unit,was identified in the three test squares located on the kame feature.The unit was stratigraphically positioned immedi ately beneath therlatana tephra and composed of fi ne si lty sedi- ments which contained an abundance of artifactual material throughout its excavated extent.The silt within the unit was often intensely oxidized and contained carbonized matrix and charcoal.The absence of the Oshetna tephra in the test squares located on the kame feature may indicate that the Feature 2 occupation occurred shortly after the depo- sition of that tephra with the tephra itself becoming incorporated into the cultural unit.Radiocarbon analysis on charcoal from this unit produced a date of 4100 ±60 years:2150 B.C.(Beta 5364). Cultural material at TLM 143 was associated with five of the nine soil/sediment units (Figure 3.47)and the site appears to be multicom- ponentwith at least two and possi bly three components represented.The exact stratigraphic positions of the uppermost and middle components are difficult to determine at this time as artifacts were located in the organic horizon (units 1,2),the Devil tephra (unit 3),the Upper Watana tephra (unit 4a),and at the contacts between them.The lower component (unit 5)was stratigraphically well defined,separated from those above it by the lower Watana tephra which contained very little artifactual material except in the central portion of N95/EI00 where the lower Watana tephra was absent. 3-183 Upper Component: The uppennost cultu ral component can be correl ated to the Devi 1 tephra (unit 3).Lithic artifacts were recovered in association with the Organi c-Devil tephra contact a.nd wit hi l'fth~'Devil tephra in all fi ve of the test squares (Table 3.14).A total of 134 lithics were recovered from the Organic-Devil tephra contact and 174 lithics from within the Devil tephra.Lithic artifacts consisted primarily of small waste flakes,the majority of which were basalt and rhyolite,although chert and obsidian flakes were also recovered.The only tool associated with the Devil tephra was a bi facially retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-33). Mi ddle Component: The distribution of artifactual material at the upper contact of the Upper Watana tephra suggests t hat a mi ddl e component is represented in all five test squares at the site.While sterile strata do not separate the artifactual material from the middle and upper components,a number of factors indicate that they are distinct.These include the increase in quantity of artifactual material at the Watana tephra contact,the confonnable nature of the stratigraphic units on the kame feature,indi- cating minimal post-depositional disturbance,and consequently,minimal movement of artifacts from their original stratigraphic positions,and the presence of Feature-1 which was defined in N95/EIOO. The Feature 1 designation was assigned to a possible occupation surface associated with the Upper Watana tephra.Numerous lithic artifacts and small pieces of charcoal \~re observed at the contact between the Devil tephra and Upper Watana tephra (unit 3,4a)and within the Upper Watana. Defi niti on of occupati ons was complex in thi s area of the site and the Feature 1 designation was used in N95/EIOO as a field procedure to assist in defining components at the site.Feature 1 was a continuous lens across the horizontal extent of the test square.In the northern and southern portion of the square,Feature 1 was separated from the underlying component,Feature 2,by the lower Watana tephra (unit 4b). In the central porti on of the test square thi s separati on was not 3-184 [' [1 r- o C Q [: i E [ [ L [ IL~ [ [' [ [ [ [ [ [ c o B o g C E C [ [ [ C C evident and Feature 1 articulated with Feature 2.The lower boundary of Feature 1 was defined by the contact with the lower Watana tephra or, where this stratigraphic unit was not present,with the contact with a grayish brown lens which is the upper extent of Feature 2. A total of 817 lithics,150 bone fragments,and 5 tools are associated with the stratigraphic units which define the middle component.Of these,378 of the lithics,115 bone fragments,and 3 tools were recorded as part of feature lin N95/E100.The lithic material consisted of small waste fl akes of basalt,rhyol ite,obsi di an,and chert.The faunal material included small calcined bone fragments. Two of the five tools,a retouched basalt"flake (UA82-83-90;Figure 3.59,a)and a rhyolitebiface (UA82-83-193;Figure 3.55,a)were recovered from the Devil tephra/Watana tephra contact in N99/E79.The remaining three tools included a retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-375),a retouched rhyolite flake (UA82-83-376),and a rhyolite biface fragment (UA82-83-377;Figure 3.52,g).These three tools were located within the upper oxidized Watana in N95/E100 and were recorded as Feature 1. Lower Component: The highest density of artifactual material is associated with the lower cultural component,a di screte stratigraphic unit 4 cm to 12 cm thick (Figure 3.47,unit 5),which was defined only in the three test squares located on the kame and includes Feature 2.Feature 2 was a continuous layer which contained numerous tools,lithic debitage,bone fragments, fi re cracked rock and charcoal.Feature 3,a hearth feature,was associated with the lower extent of Feature 2. The lower component is stratigraphically between the Watana tephra (unit 4)and a silty eolian sediment (unit 7).Both the upper and lower boundaries of Feature 2 were di stinct during excavation and in the unit profil es.The upper boundary was defi ned by a grayish-brown matri x which contained an abundance of artifactual material,and the lower boundary was distinguished by its contact with a silty eolian sediment 3-185 or glacial drift.In general,the stratigraphy of the lower component includes a thin discontinuous lens of reddish-brown to dark brown matrix (unit 5c)which is correlated with the hearth feature,Feature 3.This unit is overlain by a continuous fine silty matrix,strong brown in color (unit 5b),possibly due to oxidization.A thin continuous lens of gray;sh-brown matri x (unit 5a)was defined at the upper extent of the component.While three different stratigraphic units were recognized within Feature 2,these units were not defined until the test square profiles were exposed because of the indistinctive nature of the boundaries between these units. The Feature 2 component was excavated in three arbitrary level s to handle the quantity of artifactual material and to look at the vertical distribution of artifactual material within the component.Collection 1 included material from the upper 2 em to 4 cm,collection 2 included material from the middle 2 cm to 4 cm,and collection 3 included material from the lower 2 em to 4 cm of the feature.Photographs were taken and a horizontal plan drawn at the surfaces of each of the three collection units.Three point provenience was recorded for tools,large fl akes,and C-14 samples.Fi re cracked rocks/hearth rocks were mapped wi th basal elevati ons.The remai ni ng materi al was screened wit h 1/8-i nch sc reen,bagged,and 1ater sorted.A rodent bu rrow in N94/E99 was excavated,screened and recorded separately. Feature 3 was used to define an area of fire cracked rocks and/or hearth rocks at the lower extent of Feature 2.The feature was defined pri- marily in the eastern half of N94/E99 and the southern portion of N95/E100,but was also defined along the northern edge of N93/E100.The featu re desi gnat ion wa s app 1i ed at the su rface of co 11 ect ion 3.The tops of the rocks associ ated with Feature 3 were i niti ally exposed at the surface of collection 1 but it was not until collection 3 that the area was defined as a feature since the occupation associated with this feature would be associated with the basal elevations of the rocks.A boundary was defined to encompass the 1arge rocks in additi on to carbon- ized matrix (unit 5c?)which contained numerous flakes,tools,and bone fragments.The remainder of collection 3 outside the boundary of 3-186 [ [1 r-' C Q o [j 6 [ [ [i [ {" L, L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ o E C [ [ L C [ [ L L [ Featu re 3 was i ncl uded in Featu re 2.In general,Featu re 3 i ncl udes the area encompassing the rocks and Feature 2 includes the area outside of the rocks. The configuration of rocks,highly oxidized matrix,carbonized matrix, and charcoal suggests that Feature 3 represents a hearth feature asso- ciated with the initial occupation of TLM 143 and the Feature 2 compo- nent.A total of 38 fi re cracked rocks/hearth rocks were coll ected in association with Feature 3.The largest rock measured 52 em by 19.5 em by 12 em.Many of the larger rocks were not cracked but were charred or stained.Numerous small gravel-sized angular rock fragments were also collected and may possibly be rock spalls. The basal elevati on of the larger rocks correl ate to the lower boundary of the cultural component.Beneath several of the rocks in thi s feature was a very thin lens of carbonized matrix with artifactual material including flakes,bone fragments and a projectile point (UA82-83-364; Figure 3.51,f).When the large rocks were removed the silty matrix (unit 7)surrounded the rocks with carbonized matrix in the slightly concave depressions.The estimated dimension of this hearth feature is 2 m in diameter with the three test squares intersecting the northern, western,and southern boundaries. Artifacts collected as part of Feature 2 and 3,and artifacts associated with the upper and lower boundaries of these features consisted of ca.24,660 flakes,ca.31,200 bone fragments,38 small pieces of red ochre (?),and 81 tools and/or tool fragments.Six major categories of 1ithi c materi al have been defi ned wi th a number of sources represented by each of these categories.See Table 3.13 for a listing of artifacts associated with each of the features,and the contacts between these features. A variety of tools and diagnostic artifacts were recovered during exca- vati on of Feature 2 and Feature 3.These were representative of several lithic material types and various tool functions.Table 3.11,Tools and Tool Fragments by Stratigraphic Unit,provides a description for each 3-187 artifact that showed signs of secondary modification,use modification or manufacture for a specific purpose (i .e.,projectile points).The majority of tools consist of flakes with unifacial and/or bifacial marginal retouch.In addition a number of bifaces,scrapers and side- notched projectile points were collected.Other tool types include flake core,burin,tchi thos,and blade-like flakes (photographs of a selection of artifacts may be found in Figures 3.51 through 3.60.Use of the tenns:scraper,burin,or tchi-thos,are tentative functional descriptions used here only for the purpose of classification and distinction from other tool categories present at the site. In N99/E79,which is located ca.20 m west of the kame feature,35 flakes,14 bone fragments,and a rhyolite projectile point tip (UA82-83- 273;Figure 3.52,a)were collected from the contact between the ~Jatana tephra (unit 4)and a silty sediment (unit 7)and from within the silty sediment.The stratigraphic position of this artifactual material suggests that it may be correl ated with the Feature 2 component. Faunal remains associated with Feature 2 and 3 consisted of ca.31,200 bone and teeth fragments,with the majority (ca.31,150)being calcined medium to large mammal long bone fragments,one of which has cut marks. Thirty-five large mammal molar fragments were found,some of which may be from caribou (Rangifer tarandus).Three calcined medium-large to large mammal phalanx fragments were also found,which may represent caribou (Rangifer tarandus)or Oall sheep (Ovis dalli),as well as a calcined small mammal astragalus.Most of the faunal material was concentrated within unit 5,with only ca.500 fragments recovered from the upper and lower contacts (Table 3.12). The occurrence of arti factual material in all five test squares suggests that the site extends over a large area.In N71/E91,located 7 m north of the canyon rim,onl y 5 fl akes were recovered and reworki ng of the stratigraphic units was evident,indicating that this area of the site was unstable.Surface material recovered on the slope leading into the canyon and in the vicinity of N99/E79 indicates that the canyon rim defi nes the southern boundary of the site although thi s area appears to 3-188 [' f' i' I C p.\L; C [j [jU [~ L [- L, [ E L r [ L [ [ [ [ 8 U C 6 [ E t [ [ [ [ t be characterized by low densities of artifactual material.The limits of the site to grid north,east and west remain unknown as all the test squares contained cultural material.The artifact densities for the upper and middle components did not vary significantly between the three test squares located on the kame featu re (N93/ElOO,N94/E99,N95/E100) and the test square 20 m west of the kame (N99/E79).The only tool associated with the upper component and two of the five tools associated with the middle component were located in N99/E79.The lower component appears to be focused on the kame feature and the quantity of arti facts suggests intensive use of this area of the site during the occupation(s) associated with the lower component. T\'Ielve C-14 samples were collected for radiocarbon dating.All 12 sampl es were coll ected from the three test squares located on t he kame feature and represent four stratigraphic units.These include the su rface organic 1ayer (unit 1,2),theorgani c-Devi 1 tephra contact (unit 1,3),the cultural hori zon (unit 5),and the contact between the cultural horizon and the underlying silt (unit 7).Unfortunately,many of the samples are too small for reliable dating.One of the samples (UA82-83-1698)was submi tted for radi ocarbon detenni nation and produced a date of 4100 ±60 years:2150 B.C.(Beta 5364).The sample was collected from unit 5 and consequently dates the Feature 2 component. Evaluation: TUM 143 is located on the edge of Jay Creek canyon directly north and west of the steep canyon walls in the vicinity of a mineral lick.Dall sheep coming from the uplands down to the mineral lick presently pass over the site,as observed by the field crew.Caribou were also frequently observed in the immediate vicinity of the site.The strategic location of the site in conjunction with the content of the arti fact assembl age suggest s that TLM 143 functi oned as a hunti ng camp, exploiting the fauna attracted by the mineral lick.The high frequency of li thi c debi tage i ndi cates i ntensi ve tool manufactu re and modi fi cati on occu rred at the si te . 3-189 Three cultural components were defi ned duri ng systemati c testi ng.A radiocarbon determination of a charcoal sample collected from the lower component yi el ded a date of 4100 ±60 years:2150 B.C.(Beta 5364). The upper and middle components can be tentatively dated based on the stratigraphic position of each component relative to the three tephra defined at the site.Although artifactual material from the middle component occurred within the upper Watana tephra,the interval of occupati on probably occurred between the Watana and Devi 1 tephra deposition,ca.2300 B.P.The upper component occurs at the upper extent of,and within,the Devil tephra.Thus,the minimum limiting date of this component ;s probably not earlier than ca.2300 B.P. The majority of artifactual material recovered at TUM 143 was derived from the lower component.This component can be ascribed to the Northern Archaic Tradition (ca.1500 B.C.-ca.3000 B.C.)on the basis of stratigraphic position,radiocarbon dating,and diagnostic elements of the artifact assemblage.The lower component is stratigraphically be low the Watana tephra and a si ngl e radi ocarbon determi nat i on of 2150 B.C.,falls within the temporal range of this cultural tradition.The component contained side notched projectile points,endscrapers,and a variety of bi faces,all of which are characteri stic of the Northern Archaic Tradition. While no structures were located during systematic testing of three 1 m by 1 m squares on the kame,evidence that the site functioned as more than hunting overlook during the occupation(s)associated with the lower component is suggested by the presence of a wide range of toois,i.e., 44 modified flakes,5 scrapers,9 bifaces,a flake core,a burin,a tchi thos,and 17 projectile points.These tools,in association with more than 24,000 waste flakes,suggest various stages of tool manufacture, repair,and a variety of activities.Large rocks,mammal bone (caribou and probably Da11 sheep),lithic detritus,and tools were distributed about a hearth.It is possible that the large rocks,while apparently associated with the hearth,may constitute the remains of a larger feature or structure which at present cannot be defined based on the extremely limited extent of the testing. 3-190 [ )~ \-. f- ( [ Ui <__J [j o o tJ rJ [ Iii__J [" [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c u U E [ lJ t [ b [ [ L The di stribution of surface and subsurface arti factual material may i ndi cate that the site extends over at 1east a 50 square meter area. The site is topographically restricted to the south by the steep slope of the Jay Creek canyon.The occurrence of subsurface material beyond the excavated test squares is not known.The correl ation of arti factual material between the test squares suggests that the upper and middle components occur over a vast portion of the site,while the lower com- ponent is possibly localized or focused on the kame.Alternately,this pattern may indicate that areas of intensive use associated with the upper components have not been located at this time. The presence of three components indicates repeated use of this site over more than 4000 years.Further systematic testi ng could potenti ally address questi ons regardi ng the transi ti on/repl acement between the Northern Archaic Tradition and Choris/Norton Tradition peoples. Presently only very limited systematic testing has been conducted over this large site and additional testing is necessary to identify patterns relating to activity areas within the site.TLM 143 is probably one of.- the most significant sites yet di scovered during the course of the Susitna Hydropower project cultural resource management program for the following reasons:1)it is unique,in that it is the first archeo- logical site di scovered in Alaska to document human exploitation of fauna attracted by a mi neral 1i ck,2)it is the 1argest site yet di s- covered within the Upper Susitna study area,3)it has produced the hi ghest frequency of arti factual materi al per test unit of any site yet di scovered wi thi n the project area and is probably one of the most productive noncoastal sites ever discovered in Alaska,and 4)the site is multi component and the nature of the components may lead to an under- standi ng of t he Northern Archai c/Chori s Norton contact. 3-191 TABLE 3.10 ARTIFACT SUMMARY,TLM 143 Lithi c t~ateri a 1 [ [, )-~ L , [ ca.17560 ca.13165 ca.2530 56 31 2 5 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 Rhyolite flakes (white to brown to gray) Basalt flakes (red,gray,black) Chert flakes (red,gray-brown,brown,black) Obsidian flakes (green,gray,black) Chalcedony flakes (white,gray,brown) Quartz flakes (white) Basalt projectile points (UA82-83-347,349,358, 364,410) Rhyolite projectile point (UA82-83-313) Chert projectile point (UA82-83-1220)and tang (UA82-83-330) Rhyolite projectile point tips (UA82-83-273,403, 1339) Rhyolite projectile point bases (UA82-83-319,370, 377) Basalt projectile point tip (UA82-83-398) Basalt projectile point base (UA82-83-306) Chert projectile point tip (UA82-83-316) Chert tool:burin (UA82-83-346) Basalt tools:scrapers (UA82-83-340,352,387) Chert tools:scrapers (UA82-83-327,339) Basalt bi face/fl ake core (UA82-83-324) Basalt bi face (UA82-83-348) Rhyolite biface (UA82-83-193) Basalt bi face fragments (UA82-83-310,365,371,417) Rhyolite biface fragments (UA82-83-325,357) Chert bi face fragments (UA82-83-351,359,921) Basalt bi facially retouched flake (UA82-83-33) 3-192 [-1. -J o o n 8 f]Lj [ "j -~ L. L L" L [ , r-' I [ [ [ [ [ o C B 6 C t G...'.-·.b [ L [ L t TABLE 3.10 (Continued) Lit hi c r~ater;a 1 1 Rhyolite bifacially retouched flake (UA82-83-326) 2 Basalt blade-li ke flakes (UA82-83-343,416) 3 Rhyolite blade-like flakes (UA82-83-328,362,413) 1 Chert bl ade-li ke fl ake (UA82-83-341) 2 Basalt fragments wi th retouch (UA82-83-386,897) 1 Chert fragment with retouch (UA82-83-399) 21 Rhyol i te retouched flakes (UA82-83-285,307,308, 309,312,317,320,331,334, 350,356~368,376, 385,1704,407,408,419,421,422,423) 15 Basalt retouched flakes (UA82-83-90,305,332, 335,345,366,367, 375,384,390,395,396,400, 404,414) 7 Chert retouched flakes (UA82-83-314,315,333, 338,369,373,394) 1 Tabul ar sl ate fragment (UA82-83-372) 1 Sandstone tabular rock,modified (UA82-83-355) 1 Quartzi te tool:Tchi thos (UA82-83-360) Faunal Materi al ca.31500 Small bone fragments and tooth fragments Other 182 Rock chips,fire cracked(?) 38 Fi re cracked rocks/hearth rocks 38 Pi eces of red ochre (?) 3-193 TABLE 3.11 TOOLS AND TOOL FRAGMENTS BY STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT,TLM 143 Contact between organic horizon and Devil tephra (units 1/3): N99/E79 [1 r~' [' \--~ L, Contact between the Devil tephra and the Watana tephra (units 3/4): Oxidized zone at the top of the Watana tephra (unit 4a): UA82-83-33 N99/E79 UA82-83-90 UA82-83-193 FEATURE 1: N95/ElOO UA82-83-375 UA82-83-376 Gray basalt flake with bifacial retouch or edge wear along one margin. Black basalt flake which is unifacially worked along two margins.Fine retouch with parallel flake scars along the.1eft lateral margin.Unifacial retouch is on alter- nate faces of the flake (Figure 3.59,a). Brownish gray rhyolite biface ca.7 cm in length Figure 3.55,a). Amorphous black basalt flake with unifacial retouch along two margins of dorsal surface. Light gray rhyolite flake with edge wear or unifacial retouch on longest margin. 3-194 [ C' lj o C [1 o [ L L L L L [ TABLE 3.11 (Continued) Lower ~~atana tephra 1 em above underl yi ng si lt (unit 4 above unit 6): Collection 1 -Lower Watana tephra and excavation into underlying cultural unit (unit 4/5 and unit 5): [ [ [ [ [ [ L E [l U [ [ [ E [ L [ U [ UA82-83-377 N99/E79 UA82-83-273 FEATURE 2: N93/E100 UA82-83-305 UA82-83-306 UA82-83-307 Light brown rhyolite biface fragment.Possibly a point base (Figure 3.52,g). Pale brown rhyolite biface (projectile point)tip (Figure 3.52,a). Black basalt flake tool.Continuous unifacial retouch on the lateral margins and distal end of the flake.Re- touch is on the dorsal face of the flake and the flake measures ca.4.3 cm from the proximal to the distal end (Figure 3.59,b). Black basalt projectile point base,concave base with basal thinning (Figure 3.52,b). Browni sh gray banded rhyol ite fl ake wi th conti nuous uni- facial retouch along left lateral margin of the dorsal face.Lithic material has numerous white inclusions. Numerous hinge fractures are also evident (ca.4 cm in length). 3-195 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) UA82-83-308 UA82-83-309 UA82-83-310 UA82-83-312 UA82-83-1339 N94/E99 UA82-83-326 Li ght browni sh gray rhyol ite fl ake tool (thi s materi al may be a fine siltstone).Uni faci al retouch is con'- tinuous along three margins of the dorsal face of the flake.Tool is roughly rectangular in shape with a pro- jection on the proximal end (measures ca.7.7 x 4.7 cm). Proximal end is broken and retouch extends up to point of breakage indicating that the tool was manufactured prior to breakage (Figure 3.56,a). Light brownish gray rhyolite tool fragment.Has the appearance of the distal end of a blade-like flake. Convex margin with unifacial retouch on the dorsal sur- face.Retouch is moderately steep on the convex portion (measures ca.2.5 x 2.2 cm).Possibly a scraper tool (figure 3.53,a). Black basalt biface fragment with fine unifacial retouch on dorsal lateral margins. Grayish brown rhyolite (?)flake with unifacial retouch on the lateri al margins of the dorsal face.Numerous hi nge fractu res on the proxi rna 1 end of t he vent ra1 surface (ca.5.1 cm from proximal to distal end). Pale brown rhyolite biface tip (projectile point tip). Triangular in shape measuring 5.5 cm from the tip to location of breakage.Patination is evident on one of the surfaces (Figure 3.52,j). Proximal portion of a light brownish gray rhyolite flake. Possible bifacial retouch along a small portion of the broken di stal edge. 3-196 [1 [' [' f' L, [ Ci.'l; C o o B C: -' n r [; r' p ,~ [ [ r'l,TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [ r [ [ [ o f] E B [ E B [ [ L L t UA82-83-328 UA82-83-358 UA82-83-359 UA82-83-373 N95/ElOO UA82-83-384 UA82-83-385 UA82-83-390 Distal portion of a pale brown rhyolite blade-like flake/ microblade fragment. Dark gray basalt projectil e poi nt.5i de-notched,con- cave base with basal thinning.Broken at the tip.The point measures ca.4.3 cmfrom the base to the poi nt of breakage.Basalt has white inclusions (Figure 3.51,e). Gray chert bi face fragment.Pati nati on and step frac- turing are evident on dorsal and ventral surfaces. Lateral margins are bifacially retouched.Angular break at the base.Ovate in shape and bi-convex in crossection. Measures 4.8 cm along its longest axis (Figure 3.55,c). Gray banded chert tool,possibly a scraper.Tool is roughly discoidal ca.4 cm in diameter.Unifacial re- touch along curved margins on the dorsal face with steep uni faci al retouch on the convex di stal margi n. Large fl akes with hi nge fractures are evi dent on the di stal portion of the ventral side of the tool. Promi nent bul b of percussi on (Fi gure 3.54,a). Black basalt flake fragment with retouch and/or edge wear along slightly convex margin. Gray rhyolite (?)flake with unifacial retouch on lateral margins of the dorsal face. Uni faci ally worked basalt fragment wi th cortex and 1arge fl ake scars.Fi ne uni faci al retouch along 1ateral mar- gin of dorsal surface.Measures ca.5.8 cm along its longest axi s. 3-197 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) Collection 2 -Excavation within cultural unit (unit 5): N93/ElOO L [, )'0' L UA82-83-314 UA82-83-315 UA82-83~897 N94/E99 UA82-83-330 UA82-83-331 UA82-83-332 Li ght browni sh gray rhyol ite fl ake wi th possi ble uni- faci al retouch.Hi nge fractures on the dorsal surface and on the broken proximal edge. Large light gray chert flake with unifacial retouch. Ventral face of flake has an undulating surface with pronounced percussive rings,fissure scars and eraillure scar.Retouch is on the proximal edge of the flake, with possible use-retouch on lateral margin.The flake measures 8.3 cm along its longest axis. Angular black basalt fragment with possible unifacial retouch al ongone edge. Black chert projectile point tang.Fits with UA82-83- 1220 (Figure 3.51,h). Yellowish brown rhyolite flake with retouch and/or edge wear on distal margin.Flake is incomplete and proximal end is broken. Dark gray basalt flake with very fine continuous unifacial retouch along the lateral margins.The lateral margins are slightly concave and slightly convex.Retouch is on the patinated dorsal surface.Breakage is evident on the di stal 3-198 r~ (, c_,_~' [ q L=_\ C [J D [ f' t.-_' [' [ L L L [ TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [ f~ [ [ [~~ .-_. [ [ B.•.·.·.U l o t [ E E L C [ L L UA82-83-333 UA82-83-334 UA82-83-335 N95/E100 UA82-83-386 UA82-83-387 UA82-83-394 end of the flake with retouch extending.to the point of breakage i ndi cati ng that breakage occurred after modi fi- cation.The flake measures ca.4.3 cm along its longest axi s. Gray chert flake,irregular in shape,unifacially worked, with almost all of the edges exhi biti ng breakage.Uni- facial retouch or edge wear on the ventral surface. Irregular angular light browni sh gray banded rhyolite flake wi th uni faci al retouch or edge wear on the lateral margin.Fissures extend from the lateral margin on the ventral su rface from the locati on of possi ble retouch. Flake measures 6.2 cm along its longest axis. Dark gray basalt flake unifacially worked along the distal and one of the lateral margins.Retouch is on the ventral face of the flake which measures 3.9 cm from the proximal to di stal end. Subtri angul ar chunk of basalt wi th cortex and 1arge flake scars.Minor unifacial retouch along one margin. Measures 4.4 cm along its longest axis.Similar to UA82-83-390. Black basalt tool fragment.Unifacial retouch along one of the lateral margins,and steep uni faci al retouch along the other,slightly convex,margin.The other two edges are broken (Figure 3.59,e). Small dusky red chert flake with unifacial retouch (?). Possibly a tool fragment. 3-199 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [ f" \..." UA82-83-1704 Light yellowi sh brown rhyolite (siltstone?)flake with fl ake scars on the di stal edge of the ventral and dorsal surface of the flake.Breakage is evident along both sides of the lateral margins. L' r' I 1 Collecti on 3 -Excavati on of cultu ral unit to the contact wi th under- lying silt or drift (unit 5 to unit 7 or unit 5 to unit 9): N93/ElOO UA82-83-319 UA82-83-320 N94/E99 UA82-83-339 UA82-83-340 Base of a brown rhyolite side notched projectile point with concave,thinned proximal margin.Irregular frac- ture on the midsection which is possibly the result of thermal spalling (Figure 3.52,e). Light brownish gray rhyolite flake with parallel flake scars on dorsal surface.Measures 1.8 cm along its longest axi s. Black chert discoid shaped tool (ca.2.5 cm in diameter). Cortex or patination on the dorsal face.Retouch is evident on the curved lateral margins of the ventral face.No retouch observed on the di stal and proximal edges (Figure 3.59,c). Black basalt endscraper.Di stal end of a blade-li ke flake.Steep unifacial retouch on the distal end of the dorsal face of the flake with retouch extending up the 1ateral margi ns.Di stal end is convex wi th bevel formed by unifacial working (Figure 3.53,b). 3-200 r]L f:::; LJ c o r""1........../ [ C r L L L L TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [' " ~.>' r L [ L [ 8 U G B [ E C.~6 L l-' ~j [ L t UA82-83-341 UA82-83-346 UA82-83-347 UA82-83-348 UA82-83-349 UA82-83-350 Dark gray chert blade-like flake with inclusions. Proximal end with flake measuring 3.5 x 1.8 cm.Lateral sides are parallel. Dark red chert burin.Two edges removed parallel to the long axis of the tool with an additional edge removed perpendicular to these two edges.The remaining edge has steep uni faci al retouch whi ch extends to the parall el bu ri n fl ake scars.The retouch i ndi cates that thi stool was possibly a scraper prior to manufacture into a burin. Tool is roughly rectangular in shape measuring ca.5.5 x 2.5 cm.Burin was found i!!.situ,fractured into two pi eces sepa rat i ngt he dorsal and ventral surfaces.52 potlid flakes were collected from interior facies indicating thennal fracture (Figure 3.54,b). Dark gray basalt projectile point,side notched with basal thinning on concave base.Complete with the excep- tion of small break at the tip (Figure 3.51,c). Black basalt plano-convex bi face with cortex on the dorsal surface.Biface was found in two pieces,broken near midsection.This tool measures 5.6 cm along its longest axis (Figure 3.55,b). Black basalt projectile point base,side notched with basal thinning.Distal third of projectile point is missing (Figure 3.51,d). Sub-triangular light brownish gray rhyolite flake with possible unifacial retouch along two edges.Material is of poor quality with many inclusions and apparent clevage plane running diagonally across the flake.Edge-retouch occurs primarily along distal edges of dorsal surface. Flake scars are poorly defined. 3-201 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [J f'''''I,.,; t: UA82-83-351 UA82-83-352 UA82-83-355 UA82-83-366 UA82-83-367 UA82-83-368 Large irregular white and dark red banded chert flake with retouch on both the ventral and dorsal surface. Material is the same as UA82-83-346.Retouch is pri- marily on the right lateral margin of dorsal face of the flake.Cortex present. Dark gray basalt endscraper.Convex edge with a bevel formed by steep unifacial retouch on the dorsal face. Retouch continues up the curved margins.Roughly cir- cular in shape ca.2.7 cm in diameter.Smaller in size but similar to UA82-83-340 (Figure 3.53,c). Tabul ar fragment of dark gray sandstone wi th possi bl e retouch.18 cm in length. Dark gray basalt flake with unifacial retouch.Retouch is on dorsal surface whi ch exhi bits cortex.Snap frac- tu re at di stal margi n. Dark gray basalt bi faci ally retouched fl a-ke.Conti nuous retouch along the lateral margin of the dorsal and ventral faces.Retouch continues along the distal end of the flake.Unifacial retouch is also evident along the other lateral margin but is confined to the ventral surface of the flake.Flake measures 3.5 cm along its longest axi s. Light brownish gray rhyolite blade-like flake with pas- si ble retouch or edge wear on the lateral margin of the ventral face of the flake.Potlid fracture present. 3-202 r~' [, \-~ [', p U ['\ i fJ,'t~~ [i 8 "0:-; --' [ [ L [. L [ 3-203 FEATURE 3:Hearth feature within Feature 2. TABLE 3.11 (Continued) UA82-83-399 Angular piece of black chert with irregular flake scars. Possibly a core fragment. Black basalt biface tip (projectile point tip?).2.2 cm from tip to point of breakage (Figure 3.52,h). Pale brown rhyolite point tip.This tip is narrow and unli ke other projectile points collected from Feature 2 or Feature 3.Measures 5.2 cm in length and 2 cm in width at the point of breakage.Possibly from a lanceo- late shaped point.Small notch along one of the margins Figure 3.52,i). Black basalt flake uni facial ly retouched on both the dorsal and ventral faces of the fl ake.Fl ake has cortex along proximal margin. Black basalt flake with unifacial retouch on the lateral margins.Retouch is on the dorsal face of the flake. Flake is broken at the distal end.Measures 4.4 cm along longest axi s. UA82-83-400 UA82-83-398 UA82-83-403 Collection 3 -Excavation of cultural unit to contact with underlying silt or drift (unit 5 to unit 7 or unit 5 to unit 9): N95/ElOO UA82-83-396 [ f'~ [ [ [ r c o [ [ o [ F E [ C f'"4-' L t TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [' c N93/ElOO UA82-83-313 UA82-83-316 UA82-83-317 UA82-83-324 UA82-83-325 N94/E99 UA82-83-338 Light brownish gray rhyolite side notched projectile point with concave base.Poi nt is broken at the ti p and one tang is mi ssi ng .Pl ano-convex fl ake scars a represent on bot h surfaces of the point,(one a probable pot lid fracture) (Figure 3.52,c). Li ght gray banded tri angul ar chert bi face fragment (pos,.. sible projectile point tip)(Figure 3.52,d). Proximal end of a very pale brown rhyolite flake with uni faci al retouch on t he broken edge. Ovate black basalt flake core/core biface.Concavo- convex in cross section with large flake scars and patination on the dorsal face.Tool is bifacially retouched on right lateral margin and unifacially re- touched dorsal left lateral margin.Red staining present.Measures 12 x 9 x 3.5 cm (Figure 3.57). Two articulating fragments of a brownish gray rhyolite bi face.Bi faci all y worked wi t h 1arge fl a ke sca rs on the ventral and dorsal surfaces.Generally ovate in shape with i rregul ar breakage and angul ar pl anes of fracture (Figure 3.56,b). . Grayi sh brown angul ar chert fl ake wi th possi bl e edge wear along margins.6.8 cm in length. 3-204 (~.-\ ! [' r-- l... D o g .[~, --y t: f-o LJ Lo [ [, [, L [ TABLE 3.11 (Continued) [ [ [ [ [ [ [' H U o 8 C b E L F.'l; [ L t UA82-83-343 UA82-83-345 UA82-83-356 UA82 -83-357 UA82-83-360 UA82-83-361 UA82-83-362 Basalt blade-like flake.Distal end missing. Black basalt flake with continuous unifacial retouch on t he convex 1atera1 rna rgin of t he dorsal face of the fl a ke (Figure 3.59~d). Irregular brown rhyolite fl ake wi th conti nuous uni faci al retouch on curved margin.The surface of the flake is characterized by plano-convex flake scars characteristic of potlid fractures (Figure 3.53,d). Brown rhyolite angul ar bi face fragment exhi bi t i ng re- touch or edge wear along lateral margins.Hinge frac- tu re present. Light gray quartzite tool.Semi-lunate in shape with possible retouch or edge wear along curved margin.Step fractures present on distal end (possible tchi thos). Dimensions of the tool are ca.12.4 x 6.5 x 1 cm (Figure 3.58). Light gray banded chert scraper.Tool is ovate in shape. Conti nuous uni faci al retouch on the parall el margins and steep unifacial retouch on the convex distal margin. Retouch is on the dorsal face of the tool (Figure 3.53,e). Di stal porti on of ali ght gray rhyolite b1ade-l ike flake.Triangular in crossection and approximately 5.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width.The lateral margins are curved but roughly parall el with possi ble retouch or edge wear on one of the 1ateral margi ns.Fi ssu re scars are evident on the ventral face of the flake. 3-205 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) c [ UA82-83-364 UA82 -83-3 65 UA82-83-369 N95/ElOO UA82-83-395 UA82-83-404 UA82-83-407 UA82-83-408 Dark gray basalt projectile point.Side notched with a slightly concave base,and slight basal thinning. Measures ca.5 cm from the base to the point of breakage at t he tip (F igure 3.51 ,f). Dark gray basalt bifacially worked tool.Tear shaped with continuous steep uni facial retouch along one of the margins.Flake scars are present on both the ventral and dorsal surfaces (Figure 3.55,d). Brown transl ucent chert fl ake wi th conti nuous uni faci al retouch along one of the lateral margins on the dorsal face.Flake is irreguiar in shape with a projection at the di stal end. Black basalt triangular flake.Bifacial retouch along left lateral margin.Cortex present on right lateral margin of dorsal face of flake (Figure 3.59,f). Black basalt triangular flake with thin white quartzite band across medi al secti on of fl ake.Uni faci al retouch or use-retouch along distal ~nd of dorsal face. Brownish gray sub-rectangular rhyolite flake with con- ti nuous uni faci al retouch along proximal,1ateral,and di stal margi ns of the dorsal face of the fl ake.Retouch steepens along di stal edge.Snap fracture is evident along left lateral margin (Figure 3.60,a). Medium gray rhyolite flake with unifacial retouch along lateral margins of dorsal face.Snap fractures evident across proximal and distal margins (Figure 3.60,b). 3-206 t "L _~_J [-- [ r-; L r; "'r-.J rEj [~~I "'',- F ct~~ r L L L L l [ r'TABLE 3.11 (Continued) ~, r [ r~--/ [ e Q [ r: lS C l~lJ 6 L c r- L.: [ t UA82 -83-41 0 UA82-83-413 UA82-83-414 UA82-83-416 UA82-83-417 UA82-83-419 UA82-83-421 UA82-83-422 UA82-83-423 Black basalt projectile point.Side notched with basal thinning on concave base (Figure 3.51,g). Gray rhyolite blade-like flake,triangular in cross- section. Black basalt triangular flake with fine retouch or use wear.Modified distal edge. Black basalt microblade/blade-like flake. Black basalt biface fragment.Continuous unifacial re- touch along proximal and lateral margins of dorsal face. Medial snap fracture terminates flake.Subsequent edge modi fi cati on absent (Fi gure 3.55,f). Amorphous angular pale brown rhyolite flake with uni- facial retouch along left lateral margin of dorsal face. Flake exhibits hinge fractures on dorsal surface (Figure 3.60,c). Light gray rhyolite blade-like medial section of a flake with modified lateral margin.Possible use wear or retouch. Gray rhyolite flake with continuous modification along right lateral margin.Proximal margin is crushed and steep. Triangular brownish gray rhyolite flake with unifacial retouch along straightest margin.Retouch is on dorsal face of the flake.Snap fracture along distal margin (Figure 3.60,d). 3-207 TABLE 3.11 (Continued) L, f'i UA82-83-1220 Black chert side-notched projectile point midsection. Distal third is missing.Point is patinated on one face.Snap fractures on proximal and distal margins, fits with tang,UA82-83-330 (Figure 3.51,h). [ Feature 2 and 3 mixed: N93/ElOO onl y Tools and Tool Fragments from Rodent Burrow within Features 2 and 3: UA82-83-921 Black chert biface fragment.Angular,sub-ovate,bi- facially worked fragment.Possible flake core fragment (Figure 3.55,g). 3-208 r- .........:.: ~. (, tl [J ~ r-c (,'L L t [ [~ [' l :.' C Triangular with edge modi- Red stai ni ng present. Gray tabular slate fragment. fication along convex margin. Gray chert subrectangular flake.Unifacial retouch along left lateral margin of ventral surface.Possible use-retouch along opposite lateral margin.Pronounced bulb of percussion at proximal end (Figure 3.54,c). Black basalt biface fragment,bifacially flaked and re- rouched.Patination on ventral surface and distal margin (Figure 3.55,e}. Pale brownish gray rhyolite projectile point base.In- cludes tangs and thinned concave base.Snap fracture terminates point base (Figure 3.52,f). N94/E99 UA82-83~3 71 UA82-83-370 UA82-83-327 UA82-83-372 TABLE 3.12 Soil Unit FAUNAL MATERIAL,TLM 143 N99/E79 Oescri pti on 3-209 N95/E100 21 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Tooth fragment,molar,large mammal,possible cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 1326 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 539 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 561 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 5 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 7 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 5 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 5 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 2 Tooth fragments,molar,large mammal,possible cari bou (Rangi fer tarandus) 115 Long bone fragments,cal ci ned,medi um-1 arge mammal 4a 4a/b 4b 4b/7 7 5 (call ect i on 3,Feature 2) 5 (collection 1) 4/5 contact 5 (collection 2,Feature 2) 4 and 4/5 contact c~ L C [ L [ [ c [ [ [,' f: a e 6 8 C t B C TABLE 3.12 (Continued) Soil Unit Oescri pt ion [ [' [ r~ J 5 (collection 3,Featu re 3) 5/7 (call ecti on 3,Feature 3) 3/4 contact 4a 4/5 contact 5 (coll ecti on 1,Feature 2) 5 (collection 2,Feature 2) 1 Tooth fragment,molar,large mammal,possible caribou (Rangifer tarandus) 7258 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 237 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal N94/E99 2 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 29 long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 94 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Tooth fragment,molar,large mammal 630 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 11 Tooth fragments,molar,large mammal 1 Phalanx fragment,calcined,large mammal 760 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 3-210 r~ l, [i " (l'] y [i ("\ !~J (j (J r C [ ~. L; [ Li (, L ~ r l j r l," TABLE 3.12 (Continued) [ [ [ r' 6. ru B B rJ 6 c r"t~ B C c; L r- k, L [ Soi 1 Unit 5 (c all ect i on 3,Feature 2) 5/7,9 contact Rod ent Bu rrow (i n unit 5) 4 4a 4c 4b and 4b/5 contact Oescri pti on 6 Tooth fragments,molar,large mammal 1 Astragalus,calcined,small mammal 8739 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal (one with cut marks) 214 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 205 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal N93/EI00 3 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Long bone fragment,calcined,medium-large mammal 2 Long bone fragments,calcined,small-large mammal 4 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 18 Long bone fragments,calcined.small-large mammal N93/EI00 3-211 TABLE 3.12 (Continued) Soil Unit Oescri pti on [ r' [' r~ t 5 (call ecti on unit 1, Feature 2) 5 (collection unit 2, Featu re 2) 5 (call ecti on unit 3, Featu re 2) 5 (call ecti on unit 3,Features 2 and 3) 5 (call ecti on uni t 3, Feature 3) 5 and 5/7 contact 12 Tooth fragments,molar,large mammal 1 Phalanx fragment,calcined,medium-large mammal 11 Long bone fragments,calcined,small-medium mammal 2 Long bone fragments,calcined small-large mammal 2559 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Phalanx fragment,calcined,large mammal 2030 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 2800 Long bone fragments,cal ci ned,medi um-l arge mammal 3264 Long bone fragments,calcined,medium-large mammal 1 Tooth fragment,molar,large mammal 1 Phalanx fragment,calcined,large mammal,possible cari bou (Rang;fer tarandus),pass;ble Oa1l Sheep (Ovi s dalliJ 3-212 r- L,/ [J U (j o F C [ (, 1,,) ['. [ L [ TABLE 3.13 ARTIFACT SUMMARY BY STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT,TLM 143 [ [ r'-" [ [ L [ o (-> Organic layer (unit 1) Organic to Devil tephra, Watana tephra (unit 1/3, 1/3-4a,1/4a) 6 Basalt fl akes 3 Rhyolite flakes 80 Basaltfl akes 31 Rhyolite flakes 4 Chert fl akes 7 Obsi di an fl a kes 1 Bi faci all y retouched 2 Rock chi ps basalt flake (UA82-83-33) e o ~ C E~ D C t L L L Devil tephra (unit 3) Devil-upper Watana tephra (unit 3/4a,includes Feature 1 material) Upper Watana tephra (unit 4a) 93 Basalt flakes 75 Rhyol ite flakes 1 Chert fl a ke 4 Obsidian flakes 1 Rock chi P 51 Basalt flakes 70 Rhyolite flakes 1 Chert fl a ke 1 Retouched basalt fl ake (UA82-83-90) 1 Rhyolite biface (UA82-83-193) 2 Bone fragments 105 Basalt fl a kes 86 Rhyolite flakes 7 Chert flakes 1 Retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-375) 1 Retouched rhyolite flake (UA82-83-376) 1 Rhyolite biface fragment (UA82-83-377) 27 Bone fragments 3-213 TABLE 3.13 (Continued) Upper Watana tephra/ lower Watana tephra (unit 4a/4b,includes Feature 1 material) Watana tephra upper and lower mixed (unit 4a/4b) Lower Watana tephra (uni t 4b) Upper Watana/cultural unit (unit 4a/5) Watana tephra/cultural unit Featu re 2 su rface (unit 4/5) 16 Rhyolite flakes 13 Basalt flakes 36 Basalt flakes 93 Rhyolite flakes 10 Bone fragments 1 Rock chi p 2 Basalt fl akes 4 Rhyolite flakes 1 Rhyolite projectile point tip (UA82-83-273 ) 183 Basalt flakes 134 Rhyolite flakes 15 Chert fl akes 1 Obsidian flake 111 Bone fragment s 359 Basalt flakes 439 Rhyolite flakes 20 Chert fl akes 2 Obsidian flakes 1 Chalcedony flake 100 Bone fragments 7 Fire cracked rock fragments 3-214 [ c r [ [- { [ ,[: ), C' b nt 8 [' L C, [, [, f' \--L [~ [ r [ [ [ [ [ c e o p.'6 C B t f t [" L L TABLE 3.13 (Conti nued) Cultural unit Featu re 2 (uni t 5) Cultural unit Featu re 2 (unit 5) ca.7050 Basalt flakes ca.5510 Rhyolite flakes ca.900 Chert fl akes 40 Obsidian flakes 31 Chalcedony flakes 2 Quartz fl akes 17 Pieces of red ochre (?) 134 Gravel sized rock chips;FCR (7) 5 FCR/Hearth rocks ca.12550 Bone fragments 9 Retouched basalt flakes (UA-82-83-305, 384,390,332,335, 366,367,396,400) 11 Retouched rhyolite flakes (UA82-83-307, 308, 309,312,385,331,334,320,350, 1704,368) 4 Retouched chert fl akes (UA82-83-314, 333,394,315) 1 Retouched sandstone tabular rock (UA82-83-355 ) 1 Bifacially flaked rhyolite flake (UA82-83-326) 1 Chert blade-like flake (UA82-83-341) 2 Basalt bi face fragments (UA82-83-310, 330) 1 Rhyolite biface fragment (UA82-83-1339) 2 Chert biface fragments (UA82-83-359,351) 2 Basalt fragments wi th retouch (UA82-83-386,897) 1 Chert fragment wi th retouch (UA82-83-399) 3 Basalt tools:scrapers (UA82-83-340, 352,387) 3-215 TABLE 3.13 (Continued) Cultural unit Feature 3 (unit 5) 2 Chert tools:scrapers (UA82-83-327,339) 1 Chert tool:burin (UA82-83-346) 3 Basalt projectile points (UA82-83-347, 349,358) 1 Basalt projectile point base (UA82-83-306) 1 Basalt project il e poi nt ti p (UA82-83-398) 1 Rhyolite projectile point tip (UA82-83-403) 1 Rhyolite projectile point base (UA82-83-319) 1 Rhyolite blade-like flake (UA82-83-328) 1 Basalt bi face (UA82-83-348) ca.3795 Basalt flakes ca.2455 Rhyolite flakes 990 Chert flakes 12 Obsidian flakes 3 Chalcedony flakes 6 Pieces of red ochre (?) 27 FCR/Hearth rocks ca.15090 Bone fragments 4 Retouched basalt flakes (UA82-83-345, 404,414,395) 8 Retouched rhyolite flakes (UA82-83-356, 407, 408, 419, 421,422,423,317) 1 Retouched chert flake (UA82-83-369) 2 Basalt blade-like flakes (UA82-83-343, 416) 2 Rhyolite blade-like flakes (UA82-83-413, 362) 2 Basalt biface fragments (UA82-83-365, 417) 3-216 [ r r-: r ' t iI ( [~ f" 1- [j C C:t~j r-," 8 f', ,' fto L { ft - L( [ L [ [ r [ [ [ [ [J E U 8 .•.b C 8 fl E l [ [ [ TABLE 3.13 (Continued) Cultural unit Feature 2 and Feature 3 mi xed (N93/E100)(unit 5) Cultural unit to contact with underlying silt or gl aci a1 dri ft and materi a1 in silt (unit 5/7,9) Contact between Watana tephra and sandy silt (unit 4b/7) 2 Rhyolite bi face fragments (UA82-83-325, 357) 1 Quartzi te tool:Tchi Thos (UA82-83-360) 2 Basalt project il e poi nts (UA82-83-364, 410) 1 Chert projectile point (UA82-83-1220) 1 Basalt biface/f1ake core (UA82-83-324) 1 Rhyolite projectile point (UA82-83-313) 1 Chert tool :scraper (UA82-83-361) 1 Chert projectile point tip (UA82-83-316) 1 Chert f1 ake with possi b1 e edge wear (UA82-83-338) ca.830 Basalt flakes ca.790 Rhyolite flakes ca.320 Chert flakes 1 Chalcedony flake 10 Pieces of red ochre (?) 37 Gravel sized rock chips;FCR (?) 6 FCR/Hearth rocks ca.3250 Bone fragments 1 Chert bi face fragment (UA82-83-921) ca.530 Basalt flakes 365 Rhyol ite fl akes 213 Chert flakes 5 Pieces of red ochre (?) ca.510 Bone fragments 3 Basalt fl akes 6 Rhyolite fl a kes 9 Bone fragments 3-217 TABLE 3.13 (Continued) Sandy silt (unit 7) Rodent burrow in Featu re 2 and Feature 3 5 Basalt flakes 20 Rhyolite fl akes 1 Chert fl a ke 5 Bone fragments ca.140 Basalt flakes ca.170 Rhyolite flakes 17 Chert fl a kes ca.205 Bone fragments 1 Retouched chert flake (UA82-83-373) 1 Tabular slate fragment (UA82-83-372) 1 Basalt biface fragment (UA82-83-371) 1 Rhyolite projectile point base (UA82-83-370) 3-218 n [ [ t-~ r~ L.. r [" C o C' b. ·;, j n'-i-~.J C C L [ r: u l r-r::rr::""":1 rj r:n rn rrJ c:r=J r---n rr:rn [:,In C""JJ CI":l]~.r-J r-J r-l rJ ~~.Jd",d.,I~· FrLE 3.14 :,RTIFACT SUIII'1ARY BY TEST SQUARE AND STRATIGRAPIlIC UNIT,TLII 143 Test Squares W I N-U) S)i 1 Uni t Surface I (surface org,1I1ic layer) 1/3 (organic to Devil tephra contact) 1/3-4a (beneath organic above Devil and/or Watana terhra) II71/E9l 1199/E79 2 Basalt flakes (dark gray) 4 Basalt flakes (black) 5 Rhyolite flakes (White to pale brown) 1 Rock chi P 1 Bi facially retollched basalt flake (UA8Z-B3-33) 1 Basalt flake (black) 3 Rhyolite fl akes (white to pale brown) Chert flake (light gray) 1 Rock chip 1193/EI00 3 Basalt flakes (bl ack) C-14 Sample UABZ-B3-169Z 11 Rhyolite flakes (white to light gray) B Basalt flakes (dark gray.black) 1194/E99 Bone fragment Basalt flake (black) 3 Rhyolite flakes (light browni sh gray) B Basalt flakes (black) 6 Rhyolite flakes (white to light gray) C-14 Sample (UABZ-B3-1693) 1195/ElOO 56 Basalt flakes (gray to black) 6 Rhyolite flakes (white to gray) 3 Chert f1 a kes (gray,brO~'Tlish gray) 7 Obsidian flakes (~lack) C-14 sample (UAP~-8'-lrOl\ T~DL£3.14 (Continued) Soil Unit 1/4a (contact between surface organics and Ilatana tephra) 1/71/£91 N99/£79 3 Basalt flakes (gray to black) Test Squares N93/£100 1194/£99 1195/£100 to I N Na )(Devil tephra) )/4a (contact belween Devil and Upper ~atana) 3 Rhyolite flakes (pale brown to g"ay) 33 Basalt flakes (light gray to black) 31 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) 1 Rock chip 29 Basalt flakes (gray to black) 42 Rhyolite fl a kes (white to pale brown) 2 Rock chi ps Retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-90) Rhyo 1ite bi face (UAB2-B3-193) 11 Basalt flakes (gray to hlad) 15 Rhyolite flakes (white to gray!sh-brown) Ba sa ltfl a ke (dark gray) 10 Basal~flakes (gray to black) 17 Rhyolite flakes (white to light gray) 1 Chert flake (black) -20 Basalt flakes (dark gray to black) 27 Rhyolite flakes ("hite to gray/bro,m) 1 Chert flake (blacl:) 2 Bone fragments 39 Basalt flakes (gray to ~lack) 9 Rhyolite flakes (white to rale bre.n) 0hsidian flakes (tl"c l \ (Feature 1) Basalt flake (dark gra}') 1 Rh}ollte flake (ora \'i stl.'"'r~·.\n' ~c ,----,,,.....-..., l r----',[....i ~.~n L-J C""JJ c-n [J ~-->:1I.,~:--:-'I J e------,r--J c:-rJ rJ r--:r:-:J r=l C'!J C'1tJ IC:tl a:m IT!D CIJ rr::o rJ r-J r-J r-J r-J r-J [----:J L\,IL[3.1<1 (Continued) ------------------------------------, Test Squares W I N N I-' Soil Unit ·1.1 (Upper oxitli zed W.ltana) 4a/41>(contact h'ltwoon upper oddi zed and 1",-,(\1"\;alana) N71/E91 2 Rhyolite flakes (brown) 1199/E79 (see 4a &4b) 2 Rhyolite flakes (pale bro~m) 1193/[100 13 Basalt flakes (gray to bl ack) 14 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) 1 Chert flake (light brown) 5 Basalt flakes (dark gray) 10 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale hrmm) 1194/E99 44 Basalt flakes (light gray to black) 44 Rhyolite flakes (white to yellowish brown) 5 Chert fl a kes (Ilrayi sh-brown.black) 25 Bone fraglllents 8 Basalt flakes (dark 9ray to black) 4 Rhyolite flakes (yellowi sh b,·o,,'n) N95/E 100 (Feature 1) 48 Basalt flakes (gray to black) 28 Rhyolite flakes (white to grajish-bro,,~) 1 Chert flake (dark red) Retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-375 ) Retouched rhyolite flal:e (UA82-83-376) Rhyolite biface fra:-o,' (UA8~-83-377) 2 ('C'Il"'?f"(l(""~l1t $ T~HL[3.14 (Continued) Test Squares W I N N N Soil Unit 4.1 I,'lb (ul'l'0r \I"loH',1 .lnd lowor WJtJlla mixed) 4b (liatana tOl'hra) t171/E91 1199/E79 36 lIasa·lt flakes (dark gray to black) 93 Rhyolite flakes (white to grayish-brown) I Rock chip 10 lIone fragment s 1 Rhyol i te flake (light gray) 1 Rhyolite projectile point tip (UAfi2-83-273) 1193/EI00 1194/E99 2 Basalt flakes (dark gray to black) 3 Rhyolite flakes (light 9ray to pale bl"(l\-:II) 1195/EWO ,la/5 (contact b~tween upper oxidized lIatana and cultural unit) 11 Basalt flakes (dark gray) 7 Rhyolite flakes (pa I e brown to ye 11 owi sli !>rowlI) (Feature I) ca.170 Basalt flakes (gray to black.dusky rejl 124 Rhyolite flales (light gray to yello~ish bro.n) 15 Cbert flakes (light gray.dark pr'1. black.pale red) <'bsi<llan flake (bla,l' III f01lP fr?1"'rn!s r-:r=l r---1~. J r---" l.r---"IIL.__.._.j c'""J [t.J L.:..J L.LJ [.:,J [__.J c"3 c-J l.J r-----'1 j lj ~~~ L,u,l,[~J T~ULE 3.14 (Continued) [TJJ c:-J [[]I]CCTI Test Squares cu [L.u.U r--J r---jl_" ,----;, J c-l '----"],-,r----,," 191 Basalt flakes (gray to black) 232 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) IS Chert flakes (gray,black,dusky red) I Chalcedony flake (yellowi sh-brown) 5B Bone fragments W I N N W ',0 i I lin it 4/5 (contdct bethl~en Uatana ,tnd cultural unit -Feature 2 'url,lce) 5 (c'Jltural uni t:Featu re ,111'1 re~ture 3) 1171/£91 N99/E79 N93/ElOO 113 Basalt fl akes (dark gray to black) 176 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale browlI) 3 Chert flakes (gray,black) 1 Obsidian flake (dark gray) 22'Bone fragments C-14 Sample (lJlIlJ2-B3-1695) 1194/C99 C-14 Sample Feature 2 (lJA82-83-1696) C-14 Sample Feature 2 (lJAB2-B3-1697) C-14 Salllple Feature 3 (111\82-83-1702) 1195/CWO 55 Basalt flakes (gray,dusky red) 31 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) 2 Chert flakes (gray,dusky red) Obsidian flake (blacl) 7 FCR fragments (?) 20 Bone frag~ents C-I~s~~ple (UAS2-83-lf:~\ C-14Sample Feature 2 (IIA82-B3-1699) C-14 Sample Feature 2 (UA82-83-170C) C-14 Sample Feat~re 2 (UA82-83-1701) C-14 Sa~rle Feat;·o 3 (1I~g2-B~-1-~" W I N N .j::>o T~BLE 3.14 (Continued) Soil Unit 5 (cultural unit: f "..ture 2 and leature 3) r"atu,"e 2 Coll"rU on Nn/E91 N99/E79 Test Squares N93/EIOO ca.945 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.1170 Rhyolite flakes (white to grayi sh brown) ca.160 Chert flakes (white,grayi.sh brown. reddi sh brown.black) 8 Chal cedony fl a kes (white,light gray) 1 Obsidian flake (black) 17 Rock chi ps Pi eces of red ochre (1) 43 Gravel sized rock chips/fCR (1) 1 Retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-305) 4 Retouched rhyolite flakes (UA82-83-307. 30B,309.312) 1 Basalt bi face fragment (lJi\B7.-1l3-310) N94/E99 ca.675 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.440 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) 13 Chert flakes (light gray,da rk gray,pale red) 2 Chalcedony flakes (light gray) 1 Obsidian flake (black) 1 Rhyolite blade-like flake (UA82-83-328) Bifacially retouched rhyol He flake (UA82-83-326) Chert bi face fragment (UA62-83-359 ) 1 Chert tool-scrarer (UA82-83-327) 1 Basalt projectile point (UAR2-83-J5B) N95/EI00 ca.605 Basalt flal"s (gray to black. dusky red) ca.305 Rhyolite flakes (white to g rayi sh tro.n) 44 Chert flakes (light gray.grayish bro_n.dusky red) 21 Obsidian flakes (blae l \ 1 Quartz flake (.hite\ Chalcedony flake (pale brown) 1 Piece of red ochre (1) 19 fCR fragwents (1) 2 Retouched basalt flakes (UA82-83-3f4. 390) 1 Petouched rhyolite flake (UA8~-E3-:85) e.l.~1~~('Il~("~':"'?I~t; r----r-.'r-:r---'i,__lJ ,.---, L.c en ~I Ii --"•••Jj c....J C.LJ l..__j !!,---.:~1 .------, ,1 ~r---~~ r-r:err-:r---:r:-:-::r7:i ~Il""",i"J rrn r:--D u""J ITTTI r-::n C'J'J rl ~II r-l rJ .....--0;:--J T~DLE 3.14 (Continued) Sail Unit N71/E91 N99/E79 Test Squares tI93/ElOO N94/E99 1195/EI00 1 Rhyolite bi face ca.400 Bone fragments fragment (UA82-83-1339) 1 Oasalt projectile point base (UA82-83 c 306) ca.2775 Bone fragment s 12 Tooth fragment s W J N N U1 Feature 2 Collection 2 ca.565 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.450 Rhyolite flakes (white to grayi sh-brown) ca.145 Chert flakes (white,gray-brown, reddish brown,black) 1 Obsidian flake (black) 1 Quartz fl ake (white) 5 Pieces red ochre 3 Rock chips 23 Gravel si zed FCR (?) 1 Ret ouched chert fl ake (IJAfl2-D3-J14) ca.770 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.570 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) 39 Chert flakes (II ght gray,gray-brown reddl shbrown , dark red,black) 2 Obsidian flakes (black) Chalcedony flake (gray) 3 Gravel sl zed FCR (?) 2 Retouched basalt flal:es (lIA02-0J-332,335) ca.755 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.440 Rhyolite flakes (light gray tr yellowish bro.n to gray bro.'I1) 164 Chert flakes (gray,grayl sh-bro.". olive gray,black) 11 Obsidian flakes (gray,black) 5 Chalcedcry flakes (white) Pieces red cc~re (7' 13 Gravel Si ~r'1 rcn (I) W I N N 0'1 T,\iIL[3.14 (Cont I nued) r1l1i I lllli l F",ture 2 (.n I I ret i on 3 rOl/E91 N99/E79 T~st Squares 1193/[100 I Retouched basalt fragmcnt (UA82-03-097) ca.2030 bonc frag""",t.~ ca.400 Oasalt flakes (gray to black) ca.465 Rhyolite fl a ke s (pa 1e brown to olive gray) ca.140 Chert flakes (light gray,reddish brown,black) 3 Chalcedony flakes (light gray) 20 Grav~l si 71',1 FeR (?) N94/E99 2 Retouched rhyo 1He fl akes (UA82-83-33I,3J.1) 1 Retouched chert flake (HA82-03-333) 1 8asalt bi face fragment (UA82 -83 -330) ca.1560 Bone fragm~nt~ ca.1510 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.1475 Rhyolite fl akes (white to pale brown to grayi sh brown) ca.100 Chert flakes (light gray,olive brown,dark gray, pale red,rcddish brown,bl act) r.llalc(!dnny flal:e ("hite) fl95/EIOO 1 Retouched rhyolite flake (UA82-83-39~) I Retouched chert flake (UA82-83-394) 1 Angular basalt fragment with retouch (UA82-83-386) 1 Basalt tool frag,pent: scraper (UA82-83-3S7) ca.1310 Bone fra9-ent s ca.745 Basalt f1a~es (gray to blad, dusky red) ca.195 Rh}olite flakes (white to rale brown to grayish brc.~) 94 Chert flakes (gray, g ray I sh-brow"l, reddi sh brown) Obsidian flakes (blac'! In C~alce10ny fl,lo, (white to li~ht !'r~..") r-----" L r=j----"'r----""'r---:!~l .....,n-:-J ILLl L_LJ L.LJ L..LJ [....J ~-'-1 .---,-,--, !;---i ~I !] c-r:rr-- \.1"", r----iJ ~J r:J C!J en r---:J LI""cIUJ [,.,,,.,1.1 C"J]rrJJ r;r---':-l r--"1 '-I --l lJ c-~ ,J W I N N '-l TAnLE J.14 (Continued) _._.--._-- S:)j 1 Un it tl71/E91 N99/E79 Test Squares N9J/E 100 5 FCR/hearth rocks (1);largest. 10 x 10 x 4 cm 1 Retouched rhyo THe flake (UA02~OJ-J20) 1 Rhyolite projectile point base (UIIl12-flJ-JI9) ca.WOO bone fl'agllirnt s 1194/E99 2 Retouched basalt flakes (UA82-83-366,367) 2 Retouched rhyolite flakes (UA82-83-350,36R) I Retouched sandstone tabular rock (UA02-83-355 ) 1 Chert blade-like flake (UA82-83-341) 1 Basalt bi face (UA02-03-348) 2 Basalt tools: end scrappers (UA82-83- 340,352) I Chert bi face fragment (UA82-83-J51) 2 Basalt projectile points (UA82-83-347,349) I Chert tool:scraper (UA82-83-339) 1 Chert tool: burin (UA82-83-346) ca.1920 Bone fl'a91'l~nts 1:95/EIOO 1 Pi ece red ochre (1) 12 gravel sized to small pebble sl zed FCR (1) 2 Retouched basalt flakes (UA82-83-J96.4C~\ 1 Retouched chert fragment (UA82-8J-399) 1 Rhyolite projectile point tip (UA82-BJ-4C3) 1 Basalt projectile rnint tip (UAf2-f3-J,ol I Retouched chert flake (UA82-83-:1,1 ca.210 8o'le fl·tl9'''~11~~ T~ULE 3.14 (Continued) Test Squares ';0;I Uni l tl71/£91 N99/£79 N93/£100 1194/E99 li 0 5/U PO ------------------------------_._-----------------------_.• W I N Nco I'e,llu re ~llnd 'I~,llilre J !11i'ted rnll"r.t i 011 ca.B30 Basalt flakes (gray to bl ack) ca.790 Rhyolite flakes (light gray to grayish brown) ca.320 Chert flakes (light gray,grayi sh brown.reddi sh brown) 1 Chalcedony flake (I i ght gray) 10 Pi eces red ochre 37 gravel sized FCR (?) 6 FCR/hearth rocks; largest 43 x 24 x 9 cm 1 Retouched chert fl a ke (UII02-03-315) Chert bi face fragment (UIIA2-03-921) ca.3250 Bone fragment 5 c-J r---: \ ,..-----,r--!r--J r--1~__. . I L.l J [L]l .l.,.J l...~J LL]L._.J i~ l.} !---i~r-----, ) ~---, \-----, -' e---\ n-n c-:'1 ~rn ,..,......, \"J r::m C"O]t 'i.J []]]J]rrr:ro c:J rr:o CJ r-J r-J r-:-l ;----') '"J LJ ~ T~DL(3.14 (Continued) ~"';I Un i l tl71/E91 N99/E79 Test Squares N93/EIOO /l94/E99 N95/E100 W I N N 1.0 feJture 3 Col lPel i on 3 I Rhyolite projectile point (UA82-83-313) I Basalt bi face/flake core (UA82-B3-324) I Broken rhyolite bi face fra9ment (UA82-83-325) I Chert 'project 11 e point tip (UA82-83-316) 1 Retouched rhyolite flake (UA82-83-317) 1 Chert fl a ke wit hedge wear (UI\82-lJ3-33fl) ca.935 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.810 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown to grayish brown) 82 Chert fl akes (gray,grayl sh brown, .da~k brown,red,black) 3 Obsidian flakes (dark green) I Chalcedony flake (yellowi sh brown) 11 FCR/hearth rocks; largest,52 x 19.5 x 12 cm 1 Retouched basalt flake (UA82-83-345) 1 Retouched rhyolite flake (UA82-83-356) 1 Retouched chert flal:e (UAfl?-83-369) ca.2860 Basalt flakes (gray to black' ca.1645 Rh)'ollte flakes (light gray tog rayi sh brow'll) ca.910 Chert flakes (white,gray, grayi sh brow'll,darl. brown,dusky red, bl ack) 9 Cbsidlan fla~es (black) 2 Chalcedony flales (whi te) 6 Pieces of red ochre (:' 16 FCR/hearth rocks; largest 43 x 24 x 9 c'" Retouched b!Sll~ flakes (U~B~-SJ-1r\.1jJ\ W I N Wo I~HL[3.14 (Continued) "~n;1 lin it 1171/E91 N99/E79 Test Squares 1193/EiOO U94/E99 1 Basalt blade-like flake (UAB2-B3-343) 1 Rhyolite blade- It ke f1 ake (UJl82-B3-362 ) 1 Basa lt bi face fragment (UAB2-B3-365) 1 Rhyolitebiface fragment (UAB2-83-3 57) 1 Quartzite tool; Tchi Thos (UAB2-B3-360) Chert tool;scraper (UA82-B3-361) 1 Basalt projectile poi nt (UAB2-83-364) ca./l01O Rone fragments 1195/EIOO 6 Retouched rhyolite flakes (UA82-83-407, 408,419,421,422,423\ 1 Retouched basalt flake (UAB2-83-3~5) 1 Basalt blade-lHe flake (UA82-83-416) 1 Rhyolite blade-like flake (UA82-83-413) 1 Basalt bi face fragment (UA82-83-417) 1 Basalt projectile poi nt (UA82-83-41 0) 1 Chert proje~tile point (nAE2-S3-12~0) ca.70fn'p,c:Jle (ra;r··.;"t ~ ..--,c:'r---:rJ 1----:C.i rrr [LJ i __J L_LJ LJ r---:,-----,~l ~--..~~~r-----"., L ,--L~,___.J L_______)L _..J ,!J c-r:;~c:--l rn rT'J C,;"Ji,:,J rr!l r-:J rrn:o om C-:J crJJ r"TI c-l r-l r-J ':-J lJ ~ T:·rl [3.14 (Continued) Soil Unit 1171/E91 Test Squares N99/E79 N93/E 100 N94/E99 N95/EI00 :i/7 I f l~,'turl'2 to COII[dcl wilh ulIJprlylng sdndy ~.i It or gl"et.l .11-1 It 27 Ba'sdlt flakes (gl'ay to black) 15 Rhyol it"flakes (pale brown to gray) 3B Chert flakes (li9ht gray.dark lll'own i sh gray) 55 Done fragment s ca.175 Basalt flakes (gray to black) ca.100 Rhyolite flakes (light gray to pale brown) 25 Chert flakes (gray.dusky red.black) 3 Pieces of red ochre (n ca.no Done fratJtI'~nt s ca,230 Basalt flales (gray to black) ca.170 Rhro1 it e flakes (hhite to pal e bro.") C.l.150 Chert (light ~ray.dark grar) 2 Pieces of ret ochre (?) W I N W.....~a &4b/7 contact of mi (ed Watana .nd sdndy silt 'i')~/E79 only 1b/!COlltdct br.t,,'~en II"tdnd .",d s~,,·Jy sl It 2 Rhyolite flakes (gray,ol ive gray) 9 Bone fragments 3 Basalt flakes (black) 4 Rhyolite flakes (white to pale brown) Cil.2J:'Prl1e (r,,~"':"~c: P·IlLE 3.14 (Continued) T(~st S'1\1ares .._------------- W I N W N "Ill i I Ull it ,s,lndy silt RaJ.nt Burrow in felture 2 I'd r.~tltlJ n'3 1171/E91 1199/E79 5 Basalt flakes (gray to black) 20 Rhyol i te flakes (white .to pale brown) 1 Chert fl a ke (light brown) Rhyolite projectilc point tip (UAB2-83-273) Bone fragmcnt s 1193/£100 1194/E99 ca.140 Basalt flakes (gray to black. dusky red) ca.170 Rhyolite flakes (pale brown to gray) 17 Chert flakes (gray,grayish brown, reddi sh brown.b1ac k) 1 Retouched chert fla~p (L1Ml2-83-373) 1:95/[lr8 r------""',L.L]r---l c:J r]LJ Lt.J LL]L_~__J ILLJ l__U C___]C_...)r-------------,r----l .:==J ,~C.......1 ~I L )"-_1 L_ '.1 I.__.1 r:-r:~~l.l ,J C""'1)r1 rt'1!O t'"'TTI r::-:J OTD ern CJD roD rJ r-J r-J c-J rJ c-J .~ r;,I'I.r.3.14 (Continued) _...__.__.._-----------------------_. Test Squares W I N W W So i 1 Un i t N71/E91 N99/E79 1193/E 100 N94/E99 I Tabular slate fra9ment (UA82-83-372) Basalt blface fragment (UA82-83-371) 1 Rhyolite projectile point base (UJlIl2-8J-370) ca;205 Bone fragrnent s 1:95/E 100 KEY TO FIGURES 3.48 -3.60 r' [ Fi gure Site Accessi on Number,Oescri pti on 3.48 a TLM 115 b TLM 124 c TLM 124 d TLM 130 e TLM 133 f TLM 134 3.49 a TLM 128 b TLM 128 c TLM 128 d TLM 128 e TLM 128 f TLM 128 3.50 a TLM 135 b TLM 136 c TLM 140 d TLM 140 e TLM 144 f TLM 154 g HEA 210 3.51 a TLM 143 b TLM 143 c TLM 143 d TLM 143 e TLM 143 f TLM 143 g TLM 143 h TLM 143 UA82-95-1,projectile point UA82-64-1,projectile point UA82-64-2,endscraper UA82-70-11,endscraper UA82-73-1,projectile point UA82-74-1,2,3,3 articulating fragments, 1arge retouched fl ake UA82-68-3,321,bi face UA82-68-15,microblade UA82-68-85,projectile point tip UA82-68-186,retouched flake UA82-68~187,retouched flake UA82-68-226,retouched flake UA82-75-1,projectile point UA82-76-1,retouched flake UA82-80-5,modified flake UA82-80-6,biface fragment UA82-84-1,projectile point UA82-94-4,projectile point UA82-101-2,scraper UA82-83-1,projectile point UA82-83-2,projectile point UA82-83-347,projectile point UA82-83-349,projectile point UA82-83-358,projectile point UA82-83-364,projectile point UA82-83-410,projectile point UA82-83-1220,330,projectile point and tang 3-234 r-- L C II n C [ [" ---j U [ C L [ [ KEY TO FIGURES (Continued) [ [ Fi gure Site Accession Number,Description 3.56 a TLM 143 b TLM 143 3.57 TLM 143 3.58 TLM 143 3.59 a TLM 143 b TLM 143 c TLM 143 d TLM 143 e TLM 143 f TLM 143 3.60 a TLM 143 b TLM 143 c TLM 143 d TLM 143 UA82-83~308,retouched flake UA82-83-325,biface UA82-83-324,biface/flake core UA82-83-360,tchi thos UA82-83-90,retouched flake UA82-83-305,retouched flake UA82-83-339,endscraper UA82~83~345,retouched flake UA82~83~387,endscraper UA82-83~395,retouched flake UA82~83~407,retouched flake UA82~83~408,retouched flake UA82~83~419,retouched flake UA82~83~423,retouched flake 3~236 [" D o o o o [ [J [ [ r-j [i [ d• c j -. c b e I v ,.&..,)4 5.....~ CM~ b e a d • a Figure 3.49.Artifacts from site UA82-68 (TLM 128). 3-237 Figure 3.48.Artifacts from sites UA82-95 (TLM 115)a,UA82-64 (TLM 124)b-c,UA82-70 (TLM 130)d,UA82-73 (TLM 133)e, UA82-74 (TLM 134)f. [ [ [ L [ [ [ o [ [J fJ 6 C [ [ [: [ [ [ L [1 o q[j o b [' [ [, [ [' U [ [' r: [ j d h • 9 c , 9 ~ b f CM~ e e a t ---"- d F cba • Figure 3.51.Arti facts fran site UA82-83 (TLM 143). 3-238 Figure 3.50.Arti facts from sites UA82-75 (TLM 135)a,UA82-76 (TLM 136)b,UA82-80 (TLM 140)c-d,UA82-84 (TLM 144)e, UA82-94 (TLM 154)f,UA82-101 (HEA 210)g. [ r L ~,-",' Figure 3.52.Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). c• e •b d CM~ a 9 h CM~ fI ~...J~• a b c d e .......j Fi gure 3.53.Arti facts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). 3-239 [ [ [ [ ~l_~ o [ E C l E [ C l [ L L a 1 b J,---L c [ [' [ [ r;-:. L' [1 r-'u [ L C [ [ [J U n[j o [J dcba •- 94.5 v'V'~.~e Figure 3.54.Artifacts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). Figure 3.55.Arti facts fran site UA82-83 (TLM 143). 3-240 CM~ Figure 3.56.Artifacts from site UA82-83 (TLM 143). b CM~ a Figure 3.57.Arti fact fran site UA82-83 (TLM 143). 3-241 [ f " •.~ [ [ [ L [' U L C E [~ [ C L [ [ L L [' [' n [ ji u Fi gure 3.58.Arti fact from si te UA82-83 (TLM 143). n o nu o o [1 [ C [ L L [ c b e .~3 4-- I o 1 2 3 4 5 CM~ d a • Figure 3.59.Artifacts fran site UA82-83 (TU~143). 3-242 J ] J J ] n j ] B D d g ] ] J ] J J ,...----, J eqp ] n ] ] ] ~] ] o u qiJ ;-j ,-) J J [ ~-~ r~ [ L f' ---! [ r1 t L Q C E t f L [ C t 4 -GEOARCHEOLOGY,TEPHROCHRONOLOGY 4.1 -Introduction Tephra (volcanic ash)layers were identified at most of the 167 sites found to date.At least three and possibly four tephra were identi fied in the field and samples were collected from various sites within the study area. The petrographic study discussed here was conducted to:1)determine whether the tephra identified in the field were tephra,2)characterize the mineralogy and glass shard morphology of the tephra,and 3)deter- mine the number of tephra present.Successful discrimination of the tephra would provide a method to correlate and date archeological com- ponents within the Susitna River Valley. The 29 samples analyzed were selected from systematically tested sites. The samples were distributed across 48 kilometers,from TLM 042 to TLM 043 (Figure 4.1).Sample distribution,both within the stratigraphic section and geographically,should provide a representative suite of samples (Table 4.1).Analysis of these samples should accurately charac- terize the tephra present in the valley. 4.2 -Analytical Methods The samples were prepared foll owi ng the procedure suggested by Steen- McIntyre (1977).The volume of material used and the color of each sample (when moistened)was recorded.The samples were then rinsed several times in distilled water,and the suspended fines and floating organic material were decanted off.Three to five times the sample'S volume of sodium hypochlorite (household bleach)was then added to each sample and the mixture heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes to remove any organic cementing agents (Steen-McIntyre,1977).The liquid was then decanted off and the sample was rinsed once with di stilled water.Suspended fines were again decanted off.6 N hydrochloric acid was then added to the samples to dissolve iron oxide cement.After the 4-1 Stu d Y Area...... "T1..... to C ""Sttl .p.·......· VI l:1l.p.3 I "'C N ..... ttl r 0 (') l:1l... .-I. 0 :::l ~ "'C· o 8 16 24 32 kmII I I , o 5 10 15 20 rot ~-N- ~ ~r::-J ~~r----"~c-.-J e-;-::;,L_l_J C-J ,{...1]LJJ r-n'".-'.", r-------', I ) ;-----.'-----;,~ ) ,-'; r~' TABLE 4.1 Devil X X X X X X X X Upper Watana X X X X X Lower Watana X X X X X X Oshetna X X X X X X X X X STRATIGRAPHIC LOCATION OF SAMPLES FROM THE SUSITNA TEPHRA[ [' , [ [' [ o c -, l~ <.7 B [ E ~ L L [ L L Strati .. graphi c Locati on TLM TLM TLM 039 040 042 Sample Sites TLM TLM TLM 043 046 062 4-3 TLM 069 TLM 128 TLM 130 TLM 143 acid was decanted off,the sample was rinsed twice with distilled water and air dried.After drying,the samples were sieved using 16 mesh (l mm),32 mesh (0.5 mm),60 mesh (0.25 mm),and 250 mesh (0.062 mm) sieves.The volume of each size fraction was recorded.The sample size used in the petrographic analysis consisted of grains between 60 and 250 mesh (0.25 and 0.062 mm).This fraction was washed in distilled water ina soni c cl eaner for 10 to 15 mi nutes.The procedure was then repeated using acetone,and then the sample was air dried.Once dry, this fraction was again screened using a 250 mesh sieve.The -250 mesh fracti on was di scarded,while the +250 mesh fracti on was stored for analysi s. Grain mounts were made by mixing a small portion of each sample with several drops of histoclad on a glass slide,and allowing the histoclad to set.Each sample was mixed thoroughly before a small scoop of it was taken in an attempt to get a representative split. Each sample was examined under binocular and petrographic microscopes. Four hundred to sjx hundred grain counts were made of 16 samples using Galehouse1s (l969)area method.All grains within the field of view at 100x magni fi cati on were counted,and each sampl e had four fi el ds of vi ew counted.The percentage of mi neral grai ns in each sampl e were then cal cul ated. Ni neteen samples from the Devi 1,Upper Watana,and Lower Watana tephras had 98 to 160 grain counts of their glass fraction to characterize the glass shard morphology of the tephra.Three samples were counted three times to test the reproducibility of the grain counts.The results are listed in Table 4.2 and suggest that the grain counts are precise to wit hi n ±6 percent. Eight samples were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to make a hi gh magni fi cati on study of gl ass shard morphology.The ei ght samples were glued to aluminum stubs using a thinned carbon adhesive, and then coated with a thin layer of gold using an SPI sputter coater. The coater was run for eight minutes to reduce the amount of sample 4-4 [' C'I J, [ [' r-", C~ CiL o o o D U C [] [ f' L [ [ [' 4-5 TABLE 4.2 Sampl e Scori a Vesi c.Scoria Vesi c.Scori a Vesi c.Mean Deviati on Where %scoria =percent scoriac€ous glass shards --%vesic.=percent vesicular glass shards. Standard% Count 3 %% Count 2 %% Count 1 % REPRODUCIBILITY OF GLASS SHARD COUNTS ATC- 0006 28.8 71.1 43.8 56.2 42.2 57.8 38.3 6.7 ATC- 0015 28.7 71.3 50.5 49.5 51.5 48.5 43.6 10.5 ATC- 0019 86.6 13.4 91.1 8.9 89.4 10.6 89.04 1.8 r, t 0 r',~ [ [ [' [ [ b l 8 ~ C t t L r L [ [' _..~ charging.Samples were scanned at 100x and then photographs were taken at higher magnification (220x to 1000x). 4.3 -Granulometric Analysis Granulometric analyses were conducted on 15 samples.Many of the samples were too small (less than 5 milliliters)to conduct acceptable analyses.The results are listed in Table 4.3 and are shown graphically in Figure 4.2.The small standard deviation of the Upper Watana tephra is due to the small number of samples,and not to high precision of the data.The analyses indicate that the tephra are dominated by the fine silt and clay-sized fraction (-250 mesh).The coarse sand fraction generally represented an insignificant portion of the sample. 4.4 -Appearance Under Binocular Microscope Glass appears as white grains under a binocular microscope.Transparent and transl ucent grai ns exhi bit both cl eavage surfaces and conchoidal fracture,suggesti n9 that a porti on of the transparent grai ns are fel dspar. (a)Devil Tephra This tephra is dominated by white angular grains,followed in decreasing abundance by transparent and translucent grains,green laths,and opaque minerals.The white glass commonly mantles the green laths. (b)Upper Watana Tephra White glass shards are the dominant grain followed by transparent and translucent grains,green laths,and opaque minerals.White glass commonly mantles the green laths.Red-brown biotite is a very minor component of this tephra. 4-6 c f' [; c n__l ,..J r:..J [1 C r'L [ L L L [ L 'Volume %-60+250 Mesh Sieve Fra~tlon 4-7 Figure 4.2.Granulometric Analysis of Susitna Tephra. Devil I •I Upper Watana f-+-I -. lower Watana (•I Oshetna I 0 I 353025201510 [ [ [ [, [ [ [ 8 C B B [ t F~.b [ b [ [ L TABLE 4.3 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS FOR 15 SUSITNA TEPHRA r~ r Sample # Vol.% +60 mesh Vol.% -60 +250 mesh Vol.% -250 mesh St rat i9 raphi c Locati on r' ATC-OOOI 3%17.4 79.6 Devil ATC-0002 3%16.3 81.7 U.Watana ATC-0003 0.0 22.1 77.9 L.Watana [ ATC-0004 34.8%39.1 26.1 Oshetna ',) 0 ATC-0006 tr 17.9 82.1 U.Watana U ATC-0007 tr 24.1 75.9 L.Watana G ATC-0008 tr 23.8 76.2 L.Watana U~J ATC-0009 3%23.6 73.4 Oshetna F., v' ATC-0010 tr 20.0 80.0 Devil iJ ATC-0012 0.0 18.3 81.7 L.Watana L1ATC-0013 tr 35.5 64.5 Oshetna ATC-0017 tr 19.0 81.0 L.Watana U L L. 4-8 L: "L---' TABLE 4.3 (Continued) 4-9 Standard Deviation =4.9 Standard Deviation =1.1 Standard Deviation =6.2 Standard Deviation =6.5 [ [~ [ [ [ [ C tJ C § g C E G.-ib [ C L [ L Sample # ATC-0019 ATC-0025 ATC-0028 Devi 1: u.Watana: L.Watana: Oshetna: Vol.% +60 mesh 0.0 4.3% 3% Mean =21.9, Mean =17.0, Mean =24.0, t4ean =32.7, Vol.% -60 +250 mesh 36.9 30.2 19.8 Vol.% -250 mesh 63.1 65.5 77 .2 Strati graphi c Locati on L.Watana Devil Devil (c)Lower Watana Tephra The lower Watana appears qui te si·mil ar to the Upper Watana.Bi oti te is also a minor constituent of this tephra. (d)Oshetna Tephra Transparent and transl ucent fragments are the domi nant grai ns,fall owed by green crystal fragments,and opaque minerals.White glass is a rare constituent of the tephra.The green crystals are generally short angular flakes without glass mantles.Biotite is more abundant in this tephra than in the others. 4.5 -Mineralogy (a)Hornblende Two varieties are present:1)euhedral to subhedral laths having green to olive green,or dark green pleochroism,and 2)subhedral to anhedral fragments with green tobl ue-green pleochroism.The euhedral to sub- hedral green laths are the dominant type in the Devil,Upper,and Lower Watana tephras,while the blue-green variety is common only in the Oshetna tephra.The green laths are commonly mantled by glass and usually contain inclusions of opaque minerals.The blue-green variety lacks attached glass,and is generally free of opaque inclusions.Both amphiboles are biaxial negative and exhibit some twinning. (b)Orthopyroxene Orthopyroxene occurs as bi axi al negati ve hypersthene.The hypersthene is subhedral to euhedral and is commonly mantled by glass,'This is true even in the glass-poor Oshetna tephra.The phenocrysts range between 0.02 and 0.3 mm in length,are length slow,and have either pale green to pink,or pale green to yellow,pleochroism.The hypersthene commonly occurs as interpenetration twins.Inclusions in the phenocrysts include opaque minerals and smaller crystals of orthopyroxene.The mineral is 4-10 [' r i~ l, r-'t [ ['~\ -~ 9LJ [J C t r-' 1~~1 C r- ._.., l r L [ r~-~ I l" r~ L. [ [ [ [ [ [1 C o [3 b C H 6 [ L L [ ~' uncommon in the three upper tephra,and only reaches relatively abundant levels in the Oshetna tephra. (c)Plagioclase Two populations of the mineral are present.The most abundant variety consi sts of anhedral,angul ar to sub-angul ar,grai ns 1 acki ng attached glass.The birefringence increases towards the center of these grains indicating a platy habit which is thickest at the middle.Zoning is common,while twinning is not.The lack of albite twins made it impos- si ble to estimate anorthite compositi on. The second vari ety is 1ess common and i scharacteri zed by low bi re- fringent euhedral to subhedral grains,mantled by glass,and having a1 bi te and carl sbad twi ns.Concent ric and osci 11 atory zoni ng are common in this variety of plagioclase.Compositional estimates,using the Michel-Levy method (Kerr,1977),ranged between An 25 and An 41 for the Devil tephra,An 25 and An 49 .for the Upper Watima,An 23 and An 30 for the Lower Watana,and between An 30 and An 32 for the Oshetna tephra. (d)Opaque Minerals These mineral sgenerally occur as subhedral to anhedral grains less than 0.2 II11l in diameter.Opaque minerals are common inclusions in glass, plagioclase,orthopyroxene,and hornblende.The cubic shape of the grains suggests that they are magnetite. (c)Quartz Quartz is present in the tephra in unknown quantities and is recognized by its conchoidal fracture,low birefringence,low relief,and uniaxial positive interference figure.It appears as anhedral angular grains lacking glass mantles.The similarity in appearance between quartz and the plagioclase lacking glass mantles resulted in the two grains being lumped together in the grain counts. 4-11 (f)Mi nor Accessory Mi neral s Biotite occurs as anhedral,sub-angular to sub-rounded,red-brown to yellow-brown pleochroic grains.It is a rare mineral in the Upper Watana,Lower Watana,and Oshetna tephras.None of the grains seen had any attached gl ass.Cl i nopyroxene,zi rcon,and apatite are al so present in trace amounts in the four tephra.The clinopyroxene is characterized by its pale green non-pleochroic color in plane light,its biaxial positive interference figure and inclined extinction.It is subhedral to anhedral and is most common in the Oshetna tephra.Zircon is present as anhedral to euhedral grains.It is recognized by its very high relief and birefringence,parallel extinction,and its uniaxial positive interference figure.None of the zircon has any attached glass. Apatite occurs as small inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts. 4.6 -Grain Count Analyses Si xteensampl es had between 350 and 700 grai ns counted to get an accurate estimate of the percentage of different mi neral sin each sample.The samples were grouped according to stratigraphic position and the mean and standard devi ati on for each mineral was cal cul ated. The mean values are listed in Table 4.4.Figures 4.3, 4.4,and 4.5 compare the mean and deviation for each mineral in all four tephra.The only case where the mineralogy is significantly different is in the Oshetna tephra,where the percentage of glass shards is much lower,and the percentage of plagioclase and quartz much higher,than in the other tephra. 4.7 -Glass Shard Morphology The glass shards in these tephra have morphological characteristics typical of rhyolitic glasses (Heiken,1972).They are vesicular,with the shape of the vesi cl es controll i ng the shape of the shards.Fi gure 4.6 shows the typical morphology of glass shards in the four tephra. 4-12 c: c [ [' \-' t r:.-" [-.'1 " [j nL [1 [ [' C-' (;, L~ L L f1\ .,/ 1 -,Devil r.1 ~ ~Upper Watana lei /--O--t Ief Lower Watana I •I 1-+1 I •I Oshetna I •I Ht-J [ [ [ [ r [ c: E u f§<~•••,. 7--, G l~' .,.... t B [: r [ 0 > Hornblende 10 Opq.Minerals Plag.w/glass 5 10 %of grains (" l~ L Figure 4.3.Numerical Percentages of Minerals in the Susitna Tephra. 4-13 [ r 1/" IL_ [:;. '__1 U [J o C fJl.-~ n [' L \-' L_J L t' (-- L [ l.O CD-C lQ E ?P. .lIl: U lQ en C lQ.. "N-.. lQ ~ a 'tJ C lQ CD en «S-U o-Q) «S a. o <X) o LO o 'l:t o..... o M o N o,.. l.O en lQ-Q) o Q) (0 C 4-14 Figure 4.4.Numerical Percentage of Plagioclase and Quartz Grains Lacking Glass Mantles in the Susitna Tephra. ---. lQ T lQ CC lQlQ--lQ lQ lQ ~ C ~-" .. CD ... CD s:.CD :t en - a. 0 0 -> a.... .l- CD ::JQ T U I .L ! 1 -lLl Numerical Percentage of Glass Shards in the Susitna Tephra. 4-15 Devil Upper Watana Lo w e r W a tan a I 50 r.I , •.I I •I Oshetna I~~~---1 20 30 40 %Glass,shards T 10 r-i Fi gure 4.5. [ [ [ [ [ [ [ F!.LJ tl 8 Q [.~ -,~ 6 b t L L [ C Figure 4.6.Scanning Electron Photomicrographs of Vesicular Glass Shards. A)Vesicular Glass from the Devil Tephra. B)Scori aceous G1 ass from the Lower Watana Tephra. Scale =50 Microns. 4-16 [ r f- [ [' L. {~ c u u [- c nc c c [ L l' t [ Devil 14.0 0.1 0.6 0.0 2.5 26.4 7.2 0.2 48.4 0.5 Upper Watana 11.4 0.4 0.6 0.1 2.9 41.1 8.5 0.3 34.2 0.5 Lower Watana 15.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 3.1 21.9 12.9 0.0 46.3 0.3 Oshetna 9.4 0.3 2.8 0.3 4.2 75.6 2.3 0.6 3.1 1.3 4-17 TABLE 4.4 MEAN VALUES FOR GRAIN COUNTS OF SUSITNA TEPHRA LithGlZircBioOpxCpx·Opq P1/Q P1IGHb Hb =Hornblende Bio =Biotite Opx =Orthopynstene Cpx =Clinopynoxene Opq =Opaque minerals P1/Q =Plagioclase and quartz lacking glass mantles P1/G =Plag with glass mantles Zi rc =Zi rcon Gl =Glass Lith =Lithic fragments Tephra [ [ [ [ [ [ [ C l C 6 C t (~.-..,... Ij [ C [ [ L Two types of glass shards were observed:1)grains with relatively few vesicles resulting in the glass appearing transparent and angular in plane light,and 2)scoriaceousgrains with sub-angular to sub-rounded shapes.This second type of glass shard appears brownish in plane light because the numerous small vesicles tend to refract the light rather than allowing it to pass through relatively undisturbed (Figure 4.7). Vesi cl e shapes range from tu be-l i ke to spheri cal. Poi nt counts of the two gl ass shard types were conducted on 19 grai n mounts and the results are shown in Tabl e 4.5.The means and standard deviations for each of the three tephra were calculated,are listed in Table 4.6,and shown in Figure 4.8. The Oshetna tephra was not counted because of the low abundance of glass shards. Two cases are shown for both Upper and Lower Watana tephras.In each group one sample had very low counts of scoriaceous glass,which resulted in the large standard deviations seen in case 1.Removal of these samples resulted,in the higher mean values and smaller standard deviations seen in case 2.It is unclear why these samples had such low counts.Examination of the grain mounts does not suggest that they are in any other way unusual. 4.8 -Discussion The mineralogy and the presence of glass shards in all 29 samples indi- cates that the four layers seen in the field are tephra.The tephra are very fine-grained,with only a minute portion of the sample coarser than 60 mesh (0.25 mm).The large standard deviations for the sieve analyses do not allow for discrimination of any of the tephra.The mineralogy of the tephra is remarkably unifonn and consists of plagioclase,horn- blende,opaque minerals,orthopyroxene,quartz,biotite,clinopyroxene, zircon,and apatite in decreasing order of abundance.Two types of plagioclase and hornblende are present in the tephra.Those phenocrysts that have attached glass can be attri buted to the tephra,however the 4-18 [ [ [ r L [ r" l--, nU Dd D C B [ L [ L L [ L 4-19 r _I ' .~--- -~~-e ""•. ..LX .'0;; 1" Figure 4.7.Photomicrographs of the Two Glass Shard Textural Types. A)Transparent,Vesicular Glass Shards B)Scoriaceous Glass Shards with Transparent Mineral Grains. Scale =0.1 Millimeter. [ L [ [ [ [ [ 6 E (j 8 C [ t [ L [ [ t - --.- --r-4t 0 C» CIl CD·-...._I- -.-4~-.-0 0 C» C»CIl·CIl OeD CD I\,).... -r--'--'-·0 C» CIl ItCD I\,) r-c:C 0 0 "CD ~"< CD CD --.... :E :E-C»C»......DlC»::::I -'-::::I C»C»-- "~~4d~1 ~u+~sns ~addn ~~~41 ~4+u~ sS~L8 sno~~p~~o~S 10 a5~+u~~~ad L~~~~arnnN "S"v a~n5~~ oZ-v (Xlo c.no -...Io 0>o Ao I\) o .....o U) o ?P- C/) n o.. ] l n J J l J ] J o o 8 U J ] ] '] c~-l ] J ATC-OOOI 41.9 59.1 Devil ATC-0002 58.8 41.2 Upper Watana ATC-0003 88.8 11.2 Lower Watana ATC-0005 43.9 56.1 Devil ATC-0006 40.0 60.0 Upper Watana ATC-0007 88.2 11.8 Lower Watana ATC-0008 54.3 45.7 Lower Watana ATC-OOIO 15.4 84.6 Devil ATC-OOll 49.5 50.5 Upper Watana ATC-0012 28.0 72.0 Lower Watana ATC-0015 40.0 60.0 Devil ATC-OOll 63.11 36.9 Lower Watana ATC-0018 22.2 77.8 Devil TABLE 4.5 SCORIACEOUS VS.VESICULAR GLA?S SHARDS [ [ [ [ L [ [ lJ C B B [ 8 n.'.'B t [ [ [ L Sample #%Scari aceaus %Vesi cul ar 4-21 St rati graphi c Lacati on ATC-0019 83.0 17.0 Lower ~Jatana ATC-0021 28.4 71.6 Devil ATC-0022 21.3 78.7 Upper Watana ATC-0023 58.4 41.6 Lower Watana ATC-0025 28.9 71.1 Devil ATC-0027 56.4 43.6 Upper Watana SCORIACEOUS VS.VESICULAR GLASS SHARDS TABLE 4.5 (Continued) Sample #%Scoriaceous %Vesi cul ar 4-22 St rat i9raphi c Location [0' [ [~ [ [ toe [ n c fJEj U B C [ [ l~ Lc L L TABLE 4.6 MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION FOR DEVIL,UPPER WATANA,AND LOWER WATANA TEPHRA GLASS SHARD COUNTS [ [ [. [ [ [ [ [j C G B C C B E C [ C L Tephra No.of Samples Used Devil 7 Upper Watana (l)5 Upper Watana (2)4 Lower Watana (1)7 Lower Watana (2)6 4-23 Mean 31.5 45.2 51.2 66.3 72.6 Standard Deviation 10.0 13.6 7.3 20.5 14.4 orlgln for the blue-green variety of hornblende and the plagioclase 'lacking glass mantles is uncertain.The angular shapes of these latter grains does not indicate much,if any,transport,yet the differences between them and the phenocrysts which do have glass mantles suggest a different origin.Similar problems arise in interpreting the origin of the quartz,zi rcon,and biotite.Without attached glass it is unclear whether these mineral s represent detri tal contami nants or primary volcanic material. Of the four tephra,only theOshetna can be distinguished on the basis of mineralogy.Figures 4.3 and 4.4 show that it has a much higher percentage of plagioclase and quartz,and a much lower percentage of glass shards,than any of the other tephra. Based on glass morphology,the Devil and Lower Watana tephra can be distinguished with a fair degree of confidence.Table 4.4 shows that all of the Devil tephra have less than 50 percent scoriaceous glass shards,whi 1e 57 percent of the Lower Watana tephra have greater than 60 percent scoriaceous glass shards,and 86 percent have greater than 50 percent scori aceous gl ass shards.The UpperWatana tephra has percent- ages of scoriaceous glass shards which overlap the fields of the two ot her tephra. 4.9 Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Work Three out of the four tephra can ,be distinguished based on this petro- graphic study.While stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Upper Watana tephra is a separate unit from the Lower Watana and the Devil tephras,the petrographic evidence is unclear.The remarkable mineral- ogic similarities between the three upper tephra suggests that they are derived from the same volcanic vent.If this is the case,geochemical studies of the glass shards and phenocrysts will probably be needed to clarify the distinctions between the three upper tephra.The Oshetna tephra is clearly distinguishable from the other tephra due to the dif- ferences in mineralogy and the proportion of glass shards.These di f- ferences may be due to its greater age or a different source. 4-24 [ [ [ [' f~-' [- Ll B 8 o [ [J -' LJ [' [ r ' L [ F [ [ [ [' [ [ [ o C D o o D o b 6 C t [ It is generally agreed that tephra correl ati on must be based upon several criteria,and not on single criteria (Westgate and Gorton, 1981).Stratigraphic and petrographic data are now available for the Susitna tephra,and geochemical studies of the tephra would aid in cl ari fyi ng the di sti ncti ons between tephra units.It is strongly suggested that such a study be undertaken.Numerous authors have used geochemistry to distinguish between tephra,as well as identifying several tephra in a layer which was thought to be a single unit (Smith and Westgate,1969;I zett and ot hers,1970;Westgate,1977;Schei degger and others,1978;Hestgate and Evans,1978;and Larsen,1981). In addition to the geochemical analyses,detailed petrographic work would probably reduce the variance in the analyses that have been con- ducted and may clarify the distinctions between the three upper tephra. 4.10 ~Archeological Significance The petrographic analysis largely agrees with the field evidence that there are three,and probably four,tephra units in the Susitna River valley.This corroborating evidence should give a high degree of con- fidence to the correlation of components from different sites which are found between the same tephra units.These analyses may al so aid cor- relation of components associated with tephra in other parts of south- central Alaska,where the tephra can be shown to be identical to the Susitna tephra. 4-25 t-5 R d o o o J o J ] J J J 3 :N3UNOdS3ClClO J -S J ] JAY S.J~A!..(MOND,GOVERNOR[' 619 WAREHOUSE OR.•SUITE 21J-o ANCHORAGE.Al.A~KA 99501 ~u&\u[@w ~~&\~~&\ DlEP.l1..RT..l">llEN'l'OF N.i'\TU!L1L Il1£50U:UilC1E§ DIVISION OF PA.RKS December 4,1981 Re:1130-13 John D.Lawrence Project Manager Acres American,Inc. The Liberty Bank Building,Main at Court Buffalo,New York 14202 PHONE:274-4676 L c L [' r.-';LJ o Dear Mr.Lawrence: ';ole have reviewed the 1980 repoEts by the University of Alaska Museum dealing \o7i th the cuI tural resources of the Susitna Hydroelectric project area.The. report documents the survey activities conducted during 1980 \o7hich adequately accomplish the tasks outlined in the proposed work plan.The sampling plan designed on the basis'of geomorphic features and koO\o7D use areas seems to have surpassed our expectations of site incidence in the are<!.The report shows that the fir~t .level inventory was very competently conducted and recorded. The second year activities as outlined in the procedures manual was accom- plished in the 1~81 field season according to information gained'through verbal communication with the principle archaeological investigators.We understand that the field rese'arch strategy was changed slightl}·from that expected due to information gained during 1980.These changes appear to have more directly addressed problems which surfaced during the course of analysis' of the 1980 data.A final review of the 1981 results and reports will have to a~ait receipt of that document. TJe feel that the steps taken thus far in the cultural resource management of the project have been excellent and one of the few instances of adequate lead time.We would like to make the observation that the work thus far is only preliminary to the work yet Deeded for the Susitoa Hydroelectric projectG Reconnaissance and testing of yet to be examined areas should continue.The clearances of specific areas of disturbance provided as additional survey by the Huseum should indicate the continued need for clearances of ancillary projects ~hich could affect cultural resourceS.Also,a formal mitigation· plan for those sites to be affected by the project must be formulated.Once definite decisions on the route of access to the project area from existing road systems are made,those access routes and material sites must be examined for conflicts and needs for mitization.Issuance of a permit by the Federal Energy Regulatory Cornmissioo should and probably will include provisions specifying under federal Jaw toe need for such protection. 5-2 [l O' Fr .~ [ i' --"~0---1 ..J [".~II", .-.! H L l -: .,..."1 l ' -~-, L /[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ c c r, LJ ~ b fl.•o Rb c b e [ t f~ L John D.LatJfcoce December 4,1981 Paze 2 - If you have any questions regarding our comments contained here,please call us.We look forward to receiving the report on 1981 field work. Sincerely, Chip Dennelein Director Ilr- .Shaw Preservation Officer cc:Dr.E.James Dixon Curator of Archaeology University·of Alaska Museum University of Alaska Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Eric Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 333 W.4th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501. '1. DR:clk .. #- 5-3 Dear Dr.Di xon: 5-4 Si ncerely, [' El o 8 [J E [ [; [ L [ [l f~' [-' [; [' [ t~ [, OCT 22 1982 Un j 1cd S1 ales .l)cparllncn t or the 1111 crior NATJONAL PARK SEHVJCE Alaska Regional Office 540 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501INR£rLY REnR TO: 17621(ARO-PCR) We look forward to evaiuating your mitigation plan for cultural resources occurfing in the project area. Dr.E.James Dixon,Jr. Curator of Archeology University of Alaska Museum University of Alaska Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Regional Director Alaska Region cc: Floyd Sharrock,Alaska Regional Office Our staff has examined the Susitna Hydroelectric Project cultural resources final report,in particular the identification and testing program elements of the research design,and find these and their field application to be very adequate methods and procedures for the discovery and evaluation of archeologi- cal and historical resources in the project area.Consultation between our staff archeologists and project personnel from the University of Alaska Museum and Acres American,as you well know,have occurred several times since the project1s inception,and we have thus been kept abreast of most developments relating to cultural resources management matters.We hope that the level of 'identification,testing,and evaluation conducted to date continues as the project proceeds,to assure the highest levels of resource protection and compliance with Federal and State historic preservation law. c--~~~ ( [ [ [ [ L [ [ c ~lTMlJ~@~~~~~~~~ DEY-.i1itTl'JEl\"'T OF Nl\TU~L\.L ltESOU~tCJES DIVISIOHOF PARKS October 15,1982 Re:1130-13 Hr.Eric P.Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 W.5th Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 Dear Mr.Yould: / /, / JAY S.HAMMOND,GOVERNOR 619 WAREHOUSE DR••SUITE 210 ANCHORAGE.ALASKA 99501 PHONE:2744676 c ( C ~ ~ o o D b c [ l [ Thank you for your letter of September 2 soliciting our recommendations on SusitnaHydro Project impacts and mitigation measures with respect to cultural resources. First of all,we wish to commend archaeologists Dr.E.James Dixon of the University Museum and Hr.Glenn Bacon of the Alaska Heritage Research Group, Inc.,for the excellent job they have been doing in locating cultural re-. sources prior to ground disturbing activities. Preconstruction survey is,of course,the first step in impact mitigation - the location and boundaries of cultural resource sites must be known.While ·this work is fairly far along,more needs to be done as plans become more concrete. Secondly,these cultural resource sites must be evaluated in terms of eligi- bility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.For eval- uation,each site within the project area must be sufficiently investigated such that their boundaries,stratigraphy,relative age,cultural affiliation and potential to yield significant scientific information are known.Many of the currently known sites require fu!ther,more intensive,investigation for eligibility determinations to be made.Since so little is known about the prehistory of the area,each site discovered takes on added significance.In addition,groups of sites within a river drainage have been classic study areas throughout the history of anthropological archaeology.It would appear that a high percentage of the discovered sites may be eligible for the Na- tional Register. Thirdly,each eligible site must be examined in terms of "Effect."Will the proposed action have "no effect.,""no adverse effect,"or an "adverse effect"? This would have t.o be done on a case by case bas~s.The criteria for deter- minations of effect may be found under Title 36,Code of Federal Regulat.ions, Part 800. 5-5 Hr.Eric P.Yould October 15,1982 Page 2 - Please note that every effort must be made to mitigate future "adverse effect" activities to National Register or eligible properties.In the few expected cases where very large,complex sites will be adversely effected,it may be more economical to build a barrier around the sites.In many cases,substan- tive investigation may be necessary.If so,this will usually mean relatively complete excavation of the site in order to recover as much sci.entific infor- mation as possible. These recommendations are essentially those suggested by Dixon,et aI,in the Cultural Resources Investigation Phase I Report (April 1982). [, [. [' [ f [ Sincerely, We are confident that impacts to significant cultural resources will be.fully mitigated throughout the course of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. By: Marquez -~. ki~~ip~ane ~------~------------ Historic Preservati~Officer [ c c o cc:Ms.Leila Wise,DNR,A-95 Coordinator Dr.Edward Slatter.FERC Archaeologist Mr.Lou Wall,Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ......Dr.E.James Dixon,Lead Archaeologist,Susitna Hydro Project Mr.Glenn Bacon,Lead Archaeologist,Alaslr.a Heritage Research Group TS:clk 5-6 CO '.- 8 [ o l- u L u [ 6-1 6 -REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fi sh and Game.1975.Pl ant community studi es in the Blair Lakes Range,Map.Alaska Division of Parks. Alaska Division of Parks.1978.Alaska heritage resource survey index. Alaska Division of Parks,Anchorage,Alaska. wil dl i fe and State of Al aska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game.1973.Alaska's habitat.LeResche,R.,and R.A.Hinman,eds. Department of Fi sh and Game.144pp. Anderson,D.O.1968b.Early notched point and related assemblages in the western American Arctic.Manuscript on file in the University of Al aska Museum,Fai rbanks,Al aska. 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(b)Procedures of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 36 CFR 800,Part 800.15(a).Information concerning the undertak- ing and effects of sites on or eligible for the National Register, should be made available to the general public within the limits of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.552),but need not include information on budget,financial,personnel and other proprietary matters,or the specific location of archeological sites. (c)Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (Public Law 96-95), Section 9(a).Information concerning the nature and location of any archeological resource for which the excavation or removal requires a permit or other permission under this Act or under any other provision of Federal Law,may not be made available to the public unless the federal land manager concerned determines that such disclosure would not create a risk of harm to such resources or to the sites at which such resources are located. A-I (d)Code of Ethics and Standards of Performance for the Society of Professional Archeologists,Sec.III,3.2.An archeologist shall not reveal confidential information unless required by law. Because of the possi bility that cultural resources in the Upper Susitna Basi n coul d be damagdd if thei r locati ons were made avail able to the general public,this appendix is not being distributed. Although townshi p,range,and secti on locati onal data for cultural resources is presented in the text of thi s annual report,it is felt that due to the natu re of t hi s type of desc ri pt ion di sc 1osure wi 11 not create any risk or hann to cultural resources. .. A-2 [' f' t.: i'" I fj [' tJ C B f;2; U r~L Li q J~_:, [ L [ C",·LJ ["'~' -' [ [ [ [ b C (' L U C C ~ G 8 b [ t l £ C APPENDIX A FIGURES Page Fi gure A.I.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.D-5 .....................A-5 Fi gure A.2.Locati on of Sites and Survey Locales,Tal keetna Mts.0-4 .....................A-6 Fi gure A.3.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Tal keetna rifts.D-3 .....................A-? Fi gure A.4.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.0-2 .....................A-8 Fi gure A.5.Location of Sites,Talkeetna r~s.C-4.· ... . A-9 Figure A.6.Locat i on of Si tes and Su rvey Local es,Talkeetna r-fts .•C-2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-IO Figure A.?Locati on of Sites and Survey Local es,Tal keetna r4t.s.C-l .....................A-ll Figure A.8.Location of Sites,Tal keetna Mts.B-2.·.. . . A-12 Figure A.9.Locati on of Sites,Tal keetna Mts.B-L · ... . A-13 Figure A.IO.Location of Sites,Healy A-3 ••..•...•.•A-14 Figure A.II.Location of Sites,Healy A-2.. . . . . . • ..•A-15 Figure A.12.Location of Sites,Healy D-4 ••.....•...A-16 Fi gure A.13.Location of Sites,Healy 0-5 •••.•••.•••A-I? Figure A.14.Location of Sites,Fairbanks A-5 ....••..•A-18 Figure A.15.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 5 (l982).... .. ... . . .A-19 Figure A.16.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 110 •••.••.....••..A-20 Figure A.1?Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 111...............A-21 Fi gure A.18.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Su rvey Local e 112.• . . . . . . . . • • . . . A-22 Figure A.19.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 113 .•.•••..•......A-23 A-3 Page r- [ C' A-4 in Survey Locale 125 •.....•...... Figure A.26.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 125.. . . . . . . . . . . . Fi gure A.27.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Su rvey Local e 126.. • . . . . . . . . . . Fi gure A.28.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127 .......••.•.. Fi gure A.29.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127 ..•.........• Fi gure A.30.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing A-24 A-25 A-26 A-27 A-28 A-29 C A-30 [i A-31 8A-32 tJ-, A-33 J r-1 A-34 0 A-35 fJ A-36 F A-37 IL A-38 rA-39 A-40 A-41 FA-42 f b" C Testing Testi ng Testing Testing Testi ng Testi 9 Fi gure A.3l. Fi gure A.32. Fi gure A.33. Fi gure A.34. Fi gure A.35. Figure A.36. Fi gure A.37. Fi gure A.38. Fi gure A.20.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface in Survey Locale 116 .......•. Fi gure A.21.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface -------------_.._-------------------------------------------------------- in Survey Locale 116 •......•. Figure A.22.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface in Survey Local e 118.. . . . . . . • Fi gure A.23.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface in Su rvey Local e 119.. . . . . . . . Figure A.24.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface in Survey Local e 121.. • . . . . . . Figure A.25.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface in Survey Locale 127 .••....•..... Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 129 ..•.......... Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsurface Testi ng in Survey Locale 129 ........•.... Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 130.. . . . . . . . . . . . Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Local e 131. Site Locati on Map TLM 137. Site Location Map HEA 210. Site Locati on Map FAT 213. Site Location Map FAI 214. S-V' "S~"S~~~u+aa~L~l 'SaL~JOl AaAJns pU~sa+~s JO UO~l~JOl "1"V'aJn6~d Figure A.2.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.0-4. A-6 C Li C, [J C to .'. E [JE, [' E ~j) L! L u [' [ f-~ c [ r~ [ c [ c c § ~ c n L L l L c Figure A.3. TAUC~A ~~..C....,_A~-He,)!%':_~U"_.v , ,,z\i "t i~-_'~....--a.a.....~.__.__.'( ,.\-.p :\..~...A--~h;;::~0~'.,.~ Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.0-3. A-7 [' [-, 8 [ [-',;~-J ...:: nv 8 [~ t' c r\ \PL I ~.. ~ ~; 1. -'--. 'V f'~~....-+;i, _. a,. -...e L Figure A.4.Location of Sites and Survey Locales,Talkeetna Mts.0-2. A-a L [, ·S·V a.An5~.:1 8 1 J J ] J ] J ] '] B 3 J ) '.~ 01-V' r:?,f~I e l!I,),.-..... .g.V'a.An5~.:1 n-V' .cV'a.tn5~.:l J J .q..~. d J ] J ] '] 'R·~····.---- " ·'9'·····I _.: '. t. C.1 d 9 '{ LJ ]' II .. '.'.. .. ·6·\;j a..tn5~.::l J J g J ,Ct"d: ~l ',j 'J J ] 'Ol'V a..m5 kJ PiI~'-- 1~..·.·...u ) ] 51-V J ] ] ] "'} 91-V ·V-O r.l~aH ~sa+~s JO uo~+~~ol 'c"-.']._,-.. ~.~ L o d I L1-'u' "£1"'u'a..tn5 kl J J ..0-.1-- \. B J ] J ] 81-\1' 'vl'\I'a..m6L:I ....-·6t .1---.-·, L u.~.••.·b '."{ '.J [ r-, " 1 J ~ -N- j .5 1 KILOMETERS Contour Interval:100 ft. a 1 Talkeetna Mts.D-4,D-'5,S.M. T.32 N.,R.2 E. ·s 1/2 Sed.36 T.31 N.0'R.2 E.' N 1/2 Sec.1 LZ--- Shovel Tests:23 Surface Reconnaissance 1982 Subsurface Test 1982 Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 5 Boundaryr-l_, ("- r: l) 8 '/ ~.1~ £qu C ~ C l ·'·'ii 1 C U r" .../ C ~i L L [ Figure A.15.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 5 (1982) A-19 Talkeetna Mts.D-2,S.M. T.31 N.,R.9 E. S 1/2 Sec.21,N 1/2 Sec.28 contour Interval:100 ft. Shovel Tests:20 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 110 Boundary -._e_ LZ --- o I 200 1 METERS 400 J ~ -N- ~ c~ C' ( (I \ r'L_ ',-/ c: '-j r~--r' fJ-\..-) \Rx..;) f" I ---~j 1() ~J Q ~--';' _1 "'--1 fJ t~ C' c. r ..j...._-' Figure A.16.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 110. A-20 b (~ f' \ Fi gure A.17.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsu rface Testi ng in Survey Locale 111. Survey Locale III Boundary --- Surface Reconnaissance ! -N- ~ 400 I 200 1 METERS Talkeetna Mts.D-S T.32 N.,R.2 E.,S.M. SW ~NE ~Sec.27 -.-e-e_ Q l A-21 Contour Interval:100 ft. I'"'•..........,,/'. )'f~/ I FO<-TLM.../ \'1-.--•.1.•..,....-,. I J ., I /.~\j I I \-0",I • • , I 1 ~~\)p 0 n d \ \\(Q";(CY'''\\.....,..\ \\.1 '.\ \ \.1 '.\ .i \. \ \.• 1.\\. J'• \ \ .'j \./...\ "-/:'/-.-..-'.~.~ 102 /\ Shovel Tests: Subsurface Test c c [ [ [ C r..\.'".~ (} 8,.:,iJ 8~' fl E [" C~ l~ 'v' t [ c cre ek c:::;7 027 ~ -H- I c:' C f~ ~.. rI '-.-1..> r; ~J C=l ] ] (J t g Q [I Fi gure A.18.Surface Reconnai ssance and Subsu rface Testi ng in Survey Locale 112. A-22 Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 112 Boundary ........ Surface Reconnaissance Cl [I' (-- C- F [, 400 J 100 ft. 200 1 METERS o I Talkeetna Mts.D-4 T.31 N.,R.4 E. E 1/2 Sec.3,W 1/2 Sec.2 Contour Interval:-.-.-.-.- 52 Subsurface Test Shovel Tests: [ [ (: l [ r~ ~, r"'-.. U' r.••.~~~ n l) H \,) 9l4 o £j l~ ~ Shovel Tests:54 a I 300 1 ! -N- ~ ~~ 600 J A-23 Figure A.19.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 113. Helicopter Landing Zone _LZ Survey Locale 113 Boundary ------ METERS Sec.29, Sec.32 100 ft. 0-4 5 E. SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Contour Interval: Talkeetna Mts. T.32 N.,R. S 1/2 Sec.30, n 1/2 Sec.31, -......,.........-Subsurface Test Surface Reconnaissancer-' ~i [c ,..' L C c -' L A-24 Figure A.20.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 116. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 116 Boundary ---- (,\, ~j Ejt~! {'i ~" § 9v r' "V";' C (: (~ [ b: c: Q t~\) ,~ -N- ~ 600 J 100 ft. 300 1 METERS Contour Interval: Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E. E 1/2 Sec.5,W 1/2 Sec.4 a I -.-.~...... 286 Subsurface Test Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests: [~, r Surface Reconnaissance ---"!"""'----Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test ~.-..--.-.Talkeetna Mts.0-3 Survey Locale 116 Boundary T.31 N.,R.7 E.----SE 1/4 Sec.4,SW 1/4 Sec.3, Helicopter Landing Zone LZ NE 1/4 Sec.9,NW 1/4 Sec.10 !-N- ~ 600 J 300 1 METERS o I A-25 r----....... 286 Figure A.21.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing i n Su rvey Loc ale 116. Shovel Tests: .~~ ~,,-'-,..........-,:......... ....L7....."'....._..... / TLM 127 8 c;'-' (;), 0-----:'"\1 D A t! ('.t·-·~'~j (l,. r~. l3 [; [' D f1t~ (: G [.... t (~ [~ Figure A.22.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 118. Subsurface Tests Surface Reconnaissance (\ ~kJi A~ @ G (;; ~. C! (;. C' (~ \' (, r~ ~j ("' l ; I.. ·f\.\..' r~ (~ ~ -N- ~ 600 J 300 1 METERS o 1 Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.,R.7 E. Sec.1,NE l:i,SE l:i Sec.2 T.32 N.,R.7 E. .SE l:i Sec.35,SE l:i,SW l:i Sec.36 A-26 LZ-- 255ShovelTests: Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 118 Boundary c~ r f:~ --<' [j (~: [' C· rJ.·.•.LtJ .~. C~ C~ g ~:] (3 ~ f~ ~ t C~ [- t « 00 Shovel Tests:51 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Survey Locale 119 Boundary --- ! -N- ~ ~ IS'oo a 300 600 I I I HETERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0"""3 T.31 N.,R.7 E. N 1/2 Sec.12,Sec.1 T.31 N.,R.8 E. NW 1/4 Sec.7,N 1/2 Sec.6 (: U [ Fi gure A.23.Su rface Reconnai ssance and Subsu rface Testing in Survey Locale 119. A-27 ( r~ \ A-28 Figure A.24.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 121. r" ( l. r"~J' C (j C" G ( (j l/ n t~-:; \.,0' S (~(J (j "0' (~ i·.'~,j ~'A ,.' r', \ (J ij ! -N- ~ 400 J 200 I METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N .."R.8 E. NW 1/4 Sec.9 a l LZ -.---....-.- ----- 2200 ~ ~I.L. Shovel Tests:125 Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 121 Boundary Figure A.25.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 125. ! -N- ~ 600 I D-3 6 E. 7 E. 300 1 METERS a l Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts. T.3lN.,R. E 1/2 Sec.1 T.31 N.,R. W 1/2 Sec.6 \... 238 Surface Reconnaissance --------- Subsurface Test _'_0_._._._ Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Contour Less Than 100 ft..-•....•..•..._•. Survey Locale 125 Boundary _ ---- Shovel Tests: LZ,o / I 0 -0~i '0 _'--- ./.... "--\ /..0 •__./~_0---._._0-./.,--•{(..I-1---0-0,.,\,0 •°LZ '\I TLM 122I.flake ••••.\..•.•.../••••Z" .0.....'.,t:j~\........,;,;..'.'7..~•.,•._._~.,".,.'_._0. -..'.--a...-............'.-.•, ""'.."o_a_._o_._.-..'.'..... .:~...~a_o_._o_._• '.....-.....~--.--.-.-.:'-·-·-a_.-.-.0........,--.._-..~..._---------.-•••.••••••./#,.•••' '..'.. ···l > Ft u o 8 (0 [ t [ t a·.-.····I.·.',.J r: G M.·._.-_gf:3~ [ [ c [ [- [A-29 c' r' \.,' Figure A.26~Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 125. {} f" \.' 't' (jc Ci f"i, " "...- Ed~~ (I, 'l~' [~LJ f)9 t! r, ~1 '""J C:' (, 'r---; \:cj r- l (,,' ! -H- ~ 600 J 300 J METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-3 T.31 N.:R."'E. E 1/2 Sec.6,W 1/2 Sec.5 NE 1/4 Sec.7,NW 1/4 Sec.8 o I _._.....-.- Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 125 Boundary ---... Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests:238 Subsurface Test TLM 123 I••.....,..e_."'•.-__ '._e'-., .e.-e'''- A-3D [1 ~ooo \ ! -N- ::;:;:::;:::;:' Shovel Tests:87 o 1 200 1 METERS 400 J Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 126 Boundary LZ -~-~ Talkeetna Hts. T.31 N.,R. W 1/2 Sec.23 D-4 3 E. Figure A.27.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 126. A-31 Contour Interval:100 ft. '2.~OO Shovel Tests:627 o I 300 1 METERS 600 J ~ -N- ~ Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Survey Locale 127 Boundary --~.. Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.I R.8 E. S 1/2 Sec.12 N 1/2 Sec.13 Figure A.28.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127. A-32 !-N- ~ 30 00 ,,' -TLM 149 \ \ \ I / I I 'TL~150 I \ \ a I 300 1 600 J Shovel Tests:627 METERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 127 Boundary LZ..-~- Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E. Sec.1 N 1/2 Sec.12 Figure A.29.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127. A-33 ..., .,."..""",,,-- .".,- ."," o I 300 1 ! -N- ~ 600 J Surface Reconnaissance Shovel Tests:627 i'1ETERS Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Talkeetna Mts.0-2 T.31N.,R.9E. S 1/2 Sec.6 Survey Locale 127 Boundary ---- Figure A.3D.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 127. A-34 fA Shovel Tests:39 o 300 600 I I J METERS ~ -H- ~ Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Tests Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 129 Boundary LZ -- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E. Sec.21,W ~Sec.22, SW ~Sec 15,SE ~Sec.16 Figure A.31.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 129. A-35 Shovel Tests:39 o 300 600 I I I HETERS ~ -H- ~ Surface Reconnaissance Subsurface Testing Helicopter Landing Zone Survey Locale 129 Boundary LZ -- Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Hts.0-2 T.31 N.,R 8 E. Sec.28, E 1/8 Sec.29,N 1/8 Sec.33 Figure A.32.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 129. A-36 0 300 600 Shovel Tests:84 I I I METERS Surface Reconnaissance ----Contour Interval:100 ft. Subsurface Tests -.-.-Talkeetna Mts.D-3 '"32 N.t R.6 E.Helicopter Landing Zone .c.LZ NE ~and SE ~Sec.25 Survey Locale 130 Boundary --T.32 N.t R.7 E. NW ~and SW ~Sec.30 Figure A.33.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurf~ce Testing in Survey Locale 130. A-37 ! -N- ~ ~ -H- ~ T\M J15)1 .."./" v ~ i',> 00 "..TLM 146 A'7 f1 , .'.~'-......_...II \<'.4.'-\.........r~"!/••\.......fI1/III'"II I ).J -1\ \.-'. '_').......f '.J I.!i \1:-\ \'"._.\'.TLM 149 •'I.~.',\ \ (j')'':'"\-o •{.('1 '",<.\t:-LZ )(j \oJ (.'--'-'~"---\, "..L:0./0-0-/''-'~r·_·-f- ~.;-.~(.~.~'.v"I ( ".-------/._/......(...../.',)'-" • .'."V"".''.\"/_. \ .--....I -.oj U \ •~•)J".\ /•(__...I ....:-"'.'--,...:--------------() ~~~O ..'...... '."...'.... ......................... ~.... Shovel Tests:114 o 1 300 1 600 J Surface Reconnaissance METERS Subsurface Tests Contour Inter7al:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone LZ Survey Locale 131 Boundary -_ ~Contour Interval " . Talkeetna Mts.D-2 T.31 N.,R.8 E. SW ~Sec.1,SE ~Sec.2 NE ~Sec.11,NW ~Sec.12 Marsh ~ Figure A.34.Surface Reconnaissance and Subsurface Testing in Survey Locale 131. A-38 '20 000 ........ ~ -N- ~ .... ........... ...'. ........... ........... ............. .' 137• '.. a 1 300 1 600 .J r-1ETERS 50 ft.contour Contour Interval:100 ft. Talkeetna Mts.0-4 T.32N.,R.5E.,S.M. SW ~SE ~NW ~Sec.29 Figure A.35.Site Location Map TLM 137. A-39 -\'6 00 ~ -N- ~ a I 125 1 METER.5 250 J Surface Reconnaissance Contour Interval:100 ft. Helicopter Landing Zone Gravel Bar LZ 03·:~{·:".::.-;. Healy D-4 T.12 S.,R. NW 1/4 SW 1/4 7 W.,F.M. NE 1/4 Sec.28 Figure A.36.Site location Map HEA 210. A-40 \ Surface Reconnaissance a 1 100 1 METERS ! -N- ~ 200 J Subsurface Test Surface Artifact Helicopter Landing Zone Deflated Area _I- I LZ ::....... Contour Interval:1 m. Fairbanks A-5 T.8 S.,R.8 W.,F.M. SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.15 Figure A.37.Site Location Map FA!213. A-41 Subsurface Test Helicopter Landing Zone communication Tower ~ -N- ~ Nenana River 1 km o 200 400 I I I METERS LZ Contour Interval:100 ft. ~Fairbanks A-5 To 8 S"R.9 W.,F.M. -NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.34 • Figure A.38.Site Location Map FAr 214. A-42