HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPA645\~WI~IIi~ilm~lll~ 3 3755 001 17400 2 r'l fJ ~ 0 0 0 J '0 J 0 0 0 ~ J J 0 C\J 0 0 "<t "" T""" T""" 0 0 LO LO "" Cl) Cl) -Q) E :::::1 -0 > -rc . /0-::f -e/1/f-/1/f/ j982 v, I FOREl~ORD This first volume of the Alaska Statistical Review 1982, updates information provided by previous editions, formerly compiled by the Alaska Department of·Commerce and Economic Development. As the first of a two-book set, this publication presents statistical information concerning four main areas of interest: Social Statistics, Finance, Resources, and Transportation. A total of fifty-four tables, four graphs and two maps provide a statistical abstract of the State of Alaska. The second volume of the Alaska Statistical Review 1982, due out shortly after this volume, provides economic information for each of the State's twenty-nine census areas. It reports data formerly compiled by the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development in the publication entitled Numbers. All footnotes for tables and graphs in this publication appear on page 55. ,,,,.1,~ ,., .. ,1 ''"~ """ • ,, r-'111:"'~ 1!!11"'''':'111 1"'"'""., r·:·'"""''' r ~ F" ... ..., lf'r""'''""l:'l r·"·""'~ r·,,~,,., r,,.,, .. 'll r"''~"'i'1!'1 I""''T'·'" I'~"· "11''"'\ rr "1 r··· "1 c...::J L...J L.ll [D:J f'"""'J c.:.:.J ~ ~ ~ r:.:.:.J u...::J ~CD [·n c:J r" •r·:r· 1"1 ~ LJ ~ CONTENTS Part I. Social Statistics Alaska Census Areas -1980 ............................................................ 1 Table 1. Alaska Population by Census Area ...................................... 2 Table 2. Alaska Population by Race and Sex ..................................... 2 Table 3. Vital Statistics -Resident Births, Deaths and Natural Increase in Alaska: 1960-1980 .......................................... 2 Figure 1. Alaska Population by Age Group-1970 and 1980 ................. 3 Table 4. Number of Students Enrolled in Alaskan Elementary and Secondary Schools: Fall Quarters 1969-1981.. ................................ 4 Table 5. University of Alaska and Community College Full Time Equivalent Enrollment ................................................... 5 Table 6. Population of Alaskan Correctional Facilities .......................... 6 Figure 2 .. U.S. and Aaska Crime Rates: 1970-1980 ........................... 6 Table 7. Recreational Areas and Facilities in Alaska ............................. 7 Table 8. Ownership of Alaska's Land .............................................. 8 Part II: Finance Table 9. Weekly Food Co:sts and Other Expenses in Alaskan Communities: December 1981 ..................................................... 9 Table 10. Annual Costs of an Intermediate Budget for a Four-Person Family: Autumn 1981 ............................................ 10 Table 11. Anchorage Consumer Price Index .................................... 12 Table 12. Price Indexes and Purchasing Power of the Dollar, U.S. and Anchorage ................................................................ 13 Table 13. Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures Last Ten Fiscal Years ................................................................... 14 Table 14. Federal Obligations in Alaska: 1960-1980 ......................... 15 Table 15. State of Alaska Revenues By Source ................................. 16 Table 16. Alaskan Tax Rev1~nues By Source .................................... 16 Table 17. Alaska State Government Expenditures by Function ............. 17 Table 18. Local Gov€rnment General Revenue and Direct General Expenditures in Alaska: FY 72-FY 80 .......................................... 18 Table 19. Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property in P.Jaska: 1969-1981 ....................................... 19 Table 20. Banking and Savings and Loan Association Indicators: 1959-1981 ...................................... 20 Table 21: Federal Credit Union Indicators: 1976-1981.. .................... 20 Table 22. Small Loan Licensee Indicators: 1976-1981.. .................... 20 Table 23. Combined Indicators for Banking, Savings and Loan Associations, Federal Credit Unions, and Small Loan Licensee Activity: 1976-1981 .................................................... 20 Table 24. Comparative Consolidated Statement of Condition of Banks in Alaska as of Decerr.ber 31: 1977-1981 ..................................... 21 Table 25. Number and Value of State Loans Closed: Fiscal Years 1976-1981 ........................................................... 22 Table 26. Insurance Premiums Written in Alaska: 1959-1980 ............. 23 Table 27. Premiums Written, Premiums Earned, and Loss Incurred in Alaska: 1976-1980 .................................................. 23 Table 28. Alaska Highway and Bridge Construction Costs and Indexes: 1967 ·-1981 .......................................................... 24 Table 29. Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits: 1970-1981 .................................................... 25 Part III: Resources Table 30. Mineral Production in Alaska: 1880-1981 ......................... 27 Table 31. Alaska Mineral Production Value: 1959-1981.. .................. 28 Table 32. Crude Oil Production in Alaska: 1959-1981 ...................... 29 Table 33. Alaska Timber Harvest On Public Lands ............................ 30 Table 34. Volume, Value and Average Stumpage Price of Timber Sold on Publicly Owned or Managed Lands in Alaska: 1974-1981 ............. 31 Table 35. Value of Agricultural Production in Alaska: 1960-1980 ........ 32 Table 36. Value of Alaska Agricultural Products: 1960 -1980 .............. 33 Table 37. Production Volume and Value of Agricultural Products in Alaska: 1976-1980 .............................................................. 34 Table 38. Domestic Fisheries Catch Landed in Alaska, Payments to Fishermen, and Wholesale (Processed} Value ................................. 35 Figure 3. Relative Ex-Vessel Values of All Commercial Fisheries ........... 36 Table 39. Volume and Value of Alaska's Domestic and Foreign Fisheries Catch: 1977-1980 ...................................................... 37 Figure 4. Alaska's Domestic Salmon Catch and Ex-Vessel Value ........... 38 Table 40. Volume of Alaska Salmon Catch by Region and Gear ........... 39 Table 41. Number of Permits Issued in Limited Fisheries, Number Held by Alaska Residents and Non-Residents .................................. 40 Table 42. Number of Foreign Vessels Permitted to Fish in Alaskan Fishery Conservation Zone (FCZ} and Number of Fishery Permits Issued to Foreign Vessels: 1977-1981.. ........................................ 43 Table 43. Commodities Exported From Alaska: 1976-1981 ............... 44 Table 44. Commodities Exported From Alaska to Japan: 1976-1981 ... 45 Part IV. Transportation Table 45. Highway and Marine Highway Mileage in Alaska ................. 47 Table 46. Persons Entering Alaska via Alaska Highway ...................... 48 Table 47. Aiaska Ferry System Traffic: 1965-1981.. ......................... 49 Table 48. Alaska Ferry System Traffic: 1981 .................................... 49 Table 49. Port of Anchorage Freight Movement in Tons by Commodity: 1965, 1970, 1975-1981 ...................................... 50 Table 50. Alaska Railroad Operations: Fiscal Years 1972-1981 ........... 51 Table 51. International Airport Activity in Alaska: 1970-1981 ............. 52 Table 52. Alaska Vehicle Registrations: 1970-1981.. ........................ 53 Table 53. Motor Fuel Sold or Distributed in Alaska ............................ 54 Notes .. , ................................................................................... 55 [.__) ~ p>~ao STATE OF ALASKA Major Cities: Total -422,187 Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau (State Capital) 180,740 25,568 21,080 367.7 million acres (16.2% of U.S. landmass) 5,580 miles of coastline Arctic Zone Continental Zone Transition Zone Maritime Zone Average Annual Precip. (in. ) Average High Temp. (degrees Average low Temp. F) (degrees F) -20 -30 0 20 r· "111 '" 1 r · · 1 ..,.,..., r1IT'I'I tr"·-n r-, r· · 1 r ·~ .-.. ~, r•"-, ,... .. ,, r --, ,,_, nn, ,.. '" r ' r ., • ------------------- SOCIAL STATISTICS -· '•t ib ,j \..;o!<li' 'II~ -·~···l··l•:t·l-~>lli>llt.tll1 w.. •. 'l•ll!•lrii '-N·•I'II'IlJJouiJ ~!n:.l'l·ll,W llli••· u.duUII 1..,11• l!llif ~ •. I ,,; Alaska Census Areas -1980 "" .· '\0 /' ~----\l(t /,,_./~ / 'lL _) ...,.~--~- r--NORTH SLOP•E ~ ,I (•ow., I -,, ,_----- 1Jtv,0 ,\ \ ~-__--J It)\ KOBUK . Ji\_SJ _J ..... -e) ~-'-, •' {. ~,~ J \ ~,., ~ -----1'~ fll u'l '-1 -' f -· --f ,u•o•-••'"'"' z_\-::"' ., .-. ::v/---:( J \~ ----\ ------~----__/ ~-----------------~-..... / ' -:;---/ WAO '\,. ------,,-HAMf•f~N --(, -~~_____,.1 ~J _.'·--.·.>.. BETHE <:./'') ''· ,v \ -'----") '·.-·· '• . / ;,··c "-~ '---DOCCONGHAM .f'[ouiye T:·~· ., -(_ J l ·"'-/ ·-f BRISTOL ·'' -1 '' v -----..... u -\.. ;r BAv r L r;...J KE~'~"' \)'--o::::!:JI L__.· pEtllf'ISIJL-' -f _,~J_lJ~ / /.r l'fl'·.:Y'i"l) / , .r '-~ _yi(.OOI-'K /-1 •· Ql/!3 \SL-'1'10 I ~>., w /-.. s .J!'· \ '"" .:T.J ft. .-r.r ..... "LE -, .f1.<-·· . Ci·· • '"'"" ,,._,..os C-~-~~ ' ~~~~ ... -"-.. • . -· ;.: p>.J.:,/ .. c;-::.._;·i~~\. ·=::'\;_ SCALE .0 100 200 300 400 500 Kolomelers L.....__._i_L,__L __ L_J 0 100 200 300 400 500 Moles W•l•ldoi,.J!ill liM.Jr •1 u>ti..J ~*I!!J,_~,~.IItlMW -~Uilllh .. ~ ~"""0~ GoO" !1-V'{po.'{·po.~ ..... 'C·'~P' .~po.G ... L....-~L--~_J ___ ...L_ __ _J ~ Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1 ~-), ,,.J b,il· I •. J~ w.lol•'l ... AL.A~I\..f\ I"'UI"'UL~IIU1"4 DI ALASKA POPULATION BY RACE AND SEX 1980 CENSUS AREA Aleutian Island Anchorage Borough Bethel Bristol Bay Borough Dillingham Fairbanks North Star Borough Haines Borough Juneilu Borough Kenai Peninsula Borough Ketchikan Gatewily Borough Knbuk Kodink Island Borough Mntilnuska-Susitna B~rough Nol'le North Slope Borough Prince of Wales -Outer Ketchikan Sitka Borough Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Southeast Fairbanks Valciez-Cordova Wade Hampton Wrangell-Petersburg Yukon-Koyukuk TOTAL Table 3. YEAR 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 . 1970 . 1971 . 1972 . 1973 . 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Source: Alaska Department of Labor 1970 7,834 126,385 8,917 1,147 3,872 45,864 1,401 13,556 16,586 10,041 4,048 9,409 6,509 5,749 3,451 3,782 6,073 2,792 4,308 4,977 3,917 4,920 7,045 302,583 1980 7,768 174,431 10,999 1,094 4,616 53,983 1,680 19,528 25,282 11 ,316 4,831 9,939 17,816 6,537 4,199 3,822 7,803 3,478 5,676 8,348 4,665 6,167 7,873 401,851 White Black American Indian Eskimo Aleut Filipino ,Japanese Korean Other Asian & Pacific Islanders Jill Other TOTALS TOTAL 309,728 13,643 21,869 34,144 8,090 3,092 1,595 1,536 1,831 6,323 401,851 VITAL STATISTICS -RESJ:DENT BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND NATURAL INCREASE IN ALASKA: 1960-1980 MALE 164,916 7,663 33,742 212,321 BIRTHS DEATHS NATURAL INCREASE 7,518 1,259 6,259 7,485 1,283 6,202 7,676 1,308 6,368 7,676 1,345 6,331 7,265 1,437 5,828 7,061 1,399 5,662 6,606 1,333 5,273 6,317 1 ,291 5,0?6 6,451 1,353 5,098 6,913 1,300 5,613 7,558 1,431 6' 127 7,312 1,455 5,857 6,946 1 ,467 5,479 6,611 1,464 5 '147 7,077 1,468 5,609 7,427 1,590 5,837 7 ,862 1,668 6,194 8,323 1,685 6,638 8,770 1 '7?.1 7 ,049 9,129 1,604 7,525 9,490 1,689 7,801 2 FEMALE 143,539 5,956 38,665 188,160 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L-, ,J ~ • '··~ &. 1 '" .. JI ~ .• ~~ ~~~~u li,, .. , .. ,.l, 1•:11IJ W.•IH"~",J i, '·••·~b~·.d I.RJ 4'111'1MIIIo>i ~, N,,1~ ~u1• >l>jl:.il 1-u,,, ,,,,. ll.. , ,J Lltw~··!•H•"~~ ~~~~~·-ll·•·l!:dll liiUIIJI:I•''''"Wi •1U1Mu.,. k .,,_ "' '-' 1.. I , I •. ~ Wt•ll J Figure 1. ALASKA'S PBPULATIBN BY AGE GRBUP: 1910 AND 1980 t97e TOTAL=3e2~361 5e 4e 3e 2e 10 THOUSANDS OF PERSONS 197e e 75+ 7e-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 3e-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 e-4 AGE L 0 198e TOTAL=4ee~481 10 2e 30 40 50 THOUSANDS OF PERSONS 1980 SBUIU:E: U.S. CENSUS DATA CB11PILED s-r THE ALASkA DEP~IRTttENT Bf' LR6BR 3 'Table 4. NUMBER OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN ALASKAN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS (Fall Quarters 1969 -1981) .)chool Public Private BIA Year Schools Schools Schools 1969-70 77,550 1,656 7,697 1970-71 82,113 1 ,654 . 6,291 1971-72 84,398 1,534 5,921 1972-73 84,685 1,559 5,571 1973-74 ~ 84,127 1,855 5,725 1974-75 86,103 2,254 4,883 1975-76 89,295 2,445 4,718 1976-77 90,550 2,599 3,135 1977-78 90,631 3,128 3,005 1978-79 90,728 3,139 2,999 1979-80 88,550 3,771 2,859 1980-81 88,276 4,447 2,668 1981-82 90,858 5,000a 2,418 Source: Alaska Department of Education 4 r-1 rJ r--J m:J ern a.:o C"JJ c:::J c-::J m r:-.J r .._.., .U c::J CJ Total 36,903 30,058 31,853 31,815 91,707 93,240 36,458 96,284 96,764 36,866 35,180 35,391 ~8,276 L" .. _J !CD [f"':J r-J c:n '" b, I ,j 1._, 'Ill j/ ~u~~ 111£ l.illl•'"'lllhlll~ w .. !l<a.u"cd ;,,,, .. H!~·J ~•JI(~'IIrl~ .... , ,.,[ij l<l'"'"""'li ~ll '':U. .. i J i!k,J,I,,.,,LJtA" NIJ., '''"'rJi 14t.iJ!j:H<I.I!I,ii Table 5. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE FULL TIME EQUIVALENT ENROLLMENTa 1979 1980 1981 UA Anchorage 1476 1660 1901 UA Fairbanks 2753 3047 3400 UA Juneau 614 630 731 Total Senior Colleges 4843 5337 6032 Anchorage CC 2808 3034 3480 Chukchi CC 51 closed closed Kenai Peninsula CC 396 424 471 Ketchikan CC 162 156 150 Kodiak CC 119 117 142 Kuskokwim CC 126 170 129 Matanuska-Susitna CC 151 158 214 Northwest CC 48 49 82 Prince William Sound CC 66 61 91 Sitka CC 85 121 101 Tanana Va 11 ey CC 565 612 637 Total Community Colleges 4579 4902 5497 Total Rural Education 196 340 3?.5 Source: University of Alaska 5 ~PIIIIL/1111,""" k j,, I,,,J bu,,l ,isJ ""1'"1 ,j Table 6. POPULATION OF ALASKAN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Average Pogulation p E R t 0 0 T H 0 u s A N D 1978 1979 Fairbanks Youth Center ---- Mclaughlin Youth Center, Anchorage 137 137 Anchorage Correctional Center (3rd Ave.) 54 81 Ridgeview Correctional Center 28 24 Anchorage Correctional Center ANNEX 101 76 Eagle River Correctional Center 71 91 Fairbanks Correctional Center 146 105 Juneau Correctional Center 106 102 Ketchikan Correctional Center 21 31 Nome Correctional Center 23 30 Palmer Correctional Center 42 58 Residents in Out of State Facilities 127 154 TOTAL 856 889 Source: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Figure 2. U.S. AND ALASKA CRIME RATE: 1970 · 1980 6000 5500-t- 5000 . , , 4500 . . 4000 3500 . • • • . ,• , , , ......... --- 2000 70 71 72 73 PROPERTY CRIME , , , , , , , , , . 74 us 600 ,,·------,,, --------------, .... _ ... AK ............................ 508i p E R t 450 0 0 T 400 H 0 u s A N 300 D 250 75 76 77 78 79 80 U.S. DEPT. OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 6 ll r-J c--1 rn:J r:::J 0::0 c::-J C":J n rn r:-:1 r1 1980 180 136 71 23 88 90 124 105 27 28 70 180 1,122 / _ ....... -· .. -. , , , . . , . , , ' . 70 71 72 73 c::J CJ ·-----rga1 189 135 76 30 107 f:l7 148 115 21 30 99 189 1,236 VIOLENT CRlt£ ,-----~ , ' , ' , • , ' . ' . ' / . ' !~ ' 74 75 76 77 78 CD ... 01 IT-:1 ,,, , ., . ' 79 80 ~ m ~~ , J lb 1' \.il1ll''' , ,11JJ ~,.,. ll·ll~ lijj.ll~·u,1,.,,~ L,,., l.lll.:·.J lk·.t.l<iiiHIY ~-' 1 •''·1!.~ '-1,, ,, 'I•;JUII ~''' ~~"* ~ 1 1J Jb.m)i,.._,~~~~ ~~l 1 ''"'d'll ~j,..,,,Li!IJ ~~>N>IIiiii,IJI b. 1' , . .J b .. '"' I. ,!J iWJ",ll ... ) Table 7. RECREATIONAL AREAS AND FACILITIES IN ALASKA Recreational Areas: Federal Parks and Monuments Federal Wildlife Refuges and Conservation Areas Fed era 1 Forests State Parks and Monuments Other Government Parks Total Public Recreational Facilities: Boat Launching Ramps and Floats Playground and Game Areas Skating Areas Golf Courses Outdoor Swimming Areas and Pools Alpine Ski Areas Picnic Units Camp Units Tra i 1 s ( mi 1 es) Source: Alaska Department of Administration 7 Acres (thousands) 46,320 19,840 21,600 2,945 8 90 '713 Number 5,345 696 117 4 15 22 1,045 3,314 1,876 Table 8. OWNERSHIP OF ALASI{A'S LAND (June 30, 1981) Area (Millions % Of Acres) Of Total STATE LAND: Total Allowed 104.5 28.4 Patented 21.8 5.9 Tentatively Approved 30.2 8.2 Selected 52.5 14.3 ALASKA NATIVES: Tota 1 A 11 owed 43.7 11.9 Selected (incl. over-selection) 62.5 17.0 Interim Conveyed or Patented 18.3 5.0 OTHER PRIVATE LANDS: 1.8 0.5 FEDERAL LAND: 217.7 59.2 Source: Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land and Water Management 8 ~~~~~~~~Mm~~~c~c.o~nmo ------~------------ FINANCE ,I .,, ,j ~ ' I' ~!· 1•1·11_..) :o.di·6JI iii.,J,,.,I.J 1.,.,,.,, I.J taijJ,Iw.1~ J~ ~•JJ•I 1J ~lii,,.,IJ·I"' ~-. ,,w ,, ,,.1 ll..il··"'"''" L.,,., ''"··dJii ~ut.I,,:Jdlj v....IHJ.iWI ~ •. .I "'"'" 1.,,1 i.,,j ~ •. ,, ,J Table 9. WEEKLY FOOD COSTS AND OTHER EXPENSES IN ALASKAN COMMUNITIES (December 1981) 10 s:: ..., QJ 0 0• "0 Co 10 QJ Vl 0 s:: !-!- C• ~ 10 ::s QJ 10 10 s:: Vl ~ .Q > !-Qj > 10 ::s ..... .,.. Vl N <( 0 0 10 .Q 10 .,.. .r: !-10 QJ .r: .r: "0 ..., !-QJ 10 u QJ QJ ~ "0 u ..., !-Qj .,.. s:: s:: ..., E ..., ..., ~ ';0 Vl s:: QJ 0 10 ::s QJ QJ 0 QJ .,.. 0 FOOD AT HOME <( co u c u. '-:1 ::.:: ::.:: z. Q.. Vl 1-> ::::> Young couple 48.12 81.81 80.67 65.64 55.91 56.13 54.09 52.72 91.19 56.76 50.73 69.41 61.95 42.60 Elderly couple 45.67 77.65 76.57 60.40 53.07 53.27 51.34 50.04 86.55 53.87 48.15 65.88 58.80 38.10 Family of 4 with preschool children 67.69 115.09 113.49 89.52 78.65 78.96 76.09 74.17 128.28 79.85 71.37 97.64 87.15 59.90 Family of 4 with elem. schoo 1 children 81.56 138.66 136.73 107.86 94.76 95.13 91.68 89.36 154.56 96.20 85.99 117.64 105.00 72.40 Percent of Anchorage 100 170 168 132 116 117 112 110 190 118 105 144 1?9 89 Percent of U.S .. 113 192 189 149 131 131 127 123 213 133 119 162 145 100 OTHER EXPENSES Electricity (1,000 KWH) ----216.51 113.00 80.00 51.20 54.00 46.00 214.00 91.00 --184.70 128.00 Heating Oil (55 gal) ----84.15 69.85 69.02 65.72 61.05 69.30 91.30 72.05 --66.82 Gasoline, auto (55 gal) ----86.35 73.70 86.72' 78.10 81.40 85.80 96.25 83.60 --88.55 85.80 Lumber 2" x 4" x 8' ----2.83 2.62 2.28 1.82 2.24 2.06 4.50 2.35 --2.24 2.78 Source: University of Alaska and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service 9 Table 10. ANNUAL COSTS OF AN INTERMEDIATE BUDGET FOR A FOUR-PERSON FAMILY (Autumn 1981) Famil~ Consum~tfon Food Housing Total Total Food Food Away Shelter -Turni sh i nos Area Budget Consum~tion Total At Home from Home Total Total Renter Homeowner & O~erations Urban United States .. $25407 $18240 $5843 $4866 $977 $5546 $4348 $2732 $4886 $1199 Metropolitan areas ... 25893 18523 5915 4889 1026 5659 4484 2842 5031 1175 Nonmetropolitan areas 23238 16978 5521 4762 759 5045 3740 2243 4239 1305 Northeast: Boston, Mass ...•.. 29213 20353 5918 5025 893 7043 5844 3261 6705 1199 Buffalo, N.Y •.•. 26473 18342 5890 5016 874 5476 4300 2551 4883 1176 New York - Northeastern N.J .... 29540 19910 6578 5368 1210 6717 5540 3002 6386 1177 Philadelphia, Pa.-N.J .. 26567 18625 6516 5206 1310 5621 4489 2354 5201 113?. Pittsburgh, Pa ..... 24717 17766 6040 5026 1014 4939 3768 2266 4269 1171 Nonmetropolitan areas . 25839 18417 5772 4969 802 6019 4853 2458 5651 1166 North Centra 1: Chicago, Ill.-N.W. Ind. 25358 18552 5779 4872 907 5607 4497 2866 5041 1110 Cincinnati, Ohio-Ky.-Ind. 25475 18290 5939 5024 915 5392 4273 2226 4955 1119 Cleveland, Ohio ... 25598 18567 5859 4769 1090 5566 4485 2300 5213 1081 Detroit, Mich. .... 25208 18115 5886 4913 973 5604 4531 2546 5192 1073 Kansas City, Mo.-Kans . 24528 17822 5727 4801 926 4951 3765 2406 4218 1186 Milwaukee, Wis ..... 26875 18651 5660 4634 1026 5889 4730 2694 5408 1159 ~linneilpolis-St.Paul, ~1inn. 25799 17701 5607 4605 1002 5336 4175 2819 4627 1161 St.Louis, Mo.-Ill. 24498 17814 6081 5127 954 5014 3796 2348 4278 1218 Nonmetropolitan areas 23191 16969 5434 4702 732 5098 3870 2623 4286 1228 South: Atlanta, Ga ..•• 23273 16974 5614 4640 974 4551 3326 2235 3689 1225 Baltimore, Md. ... 25114 17636 5526 4467 1059 5476 4023 3059 4344 1453 Dallas, Tex. ..... 22678 17302 5568 4475 1093 4772 3670 2709 3990 1102 Houston, Tex .•.... 23601 17931 5816 4681 1135 4839 3656 2355 4090 1183 Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va. 27352 18866 5969 4992 977 5827 4577 3186 5041 1250 Nonmetropol itan areas . 21829 16248 5450 4706 744 4592 3206 1870 3651 1386 West: Denver, Colo •..• 24820 18049 5480 4535 945 5379 4037 2465 4561 1342 Los Angeles - Long Beach, Calif. 25025 18298 5700 4623 1077 5436 4285 3428 4571 1151 San Diego, Calif.· . 24776 18133 5569 4449 1120 5415 4387 2873 4892 1028 San Francisco - Oakland, Calif. .. 27082 19474 5905 4873 1032 6064 4732 4186 4914 1332 Seattle-Everett, Wash. 25881 19395 5880 4807 1073 6031 4697 3822 4989 1334 Honolulu, Hawaii .. 31893 21530 7626 6649 977 6493 5098 3991 3467 1395 Nonmetropolitan areas • 24402 17361 5518 4734 784 5108 3803 2598 4204 1305 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA .... $31890 $23138 $6586 $5642 $944 $7865 $5763 $5174 $3959 $210(' Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 10 ~ r-l rJ !trJ C.D (C'J 01 c:n u M r-, c-1 c:n w c_ .. _J CJl[l n CJ Cl ·-~! ,, j...t JIIUII' ,,t,..l lltt,ulJ>~,k•wli lliJJ,,, .. ,,,,.~ "'" '''" JJ '-r~r,lrl•lr,J.mMA \!.,"~·!"'!I j ll.t:: ,<j J,l~!tl ~L-, -.1 ~ ' ,,,; ,~,l·l~l.,.~ 1\•iiii,,, •• IJI ~~''"·hHJ .. ~~~.,~,y l_' "_,.J .. 1!111 ,.J l.j,d ) INTERMEDIATE BUDGET (Continued) Familt Consurn~tion -------Social lransportat ion Security & Automobile Personal Medica 1 Other Family Other Disability Personal Area Total Owners Clothing_ Care Care Consum~tion Items Patments Income Taxes Urban United States .. $2372 $2488 $1333 $508 $1443 $1196 $1021 $1703 $4443 Metropolitan areas .. 2380 2526 1337 516 1481 1235 1031 173G 4602 Nonmetropolitan areas . 2333 2333 1312 473 1274 1020 978 1553 3730 Northeast: Boston, Mass .... 2782 3293 1458 509 1316 1327 1095 1942 5823 Buffalo, N.Y ..... 2513 2513 1594 488 1159 1222 1025 1778 5328 New York - Northeastern N.J .... 2160 2554 1190 518 1446 1301 1080 1964 6586 Philadelphia, Pa.-N.J .. 2334 2770 949 459 1530 1216 1035 1779 5128 Pittsburgh, Pa .... 2501 2596 1265 489 1319 1213 1005 1643 4303 Nonmetropolitan areas . 2492 2492 1396 448 1256 1034 1028 1748 4646 North Central: Chicago, 111.-N.W. Ind. 2498 2926 1204 499 1566 1399 1032 1688 4086 Cincinnati, Ohio-Ky.-Ind. 2312 2312 1613 469 1387 1178 1023 1694 4468 Cleveland, Ohio ... 2358 2450 1468 611 1443 1262 1033 1702 4296 Detroit, Mich. . ~ . . 2266 2354 1199 537 1460 1163 1017 1677 4399 Kansas City, Mo.-Kans . 2474 2474 1421 606 1426 1217 1007 1632 4067 Milwaukee, Wis ..... 2424 2424 1519 537 1395 1227 1036 1789 5399 Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. 2349 2349 1365 548 1249 1247 1003 1716 5379 St.Louis, Mo.-Ill. 2455 2562 1264 536 1313 1151 1006 1631 4047 Nonmetropolitan areas . 2273 2273 1425 496 1192 1051 977 1542 3703 South: Atlanta, Ga .. .. 2307 2307 1498 503 1296 1205 977 1549 3773 Baltimore, Md. 2292 2385 1298 494 1335 1215 1000 1669 4809 Dallas, Tex. .. 2437 2437 1239 502 1631 1153 989 1510 2877 Houston, Tex ...... 2349 2349 1509 595 1685 1138 1011 1569 3090 Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va. 2358 2446 1359 566 1467 1320 1043 181g 5624 Nonmetropolitan areas 2308 2308 1166 456 1282 994 952 1457 3172 West: Denver, Colo .... 2423 2423 1723 502 1331 1211 1015 1649 4107 Los Angeles - Long Beach, Calif. 2464 2558 1249 507 1876 1066 1023 1752 3952 ' San Diego, Calif .. 2392 2392 1284 498 1755 1220 1018 1738 3887 San Francisco - Oakland, Calif. .. 2544 2655 1465 601 1673 1222 1065 1891 4652 Seattle-Everett, Wash. 2445 2445 1496 612 1633 1298 1062 1722 3702 Honolulu, Hawaii .. 2421 2421 1432 590 1590 1378 1137 2049 7177 Nonmetropolitan areas 2?.63 ?.263 1538 527 1365 1042 991 1623 4427 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA . . . $2949 $2949 $1541 $698 $2308 $1191 $1193 $2068 $5491 Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Stutistics 11 Table 11. ANCHORAGE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (1967 = 100) (data from January of given year) Urban ~Jage Earners_a_nd Clerical Workers All Urban Consumers b --·-·---- 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979a 1980 1981 1982 1979 1980 1981 1982 All I terns 116.4 125.6 142.9 158.8 169.4 179.2 197.3 215.9 235.0 248.6 198.1 218.2 240.1 253.0 Food and Revera9e 237,0 257.8 268.5 280.1 235.4 253.5 271.3 281.9 Food 114.7 133.9 161.0 171.9 176.8 192.4 218.0 239.4 248.7 259.1 217.5 234.9 250.0 259.0 Food at home 115.0 139.3 165.1 172.0 174.3 189.4 213.9 234.0 239.8 248.2 217.2 236.1 247.3 254.5 Cereal and bakery products 196.8 212.9 229.9 250.5 201.5 215.4 233.2 253.7 Nea ts, poultry, fish and eggs 224.9 249.0 237.0 224.2 232.0 2'54.0 255.3 238.4 Meats, poultry and fish 229.1 254.3 242.0 226.0 235.1 258.1 259.9 240.3 Oai ry products 188.2 206.6 222.5 230.7 190.9 ?16.4 224.0 235.3 Fruits and vegetables 204.9 218.5 211.6 242.3 197.7 212.0 210.1 243.9 Other foods at home 241.2 264.7 293.4 308.2 246.6 270.7 299.6 301.1 Food away from home 113.8 116.0 147.6 172.0 185.9 202.9 233.7 256.0 272.4 287.0 223.2 238.1 261.3 274.2 Alcoholic beverages 187.6 193.8 206.8 218. 1 184.7 193.8 217.4 ~31.8 Housing 116.7 124.9 138.3 16?..4 171.1 177.3 194.6 211.9 231.4 241.3 196.5 2~7.4 239.8 249.1 Shelter 179.4 196.7 215.2 221.8 181.5 2e]2. 3 223.2 ?28.9 Rent, residential 111.7 112.5 117.1 136.6 148.7 158.4 163.5 157.6 159.5 180.3 163.5 1:57.6 159.5 180.3 Other rental costs 214.9 229.0 257.8 285.9 213.3 2~4.7 251.0 276.7 Home ownership 118.3 127.9 138.0 147.4 150.8 158.3 184.0 209.5 233.8 235.0 184.7 2~ 1. 9 237.2 238.9 Fuel and other utilities 171.1 184.4 204.9 215.4 171.3 189.2 212.2 224.2 Fue 1 s 188.5 214.3 251.5 267.8 188.7 2~2.2 263.2 281.4 Fuel oi 1, coal and bottled qas 233.8 361.2 450.7 508.1 235.8 378.1 475.7 532.3 Gas (piped) and electricity 131.7 141.3 163.6 171.7 131.7 1.ilil.3 163.6 171.6 Household furnishings and operation 243.7 259.5 278.9 304.7 243.2 260.4 283.7 312.1 Apparel and Upkeep 117.0 122.6 134.3 139.6 156.3 153.9 153.9 163.2 180.0 Hl2.1 158.0 166.4 184.1 186.5 Apparel commodities 146.9 149.2 165.5 HiS. 7 146.2 154.1 172.5 173.5 Men's and boys' apparel 142.0 144.7 158.0 162.6 141.4 1L2.7 148.2 156.0 Women's and girls' apparel 149.8 143.1 149.0 144.2 149.1 11t3.4 161.2 156.5 Footwear 155.9 176.8 193.7 206.3 157.9 2~1.3 218.7 228.4 Transportation 112. 1 114.8 127.9 140.7 156.0 168.4 184.8 213.8 243.9 266.3 183.8 2:0.6 239.5 261.5 Privat~ transportation 191.7 221.8 249.1 269.9 191.0 2:8.8 243.5 263.3 Public transportation 136.3 156.9 216.8 256.8 136.3 1:6.0 214.2 251.3 r~edi Cill Care 254.4 26?..5 ?90.1 324.3 ?.44.6 ?64.6 ?.98. J 334.8 Entertainment 180.4 188.4 187.8 218.7 190.1 2C:O. 1 207.7 ?39.6 Other Goods and Services 119.8 126.4 146.8 156.9 171.8 186.3 185.0 202.4 217.7 ?..27.8 186.7 202.9 ?.17.4 226.6 PPrsonnl r.a re 193.4 214.S ?.?8. 8 24?.9 196.?. ?!0.7 219.0 231:8 Source: IJ.S. Depilrtment of Lnbor, RurPilU of Labor Statistics 12 ,-..--.., ' rJ r-l IJJJ c::""D [:L] e-n r:n w r--:1 M n w C:t c:::J CUD u~ n l.J ,, L '"' 1., J,,; ·~''' ,,,,,,.J uo,,_.,,l ,l,.il lli].,L,,.,j.,l !,,,,,, -1.1 'i..j,j,.,"·-·"' L •. ,()i•'ll J ~C"' 1"1. 1\i<~JJ l,' ,,,J (.. ' ,J ~~pi~I;.'_.J ll,,,,,,,,,,IJI loi.,,.,J,,J,JII llwoolu\ljjjl 11:: i ·II J Table 12. PRICE INDEXES AND PURCHASING POWER OF THE DOLLAR U.S. AND ANCHORAGE (October 1967 = 100) u.s. An:chorage u.s. u.s. Purchasing Power Anchorage Purchasing Power Wholesale Consumer Of the Consumer Consumer Of the Consumer Period Price Index Price Index Do 11 a r Price Index Dollar October 1960 .............. 94.9 89.2 1.121 91.8 1.089 October 1961 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.3 89.9 1.112 92.8 1.077 October 1962 .............. 94.8 91.1 1.098 92.5 1.081 October 1963 ...•... ...... 94.7 92.2 1.085 93.2 1.074 October 1964 ......... .... 95.0 93.3 1.072 93.9 1.066 October 1965 . . . . . . . • . . . . • . 97.2 94.9 1.064 94.2 1.063 October 1966 .............. 100.1 98.5 1.015 97.9 1.021 October 1967 .............. 100.0 101.0 .990 100.0 1.000 October 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.9 105.7 .946 102.6 . 975 October 1969 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 107.4 111.6 .896 107.3 .932 October 1970 .............. 110.9 118.1 .847 111.5 .897 October 1971 ........ ... 114.5 122.4 .817 114.3 .875 October 1972 .. . ......... 112.0 126.6 .790 116.9 .855 October 1973 . .... . .... 138.7 136.6 .732 123.8 .807 October 1974 ..... ........ 170.2 153.0 .654 140.2 .713 October 1975 . ............ 178.9 164.6 .608 157.4 .635 October 1976 . ............ 185.3 173.3 .577 167.6 .597 October 1977 ....... ..... 196.2 184.5 .542 177.3 .564 October 1978 .............. 214.9 200.9 .498 193.8 .516 October 1979 .............. 245.6 225.4 .444 211.4 .473 October 1980 ... . ........ 273.2 249.2 .401 229.4 . 436 October 1981 .......... 296.6 276.0 .362 247.6 .404 Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 13 l,,, I , ,J ~1 •.• 1 ) ,.--, l rl Fiscal Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 *1982 Table 13. *Estimates ·$ f'i;i RATIO OF ANNUAL DJ::BT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS ($ thousands) Ratio of Total Total Debt Svcs Princi[!al Interest Debt Svcs Gen Ex[!end To Gen Exp 9,705 $ 9,793 $ 19,498 $ 472,902 4.123% 11,365 12,147 23,512 543,034 4.330% 12,352 14,030 26,382 596,746 4.421% 13,018 17,126 30,144 751,893 4.G09% 12,500 22,615 35,115 921,548 3.810% 12,915 28,969 41,884 1,086,750 3.854% 18,795 31,233 50,028 1,148,274 4.357% 25,710 34,314 60,024 1,279,354 4.692% 38,780 36,292 75,072 1,842,198 4.1J75% 55,545 42,087 97,632 4,793,771 2.037% 58,765 38,699 97,459 4,050,061 2.fl06% Sources: State Department of Administration, Division of Finance, 1981 Annual Financial Report, Tables 1 & 7. 14 rJ ,rrro r~ (CD CTI ·c:D w M c-J l'l w CJ c" __ u (]IJJ [-:-::-J CJ CJ .. "'· kt. 'I'' !~.L Lil• ·11iuJ ~~~..\,] ,,jl "'···,tJi Table 14. Agency Dept. of Agriculture •. . . Dept. of Commerce. • • 0 •• Dept. of Defense .....• Dept. of Education ... , .. Dept. of Energy •.••.•.. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare ....•.•.•• Dept. of Housing & Urban Development .•....•. Dept. of the Interior ...•• Dept. of Justice ..•.••. Dept. of Labor .....• Dept. of Transportation .• Treasury Dept ....•... Civil Aeronautics Board. Community Services Administration .•.. Environmental Protection Agency .....•.... General Services Administration •..•.. National Science Foundation. Office .~f Personnel Management . . . • . . . . . Postal Service ••••.... Small Business Administration. Veterans Administration .. Other Agencies & Programs. Total Expenditures •..... ~II.J•1•,W i..,.,t.)l·"ldl i..t:lllllijiJ.i;l~l-l. lhJ ~1..:'''1'·~1~ li. .. ""'~ k I .• ~ ~~~~~~!.PI ·~.,J'•ol-w~ L~~l:i~W ~'•IIIIi "Alii $ FEDERAL OBLIGATIONS IN ALASKA: 1960-1980 ($ thousands) FY60 FY65 FY70 FY75 FY76 FY77 3,575 $ 12,010 $ 38,954 $ 34,586 $ 30,920 $ 83,351 19,851 48,209 10,069 21,207 25,149 82,914 30,315 308,050 281,439 502,783 534,390 505,249 -------- -- ---------- ---- 21,830 43,535 51,003 i64,956 198,378 185,351 ----4,320 5,486 5,999 7 '194 19,423 36,186 86,873 107,153 125,626 146,861 700 910 1,538 3,463 4,298 5,180 121 4,124 17,246 35,973 44,021 77,807 ----145,621 301,373 243,399 285,044 8,661 14,638 11,029 23,613 30,292 28,759 7,201 9,665 2,434 2,227 2,238 2,277 -- -- -- 5,825 6,011 7 ,402 ---- -- 18,252 18,888 13,560 --3,415 5,762 13,485 8,366 11,172 ----2,292 3,090 3,415 4,472 --62 4,556 16,237 18,664 21,219 4,513 13,109 20,900 35,583 37,328 44,457 70 277 869 8,330 4,859 2,630 --2,774 10,858 18,701 21,619 24,080 39;520 36,717 32,896 !t477 4,250 5,875 $155,780 $533,681 $728,659 $1,326,800 $1,368,110 $1,544,854 FY78 FY79 $ 75,061 $ 115,778 31,845 38,290 597,417 634,487 ---- 3,321 3,483 196,588 201,158 2,586 9,127 334,270 390,907 4,404 4,175 47,296 84,201 295,500 257,121 35,624 32,718 2,417 3,0.86 5,216 4,855 4,171 23,858 11 ,337 11,353 5,854 5,044 22,900 27,125 43,979 48,525 2,576 4,568 26,643 27,333 4,044 4,960 $1 '753 ,047 $1,932,153 1.... 1 I· .J. FY80 $ 81,306 46,355 762,348 71,599 4,401 170,369 9,936 346,837 4,398 82,278 324,278 33,414 488 3,544 17,832 14,218 5,349 33,276 55,100 4,606 37,107 15,215 $2,124,255 Sources: Congressional newsletters; U.S. Department of Health, Education and Helfare (now Health and Human Services), Community Services Administration 15 ii_,,, I ,.1 'OIJ.,i J Fiscal Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Fiscal Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Table 15. Taxes $ 76,265 85,546 91,154 98,465 109,401 187,980 578,023 751 ,703 541,549 798,680 1,410,550 2,293,221 Table 16. Income Tax $ 37,294 41 '718 45,724 50,400 57,617 104,320 177,328 246,243 179,332 374,731 665,878 906,087 Licenses & Permits $ 10,015 10,551 10,794 11,420 11,113 24,052 16,641 17,897 19,099 19,772 18,799 21,271 STATE OF ALASKA REVENUES BY SOURCE ($ thousands) Intergovernmental Revenue $ 93,579 133,099 145,874 167,440 173,708 205,297 319,908 312,210 312,794 313,373 319,434 382,124 Charges For Services $ 12,293 12,165 14,677 19,090 33,399 28,493 19,343 21,805 21,258 24,925 27,312 32,617 ALASKAN TAX REVENUES BY SOURCE ($ thous<mds) Conservation, Oil-Gas Business & Disaster Tax Production and Cigarette License Tax Fuel Tax & School Tax Severance Taxes Tax $ 14,912 $ 10,372 $ 2,097 $ 8,249 $ 2,711 17,909 10,958 1,466 10,527 2,967 17,909 11,402 1,493 11 ,401 3,224 18,813 12,404 1,576 12,028 3,224 20,353 13,743 1,643 14,760 3,430 29,724 25,214 2,151 29,424 3,311 19,071 24,403 2,637 31,189 4,617 23,252 20,418 2,589 30,189 4,851 21,675 23,287 2,401 116 '143 4,627 28,158 22,323 2,530 185,823 4,410 4,181 26,175 2,556 521,253 4,282 5,484 23,331 970 1,191,064 4,551 Source: Alaska Department of Administration 16 Fines & Forfeitures $ 574 662 708 814 953 3,956 3,353 2,132 2,307 2,177 2,754 2,574 Property Tax $ 6,480 306,429 409,768 177,031 163,448 168,923 144,013 Other Revenue $ 964,232a 110' 142 106,366 80,038 95,250 102,803 80,566 80,794 179,224 266,652 1,002,076 1,342,517 Other Taxes $ 263 15,232 17,426 19,939 20,013 19,982 20,554 ~~~~ororn~nHn~~c~o~nnn b ~. J.., IL W'" .. ,.i,.l 1~ •.. " •.. I,JII &ti..,)."l•l •llJ Table 17. Fiscal Years Ending Social June 30 Education Services 1970 $ 98,592 $ 15,262 1971 150,393 25,525 1972 177,509 31,855 1973 172,255 49,689 1974 184,637 51,887 1975 251,653 65,192 1976 307,800 79,872 1977 358,790 91,736 1978 378,816 102,084 1979 422,087 118,371 1980 506,857 131,320 1981 635,246 179,665 1.,,,,, 1,~ L,kj,j,I!JJJJI b 1!11 l,~..l ~c..__: I 'I•;:~:.J ll. ..~ ~. i ' J ALASKA STATE GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BY !FUNCTION ($ thousands) Natural Resources & Environmental Public Administration Health Conservation Protect·ion of Justice $ 11,114 $ 16,330 $ 3,967 $ 14,914 17,841 19,776 5,547 19,573 19,714 22' 104 5,284 23,529 23,929 24,305 7,028 31,281 29,611 27,233 7,925 35,341 31,101 35,362 12,953 43,669 39,198 49,764 18,383 54,579 53,823 81,792 20,430 67,989 64,000 86,046 24,453 70,641 74,585 96,592 28,221 81,189 81,784 110,056 27,508 87,398 109,331 191,116 39,533 109,418 Source: Alaska Department of Administration, Division cf Finance 17 l.,,,,j, .. .l l_l-1 II~IJI!\~ w~,.,;,u ll,,jJJ,.jl -. .. t' I' J L.nJ. ,11J ~ •. ,1 J Total Gen.era 1 All Development Transportation Government Functions $ 13,514 $ 97,391 $ 25,293 $ 296,377 22,480 106,621 38,491 406,247 25,904 119 '797 47,206 472,902 24,414 145,735 64,398 543,034 30,623 166,376 63,113 596,746 42,237 194,964 74,762 751,893 46,995 235,755 89,202 921,548 54,657 253,121 104,412 1,086,750 50,168 265,922 106,144 1,148,274 68,383 249,483 140,443 1,279,354 91,031 285,692 52'0, 552 1,842,198 566,498 547,508 2,415,456 4,793,771 Table 18. LOCAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL REVENUE AND DIRECT GENERAL EXPENDITURES IN ALASKA: FY 72 -FY 80 FY 72 FY 73 Total General Revenue ..... $194.9 $215.7 From Federal Government .. 6.2 15.1 From State Government ... 93.3 94.5 Own Sources .......... 95.4 106.1 Charges and Miscellaneous .. 48.3 52.1 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.1 54.0 Property .......... 34.8 41.5 General Sales ....... 12.3 11.1 Total Direct General Expenditures $244.6 $285.5 Education .......... 111.8 151.9 Highways. . . . . . . . . . 12.1 13.9 Public Welfare ......... 0.3 0.4 Health and Hospitals ...... 3.8 5.6 Police Protection ....... 6.4 7.4 Fire Protection ........ 6.1 6.5 Sewerage ............ 13.7 16.2 Financial Administration .... 4.4 5.4 Interest on Debt .....••• 13.8 16.5 Other Programs ...... .. 52.2 61.7 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the CeMsus ~ .r-r--J· J'!'ll"i"'""' l1,IL.l; .,U [=--:J o:n rn en ("':j ($ millions) FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 $311.3 $350.4 $430.5 $499.6 32.0 24.1 26.9 38.1 132.5 154.6 193.8 201.5 146.8 171.7 209.8 260.0 65.1 78.2 84.4 99.2 81.7 93.5 125.4 160.9 63.5 69.3 94.0 126.6 16.6 22.1 28.9 31.4 $324.0 $360.0 $425.7 $539.2 156.5 161.3 196.7 253.4 13.7 17.3 21.0 29. I 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.9 9.6 11.4 16.2 15.4 9.0 12.3 14.8 19.6 7.8 11.5 12.1 16.1 20.3 23.2 26.5 34.0 8.4 9.5 11.3 16.4 18.1 21.5 24.8 17.6 80.1 91.6 101.9 136.7 Ul M C1 n a CJ FY 78 $602.0 51.0 216.0 335.0 144.6 190.5 152.3 34.8 $595.6 253.6 21.5 0.1 17.9 21.1 20.9 32.6 16.5 62.9 148.5 C::n FY 79 FY 80 $770.1 $854.8 67.1 52.5 265.2 296.8 437.8 505.5 220.8 267.6 217.0 237.9 173.3 191.0 35.9 38.8 $805.6 $912.2 328.1 360.8 36.1 50.1 0.9 0.8 19.4 26.0 27.7 38.2 24.5 27.3 34.9 26.2 20.6 31.1 111.2 129.0 202.2 222.7 em r~'J n Ll • ,, I.e,, ~J[,,,,,,J io,,,,JJ IIJ"""'"'''J l.,,,,icl L.,,,,,,,,..l ,,,.,.uJ IL,,,,,l,,J li, .. ,,.1 l.i .i li.,"'l'''~ l,,,,,,,.JI ll.:.,.,,llJI L.I~!''JII L,!,J ~.,,L,J IJ;,,, .l 19 Table 20. BANKING AND SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION INDICATORS: 1959. 1981 ($millions) BANKS S & L ASSOCIATIONS End Number Savings Loans Total Number Total Total ·--- of of Demand and Time Total and Bank of Total S&L S&L Tatal Total YP.ar Banks Deposits Deposits Deposits Discounts Assets Assoctns Deposits Loans Assets loans Assets 1959 18 $113 $ 70 $184 $ 86 $199 3 $ 11 $ 10 $ 12 $ 96 $211 1960 13 129 81 210 95 227 3 13 12 14 107 241 1961 14 119 94 213 103 233 3 17 18 21 121 254 1962 13 128 132 260 130 282 3 21 22 27 152 309 1963 13 137 123 260 149 287 3 26 27 32 176 319 1964 13 168 156 324 160 348 3 32 36 43 196 391 1965 14 180 176 356 219 388 3 39 42 53 261 441 1966 14 203 180 383 216 415 3 44 44 54 ?60 469 1967 14 199 224 423 232 457 3 50 47 54 '!79 511 196R 14 199 231 430 250 473 3 52 52 61 302 534 1969 13 239 293 532 291 586 3 54 54 66 345 652 1970 13 261 376 638 336 707 3 62 73 83 409 790 1971 13 284 438 723 401 808 3 86 96 115 497 923 1972 12 318 506 824 477 928 3 110 132 153 609 1,081 1973 12 348 536 884 541 1,028 4 116 124 153 665 1 ,1R1 1974 12 496 601 1,098 648 1,288 4 129 130 164 778 1,452 1975 13 651 726 1,377 809 1,583 4 160 176 213 985 1,796 1976 14 683 849 1,532 957 1,772 4 188 208 240 1 '165 2,012 1977 14 731 953 1,684 1,149 1,964 4 220 242 277 1 ,391 2,241 1978 14 709 1,038 1,747 1,229 2,133 5 217 264 291 1,493 2,424 1979 14 684 1,116 1 ,800 1,199 2,248 6 241 243 310 1,442 2,558 19BO 14 786 1,230 2,016 1,143 2,539 5 320 269 411 1,412 2,950 1981 14 853 1,363 2,216 1,252 2,782 4 404 460 493 1,712 3,275 Table 23. COMBINED Table 21. Table 22. INDICATORS FOR BANKING, SAVINGS & LOAN FEDERAL CREDIT UNION SMALL LOAN LICENSEE ASSOCIATIONS, FEIJERAL CREDIT UNIONS AND INDICATORS: 1976 -1981 INDICATORS: 1976 -1981 S~1ALL LOAN LICENSEE ACTIVITY: 1976-1981 ($ millions) {$ millions) ($ millioms) Cambinerl End Number of End Number of End Total Value Combim~rl of Crerlit Total Net Loans Total of Licensers Total Total of Number of Of A 11 Total Year Unions Deposits Outstanding Assets Yenr & Branches Loans Assets Year Institutions Loans Assets 1976 33 $299 $277 $332 1976 14 $13 $13 1976 65 $1,455 $2,357 1977 33 374 373 418 1977 13 15 15 1977 64 1,784 2,674 1978 30 420 428 474 1978 11 14 13 1978 60 1,935 2,912 1979 29 396 377 441 1979 10 14 14 1979 60 1,833 3,013 1980 29 459 307 339 1980 9 7 9 19BO 57 2,R69 3,298 19ill ?6 504 396 594 1981 4 3 6 1981 48 2 '111 3,875 Source: Alaska Department of Commercr anrl Economic DevP.lopment, Division of Banking, Securities .and Corporations 20 ~~~~om~t_;non~nooo~on~ ~' ,.J ljjj/.,, "I :II. ~~.l, ; ) 11!JI~JI IIJ,,.m.·o,J 1.,,,, i..l L •. ! !._1~·1 II "'J L ,,,,J L. : ... J ~. 'Jl L. I .. ,, ll... ... ,.,j,.J,I t,,,,,,Ji Table 24. COMPARATIVE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF BANKS IN ALASKA AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1977-1981 ($ thousands) 12-31-77 12-31-78 12-31-79 Total Total Total ASSETS All Banks All Banks All Banks Cash and Due From Banks ••.....•.•.••.••..... $215,623 $249,837 $248,493 U.S. Treasury Securities ..........••..•...•.. 102,984 91,642 105,530 Obligations of other U.S. Governmental Agencies and Corrporations 69,135 105,519 200,988 Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions. 216,396 220,554 209,023 All Other Securities ....•.••.•.... .. . .... 10,555 12,084 14,304 Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchaspd . 79,800 85,503 125,810 Loans, Net .....•..•...........•. 1,148,920 1,229,376 1,198,812 Lease Financing Receivables . . • . . . . . . . • • . .. -·0-11,522 11 ,244 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures . . . . • • . 81,278 86,596 85,058 Real Estate Owned other Than Bank Premises ........ 6,091 6,882 11,398 All Other Assets .......•..•..•..• ...... 33,042 33,538 37,712 TOTAL ASSETS . . . . . • • • . . . . • .. . .. 1,963,824 2,133,053 2,248,372 LIABILITIES Demand Deposits of Individuals, Partnerships and Corporations 619,745 626,237 602,523 Time and Savings Deposits of Ind., Part. and Corp. .... . . 662,758 699,734 685,830 Deposits of United States Government .•.•.•.•.... 80,256 15,534 14,292 Deposits of States and Political Subdivisions .. . . 292,012 373,862 446,426 All Other Deposits .....•••.••.•.•........ -0-5,464 31,017 Certified and Officer's Checks. ......... . . 26,017 26,440 20,183 Total Deposits ..•....•... ..... . .... 1 ,684· ,334 1,747,271 1,800,?71 a. Total Demand Deposits ..•..... .... . . [731,383] [709,261] [684,129] b. Total Time and Savings Deposits ••.....• ..... [952,951] [1,038,010] [1,116,142) Federal Funds Purchased and Securities Sold . .. . . . . 59,774 108,181 163,766 Other L iabi 1 iti es for Borrowed Money. . . . . . . • . . . . 30,254 45,456 28,655 Mortgage Indebtedness and Liability for Capitalized Leases. 6,116 16,965 15 .• 716 All Other Liabilities ...••...•..•..•. 24,898 32,286 40,486 TOTAL LIABILITIES .••••........•..... 1,805,376 1,951,159 2,048,894 Subordinated Notes and Debentures •..••......... 7,113 6,334 6,265 EQUITY CAPITAL Preferred Stock . . . . • . . . • . • • . . . . . . .. -0--0--0- Common Stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . .. 42 '189 42,674 47,898 Surplus ..•..............••.•.... ... 67 ,541 77,177 81,227 Undivided Profits and Reserve for ContingenciPS . 41,605 55,709 64,088 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL . . • . . . • . • • . . ... . . 151,335 175,560 193,213' TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL .... $1,963,824 $2,133,053 $2,248,372 Source: Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Banking 21 llii .... l.~·· ~:ll1i·"U L. .J 1: .. I .. J 1.1.... J 12-31-80 12-31-81 Total Total All Banks All Banks $353,753 $419,172 113,122 77,075 285,717 294,016 286,323 381,843 18,488 8,788 167,823 163,323 1,143,022 1 ,251 '725 8,928 10,141 92,313 100,132 18,189 13,429 52,169 62,740 2,539,847 2,782,384 686,796 945,626 818,197 1,107,508 7,971 15,015 462,625 299,992 5,737 10,513 34,494 37,361 2,015,820 2,216,015 785,920 852,892 1,229,900 1,363,1?3 219,R?7 241,549 21,904 8,512 15,078 10,707 49,453 58,835 2,322,082 2,515,618 6,165 4,251 -0--0- 48,598 55,943 86,306 90,383 76,696 96,189 211,600 242,515 $2,539,847 $2,782,384 ~ I . Table 25. NUMBER AND VALUE OF ALASKA STATE LOANS CLOSED: FISCAL YEARS 1976-1981 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Loan Fund No. $ No. $ No. $ No. $ No. $ No. $ Veterans' Loans 1,020 45,284,930 1,064 52,592,335 1,684 94,892,710 1,569 91,078,268 78 5,447,350 30 2,136,800 Sma 11 Business 38 2,897,550 41 3,042,243 87 10,895,860 231 41,755,135 259 37,820,384 452 75,848,825 Child Care -0--0-1 10,000 4 33,950 3 50,000 2 35,800 -0--0- Commercial Fish 71 3,501,464 105 4,434,543 176 9,413,537 311 21,747,974 531 35,411,563 423 25,942,553 Hater Resources -0-. -0-2 1,360,000 2 840,000 1 300,000 -0--0--0--0- Historical District -0--0--0--0--0--0-1 78,750 2 104,000 -0--0- Fish Enhancement -0--0-1 1,400,000 -0--0-2 645,700 7 3,854,684 15 3,396,714 Bulk Fuel -0--0--0--0--0--0- Tourism 8 4,805,000 4 1,305,000 5 3,274,000 5 3,157,000 10 4,976,008 5 834,575 ~1i n i ng -0--0--0--0--0-10 9,303,934 Residential Energy -0--0--0--0--0-17 62,854 Alternative Technology -0--0--0--0--0-206 1,005,278 Medical Malpractice Liability -0-1 1,500,000 -0--0--0-1 1,500,000 Power Project -0--0-1 500,000 4 600,000 7 23,600,000 5 2,800,000 Nonconforming Housing -0--0--0--0-. -0-99 6,300,000 Memorial Scholarship -0--0-4 4,000 7 7,000 9 9,000 4 3,500 Scholarship 1,719 3,382,997 1 ,921 3,850,507 2,265 4,604,167 2,795 6,400,000 3,918 9,400,000 6,460 16,000,000 Ak. Housing Finance 840 34,877,000 1 ,167 52,888,000 2,004 116,913,000 2,940 189,477,000 3,582 259,746,000 5,392a 437,628,000 Sources: Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development; Alaska Power Authority; Department of Community and Regional Aff.2irs; Department of Education 22 r-l r-l IT!IJ r~ (!:] r:o L::TI n r-:-J l""J M 0 D c::::J Oil r--~-, n C1 '·' k· .. 1-'l'el !... "· ,J llulll, ,:·11~1..1 lfr...,J,,,,tl<illill ~.d-lii.!L;,,.,J L.. •. ll!i,li"' L .. ·!~%ri'I.J 1,,," '"'" U.,, ,, ,J,j~ li.,, ""'~ L. I ,J ~""'fllbJ,l'·'~ ~.,j:li"liolil W..,i,.,U lo.JIJ,,,,.JI L ' ,,J l:,,l" ,,J l.ll,l .J Table 26. INSURANCE PREMIUMS WRITTEN IN ALASKA: 1959 -1980 ($millions} Calendar Property a Surplus Total Year & Casualty Disabil Hi Life Line Title Insurance 1959 . ... . .. $21.3 --$ 5.7 $ 2.8 $ 0.2 $30.0 1960 . ... 24.3 --6.7 2.8 0.4 34.2 1961 . . . .. 26.5 --7.7 2.2 0.5 36.9 1962 . . ........ . . 29.9 --8.1 1.5 0.6 40.1 1963 ..... ... . .. 31.7 --9.0 1.4 0.8 42.9 1964 . .... . .... 34.5 --10.4 1.8 0.9 74.6 1965 . .... . ..... 42.1 --12.9 2.6 1.1 58.6 1966 . .......... 47.6 --13.3 2.9 0.9 64.? 1967 ........ ... 51.4 --14.5 3.3 0.9 70.2 1968 . .... . . . .. 58.4 --16.8 3.5 1.1 79.!! 1969 ........... ... 68.8 --17.5 5.9 1.6 93.9 1970 .. ....... 81.6 --22.0 7.6 2.0 113.2 1971 .. ... . . . ... 95.0 --25.1 8.9 2.5 131.5 1972 . . . ......... 104.8 --30.6 7.3 3.3 146.:1 1973 .......... ... 115.7 --31.5 5.1 3.4 155.3 1974 . .. 136.4 --36.1 12.8 4.4 189.5 1975 . ........... . . 141.9 --43.7 14.7 5.9 206.2 1976 ................ 204.8 $68.8 47.6 28.5 6.9 356.5 1977 . ........... 269.6 83.9 59.5 31.8 7.8 452.5 1978 . ....... 277.6 81.4 66.4 39.9 8.4 473.7 1979 .. .... . . 249.8 84.5 73.7 43 .. 5 7.9 459.~ 1980 .......... .... 243.0 99.4 75.6 52.5 8.1 478.6 Table 27. PREMIUMS WRITTEN, PREMIUMS EARNED, AND LOSSES INCURRED IN ALASKA: 1976-1980 Premiums Written ($ millions) Premi urns Ea rnedb Loss.es Incurred b TYPE OF INSURANCE 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 PROPERTY & CASUALTY -TOTAL $205 $270 $278 $250 $243 $190 $260 $274 $245 $239 $133 $153 $176 $137 $158 Fire 9 10 12 11 8 9 9 12 11 8 7 10 1 3 3 Horkmen's Compensation 77 107 107 77 77 73 108 107 74 75 54 77 103 64 63 Auto 53 68 70 70 69 li8 63 71 70 70 36 35 34 33 37 Homeowners' 15 17 19 19 20 13 16 18 20 19 6 5 6 9 24 Other 51 67 70 73 68 47 63 66 70 67 31 26 32 28 31 DISABILITY 69 84 81 84 99 65 89 47 50 54 32 69 3? 43 39 LIFE 48 59 66 73 76 till NA NA NA tlA NA Nil. NA Nil NA SURPLUS LINE 29 32 40 44 53 NA NA Nil Nil NA till NA NA NA Nil. TITLE 7 7 8 8 8 1 8 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 TOTAL 357 453 473 459 478 NA NA filA Nl\ til\ Nl\ NA NA NA NA Source: Alaska Department of Commerce anrl Economic Development, Division of Insurance 23 Table 28. ALASKA HIGHWAY & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND INDEXES: 1967-1981 (Base Year 196 7 = 100) Highway Construction Costs Bridge Construction Costs AGGREGATE BASE BRIDGE DECKb UNCLASSIFIED BORROW COURSE (CRUSHED ASPHALT STRUCTURAL REINFORCING EXCAVATION (LAND FILL}a GRAVEL} PAVEMENT STEEL STEEL (AREA) Cubic $/Per $/Per $/Per $/Per $/Per $/Per Yard Index Ton Index Ton Index Ton Index Pound Index Pound Index Sq.Ft. Index 1967 1.01 100 0.62 100 4.55 100 13.65 100 0.53 100 0.29 100 40.70 100 1968 1.00 99 1.15 185 3.73 82 18.93 139 0.48 91 0.30 103 22.67 56 1969 0.95 94 0.63 102 3.51 77 16.74 123 0.54 102 0.27 93 36.44 90 1970 2.08 206 0.99 160 3.32 73 15.39 113 0.47 89 0.28 97 47.82 117 1971 1.32 131 1.40 226 3.80 84 10.78 79 0.58 109 0.41 141 30.52 75 1972 1.15 114 0.90 145 3.54 78 12.70 93 0.64 121 0.30 103 41.25 101 1973 1.61 159 1.32 213 4.68 103 15.50 114 0.53 100 0.26 90 44.98 111 1974 2.94 291 1.80 290 6.51 143 19.03 139 1.11 209 0.88 303 44.63 110 1975 2.53 250 2.18 352 6.94 153 24.26 178 1.10 208 0.63 217 56.14 138 1976 2.39 237 2.85 460 6.16 135 20.24 148 0.91 172 0.50 172 69.62 171 1977 2.07 205 3.05 492 7.35 162 20.67 151 1.06 200 0.73 252 81.63 201 1978 2.39 237 2.95 476 7.90 174 21.02 154 2.07 357 0.52 179 65.68 161 1979 3.11 308 3.80 613 8.09 178 19.26 141 1.43 270 0.94 324 88.57 218 1980 2.50 248 2.92 471 9.26 204 19.69 144 2.58 487 0.80 276 85.37 210 1981 3.40 337 3.14 506 9.31 205 23.86 175 2.25 425 1.11 383 153.00 376 Source: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Highway Design and Construction r--J ~ rJ ~ r-:":"'1 11!"""1-1'1 IL, :L~1.. '"'J ...... ~ .... ..JJ III,1_,L.k.J.J 24 c:nr=on~u n ~ L"_ •. :jJ C:::J ,.....,..-..., L..;,L __ .Jl Oil [["----, "·" ..J ==~l L..l ~ J ~ [I~:J [J:;:::J ~ J;;,.:; lJ li:;~~~~;J ~L ... ,.J r.·~::;JD 1:. ..J [ I .. J L ..... , . .ll t;.., """'l.l Ui''"'"J..U l.i.i;ii,L,J/1 L. , , J ~~~ . .1 .. J !.J,," ,J ANCHORAGE CORDOVA FAIRBANKS H0~1ER JUNEAU KENAI KETCHIKAN KODIAK PALMER PETERSBURG SELDOVIA SEWARD SITKA SOLDOTNA VALDEZ WRANGELL TOTAL Table 29. 1970 1400 0 242 4 51 17 34 20 19 7 0 14 11 1 3 1824 Single Family 1975 . 1980 ---r981 1827 16 679 13 114 54 52 36 8 14 3 3 38 63 65 8 2993 897 2100 6 4 345 538 29 39 173 264 36 43 66 96 36 48 23 4 16 16 4 2 48 26 20 5 1732 1 2 61 22 32 10 3280 HOUSING UNIITS AUTHORIZED BY BUILDING PERMITS: 1970-1981 2-4 Famili 1970 1975 1980 1600 2183 0 3 202 372 2 0 106 30 0 26 20 40 0 107 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1938 2 0 19 24 20 2 2828 186 3 18 2 43 0 22 12 0 0 0 0 18 3 12 0 319 1981 483 0 64 2 120 0 52 8 0 2 0 0 41 0 0 0 772 5 + Family 1980 1981 115 20 14 12 48 0 6 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234 522 0 98 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 24 0 725 Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 2 1" ,, Mobile Homesb rna 1975 1980 ----r98I 0 0 350 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 390 0 0 600 0 10 20 15 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 655 190 0 4 12 44 4 5 6 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 270 128 0 2 5 31 3 5 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 ------------------- RESOURCES L L. ""_,j I. ..• ;,..-.~ Mi nera 1 --- Antimony Asbestos Barite Chrome Coal Copper IJ .. J~ J:.,Jdl Table 30. Crude Petroleum Gold Graphite Gypsum Lead Marble-Limestone Mercury Natural Gas Platinum Metals Sand and Gravel Silver Stone Tin Tungsten Uranium L, .. , .. I,.J....J,~ 1.1..-~··· L_, '"''"''jj ll.i.c:·"'"..J 1...,,.~-J.. I..,,,, .. U I.,,, ,..1 I.. ',,,,J fi-,J.....,.il L~,JL~.a MINERAL PRODUCTION liN ALASKA: 1118 -1981 Period 1915-1979 1942-1944 1915; 1963-1979 1918; 1943-1957; 1976 1920-1980 1900-1941 1958-1981 1880-1980 1942-1950 1905-1926; 1951 1906-1973 1905-1944 1942-1974 1948-1981 1918-1976; 1981 1958-1981 1880-1980 1921-1981 1902-1980 1916-1958; 1977-1979 1955-1972 IUJ, ... ..;JI:I ~i..JL,.I I.." ,,,.J 4J,,L,..J Volume 10,493,360 lbs. 94,000 lbs. 750,000 tons 36,849 tons 29,200,000 tons 690,000 tons 3,063,840 tons 30,250,336 oz. 540,000 1 bs. 505,000 tons 50,056,000 lbs. 2,300,000 tons 3,160,000 lbs. 4,857,380 mmcf 575,000 oz. 709,880,000 tons 20,084,510 oz. 26,612,000 tons 4,800,000 lbs. 286 ,000 1 bs. 2,400,000 1 bs. Sources: Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys; Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 27 UJ."''' -"' Table 31. Year 1959 ........... 1960 ........... 1961 ........... 1962 ........... 1963 ........... 1964 ........... 1965 ...•.•.•... 1966 ........... 1967 •.......... 1968 ........... 1969 ........... 1970 ........... 1971 ........... 1972 ........... 1973 ........... 1974 ........... 1975 ........... 1976 ........... 1977 ........... 1978 ........... 1979 ........... 1980 ........... 1981 ........... ALASKA MINERAL PRODUCTION VALUE: 1959 · 1981 ($ thousands) Crude Naturalb Sand & Petroleuma Gas Gravel $ 295 $ 16 $ 5,265 1,230 30 4,483 17,652 129 4,185 31,187 467 5,355 32,650 1,111 22,005 33,627 1,719 18,488 34,073 1,799 34,467 44,083 6,335 21,793 88,187 7,268 27,683 186,695 4,388 20,366 214,464 12,665 18,615 232,829 18,164 41,092 234,337 17,972 32,806 221,747 17,989 15,214 239,574 19,482 19,913 347,408 22,505 52,788 364,626 42,786 25,780 318,788 60,455 204,738 988,874 66,605 134,251 2,701,522 89,626 145,300 5,493,596 91,533 150,000 9,247,327 135,303 104,000 12,395,680 83,340 - w - Source: Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Other Gold Mineralsc $ 6,262 $ 8,673 5,887 9,230 3,998 8,789 5,784 11,399 3,485 8,589 2,045 10,068 1,479 11,637 956 13,133 910 13,099 835 9,416 881 11,018 1,265 16,782 537 14,044 506 16,293 695 26,821 1,461 14,861 2,419 39,514 2,868 34,191 2,812 33,443 3,610 14,752 18,000 (d) 17,543 32,000 22,212 54,000 21,551 28 ~~A~O~~~~~~~~~d~~~~ L., , J I. j "'"''' i.LI II. .... ~ .. c.l Ll... ....... ...J L ...... , ,J 1!,,,,., ,J L.., ... , .... J ~ t." ".,J ~. ,) L. ....... .J 1...."'"-.l ~J,lll Ll..JI, .. ..,I L, , ,j L: . : J IW."' J Table 32. CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION IN ALASKA: 1959-1981 (thousands of 42-gallon barrels) COOK INLET NORTH SLOPE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Middle Beaver Granite McArthur Ground Swanson Trading Prudhoe Kuparul: TOTAL-ALL Year Creek Point River Shoal River Ba~ Ba~ River FIELDS 1959 ........... --------187 ------187 1960 ........... --------578 ---- -- 578 1961 ........... --------6,327 ------6,327 1962 ........... --------10,259 -- -- -- 10,259 1963 ........... -- -- -- --10,740 ------10,740 1964 ........... --------11,054 ------11 ,054 1965 ........... --2 1 27 11,099 2 ----11 '131 1966 ........... --0 1 2,649 11,711 0 ----14,362 1967 ........... --7,052 749 7,404 12,980 729 ----28,913 1968 ........... --13,131 21,782 14,134 13,619 3,477 ----66,144 1969 ........... --9,183 31,301 10,467 13,151 9,936 277 --74,315 1970 ........... --7,522 40,165 12,719 12,408 9,600 1,199 --83,614 1971 ........... --5,577 40,537 11,304 11,466 8,744 1,157 --78,785 1972 ........... --4,663 40,774 9,720 8,896 8,585 922 --73,561 1973 ........... 416 4,767 38,884 10,239 10,064 7,825 944 --73,139 1974 ........... 375 4,237 39,137 9,001 9,765 7 ,587 2,165 --72,267 1975 ........... 322 4,361 40,876 8,670 8,754 6,128 2,870 --71,980 1976 ........... 302 4,471 35,810 8,864 7,591 5,366 4,604 --67 ,009 1977 ........... 276 4,711 33,235 7,616 5,981 4,276 115,258 --171,352 1978 ........... 223 4,862 30,223 6,382 4,870 3,567 397,679 --447,805 1979 ........... 211 4,613 25,440 5,423 4,344 2,892 468,412 --511,335 1980 ........... 214 4,394 20,894 4,854 3,724 2,167 555,394 --591,641 1981 ........... 180 3,981 18,022 4,291 2,938 1,666 555,173 1,092 587,342 Source: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 29 Table 33. ALASKA TIMBER HARVEST ON PUBLIC LANDS (thousand board feet, Scribner scale) Bureau of Land Management Nation a 1 Forest TOTAL State of Bureau of Calendar Alaska Indian Affairs Free Use Cut Tongass Chugach 1959 ........... 0 0 2,499 8,666 266,591 7,596 285,352 1960 ........... 210 0 1,588 14,289 347,496 3,613 367,196 1961 ........... 1,987 0 4,683 11,342 338,206 7,117 363,335 1962 ........... 6,872 0 8,049 5,936 366,275 7,157 394,289 1963 : .......... 10,633 0 7,535 3,620 395,143 3,847 420,778 1964 ........... 18,144 0 5,524 5,666 443,736 1,373 474,443 1965 ........... 24,161 2,990 5,045 3,263 397,610 6,888 439,957 1966 ........... 31,220 1,650 5,349 848 474,277 1,217 514,561 1967 ........... 45,816 9,067 2,587 572 474,337 2,479 534,858 1968 ........... 47,974 8,192 612 491 529,496 3,807 590,572 1969 ........... 49,018 8,684 79 280 519,344 3,997 581,402 1970 ........... 53,568 12,855 81 493 560,081 895 627,973 1971 ........... 43,190 1,870 113 346 527,740 1,680 574,939 1972 ........... 50,591 5,070 17 28 547,500 3,021 606,227 1973 ........... 35,356 28,795 11 145 588,491 3,109 655,907 1974 ........... 51,241 12,083 39 114 544,025 5,608 613,110 1975 ........... 33,540 52 50 930 408,371 4,683 447,626 1976 ........... 41,714 1,011 844 295 462,776 9,402 516,042 1977 ........... 60,251 7,835 325 29 447,332 8,369 524,141 1978 ........... 30,301 1,799 1,862 149 398,701 9,873 442,6fl5 1979 ........... 32,381 480 159 121 453,194 6,314 492,649 1980 ........... 47,547 17,169 484 50 452,122 1,565 518,937 1981 ........... 53,687 4,275 330 32 385,685 1,814 445,823 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service 30 ~~M~~O~~M~~~~~~~~~~ L ' J I._> ~ W.,lk ,,LI U,., ' '~ l,,~,.J IJ.-" •. ..1 ~-·· '. ·' .J ll,, .. ~-1 •• J L." ··~'"' I.. •.. , ... ..J L.. ..... J k. ' ) L.. .. ,,,,,.J L., ..... ..J Ill. •. iJ.J lkiL..I ~-' ... J ~J I, J w,,, J Table 34. VOLUME, VALUE AND AVERAGE STUMPAGE PRICE OF TIMBER SOLD ON PUBLICLY OWNED OR MANAGED LANDS IN ALASKA: 1974-1981 Agency 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 VOLUME (thousand board feet, Scribner scale) U.S. Forest Service 127,941 147,018 15,619 80 175,140 93,733 145,285 163,700 U.S. Bureau of Land Management 174 930 215 54 142 22 1~5 0 U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs 8,787 7,060 0 0 440 258,360 12,7~4 200 State of Alaska 21,146 4,655 2,358 2,412 6,932 156,235 4,911!9 18,402 TOTAL 158,048 159,663 18,192 2,546 182,654 508,350 163,153 182,302 VALUE (thousands of dollars) U.S. Forest Service 3,686 3,412 395.7 5.0 9,060.0 14,970.1 14,778.4 7,679.2 U.S. Bureau of Land Management 1 54 4.3 0.5 13.5 750.0 750 .. 0 1.1 U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs 384 670 0 0 35.2 1,371.9 1,942.5 0.4 State of Alaska 635 81 51.2 79.5 184.4 503.1 121. 9 353.5 TOTAL 4,706 4,217 451.3 85.0 9,293.4 16,846.7 16,843.9 8,033.6 AVERAGE STUMPAGE PRICE (dollars per thousand board feet) U.S. Forest Service 28.B1 23.21 25.34 63.00 51.73 159.71 101.;-2 46.91 U.S. Bureau of Land Management 6.15 57.72 20.00 9.17 94.72 34.09 6.00 34.00 U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs 43.67 94.85 ----80.00 5.31 151.!'3 2.00 State of Alaska 30.02 17.44 21.72 32.96 26.60 3.22 24.63 19.21 AVERAGE 29.77 26.41 24.81 33.:U 50.88 33.14 103.24 44.06 Sou rcr.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service 31 Table 350 VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN ALASKA: 1960 -1980 ($ thousands) Year Matanuska Valle~ Tanana Valle~ Kenai Peninsula Southeast Southwest Total 1960 0 0 0 0 ••••••• $ 3,789 $ 1,009 $ 310 $ 297 $ 159 $ 5,563 1961 ........... 4,096 855 344 265 148 5,708 1962 ........... 3,927 969 358 233 174 5,660 1963 ........... 3,698 852 389 192 188 5,319 1964 ........... 3,922 909 404 166 242 5,643 1965 ........... 3,401 996 528 136 239 5,299 1966 ........... 3,804 656 445 50 312 5,268 1967 ........... 3,893 675 352 25 298 5,243 1968 ........... 3,730 606 296 20 259 4,911 1969 ........... 3,271 430 276 20 275 4,272 1970 ........... 3,991 655 211 15 280 5,153 1971 ........... 3,935 646 186 16 181 4,964 1972 ........... 4,615 917 219 14 231 5,997 1973 ........... 5,116 1,246 274 6 345 6,987 1974 ........... 6,181 1,060 406 17 417 8,080 1975 ........... 6,602 1,791 506 10 316 9,226 1976 ........... 6,488 1,532 407 9 367 8,802 1977 ........... 7,305 1,602 601 12 269 9,789 1978 ........... 6,581 1,881 494 17 298 9,270 1979 ........... 6,615 1,780 483 22 338 9,238 1980 ........... 6,440 2,244 603 16 356 9,660 Source: Alaska Crop and Livestock Reporting Service 3~~ r-r-:: M ~ r~ c r;n ~ C-;J n r""j ' ' l"J t::J L:l c:.,,.J r3 rr~ :--:1 rT1 I. , _; L, .: , ..J \.1.,, "M L~.: . .,.,,.;t L.. •. ,_...l L ..... J 11... •.••. ,,.) l~ ..... J l.,.~JJ I. , -~ k .. J L~.,~.J L, .: •. ,,Jl la ....... i.I:J ~:ll.Jt L_ ., . .I LL. I ,,J 1.;.1., .J Table 36. VALUE OF ALASKA AGRICULTUI1tAL PRODUCTS: 1960-1980 ($ thousands) Other Othefa) Year Mi 1 k Potatoes Vegetables ~ ~ Silage Grain Beef Mea-.: Wool 1960 ........... $ 2,395 $ 723 $ 198 $ 464 $ 772 $ 411 $ 312 $ 144 $ 94 $ 50 1961 ........... 2,620 783 201 422 653 464 243 161 110 51 1962 ........... 2,447 666 237 412 674 498 273 293 88 72 1963 ........... 2,378 612 201 383 551 594 200 246 57 97 1964 ........... 2,181 1,043 217 335 626 540 197 304 85 115 1965 ........... 2,053 756 203 590 528 412 188 323 125 111 1966 ........... 1,953 619 218 654 655 329 182 417 118 123 1967 ........... 1,931 642 228 599 721 312 206 393 113 98 1968 ........... 1,882 654 297 503 545 276 185 351 126 92 1969 ........... 1,949 378 193 334 539 184 70 432 99 94 1970 ........... 2,083 705 255 341 705 245 117 502 128 72 1971' ........... 1,917 772 319 411 576 351 100 347 128 43 1972 ........... 2,045 941 291 496 1,160 367 122 398 122 55 1973 ........... 2,205 1,179 282 554 1,332 320 421 455 124 115 1974 ........... 2,577 1,122 381 507 2,054 500 185 473 183 98 1975 ..•........ 2,817 1,304 390 417 2,782 532 331 445 148 60 1976 ........... 2,888 1,092 447 570 2,325 391 291 608 145 45 1977 ...••...... 2,939 1,323 439 620 2,781 433 530 477 214 33 1978 ........... 2,586 932 539 490 2,652 457 649 640 304 21 1979 ........... 2,301 1,046 657 698 2,054 477 902 755 312 29 1980 ........... 2,244 1,463 643 440 2,100 484 1,098 824 332 32 Source: Alaska Crop and Livestock Reporting Service 33 Table 37. PRODUCTION VOLUME AND VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN ALASKA: 1976-1980 VOLUME VALUE (thousands) ($ thousamds) PRODUCT 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Field Crops: Oats (cwt.) 4 6 9 5 8 $ 30 $ 51 $-79 $ 41 $ 81 Bar 1 ey ( cwt. ) 32 61 72 138 163 261 479 570 861 1,017 Hay (tons) 19 21 20 16 15 2,325 2,781 2,652 2,054 2,100 Silage (tons) 11 12 12 12 12 391 433 457 477 484 Vegetable Crops: Potatoes {cwt.) 91 115 81 85 77 1,092 1,323 932 },046 1,463 Lettuce {cwt.) 10 11 11 14 11 261 263 295 ~77 268 Cabbage {cwt. ~ 4 4 4 4 4 59 54 81 77 80 Carrots (cwt. 3 3 2 2 3 47 49 39 66 112 Other { cwt.) 3 2 3 4 5 80 73 134 137 183 Total Crops $4,546 $5,506 $5,229 $5,136 $5,788 Livestock Products: ~1ilk {lbs.) 16,000 16,400 14,800 13,000 12,500 $2,888 $2,939 $2,586 $2,301 $2,244 Eggs (doz.) 500 517 392 558 367 570 620 490 698 440 Beef & Veal (dr. wt.) 716 522 626 748 767 608 478 640 755 824 Pork {dr. wt.) 120 195 261 221 232 96 161 234 226 232 Poultry Meat (dr. wt.) 140 118 150 170 172 43 39 48 79 90 Lamb & Mutton {dr. wt.) 15 24 36 24 18 8 14 22 14 10 Wool {dr. wt.) 51 44 28 32 38 45 33 21 29 32 Total Livestock $4,258 $4,284 $4,041 $~,102 $3,872 Total Agricultural Production $8,804 $9,790 $9,270 $9,238 $9,660 Source: Alaska Crop and Livestock Reporting Service 34 ~~~~~~ .. ;n~o~~~~~o~~~~ .. .. .. ,, ' ,j) IU. •• ~ ,,, LV &.,.. '""''"""' ~~~-· .... ....1 ~' ... ,,,; 1.(., ,, ,,,.jl L.. .. ·"'"'' .... !> ~"" '" ' .• J 1.. ·' ,,.,j k . .,..! L...,.,.,.,,, \.' .i j "" .JI Ill.,"""' u ii.,,;Jl.JI Table 38. SALMON Catch (millions lbs) Payments to Fishermen ($ millions) Wholesale Value ($millions) Ex-vessel Value/Catch (jl Wholesale Value/Catch (b) Wholesale Value/Processed Weight (c) OTHER FIN FISH Catch (millions lbs) Payments to Fishermen ($millions) Wholesale Value($ millionsj Ex-vesse~ue/Catch (a) Wholesale Value/Catch (b) Whol~sale Value/Processed Weight (c) SHELLFISH DOMESTIC FISHERIES CATCIH LANDED IN ALASKA, PAYMENTS TO FISHERMEN, AND WHOLESALE (PROCESSED) VALUE 1975 1976 1977 1978 140 246 307 390 56 118 171 244 134 245 327 452 .400 .479 .556 .626 .957 .995 1.06 1.159 1. 313 1.543 1.685 1. 731 58 54 45 60 19 24 21 34 27 29 37 34 .322 .446 .430 .563 . 465 .537 .822 .566 1.172 .990 1.057 1.109 1979 443 345 607 .777 1.370 3.241 77 39 84 .509 1.090 1.624 Catch (millions lbs) 247 317 312 332 338 Payments to Fishermen ($millions) 55 97 157 228 239 Wholesale Value ($millions) 132 179 279 381 387 Ex-vesse 1 Va 1 ue/Catch (a) . 224 . 307 . 505 . 687 .70-6 Wholesale Value/Catch (b) .534 .564 .894 1.147 1.145 Wholesale Value/Processed 1.669 1.872 2.544 2.706 6.037 Weight (c) GRAND TOTAL Catch (millions lbs) 445 617 664 781 Payments to Fishermen ($millions) 130 240 349 506 Wholesale Value ($ millions) 293 452 643 867 Ex-vessleT'Villue/Catch (a) .292 .388 .522 .647 Wholesale Value/Catch (b) .6~8 .732 .968 1.110 Wholesale Value/Processed 1.353 1.598 1.897 2.004 Weight (c) Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game 35 857 622 1.078 .725 1.257 3.555 L. , J 'l I, Jl 1980 512 269 601 .529 1.173 2.98 105 19 61 .177 .581 .855 367 275 437 . 748 1.190 6.736 984 562 1.100 .571 1.117 3.252 l.o.J,"' J Figure 3. SALMON 100 --------------SHELLFISH 90 OTHER 80 -------70 p 60 E R c 50 E N 40 T 30 20 10 0 RELATIVE EX-VESSEL VALUES OF ALL COMMERCIAL FISHERIES ,· ···--·-. .. , ____ .. -.. -----.. · -. .. _, ------------··· ---.·· .,.... ..._ .,.... ..._ ...... ..._ ---..._ .,.... .,.... ...____ ..._.,.... .,.... 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 SOURCE:ADF&G CATCH & PRODUCTION STATISTICS 36 ~~~~~ttJJ~MOM~~~~O~~~~ ' " .i ~-. ... '' ,.~ ll.k ,, J.U li._ .... ,,,,..J J;j.,., .J Table 39. Catch Landed in Alaska (Domestic Fisheries Catch) All Fisheries Catch (millions lbs.) Ex-vessel Value ($millions) Foreign Catch in Offshore Fisheries Finfish Catch (mill ions lbs.) Ex-vessel Value ($millions) Shellfish and Squid Catch (mill ions lbs.) Ex-vessel Value ($millions) Joint Venture Catch from Alaska Catch (mill ions lbs.) Ex-vessel Value ($millions) TOTAL Catch (millions lbs) Ex-vessel Value ($millions) L ........ ~ t ... ~ ... -.] I..." ...... J) L.:... •. ~.,J l.o ...... J ) l:...u, . .,.J \. . .il~ • .lli llJ. ..... ..iU LlL)I VOLUME AND VALUE OF ALASKA'S DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN FISHERIES CATCH: 1977-1980 1977 1978 1979 664 781.4 857.2 349 505.6 622.3 3,235.6 3,404.7 3,112.3 297.3 381.9 397.2 46.8 59.3 49.7 6.202 32.34 14.0? ------ 3,946.4 4,245.4 4,019.20 65?..50 919.84 1,033.52 Source: National Marine Fisheries Service (Juneau) 37 L, ,j lLI. .. li I.!L. 1 1980 983.7 561.8 3,398.9 415.8 42.7 6.443 74 5 4,499.30 989.04 LBS DOLLARS M I L L I 0 N s Figure 4. 600 500 400 300 200 100 ALASKA'S DOMESTIC SALMON CATCH AND EX-VESSEL VALUE .... -.... ,' .. , .. .. .. , ______ ...... -------.... _,' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,., , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' 01 I I I II I I I I I I I I 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 SOURCE: ADF&G CATCH & PRODUCTION STATISTICS 38 ~~~~~~~MM~~~~~~~~~~ ~. './ 1.. .. ,1 .. ,,.Jj JW....J. .. o.,.ul !.,.,, .. ,L., .... ,J,..,; ~ ..... ,. .. ,,....~ """·'·"•") 1,!., .•• " ... .,1 L.. .......... ,,) ...... ...~ ... "'" .. ,..! k '·') L.,.,,_.,l buii,~J IU. ..... ~J.J l!..JL, ... b ' .. .J ~~I ,,.JI ~'"·" ) Table 40. VOLUME OF ALASKA SALMON CATCH BY REGION AND GEAR (thousands of pounds) All Drift Set All Fish Other Seine Gill net Gi 11 net Troll Wheel Gear Southeastern ..•.•••.........•.•• 58,892 14,557 1,454 8,372 0 1,691 1972 Central ....................•.... 26,167 21,251 25,895 17 0 0 Western .....••.•.....•.........• 424 24,200 6,842 0 16 0 TOTAL ...........•.••••..••••••.• 85,483 60,009 34,192 8,389 16 1,691 Southeastern ..•..••...........•• 35,438 13,408 1,464 8,632 0 162 1973 Central ......•.•.....•....•..••. 30,055 18 '100 5,629 30 0 0 Western .......•..••.••..•.•..... 865 14,421 8,284 0 0 0 TOTAL •........•.....•.•..•...... 66,359 45,930 15,378 8,662 0 162 Southeastern ..••...•....•...•... 29,031 13,023 1,404 11 '181 0 451 1974 Centra 1 •........•...........•••• 21,902 14,525 7,152 25 0 0 Western •.....•••..••........•.•• 179 17,039 15,039 0 646 TOTAL .....•••.••••...•..••••...• 51,112 44,589 23,595 11,206 646 ~ Southeastern .....•••........••.. 17,251 6,277 1,199 5,368 0 466 1975 Central •......................•• 37,550 16,769 6,061 1 0 6 Western ....•.................... 140 33,413 13,799 0 1,478 6 TOTAL .....•..•••••..........•••. 54,941 56,460 21,060 5,369 !,478 47S Southeastern ......••......••••.. 25,892 11,008 1,622 7,395 0 1,826 1976 Centra 1 •••........•...•.....•... 88,996 27,785 15,293 15 0 0 Western •.....•...•.............. 445 49,838 14,231 0 1,508 0 TOTAL ......•..•..............•.. 115,334 88,631 3!,147 7,410 !,508 1,826 Southeastern .........•....•..... 64,402 17,235 2,717 9,468 0 1977 Centra 1 ............•..••........ 92,848 33,182 16,176 4 0 0 Western .............•........... 717 50,302 17,358 0 1,415 0 TOTAL ...............•.•..••..... 157,968 100,721 36,252 9,472 1,415 !,548 Southeastern ..••.......•........ 68,418 10,794 2,428 14,726 0 1978 Central ....•...........•.......• 119,303 32,726 19,997 6 0 0 Western ......................... 3,135 83,759 29,505 0 2,515 0 TOTAL ..........••.........••...• 190,857 127,280 51,931 !4,732 2,515 2,342 Southeastern .................... 42,710 12,745 2,801 13,696 0 941 1979 Centra 1 ...........•............. 165,766 17,252 12,670 3 0 8 ~Jestern ...........••............ 2,761 131,932 37 ,489 0 1,888 14 TOTAL .........•................. 211,237 161,929 52,960 13,699 1,888 964 Southeastern .................... 62 ,19B 15,546 3,001 10,623 0 1,845 1980 Centra 1 .....•••................. 175,687 21 '193 19,040 0 0 0 Western .......•...........•..... 13,570 141,452 45,653 0 0 58 TOTAL ...............•........... 251 ,455 178,191 67,694 10,623 1,848 1,903 Source: Alaska Department of Fish and Game 39 Table 41. NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED IN LIMITED FISHERIES, NUMBER HELD BY ALASKA RESIDENTS AND NON-RESIDENTS No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of Permits Permits Permits Permits Total No. Of Held By Held By Total No. Of Held By Held By Permanent Alaska Non-Alaska Permanent Alaska Non-Alaska Fi sheri' Year Permits Residents Residents Fi sheri' Year Permits Re~irlents Residents HERRING, PURSE SEINE, SAC ROE Southeastern 1978 41 38 3 SALMON PURSE SEINE (cont'd} Cook Inlet 1975 49 49 0 1979 42 39 3 1976 63 6:2 1 1980 42 39 3 1977 72 72 0 1981 41 38 3 1978 74 74 0 1979 75 74 1 Prince William Sound 1977 85 78 7 1980 75 74 1 1978 91 84 7 1981 75 73 2 1979 92 84 8 1980 92 82 10 Kodiak 1975 340 243 97 1981 92 80 12 1976 358 252 96 1977 365 271 94 Cook Inlet 1977 61 58 3 1978 371 230 91 1978 67 64 3 1979 374 278 96 1979 68 62 6 1980 376 231 95 1980 68 61 7 1981 375 230 84 1981 68 59 9 HERRING, GILL NET, SAC ROE Chignik 1975 85 54 21 Southeastern 1978 10 10 0 1976 90 72 18 1979 37 35 2 1977 90 73 17 1980 44 39 5 1978 90 7f 14 1981 45 39 6 1979 90 ::16 14 SALMON PURSE SEINE 1980 90 76 14 Sou the as tern 1975 398 203 195 1981 90 "'14 15 1976 409 205 204 1977 411 197 214 Alaska Peninsula 1975 108 95 13 1978 413 196 217 1976 112 99 13 1979 413 .192 221 1977 113 1®0 13 1980 414 196 218 1978 115 105 10 1981 414 183 217 1979 117 192 15 1980 117 98 19 Prince William Sound 1975 210 166 44 1981 117 98 19 1976 247 195 52 SALMON BEACH SEINE 1977 255 199 56 Kodiak 1975 21 20 1 1978 255 199 56 1976 23 £.2 1 1979 258 198 60 1977 30 27 3 1980 258 200 58 1978 33 20 3 1981 259 193 65 1979 33 ~1 2 1980 34 ::1 3 1981 34 ::1 2 40 ~~~~~on~~M~~~~~~~~m k,, ' J L , ,, .J ~.1~ '·<t1iJ ~'"': ..... , .... II..:...,.,...J !.._,,,,,) L..-""""'"J l .. ~ .• J I."""""LJ L, ......... .J l' j L.,...,_,J L •.. "·'"·~.ll llL.. . .:..lJ k...lJLJI L., .J U .. I .JI LU~,. .J NUMBER OF PERMITS (Continued) No. Of No. Of No. Of No. Of Permits Permits Permits Permits Total No. Of Held By Held By Total No. Of Held By Held By Permanent Alaska Non-Alaska Permanent Alaska Non-Alilska Fishery Year Permits Residents Residents Fisher~ Year Permits Residents Residents SALMON DRIFT GILL NET SALMON SET GILL NET Southeastern 1975 431 294 137 Yakutat 1975 147 131 16 1976 449 315 134 1976 156 140 16 1977 460 324 136 1977 158 141 17 1978 463 334 129 1978 161 147 14 1979 464 324 140 1979 164 149 15 1980 464 316 146 1980 164 149 15 1981 464 316 146 1981 164 143 19 Prince William Sound 1975 494 371 123 Prince William Sound 1975 26 21 5 1976 514 394 120 1976 28 23 5 1977 524 395 129 1977 28 22 6 1978 528 394 134 1978 28 23 5 1979 531 393 138 1979 27 22 5 1980 531 390 141 1980 27 23 4 1981 531 396 131 1981 28 21 5 Cook Inlet 1975 453 291 162 Cook Inlet 1975 657 623 44 1976 514 343 171 1976 711 669 4:? 1977 539 360 179 1977 731 690 41 1978 549 366 183 1978 742 698 44 1979 554 372 182 1979 744 700 44 1980 554 373 181 1980 744 698 46 1981 554 368 149 1981 744 659 59 Alaska Peninsula 1975 152 109 43 Kodiak 1975 139 103 36 1976 153 111 42 1976 176 B3 43 1977 154 108 46 1977 181 137 44 1978 156 109 47 1978 184 141 43 1979 156 107 49 1979 185 141 44 1980 156 105 51 1980 186 140 46 1981 156 96 55 1981 186 142 41 Bristol Bay 1975 1,416 774 642 Alaska Peninsula 1975 82 76 6 1976 1,621 920 701 1976 105 98 7 1977 1,663 949 714 1977 106 96 10 1978 1,700 976 724 1978 108 lCIO 8 1979 1,717 977 740 1979 109 101 8 1980 1,717 971 746 1980 110 100 10 1981 1,718 957 749 1981 110 97 10 41 NUMBER OF PERMITS (Continued) No. Of No. Of No. Of No. ()f Permits Permits Permits Permits Total No. Of Held By Held By Total No. Of Held By Held By Permanent Alaska Non-Alaska PP.rmanent A 1 aska Non-Alaska Fish~~ Year Permits Residents Residents Fishery Year Permits Residents Residents SALMON SET GILL NET (cont'd) A-Y-K GILL NET (cont'd) Bristol Bay 1975 716 592 124 Kotzebue 1976 11B 118 0 1976 759 620 139 1977 175 175 0 1977 824 669 155 1978 177 177 0 1978 889 725 164 1979 179 179 0 1979 911 745 166 1980 194 193 1 1980 914 735 179 1981 211 204 3 1981 915 698 196 SAU~ON POWER TROLL Lower Yukon 1976 678 677 1 Southeastern 1975 849 620 229 1977 691 690 1 1976 916 677 239 1978 694 690 4 1977 929 698 231 1979 700 696 4 1978 934 724 210 1980 701 696 5 1979 939 724 215 1981 705 683 3 1980 939 708 231 1981 938 696 224 Norton Sound 1976 169 169' 0 SALMON FISIMHEEL --·---· 1977 176 174 2 Upper Yukon 1976 80 80 0 1978 176 174 2 1977 107 107 0 1979 177 176 1 1978 108 107 1 1980 177 175 2 1979 114 114 0 1981 195 188 1 1980 114 114 0 1981 123 123 0 TOTAL 1975 6,773 4,835 1,938 A-Y-K GILL NET 1976 9,172 7,127 2,045 Upper Yukon 1976 35 35 0 1977 9,733 7,615 2,118 1977 44 44 0 1978 9,971 7,853 2,118 1978 47 46 1 1979 10,099 7,923 2,176 1979 49 49 0 1980 10,130 7,899 2,231 1980 48 48 0 1981 10,199 7,767 2,227 1981 64 61 0 Kuskokwim 1976 688 688 0 1977 761 761 0 1978 767 766 1 1979 780 778 2 1980 781 780 1 1981 783 771 2 Source: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission 42 ~~~~~~M~~M~~~~~~~~m 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 • • >I Tabl'e 4:2. ................ 1 •• ·/J¥1 -. .... jjo!....L,·_...I ··"·• .... ) ~ ........ 1 ••• ,,..1 1-....... .J ~... ••. ~ •.. .,! I.,, ,,.,J 1.. ,) IL.,,.,.,-.,.1 ~ .. J,,,..,.I ~.;~,,,jJ.I \.!...IlL . ..I 1., '"·..J NUMBER OF FOREIGN VESSELS PERMITTED TO FISH IN ALASKAN FISHERY CONSERVATION ZONE (FCZ) AND NUMBER OF FISHERY PERMITS ISSUED TO FOREIGN VESSELS (1977-1981) Foreign Vessels With Permits -By Fishery Bering Sea Total & Gulf of Bering Sea Foreign Bering Sea Gulf of Alaska Tanner Vessels and Aleutians Alaska Bering Sea Sable Crab Awarded '" I ,J Nation Bottomfish Bottomfish Snail Fishery Fisheries Fishery Permits (a) Japan .............. . 412 127 74 95 126 465 Poland ............. . 1 9 0 0 0 9 South Korea ........ . 21 21 0 7 0 28 Taiwan ............. . 4 0 0 0 0 4 U.S.S.R ........... .. 119 100 0 0 0 144 TOTAL .............. . m m 14 w m oso Japan .............. . Mexico ............. . Poland ............. . South Korea ........ . Taiwan ............. . U.S.S.R ........... .. TOTAL .............. . ---- 459 2 0 18 9 162 050 Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 ~1exico .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 Poland . .. .. .. .. .. . .. 16 South Korea ......... 28 Taiwan . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 13 U.S.S.R. .. .. .. .. .. .. 126 200 112 0 0 11 0 18 0 1 0 159 0 389 TI2 191 106 5 0 16 0 31 0 0 0 126 0 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 ~~~ ·~~ ':II:Q 11'11: ,Japan .............. . Netherlands ........ . Poland ............. . South Korea ........ . Taiwan ............ .. U.S.S.R ........... .. W. Germany ........ .. TOTAL .............. . Japan .............. . Netherlands ........ . Norway ............. . Poland ............. . South Korea ........ . Taiwan ............. . United Kingdom ..... . U.S.S.R ............ . W. Germany ........ .. TOTAL .............. . 429 2 34 41 4 118 1 629 424 3 1 52 52 8 2 58 2 602 Source: National Marine Fisheries Service (Juneau) 211 122 0 0 34 0 39 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 402 m 210 112 0 0 1 0 52 0 52 0 0 0 2 0 58 0 2 0 m ill 43 152 107 484 0 0 2 0 0 11 7 0 22 0 0 9 0 0 163 159 107 69T 0 131 420 0 0 5 0 0 16 0 0 32 0 0 13 0 0 126 0 m 6I2 0 155 473 0 0 2 0 0 34 0 0 41 0 0 4 0 0 118 0 0 1 0 ill m 0 0 440 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 58 0 0 2 0 0 618 ""'''" ; Table 43. COMMODITIES EXPORTED FROM ALASKA: 1976 · 1981 Commodity Value \!olume 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1979 1980----1981 Forest Products: Logs - W. Hemlock $377,876 $2,498,857 $5,136,037 $15,303,854 $22,216,349 $22,965,603 43,042mbf !:i4,412mbf 60,094mbf Cedar 631,293 826,438 2,152,061 4,904,471 6,570,697 2,876,895 6,789 16,304 9,610 Spruce a a 10,173,917 32,567,819 43,485,698 40,305,844 70,950 78,600 69,631 Other 4,874,369 10,478,158 4,336,780 7,857,071 13,261,130 5,541,271 7,924 11,393 9,852 TOTAL 5,883,538 13,803,453 21,798,795 60,633,215 85,533,874 71,689,613 128,714mbf Hi0,709mbf 149,187mbf Lumber - W. Hemlock 27,828,838 28,734,462 31,906,210 53,627,776 42,839,438 23,344,977 172,005mbf _.58,661mbf 104,974mbf Ceclar 368,920 1,559,090 21,655 169,202 21,000 -0-479 105 -0- Spruce 36,918,369 37,111,369 36,822,912 49,268,849 45,726,125 36,566,329 103,844 96,607 91,007 Other 1,940,000 90,000 -0-1,262,623 340,238 453,000 4,046 1,378 1,812 TOTAL 67,056,127 67 ,494. 921 68,750,777 104,328,450 88,926,801 60,364,306 280,374mbf ~:i6,751mbf 197,093mbf Pulp - Chemical Dissolving 65,549,222 89,385,711 75,450,657 109,568,875 123,599,584 124,905,348 251,481stn ~44,310stn 246,381stn Pulp Sulfite & Sulfate 1,369,902 1,774,912 1 ,298. 752 5,559,338 29,647,605 15,588,294 13,467 67,692 39,845 TOTAL 66,119,124 91,160,623 76,749,409 115,128,213 153,247,189 140,493,642 264,948stn J:2,002stn 286,?.26stn Other - Pulpwoocl -Chips 4,078,417 5,550,714 1,185,404 4,069,892 11,436 ,121 5,715,638 83,706stn ~51,328stn 77 ,649stn Hoopwood - Chips & Poles 5,519,737 885,579 -0--0--0--0--0--0--0- t1 i see 11 aneous -0-317,256 -0--0-229,758 14,200 -0- TOTAL 9,598,154 6,753,549 1,185,404 4,069,892 11,765,879 5,729,838 83,706stn Seafoocl Products Salmon 501,530 5,303,666 39,396,446 119,122,509 59,023,704 148,123,248 59,946,384lb 48.400,349lb 88,764,864lb King Crab 15,800 7,233,577 74,268,410 70,947,746 55,485,332 28,398,389 29,513,273 22 ... 856,205 8,492,666 Sno~1 Crall a a 27,648,298 53,384,828 40,629,474 44,379,159 33,385,151 28 772,993 27,034,332 Roe a a 52,609,528 78,124,198 72,109,366 70,170,713 12,771,498 15.824,141 15,720,967 OthP.r 12,858,829 39,569,026 11,784,449 35,458,285 32,135,393 38,912,368 25,089,478 40.512,771 53,807,952 TOTAL 13,376,159 52,106,269 205,707,131 357,037,566 259,383,269 329,983,877 160,705,784lb 156.366,459lb 193,8?.0,781lb Natural Gas 91,225,414 95,325,627 111,442,000 122,536,000 218,044,410 328,455,528 55,588,902mcf 45,822,229mcf 56,868,515mcf lire a 16,745,965 20,059,126 59,837,567 73,719,496 95,537,937 114,986,249 649,279stn 624,132stn 67?.,913stn Ammonia 14,121,666 6,517,498 9,433,469 913,752 2,648,695 -0-16,317stn 19 ,915stn -0- OthP.r Commodities 10,938,280 38,936,253 56,921,198 74,680,833 72,530,997 130,894,226 TOTAL ~xports $295,864,427 $392,157,319 $611,825,750 $913,047,417 $987,519,051 $1,Hl? ,597,279 Source: 11.5. Department of Commerce, flurei\u of the Census, Foreign Tr11de Division 44 ~ r--; r-; rT1:j l:i:1 tr:::'J M M rn u r-1 r1 ~ t"::l C'J C"lJ IT-:-1 ::-:-1 r:-n ' .. )<1 ...... J,. •••• ,,.,, ...... ~111 to o~loi lollt.<k<t!ll~ ,..., 1....,.,".'''")1 '-··-·"···"' .....,,,,,,....J,,..j '""""""""' .... """ 1'.._ I ,) ................. ~ ·~·""'"'_.,) w. .... J •• llolol ""•IIU...:M 1,.__ 1·• . ..1 ~,J, I .,J I.J.h,,l .) Table 44. COMMODITIES EXPORTED FROM ALASKA TO JAPAN: 1976-1981 Commodity Value Volume 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1979 1980 1981 Forest Products: Logs - W. Hemlock $290,126 $2,464,007 $5,136,037 $15,034,674 $22,083,509 $22,965,603 41, 718mbf !:.4 ,166mbf 60,0941TJbf Cedar 143,918 355,680 205,562 3,790,126 5,627,697 1,098,542 4,294 14,819 3,971 Spruce a a 10,124,782 30,527,474 42,404,498 40,209,829 66,924 76,087 69,566 Other 4,817,119 10,264,108 4,336,780 7,795,744 13,255,104 5,121,800 7,860 11,385 7,578 TOTAL 5,251,163 13,083,865 19,803,161 57,148,018 83,370,808 69,395,774 120,796mbf 156,457mbf 141 ,209mbf Lumber - H. Hemlock 27,798,828 28,722,306 31,777,309 53,070,680 42,299,438 17,818,072 170,149mbf 156,654mbf 82,753mbf Cedar 289,600 417,702 21,655 152,700 21,000 -0-435 105 Spruce 36,771,180 37,009,693 36,784,082 47,752,955 44,463,125 32,905,135 101,408 94,610 79,041 Other 1,940,000 90,000 -0-1,050,189 9,460 -0-3,869 11 --- TOTAL 66,799,608 66,239,701 68,583,046 102,026,524 86,793,023 50,723,207 275,861mbf 251 ,380mbf 161 ,794mbf Pulp - Chemical Dissolving 42,883,223 55,260,003 45,846,408 71,048,658 84,027,947 79,548,308 159,992stn l€5,336stn 153,462stn Pulp Sulfite & Sulfate -0--0-352,499 2,175,457 5,041,123 491,057 5,509 11,903 1,267 TOTAL 42,883,223 55,260,003 46,198,907 73,224,115 89,069,070 80,039,365 165,501stn 177 ,239stn 153,729stn Other- Pulpwood -Chips 4,078,417 5,550,714 1,185,404 3,970,892 -0-5,715,638 81,906stn -0-67 ,115stn Hoopwood - Chips & Poles 5,519,737 885,579 -0--0--0--0--------0- Miscellaneous -0-317,256 -0--0--0-14,200 TOTAL 9,598,154 6,753,549 1,185,404 3,970,892 -0-5.729,838 81 ,906stn Seafood Products Salmon 459,665 4,004,694 38,823,354 118 '187 ,908 51,433,483 135,751,094 58,466,586lb 38,103,387lb 73,364,216lb King Crab -0-7,202,093 74,249,532 70,896,399 53,756,850 28,304,890 29,501,530 22,145,816 8,456,979 Snow Crab a a 27,644,418 53,375,907 40,611,987 44,294,271 33,383,563 28,769,4!13 26,963,659 Roe a a 52,534,012 77,508,146 52,501,540 69,044,935 11,981,540 12,548,103 14,50?,119 Other 12,336,765 38,243,093 8,194,496 24,431,691 28,649,223 30,084,771 15,090,546 34,420,541 42,653,151 TOTAL 12,796,430 49,450,044 201,445,812 344,400,051 226,953,083 307,479,961 148,423,765lb 135.987 ,330lb 165,940,124lb Natural Gas 91,225,414 95,325,627 111,442,000 122,536,000 218,044,410 328,455,528 55,588,920mcf 45,822,229mcf 56,868,515mcf Other Commodities 2,721,738 {,051,266 22,413,129 35,140,061 53,728,995 92,855,209 TOTAL Exports $231,275,730 $288,164,015 $4 71 '161,459 $738,445,661 $757,959,389 $934,678,822 Source: li.S. Drpartment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, ForE'i9n Trade Division 45 ------------------- TRANSPORTATION k k. .. .J ""-·' ._[J llll.ou ... ,,.,,,J \!1-.,~,,i,J.....U IJ...i..wc·•l-l I.. ..... , .. JJJ L,...J, .... .,il "-•~···c.J I...."~...JI 11... .......... ...1 \.,,: ,J L..~J,_J \L... ....... ,JI U. .. I..J..JIII Table 45. HIGHWAY AND MARINE HIGHWAY MILEAGE IN ALASKA Miles of Highway: Federal Aid: Primary Secondary Urban State Maintenance & Local Service Total Borough Roads Local City Streets National Park, Forest & Reservation Roads Other Roads (Includes Military) Total Miles of Marine Highway: State Maintenance System Federal Aid Primary Federal Aid Secondary Total 1981 Pavecr--____ 1,491 504 109 154 2,104 974 814 1,884 2,618 6,290 150 773 648 1,571 Unpaved 644 1,301 64 1,156 3,165 -- Source: Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Finance, "Annual Financial Report" 47 Paved 1,494 504 111 134 2,243 -- 766 788 1,876 2,618 6,048 60 844 577 1,481 LJJ; .. ,iU k l. ,, ... J ....... 1 ... 1 . .1 lol.,., ,J 1980 Q!!.paved 703 1,352 4 1,143 3,202 Table 46. PERSONS ENTERING ALASKA VIA ALASKA HIGHWAY: 1970-1981 TOK, ALCAN, EAGLE, NORTHWAY, POKER CREEK 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 January ..••....... 2,757 2,393 2,322 2,390 2,294 4,265 4,246 3,199 2,322 1,906 1,803 2,292 February .......... 3,215 1,883 2,563 2,575 2,272 4,848 4,233 3,650 2,246 1,916 1,684 2,399 I~ arch ............. 3,984 2,824 2,768 2,824 2,799 6,217 4,992 4,405 3,091 3,292 2,550 3,323 Apri 1 ......•...... 5,541 3,779 4,738 4,734 4,956 8,987 6,908 6,882 4,944 4,306 4,030 5,531 May .••...........• 7,001 5,313 6,551 6,609 6,542 10,851 8,666 7,430 6,669 6,023 6,105 8,193 June ............•• 16,310 14,543 13,031 13,657 15,585 19,531 17,316 17 ,635 16 ,616 15,644 15 ,573 19,533 July .............. 28,383 26,621 £'4,390 30,254 19,592 30,168 28,105 27,610 26,852 25,514 25,390 31,929 August ....•...••.. 19,827 18,847 19,855 24,573 20,483 27 ,934 25,551 24,504 24,899 22,214 ~5,300 29,926 September ......•.. 8,838 7-,848 10,137 12,257 13,247 15,323 13,541 13,121 13,736 12,132 8,188 17,138 October ..•........ 3,356 2,977 3,520 3,646 14,477 5,568 4,678 4,332 3,957 3,284 3,875 5,254 November .......... 939 2,281 2,647 2,669 4,309 4,194 3,420 2,855 2,384 2,069 2,677 3,393 December •......... 1,896 1,819 1,694 1,722 3,472 2,932 2,511 2,004 1,905 1,917 2,306 2,717 SUBTOTAL .......... 102,047 92,128 94,216 107,910 110,028 140,818 124,853 117,627 109,621 100,217 99,481 131,628 ~1onthly Average .. 8,504 7,677 7,851 8,993 9,169 11 ,735 10,404 9,802 9,135 8,351 8,290 10,969 HAINES (Haines Highway) Jnnuary ........... 1,489 2,145 1,378 1,762 1,456 1,507 1,049 1 ,115 1,006 February .......... 1,571 2,319 2,053 1,569 1,922 1,763 808 1,173 1,410 March ......•....•• 1,739 2,449 2,109 2,011 2,137 1,993 1,157 1,212 1,673 Apri 1 ............. 2,436 4,040 2,877 2,889 2,924 2,895 2,162 2,034 2,857 May ...••.......... 14,848 6,676 4,891 4,125 3,307 3,887 2,835 2,786 2,783 June ..........•... 9,645 13,723 12,506 10,888 10,806 9,346 3,768 4,217 6,022 July .............. 18,733 21 '172 23 '144 21,130 13,818 23,894 10,803 8,263 9,413 August ........•... 17,310 25,244 26,864 25,971 25,594 30,080 11 ,832 10 '118 11,414 September ......... 13,697 17,141 17,537 21,556 24,178 19,392 9,520 6,881 7,466 October ........... 5,827 5,635 5,819 6,352 6,255 2,451 2,954 3,773 3,481 November .••.....•. 4,134 2,365 2,252 2,117 2,117 1,203 1,895 1,876 1,921 December .....•...• 3,400 2,019 2,065 1,774 1,747 917 1,189 1,274 1,338 SKAG~lAY 0 (Klondike Highway) January ......•.... 615 687 429 February .......... 647 615 483 r~a rch ...•......... 793 718 154 Apri 1 •............ 925 806 565 May ..............• ·---Klondike Highway opened in 1978 ---4,537 5,043 4,833 ,June .............. 15,224 1!6,237 15,539 .July ......•.•..... 21,756 27,646 27,659 August ............ 24,610 29,539 27 ,963 September ......... 20,628 20,204 15,936 October ........... 4 '142 3,264 2,513 3,327 November .......... 1,238 589 556 497 December .......... 618 584 40? 479 SUBTOTAL (Haines & Skagway) 94,829 104,928 103,495 102 '144 96,261 105,326 144,144 149,688 148,648 Monthly Average ... 9,902 8,744 8,6?5 8,512 8,022 8,777 12,012 1?,474 12,387 Source: U.S. Immigration and Naturnl ization Service 48 r--r; r-: ~ [~ c::1 r ~ ~ ~ l'i'7':l r:-:-1 L1i r:-::1! ~ r::liC r--:--1 :---1 r-1 1965 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Seattle Prince Rupert Ketchikan Wrangell Petersburg Sitka Juneau Haines Skagway Total 'IIIL,, .••. ,,~.-liO.o,.l. ·0 ~,..,.. ............. ,,,..,l Table 47. ............ , 1.-ol '-··· ........... .. k-...... lJ ...... •--·· ""'" ii.,, .. ' •• ell l.. ,,,.! 11-~J•ou.l 11...,. .,,, .. ,..JI ALASKA FERRY SYSTEM TRAFFIC: 1965-1981 (thousands) SOUTHEAST MAINLINE SOUTHEAST FEEDER Passengers 123.7 137.2 184.5 181.7 148.5 161.9 169.4 189.9 181.5 Table 48. SOUTHEAST MAINLINE Passengers 24,642 21,782 22,417 6,875 9,540 6,673 33,546 31,194 24,869 181,538 Vehicles 6,067 7,061 4,767 1,618 2,051 1,588 7,398 9,624 3,938 44,112 Vehicles 26.8 28.5 45.9 46.3 40.0 38.6 42.9 44.4 44.1 Passengers 49.7 49.3 61.1 75.0 86.3 100.9 Vehicles 10.5 9.9 12.6 15.5 18.9 22.4 ALASKA FERRY SYSTEM TRAFFIC: 1981 SOUTHEAST FEEDER Passengers Vehicles Seattle 17 49 Seattle Prince Rupert 5,417 1,785 Cordova Ketchikan 22,346 6,138 Ell amar Metl aka tl a 8,232 1,716 Valdez Ho 11 is 10,563 3,244 Whittier False Island 133 0 San Juan Wrangell 722 167 Seward Petersburg 4,512 950 Port Lions Kake 3,438 684 Kodiak Sitka 10,133 1,419 Homer Angoon 5,151 582 Seldovia Tenakee 999 1 Sand Point Hoonah 5,128 774 King Cove Pelican ~ 246. 32 Cold Bay Juneau 15,846 3,037 Ha irfes --~ .......... 4,969'. 1 ,2'89 Total ·-Skagway 3 ,017 •. 514 .,_- .. Total· -· .. ·100,869-22,381 Source: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 49 lli..J.J .. ii.JI ~ ...... 1 ..... L I " ~.1 'i.~!l' I. •.• ..J SOUTHWEST Passengers 6.9 25.8 45.0 44.4 38.8 46.6 48.9 49.5 55.8 SOUTHWEST Passengers 64 5,553 113 16,956 10 '154 110 4,733 544 6,509 7,577 3,285 109 30 42 -55,779 Vehicles 3.2 7.7 12.8 11.7 12.5 13.2 13.8 14.1 15.1 Vehicles 49 1,547 0 4,254 1,977 0 1,201 216 2,403 2,468 893 21 13 16 15,058 1.1,,,,,. ,J Table 49. PORT OF ANCHORAGE FREIGHT MOVEMENT IN TONSa BY COMMODITY (1965, 1970, 197!)-1981) 1965 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 Freight N.O.S.b ...•............. 17,046 1,258 7,564 6,147 3,073 5,784 Cement, Dril 1 i ng Mud, etc ........ 569 24,510 44,384 '40,360 37,943 21,879 Iron & Steel Articles ........... 10,816 3,459 8,823 7,421 13,680 14,184 Lumber .......................... 9,532 197 8,315 266 2,748 272 Oil Field & Equipment Supplies .. 228 2,279 ------0 Petroleum Bulk .................. 675,052 1,320,960 1,290,065 1,695,000 1,130,986 977,600 Petroleum N.O.S .................. 865 2,169 2,084 1,395 851 604 Vans, Flats, Containers ~ ........ 192,777 478,234 838,676 978,610 978,584 1,013,427 Vehicles ........................ 15,323 4,543 21,518 36,677 40,360 39,746 Plastic Material, Insulation .... ----391 1,273 0 0 Coal, Bulk ...................... ---- -- ------ Transshipped Cargo (d) .......... ------------ TOTAL ........................... 922,208 1,837,609 2,851,820 2,767,149 2,208,225 2,073,495 Source: Port of Anchorage 50 1979 1980 1981 2,324 2,764 6,395 21,423 18.836 32,497 5,751 10;633 25,373 34 355 2,280 0 ---- 678,008 589,580 365,997 1,427 3,022 2,166 934,125 1;043,005 1,154,060 28,626 29,414 39,829 0 --27,754c --38,390 27,115 1,671,720 1,763,752 1,655,711 r-1 r--; r-: crr.:n r~ c::n r ~ ~ l'7j l71 r-1 C":!l ~ r.:-7:~ t":lll1 r--, r-1 c:-1 l L ~.. ,,, ~l,. ..... ,.1 IL ... I.l...l LI:.J... ... U \.... • L.J I... .. I ., •. ,JI \..'"""'"'·•.J 1.. ...... ~Ji L , .... J • . .J u .... JI l .... ·~JI LJ,.I.....JI li .• .JLIU L l .J l., I I "J IL .... J Table 50. ALASKA RAILROAD OPERATIONS Fiscal Years 1972-1981a (dollar amounts in thousands) FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 FY 1980 FY 1981 Operating Revenue $ 21,097 $ 16,996 $ 20,783 $ 41,416 $ 52,517 $ 33,376 $ 27,440 $ 23,100 $ 26,737 $ 40,782 Non-Operating Revenue 649 681 703 871 1,161 1,646 1,651 2,081 2,155 3,159 Total Revenue 21,746 17,677 21,486 42,287 53,678 35,022 29,091 25,181 28,892 ~941 Operating Expenses $ 21,028 $ 20,057 $ 22,389 $35,883 $ 49,387 $ 35,703 $ 33,301 $ 31,285 $ 34,380 $ 40,358 Non-Operating Expenses 151 153 158 272 191 255 213 204 344 273 Tota 1 Expenses 21,179 20,210 22,547 36,155 49,578 35,958 33,514 31,489 34,724 ~631 Net Gain or (Loss) $ 567 ($ 2,533) ($ 1,061) $ 6,132 $ 4,100 ($ 936) ($ 4,423) ($ 6,308) ($ 5,832) $ 3,310 Capital Expenditures $ 1,842 $ 1,260 $ 313 $ 2,772 $ 8,602 $ 8,316 $ 5,823 $ 8,181 $ 6.893 $ 11,409 Revenue Tons of Major Commodities ,, (in thousands of tons) Sand and Gravel 3 2 1 1 104 700 727 637 396 1,797 Bulk Petroleum 406 363 414 557 624 532 374 220 252 379 Coal 607 565 563 584 607 55o 593 524 590 653 Iron & Steel Pipe & Fittings 68 11 15 107 174 16 28 33 37 83 Piggyback 35 48 57 95 114 100 100 89 92 113 Forest Products 51 49 56 120 124 82 68 55 109 101 Manufactured Iron & Steel 21 18 37 60 89 19 12 12 10 8 Cement 12 15 14 25 32 42 33 33 32 43 Machinery and Machines 16 12 21 60 31 47 47 24 16 28 Mfrs. & Misc. NOS 43 32 34 44 29 17 13 25 26 11 Other 344 216 165 209 260 200 183 156 181 146 Total 1,606 1,331 1,337 1,862 2,188 2,305 2,178 1,808 1,741 _3_,362 Passengers 102,000 74,000 84,000 81,000 84,500 103,632 126,277 151,045 150,678 161,068 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Alaska Railroad 51 • ''f> .• (' .. ~ ·- .1'·~·1· ' '• ~·~· Table 51. . INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ACTIVITY IN ALASKA: 1970-1981 Revenue Landings Fiscal Year Passengers Fn!ight (Tons) Ending June 30 Jets Total In Out Through In Out 1970 22,531 44,075 595,826 605,968 856,919 32,069 98,907 1971 21,441 34,832 548,111 569,838 857,048 30,312 73,867 1972 25,271 37,539 598,160 608,182 718,261 36,563 70,488 1973 23,053 34,390 618,676 630,697 677,740 32,979 68,880 1974 23,791 41,495 699,540 715,950 840,203 52,009 111,235 1975 29,079 63,163 970,805 1,005,862 911,369 66,335 244,355 1976 32,666 60,889 1,207,816 1 ,227 ,191 882,905 76,318 183,421 1977 30,824 61,682 1,264,974 1,290,219 938,064 70,875 152,708 1978 31,700 61,407 1,211,933 1,244,041 981,165 69,617 142,277 1979 32,663 60,549 1,255,447 1,261,434 1,166,795 69,652 126,739 1980 32,786 58,431 ~.~ 1,214,167 1,235,617 1,268,100 59,792 129,358 1981 34,883 68,492 1,289,715 1,308,022 1,457,529 75,426 139,571 Source: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Aviation 52 r--1 r--1 r-1 mu ~~ ll:::j ~ ~ r:::l r-:'1 ~ r-1 t7"1i r:11 r.:-::1 C1IID r~ r-1 r-1 !. ~ J k, ' "'J 1.'' " ,,J I •. .L.,, •• J II.! ........ J l, ., .• J L"'"'""'"'"'..J Table 52. I. ........... J l ..... ,J,.J 1.. ·".1 k I .. l 1... ......... 1! ·~'·""''''""' u. •••.• u II..Jiii:,,.J.II '-L " .. J c,, I .,J ~1 •. , .J ALASKA VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS: 1970-1981 Location 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979a 1980 1981 Anchorage ............ 108,967 ng,346 131,430 129,868 161,414 169,118 177,523 209,582 201,823 152,049 133,563 154,451 Fairbanks ............ 26,403 28,030 30,118 33,345 41,785 44,696 48,342 41,551 40,945 42,202 46,593 55,243 Juneau ............... 6,686 7,321 8,078 9,175 10,151 9,666 10,570 10,537 10,205 13,043 14,689 16,660 Ketchikan ............ 5,373 5,538 6,166 6,662 7,755 6,278 6,899 7,580 6,398 9,065 8,566 9,871 Sitka ................ 1,g5o 1,838 2,068 2,643 2,870 2,688 3,046 3,138 3,003 3,400 3,652 4,173 Eagle River .......... ------------1,438 1,397 4,117 10,299 10,552 12,462 Nome ................. 664 689 938 1,042 844 1,193 977 1,280 1,065 1,043 1,065 1,267 Haines ...•........... 1,058 1,054 1,056 1,155 1,416 1,396 1,246 2,108 1,363 1,167 1,196 2,455 Yakutat .............• --136 14 ------10 190 235 265 242 265 Talkeetna ............ ------------14 403 505 1,410 1,390 Bethel ......••....... 299 322 369 318 396 1 283 624 559 908 1,088 1,380 Tok .................. 476 514 482 797 918 1,340 1,106 1,281 1,204 1,249 919 1,070 Glennallen ........... 960 999 1,107 1,046 1,009 1,721 2,152 2,202 2,002 2,010 1,935 2,171 Delta Junction ....... 1,368 1,367 1,422 1,664 1,692 1,831 2,154 2,109 1,959 2,180 2,070 2,727 Va 1 dez ............... 635 666 599 700 1,096 1,937 2,904 3,359 1,918 2,290 2,499 3,062 Cordova .............. 803 866 859 953 1,070 1,118 1,080 1,081 1,101 1,486 1,545 1,889 Unalaska ............. ---- -- -- -- ----192 57 89 --380 P~ lmer .........•..... 4,115 4,979 5,503 5,783 6,365 7,251 9,163 10,635 10,760 13,778 14,671 17,014 Hoonah ..........•.... --------------61 --115 Wrangell ............. 563 673 821 727 --643 --280 --1,098 1,155 1,373 Kodiak ............... 3,487 3,459 3,748 4,140 4,892 4,511 4,619 5,070 4,425 5 '135 5,587 6,277 Kenai ...........•.... 6,176 6,218 6,211 7,069 5,834 5,375 6,064 7,427 6,852 7 ,362 7,473 8,874 Naknek ...........•... 270 267 283 13 --19 210 59 172 258 279 283 Skagway ............•. 422 442 438 423 509 602 643 769 607 719 639 687 Nenana .............•• 379 469 469 431 708 760 878 1,272 1,029 1,201 540 681 Petersburg .•......... 1,098 1,034 1,101 1,182 1,737 1,409 2,016 952 2,006 2,226 1,552 1,792 Dillingham ........... 300 314 363 348 402 443 418 494 595 756 721 851 Kotzebue ............. --------96 212 192 249 183 231 300 411 Seward .........••..•. 1,154 1,155 1,255 1,154 1,383 1,329 1,577 1,645 1,743 1,955 2,083 2,393 Homer ................ 1,450 1,434 1,530 1,864 2,096 2,427 2,778 3,127 2,701 4,695 5,558 6,751 Soldotna ..•.......... ------43 2,304 3,758 4,364 6,014 5,814 6,218 6,544 8,089 Barrow .........•..... ---- --------------188 205 259 Seattle .............. --------836 1,981 2,707 3,004 2,871 3,439 'Other ................ 780 784 362 18 ---- -- ----8,571 14,050 17,376 Vehicles by Type Passenger •........... 97,437 104,231 110,021 114,223 135,902 141,019 153,143 171 ,058 168,738 159,918 161,936 185,942 Motorcycle ........... 9,348 10,531 11,431 11,483 13,008 12,.846 13,335 14,279 12,736 9,842 8,888 10,206 Commercial Trailer ... 3,375 3,186 3,843 4,061 5,621 7,801 8,165 11 ,510 7,154 7 ,091 6,994 9,178 Trailer .............. 16,875 18,602 20,475 22,073 25,918 25,733 27,593 30,392 30,606 27,842 27,334 30,237 Commercial Truck ...... 10,382 8,241 9,347 8,533 11,676 17,114 18,215 24,69?. 21,953 16,368 9,199 13,281 Pickup ...•........... 30,596 37,126 41,309 44,333 54,683 60,226 68,222 72,853 72,623 75,287 76,330 88,973 Bus .................. 534 539 669 912 857 1,136 1,300 1 ,091 868 1,134 1,138 1,?.98 Snowmobile ........... 5,412 5,591 7,824 5,168 7,173 4,414 4,152 3,797 3,539 4,618 1,102 ?.,5?.2 Other ......•••...•... 1,877 1,867 1,871 1,777 4,740 3,411 1,248 0 0 0 TOTAL ................ 175,836 189,914 206,790 212,563 259,578 273,703 295,373 329,672 318,217 302 '100 2·92 ,921 341,637 Source: Alaska Department of Revenue 53 Table 53. MOTOR FUEL SOLD OR DISTRIBUTED IN ALASKA (thousands of gallons) Fiscal Years Ending June 30 FY76 FY77 FY78 FY79 FY80 FY81 TAXABLE FUEL Aviation Jet ........... 117,857 96,218 110;893 112,229 129,398 137,943 Aviation Gas ••••••..... 13,266 14,410 15,057 15,768 17,740 15,942 Highway Diesel .•••••.•. 148,691 122,320 121,213 78,222 83,91'0 53,767 Highway Gas ............ 179,697 182,313 178,220 180,542 172,597 166,949 Highway Other ....•..••. 1,084 535 7,709 59,740 115,048 110,886 Marine Diesel ..•....... 23,675 26,975 37,924 47,706 64,100 56,289 Marine Gas ............• 5,645 5,894 6,284 7,672 7,907 7,699 Ma~ine Other .••.•....•. 9,664 0 0 607 36 200 TOTAL 499,579 448,665 477,300 502,486 590,736 549,676 EXEMPT FUEL Aviation Jet ..........• 285,529 212,451 242,965 281,568 274,040 281,913 Aviation Gas •.......... 1,169 1,183 1,336 559 569 516 Highway Diesel ......... 73,016 59,973 56,438 53,385 20,78:2 34,691 Highway Gas •..•....•.•. 4,919 4,285 6,668 14,677 7,975 8,731 Off-Highway Diesel ..... a a a 84,943 97,799 85,517 Marine Diesel .........• 16,105 16,232 10,990 7,146 5,079 5,344 Harine Gas ............. 302 527 295 371 94 142 TOTAL 381,040 294,651 318,692 442,649 406,338 416,855 TAXABLE & EXEMPT FUEL TOTAL Aviation Jet •.•••.•••.• 403,386 308,669 353,858 393,797 403,438 419,857 Aviation Gas ...•..•..•. 14,435 15,593 16,393 16,327 18 '30'9 16,458 Highway Diesel ...•..•.. 221,707 182,293 177,651 131,607 104,692 88,458 Highway Gas ....••.•...• 184,616 186,598 184,888 195,219 180,572 175,680 Highway Other .•......•. 1,084 535 7,709 59,740 115,048 110,886 Off-Highway Diesel ..... a a a 84,943 97,799 85,517 Marine Diesel .......... 39,780 43,207 48,914 54,852 69,179 61,633 11arine Gas ............. 5,947 6,421 6,579 8,043 8,001 7,841 Marine Other ....•...... 9,664 0 0 607 36 200 TOTAL 880,619 743,316 795,992 945,135 997,074 966,531 Source: Alaska Department of Revenue 54 ~ r:-1 rJ rr:r:r1 ~::-:J n,""'"D L1 ~ r:-::'j r-:1 r7":1 r-1 ~ r:'::l t::-:::1 Cllln r--, :--:J r-1 k Table 1. Figure 1. Table 4. Table 5. Table 11. Table 15. Table 25. Table 26. Table 28. Table 29. Table 30. Table 31. Table 36. Table 37. 1.., .. ~ '"'' ,..,...1 ILLi.~...JI 1.1..'--......1 L~.~ . .l L .... -..J L._ •• ...J L~.U NOTES Census Area figures computed based on 1980 divisions. Revised totals: 1970 -302,583; 1980 -401,851 a. estimate a. Full time equivalent enrollment is computed by dividing the number of undergraduate credit hours by 15 and the number of graduate credit hours by 12, and adding the results. a. The more detailed CPl model started in 1979. b. Prior to 1979, CPI was computed only for urban wage earners and clerical workers. a. $900,042 from oil lease sale. a. AHFC fiscal year changed in 1981 from December -November to July -June. 1981 data for December 1980-June 1981. a. Prior to 1976, property and casualty insurance data include disability in- surance premiums. b. All data for premiums earned and losses incurred are estimates. a. selected materials, b. excluding substructure costs. a. 1970 and 1975 data include all multiple unit dwellings. b. Mobile Home data unavailable for most communities for 1970 and 1975. mmcf -million cubic feet a. does not include transportation charges. b. includes dry, liquid and casing head gas. c. includes values withheld for specific minerals. d. figures before 1979 from U.S. Bureau of Mines. W-withheld a. does not include reindeer meat. cwt. -hundred weight (lbs.) dr. wt. -dressed weight (lbs.) 55 L ........ ...JJ Table 38. Table 41. Table 42. Table 43. Table 46. Tables 47 and 48 Table 49. Table 50. Table 51. Table 52. Table 53. l.L .. .J li....J....._jJ L ... ~.J l., .. ,.i.Jii LJJIL,.J.i.l l ••... J l ..... l -<'J 0 a. Ex~vessel value/catch -approximate statewide average price per pound paid to fishermen. b. Wholesale value/ catch -approximate statewide average price per pound to land fish at processing facilities. c. Wholesale value/processed weight-approldrnate statewide average price per pound paid to processors for finished fisheries products. In some cases, not all available permanent permits are held by either residents or non-residents. a. Many vessels awarded permits for more than one fishery. a. not reported separately. mbf -thousand board feet stn -short ton mcf -thousand cubic feet b. primarily U.S. exports transshipped through Alaska. c. does not include "exports" to other states. a. Includes persons entering via White Pass and Yukon Railroad. Data are for embarking passengers and vehicles. a. Freight movement includes inbound and outbound traffic to and from all ports, foreign and domestic. b. N.O.S. -not otherwise specified. c. One time test shipment in 1980. d. New category in 1980, mostly from vans, etc. a. In 1977, the federal government changed its fiscal year from July 1 -June 30 to October 1-September 30. To avoid a 15-month fiscal year for com- parisons, FY 76 is July 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 and FY 77 is Oc- tober 1, 1976 through September 30, 1977. Includes data for both Anchorage and Fairbanks International Airports. a. Starting in 1979, data are compiled by zip code location,not by commercial location, as in previous years. a. included with Highway Diesel. LL. J -------------------Division of Budget and Management Office of the Governor BULK RATE U .S . POSTAGE PAID Juneau. AK 99801 Permit No . 175