HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA466SUPPLEMENT ALREPORT HARZA..eBASCo Susitna Joint Venture Document Number Please Return To DOCUMENT CO~TROl DRAFT CONFIDENTIA.L;PRIVILEGED HORK PRODUCT PREPARED IN AN1':L~IPA;I()N <j OF LITIGATION;RESTRICTED DISTRIBlTl'ION SEPTEMBER 1983 tJJ:IIAI J1))Jfj}11\r!~~If,'l{!)~OnNl1fAl1ft~1lli ~~1J1Wffi]~~WI/ SUS/TNA JOINT VENTURE .1 - SUSITNAHYOf·"OELECTRICPROJECT ENVIF,ONMENT AL IMPL:;:ATIONS OF . SUSITNAPRO JEer ALTERNATIVES t ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY a __ FCONOMIC AI'1D FINANCIAL UPDATE I I I ;11.1 !:)l.1.,..t::!J) ~-"'l~ ,I I: ~•.f.•I".•••if J ' I .'1 ,J J J J I r, J '1 " J f f: f 'f ~- l J. t j~ t 1, J? - SUSITNA·.HYDROEELECTRIC PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATION OF SUSITNA PROJECT ALTERNATIVES SEPTEMBER 1983 SUBMITTED BY HARZA-EBASCO $USITNAJOINT VENTURE TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY :1,....•t ", I I 11,'~: I, 1,~ I··' \...• .~ {Ii ~. . JJ.''.'"~. E'''I },.",.J,'.1 '\ -1::;'" ~f .1,.:UI:;. ~. ~.:,Ol\,"",J,.• I''. " ~'I Ii... ~'.l'j I: ~:4A [ 1' I ., [!~ 1 I ' [[ rft& t'··"t' ! i ." :r~ TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART A -ALTERNATIVE SCHEMES FOR HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN PART B - A COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH ELECTRIC GENERATING PROJECTS ALTERNATIVE TO SUSITNA HYDRO- ELECTRIC lEVELOPMENT """"-''''''''--'~''"''''''''''''.'';.::,::::.~~,....•':-'..•....tr"'"......--".,_,.,.."'.=.,:<.~.'"'l\Z1'.'''"''.'-.',',.~''.'_.,'7.u.•...••.•.••.',.'"'~•.I ..'.i ';.J.,J,.'.....•. J "'.."'."..'.",."' ".·,·---.."..-·"ir~'"'~-·,,"'""~~>'•••.."••'.'•.'.••.•.'.,•••.•'{,.'"'.,.'••0,.'.\\:,'\'.•,'<,...•... '"'."',1',,.\)~"'t ~~'\", '.-..,.,..,'.'..'..",,'..',''."".'..,.',.':i\'~,"~Y·.'::•.:",', r'" ,? I r f • 1 r L [-; 41 C r, W INTRODUCTION September 1983 ENVI!ONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF SUSITNA PROJECT ALTERNATIVES Exhibit E of the FERC License Application considers all aspects of cOn- struction and operation of the Project elS proposed in relation to prob- able impacts on the physical,biological and social resources of the affected region.The Project as described in Exhibit E consists of the initial const~uction of the Watana Development with normal maximum re- servoir elevation of 2185,followed by construction of the Devil Canyon dam and reAervoir with nonnal maximum reservoir elevation of 1455.The Watana Development would operate as a base load project until the Devil Canyon Development enters operation,at which time the Devil Canyon De- velopment would 'perate on base and the Watana development would oper'- ate in the load following mode. iJ t,,'L \'. l0~ ,L"-_.'~'~.J.....~·D:T.==,;: ....~,~..'.". -1- I I The objective of this report is to present the environmental implica-- tions and trade-offs of the alternative development concepts considered in the SusitnaProject Economic and Financial Update Report and in the Review and Update of Conceptual Design Report.This report was pre- pared in response to an August 22,1983 Power Authority dil.'ective re- garding the need to "address the environmental trade-offs involved in the reservoir elevation and reregulation dam issues.n The environmen- tal implications of both the recommended design refinements to the Project as described in the license Application and the alternative reservoir elevation and reregulating dam issues are summarized in the Economic and Financial Update Report.This report provides a more detailed evaluation of the relative differences among the various al-- ternatives,but is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis of all impacts of each of the alternatives • [[ [ i[ .[ [[ [ I, I I fIJ ril.'.·~ I I " .'.. I' I I I I r I I f I I l I 1 L t~. f I, I ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF SUSITNA PROJECT ALTERNATIVES SEPTEMBER 1983 PART A ALTERNATIVE SCHEMES FOR HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUSITNA RIVER BASIN A-i TABI$OF CONTENTS 4.1 IMPACTS TO AQUATIC RESOURCES DURING PROJECT OPERATION A-35 A-6 A-I A-6 A-7 A-IS A-17 A-IS A-19 A-19 A-21 A-23 Page A-24 A-26 A-30 A-26 A-31 A-33 A-34 Area of Inundation Borrow Material Shorte~Construction Period Relict Channel Flood Control Emergency Flows to Tsusena Creek Other Design Changes Reservoir Drawdowns 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 3.2.1 Load Following Operation Without Regulati.'Ll 3.2.2 Project Flows with Reregulation.Structure 4.1.1 Impact,s of Project Operation During the Open Wa tel;Season A-36 4.1.2 Impacts of Project Operation During the Ice Season.A-41 4.2.1 Effects of Altered Flow Regimes During Initial Reservoir Filling A-44 4.2.2 Effects of Altered Water Quality During Ini- tial Reservoir Filling A-47 I - 2.1 WATANA ALTERNAXIVES 2.2 DEVIL CANYON DEVELOPMENT 3.1 SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS 3.2 DAILYFLUCTUATIONS 4.2 n1PACTS TO AQUATIC RESOURCES DURING INITIAL RESERVOIR FILLING A-43 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 AREA UPSTREAM OF DEVIL CANYON 3.0 DOWNS TRE.M1 FLOWS 4.0 DOWNSTREAM IMPACTS ON AQUATIC AND RIPARIAN RESOURCES ( f',, • ( 1 ." 4.3 IMPACTS TO DOWNSTREAM RIP~~IAN RESOURCES 4.4 DOWNSTREAM IMPACTS OF DAILY FLOW FLUCTUATIONS 5.0 REGIONAL SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS OF WATANAALTERNATIVES Ii A-50 A-48 Page A--51 A-55 A-57 A--ii ;1>-»>..,----''>>....> ..:.'.':...... >':'-""'> TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont') " 4.4.1 AquC1tlcEcoaystem.Implications 4.4.2 Botanical and Wildlife Resource Implications 'I 'I~ I I f I >1\ ." i... I [ I [ I [ [ l I I Table A-I A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-IO LIS T OF TABLE S Susitna River Alternative.Developments Principal Tributary Streams Inundated by Wata.na Reservoir R6servoir Area and Required Clearing for Watana Alternatives Elevations of Identified Archaeological Sites Dam.Fill Volumes Construction Time and Labor Requirements Minimum Designated With-Project Downstream Flow Regime at Gold Creek Average August and December With-Project Flows at Gold Creek Approximate Time to Fil1 Watana Reservoir at Four Alternative Dam Heights Construc.tion Work Force Requirements for Alterna- tive Watana De~eIopments A-iii Page A-4 A-9 A-I 0 A-13 A-1S A-I 8 A-27 A-28 A-44 A-57 A-6 August and December Flow Durations Project Labor Requirements {l A--iv ..~'l" Watana Reservoir Areas Under Alternative Development Con-cepts Average Monthly Flo-ws at Gold Creek Frequency Distribution of August and December Flows at Gold Ct'eek-Watana Only,Year 2000,Demand.Level :D 4709 GWh LIST OF EXHIBITS Frequency Distribution of August and December Flows at Gold Creek -Watana and Devil Canyon,Yea.r 2010,Dem.and Level = 5945 GWh Frequency Distribution of August and December Flows at Gold Creek.-,Watana and Devil Canyon,Year 2020,Demand Level = 7505 GWh August and December Flow Duration Curves,Natural and With- Project Conditions Monthly Flo'W Distribution,Pre-and Post-PX'oject A-3 A-I A-2 A-4 A-5 A-8 A-7 Exhibit A-9 'I I I I I I I-'.!. I I o Fill versus arch dam. (;)Underground versus surface powerhouse. A-2 J-~' t - '!'he development as dE:sc:,:,',pedin the License Application,in- clUding C1 50-foot drawdolffl and an unde.rground pbwerhouse. o Should both developments be constructed with nc appreciable changes in the design of project features or in the timing of o Should facilities for four,rather than six,generat.1ng units be constructed initially.wi th the fifth and sixth units con- structed at some future date? construction? o Should the Devil Canyon Development be built prior to the Watana Development? o Should the project be l'lperated in the load following mode? o Are there other viable a.lternatives to the proposed project? o Normal maximum reservoir elevations of 2185,21DO,2000 and 1900 feet. o Fourversu$six generating units in initial construction. o Fourteen alternative concepts for the Watana Development and three for the Devil Canyon Development were evaluated in order to provide answers to these questions.lbe alternatives for Watanawere differentiated by various Cotn.binations of= The three alternatives for Devil Ca~yon included; ( I r I: J; r I I, I I 1 ,~ J 1 J o .An arch dam with surfaee powerhouse. For each development concept,alternative operational modes have been considered.These are: a.operating the downstream development (Devil Canyon or Watana if Devil Canyon is not present)as bc:i.se load as described in the license application; !I - A-3 1 operating the entire project in a load following mode with flows naturally at.tenuating as they proceed downstream. b. The characteristics of the al ternative development concepts selected for consideration in the Economic and Financial Update Report a.re shown in Table .A-I.The Watana Development,as described in the FERC License Application,is included for comparison. o The same configuration (with underground powerhouse)with minor modifications by Harza-Ebasco (basically the removal of the emergency spillway)and with IOO-foot reservoir draw'" down if neeessary for power generation. In terms of anticipatel environmental implications of the alterna- tives,the development concepts would differentially impact the region upstream of Devil CanYQ).~through construction and inundation effects (e.g.,size of reservoir,construction time"labor requirements,etc.) and will differentially affect the river downstream of Dev.!l Canyon through different seasonal flow release,and possibly telD.perature" patterns. In addition to the alte.rnative development concepts for the SusitIla. :Project listed above"seven potential design r(~J:inements to the Wa.tana Development have also been eV'aluated from engineering,ecc>no.dc and I I I r I I I I I I I I 1\ I: I: I I I I I I II I I 11 I I I I 1 1 10.7 4,4 WATAN.\[EVIL CAN'/ON 1900 1455 1 ,1~55 890 --_..........~,. ,•"t ,"1'~)f''.' .~...'...".,. ~.,' 160 60 150 100 fill Concrete ~rch 4 4 16 1.3 (arch) 1.9 (fiJ.l) 7 8 lR4 152 600 646 14,500 7,800 2,;46 1,100 1,675 S139 39 32 20,400 n/a 7 1 100 nla 49 50 4 25 7 184 700 44 150 fill WATANA 2000 1,455 265 14.4 19,800 4,248 2,370 2,600 17,400 8,900 57 4 41 8 184 800 fill WATANA 2100 420 18 •.1 2,700 28,300 6,645 3,315 49 '150 1,455 13,500 11,JOO 70 a 184 885 6 55 fill WATANA 2185 Modified 1,455 23.9 595 2,800 38,000 9,.470 3,740 54 120 12,700 11,000 83 Fill 6 62 W;i.fANA 2185 fERC 23.9 595 3,300 10 184 885 38 ,000 9,470 3,.740 54 120 1,455 12,600 11,300 103 Table A-I SUSTINA RIVER ALTERNArnE DEVELOPt£NTS Characteris t.ic Construction Period (Years) Dam Location (RM) Dam Height (ft.) Reservoir Area (Acres) Total Reservoir Volume (l03AF) Reservoir Volune (lOJAF) River Length Inundated (miles) Type of Dam No.of Units Vol ume of Dam (106cy ) Maximum Drawdown Tailwater Elevation (at 12,000 cfs) /t,,I Approximate W~ter Retention Time (days)(Total Volume +(1.9835 x average annual flow of 8023) Inundation of Principal Clear- water Tributaries (steam miles) Average August Flows (crs)!! Average December Flows (cfs)~ MM-months to first power (xl03 ) Peak Work Force --------!!At Gold Creek,assuroos presence of Devil Canyon Development l t L f L t I 1 A-5 o Relict channel treatment o OUtlet facilities Dam Foundation Exc,avation and Treatment Eme/rge,ncY release facilities o o o Dam.Configuration and.Composit.iQn o Cofferdam and Di,'~rsion Tunnels o Power Intake -Spillway Approach Channel o Underground Cavern Orientation o Power Conduits o Spillway Structures (at.both Watana and Devil Canyon) enviromnental viewpoints"These refinements (Category 1)have.been incorporated into the Modified Watana 2185 Project.and included in the etlldy of the al ternative development concepts.These refinements re- late to: These refinements are discussed in the report "Revie~T and Update of Conceptual Design"(draft dated September,1983).All environmental implica.tions of these refinements are discussed both in that report and in subsequent sections of this environmental report e Additional cost-saving design refinements (Category 2)still under considerat.ion are also addressed in this report.These include: .Several of the designtefinements (e.g",Cofferdam and Diversion Tunnel details,Underground Cavern Orientation,etc.)have no sJ_gnificanten'" vironmental implications and are therefore not further dis~ussed in this report. L Ii I 1 , /, t I 1 1 t I l 1 ~., l, I I ! I J i t 2 .0 AREA UPSTREAM OF DEVIL CANYON The dam and reservoir characteristics of the individual development alternatives considered (four Watana,and Devil Canyon)are shown itl Table A-I.The four alternative heights for the Wa tana site are de- fined in terms of their normal maximum water surface elevation.The WatanaDevelopment ~s described in the PERC License Application is also shown for comparison.Individual reservoirs range in si2:e from 38,000 acres for the Watana 2185 Development to 7 ~BOO acres for the Devil Canyon Reservoir. Exhibit E of the License Application considers all aspects of project construction and operation in relation to probable impacts on fish, vegetation,wildlife and other resources of the project area.That discussionis based on the Watana 2185 alternative combined with sub- sequent construction of the Dev.il Canyon dam and reservoir.'!he fol- lowing sections compare the differences in impac.ts if a lower maximum normal water surface elevation is selected at theWatana site or if other development conc.epts are selected. 2.1 WATANAALTERNATIVES The majority of the anticip.~ted impacts on terrestrial and aquatic re- sources resulting from tnt;construction andoperatfon of the two dam project,as described in the1icense Applicat:ion,are related to the first phase of development ,the Watatia 2185 dam and reservoir.The relative impacts of the proposed Watana:llternatives are therefore com- pared to those for the base case Watana2185 development.,;Dams with lower normal maximum water surface elevations (2100,2000 OJ:'1900 feet) WC)uld result in: 1)less ~rea inundated, 2)less borrow materia!needed, A...6 1 .......,.__t'. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =: 2.1.1 Area of Inundt~tion Exhibit E identi,fies the major impact issues directly related to the amount of area inundated by the Watana development as: 1 to 2 years shorter construction period, more modest remedial mea.Bures ';0 seal the relict channel, and; less inherent capacity for flood.control and less regulation of downstream flows. 5) 3) 4) Table A-I and Exhibit A-I show that at reservoir elevations of 2100, 2000 or 1900 feet,the l,~ngth of the reservoir would be 5,10 and 15 mi.les shorter,respectivel~than at elevation 2185.Also the area inundated is 26 ,48 and 6~r'ercent less,respectively,and the active storage capacity is 11,36 and.55 percent less ,respectively,than for the rese~.cvofr at elevation 2185. These changes,in turn,will mod.ify the im.pacts that are described in many sections of Exhibit E.Lower dl.:1m heights would be matched by a. reduction in installed capacity (hut not the turbine discharge ca.pac- ity)•Modified project ope'!'ation schedules would,in turn,result in alterations in seasonal,and potentially weekly and daily,release patterns and.therefore in downstream flow regimes. ~~. Loss of grayling spawning and rearing habitat Removal of vegetation Loss of winter/spring m.oose and spring bear habit.at Interference with hig game movements and potential for accidents Inundation of Jay Creek mineral lick Inundation of raptor nests Impacts on other wildlife Impacts on existing archaeologic and aesthetic resourc.es A-7 "l --(, tats. J I J J I 1 J ~J --• I I I 1 1".·". fl -, J.,\!' ........_-!; A-8 Unless otherwise identified,page references are to Exhibit E of the License Application as filed,February 28,1983. 2 aI.lel Loss of grayling spawning and rearing ~j;abita.t.The l~atana 2185 reservoir will flood 54 miles of Sus.itIlaRf-ver DlB.instem habitat and 28 miles of tributary habitat,including ten miles along Watans. Creek,as well as portions of other tributaries.The primary long-term. impact is theredu...i~"lon of clear water spawning habitat in thetribu- taries that currently supports a substantial population of grayling (estimated to be at least 15,000 in 1982).Future aquatic habitats wi thin the reservoir area ~re not expected to support a significant grayling population (page E-3-121).J.l In addition,some reduction of burbot and whitefish spawning area is expected in mainstream habi- Measures to minimize impoundment impacts would be to ~substantial1y lower the surface elevation of the reservoir or to maintain surface level during the embryo incubation period"(page E-3-171).It will not be feasible to maintain constant reservoir elevations during the gray- ling incubation period (May and June)because of the need to refill the reservoir,but the alternative Watana developments would have substan- tially lower reservoir surface elevations and therefore the reservoir would inundate correspondingly fewer strealD.miles of,tributary habitat than the 28 miles inundated by the ele.vation 2185 development (Table A- 2).Deadman,Watana,Kosina and Jay Creeks would be impacted by a re- servoir at elevation 1900,but to a eonslderably smaller ~tent than by reservoirs with higher maximum water surface elevations.The falls on Deadman Cre.ek,with crest elevation of 1800 feet,would be inundated undel:all alternatives.The mouth of Goose Creek is at an elevation of approximately 2060 feet at its confluenc.e wi th the Susitna River and would not be adverselY affected by the two low-er al.ternatives.The mouth of the Oshetna River would be inundated only by the Watana 2185 development. 1/ ~., f 1. Table A-2 A-9 4.1 28 ..0 10.4 4.6 3.6 1.1 1.9 23.9 1i' bl 18.1 bl 14,4 bl Length (miles)Inundated by Reservoir EI. 0.7 1.2 1.7 6.1 7.7 9.2 2.2 3.2 3.9 1.7 2.3 3.0 -0.3 1900 2000 2100 2185 10.7 Elevati01a at Conflue'nee (feet) 1,513 1,552 1,67Q 1,700 2,060 2,110 Location River Mile 186.7 194.1 106.9 208.6 231.2 233.5 Stream Total for six tributaries r ....+".~ 1 PRINCIPAL TRIBUTARY STREAMS al I~J)ATED BY WATANARESERVOIR al In.addition,the lower pnrtions of 39 smaller ,unnamed tributaries will be inundated,for 0 .lt03.9 m:;'les,by all four a1 ternatives with an additional 4,12 and 13 tributaries inundated by the ele- vation 2000,2100 and 2185 alternatives respectively. Other minor tributaries inundated by Watana 2185 Development bl Not determined at this time for smaller tributaries but expected to be proportionately less as reservoir elevation is lowered. Deaeman Cree\k Watana Creek Kosina Creek Jay Creek Goose Creek Oshetna River 2.1.1.~Removal of Vegetation."Construction of the Watana Develop- ment will result in the direct removal of vegetation within an area of approximately 35,605 aeres (14,409 ha)covering a range of elevations from 1400 to 2400 feet (430 to 730 m).In addition,about 5,258 acres (2128 ha)of unvegetated areaS 'Will be inundated or developed"(page E- 3 ...225 as revised by supplemental information filed wi th FERC on July 11,1983).The total reservoit areasassoc.iated with the smaller ,proj- ects will require correspondingly less remc/val of vegetation"Table A- f f r ! I I 1 I I ,.1 Loss of Moose and Bear Habitat"Re.mo'Val of vegetation and filling of the reservoir for the Watana2185 development ~ll reduce the carrying capacity of the winter range by approximately 300 moose. Also,tbeimpoundment zones,particularly the south-facing slopes) are important as a $OUrCe of early sprin.g foods and as calviIlg areas 3 shows the total reservoir area a.nd the vegetated area of the reser- voir for each of the Watana a1 ternatives.At the present tim.e,dif-- ferencesin the amount of required clearing for other project features for the four al terna.tives at'e not in~luded in these calculations.The Watana 2100,2000 and 1900 alternatives would result in preservation of about 9,000,17,000 and 22,000 acres of natural vegetation,respective- ly~with corresponding redttctions in impacts to wildlife resources and a.esthetics.Natural vegetation that would be preserved by lower Watana dam height$primarily consists of black spruce,white spruce,and mixed fot'est types. I I I: I I I II II II 67 1,900 - 14,500 39 3,900b! 10,600 53 I I I I I .1 I I; J II \ ..,...-.'e"'"__~.._,.~__.·.,-_Q~.'~\~;::,,:J:------ 2,000 19,BOO 44 4,400b! 15,400 28 2,100 28,300 49 4,900b! 23,400 2,185 38,000a! 54 5,400b! 32,600 A...10 TableA-3 .. RESERVOIR AREA AND REQUIRED CLEARING FOR WATANA ALTERNATIVES Assumed to be proportional to river length inundated since this is predominately Open water. From Exhibit A,page A-2-1,and ExhibitE,Chapter 2,page E-2-55; based on R&M data in a letter dated May 7,1981. al bl Reservoir elevation.(feet.,msl) Reservoir area (acres) River length inun.dated (miles) Un'Vegetated area Vegetated area Per~ent reduction in required clearing for reservoir }, .1 I 1 "1 1 I 2.1.1".4 Interference with Big Game Movements..Redu~tion of reservoir area,particularly in the length of mainstem and tributary stream inun- dated and the narrower reservoir width associated with the lower Watana developments,will reduce.tht:magnitude of impacts on the carrying ca- paci ty of the area for big game sp~cies..Such a reduction ~10ulda1SD reduce the potential for interference with movements and the possibili- ty for big game fatalities during river crossing attempts.Moose,ca- rihou,brown and black bears,and possibly Dall sheep cross the river in the prQjec t area.Barriers and potential for accidents would be less at lower Watana elevations.and would not be present at some key crossing areas due to the shorter reservoir lengths (e.g.,in the vici- nity of Goose Creek,the Oshetna River)and along a portion of Watana. Creek). for moose.These zones also contain several large areas of river val- ley bottomland with mixed spruce deciduous woodlands that may provide critical moose habitat during years with severe winters.Brown bears likewise make heavy spring use of the riparian vegetation and south- facing slope habitat where they prey on moose calves and forage on new spring vegetation and overwintered berries.The permanent loss of ha- bitat and early spring foods in the impoundment area may cause a de- crease in the carrying capacity of the area for brown bears •Loss of habitat:will be most significant for black bears..A large proportion of the acc;.eptable black bear habitat in the middle basin will be elimi- nated.Whereas no brown bear denning habitat will be affected by the Watana 2185 reservoir,9 of 13 identified black bear den sites in the Watana :impoundment area will apparently be flooded.Lower reservoir surface elevations would impact moose and bears to a correspondingly lesser extent for each of the smaller reservoir al ternatives •For examples,8 of the 9 black bear dens potentially flooded by Watana 2185 occur within an elevation range of 1900 to 2100 feet.Therefore,the number of den sites actually flooded could vary from 1 to 8 depending on the dam height and the exact elevation of the dens. II ~~~ t -- A...1 1 I ~l "I 1 1 Inundation of Raptor Nests.Reduction of reservoir elevation may also be significant for raptors..Lowering the elevation of the Watana reservoir would reduce or eliminate impacts to as many as two bald eagle nests,one golden eagle nest,one gyrfalcon nest,and six raven nests.depending on the al ternative selected and the exaet nest elevations.Two bald eagle,five golden eagle,one goshawk,and five raven nests would be inundated regardless of the alternative selected. 2 ..1.1.5 Inundation of Jay Creek Mfneral Li~..Partial inundation of the Jay Creek mineral lick may negatively impact the Wat~ma Hills Dall sheep population.With the reservoir at elevation 2185,up to 42 per- cent of the surface area of the mineral lick would be intLnda ted by the Watana impoundment (page E-3-512)0 This lick appears to be an impor- tant nutrient source for the W'ataIla Hills Dall Sheep PQ'f'ulation.The lick ex.tends from elevation 2000 to 2450,so lower elevations of the reservoir lY.i11 inundate less of the lick area or may totally avoid it (e.g.,at elevation 1900). I I I I I I I J I; I I Lr,I t II: III I II 1II III 1\ I1\ \It l .....,.,....._.~~.,,_._.._".~--~""#_~....•.••::I.'•..•..-...'..•...•.•...•."•••.•..•.....•.-..,..._-j\\.,, .\\.'....:.; A-12 2.1 ..1.7 Impacts on Other Wildlife.Reservoir clearing and general ground disturbance associated wi th the Watana development will have adverse impacts on the other spec.ies of wildlife present in the area (pages E-3-512 to 517 and Tables E.3.149 to 158).Lower reservoir eleva.tions with less needed clearing and general ground disturbance would reduce construction and inundation impacts on all wildlife spe- c.ies in the area,especially forest-inhabiting species such as many birds,small mammals,and certain furbearers.The impact reduction would be especially significant for tnarten which is dependent on forest habitat and is the most economically important furbeare:;in the reservoir vicinity.A reservoir elevation of 1900 feet would reduc.e marten impacts substantially because only about half of the forest ha- bitat lost wi.th the Watana 2185 project would be inundated by the lower dam height..Areas of strea.m habitat utilized by mink and otter (both l I I 1 J J 20 6 10 2 14 52 No.of SitesElevation(ft.) 1540 -1900 1920 -2000 2050 --2100 2133 --2185 2200 --2300 moderately abundant furbearers in the Watana reservoir vicinity)would also be significantly less-affected by lower reservoir elevations. Thus,lowering the normal maximum reservoir elevation from 2185 to 2100,2000 or 1900 would reduce the number of sites directly affected by 2,12,and 18 respectively.These sites would remain .subject to A-13 ELEVATIONS OF IDENTIFIED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE WATANARESERVOIR AREA Three of these sites appeal.'to be in the construction area and will likely be impacted regardless of elevation selected..One site is lo- cated upstream of the Oshetna River and would only be affected by the elevation 2185 development.The relative elevations of the remaining 52 sites are shown.in Table A-4. Table A-4 Other Impacts of Inundation.A total of 167 historic and ~......--....: archaeological sites are discussed in the License Application..Of these ,30 are identified as being directly affected by the Watana Dam and impoundment (at El.2l85).Three additional sites may be affected (one site directly and two potentially)by borrow area.ac.tivities.The remaining 134 sites would be unaffected by possible changes in normal maximum reservoir elevations at theWatana developm.ent..Since prepara- tion of Exhibit E,26 a.dditional sites have been identified from the Watana area. J " t 1 I iJL~ 1 1 I E. r: t. indirect impacts during both project construction and operation,how- ever,.as discussed in Exhibit E of the License Application. The License .Application also indicates that the Watana 2185 dam and reservoir will inundate six structures J of which one,a lean-to for hunting and fishing,is presently maintained for temporary use..These six structures are located close to the river and will be affected by the Watana Development,regardless of selected reservoir elevation. Since the lower alternative reservoir elevations would inundatesignif.... icantly fewer aCres and stream miles than the reservoir as described in the License Application,the lower elevation developments would pro- gressively reduce the total magnitude of changes irt land use and re- lated land use activities.Although development would increase the potential for access to the area,the lower al ternatives would result in larger areas remaining in primitfve ·'before project·'condition for rec.reational activities including boating,fishing,hunting,and hik- ing.It is rtotanti':1ipated that changes in the dam height or re$ervoir level would result fa any significant modifications to the projectre- lated facilities proposed in the Recreation.Plan. Differences in al ternative Wa tana developtIlents will not change impac ts to the exceptional Natural Features in the project area as identified in Chapter 8 of the License Application.For example,Deadman Creek Falls,which is located approximately 0.5 miles north of the Susitna River-Deadman Creek confluence and rises to 1800 feet in elevation, will still be inundated.Irt terms of the aes the tic qual!ty of the reservoir <lnd the adjacent area ~as the reservoir is lowered and.the total rtumber of river and tributary miles are reduced and the total size of thereservoit and borrow sites decreases,increasingly larger areas will retain their natural landscape characteristics.In parti.... cular,as the reservoir size decreases,the size of theproject....created mudflat.s (located principally east of Deadm.an Creek and.in the area A-14 I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I '. I ,I 1 x j centered around Watana Creek)will be significantly reduced,thereby diminishing potentially negative aesthetic effects including those re- lated to blowing dust.Sally Lake near the mouth of Watana Creek has a surface elevation of approximately 2050 feet and would be af'Eected only by the 2100 and 2185 dam alternatives. 2.1.2 Borrow Material • "Removal of floodplain gravel can cause erosion.,siltation,increased turbidity,increased ice buildup cgused by ground water overflow,fish entra.pm.ent.,and alteration of fish habitat"(page E-3-155).Borrow ma- terial requirements for the Watana dam are shown in '1:11ble A-5. Table A-5 DAM FILL VOLUMES (Thousand cubic yards) Development/Borrow 2185 2185 Nature of Fill Area FERC af Modified b/2100 2000 1900 Total Volume 61,800 55,100 40,600 24,900 16,400 Percent Reduction -:Llcl 26d/55dl 70d/ Impervious Fill D 8,300 7,250 5,160 3,370 2,230 Sand &Gravel/ Filters E 42,300 26,300 18,500 11,460 7,640 Rockfill from. Quarry A 1,600 16 p OOO 10,900 3,210 580 Total Rockfill from Excavation 9:;600 5,550 6,040 6,880 5,990 a/Project as described in the License Application. b/Project as modified by Harza-Ebasco. c/As compared to the project as described in the License Application. j./As compared to the modif1.ed project. A-I5 .r·~··· t - r f f i;' t'beHarza-Eba.sco modified design for the El.2185 dam requires ten per- ce:nt less fill material than that described in the License Application. This is ma.inly because of reduced foundation excavation and revised de- sign of the f:1.11 dam.Approximately 75 percent of themateria1 exca.- vatedfrom the dam foundation could eventually be utilized .in dam con- struction..'!'he remainder would be spoiled in the future reservoir area.Since spoil material will be placed in the dead storage portion of the reservoiI',no aesthetic or ather impacts are anticipated from this disposal. A project at elevation 2100 reduces the total volume of the dam by 26 percent as compared wi,th the modified El.2185 design.A development at elevation 2000 reduces the.volume by 55 percent and a development at elevation 1900 reduces the volume by 70 percent as compared with the modified El.2185 design. Borrow areas for the Watana dam are shown in FigureE .2 •.131 of the Lieense Application.Borrow area E is a large alluvial fan deposit at the confluence of Tsusena Creek wit.h the surface of the deposit ranging in elevation from a low of 1410 feet near the river to 1700 feet against the valley walls"AI though the mined area will be re- habili tated to provide feeding and overnntering fish habitat follow- ing construction,same increased turbidity will doubtless occur from the mining activities.The redueed volume of material needed from borrow area E will tend to reduce the extent and duration of turbidity and sedimentation .in the river downstream during construction.Also, reduclng the volume needed from this area may reduce impacts on the existing riparian habitat for moose and other species. BorroW'areas A and D are located in upland areas away from,the reser- voir.The volume of material needed for impervious fill (area D)is progressively less at lower dam heights than that for the dam as de- scribed in the Lieense Application. A-16 I '~~, .J -.-> '1 I '. 'I ~ I ,~ I I ..~I [j~r I ~ I! III, JI rIi j 1\I1\ 11\I IIi I I I I .~ ,1t: J 2.1.3 Shorter Construction Period Erosion :r>otenti,Jl for Oil and Hazardous Material Spills Blasting River Di/ersiotls Reservoir Filling Water Quality Changes l.faintenance of Acc~ss and Temporary camps Aircraft Disturbance A-17 The volume of material needed from the rock quarry (area A)is also considerably less at lower dam heights but,except for theEl II 1900 alternative,is greater than that for the project des~ribed in the LicetlSe Application.This is due to a redistribution in the propor- tion of the types of materials used in dam construction under the modified design..The project modifications result ina reduction in material extracted from the ri.ver (area E)and a smaller increase in material excavated from the rock quarry (area A).This results in a trade-off between less disturbance to aquatic and riparian habitats through removal of the sand and gravel sustrate and less turbidity downstream and increased disturbance to the area aro1.1nd the rock quarrry with increased blasting and resultant dust and increased aesthetic impact in the quarry area. Many project impacts discussed in Exhibit E are essentially time de- pendent in that the shorter th~construction per:tod,the les~~the cu- mulative impc1(.:.t.Of particular conc:ern is increased hunting and fish- ing pressure and the general disturhance to the environment that will occur throughout the construction period.The lower dams ,w:i th less placement offill material!)will require less time for construction .. This,in turn,will result in a reduction of 'cumulative impact..Al- though completion of construction would not totally eliminate some sources of impact (e.g.access tt'J the area),impacts due to other factors may be reduced by shorter construction times.Such factors include: fh l 2.1.4 .Relict Channel I,l rIlc I I I ·f•' 7' I I I I: 2,,6 2.6 :~.3 2.8 3,140 2,520 2,140 1,730 1,480 Labor Requirements tota.l,-Maximum, thousand thousand man-days J.ndivi duals 8 8 '7 6 5 Time to first power (yrs) 10 8 8 7 7 Construction Total (yrs) CONSTR'UCTION TIME AND LABOR REQUIRm~~NTS A-18 .J .._~ ...•....~'. Table A-6 shows the relationship between dam elevation.,construction time,and labor requirements.'!be total labor requirements for the sIi1a11~r developments are progressively less tha.n for the 2185 proj~ct as described in the License Applicatiotl.;t Peak manpower requirements remain essentially the same for all Harza-Ebasco designs but are less than those originally planned. De',elopment TABLE A-6 An ancient channel,now filled,is present.i.n the north bank of the Watana reservoir approximately 2,600 feet upstream of the dam.This channel .runs from the Susitns River gorge to Tsusena Creek and repre- sentsa potential source of leakage frOm the W'atana reservoir.The controlling bedrock surface of the.channel is at elevatlon 1740 .!1nd contains up to 454 feeto.f glacia.l deposits. 2185 FERC 2185 Modified 2100 2000 1900 To preserve thr~integrityo£the rim of the Watana 2185 reservoir and to control lO$ses due to potential seepage ,a number of remedial mea- sures arepropooedin the FERC License Application.'!bese measurl\:s will h~ve a net result of disturbance to the vegetation and wildlife I, ~' :1...'~.... f 2.1.5 Flood Control ..,.~' A-19 "1 .....'I"~ l ...... 2~1.6 Emergency Flows to Tsusena Creek Flows o£up to 120,000 cis.in exc.ess of the combined main spillway and outlet facility ca.paci t:tes ma.y be re1\aased to Tsusens.Creek,thus pre'" resources of that zone.For lower reservoir elevations (2100 to 1900), aud depending on the results of future analyses of the tightness of the overburden,needed remedial measures may be reduced resulting in less ground disturbance than previously indicated. The project as deseribed in the License Applicatfonincludes an emgr-- gency spillway to p3.ss flood flows in excess of 150,0000£s (recurrence interval of less than once in 10.000 years).The emergE,i!ncyspi1l-way will consist of a 1011g straight c.huteexcavate~in rock and leading in the direction of Tmusena ·Creel<.An erodible fuse plug at the upstream. end W'ill remain in place until overtopped. The Watana 2185 project a:s described in the FERCLicense Application is designed so that the polierho~se and outlet facili ties,plus reser- voir storage,will have sufficient capacity to pass floods with recur- rence intervals up to once in fifty years wi.thaut operating the main spillway.During floods of this magnitude,the reservoir will be al- lOwed to surcharge to elevation 2193.By containing the fifty year flood without use of the spillW'ay structure,problf;!ms related to ni- trogen supernaturation and resultant fish kills will be minimized.If a lower elevation for the Watana project is considered (2100 to 1900), project facilities will be modified (e.g.larger outlet works capacity) so that nitrogen supersaturation of the water is avoided.Flows up to the 1 in 50 year flood W'i1l continue to be passed without operation of the main spill-way.Sufficient flood routing studies will be conductecl to assure that the project can adequately meet these ct:'iteria. Ir II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n venting overtopping of the main dam under conditions approaching the Probable ~1aximum flood (PMF)II It is estimated that flows down the emerge:ncy spillway to Tsusena Creek would eontinua for a peI'iod of 20 da.ys under the PMF analysis..A comparable emergency spillway is shown in the Lic~nse Application for the DevilCanyoll Development. All Harza-Ebasco al ternatives for the lvatana site (and the revised drawings for thel)evil Canyon Development)h.lve deleted the emergency spillway..The main spillway for ei.~'h develolPlIlent has been increased in capacity to handle flows up to the PMF flood .. ..'." Although flows in excess of 150,000 cfs have an EXtremely low frequency of oceurrenee (once in 10,000 years)~their removal from Tsusena Creek would remove a potent.ial source of project impact..Elimination of the emet:gency spillway will result iIi elimination of di.rect disturbance to approximately 60 a.cres of low shrub and black spruce vegetation (com- mon types in the area)a)d the e:':"imina.tion of the potential for much greater impacts to the terres trial,aqua tic.,and aesthetic resources of the lower Tsuaena Creek area if the emergency spillway were ever used. Discharges down th2 emergency spillway would cause major changes in the characteristics of the lower portion of TsusenaCreek and loss of im- portant babi ta t for moose,brown and l\lack bear:grayling and other terrestrial and aquatic.:resources .. A-20 Much of th~~lower portion of TiJusenaCreek would still be inundated by flows apP·~oa.ch±ng the PMF.Without the emergency spillway,the creek valley liO~lld be inundated by backwater from the river Without the ero.... sive force of flo'ws from the emergency spillway..This type of .inunda- tion would result in considerably fewer lasting impacts on the area. Elimination ,",£the emergency spillway from the Devil Canyon Develop-- ment wilY.have comparable effects to the proposed change in tr-e spill.... way at Watana.Approximately 60 acres of mixed woodland vegetc:ition will remain undisturbed where th(;!emergency spillway would have been ri...j 'I A-21 During the development and costing of project al ternatives,possible design changes for specific project features ~re consider~d as -well as thealternatble development concepts and operational modes.The elimi- nation of the emergency spillway to Tsusena Creek has already been con- sidered.Three other general changes in project design we.re also con'" sidered that could influence project impacts.These are the possible substitution of concrete arch dams for the fill dams at the three lower Watana developments,modifications to the powerhouse designs including a surface powerhouse,and modifications to the discharge facilities. A1 though these have not been adopted at this time t the environmental implications of these changes are considered below.Other design re- finements discussed in the report on "Review and Upda.te of Conceptual DI!sig'tln (e.g.orientation of underground caverns,modifications to the cofferdam dive!'sion tunnel concept,and changes in the power condm ts) will.ha.ve no significant effects and are not considered in this report. c.onstructed.To this extent t aesthetic impacts at the Devil Canyon site will be reduced..Since the emergency spillway would discharge directly to the river t there will be no change in impacts resulting from lts elimination. The approach channel to the ma.in spillway is increa.sed in size to handle the increased flows.Material excavated from this area will be used in construction of the dam and will partially replace material that previously would have c~ne from excavation for the dam foundation, construction of the s.pillway and from the upland rock quarry.Much of the excavation for the approELch channel will be below the normal reser- voir surface (regardless of luternative)and therefore not visible fol- lowing completion.Thus,these modifica.tions will.have no significant impact ex:,cept possibly a.slight reduction in the amount of rock to be excavated from the quarry. 2.1.7 Other Design Changes I I 1I The initial installation of four rather than si~units as proposed in the License Application would not signif.icantly alter long-term average Elimination of the underground powerhouse would also result in the re- moval of the powerhouse control building near the switc.hyardbut,in- stead,require the construction of a 2,100 ft.above ground transmis- sion line from the powerhouse at elevation 1600 to the swi tchyard at elevation 2270. I I I • I I I I I, I II f III • ·1 f I • ..f} I :1 I I II I II A-22 -_."',1 f 2.1.7 .2.Powerhouse Modifications.Replacement of the underground powerhouse by a surface powerhouse located between the main spillway and the dam.was considered,but not ad apt ed,fo r the lia tana al terna- ti~Tes.The area where a surface powerhouse would be located will be heavily disturbed even with construction of the underground powerhou.se, so this wou.ld not be a new loss of natural vegetation.The surface powerhouse would be designed to blend in wi.th the surrounding area and not be unnecessarily obtrusive. Analysis of the arch dam possibilities at the three lower Watana ele- vations indicated,however,that this location is not suited to such a project.Large lateral,fill dikes would be r~quired,thus losing much of the environmental advantages of an arch dam.In all three in- stances,the arch dam alternative was more expensive,without compen-- sating advantages. Arch Dam vs.Fill Dam.The basie environmental difference between a fill dam and a concrete arch dam at a given loeation is in their construction.In general;the arch dam requires less construc-- tion time and less borrow material than a comparable fill dam.These changes are similar to the changes previously discussed when consider- ing lowering the normal surface elevation at the Watana development. Reducing borrow material and construction time would both tend to re- duce eonstructionimpact at the site. I I I I I I 1 '1 'I I I 'I )1 I 'I'·".·:1 . project:outflows"The main advantages attributed.to the last two units are load following and spinning reserve.In view of the reduced load gro.wth in.the Railbelt region,installation of the fifth and six.h units may be delayed.Increased load folloTn,.ng with six units would potentially result in much highe.r powerplant discharges (up to 21,000 cis as compared with a maximum of 14,000 cfs with only four units)and increased flow fluctuations downs.tream.Environlllental aspects of load following operation are discussed in Sections 3.2 .1 and 4.2 ..3 of this report. Each Watana alternative would have three large penstock tunnels instead of the six individual smaller tunnels as described in the License Ap- plication.Although the intake structure itself would be shortened because of this ehange,rock excavation would increase because of the curved approach channel required by the topography.Excavated material would be used in dam construction.Following completion,much of the excavated area would be below the reservoir surface.The net environ- mental effect of th:f.s change following construction is minimal. 2.1 .7.3 Discharge Facilities.Except for enlargement of the main spillway to handle the PMF and elimination of the emergency spillway to Tsusena Creek,the project discharge facilities for all alternatives will have essentially the same capacities as described in the License Application.All flows with a return frequency of less than 50 years will be passed through the turbines and/or cone valves wi.thout use of the spill.W8Y .. 2.1.8 Reservoir Drawdowns Normal maximum reservoir drawdown for the three lower reservoir al ter- natives will be 150 feet as compared to 120 feet for the modified W2185 development.,Variations of this magnitude in the extent of maximum d rawdown will not be significant.but reducing the area exposed by the A-23 '},. drawdown~by lowering the normal maximum elevation,will reduce adverse effects on wildlife and their movements .. The development remains a concrete arch dam with a 4-unit powerhouse. The only modification is the removal of the emergency spillway)as discussed in Section 2.1.60 From an enviromnental standpoint,impacts of the Devil Canyon Develop- ment would be as described in the License Application.Differential ifu.~,actsas compared to the prese.ntlyproposed development sequence 1 I I \. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III 1 .......~..~.-,..---•......~_.,-".~'...................•.•..'•....'-\\'-~•.-',_•..-.-~.'.'~.'._".~.',\0,..'.. ";:":,',\,.,..'~_";:;',J;:;_;~.;:'~~:" A-24 '"1'.,~¢' .'......_, ,'•.~ This development,as presently being c.onsidered,Is comparable to that described in the License Application (m.ttimum elevation 1455).Incor- poration of this development into the recommended project plan will not add important differential impacts in relation to those described in the License Application. Design studies have included consideratio'Q.of 100 feet of drawdown in the resel:"V'oir.To accommodate this change,the intake structure would be redesigned to include openings at three levels rather than the two as shown in th~License Application.Impacts on wildlife due to the possibl~increase in drawgown are expected to be small since the canyon in that area 1s relat:f.vely steep and narrow and not utilized by moose and other wildlife to the same extent as areas further upstream in the vicinity of the Watana Development • 2.2 DEVIL CANYON DEVELop~mNT Construction of the Devil Canyon Dev~lopment prior to Watana Was consi- dered in the economic analysis and found to be economically less favor- able than con~tructing Watana first.Once the upstream storage capaci'" ty of the Watana reservoir is developed,the nevil Canyon Development becomes a very economical project to meet increased load demands. E'• I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I~ I I I, I I I I I I lJ• 11Ii Ii., .1 II If would be to delay Watana.impacts for a few years.Impacts of the two development projects would be the sam.e regardless of which was con- structed first. A-25 I I I I [ [ t 3 .0 DOWNSTREAM FLOWS 3.1 SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS The SusitnaProject will be operated to maximize average energy gener- ation while at the same time maintaining a high level of firm energy, and meeting the specified downstream minimum flo~regime (Table A-7).. Reservoir storage rule curves will differ for each of the alternative development concepts (as defined by the normal maximum reservoir eleva-· tion --2185,2100,2000,or 1900 feet --of the ~latana Development, with or without the Devil Canyon Development)because of differences in maximum drawdown and active storage volume of the alternatives (Table A-I).The downstream minimum flow regime,the "Case C"scenario dis- cussed in the License Application,is used in the c:ompar-ison of all alternatives except as discus$ed for the ~iatana 1900 Development in the Watana only analysis. Average monthly flo"Ws at Gold Creek tmder natural and wi th-project cou- di tions are shown on Exhibit A-2 with three energy demand levels for each alternative dam height.1befirst demand level assumes a year 2000 energy demand of 4709 GWh (DOR Mean forecast as discussed in the Economic and Financial Update Report).With th:ts demand level,only the Watana.Development would be in operation.'!be second demand level occurs When beth Devil Canyon and a Watana alternative are in operation and presents flows at Gold Creek for a year 2010 energy demand of 5945 GWh.The third level presents year 2020 flows for an energy demand of 7505 GWh .In all oft'hese cases,there is no significant difference i.n downstream flow regimt2$resulting from project operation b,.<atweei.1.the 2185 Project as described in the FERC License Application and that for the 2185 project as mlodified in certain design characteristic:s.Only 'downstream flo"(is as ul3ed in the Harza-Ebasco Update are presented in this report. A-2.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A"'27 Table A-7 MINIMUM DESIGNATED WITH-PROJEC'l'DOWNSTREAM FL~REGnm AT GOLD CREEK al Flow cfs 6000 6000 7000 0000 9000 10000 11000 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Date 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July Sept. Month Flow Month Flow..-cis cfs October 5000 April 5000 November 5000 May 6000 December 5000 June 6000 January 5000 July 6480 hi February 5000 August 12000 March 5000 September 9300 bl al .As discussed in the.License Application,this!the "Case C"flow scenario,was selected as the basic project operational flow re- gim.e considel"ing both project and environmental interests. bl Flows change by 1000 cis per day from 6000 on July 25 to 12,000 on August 1 and from 12,000 On September 14 to'6000 on September 21. Downstream.flow regimes following project:construction will be altered from natural conditions as shown in.Exhibit A-2..Under natural condi- tions,the average August flows (.22,017 cis ave.)are 12 times the f I: ~ I I I I t I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I 10,979 11,274 8,906 7,054 1,82.5 Aug .Dec. 7505GWh 12,678 13,548 17,424 20,363 22,017 9,430 9,796 9,764 7,058 1,825 5945 GWh Aug Dec Energy Demnd 18,436 16,050 19,020 21,057 22,017 11,146 10,689 8,697 7,802 1,825 - 4709 GWh Aug Dec 12,680 13,755 15,900 22,017 22,017Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 Table A·.,8 AVERAGE AUGUST AND DECEMBER WITH-PROJECT FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK average December flows (1825 cis)"Under with project conditions,the flow regime is characterized by 1nc~eases in winter flows and decreases in summer flows·.This change in seasonal floW'patterns will result in changes to the physical characteristics of the river downstream following project development as discussed in Section 4.0 of this re- port.Table A-a summarizes average August and December flows for each demand level and each altsrnative dam elevation for the Watana Devel- opment.These months were selected for study because,under project cortditionsas characterized by the Case C scenario,August flows will generally be the highes t of the year and are deemed to be c·A.-i tical in terms of salmon access to their traditional spawning areas in the reach between Devil Canyon and Talkeetna.December poWer demands are the highest of the year,and therefore December proj~ct outflows are·the greatest of thp..winter season. A-28 Watana Ait t.\\:t"nat ive, Depending on hath dam elevation and power demand level,average August floW's may be dec.reased from a natural flow of 22,017 cis to l2~678 cfs for the fully loaded two development project (year 2020 demand of 7505 GWh).Averagt.~December flows Eit'e irlcreased from a natura!flow of 1825 cfs to a range t')£7000 to 11,300 cfs.For individual years out of II ~. ·11'"'····.'r;, , I I~. I I 1 '1 1 -] I I- I II\I the 33-year period of record,a.verage monthly December flow may exceed 14,000 cfs ('Sxhibits A-3 through A-7).August flows are maintained at a minimum of 12,000 cfs in accordance Tdth the "Case eft scenario even though operation solely for power producti.on would have resulted in lesiS than 12,000 cfs at Gold Creek. Exhibits A....3 th~ough A-5 ,.Jbow the frequency distribution of August and December floll'/sfor each dam height for each power demand level. For the year 2000 demand (Exhi'bit A-3)and the Tvatana 2185 develop- ment,lUlgust flows for 26 of the 33 years of simulation were the mini- mum of 12,000 cfs as specified by the "Case e"flow regime.At lower dam heights,the minimum flow of 12,OOOcfs occurred 16 times for the development at 2100 and only four times at 2000.Flows greater than 15,000 cfs,the natural minimum August flow,occurred only three times out of 33 years for 'Watana 2185,six times for the 2100 development, and 15 times for the Watana 2000 Development..At this power demand level,the frequency distribu.tion of August flolrls for the Watana 1900 Development was identical to the natura.!flows.Thus,the with project frequency distribution of Augu.st flows at Gold Creek is related to the height of the Watana dsmand the corresponding stcral':)e capacity of the reservoir.With higher dams"the summer flows are stored fo I'winter generation.At the lower dam heights,the sum.JD.er flows meet reservoir storage needs in early summer and additional flows are passed through theprojecte Hence,flows approach natural conditions- December flows for the Watana 2185 and 2100 Development.s (4709 GWh energy demand)would range from 10)000 to 12,aOOcfs (18 and 29 out of' 33 yea.rs,respecti'V'ely).For Watana 2000,all 33 years had flows be- tween 8,000 and 10,000 cfs,and 30 of the 33 years had flows between 6,000 and 8,000 cfsfoJ:the Watana 1900 Development.Comp<ll'able dis- tributions for increased energy demands are shown on Exhibits A-4 and A-5.Under higher demand levels,the with projec.t frequency distribu- tion of August and .December flows exhibit the same trends as discussed A-29 1 ·.. ,, I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I 1.operating the downstream project (DevilCallYOn or Watana i£ Devil Canyon is not present)as base-load as described in the License Applicatio"fl; 1 t A-SO For each development concept (Watanaele;vati,on)studied,alternative operational modes have been considered"These are; for the year 2000 demand level.An alternative method of comparison is shown in Exhibits A-6 and A-7.Monthly flow duration levels were pre- pared for August and December for each dam height and each energy de- Dland level.The results are shown graphically on Exhibit A-7.De-- cember flo'WS are greatly increased compared to natural conditions for all dam heights and power demand levels.In general,December flows are greater at greater dam heights.Convers(!ly,August flow at Gold Creek d~crease as darn height and reset'Vofrstorage capacity increase. Since the lower Watana Developments have less active storage capacity (see Table A-I)and tend to fill earlier in the summer high flow sea- son,regulation of the summer flows decreases w:f.tb lowered normal maxi- mum.reservoir elevation. 3.2 DAILY FLUCTUATIONS The License Application states that "Watana will.be opeL'ated asa base- loaded plant until Devil Canyon is completed.'Ibis will produce daily flows that are virtually constant throughout a :Z4-hour period for most of the year"(page E-2-104)."With both Watana and Devil Canyon oper- ating,Wa tana can be operated as a peaking plant because it will dis- charge directly into the Devil Canyon reservoir,which will be used to t'egulatethe flow.The peaking Of Ta1atanaW:i.11 cause a daily fluctua- tion of less than one foot in the Devil Canyon re!servoir.Devil Canyon will operate as a base-loaded plant for the life of the project"(page E-2-156)• fl.",.l [ [ l, I', .... I I I I I A-31 3.2.1 Load Following Operation Without Regulation c~ operating the project for load following,with flows natural- ly attenuating as they proceed downstream • 2. 1- Under the first of these operational tnodes f downstream flows will re- main virtually constant except for seasonal changes as discussed in Section 3.1 and shown in Table A"'7 II Under the second operational mode, and in the absence of a reregulating dam,proj.ect discha:rges~.and river stage at Gold Creek,may vary on a daily cycle to follow the load de- mand.Actual project operation may need to be a combination of base load and load following to provide upper and lower limits on project discharges .. A discharge of 14,000 cfs at the Watana site in August,however,would resu1tin a flow of approximately 17,600 cfs at Gold Creek.Since average August discharges for the Watana 1900 })eveloptnent exceed this flow for all three power demand scenarios and the ave:rage August dis- In order to provide load-following capabilities a.t the Watana Develop- ment (and eventually at Devil Canyon),project discharges may vary on a daily c.ycle,al though average daily flows may rem.ain essentially con- stant from one day to the next.Flow fluctuations at Gold Creek due to load-following may be g:reate:r during the winter than during the summer. If o111y four units are initially installed at Watana i maximum discharge c.apacity of the Watana powe:rhou.se would be 14,000 cfs,with &.power generation capacity of approximately 730 MW at full reservoir elevation (i.e .•,2185 feet).If August flows were to be maintained at the power-- house discharge capa.c!ty,the total monthly generation of about 540 GHh would exceed the total August sYl1tem energy demand of 518 GWh in the year 2020 (DOR mean forecast).Thus,even w:lthno other system gener- ation at that time,it is tm.like1y that full generating capacity would be utilized at Watana during August .. :1 J J J I .1 I I I •• I I, I I I I I I II II r' I I I· I I I I I I I I __..,:t.:,. A-32 charges for the elevation 2000 Development equal or exceed this level for two of the three power demand.scenarios,average releases,at least for these lowet development alternatives,would have to be maintained at a high level whether they were discharged from the turbines or through the discharge facilities. t, These flue tua tions in river stage,howev'er,represent a worst case situation..As the fluctuating flows proceed downstream from the.ir sout"ce)sorne attenuation of the highs and lows may occur.At this time,it is not known how 111uch reduc.tion there will decrease the two extremes.Since the variations between highs and lows will decrease as the flow proceeds downstream,flows from Watana would be more at- tenuated at Gold Creek thancompa.rable discharges frOlll Devil Canyon. In com.parison,base loading of the Devil Cl:Lnycn Development (or Wa tana prior to construction of Devil Canyon)Ot'development of a reregulating dam W'ould result in virtually no fluctuations in rivet stage at Gold Creek over long pe~iods of time_ On a tyPical winter day,the maximum turbine.discharge capacity of the project would remain the same,but tributary inflow ~ould be reduced and the maximum four-unit flows at Gold Creek would be approximately 14,600 cfs.Depending on water availability and project operation, there might be little turbine discharge from the lower Watana alterna- tives during the early morning hours,with little inflow further down- stream.Dam height would influence the potential magnitude of daily load-following flow fluctuations..For the Watana only,year 2000 e.ner- gy demand scenario,average monthly project outflows decrease from 11,100 cfs fat"the 2185 development to 10,700,8.s 700 and 7,800 cfsfor the 2100,2000,and 1900 al ternatives respectively.If maximum flows remain the same (limited by the turbine discharge capacity)and .the average flows decrease,minimum flows would likewise decrease,and the potential lI)B.gnitude and duration of dailyfluctua tions would increase for the lower dam heights. I I (J.'.. I I I I I I I I ,I 3 ..2.2 proje.ct Flows with Reregulating Structure 'i) •".•....i'.~",":~~'- ,..~".', .:..l :'..'~".".' Pre-planned,seasonal project operating rule CUrves indicate that project releases should be increased or decreased. All upstrea.m storage capacity is filled,and inflow exceeds the power discharges..At this point,the project returns essentially to run-of-river releases dictated by flows enter- ingthe project and routed through the various developments .. 1. Releases fl~om.the reregulating dam would vary only for the following reasons: If areregulating reservoir were developed as the most d()WQstream de- velopment,project releases could be adju$ted so that flows could be held essent:ially constant for extended periods of time and would be changed only gradually (approximately 1,000 cfs per day)from one rate of release to another (see Table A-])to meet:seasonal discharge re- quirements. AI though its function would.be to ndnimize downs tream .impac ts ,any re- regulating facility would be new to the Susitna Project and would cre- ate its own environmental impacts which would have to be cOftsidered II It. Ll I I I I I I ,I II I I I I I I 11 (",.~ J, 1 4 .0 DOtmSTREAft ,Il-lPACTS ON'AQUATIC AND RIPARIMl RESOURCES----.--.:.-----~---~~~---....-~..------,-..:--.----."'---_.--._- Alternative conc.~i'ts fot'tW;\SttsitnaRj"rer Hydroelectri(;Project ma)7 result:in 1.1l1pacts to downatrearD.aquatic and riparian resources that differ f~om those d~~cr1bed iil Exhibit E of the r.icense Application. In thil:l see,tion,the h'\?tlications ·~f al ternative dam heights for Watana on downstremll resources C'i,t'e disc,ussed '" 'l"he discussion is organized lnto four sec.tions.In Section 4.1.dif- ferential impacts on aquatic re~ources due to operation of the a1 teT.'na'"''" tive Wata.na developments are diac\tssed.In Section 4.2,any additional differential impacts that may occur during initial filling are describ- ed.In both sections,the assumption is made that there will not be large daily fluctuations of flows ..In Section 4.3,the implications of large daily flow fluctuations due to load following operation are con- sidered.Section 4.4 discusses potential impacts on downstream ripa-' 1'1an re$ources. As discussed in Exhibit E (e.g.,page E--3-100 and p:1ge E-3--117},the buffe.ring effect of flows from the Chulitna and Talkeetna ri'\Ters and other tributaries entering doWttstreamof Talkeetna is ~pected to re-- duce the magnit".1de of project-related flow changes in the IQwer river. Const!quently,the following discussions of potential impacts emphasize the Talkeetna to Devil Canyon reach of the Susitna River where di.ffer- ences related to the Watana alternatives would most likely be observed • .For purposes of this report,impacts are considered to be any deviation from natural conditions and can be ei.ther beneficial or detr~,11tental. Also ~it isasSUDled that the greatp,:,:,the deviation from natural cone!i- tions,the greater the impact.Given that impacts are of similar :In-- tensity,itis further assumed that impa.cts are more significant!f they occur over a longer time period. A-34 I .'.....~..~:. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I~ I I A-35 in the following $ubsec.tid~,downstream :tnlpCicts asa result of 'Project operation will be discussed first fdr the:open water or ice-free season and then for the ie~~covered season. In general,flows at Gold Creek under all operating regimes will be higher than the natural conditions in the winter and will be lower than natural conditions in the st.m1mer (see Exhibit A-2 through A-7). These changes from natural flow cv~ditions at Gold Creek will decrease for the lower dam h-:ights.AI tering discharge pa.tterns may have a Vel>"" r.iety of secondary impacts,including possible changes ir-downstream flow velocities,sediment processes,wate:r:depths,ice processes,flood frequency and groundwater processes. As described in ExhibitE,Chapcer 3 (see pages E-3-108 to E-3-120 and E-3-l30 to E-3-133),project operation will primarily alter downstream flow regimes and water quality (temperature and sediment concentra·· tions). 4.1 IMPACTS TO AQUATIC RESOURCES DURING PROJECT OPERATION The sediment concentration and turbidity of water released from the dam will.be significantly lower than natural conditions in the summer and slightly greater than natut'a1 conditions in the winter.Alterna."'/ tive dam heights should not appreciably ~hange the predicted turbidity levels of outlet water. During project operation,the major downstream water quality changes expected to impact aquatic resources are alterations of temperature and 8uspendp,d sedilM~nts.The temperature of the outlet water during win-ter will be higher than natural conditions for some distance downstream, whereas summer temperatures will be near pre-project levels. t··:f , '"1 ~).'.'.~'~. n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ".'~.,",'. I I I I i -,_,t r As considered in Exhibit E,project operation may have a var.iety of potential impacts on downstream aquatic resources during the open water season.These .include itl1pacts on migration of adult fish,access to spawning areas,spawning hab!ta t)incubation and emergence,rearing, and outmigration • A-36 4.1.1 Impacts of Projeet Operation During.the Open Water Season Increases in rearing habitat in spring and summer could result from the reduced velocities,turbidities and scout"Qf the substrate.Re- duced velocities could increase rea.ring habitat in mainstem and side channel areas since juvenile fish tend to prefer low velocity areas. Reduced turbidities and scouring would tend to enhance rearing by im- proving habitat conditions for benthic invertebrates ,since currently, high turbidi ties and scouring effects apparently limit benthic produc- tion.!his assuntes,however,that the post-project turbidi.ties 'Will be low enough to benefi t inv'~rtebt'ates.At this time,the net gain 0'1:'loss of rearing habitat has yet to be quantified.Greater charlge (whetherpoaitive or nega.tive)i.n habita.t should occur at higher dam .Project operation during the open water season may result in both th~. gain and loss of rear.ing habitat for anadromous and resident fi.sh in the Sus1tna River (e.g ..,p.E-3-111).Losses of some rearing habitat (e.g.,river margins,upland sloughs)will occur if depth is reduced enough to make areas too shallow for flah to use or if cover is elimi- nated.Reduced del1ths at the entrance to some sloughs may prevent fish £I-om gaining access to rearing areas.At the mouths of tributaries, backwater areas caused by the stage of the mainstem are intportant rear- ing areas for som.e fish (e.g.,juven.ile chinook and rainboW'trout).. Lower mainstem flows during opet'3tion in the spring and suminer could reduce backwater effects sufficiently such that th-a availability of thi.s type of habitat decreases. J 8·· '····'··f:,,: I I I I I I I ADFG,1985.Synopsis of th~1982 Aqn~t:tc Studi.es and Analysis of Fishan4 Habitat Rela.t:ionships.Susitna.Hydro Aquatic Studies. Phase II Report.ADF&G.SuHydro Team. A-37 heights since malnstem depths and flows are more reduced at higher dam eleva.tions. P.roj(!ct opercltion may also impact the ability of spawners to enter spawning ar,.-!as in tributaries and sloughg.Access to these habitats ~a$identified as a critical issue in Exhibit E since ~any salmon spawn in ":hese habitats <Ii In addition,some resident fish (e.g.,gra:yling and ra.1.Iibow trout)also move into the tributaries for spawning.Prelimi... The significant reduction in the nUmber and magnitude of floods and high velocities that will occur as a result of project operation (e.g., p .E-2-156 to p.E-2-162)could have beneficial impacts,especially for salmon.Adult salmon enter the Susitna River to spawn primarily be-- tween JU:le and September",'Ibis upstream migration is apparently rela.t-- ed to flow,since unu~ually high~low,or unstable flows can slow or even hal t upstrf!!lm movements (ADF&G)l/.Thus J a reduction in the magnitude and frequency of flood flows could reduce disruptions innp- stream m:f.grations.Upstream migration may be facilitated at higher dam heights since the greater active storage l4pacity would tend to reduce flood flows~On the other hand,lower dam heights have higher average flows which likewise could fa.cilitate upstream movement:provided flood flows can ,usa be reduced.'!be net advantage of one factor over the other is under investigation. Project Gperati~n in the spring andst!mIJler mayhaveanimpact~on the outmigration of juvenile anadrom.ous species since most fry and smol ts Qutmigrate during this period..Flows during project operation should provide sufficient depths,howev"e~J for outmigrating fish. 1/ ,It ,1 I I I :. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- A-38 Acme '3~,at flows less than 8,000 c.fs was not considered. Trihey,W.1983.Prelindnary Assessment of Access by Spawning Salmon into Portag~Creek and Indian River.Anc"orage,AK.Alas- ka Power Authority.Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studie....I vol. 2/ nary analyses of access totribu:taries (Trihey 1983)Y i.ndicates ac- cess under project operation will probably not be a problem if mainstem flows are at or ahove8,oeD cis at Gold Cre~k..At this flow,tributary discharge will likely provide sufficient depth to maintain access.As- suming8,000 cfs (June to September)represents a threshold for access to tributaries1.l,then access of tributaries by salmon woula poten- tially-be more restricted at higher dam heights since average monthly flows during June and JUly are more frequently less than 8,000 cfs than for lower heights..During August and the first half Qf September all flows exceed 8,000 cfs since the "Case e"minimum flows are greater than that amount. The ease of access to sloughs for adu1 t sa.lmon (primarily chum and sockeye)also decreases under low flow conditions.Based upon preli- minary results of ADF&G studies,access to some sloughs used for spawn- ing becomes an increasingly greater problem as mainstem discharge de- creases below 20,000 cis (as measured at Gold Creek)..Access problems will potentially be most signific.ant lmder theWatana 2185 alternative scheme since project flows during the spawning period (as indexed by August flows)are generally the lowest of all alternatives (Exhibit A- 7);most average flows in August for the 2185 alternative are minimum flows (i.e.,12,000 cfs).Access during operation will be less acute at lower da.'11.he.ights because average flows would be larger.Under natural conditions,a\Terage monthly flows for August exceed 20,000 cfs 60 percent of'the time.Comb:tning the three power demand scenarios c I ~I I I I I I E II Ij tJ 11 e..','1.'.~,' I:, r.ll.,IJ .~ E w····!Ll ! , I I ,I I I I 'I I It ~',·fi I""."",t..~; ;,J ti'j ,il ~' " ,]',.',1 f\ E " t1".\ "I ~"-"("',\t'7 E, ',"'·,' 1 I I ~~ 1.\ , l"l,"" 11 1 (years)as typical of the life of the project,average August flows would exceed 20,OOOcfs 56 percent of the time for a dam at El.1900, 27 percent of the time at El.2000 and 12 and 15 percent at 2100 and 2185,respecti,rely.For the higher dams,the higher August flows would be most common shortly after completion of the Devil Canyon Dev~lrpment (year 2010 power demand shown on Exhibit A-7)when the Project would have the greatest flexibility in meeting both power and fishery"in- terests. Project operation in tha spring and summer could impact the location and availability of spawning habitat in the mainstem,side channels, and sloughs (e.g.,p.E-3-109).In the mainstem and the side channels, redticed flows may have both positive and negative impacts on spawning habitat.Although the net gain or loss of spawning habitat under post- project flows has yet to be quantified,it Is possible there may be little change or even an increase in mainstem and side channel spawn- ing areas_Currently,there is.little or no spawning in the mainstem and small amounts in the side channels ~As dam height is increased, the frequency and magnitude.of flood flows is decreased II This PO$t- project reduction in the magnitude and frequency of flood events may add new side channel and mainstem spawning habitat.Pre~ently,.these flood flows transl--_rt lar8e amounts of sediment,scoUY.'the riverbed, and remove spawning gravel.A reduction in flood flows would reduce these habitat di.sruptions in the mainstem and many side channels •In addition,a reduc.tion of the sediment load of the water would,over time ,remove interstitial silts from the streambed,thereby possibly increasing the amount of spaw-ning substrate available. Reduced,but more stable)water depths associated wi.th reduced flows follo'Wing project development may-also alter the amount of available spawning habitat in side channels.In side channels,spawning often occurs under present conditions in small isolated areas located on the river margins or behind velocity barriers.These areas could be lost A-39 "'-'1,..~~: :1,1 ~!I,il ' lJ'1;: l<~.. fl'·"j~. .f.1": [;1,,' t{ ~I',·,·"ij ~I ~I Ii111 lIE IIJ i IL, la' [~Ii i IJI I 1 I at reduced flows (2 ..g.,f't'OIn dewatering)but the more stable flows through the channel may more than compensate for this loss through development of new spawning habitat .• Slough spawning areas may also be impacted by reduced operational floW'S in the summer (e.g.,page E-3-97)which result in potential problems with access,changes in groundwater upwelling and reduced frequency and magnitude of overtopping of the upstream berms of the sloughs.As discussed previously,many slough spawning areas may be inaccessible to fish due to low flows.Also,adult salmon that spawn in sloughs appear to spawn primarily in areas with upwelling groundwater.Consequently,if a reduction in mainstem flo-wreduces che extent of upwelling,then the amount of sJ)&"'ming area available could be reduced.Overtopping impacts the spawning area in sloughs, since high overtoppingflQw6 can alter the concentration and distri- bution of silts and fines in the spawning gravel and othet'wise impact incubating eggs.Also,if slough overtopping was significantly reduced under with-project conditions (Appendix E.2 ..A of the License Applica- tion suggests that sloughs SA,9 and..21 are all overtopped to Some de- gree at flows in excess of 26,000 cfs a.t Gold Creek),then an increase in aquatic vegetation and siltation in sloughs could reduce the area available for spawning.Lower dam.heights at Watana would tend to in- crease the overtopping of sloughs as compared to the 2185 alternative. The net effec"::>f reducing spring and summer flows in the Susitna River would J!robably be transformation of the physical characteristics of ma- ny habitats.By reducing overtopping and decreasing the watel:surface elevation of the river,some side sloughs will become upland sloughs (i.e.,not overtopped at all),some side channels would become more like side sloughs (i.e.,reducing the frequency of overtopping),and some mainstem areas could take on the characteristics of side channels. Quantifying the net positive or negative effect of habitat transform.a- tion on fish production has not yet been done.AI ternative dam he.ights A-40 "I'·'-..,', .....~ ~:~::' Flow and temperature increases may have a.significanteff~ct on ice processes1l (e .g.,location of ice front,extent of ice cover)which may impact incubation,emergence and overwintering (See Chapter 2 of E:xhibi t E).Under operation of Wa tana and Devil Canyon,the ice cover in the middle river will probably form downstream of where it present- ly forms (likely between Talkeetna and Sherman).Downstream at Tal- keetna,ice formation will probably be delayed.At the ice front,and for some distance upstream,the river stage will increase over natural open water conditions,termed "staging",due to the increased resist- ance to river flow cal.lsedby the presence of the ice front.Stage in- creases of up to 5 to 6 feet over natura.l conditions may occur upstream of Talkeetna (e.g.,at Gold Creek)due to the higher winter flows from project operation.Downstream of Talkef.!tna,increased staging effects may be limited due to the many channels available to convey water (p. E-2-127).Immediately upstream of the ice front,staging and backwater effects will be increased over preproject conditions due to the higher flows.The stage in the open water reach further upstream of the ice front would be less thai.1.the stage in the rea.ch under ice (p.E-3-134). A-41 1/'Ib.e ac t'ltal extent of the ice cover and the sta.ging which would result from operations can only be predicted Withde'tailed ice simulations.'Ib.ese are currently in progress. During fall and winter,it is expected that post-project flows,turbid- ity,and temperature will be altered from natural conditions.The main impact of th~se alterations mIl probably be on incubation,emergence and overwinteting of a.nadromous and resident species. 4.1.2 Impacts of Project.Operations During the Ice SeasOn will likely have an effect on the number of these habitat changes that occur with fewer hab.itat transformations,and less flow stabilization occurring at lower dam heights. ~'1 1····~··1···.·.J ••il ~I iii ~I 1·1····.·I I I Ii fj (1I '1}t,i '1 I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I; The increased staging downstream of the ice front might prOVide more overwintering habitat in some areas (e.g.,sidechaDl1el s)for resident and anadrcmous species,if wetted perimeter and depths increase under the ice as a result of increased fish could be benefited.Warmer water temperatures upstream.of the ice front could enhance the survival of overwintering fish by reducing mortalities associated with freezing. In addition,the increased watet temperature upstream of the ice front could increase the development rate for embryos (e.g.,salmon and bur- bot)developing under the influence of the mainstream water.Early emerging salmon fry could be adversely affected,however,if they move dO'Wllstream too early and encountered OQC water or lack of food. Sta.ging due to ice formation occurs under natural coDiti tions ..Asa cOIlLSequence,berms at the upstream end of some sloughs at and down- stream of the ice front (primarily downstream of Gold Creek)overtop, and,cold mainstem water flows through these overtopped sloughs.Under such circumstances,theintergravel temperatures of these sloughs may decrease and cause the developmental rate to slow or eggs to be killed due to thermal shock (primarily in the early stages of development). MOI'eover,if scouring occurs when sloughs are overtopped,incubating eggs could be destroyed..'nle net effect of reducing incubation tem- peratures could result in delayed emerg~nce of fry and a smaller size of fry at emerger'ce,both of which affect the fry's survival.The higher winter floW's under project conditions,compounded by the ice staging effects wil increase the probability or overtopping the sloughs.At lower dam heights for the Watana Development,winter operational flows·would be more like natural flows..Therefore j the probability of sloughs being overtopped because of ice staging will be less at successively lower dam heights. A-42 LoWer dam .heights would not likely result in appreciable changes to water temparatu:r:es in the open water reach.Flows would be reduced as dam height decreases which may cause the ice front to move upstream; I I I I ,I I I 11 m: I I 'I I J ! I I III} ,I E {..'.Il.. .~ I .('...'':: Ii t I I J I thus,less open wate::.-wPuld exist upstream of the ice front,but more overwintering hab1.tat may be available under the ice cover. 4.2 IMPACT TO AQUATIC RESOURCES DURING INITIAL RESERVOIR FILLING Chapter 3 of Exhibit E (pages Z-3-88to E-3-106 and E-3-129 to E-3-130) describes the expected.impacts t()downstream aquatic resources result- ing £X'otn the initial filling r"f the Watana and Devil Canyoll reservoirs. Significant impacts to downst:tc~T!'!.aqua tic resources are not ex:pected to result from.initial filling of the Devil Canyon reservoir (e.g.,page E-3-133).Therefore,only differential impacts respIting from the initial filling of the Watana reservoir alternatives are considered in this section. Under median flow conditions,the Watana 2185 reservoir is expected to take three open water seasons to fill.The filling ra.te will be such that dO~;'nstream flow requirements for resource protection are met and a flood storage factor maintained.Table E"'3-25 of the License Applica.- ti()n presents the increase in water surface elevation and filling rate (ft/day)for the Watana 2185 reservoir. Lower da.:n heights may result in shorter periods of time needed to fill the.Wa tana reservoir.Actual filling schedules will depend 01'1 many factors besides the siza of the dam,the ra.te at which it increases in height ~and inflow to the reservoir.Other factors,including inflow, being equal,however,initial reservoir filling will occur over one or two open water seasons for the 1900 and 2000 a1 ternativeF-t.:.nd for two or th:ree open water seasons for the 2100 an.d 2185 dev(:'Topments.j90r example,under medium flow conditionsw1th fillj.ng beginning in May, the 2185 and 2100 reservoir a1t~rnati\1es Will tak.e approximately twice as long to fill as the 1900 al ternative (Tal)le A-9).In the following subsections,itnpacts resulting from a1 tered fl()'W'S and.water quality downstreatn during reservoir £:l.l11.ng are discussed separately. A-43 () I I I I 'I I I I I I I I, I I I.; I I I When Resel"Voir will be filled August of 3rd yr .. May of 3rd yr .. J1.!ne-Ju1y of 2nd yr .. April-May of 2nd yr~ 28 25 14-15 12-13 'I ""<_.;:..•••t: '..iJ- Months to FilW APPROXIMATE TIME TO FILL WATANA RESERVOIR AT FOUR ALTERNATIVE DAM HEIGHTS 2185 2100 2000 1900 Dam.Heig~"'t Alternative These reductions may ha,ve a variety of impac ts on fisheries resources (e.g.,page E-3-83 to E-,3-106),including effe,c ts on upstream migration of adult salmon)access to spawning areas,spawning habitat,and rear- ing. A....44 Table A-9 During initial filling,essentially p.atul-a1 flows w:l.ll be discharged during winter (November to April)..There will,however,be substantial flow reductions in spring and summer (TableE II 3 ..26 of the License Ap- plica.tion)0 Adul t salmon enter the Sus:1.tna River to spawn between June and Sep- tember.As discussed in relation to operational flows,a reduc.tion In the lI1agnitude and frequency of high flows and associated high 'Velo- cities during those months could racil!tate the upstream migration of adul ts.During r.eservoir filling)the effect of flow reduction 1,Jould be most significant for the 21B5and2100 dam heights because impacts 4 ..2.1 Effects of Altered Floti Regimes During Initi~.!Reservoir Filling 1/ASsumes median flow conditions with filling beginning in May of year One .. I I I I I I I 1'1,~, I I I I I I I , ,J I I 1\Ii ~ ~ 1'1: Ii .U 11 i,\ .•-..t F1t.,~J ~~ i] {: '!> "Ilt.t " ~ t \~ would occur over at least two years;im.pacts under the 1900 and 2000 plans wuld oceur for less than two years. AI teration of mainstem discharge during initlal reservoir filling may facilitate access to some new spawning areas for resident and anadro- mOus species (e.g.p !!E-3-90)•As discussed in Exhfbi t E,access of chinook to the area upstream of the entrance to Devil Ca.nyon (especial-- ly to Tsusena,Fog and Devils Creaks)may be facilitated by a reduction in stream flc,';18 during the second and third years of init:tal filling (i"e.,for the Watana 2185 al1d 2100 alternatives.)If a reregulation dam is bull t and completed prior to filling Watana reservoir,this possibility for movement of fish further upstream might be eliminated depending on the location of the rereg~llation dam. Access for adult salmon to sloughs and tributaries is apparent:}"JT in- fluenced by mainstem discharge.Access problems will be most a(~ute during the seconds,ummer of filling when only the proposedmirdmum flows (i.e.,6,000 to 12,000 cfs)will be maintained at Gold cC:r~ek. Access will be a more severe problem under the 2185 and 2100 develop- ment alternatives since filling spans at least two spawning seaSons and will encompass the period with the lowest flows. In addition to influencing spa,wning migrati.ons and access to spawning areas,reduced mainstem discharges during initial filling may impact (both positively and negatively)the quanti.ty and.quality of spawning habitat.In side channel areas,some spawning 'nab!tats of salmon.may be lost due to d~watering.On the hand,new 1l1ainstem and sidechannel spawning areas may become available for several reasons •First,ma.rty of the habitat.disruptions (e.g.,fluctuating veloe!ties t bank gouging associated '(rt'itlti ice breakup,ice scour)that currently limit the use of many mainstem a:ad side chan.nel habitats will likely be diminished dur- ing il1itial reservoir filling.Moreover,a reduction in the frequency ofo'Vertopplng of side channel s may inerease the amount of side channel A-45 I ,~ I, ~ I 1.·....; t~ I·•l~.I:,'1 M I I I I I I I I I ") 1 tl I In Iii I ~ A-46 Overtopping of the upstream ends of sloughs can also affect the quality of spawing habitat.A reduction in the frequency of overtopping during initial reservoir filing could thusal ter the quality of some spawning substrate.Slough spawning habitats would be potentially impacted at all four dam heights.Because filling flows ar~most reduced during the second and third filling seasons (i.e.,at the 2185 and.2100 dam heights),more dlough habitat might be.temporarily lost at the higher dam.heights.• spawning,areas ~assuming there is adequate spawning substrate.By re- ducing the frequency ofov.ertopping,many side channal s would take on the characteristics of side sloughs which are more heavily utilized by spawning salmon..At this time,the net impact of altering flow regimes during initial reservoir filling 011 the availability of mains tem and side channel habitat (i.e.,wil!more or less habita.t be available) has not been quantified.However,impacts will occur for all four dam heights •Impacts will occur over a longer time period (i.e.,two to three filling seasons)for the 2185 and 2100 al ternati"'l1'es • As considered in ExhibitE (e .g.,P.E-3-104),the reduction of spring and summer flows during initial filling may impact rearing of anadro- moUs and resident fish in the Susitna River.Some rearing areas (e.g., river margins,side channels and sloughs with high streambed eleva- tions)tha.t are currently u.tilized m.ay be temporarily lost due toa reduction in depth.The gt'eatest impact to most fish,especially ju'" veniles,will occU.r if the reduction in depth also reduces or elimi- nates the utility of cover.Lower mainstem flows may also reduce back- water effects at tributary mouths and thus possibly reduce the avail- ability of this habitat type for rea.ri.ng by some species (e ..g.,juve- nile chinook).However,wil<are flow velocities deC1:'ease but sufficient depth.food and cover occur,neW rearing area~will bec:ome available. Thus,while the location of many rearing areas may likely change,the amount of rearing area could stay the same or potentially increase • I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~:lJL Ifl5 Ef ,~ I I,~' '"'" t Ii '!., .J ,[ iI" I.. '';l 17', !' ,;;:; '1<,',',:, .;\ I I; ,I I IIIIH 11 I 11 ~ It"l i',':1 .,-:J "m oj" ,1l '.:','1 ~;11 <"..-,,~ I The net impact (i.e.,gain or loss)on rearing habitat bas not been quantified at this ti1!le.Rearing habitat will be impacted at all dam heights as a result of altered flows during initial reservoir filling. Impacts will be greatest at the two higher dam heights (i.e.,2185 and 2100)because two to three years of impacts are involved a.s opposed to one to two years for the two lower heights. 4.2.2 Effects of Altered Water Quality During Initial Reservoir Fill- ing As a result of initial filling,water quality downstream of the dam will differ from natural condi,tions.This will principally involve changes in suspended sediment loads and water temperature. The sediment concentrations of water released from the reservoir during initial filling will be greatly reduced from natural conditions.This will be similar to the changes in turbidity discussed in the previous section on reservoir operations.Effect of reduced turbidity during filling will occur for one to two open water seasons for the 1900 and 2000 al ternatives and for two to three seasons for the higher al terna- tives .• As described in Chapter 2 of Exhibit E (p.E-2-85 to E-2-88),the major change in downstream water tempera.ture during initial rl;servoir filling is that temperatures during the second open water season of filling will be reduced (1.e.,spring and summer).August temperatures during this period.are predicted to be 5 to 6 °Cas opposed to natural tempera- tures of 10°0"'Ibis altered temperature pa.ttern may adversely impact juvenile a.nd adult fish. The reduced temperature encountered by adult salmon in the Susi tna R:f~ver upstream of 'l'alkeetna in the second season of fil.ling lIlB.y=1) incre~se milling ~havior;2)delay migration from the lower to middle A-47 I _..~ f -., I~ I I I I I ,I I' I I I I I I I I I I 'I ;:"·""tin1"~- Changes in .flow regimes dO~'"nstream due to.project operation may result in both changes to riparian habitat quality and quantity through al.... tered availability a.nd local distribution of early successional vege- tation types,and to the behavioral patterns of moose and other wild- life in the area.The most significant changes will occur "between Gold Creek and Talkeetna SI where annual spring and summer flooding and spring scour by ice jamswi.l1 be reduced"(E-3""249).In addition, higher post-project winter flows 1I1aycause a widel1ing of the tnlvege- ta.ted flood plain,including a decrease in the size of islandS (E-3- 408)•These higher winter flows,lower summer flows,lack of ice scouring,and lack of ice cover in po.rtions of the area (depend.ing on the severity of the winter)will alter ripe.rian proc.esses in the Devil Canyon-Talkeetna reach of the river.Although the net result may be improved moose habitat for 10-20 years after project generation,flow stabilization and related streambanlt stabilization will eventua.lly result in the decreased availability of good moose habitat along this river reach.nte extent of vegetation changes will vary considerably river;aDd 3)slow migration rate (p.E-3-92 and p.E-3-93).m.timate- 1y,some fish may not spawn,have poor spawning success,or select alternative spawning areas.Anadromous and resident fish rearing in mainstem and side channeJ habitats above Talkeetna DUly also experience '&educed feeding activity and growth because of the reduced tempera- tures •This impact will be confined to the second year of initial re- slervoir filling and thus have minimal lone term impacts.Filling of the reservoir during the second year for the 1900 and 2000 alternatives. should be sufficient to allow operation of the multiple level release facilities thereby avoiding most of these temperature related impacts. Impacts will occur for the ":,85 cdternative since the release facili- ties will not likely be operable until after the sec.ond open water season of filling Q 4.3 IMPACTS TO DOWNSTREAM RIPARIAN RESOURCES .;;;;-. f L I r 'I f f'J ~'I, r r r I f t along the lower reaches of the Susitna River because of the diluting effect of tributc:ries as well as c,hanging channel morphology. In addition to the loss of browse,the loss of riparian babi tat and river iSlands will result in the loss of preferred calving habitat for moose.Islands appear to be particularly good calving areas,perhaps as a J:esul t of lo~er numbers of predators (E-3-408).Winter moose movements (crossing the river and to and from islands)may be greatly restricted in rea.cheswhere ice COV2r does not exist due to the pre- sence of the project because of the hesitancy of moose to cross open water areas during cold weather.Further downstream,the river channel may be ice covered but suhjectto fluctuations in stage (if non-regu- lated load-following is practiced)and therefore of broken,uneven surface that would be difficult to cross.If any islands becam~con- nected to the r1.ver banks due to channel alteration,their value as ealving areas would also be decreased. Greater winter flt.ws,and reductions in,spring and summer flows will also affect beaver and muskrat populations downstream.Any site cur- rentlyoccupied should still be available post-project.!1~addi,tion, many areas now subject to freeze-out will also be available for coloni-- zati6n because winter flows will be higher than at present.The more stable year--round flows and reduced spring and summer flooding of food caches and other beaver structures will also result in improved down- stream habitat for beaVer a.nd muskrat.This,in turn,m.ay have secon- dary adverJ3e impacts on fisnery resour:ces. As with othel:'downstream resources.the extent of impacts of the Wate.na alternatives will be dependent on their extent of change of downstream flow.!b,us,the lowest eleva.tion dam has the least impact in that it most nearly l,'epresents natural or p'i:e-project c.onditions and would be least likely to result in long-term changes to riparian habita.t. A ..,\49 I :( I f r J f I f f L J I f J L These downstream impact$will be further complicated if the Sus:l.tna Project is operated o,n a load following b3sis as described in the fol- lowing sec.tione 4.4 DOWNSTREAl1 IMPACTS OF DAILY FLOW FLUCTUATIONS For each of the four Watana alternatives,two operatinnal scenarios were evaluated.One of these scenarios (base load operation)results in daily flows that are relatively stable,whereas the other scenario (load following without reregulation),results in daily discharges from the project that vary significantly over the day.The impacts that ha'V'e been discussed in Sections 402,4.2 and 4,,3 have assumed a relatively stable daily flow regime.In this section,some potential effects of short-term flow fluctuations on dmmstream aquatic resources are considered. As discussed in Section 3.2,daily changes in discharge and stage are potentially greatest for the lower dam heights during the winter.Dai- lyflows could potentially fluctuate up to 14,OUO cfs with four units installed at Watanaand 21,000 cfs with six units,with little release from the project for portions of the day,while the stage at Gold Creek m.ay fluctuate up to three to five feet under open water conditions. During the latter part of the smnmer (August and September),daily fluctuations at Gold Creek would be greatest (two to three feet)for the higher Watana alt~rnatives. At this time,all studies of potential project impacts ha.ve assumed relatively constant discharges (maximum.change of 2000 cfs daily),at least on a weekly basis,which was the premise on which the text of Exhibit E was based.The results of these studies,therefore,do not permit prediction of potential impacts due to fluctuating flows on ice forrnat1.on,:tce staging or aquatic and riparian resources 0 On the basis of studies of other hydroel.ectric projects)it can be hypothesized that A-50 I I I I. Ii II I I' I I I I I I I I I I I J '"r f~ f' f r r f significant daily fluc.tuations in flow will primarIly have negative im- pacts on downstream aquatic resources •Positive impacts are not like- ly .. The enviromnental ram'Lfications of operating the Susi tna Hydroelectric Project on a load following basis are highly dependent upon the magni- tude discharge variations during a 24-hour period and the season in which these variations occur.'!be most significant effects of load following are expected to occur wi thin the aquatic ecosystem as simi- larly encountered at other hydroelectric projects operated on a load following or peaking basis •The effects to the terrestrial system are primarily those which would occur within the dally inundation zone,the associated riparian habitats along the ~iver margins,and in the flood- plains.In addition,load following could result in potential impacts to cultural,aesthetic.and recreation resources and socioeconomic acti- vities.A discussion of the potental impacts is presented below for each aspect. 4.4.1 Aquatic Ecosystem ImplicatIons The magnitude of the expected effects of load following on the aqua.tic ecosystem is dependent on several hydraulic characteristics and the life stages of the aquatic species present in the river.The hydraulic characteristics which will determine the magni,tude of effects inc.lude: 1.The magnitude of change during the 24-hour period; 2..The base flow from which increase to the maximum flow is made; 3.Rate of change of discharge (up and dow~); 4.River channel morphology;and A-51 1-··- f ~ ,.,;I [' I I I I I I I I I .' I, I I I I I I '~'... 4.Dewatering and free2'~T.lg of incubating eggs; A-52 6.Changes in ice processes which indirectly affect aquatic resources;and 5.Attenuation of the change in discharge dOWI1.stream from the dams. 2.Short-term.rapid changes in availabilj.ty and distribution of various habitat types; 3.Delay or inhibition of upstream movement of adult salmon; 5.Inund.ation of incubating eggs with cold water in otherwise somewhat protected areas (e.g.,overtopping of upstream be- cause of side sloughs); 7.Potential increases in bank erosion due to bank instability. 1.Stranding or isolati,on of fish,primarily juveniles,when the water surface elevation recedes; TIle potential effects to the fisheries and aquatic resources due to the load following operation include: The following discussion outlines the types of effects which have been experienced at other hydroelectric facilities as well as some aspects which are associated with specific features of the Susitna River.It alsoassUIlllas tMt the load following operation will occur at both Wa- tana and De~il CanYon facilities. Stranding of fish could be significant in areas where fish remain in pools isolated from the main current as waters recede.These fish also !II11 1 I f:!• I fa··."....11 become more susceptible to predation and dessication when the habitat dewaters dt:e to water se!epage out of the pool through the gravels. Juvenile salmon are particularly susceptible because they frequently utilize shallow,near-shore access for rearing (ADF&G). In addition to the potential for fish stranding,habitats utilized by juvenile salmon for rearing may be seriously disrupted by cons tantly changing mainstem discharges.Studies to date (ADF&G,1983)indicate that at least in some areas,the ava.ilability of rearing habitats util- ized by juvenile salmon is correlated with dischargeo With constantly changing discharges in the river,juvenile salmon may not be able to maintain themselves in an appropriate area because of the daily disap- pearance of habitat or significant changes in water velocity_In other areas ,juvenile rearing habitat ap.pears to be unaffected by mainstem discharge and,therefore,may not be significantly affected by constant changes in water surface elevation.This too,however,is highly de- pendent upon the daily range of discharge fluctuation and water surface elevation. Daily load followiJ.1.g changes in discharges may inhibit upstream migra- tion ofadul t salmon to the various spawning habitats..Data collected by ADF&G over the past three years (ADF&G 1982,.ADF&G 1983,and pel'S" comm.)show that during periods of rapidly rising discharges due.to storm events,upstream movement of adult salmon nearly ceases.As the flood peaks and discharge declines movement of salmon resumes"Daily fluctuation in discharge could significantly delay m.ovement of a.dult salmon to the spawning areas. Beyond the potential delay in upstream.migrat.ion of adult salmon,daily discharge variation could eliminate mainstem areas as via.ble spawning and incubation areas for salmon due to the constant dewatering a.nd po- tential freezing of sui table sites.Associated With this,sui table spawning areas in sidesloughs and side channels may be rendered unsuit- A-53 I 1.,.1Ij' ID'···i..·I .I J' I J able if there is daily ov-ertopping of the upstream berms with 'Lllainstem water. The above concerns are most commonly associated wi th river reaches im- mediately bellow hydroelectric projects and are generally attenuated further downstream.Upstream of the confluence of the Chulitna and Talketna Rivers,little attenuation of the daily ~luctuation is anticipated in the Susitna River because of the steep gradient in the upstream reach.Downstream of the confluence area,some attenuation is expected because of the lower gradient and the effect of inflow from the major tributaries.'!be attenuation will be great,~st during the open water season when flows are highest from the tributaries. However,when tributary flow is low as in the winter mo1t"Lhs,daily fluctuation j.n the Susitna River downstream of the Chuli.tna and Tal- keetna Rivers will be more significant. Potential effects of load following during the ice covered period could possibly be more significant than during the open water season,al- thoug~less directly observa~le.Under load following conditions,the ice processes become somewhat more complex than without the project or under base load operation of the project.In open water areas,daily changes in discharge during the winter may result in considerable build up of ice along the banks of the river.This would occur as a result of exposure of the river bank during water level changes.The implica- tion to the fishery .involves strand.ing of juven.ile fish and freezing of incubating eggs in the spawning areas. At the leading edge of the ice cover area,d3;ily flow variation could cause pet'iodic flooding of floodplain areas and could result in.signi- ficant ice jams.Increased flooding is associated with the increased water surface elevations which &'L"e observed during the development of the ice cover tmder current conditions.Additionally~the mechanical action of discharge variation may taJt the integrity of the ice cov~r e If the integrity of the ice CO~Ter is compromised,mechanical breaku.p A-54 T-.'-_< f: .1 I I I '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A"'55 (I l·~~. ,_..--'- Daily flow fluctuations may create a more irregular and broken ice sur- £ac.e,therebY making river cX'ossingsby moose more difficult and ha-- zardous..As a resu!t,moose movements and habitat uSe along the ice- 4.4.2 Botanical and Wildlife Resource Implications Minimization or avoidance of all potential effects may be achieved through lim!tation of the range of daily flow changes and the rates of change,both on the ascending portion and receding po.rtion of the hy- drograph..The best method of defining acceptable discha.rge ranges would be to define the maximtlln acceptable range of water surface eleva- tion.change. The downstream effects of daily flow fluctuations may include impacts on moose movements,decreased beaver overwinter survival and riparian habitat cha.nges..These effects would mainly occur in the ice-covered portions of the river downstream to the vicinity of Talkeet'na..Below the Talkeetna area flow attenuation and dilution by major tributa.ries would likely reduce the effects to insignifj,cant levels..It should be emphasized that until further hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations are completed,effects o.f daily flow fluctuations on botanical and wildlife re~ources are primarily speculatfve9 would occur as the ice cover rides the changing water elevation as observed in the Peace R.iver in Canada.In addition,downstream.move- mentof the ice to form.ice jams $imilar to what occurs during breakup under existing cond!tions which in turn,could cause excessive flood- ing. The increased flooding could affect over-wintering habitats for juve- nile salmon and resident fish through scouring of bed ma.terial,in- creased 'velocities in suitable habitats,and.decreased temperatures resulting from cold mainstem water inundation of warmer groundwater. l I I I '...'......•.....~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A-56 Daily flow fluctuations may also reduce over-winter survival of beavers due to the.entrapment of greater portions of food caches in ice andl or the uprooting and washing downs tream of food caches.This latter mechanism may also negatively affect beavers upstream of the ice- covered portions of the r"{ver,.but the lack of ice cover may overshadow the negative effect in this area. covered portion of the river would be mo.re restric ted,and the paten- t.ial for accidents and exposure to wolf preda.tion would be inc.reased. The extent of ice damage to riparian vegetation may be increased due to the greater ice movement and thickness result.ing from daily flow fluctuations.Damage to vegetation due to higher summ,er flow fluctua-- tions may also occur.As a result,the UIlvegeta.ted floodplain may be widened and the stage of plant succession may be retarded along the many shoreline areas,at least initially_A wider unvegetated flood- plain is likely to result in the long term as well.It is not clear, however,wi thoutfurther evaluation,whether the long-term net result would be to increase or decrease the availability of early successional vegetation.The resultant long-term effects of these riparian bab!tat changes on moose and.other wildlife are also unclear. I I I :iI, 111 I 3.3 2.8 2.7 2~6 2.6 Peak WorkForce aequirements(xl0 3 ) 103 83 70 57 49 Total Worker-Months to First Power(xl03 ) CONSTRUCTION WORK FORCE REQUIREMENTS.FOR ALTERNATIVE WATANA DEVELOPMENTS Alternative 2185 FERC 2185 Modified 2100 2000 1900 A....57 5.0 REGIONAL SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACTS OF WATANA ALTERNATIVES Differential impacts of the alternative Watana Developntents will pri.... marily result from differences in associated labor requirements.As shown in Table A-I0 and Exhibit A-S J the modified Watana 2185 project reduces the peak work force by 500 workers (15 percent)compared to the peak.work force identified in the License Application.The l<.')wer dam height alternatives will not significantlY further reduc~the peak work force.Instead the schedule will be shortened. Table A-I0 The modified Watana 2185 Development also reduces the total labor re- quirem.ents by 20 percent.'lbethree.lower dam height and reservoir alternatives further reduce these requirements by 16.31,and 41 per- cent compared to the modified development design. :It is anticipated that project-rela.ted population,employment and in- come,housing,.services and facilities,and fiscal impacts will be si- milar to those desc.ribed in Exhibit E co Differential effects related to the Watana a1 ternatives will result from reduced peak labor require- ments and a shorter construction schedule for the lower development, ~fl '!Jf\ If} J1 [II ~,: ",j;i.;H ~i f~ ~.:- 1m~i IiiIi! II f,~n '3 r1'It if:' ~F12~ I"',';: l' ['-'/'" ,..~.',' I ',. 11, 1j ".\, f::J!?~ ~F'I'J! 1. 8:tf with resultant shorter duration of pea~requiren.;ents for housing and other facilities and services. The implications of load following on cultural,socioeconomic,recrea- tion,aesthetic,and land use reSources cannot be accuratl!ly determined until additional hydrologic and hyraulic studies are conducted and lm.- til the results of those stlldies are factored into an analysis of load following impacts on aquatic and terrestrial resources. In general,based on available informat:ion,it is anticipated that load following may decrease bank stability,thereby increasing 'bank erosion. If this occurs,additional archeological and I or historic sites could be eliminated..In addition,increased erosion and fluctuations of the river level could potentially reduce the aesthetic quality of affected areas.Furthermore,individual.sand businesses relying on fish and wildlife resources for food,recreation,cultural,andlor commercial activities (including hunters,trappers,guides,and lodge owners) co".ld be negatively-affected if load following reduces the magnitude of available.fish and wildlife resources in the projectiarea and if load following makes navigation of the river (by boat during ice-free months and by snowmobile during the winter)more difficult or hazar- dous.Moreo',er,if load following increc\ses the likelihood of ice jrnns and flooding downstream,the chances \of economic losses due to flooding would increase. A-58 I>,\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 . Iii I; it:1'_ ,.' , .::-_..~---'---.' EXHIBITS I MI 54 ••.~~;l><-...:~,"....._;.~";"':;;"""<·<:_''''''_''';;,'i.1''''4c-"''t';f.\l;)o''~i~~';:4\~,~.>ot~~_....._.~'''n::....-.-'';i'-'I~~~~~' ~~~~~.~..~.~~; 1900 2185 2100 2000 28.300 38.000 19.800 14.500 (iJ AREA I'N ACRES: RESERVOIHELEVATION: ",,"""~_'-f"""~-""""'--,......--~~~~~ WATANA DAM ALASKA POWEBAUTHORITY SUSITNAHYDROELEOTRIC PROJECT UPDATE m WA.TANA RESERVOIR AREAS ~ UNDER ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS ~ SEPTE~vlBER 1983 t .,,_._----_.-~....."._~....,,-----------~.....-~.----_.-..... '" ~·r...:3......... .:...'"..... ",.,"e-._""'. f I ~ ,~_f)f~"~~-"'~ -,.i:...",'... 't. ~1HiE!~J~~ •~.•t Q ..,.~ r ~.i~~~.~.~ '~"li"'::P,1-"""";··':;;~'1;~~;.4,~~,A"'_'~~"i~p:3!"ti~~...~~""=~~;~~"~:._~~""+ ~yt!:~.~~~._:..,;."" \} ~'-~:,,;.."'-'';' Qo ~~.jO;".,",'•.~-"'.-- ~·...·.,..d,,.--",i~.~m~ EXHn~IT A-2 AVERAGE MONTJILYFLm~S AT GOLD CREEK (Natural and Post-Project Conditions) t"!@~"\ o r~~"'-'in •.--~~~)111"---15\~ , Scenario Oct.Nov.Dec ..Jan.Feb.March April May June July Aug.Sept. Natural Flows 5,822 2,608 1,825 1,499 1,264 1,126 1,374 13,244 27,763 24,435 22,017 l3~45J, Year 2000 t~atana only 4709 GWh Demand l-latana 1900 7,808 6,870 7,802 5,192 4,218 4,168 4,152 9,543 16,190 14,904 22!017 13,661 Watana 2000 8,168 8,138 8,697 6,718 5,936 5,373 5,380 11,205 15,49 /+13,323 15,900 12,434 Hatana 2100 9,127 10,372 10,689 8,531 7,832 6,683 6,255 10,190 12,184 9,710 13,755 11,628_L.·i"~Watana 2185 8,822 11,138 11,146 9,636 9,012 7,782 7,608 9,460 10,147 9,258 12,680 10,443 -I 11 Year 2010,2-Development ",,4;;<'5945 G1h Demand Watana 1900 +DC 8,644 7,527 7,058 6,184 fl.,Og8 5,500 6,620 7,743 10,507 16,094 21,057 13,558 Watana 2000 +DC 8,187 9,033 9,264 8,092 7,243 6,337 6,276 8,880 9,665 11,245 19,031)13,548 U'atana 2100 +DC 7,878 8,862 9,796 9,266 9,287 9,219 7,755 8,594 9,236 9,124 16,050 12,938 Hatana 2185 +DC 7,430 8,596 9,430 8,719 8,672 7,732 6,994 8,313 8,997 10,427 18,436 13,166 Year 2020,2~Development 7505 G\-111 Demand Hatana 1900 +DC 8,716 7 f 297 7,054 6,121 5,924 5,429 6,211 8,528 12,123 15,369 20,363 13,558 Watana 2000 +DC 8,554 8,943 8,906 7,969 7,246 6,344 6,305 9,746 10,989 11,123 17,424 13,282 l:I.1 Watana 2100 +DC 8,957 10,197 11,274 10,001 8,908 7,049 7,5Q9 9,117 10,170 8,R87 13,548 11,449 ~ III HWatana2185+DC 8,101 9,801 10,979 10,190 10,218 9,083 8,646 9,132 9,678 8,480 12,678 10,357 tp H J-3 Na tural Flows 5,822 2,608 1,825 1,499 1,264 1,126 1,374 13,244 27,763 24,435 22,017 13,45il ~ I tv ~i "•.-':.......'.;;..'.'..".-~ Au~ust December Frequency (n=33)Frequency (0=33) Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 I:I:l ~ II: H lJj H 8 ~ Iw m..~!~ 30 3 ~. 33 ~. 1 3 29 ~~ 8 7 18 ~:~ 10 9 14 ~,!-~.~'Sa 13 14 2 4 ~~ 4 1 ExhibIt A-3 14 9 5 ~~.~.:.i~-~'............._..:....i- .~:"',~ 26 16 4 11 13 2 4 14 1 I 2 1 4 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF AUGUST AND DECEMBER FLOWS AT GOSD CREEK \~atana Only Year 2000,Demand I~evel=4709 GWh .~-~."~~--"""""'-' Average Monthly Flow (cfs) 866 -1,499 1,500 -1,999 2,000-3,264 3,265 -6,132 6,133 ....7,999 8,000 --9,999 10,000 ....11,999 12,000 12,001 --14,999 15,000 ....19,999 20,000 -24,999 25,000 -29,999 30,000 -38,533 ~~ ~~. ~.·~.6 iSs.....'tJdiJ (').1 !t- I,I -.::;:' ~" :;; ..'I'..: •I "':\r1 ,-I _~.__~ ~ I ~ tJ.:l ~ ~ H to H t-3 5'M~~-~~~;ee!J.b~~9~ 10 9 14 .,,;....-$§b December Freque.ncy (n=33) Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 ~':.~~e!~'':~ Exhibit A-4 .~.J 'f?~i 1 5 32 33 6 21 1 26 7 14 7 2 6 3 2 6 11 10 5 7 13 1 3 2 1 2 42 9 2 9 11 ~.~:,1-~:_.\"':'::7 -<t< 13 14 2. 4 ~ August Frequency (n=33) Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 FP£QOENCY DISTRIBUTION OF AUGUST AND DECEMBER FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK Watana and Devil Canyon Year 2000,Demand Level=5945GWh ~,-.;:~ 866 -1,499 1,500 ....1,999 2,000 -3,264 3,265 ....6,132 6,133 -7,999 8,000 9,999 10,000 11,999 12,000 12,001 14,999 15,000 19,999 20,000 24,999 25,000 29,999 30,000 -38,538 Average l1onth1y Flow refs) -.,....,."..,..,.~ I r <~t ,.J..:.~.~-. "U'-i¥:lt.is.-I;'~ -'..I··....'n..'... ". ---- Exhibit A-S tzj ~::r: H tJj H t-3 tl::I J Ul .....~~:~fJiMfit::!l.~~~~-~-~~'2:,S 10 9 14 :::!~ December Frequency (n=33) Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 ~~""-,,,."-'"'-~' 5 5 7 32 3 J 23 1 18 10 3 4 3 7 15 9 12 2. J ~"""~"'~- 2. 10 4 10 7 ~.~~-~n..,';!4<~ ~'.,..,..~." ~ 27 25 4 3 13 1 2 14 1 2 2.1 4 August Frequency (n=33) Natural 2185 2100 2000 1900 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF AUGUST AND DECEMBER FLOWS AT GOLD CREEK I'1atana and Devil Canyon Year 2000,Demand Level=7505G1.J'h i~-~~e ...,...~ Average Uonthly Flow (cfs) 866 -1,499 1,500-1,999 2,,000 -3,261 3,265 -6,132 6,133 -7,999 8,000 -9,999 10,000 --11,999 12,000 12,001 -14,999 15,000 -19,999 20.,000 --24,999 25,000 -29,999 30,000 --38,538 ~~~"~."!,;JP,:,,!,I, II 1/Ii c x'1r,q,51.'-:f *wi- -,..,•r._..~.I • .'I~,-.'"."f ~ t.Average ~cember Flows at Q>ldCree~ Highest 3,264 8,360 9~788 12,ltiB 14,714 8,491 11,514 10,513 9,839 8,491 10,677 13,237 12,328 3,264 25%excea:lan.ce 2,290 7,913 8,813 11,046 12,060 7,517 9,922.10,198 9,520 7,517 9,554 12,848 11,972 2,290 50%exceedance 1,700 7,780 8,623 10,576 iO,997 6,927 8,925 10,110 9,433 6,927 8,925 11,757 11,865 1700, 75%exceooance 1,465 7,6~8,519 10,331 10~J44 6,692 is,623 1O,Oqa 9,,364 6,692 8,925 11,O:n 11,179 1,405 Wl.iIeSt 866 7,538 8,349 9,944 9,387 6,261 7,356 7,900 9,070 6158 7.,19'9 7,675 7,624 866, ~ Average 1,825 7,802 8,697 10,689 11,146 7,058 9,264 9,796 9,430 7.,054 8,906 11,274 10,979 1,825 .l1j ~ ~ H tr.l H 1-3 ~ I 0) .~~~~~..~~~,:~:!!I. k·...,···~_·,.··.·.··.~II.,J 6,818 ~. 6,241 .~ 5,411 ~ 4,648 ~...........~.. 5,934 ".,.~,,~~~~-"·...·"""'--'.......,.;;.;;;.,..·~~c "..",.........i.,.~._.~..."".•,,'<"",;;.,-l...............~"....;."-"....,..........',_.....~"'"_>,,-""'._..,,'_._.~~< .~~~~':J 5 "7C)(),/:, !::1?::l~~j 4,280 5,032 ~,-,:,~,-.J 3,762 Average August Flows at Cold Creek (33 years of reconl) EXlIDlrr I!r6 MIGlJsr AID DECEMBER FI..G1 DURATIONS ~~:;.....o;..;:o:,;:it. 2,9792,453 ~i~~~~-;:;.;,:;:~"",,~:::::::;:-}-__:f 1,923 .",;:"'_;t t-~.::ot,·,;:;.·.;;~ Year2lXX:>Year 2010 Yt?.ar 2020Nltural4700(;t.Jh llimarrl 5945 Qfu Iemarrl 7505 a.Jh Il:l......rl l'atura1FlowsHatanaOnlyHatanaan:]Devil Canyon Hatamarrl Devil Canyon Flows19002000210021851900200021002lB51900200021002185 38,53838,538 33,676 26,576 20,705 38,538 37,919 33.,944 38,538 38,538 36,197 25,9%>20,238 38~538 23,670 23,670 18,561 14,641 12,000 23,670 23,550 19,290 22,280 23,550 21,132 12,387 12,000 23,670 20,610 20,61D 14,367 12 s 059 12,000 20,540 19,144 13,505 17 ,396 20,l~60 15,943 12,000 12,000 20,610 19,290 19,290 12,517 12,000 12,000 17,170 12,127 12,000 12,000 i.J 624 12,000 12,000 12,000 19,Z:>Q, 15,2'74 15,274 12,(0)12,000 12,0(X}12,000 12,000 12,000 12,<XX}12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 15,274 22,017 22,107 15,9)0 13,755 12,680 21,057 19,030 16,050 18,430 20,323 17,424 13,548 '2,678 22,017 ~ ~\);'~'it".;..~-::.; Ie""J±:4'.c-itt ~:;~~ Highest 25%exceedance 50%exceedance 75%exceedance ~st Percent of Tine Flows Exceeded Average Total Annual Average ttt::~If~~ii \} ,I ~,"ii!!iiJ!'E:t!,!'Jiel WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON YEAR 2020 7505 GWh ENERGY DEMAND 25% 3% 5 NATURAL'~900 2000 2 ~00 .2 1 a5 PROJECT ELEVA nON 30 35 40 15 25 15 20 10 NATURAL1900 2000 2100 2105 PROJECT ELEVATION 25 25% ~~~- WATANA AND DEVIL CANYON YEAR 2010 5945 GWh 30 ENGERY DEMANO 20 15 15 \ WATANA ONLY 40 YEAR 2000 4709 GWh ENERGY DEMAN D 35 25% AUGUST DECEMBER 1..•. ~ATURALlg00 2000 2100 218$ PROJECT ELEVATION 15 ~ w UJex: ()25 C ..Joo a ---,.! NATURAL 1900 2000 210Q 2185 NATURAL 1900 2000 210021$5 NATURAL :900 2000 2100 2185 I:-,'_0'\" -. EXHIBIT A-7 AUGUST AND DECEMBER FLOW DURATION CURVES NATURAL AND WITH PROJECT OONDITIONS 3 PRO,JEOT ELEVATION PROJEOT ELEVATION PROJEoT ELEVATION 40 1- < 3:20 :J ...J li.. ""';") o ~ X C/)30 "U.. ()...... o ~'; •.,','t ",) "11JJ ~_.,~:J' ~.,., .'.: f] '1[, f,"'J I_•..J fJ ~...'.'.fn'F :I r~~:"r"•......,.....;.....,..t~C~"!2f~ J ',:<:=~"l-"-,",;;;,,,;,t!~b~i'j ...-..,...~""-'".-:--'.~~"q••'........~~.~~JCLI.~I w •••.,l"l<~:";f:;'l·'r·~~,'~~.t>:!:!::',~J'<,.·~~'!·,~~:-~~~'~·,:,~"'~~'J-;;;;;;tssif_~.,,~,,;~~Z;,; 21"85 21"85 21'00 2000 19:00 FERC MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT b~""(':I>.;:~;'"~~._~~J L~~-,!.'!''IN,.''.''.']..L:-:........'"'~~y':L.::.......Jt·PL1;L.~____.J~L ..._..J ;f) lj ----_.------ ~­C~~L..:j{:"J-"""'''- PROJECT LABOR REQUIREMENTS [:.:"Jt".:.-::~·c; 2185 2185 2100 20001900 FERC MODIFIED ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENTS 110 -...---------------------~I I t=..•'."'"~H,.....cc'··r.~'L_~._~ C:::-.":5::;._.J m X ~ m, ~ I ~,100 f.~'-'--~._.~_~.J (j n;i :1 "nit leiH;i'j ,n ;t I t1 Jii lZ'I .~.....--..."".,..~~--.c"~ 100 I '~I;....... 3.3 I ..I 90 0:w (j) 3:I-o 80 z a....U!.J I-:2wC/)~3.0 Ia:70 -,I I .:, u..0 0 W I-60 a: C/)0: :r:w I I-~ J z 50 0 0 Q. "(;:"'-~Z I «Z ~«40 .:22 I ~J I I I II-I« I-a..2.5 0 I- 10 '"".';~·¥otiolll 'r r f r f f f f f I 1 J t ~ ~ ~ l ~ J. - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF SUSITNA PROJECT ALTERNATIVEs SEPTEMBER 1983 PAnT B A COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH ELECTRIC GENERf.TING ,PROJECTS ALTERNATIVE TO SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT • I I B-1 B-1 B--2 B-3 B-4 B-6 B-6 B--I0 B-13 Page B-13 B-17 B--45 B-45 B-45 B-56 .B-71 B-78 B-79 B-BO B-B3 o • • • •• • • ... •e .. •• •• •('>• c: ....• • • • • e • • • • • • • •• •••••• • • • • •••• • • • ••••• • ••••••• ~....... • • ••• • •w • • • •~ ... B-i • • • • • • • • • •&• • • • •• • Q • • • • • • • • • • • •0 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS • •0 • •~• • • •ea.• • • • • •• ••••••• ••• • 0 • • • •e • • • • • • • • 1--- j • • • ••8 • • •Q ~• • • • ••s • • • •••e • • •0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • COAL • • ••• •..•• •II • • • •..• • • •II .. NATURAL GAS •....• • •.. ..•e ..• • •It • • •.. CHAl<ACHAMNA PROJECT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT • • • • • • • • • •.., AIR RESOURCES • • • • • • • • • • WATERRESURCES • • • • • • • • • AQUATIC ECOLOGY • • • • • • • • • TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGY •G •..• • • SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS • • • • • • AESTHETIC FACTORS ..• • • • • • • INTRODUCTION. 1.1 1 •.2 1,,3 le4 2.1 BELUGA 2.2 NENANA HYDROELECTRI CFACILITY -CHAKA,CHAMNA 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 REFERENC~S • •~• • • • leO 2.0 COAL FIRED FACILITIES 3.0 NATURAL GAS FIRED FACILITIES 3.1 COOK INLET GAS 3.2 NORTH SLOPE GAS 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.0 4116A r r f .r f f r 1 I L Q B--1f LIST OF TABLES B"'l NATURAL AND ALTE:RNATlVE E REGULATED MEAN MONTHLY AND MEAN ANNUAL FLOW A'1'THE CHAKACHAMNA LAKE OUTLET B-S2 B-2 ESTIMAT£D ESCAPE!~NT OF IMPORTANT FISH SPECIES IN THE CHACHATNA.RIVER SYSTEM BY WATER BODY CLASSIFIED BY POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF DECREASED FLOW OF WATERFROlrf CHAkACHAMNA LAKE B-66 B-3 ESTIMATED ESCAPE11ENT OF IMPORTANT FISH SPECIES IN TIlE MCARTHUR RIVER SYSTEM BY WATn BODY CLASSIFIED BY POTENTIAL OF INCREASED FLOW OF WATER B-69 B-4 ENVIRONMENT RELaTED FACILITY CHARACTERISTICS FOR ALTERNATIVE POWER GENE&\TION OPTIONS B-Bl B-S QUALITATIVE RANKING OF ENVIRO~reNTAL IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH ALTERNATIVE PROJECTS B-82 Table No.Title Page 4116A '~,) ~1;.,.; ;), r r·"· .\: ~,.", [ r IfJ~. r r f,,: ...... [ f I t L t I, ,_., L .- 4091A B-1 I~."'.'--'-"~""-~'~-~---"7~~r~-1:~Q~I,: f 1.0 INTRODUCTION PARTB A COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH ELECTRIC GENERATING PROJECTS ALTERNATIVE TO SUSITNAHYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT 1.1 COAL This study presents a comparison of first-order.environmental impacts associated with the development of selected proposed electric power generation projects that are alternatives to the SU$itna Hydroelectric.Pro ject..These alternatives are ba.sed on two other fuel types in addition.to hydroelectric power,coal and natura.l gas,and four technologies:coal fired steam electric generation,gas fired simple cycle (combustion turbine),gas fired combined cycle (combustion turbine with staam heat recovery boilera),and hydroelectric. There appears to be two vi.able locations for development of a coal facility alternative,the.Beluga region or Nenana region (Ebasco 1981 a,b)..The Nenana location can probably support up to approximately a 4QO MW facility,while the Beluga potential is much greater e CUI'rent :load forecasts indicate that the Nenana facility The coal and gas alternatives,in terms of development and location.) are somewhat complex.A bri.ef condensation of the current trend in development options for these alternatives is given below,as well as a summary description of the rihakachamna project,the hydroelectric a.lternative. 1 l ~lh r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~..' B-2 1 i"" ,...,_. If ,- 409lA Development of natural gas 1'1ould first utilize Cook Inlet reserves (AlaSka Power ~thority 1983a).Power plants would be located in the Bel~ga region and/or the Kenai/Nikiski !..cea.Pevelopment in the Beluga .region will require erect.ion of a new transmission line as in the coal utilization scenario,while plant development in the Kenai/Nikiski area will require transmission line construction from the plant location to Anchorage (Alask!Power Authori.ty 1983a,b). Current load forecasts and projected gas field reserve data indicate that at some future date utilization of North Slope gas would be required,upon depletion of Cook Inlet reServes (Alaska Power Authority 1983a)e There are three feasible locations fora power plant utilizing North Slope gas:the North Slope,Fairbanks,and would event~ally be inadequate to meet demands (Alaska Power Authori ty 1983)•The suggested development option is the simultaneous development nf both Nenana and Beluga fields:·(Alaska Power Authority 1983a). 1.2 NATURAL GAS The devalopment of the Beluga field will require,in addition to' power plant construction,the erection of a major new transmission' line from Beluga to the Willow Substation along the Intertie.For purposes of this study,to parallel assumptions made in the economic \evaluations,it is assumed that a mine and mine support facilities have preViously been developed (Alaska Power Authority 1983a). Potential significant environmental impacts from mine development are therefore not presented in this document.Similarly,the construction of a power plant at Nenana will require an upgrade of transmission line facilities and mine expansion (Alaska Power Authori ty 1983a)"Impacts from the pr0!)osed mine expansion are not evaluated in this documente 1. l t~ ~; r r B-3 409lA McArthur Tunnel Alternat.ives A and B -diversion of flow from Chakachamna Lake to McArthur Valley to develop a head of approximately 900 feet via a power tunnel (lake tap). Alternative A would divert all stored water,while Alternative B 'Would maintain approX:i.mately 19 percent of the average inflow into the lake for release to the ChakachatIlB River, Kenai/Nikiski (Alaska Po'Wer Authority 1983b).The North Slope location would utilize untreated natural gas in simple cycle combustion turbines..A major new transmission line from the North Slope to FairbCilnks via the Utility Corridor and an upgrade of the Fairbanks-Anchorage interconnection would be.required.A power plant situated a.t Fairbanks could be supported via a new small diameter gas pipeline from the North Slope,or a tap from the proposed .Alaska.Natural Gas Transportation System (ANGTS)line,or a.lternatelya tap from the proposed Trans Alaska Gas System (TAGS) pipeline..An upgrade of the Fairbanks t.O Anchorage transmission system is required.A power plant at the Kenai/Nikiski location would require development of the TAGS system.A major transmission line from near tidewater to Anchorage would also be required (Alaska Power Authority 1983b). Chakachatna Dam -con~truction of a dam in the Chakachatna River canyon approximately 6 miles downstream from the lake outlet. 1.3 CHAKACHAMNA PROJECT The Chakachamna Project is a proposed hydroelectric development of approximately 300 to 400 MW in capacity in the vicinity ofLaks Chakachamna and the Chakachatna and McArthur rivers..There are currently six alternate development scenarios for this project which are signi.ficantly different in design and scope.These alternatives are as follows: l f r r, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1\ _J'.0...·Wf;,\,,'','"1"\:~'-:>,.;~./~'.',~ B-4 __1;," 1 Chakachatna Tunuel Alternatives C and D -similar to A and B above,a lake tap would be developed.This tap would be through the right wall of Chakachatna valley and the powerhouse would be downstream in the valley.Alternative C would divert all flow, while Alternativ~D would maintain a release of approximately 30 cfs at the natural lake outlet. Alternative E -essentially a refinement of Alternative B .. Specific facilities are provided for maintaining instream flows and fish pa.ssage..Reservoir drawdown is also restricted ..In addition,a tunnel boring II1achine rather than "drill and shoot" techniques (utilized in Alternatives A-D)is employed .. 409l.A 1 ..4 ENVIRONMENTAL AS SESSMENT First-order environmental impacts may be defined as impacts directly related to various power plant and auxiliary facili ty characteristics and represent the primary effect.s of the development on the environment..Impact evaluation has been performed by technology (coal,gas,or hydroelectric)within diSCrete environmental categorie s.These categories include air resource s, The Chakachatna Dam has been dropped from serious consideration for foundation considerations,as well as fishery impact considerations.Alternatives A and C lilould result in a loss of the anadro1J1ous fishet'Y (including approximately 41,000 sockeye salmon) a.nd are therefore also not under serious consideration at this time..Of the remaining alternatives,Alterns.tive EiB the preferred alternative and appea.rs to be the configuration to which the project would be developed,should the Chakachamna Project be constructed (Bechtel 1983).r ~. {... I. L. t_ t t~ l r r r r I r f r' r--.r ~. \ r r f r f r 1 r r L t L t L t~ L water resources,aqua.tice:cology,terrestrial ecology,aesthetics and socioeconomics.Each environmental discussion outlines the option 3.fid location sp$cific f'actors for each of the alternatives described above. A brief summary and conclusions sectioI'follows the detailed alternative discussions.A table is presented which shows a qualitative comparison of impacts within environmental categories for the various development options. 4091A B--3 r~~ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4085A B-6 Construction activities may cause temporal localized impacts due to dusting.These impacts are not expected to be great or 'persistent. The long term impacts from operation of transmj.ssion lines are "'I .;,.',-' .....~ The two viable locations for the coal fired power plants.are in the Beluga coal field region and Nenana coal field region.Environg • mental impacts associt ad with the development of these facilities is discussed below. 2.1 BELUGA 2.0 COAL PlRED FACILITIES 2.1.1 Air Resources The emissions of products of combustion [particulates,sulfur dioxide (S02)'and nitrogen oxides (NOx )]form the prime potent.ial for impacts to the air resources at this location. Anticipated emissions are 0.03 Ib particulate matter,0.6 lb S02 and 0.6 lb NO perm:lliion Btu,utilizing a typj,calparticulatex emission control device s\Jch as an electrostatic precipitator or a baghouse,and a flue gas desulfurization system to control S02 emissions.Compliance wi th regula.tory criteria.employing Be st Available Control Technology should minimize adverse impacts.The location of the Class I area at Denali National :Park could pose the most severe siting constraints for a development of a coal fired facility at this location.The allowable increments of air quality deterioration are extremely small in Class I areas.A minimum distance from this area.would probably be at least 20 miles,but each potential site should be analyzed in great detail to ensure a proper evaluation..The Class I visibility regulations could Significantly affect this minimum distance. I, r f f r r r f" r r f t expected to be negligible.The transmission lines would generate smallamouIlt of ozone which would be undetectable at ground levels and would not cause problems with nearby vegetation. 2el.2 Water Resources A coal fired facility generally has significant water requirements. Requirements for a generic.200 MW facili.ty have been estimated at approximately 300 gpm for a plant employing dry cooling,or 1,950 gpm for a facility utilizing wet cooling towers.Thr.ee potential water supplies at this location include the Beluga River,Cook Inlet (sea~ater)J and groundwater. Flow data for the F,eluga River is not immediately a·~ailable. However,from a rea""rai nfall considerations,it appears tha.t streamflow reduction would exceed IOpercent,and that groundwater supply would be the more viable alternative at this general location.Althc~gh well yields have been estimated as high as 1,000 gpl"J near surface resources in the Beluga area,characteristic yields appear to be only 10 to 100 gprn.Thus,water withdrawals could.be a major impact at this loca.tion. The facility would most probably be.designed to function in a z~.ro discharge mode.Therefore"impacts to water quality through discharges are expected to be minimal. Construction activities of the transmission lines between Beluga and Willow substation would result in temporary impacts.The transmission lines would cross seVeral rivers Cind numerous creeks, resulting in temporary stream siltation,bank erosion,and the potentia.l.for accidental spillage of lubricating oils and othe.r chemicals into the W'aterCf.)urses.Construction eqUipment along 4085A B-7 ....." G I I I I I It I I I I I I I i I I I I I "'):.... ,.1,',,'',",: ',"- B-B 2.1.4 ~~estrial Ecology Impacts to fisharies from transmission line Construction,such as increased runoff and sed,imentation could occur through clearing of the right-of-way and (~rossing of wate.rcourses by construction equipment.The introduction of silt into streams can delay hatching,reduce hatching Stl;CCess,prevent swimup,and produce weaker fry.Siltation also reduces the benthic food organisms by filling in available .illtergravel habitat.These potential adverse impacts can be reduced or eliminated through contruction scheduling and good engineering practice. 2.1 ..3 Aquatic Ecology streambanksor crossing sma.ller streams c.oul.d cause direct siltation of the watercourse or cause indirect streambank erosion and siltati.on through the removal of vegetation a.nd disturbance of pe1."D1afrost..The effects of siltation could alter stream channels, fi.ll ponds,or damage aquatic flora or fauna.These potential adverse impacts can be reduced or eliminated through appropriate mitigation measures and good engineering practice. Assuming a gl~oundwater supply is utilized,and the plant is designed in a zero discharge mode,impacts from facility operation to aquatic ecosyste~s are expected to be negligible~Significant,difficult to mitigate impacts should not ocCUr. 40B5A The greatest impact on the terrestrial biota.resulting from the development of a coal fired power plant at Beluga will be the loss or alteration of habitat and disturbance-related impacts.Potential power plant locations contain seasonal ranges of Dloose~caribou,and bears,as well as n~erous small game spec:i.es.Land requirements would be on the order of 75 acres for a 200MW facility.This loss t J f I I f,r .j. r r r r r r r r f 1 I I •I L of habitat would have varying impacts depending on specific fac~,lity siting,howeve.r,some impacts could be antici~)ated,most no\tably loss of carrying capacity of the land to support the above.speHies. Impacts would be more severe if the facility was located in an undeveloped area requiring access ~oads. Another tidldJ iieimpact results from birds colliding with the cooling towers.Thesignif1canceof this impact is highly dependent on cooli.ng tower design and location in relation to dail~and seasonal migratory routes.Locations subject to frequent fogging may also increaSe the significance of this impact •Bird collision impacts,however,can be mitigated through proper siting.Major migratory bird corridors occur throughout Cook Inlet and l'rince William Sound. Impacts from.construction of the transmission line are poteni:ially significant.Right-of-way requirements would require a m~,nimum clearing of a 110 foot strip in vegetated or forested nreas. Disturbance or alteration of this habitat could haVe sigpi~!icant impa.cts,particularly near trumpeter swan nestitlg sites,moose calving areas,and bear denning sites.Detailed si.ting and r.)uting studies are required to properly identify and minimize these potential impact.s.l:hwever,some .moderate impac.ts can be antici.pated.Impact.s due to bird collisdons may also be locally important. 2.1.5 Socioeconomic Factors Most of the communities located near the Beluga coal field&are generally small inpopula.tion and have an infrastructure that ill not highly developed.In light of this,the construction and operHtio.n. of a power plant has a.high potential to i1l1pact local communities and cause a boom/bust cycle.In the area,the largest commul1ity, 4085A B-9 1,·,--,"~'1 ...........,.. f·~ B-IO - 2.2 NENANA 2.1.6 Aesthetic Factors 2 ..2.1 Air Resources For a 200 MW facility,a peakconstruct:1cn workforce of 500 personnel and an operational workfo~ce of over lOOpersonnel is estiDiated to be reql.1ired.Transmission line construction personnel requirements would add significantly to these figures.Hence,major socioeconomic fmpa(:ts.should be anticipated at this location. ::t'yonek.only has a population of 239.While a construction camp could mitigate this impact to some de~ree,.disturbance of the area's infrastructure.must be antlc:f,pated. The visual impacts from the new transmission line are also significant.Much of the area where the lines could potentially be routed are pri stine wilde-:tness;large transmission towers and lines are considered to be a fJigrdficant degradation of the ·viewscape. The a1.r resources considerations for a coal fired facility in the Vicini ty of Nenana are similar to those discussed above for the Beluga location.!ioW'ever"Nenana is situated in a Class I PSD area and in a nonattainment area for catbonm()noxide (CO)emissions. This itnplies that a high degree of effort 'Will be required to 4085A The relatively large land requirements,facility structures,storage areas "and stack plumes have the potential to cause signif.icant visual degrada,tion,from an aesthetic viewpoint.In addition, moderate noise impacts can be expected from facility operation. Odors should not be a significant difficulty,if good engineering and operation practices are followed. t r' f' I~ {' t i t t t t I t I t t 1. 1 1 Q Wa teL requirements and considerations would ba similar to those at the Beluga location.Bowever,sufficient slJ,.rficial$upplies exist ill the nearby river systems (e.g.,temana and Nena.na rivers)so tha.t liater use would have negligible potential enVironmental impacts. achieve satisfactory emissions levels at this location.From a regulatory standpoint,receivlng an offSet and siting a coal fired facility at this location could prove to be very difficult. Therefore,impacts to air resources at this location must be considered to be extremely significant.Extraordinary emissiolls control measures would be required to satisfy regulatory criteria. 2.202 Water Resources Construction considerations for a transmission line upgrade would not be significant in comparison to the Beluga location..However, Some minor,temporal impacts could be anticipated.Good construction prdctices would serve to mitigate against any adverse impacts. 2.2.3 Aquatic EcplogX f J r f 1 I I The Nenana location is inproximi ty to ('~ne of the more access!ble, urbanized areas of Alaska.Considering other developments in the vicinity,coupled with llinimal liastewater discharges and la.rge nearby river systems,the impacts to the aquatic ecosystem from the development of a coal fired fae.:tlity at Nenana are anticipated to be insignificant.Minor,temporal impacts could occur from activity associated with the transmission line upgrade;however,no long term impacts are anticipated. .......,-'-".j B-1l 4085A l. 1 1 1 1 1 ci I I II I I .1 II Ii :1 I I I I B-.12 2.2.5 Socioeconomic Factors 2.2.4 Terrestrial Ecology The impacts on the terrestr!",oJl.biota from development e>f a coal fired facil!ty at Nenana are expected to be similar to those at Beluga.IUtbitat losses wou.l:d be similar,and this location also has seasonal ranges of moose,caribou,and bears..While thefac.ility's te>tal land requirements are modest (approximately 75 acres fora 200 MW plant)"disturbance of range areas at this location will lower the carrying capacity of the land to support these species.This could represent a significant terrestrial impact.Impacts would be more severe if the facili.ty was located in an undeveloped area requiring access roads.Transmission line upgrading i.s not anticipated to haVe any significant long term impacts to the terrestrial ecology. If the Nenana coal field site is located with an approximately 50 mile radius of Ff~-"'banks,a boom due to construction will be an unlikely event)~ice many of the 500 construction personnel could cotmDute to the site from Fairbanks.The impact of project construction 'Would also be mitigated by the sizeable Fairbanks labor market and high unemployment rate.A site located further than 50 miles from Fairbanks WOUld,however,incur impacts similar to those anticipated at the Beluga field site.However,the magnitude would not be as e:xtreme as the Beluga.location. 2.2.6 Aesthetic Factors Aesthetic considerations would be identical to those discussed for Beluga,with the exception that there would be no additional major factors associated with transmission line construction. 4085,A ~- 3.0 ~lATURAL GAS FIRED FACILITIE:S The developm.ent of a natural gas fired energy development scenario will proceed with the utilization of Cook Inlet gas at Beluga or Kenai,followed by the utilization of NOr'th Slope gas at either the North Slope,F.l1irbanks,or Kenai.Environmental impacts of these various options are presented below in the abo~e order. 3.1 COOK.INLET GAS 3.1.1 Belua~ Air Resources:The considerations for a combustion turbine located at'Beluga are similar to those for a coal fired facility at this location.The major difference is that :N0xrathe.r than S02 or particulates is the polluta.nt of concern,due to high combustion temperatures and the low sulfur content of the fuel.An improperly operated facility also has the potential to emi t high levels of uncombusted hydrocarbons;this should not pose any problems if correct operating procedures are followed.Steam plumes from NO x water injection control could have minor local impacts.Con- struction and transmission line considerations would be identical to those tor a coal fired facility,essentially minor and t~mporal. Water Resources:The water conSiderations are similar to those for a coal fired facility at this location;groundwater would still likely be the supply source.Water requirements would be minor,however,approximately 200 gpm for the plant,excluding wClter injection requirements for NO control.If this type of controlx system.is included,an additional requirement of 500-800 gpm may result in significant impacts to the water resources from water withdrawClls,as in the cause of a coal fired facility ..Discha.rges 4086A B-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I " I I I I Ii ,\ I ....'....,...._.~"--._-,,.'.r:;~•.,~.._.,..""",'.',","',"',.••",.',','~,'].,•.«,_.~._,1U\\'......•..• ",'~,...'..,.....'.." (t,··"""""", B-14 1 I Kenai/Niki.ski fired facility at this location. are negligible,and no significant1mpacts to the water quality are a.nticipated.ConstI'uction antttransmission line impacts to the watel:resources should be identical to those noted for the coal }.1.l.3 Aquatic Ecology:The impacts to aquatic ecology parallel those of a coal-fired facility at this locatione Significant, difficult to mitigate impac.ts should not occur. Terrestrial Ecology:The i':.cts to the terrest.rial ecology would be almost identical to thc:::_for a coal fired facility at this location..The key impacts are associated with habitat loss and disturbance.Transmission line considerations would be identical. Socioeconomic Factors:The socioeconomic considerations would be very similar to those for a coal fired facility at this location.The peak construction workforce would be around 200 personnel and an operational workforce of 130-150 would be required.A boom/bust cycle could be anticipated,together with long term communit)"alterations,resulting in major socioeconomic impacts to surrounding small communities. Aesthetic Factors:Aesthetic considerations would be very-_...;;;;..--....;;.;~-.;...-.;...~-.;...~.....-.;;.. similar to those for a coal fired facility at this location.Plant facilities and the assovtated transmission line would create noticeable degradation of the viewscape;plant noise ~ould also cause a localized impact. A;ir ""Resources:The impacts to air resources should be similar to those for a combustion turbine located at Beluga. 4086A ~.I.j·, f [. <.< r It,:'. ['"''t fl' J1 r r ~ I l.J f 1. r r I r Terrestrial Ecology:The impacts to the terrestrial ecology would be similar to those for the facility located at associated ~ithimpactsshouldmitigatepotentialadverse transmission.line constructiono However,there d~not appear to be as significant regulatory considerations,as the nearest restricted area occurs in the Tux:edni National Wildlife Refuge,across the inlet to the south..NO x controls (water injection)would still likely be required;therefore unmitigatible impacts to air resources are not anticipated. . Water Resources:The water supply at this loeation will likely come from groundwater supplies,lI1hich are ample.Water requirements will be identical to those for the facility at Beluga (approximately 200 gpm and SOD-800 gpm for NO control)• x Similarly,discharges are infrequent and impacts to water quality are anticipated to be negligible.Impac.ts from construction of the transmission line would be similar to those discussed for the Beluga coal fired facility.Areas of concern revolved around siltation, erosion,and streambed disturbance_Good construction practices Aqua.tic Ecology:The impacts to the aquatic ecology Would be similar to those associated "With a facility located at Beluga. Essentially,groundwater Withdrawal and infrequent dincharge preclude significant impacts to aquatic ecology. Impacts assoc:iat 'Jd with transmission line construction would be similar to those of the Beluga location,and identical to those for the Kenai North Slope gas scenario,discussed below.To minimize and mitigate these construction impacts,careful scheduling and good engineering prac.tices are required..However,moderate impacts to aquatic ecology can be expected. r rr f'r j' ~:-~ f f r r r r 1 r [. t t l 4086A B-IS 1 1 1 1 I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !f B-16 -- 4086A Transmission line impacts would be identical to those discussed below for the North Slope gas scenario.Essentially,most of the peakworkforc$of over 200 would be hired from the labor pools at Kenai and Anchorage. Beluga,with e~sentially habitat loss and disturbance being the key issues.However,the more developed nature of the Kenai location results in lower overall wildlife usage,as avoidance has already occurred to a certain extent. The impacts from construction of the transmission lines will be similar to those of the Beluga location,and identical to those for the North Slope {5~c;scenari.o discussed below.Moderate impacts due to alteration and elimina.tion of vegetative cover and associated chang$s in small game and non-game communities can be anticipated. I'otentialfor bird collision impacts will a+80 .be created.These ca~be minimized by ca.refulsiting and routing. Socioeconomic Factors:Socioeconomic impacts at this location are not expected to be nearly as severe as those at the Beluga location.The relatively large population base in the area will tend to mitigate any potential boom/bust cycle,although some effect can be anticipated through increased employment opportuniti$s.'!'he creation of 130'"'150permanent jobs may be c.onsidered as a positive impact.However,demand for housing could pOSsibly exceed the existing supply. 3.1 ..2.6 Aesthetic Factors:Aesthetic parameters w~llld be similar to those for t:he .Beluga location.However,due to the previous developments on the Kenai side of Cook Inlet,the actual impacts would not be considered nearly as signficant as for those in a pristine wilderness area.Again,both visual degradation and noise f It, I I~ [ [ r r p, JJ I ,I ~I The cOlnstruction of facilities would result in tem.porary air quality impacts.The use of hea.vy equipment and othe.r construction vehicles ,'\, 3 e 2 NORTH SLOPE GAS 4086A As described in the introductory section,the North Slope gas utilization scenarios consist of three iocation specific alternatives:generation at the North Slope,Fairbanks,or KenailNikiski..Environmental considerations for these locations are presented below. - ou.tput would be the mostsignifican,t factors.Proper design and landscaping should serve to minimize these impacts. 3.2.1 North Slope B-17 3.2.181 Air Resources:As noted in the previous combustion turbine discussion,the prime air resource consideration encompasses NO x emissions,and the control of such emissions by water injection. However,water or steam injection in the Prudhoe Bay area causes undesirable levels of ice fog..Furthermore,water or steam injection requires fresh water supplies that are generally not economically available on the North Slope.For these reasons,air quali ty regulatory agencies have not defined BACT for the North Slope to include using water or stea.m injection to control nitrogen oxides.Impositic.;n of the requirement for water or steam injection would add substantial costs and significantly decrease the relative feasibility of this option.Wi th no water injection requirement, air quality regulations would not be likely to hamper installation of a gas-fired pOwer plant in the Prudhoe Bay area.However,a judieious siting effort would be necessary to avoid compounding any air pollution problems from existing facilities. t f J r r r r r r r I I I I I I '..1Wf I I I I I I ,l, B-lB -,--J.'"--.:-'ll- '----- ....... would generate fugitive dust as well as exhaust emissions.The dusting problem is known to be especially severe during certain periods of airinV'ersion conditions at this location.Tight construction period schedules may not permit construction delays during such inversion periods,creating a si~nificant yet temporal impact. 3.2 ..1.2 Water Resources:The principal effects of the proposed North Slope generating facility on the water reSOUrces of the Prudhoe Bay area includeconsumptive withdrawals from freshwater sources (existing lakes)for potable supplies and miscellaneous uses such as equipment wash-down.Because the generating statio.n will require mi.nor volumes (approximately 50 gpnr)of water and will be served by existing water treatment facilities in.the area,water resources effects associated with these uses will not be significant. Transmission line construction between the North Slope and Fairbanks may impact the quality of surface water resources through erosion caused by larid disturbance,but has little Qr no impact on water supplies.Erosion control,especially in ste.ep terra.in or areas of susceptible sc\11s,will be a major requirement imposed by permits issued for l~ight-of-way clea,ring and construction of the transmission and related facilities,such as access roads.For example,the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)land use plan for the Prudhoe Bay-Fairbanks Utility Corridor (.BLM 1980)within which the transmission facilities would be routed,specifically requires protection of stream ba.nks and lake shores by restrict:i.ng activities to prevent loss of riparian vegetation..Other water resource transmission line cbnsiderC1tions would be similar to those presented for other locations. 4086A r r r r There are a number of secondary environmental effects,related to transmission line cons truction which should also be considered. Between the North Slope and Fairbanku,the transmission line would croes as many as 150 waterbodies which are utilized by fish for migratiotl,rearing.spawning)and/or wintering.Siting should avoid or minimize impact to spawning areas in approximately 35 waterbodies and to Wintering areas in approximately 15 wat(;X'bodies. B-19 • ,t;"r- 4086A Aquatic Ecology:~'he majoraqua.tic ecosystems of the North Slope area include the marine enVironment of the Beaufort Sea,the freshwater environments of the Sag and Put Rivers and their tributaries,and estuarine habitats at the rivers'mouths.Shallow lakes in the area do not support fish because of complete freezing in the wintertime.Deeper lakes may contain resident species such a stickleback,but in general,knowledge of these lakes is presently limited.In the rivers and estuaries,two groupsDf fish are considered important:river fish such as the grayling,and anadroTIlous fish such as the Arctic char and cisco.The anadromous species descend local rivers at ice-breakup to feed in the shallow littoral and sublittoral zone of the Beaufort Sea.They ascend these rivers in the autumn alld overwinter in.deep pools.These fish do not appear to undertake extensive migrations up the Sag or Put Rivers. These fishery resources could be affected by construction and operation of a water supply intake,pipeline and access road construction,gravel mining in rivers which could affect overwintering and general habitat quality of the fish,and the need to cross larger ):iver channels 'Which could interfere with fish .passage.The latter item may require the use of .special culverts to maintain migratory routes.Each of these potential effects would be analyzed on a site-specific basis,and detailed impact aVoidance or mitigation measures developed. .I, l I!. l r [ { r [ r r I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I B-20 I Construction of a power plant,sWitchyard,construction camp and related access roads will disturb approximately 65 acres of land. All construction equipment should be restricted to areas covered with a gravel pad •Tundra adjacent to the generating fa.cili ty should :not be disturbed. Q)unterpoise (ground cable)c.onstruction may require excavation in streambeds;this activity must be carefully planned (both spatially and temporally)and monitored in ac.cordance wi th individual permi t requi.rements.Conditions vary along the corridor,so that environmental protection stipulations imposed by the regultory agencies will tend to be site-specific. Terrestrial Ecology:The North Slope area and specifically the river delta areas provide a variety of habitats that are important to a diversity .0£plants and animals.Project related impacts which require special consideration include:(1)direct habitat elimin&tion through the construction of project facilities, access roads,and gravel bC5rrow areas;(2)indirect habitat elimination resulting from access roads which impede drainage or ~hich generate significant traffiC related dust;and (3)restrictions to large mammal movements,especially caribou. Because the generating facility will be located within the Prudhoe Bay industrial complex,terrestrial habitat impacts engendered by this project will be an added increment to those which have already occurred as a result of oil field development.Final siting efforts should include evaluation of the factor$listed above,and will be the mechanism through which highly significant terrestrialimpact$ can be avoided,particUlarly the indirect impacts and migratory blockages.The direct impacts of habitat removal due -:0 facility 4086A r r r' t f [ [ t ~ t i t L l t t t I~ 1 construction are generally u.navoidable,but can beminimt~sd through careful site planning and constructionman~,gement. Imp;Jcts from transmission line development should also be conl;lidered.CO'ilstruction of the transmission line facilities w.tll require vegetative clearing in forested areas.Clearing should be restri.cted to the folloWing categories of vegetati.on:trees and brush whi.ch may fall into a struc.ture,g11Y,or conductor;trees and brush into which a conductor may blow duril1g high winds;trees and brush within 20 feet of a conductor or wi.thi.n 55 feet of the line centerline;and trees or brush that may interfere with the assembly and erection of a structure.Bird collisions with transmission line conductors and other facilities are also on and at major river crossings. Between the North Slope and Fairbanks,much of the area south of Nutirwik Creek wi.ll require cleari.ng of tr,~es wi thin the right-of-ws.y.Because two lines will be bui.lt and trees wi thin 55 feet of the line will be cleared,the total wi.d th of cleared vegetation will be 220 feet.Over the length of the line) approximately 7,000 acres will be cleared. The transmission line corridor passes through a wide variety of terrestrial ecosystems,and is adjacent to several major federal land areas which have been protected,in part,for their wi.ldlife values.The Bureau of Land ~~nagement (BL~)land use plan for the Utility Corridor (BLM 1980)has identified several areas as containing Cl"itical wildlife habitat.Specific management restrictions have not as yet been formulated;however,mea.iures may be reqUired for a number of areas. The land use plan also specifically requires protection of raptor habitat and critical nesting areas.Protection of crucial raptor 4086A B-2! 1,-.... oj .... ~ (~ Ii 'I I I I I I I t1', I I I I I I I I I 1 __r.·"'''1 4086A Socioeconomic Factors;Potential sClc!oeconQmic and land use effects of the North Slope scenario in.eludeboth temporary impacts related to the influx of W'orkers and permanent land use impact~, habitats preserves the integrity of raptor population and maintains predator-prey relationships.Facilit:1es and long-term habitat alterat:1ons are prob1b:1ted W'ithin one mile of peregrine falcon nest sites unless specifically authorized by the U.StlFish and Wildlife Service,because of the endangered speciesstatuB of the peregrine falcon.As the transmission line corridor generally avoids known nesting areas,the restrictlotl may only apply to material sites. System design must allow free passage for caribou,but t~ese animals should not be a major consideraton in s1.ting ..·Carnivore/human interaction .is a major concern in facilities design and in construe/cion and operations methods,but not in siting considerations. Line routing and tower siting should avoid o:rminimize disturbance of the treeline white spruce stand at the head of the Dietrich Valley,which has been nominated for Ecology Reserv¢status. Itfs unlfkely that the transmission line would be sited in or near 1mportantDall sheep habitat.A pr:1mary COllcern is aircraft traffic over crt tical wintering,lambing,and movemlant areas.Moose winte.r browse habitat in the Atigun and Sag River valleys is limited to areas of tall riparian willow.Habitat has already been eliminated by the construction of Trans Alaska Pipe:line System (TAPS)and further destruction of this habitat should be avoided or minimized. The willow stand along Oksrukuyik Creek,in particular,should not be disturbed. I I t f [ [ [ [ [ ,.:,,, ...--.' Since the generating 'plant would be located within the Prudhoe Bay/DeadhoI'se industrial complex,the in-migrating workforc.~'Would not significantly affect the social and economic structure of the re.gion"The workforce requirements are small in comparison to the existing size of the transient workforce in the Prudhoe Bay region. For f.ive months of each year during the period 199.3 throgh 2010 a maximu1.'lJ.of 200 employees tiill be needed to assemble the prefabricated units of the plant.Housing far-ilfties would be provided for the employees at the adjacent construction camp. Dllring off-'work periods,the majority of the employees would spend time outside of the borough.The operations tiorkforce is expected to be approximately 150 and will reside in the labor camp.The spending of wages earned by the employees wi thin the North Slope Borough is expected to be minimal due to the transience of the workforce. The use of la.nd for an electrical generating plant tiould be compatible with the land uses of the industrialencl.",ve.The Coastal Zone Management Program for the North Slope Borough has delineated zones of preferred development.Permanent facilities are allowed in the industrial development zone,consisting of the existing Prudhoe Bay IDeadhorse complex and the Pipeline/:aaul Road Utility corridor (North Slope Borough 1978).The generating plant would be located within the preferred development zone. Within the :Prudboe Bay/Deadhorse complex,the plant would be located to minim:l.zeinterferences with e~isting or planned facilities, including bUildings,pipelines,roads,and tra.nsmission lines.Land ownership and lease agreements will limit the land a,\failable for the electrical generating facility- 40~6A r I I I I I I !I I \1 I I I I I I I I I I ;]":, " ,'.,,I .• ':,"I t..!~'-...'~~ iN 4086A B-24 Aesthetic Factors;The potential aesthetic impacts of the proposed North Slope devt,lopment.espeeial.1ythe tra.nsmission lines, Permanent facilities would be consolidated at carefully selected locations in the vicinity of Livellgood Camp,Yukon Crossing ,Five Mile Camp,PIospect,Coldfoot,Chandalar,and Pump Station 113. Existing facilities such as work pads,highways,access roads, airports,material sites and communications would be used to the maximum extent possible. Socioeconomic and land use impacts related til construction and operation of transmissi.on facilities between Prudhoe Bay and Fairbanks will be strictly controlled as a result of the guidelines and constraints for development within the designated utility corridor.Cor~struction employees would be housed either at the pump stations or the permanent camp facilities constructed for the trans-Alaska oil pipeline.Construction activities would bE: consistent with the land use criteria developed by the BLMu The B1M has prepared land use plans lor the utili ty corridor between Sagwon Bluffs and Washington Creek.Road and highway crossings would be minimized,and areas of existing or planned mineral development ~ould be avoic~d. The schedule for constructing the transmi.ssion lines is approximately 3 years wi th activities occ.l.1rting mainly during the a.utumn and spring of each year.A peak work force of 2400 ewplo;~~.es would be required during the first year of construction ~hen the pads would be built,and in .subsequent years the total work forc~. would be substantially reduced to approximately 500 in t:he second year,600 in the thitd year,and 670 in the fil1al yea,r..It is expected that these workers will be hired from th~Anc!lorag~and Fairbanks union hiring halls. 'f<,~.'. 'I~ r r I t l. t l I, t I I. I: 1 t I t l o I~. r I J o B-25 ~ 3.2.2 Fairbanks area significant.The cumulative effects of these facilities cQuld result in significa.nt degradation of the aesthetic character of pristine wilderness landscapes as described in previous discussions.In locations wher(~visual impacts cannot be avoideci 'through careful routing or tower spotting,mitigative measures such as the use of nonreflective paint or vegetative screening can be emplDyed. 4086A In la47se part due to the t.7inter stagnation conditions,the Fairbanks area is eurrently designated as a nc.\nattainmentarea for CO. Emissions of CO are largely due to automobiles.The State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Fairbanks North Star Borough Airl'ollution Contt:~l Agency are implementing a plan to reduce the ambient CO mainly through the use of vehicle emission or traffic control techniques.In addition,relatively high l€:vels of nitrogen oxides ha've recently been.mon.itored in the,Fairbanks area. Only an annual average nitrogen dioxide standard exis ts,but the ahort term measurements of nitrogen oxides are as high as in major urban areas s~~ch as Los Angeles. Air Resources:A facility located in the Fairbanks aX'ea would impose critical siting efforts and control technologies to avoid significant iinpacts.Analyses of the Fairbanks urban "heat island"have shown that winds are generally light in the winter and that wind directions change dramatically in the vertical direction during the wintertime.During the winter months,the a.ir near the ground is relativp.ly cold,compared to the air aloft.This reduces mixing of the air in the ve1."ti.c:al direction,and when combined with relatively l.ightwinds~often leads to periods of air stagnation.• ..,y l l t r r r t '\,. t f f I \" Because Fairbanks is a 110nattainm,ent area,the operators of a facility must demonstrate that they will reduce,or offset,impacts of the power plant by reduci.ng elllission levels of CO at other sources.Emissions of CO from s natural gas-fired power plant are relatively low,and any displacement of the burning of other fuels; such as coal or oil,will likely lead to improved air quality.This arises from the clean-burning nature of natural gas andfrorn the fact that emissions from a major facility will be injected higher in the atmosphere (due to plulQe buoyancy)than the displaced emissions..During the very stagnant conditions in midwinter,the plume from a pot;ler plant.will likely remain well aloft with little mixing to the surface layers.The complex ul"ban heat island and associated wind pattern will require a great deal of in-depth Dlodeling and analySis to deter'Dline air quality impacts in teI'D1S that will withstand regulatory scrqtiny. The nitrogen oxides limits at Fairbanks will be the most constraining atmospheric pollutant.The operation of a power plant will also consutne a portion of the allowable deterioration in air quality for nitrogen oxides.While it is possible that the power plant could be sited near Fairbanks,its installation would constrain other development efforts which also might consume a portion of the air quality increDient.The nature,magnitUde,and duration of emission plumes must be studied as well as the potential for beneficial impacts due to reduced combustion at other sources within.the area. The Fairbanks area is alsd subjected to extended periods of 'Wintertime ice fog,and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation will l'equire the impact of any 'Water vapor plumes to be carefully assessed.A combustion turbine po'Wer plant 'Which uses water or s tea111 injection tech~liques would have an adverse impact on 4086A B-26 "1".....'- I I I I I I I I II B-27 '1'-,._1.u --..,.,o ~he ice fog and.icing deposition nearby.This emissions control technology may thus not be feaRtble.This is similar to the situation tha·t exists at the North Slope location. To control soil--loss and subsequent sedimentation effects,s.everal mitigation practices should be used during pipeline construction'. Existing work pads,highways,access roads,airports,material sites,and disposal sites should be used whenever possible to minimize vegeta.tlon disturbance.Pipeline rights""'of-way and access roads should avoid steep slopes and unstable soils.Hand clea:l'ing could be used in areas where the use of hea\'"y equipment would cause . unacceptable levels of soil erosion.A SO-foot buffer strip of undi.sturbed land could be maintained between the pipeline and streams,lakes,and wetlands wherever possible.Constructi.on equipment should not be operate!.in water bodies except where Water.Resources;A gas combined cycle power plant at Fairbanks will use approximatel of freshwater for boiler makeup,potable supplies,and miscellaneous uses such as equipment washdown.Beca.use atnple groundwater exists in the Fairbanks area and because the water requirements are not particularly large, impac ts on water supplies in the area will not be significant. Impaets associated with the natural gas transport system,however, could be very significant. 4086A A gas pipeline from.the NO,rth Slope to Fairbanks will cross 15 major streams and rivers,including the Yukon River,and could potentially impact numerous additional small streams and drainages.The pipeline will be buried for its entire length;vegetation will be disturbed within a 50-=foot wide strip.Without careful siting and construction practices,erosion from exposed areas could cause sedimentation pt"oblems in nearby water bodieso \c.. iI, I lli I l I··"'··.······.··iI.;.'I ~.'I ~II,~I I I.·.·•.··•••" l"t. I j I:'r£•.~IT I I·.'·.'..•••.\;, 1["l~ I I I I I I I I I I I ll'.-._~t" ..~ B-28 4086A The Yukon River crossing wi.ll utilize an existing bridge..The Yukon River will therefore not be signi:fic.antlyaffected by the pipeline .. necessary.Where high levels of sediment are expected from construction activity.settling basins should be constructed and maintained..All disturbed areas should be left in a stabilized condition through the use of revegetation and water bars;culverts and bridges should be removed.and slopes sho\lld be rest6red to approximately their original contour. A significant problem wi th the operation of a chilled,buried pipeline is the formation of aufeis.Aufeis is an ice structure formed by water overfloWing onto a surface and freezing,wi th subsequent layers formed by repeated overflow.Chilled pipe in streams can cause the stream to freeze to the bottom in the vicinity of the pipe,creating aufeis over the blockage.A chilled pipe through unfrozen ground can also form a frost bulb several times larger than the pipe diameter.This frozen area can block subsurface flow,forci.ng water to the surface and causing aufeis. Road cuts can also expose subsurface flow channels,causing aufeis build-up over the roadway.The potential for aufeis and possible effects will require detailed considerati.ons for all construction All stream crossing facilities should be designed to withstand the Pipeline Design Flood as defined.for the ANGTS system.Streams should be stabilized and returned to their original configuration, gradient,substrate,velocity,and surface flowo Water supplies for compressor or meter stations should not be taken from fish spawning beds,fish rearing areas,ov,erwintering areas or waters that directly replenish those areas during cri tical periods .. areas. t I 1t f fI J f r f r f 1 r 4086A B-29 t'..~'."fI:". I Aquatic Ecosyst,em:The location of a facility in the Fairbanks vicinity will not cause significant impacts to the aquatic resources at the plant site.The water supply for the power plant will most likely be obtained from groundwater,and therefore will not Clffect surface water bodies.Discharges from the plant will be treated to meet effluent guidelines before being released,so that fish habitat should not be significantly affected.Discharge quantities will be relatively low,on the order of 200gpm. Ibwever,there may be significant impacts associated wi thpipeline and transmission line construction. The eransmission line corridor between Fairbanks and Anchorage makes as many as 100 crossings of rivers and streams and comes within one mile of numerous lakes and ponds.All of these waterbodies are important habitat for endemic and anadromous fisherief1 Impacts to fisheries such as increased runoff and sedimentation could occur thrQugh .clearing of the right-of....way and \~rossing of watercour.ses by cons truction equipment.The introductiQll of silt into streams can delay hatching,reduce hatching success,prevent swimup,and produce weaker fry.Siltation also reduces the benthic food organisms by filling in available intergravel habitat" The potential adverseimpac ts can be reduced or eliminate.d through c onstruc.tion scheduling.Construction of the transmission lines during the winter would minimize erosion since the snow protects low vegetative cover that stabilizes soils.Ice bridges could be used by construction equipment for crossing spawning areas ll where pOssible.Otherwise,where equipment would move through watercourses,constrl.1ction could occur during periods when there are no eggs or fry in the gravel~ f r J f r ! r r r 1 1 I L J 1 t '. I , k -.'.'•.' 11.·&.',·...'.,:,t:.'.•··.·.i..;;t:>}\ I" I,•••.,.• ,..'t I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a)lower stream A cri tical period for most streams due to the occurrence of major spring migrations and spring spawning (primarily gX'ayling)e -,:.,1.;, ....~ B-3D 1 May-20 July 15 April-15 July 1 April-IS July (eatly breakup streams) IS April-IS July (late breakup streams) Chilled pipes in streams should not cause: Fairbanks): Region I Regi.on II Region III ANGTS)is not noted Divide of the Brooks The timing of construction is also critical.Adverse impacts maybe encountered~if the following regional schedule (developed for (Region I,Beaufort Seato the Continental Range;Region II,Continental Divide of the Et>ookg P...ang$to the Yukon River;and Region III,Yukon River to temperatures so as to alter biological regime of stream;b)slow spring breakup and delay of fish migration;or c)early fall free~e"up which would affect fish migration.In addition,the temperat\1re of surface or subsurface water should not be changed significantly by the pipeline system or by any construction-related activities. A natu.ral gas pipeline from the North Slope to Fairba.nks will cross numerous rivers andcreel,c.s.including the Yukon River..Aquati,c resource impacts will include all those discussed above and addi.tional impacts caused by the chilled pipeline c.rossing liaterbodies.Several mitigation measures,in addition to those already discussed,should be implemented to protect the fish habitat affected by pipeline construction and operation..Stream crossings should be constructed such that fish passage is not blocked and flow velocity does not exceed the maximum allowable flow velocity for the fi.sh species in a given stream.If these criteria cannot be met,a bridge shou.ld be installed, 4D86A r r i F", " r r { f ! 1 t..1 A preferred period.for construc- tion in many streams that do not provide winter habitat.These streams generally are dry or freeze to the bottom duri.ng winter..This is a crItical period for fish overwintering in springs,large rivers,and lakes. A sensitive period..Fry of spring spawning species have emerged and major fall emi- grations have not yet begun .. Fish are mobile at this time and can move to avoid or reduce effects of disturbance .. A critical period for all streams.Fish must emigrate from streams that do not provide winter habitat prior to freeze-up.Major upstream migrations and spawning of fall spawning species occurs in streams that provide overwintering habitat. J 20 July-25 August 15 July-2S August 15 July-l September 1 Dc tober-I May (small streamf$) 15 Oc tober-l May (large Ftreams) 15 October-IS April (small streams ) 1 November-I5 April (large streams) 1 November-l April (early breakup streams) 1 November-IS April (late breakup streams) 25 August-l October (small streams) 25 August-IS October (large streams) 25 August-l ~tober (small streams) 25 August-IS October (large streams) 1 September-l November Region I Region II Region III Region 1:1 Region I Region III B-3l 4086A For the Fa.irbanks to An~horage transmission line approximately 80 per~ent of the corridor is located in forested areas (Commonwealth Region I Region III Region II Terrestrial Ecology:A power plant in the Fairbanks Vicinity will affect terrestrial resources primarily through habitat dIsturbance"Potential power plant sites in the Fairbanks area are located in developed or previously disturbed areas.The potential for adv'ersely affecting terrestrial habitats is therefore not considered to be significant.However,as for aquatic ecology, there are potential significant impacts associated with transmission line and pipeline construction. I 'f i r f I ! r I I I I I I I I~ I I I I II II I I I I I ___ti. 4086A Associates 1982).Assuming two additiO,nal lines lire built and the Intertfe is extended,a total of about 8,700 acres will be cleared. The principal impacts associated liith clearing a right-of-way ap,d construction of the transmission line are the alteration of existing habita.ts and subsequent disruption of wildlife species that use those habitats and disturbance to indigenous fauna and bird populatic>ns. Most big game species,would relocate cluring the cOIlstruction of the transmission lines.The construction schedule should be flexible so as to avoid construction near calving and denning sites during appropriate seasons.Moose,which adapt to many different habitat types,avoid the right-of-way construction,but may benefit in the long-term from the rem.oval of overstoryvegetation which enhances browse production.The distribution of caribou is lim.ited along the transmission line corridor but those that do occur in the vicinity of the right-of-way would be displaced.The caribou,however, generally utilize habitats with low vegetative cover,resulting in little alteration of caribou habitat. :8-32 Grizzly and black bears would relocate to avoid construction activi ty along the right-oi-way,except where construction occurs near a den site during winter dormancy..Construction activity near denning areas should be avoided from October 1 through April 30. The alteration of habitats could temporarily affect bear use of the right-of-way but this impact is expected to be relatively short-term. Wolves within the vicinity of the right-of-way would also be displaced during construction of the transmission line"While these impacts would be tempora.ry,long-term.impacts would occur to the f 'r'I ... f t l t r 4086A B-33 I .'. In heavily forested areas along the corridor,the right-of-way clearing could provide an improved habitat for most of the small game sp~cies that utilize subclimax commun:lties. The impact to regional populations of Ciny of the small game species is expected to be negligible.Small game species are expected to relocate during construction activities and reinvade the wolf if their principal prey species~such as caribou,sheep ,aud moose were adversely affected. Dall sheep occur only at the northern end of the transmission line corridor and would be impacted ~nly minimally by construction activities.The use of helicopters to construct the lfnesin the Moody and Montana Creek drainages could severely disturb sheep in the vicinity of Sugarloaf Mountain. right-af-way once construction iz over. Furbearers are not expected to be greatly affected by construction activities except during the initial right-of-way clearing.Most furbearers will either ada.pt to the presence of the cleared right-of-way 'or undergo short-term impa.cts.The maintenance of a shrub commuuity "in the right-ai-way ~Till reduce the IO$s of individuals. Migratory waterfoWl are ""11scepti hIe to disturba.nce from construction acti'vities from mid~Apri.l to the end of September when ,they are nesting and brood rearing_Constructior..activities should be restricted froDl May through Augu,st in areas with active trumpeter Swan nesting territories.Collisions with transmission lines, guywires,and overhead groundwires are another potential impact. r l t f f' J r I I I I I I I I~ I I 1_-·.' I I I I I I I I 1 , B....34 The impacts on nongame mammals and birds are expected to be insignificant.Some small mammals and nongame birds would undergo population shifts during construction activities but populations are expected to recover within one to two reprodllctiveS$8sons.Raptors Dlay lolsesome habitat as a result of clearing.Benefits of a cleared right-of-way could occur as some raptors could find that it provid$s hunting habftator hunting perches not previously available. The construl~tlon cfa gas pipeline from the North Slope to Fairbanks will require total clearing of a 50-foot right-af-way for the length oi'the gasline.In addition,ten lO-acre compressor stations,two IIllS-acre metering stations and a gas conditioning facility (15 acres)will be construc.ted.Construction activities will disrupt terrestrial animals near the corridor d1.1ring the three-year construction period..The pipeline alignment will avoid the pex-egrinefalcon nest sites near the Franklin and Sagwon Bluffs.,but other raptors may restrict construction schedules.Special construction measures may be necessary in the areas delineated by theBLM land use'plan,a13 discussed for the North Slope scena.rio. Construction activities,especially aircraft traffic,could disturb DaII sheep habitat in critical wintering,~ambing,and movement ar.eas-These construction-x-elated impacts would be less than three years in duration- 4086A Long-teI1tt terrestrial .impacts will result primarily from habitat elimination.Important moose browsing habitat,such as the willow stand along Oksrukuyik Creeks should be px-eserved.The treeline white spr1J.ce stand at the head of Dietrich Valley,which has been nOl!1ina.ted for Ecology Reserve status,should be avoided.The pipeline design should allow for free passage of caribou and other large ardmals,to avoid significant adverse impacts. r r \\ Socioeconomic Factors:The rela.tively la.rge population base in the Fairbanks vicinity preclude!.major impacts from a boom/bust cycle associated solely with power plant construction .. The potentia.l socioeconomic impacts are rather associated with transmission line and pipeline clonstructi~~~:: The size of the construction workfOl~ce fot'thegenerati!'8 facility is expected to be approximately 200 pe:,zcL1s.These generation units will be constructed during the summer for about four or five months .. B-35 4086A Development of a ~enerating facility on the outskirts of the Fairbanks area should not engender significant land use conflicts, since the focus of the final site selection actiVities will be on areas which are presently used for industrial development.However, the long-term staged development of a major elec.tric generating complex will certainly bea determinant of future land uses in the local area. Construction activities at the generating plant site will generate additional worker and construction vehicle traffic loads on the. local road system.However,disruptions to eXisting traffic patterns can be minimized through site selection by utilizing major highways and arterials to the maximum extent possible and by Since the project could draw on the large labor pool at Fairbanks, it can be expected that the major!ty of workers will be hired locally.Economic benef!ts to the region will not be si.gnificant as emploYment on the project will be temporary.Anyin-migrating workforce will have to seek temporary housing on their own since housing will not be provided at the project site.The extent of the impacts on the local housing supply will depend on the va.cancy rate for the summer of each year of construction. o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I 4086A pre$erve. B-36 developing a local access plan and schedule<-Depending on the site selected,neW accessrequlrements will be planned in recognition of local traffic requirementsc Land use impacts could include eIlcroachment of the project on residential areas as well AS preclude future residential development land available.for homesteading.The m.ost significant potentia.l impact would be the crossing of recreation lands and the subsequent effects on recreation and aesthetic values these lands are meant to Impacts to local communities would be minimized through careful siting of the temporary liork camps.It is expected tha.t the work camps would be self-contained in order to keep tb a minimum interaction between the construction workers and the local residents.The project is e:xpectedto have minor primary economic benefits since few,if any,residents would be emplo:~1 On the project. Development of additional transmission facilities between Fairbanks and Anchorage could have potential significant socioeconomic and land Use impacts,sinCe this segment is moderately populated and subject.to future land use development.Temporary campsi tes would be provided to house the work creWs at locations accessible by the Parks H:1.ghway or the Alaska Railroad.The schedule for constructing the transmission lines is approximately 22 months.A peak work force of approximately 520 employees would be x'equired during the last 6 months and the average work force liould be approximately 300..These estimates do not include the helicopter crews.It is assumed that the project would utilize the labor pools of Fairbanks and Anchorage .. t I I [ .l [ [," .-..<' ,t \~ B-37 __.t.1 4086A For construction of the gas pipeline in the North Slope~Fa1rbanks corridor,employee$will be housed either at the pump stations or the pepnanent camp fac.ilities that were constructed for the trans-Alaska oil pipelineo Construction activities will be cons;l.stent with the BlM land use criteria. 3.2.3 Kenai/Nikiski Ai.r Resources:The air resources considerations for this option would be identical to those already discussed under the Cook Inlet utilization at this location.However"there are additional Aesthetic.Factors:The Fairbanks area,already containing noticeable development,would not be significantly impacted by the construction of a combustion turbine power plant,assuming careful siting and adequate landscapi.ng criteria are employed.However,the potent'5.al ae$t:hetic impacts.of the proposed Fairbanks transmission .facilitiesand/or pipelines are significant..The cumulative effects of these facilities and previous linear developments (e.g.,TAPS) could result in significant degradation of the aesthetic character of pristine wilderness landscapes.The visibility of the transmission lines from existing "ravel routes (Dalton Highway, Parks Highway,etc.)will \fary depending on distance,topography and intervening vegetation.Special ,,~are would be taken in selec.ting final route al.i.gnments in proximity to areas of sp~cial visual significance,such as national parks,or high visual sensitivity, such as arees within the viewing range of motorists on the Parks Highway.In locations where visual impacts cannot be avoided through careful routing or tower spotting,mitigating measures,such as the use of nonX'eflective paint or vegetative screening,can be employed. L 1. l ·~.fIL I I I I.·•i..'.:.·.·.·., I •.~ I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Moose River Chickaloon River L1 ttle Indian Creek Furrow Creek Chester Creek Soldatna Creek Mystery Creek Big Indian Creek Potter Creek Campbell ~reek Ship Creek The water quality of these streams should not be directly affected if towers will be set back from the streambank at least 200 ft,and Construction activities stay out of stream channels.Indirect impacts on the 'Water bodies,however,will reSult from construction 4086A "f·'··~t' , Water Reslources:The water resources considerations for the.plant would be identical to those already cii;scussed under the Cook Inlet utilization of this location.However,transmission line construction would have signific.apt impacts,whic:h are elaborated upon below.Potential effects of pipeline construction would.be similar to those preViously described under the Fail~banks option- B-38 nl'ture. secondary ilDpacts toa.ir resources that should be mentioned..These impa~ts are ase,!}ciated with construction of translDisGion lines,g.as pipelines and other support facilities..The construction of these facilities would result in temporary ~ir quality impacts.The use Of heavy'equipment a~d other construction vehicles would generate fugitive dust and exhaust emissions.Slash burning of material to clear the right-of-way 'Would produce emissions.The impac ts from these construction-re.latedactivities are expected to be SIllall because the emissions would be widely dispersed and teIIl'poral in A transmission line from Kenai to Anchorage would crasIs the streams and creeks listed below: l L t i L tL f 1 r I r::' I r I t r r l~ r~ I' }, L I, 1 j L t t act.ivity in the small drainageways that feed the mainchannel r primarily fr0D11'emoval of vegetation (causing higher erosion rates), equipme.nt crossings of small drainages,and access road c·.)nstruction.Becauase helicopt:;r construc.tion will be used along most of the route,the u~~e of heavy equipment~'Vegetation removal, andacc:essroad construction should be minimal. The transmission line will cross Turnagain Arm from Gull Rock to the mouth of McHugh Creek via seven buried submarine cables. C-onstruction phase im.pacts will consist of increased turbidit::-from the cable installation,Cl.nd construction activity near the shore on both shorelines.Operation phase impacts will primarily be the potent.ial for cable rupture and subsequent c:able oil contaminatic)n of Turnagaini\rm.The cable will b~designed to have a very low probability of rupture over the life of the project.A synthet.ic cable oil,dodecobenzene,should be used for cable insulation.If this oil accidentia1J.y leaks,it will rise to the surface and quickly evaporate when exposed to air.This oil is used specifically to minimize environmental effects associated with f: cable rupture- 3~2.3.3 Aquatic Ecology:The water supply at the Kenai/Nikiski loca.tion will probably come from groundwater Gupply.Therefore,as noted under the Cook Inlet option,d1rectplant impacts would be minimal.However,there are additional considerations associated with support :facilities,especially transmission lines and pipelines. Soldatna Creek and Moose River flow into the Kellai River system,a maj()r river for anadromou$fish habitat.Soldatna Creekprov1des spawning and rearing habita.t for sil~er salmon,and Moose River contains king)silver,a.nd sockeye salmon (U.Sl!Army Corps of Engineers 1978).Sedimentation of these water bodies from 4086A B....39 ·1 ,',~.--,---o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 "'J __0.'" 4086A An accidental rupture of a c~ble.would leak cable oil into the aquat.ic.enviX'Qnment.The cable oil used should be dodecobenzene,as it rises rapidly to the surface and evaporates when exposed to air, thereby .m.:lnilIliz;1.ng environmental impacts" transmission line Qr pipeJ..1ne construction could affect spawning and rearing habitat in these streams..Because helicopter conEi';n~l!tion will be used for most of the route,howevex,sedimentation effects would b~relatively minor. Impacts to freshwater aquatic reSQurces Yill be mitigated primarily through the control of sedimentation of water bodies,k(;!eping construction equipment out of streat11beds and wetlands,and avoiding areaS of high biological value. For a facility located at Kenai,cr~ssing Turnagain Arm with underwater cables poses a~~itional environmental hazards.Tu~nagain Ann is a.n Lnviromentallysensitive area in the general vic.1nityof the project that contains marine mammals,including Harbor Seals, sea lions and Beluga whales fU ..S.Department of COlUlD.erce 1979). Salmon are present in Some of the small streams that enter this area (Alaska Depart~ent of Fish and Game 1978). Installation of buried subxnarine cables will temporarily disrupt the sea floor along the cable route and increase turbidity and suspended solids in the vicinity of the crossing.Tidal currents could carry suspended sediment b~yond the immediate crossing site.Special construction techniques should be used to tni.nimize disturbance of the substrate.Inst311atiCln should take place when biological ac.tivity is at its lowest point in the yea.rly cycle. f' i f I i FI t- 1 I B-41 4086A The transmission line corridor passes near Chickaloon Flats and PDtter Marsh on 'lUrnagain Arm.,both key waterfoW'1 areas..Various pUddle ducks,geese and sandhill cranes fe@d and rest during Terrestrial Ecologt:Impacts to terrestrial ecology for the power plant would be id.entical to those discussed t'Jnder the Cook Inlet utilizatS,on option.A power plant in the Kenai vicinity will be located in an area already extensively ceveloped;little habitat degradation will occur.The area disturbed for power plant construction,approximately 140 acres,will not significantly affect teJ..restrjal resource in the area. The cables may operate at a temperature level above ambient conditions.Because the cables will be buried six to ten feet,only the substrate temperature and not water temperatures would be elevated (Bonneville Power Administration 1981). The transmission route passes through an area of caribou habitat northeast of Kep.ai (University of Alaska 1974).Little alteration of caribou habitat will result from ~onstruction of the transmission line because the animal utilizes cover types that require little,if any.,clea.ring. Much of the route between Kenai and Anchorage is within moose rangelant.i.Ilowever,because moose utilize many different habitat types,they will be the least adversely affected by habitat alterations (Spencer and Chatelain 1953)..Where the proposed ~oute crosses heavily forested areas,moose 'Will benefit from add:lt!Danl clearing of the right-of-way and the subsequent establishment of a $ubclimax community (Leopold and Darling 1953).The route does:not cross Dall sheep or mountain goat:habitat~ t r f [ \ l 1 { ,~ seasonal migration periods in these areas.The shoreline of Turnagain Arm is also used by seals and sea lionso The transmission line would not directly affect this wildlife habitat but could be a sour.ce Qf avian collision mortal:i.ty. Construction of the submarine cable could slightly affect terrest~ial hgbita.t indirectly by increasing turbidity of Turnagain Arm and thereby affecting food sources.Thj,s would be a temporary effect during the construction pha.se only. The transmission corridor passe~through several vegetation types. Between Kenai and Sterling,the vegetation is primarily bottomland spruce-poplar forest.A~corridor extends northeasterly towards Turnagain Arm,the vegetation becomes upland spruce-hardwood fores t and,on the foothills of the Kenai Mountains,coastal western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest.North of Turnagain Arm,the vegetation is primarily bottomland spruce-poplar forest (University of Alaska 1974)• Transmission line construction will necessitate clearing a 22D-foot wide corridor in all forested areas.Over the l~ngth of the corridor,it .1$assumed that a total of 550 acres would be cleared within the right-of-way. Socioeconomic Factors:The socioeconomic effects of----------------- It'~;a,ting a facility in the Kenai/Nikiski area depends primarilY on the size of the in-migrating workforce.Land use impacts are not expec.ted to occur as these facilities are compatible wi th the heavily industrialized development that dominates the Kenai/Nikiski area.The size of the construction workforce for the gene:ratitlg facili.ty is expected to be approximately 175 persons.The construction schedule would require that a unit be constructed every 40B6A :8-42 I ~lL II~' k I I; l I ~ j~ I ~ I I I I II II II I I I I I I"I ( ,\ ...;;\.L.•.•.':..~.:.'.•..J.••~.,I.~c I 0,.·"./""__,_,_,~.,,...',;"~~;,i,;"~: f, I I, t year during the period 1993 to 2010,wIth tbeexception of 1994 and. 1999,when no new units would be required.The duration and time of the construction period would be fO\lr to five months in the summer .. The extent to which loca.l people would be hired would depend on the match of skills required for the project to those skills of the available labor force.Labor union policies would also influence the extent of local hires on the project.The in-migrating workforce would have to seek temporary housing on their own si,nce h~using would not be provided at the project site.The magnitude of the impacts on the local housing supply WQuld de.pend on the vacancy rate for the summer of each year a unit was constructed. The project is expected to have little effec:t on the unemployment rate since employment on the project would be seasonal.In addition,these job openings would be competitive with other employtIlent opportunities in seasonal inc1;ustries such as construction and fisheries. The operations workforce .is expected to be approximately 100.The magnitude of potential impacts depends on the availa.bility of local labor to meet the workforce requirements.If the majority of the employees migrate to the Kenai/Nikiski region,the demand for housing could exceed the supply. ·Construction of transmission lines between Kenai and Anchorage is expected to take 22 monthse TIle peak workforce is estimated at 221 persons during the last six months and average construction workforce is expected to be apprQximately 163 workers.It is assumed that workers would be hired from the l(fl,or pools of K.enai and Allchorage. 4086A B-43 I .-H< 1- I I I I I I I,~~~I",' I ~ 11Il I I I I· I I I I I 1··-\", .', -I "."'.~-- ..'It"..~," B-44 302 ..3.6 Aes thetic Factors:The aesthetic considerations would be= identical to those described under the Cook Inlet option for the plant location.Transmission line and pipeline considerations would be very similar to those described for Fairbanks,with the pot~ntial f or visual degradation •. 4086A r f-·.. r n c B-45 I'f'~;"o 4087A Few alterations of water podiesare expected during the con.struction phase of the project-However,alterations may be associated wi th 4.2.1 Construction Impacts 4.0 HY1)ROELE(~TRICFACILITY -CHAKAClIAMNA The water resource impacts of project development can be segregated into those associated with project construction activi tes and those associated with the operation of the facility. 4.2 WATER RESOURCES The Chakachamna hydroelectric alternati~e has been invest~gated further than the other alternatives,with site specific preliminary engineering,feasibility analysis,and monitoring data available. Therefore,the $cope of the discussions presented.in this section is in correspondingly greater detail,drawing heavily upon the recent findings of Bechtel's studies (Bechtel 1983). 4.1 A IR RESOURCES Hydroelectric facilitiesha"",re minimal impacts to the air resources J wi theffects restricted to potential localized meteorological changes associated with creation of a rt:~se-:.'voir..Since Lake Chakachamna already exists,there will be no first order air resource impacts anticipated from development of this facility. The construction related impacts fall into three general areas: effects of permanent or temporary altet'ations to.water bodies, changes in water quality associated with the alterations,and direct effects of construction activities. o f r r •t ! I f installation of bridges or culverts .for roads and rights-of-way; rerouting of runoff from camps and materials storage areas;and rerouting of flow in areas of near-stream or in-stream construction. Br.idges and/or culverts will need to be installed to provida road access over streams and other W'aterways.Properly designed bridge.s and culverts,installed so as to prevent perching and high water velocities should have few adverse impacts on 'Waterways.During construction or installation of the bridges/culverts,some local increases in turbi8i ty and localized disturbance wou.ld be expected fl but these should be of relatively short duration. Rerouting of runoff from camps,materials storage areas,and construction sites is ex:pected to affect small areas,primarily in the McArthur River canyon..The rerou.ting is expected to primarily involve rerouting of surface runoff,where silt and soluble materials would otherwise be carried into the waterbody.Some rerouting of in-channel flows may be necessary to allow construction activities itl certain site areas.Presently,there are insufficient data to identify the extent of these areas.The rerouting of flow in some construction and camp areas may be .permanent. There are a variety of water quality impacts that could potentially occur during construction.These generally involve the discharge of silt-laden waters from various areas and effluents.Most impacts due to such d.ischarges can be mitigated,if not eliminated altogether. Silt-lader..waters from collected.runoff and from exc.avation of facilit.ies,could represent a c.onsid.erable source of sil t and turbidity to the river unless they are held in detention ponds before being discha.rged~Spoils will be disposed of or stored at 4087A B-46 , 1 I I I ;1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I C: o 4087A B-47 The primary change itl wat~r quality that may occur from construction is increased turbidity.This may be produced by increased erosion associated with disposal of tunnel spoils and construction actiVities.Turbidity originating f::om runoff and -:6nstruction is often assoc'iatedonly with artual clearing activities and rainfall events.The increases in tl.1rbidityin the Chaka.chatna disposal area would occur near maximum lake levels.Increases in turbidity would vary with the type,extent):and duration of construction activity, but would be expected to be local in nature and of relatively short duration. the headwater area of the Chakachatna and McArthur rivers.Spoil at the upper McArth.ur R1 vel"canyon will result from tunneling and powerhouse excavation.Much of this will be used for construction of river training works needed to protect the powerhouse tailrace channel from erosion and damage by the river.The disposal area for excess spoil will be located so as to avoid significant adverse effec;ts.Spoils in the Chakachatna River drainage would include tnClterials retnoved from,the spillway channel,gate shaft excavation, fish passage facilities,and tunnel excavation.Some spoil will be used to construct the outlet structure dike,while the excesS -will be·disposed of in locations yet to be determined and selected so as tomini~i~e adverse environmental impact.Disposal ares will be diked,and runoff controlled to minimize sediment discharge into waterways.Settling ponds will be used for sedimentation of suspended silts prior to discharge to reduce potential impacts. The production of concrete for construction of the fish passage facili ty and powerhouse may result in producti.on of concrete batching waste,A particular problem with this waste is its high pH (10+)and the need.to neutralize it (pH 7)pr.ior to discharge.It is expected that this wa.ste will be treated as required by the anticipated proj.ect NPDES permit. {I l t; I I I I I ,I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I 4087A The removal of ground c:over during this project will be minor but may locally increase the potentia.l for greater runoff,erosion:- increased turbidity,and increased dissolved solids.The extent of impacts can be minimizeed through tho use of mitigative practices to control erosion and related sedimentation and turbidity. Direct construction Activities include activities that can be expected to occur throughtout the construction of the project. Thes~activi ties,for the most part,will be confined to specific areas..During construction,some of the first activities to occur will include the construction of access r()ads~clearing of con-- struction areas,stockpiling of construction materials and fuel, movement of heavy equipment,and construction of support facilities.Activities a.ssociated with support facility con- struction -will include cutting and clearing in areas near several streams~ B-48 During peak construction activity,facilities to house workers will be located primarily in thll~McArthur floodplain.The housing and supply stor'age area will occupy 20 to 30 acres.Due to the presence (If a large construction force in the area,sanitary waste 'Will need to be treated and discharged. There are no pla.ns for regular operations of heavy machinery in streams.The primary use of heavy ma.chinery would be during the rerouting of flow.The extent of potential impa.ct due to siltation and turbidity should be short term and dependent upon the extent of machinery operation and the type of substra.te in the streams affected.Smallet substrates tend to be more aff~cted.However,if water velocities are sufficiently high,the dEy-osition of suspended sediments may not OCClJ.r locally,and the effects would be minor. Current conStruction plans do not require j,ns tteam blasting. r f I r ! I As part of the construction activities,water will be diverted from strea.ms in the construction area to be used for dust control, drinking water,fireafighting water,sanitary 'Water,concrete hatching,and wet proeessing of gravel among other uses.The diversions will probably be accomplished by pumping from local stream segments and intakes will be screened and designed to use very low "tJelocities to avoid fish impingement and entrainment .. 4.2.2 Operational Impacts The potential impacts to water resources from the operation of the Cl-akachamna alternative will vary for the three general water bodies;Chakachamna Lake and tributaries,Chakachatna River,and McArthur River. Chakachamna Lake will be affected by a 72 ft annual water level fluctuation duri.ng proposed project operation.The maximum proposed reservoir level of 1155 ft is near the maximum historical lake level;this level will occur seasonally u,1der post-project conditions.Minimum reservoir levels will be apprOXimately 45 ft below pre-project minimum levels.Such a drawdown will expose lake shoreline and stream deltas which are normally inundated..Lake levels will vary in ChakachamnaLake and will .resul t in increased inundation of lakeshore and delta areas during high reservoir levels;dewatering of submerged shoreline would occur during periods of drawdown. The projeeteffects on the wa.ter quality of l"ake Chakachamnamay .include increased suspended sediment and turbidity concentrations near tributary mouths.The potential sediment infloW'froJIl the tI:ibutaries is discussed below .. 4087A B-49 .f ~.._,t .~ ~\if· .~ t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B-50 4087A According to the proposed reservoir operation schedule,the reservoir will be at maximum level during September and drawn dolJn to lower levels over the winter with a minimum level occurring during Apr!l or May. The channel gradient of the Chakachamna Lake tributaries will be affected by the drawdown and fluctuation of the .reservoir level" Maximum water levels will cause inundation of the lower reaches of stre(:',ms which are net normally affected;minimum water levels will expose the entire stream delta surface and th~upper portion of the steep delta front.Resulting changes in stream gradient will be progressive and sequential.These will likely be similar at the mouths of all tributaries,but to different degrees.The anticipated changes due to s.easonal minimum reservoir levels 2include:dewatering of over 7 mi of delta a.rea;increase in stream gradient and accompa.nying erosion where the stream flows down the front of deltas;development of new deltas;eventual channel degradation at the tributary mouths to near the lowest regulated reeervoir level;and degradati\:\n upstream as far as Ie required for the stream to reach equili.brium between the streamflow 1~\:1gimeduring lOl¥reservoir levels and the materials through which it is flowing, possibly resulting in localized rapids during the low water period, if erosion resistant materials are reached. Maximum reservoir levels can cause deposition 01:stream-borne sediments in those reaches of stream affected by backwater from the reservoir.Some of the deposited sediments would likely be eroded as the reservoir lErY'Ed drops through the winter.Breakup flQwS may remove the rest of the deposits. r r r I L r t f 1 I) (\ o .... B-.51 The sedimentatioocharacteristics of the Chakachatna River syst.:am will change with the required flow regime.Sedimen.t transport will drecrease in response to decreased flows. 4087A Water releasesw:lll be made to the Chakachatna River below the fish passage facility.The quantity of the actual releases is not presently known,however,preliminary release flows have been estimated (Table B-1).Such flows constitute a'relatively small percen.tage of pre-project annual .flowe Tributary inflow downs.tream from the lake contributes relatively ,-,mall quantities of flow eompared with pre-project flows at the lake outlet.However, depending upon the time of year~the tributary inflow may substantfally increa.se post-project flows downstream of the release structure.Historical low flows will be substantially reduced by project operation during October through March.Ten percent of the average annual flow is considered to be the minimum for short term survival of fish and other aquatic organisms (Tenn!1I1t 1975). However,in this system,post-p.roject releases from January through April may be less than 10 percent but still represent between 60 a.nd 122 percent of pre-project average monthly flows,respectively. Flood flows would be modified in the regulated flow regime. Chakachatna River flood flews would be smaller in magnitude than past events,but would exhibit a greatervax;iation around a mean flood value due to the relatively sm.a.ll influence of Chakachamna Lake on the post....project river system.The seasonal distribution. and hydrograph shape of the ann.ual floods may shift during the mid-summer,lon.g duration floods under the natural flow regime, toward a .faI1,ShCN:t duration flood more typical of basins within the storage effects of lakes and glaci~rs. f f f If.f."~. r 685 365 363 365 357 365 1,094 REGULATED!I (cfs) 613 813 505 2,468 15,042 NATURAL (ers) 3,645 1,206 TABLE B-1 NATURAL ANI>ALTERNATIVE E REGULATED MEAN MONTHLY'AND MEAN ANNUAL FLOW ATI THE CHAKACHAMNALAKE OUTLET B-52 'I'--'-...,'..i\ "-' o ~L' Jan Jun 5,875 1,094 "'- Ii ~Jul 11,950 1,094 ~.)0 Aug 1.2~,000 1,094 Oct Feb MONTH Mar 445 358 >),-: Apr 441 582 ./ ",.;.- ( ¥..:ay 1 ,052 1,094 Sep Nov ---------------------------_........---- MEAN ANNUALF,t.oW Dec 4087A 11-Regulated flows were estimated using the Montana Method. [' r r f I r r f fi The confi.guration of certain stream reaches would likely change as a result of the flow alteration associated with the project.The Rountainousreaches on the Chakacha tna Rivet'would retain.a s1 ngle channel steep gradient condition,although it would be carrying less flo.w.Sp'li t channel reaches would likely assume more of a meandering configuration.The braided reaches above Straight Creek and in Noaukta Slough would likely b~come more stable and the flow would be carried by fewer channels which are characteristics of a split configurati.on.The loltterreaches of the Chakacha tI1a and Middle rivers would likely retain their meandering configuration. Ice formatj~on and breakup processes will also likely be affected by the project.The e.valuation of the nature and extent of these effects has not yet been inve._igated. Observations made during March and October 1982 have indicated that flot¥"i.n sloughs located ill the Chakachatna River canyon and at station 17 appear to be independent of river flow.It is not expected that reduced flow in the river will have an adv~rse effect on these water bodies. The McArthur River will receive flows from the powerhouse ranging from amillimum of approximately 4600 cfs in July to a maximum of approximatl~ly 7500 cfs in De ceII1ber 0 Present flows in the \lpper l-lcArthurRiver near the powerhouse are estimated to average about 600 cfs in July and 30cfs in December.Thus t fll..1wS in this upper section will be substantially increased by the,opera.tion of the pro ject during the entireyear~The relative magni tu.de of increase will be less downstream of its confluence with the Blockade Glacier channels.Post-project summel;flow in the ~lcArthur River downstream of its confluence with the NOaukta Slough will be less than pre-project conditions due to the substantial decrease in flow through Noaukta Slougb. 4087.A B-53 1 _..,,--- f.,~ .1.,...~~ I ( I I -~ 1 1 I I (I J I I I J J I~ I· ~..' f .J I I I I I I I - 4087A B-54 The upper McArthur River will e2Cperience increased sediment transport loads due to the larger discha.rges in the channel.The upstream "',:'aches will likely scour the channel bed to reduce its gradient.In addition,bank erosion will likely increase its ra t.e and areal extent as a result of the increased flow.Flood discharges in mid....September 1982 caused bed scour and bank erosion, and transported large quantities of sediments along its channel. The 1Ilagni tude of this short duration event y;as erproximately 50 percent greater than those expected on a daily basiS under post-project conditions. Floods on the McArthur ltlver upstream of Noaukta Slough would be increased by the operation of the project.The amount of increase will be 'I")ughly equivalent to the modifi.cation of the base flows upon which the floods are superimposed.That is,the source of the flood waters remains unchanged,but the floY in the McArthur River as the flood begins wi.ll be greater"The relative increase in flow would decrease in a downstream direction along the McArthur River. Below its confluence with Noaukta Slough.the M~rthur River would likely experience a reduced flood magnitude.This is due to the decrease of inflow from Noaukta Slough during the S\lmmel'as compa:red with the inflow under pre-project c:ortditionso Noaukta Slough contributes a greater mean dail~.flow to the McArthtir River from mid-June th.rough mid-September under pre-project eoucations than the maximum that will be diverted ti>tile MacA.rthur River for power generation during project operation. The increased post-project flows .in the McArthur River are not anticipated to causesi.gnificant changes .in channel confi.guration. However,some mea.ndering reaches,especially toward the ups treat!! end,may assume split channel charact.eristics.Further analysiS is r r r rI r r r r f, , ¥, I f•I required to ascertain the effects on channel configuration,of the increased sediT420t transport into the lower reaches of the McArthur River. The ice processes.in the McArthur River will also likely be affeced by the project.Ice formation may be reduced or possibly eliminated by the increased quantity and temperature of flow.Evaluation of these effects requires further study. Turbidity in the McArthur River canyon would be expected tcincrease during the winter months.Pre-project rd.nter flow in that area appears to be der';.lJ't~~from upwelling andi.s clear.Water froIn the powerhouse tailrace would be expected to have a higher turbidity as is normally found In Chakachamna Lake.Turbidity in the lake varies wi th depth dUi'ing certain times of the year but is generally similar to that measured near the powerhouse location in the McArthur River.Below the McArthur canyon,flow from the Blockade Glacier ,channel is also turbid and therefore effects below the confluence of that channel should be minimal. Pre-project water temperatures in the vicinity of the proposed powerhouse location have a wide diurnal variation during the open water season.The discharge of Chakachamna Lake water during operation would tend to stabilize the temperatures.Water tt!mperatures at the proposed lake tap depth were as follows:March -2.1°C,August -6.5°C,September -6.2°C.The temperature of discharge water should be fairly constant and should reduce diurnal variation. There rna:}!'be a potential for the discharge of dissolved gases at levels greater than 100 percent of gas saturation at the powerhouse.Water d.ischarged at the powerhouse,entrained at lake 4087}" B-55 'D C I I t I J j t \ f I t I I, I I I :1 I I' I I I I I e I I I I I I I I I B-56 4087A tap depths of mvre.tban 100 ft.,will undergo a pressure.c.hangeof more than 3 attllospheres.The change in pressure will reduce the amount of gas that the water will hold,thus creating the potential for supersaturation to occur.Evidence of a potential for s.upersaturation was detected d.uring sampling in September 1982. Si ting of the dam at the mouth of the canyon would result iIi the loss of slough spawning habitat for c.oho,pink,sockeye,and chum salmon and Dolly Varden in that area. 4.3 AQUAT.IC ECOLOGY If a dam was constructed and operated on the Chakachatna River,it is likely that substantive ad\rerse impacts would be inflicted on fish of the Chakachatna drainage.A fish passage facility would be necessary to preserve stocks of anadromous fish which spawn above Chakachamna Lake.If such passage was not provided,the 41)000 sockeye which are estimated to spawn above the lake and their contribution to the Cook Inlet Fishery would be lost.The Dolly Varden population which migrate to and spawn in tributaries above Chakachamna Lake would also be lost.If passage was maintained, impacts;;to those populations could be similar to Alternative E. The potential impacts to aquatic ecology :resources from the various alternative developmentsc.enarios for the Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project are a significant factor in arriving at the preferred development scenario (Alternative E)e Therefore,potential aquatic resource impacts from these scenarios are briefly deseri bed below, followed by a detailed discussion of the preferred alternative. 4.3.1 Chakachatna Dam Alternative r r [ r f i r r r I 1 4.3.2 McArthur Tunnel Alternatives A and B B-57 ---(, J 4087A The major difference in these McArthur tunnel alternatives is that in Alternative A,no water would be provided in the upper reaches of the Chakachatna River,while in Alternative B,some flow t\Tould be maintained.Alternative A would likely result in a total loss of the population of sockeye salmon which spawn upstream of Chakachamna Lake.The estimated escapement of sockeye upstream of the lake was 41,000 fish during 1982.This would also cause the loss of their contribution (preslently unknown)to the Cook Inlet fishery.In Once in opera.tion,the increased flows in the McArthur River may result in changes in water quality and alterations in the chemical cues that direct anadromous fish to their spawning grounds.This could cause additional losses of spawning adults or reduce the productivi ty of spa~ing areas through crowding and redd superimposition.Although the possibility also exists that the population of salmon will increase in the McArthur River,predation may also increase.If large mammals begi.n to concentrate in these high density fish areas"sport and subsistence hunting pressure will probably also incr.ease. Through the implementation of Alternatives A or B,the impacts.. resulting from construction and logistical support activities would be very similar. Due to the water quality alterations in the river downstream from the dam,the use of some fish migratory and rearing habitat may be reduced.This,in turn,could adversely impact Cook Inlet commerc.ial fishery resourCes.Construction iDlpacts fzom this alternative would be more extensive due to increased area and materials requirements. r r r r [ fe i, r t 1 1 'I· ') 'I 'I I I I I \,1 J I j I Ij. tI tl J 4037A Alternative B would provide for year round flow releases to -the Chakachatna River.Instream flows selected are approximately 30 percent of the average annual flow during May through September and approximately 10 percent of the average annual flow during the winter months,O!:tober through March.April flows are interl'.nediate.The implementation of Alternative B should inflict less ad\7erse impacts On the fish which spawn a;ld rear below the lake than Alternative A.The severity of adverse e.~fects upstream of the lake would depend on reservoir operation and the mitigative measures taken.The influence on the human resources will probably also be less severe since the commercial fishery will probably not be as heavily impac.ted,but the.impact due to the loss of a portion of the lake tributary spawning could be substantial. addition,because no maintenance flows would be provided below the lake,the spawning,rearing,and migration of salmon and resident fish in the ChakachatnaRiver drainage would likely be significantly a~d adversely affected.Estimated escapement of salmon below the lake is over 16,000 fish which could be lost.In Alternative A thete is a significant potential to drastically reduce the populations of salmon which are represented by the estimated escapement of over 57,000 salmon in the Chakacbatna drainage. Alternative A provides no fish passage to and from the lake.The sockeye salmon and Dolly Varden which spawn above the lake would not be able to ascend to the lake unless the }.ake level exceeded the present channel invert (El.1128)by at least 1 it at the lake outlet.Downstream migrants eould not pass from the lake u,nless the water was at this level of if they passed through an outlet structure which would provide the mitigative flow.The impact of tht.s alternative without provision for a fish passage structure co~ld be substantial. B-58 r r J r rl' ;0 r r r r rI .\. While the impacts related to Alternative A affecting local resources would be difficult to mitigate and significant changes in both the distribut.ion and abund~nce of fish and wildlife populations would almost certainly occur,the impacts resulting from AlternativeB would be less severe primarily through the installation of fish passage structures and maintenance of adequate downstream discharge .. It should be noted,however,that while not directly stated,the loss of spaWnin~areas and juvenile habitat due to any of the project alternatives will most likely eventually manifest itself as a decline in the population of adult fish as well.In addition, since eggs ,fry,and juveniles of all species provide food (prey) for other species,losses of spawning and nursery areas will almost certainly result in eventual reductions :tn the standing crop of their predators.For example,losses of juvenile sockeye salmon in Chakachamna Lake would probably also result in an overall decline in lake trout. 4.3.3 Chakachatna Tunnel Alternatives C and D Through the implementation of AI ternatives C or D,the impacts resulting from logistical support or construction activities would be similar.However,since all activi ties are restricted to the Chakachatna floodplain in these alternatives,the resources in the McArthur drainage will not be affected.Significant impacts will occur to the fisheries..Since access to Chakachamna Lake will be incr.eased,sport and subsistence fishing pressure may increase. During the pre""'Operationalphases)the fishery in the Chakachamna drainage will probably only be impacted to a small extent over a relatively short term.Above the powerhouse,the impact on the Chakachatna River andChakachamna Lake fishery will be dependent on 4087A B-59 __.<1:,. 1 rl l ..l 1I 4087A B"'60 4.3.4 McArthur Tunnel Alternative E Construction and operation of the proposed Chakachamna Hydroelectric Project will result in changes to the aquatic habitat and associated fishery resources in the McArthur and Chakachatna rivers,Lake Chakachamna,and tributaries upstream of Lake Chakachamna,such as the Chilligan and Igitna rivers. whether flows are maintained and fish passage facilities provided. Alternative C does not allow for these mitigative measures. Therefore,the impacts to the fishery in or above the lake,and thus the wildlife and commerci~l fisher~F in the surrounding area will be similar to that inflicted ~hrough Alternative A.Since Alternative D does provide flows and migratory passages,the impacts would be similar to those described for Alternative B,but with substantially less adverse impact below the powerhouse due to.the higher flows released by that facility. The construction impacts focus primarily around increased turbidity and sedimentation.Increased turbidity can reduce visibility and decrease the ability of sight-feeding fish (e.g.J salmonid.s)to obtain food •In addition,salmonids may avoid spawning in turbid waters,and many fish,particularly older life stages,may completely avoid waters containing high turbidity.However~the turbidity increases in mainstem areas of the Chakachatna and McArthur riv.ers would be expected to have a lower potential for adverse effect on fish due to the naturally high turbidity levels found in these water bodies. Siltation (sedimentation)is often associated with construction activities.Siltation and turbidity itnpacts have their greatest adverse effects on eggs and larval fish.In general,siltation can I !Lake levels will bfl near minimum level at breakup,at which time the principal movement of fIsh consists of emergent fry moving from their tributary rearing areas to the lake.It is not expected that the high gradients to the lake will adversely affect these migrants- cause a significant loss of incubating eggs and pre-emergent fry in redds.This is generally a result of interference with water and oJtygen exchange inredds.Upwelling flow in affected areas may tend. to reduce such impacts by reduci ngthe amount of sediment which settles into the redd. Operation of the camps will also result in increased access to an area that has previously experienced relatively little fishing pressure.The areas potentially affected would be those stretches of the McArthur River and its tributaries that are easily accessible by foot from the camp. B-61 The operation of the reservoir will have effects on the fish rearing habitat within the lake.During open water,juvenile sockeye,lake trout ,round whi tefish,ttnd Dolly Varden are found throughout the lake with many fIsh found offshore along steep dropoffs and just under the ice in winter.It is unclear what the effect of changing water levels may have on.winter water temperatures or habitat use, parti.cularly near shore. 4087A At high reservoir levels (during October and November)lakeshore areas ~ay be used as spawning habitat by lake trout~After reservoir levels drop,inCUbating eggs and fry may be exposed t.o freezing or dessica.tion..~.(elativelyimmobile invertebrates which reproduce in shoreline areas m.ay also be affected.There are, presently.insufficient data to assess the impact of such effects on lake trout populations and standing crop of benthic invertebrates, although the effects could be substantial. a I n I I B R I n n I II I I I I I I I ".Li 4087A B-62 During the pe.riod in wh!ch sockeye salmon and Dolly Varden spawn in tributaries above the lake,reservoir levels will be greater than pre-project lake levels.This ~ill potentially result in lake water flooding downstream areas of the Chilligan River and the Ken!buna Lake/Shamrock Lake rapids.The effect of the lake water on the utilization of the lower areas of the Chilligan River is not presently known but there is SOlDe evidence that this may not be an important effect.The area at the mouth of the river contained a low density of spawning sockeye compared to areas .further v.pstream" It was used extensively as a milling area.During September 1982, lake water inundated the.area wi thout apparent impact on ei ther sockeye.or Dolly Varden spawning.Adverse effects would be expected if flooding of the lower Chilligan River resulted in increased siltation which could affect hatching success. Hydroacoustic observations of fish distribution in the lake have. indicated that most fish were detected well above the depth of the lake tap.During the winter,over 99 percent offish were detected i11 the upper 50 ft of the water column.During September 1982,over 88 percent.of the fish detected were in water at least 60 ft above the proposed lake tap (at that tilDe of year!t would have been located at 181 ft)wi th no fish detected below 161 ft.Thus, The lake tap (or multiple lake ta.ps)will wi thdraw wate.r at approximately EI.9.74.The submergence depth would vary between 109 ft and 181 ft •Fish that are entrained into the lake tap would be exposed to turbine passage at the powerhouse and most would be expected to be.killed by the turbines,or during passage through the pressure differential between the depth of the lake tap and the power plant.Juvenile sockeye and both juvenile and adult lake trout)Dolly Varden,and round whitefish may be vulnera.ble. r r 4087A If the facility did not successfully allow the migration of sockeye both ups.tream as adults and downstream as juveniles,then some part of the estimated adult spawning population would be expected to be lost,as well as a portion of its presently unknown contribution to the Cook Inlet fishery. 33-63 Sockeye salmon and Dolly Varden would be expec.ted to use this fa.cility,as both have been.observed to spawn aboVe the lake. Escapement estimates of sockeye indicate that (based upon 1982 data) over 41,000 sockeye (possibly more depending upon yearly variation) would need to successfully pass through the fac.ility to migrate ups tram.Sincs the percentage of the run successfully reaching the Chilligan and JgitnaRiversis not known,the true extent of the sockeye salmon resource can only be estimated.From 10 to more than 100 times as many sockeye can be expected to migrate dOlt.lIlstream due to the normally higher production of young fish.A smaller number of downstream Dolly Varden would also be expected to pass through the fac!li ty..If the facility works as planned the impact to the sockeye run should be low. potential loss of i.ish due to the lake tap based upon current data would be rela.tively low.However,additional seasonal information ~ould be needed to quantify potential losses. This alternative includes a fish passage facility which is designed to perm.it upstream migrants to ascend from the Cllakachatna River to the lake and to allow downstream migrants to pass from the lake to the Chakachatna River.The facility is composed of components found in a variety of eXisting fish passage facilities.Presently,there are insufficient data available to assess the potential effects of this facility on migra.ting fish in a.quantitative manner. r ('-.. [ (/ I I I n n ..~ ~ C .~ .~ D ~ ~~...•~..'.:'. flo" Q I I I I I B-64 4087A The release of water from Chakachamna Lake into the McArthur system could poeentiallYl:'esult in impacts to fish IJhich would normally spawn in Chakachamna Lake and tributaries above it.While the "homing"of salmon is not completely understood,the orientation of upstream migrants to olfactory cues originating in natal streams has been considel:'ed tD be a principal factor.Fish entering the system through the Middle River should not be affected by the McArthur release.Fish entering the system through the mouth of the McArthur River may encounter olfactory cues from flows enteriIl8 the McArthur River at the confluence of the lower Chakachatna with the McArthur River,from the confluence of the Noaukta Slough with the McArthur River,and from water discharged from the tailrace of the power plant located in the McArthur canyon.Fish that entered the Chakachatna River either at the lower river confluence,or the Noaukta Slough would be following what i.8 hypothesized to be the present migratory pathway and would not be expected to be significantly affected by the other power plant discharge;some delay due to confusion may occur.There is a potential for some of the upstream migrants to be attracted to the tailrace in the McArthllr canyon.Since the fish could not migrate further'ups tream into Chakachamna Lake,three basic scenarios could develop:the fish could back down the system until they detect alternate olfactory cueS (i.e •.,at the Noaukta Slough)and then migrate up the Chakachatna River;the fish could mill in the tailrace until sexually matured and then back down the system until alternate cues were detected;or the fish could spawn in the McArthur Canyon. The significance oia delay in migration is not presently known. However p the spa.wning of large numbers of lake tributary origin sockeye in the McArthur River canyon area would result in low egg hatching success due to high densities of spawning fish and resulting redd supel;lmposition,the use of poor spa\\"Iling habitat,or r r r r I L L l. J I I 1 B"'65 "'__'_.11;. - 4087A felllales not spawning.In addition,the rearing habitat in the McArthur canyon is probably less suitable for sockeye salmon than Chakachamn.aLake.Thus,if increased spawning occurred in this area,rearing would prObably be less successful. .a~sed upon 1982 observations,the milling areas at Tributary 01 and at the mouth of the Chakachatna canyon Sloughs would be significantly le..;.s turbid than at present.This may also increase potential VUlnerability to increased p:redati"n"The extent of the potential increase in vulnerability to predation of spawning a.dults Side channels in the Straight Creek mouth area and a.t station 17 are expected to be most affected.Observations during 1982 have indi.cated that these areas will probably not be dewatered or perched.The observations have indicated tnat turbid !!1ainstem overflow,which is present in these areas during higher flows,would be absent.Without the cOver provided by this turbid flow,fish spawning in these areas may be more vulnerable to predation.Side channel.spawning in both areas represents less than 50 percent of o bserved spawning at each Bite.Depth of water at en.try poincs to side channels at station 17 would be expected to be shallow and may adversely affect fish entry • The mainstem habitats a.ppear to be currently used as migra.tory pathways,rearing areas for sub-adult and resident fish,and there appears to be a small amount of side channel spawning associated ll1ith areas of upwelling or slough flow.Table B-2 lists estimated escapements of fish species for water bodies in the Chakachatna River drainage,classified as to whether the water body is likely to be affected by the reduced mainstem flow_The tributary water bodies are not expected to be significantly affected by reduced flows. r r r f f ;~ .£1 ~ Efj ~ a:. f...-""iii ~ Str.-igbt Creek Clet>tnlater Tributary m. ~ .. Straight Creek ~ .. ChUligan River -- aB POTENTIALLY NON-AFFECTED WATER 10DlES ~ es 2,781 38,516 0 254 0 0 0 1.422 0 0 0 1,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 X X X Igitna River ~ I!BI -- - DWI Chakachatna Tributary (Cl) TABLE B-2 lSIIE Chakachatna Canyon Sloughs ~.at?lIE POTENTIALLY AFFECTED WATER BODIES Hore Affected Less Affected Chakachatna Bridge SideChannels andSlougits 203 1,193 392 238 0 0 0 0 0 59 279 0 152 1,482 121 165- 76,1,560 608 183 x!/X ,l!: ESTIMATED ESCAPEMENT OF nUURTANT FISH SPECIES IN THE CHAKACHATNARIVER SYSTEK BYWATER BODl CLASSIFIgD BY POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF DECREASED FLOW OF WATER FROM CHAKACHAHNALAKE Straight Creek Houth .. Coho Salmon Pink Salaon Chua Sa1aon Chinook Sal.on DollY Varden Speeie. Sockeye Sa Ilion 1/X"Used as spawning areall. 4067A--- _t"¥'''llfnB!i':a+!'__~ I I - I f ! l I I I I 1 _,._._,*" f There are a number of fish species which use mains temand side channel areas as rearing habitat.The effect of decreased flow on the availability and suitability of this habitat cannot be determined at this time.While decreased flow will decrease the wetted perimeter and therefore the area.of the stream,the decrease is not linearly proportional to the decrease in flow.Additional sources of inflo~,including sloughs and tributaries such as Straight Creek,shOl1ldresult in somewhat increased flow downstream 0;;the outlet structure..The additional water sources (Straight Creek,various sloughs,and unnamed tributaries)will reduce E:ffects of the.decrease in upstream releases.In areas where pre-project water velocities are too great to contain suitable rearing habitat, decreased velocities could potentially increase sui table hab!tat. Presently j there are insufficient data to evaluate all expected changes .. B-67 4087A at these sf tes will need to be assessed after more data are collected .. Downstream migrants originating in the Chakachatna drainage may require high seasonal breakup flo~s to trigger their migration; proposed post-project discharges may not be sufficient to trigger this behavior.However,post-project releases during April and May a.re greater tha.n pre-project flows and depending upon the tixningof Decreased flows duri.ng winter may cause changes in the ice conditions and also result in decreased overwintering habitat.The actual nature and extent of effects cannot be determined from available data but a significant decreaSe inmainstem overwintering habitat is likely during the early winter.TIlf:.'overltlintering habitat in sloughs should not be affected by reduced flow in the mainatem of the river. f I l r i [ 4087A t~a ri ".....ilj~ .~jt~".~.lJ f n I ~I.,.•· ...•t, [, ~f [l ~'iu~ ~.'....1.•.I .~ I '.·..·····1·..IlJj J il olml I II IIII I I I I o o B-68 ,"",_'tt ~. -..,. Table B-3 lists escapement estimates of major species that spawn irt the McArthur River drainage by water body.The only area in which spawning habitat of these species is likely to be affected is in the McArthur canyon.All other listed areas are tributaries.Spawning habitat in sloughs cHid side channels of the McArthur cartyon occur upstream of the powerhouse tailrace..It is unlikely that these areas will be significantly affected.Based upon 1982 escapement estimates,a relatively small percentage of spawning salmon will be vulnerable to changes in mainstem flow.Some fish that normally spawn above Chakachamni:t Lake may be attracted to the powerhouse tailrace which may affect spawning adults of McArthur ori.gin. Mainstem areas of the McArthur lU.ve~appear to be used as migratory pathways for sub-adult and residential adult rearing,and for spawning in the McArthur River canyon. outmigration may be sufficient to trigger the downstream movement. Data collected during 1982 suggest thatoutmigration of chum salmon and some sockeye occurs during late May and early Jun.e.Collections made during the summer and fall and in the Susitna drainage suggest doWnstream migration and smoltification of coho,chinook,and sockeye salmon continues throughout the summer and .fa11.Overall, available data do not suggest that an adverse effect would be expected on stimUlation of downstream.Dligration. Eullichon spawn in the lower reaches of the McArthur River Irlainstem, below the Noaukta Slough.FloW'alterations are not expected to The redistribution of substrate in the powerhouse a.rea may also affect spawning.Presently,there are irtsufficient data to determine if the effect would be beneficial or adverse to the availability of habitat to spawning adults. ·\'.;1 ~.. :'"•~;Jl .''. ESTIMATED ESCAPEMENT OF IHPORTANTFISH SPECIES IN THE MCARTHUR RIVER5YST£H BY WATER BOOY CLASSIFIED BY POTENTIAL OF INCREAsED FLOW OF YATER ~j';;'~~E~=a~-~~......-.~ TABLE B-3 POTENTIALLY NOH-AFFECTED AREAs Strealls Stream 130 Combined 12.1 12.2 12.3 It;'12.5 1,213 27,636 16,111 2 6,085 2 2,512 2 2,328 2 1,633 22 -22 3 5,402 10,090 8,499 2 1,566 2 4 2 18 2 3 2 23 1 5 1 4 5 --1 5 32 1 2,131 I 2,000 1 46 I 89 I X X X X X X Xx o 1 452 4,225 1,378 1 5,416 Stream 13X o 1 4 x6 60 666 1 1,182 I McArthur CanYQn POTENTIALLY AF.FECTED AltEA Dolly Varden Coho Salson Chinook. SallllOQ Sockeye Salaon Pink Sal.on Chua Salaon Species 1 Ba~ed on 10 day stream life• .lilli.sed 006 day streaa life. 3 Based on count of live and dead fish. 4 Based upon 10 day stream life. S Based On peak on total counts. 6X •Probably spawning areas. 1 ..' )} ~~ -) 4081A B-69 ::~-)~~JlltJQUE ttt_~Pt'.k""~':':;......<A<"',0 -,.,."',.0 '",':"'1""...."'·"''''''.....,'"''_.-_••,....,._...~"'j ....,U...~J$i...·144;iIi$i. /\:-~,~\, \'~,..! JI B D o o ~ o 8- . .J{...t 8 II I I I I 'D ] ~ n {~ 4087A B-7Q Water discharged from the powerhouse will probably be warmer tha.n water of McArthur origin;2.1 °C,as compared wi th 1.2°C, respectively,during March 1982.This may result in g~t"eater metabolic activity by fish and other aquatic biota during the wi.n.ter,and result in more rapid incubation and earlier emergence times for McArthur canyon fish.Such emergence times would be similar to those found in the Chakachatna River.It is unclear from present data whether tois will have an adverse effect. a.ffect spawning o.f this species because during the period of eulachon spa.wning,the e.ontinuedpoat-projec t McArthur River and Noaukta Slough flows are e~pected to be similar to pre-project flows. There are a number of fish species which use mainstem habitats in the McArthur River for rearing hah:'tat.Presently,the effeet of changes in the flow regime in different reaches of the river at different times of yea.r cannot be determined..Changes in wetted perimeter,depth,and velocity fat'different areas will aff~et the overall total suitable area for each species and life.rH.:age.Thus, suitable habitat may increase,decrease,or remain the same.This will also need to be assessed. In~reased flow in the McArthur canyon from the power plant discharge ma.y affect available ovel"'Wintering habitat in the McArthur drainage-Data collected during 1982 indicate that the McArthur canyon and areas belQw it may be used as ~verwin.tering areas. Increased flow and depth may increase th~ovet'vintering area available.Insufficient data are available to asseS6 such changes. Increased post-project turbidity during the winter months should not have a significa.nt adVerse e'ffecton fish in the McArthur canyt)n. Turbidity levels should be similar to those measured in this at ea D o 11...~ 1· \ during the spri.ng through fall,a.nd it would be expected that fish are well adapted to them. If supersaturation occurs it could have adverse effects on fish in the immediate area of th€discharge unless mitigative measures are taken.Some sloughs in the immediate vicinity of \'he tailrace of the power plant may becomG inundated and water velocities may increase.These changes may affect the suita.bility of these habitats..The extent of such changes cannot be determined at this time.No significant changes would be expec.ted in Mc..J\rthur River tributaries due to post-operational flows based upon current data. 4.4 TERRESTRIALECOLOGY The development of a hydroelectric.power project at Chakachamna Lake will result in changes in the distribution and species composition of vegetative communities.Based upon currant designs for Alternative E t these changes would occur over a relativel~r small portion of the project area.Changes that do occur may be beneficial or detrimental to the biota depending upon the type of changes as well asthelocatioll,duration,and magnitude of change. Construction of a rockfill dike and fish passage facility in the upper Chakachatna River canyon and a powerhouse in the McArthur River canyon will necessitate the removal of vegetation over a relatively small area.The powerhouse and fish passage facility will bepI."imarily underground,thus minimizing surface disturbance. The rockf ill dike will be sited in the upper reach :_eJ.the Chakachatna canyon where the floodplain is unvegetated and the canyon walls and glacial moraine support Sitka alder and willow which at'e abundant throughout the project area.The areal extent of vegetation removal during road,camp,airstrip,and bor:rowpi t 4087A B-71 ......""_'0 ,,~ ~ l r I I I I I I I ~ 8 .~ ~ 6 fj .~ g .~ i I I I I: B-72 development is not yet known because the location and size of these facilities have not been sufficiently defined. The most notable changes in the distribution of vegetation will likely occ.ur in the lower McArthur River and Chaltachatna River canyons 0 In the lower McArthur canyon,increased flows emanating from the tailrace and the deposition of excavated materials within the floodplain near the powerhouse may reduce the e:x:tent of riparian vegetation.In the Chakachatna canyon below the ci.LKe,reduced flows may enable riparian vegetation to become established wi thin what is now the active floodplain.In time,if these riparian thickets do expand,additional habitat for moose,songbirds,and furbearers may be provided. Disposal of materials excavated from the power tunnel and fish passage facility will be stockpiled in the floodplain above the dike,When the dike is completed and the lake level raised to an elevation of 1155 ft,this disposal ar,,"',as well as portions of the lakeshore will,be flooded ..In the area subjected to the annual fluctuations of lake water levels,portions of the Nagishlamina, Chilligan,and other smaller lake tributary deltas will most likely realize a change in their vegetative cover..Vegetation Dlay recede due to inundation and shoreline destabilization.However,such changes are expected to influence only a small area since under pre-project conditions,the lake level occasionally reaches elevations at or near 1155 ft..Above the high water level,the shore may also develop a different species composition;one more, representative of e~rly seral .stages and wetter soil conditions .. The anticipated changes in riparian and shoreline vegetation cannot be further refined until site specific,field verified,habitat maps have been prepared and the operating reservoir levels better defined. 4087A r r r r r f 1 ,1- f J ,J r r [ r r f f \. Downstream from the McArthur and Chakachatna canyons,the influence of altered flows,either increased or decreased,on riparian vegetation will depend upon the direction and magnitude of channel migrations and the amount of floodplain urea removed from the influence of flood events.Based upon'current information,the McArthur River channel above Noaukta Slough has been naturally migrating and some rechanneling has occurred in the slough under norma.l flow contiitions.Sustained higher flows in the upp:er McArthur River may result in accelerating this migration.The extent of channel migration is also dependent upon floodplai.n substrate on these parameters,the speed,directi.on,and magnitude of migration in the upper McArthur River cannot be assessed.The influence of reduced flows in the Chakachatna River and Noaukta Slough may be to reduce the frequency and magnitude of rechanneling in the slough and to remove portions of the now active floodplain from the influence of flood events.Based upon current .information, it is not possible at this time to estimate the location,extent,or timing of revegetation. The influence of wind or vehicle generated dust emanating f:t'om cleared areas,roads,and borrow pits may influence the vegetative community composition in the itnmediate vicinity of these facilties. Accumulations of dust may accelerate the rate at which snow melts and affect the growth of cottongrass and mosses.The extent of vegetati.on changed due to accuDlulations of dust will be dependent upon the methods and level of effort exerted to reduce dust. 0.££road use of vehicles in the project area may a.ffect vegetation depending upon the type of vehicle,the time of year 1I and solI moisture conditions.Currently,no policy exists to control or permit off road use of the site. 4087A B-73 1 -r I I I I --j~ 4087A The construction and operation of the Chakachamna Lake Hydroelectric project will also affect the wildlife resources of the.area.Direct habitat losses due to facility siting will occur with construction of the dike,disposal areas,powerhouse,fish passage facility, camps,roads,airstrip,port and docking facilities,and borrow pits.The influe"lce of this habitat loss on wildlife populations should be negligible.The dike will be sited at the outlet of Chakachamna Lake;an area that receives little use by birds and mammalSe The powerhouse and fish passage facility will be located in the McArthur River and Chakachatn~River canyons»respectively. Because these facilities will be primarily underground,relatively small quantities of surface habitat will be lost.Although the exact size and precise location of the remaining facilities have not been determined,each will occupy a relatively small amount of habitat in an area that is not considered to be essential to any species of bird or mammal.Development:of disposal areas in both the McArthur and Chakachatna floodplains 'Will result in the largest habitat loss,and greatest disturbance to birds and mammals. Without proper site selection,stockpile design,and erosion control,this disposal could significantly alter valuable riparian habitats,and detrimentally affect wildlife species that rely upon these habitats.Moose,ptarmigan,small mammals,and ~Jasserine birds would be mos t likely affected from su'bstantial floodplain habitat alterations. B-74 In the vicinity of the lake above the dik~,fluctuating water levels may have several implications_As the lake level is lowered during the winter,ice along the shore will most likely fracture, eventually resulting in a zone of broken ice that may prevent some large mammals from ventur.ing out onto the frozen lakesurfa.ce. Moose,bears,liolves,and small mammals are the primary inhabitants of the lake shore during winter.However,the degree to which these r f I I rl' I I I 1 It I~.~ II, 4087,A B-75 Below the canyons,wildlife activity is more abundant and diverse. In thes2 areas)a variety of 'Wildlife species could be influenced by construction activities.~~e to increased levels of noise and disturbance,sensitive sp~~ies such·as moose,grizzly bears,gray wolves ,eagles,(.i swe.l1smay discontinue their use of the affected area.Other spet.ies,including coyotes,ducks,and other small birds,are more tolerant of distu.rbance and will probably not alter their distribution.If avoidance of a contruction area occurred it liould most likely be temporary wi th individuals returning to the area soon after noise and activi ty levels subsided.However,if areas used by wildlife for important life functions are abandoned,a decrease in the ab1.lndance of sotne loca.l species may be noted.'Xo mammals use the frozen lake surfac.e will need to be established. During tbe ice free period,a variety of birds and mammals use the shore of the lake.The higher,fluctuating water level during this period may al.ter small areas of shoreline habitat;but should not significantly influence the overall USe of the shore by these wildlife. Construction activities occurring in the Chakachatna River and McArthur River canyons may influence the apparently limited use of the canyons by mammals and birds.The canyons are uSEd by eagles, bears,furbearers,moose,and passerine bird~;,.Near the construction sites,increased levels of noise from heavy e ..~uipment and blasting ttlay discourage eagles ,moose,and bears from u$ing adjacent areas.However,othe'['mammals~including furbearers and small birds appear to have a hi,gher tolerance for human disturbance and may not:substantially alter their distribution.This influence of noise and disturbance on wildlife popolations in the canyons should be limited to the consti:'uction period. r r r r I , ! 1 I I I I r f eVs'luatewhich $peciesmay be affected and to what extent ,it will be necessary to establish the use and importance of the Chakacha.tna and McArthur floodplains to wildlife .. The alteration of habitat and wildlife distributions below the canyons during the operation of the project may be evldent 115 a result of cha.ngesl in the vegetation communities or as changes in the abundance or distribution of prey (particularly anadromol,ls fish). Changes in the distribution of vegetation will probably not result in significant changes in the distribution of wildlife populations. Channel migration along the upper McArthur River and rechanneling in Roaukta Slough may erode relatiVely small areas of riparian vegetation.This may dispJ.,.ace a few individua.ls,but averall abundance of a.wildlife population in the project area should net be significantly changed.LikeWise,a small increase in the abundance of floodplain riparian vegetation along the Chakachatna River will probably not result in a significant change inlliildlif~species diversity or abund~nce in this drainage.The anticipated changes may be more clearly defined by acquiring information on the extent of channel migration,revegf!tat:J.on,and the use of riparian areas for denning,winte.ring,breeding,and calVing. It is unlik.ely that minor changes i.n anadromous fi.sh abundance and distribution will have a significant effect on the distribution of ei ther birds or mamrn.sls.Several species of wildlife feed on anadromous fish.Although bears a.nd eagles are the most Visible, m.ink,harbor seals,and beluga whales also consume fish originating in the Chakachatna or McArthur jrainages.The degree to which these species will be affectecl can be evaluated by investigating the anticipated changes in fish distribution or abundance and the reliance of wildlife on this resources.Based upon.the anticipated change in anadromous fish abundance and the opportunistic nature of 4087A B.....76 ]- 11.-,U n ~ en n [l ~ .~ ~ .~. U [J ~. ill..·•·II I I I I r 1 f Ir I I l..) I ! j. I ! f 1 '! I l r I I B-77 the wildlife species involved,no significant change in the abundance of distribution of wildlife is currently expected to occur in either the Chakachatna or McArthur drainage as a result of this project. Increased access to the area tiil!affect wildlife populations by two means;increased disturbance from eonstruct.ion activities,and increased local hunting (sport and subsistence)pressure..By utilizing the existing road network for constructi.on and operation in the Chakachatna drainage,only a slight increase in vehicle related disturbance to wildlife should occur.However,through the construction and use of two road extensions to access the McArthur drainage and Chakacha tna canyons,there will likely be a short term reduction in the use of areas adjacent to these roads by species that are sensitive to traffic,particularly moose,bears,wolves, eagles,and swans.The extent of this influence will depend upon the location of moose wintering and calving grounds,the location of brown bear,black bear,wolf,and wolverine denning sites,and the location of swan and eagle nesting,brood rearing,andfa1!staging areas.Fu.ture studies will be needed to identify the locations of these important habitatG and to allow for more defi"..titre assessments. Whether local wildlife populations are influenced by increased hunting pressure will depend upon the magnitude·of the hunting increase and the level of road accessallQwed.Currently no policy affecting access of the project area has been outlined. The influence on wildlife of constructing and maintaining a transmission line and the likelihood of bird collisions or electrocutions with the lines tiill be dependent upon the species inhabiting the area,transmission line design,and construction and 4087A r r' ( I 1 I I I ,( !I I !, 1 I I 1 ! Jr I\i,,1 I~f' l' l 'r.! .-f f f j " I ~r~~ §t ~ li: ], ]f r,l'n f'ell 1 ~ ] J J J I I 1 1 1 'I I e'l ~ c~ 4 co 5 SOCIOE CONOMICFAC'l'ORS B"'78 maintenance techniques.Until this informati.on is available,these effects cannot be measured. 4087A This project will also create impacts due to improved access and the potential for increased recreational activities (eag.,hiking, fishing,hunting).Tne extent of this impact is unknown at this time,but is likely to be secondary to the boom/bust constJ;uction activities. The socioeconomic impacts of th~proposed Chakachamna Hydroelectric development are signifIcant.The construction and operation of a. large hydroelectric plant has a high potential to cause a boom/bust cycle,causing significant impact on community infrastructure..The site is located at or near communities with a popula.tion of less than 500.An inmigration of apprQximately 250 workers will be necessary for construction.In some of these '!'emote communities, the population would more than quadruple.The installation of a construction camp would not mitigate the impacts on the social and economic structure of a community. The expenditures that flow out of the region account for investment in equipment and supervisory personnel.For this large scale project.,a larger proportion of the expenditures can·be a.ttributed to the civil costs.Approximately 35 percent of an investment in the project will be made outside the region while 65 percent will be made within Alaska.The breakdown of operating and maintenance expenditures for a hydroelectric pr(":0ct will be approximately 11 percent spent outside the state and 89 percent spent wi thin the regie!':- I I \,r I I B-T9 4.6 AESTHETICFAC'IORS The potential &esthetic impacts of the proposed Cbakachamna Hydroelectric.development are significant,particularly from a visual standpoint..F~tential fluctuations in Lake Chakachamna levels will leave exposed lakeshore (bottom)at certain periods .. Significant reduction in outflows will result in the loss of much of the white water reach of the Chakachatna River canyon,as well as noticeable alterations to the floodplain.Disposal areas in McArthur valley will be noticeable,and together will support facilities (roads,powerhouse,etc.)will result in degradation of the aesthetic character of pristine wilderness landscapes. 4087A J J J I. 1 1 1 I '~1 " '~ .,~,,'~.~I n f ~I' ""I,.,:,·u r Ie: f} l', ,~..•...I llJ,'j'.t"t tnrJij ~I' II I I '. I I '1',..,"".... ,.--" ~. B-ao It 1s apparent that there is no one superior project alternative in terms of minimizing environmental impacts in all categories. Rather,many impacts are a function of specific site selection, detailed engineering and extent of mitigative measures.Compliance with regulatory criteria and good engineering practices should minimize most impacts.To further differentiate between alternatives from an environIllental standpoint would require weighting of factors between categories,an involved process which requires input from all parties who have an intereJt in or who may be affected by project development. The environmental and socioeconomic effec ts of the above described development scenarios are substantial and extremely varied.Table B-4 presents a summary of'SODle of the environment-relat~d 'facility characterist,fes of thesealt:ernatives.Based upon these data, together with the detailed discussions presented in the ind:l.vidual environmental sections,relative environmental impacts by category for If}cationand technology options are summarized in Table B-5" 5.0 SUMMARY AND CO NCLUSIO NS The ra.nking value,S within an individual category are unweighted with respect to another category.For example,a moderate impact to water resources may be more significant than a high impact to aesthetics .. 4094A I ,t ~ .~ ;j l I'II U in,. !u j f U II u I I~, I ~ 1 I ~ Il)l Dl~j,',!CO i 1 I",~,!,. t U J 1 U' • f,,,',I I'~.' '1 1 n1~ ! J ~I ",U·,l,J 1ji ,~ I f I n1u ,I I I ill atIlW{-1 40 lIi p road 1.64.UUon (ave) 1.64 .UUon (ave) Chakachallna (Hydro) 1,220 1-2 ~ 40 70 15 25 soo-aoo 200 120-175 200 130-150 c::::::J' Beluga (Nat.Gas) c::::J 40 70 15 25 500-aoo 200 120-17.5 200 130-150 ","lrtrt'-"*·'-lffi~iI-.•-i~'···~i~·,~~:"'--·II;.i~_··',-',-',/,.~,..,..."-.'to .....~~.~._--....-........~.'....'.'''.....,,' L::J ·k::J 100-20l0 200 90-140 5 100-200 50-1~0 Locati~n/Tech~ol~gy Fairbanks Kenai (Nat.Gas)(Nat.Gas) t.o._~iiC:....J 2.5-50 50 60-90!:./ 5 115-200 140-200 ;~~~~~"",--~~~./~""~~-:"""''''''l''''lW·t.,~~..,*"'t>.,"~1!""*",,,*_.,.........'it:'h#••' North Slope (Nat.Gas) t:::::31J TABLE B-4 287d1 r;:,~...J None Infrequent Nenana (Coal Flred) 1i.,~2 •~'...po ."~..-•..,--r~--,.','-\"~~J'~::::,<"~"'~".> ............ 287d l None Infrequent i'_-....:J 25 25-- 50 50 500 500 109 109 0.03 O.OJ al al al a/NegligibleO.@/0.06b;al al al a/ 0.6 0.6 cl cl cl cl 50 50 50 50 Beluga (Coal Fll'ed) (,.J EHVIRONHENTRELATED FACILITY CHARACTERISTICS FOR ALTERNATIVE POWER GENERATION OPTIONS L ..J (lb/106 JJtu) (lb/106 Btu) (lb/l06 8UI) l '=-_-..1 '.,......__.8,,5 . - b ~~~---'.-~_.~._~.~,...."""-~~'~~"";""-'-"'---"._J;,:.,.;""~.,.,."",.,"';'-"',,,,"",,~'*,..;..;,.,...."'-'-_..{\;".""""".'""'~.~...... r-.r_ Environllental Factor Air Environllent bisB10ns Particulate Hatter Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides ~lant DIscharge Requirements (gpm) Process Water Coal Pile Runoff nemlnera!izer Stream Generators treated Sanitary Waste lloor Drains Water Enviro~ent Plant Wa.terRequlrellents (gpla) Water Injection Other Physical Effects-(lIax.struct.height ft.) Land Envrronllent Land Require~ent8 (acres) Plant Construction Camp SOlid Naste Disposal Socioeconomic Environllent Construction I{orkfol:ce,peak (peroolln.d) OperatfngWorkfol'ce (personnel) 4094A ~ a/!elow standards bl Assumes 70%Reduction eJ E.la81.on8 variable within standards.Dry control techniques would be used to meet calculated Noxstandard of 0.OI4pel:cent of totalvolulle ofgsseous ellissions.This vsl:ue calculated based upon new source performance standards,faci1!ty heat rate and unit size. d/Dry Cooling.We,t Cooling •1,941 gpm el In~ludes Switchyard ". # J ~iPi·~$h..~1!l,'..w~~¢"5ittttIA'~et'*it'¥":A"<'~"$'""'''*J'i"}'"ViE"6"'t~- i:;r:-,";':",\--,-=~W,••'C!@.$¥;l(i;l"'I."'-1_""'·"''''''',~---~-~......-~ '>i;,"<'.,.~,'."~"'1",'"~0 la.ha-it"l oiJi,t I I <,---,,,::, ~ - ...... .. - .. 8'-;1 Chakachaana (Hydto) .. ~ .. Beluga (Nat.Gas) .r:::=:J .. 1_._1 IaI ':c=I m.1I " .£:::J !til E=:Jl 'I!JI TABLE 1-5 Location/Technology North Slope Fairban~sIKe-naTltf1klski (Nat.Gas)(Nat.Gao)(Nat~,-CIllS) L J laD "".."...,,·-,··,~\ll_·;;il'!Oi'.~;;~4~-_;J!lii!~~tt~~"""_''''f .....r.......,iL....1I!W'r~J1"lt S.VI._J)i!\1tMLU""fjn I!' Nenana (Coal FIred C"'1 IE~ 2 4 2 J 1 1 0 J 1 1.2 0.2 0,2 2 4 0 0 1,2 0,2 11\2 0 4 2 2 1,3 0,3 0.3 1 2 4 1 1.2 1~.2 I n 2 3 3 3 2 . 1.4 1.3 1.3 2 3 lIeluga (Coal Fired) L l IE lPALITATIVE RANKING OFENV.IRONHENTALDJPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH ALTERNATIVE PROJECTS L-:::J - L-.-J "-----:;c----~------;;;::--."':'0-----8.5 ------~--.~~-.----,---,-=-~~,-~~c_:-:-..~"=- Aes.the ti·\:S Vater Re~ources Aqua ticEcolog)" Environaental Category Key:0 -no i.paet 1 -lOll impact 2 -.oderate i.pact 3-high Impact 4-severe impact Terrestrial Ecology Socioeconomics Airllesources .NOTE:In cases where two ItUllbers appear.thefirstnWllber teferti to the power plant only,whUe ~he .econd number incorporates8econdary support facility f.PllCts (eog ••888 line.tJ:'anaalss1on line). --~-------------------------------------------- ..e 4094A-- - - - - .,. c";; I I ,,~....l 1 1 I o MIj U o o f"""1 t 1I, W ~ I 1,0'.·I .' ! jo 10·.·'1.·.,.j ...f o 6.0 REFERENCES Alaska Power Authority.1983a.Befo:t'~the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ~pplication for license for major project -Susitna Hydroelectric Project.Volume 1 -Initial Statement.Exhibit A, C.D.Alaska POlier Authority..Anchorage,Alaska.. 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