HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA3730 . '-! J! SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I I \, ; WA T ANA AIRSTRIP -FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE 1- \\ TASK 39 SEPTEtv1BER 1983 'J IHJMVl·JElfJ!ij~fC(O) SUSITNA JOINT VE!viURE (] HP,~zt\:~·sl\sccf ________ --·-------. Susltna Joint Venture Document Number /\ < .. ...J ·l.i. :r'' <' ...... [ f-1 I I [ .[ I .. . ) ... ~ 1: --~411 I~ l l _. () !'!) WATANA AIRSTRIP FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE I FOR THE SUSI~lA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SUBMITTED TO .P>~ASKA POWER AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER 1983 HARZA-EBASCO SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ) i ~-" ··~ I " 'I~ i I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. · !) I. II. III. IV. -·· .. \ ,, WATANA AIRSTRIP FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE REPORT A. INTRODUCTION .•........•....•......•. ~ •..•. a • • • • • • • • • • 1 B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ... ~··&··············· 3 c. PERMITTING •... o .... o................................... 7 D. SITE INVESTIGATIONS ........... ., . . • . . . . . . • • • • • . . • . . . . . • 8 E. F. TABLES 1. SOILS INVESTIGATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 9 2. LABORATORY TESTING .....•........ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS ............................. 15 1. CONCEPTUAL PLANNING. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • 15 2. PREPARATION CONSIDERATIONS .....•..•...•.. g ••••• 16 3. SOIL STABLIZAT ION. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . 17 4. RUNWAY EXPANSION. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 19 5 ~ COST AND SCHEDULE. • . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • 2 0 ECONOMIC .Al:~ALYSES ............................... , • . . . • 23 1. 2. 3. 4 .. FIXED-WING VERSUS ROTARY WING SERVICE ....•..... 23 USAGE PLAN. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 24 COST AN"ALYSES ..........•......... c••••••••••••• 28 COST PROPOSALS ..............•.. o ........ " • • • • • • • 30 TABLE A -PERMITTING REQUIR~~ENTS TABLE B -LABORATORY TEST SUML\1ARY TABLE C SOIL CEMENT -TEST SUMMARY E'IGURES FIGURE 1 -AUGER BORING LOCATION PLAN PIGURE 2 -WATANA AIRSTRIP -MAIN STRIP FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 -WATANA AIRSTRIP -EAST & WEST EXTENSION -FOU~!)ATION MATERIAL -TYPICAL GRAINSIZE CURVE -WATANA AIRST:IP -TYPICAL RUNWAY SECTION APPENDICES APPENDIX A - R & M AIRSTRIP REPORT -OCTOBER 1980 APPENDIX B -HARZA-EBASCO -AUGER BORING LOGS -APRIL 1983 APPENDIX C -LABORATORY TEST RESULTS -APRIL 1983 APPENDIX D -SOIL CEMENT STABILIZATION -TRIAL MIX APPENDIX E -U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS -APPLICATION FOR PERMIT '- '' f l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATANA AIRSTRIP FEASIBILITY STUDY PHASE I A. INTRODUCTION During the performance of exploration activities associated with the FY 83 Winter Geotechnical Program, it became apparent that a fixed-wing airstrip at the Watana Camp Site could significantly cut the logistical costs of site. programs. .· In accordance with Alaska Power Authority guidance and direction" a two-phase Watana Fixed Wing-Airstrip Study Plan was proposed and approved for implementation. The basic objective of the Phase I Feasibility Study presented in this report was to determine the cost benefits of constructing an airstrip at the Watana Site this summer. The cost benefit analyses were performed by evaluating permitting, site sp~cific soil conditions of the upper materials along the proposed airstrip centerline, airstrip usage and economics. 1 I' I I I I I I I . I I I I . I I I I I I I I I . Based upon APA review and concurrence with the Phase I Feasibility conclusions and recommendations, as stated herein, the scope of Phase II of the study will include planning and preparation activities. Planning activities will encompass ~l in depth field study of topography and drainagef equipment mobilization plans and schedules, detailed preparation of cost estimates and the filing of required permit applications. Prepa.ration activities \~ill encompass the development of a contract package, and will include management, cost and schedule control, q1lality control and the development of a set of as-built drawings and details. Keeping these goals in mind, the conclusions and recommenda-tions of the Task 39 Study Team now follow. 2 () '\ \' I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of the execution of the Feasibility Study discussed herein, the following conclusions and recommendations have been reached: CONCLUSIONS 1. The construction of a temporary airstxip at the Watana Camp this summer is both feasible and cost effective. 2. The topography at the Watana site in the vicinity of the proposed airstrip na tutally favors a 2, 500 foot long r un\vay with expansion potential to 4, 000 feet and 6,000 feet lengths requiring additional earthwork activity. 3. The natural existing foundation materials are silty sands with small amounts of gravel overlain by a thin section of peat and organics. 4. Due to the high silt content of the structural foundation materials, these materials are classified as poorly draining.. This property of the foundation has been heavily considered in the planning, preparation and ma.intan.ence of the airstrip. 3 1.'(,~ ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I IJ I I 5. 6 • ' ' ~' Two types of airstrips have been proposed; a winter strip and a year round strip. Both strips will require the mobilization of additional equipment to the site .. The winter strip is a 2,500 foot long runway without surfacing. The use of the airstrip will be limited to periods when the foundation materials remain frozen (possibly November to May) and will require the strategic location of snow fences an,d large quantities of grader maintenance during periods of breakup and freeze. The total order of magnitude cost estimate for this strip is $240,000 and it will take approximately one month to prepare. The year round strip places a 7% cement stabilized soil surfacing on top of the proposed winter strip for a total order of magnitude cost of $530,000 and an additional 20 days of preparation. Results of the economic analyses indicate that the cost of airstrip preparation can be offset in total through savings in fixed-wing support to site activities. Considering an active two season site exploration program and strategically planned fuel hauls; 4 ' . i \ \· f. r t tr_;_. tl' ' a) The winter strip will fully pay for itself after 16 months of use, wd th a potential savings of $190,000 each year, thereafter. The winter strip will require a significantly greater a~ount of maintenance than the surfaced, year round strip. b) The year round strip will pay for itself after 21 months of use, with a potential savings of $280,000 per year, thereafter. It has therefore been concluded that the year round surfaced strip affords the greatest savings per year of operation after break even, and provides the highest degree of reliability of the cases evaluated .. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. As a result of the above stated conclusions, and taking into consideration budgetary restrictions for the upcoming FY 84, it is Harza-Ebasco's recommendation to proceed with the preJ?aration of a winter strip this summer in July, 1983. Next year with the advent and start up of an active summer exploration program 1 the stabilized soil surfacing could be installed on the winter strip prior to peak demand on the airstrip. 5 -·, c ' t < .1-' I i 1 , ·' \ i I > I ~ 1'1 til ~ EJ E) ' ' ~. ; ' ~ lit ~1 > > D. . l [1 > ' . ~ ' ' By advocating this t:,:o step preparation scheme, partial benefits will be realized during the first half of FY 84, with full benefits during the second half of the FY 84. Following this approach, after formal Alaska Power Authority review and approval of the Feasibility Results, the Phase II -Planning and Preparation Activities will begin. The Phase II A.ctivitiy will be divided into two subtasks. The first sl;lbtask will include planning activities such as a detailed field topographic study, the development of a mobilization plan and schedule, a detailed cost estimate preparation aQd permit application. The second subtask will include preparation activities such as the development of a contract package of preparation details, preparation management, schedule and •cost control, quality control and the development of a package of as built details. The estimated cost of providing the planning subtast-~ activity described above is $42,000, with a work duration of approximately 3 weeks. During this time, the estimated cost and schedule for the actual airstrip preparation will be developed. .As stated before, preparation activities can not begin until all required permits ,md authorizations are granted. 6 ' ' !u I !.• I ~. ' I ~; ' ) 1"1 ll ~ ~ . .. ' r: L ~'1 I ' 1 i ! D I . ' . :J ·;· '· "'. . . . • . 0 . . . . () ~--~~--·· -·'·..:~~-_:_~ .~ ·: ·-"-~---J~:~-~~---·-·-~~-------"~----........ . c. PERMITTING A feasibility permitting r~view was performed on the proposed airstrip in Section 27 ( 28), T 32N, RSE, SM. Included in this review ~ere requirements for permits, approvals, and land use authorizations. The results of this review are presented in Table A~ In reviewing each of the eleven authorizations presented in the table, attention must be given to Authorization No. 7, Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit, to discharge dredge or fill materials to wetlands. The requirements of this permit application are directly dependent upon the results of Authoriza-tion No. 6, We ... land De termination by the Corps. To minimize possible delays in preparation, due to the estimated minimum 90 day approval cycle, the Joint Venture has implemented a request for Authorization No. 7. A copy of the u.s . COE Notice of Application, is attached as Appendix E. 7 D.. SITE INVESTIGATIONS As part of the Phase I Feasibility Study, a site investigation was performed to determine soil properties and foundation requirements, borrow material sources along the proposed airstrip alignment, bearing capacity, drainage, preparation equipment requirements, and schedules of preparation costs. This section of the report presents the results of the site investigation and laboratory testing program completed in early April 1983 at the Watana Camp Site as they relate to the conceptual planning activities for the proposed airstrip. It is not the detailed plan that is required for preparation of the airstrip. The detailed plan for the airstrip will be developed in Phase II of the program upon review and approval of this report. A temporary airstrip of 2500 feet will be the emphasis of thi~ report with mention of extending the airstrip length to 4,000 and 6,000 feet as deemed necessary. The airstrip location is as describ~d by R & M Consultants in their October 1980 report .. attached as Appendix A. This location has been chos~~ based on prevailing wind data that has been collected at the Watana Site. The prevailing winds are out of the northeast such that an orientation of north 60° east will provide good wind coverage under most weather conditions. 8 IT 11··. l I r •.. J [' -> r r [ [ 1>'1 '1 ' ' i . .1 IJ' I ' ' ~ ., ' . > .. x=_,;;. • ' ' ·---·-~----------~-~:__..;~~~:;: ~:. -~· The airstrip is located on either ncook Inlet Regional Corp. Property" or native village property [Section 27 (28), T32N, RSE, SeM.] rather than BLM land for the purpose of reducing the permit requirements. The natural topography in the general vicinity of the airstrip is relatively flat, thus providing a site with a potential for the preparation of a cost efficient airstrip. Presented below ~s a discussion on the site investigation and laboratory testing programs: 1. SOILS INVESTIGATION The soils investigation of the airstrip was accomplished in conjunction. \"lith the Winter Geotechnical Program. The winter investigation avoided excessive cost and ground disturbance that would have occurred if a spring (break-up) program was implemented • . The drill rig used was a Mobile 24 mounted 0'1 a self-propelled flex track rig. A four inch drill bit was attached to a 3 3/ 4" continuous flight auger, thus providing a means of sample recovery and field determination of soil identification. 9 fJ r ' .' ~ l ; F'· ~ I r} ,..., .. J [. ' ..., 1:1 ~ t f.~ IJ ' ' ~ ---··--·--·· ·-'· .._~ -~ ...... ~.-.. -.. ---··,....,.,...:._,_, _ __...., ''".l• •i.e(. A total of fifty-five auger holes were drilled along the airstrip alignment to an average depth of five feet, as shown in Figure No. 1.. The Boring Logs of these holes are presented in Appendix B. The flight auger procedure of drilling provided a very disturbed sample, affecting identification and classification, and is limited to recovering material no greater than 1' - 1 1/2" in size. Samples were recovered and placed in plastic bags for laboratory identification, sealed in jars for moisture content, and saved in cloth bags for proctor compaction testing later on. The soil boring results of the drill program, as shown in Figures 2 and 3, have determined that an organic soil layer of 0-2 feet in depth covers most of the airstrip. An area of deep organics is located just north of center line at station 3 6+ 00; and a very wet and deep organic area is located between station 41+50 and station 47+00. A minor pocket of frozen ground was located just north of station 36+00 at a depth of 3-5 feet. Underlying the organic material is a silty sand material with small amounts of gravel. This material will be the airstrip structural foundation material. 10 r r i r r ! r f \. ... ;\., Figure 2 shows the main strip boring profile along the centerline of the airstrip along with the true scale ground elevation exhibiting the natural slope. For the sake of presenting detailed boring log data, this profile and others, have been exaggerated in scale. The airstrip has been divided into three main segments. The main strip is 2,500 feet long with the possibility of expansions to the east and west of 1,500 feet and 2,000 feet, respectively. The main strip is differentiated from the east and wes'-: extensions by major topographic features. Each of the three airstrip segments requires relatively small amounts of earthwork if treated by itself, but when combined into a single strip, major earthwork will be required at each end of the 2,500. foot strip. Thus, for the present time, considering camploading and budget, emphasis will be placed on the initial strip only. The centerline grade of the proposed strip shown on Figure 2 has been held. as close to 2 % as 1:-'-:~lble tc utilize natural topography 1 remove unstable materials and to minimize cut and fill quantities. Profile 11 D-.Du shows the depth CL"ld limits of peat 75 feet north of the runway be·tween station 34+00 and 37+00. A minimum of two feet of the peat will be removed. A stabilizing fabric will be placed over the complet~~d e}.{cavation and natural silty sands backfill t::ill be placed to grade. 11 t l l l ! t /:: 1----"'.c . rr ' ' r '' r r r r r r r I j . ···--"----------~ ·-~6... ~- Figure 3 shot"s the. soil profile for the east and west extension of the initial main airstrip. The west extension may be used to increase the runwa1 to a total length of 4, 000 feet and the east extension in combination with the west extension can increase the runway length to the total length of to 6,000 feet. The west extension will require regrading of the initial temporary airstrip when prepared. The east extension will require substantial earthwork and engineering activities due to topography and foundation conditions. This area. has a 500 foot long section of runway that is very wet and consists of peat to depths of five feet. Below the peat is a wet and soft silty sand. Large earthmoving equipment and a borrow source for sand and gravel will be required for extending the airs.trip to 6, 000 feet through this area. 2. LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing was performed by Har~ing-Lawson and Associates personnel located at the Watana Site soil laboratory and in the Anchorage la.boratory. The types of tests performed were sieve analysis, moistu~e content, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, minus 200 wash siev:es, organic content, hydrometer analysis, proctor compaction and soil stabilization tests. The results of all tests (excluding the soil stabilization program) are summarized in Table 2 a.nd pres en ted in Appendix c. 12 l i l ,. I ; r r r r r r r r [ r [ -(I <J " fl ,· ~~-· . -~·7'--'"···~··---~--~-~ C( ;·~~:;,3)~. ~-.1 The results of the sieve analysis tests indicate that the typical natural existing soil, to be used in the preparation of the airstrip, is a silty sand with a small amounts of gravel. Generally there is 50% sand with 30-40% silt and 5-20% gravel. The gravel is subangular and subrounded. Figure 4 shows a group of gradation curves compiled from typical samples. The material is classified as SM under the Unified Soil Classification System. Moisture contents were performed on samples at various depths and i locations. Generally, the~soils within four feet of the surface have moisture con tents of 15-20% and the lower soils have moisture contents of 8 to 12%. Specific gravity tests were performed with the results ranging between 2&72 and 2.75, the general range for soils with this classification. Due to thE~ high sand content in most of the samples only three Atterberg limit tests were performed. The samples were located in the area of the west extension. The results of the tests indicate soils with low plasticit:.yo All other samples from the foundation examined were found to be nonplastic. As an extension of the sieve analysis and .. l\.tterberg limit data, hydrometer tests were perforraed. These tests indicate that the clay content of the fines portion of the samples ·tested is generally less than 5%. As an additional means of determining the amount of fines in the samples, minus 200 sieve tests were performed. This test gave quick results for several soil samples. 13 .... f ...• .. . ' - r r r· I I I I I I I I I I I. Organic content tests were performed to evaluate the heavy organic content of the top layer. Proctor compaction tests were perforw.ed at various locations along the airstrip. The results indicated a maximum dry density ranging between 128-133 pcf at an optium moisture content of 8%. Through evaluation of the data discussed above, the following considerations are presented: The ideal material for the airstrip foundation would be a gravelly sand which would allow for a well compacted base along with a free draining material thus providing for low maintenance. The silty sand foundation at the Watana Site is a material with an assumed -~ permeability of 10 -em/sec and which is classified as a poor drainage material. Therefore, discussions will follow later in the report concerning the preparation of a surface treatment. Following the completion of the site investigation and laboratory test program, and taking these factors into consideration, Ft..,asibility Study activities were initiated. The details of the study are presented in report Section E, to follow. 14 --r I ' I I J (~ lc I y b j, I r ! ! I., e J j . I j j l ! l c ' 1. 1 . I ~. .. . ·---~· .,;:_'~: ,.,: j:~":~.;...~ .. -----.:.~.~-~-'"'·'·-···-----·-~--..... I I I •• I I I I I •• I I :I I I I I _I <I E. FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS Utilizing t1s.e data obtained from the site investigation programs, Feasibility Study activities were initiated. These activities included, conceptual planning, construction considerations, soil cement surfacing, runway expansion cost and schedule consider- ations. The details of each of these activities follows: 1. The natural topography where the proposed airstrip is loca.ted is . generally flat \vi th minor sloping depressions and hills. To aid in the preparation of the airstrip the proposed run~_.ay grade has been selected to follow the natural topography allowing for Sitripping as required. A major consideration in praparation of the airstrip is the availability of equipment. Presently at the site there is a D-7 bulldozer· and a one cubic yard frr·:nt end loader. Due to the limitations of available site equipment to prepare the airstrip, and the desire t( c1.isturb the least amount of land possible, the airstrip has been proposed to be fifty feet wide with ten foot shoulders. Figure 5 shows a proposed typical airstrip section. The soil stabilized surfacing is an option discussed later in the report. 15 . l \" l ~ · . .., -;.. I 'o '-... -~..-. '--'--'~· -.~~ .. ~,..,.,._.......__.:...___,.,..rl,...~~·~'""'"""~''"~"~......_,_~,--.·""-'-'""' .c .. ~ .. ·-"-<~"-~ I I I I I I I • • I Drainage ditches will run along both sides of the runway and discharge flow at convenient low points in the natural topography. The ditches are planned to allow for quick drainage of the airstrip surface so that the surface can be used as soon as possible after a rain storm. The airstrip surface is to be crowned at 2% in the transverse direction to create rapid drainage of free surface water. In the area where the soft material can not be removed without creating a large excavation, filter fabric will be used to stabilize the foundation. : .· 2. PREPARATION CONSIDERATIONS To prepare the 2, 500 foot ini tiaJ, airstrip this summer, extra consideration must be given to the existing topography and equipment availability. A small grader and a small roller must be mobilized to the site to complete the preparation of the strip. Earthwork and grading on the runway will be limited to the capability cf the D-7 dozer and a grader to push material and move small quantities of spoil material with the front-end loader; Compaction of material .. will be accomplished by track walking with the bulldozer, a small wobble wheel roller, and the fz·ont end loader. Expected compaction will be about 85%. This will generate an insitu compacted density of approximately 110 pcf. 16 -~·::::r 0 I n \ . "' Iii J1 I 11 I . I ti·r rll The method of preparation· will be to load and blade the organic material to the sides of the airstrip and push and blade usable materials along the axis of the runway. The total cut volume is approximately 11,500 cubic yards of which 3, 350 cubic yards is spoil and 4,620 is to be used for fill. The rem~ining 1,465 cubic yards of usable fill is cut between stations 12+00 to 34+00 and can be used as fill between stations 35+00 to 37+00 where the deep peat layer exist. 3. SOIL STABILIZATION As stated earlier in the report, the runway foundation materials are a silty sand with small amounts of gravel. These materials are a poor drainage material which will prevent airstrip use during break-up and wet periods (May through October). Laboratory and £1 eld expez.·ience gained during the past twenty years in the construction industry has shown conclusively that soils can be hardened adequately by the addition of relatively small quantities of portland cement. The stabilized soil mixture results in a strong, durable surfacing material providing additional longevity to the runway and reducing mainten~~ce costs. 17 . ' l -. . -. ' . . ~-L....: ... L~-'-___ :_ ~-----~---·~ ---·-· .. "" . -··".-·-----.. ·----·· --···-------·~~--"--" -------...... -·· ..... ., .. .. :i cf} ~ B " li ll Jl IJ ~· ll ·~. Preparing a soil cement surfacing in the first foot of depth at the proposed Watana airstrip would provide a hard surface and with a 2% crown w.ill provide very good drainage characteristics. Due to frost heaving, settling and loading, the stabilized soil will eventually break-up into a gravel type material that could be regraded as required during normal maintenant::!e of the airstrip and recemented if desired. One of the key factors that account for successful application of soil-cement as a surfacing layer is careful predetermination of engineering control factors in the laboratory and their application throughout preparation. To determine the amount of cement required, a trial mix laboratory program was designed by HARZA-EBASCO and executed at Harding-Lawson•s Anchorage laboratory. Site soils, representative of the airstrip foundation materials were brought to the laboratory for visual examination and evaluation. The soil was classified by the AASHO system so that the Industry Standard empirical graphs and charts made by Portland Cement Association could be used for the short cut method of determining the percent of cement. The short cut method is based on standard soils and provides trial mix recommendations to help reduce the time needed to perform various tests. 18 I· I" l r ! I ! I . I I I j I I l . t ! . l j l n I ' ! l 1 ., ' D I I l it J j,; t ~ I c Li ft j ij l ~ ~ ~ '· ~ l! ! ~ I l ! ~ I ~ l ' \ Jj ,, ; fi ··"J IJ I!! ;l u ~ l ' J1 ~J J II J1 ~ ~} .U tf n ~ D ; ' fJ ' . ' . ~ ~ After determining the shortcut soil cement ratio, soil cement cylinders were prepared for wet-dry tests, free~e-thaw tests and compressive strength breaks at 7 days and 28 days. The details of the trial mix program and test results are presented in Appendix D. Evaluation of these test results indicates that the 7% soil cement mix selected by the short cut method is adequate to withstand continuous wetting and drying cycles as well as cycles of freezing and thawing. Strength increases with time to approximately 200 psi, providing a ~~table surfacing layer. The results of tssts performed at a lower 4% cement ratio show that 4% cement is not adequate to stabilize the site soils in question. As a result of these test findings, a 7% soil cement ratio was used in the Cost Estimates presented later in this report. 4. RUNWAY EXPANSION The 2500 foot airstrip described above is considered to be a temporary facility. A major expansion n~ay be required before construction of t.he dam begins. To e~:pand the airstrip to four thousand feet would require regrading the temporary airstrip from 19 D IJ fJ ~ ' ' ' s ta tio:a 0+00 to station 40+00. The soil between station 0+00 and 14+00 will require remedial treatment of a soft foundation area and would require the minor use of major earth moving equipment to excavate and regrade a constant slope airstrip. If a still longer airstrip is required to support the camp operations and site construction activities, the east extension can be used, thus producing a runway of six thousand feet. This area of expansion would require major earthwork to take care of the very wet and soft area between station 41+50 and station 47+00. Also needed would be a borrow source of sand and gravel so that the airstrip can be adequately built to provide a good landing surface with free drainage. 5. COST AND SCHEDULE Based upon the conceptual planning details previously discussedt preliminary cost and schedule estimates were developed. Estimates were based upon the preparation of two types of preliminary airstrip, both of which are 2,500 foot by 70 foot. The definition of each of these types of strips are defined below: A .. WINTER STRIP The winter strip is proposed to be prepared to the standard dimensions without a runway surfacing. Preparation is ba,;,.,::d upon the a.vailability of a D-7 Dozer, a one-yard frontend loader, a small 20 f ~· _: .r', l . . . ' . . . '. ,, ~ ' ,_,...-J?-.<'•-..,.....,,,.,....., ;~ ... ~ ...... ..., .. ---.:-.-.-.. -....-~~· ~-""'"" '"'"--~-· ..• :..,._.,..;__.._ -... ;.~_., ~ ... .::... .• _.,__, ___ ., ~--~· -·~· ~. I .J fi u-: f i ' '.' II IJ 11. 1:. •k ) 1- '. '(. . l I ' rn ~j motor grader and a small roller. The dozer and loader are already at the site. A small motor grader and roller will have to be mobilized by helicopter to the site prior to the start of preparation. Preparation activities will emphasize closing up the surface of the runway and drainage features .. It is envisioned that with adequately placed snow fences and continued maintenance of the runway, service may be considered reliable from November through May of each year. Air service to the Watana Camp during the remaining months of June through October, is to be supplied through helicopter services when the airstrip can not be used. A cost proposal for the preparation of this type of strip is estimated to be $240,000. This estimate presented in detail later in the report is based upon a 7-man construction team on each shift, two shifts per day. Utilizing standard production rates for the required equipment, a duration of fifteen days is calculated for preparation. Equipment mobilization, the cost of materials, and logistical support are also included in this cost proposal. It must be noted at this time that airstrip preparation activities cannot be started until permitting requirements are fulfilled. 21 • ,.,.,..>< '"'"'·---·~· •. '"'~-----~"'~ -~, .... -... ~~, ........... , -~ ... -~ ~ ·1 -·~--· ... } :J l ' ) f i ' ' ' J 11 UJ 1 ....... · it I ' :) (' r·: '·• ' ) ~ . I B. YEAR ROUND STRIP The yea.r round strip is proposed to be prepared to the standard dimensions discussed above with the addition of a one foot thick stabilized soil runway surfacing. Pr.epar~tion is based upon the completion of the winter strip described above with the addition of the stabilized soil surfacing. The preparation of the surfacing will require the additional mobilization of a large disc, pump and piping system and cement. The preparation of the surfacing will require an additional twenty days to complete at an additional estimated cost of $290,000. The total cost of the soil stabilization, year round strip is there.fore, estimated to be $530 1 000. The cost-benefit ratios for each of the two types of strips are presented in Section F, Economic Analysis, which follows. 22 - ! l f I i i l l I ,,; I f I l ,, I I l I 0 I r l j ! l 11 I . J fl I ll •~: f . ' •l uj ~··.• l \ ' I F. ECONOMIC ANALYSES ---------o::....-.-..:~-...-..~-.. - The economic analyses performed as part of this feasibility stu_dy was basically divided into two subtasks. The first, was to formulate the total costs of equipment mobilization and airstr.ip preparation. The results of this subtask have been presented in Section E of this report. The second subtask involved establishing -a rate structure for fixed-wing service of all types, and for ro~~ry wing service as well. The cost savings of fixed-wing service to the proposed airstrip vs. helicopter service for the camp was then calculated considering activities such as fuel hauls, personnel transport, equipment and grocery deliveries, and maintenance. Based on the assumed duration of future exploration programs, fixed-wing costs to the winter strip and to the year round strip were compared to helicopter service costs and the break even durations were established. 1. FIXED-WING VERSUS ROTARY WING SERVICE ---------.....--....~ --=---·---....U. -··--- In order to accomplish th<~ economic analyses and cost cGmparisons described above two basic study cases were defined. CASE l Considers the construction of 2,500 foot by 70 foot airstrip at the Watana camp, suitable for light a.ircraft up to a CASA 212 or a Twin Otter. This case is further divided as follctws: 23 '1'.; .. ··. '' ' ~ ' -t)'j ,·) \\ -: ~ . ·-: '_ i .--' .,., ! l I t,,. ' I .. ' ,, ~ • 7 I [j -,< ~ ~ ' ,~L"''-~:: L __ c'~-----~..:~ .. -------~----J' ---~-------~~ ------------~-~-----------·-·--·-·--·--->------------~-- r r r ' r J 11 i;: CASE lA Considers the use of the winter strip from November 1st to April 30th; with heavy maintenance and chancy usage from May 1st to October 31st. Fuel hauls are planned in April and November. The total cost of construction is $240,000. CASE lB Considers the use of the year round strip with normal maintenan~e and fuel hauls, the total cost of construction is $530,000. CASE 2 Considers the use of rotary wing helicopter service to the Watana Site. Winter traffic of personnel and light freight are planned into Miller Lake on skis. Summer traffic is planned to Talkeetna by fixed-wing a11d then by helicopter to Watana. Fuel lifts are made by helicopter from the Chulitna siding to the site in February and Julyo 2. USAGE PLAN Following the definition of the study cases above, the following usage plan was es·l::.ablished as a base for the comparative ~~ost al'l al ys es • 24 - - i - i ! ' I ~;.t·c I~··· ~!\ !:;;· . :.cf-) t·' ~~R. I 1- , f. .. t~~'•~. r " If ~; I ' . . , y l I,, ~~ 0 ~·~.1.:. . . !,it t~~~~-· ·_ I'~~~ 1~ r [. r r f r r ~('···.· . . . ' ) ' i) -' -~ 0 « ' t.' ;_:, 1,\ <.;:• · ----·---__ ··-~-.-~--.• ·------~:_ _____ ·· -----~--.. --~-----·-·--····---~--·-_ ....... , ...... :·., ... ~ ... ·---.. -· ... ...,...:-~~.-<_;}r-;6~.c·w~L~ .. -... -...... J CASE lA ASSUMPTIONS (!_INTER S!RIP) ,. 0 Winter Season Four fixed-wing trips per week from Anchorage to Watana with personnel and luggage. One trip per week from Anchorage to Watana with supplies and freight. Two fuel lifts of 100,000 gallons (April & November). 0 Break Up and Summer Chancy usage with high maintenance factor. 40% of flights are able to use the strip. The remainder use helicopter service. Two fixed-wing trips per VJeek front Anchorage to Watana with personnel, luggage and supplies (as possible). Remainder of flights are fixed-wing to Talkeetna, rotary to Wa tana as described in detail in Case 2: below. 25 ···r· __ ··- I -~ .. IT I !Ilk! . r.l (, ~ l I. r r r r f ~r ' \ o Local Watana helicopter support of field activities will be equal in all cases and is therefo+e not ' ' considered in the cost comparison. o Use of 1983 costs-unescalated. CASE lB ASSUMPTIONS (YEAR ROUNll._§_TRIP) o Four fixed-wing trips per week from Anchorage to Watana with personnel and luggage. o One trip per week from Anchorage to Watana with supplies and freight. o Two fuel lifts of 100,00 gallons each. 0 Local Watana helicopter support of field activities will be ~qual in all cases and is therefore not considered in the cost comparison. 0 Use 1983 costs-unescalated 26 - :;} , 'I I I I IJ D D r~ u n! ~ lf -= ==---=-~.r=,~=,, "'~ ~- ·~ .... ·-~-----~ -~#-'-...._.._,_ «<-..-~· • ---...._~ .... ""~ __ _,_ --......... ·~·~-""--<-----,..,-~,..,~ -~· --,_,_ ~-.. ""-·""'--~·-~---~··-~---··'"···.;.· ____ .,_.,., ..... '1... __ ,__._,_____ -~ CASE 2 ASSUMPTION (ROTARY ~viNG ONLY) --- 0 Four fixed-wing trips per week from Anchorage to Talkeetna with personnel and luggage, followed by helicopter transport to Wa tan a; from Mny through December. 0 One trip per week as described above for supplies and freight -all year round. 0 Four fixed-wing trips per week from Anchorage to Watana with personnel and luggage to Miller Lake on skis; from December to May. 0 Two fuel hauls of 100,000 gallons each in February and July by helicopter from the Chulitna siding to Watana. 0 Local Watana helicopter support of field activites will be equal in all cases and is therefore not considered in the cost comparison. ' ., ' 0 Use 1983 costs-unescala ted. 27 .:1 •. ·, ... ... ··.·· ·cr.·· .~-~ . """. "'· ., fl Ill iil!iE . . , <I I I I I I i ~ 1 ··-· '! ' I '~.· ~ DJ . l 3. COST ANALYSIS Utilizing the above defined study cases and usage plans, the following costs were developed. CASE lA (WINTER STRI~L o $ 42,000 cost of preparation of plans o $240,000 construction cost 0 $ 26, 600 per quarter -transport costs (strip open) 0 $ 40,600 per quarter -transport costs (strip partially closed) $ 75,000 fuel lift cost $ 18,000 per quarter -winter maintenance cost (strip open) 0 $ 30,000 per quarter -summer maintenance cost {strip partially closed) 0 $48,600 per quarter -work hour cost for travel (strip partially closed) 28 .,:,-_·· J: '. ~ t; " 'J :o 0 I -I I I '1 . ,, ... i'tl J ·~ "v-~ . . '·~. J ' -.. ' ' . i~'t' ;1t-~:, :· . ' . . . ~ . ; . . . . . -~·~.......:Ct..... .... --..... --~-~.,.-.... --,.,_,...._~ ... -~-,......._ ______ .. ___ , ___ ~~~·-~-·-------....,__ ________ .. _._..._,..,.. ... " .. ~. ~ 0 $32,400 per quarter -work hour cost for travel (strip open) CASE lB (YEAR ROUND STRIP) o $ 63,000 cost of preparation of plans o $530,000 construction cost o $ 26,600 per quarter transport costs 0 $ 75,000 fuel lift costs 0 $ 32,400 per quarter -work hour cost for travel CASE 2 (ROTARY WING ONLY) 0 Zero construction cost 0 $ 50,600 per quarter transport costs o $171,000 fuel haul costs. 0 $ 68,400 per quarter -work hour cost for travel The cos1t estimatets of study cases lA and lB are presented on in Section 4 to follow. 29 IC. ···"·"'··:·] YM. • . IIIII .. . (.: <> - ' J ! I I I I I ii 11 D . . n_. Itt u . l w . I t ~ 1.1 .. . , Itt. a G ,,, ___ ,_, _____ .-,. ...•.• -: ....... -........... ~······ ·---·----. -------·--·-·---.. ------·-........... ---~---... . ··-·· •.. ;• ···-· ·---·-· -···· ··--------....:;"-;:;.,;..;:,;o.-"''· An analysis of these relationships indicates that the potential earned savings from fixed-wing service to the camp will fully equal the $240,000 construction cost of the winter s~rip after 16 months of assumed usage. In the same way, the break even point for the $530,000, year round strip is found to be 21 months. Once the break even point is reached, the winter strip accrues savings over the helicopter case a·t an aJerage rate of $23! 000 per month. The year round strip accrues savings over the helicopter case at an average rate of $30,000 per month taking all th8se factors in to consideration. If the strip is built this summer, the total savings accrued to Aprfl 1986 by the construction of the winter strip is approximately $288,000 while the total savings accrued by the year round strip is approximately $229,000. At this time, emphasis must be given to the chancy nature of the winter strip during break up and freeze cycles. Slight changes in weather from the assumed usage pattern could weigh heavily to the helicopter usage case thus increasing the costs significantly. The year round strip provides a much higher level of reliability with an larger overall cost savings as well .. 4. COST PROPOSALS ----------~---~ A detailed ~apitol cost proposal for the winter strip and year round strip follows: 30 ; ,. I I 0 fi1.J IJ 0 0 0 u I ' WANTANA AIRFIELD CAPITAL COST PROPOSAL -·------·-·----- Site Preparation and Grading -Winter Strip 1983 Dollars D (Assume two shifts at 10 hours per shift for 15 days) Labor & Equipment Quantitx Item 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 570 Grader w/Operator Laborer D-7 Dozer w/Operator 966 Front End Loader w/Operator 52 inch Roller/Vibrator (towed unit) Mechanics Foreman Surveyor Resident Engineer Subtotal @ 15 days Subsistence 12 men @ $120/day ~ 15 days Ma.terial 200 linear feet of 24 inch corrugated culvert @ $11 .. 20 per L.F .. Mirafi filter fabric Subtotal Fuel D-7 Dozer (consumption at·s gal/hr) 8 gal/hr @ 20 hours/day @ 15 days 966 Loader ( 5 gal/hr) 5 gal/hr @ 20 hours/day @ 15 days $ 2, 000/day 500 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,200 700 400 600 $10,400/day 2,258 4,000 ------- -2,400 gal -1,500 gal 570 John Deere Grader: ( 3 gal/hr) 3 gal/hr @ 20 hours/day @ 15 days -900 gal 31 ....... '"'.1'" ....... -.............. , .. :: ' ~', ~ < ·, ' !.: . I l) .._.......*'-!\ Total Cost $156,000 21,000 6, 258 !"-- \: j IJ IJ ( 'I J [] 0 t 0 _) [] D 0: l .~ [) ., . L) EJ . ' 0 0 '-~ 0 0 Fuel (Continlled} 52" Vibratory Drum/ towed Compactor ( 2 gal/hr) 2 gal/hr @ 20 hours/day @ 15 days = 600 gal 5,400 gal @ $3.00/gal Mobilization/Demobilization Vertal helicopter, 4 trips @ $2,820/trip Fuel (Talkeetna), 468 gal Fuel (Wantana), 780 gal Laborers (Chulitna) 3 days @ $1,400/day Train (Anchorage -Chulitna) Subtotal mobiliza tio•.1 Subtotal mobilization/demobilization 5,400 gal -Sll,2ao 819 2,200 4,200 1,200 $19 j 699 TOTAL Use 32 ····f ..... ·.-.. ·.·.-....... . ' -' ':!· ' ' ' ' ., ' 0 r, $ 16,200 $ 391398 -- $239,456 S24o,ooo : ·"' ·= ~> . ... -L~~L2_·-~-·-, __ . ~ .... •··· --~· -~-J ... ··-....... -· ·-·· -· --~--·-····-··-·'·' ... ~·~--~-~·· ...... tLJ . r . ' _ __.1 r . ) r: '"'""'"""" r t; J~ .-'! _ _j [j r~ -"'-' {-".-. _) [} r~ -.J [ ., t _j WATANA AIRFIELD -SOIL CEMENT STABILIZA'l1 ION . ·-----____ .._. Assumptions -.. --. -- o Construction duration 20 days o 14,000 bags Type I Portland cement @ 8.80/bag F.O.B. Anchorage o Rail shipment of cement to Talkeetna o No front-end loaders o Add water tank (wheeled) o Water source within 1/2 mile o CASA 200 aircraft for equipment and cement transport Talkeetna to Watana o Ideal weather conditions o Equipment fuel by CASA 200 Site Labor & Equipme~~ Quantit-x:. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subsistence Item 570 Graders w/Operator Large Disc D-7 Dozer w/Operator 52 inch Roller/Vibrator Pump & Piping System Tank (Wheeled) Laborer Foreman Surveyor RP.sident Engineer Subtotal @ 20 days CASA 200 Aircraft 205 trips @ 1 hr @ $750 9 men @ $120/day @ 20 days 33 .. - Daily_ Cost Total Cost $ 2,000.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 100.00 500 .. 00 700 .. 00 400.00 600.00 $ 8,900/day $178,000.00 154,000.00 21,600.00 \I r .:. ;, lr Jt; [ r ••• [ r f: Jl .r·~ ' (··~ .. r:·: L~ [ ., ' -~ [. \ .i :;-) f ' . t Ma.terial 14,000 bags Type 1 cement F.O.B. Anchorage @ 8.80/bag Freight Anc to Talkeetna @ .65CWT ~l_!el -E<Il_!ipmen t Say 6,000 gal @ 3.00/gal Lab~ for Load/Of~ Load @ Ai~~~iEs/Trains 2 laborers @ l/2 hr @ 205 loads @ $25/hr Mobilizati£n/Demobilization JOB TOTALS Use 34 ,, ., ......... . '' - 123,200.00 8,700.00 18,000.00 5,100.00 $528,600.00 $530,000.00 (i ( ,, ' j il ll I I I J j 1 ~j J J ·.·. ··1.· ' .0 . . .. . ' . \\ TABLES A, 8 AND C r, ' .; rT' t r rr ! ' n rr l ' rr ~ t t fi rr II rr [1 !I 11 u It TABLE A Watana Base Camp-Proposed Airstrip Permits and Lcu,d Use Authorizations Authorization Agency Description Lead Time 1. Land Use Section 27 Section 28 Knikatnu, Inc. CIRI (Knik select) APA Agreement In effect APA Agreement In effect 2. Talkeetna Special T.Jse Permit Ma.tanuska-Susitna Special Use est. 30 days Borough Permit 3. Material Acquisition CIRI Purchase 4. Notice of FAA 5. Intent to Establish an Airport Landing Area Form 7480-l 21-30 days i..::: ' :;; ,::1""·· ' '"'-'';:.. .. -;.,_,_.,.....,.....,_,_,..~--~ ... '~ ', __ ,,_, Conunents Will require extension {Expires 1/1/84) Will require extension (expires 1/1/84) Dependent uPon Native definition of subsurface rorrov~, or surface use. Operating Certificate FAA Form 5280-1 up to 30 days Airstrip inspection required 6 .. Wetland Determination ODE Request to 10 days determine if COE permit required - - () r ~~ t] ., II II ll II Jj TABLE A Watana Base Camp-Proposed Airstrip Permits and Land Use Authorizations ,, ,., ''':::1, ,, ' "'"'""''"''·-~~-:~-~""----~-~~--"'~""-,...,.~~-... ::--~~-........,.,.. .. ~~~-·-· ···-~ ~ -~ --~ ,~. ~.uthorization Agency Description Lead Time Conunents 7. Permit to discharge dredged or fill materials to wetlands ODE B. Certificate of Reasonable Assurance ADEC 9. J:::lc'terminatiC4'i"l of Consistency with Coastal Mgt. Program lill?DP 10. Avi.-;tion Radio Beacon FCC 11. Archa.eological Clearance MNR-DP Section 404 Permit est. minimum 90 ciays Review of COE est. 30 days with respect to maintaining State water quality standards Review of COE Permit with est. 30 days respect to maintaining Stcte water quality standards none None Watana Base Camp has a signal issued to CIR-H&N 7/29/80 Surveyed 1980 and archae- ological clearance reconnnended .. B'owf:Vet' , should any cultural resources be uncoveref.t during construction or use of the airstrip, the project archaeolotist must be contacted so ne~essa~J action can be taken. 1., ':,, i-] ~--------------------------------------------------~-----------------( .I ' I I I I I I 0 z c.:> w :z; -J H o..w ~ ~0.. 0 <{>- I=Q V') I- AS1 AS1 ASl AS1 AS~ AS2 AS2 AS3 AS3 AS3 ~3 A.S4 ~B5 ASS ASS AS7 .. AS7 AS9 villi b I Remarks: -~·~ ~<{W ~t:; ou..>-:c-w\/;V1 1-1-U:V16 COBBLE o_W -<t ww z-~ 0~ :;:,u~ 0-1 1-3 - l-3 3-4 SM 0-1 1-3 3-4.5 2.5-3 SM 3-4 ' 5-7 8-9 .. !: SM 5-6 3.5-4 5$5-E .5 8-10 SM 1.5-2 .5 SM 10.0 SM 1..5-~ .5 SM 1 3.5-~ .5 SM • ILAB TEST SUMMARY TAELE B PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS (0/o} ' Oo: GRAVEL SAND SILT/CLAY 1 ~ ~ ti; ,._ IJ,J w .J: :;: I- ____.;., 43.4 9.4 53 .. 9 36.7 48.9 -50.7 - 6.4 G4.3 29.3 3 .. 1 58.6 39.3 18.9 44.5 6.9 55.4 37.7 9 .. 4 48.2 42.4 14.6 45.7 39 .. 7 8.,9 57.3 33.8 0 57.6' 42.4 yes - ... .IWATANA AIRSTRIP STUDY Susitna Hydroelectric Project .· il ATTERBERG LIMITS l.L P.L. P.l. -· ,, ' MOIST. K:ONTEN1 we (0/c) 1.41 25 .. 7 84.7 12.7 REMARKS 86?IFeAf 11.2. ~~,ic 1 0 . 85ii~A€ 76.4 " grg~·:c -0 ent 4.5 85?1~eAt 1.7 ~~~~~ 11 ~ 86?I~Af a9.5 -.~· ~ ...... ., ·-?' . ' - I . .J IHJJ~i~Uj~ !1./Jw.J~{OJ SUSITNA ,JOINT VeNTURE l·l:f!P __ J . 0 TABLE B 0 -II:!: PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS z ~<{W u~ C.!> -Vl SIEVE ANALYSIS (0/o) ~ IJJ ou..>--1 :x:-wv;VI H n..w ~~--U:::V'ia COBBLE GRAVEL SAND SILT/CLAY p:: ~Q.. Q..W -< 0 <>-wW z-~ I=Q Vl ~ 0~ :::::lVi= ~12 .5-1.0 SM 7 .. 4 62.1 30.5 ~13 7-10 SM 8.0 54.7 37.3 ~13 13-15 SM 25.8 45.0 29.2 1\813 P.S-17. pSM 17.1 49.0 33.9 f\814 ~-7.5 ~Sl.d. ~-1() ~ lLI. h C::l ? . ~Ll 2_ ' ~14 12.5-1 5 SM 12.0 53.5 'l4 5 ~16 15-7.5 SM 34.1 38 .. 6 27.3 rill17 5-7.5 SM 0 52.2 47.8 ~17 ry.5-10 SM 3.9 52.6 43.5 ~19 ~-7 SM 13 52.2 34.8 ~21 t3-4 SM 9.2 51 .. 3 34.5 ~23 ~-5 SM 7.2 58.8 34.0 \824 ~.S-2. ~SM 10.2 53 .. 5 36.3 lf.l_' '!., I,, ~' ~25 ll-2.5 SM 4.6 53.3 42.1 f\.826 !1-2.5 Sl'1 4 .. 2 48.7 47.1 ~26 ~.5-4 SM 46.6 53 .. 4 ~26 rJ.S-9 SM . 40.7 30.2 29.1 ~ l1 ~27 3-5 SM 19.4 52.4 28.2 l Ill Remarks: 'n 1 LAB TEST SUMMARY ~.~. 1\TATANA AIRSTRIP STTJDY dn J Susitna Hydroelectric Project ATTERBERG MOIST. REMARKS LIMITS k:ONTENT I 00(; i l 1 f L 0:: w ..... LL. P.L f?t. we (0/o) 0 1-Vl >-ww :I:~~ ! ( ' I " l l R~~~~¥ R R~ ves 22.2 t •. l I j I I I t i f f),, - Organic Content 11.2 -· , l ~~ ~ ! i. l I l I l l l ! yes 18 .4 tl6.5 2.3 .. l "'' f 0 i I 20 .8 ~7.1 3.7 i I ' l 11.5 l ., l l 1 f I, ,, 13.3 26.,4 yes Gs=2.75 ~fl~~~~iece SUSJTNA JOIN1" VENTURE 11 _;] In '.1 ii .~., I ~.} ;!) lJ l:; I" ~;{ lf.l . 1 J 0 z t.') z w ..... :t:-H Cl..w .......... 0:: ~ Q... Cl..w 0 ~> ~w 1=0 VI.,__ 0~ ~28 1.5-2 ~S28 9.5-lC ~.829 1-2.5 AS29 6-7.5 !As30 1-2.5 !AroO 2.5-5 IAS31 12.5-3 IAB32 .. 5-2.C 1lli33 .5-2 • .: hd33 2.5-5 AS34 oS-2.( !Aros 0-2.5 AS36 0-2.5 IAS37 1-2.5 IAS37 2.5-4. ~8 1-2.5 ~8 2.5-4 ~0 1~2.5 ~1 2-4 Remarks: -'I~ ~4:W u .... -til Qu..> WViVI U:V>~ COBBLE -< z_, ::lU~ .. 5 SM .. o &'\1 SM SM SM 8r-1 @1 SM SM SM 5 SM SM SM E! LAB TEST SUMMARY WATANA AIRSTRIP STUDY : ~ ·'· ., .................. " .......... --.............. , ................ ---· ..................... -........ ·--~· ......... ~-~--·---·--..:~----·'-··--~: .. TABLE B ,, PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS ATTERBERG MOIST. REMARKS LIMITS lcONTENl SIEVE ANAlYSIS (0/o) I o~ GRAVEL SAND SilT/CLAY ~w...,. L.L. P.L. Pl. we (Of<,) Q I-VI >ww :t: :E ..... 10.8 58.8 30'!4 16.5 52.1 31.5 9.8 54.6 35.6 20.0 52.1 27.9 5 .. 4 54.4 39.7 yes 23.5 8.5 52.0 39.5 ' 16.8 85?I~eAg 6.4 17.3 8.7 56.2 35.1 12.3 86.3 ' 86~~~~ 10.1 19.8 51.0 29.2 10.6 21.4 58o7 19.4 10.5 64.7 24.8 37.1 13.2 63.2 23.6 41.3 8.3 55.2 36.5 9.3 48.3 42.4 til Susitna Hydroelectric Project SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE - '. ~~ ! l·· j I l f 0 . I l /~:-'':' 1.!•-:> '-~-. , •n 1.·' . ~.J ITI ! .J ll _) I '1.[ \ _j I!"' j I ·.·~. J l \ ..J 0 z C,!) :z H p::: 0 ~ '\842 AS42 ~3 12\.~ . ......-.-. IAS44 1As4S !As4s 1As46 1As47 AS49 AS49 AS49 AS49 ~351 IAsS1 lAsS2 ~54 lAsS4 w -J T.i= Cl..w 1-w :EQ.. '~w ~>-LU U... Vl 1-Cl-- 1~·2.5 2.5-5 1-2 .5·~2 .c 2-4 1-2.5 3-5 .5-2 .C 2-3.5 2·-2.5 5-7.5 5-7.5 5-7.5 1-2.5 3-S. 1-2.5 1-2 8.5-9 1 .. ~·~ Remarks: ~:J -Js:E ~<w ut--Vl 0"->- WViVl ~V)~ COBBLE -<( z~ :::lU~ SM SM SM SM SM EM SM Sl-1 ·-- SM SM SM SM ~ w .~ LAB TEST SUMMARY WATANA AIRSTRIP STUDY TABLE B PARTICLE SIZE Al'\JALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS (0/o) GRAVEL SAND SILT/CLAY 11.5 51.1 37.4 22.3 57.7 20.0 15 .. 6 62 .. 8 31.6 3.0 51.7 45 •• 3 5.8 57.6 36.6 10.3 60.6 29.1 -•<"+ - 8.3 47.5 ·~5 .. 2 -- 0 51.1 48.9 ... I 10.2 69.3 20.5 6.9 50.1 43.0 46.1 5.4 50 .. 4 44.2 6.2 61.4 32.4 : IJ Susitna Hydroelectric Prc>ject 1) ... ATTERBERG MOIST. REMARKS I LIMITS k:ONTENl 0011: 011: w 1-LL. P.L P.J. we (0/o) 0 l-V) >-L!J w J: ~ ..... 26.6 9.9 G~:-2.67 19.8 26.4 - 14.3 21.3 11.0 37.6 .. ye!:l 2C .1 1 5.,4 4.8 G8 =2 .. 72 13.4 - 13.0 -. 5.6 -~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE - ~·'· -~-... TABLE B 0 ~ '·. % 'PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS z ~~ 0 _V) SIEVE ANALYSIS (0/o) w Qu..>-z ~ :r:-w-Vl H a..w ...... .-. ~~~ CO BaLE GRAVEL SAND SILT/CLAY ~ :Ec... a..W 0 <>-ww z~- I:Q V) ._ o:::. ::JUt- ·0"' \ M:!l 2-2.5 I] IM:!l 3-3.5 ll ... ; ~l o.-1.5 ~2 2-2.5 SM 8.7 65.9 30.4 I! j f"·X::3 2.5-3. PSM 0.0 62.8 37.2 ~ I ~ , .. i ·' M:4 2-2.5 SM 2.1 66.4 3lo5 ~5 2-2t5 SM 7.2 55.5 37.3 r: ~6 1-1.5 I~ ... -' !t~6 3.-5 . SM 66. 5,4. 1 . 39 _3 W27 1 ·2.5 16,0 ~1:8 1-2 SM 52.6 47.4 ~9 1-2 27.9 I : -......~ .... (_~ Remarks: r: ......_,.,.;>~~# IJ LAB TES~f SU~.AMARY WATANA AIRSTRIP STUDY ( :~ Susitna Hydroelectric Project ~ -· ,--.... -... -···---" .................. . )' c ( ( 1\ ' ~ t' . • ~ ' ~ • f -c ' ( ~· - ,.:;; I ATTERBERG MOIST. REMARKS LIMITS fCONTENl I Occ: cc: w ._ l.l. P.l. P.t. we (0/o) 0 ._V) >-ww :r:: ::!! ..... 22 .. 7 20.8 P!::~~~~ _ll 7 20.2 ., Organic Content 4J.. 7 ; ·: ~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURe "ll. I I~ J r· I ~ v.-' l.", L~ LJ I ' ' TEST PARAMETER 1. Soil Gradation -Classification -Fines Content -Specific Gravity 2. Compaction Characteristics -Maximum Dry Density -Optimum Moisture 3. Wet-Dry Weight Loss At 12 Cycles 4. Freeze-Thaw Weight Loss at 12 Cycles 5. Unconfined Compressive Strength - 7 days -28 davs J TABLE C SOIL CEMENT TRIAL MIX TEST SU.1MARY NATURAL Gray Gravelly Silty Sand (SM) 40% 2.63 12741/Ft3 10.0% •' *Curing Induced Tensile Cracking Reducing Strength. +4% CEMENT 124 10.0 87% Crumbled At 10 Cycles 130 psi 65 psi +7% CEMENT 126 9.,0 21% 14% 145 psi 180 psi* )' J I 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ -_;_ ·::·---~ . ·I _.---..., FiGURES 1 - 5 , I I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .) ,. § .,; 1t IU ::"~l2~ ... ~ '·" ~ -~~~~ cfo¢!>,."" ¢.u; ,;.s!"~ ~>., .. ,~~'i'-~ ."'-' ~"''!--, ~--""':> '',"\)'\"'""' t. -·-· )o.01 ...... '....;::_ .._s=-~ ) t?lu; ' •too."~ ... ...~. ; 1-S ~~\VY'----·" 'Sr."' .-_-j.1..~ • I" .~~"' .. 1>'"' ~~-o'i'.J- t"' . · 8 to: i! I&J ·' -· ' & "' ~ I&J l ' ' ~ -~e: .. ,.-.. ~ ~ I&J '" r. ~ •.. , ••• ,__ ' .. ~ I&J /"' ~-.. _.. , ....... 2~no ··~,' '" ·'''"ttl"'<-~.,.. " ·o~~'>' • !'> ,:\ ~·<}J ..-..:!. ~~'<-~ ~ ., .$~ .,.-;.,~·" ...... 't . ..,a•<P I"~~-,. . -, 1 I \ \, I ,~~ 't' I>"' ," ...1. ~o-<:i ~0 " ' ~'~'0" ._s i-~~" • ~~ ~ ·c·". ~~ y<flt''-'<- ·-... , ·c:" & ie I&J ,. ,._ N3,234,000 N3,233,000 113.~2,000 N3,231,000 eAS5 AIRSTRIP AUGER BORINGS DRILLED BY HARDING LAWSON ASSOC. APRIL 1983. oMC5 MAN CAMP BORINGS DRILLED BY HARDING LAWSON ASSOC. APRIL 1983 • 2~0 too___ 400 eyo -~ !':ALE 111 rc~1 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJF.CT WATANA AIRSTRIP AUGER BORING LOCATIO~' PLAN auD·BUCI SUSintA JOINT vtNT\Jitl) AJif'ROVED Flouro 1 DAll! DRAWNQ NUMMO ANCHOAAOf. AlASKA IAPft.fi,I&U APA·C·SK·I '·· '·' ,, j I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I ~ rn u ~--------·------~--------------------------------­--------------------------~------------------~ 2254 :z 0 ?.252 i= ~ w ..J w 12+00 LEGEND l4t00 PEAT SILT'/ SAND 5%T020% GRAVEL 16t·OO 1~00 2.0+00 22+00 24t01> 2.6+00 26+00 STATION PROFILE "A-A" AIRSTRIP CENTERUNE MAIN AIRSTRIP (2,500') SCALE• ::: ~~:: 30+00 32+00 R•lw.c! I"' I 1'1' ICE -.,., PT PT,OA fl'!'!GIINIC SAHOl SILT Gf'-'Y IU PROFILE •0=0"' 0 ~ 0 a: < 2266 -l Pf :., 2266 L 22s4 f "" 2260 2256 22!54 .,AS II PT (SECTION 75' NORTH OF CENTERL!INE) 34+00 36+00 36+00 40+00 42+00 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA AIRSTRIP SOL BORING PROFI..ES •A-A" & "0-D" HAIIA·W~e WSJJ'NJo.JO#IT~-~ ~ Floure 2 o.•tt AHCHQA.\01!, AI.AIIICA IAI'Il~,INJ ORAWfia MJUDEA PA-"C·SK~2 I I I I I I I ~ I I I I l I I I I II tiJ 2.~ 18 2246 n<~4 2242 2240 2238 I AS'l6 z ~2236 ~ .w ii:l2234 2Z32, 22301 2228 j j 2226 .. II ,, u GRAY Sill LEGEND -I I PEAT SIL'IY SAND 5%TOZO% GRAVEL PROFILE "8-8,, AIRSTRIP CENTERUNE WEST EXTENSION (1,400') BAOWN $111 GRAY St.l SCALE' I"~ lOO' HOR, I'• 2' VERT. BROWN St.l GRAY 5~1 I 22'24 j 222.2 --2300 ! ~ t'•:: .. :i!''iji.J ?!,•,:i: ~f:lii:;fiil:7tr~i!1 1f:tll1 ·1 l ·1·:11 1'1: ':rrrffi.:.""' .. ,"-i'u•';!"'T:l!!;;;. :.i!.l!l;:w,:'I'M".:ll'<iw.•''·.w~r;;'l•w••'i.w'• ill' i~l"'~""}J.J.!'Rlli~w:' 'lliE' •w,TITI!l!TI~·~~ll!.·~-UJJAJ!l'L'"'.~""!'"'I i•'"'i£"'1"'i ''"'m:m11-IIJW',mmrrmwmu""l """'""' l .... ill!lllllUI' "'.'""".""""" ~~ I 1 . 1 """~ 22~0 ~·::rl!l:.~·· .. !'~·~,, ",,, p.t··,·Jid. ~.,~· ·k~ 1-' ·.'' 'ltu •• J.~,,,_. . '.. . ' . l.W)Jl.JIJ.lll.llillll.i c.LUV OtOO 2+00 4t00 6t00 STATION B•OO 10•00 l2t00 -~··--~-,._..,._ . ..,.....__. ____ ~_ ... .._':-__ ..__,.._:---________ ~~-.---~--=--.. ~-~-·~~~7:T~;;~ ~-::~~rY~"tiPJJJJ 2286 2284 2282. 2280 2278J 2276 J 2274 ' 2272 ':.270 I 2268 z 2266 0 ~ ~ 2264 ..J w 2262 2260 1 2258 2256 2254 .... "IP:wmr PROFILE "C-C" AIRSTRIP CENTERUNE EAST EXTENSION (2, 1 00') SCALE: I" • roo' HOR. I' • Z' VERT. "~tv ---llw• ~~!nnu IPT FROZEN SECTION •E-E" ~STATION 42+00) AS21&50/ ••~r •w SOFT II~~~· PT UNFROZEN ASI7 PT !='ROZEN Pf UNfROZEN G~ttll 0 ~~ RAY SM LOW PLASTICITY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA AIRSTRIP SOIL BORING PROFILES •s-s• & •c-c• SF.CTIONS.E-E"&·F~ .lfAUHWCO St/.SiNoA. JCI~tr VIHnl"tl APPROVED O:Oni AACIICAAOS.ALAIIKA (APRJO,I9BS ~ " '/ I ::i [' liil!l.il nwnr litlilojjiiJ I I ,·-:.:-""":.:' __,--~- L ~ ft. ,, "~ ·~ t -t ··"= ~.J . . ~-- I : ;._ ~~;._.. .. ~ f' ... a-.:;~ r---, a~ I)IJ ,....-\ ~ fill] T~ ~ ti!!J f.l!!:; GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS - ~lliiif~'\ ...... ,.-~ ........ ,..;11" r-i'Mil!"-"'l ~: .. ~ --i r·~":":T ~-... ..;, ;.:..;J;:J """. J ... Ji. -._.~ Jiij f-"'•"''1 l,.,, .• -.. ~l l-· J U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U, S. Standard Sieve fl~mbe~s Hydrometer 1?. 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 H2 3/8 4 to 20 40 60 80100140200 270 1(}0 ' l I I ...._ ~:..::: :: .... I' II I I I I I I ! _J_ 100 r-: f--t.... !---_, -1---l ! I'-,, ..... ~ -~ 90 ...... 1--. :::::: ~'-... 90 ......... ~ I~ --~ ± --------"' I~ -----f-- 80· - - 1-80 ] __ ~ ['r' 'r-... . --1---·--f---~ 1'-~ " " 70 70 ----1-----1-------~ ~ _... -. -!--I----I .... c. ~ ~ - -"~ ~ ---r-~ --· \' ~ _,_ ' 60 ..... ~ 60· ----1--1-----r--.c " ~ Ot Ol -._ 1-~ 1-"' GJ --,_ -- - ------ --------~ ~ ---. :a :X :l>, 1:: 50 --'--1---f-'"" 50 J:l ~~ L L " ., +---1-----c c "~~ '-I'\ -lt.. ;;: 40 -· ---!--f.--,.o-·-1---!--1-~~ ~-------f---40 ~ ~~ ..... ~ ~K • c c ...{~ .. -~ ·-u ., -I----------~ -~ f----1-~ ~ 30 _I'-1'\. 30 " ---------i-\. '~ ,, -----0. 0. -----------__._ ------- I ......... ~ ~ 20 1-,------ - f------I-----· ---1-------..........: ~ -------20 ( ·I-----------·------·------------~ !--~ 10 i--1--,_.. --1----------_r.:_. -r--. -; ll t' -:::-I . 0 .,. -I-----------· ---------t-r-t--. ---·l 10 1 0.5 0.1 o.os --·0 1000 500 100 50 5 0.01 0.005 o.r,ot Grain Stze tn M111tmeters . GRAVEL SAND FIIIES r BOULDERS COBBLES J I . Coarse F1ne Coarse Hedtum Ftne Silt Sizes lay Size• ~Tisr ~OQ. _[ 80RIJIG HO. -. ·~. .. . j SMiPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job WATANA DAM -AIRSTRIP i t I -No. _ VIS\1/\L Mf\UIJJ\l CLJ\SSiflCI\TlOil Date APRIL, 1983 FlNE SILTY SAND WITH SOME GRAVEL (SUBANGULAR AND SUBROUNDED) . -TYPICAL GRAIN SIZE CURVES ---J APA-C-SK-4 -. .. A • I i l\ t ,. ( . ' ... (\ (\ i' .. l i I , l I lu,·· I I, l . ~ L t t~~~:1 l . t:"""' ' :*i~ ;; "-·-···-· r ~' "+~' ~1"4.. .. f ---· ,~_,·..-;,f c:~:J CJ ~ ""'--"''>i'_j.i r-1 !...;=-' < « ---1 ~,., ~" ;,.,.--"" <:;.~._,;. _,.1 ~ t:,:_ •. · ~' l:,_,._~'.J :~~ L..._.-,""""~ . .1 :~~ ....... ) l, ____ • :;; "-···~---1-~,~_;::!] ,,, f.. 10 1 ·~I· 50' RUNWAY ~I~ tO' .. ,. 5 1 ~~I SHOULDER f SHOULDER '-------------------------------------.. -----··----- I' ~ i TYPICAL RUNWAY SECTION N TS ~'-._DRAINAGE: DITCH (TYP.) REMOVE ALL PEAT BUT DO NOT EXCEED TWO FEET. IN AREA OF DEEP PEAT PLACE FILTER FABRIC ON REMAINING PEAT. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT WATANA AIRSTRIP TYPICAL RUNWAY S~CTION C~l&l.tll· J!!!1JJ~i!:;nJ SUStrhA JOINr VEhru!fE APPAOVEO ANCHORAGE. AlASKA • DATE -'-CONTRACT IIUM£lER I DRAWING NUMBER 4/83 APA-C-SK-5 -·-·-·"" ····-•· --------·. -----·--------------~-.,--------~----;,;--·-~--0 ,..,.~...._,._....-~-, --~-----~--.... ·---------~ 0 " \ ., .I I I ,. < 1 r " <' : I i ' j. ! I I '· l . U,:· r . I .. . I ' ' l \! r r J r r ,~ r, r· I r t ' ' ... r • I. ; . ~ c; I . . •, ~ ~o l l [0 \ I APPENDIX A· R & M WATANA AIRSTRIP REPORT OCTOBER, 1980 -- 110 ' ' \ .. I. I I I: 1: I I· I ;J· .· . '' 1·. i ' '.'1.' ~ 1~·· • • I . . ' I • SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PLAN OF STUDY TASK 2 SURVEYS AND SITE FACILITIES SUBTASK 2.03 RESUPPLY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES AIRSTRIP LOCATION STUDY Prepared For: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY and ACRES AMERICAN, INCORPORATED Prepared By: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. OCTOBER 1980 ------"~---, . .....,--,-~-·-~~..--·-~----.. ---··----··----... -·-····"··· ' ---~ ........... "'"''""'· '' - ~ i 1. _j ' ,_ '" ' I I I I I I I •• I I ·~ .• I I I I I I I I • l 1 . ' I , ..... ·j: < ' ' ' '::: ' : ;; • • .: • • ' ~-' . . . . ., . . ' ~~ --: -~. : <-.~ ::. -_····: ---.· '-~· ". • .•... ·-·-· . --~~---'' ...:._i'-·-·-· ~.__c_ , •. ---~--·-_..,;__., ________ _jl. ... ~~-----·----~----... -----... "· TABLE OF CONTENTS . SECTION PAGE A. Introduction B. Location Pa ramete:rs c . Approach D. Analysis E. Recommendations F. Quantity Estimates -Watana Airstrip G. Construction Cost Estimates TABLES AND EXHIBITS Table I -Dimensional Standards, Basic and General Transport Airports Exhibits 1 Vicinity Map 2 Layout Plan -Alternate A 3 Plan View Alternate A 4 Profile -Alternate A 5 Typical Cross Section 6 Drill Logs AH-01 and AH-02 7 Drill Logs AH-03 and AH-D4 8 Wind Rose 1 2 5 5 7 8 9 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ,11 -~ ·= a 0 c -.. --. IJJ IJJ . . 3 . ' . '<""'~'· 1"'\ ~-----~-... ..._--..~--~j, .,_~,.,.,~--._,._,..,.,..-._. __ _,r•><-~---~_1 __ -·~···-·-'·-•__..::·-~--"'-~ .. ~-....,_,.,__,.,,__~,,...._.~,___,..,..._.. __ _..._..___..____,__;',..:.___ __ • __ , __ ~_ '•.... ~ ,_ ,_· ''"-.-~,-~~·- .. \ A. INTRODUCTION This Study was done as an integral part of the larger Susitna Hydroelectric Project studies. The .Susitna Hydroelectric Project includes proposals for one or more large hydroelectric dams on the upper Susitna River between the Parks Highway near Talkeetna and the Denali Highway. Site locations for two major dams are being studied. The site identified as "Watana Dam" is the further- est upstream site. Winter access is possible on the North side of the river near the Watana site. During the winter of 1979/80 a forty m<:3n base camp was moved in using a 11 Roligon 11 train from the Dencali Highway. This camp is located on relatively level terr-ain North of the Susitna River a short distance upstream from the Watana site.. Crews have been working out of this camp since the early spring of 1980 and con- tinuous field operations are expected well into 1982 and beyond. The camp has been labeled "Watana Camp". Access to Watana Camp at this time is possible by helicopter on a year round basis and by Roligon during winter months. It is difficult to anticipate supply requir·ements with sufficient accuracy to allow resupply by Roligon on an annual basis. Resupply by helicopter is difficult and much more costly than if fixed wing aircraft could be used. In addition personnel access could be provided much more economically by fixed wing aircraft. A determination has been made that adequate landing facilities for fixed wing aircraft should be provided near Watana Camp. The purpose of this location study i$ to detevmine the best location for a runway capable of handling fixed wing aircraft up to and in- ct7lding the Twin Otter. susi4/a -1- ·-. ' ' • '__j t I ·I I ' ' I ' )} I l n .. II\ . 'b lr.r ~ v, . ·. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8. y !, I! in order to reduce the permit requirements Watana Camp was located on Cook Inlet Regional Corporation land rather than BLM land. It was felt that, if possible, the runway for the Twin Otter should also be confined to Cook Inlet Regional Corporation land. The orientation of a runway should always be determined, as much as possible, by the prevailing winds. Wind data was available from the camp weather station. Wet land encr&hment 1s always a consideration from an engineering viewpoint. Construction on wet areas is gen- erally more complex and expensive than on well drained soils. It is obviously desirable to choose an alignment with a mini- mum of water problems. Available soils data has been included as a parameter. Soil logs from barrow pit expioration were available and were considered. The location of available material sources and the . suitability of native materials for construction have definfote impacts on project costs. While not specified FAA criteria for a General Transport runway is assumed to control. Basic d~mensions are shown in Table 1 ~ Maximum runway grades are not to exceed 2~ 0• Exhibit 4 shows the primary cross-sectional requirements. susi4/a -3- 0 u I i. i ' [ ,_ J f} f! [ f(; ·r lt; I[ IL m; ,, . "' .. ' . TABLE I .. DIMENSIONAL STAMDA ~~-~"-_______ .. -_. _______ r-1'1_..;..r-RD=-.;:;:S'-',--=B:;.:.A.:.::S~I:,.:C~A,NQ GENERAL TBANSPOB'T 1--l. I 1--0--'1 i'R.TS NON-PRECISION RUNWAY ·PRECISION RU M.JA Y I l_.__B_A_S_I_:C.:..:::..:...T;_RA..=...:....N-SP-0-R-T-~t--·-G-E..:_N--E=RA-L-+-FOR BASIC OR ITEM DIM A/2. B TRANSPORT GENERAL TRANSPORT . Runway Length Width-Runway -Taxiway -Runway Safety Area Runway.Centerline to -Taxiway Ceqter- A B c D line E -Airplane Parking Area F -Parallel Runway G Taxiway Centerline to . -Airplane Parking Area H . -Fixed or Movable Obstacle I -Parallel Taxiway J Building Restriction Line to -Runway Center- line K -Tax:it.lay Ce.nter-line L I See-Figures 5, 6 and 7 75' 40'' /3 150' 200' 100' 40'/3 300' 200' 300' As required As required by by critical critical airplane airplane · 100' 40'/3 300' 300' 475' . 1.50' 40' /3 500' 400' 650 1 As Pe Current FAA Criteri~ 75' 50' 150' . 250 1 so• 100' 75' 150' 300 1 75' 175' 100' 200' 350' 100~ 250' 200 1 300' • 750 I 200' /1 Letters are keyed to those shown as dimensions on Figure 3. /2 B~sic Transport Column A is to be used only at those low activity sites where an existing utility runway, having no anticipated need for an instrument approach procedure of any kind, is extended for business jets. For all other basic transport airports use Column B. 13 * Hake straight taxiway sections 50 :eet when airplanes with a wheel tread over 25 feet will use the airport. A width of 60 feet will be required for airplanes with tread over 35 feet. ~take curved sections conform to Figure 8 . Taken from FAA AC 150/5300-6 -4- i l i ! L-·f l' r f 0 I i '' r ...... ~ r·: .[ ~~ ~~ fi! IL ·a¥.·' ll' I; ll ( IL C. APPROACH Work began in late Aug us! 1980, with a detailed analysis of wind data accumulated by the weather stations at Watana Camp. The prevailing winds are out of the North East such that an orientation of North 60° East will provide good wind coverage under most weather cond;tions. The wind data is shown on Exhibit 8. With the prevailing winds documented and the controling grades and dimensions chose from FAA Advisory Circul¢rs the selection of ~ alternative locations could be made. Contour mapping generated by the Corps of Engineers on a scale o·f 1 11 =200 1 with 5' contour intervals was used. Two potential runway sites we1e identified on the contour mapping quite close to Watana Ca•np. Alt~~·nate A is South of camp as close as dimensions in Table 1 will allow. Alternate B is on a low ridge North of camp at about the same distance. There were no other locations apparent that were close to Watana Camp. Each alternative was reviewed to determine how well each control- ling parameter was s?,tisfied. Alternative A appears to be the preferred location from this review. A field trip was made to review each alternative. Afternative A was flagged in the field for review by the Archeological team. The Archeological review team cleared the Alternative A location. D. ANALYSIS In many respect both alternatives were essentially equal. Both alternatives were selected to fit FAA criteria in an effort to provide the safest possible facility. susi4/a -5- f l ! .. .;,. '1. • ~ .. ,:...----l ' ' ' .\1 ' ' . \\~i ';&'/.}"''-! : \ -._:~: -~ .:~,.~~;. ~ .. .:._'"-~--o.L----~·---~ .. ~~~--~-~--..-...... ! ,._._.,_..::::_ ___ _,.._.,_ ........... ~..------40---~--.... ----... ~---..........._ ..... I ......... ~: I I I IJ I IJ 11. t f J ll I I I. i.l ! ! I I I I I Soils are essentially identical. Both locations lay within an area which has been identified as . a potential material source for the dam. Alternate A is located along the edge of the borrow area and would have less impact on use of the barrow area than would alternate B. There is only minor differences in the amounts of wet land that will be effected by either alternative if extended to dimensions required for the C-130. A portion of alternate A can be developed to handle the Twin Otter without significant encroachment on obvious wet lands or a need for drainage provisions other than careful surface grading 6 Alternate A can be developed entirely on Cook Inlet Regional Cor·po:ation land. This is true not only for the first stage Twin Otter capability but for the C-130 capability also if length can be held to 5600 feet. Alternate B on the other hand is located largely on B LM land. Alternate A is positioned so close to Watana Camp that an aircraft parking and fueling areas can be provided adjacent to the existing fuel storage area and the camp warehouse. This will provide for easy set'Vicing and unl' ·ding of aircraft. Grades are such that if alternate B were selected an access road of approximately one-half mile would be necessary to move fuel to planes or personnel and freight from planes. From a logistic stand point alternate A has a major advantage over alternate B. The principal advantage of alternate 8 over alter·nate A -.:..:.Js with the ciear zone surface on the Westerly approach. This approach is over the North end of the Watana Dam. The approach to alternate 8 provides a very comfortable clearance of several hundred feet over what may be a very active construction area if the dam is built. Alternate A provides minimum verticle clearance over the susi4/a -6 ... D l :-J 11 lr: I . j ll . 1 ' ·-i 1-. -·. •'i-t.- ' " ' t _.i 1--"1. ,.., ,, . ~ '"' ' -I l ;__J t ~ '--' r ' I' ! " u : potential construction area. If a runway capable of serving C-130 aircraft is eve~tually built on alternate A careful consideration must be given to potential conflicts between construction equipment and the clear zone surface for the Westerly approach. An accept- able clear zone can be maintained for alternate A in any case. When all parameters are considered alternate A is the more attractive alternate for the following reasons: 1 . Best access to Watana Camp; 2. Least expensive construction to serve the Otter aircraft; 3. Minimal drainage problems with the first stage of con- stuction; 4. Minimal interferencE:.~ with potential material source for the dam. E. RECOMMENDATIONS The preferred location of a runway to provide for Twin Otter service to Watana Camp is fairly clearcut. It is recommended that a 2500 foot runway be constructed using a portion of alternate A as shown on Exhibit 2, 3, and 4. This initial runway should be constructed at the highest elevation consist$ht with balanced earth work in order to keep construction costs for this temporary facility to a minimum. The finished runway and safety area should be graded to drain to existing natural drainages. In addition, c.are should be taken so as not to create any areas that will trap snow. Organic soils should be removed from the runway prism as depths to sound material are minimal. Consideration should be given to providing There will a crushed aggregate be occassions when \ surface on the runway itself. aircraft may choose to use the facility during marginal weather conditions. For this reason the use of r·etro-reflective runway markers is recommended. These devises ar-e on alternative to low intensity runway lights that do not require power. susi4/a -7- ?'• (f' j} ,.· l ' r l r. i I ! . I I ! l l. ! I l p f l 1 1 l . f ·'_· ,\ .. r··_, .. I •., ' ' ' j' \ ...... .,.4 ' ·- -· -~cc _____ ; ____ _,;;.,., __ F. QUANTITY ESTIMATES-WATANA AIRSTRIP Item I. Item 2 • Item 3. Item 4. Item 5. susi4/a Waste Excavation (2500 ft. X 100 fL X 2') = 18,519 c.y. 27 Use 1. 2 for contingency use 22,500 c.y. Unclassified Excavation (320 1 ) (5') (2500')(1.2) = 88,888 c.y. use 90,0(10 c.y. (2) (27) Fabric for Safty Area -and Parking Area Safety Area 100' X 2500 1 9 = 27,778 s.y. Extended Safty Area 300x200x2 = 9 13,333 s.y. Parking Area = 13000 s.y. Crushed Surfacing 55,000 s.y. [ (13000 s.y. + (2500)(100)(0.5) ] (1 .05 ) = 7136 cy say 7200 c.y. (9) (3) Retro-Reflective Markers -~- ± 75 -8- f J' r r· r r· r r~ r r '· t· ' . \ G. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE l • 22,500 s.y. @ 3.00 67,500 2. 90,000 c.y. @ 5.00 450,000 3. 55,000 s.y. @ 1.00 55,000 4. 7,200 c. y. @ 10.00 72,000 5. 75 @ 50.00 3,750 6. Mobilization L.S. 200,000 848,250 Contingency 127,238 Total $975,488 susi4/a -9- (; .· r r I~ f I I' I .I ... I I ,: I I I I I, ~~· I I 1 .. r--------- I it !? OWN. 6f2..S CKO. NKq DATE. I() ·~-8£) SCALE. 111 : l t.A'~. ' '" ----, ___ --J -----------------------------------------~-~~---------------------------------~~ R &M CONSULTAI'\.tTS, INC. II!NGINII.ERB Gl!lOI.CIOISTB PI.ANNI;0\!1!1 fiURVEYORil "VA:( At~~ AII2...Sfr?_l p \f I G I ~...J 1-( y t1A p GXJ,-/11511 I F. B. GRID. PROJ,NO. 052.:ZQ3 DWG NO. J . ~-~-----~---~~"-· ~ ---~ --~~~··~·· J~ ~-'='-~--~--~·-~~····------~~}-~----~~---------~---------~-----·-----~·-· -·~~-'" . ._·I. 1 1 ] 1 J 1 'I ') :] . :J ] f'•, fl :J 1 ] ~~ II \, , ~~· \., 1 J lJ ~ [· ·. I . ~ u· l ; . . .. OWN. iZ.::f'l-\ C K D. I'·J \!.~ DATE. 10/6\eo ·-SCALE NT:;, '-..---· ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC. ENOINIU!RB OIIOI.OQIIJTS PI.~NNIIRII IJUI"VI;VCRfil - v\lA/Al.JA AJ1C51f-f?. LAY OU! . =P"t.-1>-N t:::.XY.I~It Z. F. B. GRID. PROJ. N0.05.Q.:<0.3 OWG,NO I t : 1/ .~ '._ \I' -; j• ]. I 1 . : I • I •. t ~ 11 I :I jl 11 . [1 I ] ') ~· rJ ~~ . ~·::1 1 rl. t... < .. ] :1 ~~ 1 J 1 OWN. k':fK CKO. NK9 ~&M CONSULTANTS, INC. DATE. to /6lo0 i!iNOINEt!t:UJ OEQI..OOIQTS PI.."NNERQ BU"IJC'VOR& SCALE. ~\.5 "..,_ •-' " -.·~"''I~' ··~···~ .. ·u 1 ,i I ··~·.;l, •••..•• t t -."\. t , :. I d \,.,,' ·'+., tl .I ••••••• ; . h. I I t ; ) I : i ' I I I ' I I I • l:-'llMNrra <1N3 OO+G.s '1$·, \~ \ I \ \ ( OWN. KJH CKD. NKC! t-- OATE.lD/8/BQ_ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. .NOINEilPU OCOI.OOIIiTiil PI.ANN.RII BURiofli;VQROJ SCALE . .!6 ~cfeD , . .-.;._.,..~.~---·~· . , .•....... ---·-r-------:-~-:-----~ --. - . J () Q + 0 "7j vVA-r~tuA ~ \ RSTR-1 P ?ror-tL=:. ?:...-tA..-5:::... I ~~IB0..-4 (\ __ ,cj_ \-. ~... ill -8~ \ \ i ' ., i _j "· (\I ,_,___ -0 --\ \ \' t\ <( -----<:) --•• c. ' C:::L ' ., . < Nr a_ cl ,--...7 --~. \!..:1. 7 -£> ~· ~ l uJ ~ t __, 3 4 ~ F. B. GRIO. PROJ. NO.DS~..:(05 OW G. NO. " (! \) :::.' r J I -. . . . f • .. • . . . \ . -. ' . . I , ~~----------a-===~A~~==========~==~ F.' B. owN. L.A....s CKD. /2 . ...J • !-/ • '------·---~ R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. l)Al'E. liNCliNI!IlR!I 011.01,0Cli8T8 PI,Af'INCRO OUR\/ItVORO - I I ! I I I I I .r- ' DWN, CKD. Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl ORGANIC MATERIAL N/TRl\CE SILT 31 Visible Ice, 0-4~5', Vr Refusal Boulder at 3.5' -,------4.5' No Visible Ice, 4.5'-6' TRACE ORGANIC HATERI.Z\L, 4. 5 I -6 I RP.fusal Refusal Little Visible Ice, 6'-20 Refusal SANDY SILTY GRAVEL Gray-Brown Refusal .. Auger Refusal at 20' ~~~-------------------------20'T.D. \\TATER TABLE NOT ENCOUNTERED ·PRELIMINARY NOT CORRECTED WITH LAB DATA --- AII-D2 7-15-80 ~~~~~----------------------o• MATJ.3RIAL ------5' (.:;\ SILTY SANDY GRAVEL . ~Tan \...::J 16 Scattered Cobbles 0-5'-29' @2o -----------4.5' (]) 25 SILTY GRAVELLY SA..ND Tan Sl Sl GRAVEL Gray Sl Below 21' GRID. DATE.Aug. 80 SUSITNA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIG~TIONS =:;:.:,.'-(!,.4 /811 C.o PROJ.NO.QS2504 DWG.NO SCALE. 1'=4' I ~ ' 1\1 'i I~ I I I· I . . ~ I I I I I I .,,_. o. s•V \'1. D :-:- Sp S1 Sl Sl Sl sl 1\H-D3 7~-~1~5~-~s~or---------------------o· 1 ORGANIC NATERIAL -----------0. 5' 0 SANDY SILT W/SOME GRAVEL 0'33---.-----1.5' @) 29 Q) 56 92 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL Brnwn O~ANIC ~~~L--O.S' 2 Refusal , DIORITE BOULDER Q"lo------1.5' G) Refusal @12 (§)41 CZ)49 ®95 Sca~tered Cobbles, 11.5'-30.5' SANDY SILTY GRAVEL Gray Scatter:ed Cobbles, 8'-15' Sl Sl OWN. CKD. DATE. AUg • 80 SCALE 1'=4' -· ~~-· .. -·-· .. ,.,.. . ...,... .. '. ·-· ,_ .. , Visible Ice as layers and Coatings, 2'-20, Vc+Vs 20'-23',.N Refusal Visible Ice Lensas, 23'-27', Vs ~&M CONSULTANTS. INC. ENGINEI;.AS CE.OI.OOISTS PI. ... NN£AS SURVEYORS PRELIMINARY NOT CORRECTED WITH LAB DATA SUSITNA RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS C...XHISll 7 F. B. GRID. PROJ.NOQ52504 DWG,NO .I I ,, I I I I I I I I •• I ....... >. i .. ,. • t,.. .. ;- ' . , DWN •• l-,A. B'; CKO. fC. ,...J • ~. DATE.!.[~) -8- SCALE.l--1,-r: :S. ._, •. ·------·~·"'···-----~'--·--·-·~------. ' --0 ..j o· Q ory , ;' .. F. B. V·/A/A:'-.JA AIR:51~.2P vv f,\..Jp 'f<. o.::::.:::::... ~'<!.---11 s r-r B GRin. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. £NOINEIH•S OE0\.0011<1'8 PI.ANNI!AU DURVI!YOAS PROJ.NDQ5ZZQ3 DWG,ND. - f. _"""11".'£-,ff,t+ ,'H-,4!Wi<pl'l"-~<~~-~~fW'/f"wr: .. ~,"-,_, ~----'"':1."'1 '' ' . I i I I I· I .1. ,, I I :; ·I· I : { l ' . ·I j I I l .•. l . 1 ' . . I f ! (.'· r - .. ' APPENDIX 8 HARZA-EBASCO WATANA SOILS BORING LOGS APRIL 6-8, 1983 - -!"""- !> l Al ' - ~ I ~· 1 I, l I j l t I j I I '·'·l jl ,i I ! d 'j ':! J. I i I i ; .• I , I .. I I• .! I 'j i ; l ! I ! i I 1 1• IIJIU ~ f!Bl!~-~·.COJ SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet I of~ Date iJ t;,/8 3 l () Boring No _.::_A.:__S,;__· :!=1,_______ Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9,L__O_____ Ground Elevation __!,R~~~b..o!--.::C:,~---­ Feature /l;,e:;r,e;p ~ B~t:KL Bearing Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N ---------Date Started __ 1:.L...£.).....:,b~/...::8:::...3=------Total Depth -4 · 6 E ----:-------Date Completed #6/8..3 Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ 1'..ogged by 13 E H I IJ H B -OCD -c: :: c: • .c. .2 o-(1)-Zc. :;,:::! -ctl ---C: C.> CD>. OlO C. <a lll:l E Q; -I-U· CD > c:no S."'' 0 CCD ctl-3 .... ·-0 (/).:" ~c: w a: CI:!(O 0 CD -(/) iilc. 1-· 1 !- ~· 1- ~. ~-3 ~ 1- ;§ "'0 .c:~ 0 -~ .C:C) Cl> c: 0 c.o ~...1 <Do ...1(1) G a: Soil Description ,. ;~-,., .... __ ·-. ..-·~ .. """' .. ,-~-.. ~-~·~ .... , .. __ ,,._.,.,,1ft~-~---·,,' ,_,.. ~·-""'""" '~-· -· ........... +-,, 13/20WH SiLTY G/2~ veL.t .. /if S4HD t F!GO;id;J..!) · · "'· ··· · ·· · · · · · . /)fN< 1<: . b/ZA-V ISH l3 ROWH -:~ tJ... r y s r+ 1-1 D C s m) c: .2 -ctl -c: CD E :l .... -u: c: Rem&rks ·- ····- - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Shaet _ of __ _ "''I""-~·~·-··-··-;:·;-;~;··,~,--·· '-;;-··---~·-····-· ll <~i . : . I 1/ I I JJ ,j . \ ···, I ! I I I I I I I I I ., I I I I····~ " r ,. ,. l; '• ... :.., _ _... 1'' ('':::1' ' """ '" ,_ "''-•·~·••-~----·~---~·~.-•-"--·· •"•"""~-• --•-••--•·--•• -'-·--·• "•--•----~---·~·-•--------• -"-•• --'-~••·-~·· r""" ____ _,_., ·-·.o•--·"-··~-·------~-.~~-.. "'<--..._, ________ __::.:_._,_...---~--.....:...--... i_, __ ,, _ . H~IU~ IIJJJ~(f:@ SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A S · f Feature lt~RSrl?tP f( 3SftJ6 Goordmates: N -------- E---..,..------ Logged by RE H / /) HB , c ci e . -:: c: • '0 .s:: .!:! o-cu-Zc. ::J= .r.:e .2 -ctl ---1: a.c: cu>-0 -cu ..S::C) ·C. ctl CO::J <..:~ 0 Ecu _ .... C)> c.o CU> 0.'0 0 co c~ .!?U ctl-3: ... e~ CI),E E c Q)u w a: ctl t':l 0 Q) -lcu 0 -(f) iii c. a: I-•· I LJ i--·~· ., ....... --" 3 J i-- ~ i-- - - SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) __ ~9"'-=-0_0 __ _ Sheet I of_/__ Date --?/6 /83 Ground Elevation ~ ;.( G 6 , 0 Bearing Rock Elevation --------- Date Started __ ___.4'-L:/:-=6~Z:..-'.=8..!:!3;..._____ Total Depth -1-, G" Date Completed_ f;/G/83 Ground-Water Elevation ____ _ Soil Description G12 4 '1 · G.IZn us l(l y ( F=-m) . .. -··-.. - c 0 :;:: ctl -c Cl E :l ... -(I) c I Remarks ·-- .. - riJO IS TO~!:; coA.JrEwr J4 ./%. ·- - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ :; 1 'l j l 'j : \ -i:l \ ' ~1 1 ~ . i t ! 1 ! ,J i ! ! l ;) .j "" \ l ! ) l ,J l 1 l f j ' -I J J l l l l l I l I I I 1/ . . . If I I I I I I I I I •• .J I ·II !I I I liJJW~ f~A~,_[i.@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A 3 -3 ____ _ Feature 11Jf?sr£jP (IJ '3b foO SOIL BORING LOG o7,..,o Angle (from Horizontai) _ ____,!._:::V:______ Ground Elevation ---. Sheet I of_/__ Date 4-/6.183 Coordinates: N ---------Date Started ___ _:f-4~ """3'-------Total Depth 9 .£ Bearing Yfll Rock Elevation ---=-·------ Date Completed ~3 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ E~--7--------- Logged by . ;eG J.I.J {) H R r;-l Q) > QQ) iii - -· 3 ~-· 1-·· -·· t- 10 0 .. I J . I J I~ J l I l ;<.. 4 1 I ~-·s'-~lr .. ·oJZ.~.~J.>~Jc. J~S'llT .. r~/tcfi: . o.F Sr24vst. ;=ec; 2-o/£ ' GJZot-v,v ~~v£5.t.J:,y S;.~.-ry S'#ND (1110j,'i.f) . . . . ... ·-... ~-·... .• . .. . .• ,,,. ...... .... ..... "... .. . ..... .. -~ .. --~ .... -. . j3£0WH tS II {3/2./l.y (Dt4mP) Remarks f}'JO IS'77)Il.~ . ~ (!QTf;;1 ,'1bHT A-5:1/o - .. _ - .. - ·- - - - ·- - Boring No. ___ Sheet of __ _ ·'" ~ \ J 1 I l l 1 I I j l ) l [ I I I . I l 1 ' I I I'. I I I I I I I I ... I I I "I· ,~, ' I :1 I; I I • ~ r ~· \}. BIJIUJl ~liS~~ .. ~:(@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A S 4 Feature A uesr/2/ p Coordinates: N OF cf: 7:1: I Hoe rJI 6'Z7:J 3 b roo E ----------- Logged by ----------- -0 Q) -c == c . "C .c .2 o-cv-Zc. ::::~= .c~ .E -Ill ---C C.> cv>-C· ll> ... (!) .CO) C.ll! CD :::I E a; -1-(.). C)> Q) > 0 c."C 0 t::(.'\ a.o o_:e .~0 Ill-;-: ... ~--~ cn.E Ec Q) (.) w ex: Ill (13 0 Q) -'cv C!' -(/) iii c. a: -···· " --... .t }-J. r-' . . ... ' ... SOIL BORING L.OG oo" Angle (from Horizontai) __ _L,L_::::::.__ ___ _ Bearing Date Started W 7F3 Date Completed -~...;.""':...=h:.....:6~7....!o:f-~:3"""----- Soil Description ./3/?.t);H_. _)='~~'1[ .. FJZc> 'J::eH ' 1 0£4/J.Hie SIJ..TY S/tH..O Ia /20WH /)10/S T Sheet I ot._f__ Date --9/6/83 • Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation ---:--------- Total Depth 6 · 0 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c -~ -Ill -c Q) s :::1 ... -Cl) c Remarks "" ·-·- -· .. - •· -~ .. · -· ., •.... _., . ., __ ,._ I ,., - .... - - o!Z<hAH It:. --<.: o HTGNT //.G"% 19$tSrt6S _ - - - - - - - I I Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _J 1 :f e~ 1.·· .. , J J ,. l ' 1 I• 1 · l I ' J, l .. I ) ,!. ! ; I { I l ' I ~~ .. ~ ' { \ I •• - I ! j I 'l i ~ 'i I ~ I •• •• I I ~ .I 'e ' :a '·I '! . ' 1 I ·---· ,. r lfPJjj?Ujs fiJjiC@J SOIL BORING LOG SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet Date I otL -t=/6/P.::; 4 ---- Boring No A S -5 Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9L..=:O ____ ~ Ground Elevation-------- Feature Lf;e:zne;P zs-·· HMTII Bearing Rock Elevation ___ " _____ _ Coordinates: N oF ~ S/79 8oro6 Date Started 4-/t;ff-3 _ Total Depth _-LI.....:C~. 0:::::;__ _____ _ E Date Completed i/6ff:3' Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ Logged by ££/1} JJHR c -ci -0 c 3: Q) c . ~ = .c .2 o-a>-z a. :J::: .c Q) .2 ctl -C -«i Q)>. 01.0 ~ ---o.c:; C,IV .CO) c:: a.ns to ::1 Ea> -I-0· i:> c..o Soil Description Q) Remarks Q) > Clo a.., 0 E c Q) m-3: Q) 0 f!...J ·-(.) Cl).!: Ec ~ ....~g ::1 iii a: «< ctl 0 Q) CJ .... a. --(/) to a: (/) c ; f--' .. .. . ,,..~,..--~ -·-...... _ ··• . '. ~ ·~. ~ ..... .,., . ,..,_ . ... ... ·'' ..._ • r-1 . : ,. -.1 4 ~ ~ """" • •I· "' .. ..... .,,,. -e•'>• .,_ .... -· ~ . '. ~ .. '"' . ,.._ .. .. .... _, .. ..... -> .... _.,_ ............. .., -· ,._ ,.,....,.,_ ...... ~ -· ... ""·'1'""'' ,. ..... ··..r cr-'-"'"' -- ' . I-~-•·· "" ""'-''' ~ . .., ~ .. , E/fZ()W/'1. .Pe/Jr -•· . .. .. ~--· . ... -. . .. _ ··--· .,, . •· - ~ ' _, ....... . ,,_ ., ·• .. . " .......... .," -"· -··.., ·• ... ~ .. _,_ .. . '""'. ~. , . "' .,. •· -· •· ... ····- !-'•' -'"""""' I PI=~M~F£~~ "·•"· -·~ ·-· " .... '" ., ...... ·•·· -. --""' •""'"~ .. -~---... --- ~ :CeliE ct. Pt:;;;r 75'% , C;(.,/5.4/2 .. <:J-W)l)rE f'(!,£ -. w Xa..t:-.. . ' '. .. _ r-~ " " .. •· " ,.__ . ~-... -. -.... ... '. - L4 ~"' j ... .. ·"'* .... ,.. "'' ,~-'"'~~ . , ' " ... ... ... . ~-""'-< . .. . . ,.,., - PlEAT 4-Ie!-E ~fo f-. .. . "--"''"'".-/<!-£ -I ~ l ~ PeaT td!T# f(,f? :?6'}/;; iCE - ?I.~ ()(Z i--- ~ a e;:;v 8/..lT"J' f/?H€ S.t?HD -4-1'-;) _$ f; #.G'S -2 I?JO/ST ..... - _l - -.- ..§ - 1-G.e/9y S.!.<.T'I (F~!!) 5'/IND n ~:::~· ~, ~'KS\i - 8 (JJoJ.FT r-2 - I-- tO j -.. ... Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of-----.. iJ - I I I -----. lmlliUJ~ ffBJJifC® SOIL BORING LOG Sheet / of I Date 4,/01~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /JS-b 90° Feature A.'.e'ST/2/ c:. .. ,. Angle (from Horizontai) ____ L-,:;::,..._ ___ Ground Elevation --__ ,. Z£ Ho..epl Bearing ---------Coordin~tes:N E ()C ¢. .5'(77 34/c'O Date Star-te_d ____ A-:~--r6-/1-,·r:f:-:3' ____ Rock Elevation :1 Total Depth J, D ."7 / Date Completed~ ?3 Logged by __g£_// 7 0 HB Ground-Water Elevation ____ _ c -ci _. c 3: <11 c . "C ,cO o-(ll-z a. ::J --CIS -.c~ -~ -;; -C o.c: >. Ot.n O.CIS a:I::S ~ -o <11> Clo E <11 .... (.). C'l> .c C'l 0<11 CIS-c."C 0 co a. 0 Soil Descriptiol'} ·-(.) :: ... CIS -1 w a: cn..5 E c: 0 <11 <11 CJ ... -CIS CIS a. -1<11 (!) en a:J a: .e -('Q -c <11 e Remarks ::s ... -(/) c -·· •.... ,.. - -• ·~, •• ,,_..., "" <J·ilo-• ··<f>'-··-·' £EFVsA/ OH /-7vGBK' .a. ~.; ·- .. --- -·. 1-. ··- -- - - - ' - - - - -· - - Boring No.---Sheet---of --- 0 •• I I I ;I •• I I r lffLIJI:, ~JfJJJJI~t~@ SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet-'---. of_/_ Date~6/n As 7 9(""'G Boring No IT . Angle (from Horizontal) _ __,__:/_____ Ground Elevation-------- Feature /1.1 e 5"',re; P ¢[. 81ftJo Bearing Rock Elevation --------- Coordinates: N ---------Date Started £,_767?;; Total Depth E _ Date Completed _ _z-l./-Z.J;.!6--t?J~~~.....J~---Ground-Water Elevation Logged by ,££11 ~/J)HR /tJ.{) -0(1) c 3:_ .c .2 Cl)-Zo. .9c -CO --CD ::::I Q.~ Q)>. O.ca Ell) -I-Q) > Clo a."O c~ rn-·-(.) (/).E E c w a: ca ca -CJ) ~"'"' ~-.. '-~ e ~-- 1-' .< !--·· -.. i ~ 1---. _.,..,,~ ~- ~ - ~ t- 0 1-- Jo -c . "C ::::~= .c~ .2 OU') -Q) .Ctn U· Cl> a.o 0 c 0 ;: .... e...~ Q) t) 0 C!l ...1(1) " mo. a: Soil Ogscr!ptinn c 0 :0:: ca -c Q) E ::;, --(/) c 'Remarks -/;l-8 PcF 7cJ? om..~ . /0 "- ;~.7% 1)1(!.. ~fhl '~~~-HK\\"1 ·- - ·- - - - ·- - - Boring No. __ ..,... Sheet of __ _ I l r ~: l I I r f I t I i I I ' < ' I I < I < I I I I I I I I I I () - {, . JjJ?UJ~ ffJBIJ~~D SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 8 o. /1. Angle (from Horizontal) 7 0 Feature .t:z/IZ5'{t21P' 7::S: 'Ho£-TJ/ Bearing --. ..L------ Coordinates: N o!= (t. (£ 3 7:lt.'CJ 4/6_L?3 ~ / ., ~:~: ~~:t;~ted d/G ft3 Logged by /yG/1, iJ tyg c ~ d -Q) c . ~ ..c.2 o-Q)-z c. :::J= ..ce 0 -C -l'a --c.c: ~ ol() O.nJ Ql:::J Q) -Q) ..c ~> Clo EQ) 0· C)> C) CIU ca-a.'l:l 0 c 0 a. .3 Soil Description _o 3 ... ca jjj a: CI).E Ec IUo ... 0 Q) ...JQ) -caca aic. c:s (I) a: ' -,,~ , _ __,._-""' ' .. , ~ ,,., ,_ ,,._. ,.,. 3 --=:.,., f-·· < - - - -· ~---' Sheet / of_/__ Date d7J; (/f:3 Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation ---=:------- Total Depth _,Q""--, _.? ______ _ Ground-Water Elevation ,.,. ~ ,.-... _..,_,. ... , c 0 :;::; ca -c: Q) E :::J ... -1/) c: ------- Remarks ,._ -, ...... , .. ,,,_. __ ,. -.,_ -"·--·~--.. _ .. ,,. . - ..... _ ·- - - - - <- -· - Boring No.---Sheet-----of--- . :, :r ---~....;.--'>.L..;.Sn.,. . ..:._ .. ~~_;___·~~..:...--_i__, ______ ---·--' .. _____ .. ___ -----·· .. -·--· --~-~---···----·-·---· -~::J- ~~ I 1 :l I ~lr l ~·~ •• I I I •• I t I • . ... ' }! i . r . 1l1 n . It i ... , .. _-- '-' ' _;"':! . ;•'. BIJIUJ~ lEIIJ~t~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _A. S -9 SOIL BOR~NG LOG Sheet I of I Date 4/G/f3"" Angle (from Horizontal) _ ____.9"-. ~0 ____ _ -Ground Elevation Bearing . --------Rock Elevation Feature A,gs r.e~P ;4 a Btoo Coordinates: N -------------------Date Started 4~1=,/ :i"3 Total Depth ---8-:;:-.----------- Date Completed __ i_ b/8::::3 Ground-Water Elevation E .--:--.--=---- Logged by BE#,/ f)HR -- -------- -cicu -c ;: c • 't:l .c.2 o-cu-Za. :::1= -<a .c~ .g ---C O.t: cu>-Or.n C.ca Ill :::I -cu .c <U> tno Ecu _ .... (.)· C)> 0) o..'t:l 0 c. 0 O<U ·-(.) m-;: ... c 0 e ..J iii a: en.!: Ec 0 <U <U (,) -mea roc. ..Jcu 0 Cl) a: 1-· . I-· iO Soil Description ' -. . 13e~wN.. Pe.Ar,.~.- ... f3 IZ<.u . .t.~· ~. . ~"~ r y _ -~ 11 1--1 (). (t= _ <!:} ... TR cJP Fl NE G ~AUJ!E L , [}/1-/J'J, .. p . '·~ ___ ............... _. ,,._.,.,._ ..... .._ .................. , .... . . . .-.. .. ---..... ·: '>o.,. __ ..._.,.,,_. :--· ·"''" -~--... ~---~·""-··· ~-.... -~-...-....... -.. ,,, .. ' . . ' .. -•"'-~·-~ ..... \~·-.. -----· ____ ...,._.,..,-~·--·· .,.,__"''"'' c 0 ; m -c <U e 2 -112 c Remarks . ·- 1-....... ~·-·-·--·-~-·-'·-.. _ I P.eat!..roe ·rssr- e~:sv"'-r.s /a a ;e-cr- 8% ome... .. - - - - - - - - - Boring No.---Sheet---of -----1(' - I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I •• li!JjJ?;!:J ~ IJJJil~~£UJ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A 'S /0 Feature &;..esr&;P ;i: 89 roo Coordinate~; N ---------- E /DHR Logged by ZE// 7 -ci Q) -c == c: • "0 .c-2 o-cu-Zc. ;:,: .cE .2 -(13 ---C c.~ o>-Otn -cu .CO) c.m I:CI::l -I-0· C)> Q) > 0)0 EQ) C.-o 0 c 0 c.o 0~ m-== ... f!..J __ (.) CIJ.E E c Q) 0 w a: 0 Q) -'cu c:J m m me. -en a: -.. - SOIL BORING LOG 900 Angle (from Horizontal) __ _!,_ ____ _ Bearing 0 Sheet I otJ_ Date 4/G /r.3 • Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started ---~=.r-~~~;:...;/:.....,,;=-}0_;---- Date Completed _d:-.L.~~_,o::..Z~o--'.J:;__ ____ Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ Total Depth Son Description ' c: .2 -(13 -c: Q) E 2 -1/) c: Remarks ··-_ .... _.,,_,.~ ___ , __ .,.. -.... --.,_..,. __ ~ "'""'"'··-t~·,..--,..,,.,.. •.. , ......... -... ...,..,¥ ... --' -.---....---... _.._ '3 -·· " -.. I;:.·,;;~;~~ K\ \'\} - ~ ·•' . 4t 5".C!.<.A '/ .. • . . .. _ - - ·- - - -- - - - Boring No.-~--.... Sheet---·-of __ _ \ l l l I ~' f . ! "'' i' l l l l l ! I " I I ! I l l ' ! ' ~~-~ I - - fljlfm ~ ffJj~~~:® SOIL BORING LOG SlJSITNA JOINT VENTURE ~ .. Sheet I of _L_ Date -'9-/~ I f'3 J Boring No _ _£_A~S~.!.../=-1-,..-----Angle (from Horizontal) _ __.9~0=-----Ground Elevation Feature fl;;ZsratP ~ 4-otoD Bearing Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N Date Started ! ~-~ Total Depth /. 0 E Date Completed -~-L-..!.~:-'o-~.,Lfl~..J~----Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ Logged by !ZG»/ b H/2 -r: ..c: .2 --C..co;s (I) > 0<11 w - I _i.. :: o--1: CQ::l 0)0 ·-(.) 0::: -·-···> . "'"" Q>--CO c..c: E<11 ca-(1).!: -· . ·-· -" -""" - -· - - - -· - - - I 0(1) -1: • :zf:L ::l= (!)>. Or.o -1-(.). Cl."'' Q :: ... E c: 0<11 caca iiio. en "'0 ..c:~ .:! -(I) ..C:C) C)> c 0 c..o E-' a>u -Jw (..? a: Soil Description fiJEAT jZEFv57Jc ON ffO(b£/2 /J.FTE/2 -:3 · ;tJ-rTE/17 iZl.S, ;Jl,4HY · 8out,IJ.<£1'2S HT. · ";e. "ti£14£ ·sv;er=.,c;2:-G · -· · · .. · --· 1: .S! -co -c Q) E :::J ... -(/) 1: Remarks -- " ·-· ·~-~"<· -- - ..... ·-····-·- . ' - - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ I I I· ·~ I {i]!Jjlil}j ® f!BJJ~(~£@ SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /lS / ;< Feature /-fpzs r121P Coordinates: N ------ SOIL BORING LOG w 1 .1"-""\ ---' Sheet I o.f _l_ Date +/6/8"3 Angle (from Horizontai) _ _.9'-0.:;__ ____ Ground Eievation -------- Bearing ------~--~~,..-------Rock Elevation --------- Date Started +/6 Jrs Total Depth E,..-------.,r------ Logged by .fl,G./1/ iJttR Date Completed 4;/6/r...3 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ _., -ciQ) -c :: c . .c.S! o-cv-Zc. ::::~.: -ttl ---C c.c: Q)>-Otn C.l\1 CD ::I E cv -~ U· (I)> 0 Q."C 0 CCV .£!>0 ttl-= Ec :: .... w a: (l).: C'Ci ttl 0 ()) -en a:; c. -· - - - "0 .cl!:! -~ -cv .Ctn 01;:. c: 0 c.o (l)o e_, -lev (!I c:: Soil Description Pe/9r P/1JZK /3/ZCJDtfN o/Z;<!J.A-N ~< &/""-r'-1 SAND . ' c .£ -ttl -c (I) E ::I ..... -en c Remarks ()f!!.(J;,t/ AI I C.. CQJ.)(I:?AI T .84C8 /L ... --··---. - ......... ~ . - ·- - - - -··- - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ IIJIU ~ fiJJJ~®:!@ SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE ,., Sheet t of _k,._ Date -i/6/?::5' Boring No J1.5 /3 _ Angle (from Horizontai), _ _,9!.-0=-- 0 ____ Ground Elevation-------- Feature A t'RS"T/:UP ¢ -?--2 f06 Bearing -----+---r...c-::...-----Rock Elevation ----:----- Coordinates: N Date Started 4;/6 /?3 Total Depth / Z 5 E Date Completed ?7-;i' /?3 Ground-Water Elevation 3 -$ Logged by REhl 7 / D.i'-!R c .c .E --C.a:s Cl) > CCI) jjj - :: o--t: Cl::J oo _(.) a: Cl)- -m a.c: ECI) m-cn..= \ ' .... c . ;:,.: otn (.). 0 ::: ... 0 Cl) 050. "C ..c:.e -CI) Cl> co Q)() -ICI) a: Soil Description Rs.4r I --. . -·-,_ • G !2AV -S/1-J../.OY Si·A.-r 5'?1-T. 01341.( S-4Nt:?y s J.L-r '5.4T __ r - c .E -m -c Cl) E :::1 ... -(/) c Remarks ·-·------··--·-·- --~ - . - - - - - - - J7lOISrP..e~ _ co tV rGH. r J?,R.% - - - Boring No.----...--.-Sheet ___ of __ _ · .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I!J?ilj ~JE~JJJ~tCD SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /-J S /3 Feature A,,es;-/2/P d ~roo SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) ______ _ --. Sheet g ofg_ Date -4 /& 18-:3 Ground Elevation-------- ; .... Bearing Rock Elevation --~-=---- Coordinates: N ---------Date Started ___ A..L-{+/1-76"--'~ /'-7--.f-._:3 ____ Total Depth I 7..5 Date Completed ~ /?3 Ground-Water Elevation--.:3----=·S=-----E . Logged by ---"£=.c:i:::LJ.l..c...yt:.../___,D:;....;N~R..._ __ c ~.!:! --O.m (I)> a~ w - -·- Jl. ~- :.... 1 I I - oQ) 3 o-Q)-Zo. -C -<1l Q):>. Q.~ IXl:::S _ .... C'Jo EC1i Q."' <ll-·-0 ooE. E c: a: <1l(1l en -c • "0 :::J= ~~ ol.t') -<1.1 0· C'J> 0 co 3 .... <1.1 0 0 Q) -I (I) a:; a. a: ~ .CO) !:l.o E-1 (.? Soil Description .. '" ... ".. ·~ ·~· .~ .... """"""" t' GIZA'/ S/L..TY S.4HD . • * ... < /£ (j;t= (.; ;2/9VSL "~/fT. r;;.,e/9 y' S /~T Y ~LI H .0 re o ;= g ,.e/J oEc.. rllZ-/71~~ c 0 :;:: <1l -c (I) E :::J ... -en c Remarks .. d. ··-···-·-. - , ...... -- ·- - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet of __ _ r · ........ -~ .. . __ ., - ~ ~, I I I I I I I I ll I DFJJji1JJ~fiJ~~~@) SOIL BORING LOG Sheet _L_ ot_,.._L Date#7_L!;3_ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No iJ S 14 90 0 Feature /ft/ZST/2/P 7£1 Hta.J&T4 Coordinates: N ut-= ¢_ -?= 2 fc:'o Angle (from Horizontal)_~-"'--='-----Ground Elevation-------- Bearing ------r---r..,-------Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started ~b/?.3 Total Depth IS E=----r------- Logged by 12£11,/u N /.2 Date Completed -t-/z/1'3 Ground-Water Elevation_~Z"'""·-o, ___ _ r:: -oQ) -0 r:: :: c: . "0 :;:: .t: .2 o-Q)-Zo. ::s= .c:e 0 Cl:l -«! ----C 0.> Q)>. OUl -Q) -B.8l c: O.ca Ill :I E Q; -1-U· Ol> Soil Description w Remarks <D> triO 0."0 0 c:o E ocn m-3: ... ~..J _(.) CJ)c: Ec <Do :::s w 0: m m 0 Q) ..JQ) (!J .... iiJO. --U) a: 1/) c: 1--, w -9t-Pe.4T ../-C!.E - ~ - g -j - 3 t--I - fki'~T { F/Zd ./f.GH) r-- 4- r--. - ~ - § - 1-- ~ PEE/I.T t/NF~O~G/-f' - -- ~ - 1--- ~ -C~Ay .S/,..t._TY S'17N-tJ ~ ·r:e. or-~/Z4vGL. [f ,!~:..'":. bSSJ - ~ - 1-- /0 Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ ~ L ~----" -------- al IJ ll 11 I'! ) l r l i I f -~ IJ I I -· Df]Jj[lyj ~ fEflJ}j~(&@ SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /l-S /-'9- Feature ~.e'fr.l?/P z:s=' No?r# Coordinates: N C:E ¢:. 41 KV E----,------- Logged by .£2G.JJ / /}HR "CI -3: oQ) C:. c .c .2 o-Q)-Za. ;::,::: .ce .~ -ctl ---C o.c: >. OLn -Q) .CO) C.ca t:D:J ~!-·(.). 0)> Q) > 0 EQ1 a. 0 ;:: 0 o.o c~ .!?u ca-E" :s: .... Q) 0 e-~ (/)..: UJ a: c 0 Q) -l(j,) C!i caca-o. -(/) aJ a: 1- 11 \ -\ 3 I I;< \ ~ i \ 1- l/.3 i-~ l/:1- SOIL BORING LOG ---' Sheet_ tf _ofk Date + 71/ 8'".3 90 0 Angle {from Horizontal)_---"'-----Ground Elevation-------- Bearing Rock Elevation --------- Date Started ___ !!L-t-r-J.-z..L/?-=?:~:3..;:_____ Total Depth 15 0 Date Completed 1Z.iL_~ Ground-Water Elevation_...~-7~<>~--- ' c: .52 (ii -c: Q) Soil Description E Remarks :J .:::: (/) c: - &~A-Y t.5'/4T7 5'14-N-tl -t;l· ·~"-" ~: ~-: =K\S1 112 OP ;C;IYE G.k!AuR - - - - C~H-Y 5'/..(_ry ~tHE:. 5'/IN4' - T/2. or=F/NG' t;;Z/1-c.J G L - \ rJ1!2mtS/z 1-- /2 \ l - 1-- JE - 1-- JZ - 1-- 1)¥ -- .... - t1 - 1-- ~t) Boring No. ___ Sheet __ of __ _ __ ,-- I I 1\ ! I· ' 1 I\ 1: I' I! ·1·.1 . ) I\ l l, i ' ; l i ' ·• I I ( I ll IJ ll ~ SOiL BORING LOG Boring No If$ /6 Angla (from Horizontal) __ 9:....0..:.._ ___ _ Feature At;€Sr72,!P 76 '.scJvT/J Bearing --------+....-:-::=----- Coordinates: N aF ¢. 4.1 &'Zt___ Date Started _ _.-t-~Z~z..J_z;_·f-::r--=3=------ E · Date Completed ~-9':~/_..z~/.~'!':~'.3=----- Logged by /?&,1-1/t2NB , "01 -ci(!) -c 3: c . ..c .9 o-(!)-Zo. ::::~::: ..c e I·~ -ltl ---C c..c: (I)>-01/) -(!)..CO) 0.(tl CO :::I -!-(.). Ol> a.o (!)> Clo E Cll 0.-o 0 c 0 (tl-' Soil Description OCll (tl ..... ;:: ... ... u U).E E c Cll (.) ... w a: (tl (tl 0 (!) -1 Cll (!) -coo. 0: U) I f- L1 p G'/9-7 ( 'Ffi!O _76N) t- ~ I -I f- l r-3 /2EFI.JS/JL OAt /}UfbE.e 1- i-- - f-- - i-- f- 1-- f- f-- 1- i-- f- Sheet_!_ ~_L_ Date -1'-/1. if:3' • Ground-Water Elevation _______ _ c 0 :;:: .!!! c (!) E Remarks ::I ... -tn c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l _j Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ I' .~. I' 1: f .~, I! f; l r ' ) 1'. ! j 11 \. ---. SO!L BORING LOG Sheet _L_ of _L Date 417/aa Boring No /l.~S:.__::./-=6:::__ ____ _ Feature4;eSW/f? ¢ 4-1-too Coordinates: N --------- OJC)o Angle {from Horizontal) _ _,_/ ___ _ Ground Elevation _______ _ Bearing . . E -:::;----::------ logged by ~fi" H // iJ Nt2 7 Date Started __ 4 { 7 7 8 3 Date Completed .z:;/iliJ:g "2 3,!: .c .S! o-(!)--Ill ---C: 0.(: 0.('tS al::J E (!) (!) > Clo C,!i!? cu-._u (I)-= w cc - 1- ~ r- ~ ~ 3 r- 1- :::!- t- -s- '\ 1- L£ !- L7 t- _8 t- :i 1- Jc) c:i(!) -c: . Zo. ::::~= (!)>. 01.() -·I-(.). 0.-o 0 == ... Ec: C'tS('tS Q(!) -0. en CD I I I I .I I I I j !J... "01 .t::e -(!) 0'1> go ..J~ cc I -~ .!::O'J c.o Soil Description e..J (!) Pt=/1T £/&o~E-¥ VJ\1 i:::;Zcl;;:E.I-/ P/54T 6!f4Y G;Zil-tJE,i.L. y 5/.l...TLj 6£/f.y C.£/JV/3-Z-t 'I Sl.t.. TY r· -- Rock Elevation ---~----- Total Depth P · G Ground·W:::ter Elevation ______ _ c: 0 -~ c: (!) Remarks E ::J .... -rn c: ~ - ·• - - - - - - - - - - j-./J.HO l~@d -~'t.:N - - - - $/I H.D ~ - - _ _j Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ 1: I! .~ 1\ 1: I\ I I u I ll I SOIL BORING LOG Sheet_!__ of _j_ Date 47zl& ' A q0o Boring No t1 5' l 7 Angle (from Horizontal) L Ground Elevation-------- Feature f.JJ/.C5T,t?/lt:> z_s-' SOUTh' Bearing -----,...----.--,.--------Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N cE £t 7--1/~"C.:-Date St.1rted ---~~Z..L.?...,£./-;"'e'=-'.3=-----Total Depth ----"-/.....::.?._1·_::G_) ___ _ E Date Completed f,/z/§13 Logged by Jf?G/1 7 / DNR -ol -0(1) -c :: c . ..c .9 o-(!)-Za. :::~= .c e j·~ -C -C'tl (!)>-010 --0.> -cu .C~J1 a.r:a CD :::I E Q; -I-(..). 0'1> a.o cu > 0'10 a."t:i 0 c 0 C'tl -1 ccu C'tl-==~ ·-(..) (I),S E c cu u ~ jjj a: I'Q('Q ocu -I cu 1'.!1 -(f) me. a: 1- _!_ 1- _g 1- J - ..:1' 1- :) ~ ~ . I t- J 1- ~ -:< L:l 1- /D Soil Description P.G/7T -· F&o:%.6/-f' d N r-..&;.,..-x.EI-/ ;PE/?T <6&4'/ S/.-<.TY SA!r/12 y 6ea.y S/.-GT/ S//ND In/ I-/ ol!?. r;~C,;;.cE' C)~ (:}eAVGL __ .. Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c .2 -C'tl -c cu E Remarks :::1 ... -(/) c - - - - - - - - - - - l~;'h~/; &S\ \l - PJ:--£.o P.A.::/to - .1..-t.: /8 7.7~ C4.4Lj - - J - K•: r,,.; .I K iSSJ $ -::-·:.. .•4 p;: .::3.· 7 - ~ -r ~0, 7 "'-s- P.<. :-/7, 0.5 ~- - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ . · .. ' . ·;: ~~ I I I ll I I " . ; I ; ' I I I ' ~ I I I ) I . I I ',.' ·_ . ,. ,. >'. '# \'i~ DflJj~l}j ~ JEJ1]Jj~&® SOIL BORING LOG SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A 5' /8 -· . Angle (from HorizontaiL ___ S',D~~ _ Feature A ucs T.I2,/.C __ 2:;2~t.)£L/f Bearing ____ .. _ --~-__ 7 __ 1(~------~-. Coordinates: N C.~ ___ ::f:..i!:_L__.:Q____ Datt: Started ---·----ZL-ZLf:! ..:c-----·-··--··-- Logged by ~Z l2J:i;e~---Date completed --~/JL~~'::£-.. ·-----·-- . i-l I -c:: 3 Ocujc:...:j -o .c: .2 o-cu-z a. ::J -.c: cu (.) -ca ---C:: a.c: cu>-i 0 r.o,-C> :ECl a.ca al::l Ecu -t-!Udl en>, a.o Soil Description cu > cno a. . co 0~ ·-0 ca-E]l ~ ... cu oi e..J rn.S w a; ('Q ('Q I E ~~ ..J QJ l (!) -fJ) co I a:: t i . l l l I l l ! I I P.G.4T -1 I Cf-.../-C,G ! ! I I I ! ,j l I ! I I I I I 1-' l ! j ?;:,..;r F';&c.l;!RH i l I ~ I J I I I - I I ~ • I I l I I I 1-?s~r VJYF~ifEH ~ 1- § 1- ~ _i. GIZAi SL<7Y SAi·ID Hat-J~ P~AS i'lC'. 1-I J l l • f.-.-, I :_0 J - ~ t---"' ' { 1- /0 _l . ' ----<II Ground Elevation __ Rock Elevation __ ---~--------------· Total Dt:;:·th ----·-~-·/ f?.~­ Ground·Water Elevation __ ~~'2-·---- c:: .2 -~ c: cu Remarks E ::I .... -q) .5 - - - - - - - - . - - - - I - - - - - - - - Boring No. __ Sheet ___ of-·--· .. _, - I I I I I I * • I I I \' .. I I . . ~ ~ ~ l ' '2 .c.~ --O.qJ (!):;:> c~ UJ - ~ J 1- ::1. ~ !- L3 1- d ~ ~ - ~ l .2 - l13 1- ~ r- /() s o-<!)- -«l -C 0.> lD::::l Eiii 0'10 «l-·-(.) en.!: 0:: I \ \ ., \ \ \ \ i i \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ ' I i ' ' . ' ...., " Oa~:c:...: "0, :Zo.· ::1-. .cW• (.) ;>. 0 ~ .... ... ·-Cllt-'Uu'L 01 o,..c:01 0. · o c::> o.o E-o s,_ w3 ~....~ c om ..J 'C!l ctlte·-o.· Cll (/) Ql ; 0: I ' ;: j I' ! ~ ,, ~ i l I ' \ ' j ; : ; ' i I j I ' l I ; 1 I •, ' ' ·, , ' ' 1. J 1 ~. I + l l ' ;( ' I i ' ; ' 1 I j ., ! ' i l J l I i i i J i i l l I I ' I I i ~ I l I ' j I • I I I I l I i ! ' I ' i SOIL BORING LOG c: .e -qJ -c::: Soil Description (!,) E ::J .... -"' c: r-:7 /!E#~T (;"'?Z ''lx e-H J GeAr S/.<.Ty :Ji1lt'.r? TJZ o;: r;.:• /::?.,/.:;. "''G L. 612t1-t/ S'!;.. TY S'/1-HtJ /;Z.. or-G £/:Jr..JtE: . .~:.. ' Boring No .. l .. l sheet ._. /Z. ~f;; __ [_ Date _::1. f_2Lifl_.3 _ Remarks~ - - - - - - - I ~ I ! -, - - _J :~L·~~·~-::~ ... . 11 ..;;-/[, -rnc. - - - - - ' ' j ·~ Sheet .. of . I . I i l: 11 '2 ..c: .2 --0.1'\l Q) :> Clll w - :<. - - - 1- - f.- s o--C 0:::::1 0 .~0 a: I I ,; l I : 2 I ! ' •' ! ' I j ' 1 l j l ! i t I l ) ; I ., l ! I I .f SOIL BORING LOG R /.!! 1:::-t."' 5/7 .t t/f.Re-e .Soil Description @ ~() /J.I=l'E/Z /-:fl"l"ff/?JArs c .9 (\1 -c tJ) E :::1 .... -(fJ c Remarks - - - -~- - - - _I - - - - - - - I SOIL BORING LOG I Boring No ___ .J!l.S~.~-_g L~. ,---·-· --·---Angle (from HorizontaiL ___ :;2Q __ ··-·" ·-----Ground Elevation ---·---·----·-------- Feature BJ..t2S£?2LE ___ /f.. __ :S:QI:?JQ Bear_ ing ~--·~·------···~--~.::-7'" .. -1:,...-;;~. -·-------··· Rock Elevation~--·~-·-·---------· ·-· ........ _. ____ ..... . Ccvmind.te.s. N _ ·-· ---·------·--··--···H-·-----:Jatc 2~ ::-·!ed .. _ _ .. :i.4.-fo:._f '.. . .......... ... T vtal CGi=· !!\ ---~-___ ::.:.(J} .. ______ ------·· E --·····-··-·-· -------·~-· ......... Date Comph?ted ···--"~--i-L_2."~Ci.~?.. ..... ~-· .. ··· ___ Ground-Water Eievation ________ ~-·--·· Logged by .• .ZE// .. /' k?dfZ _______ . I I c '2 l! ~ ....... ~ 0 s Om't:...;: -o. :;::::: .c .2 o-(.1-Zo. ::s-.cl: .~ ro -<a .... ---C 0.> ru>: 0 tn,-m:.c:rn c o.ro JJ:I::S Et -1-,Uci t:J:l> a.o Soil Description C'l) Remarks 11l> Olo a.-o ' !: c o m ..J E 0~ ca-,_(.) (1) . .5 Ec '-mo ,_ ::s w a: cam _!2Cil ..Jru:('.!) ,_ -(I) co 0, a: : -U) ' . - ' I I I I PE/JT 5i:catt-:t0 fl.~ T/tir17t3_ f.. f-; I .-?7/l£ltE +;(.q ;;,..., : v/C.J _L S.&:E /IS ~0 -\ I \ : (!:;Z/1 l/1~:;,11... y 1-\ I J..9fo2 c/t..t..Jf:/ .5'/A. T y -} l ~ S/JHD - -I 5/t-HO -TO .eo u..) ;.-t :5/A.TY j I 3' -~ ~~.:".)>(\~ I--/)2? tV .4/;-r-;-..tE G ,,a 4 c,.,t: .t. /).iY.0 "-I '~ 1" Is-~ ..,._ r i ' \ C or1 . .es e ::r/1/vO !--. r-::1-\ -- 1--I ~ ~ - I 1-I I i -~ ~ I I '~ - I I !-- ' i--• - 1-1 -: 1--- i I r-I - l -' -: 1-j -' I l l l - !MIJICQ I I . . ' I ~ ' ' "2 ..c: .S? --0.(11 tl.l> 0(1) jjj -· tl,)- -Cil a.> et cu-cn.S SOIL BORING LOG Soil Description .;C'ou/f foJ. T/E/J7P7='5'" .t, .• G;ZE .#7/-1 1.7E. ;JlJtbG£ t.U/fS tl!t/tf.S/..E TO G!Etr-' PA-5s· J3t) c.).(.'£113~ Boring No. t: g ro -c Cl E :::l ... -(/) .s ---. Remarks I 12ft,o.e~.c:u orJ .f/e,/133 5GE //5o/ J I I I I I ~' 1' ' ' Boring No q. ___ .L)_S._d_.fi ___ , ___ ~, -~·· Feature 1:. .:;R:i'z:E.LE __ .,_f4 ~3::lr:t1Z Coorcmdtt:s; N _,·-----------···--~·-...... _ SOIL BORING LOG Sheet--'~ of _L. Date _A_/ 7/8~ ~--~--~--~--------------~~----------------------------------------~~c~-----------------·-- ci : ~ 0 z ~; :;$= .s:: ~-. 0 :; ... II >... 0 ti) Y-f ,.., ,-c .:::1-0 0 • Cl> .... z::n a> o. . . c 0 c. o Soil Description e E~·~~!CUv e~ ~ «~«! _2<1:1 -l..;) 0 .::: (/) ttl 0.. 0:: !J) ! c Remarks : : - l 1?-=/l r ' - ' _j ' l --'t ~ 1. \ ' \ \ \ I i - - f- \ \ - 3 I I ~ - 1 ' \ l ' f-. - ~ d ., ' -' ' ~ t- ~ r-l b ~ t-- Ll - 1-- 8 t-=' { i - 1-' - l 1--- j i I r-l - I i i ·! I I , -~ &;/ ._1 i flJ/ ~~ 'T 7) /n f?.TTj r\ (8ffU =~ lfllBtih~tbJJ ~ Ji1JhffiurJV t{r; ([/) SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG ---. Sheet _ __(__ of _ _/_ Date f/?/83 Boring No __ A_5 ~-:1---·---·--Angle (from Horizontal) ___ ~p~------Ground Elevation ___ _ Feature -AJ.J£SL...f?LP ·~;~;·_ 8:_.;?t,4__Q Bearing ~-·--·-~----/·--~-~------Rock Elevation _ -·----- C··v'"'ma•es· N '"" '-, .::-· ·• ~' A -7_ ~ ~ T:·.~·-1 Q.:::r+n· ~··' C v ~"" t 1. ~ .......... ___ ,..__ ...... _____ , .. _,. _ _,_,. ___ -=------... ---·--·-LJct.t.t: ~'l.ct !l..V ....._.......,...,.~-~ .... J ___ r,-. ..L. ... .4_.. ..•. ':<::..~-~~----~-----........ a~ ,...,.tJ,, -~---~--___,._~=--- E ----.. -----·---~---·~· Date Completed ---#..?/.f:2_J!l_________ Ground·W<:'ter Elevat1on Logged by _.£.G,g/.J21:::Li?._ _____ _ - _/ I f- ~ !-- ~ ~~· \ ' I i l , . l _2 f- l ! ..:::1- I l ' 1-' -:::r 1-- 1-I l i ' ' ' Lf ~ ' ' I ' I -! ;I - ' ·' l ' 1- r-- 1- Soil Description .-ZJ r;t...e 5//-mE r:: .2 -(U -r:: (!) E ::I ... -(/) r:: Remarks l - - - - Com...,-::?.,HP-0 sc.~ F ;2 (.) r71 8' g r(.~ q.. I 9 ;z I c 7.: P Ji!;;e -J P~)C lZ .. '!IZ. - - - - - - J - - fill If\ Wj1:l (J\ PFPE) fi\ 0'(r('il(JJ'Jl 1JJJfr'1:11i\lfbJi'U £J J5@J)UriJ J!J Jv SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG sheet __ Jlzl<l Date _::£:_ 'f1_~ Boring No /l;i ___ R5 -~--~---------~-Angle (from HorizontaiL~---_2 [)_~----~~ Ground Elevation~-~ Featura ./k9s.;:B-L_L~.1:--?lfc_?:!___ Bearing --~~-.. ·---·-----~-~tt·~--------·-Rock Elevation-----------c-.··u~r'····-t' 0 .i· ~t-,·~-·l -4/7,....fi-::J .,.. ..•. -! '"'·dh .-:-,-. U\..n " •d<c::.., ·>j -------·~----·-------·-----___ <:hd ::;;,.;t,(~._. ·-·-··---···--··L-L-. .L.h--·-~----"' iULdl "-'"'~-''' ··~-·-· ···-~----·---- E _____ ---------"·-··----·· Date Completed ~----:::t:LZ __ ll..:?____ __ Ground·Water E!ev:ti0n Logged by -~4/-uftii .. _____ _ I . ....... Soil Description t.?l.e.ot.t..)H 5;-A..r y ·54~~.a (F~c) ~ .... J..; r r.1.. £ ;::; 11€ t6.e~1 t-l/E '- Remarks I I I HfJLJjJKs.~~ JEJIJLJJ~©® SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _ __tj_ S ~ &___ _ Feature iJdSTEP-~~-3Q.f:t;._TQ~. Coordinateti. N --·--~~-~--"------ -c:. -o ..... _ --O.ra <l>> O<l> w - 3: o--c: m:::s CJlo ·-u a: . ( <;>--en 0.> Ea> m-U>E. \ \. ~ \. \ \ \ i t \ i ' i ! i i ' ' I I ; ! ~ ' - 1- LBI 1- /0 \ 2 \ \ \ \ 4 ~ \ I \ \ ' l 'j ! i : ' ' ! i : ' ' SOIL BORING LOG SoH Description GtZt4Y 5/.<TY J'/l-NO /;12/JC£ or ;::::/1-/E a p:!(.),G L e'/HJi/S y S/..zT - I t·M¥rllii• 54!ill M Sheet __ / 1 9~~ Date -f 1 83 --· Ground Elevation Rock Elevation Tctal ::Jepth Ground-Water Eievation a /, ·-~ . .:...--------- c: .2 -ra ..... c: (j) E :::s .... -Ul c: Rerrarks l - - -5 i . .:~ ~·. ~~~ f\\ SJ lYJC dl:::-1;{;- - [ ·~ ~(. ': --~'"~ Gs .:: ;?. 7:5 - r J:i-,m It'/ v J?o /l? G l"£. 2 /J.H/'1-xlfSI!j' - (.-, ~ 8 ;t CJ../J '/ - - - - - - - - Nu'f7~ 5'1'11/f.t..<. _ :7 /'1-PJP.<.G !..,.•; T JJ "~/!)/~ I lz '' ¢ ?tEet. . -",;::: e Mt..!£;4, - I I I fi 11 rlfl 11 m;7J &l ~ r:r;rp; t2' ~tffl(f]rrJn lflJif!J}J~!:bD·U 1£iil0ltu@ \01J!J SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /-)S R 1 Feature /l,;.;Z;i'Z:&-E_ft_ga /"tJV Coordinates; N _ E . Logged by _ .fi!.£Li' / D 1'/ l< - - - - - JO 3: o--c O)::l Clo ·-(..) a: \ (I)--co C.> e:u (ll-(1).!: \ I \ \ \ i I I \ ! \ \ \ \ i \ \ ' \ I . ! l l ' ' .i i ' f ! l ' ~ ' ! : ; t I. / ' l I ' ! l I ., l I i t t ' i ! l l l j I j {' l j I f I I l I I I I l I I I, I j ! I I I ' I l ' -. SOIL BORING LOG Sheet I of I Date --;;;zz,Zii3- .. Angle (from Horizontal) .. <]. 0 ____ Ground Elevation Bearing .. --r::--Rock Elevation Date Startad ... -t 1-t/f:?::<-. -·---·------::;-~·-------~F-/-7-I'.J-'---Total De:~th -7 5 Date Completed -~ '/ :..r 18J_-=_-----·--':::.L/L~ ---Ground-Water Elevation Soil Description )3{Zoul..f 5,.-t.. ;-y hHE ,<,; rr.tf.E h.t't'e t2 ~t./.r..?..< ~ITTA.£ ( /t)(..l/'£ r.; /£4 (.? ;..: (._ .;n<;.tz,e GLe/1 "'St:. /!Nil-1 Sr:rmPX.F-_t) ------ Remarks - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - Boring No. ---· Sheet --~·-of-- I I I I I I I I I I IHJ§jfK?lJJrJ if~iij~@@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No _;J5 A:8 Feature flt..£5'712./ P ~. 6.,.1f{.ll2_ Coordinates: N -------~· E ·-=---.--- Logged by £IE (I /_iZt{R c .c: .2 ........ 0.(G (!)> Clll E - 3 - - - - - /() ;: o--c a:l::l Olo ._u a: Q)- -m 0.> EQ> m-(1)£ I ' I I l I ! I i l 1 ! ! \ i R. l I I I :: ., . ... . .. . .. ~ : ~· t SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) _q-"---0____ Ground Elevation Sheet I .o~ Date -+7z33 Bearing · Rock Elevation Date Started = /-,,/~3 --/--/}-~ Date Completed _...:.£:c:LJ...Lj:.L1j....!·;-:;B3~'~_,.:::-_:~---Total Depth -·-~:./_::.:..::::::::;J:::::::._ ___ _ .. ---Ground-Water Elevation ------ Soil Description c .2 -m -c: 0) E ::1 .... -(/) c Remarks - - - - - - - - J3A(5 S-1-m?-<£ - C/i='O£ P,{!!.c.Je.ro£ TE-ST 4-JcJ.-5_ - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet___ f o __ bYJgjfK1UJ~ flf%JDJ$](W@ J SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE I Coordinates; N __ I . ' -o! c o 41 l'E...:l $ .c .2 o-d)-z a.' ::J-..c:: ~ l .~ -('(! -.. -I: a.c: Ill>-OLP C,lll!..C::O) a.cu CO ::I E<D -1-(.) . CV> tno a. 0 g8!e-.s 0~ ca-E-g.~ ... ·-(.) cn.S lU a: 'Oal ....J Q.l l 0 cacui-a. -O:j en lm I ! l I I ' ' I ~ ' J r-I I LL ! ' I I ~ l I ; I ! I 1-l l I I l l t ;2 ! ' i """-" .i j I 1-I l ! I \ I I g ' I 1--\ J I ! i I l I I I I j ~ l I r.~ l ! I 1 ,[ I l I ,t 1 ;i l !/. I i l l I l 1 ! jl ) I ! l I I l I ! 1- ;1 l I r & l 1 I :2 I I I , ij ! ! l l i ! l l I I 1-! l j ! I ~ ~ I j I ' l l ' I 3 ! l I ! i I I ' f-I j I ! l l I l ~ ~ I j I l l I j l I. ! I l l I ~ I f-i I ,. l I ; J 1 ' I ~ ! I l I l I l . ' j ' l ' 1-I l i I :J l l ' r-I I l ID l i l =~• SO:L BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontai) ___ ~O~- Bearing -~·-·-----~--7-I ~-­ Data Started -·--·--·1)_ ?1; !3~--- Date Completed ___ .'-7/..83 . Soil Description ------· Sheet I ~~iE Date_ 4-{J;3_ Ground Elevation---------- Rock Elevation -----=----- Total Depth -t .. 3 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ 1: 0 :;::; «< -1: Q) Remarks E ::I ... -'C/) 1: - I - - Gt:./1.'1 (6;2-A liGlL "(' s·,~ r'i S~NO ~ 7" ~ .,.~ f\\Sl ~"' ,.:"' f~. ~ ~. - - - ~41?7£. - - - - - - S't9-m!E WI TI-l mt:J,t.Zc (!£ 4 /J<.) IS-<. -I~§ ~~:; tf. :, f\S'I - I j ·- - - Boring No._, __ Sheet ___ of __ _ j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ff]jf?lj~ !Jffj~~{U) SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 30 Feature Coordinates: N ---------E ________ _ Logged by ----------- -0 Q) -c ~ c:: • "C .c:: .2 o-Q)-Zc. :::s::! .c:: -~ .~ -ctl ol.t) ---C:: c.~ Q)>. -Q) .C::-..J) O.ca CXl:l E Q) -1-U· C)> c.o Q) > C)o c."C 0 c: 0 CIQ) m-' :: '-~...J ·-(.) en.= Ec: Q) u jjj a: coca ocu ...JQ) C!J -mo. a: !I) f- LL ..... I R ~ f- ~ f-:z l:1 1- ~ 1- b ~ f- i-- -I 1 - f- 1-- 1- .. SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9~0::__ ___ _ Bearing ------r-+------ Date Started +J:z?e-_3 Date Completed #-728_..3 Soil Description > ., ~ . ... . -· -.. . . . /312owN s,.~-ry 5'4-NCJ 7)?_ oP hH€ (ri,~Z/7v£L Sheet L ~ D; 1t e _:::!:.....r../-Jjt:.....OLJ:::L;;}_~"""-- Ground Elevation ______ _ Rock Elevation--------- Total Depth Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c 0 :;:: ca -c Q) Remarks E :::1 .... -(/) c -· -- -'" ··-~ _., .. " . ~ -"" -~ 4 .... .. - ' . ··- ~-) ~ ~ ::i~ ~'\'\\f. l - .. . , . .. ., .... .. , "''---. ·' •• ·"'-'> """_, . - .. ~ , ....... ~ •·· .. . - {.3 ,.2 C7W ".q Y'/~;-y S't9-H4 -· tw~·:-· ~<t. ~i\ \ \J T.£ F1He G;'Z4-v..:;--:, '..,,," ~ or= ... t/7C ;:zg o-z_ - - - - - - - -. - - - 1 Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ - 1 f " .t --···-··~-··-~ .. ·-.-...... ._. I I I I ! •• ' l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---. DlllliiD~ JEIJJJ~~@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL f30RING LOG Sheet~~ Date-=1~ Boring No /.f. 5' E? / Angle (from Horizontal)_---.!.9_0::...1_ 0 ___ _ Feature /h~s· z-15?/,o P .,:2--f-ca.:J Bearing ------=--~--r-:-------Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation ----------- Coordinates: N Date Started £:/iiB _;;:"3 ___ _ E Date Completed -.-1.,_,/'----+-z~/;-'g.....,__,.s.L.· ---· Logged by ./2&7'./.IJHl? Total Depth ';J' C} _ Ground-Water Elevation .,, c: -ci ()) -.!:! c: :: ..... c: . -.c.!:! cu-Zo. :::~:::= .c~ .~ Cl1 .2c: -<a cu>-ot.n ---IXl:::l 0.> -cu .C:C) c: 0.(1} E~ -I-U· Cl> o.o Soil Description (I) Remarks CU> Clo c._, 0 c:o E Q~ ·-(.) (\}-Ec :: ,_ ()) (.) e-~ w a: (/)-= 0 ()) -lcu 0 :::1 Cl1 Cl1 ... -can. a: -(/) (I) c: 1-· " - I 1--- 1-.. -I J3eowt--~ 0 ;tZ./1. ut: .,(..(. y 5'/.<_:'-y SA..v<7 .:2 -(!=,eo 2-Eij} - I--.. . . -I~ 3 ~ S/9.mG B u/-IJJois/ me:.. /~,8,% f--- f-• ~Eri.JSA~ Or-/ AVC,E£ @. 8-0 - ~ - f-- 1--- -- 1--- "'"" - f--- r-. - f--- 1-- !-"" - 1-- Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ _j I I . t I I I I I J I I I . I I ll M fl, Borir>.J No AS -az Feature 4 :~r.BLP ¢ ::{8rcJV Coordinates: N ---E __ _ Logged by ~AI 7£?tL,2 SOIL BORING LOG Sheet I of I Date --;;;;Jt/fL Angle (from Horizontai)_--'9"'---0_____ Ground Elevation Bearing -------:--,--:r=:--------------;t;:c; Rock Elevation ----:::::-----_:..__ __ Dat.-.~ Started 4/7/ ,:T.:::J ,., ---..!-.L/P~-:::.L____ Total Depth ...-c · 0 Date Completed .-A../...,. /l:?-:? --"H-.<-.<-...L/.LJ/_j, lfh~~==-----Ground-Water Elevation ------------- Remarks - .. - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boring No.--.....-Sheet---of --- -- .: '. I I 'l I I i j: ' t .. ----·--·······---~----------""-·····-.. --; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~t IAIVJ~ iJJJJ~~@) SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /iS 38 Feature .dL-'25Zt?r,o ,{f ;2:2 i@ Coordinates· N --------- E---=---~----- Logged by t?Eht,/ ONK "CI c cia> -:: s:: • .c:.£ o-a>-Za. :;:,.:: .c~ 0 -CI:I ---C: C.> Q)>. oll'l -Q) . .C: 01 0.(1:1 QJ::S Eai _ ... U· 01> cl) > 0 c."O c c: 0 c.o c~ ~t_) (1:1-s ... ~--~ cn..S Ec: Q) 0 w a: '0 (1:1 0 Q) -'ep 0 ~"" coo. a: en - LL . I -· SOIL BORING LOG ---f Sheet __ j__ ~ Date 4/.1 .3 GO Angle (frorn Horizontal) _ __./..._ ____ _ Ground Elf:N~tton -------- Bearing ------r--------Rock Elevation --------- Date Started -4 27,.!9 :3 Total Depth ::1:0 Date Completed ~,1-z/.f:S Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ s:: I 0 = ..::! c: Q) Soil Description · E Remarks :::l ... -U) c: - - - CY)jvE &v!Y S.;.<-TY 5;4-.~-t.r::J (r-·c) -· . 17-3% T!Z Of= n -G.4/QV6L md /IY/.;;;. ~ lf,t!d ,2-GN) - ~ .. - 3 !--- -z f 5',4-mE t<...Jt rJ-/ 14 .4/rr,t..e ,mtJ~€ [5~ ~ ... ;:--·. 1\S.\i - S/-<-r d ma /~,3% - \ . -- 5' I f--- ~ - fz - -- -- -- . -- -- -" -~ ~ I Boring No. ___ ShAet __ of __ _ I; I I , f I <:~ ,. Jl ' >( I I jl I I I ·~· I l. .I·· I ·-r I I I I I I oc, .. ; J - ' 7. ~ IUJ® fiBIJ~tC® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No If S' 34. Feature 4.e:s"~p gf_ tl/loZJ SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontai)_. __ =9-=0;___~ __ _ Sheet-Lot._/ Date.~~ C' ordinates: N --------- Ground Elevation--------- Bearing -----,--r------Rock Elevation ----=----~-- Date Started ·iZikl$ Total Depth .f 0 E .---r--=----- Logged by RE/.1 ,/ bH/? Date Completed .,Y.,.~z/d::? Ground-Watet' Elevation £1 c -d -.2 c 3: Q) c . " -J:.2 o-Q)-z a. :::J= J: CD cu -C -CU Q)>. 0"' .... ---c.c: -Q) c c.ca m ::s -~ 0· Cl> .Ctn Q) Q) > 0 EtU 0.-c ~, c 0 o.o Soil Description E Remarks c~ ~0, C\1-3 Q)u ~...I cn.E Ec :::J w a: ca ca .2 ..JQ) C!J ... --en aJ Q. r.r. Ul c •. ... PG.4T ' lsr/Jrr£mP/ . I r-... ,, ,,_ .. , -~~-. .. ··~ ~ '0-~· . .,. .... .. .... _ ... ,.,.....,. '~· ... "~ ·• ££ Fv.s'i9t:. e .. ~c: ·-. . ' ~ .vt1 ArremPT .82~c.VN C,eAUG~Y £. . s~/-.. / 'RE;::-v5.4L C! ~·-.....:...... '. ·~ •""·· . 7-JH#~ .. .0 I . . f (j/Th' P.t:AZT" ' ;Z/J II . -=/.?o :Z-?&) . :J ~.. . . TT'f;7J./(' ~----..• ...... ,..-~_, •!• • -, ~; . -,, .. . , ... ,. ...... ~· ~-·· ---· ..,_ '~· ........... .. ·-k. f>f5:,Ct.'.5 4L Q..~CJ e.G;-::Ps-41.. oh'. .4uG~ G. :fe. 0 .. . .. -.. .. •· I' ' ~. BG-~i% f i f)1C!.. , . ' ~,/Q;,f·%. "-.... -~--·"·· '"'-"''""" -·-"' ,..,._, < 1»-~-..... --~.,.. --~·-· ... ~ ... ·'\I"-~· ~-· ...... -,,.. .. _.,.,... -~ .. ·-·~ _., ... ~ ~""-,. -"~~·~--. 0/t!..(-1 ' ,. f ,, . ~ . • ;..L,JJ(E : ; .r?lAky._ " . ...... ··"«'! . , ... "'•·-' .. ~~ . .,. ... -. •· .. ,,,.,_....,-~, ~· ""''"" ,. ........ ____ , ---""' -~ ...... "'~-·110-, ..... ' • .,. ' ..,. . J3a1J4.0E=~ /iT ~-·~ ·----'<>" >' ,_ ....... ._ ... .. . ~ . .......... .. " ....... ~X ' ,.. >,c . -'"" C)£ NE/l£. -I Sc;tz.~/leE. I I ~ . ,,_ ~ ..... . ----.. .. ,-. ~ ........ -· _, ·• .. -· •· _, .. . . - -. "~ -. -· '•" "'' " ·• ....... ' " . - 1--- 1 1-- t--., - 1-- f-- 1-I - r--- r-- ·' r-- r-- , J . Eorhig No. __ Sheet_._ of __ _ -· u . 0 0 ··--- •• I I I ~I J l I I .j I 1 1 .. i .'.1 .1; . ·I '>] l 1'', l .. f: jl lA1 ~ ffBil~~' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet j;ot_f_ Date/./83 Boring No A S 35 _ Angle (from Horizontal) ~ 0 Ground Elevation Feature ;(bg..:rT.&.te d-Ol OtC)l) Bearing -----:--r---::,..-------Rock Elevation ---...------- Coordinates: N Date Started 4.li7ff.3 Total Depth 6 ·0 E Date Completed ;j./iZfjj Ground-Water Elevation ________ _ Logged by ----------- -c .cO -:;;:: Q..('CI C1l > CC1l !:!. 1-.. 1- -I i .E .CC) a.o ~-~ ~ Soil Description . ' . . [~/Gh'T .B~Q~J-1... tf:~Aq&..c~y_ ... ~,·-·---··· S/-4-ry< S/;,¥b (1:1'/77) . · : · ' " .j ' - ..... ...- 1 ·· )Z~ ~'J.:C' C::oAiz$:!5 'SA)./a .·-·~-.,-~--~ __ ; ... -~ - ,. " . ( ~ ' ...... ""'"~ ,_.., -~-,, ........ , "1'",_. ' ..,,...., """,._.,,_ v-•-• ..,,_,., ~ i t'CI -c Cl) E :l ... -(/l .E Remarks . l3.r!C$ S/f/7/R-t: c:. _ h;e ~c/-o.e T£$'"T .. ;tlo -.6.rD _ /3/ ;t?c,c' 8% om<!. - ·- ·- - - - - - - - - ~-L--~--~--~--~--~--~----------------------------------------~--~----------------~ Borrng No. ___ Sheet....._ __ of __ _ ; •. 1 ' l I I I I I I I I I I I •• I I I l 11 t .· !I f !I l ~ !IUl~lfiiJ~®® SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet i~ Date4 7 ~ Boring No /IS' 8' C::, Feature lte5'l7fZ/P ~ /8 rcJZ) Coordinates: N --------- Angle (from Horizontai)_----::~:;..._CJ ___ _ Ground Elevation------- Bearing Rock Elevation --------- Date Started ---~-L....I-~~737q~..£.· ~_:----Total Depth 0:.-::. CJ~----- Date Completed ~ Ground·Water Elevation ______ _ E ___ ~----- Logged by /2E/I./1JN£ -oQ) -~' c 3 c . .c .9 o-Q)-Za. :J= .ce .~ -<tl ---C C.£'! Q)>-0 ... ., -Q) .co C.ct~ l%l:J Elll -I-CJ· Cl> .:l..o Cll> c:no c."C 0 c 0 C.,! o-:; ... E...J ·-(J cn.E Ec Cl) (,) w a: <tl<t! Olll -'Ill (!) -(/) iiiQ. a: I -.. - 0 Soil Description ,,., .. -r.~ ..... ~ ··--·~ , ··-~ ... ~"-""·•--·-,-....... ,.,. >· - ' "'h/.tiur. ' !3'.12:.~(..1)~~-(;;&A-CIG:C~y" •. " S;~r-y; S'A-~~ / r=-C-) ' . t --·~; • .,.. '<"~"""~·-•·•¥.;.~,,--~._ ,.;·-~~-~~-~'"<·4' 'P'' ! ... ,.....,.,_.,.. ••• _ .... _"',... ..... <f ... , .. .., .... ~. -·-·--··--.,....,...--..~---·-·t____... .. ...._,.,_,., ~-,,._,_ ___ ''!' ............ ' c .E -<tl ..... c Q) E :J .... -1/) .E Remarks -... ., .. ,, '"""'' ¥"'-"" ··- -. - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ 1.· u· - " f[t • •.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I i I ' I I \\ ., SOIL BORING LOG SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Sheet 1/c.o;ts Date 4 ~'8 '83 Boring No A-S 57 Feature fl-,~;.E£v= d 1',7JL1V Coordinates: N -~------- Angle (from Hoiizontal) __ 9~0'-----Ground Elevation-------- Bearing Rock Elevation--·-~----- Date Started ___ A..,_, -r-h--''8.,~-: t-/_~B.;,.:.· 3.::....____ Total Depth ,Z 0 Date Completed . ..!i/8/BB Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ E . Logged by .If?;;;;#/ /)/YZ , c 0(1) -:: c . 't:J .c:-9 o-(1)-Zc. ::::s= .cf -ca ---t:: Q.~ Q)>-OIJ'l -(1) tl.ca Ql::::S E C1) -J-0· tl)> (!) > tno C.-a 0 co c~ m-:: ... ·-0 cn.= E \': Q)o w a: mea OCl> ...JQ) -en mo. a: I ,. ..... 2 -- - ..? - ~ f- /0 .2 .c ~-a.o ~...J C) Soil Description . ' .,..-. ' ""'"'··-~· .,. --·-... ~-...... '"'-~-.. >+-~· ... _ .............. ~ ~ « ! ; ·-~~ .. ~··--·!·---~~--~·"-;-?"·~--.... --;-·~~..-----.,_ .. _, __ ,..-.. ...... ~ .. , ____ .,_~ ...... , " ..... ..._·r·--,...,.~--...-,.,~.-.. . ~ . R&/J..t'/S"fi: E~wN: . h!YE b#4'-~~y ~j._rY S;r,y.CJ C ~=~c) : . G,/2.-4"/ s/~ry· h/Ye 5&H4 ~ .. :-o;::···ea·;,IZ$€ ·s#;.;:&·-? J:;H/;i · ·· · ·· · r;'.er:Jv.GL... ~ . _, ~-" . . ... -· " . ··~· ... .. . . c 0 = <1:1 -c Cl) E 2 -en c Remarks f S'T 4 T T.E£r71/'l-- ;2£rPS4:t. ·.ce . .J. o . _ . "'-<"~~ ... -~---·~--... , ........ ,-~ ... ,-~----~-- .. ' • ti - ·- ..... - - - - - - - - - Boring Na, ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ - . i I ,., ,-;--" .. , I •. -/' I I ' :1• . j _.l I l 1 I I• j II I l ' ' f II ,)1: ,, I Ja·. 'I .. ., l I l rl 1. !I I I SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT V~NTURE Sheet / of _L · Date 4/B /&.s Boring N~i~ :£5 :=e . Angle (from Horizontai)_-.!!.9'--0..:______ Ground Elevation ______ _ Feature /!:l.,t;P.~r!2__i /b ref:(}__ Bearing , Rock Elevation ---------- Coordinates: N Date Started £8/8 3 Total Depth 4" 0 E Date Com9leted +/8,/as Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ Logged by ,£R;u./,o&R -c .c .2 --O.m Q)> QQ.I w - -... t-· r--. - - 1- :: o--r:: al::l c:no ·-() a: Q)--m c..c: EQ) a:s-CI).E I .2 .CC) c.o ~....I CJ Soil Description ' · /JJAHy J?o-o~~~ .. e>~· A.4.Bta€ ! c; ~AVG' .,< .. /1T; . ~t//2~.4dJ.;JE: -··"""''"··~ ··~ -··~ ... ----~ .:~-.......... _ .,... __ . ___ ..__....,_. ,,,,., ...... _. ___ ,_.._,, _,_.,_..,,., .... ~----· i 0;..7u·£-·~M~~----~/Z~t:is;_~.;y-·· · ·· ..... ~ ~ -- . SL .A. r Y.. : :5!.;9-/-:ILl_ .c F-:-c.}_ ~"' ·-~ .. ·~ . ' -· ....... -~*·--·~ •'·--~·+........,...._*.-" .. "'""*·~,,. .. ""'~~. ,.._ .... ~-~---·--~-----~ .. ____ ... ,.'""""",-">•"'··~'~ """'"~ ! . ~ ' b£A-lf .. gBArlG"..c.c.y CFtNe) .5'"'4.t_;'7~ .... SAWLJ (F--e) . ' ., ... .,,.-""' ..,._ ,..,. .~ .... .. ... ..._ ..... --·~~t"'"" ·····---"' c 0 ; liS -c tD E ::J ... -(/) c Remarks I srt:. ;vt:i 8' ;z.a .l• . . ¢1-. : . " ........ ~ ... •· .. --· ··-·· ·- lilTEt?J/~/'S . • ,#'£PVSAI. A/~ L) .. ~ ·-·-·---·-.· ·~---.. -~~~-.-- l..dt.1 ..-T~J /1 -~ ,.,? ~ I r , ct-<=1 • H T1 "P/7r'J. P ve;;;~s#t.' ti:e~·~s-·r · ·· .. I~P~.-:.::tl; ~·k"\1 .. -~ -, "· . . "' .. _ .,., ... , __ .,.,.,,..., __ : .. ····""~..._._--~·-... - . - - ·•· .,. - - - - - - - - L..-....-L---L---"---1....-.--!..--l:--l. ______ , __ -:-________ -'--_J-.. _______ ___. Boring No, ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ f_-~-y .. t~ -~) f ,_,J 0 -· . .J \'1 0 • : l :1 ' ,. . I I I I I Ja I I ~I . I ; f ! •.. l lt ! I i 1 :t I I I' I' ! J, I .. jl I . ,c I i(ft ~li i SOIL BORING LOG SUSJTNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No llS 3<:) Feature At/Zs;-12AP !-6-<t-oo Coordinates: N --------- Angle (from Horizontai)___.9,___;;;_0_G____ Ground Elevation --------- Bearing --------i<-,-----Rock Elevation ----,~-,.----- Date Started ij~~ Total Depth O, 5 Date Completed ~2 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ E' Logged by 1/2_£-_/1_/ ___ 0_H_i< __ _ ~, -oal -c ~ c . '"0 .c .2 o-Q)-Za. :;,;::: ..c~ -C -~ Q)>-ol.l) --C.t:. -Q) 0..~ CQ::J -J-U· Cl:;:.. Q)> 0 EQ) a., 0 co c~ .~() ~-;: ... U).E Ec cPu Ul a: ~Ctl ocu ..IQ) -Cl) me. a:: -· ., ' ~ ....• - -· - - - - - - -~ .CC) a.o ~-~ (.!) Soil Description .Jioh..~. 4o.(~da ..... Q!'Q _:.~C04~T .or._ ....... (Ji!JH'I f8o~J.;¥Jei2S: fiT, o.e.' He:&£ . --·5otz,rl9t!.R --·:·~ ····~---~--..... -.,-~-·-'""·----·- . . : . ' ' _..,.. ,... ___ .,._:---.. -'* _,._., __ f-·· '"'"~-. ..,_~ . .,..,_ ~ ... --"!"~··-~-· '"'7""' ·--·~ .. ---+--····-·--·-··--" -·· 1 . 1 . ; ·-···~ --""'''""'""" ......... _.~, _, ___ ....... "'' ... """"'-..... ..-.... ~ ... -~--·-··-J0>·1<·"•"~-,_-.. _ ~·-,~ ,._ -··~, ... ,~ .. --~"<'-,, . " . ---·"' _.,.. .......... " ...... -............. .;._,._ -...--.~-.... =-·-· ·~-..... -.~ .. .,.._.. . .,......_. ....... _.., -· .., .. ...__,._ f'" .., ____ "'+-'W--"""" • r:: .2 -ca -c (I) E Remarks ::J ... -(J) c -~ ·-·-__ , ·- ··- - ... -c, - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet..__ __ of __ _ "!'""'--' ,: I ··.-r. ~ -y ~---••• ~---_- ~- if '·' ,... •. - m 11 ~{~{@ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet I ot_L Date -4. /8 /<1-3 Boring No IJ S 4 0 Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9~0::.._ __ ~ Ground Elevation-------- Feature A,l?£r12.1P ¢., /4-ttJO Bearing ··-Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N ----,--------Date Started 4/8 / 8.5 Total Depth S: 0 E :----~--:::---::--::::------Date Completed _ _,?l--~,f.-/....,8'-L/_,8""-=3___ Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ Logged by 12PII / /} H /? ~. .-. dcu -c ~ c . ~ .:::.,5! o-cu-Zc. ::s::! .:::e -Ctl ---C c.~ cu>-81/~ -cu O.ca al::S Ecu _}-C)> G>> Clo 0.~ c:~ co 0~ ca-~ ... _(J cn.E Er:: Q) u w a: caca 0 Ill -'C!l --en mo. a: u .. ~··-···· I 1\ ...... \ ~ ---- b !---=' 1- ~ - .2 .:C) o.o f!-1 C!J Soil Description ' ... ~ . . .,..., -.;.,_,._~ <~-"•··· _,_ ~ ... ~.... ...... • "" -. _,_ ,.,.,.., -t-o. -~> .............. __ ........... ~ .. ,-~- c;;;v€ r;..e.AY: 6a'~~lb~"'-",; ·'s;,..;.y· ··SA?;vtJ·· (~-c)~ · · · : · · . · · ···· · .•. "'·-·--t-... --......... ~_.,..___._,, __ ..,"_"'"'-'i"'""'"--· ... -.' ~ . ., 0"'/.,Ju~. 4A4'i ... .£;.si"F-Y GFE/1-c.Je.t.~y ... 57J.,:rt · s lf-H/) Cr:-c) · r J/1012E · 5.~!1Htl ct. bf!rAllt:.l · · · -. ..., •.' .. " -......... ~ . c ..2 -ca -c CD E :::1 ... -1/) c Remarks ,s: .::2 )J~ g ~~ Vi TTt=-171 PTS~-·. ··-... - /2JErtifA~" <:! d~S" •·'>"• •• -·~---··,_. ... ~ .. ·-·- .. _ -----.. - " " - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. __ .,.._ Sheet ___ af __ _ ,_.--~ f\ \ ~- f · l I . ! ll . .· d . . f ... i '/ J . I I 1 I i jl 1 l ! 1 I I ~ I I I I I I .J ' I im i ~ ls I m m i IUJ ® ilil~{~D SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 4/ SOIL BORING LOG Sheet I of I ~~ Date --1-td~ Feature ;!;,,g.J t4!/.f' st /ZftJO Coordinates: N --------- Angle (from Horizontai) _ __.9.__0 ___ _ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation ----:------- Date Started ___ A--L~_,t;_:tJ~~;..c.· ....:~::;,~,=~:;__,..,---Total Depth 4 '6 E Logged by ~g::::s:;:;::v::,c_z-_-.. 12-'"--'-N==R===== Date Completed __ £;_..L.-.t/;'-_.L.<fuc..c/_,._lo£...· ~-L----Ground-Water Elevation. ______ _ -04> -~---r---r---r---~--~--~--~------------------------------------·~~c~------------------~ c 3 c . "0 .c:O o-Q:l•-Zc. :;,: ..ce ---C -ttl 4>>-01(.) c.'; m:;, c.c: -(I) EQ) -r-0· tn> (I) > t1lo n."' 0 co QCI) coa-3 ... ·-0 (I)..E Ec 4>(.) w a: C'OC'Q 04> -'4> -(I) iii c.. a: 1. - .~ .ern c.o ~..J (!) Soil Description .,__,._ ..,_,~ -: "' "'''~'!' ~ ..... _ .. ~~ _,.. .... ___ .. ,. ........ ----... ~. -~'""'" ' . ' . '. __ .,._,.. --_ • ..,..,.,.,, ~-...... -....,..,, .... _, _____ ·~-....... y---···· ~~-•~+-" ..... .., ......... """ .... ., ..... '"'' .. "G/?~Y~-:b.&~c-<.,~_y_._,S3+r~.-S'4~-t~-- A\ck, /7' v ~ '-CJ/3-$(. /.ft S ' ;2#rvs~~" -· dH_ 4v66R ~ ~.o ,4o5'S i}.&/.c.e, -;8.,.,r .[:bv;H /./cJ.c:..E 0 :;::: C'O -c: (I) E 2 iii c Remarks -~ - ·- ., .. ~ ~ ... -~ - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet-~-of __ _ . ~--;:;--:-·--,------------~ . '' v' * , ,. 'G • ' " ~· "'* ~ , t. '!!" ... ~ ''"'"'" ·'"" .. ·~ (S f~, '. ''· ' : ' :- ,, DIUJ~ft~ I(J:IJ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet_L_~ Date 4./ 8.. Boring No AS 4£ Angle (from Horizontal) _ _,9.::....=0____ Ground Elevation-------- Feature A;e.u-.&-/.P £! /'>rcR? Bearing Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N Date Started ?Z-/a/8.-:::.l Total Depth _ _:,::""-'-r' ~0~----- E ---...,.------Date Completed :1';/ti;/83 Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ Logged by Red / .LJNK 7 -Ow -c ~ c . , .cO o-Q)-Zo. :s:: .c~ -\"a ---C :l.C: w>-oi,g) -Q) c.(;i IXI:S E(l} _ .... 0· Cl> Q)> Clo a., 0 c 0 0~ CIS-:: .... _o cn.E Ec: Q)u UJ a: ow ...JQ) CIS CIS ii:ic. -(f) a: I - - - l .2 .CCl o..o ~--~ " Soil Oesc:;rlption . IJ11AK secLJN (;.e~utS.ay s/, ry: ~A-J../<7 L,k!~.O~ . 0.€<;~/<;: .,_ ... ~ r.: 0 :;:: CIS -c Q) E ::s ,_ -1/) c Remarks ... -....... ·- .. ·- .,, ... _ - - - - - - - - :_L . .....i-J--J----J.--.......L..---1.---------...1..--...1-------I- Boring ·No. ___ Sheet of---.-- t· I I ! ~ 1·-· ' ' . I I •• I I I •• I I I i~® SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No f/:S 48 Angle (from Horizontai)_9"--0 ____ _ ' Feature ~-.e.,P ;i. Bt=OO Bearing . Coordinates: N __ --------Date Started #-ff,Lf-3 E Date Completed4/J3/Y-:a Logged by --L.~~'.Gc=.:!:..:;¥.!.-,,L'"-/ -'[J.t:..~.· N'_L_LR~-- -OIU -c 3 c . -o .s::O o-Q)-Zc. ::J= .s::~ ~ -:;:: -C -aJ «!)>. Oil) ctl::J C.t!; -Q) .Ctn Q.(IJ EQ) -1-(.)· tn> CD> tno C.-o 0 co c.o QQ) ro-:: ... ~....I ,_o cn.5 Ec: IUu jjj a:: aJ~ OIU ...Jep (!J -(/) toe. a: Soil Description Sheet;/;_ otL Date /f/83 Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation --------. __ Total uepth ,Z ·6 Ground-Water Elevation. ______ _ c 0 ;: ca -c Q) E ::J ... -f/) c Remarks /Yr,4TTE/J?Pl • I jZ§PVSJ~t,.@.. O~Jo_ .L ..... • j ·a~·::J ~~~~~;;;-5:~~~, s;:~lr:-~ ; ~ ~ ~JVt<JA7T/Er11Pr •· ' .. .. --·-· --:---. - l!c-F't}.f #l @ I :1tr I' '""' • ·~ ,. --"-~ ~--..... ft --· ··-· "'-··;-~ ... "'' ............. ~ .... -1. ,. ...... '"" .. ~~·-···~""-........ .;..,""",.__ ~---.......... --~-·---~- /J1 c --lr;l 8h .......• ' ...... ' "';"' .............. _ UFVSAL ()/'{. f.IVCn£:£ <2 J. 0 . ·A~ii~r·---7l~~s ~··mA-;,·;;-f8;;;;;..;;;;.is ·-· ---·-~-:·-·-· -- .. - - - - -· -- -- - - Boring No.__,. __ Sheet ___ of __ _ -· ... _j -· -, - : .. . (I I. ,, '·· IJ fl n u ~ m . ~-;~ ;,' j .! ~ ~ u ' it ~ j ~ {! ii u ~ ' : u IMU~IJJ!~®® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 4~ Feature ,At!2srliUP .~ 0feJD Coordinates~ N ---------- E ----+---------- SOIL BORING LOG Sheet _7; :;4 Date~ B 3 J Angle (from Horizontai) __ 9~0::.______ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation -------- Date Started ---~~-'1..._,/....:8=+-/6---=;:_-.;;..3____ Total Depth 4 '6 Oat·• G"'mpleted -?"/8/8.3 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ Loggert by !E.G# ,/ PH R ~--r---~---~--~--~--~---~--------------------------------=--------r~c-T----------------~ -0 Q) -c 3: c • "C .c.E o-Q)-Zc. ::~= .c~ -CCI ---C: C.t! Q)>-O~n -Q) c. co al:::l Ecu -~ 0· en> Q)> cno c."C 0 c 0 c~ ca-3:\oo _o cnB E c a>u w a: caca Oil> -IQ) -fJ) me. a: I .a t--·· ,_. .... t--f I (,) :Ccn c.o ~--~ (!J Soil Description • •.-'<' l~ --->;-~~_.,..,. .. do•c,0 .,_,,-il"~ , .. , . ...,_, f)Am.P ~ 4 E,eo_!A!;L( ... ~....eA<JG~~'J!. ~~TY 3A.I'r'4 ( P -c.,) l tJ/fmP) . *• •·-......... -~ •' ......... ~., ,,_ .... "" .... < ., ' '' .. ,. .... ''"' • . I 0 ; ca -c Q) E :::1 .... -fl) c Remarks ...... ... . ····- ·- . -··-. ... ·-...... "' -me 1-'1-·3 ···- . . - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ n (Jl--- -~"~'.·· ... ·. " ') I ; {,, ' ' ' I I I I .. .;_,_-. I I I!IUJ~ fifJIJ~~@J SOIL BORING LOG SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 45 Feature ,4a.st-A?; ~ ¢: 4-ttTO Coordinates: N ---------- Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9..__0_____ G.round Elevation--------- Bearing -------,r--t-:,.---:-----Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started 10'-@ /8.8 Total Depth E~~-~=-~-~--~ Logged by 12/t!l / tJ fl /!.. Date Completed _-.c.-f;--7'0._,~0<:<,"-/c_,&"""'E""":-'----Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ I -dcu -c == c . .c-2 o-cu-Za. ::::~= -C -~ Q)>. Oil) --Ill :I 0.£! c..m Ecu _ .... 0· CU> ~0 Q."tt 0 0~ ~-:;: .... _u cn.E Ec w. a: ~~ OlD -(/) ma. -···· -... I -·· -~ :1: -·· ~ - - ~ - - - "0 .c~ -~ -cu .CO) Cl> a.o co f:..J cuu ..Jcu (!) a: Soil Description ' _...,,,.._.,,,..,_ -·--··-~'"'-. ""' ~~•·>.-,.,..,,_H•h f'"""'"' "(;ji4¥1$/l~ )j~}; ·I.e oF a ,e;IJ.c;Ji£L I ' . ' ' .......... -~·.._,..,.,...,.._,.,.._,_.,..,.., .. ' ,_...._ "'~~ .,_,..,._,,,_ • ..,... ..... ,.-;!C,.'•~O.. .. _ ft"''~•-ll ,> ,e ~C'Ib • <'•'""""'~>· • .,.--, ... ~ ..... ' .; .. c .2 -ctl -c Q) E 2 -u: c Remarks Qkl::~)-=~ KSSi·. ,_,,. - m c: ~f.3% '" - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. __ ....,. Sheet.____..,._ of __ _ ·I I I • I II. IJ I "-· .. -:..~ Ji ,,..:.) {lji{UJ~ JE~j~{C:{UJ SOIL BORING LOG SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No __A~-=b~-----Angle (from Horizontal) _ _,'}~_ -=0;..__ ___ _ A ..., L" ,.,; 0 t-!2 ,., Feature Jtt:::.QT.21P >§:. • -'-' Bearing Coordinates: N Date Started 7-LB.I;r==BB"-=------ E . Date Completed _ :$18/8..:3 Logged by £E I./ ,/ /) H 12. -da~ -c ~ c . "C .c .9 o-Q)-Za. :s= .c~ -~ -m ---C a.c: ~~ ol.t) .... Q) .co C.m rn:s 0· C)~ m> oo Em Q."C 0 co ·a. 0 C_9:! --0 m-Ec :: .... lD(.) E-' UJ a: (1)..5 mm om ...IQ) G -(I) ma. a: Soil Description -, Sheet _L:_ of L- Date +/.9ft 3 Ground Elevation ________ _ Rock Elevation ----------- Total Depth ;R .-.fl 5 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c 0 ;: m -c E Remarks 2 -(I) c _ ;Zf.fQf}lS/1 13-eowlf~ .. £-<-~ ~H<JCE~). . ; j_ -·- T!Z. -o;= r-,~-tc [J,e.4<hSL · tJ;e Y ·········- . i , •••.. 'f -~ . -- --·--·· - -- -- - -- -- - -· - - -- Boring No, ___ Sheet---of--- - .... ••wu; .•_: I I I ll .< JJJ IJ J f ~. . ~ . . ·~ . . SOIL B<JRING LOG Sheet-'---: of _L_ Date &18/B,:J • Boriny No AS -~ 7 Feature Aliisz;e;;C' 1.-?.otdD Coordinates: N ---------- Angle (from Horizontal) __ <]¢..,.....::():::::· ___ _ Bearing . Date Started il_6Z 8:3 Date Completed ;.i./a/8:3 Ground Elevation---------- Rock Elevation---------- Total Depth 85 Logged by k--:& /OH/2. ~-ci Q) -c := c . 't:J 0 o-(1)-Zc. ::I= Q) --· : -«< Q)>. OLn .r: ..... . c.-; al::::J c.c: -cu Ecu _ .... 0· en::. Q):> ao Q.'t:J 0 co C,!! cu-;: ... ·-(.) cn.S Ec <Du w a: «\«J o<D ...IQ) -en iiio. a: 1--"*'. -· --.. ~ .... -~-· I :1:. -·. --.. - - .~ ..ccn a.o f..J (!) Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ ' .. Soil Description ......... ,.. ..... """,-~-~~-...... "-.'"""-••• <-........................ t-------4·..,··--,L-.. ,__ __ . .:;.... ~ -· ___ _,:,_,.,_.c....-.---'1-·· • . . • . i ~ " ~ " ,-.. .... -·--:·-.... ---.... !""".--.,..,_ -'--t -----.... --r------· "~--............. ....-_ .. _ .... ---··---·-· . i !--·--· -· •·--····--=--,.····-·-· . -~··· ....... --·••"•• -··~-~-·~ . 7£, or: I /?.,V¢: a~tJJG'L . ; ' -jt ; • ' . . . "' __ ,....,_._..._,..;.._ . ......_, ,.._ ·-t ... -~ .. _ . .,_,...,.,..,.· .. -.. --"""'-•·•··'""''""-. ~--~--·--.-. ....... --.. , ___ ,. ... , ... ,... ~· ..,.. __ "·~ . . i ~ . c .2 -ca -c e Remarks 2 -en c I :Jr J1.rT£;TtPr £E.FOS'At.@ d· 0 ., .. "' .. ,.... ,.. .. ~,..-+-• ~•o• ..... ~; ........ _~_,; -~--..._ ' . l3~t! . Sdm~~-.f: .... _ t=oJZ P;eoe.ro',e o.-5-s.~ ...... ·-... .... ... . ..... -~···· ......... ·- ,_ - ·- - - ·- - ·- Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ .o ;,·Oil!!-'-- I I I I I I • • I I I I I I I ~ 1E1fJJl~i(~® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No AS 48 Feature .!J.pz.:J,.-72; P /4!/ 1 Sc:>v r/Y. C0ordinate; N oF .@ G 9tc.V SOl L BORING LOG Sheet ;J otes Date /8 Angle (from Horizontai) __ :?~O=-----Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation E---.,-------- LoggeCJ by ~G/1 /t2 HI!. Date Started ---~~-~_,;....::.£b.::.;:.L~....:'B:::; .. A..:::~-~---Total Depth Date Completed ---~.J.-7"-LB~-c;:;U~-A~_~a::.::......;.,.t~---Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ -c .cO -:;:: Cl.ca CD> CCD w - ~ o--= m::s g,o ·-(,) a: ~ 7 w--ca a.~ Ew ca-w.E -c . ~= 011) 0· 0 :: ... OCI) me. 'C .c~ -CI) g)> co a>u -'cv a: Soil Desciiption c 0 = 1'0 -c Cl) E 2 -U) Remarl<s ..5 ~--+---+---~---~---~·--~--~~--------·----------------------~--------~=-~----------------~ f3WJ.t -. 0;;ZG,/i-HI~ S/1-~4 ' -·-- -·-~· -----·---· -· •· -·· -. - - -· -·· .. ~-·--· ~. ! j ' . I - . ~ ! . r .. --,..,.,_.,.--~;-.. --:---·~· ~r-l"!~ ..... """' ... "'-~~,_.._..,._ __ ..._ .. 7--~.-~~-r,._----.. -· ... :·-,~····-=r-----_. ~ . . . ' . j -~-.. ,.-,,_ •.. ;,-. -..... , .. -.........-... -.,.-.~~""·~----·-................ __ ... .,.; .. _...., _______ '""''*'"" --· -.... .:J--. ...... --- ' ·---tJ ·;;;;-~ ?l/i&~ vs~-~--···: --· -· ·--·-~-~----·-~1---~-+-~-·--~---···-·.._,_~ ... _,_,_.,_ __ ~ ~ ~ . .. ! i -' ~ .,. + *.: • . ~ ' ' ~" ....... ~ .. ~---.-..... --.. .--,-~--. ..-+-... --,., "-' 1""··""~'-"'-'"'"0"-~"'--..... "'""""'"'' ~--... ,.,. .... -.. _,_.,...,, 'J ~-- ' . . .. ~·~-...... -:"""'~'·•< ......... _ .... _~+-. _.,._._.,j-_ .... ..,._ ~-l3lltS_, -~ s d,;?~l.e:_ F:t,te. fl.,:zo t! ro,e ' .... -~-·----~···-~. -· ·-. ' ' -().-5 -g -·6 ; ~ ,,...,_ ..... ...,,....~·---~·-*'-""~"""'-- f • . . ·------,._,;,_ __ ---~----·-1-... ·~·-·: ·-·--- -- --- -- - - - - - . - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ __ ., -__j '., f1 r~ ·i [} ~ ;I ~ ¥ ! r· ! :r ~ . ,.; [' -~· I . . ...J f ! I L.~ r . ' ' ....._~~·-~ i ; " "-'-"""'" - ·.~,{~' SOIL BORING LOG SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No A S 1-~ Angle (from Horizontal) 9 0 Feature A,t1'2S"'C.12t/-J ~ 48 tdO Bearing -------r-+------ Coordinates: N Date Started 44 8 h 8 3.-:2 E Date Completed --~£..._7L-.:.~~~~...:;;J~--- Logged by _;2E;/,/ IJ H t2. -dCI.l -c: 3 c: • "C ~.2 ..2'E Cl.l-Za. :::~::: ~e -~ -C'O --a.c: Cl.l. >o oll) 'tj,CI.l .&=01 0.('1:1 al::l -I-0· Cl.l> Olo Ew a."C 0 c:> c.o C.,5!! m-3 ... Cl.lo ~-~ _(.) (I)-= Ec: ...~g LLI a: mm 0 C1l (.!) -(/) iii a. a: SoU Description -··· , ... ~. Sheet I of~ Date 4/8 3 Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation ---------- Total O.epth Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c: .9 -C'CI -c: C1l E :::::1 ... -en c; Remarks ' . 9 ,, ~ ' .. LJ_ . . . >«-· ,...,,-.4""''""'' '-.~ '""·-· ~'-__,.,;. ....-_~ .. --.,a.,.,eo..,...._• ··..:-----·--~· -~"::""""'' _ _... ..... ~'•""":''" __ '_"' I c J ~ h ... .,-,._~-~-•·<>·..,.:,. ---~---.. + __ ._.. __ ,_,.. __ ,... _ __... ..... -~----·--.. -.:--~ ~--·-•00<>...:>'·•-·· , _ _.._."""""----~ ... -· ___ ;.,.,_. __ __ I ...... ~.~lfY . .,SJA-rry soH 4 ....... ___ .. ~~ o,c F;HC: (;~;9-vGL .. -'l">o' ' ~ .,. ·---- -·Ma -~-··:~:·&\\1 .... _ -·-;rr<J.. ... a:'f..~·-·-· . -. l ~·- --' - .£_, ~ "- Gs-= J1.1~ I :J. "'!-:t - m~ -If;;~ :~J& \\1 - _7 1/YdtJ.o, IJHA· -~% CJ.-.4'/ f-Pr ~ 4· 7:5 - $' ;..;... ::-;;o.; P.i.:: /.0,8:5 - 1-- L:J - f-- /0 Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ -...---·~-,....,.., ...... ·-·~·~-~-·""""':i"''.----~~ . --~-~ .. ~-~ ... ~ .. ' ~ ,.,_...,., ___ " ··~··-"'"~· .... ··~ ·-~--·--·--~-.-..... > () .. Ci \ ~ .: ( '• /• I I ·~ I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I -:""·-"- ~~re~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No -"""""'/l!:..£._S.:=.._...::~:::.....::O::::...·. ___ _ Feature A,,es c-:-R,;P SOIL BORING LOG Sheet--:/-. of _J_ Date ~le/e.a Angle (from Horizontal) __ ~-=--0 ______ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation ----:-------- Coordinates: N ----------Date Started --~h~&_...;+£~~:3~----Total Depth :A. · -5" Date Completed -~-L~.,£.-~~~--'-'~---Ground-Water Elevation ______ ~ E ----r--=----- Logged by _g_G/t'./ D NR 1-· "' . -' ----~. -c . ::s: 01.0 0· 0 ~ ... OlD iiiQ. 'C .c~ -I],) en> co Q)CJ ...JQ) a: Soil Description ; e~fJ~H __ PE~.r .... :: I. ' . ' . ·"··--"_,.-~~,;.. ....... ,~ ... ,, .. ..,~--.._._. ..... ~ ,_.,_~ -~.,.,,.._ .,~,, .. - __ 0.f2oct)~ ~-1&'.4.Y.: ... ~~:r:-. n .. • ' ... -~ .. ~ "'" ~- {,C£O.l.l?,H, <1 .. • • ---~---:-:--•i-·--·•-j"'--f·--·:-•y-n•----:-t•·~-~... --;" ~-- 1 . . ' l<e.r~S:~4 ~ _QH;_,/lo/;,~~-1!.~ :_ ~--~--~-··· ~· . '. I • .. ' __ ,_,_,.,._.,....,.._.,.,.·,--.,.--,•'t' ""-e·--...,_, '-''• ··"t-"' "t~-. .-.,_.,;:..,...,. • ., . ...,,. _.._.,.,_,_ .. ._ ___ . ..,.. · • .,.. ;> "'"-'"~ -~-. ' ~---·-·--...... <- c .2 -lU -c Q) E Rem~~ks ::s ... -(/) c ,~-~·-·-'·-· __ _,;_ -...... _ • - - - - - - - - - ·--- _, - Boring No.~·---Sheet ___ oi __ _ 1 .. f I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I . I lfi It Ill IJJ SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /4 S' ::J / .. Feature At.e.5"r£!.1,.0 ~ :s-';<tt:JO Coordinates: N ----------- Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9~0::::._ ____ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation ----,------- Date Started 4-J 8;/18~ Total Depth __ ,__:=5':::::,__-_o ____ _ Date Completed ':-?--/ B/83 Ground-Water Elevation _________ _ E~---~---------- Logged by .12d/17/ D N/2 -oal -c ==- c • 't:1 ,cO a>-Za. :s= ..=! .2 .Ec -CO --aJ:S a.t: a>:>. 0 .. ., -a> .Ctn 0..-a -1-0· tD> al> tno Ea> a."C 0 co a.o c~ co-3 .... E..J _o cn.E Ec alCJ w a: coca QQ) ..Ja> (!i -CJ) aia. a: --.. --____ .,__, r--.. ·-· li-' ~·· z. 1-,_ ~ ~· b ~ r- lL Soil Description . ' .. ' . • ~ . . . h.~&~Y ...... a,:Z/i~~gy._s;4r.r.r ~ ~~~~ ..... . ~ -. . " -~ l . .... _. _______ , -~ ,..,, ... _,._ .... ~-..... ,~~-"''"""_M_,.,,,.,..-... ,.,_ _.,. .. ..,. . .,...,,_ ···-··-~tl "': t _.._ ______ ,'---_ _;;._ ___ ._,_,_.,._~ ... --.. ,. Jt~ .. -...... _ .. _.-,.__ __ .. ___ ~,l-·_,_ ,.,. •.• ~,. ~ . . J • .. . . .. 1 .. ' ; i ' ; ---._..,.._... __ ...,....,_ .. ..,....._ ,...._-...~~..,._ ... ,,_ .. . ·--~,.....,. ~ ....... -~ .,._,_, ___ , ·-"······''""'"'"'·--i!'"'" ---.--...--• ' . . . . ·--"-•~..._-.,.._. . ...,..., • .-.. ,,..__>o ___ W"'r-<. .... "~""' ·~ •>'<o ., .... _ .. ,.,.., .--.,,. ,..._•"''''""'T·--·--• t>,-•j-.. ,..~r "' ~ ·•••·• . ' ~~<-! -·~!~,;,, .i7t-t€ .. ;~lo/4 . T..e. .. aP 'Cc;);f/ZSg: 5'4-H.O ~ E1·KE . {6/ZAVB.C -0 :0::: «< -c ~ Remarks 2 -1/) c .l.IA!!-4 _ !1 e1~f!. IY./d::. @"/-0: ·"" -~-·~··---:--·,.,·---... -r.-""" -~ ' . ' ·~· ................ .;._ ...... ~--.-• .. ~. -- ~ .......... - - - ·- -- - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ ~-"···-··~ "~ ~-----···-~ ··-\.~· c:;;. ___ ., - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I (~ ~~ ~~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE SOIL BORING LOG Sheet _ _,_/~. of _j__ Date 4/e/e3 Boring No ,4S 6 JC Angle (from Horizontal) _ ___.9~0=-----Ground Elevation--------~ Feature 11/Bsr,.e.;P A ~~rm Bearing Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N ---------Date Started d/B/83 Total Depth ::57 5 E ---z-------Date Completed -:t-/8/Ba' Logged by ~#,/ .iJN/2 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ -ci(l) -c :t c . "C .c~ o-Q)-Za. ::s= .ce (J ---C -tV Q)>-0 :CCI a.Cii al:::l C.t: (J&q -m E(l) _ .... C)> a.o Q) > Clo Q."C 0 co Q~ ftJ-::; .. ~-~ _o cn.S Ec Q)u w a: tUtU OC1l -1(1) C!l -tJ) co a. a: ~-- j_ lit·. r-' ... - -· - - Soil Description Pe.Lfr : · .... ~,-_.,,_., .. f'7.... .... '"'"'-.. --......... c • -·-'1<•·~----t-... ~~,~--·-·>--..-.-""-~---:!"""'~ ........... 1', .. ___ , __ ..,..~ . -t-----.... --..... --=---... ,.., ..... -< ..... ----.. M.__.._,., _____ ..... .._ ............... -lo-<o••·~---..... -,.. , ... _ ....... ..,. ~ f ... i .Olli!IE.~. ~-,etP( _.St4ry ~:h.He . $'4-""f.<?_. /?I!NOL ·-c:I.~.F~.Ne. r-e. or= c o11--,ese aAI'f<J· (6 ;eA-;C)£(_ --, ..... ,, ,. ·------~-~ ' I ' . ! ' '-----------=----:--;---·--7-· .. ----r-:-··.-#·----·r~---~ ·--· "i -.. ,. ' ~ . ~ • ! t 1---•·-•""'--,_,,.. __ ~..:....-~--""'-io-<-_.._. . .,.,.,.,._ ____ .., .. ..__~ .. ,_,...-,.,_,.,_,_~ .. T--.0--·..;.,..,,,._,_,.,"'''"''•;;..,.-4.,.._,._ ..,.,,, . .,.__ c .2 -«S -c G.l E ::1 ... -U) c Remarks ' . ' --. :__ .. -·'" ~ ,_ ___ ... .:.2 .... -~ . ......,.,_ .. IJ/f6 ff/JmP~ _ ,.CcJ~ P,exro/Z. ~~ ~-tS';OC"'"'"''" ··- /-lore ~,v ;e~~'5,Q P ' . . ... ··•·· ·······- fl TT£//1,</FS f2.S ~tJJ /J.L e_. j.. q_ /J!IJH y 13oul.. J:J E,eS AT OJ!. HG/JIZ -- ~v e,,e;;e:.t£ ·- - - - - - ·- - - Boring No.~--Sheet~-of __ _ - -,, :( ',· I I I I I I I I I. I I . I I '· ' ' 1''1 ' . I I . ' ~~®® SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No JS D3 Feature At.e.sT@P J! 66/CK::> Coordinatas; N ---------- E Logged by -t£10...o<6:::-e::t:'l:,Z==P==H=R.~==-=--=--= -ciCI) -c ~ c: • "C J: .9 o-(1,)-Zc. :::l= J:~ ~ -ITS ---C: o.c: cu>-o!.l) -cu J:C) c.ca al:::l E cu -~ (.)· C)> c.o CU> mo a."C 0 c:o C_! _o ca-Ec: ~ ... cuu E_. w a: cn.E caca ocu -len " -(I) iii c. a: 1--•..• ' SOIL BORING LOG Sheet_Lo~ Date --1:/8 .3 Angle (from Horizontai) __ 9-L-O;______ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing ----:--r-~~-:-=------Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started ~3 Total Depth I, s Date Completed --tz8ZB3 Ground-Water Elevatio~------- Soil Description ......... ·-·~-q' ..... ,.,... ,...,..,_ ~-...-... ~'""'"'" 1 . ! ' . ,, · ., ·• , •.. • a:-~ •..;, ... _,., ._..,."'". t. ·"" --" -• ' . • • • r C:: 0 ; «< -c: ~ Remarks 2 -(J) t:: 1 ~rArrEdJJ?r . . I 12~;:: ?'~4.~. ~fl·r._. ·-- 5t:~A,CA:-ttE • :.J(/""7t'•~ ... ~-•. ,. ... ,.: .. ,. .•. _ ~ ,..,. ~ T:IE'#!Pl"" f?F-: 1-"l,)_f /Jt_. @ h. Q .. , _ . . ,t.,() ~ 3 ' lli715#7~ /'"':' . ' .. ., ' . ,. . ··-· "" '"~-/2£ t=OS,<Jt. Q; f.£ ' ,...., __ ......... ~----·~··-.. '~'"''*""'......,_,,..,. _ _. ....... ot•«-->_, ____ ;;~-,.,...,.-·-"1""'" _ _.,._.,..... ....... _,_ __ _ . ! ....... ·----·~·~~-:----------- . ...... "' ...-, .. ··- ···- - < . ·- - ·- - - - - - ·- Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ l. - .~:r I I If" I t I I I I I I I ' ' ' I I I IJi;\ ~ li' j ! liJI:f~ , ~ fijl.l~\~~ SOIL BORING LOG Shee~of_L__ Date /8.8 SUSITNA JOiNT VENTURE Boring No /fS o?f Angle (from Horizontal)_--"'')_0 _____ Ground Elevation _______ _ Feature .4.1/2..:S'T.f2L,.a i tlfOO Bearing Rock Elevation--------- Coordinates: N ---------Date Started 5:::8 ,Lg 3 Total Depth 'J" 0 E Date Completed ;j.j§}e3 Ground-Water Elevation _____ _ Logged by /2£// 7 /L2H /Z -Ocu -c ~ c: • "0 .c:O o-Q)-Za. ::s::: .c:~ --;:: -C: -nl Q)>. otn a.~ -Q) O.ns !Xl::S -I-CJ• C)> Q) > oo Ecu a."' 0 co 0~ ns-~ ... ·-(.) (/).= Ec: CI>(J w a: nsns 0 Q) ...Jcu -U) iii a. a: ~ .. ,_ LL .. ..... ·--~ "'"~·~~·-'" .. 1. .£.. ~--,.-.,.,.,., ... ,..._ ··-··,.....,..- lQ. -·· ··•' ~. -· ~ !-- _§ - L7 ..... ~ -\: .3 ~ ~ ){) -~ .C:C) a.o f!...J C!J Soil Description ' J-------....... , ___ .,__,,,,.,.,.......,;j..,..--~ ... ..-.. ,r, ...• ,..,~..,_. ___ ._, ... ,.., ......... -h'O\_,...,...,. 1 r:;_~~-Y -~~ry SA/1'<2 {;=:~e) ·- TtZ. oP 'Cr?AvtSL. f . ' 6 13../f..'( S',~ry S;:;NLJ "M ot: a,IZ,4.vGL c: .2 -ns -c: Q) E ::I ... -en c: Remarks N .~·::z·.::~K\SJ ·-·"f}1.C /.E'Jt. - r··~B/le!b"' :S4/7!,s?4£- ~ P~~ro.e ... pt.~o-V-C? -· ... - j/.4~.(? PJ?/~,L/.v~ (!; ~) ;g ·-5; 164 <), c ·- - - - T!i£/t£ n;?ll~.4..e -. ro 13€ mv,ee {d;eA-06).., I Y/fi1H- t.VIf/1 T WA-S C!c;,tnt ue:, LJ (J Of-{ - T;;t: /i Ct? e-.e .. r71t! s;c;% n~:.-:.~<· A~ - - - . - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ ---4t -.·_J I I I I I I IJ II • I 11 li Ill I ' ' ' I ~ ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No J!L S ::J S · Feature IJ;.esr.e.~p .i 12100 Coordin:ttes: N --------- E:------..------ Logged by £E/-/ /2?NC( -ciQ) -c 3 c . "C .cO o-Q)-Zc. :::l= .s:::e () -~ -= -C 0.2: a;>-oLn -Q) :Co c.~ Ql:::l E~U -I-(.)· C)> a.o Cil> tno c."tJ 0 c Q CIU ~-3 ... f!..J . _o (J).E Ec a>c, w a: (IS ~ Q IU -Ia> " -(J) me. a: SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) _ _.9~0:;______ Ground Elevation---~ ___ _ Bearing -----...,.c:-7<--::--=-----Rock Elevation ----:-------~::: ~~;:~ted -:m:;. ~~!~n~~~:er Elevalion7._._· 0 _____ _ . ' . Soil Description c 0 :;:: ~ -c Q) E 2 -en c Remarks I s-r ;j TT£.171/.T /2£Fl}S:,/IC. .. [hf.Q - . it(:JH[ .. GttAY . t;.eA-o~uyrJ,tt~) . St-'rt J1ANtJ ( r-~: ' 134~ s~rrmJd"-'e_ r-oe &ocro.e 2 t-=:·' ' • ~ .. -· .• ' ·• ,.... ---...... r~ ·•--...---~ ...... _,._ }'« _.,. ... ,,....,.-1/.r,-·n~ . ' } ~ . ( ' , .. -,.,~_.... .......... .., ... ,£~""'"""' "-..1'1'...>.· ....... 4>, ..... ---•••' .... ,..,-........ ---~ . / .. ·.~ ...... ·-·--... ;..~·0·-.-- /81 J16F: :J % eJ )/1(! - H4~1) . f)~J'~~/IY,k. 4~~ 6";0~ 6,,0 d 7•0 1 . .. - - - - - £.t:;r/JS"4L ON -· ;1oGc~ AT 7-0 - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ :.:; . .. · ... ·. ] .... ~ ·~· ",.!•rj , '•' ;1~ .. •.) . I I ll I I I IJ ll I ' ~-~ IJ IJ IJ I I I I I I 11 MAN CMIP BORING LOGS {[ I •• : j ... '::::.:.-'1 ~· ~""· ' .. ''·· l .. ·~ . " I 411 ·I . ' • I 't . \i I I 11 11 11 I I ~ ~ I ' . I .. I . ; . li ~ I ' . I I . . : ' ~.: I!.·· .. · It' il, IJ ~ ' ' ' :->"'· .. SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /J7 C ..:2... Feature /ti~J 127~~ ~~/.?.?~ , .--.·, " SOIL BORING LOG Sheet_i_~ Date ~ /8 --= . Angle (from Horizontal) __ (l!!._~O~-----Ground Elevation--------- Bearing ------r-r------Rock Elevation -----=------ Coordinates: N ----------Date Started 4 /B Jg.::J Total Depth 8 · 5 E ____________ _ Logged by 8/EAI,/.LJN/2. Date Completed ~/8/S 3 Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ -cia~ -c ~ c • "C .cO o-a~-Zc. ::l= .ce -= -C -Ia a~» 0 L") m:;, ·c.~ -Q) C.ft'l _ .... 0· 01> 41> cno Ea~ a. "a 0 co C.,!! ft'l-3: ... ·-CJ cn.E Ec: a~o w a: ft'IQ 041 ..Ja~ -en me. a: - - 1- 1- .2 .CO) a.o E...J CJ Soil Description " .. :o-JZC!>./1 H.lt!. _S/4T. ~···--····~-· ~-· -·~~ ·-·-·~·-··· /a!20o.JI-/ F;ecJ)!GH. · -4·---,.. .. .-;.~-.,._., .... ,._ .. ,.."' .-.... *·. ~---··-... ~---"""'''o~ ... , ..... • GJ2.hAf S/~TY ~Ar~,o (;:-e)~ (i:=£o2-~J-IJ _ --:·m.¢· fl~-t ... . Hor.c. /?74~Y Sc:Jv,t;_LJc/Zs A-/. OIZ N.G~ S'~7?6f=A-C.C: c 0 :.;:: ca -c e Remarks 2 -en c 80 r . t~~P.~ \~: ·· -f5o" ·· -- !\O "' 6" cJ ... '""' ... . -. . ., . - I~': It rr$//11? t: ....... _ R151='tJSAl C · fl·S .. OH. .J'lQe.~;;,e: .. - .. - -, - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet-----of __ _ ---~ 1-···--~· \ ' II I I ' ' \ I ' ' I 1:: ,. ll' c ' : I ~: ft -j(~® SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No J7JC! ...€ (\ - SC)IL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9~ . .:::0:,...._ ___ _ Sheet_L ot_L Date 4/a,/A-3 Ground Elevation---------- Feature J../EW /J1AH <2./9mP Coordinates: N ---------- Bearing Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started ____ 4:....~~~L-s-Ci~~t:....~~~:',3~----Total Depth Date Completed __ -..!....Lr-;0--'~~-·L~.c;.;.~~-.L------Ground-Water Elevation _______ _ E _______________ _ Logged by J2.G# ,/LJNR -c .c: .S! --C.ca (!)> QQ) iii - oQ) Zc. Q)>. _ .... c."C Ec coca t/) -c . ::::s= 0 0~ 0 3~ QQ) me. 't:J .c:e -w 0> co Q)u ....IQ) a: Soil Description c .S! -co -c (I) E 2 -II) Remarks c ~--+---~--~---+--~~--~--4---------------~~-----------------------+-~~-----------------~ .L. i . ; ~ ' ·~ ---~-~ .. --.. -~-~---·---"' '!'""•·· ·-~-'"~ "'"-;".........,_...,. .. _, __ """""'··--~· --.c• jf;:t~~-:j:~ ~' '? ~-~ .,.,. ....... , .. ,... ~,_,,..,. -....-.. ~ ........ ~ ' ·~~ • l . " .E~2G~ .... .:5 /..<;.T:f. ... 8 N~ . ~i<r~-<?._ ·----·., ;::'/&l~&H: S#~Ty' S'AZNL? €~mJ . . , ... -.... --r---r·.>~---------~·~ ... "' ...... -~-"'"~""""' ,_, __ :·"'' -·-··" ..... ,0'-.. --... ~-'""""'" • -~· ~ .. : -. ,\ . ' . ..... -............. -........ _"'---·-... ,_...,_...,\_ . ..,."'--·~ ... ~_<..,...,.,,.._< ... ,,,..._~ ... _.,, ..... ,-.. -~,., ...... H ........... .,..,,i<'' ..... -"'-... *'····-'"'"· ........... -+-,--.,.-... ~·-~ ........ -~ ... -.~r· _..,"',_. ''··~-· .. , . .,..,,....~. ,.. *-""·'-"· .. l ........ " __ ' ~ ,_ . ", - ,_ - - -- -- ---l -- --- - - Bortng No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ ,, .! , ,, 1'". I I I ll I l i ~ 1 I I I I I ~ I 11 I ' I I ' !1 I I I I ' l l J IIJllli ® JElJJDJ~(~&J SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No Ill C!. B Feature H Gw /J2.4W CA-qP Coordinates: N ---------- E---.-------- Logged by [;u;;:d ,/ iJ H /2. -ci -c ~ z~ c . "C ;e.E 0 -~ en-:::s= .ce .~ -C -m en» Ow --al:::l c.c: -en .Ctn c.cu _ .... 0· C'l> en> tno Een Q."C 0 co o.o C.!! cu-~ ... l::!..J _o (1).5 Ec enu w c: cum oen ..Jcn " -(/) a; c. a: ,, -•'\ t.· n. /; __ t SOIL BORING LOG Sheet I of _L_ Date :-1/e/es Angle (from Horizontai) _ __,'}._O.=;_____ Ground Elevation--------- Bearing Rock Elevation ---------- Date Started ---~~L~Eh...L.~L..~o/§"'T-~3:;_____ Total Depth 8 · 5" Date Completedi/§as Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c .2 -m -c Soil Description IV E Remarks :::s ... -C/) c _,,., .. -·-··~""~-... -----·"'f'-·-•'·*"'•·~··0"~ ,. '"" """""_,...,..._...,.,._ ... _.__ .... -· t • ; • . r--1? fikK __ .e-et)~;;" :. "-11$.~~.-:.; .. {~:io ,;e:,A4J .. @,!7i'·::· t - • l , ..... .-.,. .... -,~-<-<r'•.,••-4' ""-""'~ """"" tliW<I·'f<" ... ,~·i>''"""_,. _ _., ,._,....~,~· l~o'· ,+-.. •,.c,.~ ~"'<.~' --~';I ...-~-.."'"'·•·....-.-"'~' ... "'-'- ' • r L sr ,._ . r · : . .;·u£5mPL~-- ,es rtJs.4, a /0 ' : [3Q~,u .. J?e;e_-J:.. q , -,:_ l ' - - ·- -- - - - -- -- -- - Boring No. ___ Sheet·---of __ _ r ~": lji r r ' I_. 1·., ~ ~ ' I. I I [ -'· 0 (f SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /Zlt!: 4 Angle (from Horizontal) __ '-}4---0 ____ _ Feature H_~4.J /714~<.; 0 AmP Bearing Coordinates: N --__,.-------Date Started ~~5 Date Completed _....;..::2;...L.0.L-_~~o:::.0·~~=:..._--- Logged by -c .cO --Q.~ Q)> OG> w - ~ .. !-.. -· - - E @£.,..---hl-/-r-u.-w-1?--:------ ;' -c: • :::s::: 01.() (..). 0 :e ... 0 Q.j mo. 'C ..cf:! -Q) (])> co G>u ....IQ) a: Soil Description • 1 . {;£A--v ... ~.-:~?7' -.. S~-tt~? -. · r.e a;zAvGt...' · Sheet·~ ?h-'- Date /~s Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation --=--------- Total Depth __ :Ja.-;.·..=5:::...__ ____ _ Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c: .2 -('Q -c: Q) E ::::J ... -0 c: Remarks • I £>' m.a .. -~ , . X [(Ju.J!/2. , ""'"'- - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ -·. J' --- \) I I I I I I I I I!ID\ ~ !EflJ' ,. \rel&J SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No 11JC -:f,- - ,, SOIL BORING. LOG Sheet i otL Date '/alas Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9~0_______ Ground Elevation Bearing -----:;--r-=--r.=--==------Rock Elevation ---------Feature H§W .m4t"ff t::.Am p Coordinates: N -------------------Date Started 41(!~'"~8, /·;..:? Total Depth j. 1 :S'" Date Completed -r-~/o...:7 --!::1~:....:::::: _______ _ E~~~------------ Logged b}: 12E 1-1,/iJ H£ --~~~~----Ground-Water Elevation ----·--- . c: -0(!) -c ~ c . "C ..c:.2 o-cu-Zc. == -:a ..c:~ (.) ---C: C.t: cu>-OU') Q.ftj IXI!l -cu :2 (!)> 0)0 Ecu -I-0· Cl> 0. C) Q.'t:J 0 0 Cl~ _(.) :a-~-co ~ -' Soil Description w a: cn.E E c: 0<11 cuo ... -caca iii c. -'ID (!) (J) a: Remarks .2 -ca -1:: <11 E :::1 .... -U) c ' . c : ~ ' r------,-·~···" ... ,..._ , ........... ____ .... ._,.,_ ... _ ~ ... -•• ,r" .... -·---~"""""'".-...' .,,.._ .... . . I "'--~·a-,_, ,_,.~··#f~--t--• ·•·-•<l•••:n.o--_,_.->,•- ' <• 41'--"-•"''"'' f.-"""""··d<'•" (J~ Sr.cr-Y SA'u..t:l· (~ .. c,) .. ~.,.,._, , .... _,._,., ..... -.... .. <""".,._'"'",. ,.,,_ __ ..,....,._,-....,.;'0,-~• -----~ ... ...--~,..j,.,;<M••.-~-"-~!.., ..... , '; T;z : o/z ~,e,dr.JG L. · (/:~Z-o 1:6'N~-· ""·-· ·-··· . ... ,. ·-~ .,.-, _..., ........ ,... .. -:·-_..-_,..,._.,.......,_ ""' w.,,.,-... --cc-..~ -· ~..., ... ,..._.-..;... . ..,,.._ ,...~,,...,._ ~'"-""""<_+,........,.. ' ..,..,.,. ... ..,, ...... -~:~-·"'"""••-.... -·>c·-"'''"' ,....,; __ ,...._ •. , .,..-.•'"+-", . .;...o>=•·-._. .. ,.. ..._~ '··-,-->~c .,...,_,...."···-·m>'>'·~'O-•. -~ .. - ~ -.. I -·- -···· ... I ,,_ I ·- - I -- •• - - - I_ Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of ___ _ \! .. l . ' ) ·I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I Sl.JSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No tJ1 d b Feature Nt:::it) MAH 414mP Coordinates: N ----------E ____________ _ Logged by /2GI-1 7 /D H /2 -0(1) -c 3 c . "C ,£:0 Q-CD-:Zo. == -'=e .2 ---C -ttl (1)>-olt) o.c:: -(I) -'=rn o.'; Ql:::S ECD -1-0· 01> o.o CD> Clo o."C 0 c 0 C,!! _() cue: Ec ::-... CDu ~....I IJJ a: CIJ-«<ttl 0 CD ....1(1) " -en iii c. a:, ··~I - (0 SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) __ 9..c......::O=----- Bearing -------,,.----+--------~:::~~";;~ted 4 ff£7b Soil Description . " ··~PS4 r. . B~o~H. ~~l ~ ... ~ .. -~·~· -·- J .. ! ..... ~ .. --"-'"" ..,_ --~--........ t-..... ,~···"· ,. " . Ground Elevation--------- Rock Elevation---------- Total Depth Ground-Water Elevation ______ _ c 0 :;:: ct:l -c (I) s:: 2 -11.1 .5 Remarks . . , ~:· -~~1\ :rJ~~WH..~ ... Ss~H4-f.~.PGEtT ..... :_ .... ·-·-···~~·-· ke ... - - - - . ' . . ~----~"'"""""·-~·-""-+""~-.... _... .. ___ ._,--r_..__,...,....,., .. =' .:....,._,.,_~ ... _. ..... c.; ... -~-. __ ._ . ' .. . " ._ .. ---.. ··-·'<). _____ ,., *"' .... 0£A-4{ .. $L.,<.,TY ___ _fA-M-'2. {F -~) Te · o .c· c:1 .aA;; 1.5'.L /l~e o 0121-"-t./ H G, ·~-c.~-al>··· -~+···- ~D :. :· .:· &S\ 1 ... - ... ·-.. , .. ., .. _._ l;.e.s r 4r n::m,or- e;;i: os 4-t:. ·@ ';_c) - - ·- ·- - - - - - . - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ oL. .. ___ ..._ ',. '. ' i ___ ;z, -. ·_., . ·. . . • I· :....J 0 I .I I I I I I I I I I I II I 1~1111 ~ lffl)tij~(fe® SOIL BORING LOG SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No J?'7 C 7 Angle {from Horizontal) __ 9"--"'0 ___ _ Feature HE?c.~ /)?4-H' (!/i-mP Bearing Ground Elevation------------ Rock Elevation ----,--..,------· Total Depth --~::1 · 5'" Coordinates; N ---------Date Started --~4_.2C-.I.8.~Z!..-...!=8~8~---- E ---.--~----Date Completed -~f-;~0~ae...dLJoB~~B~--~ Ground-Water Elevativn ______ _ Logged by /2E// /?J NR -c .c .2 --~CI:I CU> CCI> iii - Lt .. :e o--c iD::l tno _(J a: cu--co C.t: Ecu co-(1).!: ~.. .... 1 4 ,_...;. -· :...... ··f - - - -c . :;,:::: ott> (.)· 0 s: ... ocu mo. 0 " "C .s::f! -cu tn. > co :uu ~(I) a: Soil Description ' ' . ! • _ IIi,-+·~--.·------t-~-'"'"'-"'~-~;-·-""1-~'··--~~--~-... ~ ._. .... ._ ... .,"" .• ~ j ' . ~-' . ,._...._.._r ..,.,._ .. ,._,_, .. __ ."_ .. -·~----..,..,..., ... .., --~"'""'f -· .... "'-·-·~,~----·-" __ ....,. __ ....... , =--'l-"' -. ........... ~--· i . ~-~--:.:.· .... _..,--r-___ .... _____ t_.., __ ~-.._.-r--~ -~e-·-.... ""'-.. ,..;.,;.:-·-~:----. ,_ . ,. !t .. f { ~ * ' ' ' ' ' <r--·--~r---""'··_.,·,--... --·--·~·------..~,.-_, __ ,_"" ,,..,._ .... ..._,.._ .... ;... ..... ~ .. ·-·- c 0 :;:: ca -c !D E ::1 ... -U) c Remarks x-ToweR. _,,,> ····~·-·~·.......:.._ .. _ ··- '( . " :. ' "". ,. ... -~ .. -·--·-·- '8&%hH¢S" ·-- . - - - . - ·- - - - ·- - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ ---·· - I I I I I I I I • I I II 7 .i ~ illl~'' SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE Boring No /?2<:! 8 Feature 11/..;:-t<.> !Vl.AH C4,q;P Coordinates: N ----------- E 7:.:: Logged by -.r-::.J2=:&=wr~Z~v:..!N..L.£-iy+----- -. oQJ -c ~ c . "C =0 o-cu-Za. ::l= .cl!: (.) -CIS ---C o..c:: (!)>-oill -QJ :CCl Q.«J Q'l:'J EOJ _,_ 0· Cl> c.o OJ> Clo a."C 0 c 0 QQJ cu-3 ... e-~ ·-(.) (/)E. E c QJo iii a: «~cu OO.l ...IQJ (!J -(/) iii a. a: SOIL BORING LOG Angle (from Horizontal) __ =}..z..._:O~---- Bearing • Date Started _ ___.4-~/-~=B~B~· 87':::. ~:----­ Date Completed __ ._,'1';~~:....-=a~V:-=8:....:::~:::.....--- Soil Description , , ..... ~ .,, ............ _. ' -· . ' ' . ' . . . Sheet _i_ of _i_ Date 4/a,/8:3 Ground Elevation---------- Rock Elevadon ----------- Total Depth g.Q Ground-Water Elevation _______ _ c .2 -«< -c Cl,) E 2 -U) c Remarks - ··- _, .. -..._~,.--_ ....... ,_. , ......... -... ... --«¥'""~ .__ .. --~ .... -·~~-~---......... ~-·'-'"''"' .......... -....... ~-... -~--.. ... :/. ; . -·· .. _....0 __ .• ~ ... ,,.~ .. -........ -~-·-·:·-......... ...._ . .,~ ...... . t ·- ·- .. - ·-. - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ l .... _J.··.· .. ; .. · . . I I I • I I I •. AS I I I I I SOIL BORING LOG Sheot J of _1____ Date + e/ru Boring No t?J_,a~"""9 ____ _ Feature hl£4..> m/2& C!4m p Coordinates: N ~---------- Angle (frorrt Horiz~mtal) 90 Ground Elevation---------- Rock EIEuation ----------- TotaJ Depth ----=cf::....~i~·~O~-----­ Ground-Water Elevation~------- ----- E ___ __,~------ Logged by £ED /iJNR Bearing ~ Oats Started __ 4.....t.., ~· ~~8~/~....,-~"'---- Date Completed --~-L· __£.. ~.....:B::::L.-=93=---- , -oQ) -c: 3 c: • "C .cO o-Q)-Za. ::!= .c2:! -tV ---C: a.e a;_>. OU') -Q) Q.(V a.\::::S EQ) _.. .-0· en> Q)> 0 0."0 0 r:o C,S! ~(.) tV-~ ... (I)£ Ec Q.\e UJ ...... tVm am -IQ) -u;) mo. a: !--·.... ' ·····-•. .2 .C:O) o.o ~--~ Soil Description e, .. Ps,.t;T f3£Cl~.~!S ~, tl_~~-. du;z~v~.c:,r,fj .,s; ~ 1:'-/... ~ . 8.4-HO ~~ -t:;;} ~ .• ' -· --~ ..--~ .. :::~· .,, .ooj"~..,,.._.. ,>_ ..-... ~·--,~.,..,.,..,_~,. ... _ ..... ~ ...... ~~~ ........ ~""" . .., .......... , __ ·-·---~-......... ~~- ~-.,-... ~--~-,.......--.._.;.~-,., .... __ ~~--.. -..-~~··-rc'"' ... __ .,.._ --~--"' ".,.,._,._....,__..._, ... _.,_..;,.,., __ .. ~--..,..,.,., .. ~ t . . ._ . .,._...~~-·~ --_,,.,., ~·~••! ,~ .... ,._c-----.. , ~ '---~~~_....,. __ . •.~ .. ·--~---·-"T'"'--~ ._ .... ,_,,....,., •"•---• l l . ! . ... c: 0 = Cl:l -c: (i) E ::::s ... u; c Remarks ·-_[ E)C !!1 (!.. ~ l--- 5£.?[• ~~~-e.:-~-- • ! .. . . ··---' ·-· ·-·~--·~··-·- ;~r 14TTGP71'T . o·:-· ............ :.....-.. ....,._-t--- /JE~V.f4L <2. ,-er ~ .... -": .. ,--... -1 .... _.,..,.,..,-~-~-.. --- ... _ ... ,. -···· .. - -- " . - - - - - - - Boring No. ___ Sheet ___ of __ _ b ' ..... ~.·.·.·. ·• _-,_ ,·, '1 .... ~ -.../ ' (I.'-': Appendix C Laboratory Test Results -- April 1983 This sheet is provided by Alaska Resources Library and Information Services. Appendix C lacks a chapter page. It is assumed that it fits in this location. tl 1J u tl· f1:. w·· .-~ --~-:-· -------,· ·-· ., -· --- <:, :' '5 ~'' ~· ~-ti-_, ;f ... · ,...;:)._ '.,,.k;,,;.;j·.~<:,;r,..~--,.;~_ .... __ ,~:_~·~-· .. ~-·~:.--~-...:..-:_~, WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Lf/7}83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON (g'BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt4 Hole ~5 ) Depth ~-Lj =i=f3 .~ Dry ~JT Total J Lfql TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare . Tare t·Jei ght I K li~Lo Cl assi fi cation (~r~ -:;~'~yc{k r·3~';:,v!.\ &Q~v~l1. 5 J!iYa S?J ~-t J ( Srv'.) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT I Of1 \ .o Size r.-1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 r1a te ri a l 'ill 76.2 211 50.8 -Can No. 1~11 38.1 WT-Soil& Can Wet) 1 II 25 4 " HT .:sci l & Can Drv) ~/4" 19 1 0 0 l 0..0 !::11 12 7 st-t,a 3,(.. "'(,. &' Loss 2 .... #4. 4.6 too.o q ,1-f CfO,b. ltJeioht of Can #10 2 0 WT of Soil (Orv) " ' Pan % ~1!;! i ~t ure Total i REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SA~t1PLE t·JT Representative l,!..JT Hashed SamQle 81 Tare II 1-f,O 'fi~ \"'~ ~; nU -4)1.:'' Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size 1n ? nnn · 20 n Rlin ~n n -hnn 40 n A?li 1nn n 150 200 0.075 ?70 0.053 Pan fnt~l Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. r~r-1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 1t:; n n?rl- 30 0 014 60 0.0'10 240 0~005 1440 {) 0-02 Tested bv: ( i-l!.N\ t-F' 135-M.-\ grams M;:~c:::h~rf ~~ nn 1 f.:l ~IP:i aht <e. 'r:tt..) Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina ((aB.o . . !<"·~ r :..~ -2.. "2 S"~ . .J 2 '?,., ~ -16."2. ' . -z 9'1.0 I ) --~~ ""J -f t.._, 711 c '3~1 Y~'J 3~!,.,< 67,2. 5&'-t.o ,..': "\ '1 ~~''-l..j&, d b 7J-tD ~ IS;,~ s ~.7 -. (::_..~b.£5 .. . HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol ~ ....... -PI Drops: - Co)!'lrected l4ei ght of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq '0 c. K Initl. Actual ·- •, -. -o.O.:!.. lcomoute<;i bv: C t M. !Checked bv: ' Rc /0· tl' - Defi ocul ati on Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, L In;~ ~1r1 Passing Cc -Cu fff:;) HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS '·' l t ' ; ,,'' I 5?.9\ _I ~l"i ... ~. •? o/o ttrtt' s _j -:, ' < ,..<+. .• --!,_..._,_ __ ._ -• I~ t ~ ·-'' , < ... ' \"': . ., . ......__ ' ~·, . l ,, .. ~ L ,-··'-'' ~ ··----~----...__...... ----............ -~ _......._ ___ .. ,• . l . GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Si2ve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer . 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 ~ l/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 """ I --"" . • I 90 80 70 ~ 60 0> .... Ill ;J: 2 50 r... 01 c;: t;: 40 .. .. c Ill t 30 Q.. 20 10 0 100 50 1000 500 I BOULDERS COBBlES J Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. AS 1 VI SUI\L MANUAl CLASSIFICATION t.F 14.11 -(:,-:..A ,. -----~ '3 ~~-~ 1(-,.,~ .. ,. ~ ... , ........... .._ --· ----- '=J SAMPLE NO. 3 L--! -~~- • t:::::::& I' 10 GRAVEL I Fine DEPTH 3-4 - - L_... II I • I I I~ -r-1' r-.. ~ I ~ f"... r-..... c ~ ...... ~I' rt "" ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ " ~ . 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters I SAND I I Coarse Hedium Finlll I CLASSIFICATION (USC) r v> ...___. ') ; ~ ·-, y ....__~ r ~ j ~ . Ti - I 90 80 70 60 ~I ~I 50 II-.. c .... 40 14. .. c .. t! 30 IIJ 0.. 20 10 o.oot 0 I 0.05 0.01 0.005 FINES I snt Shes ,Flay S1z-:~ Job No. .Date "· ~- I WATANA DAM -I ' I .15032:.003.08 I 'l--"L c> -[ 3 I ! fiR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES lltiil ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS I SEOPHYSI~ISTS I ff ~ ~ ~_0~ ~ C:.l;:; "~ t ~ j " . ' 'I _.:·) J ·t • II I I /' i:· I) ·~ 0 '·' \L,, ,, L· 'I ·....:li!J '; .. -· --~-----· :l ~(· \J t . -' ' . .·, . ;"'"-~ ;.::,.:>:;. '..,·k~; ; .. ·;.~~~~-~--~_:__--"'-'-·::__·: ,.,...,.....:~-.... ---..:... .... ~--·-·: __ ....__~ --·-·"---~"· . ~-·~:-.. -,.,..=-..,_,___.,., ... ~_..,. .. __ _. -:s ·~- ' JJ l .,. l}t} "~-" ~ I D JI- 10 s ~~~.··.1. l!j WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y 11 J e3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON I}JBRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt4 Hole AS 3 Depth Js-3' #f ~Dry WT Total /'2..1~ TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare I Tare Height ()-\r t;"' I \Je.V'~ j_k.~,--\( t;v-~._,J,·~ i1.'""~w1t\ ~rtt11d'~ ?d~ ~J'\J.(s~ .... f l Classification .. --1 Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample l;JT b/b,O Size Mri Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 _3" 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1~11 38.1 ~JT -Soi 1 ~ Can 1 Het l II 25 4 HT-Soil& Can1 Dry 3Jll11 lq. 1 D 0 IO."J k;ll 12 7 tb.o 1,'-f q7J-:. Loss 2 #4 4.6 '13,0 G.L-f 93.b ~Je i oht of Can E10 2 a WT of Soil {Dry) Pan ~~ ~·1oisture ~~t Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE -" WT l'iashed Sarno e & Tare \C ~~ .. -~ t•JT Representative Tnr~ Weiaht ·:;--: 1 (l.,.o} Jar # Sample . Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 '? non 20 0 RSO 30 0 600 40 () 4?!1 100 0 150 200 0.075 ?70 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. Maximum Time Time Di a. MM ·-.. 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 1S 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: CV~W\ l-F' 135-MA grams Wn~hprf Sn1ln1P vfPiah._t '-/""I ~,J Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing .:.u.o J3t5-~b ~.::- /7 ';;,/) 2.-;;, q /!..j I\ '2.. I ~1.. D 12,Lrj c..,..,, b "2.~0, 0 ~'?,$'"" (:,t,s:- t{04,0 S""G) .~ J..l J.Z.. L{ 1'6.D 7()./ "2 .q, s 1-(qo,D HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Ini tl. Actual . fComouted bv:ttM !Checked bv: --·'' - .1. --- Rc ffi_.A Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, L I Di a ~1r1 Passing ' Cc Cu 1 :1 .j HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS _j q I. "" ~ ~ ~ ~> L '~;c.,:u.~ ~~~~ "-="-~.,.• "'""'-:] .,.~c:·-c·~ .. q ~ •·-'. Ia, ~,.: ... :; ~,. ... \. ~~-~ ';.,~ ·-·· -·-""--~ . ~::··;......, 1:>!!'";&,~ .. ~ ~"t;;t?''~~ ...... ~-4~ ~''"""'~~ .. --•,:,;_ .. -~ .. . GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve Open1n3s In Inches U. s. St~ndard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 100 9 6 3 2 11/21 U,4 1/23/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 .,. ' • ~i· I' ~ 90 80 70 ~ 60 en -Cl 3: ~50 .... Cl I: ?;: 40 +t I: Ill u ~ 30 a. 20 . 10 ' 0 100 50 10 5 1000 500 I I F GRA'JEL BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJ1.PLE NO. DEPTH 53 I ~5-3' r . ,.., • t ' \11 S UAL MI\NUAL CLASS 1 H CA TJ ON ... t. -'llU. \(' lt ·;. ( :,_ii..l'N'r'l ft .. ~ M I 1-F 1"1 I-c.,~A ,,.,. ~~-.... -.. .. [I I I I I ~ ' "E~ "' ' -~~" .~ P\ I~ ~"- ' ~ )\. '" 1\ 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters SAND Medium Fine . CLASSIFICATION (USC) C ,•1 t, 1 ~ L \i'~\-\.,ell"" " . . ··~- T ~ . ' 0.05 90 80 70 60 .... .I: 01 .... ... ::a 50 ~ .... Ill I: ?;: 40 .... c ... ~ 30 Ill a. 20 10 0.01 0.005 0.001° tiNES I Silt Sizes Job No. Date WATANA DAM - 15032ll003.08 4-to-&3 1111 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ifilM i:IIGINEERS, llEOLOGISTS 4 GEOPHYSICISTS ------\~ ---.. ,,~,..,_ .. ,_ '--•'-~--'-""-~"--.~._,.-,,,~,.·~-·...__,_-__.~~-""-·-:~~·-.w"':; ,, (_} .,2; ~· 0 :·:; . ' I I '·::-.;::;.::}_~~' \,'\ !t 'f ·~}Etv r-~ ' -~ l y 1 'i - WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date LJ}7f83 No. 15032:~003.08 0 GILSON QBRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER . Project WATANA DAN Hole AS 3 Depth <3-'1 s #Y .~ Dry ~JT Total ll7 g ,o l TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare ' j \,., I ' • E t'·~~AJi.t Tare t.Jei ght lrb '-\~l, 1) Classification ~ C\'-1" . ._, ·.s~· "(! ~"" ?J/~ 5t:!ttd. ( s lyv? Sieve Dia,. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Samole HT { ~l,O Size r.1r1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing I t1oi sture Content 411 1C1 6 "· -1 0 r-1a te ri a 1 3il 76.2 2" 5Q.B Can No. 1~11 38. 1 WT-Soil& Can'Wet 1 II 25 4 ~JT -Soi 1 & Can 'Dry 3/4 11 19 1 kll 12 7 0 0 leo Loss 2 #4 4.6 1.3..0 '3. I I q ~~<1. ~Jeig_ht of Can #10 2 0 ~vT of so; 1 ( D rv ) P;:m % Moisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE . HT Representative WT t·Jashed Sarno e & Tare 7!'-'f(;>,J T~Y'P WPiaht ~1. ),6 Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. 11M Size 1() 2_ 000 20 n R!iO 30 0 600 40 0 425 1()() 0 150 200 0.075 ?70 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. Maximum Time 1 ime Dia. MM 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 O.Q3t> lS _Q 020 _30 0 014 60 0.010 24.0 0.005 1440 (l 002 Tested by: C(<""'' l-F/35-MA grams !Washed .'"' .. inol e ~lei oht _:_; b....f ,.:.l Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 6:.o 'if ,l--f at.~ 14.7,0 L ~. '1 ~3 I . I {b2.0 ""'2.1.10 72"H ?..D "2.0 . "2.~, -( 7<. .\ '36 7tO J-( '6. '1 ~.I y(.,1D blt7 ~-~·3 4 h7>,D HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample _grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual . I Comouted bv: t f..fVI. !Checked bv: __ ... ,. ':n !;...'' -- Rc L MA Def1oculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, n·i ~ at1 Passing Cc Cu . HARDING LAWSOM ASSOfHATES ENGINEERS, GEOI OGISTS & GEOPHYSiCISTS '=>S t;~ •; 0 - S'4nd i 'OS;~: :.; .. p,ll.,.~ . ",~ .. '~ _j ~' \?~ 1 r .1!1 IJ fj L f.- W...,.,.~ ~ ~~ -';! -~ ~ ............. .~ ~ GR~p]\Tio'N · SIZE ~NAL ys1s U. S. Standard Sfeve Openings In Inches U. S. Standard Sieve NUmbers ~p-~ ~ Hydr011eter ., -,·:-~ 4!~:;;.:..:~J.i ... , .. = ( .. . ~ . .•L::~J ''· .61~·---:~f;_~l = I I I " I ,/-- ~ 100 12 9 6 3 2 1112 1 3/4 1a 3/8 4 10 zo 40 60 80 100 140 '200 270 100 I (\ ," ""T I I 90 80 70 ~ 60 D> ._ II) 3: 2 50 '-CIJ c::: ti: 40 .... c: II u ~ 30 a. 20 10 0 100 50 1000 500 I BOULDERS I COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SMPLE NO. Ac; 3 '-1 \II SUAL MANUJ\l CLASS I FJ CATION . ------ 1-F 11./l-~~ ..... ~-· ... ---... I I l;r~r .... ~.. ~ II 1 I I I I ! ..... 1---E) i I .. ""' I IS~. ~ ~ ~~~ ' ~ I " I ~ [ ~ i '\ ; ~ i ~ / I i _, . I I 10 5 1 0.5 0.11 Grain Size in Htll~meters GRAVEL I Coarse I I Fine DEPTH R-9 5 : ... .. - s~\ND Hediwm I Fine ICLASSIIFlCATION (USC) II, ·,' •. :f . ' '· , .. -""'-'" - 1 .. I I I 90 I I I ,, 80 70 .. I +I I 60 S! "' -II 21 50 >.! .0 ... II) c: .... 40 "-·-... c Ill ·~ ~' 30 :_, I I 20 I 10 0.!05 0_01 0.005 o.ool 0 FINES ~lt Sizes .~lay Si~~ Job No. Date - WATANA DAM ~50~2:l003.08 4 -to-&-~ ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ~NGINEEBS.IiEOLOGISTS I GEOPHYSICISTS -llll!J-.. ~l~ I C· [J . ·-~;· . ; j( 1' ~-----~~ ......... '· .. ~ ., ... ·-... )11(.- (,.-., -. .. ,_:;veiV r.r. I 'i ~ '~ • ' ' ' ~~-:-~··"'-h-~-------.. -~--.. -.--~ --. ~ =·-:.-.· -ll.l·.~.. - c • . . . ' . "' '~ ~ "' ... ~ r ~ "J. '\. ~ "••.::" J>c ' ~ ... ~l ~ • ' ,\: --" o o I· ._. ~~-.*4-<-~J.~~---'-'-..-..........------~--............... ~ --~---~-- Date Lj /7 j 8-3 WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS 0 GILSON RASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Job No. 15032 2 003.08 -· Project WATANA DAH Hole AS .5 Dep.th 8 ~lo' :+:t-3 . ,O::fr Dry ~JT Tota 1 I)~~ . TOTAL SA~APLE Sample & Tare . Tare ~~eight \ p L.-\2-C\ Classification v/2.~""' \~"'" ~ \.sv( '1 ~ r (I v e lt~ ~ d l7o ~n..d. ( 'S iYV) r\ 0,_ Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT v· ~,0 Size ~1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ' Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 o r:1ateri a 1 311 76.2 2" 50 _8 .,.._ Can No. I ,~ .. 38.1 . HT-Soil~ Can Het .. l'l 25 4 ~IT ... so; 1 & Can Dry 314 11 19 1 0 6 ICO _kll 12 7 Z'1,D I 2.~7 "'·3 Loss 2 .., - ~Je i aht of Can #4 . 4~6 r:. z. () b·<i '9~,1 #10 2 0 ~.JT of .Soi 1 ( Orv) E. an ~~ Moisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare C\ q -.,.o Jar # Tr~ rP WPi oht J-f ::J..o.."f / ::-Sample Sieve Dia. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 n RSO 30 0 600 --,~g 0 425 0 150 20Q 0.075 ?7() 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. r~M 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0. 035 - 15 f) 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: ( (<v~·\ L..F 135-MA I _grams !Washed Sarnnl e ~lei aht s-(:, '6 .o Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;~ of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina } I /10 {-e... '1. ~-7,( I Cl c.), a '21.') 7';!, 5" '"2.. 37,0 L.G, '-7 s: I'(( 2 SJ;,o . ~ ), 3 ~ {,7 4'' !-:;. l .) S"?.L, Lt "!.. '-/ ?(-:. "1.0 b2·~ -..•. ~. -. $""6 7,:'1 ~ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actua 1 .. Jcomouted bv: ( J m !Checked bv: __ .. r . Rc Mtl Defloculation Agent L -- Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, Passing ni r1 ~1r1 Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON AS. 'flCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ,(' ~i.'i. _j •• "" • -I I i I .I I I I ... . . .. . ·' . . . . . ... . ~ • .~ • • 0. . • ·..:P ..... ., . .. • ; • • • • -• : .. • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ' •·• • < • • .. • •• • -... ~ ~~~ '.-, *"'"iii-·-' .. "11 'f•l6itMYil?!14!1i!i!!!.h.liilill!l I. I I L c~ ___ L:. L . . ~ L ... -= r.:: c-:- U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches C ·-·-. ~ L:: t=: . l' " . ,..-.~-~~ .L-...:_ ~""'! ~ C.-1 GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers (. ,.; [-~ L-.,t. Hydro11eter {~~ ~ ....._..., ~ . .6.-'=--.AI '-· ..... ' c: .. -:1!. 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 314 l/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 HJO 100 -.. I j I • I r--e 90 80 70 .!; 60 Dl -CIJ ::Jr; ~· 50 L ., c u: 40 .... c: Cl u ~ 30 a. 20 10 o. . 10 100!) 500 100 50 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine LA£1 TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJ-!PLE NO. DEPTH A~S 3 R·-1o• VISUAL MANUAL ClASSIFICATION 1\.,t !' I ...,. ,.._, r: \ , .. ..... :~(' \. 1-· --- 1-.F l'fj-(:;,~/>. -~ ... --.. .. .. ,. I ' I I ! ,. I" s: ~ { ~ .........., ~ ~!'.... c " \! ~ '" ~ '\ ' ~ . ~ 5 1 0.5 . 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters I S;\ND I Coarse Medium Fine CLASSIFICATiON (USC) _,_; ii ,r I' ' ~ 'll .. .. \--.. -.... 90 .. 80 70 60 .... .1:! Dl .... ., :a 50 1/ ... ., c .... 40 L&.. .... c ., i! 30 Cll a. --v l 20 ~ 10 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FINES I Silt Shes .~1 ay Si zc:Sf Job No. Date - WATANA DAM 15032 :t003. 08 4-lo-~3 ~~---------------- MJ.11 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES tMiij ~JIGINEERS, riEOLOGISTS & riEOPHYSICIUS -... 1 " ~ I I . I 1 ' !1 A i II It . p ~ . 'i ~ ~ -~ h g ~ J " • p r~ II I 1· •. l f. I f Ll_·n ll r- ! 1 ! } ·l' ! I,; l l l i' L· 1 ' l I: I f ~~· (, ;f_':i' t;::--'-;;· '::::::: ( ~ t: If LJ f t tJ u u f ~ ' w w I . I . 1: " r_; - WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date 4/7183 No. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON RASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAH Hole AS 7 Depth 1.5-3.b :;:t J 'k.tr-Dry ~JT To ta 1 1 t qg~o TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Tare Height lcf bl~Li Classi fi cation P~l/""'<"\. ~e.J .. , \ s"' ~)\J'cJW~ ca iA,V elL~ ~., ~d cs ~) S1L~ Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT • I b~,.\1o Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -10 r·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. l~" 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can ~·Jet l II ?5 4 (..) u , t_.W ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Dry 3/4" 9 1 "L [ ,_D 2...} , '7,3 k:" 12 7 1"5. 0 l.i.~ qs-,-, Loss 2 #4 4.6 ·7"2.:) Cf,t.J 9o,.fel vJei oht of Can #10 2 0 ~JT of So i 1 ( D rv ) Pan I % Moisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t·JT Representative vJT l·Jashed Sarno e & lare S577 Tar~.weiaht .;;.! :~t Jar # Sampl·e Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 n Rsn 30 n r;nn 40 n 425 100 o_J 1so 200 0.075 ?_7_0 0.053 Pan Totnl Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time o; a. r~r·1 f-"· 1 0.018 2 0.055 5 0.035 1~ Q 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 24n 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: /'l~V\t t..F135 .. MA grams IWnc::hed Sa nol e ~lei aht Lfl..f ~~6 Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing -I o~~~ '"' l~.S. l;~.7 /Q_l.l,o '-1· ~ 7~/) I Ci !.-\. o "2 S" Jl.f /'-/.b "2 2 7~c 2G. -, (0# 3' 3S7,o '-1 {,. "! :;·:;,\..- '1 L.f 0 .D c;;7tb t..t~rl 1-f"{J.V .::0."'>-, HYDROMETt:R SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample qrams ~· Temp. Readi.!l.9 K 0 c. Initl. Actual ~ , - Jcomouted bv:~t!M !Checked bv: Rc rtv.fr Defloculation Agent ... ~ Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, L lni n 11t1 Passing ' ,_ Cc Cu ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGUlEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 4-~ I~~ -I '!. ; ~d i 0 _j . .,.:-'?>""GI"ij tilt 'R$tj1Wirfliltlij•t ~ C· \ ' .. liO rl t' .f[li Mfliii\11~~ I L f ' GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 ),.._ 3/4 1/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 • I I 90 80 70 ~ 60 Ol ~ .... CIJ 3 2 50 J... CIJ c: ~ 40 ~ c Cl u t 30 a.., 20 10 - o· 100 50 1000 500 I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse lAS TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPlE NO. AS-7 I .. VISUAL MANUAL ClASS~ fiCA Tl ON ( t-~ ... iA. ,1 fo ~ l\ <_.., 1-F I"l I-(,~,A. ~ --r "~::.'.-~~-~~~:...-~-~~;t..~ (,..,-_. L. ~ IS-c) I' I' I • t I I II 1-t"-t-~ r-.: ;p ~ '~l'l "' !..., il:: ~ ~t) I'-,, " ' '" --~ ' ·- ~ f 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVtl SAND I I Fine I Coarse Medtum I Fina I ~ t1f!'TU ClASSIFICATION {USC) t.s-3.5. ' SL\\.J {\~\r tt\tlr-Gt \ -! l_,.J u.1 •• ttl• • ,\ >(>('~ . . ---~--------~----------~----------------~-- ' ,.: / ~· f . ~ < pt. '\.l-.-L ~,,. .... 'ii.-~ .. ""' t.:J L () r l ...... ... -""\ k...._,_....J - -90 80 70 60 .... .c 0>. .... .. :II 50 ~ !.. .. c: . .... 40 li.. .... c: Cl u ... 30 .., Q. 20 10 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.o01° FINES I I Silt Sizes ~lay She~ I Job No. iJate f . --~ ~~ -· I WATANA DAM J 15032,003.08 4-t o-[) ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIAl'ES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHJS!CISTS CJ ~ t:Jt .) (.:..1 '*'_./ c~ .. :.J of~ 'f[ _,·t \, \) 0 '·' ,_,,, ---..(,.t •:;::; <.? l l I c ,_:-, I" ·-.- '• - WORK SHEEI; PARTICLE SJZE ANALYSIS 0 GILSON MBRASS SIEVE 0HYDRDr4ETER Job No. 15032,003.08 Date Lf 17 J 8 3 c:~~._ "··· Project WATANA OAt~ t ••• J'CN ~ Dry ~~T Total Hole AS 7 Depth 16' { . ' . t. : : ( I . l . r )< ,. Sample & Tare ~/o.o~ Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total 28J.d 0 Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~------------~----~~--~~~~~~----~~-·--~------~----~~--~~ Hoi sture Content 4" 101.6 - 1 0 r:1a te ri a 1 3 II 7 6 • 2 2" 50 8 Total Samole HT . ~Ca~n~N~o~·----~-~+-----~ __ 1,~~~~~--+-~38~-~l~~~~+-----~------~~~--r-~~~ ~JT -Soil & Can (L1et} r--· ,u 25 4 0----~~~--r-~~-r~~~r------T--~--~--~--~~~-i HT-Soil& CanfDrv1~ 3/4" 9.1 0 c;,. /b..P L:.;r) 7< .cl Cj Ill ~ 2.,() lltLj 15~.i-, 3~,J IV-I ~'(.~ 0/\ 1-'/l.O Jt...t.o ))L; .li ~ v l ~II _]2 7 Loss #4 4.6 vie i aht of Can #10 2 0 LvT of Soil ( Drv) Pan ~& ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE WT l·Jashed Samo e & Tare HT Representative Sample grams Jar # Iar~ Weiaht :Wr~~hPd S(111Dl Fl viPi aht t;o.s-·-. Di a. ~1M Cum. HT Weight ::,1eve Cum. ;~ of Yota 1 % % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 10 2 000 '5"~.0 20 0 R~O b't,o 30 0 h00 7~.D 40 0 425 'iii " ' (,.1 lOQ 0.150 I S"J,J 200 0.075 I {).:;,o (_ ~ ;:s 3'i :7 ' 3'7:? : -?7n 0.053 Pan l7D.7 ~~----~--~~---+--~----~--------~--------+---------+------4------~ ~~~--~~-------+--~~~~--------~--------~--------~----~------~x Tot<1l ~~~------------_.--------~--~----~--------~--------~----~------~~~~) HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific Gravity (G) LL PI ---.-----Hydrometer No. a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams El ap. ~1axi mum Temp. Reading Time Time Dia. MM o c. K Initl. Actual 1 0. 078 2 0.055 5 o.03o ~15 0 ()2( 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0~.005 Rc L Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 Drops: Defloculation Agent Corrected Gram :::>1ze, Di a ~1r1 % of Total Passing ~--~14~4~~0~-~00~10~2---r----+-----r----~~--+---~~--~------~--------~ Cc · IComouted bv:CCtf\ !Checked bv: f'/1 P-Cu ~j#~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ,. - :_, ~\::t:M aw~zw.tt ,.,. n l!fw)a '. 9 ·~ .. ., ~--·~~..,,,.... .... ...,.""'! I .1 L t ... ~ ~ ......... ,.,.:-~ ~ ~-··-~ ~ ~~~ _,....,._.... .......... ~ ~ ~ #JO.-'-'C:';Nt ~.::_:::::.::::r... ~ ~.:::..::...!::b.. ~~ ..-=--. c.r,..,_,._ .~. ~ • I . . . ; I GRADA t16N ~IZE. ANALYSIS -: 1 . . U. S. Standar·d Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 l-1./2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 I • I' 1\ I • I ~ 90 \.!.J' Cl. -- 80 70 ~ 60 01. .... Ill 3 2 50 .... Cl.l c: iJ: 40 ' .... c:: Ill u ~ 30 a.. 20 10 ol 100 50 10 1000 500 I GRAVF.L BOULDERS COBBLES I Coar:;e I Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH AS 7 ~ 16' VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION {;-I " j'U ,J··\ I <_, ( \ .. JIA \1\.'t:~.r .• , \:,,r - l-F l<i 1-G.~A L-,; \,..._ l ._._. (__... I I -r t '===> ~:=~ , .. I • I I I I ' b -1'-r }..... .......... ~ ~ r-c ~ c " "" ..... ~ ~ "\ 1"1 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters I SAND I I Coarse Medium Fine I CLASSIFICATION (USC) .. r :. ~" r: \~ f ., ~ r """ ~ r "") ......,.. /) . c· ."~ --- I 90 I 80 ·- 70 60 •• .&! 01 ..... Ill . :a 50 2 &... Ill c: ... 40 ..... ... c: Ill SJ ... 30 Ill a.. --20 10 0.05 o.m 0.005 o.ooJ 0 FINES J Silt ~izes J~lay Siz~ Job WATANA DAM No. 15032,003,08 Date Lt-tQ-8 ~ ~ ~ Mi1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES' Wij Elt'GINEERS, GEOLOGIStS & 6E9fHYSICISTS r;;;.. 'I t;~ ) ~ '"-' ;'£~~ l ' ,, ,;: '· , n, /.) . (-:;.) ~ . " i ,, i\,. I .;;., rJI' n f ''. ; 1 I : ~ . l~ WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date No. 15032~003.08 . Yl7)B.3 0 GILSON ~BRASS Sl EVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole A 5_ 9 Depth ),f)-'";). .5 # J ~Dry WT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare nbs T I • c f -\.::: are ~·Je1ght,.~,_ · Sl{D, Class i fi cation 0 l \I) c.. ~u'Qc...r..J') ~ r-~ 11 td t "( s,t~ s~~J. {_ s~ J b ICJ tt) Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Tota 1 Sarno 1 e \•lT Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing . Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 0 r·1a te ri a 1 311 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1~" 38. 1 HT-Soil~ Can Het 1 II 25 a. HT-Soi 1 & Can Dry 3/4 11 19 l {) 9 ;._J kll 12 7 30·9 .L.-f, -~ '1l)l(._ Loss 2 #4 4.6 .;-~:.,J ~"&,q CJ I. I vJeiaht of Can #10 2 0 HT of Soil (Drv) Pan ~{, ~1o i s t u re Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & 1 are '1~~,) Iare Weiaht $' .t..r~:-Jar # Sample . Sieve Di a. t1M Size 10 ~ 000 20 n 850 10 o ~on 40 () 42~ 100 0 150 2_00 0.075 270 0.053 P_an Total . Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. r1axi mum Time Time Di a. t~H 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 n _020 30 ' 0 J Ql4 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: (" \\ ~. 1-F 135 • MA grams IWr:~c::htoci Sa nnl ~ vlei aht l..f l7 ,..::> Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained J on,o 17(;0 -ztn.o -z -'1 CJtO 353,0 t-1_1 b.o ~I~ .C> HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer Nod PI Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams ·Temp. Read ina 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc lcomouted bv: M !Checked bv: ti1ft- Retained Ret. Passinq L J/,1... ~., ., -1'6 'k7.c, . /J., l 31,() G1. D 7':1., -.... ·-6t.~ 5~.?.. /.-(]., s {~~' .. 1'2. '3. 3 .~ Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 Drops: Defloculation Agent Corre§ted Gram 1ze, % of Total I Di a ~1t1 Passing Cc Cu I HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEDPHYSlClSTS e,~ ~~ ~1/1 •.. · ' I " 51,"3 f f'J -i ltj : ~fir\: ,. ; ' __ ,. _j \ ., bJ$-tTIJfJ~ rtDf"W-~lMt==lf~ I '"~" -I \~' I . L l ~- ----~~·"'""'" ,......_ -... ,.... ...... ... ...._.__ ; ~ t • GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. S. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 ~ 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 GO 80100140 200 270 100 100 l I I 90 80 70' ~ 60 .c . 0> .... IU :X 2 50 ... IU c: u: 40 .... c 4J u ~ 30 Q. 20 :o 0 100 50 1000 500 BOULDERS COB!3LES Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAAPLE NO. {::)_() 9 VISUAl MANUAL CLASSIFICATION lh<.Q S aut~,,'"' e I ----- l..F 141 I-( .. "!>J.. L_. t -~ L=-(,_,, __ ,, I ~~· 11 I fJ I • I I I 11 -t"-< I' r--. ~ ~ ' I ) ~ "' "5 ~ R. -r-'(s ........ ~ . " ~ ~ "" ~ r' .. 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Hfllimeters GRAVEL I SAND I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine DEPTH 1.5-~.,5 - \'' .,.. <i.e.:, I• :!.t'' r,.\ -· L.._ ~ ClASSIFICATlor• (USC) (:r v-u u "\ ( I< • c ~ { Jl.\. cn\t. u\cq~ J ! f 1-t ~ t ":\ L.,.___: r ~ ( • i \...-.-. \~~ f "- , n ___:i 90 80 70 60 ~ .c ,~I =- 50 11 ... ~I ~ 40 ~ c: II ~~ 30 u Q. 20 I 10 ! o.os 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay She~ Job No. Date ._j . -· WATANA DAM 15032,003,08 ' - 4--\f.>-~3 JffR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES llij ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & &EOPHYSICISTS ~ ':._t ___}' . ) .V __.! _l '· .... : ~""' :1. I I ;v '·· ,-;. H a - - r: r., Date LJ h/83 . WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSIS 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE ~HYDROMETER Job No. 15032,003.08 ' ' .. r Project WATANA DAr~ ~;~fl\J -A+rOry HT Tota 1 .Sample & Tare Ho 1 e .q s 16 TOTAL SAMPLE Depth 3 .5 -~.5 # J I . r· f"' r: 1 : f I . ,_) A - Tare ~·Je i ght o \ ~ v e.. -s 1 I~"'). s ~ n-c:L ( s W\.,J Class i fi cation a Total Samole HT Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 • Size ~1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4u 101 . 6 -1 0 ~·1a te ri a 1 ~ ;; ~~ · ~ Can No . . M A " 3 5 1 Js 11 38 . 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can(Het) 323/1 1 11 25 4 ~IT-Soil& Can(Drv) 3.:2'3.1 ~14u 19.1 Loss o.t;,_ ~~~ 12 7 #4 4 6 ~We=,~·a~h~t~o~f~Ca~(n~)~~~~~~·~3~~,_~~~110L-~~~2~·~o~----~-------~----~------4----··--~~T of Soi 1 Drv Z3':).80 Prin % ~1o is t u re o • 3 4-T~oi!..l;:t:.s.a.!-1 ...z... ___ ..~..-__ _:.. ___ .._ __ __,~~...... __ _._ __ --t REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE WT l·Jashed Sarno e .&-Tare HT Representative :r Jar # Sample Sieve Size 1n 20 ~n 40 100 too ?7n P-an Tntr~l Specific Gravity (G) a = 6,q8 . (?.25 Elap. Time Time '~ :17 2 ,, ~0 5 ,.,_,40 1S 1!-/ '1"1'" 60 /7 ') 'j 240 I,~ 15' 1440 Tested bv: t-F 135-MA 5"Q.S"" grams Di a. r1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing ? non 0 b.O (OO•D n ~so S" q-, '1 ")"., n hnn ~ ts.~ 64.! n 4?S 1\ Z..l.9 78·1 0.150 :J'J. 4~. '1 SC.., I 0.075 ~9 c:;/.~ 4-2-A· 0 053 ""J.'I HYDROMETER SAMPLE "-·75 LL - (4S';,v~) PI -Hydrom~er No. Amyl A 1 co.ho 1 . +- Drops: .1 ,...~~. ·~ 1 Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample so.33 grams Defloculation Colq~ r;JI""l Agent Maximum Temp. Readinq Dia. MM ° C. K Initl. Actual 1 Corre-cted L ,§ram S1 ze, % of Total Passing Rc 0. 055 )Q_O 1/ :2;.1..~ /'1 0 0. 035 jl) () ,, (q t 17.0 II n n?n ~,Do ,, rt.J.'? o -o 1 4 , o G ., ,:;,n 0 • 00 5 /Cf , 'r( II q, ~ / . Cnff.. /G, B~ I Comouted bv: MIt-!Checked bv: ~'t1 A- --'· "li r~ m1 14-.o 14-t4.. JUS 14,t;s o. 0 03 4-s Cc Cu fl 1 ~.1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES • ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPH1SICISTS ' ! s;.c.. _, D/• ' SA-d; ' 4-2 4 1 .. ·; .. f, ,_c s I . ., . ! '·' f) , I I I .... L f '~~-.'qt,:-.b;,-.~ ~;.,_..:,.,z;,;~ . ' ' I GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS ··- U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Steve Numbers Hydrometer 100 i2 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/'l. 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 . • I . I I I' ~ ~ ,. I I I I 90 '1'1:• r- i'- 80 ~~ {S;_ ' ., 70 " ' ~ 60 ~ Do ..... 111 ' :X }l 50 .... 111 ~ c it 40 !\ ... ..: 111 u i; 30 a.. 20 10 0 100 .50 10 5 1 0~5 0.1 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters I GRAVEL I SAND BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Hedium l Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJoiPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) AS Jo J _34,.~-'-1.5 IJISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATIOtl A-~\~\,\.) \ S\\\a ; <:.1 \ ":·t r+ ; v J.~ ( I o~.. ) ':· • I ' I (J : - ... J.F I"' I-G.':lJ.. J I l l I : } L~ L-l Fl.!\ f-t. ::. 'l,oo.--e-">.'' -.,._,_ f i1 ;"' '"t)l '>·· ,., ~"' ~.. ....... ~,:.! ,. t, I ..... 4.._,.,.., ~ t.. 1\ f, 0.05 go ao· . 70 60 .... .c 01 .... ., :a 50 1: .... u s: -40 IL. ... c .. u .... 30 .. a.. ~' 20 ~ l~ ~~ 10 1,0. r---... 1:~ 0.01 o.oos 0.001° FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay Size~ --Job ~~AlANA DAM Noo j5032 3 00J,08 Date {\-\ 1 -g3 ftM HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES W6iii ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ] r . Jl . --....-~-Jf ~'-.1 . ! :~ __ j ~ ,, j! ll )i '{\ \) ':f-r~(\ I r r~ ( J "'-"·, '" - - WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date YJ7)93 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON gBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER . Project WATANA DAN . Hole AS )d Depth ._5_-J.O ~} Mr-Dry HT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 'l...lCO,q?, Tare i·Jei ght \\\~ ~lb 81/l ~ Classification J?\c.t ~ 'a fZ.-rw eLJ....f 5 L 9 .S J"'t.vQ [s.m) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT 0! Cum. % of Total /o Total Sample HT I ~c(,~J Size Mr1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II 38. 1 ~JT -Soi lEt Can viet 1 II 2S 4 HT-Soil& Can Dry 3/4 11 9 l 0 l) !;J_) ~~~ 12 7 53(0 4.2 G7~-~~ Loss 2 #4 4.6 I J...J, o 7.4 C}!.J '-~Je i qht of Can #1() 2 0 ~~T of Soi 1 ( Drv) Pan ~~ ~-1o1 sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT Hashed Sarno e & lare -:::..c. .l,~\ Jar # TrtrP ~.JPiaht fv if{ '2.!. ~ .... ·i ~ Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size l(l 2 000 20 n RSrl 30 0 fi()() ~ 40 0 425 1nn 0 150 200 0.075 ?7f) 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = E1ap. Maximum Time Time Di a. t1t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 O.Q35 15 () _020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: [,.l.~v\ 1-F 135-MA grams lt.Jr1~hPd SannlP ~/eiaht i 1. ~~. 7'7 Cum. WT vJei ght % % of Total Cum. ?~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing ~t;.O JS,3 $J'Lfi/ s~.b 2-9,0 ({,6 ' f.J.,o ~s.~ ~'-(.1 ~o.o "'IZ I ( $;7/-\ J/.-f,O MO.\ 3 '{ .'f I ~l.O 6q.s ~oS .. ~ 35"t0 HYDROMETER SA~~PLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readina 0 c. K Initl. Actua 1 lcomouted bv:cP~ !Checked bv: ,• Rc Mf+- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, L IDia ~1t1 . Passing Cc Cu n~t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' 1b.S, l/ ' ' ft~~.~(" .... I J L. .f .. .. \::;) o·.; , I J ~ L [_ __ ,..:, ~0-• l-.~ '-~-lo._-.-~ \...--,..__,_ ~.. ~~.... ~~~... ~~.. ~ ~~ ..... ~--~.; ~_;;;a.J,. ~.,._ .. ..... ~J ;. ' . "J f.- GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sfeve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12. 9 6 3 2 1 l/2. 1 3}.._4 1/2 3/8 " 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 I • ~ a I ~~~· I' I' I I I I I -1'--. 1 .... ~ 90 90 ...... 1'-. t:: ~ 80 80 '" 70 "'~ 70 " . (rx, 60 ~ ~ 60 .c 1 R. DO .... C7l .. .... :a Ql " :3 50 E 1:l 50 '\ ... u ... s= Ql ~ .... c 40 .... u: 40 '""" .... &: .... u c t! GJ 1"-lc u 30 u :u 30 Ql. a. 20 . 20 10 10 i l ol J o.oot 0 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Grain Si:e 1n Millimeters I GRAVEL I SAND I FINES I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine I Silt Sizes .~lay She~ LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAI4PLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job WATANA DAM RS J;A VISUAL MANUAL ClASSIFIC/\TION l c-,_ :·r. ( "1~\'!•' .... ,t\ _,. r..F J 'i I -G. ':>J.. L_ l --"""-r L-~ L- .5_-J,D , .. \•' \~· t ~ ~~~ •• •1 \ ... ' l L_. LJ , ... U\ s Lf !;II f I \.e. • 4 { ~ ~. .._.____ I r -~ . 'i i I . ~ ' . .. ' f !·( ....__ .'} \.--l! No. Date LJ 150323003108 4-to-~) fiR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES llliit ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPH(*ICISTS , ... ;l·~ .. ·~ ~_)': ' .. ·,, ~ } ....__ (._] •: r \ ,, . 1 Dv~?rV I J J J J j J J I ) J i J -- I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSIS Job Date y 17/83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON [013RASS SIEVE YDROMETER Project WATANA DAH Hole AS \3 Depth 7-10 ~? A4-F-Dry HT Total ~~s TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Tare vJeight \Z. \) 'Jt-'1 '{Jet~'-~ \:r,;:€.f 11"""-Vt' (11 '?I ~~ s~(.fM) SL-t~ Classification 43~ Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT Size ~1H· Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ,. Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 0 r·1a te ri a 1 3" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. ftA-~t 1~11 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can I ~~et 32J (, l..f 111 25 4 ~IT-Soil& Can1 Dry -; :2 &,, "' _3/ 411 19 1 1:11 12 7 0 0 \OO,o Loss \, 0 2 #4 4.6 3S" B~o .qz.. .. o Heioht of Can q(t? :!lO 2 0 45 10·3 8t:J~i t~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) '2'3 s-~" Pan % ~1oisture o. '1-Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE WT Representative WT t·Jashed Samo e & lare 1"'3"a Jar # .JB-~ T~ Y'P Wetaht i'l\ ~-.~ t) ·"" l Sample · 7~. Cj_ grams IWnshPd Sa mn 1 A ~lei aht "l !5 Sieve Di a. t1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. 5~ of Tota 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 10 2 000 0 ~-g:;, i 20 n ~sn ~~ 1?.~ gcM .. (15·" 30 () h00 17 2'l.t3 71.7 (~"'1~7') -40 0 425 :::21 Zl,~ Tt.4(&4-.'D JOO 0_, 150 ... 5 4--(,... 0 5 4.0( 4-B·lf.-) 2_0.0 0.075 ~ 4 4'5'1.~ lfl,t-(31. i) 210 0. 053 . Pan L../5 Total HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific z .1~ LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) (assv~) PI G Drops: ;..."? ":!.:/:;"~··,.. a = 0,1'~ Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample 1(e,, j grams . . /LfO!) Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Dia. r~t·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L Gram 1ze, Passing I Di a ~1t't /!.. '.'"f 1 0.078 .... :::t··:. ' D.Ol~"-1 ?:ho ·J.q .6 G..~ II.S o. o4S ~(p,) :.:.: r ;J 2 0.055 ,.~ 0 ,t ?J ). .J. ?.1 ,. llo If 0·()~1.-z~.~ /:_,';'?5 5 0.035 2o.o ·' '17 ,I 1.'1 :5 ,, , ....... ) {,,()'1-J "'Z.-p,~ ! .f1'f 15 n n?o :..:.~~ .1 II '.]/.,/ ,, l"l ''i' D·bl '2-L&.~ 1'< :o 30 0 014 ::zo. Q ., 1~.0 ,, ,.,, } 0.60"\ \ '2.-l ~ 1 t. .·~r 60 0.010 ~n.() l'j /ft--,0 ·' ,~.'7 D·DO G 10,'5 J.:l.CO 240 0.005 ::tO.o II 1'5.0 ,J l4tZ-0, oo·; 1 ·I ,.,co 1440 0 002 It:;,(") • 61/.1 b 1/,0 a,o fll,$' D•Ooltl-3·S' I Cc Tested by: :1i~(t.: /G.t~:hiComouted bv: tl\.1\-!Checked bv :'YVt.,f\-Cu -HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 1/ l ~ Vl, s~-.; '/ s .;.<:<{~ _j C.' .. i I I I ~'i L ~-· U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches 12 9 6 3 2 100 • I 90 80 70 ~ 60 D> .... Ill .3: 2 50 1- Ill c ~ 40 ~ c Ill 0 ~ 30 o, 20 10 0 100 50 1000 500 I -~*""'·--- 1 j 1· I I I ....,..""-,.,.,.,.,....~ GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS ' U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 11/2 1 3/4 1/,.f 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 I I " ~ 1-1-~ II I I I I C .......... r-..... 1:; ~ "' l'>li t\1'\.. ~~ .,.... ta 1'-. -~ ~ ·~ il\i' ~ . ~ lll ~ 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 Grain Size in H111imeters GRAVEL I SAND ~---r-_._..,,.,.-J;~oo, == = i I I . 100 I 90 I 80 70 ~ 60 .c D> .,.. .. =- 50 ~ &.. Ill c ..... I.&. 40 ~ c .. ~ 30 111 a.. ~ 20 .... ~I:'-!(~ 10 r-:i b I ~ 0.01 0.005 o.o01° FINES j BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse J F1ne I Coarse Medium I Fine Silt Sizes .~1ay'She~ I [_.~ .. LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. ASJ3 iJlSUAL HANU/\l CLASSIFICATION r..,.F' 1'-11-c;~A L~ .L-...._ ... ' ~ SAMPLE NO. DEPTH ~ 1-10 )nH\l C..l \ \...(}! J. \ \\' t~-:--"''·!.(· ,·, "t ~ - r t-,....~ ........... ~ f . fii ~..--.,. __ I I;...~-·· ~ ......... ----, CLASSIFICATION (USC) -(' ..;• t "'. {l ,:~ • ,,)I • .. . ..,...( .. ; ! • J:O. . ·~ ...... -~ ... ,..\ I 1 f I' ·. . ~ ~i ~-o..::v::...-....-('-" ~"""'.;-_ . ..,.-.. ~Joao_ ... .-;:..~ ~ .... """""""{-P. -. ... ..... _~~ ·~--------------~----~~--------~~------~--------------------------------------------------------~~~--~------~--· Job No. Date ~ --·~ ...... ~"""' ~"--J -WATANA DAM 150321003~08 : 4-1~-~~ i 1JP.1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIAT£51 Wiil. ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~-~·~J ',_._J ~" .. _] •';:. I I I ~-­ : ' I I I ·.1 .I I I I I •• l I I J . I J I . - ~ WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y}7)83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON [a'BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAM Hole A-S 13 fDepth 13-l5 #3 ~ Dry HT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare /D't;" Tare l·Jei ght J iV '-{~ 6 Cl assi fi cation Pq~~ &,~·\,, 1} r-i't "" tt 1 s, L..:t'Q SA-"ld_(.~ Nt) Sieve Di a. Cum. W1 Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT s-~ci,O Size r·1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~~~ - r-1oi sture Content 4" 101 6 -1 o r·1ateri a 1 3'' 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 !s" 38.1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can Het 1 II 25 4 u ~ j!)O HT-Soil& Can Drv 3/4 11 9 1 ;j) I 'i, 11 $1)1(. l:;ll 2 7 )l. 20,c; /~L~ Loss 2 #4 4.6 1~-z. ?S'";~ 7/..t,?_ ~Je ight of Can E10 2 0 WT of Soil (Drv) Pr!n % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t·JT Representative WT Washed Sarno e & Tare 5(~1'-' Tt:\rP t~Piaht ~J ~ " Sample grams Jar # lwt:\~h~r! St:\nn1e ~leiaht .;. .... ' ' Sieve Oia. 11M Cum. WT Weight 0/ liJ %·of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 1() ? _Q_QQ /)/1.., .. ) '11,(;, h~r-1 20 n R~O -z"t .~ .-,) ,t.) -!.-:;~ ( ..... ·'• \ 30 ~0 fiOO 'C6i),) t-!1-t, I 'S<"' ri .• 40 -OA25 2'"Jb 0 '-t 'iftb S'llL( >'<. I 1011 0 150 ")7~0 b;.,1_ 1 <:,, 't. 200 0.075 L1l7,G /0.9 -z'\.2 21n 0 053 ~P_an t--)/ '75.c; Total HYDROMETER\~ SAf\1PLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol ' -Gravity (G) PI Drops: -- Corrected Weight of Hydrometer a = Defloculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1axi mum Temp. Reading Time Time Dia. t~r·1 o C,. K Initl. Actual 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 () 02() 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: C~M I Comouted bv: e P,M !Checked bv: - Rc L Mft Corre§ted 1~ of Total Gram 1 ze, , Passing Dia ~1r1 - ·-. .. ' ' - Cc Cu ' HARDING LAW'SON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 4S' .. P !/, -I frrv): _j ~ Q; .. I I I L 6 <·~~~ ___,_ -----_,. --.. ·-~ ~. - ' f j l ' . .' __JL~-~--L_l__ ----·------~~------------------------------~· ~-... --= I !--• GRADATION SIZE ANAL VSIS U., s. Standa~d Sie:ve Openings In Jnr;hes U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 100 12 9 li 3 .2 11/2 ..l. 3/4 1/23/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 ' ; • I ' I --r • I I' 90 \ ., '' ~ 80. . ~ 'I ~ I.... 7[). i ,, ' ~ 60 r-f--, Dl ·-QJ !X :::so··· I- QJ c ir 40 ,4JO .:: QJ u I ~ 30 "~-·~ .... ~ .. i . ~· - 20 . I 10 0' 1000 5~0 100 50 10 f'" BOUlDERS COliBlES Co:use GRAVEl I Ftne lAS' TEST NO. BORlflG NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH ..,., ~s ~··:?. 3 13'-J5' VISUAL MANUAL CLASS~i~ICATION ~Ct,'..•)~ \·~, · · ' rA \ ... : •••• ,. ·l'Y" Or. 1 (~-t t tJ rt, Lh· , · · j ...... t -tt-l"'!f:' -- i.F '>'IJ-"'~" ~ l L-L_. ~ -L-L_ l - II • I I I :, ~ r--. ' ...... \~ ........ t'l1fl. ~ " ~ " r-.. CSI. 'r-. ~ 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters T SAND I Coarse Medium I Fine CLASSIFICATION (USC) : \ ,. 't i,.;t t.. ·•-.-"'-'.-• Cn"'r• ut \ <~~-o1-. u '''ltt \c, /' (d .A i i '$ l <I . . f 0-. .., \ f ~"~ ~ __.] u -~ -~-~---·· .,.., -.-----··---.,_,,--. .. .---~--~·--1 ""<··~-· ...... ~·""-~~·---'"'7 f) 90 . 80 70 .... 60 .c Dl -Ill ;:31 50 >. .Q '-QJ a:: .... 40 il t! 30 QJ a. 20 ·- 10 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FINES Silt Shes .Eay Si~ Job No. Date _J I WATANA DAM I I 15032~003.08 I .4-to-[3 MiM HARDING LAW~iON ASSOCIATES Miiil ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~ --! '). 1 ~ ... -_J ''j '~: r I' I. I I I I I~ I I I I I 1: ) I -,, WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date '7/7)83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON fSa'BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER 0""'";""""""' f I UJI:\.. l. WATANA DAN Hole 1'15 13 loepth 15-J 7s #4 cl\i r Dry ~·JT To ta 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare '} 7 7 l..{ Tare t·Jei ght ) \; ~LI:. Classification fJccr~ ~~'( ~,..~ .. 11 0 S II ~ SA.~ d ( S w·.) . ' Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Tota 1 Sarno 1 e \·JT lL.~1 Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing f . ~-1oi sture Content 4•' 101.6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. l!s" . 38.1 ' vJT -Soi 1 ~ Can (Het) 111 25 4 CJ ·..J l ()C) ~JT -Soi 1 & Can (Dry) 1/4 11 1 9_.1 5';>,0 /.r/S-<iS:S" !::11 12 7 ~l.o G,,~ CjJ.,~ Loss 2 #4 4.6 '211.0 -t'7~l ~.!1 ~Je i oht of Can #10 2 0 \~T of Soi 1 ( DY'Yl Pan % ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT \-Jashed Sarno e & 1are I J. GJ.J Tr:tre Wei aht ~~~~.o Sample . grams Jar # Wr~c:;herl Sr~mn1e vleiaht ...... I :• ;J Sieve Dia. HM Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ?~ of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 10 2 000 '"2-Ci\,0 2.'1,0 !(-.,0 20 () ~~() 1-{f?/.0 7" ' b}ll../ ,V-I.,::) 30 0 f'()(1 ~.,, ~ :.o ':'l.-1, I ( .... ~ ,-( 40 0 425 s-1z.o L---Ji,(, ·::~(,l..-1 _lnQ 0.150 //g',cJ s·;., ~ /..c I --r -1 ' . 200 0.075 ~/t-1.:') t;6.l \!:,··t ?7n 0.053 Pan 8'17. ~~· Total -t HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl. A 1 coho 1 Grav·ity (G) PI Drops: --~ -,_ a = Corrected Height of Hydrometer Def1ocu1ation Agent Sample grams Elap. Maximum Temp. Readinq Corre§tea % of Total Time Time Di a. Mf.1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L Gram 1z~, Passing lnir:~ Ht1 · 1 0.078 ':· f;:l .. ~-. 2 0.055 ' 5 0.035 lS 0_ 020 " . 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 ' . Cc Tested by: C:~rvt IComouted bv:ct~ !Checked bv: Mft Cu . 1-F 135 ~ Ml'\ _,.,.._..,.. - - g HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 0 1 '1.1 ~CI ( • ~A.d 0 lo '' . .$A Ad ?~.CJ: ""/ ~ f~ll,.t!l~ . ,, 8 -Cl {;> ... --~,,.!71 I . I I l L t ~4<~ U. s. Standa~d S!eve Openings In Inches ! • r I f' t It r 11 f GRADATION SIZE ANAL \'SIS U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers o,__ Hydrol!leter 12 9 6 100 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 6;0 80100140 200 270 100 ··.-I II I ~ ~-I ~ 90 t ' 80 i I I 70 tft . . ~ ~ 60 Dl -Ill :K 2 50 Ri c u: 40 ... c (il u ~ 30 Q. . 20 10 0 1000 500 . 100 50 10 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJ1PLE NO. D"':PTH AS 13 '-l _I,!; -IJs liiSUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION ~ • • f I \ . .Jtl. .• ~ ,. ~~ \ ,1' < -• '· 1 (l ·l _ ... , .... .,, f I /' P· I 1..F t'l I-G. :!I,.. L~.--:. · L.-L "-l~J I' c J I -. ~ ...... ~t> ~ ~~ It ~ ~ ' "' ...... ~ ~ "~ - s 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters T SAfiD I Coarse Medium 'fine CLASSIFICATION (USC) ·:. . . \ :. • t' t .)r,/ (t'~,r~ ; ~~ • ·,. l • -• _,. \t . '-.•• • I . ! • ' ~ f ~ i j . • I ~ I i [l 1~1'1 f ' '; t,~ r 11 \.-.-i ·~ -~~· ··----·--~-·-···---.. ---~------.~--:-c:r~.;;t {) ., . 90 i I ·J 80 70 60 ..... .&:: It'll -Cl :a 50 >. .a '-Cl &;; ... -40 lJ. .... c .. u L. 30 IU a.. 20 10 0.05 0.01 0.005 '0 0.031 -FINES Silt Sizes .E!:ay She~ Job No. Date _, . \ .....__ WATANA DAM 15032:.003.08 I 4.--to -[3 ._ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ktliij ENGINEERS, &EOLOGI$TS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~ ;,_:_.] ~) __;.J ....:...J :~~~- 0 ... ~ I (': L1 I I (- J~ I I ,. I ;I I I I I I I I I I . •••••• !. I ' ' iJ.. WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date 1-.J 1 CJ 183 No. l5032:z003.08 OGILSON [Q£RASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMtTER Project WATANA OAt~ Hole AS P-i Depth 9-JD +t~. ~ Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare \Z>G\6 ( . Tare ~·Jei ght DD 537 ~1 assi fi cation ~ cy..~ tlNfllt!.llfJ c;1 ~~ ~nci ( SMJ d Dry WT .- , Sieve Dia. Cum. WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT )~~~ Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 :ill 7_6.2 - -10 r·1ateri a 1 2" 50-8· Can No. 1~" 38.1 . -~JT -Soi 1 & Can Het l II 25 4 a 0 too WT-Soil& Can Dry ~/411 9 1 (:, ,, l t:j ~I~ 1:;11 12'. 7 ':111 ~,(.. '1) ,g Loss 2 #4 4 6 I C('if f!-(,& ~.'-/ Heioht of Can #111 2 0 ~ t~T of Soi 1 r Drv) i Pan ., ~{; ~1o i st ure Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT l·Jashed Samo e & rare )l..f ]I T .1 rP WPj aht s:.· Jar # Sample Sfeve Di a. r~M Size 10 2 000 20 11 R~n 30 n nnl1 40 0 425 111n 0 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time T·ime Di a. r~M 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0. 035 15 n 11?11 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: c-><-... ' o D· f) grams 'Washed Sa11nle ~Ieicht ~ .... J .• Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. 5~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 2'i$" 2.1' '7 "/ ~. s L..JJ ') "'5!). 5 (.,.·~. ') .. Lt7~ ~"-!. i 6·), 2 <;'32 ":. t l (,.:;, ·1 $)\:·\~ s.; -s /-f{). 7 ~qLI (::. ~-/..< 3L[.'2. >?CJI.·J HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 , PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual IComouted bv: (I h1 !Checked bv: ,. - Rc Yhfr Defloculation Agent Corregted % of Total Gram 1ze~ L n; a ·~1r1 Passing Cc Cu R HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I 5 I, 'l- J ! 34-;2.; 0/ : 1;;. i fp\.C$f \'_'"t I I l J ·. *• L f ---~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --' ' l I' l 11 t t i . _, GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS ' ~ . U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In l,.~hes U. s. Standard 51evd NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 1112 1. 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 zo ~~ 60 80100140 200 270 100 • -. I' I -.... ~I I' I . ' -. fl ~ " 90 I' k ~ ' ' 80 ~, . ' 70 ~"' l'"v:' \.~ ~ ~ 60 1-...... ~ 0'1 .... Cll I" 3 E 50 .._~ .... Gl ~ 1: u: 40 -'" +' c Cll • u 1--~ 30 a. 20 . 10 0 100 50 10 5 1 . 0.5 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters l I GRAVEL I SAND I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse l Fine I Coarse Hedium Fine r lAB TEST HO. BORING NO. SAAPLE NO. DEPTM CLASSIFICATION (USC) A~-\Lf ':A B-\o' VISUAL MANUAl CLASSIFICATION errvvlbww. ~:i.\~ fJ!z 0 *.. ~· ~/W ~ ...l}..A..I\ ;1 .J":li./V''\ .• f"l.t,.t..~ fl.,. • ~N\• f...iD .I! A -k~J\.d--;hj .. ? I ----·-· 1-F ,..,, -(;,";!, ... [:.~~""!} b== i_, L__ . i......--- • * $ '! •. •; •I ')J ! j lq L ~ . L.:.l.. rr-• { r 1 LJ]" n -~·....__cl () r . -11 100 90 80 70 ~ 60 .c "' -., :X 50 ~ .... ., ·-·' -1: -40 &.r.. ~ c ., ~ 30 u a. 20 10 0.01 o.oos o.oo1° FINES :: : .~lay She~ Silt Sizes Job WATANA DAM No. J5032~003a08 Date 4--tl-t, 1W11 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ EIIGtltEERS, &EOLiUiiSTS & GEOPHYSICISTS L! Ll r: --~ f:__ :i .\ C...:..l _y CJ I r;· ~J I I cJN I I I I. 'I I I I 'I '1, ' t =· .•.. r : ' I! I [ i .. WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date L-11 '1 lB3 No. 15032~00.3.08 0 GILSON WRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project ~~ATANA DAr~ Hole 45 ' 14 Depth Jd.s-15 =#LJ ~ Dry ~JT Total !~so TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Tare vJei ght S0-7 51./Cc c·1 assi' fi cation ~ ~~f'"l!velhQ '51 tf?-SAnd(_ ~M) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT . % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT lt_~l.f Size r·1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101.6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 111 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1~" 38.1 vJT -So·il ~ Can \-Jet , .. 25 4 0 c /00 ~IT -Soil & Can Dry :i/411 19 1 I '1$ I \ ,..t..-1 -=t"?,6 ~~~ 12 7 ~I l-J.~ 'f'),l Loss 2 #4 4 6 I '5"5 /l.l ~~~'t vJei oht of Can .¥10_ 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) ------ Pan ~~ ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE ~JT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare I ~ ~ kJ IrtrP Weiaht 5" t..tt.. Jar # Sample Sieve Dia. r~M Size JO 2_ 000 20 o R!in 30 0 60!1 40 0 425 1nn 0 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0 05_3 _E_an Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. t~H 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 ,~ n 020 30 0 D14 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: C ,C:, v'lf\. 1-r 135-MA gram~ Wr~ c; hP<i Sn no 1 P l,Afp i aht ~"-/'{ Cum. vlT Weight % % of Total Cum. ?6 of Total ' Ret. Retained Retained 2t:-~ 31o bi !-(I ~· s-or- I ~'(3 a'l-12. &J..I'J_ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected \~eight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc I Como a ted by: ( i m !Checked bv: rn,_ft Retained Ret. Passing 2.J.·t /Ct rl ;:..U,.:../ ~ \. ·~ '3.tj. ~ 6~.2.. -.. 1 ·I ...:::-, .... , ~~ Jl ·,::,. ...... 0 S7~) ,-,1:::.. .·~ b.,,(:, ~ '-( .~! Amyl Alcohol Drops: Defloculation Agent Corrected % of Total L Gram ::,1ze, Passing n; n ~111 ' Cr. ,.... .1.] ~b II HAklDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I ?4, c;- "/Q ~tvS .. 0 l I I I ;"' L --..... "~ ~ ~ ............... ............... ~ -.;::...--......,_ ~ ~ --~~. ·--·--· ------;>/-- I f j • GRADATION SIZE ANAL YS!S U. S. Standard Sieve Openings ln Inches U. s. Standard Sie~e NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 h 3/4 l/2 3/8 100 . • I ...,.... ~ - 90 "~'-- ~ 80 . 70 ·~ ~ 60 tn -IU :X 2 50 &. Ill c it: 40 .... c Ill u t 30 a. 20 10 0 1000 500 100 50 10 I l GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse J Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJo!PlE NO. DEPTit AS -\Y l-)~s-)5 ~ISUAL MANUAl CLASSIFICATION ~ .1'\-t~.l .J:v.."}) JJV,..J...A..Af\ ~~~IJ ~~ 1-F l"t'-<:.~-" 1'1 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 !• I I I I I f;l.. ' r-..... 1: ~ "' "' 11.1 ro-N " ~r., ~ " ~ ~ "~ 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain She in Millimeters I SAND I Coarse Medium Fine CLASSIFICATION (USC) 4-.Jlu :?••11.,,/1.'\·J'#~_. 1 t • . I i/ : 4 • r Y1 "I MI"·CJ".i..{) l '1.. ~ 0.05 I I ''it!it"';'' "'-\.-{...._, ~ L.:.:..: r II 1.--.J 'fc " .... ~ r: .'M -\. r ~ ··,~ ... -~ ---- .. _,'. 100 90 80 70 .... 60 .c tn -Ill =- 50 ::: &.. u s:: ... 40 U-.... c .. )! 30 u 0. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.oot 0 FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay She~ Job No • Date Ll WATANA DAM 15032:~00;3.08 4 -~u-~ Mit HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS., GEOLOGISTS & liEOPHYSICISTS [_:J [,__] r~-·~v r····l r-···"'"l (,..., ·.c cr ,; I L ( '\_ lvE-J I I I I ~I •• •• I- I I I I II I I I ,_ ,;_• WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date LJ I i Je~ No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON lSiBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt1 Hole A.S -J ~ Depth 5 _1 s ~) I _. Dry ~JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE S ~ rnPL.E:. DO G'.S No\ Sample & Tare C I ~,C, Y¥\5ET RSTM STANDA'R\:1$ Tare t·Jei ght YhA-d._l S_7,0 Classification ~ <]-~t, l t+-y. ~ rA-vt!tt tt s~,. J. C sf'Y"\1) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT 5~5.k, Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~-1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 t·1a te ri a 1 311 76.2 211 50 8 0 o,o \ DD· 0 Can No. 1}; .. 38.1 13"3 zs,~ 74.-~1 \>JT -Soi 1 & Can vJet 111 25 4 II ,, fl ~IT -Sci 1 & Can Drv 3/4" 9 l II 1/ !/ _k:ll 12 7 47 "Z-B.c. '1 '2.. 0 Loss 2 #4 4.6 7Cf ?.J4-.1 bS •4 Heioht of Can .#10 2 0 WT of Soil (Drv) Pan % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t·JT Representative WT t·Jashed Sarno e & 1 are Li l I Tr~rP taJPi aht cr17 Sampl-e grams Jar# Wr~ c: he_d S_a nn 1 e ~Je i aht ~'5 8 '-1 Sieve Di a. r~M Cum. WT Weight 0/ % of Total Cum. ?~ of Tota 1 /0 ~.ize Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 10 2 000 ~10 4-o•O ~C>·O 20 Q 850 --; LJ '7 4-1tC... sc..c., 30 n f'nn ~ ~7 5D•8 a.q,l,_ 40 n 425 -B5 '":l~ '2-~~·A _Q JOO 0 150 -:. '-15 C4 s. (, ~d·4 r . ! ~.;·I! I l Cj, \ l ! . 200 0.075 ~ Ra 72..·'1 '2...1,-y· . t., ,':!. ! ,.... ~ "7() 0.053 Pan Total s . .;: peel. 1 c Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~r-1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03t> 15 n n2o 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: C, 8. J-F'I35-MA '3B3 ~ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading_ 0 c. K Initl. Actual IComouted bv: tVl A !Checked bv: --- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Rc L Gram 1ze, Passing IDia m1 -""' Cc (h..~ Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES l!!!!!:!!!e ENGINEERS, GEOlOGISTS & GEOPHYSlCISTS • f,~~ "' "'t I I I L ~ ,,- ~ .._ .-. --.... ----. -.--: --~ ----~--~ ... GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS . U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hyd!!'ometer 12 9 6 3 ) 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140200 270 100 I I I' '1 I" I I I I I II I I I I I I' 90 1\ 1\ 80 \ ~ ...... ,_ ---s. 70 ~~ ~ ......... r-..... ~ 60 "' ~ D> .... IU i't~ 3: }:1 50 I 'f.: ~ ~ ... ClJ ..... c " ~ 40 '""' ~'... __ .... c ClJ ' u :u 30 A. ''!;' 20 - 10 ' 0 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters I GRAVEL I SAND J BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I fine I Coarse Medium Fine I LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) A~ -Jb 5-7 5 VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION !)J OJvvo-~D. ~~~ flo"""'* :i· ~-!~,. """"'-f'.vtt:I!A • J:j ~ .l:V_,._j)../1_,,;-, .. J...~.-"' ~la ..... ; + ..JlJ., ,~N'it-l....Qt"ll\ ('..111..-\.-il ~.IVfl ~-+~. tJ . J..F I~ I -(:,'!);A. -' -~ . I j : ...... ~:' •' r •... !1 ~~. -.... L.a.. --'-....... '-...... ~- -~""~'"'~---.,-.~ . ' --~-...................... .,.,~-.-~ ·--·· __.._ -~--•" --~ :. ___:__........-.-.._ ~ ---- 100 .. 90 80 70 60 ~ s:. Dl ... ., 3: 50 ~ ... .. c . .. 40 .... .... c .. 1! 30 ClJ A. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FUIES I Silt Shes .~lay size~ Job No. Date iilllli WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 4-tl-~«B~ H . R'-1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES lMij ftiGINEEIS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS F"'. ·-· , ........ • • I, , .. ---. ~] \_) ll.il8 ,..,...-...,~ ,~,. -.-' --, :/ :.c I: I' ' 1·, ' ~'\ I l ! \ . IIFN I I 1: I I I .I """" I I I I I. I. I I I Date y )9}93 Project WATANA DAt4 ~ Dry ~·JT Total Sample & Tare Tare ~Jei ght IYllt )(;, Total Sample HT Moisture Content -10 r·1ateri a 1 Can No. vJT -Sci 1 ~ Can Het ~JT -Soi 1 & Can Dry Loss Heiaht of Can ·-v WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSIS 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE HYDROMETER HoleAS-11 <• TOTAL SAMPLE Job ~ No. 15032 2 003.08 Depth S-lS ~~ Classification~~. ~~ 1+~ s "--~d. { ~ rf\) ! Cum. W1' " % Cum. % of Total Sieve Dia. Dry WT Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing 411 101 6 . 311 76.2 211 50 8 :r lJsll 38.1 ~1. ID 1 II 25 4 J{;,,95 3/4 11 19 1 1:;:1 12 7 • s 2 #4 4.6 t0~/8 ~A!lO 2 0 tvT of so; 1 ( D rv ) ~(o.l7 Pan % ~1oi sture .c; Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE ~·JT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare I 'db L TarP Weiaht ;~:A· i '1.:J. ;;~ Sample .(o~}.~c; grams Jar # w~~hPci Sa nnl P t.IPi aht "?S, (~: I Sieve Di a. ~1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino 1n ')_ 000 0 u,o t o v~' 20 0 RSO -; ID•'t-B'i. 8 30 n hl111 ) ~~. b 84-.0 40 () 41'5 5 ~t· B 78· 1- 1(')() 0 150 -;).7 3'i· ?-~o.e 200 0.075 3Co sz.. "2-4-1·K 270 0 053 Pan 3C 5"2 .. 1.1 -! '?/ i 1) ' So.. t:\ 47.S: ~A . Tntr~l tiN!" Specific Gravity (G) a = o.;r l070 Elap. Time Time ?,.I 1 ?? 2 ?sr 5 1(.,::,· lS II& 30 If ?0 60 /'{ Zy(J 240 10~0 1440 Tested by: HYDROMETER SAMPLE Z.7c.; LL ['( YIYL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol ( .lissv.--o{) PI Drops: lb - Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample 08 ·5. grams Maximum Temp. Readinq · Corre§ted % of Total Di a. t~f.1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc-L Gram 1ze, Passing I Di a ~1r1 0.078 1&>~0 0,014 b 3?:.:2 3~.ti -~. 0 Jo, l 0·64{' 4-"2. ,1 0.055 lit},() fJ ·3'/.S "33.0 ., lth9 0 '0 3'3 '35.(.:, 0.035 ;c:.o II -:l..n.: .)q, ' 1/,S O•OZ.( 36· '2-I} n n2o ,.::;·.o II 'Jf.?,/ fJ 12, b o.o I~ z..s. '1 0 014 1~.0 ,, ..,~,p ., 1'2..~ tJ,oDtA '2..1•3 0.010 /5 (') 14 ~-~1 .'? .. I '2.,'1 0. b01 \ 8. "2.- 0.005 Jt).f'J I" /1.0 " ~~~~ o, 003 I 7...,8 0 002 r ·' {,, 0 I'~ q.. \ '. -:' "7 .. J 1'4.3 ~.ool /,'1 "' !\ Cc 1\M~/G,B,IComouted bv: m~ !Checked bv: r(\"f)-Cu !••t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSIC!STS • I J I ·~ . I .<i . , I 1 I. L " .. ,...., ___ ... ~"''~.,.__, __ ,~........._.. ............... ~~~~~~~-------........_.., -----==--j: ~~. ..-~ GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 19 20 40 60 Bl\1 00140 200 270 100 100 I I I I f I ... r"-... ;• I I 0 I ""-. . 90 90 • 1'- I~ ~ 80 BO "6 . . , ... 70 . ,, 70 ' ~ 60 .... ~ 60 JC "· Dl i i .,. m ' ., -::s Cll ... 3 1: l: 50 50 ~ '-~' ., L I: Cll '' ~ -I: 40 .... u:: 40 ~ .... c ~ .. ., i: .... ~ t! Cll u 30 Ill ~ 30 Q. Q. ~ 20 '"" tJ 20 ~~~ ...... 10 ...,e ~-~10 ~----e 0 o.mn° 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeter~ I I ; I l GRAVEL SAND FINES BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine -, Coarse Medium Fine Silt Shes ~lay Size~ LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. t1 f.-ll VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION f-F I~ f-~~.,A. &a.; ~ . ··,__.. ;::,;-:·~ ~~ ···~ -~-.-~-... .... -- £: ......_ SAMPLE NO. DEPTH S-/S ~:t .:. ... }) ~ ... ,.. ... ~ ", " ~ t...-;_ L-J. 3 . "' , -~ CLASSlFICATIOC. (USC) f: . -~ ---...1 -.{._J'!L...J Job No. Date !:._] c. ' ~ . I WATANA DAM I I I 15032!003.08 4-1~-~~ - ,. HARDING LAWSON ASSOmATES tliil EN&IIIE[ftS. GEOLOGISTS I GEOrHYSICISTS [::..::J ("'':J t:: . ..J •) 0 ---· ····· .. . .. .. '".. -.. ---.. v .. 1 • • •• J~ I .·I,. •• I I I J I I I I I I I I I ·- ATTERBERG LIMITS DETERtvHNA TION PROJECT: . DATE: Watana Dam HOLE NO. iq S II SAMPLE NO. +l:) ls-1 5 JOB NO 15U3~, • nn~ n~ LIQUID LIMIT RUN NO. 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 TARE NO. A.--t 'i A--t,o A-~lf CJ)tTARE PLUS WET SOIL sB .. oo ·t.:t 1. • ~ t.f 4t?.'i~ 1-~I TARE PLUS DRY SOIL 50.09 Ll l.CJ$ '-)3.77 G ~!WATER w., 7.9/ I S.B(p 5. Cj &) w z ~TARE .to,S+ ll .. ~s-/I.~ 0 3 -;oRY SOIL . ws I 3~."J5 '30.33 3d .~l· WATER CONTENT, % • ~D.?.. \9.3 ~~ Lf i . NUMBER OF BLOWS /1...... tCo ?..-~ I t I l I t I ! I I • I . I 1 I ~ . i--· I 1 .·: j I I i t-I I I I ' I I I I I ! • I ' 1 I . ! I I ! I l I . . I I ' I I 1 1-I ' ' I ----I . .i 1 ! I I I I I . I I i . I l . : ~l ! : I I . I . . I t I t I • I I ; I ..l-i I ! I I I I I _i I I I , I ~ I -, i i L • . I L i I I : I . ' I I I ! ! I l ; ! l I ; I , 010 I ! I j i i L 1 ! I I I .. --: I i . I • := ' ' I t I I ._ l I I I . .......... . i . . 1 I I I . I ! I I · I I I I ' .. :-..;:: . 1 I I l · I ! 1-_!_ . I l . . ---· _.J. ""-. !:"\ I I . i I I I ' • ! • I I • ' . z : ~ I ! I i I l I I j I ; I I . ; w +-I 1-~D -···-:----........... . I I I I . ...... . I ' I I I I ' ... • I "" I I I I 1 I I I ' I i ' :...-H.-~~ I I I ! i z I I I ........... i ' I ' . . ' ! ! I . ' I : I · ' ! I i 0 __ ,.. _____ . ."-..... t i L L l I i ' j . . . j I • I 1 · I ; u -· ........... I I I ! I I J T" i I ' ~~ I ; ! . ---. ........... I j I l j I I _j ' I ' ' ' ' i ' . 0:: I ! . ......... i i I I I i I I ' I i I . !"'"' . w ! i ' rC'\ "'-J I I I I I I I i : . ! l 1-I t '-I/ ,.........._I I . I I l J _L i : ! : I • ,... ___ I I '"-I I I I I j I I ' ! . ~~~ ---j I ! ! i I I I I . : . ' ....... ! I I I ! --i I ........... I I I I ! I ; i ........... i l : I • I I I '-· I I I i I 1 I ' . i I I ......... I I I • I I u. J B. f../ . L i l ....... I. ) . ! . : : : l I f i I ""' v I i l ' I PL J c,, I r; ·-I ....... I I f L 1 ! I I I ..... -~·-.L I ! I L I. ...... I l I I I I Pt I d..d.S l <il I ' l_ t I l t V1Q 15 . 20 25 31l' qo NUMBER OF BLOWS SOIL SYMBOL FROM PLASTiCITY RUN NO. -TARE NO. (/)I TARE PLUS WET SOIL 1-~ j TARE PLUS DRY SOIL G~IWATER w z! TARE 3 -;DRY SOIL -..... '*·~·--· -9'1 WATER CONTENT, % PLASTIC LIMIT, •p REMARKS: -L[ 0 Pt>RTJ:O~ oF CHART YY)L PLASTIC LIMIT 1 2 A -q Pt· 1/l;c; (1, ~) (0,73 /0.77 J.o~ \' DL! '-L~i 1.(.~, C.3 ~ C.Ltlf JCo.D l {., I \ ~Vf.r \ 1~.15 SriMPLE :I:S A JY\L- 3 NATURAL WATER 4 5 CONTENT TESTED BY: tYl't+- COMPUTED B v:G. ~:?>, CHECKEDErv·: M.rfr HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYStCISTS ~ l I I I 1 l " i I ' [/ I 1 I I l I I j 1 ~ I l :I FIELD IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES FORI, FINE·GRAlNED SOILS OR FRACTIONS These procedures an to be performed on the minu.! Nci. 40 sieve size particles. approximately l/6'4 in.' · For field classification purposes, screeninr is not; intended, simply remOYe bJ band the coar.n 'Particles. • tbU interfere with the tests. l Dilatane7 (ReaCtion to shakinr) I After reml)vinr particles larrer than N~. 40 ~ieve size, prepare :a pat of moist soil with a volume~~ of abOut one-half cubic inch. Add enoo~th wate if nec:cUary to make the soil soft but not sticky. Place the pat in the open palm o£ one hand and! shake hortzontalty, strilcinr virorously apinstt the other band several times. A positive reactiGnl consists of the ap~rar~e of water on the sut•! face 1)f the llat which changes to a livery con~ sistmc7 and becomes glossy. When the samplej is squeezed between the tin,en, tbe w:;o,ter and! rloas disappear £1'0111 the surface, the w.t stif· teu, and finally it cracl::s M crumbles. '!'he. rapidit)' of apparance of water durin~t shakinr and of its disappear.mc~ durinr »quee:inc usist/ in identii)'inc the character of the fines in a( ~ . V::; fiDe clean sUds rin the quickest and mcm! distinct readioa whereas a plutic day bas no ! TU:tioa. lnOflt&nic silts, such as a typical ~ ftour, show a moderately quick reaction. j 1 Dry Stre~~rtb (Cnuhinc characteristics) · · • , · After removinc particlea larrer thao No. 40 sieve aize, mold a 113-t of soil to the comistency of pilttf, addinc water if necessaQ. Allow the ~t to dry completely b)" oven, sun, or air dr)'ins, and then test its strength by brealcin~: :and Cf"'lmblinc between the fincers. Thia strencth is a measure of the character and quantity of the colloidal fradion contain~ in the soil. Thi dry strencth inc~ with !ncreasinp; plasticity. Hicb dry strencth is characteristic for clays of· the t.;H lfOUP· A t)'llical inorranic silt possesses. on\; very slicht dry strencth. S.'ilty nne ~n~ and aUts han abou~ the same slicbt dry strmctb b•"~ .:aft be distinauished by tbc feel wb ~wderinc the dried speeimeD. Fine sand fee Iritty whciu.a a typiealailt baa the smooth fee of ftoar. . . 70 60 '-'"'··- -. 50 *--X w 0 40 z f -~ 30 -u -1- CJ') :5. 20 0.. CL ... 10 --t~ L -CL' I 0 ·MIL(!' . . Toucbnese (Consisten.cy oear plastic limit) · ~ Af~er remorinc particles latZU ·than the N:J. 4 sieYe sise, a sJI(!Cimen of soil about ooe-ha! ineh cube ia siH ia molded to the coosistenc:rl of putty, If too dry, water must ~ added and~ 3ticlcy, the spe-.:imen . should be spread out in thin 1:&7er and allowt.d to lose some moisture evaporation. Then the specimen is rolled o;:1 ~ band on a nmooth surface or hetween the into a thread about one-eichth inch in diametet'J The thnad is then folded and rerolled r~,eated-i ly. Durinr this manipulation the moisture con-j tent is a-radually reduced and the s~im:mj stiffens. finally loses its plasticity, and crumb~ when the plastic limit is n:ached. After the thread crumbles, the pieces should lumped tocether and a sli~tht kneadin&t ac · continued until the lump C'fUmbles. , The wu~ther the thread near the plutic limit a~ the stiffer the lump when it finally crumbles, tilt; more potent is the colloidal clay fraction in the soil. Weakn-tss of the thread at the plastic limi~ and quick loss of coherence of tbe lump belO'tlll the plalstic limit indi1:2te either inorr.mie clay of! low plastidty, or materials such as lcaolin·tyl>f{ claya and orpnic clays wihch occur bc~ow tiwi A·line.. ; Highly or~tanic clays ba.ve a Yery weak and spoor~ f~l. at the plastic limit. . i l l ! : _._ I ! ! ·CH 1/ ./ .., / { "' _, ,. , ~ ~-A Li, 'e ~ I -"' I / T r OH M ./ Ml-o •'\ , l / I / / 1/C .... ~'''~:ML ... -or ,· OJ c L ,. I I I I . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 J J J ~J ~1 ~"I I -,:.;;;.& ~] .. G ~~- .,~ "'• :_J 0 / J 'f?' ./ / ,.J - J J J 90 100 J. j~ ' I I I I I I (. I I I I I I I ' I I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y J 9 )B 3 No. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON IS2(BRASS SIEVE (9'HYDROMETER ' Project WATANA DAr4 Hole RS-ll Depth 7~ \D 0 :i=t~ ~ Dry ~JT Tot a 1 Sample & Tare \t2'6 TOTAL SAMPLE Tare Height 1 M Lj~ <Q Cl assi fi cation ~k. ~ '"5r fT6<{ f. c.c.._1:e_e 't SAt-~() (STV\-S c.) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT . % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT ?too Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101.6 . -10 ~·1ateri a l 3" 76.2 ?" 50 8 '-Can No. 1 !sll 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can ~~et 1 II 25 4 WT -Soi 1 & Can Dry 3/4 11 19.1 !::;II 2 7 (!;I 0 /00 Loss 2 #4 4.6 3/ "3JICf '16,/ Hei_g_ht of Can #10 2 0 \~T of Soil ( Drv 1 Pan ~~ ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE \·JT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno 1 e & rare ~1~! .. ~ Tare Weiaht .,.., ~l: Jar# Sample + Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 II RCill 30 (') f'(')(') 40 0 425 100 o T50 200 0.075 "711 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. I ~1aximum Time Time o; a. t1r·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 -·-. ~ .15 () 0?0 30 O_L014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: ;"I~ V~'\ 1-F' 135-M_.. grams Wn~hed Sarmle l.Aieiaht C.ft::i.'\ -I Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passin a '7ti . "f .. cc .. } . \ Jb<J w,, ... , ,SI ~ . '•\ .. ..,,.___. 2Cl. ~ <;: .3 --i :_..! 475 "2J.< L-1 ~ ,, ~~ .:-r -· -... c. -;,. '!.<il '-! .:-<• ·{ :-: I .fl 1 l-/5 2 -?. ,• :_-....-. ..: f .> 4 .. -;" 1--/ <; '5: HYDROMETER SAMPLE -LL Z..\ t·L--~t... Hydrometer No. PI 4- Corrected t~ei ght of Hydrometer-' Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K - Initl. Actual Rc ' J Comouted by: r 1-lh !Checked bv: 'M 'i'r __ , r ·- Amyl Alcohol Drops: -- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Dia m1 Passing -- Cc Cu ;;a HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ... ~lli!lfiiilii:!iiliif _y· "1$~ I I I ~' L ··--~ ~ ;--. -iliiala ~-t.....a .-~. .~ ~· t I:;·,'~ t1 :_ . ( .. .. GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS . ~ i U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. S. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydro.seter 12. 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 l/2 3/8 l 10 20 40" 60 so 100140 200 270 100 100 -. I I' I I I \P' l!. II I I I I 11 I r--141. f"""-.. "";) ! 1 p I go 90 • ""' - "' 80 80 .-- I " ---'F"'I " 70 1\.,.. 70 ~ ~ . ,___. ~ 60 .... ~ 60 ' .r. " Ot "'" 0> . 1-..._ Ql .... ~ :II IU -~ :X 50 ~ 2 50 "-· .... u .... c: IU .,.. r: ~ 40 u.. ~ 40 ~-.... c ~ Gl c i! IU I u 30 u ~ 30 -a. a. 20 . 20 10 . 10 I 0 I o.oo1° 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.0!)5 Grain Size in Millimeters -GRAVEL I SAND FINES I BOULDERS COBBLES Colrse I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine Silt Shes .~lay She~ lAB TEST NO. BORING HO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTif CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job WATANA DAt4 A-5 -11 ~ 75 .... Joo No. )5032~003,08 VISUAL MANUAL CLASS I fiCA Tl ON 9:J /VA..v.& Jv.....JJrvJ\ ' t! ~A Q,,-1 -\-~}'/\.~"·; l!LJ + )l_,..,.,..AO ~ Date 4~\1-!~ l~~. Crv. -;/-.11 ~-D.. 0.1\....,""A~ ~~J:U.tt.. (! 1..-.F' 1'"11-e:.-::.A ' . . ! 4 ... ,. f f ~ -·--... -... ... . tl .; ' ... -~ il l. ·1 • ' ,·f ~~ ~ • illiii ... : .... ... ..... --... ·'~~ --~-,_-_..,...,, --c .... llfP.I HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ EIIGINEEIS, &EOLO&ISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS .... .... ....... ~ . ~ • l: '·! .. ,!"_...:"'\ n)..J " '""':,-;.-_ .( ·1 "~ ·---.«' -_' -.... -;:;-'':,~~~-- ~~ !-;) C· ,_ i.;'* j;.- \':<, ,\\. (1 " i;l ;:::l- ___ .... __________ .. ____ ... ____ ... ______ ._. ______ ........ llililllliao .... lilillliil ..... ..--iiiiiion..._ ................................................ .........,.........., ..................... --............_.~...;...;;,o.;--·...;,.-.. ~. --~·-···'~ --••r>-• ....... . I I I ·I I. I I •• I- I I I I I I I . I -c ' ATTERBERG U!v~IT5 DETERJ'v\INATION ~--------------------------------------------------------~------~------ PROJECT: Watana Dam HOLE NO. fiS 1/ SAMPLE NO. #J.. (7 .5 _ Jb) DATE: ----------~--------------------------~J-O_B __ N_o __ l~5D3~ • • nn~ nQ -LIQUID LI.\HT RUN NO. 1 I 2 3 q 5 6 U')lTARE PLUS WET SOIL l.fS.t~ i 4-8 €.5" 4-~.oo 4C1/~1 1 1-~ I TARE PLUS DRY S O_~_L_·-~--+-_.~LJ:....:..I.:..... 4..:.._f4.~.-..:.__:.ILJ~ ~ .. o~~~· r-:3~7:...:..' -=-LJ'1-!--!-...1...!::.!.'-/~ :::...:..• tf-:::.3--;!~-----~~· --~ GfS:WATER l"w G.751 C,,{.J 5,_')1 I G.L14l I· Ui 2 <TARE \1.'-tf 1 ti."L'3 I Jlo''3S I i/,2-!, ~~--_tDRY __ S_O_I_L _______________ !~W~s~~~3~0~,~~D~:~3~o~,8~·~~ .. ~~~~·~'~~~~~3~\.~7~0~I-----~!------~ WATER CONTENT I % I • l d.~<ILJ ! ~ ).b ~I.! I ~D~3! I NU.\\BER OF BLOWS l \~ i l<o '2-~ I "Z-.~ ! ! =· ================~==============~----~ --------~--..---------.----""·----~'-__;• __ .;_, _., _ _,__.,__. ___ __, ------.;.._ ___ __,:~ I l • ~ : I I t l I I . l : ! I --: • I t T : I I I I ; ; I ! """ _:___ ·--~=-=-~-~-T -r+-.~_:-~..:;·::~·::~~ _:1~-=f~=== ~==:i·=-~· =j;=-,:._~;· ~:-=----1 ~ 3 . : . ~ I • ; ! l . ' . t • I s " :r! ~--·----------·-I \..:,/ ~ I -i I . . • I • • -----; UJ -r--~ I • I -r--1 ! • I I .. 1-~--· ! ' I I ............ • I I •: • I I I • I < : I I : I ""'i:: rJ. I t-' . I I I • I ..,:") I f--·-·-. _ __...___ I • ! I -.....:. l v : . I I I I i ! ·-11-,:-----.-1 I::»a I I~~~ ... ~.!,,,,,,., -~-----~-------· __ , • T I ' ~------,--• I I I I I I ! r---·--_, ; I ~ I I • I "' --r-1 I ' ! ; • I I ~ 1 I : l J t 1 :1 • ~·. t J •' • T l l .,..,_, f • I I I ~·-------~--~·~·--+--~·-----~·~~~~·~---· ~'-+-+'~!~~~~~·--~~·~-------~ f-·.:.--._-...-.,......_-_-_~:=--.r-_-_-_ ...... ~ ==:t·===t==~· ===· =:t: =~:t=t,' ==: ====-: -1=-: -+--:-, ~: c--~+)-"'.....;::,..,.~~. -:-:-:::---; ...:....· --~ • • • I -~ I I I I • l ! I ---•;_,__' ~·"-1._;::,::-------1 ~q~·-~~----~ ' 15 1 I 210 j 25 3o 1 ,....._ LL; "J o.1s ;e 1 ,o\ Pt.l \/,DS ~l. D : l pI I 3 ./ D L) • D ! 40 · NU\18 ER 0 F BLOWS SOIL SY;\\BOL FROM PLASTICITY CHART (__ L-(YJ\_ PLASTIC Ll\UT NATURAL ~----------------------------~------~-----~------~, ----~~----~WATER RUN NO. I 1 I 2 3 I 4 I 5 CONT E~T -A-.... '31 I t. -~ o I I r---~------------------------~--,--~~-----4------+------+------r-----~ (/') TARE PLUS WET SOIL g.ljt.f-I (t:J,f:>/ I I TARE NO. ~ l-<.TARE PLUS DRY SOIL 8.-:JS I 9.7~ I I =::: WATER -------+1· ~C~~C,'---;-I-.:...:.......:-6,c~~~:...----+---+-l---+---~ 00------------------~-~~·~~~·~~-----~---+-----+---~ ~ z 1' ARE -t.J, o./1 I ~ I 1.{ J ....__~--;-,' ---.L---+-------1 ,__;;:.._-_. I? R '!' .. ?<? 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I I I ' I I I ' . I ~: I I ~ ' 'i "' I· ' "'" ,., I ~"' ~~ '1> J; ..,. .... I I ! i I J· ' ! 1 ll I I . I ' I J ,: } WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Ll ) ~ /63 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON ISiBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER ,~· I Hol e A S -) 9 Project ' I ~~ WATANA DAM Depth 5-/ ~ Dry ~JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare \ S'1)CL -- Tare Height -J.. i_ 53~ Classification~ ~-~rA-v•·ll~ ~~ fhr~~,.,c...Lcsm) Sieve Dia. Cum. w-r' Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Samole HT I J02~ Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Pa$sing Moisture Content 411 101 6 = 1 0 ~·1a te ri a 1 :i" 76.2 -211 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II 38.1 vJT -Soi 1 ~ Can (Het' l II 2~ 4 D c /e>O -" ~IT -Soi 1 & Can {Dry 3/4 11 9 1 ) I.S" '11SI~ !,:II 12 7 II ~.':\ tt:i:\ Loss 2 " Heiaht of Can #4 4 6 .:s ~: 1~.0 '1; 7.0 ' #10 2 0 WT of Soil (Drv) Pan . % ~1oisture Total -' " REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT Washed Sa~~ e & lare ll.JO, IarP WPi aht $, .. S')L:o, Jar # Sampl~ Sieve Oi a. 1·1M Size 10 2 ooo '.P 0 RSO __:_~) ~·-""" n f'OO 40 n 4?~ 100 0.150 200 0.075 "70 0 053 .Pan. ,..otal Specific Gravity {G) a = Elap. MaxTmum Time Time Di a. t~f·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 o.o3o 15 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: C\~Yt\ J-F'I35~MA grams IW~~hPrl SannlP Weioht ~ 7:.1 Cum. WT Weight ' % % of Total Cum. % of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino -, l.l.i -1 2J.9 jt'l,( .:::. ') 7 >D.D /O,iJ :i 5""3 ~J.-{ ,c; (:,~.~ 401 )t:{,'2, i ,, ) ~"') '-'• 520 S'fo.l L-\ "!:..) bb7 b.-;·'-3"'1, 1$ bl3 HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho1 PI Drops: Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample grams J Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual IComouted by: c ~ rl\ !Checked by_: Rc 1\'\. fr Defl ocul ati on Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1Ze, Passing In; rl m1 Cc Cu ffij HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES EHGJQEERS. GEOLOI!ISTS & ~EOPHYSI&!STS .. 11.0 ... o/,. ~V\, I • ! , _j .} .,,., ~~~ I I -~ ' .i L ·,),-1> ·-c...o..,O..,,·''->'o-<-'j..~~ -• ....._, '~ ~ l;. '<!.,-,,_ .. •, -· ~ ""'""--~ .. ......--. ~ --.......,_, --·--,..._ ~ ' ~ '# r t, J "' GRADATION S!ZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve Openings ln Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer ~ I ll 9 20 40 £0 80 100 140 200 27() 100 11*1 I I I '" I I I I • *II ,., 100 90 90 ~ ~ 80 80 70 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111 II I IIIII III I ~#bf 70 60 .... s: Dl ... 11.1 =- 50 11 s.. .. c ... 40 u. .... ~ ~ " ~ -~ ~ 60 0> -IU 3 2 50 L. II I I I I I i QJ c ~ 40 c Ill u L. ~\ p; .... c Ill u 30 11.1 0.. 20 1 £ :: II I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .f ( 10 10 100 50 10 =J 0.001? .§Y·~~ 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Silt Shes 1 0.5 Grain S1ze in Millimeters ---,....-~------,..,-----=G~rtA:::-:V'::':El------r,-..;;;.;..;;..;.;,;.~~ .. -SAND I FINES COBBLES coarlie ( Fine Coarse 5 Medium I Fine 0 1000 500 r- BOULDERS II II I I I I I I II II I I I I II HI I 1-1 I II II I I I I I II II I I I I I IIIII I i I . I LAB TEST 110. J BORING NO. I SAMPLE No. I DEPTH I cLASSIFICATION (usc) 1 Job WATANA DAM ~5-l ~ ~ 5'-l' . . 1 No. 15032,003.06 ____ .:::.::::::,::.:..:.:::..::::..___,/::i...L..kW~==---J~::tl::':!~~~~!Lf:. ~~::..:::-...!.~--=:.~..A..a...:.At...!:·~-t.Q,._:.;.:::::;~ CL (d:iA:,. Date '+-~.~·1.)_-_..;g:::...J~------ ... 4 "\ , At ..1'_,...-1. .. ~l l .. !. !"" "' -\,...-i. .. ... - -· w:-· l'i I -(:.~A [~~ 1--'---' -~-----·~~ ' . 'r.-.... ~ ( = ~ .. ..,.-r- l t F'" -.• ...:_ ~-:r -"'. ·~· . ... ' -~-·~ r . ·~ ......... ;" Jffl.t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ti6ij ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & &EOrHYSICISTS r . .,.' ,._.. {1-~. ~--~"~s· .~:J ··----·--··--~-·-~·"""'·..,.---,--~····-~~~,~~~~~~~..,--·---~ ·;.;.. · .. :(''"' "'"';:~"'( .. ~ ·f'@:<~,.,~-,., ·' ":~.;:•..-·.~,-~-, f ~-~ _(. -", "'_·' -~. '.·!:-__ ,: ___ .. _--_,-',).' ,, (, r·, •/ l'l-' . . .. , .. ., • -. . . - . . -, -. ~ ~.-"~-ttr'"" -,----·----... ----l• \ I" i, "'. ;i ll" I ,..., ~ .~ .. ; . 1•, .· , ._N I i .. ,, 1: ' ~' I· ~ '* .• I. ·~ ,'!I.~:f I I t I I I ll ~ WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y}'1)63 No. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON RASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER ,, Project WATANA DAN Hole AS ~) . Depth 3-L[ :R~ ~~ Dry ~JT Total ! Sample & Tare 173/q TOTAL SAMPLE Tare Height 50 _~ 555 Cl assi fi cation ~~ ~./"(\._. ~rttv~ttvo 5 t L.. 'T(f sand. {_ S M) Total Samole HT 1;:. ]_!..\ Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Size Mr1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing I Moisture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 r~a te ri a 1 111 76.2 211 50 8 Can No~ lJsll 38.1 \tJT -Soi 1 & Can ~~et 1 II ?~ 4 ~JT-Soi 1 & Can Drv 3/411 9 1 0 0 10 0 _kll 12 7 ~~ I,/ q~ '\ Loss 2 Heioht of Can #4 4.6 2.2. C(,l_ ~to.~:, ~10 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) , . Pr1n 1 % ~1oi sture Total "' REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare I~ <o;. Jar # r~V"P WPinhi" ?S"S" Sampl·e . t· . 'e Di a. ~~M .Si ... .! -in ? oob 20 n A'1n 1n o hno 40 n 4?S · Tnn -n 1so 200 0.075 ?711 0.053 Pan Tntr~-i Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. Haximum Time Time Dia. t~f.1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0 .. 035 T~ n n?n ~n 0.014 60 0.010 ? 4.() 0.005 1440 0.002 Tested by: e·R r"r'\ ~ . 1-F' 135-M-' ,. _grams lw~ c: hPn 'il nn 1 P ~~~=~ i a-ht "'i!o·? Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Ret . Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 20-.J I ?.I ~J.-1, '1 30{ "2-2. 7 '7/, s :s 5""'i "2.b,] 7~,$ l-fl 'i 31.1 b:/1/ bi3"Z. ~LS: 1.-;~.s- <;?Jo I ho • c;-<3'1. ~ 'h'Ob. HYDROMETER Sll.MPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol -PI Drops: CorrGcted Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readino 0 c. K Initl. Actual - I Comouted bv: C rl.Jr'\ !Checked bv: . ' - I Rc M·f\- Defloculation Agent Coi~t:e§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing In; a m-1 .. Cc Cu j:Jiii!l HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEER$, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSIClSTS C\ ., ~\'- . 3ti,S" . TJ) : ~ ' fi~J:· _.., I I I :\ L --~-'<. ·~ ~LJ._~~~ _::_: .. ~. ""'"-··-··--~-·""•-"'"-'·--"-'-....;>~; ~~::._ r· ~~-~--~--. • .. : ~;~;.,.~'-"--'<.40:_;;_._,. , --= .... :-= ______._ -IIJiiila\ ..-., ~....-.----\ ~ --... ~~--·-...__, ... ... , : ~ l GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS - U. S. Standard Siev~ Openins~ In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 l 11/2 1 ~ 1/23/8 4 10 iO 40 60 80 100140 200 270 100 100 . . i l I 90 ~ 80 70 ~ ~ 60 D> .... at ::s ' £50 ... Ill c u: 40 .... c Cl u ~ 30 a. 20 ' 10 I o I 1000 500 100 50 BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse ·-,- lAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE rm. AS--a\ •. IJISUA'. f1ANUAL CLI\SSIFICATIQ~I ...£ !J TJ&J,,a -;($!~1 ~ 1-F ~~ 1-(;,'!)}. ?ill - I ~-I' ,. I I I I I ""'~"-!'r ~ I' ~ ~~ """r-1-t ,... f'E~ ~ ~ ~ ' *t ' 1\.. ".. ~ " ~ J 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL SAND Fine Medium Fine DEPTH CLASSIFICATION ~USC) 3-L\'-~· I I ""' r :AA' '-t'1V\ \ MJ?. • J..: :'"'}'\-'-It r--.1\..;., . ....~-.b~ ' .... \-~ t~ . ' r· -~ ' \,itltllatl ·~ . J -'"' Q :~ L~ ,w. ~,.tct - 90 80 l ?0 60 .... .&: D> -&I ;a 50 ~ ... u ~ .... 40 .... -.... c IU ~ 30 Gl a. 20 -10 j 0.05 0.01 o.oos o.oo1° FINES Silt Sizes Job No. Date . " \, hift ~JATANA DA~1 - 1503~~003.08 ~·-to-g::l JiJR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES IQtiit ENGUlEERS, liEOLOGISTS I GEOPHYSICISTS .,... ..,~ (~ . . ... t: .. ::i ' /:.·:.-::~--. --<1! ~ ~ . . . \.. _) . """"'-""' "' '\_j '\ I l I I . \ I' I ! t .I ! ·j I J, I I t j M ll ...... i ' :1 i I .·' J --~ ' ; ' . ~· - -' .;.;_;:_,_~~:;~•. ~-'-----·~-~---;._. . • ----~-··-" ---~-~· . (· I Job Date! WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS L) I~ j 83 No. 15032~003.08 j 0 GILSON [Q13RASS SIEVE DHYDROMETER I .;;:r~ Project WATANA OAt~ Hole A5 ~3 Depth -:3-b 1 '"' ~ . lllll'"t"t Dry ~J 1 Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare J L.lib ,Q Tare \·Jeight /Q S3(, Classification ~ qr'·tH;~({l'Jr J;1 /1"vv S&Jnd L~I'Yl ') Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT li% Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT <(cro.o Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret~ Ret. Passing - ~1oi sture Content 411 101.6 -10 ~J1ateri a 1 311 76.2 () 6 (00 211 50 8 D D , ():,) Can No. 1 !;" 38. 1 0 o too vJT .-Soi 1 ~ C-1n (Het) 1 II 25 4 0 0 /t.V ~IT -Soi 1 & Can ( Drv-) i/4 11 19 1 0 {) LCD kll 12 7 LG,.o . I, Sl '1¥'t2 Loss 2 #4 4.6 b'"·V) lr?.. 'tl, ~ \-Je i aht of Can , #10 2 !1 tvT of so i 1 ( D rv ) Pan % ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT l1ashed Samo1e & Tare 1 ) :, -.:: t~rP 1.-Jp;.ranr <;"1 ..... Sample . grams Jar # rw.::~ c::-ht:lrf s-~ nn 1 ~ ~~~; ah t s-"16.-0 r Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Sieve Di a. r~H Cum~ WT Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret • Pass ina 111 ? non 11.btu I '-fd . <is~ I ill 20 t1 RFlt1 """21 0, (J '":2.!:.. •• -lb·J.l ill t1 fi{jtl "2 <;' 1-j ) ~ ...... ') 7/,r 40 t1 4?Fl '3.0/,0 ~~6 (1 ~,"2. ' 1()11 0.150 '-!'tO, 5S,I J-/t./,q 200 0.075 5"'~7 bG..Q "JLJ.D ?711 0 053 P-r:~n ~'l > ,o To til HYDROMETER SAMPLE Speci fie LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Deflocuiation Agent a = Sample _ grams Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Readir.q Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Dia. Hr.1 o.c. K Initl. Actual Rr. L Gram 1ze, Passing In; r:~ m1 1 ; 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 -r~ n·n?n ' ~0 0 014 60 0.010 ' 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Gc Tested by~ '-'~""' ' (Comouted by: tO fr.. !Checked bv: (w~ Cu H~RDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ~~ ENGINE~RS, GEOLOGIS.TS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' .. -- ~8.tl G_,{ -l ~ndl ' l 3tf~o' Yn .p,~~, :, "\) ' "' ;_, /, ') " ; .'t -- ~~!~A~ ":;::.. I 1 I ~ L -UfM.· .. -\Jit· ·• -, •.. 8ji!( .ar .. -,Jill till·· Bll -· ---.... - __ ...,,,,.__'.? I ' ' ! GRADAT~ON SIZE ANALYSIS ~--. u. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard. Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 :U,4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 ao 100140 200 210 100 • I I I ~~ II II I • I I I I' ,\ r-.. ~ 90 ~ ~;I; b. 80 "-.. ~~ 70 ~ !> ~ i'\ ~ 60 '" ttn ! ..... Ill " :a 1\. }1 50 '\. L IU ~ c u: 40 I .... 1\ c IU ~~ I} u ~ 30 0. ,, I : 20 10 0 100 §0 10 5 1 o.s 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters . f: I I GRAVEL I SAND I ~ BOULDERS COBBLES J Coarse _l Fine I Coarse I Medium I Fine. I - LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SP.HPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) _a.s ~3 ~ 3~S' VJSUAL M~~~~ (lAS~lflCATION a ~,_ r o.AJt. "A." ]J _Q-1 .. _a.·o 1-+-~N' .. ;r /\Nvi. ·' .., .fl, __.O,..~_QJ\-t Ji)NJAJ'tl'\ O'v\ 0-t .• :::tb .. ·~ t a o.A 4 A d ,~~.~Po • ); A;, f •l•. <:AP. . I ~ ~~tv-!) i ".J\Il.-t qJ\ ~ .A,t_.\.,t.t ~<" • F~ .. ~m.A"'~~-_ss~.~ ~u-~~~ :jtYJV.JLb .• 0 u: ~~~-b~~ 1 , l • ; I I . I ~ . . . I l ~ .. 'j .. -tiiiiW ... ... ..... 100 90 I . 80 70 60 .... -.c 01 .... Cl :a 50 1l '-u c .... ...... 40 .... c u u L 30 Ill 0. 20 10 o.oot 0 I 0.01 0.005 I FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay Size~ ' Job No. Date WATANA DAM 150321003.08 -4--t0-~3 IWtA HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES lfil ENGINEERS. 8EOLOGISTS I &EOPHYSICISTS .. ~-- -~ 0 l i I I . i I I I. I 1\ I I· I I I ' I I tiL,.,• WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS . Job Date ~}c:;Je3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON (gBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER ' Project WATANA OAt~ Hole 4 5 ~LJ Depth },5-~ .. 5 #} ~ Dry WT Total TOTAL SAMPLE -Sample & Tare [\6\ Tare ~·Jeight 1 V 559 Classification ~~ t;tr-Avt!il~ 5JiivY s~4l.s~') Sieve Dia. Cum~ WT Dry WT % Cumo % of Total Total Samole HT Llol Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing . Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 r·1ateri al r· 3" _76. 2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 ~11 38.1 vJT -Soi 1 & Cdn-(Het)-1 II ?!; d .. HT -Soi 1 & Can( Drv-) ~,a.u 19 1 0 0 /GO 1::" 12 7 lo 1.-j.O q."''~ Loss 2 #4 4.6 .1--fl \O,"'Z... ~.y Heioht of Can #ill 2 0 l~T of Soil (Drv) Pr~n % ~1ni c;tul"'e Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare ~17 ri.:l v-P WP1 nht ";;-;'-! Sample grams Jar # rw~t!hPrJ ~,::nm1 P l..ft!\i aht ,_ C..'"'\ .; Sieve Di a. r~M j Cum. WT Weight .% % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passi_!:!.£L 1() :;; ()()() 6-t l"~ .., .._ s;.-. ' .... io n A~n I ·:.: "; -"1' -""'' ~ J-• " ... 1 ""'I ~() n hnn IZ,S ..,. -61·1..( ~<..}. ':? 40 () 4?!i J'-13 3<;",Q V-( ,L.( 1()() 0 150 ::?ts s-3,5 '-lv,-r- 200 0.075 ~. t;-6 6~. 7 3 ~ .. 3 ?-m 0.053 Pnn "Z <);':) Tntr~l HYDROMETER SAMPLE .. Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol · Gravity (G) PI Drops: a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Readinq Carre§ ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, Time Time Dia. r~r·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L In; r~ ~1r1 Passing 1 0.078 . 2 0.055 5 0.035 ·- l!i -o71?n - ~0 0 -014 -· 60 0.010 ' 240 0.005 -·--1440 -0 002 l I Cc .,.." Tested bv: [?~k, lcomouted bv:t?Jvt !Checked bv: f/l1A-Cu 53.<;\ "'lo -i ~l'lj . 1-F' 135-MA HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPftYSICISlS __ .... - - () C::::.~ 't ~' ... ~. I Lol I . -·--'"""-''" ... , L .... ·~~~4-·-'·~-~..,. .................. .,.;14~~-'""~""-'"'-~•<--'-...;:.;.,-·=..,._.,._ ., . ._.~ _...,....,..,..~.-.• --.;:,.,..,~...,...-~.---·· -~ ... f. !._...._. .a.z:. ~ -~· mn!:i, • ~"'! ~: ~ ~ .... I • --GRAD A r·1bN 'size ANALYSIS I - I U~ s. Standard Siev~ Openings In Inches U'. s. Standard S1e.ve f!Wnbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 ~ 1/,2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 20J 27U 100 100 • I I • ·~ ,. J . . ' ! . t'--r-. 90 . r-... 90 ~ r---.. 80 ~ ~ 80 I """ •• : ~~r- 7:0 II:: ~I-.. 70 I,! " 60 .... !; 60 .. _ ..c ~-"" 01 ..... 01 ~ .,.. :a Ill !'.. 3: 50 ~ 2 50, ~ ... '-~ c lU . '" .,... C. 40 "'-~ 40 . .... ~ c ~ Ql c u Ill ... u 30 ~ t 30 g. A. - 20 20 ' J !I 10 10 I f 0.001° 0 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 O.GOS 1000 Gr51n Size in Millimeters GRAVEL SAND FINES :: Elay Siz~ BOULDERS COBBLES Coai·se Fine Medium Fine Silt Sizes I LAB TEST NO •. BORING NO. SPMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSifiCATION (USC) Job WATANA. DAM AS ~4 \ \. 5-~.5 No • 15032~003.08 . (""'11'\./1 J'V'{J ,Q .hM}/71. v·.t "'"Q... .. f\. . \IISUAL MANU/\l ClASSIFICATIOrt E AN\.~ I Crv" ;f;..Jf.~,.J.J ~i...D.~ 1L 4-Ll,..~) .. Date (} . l-.F 1-'ll-G.~h ••. ·-i . / 4WiiJ¥.i t·-w .... . ·~ ~ . ' ~ ' 1 ,_. J I ~ • ~ J f . ~ ~ .... {~-•.. <: ' ""' ~-­••• -~::·~-~;;;,:- RM HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. &EOlOGISTS & GEDfHYSICISTS ... ,. > -.;;·a ~ ~~, ~:rill~~~~~~L:.""'-~~~~--·---'---~~.a... . .:.... ___ ...:...~~·-__L·. ·---"--·=-~---=·~·<--=""··~-~~-.-· --:~1{~-~ ·~-~-~~~o/~~-~ • i :/ 't! 1-4 ' f jJ WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date L/)'1)83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON [2J'BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROt~ETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole A~ ~5 Depth Jr-~.5 ~) ~ Dry ~JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 115/ Tare 1·Jei ght SD-fd.. SL\o Classification~~ qr-all~rt~ 4,/~ Sq.,d(~M) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT 71~ Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing -Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 2" 50 'g Can No. .. l!sll 38.1 WT-Soil~ Can Wet) l II 25 4 ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Dry) "/4" 19 1 0 ·o. o lbO.D_ .!:::" 2 7 r3 \ t 8 q8. "t-Loss 2 -#4 4.6 33 ~.(:., q~,4-Heiaht of Can #10 2 0 HT of Soil (Drv) Pan % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & 1 are 7fc.J. Tr~vor:l WPiaht ..SYr JC£r # Sample . . Sieve Di a. r~tJ:I Size 10 :> non 20 0 R50 30 0 FiOO 40 o 425 10(1 0 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0 053 e_an Total Specific Gravity (G) a = t.Tap. Maximum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 . 5 0.035 15 (1 02( 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0 .,005 1440 0 ._002 Tested b_y: G-li3J grams IWash~d Sannle_ ~Je5aht Li-:;l.d.. Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Ret. Retained Retained 70 i 3.i:S I (,., i_.,l ~ t''-1 33~' L-11~ t..ta HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Samp1 e . grams Temp. Readin.9 I( H~-0 c. Initl. Actual IComouted bv: MA-JChecked bv: Nt-~ Retained Ret. Passino ' '7:7 qo,3 IB.B t)j,Z. Z3·~ 7C:::. 5 Zb,4-II. b 4-b. q s~.J 5'1·'1 4-:Z..· ) Amyl A 1 coho 1 Drops: Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, !,Di a ~1r1 Passing .. ----. ,,,.. - ••m -Cc Cu R HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' _j - '-:..· ,, ... ·'' 1 r, ,, L f' c,~ LiS ~ U8l . . ·-1 '""'" £~riP l . l :Lilli .:..-. l l . l • j 1 I GRADAtrlbN SiZE ANALYSIS r.-.. ......-.. U. s. Standard Siev~ Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Steve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3JJ l/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 27C 100 I c I I I\P" ~ ~~ , I I --. "J II 'WIT t-1-......... ~:I : 90 ' . " 80 t-.~ ~~ -. 70 ~ ~ -"' ~ 60 ~ en -., ~ 3 2 50 ' ' s.. ., c: ("' u: 40 .. c ., u t 30 . a.. ·-1--. 20 . - 10 .. i ' 0 -. 1000 500 iOO 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 Grain Size in Millimeters I I I GRAVEl l SAND I BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse I Fine I [.,arse Medium Fine I . LAB TEST NO. BORH;G NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job A-S -;AS 1 }--'} .. 5 ·-. No. ~ ~ ' . 0.01 0.005 FINES Silt Sizes WATANA DAM 15032!)003.08 ~" . ' ·.a...dlll -. ~ --~--'>~; ~JIIri I I I 100 I 90 80 70 60 .... ·-s:. 01 .... ., :a 50 ~ ... ., c: ... 40 u. ... c ., ~ 30 ., -o..j ' 20 . 10 L 0.001° .E1ay She~ ' --VISUAl MANUAl ClASSIFICATIOtl Crm;:t4.~~~ ~ <3.1'!..-t"!·.-i~P .. • ~r-~Ap_. ~JLl_ ~tVt-/.U) Date 4--ll-~.'J CJ]_ ~J\~./. li t-F' I'll_..,..~~).. Jl~r:::ft ~~~~ + J'....A o.k d./\ f' f2.A .. t1 .A • .a ·~~M-d'\ (/ ... .... ,._ {I t' •. M? ' . c.J.r. .. tl. • !:,3 ~. if'I ..... I' f) . ~· ' • ' -~ rr• ff.IIR HARI!ING LAWSDrJ ASSOCIATES ttJii ENGINEEWS* GEOLOGISTS & liEOPHYSICISlS -.. raM \c, I l "I; fl :~ { ! (-~JJ <I t 1 ' ' ~ I' ") l -·~ ~ j1 ....J - WORK SHEE1i PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job :=l Date '-I/CJ)83 No. 15032 2 003.08 ,_ 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAM Hole ~s ~0 Depth ) _ J. 5 ~ J ~Dry ~JT Total Sample & Tare 7 &,3 ,'J.. TOTAL SAMPLE Tare \'Jei ght mA-LlS 9?~. 85 Classification o.f2~ ~~lfzA S.q Y\ d.. (_ .S h--1 ) J Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT I C,7Y .. 35 Size MH Ret. Rete Ret. Ret. Passing . Moi stul··e Content 411 101 6 . -10 ~·1ater·i a 1 311 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. ,~ .. 38.1 WT-Soil& 'can Wet) 111 25 4 ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Dry) 3J4 11 9 1 Loss ~II 12 7 (.) o~o { oo. 0 2 #4 4.6 J.8 4--. 'Z-qs.e, ltJe i aht of Can #10 2 0 \vT of Soi 1 ( o· ~cl Pan ~~ ~1oi s_ture Total REPRESENTATIVE fiAINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare . ~51 Tare Weiaht 88.~~ Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r.1M Size 1n -2 000 :-·20 0 R~O 30 0 600 40 0.425_ 1no 0 150 ~00 0.075 "7n 0 053 Pan . Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. Mf·1 J 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 j_5_ 0 (}20 .30 0.014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: G.f3, grams W;,c:;hPrl S;nmlP WFdah_t 3 eo -a ._a Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Dassina (o -, .::t.9 '10·1 /}/ {1. 4-5 '2... {a P-ILf '2-(,4-/6.v Ill -zs-.4-.., 4-. £t, ~B 4-1 I~ ss.~ 357 S'-l't 4-'7 • I . :5 G.l HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 -PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Init1. Actual IComouted bv: mfr-. !Checked bv: - ~-Rc 'Mft Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, iDi a ~1r1 Passing· Cc Cu tiLd HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGI~T~ & GEOPHYSICISTS ~/. - 4-{. \! ""!~ ! (\r.~\; .... 't 0 \', I I L ~ -~-t-..rle U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches . .-. l .............. __ ,,.__. .... GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS 0. s. S~andard Sieve Numbers -l ' Hydrometer 12_ 9 6 3 2 1112 1 3/4 1a 3/8 4 10 20 ~0 60 80 100 140 20(} 270 100 100 .. I I' I 90 80 70 1:; 60 en .,.. D.l 3: 2 50 L. .u c:: u:: 40 ... c:: Cll u L. 30 Cll a. 20 " --· 10 0 10\lO 500 100 50 I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coat·se LAB TEST NO. BORING tlO. SAMPLE NO. r:l5 ~ (:, ~lSUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION ..2 0.~(\./1-±~ • ...J + 1-F ,,., -(,~A ... , Jillt~ • -i \lllli1!llill" I I fh I I I I -~ t- I" ~ r"--...... ~ "E ~ ~ ' ~ ...._, ~ ~ ' ~~ 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 .Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine DEPlli CLASSIFICAliON (USC) \-~ .s .iv)./) ..fLA..A...-1 D Olv\'\.J~J\;.,;J·-' l.:t'i"-., ·<r ..:-~ .... ·{ J'?~ tf!,~t.. . (/ v \" ... ... ~ 8 ·' . &, . ... 0.05 . 90 ' 80 70 ~ 60 ..IC Dl .... II :a 50 ~ :1- II c:: ... 40 u.. ... c:: u t! 30 Cll 0. 20 10 I 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES l Silt Sizes .~lay Size~ Job No • Date WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 4 --\ l -2<3 I ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Wi8 ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ·iMD ... ... -~ _ __)i&J ....... -· _ .......... ...--..,-~·-·~ ........... ~-,.--... , .... --------------·0~..-----~----~------·"''',._ _____ ,~-~~-- u " 0 ,, • :"¢ . ("~/ I ~~ : fi:', "t.. ~< '.·!· .. _.·. ,· ... - ' ·[ ~~-- :,.:_ .~. \_ -.-'_ .. ....... j . l I 't .J i .I '- ' I i- lt' '_{·~ }.• l. r t ! C(;' ~ (_( ·~ ,c; \ ·~,J i I I I •• I { 'J .. I i a q a H a li WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSIS Job Date y J CJ /93 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole AS~~ Depth1.5-Y :#~ ~ Dry ~·JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Tare Height Classification ~~J.Jl...~ S01.-.Jvy C) I l+ ( 1IViJ;) Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Samole HT Size Mr1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ' Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -10 r·1ateri a 1 ~II 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. ~ ,~ .. 38.1 ---- \tlT -Soi 1 & Can Het) 4S' . .,l -,II ?~ 4 HT -Soi 1 & Can Drv1 Lf5. 7 5 ~/411 19 1 . u: ~II 12 7 Loss 2 #4 4.6 Heiaht of Can 1{ .... q~ #in 2 0 ~vT of Soi 1 Drv) '3Y .~o Pnn % ~1oi sture .c; Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT WT Hashed Sarno e &-1are 1~5.0 .. Representative JJ finrP W~1nhF /!A~ ·~ \ \ '· Sample · --n .t ~ grams Jar # rw~c::h~rl ~rl 11n 1,::1 t..l~i nht -.j .~ ~ ~~-~ Sieve Dia. MM Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;~ of Tot a 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 1n ·? ()()(.) () c;.o t IJ 1), 0 211 n AC\n c; I 8·~ q 1·.) ~n n f'nn Gl l ~-1 8'1, ~ 40 n 4?-~ l"d "·" 8~. I 1l1rl 71 150 ~5 '3.;.-; (e, q .. -, 2fH) 0.075 ~3 4l,· G.. S"~· Lf- r;7fl 0.053 Pan 3~ -rn-i=-ril HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific Z,1 s LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) ('T~'iit~) PI c. Drops: a = 0 ,q ¥" Corrected l~eight of Hydrometer Sample 10 • 4-grams Defloculation Agent qrv E1ap. ~1axi mum Temp. Reading Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Di a. r~r·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rr. L Gram 1ze, Passing In; a m1 Cff( 1 0.078 11)}9-, ·ol';') A/ I.( ~qo . ;,e CJ.~ C>. b4-4 4-?. '2- :u 1 2 -0.055 /Fi. a., /I %[ I'S'I .s-II !D,b 0·0~1-., . '1 ~l.o· ~115 5 0.035 ~~ ~ ... ~, /J 1~/./'P 1~.~ tl It, 4-c-, ot 1 ~"··0 .:1 ;llj 1~ n n?n It; _t; If Jl 1 1/ ' I 'Z., 9 .().0\~ 't2··'5 . 7-"iD 10 0 014 /5.5 ,, ?~·z. 7 ---. - l{i ((} 60 0.010 15.'; 1 014 D "J.(),() I I '"'I l':JI D 0• oo I /(!"•"I t?::J 10 240 0.005 It:;'_() •o lqc /C:,t:) 8. b I '3 I ((" o. oo3 ID-4 f)q I{? 1440 0 hd2 212 .n \01 ,,. I/. 'iS (f" .-~ 14., 6•bbl (c,~ Cc Tested bv: n~ )G d3 I lcomouted bv: M -A !Checked bv: /Yl ~ Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGWEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 4~P•t.' ' e.!,. : !-.d' "t •::-: , r l1 L illl!al_ --.. " .... ...'. ...~ ... t ' I ......... GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS -.~ ... : ~. l U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Stcndard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 1J 20 40 60 80 100140'200 270 100 . I I I I • I I' jl \l ~ I I I I I I -..... . $;, ·go --~ [}, •' f---~ R. 80 ~~ 70 " 1'\. ... . ~ ~ 60 ~I' D> .... -Gl ~D :s 1:: 50 t\ L cu ~ ~ ~ 40 .... ~ "' u ~ 30 a. 20 - 10 . 0 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters I I GRAVEL I SAND I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine ·1 Coarse Medium Fine LAB TEST NO. BORI'NG NO. SMIPLE NO. DEPnt CLASSIFICATION (USC) -AS d-C., 2 _2.5_-4 ~lSUAL MAtiUAL Cl.ASSIFICATION Ojc£ o..1J... ._.})_ ""Jl c.!..->-~AJ2Avv·R.r.r.~ k ..zf-. ·' .. ' . . -- 1-F I 'I I-(,~.A- t l ,1 1 4 I • 'J ...,.. ·,~ -o:--·-) ..... ... --' •· it: , " .. ·~ ·100 ' ·~ ·' 90 80 70 60 .... .s: Dl .... II :311 50 ~ ... II ~ ... 40 a.. I~ .... ~ u u I~ ... 30 Gl a. ~ "-._ 20 ~ pi/'!}. r-..... ~ ..... 10 ~ ~ 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay Size~ Job No. Date .. WATANA DAM 15032.003.08 4--1~ -~3 I I PifiR HARDING LAWSON ftSSOCIATES JiHiM ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS --"' .... - L..&!Al~~~~~~~~~':"";._._~!~-~--~-~~-~..:.:z, .. -'"",,L __ :,~---~-----""-'~-'~·--··--~--..:-__.;._,_.;._~------~~~~: i 1 .. • " ~ I ~-. ~.. . I I I I I ·I I. I H' .!!.l> ll' a Ll •J w J;l D u WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date y} CJ J 83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON RASS SIEVE_ OHYDROMETER Proje<;t WATANA DAt1 Hole As ~" Depth 7. 5 _ '7 #Lj ~ Dry HT Total DoES HoT '{Y) EET 11-STIY\ Sample & Tare \ lL\) TOTAL SAMPLE STA NOA-RD5 Tare \~eight SD-15 53Li Classification~ -5 1 (~ sc;,.J~ ~r-avel (bM) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT '·' Cum. % of Tota 1 ~~ Total Sample HT [5b Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 ~·1a te ri a 1 111 76.2 2" 50 8 C) 0 I t:J 0 Can No. 1 !sll 38.1 2'1:sS "J.7.~ ~"Z .. b ltJT -Soi 1 & Can (VIet) 1 II ?~ 4 z ~3. ' ""?l.., l.f " ?, <:. WT-Soil& Can{Drv) 1/4 11 19 1 ?'<3 :i; ~. .. , , .., J' '.J •• \:> J-:::11 12 7 ?'X~ "'!.~~I(!_ Gt .'t, Loss 2 #4 4.6 )O'.S L.(:j, 7 ~9.3 vJe i aht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of Soi 1 Drv) P;:m 4--b ·7 '<' ., .. 'aV'I. > • % ~1ni~ture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE ~JT . Representative WT t~ashed Sarno e ~ 1are IJ7o:- fir~ rP l}Jp...,---nnt ~ :. '-1 Sampl~ grams Jar # rw~<:hPrl ~~ nnl ~ 1.4/Pi nnf ~ ~; i Sieve Di a. r~M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 1i1 ? 0()(1 33/ LJ1,j< ·-6 -, "> .-in n A'111 J. c7 4'11 ,5' S" I I 5"" ~n (l hl111 3~(? :;-, I l-:1 ("~. •1 40 -n 4-?-5 40b 5~,7 I.Jb.! Tnn n 150 '1-67 [.,t..[d ?: ~~~ 200 0.075 536 70.'1 "2'""1,\ ?7n 0 053 Pan ~J.i( '2...'\, ( I o; 7 " . Tnt~ 1 .fl.v:-)' HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) PI Drops: Corrected Height of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent a = Sample grams Elap. Haximum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, Time Time Di a. Mt·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual R~ L In;~ ~m Passing 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0. 03-5 1'1 n n?n ~0 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0.002 Cc Tested by: c ''""' -v fcomouted bv: (I tv' !Checked bv: h1/}-' Cu 1-F' 13S-M,_ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~..'!.! ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS __ ... -I -• I • I ~ ., I I I ·" ~:::::::::-· L r ·---......;;., ~-"~~- I ·u. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches ~ t t ' I ... t I GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS u. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers ' .. ' (~. -a.t .... ~·~;;'--~ .. -...-.. ~ . I I Hydrometer I 100 l J . \ 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 . l: 20 40 60 80 10014('1 ?.00 270 100 • • I I I I II \; "'-II • I I ~. r• 1-·-r -I -J ....... ·go 1'-~ . rt ~ 80 ~ ~ 1\. 70 J " -~ ~ ~ 60 "' 0> ..... . CIJ ~~ :tc 2 50 r"i t\ ... Cl.l !ij c ~ 40 .... c II u :u 30 0.. 20 10 . 0 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grain Size in H1111meters GRAVEl SAND BOUlDERS COBBLES Coarse Fine Hediulll Fine LAB TEST NO. BORfNG NO. SAMPlE NO. DEPlll CLASSIFICATION (USC) PeS d--I..} VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION <.!.o~n.t~ :& . 1: ·' :! . . --- t..F ,._,I-c,~ ..... '' l I ;, 'j I ' S .... ~· • ---~----' ,; ...... t<"' ,... ..,, ,. .. W.> -.. ......-- 90 80 70 60 .... .c Do .... II :a 50 ~ ... . , c: .... 40 ..... I~ .... c Cl.l 1:! I~ 30 Cl.l a. ~ " 20 ~~--) :........ N:: ~ J ~ 10 ' 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FINES Silt Shes Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 4-1 '---f?,3 -- ""' HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES lllililj ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS I GEOPHYSICISTS -•• ,...-·-~ - ·:I ..•. · ... ··,· . -~--,--~! . J· .. : ~ ·,,_Ml!~~~"~.;;:. .• -;;; ·'•·· :.:·"---;.~~~-· ~-------'-~ _.·· --· _· . -~___...;.---.. ",,._:_.._ .. ~--· -.-=----...... ~· -· ____ ..;_._-"~---· · ........ --~";,.._~~ -. ·J I 1-. ( oi~ 1: I I I I I ·- 1 I -~-·- ' I I I I . . ' 'I .. Job Date Y)GJJ83 WORK SHEEbi PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS No. 15032 2 003.08 O_GILSON RASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA OAt~ Hole AS ?1 Depth 3-5 .:.i=FJ ~~ Dry ~·JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Samp!e & Tare Li)).~ Tare Height Yh~-rl. ~~or~~ "'\ re:Lue (l1" n'8.0 Cl assi fi cation SJI+'fr s&~J t\ d L-s~"' Total Sample HT Sieve Dia. Cum~ WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total 3~LJ .. C, Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing t-1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 211 ~--R Can No. 1 ~II 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can ~·let) 1 II 2~ a. vlT -Soi 1 & Can l Dry l ~/411 rq -,-0 . b·Q ' \ b o. n . -J.::ll 12 7 Y'1 \ c:; •• 84-·~ Loss 2 #4 4.6 ~3 1'1· 4-B o, c, vJei oht of Can #10 2 n t~T of Soi 1 (Drv) Pan ~t I,. % ~1oi stuY"e Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE viT Representative WT l·lashed Sarno e & 1are 3~Y · i~Y'~ WPi aht 719, Sample . grams Jar# lw~ c: h~rl S;nm 11=1 WP; aht "d~0 Sieve Di a. r~M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino 1n ? non ?,7 1...~.8 "7 ~. 7.._ '52. ,a.i 2n n R5n II 8 3G:,. 4-(; ~.£~ 10 ... n hnn ,-..: '3 4-ll 0 ") '\' I 0 .-1 C) -f n ; S~.-:...1: 40 n 4?5 I L..J ~ 45-C, S'4-t4- 1no 0 150 :loo "I' &, "38·4- 200 0.075 ~33 /l•6 'Z-6·"2- 270 0 053 Pan ~3~ Tntr~l HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. ,Amyl A 1 cohol Gravity (G) PI Drops: a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1axi mum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Di a. t~r·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L Gram 1ze, Passing nia ~1r1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 n n?r 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 "' Cc Tested by: G,/3 I Comouted bv: Y\'\ A _lChecked bv: Mfr. Cu 1-F 1:,\5 • MA HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS -_j .:/ ., ··~ I I I L ' _ _R!i,,~ -· ... -... 111!1 --.·~·jill··· -----Jl.lif -~4--~~--~ .__. I I I I GRADATION SIZE ANAL YSJS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers tlydro111eter I 80100140 200 ?.70 I 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 6!) 100 100J I I ' J I I I I' II I' • I I I ~ 90 90 ' 80 80 . . \ 70 70 \ ~ !":"!.. 1":\ 4). .... ~ 60 I':"' 60 .c D> f7 ~ ~ ... D> ., .... :I: cu -.._,~·~ ~ 3 50 11 50 1 ~ fii ... Ill ... ----I:: ., "'['...... .,... I:: 40 ..... ~ 40 ' ' ~ .... I:: .... cu I:: +-· """""' u cu ... u 30 ., ~ 30 Q. "-I! 20 20 10 10 I I 0 o.oot 0 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 I Grain She in Millimeters i _.__.. I ' I I GRAVEL I SAND FINES ' BOUlDERS COBBLES I Coarse I fine I Coarse Medium Fine Silt Shes .~1 ay Si zesl I lAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SIIJ4PLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job WATANA DAM F\<; ~ ~ Ll 7 .. 5-9 . No . 15032 3003108 -lJISUI\l MANUAL CLI\SSIFJCATION a_ ./..JI.M.r ..t.AO}. + _!l~_v,. .. ,~.t ;\ OAAAA/\.~ 6 Cll)JIJV..I A.IVV'·4fl1 ~M.': Date a, .. \t-'r~ ()'\..<.fA'!. I'\ ' • ·_,. .... ._, I cy (/ (..I . . t.F J"''-(.':!) . Wklll! ·--~ - cr ···t • ~ ' '. ,.,.. . ! ' . I -.. - . . . .. ,.,, ' liM HARDING lAWSot~ ASSOCiATES litiii ENGINEEIS, GEOLOGISTS I GEOPHYSICISTS --· -!)-.. : ../ · t··~~~·· ,.~.,..,_...-<~-:'·~--~--·.--,Le~ -., .:~-:;----~-,.~,~~·-..-..~~.._: .;1 p I I I I I •• I I I I Jl •• I u I I I II WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANAL YSJS Job Date y J~/83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON [SlBRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER . Project WATANA DAr4 Hole A£ ~~ Depth ).S-""J.5 =t=t) AiF¥-Dry ?JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare l1. '2~,0 Tare Height F 53~ Classification a?~ J..)./\_¥-~,1\"" q~l\).c.tl..y ~' ~ ~c."J ( ~r~o··.') Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT b,t&l ,0 Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~·1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 r~a te ri a 1 :ill 76.2 0 0 /()J 2" 50 8 0 l.) IOU Can No. 1 !~ll 38. 1 (J 0 I :.) ...J \IJT -Soi 1 ~ Can (vJet) 1". 25 4 0 0 !vo WT-Soil& Can(Drv) ~/411 19 1 J...\,0 :z,o .. ('t -~-.:_-::1 !:;11 12 7 '")0, ( '} "2,Cf 9'7d Loss 2 #4 4.6 7J..\tU (Od£ ·~,l. Heioht of Can ::.no 2 n WT of Soil (Orv) Pnn 7h ~1o i s t u re Total REPRESENTATlVE MINUS NO. 10 SA~JtPLE vJT Representative WT l~ashed Sarno e & lare (l:-..1';.·1 T .1 .... ~ Wl=lian'f ;S 3 6,,0 Jar # Sample . Sieve Di a. r~M Size in ? nnn 20 n A~O 111 -n -hnn 40 (I 4?~ 1nn n. 150 200-0.075 1')7{) 0 053 lYnn Tntr~l Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. Maximum Time Time Di a. t~H 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 1~ 7171111 10 0 l114 ~--60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0.002 Tested bv: Ct1lft.·\ 1-FI35~l"'A grams IWnshPrr ·~·;lnnl~ w~; oht J-j <:;~7_ .o Cum. ~IT Weight % ~~ of Tota 1 Cum. ~b of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. PassinCJ /2 'i ,0 I ~,'6 '?J. 2- I '12..6 27 .. ..... . '1 72rl 22£;,() 32.G (.,7.~ '2. c;-;_ :.) J /,, ' .... ,' L-:--··~ :,S~j;.{, J S7,L.( 42,6 LJ /!&tC> b'f,&, 3of-/ 1..1 ~~.o HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Ar;&l A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected l~ei ght of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual I Comouted bv :r t p) !Checked bv: __ ,. r Rc L tr/.{1 Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, In; r~ ~1~1 Passing Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOlOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I ,3o.4 •je i fll\.."'~ I I ~ L IE! --=· . ... .. .. .,. .IPI!l .. -----.... ..... . I i I J l G'RADATION SIZE .ANAL VSIS i . U. S. Standard Sieve Openings ~n lnc:hes U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 ll/2 1 3~ 1/2 3/8 4 10 '20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 --. I I r--< t I' il ,. I I I I I \ 90 90 \. L.:T ... t-r-~ 80 80 "' ' ·~··--~ ~ - 70 70 "-.. 8lr-. 60 .... ~ 60 .c ~~ 0> ... th ., .... :a Ill ~ :Jr; ~ 5D 1: £ 5D ~ .... ·-., L c Ill ~ ~ c 40 ~ 40 b\. .... c .... ., c ~ Ill !'. u 30 Gl L 30 Q. u ~ ~~ a. :~' J 20 20 10 . 10 0 i 0.001° 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 o.os 0.01 0.005 Grain Stze 1n Millimeters I GRAVEL l SAND FlNES I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine Silt Sizes .~lay Sh~~ LAB TES1f NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPnt CLASS I FICATIOM (USC) Job WATANA DAM AS d./ 3-S No. 15032!003.08 \IISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION ...21./vv'l~{) I'Yv\.Ab.::t:Q,u hMl~tj.(~/1...--~~.1.1 ()./\....-1--A~-11. Date ----(/ -----~-··----------~- w: I 'I r -c .. ~"" ·:---.... ·-... ' .,., _,.• ---·· 0 0 ·~-I riM HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES tliiii EIGINEEIS,IiEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~ I ; --.. .. -- --~-~~·l ·~. 1111 ·> \:-- ,'>- ~I ~~-. .I . .. ~· ',;_"-~ ;• '~ .,. .• ,;'·.·· -'·' "''. ·~.-~ •• Wo • :-:;.~~-,--· ·~--~~~--o-~~~: __ ,._,_'_, ___ =~--'·''"~----:----~-----· o_;_._ _ __:.c.__~---L~ "·~-C~~ ~i 1 ~ •• 1.. t:;~ I I I I I I I I • I I u .I ll .u. II WORK SHEE~ P.~RTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date '-1}<7)83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE. 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt1 Hole AS ~8 Depth 9. 5 -Jo.tf=* 3 ~ Dry ~JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare \ \ )_ \ Tare Height 5D-IB 5LJ5 Classification~ ~-CfttatteH~ t;>H-,~~1\J.. LS'""') r;. 7(:J Sieve Dia. Cum. WT D~y WT % Cumo % of Tota 1 Tota1 Sample HT Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~-1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. lls" 38. 1 WT-Sojl& Can(Wet) 1 II 25 d WT-~Soi 1 & Can (Dry) _3/411 19 1 (;? (.::> l~' 1:;11 12 7 2!:f 4.2. e;~,c Loss 2 il4 4.6 ~·; /b/) ¥) S ltJe i oht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of Soi 1 ( Drv )· Pan % Hoisture Tota 1 · REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE )· WT \~ashed Sam_g_ e & I are C.) ,:..14 vJT Representative Iare _Wetaht ~ . Jar # • "'!. ,.. ' ~ Sample grams Washed Sa11nl e ~lei aht 1. :'"~ Sieve Dia. r~M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 1() ') 000 1!:../ '21, ~ 7 r-:1• / 20 () 850 I '<!Z. ?I;.::> •""\-..: ,-l 30 n f'nn ?.b7 15'· 9 t 'f. ( 40 n 425 -:'! '. , 4-o.~ sq., -. - 1nn 0 150 7'77 _.J c;~.s 4-1· s 200 0.075 '3: ~!5 laB. <o 5t.4 ?7() 0.053 Pan '!..~! 1 Total - HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) PI Drops: Corrected t~ei ght of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent a = Sample grams Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Reading Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Di a. t~t-1 0 c. K Initl. Actual R_c L Gram 1ze, Passing Di a ~1r1 1 0.078 2 0.055 s· 0.035 15 n n2n 30 0 014 ·--· 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Cc Tested by: . ' '\ \~ f\ 'I i IComouted bv: 11..-tq !Checked bv: fYH't-Cu ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I i . j r . F· l .- -I -! to.~ f 'I~ I qv1, l I i . t l ! ! j,_ l 52.,,; c;Q-! <;A.,P( ' 3t,S"' I . "T I f L r ---' ....... .... --.. Jllilllll .~~ ~-~--~----~-~-- t • i .. ' GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Ope~!ngs In Inches U. S. Standard Sieve Niunbers Hydrometer ll 9 6 3 2 11/~ l 3/4 l/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270 100 . I' I ....... I$)-...@._ I' II r I I I .• 't .. l ..... ~ .. 90 90 ~ i'.. ~~ ~~~ 80 80 "-.. 70 'ii~ 70 ~~ ~ 60 lt5 I 60 il ....... "'1"'• en ' ~ .... Ill --' 3 50 ~ 2 50 ,,. a.. a.. II 1: GJ ~ .,. 1: 40 u. ~ 40 .... : ··' r. 1: .... GJ c u GJ ~' a.. u I 30 (II ~ 30 A. 0.. i ' /i 'I 20 20 ,...~ 10 :-...· .• 10 i ol o.oot 0 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Grain Size in Millimeters I GRAVEL l SAIID FINES I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine Silt Shes .~lay Size~ . -LAB TEST NO .• BORING NO. SMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job _WATANA DAM A-S ~B 1 L5-';A.S I No. 150323003.08 ~lSUAL ~mNUAL ClASSIFICATION ~ J\-tvv.JLfL ~~ .J;v.,...},-v..rv'-'1A•.Jl,.,. '~ Date 4' -1 u -~ ) 0 . J-F l'"lj-~-:,~ '---.~. '--· '--- () ~ fWR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ltiil ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS . . . . : .... ·~~----' •. -•J• .. .. ,. . . .. l e•eae.-c.ra1 'i. .. ~~~~.. ~--~~-"-'~~"-:..,.:..--'-\';.:_.\~~~--~--=~o~;.~,_:.-,_.;,~-----·•-_:~~· '.A.-....:__:,_~-. '~-· -~·~. ~~·· ·.:. I. :;.r • I . .. I .I I I I I D II u u I. u I I I . : ;: L WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date . LJJCJ}8'3 OGILSON (gBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER No. 15032 2 003.08 Project WATANA DAr4 Hole AS ~9 Depth J-~ .. 5 #/ . ~ Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Samole & Tare \ lli~D . Tare \-Jei ght 1 t\: l11l Classification () \ \ U Q__ '1 ~v~ L t~ t;l Hla· 5t.id (_~ Y-J ) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample t-IT lfb,Q Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Conteot 411 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 311 76.2 0 0 /r'lc) 2" 50 8 0 0 fdU Can No. 1 ~II 38. 1 0 0 {UO VlT -Soi ll'i Can {VJet} 1 II 25 4 () 0 I i.J 0 WT-Soil& Can(Dry) 3/4 11 9 1 2c;s1o ~.q <;f!), \ J-.:11 2 7 i.-[ (10 )i( ql..j.$ Loss 2 #4 4.6 78,0 '1.~ Cl0...2.. VJeioht of Can #10 2 0 WT of Soil (Dr~) Pan % ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE VJT Representative WT l~ashed Sarno ··e -g; 1 are ~qSuJ Tt=~ r~ W~i crht 4-!.! l '"*. Sample grams Jar # IWa.S.hed Sa TIDl e ~lei oht ... 11,';:< _) Sieve Di a. t~M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 10 ? .000 II~ o ,.:;-, t· ~-.1"1 - 20 0 RSO 17'1.D ""~,.J i -:; • ._) 30 o finn "2 13.,0 L'1.7 7u.3 40 n 425 '2k/ f.t.J "?,b.(''"' ~~Lj 1nn 0 150 :?·a"J.:> '5!:-. (.i '-t Q. 'b 200 0.075 , L! b /. J 61tt-t 3: ~~ lo 27n 0.053 Pan ""' b7,0 l' l I 1 l ! :r. o,,~ I OJ l ' 0 ~ ,; av• ?~ -o '· ~ l 1 • 1 ~-! ' 3~-b; 11>/(J Total !f\r-...,. s : Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Dia. ~1t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 () 020 30 0 014. 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: "'r .~·\ t-F' r35-M"' HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc 1-. - IComouted bv: Mf+. !Checked bv: MA- Amyl Alcohol Drops: Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing IDia m1 Cc Cu ~~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS j i • ' ., .rJ ,, .. I I '} L ~~· .lr!!B. ee --:::;, -t==, liD •, ·M. ~• • 1&1 P-•~~ .. -•~·--~•-~·--i{t .. · .. ~~·---~-~" P .. ~ ~ l j l ·. GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3~ 1/Z 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 I I I 90 80 70 ~ 60 Dl -tl.l :& 11 50 A. IU 1: ~ 40 ..... 1: IU u ~ 30 0.. 20 10 \" 0 ,~ .. 1000 500 100 50 L BOULDERS I I COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SPJ1PLE NO. fiS ~ B 3 VISUAL ~AN~Al CLASSIFICATION ------------- 1-F 1~ I-C:.~ ...... .. - • 1~1 1 r• ,. II I I .• "'" r-. ~ ...... :--..... c ~ ""' ~ ( ~ ~ I~ ~ i'.. ' ['... ~ ' " 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEl .T SAND I Fine T Coarse Medium I Fine I DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) q ,5 -/() () . . . ---------~--------------- ~ I '1 fl I -- 5 0.05 I I 90 80 70 1-- 60 .... .a: Dl .... ., 3 . 50 11 '-IU s: .,... 40 ..... .... c ~' 30 ~ ~ 20 10 0.001° 0.01 0.005 I ----- .Elay Size~ FINES ·::~t Sizes Job WATANA DAM No. 15032~003.08 I Date 4--~l-~~ rwA HARDING LAWSQN ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOiiiSTS & GEOfHYSICISTS --i .. ·-;-------~--. \~'> ·., ;<~:"~~;il;&'>?S:.~--9~1~~4:~ ! i( '( ... ("- m I l J,J I I I 11 I I I u, 0; u:, 11 II. D, I ll I. . '; ' ~·,, ~< WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANAL YSJS Job Date L\ ) GJ ) B3 No. 15032 2 003.08 rt' 0 GILSON [Q'BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER --, Project l~ATANA DAH Hole A.S ~'1 Depth C -7.5 #3 ~~ Dry HT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 1 ~1st,o Tare \~eight\~ S""~\. Cl assi fi cation 0 \ \ue_ qMv~tftr ?1 H-La SArJ-L5 M) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total ',' Total Sample HT ~l.{OtO Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ! • 411 101.6 r-1oi sture Content ·--10 ~·1ateri a 1 :ill 76.2 () 0 J () (.) 211 50 8 0 0 I ;)(.J ·- Can No. ·-1~11 38. 1 0 u {()C) ,,_ WT-Soil& Can(Wet) 111 ?~ 4 C) (') [Ot...,. HT-Soil& Can(Ory) 3/4 11 9 1 0 () £01:) ,_, Loss . 1:11 12 7~ ({.0 SJ,') ctl s-,_ .. 2 - ~Je i oht of Can #4 4.6 I b7JLO "20.0 1f:~.\:l ~10 2 0 ·- ~\IT of Soi 1 ( Drv) Pan ·- % ~1oi sture Total -·-REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE ·--vJT Representative WT l~ashed Sarno e & Tare \1 'S"'{ ,() ...... TarP WPi oht S"l.ft ,:..-:J Jar # Sample Sieve Dia. HM Size 1n 2_ 000 20 0 R50 30 0 600 40 n 4::'~ 1no 0 150 200 0.075 ?70 0 053 Pan Totr~J Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. f~f·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03!:> 1~ 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested bv: c . .J.Iit\ '-F' 135-MA ·-grams W r1 c:; h P ri S r1 nn 1 P 1.41 P i o ht (..J '], -_; ·-Cum. WT Weight % % Df Total Cum. % of Tota1 __ Ret. Retained Retained '2. ~D "Z~'l ?2.7 367,0 s~z..o <;0(,. u 610,0 HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample ___ grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc - . ~ i IComouted bv: ( ( IY'-!Checked bv: rhA- - Retained Ret. Passir.9_ L ""2.&.2. 7 3..~~ )!.-(,4 ·-bst~L- ~'Jh (,fd 1-J?,,/ -r 1--~ .. - Gz. I 1'7,q- I~ ,t "2."1.<1 -·-·-,_ ,_ ·-Amyl A 1 coho 1 Drops: ·- Defloculation Agent ·-Corre§t~d Gram 1 ze, % of 7ota · nir~ m1 Passing ·-·-·-·-·---·-. ,_ Cc ·- Cu ,,. I !I HARDING LAWSON ASSOCiATES EUGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICIST~ 5? .. J; ~/ i 0 i ~t:(i • li. J' ! ' ' ·I- I I 'YJ f ,,~ c .. ~ "'t I ~ L ... ._ Cl!ll ~ Q!!\1 D!!! AS. ,._. _, (t~ -~ ~ f~ ~~~ CRIMI ~~~ ~ .. ·~ ~~---;._"!',...__. ~ t::::.::~ \ ; . . I I I ~ I" . GRADATION S~E __ A_N_A_LY~S~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U. S. Stand~rd Sieve Cpenfngs In Inches U. s. Standard 51eve Numbers Hydrometer 1l 9 6 3 2 i 1/2 ! 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 .60 80100140 200 270 100 100 • I l•n-r • l { 901 - 80 70 r-f ~ 60 01 ..... Ill .. 3 }l 50 '-IV r:: ~ 40 .... c .. u t-30 Cl "" 20 10 i ol 1000 500 100 50 J I BOULDERS ·.:saLES I. Coarse LAB TEST no. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. A-S ~'1 I I \IISU/\L MANUAL CLASSIFICATION . 1-F II./ I -e:, '!)}. ~ --·--- ~ '<"·-~·---~ ~-~-- (- '.Jt... ~ ' r [T ~~ I 1 I I ~ :-.. ..... "' ! ....... ~ ~ " "' r-.~1'\ .. \.. !" ~ -.... ~ -' ~ ~ ' "' . . 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters I . GRAVEL SAND I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) \-?.5 li !• I !' ~ 0.05 90 l 80 70 60 ~ .s: "' '*"' Ill 3 50 11 ... IU r:: .... 40 u.. .... r:: .. I! 30 Ill "" 20 I 10 I 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES Silt Sizes .~lay Size Job No 5 Date WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 4-t.o -s 3 -. JfiR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Wiilt ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS --.. \-... - - - - --_)-.. -" ,.~~~·•·t· .... ~·-.,.._<_-__ . ...,1'-' u-·~--4"---~-'"-·~-.----... ... -·-· '"'.' --::~· \;~ .... ::,. ' '['·. ~ :\) ('~ ~ 11 J 'i !, ;\~' ,J; (:, ~· J li . ' . . m I I I ll ~~ I ll "~~j IJ !l m ! I . -· t Job Date i/cr/83 WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS No. 15032 2 003.08 OGILSON [g'BRASS SIEVE [!HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole AS -3o Depth J-~.5" #J . tl ~Dry ~·IT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 70D.J -.. Tare .\-Jeight (}JA-3~ 91 .o Classification~~ ~rc:t v~cl'7 ~ ~H~"'o SP1 "LJ.. t s W\1 Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT tlf Cum. % of Tot.L Total Sample liT ·p cDC], I Size MM Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Pass inc ' .. ..-::... Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -·--1 0 Mate ri a 1 , 111 76.2 .,,. 2" 50 8 Can No. 'E. 1 ~II 38.1 ~IT -.Soi 1 ~ Can ~·Jet) 4<:~ O'l-111 25 4 - WT-Soil& Can Dry) 44-· 8'i 3/4 11 19 1 Q o.o IOV. 0 kll 12 7 co -\. c qq .o Loss c..t; 2 :H4 4.6 33 s ·4-'1 4d~ Heiaht of Can Lo"'~ +-ElO 2 0 WT of Soil (Drv) s 3 ~'7 r-Pan ~ ~1oisture Ch~ Total .. .. REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. ·10 SAMA...E .. WT l1as hed Sarno e & 1 are t l...Jfc,'cA liT Representative -I a rP_ ',-/Pi aht I CJI Sample ·/~ , 34 grams Jar# li.J n c:: h P ri 'n m 1 P W Pi ah t f '37/ Sieve Dia. HM Cum. WT Weight 01 % of Total Cum. ~ of Total llJ Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass inc 10 ? 000 73 I -z..., D BB,D ·20 n Rc:;n 1~9 "C-1 • 1_ 78·6 - 10 o r:no I 157 2.5·8 /4-·'2- ·-40 i 0 425 I 8f'o ~o.S &~L<. -rno 0.150 ~95 4-8 .. 4-' "SI•G.. 200 I 0.075 3G,7 (p CJ. ::;, ~911 ?7() f 0 _053 Pan 3 7/ Total I HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific ~~7~ LL Hydrometer No. F-Amyl Alcohol , f. Gravity {G) (~sv~d) OT Droos: 2 5 1.v~r ' .... a = 0.4~ Corrected Height of Hydrometer Def1 ocul a ti on Agent Sample ]'3t/D 9rams I:J"') j!JO Elap. :·1aximum Temp. ReadinCJ I Corre§ted % of Tcta1 Time Time Di a. HH 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rr L Gram · 1ze, Pass inc IO. a ·~· , ... ' 31 1 0.078 IS.S {J.bfqo 37.r' 3,.s 7,B I lD.~ o.o4£: 3~·'1 ~1-2 0.055 ,, ,, ~?,o 31.~ rt I II. "L I) ·0~~ "Z-1 I 4- 35 5 0.035 " ,, '21,o t.c;,."l... II 1\'Z...D 0' 0'1-z... '2-\ I 1 q.S lt:\ n n?n tJ ,, "2-'-· 0 ,, l \ 7_,, b•UI3, I(, • -~ (d,PO ~0 I 0 014 t/ I ,, I ~-·S" I} 11~.3 ChOO'\ \~,~ I ~\~o 60 0.010 I ~.o 1/ II,..~~ B,O I I '3."\ o.oD'1 '1 I 4- (3~~0 240 0 005 {S.o H { 7. '~ ,, I fll-, 3 o.oo~ c:-.. ~ • I Dq ';!') 1440 0 002 I '1.o o. o/3 4 l "· b {.I 1,(4,1 o. 0 0 \ 4 3.Q- Cc :-ested bv: ~~ J3 /DAJTl. IComouted bv: I'V\fr"' !Checked bv: fvt1'\-Cu _, ,,; -1"'1~ Trlti\S{ e...-.. c:{ +~ tl'(D• d~·l1. +o Sr .. IIL H . .a"-1 J <;,1\1:4! ir.v..r, w-r.r Z ft>r""" r , --·· C;; HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENG!MEEBS. GEOLOGISTS & GEDPHTSlClSTS I ,., (J j• I l l I t j . l l J l I I s .4-i I 'lr-l ') Vll ~' S' 'f-, I ' '1. -) .5 l ~~ ' () "\> li "' L - ;--~~ ----- U. s. Standard Sieve Openin~~ In Inches -1!!1 ~ .... 11!1: t~,'.l1;t jf"~· ~ j ~ ,, .. il!ll GRADATION SIZE ANAlYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers llll '-'Ill .. 11111:. -·----"~~I&IIL ...... II!ll\S1. - Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 ll/2 1 ~ 1/2 3/B 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140200 270 100 • • ' • 90 80 70 ~ 60 Dl -cu 3 ~50 &.. Ill c: it: 40 .... c u -· u &.. 30 .• -r Qi Q. 20 . 10 0 1000 500 100 50 ~· DERS r COBBLES J Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. AS ~Cj 3 QISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION ( ,~:-£\ v t-~~ \ ( J 1-F 1'11 -(:,~,A. .... ·---f- I ts. c I' ,I I I I I ~ "r-.~ , .... t"-~ I'"' 'k. "'f: K 'r-. ~ -I~ ~ :ts "'" " " •,f., " ~ "' ' I 10 5 l 0.5 0.1 Grain She in Millimeter$ GRAVEL I SAND I I Fine I Coarse Medium I Fine J DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) (~_-7.5 • f ' I'\ i. ,;- -J "'.: "' ~i' tl . 4 . ~ .. t . t l t l i . 1 '· \ t b ! i f .. •• -·--. ~ .. 0.05 90 80 70 60 .... s:. v:n .... ., :s 50 ~ '-.. . IC .... ..... 40 .... c Ill ' ~ 30 Ill Q. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.ocn° FINES I Silt Sizes .~lay Size4 Job WATANA DAM -Noe 15032:~003.08 oate Lt· -\ ~-K; rifR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' -•• --_)- -.---.. :---·•c --~·:>';,:£:;,.-::----~-;:·,~ .. ·:;;_t: ' ·,~.-~.-~·).~,..-~ -~~,1t .. t·~~i~.;:~~~~ Q .-. . .... ... '~ I' I ' I "' "_.,, : •· .. ,, ' . ·:--) ~~~.~~~.~~--~~~-~~~~~~~-----~~~~---~~~~~-~~· ~-~---~---~~~-~~-~~~~4·~-~1 . ~ ;;; E .. l . 1', ' . r~ ' .. ~ _.,._' . ~tJ I ~- 1 I I. I II .. I I I I II '11 I Jl IJ WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSIS Job Date Lj) '1) 83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON lS?'BRASS SIEVE HJDROMETER - Project t~ATANA DAt~ Hole A-S 3D Depth ~t5-51 ::=;~ ~ Dry HT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Samole & Tare 11.-(ls-. Tare Height Sy)-\l s-3L( Classification 6\ ~ v e_ qr-ttve.ll1 ~ tl-f.vx ~~l\J..L~~) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT 1>~\ Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101.6 -1 0 ~4a te ri a 1 311 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1~" 38. 1 -}JT -Soi 1 & Can \~et l II 25 4 0 0 too ·-l.b '1-i.tL{ ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Dry 1 1/4 11 9 1 ') 1..\ J::ll 12.7 2'7 ~d I Cl(,,t4 Loss 2 #4 4.6 IS <t>,s-ct\.S"" ~Jei oht of Can :no 2 0 \~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) Pan ~~ ~1oi sture Total I REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE -- vJT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tar·e I :.>?J.·f Tt=~rP WF>iaht s ·.~ ... , Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r~M Size 10 2 000- 20 n A~o .. 30 0 f\00 .. 40 0 425 ··1 on 0 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Dia. r~r·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03:l 15 n o?o 30 0_,_014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: (;.! VV\ t-Ft3S-M.-. grams 1Wr~ c:: hPri Sr~ nn 1 P ~IP i aht ~ ' "'~I'"' Cum~ WT Weight % % of Tbtal Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina I lvl, I L.f .I ~"r,'-J I <1.5 ?2.1 (/':.1 2 '5 L1 ?~.":3 73,s-f 27~ ::SJ,~ (: /,, i LfJ. i: .;.i ~ ' .. ., s-.;,-~ 5~3 &o.s. 3&1, <;"" 5L./Q HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol -PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc ---- I Comouted bv: 'It P !Checked bv: W\rt Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, L lnir~ ~1t1 Passing Cc Cu ~· HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS s-z. ?/ .. -; SA 1'\J.: i .. il, '"' I I -~ L_ r,~ .,. .... ~ ~ . I!!! ~ ~ U. S. Standard St~v• Opantna~ In Inches 11!!! I!!!-l l i : ; £ . . ~-,..~~,--ll!2 - ,.._ ~~ ,,_ , I GRA'DATION SIZE ANALYSIS . u. s. Standard Sieve HU.bcra -1.!!!1' tlydr•~;ttar f-~¢ -~b-~-' {': ... ,i 'j r : - i Ia ,~ I 100 lZ g 6 3 2 11/Z 1 3/4 1/2 3/G 4 10 ~0 ~0 60 80 100140 200 270 100 '" • I I 90 - 80· 70'" -----.i 60 .. -----u. -~ . ----~ ;. lJ 50 ... .. r: ~ 40 +" r: &I .E 30 -,-'--- ! - 20 10 0 1000 500 100 50 I I BOULDERS CODIL£S. I Coarse LAB TEST HO. BORIHG ItO. SNtPLE HO. AS-3 o V I',IJhl MAHliAI l:l ASS I fJ CA fl Ott "' . -·--· 1-J"" 1'1' -C. '!I ... ... ..... --.-'· -·-· .. -.. • -~~ • I I I I i' r----r-1--. ~ r-..... ~ -1---. ~ -----~ --I--.. 1-l-1-" :s, Q ~ .~ ~ i-·I-------~ . ----. 1- --· ·-~·- _ ...... , ---· ~-·--~· --·.J, ~--· ---- "· I ~ I I\ ~. -,__ 1--.. -· -------' . - ·I:--1---, __ --- 1-----r-1-- '-1-- 1- 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Gratn Sfzt i~ Htlltsetert GRAVEL I SAHO I I F1nt I Coarao HedtuM Finfl I DEPTH CLASS!FICATIOH (U£C) ~ 1-d.5 -- " --· -·- ' ' -·-~---!·'~ --',..,_ / • - -f-- --- ~ "' ~ 0.05 ' -· ·--.. ·I---- - 90 - ---· . --i-- ' 80 70 -----------· . ·----·-- -.. ..; ._. __ 60 tt .... I J ----.-.· -· ·--·--· !t ·---50 ti '" I! ~ ' 40 ~ c: Ill .• ~ ~ --30 I_ I I~ - 20 ~~ . ...... ~ 10 ~~ i-._ f-G l:t --e 0.01 0.005 0.~ ,o FIHES Silt Shea .f:hy Sha1 Job WATAN8 DAM No •. 15QJ2 ,QQJ.OB I Date 4 -( ( ..-~) I ~.:: ' .. : ..... HARDIHG LAWSOM ASSOCIATES ~ ll&llllfll, IUltllllll & lliPiifiiCIIII '· -•. --\ .. ~ ---;-~-~:--~c.--:~~·d,.,'i;\;"f!J5Jil!/. ,. . ' 0 '; ~· I. ll;J I I Jj -j I ! I I. I I ~l I :~ ~ t I I . () .. ·~. WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y]c;/83 No. 15032"003.08 0 GILSON WRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROtJ,ETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole AS 3 ~ Depth -;),5 ,5 ~~ ~ Dry ~·JT Total }S'<;.( TOTAL SAMPLE , Sample & Tat--e . - Tare Height I\ S''10 Classification Ot, Je. cor-av-cttt-a ~ l 11-ty 6fi;u{ (~m ) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT J % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT IDL.l Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing . r-1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~-1ateri a 1 L 311 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. . 1~11 38.1 · HT ... soi 1 ~ Can (VJet) ' ,II 2s 4 ~IT -Sci 1 & Can (Dry) 3/411. 19 l b C) IUO --· ..,. 1,:11 12 7 3{ -;.o C\"Lb Loss .2 --;14 4.6 ~q ;J1( q {,) HeiO'ht of Can -#10 2 0 \~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) Pan I % ~1n i 5_ t u re Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t-IT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare [7...15 Trt rP lvPi oht · ').:.t.u Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M '. ..,1ze 1() ? 000 20 0 RSO · 3Q n hnn 40 n 425 1nn 0 150 ·200 0.075 270 0.053 Pan Tntn1 Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. r~H J 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 1~ n n2o JO 0 014 60 0.010 240 0 005 1440 0 002 Tested b_y: C~Vt\ 1-F 135• MA grams IWashPri Srt nnl P ~IPi aht 'G75 Cum. WT Weight % . )~ of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret • Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina I b'-1 (, ,s-~3. s.. 1.. 77 ?.7,0 -"1 :s.o . 32q ::; 2 ,o G. '?f. 0 39.2 31.2. bz.,..;~ $72 s:;,, '-F .. t.S bb7 o.:.,.q >~. \ ~7~ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer-No. Amy 1 A l coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample_ grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual . ' ~ .. ~. . IComouted bv:ct M !Checked b_'l: ---· ·.--:-" -~ Rc h1_&- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, L ·lnin ~1r1 Passing Cc Cu R HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGIT{EERS,. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 5&.'-: ., o_; 0- ~ttd.' ,. .., c; c~ I ,, L , JIJJIL ..... lfMI_ .. ~ 11!!1, ~ a. Ia -.01!1 .... ~ ~ ga Q!!! g§lc V!illlillla r'~ ----~ ·_ ~ ~-""~"'_"'.~'·'-•·. ~,.,d""~~-~-• .. --">&--~ ..,,,. l !i .I 1 •. .. fl GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard ~1eve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 b3/4 1/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270 100 • • ·-~~ !---....... 90 80 70 I. ~ 60 D> .,.. ., 3 E 50 L ., c it 40 ~ +' c ., u ~ 30 c.. 20 ~ 10 0 ~ 100 50 10 1000 500 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES l Coarse I Fine LAB TEST NO. . BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH ~s 3o ~ -;J..5-S.D VISUAL MANUAL CLASSfFICATIOtl { .• ,' f, ,' ~ ,r ' '1'~ J r ' . : : ! • ,. , .... . l-F N 1-G.~A> (-~ ..... ... .. -.. - ,. I I I I I l!r-...... i"r ""-~ t!l'- ( "' l'o...- ~ ~ -. ~ ' ~ ~ "\ 1\ •p 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size 1n Millimeters I SAtlD I I Coarse Medium Fine I CLASSIFICATION (USC) I • • r1\.. ( 1J . . .. ... f;. •· f !: t~ t -··· .. -.. 90 80 70 60 ~ s:: D> ..-., ;'I 50 11 s... .. c ~ -40 +' c ill u s... 30 Ill Q. 20 10 o.os 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES Silt Shes -= _Elay }iz~ Job No. · Date - WATANA DAM --- 15032,003.08 ·4-\~-8~ l I _j J!RF.1 HARDIN~ LAWSOM ASSOl~IATES ~ EMGINEERS, GE~~qGIST$ I GEOPHn!~ISTS ---··-.-.~ . / .... ............... ~.,.-.. _, . ...,...,. ..... -..~.--~·--.-~,-~ .................. ~__..,_,,_, _____ ._._~·-""'.~ ................ -........ -~~~~ ........................ .. .. I c 0:! (;:1 • I·-( -~rJ I I I I I ! • ~j ... I I I M I m I . •' , ' WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE -ANAL YSJS Job Date L-J 1_1_) B 3 No~ 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON ~BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDR0~1ETER Project WJl.TANA DAH Hole 4~ 3.5 Depth D -~.5 ~) =A=i~F, Dry ~·JT To ta 1 S,._'Q7te i 5. .S m lrl.. £.. E' ~'-T l"1 tr .oJ Sample & Tare I 3D~ TOTAL SAMPLE A-sTIY\ r1e tcM1!'\-t;v-ceo W"f, Tare ~·JeightSuJ ... \b t;lic; Classification f~fhr\. ~Sr-ot.v'-\ 4Y'ttve-tlvy St I~ SCt"'--cl(SlNt) Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT 7 c) Size Mr1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~-1oi sture Content 4il 101 6 -10 r-1ateri a 1 311 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. . 1 ~II 38. 1 0 0--D roo .. _o \~T -Sci 1 & Can d·iet) l II 25 4 75LI ll·D ~~tO \AIT-Soil& Can1 Dry) ~j£111 19 l I I . , /} _k:ll 12 7 ltJ lll-·S as. s-Loss 2 #4 4.6 IS I 1'1, 8 BD· L Heioht of Can :no 2 Q WT of Soil (Drv) Pan % Noisture Total .. REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare lCSi/ ;Tr~ rE=~ WPi aht .SLJ 5 Sample grams Jar # Wr~c:; hPri Sr~ nnJ e_ Jtlei aht Sieve o; a. r~r~ Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. 5~ of Tot a 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 10 .2 000 I CJ-<. 2.5.4-/4-.& Cl C:l! _. I ' 20 Q 850_ d-55 33·'5 fpC::,,~ o/0 -i -,.. ~0 n f'nn d 89 38.0 {;,2., 0 ~ en-d• 40 0 425 100 Q .. lSO 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 n n?n 30 0_._014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: G .L~ I J-F 135-M-' ~ "'dl.f YL-0 53/ .5'-5 = HYDROME:TER SAMPLE . ~ LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc . - IComouted bv: h1 ft lchecked b_y: M It- --{'· 42..(:, c;1,4 &0·4--,o,.& 7o.~ '2..~, "-- Amyl A 1 coho 1 Drops: Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1 ze, P~?-ssing In; a m1 Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' -; ,- 1 ~~ t)' 'I I l L .... ,.,. .. _ ... ~ .1111'8 --..-. ~ ~·---~ ...-.: .{i·t~~ }I GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS I u. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve tlumbers Hydrometer ! H 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 ¥_4 1/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 zoo 210 100 . • I • . ~ 90 80 70 ~ ~u 0> -Ill ::s J1 50 '-Ill I: ~ 40 .. I: Ill u t 30 0. 20 ,. 10 0 101}0 500 100 50 10 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I F1ne LAB TEST NO. HORING NO. SM1PLE NO. DEPTH AS 33 ~ ~-5 ._t;:' VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATIOfl l-F I ':I J-C::.~l'· ... t ~ _. -... -.,.~ ~ ,. :• I I J I I ,. ~~---r... ;&l. I' i".... ~ ~ .. , II~ ~ ~ I : ~R ' i'.. "\ I l "'.. i I ~ I' I' ~r I I \ ! 5 1 0.5 O.l 0.05 Gr,dll !She in Millimeters I I ·Coarr;;1e .. - - ·-- l; .'1 l .... r' "' - !:; SAND Medium I CLASSIFICATION (USC) ! ,..t {I r-.-·., ;·~ -- Fine t:...__2 -- I I C.~~ ....... "~ ,.,.,..-,w,,\0" "~'f,.bf~~,, 90 I I ! I 80 i -I 70 I 60 ... .s.: c:n .... .. :a 50 }1 '-.. I: .... 40 1.1... ... I: Ill ~ 30 .. a. I 20 i I ' ·- 10 1 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES Silt Shes .Elay Size~ Job No. Date ~ WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 ~-ll-t"; R«1.t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES liMfiii ENGINEER$, GEOLOGISTS I GEOPHY~ICISTS ~ ~ '-;zit).~ ;-J \1 . .r-·;/f ~~ .. ~"'"' . ' ' c ' ' t ·I I J ' I ..... ! I ~j Jj I JJ I m I [ --, , ~' . WORK SHEET-Pl~RTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Lf J Cf J 93 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON &{BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr1 Hole AS 3(, Depth 6 ,...). .5 =f=t) ~ Dry ~·JT Tot a 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare )633 Tare Height (_ 5YD Classification ijj~r~ ~ Q'ow \\ S 1 ( 4vy '1 rtt tJ~ ({ ~ SOz~t d. ( S m J ' Sieve Dia. lcum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT • lo q3 Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing Moisture Content 4'1 101 6 -10 ~:1ateri a 1 111 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. lJsll 38. 1 HT-Scil& Can \-Jet 111 25_ 4 Q (),0 \DO, D ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Drv 3/4 11 9 1 c:;v, S"' ) '9 4-•9 !;::II 12 7 R~ 7 .. 5 q z.. s Loss 2 #4 4.6 --:)~1...1 2-\. 4-18-. (s, Heioht of Can #10 2 0 WT of Soil (D~y) Pan % ~1oi sture Total . REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE . HT Representative WT Hashed Sarno e & Tare I Yd.(_, Tare Weiaht SLJ f\ Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 0 RSO .3n n 6.0Q 40 0 4?~ 100 0 150 200 0.075 270 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) \ a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 J 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03b 1S _Q_ 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: G'1 B, .grams IW;;c;hpd Sannle ~le-i·)ht Cum. WT Weight % % of ~'ota 1 Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina -=< L1 LJ . '31· '5 bB • .::; L-lv,7 4-'2. ·1 5'7 •3 s r~d., 47,6 ~ 2. I "Z- h.7__(o ; z.. '1 41·3 -774 1 o. f3 2.-7,'2-- >=!75 80· t ,q.4 RBl-l HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample gr·ams Temp .s Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc I Comouted bv: ~\-\ fr !Checked bv: Mit --" - Defloculation Agent Carre§ ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passino ·oia m1 Cc Cu !1j HARDING LAWSOrl ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOlOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS J J . '; ~d) ... I I L > k.,.;. ~ " ··-~ . llliL.. Jlli.ll_ . .a... fa.. ........ ...... .lll!'!!i • 118!1!! .£:!.-.. " . ~·-. "·*'";........... ~-~~ ~~- • ; , r 1: GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sfeve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sfeve NUmbers e ... ~--~­ ~ Hydro:neter -+ • ~ ,. ·-... ~ ~ ~ ·~-~ .•• t r ,_ · ' ~ .•• _.,..,. ~--... ---'11"-, -·n . ' ' ! ,!..· . . •.. -~'!."'!'!'!:" -~~ . ~;, --. ~-:._ ____ -~~--• 12 9 5 3 2 ,..:tn 1 3/4 112 3/B 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 ,. . ..-. ,. 1\ I ' I I' ' I I I \.. 90 l!.Jr ~ f. 80 70 ~ 60 01 .... 11.1 ::s }1 50 '-CIJ c ~ 40 ~ c 11.1 t 30 a. 20 10 0 100 50 1000 500 I BOULUERS COBelES I Coarse lAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SNtPLE NO. BS 35 J \llSUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION <;11 Ll1(j\.Q. 1\/o-\-. -·-- 1-F I"''-(,'!) ... .. ----,, '1---!-.... =" 1'--. r-..._ 1:::: ~ ....... ~~ i?;R, ~~ .... ,, " ' ~ ""' ~~~ 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain She 1n M1111meters GRAVEL l SAND -r I Fine I Coarse Medium I f.ine I •.. DEPJli o-~.s Ar·-: l'• I : I ,, u-&e -..:.. · I lit -· t [' . 't . . > ,I 11 --- 1 .~ CLASSIFICATION (USC) -i . ! --- 0.05 ~- 90 80 70 60 ..... .c 01 .... Ill :a 50 .~ .... 11.1 c .... 40 u.. .... c .. u '- 30 11.1 a. 20 10 0.01 o.oos 0.001° FINES l Silt Sizes ~lay S1z~ ~ Job _ WATANA DAM No. 15032liOOJ.08 Date 4-lt ... '"6 ~ MiiR HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS • -.. .. -··-_ _) .. .. ~\: I ~----<.;::; ;fJ r·-: N l IL.l I 'f lJ \ i u I t IJ . f IJ. i WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date y /OJ J 83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER . Project WATANA DAt4 Hole AS 37 Depth 1-~ ,5 -#) m Dry ~·JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Y76.9 -- Tare \!Jei ght \\\ ~-\ S~,D v~~~y r . Classification jet/..:~ j~f'O~J.Jtr\ t:t ra~~lt"( St f!r 'Sol\ "J ( SM) . Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT 3~0.9 Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing r1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~:lateri a 1 1" 76.2 zu 50 8 Can No. 1!;" 38.1 WT-Soi1~ Can(Wet l II 25 4 v/T -Soi 1 & Can (Dry 3/4_ . .-; 19 l 0 ft).Q l[}Vt_Q_ ~~~ 1-2 7 I I Zl-B '11•'--Loss 2 #4 4.6 Lll 1· o~s 8'1·~ Heioht of Can #10 ? 0 ~~T of Soil (Drv) Pan % ~1o_i s_ture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE . HT Representative IWT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare 3bH IIare_ WP5aht 9,$2, Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 . ? non 20 .0 RSO 10 n hno 40 0 4?5 100 0.150 200 0.075 "70 0.053 Pan Tc,ta 1 Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. Maximum Time Time Di a. t1f·1 l 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 f1 0?0 30 0 014 60 .0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: r-I 13, 1-r 135 .. M~ grams IWnc:;hed Sa nnl e \.1/ei aht 3 ('(\ Cum. WT Weight % % of Tot&l Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 7_j ( g, 1 '0(·~ 118 30·2. ~9 ._& ILJD ~s.~ ~q...'Z- l (o3 -4-1,1 S8·3 -::JYY ~2-·4-3 ,,f.::, 'd91-f 7~·2.. Z.4-•B d.'iB HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Ini tl. Actual IComouted bv: \fi\..A:-!Checked· bv: --'- Rc IY " Defloculation Agent Corre5ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing In; a ~1~1 Cc Cu Jm HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS l ~ .... ~ ~} 0 ;::, .. I I l L ·~ ........ ~!!,. et. ~ ~:iJ... '•' J!ll'!llre .. ~ 0. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches .e.:. I!!: r i ~----· ~~-·~ ·---~ ~ r=: GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers ~-..., ~.;,~. ~~ .~ Hydrometer t:::.:~ c:=..,.. ~(.) ~ ,~-::~ ~,r::· t,.r""~ . · .. ~ • M'•••" ...-..__ • 0. • . C ,,J.CJ. ·-r:::::J 12. 9 6 3 2 11/2 l 3/4 l/2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 I I I 90 80 70 ~ 60 en -II) ::Jt 2 50 ... II) r:: j:;: 40 ..... c II) u ~ 30 1:\. 20 10 i ol 1000 500 100 50 I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. AS 3b } VISUAL MANUAL CLASSifiCATION · ... r ,· . 1. \ ' -------· J...F 1'-J'-(:.~,A. - - ... -·- ~· t I' :• II I I I I I I I~ t--1' f' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ll... "' --~ I"' fA. ~~ •' ' . ·~ "" " "' ~ "'r-. , ... 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain She in Millimeters GRAVEL l Fine DEPTH o-?.5 .. -.. I I Coarse I , - SAND I Ht:dium Fine I CLASSIFICATiotl (USC) -.. -- 0.05 90 80 70 60 ~ .c .t. 01 .... ' ., ::Jt 50 ~ ... tJ r:: .,.. 40 ..... -... r:: Cl u ... 30 as 1:\. 20 -10 -i 0.001° -0.01 0.005 FINES I Silt Sizes ~lay Size~ I Job No. Date - . ! WATANA DAM 15032J003.08 4-tt .. b'3 I ,_ HARDir.G LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS,IiEOLDGISTS a GEOPHYSICISTS .. -•. /-.. ·'¥• li I I, ,-::.: c {; ;;i f.:i: t ~ ~t, -,,, { \ r:-:t Us 0 tJ i1 I' J u I ~ u r i I ~ J ILl ; f 1!J u .. iJ ~ 11 IJ ' i m I 11 Jl, li II WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date I-) )!18.3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON RASS. SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA OAt~ Hole A.S 38 Depth 1 ~·d. 5 ~) ~ Dry ~JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare l'd-4/ ,,., i \ ~~ s-~Vld ( sw\) Tare \!Jei ght ) \ s-L{CJ Classification r , \ Y:;;'fOINV\ q.r~valf~ s 1 1~ r t r_\ .r-:\. s;~y(sll\ IJ. ;:- Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tutal Total Sample HT 7ol Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 0 r~a te ri a 1 311 76.2 2" so 8 Can No. 1~11 38.1 \!JT -Soi 1 & Can vJet l" 25 4 HT-Soil& Can Drv 3/4 11 9 1 b 0 1 0 I oo .. o 1 1:" 12 7 YO l.;.( 114, "3 Loss 2 #4 4.6 93 1".?,7..-ae:.,s Heiaht of Can #10 2 0 HT of So i 1 ( Dry l Pan % ~1oi stu~e Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare Jo<R3 Iare Weiaht .s l.j (') Ja\ .. # Sample . Sieve Di a. r~r~ Size 10 ? onn 20 0 RSO ~o n f'no 40 n 425 100 0 150 200 0.07!:5 "7n 0.053 Pan Total Specific. Gravity (G) a = E1ap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~r·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 n 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: G, B 1 1-F' 135-l"lA grams !WBc;hed Sano1e ~leiaht .-Cum. % of Total Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Ret. Reta ir,ed Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina /Sri-oz.t~ s 78,~ ~31-j 33· I f.:, G,' '1 ~/3 38." ~I '4- ~ }_..., "' ..:. 4-4··3 ?5·'1 r...1 fn I &> S·'L.. '34-18 5l-ln 7~·'1-Z..'!l • it' ._c;:"Lj L\ .,;.,:;--., HYDROMETER St\JV;,· 'LE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer .Sample -grams Temp. Readinq 0 c •. K Initl. Actual , .l I Comouted bv: )~t It !Checked bv: __ ... - Rc vtl _A::_ Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, L n; a ~1r1 Passing Cc Cu .=-= HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGIUEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I -O.J ' I r. . S~1-d : *I t 1.) iJ Jc ,., , r? I f ~! . -~ L ~. fi!L· ~~ ~ ~ ~:. ~ ~ ~....: J!'S.:. .c:e~ ~ ~ ~;,;; ~. ~ "*=--~" ~ ;~ :i GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS l i I I U. S. Standard Sieve O~enings ln Inches it U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 W V2 3/8 100 4 10 20 40 60 30100140 200 270 100 I • I' • 90 80 70 J. ' ~ 60 en .... Ql 3 2 50' ... Cll c it 40" .... c Cll u ... 30 Cll 0.. .. 20 . 10 0 1000 500 10!} 50 I BOIJ.LDERS I - J - COBBLES Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORHlG NO. S.f.Jo!PLE N(J. s 37 ) VIS Ul\l HI\NUI\l CLASS I fi Cl\ Tl ON ; . \ J...F I 'I f -(:, '!> J., ---.. - I I~ !I I I I I r"r-. r--) ~ r..... ""·: ~ '" -f~~ ' It': t\ I\S i'- " -.. 1"- &.. -' .. J1 \,., 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL SAND Fine Medium Fine DEPTII CLASSIFICATION (USC) -~.5 . -----~----~--- ' . f\ "" 0.05 90 80 70 60 ..... .1::. ' en , I .... Ql :1: 50 ~ ... ., I: .,.. 40 LL. ..... c Ql --l! 30 Ql 0.. --20 10 0.01 0.005 o.oot 0 FINES Silt Sizes Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032~003.08 Lf-ll-83 r11t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS .... ~ r-.. ,. f ...... , . . ~ -............ ..... --..... r· · lit -.. . ; •·~; . . ~i ~ ~~?'., ..... \ ~ ·: ~ . "-- \. 0 " r-~. l! l " I }j u T l 11. lj I T!. I ' I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date LJ}/)83 ""I) • 15 0 3 2 ~ 0 0 3 . 0 8 0 GILSON IS2(BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER . Project WATANA DAt4 . Hole AS YD Depth J-:J.s; .:±:f) • ~Jr+r Dry HT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare )/ \CiD Tare \·Jeight c>w-\ \~ C\_r\\ f 1 i . t.<; m.) ss-~ ' ~ I Classification \J-f e: Yt 71 V\ /':; ~"OlVv\ qtttv£'fh6 ~ 1 t-ho $&~r. Sieve Dia. Cum. WT !Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Tota 1 Samol e l·IT b(1h 1 0 Size ~1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ' Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 :ill 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1~11 38. 1 VJT -Soi 1 t't Can n~et) l II 25 4 ~IT -Soi 1 & Can (Dry) 3/4 11 9 1 u 0 /Jv ,Y-11 12 7 1.o ,') qq,s-Loss 2 #4 4. 6_ 5 ;-,v 3 ) crt. 7 .ltJei qht of Can .::;, .#10 ., 0 L~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) . Pan % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT Washed Sarno e & tare --: ('...I J T~rP WPiaht '1:; : ) Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 n R'iO ~n 0 f'OO 40 0 425 " JOO 0 150 200 0.075 "70 0 053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a ::.; Elap. r., . , ax1mum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 () 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 2llO 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: [i~ vtl\ l-F 13S-MA grams W~ ~ hPrl S~ 11n 1 P ~le_ i Oht L(?../.J Cum. WT Weight 0/ % of Total Cum. % of Total /0 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino '. r :) ... ·u, I S,{:J, '6'~, I 1(-)6' .0 "2. ".) I "1.. 7~1. 5 "'2D!),O 3d~) 70,() L.!.~,o ) ')tu ,"S,J 3 5"1-f.O <;'3. '2.. 4 c;, ¥. Lfl~o 6 :!,, )'" :?6. s- Lt2!7,D ··- HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc - I Comouted bv: -· t.M !Checked bv: rnA --- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing •o; a m1 Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' ~ b,S: 'ic- fl~~ .. . iO"'lillilt~ i!o~liil!nJ11iHt7 .. I I I ., L J!!!!t !!L ·"'I!![ !!!!_ ~" ~"" U. S, Standard Sieve. Openings In Inches ~ ~ ~. ~ _fj_: " ~--=-jlllrl!lll!l'?< L............- GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS . u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers ~ C .. .., '( ~. Hydrometer ~-. ~ ~,., ~ ~. ~1 c:::.J ~~ ... """"'•=Qo;·'""",k-... _ . _ _,__,_, 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270 100 100 I • I • .~· 90 '="r-- 80 . 70 ~ 60 Dl .... Ill 3; ~50 ... Ill c ;:.:: 40 .... c CIJ u ~ 30 a. 20 - 10 0 1000 500 100 50 10 I li.tAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse J Fine .LAB TEST NO. BORING NO • SAMPLE NO. DEPlli AS 38 I )-'1.5 (J I SUAL MANUAL CLASS I fl CA TJ UN {..)nt \ ".\ ;. ~ . .;. I : -~ ' . r " ' ~ ~ 1-F I"' I-G.~A I :I I I I I " 9. .......... '"" ~ i"-... ""' ~~ ~ ~ t't; i\ [\ ' . 1'\... ~ ' " il~ 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters I SAND I I Coarse Medium Fine I CLASSIFICATION (USC) l 1 ...... 1 ... ,. ; \ ,, . ' i I ' I ' ' I \, . ' 0.05 ~ 90 80 70 60 .... .c 0\ .... Ill 3 50 £ ... ., G it 40 .... c Ill t! 30 CIJ Q. 20 10 1-- 0.01 0.005 0.001° FINES Sflt Sizes .~Y Size~ I Job No. Date WATANA DAM I 150325003.08 ~-t.L-i3 """' HARDI'tfG LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & liEOPHVSICISTS ,~~ --- - ---i-- --- -.. -... )-IIIII '.< -~-~<:· ~-·:~--~~----.-;~~,-·~·-:hn~:;:ii:4-~tr:{tft:~~~:~.~~~ < ( ~, (r ·~ 0 Ct (' 0 U' t\ ' . ' ~ il:l . 1 I )l IU Ill: j . I n . ' . 'I m IJ Date WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SIZE: ANALYSIS lJob L} J ~I 83 lNo. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA· OAt~ Hole A-S LJ I De~th 1.-y ::Ff~ ~ Dry ~JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 5Cfl ~ Tare Height ~\!\-..l.\1· ~1; Classification . () \ t ;.~L <11'ttve! I~ ~~11t S~rtcl Csm) . Sieve l Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample t-IT 503.3 Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret~ Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 0 ~-1a te ri a 1 3" 76.2 2" so a Can No. l.!s" 38.1 vJ'T -Soi 1 u Can Het) 1 II 25 4 ~IT-Soil& Can Dry} _314 11 19. l 0 0·0 tOo~o 1::11 12 7 '-{ {:)I t'::> '1'1. 'L loss 2 #4 4.6 Y7 t:J,S C1 0·1 ~Jei aht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) - Pan % ~1oi ~ture Total -·- REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT Hashed Sarno e & Tare 38?. Tt:~rP Weiaht 55 Jar# Sampl-e - Sieve Di a. r~M Size 1n 2. 000 20 () R!iO 30 0 600 40 0 4?5 ·. 1 nn 0 150 200 ; 0.075 27i1 0 053 Pan Tntnl Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. r~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03!> 1 !i 0 020 ; _30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: G.B. 1-F 135-MA grams 'Wr~~hPci St=~nnlP ~IPiaht -?iY Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing ~G, 1_1.1 8Z,'f l"J.5" Z..4-.8 I c;. '- IYY Z...8t &, 71' q.. J~J :S2,"2... (.,/,8 -;A ~B 4-'7.:, S'-•i d.(;lO S1, L:, 4-'2.. 4- a···r:5 ·- HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Al coho1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual . lComouted bv:_~Ar !Checked bv·: __ ,, Rc Def1oculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing Di a ~1r1 Cc Wtt'>r Cu ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~Vl. 4-l..tl.... 0/ : ft~J. . 'i "t I I ~ L J!I!L . ~,~ r:.: : :tl f.~l --. -~ ~:::1 . u • "" -·~···b d;j • ··--··· ~==-~ ....... ~-11!!!1!!!:11:1!·, r~· ~~ ~q, __ ._,,.,".ir:::..~ ... ~ .: ... JL........;~~. " ..,•n= '.· •L ,'-__ ,..,.,,~,,.u.L e.::l . ' . I!!!~ t:~:· r:::-Jl ~ GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openiflgs In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 ~4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 .. I • •• I I r---t-- 90 80 - -- 70 ~ 60 D> -lV :J&: 3 50 I. Ql c: ~ 40 .... Cl Ql u ~ 30 0.. 2l . 10 j ' I ol 1000 sao 100 50 10 I I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES J Coarse I Fine LA'l TEST NO. BORINii HO. SA!-IPLE NO. DEPTii ~s LID I l-~.5 - VI SUI\L MI\NUI\l CLI\SS I Fl CAT! ON . . .. -----·- J...F 1"11-b~A i' I I I I r--.... ~ . ........ ~'-.. ~K " ~·~ v 1.;: r--:-c ..... ['.. ' 1'\. ~ ',. .. 5 1 0.5 0.1 Gratn Size in Millimeters SAND Coarse Medium Fine ·, CLASSIFifATION (USC) (.; 1 \, •. \ :I \ ~-•' •· 1 .•• -' I ' ;.. .. ;, "'' ' 0.05 I I 90 80 70 60 .... .c D> .... ., :a 50 11 '-Ill £: -..... 40 .... c: Ill ~ 30 £' ' ~ 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FINES I -. sn t Sizes .~lay Size~ Job No. Date WATANA DAM 150322003108 4-to-~") j f.itl4 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ EffGIHEERS, GEOLOGISTS I GEOPHYSICISTS '- ' :"-.... ---... -flltrB -... .. .. .... ... .... .. ....... : ......... ' . ..~./ ............. -... ~-.---------~· ----.""":;;.".~ .. ·-.. ~.· .·.·· .·."'·.~-'~ '< :~~.::,~~-1t>'· ~,~ .·.-~_:(~~l~~\,~~-~-, ''" .. "' I ti, u u i ID .. 11 . -~ IU .. f.-. :' .. . ' 1,,-i' WORK SHEE11PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date ll ) 1) 8 3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAH Hole AS L)~ \ Depth i-J-.5 .:B). ~ Dry ~·JT Tota 1 · TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 7~3.~ Tare l·Jeight }\\~-\~> ~~~7 Cl assi fi cation \) .Q '~-y fJc, I' \---, J~lt't-1'-ij.., \. ~ f tt ve.( { tr SJ(~ s ~ 1\ J (sl\1) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT . C35.5 Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing Moisture Content 411 101.6 .., 1 0 ~·1a te ri a 1 :ill 76.2 '-='-2" 50 8 Can No. ~-1~11 38. 1 WT-Soil& Can(Wet)L Ill ?S 4 HT .-Soi 1 & Can\ D~l 3/4 11 9 1 u c .. o ~ tJ!J\ 0 1:11 12 7 ':l.l ""?:>,:, ~&~1 Loss 2 ~Jeight of Can #4 4.6 7?<, I I •S 68-5" #10 2 0 ~vT of Soil (Drv) ---C. Pan % ~1oi Sture 1 Tota 1 REPRESENTATIVE i\1JNUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT \~ashed Sarno e & Tare L.} s '-7 Tare ~~ei aht ~~I I Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r1M Size 10 2 000 20 n RF;O 30 o f'On 40 0 425 1nn 0 150 200 0.075 ~70 0 053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a =. Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a.. r~f.1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 lS 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 _0.002 Tested by: Gt8 I 1-F 1'35-11-' grams IWnc;hed Sarnnle ~feiaht t..; r..Y ~ 3 Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ?b of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing I ~.in. 14.8 Bo. 2- IR~ . "Z.B.G. '/(•4-- 'd t:'·R ; '2-·1 b j ·'3 ~J_ ~.3 !-J ~(.,,8 ~~."2.- 3< -ll ~l.~ I 4-1t'\ ... ~clR ~'2-· ~ ~'/t4 '-ID() HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 -PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. ReadinCJ 0 c. K Initl. A(:tual Rc ' - Jcomouted bv: M A:. !Checked bv: )\A~ __ c - Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Pass i 119 n; n m1 Cc Cu ell HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOlOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ·" 0 1 ''. '} ! l I ! .. I I ,· L --. ... ... ~ ..... ~· ~· ~., -· J,.-:-':: --, a:DIIII"~ -~ ~· -·~ 0 ~· -'11 ~-~~ ~-'"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •.. '"-'~'k·"-~-~:::........_,, ~ ~,6,t ~~ ·~--~l.L-~,.-~F...i,~ ... -~ -~J, -~~-..c.-~~~.~- ;~~~ . GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS I I U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer I 12 9 6 3 2 1112 1 3L4 112 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270 100 I 100 I I I' I 90 ' 80 70 ~ 60 0> ... Ill 3: E 50 '-CLI II: t: 40 +> c Ill u .... 30 Ill a.. - 20 10 0 1000 500 100 50 l BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. AS L) I ~ VISUAL MANUAL CLI\SSIFICI\TJOII I t ll \ . . . ' ,. -. 1-F IIi i-G,~_.A.. ----- u I.., -c:!,ll' II II I • I I I [1 r-. ~ .... ..... I' ~ :t " !;, ''-(h I' 1~. ' I"-. ' ~ ~ ~t>l. > -I .. 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL 1 SAND I I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine I DEPW CLASSIFICATION (USC) ?-l-\ ' \ : ·\ . I \ ... c v. I • t ~ ~ ' ' ' { ' .. . \ . ' ' 7 ----------------------------~---· ! -_,_t ....... ..... .... c~ I 90 80 70 ~ 60 .c Dl ... .. :31: 50 11 '-Ill II: .... 14. 40 .... II: Ill u .... 30 Ill 0.. I I 20 10 i 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° § FINES Silt ~izes J~!_ay Size~ Job WATANA D.'\M No. 150J2~003.08 Date ~ -I I -~ s ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Wiif EMGINEERS,IiEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS r '1W -.... ... )illli ...... .... :; i. I r1 ~ !l '~ ' . ' ........:., . . .. J!'1'' ~1-.J ~ ,.,_,., [ .' ~ .!' " B r Ill-~~ ( IJ ID" ' . ' lh m . Job WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Date LJ )7 183 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON Q(BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDR0~1ETER . Project WATANA DAt4 Hole ~s Lj~ Depth~.S-5~~ .2d!r Dry HT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare ·\\ll Tare \·Jei g~t \'A s-<o~ Classification s I ttv; ea nt-v c t I V'l ~~V\ d c ~ W\ ') Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sampie HT ~ 15' Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Mo·i sture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~-1ateri a 1 311 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II 38. 1 D 0 lao HT-Soil& Can Het 1" 25 4 LJ7 l.f"' ;..i 7., ~. HT-Soil& Can Dry ~/4 11 19 1 l-1'1 7 ;" Cf2·l.\ ~II 2.7 8; ! ~. (, ~{)2,. Loss 2 #4 4.6 S-7 22.5: /7.7 vJe i oht of Can #10 2 0 \~T of Soi 1 (Drv) Pr:m % ~1oi sture Total -REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE · HT Representative WT Hashed Sarno e & Tare I·.J 57 Tr:~r~ We.iaht ")..::,2. Jar # Sample Sieve Dia. HM Size 10 ') [.)()() 20 0 850 :iO n hnn 40 n 425 lrJO 0 .150 200 0.075 "7() 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. r~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 () 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: f'P..i\\ grams IWnshed Sa no 1 e vlei aht .... ,q ~ Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina I CJ o 3o . ..:( 6-L{ ' 7t;.7 4/.S' ~ Yf,2. 2_C(/ L.-t7.) ::;:; I 7 ~ '2 7 5"-S,'L ~If::. ,?5, '-IJ1 ~ 7 i.l .... , -:t.;,b .. L!q2. <;{:J .) '.,.. "' .L_._<t, .t" 1.-1 '1 "I HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Read ina 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc IComouted bv:ri~ !Checked bv: m-P- __ , .. - Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing I Di a ~1r1 Cc Cu miif~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS l i ~ '~""'1" t• .•r Wt~'l!~, '. •' .... ~ s.w· ft'QrN:iiHrot._ii~ 7 I 1 I .... L .I!!L. ' -~= .. Jl!%-~. ~ ~ !!!"'!_ ~ lillllllll!ll ~· ~ ·~· ~~ ,c=~ -~~ . ~ -~~~.. .~~ ~ . GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS .. ...,..., L~.~ ~· J ~ 1 ~11 ~~!'!'t •.• ~1 ,_....I L.,...,_~,~L. ~·..., ~-~ nk '"-·~-.....-.-··· ' ......_1'--• ke-,., .... wi a· ·....:t-.~H-" ·,· *A&v, 1t¥'• . U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 '1 J14 1/2 3/8 100 • I I I L~~· "'r--i' 90 . 80 70 ~ 60 "' -Cit 3: 2 50 '-GJ c ir 40 .... c GJ 0 ·~ 30 a.. 20 10 0 1000 500 100 50 to I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine LAB TEST NO. B!lRING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH As L\d-. ' \-J-.5 ; 1/lSUI\L MANUAl ClASSIFICATION ' I I • : t 1-.F" I"# 1-(:,!:»~ 4 10 20 40 60 II II I • ~ ~ ' ... , . ........._ '~ !'c:P.. [lSI, r"-. - 5 1 0.5 Grain Size in Millimeters . I SAND I Coarse Medium I ClASSifiCATION (USC) . 80100140 200 270 t I I "" "' ~ 1'-1'. ~,_ 0.1 0.05 Fine I 100 90 80 70 60 ~ .c "' -Ql =- 50 :: 1-., c ... 40 I.a.. ~ c ., t! 30 GJ a.. 20 10 0.01 0.005 0.001° FlitES Silt Sizes .~lay 'Size~ Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032,003.08 4-11-9) ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS A GEOPHYSICISTS r~ ---- - --=-fiJI-·-----.... )-·- __ .....,. ______ .. _.., __ ,,~--~-·~-----·-·-'"-~·-..._.,.......-~-;-~-·..__,_ ~.-~-~ :)\~4~-~;~w>~;~~~~~>~ _.~::~~ali l (:::. ~:1 -~ Li II~, IU tL (.;; lj I ' •• WORK SHEE1i PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date LJ )'1 lB3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON . RASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAH Hole A.$ LJ LJ Depth ~-LI ~ ~ Dry ~~T Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare \ -..J ':: .:) Tare \~eight \ ·0 ~3\ Classification bttoe.. rSr-~ tv"'-~ tetv~l/1' ~d-fr Set tld. (Sw.) Cf 7 S Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT Size Mr1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ,..:J Moisture Content 411 101 6 -1 0 ~~1a te ri a 1 311 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II 38.1 HT-Soil& Can(Het) 1 II 25 4 HT-Soil& Can( DrY) 3/4 11 19 1 0 0 (00 1:;11 12 7 C( ItO q'{D Loss 2 #4 4.6 S:'2.. c:;;,e::, 9l-f .L( ~Jei qht of Can jfl(l 2 0 t~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) Pan % ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE VJT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare Jo i 1.;1 TnrP Weiaht '-/ 2. I Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r~M Size 10 2 000 20 n Rsn 30 0 600 40 n 4?S 1nn 0 150 200 0.075 27n 0 053 Pan · Totnl Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. Ht·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03:J lr.: n o?n 30 0 _QJ 4 eo 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested by: (' i,~ VV\ .. grams IWr~c:;hprf SnnnlP l.A/Piaht ~-t i ~ Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 r:~t -.. -. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina /'5Y ((.),:; ~3."'; 263 "2~,1 7l.~ -s It 3"1.s /'~ 1 .:.• ') • I -s~ I -·' 5;/.,b (,l.L( S'~C) c;-..:1. ~ L..f(), 2.. 0 ~w G~,L( 1l b bl,.f? .. HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual - .~'· - - IComouted bv: M ~ !Checked bv: Rc 'tV\~- Defloculation Agent ' Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing Ji a ~1f1 Cc Cu li 1iij[l HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I t:'t..e ~~~ . sc:...~.t , ~ ... ,~ _ _..___..t ; . \ .. , ·~ (::,-; ~ .. I I I 2:' "' L -.~~.- I ...... --· ES_~J .~·e\~ ~"' .. t . ~:t!Jl . !'!~ l ...... ~ .. 1 .. )'1 . ..:.1. ~-l!!~l~'L ~. ~~ ~ .. 1~.-illll, ~ ~ :O.o~-~,-~ '"' i ... GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS ~ U. S. Standard Sfeve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 ij/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140200 270 100 100 I I I ~~ I I a I' II II . I ' I I -, fl 90 I~ ~ ... 90 ~ :-- 'h. 80 80 ...... ~- ""' ' 70 "i ~ 70 "' 60 .... ~ 60 ..c Dl ~I'. ... t::n ., .... :s IIJ I~ I{ 3: 50 ~ £50 ~ 1- SJ 1-c IIJ ' ... c 40 u. !: 40 "' .... c .... IIJ c e Cl 1'-. u 30 IIJ ii 30 a.. a.. ~ I . "I:: ·, 20 20 10 10 . 0 O.Oo1° 1000 500 100 50 lO 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Grain Size in Millimeters I I GltAVEL I SAND l FINES I BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium Fine I Silt Sizes .~la.Y Sizesf LAB TEST NO. BORI.NG NO. SAAPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) Job WATANA DAM AS L\~ ~ ~ .s -5.-o -No. 15032 3 00;L08 VISUAl HI\NLIAL CLASS I fl CA TfON ! ' Date 4-tt,.~~ ~.l ; t ' t -- l-.F I~ I -6'!>)o. FiFF.1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES lf4iW ENGINEERS •. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS .,.._ ~.~ IIIII ... ... ... ... ... .. ? ................. _ .... _ ..... lillillid . lilllll illlsl ...... "_./ ~"- I " l, IL l: ll. IJ· ' WORK SHEE~PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date L.} ) 9. J 83 No. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON RASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt1 Hole AS y 5 Depth J-~.5 -*F'} ~ Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare S3~.g Tare ~·Je i ght }:! ~ ~~l qo,/\ Crv--Q!_,.· ~~~ Classification ' i'>r-o:. W"'\. s ,I . \l ~ 5"l~J. (SmJ Sieve Oia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum .. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT 74~.(i1 Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing r·1oi sture Content 4'. 101 6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 3" 76.2 211 so _a Can No .. 1~11 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 ~ Can (\-Jet) 1 II 25 4 Hi-Soil& Can! Dry) 1/4 11 19 1 !:::" 2 7 0 (J(O tDD\.0 Loss 2 #4 4.6 ?.rJ. -=s.o '1-"7 1 0 VJeiqht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) Pan % ~1oi sture Total . REPRESENTATiVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t-JT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare Sol Tare Weiaht "'j(),/) Sample grams Jar # I~J~c;hed Sanqle ~ieiaht \411"\ •• ~ Sieve Oi a. t1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing ~ F~ f~ l'.~ .. l l ) I .'".; L l '1.<.::::) ! ~ "/ I 7> ~t. I I lQ 2_ 000 57 -1.1 0, z.:-s <:;t.'t 20 0 R~O I'J I ,.,.. 30 0 600 J5C, . 40 . o 4?!1 L:-1~ 100 0 150 3 -~g 200 0.075 '-IO(o 27() 0.053 Pi:in 1..1/ D Totrtl HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Gravity (G) PI a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Elap. Maximum Temp. Reading I Time Time Di a. r~t·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 . 15 n o2r 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 .002 Tested by: G. B(l IComouted bv: tV\.¥\ !Checked bv: V't\.. 1\ --~·· ~.-·~ ~·¥,,~ ,._,. '"--.~.·---' . . .r l(t.,t!}. 8~. ~ ' '?'1•0 "Z.t' 0 '2-s-.~ /4-d 4-4, '2-SS"·~ c;4, '1 4--~ \ "1, Amy1 A 1 coho 1 Drops: ~ .. DefJoculation Agent Corre~ted % of Total L Gram ~1ze~ Passing IDi a ~1t1 - ._ ., -' . , - Cc Cu ' . Bta HARDING LAWSON ASSOCMTES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 1:. . '/~ - .rc....~·l : #i I c·_-;, .. I I .·1 I .•. ~~ ~ ~===-a:: .. ·~ == =-z-...ll ~ c -:!!. ... ~ .l.~ l3!_lii!WI!!'!. il!Sd!!!\ L~ ~ ;~ -~~ !~ ~ ,Jllll r --:= f r! ~ I GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS -j'" ' - ' 11. S. Standard Sitrlle Opeoi ngs In IncJ1es U. S. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 1 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 :U.4 1/23/8 lOO[f 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 ' I • . I I I 'tt ' 9B .. ., 80 1\·,~ 70 .~. ,, ~ 60. 0> -11.1 ::s 2 50, ' -· L 11.1 !::: ~ 40 .... r:: ~ ,, 11.1 u ,f. 30 '·' 20 ' 10. !' o1 500 100 50 1000 ~~:::. I COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NU. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. ~-....... ~· BS~4 ~ VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION w= 1"11-C.~"- L-L-L-L-l ~ I ' 'I II r• II ~ I I I f r• ...... ~~---N ~. !"'-. ~ ~ " It~ tC~~ ll_<; ~ I" '\. I' ~ " :\ . 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL T SAND ·r I F1ne ·1 Coarse Medium Fine I DEPTH C!.ASSIFICATJON (USC) '?--LI ., -\..f' ,..,.._~ l I ';_ ..... !--· .... ._ -- 0.05 90 80 70 .... 60 .c: 01 .... Cl ::s 50 11 ... 11.1 c .... 40 &.&.. .... c Iii ~ 30 Cll "" 20 10 : 0.01 0.005 o.o01° FINES I Silt Sizes .~1 ay Si zeSI Job No. Date WATANA DAM I 150325003.08 4-l( -]> ') i MP.4 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES wtij EIGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOi'HYSICISU ....... ... ---,_,_J' .. .I .I (; ··-··---·--• -~·-·· ···------~·--·····~~ ... ~~--··--·. ----~~----------":•r-----------·~-. --.. --·-·-· '•'!.· .• _;,if~~~::•t::, '(~--. -· .. - . . . _,....,.._,......_ I$ ::::-1 .. 1 I J ! L .. '·' WORK SHEEbf-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date L,,., I 83 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROt~ETER Project WATANA DAt1 Hole AS <-)5 Depth 3 :_5 l #~ -A:S-Dry ~JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare ) <:& ~lSD Tare l;Jei ght A A 5L{t, Classification OL ~e.-carav~H~ t]1lfr _:St:=Vnd Ls M) Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % CumM % of Total Total Sample HT 1 ~ os,v Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~-1oi sture Content 411 101 6 . I -10 r~ateri a 1 3~· 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. ,~ .. 38. 1 WT-Soil& Can Wet) 111 2_5 4 HT-Soil& Can Dry) 3/4 11 9 l Loss J.::ll 2.7 0 0 (00 2 #4 4.6 7~0 51>< '14.~ Heioht of Can ;flO 2 0 ~.JT of Soi 1 ( Drv) Pan % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE \•JT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tar·e I ~I2,.J Tr~rP Weta;tt S' L-t2 • .? Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r~M Size 10 2 000 2Jl. n R~n 30 0 600 40 0 42'3 1nn 0 150 ,.200 0.075 ?70 0.053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 . 5 0.035 . p; n n?n 30 0.__0_1 4 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002. Tested by: C'f:? ~-~\ grams iWashed Sa no 1 fl ~lei aht . ' "i"':.;, _,, • Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing { 77,0 $,<;) ->.-<.~. L I .s l.-b .J :?.l.{, ) -;.;.-! :?:. ~~ ,o ? '!· ~· 7 .J, ') LJ s:-:;;-,o ~.!.{, '1 !..::) ';· i /ZU,D . s-s-,.s "1 .... (, ( !{ '226,0 I -, ' ( 3(;,, tO .. o:..,- ' - ~ '5(..,(.) ----. -~ ~ ~ tit ...,.'""" HYDROMETER SAMPLE -· LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drop_s: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading_ 0 c. K :~· Initl. Actual Rc < • --. . -~ ' ... ~ . ' I Como ute d by: c £ M !Checked bv: m-rr L Defloculation Agent Corre§ted . % of Total Gram 1ze, In; 21. ~1r1 Passing .., Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 5/.& %- .$n>~J' :St..·& >D}o (/ t"'/"-t:'S t. -_j - "f I I I I " L :,~ r~ l~G! ~~~ ~~~ ~l?;)!i .lilt. --~··· ·~····"'~· .cL-. .'lilel .:llil All! •JI!I .. ,... I GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS ·--. ~ u. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 4 I-ts 10 20 1T 40 60 &0 100140 200 270 -~ I I l, I I ljj 1*1 +-I II I I 1 1 1 1 I II 1-,-,100 II I I I t lOOrr II II I 1 'I ' z ll/2 ' 3/4 l/2 3/a 111'1111' i 1 II @ Vl- 9 0 1 I . I -f.......... • ,., r~~ ' ~t.l. 80 dTI · ""-go Ill 1 1'1~~ "1.lll 701111 I I I I I --+i-H-1 I I I I IIIII I ~ 80 I I I 111111 N, I II i Ill I I I II I I I I I I I 170 -- . I • II ... ~. 60 . '-' ! 60 ~ -~ u ~ ~ ; 50 ' ·-50 E L \.-t m c c ... u: 40 40 ~ ... c c u ~ ~ .f 30 30 £ 201111 I I I · I I II II I I I I I II H-·1 I I I I II II I I I I I II I I I I I I I II II I I I I I 120 101 i II ! I I I I II II I I I I I II II I I I I I II II I I I I I Ill I I I I I I II II I I I I I ho I • II 0~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I i I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I 0 1ooo soo 1oo so 10 s 1 o.s o.1 o.os o.o1 o.oos o.no1 Grain Size in ~illimeters GRAVE!. SAND FINES BOULDERS COBBLES 1--C-o-ar_s_e-~~-·Fine Medium Fine Silt Sizes LAB TEST NO. I J BORING NO. I sNotPLE No. J D~"'TH ~ 1 CLASSIFICATION (usc) 1 Job WATANA DAM Yi-S LIS I 1-J.S I VISUAL MA!itllll u 1Ass 1 n c• noN 1 1 =. ; No • 15 0 32 .a..:• 0=0~3.:.....·~0~8!__ _________ ___ Date 4 --1\ ... ~ ) L.F 11./1-(,'!»).. ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & ~EOPIIYSICISTS ---- :~"I --I J -J-_ .. _ ' ;-c. --.. -·-- ,, 0 c_; I :.:;, \1 1 . . \) . . _j· :· ,-,. ' ,-v , " '! .. , ' ~ ~~ -~~ffilt~~.·~~~~~-' . . '-. . . #. . -' ~"'---'-.......,;."'~~L_~---.., .. __.,-o.~ ... ' • ............. I I I I I I j I .. , '· . 0 r Job Date L)/ 1 I B?J I WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS No.J5032,003.08 0 GILSON ufBR:~SS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA OAt~ Hole AS L10 Depth ,s-~,o ++} ~ Dry ~JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare I~ '?:.S" - Tar~; Height 1 c .. ) e:;s~ Classification D {;\ r ~ rS:;'-0 '..v,t\ t1dr--A»Llitr ~1 tha S4"d L~ M) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT l~l.v Size MH Ret .. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing r-1oi Sture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~-1ateri a 1 ~II 76.2 C> () 7 ()(_) 2" 50 8 0 (') /I_)·.) Can No. 0 ·-/DO 1~11 38.1 D ltJT -Soi 1 & Can ~·Jet 1 II 25 4 D t) /00 WT-Soi l<~ San Drv 1/4:• 19 1 lb,O 2,0 <:V' c; ,, 1::" 12 7 2-tu ~.& q -,,L.{ Loss 2 #4 4.6 'i!"Z,.,:::. to.~ .S4tf VJeiaht of Can ;;f1(} 2 0 ~vT of Soi 1 ( Drv) Pr:~n % ~1oisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE ltJT Representative WT \~ashed SarnO e '1i Tare llJ'-!,o fir~ rP WAinnt '). s ·o.<) Jar # Sample . Sieve Di a 0 r~M Size 1() ? non -in n ASO ~o o r;nn 40 n 4?s 1(1() -n 1so 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 P-An Tntr~l Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t1t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.015 -,-~ n o?n 11i 0.014 60 0.010 240 O.OOb 1440 0 002 Tested by: c~~~ grams IWr:~~hArl ~.::1 'Tlnl A ~IAi nht: Sf&,Q Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cumo ;.~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 151,~) ,q, 7 .;.,{-..), ~ 2$}5 .o "2<1.~ (0,\ 2..7'1 c. s5"~o <'");-, 0 31/, . .) l.,jQ,; S"''-1,7 ""l "6b.O b I,.J 1~.0 >G~o 7 o,c.f .2<1,l '5 75.0 HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual lcomouted bv: tUn1 !Checked bv: __ ,. - - Rc L rr1t Def1oculation Agent Corre§ted ~~ of Total Gram 1ze, Passing In; .::1 ~1~1 .. " Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGIUEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS bo,& .. , - ·t- Scr.·d. \ · ... I ~:' ") ;c ... I r -_J e ~ . I "' ' L ~ ~ ~~_. __ ;-:;: I ~--~ ~}~ ~ ~ ~--~ ... J~ -~rAI'II .. ;1.M lJ!II ...... .· GRADATION SIZE ANAL Y:;....;:S~IS..;;;;__ _______________ --t U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. s. Standard Sieve Numbers l~yd,·~meter I 100 I I I' - T I I \;;JI tlf... Jl' " II I -. J . I I - I; l 100 90 ~"' ~ j I I 90 80 ""' "'"' ... 80 70 i'~ II "" .. 70 'v:l ~ 60 0> ..- Cll ::s E 50 .... Cll c u: 40 .... c ~) u ~ 30 ' ' '\ " . ~ 'k - 60 ~ ,s:: 0> .... Cll 3l 50 ::; ... u c 40 .... I.L. .... I c u u 30 Lo Cll 0.. 20 . 20 10 l - 10 lL L--1...-L....-L-0 1000 500 5 1 0.5 Grain Size in Millimeters o.cs 50 10 0.1 0.01 0.005 100 0.0010 FINES Silt Sizes SAND GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse I Fine Hediurn Fine LAB TEST No. BORING No. sAMPLE No. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (usc) 1 Job WATANA DAM BS t-\5 ~ 3-5 1 I • • I -· _ • _ I No • 150 32 , 003.08 . . . 'l' Date 4 -Lo-g>? VISUAL MANIJ/\l CLASS I fi C/\ HON . l-F 1"11-e:.~J.. ~ ------t i ---... ... ... .... · -.,. --· ··-·--.. ---"--.,.----c;-----------~~~-::::;::;t~~tf-'W~ ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEilLUGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS .... .... irillllr1 ..... ../ .... I.,. II¥ .. :;-, ·v lj ( I ., ' ( I,~~ I ( I I' ~- " ~t I. 1. I ... .-: ... IL §1, ~-· .......... I [ I [ .. ,~ . ' . ' WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS-Job Date L) I q) B~ No._15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON [g'BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt4 Hole AS LJCJ Depth ~-3.5 .:8) ~ Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 17 2.2 . Tare Hei ght.l W <)sq Classification Ol iv1: q-r-av~tlry tt_nl-fx St>l~tdlSh\) Sieve J Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT ) \ G3 Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing ., Moisture Content 411 101 6 ... , Q r:1ateri a 1 1" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II -38. 1 HT -Soi 1 & Can d·Jet) l II 25 4 C) 0 I uo HT-Soil& Can! Dry) _3/4" 9 1 t1 ,, (:, ctctt'1 k" 12 7 33 ~.~ cr7 ,'2 Loss 2 #4 4.6 tj!;. /,_5 ~f ?.,7 ltJeiaht of Can #10 2 0 t~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) Dan ~~ ~1oi sture Total ' REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE WT Hashed Sarno e & tare /1<.((;, ·-vJT Representative T.:irP WPiaht 'S'~q Sample grams Jar # il~rt<::hPrl Srt 11nl p viPi ah_t :·...> ··,._) Sieve Di a. r,1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. % of Total Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina ' 1() 2 000 ISO l 'l.. l( ~71l 20 () R50 7'12. z..o,s 7r>1.2 . 30_ _Q 6_00 2~'1 Z'-1,~ {'";". 2 ~· 40 n 4?5 ~}?\ z_c; I \ 7(J,q 100 0 150 200 0.075 210 0.053 Pan Totnl Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum i ·ime Time Dia. t~f·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03b 15 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Tested b_y: /,J f..'"' 1-F 1'35-MA <5:3q {:,~·b 6~7. HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. PI Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl . Actual Rc . 'I I Comouted bY: C I /YI !Checked bv: ftl .·~:>")> - • L '4 b·:S. S.S~7 5:'~1, '6 t..{-:;,l. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Drops: Defloculation Agent Corrected Gram ::>1ze, % of Tota 1 Di a ~1r1 Passing Cc Cu HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPitYSIClSTS q~."Z--' <D/o ,t,ncs: f\ "} .. I I I .:'> ·-:: '· . · .... ~ ~ .... L " ·~ • """Jl'Bl'ftl._-._.. """•-aL_. -:a . ..._ . . "'iliiiii'.c .. -~imll'li iBilil. ~-,~ .. 11Z!f. ---tiii!IL.,,~~I.S! ,.._ ·. ~· 11.'111. -~ ~~·~ ~ .,_ ' -.... .. " . . . '-~_,:! ~~. -~~.......... ~ ··-_._ ... __ .i~ --... ···----'_j : GRADATION SIZE ANAL YlSIS U. S. Standard Sfeve Openings In Inches u. S. Standard Sieve Ni1mbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1-. 3/4 1/2 3/8 100 I I ' • """" Lh ,.L, II '-:' ~ J ~--~ ..... 90 1-.. ' 80 70 ~ 60 0> -CIJ ::1: >. ... o .Q ::> '-IV c ~ 40 .... c: CIJ u ~ 30 Q. 20 10 i ol 1000 500 100 50 10 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES J Coarse _ . I Fine . LAB TES1 NO. BORING NO. SAAPLE NO. DEPTH Y-tS L} ~ I ,5-~.D ViSUAl MANUI\l ClASS I Fl CATION (• ~ \ l .. :r...F' 1"1 I-(:.~,&. 4 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270 II I • I I I I' ~ 1'.. ~ r', -" - 1"~-v I' ~ ~ ~ '\ 1'\. -~ f' ~· r-:: - 5 1 0.5 0.1 o.os Gra1n Size in Millimeters I SAND I !· Coarse Medium I Fine I CLASSIFICATION (USC) f '• t • l . ..t 100 90 80 70 60 .... .c D) .... u ::1: 50 ~ '-CIJ c: .... Ll. 40 .... c: ... u '- 30 CIJ a. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o:o01° FINES Silt Sizes .~lay Si~~ Job - No. Date WATANA DAM 15032/H'-=t. 08 t.f-Lo-S?> ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~-~ t¥1. ---------------·-.. / -• 0 ·-----~----.. ~-----·--··-----~-;----:--·;~r~~-7'·...,-~---~---st\f~·"";;0Z"~;-~;;}j~--· --.-· " •.:.-.. ~~ ~' (l ·~ 0 . I:Yt~ l 1·. 1: 1: . u~· I ~ ~ I I I .,. II 00; 1: l l ·~ [· -" WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ~ALYSJS Job Date L-J) I }03 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAM Hole AS 1-j Cj Oepth 5-7 ,5 -*t~ hiT Dry ~·JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare - Tare Height / fL: Classification () \\ \j {. 4)\ (~ 5 ,._ d ( s ~) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT Size HH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret .. Passing Hoisture Content 4" 101 6 -10 r-1ateri a 1 1~~' 76.2 2" 50.8 Can No. ·r-;;,;.. ,~ .. 38.1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can ~~et 4"2 .~ ~ 1 II 25 4 ~IT -Soil & Can Drv LJ;;L 14 1/4 11 19 1 • II ~II 12 7 Loss 2 ~Je i aht of Can tL 41 #4 4.6 ~1() 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( 0 rv ) '3D.~ 7 P;:m % ~1rdsture .LI Tr·ca 1 REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE . ' L·JT Representative l~T \·Jashed Sarno e~ 1are I 'J Co K T;irP ~iC!Flt-;r'Jit-;..II '6~. ~1... Jar # Sample . '??.. \ (,., 3 grams IWr~ c:; hAri ~;:~ nn 1 A l41A i nhf -sc;,.r..,q Si€ve Di a, r~M Cum. WT Wei.ght % % of Total Cum. 5~ of Tot a 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 1() ? nnn 0 o.o IC!\1 20 n R!in c; S.!J q ,,, ~() () f;()() In 13, ~ 8~ .. '2.. 40 () -4?!i ~~ t~· C) 81.. 0 Ti1n n 15o "dR -~~ .. ; f, ,, ~ 200 0.075 37 Sl· l a-B•1 ?7n 0 053 Pr~n 37 Tntr~l ~ ' HYDROMETER St.N1PLE Specific z ,~7 z.. LL "t.-..:~ C..l-""1,.. Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) ~\e-s-\-e d) PI ) r Drops: a = o.qq Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample ;1.. · '3 4 grams Defloculation Agent ;oro Elap. ~1axi mum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, Time Time Di a. t1lf·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L In; r~ m1 · Passing 1/ 1 0.078 I~'? o.o\LJ-1-!31'.~ ~!) .,,~ IO\J 6,{)4-S"" 4-1· '- /:2 2 0.055 It;.? •I rs-s:c 3lf. 0 JJ 1 bl, tl•O~") 3S"·i /7J 5 0.035 1~.8 ,, ':31.~ '!>DC g,o II. 4 0 ,()~-, S C• .~. :l!f' ,~~ n n?n '"' ,o Jl ::17 ;? li I\ ,'i ~·b I"; '7.. (;, • 0 JC) t/(} :sri 0 014 IIJ.O •I ;).!-/_ 5 ., ll·l a , ~ o-'1 -z_--z., ~ /110 60 0.010 /~.0 .., 'J J I •I 1'2.,1 0. 0 O'l 1-1 ~ ~ /!.flo 240 0.005 ,::; .() •J 1'6.~ •I 1~."3 0·00 3 l4 • I 1(1'. 1440 o .no2 t .... ~.' O· ol~ ~ ...... , ..., I '2,.... f4,D 0·6tl) 3 q.u ,. ' f -Cc Tested by: J~JJI' /G-,B.lcomouted bv: f/1.-t\: !Checked bv: A11~ Cu _r. - HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOP!IYSICISTS ~ !>I .. ':~.1 I r;. () ' l I ' ~·~ t ~ ~ ~ _ _......., ... , ~-,..-.. _ ~ . ~. . Jllliiill -~ 1!!1. r::..:::.::._.J ·~· L~ . ~ . liiJI, ~--- GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS I U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer I 12. 9 6 3 2 11/2 l 3/4 l/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 Z70 100 100 • I I' I ....... ~ I I I I I '"""-~ 90 .......... 90 ~ lk "-....... . 80 f!lt, 80 I'!< I"' ~ 70 70 " " 60 ... ~ 60 -..c: 1'-01 .... 01 Ill -3 cu ~ 3: 50 £ 2 50 "r--, r1 .... 1-u I: cu .... r;:;· 14. ~ 40 40 ... +> r;:; Ill I: u Ill .... u 30 Ill t 30 Q. a. 20 20 10-10 0 0.001° 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 o. 1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND I FINES I BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium I Fine I Silt Sizes l_lay Size~ LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH lC\ s LJ <1 l (A. -3-5 VISUAL 1-IANUAL CLASSifiCATION 1-F' 1'11-(:,'!1,4. ---.. - ClASSIFICATION (USC) Job No. Date --..... 'iii' !::"! WATANA DAM 150322003.08 I ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS~ GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS .. ,)~ ... I.') ' ' I I·" .. I " I - I I I. I It ·~ " -~f I ~I I I I I I ATTERBERG LL\ \ITS DETER1\\INA TlON PROJECT: ~Ia ta na .... ~ ;:'! .,-C:,. DATE: 1.-f I u J srs HOLE :-;o. ILjS y~ fsAMPLE NO. .:tt~ (5-'7.SJ JOB NO 150j2, 1 • nn'l J1R LlQUI D LI~\IT RUN NO. I 1 I 2 3 lJ 5 6 TARE NO. 1+-8 s t\---tU V'l:TARE PLUS WET SOIL Lf" -'2-<;s-'53.0·7 (e,3._8_) I 1-~!TARE PLUS DRY SOIL I LJo.38 Y fn:;JB 5Lf,$jj . GG WATER ' . !., S.9Di (o,._]_, _g_.q~ t I • --'RE t \ \. "L..o u. -z...s l/.to I ·wz·tr.. s-CRY SOIL ''(( I ~"). I~ ! '35. 631 ?f:.Ji! I j s ! I WATER CONTENT, % I ' i I I • I 'lD. I )9.Y I CaY I ! :-. NU~.~S ER OF BLOWS • (g j "38 z_c;-I I I ' i I I • I I . I , ! ------· . 1 i l I ; • I t : : I • :.~ . . I ' I . I I I I ; I ; . I : ·---- + ' -' f-· : : ! • i I l : i I i ' ~~ .-. . l ; . I ; I I I I ! t I ! ! I ·• ~----:.--~--. . : . i i ! ; : ! . ., . I I I f ~ t i I I I : ' -. I . I ' ! I l i ! I t I I I : ~ I 0.0 1--•• . . ! I i I I I l I I I . .. --· . j ?: -......... . ---: I . l I . I I I .............. , =&; ! I l I I I ; . -• }--........ t t I I : ' . r----z . T.) . -............. I • . ~~ I ! I I • _ ..... --~-=---• _\.Z ~~ ; i ! ' I UJ ' • . ' . __ ,. __ -----. r-ao l I ·-.,..._. ' ' l I • : ~~ I ,. I : --+-:--z .., ___ 1 r . :;__.,_, : . . . ::::::::,.,. : .. 1 I 0 ---------. -. =~ ~ I . . l ' I r----,.. u . . _L_ , I I • '•' ~· l ' ---· . . . I . . ' ........... ~ I i ! ! . . : ! ...._L'::i !.!.J :-i I . . ! I . . . ·\~ I : . }-. I t . I I I I ; I I ' . l . ~ r-·---· ' : I I I ! : I I I ' . ~1'1 . ! I t f-~ I I I . I l I ; I I 1 ! i I : . : I I ' ! I ! ; I I l ' I I • I . . I I I . I I . I ' I I I I I I I . -I I I I I I I . . 1 ! ; 1 I ; . ; -I I I ' I I I I I l { . ! f • ! ' . . . I . I ! I l ! • f I ! I u.j 'aD. I ·-! ' I J I I . t : ' i . -· . ! ' l ; I I I l l l I i ' I I ~~=-=--i . ' ~ l I . I I I ! I I ·-PL! 15~15._ . t j I ' . ; I I I I ' I I I . Pt ~ l..j. 75 -I l ' . • . I I . I ' . I . I \~0 15 20 25 30 ~0 NC\~32R OF BLOVt'S SOIL S Y'.' 30 L. FKC ',~ ?LASTlClTY C:-L;RT CL -rn~ RU~ so. ----TARE so. V') TARE PLUS WET SOIL :2 TARE PLUS D~Y SOIL 1-< -..... ',\ATER --0<.) -TARE U.lz 3:-DRY SOIL -. ·--·-'YA-cR I I .... ' CONTE~T, % PLASTlC Ll~,UTI .., . p R E\~A RKS: -yo PoRTION o.F :rs N ~Pr'R. Tl-\ E l..:t: J.J E. W\-t~GH PL-\ST IC Lf.',~ IT NATURAL WATER l 1 I 2 3 I 4 5 CONTE~T I A-l1 1 A-?-)( I I I &81 I ll· (o ~ 19.~7 I J o, C 8 l I . I I r CoD I .9] I I I I L(.:,~ ! t.(. '-{ 0 I I I 3 .. ~1 I G>.'J8 I )5.3 ! 15-~Y I I 'A\J G-~ 16~~s S ~rr, PL E :c.s A CL-VY\\-. lTESTED SY:_M~ S£PY-l~A-TE5 Ct.. ""W\ \-Fl2.0W\ --··· 'M t..-.C.L jCOM P~UT..§_Q 8 Y :G.B ,CHECKED BY: /ivtf"" ~~ HARDING LAWSOH ASSOCIATES ~£_.~ EHGHIEERS. GEOLOSISTS & GEOPHYSlClSIS ,.~ ' "'II J I I f L_ - ,.. ~.I'M r:e.r ,l&f?}S 1!!!1 11!1 GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS u. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. S. Standard S1eve NUmbers Hydrometer I 12 9 6 3 z 11/2 1 3/4 1/2.3/8 100 I I Q I I • II go 80 70 ~ 60 0> .,... Ill 3: 2 50 ... Ill c:: ~ 40 .... c:: Cll u ~ 30 0.. - 20 10 0 1000 500 100 50 10 BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse GRAVEL I fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SM-!PLE NO. DEPTII AS Ll'l "d. 5-1.5 -VISIJI\l !WlUI\l ClASS 1 Fl CATION ~-~---------- t...r ILf j -(.-:,,A. c~ -----·- 4 lO 20 40 60 80100140200 270 ,. ... "" ' I I I I '..., ~ l't~ ~ I' 1"'- t' "" . "0 ' I' f\ ~I\ ['. lc;) '>, . 5 1 0.5 0.1 o.os Grain S1ze 1n Millimeters I SAND I I Coarse Medium Fine I CLASSIFICATION (USC} ----~-----~-------------·- IIIW .a liiiiJ 100 90 80 70 60 .... .s:. 0> .... II 3 50 ::: ... .. c:: .... ..... 40 .... ~-c:: .. ~ ... I~ 30 Ill 0.. -~ " ~ 20 ~~fl-o ...... I'"--1..~ r-......... 10 i.!J 0.01 0.005 0.001° FitlES I Silt Sizes ,E_lay Size~ I Job WATANA DAM -I No. 15032~00~3.08 Date t{..-1'2..--&~ I ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEEiiS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS -\Will' ... -.. ,·' =----~':'------·. :·., --~~ ____ -·-~-.-..--~ -·---"·-~ ~--~----H-"''-<-:4~·~-~-----·-~-....-~-~.;. . .--~~ Jl-1 _-:,;:-~~;;z~~::~::::~J"'•, ·~:~c;;;~:y: :-~,~~ 0 ti I I I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date \--\ ) '1) &3 No. 15032 2 00:3.08 0 GILSON 15J'BRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAt1 Hole A£ _r J Depth J-~.5 ±i) ~ Dry HT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare )~L.O Tare Height[(__ S"Yo Cl assi fi cation 0\·,ve. C(~v2-lL~ '51 1~ s01Y\J Csm) /gtfo Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT Size ~1~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Hoisture Content 411 101 6 -10 ~:1ateri a 1 311 76.2 ?II 50.8 Can No. 1Js11 38. 1 ~lT -Soi 1 ~ Can Het , .. 25 4 ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Drv :i/411 19 1 G C> loo !,:II 12 7 '2.<:J ~~6 C(b.Lf Loss 2 #4 4.6 20 . I<J .::1.. 'lS~-~ vJe i oht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of Soi 1 (Drv) Pan ?{, ~1ois t u re Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT Hashed Sarno e & Tare I i\J~~..) T~ Y'P WP_iaht ~ ~~>~,.~: Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. r~H Size 10 2 000 . 20 n ~~n 30-o r;nn 40 0 425 1nn 0 150 200 0.075 270 0.053 Pan Iotnl Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t•1f.1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03b 1" 0 020 30 0014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 Q_ 002 Tested by: Q )~ t!l\ grams IWa~hed Sa nnl e \4Tei aht (:. !>v,.:> Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;.~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 15"5 ,.,l. 2> ~(J. 2. 26b ~1.<.j ~ ~~~~~ ~2) . 1.-(0.L'\ S"Cf, I < 79 --1.111 -~ ~.;: I. 7 > c;;7 11 .• 0 zq,o ~z.s /'"1,5" ~0,$" G29 ~- HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq 0 c. K Initl. Actual ICom··uted bv: Ct'rr1. !Checked bv: - Rc L mfl Defloculation Agent Corre§ted ~~ of Total Gram 1ze, Passing In; a ill1 Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I . ~-' i __ ., - I It r'1, ~ , tojQ -·, St\"d ~s~ o;o 0n.l' s ~ 'l !.S. . ) c. ... i -t I I ,~ I .., ·:: L .._, ('"" ,.B.~Jfi~· . -GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings ln Inch~s U. S. Standard Sieve N~mters Hydrometer 12. 9 6 100 . • 90 80 70 ~ 60 en . ,.. Ill 3 I? 50 .... Ill c i:k 40 ..... c Ill u ~ 30 Q. 20 10 0 1000 500 BOULDERS COBBLES LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. ~$ Li4 VISUAL MANUAL CLASS I f1 CATIOn 1-.F' I"' I -G~;.. ~."1 C!!!ltSI - 3 2 11/2 1 3/•l 1/2 3/8 4 1-0 20 40 60 I • I I ,. ~ ~ .. ' ........ •.; . l't~ ~ f' '' . 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 Grain Size in Millimeters I GRAVEL I SAND J Coarse I fine I Coarse -Hedium I .-...i-01 SAMPLE NO. DEPTH .::LASSIFICATION (USC) ~ S-1·5 -------~----~------------~---~-~---------------------~· -...... /~ .. <--· liillil 80100140 200 270 I • I r' "0 " I\ ~[\ ['\ I(.) " 0.1 0.05 I Fine I - ------ ~ ' iili I 100 90 80 70 60 ..... .c D> .... .. ::K 50 }1 '-Ill I: .,.. h. 40 ..... ~-c ., u '....~"\ .... 30 Cll Q. .... i''A " ~. I\·~ 20 , ...... r--. -'r'-~ ..... 10 -ttl 0.01 0.005 o.ool 0 FINES l Silt Sizes _tlay Size~ Job No. Date WATANA 0At4 - 15032s003.08 4-t'Z--S~ ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICIST$ -'-... , .. ..... ~--·-· .... --·· ---·---~·------------·-----··-;--~·-------------·-<o", ~\~~;>~~ r:. '() ·~. (J t: l c I m /'' ""· t :l~ I I j WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date '--) J C) /~3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON (Q'SRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr1 Hole A-~ Sl Depth ~-5 tt~ ~ Dry ~JT Tota 1 . Sample & Tare l t:) 4-;:: TOTAL SAMPLE ·...I Tare ~·Jeight } G-Lf ?-1..-\ Classification CJ \ ~v~ q~ ve-Uva 'J tli[ _.s~n. J { ~ 1\-1) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT II ':f.l Size ~1H Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~-1oi sture Content 4JI 101.6 -10 ~·1ateri a 1 1" ]_6. 2 211 50 8 ~ Can No. 1 ]s" 38.1 vJT -Soi 1 ~ Can (Het) 111 25 4 0 0 too HT -Soi 1 & Can (Dry) 3/4" 9 l l/,0 II') .q ~ ,;" 1:;11 12 7 Lt, o ''" 4t'd Loss 2 _#4 4.6 'Ol t 0 ~.q '1$,\ vJe i qht of Can #10 2 0 \~T of .3oi 1 ( Drv) Pan ~{, ~1o i s t u re Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT l~ashed Sarno e & Tare /::J4';;:J Tn rP t~ei aht . t-.:~~tl .• 4 Sample grams Jar # lt.Jr~ ~ hP<i S.=nm 1 P ~IP i aht f::. 7 };I(J Sieve Di a. r~M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing_ -· 1 n 2_ 000 140 11..0 ~~ 0 20 0 R50 2-s.\· /'~L z ~,2,. 10 0 f=;OO z 7'1 "2~., 7·;, \ 40 0 425 33~ 2'2. b 7/.~ ·100 0 150 >>~ "f7,S s~.s 2fl0 0.075 bbb 57.0 ~n,o . ?_IQ 0 053 Pan b7~ Total HYDROMETER SAMPLE ''. ~ - --- Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 cohol Gravity (G) PI Drops: a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Reading j 1 Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Di a. t~t·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L ,Gram 1 ze, Passing IDia m1 · 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03b 15 n n2o 30 0.014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Cc Tested by: (. (~ ~vt I Comouted bv: Cl /lrt !Checked bv:. M.A-Cu 0,~ . I ; t:.lr;. l ~VI. I t '50 .. \ ' ttl -} " ·I.,_ . ("' l ~(1 n!\ • ' 43,0~ .,tl hN~. ~ -HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS . . ~.:~ ... 1 I I L --*":.· -~"" .... ~::.. ~-~. e::!::.:i c::::: ~~·-~, ~.ilt::.::::a"··-~~ c:·1=,J .. .,._~;:::"" _1::;:-::~.~ ·~~ ;r:::.v :·~ GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS r-·~ '"1 1..~ f" '" "1 ~"""'-~ .._ ....... ..,.. .. "' '7"""-·~ -t='·~.-~· .• ,.... r::~:J. ~' ,_J,w_..,, .• .1!.~~ ... ?,..~..1.....~ ...... " " ·--..· U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers ~y:Jrometer• 12 9 6 100 I • 90 80 70 .... 60 ..c en .,.. fD ::JI: }1 50 ... GJ c: t;: 40 ..... c Ill u ~ 30 a.. 20 10 0 1000 500 I BOULDERS COBBLES lAB TEST NO. BORING NO. A$ Li '1 VISUAL HANlll\l Cl/\SS I Fl CATION ~---- 1-F 1"11-b~).. ..... 1'. . ~ f ---- 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 4 J.D 20 40 60 I I a I I \. ~ II • 'r. ~ ---~~ ~ I'\ -:"\... . ' . I i 100 50 10 5 l 0.5 Grain Size in Millimeters l GRAVEL 1 SAND I Criarse r Fine 1 Coarse Medium I SAMPLE NO. OEPTII d. 5-1·5 ..... '----{-... ClASSifiCATION (U~C) )~ \~ - ...\ so 100140 200 270 • ·r -. r• I I r' '0· " i\" [i.:t\ r'\ ~) ..... 0.1 0.05 Fine iiilli 100 I 90 ,. 80 70 I I ~I -• 60 .X:. 01 ... w ::s 50 '11 ... Ill c: .... 40 ..... ..... ~-c Gl ~ ~ 30 Ill \,J ~ "" ' u. !Ct1--20 I-r-. 1-. ~:;;....._, r-~ 10 "t!)" I o.oot 0 I 0.01 o.oos FINES 1 Silt Sizes .~lay Sizel Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032:1003.08 4-1'2--8:-, ~---- ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & G~OPHU;tiSTS -----~--~ . ' ·~ -~ '- 1) (· '-'. '~· [ -::.:: 0 1\_ ,. , LJ )e,, ' , l I /--· (' Pl t. r :...J .-:":t, f, ; r .l ,._ ,., L} l ~' !\ ~! tJ u u C• -. 6 'I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date Y ICJ J63 No. 15932;(103.08 0 GILSON rgBRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROM~TER - Project t4ATANA DAr~ Hole Rs SLJ Depth 1-~ :li-l ,_. Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tar·e l B taco Tare \·JeightSIJ-l\ S'3b Classification ~~f~ G-v-e,_1 ~ sl ~S:r-c'-"C \ 'fNtVe tf'J' ", .I.J-.J 91" J ( SM Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT 0/ ~,urn. % of Totg 1 Total Sample HT (0 ~~2 Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing ~,1oi sture Content 41! 101.6 - -1 0 r·1a te rial :ill 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. ,~ .. 38. 1 WT-Soil& Can(Wet) 1 II 2!i 4 ~IT-Soil& Can(Dry) 3/4'' 9 l CJ (J J.:>J 1:" 12 7 (.1 I, I 9 ~ • .:; Loss 2 #4 4.6 .l!S s-• .:.r '1 ~.6 Vleiqht of Can #10 2 0 \oJT of Soi 1 ( Drv) Pan . % Moisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE .. ~JT l·Jashed Sarno e _! JC!re I· 00 '1 wr Representative Jar # Tt=lrP Wf)iaht n -~ ... ~ Sample · Si.eve D·i a. r1M Size . 1D . ? QOO 20 n RSO ~n _a fillQ 40 n 42!i 100 0 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0 053 E.an Total ~ Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. r~r·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 1!1 _Q 020 30 0 0'14 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 -Tested by: \ ,J. "'{\ grams IWrl c:; hPrl Srl nn 1 P J.Lei aht '-173 ·-- Cum. ~.JT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tota 1 ·~ Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass-ina ~-t s /1,'-/ '6'61:~ /07 20./ J'li·~- "') ... -. _._#,_, '2.,J..f,J 7-7 ;,..•. 2..3-i '2l, '-/ ! II,., -371 LfJ',3 ,:;t..J•7 464 S"~,~..· t,.i 4,). '• J./7~ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydromete~ Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc ' I Comouted bv: r /Jm !Checked bv: ~nff' Deflocu1ation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram ize, L ,Qja ~1t1 Passing ' Cc Cu ~~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEQLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ) I v l I u l s.4-j .. o/ o I 1JV I, l I I l I \ i i S0·4-~ V"'-: $qi1j; ~J I l . ~, . ' ~ ~~·-~ -~ ~---~· ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ....... / ~-~-~-·-~ ~ -""' ,, , __ j -~---~-w -··~--~ • ...Ji.~~ ~' ~-::::..::::.. ~ .... ·~--~~.r-C··:qo'f''·t>··•··--~ .. ~~~"'-·"-~::.;;;:;;_;. _ ... ,.,~....J...<'$ __ .,..~-.~-··-~.~,,.,_~....,. ~l-~---~<;t."-. ~-~~~ .. ;....-·· &n.·•--·~--Jl ~,; v' ·---....; ~ ~ -· ::_, ,, -:"'3 ~-- fi ,".l y: i/ j c; ' ... l l u /~. ;·', 'J.l;f,, ( il ~-;t,.~ )~ \.~· '·1~/,.>-...::__ ::5' cc' L' W'- GRA0AT!ON SIZE Al\i'AL YSIS ' ~ ------ a. S. Standard S1eve Opening~ In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numb~rs l2 9 6 3 2 11/2 ' J/4 1{2 3/8 4 J.Q 20 40 60 100 .. lJ "' I' I I I I I i t I I ' I' . --.. .!. I "t-.[i: 90 .,_ 1-~~ .. .. . \<\ 80 -· '. ' ) 70 " . -! l'a ' ~ 60 ll: t ~ C> ..... m \ .X >. J:Q -· ' .0 .}· ' a; -· -· IC u: 40 . -.... c QJ . u :u 30 a. I ' . 20 -' . ., 10 i ol 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 1000 500 Grain Size in Millimeters GRAVEL I SAND BOULDERS COaBLES Coarse I Fine -f coarse Hedium .' LAB TEST NO. BCRING. NO. SAHPl": NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (U~C) AS Lj ~) d. S-1·5 - -.,.,.;:;.... I vI SIIAL MANUAL CLASS lfl CA Tl Oil -· -- -· W: l'f I-G,!l). t-we ..., .. --.. .. f-.. ~-- "J ~~-· -il ''· Hydrometer 81') 100140 200 270 . 100 I I I I' ·- l I -1 90 1' -I ~ ' 80 r.. :~ 70 I' ~ 60 ~I " D> .... Ill :a t\ 50 }l ~ '-~ cu IC !'. ..... ~\ 40 ..,_ 't'Y..· ..... IC cu ~ t! 30 GJ .•. Q.; ..... r~ ...... ~ . {~ 20 t-....... 1.:~ r-...... ~-10 "t!)' 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 o.o0l 0 I FINES l Fine -, Silt Sizes .~lay Size~ Job -- No. Date .. ~iATANA DAM 15032:~003.08 {/..-1'2.--g~ ' ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS.GEOLOiiiSTS & GEO~HYSICISTS ---··· '; ..-. . )J! --·- 0 ,,1!: I (0 D 0 (\ ,::;;, lJ ~ .:I -~ ·-· "'•--·· -·· -~. '""'-'" •. -.~ ........... ""' ........ ___ _ 1 -~ .. l ' . j 1'-• t ' , tl ,,?; i} I.~ .•. I ~'- J u ' j ' . ' J IJ. ' • ·~ '·! l1 . u tl c I Job Date L} } ) B ~ WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS No. 15032 2 003.08 CJ 3 0 GILSON [Sd'BRASS SIEVE C.iHYDROMETER ' ProJ"'ct WATANA DAt4 Hole . A-5 5Ll Depth 8.5-9 ~~ ,.,_ Dry HT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Samp1e & Tare t f q{ -c;: ,l\ Tare \oJei ght ~"' " 5"£--\2..0 Classification Ol ht~ 1rtt v c lt"r. t!:H ~~ s~,~d L~ ~n} Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT I '2..SS" Size MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Re1· Passing ' .... r·1oi Sture Content 4" 101.6 ~ -10 r·1ateri a 1 1" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1~" 38. l \IJT-$oi 111 Can (Het) . 1 II ?S 4 WT-Soil& Can(Dry) 3/4 11 19 1 0 C) foG 1 .II 12 7 ':1 .l '1''1-s Loss "2 #4 4.6 7'3 ~.2 '1~8 ...)clg~oht of Can #10 2 0 . -W~ of so; 1 ( o rv ) Pan % ~1o·j s t ure Total i REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE t·JT Representative WT. t·Jashed Sarno e & Tare !3qb Tr~rP WPiaht S'.;.ll, Sample grams Jar # IW;;"'hPd Sr:~ nn] P ~/Pi oh_t iJ5Lf Sieve ·o; a. t1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;.~ of Tot a 1 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina . . 1 {) 2. 000 liZ. 1317 YG,,S 20 0 R50 2ti"J .21, I I <,,Cj ~n n f'nn ~s·-z '2~.-.? f ') '") ~I.,.. 40 () 42!1 '12? '>' ,7 b·':)·~ . 100. 0 lSO (S't S" -=r~~~ -1.:..>.'2. --200 0.075 8~/(\ ;1,G .. '!. )_ ,4 ?70 O.OS3 ·Pan 51-:>3 .. Total :. ""''' - HYDROMETER SA~.~PLE ' --Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol Gravity (G) PI Drops: "" a = Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1axi mt:m Temp. Readinq Carre§ ted % of Total Time Time Di a. t~t·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L Gram 1ze, Passing lnin m1 --· l 0.078 2 o. ass--·~ . 0 .Q3'5' ' 5 15 n n?n - 30 .. 0._014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 'l.::.l ---Cc -Tested by: r w..~"' i·comouted ·bv:(..,iW'I !Checked bv: M C\· 1Cu -·-.. -_,.., ' 1 b/,4-' "Jg - 5ilr.J i 32.~: o/0 0~s . ,_ HARDmG LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHUI.C1S1'S -. i\ .• /. (/ ·r· l i ll !l ;p:·~-D lOE~T!F!C.\7!(:~ ?ROCEDt:::£5 :::: • Fl::O:E·GR.-\1~~;::, 50!._5 OR FR.• . .:-7:':...~ 5 7!-e>e .~r ... ~cdur~~ ;;!'~ !~ ,.~ ~<!':-~:::.cJ c=! t=...~ ;~ -:_.s ~..: .. .!!.) ~1e':e ~~te ;...,!"~.~ e; .. a~vr~x:~•!'!' Y • :-.. - f"': ~e!d elas.s:l:f.:A: !!4 ;-.:~~:!::t, sc:--e:-.:-i" ~~ ~ -·: ~~~!·-~e~ • .s~mt-'ir :~::--:::, .... e =~ ~~~~ t\..~ ~=';;-.. ; ::.._-: :! ~~,; .. n!erier:t; \\~h~ :::-~~ .. !.!-. !)-"'ltJ:-:cy t.P..-:a::~:--;.:> !:-:t~~:+;) .. .. ... • ~!:::-remo'w"~:; ~-;-: .: .. :! .1-~i~:' t::~.i.:"a .~: ~·· .~·~: s~=:. prepare • ;"l! ;: :--.~ :St s..: ; ·~::-. ..... -.. t..Ji abvut e.r:~ :.a:: e~:.-.:· ••=~ .-\!.! :::.:_::: ,.. !·~- ~!~~~e~~~:tia;::;-·.:;; ;;:~s.~~~;'!~:~:~e~~~ ~; :l.'l:. ,~.;}.;e· h!,;-~t~=--~.1;~~. s~:-.. ,... .; \-•;::'--~~:;. ~ ... -'"': t~e othc:r h&~! .!::· .. ~:-.:.:! -:t:-.... ~ ';X.!".!.•~ -~A.="" .. c,;-nt-l~ts o! :~e 1;;~:t.~l""::!. ;,i ~~:~; ·~-: :-~ r--· :r~~~4~:~:~~-!~~~~-~~~;~~~;~~:~~~f;;~ ~~·~!-~-=.:-~ i~·~s dl'>.l?f~io.· !:..::.~ t!:~ ~..;r!.c~. ::: ... :..r.:. :_: tc:~s. and f.;"".j:~;.. ·:_ e:-i.:-...t jr" ~· ... 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"':"'.~·~ .. ~ ~ .! .. ;:. ~ ... -..;.· -·:: ... : c!,_.._ l.: ... ·;~-: .; l,.•<-w;~:-;..:: ... • .... , ,;: !~e A-::-~ H~~~··: ;·~..., ; .. 1"' .. ::.~ ... ,:a-..~!"'· -:-i. ... a-R $:-... .... ;.~· ic~: .:l" :_·-: ; .l· ... : ~.t \ ·-+----~--~ t. . ,{ ,_ .. .... ... "' I . . ~ . ... J "· -~ 50 c: 70 ____ _,, -- o· I l t I . I -~J 9() 1 ,._. ~ w () ~ • • • -~ .. ~· 1r • t ' # ' I , I " ~~ / o ~i ; • ' Q .... <Is" • ... .. "' ~ ...... 0" • • • ll • l ~, l : '· --~ (" I,·,,, .• r~ . ~ [, . r· ' ' ,J [ ' l: .. .:'! '; l. '7 [ l; l~, L [. l ,,J ' 0 WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date ~, ) <7) g3 No. 15032 2 003. os 0 GILSON 6lBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER '--' Project WATANA DAH Hole A-£ £'I Depth 1-~ .5 ±i:) ~ Dry ~IT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare '~10 I ·- Tare Height C(_ '73(:, Class i fi cation 0\~\Je.. ~~ve-lt~ ~' 1-ho S01nJL.~m) l~.tto Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 Material ~II 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1%!1 38.1 ~IT -Soi 1 ~ Can (Het) l II 25 4 WT-Soil& Can(Dry) ~1L4" 19 1 6 0 too 1:;11 12 7 2<;/ -s,6 C( b ,k( Loss 2 #4 4.6 20 I() .2.. 'tS'l. CJ vleight of Can ~10 2 0 ~~T of Soi 1 (Dry) Pan . % ~1oi sture Total l REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT l~ashed Sarno e & Tare I i 6\:u..) Tar2 '1J2 i aht --.. ..... Sample grams Jar # -:. <t •• ~· f !Washed Sanole ~/Edaht "_10, :> Sieve Di a. r1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. :~of Tota 1 Size Ret . Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passin a 10 i' 000 15"5 11.~ ~&.2. 20_ Q 85Q 26b "31.<.( (,~.j 30 n f'nn '321 ~,to.q S'Cf.\ 40 0 425 < 79 t-t~;~ ~.;: 1.7 _lOG 0___._ 150 ~ ';;7 11.0 z ~1.0 200 0.075 (-, z. s 1'1.5" G,O, S'" ?7() 0.053 Pan 6 'ZC( Total HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) PI Drops: - a = Corrected l~ei ght of Hydrometer D~floculation Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1aximum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Di a. t~r·1 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rc L Gram 1ze, Passing ·o; a ~·it1 -1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 0 0?0 . 30 0 014 60 0.010 ~2__40 0.005 1440 0 002 ' Cc Tested bv: Q \\LV\ IComouted bv: r e'r.1. lChecked bv ~ r12fl Cu - L..F 135-M" ~~-~~ HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS " '.,..' -- 1.! ... -::._...~ .I'J f .. \} •; 1.": ~--w~~··,o~;-~;·__,..,,.--~~ I ~ I ~ ~ .· j r ') . ~ I L ; - 1 • -.. fp!!!_ .Ill& -... .. . ------~-'· .. -... lalf?, ~ .... . GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydromete~ 12 9 6 100 -. I 90 80 70 ~ 60 t:\ .... Cll ::J: 1: 50 L Cll s:: ~ 40 ..... c Cll u ~ 30 Q.. 20 10 i 0 1000 500 I BOULDERS I COBBLES LAB TEST NO. BORirlG NO. As E I VISUAL MANUAL CU\SSJfl C/\HOtl 1..F l'f I-(:."::l,A. $iii liiiilill. .... ~ 2 1112 1 JL4 112 3/B I 100 50 1-· Coarse SAMPLE NO. I \ 1"'-Z- I ~ 10 GRAVEL I Fine DEPTH J. ~. 5 ar:-~-::: ---· 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 [I II • ~ ' ~, r• - 1--r-, ~iX !---... ~\. '":\., ""'-i'~, ""-· "K IN f\ '" ' "· " ~!-· f\~ ' ' 5 1 ~.r: o. ~ 0.05 Grain Sfze in Millirnete.·::. l SAND I Coarse Medium Fine CLASSIFICATION (USC) 100 90 80 70 60 .... .c tn .... .. =- ·-50 ~ ... Cll s:: .... 40 u. .... c Ill ~ 30 Cll a.. 20 10 0.01 0.1)05 o.o01° I FINES I Silt Sizes ~lay Siz~ Job No. Date -WATANA DAM 150325003.08 I 4 -to-e~ I I I I _j _. HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, G~OLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 112'• j lli;i ~ ...,.. -~ itftil9 .., -ilil ...... ' -I ~·--..-.--~,_ ·~·-~! T ~ '- C· c::.~, (;' I ~ I I ·I I I I I • l I •• • ll I I I J I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date L) It] /~3 No. 15032l003.08 0 GILSON [913RASS Sl EVE 0 HYDROMETER Project WATANA DAM Hole A-.£ Sl Depth '3-5 ¥d. ~Dry ~JT Total . TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare )!) Q3 Tare t·Jei ght l G-L( '21-\' Cl assi fi cation 0\ ~v~ qr~ vell~ ~ d~ ~~H·td ( ~ 1\.1) Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT I I ::!t Size M~1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101 6 -10 r-1ateri a 1 1" 76.2 2" 50 R Can No. 1 !;II 38. 1 vJT -Soi llj Can (Het l II '25 4 (.) 0 7oo WT-Soi1& Can{Drv ~/411 19 1 l(,() /, "') .q "{.; 1:11 12.7 2.2, 0 ,,q 4'c't\ Loss 2 #4 4.6 1flt 0 btq ,~. \ v!e i oht of Can #10 2 0 HT of Soi 1 ( Dr·v) -Pr:~ n % ~ioisture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT t~ashed Sarno e -Ei 1 ar·e 10 ~ ') 1 ') rTr~-r~ w~·r anf ~;-::~~~~I Jar # Sampl-e . Sieve Di a. t1M Size l() ?00() 20 n A'in ~·· () h()() 40 n 4?'i 1nn () 150 200 0.075 ?7() 0.053 Pan -fn-t/11 Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~r·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 O.UJS 1~ n n?n ~0 0 014 60 0~010 -i4n 0.005 1440 0 ()02 Tested bv: [ ~~ \#\ grams fW;~ c: hQn S;! 11n-f ~ w~ i nht f:-7 .$1() Cum. vJT Weight % % of Total Cum. 5~ of Tota 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina I Yo 11.7) '3~ 0 2\\· /1,2 ~~~ Z7q 2 S .. "i 7·~~ \ 33./.i '2<j, b '7/, ~ >>~ . ~,,,~-S:l.S bbb S'~o ~~3~o > b77, HYDROMETER SAMPL.E LL Hydrometer No. Amyl A 1 cohol PI Drops: Corrected Height of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq I 0 c. K Initl. Actual Rr . . IComouted bv~ tP/In !Checked bv: M~ L Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, In;~ ~m · Passing . Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICIST! .... ,, &/1 ' ~ t;~ . I ~vl. i l ' l ' _j ~~~ " ~!\ ' ' D ~ 1~ :\!!:!!~ ~" 'l!JJJ.@ ~ ~ ,~ .-aa ~ ______ ,.aiL i 1IR!I'.'&llil }~ .Sill GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS . .118' ..... .l•t-~. ~-··~ .a. _____ j-..~0 :..-....... JII•t - ,.. .... /~ U. s. Standard Sieve Openings ln Inches U. s. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer ,._1 \ \:J.f -; l...~ 12 .9 6 100 . • 90 ·r 80 70 ~ 60 Cl -., ''"tH''Y'¥"'1 t •-' t ·veno ..li""*ti ~~~ ::s J; 50 I 1 I L ·lll I:: ~ 40 .... ~· c CIJ u ~ 30 a. 20 10 i ol 1000 500 100 ;' BOULDERS COBBLES lAB TEST NO. BORING NO. AS 5 l 'V.l$,'1\l Ml\tWJ\l Cli\SSHICI\TIOU . \ 1 L l '' _:1 . '~ . i . ,_ ' l ' ~ ' .. ... ~ . l o-1 '} ~ ~) ·::::::::.:::~ - LF' ~'I I-C::.~-" d--", ~ ._1 '} .... -,~------r----~-·-_,._..,._ .. r; ;::, 3 2 11/2 l 3/4 1/23/8 4 I \;u.. ~.ct. •''-It 1-·\J"' ~ ~- - _I 50 10 5 I GRAVEL I Coarse J Fine ~,NtPLE NO. DEPTH '"). 3-5 ------~ ,~4--, ·rc-; liiiW 10 20 40 60 80 100140 200 270~ 100 I I I I I I I ~ _, __ 90 ""t ~ """ i':j 80 i--ll" I.! I ~-70 " "' 60 ~ .c 01 1\.. .,.. ., ::s ~~ 50 >. .0 '" ... ., I:: ll~. . ... Li-40 ~ I:: ., u ... 30 CIJ ··-Q. 20 . 10 1 0.5 0.1 o.os 0.01 0.005 o.oo1 D Grain ~he in Millimeters ' I SAND Coarse HeJium Fine CLASSIFICATION (USC) "' ---- <-·"' yt. 11"--( -=·-. -~ ~~·--· -· 71' I FINES Silt Sizes .E1ay Size~ Job No. Date I iilr --WATANA DAM 15032~003108 4-t~-153 . ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~ .... ,-~/' ' . --~ ~ ~ ~. -.---·--~·----~--~·,.. ... --.~---.-.-~·~-.-···~-·-·'-"·"""·"-;;"'·............,.¥"'~"~ ....... ,--~;·------:~·--------~g. '6 .~~~7:~--~~~~l~~~~"'~:;.~--~ i) "' t".> ,, " {;; I I II I I I -~ IJF) 'j 11 i . ~ I' E ·Jl t ' WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANAL YS:S Job Date YICJJB3 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON (g'BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA OAt~ Hole AS SLJ Depth )-~ ~l ~ Dry ~JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 13 ~'6 ~)C\v'~ (;-~~.eLt <; l i.J Tare HeightSIJ-l\ S"'36 Cl assi fi cation 11"Yrot.vt\ tr.tvell?' ~l~~ 5ti'l'l d {SM ' Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT ~~2 Size M'' Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing I I Moisture Content 4" 101 6 -1 0 ~·1a te ri a 1 3" 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. I lJsll 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can ( ~1et 1 II 25 4 HT-Soi1& Canr Dry 31411 9 1 CJ () /~d ~·~ 12 7 (.. I, I -=H,.:.J Loss ~ -#4 4.6 lf5 S:,--( ~ .... ,.& Height of Can ~1() 2 0 ~~T of Soil (Drv) Pan ~b ~ioi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NC. 10 SAMPLE \oJT Representative WT \·Jashe_d Sarno e & Tare I 00 <-: Iare _Wei aht '5"'""~ ..... Jar # Sample Sieve Dia. HM Size . 10 . 2 000 20 n R!in 30 o r:oo 40 0 425 10() 0 150 2QQ 0.075 ~7n I 0 053 Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. i :t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 15. 0 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 ... Tested by: t ,~""' 1-f 135 • MA grams lvJa__l:\hed Sa nnJ e ~lei aht kJ?) Cum. vJT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;.~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained RAt. Pass ina 45 I I. L.J '6CO,..:. /0'7 20./ I '1,~\ -, -.-. -,_ '2,t.(.J 7-:;:-.7 2.Jo :2. .~, 1-/ '-} I, ,-, 377 Li ";,-::, -;:-~..,.7 461-i s--:; ,z ,!..;;.. ) ' ~.- J,./7~ HYDRO' 1ETER SAMPLE ·-LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: ~ Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample .. grams Temp. Readinct 0 c. K Initl. Actual . --- lcornouted bv: ft1~' !Checked bv: Rc - ,, ·0(1t* Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1ze, Passing IDia m1 Cc Cu j!t~~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS So·4- •t,. -: 5ql\ J . •t • ·,;; '~ ,. 1 ·J . . 0 c:/-::!/ ll "t l . ! 1 ·. ,. L -~--··~ •• . ~ ~-· t----: .. ~. ~~ ---. .---'"• -...... IE!llliir :11.11 -lll!t .... ~ ... ~ ~f .. ~~~~~~·., __ ,_.-,,_,' ~,..,.....,~""~ ...... ,.,__.~ ..... :c.;;;.o·r· ·'···'-'"'f,._,.,·~~ ... ~ 1~ <> ~ '~"'~""''~'"~" ~ \ t I < GRADATION SIZ!:! ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 100 . • 90 80 70 ~· 60 0> .... m X £50 1.. IU c ~ 41) ~ c IU u ~ 30 Q. 20 . I 10 0 1000 500 BOULDERS COBBLES LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. AS 5:...1 VISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICAriOtl i W"" 1-., I-C:.~A ~ liiliiJ· &i' ~.::·---- 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/S 4 10 20 40 60 eo 100140 200 210 100 I • '""1S4-~ I' I I I I -, f::'-' :-....... . 90 --c: ~' ,. 80 1'- r-~h ~ 70 ' " -" 60 .... .c "'--D> ..... ., :a: ~ 50 li' ! 1'1\ '-., c: • . .. ..... 40 .... c: IU -u '- 30 IU 111. - I 20 10 I tOG 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001° Grain Size in M111imeters I ,. I GRAVEL I SAND FINES 1 I Coarse I Fine I Coarse Medium Ftne Sit t Sizes .Pay Sfze~ SAMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC} Job WATANA DAM \ l-~ ..., ~·~ liiii' ·Wii ~ ,~...,.., 0 ~' -- No. Date I ~ - I 150322003.08 I -I lj ,... I I -~ *~, I i ·- Wfi1 HARDiNG LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~· tiW ..... .;:a. -~.-· ..... ·~-,..--~-· ~--·~-·.-..-·-----~~·-·--~-·-···~""'~__...-------~--::----~,~--~·~~~ ·v . I• I t l :r, t. (~\ i" !·-· l l tl '- " ft., D (-' -~~ I I I I I I I. I I~ I I I. I I I I - WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job Date t-J) 1)93 No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON !l?BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA OAf~ Hole PrS SY Depth 8.5-9 ~ ,., Dry ~JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare t 7 q( Tare ~·Jei ght C;~ v1\ 5"l--l2.,0 Classification Ottvlf. 1-rt~tvcU~ ')1 /~ S~l'ld L)m ') Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT l2S"5' Size m1 Ret. Ret. Ret. " Ret. Passing Hoi sture Content 411 101 6 -10 l\1ateri a 1 1" 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. l!s" 38. 1 \-JT -Soi 1 & Can Het 1 II . 25 .4 ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Drv ~/411 19 1 0 C) tou _k:ll 2 7 '1 .7 '1''1·3 Loss 2 1tJe i oht of Can #4 4.6 7'8 ~.2 <1 ~.>? #1n 2 0 ' t.JT of Soi 1 ( Drv) P;n1 % ~1oi stur·e Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare I fjq{,. IT11r1=1 W~=~1 ahf T s-~-.r~ Jar # Sample . Sieve ·o; a. HM Size 17\ ?-non 20 n Rt;n -~n n hnll 40 () 4.?t:; 1 (l(l 0.150 . 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 p;m Tntnl Specif"!c Gravity (G) a = C"l·p ~ C1 • ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 lt; 71 ri?n ~!l 0 014 • ao 0.010 --240 0.005 ~440 n nn::> Tested by! r't-l.~\ r grams IW;:~c:h,::~rf ~;:tmnl~ t;r~iOht .• 1 ~5Lf J Cum. ;~ of Total Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pa'.lS ina liZ I :SI 7 :'(.,,S ?flo 2~ ·' ~~.q ! S"?. :?~ ... ) '(),:...) '12\ ~~ ,( ::J'":)•~ IS' I S""-1,.6 -1.:J.2 8J./C\ o I1G '3 2. I '-1' .. ~ 'if5J HYDROMETER SAMPLE . LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Dr6FJS! Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample-·. _grams ..,~ Temp. 0 c. K Reading Initl. Actual -r . ' fcomouted bv:~f~ !Checked bv: . Rr. M.tt Def1oculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total L 1 ~ram 1 ze, Passing li rl ~1r1 ..... .Cc .··;<-.l>r., Cu R HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGiNEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS (.' i l qr" _....,u,_._ ·~. ~ .._ ·~ -~-,t;c•n. ·---~-· .~--------~-·---~b~-~-~ . -. l!l.JiPiliioiF tZ!dlir .J!!L ______ ~ -~---~ .• oJ • i c-~ ... \) ,. I; I l <' i ·"'\ I ~...._,. GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches IU. s .. Standard Sieve Numbers Hydrometer 12 9 6 3 2 11,/2 1 3~ ~/2 3fi8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 100 I I I' ' I t-"(!A. ~---~--- I 90 I I ! 80 I 70 ..-6G ..c I l ~ ~~ti ., .. 3: I >. ro• A ,J I s.. . u c ~ 40 .... c Ill u ~ 30 a. 20 ! 10 j ol . ' 100 50 10 1000 500 GRAVEL BOtilDERS COBBLES Coarse I Fine LAB TEST NO., BORING NO. S.aJ<IPLE NO. DEPTH AS 5L) ':} c:>\ R .E.-CJ;D VIS Ul\l M/\NIJ/\L ClASS 1 riCA Ti !lN ----------- U: 1'-JJ-(;.~}>. fT ! ,. I I I I -, JT ~-!'--... ~~ "" r--oc 1\G ~ ~ ~~ 1\. \ ' I" X ........ , ~ - 5 1 0.5 o. i Grain :lfze in Millimeters I SAND I 1 Coarse Medium I Fine l CLASSIFICATION (USC) 0.05 - 90 80 ' 70 60 ... .c 01 ... Ill :a 50 1/ s.. u c .... 40 LL. .... c GJ u s.. 30 Ill a. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.o01° FINES 1 Silt Sizes i:;lay She~ Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032 3003.08 4 -It-&"~ F1iJ.1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS,IiEG~OGISTS &.GEOPHYSICISTS f'!i-f-• 1ii1. ·tll.o ~ f--; rr .---..... , C ~ IT-.i ~l c~, cat I:IB ---~ •-~.-.,. _ _,_ __ .._~~-ce~---«-•~--~~._,,_,,.,~,_......_....___...~, ~.-.--.---·~:--~;r:,_:~.r:JT;J'!~~" ~~~~jj~~~-,1.1. lllillllllll " \} ,[\ ;:::;:;:~';:;.'*;'"·:-~ ... :..i •). t;::: , I , U· I • ll • I' I I. I I fi I I I I I I I I I f . ' ... 0 ' j' • -~.,,. ' t . .......~l·i"i·~~,-... ~,,, f.'·. / l MISCELLANEOUS TEST RECORDS ·- '""(- ,., t I ~·, I I I I I I it t I I a ' i .• : . Job Watana Dam: r_~ori ng' Depth Soil Cup No. Dry Wt. Before Wash & Tare Dry Wt ~.fter Wash & Tare Dry Wt Passing No. 20~ Cup Wt - Dry· Wt Be for~ l'Jash % Passing No. 200 Boring_ Depth Soil . Cup No. Dry Wt. Before Wash & Tare Dry Wt After Wash & Tare 1---- Dry Wt Passing No. 200 Cup Wt ~~ Wt Before Wash ~ Passing No. 200 . Boring Depth Soil ---Cup No. ·-t;,·y Wt. Before Wash &Tare Dry Wt After Wash & Tare Dry -~t Passing No. 200 Cup Wt . Dry Wt Before Wash ... ---·-""-% Passing No. 200 -~1-~--~~---: ---~-- ' ~. .. l ~""'· I! • I ~s\~2. \ \ -1' Vt -~'-Y i}.,~~ ~i'OWt'\ Sl\~ys~~~\ \\ l\ ~ ' I ~~ ~ e;~-:. ".\ll e, Ut;, M~ -10 31(,, 2-S 2 t.j 7, 2 r:.. CJ ,o.CJJ R~to 15~.~ Y3. L/ . -- - ~Passing #200 Sieve No. 15032,003.08 By: Gf3 [ tvt-ft-Date: 4-1{-~'3 ~St~S ~SL-\~l '1-..~.S' s-b tJc;..J'\ f>.K~t ~ \()~,,~,..\:c.., (1-I'()W~\ Lch~~\.)~ 5M'' \\ t;; 1-\-- ( \ '"'1.'•\;.JS. lC~\tc\,.-,l[4tJ P~~e~~ .. !ll'l h\11. -s 1 ~\ t\-\\ . 3 /"} .Ci C( '"2. OS.~' I :238.2 l8 ). <o ) :f ' . 7 ·1 22.3/ G!O,Oh ~l,qct .?-'Dq /1'3 t/ 7.1;;. Ll B.<=] )8. 4 I ' - {1-'$ 'Z-~ 'Z... t-?' . ,,,, ~f';'!\ L :.,~'-"-J ~'fU)W/J I 'M. f-. -4-1.,:, l/8f./b Q. R"d~ D 1!1~. l 68,; '3,1.lJ so.l ·- AS,S' ~ 2. s-. S"-" S'" lt·l~-~ ~~~.q 4?5.D 3~3.9 Ct!,/..f T~/.5 44.5 . . ··--- . I - -~· HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ~. ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEUPHYSICISTS r 0 1.· \ ll . 'I ' ~~~ J . 1'{1 ' . j I ' . l I •; ' '11, '' ,-f!·-r' t) % Passing #200 Sieve Job Watana Dam. No. 15032,003.08 By: Date:_ .. t--Cu_..;..p_N_o_. -------r---:m~A--L.-'-! _ __:£"-"t.·.:..e_ (_~S:z::...=,D_-:....I '3....___,~6::;..::8::;_-l---'-I_...;V:;....._-+-'M~A---__;;4-=S---1· 1----; Dry Wt. Before Wash &Tare Y88.5 13JI.D JOL.JI I) !6Yl.l,O CJC;;)..D 9'37,1 ~~-~-W~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i--~~~~----~ Dry Wt After Wash & Tare 3Ll).} _'1__2~ .D SJ~ .0 9,GY.o <K4 5.0 s~t,,5 1---------------+---=-..::...::....;.:,__4----L..>.:~~--~-~:..;:..-:::::,.._;---L.t-:::-_;_;..::::-+--~_.;,.=:.;;..;:;...!--;;;.......;..;;~...,.-+------f Dry Wt Passing No. 200 J£-l7.l·-/ '3~CA J.35 J86 117 3lO.b Cup Wt ----.;-..t.'=t-=.0..;_:' B~l~...::.::::5.....=:::3:....:...1 ---+-5~"3:&...1...!.-. -r--·-==5:::....'-J.::..._Ll:.:.:::.D+--=-5 -!:...4~=·~D -f--·~-8~-~~:...:..::· 4=-+----.-~ Dry Wt. Be for~ W~as;....;..h ----t-'3-......__17...<...:.·,-=c/~7_7:......:8:::.....:D::....--+-=>5o:<....:J-=D~~...::.S'-...;: ·0:....:::();;___+---=-J-J±-:d.~D~__,'i..,.S~·~D~·=-t"·7":-t---- % Passing No. 200 37o} Y/.3 4f,.u I 3~.D '27.'1 4/.4 Boring. Depth Soil Cup No. Dry W.t. Before Wash & Tare Dry Wt After Wash & Tare -· Dt'Y Wt Pass~ng No. 200 Cup Wt _Qry \4t Before Wash % Passing No. 200 Borin_g_ 1-- Depth Soil • Cup No. -Dry Wt. Before WQ-sh &Tare -Dry Wt After Wash & Tare Dry -~t Passing No. 200 Cup Wt__ Dry Wt Be.fore ~~ash % Pas s~fng·· No-:--200 .. . __ ., -- - ,_ c_.....,, __ ., - -- .. HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES EtiGU:HRS, GEOLCGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS II I ~-.,· '~ ~·~~7~:~~;~~~~~~· {:; '] ~-'- ., . Project: Watana Dam Boring Depth Soi'l . Pan No. Dry Wt Before Burn & Tare Dry Wt After Burn & Tare Wt Loss Pan Wt Dry Wt Before Burn % Organic Matter Boring Depth_ Soi 1 Pan No, --. . Dry Wt Before Burn & Tare ----Dry Wt After Burn & Tare Wt Loss Pan Wt Dry Wt Be fore Burn % Organic Matter Notes & Additiona.l Tests I . !) ~ (:';. . C· --o-.. Organic Content Loss By Ignition -Job No.: A-.S I ~ \ ~S\ ~?. 0-\ \-~ 'J~JJ•y ~ .... \~. V<.v-y ~..,..\-'", fSr-owV\. !br-ow v\ ~c\e sl l4, 5A~,~ . &\\\of s~"~~?£J GiJ( .,t 5.'-•t-u\~ v s .. .J. C-l C-2.2 ~cl.)b b 1, (J b 34./~ CD I 79, ~' b \) t. 1..'6' \ l,t.1c\ l~. 53 20.<)1 11~, ~~ '1, 2. ro "2.. 1 q b/o _.... I+S J-1 l::f l As.~ tt \· I 5"-b' ~~. )-~~I \~\~c.~ v ~\t', l)fl\1"\ \I) ,_.·j'~'\,IJ ot\ l-\\ c -tl\ !..\c""'l.f z.,-22.10 i.(L.J ,l ~ } 7, 0°/ ~,s-2 cr, o \ \l,l.$ lb,~O ~0.~\ ~.bO II, S" ~fo I $31. ('/iJ .,., ,, ~·':.. ..,.-\ 'r'Y*· I • ('h . \ .A • ::.:" r :· • '.: "' ! • .·- - t~"r t .. c.:--L; { MJ" -By: 15032,003.08 "!!... >f I;> ?. Date: , t ' • AS2 ;:t \ ~~~2.. _;r_s~. ~ 3 0-\ '5-J..f' ·s-7' \l e.rr'{ (}.,.,. ~ V-t•:·y v:t• A\ v~ ~~ &-·l"'!l./tc,k Y.S v->WV\ \rN 1 \J~ ~\Nv~t..\ ·i'l f ?~~~ v~ ('lj\i\)t·\ . ' . . \ '\ t . C\.ll ~ St\ 1\rU\ Q_ U.c,t -~ I I..S~ !l \, \. ........ : .e . (_-Co (.-5' G-YJ 7l. \~ ~\~6S b ?.., 5S·~ 'do· Y'-1 5~·8B r,;.;>.~D b. bq \· ~ 7 • b b I ~Is. 7 ,g.2. ~ \ ~.\ ~ ~.76 . Lf~. b \ t;~:,,b I lb.'-l %. Lf,S'% \' Lf To r A-~ l2. f+ \ !' ~-I :o f'-L._.\\. ........ -~. -'"'! • ':<v''·' 'I -tte. ;., ~· ..,, ~'.}, ) 1 ~ "\ • .._ ·~·.,, .. ~ ·~'\ '!, ~ . 0 v-s~,\tt. C-1o 52.0"2. 4 '1.6!..1 2.,1~ "\l6,\l-{ ""11..%~ '¥, ~ 0/a . •1 ~=: HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS r n n (~:-.. n. ··.~~ . . ~ .'J '· , __ . Project: Watana Dam Boring Depth Soil Pan No. Dry Wt Before Burn & Tare Dry Wt After Burn & Tare Wt Loss Pan Wt Dry Wt Before Burn % Organic Matter Boring Deptf!. Soil Pan No. ,...... & Tare Dry ~It Before Burn .... Dry Wt After Burn & Tare Wt Loss Pan Wt Dry Wt Before B ~rn % Oroanic Matter Notes & Addi ti anal Tests . ,.. - ,, \} . ~ Organic Content Loss By Ignition Job No.: 15032,003.08 A-S ) l..J ti-l 'AS~~ ~s ~L\ f-1. 5 ·.±t·J • 5-:J,D #\ .. 5 -1.D ....... ~ ·"' ~ .. ..-~$1,-v.• t! 1 ') f" . ~ . "\ ' .. .-.-· ""'J . e v D. try o~ll'k ~ ('e. y 1 ~ ~ !1ru:u'1 ./.····· ' C-J.~ c-s C-7 'f~. ?r; '-ICf. "2 5 L{C:. J9 L/5. 37 · '-(7,?.7 4?.:3.8 3e39 J,'o/f? ~.Sf I R .SL\ JR. -:l3 !7.48 30.~\ 31,6~ ?1;1) /},~ ~.LI 1 o. I . . ; '" ... . . .. ' ·~ . - r By: 6"!; I M-fr" Date: a. -tL-~3 me.. l rnL c, ±t\ 0-,,-~ .:1±} )-).5 ()(.,.~ ':\· ! ' '"''~'-/ l:J •. ..-.. ~J ..,., ; , 1 . o•l\'"-\ \ {~vowV\ f . ' ,:::;.~ ... ~ .. ~ C-J~ c-~o ~3.51 Gl.J<=J ?"3~, SG SCJ.J S 3./-1 ~.01 7G.4~ 18 . ./Lf d-l, [) ~ ·43.os 13.7 LJ.l ";"'-~").. .,. . ~~r,..--: " . '. I . . .. HARDlNG LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICiSTS _j .. !J· ,. r 'i .. JOB Watana Dam BORfNG PtS-z..ttr"5 I I DEPTH ~-~.c;- SOIL o~"" Crr-.yi~;r ~WII' \\ sd.:.-~W"-\ t~' c~ ..... ,.10~ ~ ~ .. C";&·\M \\A \\\z lr~~ \ ' ( \ A\\ o'l ..iH>\0~ lENGTH TUBE+ W SOIL TUBE rw SOIL FACTOR IVY DENSITY CUP H }V\ A~\ CUP+ W.SOIL ?,o7.'2Jo CUP + D. SOIL 2 ~0 .. 2\ MOIST. LOSS 2. ;,os CUP W-6, so; D _SOIL JC\.\.~7 MOIST. CONT. JL1,l ., DRY DENSITY BORING DEPTH SOIL LENGTH I TUBE+ W.SOIL TUBE w SOIL FACTOR . W. D€NSITY CUP H . CUP +W SOIL CUP+ D SOIL MOIST LOSS CUP D. SOIL MOIST. CONT. DRY DENSITY LF" 133-MC:OO AS~ -r;. 2 I 3~L.\ Vt"'y ¥)~ ... \ G-.f'tyiS;·' .dt'Wl,' • (: . . J:.-."""~' t \s ::~ .i.'-q1 _.;"' ~t.: "' ' o..opt·n~ \0 ' \ r)9.. "'' ~~5(1~·. I )v\ l\--YC6 s lcl, ~2.. 2. {7...1-L. '17,Gb ~")b .bO \ ~s. ~o~ ""2.5".7 I . . - : .1.> 15032,003.08 MOISTURE CONTENT-DRY DENSITY ( l1llvt I Jflt'rDA TE 1/10 I~~ ~SS"~\ 1'~)-l.i' v~ .. ,..y C\..."f &v-17\,oJV\ }\IH\-'20 100, ~7 ~~. '10 cu ,q{ 9.l.t;l.. \ Q,ql..\ ~40.7 _, No. 15032 2 BY . nn~ m~ \ • L .. ~S/~2 P~S\3 r-2 101 , 1 7-lo VJCI.V' \c v~-;-.. "1 D"'r '~r- ."6-M)1'S""' (y'J""l?{ V111' "i/•,: ~\;\ f+ .. -s s- 1.-t () '],q '1. 70tlJ& 3 cs-. 7'1 .,. i' -1 ":";" ... , t. !-- ;, ~!). 2"' \'L7 . . . .· n~ Pr _-:!-1 2b1,0l. 7., ")'"\, q $' ~2.tJ7 D\.{),7 b I t;l.i.tl1 )... !.,2... ;,- . I I J I - . ] Qlj HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS l. , ... '~ . l ) .. I-~ L ' JOB Watana BORrNG DEPTH SOIL 'LENGTH TUBE+ W SOIL TUBE rvv. SOIL FACTOR ~"" DENSlTY · CUP H CUP + W ._SOIL CUP+ D.SOIL MOIST. LOSS CUP D SOIL MOIST. CONT. DRY DENSITY BORING DEPTH SOIL LENGTH TUBE+ W SOIL IUBE W SOIL FACTOR W. D€1--JS ITY - Dam ~ 5 )C) RS ~y #d. 5"-l =+tl ,.s-~.s t rnA-"1~ t'f\ A-IS 383;]5 3'"1 'J.oCf 353 .. 4\ 31~.~s 30.'34 30.~4 gD./~ Cf J. 33 ?. ~ --:J..G'1 ~~7.5~ )}.5 1'3.3 / ::..· -.. , ',! - 15032,00:).08 MOISTURE CONTENT -DRY DENSITY No. 15032 2 BY_~B I l'tv t4-DA TE 4-£ l-~~ I -.! nn~ n~ A.S ~ G, #i )-~.5 . rnA-45 Cf4/.0 7fo3. ~ 177.8 R<3. £5 C1Y.3.5 ~ (p,4 ~ ~-~"'" ---··--·-· Ji.S 3" #I \-~.5 ~~k t>f'OW\'\ ·~ ~ rn'1-3~. _843.5 (oo. 1 143.4 ~o.q~ C.oCJ, '). '~3 .. 5 P . I ~­t.lr ., . (' _,\ \.)"''{' 'hr , .~. · :\ 1 :_ f'(J L•J,'., ·-~,;.. '; - ~s '3 1 #I ~-~.s - A.S 51 A-S 33 'AS 33 #'d-~.5-3 :q I#~ .5-d,c; ·~-5·5 v)cv ~ . 54 I • oliv~ ""jl'<. • .;-~t.t~ ..... -\-t::~ ~{'~~I~~ P~~~~ :jll'o w"'\ c. r-"1..1 1 ::."' ..; ' )~J'O w\1\ I mA-15 mr+-39 A ~.I~·~~ • . .:.! u ~'lt 7_ 16 '1 ~ .. 0 R~~.s J6l7~~d-. I S,7,D I ?.J., f.:, J &, ). • {) ll~ 91. 15 Cj0.~6 ~40. 73}. (;,5 . Ci3Ca.4 )f)~/ lto.8 17.3 )J..3 ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEDLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS '• - 1~~ ... ' , j h~ q; Pi;' ij~ c: ~ w ~ Ul ' 1 ! c JOB Watana Dam BORfNG AS Y£ DEPTH J:td. 3-5 SOIL ()) \ .j'~ 'LENGTH TUBE+ W SOIL TUBE rtL.._ ~Q I L FACTOR W. DENSITY CUP N X CUP T W.SOIL 1 s 't'i~ CUP+ D SOIL 3:il.S~ MOIST. LOSS d.7.11 lCUP 9;0.1..17 Q.._SQJL ~47·~5 MoisT. CONT. J/,0 ~DRY DENSITY . - BORING rn(.'";}. DE?ir! ':tt'd. ~-'l s SOJL c '-C\ ·r-\\, G-~C!'t LENGTH TUBE+ W SOIL _lUBE w SOIL FACTOR W. DENSITY CUP# ll\ ~ -~'") C_UP + W SOIL 2 , ... 1: ) }ll ~ CUP+ D. SOIL d. D'L'-Io MOIST LOSS ~~.IS CUP q L"'ll D. SOIL I l 7/73 MOIST. CONT. -{Orr J, DRY DENSITY ... AS 41 ~I c; d.- Ql;\Je. 1Jf'~7 I p 2'(4.$5/ ~ C,5.5D ~~-37 J'() 01 J85.~5 JS. 8 . ·i ~~r~~-.. -~-~-·~-~-~~-;) ~~~·-~~ ···~· -·-~ · ···· :, '•' , ..... r . -;--;,, ij 15032,003.08 MOrSTURE CONTENT-DRY DENSfiY I l No. 15032 2 BY G~ / tMi--DATE 4---lt-~ J)n-:t flQ j ASL\~ AS Ll4 AS5Y ·~s 5"4 YY\ (_ ) '('{\ c \ tt 1--a-:3.5_ =fd.S-1.5 ~l ~ )-#~8.5-9 ~?. "d.-d..S #3 ~-3~5 D\~v~ (j"'_,-..\ ()( i ve. lrli"~L;l' \ ~ . .S.ro t.v "". W\A---, \L SI[J-\\ ""S'. ·r· •b\)r -r /2~.? lL-Jif ';) i•..,, ~~'·" (; 90 ,/) I 'J C,iLIJ 7_3. BB 35 108 Cjf.),1t, H 2.ct 'S~b )'?C, ~4 ~bl 83~ 37.C, 13.4 J3.o . I . -1 __ .; -- 0\iv~ Ocu-~ O(lve_ Crv'-<t:.{ lf-;v-uw II\ I .. -c tJvh lf\.-)J~-b ( J\ ;,l-J-\ ~ £.• I' ' • .l• ':1 ? 1_1 -7 -117 z. -so. iO ilCf/, b ~ 01.95 ~D4,J1 ) } fo ~5.7~ ';15. '73 Sl11. . ' ., , ... y, <\ ':?.. f G(. J-{ . Jd-'55 113.53 ) ~ LJ. 4 -" 5. 6 d-~.7 ao.9 ' . . ·- . == ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENUINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~"··· j ·l \ l l l ' ! ~ ~ ,J . Ui ~i ,, ~i li r ii< 0 '·! '! ,, . ~· ,, !· ii :I' rJ F i •; i· ' ,, j; ;;-~ . u l ---~ " " :. ~ ~' ~,{ (''-· Ji.• l ' { f' ! U) l 'li f~ I I 1 H ~ Jj ;;· fi'1 I s '\ I I ~ 1' f"" ' :t l . 1 ~ l> t ~ 0 '. ' . ' ' ! i I ~. t' "' ; \ ·1 I w • r cr • WuRK SHEET -SPECIFIC GRAVITY TESTS ' - Project: Wa.tana Dam Jl~032,003.08 o No. !Hole No. Ioate 4-tr..-C(' SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOLIDS (G 5 ) . Sample No. P,S~(j, ~ :ol '' 'd.. s-~ Pl~~-~5~ct -;2. -~ .b ASW~? ~-I. F1 ask No. r c I£ Temperature of W.ter and Soil~ T, •c J1.0 ~~}~ ?30 Pan No. I Pan • Dry Soil I I I Pan • I I IJ'l e Dry Soil w~ lo&,o;) /c?(}JJO /tb.(XJ I. tO I ~ 0'1 Flask+ Water at T, °C Wbw _GGL/.40 C~_5.~ C7ob6 I c: -Ws + Wbw 7 ~L! ,t.fct 7C,5.)S 7 7CJ,C{j I • -..., Flask • Water + Irrrnersed Soil Wbws J~B.l ld.7.S 733.3 3 Displaced Water, Ws + Wbw -Wbws . 3Cn.3'l 37.Y 3b,76 I Correction Factor K I q CJCJ' ,'11/45 1 9'1CJ3 (WsK) : (Ws + Wbw ... Wbws) Gs _'J_.l5_ ~.C7 71. 7-:J APPARENT (Ga) AND BULK {Gn,) SPECIFIC GRAVITY Temp. Corr. Factor Sample No. oc K Temperature of Water and Soil r_L •c 14 1.0010 Pan + Saturated Surface -Dry Soil 15 1.0009 Tare Weight 16 1.00~7 IJ'l Saturated Surface -Dry Soil B 17 1.0006 e (Wire Basket+ Soil) 1~ Water 18 1 .0004 ~ ~ 0'1 c: Wire Basket in Water 19 1.0002 -• Saturated Soil in Water c 20 1 .0000 ....., 3 Tare Weight+ Dry Soil 21 0.9998 . Tare Weight 22 0.9996 Dry Soi 1 A 23 0.9993 Corre~tion Factor K 24 0.9991 - (AK) ~ (A-C) (Apparent) Ga , 25 0.9988 (AK) t (8-C) (Bulk) Gm 26 0.9986 r"" 27 0.9983 Remarks: 28 0.9980 29 0.9977 30 0.9974 31 0.9971 - rres ted by; .D~IR lcanputed by: c;: • .R .. \checked by: rvt-:ft- 1-F 13'7-SC.. HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS -' '\. n \n n ::' I ' \f~ 'i l .·!' f-~ M ' . . -- LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST 1\1\ l Watana Dam NO.l5032,003.08 JOB 140 1\1\ SOIL TYPE SM DATE J..f,,-: '1 ~) B'(_ .(/C:!tt j {(\. f?" v SOIL DESCRIPTION rJ Cu'-\\ c,.,.'~<YJ~~ r'!Jv"o.....~ I(!\ <r"'"!.Zt.~ ,·s b M··.:;' ,.\~/"- \ \ Vnw.t.\ \'I · S ;l +\~ ~~w\. (SM) , 1 7 1\ ' SOURCE SIA 12foo -- r.E~ -130 r ..... f'{ 1"\ lit'. l\ Er ASTM 01557·._ 78( k) .I 1\ • 1\ ~1 0 ASTM 698 ~\ 1\ "'-1\ g_ 120 ' 1\ ~ D Other (Specify) I I \I " ~ 1\ ~XIMUM CRY DENSITY 1?1 PCF ' 1\. -c.n . z 1\ f\ OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT ~ 0/o w -1\ 1\ 0 ' ' > 110 1\. 0::: \. 0 Laboratory Compaction Point 0 ' " I' ' & Field Check Point 1\ " ' 1\ -lOO'k Saturation (G5 = 2.68) " 100 ,, 1\ "-""" ' 90% Saturation (G 5 = 2.68) I' 1\.. ~ ~ ~ ~ (*For weight of wet soi I in grams and . II. I' ' volume = 1/30 cu. ft) • 90 I T 0 10 20 30 MOISTURE CONTENT% I 4 1 2 3 5 6 :\1\0LD +WET SOl L G318 GL(Ob 0L-t 2 \ 6~75 - MOLD t-!25{ L-(' -;-\ L)2~} Lt2.SI WET SOIL ~067 1-\ ~(" ).\lb "'Z.\1.2 FACTOR* .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 WET DENSITY \~b.'b \i{2,l \l.i).7 l vt Q, S'" PAN NC. r 11~-t.. 7 h1A-Itt HAAr7 MA--'13 PAN+ WET SOIL }1.bh7 h. ILLS I 1J·-<L1 .t /0~s.t .. PAN +DRY SOIL I I ~{Li \\ "2<; ,0 )L..l..-!\,1. D) s-f>. c; - MOISTURE LOSS (J..Q ~'\ '~ I07,f6 L16.b . PAN TARE ~7,"3 ~\.s Ct'o\j en \ DRY SOIL l I o2,y l 0'\ ~.) l \ 5LO ~ bS"",y MOISTURE CONTENT ~.) ~~7 t\ l L\ ) \.l -- DRY DENSITY - r"' r ~ t ~· LF 1~7. C. l'l'i,s; \ ? .. \.) \ ~.) t ~ ':_ t.' ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ,, ···_j···· .. ' . ., 'i,", ~ -· . u 0 - ·-·.: . :· .t; M ~ n 11 Lij .I r----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii lABORATORY COMPACTION TEST ~ M ~~~~~~--------~-----------------------------------~ ~ ~· 1\~ )1 . ( ·. . • ' ' J. 'I \ l .... _: 'll . 140 ....... ~~1'{~r\~ JOB Watana Dam· NO. 15032,003~08 SOIL TYPE s h\--DATE~ · -.:;; BY .::-:~\ (fW'f(r~ ~.~. n· >i II <~ li· u SOIL DESCRIPTION OUve_ L-v-.\Jt..\ \t, stt\-''1'-•' 1L.,e _ .. ctlf\Wf-\\~ ~d\7 ~~wr c ~M) ~ _ 1\1\ 1\ , ji ·l !r ;.~. M. 'l ~i. t .. il t· - 1< jJ 4\ ~ 'li r '\ l~ . t . ;,\ U' : . '· r I , l , '; ~·· J i\ 1\ ' 130 1\ '"' ~ ' ~ 1\' g_ 120 I ~ -~ z w· Cl > 110 0:: Cl SOURCE ' \ ' 1\ _\ \. ' 1\ 1\. ' 1\ ' ' I' 1\ 1\ 1'\ ' i\. Zo-roo [3· ASTM 01557-:c 78(A) 0 ASTM 698 0 Other (Specify) _____ ~----- MAXIMUM CRY DENSITY_· ---=--/..;...3....:.( __ PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT----~5?~_% ' 0 Laboratory Compaction Point 8 Field Check Point H-~~-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+++-l-~l-+-l4 ',,...+...+1\.lJ-+-1-90% So turc tion ( G 5 = 2. 68) !..), I'Y' ~ ' J\. r 90~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 30 2 . bl.fO\ Lf~~~ (*For weight of wet soi I in grams end volume = 1/30 cu. ft) 3 4 5 Gj ~t..( b}.5§ '-• ~ .. ·-' Lf~ ~\ -. \ "G \ -:s:S l..\ OL\ .0662 .0662 )l.-\\.1_ \ -sc\ ·~ 6 )VJPt-b J;J]~--22 \ \L!),6 1 00~6 r~·~ rP..;..A;;..N..:....;_N.;...;O~.=-------t-...:...}'...:..l l.:..:./Jt_-~)L.{~-t-__:_r\..:.' l~_-_!....:s~f-L~-=--+...t.:..:..:...:__~=---1-----1------1 .W P'r~N·+WETSOIL tl?JO,~ l""1lLl Jtd··\ \.6 Clo),c; -r··r PAN +DRY SOIL /"2.0H..7 11.0%,5 \0\ ,y \ ot\ ~ ., !.( ~--,'' : .... \· : ~ ~ ~M~O~IS~T~U~RE~L~O~S~S----~~l~~~~7--+--~I0~1~,~b-+~~~~~~~~------~------~ PAN TARE ~7. ~ ~C). 5 'I:J· I fl: • I ~' c\ <;"~. L. <t I ~..-1,/ 1 ( "'• i t'I,Y 1 , ; DRY S 0 I L l . \ /, ' 1 \ \ ~, 7 ~ ~~~~~~~~-T--~~~+-~~~-r--~~~~~~~4--------+------~ , ~· 'V\OISTURE CONTENT b .c6 C\ ,"2_ •, . I'"' \L. 1,/ \2 'S ,q (~ bRY DENSITY \ ~0 ,0 l ~l),~ ~ ~l~.F~I~~~~-~,--~~------~--~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~------~~-------J w. =a HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ----· ~ ENGUiEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSIClSiS H • I ~ LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST -~ H-f-1\\ ~ vlatana Dam · N0.15032,003.08 JOB 140 ,, ' SOIL TYPE 5n'\ DATE BY ~~N\ (Nl<i\ SOIL DESCR!PTION_i)ll've \;,,..E Jl\. i ~ .. . \ 1\1\ '.:.t.t'.;~ !l..\·\t.,U. !1 V' 1\ ' &11-(.\.IJe.\\\.! 'S: i)\,, «;~,...u\ (.S~) . I~ J I 1\ ' SOURCE S'IA 5'"3+00 + "3'";;). +00 I\. -130 " ''" •'" ~\ kjl( f-1-13' ASTM D1557-~ 78(1\) : 1/ 1\ IIJil ix 1\ . I\ till\ ' 1\\ 0 ASTM 698 i\ 1\ i\ . ""-g_ 120 I'-~ 0 Other (Specify) ' I 1\ 1\ ;::: r\ lv\AXIMUM CRY DENSITY r;L r PCF ' 1\ -V') z 1\ '\ -. J . OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 2? % w " 1\ 0 ' >-110 ~ " \ 0 Laboratory Compaction Point 0 ~ ' I' 1\. 8. Field Check Point I\ ~ ' I\ -1000/o Saturation (G 5 = 2.68) '' 100 ' " 1\ l.,.. ' 90% Saturati-on (G 5 = 2. 68) l"l ~ I\ L.li 1'1" ~,_ :.... (*For weight of wet soil in grams end . . . 1'\ (. volume = 1/30 cu. ft) ~I 90 'i I 0 10 20 30 MOISTURE CONTENT% . MOLD+ WET SOiL MOLD WET SOIL FACTOR* WET DENSITY -PAN NO. - PAN+ WET SOIL PAN+ DRY SOIL MOISTURE LOSS PAN TARE DRY SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT ........ DRY DENSITY - r·" L LF 1"2l2. c. l . l ., ~ 1 2 . 62 7 Lf 635.3 Lj2~\ L}7, S" \ "'2.0"2~ 2\ OL. .0662 .0662 \\1.q \ 3~."'1 /1t1ll -t-Il 11) ~-~ 1~1.<", 7.. I~Gz,r 12 S1r;' \l..~C\,fo b l.l y'L.ct 55 tt i 2<;" 1<'15 .~S" \ \ b ~I~ \\<&OS~ r· ' {,q ·., I'{) ,} . \1.(.,.b \lq,o --··fi -- 3 ' 4 5 6 G3l.-f~ 63 12 LJ15'\ L.f2 s \ ""2-0qz.; l-ob' .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 '~l>.b \~6,£1 .MA-3 /}) ~-2l-{ J D /t.-\, ~ ) ) 0~.1 ~ ~~~<N 1000,0 2~,0 \ \.H.L l Q7,--6l Q'v x· !I ,1 ~c\ ~ .() (\ \ \,2.. I c\ .. <\ ! ! ''$' ~ \?..6.l ll2.) HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES • WI ENGINEERS, GEOLOGIST~ & GEOPHYSICISTS I - I LA-BORATORY COMPACTION TEST ', ,•I 1\\ ' ' . Watana Dam NO. 15032,003.08 JOB 140 J\ 1\ SOIL TYPE ~ DATE 4 -tO -If ? B '( ./Jif/'1< ( M. fr._ SOIL DESCRIPTlON [£., uw StL7r S'Allt) St"~ I \ \ . . \ 1\ \ # - SOURCE '37+QO 130 ' ~TM Dl557·:.78(A) """' 1\ ~ . i\. ' If i\ --7-... \\ C ASTM 698 I \. ' . """ til (J D Other (Specify) c.. 120 \ \ I ~~ \.f\1 \ >-~ fv\AXJMUM CRY DENSITY 12~ PCF ,_. \\1 \ -"\li . v-, '\ i\ z ' OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT K % w 1\ \ 0 \ ' >-no I -ex ' ' 0 Laboratory Compaction Point 0 . .t \ l\ 1\ A Field Check Point LX ' o\ " ' I\ -1 000/o Saturation (G 5 = 2 .68) ' 100 '' ! \. ~ ' 90% Saturation (G 5 = 2. 68) ' 1\. ~ I Cli 111" ~ (*For weight of wet soi I in grcrr.s and ' volume = 1/30 cu. ft) ' 90 I 0 10 20 30 MOISTURE CONTENT% 1 2 3 4 5 6 l -- MOLD +WET SOl L ~ 3.2.) 0 2_ q I 0:25 .. ~ ~3J~ h) 'f5'" -- MOLD _'-1;)5~ Lf ;t 5~ 'iJ-53 '{~53 'f;;. 53 WET SOIL JOb~ 103g ;2.003 .2...07(:, I CJ c; ::z FACTOR* .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 WET DENSITY )36. '1 /3~ q' 13~Jb ('?7,tf 131.) i " li:;ot.l PAN NO. rV!A--& MA~&g MA -;5" Jvt A ~;t2_ )< PAN +WET SO!L lf'3 3./ ~5J..o r~n 7 3 76. <=t -&~7,;} [('lv · . .. ... ---':, I i 'l . ~ I l ! ' '! ~ t i . ·-. f t i ·~ ' f ' { PAN+ DRY SOIL t.f '1 ';) ~ ~ "/q 7. ~ C1&9~ 7 3 Si~ <...[ (p?~ ~- MOISTURE LOSS ~ (.I :J11' 7 I .o !7~S 3o, 7 PAN TARE '3'%:~ q}, 5 CifJ,J. 70,'3 '60.5 DRY SOIL 35'1.5 'fO h,4 Lf7~ ~ ]{:. &10 :r~ ~,3 J .. \QISTURE CONTENT II.~ I ~.'J Jt-J.~ 7 .. ~ . 5~.r; DRY DENSITY 1117 /{ q. f I ( 1), 5 J')t6, ( , ... c r (;I :J. -· W' ... ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ... ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ' \...,...;)' ·f' -·.. . . ~·· n ~ 0 ' ' . . ' ~ ! _Q ----------------------------------------------------------------------~ { • Jli'l"\ LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST ~ i ~ 1 l 1 \~,,-'• ( r;· ~ \ ~ . 1 .,1. . L-J • .n 1 ~ u In ~ LJ l ll 0 r. I ; ...; t_j ·r• . l ~ ·~ ~ ' . ' ' L..J r; : i \ ! ~ 'd i ; _,.., : ..... .., ~ r,,.--, ' ' ~ j '\ ,_, ... I ~ \i\ ' ' 1\\. \ \ 1\ I !\ 13 0 ~-1-++*-l, '-+-:fl~tiH-+-+-. 1: :'1 . \ l \ ,, f.loo ,, ~12Q~~++~~~~,~H i\ ' \ il \. \'. --' \ V') Z HH~++~HH~~\ \. w \ ~ 0 ' JOB Watana Dam· NO .. 15032,003.08 SOl L TYPE SJ!f1 DATE '-/·!()-<tr? BY 1>11/'f:. /fii.-:1+=- SOIL DESCRIPTION 8KIV G/Uf/&Ll-Y 9L7Y .SA;V{Q ($~) SOURCE s,-rrTl.OI'J ~ ~ -tDb CJAsrM D1557·-78 /~ "/' ~otl 0 ASTM 698 0 Other (Specify) _____________ _ N\A.XlMUM CRY DENSITY __ .~...,;/3;;__"3 ___ PCF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT-:--~-=?>=---_% ' ~ 110HH~~++~HH~~'~,~~ 0 Laboratory Compaction Point 0 ~ ' I' \ \. 1\ 100~~~++~~~++~~~,~~ H-+-+-+-++-+-+-1-+-+--1-1-+-'~~,-1--+-+-+-!H'·, \ ~ ~ 1-+-+-1--+-++-++-~-+-,!--+'-f-+-+-1--+-+-+-:: ' i\. j ' 0 10 20 MOISTURE CONTENT% 30 8 Field Check Point -100'/o Saturation (G 5 = 2.68) -90'1o Saturation (G 5 = 2. 68) (*For weight of wet soil in grams end volume = 1/30 cu. f't) 2 . 3 4 5 MOLD +WET SOl L WETDENSlTY 1~¥7 llfJ.5' t3s_(:. 6 .0662 DRY SOIL 50 7 ,'/ 5~0, I 733, S' ~ r-M-0--IS-TU_R_E_c_.Q __ N-TE_N_T--+-~~~-+--~----~--~~2--~~~~~-+~~~--+-----~~ I Lf. ·; 7" t:,o > I ~· __ .. - ~~'f ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES -ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS _j n . ·[l l ~; Pl n (i !l rJ I~ 1:;_. ..... _ ... ,\ . ,2• ~'• .,. ' of' ' • ·~" Ji .... (i \i MAN CAMP LABORATORY TEST RECORDS -__ .. - - •. _j I -I l Job I WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Date f LJ ) ~I B~ No. 15032:z003.08 Q GILSON (2'BRASS S I EVE 0 HYDROMETER ' I Hole Project WATANA DAr1 rnc. 5 Depth d. -)..5 tl:d-. ~ Orj ~·IT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare 87Y I v Il.J'y VJpr\\ G-'H-yf st, '} ~t 1 ~. tjr.<ve f/~ Tare Weight )1~-)~ S"~l\ t-? •'0 \.}; "' Classification c.5~tJd(~m) Sieve Oia. Cum. WT Dry WT til Cum. X of Total 10 Total Sample HT 33L3; Size ~fl Ret. Ret. Ret. · Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4" 101 6 t -10 ~aterial ~~~ I /0.2 2" r:;o 8 Can ~o. 1!;11 38.1 I . HT-Soil~ Can(Het I 1 II I ?5 4 WT-Soil& Can(Dry) 3/4 11 0 1 0 o.u JOO .. o 1::11 , 12 7 $1 z, 4 l1l· & Loss 2 :!4 4.6 ~L/ t l. '-'1 -z.B ~Je i oht of Can £10 f ? 0 f WT or Soil (Drv) Pan I ~ ~1oi s~ t;re Total I I f REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT ~Jashed Sarno e _&_ tare ]!i:S T;; ~ '.~Pi oht · S' :< <., Sample gra~r.s Jar= '.·!~c:hprf s~ 11n1 P-Wei oht ~IL.J Sieve Dia. HM j Cum. WT Weight , % of Total Cum. % of Total R Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino 1() I ? oon I Y""J ('2.,5 en.t;" 20 n ~so i 70 Za.~ "1'1, I 30 t 0 600 I c;-·C, I '2..s ·1 "'7 4-t '3 40 I 0 4?5 I IC3 30,( fo1.3 lOll I 0,. 150 I 1Co9 I 5D·4--l') t-•l.t? 200 ' 0.075 I d.lh ~Z..~1 ~ '1 '"':> ?711 I 0 053 I I Pan I I '11LJ TotaJ I I I HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hyclron=:er No. Amyl Alcohol I G ra vi ty ( G) . OT Drops: • • a = ~ian. :·1a xi mur:: Ti rre i :;:e D. •A?• 1 a. 1 ~·: I 1 0.078 I 2 0.055 I ~ 0.03!J ... I ,:; n n?n I -:n 0 011! I ... .., 0.010 "JU I ? tn 0.005 11.!..!0 0 002 ~ I Tested bv: G 1 B 13 Corrected Weight of Hydro~ter Saq:~le gra~ Temp. Rea dine K 0 c. !nitl. Actua 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I I l:c-:tuted bv: \VU~ tCheckec bv: --·· Rr ._M V,lf::_ Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, l n;a m1 Passino I I . I I I I Cc Cu ' ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES = EMGIHEEBS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS I ~- ~ ~·. ~. ' ~,._.u··.·· /? 1_,_;\ I 7.~ l j ~, .. l ~V\1 ! I I , l I l l t j '5~, ~\ s i o;n-: l : ,, ' [ ! j .: ~ J l ' ,, ,, l ·,: ' [ i ' " ., ' 11 i il ~ ,j ~ ;_· i c ' t~ ~ ' l jj 1 ~ u F [ !I f ~i' J ;1 .J' ~ l· J ~ I fl ; 0 ' I ~ ' ' )j ! ,; ~ ~ ; :i [J !I 'I '· ' .. ···-· __ .(f\_' ~ ·----. "-......:.::.-'" ... _, - WORK SHEET-PART! CLE SIZE ANALYSIS · job Date No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE 0 HYDROMETER .. ., Project WATANA OAt~ Ho 1 e Y"r\ c_ c, Depth 3-~ ·~ ~Dry HT Total TOTAL SAMPLE ~ Sample & Tare II '3 I • Tare \vei ght \ j 1,\11\ Classification (_) \ ·~ JL &Q t-e;t v~ ll '1 S 1 ~ ~ ~ ~\ J { 5 m J Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample t•JT lot Size Mf1 Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing r-1oi sture Content 411 101 6 -10 r-1ateri a 1 111 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. 1~11 38. 1 ~JT -Soi 1 & Can VJet 111 25 4 ·' ~IT -Soi 1 & Can Drv 1/4 11 19. 1 0 ·a, o \bl?~o J-.:11 .12_._7 ~A 0,""3> qq.\ Loss 2 #4 4.6 ~·7 ~~i, q 3. 4-Heioht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( Drv ) Pan % ~1oi sture Total . REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE JIJT Representative WT \"Jas hed Sarno e &-1 are -KS"~ :j;:~yop -WPinht -q '?. Ll Jar # ··Sample . Sieve Di a. r~M Size -1n ? nno 20 n Ac:;n ·-~in () h0fl --40 (l 4?5 inn "" 71 150 200 0.075 ?7n 0.053 P-nn Tnt::\1 Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1axi mum Time Time Di a. t~f.1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03o 15 n n?n -· :iO 0 014 60 0.010 24n 0.005 1440 0 f102 Tested bv: c;:JS_, grams W;:~~h~rl ~;:~ nn 1 P 1.41Pi ahf l-1"7,~ Cum. WT Weight '% % of Total Cum. ;.~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passing 9/ • \Z,'1 8/, I /53 'Z I,/.( "78·4-' IRS 7..~,7.... 13~8 -;) A 3o.g f,9:2.... 3L.J3 4-B.s t;l ·S 4~9 &,o, 1 39.'3 Lj~LJ HYDROMETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Readinq K 0 c. Initl. Actual I Comouted bv: t1t A: !Checked bv: r - Defloculation Agent . ~orregted % of Total L uram 1ze, Rc In; r1 m1 Passing Cc rvr tr Cu ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES 151 ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS 3~.~ 'I ... ~~~s ~· .. ~~ -~.$ .J:-"' -~~ ~r~:z.:~~ ... ,'::::.:~-~ =---~---,_..,.....-,_~,,,...,..........,_.,_ --·---,....,..-- ~·~l!~i.i:il*J!:f1ililcfltt1ifii;Ji ., ~~.....---~-~ --=--·"'" ... "-~-'-~~~··------"": '!;•·.~: ''"""'~-"""::--~~""·e:-~---~;---*"-:-~.::'~~~..,. -~~~~~~":'~":";~""~··--'~,·"-~~A:""'"-'""'-v_~_.. .... --... _,._~,.,. ~;-"'!''-;'~;7"'"·""'!;" .. ~:;:.:;;"'""~.; ·-""'"""'""""-~~::;""'-4---t_.~ . .._.,~-;".;.:':'::·~·-.~:---::--~~?~::'!':« ~'""-·~-~~;::'::--~~~._..:::;._..,~~..;,..;.~.·.-. -~~·4ooi'•-··•-· ,.,_.. • ""'.~·":"'t~"<!<•>.•'-'""""''''"""''"'"'-0''"""''-'~"''-~•;•v•i"'"""""'' ~~'l)f'ir~~~~~···-~w.it' ·_u_ --=-- - -Sl_ .......... -' .. ... I t· • .: t ·~\ G j -.;::::'). . '1 r)<•t" t .:.(:, t ·~:.) 1:) ~.~ ! ' ·_'C;), ;-,... ;;-c. {il ~~ #: • ••• • (}" :::.· .. ·-· ., J 1.:::_1 ·_-::! L L- ~~ . U. !. " tndud Steve Opantngl In lnc:~tl -. --~~ . r-r ' r ~ ~ ~ ! ................ • I • i . I l j ~· I l _t ! l ~ --~----------~-• t .. .__i---------------------------- GRAD"'[IO!jj SIZE: ANAL YS!S U. s. StMndard Steve HU.bars Hydr011tter --· ... \ 100 1Z !I 15 3 z 11/2 l 3J..4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 ?.70 101) . ' ' 90 • so jq . l ~ 60 ----1--u. -u ----------. ----.. ;: 50 1- ... u -c L;: 40 .. c w ~ 30 20 10 I i, ol I 1000 500 100 50 I BOULDERS COBBLES I Conu LA! TEST HO. BORING NO. SNiPLE NO. M L 5_ "d.. VJ',IJAI HAHilfll t:IASSiriCAriUit )c\.h \, .\ ,. I - 1$ l'i'-c.~.-. (__ L_ j, ----[__. [_ ·-:;;. • I~ ::;h I - -... •. - - i-- . ·- \0 GRAVEL I Fine DEPTH ~-~.s ..... ,4 t•vti \ ''"'-\., 1 .. f -f ,p ·- I ' I I g ' ~ t---... ""'"(; ~ " -l~, c w~ ~ ~ ~ --. -----. ' --------' ,_ -., I' ' . ~ - ----··-t-t---- -1--.[ i· .. 5 \ 0.5 G.l Grafn Sizo tn Htl11Nttlrl I SAND I J Co1rst Hed1u• Ftn1 I CLASSIFICATION (USC) t-~ ---t ( ' ~· 'I f. ..._ " •d _.... ( l' ~! L..:.J . ... ..... - l---~ --90 80 70 -' . -.. -. ---. -··-. -~--60 tt ... ----·-· . .. ·-· J -'-·---50 t1 ... ! -40 I.A. .. c . II t! r---30 I. 20 10 ~-I 0.05 0.01 0,005 o.oot 0 F1H£S I StU Shte ~lay Stu~ Job No • Date t ·~ - _ _.. -· ~AIA~A Q8M . 1503.2 ,QQJ.Q8 a. -l t-~!?-. ,__ filM HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ llllBIUII, lfllDGIIIS I ll1PIIIIICII11 j:.....J ~ .~G-al ;"'···~., -....... _ .. ----.. --·-;:::;--.....,-·-'----~~---~--:;-:-~-~_--.~-:,~-~-w~,'!.~~,,~~,d~SM4.ijijiiiJ!&.Q~IJJ. ••11 Plz;llll'.·l ~·1.-&: .. · -" .. ·u:···I-JIJ'I·.If~1 < li f~' 0 (_1 i ~\ :_,_ .. ,'J.~....._ \,;/ ,:, I r I C' .-::, .;; ')I i ,. i: .Jt ,, 1: I \Jt -• • *"' • . ' "i " __ ..., ·. ··• ' :: ., ~ - ~--~liW~ 1i 't -~-'<=::·'"-_::".:.':~~--~""~:~::•:·=·~~~'."'"C~: :~=~-:-_;~~,::;:::~-::::=.::::..:;~·:~-~~;;:~::~~~::;.:":;:~~~::~:; ~':~~:. ~-::~-::.~0 <-~";'.,-::::~;;;.:_ ':.~:;;::;;;,2:=:;-.;~~;:=:;::~.:c:~~-"::~ :::::::: .. ,:~:'~~;":,:,~~~:::,':7~~~=:;;::;<,-· :;;~:0.. .o. ·., t l ·-· u ¥- , •. l ~-~-r--"'\ ~ ·=-= ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ,__... ., _..J -~~ .~-.t_,, ~"~ ~ ••, ~'""" ~ ~.¢l,dW, .L.~~ <>~--'• L ... ~l.l-.,~--~•-~'•'<Lo•--~ c f ;t .... •• • "• .... :'I: '.? I .I I ~ l ; . -I l ! l . U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches 100 I • I • I . , I 90 80 70 ! T ~ 60 0> -Ill :X 1:: 50 L ~ J ' -'t GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve NUmbers . -l ~ I I I ~ I' I , • I I f ~ ........ ~~ ~ ~ !C~ ~, "' ' ~ '\ .. .. ;" I ' !-: 0 1Hydro111eter 100 I 1 ,, '·. \I;., . ,. , I ,_ 90 I 1!1:' ''IS, P. I. -80 70 60 ~ 11:1'1 .... ., :a 50 11 .... ., I I 40 ~I . lei I "' - ~ cv c ~ 40 +' c ,L 30 ~ . ~ Ill u .t 30 20 I I 20 10 . 10 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.0010 I 0 1000 500 5 1 0.5 Grain Size in Millimeters 50 10 0.1 100 GRAVEL I SAND FINES BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse Fine I Coarse I Medium I Fine I Silt .,hes LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. OEPnt c.. Co d-3-5 ...... ., .~·{\ ('[1\ VISUAL MAtWAL CLASSIFICATION I • J~ t~· • ~-----------·~·----------------------------------------~ 1-.F' ,..,,_ (:,'!))-. - - -- - --- CLASSIFICATION (USC} L • • i l·· ' ~---- Job _WATAN.!\ DAM No. 15032,003.08 Date 4 -tt-[3_ Ifill HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Will EIIGIIIEERS,IiEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ---~~-- l • -. t.. _____ ........... -~-----· -~:-~.-·::r ""'~'> · ••• -~rt.-;:<:.-·.·• :~ -'''tJi!PiiUU~-~--~~~--· ·.... • ·, ~~/ ' .... ·"'"' "" ""'~ .•. -• ' . • ' '11>..;:, • ' '· -. ' ,.... .. . . . ,. ,, . ~'Ill!". 0 I~ I WW I '1!JI&-... ~-0 "' (,' u I ii ' !' n :! " d\ r j [ \VORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS Job .Date Ltl1/ e ~ No. 15032.003.08 0 GILSON 'fQTBRASS SIEVE OHYDROMEiER Project vJATANA OAt~ Hole mL l-) Depth 1-'J .5 #] ,_, Dry ~·JT Tota 1 TOTAL SAMPLE Samole & Tare /0 16 I Tare· \·Jei ght fj ,, • l , . V~v--bt(.:\,\ s, J~ s~ 1'\ d.. Cs"" ? v~ ..... , ' . 0-t $.ry t st, c;~7 Classification t<J~t: .-"C Sieve Di a. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Tota 1 Total Sample HT Y7q Size M~1 Ret a Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 411 101.6 -1 0 ~1a te ri a 1 31! 76.2 2" 50 8 Can No. 1 ~II 38. 1 vJT -Soi 1 & Can (\-Jet) 111 25 4 HT-Soi1& Can(Dry) _3/411 9 1 . 1::11 12 7 0 0 fOCi Loss 2 #4 4.6 /0 2., \ '\7.9 Heiqht of Can #10 2 0 ~~T of So i 1 ( D rv ) Pan % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE HT Representative WT t·Jashed Sarno e & Tare 8'6~ Tn rP WPi aht 53/ Sample . gra~s Jar # w~c::hPrl Sr1 nnle_ t.IPi aht j'jl Sieve Di a. r·1M Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ;:~ of Tota 1 Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass ina 1n ? C1DQ 3.'1. 7,'1 CJz1l 20 n RSO. :a f. 7 B'.D -:-6~LJ 30 0 600 1/5' 2 t..J, :.J 7~~:_') 40 0 _425 f!·/4 -::,o,( e:,q,-} 100 0 150 'Z(.5 _ .... _ )> .1-j.:-J, 7 ~") . ..) 200 0.075 )22> bi 1 ~~ s J' 5. 21n 0 053 Pan )3 \ I Iotal j;, HYDROMETER SAMPLE Specific LL Hydrometer No. Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 Gravity (G) PI Drops: a = Corrected \~eight of Hydrometer Defloculation Agent Sample grams j.El ap. · ~1aximum Temp. Readinq Corre§ted % of Total Time Time Dia. t~t·1 K L Gram 1ze, 0 c. Initl. Actual Rc nia m1 Passing 1 0.078 '. 2 0.055 5 0.035 15 n n2r 30 0 014 60 0.010 .. 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Cc Tested by: Q.py\\ IComouted bv:(~t~ !Checked bv: m!Ct Cu 2.} l ~G,,4! ~a-; SnnJ~! ~ I 31, S" I fl.'~ f .flf"J' s . • 1 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ~ EHGlNEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~\· c I ,·~~..:...,.::;.:,.::~~':;:;.;;;;:;:~~~£.~ -,_:::x; ...:::'!,_::::::::t::·~~~-~-::.:.~~;::::;~v~~.<!:k..'<-~·.J_··~=~:.!;_-~~~-~;-~ . .r..~. __ .~:~ht"<c-"-.. "'::-~-~-~ """"~~ .u.,~~~, ~-!..l;.._,_~""'=.w:-...;.;.~.<1::'-~""""";~~-...... ~~ .-;.;-'-"-~-.2:=..::..-~~·~ .,;~:..::.~··~·4;· -~;r>Q~·-;··~""""":·:;·;~:;~;:;;;;;;;;;;;:-;.;;;:;;::::;:;:~::;:;,:;;;,_ ~::;r~~"""'"''"'" . ..,.,,. .. Hii'.,.'li'liili>-!f•'!l!lllli'l!ii,..fli:""'l!!l!!~'!.~,.l::.. -~~::-::":":""':-:-'~~: .• ~::: :::::: "'":~ :::.::c·::-·· ·•."c:"~~."'.:~~-~-·.: .. !:::::""· "·-·-~-::.:::;;;.~~=-: .•.•... ,:._:.~~"";:_"":'!:.-:-:-:-:.-,~:-.~.:""':"". •· ~"o~":"':==:-:;~~~~'":"'::~c:"':'c~-~~~~~·;-·..,":~~~-~~-.,.....,., ........ --:-.~'4 .--.. . ~Sf• ~i~l\lO ,_,,. •. .,_,"' ' J ~ c::::-:. ee= ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ :~ ~~ .-~ ... J!e!~l~.--~-~, f!'!!!!i!!I" ....... ~ .. Jli!!J:I!!!!!!!!-~--~-·-··jRftl!!!!!l ·~ .. JI!I!I!!!I!L" ..... ., -·-~ ' .. ~ f ,.._ ~ . ' -. . 1 • • • • '-' ' ,. . ' .. • ... ' '. o; 4--" » j 1 ... I ~ ' i ' • ~ .! ~ ., ~- 0 . I I I I I i 1 .. l ./< J ... GRADATION SIZE~ ANAlYSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In lnches U. s. Standard Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 12 100 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1~ 3/fl 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 . . I 90 : 80 70 ~ 60 D> -Ill 3 !: 50 .... Ill c t;: 40 ~ c Ql 0 .... 30 Cll 0.. 20 10 I 1 I 0 100 50 1000 500 I BOU.I.DERS COBBLES I Coarse LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. YhL 1-l VIS~~L MANUAL ClASSIFICATION J{!~\! _:-,,) I - • I 1-F 1'1' -(:. ~ ... .... ... ... ..... - • I ._,. ~ ,. j I 0 I I ~tt " ~ ~t) ~ r\- ~~ ' ' ' " ~ ·t\ ' . 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters -GRAVEL I SAND I Fine I Coarse Medium I Fine DEPTH CLASSIFICATION (USC) --;A-'J.. 5 -i • ~~. 'It" •' -~- ; [Ill 0.05 I I 90 80 70 60 ~ .c 0> .... .... :s ! 50 1:1 II- 11.1 I: .... &a. 40 ~: I: .. u ... 30 11.1 0.. 20 10 I 0.001° 0.01 0.005 FINES Silt Shes .flay S1zeJ Job No. Date WATANA DAM 15032 1 003.08 tt-lt-,g''? - I M11 HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Wiij ENGINEERS, liEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS ~ .... -....·;·---~ ................... illlli ii4 .· .. -~·~-.. , •• . .. ,/ : ' ~ ' ~ . ·.. . . ' .. ~ . I ' ,-, .. I () ;;· WORK SHEE~ PARTICLE SJZE ANALYSIS Job Date LJ}CJ)B3 No. 15032~003.08 0 GILSON R~SS SIEVE . OHYDRQMETER ' , Project . WATANA DAt4 Hole m (_ 3 Depth~ .5 _ 3 ,./)i:t} ~ Dry ~·JT Total TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Cj 30]_ .. Tare ~Jei ght S~)-l \J.P.. '~''i !\ k .. .\ "~1... S')t._ Classification !' ~ \:r"~Y'.-~' /v~~ .. o;yt·\ ~d~ SCtnJ {_s v-:r·, 't .. '-.J I Sieve Diao Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Samole HT ~8l S·ize MH Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret . Passing • ~-1oi sture Content 4" 101 6 . -10 r·1ateri a 1 3_" 76.2 2" 50 8 c Can No. lkH ?. 38. 1 WT-Soil& Can(Wet1 l II 25 4 HT -Soil& Can (Dry 3L4" 19 1 >.:::1' 12 7 Loss "' 2 -· ii4 4.6 (') , ,-, /(}/J vJe i oht of Can #10 2 0 WT of So i 1 ( D rv ) '-Pan q % ~1oi sture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE . ~·JT Representative Sample . Sieve Di a. r-1M Size 10 2 000 20 n Bso iO o F\nn 40 n 425 _100 0 150 200 0.075 "7n 0.053 -Pan Total Specific Gravity (G) WT l·Jashed Sarno e & Tare '?.o~_ TnrP WPiaht 55~ grams Jar # Wn c::hPri s~ nn 1 p viPi aht -::1..11 -~ Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. 5~ of rota 1 . Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Pass inc 17 4-.4 _9';;. ~ 7 r;., fO,.f.:, 80·4- 107 7....7 I t:, 7 '?-·4- I 33 34-.4 &,r:;-, & d. ('1{;, 53-Z... 4-6.8 -at..J~ ' ~ -z .-;;: 3/. "2.-- o\.'1 L.J HYDROtvlETER SAMPLE LL Hydrometer No. Amyl Alcohol PI Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Defl ocul ati on I it' '2-,g . 'tJo - 5/:) <I J ~1,'2-l I <:> /. I (' I {' '"'-") i a = Agent Sample grams Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t~t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.03o 15 n 020 30 0 014 60 0.010 240 0.005 1440 0 002 Teste~ .. ).};::_G_ 1 13_ ~ Temp. 0 c. K Reading Initl. Actual Rc . I Comouted bv: ~ ~· !Checked bv: httA- Corre§ted % of Total L Gram 1 ze, IDi a m1 Passing . Cc Cu HARDING lAWSON ASSOCIATES· ~~ ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS -_j ~¥~~-"' • I; ! .. ~fAS(_L'J~··ir-,·. . 1:1( '.i,..-\-• _j o'" ~:; :·! " q 'f) ·:.:,' •n t_~ • ~ « ,v (• ' Q" r: {i ~~ .. :_.t ~,J_{ ;)' 0 ~~~i!!"f'~ '" ·-;-' I ·1 I ,. '~ 'J '·, _; l' J 1L L.. .-:;;;;;. .... A----=~-· -~-::::~.-~~.,w,~,,~q'-' ~b .. ll~',_,'1'j ----.. ·--··-------·~ ----.---- J .i ~ .t j -GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS U. s. Standard Sieve Openings In Inche~ U. S. StandaTd Sieve NUmbers Hydrometer 100 .12 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 ~ 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 .. • • I ~ I I 90 ~ 80 70 I ( It ~ 60 D> I ...... u 3 I ~50 i s.. Ill c 0:: 40 ~ ,. c IIJ u s.. '~0 £ .:> . 20 . ' ' -' 10 0 1000 500 100 50 10 I GRAVEL BOUlDERS COBBLES I Coarse I Fin1"1 _._...,. ---LAB TEST NO. BORING HO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH \"Y\ c.. ~ ) ~ • .5-3.D VISUAL MANUAL CLASS I fl CATION :2 "' m : ;;. C r 1 .l~t1l .,;. ... ~ T ~ ' i ( • L.F 1"11-b~~ iP"' r--II ' I I I . 1"--.J.t-. ~ '\,:. I'[.. . 1\ I I~R . ~ t\. . 1\. ' ~ "' 1'1~ I .. " 5 1 0.5 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters 'SAtii) '3 Coarse Medium -, Fine CLASSIFICATlOK (USC) I It,' ' ' \_ ~: \! ,.. - 0.05 .. 90 ~- 80 70 60 ... .c Dt -u :a 50 ~ s.. IIJ c .... u. 40 ... c Ill ~ <, I Ill 30 ll. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.Oo1° ~ FINES sn~shes -:.Bay Si~ Job No. Date ' WATANA DAM 15032$003.08 4--tt-g' ~ i1R HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES Y;iij ENGINEERS, GEaLOGISTS I QEOPHf~ICISTS L..:. .. (__ L.... L-i ~ L..-! f\-' -jR-~ ~ r M r rt ~ ~ J. '!\ -(....J ~--~ (" ·]j-~ ~--:,:-· ';'' ] • 'f ; ~ .... '~> \1 y D :::/;-.. C' <:::-;1 ·J ·' .. t· I fi ''()~ < -;;,; (; (_) " -~. ~ . [ [·. . : ([ ' [ l f'] 'l j \ ~:;.) I 1: [·; [' .. l I j [ L U ·. ; ; . I 'Job Date L-) } Cf I B3 WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS No. 15032 2 003.08 0 GILSON @BRASS SIEVE OHYDROMETER Project WATANA DAr~ Hole '('(\(_ ~. Depth g, -:l,5 #1_ ~Dry ~JT Total Sample & Tare .Joo7 TOTAL SAMPLE \Js,r~\ • Tare Height \l )1.-t~,() Classification l;-lf' e. 'f 5, I~ S 411d ( ~vvt) - Sieve Dia. Cum. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT '-/ Co I Size ~1H Ret. R .,.. Ret. Ret. Passing el... ~·1oi sture Content 4" 101.6 -Hi ~·1ateri al 3'' 76.2 211 50 8 Can No. ,~ .. 38.1 \.-JT-Soil& Can ~·Jet 1 1: 25 4 HT-Soil& Can Drv 1/4 11 19 1 0 o.o I Ot1~ 0 1:11 12 7 R I • 1 c:rA-~ Loss 2 • #4 4.6 i '3·"'7 '1 ~· '3 Heiaht of Can #10 2 0 \vT of so i 1 ( D rv) . Prtn ~& ~1ni ~ture Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMPLE vJT Representative WT \·Jashed Sarno e & Tare x70 Tr1rP WPinht ~l-J (,... Jar # Sample Sieve Di a. l·1M Size 1n ? 0()() L.. 20 n Al:\n '¥) () h()() ., 40 () 4?~ ··1nn -() 150 2()() 0.075 ?7n 0.053 ·P-r~n rntr~l Specific Gravity (G) a = Elap. ~1aximum Time Time Di a. t·1t·1 1 0.078 2 0.055 5 0.035 11; 7) 02{1 ~0 0 014 60 0.010 ?dn 0.005 1440 o nn2 Tested by: G-d3, grams Wr:c::ht:lri '~nnlP \.Jpiaht 3 ,:~ L./ l Cum. WT Weight % % of Total Cum. ~~ of Tot a 1 Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. P~ssing :~ 11 f I 4-qz._, ~ Rc: It! I~ ~O·t I "d Ll -z.t,:cj 7 3 ~I l '),R "3 4-•~ (.;,~·1 'dCl? t;b•G, 4-'3•t!- .:'3~ J (5q. (,.. ~0 ·4-- 3cl0 HYDROMETER SAMPLE "'"'"" I Amy 1 A 1 coho 1 LL Hydrometer No. PI I Drops: Corrected Weight of Hydrometer Sample grams Temp. Reading 0 c. K Initl. Actual J Comouted bv: Yl\.fr !Checked bv: ·- Rc L M.f\- Defloculation Agent Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1 ze, In;~ ~1t1 Passing -· Cc Cu HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS (/ h -": .1 ··~ 't " ! 'JL· , ....... J:':.:--i~~~---~,., 1:::::~-:: ~ ~--~:='4 ,,, L:::l l'":". -~ Ls--., \ ~--\011., C':":":"j I~ r-'"'P"'"" I=::Jl ~ :---.. £:=:::1 c::::.1 L......-.~ .... ........._-J, , J.,..,.. .... ..,..,l,,_,,.,_"~' .J .. ,.~_.,,,~J · ''~"""' '"~"'' ... -.. ! I, 'i ,, GRADA1"10N 1SIZE ANA~YSIS U. S. Standard Sieve Openings In Inches u. S. Standard Siave Numbers Hydrometer '12 9 6 3 2 i 1/2 1 ~4 1/2 3/8 4 10 20 40 60 80100140 200 270 100 I I II I I 11:!11< .-:"''I' ~ I" I I • • • I' ~ ·-~-~ ~ 90 " 80 :--:" ~ c.; ~ 70 ~ i\ ~ 60 ~ Cl .... Ill ~ ::s 2 50 ~ ... Ill ~ tr:: it 40 '"" +' tr:: u ~~ u ... ~o ,f .::> I 20 10 0 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 1000 500 Grein Size in Millimeters L GRAVEL I SAND BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarse 1 Fine I Coarse Medium J Fine LAB TEST NO. BORING NO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH CLASSIFICATION. (USC) - '{))(_ d.... -:) ?-~-5 \'ISUAL MANUAL CLASSIFICATION i ... ~I n · 1i • . .. ~ .. :. •\ ('(~ !'· v ------------------------------------~---------------------------.. t.F l"f I -c;,~A ' "' -t --- -'-- - - - - -~---· ..... ,, . 100 90 80 70 60 .... JC D'l .... " 3 50 :J ' ... " tr:: .,.. 40 ..... .... tr:: Ill --u ... 30 u 0. 20 10 0.01 0.005 o.oo1° FINES I Silt Sizes pay Size~ Job WATANA DAM No . 15032 1 00;L08 Date 4-l(-)('~ . M1!t HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES UitiM ENGINEERS, GfOLOGISTS A GEOPHYSICISTS --.. .~~. lllll_j-- ! ,• [ ;,[ I I Date j l) / 1 J ~ ~ Job WORK SHEET-PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS No. 15032:003.08 0 GILSON OBRASS SIEVE gHYDROMETER . "\ r:~ [' r [ [ [~, [ r· "'--.1:. L [_ ' [ [ r_ L [~ . \[~ l~ Depth . :l:t) ., Project WATANA DAH Hole 'fn c_ 5 1-~ Air Drt ~·IT Total ' TOTAL SAMPLE Sample & Tare Tare Ueight \~ Classification 0 l ~ u-e_ s, ,,~ st:~ ~dt L<:, ~) . Sieve Dia. Cum .. WT Dry WT % Cum. % of Total Total Sample HT Size MM Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Passing Moisture Content 4" 101.6 - 1 0 ~ate ri a 1 3" 76.2 A-t:; 211 50 8 Can No. 1 !;" 38.1 ' t17 -Sci llj Can(Het ,, 5o.Bs 111 ?'1 4 ~IT -Sci 1 & Can l Drv So,7:2. ~/411 9 1 ? J.:::U 12 7 Loss • )3 ~-. £4 4.6 ~Je i oht of Can \ 1.2-'1 :nn 2 0 I WT of Soil (Orv) 3~ • Lf~ ~1 ' P~n ~ ~1oi sture .3 Total REPRESENTATIVE MINUS NO. 10 SAMA..E HT · Representative ~.\·lashed Sarm e -2i· Tare IJ. a. n Jar 4# M T~rp w~;~ lnA.-L;-, .¥''',::., ~ Sample · (cZ. .Cl f' _grams M1=1<:h~ ~;::~ ml ao WPi nht 331 )-1 Sieve Dia. HM Cum. WT Weicht % : of Total Cum. Cl of Total ,;, ""' Size Ret. Retained Retained Retained Ret. Passino 1n· ? nnn a 6~.() IOC1. 0 . 271 n R'ln c;:; t '1 • G:, 9 tJ • ..., ~n n ;;nn q I I 4-.. "/ 8Sdo . 40 n 4?" 1:1 I f 4 . I 1\o ,q 1nn 0 150 ~w I . I 38-~ (., (I 1 2M 0.075 3 ... 5'-•" 4'1•'1 ?7() 0 053 P;:m -:s4 Tni"::al f L.._-_ HYDROMETER SAtf'1PLE ; LL -Specific 't.-·15' Hydron:Hter No 0 I ~~~s~:Jo~~l >. I Gravity (G) ta.~.s ~~~d) PI -.,_____ a = 0·9& $t;5:J Elap. t;-.:me Time a I '' /').:< L)f 1 ~5.2 I 2 f!~-l I 5 oqo"< 1 11; ortao ~o ·'!Jt.l ~10 I 60 /").50 1 ?4n <1)·~50 11446 7ested bv: Corrected ~eight of Hydro~~er Defl ocul ati on Agent Sample bZ.. .. :Jj 9rars . Maximurr: Temp. Readinc Corre§ted % of Total Gram 1ze, Dia. HH 0 c. K Initl. Actual R<" L n;~=~ m1 Passing 0.078 I 'S. t:b 0 ·013"1 ~;;u; ;2.'1.0 7,<6 11.1 I o.ol/¥ ~-,.c.. 0.055 ,.; "i f/ 27.3 .:ls-.3 ,, I"Z...'L I o,o~L/ z_--r.; 0.035 1?-i.'5 ,~.5 I I 'Z.. <.:. I -,.;~ II ,, e>.DZ."Z.. "2..3--·0 ·n -n?n ·~.!?.? Jl I I Cf I ,, t~.,_ I o .. ot? 7'/tt{ 0 014 15'/:J Jl I IL.5 II It~, b I ~.oo'1 t--s.c.... 0.010 (") I'{ I I I II.(. 'b ,, 11, y ., D.oo1 10 •11 (). 005 15.0 Oo()( 4,-o I:J. . t7 I "7,~ I I fl.,; I o,oo~ ~ ~ q 0 002 ~(~ . ' ~hD 1'33 I 9, ( ~ ,4' llh~ O·Oot"'l. 3·4 Cc f) u~ lt.: I 13) Comouted bv: ~1'1/\ Jchec~ed bv:: rrt¥ Cu ~ HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~ ENGINEERS. GEOLOGISTS & GEOPHYSICISTS -: ~.! n H I" r· l" I ~ l' i f I' ! ! j l l i ! - ~ J I • i r I } ! ' I " \ i ~ 2-.c.J 'I -i ' ' s~.;<, I . . ~1 (:;: :) .. G I .. _j r l 1 ' i (. i -~L ~ ~ ~g _ii3 Ji1G ~-·•~,,._ ~• -•··---~· ~;-,~_,,,_.....~A GRADATION SIZE ANALYSIS . ) U. s. Standard Stave Dpentnvs Jn lnchts u. s. Standard Sttvt HU.btra Hydroaeter 100 l2 9 6 3 2 11/2 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 t I • • ' -T [I 90 80 70 - . ~ 60 .. -I- 0. -u --;a ~50 L u II: . ~ 40 . -f- ~ II: .. . .. u ~ 30 - 20 -I- 10 -·r .. r-r-- - :. 4 -. ,_ ---. --·· --~ .... 0 ~000 500 100 50 \0 I GRAVEL BOULDERS COBBLES I Coarn I Ftnc LAB TEST HO. lORING HO. SAMPLE NO. DEPTH rnc.8 MG 5 I I-'d. ·-·- VI !illAl .W.UAl ClA'iS I fl CA flO It &$ l'f I -C.~ .... 4 u 20 40 60 80100140 200 2'10 100 [T OJ ~-[I -. ' . ; I' 'r--90 ~~ ' l'\1i 80 " K 70 -I\. - 1- '({) . t--t---60 ~ --' -,. .. --Dt -1-----Ql -·-· . -:a I \ 50 11 I' I; .... u [l. c: 1\ -40 "" f-~ ... c: u ------·· ----- - 1----. ·--· ~ ---t! ,_ 1--~ ~ 30 :. -1--+-1--(!l' --- 20 -~ 1----f--i-· --~---~~-. --·-----.-. ----1----. -------fl.:,-·------10 r--r::t~ -__ ..__ ......-. ~· .. -. -·-----··-. .. ·-----. ·-=----·· ~ 0 5 i 0.5 O.l 0.05 0.01 G,005 0.001 Gratn Sht tn ~ "nillaetera ' SAitO I FINES 1 I Coarl!t Hod1u• I Fint I Silt Stua ~,., stzl~ CLA_!!!f..!~H (lt'.iC) . Job WIU8NA PAM . No. J5QJ2.0QJ.OB Date 4-1'2~--~3 ffM HARDINO LAWSON ASSOCIATES JJLit UIIMUII,IEOlDGIIII.-ll~PIIIIICIIII -·-· .• ·-. ' . --;;·.-----~-·----... •· '-' c:: '"'"<~ l I I n I n n ~ I [~ APPENDIX D SOIL CEMENT STABILIZAT~ON -TRIAL MIX ,cf '-':;..., I ', I n I ~ n I n r'~ (1 I. I I I I Harding Lawson Associates August 9, 1983 l5032,006o08 Harza-Ebasco, J. V. 8740 Hartzell Road Anc ho rage, Jl.l ask a 99507 Attention: Mr. Myron Temchin Gent 1 ernen: Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project -----.---.. .. . _,_ ... , ,. -------.. -- This report presents the results of our laboratory testing program on the soi 1-cement which may be used in the construction of the Watana Airstrip at tre Watana Dam Site, Alaska. The work was perfonned under Harza-Ebasco's Contract No. ?5700. 10.121 with Harding Lawson Associates ( HLA), dated Dec ember 1, 1983. It was authorized by t~r .. Robert Howard of Harza-Ebasco on April 22, 1983. During the course of o~..:r \'lork, we have consulted with Mr. Myron Temchin. The purpose of tre laboratory testing program was to determine the abra- sion characteristics and strength of the soil-cement which might be used as a surface course for the airstrip. Approximately 200 pounds of soil was obtained by combining sarrples from the borings of the subsurface investigation for the proposed airstrip. The procedures we used to test the soi 1-cement are presented in the Portland Cement Associations's (PCA) Soil-Cement Laboratory Handbook, 1959. Our scq:>e of work was to perform laboratory tests on the soi 1- cement mixture following the procedures presented in the handbook with some modifications requested by our client. Specifically, we performed the following 1 abo rata ry tests: 1. One Particle Size Analysis 2. Three Standard Proctor Corrpaction Tests Enginee;s Geologists & Geophysicists 601 East 57th Place Anchorage, AK 99502 Telecopy 907/349·2713 Telephone. 907/563-8102 Telex 340523 __ ., - Alaska California Colorado Hawaii Illinois Nevada Texas Washington Saudi Arabta 0 ! ' i I ~· g c f'r ~J ~] fi~' ~J y r,.-- . . ' "• __ •-.:.:•·::~._: ,:_::::_::-:;:·:::. ~·_:::· ~o-·-·-"";.""'::;;;:"";"""":..~--~ +..:;_~ -......::::::-:.c~_-__ ---;:_-;;::;:::;-::..--::::;:;:.::::::::-____:::""l---:;;:'..;:"'::._- August 9, 1983 15032,006.08 Harza-Ebasco, J.V. Mr. Myron Temchin Harding Lawson Associates Page 2 3. One Specific Gravity Test 'l. Test on Concrete Cylinders of Soi 1-cement a. Freezing-and-thawing tests on eight cylinders b. Wetting-and-drying tests on eight cylinders c. Seven-day compressive strength tests on six cyl i ners and twenty-eight day compressive strength tests on five cylinders LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES A description of the lr>l)oratory testing procedures followed in our pro- gram are presented below: 1.. Partie le Size Analysis One Particle Size Analysis was performed on the soil following the ASTM 0-422 procedure. The test results are presented on Plate 1 • 2. Compaction Test One Standard Proctor Compaction test was perfomred on the soil using ASTM 0-698 test methods. Standard Proctor tests were performed on four and seven percent soil-cement mixtures using the ASTM 0-558 test method. The corrpaction test results are presented on Plates 2, 3 and 4. 3. Specific Gravity One Specific Gravity test was performed on the soil using ASTM C-127-77 test method. The test results yielded a specific gra vi ty of 2 . 6 3 • 4. Concrete Cylinder Test Using the grain size distribution test results and charts pre- sented in the PCA handbook, the recommended cement content for this soil is seven percent. Our client requested that vJe pre- pare concrete cylinders at cement contents of four and seven percent, a density corresponding to 85 percent of standard P rector optimum, and a water content on the wet side of the camp action curve at 85 percent of optimum. (The PCA procedures call for the soil-cement cylinders to be prepared at the ("l • u - ~ 0 \ _j . m· m m m nJ [f Ql _J ru u it [l u ' ' -· . ~ .. ., .. _ :. ,, -· .:::: ";~ --:..;;.-;_ =· ~ +_·_;:-_':-:.~--~7"-"::...""'='--.:.~-~:;:::::::::~~-:..:::::....-.;.· :_· __ 0 0 ;;: \r August 9, 1983 15032,006.08 Harza-Ebasco, J. V. Mr. Myron Temchin Page 3 -, Harding Lawson Associates standard Proctor optimum density and water content.) A total of 27 four-inch concrete cylinders were prepared; 14 at four ond 13 at seven percent cement content, respectively. Type I Portland cement was used in our testing program~ The prepared cylinders were placed in a humidity room to cure. After seven days, some of the molds were rermved from the cylin- ders. It was noted the cylinders had tension cracks around their centers. We believe these cracks fonred because of the high water content used in the soil-cement mixture. 4a. Freeze-and-Thaw Test Freeze-and-Thaw tests were perfonned fallowing ASTM D-560-57 test procedures on cylinders 'I through 8 which were prepared at cement contents of four and seven percent. The cylinders were allowed to cure in a humidity room for seven days, after which, trey were subjected to 12 freeze-thaw cycles using the following procedure: (1) the cylinders were placed in a freezer at -7°F for 24 hours~ (2) tre cylinders were removed from the freezer and placed in the humidity room for 23 hours, (3) the cylinders were brushed with two f·irm strokes on all areas with a stiff wire brush and the weight loss was recorded, and finally (4) the cylinders were placed in the freezer for another cycle. The test results are presented on Plates 5 and 6. 4b. Wetting-and-Drying Test Wetting-and-drying teste , .. -vos:: perfonned following ASTM D-559-57 test procedures on cylinut:~'S 9 through 16 which were prepared at cement contents of four and seven percent. The cylinders wera a 11 owed to cure in a humidity room for seven days after which they were subjected to 12 wet-dry cycles using the following procedures: (1) the.cylinders soaked in water at room terrpera- ture far five hours, then placed in an oven at 160°F for 42 hours, ( 2) the cy 1 i nders were rerro ved from the oven and brushed with two firm strokes on all areas with a stiff wire brush and the weight loss recorded and, finally (3) the cylinders were soa:{ed in water for another five hours and tre test repeated for a total of 12 wet-dry cycles. The test results are presented on Plates 7 and 8. f 1 i ~ 1 m ID m m ' ! ' ul ) I 1 1 j I m ' ~ :1 ' Ul l i J ! t1J c) tM .r:;J ff'l g)! ID ~ ' ' u "' Y.J !ll WJ ~J u a ~j ~ ' ~ lJ ~ I I I ' 'f-: .-, -:~ ' i\ -;;:: "' j .• ~ ~ > . i'r ~ . "'-.......... "" .. ,~ ·;;' ;~-. ,I ,i' August 9, 1983 15032,006.08 Harza-Ebasco, J.V~ Mr. Myron Temchin Page 4 4c. Corrpressive Strength ..._. ,,......__ T ·--·-;. ·.~, -;--; "',·-•-·,-~. -- ~{! ·- (; Harding Lawson Associates Corrpressi ve strength tests were performed on cylinders 17 through 27 at 7 and 28 days after preparation using ASTM C-38 testing procedures. The test results are presented on Plate 9. All cyclinders failed by crumblingo It is interesting to note that the four per~ent cement content samples had a decrease in strength between 7 and 28 days while the seven percent cement content samples showed a slight incre~se in strength. .Very truly yours, HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES ~-~c.eJJ-Gcu.J~ G. Scott Crowther ~ Project Engineer Donald E. Bruggers, P.E. Associate Engineer ·. GSC/DEB/plm/0106R Attachnents: Plate 1-Particle Size Analysis Plates 2 through 4 -Corrp act ion Test Oat a Plate 5 -Weight Loss During Wetting and Drying Test Plate 6-Cumulative Percentage of Weight Loss Wetting and Drying Test Plate: 7 -Weight Loss During Freezing and Thawing Test Plate 8 Cumulative Percentage of Weight Loss Freezing and Thawing Test Plate 9 Compressive Strength Test ' ,I L m U1 Uc S. Standard Sieve Opening Size I U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer N -~ £:!. ~ 4 3 2 z: ~C""l .-M 4 810 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 200 270 100 ~ 90 "' -~ 80 \ l ' " ~ 70 ~ 1-\ :r.: (.!) 60 -\ w 5: )-\ co a: 50 w \ z -u. 1-\ z w (..) 40 \ a: w 0... 30 '\_ ~ 20 \ ~ ~ ~ 10 . 0 5 . ~', 100 50 10 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND COBBLt=S COARSE J FINE COARSE! MEDIUM FINE SILT OR CLAY Symbol 0 . --------:::=:.:.; DRAWN Sample Source Combined Sample Harding Lawson Associates Engtneers. Geologrsts & Geophysicists JOaNUMBEA 15032,006.08 Classification GRAY GRAVELLY SILTY SAND G5 = 2.63 Particle Size Analysis Wa tana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Proj~ct (SM) APPROVED DATE 11EVtSED ??ti9 7/83 --<: ·• 0.001 1 CATE \ _j m Jj} ~ I~J ... ·:)· rn "l fh n't< .. · } ; . -.-A D".• r ) i ·-· ~ 1so I TEST METHOD ASTM 0698 I 140 -~-----~-+--------+--------+------~ 130 Reference Line -100% Saturation for 2.70 Specific Gravity ~ 120 +-----~--+---~----+---------r-------~ en .0 0 >-1- Ci5 z w 0 110 +--------1-------\o,+------+.!...--------l >-a: 0 100 +-------+-------+---~--+------~ 80~------~--------~-------+------~ 0 10 20 30 40 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Classification Optimum Moisture (%) Sy~ nbol Sai!lole Source DRAWN • Combined Sample No Cement H11rdln; Lawson Associates Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists JOB NUMBER 15032,006.08 GRAY GRAVELLY SILTY SAND (SM) 10.0 Compaction Test Data Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project APPROVED DATE REVISED "P!t? 7/83 ¥ Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 127.0 PLATE 2 DATE m . • • .J nl ~ ; . .J n-, ~ ' .. 1 ::l 150 ·- -.-. TEST METHOD ASTM 0558 •. C· 140 ··+-----~-+--------+--------+--------, 130 Reference Line -100% Saturation for 2.70 Specific Gravity ~ 120 ~--------~--~r----4----------r-------~ (/) .c 0 >-1- Ci5 z w 0 110 +------+---____;~-----t-------; fi 0 100 +-------~-------,---4~--r-----~~ 80~------~------~--------+-------~ 0 10 20 30 40 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) Optimum Classification Moisture (%) Symbol Sample Source • Combined Sample 4% Cement .. -. -.----:::=:.:.: DRAWN Harding Lawson Assoclat•s Engineers. Geologists & Geophysicists JOB NUMBER 15032,006.08 GRAY GRAVELLY SILTY SAND (SM) 10.0 Compaction Test Data Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project APPROVED DATE AEVI$~0 :D~ 7/83 -t f' -~ ·----~ .. -----... ---· -'···-----" ,.,,_,,.. ,,.., c-:1 • "(.;. ~-,· t~ I / Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 124 PLATE 3 DATE ,. ' ·~ r l /i _j ,r I ' ' j 1 ' ' I l m ~ . J 1"'1 ~· . t~r; m J ~r:, j i' ~ 1 ' "' J -.... fq lL; ~J 0 -:::J 0 ........ Cll .0 0 >-I- Ci5 z w a >-a: 0 150 - TEST METHOD ASTM 0558 140 ··~----~-+--------+-------~---------1 130 120 110 ;Reference Line -100% Saturation for 2.70 Specific Gravity 100 +-----+-----+---~--T-------J 90 80~------~------~--------+-------~ 0 10 20 30 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) 40 ... Symbol Sample Source Classification Optimum Maximum Dry Moisture (%) Density (pet) • . -.. _, ·-----:::=:.:~ OR AWN Combined Sample 7% Cement Harding Lawson Associ•~•• Engineers. Geologists & Geophysicists JOB NUMBER 15032,006.08 GRAY GRAVELLY SILTY SAND (SM) 9.0 Compaction Test Data Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project APPROVED DATE ReVISED Ttt£3 7/83 126 PLATE 4 Weight Loss for Each Test Cycle (grams) Four Percent Cement Seven Percent C erne nt ' ff' .. l u. rr~ ' i f!_"' ' ' l: ~ ' ! Cy 1 i nder Number 1 2 Beginning Weight 2838 2825 (grams) Cycle Number 1 282 316 2 448 444 3 403 438 4 332 244 5 228 299 6 136 123 7 139 186 8 109 100 9 90 85 10 93 82 1 1 86 80 12 78 75 *Cylinder Fractured or Crumbled 3 4 5 6 7 ------2869 2845 2866 * * 55 60 34 115 96 109 101 105 91 75 49 45 81 63 44 40 39 35 53 43 40 40 28 32 35 30 35 35 25 30 30 35 23 30 27 20 =-=-=--== HordlngLawsonAasoelates Weight LOSS During ! l f1 ' : .:. : ~ Engineers. Geologists Wetting and Drying Test : ' , ' : = = -: -; & Geophysicists W t A • t · i U t a ana 1 rs r1 p •.. 1 -Susitna Hydroe1 ectric Project 1 -·DRAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED 8 2849 67 90 104 47 48 36 36 27 25 20 21 18 PLATE 5 DATE n~.~-------------~1~50~3~2~,0~0~6~·~oa~·------~?~~~---------~7~18~3~--------------------------­ kr ......... '! ........,., --"' !1 ' ~t 'ii '~~ " \[ •t !f ,. ~~ '· ~~ ·~ i~ :¥ J 'l ;: )': ;, ·1 1 I~ 'i1 ',;: " l I :! ~~ 'I ! !~ :il :i ~~ ~ :I 'J ~~ J ,, ~~ :~ :'i .~ :4f :J! r, ·t l :'; ·~ j:l (f, P: "'; :J . m J~l .. t!J m ' m ' r· jj rn --:,1 m ~ ( ; ·J ... ~. ffJ l·' .. Jt;j ·; \;"i-c.J m ~ t.: ·1 ·~ n~ t ,}.,; JIM ,,.,_ { fll '> t.,;h;. ~ ~~I ,)l ,:;_~~~...t t'Wi rl r l'' ( ..! ~ • ....:· ~JJ"''" rd J h~c.J r,r~ tiH ·~ fir' .,11 f :t/l "~ r, '' j t ;. i~ fJJ 100 QJ r-u >, u -C u ra UJ 80 s.. QJ +J «+- c=t: (/) en 0 ....J 60 +' ..c. 0"1 .,... <lJ 3 4- 0 QJ 40 O'l ra ·4--l s:: <lJ u s.. <lJ c.. <lJ > -20 +' ra ,.... ~ E ::::s u 0 . -.-_, =-==-·: :::-:--; 0 2 J.f,.rdfng Lawson As•ocfatas Engineers, Geologists & Geophysici~ts 4 6 0 Four Percent Cement Cylinders 1, 2, 3, 4 8 Seven Percent Cement Cylind~rs 5, 6, 7, 8 8 10 Cyc 1 e Number Cumulative Percentage of V/eight Loss Vletting and Drying Test Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project 12 PLATE 6 ~:r J DRAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE ~r---~--------~1~5~0~32~,~0~0~6.~0~8--~--~~~·~--------~7~/~83~-------------------- ......... -~ a ll l[ !· 'I~ )l '·f ;j ' '" :l ~~ :I J :J ;} 'l 'A ·~ f 1 :~ '~ i l ., " ,, !~ ., ' 'i' r ij: ,:-I! i j rl I J '] m ' }. JJ rfl ·--14 lr 1'4 ...... l.-tJ m ' "-.....:.-:..~ rn t ; t .. :.LrJ ft ~LJ m . ~,. --.. rr~ J ') 1· f.U JP ~1.: l· I , .}~;~ ~p '!: ~'' '-).: .. _-_ ... lffl"', ! ' J,~ ~r i .• , f[;\.J ptf"r ''' H -~ J b.J Jf::'• l tl''! ~'!·; s;t..fN flt" !. k (I 11• ~: 'f :f!:!J Weight Loss for Each Test Cycle (grams) Four Percent Cement Seven Percent C erne nt Cy 1 i nder Number 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 Beginning Weight 3376 3346 3362 ---3336 3329 335.0 3373 (grams) . Cycle Number 1 59 34 25 * 9 17 1 1 14 ' 2 36 42 38 9 13 10 10 3 76 * 110 19 37 16 26 4 205 101 58 39 32 23 5 161 128 44 45 35 38 6 104 234 41 60 43 40 7 231 171 68 45 43 36 8 223 165 69 52 46 55 9 169 127 50 55 83 49 10 243 238 46 54 59 60 . 11 * * 42 52 47 56 . 12 54 55 55 45 * Cylinder Fractured or Crumbled Hnrdlng Law!' on Assocl•t•• Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists VJ'eight Loss During Freezing and Thawing Test Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectri Project PLATE 7 DRAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE JTt-i ---------=l:.:::;s.::::.o.:::..:32=..;,:~...::o::.:::o;..:::6..:.. o.::.:a=------~~/t..::o.:.:::::,;::...._ ____ ._.:.7..,!.../..::.8..:::..3 _________ · ___ _ t,J,,; -__ ,. ..... c:u :::3: (f.. 0 100 80 60 Q) 40 C') rtS +> s:::: Q) u s... Q) a., ~ 0 1: 0 2 *Cylinders Crumbled Hardlr1g Lawson A•fi.och•t•• Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists - 4 - 0 Four Percent Cement Cyli nders 9, 10, 11, 12 ~ Seven Percent Ce!Jlent Cyli nders 13, 14 :t lS:t 16 * . j) / v v ~ 6 8 10 Cyc 1 e Number Cun1ufati'le Percentage of Weight· Loss Freezing and Tha\.Ying Test Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project ""'- 12 DRAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE PLATE 8 iff~.._: -----------=1::..;:5:...::.0..:::;.32::...;,L...:0~0..;;;..6 .::...;• 0;..::;8 ____ 7r-::'..-:;;..:_;fl.~r,_f;:.c__ ______ 7..!.,/..:;..8.:;....3 --------------- 1. ~ --· - ' _j -,, 1 l ' ,j .i .j l 1 i W'11 ';,;; '•t l L~fj fllf: ''l' I ; t ~ ~ .. -L: l, !, ~· --· -- DRAWN Cylinder Number 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . Harding Law!lon Associates Engineers, Geologists & Geophysicists Percent Soil-Cement 4 4 4 7 7 7 4 4 4 7 7 • Compressive Strength (pst) 7 day 28 day 130 --- 130 --- 130 --- 140 --- 150 --- 140 --- ---60 ---70 ---70 ---170 ---190 Compressive Strength Test Watana Airstrip Susitna Hydroelectric Project : .• PLATE g JOB NUM9ER APPROVED DATE 15032, 00 6::::..~·~0.::::..8 ---.......:::71"'-;:';.G-fi ____ __;7~/...:::;.83.:::;__ _________ _ REVISED DATE '-!---;;.--.~---· -·-~---··----....... , ___ , ..... .. C..:;; " ~ l ~-· i) ' 0 ,, tf)"! ' ·\ j. ... ~/ ~~ . ~~ ' r ' t:F;) " . ~ t' L: !F'J r . +J (,7"• " I J n "' f'l-? L: il !-t. ·i ,, )(.l':~ ' ' '~ ' I APPENDIX E U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT (" ,, I ~ ! L ...,. -• ,.---......... US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District ... :;:63· ___ , Regulatory Functions Branch Pouch 898 ~(WrQ;~ ~© IN1©i1:D©® ©bi £E))LQ)~B©E31~0©rru · ~©rr [i?.)®!fGlts B~ ;. .: Anchorage~ Alaska 99506 r • ., if . l,. .;. fi . PUBLIC NOTICE DATE: August 17, 1983 EXPIRATION DATE: September 19, 1983 REFERENCE NUMBER: 071-0YD-4-830374 WATERWAY NUMBER: Susitna River 9 Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received for a Department of the Army permit for certain work in waters of the Uni.ted States, as described below and shown on the attached plan. APPLICANT: Alaska Power Authority, 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor:.~ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 " .. LOCATION: Wetlands adjacent to Susitna River, Alaska, T. 32 N., R. 5 E., ·s.-M.,-sec. 27 and 28. HORK: The applicant proposes to construct an airstrip by grading onsite material. Approx1mately 2' of peat [5,350 cubic yards (cy)] would be removed 1nd stock pi 1 ed a 1 ong the edge of the runway to be used during rehabilitation of the area after th~ project use. Approximately 4,620 cy of fill materials would be placed by grading within the project area. No additional fill material .. would be brought to the s·ite. A filter fabric ~auld be used as required to stabilize the foundation and facilitate drainage. The airstrip would be approximately 2, sao~ long, and 50' wide, with 2-root-wide shoulders and a centerline grade close to 2% to utilize natural topography. PURPOSE: Ia support field activities co.nducted to collect data during the Watana Dam Detailed Design Phas~.of the Susitna Hydroelectric Proj~ct • . ADDI1IONAL INFORMATION: No refueling facilities or structures would be erected. All support activities would be conducted from Watana Base Camp 1 ocated north of the-proposed strip. N.a.tura 1 drainage is towards Tsusena Creek located over a mile to the west. · AUTHORITY: This ~ermit will be issued or denied under the .following authorities: (X) Discharge dredged o~ fill material into waters of the United States.- Section 404, Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). · .. HATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: A permit for the described v10rk will not be -issued until a certification or waiver of certification as requ1red under Section 401 of the Clean Hater Act (Public Law 95-217), has been received from the Alaska De~artment of Environmental Conservation. 1,.,, r' rr (' f.-~[ r' r".J ,. f: I .. .,., ...... 4' Q tft I"''*"*"''" •'" .... ,J?Iff.?!~ COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT CERTIFICATION: S~ction 307(c)(3) of the Coastal Zone f'.anagement Act of 1972, as amended by 16 U.S.C. l456(c)(3), requires the applicant to certify that the described activity affecting land or Vr'ater uses in the Coastal Zone complies with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. A permit will not be issued until the Division of Policy Development and Planning has concurred with the applicant 1 s certification. PUBLIC HEARING: Any person may request, in writing, pe1~iod specified in this notice, that a public hearing this application. Requests for public hearings particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. within the comment be held to consider shall state, with CULTURAL RESOURCES: The latest version of the National Register of Historic Places has been consulted and no properties listed on or known to be eligible for inclusion on the Register are located in the permit area. ENDANGERED SPECIES: Preliminarily, this described activity w·ill not affect endangered species, or their critical habitat designated as endangered or threatened, under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (8? Stat. 844). Formal consultation under Section 7 of the Act. is not required for the described activity. FLOOD PLAIN t~ANAGEi~ENT: Evaluation of the· described activity will include conformance with appropriate State or local flood plain standards; consideration of alternative sites and methods of accomplishment; and weighing of the positive, concentrated and dispersed, and short and long-term impacts on the flood plain. EVALUATION: The decision v1hether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization· of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposals must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. A 11 factors which may be re 1 evant to the propos a 1 wi 11 be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among these are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, ftiod and fiber production, mi nera 1' needs, and, in genera 1, the needs and v;e 1 fare of the peop 1 e.· · . Comments on the described work, with the reference numb~r, should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision. If further information is desired concerning this notice, contact Georgina Akers at ( 907) 552-4942 or 279-·4123. .. . . 2 ! < ,_. ' i r; L, r " (i r;-· t' ':l F~ ! j~ ·~ ~.,_., F0' L. p·· I ~ r L ,.~,.' ~ .. r·· ' \, .. '..:\• '".;-.- '-- i ,;:'• I ' ~· .. A p 1 an, Not ice of Authori z at ·jon for Cert ·~ fi cation of Consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program, and Notice of Authorization for State Water Quality Certification are attached to this Public Notice. District Engineer U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Attachments 3 .. ,.- ' . P'"" ',._.,.. : t.. ~ .... " .. .,... .. ,.,.,. .. ..Lr~rc:o-~ rranK Jv.ooun & J:\~sociates, Inc • 0 H 0 FUEL STORAGE 0 LIVING QUARTERS (>WAREHOUSE ~-TEI.t?ORARY AIRSTR1P LOCATION MAP \VATANA BASE CAMP N. T. s. 1.. )Q' • f .. ISh<<.Jid"'! . f-o·----. Flt1er Fabric---' (Optionol) VICINITY MA? r Tofk~11'Kl Mil.. USGS O~:>d D-3 a D-4 T32N, R5E, Se.,.crd Mr:ridlon N.l:S. . ~' RUNWAY __________ ~~~~S~ __ Jd_~--~~-~S~·i Orclr.o~e DHch (fyp.) '-----R emo-.-e all pe-of but Co not ucr:ed T'lo:O { 2) feet In or~ of dHp pe-at. Pfoce filfar fabric on r~moinJn~ p-eal Cut volume estima1es: 5 1 350 cubic yards spoil 4,620 cubic yards fill NOTES: TYPJCAL RUNV/AY SECTION . N. T. s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Temporary airstrip will be 2500 feet long with a centerline grade as close to 2% as possible. ·. A minimum of two feet of peat will be removed and st"ockpiled along "the edge of the runway for use during restoration upon·airstrip · c1 osure. . · v~terials during construction will balance out and no additiona1 borrow material is required. Filter-fabric wi·ll be used as.required .• Natural drainage is toward Tsusena Creek located over a mile to the west. Watana Base Camp is located just north of the propo~ed site. Construction is proposed for August 1983. . .. . ' .. . . + • • L?.ND OWNERSHIP: 1. Section 27» T32N, RSE, S.M. is owned by Knikatnu, Inc., Box 2130, ~asilla, Alaska 99645. . 1' I 2. Section 28, T32N, RSE, S.M. is held i~ interim conveyance for Knikatnu, Inc., by Cook Inlet Region, 1nc., 2525 C Street. An.chorl:lge. Alaska. 99503. . . .~ - PROPOSED WATANA AIRSTRIP SUSITNA 1-iYDROELECl"RIC PROJECT Submitted by SUSITNA RIVER 9 I - OWF.l!C!E O:F 1rHE GOWHr-iNOJil DIV1SION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND Pl.ANNlNG STATE OF ALASKA DIVISION OF POLICY DEVELOPHENT A..~n PWiNING Not)ce of App11cation for Certificatior. of Consistency vith the Al~ska Coastal Management Program /fJILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERHOR Phone 465..J512 Pouch AD~ Junc.!lu 99311 Hotice is hereby given that a request is being· filed \.lith the Division· of Policy Development and Planning for concurrence. as provided 1n Section 307 (c)(3) of the Coastal Zone Kanagement Act of 1972. as amer~ed [P.L. 9~-370; 90 Stat. 1013; 16 U.S.C. 1456 (c) (3)1Jl-b%~4 ~~e 0 pr:oject described in the Corps of Engineers Publjc Notice No. 0 3 ~14 , vill COQply vith the Alaska Coastal Hanagc~ent Program and that the · project will be concuc:ted in a manner ,consistent tJith that program. · Any person desiring to present vieYs on considerations pertaining to the project's compliance or consistency vith the Alaska Coastal ~an2geoent Program ~ay do so by providing his views in writing to the State Clear- inghouse, Division of Policy Development and Planning. Office of the Govern~· .. , ?ouch.AD, Juneau, Alaska 99811, vithi·n 20 days of publication of this. notice .. Attachment 2 DEt?T. OF lENVfflO~fT·iENTrlL CON§IEUVAT{ON 465-2601 NO~ICE OF APPLICATION FOR STATE WATER QU~ITY CERTIFIQ~TION BILL SHEFFJELD, GOVERNOR Any applicant for a Federal license or permit to conduct any activity which rr~y result in any discharge into the navigable wat.ers must first apply for .and obta.in certification :tram the Alaska Deparment of Enviror'-lnental Conservation that any such discharge will comply with the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-217), the Alasxa 1~ater Quality Standards and other applicable State laws. By Agreement between the u.s. Army Corps of Engineers and the AJ.aska Depart.ment of Enviror.c1ental Conservation application for a Department of the Al-my Permit may alse> se1.-ve as applica- tion for State Water Quality Certification when s~ch certification is necessary. Notice is hereby given L"lat the application for a Department of the Anay Permit described in ::.he Corps of Engineers Public Notice No. 071-0YD-4-830374 also se:t.-ves as application for State 1o,"ater Quality Certification from the Alaska Department of Enviro~~ental Conservation, as provided in Sectio'n 401 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-2i7). The Departu~nt will review the proposed activity to insure that any dis- charge to waters of.the United States resulting from the referenced pro- ject will comply with the Clean Water Act.of 1977 (PL 95-217) tbe Alaska hTater Quality Standards and other applica..C1e State laws. .. . .. . ~y person desiring to c~~oment on the water quality impacts of the pro- posed project may do so by y..-r_iting to: · · Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Southcentral Regional Office· 437 "E" Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone: 274-2533 within 30 days of publicat.:f.on of this notice • . ·Attachme'nt 3