HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA460SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PR~JECT I'IDIRAL INIRGY RIGULA10RY COMMI8810N ltROJICT No. 7114 SUSITNA RIVER AT WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON STREAMFLOW TIME SERIES UNIVERSITY OF ALASV~ ARCT1C ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION AND OAT A CENTER 707 A STREET ANCHORAGE. IS. 99501 OO~OO~£i\=(grn3~~ SUSITNA JOINT VENTURE DRAFT REPORT JANUARY 1984 DOCUMENT No. 480 .__ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY _ __. SOSI'I'IIA BYDROBLBC'I'RIC PROJBC!' SftBAMPLOif 'l'IMB SERIES SUSI'l'IIA RIVBR A'l' WA'I'AIIA AIID DEVIL CAIIYOII Report by Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture Prepared for Alaska Power Authority Draft Report January 1984 Document No. 460 ' TABLE OP C1RTBRTS SECTION/TITLE LIST OF TABLES LIST OF EXHIBITS 1.0 SUMMARY 2.0 BACKGROUND 3.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 4.0 REVIEW OF ACRES STUDY 4.1 Streamflow Extension 4.2 Streamflow Transposition 4.3 Adjustment to 1969 Streamflow 5.0 GLACIER CONTRIBUTION 6.0 RESERVOIR EVAPORATION REFERENCES TABLES EXHIBITS -1- PAGE 11 11 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 8 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 No. 1 2 LIST or TAILBS TITLE Monthly Streamflow at Watana Monthly Streamflow at Devil Canyon 7-Day Streamflow at Watana ,, 7-Day Streamflow at Devil Canyon Monthly Streamflow at Cantwell Monthly Streamflow at Gold Creek 7-Day Streamflow at Gold Creek Adjustments for Glaciers Waste Monthly Streamflows Adjusted for Glaciers Waste, Susitna River at Watana Pan Evaporation, McKinley Park Pan Evaporation, Matanuska Agricultural Experimental Station Comparison of Monthly Temperatures Net Reservoir Evaporation, Watana Reservoir Climatological Data Monthly Percentages of Precipitation LIST or EXHIBITS TITLE Streamflow Data Used in Time Series Analysis - Mean Annual Precipitation Map -ii- REPORT I I j STREAMFLOW TIME SERIES SUSITNA RIVER Ar WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON 1.0 SUMIIAIY This report presents the results of a study aade to update the monthly and 7-day streamflow sequences at the Watana and Devil Canyon dam sites. The updated strea.tlov series are given in Tables 1 through 4. 2 .o IA.CIQIOUIID Acres American Incorporated (ACRES) generated 32 years (195Q-1981) of month- ly and 7-day streamflow series at the Watana and Devil Canyon sites ( 1 )l/. The monthly streamflow series were derived using the streamflow data of the Susitna River at Gold Creek and at Cantwell. The resulting series averages 7955 and 9056 cubic feet per second (cfs) respectively at Watana and Devil Canyon. The 7-day series were based on data at Gold Creek Station. The resulting series averages 8201 and 9198 cfs respectively at Watana and Devil Canyon. R&K Counsultants. Incorporated (R&K) and Dr. W.D. Harrison of the University of Alaska, have investigated probable monthly contribution of glaciers to the recorded streamflow at Gold Creek for the months of June through Septem- ber. Based on results of the investigation, five scenarios of monthly streamflows were constructed for Watana based on different assumptions of glacier contributions. 11 References listed at the end of text. -1- 3.0 SCOPI or 1BI stUDY The major work items of the present study include: 1. Review of ACRES' procedures used for generation of streaaflow series at the two dam sites and modify these procedures if neces- sary; 2. Review the study made by R&M and Dr. Harrison on the contribution to streamflow by glaciers and adopt 1110st appropriate estiaates for possible use in analyzing sensitivity of glacier waste on energy production; 3. Add flow data for the water year 1982; and 4. Estimate net reservoir evaporation for use in the reservoir opera- tion study. 4.0 DYIB'Il or .&CDS S'rUDY Streamflow series generated by ACRES at the two dam sites are discussed be 1 ow. Comments and necessary improvements to these time series also are discussed. 4 .1 STREAMFLOW EXTENSION ACRES selected a co111110n base period of 30 years (1950 to 1979) for the monthly streamflow series and used the available str .. ,unflow data at eight stream gaging stations (Exhibit l) to es tiaate missing 1110nthly flows at eac:, station. An in-house computer program, based on the program FILLIN devel- oped by the Texas Water Development Board (2) was used in estimating the data. The periods for which observed d.ata were av,'lilable and the periods for which the data were estillldted are shown on Exhibit 1. -2- The FILLIN coaputer progra~~ is based on a 11Ulti-site regression technique which analyzes .onthly streaaflow series and estiaate .U.ssing data. The progra11 evaluates statistical para.etera ( ~~eans, standard deviations, lag- one auto-correlation coefficients and lllllti-site spatial correlation coef- ficients) and estiaate .U.asing data in which the statistical para.eters are preserved. The priaary objective of ACRES' analysis was to generate 30 years of IDOnthly atreaaflow sequence at Cantwell stream gaging station. These data were used with those at Gold Creek streaa gaging station to estiaate flovs at the two daa sites. A coapariaon of the statistical pera~~eters of recorded and filled-in data series at Cantwell, provided by ACRES(l) indicate nearly the saae statistical par8111eters in both cases. Therefore, the 3Q-year streaar flow series at Cantwell is considered acceptable. The 1110nthly streallflows at Cantwell and at Gold Creek are given in Tables 5 and 6. 4.2 STREAMFLOW TRANSPOSITION ACRES derived the IBOnthly streamflow series at the two dam sites using the following relationships: '\ QDc • 0.827 (QG - Q ) c + Qc Qw -0.515 (QG -Qc) + Qc in which QDc .. Monthly flow at Devil Canyon; Qw • Monthly flow at Watana; QG • Monthly flow at Gold Creek; Qc • Monthly flow at Cantwell The coefficient of 0.827 is the rati.o of the drainage areas between Cantwell and Devil Canyon to that between Cantwell and Gold Creek. Similarly, the coefficient of 0.515 is the ratio of the drainage areas between Cantwell and Watana to that between Cantwell and Gold Creek. -3- ACRES computed the 7-day streamflow series at each site by adjusting the 7- day flows at Gold Creek with the ratio between the drainage areas upstream of the site and that upstream of Gold Creek. The flows at Cantwell were not used because the 7-day flows were not generated at Cantwell for the missing period of record at the station. Since ACRES used different methods to generate the monthly and 7-day stream- flow series, a check was made to evaluate the differences in the streamflow data if the monthly flows also were generated by using the method adopted for the 7-day flows. For a few selected years, the flows transposed by this method are about 3 to 10 percent higher than those generated by using equations I and II. It would be better if the 7-day streamflow series is also generated by the same method used to generate the monthly streamflow series. However, that will require the estimation of missing 7-day flows at Cantwell which will involve considerable effort without assurance of significantly reducing the differ- ences between the two series. The accuracy of streamflow records at the two gaging stations is fair to good with a probable error of +5 to +10 percent (3). Since the difference in the monthly and 7-day flow series are within this accuracy, both series are considered acceptable for reservoir operation studies. Transposition of flows by drainage area ratios is acceptable if there is no significant variation in seasonal or annual precipitation amounts over the two areas. This was examined by using mean annual precipitation map (Exhibit 2) developed by the Soils Conservation Service (4). The mean-annu- al precipitation (MAP) upstream of Watana and Devil are about 37.4 and 36.8 inches, respectively. The MAP upstream of Gold Creek is about 36.6 inches. The differences in the MAP upstream of the three locations are insigni- ficant. Therefore, no adjustments to the estimated streamflows for dif- ference in precipitation are required. -4- 4.3 ADJUSTMENT TO 1969 STREAMFLOW For the period from 1950 to 1979, the lowest mean annual flow occurred in 1969. ACRES made a frequency analysis of mean annual flows at Gold Creek and estimated a return period of more than 1,000 years for the 1969 (water year) flows. Since ACRES accepted a return period of 30 years for the selection of allowable reservoir drawdown and firm energy, the observed 1969 mean annual flow of ~.561 cubic feet per second (cfs) was replaced by a 3Q- year low flow esti.mated to be about 7,200 cfs. The monthly flows were then derived using this value and the ratios of long term mean monthly and annual flows. The recorded monthly streaaflows at Cantwell also were replaced by a 30-year low flow. The resulting 1969 streaaflows at Gold Creek and Cantwell were used to compute the corresponding flows at the two dam sites. The use of higher stream£ lows for the year 1969 is inappropriate because this will alter the sample distribution of historical data which, in turn, will cause difficulties in properly evaluating the probabilities of firm energy and water shortages. Furthermore, in the frequency analysis made by ACRES, the 1969 data was treated as an outlier having a return period of over 1,000 years. Such an assessment ls highly uncertain considering the short period (30 years) of records. Therefore, the 1969 streamflow included in Tables 1 through 4 are those based on observed records. 5.0 GLACIER OORTRIBDTIOR Dr. W.O. Harrison and R&M have made a preliminary study of glacier contribu- tions to streamflows at Gold Creek. The study resulted in five scenarios of streamflows at Gold Creek each corresponding to one of the following assump- tions. 1. Glaciers were assumed to have net zero loss during the 1949-80 period, but there were annual variations in the waste. Annual contributions during the period were estimated using the Tangborn -5- • • • • • • • • • 2. 3. 4 • runoff-precipitation model (4, 5) and used to adjust the recorded flows. The resulting flow series represents the condition of zero contributions from the glaciers in each year • Glacien were assumed to have wasted 25 meters (82 feet) during the 1949-80 period. Annual contributions were estimated using the Tangborn model, and used to adjust the recorded flows • Glaciers were assumed to have wasted 45 meters ( 148 feet) during the 1949-80 period. Annual contribution were estimated using the Tangborn model, and used to adjust the recorded flows. Glaciers were assumed to have wasted 25 meters (82 feet) during the 1949-1980 period. Annual contributions were estimated using the 'I'angborn model, and used to adjust the flow series resulting from Case 1. 5. Glaciers were assumed to have wasted 45 meters (148 feet) during the 1949-1980 period. Annual contributions were estimated using the Tangborn model, and used to adjust the flow series resulting from Case 1. The Tangborn model (4,5) computes annual glacier balances by relating measured precipitation amounts and annual mass balance of glacier with differences in runoff between a glacierized basin and a nearby non-glacier- ized basin. R&M computed the model parameter using data for one glacierized basin, Phelan Creek draining Gulkana Glacier, and two non-glacierized basins listed below: -6- --• Non-glacierized Basin Index Precipitation Station Ship Creek Talkeetna Ship Creek Gulkana Caribou Creek Talkeetn.a Caribou Creek Gulkana The resulting estimate of annual contribution by the glaciers was distrib- uted in the 1110nths of June through September based on average 1110nthly temperatures at Talkeetna and a base temperature of 43°F for thawing degree days, allowing for a lapse rate of about 3°F per 1000 feet between Talkeetna and the glaciers. The differences in 1110nthly contributions between Cases 1 and 2 (scenario 4) and Cases 1 and 3 (scenario 5) for the period 19.50-79 are given in Table 8. The values in this tablt! can be subtracted from those in Table 1 to obtain adjusted streamflows for Watana refleting respectively, 25 and 45 me t ers (82 and 148 feet) of net glaciers wastes during the 1949-80 period. The estimate of 45 meters ( 148 feet) of glaciers waste during the 1949-80 period was based on two sets of photos taken in 1949 and 1980. Since the photos were taken without vertical and horizontal controls and the analysis wa s made only for East Fork Glacier which constitutes only five percent of glaciers in the basin, the estimate of 45-meters (148 feet) waste is highly speculative and questionable. In view of the uncertainty in the estimate, R&M made another assumption of 25-meter (82 feet) waste in the computation. A brief water balance analysis based on available mean annual isohyetal maps of the basin and streamflows records at the Susitna River near Denali and the Maclaren River near Paxson !ndicated that the glacier wastes during the 19 49-80 period is mo r e likely to be in the order of 22 meters (72 feet). Currently, pertinent data a re not available to verify the estimated historic waste or mass balance of the Susitna glaciers. Regardless of how much effort is made to reconstitute historical waste s of the glaciers, the -7- • • • resulting estimates would be of high uncertainty. However, in the absence of any better information, the glacier contributions as estimated by R&M and Dr. Harrison (Table 8) could be used through a sensitivity analysis to eval- uate their effects on power production. The streamflow series at Watan.a adjusted for these constributions are given in Table 9. However, the adjusted series shown in this table represent no contribution or at least great reduction in contribution from the glaciers, and there is no estab- lished evidence that such a situation will occur when the Susitna project is placed in operation. 6.o usnvou IVAPOIA1'IOI Net reservoir evaporation from the Watana and Devil Canyon ~:eservoirs are estimated to be negligible. The procedures used in the estimation are dis- cussed below. Pan evaporation data near the Susitna River basin are available at McKinley Park, elevation 2,070 feet above mean sea level (ft,msl) and Matanuska Agricultural Experiment Station, elevation 150 ft,msl. These data are given in Tables 10 and 11, respectively. Based on normal pool elevation of the Watana reservoir (about 2,185 ft,msl) and a comparison of monthly temperatures at Watana and McKinley Park (Table 12), the pan evaporation data at McKinley Park is considered applicable for Watana. The mean monthly evaporations for June and July at this station are about 82 percent of those at Matanuska. Using this as an adjustment factor, the long term mean monthly pan evaporation, fop: Watana were computed as shown in Table !3 . R&M measured pan evaporation at Watana fro~ May 8 through August 31, 1981. rhe June , :.~ 0 u5h August evaporation was about 9.42 inches ( 1). The long te~:m evaporation for the corresponding period is 9.5 i~ches (Table 13). -8- Table 14 indicates sub-freezing temperatures of Watana for the 110nths of Octocber through April. Because of ice cover over the reservoir, evapora- tion during these months would be negligible. The mean annual pan evapora- tion is, therefore, about 14.7 inches (Table 13). Lake evaporation for the months of May through September was computed using a pan coefficient of 0.7 (see Table 13). This gives May through September lake evaporation of about 10.4 inches. This value is close to the R&M's esti~~.ate of 10 inches of reservoir evaporation at Watana ( 1). Precipitation data at Watana are available since May 1980 (Table 14). These data are too short to compute long-term mean precipitation and mean net reservoir evaporation. The mean annual precipitation at Watana was esti- mated to be about 30 inches from Exhibit 2. Monthly distribution of precipitation at Matanuska and McKinley Park are given in Table 15. The May through September precipitation is 63 and 67 percent of the annual precipitation. Other precipitation stations near the Susitna basin, also show percentages close to these values. Using McKinley percentages and 30 inches of annual precipitation at Watana, the monthly precipitation at Watana were estiuted as given in Table 13. Except for the month of May, the monthly precipitation amounts are signif- icantly higher than the estimated lake evaporation. Net evaporation from a reservoir can be estimated by the difference between evaporation from the reservoir surface and evapotranspiration from the same area prior to construction of the dam. A comparison of the estimated annual reservoir evaporation with annual evapotranspiration as represented by the difference between orecipitation and runoff (in depth of water) indicated that net reservoir evaporation loss for Watana would be in the order of one to two inches which represent a reduction of 4 to 8 cfs from the mean annual -9- --flow. This is quite negligible compared to the mean annual flow of about 8,000 cfs. Devil Canyon reservoir is located under the general climatic conditions (excepts at lower elevation). Therefore, net reservoir evaporation at this site also can be assumed negligible. -10- TABLES TABlE 1. ~lNlliLY STRFJ>.MF'lil'1 AT WAT.ANA (CFS} OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB HAR APR HAY JUN JUL AUG SEF' 1950 4719.9 2083.6 1168.9 815.1 641.7 569.1 680.1 8655.9 16432.1 19193.4 16913.6 7320.4 1951 3299.1 1107.3 906.2 808.o 673.0 619.9 1302.2 11649.8 18517.9 19786.6 16478.0 17205.5 1952 4592.9 2170.1 1501.0 1274.5 841.0 73'5.0 803.9 4216.5 25773.4 22110.9 17356.3 11571.0 1953 6285.7 2756.8 1281.2 818.9 611.7 670.7 1382.0 15037.2 21469.8 17355.3 16681.6 11513.5 195ft 4218.9 1599.6 1183.8 1087.8 803.1 638.2 942.6 11696.8 19476.7 16983.6 20420.6 9165.5 1955 3859.2 2051.1 1549.5 1388.3 1050.5 8 86.1 940.8 6718.1 24881.4 23787.9 23537.0 13447.8 1956 4102.3 1588.1 1038.6 816.9 754.8 694.4 718.3 12953.3 27171.8 25831.3 19153.4 13194.4 1957 4208.0 2276.6 1707.0 1373.0 1189.0 935.0 945.1 10176.2 25275.0 19948.9 17317.7 14841.1 }Q58 6034.9 2935.9 2258.5 1480.6 1041.7 973.5 1265.4 9957.8 22097.8 19752.7 18843.4 5978.7 1959 3668.0 1729.5 1115.1 1081.0 949.0 694.0 885.7 10140.6 18329.6 20493.1 23940.4 1246i .. 9 1960 5165.5 2213.5 1672·3 1400.4 1138.9 961.1 1069.9 13044.2 13233.4 19506.1 19323.1 16085 •. s 1961 6049.3 2327.8 1973.2 1779.9 1304.8 1331.0 1965.0 13637.9 22784.1 19839.8 19480.2 10146.2 1962 4637.6 2263.4 171,0,4 1608.9 1257.4 1176.8 1457.4 11333.5 36017.1 23443.7 19887.1 12746.2 1963 5560.1 2508,9 1708.9 1308.9 1184.7 883.6 776.6 15299.2 20663.4 28767.4 21011.4 10800.0 1964 5187.1 1789.1 1194.7 852.0 781.6 575.2 609.2 3578.8 42941.9 20092.9 14049.2 7524.2 1965 4759.4 2368.2 1070.3 863.0 772.7 807.3 1232.4 10966.0 21213.0 23235.9 17394.1 16225.6 1966 5221.2 1565.3 1203.6 1060.4 984.7 984.7 1338.4 7094.1 25939.6 16153.5 17390.9 9214.1 1967 3269,8 1202.2 1121.6 1102.2 1031.3 889.5 849.7 12555.5 24711.9 21987.3 26104.5 13672.9 1968 4019.0 • 1934.3 1704.2 1617.6 1560.4 1560.4 1576.7 12826.7 25704.0 22092.9 14147.5 7163.6 1969 3135.0 · 1354.9 753.9 619.2 . 607.5 686.0 1261.6 • 9313.7 ·13962.1 ,1-4843.5 7771.9 . 4260.0 1970 2403.1 1020.9 709.3 636.2 . 602.1 ' 624.1 986.4 ' 9536.4 '14399.0 ·18410.1' 16263.8 ' 7224.1 1971 3769,0 2496.4 1687.4 1097.1 777.4 717.1 813.7 2957.2 27612.8 21126.4 27446.6 12199.9 1972 4979.1 2587.0 1957.4 1670.9 1491.4 1366.0 1305.4 15973.1 27429.3 19920.3 17509.5 10955.7 1973 4301.2 1977.9 1246.5 1031.5 1000.2 873.9 914.1 7287.0 23959.3 16351.1 18016.7 9099,7 1974 3056.5 1354.7 931.6 786.4 689.9 627.3 871.9 12889,0 14790.6 15971.9 13523.7 9786.2 1975 3088.8 1474.4 1276.7 1215.9 1110.3 1041.4 1211.2 11672.2 26689.2 23430.4 15126.6 13075.3 1976 5679.1 1601.1 876.2 757.8 743.2 690.7 1059.8 8938.9 19994.0 17015.3 19393.5 5711.5 1977 2973.5 1926.7 1687.5 1348.7 1202.9 1110.8 1203.4 8569.4 31352.8 19707.3 16807.3 10613.1 1978 5793.9 2645.3 1979.7 1577.9 1267.7 1256.7 1408.4 11231.5 17277.2 18385.2 13412.1 7132.6 1.979 3773.9 1944.9 1312.6 1136.8 1055.~ 1101.2 1317.9 12369.3 22904.9 24911.7 16670.7 9096.7 1980 61.50 3525 2032 ]470 1233 1 l 77 14 04 lfll !·" :?3400 26740 18000 11000 1981 663 2 3044 1790 1858 1592 1262 1 ti 4 I ] ,'! /: j ll 16 739 27601 30542 11669 1982 5700 2650 1863 1700 1234 898 11 9 ( I JG 7 ~' 21444 2 0445 13206 13890 OCT NOV DEC 1950 5758.2 2404.7 1342.5 1951 3652.0 1231.2 1030.8 1952 5221.7 2539.0 1757.5 1953 7517.6 3232.6 1550.4 1954 5109.3 1921.3 1387.1 1955 4830.4 2506.8 .1868.0 1956 4647.9 1788.6 1206.6 1957 5235.3 2773.8 1986.6 1958 7434.5 3590.4 2904.9 1959 4402.8 1999.9 1370.9 1960 6060.7 2622.7 2011.5 1961 7170.9 2759.9 2.o436.6 1962 5459.4 254-4.1 1978.7 1963 6307.7 2696.0 1896.0 1964 5998.3 2085.4 1387.1 1965 5744.0 2645 .t 1160.8 1966 6496.5 1907.d 1478.4 1967 3844.0 1457.9 1364.9 1968 4585.3 2203.5 1929.7 1969 3576.7 1531.8 836.3 1970 2866.5 1145.7 810.0 1971 4745.2 3081.8 2074.8 1972 5537.0 2912.3 2312.6 1973 4638.6 2154.8 1387.0 1974 3491.4 1462.9 997,4 1975 3.,.06.8 1619.4 1486.5 1976 7003.3 1853.0 1007.9 19 77 3552.4 2391.7 2147.5 1978 6936.3 3210.8 2371.4 1979 4502.3 2324.3 1549 ... 1980 6900 3955 2279 1981 7335 3382 184 I 1982 6384 3270 2207 TABLE 2. t-nmfLY S'l'REAMF'Ul'l AT IEVIL CJ\NY~ (CFS) JAN FEB HAfi: APR HAY JUN 951.3 735.7 670.0 802.2 10490.7 18468.6 905.7 767.5 697.1 1504.6 13218.5 19978.5 1483.7 943 .2 828.2 878.5 4989.5 30014.2 999.6 745.6 766.7 1531.8 17758.3 25230.7 1224.2 929.7 729.4 1130.6 15286.0 23188.1 1649.1 1275.2 1023.6 1107.4 8390.1 28081.9 921.7 893.1 852.3 867.3 15979.0 31137.1 1583.2 1388.9 1105.4 1109.0 12473.6 28415.4 1792.0 1212.2 1085.7 1437.4 11949.2 24413.5 1316.9 1179. 1 877.9 1119.9 13900.9 21537.7 1686.2 1340.2 1112.8 1217.8 14802.9 14709.8 2212.0 1593.6 1638.9 2405.4 16030.7 27069.3 1796.0 1413.4 1320.3 1613.4 12141.2 .o40679.i 1496.0 1397.4 958.4 810.9 17697.6 24094.1 978.0 900.2 663.8 696.5 4046.9 47~U6.4 925.3 828.8 866.9 1314.4 12267.1 24110.3 1279.7 1187.4 1187.4 1619.1 8734.0 30446.3 1357.9 1268.3 1089.1 1053.7 14435.5 27796.4 1851.2 1778.7 1778.7 1791.0 14982.4 29.o462.1 686.6 681.8 769.6 1421.3 10429.9 14950.7 756.9 708.7 721.8 1046.6 10721.6 17118.9 1318.8 943.6 866.8 986.2 3427.9 31031.0 2036.1 1836.4 1659.8 1565.5 19776.8 31929.8 1139.8 1128.6 955.0 986.7 7896.4 26392.6 842.7 745.9 689.5 949.1 15004.6 16766.7 1-408.8 1342.2 1271.9 1456.7 14036.5 30302.6 896.8 876.2 825.2 1261.2 11305.3 22813.6 1657.4 1469.7 1361.0 1509.8 11211.9 35606.7 1867.9 1525.0 1480.6 1597.1 11693.4 18416.8 1304.1 1203.6 1164.7 1402.8 13334.0 24052.4 1 t. t." 1383 1 3 2 l l 57 5 1137 7 26255 I •! 5 8 ISH 14 7 0 1898 15789 18387 2086 1 55 9 1094 1574 12490 244 39 II II JUL AUG SEP 21383.4 18820.6 7950.8 21575.9 18530.0 19799.1 24861.7 19647.2 13441.1 19184.0 19207.0 13928.4 19154.1 24071.6 11579.1 26212.8 24959.6 13989.2 29212.0 22609.8 16495.8 22109.6 19389.2 19029.0 21763.1 21219.8 6988.8 23390.4 28594.4 15329.6 21739.3 22066.1 18929.9 22880.6 21164.4 12218.6 24990.6 222.o41.8 14767.2 32388.4 22720. s 11777.2 21926.0 15595.8 8840.0 26195.7 19789.3 18234.2 19536.2 20244.6 10844.3 25081.2 30293.0 15728 .2 24871.0 16090.5 8225.9 15651.2 8483.6 4795.5 21142.2 18652.8 8443.5 22941.6 30315.9 13636.0 21716.5 186S.o4.1 11884.2 17571.8 19478.1 8726.0 17790.0 15257.0 11370 .1 26188.0 17031.6 15154.7 18252.6 19297.7 6463.3 21740.5 18371.2 11916.1 20079.0 15326.5 8080.4 27462.8 19106.7 10172.4 30002 20196 12 34 2 31679 35256 13033 2 2877 14536 16427 ---- 'rnBLE 3 -Yi~~------~~~~~~--~--~--~--~~~~~--~--~~--~--~~--------------19~Ul08lO. •&l7. ~5~2. 3tq5, ~811, l~11, lll4, 2078, 1410, 1410, 1113. 1105. 949, _____ as' a~e<9 9eS. •vs, "'7' szz s2•. S97 "'9" .... o "u"' ~o.za ~St. ~~&. 7&a. a~8. t94~. o733.tt49~.tl94l,t5oo•.ta379.t393~.22008.to2o5. lolb? 1!8,1 195'' ?!?l7 1 21tq7 !9AMQ 17791 1 1M&e8 IIOih 7739 AI\Q >910 oOMl 1951 44,?1. 3940. l4~l. 19oJ. 1237, llo5. 1093, 1033, 985, 925. 9,?5. 9l5. 925. ---·-fll41 'fhZ &nJ rtul 151 e90 .90 .90 t,el biZ &22 +>2 ft,)? o~t. ~39 . t2oS. ~2Ja. ~178,1~572.to2u5. 8045,t~OI9,24843.179l1.t1388,loOJ7, .. _ U4st 2ya70 ljSol taouz Ja0&9 hiMI2 I>ZU,IStul 215l7 l52Z5 15701 Jca2!Z.!56Jd9, l95l rzoo. iton. J712. <9~1. ,?943. eo~~. 1992. 1970. 1838. 1598. 1598, 1598. 1598. 1icti? tJaS I'4S !lMS, J1,?9 dMI !Ia! 841 798 744 7A4 744 ZaG 77a. 774. 11•. 11a, 10u2. 1273. 1742. l772.te•a0,2UIIo~.29~~2.leOSO,Ze3o2. 2$2\l toSu+ ?&0\15 228oJ ltl18 2tnttl 'taSS• •as•• •esz:z t:,AMI luZtAQ yZ74 t?fe•ft 1q53 ~370, o737. o0o2. ~4J3, 4205, 3580, 2295, l8tt. lO~l. 1430. 1430. 1430. 1430. ___ 99I ___ 9<S 9<S q~s A,?A 090 090, 1.90 0 b90, h90 0 b~O, h90 1.9 7o2. 7~2. t2o~. <lv2.11&et.t4JJ9.J~IIoo.2Zte8.t7443.29~<8.2l8u0.1o~o0.217t9, ---tLJlLQ...J..llGJl lo711),JZ\Zt,l!C03 ld'\OO,lM72A,J:•IfiO,IdQ79,t._Z97 IU9! !,?QUI 111119 195~ o827. 5oo2. ~154. >lit. 2019, 1910. 110~. 1~••· t~u2. 1201. 12o1. 12ol. t2ol. ''I' auyl .a .. t ,,,.,., 9d5 AMI ftfll, .... z., .s. •s• bSia laSia 752. 73l. 125~. 13~~. ~~70,tu3JI.Io73G.I91~S.le1J9.21407,20~~6.19725.2J478. US!i.O..li>IU2 1'>9•7 159ZZ 2bldll 2u1a2 2uld2 21111\2,193!11 t•US 11711 llj9eul 11Q5Z t~S~ 54o~. ~1)7. l~oll. )/loll. JO~o. <523. ~179. e1Ul. ,?OJO. 11150. 181•. 1598. 1598. __ U.lll.-.!M2 !U~~I!S, 1211, 1111, JIZZ 1177 !Qe.9 9l5 925 9,?5 9l5. 10u9. 10uo. IOu9. t0v9. ~991. j7~Q. ~•21.1J238.t4b5~.1709G,27810.3u21o.28314. -·---~dletZ ?ffo'q taS>b 2.?'aA tso&b tzszs '"a'' 2•'.?' ''''" tnSet? '<''e'8 t&l?Z1 '-~"•ua 19~o o0d5, ~4d0, >~~~~. 51~3. ~090. 17o6. I~ZZ. 1410. 1133. 1093. 1093. 1093. 10~3. 8to.l-.ll4JI.-.. IIi!11 e;a. 11,?1 Alb lllb Sib IIU5, 79Jt-__NQ 790 790 7~9. 7~9. 799, 7~4. 2114. ~~e~.IJ683,27221.162lo,2~154.Jo615.2o865.2J7ol. _ 2~l1.2b&MS 2o9h9 ?n?bO 2n"~e 19'9' ,,.b, '''''·'~A~& ''45• tnaho tn1AO '''5•. 1~57 oos~. o055. ~1u". 37oa. Jt~o. 2o9t. 25ol. 2419, 21111. 2018. 19511, 1598. 1S98. ----l.Jl~Q lQ,iO lA)Q 141\0 1 '3'>1 12tr.l ,,.,, Jlbl 1151 JOU9 t0n9 IQU9 ll)U9 1 touo. 100~. 10uo. IQuo, ~871. ~841. 79u5.177u7.ZS99o.314oo.278e2.2aoo~.lo902 • . -1-~'5.,?1-l.l.<BS 2uJIII 211115 t!Oj!3,pf!11 PSIS lo0bi,IZ779 J)9US,!Zl'i9 lll~a<lla..L.IZII~L.-IlJAII.:S:t<i'i:.!4L-.-----­ l~~d e~oo, 1~5u. oOoo. o?oe. 4"o~. J~u2. 5254. 2075. lOtS, ~o28. )09S. <30~. IIIia. 4.4~+2 pc;n 1So2 !14111 IUS 1/13, 1091 t0A9, JQu9, JOu9, 9oS 9lS 92S tOuo. 11~o. 12~5. 1~o5. ~355. o6<9. ~2o2.17oj5.1oS48.25SuS.2j5~5.20302.1oSuo. ---14-Cj"O lq§uP 'a5uO left ,g l.JS)J 24.1¥9 t 719Q I }9\5 Qll! 71MA 11uA .,550 ol•3 lq5~ jO)A, ~43S. ~?41. 20qJ. ~511, ~leo, 1~&2. 1Qj0, 12~~. Q,?5, 1021. 15~8. 1~q~ • . UIL9 12al 12111 1177 1171 1177 !!.>9 100! 9\0 ~,>G. 1124. II,?Q. !!,21!. Aa1, •41, 1?v1. t?ot, ~uo3. lii20.lo3l".2l113.t677b.218o7.lo350.1~11o5.21Au3, 2.il&L.0.-2..!..1.U..2.l0o.9. ln.?>b ,?uDaO 1Sbo5 ZullO UIU lo303 2~l:alf,1,21fb9, y3o5,1u097. ~~~u ~QtO. ?223. >llcll, "277. <!Jt. ~~~3. 2415. 2270, 2150. 1~50. 1850. 11150. 18~0. ____ -1..2..a.lJL-tbnl •Su? tqto ''"" 1;)"'' ti)\7 ttZZ ttat lQ93. tOaS. o;s. o;:5 925. oc~. 121'· 12o1. 49~5. oJ~t.l2340,I9221.2UG22.l2071.le517.129o2.1~2o7. _ U.UL IM295 toau 2<5¥8 2D9MS 21\ft\ Jdll'f6J llt,'!DO 115\9 15!1UI 2d)A ll25Ll..ZC!It. 1~011~53~. 1~§2. ~Uu2, JG~o. i015. 2775. 2"'~9. 2270, 231~. 21139, ,?}~1. ~lu2. 21u2. _ ·-'IUQ-~018 <DZII, 21u2 &ao;.o t"i:!A 1490 J4\0 1\511 l.l .. t 11!01. lZII6J tZob. 21~2. atu~. <11~. <33._, o079,tuoq2.1o5u0.17o23.looo2.15!S3.2oO~~.ll555.273~3. --~ .. SMJ 2'1'·•2 ,l10<\ 21779 ?•Sol 21Aol !aftol 17719 !]to• IQM')l I 1857 ll?j? 12990 1~~< o7oo. 58oll. j!!oll, ~~~o~. 2955. <270. <270. 2270. el2o. 17oo. !Zoo. t7oo. 17oo. ~oU--l-S.-..11---~.S .. •·•..a-.t..S.o8 IMS4 J2ol 12111 !?Ill l.l.l~ 1177 IIZZ. 1177. IIZZ, JlllO. IIIlo. tlljO, 11150. ittt. j7ea.tu271.t~ljo.13442.254o7.uY3~7.a22J7.2q9oo. Ub-1.. 22\<0 J<t!AM9,2dol 21'~11 1<13411 JUtAt 19'141 19701 1911,?1 11511 1y1 i9.11DD5, -TABU: 3 (CXNI'IWED) , (CFS) t9o3 76~•. ~esq . ~~~~-~o11. 1111. 2355. 2355. 2355, 21e2, 1682, 1oe2. 1oe2. 16~2. ___ u<~•. 11~s. n~s. 11~~-tl.,•. &2fft. 1261. u.a. 10e1, &41, eo1. &41. e~1 . 6 9~. ~'~~-69~. ~Y~. 2242. zeso.1o12t.2oO•t.3oooo.zte61.218o3.218o3.21&o3. 2o1ae Jj~)l.J~ozo.27lq9.l5177.?tt43.t03!!.1!1QI.164l!.t27l!.lllte. <~106, qz12 . 1~•• 74&2. oluO. 51 ,4. sooa. 2427, 2186. tO]!, &Sol, 1550 . 1 410 , 1182. 10~3. 10~3. ____ !..'l~a--~.ll.__eo5. "•H. !Jtll. tat. 121. 7128 7 2 1 8 •••• tile '555. 5S5, 5<~7. 597 , ~·e. o56, 728, 877. 1177, zoo•.z•371,6l0~2.41ll0,3ol59,2o152. 21315.210U0 .2w 7•~elca2 35.1to l 4 .1S7•o.t2.98 8 1l5l.ell436 8 95!18 7711. 7121, 7057, t9o5 o45o, 7225. o721. szot. 2590, 2385, 21o1. 261\, 1710, 1152, 1021. 913. 933, _ -----"l5 · puz. oyz. ftyZ. 711 8 1iJ8 7218 7218 7118 7578 7S7 8 757. 751. 992. oo2, 1252. &2o5. 1oo1. o520, zoe0,14199,2t290,1t476,1~7J7.1eto0,217o2 • . 255l7.2)1o•.2>0t~.2u794.ld•92 8 lo512 8 2555t,l7131. 9511 8 1•t•lel7407,15929.210S9, 19oot2oeo. 7053. Jlu4. 2733. 2325. IOu4, 1oo2, 1604, 1538, 11112. 119•. 1337, 1211. __ ___ll~~--~1. 1177, 1177. 1101. 1993. 1991, 10!1, lO!Je 10!1, 10yl. 109~~"~3~·L---------------- 12o1, 12ot. '',"· 1120 . 2535. 12oe. o055,1tou!,18212,4WO~o.2t699.2ca2o2.2U4,8, 1)077 !~OS2 l>p<q !/~o\,21551 172p9,!SAII5.191!7,l$lj!,IQIJ•8 1y521,1y4Ql8 dtt71. 19•1 587~. 17~1. ~9o~. 2018. 1151. 1145. 114~, 1345, llZI. l?ol. 12ot, 1?ol. 12ol. ______ llol 12~1. 12ol. 12~1. 1225. 1177. 1177. &171. 1105. lOU!, &Ouo, !Quo. lOU!, 725. 725. o~o. 1093, 100~. 9145.144to,2oi70.24242,2219!,2!275.2~J~ft.2J~70. ldli7 la0>5 ?~lu7 ?~i~l 2<701 2105! 90191 25732 0 17115 2114tt.l!4lZ.ly407. 91ij8 0 19~~ S7ol. ca79o. 37io. ~~S9. 2cau1. ~042, t!J!, 1862. 18?6. t7oo, 17••· 1tt94, 1o~2. 10o2 •oo? &Oo? •osa ·~•a '5'' &5'' •59' '''' •5•' •5'a •sya, 159ft, &574. 1514. 1So•. 1~94. 1886, z•z5.t1ou•.2o•~'.2Jiol,2c2a&,lU9t!.314U2.2~&•1. ----~2~¥717 2c5lO 217¥3 210ll.ldbo0 lp931.!40ql 1<734,11292. 997ft. 9475. bOttl. Slu5, , • ., -4256. 'nl-2830.-2512. 2138. 1658.-1261. 1105. 913.. 799. 757 . 715. 679. 649. ~,,. 589-589. 589. 589-601. 631. 631. 655. 673. 709. 133. 805 -. ....... 1237. 1754-2859 . 5056. 9615 . 16866. 10149. 10764. 13719 . 15028-13647. --11713 . /<11&4· 15232 :12734. 11256. 12013. 6222. 5047. 4703.• 5300 . 4635. 3974. 3814 - t•Hu Jl1l .. .)11CJ. 0.)2. lll .. 4.-1 uii2:"12ut. '"9, 841. 7157 . 757. 721. 715. ll'J. _____ 7_15 715 M~ ,7\, 1)73 !!73-bjl 1)31, Ul, bJI, fl93, 673, tt/3, 7!5. 7~7. <Jut. 1~Yl. 1~J4. J8~0.1J1~3.1~4V7.15214 ,14271,1J7o7.1j0J0,?19~ft. ___ ___.r;,2.._1!l~7 1 ,,.,, loo.::n.l,,lyi,2<2C:4.1'l?H.t .. IIC!I).Io794,1&5'f2,1u0!14, 19bO, o1oo, ~too, 1971 5qu1. ~~zs ... o12. lQI2. llou. J1o5. c'uz. c'i71. 2JY1. 21o2. 201~. 1'150. ln58. HinD &5y9 tlg9 '"et5 07' 9i5e AMI ""' f!,?l 799. zyo. 799. ZQQ. 811. "~1. 913. 10~1. 12~5. 15~1. ll'J5, ~157, 73l~.I922!.3Yo7!.2~098.3J?o8. _____ l~•~,s~'~ia 2¥1 •M 1~ZJ1 zuao2 31~;9 ''b'h zuozp 1~3Zt ''2<1 l<?oS ~214. y19H. 1~7? o5&2. 'J~j~. ~~~cq. >~'J?. l0l7. 2739. c5~5. 24~1. cl31 , ?leo. 2lott, ~Utd. 201~. --lO.IO, JASO '""" Jn?O '""n &7'i!4 "•d? "'"~ u.JO 15&10· 1514, 15111· 111'fO. 111J~. 1450. 1370. 1~50. i847.lo4'J8.lo217.Z2ou8.372U4,ZU51'1.loS~3.5~0u?.?1biS. ,l'>s zet<\ t.;oua ,.,QiZ •IO£? td272 •azse JZl£1 ••soz ''Oct' •s•no tltZ? ;zoo t~7l ~020 • .)7~4. 'Jto&. ~~32. 2~1~. ell&. 1ft~~. 1o~2. 14oo. 1145. 12~1. 1177. 1177. &OU, l!lug t.Uu9, j!luO &Ou9 lltUO !Ou! IOU! 9U &!41. 1!91. !!91 0 1'•+1. ~111. ~~1. ~~~-Aoo. 1111. 2258. 17lo,luo5~.ll214.1o9~8.2~3l~.lub45.2utJ•. UU-l-ln9cb ~<l!uo,J\1115 1""'4" IZftd\ J¥091 utB? •~us •wllo 1519 11hO. ~e.,-;. 1974 ~7~9. i~1z. ~--i2. 1q~4. t~t10. 11~2. 1211. 11e~~. &Ott9, oo1. ~.s. 1121. 7'99. 7&' zsz z<z ''~ ~~z &71 bo' h~t &'' .,, Qt9 Sn9 ~nq ~o7. ~13. ZiG. 1177. ~lo2. 5~l8.1U131.230b5,2o3o&.lo1146,1404],1J130.14010. L!+2112,117u7 loZ'ol l'lotZ !'f8~b 157&1 h4142 IUOi9 19405 1\971. l!U? 7915.1L9112. 1"75 ~1!~7. 'fS~9. ~4'J1. ~~~~. I~JO, tiiJO, to~o. l4i0, !418. 1145. 13~5 . 1345. 1345. tl\3 ·2ol !Zol 12ol &2oJ &?o! 12h1 1211 JIZZ 1117. 1171. 1171. 1117, 1111. 11no. 12~1. l~ja. ~3~1. ~7tto.l21!74.1 9 3tt5.2io47 .l uowo.2c'~l.?ee~t.?~ll c~. ,,,iS 2>'M' ,,.,M ,,a ,,, >•J\>o 'n'bb ,,bS' ''a'5 '''"5 9ezs •oZi? '~boS I>Oaft 1111 -TABLE 3 (<nn'INUED) ; (CFS) 757. 7~J. qo~. 1•••· eto8.tt72~.112o8.117&5.1l5o3.2l293.2509~.17•7t.17070. &eiS 3 '·317 '>'·' 1 >8 $7 ''2 •0 i'l••S IZ29t 1 \2 •• 9 4 •14 ••~• S'i' Sl$8 b5 1 7 1~11 ~oo3. ~3to. ~to2. ~eoo. ~47~. 2283. ell&. 2018. l427. 22&3. lOoo. t&•~. 1754. lt.f' .. l598 l5ll& \418 1 1410 1170 )1M5 llM5 l]t}9 12fal J2bl t2ot l?ftl 1345. t34~. t41~. 1490. 1b58. ~•o7.t0~2l.tote5.2•554.243~~.3&43a.lt4uo.2ea7o. '•2-Q 2uJu2 2JU')5 I 78$1 lftl,MO 1 79)§ t.a!O lo59Q 1 IQ5i)1 8714 121\7 1 18}\ 1 I tal 1q78 7424. 7~32. o~10. QOj7. 3772 0 1220. 24Ul. 2o4t. 2493. 2318. 221o. 2150. 1088. 1'10 ,,1, 1*'', \b'• •sao ae\Q ''•' ''"' ,,.s ''"' ''*5 ''"5 ,,., 1lo8. alee. 13oft. t•oo. lOol.tu~s~.t••1o. 475a.toao3.t2oll.t7o7t.1~37b.t41ot. ,.z •• ,,.~, I'·~~ 1'2•• Jo9QI I•O'' JMIAI 1i••• d9•• ~.,. 8500 "''o. s•so, t479 •554. ~tuJ. ••~2. lOol. lOu~. cb28. ao7o. 1110. tese. 1598. t•s•. 110•. t2ot. &ZiS &IP un 1111 aon ton I09J toU 1009 IOP9 &009 •out, •OU9 1uoo. 1057. 1to5. t•o•. ~3u7. •32~.1u091.tbOo7.2ool3.2ll13.t~•ut.t751S.21o71. i~&?• ilAt• 3a 7 "5 i 1 iiYJ i~ze• iO''iA a···a 1M''' 1 ~751 ,,... 77!9 I 1 \*1 !telu§ 198~ obl5. o4cl. ~o~~. •~70. •04o. 3720. ~~-~. c4b7. l823. ~3v7. l0 78. 18~8. 1718. &•10 lSi' IA~Q li•Z liMS la¥5 liliS 1117 1177 1117 1117 •117 1177 1111. 1111. 1237. tool. 3484. eto9.1170t.l04ol.lo&e&.270~•.21299.27582.240o2. ~•Ji•.a.z~l a•a&a.a~le 7 ~11•a 195»9 1t4 •0 1•1zz 1~151 *'*' oso• 15917 119<9 1430. 1490. t5oo. ~o~~. e7i8 .17154.1722e.lt352.lo452.15&•~ 1~2ll.t53Q4.17875 • . .J.99i' l">JSIO JgS-.e? '''""' lzaso JteauS 19294 3Jt5.7 2Q999 JC,L?t t?JGl tutZS gao5 .1982 6425. 6054 . 6222. 7216. 3878. 3316. 3243. 2727. 2378. 2127 . 2006. 1934. 1934. 1934. 1934. 1934. 1934. 1945.-1982. 1447. 1051.-925. 925. 925--979. 1255. 1261. 1261. 1393. 1850. 2842.• 68ll. 12614. 16938. 19100. 21989. 18380.· 24266.23545. 16398. 20277 . 20614 . 23125. 19893 ._ 13983. 12169. 10620.-11784. 11340. 14199-22332.14069 .. -TABLE 4 (CFS) YEAN tttSuti!o'!i.: -~11111 •. j4ot. j<;oo. 1153. 2110. l372. ll.U. t•U. UU. 14tt•. 12 .. 0. 101115. ____ 4!17. o,n. o>o. LIIH. 1Ql8. qlfl· 047. 5.,1. uo. t.1l. •.'!e. e7tt. 7So. 7jO. 7j~. •uo. q~l. ~t~J. /S~2.t~l'f~.lllttl.1oatt7.1o1l'f.1,6i0.24fld5,td244. ---· _tdft<4.Zu0cl.ZL,yo.Z>AM4.2~~74.21ftl5.1iQ55,1o452.1212J. 4717, ~ttyl, ot'f7. o771, 1q51 ~•so. ~~~iO. j•so. iZu2. 1380. tlu~. 122o. 1159. 11115. lOla. lOla. lOJa. &Ule. q<9. ou~. q"b· qub. 84Q. 773. 113. 771, 741, etta. e~e. e~e. ~90. ZlO. 441, 14~2. ~~ue. ,du7.&o344.tot77. Y~2•.t~725.27eo5.2IIO'fO.t~774.17oee. ____ Ji5~-2c4oll.214o3.2ul'f8.2v212,1o'I4,1Z051.17271 .2!1!o.20l)O,IZ•tt,ldl'f0,175 ~7. toSl ~7u•. ~·~•. ~2Jt. jlb•. lJut. JOl2. l2l•. 2210. o'!Oo2. 17tt2. 1792, 17.,2. t7.,2. 1550 150 7 !~yo l~uo 1207 9M3 9M3 711 875. 8\Q , OlQ, ftjQ, ftjQ, ftoO, Ao•. eo•. Ao~. 11£4, 14.'!8, 14,4, 42ll.lutftl,231115.lll47,3,949.lt0Ll, ---~~4.lg5!4.2jool.2~042 ,l~ll,.ZJb47,1~5oO,liO't 4 .1ol44.178ll,1lO,,,Iy4112,142lY, IY5JI~51~. YOu~. oR<~. 4972. 471f!, 4015. l574. Jl51. 2271. 1fl~3. lf!Vl. 1t03, &o~l. 1 11e 1o\• 10~• taie 4&4 ''' 111, 111, 111, 111, zz1, 111, 111, 077, 877. t41o. l3,~.1lllo.ISASO,J44l&.24817.t75o5,3J1l0.25574.2Vft18.24lo2. ____ tinnQ ll?\9 lftl95 t9goa ?ylnb ?U~l6 lb~?o tZQvS ?p?74 1771-IOI42.11AOI.Il140. a~s~ 1~~·. oJ,o. ~o~9. J7t4. ~zos. ~1•2. 14~1. ao•~. aoo•. 1415. 1415. 1415. 1415. ---·-1~1.2,(0 1Z.n, 12Lb 1105 9"3 OM1. 9141, ,$4 0 Zi•e 7.5•, 7Li;!,!b~e"":-.J7:-.;.5~p~0.__ ______________ _ A<l. ~.(1, 1411. !Suo. o3o0.11~o8,1~770.21518.2113•6.2G011.2lOoO .Zi1lS.2o8~5. _ 2j095 IQ419 110~1 J/9~1 2tlZ4 2tDj7 Z(b)Z 22oJ7,2l694.153ol.l.52u5,l<3lO, ~037, l~S, olll. ,7o2. ~J~o. ~)~9. j4Ze. t8jO. ,(Oo~. 5153 • .!277. ~07~ • .!015. t79l. 1792. t8Zl IMI! lftl7 !Sy9 19<11 '""' lVI t3il 1199 !0$8 10\11 !11\8, !USA. 1lj2. 1152. 1152. ll~l. Jl~S. ~244. 4 9~9.148~9.1o4J4,l9174.~12oO.li9lS.3t7~9. 3?244 zooss.zu7jl.2~coo,2tljO,l97t3,2vZ<5-2!59l,lSl~8,td554.l4lZ5,ll5.(l,lu3o9. 1750 eo8c!'5. ~00!5. 40~2. l5l'5. lJ~s. '19dl. 11119. touJ. l"'"· 12.'!6. lZ.!b. !lib. 12.!0. ------~ooz. o~4. o,q. o,q, 020 o1s. o15, o15, oo3. eaz. 8d7, oaz. 8d7. 89o. a~~. 8 90, ~~ft. 2372.tu753,153~7.3u5l3.lu451.31557.410/0,3u155.2o5d5. ?14y7 2Y8Mb \ylo2 29"55 211!144 ?7111 2~~~3 1955! lpZya 15QYI ,211)5,2u!!lb,l509l. t~sz oZ ot . o 7 9 t. ~ftuR. ~244, J54o. j01ft, .!877. <7l5. <out. l2o4. cl~o. 11~2. 1792. IO\D tbul 11!4~ tbu5. 15<1 1415 1415 1q15 1294 0 lli2, Jlj2, lli2, llJle lll2. 11~2. 11~2. 1lj2. ~220. suJo. o&oo.19ao1,29150.l5llo.312uo.2/o~O.Io958, t89 b 2uJIZ 2.(5 ~1! 299o9 19Zo7 19753 19b"b IQOI5 179q2 !78qO,l 9470.lo931,20777, 1~50 ~z .. o. olol. o81Q. /031. ,150, u2oS. ~t,o. JOul. 3302, 40o9. l471 • .'!Soft. <l~l. t2"' <U h 8 17>2 ib,Z 1379 13oJ 1226 llji! 11\? 11)? 1145 lOU~ 10$6 1152. J2o7. &Jiu, Jeos. J7o3, 743 S.tu3e'f.l~780,2uftuu.2o410,lo410.2<772.2u7,o. __ .•• 2..t.Z~.?uZ'lO ?uZ'lO .>tJ5-th.lo9aA 2=j<lo5 !:f2a2 ISta>O,IJJOtl! csO&Z, aO&Z. gi22S , 7115, 1~5~ ,o,l, ~972, •7~7. ~3ul. c!A&o. ,(4~2. eno4. 10111, 1042, LOla. 1145, &7~2. 17~2. ___ J<io9 !!1!5 the 1\dl IV! IV! l,?nZ !Ji2 10..3 q-'4 9 .. 9 9<9. o,..<l. 9~). 94~. ll~~. t<~JS, <fl95, 42o5,1a29~.2~9c~.210o0,24~i0.1e3J4,21855,o'!~aso. 2a9··' ?,9.a\ >>a~a 2''"'u >/529 ''5'' 2/SSb QlbaS auZt! zzozo s \9ftb •usas '''Z~ l~tul~lue. nOoO. ,e~o. ~z~z. ~2o•, ~OJO. cZvft. ~5a7. d412. d0/5. d07S. <075. clll~. ___ J...9.~bl>0 lcoq I!!Q3 1523 H415o 13!!11. !3¢11. 12!!0 0 1221!0 1172, lUlfte 11158, 10~~. &AS~. t1ol. 1~1~. S~l4, /laA.1~8,2.215~~.2l<lu!a.llS42ol~OaO,I~S39.J,Ciol. __ 21b<b lod\4 lo 996 2S291 102,(3 2$9ct4 ,?!195.2U98l.l911Z2.172Z0,2729<1,19la9,105oO, 19Dill~L7, o~~3. olv4, ~447. 3362. jiL3, 0!117~. c547. 2o01. ~735. 20~1. llSO. 21,8. _ _u.zz .??oQ ?'>' ,,.,e <'075 '~"'" '"'' ,,..,, •52' 1915 t5ZZ t!fdt. tOgt. ~3 ~8. <3SA, cbul. lb•l, olllA.I19<12,2u7S0.19Zo7.1dbd9.171<11.2.,22o.loSLS,311odl. 2Lb~4~~~-l~9(4.,?gld~ ,?~5(3.2u9i<l.l9-Z5 157oll,l1Zll,1~2!4.llbg~,ta574. ~~~l ~~J~>. Qll". ~Jj<~, ~'jo, 5315. 5~•7. ,?547 • .'!5s7. &3o~. t<~ot. L9o1. 1'~d1. t9dt. ___ _....t9, 17'12 1Z..2 tb2 IUO. 1915· 1!115, &415, 1314, 1521. U<L. 13<1, Ll.J!l, l!>v5. l~us. ll>u3. &ou~. 51190. aZaO.I15c1,1o'f78.2oft51.2o~o6.554uo.~1JZ~.Jl5JA. l'b"l >'0'5 >•e•s 2ShM< 2 u szz 2•&¥' i''1' ?tpo• ??Qte ?22'' •~oao tt3Z?.tioa~. ·------------------- TABlE 4 ( CCNI'INUED) 7-DAY ~ AT DEVIL CANYCN (O'S) 19o3 ~biO. o~71. >7c7. ,111. l190. 2~41. c~ll. 2•11. 2125. 188&. 188&. 188 •• l8o •• ___ !Sol •5119 15!19 &5!19 , .. ,9 141S, &915 1915. lilt] 914]. 943. lf43. 9!3. 7o3. 7ol. 7o1. Zol. ~5&4, j?u7.18083.292l9,33•59.?45?3,2•52l.?•5?l.?•5?l. >-.ttza \/971 ·t.,oto tuZe• ?b22J ?3Zt5 Zu575 ?JZ•t totJl ttllll 1?779 tqzta ly355. 19o4 o3q2. 1noo. >7ot. 43/9. ~722. ?4i2. 21o4, 1792. 1738. 1o~3. 1550. 122&. t22o. IDoS I0\8 oro 9M3 911\. 0111 929 azz 8&3 zz,. b97. •<3, b<l, ~10. h1~. lib. lib. 8tZ. 984. 1121, 292l.27343.70Zo7.40o0?.au558.29331. ___ l.J9\0 2141158 2\210 159oZ ld.\5 I Zbo5 t!42U tSte• 1211211 l!lZA! 17i1 o77ft 11589, 1~o> 7241. otul. >lu4. 4219. 29U~. zozs: 2•48. 2951, 1917, 1292. 1152. t047. 1047, O,t. 9ttb 9u6, 9Ub fleaS I I I A I I II 1 A/7 If! 849 ftM9 ft19 t1tl. 1111. taua. 1453. &897. soao. o8l9.159?7.317l2.2UZ?l.22ll8.21155.l1119. Zobi\ ?oAZS 2"A~S ?\314 ?!!9Db !oSSA ?bboO 192&1 1Qb9! 15192 !9524.1Zio7,2l•zt. 1~•otu22o. zott. j7uo. jOo~. 2ou7. 2tlo. t186. 1799. 17?5. 1617. 15o3. 15uo. 11111. !HI, J\,.:1 13~1 1\il 12110 !~;>!! !~.>!! &??b !:J.>O !?.!be 1220, l2ibe 1?2o, 1915. liltS. 1">9. t9l4 0 28113. lOD5. o791.1l0t0.2UI?7.4497Z.32l90.?7191.22947. ''5n• •az"q ''5iO Jya,g ?b'i' ?'b'3 tzZZl z•stz JZZ&' •z•s• tteAAa ttb•!. 9721. lq67 o593, 114il. l34~. cleo. 1•10. 15~q. 1509. 1509. 1082. 141~. 111~. 111~. 1415. ---~!115 1111c; !<lie; l•llc; 1\74 !3 .. 1 !UI 1\cl l:JI&O 11~2 11\? 11~2 1l.i?. 101-. 1058. 1fto5. 122o. 1o44, •~•4.1o1o9.2?623.?719t.250o2.3~837,271oo,2o773. ---2..1.3.\\ ?11?"12 .;>nto! 3?!1<3 ?55ol Hb,!t SJ7SS ?aAI!? 194M3 ?l4f,!Q lo1dJ llh3 IJI2lb· 1~oo olio?. >114. q~u7. ilu7. 20~~. c2~t. ?to'• ?089. ?0118. 1901. 19ol. 19uu. taoo. &•"b J8dh •ant. tt!:,9 JZY? 1taa JZ92 etaz 1taz 1792 11a2 azaz tl9? t7oS. to~A. 1779. tQuO. i11o • .;>77&.1<3•2.31921.2597!,?4954.34717.35242.256~2. 21757 ~~2o4 2~\4!1 ?SSnZ ?u9S3,!n999 I~Au5,1A2!13,1,!bl!b lPbSI lllbSQ oAUt 5950------------------ l'H>Y . 4774. 4122. 3175. 2817. 2399. 1859. 1415. 1240. 1024. 896. 849. 802. 7..,1. 728. 707. 660 . 660. 660. 660. 674. 707. 707 . 734. 755. 795. 822. 903 • 1065. 1388. 1967. 3207. 5o71. 10785. 18918. u 383. 12073.15388. 16856 . H307. -13138.!..16627. 17085._ 14283,_ 12625. 13474._!978. 5661. 5275.-5945.._5198. __ 4457 ~ 4278'!.:·~-------- 1~70 1716, lll~A. lOoa. ~OoA. 1D17. 1l11R. 10o~. 943. Bdl. AI&!, 8U8. 8U2. 8U2o ftO? Au2 1 ZpA 7?5 7&,5, 155 707 1 ZQZ 707 7UZ 7,;)1 7')5 7"1;- Au?, Aol, 1011. 1?,!~. 185\, ~l~2.15915.15919.170~9.1o0UZ.l)41ll,l11D20.24618, 2 .. \.luiZ ,,.,..,z 21?<2 ?u,?y2 ?49211 ?t5Z2 lobo!! laA\7 Jj,On\ 112,.1 ,.9;>11 90'15 5794 1Y71 ooto. ~52~. ~~uo. iAeZ. l771. 55dll. i?o1. ,!884. ?~d7. ?425. ;,?oa. c075. 1&>9. lft"A lUcY l'>a 1tt? •Ail J0\8 9gt 9M3 9t'l aye. 8&,tb 89fe 6'1b QJO. oaJ, toea. 11ac;. 1374, 1792, ~6at. llbo2. d219.215~9.aaS~6.2/029.37337. ____ 2-~o1 Z~Aob ?tnzo !lbll 2?9741 a;?u? HU8 HilS Jtl'o5 ?150,9 qz;z '"'"12 JA\JZ 1 .. 72 73u4. O~q5 0 aOo6, ~0~~. j3~e. j072. iOIO. 27~9. cDlll. 24~2. 2451, i2o~. 22o4, ---Clo~4Jl..l-S.--4u..L.S....-,di5 <075 t-lo.Z ta 0 e. IAftb 18tlb 1779 lft~A 169ft lbZI Jou1. lhu,, t~~o. 1~u~. )19,.1blloO.loi90.2S359.417l0.2lU81.4uq69.1~dqo.2~2o7. --~qlo ~~sqz ,,,,., tZ\nl '"'0"1 2nt49Q tozyz Jyatg a;out t,)QSZ J?OuS 'c'Si' QQnA t97J a~t4. •t77. ,z~u. ~l'i•. i9j7. 2399. ~0~~~. t8oo. lhali. 1509, 134&, t321. t3;t. ___ u .. S-9-~-uu.~>?. 11V .. ~, ~~~j? .. u 10,., Q .. , '"3 941 oq1 ~aJ. o~J. oa}, ~~7. tl~t. e~J3. ao77.11952.1~8?2.l~Ooo.l17e6.311373.2i"el. ~'tao 1 1 o9oS I do41, 1 .,~.,, I obSA, t9! hi t ifti!S 2nSo2 218$5 I <On• !14 \4 l1,! 3 o•1.a, t<~Z.. 511~>. ~let • .:4>2. clH. t'iuo. t~so. 111~11. llu7. 1194. 1078. •no.-923. ~~o. d~O 8e9 ''5 8u2 7 55 7o7 7u7 latl b'i' bhO bb" ooO. b07. ~co. 11.:1. ,!142~. o21l.ll~oA.25871.2<~57•.1oo•o.l>751.147?7.1>72~. __ Li.9!1..L~8ol ta?IZ IZS!Z lo7U8 IZb,!ll hQZft !!!U,Iol57.15111l. 47115, oiU&.l,U50. 1<~7c; 51<~11. ':>1>3, ihq. l'H3. lblll. t-.ul. 1to~3. lou], 1590, 15119, 15~9, 15U4. 15U9, _ l ~"'--l.Jlti--UJ.5 I Y I 5 I II I c; HilS I 9 I c; I 31! 1 t\,U I 52 1 I V ! 1 3;!1 , 13c I, J3~t. t3lll, t«>S. l7c~. codt. oao~.1~215.21721.28Zo8,343ll.2~7Y0,3cauo.?e970. --~'" ?d2112 2oZi3 2H'*'O ?.?8<5 lct379 t7557 154190 1\\53 1107. tnz.,, 1751~"""""------------ -TABLE 4 ( a:Nl'INtJEI)) , (CFS) 197& 97uc. os,o. 1eo2. ~•~•. ~234. ellA. l7b5, 14U1. 1149. 1011. lOll. 447. 4~3. ___ ......!.1!3_. 4o~J. 010. "'"'· ~••· ,..,. 89b, 896. 876. &~9. &49. e .. •. l!<~'l, 840, lidO. 11~5. 1~,. •• <167&,1l1~1.126l •• ll218,15213,2b127,28148,l~Ac1.191417, ~~~td2l1.1qt~O.t73,.1.t77oh.2u4dt.cot40,1~4ij3,14'l03.10548, 7290, ~"71. ouus. 7310. 1977 o~5~7 • .i71o. iS~b. 31411. ~77&. ~soo. c399. 22&4, 2122. c5b0, 2l1&. 2129 , 14o7. ---1~"·· 17~2. ,&<t>l. 1&!»7. 1ou3. 1S.i6, 1suo, !S09. 14&4. 1415. 1415. l'l15. 141'5. 15u4. 1'5u4, 1'5~0. ,,71. 1&59, J2et.I18U4,18t09,27541,32972.4lo70,35788,319l4, ___ .l_\lg1.l~7 7?.2 .. oo5.2uOc! 3.21 o~o. 2u 117 .lil4u&.1 ct•u8.11804, '1774.1 ~838. U272. I ~7eo. 1970 o327, 04411, /4c4, ~516. ,.2Jl. l&1a. 1254, 3018, ~796, cbUI, ~486, 2412. c!2JO, ,?1114 !9!S7. !81!fle 1812, pus. !Cul3, ass•. !S!aC!. 1S09, IS!I9, 1Sv9, 15y9. 1'5.29. 155&. 1'556. 1~Sb. 1, ..... l43&,11844.1olo9,t094l.11664,145l2.211158,172<~7.ll492, ___ 2L047,1~5jl.l~7o7,1 ~3~0,190o6,1o0.29.1o7o2.1J9&6 0 l~0/9,lu577, 95J4, 71o7, olll. 1979 ,tue. ,724, <~oc!l • .i410. 3374, zo~e. 2210. 1940. 1859, 1792. 16~0. 14o9, 1415. _ __.t ..... 3.._14~. t3<1, 13.:1. t2d, !22&, 1221!, 12211· l!J2, 1U2, 11J2, 1U2, 1U2 0 1132. 1ldb, 13u7. lh""· c5o7 ... ns1.11318,1o056,29873,259c5.217ot.1~o4o.2~3o8, 2qAZ4 ?~buY zyo~3 'Yh'9 zsooe ,>>391 a0 nya JoOgll lg3ao. g9al, CSbpO 1?774,11S~o, 1980 14 .. 2. 1&011, 1321. ·-·io~ao9~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------ 1hU3, 1h11, 1779, ---_LA8ULJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4------------1982 7207 . 6791. 3638. 2667. 2170. 2170. 2170. 1623. 1415. 1415. 1563. 14148 . 18392. 22744._23122. 13649. I-HI Ill 1111111111 TABLE 5 MONTHLY STREAMFLOW AT CANTWELL (CFS) YE.IIR OCl NOV IIEC JAN f [II "AI( Af'Fl "AY JUif JUL AUO SU' SUftvR CALYFl 1 4:!18.3 1 8:!4. 1 9 2 4.6 8:!8.3 66::!.6 562,7 618.3 71127.5 1~670.4 16!90.4 J3901.9 ~631·! 69360.7 19~0 2 2710.0 889 .0 710.7 556.2 494 .8 409.5 999.4 6194.6 12003.0 11652.4 1U42.1 11693.5 629!;5.1 1951 3 3255.8 1575.1 956.5 740.4 492.3 5/.0.5 639.3 2642.7 U465.7 17394.7 13705.1 1115.0 66613.1 1952 4 3431 .2 1668.6 932.4 731.2 ~ 11 .6 476.7 833.7 5960.2 13671.0 13140.1 11158.3 5176.1 58]92.4 19~3 5 2Jl4 .1 ff6;~,94~os . 4 49~.6 4U7~38.4 79!2.1 16795.4 16371.9 196]3.' 98]2 .6 76261.3 .. ~-- 6 3?93 .4 1784.7 t1 OS, 3 930 .6 797.6 491.0 563.2 3014.7 14675.8 16621· 7 12900.7 6064.7 62243.4 l9~S 7 2465.1 1075.3 8~~.2 684.3 7:!7.2 614.7 5,9.2 823 I. 9 20082.3 lll916. 4 14164.8 8187.2 76873 .6 19:.6 9 :!547.4 1:!79 .I 962.1 881.4 843.4 851.3 862.6 8236.!5 19438.1 16311 .o 13422.6 ....... 744U.I 19~7 9 3410.4 2051.9 1096.8 876.9 592.2 4~4ol 689.9 3004.9 13973.2 15743.3 12723.2 4464.4 59081.3 1'158 10 2690.1 969.6 733.6 661.7 644.9 501.2 671.2 7894.5 16362.3 15620.2 16790.6 8063.5 71601.4 1959 11 J7ll,O 1718.71187.7 104~.0 8:!6.4 695.6 785.6 u7zo. 5 11108. i u2t1.:J 17656.11!?~4.7 16177.~~ 12 46:!5.6 2012.7 1534 .8 1207.4 984.7 1056.1 1701. 7 ,. 9688.0 15710.0 14820.0 11o700.0 67::!5.0 76761>. 0 1961 p lZ81.Q I!!QO • Q 1400.0 UOQ.O 1000,0 940..0 1200.0 10000.0 28320.1 20890.0 16000.Q 9410.0 95541.1 196:! 14 4326.0 2200.0 1400.0 1000.0 850.0 760.0 720.0 tl340.0 15000.0 22790.0 18190.0 9187.0 87763.1 1963 15 3848.0 1300.0 877.0 644.0 586.0 429.0 465.0 2806.0 34630.0 17040.0 11510.0 5352.0 79487.0 1964 __16 J 1 U.t . .Q...__J_? 11 • o 9 !U..t..2_ZQ.9..t..2_4~C.!J_Q_ -zo9 1.Q _ ___tg_!l 1 .2..____!!!!8. o 1643!h!L.J .. U50. 9 13~19·0 12910.0 79160·1 1965 17 3116.0 1000,0 750.0 700.0 650.0 6:-.o.o 875.0 4387 .0 18500.0 ·~220.0 12680.0 6523.0 62051 .0 1966 18 ~32:?.0 780.0 n o.o 680.0 640.0 51.0.0 513.0 94~:!.0 19620.0 16880 .0 19190 .0 10280.0 81637.1 1967 19 3084 .0 1490.0 1332.0 1 2 32.0 1:!00.0 1200.0 1223.0 9:!t8.0 19500.0 17480.0 10940 .0 5410.0 73359. 1 1968 :!o 2466 .6 1on.o 619 .o 508.0 495.0 548.0 999.0 7471.0 12330.0 13!51 0. 0 6!597 .0 J37i.o 49910.0 1nr-- 21 1638.0 815.0 543.0 437.0 4:!6 .0 463.0 8117.0 7!;80 .0 9909.0 13900.0 1:!320 .0 5:!11.0 54129.0 1970 22 2155.0 1530.0 1048 .0 731.0 ~OJ .O 470.0 529.0 191~.0 21970 .0 181]0. 0 22710.0 9800.0 81491.1 1971 ------,3 4o~a.o :!050.0 IJ"?r:o-ro 61,---,~~:-o-11 n ~ ---a1r. o ti<n .~ono-:-ornn-:-rnno. o 94:!3.0 826!53. 0 197:-' H 3619.2 1962.0 1138.5 895.6 778.9 638 .9 723.2 4763.6 1/o762 .6 12619 .1 12379 .8 5037.5 61318 .9 1973 25 2037.4 929.4 651.2 583.7 467.7 407.8 55J.O 916J.J 12544.9 13434.2 IIBJ3,J 7888.1 60493.8 1?74 26 2168.9 1191 .4 929.8 912 .5 779.6 669 .~ 807.2 5!93. 5 19277.4 2o112.1 14871 •• 16641.4 7849!!. 2 1975 27 3879.3 10~2 . 1 564.4 549.6 529 .7 496.4 628.4 4788.3 16571.4 14057.3 1H68 .0 4585.6 62170.6 1976 28 ?198.5 119~.9 1150.1 848 .6 689 .9 777.8 916.2 9619.2 30705.6 16666.4 1:12-'2.6 71:!0.0 84510.7 1977 :!9 3968.8 183J7 7---n63-. 7-m~:-.----ro:i•. 4 -a:i75 . 7-iu.a:-s--781 f:4"T~4~~:-J-rm:>.8 16181.5 -ma.6 67891.8 197tr JO 2345.0 1288.6 103::?.3 878.5 808.3 746.7 870 .6 6::!09.9 ~~~98.4 18493.7 1:!750 .7 7320.9 68343.7 19 7 9 3 1 17370 ,0~60 1~870 ~5 7Q 1.98 0 32 5472 2487 1fi58 1694 1186 919 1218 12150 14020 2()~7() 22760 941 7 93851 l9<H 33 3829 1627 1297 1061 698 573 573 8219 1650() 16540 11010 9942 71869 1982 IIIII OCT IIOV liEC II TABLE 6. MONTHLY STREAMFLOW AT GOLD CREEK (CFS) JAN ru JUM JUL AUG 6JJ5.6 2sei~o r439.o lo27.6 788.o 126.6 e7o:o-tisf070-rl~6.o 22i6o.o ttleo.o 83ol.o 95659.1 i9t.6 ~ 3848.0 130~.0 1100.0 960.0 8~0.0 740.0 1617.0 14090.0 ~0790.0 2~570.0 19670.0 21~40.0 101745.1 19~1 J ss11.o ~744.0 J9oo.o 1too.o 1ooo.o 8~o.o 12o.o s~t9.o 3~370.1 2+390.o ~09~o.o •~•1o.o 1&4194.1 195~ 4 8202.0 3497.0 1700.0 1100.0 820.0 820.0 1615.0 19270.0 27320.1 20200.0 20610.0 15270.0 120424.1 19~3 5 5604.0 21~o.o 15oo.o tJoo.o 1ooo.o 78o.o 1235.o 1728o.o 2~25o,o 20J6o.o 261oo.o 1292o.o 115429.1 1954 6 537o.o 276o.o · 2045.o 1794.0 Hoo.CL_ uoo~9o.o_!_!!.!_.o 291!~~60._! .?.EU·~ J!~!~~-_!ll.!.41._L..JnL --7 --.-,~1.0 uo0:"013oo.o 98o.o 97o.o 94o.o 95o.o 1766o.c 3334o.o 31090.1 2453o.o 1833o.o tJ6941.~ 19 ~i6 9 5806.0 3050.0 ~142.0 1700.0 1500.0 1200.0 1100.0 137~0.0 30160.0 23310.0 20540.0 19800.0 1~4151.1 1957 9 8212.0 3954 ,9 3264.0 1965.0 1307.0 1148,0 1533.0 12900.0 2~700.0 2;>81!.1..2....1.~540.0 75:10.0 11~953.1 195!.__ 10 4811.0 2150 .0 1513.0 1448.0 1307.0 990.0 1250.0 15990.0 23320.0 25000.0 31180.0 16920.0 125169.1 1959 11 6558,0 2850.0 2200.0 1845.0 1452.0 1197,0 1300.0 15780.0 15530.0 22980.0 23590,0 20510.0 115792.1 1960 ~~ 7794.0 3ooo.o 2694.0 2452.0 1754.0 181o.o 265o.o 17360.o 2945o.o 2457o.o 2~1oo.o 1337o.o 129004.1 1961 13 s?f6.o voo:"o ~t00:0190cr:o-l~oo~s4oo:·olioo.o a2:;9o.o d21o.o 2sa!So.o 23~eo.o i519o.o uuu.o 19A2 14 67~3.0 2800.0 2000.0 1600.0 1500.0 1000.0 830.0 19030.0 26000.0 34400.0 23670.0 12320.0 131873.0 1963 15 6449.0 2~50 .0 1494 .0 1048.0 966 .0 713.0 745.0 4307.0 50580.0 22950.0 16440.0 9~71 .0 117513.1 1964 J6 6~91.o ~799.o 1211.0 96o.o 86o .o 9oo.o 1~6o.o 1299o.o 257~o.o 2714o.o 21120.0 J9J56.o 12l4ol.l fl~- 17 7~05.0 2098.0 1631.0 1400.0 1300.0 1300.0 1775.0 9645.0 32950.0 19160.0 21130.0 11750.0 112744.1 1966 u 4163.o uoo.o &5oo.o 1soo.o 1~~Q~_J20hL.HE.!.~ ....... H.~8o.~_~9;i~t80~26~0!...Llil7!..!0 133810.1 .!.!67 __ _ -·--19 490CI.o ~J53~05~~o 1981.0 19Cio .o 190o.o 19lo.o 1618o.o 31550.0 ~64~o.o 1717o.o 88u .o 117135.1 1968 J :!~ 38~:!.o uJo.o eo:;-.o 724.o n3.o 816.o 151o.o uo5o.o 155oo.o u1oo.o Bfl79.o 5on .o 66729.0 1969 .J4Lfv,.,_ 21 3124 .0 1215.0 866 .0 8~4.0 768.0 776 .0 1080.0 11380.0 18630.0 22660.0 1!~............!1~1 .0 901 ~1.1 19!2......_ __ ~2 5288.0 3407.0 2290.0 1442.0 1036.0 950.0 1082.0 3745.0 3~930.0 23950.0 31910.0 14440 .0 ~~~170.1 1971 ~J 5847.0 3093.0 2510.0 2239.0 ~0~8.0 1823.0 1710.0 ~1890.0 34430.0 22770.0 19290.0 1~400.0 130030.1 1972 2 4 4826.0 2253.0 1465.0 1200.0 1200.0 1000.0 1027 .0 8235.0 27100.0 18250.0 20290.0 9074.0 96620.1 1973 -:!s 373r.o-r~9:0I oJ4 : o-87i':"'7n ~r -7~4 ; c;-r,~. o-·1 ii io :-01 7a7o:01iacio:OI~:0-1225o. o 90977.1"""-i 9 74 ~6 J739.o 11oo .o 1603 .o 1516.0 1471.0 11oo.o IS93 .o J535o.o l231o.o 2112o.o 1809o.o l631o .o 1228o2.1 197~ ~7 7739.0 1993 ,0 1081.0 974,0 950.0 90U.O 1373.0 126~0.0 24380.0 11940.0 19800.0 6881 .0 97631·1 1976 28 3974,9 265o.o 2403.o 1829.0 1618 .0 1soo.o 1680.o 12~8o .o 37970.o 2211o.o 19240.0 1264o.o 120954.1 t977 :!9 7571.0 3~?5.0 2589.0 2029.0 1668.0 16~5.0 1702 .0 11950.0 19050 .0 210~0.0 1~390.0 8607.0 97706 .1 1978 JO 4907.0 ,2_53_s .••• o_. _16_8_1 0 1397 0 Pat 0 1200.0 14:iO .O 1:1870 .0 ~4690,0 ~88110.1 211460.0 10170 ,0 llll26.1 1979 ···-31 7311 4192 2416··--174t'_1.46~ 14oo ·-i67o .. 1266o ··"29o€16--3266o-io96o ·--r32'Bo 1 ~14! .............. H'Irn .. 32 7725 3569 1915 2013 1975 1585 2040 16550 19300 33940 37870 13790 142272 1981 33 7463 3613 2397 2300 1739 1203 1783 13384 26100 24123 15274 17783 117162 1982 - -------- TABLE 7 7-DAY STR~lFL OI-'S AT GOLD CREEK (CFS) 19~~·c~5~. 57~0. ~2vo. 38~o. 33~3. ~-~~. 251•. 2111. 1100. 1100. tSe•. 111•. 112•. JOJ• 919 ••• JlijO atyo 97! ••• •?9 ItO Itt •o• 7j0 AOt~ 11•. 7el. ~~•. too•. llt•. eou1.J3~7J.Je2oo.t7e1t.I7I~0.1•S71.2•171.19l~l. J99S7 21?19 2\21A 252M3 2~JOO 2\J(9 ?!J37 JZIM1 JlJZJ, 9?h3 Jy5yO ZI~O 71Ah 1951 52~7. ~~e~. M0~1. cllo. Jl71. 118 •• tlOO. 122-. 1171. 11vO. 11v0. 11~0. 11~0. a•o a 9 o Pea a.a too •io aao aao 'A+ zeo lMO leQ z.q 77o. 9~7. 1~29. c&~7. otS7.t714-.t9271. eSo7.t••71.2eS•l.21l00.1lS4l.1907t. __ ~1(9 ?M\•\ ?\?ob ?!MIA ?11?9 17bll 11711 JAl!l Z5bQO 30057 JA.ZI 19?Ab ldbS7 J~~~ 92~9. oJ7J. MGoo. ~ado. ~s~o. 32u•. ?Joo. ?lol. ?18~. t9vo. 19~0. teuo. 1euo. )bM1 te.uo 'bUO lbtiO ''M' JOUQ 101)0 1000 9M9 """' eon A"O eng 920. 9~o. •~o. o;o. 11ot. 1S11. ;Alt. ••••.2toco.24S1•.351o3.3o114.l31c9. zz,;a •vbc9 ?>Qee, zz••• lZ?el ?§071 tst.o+ 'M''' 17129 toeae, t;tzJ IIQ/9 ''0"b 195J111~3.1ulv••. 72J1. 5271. 50uO. M257. ?7?9. 1143. c429. 1700. 17uO. 17~0. 17~0. -·--· II ob I I uO I Jy0 II yO 9ol0 1..>0 1..>0 1..>0 1..>0 1..>0 1..>0 A..>O 120. o~o. 9~0. 1~~·. ?SuO.tM1?•.1o•1•.J5luO.lb38•.207ol.l5114.27114.22071.258?9. zoz>' •&zz, '"*"'' 2vt,c.z 2'"*' ,,,.,, ''5'' ''Al' ?•suo t 0 z 0 e. sztta ,,lzt 'i'if> 1954 ett9. o73J. aoan. ~917. ;out. i ?7t. ~tuo. J957. 178&. 1suo. 1Svo. 15vo. 15vu. •'as 'lqn 1 luo alun 1 l 11 • a 11 a t non 1 Or)O Q•lb IMQ Ian 7Atl Tf!tO 870. ~10. taq~. 1~00. o7~J.tlc&b.t~ov0.2?8J4.2J571.25157.2aA~7.23•S7.2eSt•. ___ ,?144ob,l"5<9 JyQ••O 19 QyQ \JIMl ?!!Owl! ?MQ!!O 2110uO ?\QoQ !b?U UQ..O UQS7 qo:;.,, t<~SS o5uo. bluq. ~buO. ~b~O. loo&. ~ouo. ?4c•. zsvo. c11•. 22uo. c1~7. 19~0. 1~uo. 190b coon tZJA tr,eeO 151M 1Md0 11y0 IMliQ 1271, JIQO ltOO llyQ liQO 12~0. 12un. t?un. 12uo. ~~~7. *Suo. i257.JS7M1.174?4,203?9.1l1M1.3SQ57.33o7t. ---luJob 2nS>7 2<0"' ?ot::,Z 2.?f:tt4 2et9pn 21f1Ml 2ft07J 172M3 19f:tZ1 150,?9 1(:?111 1y9Q3 t~5o 123&. ~1~7. M3}4. 11~1. ~Qc~. ctvo . t<~?o. 1zoo. asc~. Jluo. tluo. aJuo. t1uo. IO?b ~~ 900 9lb 970 910 910 957 9M0 0!!0. 9M0. 0!!0, o~o. 450. 450. 4SO. ~o:;aa .t1MvO.to27t.3?171.21~o&.l3G57.435a3.3197t.281do. ___ .?9~...3-Lbob l<Ouo \J?<9 \JV9 ?n1Z1 ?oOQO ?u7?9 !lZJ!J toOuO ??!!,?9 ?tf!57 toOI!O 1~57 72uO. 72uO. M8db. MSuo. 3757. J?uo. 1071. zeuo. c757. ?auo. ?J?<~. 1000. touo. 1129 111fO a7un tlpO 1f:t1Q 15u0 tSQO t5UO 117 1 t?uQ t?uO &?yO 1200 12uo. tluD. 12uO. 1cuo. lata. ~757. 9Mu0.2IOS7 .3u914.3/aa1.J~Oob.2~1S7.2uJuO. ---2J-2U--21li!9 H91a Z:,9M\ 2!1957 2u9MJ,2nll?9 19100,?JUl 1!1919 ?y ... 3 ?yOZI 2c0d 19Sdtu133. oeoa . 72JO. 7a5a. S•c o. ~5?1 . J87o. 31&1. lSSb . a3t•. 3&d0. ;7aa . 22<•. (4,?9 iJ~9 •!57 17~7 IYS7 IAMl 1140 1~00 1?00 l?uO Ill! lluO llkU t?vn. 13M3, ~~,7. t7o~. J99n. 71~l.ltntD.2u971.22DS7.2&0uo.zaooo.2atal.22000. 2,)n 11 n ?c'n .• n 2<'a .. o ?•SZJ lnf:tf'b 275.?9 ?u&H•l 1o511 tt5'a7 05y0 n5y0 ObYO l5w\ 1959 ~99t. ,211. so~3. J5vo. zoe~. ;~uo. c?ta. 11uo. l524. 11uo. 1211. 1ooo. t9uO. 1557 15110 JMc>Q 1Mal0 1 !QuO 1000 &lMl 12110 IIOb 9ct0, 9ft0 CIMO 9nQ tOuo. touo. 1a~o. t~vo. z ~s1. a5Ml.t<~400.274eo.2c1?4.2oOZ9.1~•a3.23171.?Sozo. 2tt4fu0 2>lv\ 21M>l 21f\Ab 2\Sru, 10ft29 ?1,QIQ QM121 1\JZJ 2A7uQ 1M8i9 111\7 12Qy7 19oulu7lG. 74uD. ~ozt . ,nob. iMob . JOOO . ,>871 . Z7uo . Z557. 22uo. ~2uo. Z?uo. ~zuo. ~a.,s 4 .g,n •7=6, 1'"0 Je.Ju aS,n '"'' &tfuO ''"'' !lnQ I~U.l tlalO 11p0 110n. lluO. lMMl. tSOO. 5~~7. 7ouO.lMb~&.2~11~7.2M2c&.l4357.14&8~.1541a .loQ~3. Z?9i9 t i ouo 1.,551 ?oala l?OM3 ?5a;o Z?ait 21119 ?y857 Jolla ?a9M3 Zu5t4 JZ557 t9oii~5Z9 . ~IU D. oM71. ~7ta. JSco. 11~0. 10M3 . ?700. c757. ?9u0. ~8M3. ;SuO. cSvO. dAIQ eH v O IA I J ISMO 22 d O !lluO 1771 t7QQ l~tG t5QO I~ZI 2100 21o0. c~O O . 25v0 . <7~1. c 8u0. 7229.1Z7tG.2?000.2~957.1981G .le9JI.lu9ob.Jc71M.3c5 2 9. __ 2,.l_a,o '"''*' ?5o .. o ?S9uO 2Sh"' 2 0 ouo ?.>?un 21011 ssosz '29,?9 Jstuo lla+&i!f '""57 l~bli~Q(9. ~~oO . ~buO. MOuO. 3Sta. Z7uO. ~7uO. ?700. 2529. ?JuO. 21UO. ZJuO. 21vO. 1929 J900 IOuO t9y0 J7?9 JSOO 15U0 J50A 1957 19QO !GuO JaOO, 1900. t7uo. t7u O. tZvO. 1ZuO. l7 v O. ~suo.J~2t4.100~0.?8a7t.J02eb.5e7~3.5u229.3~557. -·--lllflb 2oS"' Z\1<9 ?ZJC!b 2..057 2'0«0 2\00Q ?\000 ?\429 2\571 IY8ntJ 1(057 H~ZJ TABLE 7 (continued) 7-DAY STREAMFLOWS AT GOLD CREEK (CFS) ___ L~J~l~O. ~4o7, oOZI. 5aoo, l700, i~uO, 28~0, 2800, l571, 20110, lOQO, .!OYO, 20~0. 1«>~7. lt~O. aouO, 1~00, 1557, 1~w0, 15QO, 1500, 120&. 10u0, lOuO, lOYO, 10u0, ------~•jO. ~jnl ~>n. OlO. i~o~. l4uO,!~l?l.l1000~lSoOo~2t090,loOQ0,2oOuO,?o0uOI ll!~l~~u2~7~3ot~!.l2S71,2ZduU,?~I~l.2l814,llOZI,l~5•3,t5te3,ll5•3,100i4,Ju474, 1~"'!1 Jll'l~7 I 7114l~...ll..lt4~ 11t>~l. 20c1o~ .!~>uo~ .noo~ 1400~ 1-.:111. 17YOI ltt413. llYO. lloO, 1124, lluO~ 10c4, lOuY, 1000, 10~0. 4e0, 4]0, 8etl, 770, 7J8, toO, ooU, _ 7t.n~.. z zn 1 ZaL._~o«> I 10otl~ t•yO • .a0~4~2f440~ 7~0fll'~'H524~•1lOIIO 1311 uo~ 2~371.2ol~l.?'~o7 1,1t 4c4~14757.1o7~4,15!00,ltlY0,1let00,11l~•. 4?5!, ~lull, 4109, tY«>~ zoz7. oS9t 1 1 o<l 1 ,11zJ. 1ooo. <~lb. 2epz. 1124. 2011. 1110. t2fllt~ tt10~ 1110~ '"I· 4oO, 4oO~ 4oO, 417, eoo: eoo, loP, 877, 4u0, 4QO, ~o. 4uO. lloO.__.il.Q(\_. Jll.£!.~ 1o; .. o. cnt 1 I ~lt!«>. ,.37 t ~to§t!o.l,l&lll • ..?.1.!ll.all•Zt .c?t(II24,BOJII, 3u3~7.lu~>JII,?o5all,2117c4,222c•.••~ZI,3oloo,?Ol71,11l113,to8•4,207uO,lo411l,2~0113, __l9oolj9~o~1 }924. 12>?· c7pll. 22 0 11, cPUO. 14u7. 1124. 17111. 1957. 15~0~ 1Sj01 1•1•. llluO, illuO, 111u0. 1357, 1luO, t3u0, llVO, 11001 11001 13uo. 13u0, 1lu0, t~un tS~p. 1471. ~O>o >P111 ~8~" Z2q0 1 ll~y0.210$7 g7btO.l•~~~i~4~.z~o~0~2~4~0~2~11~3~2~4~•~---------------­ !o~ .. l.117~7~to5ot,?IUc4,?bOI•.2~0JII,J08113,2i824,1o3UO,I~Kot,I~StU,IC371,1u3111, ~yn~~~a7. ~s~q. ~u~o. t7<q. t 0 uo. to~o. 1nuo. tSZI. tSyo. 15vo. tsoo. tsuo. 15~o . asvo. tSuo, tS~o. 111~1. 11100, tuoo. 11100, 111a. 12vo. t2uO, 12uo, 12uO, _ ___u li..Q......Lhll-1 1 <... tlwo I 1 hl 1 ~_024 I 1 l! <tL2.>48o .2!!8,CQ .zos z 1. 3<+1 111. z.,u 1 u .2a3ao. 21~~7.211171,2"~~~7.3u8u0,271u0,2~0•3,5~071,3uou0,2~01G,2 .. 071,17157,12U11,1Uill, zouo. c~uo. ~Ouu. 1011. 1400, JOuO, 1oun, 1400, 1400, 14u0. 14QO, acauo, 14u0, 1~7_l..__l~u~L-l~~1u . (2 .. 3. c4•l.1}0Q~.3lAu3.2Z5ul.2 0 451 0 lpft<4.l7l~o~~ue~---- 2~U~O,?o7ao.Z~8~7.Z~Qo0.2~21G,2ul~l.lo7~7~1Sl•l.ll424,11271,112~1. 7210, o31i4, l..i.D.Y 5061 4370 3366 2987 2543 1971 1500 1314 1086 950 900 850 807 771 750 700 700 700 700 714 750 750 779 800 843 871 957 1129 1471 2086 3400 6013 11434 20057 12069 12800 16314 17871 16229 .13929 17629 18114 15143 133e6 14286 7399 6001 5593 6303 5511 4726 4536 1Y7~ 3o~o~7~l2~o. 21Yl. 111a. taz4. tlzY. xooo. ~>o. caoo. 157~ e~o. •~o. 8~n. -~o. ~~~~. AuO, auo, 800, zso. zso. zsn. 750, 7oa. &YO, 8~0. ____ !!_50-~0 t 0 Zt. tlutL 101tL 11t> 141 0 I plu3-tu757. U 1(4 0 12~.z.lLZ.Lla..eLI 5~5~u~0~0LJ2E.!O;LI~u~0~0..___ ____________ _ z~oto,ztqun.Z~5uo.?t5aw,ZoiiZO,c?cA71.17&71,1o47t,IJ7~«>.118o7, 9uo«>. ~«>Ill, ot~3 • .i9LL/Ol1 """'' l+ZZI ~7 lfQyO SI'IJO (11<,7 iQ51 <Zit3 ?5Zt. LQyO. <f!00 0 197t. 17113, !5~7. 11110, 12~3. 1157, lluO, IOvO. IOuO, 074, 4~0. o50, 450, 4SO, • ___ 9toQ-l...LJ..u0 aono t~ou 11152 ,q.,o .>8uo !!9!f.l.-.a71g 228~7 <tlloe. 21U>5Z.l~S~,.,o ... l~-------------- c?Q417!,2~t4u0,2b7~n.ld071,211357,11u7ul,IOOu0.2u520,1~471,22~57,1u5oe.,ltOZO,Ju4jO, _ J"-7' l71lll_.-A9\9 >c?oZ tiS•' Hulo v.,z ~"~~"' ?914 <:271 ? .. uo <:0~0 1 .:9"0• .:uuo. zuoo. zzun, ~zuo. 22uo, 22on, zoae., znuo. zouo, 10111, l&oe., 1Kuq, tfiUO, 1771. ~----~7~UalQ 'b<o 'zun J,lab •vsz• •v?nb 2ftMnt> Mt+2"' 2ifQ I I q,g,z \caO>Z ?::a7<Q 2~371,253~7.2~t>uO,tau~•.c?u2 .. l,217c4,t94.!4,2u~oo,1j70",Illob,1oOl4,!l2oo, oosz • . 1'i7l ..117AA-..'4.11.!!i a!"}" ,.ssz i! 141 c>c;!t3 ?! 71 <Q110 0 tl!t3 IC!UOe ta<•. lUy\1 0 111y0 0 tz~a. 12u0, 12~0. tc?uO, 12u0, I?UO, 1200, tc?un, 1110, 10u0, 10u0, IOVO, IOUO, l~~~OsJO !OuO !0<,7 JllwO ?~MI> 92UQ !2b71 1~719 ?u?l9.ll7uO.lou~.~e2~J~4~~~l~eL------------- 21U57,2ulc9,1S224,1ou~a.l?~57,21(\e4,Jet7,7,21bU0,23171,120111, t4!12, 15~1. 7010, __ tiJfL~O l+SU >hO ,?HI !'!l!f lht!3 1511 13M 1?71 !Ul !0£1L 479 0 9~0 0 4u7, cauo. ~ou, ~50, ~~9. ~uo, 7~~. 750, z~n. zsn. 7le.. 7~0. Zuo, - ·----ZOO z;a ...!lL-.1\Ul.Jl.... c>SZI oSfti!.!U!!f> V!f29 Hh7.1955Z.loZUOel~bl.!l.&.hOZL to4~t3,210~7 .• 1"~lt41,1i1571.177tM,IO«>e&,l)4oo.12b5!,171l0,1oott, ~1111, ~1113,1~1~~~ ... -l~b S5u3~~U•~-4!i.U. t9ul tlqO IZyO IZQQ 17yQ llallf>e lf>y0 -0 lflyO. lOIIQ..~u~O,._e~------­ !SOb, 1c;uo. tSu~. !SuO, !SilO. I~UO, 15~0. 1443. 14UO. 111v0. 11100, 111YO. llluO, zzc;oo,2~0u~.2ol~l.2~424,2~2uO,I~A!!0,1a914,104,?4,111157,117•3,l~Oe~.!o024,179~3. - . lqU.!l.-.l..ILLJl-...1..5•3 dle'f <hl oft57 I>QIJ HQd 3y5!10 \o9!10 ZZh3 l113';] 3uZI!f - TABLE 7 (continued) 7-DAY STREA.'IFLOWS AT GOLD CREEK (CFS) 1.~7CLu.bt4-...lt.O.JI e'SZ de! 512'• 211.,1 1111 11.. llZ!. 1111 u..o. uo;.7. uvv. 10uo. 1o~o. o,a. o~o. •~o. ·~o. •so. •so. •2•. •vo. •uo. ouo. •uo. :. ____ 9oo 9"' '''' ''"' M'57 '''"' '1,'90 ••o•• '•'i' ?ZZyQ zoe•' ?agag ?u\yo 19Jl4.1~Zo~.tolo&.I~8~7.21711.277!1.2V571.1SIOO.t11~3. 772 •• ol]O. ol•7• 77~0. l'i.7l. d\1 \0143 •Zo0.~ 29M3 ;711 2511 liQO ..>IIA• iYllo ltoaZ. ll57 0 iAo•, ••~z. 19~0. ~~~o. 11~1. 17vo. 1•4•. &~vo. 1•vo. &5S7. &500. t5uo. &5vo. t5uO. leulQ 11140 •taM Ill& 14171 \157 11511 !UOO 292y0 \Ural loUQ 3l9oj\ \UoaZ. 21Zaa.z .. tvJ.2~5••.212c41.2l<e•.<tl<'.195tt.to7l9.tl5t•.tol•l.t••'t.t•o7t.ti5ia. I ile •• 4' n9>7 za l I r,a II MIM+ ••a• ••so li(,O ,... a zsz l• •• ,,,, ''n' ~21•. llu7. cn~o. &'ct. tlij7. azuo. a•~o. 1•~o. a•oo. a.uo. 1&vo. a&vo. teet. ~fa!)IL-..lta>Q lfiSQ tZd U.M\ lc5'a7 !IU3 11'00 1;171 151 .. 2&171 !oloe U71U! 2cllii.?Y7co.z~•,z.zw~~Z.ZY21•.1~111.1177t.ttli9.tv•e•.t12t•.avtuo. 759o. oMet. 191~ :.IJ.A.,. .. •O•! .o"J t.b79 )577 lt,). i'M' j0\7 te1t ttpo t7~9 t5S7 15u0 aq~z. I"Yo. 1iiYO. tuvo. 1100. &Juo. tlvo. tloo. 1200. 12vo. 12vo. 12110. azvo. --~~...A.-JZ$1 •'•• t7et ,?let >'•' L,COe\Q !Pte\ 11.71 zzee. ZlQZI ?uft,)9 Z>771 2ol71.2oOo~.l17~Z.Jcu~7.2o5lii.Zll8v0.200c9.t70~7.t~l71. ''"'· 92ul.tj5 .. l.lc2)a. _ ~~ .l-A.U luOIM /OJ!M >JQZ Hilt MA,ll M'i' i.Si9 5.157 ilM\ ?aZt (??'!7 >6 ... 3 t't•. 1~cQ. ''~'· 1o .. J. a•uo. &5~41. ••~z. 1•uo. t•uo. 11110. 1•uo. tauo. aauo. _Ult)O IAt!O &MZJ 20u0 *I*' ilJA li'l* 'i*"' J98Ml '2'*' ?Slj9 l<AyQ zat,tA lllol.ll~vo.3~~~7.3vt~l.li01•.2i2U0.2&Qc9.t~8ao.tua~7.tu570.t1lv•.t~ouo.t~too. --'-"ell YA&e9 nZZQ Zlu3 oOtQ *""7 •2'' ''"' \200 '2uO ,JllQ .z •• 1faZ9 'b'M -- 1~71. 18c9. cl~q. cluO. i]~o. ~010. ~010. lOUO. 15~0. 1500. l~uO. 1~i9. lb~O. 17-.tO.-&.l.lta &Anba 6UL .. 1 • ..,,,l.2••Mft0 ?uAdfa J:\Sn0 1 ?t9Ml•toe.;o.to9&Y 1 1n20Q 212'>7 l/~co.u~~o&.ullu3.lo7~o.l~ovO.loi~Z.oo7cO.J70~9.2~07t.t7Qeo.l~5~o.t~luO.t12~e. 13o2 7641 7200 7399 8581 4612 3943 3857 3243 2828 25 29 2385 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2314 235-7 1721 1250 1100 1100 1100 1164 1497 1500 1500 1657 2200 3386 8100 15000 20143 22714 26143 21857 28857 28000 19500 24114 24514 27500 23657 16629 14471 12629 14014 13486 16886 26557 16729 Table 8 ADJUST~1ENTS FOR GLACIERS WASTE Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Year June JUl::£ A us SeJ2t June JUl::£ A us SeJ2t 1950 1,632 2,244 2,376 612 2,952 4,068 4,308 1,104 1951 2,388 4,260 2,808 1,044 4,320 7,704 5,076 1,884 1952 2,208 3,072 2,280 312 3,996 5,568 4,140 576 1953 912 984 636 216 4,860 5,304 3,384 1,176 1954 2,263 2,496 2,184 780 4,116 4,548 3,972 1,416 1955 1,860 3,936 2,316 516 3,264 7,140 4,188 936 1956 2,436 3,360 2,988 276 4,368 6,024 5,376 216 1957 3,288 3,084 2,880 696 5,940 5,580 5,220 1,260 1958 2,412 2,628 2,124 144 4,380 4,776 3,840 264 1959 3,144 2,364 2,616 612 5, 712 4,284 4,764 1,116 1960 3,252 3,852 3,048 408 5,904 7.008 5,532 180 1961 2,832 3,384 2,556 360 5,124 6,120 4,632 660 1962 2,868 3,960 2,976 0 5,208 7,176 5,388 0 1963 1,704 3,708 2,904 1,704 3,084 6, 720 5,268 3,084 1964 2,244 2,880 2,076 804 4,056 5,208 3,768 1,452 1965 1, 992 3,984 2,832 1,680 3,624 7, 260 5,160 3,060 1966 2, 712 2,964 2,280 924 4,920 5,376 4,152 504 1967 2,604 3, lt:JO 2,988 864 4, 716 5,760 5,412 1,572 1968 2, 292 3,312 2, 712 168 4,140 5,988 4,908 312 1969 1,680 1,728 888 324 3,048 3,312 1,704 624 1970 2,448 3,816 2,820 0 4,440 6,900 5,100 0 1971 2,436 3,564 3,312 492 4, 380 6,312 5,952 876 1972 2,196 4,500 3,300 0 3,996 8,172 5,988 0 1973 2,292 3,324 2,052 240 4,152 6,012 3,720 432 1974 1,896 1,968 1,896 792 3,444 3,552 3,444 1, 428 1975 2,280 3,672 2,976 996 4,128 6,636 5,376 1,788 1976 1,416 1,824 1,524 . 300 2,568 3,300 2,748 552 1977 2,772 3,516 3,720 744 5,616 6,744 6,360 1,344 1978 1,200 1,872 1,992 564 2,160 3,396 3,1512 1, 032 1979 2,028 3,228 2,856 1,104 3, 672 5,844 5,184 2,004 Source: R&t1 I Table 9 I MONTHLY STREAMFLOWS ADJUSTED FOR GLA.CIERS \'lASTE SUSITNA RIVER AT WATAN A •• Sc e n a rio 4 Scenario 5 Ye ar J w,e Jul;t Au~ seet June Jul;t A us seet 1950 14,800 16,949 14,538 6,708 13,480 15' 125 12,666 6,216 1951 16,130 18,527 13' 670 16,162 14,198 12,083 11' 462 15,322 1952 23,565 19,039 15,076 11,259 21,777 16,543 13,216 10,995 1953 22,381 18,339 17,318 11, 730 16,610 12,051 13' 298 10' 338 1954 17,209 14,488 18,237 8, 386 15,361 12' 436 16,449 7,750 1955 23,081 19,852 21' 221 12,932 21,617 16,648 19,349 12' 511 1956 24,736 22,471 16,165 12,911 22,804 19,807 13,777 12,978 1957 21,987 16,865 14,438 14,145 19,335 14,369 12,098 13' 581 1958 19,686 17,125 16,719 5,835 17,718 14,977 15,003 5,715 1959 15,186 18,129 2,324 11,855 12,618 16, 209 19,176 11' 351 1960 9,981 15,654 16,275 15' 678 7,329 12,498 13,791 15,906 1961 19,952 16,456 16,924 9,786 17,660 13,720 14,848 9,486 1962 3 3' 149 19,489 16,911 12,746 30,809 16,268 14,489 12,746 1963 18 ., 959 25,059 18,107 9,096 17,579 22,097 15,743 7' 716 1964 40,598 17,703 11 '972 6,220 38,786 14,875 16,284 6,072 1965 19,221 19,252 14,562 14,546 17,584 15' 776 12,234 13' 166 1966 23,228 13,190 15,111 8, 710 21,020 10,778 13,239 8,290 1967 22,108 18,807 23, 117 12,809 19,006 16,227 20,693 12,101 1968 23,412 18,771 11,456 6,996 21,564 16,095 9,239 6,852 1969 12,282 13,116 6,884 3,936 10,914 11, 532 6,068 3,636 1970 11,951 14,594 13,444 7,224 9,959 11,510 11,164 7,224 1971 25,177 17,622 24,135 11,607 23' 233 14,814 21,995 11 ,313 1972 25,233 15' 320 14,210 10,956 23,433 11,648 11,522 10,956 1973 21,567 13,027 15,965 7,866 19,707 10,339 14,297 7,668 1974 12,885 14,004 11,628 8,704 11,337 12,420 10,CAO 8,358 1975 24,409 19,758 12,151 12,077 22,c;61 16,794 91751 11 1 287 1976 18,528 15,191 16,870 51412 171426 131715 15,646 5,160 1977 28,581 161191 131087 71867 26,337 12,163 15,447 9,269 1978 16,077 161513 11,429 6,569 15,117 14,989 9,800 61101 1(}79 20,877 21,684 13,815 7,993 19,233 14,068 111487 7,093 Source: R&t-1 I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • PAN Year Ma~ 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Average Table 10 EVAPORATION (INCHES) McKINLEY PARK Months Jun Jul A us SeE 3.97 3.20 2.42 3.31 3.67 2.25 3.48 2.39 3.35 2.20 6.38 3.75 2.06 3.97 4.10 2.61 3.37 3.25 1.55 3.77 4.02 3.37 3.02 3.46 3.31 2.81 2.97 2.73 4.04 2.92 1.88 3.24 1.89 2.18 3.78 3.35 2.41 Table 11 PAN EVAPORATION (INCHES) MATANUSKA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENTAL STATION r-tonths I Year May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1951 4.16 2.21 l. 79 r 1952 4.45 2.98 1.64 1953 3.99 4.96 4.88 2.58 1.71 1954 4.74 4.80 4.10 3.03 2.23 1955 3.48 4.91 3.96 2.50 I 1956 4.83 4.32 4.44 1.47 1957 6.41 5.45 4.80 3.59 2.03 1958 4.35 5.00 3.97 3.53 2.00 I 1959 4.76 5.23 2.79 2.82 1.46 1960 3.76 4.44 3.59 2.47 LOB 1961 5.18 4.17 3.40 2.41 1.62 I 1962 3.66 4.09 3.85 2.81 1.66 1963 3.56 3.42 2.50 1.48 1964 4.04 3.06 1.60 1965 4.18 7.19 4.34 I 1966 ).56 4.08 4.36 2.60 2.25 1967 4.35 3.07 3.99 2.91 l. 76 1968 4.57 3.56 3.30 1.66 I 1969 5.42 4.38 3.53 2.07 1970 5.03 3.13 2.36 1971 5.34 4.93 4.90 2.69 l. 57 1972 3.43 4.06 4.90 3.79 2.63 I 1973 5.05 3.56 4.38 3.52 1974 5.06 4.96 3.96 3.79 2.20 1975 4.20 3.56 3.16 3.17 l. 73 I 1976 4.22 5.34 4.55 3.21 2.13 1977 4.11 5.20 5.24 3 .19 1.84 1978 4.60 3.01 3.33 3.23 l. 70 I 1979 4.84 3.90 4.01 3.73 2 .54 1980 3. 72 2.98 3.27 2.74 1981 4.41 3.98 2.82 2.25 I Average 4.48 4.30 4.18 3.10 1.88 I I I I J I I I I I I I I !/ ~I Table 12 COMPARISON OF MONTHLY TEMPERATURES (•F) Month Watana.!/ McKinle:;t Parkl/ May 41 41 June 48 52 July 51 54 August 43 50 September 40 41 Based on the data collected by R&r-1 (Susitna Hydroelectric Project, Processed Climatological data, April 1980 through September 1982, volume 5, Watana Stations, two volumes) for the years 1981, 82 and 83. For the period 1951-75, taken from NOAA Climatography of the United States No. 60, Climate of Alaska. r I I I I I I I I I I I Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Table 13 NET RESERVOIR EVAPORATION WATANA RESERVOIR Average Pan Lake Average Evarrration Evatiration PreciPitation in) in) lin) 0 0 1. 20 0 0 1. 20 0 0 1. 20 0 0 0.60 3.67 2.67 1.50 3.53 2.47 4.80 3.43 2.40 6.30 2.54 1. 78 4.80 1.54 1.08 2.70 0 0 1.80 0 0 LBO 0 0 2.10 14.71 10.40 30.0 Table 14 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA Watana Devil Canyon Temper-Precipi-Temper-Precipi- Year Month ature tat ion ature tat ion ('c) (mm) ('c) (mrn) J 1980 May 4.6 14.6 Jun 9.1 55.0 Jul 11.9 107.6 Aug I Sep Oct 0.2 Nov -7.2 2.0 -5.1 I Dec -21.1 0.2 -17.9 1981 Jan -4.5 1.6 -2.5 Feb -7.3 I f·tar -4.3 18.4 -1.8 Apr -4.3 1.2 -1.8 1.2 May 7.6 44.0 8.7 39.0 Jun 9.3 129.8 10 .o 166.4 I Jul 9.3 170.6 9 .3 176.6 Aug 2.0 165.6 Sep 4.0 77.2 I Oct -2.1 25.0 -.4 Nov -10.4 5.6 -8.3 Dec -13.7 7.0 -11.6 1982 Jan -19.6 o.o -17.0 I Feb Mar -7.1 Apr -4.5 7.2 -2.7 21.0 May 2.3 25.8 4.4 22.0 Jun 8 .6 87.4 9.9 85.2 Jul 10.8 109.2 11.7 106.4 Aug 10 .0 58.2 10.3 35.0 Sep 5.0 100.8 6.0 156.6 Table 15 MONTHLY PERCENTAGES OF PRECIPITATION t-tatanuska lkKinley Park Percent Percent Month Preci~itation of Annual Preci~itation of Annual ( l.n) ( l.n) Jan 0.79 5 0.68 4 F~b 0.63 4 0.61 4 Mar 0.52 3 0.60 4 Apr 0.62 4 0.38 2 r-1ay 0.75 5 0.82 5 Jun 1.61 10 2.51 16 Jul 2.40 15 3.25 21 Aug 2.61 18 2.48 16 Sep 2.31 15 1.43 9 Oct 1.39 9 0.92 6 Nov 0.93 6 0.90 6 Dec 0.93 6 0.96 7 EXHIBITS : : : : .. 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