HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA569s TK 1425 .58 A23 no.569 Existing Generating Facilities And Planned Additions for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume VI September 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 ()Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories LEGAL .NOTICE This report was· prepared by Battelle as an account of sponsored research activities. Neither Sponsor 110r Battelle nor any person acting on behalf of either: MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any informa- tion, apparatus, process, or composition disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages result- ing from the use of, any information, apparatus, process, or, composition disclosed in this report. JAN 1 4 1M1 ALASKA RESOURCES LIBR-ARY U.S. DEPT. OF INTERIOR EXISTING GENERATING FACILITIES AND PLANNED ADDITIONS FOR THE RAILBELT REGION OF ALASKA Volume VI September 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee ·under Contract 2311204417 BATIELLE Pacific Northwest Laboratories Rich 1 a.nd, Washington 99352 PREFACE The State of Alaska commissioned Battelle to investigate potential strategies for future electric power development in Alaska's Railbelt region. The results of the study will be used by the Office of the Governor to formulate recommendations for electric power development in the Railbelt. The primary objective of the study is to develop and analyze several alternative long-range plans for electric energy development in the Railbelt region. Each plan is based on a general energy development strategy representing one or more policies that Alaska may wish to pursue. The analyses of the plans will produce forecasts of electric energy demand, schedules for developing generation and conservation alternatives, estimates of the cost of power, and discussions of the environmental and socioeconomic characteristics for each plan. This report (Volume VI of a series of seventeen volumes, listed below) describes electric generating facilities currently existing and scheduled to be added in the Railbelt region. Several sources were used to develop the lists of current generating facilities presented in this report. In most cases, the utilities themselves furnished the data on the number of units and their nameplate capacities. Other information, such as the retirement date, forced ou~age rate, and maximum capacity factor, was assumed on the basis of national operating statistics. ,; Volume I RAILBELT ELECTRIC POWER ALTERNATIVES STUDY -Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Evaluation of Railbelt Electric Energy Plans Volume II -Selection of Electric Energy-Generation Alternatives for Consideration in Railbelt Electric Energy Plans Volume III -Executive Summary -Candidate Electric Energy Technologies for Future Application in the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume IV -Candidate Electric Energy Technologies for Future Application in the Railbelt Region of Alaska J Volume V -Preliminary Railbelt Electric Energy Plans iii Volume VI ~ Volume·VII -Existing Generating Facilities and Planned Additions for the Railbelt Region of Alaska -Fossil Fuel Availability and Price Forecasts for the Railbelt Region of Alaska J Volume VIII -Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model Specifications Volume IX -Alaska Economic Projections for Estimating Electricity Requirements for the Railbelt Volume X -Community Meeting Public Input for the Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study Volume XI -Over/Under (AREEP Version) Model User's Manual Volume XII -Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Power Plant Alternatives for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XIII -Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XIV -Chakachamna Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XV -Browne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XVI -Wind Energy Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume XVII -Coal-Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska iv SUMMARY The total nameplate generating capacity for each of the Railbelt utilities by type of generating capacity is presented in Table S.1. As shown in this table, the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area had a total of 621.5 MW of capacity, and the Glennallen-Valdez area had 303.65 MW of capacity in 1980. Of the total 944.05 MW capacity,_the majority is simple-cycle combustion turbine (520.45 MW or 55%). The relative mix of technologies is shown in Figure S.l. The total nameplate generating capacity for the military installations is surnnarized in Table S.2. v TABLE S .1. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity-Railbelt Utilities (1980) -MW CCCT(a) Diesel Hydro RCCT SCCT ST Total Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area ' Alaska Power Administration 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power 139 0 0 0 74.5 0 213.50 Chugac~ Electric Association 0 0 16 111 244 0 371.50 Homer Electric Association 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 1.5 Matanuska Electric Association 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Seward Electric System 0 5.5 0 0 0 0 5.5 Subtota 1 139 7 .o 46 111 318.5 0 621.5 Fairbanks -Tenana Valley Area Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System 0 8.25 0 0 28.35 29.0 65.6 Golden Valley Electric Association 0 23.75 0 0 170.80 25.0 219.55 University of Alaska -Fairbanks 0 5.50 0 0 0 13.0 18.50 < Subtotal 0 37.50 0 0 199.15 67.0 303.65 ..... Glenna 11 en -Valdez Area Copper Valley Electric Association 0 16.10 0 0 2.8 0 18.9 --- TOTAL 139 60.6 46 111 520.45 67.0 . 944.05 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine HYDRO 146MW-5%l SIMPLE CYCLE COMBUST! ON TURBINE I520MW -55%) FIGURE S.l. Relative Mix of Electrical Generating Technology - Railbelt Utilities -1980 vii < ..... ..... ..... TABLE S.2. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity -Railbelt Military Installations CCCT (a) Diesel Anchorage -Cook Inlet Area Elmendorf AFB 0 2.1 Fort Richardson 0 7.2 Subtotal 0 9.3 Fairbanks -Tenana Valley Area Ei e 1 son AFB 0 0 Fort Greeley 0 5.5 Fort Wainwright 0 0 Subtotal 0 5.5 -- TOTAL 0 14.8 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combu~tion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine Hydro RCCT SCCT ST 0 0 0 31.5 0 0 0 18.0 0 0 0 49.5 0 0 0 8.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.0 0 0 0 30.75 -- 0 0 0 80.25 (1980) -MW Total 33.6 25.2 58.8 8.74 5.5 22.0 36.25 95.05 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Railbelt area currently consists of three noninterconnected load centers; the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, the Fairbanks-Tenana Valley area, and the Glennallen-Valdez area.(a) In the Anchorage-Cook Inlet and Fairbanks- Tenana Valley areas several utilities and military installations are interconnected. The Glennallen-Valdez area has only a single utility, the Copper River Electric Association, Inc. The utilities and military installations for which data are included in this report are shown below: Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Utilities Alaska Power Administration Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Homer Electric Association, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. Military Installations Elmendorf AFB Fort Richardson Fairbanks-Tenana Valley Area Utilities Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. University of Alaska-Fairbanks Military Installations(b) Eielson AFB Fort Greeley Fort Wainwright (a) Glennallen and Valdez were scheduled to be interconnected in 1981 and are considered as a single load center for the purpose of this analysis. (b) Clear Air Force Station generates its own power but is not connected to the other systems. Due to the mission of this station, future connection is not anticipated. 1.1 Glennallen-Valdez Area Utility Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Industries having their own generating facilities were not considered in this analysis since they typically do not market power. 1.2 2.0 EXISTING GENERATING FACILITIES AND PLANNED ADDITIONS FOR THE RAILBELT AREA As mentioned earlier, the Railbelt area has three noninterconnected load centers: the Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area, the Fairbanks-Tenana Valley area; and the Glennallen-Valdez area. In the following section, the existing generating facilities and planned additions for each of these areas are presented and briefly discussed. 2.1 ANCHORAGE-COOK INLET AREA The Anchorage-Cook Inlet area has three rural electric cooperative associations (REAs), two municipal utilities, a Federal Power Administration, and two military installations. They are listed below: Alaska Power Administration (APA) -U.S. Department of Energy Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (AML&P) -Municipal Utility Chugach Electric Association (CEA), Inc. -REA Homer Electric Association (HEA), Inc. -REA Matanuska Electric Association (MEA), Inc. -REA Seward Electric System (SES) -Municipal Utility Elmendorf AFB -Military Fort Richardson -Military All of these organizations, with the exception of MEA, have electrical generating facilities. MEA buys its power from the Chugach Electric Association. HEA and SES have relatively small generating facilities that are used for standby operation only. They also purchase their power during normal operations from the Chugach Electric Association. Total nameplate generating capacity for these utilities is presented in Table 2.1. Total nameplate generating capacity for the two military installations in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, Elmendorf AFB and Fort Richardson, are presented in Table 2.2. Further information about specific generating plants and units for each of the utilities and military installations discussed in this report is contained in Appendix A. 2.1 N . N TABLE 2.1. Tota 1 Nameplate Generating CCCT(a) Diesel Alaska Power Administration 0 Anchorage Municipal Light and Power 138.9 Chugach Electric Association 0 Fairbanks Municipal Utility System 0 Golden Valley Electric Association 0 Homer Electric Association 0 Seward Electric System 0 TOTAL 138.9 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combustine Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine 0 2.2 0 8.25 17.95 2.095 5.5 35.995 Capacity -Railbelt Utilities (1980) -MW Hydro RCCT SCCT ST Total 30.0 0 0 0 30.0 0 0 89.5 0 230.6 16.5 120.10 287.31 19.0 442.91 0 0 28.35 28.5 65.10 0 0 163.4 25.0 206.35 0 0 0 0 2.095 0 0 0 ·0 5.5 46.5 120.10 568.56 72.5 982.555 TABLE 2.2. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area Military Installations (1980) CCCT(a) Oiese 1 Hi:dro Elmendorf AFB 0 2.1 0 Fort Richardson 0 7.2 0 TOTAL 0 9.3 0 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine 0 i e se 1 -0 i e se 1 C yc 1 e Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine RCCT SCCT ST Total 0 0 31.5 33.6 0 0 18.0 25.2 0 0 49.5 58.8 Presently, three additional generating facilities are planned for the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area. The Bradley Lake hydroelectric facility will have a rated capacity of 90 MW with an expected average annual energy production of 347,000,000 kWh. It is presently anticipated to come on-line in 1988. Under current plans, it is to be a Federal project built by the Corps of Engineers and operated by the Alaska Power Administration. AML&P is planning to add a 73.6-MW combustion turbine unit at Station 2 in 1982. CEA is planning to add a waste heat recovery steam turbine at the Beluga plant in 1982. This unit will have a generating capacity of approximately 54 MW. 2.2 FAIRBANKS-TENANA VALLEY AREA The Fairbanks-Tenana Valley area has one REA cooperative, one municipal utility, a university generation system, and three military installations. They are 1 i sted be 1 ON: Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) -Municipal Utility Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA), Inc. -REA University of Alaska, Fairbanks -University Eielson AFB -Military Fort Greeley-Military Fort Wainwright -Military 2.3 Clear ~ir Force Station is located in this area but is not interconnected with the distribution grid. Total nameplate generating capacity for the utilities is presented in Table 2.3 and capacity for the military installatio.ns is presented in Table 2.4 There are no firm plans for capacity additions in the Fairbanks-Tenana Valley Area. 2.3 GLENNALLEN -Valdez Area The Glennallen-Valdez area has a single REA, the Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Their capacity as of 1980 is shown in Table 2.5. The Copper Valley Electric Association has a hydroelectric generating project under construction at Solomon Gulch. This facility is expected to come on-line in 1981 with a capacity of 12 MW. TABLE 2.3. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity Fairbanks- Tenana Valley Area Utilities (1980) CCCT(a) Diesel H,Ydro RCCT seer ST Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System 0 8.25 0 0 28.35 29.0 Golden Valley Elec- tric Association 0 17.95 0 0 170.80 25.0 University of Alaska 0 5.50 0 0 0 13 .o TOTAL 0 31.70 0 0 199.15 67.0 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerat1ve Cycle Combustion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine 2.4 Total 65.6 213.75 18.50 297.85 TABLE 2.4. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity, Fairbanks- Tenana Valley Area Military Installations (1980) CCCT(a) Diesel Hydro Eielson AFB 0 0 0 Fort Greeley 0 5.5 0 Fort Wainwright 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 5.5 0 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine RCCT SCCT ST 0 0 8.75 0 0 0 0 0 22.0 0 0 30.75 TABLE 2.5. Total Nameplate Generating Capacity Glennallen- Valdez Area (1980) Total 8.75 5.5 22.0 36.25 (a) CCCT Diesel Hydro RCCT SCCT ST Tota 1 Copper Valley Elec- tric Association, Inc. 0 16.10 (a) CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Diesel -Diesel Cycle Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine RCCT -Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine SCCT -Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine 2.5 0 0 2.8 0 18.9 APPENDIX A EXISTING AND PLANNED GENERATING FACILITIES FOR RAILBELT UTILITIES AND MILITARY INSTALLATIONS APPENDIX A EXISTING AND PLANNED GENERATING FACILITIES FOR RAILBELT UTILITIES AND MILITARY INSTALLATIONS Tables A.l through A.ll present the existing and planned capacity data for the utility and military installations in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, the Fairbanks-Tenana Valley area and the Glennallen-Valdez area. Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. has no existing or planned generating facilities, so it has not been included in the following tables. NOTES FOR EXISTING AND PLANNING CAPACITY DATA TABLES 1. Prime Mover: The power source for the generating unit. Diesel-Diesel Cycle SCCT -Simple Cycle combustion Turbine RCCT -Regenerative cycle Combustion Turbine ST -Steam Turbine CCCT -Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Hydro -Hydraulic Turbine 2. Fuel Type: The primary fuel type used by the generating unit. Dist. -Distillate Fuel Oil (Includes diesel fuel oil and turbine fuel) NG -Natural Gas Coal -Coal Resid -Residual Fuel Oil 3. Fuel ~upply: The company or field supplying the fuel. NEN -Nenana Coal Field AGAS -Alaska Gas and Service Co. NP -North Pole Refinery A.l Prod -Direct Purchase from Beluga Producers LS -Local Suppliers 4. Installation Date: The year the generating unit was installed/came on-line. 5. Retirement Date: The year the unit is planned to be retired. The following lifetimes have been assumed for the various types of generating units. These lifetimes are the same as those assumed by Acres American Inc. (1981), with the exception of the lifetime for natural-gas-fired gas turbines. Acres uses a 30-year lifetime, while a 20-year lifetime will be assumed in this analysis. This reduced lifetime was selected to more accurately reflect the current Alaska Public Utilities Commission ruling that the useful depreciated life of a simple-cycle gas turbine is 16 2/3rds years. Large Steam Turbines {>100MW) = 30 years Small Team Turbines (<lOOMW) = 35 years Oil-Fired Gas Turbines = 20 years ,Natural-Gas-Fired Gas Turbines = 20 years Diesels = 30 years Combined-Cycle Units = 30 years Conventional Hydro = 50 years 6. Nameplate Capacity (MW): The rated or nameplate capacity of the unit. 7. Generating Capacity at 0°F (MW): Actaul generating capacity at 0°F. In most cases this is essentially the same as the nameplate capacity. However, generating capacity for combustion turbine capacity increases as the ambient temperature decreases. Since the system load also increases with decreases in ambient temperature, this increased capacity can be used to meet peak system load. In most cases the nameplate capacity A.2 is given for a standard temperature of 60°F. The increase in generating capacity from 60°F to 0°F is approximately 25%. In other cases, the nameplate capacity is given for a standard temperature of 35°F. The increase in generating capacity from 35°F to 0°F is approximately 15%. These factors were used to compute the generating capacity of combustion turbine capacity at 0°F given the nameplate· capacity if utility data have not been obtained or if they were not available. 8. Heat Rate (Btu/kWh): Average annual heat rate for the unit based upon typical operation. The following heat rates have been tentatively assumed for the various types of prime movers if utility data have not been obtained or if they were not available. Diese 1 Cycle Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine I Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Steam Turbine (less than 20 MW) Steam Turbine (greater than 20 MW) 9. Forced Outage Rate: 10,500 15,000 10,000 8,500 12,000 10,000 This is the probability that a plant will not operate when called upon to generate power. The forced outage rate does not include scheduled maintenance. The following forced outage rates have been tentatively assumed: Diesel 0.10 Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine 0.10 Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine 0.10 Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine 0.10 Steam Turbine 0.10 Hydro 0.05 A.3 10. Maximum Annual Capacity Factor: where The maximum annual capacity factor is the percent of time the generating unit is available. This includes both maintenance and forced outages. For purposes of this project, the following equation should be satisfied. MACF = (1 -FOR) (1 -AMR) MACF = maximum annual capacity factor FOR = forced outage rate AMR =annual maintenance rate. The following maximum annual capacity factor and annual maintenance rates have been assumed: Diesel Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine Regenerative Cycle Combustion Turbine Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Steam Turbine Hydro AMR 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 MACF 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.95 Maximum annual capacity factors for hydroelectric plants vary depending upon site hydrologic conditions. 11. Loading Order/Operating Mode: The typical loading order or operating mode for the generating unit (peaking, intermediate, base, load following, etc.). A.4 ):::o . TABLE A.l. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Alaska Power Administration Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~ Date Date (MW) @ O"F (MW) Rate (Btu/kWh) Rate cit~ Factor Comments EXISTING Eklutna Hydro 1955 2005 30.0 0.01 0.95(a) PLANNED Bradley Lake flydro 1988 2038 90 90 0.01 o.9s(b) (a) Average annual energy production for Eklutna is approximately 147,875,000 kWh. This is equivalent to an annual load factor of 0.56. (b) Average annual energy production from Bradley Lake is expected to be approximately 347,000,000 kWh. Of this total, 315,000,000 kWh wi'll be firm energy and 32,000,000 kWh will be secondary. The equivalent annual load factor is 0.44. TABLE A.2. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Fuel(a) Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~ Date Date (MW) @ o•F (MW) Rate (Btu/kWh) Rate citl Factor ..0.!!!!!~-~ EXISTING Station #1 Unit #1 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1962 1982 14.0 16.25 14,000 0.10 0.81 Reserve/ Peaking Unit 112 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1964 1984 14.0 16.25 14,0DO 0.10 0.81 Reserve/ Peaking Unit 1/3 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1968 1988 18.0 18.0 14,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 114 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1972 1992 28.5 32.0 12,500 0.10 0.81 ):::o Diesel 1(b) Diesel Dist LS 1962 1982 1.1 1.1 10,500 0.10 0.81 Black Start . Unit CTI Diesel 2(b) Diesel Dist LS 1962 1982 1.1 1.1 10,500 0.10 0.81 Black Start Unit Station 112 Unit #5 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1974 1994 32.3 40.0 12,500 0.10 0.81 Unit #6(c) CCST 1979 20og 33.0 33.0 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/7 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1980 2000 73.6 90.0 11,000 0.10 0.81 PLANNED Station 112 Unit #8 SCCT NG/Dist AGAS/LS 1982 2002 73.6 90.0 12,500 0.10 0.81 (a) All AML&P SCCTs are equipped to burn natural gas or oil. In normal operation they are supplied with natural gas from AGAS. All units have reserve oil storage for operation in the event gas is not available. (b) These are black-start units only. They are not included in total capacity. (c) Units 115, 6, and 7 are designed to operate as a unit combined-cycle plant. When operated in this mode, they have a generating capacity at 0°F of approximately 139 MW with a heat rate of 8500 Btu/kWh. TABLE A.3. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Chugach Electric Association Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Ca~acity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ..l1l!L ~ Date Date (MW) @ 0 F (MW) Rate ! Btu/kWh l Rate citx Factor _j;_omm~'l!L- EXISTING Beluga Unit Ill SCCT NG Prod. 1968 1988 14.0 16.1 15,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 112 SCCT NG Prod. 1968 1988 14.0 16.1 15,000 0.10 0.81 Unit #3 RCCT ng prod. 1973 1993 51.0 53.0 10,000 0.10, 0.81 Unit #4 SCCT NG Prod. 1976 1996 9.3(a) 10.7 15,000 0.10 0.81 Jet Engine Unit 1/5 RCCT NG Prod. 1975 1995 60.0 58.0 10,000 0.10 0.81 )> Unit 1/6 SCCT NG Prod. 1976 1996 62.0 68.0 15,000 0.10 0.81 ..;,_, Unit 117 SCCT NG Prod. 1977 1997 62.0 68.0 15,000 0.10 0.81 Bernice Lake Unit 11 SCCT NG AGAS 1963 1983 7.5 8.6 23,400 0.10 0.81 Unit #2 SCCT NG AGAS 1972 1992 16.5 18.9 23,400 0.10 0.81 Unit #3 SCCT NG AGAS 1978 1998 23.0 26.4 23,400 0.10 0.81 Cooper Lake Unit #1, 2 Hydro 1961 2011 16.0 16.0 0.05 o.95(b) International Unit #1 SCCT NG AGAS 1964 1984 14.0 14.0 40,000 0.10 0.81 Unit #2 SCCT NG AGAS 1965 1985 14.0 14.0 40,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 113 SCCT NG AGAS 1970 1990 17.0 18.0 40,000 0.10 0.81 Plant/Unit Knik Ann(c) Unit #l Unit 1/2 Unit 113 Unit 114 Unit #5 PLANNED Beluga Unit 9(d) Bernice Lake #4 Prime Fuel Fuel Mover ~ ~..I!.lL ST ST ST ST ST CCST SCCT NG NG NG NG NG NG AGAS AGAS AGAS AGAS AGAS AGA~ TABLE A.3. Existing and Planned Capacity Data (contd) UTILITY: Chugach Electric Association Installation Date 1952 1952 1957 1957 1957 1982 1982 Retirement Date 1987 1987 1992 1992 1992 2012 2002 Nameplate Capacity ~j_ 0.5 3.0 3-.0 3.0 5.0 54 23.0 Generating Ca~acity @ 0 F (MW) 0.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 54 26.4 Average Annual Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 12,000 Forced Outage Rate 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Maximum Annual Capa- city F.actor 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 (a) Beluga Unit #4 is a jet engine used for peaking only. It is not included in total capacity. (b) Average annual energy production for Cooper Lake is approximately 42,000,000 kWh. This is equivalent to an annual load factor of 0.30. (c) Knik Ann units are old and have higher heat rates. They are not included in total. (d) Beluga Units 116, 7, and 8 will operate as a unit combined-cycle plant in 1g82. When operated in this mode, they will have a generating capacity of about 178 MW with a heat rate of 8500 Btu/kWh. Thus, Units 116 and 7 will be retired from "gas turbine operation" and added to "gas combined-cycle operations." Plant/Unit EXISTING Seldovia Plant/Unit EXISTING ALCO EMD Prime Fue 1 Fue 1 Mover ~ ~ Diese 1 Dist. LS None Prime Fuel Fuel Mover ~ ~ Diesel Dist. Diesel Dist. None LS LS TABLE A.4. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Homer Electric Association Installation Date 1957 Retirement Date 1987 Nameplate Capacity (MW) 1.50 Generating Capacity !J!.:.Utm 1.50 Average Annual Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 10,500 Forced Outage Rate 0.10 TABLE A.5. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Seward Electric Association Installation Date 1965 1976 Retirement Date 1985 1996 Nameplate Capacity (MW) 3.0 2.5 Generating Capacity @ o•F (MW) 3.0 2.5 Average Annual Heat Rate (Btu/kWh) 10,500 10,500 Forced Outage Rate 0.10 0.10 Maximum Annua 1 Cap a- city Factor 0.81 Maximum Annual Capa- city Factor 0.81 0.81 Standby Comments Standby Standby TABLE A.6. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Military Installations -Anchorage Area Nameplate Generating Average Forced Madmum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~!!lL Date Date (MW) @ O"F J!1!tl Rate (Btu/kWh) Rate cit~ Factor Co11111E!nts EXISTING Elmendorf AF B )::o . Total Diesel Diese 1 Diese 1 LS 1952 2.1 10,500 0.10 0.81 ..,... 0 Total ST ST NG AGAS 1952 31.5 12,000 0.10 0.81 Fort Richardson Total Diesel Diese 1 Diese 1 LS 1952 7.2 10,500 0.10 0.81 Cold Start Units Total ST ST NG AGAS 1952 18.0 19,000-0.10 0.81 Cogeneration 20,000 Used for Steam lleating PLANNED None TABLE A. 7. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Golden Valley Electric Association Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit ~lover ..ll'I!L ~ __ Qill._ Date !MW) @ 0°F !MW) Rate !Btu/kWh) Rate cIt~ Factor Conrnents EXISTING Healy Coal ST Coal NEN 1967 2002 25.0 25.0 13,200 0.01 0.92 Healy Diesel Diesel Dist. LS 1967 1987 2. 75 2.75 10,500 0.01 0.81 Peaking/ Black Start Unit North Pole Unit #1 SCCT Dist. LS 1976 1996 64.7 65.0 14,000 0.022 0.81 )::o Unit 1/2 SCCT Dist. LS 1977 1997 64.7 65.0 14,000 0.015 0.81 ...... ...... Zendher GT 1 SCCT Dist. LS 1971 1991 18.4 18.4 15,000 0.10 0.81 GT 2 SCGT Dist. LS 1972 1992 17.4 17.4 15,000 0.10 0.81 GT 3 SCCT Dist. LS 1975 1995 2.8 3.5 15,000 0.10 0.81 GT 4 SCCT Dist. LS 1975 19g5 2.8 3.5 15,000 0.10 0.81 Combined Diesel Diesel Dist. LS 1960-70 1995 21.0 21.0 10,500 0.10 0.81 PLANNED None TABLE A.8. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: University of Alaska -Fairbanks Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~ Date Date {MW) @ o•F {MW) Rate {Btu/kWh) __!!!!:.!!._ cit~ Factor __f_ommen t s 51 ST Coal NEN 1.50 1.50 12,000 0.10 0.81 S2 ST Coal NEN 1g80 1.50 1.50 12,000 0.10 0.81 53 ST Coal NEN 10.0 10.0 12,000 0.10 0.81 D1 Diesel Dist. LS 2.75 2.75 10,500 0.10 0.81 D2 Diesel Dist. LS 2.75 2. 75 10,500 0.10 0.81 TABLE A.9. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System )::> . Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum 1-' N Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ..1.ru_ ~ Date Date (MW) @ o•F (MW) Rate (Btu/kWh) Rate cit~ Factor Conme'!_t:.L_ EXISTING Chen a Unit #1 ST Coal NEN 1954 1989 5.0 5.0 18,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/2 ST Coal NEN 1952 1987 2.0 2.0 22,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/3 ST Coal NEN 1952 1987 1.5 1.5 22,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/4 SCCT Dist. LS 1963 1983 5.25 6.6 15,000 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/5 ST Coal NEN 1970 2005 20.5 20.5 13,320 0.10 0.81 Unit 1/6 SCCT Dlst. LS 1976 1996 23.1 28.8 15,000 0.10 0.81 Diese 1 1 Diesel Dist. LS 1967 1987 2.75 2.75 12,150 0.10 0.81 Diesel 2 Diesel Dist. LS 1968 1988 2.75 2.75 12,150 0.10 0.81 Diesel 3 Diesel Dist. LS 1968 1988 2.75 2.75 12,150 0.10 0.81 PLANNED None TABLE A.lO. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Military Installations -Fairbanks Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel CFuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~ Date Date _<m!l_ @ O"F {MW) Rate {Btu/kWh) Rate citx Factor Comments EXISTING Eielson AFB )> Sl, S2 ST Oil LS 1953 2.50 0.10 0.81 . ..... S3, S4 ST Oil LS 1953 6.25 0.10 0.81 w Fort Gree 1 ey Dl, D2, D3 Diesel Oil 3.0 10,500 0.10 0.81 Standby D4, D5 Diesel Oil 2.5 10,500 0.10 0.81 Standby Ft. Wainwright Sl, S2, S3, 54 ST Coal NEN 1953 20 19,000-0.10 0.81 Cogeneration 20,000 Used for Steam Heating 55 ST Coal NEN 1953 2 0.10 0.81 Standby PLANNED None TABLE A.11. Existing and Planned Capacity Data UTILITY: Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Nameplate Generating Average Forced Maximum Prime Fuel Fuel Installation Retirement Capacity Capacity Annual Heat Outage Annual Capa- Plant/Unit Mover ~ ~ Date Date (MW) @ O"F (MW) Rate (Btu/kWh) Rate citx Factor Comments EXISTING Glennallen Units #1, 112 Diesel Dist. LS 1959 1981 0.64 0.64 10,500 0.10 0.81 Unit #3 Diesel Dist. LS 1963 1983 0.56 0.56 10,500 0.10 0.81 Units 114, #5 Diesel Dist. LS 1966 1986 2.4 2.4 10,500 0.10 0.81 :;J::o . Unit 116, #7 Diesel Dist. LS 1975-76 1996 5.2 5.2 10,500 0.10 0.81 ...... .j:>. Valdez Units #1, H2, 113 Diesel Dist. LS 1967 1987 1.8 1.8 10,500 0.10 0.81 Unit #4 Diesel Dist. LS 1972 1992 1.9 1.9 10,500 0.10 0.81 Unit 115 Diesel Dfst. LS 1975 1995 1.0 1.0 10,500 0.10 0.81 Unit #6, Diesel Dist. LS 1975 1995 2.6 2.6 10,500 0.10 0.81 Unit 117, SCCT Dist. LS 1976 1996 2.8 3.5 14,500 O.lO 0.81 PLANNED Sol001on Gulch Hydro 1981 2031 12.0 12.0 0.01 o.gs(a) (a) Average annual energy production from Solomon Gulch is expected to be approximately 55,000,000 kWh. be firm energy and 16,000,000 will be secondary. The equivalent annual load factor is 0.52. Of this total 39,000,000 kWh will REFERENCES Acres American Incorporated. 1981. Susitna Hydroelectric Project Development Selection Report. Prepared for the Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska. R.1