HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA528I J I t l I, I I I I I ( -! j " l I -) ., (I J Q 127 U6 A43 Scientific and Technological Research Needs in Alaska Joint Meetings between the Alaska Council on Science and Technology and The Polar Research Board THE ALASKA COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Cl g J 8 0 rn 0 D 0 ~] 0 0 ] d 0 ,] I u u AlASKA RESOURCES UBRARY U.S. Depmmtmt of th6 Interior PROCEEDI:NGS QFTHE JOINT MEE'I.'INGS BETWEEN THE ALASKA COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND THE POLAR RESEARCH BOARD AND INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMENTS TO ASCERTAIN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH NEEDS IN ALASKA 30th ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 17-21, 1979 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA COMPILED BY THE ALASKA COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POUCH AV JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811 JULY 1980 FEB 9 1181 n J 0 J g J J LJ J J LJ J J ] j J ] J J TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Speakers ............................ ~ ............. i In tro due tion ........................................ , ..... 1 The Role of the Alaska Council on Science and Technology ............................. 2 The Role of the Polar Research Board ................. 4 Section I-Major Issues and Concerns ..................... 7 Section II-Presentation Summaries ...................... 10 Section III -Comments and Concerns from Other Public Meetings .................................. 45 j , j Detailed Summary of Joint Alaska Council on Science and Technology/Polar Research Board Meetings During the Period September 17-21, 1979 Lincoln Washburn T. Neil Davis List of Speakers Chairman, Polar Research Board National Academy of Sciences Chairman, Alaska Council on Science and Technology, Geophysical Insti- tute, University of Alaska Jay Barton President, University of Alaska Linda Perry Dwight Supervisor, Information Services, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center Juan Roederer Director, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Walt Parker Former Co-chairman, Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission Rosita Worl Senior Research Analyst, Anthro- pology, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center Tom Osterkamp Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Steven McLean Program in Biological Sciences Lou Rouwinski Director, University of Alaska Museum University of Alaska Frederick Bland Professor of Human Ecology, Insti- tute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Roger Sheridan Head, Department of Physics, .University of Alaska Richard Allison Robert Speed Geology Department, University of Alaska Office of the Speaker, Alaska House of Representatives Julius Rockwell Glenn Juday Vernon Ferwerda Brian Rogers Tom Smith Dave Stanard Gunther Weller Rocky Rhodes Carl Benson Rich Seifert Don Hopkins William Sackinger Jane Galblum Dave Norton Jerry Smetzer Private Citizen Coordinator, Alaska Ecological Reserves Program, Institute of Northern Forestry Professor, Political Science, Renselear Polytechnical Insti- tute; Associate for International Relations, Intersect, Inc. Representative, Alaska House of Representatives Private Citizen Private Citizen Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Private Citizen Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Research Associate, Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska Private Citizen Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Alaska Alaska Federation for Community Self-Reliance Arctic Outer Continental Shelf, Environmental Assessment Program Executive Director, Fairbanks Town and Village Association for Development, Inc. ii [J ['I c [. c· [ [ [ [ ' E . ~; [ [ t L L L l l l l i _j ' i ' ; _; INI'RODUCfiON - One theme of the 30th Alaska Science Conference was· the need for data on -which to base future decisions concerning Wise management of Alaska's resources. During the conference, held on September 17-21, 1979, in Fairbanks, joint meetings were ccmducted by the Alaska Council on Sci- ence and Technology (ACST) and the Polar Research Board (PRB) · of the National Academy of Sciences. These and earlier meetings, held else- where in the state, helped facilitate an excharige of perceptions of science and encouraged discussion of the conduct of research and its applications in the Arctic. Following is a brief description of the infonnal and formal joint sessions. September 18, 1979 An informal joint session was held to plan the more formal meetings scheduled later. There was considerable discussion about the role of the newly created Alaska Council an Science and Technology. September 20, 1979 At the IIPre formal joint meeting of the Alaska Cotm.cil on Science and Technology and the Polar Research Board, members of both bodies pre- sented a series of topics, each followed by a brief discussion period. Additional participants requested time for presenting their concerns. 1 The Role of the Alaska Council on Scienc~ and Teclm.ology The seven-member Alaska Cmmcil on Science and Technology was created by legislative mandate in 1978 (Chapter 101, SIA 1978). Its membership represents a diversity of scientific ,iisciplines and organizations Which administer and conduct scientific research in Alaska. The council's purpose is ''to review and recomnend the scientific and technological research needs of state government, to issue research grants and con- tracts, to oversee the issued grants and contracts, to promote high standards of research for the priorities proposed by the Council and to address stated legislative or administrative requests for research." Recognizing that the diverse ~ership composition leads to a diversity of opinions concerning its role, Chairman T. Neil Davis suggested in his opening remarks the following working interpretation of legislative intent and reasons for the ACST's existence: 1) to improve the ccmtribution of Alaska's scientific and technological capabilities to state government, industry and to the public welfare; 21 to articulate the needs of policy making activities to the science and teclmological conm..mity; 31._ to improve coordination of scientific activities in Alasl<a; and · 4} to establish a fimding mechantsm between state governrra1.t and sctence. Be further stated that he expects that the council will be developing a process by which it may define its role more clearly. @e pointed out) that the diverse compositicm of ACST membership is limited to the scientific disciplines represented by seven people. Furthenrore, 2 [ r r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [' c E [ [ , l ~ "! ~ ~ 1 -, _j ~ the council is probably unique in the United States in that its member- ship is composed of both scientific and government people. It is equally responsible to both legislative and executive branches of state government, and it has statutory authority to enter into research grants and contracts. Current memberships, affiliations, and scientific disciplines are as follows: SCIENITFIC NAME AFFILIATION DISCIPLINE T. Neil Davis Geophysical Institute Geophysics Chainnan University of Alaska Richard Holden Deputy Ccmnissioner, Architecture, Vice-Chainnan Alaska Department of Transportation, Transportation and and Plarming Public Facilities Mim Dixon Private Consultant Anthropology David Hickok Director, Arctic En-Biology and virornnental Infonnation Science Infonnation and Data Center Transfer RJ.;cha;rd Straty Alike Bay Biological Lab Fisheries Department of Conmerce/ NOM R,obert Burkett Department of Fish and Fisheries Game Christopher Noah Executive Director As a means of expanding ACST expertise, subcomnittees or working groups are being considered. An infonnal seiSJIDlogy working group has already been fonned, and one with expertise on the properties of snow, ice, and permafrost is being contemplated. 3 'lhe council seeks additional involve:nent by the scientific/academic cam- mmity and the general public in its neetings, workshops, and hearings . In Alaska the infonna.l approach will probably stimulate max:im.In interest and participation, but it introduces uncertainty into the equitable allocation of the time available for suCh involvement. 'lhe Role of the Polar Research Board In his opening ranarks Chainnan A. Lincoln Washburn briefly described the activities of the board and anphasized that the board ner:bers pre- sent were attending the conference in order to receive the views of the Alaska science cOiliiiLmity on U.S. arctic science policy and programs . 'lhe Polar Research Board, established in 1958, serves as a national advisory group on research in the polar regions and adheres to the International Council of Scientific Uhions' (ICSU) Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences. The board's regional orientation and nulti-disciplinary character involve it in a wide range of studies in the physical and life sciences, as well as studies of environmental matters. The board and its committees and panels comprise over 100 distinguished scientists drawn from diverse organizations and disciplines in the U.S. and Canada. Members of the Polar Research Board of the National Acadany of Sciences include the following: 4 [' r [ [ r L [ e [ [. [ [ [ [ E [ b L [ l l l ! Professor A. Lincoln Washbum, Chainnan Quaternary :Research Center University of Washington Professor Robert A. Helliwell, Vice Chainnan Radioscience Laboratory Stanford University Dr. Wallace S. Broecker Lalmnt-Doherty Geology Observatory Columbia University Dr. Jerry BrCM711, Chief Earth Sciences Branch Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Professor Campbell Craddock Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Wisconsin Dr. Albert p. Crary Washington, D.C. Dr. George H. Denton Department of Geological Science University of :Maine Mr. Joseph 0. Fletcher Deputy Director Envirormental Research Laboratory/IDM Mr. David M. Hickok, Director Arctic Environmental Infonnation and Data Center University of Alaska Dr. Hans 0. Jahns Exxon Production Research Company Professor :Mary Alice McWhi.rmie Department of Biological Science DePaul University Dr. J. Murray Mitchell, Jr. NOAA/ED IS Dr. Clayton A. Paulson Department of Oceanography Oregon State University Dr. Chester M. Pierce, M.D. Harvard University 5 Dr. E. Fred Roots Science Advisor Department of the Errvi.rornnent Goverrnnent of Canada Professor Gunter E. Weller Geophysical Institute University of Alaska Dr. Laurence M. Gould Department of Geosciences University of Alaska Dr. Charles R. Bentley, Chainnan Gammittee of Glaciology University of Wisconsin Dr. James H. Zumberge, Chainnan Committee on Permafrost Arizona State University Louis DeGoes Executive Secretary W. Timothy Hushen Staff Officer 6 ------------- [ ['' r [ [ [ [ r [ [ L [ [ L t [ u [ L _1 J SEGriON I MAJOR ISSUES .AND CONCERNS Emerging from IOC>nthly ACST meetings and the joint PRB-ACST meetings were a number of cornnents which represent conm::m concerns for the status of scientific research in Alaska and elsewhere in the Arctic and sub- Arctic. The following subsections swmarize these shared concerns. Individual corrments on these concerns follow in another subsection of this report. Need for National Policy and Program for Arctic/Subarctic Research Members of the Alaska scientific community are concerned that there is no national policy for Arctic and sub-Arctic research, nor is there a comprehensive. interdisciplinary, national· program for the conduct of Arctic and sub-Arctic research. This lack of national direction and· coordination has led to piecemeal attrition of federal support to re- search facilities, lack of long-range planning, failure to reciprocate fu international scientific exchanges, and tn1even attention to and support of the various scientific disciplines. In contrast, research efforts in .Antarctica benefit from a strong national program for re- search in that region. Need for Coordination of Research Closely related to this lack of a national policy and program is the --need for coordination of research efforts at both the state and local levels. This partly derives from the absence of a national program 7 and policy for Arctic and sub-Arctic research and partly from an agency- oriented, mission-oriented approach to the funding of research. State and local coordination would enhance cost effectiveness, lessen dupli- cation of effort. and expose research "gaps". A potential drawback of research coordination could be that it might restrain intellectual freedom and creativity of researchers. and that the process of coordination might create ''haves" and ''have nots" in the various scientific disciplines. Need for Scientific Community Interaction with Society Th.ere is a need to involve laymen in research activities and development of policies intended,to :implement the findings of research. While such people may lack academic credentials, they represent a ''body of know- ledge" 'Which should be tapped. Appropriate Technology Technologies must be developed which are appropriate to the needs of people living in Alaska and to their envirornnent, whether rural or urban. The importation of inappropriate teclmologies may be destructive to both cultures and ecosystems. Education of and Conmunications with People Outside the Scientific Community Policy makers and the general public will benefit IIDre directly from research findings and became supporters of research if adequate communi- 8 [ r [ [ l [ [ [ L [ f' b [ L _/ J 1 cation existed between scientists and these groups. Demmstrating the "payoff'' of quality research, particularly to legislators and executive departments, is important. Basic or F1.U1damerital Research Undervalued There was same concern expressed that the thrust of legislative intent 'When creating the ACST was toward applied research, without a corres- ponding appreciation for and support of basic research. It was pointed out at the joint meeting that studies of interest to Alaska nust be problem oriented and, therefore, nrust have both pure and ftm.damental components. Another participant stated that the situation is really about 'What the State needs to know to make certain kinds of policy decisions. Sometimes' he ranarked, the ''need to knaw" require$ very basic kinds of research, and sanetimes can be met through application of existing knowledge. Another cOIIIDen.ted that it seemed that every time you go into applied problems, you end up half forcing yourself over into the basic questions. Earthquake prediction was cited as an example of the inseparability of basic and applied research. The ability to accurately forecast earthquake occurrence and magnitude is a very practical and current need in Alaska and elsewhere. Devising a reliable and accurate forecasting ability, however, requires basic research into the fundamental processes or basic elanents which may accolUlt for such natural phenomena. Need fo~ Information Systems Support Currently, several infonnation systems support scientific research in Alaska and make its findings m::>re accessible and useful to policy 9 makers and the general public. A current research profile (produced by the Arctic Envirornnental Infonna.tion and Data Center) , an ecological reserves infonna.tion system, and the University of Alaska Musetm1 provide these information services to help disseminate existjng knowledge to those who need it. They also help avoid duplication of research effort.· Each of these systems, however, is facing a rapid increase in demand for its services without a corresponding increase in funding. SECITON II PRESENTATION SlM1ARIES A. Lincoln Washburn, Chairman, Polar Research Board, National Acadany of Sciences · The Polar Research Board is an ann of the National Acaclerey of Sciences . Its membership is widely representative and includes individuals from government, industry, and academia. fust of the funding for the board canes from the National Science Fmm.dation, the Office of Naval Research and the National Oceanic and At::nDspheric Administration. The current base budget is about $256, 000. The board operates through a number of standing and ad hoc conmi.ttees. The ;f'olar Research Board has undertaken studies which include the eval- uation of polar research objectives, plans and priorities. "Priorities " , conmented Chaillllail Washbtml, '·'are always a problem." Resolution of dif- fer;ing views. is attempted through special ad hoc conmittees . :Published ;findings and reports of the Polar Research Board are made available to the National Academy of Sciences. The board's opinions 10 [ [ L [ r [ [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L L ) are conveyed through resolutions and reports to the National Academy for further distribution to interested agencies. This is occasionally useful in supporting a particular point of view. Recent examples in- clude resolutions addressing the need for long-range planning in antarctic research and the need for an ice-capable research vessel to operate in both the Arctic and the Antarctic. The board represents the United States on the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR). Activities related to mineral exploration and exploitation in the south polar region are of particular concern. Other areas of interest include: priorities for glaciological research during the next 10 to 20 years, the mechanics of floating ice, priori- ties in permafrost research, biological oceanography, and the role of the earth's four major regions in climate change. After describing PRB organization and activities, Dr. Washburn offered his appraisal of current problans. The Polar Research Board is involved in an overall effort to develop "a program strategy of polar research," the purpose of which is to update a doctml.eilt titled Polar Research and Survey, published in 1970. This update will yield a series of studies concerning the various aspects of polar research from both "problem- oriented'' and ''disciplinary'' points of view. Conment from the Alaska Council on Science and Teclm.ology is anticipated and welcome. 11 There is no coordinated national policy on polar research. In the Antarctic all research is organized under one entity, the National Science Foundation. No such coordination exists for arctic research because research interests are spread atrDng a host of federal and state agencies, approximately 100 universities, industry and private indi- viduals. In conclusion, Chairman Washburn stated that the Polar Research Board came to the meeting to listen and to learn and its members appreciate that opportunity. He anticipates that the board will benefit greatly from council suggestions regarding the significance and problans of arctic research. T. Neil Davis, Chainnan, Alaska Council on Science and Tedmology, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska After describing the fonnatian and pm:poses of the Alaska Council an Science and Technology, Chainnan Davis stmnarized the eotmcil' s attanpts to get in touch with Alaska's scientific camn.mity and others with an interest in scientific research in Alaska. Earlier, the council dis- tributed questionnaires to as many of these people as possible. More than 600 were returned from several t:h:>usand sent out. They suggest that certain biases exist in Alaska's scientific ccmnunity, including: 1) emphasis on problems which might be solved by the respondent's area of research; 2) favoring of the existing distribution of researchers; and 3) problems viewed from either a state or national perspective, depending upon the respondent's employment affiliation. The major concem expressed by respondents was retention of envirOilllleiltal 12 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ I integrity and non interference of the diversity in human life-style, as we manage and develop Alaska's renewable and nonrenewable resources. Other concerns were the need for a basic ecological data base, energy (and alternatives to existjng energy sources), human activity and its impacts on ecosystems, self-sufficiency in human food requirements, development of technologies appropriate to northern regions and peoples, transportation, comnunication, waste products, pollution, and natural hazards. A :rrore detailed analysis of these questionnaire will appear in a sep- arate report in the near future Chaixm.an Davis concluded. President Jay Barton, University of Alaska The University of Alaska is the logical choice for carrying out the "bulk of the effort" on :rrost o.f the proposed research projects. Its pool of scientific talent and its ability to train additional talent coupled with the credibility that tm.iversity research has in answering the kinds of questions outlined at this meeting are all capabilities that lead to this choice. Maintenance of all these capabilities re- quires diligence on the part of the university to follow a "policy of reason in an age of m.reason." President Barton pointed out that we are tru1 y in the midst of a kind of connterrevolution in tenns of the nation's attitude towards science and towards education. "It is far easier to escape from reason and often far :rrore comfortable.'' He made a remark about the ancient Greeks that "for over a century the individual in ancient Greece had been face to face with his own intellectual freedom and had turned tail and bolted from the prospect." Credibility, 13 President Barton concluded, is built on reasonableness, objectivity, excellence, and dedication, and it is toward these four objectives that the University of Alaska must strive. Linda Perry IMitimt, SUpervisor, Infonnation Services, Arctic Environmerital . . onnatiori . arid Data Center M's . Thvight presented a brief overview of research in Alaska, the nature of that research, who is ftmding it, and where it is being conducted. This assessment was based on rwnitoring by AEIDC over the past six years to assist in dissEmination of infonnation and data well before it gets published, to create an awareness of what research is being done and to identify data gaps and help avoid duplication of research. Thanks to the vohmtary cooperation of scientific investigators, about 95 percent of all ongoing research in Alaska has been identified by AEIOC. ''Re- search," she said, "is defined as that effort which contributes new knowledge." Access to the AEIDC research profile is by a word processor search of indexes by investigator, subject, geographic region, funding agency, and affiliation .. The trend in Alaska research effort is as follows: in 1976 approxi- mately 1,200 ongoing research project were identified; by 1977 this nunber increased to 1, 540 projects and in 1978 there were 1, 730. About 30 percent of them involved the physical enviromnent and about 40 percent involved the biological env"ironment. The rana.ining 30 percent were concemed with the man-made envirorment. Fluctuations in research effort by particular groups appear to be closely associated with recent federal executive-acts arid legislation, partTCUlarly-the Antiquities 14 r r L [ [ r L r [ [ [ [ [, [ E b L [ _j Act. The ratio of federal to state spending for research is about 3: 1 during the past three years. Last year the federal govenunent funded more than a thousand projects and the State of Alaska funded close to 300. Other major influences on the anphasis of research are related to oil and gas resources of the outer continental shelf and fisheries resources of the extended 200-mile fiSheries limit. Ms. :D;.;right remarked that the publication of an armual research profile has become so expensive that AEIDC is investigating alternative ways to make the information available. Juan Roederer, Director, Geo sical Institute, Universi o aska Dr. Roederer's stated concern was that research activities in the .Arctic and sub-Arctic should be coordinated in a IIDre cost effective way aiiXJI'l.gSt the participating institutions, than the current piecaneal fashion through individual grants and contracts supported by a variety of federal and state agencies. "This would require," he continued, "a ccmprehensive interdisciplinary national program for arctic and sub- arcBic research." The Polar Research Board has already made important progress along these lines and further cooperation on this matter vvould be useful. Dr.-Roederer-views Alaska as a ''giant natural labo!."atory'' that offers fantastic opportunities to find out about the earth and its habitats, the bounty it offers and the threats it occasionally poses to nmikind. ''Geophysics of the .Arctic and sub-.Arctic has already reached a high level of maturity," he said. "The opportunities for research, parti- 15 cularly in Alaska during the coming decade, are absolutely tm.l.imited." He believes that the time will come to effect a comprehensive quanti- tative interdisciplinary description of the state, including the outer continental shelf, to quantitatively describe and find ways to predict the Illlltitude of geophysical hazards and to study Alaska's geothermal, solar, and wind energies and their effectiveness as alternate energy sources in remote population centers. ''The time has cone '' he said ' ' "for a coordinated effort to study the development of Alaska's climate and its influence on the climate of the rest of North America. The time has cane to attempt a quantitative understanding of the phenOIIElB. occuring in the near-earth space environnent. '' lhere is already evidence in many National Academy of Sciences studies of the recognition of the need for coordinated research effort. A recent example is the priority reCOlllllB1dation from a geophysical re- search board report calling for a coordinated scientific effort to study and understand the energy transfer properties in the high latitude magnetic fields and regions of the magnetosphere. • Alaska is a very expensive place to conduct research. However, .Ant- arctica is ten times tiDre expensive. 'This suggests that at least SOIIE high-latitude researCh currently conducted in the .Antarctic can be accomplished at a much lower cost in the Arctic. Dr. Roederer proposed that the Polar Research Board, in conjunction with the Alaska Council on Science and Teclmology, give serious consideration to creating a national program of arctic and subarctic research en- 16 [ r L c [ [ [ [ [ r c [ [ [ c [ [ L L _j l -, ' d } j canpassing many different disciplines and, of course, not just confined to research in Alaska, but American science, the l\trerican scientific cornmmity, and the international scientific c<miillnity in general. He also mentioned that the scientific camrunity should begin to identify those research activities which require high latitudes. These can then be examined to deten:nine 'Which can be conducted m:>re cost effectively in the arctic and subarctic regions of l'brth .America. Further, U.S. institutions 'Which participate or are interested in such research must be identified and their capabilities evaluated. We IIUSt also detennine which research topics can be carried m:>re cost effec- tively in a cooperative joint m:>de. Existing cooperative programs of arctic and subarctic research and disciplines, existing policies and programs and their possible ties to the research programs of other polar nations must be examined. Alternative methods of organization of national groups should also be analyzed. Only then can we venture . to propose a strategy toward achieving a canprehensive national program of arctic and subarctic research. Th.e main obstacles to a big national effort in the Arctic and sub-Arctic are the political, military and strategic implications of a greater national corrmit:ment to polar research. Th.e major countering forces are the needs of people living in the Arctic and sub-Arctic and the needs of people elsewhere for the resources of these northern regions. 17 ~ Another meeting participant suggested that rather than approaching the organization of a national program, the Alaska science conmmity should consider how it might organize a IIDdel interdisciplinary approach to northem research to spur national initiative. Roederer believes that many scientists do not want to see the creativity or freedan of the individual greatly regulated. There is great strength in having researchers pursue their own interests without a great bureau- cracy or overly bureaucratic system being involved. There is a need for institutions to coordinate research efforts. However, the minute you get past the individual, over-regulation at the national level may occur. Any national program for arctic and subarctic research would have to allow max:irm.m individual flexibility, freedom, and initiative. Walt Parker, Fonner Co-chairman, Federal-State Land Use Plarming Comnission (FSLUPC) Since the June 30 termination of the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Comnission, there is no longer a formal federal/state relationship that is authorized by Congress or the state legislature in Alaska. There are, however, sane coordinated joint activities based on executive branch initiatives. Such as those between public and land management agencies in Alaska and those agencies concemed with transportation and ecological reserves. During its existence, the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Comnission identified four major needs in the state-- transportation, wildlife management, research coordination and data systems. The problems interact and the corrmission made recOlliiEldations regarding a coordinating mechanism to provide for this. 18 r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ u L [ ,, When a situation becomes highly politicized (he used the issue of caribou and oil pipelines in the Arctic Wildlife Range as an example) there is not a strong national scientific forun to resolve differences between agencies. There is some question about whether or not same of the agencies are really qualified to conduct research. Often too, the carmrl.ssion perceived, "good research" was poorly implemented, giving rise to a ladk of overall credibility. The net result of these problems is that there is no scientific base strong enough to carry research today in the areas where scientific impact should be reasonably finn. In· Alaska, we need to proceed rapidly from the results of basic research to applied research, to keep up with development in the state. The Alaska Council on Science and Teclmology is going to have to grapple with this in the Alaskan setting. The conmission reconmended the establishnent of an independent institute or organization dealing with all aspects of arctic research. When asked for his personal views regarding the best way to proceed, Mr. Parker responded, "An organizaton which has a regional presence here on the scene in Alaska, which also has a strong presence in Washington, D.C. would be indicated, in order to provide a nuJCh higher level of oversight for agency-sponsored programs. This would also begin to provide the level of coordination . . . needed in the international sector now.·'' He listed several illustrations of that need. 19 Rosita Worl, Senior Research Analyst, Anthropolo~ Arctic Environmental Infonna.tion and Data Center Introducing her subject, Ms. Worl ccmnented, "Scientists engaged in research j.n Alaska tend to be intensely involved with their own projects and they tend to focus only on that field . . . and they are also very well aware of the research needs. '' ·The AEIOC compilation shows that physical and natural investigation dominates the scientific field in Alaska, both in terms of the ntiDbers of the programs and also the funding levels. "Alaska, particularly rural Alaska, is at a threshold of rapid change and development activities which danand that social scientific investigations expand as well," Ms. Worl emphasized. The scientific conm.mity needs to develop an interdisciplinary approach which will enable it to present its findings to policy makers . Where there are conflicting findings, these conflicts would be outlined for the policy maker. Ms. Worl believes that we need to involve citizens in thenanagerial decisions and scientific investigations because they rep- resent a body of knowledge which scientists should use. "For ethical reasons," she said, ''we should be offering then (at the same time) same of our ccmnents. '' Perhaps the issues surrounding the bowhead whale best exanplify the developing research needs and orientation that must be pursued. We ..... carmot -pretend--that--we .. are.making_ decisions based_on_scientific_ findings if they are actually being Il18.de on political considerations. 20 [ r L [ [ [ [ [~ [ [ [ [ [ E [ L L L j j . I .J J .l J .J Charles Evans, Senior Research Analyst, Biology, Arctic Enviranmental Information artd Data Center Mr. Evans reviewed the status of scientific knowledge of the whale as an example of the need for coordinated research. Lack of scientific knowledge conceming the beluga, or white, whale has been attributed to the fact that the beluga whale has not been the subject of any intensive conmercial harvest. The regulatiOn of bowhead whale harvests is based on a general concern for all species of whales, rather than specific scientific knowledge about the bowhead. There are very capable people studying the bowhead, but their efforts are disorganized. ''We not only have a scientific problem," he noted, 'but also a people problem." The scientific problem is that research is oriented to the mission of the funding agency (e.g., regulation of harvest, preservation of habitat) . The people problem concerns such diverse groups as those who depend on the whale for a large part of their livelihood and citizen groups throughout the VJOrld involved in "saving whales." This is an example of the need for a very strong coordination of research on the resource . Regarding citizen involvement in scientific investigations, Mr. Evans said that we need to develop techniques (or the technology) to bring together in a research program, in field activity "people who are in- volved in, who are the recipients ... of that research and the people who are perfm:m:ing it." He asserted that right now, ''we have no can- nrunicatiorLaLalL-_Credibility ... is_ ...... -zero.''··· Bringing in-nonsci---· entific personnel could lead to some compromises that may not be ac- ceptable to the research scientists. Until the population is ready to 21 accept the findings of researC'..h, those f:indings will probably not be implemented. The identification of "citizen experts," Mr. Evans said in response to a question, may benefit from the development of "subsistence resource groups" at the local level. An example cited was the recent plarming of a research strategy for walrus with a subsistence comnittee in Nane. Also, in educational matters, local people are certified by the State of Alaska as being in a ''recognized expert category.'' :Mr. Evans was asked to cannent on the appropriate focus of a coordin- ation of :interdisciplinary review. He responded that it has to have a strong local presence and have an :international concept. ''We see the northern people organizing themselves at an international level . and they are addressing the same scientific questions that we are raising here." Tom Osterkamp, Geophysical Institute, lhiversity of Alaska Dr. Osterkamp stated that his ranarks paralleled what had already been said, except for the punch line. "It is clear," he said, "that it "WOuld be desirable for the Polar Research Board to have sane local input on the research needs and priorities that they are considering. " He emphasized that "it is absolutely necessary that the Alaska Council on Science and Technology have such jnput, "especially in the physical sciences.'' 22 6 r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [' [ b [ [ t c 8 [ L -, ' J .i Dr. Osterkamp stated that "the council is serving a dual role analogous to the Polar Research Board and the National Science Foundation. · We would like to see something created on the local level that v.;uuld be similar to the pennafrost panel and the panel on 'glaciology to provide sane sort of input from the local level." · He urged that a corrmittee in the areas of snow, ice, and pennafrost be created. 'When asked if this might be a duplication of efforts at the national level, Dr. Osterkarrp said that it v.;ould not be because the Polar Re- search Board addresses national problems and is fi.m.ded with federal m:mies. There are a m.nnber of problems associated with life and living in Alaska which are very local in nature. Many have sought funding to address some of these problems, but they are usually told that because they are local problems. the State should fi.m.d the research. The federal government is IIDre concemed with national research needs, especially those associated with resource extraction. Dr. Osterkamp stated that the people who have lived here for a rela- tively lang period of time have a very profound feeling for many of the problems that exist. It is beeause of this intimacy with Alaska and its problems that the role of this proposed COIIIId..ttee v.;ould also be to provide SOIIJe input and sane l;i:ai:san with. national organizations . such as the Polar R,esea;rch Board. The proposed comnittee v.;ould be responsible to the Alaska Colmcil an Science and Technology. 23 Steven McLean, Program in Biological Sciences, University of. Alaska Dr. McLean reported on the bilateral scientific exchange between the United States and the U.S.S.R. Two main areas of activity that in- fluence Alaska are envirornnental nxmitoring in conservation of northern ecosystems and the study of the biological structure and function of· northern ecosys terns. Because the Soviets have such vast areas of northern forests and tundra in their cotmtry, they are ahead of this cotmtry in their interests in developing and exploring for human use in these northern regions. The Soviet IIDdel is not necessarily the best one, but ~7e can profit from their experience. The bilateral exchange program is based on reciprocal exchanges, and its first phase, begun about five years ago, was one of exchange of infonnation, including the structure and conduct of northern science and how research results are published. Only through direct contact aroong scientists of both cm.m.tries has it been possible to make use of their results. The second phase of the bilateral exchange involves sending Alaskan and other arctic scientists from North America to Soviet research sites. One recent exChange visit to a biological research station associated with a major new hydroelectric project, similar to the proposed Susitna Dam Project in Alaska, reminded Dr. McLean of the similarities and the ------------------------- head start that the Soviets have in :investigating and setting up the framework for investigation of the impact of a large project on natural northern ecosystems. 24 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ L [ ~ [ [ E- [ L [ L l -' The third phase of the bilateral exchange and according to Dr. McLean, perhaps the roost important, is fmerican scientists doing research in the Soviet northland and learning a great deal about the interpretation of Alaska's syste:ns fran this comparable observation. In addition, areas of the Soviet north, previously closed, are rapidly becoming open to· American scientists. The main difficulty in the bilateral scientific exchange is that the United States needs to reciprocate the Soviets' very generous support. Dr. McLean concluded that we need to fund support specifically for reciprocal visits that are not tied to a particular research activity. lDu Rouwinski, Director, University of Alaska M..lseun The University of Alaska M..lseum has a support role for research efforts in Alaska. This role is primarily unrecognized and yet continues to grow. The nruseun, in addition to its well-known functions of public education, is the sole repository for systemic collections in Alaska, including an archaeology collection ranked as "one of the IIOst ]mportant collections of northern cultures in the v.orld." The nruseu:n archives are used daily by 1.Uliversity researchers and students, private consultants, employees of state and federal agencies and others. These and other nruseum functions that support research are labor in- tensive, requiring skills and the knowledge of trained professionals. Increasing the level of museum services to researchers can only be 25 achieved by developing IIDre infm:mation systems and computerizing infonnation already m existence. '!here has been a rapid :increase m the demand for m.iSeun services' . frequently related to federal and state legislation. Funding for TII.lSeum services, however, has not kept pace with this new demand, primarily because the research budgets do not :include nnney for than. ''Many of the recorrrnendations which the Alaska Council on Science and Technology is likely to make," Mr. Rouwinski said, ''will :involve re- search which is dependent upon . . , adequate· support services" by the University of Alaska Museun. He urged that the council consider the needs for adequate support to meet the demands of research activities m Alaska. Frederick Bland, Professor of Hunan Ecology, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska ''Inadequate attention has been paid to the research areas of hunan biology and the m=dical sciences m Alaska, II Professor Bland stated after listing two Alaska-based research facilities closed m 1967 and 1973. "'!here should be son:e sort of prograiiiDa.tic support for these disciplmes m Alaska." Support equivalent to 1/SOth of the National Science Foundation's Antarctic budget would be very useful m estab- lish:ing ongoing research. '!here are many areas, :including hunan health and htnnan biology m the .Arctic, that have not been researched. Dr. Bligh (Director of the Division of Life Sciences, University of Alaska) expanded on Professor Bland's carrments by stating that man is going to be m arctic areas m :increasing numbers. We therefore have 26 r [ c [ L [ [ [ [ [ [ [ only "a limited time :in which to understand the ecosystem ... a new ecosystem, a shifting one, with man being superimposed upon it, :in which he can do terrible things to the ecosystem if he doesn 1 t know precisely what he is doing. 11 Dr. Bligh asserted that we must gather a vast anount of knowledge about precisely what man is doing to himself and the en- virorunent. There is no question the State of Alaska would be able to finance all the research we need to know about man :in the Arctic. It is absolutely imperative that we are part of the ciretmpolar organization concerned with hunan health and human activities. We desperately need federal as well as state support." Roger Sheridan, Head, Center of Physics, Head, Depa.rt:nlent of Physics, University of Alaska Dr. Sheridan urged recognition of fundamental basic research, a study of the ftmdamental scientific laws themselves and an investigation of the nature of these laws. He emphasized that this kind of research is going on :in Alaska, but for Alaska science to have a finn foundation and international stature, it nust have a finn foundation :in basic research. He recorrmended that the council seek sane kind of m:mbership or :input fran that particular area :in science and that future Alaska Science Conferences devote at least one session to this area. "Heretofore," he continued, "the subject matters selected for science conferences gen- erally _ addr_essed the_ application_ of ftmdamentallaws, :rather than the laws themselves." In response, a representative of the American As- sociation for the Advancanent of Science (MAS) stated that the con- ferences tend to be hosted by organizations v;orking :in particular areas of science and that the MAS would "think about that a little nore." 27 Richard Allison, Geology Department, Universi:tY_ of Alaska Other nations, including the U.S.S.R. and Japan, are making major re- search efforts to better mderstand widely separated areas of time in the earth's history. The Russians have made an enorn:ous effort to bring international standards of correlation into their sections of study. "Alaska has not been studied in this regard," Allison said. "Only closed file private company reports exist. · From an external or inter- national viewpoint, this type of public research in Alaska is dismal and small. Our science is not funded in the same way as other nations, which accomts for Alaska 1 s position." Robert Speed, Office of the Speaker, Alaska House of Representatives Representing a joint house/senate corrmittee, Mr. Speed explained that the committee's task is to develop state policy for rapid development of renewable resources and the renewable energy base in Alaska. The conmi.ttee should encourage development of the renewable energy base for in-state use and find appropriate means of financing both research and development on new technologies and energy projects in Alaska. "It is going to becCJire nnre important than ever that we have an educated population to deal with scientific knowledge and to make that l<nowledge useful," he said. "Scientific tenninology is becaning IIDre and more important to the legislative process." Mr. Speed believes that it is very important that a great deal of effort in scientific thought and scientific investigation in Alaska be de- veloped and coordinated to tie in with appropriate teclmology. Alter- 28 b r r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ b [ L [- b 0 [ [ ' i native teclmologies can be implanented in Alaska relatively easily because of our small population and we have a great deal of IIDiley which can be used to help Alaska becane IIDre self-sufficient and a better place to live. Coordination of scientific research at the state and federal levels is needed to apply the information and the data base currently available to the social and economic problems which are developing. Energy, agri- culture and housing are three areas where appropriate teclmologies can benefit Alaska. Mr. Speed encouraged the establishment of a "close back-and-forth relationship with the policy makers because they can 1 t work in a vacut.:nn. They need to know what the scientific ccmm.mity needs in order to establish a policy that will work." In response to a question about the facilitation of large and small energy projects using grants and loans, Mr. Speed replied that "the National Conference of State Legislatures is urging the U.S. Department of Energy to change their small hydro-and geothenna.l grants . 1 ' This change would allow the technical people to work on refining a general renewable energy policy. Regarding geothennal energy policy, Mr. Speed explained that there are major decisions necessary in terms of how geothermal energy relates to ground water and state policy on mineral rights. The joint legislative corrmittee will be working on the development of a canprehensive geo- thenmal policy to coordinate the State's efforts in that field and to provide funding mechanisms. The Alaska Renewable Resources Corporation 29 will be a major ftmding source for smaller project research and de- velopment, but not for large projects. These larger projects will require different ftmding methods such as general obligation or revenue bonds. Julius Rockwell, Private Citizen Mr. Rockwell reflected on early research efforts and how ftmding was managed. The six or eight agencies that ftmded oceanographic research agreed that they wanted to close the info:rmation gap and prevent re- searchers from tmknowingly reinventing the wheel. These infonnal gatherings were effective in coordinating research e£forts between agencies in the early 1960's. September 21, 1979 On the concluding day of the 30th Alaska Science Conference, the joint meeting of the Polar Research Board and the Alaska Council on Science and Technology resumed and included another period for public comment. Glerm Juday, Coordinator, Alaska Ecological Reserves Program, Institute Of Northem Forestry Major adjust:rrEnts in land tenure and large-scale resource developnent in Alaska were the principal stimuli for the creation of the ecological reserves program. The purpose of the cooperative federal and state ---------------------------------- agency effort is to identify important scientific research and educa- tional areas armm.d Alaska, to achieve appropriate managa:nent for them, 30 [ [ [ [ L L [ [ [ [ [ f [ L [ c [ [ I ~ l ; . -_1 and to establish an infonna.tion-sharing netv.K>rk. According to Mr. Juday, the need for this system of ecological reserves is to have field research areas as basic infonna.tion units. to give us infonnation on how ecosystems ~rk in Alaska. The reserve areas are composed of three types: 1) pristine, undisturbed ·· control areas; 2) previously disturbed areas useful in studying re- covery; and 3) experimental manipulative areas. Eighteen of the 222 identified areas in Alaska now have official fonna.l reserve status . To effectively apply the infonna.tion gained fran these areas, a com- puterized infonna.tion management program is being developed. This enables retrieval of infonna.tion by site nu:nber, land status, USGS quadrangle, geologic and physiographic province, and a key word list of 50 topics. "The power of this system comes in our ability to integrate these indices.'' Juday continued, ''The first level of information is concerned with site features, location, size, ownership, special land classification, status, etc. The second information level, currently being ,developed, includes seven categories such as vegetation, en- dangered species, previous research use, etc. The third level contains complete documentation reports with data tables, research conclusions, and extensive descriptions of each of the major different physical features of the site. In addition, a site-specific bibliography is being prepared. 31 Mr. Juday concluded with an appeal that it IDUld be extremely useful to this Whole effort if the value of this approaCh were officially recog- nezed by the Council on Science and Teclmology and by the Polar ResearCh Board. Vernon Ferwerda, Professor, Political Science, Renselear Pol eclmical Institute; Associate or International RelatiOnS~ Intersect, Inc. Professor Ferwerda described what is essentially a proposal for tedh- no logy assesSiren.t, in its broadest sense, or an assessment of the impact of nndern teclmology on the people of the Arctic, their values and their environment. It is to be jointly undertaken by the Inuit Circtn1p0lar Conference and the United Nations Envirornnent Program in 1980. Notable in a resolution emerging from an earlier CirCUIDpOlar Conference ~ a request for full Inuit participation in the various decision making processes affecting their region and that the rules for arctic resource development m::>re specifically provide for an Inuit-cantrolled technology assesffillent program. A basic question to be addressed in the study is, ''Will the arctic people be a twentieth century casualty of nndern technology?" It will also look at the impact of m::>dern tech- nology an the fragile arctic ecosystem. An interesting observation by a Canadian with past United Nations affiliations was that Canadian Esk:iioos are really part of the "third VJOrld," in tenns of parallel interests with U.N. delegates fran "third VJOrld" nations. Professor Ferwerda invited interested Alaskan sci- entists and others to m=et with him concerning the joint study. 32 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ L [ E L L j -' ..., _i _} ' .... J J Brian Rogers, Representative, Alaska House of Representatives Representative Rogers congratulated the council on its speedy formation and getting right to work. The roster of scientific and tedmical expertise being developed by the council is important in making policy makers aware of who the local experts are. He also indicated that it is important to recognize that expertise is not confined to Alaska, nor should we fail to take advantage of outside expertise. Representative Rogers expressed support for the council's develor:m=nt of a proposal review process which he views as one of the main reasons for the formation of the council. He also encouraged the use of the council's working groups to coordinat~ research efforts in the state. The legislature and the state as a whole will benefit from those efforts. "Our problem again and again, is that we contract the same study over and over again because no one knows if it's already been done several t:i.nes. In terms of the need for scientific and teChnological research and coordinatiOn. of the research, the council has finished the 'appetizer' and the main meal is yet to care,'' Rogers said. He reported that the Northern Technology Small Grants Program, ad- ministered by the council, drew a response of about 180 projects (worth $200,000) deemed :fundable. Since only $50,000. was appropriated, a \ supplerrental appropriation of $150, 000. is being drafted, with the possibility of an additional $50, 000. request. 33 f He felt that time is rumring out. "Unless we do some research and developnent in several areas, it 1 s going to be too late. We are going to put large annunts of m:m.ey into out:riDded hardware and out::noded tech- nology and create further problems. " Alaska is going to get a major research develop:nent and deployment effort going, and the Council on Science and Technology has an important role to play in the process." He outlined the following major areas of needed research: 1) applied research in the basic human needs of food, energy, shelter, health, com- . nn.mications, and transportation and the knowledge to meet these needs at a reasonable cost; 2) basic Alaska-oriented research in the north (this should be considered in investing the state budget surplus); and 3) .Alaska development (both private developers and governna1t m:mitoring of the environment). Th.e State of Alaska will have an enortiDUS annunt of mmey available in the next five years. "The Council on Science and Technology should have an expanded role in helping the state avoid huge mistakes in spending or investing its billions." He expressed the hope that the council will consider whether or not the legislature should make a block sum of m:mey available to the council to administer and fill in the holes in the state 1 s research program. This was followed by a discussion of various methods of managing such a block sum and the m:a.ns of identifying which research should be ftm.ded. Tom Smith, Private Citizen Mr. Smith directed his remarks to the realm of the applied sciences as it relates to Alaska's economy, and argued for increased anphasis on 34 [ [ [ [ [ [ ·• [ .. [ [ [ [ 6 [ [ F: [ ~ L [ _i _i J j resource inventory in Alaska. Because Alaska is currently dependent on crude oil production (about 90 percent of its revenues) Alaska needs to extend and diversigy its economic base in the near future. fure im- portant is the need for a labor intensive econanic base. "By way of intelligent preparation for extending our econani.c base, we greatly need to enhance our data base for certain specific resources in Alaska . . . mainly the nonrenewable resources. 11 Specifically, he urged the cotmcil to consider and endorse an accelerated program of detailed geological mapping by state-funded institutions and agencies. :Mr. Smith 1 s major point was that current maps delineating the location of minerals and materials are grossly inadequate and out- dated. Di\cussion followed concerning the availability of detailed geologic mapping and the lands properly mapped by state agencies and priorities for that mapping. Dave Stanard, Private Citizen :Mr. Stanard introduced himself as representing only himself and his family. He described his background and experience in Alaska, which began in 1953. His concerns were that since World War II many of the people that have migrated to Alaska have brought with them their de- pendency on an urban-oriented teclmology. "This is not appropriate to the maintenance of a steady state ecosystem and that this urban tech- ------------------------ nology bias is destructive of the environment." He stated that the mst important aspect of experimentation is the redefinition of individual ways of life and that when there is some kind 35 of deliberate effort on the part of individual citizens to resolve a IIDre fit way of living with each other and their envi.rOI'lliElt, that __ _ should be supported. "The IIDst important thing that is going on is going on at a fully decentralized level and the people are having to investigate what makes long-range sense.'' He added that ''we :imported a set of experiences to Alaska that did not arrive in that developing ecosystem sense, out of the landscape. 'Ihe history of our IIDving into areas is that we destroy the indigenous culture." Gtmter Weller, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Dr. Weller believes there are undesirable consequences of not having a plan for the organization and conduct of scientific research in Alaska. Our current approach to problem solving is to assemble competent people to tackle the problems. There is no single institution that can be thrown into the breach. At the conclusion of the research effort, funding ceases and the assembled research team disintegrates . Dr. -Weller felt this to be a pretty wasteful process. To overc01re this wasteful approach, Dr. Weller urged the establishnEnt of a plan to keep major institutions involved in polar research_alive · and relatively well-funded. He suggested that the creation of a U.S. Polar Research Institute might be a solution. He quoted from a position paper prepared by the Norwegian Polar Institute: "In contrast to Antarctica, a reasonably .well-organized effort, international scientific cooperation in the Arctic is rather poorly developed and organized." 36 [ [ [ [ [ [ C [ [ [ [ E [ c 6 L L] [ l i j l j -i .J j J J If the scientific research gap in the Arctic between the U.S. and the U.S. S. R. is not bridged, or at least diminished, Dr. Weller wamed that there is a danger of unwanted consequences of future political and legal arrangements within the central Arctic. He suggested a forum on science :in Alaska or the Arctic, which might focus on this inadequacy in long- range planning. This fort.m1 would be a significant step to get· the political approval necessary before detailed scientific planning. In addition, Dr. Weller urged the council to consider the need for suitable logistical support, including a polar research vessel, in the Arctic. In response to a question about why the seemingly obvious need for coord:ination of research effort has not occurred, Dr. Weller stated that it is because science in Alaska has been funded by individual agencies and because these agencies are very protective of their own territory and research. He also said that there have been attanpts to coord:inate research programs, but these efforts have been ineffective because of the lack of ftmdamental U.S. ccmnittment to integrate, coord:inate, and conduct scientific :investigation :in the Arctic. "There would be tre- mendous sav:ings of research resources by putting all these components together," he said. A meet:ing participant po:inted out that when ·this ''putting together'' occurs, there are go:ing to be the ''haves" and the ''have nots" and that researchers don't trust anyone to decide who are going to be the ''haves and who are go:ing to be the ''have nots". There is a fear that dealing with a single :institution may ~ that only those who are a part of the ''establisbr"ra1t'' will have the opporttmity to d6 what they want in research. 37 Rocky Rhodes, Private. Citizen Mr. Rhodes approved of Dr. Weller's presentation concemign the need for a national organization for the overall policy and direction of scientific research 'Which would not isolate the ''haves" and the ''have nots". The value of this national organization v.;uuld be in the elimination of duplication, preservation of the continuity of expertise and the ability of the organization to isolate and identify problems that are not being studied. He recamnended an efficient cataloging of various unsolved problem areas, to 'Which individual scientists could address their own interests. Carl Benson, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Dr. Benson addressed his initial camnents to the Polar Research Board. His concern was that there will be a dicision by default to reduce the U.S. national research strength in the Arctic. On behalf of the Alaskan Energy Hydrology Corrmittee and other groups, he requested the federal executive level of government, through the Office of Science and Tech- nology, to assess the problem and detennine 'Whether national interests are being neglected as a CUIID.llative result of the action of separate agencies. He then cited the record of federal closures of two national laboratories, the planned closure of another laboratory and withdrawals of support for university-based research. Dr. Benson next urged the Alaska Cotmcil on Science and Technology to look seriously at the problem of geologic hazards in Alaska, snow and 38 D [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [j c c c [ E [ B [ [ l -' l j j ice-related problems and air pollution problems. He suggests that a special effort be made to explain scientific problems, nethods and goals, to the Alaska legislature and executive branch and to help develop teleconnrunications within Alaska. In response to a cCIIIIetlt about the lack of state interest in supporting basic research, Dr. Benson stated that one of the biggest problems with Alaska is that so many people are transient, which is detrimental to long-tenn developnent and conmitment to ·the problems of living in Alaska. Another participant comnented on the traditional reliance of the uni- versity on the federal government for its major source of funding for research. This source will be drying up in the years to cane, due to national concerns and the cutting back on research. He emphasized the extreme change in the state 1 s financial situation, "if you think there ought to be a polar organization, now is the time to propose it. If you think now is the time for a research ship, now is the time to ask. The State of Alaska has to do these things because the rest of the cm.mtry is not in an arctic area. 11 Another participant responded that it is up to the Council on Science and Teclmology to try to get the point across about the value of basic research and that the legislature needs a concrete proposal to react to. 'twe are on the verge of change right now in Alaska, and we have to react very quickly," he said. Discussion continued concerning the m:>st 39 appropriate vehicle for funding requests and whether this should be the University of Alaska, or the Alaska Council on Science and Technology, or both. Another participant expressed the view that the scientific conmunity could go a bit further and educate the public, in addition to educating the legislators concerning Alaska's resources and their importance to the whole country and the international situation. ''The .legislature doesn't respond to scientists, they respond to the electorate," he said. Rich Seifert, Research Associate, Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska :Mr. Seifert reccmnended to the council that they should consider the importance of research in energy storage. Many energy sources (solar heat, wind, geothennal) are variable in nature, rawtely located, or available at times other than when needed. From a physical location viewpoint, the storage and transportation of that energy becomes a very significant part of the development of such resources. :Mr. Seifert raised what he believed to be the mst fundamental question facing the Alaska scientific cOIIIID..ll1i.ty: "Can we find a way to live in this envirorunent, in this beautiful state, which is sustainable within the framework of our technology and at the same time enhance our en- vironment?" H~ then listecl ~les of :researGh Il_eeds, _ m~Jug:i.ng renewable energy resources and the storage of energy. 40 [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ [ [ b [ [ E b L [ [ 1 ..) Don Hopkins, Private Citizen Mr. Hopkins offered the cmmcil three related proposals for systems research and the justification for them. Outlin:ing the decline of .American civilization caused by the increas:ing waste of our hunan resources, he said that ''we nrust define and test management for the use of m:>re, much m:>re, human brain power." His three proposals involved the state constitution, the state econcmy, and elementary and high school education. Alternative general plans for a way of life which will allow adequately for the "inherent selfislmess" of mm should be considered prior to a Constitutional Convention. Alaska needs research leading to the design of a strong self-sufficient state economy and ways to achieve it. Public education needs alternatives such as public support of private schools, according to Mr. Hopkins. In conclusion, Mr. Hopkins stated that he finnly believes that the rapid and extreme dispersal of lawful decision-making powers is the only way to save our civilization from extinction. William Sack University o Professor Sackenger introduced the subject of the technology of perma- frost by conmenting briefly on polar research planning. ''There is a problem defining national policy with respect to Arctic research. This is normally the responsibility of the federal government, but it has · ·· -failea to ·carey out that responsibility~ We need a:-national policy on Arctic research." Other problems are United States' representation in international Arctic research activities and the lack of continuity of Arctic research. Re- garding coordination, the emphasis and direction continually ~hi..:et in 41 response to the priorities of mission-oriented agencies. While Imlch of this requires solution at the national level, continuity of research could also be resolved at the state level and is a problem which could be addressed by the council. Professer Sackenger also believes there is a need for more fonnal organization and a m:>re fonnal approach to managing Arctic research. Concerning pennafrost technology, Professor Sackenger explained that people living in Alaska are interested in using the land and pennafrost is important to man's structures. The problem is identifying where the pennafrost is located and then taking measures so that it does not thaw. ''We are really looking at a three-dimensional mapping process." This process has to be both site-specific and canplete. Rerrnte sensing teclmiques, such as seismic and electromagnetic teclm.iques, have not yet been exploited in looking for pennafrost. Canparing the detailed three- dimensional mapping conducted by oil companies in delineating under- ground structures with the kind of infonnation on pennafrost available, Professor Sackenger cited organizational reasons. The teclmology is within reach for detailed three-dimensional mapping. "It is not here today and it takes a concerted effort to accomplish it," he said. Discussion of funding requirements followed. Jane Galblum, Alaska Federation for Ccmnunity Self-Reliance Ms. Galblum explained that the purpose of the Alaska Federation for Community Self-Reliance is to promote self-reliance in small-scale 42 .. [ [ [ c [ [ [ [ c [ [ b [ c c [ 8 [ [ i .I -' l l J l j j tedmology, the use of renewable resources and to improve the quality of life for individuals, as well as cut down energy use in the state and the country. She canplimented the cotmcil on the Northern Tedmology S:nall Grants Program and encouraged the contirruation of this effort. She also remarked that tmder the Depart:Inent of Energy small grants program for appropriate tedmology, Alaska has the highest per capita level of proposals of any state in the tmion. 'When asked her view of how to improve . the small grants program handled by the council, Ms. Galblun stated that it would be good to have a research branch as well as the technology aspect. She also recoomended small grant dennnstration _ projects and larger grants to enable application to conmercial-size ventures. Ms. Galblun indicated that her organization was attempting to share its experiences with other people through a statewide newsletter and a resource library. Dave Norton, Outer Continental Shelf, Environmental Assessment Program . '!he thrust of Dr. Norton' s presentation was that the degree of quality, roore than quantity, of the envirorunental assessment research, can have a tremendous nrultiplying effect on such things as bonus bids in oil leasing. Good envirormental assessment can cause the oil industry to bid a great deal more for lease tracts. The point of this is that monies appropriated for research are going to be for applied research 43 and that this is a reactive mode of finding that Dr. Norton expects to continue for some time. Examples of the effect of good environmental assessment research on oil lease bidding, may be useful in helping to convince legislators who consider funds as mere outlay, that are devoted to applied research reather than looking at them as an investment. Jerry &netzer, Executive Director, Fairbanks Town and Village Association for Development, Inc. M'r. &netzer approved the cotmcil' s philosophy on the purposes of small tedm.ology grants and encouraged expansion of the program. He added that emphasis on technology, rather than research, was appropriate, in that research is within the purview of other established institutions where it belongs. He was concerned about the location of the Alaska branch of the U.S. · Geological Survey and urged that first consideration be given to Fair- banks because of the major investments by the st~te and federal gover- nments and others in science institutions at the university. /my other Alaska location, he said, would be a waste of tax dollars invested in the Fairbanks area, and would detract from the quality of science at the university·and the U.S.G.S. far into the future. 44 [ [ [ c r [ [ [ c [ c [ c E r2 t1 [ [ Section III -Comments and Concerns Fran Other Public Meetings Beginning with its first fonnal meeting on Decanber 13, 1978 and at nearly every succeeding nxmthly meeting, the council has. received ccmnents fran manbers of the scientific cOiliilLlility, state goveri'l~Ilf!nt, and other interested persons. The following is a synops:Ls of those COIID:alts and concerns. December 13, 1978 Dr. Jay M:>or, Division of Policy Developnent and Planning, Office of the Governor Dr. J:.bor gave a brief description of technology transfer needs and problems in other states and Alaska. There is . no coordination or dissemination of ra:JDte sensing technology or infonnation in Alaska. Other needs identified were a user survey, an identification of the .. technology transfer process and evaluation of programs and their tech- nological needs. Peter Keating, Division of Policy ,Develo]:IIleilt and Planning, Office of the Governor . · · ·. . . · Mr. Keating said that data collection and retrieval are not coordinated in Alaska or between the federal and state goverriDellts. Because of this he proposed that a code retrieval systen be established and legislation implemented to coordinate it. 45 Bill Luria, Division of Policy Development and Planning, Office of the Governor . ··.·.·. · .· .. ·. . .. . . · · · · . . · ·. Mr. Luria described the Alaska ·Office of Northem Tecl:mology and its functions--to promote alternative technologies in Alaska, to coordinate alternate tecl:mologies and to review qrants. John Halterman, Derty Director, Division of Policy Development and Plarming, Office o the Govemor Mr. Halterman explained the budget of the council and that a ~rk plan is needed fran the council in submitting its budget to the Budget Review Conmi..ttee. February 20, 1979 Tony Begg, University of Alaska Mr. Begg said that science and teclmology should be funded to make eriergy cheaper and more abundant thro~h exploring alternative sources such as tide power, organic and inorganic waste utilization and manu- facturing of applicances that can run an compressed air. He also . suggested converting wood scraps into food for tennites, which would then be fed to ducks for hunan use. t, Alaska Department of Cannerce and Econanic Deve opnent Ms. Quinlan presented a brief overview of her organization's activities, which included energy stuclies related to solar power, wind power, tidal utilization, small wind and hydroelectric projects and the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project. She expressed concern about the degree 46 0 0 [ c 0 (J c c c c B c [ ...• '"'.;.· .. Lj [ [ of federal involvement in the Susitna project; She also expressed a desire to work with the council through an arrangement s:i.:inilar to that between her office and the Governor's Office of Northern Technology. Bill Spear, Comni.ssioner, Alaska Renewable Resources Corporation Mr:-. Spear described the activities and plans of the Renewable Resources Corporation. He pointed out rilany ways in which the cotmcil and his organization could interact. He mentioned that the cotmcil could ·give valuable advice to the Renewable Resources Corporation on general priorities for funding and the review of proposals. Steven Brown, Com:rrunity College, Southeast Alaska Mr:-. Brown expressed the view that there is a need for early·· direction and guidance in preparing educational programs, especially at the state commmity college level. He said the problem is not only one of advice, but of ccmnunication and info:rmation dissemination as well. May 9-10, 1979 The c6uncil heard comments from the following visitors: Representative Brian Rogers -The Northern Technology Program, its . . operation and future outlook; Representative Patrick Carney -Agriculture production in Alaska and the need for coordination of research; 47 Dr. Vem Stilner -The status of mental health research and ad- ministration in the sUite; Comnissioner Emst Mueller -Regarding the state science adviser in Alaska; Dr. Jay M::>or -Establishment of a State Technology Applications Coordinator; William Spear and Jack Milnes -Establishing ties. between the council and the Renewable Resources Corporation. June 11-12, 1979 The council heard presenrntions frpm the following persons : Vera Alexander, Polar Research Board -Discussed the Science Conference and the joint ACST/Polar Research Board ~eting;. Christy Miller, State Disaster Office-A canprehensive approach to addressing seismic safety and geologic hazards in Alaska; Lynne Hale, Arctic Environmental Infonnation and Data Center - Di.stributed a paper on and discussed the statuS and problems of reindeer herding in the sUite; James Wise, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center - Explained the state and national intergovernmental climate programs and suggested possible roles for the council in this area; 48 0 c [ c r [ [ c c D [ [J [ c E [ D [ L J J ] l ' j J l .J l ' .J J Larry Underwood, Arctic Environmental Infonnation and Data Center - Participated in the PRB/ ACST discussions and provided an intro- duction to the state's participation in the Exper±mental Ecological Reserves network; Glenn Juday, Institute of Northern Forestry -Provided an overview of the state' s efforts to identify and establish a program of Experimental Ecological Reserves; Walt Parker, Federal-State Land Use Planning Canmission -Provided a status report of the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission's end product and presented insights on topics for the council to consider. He offered to repeat his presentation in Septerriber for the benefit of the Polar Research Board and absent council TIEIIibers . Mike Crane, Arctic Envirorunental Info:r:mation and Data Center - Discussed his project to compile and use OCS data; Bob Rogash, Private Citizen -Presented his views on the Northem Teclmology Grants Program and energy conservation; Bruce Baker, Division of Policy Development and Plarming -Pre- sented a description of the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) situation from the Governor's perspective and requested comments from the council on how to address the problem. 49