HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA524I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... n. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME -N 1.0 JUNEAU, ALASKA M <.0 <.0 ~I"' !!! 0 ~ =8 U P P E R S U S I T N A V A L L E Y -1.0 1.0 I" M M, M 00 S E P 0 PULA T I 0 N S T U 0 Y - BY ARLIS A.LA.SKA REsouRCES l"UIRARY & lNFORMATlON SBRVICBS 3150 C STREET, SUITE 100 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Warren B. Ballard and Kenton P. Taylor HABITAT DIVISION-LIBR.U,Y ~tft..SKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAM! 333 RASPBERRY ROAD 1.\NCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 -1599 {)L. "/'37 STATE OF ALASKA Jay S. Hammond, Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Ronald 0. Skoog, Commissioner Final Report DIVISION OF GAME Ronald J. Somerville, Director Donald E. McKnight, Research Chief Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Projects W-17-9, W-17-10 and W-17-11, Job 1.20R with Additional Support from the U.S. Corps of Engineers (Through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) and the Alaska Power Authority • U~.) :u.::. B::~!.':i9c~ 19'76 .... 79 (Printed June 1980) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --~ N I I!) (\') c.o c.o " 0 I 0 0 I!) I!) " I (\') (\') ~~---r I FINAL REPORT (RESEARCH) State: Alaska Cooperators: Warren B. Ballard, Kenton P. Taylor, Sterling H. Eide, Ted H. Spraker, and Albert Franzmann Project Nos.: W-17-9, W-17-10 and W-17-11 Project Title: Big Game Investigations Job No.: 1.20R Job Title: Upper Susitna Valley Moose Population Study Period Covered: August 1, 1976 to June 30, 1979 SUMMARY One hundred and nine adult cow moose were marked with individually identifiable collars (including 43 radio collars) in the upper Susitna River Basin during October 1976, March 1977, and August 1978. Physical measurements, blood and hair samples, and one incisor tooth for purposes of age determination, were taken from each moose. During spring tagging, 59 moose were rectally palpated to assess pregnancy and fifty-two (88%) were found to be pregnant, Mean age of marked moose was approximately 7 years. Fifty-one percent of the moose sampled were between 5 and 11 years of age. Comparisons of selected blood parameters with those obtained from other Alaskan moose populations indicated that upper Susitna River moose were in relatively good condition. _ During the reporting period 43 radio-collared moose were located 1190 times. Moose tagged in the eastern half of the study area exhibited extensive migratory movements while those in other areas were more sedentary. For sedentary moose, most movements were from higher elevations in summer to lower elevations in winter. Fall migration was initiated from late October to November and appeared to be somewhat correlated with the first heavy snowfall. Spring migration occurred gradually from mid-April through mid-July. Four populations of moose were identified. Home ranges and movements of individual moose were described. Flights were made every 3 to 5 days in late spring 1977 and 1978 to monitor parturition and calf survival. first observed on 24 May in 1977 and 1978 and on 18 May peaked between 29 May and 3 June during 1977 and 1978. and early summer Parturition was 1979. Parturition Numbers of calves produced by,cows tagged in spring versus those tagged in fall were compared (between themselves and between years). Significant differences were found for those cows tagged in spring indicating that the use of succinylcholine chloride to immobilize moose in spring may cause decreased calf production. i OL 151 I t!Sl:.l 6359~' tqt-b~ i ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The mortality patterns of calves of radio-collared adults were compared with those of radio-collared calves; and losses between the two groups were found to be similar, suggesting the causes of mortality were also similar. Neonatal moose calf survival appears to be limited by brown bear predation. Some potential impacts of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on moose were assessed and additional study needs were identified. ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS Summary ...•..••..•.•........•••..•..•.•...•.•••..•.•......... Background ............................................... · . · Study Areas .......................... ~ .................. • Objectives .............................. " .................. . Procedures ........................................... • . • · · · • Results and Discussion ..................................... . Condition Assessment ................................... . Movements •...••.•..••.••.•..•••.•.•••••.•••••••.•••..••. Irregular Movements ................................... . Home Range ............................................ . Elevational and Habitat Usage ••.••••••.•••..••••••••••• Calf Production and Survival ••••••.••..••••••••••••.••. Adult Cow Mortality ..........................•......... Population Identity ................................... . Clearwater Mountains -Western Alphabet Hills Population ................................. • . •. • Upper Susitna River Population ••••••••••••••••.••• Upper Nenana-Brushkana Population .••••••••••..•. Susitna River Population •.•••••••••••.••.•••••.••• Comments Regarding Susitna Hydroelectric Project ••••.•••.••• Recommendations ...............................•....... · ..... . Acknowledgements ............................•............... Literature Cited ........................................... . BACKGROUND i 1 2 3 3 6 7 10 69 70 70 73 76 79 79 79 79 79 80 81 82 82 Prior to statehood, management of Alaska's moose (Alaes alaes) involved little more than establishing liberal seasons, conducting sex and age composition counts, monitoring harvests and controlling predators when necessary. Within the past 2 decades, however, Alaska's human population has grown significantly (Yankee 1974) and moose populations have been declining. Consequently, management has become more intensive, requiring detailed knowledge of various population and habitat parameters which were not necessary when moose numbers were increasing between 1940 and 1960 (Bishop and Rausch 1974). Between 1963 and 1974, over 88,000 moose were harvested in Alaska (ADF&G unpublished files). Of that number, 18 percent were from the Nelchina Basin (Game Management Unit [GMU] 13) in southcentral Alaska. Moose numbers began to decline in the Nelchina Basin after the winter of 1961-62 (Bishop and Rausch 1974). Deep snows were thought to have precipitated that decline and predation and hunting were thought to be preventing the population from recovering. Mcilroy (1974) suggested that low bull:cow ratios had influenced conception rates while Bishop and Rausch (1974) considered habitat deficiencies to be at least partially responsible for these declines, Because of its depressed moose population and the importance of Unit 13 to the statewide harvest, a series of interrelated studies were initiated in 1975 in an effort to identify problems and possible solutions J -----------' to aid in the population's recovery. These studies, initially focused on moose-wolf (Canis lupus) relationships, to test the hypothesis that wolf predation was responsible for low calf survival. A later study involved removing wolves from a portion of GMU 13, then measuring calf survival in subsequent years. In order to evaluate the effects of wolf removal on study moose herds, it was necessary to accomplish the following: identify discrete moose populations and calving areas, and determine pregnancy rates, age structure and physical condition of moose in these populations. During the early phases of this study renewed interest in developing hydroelectric power on the Susitna River prompted expansion of these moose studies to include a preliminary assessment of the potential impacts of Susitna River hydroelectric development on moose. Funding for this expanded study was provided through contracts with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Power Authority. The proposed plan of development includes a two dam system with dams located at Devil Mountain and below Watana Creek on the Susitna River. An in- depth description of the project and a preliminary assessment of study results were provided by Ballard and Taylor (1978). This report presents our findings on moose movements and habitat use, calf production and survival, and the general health of the moose population in the upper Susitna Basin. Study Areas Moose movements and habitat use were studied in the upper Susitna River Basin upstream from Devil Mountain. Studies, in relation to hydroelectric development, focused on the immediate hillsides north of the river between Devil Mountain and the mouth of the Maclaren River. Portions of this area were also included in the much larger wolf removal study area which was bounded by the Alaska Mountain Range on the north; Maclaren River on the east; Maclaren and Susitna Rivers on the south; and the confluence of Deadman Creek with Susitna River northwest to the headwaters of Brushkana Creek, down Brushkana Creek to its confluence with the Nenana River and then up the Nenana River 2o the Alaska Range on the west. This area encompasses nearly 7,380 km , and elevations range from approximately 450 to over 2,800 m. Over 65 percent of the area is between 450 and 1,200 meters elevation. Vegetation, topography and general climate were thoroughly described by Skoog (1968) and correspond to his following range units: 2 -Monahan flats, 3 -Clear- water Mountains, 5 -Deadman Lake, 6 -Tangle Lakes, and 8 -upper Susitna bottomlands. Along the banks of the Susitna River and its tributaries from the Maclaren River to Devil Creek the dominant vegetative cover is black spruce (Picea mariana), interspersed with muskeg bogs on the basin floor. Occasional stands o£ black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) are found on river islands. Understory vegetation in the lower elevations includes highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule), devil's club (Echinopanax horridus), blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), lowbush cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and several representatives of the rose and grass families. Hardwoods such as aspen (Populus tremuloides) and birch (Betula papyrifera) are often found interspersed among the spruce, predominantly on south- facing slopes. White spruce (Picea glauca) replaces the smaller, stunted I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I black spruce on better drained soils. The understory vegetation above 300m contains blueberry, lowbush cranberry, Labrador tea (Ledum spp.), fireweed (Epi "labium spp.) , cr,owberry (Empetrum nigrum), and several mosses and lichens. Alder (AZnus spp.) dominates the reaches just above timberline, particularly along the headwaters of streams. Willow (Sa"lix spp.) is present throughout the study area, but occurs most frequently at timberline and on riparian sites. Alpine tundra extends above the alder-willow zone at about 1200 m. Old caribou (Rangifer tarandus) trails scar the tundra slopes of the mountain foothills throughout most of the area. OBJECTIVES To determine population identities and seasonal movement patterns of moose in the upper Susitna River Valley and determine potential impacts of Susitna River Hydroelectric power development on moose. PROCEDURES Adult female moose were captured with the aid of helicopter by darting with 3-cc aluminum darts fired from a CAP-CHUR gun with ap- propriate dosages of succinylcholine chloride (Franzmann et al. 1974). Helicopter capture methods were identical to those used previously on other Alaskan moose movement studies (Nielson and Shaw 1967). No attempt was made to capture bulls or yearling moose. Captured cow moose were marked either with a radio collar, a colored, numbered visual collar, or both, permitting individual recog- nition from fixed-wing aircraft. One-half of the radio collars were color-coded with canvas tape wrapped around the machine belting. Visual collars were similar to those described by Franzmann et al. (1974). Radio collars were constructed of machine belting 1.3 em thick by 5.4 em wide. Collars had an inner adjustable circumference ranging from 101 em to 111 em. The belting surrounded the radio components which were encased in dental acrylic, theoretically making the unit waterproof. The entire unit weighed 1,133 grams. Radio frequencies were in the 150.000 MHz range. Radio collars were purchased from A.V.M. Instrument Company (810 Dennison Drive, Champaign, Illinois) and visual collars were obtained from Denver Tent and Awning Company (Denver, Colorado). Each moose was also ear-tagged with a numbered, Monel metal tag. Most metal tags were accompanied by 5 em x 13 em piece of colored polyvinyl plastic. Tags were affixed to the base of the ear. After collaring and tagging, if time and/or the animal's behavior permitted, additional data were collected. An attempt was made to extract a lower incisor tooth from each animal for determining its age using the methods described by Sergeant and Pimlott (1959). 3 Blood was extracted from the jugular vein into sterile evacuated containers. Upon return from the field, blood was centrifuged to separate sera which were placed into 5 ml plastic vials and immediately frozen. One-ml samples were later sent to Alaska Medical Laboratories, Anchorage, Alaska for blood chemistry analysis (Technical Autoanalyzer SMA-12) and protein eletrophoresis (Franzmann and Arneson 1973). Generally three or four 10-ml vials were filled 1/3 to 1/2 full. One vial contained heparin which provided whole blood for determination of percent hemoglobin (Hb) using an Hb-meter (American Optical Corporation, Buffalo, New York), and packed cell volume (PCV) was determined with a micro-hematocrit centrifuge (Readocrit-Clay-Adama Company, Parsippany, N.J.). Remaining sera were stored for possible future analyses. Hair samples were plucked from the shoulder hump and will be analyzed as described by Franzmann et al. (1975) to aid in assessing physical condition. Physical measurements taken included total length, heart girth, and length of hind foot. An attempt was made to subjectively estimate the physical condition of each moose using the index criteria developed by Franzmann and Arneson (1973). During spring tagging, each moose was rectally palpated (Greer and Hawkins 1967) to determine pregnancy. Data from individual moose were placed on numbered tagging. cards. Radio signals were received with a 4-band, 48-channel portable receiver purchased from A.V.M. Instrument Co. Radio-collared moose were relocated from a Piper PA-18 Super Cub and STOL Cessna 180 fixed-wing aircraft. Tracking methods and equipment used were similar to those described by Mech (1974). Initially, radio-collared moose were tracked every 3-4 weeks. From mid-May through mid-July in 1977 and 1978, flights were conducted every 3-5 days to obtain data on parturition and subsequent calf survival. Thereafter, radio-collared moose were monitored every 6-8 weeks. No special flights were made specifically to search for visual- collared cows. All observations of these animals were made incidental to other activities. When tagged moose were found, their locations were recorded on U.S.G.S. maps with a scale of 1:250,000. Numbers, sexes and ages of associates were also recorded. Public sightings of collared adults were also recorded. Beginning in March 1977, habitat descriptions at moose sightings were recorded based upon criteria developed during the first 6 months of study (Table 1). Personnel collecting moose data were familiarized with the system to insure that all observers classified habitat uniformly. Home ranges of radio-collared moose were computed by constructing polygons of outermost relocations or sightings, and then tracing the area with a compensating polar planimeter. We subjectively classified observations into summer or winter range based upon the distribution of sightings. Generally, winter ranges consisted of observations obtained from November through April, while summer ranges consisted of observations I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1. Habitat classifications utilized to classify moose habitat usage from fixed-wing aircraft from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Nelchina and Susitna River Basins of southcentral Alaska. Classification Tall Spruce Moderate spruce Short Spruce Riparian Willow Upland Willow and Brush Cottonwood and Aspen Marsh Alder Habitat Description Usually white spruce (Piaea glauaa), with a height of more than 20 feet. Usually riparian. Both black (Piaea mariana) and white spruce, with heights ranging from approximately 10 to 25 feet. Probably the most common habitat type in the basin. Less than 10 feet in height. Usually approaching a subalpine situation or a very boggy wet area. A number of willow (Salix sp.) species which may or may not include varying sparse densities of spruce or hardwoods. Predominantly a mixture of willow species and shrub birch (Betula glandulosa). Cottonw.ood (Populus triahoaarpa) or other hardwoods and some spruce usually found in riparian situations. Aspen often on hillsides in isolated clumps. No running water, open water in middle with edges consisting of sedges, grass, willow and birch. Usually found at high elevations approaching subalpine tundra usually in continuous stands. 5 obtained from May through August. Observations considered to represent migratory locations were not included in calculations to determine home range size. Also not included, were observations obtained during September and October, because they did not fall within either polygon and were more than 8 km (5 mi) apart indicating that some anin1als were moving to specific areas for breeding purposes. Moose were classified as migratory only if their winter and summer home ranges did not overlap. Altitudinal movements of radio-collared moose were determined by utilizing the closest 61 m (200 ft) contour line on 1:250,000 scale maps. During 1976-77, 105 adult cow moose were tagged within, or near, the Susitna River study area; 41 from 21 to 28 October 1976 and 64 from 18 to 23 March 1977. Forty of these moose were fitted with radio collars and the remainder were marked with visual collars. Twenty of the moose radio-collared during spring were also marked with visual collars. Five additional cow moose were captured and radio-collared between Deadman and Jay Creeks in August 1978. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Summaries of tagging locations, moose numbers, physical measurements, age, and other statistics associated with tagging are presented in Appendices I and II. Considerable difficulty was experienced in sedating adult moose, and successful drug dosages in the fall season ranged from 27-31 mg (X= 28 mg), while those in the spring varied from 23-29 mg (x = 27 mg). During each tagging effort, several darted moose never responded to the drug and, consequently, were not collared. Dosages which would not sedate some moose, unexpectedly killed others--three in fall 1976 and five in spring 1977. The length of time necessary for a moose to respond to the drug was variable, ranging from 3 to 21 minutes. Similar problems with drugs have been reported in other Alaskan moose studies (Didrickson et al. 1977). The average age of cow moose collared during this study was approxi- mately 7 years; adult fall-captured cows averaged 81 months while spring- captured cows averaged 83 months. Twenty-three percent of the moose sampled were 10 years old or older. VanBallenberghe (pers. comm.) reported that 49 percent of the tagged moose in the Gulkana, Gakona and Chistochina River areas were 10 years old or older. Bailey et al, (1978) reported that Kenai Peninsula females 10 years old or older constituted 28-34 percent of the moose sampled, and Didrickson and Taylor (1978) found that 9 of 24 (38%) cows tagged in the Peter's Hills area were 10 years old or older. We surmised from these comparisons, that moose populations in this study area have a relatively younger age structure than other Alaskan populations studied thus far. In Sweden, Markgren (1969) concluded that moose from 6-11 years of age produced more twin calves than moose in other age classes. If Markgren's data are applicable to moose populations in southcentral Alaska, one-half of the Susitna River study area population was at prime breeding age in 1976 and 1977. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A number of investigators have expressed concern that low bull:cow ratios could influence conception rates (Mcilroy 1974, Bishop and Rausch 1974, Bailey et al. 1978 and others). Rausch (1967) noted differences in fetus size on the northern Kenai Peninsula where bull:cow ratios were low. A similiar observation was made by VanBallenberghe (pers comm.) in the eastern portion of GMU 13. Whether varying fetus sizes were the result of low bull:cow ratios or other factors is unknown. Because Mcilroy (1974) had expressed concern that low bull:cow ratios were influencing conception rates, 59 moose were rectally palpated in spring 1977 and 52 (88%) were pregnant. This pregnancy rate compares favorably with that observed in other portions of Alaska: eastern portion of GMU 13, 88 percent (VanBallenberghe pers. comm.), GMU 9, 84 percent (Faro and Franzmann 1978) and GMU 5, 90 percent (Smith and Franzmann 1979). We concluded that in the areas sampled during 1977, pregnancy rates were normal and that bull:cow ratios were adequate to allow normal reproduction. This does not, however,, eliminate the possibility that cow moose were being bred during second or third estrus, but we have no observations of late parturition. We conclude that low bull:cow ratios were not responsible for low fall calf:cow ratios. Condition Assessment Criteria developed by Franzmann and LeResche (1978) were utilized to assess the physical condition status of Susitna River moose. Blood data for fall-collared moose are presented in Appendix III. Fall Hb values exceeded 20 gm/100 ml and were so high that precise values could not be obtained with the instrument utilized. Packed cell volume (PCV) values were also high, ranging from 51.4 to 56.0 percent, and averaging 53.3 percent. Other selected mean fall blood values had the following ranges and total means (expressed as mg/100 ml unless indicated other- wise): calcium, 10.4 to 12.3 with mean of 11.3; phosphorus, 4.5 to 6.2 averaging 5.1; glucose, 153.0 to 195.8 averaging 180.3; and total protein, 7.6 to 8.2 with a mean of 8.0. These values indicate moose in good physical condition which was expected for samples collected in fall seasons (Franzmann pers. comm.). Blood values of adult moose sampled in GMU 13 in March 1977 and 1979 were compared with values obtained from other Alaskan moose popula- tions (data taken from Smith and Franzmann 1979) sampled~during the spring season (Table 2). Samples are listed in order of high to low PCV values which Franzmann and LeResche (1978) believed to be the most useful parameter for assessing condition class. They believed the following values represented adult moose in average or better condition: PCV -50 percent; Hb -18.6 g/100 ml; calcium -10.4 mg/100 ml; phosphorus - 5.2 mg/100 ml; total protein-7.5 g/100 ml; albumin-4.5 g/100 ml; beta globulin -0.7 g/100 ml; and glucose-140 g/100 ml. For the five most important parameters determined from six moose populations, GMU 13 samples from 1975 and 1977, respectively, rated as follows: calcium- third and first; phosphorus -first and sixth; total protein -third and fifth; Hb -second and third; and PCV -third and second. Based upon this comparison GMU 13 moose (1975 and 1977) appeared to be in relatively good physical condition for at least three parameters during both study years. Both phosphorus and total protein, however, were below the 7 Table 2. Comparison of moose blood and morphometric condition parameters from Alaskan populations sampled in late winter and spring (sample size in parenthesis, table modified from Smith and Franzmann 1979). Copper River Delta GMU 13 GMU 13 GMU 15C GMU 14C (Mar.l974) (Mar.l977) (Apr.l975) (Apr.l975) (Feb.l976) Blood Values Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Calcium mg/dl 10.38 o. 74(44) 11.23 0.80(49) 10.91 0.86(58) 9.61 0.98(29) 10.33 0.81(19) Phosphorus mg/d1 5.50 0.69(44) 4.48 1.03(49) 5.63 0.99(59) 4. 72 1.08 (29) 4.74 1.51(18) Glucose mg/d1 147.0 37.5(44) 152.4 26.6(49) 127.8 20.2 (59) 91.3 16.2(29) 109.9 16.3(18) Total Protein g/dl 7.07 0.57(45) 7.14 .63(54) 7.43 0.40(61) 6.70 0.83(30) 7.20 0.54(18) Albumin g/d1 3.82 0.39(45) - -5.21 0.39(61) 4.21 0.51(30) 4.80 0.41(18) Beta globulin g/d1 o. 72 0.09(45) - - 0.60 0.11(61) 0.55 0.12 (30) 0.60 0.07(18) Hemoglobin g/dl 19.8 0.5(46) 18.8 1.38(25) 19.7 0.7(60) 18.7 1.5 (29) 15.4 1.2(17) PCV % 53.2 4.2(46) 50.2 3.5(51) 49.2 3.7(60) 45.9 3.9(29) 43.4 2.8(19) Total Length -em 301.5 81. (23) 288.5 18.0(38) 295.6 10.9(115) 288.9 14.2(210) Chest Girth em 201.3 13.8(25) 195.4 12.7(34) 191.3 14.3(105) 182.2 16.3(194) Hind Foot em 81.5 1. 8 (16) - - 80.0 2. 9 (79) 79.9 3.8(203) Shoulder Height em -- - -185.5 11.1 (7) 174.9 14.1(65) co "' -------------------. -- ------ - -- - -- --- --)< Table 2. Continued. Moose Research Yakutat GMU 13 Center GMU 9 (Mr.l978) (Mar.l979) (Feb. ,Mar. ,Apr.) (Apr.l977) Blood Values Mean SD Mean SD Mean -SD Mean SD Calcium mg/dl 10.98 0.57(41) 9.52 1.14(13) 9.81 0. 64 (39) 10.80 0.43(57) Phosphorus mg/dl 3. 71 1. 06(41) 4.90 0.84(13) 3.90 1.09 (39) 4.35 0.86(57) Glucose mg/dl 143.8 23.1(41) 107.9 21.0 {13) 116.2 26.1(39) 158.1 22.2 (57) Total Protein g/dl 7.45 0.43(41) 5.65 .60(13) 6.60 0. 44(39) 7.79 0.43(57) Albumin g/dl 5.38 0. 30(41) --3.76 0.46(39) 5.05 0.28(57) Beta globulin g/dl 0.62 0.09(41) --0.58 0.10(39) 0.74 0.11 (57) Hemoglobin g/dl 16.7 1. 3 (42) 16.9 1. 5 (11) 15.9 2. 2 (39) 16.4 1.3(54) PCV % 40.6 3.6(42) 40.6 3.6(11) 39.9 4.6(39) 39.0 5.4(56) Total Length em 289.2 13.0(39) 286.0 17.5(13) 282.6 9.1(254) 302.1 6.8(54) Chest Girth em 202.6 12.2(39) 188.1 14.2(13) 179.5 11.1(252) 201.1 12.2(53) Hind Foot em 79.4 13. 7(37) 84.1 5.5(13) 79.3 1.9(246) 80.8 1.8(12) Shoulder Height em --- - 175.9 8.1 (.0 desirable levels of 5.25 mg/100 ml and 7.5 g/100 ml, respectively, presented by Franzmann and LeResche (1978). Since many of the blood parameters compared favorably .with the Copper River Delta moose herd, which was considered·a healthy, productive moose population, it was concluded that the GMU 13 moose sampled in 1975 and 1977 were in rela- tively good physical condition. ·This was not, however, necessarily the case for all GMU 13 moose, as indicated in Appendix IV (Of the eight tagging sites, the Devil Mountain moose had many of the lowest parameters indicating that these moose may have been nutritionally stressed during a mild winter). It was also not the case for GMU 13 moose sampled in 1979. Moose sampled in March 1979, as part of a yearling mortality study (Job 1.27R) although not from exactly the same areas sampled in 1975 and 1977, had the lowest blood parameters of moose sampled to date in GMU 13. They were comparable to values obtained at Yakutat (GMU 5), on the Alaska Peninsula (GMU 9) and at the Moose Research Center, all of which were judged to be nutritionally stressed during mild or average winters (Faro and Franzmann 1978 and Smith and Franzmann 1979). Franzmann and LeResche (1978) based their moose condition measurement "upon the premise" that animal form and composition are dictated largely by the interactions of the complexes of climate and nutrition (Ledger 1968)." The GMU 13, 1979 values represented moose which were nutritionally stressed due to winter severity. Winter 1978-79 was the second most severe winter in terms of total snowfall since the U.S. Soil Conservation Service began keeping records in 1952. Bishop and Rausch (1974) mentioned that habitat deficiencies were a possible contributing factor to poor "productivity and survival" of moose in the Nelchina Basin study area. Therefore, it was important to gain information on this particular aspect by utilizing blood parameters to see if further investigation was warranted. Franzmann and LeResche's (1978) condition assessment technique suggests that if moose are in good condition following relatively mild or average winters then it is probable that range quality likely is not limiting moose survival. Based upon this premise, we concluded (from samples collected in 1975 and 1977) that range deterioration was not a problem in the areas sampled. We do believe, however, that studies of range quantity and quality are needed to assess the potential of the basin to support future increases in moose numbers. Casual observations of willow made during this study suggest many decadent plants resulting from excessive winter moose usage. In addition, no substantial fires have occurred within the last 30 to 35 years, and many old burns are advancing to mature spruce habitat creating a further loss of productive moose range. Movements Between late October 1976 and May 1979,1190 relocations were obtained for 43 radio-collared moose. During this reporting period a paper entitled "Moose Movements and Habitat Use Along the Susitna River near Devils Canyon" was prepared by Kenton P. Taylor and Warren B. Ballard and presented by Taylor at the 15th North American Moose Conference at ' 1 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kenai, Alaska. An abstract of that paper is presented in Appendix V. In addition, two interim reports were prepared for Susitna Dam studies; one was prepared under contract for the U~S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Ballard and Taylor 1978) while the other was a 6-month progress report under contract with the Alaska Power Authority for continuation of the original study. This report supersedes all previous reports. Movements and history for the 43 radio-collared moose were as follows: Moose 8017 (Fig. 1) was collared on 27 October 1976, approximately 8 km (5 mi) northwest of the Maclaren River bend. By 22 November she migrated approximately 40 km (25 mi) south to the head of the west fork of the Gulkana River. She overwintered in that area and between 13 and 27 May 1977 migrated 89 km (55 mi) back to a site approximately 8 km (5 mi) SW of the tagging site, where she had given birth to a calf by 1 June. She resided in that area until some time between 7 and 23 July when she lost her calf. She then migrated approximately 40 km (25 mi) north to an area approximately 11 km (7 mi) up from the mouth of the west fork of the Maclaren River where she remained through fall 1977. Contact with this moose ended in November 1977, probably due to radio failure. Moose 8018 (Fig. 2) was collared on 27 October 1976 approximately 5 km (3 mi) upstream from the mouth of Butte Creek. She was accompanied by a calf when collared and they remained in the Butte Creek area until early December 1977. Between 3 and 24 December they had moved approximately 31 km (19 mi) southeast to the Susitna River bend area. By 7 February 1977 they were located at Kelly Lake, approximately 58 km (36 mi) south of the tagging site, where they overwintered. She was last observed with her calf on 25 April. Between 27 May and 30 May 1977 she moved 19 km (12 mi) northwest of her winter range to the Maclaren River bottom lands where she gave birth to one calf. Between 10 June and 12 July she lost her calf and returned 45 km (28 mi) to the vicinity of the tagging site where she remained through fall and winter. Between 29 May and 31 May 1978 she produced one calf, but she remained in the Butte Creek area and did not migrate during 1977-78. Both cow and calf remained in the Butte Creek area at least up to 27 September 1978 when they were last observed. Moose 8019 (Fig. 3) was with a calf when collared on 21 October 1976, 6 km (4 mi) NW of Susitna Lodge where they remained at least until 19 November. By 16 December she and the calf had moved 37 km (23 mi) down the Susitna River almost to the mouth of Coal Creek, but they were found 32 km (20 mi) back to the north toward the mouth of Wickersham Creek by 19 January. They remained in that area until 10 May, after which she was not observed with the calf, but then gave birth to a new calf between 3 and 6 June, 6 km (4 mi) SE of her winter location. Between 6 and 7 June she was not observed with her calf and she remained in the vicinity of the tagging site until 22 August. By 5 October she had moved 8 km (5 mi) NW, to 1 1 Fig. 1. ALASKA RANGE .J:ce F~eld 1 ;;t: :,month N • :·1976 C" ..1 0 mi.le.!:J • :1977 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8017 from October 1976 through November 1977 .in the Susitna River Study Area. 1 2 --~~-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AN TAIII"C Fig. 2. f::l:: month 0:1976,1977 0:1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8018 from October 1976 through September 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. 1 3 1 N Fig. 3. "10..,..\.\eYJ ···-*=~=•: month 0:1976,1977 0:1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8019 from October 1976 through May 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 1 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I just above the mouth of Valdez Creek, but then by 30 October moved back to the tagging site where she remained through fall 1977. She wintered in the vicinity of the tagging site and gave birth to twin calves in the same area between 8 and 25 June 1978. Between 7 July and 23 August 1978 she lost one calf. The cow and calf remained in the vicinity of Gracious House until late September when they moved to the mouth of Valdez Creek as she had done in 1977 probably for breeding purposes. They wintered west of Gracious House and were last observed on 3 May 1979. Moose 8020 (Fig. 4) was collared on 22 October 1976, west of Susitna Lodge, where she remained through 2 November. She moved 13 km (8 mi) by 22 November, 0.4 km (0.25 mi) north of the De2ali Highway. She remained within an area approximately 34 km2 (13 mi ) through fall 1977: moving upland in both spring and fall and to the lowlands during summer. She was observed with twins on 7 June, then with triplets between 16 to 18 June. All four moose summered on the lowlands northwest of Butte Lake north of the Denali Highway. By mid-September they moved south of the highway to elevations ranging between 3-4,000 feet (914-1219 m) where they spent winter 1977-78. Moose 8020 was not observed with a new calf during 1978. Through summer and winter 1978-79 she continued to associate with her yearlings until at least 29 March 1979 when last observed. Moose 8021 (Fig. 5) was collared approximately 6 km (4 mi) south of the Denali Highway along Brushkana Creek on 22 October. By 2 November she had moved 13 km '(8 mi) to the north crossing the Nenana River, but by 22 November she moved south 16 km (10 mi) to 6 km (4 mi) NW of Butte Lake. She continued to exhibit considerable movement until 5 June when she gave birth to one calf. They spent the summer north of the Denali Highway on Monahan Flats. Radio contact with moose 8021 was temporarily terminated on 16 July 1977 due to a frequency shift and was not resumed until 10 May 1978. At this time she was located just north of the Denali Highway approximately 1.6 km (1 mi) east of Seattle Creek. Between 10 May and 31 May she moved 11 km (6.5 mi) east where she gave birth to one calf. Both summered in the same area occupied during 1977. Between 25 August and 18 September she, with her calf, moved approximately 13 km (8 mi) northeast to just north of Monahan Lake, possibly for breeding purposes. After this date we did not monitor the activities of this pair until April 1979 at which time the cow was located within the summer range utilized the previous 2 years. Moose 8022 (Fig. 6) was collared on 28 October 1976 approximately 26 km (6 mi) up from the mouth of Watana Creek. As winter progressed she moved to lower elevations along the Susitna River. Between 22 April and 25 May 1977 she moved 21 km (13 mi) north then 13 km (8 mi) south, spending the summer in a relatively small area at the bend of Watana Creek. She was not observed with a calf during 1977. 1 r; , ... -, ... _,..,. .------ r :f:t :month • :1976,197,7 • :1978,1979 . I Fig. 4. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8020 from October 1976 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 1 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 5. I I .. ........ ,. - . \!..·:' ' ,-I ,_ . • ~:.. ,-"':~. -) /'A ··~--· ~ •• t•....-" /fl '(·-h .• ' .. ~ ,. ..··~ ,eo~, • I ,.1 , ,,""<.. "'··· / .-,···~/,..._/ I " •'r~v •• • ,.,. • 1"1 ~. 1•""' . I I ,-I ~J •' V , "'( II .' · .. ' • ~ • '. ' ' ' ' ·' ~ ~' ·~ '· . ,..., .... ···~ "•' ' • .. ... , , c;.~· ... ·""' -) _: ( ... ·. . ,,"" .· • ,, ·'') -";.N."" • •• • -~~t'! ::.,.-· ---- MONAHAN J :f:t: :month ··', ..... Deadman: • :1976,1977 Mount·wn·· • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8021 from October 1976 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 1 7 Fig. 6. :t:t :month • :1976,1977 • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8022 from October 1976 through.March 1979 in the Susitna River Study • Area. 1 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I During winter 1977-78 she did not return to the Susitna River, instead remaining in the vicinity of her summer range. In 1978 she produced one calf by 30 May, but the~ lost it by 8 July. Both summer and winter movements during 1978-79 were similar to those described during 1977-78, She was last observed on 28 March 1979. Moose 8029 (Fig. 7) was collared on 27 October 1976, 3 km (2 mi) east of Round Mountain. She was found along the Maclaren River 8 km (5 mi) south of her tagging location on 19 November. By 19 January she had moved 10 km (6 mi) downstream to the Maclaren River cabin. She remained in the area through winter and spring. By 25 May she moved north of the river 3 km (2 mi) to higher elevation where she gave birth to twins which were missing by 1 June. She spent most of the summer along the river, until 22 November when she returned to the tagging site. During winter and summer 1977-78 and 1978-79 moose 8029's movements were similiar to the above description. However, in 1978 she produced twins, one of which was lost between 25 October and 12 December. She was last observed with a calf on 4 April 1979. Moose 8030 (Fig. 8) was collared on the west side·of the Susitna River approximately 10 km (6 mi) downstream from the mouth of the Maclaren River on 22 October 1976. Between 19 November and 22 April she migrated 44 km (27 mi) down the Tyone River to the north end of Susitna Lake. On 30 May she gave birth to one calf on an island where they remained until 23 July. They remained in the same vicinity during summer, then between 30 August and 5 October moved 44 km (27 mi) back to the tagging site where they remained over winter 1977-78. She followed this same pattern during 1978-79, also producing one calf. She and her calf were last observed on 31 March 1979. Moose 8031 (Fig. 9) was collared on 22 October 1976 on the north side of the Susitna River opposite the Oshetna River. This moose's movements were restricted to the Susitna River bend area north of the river during the period of study. Her winter and summer ranges overlapped, although she did exhibit a propensity to move from these areas during September and October. She was not observed with a calf during 1977-78 but did produce and successfully raise a calf during 1978-79 0 Moose 8032 (Fig. 10) was collared on 23 October 1976 at the mouth of Pass Creek. By 2 November she had moved 19 km (12 mi) down Clear- water Creek, She continued her southerly movement until 19 January; a straight line migration crossing the Maclaren and going down Monsoon Lake Creek 48 km (30 mi). She overwintered along the creek and began a northward movement on 31 March reaching Clearwater Lake by 30 May where she gave birth to one calf. They had moved north of the parturition site about 5 km (3 mi) by 11 July but did not return to the tagging site. Instead, they migrated south to a canyon area 5 km (3 mi) west of the wintering area where they remained through fall and winter 1977-78. 1 9 Fig. 7. "' ** :•-•h • : 1tm1. 1B77 • :.,., •• 1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8029 from October 1976 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 2 0 ~-------------~----~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 8. 1 N ;J"ohn ;'-a~~-.. •••• • • •• 4 ·.··:. ·· Sl~dc : / "1'\ou"·t;ai." f. ~ : Suc.kel" ~ · :f:f: :month • : 1976 '1°977 • :1978, 1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8030 from October 1976 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 2 1 Fig. 9. :f:t :month • :197611977 • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8031 from October 1976 through May 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 2 L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # :month • :1976,1977 ~---L----~~~L-----~----------------------~--------~•=19LL1tzs Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8032 from October 1976 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Fig. 10. Area. Between 31 March and 13 May 1978 moose 8032 and her calf returned to the summer range utilized in 1977. By 29 May she produced another calf, but lost it by 3 June. During summer and winter 1978-79 she repeated the same pattern of movements as those of 1977-78 except she was never observed returning to the site at which she was originally collared. She was last observed on 16 April 1979. Moose 8033 (Fig. 11) was collared on 28 October 1976, 5 km (3 mi) NW of the mouth of Valdez Creek. She remained within an area approximately 62 km2 (24 mi2), just north of Valdez Creek through at least 5 October 1977. Movements consisted of changes in elevation ranging up to 300 m but not coinciding with any particular season. She moved to Valdez Creek by late May and was observed with twins on 29 May. By 6 August both calves were missing. Radio failure was recorded on 6 August and our last observation was on 5 October 1977. Moose 8034 (Fig. 12) was collared on 28 October 1976 approximately 2 km (1 mi) south of Seattle Creek. By 22 November she had moved approximately 61 km (10 mi) SE to Brushkana Creek where she remained until at least 7 February. She moved to lower elevations as winter progressed and then calved just north of the Denali Highway 5 km east of Brushkana Creek. She and this calf remained within a 3 km 2 (1 mi2) area through June and by mid-July moved to Butte Lake where they remained through summer. Her movements during 1977-78 and 1978-79 were similar except that she was never observed returning to the tagging site. During September 1978 she was observed at Klunistana Creek approximately 18 km (1 mi) NW of her summer range. She gave birth to twins by 6 June, but lost both by 25 June 1978. She was last observed on 29 March 1979. Moose 8035 (Fig. 13) was collared on 27 October 1976 approximately 6 km (4 mi) east of Round Mountain. Between 2 November and 16 December 1976-77 she moved approximately 52 km (32 mi) southwest to the mouth of the Oshetna River where she wintered. Between 5 March and 22 April 1978 she began migrating back to the vicinity of the tagging site, reaching it by 25 May, where she remained through summer. She was not .observed with a calf during summer 1977. During 1977-78, through December 1978, she repeated the same movement patterns observed during 1976-77. She gave birth to one calf by 3 June and it survived to 21 December 1978, but was not observed after that date. Between 21 December and 14 April she moved from the wintering area of the previous two seasons to an area approximately 82 km (51 mi) to the south on Mendeltna Creek, below the Glenn Highway. We did not attempt to observe her after this date, however, the radio signal indicated that by June she had returned to Round Mountain on the Maclaren River. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~Butte (Lake Fig. 11. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8033 from October 1976 through October 1977 in the Susitna River Study Area. • :1977 . I 2 5 .. """' , -\:._..,.., ('.. _,....·'-. ,_,-), : ,: ... · ··.\ .-,--/'('"' ....... -·' .· ( .... ~ "' '(·· a. • .... .. , ,... • ....... , ~ ~ • l -~ ' /..,"("" ... -···/1,,...'~·""" ,., ,r !'·· !"""' •• :.,' ,-' ,·"'~~J ~,· u.,.,'· ., .. II. .. • ' , # \ .. -~ • I • fj · .. .., .. •' .,.. •" ' ' ..,, , rM. . .... • . ..,. ' ( 1 • • til 'V'. ·' ',-· ..... ,; , ·' ... . , ... . ~· J #:month • :1976,1977 • :1978,1979 Fig. 12. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8034 from October 1976 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 2 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I* Does not 1978-79. I ALASKA RANGE .:tee F'-eld :j::j:: month • :1976,1977 • :1978,1979 Fig. 13. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8035 from October 1976 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area.* include movement made to south of Glenn Highway during winter 27 Moose 8036 (Fig. 14) was collared on 28 October 1976 just below West Fork Glacier and by 2 November had moved south 18 km ~1 mi) to a lower elevation. She remained withii1 a 49 km 2 (19 mi ) area through winter and spring and by 29 May 1977 had given birth to one calf. By 5 June she had moved to the Susitna River and had lost her calf. She spent the remainder pf the summer and first half of the fall 13 km (8 mi) to the north at elevations above 900 m. By 31 October she had moved back to the lowlands where she wintered during 1977-78. During 1978 she repeated the above movements, giving birth to twins by 6 June. One calf was lost by 25 June. She and the remaining calf occupied the same summer range used in 1977 and returned 11 km (7 mi) to the vicinity of the tagging site by late September, possibly for breeding purposes. They spent winter 1978-79 on .the west fork Susitna River flats and were last observed on 29 March 1979. Moose 8037 (Fig. 15) was accompanied by a calf when collared on 28 October 1976, above the Denali Highway between Little Clearwater Creek and the Maclaren River. By 22 November she and the calf migrated south down Monsoon Lake Creek to 16 km (10 mi) south of the headwaters of the west fork of the Gulkana River; a straight line movement of 81 km (50 mi). They overwintered in that area within an old spruce burn. She was last observed with her calf on 13 May. She had given birth to another calf in the same area by 3 June. By 12 July they had migrated north 97 km (60 mi) to Boulder Creek above the Denali Highway and east of the Maclaren River. They remained in the area through the summer. By 5 October they had moved south to just east of Round Mountain and by 22 November had returned to the wintering area where they remained through winter 1977-78. During late spring 1978 she again gave birth· to a calf (adjacent to the wintering area used in 1976-77 and 1977-78). Between 19 and 26 June 1978 they migrated northward, reaching Boulder Creek by 7 July 1978 where they remained at least until 17 August. Between 17 August and 22 September they again moved approximately 40 km (25 mi) south to an area 5 km (3 mi) south of Monsoon Lake. Surprisingly, between 5 and 25 October they again migrated to Boulder Creek. After 25 October 1978 we lost radio contact with the pair. Moose 8038 (Fig. 16) was collared approximately 3 km (2 mi) southeast of Big Lake on 27 October 1976. Between 27 October and 22 November she had moved approximately 10 km (6 mi) southeast to Watana Creek where she remained through winter 1976-77. Between 22 April and 26 May she moved 5 km (3 mi) back toward Big Lake where she gave birth to one calf. The calf, however, was missing by 31 May. She spent summer 1978 in a relatively small area between Delusion and Watana Creeks, but again overwintered (1977-78) predominately on the east side of Watana Creek. On 30 May 1978 her radio signal was 2d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 14. --.I # :month • :1976,1977 • :1978, 1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8036 from October 1976 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 29 Fig. 15. ALASKA RANGE l:ce Fi.eld 1 :f:j: :month • :1976 '1977 • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8037 from October 1976 through October 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 16. :f:t: : ",'Onth • :1976 '1977 • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8038 from October 1976 through May 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. 3 1 detected on Watana Creek. We visited the site on 8 July 1978 and were unable to retrieve the transmitter because it was located in a deep pool in the creek. The animal had either slipped the collar or died of unknown causes. Moose 8039 (Fig. 17) was collared on 28 October 1976 west of the Maclaren River approximately 6 km (4 mi) north of the Denali Highway. By 19 November she had moved south 21 km (13 mi) to NW of the big bend on the Maclaren River. She remained on the river through winter, moving up and down the stream approximately 18 km (11 mi). She gave birth to twins by 1 June, but both were missing by 17 June. As summer progressed she moved to a slightly higher elevation on Round Mountain and remained in the area through fall and was never observed back at the tagging site during 1977. She spent winter 1977-78 in the vicinity of the bend in the Maclaren River where she calved by 3 June 1978 and remained through summer. She was last observed with her calf on 18 September 1978 on the bend of the Maclaren River. Between 18 September and 27 October she moved 18 miles north to Glaser Lake where she died of unknown causes. Fate of the calf was unknown. Moose 8040 (Fig. 18) was collared on 28 October 1976 approximately 26 km (16 mi) upstream from the mouth of Watana Creek. She remained within 13 km (8 mi) of the tagging site, wintering along the Watana Creek hillsides. By 26 May she had moved down the creek to lower elevations giving birth to twin calves by 8 June. Both calves were missing by 16 June. She, again wintered along Watana Creek during 1977-78, but died there of unknown causes by 11 April 1978. Moose 8042 (Fig. 19) was collared on 28 October 1976 just below West Fork Glacier and by 19 November had moved 21 km (13 mi) south to the Denali Highway. She remained within an area of approximately 26 km2 (14 mi2) through at least 5 August. She had given birth to one calf by 31 May but it was missing by 5 August. By 18 September she had moved 16 km (10 mi) north back to the tagging site. By 29 December she then had returned to the Denali Highway. Her movements through March 1979 were similar to those documented during the first year of study. She was never observed with a calf during 1978. Moose 8044 (Fig. 20) was collared on 23 October 1976 13 km (8 mi) north of the Denali Highway on Little Clearwater Creek. By 23 March she had moved 13 km (8 mi) SW to just below the Denali Highway. The radio signal from this moose shifted and, therefore, we lost contact with her until 10 May when she was relocated 15 km (9 mi) west of her last known location. By 25 May she had moved 26 km (15 mi) to the east on Clearwater Creek. She then moved 8 km (5 mi) to the SW and then in the opposite direction up to the Denali Highway by 10 June, where she gave birth to one calf. By 17 June the calf was missing and she began moving in a southwesterly direction but returned to the same area by 5 October. Between 5 October and 2 November she had moved 15 km (9 mi) up Big Clearwater Creek but then returned to the Denali Highway by 22 November. 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 17. # :monfh • :1976 ,1977 • :1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8039 from October 1976 through October 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. \ \ \ \ \ \ 33 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • =1976,1977 I • :1978,1979 Fig. 18. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8040 from October 1976 through April 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... "' .,.-~ ~-,·· c,\~"' '"-~-' ·--v, , .. ~·' (.,~ *'", ~ ~..,',sf ... ~ ~c-' ' o _ _,·~v-·. ·I.e. I I \.• ·' , ___ ,. ... -.. -, l "-'cJ \l ... ",.:= \.~'-l!JI ~. tu• s :f:t :month . I • :1976,1977 • :1978, 1979 Fig. 19. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8042 from October 1976 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 3 5 • • I ____) '- I I I I I I I I I I I f . # :monfh I • :1976,1977 • :1978,1979 Fig. 20. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8044 from October 1976 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. I 36 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I She wintered and summered i~ 1977-78 in the same areas occupied during 1976-77. She was first observed with a calf during 1978 on 27 May, but lost it by 7 June. We do not know if she returned to the head of Clearwater Creek during fall 1978, but she did overwinter in the same area used previously. She was last observed in late April 1977. Moose 8570 (Fig. 21) was collared on 20 March 1977 at the junction of Brushkana River and Monahan Flats Creek. By 10 May she had moved approximately 16 km (10 mi) to the junction of Wells Creek and the Nenana River. Between 10 and 25 May she moved 29 km (18 mi) to Monahan Flats where she gave birth to one calf. After 25 May we never observed her with a calf, although she stayed in the calving area until 31 May. In early summer she moved north 15 km (9 mi), spending the remainder of the summer and fall at higher elevations on the northeastern headwaters of the Nenana River. Through the remainder of the study, moose 8570 continued to exhibit an east-west movement pattern; wintering near the mouth of Seattle and Brushkana Creeks and summering on Monahan Flats and the head- waters of the Nenana River. She appeared to travel to the area below Nenana Glacier during the rutting season. During 1978 she produced a calf on 8 June. Both were last observed on 3 May 1979. Moose 8571 (Fig. 22) was collared on 20 March 1977 approximately 8 km (5 mi) south of the Maclaren River on the west side of the Susitna River. She was accompanied by her calf when collared. Both remained in the vicinity of the tagging site through spring. She had given birth to a calf by 30 May, but lost it by 24 June. Moose 8571 remained within 16 km (10 mi) of the tagging site throughout the study. She occupied lower elevations during calving and winter seasons and higher elevations during snow-free periods. She gave birth to a calf by 11 June in 1978. Both were observed together up to 16 April 1979 when the calf was missing. Moose 8572 (Fig. 23) was collared on 22 March 1977 approximately 1.6 km (1 mi) north of the mouth of Maclaren River. She had crossed the river by 30 March and then moved 10 km (6 mi) SW to higher elevations where~ during the summer, she occupied an area of approximately 47 kmL (18 mi2). During October and November she remained at higher elevations south of the river. Although she was pregnant when collared, she was never observed with a calf. During winter 1977-78 moose 8572 occupied a relatively small home range on the Western Alphabet Hills. Her winter range overlapped the summer range. During summer 1978 she gave birth to a calf between 7 July and 17 August; the latest parturition date observed during this study. Both continued to utilize the same home range utilized in 1977-78 and were last observed on 20 February 1979. Moose 8573 (Fig. 24) was collared on 19 March 1977 approximately 13 km (8 mi) east of the mouth of Watana Creek. During winters 1977-78 and 1978-79 she occupied winter range between Watana and Jay Creeks 3 7 Fig. 21. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I ··', ..... Deadman: Mounf.aj.n·· ~:month .. --""-"-~ ==_0_:_19_7_6 __ • 1-97_7___, ~ o:1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8570 from March 1977 through May 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f 't • • I t;t: month 0:1976,1977 0:1978,1979 L-------------L---~~~~~----.~~------------~------------------------~ Fig. 22. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8571 from March 1977 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 39 f l. • • I ~:month 0:1976,1977 0 :1978,1979 Fig. 23. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8572 from March 1977 through February 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 24. -------~- • 1::l: month 0:1976,1977 0:1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8573 from March 1977 through May 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 4 I on the north side of the Susitna River. Her winter range overlapped her summer range, except that during summer she crossed the Susitna River and occupied a small area within 0.6 km (1 mi) of the river. She was not observed with a calf during 1977, but did give birth to one by 3 June 1978. Both were last observed on 3 May 1979. · Moose 8574 (Fig. 25) was collared 20 March 1977 at the junction of the west and middle Forks of Susitna River. By 31 March she had moved 13 km (8 mi) west and by 10 May had moved SW 8 krn (5 mi) to the Denali Highway. She gave birth to one calf just below the highway but the calf was missing by 25 June. Between 25 June and 18 September she moved westward to the spruce-dominated hills 6 km (4 mi) north of Valdez Creek where she remained through 30 October 1977. During winters 1977-78 and 1978-79 she ranged across the eastern end of Monahan Flats. Her summer range was considerably smaller than her winter range although they overlapped. She was not observed with a calf during 1978 or 1979 and was last observed on 29 March 1979. Moose 8575 (Fig. 26) was collared on 21 March 1977 approximately 5 km (3 mi) upstream from the mouth of the Maclaren River. Between 30 March and 22 April she migrated approximately 82 km (51 mi) south to Tolsona Ridge and the Glenn Highway. She was not observed with a calf during 1977 but remained in the area during summer, ranging as far south as Sucker Lake. She returned to the Western Alphabet Hills between 13 September and 5 October 1977. She reached her wintering area along the Maclaren River by 22 November where she remained until 4 May 1978. Between 4 May and 9 May 1978, she again migrated to Tolsona Ridge where she gave birth to one calf. Her calf was radio-collared as part of a moose calf mortality study and was subsequently killed by a brown.bear (Ursus arctos) during June (Ballard et al. In press). She remained on her summer range until 5 October 1978 at which time she migrated back to her winter range arriving by 25 October 1978. By 7 March 1979 she was back on Tolsona Ridge. She was last observed on 16 March 1979. Moose 8576 (Fig. 27) was collared on 19 March 1977 approximately 13 km (8 mi) east of the mouth of Watana Creek. Her movements and history were nearly identical to that described for moose 8573 except that this moose's calf, which was born by 30 May 1978, was lost by 12 June and she never crossed the Susitna River. She was last observed on 29 March 1979. Moose 8577 (Fig. 28) was collared on 20 March 1977 approximately 10 krn (6 mi) north of the mouth of Tyone River on the west side of the Susitna River. She moved 16 krn (10 mi) NE and spent spring and summer just northeast of the mouth of Clearwater Creek. By 1 November she had moved up Clearwater Creek to the Denali Highway where she remained through the fall. Although recorded as pregnant, she was never observed with a calf during 1977. Her winter and summer ranges overlapped during 1977-78 and 1978-79, ranging from the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 25. I I " , ,, , ,_,..----, __ .,.. .. I ' ' I • , , . .n.. •• ~ "{;.' (., \."' """" ...... ', .... -., 0,' ( ~ , . ~ ,' .!"-~ (t/ .J'"(" '-->~ \ o_ ... _,\)_' ·l.l' '\.' / ___ ,... .., l ,-_ ... d \• ....... 1... _: \.'\.~-co I {" •• IJJ' s t . I M: month 0:1976,1977 0: 1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8574 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 43 Clarence \-ake 1 N J'"ohn ~La~-~--..... • .. ·~. ·· SUclc : / Movntilll'\ f. f::l.: month 0:1978,1977. 0: 1978,1979 Fig. 26. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8575 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 27. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8576 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 45 I • .. ~:month 0 : 1978, 197'7 0 :1978,1979 Fig. 28. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8577 from March 1977 through February 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Denali Highway at Clearwater Creek to 103 km (3,400 ft) elevation, west of the Susitna River opposite the mouth of the Maclaren River. She gave birth to a calf by 29 May in 1978 and they were last observed on 20 February 1979. Moose 8578 (Fig. 29) was collared on 20 March 1977 just north of the Susitna River, approximately 5 km (3 mi) west of the mouth of Tyone River. She remained north of the river until between 22 April and 13 May when she crossed the Susitna River at Goose Creek. She occupied a relatively small summer home range in the vicinity of lower Goose Creek and the Oshetna River. She was never observed with a calf. She remained in that area through winter 1977-78 and early summer 1978 and apparently did not return to the tagging site. Between 18 August and 26 October 1978 we lost radio contact with her. She was finally relocated 177 km (110 mi) to the south- east approximately 23 km (14 mi) up from the mouth of the Dadina River, apparently having established a new home range. She was last ·observed in that locale on 25 October 1979. Moose 8579 (Fig. 30) was collared on 20 March 1977 on the north side of the Susitna River between the mouths .of the Oshetna and Tyone Rivers. Between 20 March and 13 May this moose occupied the benchland at the big bend in the Susitna River. Between 13 May and 3 July she moved northward approximately 19 km (12 mi) to the headwaters of Coal Creek. She was not observed with a calf during 1977. She remained in the Coal Creek drainages through summer and fall returning to the bend in the Susitna River sometime between November and March 1978. She repeated her northward movements to the headwaters of Coal Creek and gave birth to one calf by 3 June. The calf was missing by 7 June. Her summer movements were similar to 1977, except that between 26 June and 7 July she moved approxi- mately 34 km (21 mi) to the northeast to a location just east of Clearwater Creek below the Denali Highway. However, by 17 August she had returned to her 26 June location at Coal Creek. During winter 1978-79 she apparently wintered opposite the mouth of the Maclaren River where she was last observed on 4 April 1979. Moose 8580 (Fig. 31} was collared on 18 March 1977 at Devil Mountain. By 22 April she had moved up the Susitna River approximately 8 km (5 mi). After this date we lost radio contact with this moose indicating she either emigrated from the area or her transmitter failed. Moose 8581 (Fig. 32) was collared on 18 March 1977 approximately 3 km (2 mi) north of the mouth of Valdez Creek. She remained in the vicinity of the junction between the middle and west forks of the Susitna River until 31 May, at which time she began moving north- ward. By 25 June she had wandered to within 6 km (4 mi) of Susitna Glacier. Although she was found pregnant when tagged, she was never observed with a calf through spring and summer. She remained on the upper half of the west fork through the summer, but by 18 September had begun moving downstream toward Valdez Creek where she wintered. By 27 May she had moved up the middle fork of the 47 1 N Jllic.holson 6 r....skc ·· SUde . ./ l'lou .... t~ t" :. --rl f;._Y__ y.. ,' r. Y. ... '.-~-/ . " Suc.ker ~ ~:month 0: 1976,1977 0 : 1978,1979 ______________ -::.:...,_ __________ .. ---------~- Fig. 29. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8578 from March 1977 through October 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 4d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t lei I e . ' \ \ . \ ~ .......... . v \. ' ' \ i? '\ \ \ r ' ........ I -·-·, -· . -· "\... 1 .-. ~-----·- . 29 Continued. Fl.g. • ..... · ......... __ ·---· ........... ~ \ ~:month 0 : 1976,1977 0 : 1978,1979 4 ':! - ..... . j t:l.: month. 0 : 1976,1977 0 : 1978,1979 Fig. 30. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8579 from March 1977 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I ." .: ....,. . . . I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I Fig. 31. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8580 from March 1977 through October 1977 in the Susitna River Study Area. 5 1 I ~ ,_,~-,, ... *" ,,. ..---__ , I ' ' ' • ! ' • Fig. 32. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8581 from March 1977 through May 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Susitna River to the base of the Susitna Glacier where she gave birth to twin calves by 6 June but, by 23 August one twin was missing. By 18 September she and the remaining calf had moved back down to Valdez Creek where they overwintered during 1978-79. They were last observed on 3 May 1979. . Moose 8582 (Fig. 33) was collared 22 March 1977 at the mouth of the Maclaren River. By 22 April she was moving in an easterly direction and subsequently moved 16 km (10 mi) to higher elevation just northeast of Laren Mountain. She spent summer and fall in that vicinity. She was pregnant in March, but was never observed with a calf. During 1978-79 she had a similar movement pattern to that observed in 1977-78 except that in late June 1978 she had moved approximately 31 km (19 mi) up from the mouth of the Maclaren River. She gave birth to twins by 7 June in 1978, but both were lost by 11 June. On 6 June 1979, when last observed, she had another set of twin calves. Moose 8583 (Fig. 34) was collared on 18 March 1977 at Devil Mountain. She was not pregnant when collared. Between 22 April and 26 May 1977 she had moved approximately 10 km (6 mi) east. She occupied a relatively small area opposite and above Fog Creek on the north side of the Susitna River where she remained until 13 October 1978. Between 13 October and 21 December 1978 she returned to within 4 km (2.5 mi) of the tagging site, but then returned to her summer range. She was not observed with a calf during 1977, but by 30 May 1978 she had given birth to one but lost it between 3 and 12 June. She was last observed on 28 March 1979. Moose 8584 (Fig. 35) was collared on 18 March 1977 just below Devil Mountain. She remained in the vicinity of Devil Mountain until 22 April 1977. Between 22 April and 31 May she moved approximately 19 km (12 mi) southeast, crossing the Susitna River just east of Stephen Lake, where she gave birth to twins by 3 June. She lost one calf between 8 and 16 June and the other between 16 June and 5 July. ~he again crossed the Susitna River in June, but then returned to her summer range where she spent winter 1977-78. By 30 May 1978 she had again given birth to twins, but these were lost by 12 June. She remained on her summer range until 21 December 1978 where she was located on the Susitna River just south of Devil Mountain. By 28 March 1979 she had returned to the tagging site where she was last observed. Moose 8585 (Fig. 36) had a history almost identical to that described for moose 8582 except that she was never observed with a calf. Moose 8586 (Fig. 37) had a history nearly identical to that described for moose 8584 except that she only crossed the Susitna River on two occasions; between 22 April and 3 June 1977 and between 29 January and 28 March 1979. 53 • • I f:;i.: month 0 : 1976, 1977 0:1978,1979 Fig. 33. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8582 from March 1977 through June 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. · ...,. . . . ~:month 0:1976,1977 0 :1978,1979 Fig. 34. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8583 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 55 .. . " ~ ....... . . Fig. 35. tl.: month 0:1976,1977 0: 1978,1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8584 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • I f::t: month 0:1976,1977 0 : 1978,1979 Fig. 36. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8585 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 57 .. .: ~ . . . tl.: month 0:1976,1977 0 :1978,1979 Fig. 37. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8586 from March 1977 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Moose 8587 (Fig. 38) was accompanied by a calf when collared on 20 March 1977 on Monahan Flats Creek 3 km (2 mi) east of its junction with Brushkana Creek. After collaring they moved south to higher elevations 3 km (2 mi) south of the Denali Highway. Her calf remained with her until at least 25 May and by 31 May she had given birth to another calf. She and her new calf remai~ed near the highway within an area approximately 42 km2 (19 mi ) through summer and fall and winter 1977-78. She was last observed with her 1977 calf on 27 March 1978 and by 27 May had given birth to one new calf. Her movements through summert fall and winter 1978-79 were similar to those of the previous year. She was last observed with her 1978 calf on 10 February 1979. She was last observed on 29 March 1979. Moose 8588 (Fig. 39) was collared on 19 March 1977 approximately 6 km (4 mi) north of the mouth of Jay Creek. By 6 April she had moved 10 km (6 mi) south southwest to the Susitna River. She remained along the Susitna River occupying the river bank to elevations of 609 m (2 ,000 ft) until 8 June at which time she moved to higher elevations. She was not observed with a calf during 1977. During winter 1977-78 she moved back and forth between the river and elevations of 1,036 m (3,400 ft). During 1978 she gave birth to twins by 30 May, but lost both by 12 June. By 23 June she had slipped her radio collar. She was last observed on 2 November 1978. Moose 8589 was collared on 18 March 1977 approximately 11 km (7 mi) east of Devil Mountain north of the Susitna River. By 31 March she had moved 8 km (5 mi) southwest where she was observed dead; probably as a result of drug overdose. Moose 8040 II (Fig. 40) was collared on 14 August 1978 approximately 3 km (2 mi) northwest of the mouth of Watana Creek. She occupied a relatively small home range between Deadman and Watana Creek exceeding 731 m (2,400 ft) elevation. On one occasion (30 November 1978) she was observed approximately 8 km (5 mi) east of Watana Creek. She was last observed on 28 March 1979. Moose 8588 II (Fig. 41) was collared on 14 August 1978 approximately 5 km (3 mi) east of the mouth of Watana Creek. Her movements were nearly identical to those of moose 8576. Moose 5527 (Fig. 42) was collared on 14 August 1978 approximately 3 km (2 mi) east of the mouth of Jay Creek. Based on a limited number of observations, she appeared to have a small annual home range during fall and winter 1978-79, We had lost radio contact with her (reasons unknown) by 28 February 1979. Moose 5540 (Fig. 43) was collared on 14 August 1978 along the Susitna River approximately 8 km (5 mi) east of the mouth of Jay Creek. She remained fairly close to the tagging site through early fall, but by 6 October had moved approximately 19 km (12 mi) northeast to 59 I , . """ .. -\ ! .... .. ~...... /',• ._., ... , ; ... · . .• ' "· •• . ) . //,':.s.._ ···--. , .· ( ·...-"" I , \ •. .tl.. • '..,.; ,. -.;-~ /,., ( j I ,.1 : f<}'. ,.:··· , .. ,; ~ ... " .· ,' ~~ , ... , -.....,· u~ ... · .. Jl• .. ••• .,• ..... ',~ ..... _, ... ~,~ ... ' ,·,( .... r,······-:~·,.-\'. '""' --~· '·.~· . .,. ) . .' f ,-· . '• . ·'' ,· ... .. • J ,.,.,·'~~.,--· :.~~1'\~-,. I I . ,., I I I I I I .. I I I I ) I I I 60 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I • ~:month 0: 1976,1977 -0:1978,1979 Fig. 39. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8588 from March 1977 through November 1978 in the Susitna River Study Area. 6 1 ----------- J month 0 =1978 Q:1979 Fig. 40. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8040 II from August 1978 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig. 41. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 8588 II from August 1978 through March 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 63 :tf: month 0:1978 { 0:1979 Fig. 42. Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 5527 from August 1978 through February 1979 in the Susitna Kiver Study Area. 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ .· Fig. 43. .. . . . Q:1979 Annual home range and monthly locations of moose 5540 from August 1978 through April 1979 in the Susitna River Study Area. 6 5 Coal Creek. By the end of October she had moved 16 km (10 mi) west to the headwaters of a Jay Creek tributary. She overwintered along Jay Creek and down to the Susitna River •. She was last observed on 16 April 1979. The 65 visually collared moose were observed on 151 occasions from October 1976 through December 1979. Ten (15%) were never observed during the study. Only 25 (39%) were observed more than twice. A fairly large proportion of the sightings were obtained during fall moose sex and age composition counts. These data may allow calculation of a crude population estimate based on mark:recapture ratios, however, this will not be done until the services of a biometrician are obtained. Movement data from visual-collared moose generally reflected similar patterns of those obtained from radio-collared animals. However, had the study relied solely on visual collars, as was done on the Kenai Peninsula (Bailey et al. 1978), the scanty data would have been difficult, if not impossible, to interpret. Our radio-collared moose exhibited all the types of movements described by LeResche (1974) for moose in North America. Most moose during this study were either somewhat sedentary, occupying the same drainages year-round with migration consisting primarily of elevational movements or highly migratory, moving from higher summer elevations to lower winter elevations with considerable distances in between. Fall migration during 1977 and 1978 occurred primarily in November, but ranged from 5 October to 19 January (Table 3). Its occurrence appeared to be at least partially correlated with the first heavy snow-. fall of the year. Heavy snowfall came earlier in 1977 than in 1978 and probably accounted for the earlier dates of migration that year. LeResche (1974) stated that most investigators reported that weather, particularly snow conditions, was the mediating factor in moose migrations. Our tentative observations are supported by other studies in Alaska (Rausch 1958 and VanBallenberghe 1978a). Although most moose initiated fall migration at about the same time the speed at which individual moose moved to wintering sites was quite variable. Some moose arrived on wintering areas in mid-December while others continued to meander in a southerly direction until early spring. Initiation of spring migration was not as clearly defined as was fall migration. Several moose began moving in April, arriving on summer range where calving took place in early May. Other moose remained close to the wintering site where some calved and then migrated in mid-July. Some of the summer migrators never reached the sites where they were originally tagged. These animals then turned around and began the migration to winter ranges in November. VanBallenberghe (1978a) reported that moose in the eastern portion of Unit 13 departed from their wintering areas between mid-April and mid-June. Once cow moose in the current study area began. spring-summer migration, the movement to summer ranges usually took from 4-6 weeks. 66 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------- Table 3. Minimum ho~ ranges and dates of migration of 42 radio-collared moose observed from October 1976 through May 1979 in the Nelchina and upper Susitna Ri' er Basins of Southcentral Alaska. Distance from Summer Apprx. distance Apprx. distance winter range to Longest distance Winter Summer Home from summer between summer Dates of Dates of calving area if moved between Home Home Range When Total range to possible and winter migration migration different from consecutive Moose Range Range With Calf Range rutting area range to winter to summer summer range observations No. km2 (mi2) ktn2 (mi2) km2 (mi2) km2 (mi2) km (mi) km (mi) range range · km (mi~ km ~mi) 8017 220 (85) 210 (81) - -1373 (530) 0 (0) 52 (32) 11/2-11/22 7/7-7/23 26 (16) 4 7 (29) 8018 228 (88) 52 (20) 8 (3) 1334 (515) 0 (O) 52 (32) 12/3-12/24 I 6/10-7/12 19 (12) 50 (31) 8019 49 (19) 101 (39) --205 (79)1/ 13 (8) 0 (0) 11/19-12/161 -N/A 34 (21) 8020 111 (43) 34 (13) 8 (3) 269 (104) 13 (8) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 19 (12) 8021 114 (44) 70 (27) 10 (4) 293 (113) 19 (12) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 19 (12) 8022 334 (129) 52 (20) - -350 (135) 0 (0) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 21 (13) 8029 101 (39) 117 (45) 60 (23) 192 (74) 0 (0) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 23 (14) 8030 207 (8) 78 (30) 60 (23) 666 (257) 44 (27) 44 (27) 8/30-10/5 11/19-4/22 N/A 44 (27) 9/18-9/22 11/22-3/31 8031 29 (11) 75 (29) 26 (10) 176 (68) 13 (8) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 11 (7) 8032 23 (9) 86 (33) - -446 (175) 18 (11) 16 (10) 12/16-1/19 3/31-1/19 N/A 19 (12) 10/5-11/22 8033 34 (13) 13 (5) - -62 (24) 0 (0) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 13 (8) 8034 155 (60) 145 (56) 3 (1) 399 (154) 21 (13) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 19 (12) 8035 62 (24) 49 (19) 13 (5) 6 76 (261) 0 (0) 52 (32) 11/2-12/16 3/5-4/22 N/A 82 (51) 10/5-11/22 3/31-4/26 10/25-12/21 8036 49 (19) so (31) 13 (5) 148 (57) 11 (7) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 19 (11) 8037 21 (8) - - 355(137) 1137 (439) 40 (25) 55 (34) 10/28-11/22 6/15-7/12 N/A 52 (32) 8/18-11/22 6/19-7/7 8038 29 (11) 36 (14) - -83 (32) 0 (0) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) 8039 75 (29) 93 (36) <3 (<1) 399 (154) 26 (16) 0 (0) 11/19-12/16 N/A N/A 29 (18) 8040 26 (10) 8 (3) --62 (24) 0 (0) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) 8042 36 (14) 36 (14) --161 (62) 16 (10) 0 (0) 10/28-11/2 N/A N/A 16 (10) 8044 86 (33) 130 (50) --386 (149) 19 (12) 0 (0) -N/A N/A 24 (15) 8570 225 (87) 119 (46) 10 (4) 557 (215) 13 (8) 19 (12) -5/10-5/25 N/A 24 (15) 8571 75 (29) 88 (34) 8 (3) 109 (42) 0 (0) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) 8572 95 (37) 4 7 (18) --109 (42) 0 (0) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 11 (7) 8573 54 (21) 36 (14) 5 (2) H (28) 0 (0) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 11 (7) 8574 130 (50) 26 (10) --181 (70) 10 (6) 0 (0) 10/5-10/30 -N/A 19 (12) 8575 389 (150) 101 (39) --1153 (445) 84 (52) 93 (58) . 9/13-10/5 3/30-4/22 -103 (64) 10/5-10/25 5/4-5/9 8576 34 (13) 29 (11) --62 (24) 0 (0) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) en '"' a> a. - Table 3. (Continued). Summer AppJ"x. distance Winter Summer Home from summer Home Home Range When Total range to possible Moose Range Range With Calf Range rutting area No. km2 (mi 2) km2 (mi2) km2 {mi2) km2 (mi 2) km (mi) 8577 241 (93) 88 (34) 18 (7) 277 (107) 16 (10) 8578 26 (10) 29 (11) --62 (24) 0 (0) 8579 161 (62) 199 (77) --544 (214) 0 (0) 8581 60 (23) 161 (62) <3 (<1) 244 (94) 0 (0) 8582 88 (34) 78 (30) - - 168 (65) 0 (0) 8583 23 (9) 13 (5) - -44 (17) 0 (0) 8584 70 (27) 44 (17) --122 (4 7) 0 (0) 8585 47 (18) 39 (15) --67 (26) 0 (0) 8586 47 (18) 26 (10) --80 (31) 0 (0) 8587 73 (28) 49 (19) 21 (8) 101 (39) 0 . (0) 8588 65 (25) 39 (15) --93 (36) 0 (0) 8040II ------36 (14) -- 8588II ------52 (20) - - 5527 ------ - --- 5540 ------179 (69) -- N 38 37 1.7 41 38 Mean 102.4(37.6) 72.3(27.9) 36. 7(14.1) 320. 2(124) 9. 9 (6) S.D. 89.5(34.2) 49.7(19.2) 83.9(32.4) 354.4(137) 16.8(10.5) 1/ After southerly movement of 37 km returned to summer range 1_1 Above described movement excluded. - - ---- - -- Distance from Apprx. distance winter range to Longest dista between summer Dates of Dates of calving area if moved betwee: and winter migration migration different .from consecutive range to winter to summer summer range observation' km (mi) range range km (mil km (mi) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 26 (16) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 177(110) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 34 (21) 0 (0) N/A NiA N/A 26 (16) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 13 (8) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 9 (5) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 16 (10) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 8 (5) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 11 (7) 0 (O) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) 0 (0) N/A N/A N/A 10 (6) --NtA N/A N/A 15 (9) --N/A N/A N/A 11 (7) --N/A N/A N/A --N/A N/A N/A 38 N/A N/A N/A 40 10.1(6) N/A N/A N/A 27 .9(17) 22.4(14) N/A N/A N/A 31.3(20) ---- ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Although this study did not involve investigation of bull moose movements, it was evident that some cows were traveling to areas outside their normal winter and summer ranges for breeqing purposes. Most, however, remained within or near their wintering areas. There did not appear to be any concentration areas except for those at the mouth of Valdez Creek and the Maclaren River side of the western Alphabet Hills. d d II • • 1" . Both areas serve as rutting areas and thus shoul be protecte as cr1t1ca habitats. Distances between summer and winter home ranges, for migratory moose in this study, ranged from 16 to 93 km (10-58 mi), averaging 48 km (30 mi). Similar movements of moose in other areas of North America range from 2 km (1 mi) in Minnesota (Berg 1971) up to perhaps 170 km (106 mi) in the Northwest Territories (Barry 1961). In southcentral Alaska, distances between ranges have varied from: 8 to 94 km (5-58 mi) in the eastern portion of Unit 13 (VanBallenberghe 1978a), from 2 to 60 km (1-37 mi) on the Kenai Peninsula (Bailey et al. 1978) and from 3 to 19 km (2-12 mi) in GMU 16 (Didrickson and Taylor 1978). The highly migratory nature of GMU 13 moose probably represents an adaptation for exploitation of marginal habitats resulting from excessive snow accumulation. Irregular Movements During this study we observed three moose whose movements did not fit typical migration patterns exhibited by others. One, which wore white visual collar number 80, was tagged just above the Susitna River west of Tsusena Creek on 18 March 1977. By 6 September she was observed east of Lone Butte near Sanona Creek, a straight line movement of 84 km (52 mi). This was the third longest movement recorded during this study and provided the only significant evidence of an east-west movement along the Susitna River. The longest movement recorded during this study was by moose 8578 during summer 1978. She did not migrate during 1977-78, occupying a relatively small home range just south of the Susitna Bend. Some time in July 1978 she left the area and moved a straight line distance of 177 km (110 mi) southeast. reaching the Dadina River by mid-August 1978. The moose remained in this area through 1978-79 and was still present in January 1980, The second longest movement occurred sometime during winter 1978-79 when moose 8035 left her traditional winter range of the previous two seasons and migrated an additional 82 km (51 mi) south to an area next to Mendeltna Creek, just south of the Glenn Highway. From her summer range the straight-line movement was 105 km (65 mi). By late spring she had returned to the summer range. We were unable to explain the movements of moose numbers 80 and 8578 since they did not correspond with any other movement patterns nor with any noticeable change in environmental factors: This was not the case for moose 8035, however. Winter 1978-79, according to weather 6 9 records kept at Gulkana, was the second most severe in terms of total snowfall since 1952 when records were first kept. We suspect that moose 8035 moved south to an area of lower snow depths. Why other moose did not follow a similar pattern is unknown. The movements exhibited by moose numbers 80 and 8578 may represent unusual random movements. Other moose researchers in Alaska have recorded similar percentages of animals making movements which are inexplicable (Schneider pers. comm.). Perhaps these apparently random movements aid moose in colonizing new habitats where moose are either absent or present in low densities. Home Range LeResche (1974) reported that seasonal home ranges of moose were consistently small regardless of how far a moose moved between seasons. Home ranges determined during this study were considerably larger than the 5-10 km2 (2-4 mi2) he reported (Table 3). Winter home ranges in this study ranged from 21 to 389 km2 (8-150 mi2), averaging 102 km (39 mi2 ), while summer home ranges varied from 8-210 km 2 (3-81 mi2) and averaged 72 km2 (28 mi2), Total area occupied by individual moose (migratory and sedentary) was quite large, ranging from 44 to 1373 km 2 (17-530 mi2) and averaging 339 km2 (131 mi2), These latter figures compare favorably with the total range given by Peterson (1955) for Ontario moose, but were considerably larger than those reported for Kenai Peninsula moose (Bailey et al. 1978). LeResche (1974) summarized studies indicating that cows with calves have smaller home ranges for a short time following parturition than do cows alone. This also appeared to be true for moose in this study. Radio-collared cows with calves had substantially smaller home ranges than lone cows, varying from 3 to 255 km2 (1-137 mi2), but averaging 37 km2 (14 mi2), By excluding data from one ~rratic migratory cow, however, the mean home range is dropped to 16.8 km (6.5 mi 2 ) which is comparable with that reported by Berg (cited in LeResche 1974) in Minnesota, but larger than those reported in other studies (Table 4). Moose throughout North America traditionally utilize the same home ranges each year. VanBallenberghe (1978b) found that moose returned to the same home ranges "even when environmental conditions broke the pattern of migration during one seasonal cycle." Our moose were also highly traditional, but did not always return to the same area. For the most part, fidelity to summer range was greater than to winter range. Elevational and Habitat Usage We classified habitat types on 719 occasions. Sixty-seven percent of the classifications were in spruce dominated habitats. Fifty-eight percent of the spruce classifications were of the medium spruce type (Table 5) which usually has considerable quantities of willow and birch understory. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I• ! Table 4. Comparison of home ranges _of moose cows with calves (from LeResche 1975). Home Range Ar2a Localit:y: Time Interval km2 (mi ) Reference Montana 6 July -23 September 2.2 0.85 Knowlton, 1960 Wyoming 6 June -15 September 5.1 1.97 McMillan, 1954 Ontario 15 August -31 October 6.0 2.32 DeVos, 1956 Minnesota 11 June -22 August 5.9 2.28 VanBallenberghe Peek, 1971 Minnesota 15 May - 1 October 15.4 5.95 Berg, 1971 Minnesota 15 May -1 October 16.9 6.53 Berg, 1971 Alaska 6 June -31 October 8.4 3.24 LeResche, 1966 Alaska 24 May - 1 September 16.8 6.49 This study 7 1 & -...:1 N Table 5. Habitat types utilized by radio-collared moose per month of observation for 1976-1979 in the Nelchina and upper Susitna River Basins, Alaska. % % % % % % Upland Cottonwood Habitat Tall Medium Low Riparian % % Willow or Sample Classification Spruce Spruce Spruce Willow Marsh Alder &Brush Aspen Size(n) Month January 6 38 38 0 0 0 19 0 16 February 12 48 9 15 0 0 15 0 33 March 5 49 22 11 0 3 11 0 37 April 27 49 4 10 0 5 5 0 41 May 15 52 12 8 2 0 10 0 132 June 13 36 13 7 2 5 21 2 169 July 6 31 13 9 4 10 21 4 67 August 29 29 10 3 5 8 16 0 62 September 13 31 15 2 0 4 33 2 52 October 19 29 10 4 0 8 31 0 52 November 8 39 19 17 0 0 17 0 36 December 18 23 5 27 0 0 23 5 22 TOTALS 15 39 1~ 8 2 4 18 1 719 ------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Habitat use percentages by month are listed in Table 5. Habitat classifications roughly corresponded with altitudinal movements depicted in Fig. 44. Medium spruce types were utilized.more than any other type during all months except August, September, October and December. During three of these months (September, October and December) willow species were heavily utilized during the rut and early winter, respec- tively. Upland willow was heavily utilized during summer, and tall and medium spruce types were heavily utilized during parturition. VanBallenberghe (1978a) summarized the altitudinal movements of Gakona and eastern Alphabet Hills moose from October 1974 through June 1977. During summer these moose occupied areas at about 762-914 m (2500-3000 ft) elevation, and during winter habitat types at the 548- 671 m (1800-2200 ft) elevations were utilized. Moose in this study generally followed that pattern except that lower elevations were used more than reported by VanBallenberghe (1978a). During winter, Susitna Basin moose utilized areas with elevations ranging from 762-883 m (2500- 2900 ft), while in summer 792-975 m (2800-3200 ft) elevations were used. Calf Production and Survival During spring 1977 tagging, it was determined that i4 of the radio- collared cows were pregnant. Subsequent observations in late spring and summer revealed that these animals only produc~d seven calves (Table 6). In contrast, 20 cows collared in the fall produced at least 23 calves. We did not know if the differences between the two groups reflected actual differences in production or survival. We compared numbers of calves produced from 1977 versus 1976 fall radio-collared cows in 1977 and 1978. Fall 1976 collared cows produced 1.0 calf per cow in both 1977 and 1978, while cows collared in spring 1977 produced only 0.39 calves in 1977. In 1978, however, the spring 1977 collared cows produced 1.06 calves/cow. The number of calves produced in 1977 by spring radio- collared cows was significantly different (P<0.05) from numbers produced in 1978 and also from fall collared cows in both 1977 and 1978. No significant differences (P>0.05) were detected between the mean number of calves per cow produced by fall collared cows in 1977 and 1978 and those produced by spring collared cows in 1978. Both Reynolds and VanBallenberghe (pers. comm.) suspect that either the drug (succinylcholine chloride) and/or rectal palpation may have been responsible for low calf production of their marked moose, however, no quantifiable data were available. As in other moose studies utilizing succinylcholine chloride (Franzmann, Didrickson, Gasaway, etc., pers. comm.), we had difficulty determining drug dosages for individual moose. In several instances it was necessary to administer artificial respiration to prevent the moose from dying. Perhaps these animals and others which may have been · oxygen-starved or stressed accounted for low calf production in 1977. We believe rectal palpation was not responsible for low calf production since it has little or no effect on domestic animal production (Franzmann and Tobey, pers. comm.). Moose rectally palpated, but immobilized with other drugs have had a disproportionately larger number of calves than 73 -------------------------- - .... &&. z 0 .... <I( > 1&1 ..... ..., z <I( 1&1 ~ -...:! .~. .... 3200 97sm. 3100..J 945m_ 2600 -- ~ Sedentary Moose D Migratory Moose JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Fig. 44. Avera~e monthly elevations occupied by radio-collared moose from October 1976 through May 1979 in the Nelchina and upper Susitna River Basins, Alaska. DEC ----------- ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 6. Comparison of observed calf production between radio-collared moose tagged in fall, 1976 versus those tagged in spring 1977 within or close to the Susitna River S.tudy Area. Fall Collared SEring Collared Observed Observed Moose calf Moose Pregnancy calf II Eroduction II status Eroduction 1977 1978 1977 1978 8017 1 0 8570 Pregnant 1 1 8018 1 1 8571 Pregnant 1 1 8019 2 2 8572 Pregnant 0 1 8020 2 0 8573 Prenant 0 1 8021 1 1 8574 Pregnant 1 0 8022 0 1 8575 Pregnant 0 1 8029 2 2 8576 Unknown 0 1 8030 1 1 8577 Pregnant 0 1 8031 0 1 8578 Not pregnant 0 0 8032 1 1 8579. Pregnant 0 1 8033 2 N/A 8581 Pregnant 0 2 8034 1 2 8592 Pregnant 0 2 8035 0 1 8583 Not pregnant 0 2 8036 1 2 8584 Pregnant 2 2 8037 1 1 8585 Pregnant 0 0 8038 1 N/A 8586 Pregnant 1 0 8039 2 1 8587 Pregnant 1· 0 8040 2 N/A 8588 Unknown 0 1 8042" 1 0 8589 Not pregnant 0 2 8044 1 1 Total No. 20 23 18 19 7 19 X 1. oo!l 1.00 0. 39 1.06 S.D. .69 .69 .61 .73 1/ Excludes moose 8033, 8038, and 8040. 7 5 uncollared moose (Smith and Franzmann 1977). We concluded from our comparison that use of succinylcholine chloride to immobilize moose in spring 1977 altered calf production that year, _but did. not alter it in 1978. We do not recommend use of this drug to immobilze potentially pregnant moose in spring. In addition, there are other economic and biological reasons for no longer using succinylcholine chloride (Gasaway . et al. 1979). Parturition was first observed for uncollared moose on 24 May in 1977 and 1978, and on 18 May in 1979 (Fig. 45). Radio~collared moose dropped their first calves by 25 May in 1977.and 1978. Sixty percent of the calves were born between 29 May and 3 June when parturition peaked. Parturition was nearly complete (95.5%) by 10 June of each year. Late calving was observed in 1978 when one calf was born sometime between 7 July and 17 August. Information on status and reproductive history of visual-collared moose is stored in our Glennallen office. Of the 55 visually collared moose observed after tagging, at least 25 (64%) were known to have produced one or more calves from 1977 through 1979. These observations of calf production support those obtained on the radio-collared moose, indicating that adult cows were producing calves in sufficient quantities for the moose population to increase if calf survival improved. Comparison of timing of mortality of uncollared calves of radio- collared adults to that of radio-collared calves is presented in Fig. 46 (from Ballard et al. In press). The loss pattern of the two groups of calves_was very similar suggesting that the causes of mortality were also similar. Predation by brown bears was responsible for 79 percent of the natural mortality of 'l:adio-collared calves in 1977 and 1978. We also assumed that most of the uncollared calves of the radio-collared ,adults were also taken by brown bears. These data indicate that radio- collaring newborn moose calves did not predispose them to predation. Approximately 94 percent and 82 percent, respectively, of the mortality to collared and uncollared calves occurred by 19 July of each year. Thereafter, most calves survived to 1 November of each year. Following this time period, no additional uncollared calf losses were noted in 1977-78 at least until April 1978 when cows and calves began separating. However, in 1978-79, a relatively severe winter, 7 of 17 surviving calves were lost in late winter, probably due to either starvation or predation (Ballard et al. In press). Adult Cow Mortality From October 1976 through approximately May 1979, we lost radio contact with 9 of 39 radio-collared moose. At least three of these were known to have died of unknown causes. Two others slipped their radio collars, but were subsequently observed in fall moose sex and age composition counts. The fate of the four remaining animals was unknown, 76 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------- "'-.] "'-.] Cl) "' > _, c:( v ..... 0 c.: loU 1111 ~ ::::) z 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1-----M A Y JUNE --------f JUNE DATE Fig. 45. Timing of moose parturition dates during 1977 and 1978 in Nelchina and upper Susitna River Basins, Alaska. 11-AUG -..:J 00 >-1--...J <( 1-a: 0 :::?! u. 0 w ~ <( 1-z w 0 a: w a. w > 1- <( ...J ~ :E. ~ 0 MAY J U N E J U L Y 100 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-A I o L:::.o I 80 60 40 20 o---.0 RADIO-COLLARED CALF • • CALF OF RADIO-COLLARED COW 26-30 · 31 - 4 · 5 - 9 · 1Q-14 · 15-19 · 2Q-24 · 25-29 · 30 - 4 · 5 - 9 · 1Q-14 ·15-19 · 20-24 · 25-29 · 30 - 3 · Aug · Sept · Oct Fig. 46. Dates of mortalities of collared and uncollared moose calves during 1977 and 1978 in the Nelchina and upper Susitna River Basins, Alaska (from Ballard et al. 1980). ----------------·--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I but for purposes of this discussion we considered them dead. Based upon these assumptions, from July through June of 1976-77, 1977-78 and 1978- 79 we estimated annual adult cow mortality at 2.6 percent, 7.9 percent and 8.6 percent, respectively. These estimates should be viewed with caution because the study did not begin until October 1976 and ended in spring 1979. Overall, 17.9 percent of the radio-collared animals had either died or were missing by May 1979. Annually, adult cow mortality averaged 6.0 percent d4ring the 3-year study. Population Identity Based upon movement patterns of radio-collared moose we identified four discrete populations of moose which doubtless are comprised of a number of subpopulations. These four identified populations were as follows: Clearwater Mountains -Western Alphabet Hills Population -This population apparently consists of a highly migratory segment and a resident segment. Cows tagged in the Clearwater Mountains were extremely migratory. Most occupied the area only during late summer and fall. During November these animals migrated down the Maclaren River and Clearwater Creek to the bottomlands along the lower Maclaren River. Some moose wintered in the lower Maclaren area where they shared winter range with other moose which resided in the area year-round. Other Clearwater moose and some from the Maclaren River area continued migrating south. These moose either followed the Susitna River or traveled through the Alphabet Hills down Monsoon Lake Creek where they eventually wintered either in old spruce burns on the south side of the Alphabet Hills or at the mouths of the Oshetna and Tyone Rivers. Upper Susitna River Population -Moose from this population generally were year-round residents of the east, middle, and west forks of the Susitna River. Most made relatively short movements, moving from higher elevations in summer to lower elevations in winter. The mouths of Valdez and Windy Creeks and the junction of the forks of the Susitna River received heavy moose usage through fall, winter and early spring. This population's movements appeared to correspond closely to the drainage patterns of the upper Susitna River. Upper Nenana -Brushkana Population -Moose from this population appear to be comprised of animals residing in the tributary drainages of the Upper Nenana. These moose occupy the upper drainages in fall and summer but winter in lowland areas where they share winter range with year-round residents. Evidence suggests that some individuals may make extensive fall migrations down the Nenana River. There appeared to be a noticeable distinction between animals from this area and those utilizing the adjacent upper Susitna River drainages. Obviously, some exchange between these two populations occurs and, in fact, they may not be separate populations. Susitna River Population -On the Susitna River from Butte Creek down to Devils Canyon most of the study animals exhibited relatively short movements and had small home ranges. Movements were mostly altitudinal 79 in nature with the exception of those cows tagged in upper Butte Creek. Those moose migrated down the Susitna River or Butte Creek where they wintered either at the mouth of Watana Creek or the vicinity of the Susitna Bend. There did not appear to be much interchange of animals in an east-west direction. Existing evidence indicates these resident moose share winter range with other highly migratory populations. Comments Regarding Susitna Hydroelectric Project Between October 1976 and June 1979, 18 radio-collared moose occupying areas near the two proposed impoundments crossed the Susitna River on at least 33 occasions. Ten (56%) of the 18 radio-collared moose crossed the river at least once. Tracks along the river during winter months indicate that moose commonly cross the river. Two moose (8584 and 8586), originally collared in the Devil Mountain area, moved south of the Susitna River and did not return to the tagging site until winter 1978-79. Winter 1977-78 was relatively mild in terms of total snowfall which may account for these moose not returning to the tagging site. Winter 1978-79, however, was relatively severe in terms of total snowfall. Possibly the Devil Mountain area is only used by moose during relatively severe winters. This radio-telemetry study focused exclusively on the north side of the Susitna River upstream from the proposed Devils Canyon dam site. Collection of moose movement information downstream and on the south side of the Susitna River was essential to evaluate the potential effects of this project on moose. To date, the entire analysis has been hampered by a lack of reliable moose population estimates for either side of the river. Annual harvests within the immediate drainages of the upstream portion of the Susitna River have averaged 146 moose since 1974 (ADF&G, unpublished data). Approximately 475-500 sportsmen participate in moose hunts in this area each fall (Taylor and Ballard 1978). How significantly dam construction might reduce or increase the level of hunter participation is difficult to assess with the limited data available. Construction of an access road to the Watana site could substantially increase hunter pressure in the area, creating a corresponding increase in total man- days spent hunting. The quality of the hunting experience would probably decline, as well as the rate of hunter success. Dam construction and maintenance schedules are projected on the basis of a dam-life of 100 years. If project impacts reduced local moose populations by 50 percent this would amount to a harvest loss of 7,300 moose during the life of the dam. Loss of hunting opportunity downstream and loss of nonhunting wildlife values cannot be estimated on the basis of available information. Construction of the Devils Canyon dam would flood a 45-km long portion of the Susitna River having a surface area of 7,500 acres. The riverbanks along this portion of the river are generally steep and provide marginal habitat for moose, The low density of moose tracks in ~ 0 I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I this area throughout the winter of 1977-78 indicates that little utiliza- tion occurs during winters of light of moderate snowfall. Since water levels in the Devils Canyon reservoir are expected to remain fairly constant, mortality rates associated with ice shelving and steep mud banks are expected to be low. Construction of the Watana dam would inundate 43,000 acres along Watana Creek and the Susitna River. Approximately 35,000 of these acres sustain moderate to heavy utilization by moose during an average winter (USF&WS 1975). Doubtless, extremely heavy utilization occurs during severe winters. Much of this area supports moderate moose densities during the spring and summer season as well. Preliminary movement data gathered from radio-collared moose indicate that moose from several populations in surrounding areas of the Susitna ·:5asin migrate across or utilize this portion of the river during some period of the year. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game observed 2,037 moose during their latest fall sex and age composition counts in these areas (ADF&G un- , published data). LeResche and Rausch (1974) concluded that an observer generally sights between 43 and 68 percent of the moose in an area during an aerial census. Using 50 percent for purposes of extrapolation, the resident moose population utilizing this portion of the basin can be estimated to be between 4,000 and 5,000 moose. Random stratified counts are needed to accurately assess numbers of moose in this area. Effects of the Watana dam construction on these moose populations could be substantial. The resident nonmigratory segment of the popu- lation could be eliminated. The immediate loss of a major portion of the winter range along Watana Creek and parts of the Susitna River to flooding would effectively reduce the carrying capacity of the habitat at higher elevations used only during the warm seasons and mild winters. The Watana Reservoir would be 87 km long and may, during some seasons, prove to be an effective barrier to migrations. The resulting disrup- tion of movements to traditional breeding grounds may adversely affect productivity. Increased mortality of neonates during post-calving movements might also occur. Since water levels are expected to fluc- tuate as much as 78 m, ice shelving behind the Watana dam could become a significant cause of mortality. Calving is a common occurrence in these portions of the study area. The loss of calving habitat notwithstanding, fluctuating water levels would change the timbered slopes from the Watana dam site to the Oshetna River to enormous mud banks. Calf mor- tality resulting from slipping on or getting stuck in this mud could become a common occurrence. 1. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS Succinylcholine chloride should not be used to immobilize moose during spring when normal calf production is desirable. Due to fall migration being initiated by heavy snowfall it is recommended that fall sex and age composition counts be conducted as rapidly as possible following adequate snowfall preferably before mid-November. 8 1 3. 4. Random stratified coq.nts should be initiated to obtain reliable moose population estimates to aid in evaluating the effects of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project on moose. Moose movements and population identity studies should be initiated south of the Susitna River and downstream to aid in assessing the effects of the hydroelectric project on moose. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A great number of individuals from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game participated in various aspects of the project and it would be difficult to give each recognition; A. Franzmann, T. Bailey, T. Spraker, and T. Balland participated in both tagging operations. Al Franzmann, Kenai Moose Research Center, ADF&G, advised on various aspects of the project and assisted with interpreting the results from the blood tests. Ted Spraker, ADF&G, assisted with monitoring moose movements. Artina Cunning and Tom Balland constructed maps for this report. Leon Metz assisted with data tabulations and constructed the final maps. Charles Lucier and his staff processed and aged moose teeth. Karl Schneider and Don McKnight provided guidance during the program, reviewed the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. Vern Lofstedt, Kenai Air Service, continued to do an excellent job of piloting the helicopter. Mr. Kenneth Bunch, Sportsman Flying Service, Mr. Alfred Lee, Lee's Air Taxi Service, Mr. Kenneth Holland, Holland Air Service, Mr. Richard Halford, Susitna Flying Service and Doug Geeting all participated in monitoring radios. We wish to thank ERA helicopters and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for their cooperation and assistance in radio-collaring moose during August 1978. LITERATURE CITED Bailey, T.N., A.W. Franzmannj P.D. Arneson and J.L. Davis. 1978. Peninsula moose population identity study. Alaska Dept. Fish Game. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. Final Report., W-17-3, 7, 8, and 9. 84pp. Kenai and 5' 6' Ballard, W.B. and K~P. Taylor. 1978. Upper Susitna River moose population study. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wild!. Rest. Proj. Rept., W-17-9 and 10, Job 1.20R. 6lpp. -----, T.H. Spraker, and K.P. Taylor. In press. Causes of ne.onatal moose calf mortality in southcentral Alaska. J. Wildl. Manage. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 82 I I L_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Barry, T.W. 1961. Some observations of moose at Wood Bay and Bathurst Peninsula, N.W.T. Can. Filed. Nat. 75(3):164-165. Berg, W.G. 197L Habitat use, movements, and activity patterns of moose in northwestern Minnesota. 98pp. (Unpubl.) .Bishop, R.H. and R.A. Rausch. 1974. Moose population fluctuations in Alaska, 1950-1972. Naturaliste Can. 101:559-593. Didrickson, j,C., D. Cornelius and J. Reynolds. 1977. Southcentral moose population studies. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in. Wildl. Rest. Proj. Rept. W-17-6, 7, and 8. Job 1.12R. 6pp. ------~--· and K.P. Taylor. 1978. Lower Susitna Valley moose population identity study. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest~ Proj. Rept. W-17-8 and 9. Job 1.16R. Final Rept. 20pp. Faro, J. and A.W. Franzmann. 1978. moose on the Alaska Peninsula. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. Prog. 29pp. Productivity and physiology of Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Rept. W-17-9 and 10. Job 1.22R. Franzmann, A.W. and P.D. Arneson. 1973. Moose Research Center Studies. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game, Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. Prog. Rept., W-17-5. 60pp (multilith). --------~' P.D. Arneson, R.E. LeResche and J.L. Davis. 1974. Development and testing of new techniques for moose management. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed, Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. Final Rept., W-17-2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. 54pp. ----------' A. Flynn and P.D. Arneson. 1975. Levels of some mineral elements in Alaskan moose hair. J. Wildl. Manage. 39(2):374-378. ----------' R.E. LeResche, P.D. Arneson and J.L. Davis. 1976. Moose productivity and physiology. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. Final Rept., W-17-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 87pp. __________ , and R.E. LeResche. 1978. emphasis on condition evaluation. Alaskan moose blood studies with J. Wildl. Manage. 42:344-351. Gasaway, W.C., A.W. Franzmann and J,B. Faro. 1979. Immobilization of free ranging moose with a mixture of etrophine (M-99) and xylazine hydrochloride (ROMPUN). J. Wildl. Manage. Greer, K.R. and W.W. Hawkins. 1967. Determining pregnancy in elk by rectal palpation. J. Wi1d1. Manage. 31(1):145-149. LeResche, R.E. 1974. Moose migrations in North America. Natura1iste Can. 101:393-415. ----------' and R.A. Rausch. 1974. Accuracy and prec1s1on of aerial moose censusing. J. Wildl. Manage. 38(2):175-182. 8J Markgren, G. 1969. Reproduction of moose in Sweden. Viltrevy. G(3):1-299. Mcilroy, C. 1974. Moose survey-inventory progress report -1972, Game Management Unit 13. 66-74pp. In McKnight, D.E. (Ed). 1974. Annual report of survey-inventory activities, Part II. Moose, caribou, marine mammals and goat, Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wild!. Rest. Rep., Proj. W-17-5. 269pp. Mech, L.D. 1974. Current techniques in the study of elusive wilderness carnivores. Proc. of XI. Internat. Congress of Game Biol. 315- 322pp. Nielson, A.E. and W.M. Shaw. 1967. A helicopter dart technique for capturing moose. Proc. Wes_t. Assoc. Game and Fish Comm. 47:182- 199. Peterson, R.L. 1955. North American moose. Univ. Toronto Press. 280pp. Rausch, R.A. 1958. Moose management studies. Alaska Game Comm. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Job Completion Rept. Vol. 12, Proj. W-3-R-12. Juneau. -138pp. 1967. Fish and Game. 129pp. Report on 1965-1966 moose studies. Alaska Dept. Fed. Aid in Wildl. Rest. Proj. W-15-R-1, Juneau, Sergeant, D.E. and D.H. Pimlott, 1959. Age determination in moose from sectioned incisor teeth. J. Wild!. Manage. 23(3):315-321. Skoog, R.O. 1968. Ecology of caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) in Alaska. PhD. Thesis, Univ. of California, Berkeley, California. 699pp. Smith, C.A. and A.W. Franzmann. 1979. Productivity and physiology of Yakutat Forelands moose. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. Fed. Aid in Wild!. Rest. Proj. Final Rept., W-17-10 and 11. Job 1.25R. 18pp. Taylor, K.P. and W.B. Ballard. In press. Moose movements and habitat use along the Susitna River near Devil's Canyon, Alaska. North Am. Moose Con£. Workshop, Kenai, Alaska. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1975. Southcentral railbelt area upper Susitna River Basin hydroelectric project two dam plan. U.S. Dept. Interior, Anchorage, Ak. 25pp. VanBallenberghe, V. 1978a. Migratory behavior of moose in southcentra], Alaska. Proc. 13th Int. Con£. Game Biol., Atlanta, Georgia. 12pp. 1978b. Final report on the effects of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline on moose movements. Alaska Dept. Fish and Game. 44pp. .------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Yankee Jr., W.H. 1974. Annual population and employment projections, 1961-1980. Alaska Dept. of Labor, Juneau •. lOpp. .PREPARED BY: Warren B. Ballard Game Biologist SUBMITTED BY: Karl Schneider Regional Research Coordinator APPROVED BY: 85 Appendix I. Location, physical measurements, ages, and statistics associated with capturing and marking of 44 adult cow moose in the Susitna River Study area from 21 through 28 October 1976. Measurements (CM) Collar L. ear R. ear Age Total Hind Shoulder Heart Cond. Heart Body Drug Drug Drug Moose Date Location color-/! tag color tag color (months) length foot height girth index Rate Temp. dosage reaction placement II and II and II (BAM) (oF) (mg) time 8017 10/27/76 S. McClaren Bend Radio-Gl6258 Gl6259 77 - ---7 --30 7 min left leg Yellow 8018 10/27/76 Butte Creed Radio-Bl6240 Bl6237 17 270 79 -184 6 -100.4 29 7 min lower leg Green 8019 10/21/76 Gracious House Radio-Gl6228 Gl6229 77 325 89 --8 - - --left rump Black 8020 10/22/76 Gracious House Radio-Bl6222 Gl6221 ll3 319 - - 198 8 96 103.4 27 6 min right rump Yellow 8021 10/22/76 Brushkana Crk. Radio-Red 16252 16253 - ---- ---28 12 min left hip 8022 10/28/76 Upper Watana Radio-Red Wl6285 Wl6284 101 299 81 -214 7 - - 29 6 min 8029 10/26/76 S. McClaren Radio-Red · Gl6255 Gl6256 --79 - - 8 --30 16 min S.E. knob 8030 10/22/76 Across from Radio-Bl6202 Bl6201 77 306 80 -46 6 116 100.8 25 9 min leg Ballard Lk. Black at 3400' 8031 10/22/76 South Bend Radio and Bl6223 Bl6224 41 280 79 -198 7 88 101.2. 27 3 min Susitna Blue 3 8032 10/23/76 Upper Clear-Radio-Red Gl6233 Gl6234 89 318 81 -266 8 -101.8 28 10 min top rump water Crk. 8033 10/28/76 Valdez Crk. Radio-Bl6299 B16254 65 315 78 -214 8 88 103.2 30 -left flank Green 8034 10/23/76 Brushkana Crk. Radio-Gl0673 Gl0673 41 296 79 -196 7 - - 29 13 min top back Yellow 8035 10/27/76 S. McClaren Radio-Wl6066 Wl6067 -290 --203 7 -- - 5 min lower left Flats Blue hip 8036 10/28/76 West Fork Radio-Bl6266 Bl6265 77 302 77 -183 -- - 29 5 min high left Glacier Blue hip 8037 10/28/76 Just below West Radio-Wl6243 Wl6244 77 308 --193 7 --27 9 min left hip Fork Glacier Blue 8038 10/27/76 Watana Creek Radio-Red Gl6239 Gl6263 101 303. - - 193 (X) m - ---- -- ----- -- - -- -- -- ---- ---- -- - -- - --- Appendix I. (Continued). 8039 10/28/76 West Fork Radio-Bl6298 Bl6296 77 --- ----30 -top left Glacier Yellow rump 8040 10/28/76 Upper Watana Radio-Wl6061 Wl6062 -305 - - 193 7 --29 9 min Creek Green 8042 10/28/76 West Fork Radio-16241 Wl6242 53 305 --203 ---29 10 min left flank Susitna Blue 8044 10/23/76 Upper Little Radio-Gl6074 Gl6075 41 302 81 --8 -102.6 29 -high tail Clearwater Black 1 10/21/76 Gracious House Blue 1 Yl6232 Yl6231 149 300 74 -183 --102.2 --left rump 2 10/22/76 South Bend Blue 2 Gl6248 Gl6247 101 297 68 -193 ----6 min 4 10/22/76 across from Blue 4 Gl6250 Gl6249 53 312 --193 -----high on Spraker Lake left hip 5 10/22/76 across from Blue 5 Bl6206 Bl5205 65 176 81 -118 7 88 102.2 27 10 min left hind Spraker Lake el 3400' 6 10/22/76 across from Blue 6 Bl6277 Bl62776 65 317 --213 ---27 4 min left hip Spraker Lake el 3400' 7 10/22/76 Sue R -S of Blue 7 Gl6226 Gl6227 53 ------ -25 9 min left hind Coal River quarters. 8 10/27/76 South McClaren Blue 8 Wl6216 Wl6217 161 291 72 -200 6 --30 5 min left hip SE Knob 9 10/27/76 Butte Creek Blue 9 Gl6262 Gl6275 65 287 79 175 206 6 120 102.2 27 -left rump 10 10/27/76 Butte Creek Blue 10 Gl6281 Gl6279 89 301 82 -188 ---27 12 min rump-left leg 11 10/27/76 South McClaren Blue 11 Gl6260 Gl6273 77 305 --204 6 --31 5 min top left Flats rump 12 10/23/76 Brushkana Creek Blue 12 Gl6070 Gl6071 41 ----7 --27 14 10/23/76 Brushkana Creek Blue 14 16235 16236 41 311 ---8 -104 29 -inside rear left leg 15 -West Fork Gl Blue 15 Bl6269 Bl6267 113 301 - -206 ---29 10 min high left leg 16 10/23/76 Valde:~; Creek Blue 16 Gl6068 Gl6069 - - - -----28 6 min tail 17 10/21/76 Gracious House Blue 17 Yl6246 16245 173 320 74 -224 6 78 101.1 27 5 min low left hip 18 10/22/76 Gracous House Blue 18 Gl6219 Gl6207 137 190 - --7 -- - 7 min top of rump 19 10/27/76 Butte Creek Blue 19 Wl6055 Wl6054 89 310 83 -226 -- -27 20 min top rump (lO ..,., (X) (X) - Appendix I. (Continued). 25 10/27/76 Butte Creek Blue 25 38 10/28/76 West Fork Blue 38 McClaren 42 10/28/76 West Fork Gl. Blue 42 1-71 10/28/76 Upper Watana Blue 71 M-1 10/27/76 Butte - M-2 10/27/76 Butte - M-3 10/27/76 Watana - Totals -Mean (i{) Standard Deviation (S.A.) Sample size (n) ----- Wl6053 Wl6052 125 Bl5282 Bl6283 173 Wl6063 Wl6064 17 Bl6270 Bl6271 41 --65 - - 137 --101 83.46 40.16 39 -- - 308 88 -210 7 -102.8 30 7 min lower leg --- -6 --29 5 min 267 77 -180 6 - -29 10 min left flank ----- --29 11 min left side rump ---- ---27 12 min flank 298 84 186 212 ---27 5 min left low 29-3day leg 274 81 -118 7 --30 10 min genitals 294.4 79.39 180.50 190.45 6.7 96.29 102.15 28.3 8.4 31.47 4.66 7.78 31.21 1.35 15.77 1.07 1.45 3.64 34 23 2 31 27 7 13 37 34 -- - - - -- - -- - -- ---- - - - --- - - ---- Appendix II. Location, physical measurements, ages, pregnancy status, and statistics associated with capturing and marking 73 adult cow moose in the Susitna River Study area from 18 through 23 March 1977 and August 1978. Measurements (em) Collar L. ear R. ear Age Pregnancy Total Hind Heart Cond. Drug Drug Drug Moose Date Location color tag color tag color (months) status length foot girth index dosage reaction placement II and II and II and II (mg) time (min) SEring Collared 8570 3/20/77 Lower Brushkana Radio-W-15904 W-15903 82 yes 302 -193 6 28 -tail (genitals) Orange 12 8571 3/20/77 opposite & above Radio-W-15910 W-15909 46 yes 292 -183 6 25 plus & 9 min tail Spraker Lake Blue 62 1/2 dose 8572 3/22/77 Lower McClaren Radio-16124 16125 142 yes - --7 27 10 min left hip Orange 2 8573 3/19/77 Lower Susitna Radio-- -yes 295 -203 7 27 26 min tail near Watana Orange 5 8574 3/20/77 between east & Radio-0-15920 0-15921 34 yes 284 -193 6 28 6 min lower flank middle fork of Orange 15 Sue River 8575 3/21/77 Lower McClaren Radio-G-16095 G-16096 154 yes 310 -229 7 27 5 min left leg Orange 3 8576 3/19/77 between Sue and Radio-G-16030 G-16029 94 -293 -218 7 28 9 min top rump Watana Creek Orange 6 8577 3/20/77 opposite & above Radio-0-16045 0-16045 154 yes 282 -198 6 27 4 min flank Spraker Lake Orange 8 8578 3/20/77 Sue Bend Radio-W-15912 W-15905 46 no 262 -168 5 27 Orange 10 8579 3/20/77 Sue Bend Radio-0-16099 0-16100 22 yes 257 -168 6 25 -inside leg Orange 14 8580 3/18/77 Devil Mountain Radio--------23 -top hip No collar 8581 3/18/77 mouth Valdez Crk. Radio---yes 298 -193 7 -12 min left leg Blue 13 8582 3/22/77 Lower McClaren Radio-G-16122 G-16123 82 yes - - -7 27 -high left leg Orange 4 8583 3/18/77 E. Devil Mountain Radio-R-16293 R-16294 46 no 258 -188 6 27 7 min rib cage Orange 7 00 to Appendix II. (Continued). 8584 3/18/77 E. Devil Mountain Radio-W-16003 W-16004 130 yes 290 -198 6 25 -top rump Orange 9 8585 3/22/77 lower McClaren Radio-G-16079 0-16080 yes 305 -206 7 27 plus & 18 min left hip Orange 1 1/3 dose 5 min 8586 3/18/77 Devil Mountain Radio-W-16001 W-16002 118 yes 309 80 198 4 23 10 min top loin Orange 11 8587 3/20/77 lower Brushkana Radio-0-15917 0-15916 34 yes 290 -183 5 27 9 min top rump Orange 13 8588 3/19/77 upper Jay Creek Radio---94 -274 -208 7 29 12 min tail Orange 16 8589 3/18/77 E. Devil Mountain Radio-R-16028 R-16027 154 no ----27 -top rump White 82 20 3/18/77 mouth Valdez Crk Blue 20 R-16005 R-16006 yes ---6 27 -top rump 21 3/20/77 between east and Blue 21 0:-15918 0-15919 46 yes 310 -193 6 28 -rump middle fork of Sue 22 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 22 16187 16186 82 yes 274 --7 27 -left leg 23 3/20/77 between east and Blue 23 G-16035 G-16034 22 yes 259 -183 -28 10 min lower -flank middle fork of Sue 27 3/20/77 upper Brushkana Blue 27 R-16042 R-16041 34 no ----27 7 min rump 28 J/20/77 between east and Blue 28 G-16037 G-16036 46 yes -- - -28 9 min middle fork of Sue 30 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 30 0-16126 0-16127 94 yes 320 -208 7 -4 min 31 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 31 - -yes ---7 27 -lower right leg 32 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 32 0-R-16128 0-R-16129 yes ---7 27 -left leg 33 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 33 R-16199 16200 22 yes 244 --5 25 8 min left hip 34 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 34 ------7 27 -left high 35 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 35 0-16132 0-16133 34 yes ---6 27 -left hip 36 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 36 R-16180 R-16181 70 yes 279 37 3/23/77 middle fork Blue 37 Y-16176 Y-16177 34 yes ----27 6 min left lower leg 39 3/20/77 lower Brushkana Blue 39 R-16038 R-16039 34 yes 264 -188 -28 9 min top rump 40 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 40 0-15875 W-15874 94 no 284 -208 -27 -left rump 44 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 44 B-16192 B-16193 yes ----25 -rump 45 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 45 W-16147 W-16148 94 yes 302 -208 6 27 -left rump 46 3/23i77 Valdez Creek Blue 46 0-16191 0-16190 34 yes ---5 27 7 min right rump 47 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 47 W-16149 W-16150 94 yes 297 -193 7 27 48 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 48 W-15851 W-15852 154 yes 318 -206 7 27 -left leg cJ:) 0 -------- --- ---- -- -- I - ----- ------ -- -- - -- Appendix II. (Continued). 49 3/23/77 Valdez Creek Blue 49 0-15872 W-15873 154 yes ---6 27 50 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 50 G-16120 G-16125 94 yes ---6 27 -left rump side 51 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 51 G-16118 G-16119 34 yes ---6 25 -left rump 52 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 52 G-16093 G-16094 82 yes 290 -188 7 27 14 min high on butt near spine 53 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 53 16102 16103 yes ---6 27 -high left 54 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 54 W-16116 W-16117 46 yes ----25 8 min left rear 55 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 55 ----- --27 13 min left leg 56 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 56 G-16081 G-16082 82 yes 292 -193 7 27 5 min left leg rear 57 3/23/77 upper Sue Blue 57 B-15188 B-16189 yes ---8.0 27 17 min left rump 58 3/22/77 lower McClaren Blue 58 G-16091 G-16092 142 yes 287 --6 27 -left leg 60 3/20/77 across from Blue 60 --154 -----28 21 min left tail Spraker Lake 61 3/20/77 opposite & above Blue 61 W-15907 W-15908 yes 295 -193 7 25 -center of rump Spraker Lake 63 3/20/77 Sue Bend Blue 63 W-15913 W-15914 58 yes 290 -193 7 27 7 min flank 64 3/20/77 Sue Bend Blue 64 0-16097 0-16098 130 yes 305 -183 7 27 13 min middle back 66 3/23/77 Sue River below Blue 66 R-16088 R-16089 94 yes 302 -198 6 27 6 min 67 3/23/77 SE Sue-Lodge Blue 67 G-15853 G-15854 - - ---6 27 15 min ribs (5 mi on road) 68 3/23/77 Hatchet Lake Blue 68 R-16085 R-16086 154 no ----25 -rectum 70 3/23/77 Hatchet Lake Blue 70 --no --- -27 10 min left hip 75 3/19/77 between Jay and White 75 G-16033 G-16032 yes ----28 -hind end tail Watana 1/2/of 25 79 3/19/77 between Jay and White 79 R-15922 R-15923 -- - --28 20 min right hind qrts. Watana Creek 80 3/18/77 E. Devil Mountain White 80 R-16286 R-16287 46 yes 274 -188 -25 -top of rump 81 3/18/77 E. Devil Mountain White 81 --yes ---7 27 -left rump 84 3/23/77 Hatchet Lake White 84 --------27 -top leg left 1/3/of 27 M-1 3/20/77 between East & ---70 yes 283 -183 -27 -top of back Middle Fork Sue M-2 3/20/77 lower Brushkana ---154 yes 310 -203 5 28 10 min high left rump M-3 3/20/77 opposite Spraker Lk. ---yes 284 84 208 8 27 19 min left rump 1/3 25 6 min M-4 3/23/77 upper Sue ---84 yes ----27 4 min left hip M-5 3/23/77 ----22 ID Total -Mean (x) 82.00 288.53 82.00 195.41 6.38 26.77 10.69 Standard Deviation (SD) 45.30 18.00 2.83 12.72 .82 1.14 5.34 Sample size (n) 49 38 2 34 47 65 36 - Appendix II. August 1978 8040II 14/8/78 8588II 14/8/78 5527 5540 ~ f'-,;; - 14/8/78 14/8/78 - (Continued). Watana Creek& Susitna River Watana Creek& Susitna River Jay Creek& Susitna River Jay Creek& -- Blue 43 B-16200 R-16007 192 Blue 26 W-15954 Y-15906 72 Blue 24 G-15969 G-15970 8 Blue 29 G-15963 G-15965 84 - -- -- N/A ----29 6 min N/A ----29 8 min N/A ----29 7 min N/A ----29 -- -- - ---- -- ---- -------- - ---- Appendix III. Blood values from adult cow moose by tagging site in the Ueeer Susitna River Dasin, October 1978. ..-1 ..-1 d ..-tw 11 "'..-1 ..-1 11 "t:ll1 0..-t ;111 ..-1 11 .11 w ..-l,..f Ill e a 1'1 :u El .,; a ..-1 N N N 0 .g a Ulll .... d ..-! -o§ §o oo lllo . g u 0 '"'o .oo oo ,0 l-<o c:l El c:l .... ..-1 N N .... ..-to -rt!:: .<:o IIIO <o "'o P.!:: .<:o P:l~ 'o ..-1 Gl 0 -~ .... N "' t>Oo 111..-1 P...-t 0..-t z .... u~ 111..-t "'..-t 0..-t :1 "' nJ nJ ol 0..-t ,'-10 u-.... 111-.... u..._ ...... ..-~ ..... ·rl ..... ..... ...... . ...... nJ ._.a :1 .0 .<: .<: nJ ! m-Ul> -;J:r 0 1>0 :1 1>0 ~ il ·rl 1>0 0 1>0 ..-1 1>0 '1>0 ~ il C! il .... 0 ..-1 .0 0 p. p. ... Q P:l 1>0 nJ f a (j 1'1 ~ 1'1 0 El ~ El ~El ~ _t:';;;, :;;! ..-1 :;;! :;;! Ill ..... "' u 1<1 t-l II) Q 1<1 1.!> ...; Susitna River Bend n 8 4 3 3 3 3 -3 J 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 J x 20+ 52.75 12.27 5.00 166.67 3.0 -84.67 .17 50.0 313.67 91.0 8.00 5.19 2.81 .41 .48 .88 1.04 1.85 S.D. N/A 2.06 1. lit 1.00 38.21 1.0 -9.81 .06 2.65 20.31 18.68 .50 .32 .21 .03 .02 .03 .11 .09 <;.usi tna Glacier n 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 20+ 54.00 11.4 4. 73 171.71 2.75 .07 107.00 .20 55.25 325.25 98.25 7.63 4.72 3.15 .30 .56 .91 1.14 1.64 S.D. N/A 2.83 .95 .56 25.33 .96 .06 17.57 0.0 9.43 39.92 26.46 .32 .15 .72 .08 .14 .11 .24 .11 ~(ac1aren River n 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 i 20+ 53.20 10.94 6.18 189.2 4.4 0.2 85.8 .22 53.2 249.8 128.8 8.1 4.81 3.29 .34 .60 .87 1.36 1.49 S.D. N/A 9.58 .83 .68 20.62 l.llt o.o 7.33 .04 13.66 53.55 78.19 .33 .49 .42 .13 .29 .12 .35 .30 Valde~ Creek n 2 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 i 20+ 56.00 10.40 4.2 185' 3.00 -82 .1 70.0 259 84 7.7 ·S.D. N/A 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 B.rushkana Creek n 4 4 4 4 4 4 -'4 ' t, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 20+ 55.50 11.25 5.35 184.75 3.5 -89.25 .23 56.5 316.25 112.0 8.2 5,06 3.4 .26 .55 .93 1.41 1.63 S.D. N/A 4.04 .97 .76 34.45 1.0 -11.3 .1 17.62 43.45 35.62 .88 .42 1.01 .03 .20 .28 .28 .18 J Watana Creek ri 7 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 .5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 X 21H· 53.40 11.26 5.44 228.6 3.6 .15 46.05 .22 53.6 258 103.8 8.24 5.27 5.63 .28 .59 .93 1.18 1. 78 S.D. N/A 4.93 .92 .77 64.38 .55 .07 85.63 .11 9.07 32.88 49.71 .38 .47 3.4 .07 .2 .16 .18 .23 Middle Susitna River n 10 10 11 11 11 10 4 11 10 11 11 11 11 11· 11 1l 11 11 11 11 it 20+ 51.40 12.02 4.54 153.0 2.91 .25 96.lt5 .29 58.82 290.55. 110.2 7.91 4.86 3.05 .31 .lt6 1.02 l. 26 1.63 S.D. N/A 2.91 1.39 .88 29.03 .94 .06 19.85 .22 14.32 52.lt4 73.03 .78 .74 .43 .11 .15 .38 • l,] .39 "' w Appendix In. Blood values from adult cow moose by tagging site in the Upper Susitna River Basin, October 197 6· .... .-f r:l .-tu .-f <II .-f .-f 11 -ul1 0.-t .::: 11 .;11 .-f .-f u 'rl.-f .., a e a a ~ a El • s .-f u H H 0 .g El UCI -.1 d s d ..... ..,~ §g oo cuo 0 ua uo .no oa ,o l-'o d -.1 .-1 N H u rlc .Co cno '0 <a <~~a e~ .Co 'a -.1 •rf .-1 w ., bOo Girl ..-1.-t P..-1 0.-t z r-1 u~ ., .... "'~ :c~ o.-~ ';J:! g ~ ;j ., ., ., ..: 0~ .Y.O u-..... <1)-..._ u-.. ........ ........... •rt ........., ..... ........ ..;-.0 .c: .c: ., 0 s-.... Ul> .... bO 0 bO ::1 bO ~ ~ .... bO 0 bO ~· bO 'bO ~ ~ &.J 0,...... ..a 0 p. p. u l) JlbO "' .j s ,::; s 8 s ~ s 0 s ~ s ~FI ~a ~J::'bo:;! .-1 .-1 :;1 OJ ., ..... "' "" ,_, l) ...: fQ 0 -..: Susitna River Bend n 8 4 J J 3 3 -J J J J J 3 J J J J J J 3 i 20+ 52.75 12.27 5.00 166.67 3.0 -84.67 .17 50.0 313.67 91.0 8.00 5.19 2.81 .41 .48 .88 1.04 1.85 S.D. N/A 2.06 1.14 1.00 38.21 1.0 -9.81 .06 2.65 20.31 18.68 .50 .32 .21 .OJ .02 .OJ .11 .09 S.usitna Glacier n 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t, 4 lo 4 4 .x 20+ 54.00 11.4 4.73 171.71 2.75 .07 107.00 .20 55.25 325.25 98.25 7.63 4.72 3.15 .30 .56 .91 1.14 1.64 S.D. N/A 2.83 .95 .56 25.33 .96 .06 17.57 0.0 9.43 39.92 26.46 .32 .15 .72 .08 .14 .11 .24 .11 Maclaren Rtver n 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 x 20+ 53.20 10.94 6.18 189.2 4.4 0.2 85.8 .22 53.2 249.8 128.8 8.1 4.81 3.29 .34 .60 .87 1. 36 1.49 S.D. N/A 9.58 .83 .68 20.62 1.14 0.0 7.33 .04 13.66 53.55 78.19 .33 .49 .42 .13 .29 .12 .35 .30 Valdez Creek n 2 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 i 201-56.00 10.40 4.2 185' 3.00 -82 .1 70.0 259 84 7.7 S.D. N/A 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 Brushkana Creek n 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -X 20+ 55.50 11.25 5.35 184.75 3.5 -89.25 .2.1 56.5 316.25 112.0 8.2 5.06 3.4 .26 .55 .93 1. 41 1. 63 S.D. N/A 4.04 .97 .76 34.45 1.0 -11.3 .1 17.62 43.45 35.62 .88 .42 1.01 .03 .20 .28 .28 .18 I Watana Creek !! 7 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 X 20+ 53.40 11.26 5.44 228.6 3.6 .15 46.05 .22 53.6 258 103.8 8.24 5.27 5.63 .28 .59 .93 1.18 1. 78 S.D. N/A 4.93 .92 .77 64.38 .55 .07 85.63 .11 9.07 32.88 49.71 .38 .47 3.4 .07 .2 .16 .18 .23 Middle Susitna River n 10 10 11 11 11 10 4 11 10 11 11 11 11 11· 11 li 11 11 11 11 i 20+ 51.40 12.02 4.54 153.0 2.91 .25 96.45 .29 58.82 290.55. 110.2 7.91 4.86 3.05 .31 .46 1.02 1. 26 1. 63 S.D. N/A 2.91 1.39 .88 29.03 .94 .06 19.85 .22 14.32 52.44 73.03 .78 .74 .43 .11 .15 .38 . 47 .39 <.0 ,, ------ - -- - ---- --- -- -------------- ApEendix III. Blood values from adult cow moose by tagging site in the U(!(!er Susitna River Basin, October 19;tl • Clearwater Creek Totals <.0 (.n n i S.D. n x S.D. ~~~ 0 .-10 1>00 0.-1 m'bo :Il 6 20+ N/A 46 20+ N/A '"" .-IH II Ql u Ql 'tl § ao ::JO tU.-1 orf..-1 .M 0 u-..... Ul> .-fbll Ill "' a "' u 5 4 54.60 10.63 1.67 .33 38 37 53.29 11.33 4.39 1.01 ell 'i1 'i1 'tlll ·rl 00 QIO 0 uo .c: 0 <110 •0 ...:o P..-1 0.-l Z.-1 .-I "'' u-..... ......... u-..... 0 1>0 ;:1 bD ~a ·rl 1>0 .r: a G a 1-1 El p, "" p " 4 " 1 5.0 195.75 3.5 .2 1.32 56.17 1.0 0.0 37 37 37 11 5.07 180.3 3.32 .15 .96 43.64 1.0 .11 .-I ~11 .-I .-I 'i1 .-I c:: a ·a a 'i1 H Ill .... "' WO .oo 00 0 f-'0 c:: c:: <110 e~ ,<!0 •o •0 .-I ~g ·~ Ql.-1 P,.-1 :Il..-1 0.-1 ..-~ ........ ·rl ...... ........ ......... ......... Ill u .-I ::J 0 1>0 r-!1>0 •1>0 Q ::I ~ ~ u 0 ...... .0 .<! a ... El ~a . a ~J::l>ll~ u <Q t-l "' " 4 ,, 4 4 4 4 80.25 .23 52.5 271 86.5 7.9 5.03 10.72 .05 7.0 33.68 39.23 .22 .44 37 37 37 37 37 36 36 90.41 .23 55.62 286.08 134.64 7.98 4.96 15.46 .13 11.78 47.85 27.9 .57. .53 ----- H H H 0 c:: .... .... .-I N N u .-I H "' ;j "' Ill Ill <>: .0 .c .r: Ill 0 0 p. p. u t!> .-I :;j ~ tU "' ........ t!> "" t!> ...; 4 ,, 4 4 ,, 4 2.87 .32 .47 .91 1. 21 1. 79 .38 .08 ,09 .22 .11 .:.~3 36 36 36 36 36 36 3.08 .31 .52 .94 1. 24 1.67 .so .09 .17 .25 .32 .30 Appendix IV. Blood values from adu1 t cow moose by tagging site in the Upper Susitna River Basiu, March 1971 . C: ::It-t .-i Ul'd .-i .-i .-i '6.-i .-i El .-i .-i H ~EI ~GJ s i:! s s ;:s ~s .::;s .,; s .s El w c: "' '"" ~ ~o "Og g8 _g8 ~8 .8 ~8 ~g .og _gg .8 E;g !lo .~ ~ .-t "' w "' ~ bOO Gl.-i -Ho-i p..-i o.-i z.-t .-t QJ.-1 i:!.-t p,.-1 n::.-t o.-1 .-tQJO El :::1 <II <II <11 <>: o .-t -'l o u'...... ., -....... u-....... •-.... u ......_ ,.... ....._ ·rl ....._ ....._ • -.... • ......_ <11 u .-t :::1 .o .c c <11 a m ........ u l> .-i bO 0 bO :::1 bO :::> :::1 ·.-1 bO 0 bO .-t bO • bO 0 :::1 CJ :::1 u 0........ .0 0 Po 'p. u a CJ , n::bO P'! ~s £s iis ,qs t:a 0 s ~a ~a Js .,;s ~J:oo:;! G :;J :;J ~ j ~ Susitna River Bend • 11 X S.D. Susitna G1ac!er n X S.D. ~lac1aren River . 11 i S.D. Valdez Creek n i S.D. Brushkana Creek n x S.D. Watana CrE>ek n X S.D. 'Iiddle Susitna River - (l) 0) n x S.D. - ~s~--~s~--~8~----~8----~a~--~a~----~8-----a~--~8~--~a~--~8~--~a----~8----~8-----a~--~8~--~8~--~8----~8------~8 18.52 49.60 11.04 4.44 153.50 2.25 .21 83.5 .10 70.4 260.1 72 6.99 5.0 1.99 .29 .35 .64 .70 2.71 1.29 2.07 .56 .58 30.36 1;58 .10 4.93 .06 19.93 45.54 21.08 .70 .54 .38 .05 .07 .21 .20 .72 5 13 10 19.70 51.23 11.45 • 33 2.80 .59 1 10 10 19.50 50.90 10.8 N/A 3.45 .31 0 8 8 0 51.25 12.09 N/A 2.60 1.02 5 5 5 19.22 49.20 10.6 .74 1.79 .86 4 4 2 19.251 49.50 11.45 - 1.37 4.12 .07 0 0 'ti/A 1 ~51 N/A - 2 11.5 .42 - 10 10 4.78 155.3 .90 19.18 10 4.9 .76 10 150.1 27.46 8 8 3.55 140.5 .78 28.73 5 5 4.36 165.2 1.96 25.81 2 2 4.85 135.00 .49 48.08 2 2 4.25 162 .07 28.28 -- 10 1.7 ,lo8 10 I.lo .52 8 1.5 .53 5 1.6 .89 2 4.5 .71 2 3.5 2.12 - 10 .21 .13 10 2.4 .52 10 90.6 11.89 10 77.4 12.4 8 8 .25 69.0 .05 10.45 5 .14 .13 2 .3 .14 2 .2 0 5 91.0 16. 5lo 2 76.0 7.07 2 62.0 l.t.1 - 10 .19 . 07 10 .25 .16 8 • 21, .09 5 .12 .Olo 2 .2 0 2 • 2 0 - 10 59.5 16.06 10 66 16.18 10 10 11 211.4 71.9 7.25 32.35 19.18 .66 10 10 10 234 77.78 6.95 22.95 25.44 .loB 8 8 8 9 71.0 224.25 82.13 7.29 14.01 24.69 40.41 .67 5 72 23.55 2 62.0 21.21 2 53.0 2.83 - 5 5 5 277.6 100.8 7.28 73.66 71.55 . 7 2 2 4 2~1.5 97.5 7.25 78.49 30.41 .82 2 229.5 48.79 - 2 2 61.5 7.3 7. 78 .42 - 11 11 5.24 2.01 .85 .52 10 4.67 .55 10 2.28 .58 9 . 9 4.93 2.35 .51 .36 5 5 5.02 2.26 .56 .18 4 4 5;29 1.97 ,65 .34 2 4.9 .24 - 2 2.4 .18 - 11 .28 .07 10 .29 .14 • 9 .31 .10 5 .32 .06 4 .23 .07 2 . 27 . 0 - 11 .39 .20 10 .35 .13 9 .41 .12 5 .37 .10 4 .32 .09 2 .52 .16 11 .86 .34 10 .85 .33 9 .92 .25 5 .92 .26 4 .67 .26 2 .99 .04 - 11 .49 .25 10 .78 .28 9 .71 .26 5 .64 .19 4 .75 .20 2 .63 .02 - 10 3.09 .68 10 2.24 .88 9 2.lo4 .62 5 2.23 • 2 4 2.74 .52 2 2.05 .05 - -- Appendix IV. Devil Mth. Totals <0 " n i S.D. n X' S.D. ---- --- ----- Blood values from adult cow moose by tagging site in the U~~er Susitna River Dasin 1 Harch 1977.{continuedJ ::lo-t r:l ..... ..... :c! a QJ a u QJ 0 "11 ~ ao .-tO ::JO bOO QJ..-t 'rfo-l o.-t .34 0 u-..... a--... .-tOO Ul> Ill bO rd ~a n: n. 5 5 ~ 17.00 ~6.~0 10.95 1.41 6.43 .6 25 51 49 18.75 50.20 11.23 1.38 3.48 .ao ., ..... ,.. a 'i1 ::10 QJ 0 00 "' 0 .c: .... 0 ..... P......_ u' (II 1>0 _g a ;:J 1>0 o-~ a n. u ~ ~ 4.7 160.75 1.41 29.92 49 49 4.48 152.43 1.03 26.6 ..... a 0 ,0 2;~ t! ~ <Q ~ 7.5 2.52 49 2.35 2.0 .... .... "<I .... e a -nS 1110 .'ilg uo !11..-t uo-1 Ill....._ o-loo ·rt' 0 El ,_.oo 6 :::.EI ~ 4 .3 95.5 .08 17.45 49 '•9 .32 85.98 .47 12.45 .... o a •rl 0 .oo ::J.-~ .......... :':loo ·rl El rtl ~ .45 .31 49 .21 .15 ..... . a 'i1 .... . s r:lfl N "'o Oo ,c ~-'o r:l .<::o-1 'o .... 'Gl 0 ·a n......_ n:O 0..-t ...... :'! ~ ~ .5 ,bO o' ....... ~ ~ ~ El ...i il ~ .t '00 :;! "' 4 ~ 2 5 5 76 309.5 152.5 6.94 4.38 26.5 26.29 96.87 .68 .5 49 49 47 54 54 4.94 .64 70.94 243.2 82.15 7.14 18.26 46.86 39.13 .63 - N r:l ·rl ..... ;:J .o 0 ..... u 5 2.55 .61 54 2;2 .47 - 11--t ..... "' .c: p. :;! 5 .28 .15 54 .29 .09 N N "' .c: p. .-1 < 5 .25 .15 54 .37 .14 - H rd ... Ql <Q 5 1.3 .63 54 .87 .35 - N "' lJ "' u 5 .73 .58 54 .67 .29 - 0 -rl ... "' 00: u ....... < 4 1.68 . 53 52 2.5 .74 Appendix V. Abstract of a paper presented at 15th North American Moose Conference and Workshop at Kenai, Alaska. MOOSE MOVEMENTS AND HABITAT USE ALONG THE SUSITNA RIVER NEAR DEVILS CANYON KENTON P. TAYLOR, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Talkeetna, Alaska 99676 WARREN B. BALLARD, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Glennallen, Alaska 99588 ABSTRACT: From October 1976 through January 1979 a moose movements and population study was conducted along the Susitna River in southcentral Alaska to aid in assessing the potential impacts of hydroelectric power development on moose (AZaes aZces). Twenty-two radio collars and 21 visual collars were placed on adult cow moose during the study. Radio-collared moose were located on 567 occasions while visual-collared moose were observed 43 times. Annual home ranges of moose are calculated and compared between drainages and to those from other studies in North America. Movement patterns, fidelity to summer and winter ranges and habitat utilization are discussed. Areas of high moose concentrations are identified. Proposed hydroelectric developments are described and their poten- tial impacts on moose are considered. 9 a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix VI. Tagging location, collar number and color, dates of sightings and reproductive status of adult cow moose tagged with visual collars in 1976-77 in the Susitna River Study Are~. Bl. #1 Gracious House 10/21/76 11/04/76 w/calf 3/19/77 w/ calf Bl. #5 Low. Sue 10/22/76 11/03/77 Bl #8 S. Maclaren 10/27/76 11/04/77 Bl. #11 S. Maclaren 10/27/76 Bl. #14 Brushkana 10/23/76 Bl #17 Gracious House 10/21/76 11/09/76 w/calf Yellow Number on Blue Collar Bl. #2 Sue River 10/22/76 11/02/76 11/03/77 Bl. 116 Low. Sue 10/22/76 11/04/78 w/ calf Bl. //9 Butte Ck. 10/22/76 2/07/77 w/calf 5/28/77 w/calf 10/30/77 w/calf 9/27/78 w/calf Bl. #12 Brushkana 10/23/76 Bl. 1115 W. F .Gl. 10/27/76 ? 9/18/77 5/31/77 10/31/77 Bl. #18 Gracious House 10/22/76 11/02/76 w/calf 11/04/76 w/calf 5/10/77 5/29/77 10/30/77 w/twins 5/27/78 w/1 yrl. 11/01/78 Bl. //4 Low. Sue 10/22/76 11/11/76 12/09/76 11/04/79 Bl 117 Coal Ck. 10/22/76 11/04/78 w/calf Bl /110 Butte. Ck. 10/27/76 11/04/76 w/calf 8/05/77 Bl. #16 Valdez Ck. 10/23/76 11/11/76 10/05/77 11/01/77 9/18/78 9/27/78 Bl. 1119 Butte Ck. 10/27/76 6/16/77 w/calf 9 ~I Appendix VI. (Continued). Bl. #20 Valdez Ck. 3/18/77 w/calf 5/27/77 9/18/77 6/03/77 w/ calf 5/27/78 w/1 yrl. 11/27/79 w/twins Bl. #23 Middle Sue 3/20/77 w/calf 3/31/77 w/calf 8/05/77 w/1 yrl. 10/05/77 6/07/77 11/01/77 11/07/78 w/calf Bl. #30 Upper Sue 3/23/77 6/03/77 10/31/77 11/08/78 w/calf Bl. #33 Upper Sue 3/23/77 11/01/77 11/08/78 Bl. #36 Upper Sue 3/23/77 10/31/77 11/08/79 Bl. #21 Mid. Fork 3/20/77 w/calf 6/11/77 8/06/77 w/twins 10/05/77 ? 5/31/77 w/twins 5/28/77 w/twins 5/29/77 w/twins 11/08/78 B1. #27 Brushkana 3/20/77 w/calf B1. #31 Upper Sue 3/23/77 6/04/77 10/03/77 11/08/78 11/30/79 w/calf B1. /134 Upper Sue 3/23/77 6/07/77 w/calf 10/31/77 10/27/78 11/08/78 B1. /137 Upper Sue 3/23/77 10/31/77 6/ /78 w/calf Bl. #22 Valdez Ck. 3/23/77 5/10/77 9/18/77 10/31/77 5/27/78 11/07/78 w/twins Bl. /128 Mid. Fork 3/20/77 10/05/77 w/calf 10/31/77 w/calf 11/29/79 w/calf Bl. #32 Upper Sue 3/23/77 10/31/77 11/08/78 w/calf 11/27/79 B1. #35 Upper Sue 3/23/77 6/11/77 w/calf 11/08/78 Bl. #38 W.E. Maclaren 10/28/76 11/06/76 11/23/76 11/02/77 11/04/77 11/04/78 w/calf 1 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I i I Appendix VI. (Continued). I I Bl. #39 Brushkana Bl. #40 Valdez Ck. I 3/20/77 3/23/77 5/10/77 5/25/77 I 11/01/77 11/08/78 w/ calf Bl. 1142 W. F. Gl. Bl. 1144 Valdez Ck. I 10/28/76 3/28/77 w/calf 11/04/76 5/28/77 w/twins 5/10/77 11/01/77 I 5/31/77 3/27/78 11/01/77 11/07/78 w/calf 4/14/79 Dead I Bl. 1145 Valdez Ck. Bl. #46 Valdez Ck. Bl. #47 Valdez Ck. I 3/23/77 w/calf 3/23/77 3/23/77 6/07/77 w/calf 11/07/78 w/calf 5/25/77 6/25/77 9/18/77 8/05/77 9/27/78 I 9/18/77 6/25/78 w/calf 9/27/78 I Bl. #51 low MacClaren Bl. #52 low MacClaren Bl. #53 low MacClaren 3/22/77 w/calf 3/22/77 3/22/77 I 11/01/77 2/08/78 w/calf 11/03/77 10/05/78 w/calf I Bl. 1154 low MacClaren Bl. #55 UEEer Sue Bl. #56 low MacClaren 3/22/77 w/calf 3/23/77 3/22/77 5/29/77 w/calf I 11/02/77 Bl. #57 UEEer Sue Bl. #58 low MacClaren I 3/23/77 3/22/77 8/05/77 11/01/77 I Bl. /t60 low Sue Bl. //61 low Sue I 3/20/77 3/20/77 8/06/77 11/03/77 w/ calf 1 0 1 I I Appendix VI. (Continued). Bl. #63 Sue Nipp. 3/20/7~ Bl. #66 Mid. Sue 3/23/77 11/04/78 W. /175 Jay Ck. 3/19/77 6/16/77 8/05/77 W. #81 Devil Mt. 3/18/77 Bl. #64 Sue Nipp. 3/20/77 5/31/77 w/calf 11/03/77 11/04/78 w/calf Bl. 67 Sue Lod. 3/23/77 5/28/77 11/03/77 11/04/78 Bl. #70 Hatchet Lk. 3/23/77 w/calf 11/01/77 2/09/78 w/calf 11/01/78 3/15/79 Black Number on White Collar W. 1179 Jay Ck. 3/19/77 6/16/77 w/calf 10/31/77 6/23/78 w/calf W. #84 Hatchet Lk. 3/23/77 11/01/77 11/04/78 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services lUlchor~e.AUaska Bl. #68 Hatchet Lk. 3/23/77 9/06/78 Dead Bl. 1171 Watana 10/28/76 11/07/76 W. 1/80 Devil Mt. 3/18/77 w/calf 9/06/77 1 u 2 I I I :I I , !I I I 'I I :I I I I I I I I I