HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA519DRAFT SUSITllA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SLOUGH HYDROGEOLOGY REPORT l lar ch 1983 .",<:(1 0 =-)/C t '".:, <:;.(.u,('-<'-([I -r.i.ot-rl t.-,:J'11')-( DRAFT l ( SUSITNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SLOUGH HYDROGEOLOGY REPORT MARCH 1983 TABL E OF CONTENTS 1 -OBJECT!YES AND APPROACH 1 2 -FIELD DATA 2 2.1 -Collect ion 2 2.2 -I nt erpret at ion •••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••2 2 .3 -Determination of Material Properties ••••••••••••4 2.3 .1 -Hydraulic COnductivity ..... .............4 2.3.2 -Transmissiv ity ••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••4 2.3.3 - Thermal Propert ies •••••• ••••••••••••••••5 3 -ANALySIS.......................... ..............................................7 3.1 -Groundwater Flow...••••..••••.7 3.1.1 -Introduct ion .•••.•.•....................7 3.1.2 -Method...... ............................7 3.1.3 -Geometry......7 3 .1 .4 - Boundary Con d it ion s .••••.••••.•••..•••••8 3 .1.5 -Materi al Properties ••••••••••••••••. •••. 9 3.1 .6 -Resu l ts 9 3.1.7 -Discussion and Conclusions •.••.•••••••••10 3.2 -ThermaI Analyses ••..•..••. •• . . . ••• . . •• . . . ••• . . . • 11 3.2.1 -Gene ra l 11 3.2.2 - Method ...•..•. . •• ..•. ..•.••.•••. . ••••. . . 11 3 .2.3 - Geometry 11 3 . 2. 4 -Bo und ary Co nd it i ons and Loads 11 3 .2 .5 -Prop erties •. ••.••• ..••.•••.••••••••••.•. 12 3.2 .6 - Resul ts and Conclus ions 12 3.3 -Coupled Therma l and Groundwater 'Flow .••••• •. .•.. 13 3 .3. 1 -Met hod ...•.•.•.••..•...•••..•.....•.•.••13 3.3 .2 - Geomet ry 17 3 .3 . 3 - Boundary Condit ions 17 3.3.4 -Results and Conclusions .........•.••••.•18 3.4 -Dis cuss ions •. . ..••. ..•••. . ...•. . . ....... . . •...• 19 TA BLE OF CONTENT S 4 -POST -PROJEC T IMPACTS ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••21 4.1 - Types of Changes 21 4.2 -Description of Impact •••••••••••••••••••••••••••21 4.2.1 - Watana Construction 21 4.2.2 - Watana I mpo undment 22 4.2.3 - Watana Operat ion 23 4 .2 .4 -Devil Canyon Construction •••••••••••••••25 4.2.5 -Devil Cayon Impoundment 25 4.2.6 - Devi l Canyo n Operation ••••••••••••••• •••25 References .....•....•••••.•..............................••.27 Li st of Tab les .. List of Figures ii LIST OF TABLES 1.Latent Heat Distribut ions for : (a)Silt (b)Sand (c)Gravel 2. Ccmputed Seasonal Groundwater Tenperature F luctuations LI ST OF FIGURES Fluxes Fl ux es Fluxes (b) (b) (b) Slough 8A Groundwater Contours Slough 9 Groundwater Contours Slough SA Groundwater Temperatures Slough 9 Groundwater Temperatures Grain Size Analysis :Alluvium from Slough 9 Slough 9 Flow Net Sketch Hydrograph Of The Susitna River Aquife.r Diffusivity From Aquifer Response To Fluctuations In Susitna River At Slough SA Aquifer Diffusivity From Aquifer Response To Fluctuations In Susitna River At Slough SA Slough 9 Area Modelled Using Finite Element Method Slough 9 Finite Element Mesh S lough 9 Run 4: (a) Contours Slough 9 Run 5 : (a) Contours Slough 9 Run 6 :(a) Contours Ground Surface Temperature Temperatu re Variation with Depth Deve lopm ent of Square Wave Sus itna River Valley Tem per ature vs Distance Susitna River Valley Temperat ure vs Distance Susitna River Valley Temperature vs Distan ce l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7a 7b 7c 8. g. lOa .b , lIa,b. 12a,b. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. i i SUSIT NA HYDROEL ECT RIC PROJECT SLOUGH HYDROGEOLO GY STU DIES REPORT 1 -OBJECTIV ES AND APPROACH The objective of th is study task is to understand slough hy- drogeo logy under exist ing.natura l conditions and thus pro- vide a method ology by which post-project conditions can be pred ict.ed , The s tudy is compr ised of fou r s t ages - da ta coll~ction -data int erpretation - model ing of ex ist ing cond i tio ns to understand processes -predi ct ion of post-project conditions. 2 - FIE LD DATA 2.1 -Collection Field data collection has included: (a)walk-overs and fly-overs of the various sloughs between Talkeetna and Devi 1 Canyon to appreciate their morphology (b)excavation of test pits and installation of shallow wells in Sloughs 8A and 9 (spring 1982) (c )measurement of slough profiles,cross sections and dis- charges (d)deep drill holes and i nst al lat ion of wa ter level and water temperature measuring devices (e)monitor ing of groundwater levels ,t emperatures ,river stages and d ischarge . On-going work includes completion of recen t deep dri lling in- stru mentat ion and cont inuing monito ring of observation wells and upwe ll ing tempe ratures. Complete deta ils of all fie ld data are c ont i nued i n the Slough Hyd rology In ter im Report (R8Jo1 Consu ltants 198 2b). 2.2 -Interpretation The sloughs are form ed as s ide channel spi 11ways during ice jam conditions at breakup or during ice front progression in early winter.Apart from th ese occas ions and open water high 2 flow conditions,there is no direct connection between the head end of the slough and the Susitna mainstem. The groundwater prov ides two important funct ions with regard to the fisheries habitat.Firstly,during the spawning sea- son it provides flow within the slough to allow the sa lmon to reach spawning areas in the upstream sections of the sloughs; second ly,the groundwater upwe 11ing provides a near ly con- stant temperature for incubation of the salmon eggs and pre- vents freezing during the winter period. The soil stratigraphy,determined by the drilling and test pit excavation,consists of a thin layer of topsoil overlying 2 to 6 ft of sandy silt.Below this is a heterogeneous allu- vium comprising sand,silt,gravel,cobbles and boulders.It is probable that this alluvium has variable hydraulic conduc- ti vities both vertically and laterally,reflecting the moving stream bed location during deposition. Observation well and piezometer installation ind ica te a gen- eral groundwater flow in a downstream direction and locally laterally toward the sloughs (Figures 1 and 2). Temperature measurements in the main stem show a const ant tem- perature of approximately O·C for the period of mid-October to mid-Apri 1.The temperature rises to a dai ly maximum of approximately l3°C in mid-July and then decreases to O·C by mid-October.The slough temperatures show a si milar pattern. The shallow groundwater temperatures vary between near O°C in spring,up to BOC by late summer. In general,those closest to the river show a faster respon se to river temperature than do those more d istant (Figures 3 and 4).Up..telling -: "-temperatures measured by intergravel probes show a near ) constant annual temperature of 2 to 4°C. 3 The upwell ings are visible as small "sand bo ils"at som e d iscrete locat ions.However,suff ici ent measurements have not yet been made to determine if upwelling is actually oc- curr ing at a reduced rate in other areas where there is no evident surface expression.Localized upwelling is not un- expected due to the spatial variability of the alluvium. Vis ible upwell ing probably occu rs in areas where there is thin cover to a layer or lens with particularly high hy- draulic conductivity. 2.3 -Determination of Material Properties 2 .3.1 -Hydraulic Conductivity Hydrau li c conduct i vity has been es timated by the fo 1- lowing methods. (a)Grain Size Based on grain size analyses f rom a bulk sample taken from the riverbank in slough g (Figure 5),the hydraulic conductivity is esti- mated at 170 ft/d from appl ication of the Hazen formula (Terzaghi and Peck 1948). (b)Similar Depos its -MeasJrements of the hydra ulic conductivity of alluv ial gravels i n the city of Fairbanks give a value o f 1,000 ftld (Nelson 1978). Based on thes e data a value of 200 ft/d has been used in analyses. 2.3.2 -Transmiss ivity Transmissivity is defined as hydraulic conductivity multipl ied by saturated thickness.In some techniques , the transm iss ivity is determined i ni ti a lly , and the hy- draulic conductivity is calculated us ing an assumed saturated thickness.Transmissivity has been 4 ca leu lated based on the fo llowing methods. (a)Flow Net - From a flow net sketch (Figure 6 )and ffieasurement of discharge into the upper reaches of slough 9 of 1 cf s ,the transmissivity is estimated at 9,000 ft 2/d. (b)Wel l Response - From the response of shallow wells to rapid changes in storage in the mainst~ (Figure 7),the method described by Pinder, Bredehoef t and Cooper (1969),resu lts in es t imates of transmissivity in the range of 1200 to 306,000 ft2/d.It appears that thi s method i s not suitable for the particular site conditions. Thes e results have therefore not been used. 2.3.3 -Thermal Properties The thermal conductivity,specific heat and latent heat of the soils is required for the thermal analy- sis.No measurements were made in the field or lab- oratory.However,published data (Kersten 1942)allows the thermal ccnduct iv i ty and specif ic heat to be es t t- mated with adequate accuracy from the natural moisture content and dry dens i ty of the so i 1.The values used in these analyses are surrmarized below. Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Unfrozen Frozen Specif ic Heat (Wy r /m 3K) Unfrozen Frozen S i 1t Sand gravel, cobb l es , boulders 1.42 2.70 1.42 3.70 5 0.068 0.083 0.056 0.064 Latent heat of the soi 1 is determined from natural moisture conten t (Lunardini 1981).For the so ils in the slough areas the following values have been used. Latent Heat (Wyr 1m 3) Si It Sand,gravel,cobbles, boulders 6 1.525 3.002 3 -ANALYSES 3.1 -Groundwater Flow 3.1.1 -Introduction The objective of the groundwater flow modeling is to determine the flow patterns around the sloughs.Pre- dicted head distribution$Jre compared with actual water levels measured in the wells.Values of the transmissivity are altered until a reasonable agreement is reached and the model is then considered to be cali- brated.It shou 1d be noted however that a part icu 1ar head distribution can be obtained by a variety of boundary conditions and material properties.That is, a unique solution is not necessarily available. 3.1.2 - Method The groundwater flow analyses have been undertaken using a 2-D plan finite element method with the flow integrated over depth,i.e.,equipotentia 1s are verti- cal.The transmissivity at any point depends on the depth of the bedrock (assumed impermeable)and the groundwater surface elevation.Analy ses are therefore nonlinear and require iterations to define the steady state groundwater surface.Constant potentials and/or def ined flu xes can be appl ied as boundary conditions. 3.1.3 - Geometry Slough g was selected for model ing s.ince it was the lo- cation of site investigation and drilling.The area modeled is shown in Figure 8 and the finite element mesh in Figur~g. 7 3.1.4 -Boundary Conditions Fou r boundary cond ition s are requir ed - va l1ey wa 11 - r iver boundary -bedrock elevation -streams and sloughs. (a)Valley Wall Thi s is assumed as an impermeab le ba rri er with z ero fluxes.Initial analyses assumed the valley side to be vertical.This was subsequently changed to follow the approximate slope of the e xposed valley wall. (b)River Boundary Water elevations at cross sections LRX-31 through LRX-36 have been computed us ing HEC-2 program for 13 ,400cfs (RU'l 1982a).River water elevations were ta ken as the f i xed bo undary potentials based on interpolat ion betwe en the calculated values at t he cro ss secti ons. (cl Bedrock Elevat ions Bedr ock el evat ion was as sumed t o be 100 ft below rive r wat er e l evati on and constant in a direct ion perpend i cular to the river flow.As noted above, t he va l l r-y wall wa s in cluded alon g the lower mar- gi n of t he mod e l.In addit ion,some a n al yses in- cluded a postulated bedrock high in an attempt to achieve model c a librat ion. 8 (d)Streams and Sloughs Three -noded film elements were located along all streams and sloughs to allow the fluxes into or out of these surface waters to be computed.Mea- sured elevations of the slough surface water were applied as boundary conditions. 3.1.5 -Material Properties Based on the analyses described in Section 2.3,a value of 9,000 ft 2/d was used for the transmissivity,with a value of 0.18 for the storage coefficient. 3.1.6 -Results The anlayses undertaken are discussed below. -Run 1 appl ied only river water level boundary condi- tions and an impermeable valley wall with a fixed saturated thickness.Flow paths were all in a down- stream di rection with a gradient epprox i mat tnq the rive r gradient . For Run 2 the elements be low the slou ghs were given a transm issivity higher by a f actor of 100.The objec- t ive of this was to simulate the high conveyance of the s ur face wat er in th e se areas. -Run 3 used the s ame geometry as Run 2 with t.he incor- porat ion of th e valley wall sl ope.Thi s was an at- tempt to better match the elevat ions in th e area of we Ils 9 -11 and 9-15 . I n Run 4 the sloping vall ey wall g ~ocnetry is includ- ed ,with the water elevati ons i n the sloughs applied 9 as fixed boundary conditions through 3-noded film elements.The contours are shown in Figure 10 and again indicate relatively poor agreement in the area of piezometers 9-11. - Runs 5 and 6 represent modifications to the bedrock elevations in the vicinity of those piezometers.The bedrock hi gh in this area was hypothes ized based on the shape of the visible valley wall in this area. However,neither of these runs were abIe to exact ly reproduce the actual water well elevations in this area (Figures II,12). 3.1.7 -Discussion and Conclusions In general,the groundwater flow pattern as deduced from the model compares reasonably well with that measu red in the field.It indicates that flow is pri- mari ly along the valley with local lateral flow toward the sloughs.Typical flow path lengths between entry and ex it are of the ord er of 2,000 to 4,000 ft.How- ever,the model was not abIe to reproduce the ground- water conditions in the area of well 9-11.This may be due to a number of reasons. -A surface stream exists in that area,probably due to runoff from the up1and a reas.This could loca lly re- charge the alluvial aquifer. -Pond ing of surface water behind the rai lway embank- ment has also been observed,and would lead to eleva- ted groundwater levels . -Soil stratigraphy adjacent to the vall ey wall mc:y be much more vari able than in the center of the valley. It may conta in si l ty layers which wou ld resu It in perched water table conditions.The wells in this area may therefore not be measuring the ma in alluvial water surf ace. 10 3.2 -Thermal Analyses 3.2.1 -Genera 1 Seasonal fluctuations in air temperature cause fluctua- tions in the soil temperature.The depth and magnitude of these changes wi 11 indicate the relative importance of air temperature compared with seasonal changes in ri ver water temperature on the upwell ing groundwater slough temperatures. 3.2.2 - Method Analyses were made of a one-dimensional vertical ideal- ization of the soil stratigraphy using a finite element transient heat transfer progr~~which incorporates the latent heat of freezing of the soil. 3.2.3 -Geometry Since the finite element code uses 2-D elements.the 1-0 geometry was idealized as a 3.2-ft wide by 30-ft deep (L-m by 9.1-m)vertical strip.Six-noded triangu- lar isoparametric elements were used with material properties for si It to a depth of 6.9 ft.Below this properties for sand and gravel were used to the base of the mode I. 3.2.4 -Boundary Conditions and Loads The boundary at 3D ft is adiabatic,i.e.,no heat flows across it.since the geothermal flow is considered neg- ligible relative to surface temperature driven heat flows.The temperature applied to the ground surface was determined from the monthly average air temperature measured at Talkeetna multiplied by the "n"factor. The "n"factor for freezing is defined as tile ratio of 11 surf ace freezing index to ai r freezing index and for thawing is defined as a ratio of surface th awing index to air thawing index.Based on Lunardini (1981),"n freezing "was taken as 0.Z9 representing a snow-covered surface and "n thawing"was taken as 0.37 representing a surface covered by trees,brush,etc.The monthly average surface temperature was therefore determined by mu It ip lying the monthly average ai r temperature by the appropriate "n"factor depending on the season.This ensures reasonab le surface freezing and thawing indexes although it does not necessarily accurately reflect the vari ation of surface temperature versus time nor the vari ations which may occur due to different depths of snow cover through the winter or from year to year. 3.Z.5 -Properties Thermal conductivity and specific heat were determined from published data for similar materials,and are de- tai led in Section Z.3.3.Research has indicated that unfrozen moisture exists in soi Is below O·C and thus the latent heat is re leased over a range of tempera- tures as indicated in Table 1. 3.Z.6 -Results and Conclusions The resu Its of the thermal analyses are shown in Fig- ures 13 and 14.The surface temperature follows an approx imate s inusoida 1 shape reflect ing the seasona 1 temperature vari ations.The maximum depth of freezing is approximate ly 6 ft and at a depth of 10 ft the an- nual temperature range is less than Z·C. An approximate analytical sol ution (Stefans equation) gi ves resu lts wh ich are in agreement with the fin ite lZ element modeling in predicting a maximum freezing depth of approximately 6 ft. Since the depth of the groundwater table is typically greater t han 6 ft,the impact of seasonal air tempera- ture variations docs not appear to be sign if icant in determining the groundwater temperatures. 3.3 - Coupled Thermal and Groundwater Flow 3.3.1 - Method Coupled thermal and groundwater flow has been analyzed by cons idering conditions along a flow path,i ,e .1-0 solutions.Two processes are significant -heat exchange between the flowing pore water and the soil mineral skeleton -longitudinal dispersion. (a)Heat Exchange The absorption of heat by the miner al skeleton from t he water is analagous to the sorption pro- cess whereby chemical species in solution are sorbed onto soi 1 parti cles.Therefore the equa- tions used for the former can be modified to handle thermal considerations.The relative volu- met r ic heat capacit ies of th e so il and water are 13 where Vw•Vs =volumetric heat capacities of water and soil skeleton respectively Cwo Cs =volumetric specific heats of water and soil respectively n =poros ity The ratio of heat capacities is therefore Vs/Vw =Cs (l-n) Cwn The simi larity between the retardation factor or contam inant and for thermal transport is illustra- ted by the following. For contaminant transpo rt Rd =1 +f b Kd n Rd =retardation factor 14 (Freeze and Cherry 1979) .. III I b =bu lk mass dens ity n =porosity Kd =distribution coefficient For thermal transport Rd =1 + Vs/Vw Also,for both v =Rd vr where v =average linear velocity of groundwater vr =average retarded velocity of the mean con- centration or temperature. (b)Longitudinal Dispersion The concentration of a dissolved species transpor- ted by groundwater is described by the following where D =coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion v =average linear groundwat er velocity c =concentration x =coordinate direction t =time For transport in permeable media,the molecular diffusion component in the coefficient of 15 hydrodynamic dispers ion can be neglect ed . Therefore D =d.v where ~=dispersivity For heat transport.the to concentration.and equation may be written where T =temperature . temperature is equ iva lent therefore the governing For a step function input boundary condition.at I arge x or t ,the s oI ut i on is (F reeze and Cherry 1979) TlTo =1/2 erfc(x-vt ) 2!Dt wh ere T = To = er fc = temperature at x, t step temperature at x =o.t >O compl ement a ry error function. (c)Canbined Heat Exchange a nd Dispersion The combined effects of heat exchange and di sper- sion can be approx imated by replacing v by Yr. a nd t here fore 1 6 TITo =1/2 erfc(x-vrt \ \ifot ) where vr =average r et arded ve loci ty. 3.3.2 -Geometry Analyses have EIIIployed 1-0 methods,i ,e,co nsider a ti on of longitudinal dispers ion along a flow line.Typical flow path lengths are i n the order of 1,000 to 4,000 ft i n p lan . 3.3.3 - Bounda ry Conditions The boundary cond it ions requir ing def inition are tem- pe rature and average groundwater ve loc ity . Ca) Temperat ure The ri ver t empera t ure is DoC betw een mid-Octob er and mid-Apri 1 , and ri ses to a da i Iy maximum o f ap - prox imately 13°C in Ju ly.The mean ann ual t emper - ature i s appro x imately 3°C.For t he purpose of prelimi nary an alys i s,the ann ua l tempe ra tu re va r i- a ti on ha s be en appro x imated by d sq uare wave with 6 months at DoC and 6 months at 6°C . Cb)Av e rage Grou ndwate r Veloc ity The aver age gr oun dwater veloc ity i s def in ed by v =Ki ln 17 whe re v =average groundwater ve loc i ty K =hydraul ic c onduct iv ity =hydraulic gradient n =poros ity. The r anges of these parameters resu It in a best estimate average groundwater ve locity of 22. 2 ftld (K =200 ft/d,i =2 x 10 -3,n =0.18). (c)Retarded Groundwater Veloci ty Using t he rela t ionshi ps in Sect ion 3.3.1(c)and a poros i ty of 18 percent,the reta rdat ion facto r has been c alc ula ted to be 3 .The a ve rage re tarded groundwater veloc ity is therefore 0 .74 f tld (270 ft/y r). (d)Square Wa ve So lution The annu al va riat ion i n river tempe rature can be c o ars e ly ap proximat ed by a s qua re wave with 50 per cent duty cy c le ,represen t i ng aver age su mme r and winter tempe ratures of 6°C and O°C r espec tive- ly.This results in a mean annua l river t emper a- t u re of 3°C.Th e so l ut ion for the propagat ion of a squ are wave a long a fl ow lin e can be developed by sup erpos it ion of a s er ies of pu l ses of 6°C f or 6 month s at i n ter va ls of 6 mo nt hs. Each pul se comp rises t wo s tep in puts as sho wn i n Figu re 15 . 3.3.4 - Resu lts a nd Co nc:usi ons Groundw at er t emp er atu res a long a flow lin e from t he main stem ha ve been cal c ulated us ing the e qua ti on g iven 18 in 3.3.11c)abov e.Average retarded velocities of 270 ft/yr 1000 ft/yr and 2700 ft/yr ha ve been used.The first value (270 ft/yr)i s based on the be st estimate of properties:the other two values are included to examine the sens itivity of the temperature r ange to the retarded velocity.They r epresent for example ,an increase in the hydraulic coroJuctivity by fa ctors 3.7 and 10. Figu res 16,17,and 18 show the groundwater tempe ra- tures along the flow line for summer and winter.The annual temperature fluctuation at various d istances is summarized i n Table 2. This shows that the temperature is 3 .:1.5°C at d istances g reate r than 400 f eet from the ma in stem,for average retarded velocit ies of 1000 ft /yr or less.For a retarded velocity of 2700 ft/yr the temperatu re f luct uati on i s 3 .:1.5°C for distances g reater t han 2400 f t.S ince t he f low li ne from main- stem to sloug h is general ly greater than 500 feet and typ i cally 1000 to 4000 ft dispersi on along the flow 1i ne and heat exch ange be tween t he wat er and so i 1 par- tic l es ap pears t o b e a reasonab le me chani sm t o accoun t fo r the ne ar ly cons tant slough u pwel l ing tempe rat ures. 3 .4 -Dis cus s ion The 2-D groundw ater f low ana lys es sh ow t hat the f low d irec - tion is pr in c ipally down st ream and th is acc ord s well with f i eld observa ti on s.Loca l d et ai ls of the g ro undw at e r eleva - tion qre no t reproduced by the model and this may be due t o a var iety of f actors as d isc ussed i n Sect ion 3 .1.The th er ma l modelin g indi ca tes th at th e atmo sph eric c ond it io ns do not pen etra te d eepe r than a f ew feet in to th e s ubsoi 1 .Th ey are t her efore not considered to b e a dominan t fac tor i n det ermi - 19 ning groundwater temperature conditions.The coupled thermal and groundwater flow analyses show that the temperatures in the mainstem Susitna can be transferred into the groundwater. However,dispersion and interchange of thermal energy between the water and soil skeleton along the long flow paths dampens the seasonal fluctuations.As a result,the exit tempera- tures measured in slough upwellings are close to the mean an- nual average temperature of the mainstem Susitna. 20 4 -POST-PROJECT IMPACTS 4.1 -Types of Changes Operation of the power plants wi 11 resu 1t il'modification of the seasonal discharge pattern compared to the existing natural flow regime. In particu lar,winter flows wi 11 be higher (approximately 10,000 cfs,compared with 1,000 2,000 cfs at present),and the spring snowmelt flood peak wi 11 be substanti ally reduced in order to store water in the Watana reservoir.Summer and fall variations in discharge due to rainfall events will also be reduced in magnitude due to the routing of the flow through the reservoir.Because of the large storage volume of the Watana reservoir,outlet temperatures wi 11 be cooler in the early sumner and warmer in the fall and winter.However,the mean annual river temperature post-project wi 11 be close to the natural mean annual river temperature (Acres 1983). Scour and deposition will take ject as the river attains post-project flow condit ions. ial properties of the alluvium ified. 4.2 -Description of Impact place downstream from the pro- a new equilibrium under However.the pr incipal mater- are not anticipated t o be mod- 4.2.1 -Watana Construction Since there wi 11 be no change in ma ins tem discharge and hence no change in water lev el,there wi 11 be no change in groundwater condi tion s in the vic inity of the slouqhs downstream from Watana.Additionally,water temperatures wi 11 also be unchanged. 21 4.2.2 - Watana Impoundment (a)Mainstem As a resu It of the decreased summer flows dur 'ng filling,water levels in the main stem of the river wi 11 be reduced between Watana and Talkeetna.This will in turn cause a reduction in adjacent groundwater levels.However,the ground- water level changes wi 11 be confi ned to the river floodplain area.The groundwater level will be reduced by about 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1.2 m)during the summer near the streambank with less change occurring with distance away from the river. (b)Sloughs The reduced mainstem flows and associated lower Susitna River water levels wi 11 slightly modify the groundwater relationship between the mainstem and the sloughs.The mainstem water levels upstream and downstream of a slough control the groundwater gradient in the slough and s ince both levels change by approximately the same amount for different flows,the gradient wi 11 remain the same. Because the sloughs are adjacent to the mainstem of the river,the groundwater level in the sloughs wi 11 be lowered by the same amoun t as t he stage change within the mainstem. This will have the ef f e c t of dewatering the areas in the sloughs between where the groundwdter table currently intersects the slough and where the lowered ground- water tab 1e wi 11 intersect the s 1ough. 22 Data to confinn the areal extent of upwelling at various flows are unavai lable at this time.How- ever,it is be 1i eved that slough upwe11ing extends from the slough mouths well upstream to the steeper reaches of the sloughs near the ups tream berms.Therefore,the areas that wi11 be dewatered wi11 genera lly be the steep ups tream ends of the sloughs.If both mainstem stage and groundwater leve 1 change by approximate ly 2 feet (0.6 ml ,the potent i a1 loss in groundwater upwelling length will be the stage change (2 feet, or 0.6 m)multiplied by the slough gradient. Using the 18.6 foot per mile (3.5 m per km) gradient measured in Slough 9,the dewatered length would be approximate ly 570 feet 1171 m). This is 10 percent of the slough length and,if a uniform upwelling rate is assumed over the enti re length of the slough,the decrease in slough discharge at the mouth will also be 10 percent. 4.2.3 -Watana Operat ion (a)Mainstem Groundwater impacts between Dev i 1 Canyon and Talkeetna during sunmer will be similar to those descr ibed in Section 4.2.2 and will be confined to the river area.Since powerhouse flows will genera lly be greater than fi 11 ing flows during sunmer,the groundwater level change from natural conditions will be slightly less than during fi lling.During winter.increased ice staging wi 11 occur during freeze-up a nd hence groundwater level will be increased along ice-covered sections of the mainstem. 23 (b)Sloug hs During winter in the Devil Canyon to Talkeetn a reach ,some of the sloughs (i .e.,those nearer Tal keetna)will be ad jacent to an i ce-covered s e c- tion of the Susitna River.In ice-covered sections,t he Susitna River wi 11 have staged to form an ice cover at project operation flows of abou t ~~.OO O cfs.The associated water level will be a few tt ~above normal winter water levels and wi 11 cause an increase in the groundwater tab 1e. This wi 11 in turn cause an increase in groundwater flow in the sloughs adjacent to an ice covered reach of the ri ver. Sloughs upstream of Gold Creek,in the vicinity of Portage Creek,may be adjacent to open water sec- tions of the Susitna River .Because flews wi 11 \ average approximately 10 ,000 cfs in winter,the ? associated wa ter level wi 11 be less than water 1eve I s occu rr ing under t he na tura 1 freeze-up process.Hence .the groun dwater tab le wi11 be lower.Slou ghs i n thi s area may e xperi ence a de crease in groundwater flow in the winter. Dur ing the summ e r,the mainst em-s10ugh ground wate r i nteract ion wi 11 be s imi lar to t hat d isc ussed in Sect ion 4.2 .2 .with t he excep t ion th at op erational flows wi 11 be greater t han the downstream flows during f ill in g,and thus,the groundwa ter table wi 11 be clo ser to the natural elevat ion than dur- ing fill ing . 24 Preliminary i nves t igat ions indicate that groundwa- ter upwelling temperatures in sloughs reflect the long-term average water temperature of the Susitna River which is approximately 3°(37.4°)(Section 3.4).In the Devil Canyon to Talkeetna reach,the long term average temperature will not change sig- nificantly from pre-project conditions (Acres 1983).Hence,groundwater upwelling temperatures will also not change significantly. 4.2.4 -Devil Canyon Construction Since the construction at Devil Canyon wiII not modify the discharge,the groundwater impacts dis- cussed under Watana operation (Section 4.2.3)wi II remain relevant during this period. 4.2.5 -Devil Canyon Impoundment No major groundwater impacts are anticip ated dur- ing .ne fi lIing of the Dev i I Canyon res ervoi r . There may be a sl ight decrease in the groundwater table caus ed by the reduced fi Iling flows .A decrease in the groundwate r le ve I in t he same proportion as the de crease in mainstem stage would be exp ec ted. 4.2.6 -Dev il Canyon Operation Dow ns tream flows and henc e gro undwat er i mpact s wi 11 be simi Jar to those occurring with Watana op e rat ing alone. 25 The ave rage annua l temper at ure at Sherman is ca l- cu lated to be approximate ly 4°C (Acres 1983). This is an increase of about 1°C above th e natural long-term average temperatu re.Ther efore .based on the groundwater stud ies described i n Section 3 .3 and the above preliminary analysi s . t he slough upwell ing temperature i n the v ic inity of Sherman may in crease approximately 1°C . 26 J References Acres American Inc orpor at ed.198 3.Susitna Hydroelectric Project,Application for Li cense for Major Project . Freeze,R.A. and J.A.Cherry.1979.Groundwater.Prentice Hall. Kersten,M.S. 1949 .Thermal Properties of Soils.University of Minnesota,Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin 28 . Lunardini,J.F.1981.Heat Transfer In Cold Climates.Van Nostrand Reinhold. Nelson,G.L.1978.Hydrologic Informat ion for Land-use Planning,Fairbanks Vicinity,Alaska .U.S.Geological Survey,Open File Report 78 -959,Anc horage,Alaska. P inder,G. F.,J. O.Bredehoeft and H.H .Cooper .1969. Oetermi nat ion o f Aqu ifer oi ffus i v ity Fr om Aquifer Response to Fl uctuation s i n River ~.t i\g e.Water Resources Resea r ch,Volume 5 ,No. 4. R811 Consultants ,Inc .1982a.Susitna Hy droel l'::t ric Pr oject, Hyd raulic and Ice Stud ies .Prep ared f or ACI "es Amer ica n Incorporat ed. 1982b.Susitn a Hydroelectri c Pro j ect,Slough Hydrology Inter im Report.Prep ared fo r Acr es Ameri can I ncorpor d t ed . Jer zaqh t ,R.and R.B .Peck . 1948 Soil Me chanic s In Engineering Practice.Wi ley. 27 TABLE 1 LATENT HEAT DISTRIBUTION FO H SILT T Latent Heat (GCI (Wy r/m 31 - 0 .11 0.184 -0 .2 0 .388 - 0.5 0 . 320 -1.0 0 .20 9 - 2.0 0 .140 -3.0 G.076 - 4.0 0 .066 -6.0 0.060 -8.0 0.041 -10.0.029 -12.0 .012 Tota 1 1.525 LATENT HEAT OI STRIBU TION FOR SANOAND GRAV EL T (GC I - 0 - 0.1 - 0.2 Latent Heat (Wyr/m31 1.734 0.951 0.317 TABLE 2 COMP UTE D SEASO~AL GR OUNDWATER TEM PERATURE FLU CTUATIONS Distance Temperature Fluctuation (OC) (ft)vr =270 f t /yr vr=100 0 ft/yr vr=2700 ft/yr min max min max min max 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 200 2.24 3 .76 0.65 5 .35 0.02 5.98 500 2 .80 3 .20 1.62 4.38 0.15 5.85 1000 2.94 3.06 2.48 3.52 0.53 5.47 2000 2 .99 3.01 2 .88 3.12 1.20 4 .80 .i If .• ---:0:'1 'UI .,;-~-:~ :i;?'".;~ I ..~.~--... I,~~:a . :.~---'.--, --". I I •i ~ e ...~3 : ". ..z : , ,i \ () ....1. 9ft .j .••··· !I\' ..•·· .. ~.• •~;.. / •itt.• .~..=..;·.S! 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"'.:.'.~..~..""'; ~~ HVDROGRAPH 8 ~TH E SUSl fNA R IVER AT 5 t.C l:('~& o .co JC .~O 60.~O '30.00 120.0'J 150 .00 180 .00 0 0 If'."> .">It'I...... It'I It'I 0 0 0 0. .">It'I...... .">It'I 0 0 .">If'......... ~~... It'I.. '- cO 0 _0 0..... ...J'"... w~."> >'.. ...J O C ".~ e:::"';... ~..............~If' <:~3 0 0 0 0...,......... If'It'I 0 a .~.~ ~,~,.......".~ 0 0 a 0 '"N...... .~L~ ~n n s».:'j "~:',C.::,~;~...,.".~~·'n I~O .C';IS~.~'J•.1 'V ol ..,.1.~,J I ...01 'v ,} T i r1 ~,~)in h ...,-,r':' LFGUm : AQUiFER OI FFUS I VilY FRO M AOUi FER R!:SP G~S [TO WELL S -I ~ o .oc '30 . 00 "0 .00 90.00 120.:;(;iSO.C O IS O.O O e e........ N N-.... ,-0 0 e o. eN N ..<: ~o 0..."a ~~-.. -c w I z o '"_0 a W ~z« I e 0 U '~.'a 0 ()"0 0 °O .OC J";.co ~o .n ~ 9:).~G 1 20 .G.~i 5 C.:"j~'6 0 .~C T 'Mt"( t )i n h~u r ~I .I ... 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