HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA474FINAL REPORT JANUARY 1984 DOCUMENT No.474 F.Lnnf\E:DC.n..IIE:"'I~V..A.~IAtV.~I~vvw .~n ...'-IJ'-'iIIir'~·'"ri'''"''I _1_ SUSiTNA H.YDROELECTRJC PROJECT FEDERAL I;NERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No.7114 I rnJ~~~~=[§rn5~~©@ SUSrTNA JOINT VENTURE r-------_----_---.".--__~.""'-_------_, -------ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY---..------..'t:"i,~':'i] ,'(" I.I I 1 I I I I I I ··.1 I I I I I (I Document No.474 Susitna File No.42.4 pr.epa.red for Report by Final Report January 1984 Alaska power Authority FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS SUSImA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Harza-Ebasco Susitna Joint Venture J I :1 I fl11 rl···,.... t II ti•..·.'ti fI fjl~.{ fI !I I,': ...:"-~, " 1".'~." ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SUSITNA PROJECT OFFICE , NOTICE \I' I I I I I I I I I I I Ill!!' I I I I I I I 1 1 2 3 ii ii PAGE Tables Exhibits References TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION/TITLE LIST OF TABLES LIST OF EXHIBITS 1 .0 SUMMARY 2.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY AT GOLD CREEK 3.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY ATTHEDAMSITES 4.0 FLOOD HYDROGRAPHS ,. I I ~I ~...~I ~·i.r ':It~;l Iy· of ... II.~'~)··1·~~I .' ·fill I. I-. I I I I I 'I <.' «1.···--..- LIST OF TABLES ....11- LIST OF EXHIBITS Title Title Location Map Flood Peak Frequency Curve at Gold Creek,Annual Maximum Series Flood Volume Frequency Curves at Gold Creek,Annual Maximum Series Flood Peak Frequency Curve at Gold Creek,May-June Maximum Series Flood Volume Frequency Curves at Gold Creek)May-June Maximum Series Flood Peak Frequency Curve at Gold Creek,July-September Maximum Series Flood Volume Frequency Curves at Gold Creek,July-September Maximum Series 50-Year Annual Maximum Flood Hydrographat Watana 50-Year May-June Maximum Flood Hydrograph at Watana 50-Year July--September Maximum Flood Hydrograph at Wa.tana 50-Year Annual Maximum Flood Hydrograph at Devil Canyon 50-Year May-June Maximum Flood Hydrogra.ph at Devil Canyon 50-Year July--September Maximum Flood Hydrograph at Devil Canyon Flood Peak Frequency at Watana and Devil Canyon Flood Volume Freqeuncy at Watana and Devil Canyon 1 2 4 7 6 5 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 No No t lr FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS -1- 1 ..0 SUMMARY The frequency analysis for the Gold Creek gage (Exhibit 1 )l;vas made.using.. the procedures outlined in "Guidelines for-Determining Flood Flow Frequency" prepared by the United States Water Resources Council (1).li The annual maximum instantaneous discharges for the water years from 1949 through 1983 were used in the analysis.The frequency curve is shown on Exhibit 2 with the plotting positions from the observed data.The plotting positions on the exhibit were computed using the Weibull's formula p =M/(N+1),where p is the relative frequency,M is the rank of the event in order of magnitude with the events arranged in decending order,and N is the number of years of record.A 95 percent one....sided upper confidence limit was also computed using the procedures given in the --Guidelines"mentioned above.Such com- putations are often desirable when the flood-frequency relationship is extended for a return period much longer than the period of record.The flood frequency analysis was also made for 3,"',7-,and 15-day flood volumes The flood frequency analysis based on annual,May-June and July-September maximum.floods was made for the Susitna River at the Gold Creek gage.The analysis was made for flood peaks and maximum 3-,7-.,and 15-day flood vol- umes..The resulting 50-year flood peak and volumes were transposed to the Watana and Devil Canyon damsites to derive the 50-year flood hydrograph for the sites.The resulting hydrographs are shown on Exhibits 8 through 13. Flood peaks and volumes of other return periods are listed in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.The estimates for the Devil Canyon site represent:those for without Watana conditions~ 2.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY AT GOLD CREEK y Refers to the numbers in "Reference"at the end of the text. I I' I I I I I ..11..1 I .. I I 1\ I I I I I I I n peak discharge at Gold Creek for t.he corresponding return period,cfs; peak discharge at Devil Canyon or Watana for a given return period cfs; Q = Q =g Ag =drainage area upstream from Gold Creek,square miles;and n =exponent. 3.0 FLOOD FREQUENCY AT THE DAMSITES --Z- I --' A =drainage area upstream from Devil Canyon or Watana,square miles; as shown on Exhibit 3.The 1983 data for flood volume were not available at the time of the analysis. Similar analyses we.re made for maximum May-June floods using 1950 to 198"Z data and maximum July-September floods using 1949 to 1982 data.The result- ing flood peak frequency curves are shown on Exhibits 4 and 6 and the flood volume frequency curves are shown on Exhibits 5 and 7,respe~tively. The flood peak frequency relationships at Gold Creek were transposed to the Devil Canyon and Watana sites by using the following equation (Z); The value of "n"generally varies between 0.5 to 0.8 depending on the basin but it rarely drops below 0.5.The drainage area at the Gold Creek gage is 6,160 square miles (miZ)ana those at the Watana and Devil Canyon sites are 5,180 mi2 and 5,810 miZ,respectively.Thus the draina.ge at'ea ratio is 0.84 for Watana and 0.94 for Devil Canyon.Since these ratios are quite close to I I I I I I I E I 4.0 FLOOD BYDROGRAPHS IJt' f~.~ lit:,., ~­ 1.,; \1, REFERENCES -3- Title "Guidelines for Determining Flood Frequency",U.S.Water Resources Council,Bulletin 17B,l~ashington D.C.,1981 Davis,C.V.and K.E.Sorensen,ed.,·'Handbook of Applied Hydrau- lies",3rd Ed.,McGraw-Hill,New York,N.Y.,1969,p.1-39 2 1 No The 50-year flood peaks and flood volumes shown in Tables 1 and 2 were used to derive the hydrographs shown on Exhibits 8 through 13.The annual and May-June hydrographs shown on Exhibits 8,9,11 and 12 were shaped after the June 1964 flood ,at Gold Creek and the July-September hydrograph shown on Exhibits 10 and 13 were shaped after the August 1971 flood at Gold Creek. The June 1964 and August 1971 floods are the greatest f100<:1s of record in the respective seasons.All hydrographs shown for Devil Canyon are those without-Watana conditions. 1.0,the resulting estimate of flood peak based on any value of "n"between 0.5 and O.a would be similar..Therefore,the more conservative value of 0.5 was used without an extensive analysis of flood data to determine a more precise val'J,e of "n"0 Table 1 summarizes the resulting flood peak estimates for selected return periods ..The flood volume-.frequency relationships for Gold Creek were also transposed to the damsites,but by the straight drain- age area ratios according to general practice.Table 2 summarizes the re- sulting flood volumes for select.ed return periods. I I I,'1'(',ii I I I I I - .l I, ~_1t('.,. I .•. I I I I I I I ,w, <J·,!·,'"".~,,·'··,"I"·'·',,"'t-, ',I.'.~.!;,i I -'f '[,il!'I'" 57,700 36,300 48~300 71,100 82,400 JulY-Sept 5 6 ,,500 41,300 78,200 89,400 64,400 ( I..)1:../(3)1../ 50,400 46,000 68,000 60,800 82,100 71,000 101,000 84,500 117,000 94,800 132,000 194,000 77,800 34,200 45,700 54,500 67,200 Flood Peaks (cfs) Devil Canyo~ JUly-Sept Annual May-June 39,000 51,500 60,800 73,800 84,400 Watana May-June ( 2 )2:./ Annual 11.1 47,600 43,500 77~500 67,000 64,200 57,400 95,400 79,800 110,000 89,500 184,000 125,000 ,_".".~'.,..'0'••,-,'...'.-'''-",.,....''''~~......- 5 2 10 25 50 100 1000 FLOOD PEAKS FREQUENCY AT {vATANA AND DEVIL CANYON Table'1 ~,~~~'J'lili:!o"'''''''''''~"''"',...4,-".;.""~·'·"".·,4""f''''''''w-"x:;-~~~.!",,:,,:,,\.,m;;..~,iOi'l1~~~~~Ml pt&~All....·"11'.'-[..",:,'It!l''.• "';·:"·".;,.,,.,·"I',';,'"·~.oj;"H./'~:>·<·'."'.'."(II .,"..'.•.-''.'..,..,'.,...•.'.','.;,1 "."'.,~,..'',,.or.:,'W..",.",.,'.',.,,",,',',-.••~.~~i':JfI(1;"'.:' Return Per~od (Year) 2/From the flood frequency curve,the flood frequency relationships not extended over the return period of 50 years. 1./Corresponding to 95 percent one-sided upper confidence limit. "'~:M ~~.~~.~,~,~~~~~,M·~~~,~-t!,,"~~k~"l!.,.:.;g"',~,,.~,)YI!fIl1 '..~,--~',-,1' #- iI!~:$igJ_·.",~t, *!/i;';'·7."'i~@ '(f"~~~:':~'i?JfzqtzffiJ '$.,~,'2~.~:".J;.:'ty?:r:M~:.:".'-:..~(e;::"'~;'-'~l.·J.i1 ,',.~,~~~,;~"-.""~•.t~:...,.,...,",' ,I ------.........~.""""",.:",~-+,-<.,.---',,» ~...,.,__r.',-"-,."",,,.,...,.-, .....ILl....-l11li.... Table 2· ..l1li..~ IIIM;J .. Flood Vblumel1 Frequency at Watana and Devil Canyon "¥~-~',~;;.~·-,,-,~-.~~c ,~:~..~,<-=::_;;~~~::::,',.-r""'" •••~RWj.... .11 VolUme =-mean discharge in the table times the respective duration .. Watana Devil Canyon Annual May-June _July-September Annual Mal--June _Julr'~~ptember Return Period 3-day 7-dal 15-dal 3-day 7-da l 15--day 3-day 7-dal IS-day 3-day 7-da l IS-da l 3-day 7-da l IS-da!.3-day 7-clay IS-day Clear)(mean discharge.cfs)(mean discharge.cis)(mean discharge.cfs)(mean discharge.cis)(mean discharge.cfs)(mean di8charge.·cfs) 2 36028 32297 28529 32188 29114 26036 28013 25766 23840 40410 36225 31998 36103 32655 29202 31420 28900 26740 5 47062 41182 35004 42242 37701 32968 36783 32521 28728 52786 46191 39261 '.7380 42287 36978 41257 36l.76 32222 10 54485 46910 39049 49592 43813 37432 43547 37379 31795 61112 52616 43798 55624 49142 41985 488/.3 41925 35662 25 64027 54015 43950 59732 52043 42969 53233 43970 35530 71814 60584 49295 66996 58373 48195 59707 49318 39852 50 71251 59233 47478 67900 58553 47034 61341 49210 38227 79917 66437 53252 76158 6567'.527'54 68802 55195 42876 ~ ,(': ""~".*Ili*!1 I I -r) m X J: OJ -i- ~,_.~ LOCATION MAP r·,.~n ....~->W1,f"'"'.':--"""''¢1'1......~ Rive,. RiVe,. ~ / ----Devil Creek :,,*.~...........,"'" DEVil CANYON DAM SITE fl8y.....~.g o o o 5 10 Miles '\ __77 I ~ o 5 10 15 Kilometers / ,,:--"r, 8~.u .......•.•..•.•'~~~~.\u~~._,,:"'/>~:~~"_~,'...;".~T '.<.,c::~-.~'~,"''''"''.~.'~~".~~~,~::tk~I!I.t:..;,....-,~~..,~,.~,';'~~·~,;~,_!::,.,.:'~.~,.:;:,."'"7.t:,~_~~~~itm:_it "!'~...~~~~'t..:rl4V(~.~...'...., -",."..~~~~ -.~'~.~~,~~,..-,f·......·_,.\--., HARZA-EBASCO SusitnaJoint Venture •January 1984 li,!t""'!!l~lu-,.!"l .~~~ .~..0".,.~~.-..~ ".,....~-:.._" .,.I I '..fp;....fr/!!ft i!l$f_,~:.!-.~r1i¥)'t~tJ .",~;XI:,'-''(tiff t1Lt,:"t'iii.·,:,','t',>··;~<~-~-,"\~l"""d»'''"f);!i.J.*~",.i(~Jtl¥t~$tti¥__":::f,_~_,,!,!::: ......\--. 10 J I J II I I II I I IIIIIIII J IIII!I11II I I I I I1I1III111I1 I II I I !Jill I III I I I I I I I III!I I II I I m X:r: CD -I to.) ~ ) .-,r ,':1-.:.;.' ..-..._-\-_.. 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HI-l-I-<>I- I I ::.r.:- ~<::.•-'.... f~'::'" §§r.::t_l. ··1..:.....+.......••·•·..__.J_ 'f'-:I~1 :::J:..,_tt=t,..I ·1 -;1- >t-:±:•. I-H-M411.-,-E=E'f=Er.. ."....~-,..-4-_ :l:..:t:lIWll32t=E-ELI.-, -._I:':1.::1:•.'.."r:: ....~.._.•.,.,..,-,1..__ -=t:t:t ... 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FLOOD PEAK FREQUENCY CURVE AT GOLD CREEK MAY -JUNE MAXIMUM SERIES ... 2 RETURN PERIOD (Years) ..IiIiiII;lI.IJ@I5J ----,;-,.,.•c ••,~",••~!!'5;",.~_._,:.,";,,;,;>'_"""...,,__:.:"=,,,~,,;,,,, 1- -1-+- •f.tIliQ ~·I·l':"J: ··-Im'·-··'-·..~¥. 1--1·:...'---4-. }. -f·· ---=F--I-I~- --{=t-.1--_._.. _.__'.._I_;.,.a....~ 1- ~ -f:'\~I I 4·~- 1-- .1:::-•••• ~ 1---1- __=-I==t=t:·~I-I-t-.-- fI!!,j~j ·---t··\-t-I--:l-..--!..._...-.~ '.-+-1--1-1- I- j- i@)!i14 ••I·· I--f. --r-:E:2£'"..----..... ~.._-..'-' .:=='--cfj"'.--.-1:,-<...:~"":.......:•.f:·':c,:'=:'-I-~'.C.:-:=.::H::~nr.:~-··,-_. I· :~~'-:~I=:-:'I .1-----. 1 =:::.--,-:'.::::,...,.:_.:~-,":':~"..··I~=~---t---,--.·-~.~·:I~~._.~I;;l~l'.~=---" .".•-'"..I ---..--1-f--'-I-I-..,-.,,....._,.j-t-ll-t--ti--:t=.._. .~-_.+---I=-::1-.=t:""._....'._.-....-,....... ..._---. •-- 1-- I !![111111 I I I I J ! ! ! I J I !!'J I I I I I I I I!I I I!!1111 ! 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Uii'!',,"-"l'l -_...~,~lt~· "\ FLOOD RECORD:,1950 ~.1982 .t-1-I-I-1-H-l+I-H-Ht ttLLtt-Ut-H-IHI~-f-4 I I '.JHlf+tHI c I-l-I-+-~-l-~ \F'~",Jl::! II ,'II I I I I I 111111 I I 1 jIIIIII'I ,,".-....;I ~:t:I;I;'IIITI I:;;1". .•",.1'',~~:~';'1~:..m:;.i:~~=.,;~~;J-=............1/s '.J ~-'_••1--..•.....J I I I LIHHIU,-:'=,=--~',..,..,'..f:.-'30~~",.=,.,..,,:::.."..",~...•H ,,:'I·::·,~~.,.-=._Ie..:...'c •.:•;C=.,,:.:.J":'S~=-''-H-•_oc,.j.._,t I I 'LI.I...._c:."':1-.,,."'.7:.:.".0"'."..'....'1 I 1 '1'11 U 1II.-1~,::.-~r 1'"='''''~:"'.'",'::~~..~I .:.',t\,y le'1;=1"'1 r III'T1:fJ.:..l r·""'t7t '"~.,.-..j=j.ttl"'"."'~'-~-DS"S ,t"-t-EF-._U1:1:.'_I-I~:"'r';_P _I :::'"t 11 I I',I.,.'•.,'Hrr I·IT Infntu<F,~.1~,m 'T~-:t;:T::r~l TrnIIHU£b~TI1LI1J L:UH1In~£F:___~,~:t~2:;-~.'..:.;'..'"l':b:_;'.::t ;.; 1-+.. ,.....-4-1- '01-'·-,..... 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I n -(Ji 1, I f I~ ...J ~ 15 HYDROLOGY 1 41312 sustINA PRO.JECJ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 11109B ..,..-----....---~'.~..,.r-r-,.'••..~·.~'""'%"'.~i!'\,.~~~t-!:f ...a_a;;...~.":.1-.;:"'t"l."J~~:"': (1 .','.-., 7 TIME,DAYS 6 ~.~~-~---- 5432o Pi A (:III E9 ~01 •CI S.o·J 1 :-i)J y ~01 lot "'1 •1 .~3 K~,~RI -~I E r. I ~": ) J ......~/\ ~1/~, ........'. ~ I I"-'-/~~\ j i'l"-V "-.,:--... I .......V I "" ~........!\,. ..;' V ~........ /r--..",..-........./I--J ........r-...~".--.......".l- . ~ 90 10 100 o ----~.fl""""""'~.~.~'O""""""':~.~~.~,~~~-~~~~~"'·',,3ft::;·•.,oJ J!!!'>4 ;9l\>~~_"';';"~l ~•.•.'iII>.l .*<,,~•.~~<~'\li'I '~'5;,~'It!tf--,-.l!!!!'i~flII!I!!!P:;_~_';' 50-YEAR ANNUAL .MAXIMUM FLOOD HYDROGRAPH AT WATANA ~ c HARZA-EBASCO JOINT VENTURE ~ clneMo.ILLlIIOISII'J"~141 ~ ______~-I1111!1--,,~---....__._A ,.i J .W W.,.......~,.--.',:...,. ~~~~5·~=:~~~2~~~~_'_'_~~~~_~'~~~~~~~~_'.·_'_'_~:~8.~..~~"~~~~~:~,.~~w .~~~~ ,'?~--.-f'J •• I 1S ... 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