HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA560Su'titn~• Hvcho~)IPrh'i< Pr ojE'( f ~uppl~·nu·nt.1i f{ppori . . • .. -I ~ MEMORANDUM TO SUBJECT File Low Water Boat Navigation. Susitna River at Mile 128 FROM DATE PROJECY NO. R.F. Butera 11-15-82 253303 Between Miles 128.5 and 127.0 the Susitna River shifts its channel from the 'Y:st to the east side of its fioodplain. The area over which this trans1bon occurs is v~ry wide and braided. i:n the opinion of many people V.:ho spe~t a. lo.t of time on the river, often boating this section of the rrver dady, at !S the trickiest navigation problem between Talkeetna and Devil Canyon. In late August 1982, at a Susitna River at Gold Creek discharge of approximately .13,000 cfs, this area \Vas depth sounded by a field crew from R&M Consultants. There are three possible routes, as shown on the attached map sheet, that can be successfully navigated at this stage . . RoutE! #1. Channel ~s narrow, winding and often choked with trees, Possible to navigate but not recommended. Route #2. Although not obvious, a narrow~ deep runs close to the banks of the existing islands. this channel at the stage when measured was recommend low wate·r route. channel exists here that Minimum depth through 3.5 feet. This is the Route #3 The most obvious route along the wide and braided and at low water shallow boating. Possible to navigate but not the discharge at Gold Creek is less than 15,000 cfs. outs ide of the bend. ~t is enough to cause hazardous recommended route if the On October 14, 1982 at a Susitna River at (:-··,.Jd creek discharge of 6,000 cfs. the river was jet boated from Talkeetna to Gold Creek. At tLis low stage there was no problem boating at Mile '128 through Route #2. Routes Numbers 1 and 3 were not navigable at this stage. Other than this section -the only navig:1tion problem enco~ntered at this low stage between Talkeetna and Gold Creek was the area J.ust downstream .of the confluence of the Susitna and Chulitna rivers. Th1s area was qu1te shallow yet still navigable jet boat. In sum up. The area between Miles 12t ~nd.128.5 on ~he Susitna River is not a problem to navigate even at very low. d1scharges 1f the boat oper~tor is familiar with the area. But for the uninformed often the most obv1ous route b not the best. BB/kys 001650