HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpper Susitna river Salmon enhancement study 1983<0 v I' LO M I' 0 0 0 LO LO I' M M "U. ~'s/ ~ f r; Y" l:J,.sfv-,);~ p DJ1 UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY (DRAFT) by Lowell Barrick, Bernard Kepshire · and George Cunningham Number 4 Alaska Department of Fish & Game Division of Fisheries Rehabilitation Enhancement and Development Don W. Collinsworth Commissioner Stanley A. Moberly Director Box 3-2000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 February, 1983 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Auachorage,AJaska 11 TARLF OF CONTENTS TITLE LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF PLATES 1. FOREWORD 2. INTRODUCTION 3. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 4. STUDY METHODS 4.1 Biological Studies 4.1.1 Sockeye Salmon 4.1.2 Chinook Salmon 4.1.3 Coho Salmon 4.1.4 Chum Salmon 4.1.5 Field Surveys Fixed-wing Aircraft Overview Helicopter Survey Road Vehicle Survey Tyone River System Surveys 4.1.6 Determination of Stream and Lake Surface Areas 4.1.7 Biological Impact of Introduced Salmon on Resident 4.2 Engineering Studies 4.2.1 Feasibility Studies 4.2.2 Design Studies 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 5.1 Salmon Enhancement Potential (S.E.P.) 5.1.1 S.E.P. Without Hydroelectric Dams Sockeye Salmon Chinook Salmon Coho 3almon Chum Salmon Potential Barriers to Juvenile Salmon Emigration and Adult Immigration Rapids Total Dissolved Gas Supersaturation 5.1.2 S.E.P. With Hydroelectric Dams 5.1.3 Conclusion 5.2 Enhancement Techniques (E.T.) 5.2.1 Low Head Dams 5.2.2 Mechanical/Helicopter Brail Systems 5 • 2 • 3 F i s hw ay s Paqe No. iii iv vi 1 4 7 8 8 8 13 15 18 20 20 20 22 22 24 fish 25 26 26 31 34 34 34 34 40 48 52 57 57 58 61 65 68 69 69 73 11 ?.3.1 GAn~=>ri'll Informntion and DisctJSsion 73 ADF&G Criteria for Fishways Under TwP.ntv Feet in Height 73 Weir and Orifice Fishway 75 Denil and Alaskan Steeppass Designs 77 Vertical Slot Baffle 78 Fishv1ay Construction Costs 85 5.2.4 Hatcheries 101 General Information and Discussion 101 Brood Stocks 102 Juvenile Salmon Stocking Eyed Egg Planting Smolt 3tocking Fry/fingerling Stocking 5. 2.4. 7 Hatchery Construct ion Costs 5.3 Biological Impact on Kesident Fish 107 107 109 110 111 119 6. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 124 6.1 Vertical Slot Fishway Enhancement Program 124 6.1.1 Benefit/Cost Ratio 124 6.1.2 Economic Factors, Assumptions, and Calculations 125 6.1.3 Sensitivity Analysis 131 6.2 Hatchery Enhancement Program 134 6.2.1 Benefit/Cost Ratio 135 6.2.2 Economic Factors, Assumptions, and Calculations 135 6.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis 140 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 143 7.1 Salmon Enhancement Without Hydroelectric Da~s 143 7.2 Salmon Enhance~ent With Hydroelectric Dams 144 8. REFERENCES 145 9. CONTRIBUTORS 157 10. APPEND ICES 158 i i LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number Title Page Number Figure 2-1 Susitna River 5 Figure 4-1 Upper Susitna River drainage basin 27 Figure 4-2 Highways in Susitna River area 32 Figure 5-1 Life cycle of sockeye salmon 35 Figure 5-2 Life cycle of chinook salmon 41 Figure 5-3 Life cycle of coho salmon 49 Figure 5-4 Life cycle of chu~ salmon 53 Figure 5-5 Dam obstacles to salmon migration 62 Figure 5-6 Salmon ~igration through a dam turbine 66 Figure 5-7 Low head dams 70 Figure 5-8 Weir and orifice fishway 76 Figure 5-9 Alaskan steeppass 79 Figure 5-10 Vertical slot baffle 80 Figure 5-11 Swimming speeds of fish relative to horizontal distance between resting pools 83 Figure 5-12 Devil Canyon fishway alignment 86 Figure 5-13 Devil Creek fishway alignment 87 Figure 5-14 Typical tunnel/baffle section 89 Figure 5-15 A salmon egg planting device (SEPD) 108 Figure 5-16 Talkeetna hatchery site 112 Figure 5-17 Talkeetna hatchery site plan 113 Figure 5-18 Talkeetna hatchery layout 114 Figure 6-1 Fishway enhancement (B/C) cash flow 133 Figure 6-2 Hatchery enhancement (B/C) cash fl ov1 141 i i i Table Number Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 5-4 Table 5-5 Table 5-6 Table 5-7 Table 5-8 LIST OF TABLES Title Page Number Climatology of the upper Susitna River basin and Summit La~e area 10 Sockeye salmon smolt production and mean weights for lakes in Alaska, British Columbia and the eastern USSR 11 Coho salmon smolt production for streams in Alaska, British Columbia, Oregon and Washington 17 Devil Canyon velocity measurements 30 The potential production of sockeye salmon in upper Susitna River lakes 36 Biocriteria for determining the harvestable surplus of sockeye salmon adults with the fishway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. 39 The potential production of chinook salmon in upper Susitna River tributaries 42 Biocriteria for determining the harvestable surplus of chinook salmon adults with the fishway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devi 1 Creek areas 47 The potential production of coho salmon in upper Susitna River tributaries 50 Biocriteria for determining the harvestable surplus of coho salmon adults with the fishway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas 51 The potential production of chum salmon in upper Susitna River tributaries 54 Biocriteria for determining the harvestable surplus of chum salmon adults with the fishway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas 55 i v Table 5-9 Table 5-10 Table 5-11 Table 5-12 Table 5-13 Table 5-14 Table 5-15 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 Comparison of fishway designs Devil Canyon fishway C.I.P. costs Devil Creek fishway C.I.P. costs Indian River and Portage Creek weirs C.I.P costs Fry/fingerling transport and stocking operational costs Talkeetna hatchery C.I.P. costs Resident fishes·of the upper Susitna River drainage Fishway enhancement benefit calculations for all salmon species Fishway enhancement combined cost calculations Hatchery enhancement benefit calculations for all salmon species Hatchery enhancement cor.~bined cost calculations v 82 91 95 99 100 117 119 129 130 138 139 Plate Number Plate 1-1 Plate 4-1 Plate 4-2 Plate 4-3 Plate 5-l Plate 5-2 Plate 5-3 Plate 5-4 Plate 5-5 Plate 5-6 Plate 5-7 Plate 5-8 Plate 5-9 Plate 5-10 Plate 5-11 Plate 5-12 LIST OF PLATES Title Devil Canyon oblique aerial view Helicopter at Butte Lake State vehicle at Clearwater Creek Devil Canyon looking downstream from proposed dam site Page Number 2 21 21 29 The Tyone River system lakes 37 The Tyone River just upstream from its confluence with the Susitna River 43 The Oshetna· River at its confluence with the Susitna ~iver 43 Kosina Creek at its confluence with the Susitna River 44 Clearwat2r Creek just upstream from its confluence with the Susitna River 44 Watana Creek at its confluence with the Susitna River 45 Butte Creek at the outlet of Butte Lake 45 Fog Creek at the outlet of Fog Lake 46 Coal Creek 46 Proposed Susitna River dams 63 Brailling salmon at Anan Creek 71 Anan Creek fishway-vertical slot baffle in tunnel 84 vi 1. FOREWORD This study is the result of a $200,000 appropriation by the Alaska State Legislature. The study v1as ir.1plernented because of the ir.1pact that the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project could have on any future salr.1on enhancement projects in the upper reaches of the Susitna River; i.e., the river area upstream of Devil Canyon. The details of this study are described in the work plan which is contained in the appendices. In general the study was to determine (1) if Devil Canyon (Plate 1-1) is a barrier to the upstream migration of salmon and if it is feasible to bypass salmon around this potential barrier, (2) the poten- tial benefits of salmon production in the streams and lakes upstream of Devil Canyon, (3) the impact on resident fish from the introduction of salmon into their habitat and (4) what affect the construction of the Susitna hydroelectric da1.1s may have on any future salr:1on enhancement projects. The data for this report was collected by a team from the FRED Division of the Alaska Departrnent of Fish and Game. Most of the field information was collected during the four month period fran July 1982 through October 1982. Considerable material was researched from literature, especially the literature prepared for the Susitna hydroelectric project by Acres American Incorporated and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Aquatic Habitat and Instrearn Flow Study Sect ion. Independent field work was conducted in July, August, and September to verify questionable or missing data. -1- Plate 1-1. Devil Canyon oblique aerial view (from North Pacific Aerial Surveys, Inc.). -2- The draft of this report will be submitted to the state legislature in 1983 with follow up work, if any, to be performed during the 1983 legis- lative session. -3- 2. INTRODUCTION The Susitna River (Figure 2-1) is nearly 300 ~iles long from its sources in the Alaska Mountain Range to its point of discharge into Cook Inlet. The total river drainage area encompasses about 19,400 square miles of which the up~er basin above Gold Creek comprises approximately 6,160 square miles. The 150 mile stretch of the main- stem Susitna River, flowing fr6m its mountain source through Devil Canyon to Portage Creek, contains about 30% of the entire drainage basin. The main stem and the major tributaries of the Susitna River originate in glaciers and carry a heavy load of glacial flour during the ice-free months. There are, however, many smaller tributaries and lakes which are perennially silt-free. The proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project has precipitated many studies on the Susitna River and its drainage basin. The studies completed through mid-1982 indicate that the two hydro dams will have various impacts on the aquatic environments of the Susitna River downstream of the dams; i.e. below Devil Canyon. However, as the general belief is that the Devil Canyon area c0nstitutes a partial or total barrier to the upstream migration of adult salmon, very little of the fisheries data collected is pertinent to the spawning and rearing of salmon upstream of Devil Canyon. -4- I I \ \ \ / / \ \ \ AREA LOCATION ----- \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / coOK JNL£T d) ... ·· I I I I / / / / ... , .......... ......... TYON£ LAKE " "' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I LOUIS£ I LAKE/ '-......_____ / '~--- I / • NORTH 10 0 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIJ 20miles UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF Fl SH 8 GAME Figure 2-1. Susitna River . To eliminate the question of a possible 11 Devil Canyon salmon block 11 the Alaska State Legislature appropriated $200,000 to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to study the feasibility of passing salmon through Devil Canyon and to determine the potential for salmon enhancement in the river drainage basin above Devil Canyon. The work plan, contained in Appendix by the Legislature. 1 ("\ ..., .lU • .J, descr·ibes the full study commissioned -6- 3. l STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The reasons for conducting this study are outlined in the foreword (Section 1) and are further detailed in the project work plan (Appendix 10.3). The objective of this study is to find answers to the questions posed in the foreword and to prepare a report of the findings, including recommendations, for submittal to the Alaska State Legislature in 1983. -7- 4. STUDY METHODS 4.1 Biological Studies The salmon production potential of upper Susitna River lakes and streams was determined for sockeye, chinook, coho and chum salmon after an exhaustive review of pertinent literature, three field trips, and conversations with ADF&G staff. Any consideration of salmon production in the upper Susitna River watershed must address potential barriers to salmon migration in the main stem of the Susitna River. The rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas constitute potential barriers to both juveniles migrating downstream and returning adults. This barrier question was addressed via literature review and conversations with ADF&G staff. The results are in section 5.1.1 and form the basis for assumptions 1 and 2 used for determining the production potential for each salmon species in this methods section. Methods for determining the production potential for juvenile and adult salmon are now discussed relative to each species. 4.1.1 Sockeye Salmon The watershed v.Jith the potential for the greatest sockeye salmon production is the Tyone River drainage. Two attempts, unsuccessful due to bad weather, were made by ADF&G biologists in September and October 1982, to obtain lir.mological data from the three major lakes, viz. Lake Louise, Susitna Lake, and Tyone Lake. These data were intended for use in a limnological model, developed by ADF&G limnology staff, that would predict the numbers and individual sizes of sockeye smolts produced by -8- each lake. Without these data, the juvenile sockeye salmon production paten- tials at these and other Susitna River lakes ~·1ere assessed by literature review, field trips, and conversations with knowledgeable ADF&G staff. Conversations with Mr. Ken Roberson~/ (August 30, 1982), and Dr. Jeff . -• I') . , ---Koenings~/ (August JU and November 11, 1982), indicate that the production of Lake Louise is perhaps similar to that of Summit Lake and should exceed that of the very turbid, glacial Tustumena Lake (Kenai Peninsula, Alaska). Summit Lake, near Paxson, Alaska, is a high altitude (3,210 ft), clear lake which is typical of the majority of the lake water in the upper Susitna River basin. Upper Susitna River lakes useable by salmon range in elevation from 2,110 ft (Fog Lake) to 3,595 ft (Roosevelt Lake). Summit Lake is only 60 miles northeast of the Tyone River lakes and 60 miles east of the Susitna River main stem at Denali. This location puts Summit Lake in a climatic zone similar to that of the upper Susitna River basin (Table 4-1 ). The biological productivity of lakes within a similar geographic and climatic zone should be similar if limnological factors are similar for each lake. Prior to using the production of Summit Lake as a model for productivity of all lakes in the upper Susitna River basin, the production of the former was compared to that of other lakes in Alaska, British Columbia and the eastern USSR. Summit Lake has produced 0.8 lb of sockeye smolts/acre/yr or 47 smolts/acre/yr based on analysis of data in Roberson and Holder (1982) and a conversation with Mr. Ken Roberson (September 2, 1982). All smolts were age I and had a mean weight of .017 lb. Tenmile Lake, much smaller ~/ ADF&G Fishery Biologist III, Glennallen. ],/ ADF.&G Principal Lirnnologist, Soldotna. -9- than Summit Lake and located near Summit Lake has an average production of 0.4 lb of sockeye smoltsjacre/yr or 36 smolts/acre/yr based on analysis of data in Roberson et al. (1980). Production and smolt weight data for other lakes (Table 4-2) when compared with Summit Lake show that Summit Lake•s production is low and that the mean weight of age I smolts is in the mid-range of weights for other lakes. Note that the known annual production of Summit Lake may actually be less than the potential sustainable smolt production (Dr. Jeff Koenings, pers. comm., August 30, 1982). Table 4-1. Climatology of the upper Susitna River basin and Summit Lake area. Climate parameter Summit Lake2; General climate arctic conti nenta 121 Mean maximal air 37.3 temperature ( 0 F) Mean minimal air 16.6 temperature (°F) Mean air temp-27.2 erature (°F) Mean annual 11.7 precipitation (in.) Ice present (months) October-June Frequent monthly NE,E,SW wind direction Geographical area: upper Susitna River basin 1; Tyone River arctic continental 50.3 -12.6 25.2 11.5 October-June NE,E,SW Denali arctic continental 51.3 -5.5 25.1 7.79 October-June N,S,SH ~/Calculated from 1980-81-82 data of R&M Consultants Inc., P.O. Box 6087, Anchorage, Alaska 99502. (Carol Larson, pers. comm., December 3, 1982). ~/ From VanWhye and Peck (1968). ~/ Cold, dry winters and warm, moderately moist summers. -10- As mentioned previously, the production of Lake Louise, ~vhich is typical of the majority of lake v~ater in the upper Susitna River basin, should exceed that of Tustumena Lake. The production of Summit Lake would also be expected to and in fact does exceed that of Tustumena Lake. The latter's mean production is 0.24 lb of srnoltsjacre/yr or 40 smolts/acre/yr based on analysis of data provided by Dr. Jeff Koenings (pers. comm., Nove mb e r 1 2 , 1 9 82 ) • Table 4-2. Sockeye salmon smolt production and mean \veights for lakes in Alaska, British Columbia and the eastern USSR.~ Range of annual values Pounds of smolts/acre/yr .08-79.00 Range of means of annual 0.24-44.48 values Number of smo lts /acre jy r 13-2,024 36-893 Mean weight of Age I smolts(lb/smolt) .004-.034 1; From data listed in or based on analysis of data in Crone (1981), Foerster (1968), Goodlad et al. (1974), Dr. Jeff Koenings (pers. comm., November 12, 1982), Meacham (1981 ), Nelson (1981 ), Nr. Ken Roberson (pers. comrn., August 30, 1982), Roberson and Holder (1982), and Roberson et al. (1977, 1978, 1980, 1981 and 1982). With the production capability of Summit Lake already examined, assumptions used for determining the sockeye salmon production potentials of upper Susitna River lakes are now discussed. Assumption 1. -Upper Susitna River lakes that could produce salmon have no bar- riers to smolt emigration, including the Susitna River main stern rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek. -11- Assumption 2. -Upper Susitna River lakes that could produce salmon are accessible to adult salmon if they can pass through the Susitna River rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek; and if they can negotiate streams, located between the Susitna River and the lakes, that have a maximal slope of .03 over a 0.5 mile distance, and have typical adult resting areas, e.g., pools, undercut stream banks, and sloughs. Assumption 3. Each sockeye sa 1 rnon spavmi ng pair requires 72 ft2 of area (Bell 1973). -Most sockeye sa 1 rnon will spawn in the 1 akes. The required spawning area is the lake bottom under 0.4% of the lake surface area. These spawning areas must consist of correct-sized gravel and upwelling intragravel water flow during the spawning and incubation period. -Sockeye redds are not superimposed by other salmon species. Assumption 4. -The smolt production of upper Susitna River lakes is equal to that of Summit Lake, which is currently 0.8 lb/acre/yr or 47 smolts/acre/yr. Assumption 5. -The adult sockeye salmon production of upper Susitna River lakes is 31 lb of adults/acre/yr or 5 adults/acre/yr. -12- The average size of a commmercially-harvested Susitna River sockeye salmon is 6.5 lb (~1r. Jim Browning~/, pers. comm., November 1~, 1982). A sockeye smolt to adult marine survival of 10% (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982b; Foerster 1968) is assumed. 4.1.2 Chinook Salmon The chinook salmon production potential of upper Susitna River tributaries was determined using the following assumptions. Assumption 1. -Upper Susitna River tributaries that could produce salmon have no barriers to smolt emigration, including the Susitna River main stem rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek. Assumption 2. Upper Susitna River tributaries that could produce salmon are accessi- ble to adult salmon if they can pass through the Susitna River rapids at Devi 1 Canyon and De vi 1 Creek; and if they can negotiate streams or stream sections that have a maximal slope of .03 over a 0.5 rnile distance, and have typical adult resting areas, e.g., pools, undercut strearn banks, and sloughs. Assumption 3. -Each chinook salmon spawning pair requires 216 ft2 of area (Bell 1973). ~/ ADF&G Fishery Biologist II, Soldotna. -13- One percent of the surface area of Susitna River tributary main stems has acceptable pools and riffles, gravel, and water for successful adult spavmi ng and incubation. The number 11 0ne percent (1%) 11 was se 1 ected because of severely restricted water flows during the winter and early spring incubation period. Williams (1957) noted that many small tributaries of the upper Susitna River are dry during this period. Comparisions between monthly winter and summer water discharges for the upper Susitna River at Gold Creek station (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982a) indicate that winter water flows of tributaries may periodically be only 1% to 5% of summer flows. ~1ost tributaries of Susitna River tributary main stems are unaccept- able for incubation since most dry up during the winter as was noted for many small tributaries of the upper Susitna River by Williams (1975). -Chinook redds are not superimposed by other salmon species. Assumption 4. The smolt production of upper Susitna River tributary main stems is 0.18 lb of smoltsjacre/yr or 81 smoltsjacre/yr. This production was derived by averaging production values for four Alaskan streams which were obtained by estimating the number of smolts/stream/yr produced based on known adult escapements/3% marine smolt su rvi va 1 (A 1 ask a Department of Fish and Game 1982b) and by estimating an approximate surface area for each tributary main stem, plus the Middle and West Forks of the Gulkana River. These production values are based on analysis of data for Crooked Creek, Kenai Peninsula (Haite 1979; Mr. Dave Haite ~/, pers. comm., October 11, 1982); Gulkana River, Gulkana (Albin 1977; -14- Williams and Potterville 1981 ); Indian River and Portage Creek, Susitna River (Alaska Departr.tent of Fish and Game 198la, 1981b and 1982). Most tributaries of Susitna River tributary main stems are considered unproductive because most dry up during the \vi nter. The surface areas of most tributaries are unknown. -For determining the number of smoltsjacre/yr, an individual smolt size of .01 lb was used which is a reasonable size for Alaskan chinook smolts according to data in Engel (1968), Francisco and Dinneford (1977), Mr. Paul Kissner~/ (pers. comm., October 26, 1982), Meehan and Siniff (1962), and Trasky (1974). Assumption 5. -The adult chinook salmon production of upper Susitna River trib- utaries is 40.6 lb of adults/acre/yr or 2 adults/acre/yr. -The average size of a commercially-harvested Susitna River chinook salmon is 16.7 lb (Mr. Jim Browning, pers. comm., November 23, 1982b). A chinook smolt to adult marine survival of 3% (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982b) is assumed. 4.1.3 Coho Salmon The coho salmon production potential of upper Susitna River tributaries was determined using the follmving assumptions. Assumption 1. -Upper Susitna River tributaries that could produce salmon have no barriers to smolt emigration, including the Susitna River main stem rapids at De vi 1 Canyon and Oevi 1 Creek. ~/ ADF&G F1shery Bi~ofogist II, Soldotna. 2f ADF&G Fishery Biologist III, ,Juneau. 1 ~ Assumption 2. -Upper Susitna river tributaries that could produce salmon are accessible to adult salmon if they can pass through the Susitna River rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek; and if they can negotiate streams or stream sections that have a maximal slope of .03 over a 0.5 mile distance, and have typical adult resting areas, e.g., pools, undercut stream banks, and sloughs. Assumption 3. -Each coho salmon spaw~ing pair requires 126 ft2 of area (Bell 1973). One percent of the surface area of Susitna River tributary main sterns has acceptab 1 e poo 1 s and riffles, grave 1, and water for successful adult spavming and incubation. The number "one percent (1%)" was selected because of severely restricted water flows during the winter and early spring incubation period. Williams (1975) noted that many small tributaries of the upper Susitna River are dry during this period. Comparisons between monthly winter and summer water discharges for the upper Susitna River at Gold Creek station (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982a) indicate that vlinter water flows of tributaries may periodically be only 1% to 5% of summer flows. Most tributaries of Susitna River tributary main stems are unacceptable for incubation si nee most dry up during the \vi nter as was noted for many small tr·ibutaries of the upper Susitna River by Hilliams (1975). -Coho redds are not superimposed by other salmon species. -16- Assumption 4. The smolt production of Upper Susitna River tributary main stems is 0.18 lb of smoltsjacre/yr or 40 smoltsjacre/yr. This production in weight of smolts was selected since it is conservative relative to coho smolt production in other r11ore productive Pacific North- western streams (Table 4-3). Most tributaries of Susitna River tributary main stems are consider-ed unproductive because most dry up during the Hinter. The surface areas of most tributaries are unknown. -For determining the number of smolts/acre/yr, an individual smolt size of .02 lb was used, which is a reasonable size for stream produced Alaskan coho smolts according to data of Armstrong (1970), Crone and Bond (1976), Meehan and Siniff (1962), and Thedinga and Koski (1982). Table 4-3. Coho salmon smolt production for streams in Alaska, British Columbia, Oregon and Hashington • .!:_! Range of annua 1 va 1 ues Pounds of smolts/acre/yr 5-50 Nur:~ber of smo ltsjacre/y r 221-2,699 1/From data listed in or based on analysis of data in Chapman (1965), ~rone (1981), Crone and Bond (1976), Hunter (1959, Mason (1976), Salo and Bayliff (1958), Thedinga and Koski (1982). Assurrtption 5. -The adult coho salmon production of upper Susitna River tributaries is 24.7 lb of adults/acre/yr or 4 adults/acre/yr. -The average size of a commercially-harvested Susitna River coho salmon is 6.1 lb (Mr. Jim Browning, pers. comm., November 19, 1982). -A coho smolt to adult marine survival of 10% (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982b) is assumed. -17- 4.1.4 Chum Salmon The chum salmon production potential of upper Susitna River tributaries was determined using the following assumptions. Assumption 1. -Upper Susitna River tributaries that could produce salmon have no barriers to fry emigration, including the Susitna River main stem rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek. Assumption 2. -Upper Susitna River tributaries that could produce salmon are accessible to adult salmon if they can pass through the Susitna River rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek; and if they can negotiate streams or stream sections that have a maximal slope of .03 over a 0.5 mile distance, and have typical adult resting areas, e.g., pools, undercut strea~ banks, and sloughs. Assumption 3. Each chum salmon spawning pair requires 99 ft2 of area (Bell 1973). -One percent of the surface area of Susitna River tributary main stems has acceptable pools and riffles, gravel, and water for successful adult spavming and incubation. The number "one percent (a)" was selected because of severely restricted water flows during the winter and early spring incubation period. Willi arns (1975) noted that many small tributaries of the upper Susitna River are dry during this period. Comparisons betv1een monthly winter and summer water discharges for the upper Susitna River at Gold Creek station (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982a) indicate that winter water flows of tributaries may periodically be only 1% to 5% of summer flows. -18- Most tributaries of Susitna River tributary main stems are un- acceptable for incuba~ion since most dry up during the winter as \vas noted for many small tributaries of the upper Susitna River by Williams (1975). Chum redds are not superimposed by other salmon species. Assumption 4. The emigrant fry product.ion of upper Susitna River tribuary main stems is 62 lb of fry/acre/yr or 121,000 fry/acre/yr. This production in weight of fry is based on an average fry weight of .0008 lb from data at the ADF&G Beaver Falls hatchery (Mr. Dan Rosenberg~/, pers. comm., July 9, 1980). This weight is reasonable for an emigrant fry ~vith an average length of 1.46 inch which was derived from data for Talkeetna River (Friese 1975) and lower Susitna River chum fry (Kent Roth!_;, pers. cor.~m., November 30, 1982). The number of fryjacr2/yr is based on a female adult chum spawning area of 99 ft2 (Bell 1973), an average fecundity of 2,200 eggs/female chum (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982b), 100% egg deposition/female, and a deposited egg to emigrant fry survival of 12.5% which is based on data in Crone and Bond (1976), Foerster (1968), and Hunter (1959). Assumption 5. -The adult churn salmon production of upper Susitna River tributaries is 9,329 lb of adults/acre/yr or 1,210 adults/acre/yr. £}__; ADF&G Fish Culturi st IV, Klawock hatchery. !_; ADF&G Fishery Biologist II, Anchorage. -19- The average size of a commercially-harvested Susitna River chum salmon is 7.7 lb (Mr. Jim Browning, pers. comm., November 19, 1982). An er~igrant fry to adult marine survival of 1% (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982b) is assumed. 4.1.5 Field Surveys Surveys of upper Susitna River tributaries and lakes were.necessary for obtaining otherwise unavailable information for assessing salmon enhance- ment potential and enhancement techniques. Fixed-wing aircraft overview The purpose of this survey ~vas to study the terrain and future survey sites within the entire upper Susitna River watershed. The upper Susitna River main stem v1as overflown from lower Devil Canyon upstrear;J to Susitna Lodge on July 13, 1982. All tributary streams ~vere seen, and all named and some unnamed streams were photographed. Helicopter survey The purpose of this two-day survey (August 4 and 5, 1982) was on-the-ground assessment of the salmon enhancement potential of most streams and lakes (Plate 4-1) in the upper Susitna River area that are inaccessible to road vehicles. ~~ore than 25 named and unnarned streams and lakes \vere surveyed. We made the following observations concerning conditions at stream confluences (and various distances upstream) with the Susitna River and at lake outlets: -20- Plate 4-1. Helicopter at Butte Lake. Plate 4-2. State vehicle at Clearwater Creek. _01_ 1) Water quality for adult and juvenile salmon. Water tei;Jperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and pH \vere measured. 2) Watervelocity. 3) Strea1:1 width, depth, pool-riffle ratio, and gravel availability at various distances ~pstream of stream confluences with the Susitna River and at lake outlets. 4) Any barriers to migration of adult and juveniie saimon. 5) Presence and 1 ocation of any fish species that may prey on, and compete for food and space with salmon (or vice versa). Road vehicle survey This survey ~vas undertaken during September 15,16, and 17, 1982. The periphery of the Susitna River drainage area was examined via truck (Plate 4-2) on the Glenn, Richardson, Oenali and Parks Highways. The survey ~~as intended to: 1) Evaluate the adult spawning and juvenile rearing potentials in streams and lakes adjacent to the road system. This included assessement of lake and stream depth, width, water temperature, turbidity, gravel, pool-riffle areas, stream velocity, accessi- bility to salmon, and presence of fish and manmals. 2) Identify sites for stocking of juvenile salmon into streans and lakes. 3) Examine potential hatchery sites for producing juvenile salmon to stock into streams and lakes. Tyone River system surveys The large lakes witl1in the Tyone River system, a tributary of the upper Susitna River, have the potential for producing a large number of sockeye -22- salmon. To assist with the estimation of juvenile sockeye production in these lakes, a lirnnological survey \'/as planned in late September, 1982. This and another attempted survey in October, 1982 were cancelled because of very hazardous weather. -23- 4.1.6 Determination of Stream and Lake Surface Areas Knowledge of stream and lake s~rface areas are essential for determining salmon production since production is definitely related to surface area (Burns 1971; Hayes and Anthony 1964; Youngs and Heimbuch 1982). Streams and lakes were selected for potential salmon production based on: 1) Knowledge of stream main stem lengths (Orth 1971), and stream widths in different sections of each stream from Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game (1981c), and 1982 helicopter and road ve- hicle surveys. 2) Aquatic habitat surveys ~1hich included ~vater quality and quantity, pool-riffle relationships, accessibility to salmon, gravel avail- ability, and presence of fish which prey on or compete vlith salmon (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1981c, 1982; Allin 1957; Andrews 1961; r~r. Christopher Estes ~/, Mr. Kent Roth, ~~r. Joe Sautner~/, i'-1r. Dana S:hmidt ~/, pers. comm., August 2, 1982; Mr. Fred Willi arns~/ pers. cor.1m., October 7, 1982, August 10, 1982; Williar.1s 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1972; Williams and Potterville 1978). Additional aquatic habitat surveys were con- ducted during the 1982 fixed-wing aircraft , helicopter, and road vehicle surveys. Stream areas were calculated from stream length and width data or by planimeter using maps. Strearn area v1as assumed equal to a rec- §j AIJF&G Fishery Biologist III, Anchorage. 2/ ADF&G Fishery Biologist II, Anchorage. lQI ADF,% Fishery Biologist III, Anchorage. Q! ADF&G Fishery Biologist III, Glennallen. "" tangle for a short stream length when average widths were known and the widths were similar throughout the specific length of stream. Stream area was assumed equal to a trapezoid when stream widths were dissimilar throughout the stream length, e.g., when the area of an entire stream main stem was determined. All lake areas were obtained via planimeter on maps, except for Lake Louise, which was obtai ned from Mr. Stan Jones~.~/ (pers. comm., September 7' 1982). 4.1.7 Biological Impact of Introduced Salmon on Resident Fish Predator-prey relationships and competition between salmon and resident fish were examined via literature research. Results of this research are found in Section 5.3. 1'); ~ United States Geological Survey, Anchorage. -25- 4.2 Engineering Studies 4.2.1 Feasibility Studies The primary engineering concern of this study \vas to determine if it was feasible to bypass salmon through the velocity barriers in the confines of Devil Canyon and the general consensus \vas that "bypass methods" primarily meant fishways. In a feasibility study, preliminary sketch plans and preliminary cost estimates vlith conclusions and recom- mendations can usually be produced without incurring the expense of extended field work and the detailed investigations needed for the preparation of construction documents. In reviewing the abundant data available on the Susitna River and its drainage basin, the study team concluded that it could indeed determine the feasibility of bypassing salmon through the Devil Canyon area, by means of a fishv1ay or fishways, without having to undertake time consuming and costly field investiga- tions. The study team did feel, hovJever, that literature research alone was inappropriate because the "Susitna River data" did not contain river velocity information in the Devil Canyon area during the times of the salmon miyrations. Then too, the biological information on the lakes and tributaries upstream of Devil Canyon was sketchy or missing entirely. For these reasons some field vtork was deer1ed necessary. Following is a brief description of the engineering studies performed by the study team. July 13: Overflew the entire upper Susitna River drainage basin with a biologist and engineering personnel (Figure 4-1). The purpose of the -26- CREEK SUS/TNA : ~ 5 0 5 10 15miles NORTH ~!!•Jiiii1!!•5iii!M!tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil!' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Iii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill IIliiiiiiiiil UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY LAKE' ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME figure 4-1. Upper Susitna River drainage basin. overflight was to acquaint the study team with the terrain, the size of the study area and to identify any features in the area that may require onsite inspection. Aug. 4 & Aug. 5: These two days were spent in on-site investigations by the study tear'ls. By means of helicopter transportation, the engineers inspected the canyon vJalls and strear:-~ banks in Devil Canyon (Plate 4-3) and in the vicinity of De vi 1 Creek. Observations were made frol'l as low as 20ft, and where conditions permitted, landings were made to permit on ground inspection. The engineers were successful in rneasuri ng the surface velocities through Devil Canyon by dropping marker buoys fror.1 the helicopter and timing their transit through predetermined distances (Table 4-4). The measuring of these velocities was fortunate as it was on August 5 that the Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Group made their first sighting of adult chinook salmon upstreal'l of Devil Canyon. The passage of upstream migrant salmon through Devil Canyon during the period of 1:1easured velocities and a known river level greatly assisted in establishing fishway parameters. Hhile the engineers \!Jere observing the hydraulic conditions in Devil Canyon, a second helicopter transported the study team's biologists to selected lakes and streal'ls in the upper drainage basin. Details of the biologists' investigations are found in Section 4.1. Aug. 31: This vtas a similar site investigation trip as that described for August 4 & 5 except that on this trip Mr. Milo C. Bell, a noted fisheries engineer, accompanied the study team. Again, close attention was rna de of the hydraulic conditions vJi thin Devil Canyon and the canyon area irnmedi ately downstream of Devil Creek. A report on r~r. Bell's observations and recommendations is contained in the appendix 10.4. -28- I N \.0 I Plate 4-3. Devil Canyon looking downstream from proposed dam site (from Alaska Power Authority). Table 4-4. Devil Canyon velocity measurements. Station number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l l 12 13 R & M Consultants 4/13/81 & 4/14/81 Distance between stations ( ft) 1400 200 140 180 200 200 155 325 200 200 400 Vel Ocl ty Station (ft/sec) number 2 3 3.0 6 6.0 8.6 10 1.5 6.4 13 -30- ADF&G 8/5/82 Distance between stations ( ft) 1400 520 880 800 Velocity (ft/sec) 14. l 13.6 13.3 13.3 Sept. 15 -Sept. 17: This ground inspection trip was to evaluate the potential rearing areas in the upper Susitna River drainage basin and to locate hatchery sites for use in conjunction with a juvenile stocking program. The study team drove the periphery of the drainage area via the Glenn, Richardson, Denali and Parks highways (Figure 4-2). The emphasis of this investigation was the evaluation of adult spawning and juvenile rearing streams that are accessible to the road system. Stream crossings of the Denali highway made it possible to take water ter:Jperatures and observe stream bed conditions in many locations. This information was not only useful in projecting probable production capacities but identified several initial stocking points for juvenile salr.1on should a salmon enhancement program in the upper Susitna River drainage basin be imple~ented. 4.2.2 Design Studies Although the feasibility studies described in Section 4.2.1 are sufficient to support the findings and recommendations in this report, it should be pointed out that further detailed studies would be needed to design any of the facilities recommended. In particular the following studies/ investigations would have to be completed before commencing with the design of a fishway(s) in Devil Canyon. The following studies are both biological and engineering in nature: 1) A thorough topographic survey of the blockage area(s). This survey should include, if possible, the contours of the river bottom. 2) A hydrological study of the blockage area(s) during the months of the upstream salmon migrations. This study should determine the -31- \f PROPOSED DAM SITE DENALI NATIONAL ·. PARK AREA LOCATION ~ NORTH III1liiliiil 20 0 20 40mllea ~I ~-!!!!!t--1!!!' !!!!!!!!I UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 4-2. Highways in Susitna River area. river levels during all periods of migration and should determine the stream velocities at both banks and the location of points of turbulence and upwelling. 3) A geotechnical investigation to include both surface examinations and sub-surface exploratory drilling. 4) Additional studies regarding construction requirements and site access. 5) Sonic tagging studies of upstream migrants to determine, if possible, their migration route(s) \~ithin the blockage area(s). 6) Hydraulic model studies. This is a desireable but not a mandatory study. Due to the certain high cost of any fi shway (s) constructed in Devil Canyon the cost of a model study could certainly be justified. 7) Refined cost esti~ate. Based on the detailed information obtained in studies (1) through (6) a refined cost estimate could influence a decision on whether or not a proposed project should proceed. -33- 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Salmon Enhancement Potential (S.E.P.) 5.1.1 S.E.P. Without Hydroelectric Dams The upper Susitna River watershed is suitable for the rearing of salmon. The problem is that the watershed is not accessible to salmon. However, adult salmon could be introduced 'into the watershed via fishways or juvenile salmon could be introduced into the watershed by means of hatchery stocking. A fishway enhancement program and a hatchery enhancement program are described in sections 5.2.3 and 5.2.4. Juvenile salmon production in the upper Susitna River watershed with resultant adult production is now considered for each salmon species. Sockeye Salmon The life cycle of sockeye salmon is depicted in Figure 5-1. Selected lakes in the upper Susitna River basin will produce approximately 1,600,000 sockeye smolts (Table 5-1). These smolts will produce approximately 160,000 adults (Table 5-1). Of the 31 lakes considered for producing sockeye salmon, the three largest lakes, viz. Lake Louise, Susitna Lake, and Tyone Lake (Plate 5-1), pr0duce 120,000 adults or 75% of the total. -34- (McNeil and Bailey 1975) . -35- UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-l. Life cycle of sockeye salmon . Table 5-l. The potential production of sockeye salmon in upper Susitna River 1 akes. Lake surface Sr.1olts Adults Lake area {acres} {number) {number} Lake Louise 14,720 699,200 69,920 Sus itna Lake 9,000 427,880 42,788 Tyone Lake 1,600 76,000 7,600 Little Lake Louise 1,020 48,639 4,864 Lake 2505~/, Tyone River system 919 43,168 4,317 Beaver Lake 896 42,560 4,256 Dog Lake . 750 35,690 3,569 Butte Lake 704 33,440 3,344 r~oore Lake 640 30,400 3,040 Sandy Lake 403 19,152 l '915 Clarence Lake 378 17,940 1,794 Lake Creek lakes 346 16,416 1,642 Mud Lake 326 15,504 1 ,550 Fog Lake, nearest Fog Creek 314 14,900 1,490 Lily Lake 256 12' 160 1 '216 Snodgrass Lake 250 11,856 l '186 Osar Creek lakes 230 10,944 1,094 Gray 1 i ng Lake 205 9, 729 973 Black Lake 204 9,728 973 Lake 32851;, Kosina Creek system 128 6,080 608 Lake 7l;, Tyone River system 128 6,080 608 Tabert Lake 122 5, 776 578 Roosevelt Lake 57 2,736 274 Glaser Lake 32 l '520 152 Total: 33,628 1,597,498 159,751 l/ Elevation in feet. -36- Plate 5-l. The Tyone River system lakes. -37- The number of adult sockeye salmon available to the fisheries depends on whether a fishway enhancement program or a hatchery enhancement program is used. With a hatchery (no fishways), more salmon can be harvested than with fishways since a hatchery produces a much greater egg-to-smolt survival than does the fishway enhancement program which depends solely on natural production th;oughout the pioject life. This is apparent in Table 5-2. With the fishways, the harvest- able sockeye surplus is approximately 53,300 fish or 33% of the entire run. With a hatchery, the harvestable sockeye surplus is approximately 152,000 fish or 95% of the run, which is approximately 98,700 more harvest- able fish than with the fishway enhancement program. Considering the annual economic value of the harvestable sockeye salmon, the fishway-produced sockeye salmon are worth $390,000 as shown in Section 6.1.2, while the hatchery-produced sockeye salmon are worth $1,110,000 as shown in Section 6.2.2. -38- Table 5-2. Biocriteria 1; for determining the harvestable surplus of sockeye salmon adults ~·lith the fi shway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. ~/ Smolt to adult survival Egg to smolt survival Fecundity (no. eggs/female) Egg retention t~ale: female Recrui trnent: spa~,mer Brood survival in fresh water Fi shway enhancement 10% 1% 3,000 0% 1 : 1 3 > 90% Hatchery enhancement 10% 15% 3,000 Ool /0 1 : l 3 >90% From data listed in Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1982b), Crone and Bond (1976), Drucker (1972), Foerster (1968) and Hunter (1959). -39- Chinook Salmon The life cycle of chinook salmon is depicted in Figure 5-2. Selected streams in the upper Susitna River basin will produce approximately 100,000 chinook smolts (Table 5-3). These smolts will produce approximately 3,000 adults (Table 5-3). Of the 21 streams considered for producing chinook salmon, the following eight streams produce 2,880 adults or 95% of the total: Tyone River, Oshetna River, Kosina Creek, Clearwater Creek, Watana Creek, Butte Creek, Fog Creek, and Coal Creek (Plates 5-2 through 5-9). Two streams, Tyone River and Oshetna River, together produce 1,618 adults or 53% of the total. The number of harvestable chinook salmon depends on whether the fishvJay enl1ancen1ent or the hatchery enhancement program is used. The greater egg-to-srnolt survival, and subsequently greater number of harvestable salmon with the hatchery program, is apparent in Table 5-4. Hith the fishways, the harvestable surplus is approximately 800 fish or 27% of the entire run. Hith hatchery enhancement, the harvestable surplus is approximately 2,800 fish or 93% of the run, which is approximately 2,000 more ha rvestab 1 e fish than \vith the fi s hway program. Considering the annual economic value of the harvestable chinook salmon, the fish\vay-produced chinook salmon are worth $94,000 as shovm in section 6.1.2, while the hatchery-produced chinook salmon are vwrth $329,000 as shown in section 6.2.2. -40- FISH SPAWNING IN HOME STREAM JULY-SEPT. . (From McN~il and Bailey 1975) -41- SMOLT MIGRATION TO OCEAN JUNE-JULY (LARGE FINGERLING) UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-2. Life cycle of chinook salmon. Table 5-3. The potential production of chi nook sa 1 mon in upper Susitna River tributaries. Tributary surface Smolts Adults Tributary area (acres) (number) (number) Tyone River 382.50 30,972 929 Oshetna River 283.37 22,945 688 Kosina Creek 179.30 14,518 436 Clearwater Creek 17 i. 27 13,868 416 Watana Creek 74.20 6,009 180 Butte Creek 38.74 3' 137 94 Fog Creek 35.46 2,871 86 Coal Creek 22.73 1,840 55 Valdez Creek 16.17 1 '31 0 39 \~indy Creek 15.76 1 '275 38 Tsusena Creek 6.94 562 17 Jay Creek 5.19 501 15 Goose Creek 2.73 221 7 Waterfall Creek 2.56 207 6 Sandy Creek 2.46 199 6 Raft Creek 2.30 186 6 Lake Creek 2.00 162 5 Snodgrass Lake creek 1. 70 138 4 De ad rna n Creek 1.60 129 4 Boulder Creek 1.08 187 3 Devil Creek .26 21 2 1,249.32 101,158 3,036 -42- Plate 5-2. The Tyone River just upstream from its confluence with the Susitna River. Plate 5-3. The Oshetna River at its confluence with the Susitna River. Plate 5-4. Kosina Creek at its confluence with the Susitna River. Plate 5-5. Clearwater Creek just upstream from its confluence with the Susitna River. -44- Plnte 5-6. Watana Creek at its confluence with the Susitna River. Plate 5-7. Butte Creek at the outlet of Butte Lake. -45- Plate 5-8. Fog Creek at the outlet of Fog Lake. Plate 5-9. Coal Creek. -46- Table 5-4. Biocriteria 1; for determining the harvestable surplus of chinook. salmon adults with the fishway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement progra11s at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. Smolt to adult survival Egg to smo lt survi va 1 Fecundity (no. eggs/female) Egg retention t~ale: female Recruitment: spawner Brood survival in freshwater Fishway enhancement 30/ /0 1.4% 6,500 0% 1 : 1 2.73 > 90% Hatchery enhancement 3% 15% 6,500 0% 1 : 1 2.73 > 90% 2J Based on or from data listed in Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1982b), Crone and Bond (1976), Drucker (1972), Foerster (1968) and Hunter (1959). -47- Coho Salmon The life cycle of coho salmon is depicted in Figure 5-3. In addition to chinook salmon, selected streams in the upper Susitna River basin will produce approximately 51,000 coho smolts (Table 5-5). These smolts will produce approximately 5,100 adults 21 streams considered for producing coho salmon, the same eight streams listed for chinook salmon produce 4,800 coho adults or 94% of the total. The Tyone and Oshetna Rivers together produce 2,700 coho adults or 53% of the total. The number of harvestable coho salmon depends on whether the fishway en- hancement or the hatchery enhancement program is used. The greater egg-to-smolt survival, and subsequently greater number of harvestable salmon with the hatchery program, is apparent in Table 5-6. With the fi shways, the harvestab le surp 1 us is approxi rnately 660 fish or 13% of the entire run. With hatchery enhancement, the harvestable surplus is approximately 4,740 fish or 93% of the run, which is approximately 4,080 more harvestable fish than with the fishway program. Considering the annual economic value for the harvestable coho salmon, the fishway-produced coho salmon are worth $13,000 as shown in section 6.1.2, while the hatchery-produced coho salmon are worth $94,000 as shown in sect i on 6. 2. 2. -48- (From McNeil and Bailey 1975) -49- ALEVIN IN STREAM GRAVEL JAN.-APRIL JUVENILE FISH IN FRESH WATER 1 TO 2 YEARS SMOL T ,\IIGRA TION TO OCEAN JUNE-JULY UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-3. Life cycle of coho salmon. Table 5-5. The potential production of coho salmon in upper Susitna River tributaries. Tributary surface Smo lts Adults area (acres) (number) (number) Tyone River 382.50 15,486 1,549 Oshetna River 283.37 11 ,473 1 '14 7 Kosi na Creek 179.30 7,259 726 Clearv·!ater Creek 1 71 ?7 l I J e t.. I 6' 934 693 Watana Creek 74.20 3,004 300 Butte Creek 38.74 1 ,568 157 Fog Creek 35.45 1,435 144 Coal Creek 22.73 920 92 Valdez Creek 16.17 655 66 Windy Creek 15.76 638 64 Tsusena Creek 6.94 281 28 Jay Creek 6.19 250 25 Goose Creek 2.73 111 11 Waterfall Creek 2.56 104 10 Sandy Creek 2.46 100 10 Raft Creek 2.30 93 9 Lake Creek 2.00 81 8 Snodgrass Lake creek 1. 70 69 7 Deadman Creek 1.60 64 6 Boulder Creek 1.08 44 4 Devil Creek .27 11 2 Tot a 1: 1,249.34 50,580 5,058 -50- Table 5-6. Biocriteria 1; for determining the harvestable surplus of coho salmon adults with the fi shv1ay enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. Smolt to adult survival Egg to smolt survival Fecundity (no. eggs/female) Egg retention t~ale: female Recruitment: spawner Brood survival in freshwater Fi shway enhancement 10% 1% 2,300 0% l : l 2.3 > 90% Hatchery enhancement 10% 15% 2,300 0% 1 : l 2.3 > 90% ~/Based on or from data listed in Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1982b), Crone and Bond (1976), Drucker (1972), Foerster (1968) and Hunter (1959). -51- Chum Salmon The life cycle of chum salmon is depicted in Figure 5-4. In addition to chinook and coho salmon, selected streams in the upper Susi tna River basin will produce approxi rnately 970,000 emergent churn fry {Table 5-7). These fry will produce approximately 9,700 adults (Table 5-7). Of the 18 streams considered for ,producing chum salmon, the same eight streams listed for chinook salmon produce 9,105 chum adults or 95% of the total. The Tyone and Oshetna Rivers together produce 5,440 churn adults or 57% of the total. The number of harvestable churn sa 1 rno n depends on whether the fishway en- hancement or the hatchery enha1cement program is used. The greater egg-to-fry survival, and subsequently greater number of harvestable sa 1 mon Hith the hatchery program, is apparent in Table 5-8. With the fi shways, the harvestable su rp 1 us is approximately 2,600 fish or zn~ of the entire run. Hith hatchery enhancement, the harvestable surplus is approximately 9,260 fish or 96% of the run, which is ap- proximately 6,660 more harvestable fish than with the fishway program. Considering the annual economic value of the harvestable chum salmon, the fishway-produced chum salr:~on are worth $13,000 as shown in section 6.1.2., while the hatchery-produced chum salmon are worth $45,000 as shown in section 6.2.2. -52- FISH SPAWNING IN HOME STREAM 3 TO 5 YEARS OLD FISH MATURING IN OCEAN 2 TO 4 YEARS FRY IN ESTUARY MAY-JUNE JUVENILE FISH IN COASTAL WATERS JULY-SEPT. (From McNeil and Bailey 1975) -53- UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-4. Life cycle of chum salmon. Table 5-7. The potential production of chum salmon in upper Susitna River tributaries. Tributary surface Fry Adults area (acres) (number) (number) Tyone River 3. 04 368,300 3,683 Oshetna River 1.45 175,700 1 '757 Clearwater Creek 1.38 166,800 1,668 Watana Creek .59 71 ,500 715 Kosi na Creek .43 52,250 !:;')? vLv Butte Creek • 31 37,400 374 Fog Creek .27 33,000 330 Coal Creek • 18 22,000 220 Windy Creek • 13 15,400 154 Valdez Creek .07 8,000 80 Tsusena Creek .05 6,623 66 Jay Creek .05 6,050 61 Waterfall Creek .02 2,475 25 Goose Creek .02 2,475 25 Raft Creek .02 1,925 19 Snodgrass Lake creek • 01 1,650 17 Deadman Creek .01 1 ,449 15 Boulder Creek • 01 825 8 Total: 8.04 973,822 9,740 -54- Table 5-8. Biocriteria 1; for determining the harvestable surplus of chum salmon adults ~vith the fi shway enhancement and the hatchery enhancement programs at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. Fi shv1ay Hatchery enhancement enhancement Fry to adult survival 1 0/ ,o 0.7% Egg to fry survival 12.5% 85.5% Fecundity (no. eggs/female) 2,200 2,200 Egg retention ool /o on/ /o t~1ale: female 1 : 1 1 : 1 Rec ru i trne nt: spawner 2.75 2. 75 Brood survival in freshwater > 90% > 90% ~/ Based on or from data listed in Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1982b), Crone and Bond (1976), Drucker (1972), Foerster (1968) and Hunter (1959). -55- In summation, the upper Susitna River watershed can produce sockeye, chinook, coho and chum salmon if immigration/emigration of adults/juveniles is provided. The potential for sockeye salmon in both numbers and economic value far outweighs that for tne other salmon species due primarily to the large lakes in the Tyone River system. The salmon production potentials are conservative since the biological and limnological data base for streams and lakes is too inadequate to accurately predict the carrying capacity for juvenile salmon. However, certain assumptions may actually be too liberal, e.g., a high percentage of salmon smolts may not survive the rapids in Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas though 100% survival was assumed. -56- Potential Barriers to Juvenile Salmon Emigration and Adult Immigration Potential barriers to salmon migration in the Susitna River are located in the upper river at the Devil Canyon and Devil Creek areas. These barriers are rapids and supersaturated gases. 1) Rapids can dash emigrant juveniles against rocks and may delay juvenile emigration by temporarily tt'apping them in eddies. The rapids are undoubtedly velocity barriers to adult salmon immigration during the high water velocities periodically occurring throughout the summer migration season. 2) Total dissolved gases are supersaturated at times in this section of the upper Susitna River. High gas concentrations can cause mortality of juvenile and adult salmon. Rapids Juvenile salmon are known to survive movement through rough water including waterfalls. Coho salmon smolt3 survived numerous high falls at Seldovia River, Kenai Peninsula (Dudiak et al. 1979). This stream drops 265ft in elevation in a 2 mile-long section and is totally impassable to adult salmon. Pink salmon fry survived the Paint River falls, Alaska Peninsula, which plunge into salt water and can drop more than 40ft depending on the tide stage. Chinook salmon adults and eggs were found in the upper Susitna River between the Devil Canyon rapids and the Devil Creek rapids for the first tirne ever in 1982 by ADF&G staff. It is the professional judgement of the ADF&G Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Team that juvenile chinook salmon are produced in this area of the upper Susitna River (Mr. Torn Trent~/, pers. comm., December 3, 1982). ~/ ADF~G Aquatic Studies Coordinator, Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Team, Anchorage. -57- Therefore, some juvenile chinook salmon do survive their emigration through the Devil Canyon rapids. Undoubtedly some juvenile salmJn suffer delayed emigration or mortalities in their passage through the rapids. However, experiences noted in the previous paragraph indicate that the mortalities should be negligible. Adult salmon immigration is definitely partially or even totally blocked by the rapids during high water periods during the summer. Water flow rates may exceed 50,000 cfs through the rapids; 29-year annual mean flows are 28,040, 23,680 and 21,514 cfs for June, July and August, res- pectively (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982a). If fishways are installed, these rapids would no longer be a barrier. The adult chinook salmon observed upstream of the Devil Canyon rapids probably migrated through these rapids during July 1982, during which daily water flows were as lov1 as 14,500 cfs (Mr. George Cunningham~/, pers. comm., November 12, 1982). Total Dissolved Gas Supersaturation Total dissolved gas concentrations exceeding 110% have been measured in the rapids though levels fluctuate throughout the area (Schmidt 1981 ). Gas concentrations exceeding 110% can cause mortality of juvenile and adult salmon (Bouck et al. 1976; Dawley and Ebel 1975; Eble 1969; Eble et al. 1971; Nebeker et al. 1976, 1979; Rucker 1975; Rucker and Kangas 1974; U.S. Envirommental Protection Agency 1976; Westgard 1964). ~/ ADF&G Civil Engineer I, Anchorage -58- Juvenile salmon emigrating through the rapids during t~ay and June could encounter total dissolved gas concentrations exceeding 101% over a 40 mile distance with concentrations exceeding 110% over an 18 mile distance. Water velocity measurements taken in Devil Canyon during the summer of 1982 (Table 4-4) along \vith extrapolations on velocity vs. width of the Susitna River at the low flow rate of 17,400 cfs (Gold Creek station) indicate a range of 2 to 9 mph over the 18 mile distance. Assuming a conservative 2 mph water floH rate and further that juvenile salmon v-lill travel downstrear:~ at this rate, the 18 mile distance v1ould be covered in 9 hours. Juvenile salmon are therefore totally safe over this distance since at even 115-116% saturation the onset of mortality takes more than 240 hours at 8-10° C for fry (Rucker and Kangas 1974) and more than 268 hours for smolts to reach 20% mortality (Bouck et al. 1976). Even if juvenile salmon took twice as long to travel the 18 mile distance, i.e., 18 hours, due to delays, they vwuld probably not be affected by dissolved gases. Adult salmon are be present at the rapids during the months of June through September (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 198la; Barrett 1974; Friese 1975). Adult salmon could encounter the same dissolved gas concentrations as the juveniles. Average swimming speeds of sockeye, chinook, coho and chum salmon adults fror:1 the mouth of the Susitna River to the Devil Canyon dam site (152 miles) range from 0.16 to 0.23 mph or 3.8 to 5.6 miles/day based on data in Alaska Department of Fish and Game (198la). Gas concentrations may exceed 110% over an 18 mile distance, and may exceed 115% over a 4 mile distance. These 4 and 18 mile sections of the Susitna River would include the two fishways proposed for passing -59- if they are constructed, should take fro~ 8 to 12 hours depending on the species (Mr. Lowell Barrick~/ pers. comm., November 11, 1982). Using the lowest average swimming speed of 0.16 mph (chinook salmon), a salmon could negotiate the 4 and 18 mile distances in 29 and 91 hours, respectively. Adults should be safe for the 29 hours at 115%, and 117 hours at 110% saturation since the exposure times necessary for 20% mortality at these saturations exceed 122 and 268 hours, respectively (Bouck et al. 1976). In summation, the rapids at Devil Canyon and Devil Creek may delay or inflict some mortality on emigrating juvenile salmon, and will prevent migration of adult salmon during high water velocities. Total dissolved gas supersaturation will probably not adversely affect juvenile or adult salmon. ~/ ADF&G, Department Engineer, Juneau. -60- 5. 1.2 S.E.P. With Hydroelectric Dams Fifty years of observing salmon migrating past the numerous dams that have been built on the Columbia and the Snake Rivers have proven con- clusively that all large dams create serious obstacles to the migration of salmon. The obstacles are ~any and varied and affect both the upstream migrants and the downstream migrants (Figure 5-5). Attempts to overcome the obstacles created by the dams have met \~ith limited success. Although it has been shown that special features at a dam, e.g. fishways, fish locks, bypass by trucking, etc. can be built to pass fish around the barrier, these features are very costly to construct and maintain, and their successfulness is questionable. The proposed 645 ft high concrete arch dam at Devil Canyon and the 885 ft high earth fill dam at Watana Creek (Plate 5-10) are much greater in height than are any of the Columbia River or Snake River dams, for which salmon bypass features have been constructed, and therefore they undoubt- edly present similiar problems, as do the Columbia/Snake River dams, but at a greatly magnified scale. Following is a partial list of the known problems that the Columbia/Snake River dams cause to migrating salmon in those systems. (It should be remembered that the Colurnbi a/Snake River dams are in the 50 foot to 150 foot height range with reservoirs of comparable depths). 1) Changed vwter temperatures above and bel ow the dams. 2) Change in the seasonal flow pattern of the river. 3) Change in water quality; i.e. low oxygen content below the da1.1, -61- ... · .... ' .. ,~··:..:..::..:..····-~·-···.:...::.:.:·.·.··~···· '""'-'--'-"' ·:....:.:.:.;····..::..:...:.:.·· ~ .. ~·--DAM . I' 'I . • --f .... t Ill( flow . . . .. '· . . . .. . . .... ··. .·.·· · .. · .. · ... PLAN VIEW OF INTERRUPTED RIVER FLOW Celay, disorientation, residualism (juveniles), predator concentration, chemical-temperature changes, higher incidence of disease, etc. . . . . ELEVATION VIEW OF RESERVOIR EFFECT Delay Disorientation Gas disease -Death -Morbidity LJ ~!;,~~~., Heavy 'P"' rrr=[:~~:· Gas ~~~ . · supersaturation .-.. : Killed ~-::;ti ~*9 \ Fallback -Injured ELEVATION VIEW OF SPILLING EFFECT Killed injured, stunned, trapped in roll, easy prey l . . . I I' ---TURBINES ~~ ELEVATION VIEW OF TURBINE EFFECT . ..... _..:.' . . . . . . . flow flow LEGEND UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY AOUL T JUVENILES· BIROS (SALMONIO) PREDATORY FISH -62- ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure !)-5 . Dam obstacles to salmon migration Watana Creek dam Devi 1 Creek dam Plate 5-10. Proposed Susitna River dams (from Alaska Power Authority). -h~- high nitrogen content and gas supersaturation. 4) Change in food supply and disruption of the ecological balance. 5) Siltation of the reservoir. 6) Fishway problems a) Fi shways rising to heights of nearly 900 feet have never been constructed before. Although fishway construction is theoreti- cally possible the cost would certainly be exceedingly high. b) Fish\tays built on acceptable slopes of 10:1 could require up to 2 miles of fishv.Jays for darr1s 900 feet high. c) Devil Canyon -very difficult to construct a fishway on the face of a concrete arch dam. Construction in the canyon walls would be very expensive. d) Watana-similiar construction problems as at Devil Canyon. It is doubtful that a fishway would be permitted on an earthen structure. Construction in canyon walls v1ould be very expensive. e) Fluctuating reservoir level will make the design of the fishway 1 s water intake complex and costly. f) Fish passage delays due to confusion in locating the fishway entrance in the tailrace discharge. 7) Reservoirs 1'~ost of the studied reference material indicated that reservoirs create an unnatural condition that is neither lake nor stream. The slack water of the deep reservoirs cause confusion in both the adult and juvenile migrants (Bell 1973). Studies shm>~ that the confusion causes lengtlw delays vvhich are deterirnental to the physiology of the adult spavmers (may cause adults to die before spavming) and which -64- apparently cause some juveniles to beco~e lost and stops their migration to the sea. The 74 miles of resevoir, with depths in excess of 800 feet, created by the Devil Canyon and Hatana darns is certain to create serious migration problems for both adults and juveniles. 8) Downstream migration of juveniles a) In reiterating the pro~lems in item 7, the reservoir obstacle appears to be more detrimental to the juvenile salmon than to the adults. The juveniles are not strong swimmers and without a downstrea~ current to guide them they often become lost and fail to continue their seaward migration. b) ~1ortalities of juveniles over darn spillways or through turbine blades are very high (Figure 5-6). c) Trapping facilities to capture juveniles at dams are only marginally successful and their maintenance and operating costs are high. d) Migration delays in reservoirs contribute to extensive predation by fish populations in the reservoirs. 9) Reservoir flooding of the productive spawning areas in the lower reaches of the tributary streams reduces spavming potential. 5.1.3 Conclusion It is the study team's conclusion that the problems and the costs associated with conducting a salmon enhancement program in the upper Susitna River, with the two proposed dams in place, far outweigh the benefits to be received from such a program. For this reason the team recommends against implementing any salmon enhancement program above -65- TAILRACE ·. -~, . ' . . . '; ·,. : .: .. :-·.-~. :.-: ;,-s-,· ... :' :~: ·<. :·:\': .:·. · ... :.· ·· ... · ... ·.~ · .. ·. .... . . . ··.:: ... . ~· . . ,: :· .. .. FOREBAY UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-6. Salmon migration through a dam turbine. Devil Canyon if the proposed Susitna da1;,s are constructed. A salmon enhancement program is feasible, however, if the Susitna River dams are not constructed. An idea to divert the water from Lake Louise into the Copper River v1atershed has been discussed for several years. The theory behind this idea is that Copper River salmon would then make use of the Lake Louise watershed for spawning and the subsequent rearing of juveniles. While this water diversion project may have merit, it opens up a whole new series of questions concerning biological impact, socio-economic factors, cost, benefits and etc. The study team felt that the "Lake Louise diversion proposal" was outside the scope of this study so no investigations were conducted. A trout or grayling enhancement project could possibly succeed in the upper Susitna basin even if the dams were constructed. The trout/grayling enhancement would be a "put-take" operation wherein hatchery produced trout/grayling juveniles would be released into suitable rearing waters in the upper Susitna River drainage area for natural rearing and subsequent sport fish harvest. The cost of such a "put-take" operation would vary according to the facilities used. If existing hatchery operations could be adjusted to support this operation, capital costs would be minimized and the project might be economically feasible. If a new hatchery had to be constructed specifically for this project, then the project may not prove to be feasible. Like the "Lake Louise diversion proposal" mentioned in the preceeding paragraph, the study tean felt that a "trout/grayling enhancement proposal" was outside the scope of this study and investigations of this type were not conducted. -67- 5.2 Enhancement Techniques (E.T.) This section discusses various salmon enhancement techniques that may be feasible for use in the upper reaches of the Susitna River if the proposed hydropower dans are not constructed. The alternatives discussed consider the more familiar methods of passing adult salmon through fishways of the pool and weir type, the vertical slot baffle, submerged orifice weirs and the Denil design. In addition to fishways, other solutions such as low head dams and bra il systems are considered. Put and take methods such as eyed egg and juvenile plants, which require the support of hatcheries, are also discussed. Because of the limited access (primarily river boat and helicopter) into Devil Canyon, many different construction materials and construction tech- niques were considered. Even so, it was quickly determined that any con- struction conducted at Devil Canyon could only be done at considerable cost. An aerial reconnaissance of the terrain between Gold Creek (adjacent to the Alaska Railroad) and Devil Canyon revealed the presence of a pioneer ("cat") trail that has apparently been "constructed" by miners or hunters. This study did not determine the condition nor the ownership of the trail. However, some reduction in construction costs might be realized through the reduction in helicopter support, if use of the trail was made available to a contractor. -68- 5.2.1 Low Head Dar:Js An alternative to the installation of conventional fishways could be the construction of several low head dams, 5 to 15 feet high, at the down stream (chute) end of identified velocity barriers (Figure 5-7). The purpose of the dams would be to drown out the velocity barriers and create quiet water resting pools upstream of the dams. The dams would eliminate the long (500 -1500 foot) stretches of fast water (velocity barriers) but would create their own 5 foot to 15 foot high vertical barriers. To over- come the vertical barriers conventional fishways would be installed over both ends of each dam. Because of the extreme difficulty of working in the confines of the canyon and because of the high cost of constructing dams capable of withstanding the flood water forces of the Susitna River, this alternative was rejected. 5.2.2 Mechanical/Helicopter Brail Systems ADF&G experimented with brail systems at two sites in Alaska during the 1970's (Plate 5-11). At Anan Creek in southeastern Alaska where a 10 foot drop over a 100 foot reach often created a velocity barrier to large numbers of pink salmon a mechanical brail systen consisting of a cable trarl\'lay, engine driven hoists and dip nets was used to lift pink salmon over the barrier. Although the system used did v1ork the fish r.1ortality rates were high, and its operation required the use of large numbers of personnel. At Russian River, on the Kenai Peninsula, where a 30 foot drop over a 300 foot reach often created a velocity barrier to large numbers of sockeye salmon, a hybrid type of the Anan Creek brail system was tried. In this syster;J the sockeye were bra i 11 ed at the base of the obstruction -69- ... ·.··············· ·...... ............... ·········· sus;riV4 ............... Construct low head dams to flood out the rapids areas and allow the salmon to ascend via pool and weir lifts. Each dam should contain at least one fishway and preferably two (both banks). DEVIL CANYON : -'([vv-vvv~ · ·,------. -- dam -- ~-- 0 -~ -_ ·: --. UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME F1gure !:>-• Low head dams. I ~ --" I Plate 5-11. Brailling salmon at Anan Creek. and then airlifted over the obstruction in fire buckets slung beneath a helicopter. The Russian River system was more successful than the Anan Creek system in terms of reduced fish mortality and a reduction in the nUinbers of people involved. Hm-Jever, because of the large numbers of sockeye to be transported, the expense of the helicopters and the dangers of flying in the confines of a narrow canyon, this transportation experiment was quickly discarded. Although both brail systems were marginally successful, the experience gained showed that neither system was practical for the long term solution of moving large numbers of salmon past a barrier, especially if that barrier is in the confines of a canyon such as Devil Canyon. A brail system is not recommended for use in Devil Canyon. -72- 5 • 2 • 3 • F i s hw ay s 5.2.3. 1. General Information and Discussion Fishway, fish ladder, and fishpass are all terms used to describe methods of passing fish upstream at dams and natural obstructions. In tfli s study the term fi shway is used. There is a difference in concept between designing a fishv1ay at a natural obstruction and in designing a fish~~ay at a dam. Briefly, the difference is that the natural obstruction to migration is in most cases a part of the natural environment of the fish affected by it. The population of migrating fish has presumably become adjusted to some extent to this environment. However, if the obstruction each year takes its toll by reason of direct mortality, or physical impairment as a result of delay or damage, any facilities installed which will reduce this mortality or impairment will be beneficial. The design criterion then becomes one of constructing the most efficient fishway at the lowest cost to provide the greatest benefit. With a fishway at a dam, hov1ever, the primary aim is usually the ultimate one of providing for no delay and no physical impairment of the fish, since any such delay or impairment is not part of the natural environment. As the Devil Canyon velocity barrier is a natural obstruction, the evaluation of fishways in this chapter will be made with the goal of selecting a design that will provide the greatest benefit for the least cost. ADF&G Criteria for Fishways Under Twenty Feet in Height In designing fishways in Alaska, the Department of Fish and Game considers the following three items to be essential features of a fi shway: -73- 1) The entrance must be located such that it is easily found and readily entered by the fish. 2) The fish must be able to swim through the fishway without undue effort. 3) The fishway design must be such that entrance and passage through the facility are accomplished with a minimum of delay and injury to the fish. The following guidelines should be used as a check to ensure that the three essential elements of a fishway are incorporated into each design: 1) Velocities in salmon fishways should not exceed 8 fps. 2) The fishway must discharge enough water to attract fish to the entrance. Discharge velocity will vary in relation to the stream flow, but discharge velocities should be in the 3 to 8 fps range. 3) Fishv1ay designs should not permit rapid changes in flow patterns. Energy derived from increases in head must be dissipated quickly and without changing the general flow pattern features. 4) The fishway should provide ample physical and visual clearance for the fish. The smallest submerged opening must not be less than ten inches wide and water depths must allow complete coverage of any fish traversing the fishvtay. In some fishv1ays, it may be advantageous to have openings in the bottom of weir baffles to allow passage of fish through rather than over the weir. -74- 5) The fishway should provide adequate resting areas if it is long. Locations of resting pools will vary \'lith the species of fish and the type of fi shway used. 6) Location of the entrance is extremely important. It should be at the furthest upstream point of the fish migration. If this is physically impossible, then some type of fish guidance fence into the entrance may be required. Entrance discharge should be nearly parallel with the stream flow and should discharge into a non-turb- ulent pool if possible. 7) The fishway exit should be into a protected area away from the barrier overflow to prevent fish from being swept back over the barrier. 8) Designs must consider fluctuations in water levels and should minimize the use of mechanical controls in regulating flow through the structure. This is es~ecially important at a site such as Devil Canyon where access, for maintenance and operations purposes, i s very 1 i mited. 9) Consideration must be given to the intended location of the fishway so that adequate maintenance can be provided. 10) The maintenance effort wil 1 be minimized if due design consideration is given to problems of debris at the exit, ice accumulations, destructive forces caused by flood water, and sediment in and through the fishway. Heir and Orifice Fishway See Figure 5-8 for an example of a weir/orifice type fishway. This type of fishway is one of the oldest and probably most co~mon designs in -75- water surface~ ~----~----------------~~ .... c. ...... ' . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. · ... ' ...... . . .. . . ( . .. . . ' . ' . ' orifice END VIEW STREAMING OR SHOOTING FLOW (below critical flow) PLUNGING FLOW (above critical flow) (Adapted from Bell 1973) -76- UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-8. Weir and orifice fishway. use. Initially, just a series of weirs was installed, but later refinements led to the installation of orifices within the weir. under certain conditions, a weir/orifice type fishway will provide a cost efficient method of transporting fish over a barrier. However, this type of design has some serious operating deficiencies that preclude its use at a remote site like Devil Canyon. The two most serious deficiencies' concern variable stream flows and transportation of sediment. A weir operates efficiently only within a very narrow range of flows. The flow in the fishway is controlled by the upstream weir and it can operate efficiently only when river levels are within the range producing the desired flows over the upper weir. If the stream flow is not within the narrow operating range of the weir, the fishway will be either starved or drowned. In some cases (mostly at inhabited sites such as man-made dams), it is practical to provide for regulation of the fishway flow over a wider range of stream levels by means of adjustable weir crests or gates, but due to the remoteness of Devil Canyon, this solution is not feasible. Also, the weir/orifice type design is readily clogged by stream debris and sediment. During high flow conditions, the Susitna River carries a considerable load of sand/silt which would lodge in the weir pools and destroy the velocity-reducing characteristics of the design. Mainten- ance considerations alone preclude the selection of this design for use at Devil Canyon. Denil and Alaskan Steeppass Designs The Denil design was developed about the turn of the century and was -77- probably designed to overcome the problems that were inherent in the weir/orifice design. The Denil design does operate through a wider range of stream levels than the v1eir type without serious impairment of its efficiency; however, sedimant transportation still poses a problem in the Denil design. In the case of the Denil design, sediment clogging is not the problem as much as is sediment abrasion. The movement of silt, sand, gravel, and large stones through the thin baffle members of the fishway causes serious maintenance problems in fishways of this design. The Alaskan steeppass is an aluminum section modification of the Denil design. The Alaskan Steeppass was adapted from the Denil design for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game by Chief Engineer G. L. Ziemer, P.E. The initial adaptation and testing was done in the late l950 1 s and early l96o•s. The major innovation of the Alaskan Steeppass is in the use of aluminum panels in the construction of fishways. The relatively light aluminum sections (complete with energy-dissipating baffles) are prefabricated in ten foot lengths and then transported (by boat, air, or hand-carried) to the obstruction site where they are bolted together and installed. Several Alaskan Steeppass fishways are in use throughout the state. The Alaskan Steeppass works well in streams where there is little fluctuation in the level of flow. However, practical applications have shown that the Alaskan Steeppass would not be suitable in Devil Canyon where there are extreme fluctuations in the water level. See Figure 5-~ for details of the Alaskan Steeppass. Vertical Slot Baffle Figure 5-10 depicts a typical vertical slot baffle which was developed to -78- L-----------·-·-----·---- .s 1'- C\J DATA GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: (Basic Models: A and C) Model A: slopes: 20% to 35% velocities: 2.5 to 3.5 Ips flows (0): 3.5 to 4.0 cfs Model C: slopes: 20% to 35% velocities: 4.1 to 4.5 Ips flows (0): 4.5 to 5.7 cis .s C\J C\J @ flow depth of one foot @ flow depth of one foot General Use: For fish obstructions (falls) up to twenty feet in height ~---14 __ 1n_. __ · __ ~>~i UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-9 . Alaskan steeppass. wall baffle ,..... \ :;:::- ·. ~ r-.• -.. -. -.. -~--~~ . · .... , ·~ ~ h--------,...i • ....... :';. ~ .: ~ ... :; .· ~ " wall baffle PLAN VIEW center baffle i:\1--------. ELEVATION .·. . \\ ~ ~ ~ \~ ~~ ~ ~ UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GM1E Figure ~­ Vertical slot baffle. overcome the deficiency of the l'leir/orifice and Denil-type designs in operating under a wide range of stream flows without the use of attendants or automatic controls to adjust for the fluctuations in 'dater levels. It wasn't determined just when or where the first vertical slot fishway was used. However, there is cJnsiderable information dating back to the 1940's that describes the use of vertical slot baffles used in fi sh~1ays at Hell's Gate and at Farev1ell Canyon in British Columbia as v-Jell as sites in the lower 48 states.· From all of the information read, the vertical slot design works well at sites with highly variable stream flmvs. Clay's Design of Fishways and Other Fish Facilities states that the vertical slot fishways at Hell's Gate have operated successfully over periods during which the range in water levels has been as ~uch as 45ft. Furthermore, the vertical slot is probably the most efficient design in transporting sediment through the fishway. Both of these later characteristics of the vertical slot make it a pronising design for use at Devil Canyon. In reviewing all of the enhancement techniques discussed in sections 5.2.1 through 5.2.3, the study team cane to the conclusion that only the vertical slot fishway would be efficient in passing salmon through the Devil Canyon area (Table 5-9 and Figure 5-11). In the case of the barriers at Anan Creek (Plate 5-12) and at Russian River, the permanent solution used was the installation of vertical slot baffles in 8 foot diameter tunnels circumventing the velocity barriers. The Anan Creek fishway (110 lineal ft of tunnel plus 35 lineal ft of open trench) was con- structed in 1977 at a cost (contractor payment only-not total project costs) of $212,000. The Russian River fishway (280 lineal ft of tunnel plus 50 lineal ft of open trench) was constructed in 1978/79 at a -81- Table 5-9. Comparison of fishway designs. Type of Guidelines for essential elements of fishway design (pg 74 and 75) fi shway 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Remarks Unacceptable due to the highly Heir/Orifice G,C F F E,C E,C E,C E,C u F F,C fluctuating stream flow conditions fi shv~ay and high maintenance operational charactE!ri st i cs Unacceptable for the same reasons Alaskan steep pass E,C F E F G,C E,C E,C u F F,C given for the weir/orifice design Lleni 1 Acceptable: This design meets Vert i ca 1 s 1 ot E,C E E E E,C E,C E,C E E G,C all the requirements needed to pass baffle salmon. Unacceptable because of construction Lo1v head dams F,C F F F N/A F,C F F,C u F,C difficulties and anticipated high maintenance costs. Unacceptable: The mechanical brai 1 Mechanical or N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A is unacceptable due to high opera- helicopter brail tional costs and excessive fish mortalities. The helicopter system is unacceptable for moving 1 a rge numbers of salmon due to the high operating costs. Legend: u -Unsatisfactory, F -Fair, G -Good, E-Excellent. c -Can be designed in, N/A -Not Applicable < CD 0 () -'· c+ '< 0 -!) :1£ OJ rt CD -s I -'· co ::::s w I () c --' < CD -s c+ --+> ·o (/) 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 -- 2.5 2 1.5 I 10 15 Fish passage velocity-2.0 fps in --.............. relation to channel ............. ............ ~Curve for steelhead, coho, sockeye chinook ....... '-( ---.............. .......... I'-... ............ .......... ....... ~ l.----Estimated curve for pink, chum I'.. // ............ ['... i'- " ........... ' ......... "'........... ' ........ ~"-.. ~ ,;---~Estimated curve. for grayling, "' ""' northern p1ke ' -----............ ' ---~ "' !"---... ......... ".......... ~ -----............ .... ______ ............ ......... ' ........__, ............... ............. ... ______ ............ . , ......... ........... ............... .... , ' ............. ............ ·---...., ............ -.... .. ~ ' ' .............. ·-.... .. , .............. 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 '100 500 600 800 1000 Horizontal distance between restinn nools in feet (culvert lennth) Figure 5-11. Swimming speeds of fish relative to horizontal distance between resting pools. I co ~ I Plate 5-12. Anan Creek fishway-vertical slot baffle in tunnel. cost (contractor payment only-not total project cost) of $727,000. Both fishways are functioning well and it is believed that fishways of similar design would be suitable for use at Devil Canyon. Fishway Construction Costs From field observations made in July and August, 1982 and from a review of Susitna River hydraulic data, the study team concluded that there are a series of 4 to 6 ve 1 ocity barriers in the Oevi l Canyon area. These velocity barriers essentially prevents the upstream migration of salmon when the river discharge exceeds 15,000 cfs. The 4 to 6 velocity barriers identified are basically located in two stretches of the river. The first series of barriers occurs in the river from near the site of the proposed Devil Canyon dam (about river mile 152) and extends downstream about 4000 feet. The second series of barriers starts at a point which is about 1000 feet below the mouth of Devil Creek (about river mile 162) and extends downstream nearly 4000 feet. A series of short tunnel fishways could theoretically be constructed around each individual velocity barrier, this would entail the construction of 4 to 6 relatively short tunnel fishways. Because of construction considerations and factors concerning the potential for migration delay with the salmon searching for entrances to several tunnels, the study team recommends that two major tunnel fishways be constructed instead of several shorter fishways. Figure 5-12 shows the alignment and profile for a 4200 foot long tunnel fishway at Devil Canyon (lower fishway) and Figure 5-13 shows the alignment and profile for a 3900 foot long tunnel fishway at Devil Creek (upper fishv1ay). -85- --~ss _Ro~o A11trtt. NORTH 11111111111 RIVER ---~ \ 880 ___::::: 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 feet - ·-MiJ-;J I J; ; J I ~---+----+----+----+---~~-.~~----+----+----+----4----~--~~--~--~r----r----r----+----r----T----~--~--~----+2)+--+----4---~~ I L •~· :es ,/ J r ~~.... .+ c-o"o :g nr.c: i hlo f . h· "'=~' ,rr\f 1 qs ~,..t II r.rof.i ~HH ~en+ +..., he--+----+----+------l----+-----l----l---t- I-----1-----+----+----Jil-tr-f· '+-·y--1------11-----+----=1--__!.!.!.1 P.~ <;~"'..IS<..l.P. '~:.uL..!ofl~ P. r, P.~ rnnrn~~J~ eT a""-'11..!J 1e,.~ CLJ:lJ'_!; [_QlQO 1 1ve s· g_OllQ'4 ri,...__ s._-t--"----1--t ; 1 "..1 ~ .xuqT emru n~:;et e. 101 1 •~ ue ~ e-cte· • u1 udittcmrt-o:~TH-1{*-w=----t 860+----4----4---~~,~'~~--~----+---4---~~--~c·tu~"o~·c~~-----~--~----+---~----+----+----+----1----~ Figure 5-12 Devil Canyon fishway alignment 840 830 , , .... 1----+--- l----+p~Y,c~~~~~~+---+-----l-----l-----+-----+----+----+----l----1----lr---r----tr----r----r----r----+----+---l---+---4---+--~+--~-----+­r,, 4Ct00 42+00 -86- 30+00 20+00 ~0-tOO 0+00 PROFILE SCALE: HORIZ. I"= 400' VERT. Jl' = 20 200 400 ' : 40+00 30+00 Q7_ 20+00 1o+oo figure 5-13 Devil Creek fishway alignment 0+00 QDI"\C"'II L C'-1'1\..1 t:". lll""\f""ll"'7 ... _ Al"'\1""\, , • ..--.... , .. _ '"""' Fishway installation assumptions: 1) Assumptions for LovJer Fishway (Devil Canyon) a) Locate 22-man camp on nortr1 side of river near mid point of tunnel. b) Paths constructed from top of bluff to portals. c) Compressor and alternator located at each portal. d) Raft constructed to transport heavy equipment and tools to downstream portal. Raft used as temporary work platform. e) Rock wasted in river. f) Landing strip used as a marshalling area and for cement batch plant. g) Work from both portals towards the center (work 2 faces simultaneously): Two 10 hr. shifts per face on 15ft diameter tunnel (Figure 5-14). Assume 5 ft advance per shift = 20 ft per day. h) Contract period: Mobilization through construction through demobilization = 12 months. Tunnel excavation, October through April = 7 months. 2) Assumptions for upper fishway (Devil Creek) The upper fishway will be constructed under a scenario similar to that for the lower fishv1ay. The major difference being that the construction camp for the upper fishway would be located on the river bank near the center of the tunnel alignment. It is expected that the contractor would construct an adit into the tunnel, near its center, and excavate from the center both ways. By tunneling fro1.1 the center both vJays some consolidation of equipment, with corresponding cost savings, can be achieved. 1) Adult capture facilities Because of the velocity barriers, few salmon migrate upstrean of Devil Canyon to spawn. With the construction of the fishways, the salmon will be physically able to proceed upstream but because of the limited -88- 4'-I" 1d' 1'-4" 9" 1'-4· 1o"l 4'-1" 6':..3' PLAN VIEW J/4"= 1'-o" ROOF SUPPORT AS REQUIRED / QO_ ELEVATION VIEW 1/4"=1'-o" UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-14. Typical tunnel/baffle section. (virtually nonexistent) brood stock upstream of Devil Canyon the study team feels that the upper Susitna River drainage basin r.tust be "stocked" vii th the desired sal rnon species. The recommended "stocking program" would consist of taking sockeye eggs at the Gulkana River and chinook, coho and chum eggs from the Susitna River. The eggs would be incubated to fry/fingerling size in existing facilities near Paxson and in Anchorage. The fry/fingerling would then be transported to select release sites in the upper Susitna River drainage basin. This operation would continue for 5 or 6 years until the adults returned in numbers sufficient to propagate the species naturally, at which time the stocking prograrn would be discontinued. By adjustments in its existing hatchery program, the FRED Division could basically accommodate a stocking program for the upper Susitna River for the 5 to 6 year period specified. The only significant addition required to the existing facilities would be the construction of a summer weir camp at Gold Creek and adult capture v/ei rs at Indian River and at Portage Creek. These facilities would be needed to obtain the Susitna River chinook, coho and chum eggs necessary for the juvenile stocking program. Cost estimates for the construction of the Devil Canyon fishv1ay, the Devil Creek fishway, the Indian River and Portage Creek 1'/eirs and the fry/fingerling stocking operations are shovm in Tables 5-10, 5- 11, 5-12 and 5-13, respectively. -90- .. CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . EXTENSION Table 5-10. Devil Canyon fishway C.I.P costs. A. Mobilization 1 • Equip. Rental LHD: 3 @ $10,800/mo = $32,400/mo 10 Mo $32,400 $324,000 Compressors: 3 @ 2800 = 8,400/mo 10 Mo 8,400 84,000 Generators: 4@ 1100 = 4,400/mo 12 Mo 4,400 52,800 Air Leg+ 3 11 Drill: 6 @ 425 = 2,550/~ 0 10 Mo 2,550 25,500 vent. Blower: 2 @ 250 = 500/Mo 10 ~10 500 5,000 3 11 Diameter Pump: 2 @ 850 = 1700/mo 10 ~10 1 > 700 17,000 3 11 Sub. Pump: 2 @ 425 = 850/mo 12 Mo 850 10,200 4 11 Cent. Pump: 2 @ 1050 = 2100/mo 12 Mo 2' 100 25,200 Suc./Pres. Hose: Misc. Lengths 12 Mo 1 ,000 12 > 000 3 Drum Diesel Pov1ered Hoist 12 Mo 2,600 31,200 Loader with 4-way Bucket 12 Mo 3,000 36,000 Hoist Bucket 12 ~10 800 9,600 Portab 1 e Grave 1 Plant 6 Mo 12,000 72 '000 16 C.F. Cement Mixer 6 Mo 1 ,350 8,100 Sub-Total Item Al -------------------------------------712,600 2. Misc. Equip. Rent: 1 LS 150 '000 150,000 Sub-Total Item A2 ------------------------------------150' 000 3. 22 Man Construction Camp a. Purchase 9 ~ 8 1 x 20• Units 6 sleepers/ 1 office/ 1 kitchen/ 1 laundry-wet unit 1 L< 11 0 > 000 110,000 b. Setup & Outfit 1 L~ 55,000 55,000 Sub-Total Item A3 -------------------------------------165,000 ' ,, .. o.lf L CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . EXTENSION Table 5-10 cont. r~obi l i zat ion (cont. ) 4. Transportation Fin: RR Transport/Demurrage l LS 188,000 188,000 Bell 212 (trans): r~atls & Equip. 450 HR l ,500 675,000 Bell 212 (Stdby): 20-4 hr days 80 HR 1,500 120,000 Bell 206B: 1:3i-Wkly Supply 104 HRS 500 52,000 Sub-Total Item .\4 ----"----------------------1,035,000 5. Camp Setup a. Labor: 7 rnen ( l 0 hr /day) 60 days 4200 M-HR 30 126,000 b. Camp Cost: $70/man/day 420 M-DV 70 29,400 Sub-Total Item A5 ----------------------------155,400 Total Mobilization: Item A -----------------------2,218,000 = $2,218,000 Demobilization Bell 212 (trans): f·1at' l & Equip. 200 HR 1,500 300,000 Be 11 212 (stdby): 10-4 hr days 40 HR 1,500 60,000 13 e 1 l 2U5B: Pers 8 Supply 25 HR 500 12,500 Labor: 6 men ( l 0 h r I day) 30 days 1800 HR 20 36,000 Camp Cost: $70/man/day 180 DY 70 12,600 FRT: RR Transport/Deriurrage 1 LS 40,000 40,000 Total Demobilization: Item B ------------------------461,100 = $461 '100 CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . E.XTENSION Table 5-10 cont. r~ate rials l. Blasting Material a. Powder 2,800 Cases 100 280,000 b. Caps 220 Boxes 75 16,500 c. Detonation Cord 75 Rolls 75 5,625 2. Tunnel Liner 288,000 Lbs 0.65 187,200 3. Cement 2,400 Bags 5.50 13,200 4. Rebar 36,000 Lbs 0.50 18,000 5. Misc. Weir ~1aterials l LS 32,000 132,000 6. Rock Bolts & Fasteners 1 LS 10,000 10,000 7. Misc. Tit!lbers/Steel/Concrete l LS 66,000 166,000 ) ) 8. Diesel Fuel/Gas 73,000 Gal 1.50 109,500 Total Materials: It ern c ---------------------------938,025 = $938,025 . r~at I 1 Installation cost (labor) l. Tunnel: l5 1 H X l4 1 H X 4200 1 L 4200 LF 375 1,575,000 2. Vertical Slot Heirs 80 EA 7,100 568,000 3. Tunnel Liner 1,200 LF 250 300,000 4. C:oncrete lJivision 1-J a 11 800 LF 1,000. 800,000 5. Entrance & Exit Structures 2 EA 72,000 ' 144,000 6. Repair Suspension Bridge 1 LS 30,000 30,000 7. Camp: Board & Room at $70/man/day 6,600 1·1-DY 70 462,000 Tot a 1 Labor: Item D -------------------------------------3,879,000 = $3,879,000. CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL E. Construction Overhead & Profit Construction Cant: 10% (A-D) Contractor Overhead: 25% (A-D) Contractor Profit: 15% (A-D) Tot a 1 0 & P: Item E - QUANTITY UNIT SAY-------- SAY-------- SAY-------- ------------ UNIT . EXTENSION -----------750,000 -----------i,874,000 -----------1,124,000 -----------3,784,000 F. Total construction Costs: Items A-E -----------------------------11,244,125 G. Consultant Design Services a. Engr. surveys: Topo & Hydraulic 1 LS 200,000 b. Geotechn i ca 1 Investigations 1 LS 500,000 (In conjunction vJith upper fishway) c. Construction Documents (5% of F when designed in ) (conjunction 1vith upper fishway) Total CDS: Item G H. DOTPF Administrative Costs a. Design/construction control: 15% F b. Contingency: 5%'F 1 LS 562,000 -------------------------- SAY SAY 200,000 500,000 562,000 1,262,000 1,687,000 562,000 .Total DOTPF: Item H -------------------------2,249,000 I. Total Project Cost: Items F+G+H Table 5-10 cont. = $3,784,000 = $11,244,125 = $1 ,262,000 = $2,249,000 = $14,755,125 SAY =$14,750,000 I CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . E?<TENSION 1able 5-11. A. f1obi 1 i zat ion Devil Creek fishway C.I.P costs. 1. Equipment Rent a 1 LHD: 2 @ $10,800/mo = 21,600/mo 14 Mo $21 ,600 $302,400 Compressors: 2@ 2800 = 5600/mo 14 t·1o 5,600 78,400 Air Leg + 3" D ril 1 : 4 @ 425 = 1700/r iO 14 Mo 1 '700 23,800 Ventilation ~lower: 14 t·1o 350' 4,900 3" di arneter Pump: 12 r~o 850 10,200 3" sub. Put:Jp: 12 No 425 5,100 4" cent. Pump: 12 t~o 1 ,050 12,600 Sue. /pres. hose: Misc. Lengths 12 ~10 1,000 12,000 Loader with 4 way Bucket 14 t~o 3,00( 42,000 P o rt a b 1 e G r a v e 1 Plant 6 Mo 12 '00( 72,000 16 C.F. Cement Mixer 6 t·1o 1 '3 5( 8,100 Generators: 4 @ 1100 = 4400/mo 14 ~10 4,40C 61,600 Sub-Total Item A 1 --------------1-------------------633,100 2. t1 i s c. Equip. Rent: 1 LS 150,00( 150,000 Sub-Total Item A2 --------------------------------150,000 3. 22 Man Construction Camp a. Purchase 9-8 1 x 20 1 Units 6 sleepers/ 1 office/ 1 kitchen/ 1 laundry-viet unit 1 LS 110' 00 110,000 b. Setup and Outfit 1 LS 55,00 55,000 Sub-Total Item A3 ------------------------------165,000 ' I' :~ f I:. I~, CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . EXTENSION Table 5-11 cont. t~obi l i zat ion (cont.) 4. Transportation FRT: RR Transport/Demurrage 1 LS 188,000 188,000 l3e11 212 (Trans): ~1a t 1 1 & Equip. 600 HR 1 '500 900,000 Be 11 212 (Stdby): 15-4HR Days 80 HR 1 ,500 120,000 l3 e 11 2068: l3i-weekly Supply 200 HR 500· 100,000 Sub-Total Item A4 ------------------------------1 ,308,000 5. Ca1np Setup a. Labor: 7 men ( 1 Ohr /day) 60 days 4200 M-H 3( 126,000 b. Camp Cost: $70/rnan/day 420 f"l-D 7C 29,400 Sub-Total Item A5 -------------------------------155,400 ) Tot a 1 Mobilization Item A -------------------------2,411,500 = $2,411,500 " B. Demobilization Be 11 212 (trans): Mat 1 l & Equip. 250 HR 1 '50( 375,000 Be 11 212 (stdby): 15-4 hr Days 60 HR 1 '50( 90,000 Be 11 20613: Per & Supply 40 HR 50( 20,000 Labor: 6 r:-~en (10 hr/day) 30 days 1800 HR 2C 36,000 Camp cost: $70/rnan/day 180 DY 7 12,600 FRT: RR Transport/Demurrage 1 LS 40,001 40,000 Total Der;10bi1ization Item B ---------------------------573,600 $573,600 CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT . EXTENSION Table 5-11 cont. f~ate rials l. Blasting Material a. Powder 2,800 Cases 100 280,000 b. Caps 220 Boxes 75 16,500 c. Detonation Cord 140 Rolls 75 10,500 2. Tunnel Liner 288,000 Lbs 0.65 187,200 3. Cement 2,400 Bags 5.50 l3' 200 4. Rebar 36,000 Lbs 0.50 18,000 ,- :). Misc. 1-Jei r ~1ateri al s l LS 132,000 132,000 6. Rock Bolts & Fasteners l LS 10,000 10,000 7. Misc. Timbers/Steel/Concret~ l LS 166,000 166,000 ) s. Diesel Fuel/Gas 60,000 Gal 1.50 90,000 .j Total ~1aterials: Item c ---------------------------923,400 = $923,400 . t~a t 1 l Installation cost (labor) l. Tunnel : 15 I H X l4 1 W X 3900 1 L 3,900 LF 438 1,708,200 2. Vertical Slot Weirs 60 EA 8,300 498,000 3. Tunnel Liner 1,200 LF 292 350,400 4. Concrete Division Wall 600 LF l,l7Q 702,000 5. Entrance & Exit Structures 2 EA 84 '200 ' 168~400 6. Camp: Board & Room at $70/manjday 7,700 M-DY 70 539,000 Total Labor: Ite1:1 D -----------------------------------3,966,000 = $3,966,000 CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL Construction Overhead & Profit Construction Cont: 10% (A-D) Contractor Overhead: 25% (A-D) Contractor Profit: 15% (A-D) Tot a 1 0 & P: Item E -- QUANTITY UNIT SAY--------- SAY--------- SAY--------- -----------~ UNIT . E?<TENSION ----------787,000 ----------1 ~969,000 ----------1,181,000 ----------3,937,000 Total construction Costs: Items A-E -------------------11,811,500 1. Consultant Design Services a. Engr. surveys: Topo & Hydraulic b. Geotechnical Investigations c. ( I n con j u n c t i on \vi t h 1 ov-J e r f i s hw ay ) Construction Documents (5% of F when designed in conjunction (with lower fishway) Total CDS: It ern· G ---- H. DOTPF Administrative Costs a. Design/Construction Control: 15% F b. Contingency: 5% F LS 200,000 LS 500,000 1 LS 590,000 ---------------------- 200,000 500,000 590,000 1,290,000 SAY ---~---------------1,772,000 SAY ---------591,000 Total DOTPF: Item H ---------------r---------2,363,000 I. Total Project Cost: Items F+G+H --------~------------- = $3,937,000 = $11,811,500 = $1 ,290,000 = $2,363,000 = $15,464,500 Table 5-11 cont. SAY=$15,465,000 CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL A. Contract Items (ADF &G Design) l. Mobilization/Demobilization 2. Indian River Weir 3. Portage Creek Weir 4. ADF &G Car:1p: Setup/Water/Sewer 5. Profit/Overhead/Ins @ 25% (1-4) Total Item A ------- !). DOTPF PJT Admin: 15% (A)------------------ c. ADF&G Equip. Purchase l. 12' X 20 1 Hansen Weatherports I 0 2. 16' \3 Redwood Tanks 0 I 3. 12' ~ Redwood Tanks 4. 4 11 Diesel Pumps 5. 10 K\~ Deisel Generator 6. Misc. Piping & Fittings 7. Jet Boats & Fittings Tot a 1 Item C------ Total Project Cost: Items A+B+C -------- QUANTITY UNIT 1 LS 1 LS 1 LS 1 LS l LS ------------- ------------- 5 EA 4 EA 4 EA 2 EA 1 EA 1 LS 2 EA ------------- -------------- J'' r.l,, UNIT $40,000 150,000 225,000 15,000 105,000 --------- --------- 3,600 3,500 3,00C 5,000 15,00( 6,00( 20 'ooc -------- --------. • ;;;:>{ L . EXTENSION $ 40,000 150,000 225,000 15,000 105,000 -535,000 --------------- 18,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 15,000 6,000 40,000 ----115,000 __ .. ____ ...,.. _______ - - Table 5-12 Indian River and Portage Creek weirs C.I.P. costs = $535,000 = $ 80,000 = $115,000 ----$730,000"; SAY = $700,000 Table 5-13. Fry/fingerling transport and stocking operational costs. A) Sockeye (Initially from Gulkana River at Paxson): 1) Truck operations a) Juveniles trucked from Paxson to Lake Louise. b) 4 trips. c) Rental truck fror.1 Anchorage for 5 days. Cost: Truck @ 5 day x 8 hr/day x $70/hr Truck mileage 1100 mile x $2.10/mile Driver P.O. = 5 day ·x $70/day 2) Helicopter charter a) Dead Head = 4 hrs x $650/hr b) Planting = 14 hr x $650/hr c) Pilot P.O. = 2 day x $70/day B) Chinook, coho, chum (initially from Anchorage) 1) Truck operations = $2,800 = 2,310 = 350 $5,460 = $2,600 9' 100 140 $11 '840 a) Juveniles trucked frOI;J Anchorage to Lake Louise and the Denali Highway. b) 4 trips. c) Rental truck from Anchorage for 5 days. Cost: Truck @ 5 days x 8 hr/day x $70/hr Truck mileage = 2,300 r.1ile x $2.10/mile Driver P.O. = 5 day x $70/day 2) Helicopter charter Included with lb. 3. Total planting cost/season A1 + A2 + B1 = $5,460 + $11,840 + $7,980 -100- = $2,800 = 4,830 = 350 7,980 = $25,280; SAY=25,000/season 5.2.4 Hatcheries This section describes a hatchery operation for a salmon enhancement program in the upper drainage basin of the Susitna River. The cost estimates developed wil 1 be combined, in section 6, with the value of the expected salmon returns to develop a benefit vs. cost (B/C) ratio for both a fish\'lay and a hatchery salmon enhancement program. General Information and Discussion Fish hatcheries are a useful tool in man's attempt to artificially propagate fish. Fish hatcheries have been in use in the United States for more than one hundred years since the first hatchery \'las built in Orland, Maine in 1871. The FRED Division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has constructed many hatcheries in Alaska since 1975 and considerable inform- ation on the cost and operations of hatcheries is available. Because it is assumed that most Alaskans, and especially the readers of this report, are familiar with the purpose and operations of a hatchery, no detailed description of a hatchery operation will be provided here. Suffice it to say that hatcheries have several functions, some of which are: 1) Mitigation of fish losses caused by the construction of barriers (dams) to natural spawning areas. 2) Maintaining and/or increasing fish stocks overexploited by fishing. 3) Mitigation of fish losses due to pollution and/or alteration of the natural environment. -101- 4) Stocking of rehabilitated habitat areas where fish populations have been depleted by unfavorable conditions, both natur~l and man caused. 5) Introduction of species more suitable to an altered environment; i.e. introducing warm water fish into warm water reservoirs. 6) Enhancement in areas where natural production is not realized. It is function number ( 6) that is of concern to this study s i nee salmon production in the upper Susitna River area could be achieved by the introduction of adult spavmers to the area via fishways or by the alternate method of introducing fry/fingerlings into the area by means of hatchery operations. In the latter case, the study team envisions a simplified hatchery program in \<Jhich maximal empt1asis is placed on the natural rearing of fry/fingerlings, thus reducing h~tchery costs associated with the rearing and feeding of juveniles. For a hatchery program, eggs are collected from appropriate brood stocks and incubated. Depending on the type of program desired, eyed eggs, fry/fingerlings, or smolts are stocked. A recommended program for a 16 million egg incubation facility follm'ls. Brood Stocks Indian River and Portage Creek are appropriate sources for chinook, coho and chum salmon eggs. The rationale for choosing these stocks is as follows. -102- 1) The homing response of returning adults is enhanced if stocks are used from the natal watershed. Indian River and Portage Creek are tributary streams of the Susitna River and are located at Susitna River miles 138.6 and 148.9, respectively. 2) Salmon for the upper Susitna River watershed should originate from broodstocks which are accustomed to migrating long distances in rivers. Indian River and Portage Creek salmon stocks migrate approximately 140 and 150 miles upstream in the Susitna River and are essentially the nearest stocks to the Devil Canyon rapids. Devil Canyon, the first impassable rapids to adult migration, is only a couple of miles upstream of the mouth of Portage Creek. 3) Stock sources must contain an adequate number of brood fish. The number of adult salmon annually required to provide eggs for the hatchery program each year is: Chinook Salmon Coho Salmon Chum Salmon 2,164 189 1,499 Based on aerial and foot surveys, Indian River and Portage Creek should provide these fish. 4) The stock sources must be accessible. Adult capture and holding facilities can be installed at Indian River and Portage Creek, which are accessible by boat, helicopter, and fixed-v~ing aircraft. Talkeetna is located approximately 44 and 54 Susitna River miles downstream of Indian River and Portage Creek, respectively. Also, Ta 1 keetna is the recommend~d site for a new hatchery if a hatchery- -103- supported salmon enhancement program is implemented in the upper Susitna River drainage basin. The Gulkana River, a tributary of the Copper River, is an appropriate source for sockeye salmon eggs. Rationale is as follm;~s. 1) Sockeye salmon for the upper Susitna River watershed should originate from stocks which are accustomed to migrating long distances in rivers. Upper Gulkana River sockeye adults migrate more then 270 river miles from the mouth of Copper River to their spawning grounds. By co~parison, the Susitna River salmon are blocked at river mile 152 (Devil Canyon). 2) Adequate numbers of sockeye brood are essential. The number of sockeye adults needed to provide eggs for hatchery propagation each year is 7,667. The upper Gulkana River, upstream of its confluence with Mud Creek near Paxson, supports annual escapements probably exceeding 15,000 sockeye adults(Mr. Ken Roberson, pers. comm., December 28, 1982). The Gulkana hatchery, located near Paxson at a spring flowing into the upper Gulkana River, is expanding its sockeye adult production and in 1982 had a record escapement of 8,000 sockeyes. 3) Sockeye stock sources must be accessible. An adult capture and holding area is already installed at the Gulkana hatchery. In- creased adult production at this hatchery should provide adequate brood stock for the upper Susitna River in the future. Adequate water and space now exist for incubating many more eggs than are presently being incubated 1nd the Gulkana hatchery is readily accessible by road. -104- Additional sockeye adults are available in the upper Gulkana River adjacent to the hatchery. This river section like the Gulkana hatchery is adjacent to the Richardson Highway. There is one potential problem with the Gulkana River sockeye stock. This stock, like other sockeye stocks, has the viral disease, infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN), i.Yhich causes severe mortality of juvenile salmon. Sockeye juveniles at the Gulkana hatchery have not been affected by IHN to date. IHN has, hmvever, caused severe mortality at other state hatcheries in the past. The strain of IHN virus found in the Gulkana River stock has caused mort3lity of Cook Inlet sockeye fry in tests conducted by ADF&G's fish pathology laboratory (Dr. Roger Grischkowsky ~/ pers. comm., December 29, 1982). The potential implication of a transplant of Gulkana River so~keye salmon into the Susitna River is clear--a virulent strain of IHN virus could adversely affect Cook Inlet sockeyes. There is perhaps some good nevJs. Water hardening of sockeye salmon eggs in an iodophor solution may kill IHN viruses inside as vJell as outside of the eggs. If this procedure proves viable, IHN virus- free ju ven i 1 e sockeye sa 1 1non caul d be produced at hatcheries, such as Gulkana hatchery, which have an IHN virus-free water source. Further research may prove or disprove the vi abi 1 i ty of this procedure. There is one other potential sockeye salmon stock, the Stephan Lake stock, that has advantages and disadvantages relative to the Gulkana River stock. Stephan Lake is located 3 miles south of the upper Susitna River between its confluence with Devil Creek and Fog Creek. This lake drains into the Talkeetna River. Advantages of this stock are: ~/ ADF&G Principal Pathologist, Anchorage. -105- 1) The homing response of ret~rning adults will exceed that of the Gulkana River stock since the former now migrate up the Susitna River approximately 97 miles. 2) The Stephan Lake stock does migrate a considerable distance, approx- imately 154 river miles, which, however, is a much shorter migration than the 270 miles the Gulkana River salmon travel. Disadvantages of this stock are: 1) Inadequate nur.1ber of brood fish. Cursory surveys indicate an annual run of 115 to 1,142 adults. These numbers are perhaps only 10% of the actual run, so 1,150 to 11,420 adults may annually spawn in the lake. (~1r. Ken Tarbox!}_; pers. comm., December 28, 1982). Approximately 7,667 sockeye adults are required annually for tlatchery propagation, so the Stephan Lake stock would have to be increased, if this is possible, through hatchery propagation before enough adults would be available as brood for the upper Susitna River watershed. If the Stephan Lake stock is not increased, less juvenile sockeyes than planned would be planted in the upper Susitna River and the run would take many more years to reach a maxi rnurn. 2) Stephan Lake is not as easily accessible as the Gulkana River. The only easy access to the lake is by fixed-1ving aircraft or helicopter. Access via boat fror1 Talkeetna is unknown and the distance is approximately 57 river miles. 3) The IHN disease history for the Stephan Lake stock is unknown. This stock may or may not be a viable candidate for transplanting into the upper Susitna Riv-;r ~vatershed. ~/ ADF&G Fishery Biologist III, Soldotna. -106- Juvenile Salmon Stoc~ing Juvenile salmon could be introduced into the upper Susitna River watershed as eyed eggs, fry /fingerlings or smo lts. The advantages and disadvantages of each life stage are now discussed, with a resultant recommendation. Eyed Egg Planting With the eyed egg program, eggs are taken from brood fish at egg take facilities. Eggs are taken to an incubation facility and incubated until eyed. These eyed eggs are then transported to and planted in selected gravel in streams where incubation is naturally completed. A modern salmon egg planting device is shown in Figure 5-15. In the spring, the fry emerge fror.1 the gravel, spread throughout the streams, and after one or more years migrate to sea as smolts if chinook, coho or sockeye salmon. Chum fry migrate to s.:;a within several months after emerging from the gravel. Advantages of planting eyed eggs: 1) Hatchery capital and operational expenses v10ul d be minimized when compared to a hatcl1ery fry/fingerling or srnolt program. 2) The homing response of adults resulting from eyed eggs should exceed the homing response of adults resulting from fry or smolt releases as the eyed egg progeny will spend additional months incu- bating in the Susitna River watershed. Disadvantages of planting eyed eggs: 1) Survival to adulthood will be less for eyed eggs than for older life stages. -107- EGG BUNKERS ---MAIN WATER CONTROL VALVE A salmon egg plantina device (SEPD) (From Jones et a l 1977). -lOR- UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH 8 GAME Figure 5-15. SEPO. 2) The upper Susitna watershed freezes up early in the fall due to the high latitude and elevation. Some eggs will not be eyed before ice covers the streams. This factor combined with hazardous flying conditions during the fall, precludes successful planting of a certain percentage of the eggs. 3) Costs of transporting and planting eyed eggs may not be less than the costs of planting fry/fingerlings or smolts. Many more eggs than later life stages must be planted to attain the same number of adults. Also, more manpower is required to plant eyed eggs than to release fry/fingerlings and srnolts. Smolt Stocking Production of smolts for stocking involves egg incubation and long term rearing. Smolts can be transported in the sar;Je manner as fry/fingerlings with releases into streams or lake outlets in the upper Susitna River basin. Smolts would immediately migrate to sea. Advantages of stocking smolts: 1) Survival to adulthoood will exceed that for eyed eggs and for fry I fingerlings. 2) Unlike eyed eggs, smolts can be stocked after the ice has left the streams and lakes in May and June. Disadvantages of stocking smolts: 1) The homing response of adults resulting from smolts may be less than for fry/fingerlings. 2) The hatchery for srnolts v1ill be more expensive than for eggs and fry/fingerlings due to the long term rearing needed for the smolts. -109- Unlike fry/fingerlings, smolts >'lill require one or more years of rearing depending on the t~mperature of the rearing water. 3) Sockeye salmon may not attain smolthood under hatchery conditions due to IHN disease. Fry/Fingerling Stocking Production of fry/fingerlings for stocking involves egg incubation and some rearing of resultant fry to the fed fry stage (25% weight gain from emergent fry weight) or the fingerling stage (100% weight gain from emergent fry weight). After rearing at the hatchery, juvenile salmon vJould then be transported via truck/trailer, fixed-\ving aircraft or helicopter and stocked in streams and lakes in the upper Susitna River basin. After one or more years, the chinook, coho and sockeye juveniles would migrate to sea as smolts. Chum fry/fingerlings would migrate to sea within a few months after stocking. Advantages of stocking fry/fingerlings: 1) The homing response of adults resulting from stocking fry/fingerlings should exceed that for smolts since the former remain in fresh water much longer than smolts. 2) Survival to adulthood \vill exceed that for eyed eggs. 3) Unlike eyed eggs, fry/fingerlings can be stocked after the ice has left tt1e streams and lakes in May and June. 4) The hatchery capital and operational costs are cheaper for fry/finger- lings than for sr:~olts. Disadvantages of stocking fry/fingerlings: 1) Survival to adulthood 1vill be less than for srnolts. -110- 2) The artificial rearing requires a more expensive hatchery than for eyed eggs. All things considered, a fry/fingerling stocking operation is recommended over that of eyed egg plants or smolt plants if a hatchery enhancement program is implemented. Fry/fingerling survival will exceed that for eyed eggs and the homing response should exceed that for smolts. Fry/fingerlings, unlike smolts, tAfill have the ability to spread throughout a lake or stream, or perhaps move fro~ strean to stream, adapting to the natural environment, and thereby guaranteeing a good homing response. 5. 2. 4. 7 Hatchery Construction Costs To implement a fry/fingerling stocking program, such as discussed in section, a hatchery would have to be built to support that program. The study team identified a potential site for the hatchery on state- owned property at the airport ~n Talkeetna (Figure 5-16). A hatchery site plan is depicted in Figure 5-17. The site selected was chosen for the following reasons. 1) Availability of land, water, electricity and other utilities. 2) Ease of access by air, vehicle and railroad. 3) Central location relative to brood sources and juvenile stocking sites. 4) Relatively easy construction conditions to moderate cost. 5) Seasonal hatchery support from 1 ocal labor source. 6) Rural environment with support of hospital, schools, commercial facilities etc. A suitable hatchery layout is shovm in Figure 5-18 and would consist of the following major features: -111- -11?- AREA LOCATION .a1l1llfu. NORTH 0 ~miles IIIIIIlliil1 UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-16. Talkeetna hatchery site ............... ..................... .............. .............. ....... ....... .............. /-"\( _...... _......_:-..,... \\ (ROAD LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE) .......... ....... \ / ....... \\ ....... ~....... \\ ,.~--;,........ 0\\ HATCHERY '-:-e ,_ -111- NOT TO SCALE RUNWAY UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-17. Talkeetna hatchery site plan. 0 0 0 ELEVATION NTS ~ / 10 x 40 RACEWAYS ------------- LAV. LAY. UTI UTI~ a F*NTRY KITCHEN -- DINING 8 LIVING ROOM IIII-I II SECOND FLOOR 112"= 1'-o" ->-MECHANICAL <! 3: GARAGE ~ a ...J -SHOP <!. PUMP ROOM 3: a:: w 0 z :.:::> ::I: (.!) LAB :.:::> 0 a:: 1- 0 STORAGE <! w ::I: OFFICE - Fl RST FLOOR 1/2"=1'-o" -llLl- UPPER SUSITNA RIVER SALMON ENHANCEMENT STUDY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH a GAME Figure 5-18 . Talkeetna hatchery layout. 1) Sixteen (16) million egg incubation capacity. This facility would be staffed by 2 full time employees vJith summer supplemental help of fror:-~ 4 to 6 season a 1 he 1 pe rs. The faci 1 ity wou 1 d i ncu bate 1 mi 11 ion chinook, 1 million coho, 1 million chum and 13 million sockeye salmon eggs to the fry/fingerling stage for transplanting to the upper Susitna River drainage basin for release and natural rearing. 2) Two adult capture weirs, c1e at Indian River and one at Portage Creek. These two sites would be manned during the summer months by a 12-14 person crew operating from a common camp at Gold Creek. The chinook, coho, and chum eggs used for the hatchery operation \vould be collected at these weirs, while the sockeye eggs would initially come from the Gulkana River facility at Paxson. Once a strong sockeye run vJas established upstream of Go 1 d Creek, the sockeye eggs vwul d then be co 11 ected at the Indian River and Portage Creek weirs along with the chinook, coho and chum eggs. 3) Fry/fingerling planting operation. Initial stocking of the enhancement area would be from fry /fingerlings taken fror:1 the Anchorage and the Gulkana River facilities. As the Talkeetna hatchery becomes operational, the incubation and plantinj operations would be transferred to Talkeetna until the entire enhancement program was carried out from Talkeetna. The planting operation would consist of truck transport to Lake Louise and helicopter transport from Lake Louise to pre-selected release points in that area. These operations would be conducted by rented truck, chartered helicopter and support of the hatchery 1 s season a 1 crev1. -ll5- Cost estimates for the hatchery features just described, viz. (1) hatchery C.I.P costs, (2) weir C.I.P costs and (3) operational costs for the fry/ fingerlings planting operation are listed in Tables 5-14, 5-12, and 5-13, respectively. -116- l. 2. .... .... .J 3. 4. 5. 6. l. CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL Mobilization/Demobilization Site l~ork Survey/layout -clearing/grubbing Fill Spreading,· Grading, Compaction Water Supply: 100' vJells 30' screens testing sub-pumps Manifold Building & Piping Sanitary Sewer I ncb. Bldg. Water Drain Ditch Sub-Total: It ern 2 --- Hatchery Building Living Quarters and Support B 1 dg. Hatchery Bldg. Process Piping Incubation Supply & Drain Inc. Support System & Grating Sub-Total: Item 5 --- Electrical Equipment I ncuba tors 150 KW E1ne ruency Generator 4 W.O. 3/4T Pickup Fish Transport Tanks Office Equip., Tools, misc. iterns Sub-Total: Itern 7 -- QUANTITY l 2 1200 2000 10 10 600 10 l l 2,500 -------- 4800 2400 1 1 1 -------- l 100 l l 4 l ------- t'' &t; UNIT UNIT LS 110,000 AC 4,000 CY ll SY 6 EA l 0' 000 EA 4,200 HR 150 EA 7,000 LS 60,500 LS 15,000 LF 100 -------------- SF 75 SF 85 LS 60,000 LS 36,000 LS 35,000 ------------- LS 150,000 TRAY 20Q LS 75,000 ' LS 20,000 EA .2' 500 LS 25,000 --------------- t ... 'f '-·J ' EXTENSION .110,000 8,000 13,200 12,000 100,000 42,000 90,000 70,000 60,500 15,000 250,000 --660,700 360,000 204,000 60,000 36,000 35,000 --131,000 150,000 20,000 75,000 20,000 10,000 25,000 ---150,000 Table 5-14. Talkeetna Hatchery·c.I.P costs. $110,000 = $660,700 = $360,000 = $204,000 = $131 ,000 = $150,000 = $150,000 CLASS OF WORK OR MATERIAL 8. Hatchery Manager Residence 9. Construct ion Cont: 1 0% (Items 1-8) o. Contractors Overhead & Profit a. Overhead (d 20% (Iter:1s 1-9) b. Profit @ 10% (I ter:1s 1-9) Sub-Total Iter:1 10 ---- 1. Consultant Design 80/ /0 of Iter:1s 1-9 2. OOTPF Administration Design/Const. Control: 15% (Item 1-9) Contingency: 10% (I ter.1s l-9) Total DOTPF: Item 12 ---- 3. Total Project Cost: Items l-12 --·------- QUANTITY UNIT 1 LS SAY -------- SAY -------- SAY -------- ------------- SAY -------- SAY -------- SAY -------- ------------- ------------- Itt;, 'I L( UNIT . EXTENSION 120,000 120,000 ---------]88,000 ----------415,000 ---------207,000 ------------622,000 ----------166,000 ----------311,000 -----------207,000 -----------518,000 ------------------------ Table 5-14 cont. = $120,000 = $188,000 = $622,000 $166,000 = $518,000 =$3,379,700 SAY = $3,400,000 5.3 Biological Impact of Introduced Salmon on Resident Fish Resident fishes of the upper Susitna River drainage are listed in Table 5-15. Table 5-15. Resident fishes of the upper Susitna River drainage.~/ Arctic gray 1 i ng Lake trout Dolly Varden char Humpback whitefish Round whitefish Burbot Longnose sucker Slimy sculpin Arctic lamprey }:_; From Alaska Department of Fish and Game (1981g and 1982a). Adult and juvenile salmon will affect and be affected by resident fish. Adult sockeye salmon that spaw1 in lakes may affect the eggs of lake trout. The spawning dates of potential sockeye stocks for the upper Susitna River, namely lower Susitna River (Barrett 1974) or Gulkana River fish do overlap with those of Alaskan lake trout, namely late August and Septe1~ber (t~orrow 1980; VanHhye and Peck 1968). The spawning depths of sockeye sa 1 mon and 1 ake trout overlap v-1i th the lake trout having the greater range of 1 to more than 300 ft deep (Carlander 1969; Scott and Crossman 1973). -119- Unlike sockeye salmon, lake trout do not dig redds and generally spa\'ln in areas that lack upwelling water flow. For example, lake trout frequently spawn on boulders and rubble and also on gravel, silt, mud, clay and marl lake bottom ( Carlander 1969; Scott and Crossman 1973). Though little interaction between sockeyes a~d lake trout adults is expected, sockeye adults could dig up the eggs of lake trout that spawn on lake gravel with upwelling water flow. In very rare instances, lake trout spavm in streams (Scott and Crossman 1973) in which case sockeye and other salmon species could dig up trout eggs. Uncovered trout eggs could then be eaten by the resident burbot, longnose sucker, round whitefish, and even lake trout (Scott and Crossman 1973; Morrow 1980). Adult salmon may affect the eggs of Dolly Varden char. The spawning dates of potential chum, coho, and sockeye stocks for the upper Susitna River do overlap with those of Alaskan Dolly Varden, namely late August and September (Morrow 1980). These salmon species could spawn on previously- constructed Dolly Varden redds. Since these salmon generally dig deeper redds than those of Dolly Varden (Blackett 1968; Morrow 1980), Dolly Varden eggs would be dislodged and could be eaten by resident burbot, longnose sucker, and round whitefish (Morrow 1980; Scott and Crossman 1973). The opposite situation could occur when late spawning Dolly Varden might dislodge salmon eggs during their own redd digging activities. Juvenile salmon will, depending on individual size, compete for the same food items as resident fish and also prey upon resident fish. Sockeye fry and fingerlings compete for food (zooplankton) most frequently \'lith threespine stickleback and even whitefish and char (Foerster 1968). Sockeye competition \'lith other resident fish is unknovm. -120- Chinook and coho salmon will probably compete with resident fish for food and space. Of all the resident fish species, arctic grayling will be primarily affected by these salmon. Chinook and coho salmon frequently reside in the slower-moving areas of streams, i.e., sloughs, undercut streambanks, back eddies, and pools (Morrow 1980; Albin 1977; Scott and Crossman 1973). Grayling also reside in pools and defend territories as do coho salmon (Morrow 1980; Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1982; ~~arren 1971). Unlike coho and chinook salmon, grayling will sometimes inhabit riffle areas of streams (Albin 1977). Salmon and grayling eat primarily insects. Coho salmon, probably the major salmon competitor for space, will probably be the major competitor for food with grayling since both of these fish feed on insects primarily at the surface of the water or at mid-depth (t~orrow 1980; Scott and Crossman 1973 ). Chinook salmon will also compete for food and will eat insects at any depth in the stream. Competition between salmon and other resident fish species ~vill probably be for food more than for space. Unlike coho and chinook salmon, burbot and Dolly Varden inhabit the stream bottom and whitefish reside in riffles (Albin 1977; Morrow l9BO). Some competition for food will occur, since most juvenile resident fish species eat insects. Chum salmon compete less for food and space than the other salmon. Shortly after emerging from the gravel, the chum fry begin swimming downstrear;l to salt water. The fry do feed on zooplankton and small insects while in freshwater but are so small in size and reside for such a short time in freshv1ater that they are not serious competitors for food with the resident fish. Chum fry will also inhabit the main stem of the Susitna River during spring and early summer and therefore will not compete for space with resident fish, which will at this time of year -121- reside in tributaries (Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1981f; Riis and Friese 1978). The salmon that will prey on resident fish are coho and chinook salmon. Sockeye and chum sal~on primarily eat zooplankton and some insects. Fingerling coho and chinook salmon primarily eat insects, hut, if given the opportunity will consume resident fish eggs that drift downstream during or after spawning. Juvenile chinook salmon do not appear to consume fish but coho smolts definitely do (Morrow 1980). Coho smolts are significant predators of juvenile sockeye salmon (Morrow 1980) and do prey on stickleback (Parr 1972). Evidence for predation by coho smolts on other resident fish was not found, but surely coho s~olts will consume the fry of resident fish if given the opportunity. Predator-prey relationships are a "two-\vay street" and introduced salmon will be eaten by resident fish. Grayling v1ill on occasion consume sockeye salmon eggs and fry (Williams 1969). The lake whitefish, closely related to the humpback whitefish, consume sockeye fry (VanV/hye and Peck 1968) and the round whitefish, which consumes lake trout and whitefish eggs (Morrow 1980; Scott and Crossman 1973), will probably consume salmon eggs if given the opportunity. Other known predators of sockeye fry are 1 ake trout (VanvJhye and Peck 1968), burbot (Roberson, Bird and Fridgen 1978), and Dolly Varden (Hartman and Burgner 1972). Dolly Varden consume sockeye from egg through smolt life stages (Meacham and Clark 1979; Foerster 1968) and are known predators of coho salmon (Crone 1981 and Parr 1972), and churn fry (Hunter 1959). Longnose suckers are known to eat salmonid eggs, given the opportunity (r·1orrow 1980). -122- In summation, salmon will impact the resident fish. Competition for food and space, and predator-prey relationships will be complex with salmon affecting other salmon species as well as resident fish, and resident fish affecting other resident fish as well as salmon. Introduced salmon may actually benefit certain resident fish species by acting as "buffer prey'', a term mentioned in Hartman and Burgner (1972). For example, salmon are preyed on by Dolly Varden and lake trout which frequently prey on stickleback and whitefish, respectively. The extent of predation on these latter two prey species would therefore be reduced, which could allow their numbers to increase. By salmon acting as "buffer prey", any reduction in resident fish due to competition or predation by salmon may be balanced. -123- 6. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 6.1 Vertical Slot Fishway Enhancement Program The purpose of constructing a fishway at a velocity barrier such as occurs in Devil Canyon is to m~ke available additional spawning and rearing areas in the stream above the barrier. Earlier sections gave consideration to such physical factors as: 1) Accessiblity of the barrier: The method of accessibility (plane, boat, road) of personnel to the site for construction, maintenance, and operating purposes. 2) Stream hydrology: Maximum, mean, and minimum discharges. 3) Terrain topography: Stream gradient. 4) Foundation material: Geotechnical investigations for determining the type of construction needed. 5) Characteristics of barrier: Height and length of the barrier. Vertical barrier, velocity barrier, or cor.1bination of both. 6) Spawning area: The area available for the spawning and rearing of chinook, coho, chum and sockeye salmon. This section will consider the fiscal factors that determine if the tunnel-vertical slot fish1vay described in Section is economically practical. 6.1.1 ~enefit/Cost Ratio There are several financial methods for determining the acceptable cost of a project. This study vii 11 use the benefit/cost (B/C) method because it is a procedure that is faniliar to tnost people. -124- The reader should be aware that B/C ratio analysis is not an exact science and that limitations exist in this method of fiscal evaluation. In this study the v>~riters have used estimated figures for project costs~ maintenance costs~ project life~ fish yields~ and the interest rate of financing. The variable factors listed in the previous paragraph were estimated vdth the best information available~ but still they are only estimates. If actual costs are less than estimated costs, the B/C ratio will be increased, and, of course, if the benefits are less than estimated the B/C ratio will be reduced. Variables that are not included in this cost evaluation are the unknowns of nature such as unusually cold weather~ extreme flow conditions during floods and drought~ and the influence of future fishing regulations~ all of which can affect the anticipated salmon harvest. 6.1.2 Economic Factors, Assumptions, and Calculations * A) ~I .!2.1 See Section 5. 1.1 for detailed biocriteria Susitna River salmon l) Average weight of salmon in Cook Inlet a) Chinook -sport ~/ = 20.5 1 b commercial ~I = 16.7 1 b b) Coho sport and commercial ~I = 6.1 lb c) Sockeye commercial ~ 6.5 lb d) Chum commercial ~I = 7.7 1 b From Mr. Kevin Delaney, pers, comm., November 22, 1982, ADF&G Fishery Biologist III, Anchorage. From Mr. Jim Browning, pers. cor.1m., November 1S~ 1982 • -125- B) C) D) .£9_/ Q! 2) 1982 average value to fishermen in Cook Inlet a) Chinook -sport 201 = $120.00/fish commercial ~I = $25.00/fish b) Coho sport 20; = $38.00/fish commercial ~I = $5.50/fish c) Sockeye commercial 20; $7.30/fish d) Chum commercial ~/ = $4.90/fish Potential return to syster.-: 1) Chinook -3,000 fish 2) Coho 5,100 fish 3) Sockeye -160,000 fish 4) Chum 9,700 fish Total = 177,800 fish Potential harvest in the upper Susitna River due to fishway installation 1) Cl1i nook = 800 fish 2) Coho = 660 fish 3) Sockeye = 53,300 fish 4) Chum = 2,600 fish Total = 57,360 fish Value of harvest 1) 1982 value of salmon a) Chinook 780 sport + 20 conmerci al = $94,000 b) Coho 290 .;port + 370 commercial= $13,000 c) Sockeye 53,300 comrnerci al = $390,000 d) Chum 2,600 commercial= $13,000 Total = $510,000 From r~r. Jeff Hartman, pers. comm., November 18, 1982, ADF&G Fish Culturist IV, Anchorage. Fror.J Developernent Planning and Research Associates, Inc. (1982). -126- 2) Assume the salmon harvest (all species) will occur as follows: lst -4th year-------0% = 0 fish 5th year------------50% = 28,700 fish 6th year------------60% = 34,400 fish 7th year------------70% = 40,200 fish 8th year------------80% = 45,900 fish 9th year------------90% = 51,600 fish 10th-40th year-----100% = 57,400 fish 3) Future annual va 1 ue of harvest 1st-4th-year 1982 -1986 = $0 5th year -----------1987 = $ 255,000 6th year -----------1988 = $ 306,000 7th year -----------1989 = $ 357,000 8th year -----------1990 $ 408,000 9th year -----------1991 = $ 459,000 1Oth-40th year 1992-2022 $ 510,000 E) Assumptions concerning fishvJay costs 1) Fi shways (Devi 1 Canyon and Devi 1 Creek) a) Tunnel life of 40 years -initial tunnels cost $30,215,000 b) Replace vertical slot baffles at year 20 -$2,000,000 c) Yearly opening/clc~ing costs of fishway-$5,000 d) Significant maintenance: Year 10 -$25,000 year 30 -$25,000 2) Two weirs/camp facility a) Ca~p/weirs used for 5 years -initial weir cost $700,000 b. Weir operations for 5 years at $25,000/year 3) Stocking operational costs -$25,000/year -127- 4) Cost of capital: i* *Assumptions/explanation a) Nominal rate = 13%. b) Real rate 3%. c) Future benefits & costs have been adjusted to 1982 (base economic year) ivith a real (discount) rate of 3%. d) The real interest rate is equivalent to the real interest paid on current AA corporate bonds of the same maturity as the minimum life of the permanent fishway structures. e) Real interest rate: the interest (i) used in calculating present value. In the case of a single future amount coming in n years the present worth factor (PWF) is: (l+i )-n. f) Present worth value: the amount which a person would be willing to pay today to obtain the right to a certain amount or series of amounts in the future as estimated through use of a discount rate. The benefit of the fishway enhancement program is calculated in Table 6-1 and the cost is calculated in Table 6-2. -128- Table 6-1. ·Fishway enhancement benefit calculations for all salmon species. Year Benefit X PWF = PW Benefit 3% 1982 0-1982 $0 1.000 $0 1 0 • 971 0 2 0 .943 0 3 0 .915 0 4 0 .888 0 5-1987 255,000 .863 220,100 6 306,000 .837 256,100 7 357,600 .813 290,200 8 408,400 .789 321 , 900 9 459,200 .766 351,600 1 0-1992 510,000 .744 379,400 11 51 0, 000 .722 368,200 1 2 510,000 • 701 357,500 13 510,000 .681 347,303 14 510,000 • 661 337,100 1 5-1997 510,000 .642 327,400 1 6 510,000 .623 317,700 1 7 51 0,000 .605 308,600 18 510,000 .587 299,400 19 510,000 .570 290,700 20-2002 510,000 .554 282,500 21 510,000 .538 274,400 22 510,000 .522 266,600 23 510,000 .507 258,600 24 510,000 .492 250,900 25-2007 510,000 .478 243,800 26 510,000 .464 236,600 27 510,000 .450 229,500 28 510,000 .437 222,900 29 510,000 .424 216,200 30-2012 510,000 .412 210,100 31 510,000 .400 204,000 32 510,000 .388 197,900 33 510,000 .377 192,300 34 510,000 .366 186,700 35-201 7 510,000 .355 181 ,000 36 510,000 .345 176,200 37 510,000 .335 170,900 38 510,000 .325 165,800 39 510,000 .317 161,700 40-2022 510,000 .307 156,600 Total benefit at 1982 value= $9,257,800 -129- Table 6-2. Fishway enhancement combined cost calculations. Year Cost X PWF = PW Cost 3% 1982 0-1982 $30,915,000 1.000 $30,915,000 1 55,000 • 971 53,405 2 55,000 • 943 51,865 3 55,000 .915 50,325 4 55,000 .888 48,840 5-1987 55,000 .863 47,465 6 5,000 .837 4,185 7 5,000 • 813 4,065 8 5,000 • 789 3,945 9 5,000 .766 3,830 10-1992 25,000 .744 18,600 11 5,000 .722 3,610 12 5,000 • 701 3,505 13 5,000 • 681 3,405 14 5,000 • 661 3,305 15-1997 5,000 .642 3,210 16 5,000 .623 3, 115 17 5,000 .605 3,025 18 5,000 .587 2,935 19 5,000 .570 2,850 20-2002 2,000,000 .554 1,108,000 21 5,000 .538 2,690 22 5,000 .522 2,610 23 5,000 .507 2,535 24 5,000 .492 2,460 25-2007 5,000 .478 2,390 26 5,000 .464 2,320 27 5,000 .450 2,250 28 5,000 .437 2, 185 29 5,000 .424 2,120 30-2012 25,000 .412 10,300 31 5,000 .400 2,000 32 5,000 .388 1,940 33 5,000 • 377 1,885 34 5,000 .366 1 ,830 35-2017 5,000 .355 1, 775 36 5,000 .345 1, 725 37 5,000 .335 l, 675 38 5,000 .325 1, 625 39 5,000 .317 l , 585 40-2022 5,000 .307 -~1,535- Total costs at 1982 value = $32,387,920 -130- Benefit/Cost ratio: B $ 9,257,800 B Total benefit from Table 6-1 = 0.29:1 -------- c $ 32,287' 920 C = Total cost fro~ Table 6-2 6.1.3 Sensitivity Analysis The sensitivity of the benefit/cost calculations shown depends on the uncertainty of: 1) Estimated construction costs 2) Esti~ated maintenance costs 3) Salmon survival rates (egg to fry to adult) 4) Estimated future salmon catches 5) Estimated value of salmon catches 6) The cost of capita 1 ( i ) The following explanation of figures used (both expenses & benefits) is numbered to correspond with the six indeterminates listed above. 1) The estimated construction costs are based on ADF&G 1 s experience in constructing similar type fishways at Anan Creek and at Russian River and therefore the estimates are thought to be reliable. 2) The maintenance and operations costs are based on ADF&G experience gained from similar fishways at Anan Creek and at Russian River. However, the reader can readily observe from Table 6-2 that the ~aintenance and operations costs are insignificant when compared to the initial C.I.P. costs. The maintenance and operations costs could be trebled or deleted altogether and not significantly -131- alter the B/C ratio. Figure 6-1 shows a cash flow comparison of benefits vs. costs. 3) The survival rates are based on standards accepted by and used by the Fisheries Rehabilitation and Enhancement Oivision of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. These values are the standards used in the State of Alaska. 4) The estimated future salmon ~atches are based upon the survival rates described in sensitivity analysis number 3. The survival rates and catch estimates are available from Dr. Bernard Kepshire22;. 5) The 1982 Cook Inlet salmon catch and prices are as recorded by the Commercial Fisheries and Sport Fish Divisions. To avoid the uncer- tainties of future inflativn all benefits and costs have been computed based on 1982 prices. 6) The three percent cost of capital was obtained from Mr. Jeff Hartman 20;. In the way of a comparison, the fishway B/C ratio was computed on the basis of a real interest rate of 10%. In the i=10% calculations, the B/C ratio computed to be 0.1:1. The 0.1:1 B/C ratio indicates an even more economically unsatisfactory project. 22/ ADF~G Principal Fish Culturist, Juneau. -132- I _. 4 $X 106 2 ( +) ~X 106 (-) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1982 (BENEFITS) ----r~~:U~ -S~~~~ ~E~~~~~ ------n 510,000/YR. SALMON BENEFITS INSIGNIFICANT M 8 0 COSTS. INITIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1987 1992 1997 (COSTS) 2002 2007 2012 2017 Figure 6-1. Fishway enhancement (B/C) cash flow. 0 2022 6.2 Hatchery Enhancement Program This section develops the economic analysis for constructing and operating a hatchery enhancement program such as discussed in section 5.2.4. In the case of the upper Susitna River drainage basin where miles of spawning streams and acres of lake rearing go barren because there are no spawners, a hatchery induced enhancement program may be desirable. With the existing natural rearing areas available, the "hatchery facility" would be limited to an "incubation facility" wherein hatchery fry would receive limited rearing, just enough to start them feeding and to await optimum release conditions. The fry would then be transported to the upper Susitna River drainage basin for release and natural rearing. The hatchery/incubation facility needed for the enhancement program described would consist of the following major features. 1) An incubation facility constructed in the Talkeetna area. 1982 C.I.P. cost of $3,400,000 with annual operating costs of $250,000 per year. 2) An egg take camp at Gold Creek with adult capture weirs at Indian River and Portage Creek. C.I.P. cost of $700,000 plus $25,000 per year operational costs. 3) Fry/fingerling planting operations. Initially the planting operations will be from Paxson/Anchorage to the upper Susitna River but will eventually operate between Talkeetna and the upper Susitna River drainage (Lake Louise area). The fry/fingerling planting operational costs are expected to be approximately $25,000 per year. -134- 6.2.1 Benefit/Cost Ratio The same type of B/C analysis as used for the vertical slot fishway tunnel (Section 6.1) is used for the hatchery enhancement analysis. 6.2.2 Economic Factors, Assumptions, and Calculations *See Section 5. l. l for detailed bi ocriteri a A) Susitna River salmon 1) Average weight of salmon in Cook Inlet a) Chinook -sport ~/ = 20.5 l b commercial ~I = 16.7 l b b) Coho sport and commercial ~I = 6. l l b c) Sockeye commercial 2V = 6. 5 l b d) Chum commercial ~I = 7.7 l b 2) 1982 average price paid to fishermen in Cook Inlet a) Chinook -sport ~/ = $120.00/fish cor:1merci al 20; = $25.00/fish b) Coho sport 20; $38.00/fish commercial 201 = $5.50/fish c) Sockeye commercial 20; = $7.30/fish d) Chum commercial ~/ = $4.90/fish B) Potential return to system 1) Chinook = 3,000 fisn 2) Coho = 5' l 00 fish 3) Sockeye = 160,000 fish 4) Chum = 9,700 fish Total 177,800 fish -135- C) Potential l1arvest in the upper Susitna River. 1) Chinook = 2,800 fish 2) Coho = 4,740 fish 3) Sockeye = 152,000 fish 4) Chum = 9,260 fish Total = 168,800 fish U) Value of harvest 1) 1982 value of salmon a) Chinook 2,730 sport + 70 commercial = $329,000 b) Coho 2,100 sport + 2,640 commercial = $94,000 c) Sockeye 152,000 commercial = $1 '11 0' 000 d) Chum 9,260 commercial = $45,000 Total = $1 ,578,000 2) Assume the salrilon harvest (all species) will occur as follm<Js: 3) 1st -4th year-----------0% = 0 fish 5th year----------------50% = 84,400 fish 6th year----------------60% = 101,280 fish 7th year----------------70% = 118,160 fish 8th year----------------80% = 135,040 fish 9th year----------------90% = 151,920 fish lOth -40th year-------100% = 168,800 fish Future annual value of harvest 1st-4th year-----1982 -1986 $ 0 5th year---------------1987 = $ 789,000 6th year---------------1988 = $ 946,800 7th year---------------1989 = $ 1 '104,600 8th year---------------1990 = $ 1,262,400 9th year---------------1991 = $ 1,420,200 lOth -40th year-1992 -2002 = $ 1,578,000 E) Assumptions concerning hatchery costs 1) Hatchery life of 40 years -initial hatchery cost $3,400,000. 2) Hatchery reconstruction at year 20 -$2,000,000. 3) Hatchery operation costs -$250,000/year. 4) 2 weirs/camp -initial weir cost $700,000. 5) Replace weirs/camp at 20 years-$700,000. 6) Weir operating costs -$25,000/year. 7) Planting operating costs -$25,000/year. 8) Cost of capital: i* *Assumptions/explantion a) Nominal rate= 13%. b) Real rate = 3%. c) Future benefits & costs have been adjusted to 1982 (base economic year) with a real (discount) rate of 3%. d) The real interest rate is equivalent to the real interest paid on current AA corporate bonds of the same maturity as the minimum life of the permanent hatchery structures. e) Real interest rate: the interest (i) used in calculating present value. In the case of a single future amount coming in n years the present worth factor (PWF) is: (l+i)-n. f) Present worth value: the amount which a person v1ould be willing to pay today to obtain the right to a certain amount or series of amounts in the future as estimated through use of a discount rate. The benefit of the hatchery enhancement program is calculated in Table 6-3 and the cost is calculated in Table 6-4. -137- Table 6-3. Hatchery enhancement benefit calculations for all salmon species. Year Benefit X PWF = PW Benefit 3% 1982 0-1982 $0 l. 000 $0 l 0 • 971 0 2 0 .943 0 3 0 .915 0 4 0 .888 0 5-1987 789,000 .863 680,900 6 946,000 .837 791 '800 7 l 'l 04' 600 .813 898,000 8 1,262,400 .789 996,000 9 1,420,200 .766 1,087,900 l 0-l 992 1,578,000 .744 1,174,000 ll 1,578,000 .722 l '139,300 12 1,578,000 • 701 1,106,200 13 1,578,000 .681 1,074,700 14 l ,578,000 .661 1 ,043, l 00 15-1997 1,578,000 .642 1,013,100 16 1,578,000 .623 983 'l 00 l 7 1,578,000 .605 954,700 18 1 '578,000 .587 926,300 19 1,578,000 .570 899,500 20-2002 1,578,000 .554 874,200 21 1,578,000 .538 849,000 22 1,578,000 .522 823,700 23 1,578,000 .507 800,100 24 1 ,578,000 .492 776,400 25-2007 1,578,000 .478 754,300 26 l ,578,000 .464 732,200 27 1,578,000 .450 710,100 28 1,578,000 .437 689,600 29 1,578,000 .424 669,100 30-2012 1,578,000 .412 650,100 31 1 '5 78' 000 .400 631,200 32 1,578,000 .388 612,300 33 1,578,000 .377 594,900 34 1,578,000 .366 577,500 35-2017 1,578,000 .355 560,200 36 1,578,000 .345 544,400 37 1,578,000 .335 528,600 38 1,578,000 .325 512,900 39 1,578,000 .317 500,200 40-2022 1,578,000 .307 484,400 Total benefits at 1982 value = $28,644,000 -138- Table 6-4. Hatchery enhancement combined cost calculations. Year Cost X PWF = PW Cost 3% 1982 0-1982 $4,100,000 1. 000 $4,100,000 1 300,000 • 971 291,300 2 300,000 .943 282,900 3 300,000 .915 274,500 4 300,000 .888 266,400 5-1987 300,000 .863 258,900 6 300,000 .837 251 '1 00 7 300,000 .813 243,900 8 300,000 .789 236,700 9 300,000 .766 229,800 1 0-1992 300,000 .744 223,200 11 300,000 .722 216,600 12 300,000 • 701 21 0, 300 13 300,000 .681 204,300 14 300,000 .661 198,300 15-1997 300,000 .642 192,600 16 300,000 .623 186,900 17 300,000 .605 181 '500 18 300,000 .587 176,100 19 300,000 .570 171 ,000 20-2002 3,000,000 .554 1,662,000 21 300,000 .538 161 ,400 22 300,000 .522 156,600 23 300,000 .507 152,100 24 300,000 .492 147,600 25-2007 300,000 .478 143,400 26 300,000 .464 139,200 27 300,000 .450 135,000 28 300,000 .437 131,100 29 300,000 .424 127,200 30-201 2 300,000 • 41 2 123,600 31 300,000 .400 120,000 32 300,000 .388 116,400 33 300,000 .377 113,100 34 300,000 .366 109,800 35-2017 300,000 .355 106,500 36 300,000 .345 103,500 37 300,000 .335 100,500 38 300,000 .325 97,500 39 300,000 .317 95' 100 40-2022 300,000 .307 92,100 Total costs at 1982 value= $12,530,000 -139- Benefit/Cost ratio: B $28,644,000 B = Total benefits from Table 6-3 = ----------------2. 29: l c $12,530,000 C = Total cost from Table 6-4 6.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis The sensitivity of the benefit/cost calculations shown depends on the uncertainty of: l) Estimated construction costs 2) Estimated operations costs 3) Salmon survival rates (egg to fry to adult) 4) Estimated future salmon catches 5) Estimated value of salmon catches 6) The cost of capital (i) The following explanation of figures used (both expenses & benefits) is numbered to correspond with the six indeterminates listed above. 1) The estimated construction costs are based on ADF~G's PxrPrience in constructing numerous hatcheries and hatchery support facilities over the past several years. These estimates are considered to be reliable. 2) The maintenance and operations costs are based on FRED's experience gained from operating numerous hatcheries during the past several years. These estimates are considered to be reliable. Figure 6-2 shows a cash flow co~parison of benefits vs. costs. 3) The survival rates are based on standards accepted by and used by the Fisheries Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. These values are the standards -140- I _.. • x 106 I (+) 0 3 4 \.._$ 300, 000/ YR. INITIAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS '-.___./ 1982 1987 1992 -I- 1997 figure 6-2. Hatchery enhancement (B/C) cash flow. (BENEFITS) rt 1,578,000 SALMON BENEFITS/YR. -I-•I-•!- Mao cosTs....J ' RE ... BUILD HATCHERY '----'"' a WEIRS {COSTS) 2002 2007 2012 .. END OF PROGRAM YEAR 2022) 2017 2022 used in the State of Alaska. 4) The estimated future salmon catches are based on the survival rates described in sensitivity analysis number 3. The survival rates and catch estimates ~re available from Dr. Bernard Kepshire22;. 5) The 1982 Cook Inlet salmon catch and prices are as recorded by the Commercial Fisheries and the Sport Fish Divisions. To avoid the uncertainties of future inflation all benefits and costs have been computed based on 1982 prices. 6) The three percent cost of capital was obtained from Jeff Hartman20;. In the way of comparison the hatchery B/C ratio was computed on the basis of a real interest rate of 10%. In the i=10% calculations the B/C ratio computed to be 1.23:1. Even at the higher interest rate, with the reduced B/C ratio, the hatchery salmon enhancement project appears to be viable. -142- 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Salmon Enhancement Without Hydroelectric Dams The findings in section 5.2.3 indicate that salmon enhancement of the upper Susitna River is technically feasible via the use of vertical slot fishv1ays to pass adult salmon to unused spawning grounds. However, the economic analysis of the vertical slot fishway program, as discussed in section 6. 1, indicates that such a project ·is not economically sound. The exceed- ingly high construction costs, when compared to the relatively low benefits, produce a B/C ratio of only 0.29 to 1. Because of the low B/C ratio, the study team cannot recommend the construction of fishways as a method for salmon enhancement. The findings in section 5.2.4 indicate that salmon enhancement of the upper Susitna River is technically feasible via a fry/fingerling stocking program conducted from a hatchery located in the Talkeetna area. The economic analysis of the hatchery program, as discussed in section 6. 2, indicates that such a project is also economically sound. The resultant B/C ratio of 2.29 to 1 compares -Favorably \vith many of the hatchery operations now being conducted in Alaska. The study team recommends that if a salmon enhancement project is to be conducted in the upper Susitna River drainage basin, then the project should be a hatchery stocking program of the nature described in section 5.2.4. This recommen- dation is valid based on the information available at this time. However, it would be prudent to field verify some of the assumptions made prior to entering into a 40 year multi-million dollar enhancement project. -143- 7.2 Salmon Enhancement With Hydroelectric Dams Fifty years of monitoring salmon migrations in the Columbia and the Snake Rivers of Washington, Oregon and Idaho have shown that adult salmon will ascend fishways bypassing hydroelectric dams. In bypassing dams such as Bonneville (65ft high), The Dalles (88ft), John Day (132ft), tkNary (100 ft), Ice Harbor (100 ft), Lower Monumental (93 ft), Little Goose (100ft), Lower Granite (82 ft) and others, some salmon ascend over 800 feet in a river stretch of about 500 miles. The same observations show, however, that the mortalities to the migrating salmon, both the adult and the juvenile downstream migrants, is significant as dicussed in section 5.1.2. The numerous stati sties quoted for the mortality of the migrants are quite varied but the bottom line consensus is that the present Columbia River salmon run is significantly less than it was in the "pre-dam" days and the data indicates that the dams have been a major factor in the decline of the salmon runs. Although the proposed Susitna dams may not be directly comparable to the dams on the Columbia River, it is the study team's belief that the construction of the Devi 1 Canyon and the ~~atana dams will essentially eliminate any salmon enhancement potential in the Upper Susitna River drainage basin. The problems, and associated costs, of passing salmon, both upstream and downstream, over a height of 1,500 ft in a run of only 26 miles will far outweigh the limited benefits that could be achieved from any salmon enhancement program. As mentioned in section 5.1.2 the study team feels that if the Susitna dams are constructed then thought should be given to a trout/grayling enhancement project in lieu of a salmon enhancement project. -144- 8. References Acres American, Inc. 1980. Susitna hydroelectric project plan of study. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Acres American, Inc. 1982. Susitna hydroelectric project feasibility report. Volume 4. Appendix A. Hydrological status. Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1976. Fish and wildlife studies related to the Corps of Engineers Devil Canyon, Watana reservoir hydroelectric project. Anchorage, Alaska. 1977a. Preauthorization assessment of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric projects: preliminary investigations of water quality and aquatic species composition. Anchorage, Alaska. 1977b. Summary report of Cook Inlet salmon stocks and their utilization. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish & Commercial Fisheries Division. 47pp. 1978. Preliminary environmental assessment of hydroelectric development on the Susitna River. Anchorage, Alaska. 1979. Preliminary final plan of study fish and studies proposed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Anchorage, Alaska. l98la. Adult anadromous phase 1 final draft report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. 198lb. Adult anadromous phase 1 final draft stock separation feasibility report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Program. Anchorage, Alaska. 198lc. Aquatic habitat and instream flow phase 1 final draft report. 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Oregon Department of Fish and ~~ildlife, Research Section, Information Report Series, Fisheries. 77-2. 17pp. Reiser, D.W. and T.C. salmonids. U.S. Northvvest Forest Report. PN\:J-96. Bjornn. 1979. Habitat requirements of anadromous Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Pacific and Range ~xperiment Station. General Technical Portland, Oregon. Riis, J.C. and N.V. Friese. 1978. Fisheries and habitat investigations of the Susitna River --a preliminary study of potential impacts of the Devils Canyon and Watana hydroelectric projects. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish and Commercial Fisheries. 116 pp. Roberson, K., F.H. Bird and P.J. Fridgen. 1978. Copper River-Prince William Sound sockeye salmon catalog and inventory. Technical Report. AFC-61-1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 70pp. Roberson, K., F.H. Bird, P.J. Fridgen and R.G. Zorich. 1978. Copper River-Prince Hilliarn Sound sockeye salmon inventory and assessment. Completion Report. AFC-52. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 84pp. -152- Roberson, K., F.H. Bird, K.A. Webster and P.J. Fridgen. 1980. Copper River-Prince William Sound sockeye salmon catalog and inventory. Technical Report. AFC-61-2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 55pp. Roberson, K. and R. Holder. 1982. Gulkana River sockeye enhancement. Progress Report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. Draft. Roberson, K., M.F. Merritt and P.J. Fridgen. 1982. Copper River-Prince William Sound sockeye salmon catalog and inventory. Completion Report. AFC-61. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 39pp. Roberson, K., K.A. Webster, P.J. Fridgen and P. Merritt. 1981. Copper River-Prince \~illiam Sound sockeye salmon catalog and inventory. Technical Report. AFC-61-3. Alaska Department of Fish and Ga~e. 47pp. Roberson, K., R.G. Zorich and P.J. Fridgen. 1976. Copper River-Prince William Sound sockeye salmon inventory and assessment. Technical Report. AFC-52-1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 70pp. Roberson, K., R.G. Zorich, P.J. Fridgen and F.H. Bird. 1977. Copper River-Prince Hilliam Sound sockeye salmon inventory and assessment. Technical Report. AFC-52-2. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 69pp. Rucker, R.R. 1972. Gas bubble disease in salmonids: a critical review. U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Technical Paper. 11pp • • 1975. Gas-bubble disease: mortalities of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus --, kisutch, in water with constant total gas pressure and different oxygen-nitrogen ratios. Fishery Bulletin 73(4): 915-918. __ .and P .W. Kangas. 1974. Effect of nitrogen supersaturated water on coho and chinook salmon. Progressive Fish Culturist 36(3): 152-156. Salo, E.O. and \rJ.H. Bayliff. 19:58. Artifical and natural production of silver salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, at Minter Creek, Washington. Washington Department of Fisheries Research Bulletin 4. 82pp. Schluchter, M.D. and J.A. Lichatowich. 1977. Juvenile life histories of Rogue River spring chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), as determined by scale analysis. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Research Section, Information Report Series, Fisheries. 77-5. 24pp. Schmidt, D. 1981. Natural supersaturation of dissolved gas in the Devil Canyon rapids of the Susitna River and its implication in prediting impacts of a hydroelectric project. Paper presented at the 1982 annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter; November 16-18, 1982; Sitka, Alaska. -153- Scott, W.B. and E.J. Crossman. 1973. Freshwater fishes of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin 184. 966 pp. Shapovalov, L. and A.C. Taft. 1954. The life histories of the steelhead rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri) and silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) with special reference to Waddell Creek, California, and recommendations regarding their management. California Department of Fish and Game Fish Bulletin 98. 375pp. Shirazi, M.A. and W.K. Seim. 1979. A stream systems evaluation--an emphasis on spawning habitat for salmonids. EPA 600/3-79-109. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon. 37pp. Stein, R.A., P.E. Reimers and J.D. Hall. 1972. Social interaction between juvenile coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and fall chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha) in Sixes River, Oregon. Journal of the Fisheries-Research Board of Canada 29(12): 1737-1748. Thedinga, J.F. and K.V. Koski. 1982. The production of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, smolts and adults from Porcupine Creek, southeastern Alaska. National Marine Fisheries Service, Auke Bay Laboratory, Auke Bay, Alaska 99821. Draft. Trasky, L.L. Report. 1974. Yukon River anadromous fish investigations. Completion AFC-47. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 111 pp. U.S. Army Corps of engineers. 1981. Annual fish passage report-1981, Columbia and Snake Rivers for salmon, steelhead and shad. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. U.S. Government Printing Office: D.C. 256pp. 1976. Qua 1 ity criteria for water. 1978, 258-389/6057, Washington, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1978. Western reservoir and stream habitat improvements handbook. U.S. Forest Service. 1969. Wildlife habitat improvement handbook. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 1977. Hater resources data for Alaska water year 1976. Report number U.::>GS/~~RD/HD-77 /043. Anchorage, Alaska. Van \tJhye, G. L. and J. W. Peck. 1968. A limnological survey of Paxson and Alaska Department of Fish and 40pp. Summit Lakes in Interior Alaska. Game I nforr:1at ion a l Leaflet 124. Waite, D.C. Report. 1979. Chinook enhancement on the Kenai Peninsula. Completion AFS-46-1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 52pp. • 1982. Crooked Creek chinook salmon data report, 1979-1981. Alaska --Department of Fish and Game Technical Report. 40pp. Ward, J.V. and J.A. Stanford. 1979. The ecology of regulated streams. Plenum Press, New York. -154- Harren, C.E. 1971. Biology and water pollution control. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 434 pp. Westgard, R.L. 1964. Physical and biological aspects of gas-bubble disease in impounded adult chinook salmon at McNary spawning channel. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 93(3): 306-309. Wheaton, F.W. 1977. Aquacultural engineering. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 708 pp. White, L.E. 1980. Evaluation of a new planting device for salmon eggs. Progressive Fish -Culturist 42 (3): 177-180. Williams, F.T. 1964. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper Rivir and Prince William Sound drainage. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1963-1964. Project F-5-R-5, Job 11-A. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 5: 321-336 • • 1965. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River and Prince William Sound drainage, and upper Susitna River drainage. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1964-1965. Project F-5-R-6, Job 14-A. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 6: 273-290 • • 1966. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River and Prince Williams Sound drainage, and upper Susitna River. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1965-1966. Project F-5-R-7, Job 14-A. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 7: 185-213 • • 1967. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish waters of the Copper River and Prince William Sound drainage, and the upper Susitna River. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1966-1967. Project F-5-R-8, Job 14-A. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 8: 217-230 • • 1969. Inventory and cataloging of the sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1968-1969. Project F-9-1, Job 14-A. Alaska Uepartrnent of Fish and Game. 10: 275-289 • • 1972. Inventory and cataloging of the sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1971-1972. Project F-9-4, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 13: 85-110 • • 1974. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and --of the Copper River, Prince vJilliam Sound, and the River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. of Progress, 1973-1974. Project F-9-6, Job G-I-F. of Fish and Game. 15: 121-145. -155- sport fish waters upper Susitna Annual Report Alaska Department • 1975. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. of Progress, 1974-1975. Project F-9-7, Job G-I-F. of Fish and Game. 16: 121-144 • • 1976. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. of Progress, 1975-1976. Project F-9-8, Job G-I-F. of Fish and Game. 17: 107-129. sport fish waters upper Susitna Annual Report Alaska Department sport fish waters upper Susitna Annua 1 Report Alaska Department 1977. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Fed~ral Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1976-1977. Project F-9-9, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 18: 1-25 • • 1978. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1Y77-1978. Project F-9-10, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 19: 25-46. 1979. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1978-1979. Project F-9-11, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 20: 25-53 • • 1980. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish vtaters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1979-1980. Project F-9-12, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 21: 21-55. Williams, F.T. and H.D. Potterville. 1981. Inventory and cataloging of sport fish and sport fish waters of the Copper River, Prince William Sound, and the upper Susitna River drainages. Federal Aid in Restoration. Annual Report of Progress, 1980-1981. Project F-9-13, Job G-I-F. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 22: 33-67. Wright, A.T. 1964. A study of the carrying capacity of pink and chum salmon spawning areas in Alaska. Contract No. 14-17-0007-22 with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 11pp. -156- 9. Contributors/Acknowledgement: A. Contributors Project Leader/ Economics/ Editor-----------Lowell S. Barrick Biology Criteria----------------------------Bernard Kepshire Fisheries Engineering-----------------------George Cunningham Drafting------------------------------------Carol Downing Typing--------------------------------------Tanya Zahn B. Acknowledgement: In addition to the staff contributors, many individuals representing state, federal and private organizations contributed valuable information in the \vriting of this report. In particular the authors wish to thank Tom Trent and the staff of the Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Group, Milo Bell and John Hutchins of ABK&J, Jeff Weltzin and Eric Meyers of the Northern Alaska En vi ronmenta l Center, Acres American Incorporated and R&M consulting Engineers. Bob Burkett, Chief of Technology and Development for FRED Division, appointed the study team, outlined the work plan, and set the schedule for this study. -157- 10. APPENDICES -158- 10. 1 Letter from Commissioner Ronald 0. Skoog to the Honorable Vic Fisher March 31, 1982 The Honorable Vic Fischer State Senate Pouch V, State Capitol Juneau, Alaska 99811 Dc~r Senator: 465-4100 The followi~g information is prcvidcd by th~ department in responce to your inquiry concerning that portion of CS SSSB 603(Res) providin~ $200,000 for the assessnent of the fisheries' potential of the Susicnn River. This initial funding would provide for the rlevnlopm~nt of a baseline feasjbility analysis only for the area above Devils C~nynn tn ans.,..er in a pn~J lninary n.qnner, the fo].Jowi:Jg qut~~-;tlons: 1. Is it techn1c~lly feasible tc pass adult an~drornous fish upstream ~nd the rcsu.l tant fry/ smol ts safely do~stream throush Devils C;myon if no hydro electric development occurs on the Susitna River? And if feasible, -:.;hnt vould be the prelinin;;ry cost estinates for various fish passage designs to accomplish this? 2. \-lhat is the potenti.:tl (above Devils C<1n~ron) for the U?-rivcr llabit.:1t to support anc:dronon!> fish populations? If fi.sh passe1r;e becomes possibl2 0n a regular b2.sis, ~<1h<1t vould be the biological i.:'lpncts to the up-river rcsider:t f:isl: P?ec-!..cs and h<::bitat by such access to an:1d:-o::-.cus :.nccies ."lbove Devil<.' C0nyon? 10.1 cont. 3. What specific areas of study should n comprehensive plan address should it be detcrnined that auch a project be implemented by the Legislature? If you have any questions regarding this mntter plennc do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely., Ronald 0. Skoog Comidssioner ROS/l.SB/as cc: Ron Lehr Keith Specking bee: Too. Trent Christopher Estes Mary Jablonski 10.2 from Mr. Jeff Weltzin to Commissioner Ronald 0. Skoog Northern Alaska Environmental Center June 4, 1982 Co~missioner Ronald 0. Skoog Alaska Department of Fish and Game "P.O. Box 3-2000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Dear Commissioner Skoog, 218 DRIVEWAY FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99701 (907) 452.-5021 As you know, my organization has worked with others to support a $200 ,.000 .appropriation.through the Legislature to study the potential of upper Susitna River salmon e~~ncement. I wish to thank you and your staff· for the helpful bac~ground information describing how ADF&G would approach this study. We based our decision to pursue this funding for the ADF&G on your letter of March 20, 1981 which stated that the present arrangement bett;.;een your agency and the APA would not include any assessment of upper Susitna River salmon enhancement potential. More specifically, our·motivations in supporting this funding are outlined in·the following questions that hopefully this study will answer: · .1. Can the Devils Canyon hydraulic barriers .to the migration of the five species of salmon (chinook, coho, chun, sockeye and pi~~) be altered or bypassed to permit the passage of these species ~0 both tributaries · and connecting lakes above Devils Canyon in absence of the proposed Susitna hydro project? 2. If flsll passage through Devils Canyon is feasible, what would the potential benefit of salmon production from the tributaries and lakes upstream of Devils Canyon be to the sport, corr~ercial'ahd subsistence fishermen? · 3. What would the biological 'impacts be to other species presently residing in the upper Susitna? 4. If t~e Susitna dams are built, ho~ would this effect the potential of upper Susitna River salmon enhancement? It is our hope that this baseline study can be integrated into the ADF&G's Susitna hydro investigations to obtain the maximum understariding of the feasibility of providing access to and from the habitat of the upper Susitna. He believe that this knowledge is absolutely essential to determining whether the·instream flows of the upper Susitna are best suited for fishery enhancement or hydro development or both. In conclusion, the results of the first phase of the Susitna studies. sho~ that if the proposed Susitna dams have benefits, they are over a f~fty year or longer period. ±t is our belief that the benefits of the potential salmon enh~ncement of the upper Susitna should also be examined in th~ same context. Just as the Railbelt will experience 10.2 cont. Comxnission-er Skoog page 2 increased demand for electricity over the long term, the Railbelt could equally experience increased demand for Susitna salmon. Both potential developments of the Susitna must be understood to allow Alaskans the ·ability to make an informed decision on what are the best uses of the Susitna River. In anticipation that the Governor will not veto this appropriation, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss this appropriation in more detail if you so desire. I would also appreciate being informed on how you intend to implement this study and its progress as it evolves. Sincerely, Appendix 10.3. Upper Susitna River salmon enhancement study work plan (1982-1983) I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In the upper reaches of the Susitna River, in the vicinity of Devil Canyon, it is reported that a series of rapids and/or waterfalls create a barrier or series of barriers that prevent or seriously limit the passage of migatory fish (anadromous salmon) to spawning areas upstream of the barrier(s). As of mid-1982 the exact nature of the reported barrier(s) was not known by the Department of Fish and Game. The problems to be identified are described in a letter of March 31, 1982 from Fish and Game Commissioner Ron Skoog to Senator Vic Fischer and are listed as follows: 1) Determine the nature, location and the extent of any fish barrier(s) located on the Susitna River upstream of Devil Canyon. 2) Determine the nature and extent of salmon spawning habitat located upstream of Devil Canyon. 3) Determine methods of introducing salmon upstream of Devil Canyon. Methods could include fishpass facilities, stocking of hatchery produced fish, eyed egg plants and other methods. 4) Develop cost figures, suitable for budgetary purposes, for i~ple­ menting any of the methods, of item 3, that are determined to be practical. 5) Determine the biological impact on resident fish species inhabiting the area upstream of Devil Canyon that could be expected from the introduction of salmon into this area. 6) Determine any specfic areas of study that need to be conducted if Salmon are to be artificially introduced into the Susitna River above Devil Canyon. In addition to the questions posed by Commissioner Skoog the Northern Alaska Environmental Center, in its letter of June 4, 1982 asked the following additional question. "If the Susitna daT'lS are built, hov1 would this effect the potential of the upper Susitna River Salmon Enhancement?" This study will try to answer the questions posed by Commissioner Skoog and by the Northern Alaska Environmental Center. II. HOW BARRIER STUDY WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED Two individuals have been assigned to this study full time during fiscal year 1983 and two additional individuals will be assigned to Appendix 10.3 cont. the study part time during the five month period 7/1/82 through 12/l/82. During this five month period a draft report of the study, suitable for submission to the legislature, will be prepared. Following the legislature's review the study report will be refined as needed. Because the draft report is needed by December 1 there will not be time to make detailed field investigations of the site during all seasons of the year. Therefore, heavy emphasis will be placed on literature research of data that has been collected by others. Following is a list of sources known to posses information that should be relevant to this study: l) Alaska Department of Fish and Game a. The Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies Group -Tom Trent b. Habitat Division-Carl Yanagawa c. Sport Fish Division d. Commercial Fish Division e. FRED Division 2) The Alaska Power Authority 3) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 4) The U.S. Geological Survey 5) Acres American -Susitna Hydro Feasibility Study 6) U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers 7) R & M Consultants 8) North Pacific Aerial Surveys Inc. In addition to the lite~ature research site investigation work will be necessary but because of the short time frame available in which to prepare the draft report detailed site investigations will not be made. Instead, the site investigation will be limited to site/terrain familiarization, verification of questionable data found in literature, observing the extent of salmon migration in Devil Canyon (if any occurs) and obtaining site specific measurement such as stream velocity. The following site investigation trips are planned: 1) July 12-16: Fixed wing aircraft over flight. The purpose of this trip will be to familiarize the investigators with the extent of the study area, terrain conditions, watershed, areas of potential blockage and etc. 2) August 2-6: Rotor-wing aircraft inspection. This flight will permit on ground site investigation of questionable features and allow observation of the pink salmon migration Appendix 10.3 cont. which reached its peak, near Devil Canyon, on August 8 in 1981 • 3) August 30-September 3: Rotor-wing aircraft inspection. This flight will permit additional ground observations and will permit observation of the coho migration which extends into September in the vicinity of Devil Canyon. 4) It is expected that three site investigation trips will be adequate. However, additional flights or ground trips (if possible) will be conducted if necessary. III. PROJECT SCOPE This study will attempt to find answers to the questions posed in section I. The study will be conducted by means of personnel interviews, literature search and on-site investigations as described in section II. The draft report will be completed by December 1, 1982 with follow up research and report elaboration performed after comments to the draft report have been received. IV. MILESTONES (Critical Dates) 1) July 1982 Initiate literature search and conduct over flight of the Upper Susitna River study area. 2) August -September 1982 Complete field investigations, literature search and initiate the draft report. 3) October -November 1982 Collect additional data found missing in first draft and modify draft as.appropriate. 4) December 1, 1982 Barrier study report published. 5) December 1982 -January 1983 Barrier study report reviewed by legislature. 6) February -June 1983 Barrier study report completed per comments submitted by the legislature. Recommendations made. Appendix 10.3 cont. v. STUDY BUDGET 1 ) Salaries (#100) 2 full time/2 part time = 159,800 2) TVL & PO (#200) = 20,000 3) Publication Costs (#300) = 1 0 '400 4) Administrative/Office Supp 1 i es = 500 Subtotal = 190,700 5% Cont. (additional charter flts/ drafting) = 9,300 Total Study Cost = 200,000 Registered Professional Engineer Lowell S. Barrick, P.E. 10.4 MILD C. BELL Consulting Engineer BOX 23 MUKILTEO, WASHINGTON 98275 Alaska Department of Fish and Game FRED Division P.O. Box 3-2000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Dear Lowell: December 30, 1982 Drawings coveringJPf proposed fishways for the Susitna canyons are being sent under ~~Le cover. They show possible configurations for fishways to pass fish through the canyons. Those of us who have been in the Susitna area recognize the pauc- ity of information available to us to aid in making a decision on struc- tures, and we should remind ourselves that the winter survey by R & M, and the chopper surveys made by you and George Cunningham, which included velocity measurements by flow, form the basis at this tine for judgement as to whether fish can be passed through the canyons. The river flows for the year 1982 apparently were at record low, arounds 14,000 cfs, during the fish passage time. The normal range during the period is from 24,000 to 28,000, or approximately double the flow the fish faced in their successful movement through this canyon in 1982. Obviously, before a final decision could be reached it would be necessary to conduct at lQast ona year's examination of river levels in the canyon areas. Measurement of major drops which are known to exist in the canyon areas must be made before a final figure can be placed on the cost of providing fishways around such obstructions. It must be assumed that the barriers in these canyons are velocity barriers crea- ted by river energy, or the destruction of such energy associated with bank and bed roughness, which becomes more apparent at the lower flm·7s. It is also reported that there was a standing wave of great height created below the lower canyon at higher flows which was not shown either by the winter surveys of R & M or by the pictures taken by you and George Cunningham during your helicopter survey, or at the time when I surveyed the canyon. This is the first time (in 1982) that it has been reported that any numbers of anadromous fish have been found above the lower canyon. With this assumption, it must also be assumed that flows probably above 16,000 cfs may create sufficient drops at various control points in the canyon as to prevent successful passage bacause of the increased velocities. 10.4 cont. There may be two approaches to the development of a fishway system for these canyons: 1. passage from the lowest barrier to and above the canyon by a single fishway, or 2. passage around obstruction points by properly located fishways. There are problems associated with both approaches. If a single fishway system is to be created it must be assumed that fish nmv approach the canyon on one bank and that the entrance to this fishway would be at the farthest point of upstream migration on that bank. If this is not true, then an obstruction must be built on the bank on which there is no entrance to create a head drop, which would not allow fish passage and would require the fish to move to the bank where the fishway entrance is. If the entrance position is not properly located and the fish could bypass any point of potential obstruction, the length of time that the fish have before they must spawn would not allow them to search too long for an entrance downstream from the point in which they were collecting. This means, of course, that a very careful field examination would be necessary to insure that an entrance would be placed at the most precise location possible for the farthest point of upstream travel on that bank chosen for a single fishway passage. If a multifishway development were to be proposed, that is, a fish- way at each point at which fish have difficulty passing because of in- creased velocities, it would mean that the fish would be free to enter the river above such a short fishway, perhaps diverting to either bank in order to pass. A longer passage time would be required, for exam- ple, for fish to move from the left to right bank and back again if the fishways were on two banks. Again, time might not permit such delays in the canyon. If a single fish passage facility were to be provided, it probably would be best then to provide entrances into this facility at those points that were shown to be barriers to fish, provided that the fioh were able to pass the next lower obstruction. Thus there would be insurance that if the fish did pass the next lower obstruction they would find an entrance and would continue through the fishway system into the canyon area above the fishways. The costs for these two approac~es ar~ pro~ided as an appendix or separate document.~~~~ Previous tests have indicated that supersaturated nitrogen is now occurring in the canyon area. The effect of this has not been measured and it may affect passageway or the life span of the fish. It must be borne in mind that for each foot that the fish remain below the surface, the supersaturation level in reduced by approximately 3%. Sincerely yours, •"7 . 7 l~. t ./ I .. 10.4 cont. LOWER CANYON TUNNEL FISHWAY--l-J --__fY.~ Go!2..-Creek--{ z <t 0 a:: w ;! 0 a:: ~ w (/) SUSITNA RIVER TUNNEL FlSHWAYS LOCATION MAP 3 2 0 6 Miles SCALE ANDERSEN B..JOI=INSTAO KANE .JACOBS, INC. CONSUL T!NGi ENGiiNEEt= Milo C. Bell, Inc. Box 23 , .. __ .. : .... __ '"~'.. .... ........ _ .. 10.4 cont. LOWER SUSITNA RIVER·CANYON FISHWAY Cost Estimate Assumptions 1. Construction equipment would be brought to Gold Creek by rail car and off loaded. 2. An existing unimproved dirt road would be used to transport construction equipment, materials, and construction camp to the foot bridge midway in Devils Canyon. 3. Drilling machines, mining machines, tools, supplies, and mining equipment will be swung across the river using a skyline and a several drum donkey. 4. A trail would be constructed along the north ridge and down to the lower portal. Machinery and supplies could be lowered down the step slopes. 5. Mine tailing would be wasted into the river. 6. The existing landing strip would be used for air lifting materials and supplies. 7. The tunneling operation would anticipate working two tunnel faces concurrently and two shifts each day. 8. We assume a minimum construction camp size of 45 people during production. Superintendant 1 Assistant 1 Foreman 4 Miners 16 Riggers 3 Iron Workers 2 Carpenters 5 Laborers 5 Camp 4 Helicopter 2 Equipment operators -2 TOTAL 45 9. Equipment and supplies are as listed in the quantity estimate. 10.4 cont. •.r-... , ·,.,._ ~----------------.:-_ __../ '\ -.. .,,/ f I I I I I. I --·- 10.4 cont. ANDERSEN • BJORNSTAD •.KANE • JACOBS, INC. PROJECT Lower Susitna Canyon DATE 22 Dec. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Fishway Feasibility ;]Y SEATTLE, WA. ANCHORAGE, AK. JOB NO. C:+-nil'\l. C':o..s± F!.c;t-~i_lllBt-_p .1 R .H 82 COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. 1 MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL C:hPPt-? F. i Rro11aht: Forwarc -i Sheet 2 1,675 ,00( l Sheet 3 "'2, 083, OOl !4, /':::iU ,UUL ~ I Labor Tax 20% j':J!:l(),UUU I Subtotal 9,506,00 C"on.tractors Overhead & Pro lit 10 95t,QOO Snht-ot-r:1l 0,457,00 - Pro-iect Continaencv 10% 1,046,00 Subtotal p, 5CJ3 ,00 D Sit-P Investiaations 500,00~ Site Survev 200,000 DPsian 700,00~ Construction Supervision 1,200,000 'T'O'T'AT PROJEC"'T' C"OST 14,103,00 o, 10.4 cont. ANDERSEN • BJORNSTAD •_.KANE • JACOBS, INC. PROJEC r Lower ::>us 1 tna t..anyon DATE Fishway Feasibility 22 Dec. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Cost Estimate 8 J. R.H. SEATTLE, WA. ANCHORAGE, AK. JOB NO. 82 COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. 2 MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL pUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 1. Mobilization & Demobilization Access Trail 50 STA 500 25,000 Ship Equipment from Seattle 3 Compressors 5 Drillers 3 Muckers 2 Mixers Tractors, Trucks, Generators Skyline Rigging & Equipment Concrete Concrete Reinforcement Lumber ' 700,00 LB 0.1 84,000 Helicopter, 5000 lb. 1 ifts 100 ea 2500 250,000 2500 lb. 1 ifts 800 ea 1000 800 000 Construction Camp <:nt-lin :>V)rl ()",-."'"~+; r.n 36n IOav 11000 l%0 .OOQ Camp Rental 12 Mo. 3000 36,000 2. Staging Site Cl earinq 10 AC 1000 10 000 Sky Lines & Rigging (PurchasE ) LS 1n,ooo - Safety; nets, equip. , etc. LS 100.000 - 1,675,00( 10.4 cont. ANDERSEN • BJORNSTAD •KANE • JACOBS, INC. PROJECT Lower Sus1tna Canyon DATE Fishway Feasibility Study-? L1 ~Jn ~? CONSULTING ENGINEERS BY SEATTLE. WA. ANCHORAGE, AK. JOB NO. Cost Estimate COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. 1 MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 3. Equipment Rental: 3 Compressors 12 mo 600 7,200 5 Dri 11 s II jj 400 4,800 2 Muckers II II 6000 72,000 2 Mixers II II 1000 12 000 1 Skyline II II PQOOO 240,000 2 Tractors II II 6000 72 .000 2 Trucks II II .000 Q4,000 , 4 Generators II II 00 ?.tl oon 2 Camp Generators II II 000 24,000 Sma 11 Too 1 s 1000 12 000 4. Materia 1 s I--· Rock Bolts 4200 EA 40 168 000 .. 3000 40 1201>000 Cast-In-Place Concrete 4 Portals @ 100 c.y. EA 400 CY 000 400,000 Special Care & Handlin 400 CY 000 400 000 Timber 2 MBF 500 3,000 Structural Steel 50,000 LBS ~000 200,000 v!ire Mesh 10,000 SF 2 20,000 Grates 1,600 SF 50 80,000 Other LS 200,000 5. Labor Supervision b ~ 12 1·10 6000 432,000 Tradesman 31m. @ 6 mo. 44,640 HRS 60 ~,678,000 -- Camp Labor 4m @ 12 mo 14,!)0:' HRS 50 700,000 Operators 4m @ 12 mo 14,00C HRS 70 980,000 2,083,00( ~,790,000 10.4 cont. UPPER SUSITNA RIVER CANYON FISHWAY Cost Estimate Assumptions 1. Construction equipment would be brought to Chulitna by Rail car and off loaded. 2. An existing sled road would be used to cabins at Portage Creek. From their A sled road would be constructed to near Devil Creek. 3. Drilling r.1achines, 1111n1ng machines, tools, supplies, and mining equipment would be transported by cat train to Devil Creek which is near the fishway's up-stream portal. 4. Helecopter & Snow Cat would be used to supply the camp through the construction year. 5. The fishway would be constructed in the north bank and would utilize additional shafts for fish entrances and tunnel tailings. 6. Tunneling operations would anticipate working two faces concurrently and two shifts each day. 7. An Access Trail will be constructed along the north bank so as to hoist equipment to the portals. 8. We assume a minimum construction camp size of 45 people during construction. Superintendant 1 Assistant 1 Foremen 4 Miners 16 R i g ge r s 3 Iron Workers 2 Carpenters 5 Laborers 5 Camp 4 Helicopter 2 Equipment Operators 2 45 9. Equipment and supplies are as 1 isted in the quantity estimate. ---· \'?>oo -----\AOO 3750' LONG . TUNNEL FISHWAYS UPPER SUSITNA SCHEMATIC p F Is HW AY ~~gEI=ISEN KAN~NSTAD .JACOBS, INC. CONSUL TINCJ ENCJINEEF'l9 I LAN . = 600' ~CAl F. I" Milo C. Bell I n .... .,, ' nc. 10.4 cont. --~--~,:::;--~--------- \. SU:SITNA RIVER UPPER SUSITNA RIVER FlSHWAY PERSPECTIVE NO SCAU:. ANDERSEN BJORNSTAD KANE .JACOBS; INC. Milo C. lldl. Ia<. llo•13 MUJ!tto, WA 9UIS 10.4 cont. ANDERSEN • BJORNSTAD • KANE • JACOBS, INC. PROJECT upper .)USlina t.,anyon ~~TDec Fishway Feasibility 8 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Study Cost Estimate ~~R.H. SEATTLE, WA. ANCHORAGE, AK. JOB NO. 2 COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. I MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL jQUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL Sheet 2 & 3 Brought Forv1ard SHT 2 2,424,0( 0 SHT 3 2 '03 7 '0( 0 4,824,00( Labor Tax 20% 965, oar Subtotal 10,250,0 0 Co~tractors Overhead & Profit 10 1.025 0 0 Subtotal 11,275,0 0 Pro.iect Continqency 10% 1,128,0 0 Subtotal 12,403,0 0 Site Investigations 450,0 0 Site Survey 350 ,or 0 Desiqn 750 ,0( 0 Construction Supervision 1, 300 '0( 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 15,253,0 0 10.4 cont. PROJECT upper Sus 1 tna Canyon DATE ANDERSEN • BJORNSTAD • KANE • JACOBS, INC. Fishway Feasibility I?? no,-. Q') CONSULTING ENGINEERS ;11v SEATTLE, WA. ANCHORAGE, AK. JOB NO. Study Cost Estimate J.R.H. COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. 2 MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL PUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 1. Mobilization & Demobilization 15 Miles Cat Train Road 50,000 3 Comoressors 5 Drillers 3 Muckers 2 Mixers Tractors Generators Hoisting Equipment Concrete Concrete Reinforcement Lumber Construction Camp Aoorox IRnn. nn1 LB' 0 3( 24.n nnn HP l i cooter Lifts 2500 lb Lifts 1 ,201 EA 1000 1,200,000 Construction Camp Set uo & Ooeration :inr nA 1 nnr 'inn nnr Camo Rental 1 MO 100( 4? .oor 2. Staaina Site Clearing 1( AC 100( 10,00( Hoistina Eauioment PurchasP I S 1o.nor Explosives 4 '20( LB 8( 336,00( Rock Bolts 1. Rnr FA ?n 7F, nnr Safety: Nets, Equip, Etc. L. S. 100,00( 2,422,00( 10.4 cont. ANDERSEN· BJORNSTAD • KANE • JACOBS, INC. PROJECT Upper ~us 1 tna Lanyon DATE Fishway Feasibili~y ?? nor R CONSULTING ENGINEERS SEATTLE. WA. ANCHORAGE. AK. JOB NO. Study Cost Estimate J:R.H. 2 COST ESTIMATE SHT. NO. 3 MATERIAL LABOR TOTAL COST CLASS OF WORK AND MATERIAL pUANTITY UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL 3. Equipment Rental 3 Compressors 14 MO 600 8,000 5 Dri 11 s 400 6,000 2 Muckers 6000 84,000 2 Mixers 1000 14,000 .. Hoistino Eouio 5000 70 000 2 Tractors 6000 84,000 2 Snow Cats 4000 56 .000 4 Generators 2000 28,000 , 2 Camo Generators ?000 ?R .non Small Tools 1000 14,000 4. Materials Rock Bolts 4000 EA 40 160 .000 Explosives 4000 LBc 40 160,000 Cast-In-Place-Concrete 4 Portals 400 CY 1000 400,000 . Soecial Care & Handlina 400 CY 11000 1400 .000 Timber 3 MBF 1500 5,000 Structural Steel b5 .000 l.B 4 220 .000 Hire Mesh 0,000 SF 2 20,000 Gates 1 600 SF 50 80 000 Other LS 200,000 5. Labor Suoervisi_on 6 @ 15 i~O 6000 540 .00~ Tradesmen 31 @ 65 t~O ~8,360 HRS 60 2~902,00D f:ilmn I ilhnr 4 M (a 1? MO 11 !)'1( 4RS !)0 '17fi no~ Opera tors 4 M @ 12 MO 11, 52( HRS 70 806,00) 2.037 .nnn 4 R?ll nn I> ADF&G Internal Reviews of this document: * By Ken Florey and Al Kingsbury, dated June 1, 1983. -- 4 pages. * By Thomas Trent and Bruce Barrett, dated March 23, 1983. -- 12 pages. ~MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: FROM: Bob Burkett Chief/Tech. Developnent FRED Juneau Kenneth Florey Regional Mgmt. o dinator Commercial Fisheries Anchorage DATE: FILE NO: TELEPHONE NO: SUBJECT: June 1, 1983 344-0541 Review of Upr:er Susitna River Salmon Enhancement Study I must appologize for being late with. the review of the draft report. Al Kingsbury had the document and gave it a partial review, Chuck Meacham was unable to look at it due to other more pressing priorities and I have had herring fisheries and FY85 budgets occupying my time for the rast month. could Anyway, here is a brief review of the r~port from Al Kingsbury and myself. Many of our sr:ecific coments have already been covered by Tom Trent. I believe the main point we want to get across is the bias toward hatcheries which characterizes the entire report. No realistic harvest rates, consideration for the types or location of existing fisheries, or potential for new fisheries are discussed or even acknowledged in the report. Supportinq reference material in some areas is either missing or very marginal. Potential negative impacts from the introduction of hatchery stocks on existing wild stocks (as they relate to a mixed stock fishery) are not discussed. The economic analysis section would require much more time than is available but these analyses do.not reflect any variability or uncertainty in basic production da.ta (i.e. a confidence interval). Attached are a few sr:ecifics. The review was not forwarded to Senator Fischer's office. Our Juneau HQ will do so if deemed appropriate. Attachment cc: Trent Kingsbury Clark \~ \\ '; l L~ Ala~k~ ~~so\lrcees Library &.'information Services Anchur4g~.~a~ka 1 ,.k"',"'h'" Su-Hydro Enhancement Review 1. Page 1, 1. Forward -Only objectives (2) & (4) are addressed in any thorough manner in this report. . 2. Page 8-13, 4.1.1 Sockeye Salmon-Question the assumption of Upper Susitna Lakes equal in sockeye salmon production to Surru.nit Lake. There are little or no comparative limnological data. The most serious omission is any treatment of variability between years and between systems in smolt production and adult return per acre. Example of Surru.nit Lake production would exceed Tustumena Lake (Page 11) uses only data from one year of smolt production from Tustumena Lake. It does not consider the fact that hatchery fry are stocked in Tustumena or give any physical or limnological parameters for the reader to draw his or her CMn conclusions. This type of "trust me" approach to pertinent data carries through the species discussions and the rest of the report. 3. Page 33, #5-Not sure if sonic tagging or radio tagging is meant; Susitna Hydro Aquatic Studies investigations have shown there is limited movement of upstream migrants (chinook salmon) but numbers are small and conditions must be ideal to tag and track adult salmon. 4. Page 38, -The scenario discussing differential harvest rates for . hatchery versus wild (fishway) salmon has already been discussed. The stocks would contribute to the Cook Inlet commercial fishery which is a complex mixed stock fishery. Under no conditions could these stocks be harvested at the 95% exploitation rate due to the potential overharvest of other wild stocks. Terminal sport harvest fisheries are probably not feasible. The entire argument assumes that greater production will occur to smolt stage from a hatchery program. carrying cap3.city (rearing potential) is not discussed from the point that given enough natural spawners, the maximum numbers of smolt could be produced from wild stocks utilizing a fishway. The specifics of these species sections discussed in Tom Trent's review are adequate. 5. page 40, - should be 6. Page 40, The entire chinook enhancement program assumes smolt production from hatchery fingerling plants which are untried or unproven. The biocriteria references for Table 5-4 pertain mostly to other species not chinook. The only related reference is the FRED Directive #3 from the draft of the FRED Division Reorganization rvanual. 7. Page 57, (2) Needs reference cited. Also, needs discussion of successful salmon runs naturally occurring in high gas concentrations. 8. Page 81 & 85 -Contractor costs represent only a portion of project costs including annual maintenance costs; operating costs should be included. 9. Page 90 -Suitable donor stocks must be cleared by genetics and pathology. Transporting one major drainage stock to another major drainage is not currently considered a good practice even though the actual locations may be geographically close. In addition, Gulkana River stocks pass through the Copper River commercial fishery during May and early June. The commercial salmon season does not open in Cook Inlet until the first Monday or Friday following June 25. If run timing remained the same as the donor stock (other transports suggest this is the case i.e. Halibut Cove chinook has similar run timing as Crooked Creek donar stock) then the Gulkana River sockeye stock would pass through Cook Inlet at least two weeks prior to any commercial opening. There doesn • t appear to be much benefit in this. 10. Page 10 2. Broodstocks -As per Trent • s comments, these stocks are are not appropriate broodstock sources. 11. Page 104. Sockeye broodstocks from the Gulkana River are not appropriate for the reasons stated in number 9. 12. Page 105. The statement· that sockeye juveniles at the Gulkana hatchery have not been affected by IHN virus to date is incorrect. The Gulkana facility experienced an epizootic in one incubator this spring. 13. · Page 109. Disadvantages of stocking smolt. What are the references that support statement #1 on homing response? 14. Page 118. I have to assume the cost construction estimates are accurate, but FRED Division has a history of building partially completed or scaled down hatcheries due to increased costs, so I question if 3.4 million dollars is sufficient to build a hatchery. 15. Page 124-142. Economic Analysis -Not being an economist I can't speak with any expertise on the benefit/cost calculation but on Page 136, (C). Potential harvest in the Upper Susitna River -There is no commercial fishery in the Upper Susitna River so the calculations using commercial catch are not valid. Also, if Cook Inlet commercial catch percentages are used, 60% for sockeye, chum and coho and 5% for Northern Cook Inlet chinook are more appropriate. Page 138 -It is my understanding a FWF at 3% is extremely optimistic and that 4 to 5% is just as valid. Page 139-142, the cost analysis seems rather simplistic, so I asked for and received a COP.f of the draft of Jeff Hartman's Fishery and Ecomomic Assumptious for 1982 FRED Enhancement and Rehabilitation Simulations which discussed benefit cost calculations. The analysis of costs includes such things as capital costs of salmon fishing and variable costs of fishing among others. These are not including the B/C equations used for the proposed Talkeetna hatchery. Part of the permit requirement for the PNP Eklutna hatcher¥ was to include the cost of a mark and recovery program to determ1ne the hatchery contribution to the mixed stock fishery. This was a requirement because of the concern a large hatchery return the same year as a poor wild stock return could promote overfishing of the wild stocks in a mixed stock fishery. This at least should be included as p::trt of the costs of the hatchery. Using the simple equation listed but with a 60% exploitation the B/C would be 1.36:1 instead of 2.29:1. This may or may not be accurate, but I believe a realistic B/C ratio cannot be calculated with the limited data available. Alaska Resources Library & Information Services llnchorage,Alaska MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Robert D. Burkett Chief, Tech. & Development FRED Division Juneau ~~ Thomas W. Trent Aquatic Studies Coordinator Su Hydro Aquatic Studies Anchorage State of Alaska DATE: FILE NO: TELEPHONE NO: SUBJECT: ~1a rch 22, 1983 02-83-7.10 274-7583 Review of FRED Upper Susitna River Salmon Enhancement Study (Draft) Attached is the A 1 ask a Department of Fish and Game -Su Hydro review, primarily done by Bruce Barrett and myself, of the subject report by FRED. This review was requested by Senator Vic Fischer's office and he asked we send the review to Commissioner Collinsworth with a carbon copy to his office. Unfortunately, the letter from Senator Fischer was lost during the internal routing here. But we believe as a matter of protocol the letter should go to Senator Fischer directly from ADF&G headquarters rather than from ADF&G/Su Hydro. The review is tardy and was due March 21. After discussions with Richard Logan, John McMullen, and Dennis Kelso at the Board meeting here in Anchorage on the 23rd, it was decided that I should send the review to you. Kelso indicated he would call Senator Fischer's office and make arrangements regarding the consideration of our review and a response to Senator Fischer. cc: Su Hydro Project Leaders L. Heckart A. Kingsbury P. Krasnowski Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Anchorage, Alaska 1. 5.1.1 S.E.P. Without Hydroelectric Dams page 34/para. 2 It specifically states in Section 5.1.1 that report sections - 4 will provide an evaluation of the upper Susitna River watershed production potential for sockeye, chum, coho and chinook salmon. Sections presented a reasonably clear definition of the streams or lakes system from which production could be expected but beyond this, the eva_luation is biased, in our opinion, and based on ·inaccurate data presentation and interpretation. On page 38 both paragraphs are based on data presented in Tab 1 e 5-2 which is a con- glomerate of mismatched information. For example, the recruitment numbers presented in Tab 1 e 5-2 for the two alternatives cannot be identical to one another if the egg to smolt survival in fact is fifteen times greater under hatchery conditions than natural production! Additionally, if the survival rates on natural production presented in Table 5-2 are accurate and there is a 1:1 male female sex ratio and fecundity is 3000 eggs, recruitment cannot be computed as three fish per spawner but rather 1.5 fish per spawner. Also, the reference to "brood survival" in Table 5-2 is unclear. What life phases are specifically covered by the term "brood", and why is this presented when egg to smolt survival has already been quantified? -1- In report section -4, we question the accuracy of the recruit- ment data presented in Tables 5-2, 5-4. 5-6 and 5-8. Sockeye, chinook, coho, and chum salmon produce returns at higher rates than reported, at least in Cook Inlet. For example, sockeye salmon produc- tion in the Susitna River ranges between 2.9 and 5.3 fish per spawner (Tarbox, et. al, 1982). In the Kenai and Kasilof rivers, recruitment ranges between 12.1 and 1.2 fish per spa\'mer. In Table 5-2, the recruitment number presented is for a spawning pair (male/female). If adjusted for individual spawners, the number would be 1.5 fish/spawner. This is markedly below the 2.9-5.3 fish/spawner reported for the Susitna River (Tarbox, et.al., 1982). Therefore, the non-hatchery recruitment (natura 1 production) estimates are unrea 1- istically low, in our opinion. Table 5-8 referenced a 2.75 fish per spawning chum salmon pair or 1.4 recruitment/spawner. A more realistic estimate would be 2.4 recruitment/spawner (Bakkala, 1970). The 1982 preliminary Upper Cook Inlet commercial chum salmon harvest was 1.4 million fish. The Susitna River produces conservatively, 75 percent of the Upper Cook Inlet chum salmon catch. The 1982 Susitna River chum salmon escapement was approximately 0.5 million fish and the apportioned catch at 1.1 million fish. On this basis, it can be assumed the recruitment per parent year spawner was in the range of 3.2 fish, provided also, it is assumed the 1982 return was managed on a MSY basis. Whether the recruitment figure is 2.4 or 3.2 fish per spawner or the mean of these two numbers, the estimate of 1.4 fish per spawner used in the this draft report is too low in our opinion. We believe the economic analysis on chum salmon was based on -2- the 1.4 fish recruitment number, and that the analysis should be recalculated for expected returns using the 2.4 fish recruitment number per spawner. 2. Sockeye Salmon page 38/para. 1 The report states that "the number of adult sockeye salmon available to the fisheries depends on whether a fishway enhancement program or a hatchery enhancement program is used." The report goes on to state that "with a hatchery (no fishways) more salmon can be harvested ... " These statements tend to exemp 1 i fy the tone of the report. The two enhancement methods should be evaluated individually in separate sections and then compared in a single section in an evaluation of alternatives. The impression is given in the report from the onset that a hatchery is the enhancement answer. The facts should speak for themselves as to which alternative is the most favorable. 3. PDtential Barrier to Juvenile Salmon Emigration and Adult Salmon Immigration This entire section is presented without a reference source. What information is there available that supersaturated gases in Devil Canyon exist at levels which can cause mortality? -3- 4 . 5 . 1 . 1 . 6 Rapids page 58/para. 2 There is no evidence that the chinook salmon fry produced from the two streams which enter Devil Canyon suffer any delayed emigration or mortalities in their downstream passage through the lower section of Devil Canyon. 5. Total Dissolved Gas Supersaturation page 59/para. 2 There is no mention in the second or third reference cited (Barrett, 1974; Friese, 1975) pertaining to the presence of adult salmon at the Devil Canyon rapids. 6. 5.1.3 Conclusion page 67/para. 3 A grayling enhancement project does not necessarily equate with a hatchery program. Habitat enhancement is on alternative which could be considered. Grayling hatcheries have no record of proven feasi- bility or success. It is our recommendation that the report references to trout and grayling enhancement be de 1 eted as i nappro- priate. It is clearly outside the scope of the study. -4- Please note a 1 so comments made on pages B-34 and B-35 of ADF&G' s January 15, 1983 revies of the APA's Draft Exhibit E for Susitna Hydroelectric project (attached) regarding grayling culture. Then comments were provided by FRED staff in the course of their review of the Exhibit E. 7. Enhancement Techniques (E.T.) page _68/para. 2 The trail referenced was not constructed by miners or hunters but by the Bureau of Reclamation in the late 1950's in association with Devil Canyon dam investigations. 8. Vertical Slot Baffle page 81/para. 2 If the intent is to equate construction costs of the Russian River and An an Creek fi shways with the Devil Canyon fi shway costs, then it is essential to define total project costs not just contractor payments. 9. Fishway Construction Costs page 90/para. 1 It is appropriate to define stock selection processes and alternatives before defining a recommended 11 Stocking program.11 -4.1- page 90/para. 2 What evaluation processes were followed to ascertain whether it was feasible to establish weir facilities at Indian River and Portage Creek? What experience does FRED have in designing functional weirs on creeks with simi 1 i ar watershed characteristics as found in the Indian River and Portage Creek drainages? Both streams commonly flood in season. Indian River commonly undergoes channel changes. Portage Creek experiences flood flows in season and significant bed material (boulder and cobble) movement occurs. The point is whether a weir is feasible or needed for either stream. On an average escapement year there are not enough chinook salmon utilizing Indian River and Portage Creek combined to provide anywhere near the 2100 fish needed for a hatchery. The highest recommended escapement in these streams combined was 2306 fish. The situation is nearly the same for coho salmon. There are on the average probably more than 200 adult coho salmon spawning in these streams annually, but probably not more than 400. It would be unreasonable to r-emove 200 coho salmon and not expect a rather severe impact on natural stock production. Chum salmon are available from the Indian River in the numbers needed for a hatchery egg take. However, there are several other systems in the Susitna River drainage where chum salmon donor stocks could be obtained including the Talkeetna and Indian rivers by simply seining a few spawning areas. In our opinion, we do consider it reasonable to construct a weir on either stream. -5- 10. Brood Stocks page 102/para. 3 The Indian River and Portage Creek are not appropriate sources for chinook and coho salmon eggs because based on aerial and foot surveys, there are not enough fish to provide the numbers required for an annual egg take. page 103/para. 5 It is questionable whether adult capture and holding facilities could successfully be operated at Indian River and Portage Creek due to to flooding problems. Further, the only area available at Portage Creek suitable for a holding area is extensively used by sport fishermen. There is no other camping or fishing area at the Portage Creek con- fluence which would serve as a substitute site. page 104/para. 2 The statement that "the Gul kana River, a tributary of the Copper River, is an appropriate source for salmon eggs" is a conclusionary statement preceding a presentation of fact. Standard research evalu- ation procedures dictate an analysis or presentation of fact before stating a conclusion. -6- page 105/para. 3 The fact that the IHN virus is present in Gulkana River stocks, and that the the specific strain has caused mortality of Cook Inlet sockeye salmon fry in tests, makes the Gulkana River hatchery stock source inappropriate in our opinion. We would suggest that the author have the FRED pathology section evaluate alternative stocks from locations such as Larson Lake, Stephen Lake, and Talachulitna River. page 106/para. 4 Stephen Lake is not accessible by boat from Talkeetna nor by boat from any other location. 11. Hatchery Costs page 115/para. 2 As indicated earlier, there are inadequate populations of coho and chinook salmon at Indian River and Portage Creek to annually provide the number of fish needed for a hatchery operation. Additionally, it is questionable whether weirs could be successfully opera~ed in either stream primarily due to flooding. If weirs were constructed at Indian River and Portage Creek, we would like it explained how sockeye salmon would be intercepted at these weirs inasmuch as there will be no sockeye salmon returning to these -7- streams. The presence of sockeye salmon in the Susitna River mainstem does not mean these fish will enter Indian River or Portage Creek and therefore be available for a hatchery egg take. It would be enlightening to learn how the authors of the report propose to operate Indian River and Portage Creek weirs, and have their base camp for a twelve to fourteen man crew seventeen miles downstream at Gold Creek at an annual cost of only $25,000. 12. 5.3 Biological Impact of Introduced Salmon on Resident Fish page 12D/para. 2 The greatest length Dolly Varden char intercepted by Su Hydro biolo- gists above Devil Canyon was 205 mm. A total of sixteen were inter- cepted. It is doubtful that the existing Dolly Varden char population would have any recognizable impact on salmon production above Devil Canyon. 13. 6.1.2 Economic Factors, Assumptions, and Calculations. page 126/items A, C & D There is no value presented for sport caught sockeye or chum salmon. Both species are sport caught in the Susitna River drainage. The numbers presented for the potential return of chinook, coho, sockeye, and chum salmon are too low as previously defined. In line with this a recalculation of potential harvest levels is required. -8- Value of the harvest as presented is inconclusive due to the inaccurate calculation of recruitment. Additionally, there is no recognition of sport caught sockeye or chum salmon. page 128/para. 2 There is no value established for natural production losses associated with the taking of chinook, coho, chum, and sockeye salmon from donar systems during egg take years. The assumption that the fish used for hatchery brood stock would have produced nothing in the natural environment is inaccurate. page 131/para. 3 The Anan Creek and Russian River projects had combined cost in the range of 1.0 million dollars. The Devil Canyon project is forecasted to cost 32.0 million dollars. It is presumptuous, in our opinion, to assume that the experiences gained by the Russian River and Anan Creek projects can be closely correlated with cost estimates of the proposed Susitna River fishway project. 14. 6.2.1 Benefit/Cost Ratio The cost/benefit figures presented should be recalculated in line with standard recruitment numbers and va 1 ue of natura 1 production 1 asses from fish used from egg takes. -9- 15. 7.1 Salmon Enhancement Without Hydroelectric Dams page 143/para. 2 We believe it would be beneficial to present a discussion on how the enhancement study team estab 1 i shed that more than 90 percent of the hatchery created run can or will be harvested. It is our contention that it is not rea 1 i sti c to assume that any higher percentage of hatchery produced fish than that produced by the fi shway proposa 1 could be taken without overharvesting natural populations considering the nature of the existing commercial and recreational fisheries. -10-